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in  i  AITKEI 

Attorney  and  ^^i^^B^'  af  Law, 
S.  V.  Cor.  Fifth  and  F^i.,  Up  Stairs, 
f  San  Diego,  Calif. 




Insurance  ^  Co"^P3^")? 





N.  W.  Corner 
SIXTH     AND    F    STS, 


27th    Annual   Exhibit. 

Capital,  paid  up  in  U.  S.  Qpid  Coin, $   300,000.00 

Losses  since  Organization 3»575,759.2i 

Surplus  for  Policy  Holders 1,000,000.00 

J-  C.  SPRICC  Jr.,  Agent, 

SAN   DIEGO,      -      -    CALIFORNIA. 



Accident    insurance    (pn^pd^n;^ 


Issues  the   Most  Attractive  and   Profitable  Forms   of 
Life  and  Endowment  Policies. 

>  i 







nsure    while  you  are  young  and  get  the      03 
Benefit  of  Reduced  Rates. 
J.  C.  SPRIGG  Ji*., 
•  Agent  for  San  Diego  Co. 









Nos.  1031  and  1033 
Fifth  St.,  San  Diego,  Calif. 

m  01ti(.i':i  PUBLIC  LIBRARY 




Dr^  Qoods 



Ntti  T] 

nil  It^ 


Established  1878. 

The  largest  retail  business    in   San  Diego 

Reliable  goods  and  attentive  salesmen. 
Goods  marked  in  plain  figures  and  sold  at 

uniform  prices. 
Kxact  change  in  pennies. 
Resident  buyer  in  New  York  City. 
Up-to-date    merchandise     and     Up-to-date 

methods  of  selling. 
Prompt  Mail  order  department. 

mm^^^^^f^^^^^  ^^^'''' 



,  %    W.  B.   McDOUGALI^. 

C.  A.   McDOUGAI^L. 



sole:  agents  for 



A  Full  Line  of  Mower  Extras. 
Corner  Seventh  and  I  Streets,         SAN   DIEGO,  CAL. 

^  B.  McDOUGAI.1..  C.  A.  McDOUGALIv- 

jWcDOUGflLili  BJ^OS., 





Studebaker    Wagons,' 





&c.,    &c.,  &c. 
Corner  Seventh  and  I  Streets,         SAN   DIEGO,  CAL. 





Funeral  Directors 


Night  Bell 
at  Office 


758  and  760  Fourth  Street, 


M.  A.  Wertheimer  &  Co. 



Blank    Book    MAMUFACTyRERS, 



Toys,    Fancy   Goods,    Leather  Goods,  Albums,  Bibles  and  Prayer  Books, 

Pocket  Cutlery,  Razors,  Shears,  Mathematical  Goods, 

Draughtmen's  Supplies. 

Madie,  Todd  &  Go's  Gold  Pens,     Swan  Fountain  Pens. 

Glucinum  Steel  Pens.  Macowsky's  Steel  Pens. 

Beasley's  New  Official  Map  of  San  Dieco  County. 

M.  A.  wertheimer  &  CO. 

762-764-766  Fifth  Street, 



Dealers  In 

Paints.  %  Oils.  *  Yarnislies.  * 



^trists'     IVLaterials,     Glass,     Etc. 

751    Sixth  St.  (Bxpress  Block)       -         -       .      SAN   DIECO,  CAL. 
Agency  for  the  Sale  of 

W.  B.  INGRAM,  Pres.  J.  M.  COOK,  Manager. 

''premium  takers." 
Sou-tKf  rn     California 

^  Soeip   Company,  ^ 


Potash,  Soda,  Mineral  and  Fibrine  Soaps. 

Also,  Orchard  and  Vineyard  Sprays, 



Barbers'  Supplies. 

Grown  Pateipt  Shoe  Dressing;  Waterproof 

Dealers  in  Starclies,   Bluing,    Dyes,  Potash,  Sal-Soda, 

Caustic  Soda,  Silicate  of  Soda,  Soda  Ash,  Rosin 

Borax,  Japan  Wax,  Chloride  of  Lime, 

Lyes,   Candles,  Etc. 

Main  Ofl&ce  at  Works:  Block  150  B  Ave.,  and  Second  St. 


Purely  Mutuai, 

Incorporated  1847     Charter  Perpetual 


Life  Insurance  Compaof 



General  Agent  and  Manager 


OFFICE  No.   1424  F Street,  Marston  Block,  SAN   DIEGO,  CALIF. 

ASSETTS,  January  ist,  1892,  -  $  \  8,55  I  ,388.30 

SURPLUS,  January  ist,  1892,  4  per  cent.       2,465,689.  13 

All  policies  incontestable  after  two  years,  and  members  protected  from 
forfeiture  by  the  liberal  I/oan,  Extention  and  Paid-up  Values  guaranteed 
in  the  contract.  Women  insured  at  same  rates  as  men.  Send  date  of 
your  birth  and  you  will  receive  rates. 



Standard  Iron  Works, 

Hi  MUG 

[npes,  Boilers  and  Pumps. 

Steam    Fitting, 

Architectural  Iron  Work. 

Telephone  97 
Cor.  7th  and  L  Sts. 

P.  O.  Box  698 

San  Diego. 

ESTABLISHED      1868. 





The  Daily  $dir\  Di^^ein. 

(Democratic  in  Politics.) 

BSTABUSHED  1885.  .  50  Cents  per  Month 

Ariosto  McCrimmon,  Publisher  and  Proprietor. 

A  Live  Daily    Newspaper,    Replete  with 
all  the  local  news  of  the  Bay  region. 

Full  Telegraphic  Service  of  the  United  Press. 

Business  Office  1138  D  Street. 

The  Weeljly  $2in    Di^^an. 


Complete  Local  County  News,  and 

Only  $2.00  Per  Year. 

Sent  Post  Paid  to  any  address. 

All  communications  should  be  sent  to  the 



Wholesale  and  Retail  Dealers  in 

fk±r\^u\\\Arb\  Tools  ^^^ 

Fish  Bros.'  Wei^ons       ^^ 
Qibbs'  Imp^riaLl  PloWs 


_ '        ,       I    Wait^^r  Pipe 

Wrought  Iron  \ 

[  Pipe  r  it-tinj^s 

Brass  Goods,  Bibbs,  Valves,  Etc. 
Plumbers'  Goods,  Lead  Pipe, 

A^ERMOXoi?   a;\^indm:ills, 


Biipders   and   H^^y    flakes. 
-^N  Western  Chief  Hay  Press,  &c.  ^^ 

Estimates  given  and  Contracts  made  with  persons  wanting 

San    Dieco,   Cal. 


Life  Insufaoce  Companj 

—  OF  — 

Springfield,  Mass. 


Assets : $12,239,5^9.16 

Liabilities 11,236,837.25 

Surplus,  Mass.  Standard 1,002,691.91 

Number  of  Policies  issued  in  1891,  5.719 

Insuring 117,248,900 

Number  of  Policies  in  Force  Dec.  31st  1891 

25,010,    insuring 169,527,665 

Our  Twenty  Payment  Combined  Life  and  Endowment  Policy 

Is  the  Most  Popular  Contract  written  in  the  Insurance 

World — Comprising  as  it  does 

I  St,  InSUrance-^Under  state  laws,  and  rigid  examinations  by  Stat- 
Insurance  Department,  making  the  policy-holder  absolutely 

2ndy  Endowment — The  law  requiting  us  to  give  Cash  Surrende 
Values  any  time  after  two  annual  premiums  have  been  paid. 

3df  Annual  Ihcome— Our  Distributions  of  Surplus  or  Dividend 
are  declared  yearly,  commencing  at  the  end  of  the  first  year 

4th,  I  nvestment — At  any  time  after  two  annual  premiums  have  beei 
paid  the  policy  holder  can  take  a  Paid-up  Participating  Value 
which  is  inserted  in   the  Policy   and  will   earn     Interest  o- 
Annual  Income  during  life,  with  the   Paid-Up  Value  pa)^abl 
at  death. 

5thy  Collateral  Values — Are  based  on  the  Cash  Value  inserted  ii 
the  policy  for  each  year  of  its  history.  Thus  the  policy  ha 
a  Loanable  Value  any  year  after  the  second,  increasing  eacl 
year  as  the  premiums  are  paid. 

For  a  Policy  combining  all  these  Desirable  Feature;- 

Address  or  call  on 

W.  F.  Tompkins,  GeniAgt., 

Rooms  7  and  8  Bancroft  Building,  cor  5th  and  G  Sts., 

San  Diego,  CaL 





-^  INCLUDING  "^ 


Sein  Dicg^o  Cour|ty. 


S.  H.  OLMSTED  and  A.  A.  BYNON,  Publishers, 
1 130  Fourth  Street. 

We  have  endeavored  to  make  this  directory  as  complete  and  reliable 
as  possible,  hoping  to  merit  the  patronage  of  the  public  for  the  next 
issue  in  1893-4.  An  unusual  number  of  removals  and  changes  have 
occurred  since  the  canvas  was  commenced;  no  doubt  some  have  escaped 
our  notice.     We  ask  indulgance  for  any  errors  which  may  appear. 


PI^ICE,        -        -        ^2.00. 

Press  of  The  Olmsted  Co.,  1130  Fourth  St. 







Appendix 26 

Block  Directory 9 

Church  Directory 19 

General  Directory .' 33 

General  Information 12 

Newspapers 18 

Railways 18 

Schools  and  Colleges 25 

Societies 20 

Steamship  Lines 19 

Street  Directory 10 


Classified  Directory  City i 

"  "  County 93 

"  "  Coronado 35 

"  "  National  City 55 

Coronado  Directory 23 

County  Directory 61 

National  City  Directory  39 

Inciex  to  ^cLvertiseiricnts. 

Aitken,   John  R.,    first  outside  cover 

Bank  of  National  City,  part  2  38 

Bates  Implement  Co, 5 

Brewster  Hotel outside  back  cover 

Brewster  Pharmacy     "         "         " 

Boyd  &  Strahel 32 

City  Printing  Co  part  2,    22 

Cliff  &  Co... 238 

Commercial  Hotel part  2,  23 

Colifornia  Tree  Wash part  2   38 

Coronado  Foundry part  2,     8 

De  Groot,  W  I 235 

Doughty,  Wm 17 

Fidelity  Mutual  Aid  Association  .236 
"  "         "  outside  cover 

Pacific  Transfer  &  Gurney  Cab  Co, 

out«ide  first  cover 

Johnson  &  Co Inside  back  cover 

Kimball,  F  A, part  2,  38 

Kimball,  F  E  A, outside  cover 

Kirby,  E  D  &  Co '.  234 

Lenz  Music  Co bottom  first  cover 

Magwood,  G  W insets 

Marston,  G  W, inside  first  cover 

Mass.  Mutual  Life  Ins.  Co 6 

Mercantile  Collection  Agency 

top  back  outside  cover 

McDougall  Bros, next  first  cover 

McKenzie  &  Bro,  233 

National  Mfg  Co, part  2,  59-60 

Naumann,  J, 234 

Penn  Mutual  Life  Ins  Co, 2 

Pioneer  Truck  Co,  outside  back  cover 

S  D  Land  &  Town  Co, part  2,  37 

S  D  Undertaking  Co, i 

S  D  Paint  Co,  opposite  page i 

San   Diegan 4 

Southern  Calif  Soap  Co i 

Southern  Calif  Ky 31 

Spriggs,  J  C  Jr, first  outside  cover 

Standard  Iron  Works 2 

Sun  Daily 237 

Stetson,  C  M,  232 

Stead  Soap  Co, 232 

Union,  Daily 3 

Victor  Bicyles 234 

Wertheimer  &  Co oppo  page     i 

Winters  Joseph, opp  part  2 



Aldelphi  house,  Front  near  D 

Allison,  The,  854  Tenth 

Albemarle  Hotel,  s  e  cor  Band  Front 

Alhambra,  Ninth  bet  H  and  I 

Allyn,  s  w  cor  Fifth  and  E 

Alpha,  655  Sixth 

Arcade,  cor  Third  and  Plaza 

Ashland,  The,  Fifth  near  K 

American,  cor  State  and  G 

Backesto,  Fifth  and  H 

Bancroft,  s  e  cor  Fifth  and  G 

Bank  of  Commerce,  841  Fifth 

Bay  View  hotel,  n  e  cor  Twelfth  and  I 

Belle  View  hotel,  cor  Fourth  and  G 

Brandt,  Sixth  bet  G  and  H 

Brewster  hotel,  s  e  cor  Fourth  and  C 

Bon  Ton,  s  w  cor  Sixth    and  D 

Brevoort,  Fifth  near  B 

Brooklyn,  The,  E   bet   Seventh   and 

Brown,  s  e  cor  Fifth  and  H 
Brunswick,  The,  n  w  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Buckingham,    The,    s   e   cor   D   and 

Capital,  749  Fourth 
Cable  hotel.  Fourth  near  power  house 
Caprou,  Fifth  near  K 
Castle  Hall,  K  of  P,  948  Fourth 
City  Hall,  (Horton  Bank  blk)  s  w  cor 

D  and  Third 
Cole,  n  w  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Commercial  hotel,  s   e   cor   Seventh 

and  I 
Consolidated  National  Bank,  s  w  cor 

Fifth  and  G 
Court  House,  D  bet  Front  and  Union 
Clifton,  The,  1721  Fourth 
Derby,    The,   H   bet   Ninteenth   and 

Dome,  The,  920  Fifth 
Ellsworth,  The,  se  cor  Twelfth  and  H 
Elite,  The,  n  w  cor  Third  and  D 
Emerson,  Fourth  and  A 
Everett  house,  n  w  cior  First  and  G 
Express,  s  e  cor  Sixth  and  F 
Erie,  H  bet  Union  and  Front 
Fifth  Avenue,  Fifth  near  A 
First  National  Bank,  n  w   cor   Fifth 

and  E 

Florence   hotel,    Fir  bet  Third   and 

Fisher  Opera  house.  Fourth  and  Fifth 

bet  B  and  C 
Geneva  house.  Fourth  near  B 
Gilbert,  955  Fifth 
Gould,  s  w  cor  Fourth  and  E 
Grand,  The,  1232  F 
Grand  Central  hotel,  n  e  cor  H  and 

Grand  Pacific,  s  w  cor  J  and  Fifth 
Great  Eastern,    815  F'ifth 
Hamilton,  719  Fifth 
Hermann,  n  w  cor  Thirteenth  and  K 
Hewitt,  s  w  cor  Seventh  and  E 
Hill,  Fourth  bet  D  and  E 
Holt  house,  n  w  cor  H  and  Fifteenth 
Horton  Bank,  s  w  cor  D  and  Third 
Horton  hall,  s  w  cor  F  and  Sixth 
Horton  house,  D  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Holister,  1646  F 

Hotel  del  Coronado,  Coronado  Beach 
International,  The  Eighth  bet  F  &G 
I  O  O  F  hall,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  H 
Johnson,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  E 
Josephine  hotel.    Orange  ave,    Coro- 
nado Beach 
Keating,  n  w  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Keystone,  The,  949  Tenth 
Kline,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  D 
Kuhn,  s  e  cor  Fourth  and  D 
Lafayette,  D  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
Lawyers'  n  e  cor  E  and  Fourth 
Langham,  n  w  cor  Fourth  and  C 
Leighton,  The,  1440  First 
Leland,  The,   (Reed-Pauly  blk) 
Llewellyn,  728  Fifth 
Loomis,  936  and  938  Third 
Louis,  843  Fifth 

Louis  opera  house.  Fifth  bet  B  and  C 
Minneapolis,  752  Seventh 
Manvel,  The,  (Kline  blk) 
Manor,  The,  cor  Fifth  and  Ash 
Marshall-Higgins,    s   w   cor   F'ourth 

and  C 
Marston,  ne  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Masonic  hall,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  H 
McGurck,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  H 
M  E  Church,  n  e  cor  Fourth  and  D 



Metropolitan,  1319  E 
Montezuma,  The,  (Stone  bldg) 
Montrose,  The,  717   Fourth 
Morse,  Whaley  &  Dalton,  920  Fifth 
Nash;  s  e  cor  Fifth  and  I 
Nesmith-Greeley,  Fifth  bet  E  and  F 
Northeastern,  The,  s   w  cor   D   and 

Occidental,  The  n  w  cor  Seventh  &  I 
Orford,  The,  H  near  Eighth 
Oriel,  The  Eighth  bet  E  and  F 
Pierce-Morse,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  F 
Plaza  Palace,  (Schmitt  blk) 
Prescott  house,  n  w  cor   Fifth  and  B 
Price,  (Reed  blk)  cor  Sixth  and  H 
Ramona,  1237  Fourth 
Reed,  n  e  cor  Sixth  and  H 
Reed-Pauly,  n  e  cor  Sixth  and  E 
Reuton,  The,  546  Fifth 
Revere,  The,  1126  Fourth 
Richelieu  Fifth  bet  C  and  D 
Royal,  The,  1226  Fourth 
Roxbury,  The,  746  Seventh 
Russ  house,  E  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Sanford,  The,  s  w  cor  Eighth  and  F 

.  Schmitt,   946  Third 
Schmitt  Dispensary,  948  Fourth 
Schneider,  Fifth  bet  F  and  G 
Selwyn  &  Allison,  Fifth  near  H 
Sheldon,  818  Sixth 
Sierra,  The,  cor  Eighth  and  K 
Snyder,  835  Sixth 

Spencer-Ogden,  s  w  cor  Fifth  and  F 
St  James  hotel,  n  e  cor  Sixth  and  F 
St  Elnio,  n  w  cor  Second  and  H 
Stone,  n  w  cor  Second  and  F 
Sun,  Fourth  and  Plaza 
Sunnyside,  Third  near  D 
Tower  house,  s  w  cor  Fourth  and  F 
Tremont  house,  1046  Third 
Turn  Verein  hall,  1046  D 
Union  house.  Seventh  and  I 
Vermont  house.  Twelfth  bet  H  and  I 
Victoria  hotel,  D  bet  Second  &  Third 
Washington,  H  bet  First  and  Second 
Willard,  The  s  w  cor  Sixth  and  F 
Windsor,  The,  Fourth  bet  E  and  F 
Young,  s  w  cor  F*ifth  and  F 
Y  M  C  A  bldg.  Eighth  bet  G  and  H 
Yuma,  Fifth  bet  G  and  H 

♦  •♦ 


Commencing  at  the  bay  on  the  west  the  streets  running  north  and 
south  are  Atlantic,  California,  Arctic,  India,  Columbia,  State,  Union, 
Front,  First,  Second,  Third,  etc.,  to  Forty-second. 

North  of  Fir  and  west  of  Front  the  streets  running  north  and  south 
from  Front  are  Albatross,  Brant,  Curlew,  Dove,  Eagle,  Falcon,  Goldfinch, 
Hawk,  Ibis,  Jackdaw,  Kite,  and  Eark,  to  the  bay. 

Commencing  at  the  bay  on  the  south  the  streetsrunningeast  and  west 
are  named  after  the  letters  of  the  alphabet.  Beginning  with  N  street  at 
the  waters  edge  they  are  in  alphabetical  order  north  to  A,  thence  north 
they  are  as  follows  :  Ash,  Beech.  Cedar,  Date,"  Elm,  Fir,  Grape,  Haw- 
thorn, Ivy,  Juniper,  Kalmia,  Laurel,  Maple,  Nutmeg,  Olive,  Palm, 
Quince,  Redwood, Spruce,  Sasafras,  Thorn,  Upas,  Vine,  Willow,  Chalmers, 
Winder,  Pierce,  McKee,  McNeill,  Stone. 

An  ordinance  was  adopted  in  August,  1887,  changing  the  names  of 
certain  streets  in  Mannasse  &  Schiller's  addition,  the  addition  of  the 
Land  &  Town  Co.,  and  Choate's  addition,  as  follows:  The  name  of  E 
street  was  changed  to  Everett  avenue;  F  to  Franklin  avenue;  G  to   Grant 


avenue;  H  to  Harrison  avenue;  I  to  Inter-Ocean  avenue;  K  to  Kearney 
avenue;  L  to  Logan  avenue;  M  to  Milton  avenue;  Oliver  avenue  to  Logan 
avenue;  P  to  Pierce  avenue,  and  R  to  Railroad  avenue.  The  names  of  the 
numbered  streets  from  Nineteenth  to  Twenty-eighth  were  changed  to 
South  Nineteenth,  South  Twentieth,  etc.  In  Reed  &  Daily's  and  Choate's 
additions  the  following  streets  were  changed  :  O  to  Webster  avenue;  P  to 
Clay  avenue;  Q  to  Sargent  ave;  R  to  Woolman. avenue;  S  to  Valle  avenue; 
T  to  Martin  avenue;  and  U  to  Greeley  avenue.  An  ordinance  was  passed 
January  7,  1889,  changing  the  name  of  Inter-Ocean  avenue  to  Irving 
avenue.  An  ordinance  was  also  passed  in  September,  1889,  consolidating 
I,  Topeka  and  Oliver  avenues  under  the  name  of  Main  street. 

In  most  of  that  part  of  the  city  south  of  N  street  and  east  of  Eigh- 
teenth to  Thirty-second  the  streets  run  northwest  and  southeast,  and 
southwest  and  northeast.  Beginning  at  N  street  the  avenues  running 
northwest  and  southeast  are  Everett,  Eranklin.  Grant,  Harrison,  Irving, 
Kearney,  Julian,  Milton,  Pierce,  Railroad.  And  those  running  northeast 
and  southwest  from  Eighteenth  are  South  Nineteenth,  South  Twentieth, 
etc.,  to  South  Twenty-eighth.  In  that  portion  of  the  city  east  from 
Twenty-eighth  to  Thirty-second,  the  avenues  running  east  and  west  are 
Webster,  Clay,  Sargent,  Woolman,  Valle,  Martin  and  Greeley. 


Houses  are  numbered  from  west  to  east  and  from  south  to  north.  On 
the  s^^reets  running  from  w^st  to  east  there  are  48  numbdrs  to  each  block, 
or  one  number  for  every  eight  and  one-third  feet.  Commencing  on  the 
west  end  of  D  street  the  first  number  on  D  street  is  200,  which  is  at  the 
northeast  cor  of  Atlantic.  The  last  number  in  that  block  would  be  248, 
at  the  northwest  corner  of  D  and  Atlantic,  and  at  the  northeast  corner  of 
D  and  California  the  first  number  is  300,  etc.  On  the  streets  running 
from  south  to  north  there  are  72  numbers  to  each  block. 

The  numbers  at  the  street  crossings  on  the  streets  running  from  east 
to  west  are  at  Atlantic  200,  California  300,  Arctic  400,  India  500,  Columbia 
600,  State  700,  Union  800,  Front  900,  First  1000,  Second  iioo;  Third  1200, 
Fourth  1300,  Fifth  14000,  Sixth  1500,  Seventh,  1600,  Eighth  1700;  Ninth 
1800,  Tenth  1900,  Eleventh  2000,  Twelfth  2100,  Thirteenth  2200,  Four- 
teenth 2300,  Fifteenth  2400,  Sixteenth  2500,  Seventeenth  2600,  Eighteenth 
2700,  Nineteenth  2800,  Twentieth  2900,  Twenty-first  3000,  Twenty-second 
3100,  Twenty-third  3200,  Twenty-fourth  3300,  Twenty-fifth  3400,  Twenty- 
sixth*35oo.  Twenty-seventh  3600,  Twenty-eighth  3700. 

On  the  streets  running  from  south  to  north  the  crossings  are  at  N  i, 
M,  100,  L  200,  K  300,  J  400,  I  500,  H  600,  G  700,  F  800,  E  900,  D  1000,  C 
1 100,  B  1200,  A  1300,  Ash  1400,  Beech  1500,  Cedar,  1600,  Date  1700,  Elm 
1800,  Fir  1900,  Grape  2000,  Hawthorn  2100,  Ivy  2200,  Juniper  2300,  Kalmia 
2400,  Laurel  2500,  Maple  2600,  Nutmeg  2700,  Olive  2800,  Palm  2900, 
Quince  3000,  Redwood  3100,  Spruce  3200,  Thorn  3300,  Upas  3400. 




Governor H.  H.  Markham 

Lieutenant  Governor John  B.  Reddicks 

Secretary  of  State B.  C.  Waite 

State  Treasurer J.  R.  McDonai^d 

Attorney-General W.  H.  H.  Hart 

State  Controller E.  G.  Cogan 

Supreme  Court — Chief  Justice W.  H.  Beatty 

"  "        Associate H.  C.  Garroute 

"  "  "         R.  I.  Harrison 

"  "  "        J.  J.  DeHaven 

Clerk  Supreme   Court ,L.  H.  Brown 

Superintendent  Public  Schools J.  W.  Anderson 

Railroad  Commissioner James  W.  Rea 

Board  of  Equalization. J.  R.  Hebron 



Brigadier  General. — A.  McD.  McCook,  Brevet  Major-General,  commend- 
ing; headquarters,  Sixth  street,  bet.  Broadway  and  Hill  streets,  Los 
Angeles,  California. 

Troops  Serving  in  Department — Cavai^ry:  Headquarters  and  eleven  com- 
panies of  the  Second  and  Tenth  rigiments.  Infantry:  Four  compa- 
nies of  the  Ninth,  headquarters  and  six  companies  of  the  Eleventh 
and  Twenty-fourth  regiments. 

Geographical  Limits — Territories  of  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  and  that 
portion  of  the  State  of  California  lying  south  of  the  thirty-fifth  parallel 
of  North  latitude. 

San  Diego  Barracks — Company  E,  tenth  Infantry,  Major  E.  W.  Whitte- 
more,  commanding  Post;  Captain  C.  L.  Davis,  brevet-Major  U.  S.  A; 
First  Lieutenant,  J.  H.  Shollenberger,  post  treasurer,  A.  A.  O.  M,, 
A.  C.  S.  and  A.  O.  O.;  Second-Lieutenant,  M.  R.  Peters,  Post  Adjutant, 
R.  O.  A.  S.  O.  and  A.  E.  O.;  Major  S.  M.  Horton,  surgeon;  Captain  H. 
G.  Burton,  retired 



Ninth  Circuit — Southern  District  of  California. 

Terms   of  Court — Second   Monday-  in   January  and   second  Monday   in 
August,  at  San  Francisco.   Judge,  Joseph  McKenna.    Clerk,  William 
M.  Van  Dyke.     Commissioner,  William  M.  Van  Dyke. 


Terms  of  Court — Second  Monday  in  January  and  second  Monday  in 
August,  at  Eos  Angeles.  Judge,  Erskine  M.  Ross.  Clerk,  E.  H. 
Owen.  Commissioner  at  San  Diego,  M.  E.  Ward.  United  States 
Marshal,  George  E.  Gard,  Eos  Angeles. 


Chief  Justice,  Hon.  W.  H.  Beatty;  Associate  Justices,  Hon.  Ralph  C.Har- 
rison, Hon.  C.  H.  Garoutte,  Hon.  J.  J.  DeHaven,  Hon  J.  R.  Sharpstein, 
Hon.  T.  B.  McFarland,  Hon.  Van  R.  Patterson 

Teims  of  Court — At  the  City  of  San  Francisco,  on  the  second  Monday  in 
January  and  the  third  Monday  in  July.  At  the  City  of  Eos  Angeles  on 
the  first  Monday  in  April  and  the  second  Monday  in  October.  At  the 
City  of  Sacramento  on  the  first  Monday  in  May  and  the  second  Mon- 
day in  November. 

Departments— Chiet  Justice,  Hon.  W.  H.  Beatty,  presiding  when  sitting  in 
banc  or  department. 

Department  One — Hon.  Van  R.  Paterson,  Hon.  Ralph  C.  Harrison,  Hon. 
C.  H.  Garoutte. 

Department  Two^ — Hon.  J.  J.  DeHaven,  Hon.  J.  R.  Sharpstein,  Hon.  T. 
B.  McFarland. 

The  following  counties  comprise  the  District  of  Eos  Angeles:  Santa  Bar- 
bara, Ventura,  Kern,  Inyo,  San  Diego,  San  Bernardino,  Eos  Angeles, 
Tulare,  Fresno  and  San  Eouis  Obispo. 


Ninth  Infantry  regiment  of  the  First  Brigade,  N.  G.  C. — Headquarters  at 
San  Diego;  Edward  B.  Spileman,  Colonel,  commanding,  San  Diego. 
George  E.  Bryant,  Eieut-Colonel,  San  Bernardina;  Chas.  S.  McKelvey, 
Major,  Santa  Anna. 

Regimental  Staff  Officers — T.  E.  Magee,  Major,  Surgean,  San  Diego;  John! 
R.  Berry,  Captain,  Adjutant,  San  Diego;  James  E.  Mack,  First-Eieut., 
Qr.,  San  Bernardino;  Charles  T.  Rice,  First-Eieut.,  Commissary, 
Riverside;  John  S.  Harville,  First-Eieut.,  Paymaster,  San  Diego;  Chas. 
D.  Ball,  First-Eieut.,  Ordinance  Officer,  Santa  Ana;  Chas.  I.  Eorbeer, 
First-Lieut.,  Inspector  of  Rifle  practice,  Pomona;  John  Herron,  Capt., 
Chaplain,  San  Bernardino. 

Company  A — Armory,  National  avenue,  bet.  Twenty-ninth  and  Thirtieth 
Streets,  San  Diego;  Edward  E.  Spileman,  Captain,  commanding, 
Arthur  G.  Hartley,  First-Lieut.,  Alex.  G.  Thelin,  Second-Lieut. 

Company  B — Armory,  Second  street,  bet.  D  and  E  streets;  R.  V.  Dodge, 
Captain,  commanding;  Plarry  C.  Dannals,  First-Lieut.,  R.  P.  Guinan, 



Company  A— Thomas  A.  Nerney,  Lieut. ,  commanding;  E.  H.  Miller, 
Lieut.,  Junior  Grade;  Frank  M.  Simpson,  Ensign;  William  D.  Blood- 
good,  Ensign. 

Battalion  Staff  Officers — Daniel  B.  Northrup,  Lieut,  and  Surgeon;  Walter 
G.  Smith,  Ensign  and  Ordinance  Officer;  C.  D,  Knox.  Apothecary; 
Paul  H.  Blades,  Chief  Signal  Man;  Fred.  W.  Jackson,  Paymaster 
Yoeman.  Company  A  meets  every  Wendesday  at  Armory  Hall,  on 
Second  street,  at  8  p.  m. 


Representative   in   Congress,    Sixth   District — Hon  W.  W.  Bowers,  San 

State  Senator,  Fortieth  District— Hon.  H.  M.  StreETER.  San  Bernardino. 


Member  of  Assembly — Hon.  Nestor  A.  Young. 

Superior  Court — Department  One,  Judge,  E.  S.  Torrance;  Clerk,  A.  W. 
Atherton.  Department  Two,  Judge,  George  Puterbaugh;  Clerk,  J.  H. 
Grovesteen.  Department  Three,  Judge,  W.  L.  Pearce;  Clerk,  Fred.  W. 
Parrish.  Court  Reporters;  Frederick  Meakin,  W.  W.  Whitson.  Court 
Commissioner,  J.  S.  Callen. 

County  Clerk,  W.  M.  Gassaway;  Sheriff,  John  H.  Folks;  Auditor  and 
Recorder,  E.  H.  Miller;  Treasurer,  C.  R  Dauer;  Tax  Collector,  H.  W. 
Weineke;  Assessor,  C.  H.  Shepard;  Superintendent  Public  Schools, 
Harr  Wagner;  Surveyor,  W.  W.  Allen;  Public  Administrator,  John 
Falkenstein,  (office  M.  E.  Church  blk.,  cor.  Fourth  and  D  strees); 
Physician,  H.  E.  Crepin,  (Brown  blk.,  cor.  Fifth  and  H  streets);  Vet- 
erinary, E.  Backenstose,  (cor.  Sixth  and  H  streets). 


J.  S.  Buck,  (Chairman),  first  district;  J.  H.  Woolman,  second  district; 
Chester  Gunn,  third  district;  John  Judson,  fourth  district;  J.  P.  M. 
Rainbow,  fifth  district;  Chester  W.  Thompson,  clerk. 


Edward  Hyatt  (President),  San  Jacinto;  S.  L.  Ward,  Nuevo;  Mrs.  Laura 
G.  Riddell,  Coronado;  Hugh  J.  Baldwin,  National  City;  Harr  Wagner, 
Secretary,  San  Diego. 

Meets  the  Thursday  before  the  first  Monday  in  January,  April,  July 
and  October. 

Constables — T.  J.  Monahan  and  C.  M.  Stetson. 

Justices  of  the  Peace — W.  A.  Sloane  and  Irving  B.  Dudley. 



City  Hai.1.,  Horton  Bank  Block,   Southwest  Corner  Third  and 

D  Streets. 

Mayor,  Matthew  Sherman;  City  Att  orney,  W.  H.  Fuller;  City  Clerk,  K.  J. 
Ware;  Auditor  and  Assessor,  Gilbert  Rennie;  Treasurer  and  Tax  Col- 
lector, Nkt  Kennedy;  City  Engineer,  T.  M.  Shaw;  Police  Judge, 
Irving  B.  Dudley;  Health  Officer,  Dr.  T.  L.  Magee;  Chief  of  Police,  J. 
W.  Brenning;  Superintendent  of  Streets,  Ames  Pettingill;  Sewer  In- 
spector, S.  T.  Goldthwaite;  Health  and  Plumbing  Inspector,  Harvey 

Board  of  Aldermen  —Regular  meeting,  first  Monday  evening  in  each 
Month.  S.  Levi  President;  A.  E.  Nutt,  H.  P.  Whitney,  H.  T.  Chris- 
tian, C.  C.  Brandt,  W.  E.  Howard,  J.  C.  Fisher,  A.  G.  Gassen,  S.J.  Sill. 

Board  of  Delegates — Regular  meeting,  first  Monday  evening  in  each 
month.  H.  H.  Williams,  President;  E.  C.  Thorpe,  G.  H.  Crippen,  C. 
W.  Pauly,  A.  G.  Nason,  J.  W.  Burns,  A.  N.  Miller,  Fred  Baker,  W. 
J.  Prout,  P.  H.  Rediger,  M.  M.  Conn,  B.  F.  Mertzmann,  J.  F.  Escher, 
J.  Price,  S.  Doud. 

Board  of  Public  Works— Q..  H.  Stevens,  Dr.  V.  D.  Rood,  S.  M.  Belding, 

Board  of  Water  Commissioners—^.  W.  Elliott,  F.  M.  Shaw,  S.  W.  Beld- 
ing, Secretary. 

Police  Commissioners — M.  Sherman  (ex-officio),  President,  E.  W.  Bushy- 
head,  E.  F.  Goddard,  O.  C.  Smith,  Dr.  Wright. 

Fire  Comm,issioners — G.  B.  Grow,  president,  E.  F,  Rockfellow,  J.  P.  Burt. 

Board  of  Health— T.  A.  Davis,  M.  D.,  president,  F.  R.  Burnham,  M.  D., 
P.  C.  Remondino,  M.  D.,  J.  H.  Rhodes,  M.D,,  A.  C.  Morgan,  M.  D, 
T.  L.  Magee,  M.D.,  Health  Officer. 

Directors  of  Public  Library — Dr.  D.  Cave,  president,  John  Ginty,  Col.  E. 
T.  Blackmer,  George  N.  Hitchcock,  E.  W.  Hendrick. 


A.  B.  Cairnes,  Chief;  L.  O.  Mix,  engineer,  Joe  Moffet,  driver.  Engine  Co. 
No.  i;  G.  A  Ruby,  engineer,  R.  A.  Shute,  driver.  Engine  Co.  No.  3; 
George  Knowles,  driver  Hose  Co.  No.  i;  C.  F.  Murphy,  driver  Hose 
Co.  No.  2,  R.  Dovell,  driver  Hose  Co,  No.  3;  F.  G.  White,  driver  Hook 
and  Ladder  Co.  No.  i. 


Engine  and  Hose  Co.  No.  i.  Third  street,  bet.  D  and  E;  Engine  and  Hose 
Co.  No.  3,  Fifth  street,  bet.  A  and  B;  Hose  Co.  No.  2,  K  street,  bet. 
Fifth  and  Sixth;  Hook  and  Ladder  Co.  No.  i.  Ninth  street,  bet.  H 
and  I;  Hook  and  Ladder  Co.  No.  2,  Twenty-fourth  and  Kearney  ave. 

The  fire  department  is  a  partially  paid  one,  consisting  of  41  men,  2  steam 
engines,  3  hose  carts  and  2  hook  and  ladder  trucks,  all  well  equipped 
and  in  good  order.  The  present  fire  alarm  system  is  the  latest  im- 
proved Gamewell.  It  consists  of  24  outside  boxes,  5  indicators  (one 
at  each  fire  house),  divided  into  four  independent  circuits,  and  all 
connecting  with  the  central  office  at  No.  930  Third  street.  The  big  bell 
is  also  struck  by  an  electric  striker. 


The  location  of  the  outside  boxes  is  as  follows: 

12 Engine  house,  No.  i,  930  Third     34 Fourth  and  Beech 

13 Engine  house  No.  3,  1221  Fifth     35 Third  and  Fir 

14 Hose  No.  2     36 Second  and  Laurel 

15 Hook  and  Ladder  Co.  No.  i     41 Fourth  and  Upas 

16 Sixth  and  D     42 Eleventh  and  E 

21 Fifth  and  H     43 Twelfth  and  H 

23 Fifth  and  K     45 .Fourteenth  and  D 

24 First  and  I     46 Sixteenth  and  Logan 

25 G  and  Arctic     51 Twenty-second  and  H 

26: D  and  India     52 Twenty-fourth  and  C 

31 A  and  Front     53 Twenty-fourth  and  Kearney 

32 Union  and  Date     54 Twenty-ninth  and  National 


Purely  a  commercial  organization  and  confines  its  operations  to  financial 

Officers—  H.  C.  Treat,  president;  Sam  F.  Smith,  secretary;  S.  Levi,  treas. 

Directors — H.  C.  Treat,  S.  Levi,  A.  Blochman,  W.  E.  Howard,  A.  Cos- 
grove,  W.  D.  Woolwine,  C.  D.  Todd. 


The  permanent  exhibit  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  is  located  on  F 
street,  bet.  Third  and  Fourth  streets.  The  rooms  occupied  are  large 
and  are  kept  well  filled  at  all  times  with  the  many  varied  productions 
of  San  Diego  county.  The  attractiveness  of  the  display  is  attested 
by  the  large  number  of  visitors  constantly  in  attendance.  The  activ- 
ity of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  is  rapidly  bringing  San  Diego 
county  to  the  notice  of  the  whole  world.  It  is  an  organization  which 
has  been  and  will  continue  to  be  the  nucleus  around  which  enter- 
prises for  the  advancement  of  the  prosperity  of  the  bay  region  will 
cluster.  The  following  representative  men  are  the  officers  and 

Officers— Col.  Daniel  Stone,  president;  F.  A.  Kimball,  first  vice-president; 

Hosmer  P.  McKoon,  second  vice-president;  F.  H.  Pearne,    secretary; 

H.  K.  Coon,  financial  secretary;  C.  D.  Long,  treasurer. 
Directors — Col.  Daniel  Stone,  F.  A.  Kimball,  Hosmer   P.    McKoon,  J.  C. 

Frisbie,  C.  N.  Flattery,  Eugene  Fransden,  Charles  D.  Long,  William 

J.  Murphy,  L.  Mendelson;  F.  M.  Simpson,  H.  L.  Titus. 


Codsolidated  National  Bank  Building,  corner  of  Fifth  and  G  streets;  John 
R.  Berry,  Collector;  A.  E.  Higgins,  special  deputy  collector;  Maj.  W. 
H.  Bailhache,  deputy  collector;  R.  Brown,  inspector  and  clerk;  A. 
B.  Seybolt,  boarding  officer  and  inspector;  E.  E.  Spileman,  inspector; 
J.  R.  Smith,  deputy  collector  and  inspector  at  Tia  Juana,  Gen.  S. 
Cadwallader,  deputy  collector  and  inspector  at  Campo;  G.  E.  Went- 
worth,  boatman;  Gen.  D.  E.  Coon,  Chinese  inspector. 

R.  C.  Allen,  British  vice-Consulate;  office,  room  11,  Consolidated  National 

Bank  Building. 
A.  V.  Lomeli,  Mexican  Consul;  office  cor  Seventh  and  D  streets. 
J.  B.  Neilsen,  vice-Consulate  of  Sweden  and  Norway;  office  1413  F  street. 
A.  Blochman,  correspondent  for  the  French  Consulate;  office  6i8  Fifth  st. 
J.  W.  Girvin,  Hawaiian  Consul;  office  121 7  Third  street. 



Pure   Drags;  @^^^^^^^^e^ 

z^^®  ^Vledicines  and  Chemicals. 

Only  the  Best  and    Oldest    Wines    and    Liquors    for    Medicinal  and 
Family  Use. 

The  Best  Cigars  for  the  Least  Money  a  specialty. 

Stationery,  Sundries,  Toilet  and  Fancy  Articles  generally. 

Prescrptions  a  specialty,  at  all  hours,  Prepared  only  by  a  Thoroughly 
Competent  and  Experienced  Pharmacist.     Right  prices  guaranteed. 

Country  and  Mail  orders  solicited.     Everybody  treated  right  and  made 
to  feel  at  home  if  opportunity  is  offered. 

N.  W.  Cor  Fourth  &  C  i\ 

Nearly  Opposite 

Fisher  Opera  House 

BLUE     FRONT  — 



San  Diego,    .    California 

Light  Houses — There  are  two  light  houses,  one  on   Ballast  Point  at  the 

entrance  of  the  bay,  and  one  on  the  west  side  of  Point  Loma. 
U.  S.  Quarahtine  Station— Located  at  La  Playa,  on  north  side  of  the  bay, 
one  and  one-half  miles  inside  from  Ballast  Point,  and  six  miles 
from  the  city.  Dr.  W.  W.  McKay,  United  States  Quarantine  Officer, 
room  29  Consolidated  Bank  block 
Weather  Bureau— M.  L.  Hearne,  U.  S.  Signal  Service  Observer,  Nesmith 
Greely  block, 

Clark  Alberti,  president;  J.  H.  Barbour,  secretary  ;  W.  W.  Stewart. 

A.  Sevort,  president ;  Daniel  Stone,  secretary  and  treasurer;  M.  Sherman. 

Meets  at  Backesto  block,  every  Wednesday  morning.     Dr.    H.  P.   Wood- 
ward, president ;    Dr.  T.  L.   Magee,    secretary ;    Dr.  T.    C.  Stockton, 



Advertiser — 1146  Third  street;  published  weekly,  by  E.  N.  Sullivan. 

Daily  San  Diegan — published  every  evening  except  Sundays  at  1138  D 
street  by  Ariosto  McCrimmon.  Weekly  edition  published  every 

Daily  Sun. — Published  every  morning,  Warren  Wilson,  ediitor  and  busi- 
ness manager.  Sun  building,  Fourth  and  Plaza.  Weekly  edition  pub- 
lished every  Thursday. 

Daily  Union — (Morning) — Published  every  day  at  933  Fourth  street  by 
San  Diego  Union  Company,  Thomas  Gardiner,  president  and  mana- 
ger.    Weekly  edition  published  every  Thursday. 

Golden  Era — A  literary  and  educational  review,  published  monthly  by 
Madge  Morris  Wagner  ;  office,  room  42,  Lawyers'  block. 

Great  Southwest — \  monthly  publication  devoted  to  horticulture.  Fran- 
ces Bagby  Blades,  editor  ;  E.  C.  Hickman,  business  manager;  office, 
room  18,  Lawyers'  block. 

National  Popular  Review — Illustrated  monthly  journal  of  preventive 
medicine.  First  number  to  appear  July  i,  1892.  Dr.  P.  C.  Remondi- 
no,  editor  ;  J.  Harrison  White,  publisher  and  manager  ;  office,  Fisher 
Opera  House  block.  Fifth  street. 

Sud-California  Deutsche  Zeitung — A  weekly  German  newspaper,  publish- 
ed by  C.  F.  Kamman,  editer  and  proprietor  ;  office.  Fourth  street, 
between  F  and  G. 


Coronado  R.  R — (Bay  Belt  Line.) — Office,  foot  of  Fifth.  Runs  around  the 
bay  from  San  Diego  to  Coronado.  Orange  Avenue  Line  runs  between 
Hotel  del  Coronado  and  Ferry  wharf. 

National  City  &  Otay — Runs  from  San  Diego,  foot  of  Fifth  street,  to 
Oneonta,  passing  through  National  City,  Chula  Vista,  Ota}-,  and  to 
Tia  Juana.  Sweetwater  branch  runs  from  Sweetwater  Junction  to  La 

Suothern  Pacific  Co. — Ticket  office  corner  Fifth  and  E  streets.  G.  H. 
McMillan,  agent. 

San  Diego,  Cuyamaca  &  Eastern. — Runs  from  corner  Tenth  and  N  streets 
through  El  Cajon  and  Lakeside  to  Foster.     Office  at  depot. 

San  Diego,  Old  Town  &  Pacific  Beach — Runs  from  foot  of  D  street  to 
Pacific  Beach,  connecting  with  stage  for  Ocean  Beach  and  La  Jolla 

Southern  California — Santa  Fe  Route. — Runs  north  to  Los  Angeles  and 
east  to  Chicago.  Office,  corner  D  and  Fourth  Sts.  H.  B.  Keeler,  agent. 

San  Diego  Cable  R.  R.  Co. — Runs  from  foot  of  Sixth  street  to  University 
and  Mission  Heights  a  distance  of  five  miles.  G.  B.  Hensley,  Re- 
ceiver and  Manager.     Office  at  power  house. 

San  Diego  Electric  Railway  Co — (Street  car  line  now  being  changed  to 
an  electric  system.) — Runs  from  foot  of  H  street  east  to  National 
avenue  and  Thirt3-second  ;  from  foot  of  Fifth  north  to  Nutmeg;  D 
street  line  runs  from  foot  of  H  to  D,  and  on  D  east  to  Eighteenth  and 
Ash  ;  First  street  line  from  corner  of  Thirteenth  and  Fto  First,  thence 
north  to  Hawthorne. 



Pacific  Coast  Steamship  Co— J.  M.  Simpson,  agent;  runs  from  San  Diego 
to  San  Francisco  about  twice  a  week,  wharf  and  office  foot  of  Fifth. 

San  Diego  &  Coronado  Ferry  Co— runs  betweeu  San  Diego  and  Coronado 
connecting  with  street  car  and  moter  roads. 

Pacific  Mail  S.  S.  Line — running  between  San  Francisco  and  Panama;stop 
at  San  Diego  twice  a  month  going  each  way,  F.  M.  Simpson,  agent, 
foot  of  Fifth  street. 

Ivower  California  Development  Co's  Steamer  run  between  San  Diego  and 
Ensenada  and  San  Quintin,  Office  with  Santa  Fe  route,  corner  Fifth 
and  D  Street. 


A.  M.  E. — Union  St.  near  H.     Rev.  Geo.  A.  Bailey,  pastor. 
Advent— Eighteenth  andG  Sts.     Elder  J.   H.  Cook,  pastor. 
Baptist,  First, — corner  Tenth  and  E  Sts.     Rev.  A.  E.  Knapp,  pastor.    — 
Baptist — Grand  Avenue  Mission,  Grand  Avenue,  near  Twenty-ninth. 
Baptist,  Second— (colored)  Front  bet.  G  andH.  Rev.  G.  W.  Brown,  pastor 
^  Catholic,  St.  Joseph's — cor.  Fourth  and  Beech.  Rev.  Father  Ubach,  pastor 
Catholic — Church  of  the  Immaculate  Conception,  Old  Town. 

>  Christian,  Central-  cor.  Thirteenth  and  F.     Elder  A.  B.  Markle,   pastor. 
Christian  Science— Horton  Hall. 

>  Congregational,  First— cor.  F  and  Ninth,  Rev.  W.  C.  Merrill,  pastor. 
Congregational,  Second — 26th  St.  &  Kearney  ave..  Rev.  G.  S.  Hall,  pastor 
Episcopal,  St.  Paul's— cor.  Eighth  and  CSts.,  Rev.  H.  B.  Restarick,  pastor 
Episcopal,  St.  James  Mission — Twenty-fourth  St.  and  Logan  Avenue. 

V  Jewish  Synagogue — cor.  Second  and  Beech,  Rabbi  Max  Moses.     — 
w- Lutheran,  English— Third  St.,  bet.  B  and  C,  Rev.  C.  W.  Maggart,   pastor.. 
Lutheran,  German— Holt  house.  Fifteenth  and  H,  Rev.  H.  J.  Haas,  pastor 
'"  riethodist  Episcopal,  First— cor.    Fourth   and   D,    Rev.   M.    F.   Colburn, 

U^ Methodist  Episcopal,  Central — cor.  Harrison  ave.  and  Twenty-sixth  St., 

Rev.  O.  J.  McFadden,  pastor. 
>^'   Methodist  Episcopal,  South— cor.  D  and  7th,  Rev.  R.  W.  Bailey,  pastor. 
riethodist  Episcopal,  German— cor.  Sixth  and  I,  Rev,  F.  A.  Weith,  pastor. 
New  Jerusalem — Horton  Hall,  Rev.  D.  V.  Bowen,  pastor. 
■  Presbyterian,  First — cor.  Eighth  and  D,  Rev,  Dr.  W.  B.  Noble,  pastor. 
'-'  Presbyterian,  Cumberland — cor.  24th  and  Grant  ave..  Rev.   W.  Metcalf, 

1/  Presbyterian,  First  United— cor.  G  and  19th,  Rev.  R.  G.  Wallace,  pastor. 
Theosophical   Society — s.  w.  cor.  Fourth  and  Palm. 
Union  City  Mission — cor.  C  and  India. 

Unitarian — cor.  Tenth  and  F,  Rev.  B.  F.  McDaniel,  pastor. 
v.  M.  C.  A.— Hall  and  Library  Eighth  near  H,  Jno  McTaggart,  Secretary 
Salvation  Army — 508  Fifth  street 




(Masonic  Hall,  corner  Sixth  and  H  streets.) 

San  Diego  Lodge,  35,  F.  &  A.  M. — Meets  Saturday  evenings  on  or  before 

full  moon  ;  W.  j.  Mossholder,  W.  M.;  Geo.  M.  Dannals,  Secretary. 
Silver  Gate  Lodge,  No.  296,  F.  &  A.   M. — Meets  first  Friday  evening   of 

each  month  ;  James  Wells,  W.  M.;  S.  H.  Olmsted,  Secretary. 
San  Diego  Chapter,   No.  61,    R.  A.    M. — Meets  second   Monday   in  each 

month  ;  Eli  G.  Blackmer,  H.  P.;John  W.  Thompson,  Secretary. 
Southern  Star  Chapter,  No.  96,  Order  Eastern  Star — Meets  first  and  third 

Thursdays  in  each  month  ;  Maria  C.  Bradt,  W.  M.;  Anna  E.  Kooken, 


San  Diego  Commandery,    No.   25,    K.    T. — Meets   second  Tuesday    each 

month  ;  Dr.  A.  Morgan,  E.  C;  J.  P.  Burt,  Recorder. 
Board  of  Relief. — W.  J.  Mossholder,  President  ;  Geo.  M.  Dannals,   Sec'y. 

San  Diego  Lodge,  No.  153. — Meets  every  Thursday,  at  Odd   Fellows   hall. 

L.  Creelman,  N.  G.;  F.  M.  F'egan,  Secretary. 
Sunset  Lodge,  No.  328 — meets  every  Tuesday  evening  at  Odd  Fellows  hall. 

T.  J.  Dowell,  N.  G.;  J.  L.  Matheson,  Secretary. 
Centennial  Encampment,  No.  58. — Meets  first  and   third  Third   Mondaj^s 

of  each   month   at   Odd  Fellows  hall.    J.  L.  Matheson,  C.  E.;  E.  M. 

Fegan,  Secretary. 

Canton  San   Diego,    No.   22, — Meets  first  Wednesday  of  each  month    at 

Odd  Fellows  hall.     C.  F.'Holland,  Commondant. 
San  Diego  Rebecca  Degree   Lodge. — Meets   first   and  third   Friday   each 

month  at  Odd  Fellows   hall.    Mrs  Carrie  Ollinger,  N.  G.;  Mrs.  Amelia 

Wolfschimer,  Secretary'. 

G.  A.  R. 
Heintzelman  Post,  No.  33,  meets  second  and  fourth  Thursday  each  month 

at  Horton  hall;  E.  H.  Miller,  P.  C;  S.  W.  Belding,  Adjt. 
Womans  Relief  Corps,  No  i,    meets   at   Horton   hall    second   and   fourth 

Thursdays  at  7:30  p  m  and  first  and  third  Thursdays  at  2:30  p  m;  Carrie 

A.  House,  President;  Gertrude  A.  Wood,  Secretary. 
Union  Veteran  Legion,  No.  57,  meets  first  and  third  Saturdays  each  month 

at  A  O  U  W  hall,  723  Fifth  street;  W  L  Vestel,  Col  Com.;  A  D  Keith, 

Ladies  of  the  Union  Veteran  Legion,  meets  first  and  third  Saturdays  at  2 

P  M,  at  A  O  U  W  hall,  723  Fifth  street;  Anne  E  Kooken,  President. 
Sons  of  Veterans — U.  S.  Grant  Camp,  No  21,  meets  first  and  third  Wednes- 
days at  Horton  hall;  R  V  Dodge,  Captain;  E  B  Rood,  First  Sargent. 

San  ]5iego  Council,    No.    692 — Meets  second   and   fourth   Saturday   each 
month  at  northwest  corner  H  and  Eighth  streets.     Z.  Wile,  President, 
C.  H.  Brown,  Secretary. 

Court  San  Diego,  No.  7592,  A.  O.  F.  of  A.,  meets  Wednesday  evenings  at 
K  of  H.  hall.     T.  W>  Price,  C.  R.;  Herman  Marks,  F.  S. 




Red  Star  Lodge,  No.    153 — Meets   every   Thursday  evening   at  Schmitt's 

hall  ;  Geo.  J.  Magley,  C.  C;  T.  J.  Dowell,  K.  of  R.  and  S. 
San  Diego  Lodge,   No.    28 — Meets   ever}^   Mondaj^  evening   at   Schmitt's 

hall  ;  Dr.  H.  R.  Arndt,  C.  C;  Chancelor  L  Jenks,  jr.,  K.  of  R.   and  S. 
Uniform  Rank — Meets  every  Tuesday   at   Schmitt's  hall  ;  T.  J.'  Dowell, 

Captain;  H.  M.  Fink,  Lieutenant. 
Chevalier  Division,  No.  6,  Sir  Knight  Capt.,  T.  J.  Dowell;  Sir  Knight  R., 

R.  V.  Doge,  pro  tem. 
Endowment  Rank — W.  E.  Williams,  Secretary. 


Point  Loma  Lodge  No.  248  meets  Thursday  evenings  at  A.  O.  U.  W.    hall. 

S.  E.  Knapp,  M.  W.;  Edward  Murphy,  Recorder. 
San  Diego  Lodge  No.  160,  meets   Wednesday   evenings   at  Horton   hall, 

1427  F  Street.     Harry  J.  Neale,  M.  W.;  J.  L.  Dryden,  Recorder. 
Silver  Gate  Lodge  No.  265,  meets  Saturday  evenings  at  old  Eighth  Ward 

school  building.     Eugene  DeBurn,  M.  W. 
Light  of  Loma  Lodge  No.  32,  D.  of  H.,  meets  at  A.  O.  U.  W.  hall. 

American  Fraternal  Circle.— F.  P.  Bruner,  Deptity  Supreme  Chancelor. 

Brotherhood  of  Locomotive  Firemen,    Ramona  Lodge  No.  386,    meets    at 
Schmitt's  hall,  second  and  fourth  Sundays;  A  P  Tyler,  Master;  Thos. 
;  Fitzgerrald,  Secretary 

Caledonian  Club — Meets  every  second  Saturday  evening  at  Hamilton  hall 
J.    A.  McRae,  Chief;  J.  W.<  Tulloch,  Sec'y.  '  ' 

Catholic  Knights  of  America,  meets  first  and  third  Tiiesday  each  month 
at  St.  Joseph's  church.  Col.  Elmer  Otis,  Pres.;  Capt.  Henry^'Sweene}^ 
Recording  riec. 

Catholic  Ladies'  Aid  Society  No.  5,  meets  atK.  of  H.  hall,  every  Monday 
evening.     Mrs.  Nellie  F.  Carter,  President;  Miss  M.  Deler,  Secretary. 

Children's  Indiistrial  Home — A  home  for  homeless,  abused  or  neglected 
children;  located  on  the  City  Park.  Bryant  Howard,  Pres.;  Mrs.  F.  R. 
Eaton,  Sec'y;  Mrs.  J.  G.  McCormac,  Matron. 

Civil  Organization  Naval  Reserve — Meets  last  Wednesday  of  each  month 
at  shore  station.     T.  A.  Nerney,  Pres.;  E.  J.  Louis,  Rec.  Sec'y. 

Concordia  Turnvarine — Meets  first  Wednesdays  at  1018  D  street.  Louis 
Fritz,   Pres.;  Erwin  Mayer,  Sec'y. 

County  Horticultural  Society,  meets  in  San  Diego  every  Three  months,  R 
H.  Young,  President;  J.  M.  Asher,  Vice-pres.;  F.  D.  Waite,  Secretary, 

Cuyamaca  Club — Club  house  D  street,  between  Sixth  and  Seventli.  S. 
Levi,  Pres.;  A.  Dorsey,  Sec'y. 

Elks,  San  Diego  Lodge  No.  168,  B.  P.  O.  E.,  meets  Thursday  evenings  atB 
P.  O.  E.  hall.  Opera  House  block.      Eugene   Daney,  Exalted   Rtiler; 
L  R.  C.  Jones,  Secretary. 


Federated  Trades  and  lyabor  Council,  Meets  Tuesday  evenings  at  Sailors' 
hall.     Geo.  H.  Spear,  President;  Geo.  Hoen,  Secretary. 

Knights  of  Honor — San  Diego  Lodge  No.  3329  meets  at  K.  of  H.  hall, 
654  Fifth  Street,  every  Tuesday  evening.  C.  F.  Kizer,  Director;  W. 
H.  Porterfield,  Reporter. 

Knights  of  Golden  Fagle — Meets  at  K.  of  H.  hall,  Tuesday  evenings.  J. 
B.  Smith,  N.  C;  Wm.  Lundell,  Sec'y. 

Mizpah  Club — The  Executive  Committee  meets  first  Monday  in  each 
month  and  immediately  after  each  party.  C.  L,.  Bisbee,  Pres.;  F.  H. 
Brooks,  Secretary  and  Treasurer. 

Native  Sons,  San  Diego  Parlor,  No.  108,  N.  S.  G.  W.,  meets  first  and  third 
Tuesday  evenings  at  A.  O.  U.  W.  hall.  W.  B.  Stewart,  President; 
Geo.  Ivufkin,  Secretary. 

Owl  Social  Club — Meets  every  Thursday  evening  at  K.  of  H.  hall. 

Printers'  Protective  Fraternity,  Pacific  No.  18.  J.  E.  Richmond,  Pres- 
ident; Katie  A.  Murphy,  Sec'y.  Meets  first  Sunday  in  each  month  over 
Todd  &  Hawley's. 

Royal  Arcanum — San  Diego  Council, 'No.  1214 — Meets  at  K  of  H  hall  ev- 
ery second  and  fourth  Friday  of  each  month  ;  Geo.  O.  Nelson,  Regent; 
W.  D.  Bloodgood,  Secretary;  John  F.  Forward,  Deputy  Supreme 

San  Diego  Medical  Society  meets  first  and  third  Fridays,  8  p.  m.,  at 
Board  of  Health  rooms.  Dr.  E.  Carson,  President ;  Dr.  Thomas  D. 
Magee,  Secretary 

San  Diego  County  Medical  Society,  (Homceopatic),  President,  Joseph 
Rodes,  M.  D.;  Secretary  and  Treas.,  I.  Docking,  M.  D.  Meetings, 
the  third  Wednesday  in  each  month. 

San  Diego  Rowing  Club — Directors  meet  first  Monday  of  each  month. 
E.  J.  Louis,  Pres.;  W.  J.  Parker,  Sect  J.  D.  Decatur,  Capt.' 

San  Diego  Yacht  Club — ^J.  G.  Decatur,  Comodore;  J.  W.  Keenan,  Sec'y. 

Twenty-Second  District  Fair  Association,  G,   M:  Dannals,  Secretary. 

Typographical  Union  No.  221,  meets  first  Sunday  in  each  month  at  Ham- 
ilton hall.     Geo.  H.  Spear,  President;  W.  B.  Frazer,  Secretary. 

Woodmen  of  the  World,  Miramar  Camp  No  54,  meets  first  Monday  of  each 
month  at  K  of  H  hall;  T  J  Dowell,  C  C,  F  P  Bruner,  Clerk 

Woman's  Industrial  Exchange — 989  Sixth  street.  Mrs.  E.  W.  Morse, 
Pres.;  Mrs  G.  K.  Phillips,  Sec'y. 

Woman's  Home  a'nd  Day  Nursery — City  park,  head  of  Sixteenth  street. 
Mrs.  D.  F.  Davidson,   President;  Mrs.  J.  H.  Carter,  Secretary. 

W.  C.  T.  U. — Meets  second  and  fourth  Mondays  at  2:30  P.  M.  at  M.  E. 
church.     Carrie  A.  House,  Pres.;  Mrs.  A.  G.  Nason,  Sec'y. 

Young  Men's  Institute,  No.  23,  meets  every  Monday  evening  in  Hamilton's 
block.     Arthur  Shaw,  President;  J.  C.  H.  Eckenrode,  Secretary, 




Eugene  DeBurn,  City  Superintendent. 
Russ,  F.  P.  Davidson,  principal. 
East,  Miss  Edith  Mclveod  principal. 
Sherman,  Miss  Amy  Whitmore,  principal. 
Sherman  Heights,  Mrs.  Annie  E.  Peck,  principal. 
B  Street,  Mrs.  T.  Covel,  principal.' 
Middletown,  Miss  Kate  F.  Osgood,  principal. 
North,  Miss  Lulu  J.  Doheney,  principal. 
Mission  Valley. 

University  Heights.  ' 

Pacific  Beach. 

City  Board  of  Education — W.  J.  Mossholder,  President;  J.  O.  W.  Paine, 
S.  D.  Allen,  B.  F.  McDaniel,  J.  H.  Page,  Joseph  Surr,  G.  Frank  Judson 
E.  W.  Allum,  Alda  M.  Ferris,  J.  C.  Crenshaw,  C.  M.  Fenn,  C.  A.  Scott, 
A.  G.  Watson,  C.  M.  Stetson,  S.  Cadwallader,  J.  A.  Flint. 


Academy  of  Our  Lady  of  Peace — Conducted  by  the  Sisters  of  St.  Joseph; 
Sister  Valeria,  Lady  Superior;  southwest  corner  Third  and  A  streets. 

San  Diego  Business  College— N.  I.  Phillips,  principal,  Bancroft  building, 
southeast  corner  Fifth  and  G  streets. 

Southwest  Institute — Miss  Way,  principal;  a  private  school  for  boys  and 
girls,  1809  Third  street. 

San  Diego  Commercial  College — O.  P.  Koerting,  principal.  Express  block 
southwest  corner  Sixth  and  F  streets. 

Hinton,  Prof.  B. — Express  block,  corner  Sixth  and  F  streets. 
Francis,  Mrs.  H.  A. — Lafayette  block,  D  street,  bet.  Seventh  and  Eighth. 
Henry,  Mrs.  J.  H. — Tremont  house,  1046  Third  street. 



Adams,  Milton,  laborer,  res  1565    Front 

Allen,  C  S,  engineer  with  G  D  Stead  Soap  Co,  res  642  First 

Andrews,  Mrs  MA,  res  746  Fifth 

Arnold,  Gustav,  cook  at  Hotel  D' Europe 

Atherton,  J  T,  real  estate  agt,  res  1055  Seventh 

ATOR,  CHAS.,  (San  Diego  Truck  Co),  res  Fifth  bet  I  &  J 

BAILEY,  JAS.  A.,  Northwestern     Mutual    Life  Ins  Co,  res  846 

Ninth,  p  o  box  759 
BAILHACHE,  J.   M. ,  advertising  manager  Sun,  res  1753  First 
BAILHACHE,  A.  L.,  res  s  w  cor  Fifteenth  and  C 
BAILHACHE,  W.  H.,  res  s  w  cor  Fifteenth  and  C 
Baldrick,  farmer,  res  Mission  Vallej' 
Barnett,  A,  rancher,  res  1365  Sixth 
Barnett,  M,  rancher,  res  1365  Sixth 

BAY  CITY  HARKET,  Chas  S  Hardy  prop,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Begole,  W  A,  capitalist,  res  529  Fifth 
Bennett,  prop  Electric  saloon,  res  American  house 
Biddle,  N  S,  res  912  Twentieth 
Bingham,  J  A,  Darling  flour  mill 

Bismeyer,  F  S,  driver  for  Cor  Ice  Co,  res  University  Heights 
BLANCHARD,  S.  C,  manager  S  D  Canning  and    Packing    Co, 

res  cor  Arctic  and  Juniper 
BLOCHMAN,    A,    correspondent    French   consulate,   office  518 

Fifth,  res  834  Ninth 
BOONE,  L.  L.,  attorney-at-law,  Kuhn  blk,  res  1039  Twelfth 
Bourn,  Wm,,  conductor,  S  D  Elec  Ry  Co 
Boyd,  Clarence  D,  reporter  Daily  Sun,  res  1641  E 
Brooks,  W  F,  civil  engineer  with  Peninsular  Ry 
BRICKLEY,   E.  M.,  prop  Brewster  Pharmacy,  res  1347  Fourth 
Brown,  C  E,  retired,  res  Fir  and  Second 


Brown,  Mrs  Teresa,  res  220  lyOgan 

Burghard,  W  A,  stage  setter,  Fisher  opera  house,  res  934  Front 

BURQE,  MISS  E.    F.,    S    D   Tent   and    Awning    Co),    res  724 
Irving  ave 

Burhorn,  A,  prop  The  Royal,  cor  Fourth  and  B 

Burnham,  E  W,  sec'y  S  B  Saving   and    I^oan   Association,    res 
1542  Union 

BURNS,  H.  P.,  Fashion  Stables,  res  Belle  View 

Busto,  Richard,  res  1323  Arctic 

CABLE  FEED  STORE,  cor  Fourth  and  B 

CAIFORNIA  FISH  flARKET,  Nick  J  Vidolin  prop,  pickled^,  dry 
and  fresh  fish,  wholesale  and  retail,  foot  of  H 

Cantley,  James,  salesman  with  West  Coast  Uumber  Co,  res  634  C 

Carter,  E  E,  notary  and  attorney-at-law,  with   Hunsaker,    Britt 
and  Goodrich,  res  1571  Fourth 

Carter,  Mrs  A,  restaurant,  746  Sixth 

Case,  Clarence,  with  W  McClain,  res  1145  Third 

CASH  MILLINERY  STORE,    tii8  Fourth 

Carnes,  Walter,  accountant  with  S  D  Water  Co,  res  Coronado 
Cates,  Owen  G,  rancher,  res  Mission  Valley 

Chittenden,  Miss  May,  operator  at  Telephone  office, res  813  Fifth 

Clark,  C  E,  stone  cutter  at  Rockfellow  Granite  Works,  res  Com- 
mercial hotel 
Clark,  523  Newton  ave 
Clark,  Miss  Maud,  res  848  Fourth 

Condon,  WE,  draughtsman    with  Peninsular  Ry  Co,  res  Buck- 
CONNELL,  J.  E.,  (Johnson  &  Co),  res  1243  Front 

Pierce-Morse  blk 
COON,  W.  C,  prop  Temperance    Billiard    and    Pool  Hall,  1043 

Fourth,  res  754  Sixth 
Coquilli,  Donati,  scissors  grinder,  res  Seventh  and  U 
CORONADO  ICE  CO.,  C  B  Daggett  manager  1330  E 
CORONADO  niNERAL  WATER  CO.,  G  B  Daggett  mgr,  1330  E 
CREELMAN,  FRED,  receiver  S  D  Elec  Ry  Co,  res  13^4  Front 
Creelman,  Harry  A,  conductor  with  S  D  Electric  Ry  Co 
Crogan,  Harry,  with  P'ashion  Livery  Stable,  res  630  State 
Cushing,  Mrs  M  J,  res  2247  * 

Czervvinsky,  Julius,  res  Eighth  and  C 

DAQQETT,  C.  B.,  manager  Coronado  Ice  Co,  res  639  Twentieth 
Daggett,  R  M,  journalist,  res  cor  Beech  and   Second 
Daggett,  Henry,  res  731  Ninth 
Daggett,  Mrs  Laura,  res  731  Ninth 
Dahl  Louis,  res  3427  L 
Dahl,  Mrs  Ella,  res  3427  L 


Dairy  launch  room,  1438  B 

DALEY  iSc  RIPLEY,   (T  J  Daley.   F  W    Ripley),   searchers   of 

records,  cor  Fourth  and  K 
Dauer,  Miss  E,  res  The  Royal 
DeBell,  A  W,  res  First  near  F 
DeBell,  Miss  A  F,  res  First  near  F 
DeBell,  Mrs  P,  res  First  near  F 
Denton,  Wm,  res  North  San  Diego 
DeSteiger,  L,  res  Fifth  and  Maple 
Detviles,  H,  tinner,  res  2718  G 

Duress,  Wm  A,  real  estate,  1315  D,  res  1248  Fifth  * 

Diamond,  S,  longshoreman,  res  629  First 
Dodge,  O  A,  Auditor  S  D  C  &  K  Ry,  res  370  Twelfth 
DODSON,  A.  E.,  insurance  agent,  notary  public  and  government 

lands,  915  Fifth,  res  n  e  cor  Fourteenth  and  C 
Dow,  Geo  B,  salesman  with  Lenz,  res  Paradise  valley 
DOWELL,  T.  J.,  custom  house  broker,  Consolidated  Bank  bldg 
DULIN,  E.  G.,  treas  Pacific  Wood  and  Coal  Co,  res   107    19th 
Eadon,  Ed  H,  treasurer  Fisher  Opera  House  res  Buckingham 
Earle,  W  C,  chief  engineer  Peninsular  Ry,  26  Lawyer's  blk,  res 

2042  Fourth 
ELSEA  BROS.,    (John    B    Elsea,  J    P  Elsea),    props    Kansas 

Stables,  cor  Fourth  and  I 
ELSEA,  JOHN  B.,  (Elsea  Bros),  res  857  Seventh 
ELSEA,  J.  P.,  (Elsea  Bros),  res  857  Seventh 
EVANS,   HENRY  F,  (late  from  Denver),  real  estate  and  loans, 

r^s  1540  Sixth 
Everett, •Arthur  C,  printer,  res  room  36  Hotel  Grand  Central 
Farney,  Jacob,  Silver  Gate  dairy,  res  Chollas  valley 
Fellows,  Harry,  prop  Hoffman  restaurant,  746  Fifth,  res  same 
Findley,  res  I  near  Twenty-fourth 
Fish,  John  A,  deputy  assessor,  res  730  Cedar 
Flaherty,  John  stone  cutter  at   Rockfellow  granite   works,  res 

Commercial  hotel 
Eraser,  Miss  Emma  L,  operator  at  telephone  office,  res  813  Fifth 
Fuller,  Mrs  Fannie  L,  res  437  Ninteenth 

Gandy,  Miss  Mary,  operator  at  telephone  ofHce,   res   813   Fifth 
Gay,  S  S,  conductor  S  D  Elec  Ry  Co 
Gilmartin,  Mrs  J  F,  teacher,  res  AUyn  blk 
GILLEN,  J.  R.,  veterinary  and  boarding  stables  936  First 
Glenn,  C  S,  waiter,  res  759  Twelfth 
GOCHENAUER,  D,  (late  of  Daily  Sun),  physician  and  surgeon, 

Express  blk  rooms  2  and  3,  res  cor  Second  and  Olive 
Goldthorp,  G  S,  bartender,  res  cor  Third  and  B 
Goss,  Dr  R  J,  Sun  bldg 
GRAHAH,  M.  A.,(01sen,  Graham  &Weldon),  res  1240 Columbia 


Gray,  Dr  A  J,  phj^sician  and  surgeon,  918  Fir 

Gregg,  S  C,  paj^master  with  Peninsular  Ry,    25    I^awyer's    blk, 
res  Brewster 

Guy,  W  R,  att'y-at-law,  office  3d  floor  Consolidated  Bank  blk 

Hamlin,  Aaron,  laborer,  res  672  Sixteenth 

Harrison,  Geo  R,  Union  Ice  Co,  foot  of  E 

Harrison,  R  C,  res  foot  of  D 

Hattleberg,  J  O,  carpenter  and  jobber,  res  cor  J  and  Ninth 

Hayes,  Geo  D,  retired,  res  Twelfth  and  C 

HAYES,   HARRY  E.,  (Samuel  I  Fox  &  Co),  res  Twelfth  and  C 

Heacker,  Herman,  plasterer,  res  657  Union 

Hedges,  J  W,  with  W  E  Howard,  res  Boonita 

Heffieman,  H  K,  attornev-at-law,  22  and    23    Keating    blk,  res 
Twelfth  and  C 

Herrick,  Geo,  driver  with  Diamond  Carriage  Co,   res    Coronado 

HINTERS,  OSCAR  H.,  shaving  parlors  and  bath  rooms,Sun  bldg, 
926  Fourth 

Hirschler,  J  P,  (Schirm  &  Hirshler),  944  Sixth,  res  same 

Hitchcock,  David,  res  at  Roxbury 

Hogue,  Mrs,  dressmaker,  res  at  Oriel 

Huggett,  Henr3^  plumber,  Third  bet  Robinson  and  Thornton 

Hughes,  Eugene,  sign  painter  with  McAuliff,  res  131  Grand  ave 

Johnson,  J,  with  Hoffman  restaurant,  746  Fifth 

JONES,  T.  J.,  cashier  at  S  D  Eumber  ^^ard,  res  2242  D 

J0NE5,  D.  F.,  painter,  821  Seventh,  res  823  Seventh 

Juch,  Mrs  Ida,  piano  teacher,  res  853  Third 

Keenan,  J  C,  conductor  with  S  D  Electric  Ry  Co 

Kinch,  A.  conductor  S  C  Ry,  res  Brewster  hotel 

Kipp,  Sylvester,  attorney-at-law,  office  First  Nat  Bank  bldg,  res 

Pacific  Beach 
Korthauer,  E  A,   civil  engineer   Peninsular  Ry,  res  Buckingham 
LABAUME,  LYDIA   H.,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and   res 

1740  D 
Ea  Revista,  (Spanish  paper)  published  by  T  J   Dowell 
LEHMAN,  R.  Q.,  south  side  H  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
LENZ,  J.  n.,  (Eenz  Music  Co),  res  734  Twenty-first 
LENZ  MUSIC  CO.,  (J  M  Eenz,  Chas  Seibert),    1031— 1033  Fifth 
Eong,  Ed  E,  res  629    Eogan  ave 
Euckhardt,  W  G,  draughtsman    with    Peninsular  Ry,    Eawyers 

blk,  res  Buckingham 
Maggart,  Rev  C  W,  pastor  English  Eutheran  church 
HACK,  LAWRENCE  J.,  sec'y    Santa   Maria  Eand  &  Water  Co, 

res  1669  Columbia   cor  Date 
McDonald,  E  C,  conductor  with  S  D  Electric  Ry  Co 
riEREQAN,  N.  E.,  artistic  paper    hanging,    painting  and  decor- 
ating, 833  Seventh 


Meiggs,  J  J,  deputy  constable,  res  New  Carleton 

Murphy,  James,  farmer,  res  2208  E 

Nance,  Drury,  res  Twelfth  bet  F  and  G 

Nicholson,  C  E,  civil  engineer  Peninsular  RyCo,  res  2042  Fourth 

OTIS  &  CO,  real  estate  and  insurance,  1025  Fourth 

OWEN,  MRS.   C.   B.,  corset  parlor,  moved  to  950  Third 

OWEN,   DAVIS,  prop  court-house  meat  market,  res    950  Third 

PARSONS,   JOHN    R,    (late  from    Wichita),     attorney-at-law 

1013  Fifth,  res    1540  Sixth. 
PERRIN  n.  J.,  supt  S  D  Elec  Ry  Co,  res  622    Eleventh 
PHILLIPS,  MRS.  M.  E.,  (Tupper  &  Phillips),  res  at  the  Manor 
Poiser,  R.  clerk  with  S  D  C  &  E  Ry,  539  Tenth 
Reading,  James,  with  city  wa  er   dept,    res    cor    Seventh  and  G 
READ  iSc  READ,   (Emma  Read,  W  S  Read),  dentists,  Sixth  and 

F,  Pierce-Morse  block 
RIPLEY,  F.  W.,  (Daley  &  Ripley),  res  2020  E 
Roberts,  H  Curtis,  miner,  res  1470  Eighth 
Russell,    Lew,  barber  shop,  566  Fifth 
Schirm  &  Hirschler,  old  and  new  books,  944  Sixth 
SCOTT,  C  A.,  real  estate,  826  Sixth,  res  666  Seventeenth 
Sea,  F  M,  grocer,  1266  State,  res  same 

SEIBERT,  CHAS,  (Lenz  music  store),  res  Twenty-second  and  G 
Sevort,  A,  mariner,  pres  Pilot  Commissioners,  res  767  Fourteenth 
Southern  Cal  Printing  Co,  Sun  building 
STEVENS,  C.  H.,  real  estate  and  fire  insurance,  1234  D 
Stuttz  &  Hartzig,  successors  to  Davidson  &    Co,  coal  and  feed, 

1 2 10  Fifth 
TEHPERANCE  BILLIARD  HALL,  W  A  Coon  prop,  1043  Fourth 

2d  door  south  of  postofhce 
Thibault,  W  T,  barber,  566  Fifth 

Thompson,  Frank,  tinner,  834  Sixth,  res  University  Heights 
Turner,  Matt,  conductor  with  Electric  Ry  Co 
UTLEY,  H.  S.,    attorney-at-law,    18  and    19   Morse,    Whaley  & 

Dalton  blk 
WALKER,  F.  B.,  prop  San  Diego  Printing  Co.,  res  734  Twelfth 
WELLER,  THOS.,  detective  1242  E,  res  446  Sixteenth 
WELLS,  EDWIN  A.,  collector,  Pierce-Moree  blk,  1444  F 
WELLS,   E.   F.,  bonds  and  investments,    Pierce-Morse  blk, 
WILSON,    WARREN,  editor  and  manager  Sun,  res    1718  A 
Wooley,  H,  conductor  with  S  D  ElecLric  Ry    Co 
Wright,  G  P,  conductor  with  S  D  Electric  Ry    Co 
Yeakle,  Chas  M,  furniture  repairer,  1526  I 
YOUNG,  J  O,  grocer,  successor  to  J  A  McRae  &  Sons,  5th  &  C 

Santa  Fe 



From  Southern  California  to 

Denver,    Kansas    City,  Chicago,   Boston,  New  Vork,  and 
All  Eastern    Cities. 

Time  from  1 2  to  24  Hours  Shorter  than  any  other  Line 

Pullman  Palace  Sleeping  Cars  Run  Through  From 


Every  Day  in  the   Year. 

Personally  conducted  Tourist  Excursions  Through  to  Boston 

Leave  California  Every  Xliuirsciay 

Pullman  Tourist  Sleeping  Cars  used  on  these  excursions  are  carpeted 
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lunch  tables.  A  Pullman  porter  is  in  charge  of  each  car  to  attend  to  the 
comfort  of  our  patrons. 


Ib^SANTA    FE    ROUTE^^ 

makes  48  hours  quicker  time  to  Boston  than  any  other  line. 

Ji^°Rates  for  these  excursions  are  the  lowest  made  from  California 
to  the  East.     For  full  information  call  on  or  address 

H.   B.  KEELER,  Agent, 

Fourth  and  D  Streets,  San  Diego, 
or  C.  A..  Warner,  125  North  spring  St.,  Ivos  Angeles,  Cal. 

K.  H.  Wade,  General  Manager.  S.  B.  Hynes,  Gen' I  Pas'gr  Agt, 

Wholesale    and   FJetail 


Crockery, » f^An 




Our  Importations 



is  UP  TO  DATE 

—  AND  — 

Replete  with  new  ideas. 




Abbott,  Wm  Jr,  with  Russ  planing  mill,  res  432  Boston  ave 
Abbott,  Wm,  farmer,  res  432  Boston  ave 
Abbott,  Miss  Katie,  servant,  res  cor  First  and  A 
Abbott,  Miss  Lizzie,  servant,  res  cor  First  and  A 
Abrahamson,  Lars  P,  tailor,  with  T  J  Sullivan,  res  320  Logan  ave 
ABSTRACT  &  TITLE  INSURANCE  CO.,  John  P  Burt  manager 

915  Sixth 
ABRAHAMSON,  HENRY,  dry  gooos,    fancy   goods,    821   Fifth, 

res  at  the  Richelieu 
Academy  of  Our  Lady   of    Peace,    conducted   by    Sisters    of   St 

Joseph's,  Sister  Velaria,  Superior  and  7  others,  cor  3d  &  A 
Acker,  Canon,  janitor,  res  335  Twelfth 
ACME  SALOON,  Till  A  Burnes,  prop,  cor  Fifth  and  I 
Adams,  Frank  S,  butcher,  res  Grand  Central  hotel 
Adams,  Mrs  Augusta,  with  model  laundry,  res  2369  F 
Adams,  W  P,  retired  res  2357  Fifth 

Adamson,  Andrew,  piano  maker  2340  H,  res  633  Sixteenth 
Adamson,   Miss    Minnie  E,   clerk  with  M  V  Carroll,    res  633 

Adelphi  House,  Mrs  A  Thompson,  proprietor,  1023  Front 
Adventist  Church,  cor  Eighteenth  and  G 
African  M  E  Church,  cor  A  and  State 
Agard,  W  E,  deputy  city  assessor,  res  1134  Third 
Aguerre,  Pedro,  room  13  the  Willard 
Ah  Quin,  dealer  in  Chinese  goods  cor  Third  and  J 
Ailrstok,  Mrs  C,  cigars  and  tobacco,  548  Third 
Aiken,  Mrs  Clara,  res  cor  Twenty-second  and  L 
Ailland  E  J,  salesman  with  Chas  Deleval  &  Co,  res  Snyder  block 


Ailland,  Miss  L,,  sewing  and  mending,  room  34  Hamilton  build- 
ing, res  Coronado  Beach 
Airhart,  Fred  W,  machinist  with  Standard  iron  works,  res  2843  H 
AIRHART,  li.  C,   book-keeper  Kscondido  I<and  and  Town  Co, 

res  844  B 
Airhart,  Mrs  J  A,  res  2843  H 
AIRHART,  W.  H.,  book-keeper  Standard   Iron  works,  res   cor 

Twentieth  and  H 
AITKIN,  JOHN  R.,   attorney-at-law,    roOm  i   to  5  Spencer  block 

cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  2231   First 
Ake,  Joseph  K,  cable  car  gripman,  res  Third  and  Ivy 
Akerman,  J  S,  Sec  Pacific  Wood  and  Coal  Co,  res  1054  Eighth 
Albeck,  Henry,  carpenter,  1669  Arctic 

ALBEMARLE  HOTEL,  C  C  Loomis  prop,  cor  Front  and  D 
Alberti,  Clark,  president  Board  of  State  Harbor  Commissioners, 

s  e  cor  Fourth  and  K,  res  St  James  hotel 
Albertus  Art  Emporium,  Miss  E  L,  Miller  and  Mrs  J  E  Stockman 

managers,  room  3  1435  E 
Albright,  John  M,  miner,  res  705  Ash 
ALDEN,  H.  W.,  chief  clerk  Horton  hotel,  res  hotel 
Alderson,  Mrs  M  E,  teacher,  357  Sixteenth 
Alder,  Miss  Elizabeth,  saleslady,  res  956  Union 
ALDERSON,  J.  W.,  dentist,  825  Fifth  Nesmith-Greely  blk,   res 

Alderson,  Mrs  Minnie  E,  teacher,  Mission  Valley  school 
ALEXANDER,  R.  G.,  wall  paper,  artists'  materials,  paints,  oils, 

room  and  picture  mouldings,  846  Fifth,  res  1114  G 
Alhambra,  T  K  Smith,  prop,  cor  I  and  Ninth 
Allan,  W  H,  detective,  with  Jim  Russell,  res  1244  Sixth 
Allen,  Harry  W,  driver  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  res  same 
Allen,  J  D,  paper  hanger  at  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  533  Fifteenth 
Allen,  Miss  Edna  E,  cadet  teacher  public  school 
Allen,  Mrs  Marj--,  chambermaid  at  Albemarle 
Allen,  Mrs  M,  nurse,  res  1531  Fourth 

Allen,  S  D,  member  Board  of  Education,  res  Mission  Valley 
Allen,  Wm,  laborer.  Thirtieth  and  O 


Allen,  Chas  W,  laborer,  Arctic  and  Spruce 

Allen,  Ernest,  res  Mission  Valley 

Allen,  Miss  Gertrude,  res  Mission  Valley 

Allen,  R  C,  British  Vice  Consulate  and  Commission  agent  room 

II  Consolidated  Bank  building,  res  Richelieu 
ALLEN,  W.  W.,    county   surveyor,  office   in  court   house,    res 

South  San  Diego 
Allingham,  Wm,  sewer  contractor,  res  1446  Columbia 
Ailing,  Miss  Florence,  clerk  at  postoflEice,  res  11 12  Fir 
ALLISON,  J,  A.,   (Selwyn    &  Allison),  real  estate,  with  Strong 

&  Arms  826  Fifth,  res  525  Fourteenth  between  H  and  I 
ALLISON,   J.  M.,    (Selwyn  &  Allison)  res  s  w  cor  Third  and  F 
Allison,  J   S,  laborer,  335  Kearney  ave 
Allum,  W  L,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  1212  Tenth 
Allum,  Thomas,  carpenter  and  builder,  D  bet  Thirty-third  and 

Allum,  Roy,  clerk  with  W  B  Emmel,  res  12 12  Tenth 
Almqren,  Louis,  painter,  res  209  Fifteenth 
Alpha  House,  655  Sixth 
Altamirano,  Robert,  res  North  San  .Diego 
Altamirano,  J  A  Jr,  res  North  San  Diego 
Altamirano,  J  A,  res  North  San  Diego 
Altamirano,  Miguel,  res  North  San  Diego 
Alta  Stables,  Johnson  &  Kerr  prop.  Grape  near  Third 
Alvarado,  T,  rancher,  res  1733  First 
Alverson,  C  S,  res  Albemarle 
Alvord,  C  L,  retired  minister,  res  808  Laurel 
Ames,  C  P,  at  garbage  scow,  res  California  bet  Eand  F 
Ames,  Mrs  Geo  R,    res  118  Twentieth 
Ames,  Samuel,  res  North  San  Diego 
Amande,  Wm,  music  teacher,  res  North  San  Diego 
Amenskamp,  Henry,  tailor,  130  Sixth 
Amerne,  R,  carpenter,  425  Fifth 
Amman,  Frank,  barber  537  Fifth 
Anaya,  F,  carpenter,  res  Arctic  and  Beach 
Anderson,  A,  bell  boy,  Hotel  Florence 
Anderson,  A  J,  res  1145  Columbia 
Anderson,  A,  salesman  with  Schranz  &  Polzein,  res  1123  E 


Anderson,  A,  with  Paulson,  res  11 19  E. 

Anderson,  Carrie,  waiter  Horton  house,  res  same 

Anderson,  Chas,  sailor,  res  St  Elmo  house 

Anderson,  C  J,  sewing  machine  agt  13 17   E,  res  425  Milton  ave 

Anderson,  C,  shoemaker  with  F  F  Wright,  res  2434  F 

Anderson,  C  W,  salesman,  res  Tremont  house 

Anderson,  Emel,  driver  for  San  Diego  laundry,  res  11 70  State 

Anderson,  E  W,  clerk  with  R  E  Rowland,  res  1133  H 

Anderson,  G  F,  res  Adelpha  house 

ANDERSON,   G.,  prop  San  Diego  steam  laundry,  res  same 

Anderson,  J  A,  farmer,  res  at  Alhanibra 

Anderson,  John  A,  miner,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Anderson,  J  &  Co,  proprs  St  Charles  saloon  433  Fifth 

Anderson,  J,  res  939  F 

ANDERSON,  M.  B.,  deputy  City  Attorney  (Fuller  &  Anderson) 

res  Albemarle 
Anderson,  August,  sailor,  res  1220  California  street 
Anderson,  Miss  I^aura  B,   stenographer  and  notary  public  with 

Wellborn,  Stevens  &  Wellborn,  rooms  49  and  50  Iceland  blk 
Anderson,  Miss  Anna,  servant  2468  First 
Anderson,  Miss  lyida,  servant,  res  1070  State 
Anderson,  Miss  Lizzie,  chambermaid,  at  Victoria  hotel 
Anderson,  Miss  Matilda,  res  1105  Thirteenth 
Anderson,  Oscar,  shoemaker  with  W  Llewelyn,  res  671  Fifteenth 
Andrea,  Geo,  fruits,  141 7  H  res  same 
Andrews,  N  J,  res  1437  Atlantic 
Angier,  Mrs  A  A,  res  233  Logan  ave 
Ankers,  Mrs  C,  res  330  Milton  ave 

Anna,  A,  Middletown  meat  market,  India  and  Cedar,  res  same 
Angier,  Price,  compositor,  City  printing  Co,  res  233  Logan  ave 
Anguysole,  Chas,  clerk  Mulvey  &  Son,  res  546  Sixteenth 
Angusole,  M,  farmer,  res  438  Milton  ave 

ANNEX  HOME  BAKERY,  Slocum  &  Sweet  props,  11 20  Fourth 
Anthony,  Charles,  assayer,  res  2042  Albatros 
Antuna,  Albert  C,  assistant  Elite  Studio,  res  Eleventh  and  M 
Anselmi,  Joseph,  teamster,  res  2012  India 
Anselmi,  Miss  Carrie,  res  2012  India 
Anthony,  A  W,  mining,  res  1959  State 


Anthony,  Chas,  clerk  Santa  Fe  office,  res  2042  Albatros 

Applegate,  B  W,  book  keeper,  daily  San  Diegan,  res  1634  Seventh 

ARCADE,    THE,  I^  Isaacs,  propr,  ladies'  fancy  goods  815  Fifth 

ARCHER,  MRS.  M.  J.,  prop  Ellsworth  house,  565  Twelfth 

Arey,  B  F,  salesman,  bookkeeper  with  San  Brust,  res  1351  Sixth 

Arey,  Edward  F,  retired,  res  135 1  Eighth 

Arey,  Iv  M,  with  Dodge  &  Burbeck,  res  1351  Sixth 

Argents,  Peter,  longshoreman,  res  1339  India    . 

Armory  Hall,  Second  near  E 

ARflS,  M.  D.,   (Strong  &  Arms)  res  at  Tremont 

Arms,  Rev  G  W,  res  933  Ninth 

Armstrong,  Miss  Lizzie,  teacher  East  school,  res  345  Nineteenth 

Armstrong,  E,  retired,  res   1934  F 

Armstrong, res  122  National  ave 

Armstrong,  Peter,  driver  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  1427  E 
Armstrong,  T  J,  manufaturer  of  show  cases,   store   fixtures   and 

cabinet  work,  916  Second,  res  1934  F 
ARNDT,  DRS.  (H  R  Arndt,  M  D;  G  D,  Arndt,  M  D,)  physicians 

and  surgeons  943  Sixth 
ARNDT,  Q.  D.,  M  D,  (Drs  Arndt)  res  943  Sixth 
ARNDT,  H.  R.,  M  D,  (Drs  Arndt)  res  1732  Third 
ARNE  &  FOSDICK,   (EHArne,   EH  Fosdick)  Pharm'ts,  Sixth 

and  E 
ARNE,  E.  H.,  (Arne  &  Fosdick)  res  at  Brooklin  house 
Arnold,  Fred,  steward  at  Horton  house 

ARNOLD,  G.  C,  real  estate,  917  Fifth,  res  cor  Eighteenth  aud  B 
Arnold,  G  M,-ba^9er,  res  at  Lafayette 
Arnold,  Martin,  shoemaker,  res  1041  F 
Arnold,  Mrs  Jane,  res  861  Eighth 
Arnold,  R  M,  shooting  gallery  446  Fifth,  res  same 
Arnold,  T  J,  lawyer,  res  2012  B 
Arnold,  W  H,  carpenter,  res  861  Eighth 

Artigue,  Leon,  messehger  S  D  Dist  tel  Co,  res  Arctic  &  Juniper 
Artigue,  L,  expressman,  res  Arctic  and  Juniper 
Artley,  S,  miner,  res  Union  house 
Arzaga,  Jo,  printer,  res  843  Fifth 

Archoff,  Ernest,  barkeeper  558  Sixth,  res  Minneapolis 
Arenz,  Jacob,  gardner  with  Jere  W  Clemens,  Mission  Valley 


Ashley,  Wm,  tinner  with  Julian  &  Son,  res  1052  Twelfth 
Ashtenhagen,   R,    upholster  with  Chadbourne    Furniture  Co, 

res  851  Eleventh 
Atherton,  A  W,  clerk  Superior  Court  dept  i,  res  1245  Kighth 
Athletic  Park,  base  ball  ground  University  ave 
Ator,  Charles,  (San  Diego  Truck  Co)  res  420  Fifth 
Ator,  Mrs  Charles,  prop  Home  lunch  room,  428  Fifth 
Auer,  Miss  Clarie,  teacher,  res  Langham 
Aust,  Charles,  miller,  res  319  Milton 
Aust,  C  W,  res  319   Milton  ave 
Austin,  C  Y,  clerk  with  J  S  Mannasse 

AUSTRIAN  BEER  HALL,  I,ouis  Entner,  prop,  n  w  cor  Sixth  &  I 
Averbeck,  Geo,  barber  shop  10 14  D,  res  Coronado 
AVERELL,  W.  fl.,  business  manager  Golden  Era,   res  Bpn  Ton 
AVERILL,    MARIA   B.,  ph)^sician   and  surgeon  946  Sixth,    res 

Averill,  V,  farmer,  res  1934  F 

Avery,  H,  teamster  with  H  C  Treat  &  Co,  res  812  H 
Avery,  Mrs  P  E,  res  816  Julian  ave 
Axtell,'Mrs  L  A,  res  The  lyangham 
Ayers,  C  G,  car  finisher,  res  Third  near  Iv}^ 
Ayers,  Edward  G,  watch  maker,  res  Third  near  Ivy 
Ayers,  Herman  C,  house  decorater,  res  Third  near  Ivy 

BABCOCK,   E.    S.,   Vice    Pres.  Spreckels  Bros    Commercial  Co, 

res  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Babcock,  Fred,  clerk  with  L  Speyer,  res  Fifteenth  and  F 
Babcock,  J  S,  laborer,  res  415  Irving  ave 
Babcock,  J  W,  supt  Pacific  Wire-Cloth  Co,  res  Roseville 
Babcock,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  teacher  in  S  W  Institute,  res  1744  Sec'd 
BABCOCK,  M.  S.,  Attorney-at-law  rooms  21  to  24  Keating  block, 

cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  same 
B  B  &  B  Restaurant,  L  M  Vance  manager,  1050  Fifth 
Bach,  H  W,  cigars  and  tobacco  744  Fifth,  res  1114  G 
Bachman,  A  L,   carpenter  638  Fourth,    res  First  and  Broadway 


Bachman,  Miss  Francis,  res  139  Eleventh 

Bacht,  C,  res  2384  I 

Backenstose,  Edward,  veterinary  surgeon  Sixth  and  H,  res 
2024  G 

Back,  Mrs  M,  midwife,  res  465  Sixteenth 

Backstrom,  Mrs  W  E,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  A 

Backus,  Cornelius,  engineer  with  S  D  laundry,  res  1170  State 

Badgley,  J  B,  salesman  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  1941  Fourth 

Baecht,  George  C,  farmer,  res  3251  J 

Baecht,  Miss  lyouisa,  assistant  teacher  Hinton  dancing  academy 
res  cor  A  and  Sixth 

Baer,  N  &  Co,  hog  and  hominy  store,  941  Fifth,  res  same 

Bagby,  E  H,  with  daily  Union  res 

Bagley,  Thos,  at  power  house,  res  2125  Sixth 

Bahnsen,  Charley,  coachman,  with  J  H  Marshall 

BAILHACHE,  A.  J.,  special  agt  Equitable  Eife  Assurance  As- 
sociation, Room  II  K'uhn  building,  res  2008  D 

BAILHACHE,  J.  M.,  southern  California  mercantile  agency, 
room  II  Kuhn  building,  res  1753  First 

Bailhache,  Wm  H,  deputy  collector  of  customs,  res  2008  D 

Bailey,  Chas  A,  clerk  with  M  Schiller  &  Son,  res  Twenty-third 
and  Pierce  ave 

Bailey,  C  C,  res  Twenty-third  and  Pierce  ave 

Bailey,  H,  health  and  plumbing  inspector  city  hall  res  mo  F 

Bailey,  Geo  A,  pastor  A  M  E  church,  res  805  F 

Bailey,  Dr,  with  M  German,  res  Tremont 

Bailey;  Ida,  res  253  Sixth 

BAILEY,  JAMES  A,  agt  Northwestern  Mutual  Eife  Insurance 
Co,   869  Eleventh,  res  same 

Bailey,  John,  waiter  at  hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Bailey,  Miss  Ella  M,  teacher  in  University  Heights  school 

Bailey,  Mrs  Marj^,  res  926  Eogan  ave 

Bailey,  Rev  R  W,  pastor  M  E  church  South,  res  954  Seventh 

BAILEY,  S.  EVALINE,  M  D,  Homeopathic  physician  and  sur- 
geon, 1528  E,  res  same 

BAILEY,  W.  J.,  (Wyman,  Gruendike  &  Co)  res  Florence  hotel 

Barnes,  Geo  W,  clerk  at  Half  price  house,  res  cor  Twefth  and  A 

Baird,  M  A,  asst  agt  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  National  City 


Baird,  A,  longshoreman,  foot  of  Eighth 

BAKER  &  BAKER,  Drs,  Fred  Baker  M  D,  Charlotte  Baker 

M  D,  physicians  and  surgeons,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  C 
BAKER,  CHARLOTTE  J.,  phj^sician  and  surgeon,  office 

and  res  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  C 
Baker,  D  C,  carpenter,  res  1440  First 
BAKER,  FRED,  M  D,  (Drs  Baker  &  Baker,)  Oculist    and 

Aurist,  office  and  res  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  C 
Baker,  George  Iv,  ticket  clerk  Santa  Fe  route,    1248   D,  res  Cor- 

Baker,  Miss  Blanche,  res  1440  First 
Baker,  Miss  Emma,  waiter,  Albermarle 
Baker,  Miss  Emma,  res  1540  First 
Baker,  Mrs  F  N,  housekeeper,  res  434  Twentj'-second 
Baker,  Mrs  Susan  E,  res  854  Union 
Baker,  Thomas  K,  clerk  with  Spreckles    Bros    Commercial   Co, 

res  near  hotet  del  Coronado 
Baldwin,  FW,  tailor,  res  2142  Arctic 
Balkner,  G  H,  with  F  M  Delmazzo,  res  1154  Eighteenth 
Ball,  Miss,  res  1509  First 
Ball,  Mrs  E  M,  res  2831  H 
Ball,  Miss  Lou,  teacher,  res  2831   H 
Ball  Wm,  res  1509  First 

Ballard,  W  E,  with  W  M  Moak,  res  Front,  bet  E  and  D 
BALLING,  AUGUST,  San  Diego  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res 
Ballmon,  John,  wood  pedler,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  M 
BALLOU,  G.  H.  &  CO.,  coffee  roasters,  tea  and  coffeee   impor- 
ters and  jobbers,  n  e  cor  Fifth    and   K,    (Geo.    H.    Ballon, 

Arthur  Cosgrove) 
BALLOU  Q.  H.,  (G  H  Ballon  &  Co)  res  n  e  cor  Twenty-fourth 

and  J 
Balowich,  George,  longshoreman,  res  cor  Third  and  G 
Balpenbrenk,  Peter  J,  res  511  Boston  ave 
Balthaza,  Miss  Frederaika,  res  at  Montrose 
Balthaza,  Miss    Hattie,   trimmer  at   Cash    Milliner}'  Store,   res 

Baltimore,  W  T,  brickla3'^er,  res  418  Grand  ave 
Bancroft,  Mrs  Caroline,  res  944  Twelfth 


Band,  August,  with  San  Diego  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  Russ 

BANK  OF  COMMERCE,  G  W  Jorres,  Cashier,  841  Fifth 

Banks,  J  H,  laborer,  res  2451  Fifth 

Banks,  F  S,  with  San  Diego  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  Thir- 
teenth and  K 

BANNISTER,  EDW.,  attorney-at-law,  1336  D,  res  927  F 

Banstone,  I^  E,  shoemaker,  with  Havemale  &  Rossier,  res  Seven- 
teenth and  F 

Banyer,  Catalina,  res  820  H 

Barbeling,  Joseph,  tailor,  res  1735  Columbia 

Barber,  C  K,  manager  Cable  Pavillion,  University  Heights,  res 

BARBER,  CLARENCE  L.,  (Sprigg  &  Barber)  res  Fifth  and 
Robinson  ave 

Barber,  Wm,  driver,  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  E  bet  Fourteenth 
and  Fifteenth. 

BARBOUR,  J.  H.,  cashier  Consolidated  National  Bank,  res  1648 

Barbour,  Miss  Mary,  res  1648  Union 

Barclay,  Allan,  clerk  Great  American  ImptTea  Co,  res  Eighth 
bet    D  and  E 

BARCLAY,  J.  A.,  dealer  in  watches,  clocks,  jewelry  and  dia- 
monds, 864  Fifth,  res  934  Eighth 

BARCLAY,  T.  B.,  clerk  with  J  A  Barclay,  res  934  Eighth 

Bargston,  John,  truck  driver,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Barker,  S  F  &  son,  (S  F  Barker,  A  S  Barker),  dealers  in  watches, 
clocks,  diamonds  and  jewelry,  818  Fifth 

Barker,  A  S,  (Barker  &Son),  res  University  Boulevard  Univer- 
sity Heights 

Barker,  R  W,  retired,  res  1958  Second 

Barker,  S  F,  (Barker  &  Son),  res  Uuiversit}^  Boulevard,  Uni- 
versity Heights 

Barley,  J  W,  res  1123  Eogan  ave 

Barling,  Fred,  waiter  at  Cuyamaca  Club 

Barlow,  A,  agent,  res  Thirty-third  and  E 

Barlow,  John,  mechanic,  res  1555  Front 

Barlow,  Miss  Josephine  M,  dressmaker,  res  1555  Front 


Barnardini,  A,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  J 

Barnes,  B  T,  carpenter  and  joiner,  1:230  C,  res  615  Ash 

Barnes,  B  Y,  clerk  with  S  J  Sill,  res  1840  First 

BARNES,  F.  J.,  dentist,  room  1-2-3  7^7  Fifth,  res  1744  Front 

Barnes,  F  W,  retired,  res  1840  First 

Barnes,  James  A,  retired,  res  1744  Front 

Barnes,  W  M,  miner,  res  2436  H 

Barnett,  Mrs  C  J,  lodging  house,  529  Fifth 

Baron,  J  R,  rancher,  res  230  Thirty-first 

Barrows,  H  L,  broker,  res  431  Twelfth 

Barth,  W  G,  pattern  maker,  res  Grand  Pacific 

Bartlett,  A  H,  res  852  Fourteenth 

Bartholomew,  Chas  H,  clerk  at  Postofiice,  res  1435  B 

Barton,  R  W,  teamster,  res  826  B 

Bashford,  Mrs  May,  seamstress,  res  546  Union 

Bass,  John  D,  blacksmith  1720  D 

Bassett,  Mrs  M  B,  res  836  Columbia 

Bassett,  W  A,  Collector  with  Consolidated  National  Bank,  res 
830  Columbia 

Batchalder,  A  B,  carpenter,  res  Twenty-first  and  Kearney 

Bates,  C  B,  with  Singer  Sewing  Machine  Co,  res  747  Ninth 

Bates,  Geo  A,  657  Fifth,  manager  Singer  Sewing  Machine  Co 

BATES,  F.  E.,  general  manager  Bates  Implement  Co,  res  cor 
Fourth  and  Ash 

BATES    iMPLEflENT  CO.,  F  B  Bates,  gen  manager,  213  Fifth 

Bates,  Mrs  Mary,  1412  Fourth 

Battin,  Hanson  T,  salesman.  New  Home  bakery,  res  Windsor 

Batty,  —  plasterer,  res  Windsor 

Bauer,  Mrs  C  A,  rooms  1436  C 

Baugh,  Irvin,  salesman  Russ  Bumber  Co,  res  119  Sixteenth 

Baugh,  M  C,  res  119  Sixteenth 

Baugh,  Newton,  shipping  clerk  Russ  Bumber  Co,  res  119  Six- 

Baxter,  Duncan,  sail  maker  233  H 

Bay  City  Bakery,  Frank  X  Winter,  proprietor  1022  Second 

BAY  CITY  STEAM  DYEING  and  CLEANING  works,  B  Huef- 
ner,  prop,  1419  D 

Bayless,  F  C,  lineman,  S  D  G  &  B  L  Co,     • 


BAY  VIEW  HOTEL,  J  V  Collins,  prop,  cor  Twelfth  and  I 
Beach,  M  Y,  correspondent  N  Y  Tribune,  res  at  Florence  hotel 
Beale,    Dr  J  B  H,  retired,  res  428  lyOgan  ave 
Beale,  Wm  J,  with  Model  Steam  laundry,  res  428  lyOgan  ave 
Bean,  Chas  H,  agent  Equitable  Life  Ins  Co,  of  N  Y,  915  Fourth 

res  2020  Fourth 
Bean,  J  C,  M  D,  retired,  res  gio  Logan  ave 
Beard,  Amos,  millwright,  res  326  Milton  ave 
Beardsley,  H  M,  farmer,  res  North  Challos,  El  Cajon  road 
Becht,  Fred,  stableman,  at  H  st   livery  stables,  res   I,  bet  Four- 
teenth and  Fifteenth 
Beck,  H  W,  with  E  H  Boscher,  res  New  Carleton 
Beck,  Geo  P,  Clazier,  828  Fourth 
Beck,  J  G,  res  1902  F 
Beck,  J  M,  carpenter,  res  923  Ninth 

Beck,  Miss  Hattie  A,  book-keeper,  for  M  F  Heller,  res  1902  F 
Beck,  Mrs  M  A,  res  iiii  Cedar 

Becker,  Florence,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  720  Twentieth 
Becker,  Peter,  bar  keeper  at  Victoria  saloon,  res  same 
Beckett,  Miss  Florence  I,,  res  Clay  ave  near  Thirty-first 
Beckett,  Miss  Mamie,  res  Clay  ave  near  Thirty-first 
Beckett,  Wm,  book-keeper  with  McKenzie    Bros,  res  1632  State 
Beckett,  Wm  M,  shoemaker,  res  641  Milton  ave 
Beckett,  Wm  R,  carriage  painter,  Clay  ave,  near  Thirty-first 
Beebe,  H  H,  foreman  copperplate  department  at  German's,  res 

858  Seventh 
Beedy,  George,  farmer,  res  1148  Union 
Beemis,    Miss  Lottie  T,  ornamental  etcher,   at  German's,  res  at 

Grand  Central 
Beem,  Mrs  Waneta,  res  922  Front 

Beeshalter,  W  H,  jeweller,  with  K  C  Naylor,  res  539  Eighth 
Beers,  W  A,  fruits,  notions,  etc,  946  D,  res  same 
Begg,  John,  inventer,  res  Montezuma 
Behrens,  J  B,  janifor,  res  833  Union 
Beja  Chas,  fruit,  1423  E,  res  Leland  blk 

BELDINQ,  S.  W,,  secretary  Board  of  Public  Works,  res  3024  D 
Beldon,  Ed,  assistant  pressman.  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  1771  Fifth 
Belha,  Miss  Mabel,  waiter  Commercial  hotel 


Bell,  —  carpenter,  cor  India  and  Juniper 

Bell,  AR,  carpenter,  res  348  Fifteenth 

Bell,  C,  clerk  with  Prentice  &  Co,  res  National  City 

BELL,  C  U,  (Shaw  &  Bell),  res  1414  Fifth 

Bell,  John,  R,  contractor,  and  builder,  res  Quince  and  Columbia 

Bell,  Mrs  J  F,  hairdresser,  1152  Third 

Bell,  Walter,  waiter,  Hotel  Florence 

Bell,  Z  B,  mason,  res  335  Twelfth 

Bellamy,  Edward,  hostler,  res  845  Tenth 

Bellamy,  Henry,  carpenter,  res  1929  K 

Bellamy,  Thos,  laborer,  res  2039  K 

Belle  Viev/  House,  Mrs  Anna  Burns,  proprietor,  cor  Fourth  and 

G  streets 
Bellgarde,  Miss  Louise,  nurse,  res  1820  Fourth 
Bellya,  Mrs  Josephine   res  1242  Fourth 
Bellya  Miss  May,  res  1242  Fourth 
Belthaza.  Miss    Hattie,    trimmer  at    Cash   Millinery   store,    res 

Belz,  Henry,  machinist,  res  802  Kearney  ave 
Benard,  E,  Mission  Valley  Nursery 

Benbough,  Chas,  apprentice  res  Twenty-sixth  and  Logan  ave 
Bendaugh,  Isaac  W,  retired,  res  805  Logan  ave 
Benjamin,  B  A,  cashier  with  Klauber  &  Levi,  res  1145  First 
Benjamin,  Mrs  E,  res  811  Milton  ave 
Bennett,  F  R,  farmer,  res  2  Seventeenth 
Benoit,  V,  propr  Conimercial  restaurant,  758  Fifth,  res  same 
Benson,  Geo  A,  foreman  Old  Reliable  Tent  Co,  res  720  Third 
Benson,   S,  carpenter,  res  Sixteenth  and  I 
Benton,  E  C,  retired,  res.  325  Clay  ave 
Benton,  Mrs  C,  furnished  rooms,  652  Fourth 
Benton,  R  H,  stock  raiser,  res  325  Clay  ave 
Benton,  W  C,  cigar  maker,  at  Sensenbrenner's,  res  1228  First 
Benz,  FJ,  carpenter,  with  Russ  planing  mill,  res  5 13,  Milton  ave 
Bepp,   Geo,  engineer  with  J  R  Seifert,  res  foot  of  Fourth 
Bereza,  Col  C,  miner,  1428  B 
Berkshire,  S  C,  cook,  321  Seventh 
Bernard,  Francois,  res  957  Arctic 
BERRY,  JOHN  R.,  Collector  of  Customs,  res  1045,  Eighth 


Bertelson,  G  O,  barber,  res  354  Fifteenth 

Bertina,  P,  laborer,  Third  bet  H  and  I 

Best,  Wm  Jr,  traveling  salesman,  with  Todd&  Hawley,  res  cor 
Sixth  and  D 

Betts,  E  W,  res  844  Irving  ave 

Bevington,  John,  cigars  and  notions,  425  H,  res  same 

BEYER,  WM.,  merchant  tailor,   1342  D,  res  1229  Columbia 

Biddle,  Ben,  printer,  res  744  Sixteenth 

Biddle,  Mrs  Ella,  res  839  Front 

Biddle,  Steve,  res  foot  of  India 

Bidwell,  Geo  N,  salesman  and  engineer,  S  D  Feed  Mills,  res  443 

Bidwell,  Jas,  prop  S  D  Feed  Mills,  res  443  Twelfth 

Biessac,  W,^  res  cor  Front  and  D 

Bigelow,  C  Eee,  paper  carrier,  res  254  Seventeenth 

Bigelow,  Mrs  Eliza,  artist,  res  254  Seventeenth 

Biggerstaff,  E  K,  clerk  with  W  E  Little  &  Co,  res  at  Keystone 

Biggerstaff,  Miss  Norine,  teacher  in  East  school 

Biggs,  Floyd,  rooms  1436  C 

Bigsby,  I  R,  res  729  Twelfth 

Bigsby,  R,  res  near  South  San  Diego 

Bigsero,  Edward,  laborer,  res  Sixteenth  and  Milton  ave 

Bihlmann,  Miss  Emma,  servant,  2405  First,  cor  Kalmia 

BLIES,  A.  F.,  manager  Whittier  Fuller  &  Co,  res  2828  H 

Bills,  George,  gripman,  res  Oak,  near  Vermont 

Bingham,  C  D,  compositor  Daily  Union,  res  Metropolitan 

Binkley,  I^  I,,  res  42  Seventeenth 

Binz,  S,  res  3333  F 

BIRCH,  J.  R.  S.,  Probate  Attorney,  room  8  Allyn  blk,  cor 
Fifth  and  E,  res  Boone  Bros'  addition 

Birch,  M  I,  retired,  res  Boone  Bros'  addition 

Bird,  B  F,  (Smith  &  Bird),  cor  Seventh  and  H,  res  1907  H 

BIRD,   R.  A,,  supt  Russ  Planing  mill,  res  940  Thirteenh 

BIRDSALL,  A.  W.,  (S  D  Cycle  and  Machine  Co,)  res  Commer- 
cial hotel 

Birdsall,  Ealey,  res  Commercial  hotel 

Birdsall,  E  W,  res  at  Commercial  hotel 

BIRDSALL,  riRS.  M.  J.,  prop  Commercial  hotel,  res  same 


• . 

BIRKEL,  GEO.  J.,   pianos,  organs  and  musical   instrumements, 

agt  Steck  and  Vose  pianos,  1050-52  Fourth,   res  Albemarle 
Bisbee,  C  P,  lumberman,  with  West  Coast  lyumber  Co,  res  1145 

Bisbee,  C  S,  delivery  clerk  West  Coast  I^umber  Co,  res  1145 

Bishop,  Jas,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 
Bishop,  Iv  W,  compositor  City  Printing  Co,    res  North    Chqllas 

valley,  Kl  Cajon  road 
Bishop,  Miss  Ethel  h,  res  First  and  Broadway 
Bishop,  Mrs  P,  res  First  and  Broadway 
Bissmae,  August,  teamster,  res  Third,  near  Robinson 
Bitchnau,  Mrs  E,  dressmaker,  846  Fourth,  res  same 
Bizzers,  Mitchell,  painter,  res  224  Main 
Black,  G  W,  street  car  conductor,  res  321 1  H 
Black,  J  H,  printer,  res  L,,  bet  Fifteenth  and  Sixteenth 
Black,  J  J,  driver  for  Excelsior  Bottling  and   Extract   Co,    res 

1027  Second 
Black,  S  J,  carpenter,  165  Fifteenth 
BLACK,  W.  THURSTON,    portrait   painter,    rooms    17    and    18 

Backesto  blk,  res  944  Twelfth 
Blackledge,  T  H,  street  car  driver,    res  A  bet  Fourteenth  and 

Blackledge,  Mrs  M  J,  res  A  bet  Fourteenth  and  Fifteenth 
Blackledge,  Miss  Ora,  milliner,  res  A  bet   Fourteen  and  Fifteen 
Blackmar,  J  Q,  with  G  B  Watson,  res  Fifteenth  and  the  Park 
Blackmer,  E  T,  musical  instruments  and  sheet  music,  951  Fifth 

res  Reed  blk 
Blackmer,  J  K,  cigar  factory,  and  barber  shop,  1317  F 
Blackmer,  Lewis,  general  clerk  at  library,  res  Chollas  valley 
BLADES,  PAUL  H.,  editor  Daily  Union,  room  34  Montezuma 
^Blades,  Mrs  Francis  Bagby,  editor  Great  South  West,  res  Mon-. 

tezuma  blk 
Blair,  Sam,  cook,  at  Commercial  restaurant  ' 

BLAISDELL,  FRANK  E,  (S  G  Blaisdell  &  Son),  res  cor  Second 

and  C,  Coronado 
BLAISDELL,  S.  Q.,  (S  G    Blaisdell  and  Son),  res    cor  Second 

and  C,  Coronado 


BLAISDELL,  5.  Q.  &  50N,  (S  G  Blaisdell,  Frank  E  Blaisdell) 

nurserymen  and  florists,  1146  Fifth 
Blake,  W  T,  with  Daily  Union,  res  Albemarle 
Blakeslee,.  H  B,  res  120  Boston  ave 
Blakeslee,  J  H,  rancher,  res  118  Boston  ave 

Blanchard,  E  A,   painter,    res    Clay    ave,    bet   Thirty-first    and 
Blanchard,  S  C,  fish  packer,  res  North  San  Diego 
Blanchard,  Wm,  engineer,  1322  India 

Blanchard,  Mrs  M.  E,  res  1307  Twefth 
Blanchard,  Mrs  M,  dressmaker,  res    Foot  of  I 
Blessing,  Mrs  C  K,  boarding,  res  1532  Arctic 
BLETHEN  &  DOWD,  (Fred  Blethen,   S    Doud),    Star   Uvery 

Stable,  cor  Seventh  and  J 
BLETHEN,  FRED,  (Blethen  &  Doud),  res  Eighth,  bet  J  and  K 
Blockman,  E  R,  vnth   Chicago    Photo   gallery,    res   Thirty-two 

Bancroft  ave 
BLOCHMAN,   L.  A.,  (M  Blochman  &  Son],  res  834  Ninth 
BLOCHMAN,  M.  &  SON,  general   merchandise,  [M  Blochman, 

ly  A  Blochman] ,  622  Fifth 
BLOCHMAN,  M.,  [M  Blochman  &  Son],  res  834  Ninth 
BLOCHMAN,  fllSS  CORA,  book-keeper  for  Blochman  &  Son, 

res  834  Ninth 
Blodgett,  Mrs  R  S,  res  390  Twentieth 
Bloodgood,  W  D,  room  11  Kuhn  blk,  res  2346  Second 
Bloom,  E  F,  farmer,  res  228  Sixteenth 
Blondean,  Mrs  B  S,  res  2389  D 
Blyth,  Robert,  res  Mission  Valley 
Blyth,  Miss  Lizzie,  res  Mission  Valley 

Boal,  T  B,  head  salesman  with  J  D  Burch  &  Co,  res  at  Lafayette 
BOARD  OF  EDUCATION,  cor  F  and  Fifth 
BOARD  OF  PUBLIC   WORKS,  V  D  Rood,  C  H  Stevens,  Com 

missioners;  S  W  Belding,  Sec,  City  Hall 
BOARD  OF  TRADE,  H  C  Treat,  Pres;  Sam  F  Smith,  Sec;  John 

R  Aitkin,  Atty;  ofiice  rooms  i  to  5,  cor  Fifth  and  F 

berti,  Pres,  office  cor  Fourth  and  K 
Board,  Miss  Ella,  linen  girl,  Hotel  Florence 


BOAZ,    R   L,  new  and   second   hand  furniture,  733  and  734 

Sixth,  res  1632  F 
Bochman,  railroader,  res  First  and  Lewis 
Bodell,  Mrs  Ellen,  res  1135  Fifteenth 

Boeckh,  F  C,  teacher  of  violin,  and  piano  music  940  Front 
Boehme,    Miss  Annie,  pastry  cook  at  Detroit  Bakery,    res  11 52 

Boerensen,  August  A,  carpenter,  res  Berlin  House 
Bogan,  John,  retired,  res  208  E 
Bogue,   C  C,  retired,  res  413  National  ave 
Bogue,.  M,  res  319  Clay  ave 

Bogue,    Mrs  M  E,  notions,  341  National  ave,  res  319  Clay  ave     . 
Bogue,  V  C,  res  319  Clay  ave 
Bohaoz,  Frank,  clerk  with  T  Czerwinsky,  res  Thirteenth  and  G 

BOHNERT,    MATH  IAS,    propr   Cuyamaca   Stables,    res 
Bohnert,  John,  butcher  at  Hardys,  res  Metropolitan 

cor  Third  and  C 
Bohnert,  Matt,  foreman  stables  of  Chadbourne  furniture  Co,  cor 

Third  and  C 
Boillot,  Chas,  res  744  Eighth 
Bolan,  Wm,  barber,  res  819  F 
Boles,  Charley,  res  240  Sixth 

Bolman,  Andy,  with  Thos  McCabe,  res  Fifteenth  and  M 
Bolman,  John,  with  Thos  McCabe,  res  Fifteenth  and  M 
Bolman,  John,  laborer,  res  Fifteenth  and  M 

BOLTON   &  GREEN,  (J    W    Bolton    and   A  A    Green), 

barbers  1442  Fourth 
Bolton,  I  T,  bookbinder  with  Gould  Hutton  &  Co,  res  1609  Fourth 
BOLTON,  J   W,   (Bolton  &  Green),  res  629  First 
Bona,  G  F,  Groceries,  2348  K,  res  same 
Bonduvant,  J  H,  retired,  res  530  National  ave 
BONE,   S  W,   (Phillips  &  Bone),  res  318  Eogan  ave 
Bonner,  Albert,  clerk,  res  629  Sixteenth 
Bonner,   Miss  Rosaline,  res  629  Sixteenth 
Bonner,  Miss  Vere,  res  629  Sixteenth 
Bonner  Mrs  M,  res  629  Sixteenth 
Bon  Ton  Lodging  House,    O  H  Colton  propr  corSixth  and  D 


BON   TON    RESTAURANT,   Mrs  Elvira  Price  propr  552 

Booher,  S,  gripman,  res  Fourth  and  Palm 
Booker,  Edward,  carpenter,  res  721  Ash 
Bookprinter,  Charles,  laborer  638  Grand  ave 
BOONE,  GRIFFITH  &  CO.,  (B  F  Boone,  A  B  Griffith,)   real 

estate,  856  Sixth,  bet  E  and  F 
BOONE,  B.  F.,  (Boone,  Griffith  &  Co,)  res  1039  Twelfth 
BOONE,   L.  L.,  attorney-at-law,  Kuhn  buldg,  cor  Fourth  andD 

res  1039  Twelfth. 
Boorse,  Miss  Ivizzie  A,  teacher  public  schools,  res  854  Tenth 
BOOTH,  MISS  EMMA,  clerk  W.  U.  Tel.  Co.  res  845  Ninth 
Booth,  Thos,  music  dealer,  1133  Sixth 
Borman,  Wm,  lineman,  S  D  Dist  Tel  Co,  res  at  I^angham 
Borrett,  Geo  N,  stock  raiser,  res  I,  bet  Twenty-ninth  &  Thirtieth 
BOSCHER,  E.  H.,  pharmacist,  s  e  cor  H  and  Fifth,  res  same 
Boselli,  L,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  929  Fifth,  rooms  Brevoort 
Bosley,  C  H,  engineer  at  Electric  plant,  res  Windsor 
Bosley,  G  M,  carpenter,  res  Windsor 
Bosley,  Wm,  engineer,  res  Windsor 
Botes,  E  W,  farmer,  res  643  Seventeenth 
Botsford,  F  T,  capitalist,  res  1256  State 
Bostwick,  ly,  gripman,  res  University  Heights 
Bottroff,  John,  longshoreman,  res  foot  of  Ninth 
Boughton,  J  B,  carpenter,  res  841  Second  , 

Bonn,  J,  street  car  driver,  res  Metropolitan 
Boup,  Joseph,  butcher  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  slaughter  house 
Bouregard,  res  523  Newton  ave 
Bouscat  J,  French  lyaundry,  644  Atlantic 
Bouver,  L,,  res  2120  Arctic 

Bovet,  Miss  J,  (Hill  &  Bovet,  res  Front,  bet  D  and  E 
Bovyer,  John  A,  cabinet  maker,  530  Fourth,  res  917  Ninth  ^ 
Bowden,  John,  carpenter,  Atlantic  and  Grape 
Bowen,  Arthur  M,  clerk  with  J  H  McKie,  res  438  Newton  ave 
Bowen,  W  T,  rancher,  res  438  Newton  ave 
Bower,  G  H,  clerk,  res  541  Sixth 
BOWER,  M.  D.,  fruits,  candy  and  cigars,    1062    Fifth,   res 

cor  Sixth  and  Ash 


BOWER,  W.  W.,  clerk  for  M  D  Bower,  res  cor  6th  and  Ash 

Bowers,  Chas,  laborer,  with  Geo  B  Watson  &  Co 

Bowers,  G  M  D,  rancher,  res  Twenty-first  and  C 

Bowers,  J  M,  saddler,  1532  H,  res  Ninth  and  D 

BOWERS,  Hon.  W  .W.,   member  of  Congress,   res  Bay 

View  Hotel 
Bowler,  A  G,  printer,  230  National  ave 
BOWLER  &   BROWN,  (C  H  Brown,  G  W  Bowler,)  real 

estate  brokers,  n  w  cor  8th  and  H 
BOWLER,  Q.  W.,  (Bowler  &  Brown)  res  2120  H 
Bowler,  R,  compositor.  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  232  National  ave 
Bowles,  K  K,  with  Dailey  Union,  rooms  at  Langham 
Bowles,  R  B,  salesman  with  J  D  Burch  &  Co,  res  1036  Ninth 
Bowman,  Ed,  bar  tender,  res  foot  of  State 
Bowman,  Miss  Ida  J,  res  755  Fourteenth 
Bowman,  Mrs  Jane,  seamstress,  res  foot  of  Eighth 

BOWN   &  CLIFF,  (GWBown;Thos  Cliff),    Sign    Paint- 

847  ers.  Sixth 
BOWN,  GEO.  W.,  (Bown  &  Cliff),  847  Sixth,  res  525,  B 
Bowne,  W  S,  tinner,  2430  K,  res  same 
Boyce,  John  R,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence 
Boyce,  Mrs  Julia  E,  res  1922  F 

BOYD    &  STAHEL,  (JA   Boyd;    A    Stahel),    Palace   Crockery 
^         Store,  1019-1021  Fifth 
Boyd,  David,  teamster,  res  goi  Milton  ave 
BOYD,  J.  A.,  (Boyd  &  Stahel,)  res  Seventh  and  Cedar 
Boyle,  Daniel,  porter,  res  Beech,  bet  Front  and  Union 
Boy  sen.  A,  with  Russ  Lumbar  Co,  res  241  Sixteenth 
Bradbury,  E  G,  with  J  D  Burch  &  Co,  res  18 16  B 
Braden,  Miss  Helen,  Cadet  teacher 

Bradford,  Mrs  P  C,  marriner,  room  29  Bon  Ton,  res  same 
BRADSHAW,  A.  N.,  (Bradshaw  &  Wood),  res  1046  Twelfth 
BRADSHAW  &  WOOD,  (J  D   Wood;     A    N    Bradshaw);    real 
estate  and  investment  brokers,  1424  E,   bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
Bradt,  G  G,  furnished  rooms,  1248  Fifth 

Bradt,  Henry,  deputy  city  assessor,  res  A,  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 
BRADT,  HORACE,  grocer,  1240-48   Fifth,  res    12 19  Thirteenth 


Bradley,  K  E,  fruit  and  cigar  stand,  cor  D  and  Arctic,  res  Cali- 
fornia, near  Willow 

Brady,  G  W,  teamster,  res  at  Capitol  hotel 

Brad}^  Mrs  M  C,  prop  Capitol  hotel,  749  Fourth 

Brady,  Mrs  S  M,  res  1501  India 

Bralin,  Gus,  plasterer,  res  Oak  ave  near  Vermont 

Braly,  J  C,  money  loaner,  res  13 13  Sixth 

Brand,  Robert,  clerk  with  McKay  Bros,  res  1 154  Third 

Brandt,  C  C,  retired,  643  Sixth,  res  same 

Braten,  John,  clerk  with  The  Lewis  Co,  res  Kighth  and  J 

BRAUN,  F.  W.  &  CO.,  Wholesale  Druggists,  309  Fifth 

■Bray,  B  M,  res  Franklin  ave  near  Twenty-fifth 

Breed,  Mrs,  boarding  house,  1723  J 

I*>reeding,  M  C,  book-keeper  with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  370  Twelfth 

Breedlove,  C  W,  res  233  Fifteenth 

Breese,  Geo,  res  1139  Fifteenth 

Breese,  Oscar,  with  Cuyamaca  Stable,  res  1139  Fifteenth 

BREESE,  R.,  manager  S  D  Undertaking  Co,  res  1137  Fifteenth 

Breitenstein,  Rose,  clerk  with  L,  Speyer,  res  Commercial  hotel 

Brelin,  Carl,  gardener,  2468  First 

Brelin,  Miss  Ida,  servant,  2425  First 

Brenfleck,  Wm  &  Co,  (Wm  Brenfleck;  Wm  Oberlies)  prop  Sil- 
ver Gate  Bath  House,  foot  of  Fifth 

Brenfleck,  Wm,  (Wm  Brenfleck  &  Co,)  res  P  C  S  S  wharf 

Brennan,  J  B  F,  clerk  with  J  G  Gaffagan,  res  1732  F 

BRENNING,  J.  W.,  Chief  of  Police,  res  Plaza  Palace 

Brevoort  house,  A  Gould,  prop,  1235  Fifth 

Brewer,  H  W,  carpenter,  741  Sixth,  res  2646  N 

Brewer,  John,  seaman,  res  817  Columbia 

Brewster,  Col  O,  capitalist,  res  at  the  Bay  View 

BREWSTER  HOTEL,  J  E  O'Brien,  manager,  s  e  cor  Fourth 
and  C 

BREWSTER  PHARMACY,  E  M  Brickey,  prop,  s  e  cor  Fourth 
and  C 

Bryant,  Mrs  Lucy  I,  furnished  rooms,  res  622  Eleventh 

BRICKEY,  E.  M.,  prop  of  Brewster  Pharmacy,  cor  Fourth 
and  C 


Brico,  Robt,  cigar  maker  at  Sensenbrenners'  res  H,    bet  Eighth 

and  Ninth 
Briggs,  E  C,  night  clerk  Horton  house,  res  same 
Briggs,  Mrs  Jane,  res  519  Boston  ave 
Brigance,  Mrs  E  M,  res  1125  B 

Brinkman,  Mrs  C,  Ivadies'  Suit  house,  1046  Fifth,  res  same 
Brimhall,  Chas,  barber,  res  139  National  ave 
Brimhall,  Silas  J,  student,  res  925  lyOgan  ave 
BRIMHALL,  W.  E.,  retired,  res  925  Logan  ave 
Brimhall,  Miss  Gertrude  M,  musician,  res  925  Logan  ave 
Brisco,  J,  candy  maker  with  A  M,  Ingersoll,  res  1726  H 
BRITT,  E.  W.,  (Hunsaker,  Britt  &  Goodrich),  res    cor    Fourth 

and  Maple 
Brockett,  W  J,  pickle  factory,  cor  Sixth  and  J 
Brockway,  J  C,  teamster,  res  Beech  and  Columbia 
Broadnax,  T  W,  police  officer,  res  820  Milton  ave 
Brodrick,  Mrs  J  D,  res  2109  Second 
Bronegl,  Henry,  baker,  res  1322  Arctic 
Bronori,  fisherman,  foot  of  India 
Brookes,  Miss  Grace  L,  res  Third  and  Brookes 
Brookes,  Miss  Hattie  M,  res  Third  and  Brookes 
Brookes,  Mrs.  H  N,  res  Third  and  Brookes 
Brooklyn,  Mrs  H  Hughes,  prop,  furnished  rooms,  1629  E 
Brooks,  E  P,  dairy,  res  543  National  ave 
Brooks,  Frank  H,    collecting  agency,   room    8   Kuhn   blk, 
Brooks,  James  F,  real  estate,  res  Third  and  Juniper 
Brooks,  Jas  M,  nurseryman,  14 19  Ash 

Brooks,  C  F,  retired  banker,  res  Campus  ave,  University  Heights 
Brooks,  John,  wood  turner  with  India  Street  Plaining  Mill,    res 

Brooks,  Miss  Daisy,  res  Mission  valley 
Brooks,  Mrs  Dr  T  K,  res  Third  and  Juniper 
Brooks,  Richard,  contractor  352  Fifth 
Brophy,  J  E,  manager  Union  Stables,  res  at  Stables 
Brown,  Benj  F,  retired  res  1635  Sixth 
BROWN,  C.  H.,  (Bowler  &  Brown)  res  643  Nineteenth 
Brown,  D  R,  custom  house  inspector,  res  725  Milton  ave 
Brown,  E,  Dyeing  and  cleaning,  956,   Fifth,  res  12 16  Sixth 



Brown,  E  F,  foreman  Russ  ly  Co,  1543  Eighth 

Brown,  Frank,  res  North  San  Diego 

Brown,   Emanuel,  tailor,  956  Fifth,  res  12 16  Sixth 

Brown,   George,  carpenter,  res  15 13  Atlantic 

Brown,  Gratz  K,  attorney,  30  Consolidated  Bank  blk 

Brown,  J  A  F,  retired,  res  11 18  Twenty-fifth  cor  Grant. 

Brown,  John,  cattle  dealer,  res  North  San  Diego 

Brown,  John,  retired,  res  lyafayette  house 

Brown,  J  T,  expressman,  res  446  Sixteenth 

Brown,  Miss  Alice  V,  music  teacher,  res  1046  Tenth 

Brown,  Miss  Alice  M,  res  1635  Sixth 

Brown,  Miss  Anna  E,  music  teacher,  res  1046  Tenth 

Brown,  Miss  Carrie,  dressmaker  res  811  Thirteenth 

Brown,  Miss  Carrie,  res  1757  First 

Brown,  Miss  Esther  M,  res  17 10  Union 

Brown,  Miss  Kate,  dressmaker,  1730  D 

Brown,  Miss  Rebecca;  bookkeeper  with  Schiller  &  Murtha,  res 

1 2 16  Sixth  "^ 

Brown,  Mrs  H,  washerwoman,  233  Ninth 
Brown,  Mrs  Mary  F,  res  1121  F 
Brown,  Mrs  S  H,  res  811  Thirteenth 
Brown  S,  plasterer,  22  Seventeenth 
Brown,  S  M,  bricklayer,  res  346  Colton  ave 
Brown,  Stephen,  rancher,  res  423  Oliver  ave 
Brown,  R  C,  retired  attorney,  res  1046  Tenth 
Brown,  Tom,  with  New  Carleton  hotel,  res  same 
Brown,  Thos  C,  janitor  Sherman  Heigths  school,  res    216    Six- 
Browne,  D  R,  inspector  of  customs,  res  725  Milton  ave 
Bruner,  F  P,  clerk  W  F  &  Co.,   res  E  bet   Thirty-second   and 

BRUSCHI,  V.  &  CO.,  (V  Bruschi,   M   Bruschi,)   wholesale  and 

retail  groceries,  produce  and  commission  403  Fifth  cor  J 
BRUSCHI,  M.,  (V.  Bruschi  &  Co,)  res  at  Grand  Pacific 
BRUSCHI,  v.,  (V.  Bruschi  &  Co,)  res  K  near  Sixth 
Bruske,  Marco,  grocer,  cor  Fifth  and  G,  res  1526  K 
Brust,  Jacob,  tailor,  750  Fifth,  res  726  Fifth 


BRUST,  SAM,  Wholesale    and  Retail  Cigars  and  Tobacco,  724 

and  726  Fifth,  res  1141  Ninth,  bet  B  and  C 
Bryan,  Solan,  carpenter,  res  1345  State 

Bryant  Bros,  (S  C  Bryant,  J  D  Bryant),  grocers,  424  National  ave 
Bryant,  A  B,  tinner,  res  834  E 
Bryant,  K  S,  retired,  714  National  ave 
Bryant,  J  D,  (Bryant  Bros),  res  424  National  ave 
Bryant,  S  C,  (Bryant  Bros,)  res  817  Thirtieth 
Bryden,  Mrs  C,  res  1141  Twelfth 
Bryson,  W  D,  rancher,  res  lyinda  Vista  district 
Bubenik,  John,  baker,  res  402  Colton  ave 
Bubenik,  Mary,  res  402  Colton  ave 
Buchler,  Jacob,  retired,  res  713  Irving  ave 
Buchler,  Miss  Tillie  C,  clerk  at  postoffice,  res  713  Irving  ave 
Buchler,  Mrs  J,  res  713  Irving  ave 
Buchner,  Geo,  upholster,  res  933  Ninth 
Buck,  Adam,  res  2143  Fifth 

Buck,  H  A,  ticket  clerk  S  P  ofRce,  res  2143  Fifth 
BUCK,  J.  S.,  chairman  board  of  supervisors,  importer  and  dealer 

in  sewer   pipe,  terra  cotta   ware,    stoneware,    roofing   and 

paper,   cor    Fifth    and  K,  res  Twenty-first  and  F 
BUCK,  niSS  LOTTIE,  secretary  Bates  implement  Co,  res  Crand 

Buck,  W  H  G,  book-keeper  with  J  S  Buck,  res  Twenty-first  and  F 
Buckingham,  The,   Mrs  C   M    Edwards  prop,  cor  Second  and  D 
Buckley,  J  F,  clerk  with  M  Schiller  &  Son,  1653  Sixth 
Buckner,  J  A,  filing  clerk  with  county  clerk,  res  1363  Columbia 
Budlong,  Mrs  M  J,  res  736  Third 
Budlong,    W  E,  clerk  with  Gregory-Damon  Abstract  Co,  res  736 

Buehler,  Geo,  clerk  with  John  Mayer,  res  same 
Bugge,  O,  rancher,  res  Durant,  bet  Thirty-ninth  and  Fortieth 
Bullard,  M,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 

Bullock,  Sidney,  fruitgrower,  res  North  ChoUas,  El  Cajon  road 
Bumpus,  Wm,  res  Coronado 
Bunce,  M,  barber,  1333  D,  res  1032  Fourteenth 
Bunker,  Geo  A,  butcher  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  slaughter  yard 
Burbank,  Mrs  F  J,  res  1435  E 


BURBECK,   E.  M.,  Dodge  &  Burbeck,  res  856  Ninth 

Burbeck,  L,  D,  capitalist,  856  Ninth 

BURCH,  J.  D,  &  CO.,  wholesale  and  retail  grocer,    829  and  831 

BURCH,  J.  D.,  (J.  D.  Burch  &  Co,)  res  1036  Ninth 
Burch,  Fred,  barber,  with  Fred  Hyer,  res  1427  A 
Burch,  Jennie,  dressmaker  120  Seventeenth. 
Burch,  J  P,  retired,  res  120  Seventeenth 
Burge,  Miss  Emily  res  724  Irving  ave 
Burgert,  Edwin,  painter,  res  450,  Fifteenth 
Burgland,  C  E,  painter,  cor  Ninth  and  K 
BURGOYNE,  C.  A.,   real  estate   and  loans,    915   Fifth,   res  860 

Burhorn,  A,  res  the  Royal 

Burk,  B  H,  cigar  manufacturer,  723  Fifth,  res  1722   F 
Burk,  Geo,  with  B  H  Burk,  res  1722  F 
Burk,  Miss  Jennie,  with  B  .H  Burk,  res  1722  F 
Burk,  Geo,  cigarmaker,  res  1722  F 
Burke,  Edwin,  sailor,  Atlantic  bet  D  and  E 
Burke,  Miss  M  M,  teacher,  res  at  the  Alhambra 
Burkard,  C,  baker,  with  Jos  Winter's  bakery,  res  at  bakery 
Burkhart,  F  H  (San  Diego  Windmill  Co,)  res  328  Eagan  ave 
Burkhardt,  Wm,  driver  for  Lone  Star  Meat  Market,  res  2239  H 
Burlingame,  Miss,  preacher,  645  Sixteenth 
BURNELL,  B.,  manager  W  G  Walz  Co,  res  1729  E  ' 
Burnell,  Mrs  Sarah,  res  1366  Second 
Burney,  John,  with  C  E  Kizer  res  Eleventh  bet  J  and  K 
Burnhan,  E  W,  insurance  915  Sixth,  res  same 
BURNHAN,  F.  R.,  M.  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  room  6  Kuhn 

blk,  res  1708  C  cor  Eighth 
Burnham,  Mrs.  E  J,    res  at  Langham 
BURNETT   &   KIMES,  (I  G   Burnett,  J  E  Kimes,)    attorneys- 

at-law,  13  Lawyers  blk 
BURNETT,  ISAAC  Q.,  (Burnett  &  Kimes,)-  res  cor  i8th  and  B 
Burns,  A,  carpenter,  res  Berlin  house  cor  India  and  B 
Burns,  Edward  E,  stockman,  res  Belle  View  house 
Burns,  Frank,  laborer,  res  St  Elmo  hotel 


Burns,  Henry  P,  Fashion  livery  stable,  cor  First  and  H,  res  cor 

Fourth  and  G 
Burns,  H  R,  porter  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Burns,  F  H,  butcher,  with  C  S  Hardy,  res  cor  Fourth  and  G 
Burns,  J  N,  real  estate,  res  1306  Fifth 
Burns,  J  W  (Gay  &  Burns,)  res  1306  Fifth 
Burns,  Miss  Eliza,  res  Belle  View 
Burns,  Miss  Mary,  res  Belle  View 

Burns,  Mrs  Anna  proprietor  l>elle  View  hotel,  cor  Fourth  and  G 
Burns,  Mrs  T  J,  lodging  house,  1228  Sixth 
BURNES,  TILL  A.,  prop  Acme  saloon,  500  Fifth  res  cor  Eighth 

and  B 
BURNES,  T.  A.  Jr.,  bartender  for  Till  A  Burnes,  res  cor  Eighth 

and  B 
Burns,  Thomas,  teamster,  res  Grape  and  Columbia 
Burright,  D  W,  (Gilman  &  Burright,)  res  667  Twenty-second 
Burt,  Frank  W,  abstractor  with  H  T  Christian  &  Co,  res  2836  G 
BURT,  JOHN  P,  manager  Abstract  and  Title  Ins  Co,  res  2836  G 
Burton,  B,  lodging  house,  res  102 1  G 
Burton,  George,  longshoreman,  res  541  State 
Burton,  H  H,  supt  Janiul  Portland  Cement  Mfg  Co,  res  Florence 
Burton,  res  1940  Third 
Burton,  Mrs  M  A,  res  1037  Fir 
Busch,  Henry,  laborer,  res  1441  Atlantic 
Buser,  Frank,  conductor  Cable  road,  res  Vermont  and  Olive 
Buser,  J  J,  compositor  Sun  office,  res  University  Heights 
Bushnell,  Mrs,  439  Fifteenth 
Bush,  Thos  H,  notary  public  and  real  estate,  840    Fifth,    res    at 

BUSHYHEAD,  E.  W.,  capitalist,  res  at  Bay  View 
Buss,  C  A,  clerk  Norman-Jacoby  Grocery  Co,  res  Twentiethand  C 
Buss,  S  C,  res  cor  Ninteenth  and  C 
Bussey,  res  2006  F 
BUSSOW,  MRS.  S.,  prop  San  Diego  Oyster   and    Chop    house, 

503  Fifth,  res  same 
Butlar,  John,  laborer,  res  Second,  bet  G  and  H 
Butler,  Con,  yardman,  Russ  Lumber  Co 
Butler,  Wm,  teamster,  Russ  Lumber  Co 


$5,009.00  Worth  of  ^(Miasd  Fimiiture 


G.   W.  MAGWOOD'S, 



House  FyRi<issNific. 
1624    H    STREET. 


G.  W.  MflGWOOD'S 

SECOND.|i/ir*D    STOT^E, 



University  Heights 3 

City  Heights 4 

Old  Town 4I 

Mission  Valley 5 

Old  Mission 8  "-* 

Race  Track 6i 

Pacific  Beach 8 

Ocean  Beach 8 

Roseville 7 

I.a  Holya  Park  {I^a  JoUa) 13 

Del  Mar 2% 

Chollas  Valley 4 

National  City 5 

Paradise  Valley 6 

Sweetwater  Dam 12 

I,akeside 20 

Poway 25 

Escondido ..35 

Oceanside 40 

•Sorrento ! iq 

otay :  ■:.;:;:;;;;:  "':;i2 

Te  Wanna  (Tia  Juana) 16 

Chulla  Vista 10 

Julian 60 

Alpine 26 

El  Cahone  (Cajon) 15 

Harmule  Valley  PostoflSce  (Jamul) 20 

I  will  pay  you  CASH  for  anything  you  have  to  sell. 











Butler,  Geo,  painter,  res  817  Seventh 

Butler,  J,  res  514  Kerney  ave 

Butler,  Miss  Martha,  with  E  D  Kirby  &  Co,  res  Seventeenth,  bet 

J  and  K 
Butler,  Mrs  A  W,  dressmaker,  817  Seventh,  res  same 
Butler,  Wilber,  baggageman,  res  946  Columbia 
Butler,  Mrs  C  B,  furnished  rooms,  830  Eighth 
Butler,  Mrs  Harriet,  res  Eighteenth  near  K 
Butler,  Wm,  baggagemaster  S  C  Ry,  res  946  Columbia 
Butler,  W  J,  carpenter,  1622  F,  res  346  Seventeenth 
Buttemer,  Alfred  S  W,  rancher,  res  1658  Columbia 
Butts,    Hiram,    manager  White   Sewing   Machine   agency — at 

Marston's,  res  cor  Third  and  Beech 
Buttweiler,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 
Butzien,  Fred,  baker,  res  401  H 

Buxton,  Fred,  watchmaker,  with  M  German,  res  11 25  Sixth 
Byers,  J  W,  res  102 1  Fifteenth 
Byers,  J  Y,  miner,  res  918  B 
Byers,  Miss  Irene,  dressmaker,  res  918  B 
Byers,  Miss  Zoa,  book-keeper,  res  918  B 
Byers,  Mrs  H,  lodging  house,  res  940  Third 
Byers,  Robt,  Russ  Planing  mill,  res  940  Third 
Byers,  R  C,  cook,  2412  J 
Byers,  Samuel,  with  Russ  Mill  &  L,  Co. 
Byler,  C  W,  with  A  Dorsey  Co,  res  11 22  F 
Byler,  Jonathan,  res  1122  F 

Byler,  J,  laborer.  West  Coast  Lumber  Co,  res  1122  F 
BYNON,  A.  BERT,  manager  Enterpise  Printing  Co,  1645  F,  cor 

Eighth,  res  same 

Cable  Pavilion,  C  E  Barber,  manager,  end  of  cable  road  Univer- 
sity Heights 

Cadwallader,  Gen'l  S,  government  inspector  at  Campo,  res  732 
Boston  ave 

Cadwallader,  Rowlins,  medical  student,  res  732  Boston  ave 

Cabell,  Elias,  janitor  and  gardiner,  res  330  Thirteenth 


CABLE  COAL  &  WOOD  CO.,  Wm  McClain  prop,    cor   Fourth 

and  B 
Cable  Hotel,  Mrs  Fannie  Hinke  prop.  Fourth  and  Redwood 
Caleb,  George,  second-hand  store,  1420  I,  res  1426    I 
CALEDONIAN  COAL  CO.,  Geo  S  Wheatly,  agent,  202  to  208  D 
California  Chemical  Cleaning   and  Dye  Works,   also   tailoring, 

Isador  lyewinson,  prop,  1140  and  1142  Fourth 
California  Fish  Market,  Geo  Silver  prop;  Atlantic,  foot  of  H 
California  Marble  Works,  Sixth  and  J 
CALIFORNIA    MORTGAGE,   LOAN    and    TRUST    CO.,    K    J 

Swayne  general  manager,  1015  and  1017  Fourth 
Callahan,  John,  res  1440  Arctic 
Calloway,  T  P,  harness  maker,  res  1604!^  F 
CALLEN,  J.  S.,  atty-at-law,  and  Superior   court  Commissioner, 

17  Lawyers'  blk,  res  940  Third 
Callionn,  Mrs,  res  1144  Grape 
Calvert,  res  13 18  A 
Calvey,  Aug,  steward  Hotel  Florence 

Cameron,  J  A,  with  San  Diego  Windmill  Co,  res  837  Fourth 
Campbell  &  Green,   (J  A  Campbell,  W  T  Green),  barber  shop, 

454  Fifth 
Campbell,  A  D,  bootmaker,  1415  E,  res  1445  Union 
Campbell,  B  P,  res  631  Fourteenth 

Campbell,  J  A,  compositor  on  Daily  Union,  res  New  Carleton 
Campbell,  S  P,  carpenter,  res  714  F 
Campbell,  I  A,  (Campbell  &  Green). 
Campbell,  I  N,  barber,  res  364  Thirteenth 
CAMPION,  MORTON  &  CO.,  (R  R  Campion,  R  C  Morton),  real 

estate,  13 17  E  bat  Fourth  and  Fifth 
CAMPION,   R.  R.,   (Campion,  Morton  &  Co),  res  259  Fifteenth 
Cannon,  Mrs  M  A,  dressmaker,  res  Albemarle 
Cantlin,  Martin,  539  Eighth 
Capehart,  F,  printer,  res  Metropolitan 
Capital  Hotel,  Mrs  M  C  Brady,  proprietor,  749  Fourth 
CAPPS,  A.  v.,  surve3^or,  12  and  13,  Snyder  blk,  res  same 
CAPPS,  E.  E.,  business  manager  San  Diegan,  rooms  12  and  13, 

Snyder  blk 


CAPPS,  E.  M.,  civil  engineer,  12  and  13,  Snyder  blk,  res  Grant 

avenue  bet  Twenty-fourth  and  Twenty-fifth 
CAPPS,  T.  v.,  attorney-at-law,  rooms   12  and   13,  Snyder  blk, 

res  734  lyOgan  ave 
CAPRON,  JOHN  Q.,  contractor,  office  Consolidated  bank  blk, 

res  2112  D 
Carboulec,  chicken  ranch,  A  bet  Twenty-eighth  and  Twenty- 
Carey,  B  W,  buss  driver  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  554   i8th 
Carey,  Geo  W,  general  blacksmith  and  horseshoer,  1726  H,  res 

Sixteenth  bet  K  and  F 
Carey,  Joseph  J,  railroad  conductor,  res  1033  State 
Cargill,  Kdson,  waiter,  res  956  Union 
Carlson,  Miss  Anna,  servant,  cor  Fifth  and  I^aurel 
Carlson,  Mrs  Anna  ly,  res  953  Third 
Carlton,  W  B,  retired,  res  1632  D 

CARLSON,  Wm.  H.,  prop  Ocean  Beach  hotel,  res  same 
CARNES,  A.    B.,    Chief    Fire    Department,    office    930   Third, 

res  same 
Carpenter,  A  G,  lineman,  S  D  G  &  E  Iv  Co, 
Carpenter,  W  S,  groceries  and  provisions,  2402  K,  res  same 
Carpenter,    W  W,    carpenter,   res  1050  Second 
Carpenter,  W  W  Jr,  clerk  freight  depot  S  C  Ry,  res  1050  Second 
CARR,  JAMES,  restaurant,  827  Seventh,  res  same 
Carr,  Mrs  C  W,  res  706  Milton  ave 
Carringer,  H  A,  Russ  Planing  mill,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  I^o- 

gan  ave 

Carroll,  A,  broker,  res  cor  K  and  Twenty-second 

Carroll,  M  V,  dry  and  fancy  goods,  609  Sixth  cor  H,  res  1843  3d 

Carroll,  T  H,  clerk  with  M  V  Carroll,  res  1843  Third, 

Carroway,  P  C,  druggist  res  Grand  Pacific 

C ARSON  EDWIN,  M.  D.,  physician   and   surgeon,    Richelieu, 

1055  Fifth,  res  same 
Carson,  laborer,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  I^, 
Carson,  Miss  Jennie,  servant,  res  cor  Maple  and  Fifth 
CARTER  &  RICE,  (R  D  Carter,  Thos   Rice),   proprietor,  pony 

saloon,  650  Fifth 


Cantlay,  James,  teamster,  res  634  C 

CARTER,  CASSIUS,  attorney-at-law,  rooms  i  and  2    I^awyers' 

blk,  res  920  Fir,  bet  First  and  Front 
Carter,  B  E,  attorney-at-law,  .with  Shaw  &  Holland,  rooms  4,  5 

and  6,  cor  Fifth  and  G,  consolidated  bank  blk,  res  1571  4th 
Carter,  F  W,  rancher,  res  660  Seventeenth 

Carter,  J  D,  sec  Silver  Gate  Mfg  Co,  res  First,  bet  Fir  &  Grape 
Carter,  John  H,  watchmaker,  res  15 17  Fourth 
CARTER,  R.  D„  (Carter  &  Rice),  res  943  Seventh 
Carter,  Walter,  seaman,  res  foot  of  Columbia 
Carter,  Mrs  M  K,  dressmaker,  res  660  Seventeenth 
Cartier,  C  L,,  manager  bar  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  1118  C 
Case,  C  C,  carpenter,  res  2128  J 
Case,  Mrs  Margaret,  1145  Third 
Case,  T  J,  painter,  res  2128  J 
Case,  Mrs  Ina,  res  966  Tenth 

Cash  Millinery  Store,  Mrs  A  S  Williamson  manager,  res  1164  4th 
CASSIDAY,  DANIEL,  with  Eclipse  saloon,  438  Fifth 
CASSIDAY,    PETER,    proprietor   Eclipse   saloon,    438    Fifth, 

res  same 
Cassidy,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  940  Logan  ave 
Cassie,  Eben,  blacksmith,  res  Twenty-seventh  bet  M  and  N 
Castro,  Catarino,  laborer,  res  2307  L 
Castro,  Quirino,  vaquero,  res  North  San  Diego. 
Castro,  Miss  Mary,  2303  L 
Catholic  Church,  cor  Fourth  and  Beech 
CAVE,  D.,  dentist,  rooms  10  to  12,  AUyn  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  E, 

res  at  Morena 
Cedros  Island  Mining  and  Milling  Co,  F  L  Michaelsen,  presi- 
dent, 955  Fifth 
Cervantes,  F  C,  saddler,  624  Sixth 

CHADBOURNE,  F.  5.,  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  San  Francisco 
CHADBOURNE    FURNITURE    CO.,     (John    C    Fisher,    F    S 

Chadbourne),  cor  Fourth  and  C 
Chamberlain,  Chas  S,  general  manager  Pacific  Wire  Cloth  Co, 

826  Sixth,  res  Roseville 
Chambers,    E   C,    foreman    Diamond    Carriage    and    Omnibus 

stables,  res  1027  Fifteenth 



CHAMBERS,  GEO.  J.,  Half  Price  House,  Sixth  bet  K  and  F, 
res  Twenty-third  and  B 

Champagne,  Rev  P  B,  retired  priest,  1502  Union 

Chandler,  H  ly,  retired,  res  1619  F 

Chandler,  Joseph,  with  G  D  Stead  Soap  Co,  res  at  Windsor 

Chandler,  I,  A,  prop  S  D  Boat  House,  foot  of  Fifth,  res  same 

Chanter,  J,  with  C  H  Turner  &  Son,  818  Grand  ave 

Chanter,  F  C,  with  C  H  Turner  &  Son,  res  818  Grand  ave 

Chapin,  Miss  E  M,  teacher  of  drawing  and  painting,  1740  Sixth 

Chapman,  G  B,  teamster,  res  1646  Arctic 

Chapman,  ly  B,  clerk  with  J  A  Heath,  res  Hewitt  house 

Chappell,  C  C,  res  2109  Second 

Chappel,  T  W,  expressman,  res  414  Kearney  ave  ' 

Chase,  Capt  G  W,  seafaring  man,  res  201  K 

CHASE,  CHARLES  A.,  drugs,  fancy  goods,  toilet  articles,  per- 
fumes, etc,  cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  1042  C 

Chase,  B  F,  asst  bar  tender  Hotel  Brewster  res  same 

Chase,  K  S,  Presiding  Elder  S  D  Dist  M  E  Church,  res  1567 

Chase,  Herbert  A,  sales-clerk,  with  George  W  Marston,  1042 

Chase,  H  D,  with  Coronado  Water  Co,  res  at  Tremont  house 

Chase,  I^evi,  attorney-at-law,  res  2008  D 

CHASE,  WALDO  F.,  music  teacher  Bon  Ton  blk  room  2  res 
1067  Eleventh 

Chase,  Miss  Mary,  teacher,  res  1567  Ninth 

Chase,  Miss  Dido  K,  teacher  East  School 

Cheavy,  Mrs  Andrea,  grocery,  res  cor  Tenth  and  M 

Checota,  Henry,  fisherman,  res  137 1  Ash  and  Atlantic 

Cheney,  Mrs  M  L,,  res  11 12  Fir 

Cherry,  H  M,  Sec'y  Sweetwater  Nursery  Co,  res  cor  Twenty- 
fourth  and  <' 

CHICAGO  SHOE  STORE,  A  J  Jacob,  prop,  634  and  636  Fifth 

CHICK,  MARTINES,  gun  store  641   Fifth,  res  1663  Sixth 

Children's  Home,  city  Park 

CHIRICAHUA  CATTLE  CO.,  RA  Thomas  president  and  man- 
ager, 966  Sixth 


(Uiisholm,  J  J,  dealer   in    fruits,    candies,    cigars    and    tobacco, 

1024  D,  res  same 
Chittenden,  Charles,  clerk  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  res  813  Fifth 
CHOATE,  D.,  real  estate,  832  Fifth,   res  Fifth    and  Hawthorne 
Choate,  F  W,  res  cor  Second  and  Date 
Chowning,  W  H,  stock  raiser  321  Clay  ave 
Christensen,  C  A,  shoemaker,  1148  Fourth,  res  218  Grand  ave 
Christenson,  Harvey,  copperplate  printer  with  M.  German,    res 

cor  Sixth  and  A 
Christensen,  J  P  real  estate  and  loans,    1319  F,   res  cor  K  and 

Christensen  J  P,  res  Mission  Valley 

CHRISTIAN,   H.  T.  &C0.,  (HT  Christian,  Jno  P  Burt),    ab- 
stractors of  titles  915  Sixth 
CHRISTIAN,  H.  T.,  sec'y  Abstract  &  Title  Ins  Co,    res    1940 

Christian  Science  Association,  room  21  Hamilton  bldg 
Christiancy,  Mrs.  F  W,  res  1442  Eighth 
Christiancy,  Wm,  printer,  res  1442  Eighth 
Christie,  A  W,  gardner,  res  127  Fifteenth 

Chronch,  Geo.  W,  telegraph  operator  PT  Co,  res  952 Thirteenth 
Church,  J  L,,  compositor.  Daily  Union,  res  Plaza  Palace 
Churcher  E  A,  collections,    real  estate,   etc,    1336  D,  res   1532 

Churchill,  C  C,  physician  and  surgeon,  room  9  AUyn   blk,    res 

1844  First 
Churchward,  Thomas,  res  1630  First 
Cisco,  N  D,  cornice  work,  res  1323  Fourth 
Citterly,    C  W,  rancher,  res  Grand  Pacific 
City  Feed  and  Sale  Stables,  cor  H  and  Fourth 
City  Garden  Saloon,  Frank  Herzog,  prop,  cor  Fifth  and  B 
City  of  Paris  Bakery,  F  M    Touriner  prop,  351   Fifth 
CITY  OF  PARIS,  A.  Uppmann,  prop,  dry  goods,   663-69    Fifth 
CITY  PRINTING  CO.,  Mrs  M  J  Birdsall,  prop,  909   Fourth,    res 

Commercial  hotel 
Claiborne,  Alpheus,  res  2044  Fourth 
Claiborne,  Miss  Alice,  res  2044  Fourth 
Claiborne,  Miss  Alice,  res  2044  Fourth 


Claiborne,  Miss  Clisto,  2044  Fourth 

Clancy,  Andrew,  fireman  with  lyacy  Mfg  Co,  res  440  Newton 

Clancy,   Mrs  Mary  446  Newton  ave 

Clapp,  Miss  Bessie,  First  near  Walnut 

Clark,  AG,  res  1569  Sixth 

Clark,  Almond,  boatman  1108  Cedar 

Clark,  Chas,  lawyer,  res  near  Arctic  and  Willow,  Middletown 

Clark,  C,  cement  worker,  res  Berlin  house  cor  India  and  B 

Clark,  C  C,  res  Mission  Valley 

Clark,  Ed  E,  messenger  W  U  Tel  Co,  res  465  Ninth 

Clark,  C  E,  attorney-at-law,  room  18  Kuhn  blk 

Clark,  J  ly,  mining,  836  Front 

Clark,  Jas  S,  real  estate,  915  Fourth,  res  South  San  Diego 

Clark,  John,  driver,  for  Diamond  carriage  Co,  res  cor  Ninth 
and  I 

Clark,  John  M,  retired,  res  17 16  Union] 

Clark,  R  C,  carpenter,  res  942  I^ogan  ave 

Clark,  R  G,  horticulturist,  res  2144  A 

Clark,  W  A,  501  Fifth,  res  1709  K 

Clark,  Miss  Esther,  res  Manor 

Clark,  Miss  Kate,  lodging  house,  520  Fourth 

Clark,  Mary  Belle,  music  teacher,  1108  Cedar 

Clark,  Miss  M  M,  lodging  house  958  Third,  res  same 

Clark  Miss  Nora,  teacher,  Russ  School,  res  854  tenth 

Clark,  Mrs  Catharine,  res  739  Fifteenth 

Clark,  res  1757  Arctic 

Clarke,  A,  boathouse,  foot  of  H,  res  1108  Cedar 

Clarke,  R  !>,  chief  engineer  Electric  lyight  Works,  res  cor  Thir- 
teenth and  I 

Clarke,  W  A,  chief  engineer,  Cable  Power  House,  res  Cable  hotel 

Clay,  Cyprian,  res  cor  Columbia  and   D 

Clay,  Mary  A,  res  cor  Columbia  and  D 

CLEARY,  Dr.  GEORGE,  diseases  of  the  eye  and  ear,  rooms  18 
and  19  Keating  blk  cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  1425  Fifth 

Clemens,  Jere  W,  rancher.  Mission  Valley,  P  O  address  in  San 
Diego,  box  562 

Clemens,  T  B,  rancher  Mission  Valley 

Clendenon,  Benj,  gardner,  res  620  Main 


Cleveland,  ly  C,  water  business,  res  1240  Atlantic 
Cleveland,  Daniel,  attorney-at-law,  825  Fifth  res  same 
CLEVELAND,  MENZIES  C,  attorney-at-law,  rooms   i    and    2, 

First  Nat  Bank  bldg,  res  1332  First  bet  A  and  Ash 
Cleveland,  Mrs  C,  res  521  Milton  ave 
Cleveland,  R  H,  rancher,  res  Mission  Valley 
CLIFF  &  CO.,  (H  S  Cliflf),  agricultural  implements,   546  Sixth 
CLIFF,  H.  5.,  (Cliff  &  Co),  res  2240  E 
CLIFF,  THOS.,  (Bown  &  Cliff),  res  525  B 
Cliff,  painter,  res  526  B 
CLINKSCALES,  J.  H.,    special  insurance  agent  and  adjuster, 

915  Sixth,  res  n  w  cor  Fourth  and  Robinson  ave 
CLINKSCALES,  J.  W.,  capitalist,  res  cor  Fourth  and  Robinson 
Clough,  H  J,  res  1732  Third 
Cloyd,  G  N,  groceries,  1028  H,  res  same 
Clougston,  B  D,  with  San  Diego  Coal  Co.,  res  Albemarle 
Coates,  T  W,  carpenter,  res  715  Thirteenth 
Coats,  A  M,  retorter  San  Diego  Gas    and  Elec.   Light  Co. 
Coats,  J,  moulder  Standard  Iron  Works 
Cobb,  H  W,  frame  maker,  with  R  G  Alexander,  res  1114  G 
Coburn,  Mrs  F  J,  supt  Womans  Exchange,  res  Coronado 
COCHRAN,    A.    E.,    attorney-at-law,    46    Lawyers'   block,    res 

Cuyamaca  club 
Cochran,  Wm,  salesman  S  D  Lumber  Co,  res  cor  Sixth  and  L 
COFFEY,  Prof.  E.  H.,  Teacher  of  Spanish  and  French,  Snyder 

blk,  res  1467  Arctic 
Coffern  &  Mores,  (J  W  Coffern  and  J  T  Mores),   feed  yard,    cor 

H  and  Seventh 
Coffman,  Moses  M,  res  146  Eighteenth 
COGSWELL,  THOS.,   dentist,    cor  Second  and   D,    res  Pacific 

Cohen,  Charles,  clothier,  642  Fifth,  res  829  Eleventh 
Cohen,  Mrs  M,  res  829  Eleventh 
COHN,  J,  A.,  wholesale  and  retail   dealer  in  leather,  findings, 

harness  leather  and  uppers,  1321  and  1323  F,  res  853  Third 
Coker,  H  P,  foreman  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  at  Manvel 
Colburn,  Rev  M  F,  pastor  ist  M  E  Church,  res  M  E  Church  blk 
Colburn,  Walter  M,  steamboat  captain,  res   1056  Third 


Colbran,  Charles  A,  laborer,  res  California  and  Grape 

Colby,  C  E,  sash  and  door  maker,    Russ   Plaining  Mill,    res  at 
Richland  , 

•  Cole,  A  A,  res  1908  C 

Cole,  C  W,  with  Hamilton  &  Co,   922  Eighth 

Cole,  M  D,  life  insurance,  res  820  Eleventh 

Cole,  Wm  ly,  carpenter,  res  3418  M 

COLLER,  L.,  New  York   Domestic    Bakery,    1537    E,    res   862 

Colley,  Wm,  sailor,  res  12 18  California 

COLLIER,  WAT50N  &  COLLIER,  (D  C  Collier,  Alex  G   Wat- 
son, D  C  Collier,  jr),  lawyers,  i,  2  and  3,  M  E  Church  blk 

COLLIER,  D.  C,  (Collier,  Watson  &  Collier),  res  1545  Sixth 

COLLIER,  D.  C.  Jr.,    (Collier,    Watson   &   Collier),    res    1545 

Collier,  Wm,  attorney  at  Law  1027  Fourth,  res  1540  Sixth 

Collier,  W  W,  Sr,  retired,  res  543  National  ave 

Collier,  Mrs.  Eva  W,  1341  Fifth 

Collins,  C,  retired,  res  1231  Thirteenth 

COLLINS,  CH.   EARL,  plumber,  res  Bay  View  hotel 

COLLINS,  JABEZ,  Bay  View  hotel,  res  same 

Collins,  J  M,  groceries,  701  E,  cor  State,  res  same 

COLLINS,  T.  D.,  clerk  Bay  View  hotel,  res  same 

COLLINS,  J.  v.,  prop  Bay  View  Hotel  cor  Twelfth  and  I 

COLLINS,  J.  V.  Jr.,  book  and  job  printer,   532    Thirteenth,  res 
Bay  View  hotel 

Colored  Baptist  Church  Front  near  H 

Colton,  A  C,  carpenter,  res  332  Grand  ave 

Colton,  Harry  W,  letter  carrier,  res  956  Union 

Colton,  James  A,  laborer,  res  332  Grand  ave 

Colton,  O  H,  prop  Bon  Ton  lodging  house,  res  same 

Colton  O  K,  (Freeland  &  Colton,)  res  Bon  Ton  house 

Colwell  F  G,  with  Norman- Jacoby  Grocery  Co,  res  2020  F 

Combs, Mrs  L,  res  1051  Fifthteenth 

Comings,  E  C,  night  clerk  Albemarle,  res  hotel 

Comandich,  Joseph,  laborer,  res  1269  Atlantic 

COMMERCIAL  HOTEL,  Mrs  M  J  Birdsall,  prop,  cor  7th  and  I 

Compton,  Mrs  D,  nurse,  res  1864  India 


Conant,  Carlos,  mining,  res  1769  Front  cor  Elm 

Conant,  Miss  Carlota,  res  1769  Front  cor  Elm 

Conant,  Miss  Carolina,  1769  Front 

Conant,  Miss  Malinda,  res  1769  Front 

Concordia  Turn varein,  E  Schulte,  manager,    1018  D, 

Confer,  J  W,  painter,  res  34  Seventeenth. 

CONKLIN  &  HUGHES,  (N  HConklin,  J  W Hughes),  attorneys- 

at-law,  Morse- Whaley-Dalton  blk 
CONKLIN,  N.  H.,  (Conklin  &  Hughes),  res  2167  Fifth 
Conklin,    J,    proprietor   Pacific   Exchange   saloon,    414    Fifth, 

res  644  Eighth 
Conley,  Miss  Lydia,  laundress,  San  Diego  lyaundry,  res   B   bet 

State  and  Columbia 
Conley,  Mrs  D  A,  res  619  B 

CONN,  M.  M.,  &  COYNE,  JOS,  wines  and  liquors,  946  Fourth 
CONN,  M.  M.,  Silver  Pitcher  saloon,    res    Metropolitan,    E  bet 

Fourth  and  Fifth 
Connell,  J  E,  (Johnson  &  Co),  res  1243  Front 
Council,  James,  (Johnson  &  Co),  res  1243  Front 
Conner,  John,  laborer,  res  622  Second 
Conner,  P  J.  laborer,  res  641  Milton  ave 
Connors,  Paul,  res  North  San  Diego 
Connors,  Wm,  res  North  San  Diego 

CONRAD  &  KOVATS,  (G  Conrad,  A  N  Kovats),  shaving   par- 
lors, 738  Fifth 
CONRAD,  G.,  (Conrad  &  Kovats),  res  735,  First 
Conrad,  George,  barber,  res  735  First 
Conroy,  John,  gas  fitter  S  D  G  and  Elec  Co,  res  1716  E 
CONSOLIDATED    NATIONAL  BANK,   Bryant  Howard,   presi- 

ident,  J  H  Barbour,  cashier,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
CONSON,  A.  H.,  M.  D.,  physician,  s  e  cor  Seventh    and    E,   res 

Cook,  D  O,  salesman,  with  Klauber  &  Levi,  res  Seventh  and  B 
Cook,  H,  printer,  Fifth  bet  Date  and  Elm 
Cook,  Henry,  real  estate,  840  Fifth,  res  1626  D 
Cook,  Jesse,  street  car  driver,  res  Adelphia  house 
Cook,  Mrs  Henry,  boarding,  res  1626  D 


Cooke,  H  C,  secy  Economy  Printing  Co,  1146  D,  cor  Third,  res 

1729  Fifth 
Cooke,  Miss  J  M,  World  Shell  and   Curio   Co,    1045   Fifth,    res 

Cooley,  G  H,  teamster,  res  706  Thirteenth 

Cooley,  Miss  Clara,  teacher  of  piano,  rooin  28  Kline  blk,  res  Otay 
Coombs,  John  H,  (Price  &  Coombs),  res  740  Fifth 
Coomes,  F  K,  dentist,  room  10  Kuhn  bldg,  res  Middletown 
Coon,  Chas,  plumber,  with  J  S  Johnstone,  res  Eighth,  bet  F&G 
Coon,  D  K,  Chinese  inspector,  res  Albemarle  hotel 
Coon,  Gen  D  E,  res  Albemarle 
Coon,  H  K,  real  estate,  res  817  First 
Coon,  W  A,  furnished  rooms,  754  Eighth,  res  same 
COONLEY,  A.  B.,  watchmaker,  jeweler  and  engraver  951  Fifth, 

res  858  Seventh 
COONLEY,  H.  E.,  photographer  and  photo  supplies,  Backesto 

blk,  cor  Fifth  and  H,  res  840  Eighth 
Cooper,  David,  longshoreman,  339  Sixth 
Cooper,  E  S,  with  Soda  works,  res  447  Irving  ave 
Cooper,  George  A,  engineer,  res  905  E 
Cooper,  Jesse,  res  twenty-seventh  and  I 
Cooper,  Wm,  plasterer,  res  243  Eleventh 

COPELAND  &  DANEY,  (Jas  h  Copeland,  Eugene  Daney),   at- 
torn eys-at-law,  14 1 8  E,  cor  Fifth 
COPELAND,  GEO.  D.,  president  Electric  I.ight  Co,    849    Fifth, 

res  2546  A 
COPEANLD,  JAS.  L.,  (Copeland  &  Daney),  res  Florence  hotel 
Copeland,  Mrs  P,  seamstress,  res  11 16  Union 
Copenich,  Joe,  cook  at  Victoria  hotel 
COPPERSMITH,  F.,  (Strahlmann  &  Co),    res   cor   India  and 

Corbet,  Thomas,  tinner,  with  Cuyamaca  Tin  Shop,    res   foot   of 

Union,  water  front 
Corder,  Mrs  F  J,  res  920  Ash 
Corder,  W  H,  wool,  hides  and  tallow,  manufacturer  of  neatsfoot 

oil,  344  Fifth,  factory  at  North  San  Diego,  res  920  Ash 
Corder  Miss  I^ena,  res  920  Ash 
Corder,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  res  920  Ash 


Corey  Geo  H,  retired,  res  cor  Blaine  ave  near  University 

Cornell,  A  F,  deputy  county  treasurer,  res  1757  First 

Cornell,  J  D,  miner,  1327  Kigtith 

CORONADO  ICE  CO,  office  1330  E 

CORONER'S  OFFICE,  Dr.  M  B  Keller,  Coroner,  res  Escondido, 

H  J  Stetson  deputy,  office  1242  E 
Corralis,  Mrs  Manual,  dressmaker,  425  Seventh 
Corydon,  Jacob,  with  Minneapolis  Restaurant,  res  Montrose 
COSQROVE,  ARTHUR,  (G  H  Ballou  &  Co),  res  cor  Fir    and 

Costa,  laborer,  res  at  Montrose 
Cota,  Jose,  police  officer  res  1251  Columbia 
Cotter,  Ned,  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  foot  of  Seventh 
Cotton,  Benj,  prop  Olympic  barber  shop,  1320  F,  res  2412  F 
Cotton,  J  L»  barber,  res  2412  F 
Couch,  Rev  W  V,  retired,  res  742  Fourteenth 
Coughlin,  Michael  laborer,  res  145 1  Arctic 
Coulter,  Mrs  U,  res  Hotel  Florence 

Coulthurst,  Joseph  E,  supt  letter  carriers,  res  655  Grant  ave 
Coulthurst,  Sherwin,  letter  carrier,  655  Grant  ave 
COURT  HOUSE  MEAT  MARKET,  Davis  Owen,  prop,  95S  Front 
Covert,  C  B,  salesman  Harbison  Grocer  Co 
Covel,  E,  res  1039  Tenth 

Covel,  Mrs  Attie  T,  principal  B  street  school  res  1039  Tenth 
Cowden,  J  B,  wholesale  grocer,  334  Fifth,   res  Ninteenth  bet  M 

and  N  . 

Cowles  Bros,  (F  H  and  A  E  Cowles),  Union  house  cor    Seventh 

and  I 
Cowles,  A  E,  [Cowles  Bros] ,  res  Union  House 
Cowles,  F  H,  [Cowles  Bros],  res  Union  house 
Cox,  A,  laborer,  res  Third  bet  H  and  I 
Cox,  Chas  C,  carpenter,  res  Brookes  and  Front 
Cox,  F  B,  book-keeper  with  J  Vernon,  res  Bon  Ton  blk 
Cox,  J  H,  plumber  and  gas  fitter,  res  1323  Fourth 
Cox,  Mrs  M  F,  res  U,  near  Thirty-first 
Cox,  Mrs  Thos,  res  Second  and  Grape 
Coy,  Miss  Eucy,  res  638  Eogan  ave 
Coy,  Mrs,  seamstress,  res  411  A 


Coy,  Mrs  Maria,  res  638  lyOgan  ave 

Cojde,  Miss  Agnes,  at  lyiquid  Fuel  Ivunch  Room,  res  same 

COYNE  JOS.,     (Silver  Pitcher),  res  State  bet  E  and  F 

Craig,  Jas,  secretary  for  J  K  Wadham  res  A  bet  Fitfth  and  Sixth 

Craigue,  S  W,  rancher,  res  1045  Front 

Crar  er,  Geo,  baker,  res  527  Julian  ave 

Crandall,  J  M,  res  2430  Second  • 

Crane,  Albert  S,  with  J  D  Palmer  &  Sons,  res  1157  State 

Crane  &  Shepard,  (Q  C  Crane,  A  h,  Shepard),  proprietors  Mer- 
cantile Cafe,  854  Fifth 

-Crane,  Q  C,  (Crane  &  Shepard),  res  at  Iceland 

Craven,  Jim,  res  403  H 

Crawball,  J  O,  veterinary  surgeon,  livery  and  boarding  stable, 
cor  G  and  Union,  res  at  Albemarle 

Crawford,  Fred,  bootblack,  1321  D,  res  same 

Crawford,  Capt.,  Pacific^Beach  Hotel,  Pacific  Beach 

Crawford,  J  D,  machinist  Standard  Iron  Works 

Crawford,  John,  res  Mission  Valley 

Crawford,  J  S,  deputy  sheriff,  res  s  w  cor  First  and  Ash 

Crealman,   Fred,  collector  Street  Car  Co,  res  1344  Front 

Creekmure,  Orville,  tinner,  res  758  Tenth 

Creekmure,  Oscar,  painter,  res  758  Tenth 

Crego,  J  D,  capitalist,  cor  Ninth  and  D 

Cregan,  Jas  H,  Salesman,  with  Schiller  &  Murtha,  res  1243 

Creiton,  David,  brewer,  res  St  Elmo  hotel 

Crellin,  Miss  Inez,  stenographer  at  Santa  Fe  office,  res  C  ave 
bet  Eighth  and  Ninth,  Coronado 

CRENSHAW,  PULLMAN  &  CO.,  (J  C  Crenshaw,  A  M  Pull- 
man, ly  W  Allum),  lessees  San  Diego  Abstract  Co,  1234 
1236  D 

CRENSHAW,  J.  C,  San  Diego  Abstract  Co,  res  Montezuma 

CREPIN,  H.  E.,  physician,  561  Fifth,  res  1930  First 

CREPIN,  H.  N.,  physician  561  Fifth,  res  1930  First 

Cressinger,  Eugene,  deputy  county  assessor,  res  2730  H 

Creth,  Mrs  Eliza,  servant,  cor  Union  and  Grape 

Cribbs  Harry,  with  R  Montjo,    res  858  State 

Crippen,  Geo  H,  real  estate,  member  cit}^  council,  res  Roseville 


Crittenden,  Gen  Thos  T,  s  w  cor  Fir  and  Second 
CRITTENDEN,   H.   B.,  real  estate,  923  Fourth,  res  1039  First 
Crittendon,  J  M,  expressman,  res  656  Front 
Croake,    P    W,    Econom}^    Printing    Co,  manager   San    Diego 

Pocket  Guide,  res  923  Irving  ave 
Crockett  &  Dunkin,  [R  Crockett,  T  H    Dunkin],    gen  carriage 

and  blacksmithing,   439  to. 443  Eighth 
Crockett,  R,  [Crockett  &  Dunkin] ,  res  443  Eighth 
Croger,  John,  gardener,  1360  Ninth 
Croghan,  Herbert  A,    book-keeper,  res  630  State 
Croghan,  Thos  J,  teamster,  res  630  State 
Cross,  James,  retired,  res  Sixth  and  Yale 
Crosthwaite,  James,  clerk,  T.  Czerwinsky,    res  Seventh,   bet   E 

and  F 
Crosthwait  O  C,  horticulturist,  res  322  I,ogan  ave 
Crosthwait,  Mrs  M  L,  res  322  Logan  ave 
Crouch,  Geo,  operator  Pac  Postal  Tel  Co  res  952  Thirteenth 
CROWELL,  A.  F.,  groceries,  211 1  H,  res  562  Twelfth 
Cuff,  Chas,  cash  boy  with  Marston,  res  345  Ninteenth 
Culver,  Fred,  with  G  W  Marsh,  res  cor  Seventh  and  F 
Culver,  Eillian  A,  with  G  W  Marsh,  res  Seventh  and  F 
Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church,  cor  Twenty-fourth  and  Grant 
Cummings,  A  F,  carpenter,  res  512  Kearney  ave 
Cummings,  M  C  F,  carpenter,  res  512  Kearney  ave 
Cummings,  Wallace,  rancher,  Valley  Center,  res  872  State 
Cummings,  Mrs  J,  res  2422  F 

Cummings,  Francis,  deputy  constable,  res  512  Kearney  ave 
Cummings,  Leroy,  compositor,  res  512  Kearney  ave 
Cummings,  T  J,  carpenter,  res  227  Grand  ave 
Cummings,  T  L,  barber  shop,  408  National  ave,  res  249  Boston  av 
Cummings,  T  ly,  carpenter,  res  240  Boston  ave 
Cummiskey,  T  F,  druggist  room  26,  Ellsworth  house 
Cunningham,  A  B,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  1947  Alba- 
Curd,  J  R,  porter  of  Brewster,  res  858  Columbia 
Curry  Katie  A,  book-keeper,  Singer  S  M  Co,  res  16 12  F 
Curtice,  F  W,  cook,  res  816  Second 
Curtin,  John  J,  carriage  trimmer,  1241  Fifth,    res  same 


CURTIS,  C.  W.,  Insurance,  640  Fifth,  res  1728  E 

Curtis,  J  H,  clerk,  A  h  Myers  &  Co,  res  First  and  F 

Curtis  S  Z,  res  708  Logan  ave  . 

Curtis,  Miss  D  A,  teacher,  res  2414  F 

Curtis,  Miss  S  H,  teacher,  res  2414  F 

CURT.'S,  Mrs.  M.  R.,  teacher  primary  dept  Southwest  Institute, 

:  -J  at  Institute 
CUSTER,  Mrs.  ELLA,  niillinerj^  931  Fifth,  res  same 
Cuyamaca  Club,  D  bet  Sixth  and  Seventh 
CUYAMACA  STABLES,  Math  Bohnert  prop.  Third  and  C 
CUYAMACA  TIN  SHOP,  G  W  Peck  prop,  432  and  434  Fifth 
Cuyamaca  Warehouse,  Capt  M  Sherman  prop,   Chas   P   Vidal, 

keeper,  cor  Fifteenth  and  N 
Czerwinsky,  T,  dry  goods  and  men's  furnishings,  629  Fifth,  res 

C  and  Eighth 


DAKE,  C.  T.  S.,  real  estate,  1217  E,  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth,   res 

914  Twenty-first,  Golden  Hill 
DALEY,  T.  J.,  searcher  of  records  and  abstractor  of  titles,    903 

Fourth,  cor  E,  res  713  Tenth 
Daley,  Thos,  plumber,  San  Diego  Water  Co,  res  1327  Ninth 
Dalmazzo,  F  M,  printer,  723  Fifth,  res  1152  Ninth 
Dalmazzo,  J  A,  with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  Hollister  blk 
Dalton,  R  H,  capitalist,  res  1957  Fourth 
Dampf,  L,  picture  frames,  938  Sixth,  res 
Dampier,  J  H,  at  Coronado  Foundry,  res  1223  Atlantic 
Dandore,  C  T,  fruitgrower,  res  1312  Front 
DANEY,  EUGENE,  (Copeland  &  Daney)  res  1330  State   • 
Daniels,  J  B,  with  Sam  G  Ingals,  res  Coronado 
Daniels,  May  C,  agent  for  Wheeler  &  Wilson  sewing  machine, 

13 1 7  E,  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth,  res  Coronado 
Daniels,  Rev  J  W,  minister,  res  1158  Third 
Danley,  Geo  W,  farmer,  res  1266  Tenth 
Dann,  Mrs  S  S,  shell  store,  cor  Fifth  and  Elm 


DANNALS,  Geo.  M.,  notary  public  and  expert  accountant,   826 

Sixth,  res  1660  Union 
Dannals,  H  C,  salesman,  S  D  lyumber  Co 
Dare,  D  D,  banker,  temporarily  in  Europe 
DARBY,  WM.,  attorney-at-law,  825  Fifth,  Nesmith-Greeley  blk, 

res  North  San  Diego 
Darling,  Horace,  laborer,    res  11 20  Union 
Darrell,  Wm,  bar  tender  at  Silver  Moon,  res  same 
Darrow,  ly  R,  pianos  and 'organs,  951  Fifth,  res  Eighth  bet  B  &  C 
Dauchy,  Mrs  A  H,  29  and  30  Snyder  blk,  res  same 
Dauchy,  A  H,  watchmaker,  34  Snyder  blk,  res  same 
DAUER,  C.  R.,  County  Treasurer   city  res  1757  First 
Daugherty,  Chas,  watch  club  solicitor,  with  M  German  res  708  E 
Daugherty,  Edward,  real  estate,  res  1561  Columbia 
Davidson,  &  Co,  (Geo  A,  &  L  P  Davidson),    hay,    grain,  wood 

and  Coal,  12 10  Fifth 
Davidson,  F  P,  principal  of  high  school,  res  1269  Twelfth 
Davidson,  Geo  A,  (Davidson  &  Co),  res  27  and  B 
Davidson,  L,  P,  (Davidson  &  Co),  res  27  and  B 
Davidson,  W,  res  830  Eighth 
Davidson,  Miss  C,  teacher  B  street  school 

Davison,  Jas  S,  secy  and  treas  Cedros  Island  Mining   an'd   Mill- 
ing Co,  res  955  Fifth 
Davies,  Jacob,  res  1307  Fourteenth 
Davis,  Chas,  res  648  Logan  ave 

Davis,  Chas  W,  with  Tood  &  Hawley,  res  805  Kearney  ave 
Davis,  F  E,  dealer  in  sewer  pipe  and  steel  worker,  cor  Second 

and  G,  res  11 15  G 
Davis,  F  M  jr.,  machine    hand  at  Russ    Planing  Mill,   res  648 

L/Ogan  ave 
Davis,  F  M,  sen,  res  648  Eogan  ave 
Davis,  James,  res  932,  E 
Davis,  J  H,  railroad  fireman,  City  Pound 
Davis  Mack,  res  365  Twenty-first 
Davis  Murray,  supt  of  stables,    Russ    Mill    &    Lumber   Co,    res 

Second  and  I 
Davis,  O  M,  res  1915  F 
Davis,  S  W,  printer,  res  430  Oliver  ave 


DAVIS,  T.  A.,  M.D. ,  physician,  room  4,  767  Fifth,  res  1064  Sixth 

Davis,  W  E,  carpenter,  res  856  Fourth 

DAVIS,  W.  J.,  new  and  second-hand  furniture,    822    Sixth,    res 

2647  N 
Davis,  Miss  C  A,  res  2157  Fourth 

Davis,  '  iss  H  h,  sales-clerk  Geo  W  Marston,  res  856  Fourth 
Davis,  Mrs  Johnson,  res  723  Front 
Davis,  Mrs  May,  dressmaker,  res  1119  F 
Dawkins,  E  D,  street  car  driver,  res  California  and  Juniper 
Day,  A  W,  helper  standard  Iron  Works 
DAY,  B.  W.,  ph5^sician  and  surgeon,  office  rooms  i  and  2  Allyn 

blk,  cor  Fifth  and  E 
Day,  Harry,  railroad  man,  res  1908  I 

Day,  J  D,  shoemaker  with  Havermale  &  Rossier,  res  555  Tenth 
Day,  Joshua,  butcher,  res  555  Eleventh 
Day,  Ralph,  butcher,  res  555  Eleventh 
Day,  W  G,  carpenter,  1508  G,  res  1621   F 
Day,  Mrs  M  E,  art  studio,  1631  F,  res  same 
Day,  Mrs  Richard,  res  539  Seventeenth 
Day,  Mrs  W  M,  res  cor  Fourth  and  G 
DEAKIN,  J.  E.,  assistant  Dist  Atty,  res  Arctic  and  Date 
Dearborn,  C  S,  stage  line,  lya  Jolla,  Park 
Dean,' Dr.  Wm.,  retired  minister 
DeBURN,  EUGENE,    supt   city  schools,  office  cor  Fifth  and    F, 

res  148  Grand  ave  , 
DeBurn,  George,  farmer,  res  337  National  ave 
DECATUR,  J.  Q.,  manager  W  U  Tel  Co,  res  454  Thirteenth 
Decatur,  Mrs  M  A,  res  918  Eogan  ave 
DeCoursey,  Thos,  street  car  driver,  res  at  Northeastern 
DeCoursey,  Mrs  H,  res  Northeastern 
Dedderle,  Adolf,  barber  with  Jacob  Schafiein 
Deering,  James,  res  cor  I  and  Twenty-seventh 
Deering,  John  P  K,  house  painter,  res  cor  I  and  Twenty-seventh 
Deering,  Miss  Anna  P,  res  950  Eleventh 
Deering,  Miss  Lillie  V,  res  Eleventh 
Deering,  Mrs  M  J,  res  950  Eleventh 
De  France,  J  W,  saloon  on  D  and  Front 
DeQARMO  DANCING  ACADEHY,  1034 Third,  res  1250  Union 


DEQROOT,  WALTER  I.,  successor   to  Joe    Pohem,    merchant 

tailer,  916  Fifth 
Deitrick,  Ed,  with  Minneapolis  restaurant,  res  at  Montrose 
Deiterick,  painter,  res  317  Clay  ave 
Delyany,    Mrs  G  F,  res  453  Twentieth 
Deler,  John,  milliner  store,  res  Ninth  bet  A  and.  B 
DELER,  n.  prop  Bandbox,  millinery  and  hair  goods,  733  Fifth, 

res  Ninth  bet  A  and  B 
Deleree,  James  F,  car  driver,  res  1446  Union 
DELEVAL,  CHAS.  &  CO.,  (Chas  Deleval,    Pascal  Etcheverr^O, 

wholesale  and  retail  v/ines  and  liquors,  628  Fifth 
DELEVAL,  CHAS.,  (Chas  Deleval  &  Co),  917  F 
Deleval,  Mrs  Marie,  teacher  at  Southwest  Institute,  res  917  F 
Dillaplaine,  Geo  W,  paying  teller,  First  National  Band  res  1460 

DELOREY,  ED,  horseshoer,  Fifth  bet  A  and  B,  res  1213  Eighth 
DELOREY,  E.  J.,  horseshoeing,  1247  Fifth,  res  12 13  Eighth 
DELOREY,  S.,  horseshoer  with  E  J  Delorey,  res  Old    City  Hall 
Delventhal,  Chas,  driver  for  J  R  Seifert,  res  cor  Sixteenth  &  K 
Demaree,  Frank,  railroader,  res  2038  L 

Denio,  E  M,  blacksmith  with  G  E  Hardy,  res  s  w  cor  Third  &  E 
Denny,  J  W,  res  1306  Union 
Denslow,  W  P,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence 
Debu}^,  painter,  res  Metropolitan 
Derb}^,  The,  housekeeping  rooms,  2831  H 
Derbj^shire  A,  E,  M  D,  phj^sician  and  surgeon,   Kline  blk,   res 

DeSilva,  W,  sea  captain,  res  1836  A 
DeSpain,  S,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 

Detroit  Bakery,  Wm  D  Hilts,  prop,  1152  Fourth  res  same 
Detviler,  Henry,  tinner  with  Cuyamaca  Tin  Shop 
DeBeurge,  Eouis,  tailoring,  437  Fifth,  res  same 
Devine,  John  F,  teamster,  res  846  Milton  ave 
Devoe,  Wm,  driver  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  F  bet   Fifteenth   and 

DeVoll,  Mrs  MA,  Elite  Milliner}',     861  and  863  Fifth 
Devoort,  E  C,   stevedore,    Spreckels  wharf,   res  Twenty-fourth 

and  Milton  ave 


Dew  Drop  Saloon,  Dittenhaver  &  Johnson  prop,  cor  H  and  India 

Dewey,  Mrs  R,  res  2028'  Third  * 

Dewhurst,  Mrs  M  A,  res  1244  India 

Dexter,  J  D,  merchant,  res  630  Kearnej^  ave  , 

Dexter,  John  P,  clerk,  res  630  Kearney  ave 

DEYO,  T.     .  &  SON,  (T  S  Deyo,  J  I^  Deyo),   carriage  painters, 

cor  Eighth  and  I 
DEYO,  J  L.,  (T  S  Deyo  &  Son),  res  23  Sixteenth 
DEYO,  T.  S.,  (T  S  Deyo  &  Son)  res  23  Sixteenth 

manager,  office  1019  and  1021  Fourth.     Stables  on  First  bet 

C  and  D 
Dick,  W  H,  pipe  maker,  res  520  lyOgan  ave 
Dickens,  Chas,  longshoreman,  res  California  and  Ash 
Dickey,  Jas,  cabinet  maker,  2340  H,  res  219  National  ave 
Dickey,  Mrs  A  M,  res  845  Eleventh 
Dickerson,  Mrs  L,  res  1431   Fourth 
DICKINSON,    GEO.  W.  &  CO.,  real  estate,  1422  D,  res  National 

Dickson,  Henry,  shoemaker,  702  H,  res  same 
Diedericksen,  Mrs  Louisa,  seamstress  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res 

2340  G 
Diehl,  John,  clerk  with  Joseph  Nachbaur,  res  Fourth  and  F 
Dieterle,  A,  laborer  with  Schoefflein,  res  1154  Third 
Dievendorff,  H,  clerk  with  Pacific  Coast  Steamship   Co,    res  233 

Milton  ave 
Divers,  John,  with  A  Levi,  res  same 
Dill,  A  F,  steamboat  pilot,  res  236  Boston  ave 
Dilley,  W  H,  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  735  Eighth 
Dillingham,  John,  port  warden,  res  325  Grand  ave 
Dillon,  Mrs  C  C,  cor  Vermont  and  Cypress  aves 
Dillon,  Wm,  boiler  coverer,  res  2437  N 
Dingwell,  Jas,  teamster,  res  1342  State 
Disosway,  R  E,  fireman.  Hotel  Florence 
Diftenhaver,  A  B,  Dew  Drop  Saloon,  cor  Union  and  H 
DivendorfF,  Mrs  M  C,  res  233  Milton  ave 
Divoort,  E  C,  stevedore,  res  Twenty-fourth  near  Kearney 
Dixon,  C  S,  cashier  with  West  Coast  Lumber  Co,  res  same 


Dixon,  Isaac,  longshoreman,  res  foot  of  I 
Dlinia,  Miss  Crepean,  housekeeper,  res  1502  Union 
Dobbings,  John  H,  engineer  at  Cable  road,  res  1961  Fifth 
Dobler,  Kmil,  clerk  with  John  Relfe,  res  Chollas  valley 
DOCKING,  THOMAS,  M.  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  643  Sixth, 

res  same 
Dodd,  W  R,  cigar  maker,  934  F 

Doddridge,  Henry,  iron  moulder,  res  St  Elmo  House 
Doddridge,  J  A,  proprietor  St  Blmo  House,  cor  Second  and  H 
DODGE  &  BURBECK,   (R  V  Dodge  and  E  M  Burbeck,   books, 

stationery  and  fancy  goods,  1402  D 
Dodge,  C  I/,   pressman  and   circulator  Daily  San   Diegan,    res 

I 241  Sixth 
Dodge,  John  G,  contractor,  res  cor  Sixteenth  and  K 
DODGE,  R.  v.,  (Dodge  &  Burbeck),  res  644  Ash 
Dodge,  T  Elton,  clerk  with  F  W  Braun  &  Co,  res  Sixteenth  &  K 
DODGE,   W.  L.,  druggist,  cor  Sixteenth  and  K,  res  same 
Dodge,  Miss  Ethel,  kindergarten  teacher,  res  1241  Sixth 
D0D50N,  A.   E.,  general  insurance    agent,    notary    public   and 

government  land  attorney,  915  Fifth,  res  748  Eleventh 
Dodson,  D  M,  compositor  Daily  Sun,  res  Capron  blk 
DODSON  &  ECKER.,  (N  H   Dodson  W  H  C  Ecker)  attorneys- 

at-law,  room  12  The  Brunswick,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
DODSON,  N.  H.,  (Dodson  &  Ecker),  res  131 1  Fourth 
Dodwell,  Miss  Mary  A,  seamstress,  res  Universitj^  and  Blaine 
Doheney,  Miss  Eulu  J,    principal  North  San  Diego  schools,  res 

Allyn  blk 
Doherty,  James,  with  Horton  Hose  Co,  Sixth  near  I 
Dohl,  Miss  Anna,  waiter  Albemarle 
Dohm,  W  R,  book-keeper  S  J  Sill,  res  469  Tenth 
DOIG  &  HEARNE,  (Dr.  J  R  Doig,  Dr.  J  C  Hearne),   1506  C,  cor 

DOIG,  DR.  J.  R.,  (Doig  &  Hearne),  res  107 1  Seventh 
DOLLWET,  NICHOLAS,   second   hand    furniture,   musical  in- 
strument repaired,  658  sixth 
DOMESTIC  SEWING   MACHINES,    E  F   Rockfellow,  general 

agent,  759  Fifth 
Don,  Mrs  Mary,  laundress,   2338  D 


Donahue,  John,  head  waiter,  Horton  house,  res  same 

Donaldson,  Miss  ly  A,  dressmaker,  res  441  Twelfth 

Donnelly,  Eugene,  driver  with  Klauber  &  I^evi,  res  Seventh,  bet 

I  and  J 
Donnelly,  J,  cable  car  conductor 

DonnePy,  J,  butcher,  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  at  slaughter  yard 
Donova.  ,  Michael,  retired  army  officer,  res  1265  Third 
DOOLITTLE,  H.  E.,  attorney-at-law,  1027  Fourth,  res  1540  Sixth 
DOOLITTLE,   L.   F.,   secretary  San   Diego  Flume  Co,   res  1366 

Doolittle,  Mrs  E  B,  res  1540  Sixth 

Dooly,  Frank  E,  clerk  Wells-Fargo  Ex.  Co,  res  1346  Front 
DOOLY,  R.  M.,  agent  Wells-Fargo  Express  Co.,  res  1346  Front 
DORMAN,  EDW.  &  CO.,  real  estate,  1238  D,  Horton  House  blk, 

res  The  Langham 
Dorris,  W  A,  prop'r  New  Carleton  Hotel,  cor  Third  and  F 
Dorsey,  Amos  H,  res  236  Ninth 

DORSEY,  A.,  (A  Dorsey  Co),  res  2244  D  cor  Fourteenth 
DORSEY  COMPANY,  A,  clothing,    hatters    and  furnishers,    n  e 

cor  Fifth  and  E 
Dorsey,  D  E,  barber  with  J  Johnson,  res  Grape  bet  Fourth  and 

Dorsey,  E,  fisherman,  res  236  Ninth 
Doss,  R  A,  U  S  deputy  surveyor,  res  736  Franklin  ave 
Dossel,  Geo,  clerk  for  Frank  Jeffries,  res  854  Tenth 
Doublin,  rancher,  res  Fourteenth  and  N 
Doud,  G  A,  water  seller,  res  1900  Atlantic 
DOUD,  W.  H.,  hatter  and  furnisher,  cor  Fifth  and  D,  res,    Cuy- 

amaca  Club 
Dougherty,  E,  real  estate,  840  Fifth,  res  Cedar  and  Columbia 
Dougherty,  Geo  H,  with  San  Diego  &  Coronado  Transfer  Co 
Dougherty,  H  G,  with  Geo  S  Wheatly,  res  cor  Seventh  and  K 
DOUGHERTY,  H.  H.,  real  estate,  1336  D,  res  830  E 
Dougherty,  W  H,  with  Coronado  Beach  Co,  res  3239  J 
Dougherty,  Mrs.  S  E  G,  res  3239  J 
DOUGHTY,  WM.  drugs,  fancy  goods,   and  toilet  articles,   n  w 

cor  Fourth  and  C,  res  same 
Douglas,  C  P,  res  1307  Fourteenth 


Douglas,  T  J,  (Stanton  &  Douglas),  res  cor  D  and  Twenty-sixth 

Douglas,  Mrs  Pauline  A,  res  11 18  Cedar 

Doull,  A    P,   wood  carver,  with    Russ    Planing    Mill,  res   1127 

Douthett,  M  A,  res  1146  Eleventh 
Dow,  Geo  F,  res  223  I^ogan  ave 
DOW,    H.  Q.,    (Ross,  Dow  &  Co),   res  cor  Tenth   and  Orange 

ave,  Coronado 
Dowd,  John  S,  liveryman.  Seventh  and  H,  res  1628  K 
DO  WD,    STEVE,  (Blethen    &  Dowd),  Star   Stable,  res    K   bet 

Seventh  and  Eighth 
Dowe,  A  J,  engineer,  res  foot  of  G 

DOWELL,  T.  J.,  custom  broker,  Horton  blk,  res  1106  C 
Dowling,  Dr  J,  dentist  with  Dr  Cave,  res  Windsor 
Downe,  Mrs  M  E,  res  2338  H 
Downing,  A  C,  foreman  S  C  R3'  warehouse,    res  Twent5'-eighth 

and  Grant  ave 
Downing,  Mrs  E  O,  prop  Roxbury,  729  Seventh,  res  same 
DOWNS,  B.  F.,  chief  clerk  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Doyle,  Charles,  plumber  with  Geo  A  Merritt,  res  722  Ash 
Doyle,  E  C,  engineer.  Pacific  Beach  R  R,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Doyle,  Martin  foreman  S  D  Gas  Works,  res  at  works 
Drake,  Mrs  S  J,  res  443  Fifteenth 

DRANQA,  O.  C,  (Fred  N  Hamilton  Co),  res  639  Twenty-first 
Dranga,  N  G  O,  with  Fred  N  Hamilton  Co,  res  639  Twenty-first 
Dranga,  Miss  A  A,  teacher  Sherman  Heights   school,   res    639 

Dranga,  Miss  Mamie,  res  663  Twentieth 
Dresser,  Mrs  H  S,  res  234  Grand  ave 
Drew,  H,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel 
Drury,  A  J,  carpenter,  res  1544  Fourth 

Drury,  Henrj^  contractor  and  builder,  445  Second,  res  cor  Thir- 
tieth and  Sargent  ave 
Drury,  J  W,  carpenter,  res  225  National  ave  ' 

Dubon,  Mrs  Mary,  midwife,  res  2326  K 
DUDLEY,  IRVING  B.,  police  judge,  res  Albemarle 
Duffy,  Miss  Mary,  governess,  with   W  E   Hadley,    res    Horton 



Dugan,  Mollie,  housekeeper,  Albemarle 

Dulin,  E  D,  with  Pacific  Wood  &  Coal  Co,  res  107  Ninteenth 

DUN,  R,  Q.  &  CO.,  mercantile  reporting,  J  C  Scott,  agent,  room 

.    II,  Richelieu 
DUNBAR  BROS.,  (H  C  and  S  B   Dunbar),    prop  Pacific   Junk 

Stor  ,  cor  Sixth  and  I 
Dunbar, ^cJex  L,,  mechanic,  res  at  Northeastern  hotel,    D    and 

DUNBAR,  H.  C,  (Dunbar  Bros),  res  450  Sixth 
DUNBAR,  S.  B.,  (Dunbar  Bros),  res  339  Twelfth 
Dunbar,  Wm,  B,  salesman,  with  Dunbar  Bros,  res  450  Sixth 
Dunbar,  Miss  Florence,  teacher  Sherman  Heights  School 
Duncan,  Thomas  H,  blacksmith,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  K 
Duncan,  Miss  Georgia,  res  Sheldon  blk 
DUNKIN,  J.  R.  &  CO.,  (J  R  Dunkin,  C  H  Hosford),  "real  estate, 

and  loan  brokers  826  Sixth 
Dunkin,  T  H,  (Crockett  &  Dunkin),  res  Twenty-eighth  and  K 
DUNKIN,  J.  R.,  (J  R  Dunkin  &  Co),  res  Commercial  hotel 
Dunlap,  W  H,  nurse,  Co  Hospital  and  Poor  Farm,   res   Mission 

Dunlap,  Wm,  carpenter,  13 14  A,  res  1222  Sixth 
Dunnells,  Capt  E  B,  pilot,  res  Union  and  Fir 
Dunnells,  S  S,  pilot,  res  885  State 
Dupish,  Edward,  barber  shop,  427  Fifth,  res  same 
Duquette,  J  W,  grocer,  Vermont  and  Essex,  res  same 
Durkee,  P  H,  clerk  with  G  H  Ballou  &  Co,  res  Snyder  bldg 
Dussault,  lycon,  engineer,  res  1502- Union 
Dussault,  Mrs  E  Iv,  dressmaker,  res  1502  Union 
Dwyer,  Mrs  J  M,  dressmaker,  res  137 1  Fifth 
Dwyer,  Jeremiah,  carpenter,  res  National   ave    bet   Thirty-sec- 
ond and  Thirty-third 
Dwyer,  Wm,  clerk  with  W  H  Elliott,  res  Thirty-third  and  Na- 
tional ave 
Dye,  Miss  Alice,  waiter  Commercial  hotel 


Eames,  Dr  C  J,  iron  manufacturer,  res  13 12  Front  • 

Karle,  W  Z,  engineer,  res  2042  Fourth 

EA5T0N,  ELDRIDQE  &  CO.,  real  estate,  Strong  &  Arms  agts, 

826  Fifth 
Eaton,  A  C,  contractor,  1437  Fifth 
Eaton,  G  F,  rancher,  res  1469  Ninth 
Eaton,  G  N,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence 
Eaton,  T  G,  attorney-at-law,  res  1707  Front 
Eaton,  Miss  Dilla,  dressmaker,  res  room  11  express  blk 
Eaton,  Mrs  F  R,  stenographer  at  Consolidated    National   Bank, 

res  Ninth  and  Beech 
Eaton,  Mrs  H,  dressmaker,  room  11  express  blk,  res  same 
Eaton,  Mrs  M,  res  1307  Fourth 
EBERHART,  O,  C.,  scavenger,  office    1423  E,  res  cor  Fifteenth 

and  L, 
ECKER,  W.  H.  C,  (Dodson  &  Ecker),  atty,  res  Poway 
Eckenrode,  Harry,  engineer,  res  606  Julian  ave 
ECKERT,  ERED  W.  A.,  prop  German  bakery,  res  2133  F 
ECLIPSE  SALOON,  Peter  Cassiday,  prop,  438  Fifth 
Economy  Printing  Co,  1146  D 
Eddy,  A  B,  evangelist,  res  611  Grand  ave 
Edgecomb,  Jacob,  carpenter,  res  15 11  Logan  ave 
Edon,  Geo,  painter,  res  Roseville 
Edmaston,  Samuel,  laborer,  res  428  Sixth 
Edwards,  A  G,  (Godfrey  &  Edwards),  res  India  and  Beech 
Edwards,  C  H,  harnessmaker,  res  941  Twelfth 
EDWARD5,  C.  J.,  saddles  and  harness,  725  Fourth,  res  941  12th 
Edwards,  Frank, blacksmith  with  G  L  Hardy,  res  115  Nat'l  ave 
Edwards,  Geo,  longshoreman,  res  339  Sixth 
Edwards,  H  C,  civil  engineer,  res  St  James  hotel 
Edwards,  John,  clerk  with  Godfrey  &  Edwards,    India  &  Beech 
EDWARDS,  JOS.,  prop  Pickwick  lodging  house    1029  Fourth, 

res  428  Sixth 
Edwards,  Wm  F,  steward  Cuyamaca  club 
Edwards,  W  M,  book-keeper  daily  Sun,  res  1133  First 


EDWARDS,  DR.  WM.  A.,  ph5^sician  and  surgeon,  1433    D,    res 

Fourth  and  Fir 
Edwards,  Miss  Annie  E,  teaclier  Sherman  Heights  school 
Edwards,  Mrs  C  M,  prop  Buckingham,  res  same 
Edwards,  Mrs  J  G,  res  735  Eighteenth 
Effling,  Nic''olas,  farming,  res  Seventh  and  Robinson 
Egan,  W  H  ^  ,  (J  H  Orcutt  Co),  nursery,  res  33d  and  Clay  ave 
Ehrhardt,  Andrew,  cigar  maker  at  Sensenbrenner's,  res  Plaza  P 
Ehrhardt,  Wm  J,  merchant  tailor,  955  Fourth,  res  Victoria  hotel 
Ehrhardt,  V,  section  boss,  foot  of  Seventh 
Ehring,  Max,  oyster  planter,  res  25  Eleventh 
Eichenlaub,  Martin,  driver  for   Chadbourne  Furniture    Co,   res 

Victoria  hotel 
Eichhorn,  G,  shoemaker,  11 15  H,  res  same 
Eichler,  H  E,  steward  at  Marine  hospital,  754  State 
Eichler,  Dr.  R,  res  1765  State 

EKINQS,  FRANCIS,  merchant  tailor,  1413  1415  F,  resiisi  First 
Elder,  J  N,  farmer,  res  North  Chollas,  El  Cajon  road 
Eldridge,  Samuel,  with  Russ  lumber  Co,  res  Windsor 
ELECTRIC  RAPID  TRANSIT    ST.    CAR    CO.,    operating   the 

Westinghouse  system  of  incandescent  electric  lighting,  Geo 

D  Copeland,  Pres,  849  Fifth 
Electric  Saloon,  H  and  Union 
Elfen,  expressman,  res  441,  Thirteenth 
Elite  Lodging  House,  1142  D 
ELITE  STUDIO,  E  H  Turner,  prop,  rooms  5,   6,  7   and  9,    767 

Elkins,  J  W,  laborer,  res  1246  Union 

ELLIOTT,  E.  W.,  supt  water   commission,  city  hall,  res  t  121  G 
ELLIOTT,  J.  B.  &  CO.,  real  estate,  cor  Seventh  and  F 
ELLIOTT,  J.  B.,  [Elliott  &  Co],  res  cor  Third  and  D 
Elliott,  W  H,  meat  market,  313  National  ave,  res  same 
Elliott,  Miss  M  M,  teacher  Sherman  School 
Ellis,  Hammon,  longshoreman,  res  foot  of  India 
Ellis,  H  E,  laborer,  res  851  Arctic  bet  E  and  F 
Ellis,  J  C,  res  2246  D 

Ellis,  J  W,  with  Russ  Mill  &  Lumber  Co,  res  Second  &  I 
Ellis,  J  W,  saloonist,  res  1636  D 


Kllis,  Tom,  res  foot  of  India 

Ellis,  Wm,  blacksmith,  res  1443  California 

Ellis,  Miss  Hettie,  res  1443  California 

Ellis,  Miss  Mary,  res  532  Front 

Ellis,  Mrs  Esther,  res  1443  California 

Ellis,  Mrs  M  H,  prop  The  Hollister,  furnished  rooms,     1620  F, 

res  same 
Elmer,  Casper,  at  Victoria  Hotel  - 
ELSINORE  POTTERY  STORE,  J  S  Buck  proprietor,  cor  Fifth 

and  K 
Ells  &Son,  (A  Ells,  E  P  Ells),  blacksmiths,  644  Fourth 
Ells,  A  (Ells  &  Son),  res  644  Fourth 
Ells,  E  P,  (Ells  &  Son),  res  644  Fourth 
ELLSWORTH,  C.  W.,  lodging  house,  cor  Twelfth  and   H,  res 

cor  Thirteenth  and  I 
Ellsworth,  O  J,  police  officer,  res  Grand  Central 
Elton,  T  Dodge,  clerk  with  F  W  Braun  &  Co,  res  270  Sixteenth 
Ely,  Geo,  driver  Pioneer  Truck  Co,   res  E  bet   Thirteenth  and 

Ely,  W,  hostler  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  945  F 
Emerson,  Mrs  Esther  M,  nurse,  res  918  Seventh 
Emery,  E  C,  deputy  sheriff,  res  The  Nest,  ChoUas  valley 
Emery,  Miss  Annie,  res  11 67  Union 
Emmel,  W  B,  news  dealer,  stationery  and  cutlery,  860  Fifth,  res 

Enciso,  Victoria,  res  K  bet  Sixth  and  Seventh 
Endly,  C  F,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Endriss,  C,  retorter,  S  D  Gas  Co.  res  Twenty-fifth  and  Frank- 
lin ave 
Endriss,  J  C,  tanner,  Twenty-fifth  and  Franklin  ave 
England,  Chas  F,  saloon,  cor  Third  and  I 
Enneking,  E  L,  cashier  Cable  Railway,  res  2445  Front 
Enneking,  W,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  Hotel 
Ensign,  E  D,  rancher,  res  California  and  Hawthorn 
ENSIGN,  E.  J.,   attorney-at-law,    21   Lawyers'    Block,    res   1655 

ENTERPRISE  PRINTING  CO.,  A  Bert  Bynon  manager,  book 

and  job  printing,  1645  F  * 


ENTNER,  LOUIS, ,  Australian  Beer  Hall,  n  w  cor  Sixth  &  I,  res 

Ergo,  G,  tailor  with  J  Vernon,  res  A  and  Columbia 
Epworth  League  Reading  Room,  9  10  11  M  E  Church  block 

hache  special  Agt 
Erickson,  Miss  Annie,  res  C  and  Front 
Erickson,  Miss  Bettie,  res  C  and  Front 
Ernsberger,  F,  laborer,  res  341  Eleventh 
Erskine,  T  J,  abstractor  with  H  T  Christian  &  Co,  res  cor  D  and 

Escher,  J  F,  M  D,  physician  and  surgeon,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and   E, 

res  670  Eighth 
ESCONDIDO  LAND  AND  TOWN  CO.,    R    R  Thomas    general 

manager,  966  Sixth 
Esleeck,  Isaac  A,  gardener  at  court  house,  res  436  Milton  ave 
Estes,  Geo,  notions,  541  Fifth,  res  139  Eleventh 
ESTES,  LEE  H.,  supt  county  hospital  and  poor  farm.  Mission 

Estes,  P  W,  compositor  Sun  office,  res  1650  Sixth 
Estes,  Mrs  G  H,  139  Eleventh 
ESTES,  riRS.  L.  H.,    matron    county    hospital   and  poor  farm, 

Mission  valley 
Estill,  Clifton,  laborer,  res  Ash  and  California 
Estrada,  Miss  Ines,  res  North  San  Diego 
Estrada,  Mrs  Isabel,  res  North  San  Diego 
Estrada,  Rowaldo,  laborer,  res  Tenth  and  M 
Estudillo,  Miguel,  assistant  clerk  board  of  supervisors,  city  res 

Eighth  and  D 
Etcheverry,  M,  with  Chas  Deleval  &  Co,  res  Columbia  and  H 
ETCHEVERRY,  PASCAL,  (Chas  Deleval  &  Co)  res  cor  Colum- 
bia &  H 
Ethridge,  Frank,    lawyer  and  real  estate  broker,    909  Fourth, 

res  2050  India 
Etter,  Mrs  HJ,  res  1665  Union 
Eubanks,  C  E,  with  A  Dorsey  Co,  res  742  Third 
Eugene,  Ruben,  porter,  res  I  foot  of  Union 
Eureka  Bakery,  Ferdit^nd  Pfister,  proprietor.  Fourth  and  B 


Kvans,  C  1/  &  Co,  (C  L  Evans),  hay,  grain  and  coal,   cor   Sec- 
ond and  H,  res  North  San  Diego 
Evans,  H,  paper  hanger  res  429  Grand  ave 
Evans,  Jas,  longshoreman,  9  South  Water  front,  foot  Ninth 
EVANS,  L.  J.,  locksmith  and  machinist,  845  Sixth  bet  E  and  E, 
EVANS,  P.  li.,  vice  pres  and  foreman  Bates  Implement  Co,  res 

National  City 
Evans,  W,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel 
Evans,  Mrs  H  A,  res  429  Grand  ave 
EVERETT,  J.  E.,  foreman  Elite  Studio,  res  Manvel 
Evert,  Chas,  teamster,  Pacific  Wood  &  Coal  Co,  res  436  Eighth 
Evert,  C  J,  harness  maker,  res  436  Eighth 
Evert,  Mrs  M  E,  res  1216  Arctic 
Everts,  Mrs  F  H,  res  747  Ninth 

Evertz,  J  P,  orange  nursery,   res  Twent5^-eighth  and  Clay 
EWINQ,  F.  W.,  attorney-at-law,  room  r  and   2    Kline   blk,    res 

2127  Second 
proprietor,  1143  Third 

Fair,  R  A,  carpenter  and  builder  436,  Sixth,  res  same 

Fairbairn,  G  D,  carpenter,  res  1714  B 

Fairbairn,  T  A,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  res  1234  Sixth 

Fairbanks,  Lowell,  retired,  res  130  National  ave 

Fairbanks,  F  A,  res  342  Colton  ave 

Fairbanks,  Daniel,  capitalist,  res  Roseville 

Fairbanks  Miss  Mary,  organist  at  Presbyterian  church,  res    130 

National  ave 
Fairfild,  J  W,  civil  engineer.  Pacific  Beach 
Faivre,  Joseph,  capitalist,  res  1605  D 
Faiwell,  C  L,  clerk  Harbison  Co,  747  Ninth 
Falyan,  A  W,  junk  dealer,  res  cor  Eighth  and  K 


FALES  &  WOOD,  [B  T  Fales,  J  W  Wood,]  Pioneer  Dairy, 
2054  India 

FALES,  B.  T.,.  [Fales  &  Wood],  res  2054  India 

Falk,  Miss  Madaline,  nurse,  res  L,,  near  Twenty-second 

Falkenhan,  Joseph,  architect,  1440  Ninth 

FALKENSTEIN,  JOHN,    public  administrator,  res  2945  G 

.Fallon,  Miss  Katie,  res  cor  Third  and  B 

Fanning,  B,  res  Thirty-fifth  and  R 

Fanning,  Fred,  res  Thirty-fifth  and  R 

Farley,  J  M,  mining  supt,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  K 

Farley,  Miss  Edith,  stenographer  with  district  sttorney,  res  Na- 
tional City 

Farmer  &  Son,  (D  W  Farmer,  H  E  Farmer),  groceries,  foot  of  H 

Farmer,  D  W,  (Farmer  &  Son],  groceries,  foot  of  H,  res  cor  A 
and  Atlantic 

Farmer,  H  Ernest  [Farmer  &  Son] ,  res  cor  A  and  Atlantic 

FARNSWORTH,  W.  R.,  S  D  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  Ice- 
land house 

Farrington,  Miss  Nellie,  chambermaid.  Hotel  Florence 

Farrow,  Mrs  C,  res  6 1 7  Twenty-eighth 

Farwell,  C  ly,  clerk  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  747  Ninth 

Farwell,  Mrs,  res  North  San  Diego 

FASHION  SALOON,  J  I,  Patterson  prop,  516  Fifth 

Faulkner,  Hugh,  waiter  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Faulk,  M  D,  cor  Thirtieth  and  E 

Fauqueer,  Miss  Dora,  res  944  State 

Faurot,  Mrs  Letitia,  res  12 10  Cedar 

Feete,  Amos,  laborer,  res  259  H 

Fegan,  F  M,  attorney-at-law  with  H  E  Doolittle,  res  2020  F 

Fehlman,  A,  with  Albert  Kindler,  res  743  Sixth 

Fehlmafln,  Henry,  horticulturist,  res  Thirty-second  near  U 

Eelitz,  Mrs,  Phil,  res  251  Fifteenth 

Felitz,  Mrs  Wm,  res  251  Fifteenth 

Fellows,  H  E,  retired,  res  Windsor 

Felt,  Geo  B,  retired  res  869  Eleventh 

Fenn,  A  W,    compositor  Daily  San  Diegan,  1646  First 

FENN,  C.  M.,  M.  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  651  Seventh,  res 
665  Seventh,  cor  G 


Fereza,  Jose,  res  Thirteenth  and  M 

Ferrell,  Mrs  A  C,  res  2719  K 

Ferrer,  Col  M  A,  capitalis,  cor  India  and  E 

Ferrer,  Manuel  A,  Jr.  surveyor,  res  519  K 

FERRIS,  ALDA  M,  proprietor  Popular  "Hrugstore,    372    Fifth, 
cor  J,  res  Grand  Pacific 

Ferris,  Frank  C,  cigar  maker,  res  cor  Quince  and  India 

Ferris,  Miss  L--  C,  artist,  res  cor  Quince  and  India 

Ferris,  W  C,  real  estate,  934  Fourth,  res  India  and  Quince 

Ferris,  Mrs  B,  res  Quince  and  India 

FERRIS,  HRS   ELECTA     HULL,    teacher   of  music,    room  39 
Grand  Pacific,  Fifth  and  J  ,.       ,., 

Ferron,  E  K,  cabinet  maker,     with    Chadbourne    Furniture  Co, 
res  3232  K 

Ferron,  Peter,  retired,  res  3232  K 

FERRY,  JOHN  H,  (F  N  Hamilton  Co)  insurance  agt,  res  3006  K 

FETSCH  BROS.    (I  Fetsch,'  E  Fetsch,  H  Fetsch)  merchant  tail- 
ors, 859  Fifth 

FET5CH',  H..,  (Fetsch  Bros)  859  Fifth,  res  12 13  Plaza 

FETSCH,  I.,   (Fetsch  Bros)  859  Fifth,  res  1213  Plaza 

FETSCH  L.,  (Fetsch  Bros),  859  Fifch,  res  1213  Plaza 

Fetty,  Wm,  farmer,  res  at  Montrose  House 

Fe.tty,  Miss  Jennie,  res  at  Montrose  House 

Fetty,  Miss  Myrtle,  res  at  Montrose  House 

Fetty,  Mrs  S  A,  Proprietor  Montrose  House,  717  Fourth 
'  Fickas,  A  R,  carpenter,  res  413  Newton  ave 

Fieber,  Jacob,  with  Hotel  Florence 

Field,  A  H,  retired,  437  Ninteenth 

Field,  Ed  C,  clerk  with  Todd  &  Hawley,  res  1633  G 

Field,  Geo  H,  teamster  with  Todd  &  Hawly,  res  451  Ninteenth 

Field,  John,  janitor  postoffice,  res  Thirtieth  and  Clay  ave 

Field,  Putnam,  job  printer,  res  857  Irving  ave 

Field,  W  P,  clerk  with  Todd  &  Hawley,  res  857  Irving  ave 

Fierman,  Mrs  C,  res  1118  C 

Fietler,  Miss  Martha,  1132  Cedar 

FIFTH  AVENUE   BOARDING    STABLE,    W  E  High  prop,  cor 
Fifth  and  B 

Filmore,  George,  janitor  Presbyterian  Church,  res  2203  J 



Finch,  C  E,  washer  Diamond  Carriage    Co,  res  Logan  Ave  near 

FINDLEY  BROTHERS,  groceries,  i^iS,  1320  D 
FINDLEY,  H.  W.,  (Findlej^  Bros),  res  1744  First 
Findley,  W  H,  retired  res  1054  Fifteenth, 
Fink,  A  J,  clerk  City  of  Paris,  res  1246  Fourteenth 
Fink,  Val,  clerk  with  F  F  Wright,  res  same 
FINTZELBERQ,  THEO.,  real  estate,  insurance,  commission  and 

notary  public,  759  Sixth,  res  929  India 
FIRST  NATIONAL  BANK,  W  D  Woolwine,  cashier,  cor  Fifth 

and  E  ' 

Fish,  John  A,  deputy  assessor  and  tax  collector,  res  1423  First 
Fishburn,  D  G,  retired,  res  2266  Second 
FISHBURN,  J.  Em  asst  cashier  First  National   Bank,    res    2266 

Fischer,  Herman,  clerk  with  J  A  Cohn,  res  1103  F 
Fischer,  Joseph,  tailor  with  T  J  Sullivan,  res  2138  E. 
Fischer,  Mrs  Mary,  res  1103  F 
Fisher,  D,  res  112  National  ave 
Fisher,  E  F,  Cable  conductor,  res  1928  Columbia^ 
Fisher,  Fred,  invalid,  res  1248  Eighteenth 
Fisher,  F,  shoemaker,  res  2384  K  , 

Fisher,  Fred,  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  934  Tenth 
Fisher,  H  L,  driver,  S  D  and  Cor  Transfer  Co,  res  838  Eleventh 
FISHER,  JOHN  C,  owner  and  prop    Florence  hotel,   manager 

Fisher  Opera'  House   and  Chadbourne   Furniture   Co,    res 

Florence  hotel 
Fisher,  Julius,  with  Horton  House  barber  shop,  res  1222    Sixth 
Fisher,  Mrs  Mary,  res  Marilou  Park,  North    Chollas,  El   Cajon 

Fitch,  L  E,  contractor,  852  State 
Fitch,  Mrs  L  J,  dressmaker,  res  852  State 
Fitch,  Mrs  Mary,  res  Second  and  Juniper 
Fitzgerald,  Edmond,  res  India  and  Maple 
Fitzgerald,  Edward,  laborer,  res  India  and  Maple 
Fitzgerald,  Thos,  butcher,  res  1244  India 
Fitzpatrick,  W  H,  miner,  res  390  Twentieth 
Fitzsimmons,  Richard,   prop    Montana   Saloon,    339  Fifth,    res 


Flagg,  Miss  Kmma,  res  Manor  house 
Flagg,  Miss  Pearl,  res  Manor  house 
Flagg,  Miss  Elizabeth,  res  Manor  house 
Flagg,  res  the  Royal 
Flannigan,  Wm,  butcher  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  at   slaughter 

Flarethy,  John,  stone  cutter,  res  St  Klmo  hotel 
FLASSIQ,  PAUL  A.,  watchmaker  and  jeweler,    1022   Fifth,   res 

1924  A 
FLATTERY,  C.  N.,  secy  S  D  Undertaking  Co,  res  760  Fourth 
Fleet,  John,  horticulturist,  res  Windsor 
Fleet,  Mrs  Bessie,  res  1063  Seventh 
Fleming,  John,  supt  dry  goods  dept,  with   Geo  W  Marston,   res 

3238  H 
FLENNER,  A.,  second-hand  goods,  1602  F,  res  2150  E 
Fletcher,  Ed,  clerk  with  M  C  Nason  &  Co,  res  Grand  Central 
Fletcher,  William  S,  clerk  at  postoffice,  res  Ninth  near  Beech 
Fletcher,  Mary  E,  book-keeper,  San  Diego    Savings   Bank,   res 

at  the  Derby 
Fletcher,  Mrs  E  M,  res  First  and  Broadway 
Flinn,  Daniel,  carpenter,  res  825  Front 
Flint,  Daniel,  second-hand  goods,  543  Fifth,  res  same 
FLINT,  JOSEPH  A.,  secy  and   treas  Coronado    Beach  Co,  San 

Diego  Water  Co  and  Electric  Ry  Co,  res  126  Grand  ave 
Flint,  Miss  Mary,  dressmaker,  res  428  Kearney  ave 
Floore,  J  M,  contractor,  res  955  Union 
Floore,  Geo,  laborer,  res  955  Union 
FLORENCE  flARKET,  12 14  Fifth 

FLORES,  F.  A.,  (Mendelson  &  Flores)  res  960  Twentith 
Flores,  Francisco,  laborer,  res  Seventh,  bet  land  J 
Flower,  rancher,  res  Lafayette 
Folcke,  Wm,  shoemaker,    1527  F,  res  same 
Foley,  Frank,  mechanic,  res  2312  G 
Foley,  Pat,  laborer,  res  G  near  Fourth 
FOLKS,  JOHN  H.,  sheriff,  res  1814  G 
Foltz,  R  T,  teamster,  res  502  Irving  ave 
Foote,  John  W,  letter  carrier,  res  2230  K 


Foote,  Miss  Myrtle,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  3230 K 

Forbes,  C  D,  teamster,  res  1342  California 

Forbes,  W  H,  foreman  Daily  Sun,  res  2214  D 

Ford,  L  M,  prop  tropical  nursery,  cor  F  and  Ninth,  res  1820  F 

Ford,  Wm,  plumber  with  Cuyamaca  Tin  Shop 

Foreman,  K  C,  compositor  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  at  Buckingham 

Forrest,  John,  street  car  driver,  res  919  Arctic 

Forrest,  Wm  S,  fish  market,  645  Fifth 

Forrester,  Mrs  M  J,  teacher,  res  cor  Ninth  and  H 

Forster  &  Jensen,  (Geo  Forster  and  J  F  Jensen),  prop'rs  Palace 

lyUnch  Counter,  926  Fifth 
Forster,  Geo,  (Forster  &  Jensen),  res  t  1 70  Fifteenth 
Forster,  Hans,  bookkeeper  with    Pacific    Wood    &  Coal  Co,  res 

2353  D 
Forward,  Jjr,  abstractor  with    H  T  Christian  &  Co,  res  610  Ivy 
Forward,  John  F,     Deputy    County    Recorder,     res  610  Ivy  cor 

FOS,  W.  N.,  investment  broker,    1324   F,    res    K   and   Twenty- 
FOSDICK,  E.  H.,  (Arne  &  Fosdick),  res  Allison  House,    Tenth 

bet  K  and  F 
Fost,  Frank,  baker,  res  2127  F 
Foster  &  Gwyn,  insurance  agents,  961  Fourth 
Foster,  C  E,  with  McDougal  Bros,  res  Grand  Pacific 
Foster,  Geo,  (Foster  &  Gwj^n,  res  Sixth  and  B,  Coronado 
Foster,  G  ly,  carpenter,  with  W  A  Rossman,  res  1760  India 
FOSTER,  JOSEPH,  proprietor  Julian  Stage  Co,  res  1427  K 
Foster,  R  L,  medical  student,  res  1769  India 
Fournier,  Ferdinand  M,  proprietor  Cit)^  of  Paris    Baker}^,    351 

Fifth,  res  same 
Fowler,  M,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  Hotel 
Fox,  Charles,  porter  Commercial  Hotel 
Fox,  C  J,  civil  engineer,  res  845  Tenth 
FOX,  OTTO  M.,    manager    Great   American   Tea    Co,    res  943 

Logan  ave 
FOX,  SAMUEL  I.,  (Samuel  I  Fox  &  Co),  res  1030  Fifteenth 
FOX,  SAMUEL  L  &  CO.,  (S    I    Fox,    Harry   E    Hayes),    real 

estate  brokers,  1411  E 


Fox,  William,  photographer,  room  3  Grand  Pacific,  res  same 

Fox,  W  O,  cigar  maker,  res  1042  Fifteenth 

Fraley,  Henry,  laborer,  res  Roseville 

Fralick,  Z  S,  carpenter,  res  450  Fifteenth 

Frame,  Ira  S,  bookkeeper  and  cashier  Cal    Mortg  Loan  &  Trust 

Co,  res  944  Twelfth 
FRAME.  J.  A.,  real  estate  1426  E  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth,  res  Fifth 

and  Ash 
Frame,  O  C,  pattern  maker,  Standard  Iron  Works 
Francis,  H  A,  bartender,  res  1619  F 

France,  J  C,  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res  Front  and  Fir 
Francis,  J  H,  engineer,    Pacific    Coast  Steamship  Co,  res  K  and 

Francis,  John,  conductor  with    Pacific   Coast  Steamship  Co,  res 

Eleventh  and  K 
Francis,  John  W,  engineer,  res  319  Eleventh 
Francis,  Peter,  longshoreman,  res  St  Elmo  House 
Francis,  Mrs  H  A,    prop  Dancing  Academy  Lafayette  Hall,  res 

Francis,  Mrs  M  A,  res  221  Logan  ave 

Franck,  Henrj^  printer  with  C  FKamman,  res  cor  Fourth  and  A 
FRANDZEN,  BUMQARDNER  &  CO.,  book  and  job  printers,  836 

FRANDZEN,    EUGENE,    (Frandzen,    Bumgardner    &    Co)  res 

Frank,  G,  restaurant  cook,  res  735  Twelfth 
Franklm,  S,  tailor,  with  F  A  Eking,  res  Oriel,  Eighth  and  F 
FRARY,  FRANK  P.,  secretary  and  treasurer  Pioneer  Truck  Co 

and  proprietor  Julian  St^ge  Co,  res  1555  Fourth 
Eraser,  W  B,  pressman  Sun  office,  res  722  Milton  ave 
Eraser,  William,  gardener,  res  417  A 
Frazee,  A  J,  carpenter,  res  638  Grand  ave 
Frazee,  Miss  Belle,  teacher  Middletown  school 
Frederick,  B  T,  retired,  res  3229  J 
Freede,  Charles,  laborer,  res  1147  Third 
Freeland  &  Colton,  (J  L  Freeland,  O  H  Colton)   insurance  and 

real  estate,  cor  E  and  Sixth 
Freeland,  J  L,  (Freeland  &  Colton),  res  Corouado 


Freeman,  E  G,  res  2230  C 

Freeman,  Jarad,  student  with  Drs  Stockton,  Valle   &  Northup, 

res  619  H 
Freeman,  W  M,  seaman,  res  Atlantic,  foot  of  B 
Frelick,  Miss  M,  dressmaker,  res  352  Seventeenth 
French  I,aundry,  1229  D 

French,  D  W,  carpenter,  res  cor  Fourth  and  I 
FRENCH  LIQUOR  STORE,  A  Manz  proprietor,  520  Fifth 
French,  Stephen,  attorney-at-law,  res  3423  ly 
French,  Miss  Hariet,  res  1672  Fnion 
FREVERT,  W.    L.,   manager   Chadbourne    Furniture    Co,   res 

Florence  Hotel 
Frew,  D  W,  retired,  res  Roseville 
Frew,  Mrs  Agnes,  res  3233  L 
Frey,  Antony,  express  driver,  res  201  Newton  ave 
Frey,  Joseph,  express  driver,  res  201,  Newton  ave 
Frey,  Leon,  express  driver,  res  201  Newton  ave 
Frick,  Ike,  barber,  1158  Fourth,  res  1160  Fourth 
Frick,  M  L,  contractor  and  Dep  City  Assr,  res  s  e  cor  Thirteenth 

and  D 
Frick,  W  R,  prop  Cal  Marble  Works,  1224  Sixth 
Friedland,  Wm,  res  bet  Twenty-eighth  and  Twenty-ninth 
Friedmen,  Ralph,  salesman,  res  Metropolitan 
FRIEND,  Capt.  J.  E.,  journalist,  res  Good  Templars'  blk 
Frigerio,  J,  old  furniture.  Sixth  near  D 
Fink,  H  M,  optician  with  German,  res  933  Seventh 
Frisbie,  J  C,  fruit  raiser,  res  804  Tenth 
Fritz,  H  C,  expressman,  res  325  Kearnej^  ave 
Fritz,  Herman,  bartender  at  People's  Hall,  res  758  Twelfth 
Fritz,  I^ouis,  prop  People's  Hall,  res  E  ngar  Front 
Froelking,  Chas,  res  Second  and  Walnut 
Frost,  C  E,  post-master  Pacific  Beach 
Frost,  H  A,  teamster,  res  760  Eighth 
Frost,  M  S,  groceries,  Pacific  Beach 
Frye,  Frank  A,  printer  with  Stenhouse  &  Co 
Fry,  Daniel,  blacksmith,  640  Second,  res  756  Third 
Fry,  Harry,  blacksmith,  640  Second,  res  756  Third 
Fuccio,  Vincent  D,  musician,  res  1267  Eleventh 


FUHRMAN,  WILLIAfl,  carriage  maker,  s  e  cor  Seventh  and  H, 
res  202 1  J 

Fuk,  Mrs  Mary,  res  Thirty-first  and  O 

Fulkerson,  E,  teamster  with  Scott,  Hinke  &  Co.,  res  Cable  hotel 

Fulkerson,  Walter,  with  J  D  Palmer  &  Sons,  res  1155  State 

Fullard,  Fred  C,  teamster,  San  Diego  Truck  Co,  res  939  Ninth 

FULLER,  GEO.,  attorney-at-law,  se  cor  Fifth  and  E,  res  Cuy- 
amaca  Club 

Fuller,  O,  nursery,  res  Old  Town  Heights 

FULLER  &  ANDERSON,  (Wm  H  Fuller,  M  B  Anderson),  at- 
torneys. City  Hall 

FULLER,  WILLIAfl  H.,  (Fuller  &  Anderson),  city  attorney, 
office  City  Hall,  res  2030  A 

Fuller,  Mrs  Fannie,  chambermaid  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Fulp,  lyouis,  janitor,  res  1352  State 

Funk,  H  M,  optician  with  M  German,  res  933  Seventh 

Furlong  Peter,  barber  shop,  457  Fifth,  res  same 

Furman,  R  H,  photographer,  res  720  Cedar 

Furman,  Wm  H,  with  Cedros  Island  Mining  &  Milling  Co, 
res  832  Second 

Fyler,  Mabel,  typewriter  for  Geo  W  Dickinson  &  Co,  res  1528  E 

Fyler,  Mrs  Nettie,  dressmaker,  res  1709  J 

Gabrilson,  G  E,  laborer,  res  652  Seventeenth 

Gabrielson,  O  D,  salesman,  res  222  Sixteenth 

QAEDKE,  Q.,  prop  San  Diego  Soda  Works,  424  Eogan  ave,  res 

Gaedke,  G  H,  with  San  Diego  Soda  works,  res   424  Logan   ave 

Gaffagan,  J  G,  furnishing  goods,  hats  and  clothing,  Fifth  cor  E 
res  1722  F 

QALBRAITH,  W.  A.,  (S  D  Cycle  and  Machine  Co),  also  press- 
man with  Daily  Union 

Galezio,  L  A  T,  with  Sam  G  Ingle,  res  26  bet  F  and  G 

QALLO,  E.,  tailor,  1235  Fourth,  res  same 

Gallup,  W  D,  piano  maker,  2340  H,  res  same 

Gait,  Wm,  paymaster  on  Thetis,  res  Third  near  Ivy 


Gandin,  J  D,  res  Tremont 

Gandion,  P  B,  peddler,  res  Twenty-seventh  and  M 

Gandy,  A  P,  res  1242  Fourth 

Gandy,  Dr  ly  P,  electrician,  office  and  res  1242  Fourth 

Gannon,  Frank,  stevedore,  res  1151  Atlantic 

Gannon,  Michael,  laborer,  res  730  Beech 

Ganzales,  Manuel  ^  res  2301  ly 

Garbers,  Wm,  fisher,  res  1898  Atlantic 

Gardner,  Frank,  boatman,  res  721   Columbia 

Gardner,  Horace,  gardiner,  res  1307  Fourth 

GARDINER,  THOS.,    president  and  manager  Daily  Union,  res 

Gilbert  building 
Gardner,  Mrs,  invalid,  res  1243  Front 
Garfield,  Mrs  E  ly,  res  1025  Eighth 

Garrett,  B  F,  grocer,  n  w  cor  Fourth  and  K,  res  Fifth  and  Ash 
Garrett,  Mrs,  res  Manor  house 

Garrettson,  Geo  G,  shipping  clerk.  Pacific  W  &  C  Co 
Garrettson,  Fred  W  collector  Pacific  W  &  C  Co,  res  Eighth  and  E 
Garvin,  H  D,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  3114  N 
Gaskill,  L  H,  stock  raiser,  res  435  Milton  ave 
Gass,  Charley,  plumber,  res  1102,  Union 
Gass,  picture  framer  with  M  German 

Gass,  Miss  Ivy,  saleslady  with  Prentice  &  Co,  res  1102  Union 
Gass,  Miss  Minnie,  clerk  withSlocum  &  Sweet,  res  1120  Fourth 
Gass,  Mrs  Mary,  res  1 102  Union 
GASSEN,  A.  G.,  capitalist,  office  923  Fourth,  Lawyers  blk,    res 

2008  E 
GASSAWAY,  W.  M.,  county  clerk,  Court  House 
Gaston,  Rhoda,  chambermaid,  Horton  house,  res  same 
Gates,  D  R,  police  officer  and  city  jailer,  res  D  bet  Twelfth  and 

Gates,  Miss  Ella,  res  723  Front 
Gay  &  Burns,  (T  R  Gay,  J  W  Burns,)  investment  brokers  and 

real  estate  dealers,  1057  Sixth 
Gay,  J  H,  jr,  capitalist,  res  Fifth  and  Juniper 
Gay,  T  R,  (Gay  &  Burns),  res  cor  Ninth  and  A 
Gazlay,  Fred  M,  book-keeper,  Fred  N  Hamilton  Co,  res  Hollis- 

ter  house 


Gearheart  Geo,  teamster,  res  New  Carlton 

QEARN,  Q.  O.,  (Handel  &  Gearn),  res  Eighteenth  and  D 

Gebhardt,  Theodore,  with  S  D  Beef  Packing  Co,  res  1730  D 

Geddes,  George,  retired  res  1066  First 

Gedrem,  Mrs  A  H,  prop  lodging  house,  Morse,  Whaley  &  Dal- 
ton  bldg 

Geen,  B  S,  res  720  Grand  ave 

QEHRINQ,  WM.,  Standard  Iron  Works,  res  423  Milton  ave 

Geiger,  David,  res  810  Front 

Geiger,  Mrs  Mary,  res  810  Front 

GEM  MARBLE  CO.,  Geo  K  Phillips  secy,  room  15  Consolidated 
Bank  bldg,  cor  Fifth  and  G 

Gentry,  Bffie,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  405  Ninth 

Gephart,  W  W  with  West  Coast  I^umber  Co,  res  314  Sargent  ave 

Geppert,  F  W,  meat  cutter,  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  Belle  View 

Gerichten,  Mrs  F,  res  1834  C 

Germain  A  G,  carriage  painter,  828  Fourth,  res  1109  F 

Germain,  Mrs  F  A,  dressmaker,  res  1109  F 

GERMAN  BAKERY,  Fred  W  A  Eckert  prop,  cor  Twelfth  and  F 

GERMAN,  M.,  manufacturing  jeweler  845  Fifth,  res  1053  Tenth 

German,  Mrs  Grace  M,  book-keeper  at  German's,  res  1053  loth 

Gerrish,  A,  lumberman.  West  Coast  lumber  Co,  res  525    Boston 

Gessler,  F,  carpenter,  res  1413  Columbia 

GIANT  POWDER  CO.,  John  G  Capron,  agent,  office  Consoli- 
dated Bank  blk 

Gibbens,  H  S,  shooting  gallery,  at  Cable  Pavilion,  res  same 

Gibbons,  Jas  C,  res  706  T^hird 

Gibbons,  Mary  A,  1440  E 

Gibbs,  E  M,  laborer,  res  746  Thirteenth 

Gibbs,  Miss  Mary  E,  res  1306  Fifth 

Gibbohn,  H,  trackman,  K  and  Fifteenth 

Gibbs,  Mrs  E,  res  931  Fifth 

GIBSON,  JAS.  A.,  (Gibson  &  Titus),  res  cor  Second  and  Fir 

GIBSON  &  TITUS,  (Jas  A  Gibson,  Harry  h  Titus),  attorneys 
at  law,  19  and  20  lyawyers'  blk, 

Gibson,  Wm,  with  A  I^evi,  res  same 

Gibson  W  H,  driver.  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res    Grand  Central 


Gifford,  E  B,  stock  raiser,  350  Ninth 

Gifford,  Mrs  Kate,  dressmaker,  Vermont  house,  564  Twelfth 

Gilbert,  G  W,  dairj^man.  Rose  can5'on 

Gilyan,  Miss  Caroline,  servant,  res  2031  Union 

Gilcher,  Wni,  city  scavenger,  res  1043  State 

Gilcher,  Miss  Minnie,  with  San  Diego  steam  laundry 

Gildea,  B  M,  dentist,  531  Sixteenth  , 

GILKEY,  riRS  RAY,  Vienna,  Model  Bakery  and  restaurant   cor 

Fourth  and  F,  res  1109  F 
Gillam,  Mrs  J,  res  2119  G 
Gillen,  James,  carpenter,  res  1329  State 
Gillen,  John,  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  1329  State 
Gillermann,  H  W,  res  840  Eleventh 
Gillespie,  G  B,  meat  market  1263  Columbia,  res  same 
Gillespie,  T  J,  salesman  with  W  E  Little  &  Co,  res  Manor 
Gillett,  G  A,  res  641  lyOgan  ave 
Gillie,  J  J,  retired,  res  2065  First 
Gillin,  Ed,  stenographer,  res  121 7  Third 
Gillis,  Ralph,  pipe  maker,  res  423  Oliver  ave 
Gillis,  Wm,  res  763  Seventh 
QILLflORE  &  CO,  (Jesse  Gillmore,  James  Gillmore  and  Collins 

Gillmore),  Real  Estate,  1012  Fourth 
GILLMORE,  COLLINS,  (Gillmore  &  Co)  res  1766  Front 
GILLMORE,  JAflES,  (Gillmore  &  Co)  res  1766  Front 
GILLflORE,  JESSE,  (Gillmore  &  Co)  res  1766  Front 
Gilman  &  Burright,  (Z  Gilman  and  D  W  Burright)     Real  Estate 

and  Loans,  1315  D  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 
Gillman,  Z,  (Gillman  and  Burright),  res  3132  H 
Gilmartin,  Mrs  J  F,  teacher  Russ  School 
GILMORE,  M.  T.,  Cashier  S  D  Savings  Bank,  res  1312  Beech 
Ginty,  John,  manager  Southern    California    Investment    Co,  res 

1543  Seventh 
GIRARD  LUNCH  ROOMS,  Mrs,  M  F  Tujague  prop,  1433  F 
Girvin,  James  W,  Hawaiian  Consul, Consulate  and  res  1217  Third 
Girvin,  R  H,  retired,  res  2432  Front 

GLASS,  LOUIS,  prop  Vienna  Bakery,  res  cor  Fourth  and  F 
Gleghorne,  Miss  Mary,  res  708  Grape 
Glessner,  D,  gripman,  res  Cable  Hotel 


Glick,  lyewis,  printer,  res  2116  H 

Glick,  Warren,  with  Dodge  &Burbeck,  res  2116H 

Glick,  Mrs  Retha,  res  2116  H 

Glick,  Albert  J,  compositor  S  D  Printing    Co,  res  cor  Sixteenth 

and  H 
Glickman,  Joseph,  clerk  with  Sam  Brust,  res  726  Fifth 
Glockler,  J,  abstractor  with  H  T  Christian   &  Co,   res   lycland 

Gloor,  R  S,  printer  with  Economy  Printing  Co,  res  1244  Seventh 
Gloor,  Mts  H,  teacher  B  street  school,  res  1244  Seventh 
Glover,  W  B,  house,  sign  and  carriage  painter,   1243   Fifth  res 

cor  B  and  Second 
QOCHENAUER,  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  cor  Second  and 

Goddard  &  Jones,  (E  F  Goddard  and   T   G  Jones),   livery,  cor 

Third  and  F 
Goddard,  A,  painter,  res  102 1  C 

Goddard,  E  F,  (Goddard  &  Jones,)  res  cor  Third  and  F 
Goddard,  G  W,  blacksmith,  res  Alhambra 
Goddard,  Mrs  B  A,  dressmaker,  res  1021  C 
Godfrey  &  Edwards,  (A  G  Edwards,  T  M  Godfrey),    groceries, 

1469  India,  cor  Beech 
Godfrey,  T  M,  (Godfrey  &  Edwards),  res  cor  Front  and  D 
Godwin,  Park,  letter-carrier,  res  11 53  Columbia 
Goethals,  Mrs  John,  res  C  and  Twenty-sixth 
QOEPP,  GHARLES,  attorney-at-law,  21  and  22   I^awyer's  blk, 

res  s  w  cor  Union  and  E 
Golay,  L  F,  night  watchman  steamship  wharf,  res  457,  Ninteenth 
QOLDEN  ERA,  Madge  Morris  Wagner,  editor  and  proprietor, 

Wm  M  Averell  business  manager,    42  and  43  I^awyer's  blk 
Golden,  M  J,  grocery,  res  lyaurel  and  Brant 
Goldring,  John,  painter,  res  806  C 
Goldkamp,  F  J,  grocery,  348  Clay,  cor  Twenty-ninth 
Goldman,  G  D,  deputy  city  clerk,  res  143  Grand  ave 
Goldthorpe,  Joe,  wines  and  liquors  964  Fifth,  res  Third  and  B 
QOLDTHWAITE,   S.  T.,  supt  of  sewers,  office   city    Hall,   res 

Eighteenth  bet  A  and  B 
Good,  Rev  S  M,  of  the  Brethren  church,  res  535  Thirteenth 


GOLDEN  GATE  MARKET,  1068  Fifth 

Goodbody  &  Sons,    (Frank  A,   Rich  J,    Delanty  Goodbody,), 

street  graders  and  contractors,  608  Fourteenth 
Goodbody,  Delanty,  (Goodbody  &  Sons),  res  608  Fourteenth 
Goodbody,  Frank  A,  (Goodbody  &  Sons),  res  608  Fourteenth 
Goodbody,  Richard  J,  (Goodbody  &  Sons),  res  608  Fourteenth 
Goodbody,  T  H,  clerk  with  W  F  &  Co,  res  cor  Fourteenth  &  H 
Goodendorff,  Frank,  with  Minneapolis  restaurant 
Goodman,  Wm,  plumber,  res  1107  C 
GOODRICH,  BEN.,    (Hunsaker,  Britt  &   Goodrich),    res   1059 

Eleventh  bet  C  and  D 
Goodrich,  Mrs  Emma,  with  C  W  Stutts,  res  137 1  Fifth 
Goodsell,  Miss  Abby  F,  res  Second  and  Walnut 
Goodsell,  Miss  Anna,  res  Second  and  Walnut 
Goodsell,  Mrs  E,  res  Second  and  Walnut 
Goodson,  Miss  Catharine,  with  Dr  Bailey,  1528  E 
Good  Templars    building,    Mrs    Hannah    Byers,    prop   lodging 

house,  943  Third 
Goodwin,  Edwin  P,  res  11 18  Cedar 

GOODWIN,  LEONARD,  atty-at-law,  941  Sixth,  res  same 
Goolman,  A  T,  iron  moulder,  res  A  and  Atlantic 
Goolman,  W  E,  iron  moulder,  res  A  and  Atlantic 
Gordon,  E  E,  fruit  packer,  res  Eighth  bet  F  and  G 
GORDON,  H.  C,  real  estate  and  loan,  923  Fourth,  res  1155  13th 
GORDON,  J.  T.,  pres  Sweetwater  Nursery  Co,   res    Eighth,   bet 

Gordon,  Philip  I,  stationery  solicitor  with  M  German,  res    1053 

Gorhan,  C,  carpenter,  res  628  Kearney  ave 
Goss,  A  J,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  B 
GOULD,  HUTTON  &  CO.,  (W  H  Gould,  W   F   Hutton),    book 

and  job  printers  and  book  binders,  938  Third  opp  Plaza 
Gould,  A,  boot  and  shoemaker,  1237  Fifth,  res  same 
Gould,  H  W,  res  1422  C 

GOULD,  W.  H.,  (Gould,  Hutton  &  Co),  res  Albemarle 
Goulden,  J,  poultry  and  produce,  13 16  F,  res  Curlew  and  Laurel 
Grace,  Paul,  with  W  M  Snider,  res  Twelfth  bet  F  and  G 
Graham,  H  E,  [lyatta  &  Graham] ,  res  lyctts,  Iowa 


Graham,  J  A,  carpenter,  res  419  Twenty-fifth 

Graham,  M  A,  [Olsen,  Graham  &  Waldon],  res  1240  Columbia 

Graham,  R  A,  railroad  contractor,  25  and  26    lawyers'    blk,   res 

Hotel  Del  Coronado 
Graham,  Mrs  K  C,  music  teacher,  res  1240  Columbia 
Graham,  S  W,  architect,  cor  Sixth  and  Ash 
Granger,  G  H,  painter,  res  517  Sixteenth 
GRAND  HOTEL,  Mrs  Ella  Rorick,  prop,  1232  F 
GRAND  PACIFIC,  residence  block,  cor  Fifth   and  J,  Alda    M 

Ferris,  agent 
Grandier,  F,  deputy  county  auditor,  res  First,  Cleveland  Heights 
GRANDSTAFF,  T.  &  CO.,   real  estate  and  loans,    1336  E,  bet 

'    Fourth  and  Fifth,  res  237  Seventeenth 
Grange,  A  J,  machinist,  res  422  Boston  ave 
Grannan,  Alonzo,  capitalist,  res  1722  B 
Granville,  A  J,  tallyman    West  Coast  lumber  Co,  res  Arctic, bet 

Palm  and  Quince 
Granville,  John,  gardiner,  res  Arctic  bet  Palm  and  Quince 
Grant,  G  W,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  National  City 
GRAY  &  CO.,  [John  Gray  and  E  W   Tebbutt],    Furniture  and 

carpets.  Fifth  bet  H  and  I 
Gray,  A  C,  with  Palace  Crockery  Store,  res    Manvel 
Gray,  A  J,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  1344  Front 
Gray  F  M,  vice  pres  South  San  Diego  Co,  res  Niles,  Mich 
Gray  Henry,  secy  and  treas  San  Diego  Land  &  Town  Co,  res  at 

Gray,  G  Y,  sec  South  San  Diego  Co,  res  South  San  Diego 
GRAY  J.  &  SON,  (J  Gray,  W  W  Gray),    New    Home    Bakery, 

1072  Sixth 
GRAY,  J.,    (J  Gray  &  Son),  res  1072  Sixth 
Gray,  J  M,  stock  raiser,  res  728  Franklin  ave 
GRAY,  JOHN,  (Gray  &  Co),  res  11 26  First 
Gray  L  V,  bell  boy.  Hotel  Florence 
Gray,  Murray  A,  deputy  city  assessor,  res  1653  Sixth 
GRAY,  W.  W.,  (J  Gray  &  Son)  res  1072  Sixth 
Gray,  Will  M,  druggist,  with  F  W   Braun  &    Co,    res   Twenty- 
seventh  and  Logan 
Gray  Wm,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 


Gray,  Mrs,  J  S,  res  1653  Sixth 

GREAT  AflERICAN  IMPORTING  TEA  CO.,  O  M  Fox  manager, 
969  Fifth 

manager,  1313  D,  Kuhn  blk 

Great  Southwest,  The,  Frances  Bagby  Blades,  editor,  EC  Hick- 
man, business  manager,  18  lyawyers  blk 

GREEN,  A.  A.,  (Bolton  &:  Green,  barbers,  1442  H)  res  Brandt 

Green,  F  M,  marble  dealer,  res  245  Seventeenth 

Green,  John  A,  machinist,  res  235  Tenth 

Green,  M  P,  groceries,  604  F 

Green,  W  F,  (Campbell  &  Green),  res  660  Thirteenth 

Green,  W  T,  barber,  res  360  Thirteenth 

Green,  Miss  Mollie,  saleslady,  res  cor  Twelfth  and  G 

GREENEBAUM,  G.  M.  dry  goods,  1414-1420  D 

Greenfield,  Albert,  boatman,  res  foot  H 

Greehlee,  Chas,  waiter  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Gregg,  R  J,  physician,  res  839  Twenty-third 

Gregg,  S  C,  book-keeper,   res  1137  Twelfth 

Gregg,  Mrs  K,  res  817  Ninth 

GREGORY=DAMON  ABSTRACT  CO.,  (A  E  Gregory,  D  N  Da- 
mon), Consolidated  National  Bank  blk 

GREGORY,  A.  E.,  [Gregory- Damon  Abstract  Co] ,  res  736  Third 

Gregory,  E,  retired,  res  618  Logan  ave 

Gregory,  F  A,  prop  Gregory  mineral  springs  bath  house,  res  M 
and  Thirty-third 

Gregory,  John,  engineer,  res  339  Eighth 

Gregory,  Wellington,  retired,  res  2513  D 

Gregory,  Miss  Billie,  waiter,  Albemarle 

Gregory,  Miss  Edna,  clerk  with  Gregory-Damon  Abstract  Co, 
res  736  Third 

Gregory,  Miss  Maude,  clerk  with  Gregory-Damo'n  Abstrat  Co, 
res  736  Third 

Grenell,  BJ,  carpenter,  res  104 1  Fifteenth 

Grether,  E  T,  res  722  Ash 

Grewell,  E  H,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  Manor  house 

Grey,  Dr  H  A,  res  1344  Front 


Grezes,  P  E,  clerk  with  J  G  Gaffagan,  res  735  Twelfth 

Gibben,  Alfred,  res  2124  G 

Cribben,  Mrs  Fannie,  res  2124  G 

Gribbohn,  Henry,  res  2372  K 

Griff ee,  Charles,  stone  mason,  res  Twentieth  and  B 

Griffin,  Arthur  I,,  blacksmith,  res  109  Seventeenth 

Griffin,  H  S,  with  Russ  Mill  &  lyumber  Co,  res  741   Eleventh 

GRIFFITH,  A.  B.,  (Boone,  Griffith  &  Co),  res  2324  H 

Griffith,  T  P,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  at  Manvel 

Grinder,  Ben,  laborer,  res  California  and  Elm 

Grinnell,  H  S,  messenger  at  postoffice,  res  1053  First 

Grinnell,  M  P,  painter,  res '1242  Fourth 

Grist,  S,  Granger  feed  yard,  Eighth  and  I,  res  508  Tenth 

Grohe,  Adams,  butcher  at  Santa  Fe  market,  res  foot  of  H 

Grondenberg,  C  H,  sales  clerk  with   Geo    W    Marston,   res    724 

Grandier,  Frank,  book-keeper.  First  and  Brookes 
Gross,  L  E,  waiter  hotel  Brewster  res  same 
Grosskops,  Carl,  cigar  maker,  res  Twenty-ninth  and  M 
Grosskops,  Charles,  cigar  maker,  res  Twenty-ninth  and  M 
Grosskops,  Emil,  cigar  maker,  res  Twenty-ninth  and  M 
Grove,  Geo  T,  salesman  with  M  Blochman  &  Son,  res  906  E 
Grove,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  res  906  E 
Grove,  Mrs  E  D,  res  cor  Second  and  Juniper 
Grovesteen,  J  H,  clerk  Superior  Court  dept  2,  res  n  w  cor  First 

and  Date 
Grovesteen,  J  H  jr,     piano    and    organ  tuner  and  repairer  with 

Birkel,  res  17 10  First 
Grow,  G  B  &  Co,  Fire  Insurance  agts,  915  Fourth,  res  1660  Fifth 

August  Balling  and  W  R  Farnsworth),  S  D  Beef  &  Packing 

Co,  wholesale  and  retail  butchers,  1061  Fifth 
GRUENDIKE,  J,    (Wynian,  Gruendike  &  Co,)    pres   First  Natl 

Bank,  res  cor  First  and  C 
Guadagnine,  E,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  1027    Fourth,   res    2223  J 
Gudkins,  Benj,  laborer,  res  cor  Union  and  F 
-Guenthen,  Herman,  gunsmith,  cor  Fourth  and  H 
Guerkel,  Fred,  with  G  M  Greenebaum,  res  830  Twenty-third 


Guerker,  Frederick,  clerk,  res  830  Twenty-third 

Guerker,  Wm,  res  830  Twenty-third 

Guest,  B  F,  lyodging  House,  1222  Sixth 

Guest,  B  F,  bricklayer,  res  1232  Sixth 

Guest,  T,  gripman^  res  Cable  Hotel 

Guiman,  R  P,  glass  cutter  with  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  res  13 18 

Gulbrandsen,  Theo,  junk  dealer,  res  1530  Eighth 

Gun,  Lewis  C,  retired,  res  1517  Seventh 

Gunnis,  R  H,  clerk, with  Consolidated  National  Bank,  res 
Second  and  A 

Gunton,  John,  street  car  driver,  res  630  C 

Gurnett  &  Silverthorn,  (R  Gurnett  and  H  Silverthorn),  groce- 
ries, 701  IvOgan  ave 

Gurnett,  R,  (Gurnett  &  Silverthorn),  res  6i7  Logan  ave 

Gurthwaite,  F,  machinist,  res  Victoria  Hotel 

Guiou,  Mrs  A  E,  res  1910  D 

Guteres,  T,  rancher,  res  2246  K 

Gutivellig,  Edward,  laborer,  res  224  Logan  ave 

GUY,  IV ESTER  CLARK,  special  agent  with  Penn  Mutual  Life, 
1424  F,  res  2225  H 

Guy,  Homer  P,  res  2225  H 

Guy,  W  R,  att'y-at-law,  3  and  5  Gilbert  blk,  955  Fifth,  res  2225  H 

Gwyer,  Miss  R  M,  dressmaker,  res  1242  Fourth 

Gwyn,  Hugh  G,  (Foster  &  Gwyn),  res  Coronado 


H  STREET  LIVERY  STABLE,  C  W  Stevens,  prop,  2345  H 
Haack,  Rev.  Hans,  pastor  German   Luthern   church,    res    1133 

Haarde,  Fred,  prop,  Victoria  saloon,  res  1122  D 
Haberfelde,  G  C,  driver  with  German  Bakery,  res    cor   Twelfth 

and  F 
Hackett,  S  W,  carpenter,  res  1534  First 
Hackett,  Miss  Lillie,  res  North  San  Diego 


Hadfield,  J  V,  expressman,  res  214  Colton  ave 

HADLEY,  W.  E.,  prop  Horton  house,  res  at  hotel 

Haelsig,  Gus,  clerk  with  Minneopolis  restaurant,  res  Pickwick 

Haffenden,  Albert,  fruit  grower,  res  Thirty -third  and  F 

Hafili,  John,  res  cor  Thirteenth  and  Iv 

Hafner,  Oscar,  harnessmaker,  with  C  J  Edwards,  res  Windsor 

Hage,  W  B,  dairyman,  res  1253  Union 

Hager,  Mrs  M  K,  res  333  IvOgan  ave 

Hahn,  rancher,  res  720  Franklin  ave 

Haight,  A  D,  res  Union  bet  Grape  and  Front 

Haight,  H  R,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  Albemarle  hotel 

Haight,  Mrs  E  G,  res  1167  Union 

HAINES  &  WARD,  [A  Haines,  M  E   Ward],  attorneys-at-law, 

3,  4,  5,  6M  E  Church  blk 
HAINES,  A.,  [Haines  &  Ward],  res  Chula  Vista 
Hake,  Jacob,  capitalist,  res  1145  Front 
Hake,  Mrs  C  A  dressmaker,  res  1145  Front 
Hakes,  C  C,  real  estate,    1016  D,  res  1039  First 
Hakes,  C  D,  student  with  Drs  Crepin,  res  1039  First 
Hakes  H  B,  with  Daily  Union,  res  1039  First 
Hakes,  E  B,  real  estate  and  loans,  1016  D,  res  1039  First 
Hale  A  D,  res  2720  G 
HALE,  D.  P.,  manager  San  Marcos  Land  Co,  Horton  house  blk, 

res  1 2 10  Cedar 
Hale,  W  H,  res  Yale  and  Olive,  University  Heights 
HALE,  fliss  BERTHA,  secy  San  Marcos  Eand  Co,   res  12 10 

Hale,  Miss  Mabel  E,  teacher  Sorento  school 
Hale,  Mrs  E  F,  res  2720  G 
Hale,  Miss  Dell,  res  12 10  Cedar 
Hale,  Miss  Eibba,  res  1210  Cedar 
Hall,  Mrs  M,  res  University  Heights 
Haley,  Mrs  Eou,  furnished  rooms,  959  Fourth 
HALF=PRICE  HOUSE,  (Thomas  Nichols,  M  J  Nichols,  Geo  J 

Chambers),  838  to  852  Sixth  and  628  Sixth 
Hall,  C  M,  res  Nutmeg  and  Arctic 
Hall,   Geo  S,  pastor  Second    Congregational    Church,    res    339 

Sargeant  ave 


Hall,  Mike,  res  Old  Town  Heights 

Hall,  M  E,  res  11 44  First 

Hall,  M  S,  carpenter,  res  824  lyOgan  ave 

Hall,  Nathan,  roadmaster  Cal  Southern  R}^  res  foot  of  Twentj^- 

HALL'S  SAFE  AGENCY,  J  B  Wheeler  agent,  930  Sixth 
Halloran,  Miss  Annie  M,   teacher  Middletown  school,  res  1666 

Halloran,  Miss  Mary  O,   1666  Union 
Halloran,  Mrs  A,  res  1666  Union 
Hambacher,  Chris,  laborer,  res  2234  K 
Hambacher,  Martin,  laborer,  354  Fifth,  res  2234  K 
Hambly,  Fdwin,  elevator  boy  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
HAMES  &  KROENERT,   (W   A    Hames   and    Geo    Kroenert), 

Magnolia  saloon,  cor  Sixth  and  F 
HAMES  W.  A.,  (Hames  &  Kroenert),  res  336  Twelfth 
HAMILTON  &  CO.,  incorporated,  (C  S  Hamilton  President  and 

manager),  groceries  and  crockery,  711  Fifth  and  712  Sixth 
Hamilton,  Abe,  laborer,  708  Third 
HAMILTON,  CHAS.  S.,   Pres   Hamilton    &    Co,    groceries   and 

crockery,  res  1517  Seventh 
Hamilton,  E  E,  barber,  with  I^on  Schwartz^  res  Ramona  House 
HAMILTON    CO.,  FRED    N.,    (Fred  N  Hamilton,  J  H  Ferry,  O 

C  Dranga),  general  hardware,  719   and   721    Fifth   and   722 

HAMILTON,  FRED  N.,  (Fred   N    Hamilton    Co.,)  res  First  and 

Hamilton,  Harry,  typewriter  with  Klauber  &  Levi,  res  Bon  Ton 
Hamilton,  J  K,  special    agt  North  American  insurance  Co,    res 

1 05 1  Fifteenth 
Hamilton,  M  D,  promotor,  res  M  bet  Twenty-ninth  and  Thirtieth 
Hamilton,  R  W   with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  New  Carleton  Hotel 
Hamilton,  W  A,  hunter,  res  2388  F 
Hamilton,  W  H,  fruit  and  cigars,  2354  H 
Hamlin,  Burton,  clerk  with  Horace  Bradt,  res  672  Sixteenth 
Hamlin,  Homer,  civil  engineer,  res  340  Sixteenth 
HAMMACK,   D.  M.  &  N.  S.,  [D  M  Hammack,  N  S  Hammack], 

attornej's-at-law,  rooms  13  and  14  767  Fifth 


HAMMACK,  D.  M.,  [D  M  &  N  S  Hamtnack  &  ],  res  2353  A 

HAMMACK,  N.  S.,  [D  M  &  N  S  Hammack],   res  2640  ly 

Hammer,  Mrs  M  B,  res  661  Thirteenth 

Hammond,  carpenter,  res  Metropolitan 

Hammond,  Miss  Jennie,  mus'.c  teacher,  res  1 241  Sixth 

HAMMOND,  riRS.  MARY  H,,  dressmaker,  947  Sixth,  res  same 

Hampton,  Chas  H,  second  hand  goods,  412  Fifth,  res  same 

Hanbury,  J  D,  res  at  Elite  House 

Hanchett,  D  G,  carpenter,  res  Fourth  and  Palm 

HANDEL  &  GEARN,  (D  Handel  &  G  C  Gearn),  druggists,    847 

HANDEL,  D.,  (Handel  &  Gearn),  res  cor  Fourth  and  Juniper 
Hanna,  Capt  Robt,  U  S  Arm}^  1857  Third 
Hannes,  George,  rancher,  res  11 40  Laurel  cor  Third 
Hansen,  George,  carpenter,  res  840  Columbia 
Hansen,  Peter,  carpenter,  res  Twenty-ninth  and  M 
Hansen,  Mrs  W,  res  Bandini  and  Arctic 
Hanson,  Miss  Christina,  res  731  Tenth 
Hanson,  A,  restaurant,  res  2220  D 
Hanson,  C,  planer,  res  corner  India  and  B 
Hanson,  Christian,  laborer,  res  Victoria  Hotel 
Hanson,  Hans,  sailor,  res  St  Elmo  Hotel 
HARBISON  GROCER  CO.,   THE,    (Francis    Willcox,    pres,  J  S 

Harbison,  vice-pres;    Chas  S  Willcox,  secy  and  treas,  1509 

and  1515  G 
HARBISON,  H.  R.,  (Phillips  &  Harbison),  res  2040  B 
HARBISON,  J.  5.,  vice-president   Harbison    Grocer  Co,  apiarist 

and  horticulturist,  res  Twelfth  and  C 
Hard,  Chas  W,  clerk  for  H  Welisch,  res  763  Seventh 
Hardiman,  Lester,  messenger  with  W  U  Tel  Co,  res    1422    First 
Harding,  F,  track  Supt,  res  University  Heights 
Hardman,  George,  painter,  res  1422  First 
HARDY,  CHARLES  S.,  wholesale  butcher  and   meat  market, 

cor  Fifth  and  G,  res  1041  C 
Hardy,  Geo  L,  blacksmith,  1027  H,  res  918  E 
Hardy,  Isaac,  teamster  S  D  L  Co,  2638  N 
Hargis,  G  F,  chief  deputy  sheriff,  res  Oneonta 
Hargis,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  res  Emerson  house 


Hare,   E   A,  jeweler,  14  and  15  Express  Blk,  res  1342  Seventh 

Hargrave,  M  B,  res  21  Eighteenth 

Harlan,  Mrs  M  F,  bakery,  res  721  Boston  ave 

Harper,  Dr  J  B,  retired,  res  830 Twelfth 

Harper,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  1230  Thirteenth 

Harper,  Miss  Maud,  with  S  D  I^aundry 

Harring,  res  416  National  ave 

Harrington,  A  E,  book-keeper  with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  Twenty- 
eighth  and  K 

Harrington,  W,  with  C  H  Turner  &  son,  res  Kline  Blk 

Harrington,  Mrs  Hannah,  res  340  Eleventh 

Harris,  Curtis,  engineer,  Ninth  near  N 

Harris,  Harry  G,  janitor  Lawyer's  Blk,  res  315  A 

HARRIS,  J.  A.  &  CO.,  bookbinders.  Lawyers  Blk,  res  948  Ninth 

Harris,  James  E,  carpenter  and  contractor,  res  1240  Union 

Harris,  J  R,  jeweler,  643  Fifth,  res  R  and  Thirty-ninth 

Harris,  John  H,  painter,  528  Sixth 

Harris,  Miss  Jenny,  help  at  Grand  hotel 

Harris,  Miss  S,  printer,  with  Southern    California  Printing   Co, 

Harrison,  Geo,  carpenter,  res  807  F 

Harrison,  George  E,  messenger  with  District  Telegraph  Co,  res 
1037  First 

HARRISON,  TOM,  [Reinoehl  &  Harrison],  Fisher  opera  house. 

Harrison,  Mrs  M  T,  res  1037  First 

Harrison,  Mrs.  M  M,  milliner  and  dressmaker,  1516-1518  H,  res 

Hart,  A  C,  ticket  agent  Cuyamaca  depot,  res  1919  K 

HARRY,  S.  C,  manager  S  D  Paint  Co,  res  Albemarle 

Hart,  E  W,  clerk,  res  306  Milton 

Hart,  H  M,  engineer,  res  306  Milton  ave 

Hart  I  N,  res  1049  Second 

Hart,  Mrs  E,  res  306  Milton  ave 

Hartley,  A  G,  blacksmith,  res  Thirty-first  and  Sargent  ave 

Hartley,  Delbert,  blacksmith,  res  Thirty-first  and  Sargent  ave 

Hartley,  Mrs  H  L,  res  Thirty-first  and  Sargent 

Hartsfleld,  Sim  W,  res  2645  N 


Hartshorn,  Miss  Mary,  res  440  Sixteenth 

Hartwell,  F  S,  electrician,  924  Sixth,  res  1144  Sixth 

Hartwell,  S  M,  real  estate,  924  Sixth,  res  33  Fifteenth 

Hartwicksen,  F  H,  cutter  with  Walter  I  DeGroot,  res  1435  A 

Hartzig,  I^ouis,  bartender,  City  Garden,  res  same 

Harum,  Miss  Jacobina,  telegraphy  and  short-hand  teacher,  room 

8  Snyder  blk 
Harville,  B  F,  agricultural  implements  and  vehicles,  cor  Fifth 

and  K,  res  1640  State 
HASLAH  BROS.,  (A  E  Haslam,  E  B   Haslam,)   grocers    1125 

HASLAM,  A.  E.,  (Haslam  Bros),  res  1066  Ninth 
Haslam,  Albert,  carpenter,  cor  Ninth  and  C 
HASLAfl,  E.  B.,  (Haslam  Bros),  res  1066  Ninth 
Haslam,  F  W,  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  1066  Ninth 
Haslam,  John  S,  with  J  F  Nadeau,  res  1066  Ninth 
Hasley^  O  L,  conductor,  res  2T09  Second 

Haslin,  Fred,  driver  with  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  Ninth  and  C 
Hastings,  Chas,  sailor,  res  foot  of  F 
Hastings,  W  L,,  miner,  res  230  National  ave 
Hathaway,  Miss  Eva,  book-keeper  with   M  C  Nason  &   Co,    res 

2034  Albatross 
Hauser,  L,  D,  book-keeper,  res  340  Twelfth 
HAVERMALE  &  ROSSIER,  [W  O  Havermale,  Chas  A  Rossier,] 

shoemen,  Bon  Ton  blk,  D,  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
Havermale,  S  G,  capitalist,  res  cor  Seventh  and  Ash 
HAVERMALE,  W.  O.,  [Havermale  &  Rossier],  Seventh  and  Ash 
Havice,  Geo  M,  book-keeper  supt  schools,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Hawes,  Mrs  J  R,  res  Tremont  House 
Hawkins,  J,  conductor,  res  Fifth  and  Redwood 
Hawkes,  Eugene,  miner,  res  322  Milton  ave 
HAWKINS,  Q.  W.,  treas  Sweetwater  Nursery  Co,  res  1417  Fifth 
Hawkins,  John  K,  cable  car  conductor,  res  Fifth  and  Quince 
HAWKINS,  W.  A.,  lessee  S  D  and  Cor  Transfer  Co,  and  mana- 
ger Diamond  Carriage  and  Omnibus  Line,  res  14 17  Fifth 
Hawkins,  Mrs  M  B,  res  141 7  Fifth 
HAWLEY,  Q.  n.,  [Todd  &  Hawley],  res  1141  Seventh 
Hawley,  Guy  P,  horticulturist,  res  2040  B 


Hawley,  J  W,  retired,  res  2040  B 

Hawley,  Warren  D,  dentist  with  Philips  &  Harbison,  res  2040  B 

Hawthorne,  Mrs  M  C,  nurse,  res  1270  First 

Hayden,  N  I,,  mechanic,  res  226  I^ogan  ave 

Hayden,  WB,  res  1224  Tenth 

Hayden,  W  E,  printer  with    Frandzen,     Bunigardner    &  Co,  res 

Hayden,  Miss  Minnie,  book-keeper  with  Horace  Bradt,  res  1224 

Hayes,  T  J,  attorney-at-law,  3207  H  cor  Twenty-fourth 
Hay  ward,  AM,  mechanic,  res  n  w  cor  Twenty-second  andD 
Hayward,  B  H,  carpenter,  res  744  India 
HAZZARD,  Q.  W„  real  estate,  640  Fifth,    res  cor  Fifth  and  Kal- 

Heal,  George  W,  capitalist,  L,a  Jolla  Park 
HEALTH  OFFICE,  City  Hall,  ThosLMagee,  Health  Officer 
Healy,  Alexander,  laborer,  res  825  Front 
Healy,  Kdbert,  letter  carrier,  848  State 

HEARNE,  Dr.  J.  C,  (Doig  &  Hearne),  res  3328  G,  near  Twen- 
Hearne,  M  L,,  observer  weather  bureau,    Nesmith -Greeley   blk, 

res  2421  K 
Heath,  A.  H.,  foreman  San  Diego  Printing  Co,  res  832  Tenth 
HEATH,  CHAS.  E.,  real  estate  and  notary  public   1426    K,    res 

832  Tenth 
Heath,  Geo  K,  lather,  res  635  Main 

HEATH,  J.  A.,  ship  chandler,  624  Fifth,  res  1560  Union 
Heatherly,  C  C,  galley  boy  at  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  661  15th 
Heavens,  Mrs  Madaline  foot  of  I 
HEBBARD,  W.  S.,  architect,  9  and  10  First  National  Bank  blk 

res  1827  Third 
Hebard,  Mrs,  res  1827  Third 

Hecht,  Jacqueth,  Bnsenada  I^and  Co,  res  at  Florence 
Hedges,  J  Q  &  Co,  (J  Q  Hedges,  A  J  Verlaque),   Julian    Fruit 

Co,  s  w  cor  Fourth  and  E 
Hedges,  J  Q,  (J  Q  Hedges  &  Co,)  res  1264  State 
HefHeman,  H  K,    with  M  S  Babcock,  rooms   21  to   24  Keating 

blk,  cor  5th  and  F,  res  cor  Twelfth  and  C 


Hefty,  Marcus,  retired,  res  414  I/Ogan  ave 

Heilbron,  F,  saloon  and  bottling  works,  2 141    K,    res   Eleventh 

bet  G  and  H 
Heinrich,  Louis,  gunsmith  and  machinist,  cor   7th    and  J,    res 

Heller  M  F,  groceries,  1902  F  cor  Tenth,  res  3323  F 
HELPHINQSTINE,  JOHN  A.,  real  estate  broker,  919  Fifth,  res 

cor  Tenth  and  Beech 
Hemke,  Charles,  hostler  at  Star  Stable,  res  same 
Hemsley  &  Honeywell,  (J  G  Hemsley,  Wm    Honeywell),   bar- 
bers, 858  Fifth 
Hemsley,  J  G,  (Hemsley  &  Honeywell),  res  422  Colton  ave 
Hemsley,  Joseph,  barber,  res  422  Colton  ave 
Hemsley,  Mrs  Jane,  res  422  Colton  ave 
HENDERSON,  J.  J.,  atty-at-law,  13  and    14    Pierce-Morse  blk, 

res  cor  Curlew  and  Kalmia 
Henderson,  C  A,  traveling  salesman  with   Klauber  &  I^evi,  res 

1912  A 
Henderson,  R  W,  clerk  with  Pacific  Coast  steamship  Co,  res  foot 

of  Fifth 
HENDRICK,   E.    W.,  atty-at-law,  No,  2  Marston  blk,  cor  Fifth 

and  F,  res  541  Twentieth 
Hendrickson,  Paul,  janitor  First  National  Bank,  res    818  Union 
Hendrick,  W  H,  laborer,  res  416  Sixth 
Hendsch,  E  H,  mining  engineer,  res  740  Nineteenth 
HENDSCH,  Mrs.  W.  F.,  employment  agency,  910  Sixth,  res  same 
HENDSCH,  W.  F.,  blacksmith,  res  910  Sixth 
Henko,  Chas,  prop  Victoria  hotel,  1116  D 
Henninger,  Geo,  Commercial  beer  hall,   cor  Sixth  and   E,   res 

936  Eighteenth 
Henrickson,  Paul,  clerk  First  National' Bank,  res  818  Union 
Henry,  J  B,  res  near  Cable  Pavilion 
Henry,  Mrs  Caroline,  res  651  Front 
Henry,  Miss  Anna,  servant,  res  914  E 
Henry,  Mrs  E  E,  res  230  Boston  ave 
HENRY,  rirs.  J.  H.,  De   Garmo   Dancing   Academy,   Tremont 

house,  res  same 
Henshil,  James,  printer,  res  3235  E 

STOP    AND    SEE    ME 

A    BARCAil^     m 

Household  Goods, 

G.    W. 

1624    H    STREET 


G.  W.  MflGWOOD'S 

SE:co^lD.t^/l^ID  stot^e, 



University  Heights 3 

City  Heights 4 

Old  Town. 


Mission  Valley 5 

,  '               Old  Mission 8  — 

t"^               Race  Track 6h  (y\ 

fTl               Pacific  Beach 8"  JV 

r~J               Ocean  Beach 8  ^0 

U4               Roseville 7      -  J^ 

^               La  Holya  Park  (I,a  Jolla) 13  ^"^ 

r"              Del  Mar 23  -r- 

r*               Chollas  Valley 3  J. 

fO  National  City 5 

Paradise  Valley 6  (J) 

I               Sweetwater  Dam 12  j 

Lakeside 20  ' 

.  J,       1°"^^^..", 25  :o 

V              Escondido 35  f_| 

pg              Oceanside 40  I  ' 

rO               Sorrento 15  p] 

QJ               Otay 12  J 

,~               re  Wanna  (Tia  Juana) 16  ~ 

Chulla  Vista 10 

Julian 60 

Alpine 26 

El  Cahone   (Cajon) 15 

Harmule  Valley  Postofiice  (Jamul) 20 

I  will  pay  you  CASH  for  anything  you  have  to  sell. 


Henshilwood,  Andrew,  laborer,  res  I^  near  Twenty-fourth' 

Hensley,  Geo  B,  supt  Cable  road,  res  970  Ninth 

Hepburn,  Jos  ly,  accountant,  1914  First,  res  same 

Herbert,  John,  laborer,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Herbert,  W  M,  book-keeper,  Geo  W  Marston,  res  2342  C 

Herold,  Miss  Annie,  dressmaker,  res  628  Kearney  ave 

Herold,  Miss  Rose,  music  teacher,  res  628  Kearney  ave 

Herrick,  Geo,  driver  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  Coronado 

Herrington,  B  A,  carpenter.  Twenty-eighth  and  K 

Herzog,  Frank,  City  Garden  saloon,  cor  Fifth  and  B 

Hester,  Max,  musician,  res  1504  Logan  ave 

Hertwecic,  C  F,  salesman  with  V  Bruschi  &  Co,  res  433  Sixth 

Hewes,  Frank,  clerk  with  Nye  &  Nissen,  res  1022  A 

Hewitt,  D  H,  capitalist,  res  cor  Seventh  and  B 

Hewitt  House,  Mrs  C  T  Hewitt,  cor  7th  and  E 

Hewitt,  John,  saloon,  cor  Sixth  and  K,  res  1821  H 

Hewitt,  Miss  C  H,  artist,  res  2204  Fourth 

Hewitt,  Mrs,  res  2204  Fourth 

Hewson,  Jas  M,  at  Star  stables,  res  Eighth  bet  J  and  K 

Hiatt,  M  B  &  Son,  contractors,  708  Franklin 

Hiatt,  E  E,  (M  B  Hiatt  &  Son),  res  708  Franklin 

Hiatt  Harry,  with  Thompson  &  McDowell,  res  Twenty-fifth  and 

Hiatt,  MB,  (MB  Hiatt  &  Son),  res  708  Franklin 
Hickey,  T  W,  railroadman,  res  Sixteenth 
Hickman,  E  C,  business  manager  Great  Southwest,  18  Lawyers 

blk,  res  Cuyamaca  Club 
Hickox,  L  M,  contractor  and  builder,  res  1430  State 
Hicks,  advertiser  with  M  German,  res  H 
Hicks  J  V,  res  2624  L 

Hicks,  W  ly,  saloon,  244  Fifth,  res  250  Fifth 
Hicks,  Mrs  W  L,  restaurant  250  Fifth,  res  same 
Hicks,  Mrs,  res  1624  F 
Higgins,  A  E,  special  deputy  collector  of  customs,    res    Fourth 

and  Olive 
Higgins,  Fred,  tinner  with  Cuyamaca  Tin  Shop,  res  Eighteenth 

and  G  near  Eighteenth 


Higgins,  &  Clouse,  (T  D  Higgins,  J  K   Clouse),   props   Chula 

Vista  nursery,  res  Chula  Vista 
Higgins,  Herbert  R,  res  15 12  Ash 
Higgins,  lyee,  driver  with  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  E,  bet  Fifteenth 

and  Sixteenth 
Higgins,  T  D,  (Higgins  &  Clouse),  res  Chula  Vista 
Higgins,  L^eroy,  teamster,  res  2356  F 
Higgins,  Thos,  notary  public,  1420  E,  res  at  St  James 
Higgins,  Thos  J,  capitalist,  res  15 12  Ash 
HIGH,  M.  C,  manager  Fifth  ave  stables,  res  cor  Fifth  and  B 
HIGH,  S.  C,  manager  Fifth  ave  stables,  res  1224  Tenth 
HIGH,  W.  E.,  prop  Fifth  ave  stables,  res  Third  bet  A  and  B 
High,  Miss  Jennie,  clerk  White  House,  res  cor  Eleventh  and  G 

Highland,  Alex,  res  547  Milton  ave 
Hilb,  Geo  S  &  Co  (Geo  S  and  Geo  Hilb),  blacksmiths  and  wa- 

gonmakers,  1316  India,  res  same 
Hilb,  Geo,  (Geo  S  Hilb  &  Co),  res  1316  India 
Hilb,  Jos  F,  printer  with  C  F  Kamman,  res  cor  India  and  A 
Hilderbrand,  John,  tallyman  with  Russ  M  &  ECo,  resCoronado 
Hildreth,  Dr  H,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  at  Emerson  house 
Hildreth,  Hugh  R,  res  1468  Third 
Hildreth,  H  W,  printer,  930  Sixth  bet  D  and  E 
Hildreth,  James  E,  1468  Third 
Hildreth,  Walter  A,  res  1468  Third 
Hill  &  Bovet,  dressmakers,  823  Sixth 

Hill,  Ered,  with  Cal  Savings  Bank,  res  University  Heights 
Hill,  Geo  H,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence 

Hill,  Thomas,  tinner  with  Cuyamaca  Tin  Shop,  res  823  Sixth 
Hill,  W  K,  metal  worker,  res  1160  Third 
Hill,  Miss  Clara,  res  422  Sixth 
Hill,  MrsW  K,  (Hill  &  Bovet),  res  Third  nearB 
Hillman,  Henry,  rancher,  res  138  Sixteenth 
Hilton,  A  C,  groceries,  res  1939  K  cor  Eleventh 
Hilton,  F  A,  carpenter,  res  333  Boston  ave 
Hilton,  Geo  O,  horticulturist,  res  1253  Twelfth 
Hilton,  Robt  A,  nurseryman,  res  1253  Twelfth 
Hilton,  Miss  Eibbie,  res  1253  Twelfth 
Hilton,  Miss  Mary,  res  1253  Twelfth 


Hilts,  Wm  D,  prop  Detroit  Bakery,  1152  Fourth,  res  same 
Himebaugh,  H  H,     real    estate    and   notary  public,  1336  D,  res 

Kearney  ave  bet  Twenty-fifth  and  Twenty-sixth 
HINDE,  CHARLES  T.,  manager,    sec  and  treas  Spreckels  Bros 

Commercial  Co  and  manager    Santa    Fe   wharfF,  res  C  ave 

bet  Ninth  and  Tenth,  Coronado 
HINKE,  FRED,  (Scott,  Hinke  &  Co),  res  Cable  Hotel,    Fourth 
Hinkle,  E  C,  law  student,  res  2145  Fourth 
Hinkle,  W  S,  loan  broker,  1426  E,  res  2145  Fourth 
Hinkley,  C  H,  teamster,  1369  India 
Hinman,  B  C,  printer,  res  2440  Front 
Hinman,  Daniel  B,  retired,  2440  Front 
Hinman,  Mrs  M  C,  res  3294  M 
Hinter,  J  B,  retired,  res  732  Eighth 
Hinters,  Oscar,  barber,  926  Fourth   res  Sun  Bldg 
Hinters,  Mrs  Maggie,  furnished  rooms  15  Sun  Bldg 
HINTON  DANCING  ACADEHY,    Express  Block,  cor  Sixth  and 

F,  third  floor 
HINTON,  PROF.  B.,  principal  Dancing  Academy,  res  Lafayette 

Hipwell,  R  J,  grocer,    Thirteenth  and    K,   res  First  bet  Walnut 

and  Brookes  Cleveland  Heights 
Hitchcock,  Geo  N,  land  agt,  709  Sixth,  res  1620  E 
Hitchcock,  A  E,  real  estate,  709  Sixth,  res  Roxbury 
Hoban,  Frank,  watchman  at  Spreckel's  whf,  445  Irving  ave 
Hobelson,  A,  capitalist,  res  118  Grand  ave 
Hobert,  Chas,  lumber  yard,  res  658  Third 
Hocking,  W  J,  carpenter,  res  Roseville 
Hodge,  H  C,  groceries,  133 1  D,  res  1027  Ash 
Hodge,  H  M,  with  H  C  Hodge,  res  1027  Ash 
Hodge,  E  O,  collector  city  water  dep't,  res  505  Twenty-first 
Hodge,  Miss  Anna  Louise,   teacher  in  public  schools,   res  845 

Hodge,  Mrs  Noah,  res  505  Twenty-first 
Hodge,  Mrs  S  A,  res  954  Fifth 

Hodgins,  res  Thirty-fourth  and  R 

Hodgkinson,  Mrs  Jesse,  res  Columbia  and  Kalmia 
Hoch,  E  O,  barber,  744  Sixth,  res  same 


Hoenig,  Wm,  machinist,  with  Standard  Iron  Works 

HOFF,  JOHN  D.,  ASBESTOS  CO.,  factory  on  Pacific  Beach 
Motor  Line,  office  923  Fourth 

HOFF,  JOHN  D.,  manager  Asbestos  Co,  res  Eleventh  and  C 

Hofi",  h  E,  teamster,  res  2334  F 

Hoif,  Paul,  harnessmaker,  foreman  with  Montejo,  res  722 

Hoffman,  Chas,  carpenter,  res  191 7  H 

Hoffman,  Charles,  cigars  and  tobacco,  568  Fifth,  res  H  and 
Tenth  > 

Hoffman,  D  C,  saddler,  res  710  Seventh 

Hoffman,  Fred,  laborer,  res  783  State 

Hoffman,  J,  clerk  with  I  Kauffman,  res  646  Twelfth 

Hoffman,  Nick,  butcher  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  slaughter  yard 

Hoffman,  Wm,  candy  maker  at  Mielke's  candy  factory,  res  649 

Hoffman,  L,,  fruit  man,  649  Fourteenth 

Hoffman,  Miss  Minnie,  res  Walnut  and  Albatross 

Hoffman,  Mrs  C  E,  dressmaker,  res  F,  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 

Hofto,  Lon^  res  Mission  Vallej- 

Hogue,  Ole,  res  Mission  Valley 

Holbrook,  Albert,  captain  yacht  Jesse  D,  res  St  Elmo  Hotel 

Holcomb,  N  E,  groceries,  2247  H,  res  same 

Holden,  James  A,  with  Hamilton  &  Co^res  Front  and  A 

Holden,  O  S,  grocer,  res  811  Irving  ave 

Holden, res  1255  Eighteenth 

Holdrich,  Mrs,  res  The  Royal 

Holdsworth,  F  A,  gen  mg'r  Eower  Cal  Development  Co' s  steam- 
ships, 1022  Fourth,  res  San  Quintin 

HOLLAND,  C.  F.,  [Shaw  &  Holland],  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  C 

Holland,  J  C,  contractor,  res  743  Tenth 

Hollaran,  Thos,  laborer,  2416  I 

Hollington,  Dr.  Wm,  retired,  res  169  Twenty-first 

Hollington,  L  F,  collector  S  D  Gas  &  Electric  Light  Co,  res 
Twenty-first  and  L 

HOLLISTER,  THE,  Mrs  M  H  Ellis  prop,  1620  F 

Holliway,  N  M,  City  Transfer  Co,  res  181 2  Fourth 


Holmes,  Geo,  book-keeper  S  D  &  Cor  Transfer  Co,  res  at   Tre- 

mont  house 
Holmes,  R  R,  salesman  with  K  F  Rockfellow,  res  1028  14th 
Holt  House,  Mrs  S  Holt,  prop,  cor  H  and  Fifteenth 
Holt,  Mrs,  S,  prop  Holt  house,  res  same 
Holwell,  Robt,  day  nursery,  res  1236  Eighteenth 
Homann,  Gus,  bar  tender  People's  Hall,  res  Tower  house 
HOMCEOPATHIC  PHARMACY,  Maria  B.    Averill,  M  D,    prop, 

946  Sixth 
Honeslah,  C,  upholsterer,  cor  Fourth  and  A,  res  Ninteenth  and  A 
Honeywell,  W5i,  (Hemsley  &  Honeywell),  res  17th  and  L, 
Hook  and  Ladder  Co,  No  i,  Ninth  bet  H  and  I 
Hook  and  Ladder  Co,  No  2,  Twenty-fourth  and  Kearney  ave 
HOOKER,  A.  H.,  (Mathews  &  Hooker),  res  927  Twelfth 
Hooker,  Beau  A,  clerk  with  Chas  A  Chase,  res  2021  E 
Hooker,  J  B,  retired  res  869  Eleventh 

Hooker,  W  C,  compositor  Sun  office  res  Twelfth  bet  F  and  G 
H  ')oker,  Wm  T,  sidewalk  contractor,  res  19  The  Willard 
Hooker,  Victor,  with  Johnson  &  Co,  res  Eleventh  and  E 
Hookc*,  Miss  Emma,  res  1665  Union 

Hoole,  S  F,  horse  market.  Fourth  and  H,  res  661  Sixteenth 
Hopkins,  A  F,  orchardist,  res  Roseville 
Hopkinson,  W,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Hoppf,  Paul,  barkeeper  at  St  Nicholas,  res  same 
Horn,  J  E,  boot  and  shoemaker,  1048,  Fifth,  res  155 1,  Fifth 
Horn,  John  V,  cigar  maker  at  Sensenbrenners  res    1039   Fourth 
Hornbeck,  J  H  res  Mission  Valley 
Hornbeck,  Miss  Maggie,  res  Mission  Valley 
HORNING,  J.  L.,  manager  Model  Steam  Laundry,  2370  F,    res 

2022  E 
Horton,  A  E,  capitalist,  res  Olive  and  Columbia 
HORTON  HOUSE,  W  E  Hadley  prop,  D  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Horton  House  Barber  Shop,  A  F  Rucks  prop,  1016  Fourth 
Hose  Co  No  2,  Sixth  bet  I  and  J 
HOSFORD,  C.  H.,  (J  R  Dunkin  &  Co),    res  Campus  ave,    Uni- 

iversity  Heights 
Hosier,  dairj^,  Chollas  Valley 
Hoskin,  O  F  blacksmith,  316  National  ave  res  328  Clay  ave 


Hoskins,  Wm,  expressman,  res  830  Sixteenth 

Hosman,  A  J,  hotel  porter,  res  1620  State 

HOTEL  BREWSTER,  J.  E.  O'Brien  manager,    cor  Fourth  and  C 

Hotel  D'Europe,  John  Stanovich  prop,  459  Fifth 

HOTEL  FLORENCE,  John  C  Fisher    owner    arid    prop,    Stuart 

Kennedy  manager,  bet    Third    and   Fourth  Fir  and  Grape, 

Florence  Heights 
Hotel  Grand  Central,  J  F,  Nadeau  prop.  Sixth  and  H 
House,  E  L,  driver  with  S  J  Sill,  res  Seventh  and  Beech 
House,  Mrs  Carrie,  messauge  treatment,  res  Eangham 
Houser,  IvOuis,  with  F  Heilbron,  res  340  Twelfth 
Houten,  Evan,  manager  Turf  Saloon,  res  same 
Houx,  B  F,  surveyor,  res  841  Second 
HOWARD,  BRYANT,  president  Consolidated  National  Bank,  res 

cor  Tenth  and  B 
Howard,  H  A,  mining,  room  3  Allyn  Blk 
Howard,  H  L,,  with  S  D  Street  Car  Co,  res  857  Seventh 
Howard,  J,  master  mariner,  res  1218  Atlantic 
Howard,  J  D,  retired,  res  850  Eighth 

Howard,  J  E,  contractor  and  builder,  res  642  Kearney  ave 
Howard,  John,  music  teacher,  928  Sixth,  res  same 
Howard,  L,  B,  miner,  res  Hotel  Brewster 
Howard,  T  A,  with  S  D  Street  Car  Co,  res  820  Eighth 
HOWARD,  W.  E.,  wholesale    Flour,    Feed  and  Produce,  225  to 

233  Fifth,  res  3348  G 
Howard,  Winslow,  watch  maker  with    M    German,  res  St  James 
Howard,  Miss  Edna  E,    with  ED  Kirby  &  Co,    res  cor   Twenty- 
fifth  and  Kearney  ave 
Howell,  Miss  Minnie  U,  teacher  in  B  street  school,  res  18 14  G 
Howetson,  J  H,  brick  mason,  120  Sixteenth 
Hoyer,  Adolph,  barbershop,  2133  K,  res  same 
Hoyle,  D  P,  foreman  watch  de'pt  German's,  res  cor  Walnut  and 

Hubbard,  Chas,  tallyman  with  Russ  Lumber  Co,  res  658  Third 
Hubbard,  Robert  M,  brick  maker,  res  1654  Union 
HUBBARD,  ni5S  A.  R.,  book-keeper  with  M  A  Wertheimer  & 

Co,  res  926  E 
Hubblefelt,  G,  res  761  Twelfth 


Hubbs,  B  I,  clerk,  res  1040  Second 

Hubon,  Fred  L,,  clerk  at  auditor's  ofl6ce,  res  843  Eighth 

Hubon,  Irving  A,  res  1366  Second 

Hubon,  L  J,  carpet  layer,  res  1622  D 

Hubon,  Mrs  S  A,  res  1622  D 

Hudson,  C  K,  book-keeper,  res  802  lyOgan  ave 

Hudson,  Hesse,  lawn  gardener,  res  547    Mational  ave 

Hudson,  J  W,  retired,  808  Logan  ave 

Hueber,  Theodore,  clerk  with  M  F  Heller,  res  1902  F 

HUEFNER,  E.,    (steam  dyeing   and  cleaning    works),    res   140 

Huffman,  Jules,  with  C  Kauffman,  res 664  Twelfth 
Huffman,  Mrs  Berta,  res  520  National  ave 
Hufft,  Geo  W,  fisherman,  res  Atlantic,  bet  D  and  K 
Huggins,  J  W,  retired,  res  cor  J  and  Twentieth 
Hughes,  A,  foreman  stables  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  Coronado 
Hughes,  A  B,  cab  driver  Pac  Transfer    and    Gurney  Cab  Co,  res 

1033  Second 
Hughes,  J  H,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  C 

HUQHE5,  J.   W.,  (Conklin  &  Hughes)  res  Twenty-fourth  and  C 
Hughes,  James,  farmer,  res   349  H 

HUGHES,  nOSES,   (Standard  Iron  Works),  res  205  Logan  ave 
Hughes,  P,  carpenter,  res  349  H 
Hughes,  S  B,  carpenter,  res  at  the  Brooklyn 
Hughes,  W  D,  clerk  with  W  F  Braun  &  Co  res  633    Fifth 
Hughes,  Ada,  clerk  with  L  Speyer,  res  633  Fifth 
Hughes,  Mrs  B  V,  res  Emerson  house 
Hughes,  Mrs  E  J,  res  131  Grand  ave 
Hughes,  Mrs  H,  prop  of  the  Brooklj^n,    res  same 
Hulbert,  R  G,  physician,     McGnrck  blk,    cor    Fifth  and  H,  res 

cor  Twenty-eighth  and  National  ave 
Hull,  H  C,  with  S  D  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  1544   Fourth 
Hull,  H  J,  clerk  with  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  2436  G 
Hull,  Ray,  messenger  S  D  Dist  Tel  Co,    res    Thirteenth  near  H 
HULSE,  ALBERT  P.,  custom  house  broker  and   notary  public, 

Hortcn  House  blk,  res  cor  Fifth  and  Fir 
Humerslough,  Joseph,  clerk  with  T  Czerwinsky,  res  Third  and  E 
Humes,  Chas  F,  attorney-at-law,  res  Cuyamaca  Club 


Hume,  John,  carpenter,  res  738  Irving  ave 

HUMPHREY,     WILLIAM,     attorney-at-law,    Nesmith-Greeley 

blk,  825  Fifth,  res  755  Twentieth 
Humphrey,  C  B,  retired  army  officer,  13 16  First 
HUNSAKER,  BRITT  &  GOODRICH,    (W  J    Hunsaker,    E  W 

Britt,  Ben  Goodrich),  attorneys-at-law,  5  to  13  I^awyer's  blk 
HUNSAKER,  W.  J.,  (Hunsaker,   Britt  &   Goodrich),   res  cor 

First  and  Juniper 
Hunsaker,  Miss  lyaura,  teacher,  res  cor  First  and  Juniper 
Hunn,  Frederick  W,  clerk  at  postoffice,  res  1440  First 
Hunneywell,  W  E,  barber,  res  141  Seventeenth 
Hunt,  Dr  Nathan,  physician  and  surgeon,   room  34  Grand  Pa- 
cific, cor  Fifth  and  J 
HUNT,  GEO.  E.  P.,  boats  built  and  to  rent,  848  Atlantic 
HUNT,  n.  C,  ma  nager  Pacific  Postal   Telegraph  Co,  cor  Fifth 

andE,  res  818  Sixth 
HUNT,  WM.  C,  house  and  sign  painter,  1614    H,    bet   Seventh 

and  Eighth,  res  5  Ninteenth 
HUNT,  WM.  C,  jr.,  with  Wm  C  Hunt,  res  5  Ninteenth 
Hunt,  Miss  A  C,  teacher  Sherman  school 
Hunter  C  W,  Carpenter,  res  837  Milton  ave 
Hunter,  Charles,  soldier,  res  530  F 
Hunter,  Henry,  porter  Spreckel's  wharf,  res  Coronado 
Hunter,  Vance,  clerk  M  V  Carroll,  res  934  lyOgan  ave 
Huntington,  James,  mining,  res  Fourth  and  University 
Huntley,  Mrs,  res  458  Eighteenth 
Hurbert,  Mrs,  res  Second  and  Thornton 
Hurlbut,  Frank,  carpenter,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Hurlbut,  Miss  J  M,  stenographer  with    Russ  Lumber   and    Mill 

Co,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Hurlbut,  Mrs  C  M,  res  740  Thirteenth 
Hurst,  H,  shoemaker,  1322  F,  res  same 
Hussy,  J  C,  with  Chula  Vista  nursery,  res  National  City 
Hutson,  Mrs  D,  res  530  E 

HUTTON,  W.  F.,  (Gould,  Hutton  &  Co),  res  First,  bet  E and  F 
Huzzey,  Charles,  res  Park  Boulevard  and  Filmore  ave     ' 
Hyde,  A  E,  carpenter,  res  1544  Fifth 
Hyde,  G  F,  res  1544  Fifth 


HYERS,  F.  C,  barber  shop,  1321  D   bet   Fourth  and    Fifth,  res 

Third  near  University 
Hylund,  C  J,  miner,  res  547  Milton  ave 
Hynding,  Peter,  shoemaker,  131 1  F  res  1039  Thirteenth 

lbs,  George  H,  merchant,  res  514  Twentieth 

ICE  COnPANY,  CORONADO,  C  B  Daggett  manager,  1330  E  ' 

Inchelhart,  John,  baker,  res  761  Twelfth 

INDIA  STREET  PLANING  MILL,  Olsen,  Graham  &  Weldon, 

props,  s  ecor  India  and  B 
Ingalls,  Ed,  landscape  photographer,  res  2355  F 
Ingerbretsen,  Chas,  carpeiiter,  res  434  Fourteenth 
INQERSOLL,    A,  M.,  manufacturer  and  dealer   in    candies,    ice 

cream  and  soda,  816  Fifth,  res  Llewelyn  blk 
Ingham,  S  W,  rancher,  res  1257  Eleventh 
Ingham,  Miss  Kate,  res  1257  Eleventh 
Ingle,  Fred,  with  Sam  G  Ingle,  cor  Seventh  and  Ash 
Ingle,  Heber,  res  s  e  cor  Seventh  and  Ash 
Ingle,  J  J,  law  student  with  Trippet  &  Neale,  res  Seventh  and 

■   Ash 
INGLE,  SAMUEL  G.,  wholesale  and  retail  hardware  725  Fifth, 

726  Sixth,  res  146 1  Sixth 
Ingraham,  W  B,  prop  Coronado  Chemical  Works,  res  17 19  F 
Inker,  Geo,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  557  Twelfth,  res  same 
Innes,  Miss  Emily,  res  2058  Albatress 
Inness,  Mrs  Geo,  res  2058  Albatross,  cor  Hawthorn 
INTERNATIONAL  CLOTHING  HOUSE,  Herman  Welisch  prop, 

936  Fifth 
Ironside,  Dr  R  B,  retired,  res  2445  Front 
Irwin,  Geo,  druggist  on  U  S  steamer  San  Francisco 
Irwin,  S  R,  carpenter,  res  1445  Columbia 
ISAACS,  M.,  prop  of  the  Arcade,  res  Leland  house 
ISAACS,  L.,  prop  of  the  Arcade,  res  at  Leland  house 
Isele,  John,  res  292  Sixteenth 


Isentroth,  John,  bricklayer,  res  2340  G 

ISHAM,  A.  H.,  (Story  &  Isham  Com  Co),  res  701  Thirty-second 

Israel,  J  P,  painter,  res  North  San  Diego 

Israel,  M  C,  laborer,  res  1212  Tenth 

Israel,  R  D,  farmer,  res  North  San  Diego 

Iverson,  C,  expressman,  res  B  and  Atlantic 

Iverson,  Tony,  coachman,  res  2170  Fourth 

Ives,  H  W,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  cor  Seventh  and  E 

JACKSON,  F.  W.,  sec'y  S  D  Gas  and  Elec   Light   Co,    res  cor 
Seventh  and  C 

Jackson,  HE,  carpenter,  res  848  E 

Jackson,  J  C,  res  957  R 

Jackson,  Thomas,  laborer,  res  868  Fifteenth 

JACOB,  A.  J.,  propr   Chicago   Shoe   Store,    634    Fifth,    res  C 
and  Eleventh 

Jacobs,  John,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 

JACOBY,   H.  M.,  (Norman-Jacoby  Grocery  Co),  res  627  Twenty- 

JACOBY,  MISS  J.  BELLE,  book-keeper  Norman-Jacoby  Grocer 

Co,  res  627  Twenty-second 
Jacques,  Burkill,  fruit  ranch,  res  1442  Seventh 
Jadwin,  A  J,  blacksmith,  cor  Fourteenth  and  G,  res  2540  H 
Jaggle,  Joseph,  bottler  with  F  Heilbron,  res  121  Fourteenth 
James,  Frank,  printer,  res  836  Seventh 
James,  F  A,  carpenter,  res  618  Main 
James,  P,  saloon,  527  Fifth 
James,  Mrs  M  A,  res  836  Seventh 
James,  Mrs  O  M,  res  1160  First 
Jameson    &    Kroah,   (Walter  Jameson,   W  H  Kroah),  saloon, 

1240  F 
Jamison,  Frank,  longshoreman,  res  Grand  Pacific 
Jameson,  Wm,  sticker  with  India  St  Planing  Mill,  res  752  First 
Jameson,  Walter,  (Jameson  &  Kroah),  res  Second  and  G 


Jamul  Portland  Cement  Mfng  Co,  Warren  Wilson  pres,  B  Mac- 
ready  secy,  office  rooms  3  and  4  Sun  Bldg,  works  Jamul 

Jaskas,  Mary,  help  at  1210  Sixth 

Jean,  Joseph,  book-keeper  at  Hotel  D' Europe,  res  same 

JEFFERIS,  F.  D.,  cigars  and  tobacco,  1317  D,  res  1059  Tenth 

Jefferis,  Thos  G,  carpenter,  res  1059  Tenth 

Jeffers,  Miss  Jennie,  res  3006  K 

Jeffery,  James,  farmer,  res  2370  F 

JefFery,  Miss  Edith,  embosser  with  M  German,  res E  bet  Fifteenth 
and  Sixteenth 

Jellison,  Nathan,  with  West  Coast  Lumber  Co,  res  1129  India 

Jenkins,  Earnest,  clerk  with  M  A  Wertheimer  &  Co,  res 
Sixteenth  and  C 

Jenkins,  G  F,  mechanic,  res  1431  State 

Jenkins,  Hay  ward,  laborer,  res  Union  and  Fir 

Jenkins,  H  B,  mechanic,  res  1431  State 

Jenkins,  Henry,  carpenter,  s  w  cor  Sixteenth  and  C 

Jenkins,  Dr  G  W,  retired  dentist,  res  2028  Third 

Jenks,  C  C,  attorn ey-at-law,  res  1145  Ninth 

JENKS,  CHANCELLOR,  L.,  JR.,  attorney  at-law,  7  and  8 
Marston  Block,  res  644  D 

Jenks,  G  W,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  residence  617 

JENKS,  M.  W.,  dealer  in  diamonds,  watches,  jewelry,  optical 
goods,  etc,  808  Fifth,  res  848  Seventh 

Jennings,  Frank  S,  attorney-at-law,  res  Roseville 

Jennings,  Fred  M,  deputy  sheriff,  res  Roseville 

Jensen,  JF,  (Forster  &  Jensen),  rooms  Morse,  Whaley  &  Dal- 
ton  Blk 

Jensen,  N  M,  res  Mission  Valley 

Jensen,  Thos,  with  W  G  Walz  Co,  res  1629  F 

Jepsen,  Christian,  res  227  Twelfth 

Jereslaw,  W,  boots  and  shoes,    741  and  743  Fifth,  res  1151  Ninth 

Jersey  Milk  Co,  (DC  Weston  &  Son) 

JEWELL  &  CO.,  money  brokers  and  dealers  in  stock  and  bonds 
7  and  8  Kline  blk 

JEWELL,  A.  W.,  (Jewell  &  Co),  res  1052  Eleventh 

Jewell,  W  S,  res  Royal  house 


Jewish  Tabernacle,  cor  Second  and  Beech 

Jex,  Mrs  Hannah,  res  809  Logan  ave 

Jobbitt,  Thomas,  contractor,  res  Morena 

Jobes,  J  W,  teamster,    S  D  Lumber  Co,   res  Fourteenth,    bet  L 

and  M 
Johnson,  Arthur  C,  soldier,  res  530  F 

Johnson,  A  P  jr,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  529  Twenty-first 
Johnson,  Brady,  with  Smith  Thomas,  res  same 
JOHNSON  &  CO.   (P  M  Johnson,  J  E  Connell,   S   W  Johnson), 

undertakers  and  embalmers,  907  Sixth,  near  E 
Johnson  &  Kerr,  propr's  Alta  Stables,  Third  and  Grape 
Johnson,  Chas,  coachmen,  res  1008  Nutmeg 
Johnson,  Clive  N,  carpenter,  res  North  Chollas  Valley,  El  Cajon 

Johnson,  Ed,  waiter,  Hotel  Florence 
Johnson,  F  A,  shipping  clerk    with    Russ   Lumber    Co,    res  444 

Johnson,  F  B,  farmer,  res  cor  Twenty-eighth  and  Logan  ave 
Johnson,  Geo,  sack  sewer  S  D  Feed  Mills,  res  Tenth  bet  Land  M 
Johnson,  Geo  A,  res  North  San  Diego 
Johnson,  Geo  H,  cigars  and  tobacco,  646  Fifth,  res  same 
Johnson,  Governor,  cook  with    Commercial    Restaurant,  res  cor 

State  and  F 
Johnson,  Gus,  gardener,  res  C  and  Twenty-sixth 
Jahnson,  J  A,  car  driver,  res  833  Eighteenth 
Johnson,  Jas,  barber,  913  Fifth,  res  Florence  Heights 
Johnson,  J  L,  carpenter,  res  Everett  and  Twenty-sixth 
Johnson,  K,  longshoreman,  res  735  Front 
JOHNSON,    MONROE,   secy  and   treas  Savings    Bank    of   San 

Diego  county,  res  Chula  Vista 
Johnson,  P,  Dew  Drop  saloon,  res  437  H 
JOHNSON,  P.  n.,    (Johnson  &  Co),  res  930  Seventh 
Johnson,  R  A,  salesman  with  W  E  Howard,  res  651  Sixteenth 
Johnson,  R  H,  carpenter,  res  Seventeenth  bet  L  and  M 
Johnsoti,  Solomon,  janitor,  res  823  F 
JOHNSON,  S.  W.,  (Johnson  &  Co),  res  930  Seventh 
Johnson,  Thos  G,  ship  carpenter,  res  729  E 


Johnson,  W,  fireman,  res  Eleventh  and  I 

Johnson,  W  G,  fireman  at  Cable  power  house,  res  2003  J 

Johnson,  W  T,  (Johnson  &  Kerr),  res  Second  and  Grape 

Johnson,  Miss  Anna,  chambermaid,  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Johnson,  Miss  Bertha,  servant,  res  2170  Fourth 

Johnson,  Miss  Effie,  teacher  and  type  writer,  res  1430  Ash 

Johnson,  Miss  Treda,  servant  2405  First  cor  Kalmia 

Johnson,  Miss  Fritze,  res  736  Thirteenth 

Johnson,  Miss,  res  Thirtieth  and  R 

Johnson,  Miss  Eouise,  laundress,  S  D  laundry  res  1170  State, 

Johnson,  Mrs  Hattie,  res  931   Fifth 

Johnson,  Mrs  R  H,  res  2225  C 

Johnson,  Mrs  Zilla,  at  Liquid  Fuel  lunch  room,  res  F  and  Front 

Johnston,  A,  carpenter,  res  Tenth  bet  Beech  and  Cedar 

Johnston,  F  E  contractor  and  builder,  res  408  Thirteenth 

Johnston,  F  V,  salesman  with  Geo  A  E  Urban,  res  cor  Thir- 
teenth and  J 

JOHNSTON,  J.  A.,  manager  City  Printing  Co,  res  Commercial 

Johnteton,  Miss  S,  milliner  with  Cash  millinery  store,  res  Uni- 
versity ave 

Johnstone,  Henry  S,  with  J  S  Johnstone,  res  1423  First 

Johnstone,  J  H,  lumberman  res  714  Twelfth 

JOHNSTONE,  J.  S.,  plumber,  gas  and  steam  fitter,  964  Sixth, 
res  1423  First 

Jollivet,  E  T,  jeweler,  res  Holt  house 

Jones,  A,  cable  car  conductor 

Jones  &  Co,  (T  J  and  E  R  Jones),  props  of  the  Wonder,  939 

Jones,  A  H,  railroader,  708  Third 

Jones,  Alfred,  mining  expert,  res  548  Kearney  ave 

Jones,  B  W,  street  car  conductor,  res  1965  Fifth 

Jones,  C,  real  estate,  res  India  and  Palm 

Jones,  Henry,  cashier  White  House,  res  Ninth  bet  I  and  J 

Jones,  J  A,  laborer,  res  St  Elmo 

Jones,  James  F,  farming,  res  333  Clay  ave 

Jones,  Jas  P,  county  horticultural  commissioner,  office  915 
Fourth,  res  Silver  Terrace,  Mission  Valley 


JONES,  JOHNSTONE,  district  attorney,  office  court   house,   res 

2157  Fourth 
Jones,  Ivatham  W,  wholesale  stockman,  res  819  First 
Jones,  Ivce,  hack  driver  with  Pac  Trans  &  Gurney  Cab   Co,    res 

Tower  house 
Jones,  L,  R,  The  Wonder,  res  cor  D  and  Fourteenth 
Jones,  Nathan,  waiter,  Hotel  Florence 
Jones,  Pat,  fruit  pedler  res  647  Front 

Jones,  R  C,  clerk  with  G  B  Grow  &  Co,  res  754  Fourteenth 
Jones,  Richard  A,  with  Klauber  &  lycvi,  res  772  Front 
Jones,  R  M,  real  estate,  res  2053  Fifth 
Jones,  S  P,  retired,  res  1640  G 
Jones,  T  G,  Pacific  livery  stable,  res  1734  Third 
Jones,  Thomas,  driver  with  Klauber  &    Ivcvi,  res    Commercial 

Jones,  T  J,  The  Wonder,  res  cor  D  and  Fourteenth 
Jones,  T  J,  salesman  with  West  Coast  Lumber  Co,  res  2242  D 
Jones,  U  R,  expressman,  res  Thirty-first  and  I^ogan  ave 
Jones,  W  ly,  newspaper  man,  542  Twenty-first  bet  H  and  I 
JONES,  VICTOR,  wholesale  wines  and  liquors,   544  Fifth,   res 

Tower  house 
Jones,  Miss  ly'R,  teacher  Sherman  Heights  school 
Jones,  Mrs  Hattie,  res  Third  and  H 
Jones,  Mrs  W  E,  1058  Second 

Jonson,  F  P,  deputy  sheriff,  res  Metropolitan  > 

JORDAN,  A.  D.,    attorney-at-law,    room   4    Sun  bldg,    res    726 

Jordan,  Ed,  blacksmith,  res  St  Elmo  house 
Jordan,  T  B,  night  clerk  Hotel  Florence 
JORRES,  Q.  W.,  cashier  Bank  of  Commerce  res  1267  Union 
Jorres,  Wm,  prop  Jorres  wharf,  res  1217  Union 
Joslin,  David,  res  2148  E 

Josselyn,  C  F,  real  estate,  res  Paradise  Valley 
Jost,  Joseph,  Jr.,  cigars  and  tobacco,  852  Fifth,  res  at  Bon  Ton 
Jost,  Joseph,  Sen,  cigars  and  robacco,  924  D  res  Bon  Ton  blk 
Journeay,  George,  contractor,  res  670  Twentieth 
Joy,  T  B,  deputy  count}^  tax  collector,  res  944  State 
Juch,  Miss  Ida,  clerk  White  House,  res  Third  bet  E  and  F 


Judd,  C  W,  photographer,  860  Fifth,  res  Old  Town 

Jud,  D,  tailor,  res  Twenty-seventh  bet  G  and  F 

Judkins,  Benjamin  F,  res  I^inda  Vista 

Judson,  A  W,  stove  repairer,  655  G 

Judson,  G  Frank,  speculator,  res  Eighteenth  bet  C  and  D 

JUDSON.   JOHN,  supervisor,  (res  San  Pasqual), 

JULIAN  AND  CUYAMACA  STAGE  CO.,  Frary  &  Foster, 
props,  office  1427  E 

JULIAN  &  SONS,  (A  H,  W  A  and  G  F  Julian),  stoves,  tin- 
ware, plumbing  and  tinning,  532  Fifth  bet  H  and  I 

JULIAN,  A.  H.,  (Julian  &  Sons),  res  1052  Twelfth 

JULIAN,  Q.  F.,  (Julian  &  Sons),  res  Santa  Monica 

JULIAN,  W.  A.,  (Julian  &  Sons),  res  745  Fifteenth 

Julian,  J  M,  capitalist,  1566  Sixth 

Junipero  Water  Co,  First  National  Bank  blk 

Junker,  Paul,  rancher,  res  606  Main 

Junker,  Mrs  E,  midwife,  res  1327  Tenth 


Kaatz  Mrs  Ottilie,  reS  1422  First 

Kahl,  J  F,  res  1629  Union 

Kahle,  J  F,  Jr,  harness  maker,  res  912  Sixth 

Kaidel  J  T,  Minneapolis  restaurant  1543  Fifth 

Kaley,  Philip,  laborer,  California  and  Fir 

Kalvelage  &  Mueller,  (C  Kalvelage  &  Jacob  Mueller),  wines  and 
liquors,  1502-6  India 

Kalvelage,  C,  (Kaloelage  &  Mueller),  res  29  Main 

Kamman,  C  F,  pub  Sud  California  Deutsche  Zeitung,  book  and 
job  printer,  764  Fourth,  res  Coronado 

Kampling,  &  Stoner,  (B  Kampling  &  Wm  Stoner),  livery.  Third 
bet  E  and  F 

Kampling,  B,  (Kampling  &Storer),  res  855  Second 

KANSAS  STABLE,  Elsea  Bros  proprs,  Frank  McGuire  man- 
ager, livery  feed  and  sale,  cor  Fourth  and  I 

Kantz,  Geo,  fruit  grower,  res  Filmore  and  Park  Boulevard 


Karehen,  Krnest,  tailor  with  W  Bhrhardt,  res  Plaza  Palace 

Kastle,  John,  capitalist,  res  758  Fifth 

KAUFFMAN,  C,   meat  taarket,  1545  F,  res  same 

KaufFman,  Chas  A,  first  cutter  with  Chas  S    Hardy,  res  Seve.nth 

and  F 
Kauffman,  Ed,  with  Bay  City  Market,  res  936  Ninth 
KAUFFMAN,  I.,  clothing  and  gents  furnishings,  651    Fifth,  res 

644  Twelfth 
Kauffman,  Miss  Alice,  help  at  Grand  Hotel,  res  same 
Kaymer,  W,  with  M  Bunce,  rooms  Willett  House,  B 
Kearney,  D  H,  carpenter,  res  1151  Third 
Kearney,  D  S,  livery  stable,  521  Seventh,  res  Union  House 
Kearney   Mrs  B  A,  res  15 18  Logan  ave 
Keating,  M,  retired,  864  Arctic 
Keating,  Mrs  George,  res  Fifth  and  Olive 
KEELER,  H.  B.,   freight  and  passenger  agt  Santa  Fe  route,  1242 

D,  res  1620  C 
Keenan,  J  Williams,  student  with  A  E  Nutt,  res  Fifth  and  Spruce 
Keenan,  Mrs  A  J,  res  Fifth  and  Spruce 
Keeney,  D,  res  Vermont  House 
Keeton,  painter,  res  767  Fifteenth 
Kelley,  E  C,  farmer,  res  2351   F 
Kelley,  F  M,  res  746  Eleventh 
Kehoe,  Wra,  deputy  fish  patrol,  Atlantic,  foot  of  D 
Keiler,  John,  expressman,  res  2230  J 
Keith,  A  D  &  Co,  (A  D  Keith  and  A  J  Knapp),   prop'rs  South 

Pacific  Nurseries,  office  141 9  F,  yards  at  Ninth  and  G 
Keith,  A  D,  (A  D  Keith  &  Co),  res  553  Nineteenth 
Keith,  Capt  J,  pilot,  res  2455  Albatross 
Keith,  Miss  Kittie,  sales  clerk    with    Geo  W  Marston,    res  553 

Keith,  Mrs  Ella,  dressmaker,  res  836  Eleventh 
Kellam,  C  C,  agt  with  Eand  &  Town   Co,   National   City,  res 

cor  Third  and  A 
Keller,  E,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  Hotel 
Keller,  F  G,  upholsterer,  res  2528  N 

Keller,  J  E,  collector  Cal  Nat'l  Bank,  res  Campus   ave  Univers- 
ity Heights 


KEITH,  A.  D.  &  CO.,  (A  D  Keith,  A  J  Knapp)  propr  South  Pa- 
cific Nursery  1419  F  and  cor  Finth  and  G 

KEITH,  A.  D.,  (A  D  Keith  &  Co)  res  553  Nineteenth 

Keller,  James  M,  treas  Fisher  Opera  House 

Keller  John  J,  iron  worker,  res  2528  N 

KELLER,  Dr.  M.  B.,  county  coroner,  res  Escondido 

Keller,  Mrs  C,  res  2528  N 

Kelley,  Joseph,  contractor,  res  1424  California 

Kelley,  Mrs  Bridget,  res  1243  Front 

Kelley,  Miss  Mary^  res  Union  and  Kalmia 

Kelley,  Mrs  Jane,  res  Langham 

Kelley,  Mrs  Mary,  res  1133  Third 

Kellogg,  E  T,  retired,  res  Third  and  Ivy 

Kellogg,  R  F,  res  at  Ivafayette  house 

Kellogg,  Miss  Julia,  res  at  Lafayette  house 

Kellogg,  Miss  Nellie  M,  res  Third  and  Ivy 

Kelly,  F,  (Stelzner  &  Kelly),  res  same 

Kelly,  Frank,  waiter.  Hotel  Florence 

Kelly,  Frank,  watchman  S  D  Lumber  Co,  cor  Sixth  and  L 

Kelly,  P,  painter,  res  156  Sixteenth 

Kemp,  Amos,  presser  with  J  Nauman,  res  Arctic  and  A 

Kenck,  Christian,  res  1907  E 

Kendall,  Mrs,  1827  Third 

Kenicke,  H  F,  barber,  436  Fifth,  res  foot  Seventh 

Kennedy,  C  Geo,  bartender  at  Godthorpe's,  res  1638  India 

Kennedy,  Jas,  blacksmith,  1638  India 

Kennedy,  John,  engineer,  resLaJolla  Park 

KENNEDY,  NAT.,  city  treasurer  and  tax  collector,  office  city 
hall,  res  2125  Fourth 

KENNEDY,  STUART,  manager  Hotel  Florence,  res  at  hotel 

Kennedy,  WJ,    Court  House    Exchange,   res  1638  India 

Kennedy,  Mrs  J  B,  res  Tremont  House 

Kenny,  Geo  L,  agt  of  H  H  Bancroft,  Bancroft  bldg,  res  Second 
and  Hawthorne 

Kenney,  Miss  Ida,  res  952  Thirteenth 

Kenny,  Miss  Marguerite,  telegraph  operator.  Peninsular  Cal  Ry 
Co,  1022  Fourth  ' 

Kenyon,  Andrew  S,  searcher  of  records,  42  Lawyer's  blk 


Kerr,  F,  bartender  with  John  J  Hewett,  res  cor  Sixth  and  K 

Kerr,  H  L,  (Johnson  &  Kerr),  res  Second  and  Grape 

Kerr,  Patrick,  carpenter,  res  1918  Columbia 

Kerr,  rancher,  Johnson  Heights 

Kerr,  Miss  Stella,  saleslady  with  Prentice  &  Co,  rooms  at  Orizaba 

Kerr,  Miss  Julia  with  G  M  Greenebaum 

Kerber,  H,  saloonist,  cor  India  and  B 

Kerfoot,  Dr  J  H,  res  717  Harrison  ave 

Kerren,  James,  res  1105  Thirteenth 

Kerren,  Mrs  E,  res  North  San  Diego 

Kershner,  Mrs  Dell,  res  the  Langham, 

Kerwin,  Miss  Annie,  res  1133  Third 

Kerz,  Antone,  laborer,  res  726  Fifth 

Kessler,  C  F,  res  1222  Sixth 

Kessler,  Frank,  horseman,  with  veternary  and  boarding  stables 

KEW,  M.,  attorney-at-law,  Marston  blk  cor  Fifth  and  F,  res 
1424  F 

Keyes,  Geo  C,  deputj'^  city  assessor,  res  1226  Fourth 

Keyes,  L,,  retired,  res  932  Twelfth 

Keyes,  W  S,  printer  with  Econony  Printing  Co,  res  430  Clay  av 

Keyes,  Mrs  Ann,  res  426  Clay  ave 

Keystone,  boarding  house,  943  Tenth 

KIESSIG,  CHARLES,  fire-arms,  ammunition  and  fishing  tackle. 
The  L,eading  Gun  Store,  Tower  House,  cor  4th  and  F 

Kies,  F,  retired,  res  2742   H 

Kimball,  I  M,  sailmaker,  Atlantic  bet  D  and  E 

KIMES,  J.  E.,  (Burnett  &  Kimes),  res  cor  Eighteenth  and  B 

Kimmer,  Frank,  cook,  329  Milton  ave 

Kincaid,  S  A,  stonemason,  res  450  Irving 

Kindleberger,  Jefferson,  carpenter,  13 14  A,  res  137 1  Fifth 

KINDLER,  ALBERT,  sanitary  pluming,  gas  and  steam  fitting 
and  tinner,  743  Sixth,  res  530  Sixteei^th 

King,  A,  coal  oil,  1610  H,  res  same 

King,  J,  help  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

KING,  LAWRIE&CO,  [Wm  N  King,  Alvah  K  I^awrie],  invest- 
ment bankers,  Fisher  Opera  House,  Fourth 

King,  W  H,  with  West  Coast  Lumber  Co,  res  664  Columbia 


KING,  WILLI  An  N.,  [King,  I^awrie  &  Co],  res  cor  First  and 

King,  Mrs  K,  res  2004  Fourth 

King,  Mrs  Fannie,  dress  and  cloak  making,  16 10  H,  res  same 

King,  Mrs  Stovold,  dressmaker,  1162  Fourth 

Kingsbury  &  Co,  [A  C  Kingsbury,  C  H  Williams],  contractors 
and  builders,  318  Fifth 

Kingsbury,  A  C,  [Kingsbury  &  Co],  res  Milton  ave 

Kingsbury,  A  C,  carpenter,  res  321  Olive  ave 

Kingston,  Edward,  butcher  Golden  State  Market,  res  1432  Sixth 

Kingston,  Mrs  Pauline,  res  1044  Fir 

Kingswood,  John,  expressman,  res  1224  Atlantic 

Kinley,  Joseph  M,  attorney-at-law,  room  17  Pierce-Morse  blk 

Kinney,  A  K,  supt  S  D,  C  &  E  Ry,  res  356  Twelfth 

Kinney,  Edmund,  road  master  Cuyamaca  Ry,  res  1044  Ninth 

Kinney,  G  I,  supt  S  D  Gas  and  Elec  lyt  Co,  res    Eleventh  and  G 

KINNEY,  niSS  n.    F.,  Southwest  Institute,  res  same 

Kinney,  Miss  Maggie,  res  734  Tenth 

Kinney,  Mrs  C  E,  res  1944  G 

Kipp,  J,  capitalist,  res  Pacific  Beach 

KIPP,  SYLVESTER,  attorney-at-law,  rooms  16  and  17,  First 
National  Bank  bldg,  res  cor  Fourth  and  Olive 

KIRBY,  E.  D.  &  CO.,  importers  of  human  hair  and  manufac- 
turers of  hair  goods,  931  Fifth,  bet  D  and  E,  res  cor  Twenty- 
sixth  and  K 

KIRBY,  C.  P.,  architect  and  mechanical  draftsman,  room  13 
Kuhn  blk,  res  cor  Twenty-sixth  and  K 

Kirby,  Carl,  plumber,  with  J  S  Johnstone,  res  cor  Twenty-sixth 
and  K 

Kirby,  Edward,  prospector,  res  463  Ninteenth 

Kirby,  M,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 

Kirby,  Mrs  L  R,  res  2324  F 

Kirby,  Mrs  M  S,  dressmaker,  res  1940  F 

Kirkbride,  Thos  H,  engineer  and  supt  ierry  boat,  res  1532 

Kirkelie,  O  A.  Mission  Valley  Dairy,  res  702  Ash 

Kirkendall,  L,  fruit  dealer,  res  334  Grand  ave 

Kirven,  B,  gardener,  res  3249  I 


Kispert,  Mrs  S,  ladies'  nurse,  res  1427  A 
Kitto,  W  H,  auditor  Cuyamaca  R  R,  res  440  Sixteenth 
KLAUBER  &  LEVI,  [A  Klauber  of  San  Francisco,  S  I.evi,  Mel- 
ville Klauber],    wholesale    groceries,  wines,  liquors,, cigars 
and  tobacco,  cor  Fourth  and  H 
Klauber,  Edgar  E,  clerk  with  Klauber  &  I,evi,  res    Hotel  Flor- 
KLAUBER,  riELVILLLE,  [Klauber  &  I.evi],  res  Hotel  Florence 
Kleiber,  Henry,  3^ard  man  at  Horton  House,  res  same 
KLINDT,  C,  prop  Chicago    Photograph    Gallery,  657  Fifth,  res 

Kline,  W  B,  res  2458  Fifth 
Klippel,  Chas,  baker,  res  1515  Atlantic 
KIZER,  CHAS.    E.,  carriage    trimmer    and    full  line  of  carriage 

trimming  supplies,  504  Seventh,  res  1409  Logan  ave 
KNAPP    BROS.,  [SE  Knapp  and  HM  Knapp],  wholesale   and 

retail  fruit  dealers,  950  and  952  Fifth 
KNAPP,  A.  J., [A  D  Keith  &  Co],  res  Twenty-fourth  and  Logan  av 
KNAPP,  H.  n.,  [Knapp  Bros],  res  217  Ninth  . 
Knapp,  Rev  AE,  pastor  First  Baptist  church,  res  Roxbury 
KNAPP,  S.  E.,  [Knapp  Bros],  res  1832  Fourth 
Knapp,  W  B,  drugs,  1369  India  cor  Ash,  res  same 
Knapp,  Miss  Gertrude,  res  1832  Fourth 
Knapp,  Mrs  Hannah,  res  1832  Fourth 
Kneale,  Wm,  brickmason,  res  739  Fourth 
Knettle,  WG,  carpenter,  res  724  F 
Knoles,  Fred,  plumber,  with  J  S  Johnstone,    res   Sixteenth,    bet 

K  and  L 
Knoles,  SS,  attorney-at-law,  1432  E,  res  229  Sixteenth 
Knowles,  Geo,  driver  Engine  Co  No  i,  res  930  Third 
Knowles,  Joseph  C,  clerk  with  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  res  Third 

bet  C  and  D 
Knowlton,  Arthur  R,  engineer  with  G  H  Ballou  &  Co,  res  2032  h 
Knowmille,  Frank,  butcher  with  Hardy,  res  728  Third 
KNOX  &   VAN  HAREN,  (C  D  Knox,  F  E  Van   Haren),    drug- 
gists, cor  Sixth  and  D 
KNOX,  C.  D.,  (Knox  &  Van  Haren),  res  730  Twentieth 
Knox,  Frank  A,  salesman  Bates  Imp  Co,  res  Leland 


Koehnen,  Wm,  bottler  with  J  R  Seifert,  res  Milton  ave  bet  Thir- 
tieth and  Thirty-first 

KOERTINQ,  O  P.,  principal  San  Diego  Commercial  College,  res 
651  Sixteenth 

Kooken,  John  A,  architect  and  builder,  918  Seventh,  res  same 

Koop,  John  H,  laborer  res  626  B 

Kooser,  Miss  Miriam  F,  teacher  B  street  school 

Koster,  H  P,  res  1108  Third 

Koster,  P,  veterinary  surgeon,  res  11 22  Third 

KOVATS,  A.  N.,  (Conrad  &  Kovats)  res  1123  E 

Kramer,  August,  prop  the  Plaza  saloon,  1232  Plaza 

Krause,  Miss  I^ulu,  assistant  book-keeper  with  Geo  W  Marston, 
res  cor  Tenth  and  K 

Krause,  Mrs  E,  res  cor  K  and  Tenth 

Krantz,  O,  tailor,  1267  Columbia 

Krebs  John,  harness  maker  with  R  Montljo,  res  858  State 

Kreiss,  J  W,  San  Diego  steam  carpet  cleaning,  res  H  bet  Twenty- 
fifth  and  Twenty-sixth 

Kroah,  W  H,  (Jameson  &  Kro^h),  res  First,  bet  F  and  G 

Krodel,  L,  H,  grocery,  res  627  Twenty-second 

KROENERT,  GEO.,  (Hames  &  Kroenert,)  res  Eleventh  bet  F 

Kroff,  S  W,  deputy  sheriff,  res  cor  Thirteenth  and  B 

Krueger,  G  I^,  finisher  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res  940 

Kuhn,  Chas,  res  1044  First 

KUHN,  G.,  Uon  Clothiers,   1123  Ninth 

KUHN,  I.,  L,ion  Clothiers,  res  1123  Ninth 

Kuhn,  Mrs  Louise  res  1940  Third 

Kaland  &  Co,  (C  Kaland,  C  Munster  groceries),  cor  Seventeenth 
and  K 

Kaland,  C,  (Kaland  &  Co),  res  cor  Seventeenth  and  K 

Kumpf,  P,  clerk,  res  338  Seventh 

Kurth,  A  H,  mechanic,  res  3244  M 

Kurtz,  Miss  lyottie,  n  e  cor  Second  and  A 

KUTCHIN,  H.  M.,  postmaster,  res  11 12  Fir 

Kyles,  Mrs  Fannie,  res  669  Front 

Kyle,  res  the  Royal 



L,abaum,  Dr  Lydia  H,  physician,  res  1824  F 

lyabee,  George,  ship  carpenter,  foot  of  Ninth 

I^abell,  H,  gent's  furnishing,  507  Fifth,  res  same*- 

Lacy  Manufacturing-  Co,   manufacturer   of  water  pipe,    foot  of 

Laflin,  S  H,  Pullman  conductor,  res  at  the  Florence 
ly^idley,  Mrs  V,  res  636  Harrison  ave 
Laird,  W,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 
Lake,  Ben,  landlord,  1643  ^ 

Lake,  Wm,'  driver  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  Thirteenth,  bet  F  and  G 
Lake,  Wm  M,  teamster  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  729  Thirteenth 
Lamb,  Mark,  night  clerk  at  the  Horton 
Lambla,  Alfred,  res  ChoUas  Valley 

Lancaster,  W  E,  with  Sweetwater  Nursery,  res  751   Seventh 
Landes,  Mrs  A  E,  667  Thirteenth 
Landis,  H  N,  carpenter,  res  618  Main 
Landis  Mrs  J  A,  dressmaker,  cor  Fifth  and  E,  res  same 
Lane,  E.with  Model  Steam  Laundry,    res  F  bet  Thirteenth  and 

Lane,  F  M,  res  660  State 

Lane,  Geo  N,  letter  carrier,  res  253  Ninteenth 
Lane,  G  W,  retired,  res  253  Ninteenth 
Lane,  J,  carpenter,  cor  K  and  Ninth 
Lane,  J  J,  minister,  res  660  State 
Lane,  John,  res  2427  F 

Lane,  T  J,  horse  market,  Sixth  bet  F  and  G 
LANG,    GEORGE    A.,     chemical    steam   dying    and    cleaning 

works,  838  Fourth,  res  Windsor 
Langford,  R,  waiter  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Larrison,  Archie,  with  Model  Steam  Laundry 
Langham,  The,  L  C  Wood,  prop,  cor  Fourth  and  C 
Lannay,  Miss  Amelia  V,  res  933  State 
Large,  Miss  Clara  A,  res  2719  K 


Larison,  Mrs  Anna,  res '825  Milton  ave 

Laroche,  PB,  language  teacher,  res  at  Emerson  house 

LARSON  &  LORINQ,  (Thomas  I^arson,  Arthur  N  I^oring), 
books,  stationery  and  toys  1434 — 1438  H 

Larson,  Peter,  sailor,  foot  of  India 

Larson,  T,  rancher,  2245  C 

LARSON,  THOMAS,  (Larson  &  Loring),  res  cor  Fourteenth 
and  G 

Lathrop,  E  H,  physician  and  surgeon,  936  Sixth,  res  same 

Latta  &  Graham,  (J  B  Latta,  H  L  Graham),  real  estate  and 
money  brokers,  850  Sixth 

Latta,  J  B,  (Latta  &  Graham),  res  cor  Olive  and  Vermont,  Uni- 
versity Heights 

Laubbesheiner,  Philip,  salesman  with  Geo  H  Matfield 

Lavin,  E  A,  with  Russ  Lumber  and  Mill  Co,  res  744  Thirteenth 

Lavin,  Miss  Mary  A,  res  1435  A 

Lavin,  Mrs  E  A,  res  744  Thirteenth 

Law  Library,  L  A  Wright,  librarian,  at  Court  house 

Law,  T  R,  bricklayer,  res  809  Julian  ave 

Laws,  W  H,  cook,  resC,  bet  Twenty-seventh  and  Twenty-eighth 

LAWRENCE,  GEO.  W.,  real  estate,  1442  E,  res  33  Tremontblk 

Lawrence,  S,  res  14 14  Fifth 

Lawrence,  Miss  Louise,  res  at  Northeastern 

Lawrence,  Miss  Nellie,  res  at  Northeastern 

Lawrence,  Mrs  Emma,  bakery  and  lunch  room  bet  India  and 

LAWRIE,  ALVAH  K.,  (King,  Lawrie  &  Co),  res  Florence  hotel 

Lazinbury,  E,  packer  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res  956 

Leavitt,  Mrs  S  A,  res  14 19  State 

LeBarr,  Wm,  teamster,  res  Sixth 

LeDeux,  Mrs  Mary,  prop  Gould  house,  Fourth  and  E,  res  same 

Ledgyard,  C  M,  cook,  res  1447  California 

Lee,  Albert,  rancher,  res  Fourteenth  and  L 

Leeman,  Albert,  res  1224  Sixth 

LeFevere,  Mrs,  res  423  Boston  ave 

LEHMAN,  R.  Q.,  shoe  findings  and  supplies,  141 9  G,   res   same 

Lehmann,  Theo,  merchant  tailor,  754  Third,  res  same 


lyehman,  Mrs  Ida  V,  saleslady  res  543  National  ave 
Lehn,  Miss  Hattie,  waitress,  Commercial  restaurant,  res   Revere 
lychnert,  Wm,  bar  tender,  res  Cortoba  house,  K  and  Fourteenth 
Iceland  House,  Mrs  H  lyevi  prop  cor  Sixth  and  E 
L,embeck,  J  B,  salesman  with  W  lylewelyn,  res  738  Ninth 
LEMLINE,  L0UI5,  cigars  and  tobacco,    964    Fifth,  res   Bruns- 
LEMON  &  50N,  (W  T  &  H  C  Ivcmon),  locksmith  and  bellhan- 

gers,  735  Sixth 
lycmon,  B  M,  inspector  of  cargoes,  with  Spreckels    Co,   res    535 

Milton  ave 
LEMON,  GEO.   T.,    cyclery,  agt  Columbia,  Rambler,  Warwick 

and  lyovell  Diamond  safeties,    735    Sixth,    res   Thirty-third 

and  Woolman  ave 
LEMON,  H.  C,  (Lemon  &  Son),  res  Thirty-third  and  Woolman 

Lemon,  W  G,  harness  maker,  res  cor   Thirty-third  and  Walnut 

LEMON,  W.  T.,  (Lemon  &  Son)  res  Thirty-third  and  Woolman 

Lempe,  Wm,  machinist,  res  Thirty-ninth  near  Durant 
Lemrick,  C,  laborer,  cor  India  and  B 
Lenisky,  S,  clerk  City  of  Paris,  res  626  Eleventh 
LENZ,  J.  n.,  Temple  of  Music  and  Art,  and  photographic  Artist 

103 1  to  1033  Fifth,  res  734  Twenty-first 
Leon,  Gomez,  res  1544  D 
LEONARD  &  WADE,  (J  W  Leonard  and  Geo  Wade),  plumbers 

and  gas  fitters),  851  Seventh 
LEONARD,   Dr.   C.  N.,  dentist,  949  Sixth,  res  National  City 
Leonard,  Floyd,  deputy  county  surveyor,  res   1533  Atlantic 
LEONARD,  J.  W.,  (Leonard  &Wade)  res  Thirteenth,  bet  H  and  I 
Leonard,  John  W,  invalid,  res  770  Twelfth 
LEOVY,  GEORGE  J.,  attorney-at-law,  rooms  7  and  8,   Keating 

blk,  cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  Brant  and  Ivy 
Leppert,  A,  saloon,  res  338  Pierce  ave 

LESEM,  M.  A.,  manager  G  M  Greenebaum,  res  2467  First 
Lesinsky,  S,  clerk  City  of  Paris,  res  614  Eleventh 
Leszynsky,  J  with  Klauber  &  Levi,  res  1145  First 

C.  C.  OLmSTED 


*TQe  0\tn»^cd  (p 

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J'-  oy^^l-!-  vW^  ^"4 








-  ?5 






One  Dozen  Quarts  or  Two  Dozen  Pints  in  a  Case,  packed  for  Shipment  to 
any  part  of  the  world.     Sample  Cases  of  6  or  12  Pint  Bottles. 

Also,    Pickled    Olives    in    3,    5,    10,  25    and    50    Gallon    Packages. 

The  Fruit  is  now  being  Pressed  and  the  Oil  can   be  had  direct  from 


Eighth  A.venue  and  Twenty- Fourth  Street, 

S  % '_  a_  fc."fes  I 




Levear,  Mrs  S  M,  res  799  Twenty-fourth 

lyevenstein,  M,  res  11 65  First 

I^evet,  J  B,  carpenter,  cor  J  and  Eighth 

Levi,  A,  liver}^  stable,  cor  Sixth  and  H,  res  cor  Tenth  and  C 

Levi,  H,  res  at  the  Leland 

LEVI,  L,  res  752  Tenth  bet  F  and  G 

LEVI,  S.,  (Klauber&  Levi),  res  1726  C 

Levi,  Mrs  H,  propLeland 

LEWIS  CO.,  (J  Lewis),  wholesale  liquors,  715,  717  Fourth 

Lewis,  E  J,  asst  book-keeper  Russ  Mill  &  Lumber  Co,  res  843 

Lewis,  H  L,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  res  The  Langham 

Lewis,  Isidor,  jewelry,  musical  instruments,  cigars  and  tobacco, 
540  Fifth,  res  same 

LEWIS,  J.,  (Lewis  Co),  res  cor  Ninth  and  Beech 

Lewis,  James  R,  carpenter,  1032  H,  res  same 

Lewis,  Jerry,  res  109  Seventeenth 

Lewis,  J  S,  clerk  with  Horace  Bradt,  res  Twenty-eight  and  Na- 
tional ave 

Lewis,  Nap,  bell  boy  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

Lewis,  Robt,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 

Lewis,  S  M,  night  watchman,  res  852  State 

LEWIS,  T.  L.,  (Parrish,  Mossholder  &  Lewis),  res  s  e  cer  Cam- 
pus and  University  ave 

Lewis,  Wm  W,  real  estate,  res  cor  Twenty-eighth  and  National 

Lewis,  Annie,  waiter,  Horton  house 

Lewis,  Miss  Phoebe,  res  109  Seventeenth 

Lewis,  Mrs  Almira,  res  2020  F, 

Lewis,  Mrs  Laura  C,  res  1269  Twelfth 

Lewis,  Mrs  O,  res  18 14  Beech 

Lickert,  Charles,  with  Russ  Lumber  Co,  res  215  Logan  ave 

Lien,  AT,  res  2408  C 

Lieske,  Gustave  A,  tailor,  res  1252  State 

Lifsey,  J  E,  salesman  at  Half-price  house,  res  cor  Sixth  and  F 

Light,  J  M,  horse-trader,  res  226  Eight 

LIQHTNER   &   CO.,  insurance  agents  640  Fifth 

LIQHTNER,  JOEL,  (Lightner  &  Co),  res  618  Kearney  ave 


Likens  &  Sanderson,  (W  ly  Kikens,    O   R   Sanderson),    Palace 
lyivery  stable,  cor  Second  and  E 

lyikes,  Houston,  blacksmith,  res  751  Twelfth 

lyikens,  W  ly,  (lyikens  &  Sanderson),  res  Second  and  E 

lyillegran,  Aug,  engineer,  res  cor  K  and  Ninth 

lyillijegren,  Richard,  carpenter,  res  H  foot  of  India 

lyimebeck,  Geo  H,  paper  and  paper  hanger,  res  625  Twenty-first 

lyinch,  Dennis,  longshoreman,  foot  of  Columbia 

lyindaer,  Conrad,  lodging  house  1208  H 

LINDA  VISTA  IRRIGATION  DISTRICT,  Geo.  K   Phillips  secy, 
office  15  Consolidated  Bank  bldg 

Lindquist,  C  J,  tailor  with  Wm  Beyer,  res  Plaza  Palace 

Lindsey,  G  G  S,  attorney-at-law,  res  La  Jolla  Park 

lyingfelter,  D,  retired,  res  131  Seventeenth 

Link,  Mrs  Phoebe,  res  734  Twenty-first 

LION  CLOTHIERS,  Kuhn  Bros  props,  945-947  Fifth 

LIPPMANN,  A.,  prop  City  of  Paris,  dry  goods,  res  1068  Fifth 

Lippard,  D,  truckman,  res  E  and  Front 

Lippard,  D  M,  laborer,  res  914  Columbia 

LIQUID  FUEL  LUNCH  ROOfl,  F  E  Thomas  prop,  1612  F 

Litchfield,  E  R,  rancher,  res  638  Third 

Little,  Gus,  gardener,  res  Union  near  Ivy 

Little,  J  L,  foreman  of  wharf  with  Russ  Mill  &  Lumber  Co,    res 
Thirteenth  bet  E  and  F 

LITTLE,  T.  WING,  freight  and  passenger  solicitor  for  Santa  Fe 
Route,  1248  D,  res  1620  C 

LITTLE,  W.  E.  &  CO.,  (W  E  Little),  wholesale  and  retail  gas- 
oline and  coal  oil  11 24  Fourth,  bet  B  and  C 

LITTLE,  W.  E.,  (W  E  Little  &  Co)  res  11 24  Fourth 

Little,  Miss  Geneva,  with  N  V  Sullivan,  res  1124  Fourth 

Livenburger,  res  at  Tremont 

Livingston,  F  W,  teacher,  res  3237  I 

LLEWELYN,  W.,  boots  and  shoes,  728  Fifth,  res  same 

Llucia,  Alfred,  res  North  San  Diego 

Llucia,  Dolores,  groceries,  North  San, Diego 

Llucia,  Vincent,  res  North  San  Diego 

Lobenger,  Miss  Daisy,  servant,  920  Fir 


LOCKWOOD,  S.,    money  and   loan    broker,    1426    E,    res    2054 

lyockwood,  E  C,  clerk,  Gt  Am  Tea  Co,  res  944  Twelfth 
Lockwood,  carpenter,  res  Third  near  Robinson 
Locock,  Mrs  Ada,  dressmaker,  1115  C 
lyocker  Sisters,  (Misses  Millie  and  Rose),  New  England  bakery 

cor  Seventh  and  E 
Ivocker,  Miss  Millie,  New  England  bakery,  res  1528  E 
lyOcker,  Miss  Rose,  New  England  bakery,  res  1528  E 
Eocke,  Mrs  A,  res  1344  Front 
Lockridge,  Peter  S,  barber  res  331  Fifteenth 
Eodi,  res  432  Eighteenth 
Eogue,  Miss  Anna,  res  2004  Fourth 
Lohman,  Gus,  porter  Commercial  hotel 
LOHMANN,  H.,  prop  Cable  saloon,    n  e  cor  I    and    Sixth,    res 

2345  K 
Eohman,  Henry,  coachman,  res  cor  Fifth  and  Olive 
LOriELI,  ANTONIO  V.',  Mexican  Consul,  consulate  and  res  1544 

D,  cor  Seventh 
Eomprey,  Jerome,  groceries,  547  H 
London,  Wm,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 
Lone  Star  Grocery  &  Poultry  Market,  Stelzner  &    Kelly   porps, 

s  w  cor  Sixth  and  I 
LOAN  STAR  MEAT  MARKET,  A  H  Roy   prop,   2235    H,    near 

LONG,  C.  D.,  asst  cashier  Bank  of  Commerce,  res  1630  E 
Long  Ed,  butcher,  res  754  Twelfth 
Eong,  E  E,  (Skinner  &  Eong),  res  625  Eogan  ave 
Long,  Fred  A,  cabinet  maker,  1324  A,   res  Arctic  bet  Ivy  and 

LONG,  JOHN,  capitalist,  res  1644  E 
Long,  John,  res  1756  First 
Long,  Porter,  res  Eleventh  bet  A  and  Ash 
Looms,  C.  C,  prop  Albemarle,  res  at  hotel 
LOOM  IS,  H.,  chief  clerk  Albemarle,  res  hotel 
Eoomis,  J  W,  clerk,  at  Horton  house 
Loop,  A  M,  deputy  city  assessor 
Eoop,  Murray,  messenger  Pac   Postal  Tel  Co,  res  1029  Fifteenth 


lyoop,  T  M,  real  estate,  res  1029  Fifteenth 

Lopez,  Antonio,  res  North  San  Diego 

lyOpez,  J  A,  teamster,  res  North  San  Diego 

Lopez,  Jesus,  res  North  San  Diego 

Lopez,  Wm  P,  clerk  Mendelson  &  Flores,  res  National  City 

LORD,  C.  C,  dentist,  rooms  i,   2  and  3,  825  Fifth,  res  same 

Lord,  W  J,  res  165  Ninteenth 

Lord,  Miss  Bertha,  dentist^  with  Dr  C  C  Lord 

LORINQ,  A.  M.,  (Larson  &  Loring),  res  Orford  house 

Loring,  Maj  L  Y,  retired  army  surgeon,  res  2070  Fourth 

Losa,  Peter,  laborer,  res  2309  L 

Lothian,  Daniel,  res  930  Eleventh 

Loucks,  Frank,  laborer,  res  910  Ash 

LOUCKS,  riRS.  ELIZA  E.,  San  Diego  Bath  House,  res  same 

Louden,  J  H,  speculator,  res  Fourteenth,  bet  H  and  I 

Loud,  C  A,  postmaster,   North  San  Diego 

LOUIS,     ISADOR,    real  estate  and  notary  public,  Louis  blk,  res 

LOUIS  OPERA  HOUSE,  Isador  Lewis  prop  and  manager.  Fifth 

bet  B  and  C 
Louis,  Chas,  stock  broker,  res  Langham 
Louis,  Lopez,  laborer,  622  G 
Louis,  Mrs  C,  dressmaker,  1244  Sixth 
Lounsbery,  E  P,  fruit  grower,  res  Second  near  Laurel 
Love,  Alexander,  retired,  res  905  E 
Love,  Wm,  plumber,  res  559  H 
Lovedal,  Geo  C,  seafarer,  res  818  Twenty-fifth 
Lovell,  R,  driver  hose  wagon  no  2,  res  Fifth  bet  A  and  B 
Lovett,  E,  honey,  beeswax  and    bee-keepers'  supplies,  328 — 330 

Lovett,  H,  clerk,  res  Fourth  and  Walnut 
Lovett,  Mrs  L  D,  res  Fourth  and  Walnut 
Low,  C  H,  capitalist.  Hotel  Florence 

Lowe,  T  C,  salesman  with  W  Llewelyn,  res  cor    Sixth  and  Ash 
Lower  Cal  Development  Go's  steamships,  F  A,  Holdsworth  gen'l 

man'gr,  ofiice  with  Santa  Fe  Route 
Lowell,  Geo,  messenger  with  Pac    Postal    Tel  Co,  res  Eleventh 

bet  C  and  D 

SAN    DIEGO    CITY     DIRECTORY.  1 37 

Luben,  Ben,  lodging  honse,  519  Fifth 

lyUccock,  CD,  photographer,  1622  H,  res  same 

LUCE&  Mcdonald,  (MALuce,  JWade  McDonald),  atty's 
at-law,  Pierce-Morse  blk,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

LUCE,  n.  A.,  (Luce  &  McDonald),  res  1744  Second 

Luckey,  B,  with  Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co,  res  Second  and  I 

Ludlow,  K  A,  paper-hanger,  res  641  Fourteenth 

Ludlum,  Miss  Imogen,  student,  res  1844  Fourth 

LUDLUM,  niS5  MILDRED,  teacher  of  elocution  and  delsarte, 
res  1844  Fourth 

LUDLUM,  riRS.  E.  M.,  teacher  of  elocution,  history  and  litera- 
ture, res  1844  Fourth 

Lufkin,  Geo  I,  head  salesman  Chicago  Shoe  Store,  res  2312  C 

Lufkin,  T  H,  contractor  and  builder,  res  2312  C 

Lugslin,  M,  laborer,  res  Hotel  D' Europe 

Lukins,  J  N,  carpenter,  res  India  and  Olive 

Lundegreen,  Miss  Eliza,  teacher  Pacific  Beach  school 

Lundegreen,  Miss  F,  teacher  of  drawing  in  public  schools 

Landell,  Wm,  stenographer,  with  John  R  Aitken,  res  Brunswick 

Lundgreen,  John,  carpenter,   148  Seventeenth 

Lundguist,  Chas,  painter,  1169  State,  res  same 

LUNGSTRASS  &  WALSH,  real  estate  brokers,  912  Sixth 

LUNQSTRASS,  HENRY,  (Lungstrass  &  Walsh,  res  Twenty- 
eighth^  bet  J  and  K 

Lupfer,  Mrs  L  H,  dressmaker,  842  Seventh 

Luscomb,   C  E,  physician  and  surgeon,  room  5,  Marston  blk 

Luscomb,  Rodney,  gardener,  res  636  E 

Lusero,  Tegrle,  laborer,  res  2309  L 

Lutich,  Nick,  fruits  and  cigars,  844  Fifth,  res  Santa  Clara  house 

Eyke,  C  W,  res  cor  C  and  Sixteenth 

Lynch,  L  S,  Carpenter,  710  Boston  ave 

Ivynnell  Harry,  restaurant,  514  Fifth,  res  655  Sixth 

Lyle,  Joseph,  fisherman,  res  Roseville 

Lyman,  Martin,  tailor,  res  Plaza  Palace 

L3'on,  A  B,  laborer,  res  26  South  Twentieth 

Lyon,  I  S,  res  443  Fifteenth 

Lyons,  A  J,  clerk  with  Findley  Bros,  res  1336  State 

LYONS,  D.  W.,  salesman  with  Metcalf  Bros,  res  732  Eighth 


Lyons,  Ernest,  salesman  with  M  German,  res  644  D 

Lyons,  George,  res  North  San  Diego 

Lyons,  George,  jr,  res  North  San  Diego 

Lyons,  S  R,  real  estate,  1040  Fifth,  rooms  at  the  Willard 

Lyons,  W  J,  res  North  San  Diego 


Mabur)^  Paul  R,  res  1543  Seventh 

MacCormick,  Mrs  N,  res  833  Thirteenth 

MacDougal,  J  C,  director  Linda  Vista  irrigation  district,  res  428 

Kearney  ave 
MacDonald,  Mrs  H  M,  clerk  Geo  W  Mrston,  res  Sixth  and  H 
Mace,  G  M,  carpenter,  res  791  Twenty-fourth 
Mack,  T  J,  res  1335  Columbia 
Mack,  Mrs  R  B,  res  705  Fpurteenth 
MacKay,  A  H,  res  Eighth,  below  H 
MacKay,  Berry,  res  1569  Union 
MacKAY,  R.  5.  J.,  groceries  and  ship  supplies,  cor  Fifth  and  C, 

res  1569  Union 
MacKay,  MB,  res  Cedar  and  Union 
MacKay,  Robert  S  J,  res  Cedar  and  Union 
Mackenzie,  D,  carpenter,  res  2230  J 
Mackinnon,  Mrs  Sarah  R,  res  Adelphia  house 
Macomber,  Mrs  Mary,  poultry,  cor  Ninth  and  N 
Macready,  B,  sec  J  P  C  Mfg  Co,  res  iiii  Cedar 
Maddox,  Joseph,  coachman  Hotel  Florence 

Madson,  Robt,  clerk  with  M  A  Wertheinier  &  Co,  res  Brooklyn 
riAQEEf  T.   L.,  physician  and  surgeon,    (city  health   officer),   9 

and  10,  Backesto  blk,  res  11 69  Sixth 
Maggiora,  J,  bakery,  cor  Fifteenth  and  J,  res  same 
Maginn,  B  W,  res  1 618  First 

Maginas,  Mrs,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  721  Twelfth 
Magly,  G  J,  clerk  with  P  C  Steamship  Co,  res  819  Second 
riAQWOOD,  G.  W.,  general  house    furnisher,    new  and  second 

hand  goods,  1624 — 1632  H,  res  Oxford  house 
Mahan,  D  P,  832  Front 


Mahan,  W  P,  book-keeper  with  Hardy,  res  832  Frant 

Maher,  Neil,  laborer,  Third  bet  H  and  I 

Maison  Riche,  George   and  J  T  Vigneron  propr's,    943  Fourth 

Maige,  WR,  capitalist,  res  2468  First 

Malengren,  Otto,  cement  worker,  res  2731  N 

Malin,  James,  driver  with  F  Heilbron,  res  Grand  Pacific 

Malin,  John,  horseman  at  Mason's  livery  stable,  res  same 

Malvin,  J  P,  blacksmith,  res  Fifth  and  J 

Malyin,  M,  blacksmith,  res  Grand  Pacific 

Malmberg,  N  P,  painter,  res  State  house  cor  B  and  State 

Maloney,  Harry,  carpenter,  res  cor  H  and  First 

Maison,  N,  invalid,  res  3 117  K 

MAnnOTH  EnPLOYriENT  AGENCY,  Mrs  W  F  Hendsch  prop, 

910  Sixth 
MANHA  BROS.,  (Frank  Manha,    Antoino    Manha),    groceries, 

provisions,  feed  and  coal,  2304  H,  cor  Fourteenth 
MANHA,  ANTOINE,  [Manha  Bros],  res  Holt  house 
MANHA,  FRANK,  (Manha  Bros),  res  Holt  house 
Maniece,  John,  res  lyangham 
Manice,  fisherman,  res  Roseville 
Manker,  J,    driver  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  1427  K 
MANNA5SE,  J.  5.,  real  estate,  731  Fifth,  res  240  I^ogan  ave 
Mannassee,  Mrs  Hannah,  res  1343  Front 
Manning,  John,  janitor  Pierce-Morse  blk,  res  same 
MANNIX,  JOHN  B.,  attorney-at-law,    i    and    2    First   National 

Bank  bldg,  res  cor  Fourth  and  Elm 
Manor  lodging  house,  cor  Fifth  and  Ash 
Mantle,  Mrs  S  ly,  dressmaker,  res  Tremont  house 
Manuel,  Geo,  laundry,  foot  of  Eighth 
MANZ,  A.,  wines  and  liquors,  520  Fifth,  res  same 
Margison,  Arthur,  with  J  A  Harris  &  Co,  res  Metropolitan 
Margison,  J  A,  pressman  with  Stenhouse  &  Co,  res  Metropolitan 
Markgraf ,  Aug,  laborer  365  Eighth 
Markham,  Mrs  C  E,  boarders,  1335  Fifth 
Markle,  Eld  A  B,  pastor  Central  Christian  church,   res   1641    E 

and  South  San  Diego 
Marilou  Park,  fruit  ranch,  F  O  Wadsworth  prop,  North  Chollas 
Marks,  Herman,  deputy  constable,  1242  F 


Marlette,  C  H,  res  213  lyOgan  ave 

Marone,  Miss  Francisco,  res  922  Front 

MARSH,  GEO.  W.,  druggist,  s  e  cor  Seventh  and  F,  res  same 

riARSH,  ROBT.  A.,  res  at  the  Willard 

Marshal,  Oscar,  res  Mission  Valley 

Marshall,  Frank,  res  Columbia 

Marshall,  Howard,  painter,  res  Tremont  house 

Marshall,  J  H,  res  1466  Fourth 

Marshall,  J  W,  real  estate  1442  K.  res  the  Derby, Twentieth  and  H 

Marston,  A  J,  farmer,  res  1327  State 

Marston,  C  H,  res  930  Eleventh 

MARSTON,  GEO.  W.,  dry  goods,  carpets  and  men's  furnishings 

Fifth,  Sixth  and  F,  res  cor  Third  and  Ash,  New  York  City 

office,  no  337  Broadway 
Martin,  Chas,  foreman  of  door  and  sash  dept  Russ  Mill  &  Lumber 

Co,  res  Thorn  and  Arctic 
Martin,  C  S,  machinist,  res  1509  Logan  ave 
Martin,  D  S,  with  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  635  Seventeenth 
Martin,  E  G,  carpenter  res  635  Seventeenth 
Martin,  Ed,  with  Chas  Hoffman,  res  transcient 
Martin,  J,  clerk  at  White  House,  res  653  Eleventh 
Martin,  J  G,  boatman,  res  230  Ash 
Martin,  L  E,  carpenter,  res  332  Lagan  ave 
Martin,  P  P,  boat  house,  770  Atlantic 
Martin,  R  Y,  res  Arctic  and  Thorn 
Martini,  Frank,  gardener,  Sixteenth  bet  I  and  J 
Martini,  Frank,  scavenger,  res  307  Oliver  ave 
Maskey,  B  F,  oil  miner,  rooms  at  Plaza  Palace 
Mason,  Geo,  book. keeper,  583  Logan  ave 
Mason,  George,  janitor,  res  538  Julian  ave 
Mason,  H  H,  livery,  feed   and    sale  stable,    1119,  H  res  Second 

and  G 
Mason,  John,  capitalist,   1356  Sixth 
Mason,  W  H,  teacher,  res  926  E 
Mason,  Mrs  Abbie,  milliner,  res  524  Logan  ave 
Masonic  Board  of  Relief,  G  M  Dannals,  sec,  office  826  Sixth 
Mass,  August  P,  gardener  at  Cable  Pavillion,  res  same 
Matchin,  Miss  H  E,  teacher,  res  357  Sixteenth 


MATFIELD,  CEO,  H.,  importer  and  jobber  of  wines  and  liquors, 
1 321 — 1323  E  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth,  also  25 — 27TreniontSt, 
San  Francisco,  res  cor  Sixth  and  K  at  Willard 

Mathes,  Miss  Abbie,  res  1223  Twelfth 

Mathes,  Miss  Caroline,  res  1223  Twelfth 

Mathes,  Miss  Susan  res  1223  Twelfth 

Matheson,  J  L,  manager  mens'  furnishings  dept  at  Marston's, 
res  1 1 32  Seventh 

HATHEWS  i&  HOOKER,  (E  S  Mathews  &  A  H  Hooker),  den- 
tists, rooms  7  to  9  Consolidated  Bank  bldg,  cor  Fifth  and  G 

MATtiEWS,  E.  S.,  (Mathews  &  Hooker),  Consol.  Bank  bldg 

Ma  tot,  B  L,  secretary,  1128  Fourteenth 

Matot,  F  E,  clerk  with  J  S  Mumford,  res  1128  Fourteenth 

Matot,  John,  retired,  res  312  L^ogan  ave 

Mattax,  Mrs  J  A,  furnished  rooms,  res  854  Tenth 

Mattes,  N,  grocery,  356  Sixteenth,  res  same 

MATTHEWS,  BROS.,  [Vernon  G  and  Walter  G],  real  estate  and 
business  brokers,  948  Fifth 

Matthews,  H  N,  note  clerk  Consol  Nat  Bank,  res  1807  Fourth 

Matthews,  Joseph,  fruit  stand,  963  Fourth,  res  1943  Albatross 

Matthews,  L  B,  with  Sam  G  Ingle,  res  724  Twelfth 

HATTHEWS,  VERNON  G.,  [Matthews  Bros],  res  at  Horton 

MATTHEWS,  WALTER  Q.,  [Matthews  Bros],  res  cor  University 
and  Yale 

Matthews,  Miss  M  F,  res  Allyn  blk 

Matthews,  Miss  Ella,  res  1917  D 

Maxton  Miss  E  Cora,  teacher  in  public  schools,  854  Tenth 

Maxwell,  C  E,  printer,  res  Pacific  Beach 

Maxwell,  Walter  E,  teacher  at  Eakeside,  res  Willard 

Maxwell,  Mrs,  res  Albemarle 

May,  M  J,  barkeeper,  Montana  saloon,  res  same 

Mayers'  bakery,  1466  India 

MAYER,  JOHN,  prop  Florence  meat  market,  12 14  Fifth,  res 
Fifth  St  add 

Mayer,  Miss  Jesse,  teacher  East  school 

Maynard,  Alfred,  carpenter,  res  809  Kearney  ave 

Maynard,  James,  bartender,  res  Windsor 

Mayrhofer,  Peter,  beer  hall,  963  Fifth,  res  cor  Sixth  and  B 


Mays,  John,  res  359  H 

Mays,  Miss  Emma,    res    National   ave,    bet   32d  and  33d 
McAllister,  T  J,  with  Oscar  Hinters,  res  Sun  bldg 
McArthur,  Miss  Sarah,  cook,  res  cor  Sixth  and  Laurel 
ricAULIFF,  H.  B.,  house  and  sign  painter,  862  Fourth,  res  1340 

McAuliff,  Thos,  res  11 42  Third 
McBride,  L  H,  with  G  M  Greenebaum,  res  Bon  Ton 
McCabe,  Thomas,  cigars  and  tobacco,  748   Fifth,  res  2 2d  and  M 
McCann,  C,  blacksmith.  First  and  E  , 

McCann,  J  F,  carpenter,  res  625  B 
McCarthy,  Jerry,  stable  man  with    S  D  &  Cor    Transfer  Co,  res 

cor  H  and  Arctic 
McCarty,  F  W,  plumber,  with  McKenzie  &  Bro,  res  521  Newton 
McCAUQHEY,  CHA5.,  man'gr  S  D  Truck  Co,  728  Fifth,  res  Belle 

View  house 
McCAUQHEY,  OWEN,  manager  S  D  Truck  Co,  728    Fifth,    res 

Belle  View  house 
McCAY  CHARLES,  San  Diego  Truck  Co,  res  728  Fifth 
McClain,  Andrew,  retired  attorney-at-law,  res  1067  Front 
McClain,  Robt  D,  real  estate,  res  1067  Front 
McCLAIN,  WM.,  (Cable  Coal  &  Wood  Co),   cor   C   and   Fourth, 

res  1067  Front 
McClain,  Miss  Jennie,  res  1067  Front 
McCleary,  Dr  M  T,  mine  owner,  res  Metropolitan 
McClellan,  James,  laborer,  res  439  H 

McClintock,  J  A,  tinsmith  with  W  E  Williams,  res  1153  Seventh 
McCloud,  Miss  Edith,  teacher,  res  918  Logan  ave 
McConaughy,  Jas,  capitalist,  res  1623  Atlantic 
McConoughey,  A  M,  attorney-at-law,  5  and  6    Pierce-Morse  blk 

res  846  Twentj^-Second 
McCOUOUQHEY,  O.  H.,     (Parker   &    McConoughey),    res    cor 

Tenth  and  G,  Coronado 
McConoughey,  Vic  E,  deputy  Supt  Schools,  res  2031  D 
McConoughey,  Miss  E  A,  teacher  Russ  school,  res  2031  D 
McConoughey,  Mrs.  E  A,  res  2031  D 
McConoughy,  Miss  Marion,  teacher  Russ  school,  res  Manor  house 


McCONKEY,  THOS.  G.,  M.  D.,  (Van   Norman  &    McConkey), 

res  Florence  hotel 
McConnell,  W  V,  harnessmaker,  with  C  J  Kdwards,  res  Revere 
McConville,  P  H,  res  1636  Seventh 

McCormac,  Mrs  J  G,  matron  Children's  Home,  City  Park 
McCormack,  J,  real  estate,  934  Fourth,  res  Sheldon  blk 
McCormack,  Mrs  N,  house  cleaning,  res  833  Thirteenth 
McCormick,  Miss  Willie,  res  792  Milton  ave 
McCoy,  James  G,  capitalist,  res  North  San  Diego 
McCracken,  F  F,  contractor,  res  406  National  ave 
McCracken,  E  H,  barber,  res  Revere 
McCracken,  W  K,  res  406  National  ave 
McCreesh,  Wm,  tailor,  13 13  F,  res  same 
McCRIMMON,  ARIOSTO,  prop  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  cor  Third 

and  Robinson 
McCully,  Geo  T,  res  2133  Second 
McCune,  George,  plasterer,  res  611  Kearney  ave 
McCUTCHEN,  A.    B.,    attorney-at-law,    room    20    Consolidated 

Bank  bldg,  res  cor  Sixth  and  C 
McDaniel,  Rev  B  F,    pastor  Unitarian  church,  res  734  Grape 
McDonald,  D  R,  Capt  Coronado  Ferry  res  1539  Fifth 
McDonald,  J.  wade,  (I,uce  &  McDonald),  res  1465  Seventh 
McDonald,  M,  naval  paymaster,  at  Flo3;ence 
McDonald,  MALCOLM  W.,  attomey-at-law,  with  Luce  &  Mc- 
Donald, res  1465  Seventh 
McDOUGALL  BROS.,  (W  B  and  C  A  McDougall),  agricultural 

implements,  wagons,  buggies,  s  w  cor  Seventh  and  I 
McDOUGALL,  C.  A.,  (McDougall  Bros),  res  22d,  bet  I  and  J 
McDOUGALL,  W.  B.,  (McDougall  Bros),  res  22d,  bet  I  and  J 
DcDowell,  Napoleon,  laborer,  res  747  Twelfth 
McDowell,  S  A,  (Thompson  &  McDowell),  res  140  National  ave 
McDuell,  C  E,  conductor  cable  car,  res  Oak  ave  near  Vermont 
McElmon,  Thos,  laborer,  res  321  Fifteenth 
McElroy,  Mrs  S  A,  medical  electrician  1641  E,  res  same 
McFadden,  Rev   O  J,    pastor   Central     ME    Church,    res.1017 

Twenty-sixth ,  south 
McGarvie,  R  W,  judgment  clerk  with    county   clerk,    res    1042 



McGathey,  Mrs,  res  Choate  &  Storey  add 

McGigen,  H,  steward,  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

McGigen,  Mrs  Hugh,  housekeeper  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

McGill,  C  R,  contractor  and  builder,  res  Fifteenth  ave,  bet  A  &  B 

McGinn,  Mrs  M  J,  saloon,  1450  India,  res  same 

McGinnis,  M,  night  man,  res  Cable  hotel 

McGinnis,  TJ,  stableman,  res  cor  H  and  First 

McGovney,  Samuel,  trimmer  S  D  Gis  and  Elec   Light    Co,    res 

9  Eighteenth 
McGrath,  Wm,  longshoreman,  res  134T  India 
McGregor,  James  G,  gardener,  res  730  C 
McCregor,  M,  prop  American  House,  cor  Columbia  and  G 
McGregor,  Miss  Margaret,  res  cor  Columbia  and  G 
McGuire,  Cornelius,  janitor,  res  918  G 
ricQUIRE,  FRANK  C,  manager  Kansas    Stable,  res  cor  Eighth 

and  F 
McHatton,  A  H,  physician,  1264  Ninth 

Mclnerney,  B  F,  operator,  W  U  Telegraph  Co,  res  Hewitt  blk 
Mclnnes,  J  D,  fireman,  San  Diego  Gas  and  Elec  Eight  Co,  res  25 

Mclnnes,  John,  plasterer,  res  628  Maine 
Mclnnis.  H,  painter,  cor  Ninth  and  K 
Mcintosh,  F  J,  dealer  in  tinware  andqueensware,  cor  India  and 

B,  res  same 
Mcintosh,  Mrs  Sarah,  res  A  and  Twenty-seventh 
Mclntyre,  Geo,  farmer,  res  Atlantic  and  B 
McKamey,  A  H,  carpenter,  res  North  Chollas,  El  Cajon  road 
McKay,  W  W,  M  D,  U  S  Marine  Hospital  Surg,    res   1535  Fifth 
McKay,  Miss  Amelia,  teacher  Russ  school 

HcKENZIE  &  BRO.,  (B  W  McKenzie,  Geo  M  KcKenzie,   Chi- 
cago), wholesale  dealers  in  plumbers,  gas  and  steam-fitters' 

supplies,  cor  Sixth  and  K 
ricKENZIE,  B.  W.,  (McKenzie  &  Bro),  res  Florence  hotel 
McKenzie,  D,  carpenter,  res  2230  J 
McKenzie,  Miss  Hellen,  teacher  Middletown    school,  res    1769 

McKenzie,  Mrs  Frank,  nurse  res  Union  and  Grape 
McKenzie,  Mrs  M  A,  res  2363  C 


flcKIE,  J.  H.,  druggist,  2103  H  cor  Twelfth  res  Ellsworth  house 

McKie  N,  retired,  744  Hawthorne  cor  Albatross 

McKinlay,  Robert  M,  janitor  at  court  heuse,  res  1432  Union 

McKinlay,  Wm,  blacksmith  at  cable  powerhouse,  res  423  Oliver 

McKinney,  B,  laborer,  res  154  Fifteenth 

McKinney,  M  W,  teacher,  res  944  F 

McKinney,  Mrs  N  A,  res  944  F 

McKinnon,  John,  blacksmith,  cor  Seventh  and  H,  res  230  Mil- 
ton ave 

McKissick,  gripman,  res  Cable  hotel 

McKnight,  Wood,  res  Twenty-sixth  and  B 

McKOON,  HOSriER  P.,  pres  United  Investment  Co,  room-  13 
Richelieu,  res  Fanita  Rancho,  Santee  P  O 

Mclyaren,  A,  with  J  Gray  &  Son,  res  Thirty- third,  Chollas  valley 

McLaren,  D,  fruit  grower  and  gardener.  Thirty-third,  Chollas 

Mclyaughlin,  Ed,  at  freght  depot,  res  2038  E 

McEauglin  W,  bell  boy  Hotel  Florence 

McLean,  F  N,  bridge  builder  res  1206  Fifth 

McLean,  Hector,  capitalist,  cor  B  and  Ninth 

McLellan,  W  S,  rancher,  res  1742  Fifth 

McLennan,  Mrs  R,  res  515  Fourteenth 

McLeod,  Miss  Edith,  teacher  East  school 

McLeran,  Benj,  civil  engineer,  res  Eleventh  bet  Ash  and  Beech 

McLeran,  Miss  Rhoda,  teacher  of  piano,  rooms  3  and  4  Opera 
house  blk,  res  Twelfth  and  Ash 

McLure,  L  S,  capitalist,  res  3204  H 

McMahan,  Irvin,  collector  city  water  dept,  res  1640  G 

McManaway,  W  J,  plumber  with  Geo  A  Merritt,  res  534  nth 

McMann,  P  J,  laborer,  res  2332  M 

McMellan,  Mrs,  res  2245  Second 

McfllLLAN,  Q.  H.,  agent  Southern  Pacific  R  R  Co,  cor  Fifth 
and  E,  res  2245  Second 

McMillan,  Lincoln,  rail  road  clerk,  2245  Second 

McNair,  James,  plasterer,  res  15 18  Logan  ave 

McNamara,  Martin  F,  with  W  H  Doud,  res  Leland  blk 

HcNEALV,  W.  T.,  attorney-at-law,  rooms  21-22  Consolidated 
Bank  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  G,  res  1470  State 


McNealy,  Mary  B,    stenographer   and   asst   book-keeper,    with 

Todd  &  Hawley,  res  Sixteenth  and  C 
McNeil,  Andrew,  assistant  to  W  S  Young,  96 1   Fourth 
McNeill,  Geo,  painter,  res  1917  F 
McNeile,  J  H,  capitalist,  res  430  Seventeenth 
McNeil,  Iv  W,  carpenter,  res  1050  Second 
McNeil,  Miss  lyizzie,  res  1050  Second 
McPherson,  Daniel,  miner,  res  Capital  hotel 
McPheters,  James  H,  carpenter,  res  623  Grand  ave 
ricQUAID,  J.  P.,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  Adelphia  house 
McRAE,  J.  A.  &  SONS,  (J  A,  H  D  and  R  R  McRae)    groceries, 

provisions  and  fruits,  1072  Fifth 
McRAE,  H.  D.,  (J  A  McRae  &  Sons),  res  2134  Fifth 
McRAE,  J.  A.,  (J  A  McRae  &  Sons),  res  2134  Fifth 
McRae,  John,  res  927  Irving  ave 
McRAE,  R.  R.,  (J  A  McRae  &  Sons),  res  2134  Fifth 
McSwegan,  D,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  res  rooms  r,   2 

ricTAGQART,  JON.,  general  secy  Y  M  C  A,  res  333  Ninth 
McVeigh,  Mrs  R  V,  dressmaker,  res  13 18  A 
McWalter,  Miss  Celia,  servant  for  J  H  Marshall,  res  1466  Fourth 
McWay,  Wilson,  book-keeper,  cor  Ninth  and  K 
Mead,  B  F,  paper  hanger,  res  327  L,ogan  ave 
Mead,  Jas,  bricklayer,  res  India  foot  H 
Meakin,  Frederick,  court  reporter,  res  Thirtieth  and  G 
Mechanics  lodging  hause,  651  Third 
MEIKLE,  Miss  ANNA    I.,  instructor  in  San  Diego  Commercial 

College,  res  622  Eleventh 
Meisel,  Mr  and  Mrs  Carl,  music  rooms,  17  AUyn  blk  * 

Mellowne,  B,  retired,  K  bet  Thirty-second  and  Thirty-third 
Melville,  Mrs  E  Barney,  res  742  Eogan  ave 
Melvin,  Henry,  abstractor  with  H  T  Christian  &  Co,  res   B  bet 

India  and  Columbia 
MENDELSON  &  FL0RE5,  (I,ouis   Mendelson,   F   A  Flores), 

custom  house  brokers,  755  Sixth 
HENDELSON,  LOUIS,  (Mendelson  &  Flores),  res  1040 Seventh 
Menke,  H,  bartender,  733  Eighth 


MERCANTILE  COLLECTION  AGENCY,  J   S  Wheeler,  prop'r, 

930  Sixth 
Mercer,  Mrs  Kate  E,  res  152 1  Ninth 
Merchant,  Peter,  fisherman,  res  Cedar  and  Atlantic 
Merchant,  Miss  Amelia  M,  stenographer,  with  G  H  Ballon  &  Co, 

res  Eleventh  and  E 
Merchant,  Mrs  R,  res  869  Eleventh 
Meredith,  E  O,  teamster,  res  Twenty-seventh  and  N 
Meredith,  J  N,  lineman  Postal  Tel  Co,  res  527  Thirteenth 
Meredith,  W  P,  teamster,  res  Twenty-seventh  and  N 
Meredith,  Mrs  E  C,  res  Twenty-seventh  and  N 
Merizan,  N  E,  paper  hanger,  res  833  Seventh, 
Merigold,  H  P,  wagon  maker  with  G  L  Hardy,  res  2141  D 
Merigold,    Miss  R,  res  2 141  D 

Merrigold,  R  L,  compositor  on  Daily  San    Diegan,  res  cor  Thir- 
teenth and  D 
Merrill,  H  G,  railroad  man,  res  New  Carlton 
Merrill,  Rev  W  C,  pastor  First    Congregational    church,  res  734 

Tenth , 
Merrill,  Mrs  A  E,  res  724  Twelfth 
flERRITT,  GEO.  A.,  gas,    steam    and    water    fitting,    sanitary 

plumbing  a  specialty,  tel  146,  534  Eleventh,  res  same 
Mertzmann   &   Waide,    (B  F   Mertzmann,  James  Waide),  hay 

and  grain,  508 — 516  Sixth 
riERTZMANN,  B.  F.,  M  D,  homeopathic  physician  and  surgeon, 

1034  Fifth,  res  s  w  cor  Twenty-second  and  E 
Mertzmann,  Frank,    (Mertzmann  &  Waide),    508    to   516  Sixth 

res  Sixteenth  and  K 
Mertzmann,  H,  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  1034  Fifth 
Mertzmann,  Mrs  Eleanor,  res  866  Twenty-second 
Messel,  Mrs  Catharine,  res  2369  F 
riETCALF,  BROS.,  (Thos  E  Metcalf,    A  P  Metcalf),  wholesale 

and  retail  dealers  in  vehicles  and    agricultural  implements 

753-755  Fourth 

METCALF,  A.  P.,  (Metcalf  Bros),  res  1632  Fourth 
riETCALF,  THOS.  E.,  (Metcalf  Bros),  res  1632  Fourth 
Metcalf,  Rev  W,  pastor  Cumberland  Pres  church,  res  Holt  house 


Mettel,  Miss  Dora,  stenographer  with  Conklin  &  Hughes,  res 
Hotel  Josephine,  Coronado 

Metzenthin,  Theodore  E,  res  2435  F 

Metzner,  Miss  I/Ucy  B,  clerk  at  Detroit  Bakery,  res  1152  Fourth 

MEXICAN  CONSULATE,  office  hours  9  to  12  and  2  to  5,  office 
cor  Seventh  and  D 

Mexican  Restaurant,  Jose  R  Murillo  &  Co  proprs,  1036  H 

Meyer,  A  C,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  New  Russ  house 

MEYER,  ALBERT,  prop  New  Russ  house,  cor  E  and  Third    ' 

Meyer,  Ernest,  book-keeper  with  J  R  Seifert,  res  Russ  house 

Meyer,  Iv,  packer  at  Winters'  baker}^,  res  Fourth  bet  I  and  J 

Meyer,  O  H  and  Bro,  res  1721  Fourth 

Meyer,  Mrs  Emma,  res  13 12  Front 

Meyers,  A,  res  First  bet  Twenty-sixth  and  Twenty-seventh 

Meyers,  Geo,  clerk,  res  1028  G 

Michaelsen,F  L,,  pres  Cedros  Island  Mining  &  Milling  Co,  res 
955  Fifth 

Michel,  A,  painter,  156  Sixteenth 

Michel,  D  O,  painter,  res  156  Sixteenth 

Michel,  Sigfred,  dairy,  res  University  Heights 

Middlecoff,  Walter  W.  clerk  Sprigg  &  Barber,  res  Lafayette  house 

Middlemas,  J  W,  ship  carpenter,  res  563  H 

MIDDLETON  GEORGE,  locksmith,  St  James  blk,  res  same 

MIELKE,  J.  C,  wholesale  and  retail  confectioner  and  manufac- 
turer of  candies,  factory  and  sales  room  mo  Fourth,  branch 
Fisher  Opera  House,  res  1822  B 

Mielke,  Miss  F,  clerk  at  Mielke's  candy  factory,  res  1154  Third 

Mielke,  Mrs  M,  res  1154  Third 

Miles,  J  F,  retired,  res  656  Front 

Millar,  James,  driver  New  England  dairy,  res  Commercial  hotel 

Millard,  F  R,  druggist,  501  Fifth,  res  1940  Third 

Miller,  A  N,  salesman,  res  1263  India 

Miller,  A  R,  book-keeper,  res  135  Grand  ave 

Miller,  C  A,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  B  and  Front 

Miller,  Edward,  teamster,  res  335  Twelfth 

Miller,  Edgar,  student,  res  Emerson  house 

MILLER,  E.  H.,  county  auditor  and  recorder,  res  Front  and  B 

Miller,  E  P,  carpenter,  res  Seventeenth  and  E 


METROPOLITAN    HOUSE,  Henry  E.  Morton  prop,  1319  E 

Miller,  Fred  E,  seafarer,  res  1523  Atlantic 

Miller,  Hewey,  driver  for  J  R  Seifert,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Miller,  J  W,  rancher,  res  Cedar  and  Atlantic 

Miller,  L  F,  mason,  res  107  National  ave 

Miller,  O  C,  deputy  constable,  1237  E,  res  419  Ninth 

Miller,  S  J,  carpet  cutter,  at  Marstons,  res  cor  Fifth  and  F 

Miller,  W  A,  salesman  with  E  Lovett,  res  2016  K 

Miller,  Miss  Emma,  res  1243  Front 

Miller,  The  Misses,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  L 

Miller,  Miss  Mary  A,  res  2157  Fourth 

Miller,  Miss  Mary,  saleslady  at  the  Arcade,  res  Kline  blk 

Miller,  Mrs  C  E,  groceries,  hay,  etc,  1267  India,  res  1263^  India 

Miller,  Miss  E  E,  Albertus  Art  Emporium,  res  1435  E 

Miller,  Mrs  Eliza,  domestic,  res  s  e  cor  Fifteenth  and  C 

Miller,  Mrs  M  J,  res  1440  First 

Millera,  Andrew,  bartender  for  A  Manz,  res  520  Fifth 

Millgaard,  Chas  H,  cigars  and  tobacco,  1425  E,  res  same 

Milligan,  Mrs  Dr,  res  at  the  Montezuma 

Mills,  albert,  furnished  rooms,  1629  F 

Mills,  Anson,  res  1305  State 

Mills,  A  P,  res  Ea  JoUa  Park 

Mills,  C  A,  plasterer,  804  Fourth,  res  same 

Mills,  Geo  E,  res  11 56  Third 

Mills,  James,  laborer,  res  foot  of  India 

Mills,  James  A,  with  Russ  Lumber  Co,  res  731  Columbia 

Mills,  John  C,  res  731  Columbia 

Mills,  R  M,  res  1305  State 

Mills,  Miss  Nellie  F,  bill  clerk  and  asst   book-keeper  with  West 

Coast  Eumber  Co,  res  1428  First 
Mills,  Miss  Nora  P,  clerk  at  post-office,  res  1428  First 
Mills,  Mrs  L  W,  res  1428  First 
Mills,  Mrs  S  J,  res  Grape  and  Union 

Millspaugh,  A  G,  draughtsman  with  Russ  Mill,  res  644  Ash 
MILSOn  &  STRATTON,  (C  W  Milsom,  T  M  Stratton),  merchant 

tailors,  1334  D 
niLSOM,  C.  W.,  (Milsom  &  Stratton),  rooms  at  Plaza  Palace 
MINERAL  WATER,  Coronado  Co,  C    B  Daggett  mangr,  1330  E 


Mingus,  Dan  F,  carpenter,  res    Olive  ave    and    University  ave, 

University  Heights 
Minneapolis  Restaurant,  J  T  Kaidel  prop,  828  Fifth 
Miranda,  Miss  Jennie,  with  Model    I^aundry,    res    Ninth  bet  K 

and  ly 
Mirtenke,  Martin,  brick-layer,  res  1456  California 
Misner,  K  T,  machine  hand  at  Russ    Planing    Mill,  cor  Thirty- 
Fifth  and  U 
Misner,  E  T,  carpenter,  res  Thirty-fourth  ChoUas  valley 
Misner,  Fred    C,    apprentice   Union    office,    res   Thirty-fourth, 

Chollas  valley 
Misner,  Miss  Mary,  prop  Windser  lodging  house 
Mission  Valley  Dairy,  702  Ash 
Mitchell,  E  N,  res  948  Columbia 
Mitchell,  Fred  F,  longshoreman,  res  2147  J 
Mitchell,  Geo  E,  plasterer,  1633  Arctic 
Mitchell,  Harry,  clerk  with  Findley  Bros  res  957  Columbia 
Mitchell,  J  E,  with  San  Diego  street  car  Co,  res  957  Columbia 
Mitten,  John,  carpenter,  res  752  Sixteenth 
Mitchell,  J  P,  invalid,  res  957  Columbia 
Mix,  I,  O,  engineer  Engine  Co  No  I,  res  930  Third 
Mixon,  R  D,  prop  Pelican  saloon,  756  Fifth 
Mladinicz,  Frank,  fisherman,  res  1231  Atlantic 
Moak,  W  M,  barber  shop,  904  Fourth,  res  Front  bet  D  &  E 
MODEL  BATH   HOUSE,  Jos  Mullender,  prop,  foot  of  Sixth 
MODEL  STEAM  LAUNDRY,  J  E  Horning,  manager,  2370  F 
Molfins,  Geo  H,  horticulturist,  res  432  Fourteenth 
Moffett,  John,  res  557  Sixteenth 
Moffett,  J  D,  fireman,  res  815  First 
Moffett,  John  E,  janitor  Russ  school,  res  557  Sixteenth 
Moffit,  Joseph,  driver  Engine  Co  No  i,  res  930  Third 
Mohr,  John,  salesman  with  J  S  Mumford,  res  Prescott  house 
Moirerty,  Mrs  Nellie,  res  667  Twenty-second 
Moll,  Sam  H,  collateral  banker,  755  Fifth,  res  721  Tenth 
Monahan,  T  J,  constable,  1237  E,  res  1456  First 
Monahan,  Mrs  E,  nurse,  res  Sheldon  blk 
Monks,  Mrs  M  A,  res  667  B 
Monroe,  C  F,  attorney-at-law,  res  1270  Union 


Monroe,  Geo,  dentist,  745  Fifth,  res  same 

Montana  Saloon,  Richard  Fitzsimmons  prop,  339  Fifth 

Monte,  Joseph,  fisher,  res  rear  15 13  Atlantic 

Montezuma  Flats,  Col  D  Stone,  prop,  cor  Second  and  F 

MONTGOMERY,  J.  P.,  (Zach  Montgomery-  &  Son),  res  Fruitland 

Montgomer3%  T  F,  salesman,  res  1723  First 

MONTGOMERY,  W.  5.,  attorney-at-law,  15  and  16  Pierce-Morse 
blk,  res  740  Logan  ave 

MONTGOMERY,  ZACH.  &  SON,  (Zach  and  J  P  Montgomery), 
attorneys-at-law,  rooms  3  and  4  Manvel  blk 

MONTGOMERY,  ZACH.,  (Zach  Montgomery  &  Son),  res  Fruit- 

Montgomery,  Miss  Clara  B,  res  952  Tenth 

Montgomer}-,  Mrs  Samantha,  res  740  Logan  ave 

MONTIJO,  R.,  saddle  and  harness  maker,  558-60  Fifth,  res  858 

Montijo,  R  G,  saddler,  with  R  Montijo,  res  858  State 

Montrose  lodging  house,  Mrs  S  A  Fetty  prop,  717  Fourth 

Moody,  B  F,  groceries,  922  Thirteenth,  res  Grant  ave  bet 
Twentj'-fourth  and  Twentj^-fifth 

Moody  G  N,  clerk  with  B  F  Moody,  res  Grant  ave,  bet  Twenty- 
fourth  and  Twent^'-fifth 

Mood}^  H,  clerk  with  J  Goulden,  res  851  Front 

Moore,  Albert,  res  1667  Second 

Moore,  Alex,  res  2361  I 

MOORE,  BEN  E.,  clerk  and  notary^  public  with  Hunsaker, 
Britt  &  Goodrich,  res  2044  Fourth 

Moore,  B  H,  with  Fred  N  Hamilton  Co,  res   1270  Fifth 

Moore,  E  S,  painter,  res  121  National  ave 

Moore,  F  M  real  estate  and  loans,  856  Fifth,  res  753  Eighteenth 

Moore^  Walter  P,  carpenter,  1430  Fir 

Moore,  Miss  Lottie,  with  Prentice  &  Co,  res  at  Nuevo 

Moore  Miss  Phoebe,  salesladj',  with  Prentice  &  Co,  res  at  Nuevo 

Moore,  Mrs  E  M,  res  2514  H 

Moore,  Mrs  Mary  B,  res  2044  Fourth 

Moore,  Mrs  Rosa,  res  A  bet  Twenty-sixth  and  Twentj^-seventh 

Moorehouse,  Mrs  J  O,  home  bakery,  res  2514  H 

Morales,  E,  barber  shop,  426  H,  res  same 


Moran,  Mrs  Rose,  res  539  Eleventh 

MORGAN    &    POLHEMUS,    (A      Morgan,    W    P    Polhemus), 

physicians  and  surgeons,  1045  Sixth 
flORQAN,  A.,  (Drs  Morgan  &  Polhemus),  res  145 1  Sixth 
Morgan,  Benj,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 

Morgan,  E  D,  millwright  and  machinist,   res  cor    Second  and  G 
Morgan,  Frank,  jeweler  with  M  German 
Morgan,  John,  with  Julian  Fruit  Co,  res  Adelphi  house 
Morgan,  Oliver,  plumber,  1307  Fourth 
Morgan,  W  J,  telephone  lineman,  res  1519  Union 
Moreland,  Basil,  prospector,  res  2727  N 
Moriarty,  B,  police  officer,  res  Adelphi  house 
Moriarty,  John,  laborer,  res  862  Fourteenth 
Moriarty,  M,  railroad  foreman,  res  Victoria  hotel 
Morini,  El  wood,  res  1207  First 
Morisey,  M,  laborer,  res  Victoria  hotel 
Morreles,  John,  res  745  Ninth 
Morrell,  Chas,  machine   hand    with    Russ  planing  mill,    res  St 

Elmo  hotel 
Morrill,  David  E,  civil  engineer,  room  51  Snyder  blk,  res  same 
Morrin,  Miss  Mabel,  2232  E 

Morris,  Capt  Arthur  A,  steam  tug  Santa  Fe,  res  1532  Arctic 
Morris,  Chas,  at  Mertzman's,  Sixth,  res  327  Eighth 
Morris,  G,  retired,  res  at  Tremont  house 
Morris,  Henry  B,  merchandise  broker,  res  1820  E 
Morris,  James,  cook  Rockaway  restaurant,  res  cor  Eourth  and  I 
Morris,  Peter,  stable  man.  Fifth  ave  stable,  res  cor  Fifth  and  B 
Morrison,  Chas,  carpenter,  res  351  Thirteenth 
Morrison,  R  R,  florist,  res  1335  Fifth 
Morrow,  James,  retired  soldier,  res  2367  F 
Morse,  E  W,  prop  Pierce- Morse  blk,  21    Pierce- Morse   blk,    res 

714  Tenth 
nORSE,    PHILIP,    manager   San    Diego   Eumber   Co,    res   cor 

Twelfth  and  E 
Morse,  Whaley  &  Dalton  loding  house,  Mrs  A  H  Gedrem  prop,, 

918  Fifth 
MORTON,  HENRY  E.,  prop  Metropolitan  house,  1319  E 
Morton,  James  A,  carpenter,  res  741  Kearney  ave 


MORTON,  R.  C.  (Campion,  Morton  &  Co),  res  at  Metropolitan 

Mosch,  Julius,  longshoresman,  res  846  Columbia 

Moser,  Hamel,  teamster,  res  215  Eleventh 

MOSER,  N.,  cigars  and -tobaccos,  932  Fifth 

Moses,  Dr.  Max,  Jewish  Rabbi,  res  1468  Front 

Mosier,  Herman,  yardman,  with  Pacific  Wood  &  Coal  Co 

MOSSHOLDER,  W.    J.,    (Parrish,    Mossholder  &  I,ewis),    res 

1667  Union 
Mott,  August,  laborer,  res  1314  Arctic 
Moulthorp,  Geo,  asst  engineer  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Mt  Hope  Cemetery,  3  miles  east  of  city 
Mt.  Tecarte  I^and  &  Water  Co,  John  F  Sinks,  pres,  J  W  Shore, 

•  secy,  office  1238  E 
MOUSER,  A.  C,  attorney- at-law  and  notary  public,    917    Fifth, 

res  1060  Eleventh 
Mouser,  Allie,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  1090  Eleventh 
Mouser,  Frank,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  1090  Eleventh 
Mouser,  G  W,  compositor  Sun  ofiice,  res  Eleventh  bet  C  and  D 
Moxom,  J  H,  retired  minister,  res  727,  Eighteenth 
Mueller,  Jacob,  (Kalvelage  &  Mueller),  res  1502  India 
Mueller,  Theo,  cook  Hotel  Florence 
MUIR,  B.  L.,  real  estate  and  notary  public,  13 19  F   bet    Fourth 

and  Fifth,  res  642  Twentieth 
Mulford,  H  S,  lawyer,  res  543  Twelfth 

nULLENDER,  JOS.,  prop  Model  bath  house,  res  foot  of  Sixth 
Mullen,  A  E,  foreman  brickyard,  res  Rose  Canyon 
Mulvey  &  Son,  groceries.  Sixth  and  H 
Mulvey,  E  P,  (Mulvey  &  Son),  res  1434  Second 
Mulvey,  J  E,  (Mulvey  &  Son),  res  1434  Second 
Mumford,  D  E,  compositor  Daily  Union  res  Plaza  Palace 
flUriFORD,  J.  S.,  groceries  and  provisions,  n  w  cor    Fifth    and 

D,  res  1540  C 
Mumford,  S  S,  compositor  Daily  Unicn,  res  Plaza  Palace 
Mundell,  Jesse,  laborer,  S  C  Ry,  res  1320  State 
Munier,  John,  porter  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  National  City 
Mundell,  Wm  J,  laborer  S  C  Ry,  res  1320  State 
Mundell,  Mrs  Maria,  res  1320  State 


Mundelius,  Conrad,  meat  market,  171  Sixteenth,  res  lyOgan  ave 

bet  Twenty-ninth  and  Thirtieth 
Munn,  Mrs  John,  res  529  Eighth 
Munroe,  ly  F,  cigars  and  tobacco,  cor  Fourth  and  Plaza,  res  946 

Munster,  C,  (Kaland  &  Co),  res  264-266  Seventeenth 
Murillo,  Jose  R,  restaurant,  1036  H,  res  same 
Murphy,  J  D,  stock  raiser,  res  North  San  Diego 
Murphy,  C  F,  driver  Hose  Co,  No  2,  res  Sixth  bet  I  and  J 
Murphy,  E,  with  M  C  Troy,  res  1712  K 
Murphy,  James,  res  2208  E 

Murphy,  Thos,  pantryman  Hotel  Brewster^res  same 
Murphy,  Tim,  longshoreman,  water  front,   foot  of  Eighth 
Murphy,  Miss  Katie  A,  compositor  on  Daily  Union,  res  17 12    K 
Murray,  Eli  H,    receiver   Cal   Savings    Bank  and  lawyer,    961 

Fourth,  res  2455  Front,  bet  Kalmia  and  I^aurel 
Murray,  J  H,  engineer  Spreckels  wharf,  res  2422  K 
nURRAY,  ROBT.  D.,  asst  manager  Pacific  Transfer  and  Gurney 

Cab  Co,  res  1626  Seventh 
Murrey,  Dr  E  E,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  res  267  17th 
Murry,  J  W,  horse  trainer,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Murry,  Miss  Maggie,  chambermaid  Hotel  Florence 
MURTHA,  F.  D.,   (Schiller  &  Murtha),  res  at  Belle  View  hotel 
Muth,  A  M,  apairist,  res  405  Tenth 
MYERS,  ALBERT  L.  &  CO.,  (Albert  h  and   M    Myers),    props 

The  Wine  Room,  H  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
MYERS,  A.  L.,  (A  E  Myers  &  Co)  res  1252  Sixth 
Myers,  Alex,  clerk  with  Till  A  Burns,  res  915  Ninth 
Myers,  Chas,  capitalist,  res  at  the  Alhambra 
Myers,  Henry  G,  book-keeper,  with  Todd  &  Hawley,  res  Sixth 

and  C 
riYERS,  M.,  (A  h  Myers  &  Co),  res  1252  Sixth 
Myers,  lineman  with  Western  Union  Co,  res  at  Llewelyn 
Myers,  Miss  Jessie,  teacher,  res  2145  I 
Myers,  Miss  Eottie,  teacher  res  2145  I 



NACHBAUR,  JOSEPH,  prop  Peerlees  saloon,  cor  I^ourth  and  F 
res  1 1 62  Second 

Nadeau,  J  F,  furniture  mfg  747  F,  res  Grand  Central  hotel 

Nagle,  C  A,  plasterer,  res  1520  Union 

Nance,  D  C,  laundry,  res  557  Twelfth 

Nash,  Rogers,  clerk  IXL,  clothing  store  507  Fifth,  res  cor  Thir- 
teenth and  K 

Nash  J,  retired,  res  518  I^ogan  ave 

Nason,  A  G,  real  estate  923  Fourth,  res  708  Grape  cor  Union 

NASON,  n.  C.  &  CO.,  (M  C  and  FT  Nason)  wholesale  commis- 
sion merchants,  362  to  366  Fifth 

NASON,  F.  T.,  (M  C  Nason  &  Co),  res  2050  Albatross 

Nason,  H  W,  res  1610  Union 

NASON.  M.  C,  (M  C  Nason  &  Co),  res  2034  Albatross 

Nason,  Miss  Isabelle  P,  res  2034  Albatross 

Nason,  Miss  Anna  G,  res  2034  Albatross 

NATIONAL  POPULAR  REVIEW,  J  Harrison  White,  publisher 
P  C  Remondino,  M  D  editor,  ofiice  Fisher  opera  house  Fifth 
P  O  box  332  San  Diego 

NAUMANN,  J.  D.,  chemical  steam  dyeing  and  cleaning  works, 
843  Sixth,  res  12 10  Sixth 

Nay  lor,  F  Byron,  with  K  C  Naylor,  res  813  Fifth 

Nay  lor,  K  C,  watchmaker  and  jeweler,  836  Fifth,  res  813    Fifth 

Nazro,  C  A,  retired,  res  1635  Fourth 

Neale,  Geo,  capitalist,  res  Kearney  ave 

Neagle,  W  C,  plasterer,  res  1510  Union 

Neal,  Geo,  Pt  Loma  packing  Co,  foot  of  C 

NEALE,  HARRY  J.,  (Tippet  &  Neal),  res  n  e  cor  State  and  B 

Neale,  Henry,  carpenter,  res  1250  Tenth 

Neale,  ly,  res  foot  of  Columbia 

Neale,  Mrs  Isabel,  seamstress,  res  622  F 

Neale,  Miss  Viola,  dressmaker,  res  L/afayette 

Nearpass,  Chas,  with  Watson's  seed  store,  res  555  Sixteenth 


Nearpass,  Samuel,  farmer,  res  323  Logan  ave 

Nearpass,  Wm  H,  res  324  Logan  ave 

Neely,  J  F,  foreman  for  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  1025  Seventh 

Neely,  J  F.  mining,  res  13 12  Front 

Neely,  Mrs,  res  Arctic  and  Willow,  Middletown 

Negley,  D  N,  res  1907  Arctic 

Neil,  J  A,  clerk,  with  Klauber  &  Levi,  res    15 17   J   bet    Eighth 

and  Ninth 
Neimeyer,  H,  Fireman,  res  n  w  cor  Tenth  and  J 
Nellis,  Mrs  F,  teacher,  Middletown  school 
Nelson,  Andrew,  ships-riger,  res  2144  India 
Nelson,  Capt  Manual  Dublan,  res  13  The  Willard 
Nelson,  Fred,  longshoreman,  res  foot  Seventh 
Nelson,  Geo,  accountant,  res  1734  D 
Nelson,  Gus,  stevedore,  foot  Seventh 
Nelson,  Kerr,  gardener,  res  714  Tenth 
Nelson,  Miss  Susie,  res  Keystone  house 
Nelson,  Mrs  Alice,  res  1654  State 
Neltner,  Frank,  clerk  with  Jos  Winters,  res  at  bakery 
Nerney,  M,  retired,  res  1218  Date 

NERNEY,  T.  A.,  fire  insurance,  923  Fourth,  res  2031  Union 
Nesbit,  Mrs  M  W,  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,   res  2348  G 
Nessel,  Miss  Louise,  servant,  res  1044  Fir 
Nessel,  Miss  May,  with  Model  Laundrj',  res  2369  F 
Netting,  Thos,  plumber,  res  1329  Columbia 
Neville,  Jas,  lawyer,  res  958  Ninth 
Nevin  Bros,  (RE  Nevin,  J  C  Nevin),  fresh  candy  makers,  860 

Nevin,  J  C,  (Nevin  Bros),  res  at  Leland 
Nevin,  R  E,  (Nevin  Bros),  res  at  Leland 
New  Carleton  Hotel,  W  A  Dorris,  prop,  cor  Third  and  F 
NEW  HOHE  BAKERY,  J  Gray  &  Son  props,  1072  Sixth 
NEW  RU55  HOUSE,  Albert  Meyer  prop,  corE  and  Third 
Newby,  O  C,  street  car  driver,  res  1633  State 
Newcomb,  D  L,  rancher,  res  at  Holt  house 
Newcomb,  T  E,  farmer,  res  711  National  ave 
New  England  Dairy,  Rose  Canyon 
Newkirk,  E  W,  with  Cal  Mort  Loan  &  Trust  Co,  res  Albemarle 


Newkirk,  Naylor,  teller  First  Nat'l  Bank,  res  1645  First 

NEWS  DEALER,  W  B  Emmel,  860  Fifth 

Newstrom,  Gus,  with  Horton  house,  res  same 

NEW  YORK  DOMESTIC  BAKERY,  I,  Coller  prop  1537  E 

Nichols,  C  E,  pipe  cutter  with  Bates  Implement  Co,  res  331  Clay 

Nichols,  Gustav,  (J  Anderson  &  Co),  res  433  Fifth 

NICHOLS,  M.  J.,  (Half  Price  house),  res  Boston 

Nichols,  J  A,  res  622  lyOgan  ave 

Nichols,  J  G  B,  harnessmaker,  res  331  Claj^  ave 

Nichols,  N  D,  shipbuilder,  foot  of  E,  res  1444  Sixth 

Nichols,  JS,  ship   carpenter,  shop  foot  of  E,  res  same 

NICHOLS,   THOS.,    (Half   Price    House),    628    Sixth,    res   cor 

Twenty-third  and  B 
Nichols,  Wm  J,  longshoreman,  res  438  Fifth 
Nicholson,  John,  seaman,  res  foot  of  Columbia 
Nicholson,  Miss  Frances,  res  2030  A 
Nielsen,  J  B,  real  estate,  vice-consul  of   Sweden  and  Norway, 

1436  E,  res  1332  Columbia 
Niemann,  Hermann,  butcher,  res  840  Eleventh 
Niemann,  J  H,  night  clerk  at  Brewster  Pharmacy,   res  Richelieu 
Niles,  James  M,  manager  Santa  Fe    Meat  Market,  foot  of  H,  res 

Niles,  W,  res  Morena 

NISSEN,  N.  J.,  (Nye  &  Nissen),  res  1247  Third 
Noble,  Jas,  messenger  with  S  D  Dist  Tel  Co,    res  cor  Columbia 

and  Beech 
Noble,  Patrick,  laborer,  res  Beech  and  Atlantic 
Noble,  Rev  Dr  W  B,  pastor    First    Presbyterian  church,  res  941 

Noble,  T  P,  windmill  maker  and  carpenter,  res  944  Twelfth 
Noble,  Thos,  mining,  res  Logan  ave  near  Twenty-second 
Noble,  W  C,  paper  clerk  with  county  clerk,  res  941  Eleventh 
Nolan,  Geo  N,  with  Sweetwater  Nursery  Co,  res  1223  Front 
Nolan,  G  N  jr,  with  J  S  Schirm,  res  1223  Front 
Nolan,  W  P,  driver  with  S  D  Laundry,  res  1223  Front 
Norbia,  Mrs  Camilla,  nurse,  resi42i  Columbia 
Norburg,  Chas,  marine  engineer,  res  St  Elmo  house 


NORCROSS,  H.  F.,  dep  city  assessor,  real  estate  and  money 
broker,  103 1  Fourth,  res  University  Boulevard 

Norman,  Allen  D,  (Norman-Jacoby  Grocery  Co),  res  1965 Second 

NORnAN=JACOBY  GROCERY  CO.,  (incorporated),  fancy  and 
staple  groceries,  922  Fifth 

Norris,  G  H,  horse  shoer,  12 17  F,  res  620  Boston  ave 

Norris,  W  B,  res  865  Thirteenth 

Norris  Miss  SV,  Fifth  Avenue  House,  res  same 

North,  J  D,  teacher  of  languages,  res  857  Third 

Northern,  F  W,  police  officer,  res  1208  H 

NORTHRUP,  D.  B., (Stockton.  Valle  &  Northrup),  726  Fifth,  res 
643  Fourteenth 

waukee, James  A  Bailey  agent,  P  O  box,  759,  res  2432  Front 

Nosier,  A  A,  driver  Cor  Transfer  Co,  res  533  Thirteenth 

Nugent,  E^  physician  and  surgeon,  Backesto  blk,  res  1499  First 

NUTT,  A.  E.,  attorney-at-law,  rooms  4,  5  and  6  M  E  Church  blk, 
res  Third  near  Walnut 

Nutting,  Thomas,  with  Geo  A  Merritt,  res  Columbia  bet  A  &  Ash 

NYE  &  NISSEN,  (H  P  Nye,  N  J  Nissen),  prop  S  D  Tea,  Coffee 
and  Spice  Store,  958-60  Fifth 

NYE  H.  P.,  [Nye  &  Nissen],  res  Tenth,  bet  A  and  B 


Ober,  Antone,  res  1727  Fourth 

Oberle,  J,  butcher,  with  Chas  Hardy,  res  at  slaughter  j'^ard 
Oberstella,  O  A,  bartender,  res  Adelphia 

O'Brien,  Geo  N,  cashier  Cal  Nat  Bank,  res  Cleveland  and  Lin- 
coln ave.  University  Heights 
O'Brien,  H  E,  banker,  res  Campus  ave,  University  Heights 
O'BRIEN,  J.  E.,  manager  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
O'Brien,  Joseph,  messenger  S  D  Dist  Tel  Co,  res  cor  lydia  and  H 
O'Brien  James,  res  Cleveland  and  Lincoln  ave 
O'Brien,  P  H,  capitalist,  res  1656  Sixth 
O'Brien,  Thomas,  cabinet  maker,  934  Front 



O'Brien,  Jennie,  waiter  Horton  House,  res  same 
O'Brien,  Miss  M  Carrie,  res  Cleveland  and  Lincoln  ave 
O'Connell,  J,  street  car  driver,  res  at  Metropolitan 
O'Connell,  J,  watchman  Santa  Fe  wharf,  res  Coronado 
O'Connell,  Miss  Katie,  dressmaker,  res  Twenty -fifth  and  Irving 

O'Day,  Edward,  fisherman,  res  Atlantic  and  B 
O'Day.  Patrick,  miner,  res  339  Eifth 
O'Donal,  Edward^  res  1002  F 
O'Doneld,  J  O  D,  capitalist,  res  Windsor 
O'Connell,  F,  real  estate,  res  2357  G 

O'Donnell,  Miss  E,  dressmaker,  rooms  31  and  32,  Backesto  blk 
Oesting,  H  E,  res  2628  E 

O'Farrell,  Frank,  clerk  with  S  D  Drug  Co,  res  839  Grant  ave 
O'Farrell,  W  M,  with  Standard  Oil  Co.,  res  839  Graut  ave 
Ofdenkamp,  W  G,  meat  market.  Sixteenth,  bet  M  and  N 
Ogden,  T  A,  res  2602  E 
Ohlmeyer,  M  A,  clerk  with   Mendelson    &    Flores,    res    Clifton 

Ohre,  Chris  N,  salesman  iron  dep't  Todd  &  Hawley,  res  819  Fifth 
OLD  RELIABLE  TENT  CO.,  Jas  A  Heath  pres  and  manager, 

First  Nat'l  Bank  bldg 
Olds,  Arthur  A,  res  at  Lafayette 
Olds,  C  W,  steward  at  Co    Hospital    and    Poor    Farm,  Mission 

Olds,  LI,  res  at  Lafayette 
O'Leary,  C,  waiter,  res  1444  Elm 
O'Leary,  Mrs,  res  142 1  Fourth 

OLINQER,  C.  H.,  asst  manager  S  D    Lumber  Co,  res  1167  Thir- 
teenth cor  B 
Olmstead,  J  M,  with  J  S  Buck,  res  Twenty-first  and  F 
OLMSTED  CO,  (J   D  Olmsted,    S   H  Olmsted,    C  C   Olmsted) 

job  printers,  sta;tioners  and   fancy    goods,    1130  Fourth  bet 

B  and  C 
OLMSTED,  C.  C,  (Olmsted  Co),  res  1245  Thirteenth 
OLflSTED,  J.  D.,  [Olmsted  Co],  res  1245  Thirteenth 
Olmsted,  M  L,  capitalist,  res  New  Carlton  house 
OLflSTED,  S.  H.,  (Olmsted  Co),  res  1245  Thirteenth 


OLSEN,  A.  C,  (Olsen,  Graham  &  Weldon),  s  e  cor  India  and  B 

Olsen,  D,  res  1223  State 

Olsen,  D  L,,  cement  work,  res  1453  California 

OLSEN,  QRAHAfl  &  WELDON,  [A  C  Olsen,  M  A  Graham,  J  T 

Weldon],  props  India  St  Planing  Mill,  s  e  cor    India  and  B 
Olsen,  HP,  seafarer,  res  1169  Atlantic 
Olsen,  Oliver,  [New  England  Dairy],  res  Rose  Canon 
Olsen,  Theodore,  wharfinger  with    Pacific   Coast  Steamship  Co, 

res  548  Front 
Olson,  Chas  L,  tailor  with  Wm  Beyer,  res  at  Plaza  Palace 
Olson,  O  K,  retired,  res  104 1  F 
Olympic  Barber  Shop,  Ben  Cotton  prop,    1320   F  bet  Fourth  and 

O'Malley,  Peter,  laborer,  res  cor  Fourteenth  and  M 
O'Neil,  Hugh,  retired,  res  303  National  ave 
O'Neil,  Pat,  res  North  San  Diego 
OPERA  HOUSE  CANDY  STORE,  J  C  Mielke  proprietor,  Fisher 

Opera  House,  Fourth  bet  B  and  C 
ORA  GRANDE  LIHE  CO..  W  J  Bailey  manager,  foot  of  F 
Orcott,  J  H,  nursery,  res  Thirt^^-third  and  Clay  ave 
O'Reily,  Mc,  contractor,  res  Hotel  D' Europe 
Orgren,  Rev  A  B,  Swedish  Baptist  church,  res  2217  C 
Orientes,  Jose,  res  North  San  Diego 
Ormerd,  Henry,  retired,  res  668  Third 
O'Rorake,  P  J,  laborer,  res  Twenty-seventh  arid  F 
Orrick,  E  M,  miner,  res  32  Seventeenth 
Orrick,  Wm,  salesman  with  W  J  Davis,  res  24  Twentieth 
Ortmann,  Henry,  res  1442  Logan  ave 
Orton,  M,  engineer,  422  Ash 
Osborne,  C  J,  driver  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  2379  F 
Osborn,  John,  res  793  Twenty-fourth 

Osburn,  Fred  W,  railroad  contractor,  Union,  near  Kalmia 
Osgood,  R  E,  architect,  res  211  Logan  ave 

Osgood,  Miss  K  F,  teacher  Middletown  school,  res  2004  Fourth 
Osgood,  Mrs,;;res  2004  Fourth 
Osuna,  Ll,  laborer,  res  Thirtieth  and  O 
Osuna.  Vincent,  laborer,  res  North  San  Diego 
OTIS  &  CO.,  real  estate  and  insurance,  1031  Fourth 


Otis,  E  Iv,  lumber  surveyor  with  Russ  L,i]jiiber  Co,  res  National 

bet  Twentj^-ninth  and  Thirtieth 
OTIS,  ELnER,  [Otis  &  Co],  res  908  Fir 
Otis,  Miss  Mattie,  res  908  Fir 
Otmann,   Miss  L,ena,   res  844  Irving  ave 
Ott,  George,  salesman  Schiller  &  Murtha,  res  Iceland 
Ott,  G  W,  deliveryman  with  Chas  S  Hardy,  res  Belle  View 
Otto,   Frank  second  steward  Manuel  Doublan,  res  620  F 
Otto,  Mrs  K  P,  ladies'  nurse,  623  Kighth 
Otto,  res  Grand  Pacific 
Overbaugh,  A,  res  15 13  Sixth 
Overshiner,  Chas  C,  printer,  res  928  Front 

Overshiner,  G  J,  prop  S  D  Carriage  Works,  res  Front  bet  D  and  E 
Overshiner,  Harry  W,  paper  carrier,  res  928  Front 
OWEN,  DAVIS,  prop  Court  House  meat  market,  958    Front,  res 

I154  Fourth 
OWEN,    MRS.    C.  B.,  corset  parlor,  1154  Fourth,  res  same 
Owens,  W  W,  res  cor  Columbia  and  F 

Owens,  Miss  Minnie,  with  Dodge  &  Burbeck,  res  Oceanside 
ORFORD  HOUSE,  Geo  W  Magwood  prop,  1626  H 

RACIFIC  COAST  LOAN  «&  TRUST  CO.,  Bryant  Howard   prest, 

Monroe  Johnson  secy,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
PACIFIC  COAST  STEAnSHIP  CO.,  F  M    Simpson    agent,    foot 

Pacific  Exchange,  J  Conklin  prop,  414  Fifth 
PACIFIC  JUNK  STORE,  Dunbar  Bros  props,  cor  Sixth  and  I 
Pacific  Mail  Steamship  Co,  ofiice  with  Pacific  Coast  Steamship  Co 

manager,  cor  E  and  Fifth 
PACIFIC  TRANSFER  &  GURNEV  CAB  CO.,  T  P  Simpson,  prop 

1014  Fourth 
Pacific  Wire  Cloth  Co,  C  S    Chamberlain   gen    manager,    office 

826.  Sixth 


PACIFIC  WOOD  &  COAL  CO.,  G  A  Garrettson,  prest,  res  Na- 
tional City,  E  G  Dulin  treas,  yards  Fifth  and  Sixth  bet  J 
and  K 

Packard,  Ira  W,  fruit  grower,  res  1635  Fourth 

PACKARD,  J.  C,  (Stephens  &  Son),  res  763  Eleventh 

Paddock,  N  V,  book-keeper,  res  1636  First 

Page,  Frank,  clerk,  res  716  D 

Page,  F  E,  grocer,  res  714  D 

Page,  George,  machinist,  res  714  D 

Page,  George  R,  Postofhce  News  Stand,  res  14 14  Fifth 

Page,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  716  D 

Page,  Miss  Jennie,  seamstress,  rooms  1114  G 

Pahlow,  Henry,  retired,  res  1018,   Twenty-sixth  South 

PAINE,  J.  O.  W.,  attorney-at-law,  notary  and  government  lands, 
14T9  F,  res  Roseville 

Painter,  J  F,  book-keeper  with  W  E  Howard,  res  741   Eleventh 

Palace  launch  Counter,  Forster  &  Jensen  proprs,  926  Fifth 

Palace  Eivery  Stable,  lyikens  and    Sanderson,  cor  Second  and  E 

PALMER,  J.  D.  &  SONS,  (J  D,  O  F,  and  W  H  Palmer,  J  W 
Fulkerson  and  Albert  C  Crane),  house  movers,  826  Fifth 
I 157  State 

Palmer,  C  H,  clerk  at  freight  depot  S  C  Ry,  res  1432  State 

PALMER,  HENRY  H.,  attorney-at-law,  room  8  Keating  blk,  cor 
Fifth  and  F,  res  s  e  cor  Twelfth  and  C 

PALHER,  J.  D.,  (J  D  Palmer  and  Sons),  res  1157  State 

Palmer,  John,  professional  nurse,  res  760  Fourth 

Palmer,  Martin,  res  919  Arctic 

PALMER,  OSCAR  F.,  [J  D  Palmer  and  Sons],  res  1157  State 

Palmer,  O  J,  dep  city  treas  and  tax  collector,  res  2055  Fourth 

Palmer,  Oscar,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  L, 

PALMER,  Wn.  H.,  [J  D  Palmer  and  Sons],  res  1157  State 

Palmer,  Mrs  Maria,  res  2055  Fourth 

Palmeter,  C  S,  teamster  with  Standard  Oil  Co,  res  Fifteenth  bet 
B  and  C 

Pamo  Water  Co,  Jas  D  Schuyler  pres,  J  A  Wood  sec,  34  Lawyers 

Pamperin,  capitalist,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Paoli,  Ant,  yardman  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 


Pape,  A,  prop  Tropical  Bath  house,  res  137  Atlantic 

Parasich,  Peter,  fisherman,  res  1222  Atlantic 

Paris,  Mrs  Catharine,  res  2408  C 

Paris,  Miss  L,ilian,  teacher  Middletown  school,  res  2408  C 

PARKS,   LOTTIE  I.,  M.  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  1740  D,  cor 

Parker,  A  A,  capitalist,  res  Hotel  de  Europe 
PARKER  &  McCONOUQHEY,  [E  Parker,  O  H  McConoughey], 

attorneys-at-law,  Eeland  house,  cor  Sixth  and  E 
Parker  &  Co,  [Geo  W  Parker,    M   A   Parker],  druggists,    1224 

Parker,  Burt  E  [Parker  &  Co,]  res  1224  Fourth 
Parker,  D  F,  res  930  Twentieth 

Parker,  D  W,  [Silver  Gate  Nursery],  456  Fifth,  res  same 
PARKER,   E.,  [Parker  &  McConoughey],  res  1129  Front 
Parker,  George,  cook  Hotel  Florence 
Parker  George,  longshoreman,  res  832  Union 
Parker,  G  W,  [Parker  &  Co,]  res  1244  Fourth 
Parker  Mrs  Jane  A,  res  808  Irving  ave 
Parker,  T  Sylvester,  retired,  res  1432  Palm 
Parker,  J  E,  piano  tuning,  951  Fifth,  res  808  Irving  ave 
PARKER,   W.  J.,  local  agent  S  D  Eand  and  Town  Co,  res  room 

34  Kline  blk 
Parker,  W  B,  photographer,  res  631  Twelfth 
Parker,  Miss  Jean  C,  teacher  kindergarten,  res  1827  Third 
Parker,  Miss  Phoebe  E,   teacher    Middletown    school,    res    1725 

Parker  Mrs  M  A,  [Parker  &  Co],  res  1224  Fourth 
Parker,  Mrs  E  E,.  res  1725  Union 
Parker,  Mrs  Julia,  res  1132  Cedar 

Parkhurst,  T  E,  book-keeper  City  of  Paris,  res  202 1  E 
Parkinson,  A,  nurse  Co  Hospital,  Mission  Valley 
Parkison  E  H,  (S  D  Wind  Mill  Co,  res  Boston  ave,   bet  Twenty- 
seventh  and  Twenty-eighth 
Parkinson,  Geo  F,  picture  frames,  1618  F 
PARMELEE,  ED.   F.,    advertising   manager  Daily    Union,    res 

1520  C 
Parmelee,  D,  capitalist,  res  1563  Fifth 


Parmelee,  Mrs  M  M,  res  1563  Fifth 

Parrish,  Fred  W,  clerk  Superior  court,  Dept  3,  res  1030  nth 

PARRISH,  M0S5H0LDER  &    LEWIS,  (Watson   Parrish,  W  J 

Mossholder,  T  L-  Ivcwis),  attorneys-at-law,  3  to  6  First  Na- 
tional Bank  bldg 
PARRISH,  WATSON,  (Parrish,  Mossholder  &  Lewis),  res  1030 

PARROTT  &  CO.,  blacksmiths  and  wagonmakers.  Tenth  and  I 
PARROTT,  K.  L.,  (Parrott  &  Co),  blacksmith,  res  953  13th 
Parry,  Edward,  laborer,  res  360  Fifteenth 
Parson,  Alex,  fish  market,  1228  Atlantic  res  839  Front 
Parsons,  B  F,  teamster,  res  845  Thirteenth 
Parsons,  BjF  Sr,  res  845  Thirteenth 
PARSONS,  J.  G.,  dentist,  955  Fifth,  res  same  building 
Parsons,  John  R,  (late  from  Wichita,  Kas),  attorney-at-law,  res 

1546  Sixth 
Parsons,  J  O,  contractor,  res  532  Newton  ave 
Parsons,  Miss  Laura,  florist,  res  631  Fourteenth 
Parsons,  Mrs  H,  dressmaker,  res  631  Fourteenth 
Parsons,  Mrs  H,  dressmaker,  res  2626  N 
Paschen,  L,  H,  Bay  City  market,  1107  C 
Paschen,  R  D,  expressman,  cor  Fifth  and  E,  res  1107  C 
Paterson,  J  A,,  upholsterer  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res 

B  bet  Twent5^-seventh  and  Twenty-eighth 
Patten,  F  R,  iron  moulder,  res  1703  India 
Patten,  Miss  Alice,  sewing  and  mending,  34  Hamilton  bldg,  res 

1703  India 
PATTERSON,  J.  L.,  prop  Fashion  saloon,  516  Fifth,  res  529  5th 
Patterson,  Miss  Amelia  L,  artist.  Seventh  bet  C  and  D 
Patterson,  W  C,  real  estate  and  broker,  832  Fifth,  res  New  Carlton 
Patterson,  Miss  Alma,  teacher  Sherman  Heights,  res  704  Kearny 
Patton,  W  B,  rancher,  res  Holt  house 
Patton,  Wm  S  T,  res  950  Eleventh 
Patton,  Miss  Emma,  res  730  Twentieth 
Patton,  Miss  Lottie,  res  730  Twentieth 
Patton,  Miss  Madge,  stenographer   with  Works   &   Works,    res 

730  Twentieth 
Patton,  Mrs  Amelia,  res  730  Twentieth 


Paul,  Isaiah,  stableman  with  W  F  Wilson,  res  442  Eighteenth 

Paulsen,  J  Iv,  boat  house  foot  of  H,  res  same 

Pauley,  Mrs  A,  res  cor  Eleventh  and  D 

PAULY,  CHAS.  W.,  real  estate,  923   Fourth    Ivawyers'  blk,  res 

1340  Cedar 
Pauly,  Fred,  receiver  Cal  Nat'l  Bank,  res  966  Eleventh 
Paulzine,  res  2165  Fourth 

Payne,  H  C,  with  S  D  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  1730  D 
Payne  John,  bell  boy  hotel  Florence 
Paynes,  J  R,  physician,  res  633  Tenth 
Paynes,  J  W,  physician,  res  633  Tenth 
Peake,  Mrs  G,  res  321  Tenth 
Pean,  Mrs  Pauline,  washing,  res  2424  I 

Pearce,  S  W,  druggist  at  Brewster  Pharmacy  res  18 12  Fourth 
Pearfie,  Frank  H,  secy  of  Chamber  of  Commerce,  res  1116  F 
Pearson,  Mrs,  res  near  Arctic  and  Willow,  Middletown 
Pease,  Miss  Fannie,  res  2831  J 
Peass,  Mrs  Nettie,  tailoress,  res  638  C 
Peck,  CM,  res  639  TAventieth 
PECK,  Q.  W.,  prop  Cuyamaca  tin  shops,  432  and  434  Fifth,  res 

721  Eighteenth 
Peck,  Mrs  Annie  E,  teacher  Sherman  Heights,  res  639  Twentieth 
Peck,  Miss  Kate  E,  teacher  B-st  school,  res  G  bet  24th  and  25th 
Peck,  Miss  lyouisa,  chambermaid  Hotel  Florence 
Pedder,  James  N,  broker,  res  1231  State 

Pedder,  W  W,  with  Wyman,  Gruendike  &Co,  res  1231  State 
Pedot,  Michael,  res  Mission  Valley 

PEERLESS  SALOON,  Joseph  Nachbaur  prop.  Fourth  and  F 
Pefiey,  E,  carpenter,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  M 
Peipenbrink,  P,  machinist  with  Standard  Iron  Works, 
Peirro,  F,  fruit,  cigars,  &c,  1417,  D,  res  1323  First 
Pelton,  John  C,  poet  and  author,  res  932  First 
Pelton,  Miss  Ida,  receiving  clerk  and  operator  Pacific  Postal  Tel 

Co,  res  818  Sixth 
Pendegast,  L,yle,  dept  district  attorney,  court  house 
Peninsular  Cal  Railroad,  (limited),  H  N  Lear  gen'l    manager, 

25  and  26  Lawyers'  blk 
Pennoyer,  W,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel 


People's  Hall,  lyewis  Fritz,  prop,  927  Fifth 

Pepper,  Thos,  windmills,  348  Fourth 

Perales,  Clemente,  tailor,  res  St  Elmo 

Percy,  E  J,  carpet  cutter  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res 
Grand  hotel 

Perigo,  Wm,  bar  keeper  Horton  house 

Perin,  Moses,  farmer,  res  522  National  ave 

Perrin,  Quincy  A,  with  Model  steam  laundry,  rooms  at  Bon  Ton 

Permine,  Mrs  Maggie,  seamstress,  res  1625  G 

Perry,  Caroline  L,,  res  963  Ninth 

Peters,  W  J,  manager  Manvel,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  D,  res  same 

Peterson,  Gus,  longshoreman,  res  St  Elmo 

Peterson,  Hans,  res  North  San  Diego 

Peterson,  Harry,  foot  of  India 

Peterson,  M  R,  Ivieutenant  U  S  Army,  res  Cuyamaca  club 

Peterson,  Miss  Annie,  chambermaid  Hotel  Florence 

Peterson,  Miss  Christiene,  servant,  1008  Nutmeg 

Peterson,  Miss  Millie,  chambermaid  at  Bon  Ton,  res  same 

Petrie,  Dr  EHja  F,  physician,  res  14  Ninth 

PETTING  ELL,  AM05,  supt  streets,  office  City  hall,  res  528  Fir 

Pettingill,  Samuel,  res  528  Fir 

Pettitt,  John,  retired,  1056  Third 

Pettit,  Miss  Jennie,  with  H  E  Cootlley,  photographer,  res  1169 

PETTY.  J.  N.,  manager  Fashion  saloon  res  521   Fourth 

Pfaffenberger,  Rev.  L,  C,  Union  City  Mission,  res  1130  E 

Pfahler,  W  W,  printer,  res  Thirty-fourth  and  T  Chollas   valley 

Pfister,  Ferdinand,  prop,  Eureka  bakery,  cor  4th  and  B  res  same 

Pharmeston,  H  P,  res  Twentieth  and  K 

Phelps,  Miss  Mary,  teacher  Middletown  school 

PHILIPS  &  HARBISON,  (Robt  F  Philips,  H  R  Harbison),  den- 
tists, Bon  Ton  blk,  cor  Sixth  and  D 

PHILIPS,  ROBT.  F..  (Philips  &  Harbison)  res  1830  Third 

PHILLIPS  &  BONE,  (J  G  Phillips,  S  W  Bone),  dry  goods  and 
notions,  1023  Fifth  bet  C  and  D 

Phillips,  Chas  V,  printer,  1642  C 

Phillips,  D  T,  retired  attorney,  res  1642  C 

Phillips,  ET,  bar  keeper,  res  764  Front 


PHILLIPS,  GEO  K.,  secretary,  res  21 12  D 

PHILLIP5,  J.  Q.,  (Phillips  &  Bone),  1023  Fifth 

PHILLIPS,  N.  I.,  principal  S  D  Bus  College,  res  Bancroft  blk 

Phillips,  Rev  Wm  H,  pastor  Second  Baptist  church,  res  2203  J 

Phillips,  Wesley  H,  carpenter,  res  M  bet  29th  and  30th 

Phillips,  W  S,    confectioner,  853  Fifth,  res  Kline  blk 

Phillips,  Mrs  Anna,  res  764  Front 

PHINNEY,  M.  E.,  prop  Sunnyside  nursery,  res  Sweetwater  val- 
ley. Sunny  side  tract 

PHILLIPS,  Mrs.  E.  J.,  (Phillips  &  Bone,)  res  Ash   and    Front 

Phillips,  Mrs  P  F,  private  school,  2038  C,  res  same 

Pihllips,  Miss  Rose,  res  1039  Twelfth 

Phipps,  G  E,  clerk  at  Boaz's,  res  1632  G 

Pickerten,  J  D,  engraver  with  M  German 

Pickett,  Z,  carpenter,  res  109  Grand  ave 

PICKWICK,  THE,  furnished  rooms,  Jos  Edwards  prop,  1029  4th 

Pico  Stables,  G  and  Union 

Pidgeon,  E  P,  driver  for  J  D  Burch  &  Co,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  K 

Pidgeon,  G  S,  res  158  Fifteenth 

Pierce,  E  R,  retired,  res  1246  First 

Pierce- Morse  Block,  E  W  Morse  prop,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  F 

PIERCE,  W.  L.,  Judge  Superior  Court,  Dept  3,  res  cor  First  and 

Pierce,  Emily  Bancroft,  res  1835  Third 

Pierce,  Mrs  A   S,  res  304  National  ave 

Pierce,  Mrs  A  S,  dressmaker,  1616  F,  res  same 

Pierce,  Mrs  C,  res  1436  C 

Pierce,  Mrs  Cecelia,  res  1929  K 

PIERCE,  Mrs.  C.  O.,  florist,  gardens  cor  Thirteenth  and  G, 
branch  depot  931  Fifth,  res  Thirteenth  and  G 

Pierce,  Mrs  Margarete  artist,  res  at  Lafayette 

Pierce,  Mrs  S  C,  res  1929  K 

Pignot,  N  J,  laundry,  1229  D 

Pike,  Herman,  bus  driver  Commercial  hotel 

Pike,  W  B,  blacksmith,  res  234  Sargent  ave 

Pierson,  W,  res  446  Thirteenth 

Pilling,  Gustave,  confectioner,  res  1669,  Columbia 

PIRNIE,  P.  C,  (Smith  &  Pirnie),  res  941  D 


Pioneer  Book  Bindery,  R  Schiller,  prop  1029  to  103 1  F 

PIONEER  COAL  CO.,  office  1427  E 

PIONEER  DAIRY,  Fales  &  Wood  prop,  2054  India 

PIONEER  STEAM  CARPET  BEATER,  A  K  Whisler  prop,    731 

First  bet  F  and  G 
PIONEER  TRUCK  CO.,  Ed  Wescott  prest,  1427  E 
Piper,  Mrs  Dona,  res  2642  Fifth 
Pipers,  Mrs  Mary,  res  710  Ash 
Piepers,  Paul,  waiter  Hotel  Brewster   res  same 
Place,  D  C,  real  estate,  res  741  E 

Place,  Harry  J,  deputy  constable.  1237  E,  res  830  Eleventh 
Playford,  H,  hostler  at  old  Pico  stables,  res  same 
PLAZA  PALACE,  Chas  T  Schmitt  prop,  942  to  950  Third 
Plaza  Saloon,  August  Kramer  prop,  1232  Plaza 
Plead  well,  T  F,  carpenter,  res  1643  State 
Pleasants,  Charles,  attorney-at-law,  res  11 24  Fourth 
Pleasants,  Miss  Ava  L,  res  2157  Fourth 
Pletency,  Joseph,  lobster  man,  res  Beech  and  Atlantic 
PLIMPTON,  F.  S.,  gen  manager  Russ  Lumber  and  Mill  Co,  res 

1837  Third 
Pohle,  Louis,  watchmaker  with  M  German,  res  2370  K 
Point  Loma  Packing  Co,  Foot  of  C 
Pointner,  Max,  second  cook  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Poiser,  James,  farmer,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Polhamus,  Isaac  J,  clerk  Spreckles  Wharf,  res  F  ave  and  Third, 

Polhamus,  Capt  A  A,  with  Spreckels  Bros  Commercial   Co,   res 

Fave  and  Thirty-first,   Coronado 
POLHEMUS,   W.  P.,   (Drs  Morgan  &  Polhemus),  res   Brookes 

ave  and  Fourth 
POLICE  HEADQUARTERS,  City  hall,  1127  D 
POLICE  COURT,  Irving  B  Dudley  judge,  old  City  Hall 
Pollock,  Clinton  S,  clerk  with  Bryant  Bros,  res  735  Harrison 
Pollock,  J  S,  contractor  and  builder,  res  737  Harrison  ave 
Pollock,  J  S,  carpenter,  res  707  National  ave 
Pollok,  Miss  Maggie,  res  First  and  Ivy 
Pollok,  Mrs  Mary,  res  First  and  Ivy 
POLZIEN,  H.  n.,  (Schranz  &  Polzien),  res  2165  Fourth 


Pond,  D  W,  res  724  Milton  ave 

PONY  SALOON,  Carter  &  Rice,  props,  650  Fifth 

Pool,  H,  magnetic  doctor,  res  1318  A 

Poole,  E,  assistant  steward  Cuyamaca  Club,  res  same 

Poole,  F,  with  Kampling  &  Stoner,  res  same 

Poole,  Mrs  A  S,  res  1435  Ninth 

Poole,  Mrs  F  Elizabeth,  res  203  B 

POPULAR  DRUG  STORE,  Alda  M  Ferris  prop,  372  Fifth,  cor  J 

Popular  Shaving  Parlors,  lyOU  Schwartz  prop,  1326  D 

Porter,  Capt  Geo  D,  (World  Shell  and  Curio  Co)  res  same 

Porter,  H  R,  res  2334  C 

Porter,  J  F,  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  940  Fifth 

Porter,  J  W,  cigars  and  tobacco,  456  Fifth,  res  same 

Porter  Miss  Anna,  housekeeper,  1620  C 

Porter,  Miss  W,  teacher  east  school,  res  742  I,ogan  ave 

Porter,  Mrs  A  S,  teacher  B  st  school,  res  1827  Third 

Porter,  Mrs  K,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  the  park 

Porterfield,  W  H,  reporter  Daily  Sun,  res  cor  Sixth  and  H 

Porterfield,  Miss  Maggie,  cashier,  G  M  Greenebaum,   res  Sixth 

and  H 
Post,  Dr  Lewis,  retired,  res  1419  State 
POTTER  &  ROBERTS,  (H  Potter,  Albert  Roberts),  real  estate 

and  loan  brokers,  810  Sixth 
Potter,. A  H,  res  2542  Fifth 

Potter,  G  G,  dept  county  assessor,  res  768  Union 
Potter,  Alex,  carpenter,  res  1410  Logan  ave 
Potter,  Daniel,  deput}^  city  assessor,  res  Montezuma  house 
Potter,  Geo  G,  deputy  assessor,  11 68  Union 
POTTER,  H.,  (Potter  &  Roberts),  res  Lafayette  block 
Potter,  Mrs  Daniel,  res  at  Montezuma 
Potter  Mrs  N  J,  res  822  Cedar 
POWAY  VALLEY  NURSERY,  yard  cor  Eighth  and  F,  Chapin 

&  Meeker,  proprs,  Poway 
Powell,  E  A,  real  estate,  res  1031  Seventh 
Powell,  George,  oil  dealer,  res  369  Ninteenth 
Powell,  Miss  J  A,  assistant   with   Philips    &   Harbison,   res  369 



Power,  W  G,  with  F  W  Ewing,  1936  A 

Power,  Mrs  M  L,  res  1936  A 

Powers,  Dr  Frank,  res  Manor  house 

POWERS,  Dr.  R.  M.,.  pres  Bank  of  Commerce,    and   pres   and 

manager  S  D  Gas  and  Elec  L/t  Co,  res  1740  A 
Powers,  Mrs  C,  res  Manor  house 
Pray,  A  C,  retired,  res  1910  India 

Pray,  J  M,  with  Thompson  &  McDowell,  res  cor  Tenth  &  I 
PRENTICE,  W.  B.  &  CO.,    dry    goods,    957    Fifth,  res  Spring 

Preston,  Jas,  res  663  Eleventh 
Preston,  Mrs  Josiah  W,  res  2425  First 
Prettyman,  Mrs  W  B,  res  at  Hotel  Florence 
Price  &  Coombs,  (T  W  Price,  J  H  Coombs),    wines,  liquors' and 

cigars,  740  Fifth 
Price  Block,  formerly  Reed  Block,  cor  Sixth  and  H 
PRICE,  J.,  shirt  maker  and    dealer  in  hats  and  gents  furnishing 

goods,  615  Sixth,  res  229  Twentieth 
Price,  T  W,  (Price  &  Coombs),  res  1336  State 
Price,  W  E,  retired  merchant,  res  229  Twentieth 
Price,  Miss  Aletha,  dressmaker,  res  1940  F 
Price,  Miss  Eva,  teacher  B  street  school 
Price,  Hazel,  with  Girard  lunch  rooms,  res  same 
PRICE,  rirs.  ELVIRA,  Bon  Ton  restaurant,  552  Sixth,  res  same 
Price,  Mrs  M  E,  manager  Brunswick,  Fifth,  res  same 
Pringle,  W  H,  stockraiser,  res  Fourth  and  Maple 
Proeless,  Eugene,  with  J  M  Eenz,  res  A  and  Fourth 
PROUT,  W.  J.,  real  estate,  Golden  Hill,  cor  C  and  Twenty-sixth 
Prouty,  Wm,  with  San  Diego  Eumber  Co 
Pruyn,  L  M,  laborer,  931   Columbia 
Public  lyibrary,  Miss  Lu  Younkin,  librarian.  Consolidated  Bank 

blk  cor  Fifth  and  G 
PULLMAN,  A.  M.,  San  Diego  Abstract  Co,  res  Fourth  and  E 
Pulman,  C  E,  night  clerk  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
PUTERBAUGH,    GEORGE,   Judge  Superior  Court,  Dept   2,  res 

s  e  cor  Quince  and  Fifth 
Pusey,  Wm,  retired,  res  631  Grand  ave 



Querean,  Frank,  res  1307  Twelfth 

Quijada,  M  V,  clerk  City  of  Paris,  res  Kleventh  and  N 

Quinn,  M  F,  carpenter,  res  1939  Arctic 

Quinn,  J  M,  contractor  and  builder,  res  232  Boston  ave 

Quin,  M  J,  retired,  s  w  cor  Eleventh  and  B 

Quinton,  J  H,  groceries,    feed  and  coal,  412  National  ave,    res 

414  National  ave 
QUON  riANE,    KEE  &  CO.,  Chinese  and  Japanese  goods,  silks, 

laquered  ware,  fireworks,  etc,  631  Fifth 
Quong  Sow  Kee  &  Co,  Chinese  goods,   etc,  368   Second   cor  J, 

res  same 


Rae,  Robt,  printer  with  Gould,  Hutton  &  Co,  res  1106  C 

Rafferty,  Mrs  E  C,  res  966  Tenth 

Raffi,  G,  prospector,  res  727  Fourth 

Ralfenberger,  Mr,  res  Mission  Valley 

Rallez,  Angel,  res  13  near  K 

Ramsey,  Jas,  carpenter,  33  Sixteenth 

Ramyer,  A,  longshoresman,  res  152 1  K 

Randall,  A,  clerk  forCowden,  res  728  Second 

Randall,  AT,  res  1319  First 

Randall,  MrsK  T,  res  1319  First 

Rankin,  Mrs,  res  740  B 

Ranson,  H  S,  with  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res  1344  Front 

Rapier,  W  H,  sergent-at-arms  City  Council,  res  330  Tenth 

Rark,  Wm,  res  Mission  valley 

Rark,  Miss  Ellen,  res  Mission  valley 

Rasshirt,  Wm,  tailor,  res  1370  Arctic 

Rathgeber,  John,  expressman,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  Franklin 


Rawley,  jeweler  with  M  German,  res  St  James  hotel 
RAWSON,  FRANK  L.,  attorney- at- I^aw,  room  15-16  Kline  blk, 

res  822  Cedar 
RAWSON,  n.  L.,    attorney-at-law,    15-16    Kline  blk,  res  1431 

Rawson,  Mrs  H,  res  822  Cedar 
Ray,  John  M,  invalid,  res  cor  Ninth  and  E 
Raymond,  J  D,  res  1929  Front 
Rayner,  Mrs.  M,  res  1540  Second 
Rea,  W   R,  res  Mission  valley 
Read,  R  F,  fruit  grower,   Marilou   Park,  north   Chollas  Valley, 

El  Cajon  road 
READ,  W.  S.,    dentist,    rooms  7  to  10    Pierce-Morse    blk,    cor 

Sixth  and  F,  telephone  159 
Reading,  James,  with  city  water  dept 
READING,  J.  W.,  M.  D.,  physician  and  surgeon,  n  e  cor  Fifth 

and  H,  res  same 
Ready,  John,  laborer,  res  St  Elmo  house 
Rebholtc,  Joseph,  carpenter,  res  1329  India 
Reckhow,  Wm  E,  processer   and    preserver,    with    Point    Loma 

Packing  Co,  foot  of  C,  res  same 
Rector,  J  L,,  res  Mission  Valley 
Redpath,     K    V,    circulator   and    collector   for   Daily    Sun    res 

Twenty- Fourth  and  G 
Redpath,  Mrs  Florence,  cor  Twenty-fourth  and  G 
Reece,  Chas,  bartender,  res  244  Fifth 
REED,  D.  C,  (DC  Reed  &  Co),  res  1910  D 
REED,  D.  C.  &  CO.,  fire  insurance,  915  Sixth 
Reed,  F  P,  carpenter,  res  229  National  ave 
Reed,  Reuben,  stable  man,  res  868  Second 
Reed,  Thos,  barber  with  Olympic  barbershop  res  933  F 
Reed,  Miss  Emma,  res  819  Columbia 
Reese,  M  J,  laborer,  res  329  Tenth 
Reeve,  Thos,  diamond  setter  and  manufacturer  of  jewelry,  1355 

D,  res  346  Twelfth 
Reeve,  W  H,  teamster,  res  557  Eleventh 
Reeves,  W  M,  horticulturist,  res  The  Dells,  Thirty-third 
Reeves,  W  S,  driver  for  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  1427  E 


1 ; 

Regal,  WS,  paper  hanger,  res  127  Grand  ave 

Regan,  Mrs  O  F,  res  1566  Sixth 

Regisler,    Cad,  horseman  with  veterinary  and  boarding  stables, 

res  Belle  View  hotel 
Rehor,  J,  blacksmith,  res  403  Kearney  ave 
Reid,  Richard,  porter  Albemarle 
Reid,  Wm,  laborer,  res  Columbia  and  Kalmia 
Keid,  W  B,  real  estate,  res  Twenty-eighth  and  J 
Reidiger,  Paul,  member  city  council,  res  Tower  houfe 
Reinberg,  Edward,  stenographer    with    Consolidated    National 

Bank,  res  Albemarle  hotel 
Reinert,  O,  sash  and  door   maker    at    India-street  Planing  Mill, 

res  Twenty-eighth  and  Grand  ave 
Reinherdt,  E  M,  tinner,  res  C,  bet  Twenty-sixth    and  Twenty- 
REINOEHL  &  HARRISON,  (A    L    Reinoehl,     Tom    Harrison), 

attorneys-at-law,  Fisher  Opera  House,  Fourth 
REINOEHL,  A.  L.,    (Reinoehl  &    Harrison),    res  National  City 
Reitz,  Benj  F,   engineer  steam  tug  Santa   Fe,  res  Second  and  F 
Reitz,  W,  cable  car  conductor,  res  Oak  near  Vermont  University 

Reitz,  Miss  Maggie,  servant,  2167  Eifth 

Relfe,  John,  groceries,  Twenty-sixth  and  National  ave,  res  same 
Relfe,  Miss  Dora,  dressmaker.  Twenty-sixth    and    National  ave 
Remars,  Miss  Joana,  res  799  Twenty-fourth 
Remondino,  P  C,    physician  and  surgeon,     office    Fisher  Opera 

House,  Fifth 
Remy,  Gus,  (Remy  &  Co),  res  11 34  Fourth 
Remy ,  Mrs  &  Co,  (S  A  Remy,  W  Sutton),  millinery,  1 134  Fourth 
Remy,  Mrs  S  A,  (Remy  and  Co),  res  1134  Fourth 
RENNIE,  GILBERT,  city  auditor  and    assessor,  office  City  Hall, 

res  s  e  cor  Thirteenth  and  D       ' 
Rennie,  Wm,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  920 Sixth,  res 967  Thirteenth 
Rentsch,  A,  saloon,  558  Sixth,  res  cor  E  and  Eighth 
Repplier,  Jos,  hostler  with  Diamond    Carriage  Co,  res  Coronado 
Re3taric]$-j..Rev  H  B,  pastor,    St    Paul's    Episcopal    church,  res 

r554  Eighth 
Restine,  James,  carpenter,  res  1236  Union 


Reupke,  H,  laborer,  res  cor  Twenty-fifth  and  Franklin  ave 

Reupsch,  Wm,  shoemaker  with  Chicago  Shoe   Store,  res  1939  K 

Reuther,  Paul,  dep  city  assessor,  res  343  Thirteenth 

Reutner,  Adolph,  harness  maker  and  saddler,  1237  H 

REVERE  HOUSE,  W  G  Tirrell  prop,  11 26  Fourth 

Reynolds,  James,  butcher,  res  836  Front 

Reynolds,  John,  cook,  res  143 1  Atlantic 

Reynolds,  Rev  John,  assistant  pastor  St  Joseph's  Catholic  church, 
res  1527  Third 

Rhatigan,  James,  farmer,  res  1343  State 

Rhind,  James,  with  Sweetwater  Nursery  Co,  rcs  4^2  Seventeenth 

Ricard,  P,  laborer.  Hotel  D' Europe,  res  same 

Rice,  C  A,  shipping  clerk  with  Klauber  &  L,evi,  res  Grand  hotel 

Rice,  A,  gripman,  res  338  Milton  ave 

Rice,  D  W,  head  waiter  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 

RICE,  THOS.,  (Carter  &  Rice),  res  Front  and  D 

Rice,  W  H,  real  estate,  res  453  Thirteenth 

Rice,  W  H,  real  estate,  res  832  State 

Rice,  Miss  Rozilla  M,  res  453  Thirteenth 

Rice,  Mrs  Anna,  res  312  Milton  ave 

Rice,  Mrs  J  P,  teacher  music  in  public  schools,  res  1467  Fourth 

Rice,  rancher,  res  Old  Town  Heights 

Rich,  Miss  M  C,  teacher  Middletown  school,  res  1633  F 

Rich,  Mrs  A  ly,  res  1633  F 

Richard,  C  B,  capitalist,  res  at  Hotel  Florence 

Richards,  H  S,  rancher,  res  1820  Fourth 

Richards,  Wm,  laborer  res  339  Eighth 

Richards,  W  J,  railroad  conductor,  res  329  Eighth 

Richards,  W  W,  tallyman  with  Russ  Co,  res  748  Ninth 

Richards,  Miss  Mamie,  cook  at  Home  lunch  room,  res  at  Ells- 
worth house 

Richards,  Miss  Florence  B,  decorative  art  needlework,  939  Sixth 
res  813  Milton  ave 

Richards,  Miss  M  F,  with  F  B  Richards,  res  813  Milton  ave 

Richards,  Mrs  K,  res  813  Milton  ave 

Richardson,  E,  rodman  with  Peninsular  Ry,  Lawyers  blk,  res. 
New  Carlton 

Richardson,  E  A,  at  city  pound 


RICHARDSON,  I.  N.,  manager  Standard  Oil  Co,  foot  of  Twenty- 
second  res  the  Albemarle 

Richardson,  J  S,  advertising  bureau,  1422  D,  res  Chula  Vista 

Richart,  Miss  E  M,  professional  nurse,  1306  Fifth 

Richart,  Mrs  R,  nurse,  res  1306  Fifth 

Riche,  lyilly,  waiter  Horton  house,  res  same 

RICHELIEU  HOUSE,  J  H  Simpson  manager,  1055  Fifth 

Richmond,  J  K,  compositor  on  Daily  Union,  res  Plaza  Palace 

Ricker,  F  A,  rancher,  141  Boston  ave 

Rickey,  H  L,,  with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  1140  Front 

Rickleson,  W  A,  res  524  Irving  ave 

Riddell,  Mrs  L,aura  G,  asst  Supt  schools,  res  Coronado 

Riddle,  J  M,  carpenter,  res  Q  bet  Thirty-eighth  and  Thirty-ninth 

Rider,  C  M,  gripman,  res  Tenth  and  University  ave 

Ridley,  R  B ,  railroader,  res  North  San  Diego 

Ridley,  Miss  Hattie,  res  629  First 

Riecken,  John,  laborer,  res  824  State 

Rieser,  J  F,  railroader,  res  525  Irving  ave 

Riese,  Miss  Rose,  tailor  with  Wm  Beyer,  res  cor  nth  and  K 

Riese,  ,Mrs  Anna,  res  242  Eleventh 

Rifenburg,  W  G,  capitalist,  res  2730  J  cor  Nineteenth 

Rigby,  Chas,  res  cor  Arctic  and  Cedar 

Riley,  A  J,  book-keeper  with  C  M  Stevens,  Sixth  and  H,  res 
235  National  ave 

Riley,  W  F,  train  solicitor  for  S  D  and  Cor  Transfer  Co,  res  at 

Ring,  J  J,  clerk  with  Whittier,  Fuller   &  Co,  res  I^afayette  bldg 

Ring,  Ranson,  butcher,  res  1256  India 

RIPLEY,  C.  H.,  attorn ey-at-law,  Pierce-Morse  Block,  res  Chula 

Ripley,  F  W,  abstractor,  res  2020  E  . 

Risitter,  Miss  Ella,  waitress,  res  Windsor 

Risley,  A,  retired,  res  845  Twentieth 

Ritchie,  Mat  R,  miner,  res  Nineteenth  and  N 

Rivers,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  615  National  ave 

Roark,  J  A,  stock  raiser,  res  1008  C 

Roark,  Mrs  C  E,  res  845  Tenth 

Robbins,  Duke,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  1257  Eleventh 


Robbins,   Frank,    mining    engineer,     103 1     Fourth,    res  n  e  cor 

Second  and  A 
Robbins,  F  O,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  Twenty-first  and  F 
Robbins,  G  C,  mining  engineer,  2540  I 
Robbins,  J  M,  rancher,  res  1257  Eleventh 
Robbins,  lyee,  cigars  and  tobacco,  1326  D,  res  1257    Eleventh 
Robbins,  M,  with  J  J  SHfer,  res  5  Sixteenth 
Robbins,  R  H,  supt  Spreckel's  wharf,  res  cor  Seventh  and  Fave, 

Robbins,  Mrs  M,  dressmaker,  5  Sixteenth 

ROBERTS,  ALBERT,  (Potter  and  Roberts),  res  1025  Thirteenth 
Roberts,  C  H,  sales-clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  3252  K 
Roberts,  J  E,  res  1470  Eighth 
Roberts,  J  W,  shoemaker,  res  1203  Twelfth 
Roberts,  S  E,  res  719  Fourteenth 
Roberts,  Thos,  res  cor  C  and  Front 
Roberts,  painter,  res  at  the  Ellsworth 
Roberts,  res  2704  H 

Roberts,  Miss  Belle,  retoucher  Elite  Studio,  res  3252  K 
Roberts,  Miss  Edith,  with  Daily  Union,  res  1203  Twelfth 
Roberts,  Miss  Josephine  M,  milliner   with    Mrs    Remy,  res  719 

Roberts,  Mrs,  res  1342  Seventh 
Roberts,  Mrs  Eliza  V,  res  720  Third 
Roberts,  Mrs  F,  res  504  H 

Robertson,  Earl,  cash  boy  with  Geo  W  Marston,  932  Union 
Robertson,  R  R,  driver  water  tank,  res  932  Union 
Robertson,  W  H,  traveling  salesman,  res  731  Kearney  ave 
Robertson,  Miss  Jennie,  dressmaker,  res  731  Kearney  ave 
Robinson,  A,  with,  Singer  Sewing  Machine  Co,  1510  Union 
Robinson,  Fred  H,  shorthand  reporter,  rooms  i  to  5  Spencer  blk, 

res  542  Front 
Robinson,  F  Q,  retired,  res  795  Twenty-fourth 
ROBINSON,  JUDGE  J.  fl.,  attorney-at-law,  rooms   18,   19    and 

20,  Eawyer's  blk,  res  Fort  Robinson 
Robinson,  M  H,  res  542  Front 

Robinson,  T,  fireman  Pacific  Beach  Ry,  res  Pacific  Beach. 
Robinson,  Wm  F,  jr,  letter  carrier,  622  Irving  Ave 


Robinson,  W  F,  watch  club  solicitor  with  M  German,  res  624 
Irving  ave 

Robinson,  Mrs  A  E,  prop  Manor  lodging  house,  Fifth  and  Ash 

Robinson,  Mrs  Helen  C,  res  1039  I^i^ 

Robinson,  Mrs  Samantha,  res  Thirtieth  and  J 

Roche,  J  T,  cigars  and  tobacco,  752  Fifth,  res  at  Windsor 

Rockaway  Restaurant,  Harrison  &  Morris,  props,    1207  I 

Rockfellow,  A  G,  mining  expert,  res  2367  B 

ROCKFELLOW  GRANITE  CO.,  E  F  Rockfellow,  manager,  cor 
Thirteenth  and  H 

ROCKFELLOW,  E.  F.,  agent  for  Domestic,  New  Home,  and 
Standard  sewing  machines,  759  Fifth,  res  2367  B 

ROCKFELLOW,  W.  A.,  salesman  with  E  F  Rockfellow,  res 
2367  B 

Rodriguez,  Arthur,  cash  boy  at  White  House,  res  13th  and  K 

Rodriguez,  M,  res  245  Tenth 

Roderiguez,  Miss  Virginia,  with  Model  laundry,  res  cor  Thir- 
teenth and  K 

RODES,  JOSEPH,  M.  D.,  specialist  eye,  ear,  nose  and  throat, 
Bon  Ton  blk,  cor  Sixth  and  D,  res  Fifth  above  Spruce 

Rodewald,  Aug,  cook  Hotel  Florence 

Roe,  Samuel,  pipe  maker,  res  330  Milton  ave 

Roesner,  John,  teamsster,  res  520  E 

Rogers,  E  O,  wagon  maker,  res  2810  H 

Rogers,  George  E,  book  agent,  res  1366  State 

Rogers,  Henry,  invalid,  res  907  Ninth 

Rogers,  I  D,  real  estate  and  money  broker,  1340  D,  res  1070 
State  cor  C 

ROGERS,  W.  R.,  asst  cashier  Consolidated  National  Bank,  res 
2810  H 

Rogers,  W  B,  book-keeper  Con  Nat  Bank,  res  Park  Boulevard  and 
Polk  ave.  University  Heights 

Rohm,  J  M,  compositor  Daily  Union,  res  Metropolitan  blk 

Rollins,  R  F,  music  teacher,  res  1435  A 

Rolston,  Sarah,  cashier  for  Harry  Ivynnell,  res  514  Sixth 

Roether,  E  P,  res  430  Fourteenth 

Romero,  Miss  Ramona,  with  Model  Ivaundry,  res  L,,  bet  Four- 
teenth and  Fifteenth 


Romero,  Mrs  B,  res  2428  L, 

Ronaldson,  Wm,  carpenter,  res  246  Sixth 

Rood,  Dr  V  D,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  res  344  lyOgan  av 

Rooney,  James,  bartender  at  Horton  house,  res  same 

Rooney,  Wm,  gardener,  res  1422  First 

Roop,  B  B,  funeral  director  and  embalmer  with  S  D  Undertak- 
ing Co,  res  760  Fourth 

ROY,  ARTHUR  H.,  prop  Star  Meat  Market,  res  631  Four- 

RORICK,  MRS.  ELLA,  prop  Grand  Hotel,  1232  F  over  Chamber 
of  Commerce,  res  same 

Romero,  Santa  Anna,  laborer,  res  852  Columbia 

Rose  Bud  Saloon,  Calbin  Washburn  prop,   cor    Third  and  I 

Rose,  J  C,  gardener,  res  191 7  A 

Rose,  John,  carpenter,  res  Ash  and  Union 

Rose,  J  W,  res  628  A 

Rose,  Thos,  steward  Horton  house,  res  same 

Rosemeir,  Chris,  laborer,  res  1818  California 

ROSS,  A.  L.,   (Ross,  Dow  &  Co),  res  cor  Sixlh  and  D 

ROSS,  DOW  &  CO.,  (A  L  Ross,  H  G  Dow),  insurance  and  real 
estate,  rooms  8  and  9  Kuhn  blk 

Ross,  C  H,  res  1642  Arctic 

Ross,  Charles,  teamster.  Pacific  Wood  and  Coal  Co,  res  India 
and  Date 

Ross,  John,  retired,  res  2058  Front 

Ross,  T  A,  teacher,  res  Hollister, house 

ROSSI,  MRS.  M.  C,  musical  instruments  and  toys,  839  Fifth, 
res  same 

ROSSI ER,  CHAS.  A.,  (Havermale  &  Rossier),  res  Florence 

Rossman,  Harrison,  res  1864    India 

ROSSMAN,  W.  A.  carpenter  and  joiner,  918  Sixth  bet.  D  and  E 
res  1864  India 

Roster,  Fred,  laborer,  res  2309  ly 

Rostler,  ly  H,  engineer  at  Spreckel's  wharf,  res    Coronado 

Rotnor,  Geo  H,  salesman  with  Schiller  &  Murtha,  res  524 
National  ave 

Roth,  John^  baker,  res  247  H 


Rouland,  N  P,  steamship  agent  and  shipping  commission,  room 

34  Backesto  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  H,  res  National  city 
Rouse,  N  P,  laborer,  res  1435  Atlantic 
Rowe,  W  E,  res  1022  Eighth 
Rowe,  Mrs  Mary  E,  res  114Q  Fourteenth 
Rowe,  Mrs  M  E,  res  Pacific  Beach 

Rowell,  Henry  ly,  manager  carpet  dept  Marston's,  res  942  Tenth 
Rowland,  R  E,  groceries   and   notions,   cor  Third   and    H,  res 

1 133  H 
Royce,  Chas  S,  retired,  res  Willard 
Royce,  R  W,  laborer,  res  740  Sixteenth 
Royce,  Miss  Julia  J,  res  Willard 
Royce,  Miss  M  A,  teacher,  res  Willard 
Royle,  W  P,  clerk  City  of  Paris,  res  Eafayette  bldg 
Ruble,  Geo  F,  clerk  S  J  Sill,  res  1456  Fifth 
Ruby,  G  C,  horseshoer  with  E  J  Delorey,  res  1227  Fifth 
Ruby,  Geo  A,  engineer,  Engine  Co  No  2,  res  Fifth  bet  A  and  B 
Rucks,  A  F,  prop  Horton  house  barber  shop,  1016    Fourth,    res 

5-6  Kline  bldg 
Rucks,  Mrs  A  F,  hair-dresser,  room  6  Manvel 
Ruddiman,  John,  with  Model  laundry,  res  2022  E 
Rue,  Miss  Nellie,  servant,  res  Olive  and  Fourth 
Rufiino,  J,  retired,  res  Hotel  D' Europe 
Rumple,  T  D,  res  Snyder  blk,  Sixth 

RUnPLE,  rirs.  T.  D.,  millinery,  923  Fifth,  res  Snyder  blk  Sixth 
RUM5EY,  J.  B.,  (T.B  Rumsey  &  Son),  res  731  Harrison  ave 
RUflSEY,  R.  L.,  book-keeper,  res  731  Harrison  ave 
RUMSEY,  T.  B.  &  SON,  (T   B    Rumsey,   J   B    Rumsey,)    hay, 

grain,  feed,  coal,  etc,  427  L,ogan  ave 
RUMSEY,  T.  B.,  (T  B  Rumsey  &  Son),  res  731  Harrison  ave 
RUMSEY,  W.  M.,  surveyor,  res  731  Harrison  ave 
Rumsey,  Miss  Eouise,  stenographer  with  A  E    Nutt,    res    Har- 
rison ave  bet  Twenty-fifth  and  Twenty  Sixth 
Rumsey,  Mrs  E,  res  2232  E 
Rupell,  Mrs  Eliza,  2719  G 

Rumpf,  A,  prop  Union  Park  saloon,  cor  Thirteenth  and    K 
Rupp,  D  F,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  cor  Fifth  and    F,    res 
554  Eleventh,  cor  H 



Rush,  J  D,  deputy  county  tax  collector,  res  Twenty-seventh  and 

lyOgan  ave 
RUSS  LUMBER  &  MILL  CO.,  F  S  Plimpton,  general  manager, 

cor  First  and  J 
Russell,  George  Jr,  laborer,  res  Roseville 
Russell,  George  Sr,  merchant,  res  Roseville 
Russell,  G  R,  cabinetmaker,  305  Fourth,  res  13 13  Fourth 
RUSSELL  JAflES,  private  detective,  1237  E,  res  731  Fifth 
Russell,  John,  carpenter,  res  North  San  Diego 
Russell,  John,  clerk  Thorndike's,  res  657  Sixth 
Russell,  R  C,  res  1567  State 

Russell,  Walter,  civil  engineer,  res  North  San  Diego 
Russell,  Miss,  seamstress,  res  Oriel 
Rust,  Miss  Florentine,  servant,  res  1546  First 
Rutter,  Mrs,  res  2540  I 
Ryan,  A,  pipemaker,  res  330  Milton  ave 
Ryan,  John,  res  717  Harrison  ave 

RYAN,  JOHN  F.,  cutter  with  Wm  Berger,  res  1229  Columbia 
Ryan,  Joe,  barber,  539  Fifth,  res  same 
Rye,  James,  carpenter,  res  718  Milton  ave 

Saaki,  cigar  sorter,  Cleveland  &  Lincoln  ave  University  Heights 

Sabin,  Mrs  M  R,  res  1436  C 

Sailor's  Union  of  the  Pacific,  Geo  Hoen,  agent  339  Sixth 

Sainsevain,  P,  retired,  res  2056  Fourth 

Sales,  Mr,  cor  Main  and  Thirty-first 

Salidan,  Emil,  res  2022  L, 

Salinskey,  Antone,  carpenter,  Arctic  near  Juniper 

Salisbury,  A  B,  real  estate,  444  Milton  ave 

Salisbury,  George,  salesman  San  Diego  Lumber  Co,  370   12th 

Sallady,  G  W,  detective,  res  1366  State 

Salton,  H  C,  carpenter,  res  733  Logan  ave 

Salvation  Army,  508  Fifth 

Samoner,  Frank,  waiter  at  Victoria  hotel 

Still  at  the 

Old  Stand, 

1624    H    Street. 

Cheapest  Place  to  Buy 


Tin  and  Glassware  &c.,  &c. 

Cash  for  2nd  ^  GOODS. 


1624    H    STREET. 


G.  W.  MflGWOOD'S  - 



University.  Heights 3 

City  Heights 4 

Old   Town 45 

Mission  Valley 5 

,  ■  Old  Mission 8  ~^ 

r*  Race  Track 6§  fTj 

[tI  Pacific  Beach 8  r!: 

r1  Ocean  Beach : 8  IV 

liJ  Roseville 7  \^ 

^  La  Holya  Park  {1,3.  Jolla) 13 

,  Del  Mar 23  ■»■ 

r*  Chollas  Valley ■. 3  •*■ 

(t)  National  Citv 5  ,^ 

^  Paradise  Valley 6  (Jj 

I              Sweetwater  Dam • 12  ^ 

Lakeside 20  |~^ 

Poway 25  jQ 

^  Escondido 35  t-n 

fv]  Oceanside 40  ^J 

Zp!  'Sorrento 15  PJ 

CD  Otay 12  J 

_.  re  Wanna  (Tia  Juana) 16  jl* 

Chulla  Vista 10 

Julian 60 

Alpine 26 

El  Cahone  (Cajon) 15 

Harmule  Valley  Postoffice  (Jamul) 20 

I  will  pay  you  CASH  for  anything  you  have  to  sell. 


Sampson,  George,  carpenter  res  512  Colton  ave 

Sampson,  Mrs,  H  P,  landlady  Revere  house 

Sanchez,  Smehl,  res  553  Sixteenth 

Sanclair,  M  H,  salesman  with  M  German 

Sandell,  Chas  E,  Turkish  baths,  1045  Seventh,  res  1037  7th 

Sanders,  Chester,    book-keeper   with    Geo   A    Merritt,    res    322 

Grand  ave 
Sanders,  J  S,  fruit  pedler,  res  647  Front 
Sanders,  Phis,  longshoreman,  res  St.  Elmo  hotel 
Sanders,  T  C  F,  hay,  grain  and  feed,  2024  H,  res  Boston  ave  bet 

Twenty-sixth  and  Twenty-seventh 
Sanders,  Mrs  G  A,  res  322  Boston  ave 

Sanderson,  O  R,  (Eikens  &  Sanderson),  res  Second  and  E 
Sanderson,  T  B  &  Co,  architects  and  builders,  425  Fifth 
SAN  DIEGO  ABSTRACT  CO., (Crenshaw,  Pullman  &  Co  lessees) 

abstracts  of  titles,  1 234-1 236  D 
SAN  DIEQAN,  THE,  daily  and  weekly  democratic  paper,  Ariosto 

McCrimmon,  prop,  2138  D 

lessee,  1019  and  102 1  Fourth 
San  Diego  Barracks,  H  and  Arctic 
SAN  DIEQO  BATH  HOUSE,  Mrs  Eliza  E  Loucks  prop,  hot  sea 

baths,  Atlantic  bet  C  and  D 
SAN  DIEQO  BEEF  &    PACKINQ   CO.,    Gruendike,    Balling  & 

Farnsworth,  wholesale  and  retail  butchers,  1061  Fifth 
San  Diego  Bill  Posting  Co,  Fred  F  Stuttz,  manager,  1016  D 
SAN  DIEQO  BUSINESS  COLLEQE,    N   H   Phillips   principal, 

Mrs  R  W  Taylor  asst  prin,  cor  Fifth  and  G,  Brancroft  blk 
San  Diego  Cable  Ry  Co,    Geo    B    Hensley,    manager,    office    at 

power  house 
San  Diego  Carriage  Works,  G  J  Overshiner  prop,  cor  3rd  and  F 
SAN  DIEQO  CANNINQ  AND  PACKINQ  CO.,  S    C    Blanchard 

manager,  Atlantic  bet  C  and  D. 
SAN  DIEQO  CHAflBER  OF  COMMERCE,  see  front  part  of    Di- 

J  Naumann,  prop,  843  Sixth 


SAN  DIEGO  COAL  CO.,  cor  Fourth  and  K 

SAN  DIEGO  COMMERCIAL  COLLEGE,  O  P  Koerting  princi- 
pal, Express  blk 
San  Diego  County  Advertiser,  E  N  Sullivan  pub  and  prop,    cor 

Third  and  D 
San  Diego,  Cuyamaca  &  Eastern  Ry,  depot  cor   Tenth    and    N, 

A  E  Kinney  supt,  Waldo  S  Waterman  gen'l  manager 
SAN  DIEGO  CYCLE  AND  MACHINE  CO,  (A  W  Birdsall,  W  A 

Galbraith),  cor  Sixth  and  E 
SAN  DIEGO  DAILY  AND  WEEKLY  SUN,     San    Diego    Sun 

Co  publisher,   Sun  bldg 

manager,  1019  and  102 1  Fourth 
SAN  DIEGO  DRUG  CO..  Carey  W  Thompson    pres,    Ralph  M 

Ward  sec  and  treas,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
SAN  DIEGO  ELECTRIC  RAILWAY  CO.,  office  Santa  Fe  wharf, 

A  B  Spreckles  prest,  E  S  Babcock  vice   prest.  Jos    A  Flint 

secy  and  treas,  M  J  Perrin  supt,  Fred  Creelman  receiver 
San  Diego  Feed  Mills,  Jas  Bidwell  prop,  dealer  in  rolled  barley, 

bran,  hay  and  feed,  cor  Eighth  and  h 

K  Phillips  sec'y,  office  Consolidated  Bank  bldg 
San  Diego  Fish  and  Produce  Market,  J  Goulden  prop,  1316  F 
SAN  DIEGO  FLUME  CO.,  J  W  Sefton  pres,  rooms  19  and  20 

Consolidated  Bank  bldg,  cor  Fifth  and  G 

pres  and  manager,  935  Sixth 
SAN  DIEGO  inPROVEflENT  CO.,  office   room    5    Consolidated 

National  Bank  blk 
San  Diego  Iron  and  Steel  Co,  office  Sun  bldg,  works  Roseville 
SAN  DIEGO  LAND  AND  TOWN  CO.,  local  agt  WJ  Parker, 

849  Fifth 
SAN  DIEGO  LAUNDRY,  G  Anderson  prop,  1170  State,  cor  B 
SAN  DIEGO  LUMBER  CO.,  John    Dobbler   of  San  Francisco, 

pres;  Geo  Gray  San  Francisco,  vice-pres;  Wm  Mugan,  San; 

Francisco,  sec'y;  Philip  Morse  manager,  yard  L,    bet  Plfth 

and  Eighth,  office  cor  Sixth  and  L 
SAN  DIEGO  MEAT  HARKET,  553  Fifth 


5AN  DIEGO  NURSERY,  Miss  Kate  O  Sessions  prop,  cor  Fifth 
and  C 

prop,  503  Fifth 

secy  and  manager,  office  cor  Fourth  and  D 

San  Diego  Planing  Mill,  cor  Eighth  and  M 

SAN  DIEGO  PAINT  CO.,  S  C  Harry,  manager,  successor  to  W 
S  Jewell,  751  Sixth 

SAN  DIEGO  POULTRY  CO.,  G  W  Tyler  prop,  wholesale  and  re- 
tail poultr#and  eggs,  Fourth,  adjoining  Fisher  Opera  house 

SAN  DIEGO  PRINTING  CO.,  F  B  Walker  prop,  864  Sixth 

San  Diego  Rifles,  Armory  Hall,  415  National  ave,  bet  Twenty- 
ninth  and  Thirtieth 

SAN  DIEGO  RUBBER  STAMP  CO.,  F  B  Walker  prop,  864 

San  Diego  Savings  and  lyoan  Association,  John  Kastle,  pres;  E 
W  Burnham,  sec,  Q15  Sixth 

SAN  DIEGO  SAYINGS  BANK,  M  T  Gilmore  cashier,  cor  Fifth 
and  E 

San  Diego  Soap  Works,  (Tandy  &  Co),  2426  Arctic 

SAN  DIEGO  SODA  WORKS,   G  Gaedke  prop,  424  Logan  ave 

SAN  DIEGO  STEAM  CRACKER  BAKERY,  Joseph  Winter  prop, 
560  Fourth 

Nissen  props,  958  and  960  Fifth 

SAN  DIEGO  TENT  AND  AWNING  CO.,  E  F  Burge  prop, 
tents,  awnings,  wagon  covers,  etc,  565  Fifth 

SAN  DIEGO   TOWEL   SUPPLY  CO.,  E  Lane  manager,  2370  F 

SAN  DIEGO  TRUCK  CO.,  Owen  McCaughey,    manager,   office 

728  Fifth 
SAN  DIEGO  UNDERTAKING  CO.,     C   R    Dauer,    pres;   T     P 

Simpson,  vice-pres;  C  N  Flattery,  sec'y  R  Breese,  manager, 

office  and  parlors  758  and  760  Fourth  ^ 

SAN  DIEGO  UNION,  DA^LY  and    WEEKLY,    Thos    Gardiner, 

president  and  manager,  933  Fourth 
San  Diego  Water  Co,  E  S  Babcock,  pres,  J  A  Flint,  sec,   1529  D 


San  Diego  Windmill  Co,  (E  H  Parkison,  J  AMcRae,  FH  Burk- 
hart),  wholesale  and  retail  windmills,    pumps,  piping,  hose 
and  brass  goods,  260  Fifth 
Sandin,  Chas  M,  wall  paper,  paper    hanging  and  painting,  1156 

Fourth,  res  320  I,ogan  ave 
Sandison,  Wm,  locksmith,  352  Fifth,  res  same 
Sandrock,  C  W,  groceries,  res  North  San  Diego 
Sandrock,  Henry,  laborer,  321   Seventh 
Sandrock,  Wm,  res  Mission  Valley 
Sandrock,  Miss  Emma,  res  Mission  Valley 
Sandrock,  Mrs  C  W,  res  Mission  Valley 
Sanesland,  L<ewis,  real  estate,  res  821  Eighteenth 
Sanford,  O  N,  civil  engineer  915  Sixth,  res  2163  Brant 
Sanger,  C  E,  machinist,  res  1645  Union 
Sanger,  S  E,  pressman  with  Daily  Union,  res  927  Ash 
SANTA  FE  riARKET,  San  D'ego    Beef  and  Packing  Co,  props, 

foot  of  H 
SANTA  FE  ROUTE,  H  B  Keeler  agt,  cor  Fourth  and  D 
SANTA  FE  WHARF,  Chas  T  Hinde  manager,  foot  of  H 
Santee,  A  J,  with  S  D  Electric  Ry  Co,  room  14  Manvel 
SAN  riARCOS  LAND  CO.,  J  Gruendike  pres,  D  P  Hale  vice-pres 

and  gen'l  manager.  Bertha  Hale  sec,  1248  D 
SANTA  MARIA  LAND  AND  WATER  CO.,    Eawrence  J  Mack 

sec,  1332  D 
Santee,  Milton,  real  estate,  res  Eleventh  and  B 
Santee,  H,  surveyor,  res  Eleventh  and  B 
Sarbaugh,  Geo  A,  driver  with  Pac  Trans  and  Gurney  Cab  Co,  res 

721  Twelfth 
SAUER,  riRS.  M.  C,  prop    Windsor  lodging  house,  837  Fourth 
Sapen,  Peter,  laborer,  res  373  Oliver  ave 
Saravia,  Ruperto,  servant  at  Tremont  house 

Sargent,  F  E,  paying  teller  Cons.  Nat  Bank,  res  Fourth  and  Ash 
Sargent,  Mrs  Emma,  14 12  Fourth 
Sargeant,  Mrs  M,  dressmaker,  res  630  Fourteenth 
Sauerland,  Miss  A,  cashier  and  book-keeper  at  Mumford's   gro- 
cery, res  821  Eighteenth 
Saul,  Herbert  S,  machinist,  res  1633  Front 
Saul,  John  F,  janitor  Middletown  school,  res  1634  Front 


Saulsbury,  Geo,  yards-foreman  San  Diego    I^umber  Co,  res  cor 

Twelfth  and  J 
Savage,  Wm,  painter,  res  R  and  Thirty-Fourth  Chollas  Valley 
Savage,  Miss  Besse,  res  Mission  Valley 

secy  and  treas,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Sawyer,  Miss  Mary  P,  newsstand  at   Hotel    Florence,    res    1827 

SAWHILL,  F.  H,  D.  D.  S.,  (Sheriff  &  Sawhill),  res  849  Eighth 
Saylor,  Frank,  with  Goddard  &  Jones,  res  Third  and  G 
Sayner,  W  H,  with  City  Water  Co,  res  849  Twenty-second 
Say  re,  Mrs  ly  H,  res  at  Hotel  Florence 
Scanlon,  Miss  Josephine,  house  keeper.  Hotel  Florence 
Schachtmayer,  Joseph,  barber,  res  Tremont  house 
Schack,  Frank  G,  laborer,  res  544  Beech 
Schadek,  A  F,  commission  merchant,  U  near  Thirtieth 
Schaeggs,  Mrs  Amy,  res  Fourth  and  Palm 
Schaf,  Fred,  blacksmith,  res  240  Eleventh 
Schaeffer,  Chas,  bartender  Horton  house,  res  1039  Second 
Schaetz,  Fred,  barber  at  Coronado  hotel,   1145  Third 
Schaffer,  W  H,  carpenter,  res  746  Thirteenth 
Scl&affer,  Wm,  engineer.  Con  National  Bank,  res  Ninteenth  and 

Kearney  ave 
SCHAFFNET,    Miss    fllNNIE,    stenographer    and  typewriter, 

I^awyers  blk,  res  713  Irving  ave 
Schaflein,  Jacob,  barber  shop  644  Fifth,  res  1330  India 
Schanneil,  T,  contractor,  res  Morena 

Scharnhorst,  Wm,  contractor  of  cement  work,  res  2722  G 
Schelenburg,  A  R,  warehouse  foot  of  D,  res  1936  G 
Schelke,  Miss  Edna  servant,  res  2231  First 
Schenkel,  John,  res  Mission  Valley 
Scherrer,  H,  res  404  Eighth 

Schiefer,  Frank  C,  carpenter,  res  Julian  bet  26th  and  27th 
Schilling,  A  W,  with  Palace  crockery  store,  res  458  Tenth 
Schill,  Charles,  laborer,  res  1528  Columbia 
SCHILLER  &  nURTHA,  (J  S  Schiller,  F  D  Murtha),  dry  goods, 

clothing,  fancy  goods,  ladies    and   gents   furnishing  goods, 

hats,  trunks,  etc,  600  to  612  cor  Fifth  and  H 

1 86  SAN    DIEGO    CITY     DIRECTORY. 

Schiller,  D  M,  (M  Schiller  &  Son),  1305  Front 
Schiller,  H  M,  register  clerk  with  county  clerk,  res  506  B 
Schiller,  Harry  R,  with  Pioneer  book  bindery,  res  103 1  F 
Schiller,  J  R,  clerk  with  M  A  Wertheimer  &  Co,  res  103 1  F 
SCHILLER,  J.  S.,  (Schiller  &  Murtha),  res  1343  Front 
Schiller,  M  &  Son,  (M  Schiller,  D    M    Schiller),    groceries   and 

crockery.  13 14  K,  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 
Schiller,  M,  (M  Schiller  &  Son),  res  1305  Front 
Schiller,  Morris,  student  with  Dr  D  Cave,  res  1031  F 
Schiller,  R,  proprietor  Pioneer  Book  Bindry,  1029  to  1033  F,  res 

103 1  F 
Schiller,  Samuel,  bookbinder  with  R  Schiller,  res  1031  F 
Schiller,  Laura,  cashier  with  M  German,  1305  Front 
Schilling,  Ignatus,  barkeeper  Austrian    Beer  Hall,   res    Tenth, 

bet  H  and  I 
Schimpff,  Aug  R,  book-keeper  Chadbourne  Furniture  Co,  res  804 

Schimmer,  Carl  F,  groceries  and  provisions,  1602  H 
SCIilRfl,  J.  S.  grocer,  1529  F,  res  same 
SCHITTERER  &  ZOELLNER,  [Herman  Schitterer,AF  Zoellner] 

barbers,   Pierce-Morse  blk,    1440  F 
SCHITTERER,  HERMAN,  [Schitterer  &  Zeollner],  res  Seventh. 

bet  G  and  H 
Schiveley,  Mrs  E  M,  artist,  res  1107  C 

Schleimer,  J,  candy  maker  with  A  M  Ingersoll,  res  1325  Arctic 
Schlittenhardt,  C  F,  baker  with  Jos  Winter,  res  1637  K 
Schlitz,  C,  with  Kampling  &  Stoner,  res  same 
Schlitz,  Miss  Laura,  res  2420  J 
Schlitz,  Mrs  M,  dressmaker,  res  2420  J 

Schmedes,  Earnest  W,  letter  carrier,  resTwenty-sixth  &  Logan  av 
Schmedes,  Miss  Stella,  res  Twenty -sixth  and  Logan  ave 
Schmedes,  Mrs  L,  res  Twenty-sixth  and  Logan  ave 
Schmid,  F  J,  boarding  house,  223  Thirteenth 
Schmidt,  Chas,  butcher,  res  434  Sixteenth 
5CHMIDT,   E.    W.,    general  agent   for  Southern   California  for 

Fidelity  Mutual  Aid  Associationn,  Metropolitan,  1319  E 
SCHMIDT.  MRS.  E.  W.,  magnetic  healer,  office  and  res  Metro- 
politan 1319  E 

SAN    DIEGO    CITY     DIRECTORY.  1 87 

Schmidt,  Rey,  cigar  maker,  at  Sensenbrenner's,  res  Plaza  Palace 

SCHMITT,  CHARLES  T,  prop  Plaza  Palace,  res  same 

SCHfllTT,  GEO.  H.,  physician  and  surgeon,  Dispensary  bldg, 
953  Fourth,  res  same 

Schmeider,  Henry,  coachman,  res  423  Twenty-fifth 

Schneider,  John,  sausage  maker  with  Chas  Hardy,  res   1639  K 

Schnepp,  Emil  wood  turner  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  Twenty- 
fifth,  bet  N  and  Franklin  ave 

Scholl,  J  H  F,  miner,  res  534  Tenth 

Schott,  Philip,  res  625  First 

School  of  Languages  and  Music,  Miss  H  Von  Lowenfels,  teacher, 
1003  F  cor  First 

SCHORR,  W.  A.,  head  salesman  with  S  D  Lumber  Co,  res  232 
Milton  ave 

Schrader,  Adolph,  painter,  res  954  Ninth 

Schrader,  Chas  A,  student  with  Van  Norman  &  McConkey, 
res  954  Ninth 

SCHRANZ  «&  POLZIEN,  (A  Schranz,  H  M  Polzien),  wholesale 
wines  and  brandies,  importers  of  whiskies,  etc  1128 — 1134  D 

SCHRANZ,  A.,  (Schranz  &  Polzien),  res  1366  Front 

Schreiber,  p  W,  gardener,  res  Thirty-  second  and  O 

Schreiber,  L,  druggist,  res  Thirty- second  and  O 

Schrimpl,  John,  prop  Topeka  house,  cor  H  and  Eighth 

Schroder,  Henry,  miller,  foot  Ninth 

Schroder,  Mrs  Catharine,  res  Fir  and  California 

Schroeppel,  Gus,  groceries,  cigars  and  candies,  Sixth  and  Uni- 
versity ave,  res  same 

Schryer,  H,  machinist  at  power  house,  res  Third  near  Robinson 

Schuette,  H  C,  res  345  Thtrteenth 

Schulenburg,  A  R,  street  car  conductor,  res  1936  G 

Schuler,  J,  carpenter,  cor  Ninth  and  K 

Schultheiss,  Fred,  res  428  Sixteenth 

Schultheiss,  Wm,  Model  steam  laundry,  res  434  Sixteenth 

Schulte,  res  1309  Fourth 

Schultz,  John,  carpenter,  res  2124  L 

Schultz,  Chas,  warehouseman  with  W  W  Stewart  &  Co,  res  168 

Schulze,  Hubert,  restaurant  cor  Fifth  and  K,  res  same 


Schutz    F  B,  foreman  Daily  Union,  res  Fifth  ave  house 
CSHUTZE,  CARL,  attorn ey-at-law,  rooms  i  and  2  Backesto  blk 

res  2226  D 
Schmucker,  Chas  L,,  carpenter,  res  State  and  Juniper 
Schwanke,  H  A,  res  Everett  near  Twenty-sixth 
Schwartz,  John  F,  agent  N  C  &  O  R  R,  foot  of  Fifth,  res  Topeka 

house,  cor  Eighth  and  H 
Schwartz,  L  P,  barber,  1326  D,  res  946  Thirteenth 
Schwarz,  Richard,  with  Selwyn  &  Allison,  res  513  Fourth 
Schwedtfeger,  Wm,  retired  army  officer,  res  at  Alhambra 
Schweinebraten,  F,  upholsterer,  res  402  Eighth 
Schwerer,  Fred,  res  1142  Seventh 
Schwieren,  Frank,  capitalist,  res  1434  Sixth 
Scobey,  T  H,  mason,  res  636  Boston  ave 

Scofield,  A  Q,  salesman  with  H  C  Treat  &  Co,  res  1253  Union 
Scofield,  FN,  res  1253  Union 
SCOTT  &  SEIBERT,  (C  A  Scott,    Chas   Seibert),    real   estate, 

858  Sixth 
SCOTT,  C.  A.,  (Scott  &  Seibert),  res  666  Seventeenth  cor  G 
SCOTT,  CHALMERS,   attorney-at-law    and    civil    engineer,    40 

and  41  Lawyer's  blk,  res  cor  First  and  Ivy 
SCOTT,   DeW.,   (Scott,  Hinke  &  Co),  res  1251  Third 
SCOTT,  E.  B.,  (Scott,  Hinke  &  Co),  res  1251  Third 
Scott,  E  F,  farmer,  res  2816  F 
SCOTT,  HINKE  &  CO,  [E  B  Scott,    Fred  Hinke,     DeW  Scott], 

wholesale  commission,  463  Fifth  and  142 1  I 
SCOTT,  J.  C,  agt  R  G  Dun  &  Co,    room     11  Richelieu,  re.s  722 

Scott,  James  M,  carpenter,  res  2521  G 
Scott,  John,  brick  mason,  res  foot  Eighth 
Scott,  Jas  M,  carpenter,  662  Sixteenth 
Scott,  J  W,  carpenter,  res  344  Fifteenth 
Scott,  W  C,  carpenter,  res  2816  F 
Scott,  Miss  Louisa,  servant,  cor  First  and  Ivy 
Scovill,  S  N,  contractor  and  builder,  res  227  National  ave 
Scrimgeour,  George,  carpenter,  res  1269  Columbia 
Sea,  F  M,  groceries,  902  Fourth,  res  2146  E 
Seal,  John  P,  salesman  with  W  I  DeGroot,  res  209  Logan  ave 


Seaman,  C  C,  res  24  First  Nat  Bank  bldg 

Seaman,  D,  res  2346  Second 

Searles,  Adolph,  res  Mission  Vallej^ 

Searles,  Homer,  res  Mission  Valley 

Searles,  Miss  Lena,  res  Mission  Valley 

Seaton,  Mrs  M  E,  res  1167  Union 

Seber,  Frank,  horseman,  res  422  E 

Sebort,  A,  bridge  builder,  res  767    Fourteenth 

Sechrist,  J  F,  invalid,  res  433  National  ave 

Second  Corgregational  Church,  Twenty-sixth  and  Kearney  ave 

Seeberger,  Albert,  porter  Horton  House,  res  same 

Seehorne,  Ira,  draughtsman  with  W  S    Hebbard,    res  National 

Seeley,  I,  E,  railroad  man,  res  1206  Fifth 
SEFTON,  J.  W.,  prest  San    Diego   Flume    Co,    also    prest    San 

Diego  Savings  Bank,  res  cor  Laurel  and  Sixth 
Seibert,  Capt  A,  bridge  builder,  res  767  Fourteenth 
SEIBERT,  CHAS.,  (Scott  &  Seibert),  res  n  e  cor  Twenty-second 

and  G 
Seibert,  Miss  Estella,  res  717  Twenty-second 
SEIFERT,  JOHN  R.,  wholesale   beer   dealer,    1327    D,    res   429 

*  Seventeenth 
Seifert,  Wm,  bartender  with  John  R  Seifert,  res  Russ  house 
Select  school,  Miss  J  A  Humphrey,  teacher,'8ii  Eighth,  res  same 
Selenberger,  Mr,  res  521  Kearney  ave 

Sellars,  C  R,  salesman  with  J  S  Mumford,  res  634  Eleventh 
Selover,  Sidney,  with  Pacific  Hardware  Co,  res  924  B 
SELWYN  &  ALLISON,     (Geo  A  Selwyn,  J  M  Allison,   J  A 

Allison),  wholesale  and  retail  butchers,   553   Fifth  and  747 

SELWYN,  GEORGE  A.,   (Selwyn  &  Allison),  res  1054  Third 
Selwyn,  Geo  M,   with  Selwyn    &   Allison,  553    Fifth,    res    630 

Semler,  L,  deputy  city  assessor,  room  ^  Elite  bldg 
Senlis,  E,  gardener,  res  1527  Front 
SEN5ENBRENNER,  AUGUST,  cigar  manufacturer,  1039  Fourth, 

res  1543  First 
Senter,  Miss  Nellie,  res  722  Second 


Senter,  Mrs  M  J,  res  722  Second 

Serrano,  Ivouis,  teamster,  res  North  San  Diego 

SESSIONS,  MISS  KATE  O.,  San  Diego  Nursery,   cor  Fifth  and 

C,  res  ave  C  bet  Second  and  Third,  Coronado 
Severin,  C  A,  hay  and  grain,  res  2355  I 
Severin,  J,  res  2392  K 

Sexton,  James,  invalid,  res  K,  bet  Twenty-Fifth  and   Twenty- 
Seybolt,  A  B,  inspector  of  customs,  First  and  Walnut 
Seymore,  W  H,  janitor  Y  M  C  A,  res  at  the  Minneapolis 
Seymore,  Mrs  J  S,  res  Union  and  Grape 
Shaffer,  E  E,  with  Fred  N  Hamilton  Co,  res  2830  h 
Shaffer,  J  E,  L^a  Punta'Salt  Works,  res  same 
SHAFUS,  CHAS.,  wines  and  liquors,  Atlantic  foot  of  G 
Shollenberger,  J  H,  first  lieut.  Tenth  Infantry,  res  1643  Sixth 
Shank,  Wm,  painter  and  paper  hanger,  res  State  and  CuUom 
Shannan,  James,  carpenter,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  I, 
Sharp,  A  P,  retired,  1324  A 

Sharp,  K  C,  painting  and  paper  hanging,  1324  A 

1442  H 

H  Hinters  prop,  926  Fourth 
Shaw,  Arthur,  with  C  S  Hamilton,  res  1815  H 
Shaw,  FAT,  teamster,  res  1665  India 
SHAW,  F.  L.,  wholesale  and  retail  fruits  and    vegetables,    11 14 

SHAW,  GEO  P.,  book-keeper  with  Drs  Stockton,  Valle  &   Nor- 

thrup,  res  1026  Logan  ave 
SHAW  &  HOLLAND,  (V  E  Shaw,  C  F  Holland),    attorneys-at- 

law,  rooms  4,  5  and  6  Consolidated    Bank    bldg,   cor  Fifth 

and   G 
Shaw,  J,  res  1318  A 

SHAW,  T.  n.,  city  engineer,  office  City  hall,  res  1648  State 
Shaw,  civil  engineer  with  Peninsular  Ry,  res  Buckingham 
SHAW,  V.  E.,  (Shaw  &  Holland),  res  1132  Cedar 
Shaw,  W  E,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  1030  Thirteenth 
Shaw,  Mrs  C  A,  534  Tenth 


Shaw,  Miss  F,  res  1844  First 

Shea,  Robt,  with  West  Coast  lyumber  Co,  res  504  H 

Sheldon  Block,  A'  Silverthorn  prop,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

Sheldon,  Mrs  M  R,res  663  Twentieth 

Shellenberger,  Amos,  engineer  with  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  405 

Shell,  T  D,  salesman  with  The  Lion  Clothiers,  res  Sixth  cor  and  D 
SHEPARD,  C.  H.,  county  assessor,  res  643  Sixteenth 
Shepard,  W  M,    practical  hatter,  911  Fifth,  res  848  Eighth 
Shepard,  Mrs  F,  cor  Date  and  Sixth 
Shepardson,  Mont,  stenographer  and    typewriter,  with  Reinoehl 

&  Harrison,  res  cor  K  and  Third 
Shephard,  Miss  E  G,  res  1344  Front 
Shephard,  Mrs  A  L,  res  1344  Front 
Shephardson,  Mrs  A  A,  res  1347  State 
Shepherdson,  H  E,  foreman  City  Ptg  Co,  res  1347  State 
Sheppard,  H  B,  prop  Undine  Launch,  res  13  Sun  bldg 
Sheran,  Miss  Disie,  res  1066  First 
SHERIFF  &  SAWHILL,  (E  W  Sheriff,  F  H  Sawhill),  dentists, 

rooms  16  and  18,  the  Brunswick,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
SHERIFF,  E.  W.,  D.  D.  S.,  (Sheriff  &  Sawhill),  res  849  Eighth 
Sherriff,  Mrs  J  A,  res  Gilbert  blk 

Sherman,  Charles  L,  sign  painter,  res  Twenty-ninth  and  M 
SHERflAN, ,  JOHN,  business  agent  and  money  broker  and  sec'y 

Escondido  Land  and   Town    Co,   ^^smith-GtgLely,  blk,  res 

1904  First 
Sherman,  J  N,  laborer    1437  Arctic 
Sherman,  M,  commission  merchant  and  mayor  of  San  Diego,  res 

563  Twenty-second 
Shield,  Thomas,  with  Horton  Hose  Co,  Sixth,  bet  I  and  J 
Shipley,  J  B,  with  S  Grist,  res  444 Tenth 
Shirar,  John,  stone  mason,  1565  Front 
Shley,  Mrs  W,  res  1033  Second 
Shondel,  B  F,  Soldier,  res  321  E 

Shook,  Frank,  with  Russ  Lumber  Co,  res  Beech  and  Columbia 
Shore,  John    W,   sec'y  Mt   Tecarte    Land  and   Water   Co,    res 



Shorten,  W  H,  painter,  256  Fifth,  res  same 

Shull,  Glover,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 

Shultz,  Iv,  moalder  Standard  Iron  Works,  cor  Seventh  and  L- 

Shultz,  Miss  B  L,  res  2327  H 

Shute,  R  A,  driver  Kngine  Co  No.  2,  res  Fifth  bet  A  and  B 

Siddons,  Robt,  res  11 63  Third 

Sigman,  Henry,  harness  maker  with   R   Montijo,   res  State,   bet 

E  and  F 
Siercovich,  Geo,  waiter  at  Hotel  D'Europe,  res  same 
Sik,  Wm,  driver  for  Jos  Winter's  bakery,  res  Thirty-second  and 

Boston  ave 
Silber,  Miss  Ruth,  seamstress,  with  Wm  McCreesh,  res   foot  of 

Silbery,  Wm,  sailor,  res  foot  of  India 
Silk,  John,  lumberman,  res  406  Colton  ave 
Silk,  Peter,  liveryman  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  1420  First 
SILL,  S.  J.,  grocer,  763  Fifth,  res  1455  Seventh 
Silsbee,  T  H,  stock  raiser,  res  442  Milton  ave 
Silver  gate  Bath  House,  Wm.  Brenfieck  &  Co,  prop,  P    C    S    S 

Wharf  foot  of  Fifth 

Hensley,  secy,  room  11  Kuhn  blk 
Silver  Gate  Dairy,  Chollas  valley 

Silver  Gate  Fish  Market,  Stone  &  Parson  props,  Atlantic  foot  A 
Silver  Gate  Manufacturing  Company,  J  D  Carter  secy,  room  37, 

Lawyers'  blk 
Silver  Gate  Nursery,  D  W  Parker  prop,  456  Fifth 
Silver  Gate  Warehouse,  cor  Ninth  and  M 
Silver,  Geo,  California  Fish  Market,  res  Atlantic  bet  F  and  G 
Silver  Moon  Saloon,  T  J  Wright,  prop,  cor  Third  and  I  res  same 
Silverthorn,  A,  prop  Sheldon  blk,  res  same 
Silverthorn,  Fred,  driver  S  D  Truck  Co,  res  Sheldon  blk 
Silverthron,  H,  (Gurnett  &  Silverthorn),  res  629  Logan  ave 
Silverthorn,  W  C,  collector  Singer  S  M  Co  res  Sheldon  blk 
Silverthorn,  W  F,  cab  driver   Pacific  Trans  &  Gurney  Cab  Co, 

res  2335  F  • 

Silvus,  T,  laborer,  res  Morena 
Singleton,  Thos,  with  Horton  Hose  Co,  Sixth  bet  I  and  J 


Simpson,  H  B,  index  clerk  with  county  clerk,  res  1504  Front 
SIMPSON,  F.  M.,  agent    Pacific  Coast   Stermship   Co,    res   cor 

Fifth  and  Ivy 
Simmonds,  H,  manager  Old  Reliable  2nd-hand  store,  res  1727  F 
5IMMS,  D.  C,  dentist,  room  2  I^lewellyn  blk,  726  Fifth 
Simonton,  J  H,  book-keeper  with  H  C  Treat  &  Co,  res  728  D 
SIMPSON,  JAS.,  contractor,  res  1036  Ninth 
SIMPSON,  J.  H.,  deputy  assessor,   prop  Richelieu,    1055    Fifth, 

res  same 
Simpson,  John,  plumber  with  J  S  Johnstone,  res  First  bet  Beech 

and  Cedar 
SIMPSON,  T.  P.,  manager  Pacific  Transfer  and  Gurney  Cab  Co, 

res  s  w  cor  Fourteenth  and  F 
Simpson,  W  E,  advertising  dept.  Daily  Sun,  res  1340  Ash 
Simpson,  Miss  Myrtle,  with  Mrs  M  C  Smith,  res  National    City 
Simpson,  Mrs  A,  res  North  San  Diego 
Simspn,  Mrs,  M  J,  res  946  Twelfth 
Simpson,  Wm,  laborer  res  North  San  Diego 
Sinclair,  C  N,  contractor,  res  1226  Logan  ave  . 

Singer,  Geo  A,  res  Third  and  B 
Singer,  Mrs  E,  boarding  house  cor  Third  and  B 
Singer  Sewing  Machine  Agency,  657  Fifth 
SINKS,  JOHN  F.,  vice  pres  Bank  of  Commerce,  pres  MtTecarte 

lyand  &  Water  Co,  1238  E  res  944  F 
Sippell,  Ottoe,  with  S  D  Electric  Ry  Co,  res  522  lyOgan  ave 
Sivierou,  Arthur,  cigar  maker  at  Sensenbrenner's,  res  1053  Sixth 
SIVIEROU,  ETIENNE,  lace  curtains   and   all   kinds   of  goods 

cleaned,  1053  Sixth,  res  same 
Skidmore,  Mrs  Martha  E,  res  427  Boston  ave 
Skewes,  Dr  T  J  D,  physician  and  surgeon,   res   Twenty-fourth 

and  Grant 
Skinner  &  Eong,  (E  N  Skinner,  E  E  Eong),    new    and  second 

hand  goods,  721  Sixth 
Skinner,  E  N,  (Skinner  &  Eong),  res  2422  F 
Skinner,  Mrs  May,  furnished  rooms,'  1231  Fourth,  res  same 
Slater,  F  E,  carpenter  with  India  Street  Planing  Mill,  res  Thir- 
ty-second and  A 
Slater,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  A  and  Thirty-second 


Slates,  Chas,  stableman  at  Central  stables,  res  Third  bet  K  &  F 

Slaugh,  Peter,  longshoreman,  foot  of  State 

Slavin,  Joseph,  fruit  peddler,  res  2358  K 

Slay  ton,  G  W,  laborer,  res  2451  Fifth 

Slayton,  Wm,  waiter.  Hotel  Florence 

Slifer,  John  J,  second  hand  goods,  1542  H,  res  same 

5L0AN,  GEORGE,  teacher  of  Piano,  rooms  27  Keating  blk,  cor 
Fifth  and  F 

Sloane,  W  A,  attorney-at-law  and  justice  of  San  Diego  township 
1234  E,  res  735  Kearney  ave 

Sloane,  Mrs  A  W  res  2222  C 

5L0CUn  &  SWEET,  (M  A  Slocum,  Mrs  A  F  Sweet),  props 
Annex  Home  Bakery,  11 20  Fourth 

Slocum,  Albert,  retired,  res  1544  Fourth 

SLOCUM,  J.  E.,  landscape  photographer  and  wholesale  photo- 
graphers stock  house,  854  Fourth,  res  811  Logan  ave 

SLOCUM,  M.  A.,  (Slocum  &  Sweet),  res  11 20  Fourth 

Slode,  S,  retired,  131 2  Front 

Sloop,  B,  res  306  National  ave 

Smart,  Mrs  Ida  F  M,  res  1521  Ninth 

SriENNER,  ALONZO  W.,  general  agent  Penn  Mutual  Life  In- 
surance Co,  Marston  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  F,  res  728  Fourteenth 

Smiley,  John,  porter  hotel  Florence 

Smith  &  Bird,  (Wesley  Smith,  B  F  Bird),  livery  and  sale  stable, 
1607 — 1623  H 

SMITH  &  PIRNIE,  (J  H  Smith,  P  C  Pirnie),  monuments,  head- 
stones, tablets  and  cement  work;  821  D,  opp's't  Court  house 

Smith  &  Williams,  (Omer  C  Smith,  J  W  Williams),  wholesale 
Commission  merchants,  cor  Fifth   and  J 

Smith,  A,  with  C  H  Turner  &  Son,  res  630  Eighteenth 

Smith,  A  A,  carpenter,  res  Ninth  near  H 

Smith,  Agelo,  rancher,  res  North  San  Diego 

Smith,  Albert,  res  North  San  Diego 

Smith,  Alex,  with  Turner '&  Son,  res  630  Eighteenth 

SMIHT,  CAPT.  A.  B.,  manager  Great  Southwest  Patent  Agency, 
res  Vena  and  Bandini,  Middletown 

Smith,  Ansel  G,  carpenter  and  joiner,  res  440  Milton 


Smith,  Bruce,  pressman  Frandzen,     Bumgardner    &  Co,  res  744 

Smith,  Chas,  shoemaker,  465  Sixteenth 
Smith,  C  A,  carpenter,  res  718  Franklin  ave 
Smith,  Charles  A,  pressman    with    Stenhouse    &    Co,  res  1444 

5MITH,  CHAS.     F.,    merchandise  broker,    Backesto    blk,    cor 

Fifth  and  H 
Smith,  C  K,  res  1045  Eighth 
Smith,  C  W,  laborer.  Third  bet  H  and  I 
Smithy  K  B,  watch  maker,  with  M  German 
Smith,  Ed,  janitor    B  street  school,    cabinet   maker,    res    1142 

Smith,  Edward,  contractor,  res  522  State 
Smith,  Edward  Winter,  res  at  Lafayette 

Smith,  E  T,  grain  and  coal,  cor  Fourth  and  E,  res  at  Alhambra 
Smith,  George,  hostler,  res  943  Front 
Smith,  George  H,  res  Revere  house 
Smith,  Gilman  P,  res  1560  Eighth  . 
Smith,  H  F,  book-keeper  with  Klauber&  Eevi,  res  518  Kearney 

ave,  bet  Twenty-third  and  Twenty-fourth 
Smith,  H  M,  shoemaker  with   Havermale  &  Rossier,    res  1258 

Smith,  James,  boarding,  res  249  H 
Smith,  J  B,  with  Albert  Kindler,  res  transient 
Smith,  J  B,  sup't  cemetery,  res  Thirty-fifth  and  S 
SniTH,  J.   H.,   (Smith  &  Pernie),  res  1168  Tenth 
Smith,  John,  carpenter,  res  103 1  Sixteenth 
Smith,  John  M,  clerk,  res  2108  Twelfth 
Smith,  John  T,  contractor,  res  602  Main,  cor  Thirty-first 
Smith,  Joseph  H,  res  1252  Seventh 
Smith,  Joseph,  res  719  Thirteenth 
Smith,  Joseph,  laborer,  438  Fifth 
Smithy  J  R,  deputy  collector  customs,  res  Tia  Juana 
Smith,  Kirk  E,  plumber,  res  744  Tenth 
Smith,  E  H,  jr,  second-hand  goods,  1440  E,  res  same 
Smith,   Mortimer,  capitalist,  res  254  Seventeenth 
Smith,  M  V,  miner,  res  1508  Arctic 


Smith,  OmerC,  (Smith  &  Williams),  res  cor  Twenty-fifth  and 

lyOgan  ave 
Smith,  Philip  N,  farmer,  res  218  Twelfth 
Smith,  Philip  N,  jr,  clerk,  res  218  Twelfth 
Smith,  P  C,  carpenter,  res  227  Milton  ave 
Smith,  Robert,  seaman,  res  1230  California 
Smith,  Robert  J,  clerk  with  W  H  Corder,  res  Montezuma 
Smith,  R  N,  clerk  Horace  Bradt,  res  1252  Seventh 
Smith,  R  P,  printer,  res  440  Milton  ave 

Smith,  S  C,  contractor  and  builder,  res  Third  and  Robinson 
SMITH,  SAnUEL  F.,    attorney-at-law    with   J  R    Aitken,  res 

924  Ninth 
Smith,  Simpson,  farmer,  res  1508  Logan  ave 
Smith,  S  S,  with  Land  and  Town  Co,  res  370  Twelfth  . 
Smith,  Teddy,  painter,  res  Arctic  and  Willow,  Middletown 
Smith,  T  K,  prop  Alhambra,  cor  Ninth  and  I 
SMITH,   WALTER  G.,  city  editor  Daily   Sun,  res  cor  Seventh 

and  C,   Coronado 
Smith,  Thomas,  laborer,  res  Horton  Hall 

Smith,  Truman  M,  fruit  grower,  Alpha  Grange,   D,  bet  Thirty- 
fourth  and  Thirty-fifth 
Smith,  Wesley,  (Smith  &  Bird),  res  Lafayette 
Smith,  Miss  Mattie,  res  635  Twenty -second 
Smith,  Mrs  Abbie,  res  cor  Twenty-eighth  and  Logan  ave 
Smith,  Mrs  B  H,  landlady  at  Tremont  house 
Smith,  Mrs  E  H,  nurse,  res  Leland 
Smith,  Mrs  F  M,  res  522  Boston  ave 
Smith,  Mrs  Mar3^  A,  res  1444  Third 
Smith,  Mrs  M  C  dressmaker,  1227  Fourth,  res  same 
Smithers,  Wm,  on  Manuel  Doublan,  res  cor  First  and  H 
Smithers,  Wmj  at  Fashion  stables,  res  cor  H  and  First 
Smock,  John  M,  railroader,  res  cor  Fourth  and  I 
Snedecor,  Isaac  D,  mechanic,  cor  Ninth  and  J 
Snedecor,  Samuel  A,  moulder,  res  cor  Ninth  and  J 
Sneed,  George,  laborer,  res  National  ave  and  Thirty-third 
Snider,  Charles,  barber,  res  726  Fifth 

SNIDER'S  MARKET,  W  N  Snider,  prop,  general  supplies    and 
poultry,  700  Sixth 


SNIDER,  W.  N.,  groceries,  poultry  and  fruit,  700  Sixth,  res  same 

Snider,  Mrs  Charles,  prop  Snider  blk,  726  Fifth 

Snyder,  John,  capitalist,  office  room  7  Snyder  blk,  res  1704  A 

Snipes,  Jos,  waiter  Botel  Florence 

5N0WFLAKE  BAKERY,  Tichenor  Bros  props.  Eighth  near  F 

Snyder,   Geo,  lawyer,  res  1845  First 

Snyder,  Mrs  Frances,  res  1242  Fourth 

Sodahl  COG,  driver  for  San  Diego  laundry,  res  1343  Columbia 

Solomon,  Jacob,  fruits,  cigars,  424  Fifth 

Sommers,  Miss  Emma,  with  Geo  J  Birkel,  res  Revere 

Sommers,  Miss  Florence,  dressmaker,  res  Revere 

Sommers  Miss  L,,  housekeeper,  res  1527  Third 

Sonnichsen,  Charles,  res  North  San  Diego 

50T0,  J.  M.,  law  broker  and  adviser  and  real  estate  dealer,   918 

Third,  res  Eighteenth  bet  B  and  C 
Southard,  Miss  Ada,  dressmaker,  res  Manor  house 
Southern  California  Breeders'  Association,  office  826  Sixth 
Southern  California  Investment  Co,  John  Ginty,  manager,  office 

under  Consolidated  Bank  bldg 

Southern  California  Printing  Co,  (F  H  Whaley)  938  D 

cor  Fourth  and  D 
SOUTHERN  PACIFIC  CO.,  G  H  McMillan  agent,  cor  Fifth  and  E 
SOUTHWEST  INSTITUTE,  Miss  E  F  Way  and  Miss  M  F  Kin- 
ney, 1809  Third  cor  Elm 
SOUTH  PACIFIC  NURSERIES,    A  D  Keith  &  Co  prop,  1419  F, 

yards  Ninth  and  G 
South  San  Diego  Co,    E  S  Babcock,  pres,   F  M  Gray,  vice-pres, 

1330  E 
Southwick,  Samuel,  miner,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  Oliver  ave 
Sparks,  A  A,  contractor,  res  iig  Twentieth 
Spaulding,  I,  E,  blacksmith,  res  734  Sixteenth 
Spears,  A  A,  gripman,  res  Sixth  and  Brookes 
Spears,  Geo  H,  printer  at  Sun  office,  res  1920  I 
SPEER,  HOWARD  V.,  (Geo  B  Watson  &  Co),  res  3154  I 
Spence,  S  R,  res  530  Julian  ave 


Spence,  Mrs  Ann,  boarding  house,    1044  Seventh 

Spence,  Miss  Maggie, ^1044  Seventh 

Spence  Miss  Grace,  res  1044  Seventh 

Spencer,  Geo,    Civil    engineer    with    Peninsular    Ry,  res  1429 

Spencer,  H  B,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence  hotel 

Spencer,  J  M,  retired,  res  1429  Second 

Spencer^  J  R,  Star  Dair5',  res  Thirty-second  and  R 

SPEYER,  L.,  dry  goods,  601  to  607  Fifth,  res  Eighth  and  C 

Spicer,  C  R,  retired,  res  415  lyOgan  ave 

Spiegel,  Mrs  C  F,  res  729  Beech 

Spileman,  A  B,  retired,  res  National    ave    bet    Twenty-seventh 

and  Twenty-eighth 
Spileman,    E    E,    inspector  of  cus:oms,    res    National    ave    bet 

Twenty-seventh  and  Twenty-eighth 
Spileman,  H  F,  student,  res  National    ave  bet    Twenty-seventh 

and  Twenty -eighth 
Spinks,  Geo  T,  janitor,  res  St  Elmo  hotel 
Sprague,  G  A,  painter,  room  12  State  house 
Sprecker,  Dr  Samuel,  retired  minister,  res  1269  Twelfth 
Sprecker,  Jas  G,  clerk  with    Havermale    and    Rossier,  res  Bon 

Ton  blk 
SPRECKELS  BROS,  COMHERCIALCO.,  John  D  Spreckelspres, 

E  S  Babcock  vice-pres,  Chas    T    Hinde,    manager,  sec  and 

trees,  warehouses,  wharf    and    coal    bunkers    at  foot  of  G, 

ofl&ce  Santa  Fe  wharf 
SPRECKELS,  JOHN  D.,  pres  Spreckels  Bros  commercial  Co,  res 

San  Francisco 
SPRIQQ  &  BARBER,  (Patterson    Sprigg,    Clarence  h  Barber), 

attomeys-at-law,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  E 
Sprigg,  C  D,  miner,  res    Horton  house 
SPRIGQ,  J.  C,  Jr.,  real  estate  loan  and  insurance,  cor  Sixth  and 

F,  res  1 817  First 
SPRIGQ,    PATTERSON,    [Sprigg    &    Barber],    res   Cuyamaca 

Springer,  A  C,  pres  Economy  Printing  Co,  res  1624  India 
Springer,  F  H,  with  Oscar  H  Hinters,  res  Sun  bldg 
Springer,  expressman,  res  Ash  bet  Eleventh  and  Twelfth 
Spurr,  Fred,  retorter,  S  D  Gas   Works 


Stack,  P  J,  lodging  house,  651  Third,  res  same 

Stack,  Mrs  H,  restaurant,  562  Fifth,  res  651  Third  , 

Staehli,  Miss  Elizabeth,  dressmaker,  res  1103  F 

Stagg,  George  T,  res  Eleventh  and  B 

STAHEL,  A,  (Boyd  &  Stahel),  res  621  Eighth 

Stalter,  Mrs  S,  res  922  Eighth 

Stalter,  John,  coachman,  res  cor  First  and  A 

Stanbaugh,  Wm  H,  laborer,  res  State  house,  1167  State 

STANDARD  IRON^ WORKS,   (Moses   Hughes,    Wm  Gehring, 

props),  general   foundry  and  machine   shop,    cor  Seventh 

and  ly 
STANDARD  OIL  CO.,  I    N    Richardson,    Manager,   wholesale 

coal  oil,  gasoline,   lubricating  oil,  white  lead,  etc,  foot  of 

Stanford,  H,  sawyer  and  planer,  res  California  and  Ivy 
STANNARD,  J.  B.,  architect,  826  Fifth,  res  North  San  Diego 
Stanovich,,  John,  prop  Hotel  D'Europe,  res  459  Fifth 
Stanton  &  Douglas,  (C  Q  Stanton,  T   J   Douglas),    real  estate, 

1420  E 
Stanton,  C    Q,  (Stanton    &    Douglas),    real    estate    res,     830 

Grant  ave 
STANTON,  H.  fl.,  real  estate  and  broker,  n  w  cor  E  and  Sixth, 

res  National  City 
Stanley,  J,  blacksmith,  522  Tenth 
Stansell,  L,  A,  steward,  cor  Twenty-sixth  and  J 
Stanton,  Miss  Hannah,  chambermaid  Hotel  Florence 
Starbird,  R  W,  electrician  with  F  S  Hartwell,  res  1340  Tenth 
Starbird,  S  B,  capitalist,  1340  Tenth 
Stark,  John,  carpenter,  res  North  San  Diego 
Stark,  N  J,  expressman,  res  Twenty-second  and  Julian  ave 
Starkweather,  A  D,  res  809  I^ogan  Ave 
Starr,  A  F,  res  cor  Second  and  Maple 
Starr,  George,  messenger  boy  W  U  Telegraph    Co,    res    Eighth 

and  J 
Starr,  J  H,  with  H  J  Hearst,  res  161 7  F 
Starr,  J  W,  dynamo  man  with  S  D  Elec  lyt  Co,  res  1930  K 
Starr,  I^ouis,  salesman  with    M   German,   res  Twenty-first  and 



Starr,  Miss  Isabell,  waitress  at  Vienna  restanrant,  res  1042  H 
Stayr,  Miss  I^illian,  res  Second  and  Maple 
Starr,  Mrs  Sarah,  furnished  rooms,  res  1042  H 
Startzman,  B,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel  * 

Stanffer,  Fred,  teamster,  cor  Arctic  and  A 
Stautz,  Conrad,  res  633  Kearney  ave 

STAYNER.  W.  H.,  asst  sec  Water  Commission,  res  849  Twenty- 
St  Chrles  Saloon,  [J  Anderson  and  Co],  433  Fifth 
St  Clair,  C  F,  with  A  I^evi,  res  same 
STEAD,  Q.  D.,  [GD  Stead  Soap  Co],  res  748  First 
Steadman,  James  S,  carpenter,  res  Cypress  and  Vermont 
Steadman,  Robt,  boatman,  res  1148  Union 

STEAD  SOAP  CO.,  manufacturers    of    toilet  and  laundry  soaps, 
and  dealers  in  caustic  soda,  sal  soda,    potash,  resin,  tallow, 
etc,  office  and  works  642  to  650  First 
Steauer,  Miss  Bessie,  waitress  at  Commercial  Restaurant 
Stebbins,  Mrs  A,  dressmaker,  res  629  Sixteenth 
Steck,  R  O,  carpenter,  res  715  Milton  ave  ' 

Steadman,  Chas  L,,  clerk  with  C  A  Chase,  res  1432  First 
Steadman,  Robt,  railroad  engineer,  res  842  Union 
Steel,  Mrs  M  A,  res  1230  Tenth 
Steer,  Joseph,  retired,  res  3720  N 
Stefanini,  Joseph,  res  cor  Tenth  and  Ash 
Steffey,  I^  H,  carpenter,  636  Sixth,  res  1853  India 
Steffey,  W  E,  locksmith,  636  Sixth,  res  1853  India 
Steinbaum,  Gus,  iron  moulder,  res  St  Elmo  house 
Steilbers,  Wm,  rancher,  res  668  Eleventh 
Steiner,  Ed,  carpenter,  res  713  Milton  ave 
Steimmetz,  M,  tailor,  res  513  Fourth 
St  Elmo  house,  J  A  Dodridge  prop,  cor  Second  and  H 
Stelzner  &  Kelley,  (O  Stelzner,  F  Kelley),  grocers,   cor  Sixth 

and  I 
Stelzner,  O,  (Stelzner  &  Kelley),  res  same 
ST.  ENCKEN,  CHARLES,  stenographer   and   typoscribe,  with 

George  Fuller,  res  1025  Eighth 
STENHOUSE  &  CO.,  printers  and  binders,  1033  Fourth 
STENHOUSE,  T.  B.  H.,  (Stenhouse  &  Co.)   res  Brewster 


STEPHENS  &  SON.,  (C  B  Stephens,  Fred  A  Stephens),  books, 
stationery,  notions,  art  and  fancy  goods,  Keating  blk,  8io 

STEPHENS,  C.  B.,  (Stephens  &  Son),  res  763  Eleventh 

Stephens,  David  H,  gas  fitter  with  J  S  Johnstone, 'res  743  Ninth 

Shephens,  Frank  A,  book-keeper  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  757 

STEPHENS,  FRED  A.,  (Stephens  &  Son),  res  730  Eleventh 

Stephan,  George,  fresco  painter,  res  426  Milton  ave 

Stephens,  O  Iv,  book-keeper  with  Consolidated  National  Bank, 
res  1807  Fourth 

Stephens,  Walter,  carpenter,  res  827  Milton  ave 

Stephens,  Mrs  A,  res  763  Eleventh 

Stephens,  Mrs  A  L,,  res  918  Eogan  ave 

Sterling,  Marcus,  civil  engineer  res  14 19  Ash 

Stern,  Mrs  S,  dressmaker,  the  Brunswick,  res  710  Milton  av 

Stern,  S  A,  res  710  Milton  ave 

Stern,  Miss  Mary,  music  teacher,  res  467  Twentieth 

Sternberg,  Mrs  J,  res  562  Eighteenth 

Sterne,  C  E,  machinist,  res  855  Union 

Sterne,  W,  druggist,  res  1240  Tenth 

STETSON,  C.  M.,  constable  and  collector,  1242  E,  res  434   13th 

Stetson;  H  J,  deputy  coroner,  1242  E,  res  cor  Seventh  and  I 

STEVENS,  C.  H.,  member  board  public  works,  real  estate  and 
loans,  951  Sixth,  res  1147  Twelfth 

STEVENS,  C.  M.,  general  auctioneer  and  furniture  dealer,  cor 
Sixth  and  H,  res  6^,^  Twenty-second 

STEVENS,  C.  W.,  prop  H  Street  livery  stable,  res  2345  H 

Stevens,  E  A,  res  Llewelyn  blk 

Stevens,  H  H,  res  1602  C 

STEVENS,  H.  J.,  (Wellborn,  Stevens  &  Wellborn)  res  Nation- 
al City 

STEVENS,  E.  R.,  druggist  and  groceries,  648  Lagan  ave,  res 
720  Lagan  ave 

Stevens,  Miss  B,  saleslady  with  A  M  Ingersoll,  res  Llewelyn  blk 

Stevens,  Miss  Maud,  res  1436  C 

Stevens,  Mrs  A  B,  res  2042  Fourth 

Stevens,  Mrs  L,  prop  of  Llewelyn  lodging  house,  726  Fifth 


Stewart,  C  K,  book-keeper  with  W  W  Stewart  &  Co,  res  317 

Stewart,  Daniel,  steward,  res  1305  First 

Stewart,  D,  salesman  at  lyion  Clothiers,  res  cor  First  and  A 

Stewart,  D  C,  retired,  res  601  Milton  ave 

Stewart,  E,  retired,  res  601  Milton  ave 

Stewart,  F  W,  real  estate  and  loans,  Pierce-Morse  blk,  res  s  e 
cor  Beech  and  Union 

Stewart,  G  Wing,  retired,  3242  K 

Stewart,  J  M,  capitalist,  res  Minneapolis 

Stewart,  T  J,  painter  and  paper  hanger,  256  Fifth 

Stewart,  W,  salesman  at  Ivion  Clothiers,  res  1305  First 

Stewart,  W  B,  druggist,  res  1723  F 

Stewart,  Wm  D,  clerk  at  I^ion  Clothiers,  res  1305  First 

Stewart,  W  M,  carpenter,  res  S  near  Thirty-fifth 

Stewart,  Wm,  cigar  maker  at  Sensenbrenners,  res  Richelieu 

Stewart,  Wm,  tinsmith,  res  M  near  Tenth 

STEWART  &  CO.,  W.  W.,  (W  W  Stewart),  wholesale  com- 
mission merchants,  cor  Fourth  and  K 

STEWART,  W.  W.,  (W  W  Stewart  &  Co),  res  636  E 

Stewart,  Miss  Belle,  res  636  E 

Stewart,  Miss  Mary,  636  E 

Stewart,  Miss,  res  1269  Twelfth 

Stewart,  Mrs  C  K,  dressmaker,  res  622  Eleventh 

Stewart,  Mrs  J,  res  North  San  Diego 

Stewart,  Mrs,  J  M,  prop  Minneapolis,  743  Seventh,  res  same 

Stewart,  Mrs  Nellie,  prop  Keystone  boarding  house,   943  Tenth 

Stewart,  Mrs  W  B,  dressmaker  1723  F 

Stibing,  W  H,  clerk  Mulver  &  Son,  res  1434  Second 

Stipp,  W  Z,  painter,  res  740  Thirteenth 

Stiles,  A  R,  teamster, 

Stiles,  Harvey  C,  res  the  Manvel 

Stiles,  H,  sales-clerk  with  Geo  W  Marstou,  res  930  Tenth 

Stiller,  Max,  grocer,  cor  Sixteenth  and  M,  reS  66  Sixteenth 

Stilwell,  E  M,  invalid,  res  2843  J 

St  James  Mission,  Episcopal,  Kearney  ave,  bet  Twenty-fifth  and 

St  Joseph's  Hospital,  University  ave  and  Sixth 


St  Nicholas  saloon,  M  Vallmer  prop,  D,  bet  Columbia  and  India 
Stocker,  Emil,  baker  at  Florence  Hotel,  res  cor  Fifth  and  Elm 
Stocking,  R  H,  student  with  A  D  Jordan,  res  Coronado 
Stockman,  Mrs  J  K,  Alburttus  Art  Emporium,  res  1435  E 
STOCKTON,  Dr.  T.  C,  (Drs  Stockton,    Valle  &  Northrup)   res 

933  Eleventh 
STOCKTON,  VALLE  &  NORTHRUP,  (T  C  Stockton,  C  C  Valle, 

D  B  Northrup),  physicians  and  surgeons,  726  Fifth 
Stockton,  Mrs  James,  res  3240  M 
Stockwell,  J  J,  poultry  dealer,  res  792  Milton  ave 
Stone  &  Parsons,  (Daniel  Stone,  A  Parsons),    props  Silver   Gate 

Fish  Co,  Atlantic  and  A 
Stokes,  Adolph,  farmer,  res  1517  Eogan  ave 
Stone,  A  B,  mechanic,  res  3247  E 
Stone,    Charles,   cook  count}^   hospital  and   poor   farm  Mission 

STONE,  CoL  DANIEL,  pres  Chamber  of  Commerce,  prop  Mon- 
tezuma Flats,  res  same 
Stone,  H  C,  assistant  postmaster,   res  2232  D 
STONE,  J.  B,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and  residence,    the 

Eangham,  n  w  cor  Fourth  and  C 
Stone,  M,  fisherman,  foot  of  Eighth 
Stone,  Wm  E,  res  756  Sixteenth 

Stone,  Miss  Kate  E,  teacher   Middletown  school,  res  1742   Fifth 
Stone,  Mrs  Chas,  cook  at  Co  Hospital    and  Poor  Farm,  Mission 

Stoner,  Wm,  (Kampling  &  Stoner),  res  cor  Fourth  and  G 
Storer,  Miss  F  E,  dressmaker,  1237  Fifth 
Storm,  Mrs  F  D,  res  952  Tenth 
Storms;  W  H,  with  S  D  Union,  res  1234  Fourth 
5T0RV  &  ISHAH  COMMERCIAL  CO.,    A    H  Isham   vice-pres 

and  mangr,  Edwin  A  Wells  sec'y 
5T0RY,  H.  L.,  president  Bates  Implement  Co,  res  cor  First  and  A 
Story,  Joseph,  res  Mission  Valley 
Story,  Miss  EiHie,  res  Mission  Valley 
Stough,  O  J,  capitalist,  res  2170  Fourth 

Stout,  Claude,  salesman  with  Schiller  &  Murtha,  res  1122  F 
Stover,  J  W,  K  bet  Twenty-fifth  and  Twenty-sixth 


Stowe,  John  P,  prop   Palace  saloon,  842  Fifth,  res  Metropolitan 

Stowe,  W  T,  retired,  res  Twenty-sixth  and  J 

STRAHLflANN    6c    CO.,    (K    Strahlmann,     F    Coppersmith), 

Druggists,  cor  Fourth  and  D 
STRAHLMANN,  E.,   (E  Strahlmann  &  Co),  res  cor  India  and 

STRATTON,  T.  M.,   (Milsom  &  Stratton),  res  cor  Twenty-sixth 

and  lyOgan  ave 
Stratton,  Miss  Sugie,  res  802  I^ogan  ave 
Straub,  Gustav,  shoemaker,  437  Fifth,  res  328  Ninth 
Strehle,  C  B,  fruit  stand,  cor  Fifth  and  L,,  res  51  Sixteenth 
Strength,  W  F,  groceries,    cor  Twenty-fifth  and  Franklin  ave, 

res  same 
Strode,  H,  carpenter,  662  Sixth,  res  Russ  house 
STRONG  &  ARMS,  (F  R  Strong,  M  D  Arms),  real  estate  and 

investment    brokers,     successors    to    Pacific    Coast    I^and 

bureau,  826  Fifth 
STRONG,  F.  R.,  (Strong  &  Arms),    res  Twenty-second  and  K 
Strong,  Mrs  L,  A,  res  3435  Iv 

STULTS,  C.  W.,  curtain  house,  824  Fifth,  res  137 1  Fifth 
Stuttz,  Fred  F,  manager   San    Diego    Bill    Posting  Co,  1016  D, 

res  1 152  First 
Stuttz,  J  E,  coal  and  wood,  foot  of  D,  res  Prescott  house 
Stuthman,  Henry,  with    Silver   Gate   bath   house,  res  Twenty- 
second  and  Newton 
Succetti,  Jacob  stonemason,  res  226  Milton  ave 
Sud  California  Deutsche  Zeitung,    C    F    Kamman,  editor   and 

proprietor,  764  Fourth 
Sullivan,  A  C,  printer   on    San    Diego   County  Advertiser,  res 

1 1 54  Fourteenth 
Sullivan,  E  N,   publisher   and   proprietor   San    Diego    County 

Advertiser,  res  2243  B 
Sullivan,  E  R,  carpenter,  res  1154  Fourteenth 
Sullivan,  Irving  L,,  letter  carrier,  res  1145  Fourteenth 
Sullivan,  James,  tailor,  res  701  A 
SULLIVAN,  T.  J.,  tailor,  1144  Fourth,  res  2138  E 
Sullivan,  Miss  Mary,  at  lyiquid  Fuel  Lunch  room,  res  same 
Sullivan,  Mrs  N  V,  millinery,  822  Fifth,  res  1421  Fourth 


Summers,  Jacob,  carpenter,  res  1922  F 

SUN  BUILDING,  furnished  rooms,  Oscar  H  Hinters,  922  Fourth 
SUN  CO.,  THE,   Sun  building,  Fourth  bet  D  and  E 
Sunnucks,  M  D,  deputy  City  Assessor,  res  cor  Seventh  and  N 
SUNNYSIDE   NURSERY,  nursery  in  Sweetwater  valley,   M  E 

Phinney,  prop,  yard  cor  Ninth  and  F 

son.  manager,  813  Fifth 
SUPERIOR  COURT  COMMISSIONER,  J  S  Callen,  Lawyer's  blk 
Suplee,  L  M,  res  1144  Grape 
Supple,  John  R,  boat  builder,  res  10  Ash 
Surr,  Joseph,  member  Board  of  Education,  res  1231  Front 
Sutton,  W  A,  clerk  with  Remy  &  Co,  res  11 34  Fourth 
Swa,  Cain,  janitor,  757  Union 

Swail,  expressman,  res  G  bet  Fourteenth  and  Fifteenth 

Swan,  Alf   L,  bar   tender  for  Joe  Goldthorpe,  res  cor  Eleventh 

and  A 
Swan,  W  W,  carpenter,  res  857  Third 
Swanseh,  A  G,  carpenter,  res  810  Grant  ave 
Swansen,    Isaac,    janitor   at    Consolidated    National   bank,    res 

Twenty-seventh  and  D 
SWAYNE,   E.  J.,  general  manager  California  Mortgage,  Loan 

and  Trust  Co,  res  t^aradise  valley 
Swayne,  Mrs  T  J,  music  teacher,  928  Sixth,  res  Paradise  valley 
Sweeney,  H,  retired  U  S  army  captain,  res  2129  State 
Sweeney,  John,  steamboat  fireman,  res  540  Union 
Sweeney,  J  P,  res  627  G 

Sweeney,  Mrs  Mary,  chambermaid.  Hotel  Florence 
SWEET,  Mrs.  A.  F.,  (Slocum  &  Sweet),  res  11 20  Fourth 
Sweet,  A  H,  attorney-at-law,  18-19  -Pirst    National   Bank   bldg, 

res  s  e  cor  Eleventh  and  E 
Sweet,  E  E,  laborer,  res  3416  L 

Sweeting,  Sanford  M,  carringe  maker,  res  1419  Second 
SWEETWATER  NURSERY  CO.,  J  T  Gordon  prest,  H  M  Cherry 

secy,  G  W  Hawkins  Treas,  cor  Eighth  and  F 
Switzer,  ED,  furnished  rooms,  1267  Fourth,  res  same 
Switzer,  S  W,  lawyer,  res  125  National  ave 

206  SAN    DIEGO    CITY   DIRECTORY.     • 

Switzer,  Miss  Mattie,  clerk  at  Havermale  &  Rossiers,    res    1267 

Swore,  Cain,  bootblack,  res  757  Union 
Syford,  Mrs  Minnie,  dressmaker,  res  1160  First 
Symonds,  Miss  lyillie,  res  644  Harrison  ave 
Symons,  Thomas,  teamster,  res  Twenty-second  and  Oliver  ave 
Syalinski,  A,  carpenter  and  builder,  res  Arctic  and  Juniper 


TALBOT,  J.  H.,  jobber  of  cigars,  1038-1040  Fifth,  res  944  Seventh 
TALCOTT,  H.  W.,  attorney-at-law,  20  Brunswick,  cor  Fifth  and 

D,  res  cor  Thirty-seventh  and  T 
Tallman,  Robt,  lather,  res  cor  Thirty-third,  and  National  ave 
Tandy,  Dr  G  G,  soap  maker,  res  1757  State 
Tanner,  L,  A,  res  2240  D 
Tantau,  Geo  D,  packer  of  fish,  packing  house  at   Roseville,    res 

864  Front 
Tarbaugh,  G  A,  with  Pacific  Transfer  Co,  res  721  Twelfth 
Tarbell,  Mrs  K  A,  res  33  Fifteenth  , 
Tarkelson,  Sigreid,  chambermaid  Horton  house 
Tartt,  J  J,  student,  res  541  Seventeenth 
Tartt,  T  M,  carpenter,  res  541  Seventeenth 
Tassaro,  Chas,  res  354  Sixth 

Tatrean,  J  B,  blacksmith.  Standard  Iron  works,  res  312  Logan  av 
Taylor,  Arch,  with  G  W  Taylor,  rooms  at  Albemarle 
Taylor,  Capt  F  B,  retired  army  officer,  res  2232  B 
Taylor,  E  T,  salesman  with  J  S  Mumford,  res  934  Ash 
Taylor,  George,  plumber,  res  744  Fifteenth 
Taylor,  George,  teamster  with  J  D  Palmer  &  Son,  res  cor  Third 

and  B 
TAYLOR,  Q.  W.,  wholesale  wines  and  liquors,  927  Fourth,  res 

Cuyamaca  Club 
Taylor,  H,  assistant  engineer  Cable  Co,  res  Cable  hotel 
TAYLOR,  J.  H.,  with  San  Diego   Tent    and    Awning    Co,  565 

Fifth,  res  724  Irving  ave 


Taylor,  James  W,  carpenter,  res  934  Tenth 

Taylor,  R,  sailor,  foot  of  Seventh 

TAYLOR,  R.  W.,  attorney-at-law,  Plaza  Palace,  res  928  F 

Taylor,  T  J,  baggageman,  S  D  and   Cor  Transfer   Co,  res  New 

Taylor,  Wm,  res  846  Ninth 
Taylor,  Miss  I^ucy,  res  724  Irving  ave 
Taylor,  Miss  H  B,  massauge  treatment,  res  919  Eighth 
Taylor,  Miss  Jennie,    res  532  Front 
Taylor,  Mrs  Mary  A,  cor  Eleventh  and  A 
TAYLOR,  MRS.  R.  W.,  assistant  prin.  S  D  Business  College, 

res  cor  Front  and  F 
Taylor,  Mrs  W  B,  dressmaker,  res  1146  Fourth 
Teal,  E  S,  musician,  1150  Atlantic 
TEBBUTT,  E.  W^  (Gray  &  Co,)  res  539  Fourth 
Teggart,  Charles,  with    Cliff  &  Co,  546  Sixth,    res  Twentieth 

and  E 
Teggart,  W  H,  res  Tenth,  bet  B  and  C 
Telson,  Mrs  M  K,  physician   and  surgeon,  office  and  res    1241 

Terrill,  F  A,  bbok-keeper  and  collector,   1429  E,  res  Brunswick 
Terrill,  S  S,  salesman  for  M  Cerman,  res  133  National  ave 
Terry,  Geo  W,  with  Johnson  &  Co,  res  Tenth  bet  H  and  I 
Terry,  Mr,  res  Mission  Valley 

Terr}^,  W  W,  carpenter  and  builder,  res  546  Tenth 
Tetley,  T,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel 
THE  FASHION  LIVERY  STABLE,  H  P  Burns  prop,  cor  I^irst 

and  H 
Thelin,  A  G,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  U,  bet   Thirtieth  and 

Thelin,  O,  boots  and  shoes,  744  Fifth,  res  527  U 
THE  WINE  ROOM,  A  L  Myers  &  Co  props,  H,  bet  Fifth   and 

Thielen,  J,  contractor  and  builder,  res  517  Milton  ave 
Thieme,  A  F,  with  M  F  Thieme,  res  1336  Union 
Thime,  Chas  B,  mail  carrier,  res  12 18  Twenty-sixth 
Thieme,  M  F,  harness  maker,  13 15  F,  res  1336  Union 
Thieme,  M  O,  driver  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  1337  Union 


Thivault,  W  F,  laborer,  res  1321  Fourth 

THOn,  JOHN,    attorney-at-law,    room    15,     767   Fifth,  res  727 

Thorn,  Wm,  abstractor,  res  s  e  cor  Second  and  Beech 
Thoma,  Jose,  fisherman,  res  Roseville 
Thoman,  John  A,  res  2043  Fourth 
Thomas,  A  A,  fruit  grower,  res  D,  ex-Mission 
THOMAS,  FRANK  E.,  prop  Uquid  Fuel  Lunch  Room   1622  F, 

res  same 
Thomas,  H  H,  probate  clerk  with  county  clerk,  res  1913  F,  cor 

Thomas,  J  A,  deput}'  county  recorder,  res  J,  bet  Ninteenth  and 

THOHAS,  J.  R.,  broker,  966  Sixth,  res  Twelfth,  near  D 
THOMAS,  R.  A.,  gen  manager  Kscondido  I^and  and  Town   Co, 

and  business  manager  Cherecahua  Cattle  Co,  res  cor  Tenth 

and  D 
Thomas,  Sidney,  retired  attorney,  res  Fourth  cor  Palm 
Thomas,  Smith,  livery  stable.  Seventh  bet  H  and  I,  res  2223  H 
Thomas,  Thos,  laborer.  Third  bet  H  and  I 
THOHAS,  W.  W.,  (Escondido  I.and  &Town  Co),  res  at  hotel 

at  Escondido 
Thomas,  Z  S,  res  Fourth  and  Palm 
Thomas,  Miss  Pearle,  res  Fourth  and  Palm 
Thomas,  Mrs  M  F,  teacher  Sherman  Heights  school 
Thompson  &  McDowell,    (F   C   Thompson,    S  A    McDowell), 

-wagon    manufacturers,  515-533  Sixth 
Thompson,  A  S,  carpenter,  res  1027  Sixteenth 
Thompson,  Bert,  painter,  res  568  Tenth 
THOMPSON,  CAREY  W.,  prest  San  Diego  Drug  Co,  Fifth  and 

D,    res  1 146  Cedar 
Thompson,  C  D,  oiler  on  Cable  road,  res  Olive  ave  near  Vermont 
Thompson,  Chas,  watchmaker  with  M  W  Jenks,  res  at  Lafayette 
THOriPSON,  CHESTER  W.,  clerk  board  of  /Supervisors,   court 

house,  res  Eleventh  and  G 
Thompson,  D  E,  prop  Sierra  house,  cor  Eighth  and  K 
Thompson,  F  C,  (Thompson  &  McDowell),  res  Tenth  and  H 
Thompson,  Geo,  laborer,  res  2437  F 


Thompson,  J  W,  steel  worker  with  F  E  Davis,  res   cor   Second 

THOMPSON,  J.  W.,  manager  Sunset  Telephone    &   Telegraph 

Cos,  res  1457  Fourth 
Thompson,  W,  hostler  Diamond  Carriage  Co,  res  Adelphi 
Thompson,  Wm,  carpenter,  res  Atlantic  and  B 
Thompson,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  night  operator  at   central  telephone 

office,  res  near  Bay  View 
Thompson  rancher,  res  2525  I 
Thompson,  Miss  Irene,  res  Adelphi  house 
Thompson,  Miss  011a,  with  Coronado  restaurant 
Thompson,  Mrs  A,  prop  Adelphi  house,  1023  Front 
Thompson,  Mrs  E,  res  Thirtieth  and  J 
Thompson,  Mrs,  res  Allyn  blk 
Thomson,  H  N,  contractor,  151  Fifteenth 
Thomson,  Miss  Estelle,  literary  writer,  res  824  Tenth 
Thomson,  Mrs  P  D,  res  824  Tenth 
Thornburgh,  A  M,  real  estate,  res  742  Third 
Thornburg,  W  D,  stableman  at  Kansas  stable,  res  at  stable 
Thornburg,  W  W,  res  cor  Eleventh  and  A 
Thorndike,  A  W,  second  hand  goods,  res  656  Twenty-second 
Thorndike,  A  W  &  M  W,  second  hand  goods,  651-57  Sixth 
Thorndike,  M  W,  second  hand  goods,  726  Seventh 
Thorp,  A  A,  groceries,  cor  State  and  A,  res  same    ' 
Thorpe,  E  C,  contractor,  res  Pacific  Beach 
THORP,  M.    R.,  attorn ey-at-law,  room  14  Pierce-Morse  blk,  res. 

n  w  cor  Sixth  and  Ash 
Thorson,  E  H,  clerk  J  Price,  res  1443  Maple 
Thorson,  H,  banker,  res  1443  Maple  cor  Sixth 
Thoustrup,  J  A  E,  book-keeper  with  Klauber  &  Eevi,  res  Second 

and  Ivy 
Thresher,  Arthur  W,  assistant  janitor  at  court  house,    res    1228 

Thresher,  Mrs  Isabel  A,  stenographer   with   county    clerk,   res 

Pacific  Beach 
Thurman,  John,  capitalist,  res  40  Manvel 
Thurnes,  Mathias,  street  car  driver,  res  1429  Union 
Tibbals,  J  H,  carpenter,  res  3422  I 


Tibbals,  W  ly,  carpenter,  res  3422  I 

Tibbits  J  H,  watchmaker  and  jeweler,  510  Fourteenth,  res  2240 

Tibbitts,  Mrs  I/izzie,  bakery,  res  721  Grand  ave 
TICHENOR  BROS.,  (B  D  and  N  D  Tichenor),  props  Snowflake 

Bakery,  Eighth  near  F 
TICHENOR,  E.  D.,  (Tichenor  Bros),  res  at  bakery 
TICHENOR,   N.   D.,   (Tichenor  Bros),  res  at  bakery 
Tichborne,  Miss  Sadie,  dressmaker,  res  2350  K 
Tichborne,  Mrs  M  J,  dressmaker,  2350  K 
Tierman,  Mrs  C,  res  1118  C 

Tierny,  Miss  lyizzie,   dressmaker,  res  1133  Third    ; 
Tiffany,  J  N,  with  Thompson  and  McDowell,  res  521  Eighth 
Tighe,  Thomas,  res  1503  State 
Tilman,  Robert,  res  703  Twelfth 

Tinker,  W  H,  deputy  county  surveyor,  res  Coronado 
Tipping,  Mrs  M,  res  cor  Ninth  and  H 
TIRRELL,  W.  Q.,  rancher,  res  the  Revere,    11 26  Fourth 
Tischer,  Edward,  with  Model  steam  I^aundry,  res  Woolman  ave, 

bet  Thirty-first  and  Thirty-second 
Tischer  J  J,  carpenter,  res  R  and  Thirty-second 
TITUS,  HARRY  L.,  (Gibson  &  Titus),  res  1520  Cedar      ■ 
Titus,  Nat  R,  stenographer  and  notary  public,   with  Gibson   & 

Titus,  res  660  Eleventh 
Tobey,  Edward  A,  res  cor  Columbia  and  F 
TODD  &  HAWLEY,  (C  D  Todd,  G  M  Hawley),  wholesale  and 

retail  hardware,    iron  and  steel,    agricultural   implements, 

blacksmith's  and  wagon   maker's  supplies,   658    Fifth  and 

cor  Fourth  and'G 
TODD,  C.  D.,  (Todd  &  Hawley),  res  831  Ninth 
Todd,  S  H,  res  Cleveland  ave,  University  heights 
Todd,  Miss  Aurora  H,  teacher  B-street  school 
TOLES,  JERRY,  vice-pres  First   Nat'l  Bank,  res  Second  and 

TOMPKINS  &  CO,   (W  F  Tompkins),  gen  insurance,  agt    Mass 

Mutual  Ufe  Ins  Co,  rooms  7  and  8,  Bancroft  bldg,  cor  Fifth 

and  G 
Tompkins,  C  T,  carpenter,  res  443  Eighth 


TOMPKINS,  W.  F.,   (Tompkins  &  Co),  res  708  K 

Tompkins,   Mrs  Mary    A,   proprietress   the   Lafayette   Lodging 

house,  1 615  D 
TompvSon,  C,  trackman,  University  Heights 
Toms,  Web,  night  operator  S  C  Ry,  rooms  at  depot 
Tonenie,  Chas,  dairyman,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Tordeu,  Henry,  plumber,  res  Eleventh  and  F 
TORRANCE,   E.  S.,  judge  superior  court,  dep't  i,  res  Second 

and  Juniper 
Torres,  Jose  R,  with  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  Union  and  K 
Torson,  S,  laborer,  res  California,  bet  D  and  E 
Touchett,  Albert,  engineer,  res  cor  Union  and  Ash 
Touhy,  Martin,  laborer,  532  Fifteenth 
TOWER  H0U5E,  Mrs  B  Kiessig,   lodging  house,   cor  Fourth 

and  F 
Townsend,  Mrs  H,  dressmaker,  res  315  Tenth 
Tracy,  John,  longshoreman,  res  Horton  engine  house 
Trask,  res  1646  Front 

Travis,  G  W,  mfg  jeweler,  res  1342    Seventh 
Treachy,  J,  core  maker  with  Stand  Iron  Works,  Seventh  and  L, 
Treanor,  Alfred  B,  blacksmith,  res  343  Tenth 
Treanor,  C  A,  cashier  with  Russ    Lumber    &    Mill  Co,  res  343 

Treanor,  Mrs  G  W,  res  343  Tenth 

Treanor,  Miss  Emma,  clerk  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  343  Tenth 
Treanor,  Miss  Kate  C,  stenographer,  res  343  Tenth 
TREAT,  H.  C,  (H  C  Treat  &  Co),  res  cor  First  and  Walnut 
TREAT,   H.  C.  &CO.,  (H   C  Treat,    F   P    White),    wholesale 

commission  merchants,  336  to  342  Fifth 
Tremont  Lodging  House,  Mrs  B  H  Smith  prop,   1036  Third 
Trenouth,  Miss  M  J,     fashionable    dressmaker,    the    Royal  cor 

Fourth  and  B,  res  same 
Trice,  Mrs  Dr,  res  854  Tenth 
TRIHBLE,  MRS.  fl.  fl.,  the  Willard,  res  same 
TRIPPET  &  NEALE,(Oscar  ATrippet,  Harry  J  Neale)  attorneys- 

at-law,  827  D  opposite  Court  House 
TRIPPET,  OSCAR  A.,  (Trippet  &  Neale),    res    Cuyamaca  Club' 
Trohela,  Guardloupe,  gardener,  res  cor  Fourth  and  Maple 


Tropical  Bath  House,  A  Pape  prop,  137  Atlantic  foot  of  D 
Trotter,  Chas,  bell  boy  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Trotter,  Thos,  second  porter  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Troupe,  Wm,  waiter  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Trousclair,  G  M,  whitewashing,  kalsomining,  also  house-clean- 
ing, carpets  cleaned  and  put    down,     1442  H,  res  cor  I  and 

Troy,  M  C,  blacksmith.  Sixth  iaet  H    and  I,  res  629  Thirteenth 
True,  F  H,  res  3229  J 
TUCKER,  J.  Z.,  attorney-at-law    and    notary    public,    room    2 

Morse- Whaley-Dalton  blk,  res  cor   Second  and  Brookes 
Tuckey,  A  W,  saloon,  207  H,  res  same 
TUJAQUE,  MRS.  fl.  F.,  prop  Girard  launch  Room,  1433  F,  res 

Tuller,  Mrs  May  ly,  res  437  Nineteenth 
TULLOCH,  JOHN  W.,  manager    S    D    Dist    Tel  Co,  res  Hotel 

TUPPER  &  PHILLIP5,  (A  C  Tapper,  Mrs  M  E  PhiUips),  A  C 

Tupper  business  manager,  confectionery  and  ice  cream,  853 

TUPPER,  A.  C,  manager  for  Tupper  &  Phillips,  res  same  . 
Turf,  The,  saloon,  cor  Fourth  and  J 
Turkish  Baths,  Chas  E  Sandell  prop,  1037  Seventh 
Turner,  A  M,  boarding  house,  res  1036  Seventh 
Turner,  Chas  A,  salesman  with  Thos  M  Godfrey,  res  11 39  Front 
TURNER,  C.  H.  &  SON,  (Calvin  H    and    Marcus  C),  wholesale 

and  retail  furniture    dealers    and    manufacturers,    n  w  cor 

Sixth  and  D 
TURNER,  CALVIN  H.,  (C  H  Turner  &  Son),    res  n  e  cor  Tenth 

and  D 
TURNER,   E.  H.,  Elite  Studio,  rooms  5,  6,  7  and  9,    767    Fifth, 

Res  Kline  blk 
Turner,  J  C,  res  315  Main 

TURNER,  MARCU5  C,  (C  H  Turner  &  Son),  res  1058  Second 
Turner,  T  M.,  real  estate,  res  1139  Front 
Turner,  Miss  lyillie,  res  1036  Seventh 

Tnrner,  Mrs  E,  dressmaker,  35  Bon  Ton  blk,  res  713  Second 
Turner,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  furnished  rooms,  736  Seventh,  res  same 


Turnverein,  1018  D 

Tuttle,  F  N,  compositor  Daily  San  Diegan,  res  cor  Twenty- 
sixth  and  G 

Tuttle,  G  S,  barber  shop,  466  Fifth,  res  Santa  Clara  house 

Twambly,  C  W,  carpenter,  res  1157  Third 

Tweed,  Frank,  teamster  with  Russ  lyumber  Co,  res  669  G 

Tweed,  Geo  W,  Diamond  livery  stable,  res  221  L^ogan  ave 

Tweed,  W  J,  teamster,  res  869  Union 

Tweed,  Mrs  Mary,  res  221  I^ogan  ave 

Twenty-second  District  Agricultural  Fair,  G  M  Dannals  sec'y, 
office  826  Sixth 

Tyler,  Chaplin  G,  clerk  city  board  of  education,  res  1744  First 

TYLER,  Q.  W.,  prop  San  Diego  Poultry  Co,  Fourth,  adjoining 
Fisher's  Opera  House,  res  845  Eleventh 

Tyler,  L  O,  vocal  student,  928  Sixth,  res  same 

Tyler,  W  R,  farmer,  res  643  Seventeenth 

Tyerman,  Wm,  stair  builder,  India  St  Planing  Mill,  res  Nine- 
teenth, bet  M  and  N 

Tyler,  J  H,  retired,  res  522  National  ave 

Tyson,  J  P,  watchman  Santa  Fe  wharf,  res  National  City 

Tyson,  M  J,  foreman  Spreckels'  wharf,  res  A  ave,  cor  Eighth, 


Ubach,  Rev  Father  AD,  pastor  St  Joseph   Catholic  church,  res 

1527  Third 
Uber,  Wm  R,  collector,  res  828   Union 
Uccione,  G  G,  barber  shop,  408  Fifth 
Uelzen,  Henry,  fruit  dealer,  res  520  State 
Ulrich,  Frank,  tailor,  res  1729  India 
Ulrick,  Mrs  I  C,  furnished  rooms,  868  Third 
Ulrick,  W  J,  horticulturist,  res  1030  Fifteenth 
Umbdenstock,  David  jr,  res  Twenty-fifth  and  Franklin  ave 
Umbdenstock,  John,    messenger    with    W    U    Tel    Co,  res  cor 

Twenty-fifth  and  Franklin  ave 


Union  House,  Cowles  Bros  prop,  Seventh  and  I 

UNION,  THE,  daily  and  weekly,  Thos  Gardiner  manager,  933 

UNION  ICE  CO.,  Geo  R  Harrison  agt,  California  bet  E  and  F 

Union  lyivery  Stable,  J  E  Brophy  manager,  933  Second 

Union  Mission,  India  and  C 

Unitarian  Church,  cor  F  and  Tenth 

UNITED  INVESTMENT  CO.,  Hosmer  P  McKoon  pres,  W  H 
Kitto  sec'y,  1055  Fifth 

Upham,  Mrs  A  R,  res  230  Boston  ave 

Upton,  Ray,  night  watch  at  Commercial  hotel 

URBAN,  GEO.  A.  L.,  groceries,  hay,  grain  and  coal,  cor  Six- 
teenth and  K,  res  same 

Urey,  Mrs  Mary,  res  Arctic 

Urquhart,  John  G,  res  foot  of  Fir 

UTLEY,  H.  S.,  attorney-at-law,  14  Eawyer's  blk,  res  cor  Twenty 
seventh  and  Irving  ave 

VALLE,  Dr.  C.  C,  (Stockton,  Valle  &  Northrnp),  res  1723  First 

Valliner,  M,  prop  St  Nicholas  Saloon,  D  bet  Columbia  and  India 
res  same 

Vallin,  Chas,  laborer,  res  632  Julian  ave 

Vance,  Drury,  res  Twelfth  bet  F  and  G 

Vance,  U  M,  manager  B  B  and  B  restaurant,    res  1050  Fifth 

Vancostel,  Joseph,  retired  soldier,  res  1225  Second 

Vanclain,  John  A  P,  machinist  and  engineer,  res  1108  Cedar 

Vandenburg,  Nathan,  laborer,  res  335  Boston  ave 

Vandervate,  Jacob,  ass't  janitor  at  court  house,  res  at  court  house 

Vanderveer,  Mrs  Uottie,  res  405  Fourth 

Vanice,  V  G,  painter,  res  1234  California 

Vansant,  R  H,  druggist  with  F  W,  Braun  &  Co,  res  941  D 

Van  Arman,  Mrs  J,  res  2004  Fourth 

Van  Dyke,  Bert,  with  S  D  Beef  &  Packing  Co,  res  Fifth  bet  E 
and  F 

Van  Dyke,  T  S,  capitalist  and  author,  res  22  Snyder  blk 

Van  Hagan,  Miss  Meta,  with  Model  Laundry,   res  Tenth  and  K 

Van  Hagen,  Miss  Sadie,  with  Model  Uaundry,  res  Tenth  and  K 

VAN  HAREN,  F.  E.,  [Knox  &  Van  Haren],  res  cor  Twenty- 
fifth  and  Kearney  ave 


Van  Horn,  AM,  res  848  Fourth 

Van  Horn,  Mrs  Mary  B,  res  848  Fourth 

Van  Horn,  V,  cigar  maker,  res  Victoria  hotel 

Van  Houten,  F  K,  dep  county  tax  collector,  res  234  Sixteenth 

Van  Huebner,  CH,  clerk  with  M  V  Carroll,  res  755  Fourteenth 

Van  Huebner,  E,  res  755   Fourteenth 

Van  Loan,  Richard,  capt  Salvation  Army,  res  1352  First 

Van  lyowenlels,  Miss,  teacher  of  languages  and  music,  1005  F 

VAN  NORMAN  &  McCONKEY,    [E    V   Van  Norman,  T  G  Mc- 

Conkey],  physicians  and  surgeons,  Sixth  and  C 
VAN  NORMAN,  E.  v.,  [Van    Norman    &    McConkey],   res  cor 

Fifth  and  Maple 
Van  Zandt,  J  M,  clerk  with    Havermale    and    Rossier,  res  1557 

Van  Buskirk,  Mrs  D,  millinery,  4421  D 

Vaugh,  Miss  Nellie,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  Tremont  house 
Vaughan,  R  W,  horticulturist,  res  370  Twelfth 
Vesey,  Ernest,  res  Mission  Valley 
Vesey,  Geo,  res  Mission  Valley 
Vesey,  Miss  Annie,  res  Mission  Valley 
VERDE  ANTIQUE  MARBLE  CO.,    Geo    K  Phillips  secy,  room 

15  Consolidated  Bank  bldg  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Verdnos,  Mrs  Marion,  res  North  San  Diego 
Vergon,  James,  res  634  Newton  ave 
Verhoven,  M,  res  Mission  Valley 

Verlaque,  A  J,  [J  Q  Hedges  &  Co],  res  129  Twentieth 
Verlaque,  T  res  1615  Fifth 
Venary,  G,  res  109  Fifteenth 

Vernon,  Frank,  longshoreman,  res  914  Columbia 
VERNON,  J.,  merchant  tailor,  1327  E  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth,  res 

Blaine  and  University  ave,  University  Heights 
Vestal,  W  L,  customs  inspector,  res  1742  Fifth 
Victoria  Hotel,  Chas  Henka  prop,  11 16  to  1122  D 
Victoria  Saloon,  Fred  Haarde  prop,  1122  D 
Vidal,     Charles    P,    watchman    Cuyamaca   warehouse,     res    66 

Vidal,  A,  deputy  constable,  res  Cedar  and  California 
Vidal,  R,  res  2330  K 


VIDOLIN,  NICK  J.,  prop  California  Fish  Market,   res  cor  Cedar 

and  Twelfth 
VIENNA  MODEL    BAKERY,    I,ouis   Glass  prop,    cor  Fourth 

and  F 
Vigneron,  George,  prop  Maison  Riche,  res  same 
Vigneron,  Mrs  J  T,  prop  Maison  Riche,  res  same 
Villa,  F  J,  harness  and  saddlery,  919  Sixth,  res  1063  Seventh 
Villerino,  Mrs  Pauline,  dressmaker,  res  1251  Columbia 
Vincent,  H  W,  printer,  Union  office,  1128  Fourteenth 
Vincent,  M  A,  salesman  J  S  Mumford,  res  1909  India 
Vinlay,  Peter,  laborer,  res  Sixteenth  and  Milton  ave 
Vincent,  Mrs,  res  North  San  Diego 
Virden,  Miss  lyou,  teacher  Russ  school 
Viscaro,  Amelia,  painter,  932  First 
Vogel,  Otto,  bartender  with  J  R  Seifert,  res  Ash,  bet  State  and 

Voight,  Miss  Minnie,  clerk  White  House,  res  Fourteenth,  bet 

VOIQT,  MISS  SUSIE,  teacher  of    piano   Southwest  Institute, 

res  at  Institute 
Voigt,  Mrs  B,  res  736  Fourteenth 
Volkmer,  E,  chief  cook  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 


WADE,  GEORGE,  (I^eonard  &  Wade),    res  Fourteenth,  bet  I 

and  J 
Wade,  J  R,  contractor,  res  1427  Front 
WADHAM,  JAflES  E.,  attorney-at-law,   rooms   7  and   8  First 

National  Bank  bldg,  res'cor  Sixteenth  and  C 
Wadham,  James  F,  farmer,  n  e  cor  Sixteenth  and  C 
Wadsworth,  F  O,  fruitgrower  and  president  Jamacha  Irrigation 

Dist,  res  Marilou  Park,  North  Chollas  Valley,  Elcajon  road 
Wadsworth,  Mrs  Olive  H,    res    Marilou    Park,    North    Chollas 

Wagner,  C  E  F,  book-keeper,  res  433  Sixth 


WAGNER,  HARR,  county  supt  of  schools,  res  cor  Walnut  and 

WAGNER,  MADGE    MORRIS,    editor    Golden    Era,    res    cor 

Walnut  and  Albatros 
Wagner,  W  J,  breeder  of  fancy  chickens,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Wagner,  Mrs  E,  res  2969  Fifth 
Waidmann,  Miss  Nellie,  res  1630  E 

Waide,  James,  (Mertzman  &  Waide),  res  Tenth  and  H 
Waite,  C  B,  photographer,  res  944  Ash 
Waite,  F  D,  city  editor  Daily   San    Diegan,    res   cor   Thirtieth 

and  D 
Waitneight,  Miss  E  V,  teacher  Russ  school 
Walcott,  A  P,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  1161  Second 
Waldum,  Charles,  sailor,  res  foot  of  India 

Waldens,  Miss  I^aura  E,  res  Marilou  Park,  north  Chollas  valley 
WALKER,  F.  B.,  San  Diego  Printing  Co,  res  cor  Twenty-sixth 

and  Irviilg  ave 
Walker,  C  D,  machinist,  res  822  Cedar 
Walker,  F  L,,  gas  fitter,  res  748  Eleventh 
Walker,  J  H,  plasterer,  res  1229  Logan  ave 
Walker,  Miss  Mary,  assistant  librarian,  res  541  Twentieth 
Walker,  Miss  M  E,  res  541  Twentieth 
Walker,  Mrs  Nancy,  res  669  Front 
Walker,  Mrs  M  E,  res  541  Twentieth  ■• 

Wall,  H  I^,  teamster,  San  Diego 
Wallj  Ike,  with  W  Jereslaw,  res  1157  Ninth 
Wallace,  A  O,  res  1144  Front 

Wallace,  C  A,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  1 144  Front 
Wallace,  Frank  X,  with  Point    I^oma   Packing   Co,    res   Sixth 

and  B 
Wallace  P  J,  res  168  Twenty-first 

Wallace,  Rev  R  G,  pastor  First  United  Presb  church,  res  2894  F 
Wallace,  Richard,  oyster  cafe,  842  Fifth,  res  1228  Sixth 
Wallace,  Miss  Juliette,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,   res 

934  Tenth 
Wallace,  Mrs  M  A,  res  1228  Sixth 
Wallace,  Mrs  A  J,  res  1228  Sixth 
Wallach,  D,  capitalist,  1028  Ninth 

2l8  SAN    ]:)IEGO    CITY    DIRECTORY. 

Walley,  res  760  Kleventh 

WALMER,  J.,  real  estate,  Coronado  property  a  specialty,   1446 

E,  cor  Sixth,  res  1645  Arctic 
Walrod,  Geo  W,  res  639  Kearney  ave 
WALSH,    WALTER    J.,     (Lungstrass    &    Walsh),    res     616 

lyOgan  ave 
Walt,  Thomas,  laborer,  res  315  Olive  ave 
Walter,  Charles,  res  cor  First  and  Juniper 
Walter,  Schuyler,  real  estate,  309  National  ave 
Walter,    Miss    Mary    C,    teacher   at  Lawson    valley,    res    1245 

Walthers,  Otto,  bellboy  Botel  Brewster,  res  same 
Walton,  Josephine  Yates,  res  240  Sixth 
WALZ,  W.  Q.  CO.,  B    Burnell  manager,  curiositj'-  store,    cor 

Fifth  and  F 
Warburton,  Miss  Stella,  teacher  public  schools 
Warburton,  Mrs  F  M,  res  1141  Twelfth 
Ward,  A,  carpenter,  res  754  Eighth 
Ward,  Dr,  res  2145  I 
Ward,  Frank  F,  salesman   with    Chicago   shoe   store,  res  1233 

WARD,  n,   L.,   (Haines  &  Ward),  res  Chula  Vista 
WARD,   RALPH  M.,  sec'y  and  treas  San   Diego  Drug   Co,   res 

1665  Union 
Ward,  T  W,  retired,  res  1233  Sixteenth 
Ward,  W  J,  deputy  sheriff,  res  cor  Fifteenth  and  F 
Ware,  A,  painter,  res  530  B 

WARE,   K.  J.,  city  clerk,  office  city  hall,  res  646  Eleventh 
Ware,  Wm,  retired,  res  11 12  Fir 

Ware,  Miss  Jessie  A,  clerk  at  postofiice,  res  646  Eleventh 
Warenskjold,  A,  machinist  and  steam  fitter,  cor  Sixth  and  E.  res 

736  D 
Warfield,  A,  teamster,  1258  India 
Warner,  J  F,  barber,  865  Fifth,  res  1327  India 
Warner,  W  I,  policeman,  res  Roseville 
Warren,  Fnos  E,  fruits  and  groceries,  1627  F  res  same 
Washburn,  Calvin,  saloon  cor  Third  and  I,  res  245  Seventh 
Washburn,  Thomas,  bartender  Rose  Bud  saloon,  res  same 


Washburn,  Mrs  Israel,  res  1635  Sixth 

Washington,  Mrs  George,  cook,  res  State  and  H 

WATER  COMMISSIONERS'  OFFICE,  City  Hall,  S  W  Belding 

Waterman,  Dr  James  Sears,  (Edwards  &  Waterman),   res  2408 

Waterman,  Dr  James  Sears,  physician  and  surgeon,  rooms  5  and 

6,  Keating  block,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
WATERriAN,  niSS  A.   L.,  instructor  S  D  Commercial  College, 

res  2408  First 
Waterman,  Miss  Helen  J,  res  2408,  First  and  Kalmia 
Waterman,  Waldo  S,  gen  manager  S  D,  Cor  &   B    Ry,    foot  of 

Waterman,  Miss  Emma,  res  836  First 
Waterman,  Mrs  R  W,  res  2408  First 
Waters,  E  E,  deputy  sheriff,  res  444  Eleventh 
Waters,  Robert,  res  Atlantic  and  A 

Waters,  W  C,  selesman  with  City  of  Paris,  res  1246    Fourteenth 
Watkins,  Rufus,  clerk  with  C  L,  Evans  &  Co,  res  11 34  First 
Watkins,  G  R,  contractor  and  builder,  res  1321  Date 
Watkins,  W  F,  res  1134  First 
Watkins,  W,  cable  conductor,  res  Cable  hotel 
Watkins,  Wm,  clerk,  res  cor  Sixth  and  J 
Watkins,  Miss  Agnes,  Chambermaid  at  Commercial  hotel 
WATSON,  ALEX.  Q.,  (Collier,  Watson  &    Collier),  res  s  e  cor  I 

and  Twentieth 
Watson,  C  S   mfg  Peerless  Shoe  Polish,    res   Arctic  and  Kalmia 
Watson,  Earnest,  res  Northeastern 
WATSON,  GEO.  B.  &  CO.,  (G  B    Watson,     Howard    V  Speer), 

dealers  in  seeds,  trees  and  plants,  cor  Fifth  and  I 
WATSON,  GEO.  B.,  (Geo  B  Watson  &  Co),  res  3154  I 
Watson,  Geo  F,  storekeeper  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Watson,  W  S,  res  Northeastern 
Watson,  W  Y,  prop  the  Old  Book  Store,    1530  F,    St  James  blk, 

res  same 
Waugh  Bros,  (S  G,  and  U  SWaugh),    new    and    second    hand 

goods  aud  carpenter  shop,  11 40  Fourth 
Waugh,  vS  G,  Waugh  Bros),  res  914  Columbia 


Waugh,  Samuel,  carpenter,  res  914  Columbia 

Waugh,  U  S,  (Waugh  Bros),  res  914  Columbia 

Way,  Chas  K,  groceries,  cor  Ninteenth  and  K 

WAY,  niSS  E.  F.,  Southwest  Institute,  res  at  Institute 

Wayne,  Aaron  T,  longshoreman,  res  1655  Arctic 

Wayne,  Robt  G,  stevedore,  res  1655  Arctic 

Wear,  J  R,  band  sawer  at  Russ  Planing  Mill,  res  940  Third 

Weaver,  C  W,  carpenter,  res  2226  E 

Weaver,  S  B,  expressmau,  res  524   State 

Webb,  F  R,  retired  merchant,  res  2465  Front 

Webb,  Oliver,  teacher  of  manuel  training,  928  Sixth  res  same 

Webb,  P  C,  dairy,  res  Twenty-first  and  Kearney 

WEBB,  S.  E.,  manager  of  Pioneer  Truck    Co,  res  Eleventh  bet 

G  and  H 
Webster,  J  A,  clerk,  rooms  at  Pickwick  house 
Webster,  W  A,  carpenter,  res  323  Logan  ave 
Webster,  Miss  Etha,  waitress  at  Victoria  hotel 
Week,  C  Ewald,  teacher  of  zither,  res  2325  K 
Weddle,  Mrs  Elizabeth,  res  811  Thirteenth 
Weed,  Amos,  carpenter,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  Newton  ave 
Weegar,  Henry,  groceries,  339  Eighth 

WEEKLY  SAN  DIEQAN,  Ariosto  McCrimmon  prop,  1138  D 
WEEKLY  SUN,  Sun  Co,  Sun  bldg 

WEEKLY  UNION,  Thos  Gardiner  manager,  933  Fourth 
Wegmann,  Joseph,  farmer,  res  737  Eighteenth 
Weigar,  E  H,  cigars  and  tobacco,  1435 — 7  F,  res  339  Eighth 
Weight,  Mrs  A  L,  teacher  at  Old  Town,  res  3131  K 
WEINEKE,  H.  W.,  county  tax  collector,  res  New  Russ  house 
Weisner,  Britt,  jeweler  with  M  German,  res  at  St  James  hotel 
Weisser,  A  J,  cigar  maker  with  Sensenbrenner,  res  National  Citj^ 
Weith,  Rev  F  A,  pastor  German  M  E  church 
WELDON,  J.  T.,  (Olsen,  Graham  &  Weldon),  s  e  cor  India  &  B 
Welker,  J  A,  operator  Pac  Postal  Tel  Co,  res  Albemarle 
WELISCH,  HERMAN,  prop  International  Clothing  House,  936 

Fifth,  res  2419  H,  cor  Fifteenth 
Welisch,  Paul  E,  clerk  for  H  Welisch,  res  Eleventh,  bet  G  and  H 
WELLBORN,  CHARLES,    (Wellborn,   Stevens    &   Wellborn), 

res  1038  Twelfth 


WELLBORN,  OLIN,   (Wellborn,  Stevens  &  Wellborn),  res  1038 

WELLBORN,  STEVENS  &  WELLBORN,    (Olin  Wellborn,  H  J 

Stevens,  Chas  Wellborn),     attorneys-at-law,    rooms    3  to  7 

Leland  blk 
WELLER,  THOS.,  deputy  constable  and  private  detective,  1242 

K,  res  56  Sixteenth 
Weller,  Miss  Mary,  waitress   at  Albemarle 
WELL5,  EDWIN  A.,  collector,  955  Fifth,  room    5    Gilbert  blk, 

res  1333  Logan  ave 
WELLS,  FARGO  &  GO'S  EXPRESS,  s  e  cor  Sixth  and  F,  R  M 

Dooly,  agt 
Wells,  E  F,  broker,  res  724  Logan  ave 
Wells,  James,  res  918  C 
Wells,  Th OS,  carpenter,  cor  Eighth  and  N 
Welsh,   P,  longshoreman,  res  at  foot  of  Eighth 
Wentworth,  Al,  driver  with  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  1427  E 
Wentworth,  Geo  E,  custom  house  boatman,  res  11 19  State 
Wentworth,  G  F,  railroad  man,  res  435  Twenty-first 
Werth,  Rev  F  A,  pastor  German  M  E  church,  res  526  Sixteenth 
WERTHEiriER,  I,  wholesale  cigar  merchant,  office  with  M  A 

Wertheimer  &  Co,  res  731  Tenth 
WERTHEIMER,  H.  A.  &    CO,    (M    A    Wertheimer),    books, 

stationery  and  fancy  goods,  762  Fifth 
WERTHEIHER,    M.    A.,  (M   A   Wertheimer  &   Co),    res   731 

Wescott,  C  H,  book-keeper  Hardy's  meat  market,  res  2107  G 
Wescott,  E,  retired,  res  Metropolitan 

WESCOTT,  ED.,  pres  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  cor  Twelfth  andG 
Wescott,  Frank,  engineer  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Wescott,  Maud,  clerk  M  V  Carroll,  res  630  Fourteenth 
Wescott,  Mrs  M  J,  nurse,  res  630  Fourteenth 
WEST  COAST  LUHBER  CO.,  J  B  Winship   gen    manager,  cor 

India  and  D 
West,  H,  with  Phillips  &  Bone,  res  1925  I 
West,  J  B,  groceries,  cor  Eighteenth  and  H,  res  same 
WESTERN  UNION  TELEGRAPH  CO.,  J  G   Decatur  manager, 

office  Keating  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  F 


WESTERN  UNION  TELEGRAPH    office  Coronado,  W  H  Jack- 
son operator,  office  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Westgate,  J  B,  general  mason  work,  res  Twenty-seventh  and   K 
Weston,  Charles,  fisherman,  1530  Union 
Weston,  D  C  &  Son,  (Jersey  Milk  Co),  res  662  Sixteenth 
Weston,  H  L,,  (Weston  &  Son),  res  662  Sixteenth 
Wetcher,  James,  with  S  D  Beef  &  Packing    Co,     res  Thirteenth 

and  G 
Wetfeld,  Dr  G,  retired,  res  Tower  House 
Wetherbee,  G  A,  box  maker  with  Russ    Planing    Mill,  res  1119 

Wetmore,  G  H  sr,  res  Logan  ave  bet    Thirtieth  and  Thirty-first 
Wetmore,  G  H  jr,  drugs,  29  and  National    ave,    res  Logan  ave 

bet  Thirtieth  and  Thirty-first 
Wetzell,  W  W,  res  1206  Logan  ave 
Wetzell,  W  Y,  retired,  res  1202  Logan  ave 
Weyburn,  Mrs  Blecta,  res  1262  Union 
WHALEY,  FRANK  H.,  prop  Southern  Cal   Printing  Co,   938  D, 

res  933  State 
Whaley,  Geo  B,  old  books,  1042  Fifth,  res  at  White  house 
Whaley,  Geo  H,  musician,  933  State 
Whaley,  John  T,  driver  with  S  D  &  Cor    Transfer    Co,    res  819 

Whaley,  Miss  Lillian  C,  res  933  State 
Whaley,  Mrs  Thos,  res  933  State 
Whatmore,  Miss  Amy,  teacher  Sherman  school 
Whatmore,  Mrs  Mary,  res  343  Sixteenth, 
Whear,  R  P,  capitalist,   315  Seventh 
WHEATLY,  GEO.  5.,  agt  of  Caledonian  Coal   Co,    202   to  208 

D,  res  at  Horton  house 
Wheatley,  James,  laborer,  res  2012  India 
Wheaton,  Miss  A   S,    teacher,    res  G,   bet  Twenty-fourth  and 

Wheeler,  Frank,  cigar  maker  Sensenbrenner's,  res  1039  Fourth 
Wheeler,  Herbert,  student,  res  2831  H 
Wheeler,  Joseph  M,  carpenter,  res  231  National  ave 
WHEELER  &  WHEELER,  ink  manufacturers,  930  Sixth 


WHEELER,  J.  S.,  agent  for    Hall's    Safe    and    Lock    Co,    res 

Thirtieth  and  E 
WHEELER,  WILLIAM,  (Wheeler  &    Wheeler),    res  Thirtieth 

and  B 
WHEELER,  Wn.,  (Wheeler  &  Wheeler),  resin    Europe 
Wheeler,  Miss  Minerva,  saleslady,  res  2831  H 
Wheeler,  Miss  Ella  E,  res  over  Boscher's  drug  store 
Wheeler,  Mrs  Etta,  res  2831  H 
Wheeler,  Miss  G,    teacher   Sherman    Heights   school,  res    over 

Boscher's  drug  store 
Wheeler,  Miss  Eucy,  assistant  librarian,  res  over  Boscher's  drug 

Wheeler,  Mrs  W  W,  res  at  Langham 

Whepley,  Daniel  W,  deputy  constable,  res  714  Thirteenth 
Whereat,  E  A,  civil  engineer  vi'ith  Peninsular  Ry,  res  at   Buck- 
WHISLER,  A.  E.,  prop  Pioneer  Steam  Carpet  Beater,  751  First, 

res  same 
White,  Albert,  salesman  v^^ith    Golden    Fagle    Bazaar,    res  cor 

Seventh  and  C  „    ' 

White,  E,  tailor  v^^ith  J  Vernon,  res  Tower  house 
White,  Elmer,  groceries,  1619  to  1625  D  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 

res  951  Seventh 
WHITE,  ERNEST  E.,  cashier  of  Spreckels'     Commercial  Co,  res 

cor  Ninth  and  Olive  ave,  Coronado 
White,  F  J,  driver  with  hose  and  ladder  co    no  i,    res  Ninth  bet 

H  and  I 
WHITE,  F.  P.,  (H  C  Treat  &  Co),  res  Belle  View  house 
WHITE  HOUSE,  Henry  Abrahamson  prop,  821  Fifth 
White,  John,  stevedore,  res  1151   Atlantic 
White,  J  C,  police  officer,  res  11 33  Front 
White,  J  Harrison,  publisher  of  National    Popular    Review,  res 

2044  Fourth 
White,  J  S,  retired,  res  633  National  ave 
White,  Eloyd,  laborer,  res  2016  G 
White,  R,  apiarist,  res  320  Topeka  ave 
White,  Stephen,  with  S  D  Beef  and  Packing  Co,  res  University 



White,  Miss  Annie,  res  Cedar  and  Atlantic 

White,  Miss  Belle,  res  937  I^ogan  ave 

White  Mrs  Anna,  dressmaker,  res  937  lyOgan  ave 

White,  Mrs  Keturah,  res  1002  Fifteenth 

Whitehead,  Fred  G,  attorney-at-law,  room  15  lyawj^ers'  blk,  res 

842  Tenth 
Whitehouse,  W  H,  circulator  of  Daily  Union,  res  914  E 
Whitelaw,  Joseph,  waiter  at  Hotel  Florence 
Whitfield,  Mrs  M  F,  music  teacher,  res  1333  Fourth 
Whitmore,  Enoch,  blacksmith,  830  Fourth,  res  1734  Union 
Whitmore,  Oscar,  blacksmith,  res  1734  Union 
Whitmore,  S,  rancher  Chollas  valley,  res  Thirty-fourth  and  R 
Whitmore,  Miss  Nettie,  res  1734  Union 
Whitney,  E  E,  salesman  Russ  lyumber  Co,  res  2430  H 
Whitney,  H  P,  real  estate,  res  544  National  ave 
Whitney,  W  W,  capitalist,  res  cor  Twentieth  and  K 
Whitney,  Mrs  Olive,  res  2843  H 
WHITSEN,  W,  W,  court  reporter,  res  1934  Front 
WHITTIER,   FULLER  &  CO,  A  F  Biles  manager,  paints,  oils, 

glass,  building  material  and  wall  paper,  639-645  Sixth 
Whittier,  J  F,  second  hand  goods,  727  Sixth,  res  same 
Whittle,  James,  painter,  res  Twenty-seventh  and  L 
Whitworth,  Mrs  A  S,  res  1333  Fourth 
Wiard,  Frank,  cigar  maker,  res  1145  Third 
Widrin,  Gabriel,  tailor,  res  335  Grand  ave 
Wiese,  L  H,  with  Selwyn  &  Allison,  res  223  Fifteenth 
WIQHTMAN,  A.  J.,  chief  deputy  county  clerk,    res  1745  Second 
Wilber,  David  S,  pressman,  res  927  Ash 
Wilber,  Henry  J,  box  maker,  933  Ash 

Wilber,  Harry  L,  student  at  Business  College,  res  1435  Ninth 
Wilber,  John  L,  res  933  Ash 
Wilber,  Mrs  Emily  Douglas,  res  1042  Eighth 
Wilcutt,  Miss  Ida  F,  res  811  Logan  ave 
Wilde,  E  A,  dishwasher  at  Hotel  Brewster,  res  same 
Wider,  H  G,  res  745  Grant   ave 
Wile,  Z  E,  contractor,  res  945    Nineteenth 
Wilkins,  Capt  Geo,  capitalist,  res  Manor  house 
Wilkensen,  Miss  Mary  T,  with  Chas  S  Hardy,    res  1041  Second 


Wilkinson,  Wm,  capitalist,  res  at  Florence 

Wilkinson,  Nolle,  civil  engineer  with  Peninsular   Ry,  with    Dr 

Wilks,  Grant,  chop  house,  foot  of  H,  res  same 
WILLARD,  THE,    Mrs  M  M  Trimble,  prop,  1435  E 
WILCOX,  C.  S.,  secy  and  treas  Harbison  Grocer  Co,    res    Flor- 
ence hotel 
Willcox,  Geo,  carpenter,  res  1969  Fifth 
Willcox,  F  H,  with  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  2041  D 
WILCOX,  FRANCIS,  prest  The  Harbison  Grocer  Co,  res  2041  D 
Wilcox,  Frank  A,  miller,  res  1969  Fifth 
Wilcox,  F,  gripman,  res  1969  Fifth 
Williams,  A  E,  marine  engineer,  res  819  Columbia 
Williams,  C  A,  painter  res  321  Boston  ave 
Williams,  C  R,  aget  S  D  C  &  E  Ry,  foot  of  Tenth 
Williams,  Chas,  bootblack,  1321  D,  res  same 
Williams,  Charles  H,  carpenter,  318  Fifth,  res  Brunswick 
Williams,  C  H,  (Kingsbury  &  Co),  res  D  and  Seventh 
Williams,  Chalers  Iv,  teacher  at  L>a  Mesa,  res  639  Kearney  ave 
William,  C  L,  book-keeper  Bank  of  Commerce,  res  841   Fifth 
Williams,  Curtis,  clerk  First  National  Bank  res  829  B 
Williams,  Ernest  Stanwood,  res  829  B 
Williams,  Fred,  with  Fifth  ave  stable,  res  818  Union 
Williams,  G  B,  carpenter,  res  1440  First 
Williams,  H  H,  res  639  Kearney  ave 
Williams,  Geo,  with  John  H  Woolman,  res  818  Union 
Williams,  Harry,  steward  on  ship,  res  Windsor 
Williams,  J  E,  fisherman,  res  Roseville 
Williams,  J  W,  (Smith  &  Williams),  res  639  Kearney  ave 
Williams,  J  Walter,  commission,  res  639  Kearney  ave 
WILLIAflS,  JEFF,  insurance,  1330  E,  First  National  Bank  blk, 

res  cor  Thirtieth  and  lyOgan  ave 
Williams,  S  M,  surveyor,  res  317  Sargent  ave 
Williams,  S  R,  horticulturist,  res  1034  Fourteenth 
Williams,  Theo,  waiter  Hotel  Florence 
Williams,  Walter  E,  plumber.  Sixth,  1434  Ninth 
Williams,  W  T,  res  715  National  ave 
Williams,  Miss  Jean  C,  book-keeper,  res  829  B 


Williams,  Miss  Jessie,  dressmaker,  res  1125  B 
WILLIAMS,  Mrs.  CARRIE,  cor  Thirtieth  and  lyOgan  ave 

Williams,  Mrs  C,  res  818  Union 

Williams,  Mrs  J  F  res  829  B 

Williams,  Mrs  J  M,  res  11 25  B 

Williams,  Mrs  L,,  nurse,  res  1324    A 

Williams,  Mrs  W  L,  res  370  Twelfth 

Williamson,  A  M,  bartender  with    Jameson    &    Kroah,  res  405 

WILLI AHSON,  riRS.  S.  A.,  manager  of    Cash  Millinery  Store, 

1 1 18  Fourth,  res  University  Heights 
Willing,  Mrs  A,  with  G  M  Greenbaum,  res  Bon  Ton 
Willis,  J,  railroader,  res  423  Logan  ave 
Wils,  C,  trimmer  with  S  D  Gas  and  Elect  Light  Co 
Wilson,  Daniel,  longshoreman,  res  1513  K 
Wilson,  Frank  S,  salesman    with    J    S    Mumford,     res  n  w  cor 

Eighteenth  and  H 
Wilson,  Geo,  bell  boy  at  Horton  house,  res  same 
Wilson,  George  J,  head  waiter  at  Hotel  Florence 
Wilson,  James  D,  marine  engineer,  res  631  Grand  ave 
Wilson,  J  W,  plasterer,  res  cor  Eleventh  and  Ash 
Wilson,  O  P,  with  W  G  Walz,  res  743  Twenty-first 
Wilson,  T  L,  tel  operator,  S  C  Ry  depot,  res  1243  Columbia 
Wilson,  T  L,  res  725  Franklin  ave 

Wilson,  P  H,  compositor  on  Daily  Union,  res  the  Elite 
WILSON,  W.  F.,  saddle  and  boarding  stable,    cor  Eleventh  and 

H,  res  444  Eighteenth 
WILSON,  WARREN,  pres  Jamul    Portland  Cement  Mfg  Co,  res 

1 7 18,  A 
Wilson,  Wm,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  848  Sixth,  res  1218  Tenth 
Wilson,  Wm,  driver  with  Diamond    Carriage    Co,  res  at  Grand 

Wilson,  Miss  Carrie,  cashier    with    Geo    W    Marston,    res    743 

Wilson,  Miss  E  G,  sales  clerk  with  Geo  W  Marston,  res  743  21st 
Wilson,  Miss  Katie,  res  390  Twentieth 
Wilson,  Miss  Olive  P,  clerk,  res  743  Twenty-first 
Wilson,  Mrs  B  H  T,  res  12 10  Cedar 


Wilson,  Mrs  F  H,  res  1138  Sixth 

Wilson,  Mrs  J  A,  res  743  Twenty -first 

Winder,  Wm,  butcher  at  Gruendike's,  res  335  Eighth 

Winder,  Wm  A,  physician  and  surgeon  at    Marine  Hospital,  res 

754  State 
Winders,  O  E,  brick  mason,  res  869,  Seventeenth  and  E 
WINDSOR  HOUSE,  837  Eourth,  Mrs  M  C  Saner  prop 
Windsor  I^odging  House,  Miss    Mary    Misner  prop,  843  Fourth 
Winn,  Dr  S  E,  physician  and  surgeon,  res  1344  Seventh 
Winn,  Miss  Mamie  M,  teacher  in    Middletown    school,   res  1599 

Winsby,  E,  suptS  D  Water  Co,  res  644  Harrison  ave 

WINSHIP,  J.  B.,  general  manager   of    West  Coast  lyumber  Co, 

res  1624  First 
Winter,  Albert,  baker  with  Jos  Winter,  res  at  bakery 
Winter,  Chas,  foreman  at  Jos    Winter's    bakery,    res   129  Four- 
Winter,  Frank  X,  prop  Bay  City  Bakery,   1022  Second,  res  same 
WINTER,  JOS.,  prop  S  D  Steam  Cracker  Bakery,  res  3335  F 
Winter,  Karl,  res  129  Fourteenth 

Winter,  Max,  baker  with  Bay  City  Bakery,  res  1022  Second 
Winter,  Wm,  meat  market  946  Fifth,  res  335  Eighth 
Winters,  Wm,  packer  at  Winter's  bakery,  res  at  bakery 

Winter.  Mrs  B,  res  1022  Second 

Winterburn,  Geo  T,  res  Washington  and  Eagle 

Winterburn,  W  H,  abstractor  with    H    T    Christian    &  Co,  res 
Third  and  University  ave 

Winterburn,  Mrs.  Jane,  res  Washington  and  Eagle 

Winterburn,  Mrs  Rose  V,  teacher  at  High  School 

Winz,  Joseph,  laborer,  res  foot  of  Fir 

Wire,  F  A,  vinegar  maker,  res  foot  C 

Wisekopf,  S,  clerk  at  City  of  Paris,  res  1165  First 

Wissell,  Fred  W,  engineer,  res  Sun  blk 

Witherby,  J  G,  res  1 106  D 

Witherby,  O  S,  capitalist,  res  1106  D 
_  Withers,  Mrs  Mary,  res  539  Eleventh 

WITHINQTON,   DAVID  L.,      attorn ey-at-law,      rocms      26—29 
Pierce-Morse  blk,  res  157  f  Fourth 


Witler,  Chas,  horseman,  res  729  Twelfth 

Wolcott,  Mrs  Mary,  res  954  Fifth 

Wolfsheimer,  Chas,  with  Brusk's  cigar  store,  res  664  Twelfth 

Woman's  Exchange,  Mrs  F  J,  Coburn  supt,  939  Sixth 

Woman's  Home  and  Day  Nursery,  City  Park  and    Fifteenth 

Wonder,  The,  mliliner,  Jones  &  Co  props,  939  Fifth 

Woodard,  K  A,  operator  with  W  U  Tel  Co,  res  845  Ninth 

Woodburn,  H  L,  farmer  at  National  City,  res  loii  Fifteenth 

Wood,  A  A,  blacksmith,  res  204    Sixteenth 

Wood,  C  A.  with  A  Dorsey  Co,  res  2848  G 

WOOD,  C.  L.,  clerk  at  Hotel  Florence,  res  same 

Wood,  Geo  W,  with  Thompson  &    McDowell,  res  204  Sixteenth 

Wood,  J  A,  sec'y  Pamo  Water  Co,  cor    Twenty-fifth  and  Irving 

WOOD,  J.  D.,  (Bradshaw  &  Wood),  1424   E 

Wood,  J  M,  with  Fred  N  Hamilton  Co,  res  733  Twenty-first 

WOOD,  J.  W.,  (Fales  &  Wood),  res  2054  India 

Wood,  E  C,  prop  of  the  Eangham,  cor  Fourth  and  C 

WOOD,  P.  A.,  (A  Dorsey  Co),  res  2848  G 

Wood,  R  A,  operator  W  U  Tel  Co,  res  845  Ninth 

Woodby,  Mrs  Rachael,  res  793  Twelfth 

Wooden,  Mrs  Harriet,  res  749  Twelfth 

Woodford,  F  F,  clerk  with  Tompkins  &  Co,  res  741  Eleventh 

Woodruff,  J  B,  retorter,  at  S  D  gas  works. 

Woodruff,  J  D,  carpenter,  res  830  Kearney 

Woods,  J  B,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  Royal  house 

Woods,  J  M,  water  business,  res  cor  Twenty-fifth  and  Irving  ave 

Woods,  Mrs  Anna  M,  res  951  Seventh 

Woods,  Percival  E,  clerk  with  W  Elewelyn,  res  cor  Second  and 

Woods,  T  E,  res,  s  e  cor  Beech  and  Second 
Woodward,  C  W,  res  Tenth  and  Ash 
WOODWARD,  W.  B.,  fl.  D.,  room  20  Keating  block,  cor  Fifth 

and  F,  res  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  Eaurel 
Woodward,  Mrs,  res  13 18  A 
WOODWORTH,  E.  H.,  prop  Excelsior  Bottling  and  Extract  Co, 

1 143  Third,  res  same 
Woodworth,  Frank,  conductor  Pac  Beach  Ry,  res  Pacific  Beach 
Woodworth,  James,  carpenter,  res  cor  Vermont  and  Oak 


Woof,  J  H,  book-keeper  Whitier,  Fuller  &  Co,  res  Coronado 
Woolley,  Harry,  moulder  at  Coronado  foundry,  res  837  State 
Woolley,  Henry,  street  car  driver,  132  Sixteenth 
Woolley,  James  K,  837  State 
Woolley,  J  S,  carpenter,  res  837  State 
Woolley,  Miss  Florence,  dressmaker,  res  937  State 
Woolley,  Miss  Jennie,  bookbinder,  837  State 
Woolley,  Miss  May,  saleslady  at  the  Arcade,  res  837  State 
Woolman,  Claude,  with  J  S  Schirm,  res  Seventeenth,  bet  J  and  K 
WOOLMAN,  JOHN  H.,  (member  board  of  supervisors),  plumb- 
ing and  tinning,  1630  F,  res  360  Seventeenth 
Woolsey,  T  S,  res  2508  First 

WOOLWINE,  W.  D.,  cashier  First  Nat  Bank,  res  1041     Sixth 
Wooster,  Aug  G,  attorney-at-law,  (commercial  maratime),  1830 

J,  res  same 
Wooster,  Miss  Carrie,  teacher  East  school 
Wootten,  J,  B,  carpenter,  1622  F,  res  same 
Worbes,  A  F,  musician,  res  909  Ninth 
WORKS  &  W0RK5,  (John  D  Works,  I.ewis  R  Works)   attor- 

neys-at-law,  Keating  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Works,  John,  stableman  at  Kansas  stables,  res  1636  India 
WORKS,  JOHN  D.,  (Works  &  Works),  res  cor  First  and  Nutmeg 
Works,  Iv  F,  deputy  county  recorder,  res  1636  India 
WORKS,  LEWIS  R.,  (Works  &  Works),  res  First  and  Nutmeg 
Works,  Thomas,  law  student  with  Works   &  Works,    res   First 

and  Nutmeg 
World  Shell  and  Curio  Co,  The,  (Miss  J  M   Cooke),   Capt  Geo 

D  Porter,  sea  shells,  minerals,  mosses,  etc,  1045  Fifth 
World's  Fair  Committee,  R  H  Young  sec'y 
Worthing,  E  E,  gripman,  res  812  Irving  ave 
Worthing,  Ranford,  farmer,  res  812  Irving  ave 
Wrampelmeier,  J  H,  furniture,  668  Eleventh 
Wren,  Oscar,  janitor  Sherman  school,  res  3243  L, 
Wright,  Dr  O  S,  retired,  res  cor  Twenty-third  and  H 
Wright,  E  H,  with  Sam  G  Ingle,  res  University  Heights 
Wright,  F  F,  boot  and  shoe  house,  613  Fifth,  res  same 
Wright,  Frank,  laborer,  res  foot  of  Union 
Wright,  H  A,  carpenter,  foot  of  Union 


Wright,  H  Q,  clerk  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,  re  Fifth  and  J 

Wright,  John  T,  sporting  goods,  132 1  H,  res  same 

WRIGHT,  J.  W.,  veterinary  surgeon,  office  cor  Eleventh  and 

H,  res  Bay  View  hotel 
WRIGHT,   L.  A.,  attorney, -at-law,  state    and   county   collector 

of  delinquent  taxes,  room  5  court  house,  res  1534  Front 
Wright,  R  H,  pressman  S  D  Printing  Co,  res  Grand  Pacific 
Wright,  R  ly,  retired,  res  11 12  Fir 

Wright,  T  J,  prop  Silver  Moon  saloon,  cor  Third  and  I 
Wright,  T  W,  with  Hamilton  &  Co,  res  Brown  blk 
Wright,  W  B,  civil  engineer  with  Peninsular  Ry 
Wright,  W  W,  carpenter,  res  421  Milton  ave 
Wright,  R  A,  cigar  maker,  res  1008  D 
Wright,  Mrs  A  C,  retoucher  Elite  Studio 
Wright,  Mrs  Fmma,  furnished  rooms,  res  Third  and  I 
Wright,  Mrs  H  M,  res  2145  I 

Wurzell,  Jos,  second  hand  store,  640  Sixth,  res  same  * 

Wurzell,  Wm  A,  painter,  res  1028  G 
Wyatt,  C  C,  res  1535  Second 
Wyllis,  Sidney,  carpenter,  res  Felton,  near  R 
Wyllis,  Miss  Maud,  res  Felton,  near  R 

WYflAN,   F.  O.,   (Wyman,  Gruendike  &  Co), res  Los  Angeles 
WYMAN,  GRUENDIKE  &  CO.,  (F    O     Wyman,   J  Gruendike, 

W  J  Bailey),  mfgs  of  lime,  and  wholesale  and  retail  dealers 

in  cement  and  building  material,  F  at  railroad  crossing 
Wyman,   F  C,  res  Willard 


Yark,  Tarn  A,  Chinese  and    Japanese    fancy    goods,   950  Fifth, 

res  same 
Yates,  Mrs  Harriet,  res  240  Sixth 
Young,  A,  tobacco,  fruits,  etc,  1308  F,  res  same 
Young,  Ed,  res  1351  India 


Young,  Eugene,  with  Smith  Thomas,  res  same 

Young,  Frank  C,  miller,  res  103  Grand  ave 

Young,  Hurbert,  fisherman,  res  1525  Atlantic 

Young,  J  A,  dentist,  cor  Fifth  and  F    over    Marston's,    res  11 18 

YOUNG,  JOHN  N.,  capitalist,  res  1601  Sixth 
Young,  J  O,  groceries,  302  National  ave  cor  Twenty-eighth,  res 

243  National  ave 
Young,  Jas  R,  cash  boy  at  the  Arcade,  res  930  C 

bet  G  and  H,  Jonathan  McTaggart  gen'l  sec'y 
YOUNG,  HON.  NESTOR  A.,  assemblyman,  res  1129    Fourteenth 
Young,  R  H,  sec'y  World, s  Fair  Committee,  res  1922  F 
YOUNG,  WALTER  S.,    assayer    and    analytical    chemist,     961 

Fourth,  res  1922  First 
Young,  W  W,  book-keeper  with  J  D  Burch  &  Co,  res  742    Four- 
Young,  Miss  Emma  C,  with  Van  Norman  &  McConke}^  res  1922  F 
Young,  Miss  Flora  R^  teacher  at  B  street  school 
Young,  Miss  Ida  F,  stenographer    with    D    L,    Withington,  res 

1351  India 
Young,  Miss  Mary  E,  with  J  A  Young,  rooms  at  Bon  Ton 
Young,  Mrs  B  H,  lodging  house,  1138  G 
Young,  Mrs  E  W,  res  Fifteenth  and  L 
Youngberg,  Mrs  Maggie,  res  2412  K 
Young,  Mrs  Mary,  res  930  C 
York,  J  E,  res  927  Seventh 
Yost,  Mr,  res  Mission  Valley 
Yost,  Wm,  res  Mission  Valley 
Yost,  Miss  Nellie,  res  Mission  Valley 
Younkin,  A  C,  attorney-at-law,  room  24    L^awyer's  blk,  res  1630 

Younkin,  Edgar,  stenographer    with    W  E    Howard,    res    1632 

Younkin,    W  M,  at  Consolidated  Bank,  res  11 30  Fifteenth 
Younkin,  Miss  Eu,  librarian  of  Public  Eibrary,  res  1630  Seventh 


Zainorana,  Jose,  but^h^r  with  S^Lv/n    &  Allison,  res  California 

Zeld,  Annis,  fisherman,  res  15 15  Atlantic 
Zenz,  Peter,  packer  at  Jos  Winter's  bakery,  res  at  bakery 
Zerbes,  Joseph,  collector  for  Pioneer  Truck  Co,    res  1230  Fourth 
Zimmers,  S  B,  draughtsman  with  J  B  Stannard,  res  2255  F 
Zirbes,  Joseph,  with  Pioneer  Truck  Co,  res  1228  Fourth 
ZOELLNER,  A.   P.,  (Schitterer  &  Zoellner),    res    Seventh,    bet 

Zschockelt,  F  H,  res  Thirty-ninth  bet  R  and  Durant 
Zuck,  Miss  May,  res  2831  H 

GoRONER'8  Office 





1242  E  Street,  bet.  3d  and  4thy  San  Diego,  Cal. 

Aqui  se  Habia  Espanol.  Tei^Ephone  174. 

642,  644.  646,  650  and  652  FIRST  St  Between  G  and  H 

Manufacturers  of  the  famous 

^Itata  ^  anci  ^  Silverfoaiiri  ^  Borax^ 

And  all  grades  of  Laundry,  Toilet,  and  Medicated  Soaps,  Pure  Whale  Oil 
Soap  for  Tree  Wash,  also  Sal-Soda.  Private  Brands  put  up  in  Neat 
Style.     Branch  Factory  at  Ensenada,  Lower  California,  Mexico. 

TELEPHONE,    297. 

}AoK,enzie  &  Bro. 


Fine  Plumbing  Material 

Sixth  and  K  Sts.         San  Diegi 



-^^e-  "A'^  •^'^  -a'^  ^i'^  ■*'/••  •^'*=  •&?*•  "^'^^I*-  -^jkM^ 
"W^M^/m-  •?i^^I^^I«^^i«^^i^  '^i*' ''/(!'  **!*"  •*<«' 

Vic-tor  3"iCi?cUs 

JHE  pflCE. 

21  /\LFJRED  W.  BIRDSf  Lb,  Agt. 

5flr/7  Diego. 
^I^^i?^i«*  ^j^  -yiv  "^i^  '»i^  fi^  -^i^  '^i^  "^i^  •*!«' 







—  THE  — 

Ladies'  f^air  J-tore. 

E.  D.  KIRBY  &  CO. 

931  Fifth  Street,  bet.  D  and   E,  =  =  SAN  DIEGO,  CAL. 



Full  Line  of  Hair  Goods.  Masquerade  Suits  and  Wigs  to  Rent. 

J.  NAUMANN,  Proprietor 




843  Sixth  Street,  between  E  and  F, 
Our  AT^ork    Eqiaals  Xlrje  Best. 

Walter  I.   D^  Qroot, 





916  Fifth  St.,  SAN  DIEGO,  CAL. 

Perfect   pit   and   Best  of    Workrrpanship 

Under  No  Circumstances    will    any    Garment 
be  allowed  to  leave  the  establishment 
unless   Perfect  in  Every  respect. 




315  California  Street, 
SRN   FRANCISCO,      -    -    CAL. 

25,000    Members. 
Iricorporated  1888 

Under  Supervision  of  State  Insurance  Commis- 

C.  W.  NEVlNofC.  W.Ne\'in&Co.,  532  Commercial  St 
Wm.  Montgomery  Prop.  American  Exchange  Hotel 

W.  F.  Gibson.  Attorney,  2o6Sansome  St 

R.  N.  Russell with  Murphy,  Grant  &  Co. 

E.  F.  Card Physician,  2406  Sutter  St 

Theodore  Reichert State  Sur\-eyor  General. 

J.  L.  M.  Shetterley   ...: Manager. 




13 19  E  Street, 

San  Diego,  Cal. 

General  Agent  for  Southern  Calif orjiia 
Promptness  Our   Motto. 



CAPITAL     -     -     -   1500,000 

C.  W.  NEVIN 



Vice  President 


Secretary  and  Manager 

A.  L.  REED 


E.  F.   CARD 

Medical  Director 



Accident  Benefits 

Division  A $25  00 

Division  B 20  00 

Division  C ;.    1500 

Division  D 10  00 

Dix-ision  E 8  00 

Sick  Benefit 

Di\'ision  A $8  00 

Division  B 8  00 

Division  C 8  00 

Division  D 8  00 

Di\'ision  E 8  cx) 

Burial  Fee  $75.00 

Benefits  to  Women 
Sick  and  Accident  $5  per  week. 

Membership  Fee 500 

Reserve  Fund i  00 

Monthly  Dues   100 

Payments     monthly     or    yearly, 
alwavs  in  advance. 

Largest  Circulation  Independent  in  Politics 

EIGHT     ^je^^fc^m      EIGHT 



DAILY        S^^  Di^^o,  C^^lv  J/VEEKLY 

The  Popular  Newspaper! 


Official  Paper  of  ttje   City. 

Warren  Wilson,  Editor        -        and  Business  Manager. 

Shines  for  All.  Not  an  Organ. 

Impartial.  Independent. 

Subscription  Rates. 

DAILY,  Per  Month      -  -     -     -  -     65c. 

"         Six  Months       -  -     -     -  $3.50 

''         Twelve  Months       -     -      -  7.00 

WEEKLY,  Per  Year       -      -     -      -  1.50 

Press  Dispatches.  Everybody  Reads  it. 

To  The  Farmers. 

We  have  selected  our  stock  with   much  care  in  regard  to  quality   and 
what  is  adapted  to  California  work,  consisting  of 

Chilled  Steel  Vineyard  and  Orchard 

Gang  and  Sulky  Plows,  Mowing  Machines 
.and  Rakes, 

for  which  we  carry  a  full  line  of  Extras,  also 

Scrapers,     Wheelbarrows,     and    a    large  assortment   of 

Harrows  and  Cultivators, 

and  a  complete  line  of 

Call  and  see  if  you  cannot  make  money  by  trading  with  us.     Remember, 


Hoping  you  will  give  this  your  careful  consideration,  we  remain 
Yours  Respectfully, 

CLIFF  &  CO., 

546  Sixth  St.  near  H.  •        SAN  DIEGO,  CAI.. 

J.  T.  GORDON,  Pres.  H.  M.  CHERRY,  Sec'y.  G.  W.  HAWKINS,  Treas. 



j^urserym^n   and   $czdsrr\zn. 



i  SWEETWATER  VALLEY  I    O  an     ni«k£y/\       f^al        t'    &   SEED  STORE  I 

San  DiefifO,  Cal. 

J  S  EL  CflJON  VALLEY.  %  »      '  3  COR.  EIGHTH  i  F  STS.   ^ 


■  ♦i 


•  ♦  •  ♦  • 

(^Id^ssificd  Business  Director^. 

Abstract  Companies. 
Abstact  and  Title  Ins.  Co.  915  Sixth 
Crenshaw,  Pullman  &  Co.  1234-36  D 
Qregory=Danion  Abstract  Co.  con- 
solidated bank  build'g  Fifth  &.  G 
San  Diego  Abstract  Co  1234- 1236  D 

Agricultural   Implements. 
Bates  Implement  Co  213  Fifth 
Cliff  &  Co  546  Sixth 
Hamilton  Co,  Fred  N  715  Fifth 
Harville,  B  F,  cor  Fifth  and  K 
Ingle,  Sam  Q,  725  and  727  Fifth 
Metcalf  Bros,  753  and  755  Fourth 
McDougall,  Bros,  cor  Seventh  and  I 
Todd  &  Hawley,  658  Fifth   and   cor 

Fourth  and  G 

Hebbard,  W  S,   9  and  10  First  Nat'l 

bank  blk 
Kirby,  C  F,    13  Kuhn  building 
Kooken,  John  A,  918  Seventh 
Stannard,  J  B,  826  Fifth 

Art  Goods. 
Alexander,  R  G  846  Fifth 
Qernian,  M,  845  Fifth 
Golden  Eagle  Bazar,  825  &.  827  Fifth 
Dampf,  Iv,  938  Sixth 
Dodge  &  Burbeck,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Larson  &  Loring,  1434  H 
Stephens  &  Son,  810  F^ifth 
Walz  Co,  W  G  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Wertheimer,  M  A  &  Co,   762  Fifth 


Albertus  Art  Emporium,  1435  E 
Black,  W  Thurston,   room  17  Back- 
esto  blk 


Young,  Walter  S,  961  Fourth 

Attorney  s-at- Law. 

Aitkin,  John  R,   s  w  cor  Fifth  &  F 
M  S  Babcock,   21  to  24  Keating  blk 

cor  Fifth  and  F 
Bannister,  Edw,  1336  D 
Birch,  J  R  S,     room    8    Allyn     blk, 

cor  Fifth  and  E 
Boone,  L  L,  over  Bank  of  Commerce 
Brown,    Gratz    K,    30    Consolidated 

Bank  blk 
Callen,  J  S,   room  17  Lawyers'  blk 
Capps,  T  J,  12  and  13  Snyder  blk 
Carter,  Cassius,     i    and  2  Lawyers' 

Carter,  E  E,  rooms  4,  5   and    6   Con- 
solidated Bank  building,  cor  5th 

and  G 
Clark,  C  E,  room  18  Kuhn  blk 
Cleveland,  Daniel,  825  Fifth 
Cleveland,  MenziesC,  i  and  2,  First 

Nat  blk 
Cochran,  A  E,  46  Lawyers'  blk 
Collier,  Watson  &  Collier,  i,  2,  3  M 

E  Church  blk 
Collier,  William,   1027  Fourth. 


Conklin  &   Hughes,  i,  2,  3,   20,    21 

Morse,  Whaley  &  Dalton  blk 
Copeland  &  Daney,  1418  E  cor  Fifth 
Darby,   Wm,   825     Fifth    Nesmith- 

Greeley  blk 
Deakin,  J  F,  assistant  District  Attor- 
ney, court  house 
Dodson    &    Ecker,    room    12,    The 

Doolittle,  H  E,  1027  Fourth 
Ensign,  E  J,  21  Lawyers'  blk 
Ethridge,  Frank,  909  4th 
Ewing,  F  W,  I,  2  Kline  blk 
Fuller,  Qeorge,  rooms  4  to  7   Allyn 

Fuller  &  Anderson,  City  Hall 
Qibson  &  Titus,  19,  20  Lawyers'  blk 
Qoepp  Chas,  21  and  22  Lawyers'  blk 
Goodwin,  Leonard,  961  Sixth 
Goodbody,  F  W,  Dist  Atty's  office 
Guy,  W  R,  955  Fifth 
Haines    &    Ward,   3,   4,   5,   6  M   E 

Church  blk 
Hammack,  D  M  «&  N   S,   13,  14  767 

Hayes,  T  J,  3207  H  st 
Heffleman,  H  K,  21  to  24  Keating  blk 

cor  Fifth  and  F 
Henderson,  J  J,  Pierce-Morse  blk 
Hendrick,  E  W,   Marston   blk   F   st 

bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
Humphrey,  Wm,  825  Fifth 
Hunsaker,   Britt  &    Goodrich,  5-13 

Lawyers'  blk 
Jenks,  Chancellor  L  jr,  7  and  8  Mar- 
ston blk 
Jones,  Johnstone,  District  Attorney, 

office  Court  House 
Jordan,  A  D,  room  4  Sun  bldg 
Kew,  M,  Marston  blk  1424  F 
Kinley,  J  M,  Pierce-Morse  blk 
Kipp,  Sylvester,  16  and  17  First  Nat 

Bank  blk 
Knoles,  S  S,  1432  E 
Leovy,  Geo  J,  7  and  8  Keating  blk, 
cor  Fifth  and  F 

Luce  &  McDonald,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

Mannix,  John  B,  i  and  2  First  Nat 
Bank  blk 

Monroe,  C  F,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  E 

Montgomery,  W  S,  15  and  16  Pierce- 
Morse  blk 

Montgomery,  Zach  &  Son,  3  and  4 
Kline  blk 

Mouser,  A  C,    917  Fifth 

Murray,  Eli  H,  961  Fourth 

McConoughey,  A  M,  5  and  6  Pierce- 
Morse  blk 

McCutchen,  A  B,  room  2  Consoli- 
dated Bank  blk 

McNeally,  W  T,  21  and  22  Consoli- 
dated Bank  blk  cor  Fifth  and  G 

Nutt,  A  E,  4,  5,  6  M  E  Church  blk 

Paine,  J  O  W,  1419  F 

Palmer,  Henry  H,  7  and  8  Keating 
blk  cor  Fifth  and  F 

Parker  &  McConoughey,  Leland  blk 
cor  Sixth  and  E 

Parrish,  Mossholder  &  Lewis,  3-6 
First  Nat  Bank  blk 

Pleasants,  Chas,  1124  Fourth 

Rawson,  Frank  L,  15,  16  Kline  blk 

Rawson,  M  L,  15,  16  Kline  blk 

Reinoehl  &  Harrison,  Fisher  Opera 
House,  Fourth 

Rippey,  C  H,  Pierce-Morse  blk 

Robinson,  Judge  J  M,  18,  19,  20 
Lawyers  blk 

Schutze,  Carl,  i  and  2  Backesto  blk 
cor  Firth  and  H 

Scott,  Chalmers,  40  and  41  Lawyers 

Shaw  &  Holland,  4,  5  and  6  Consoli- 
dated Bank  blk  cor  Fifth  and  G 

Smith,  Samuel  F,  with  John  R 

Sprigg  &  Barber,  u  e  cor  Fifth  and  E 

Sweet,  A  H,  18  and  19,  First  Nat 
Bank  blk 

Talcott,  H  W,  20  The  Brunswick 

Taylor,  R  W,  Plaza  Palace 

Thom,  John  767  5th 


Thorp,  M  R,  14  Pierce-Morse  blk 

Trippet  &.  Neale,  827  D 

Tucker,  J  Z,  room   2   Morse-Whaley 

6  Dalton  blk 

Utley,  H  S,  14  Lawyers'  blk 
Valenzuela,  Regenaldo,  advice  free, 

946  Third  st,  room  i  Plaza  Palace 
Wadham,  James  E,    7   and  8   First 

Nat  Bank  blk 
Wellborn,  Stevens  &  Wellborn,  3  to 

7  Leland  blk 

Whitehead,  Fred  G,  15  Lawj'ers  blk 
Withington,  David  L,   26-29  Fierce- 
Morse  blk,  res  Fscondido 
Works  &  Works,  Keating  blk.  Fifth 
and  F 

Wright,  L  A,  also  collector  of  delin- 
quent taxes,  ofBce  5  court  house 
Younkin,  A  C,  i  and  2  Lawyers'  blk 

Stevens,  CM,  cor  Sixth  and  H 

Annex  Home  Bakery,  1120  Fourth 
Bay  City,  1022  Second 
City  of  Paris,  351  Fifth 
Detroit,  1152  Fourth 
Eureka,  cor  Fourth  and  B 
German,  cor  12th  and  F 
Gray,  J  &  Son,  Sixth  and  C 
Mayer's  Bakery,  1466  India 
New  England,  cor  Seventh  and  E 
New  Home,  (J  Gray  &  Son),  6th  &  C 
New  York  Domestic,  1537  E 
Snowflake,  cor  Eighth  and  F 
San  Diego  Steam   Cracker  Bakery, 

560  Fourth 
Tichenor  &  Bros,  cor  Eighth  and  F 
Vienna  Model,  Fourth  and  F 

Bank  of  Commerce,  841  Fifth 
California  National,  (in  liquidation) 

cor  Fourth  and  D 
California   Saving,    (in  liquidation) 

cor  Fourth  and  D 
Consolidated  National,  Fifth  and  G 

First  National,  cor  Fifth  and  E 
Savings  Bank  of  San  Diego  County, 

cor  Fifth  and  G 
San  Diego  Savings  Bank,   cor  Fifth 
and  E 


(See  also  Hair  Dressers.) 
Amman,  Frank,  537  Fifth 
Averbeck,  Geo,  1014  D 
Blackmer,  J  K,  1317  F 
Bolton  &  Qreen,  1442  H 
Bunce,  M,  1333  D 
Conrad  &  Kovats,  738  Fifth 
Dupish,  Edward,  427  Fifth 
Frick,  Ike,  1158  Fourth 
Hensley  &  Honeywell,  858  Ffith 
Hinters,  Oscar,  926  Fourth 
Hoch,  E  O,  744  Sixth 
Horton   House     Barber     Shop,    1016 

Hoyer,  Adolph,  2133  K 
Hyers,  F  C,  1321  D 
Moak,  W  M,  904  Fourth 
Ryan,  Joe,  539  Fifth 
Schaflein,  Jacob,  644  Fifth 
5chitterer  &  Zoellner,  Pierce-Morse 

blk,  1440  F 
Schwartz,  Eon,  1326  D 
Tuttle,  G  S,  466  Fifth 
Warner,  J  F,  865  Fifth 

Batln  Houses. 

Gregory  Mineral  Springs,  M  and  33 
Model,  foot  of  Sixth 
San  Diego,  Atlantic,  bet  C  and  D 
Silver  Gate  Bath  House,  First  &  Fifth 
Tropical  Bath  House,  foot  of  D,  137 


Lemon,  Geo  T,  735  Sixth 

San  Diego  Cycle  and  Machine  Co, 

cor  Sixth  and  E 

Bill  Posters. 

San  Diego  Bill  Posting  Co,  1016  D 


Santa  Ee 



From  Southern  California  to 

Denver,  Kansas  City,    Chicago,    Boston,  New   York,   and 
All  Eastern  Cities. 

Time  from  12  to  24  Hours  Shorterthan  anyother  Line 

Pullman  Palace  Sleeping  Cars  Run  Through  From 


Every  Day  in  the  Year. 

Personally  conducted  Tourist  Excursions  Through  to  Boston 

Leave  California  Every  Tlnursday 

Pullman  Tourist  Sleeping  Cars  used  on  these  excursions  are  carpeted 
and  curtained  and  supplied  with  mattresses,  blankets,  sheets,  pillows  and 
lunch  tables.  A  Pullman  porter  is  in  charge  of  each  car  to  attend  to  the 
comfort  of  our  patrons. 


7:^"  SANTA   FE   ROUTE  "^^^^^^ 

Makes  48  hours  quicker  time  to  Boston  than  any  other  line. 

J^^^Rates  for  these  excursions  are  the  lowest  made  from  California  to 
the  East.     For  full  information  call  on  or  address 

H.   B.   KEELER,  Agent, 

Fourth  and  D  Streets,  San  Diego, 
or  Cn   A    Warner,   125  North  spring  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

K.  H.  Wade,  General  Manager.  S.  R.  Hanes,  Gen.  Pas'gr  Agt. 



Carey,  Geo  W,  1726  H 

Cassil,  E,  554  Eighth 

Crockett  &  Duukin,  443  Eighth 

Delorey,  Ed,    horse  shoer,   Fifth  bet 

A  and  B 
Ells  &  Son,  644  Fourth 
Fry,  Daniel,  640  Second 
Hardy,  Geo  L,  1027  H,  bet  First  and 

Haskin,  G  F,  316  National  ave 
Hilb,  Geo  S  &  Co,  1316  India 
Hoole,  6  F,  1315 
McCann,  Chas,  First  and  E 
McKinnon,  John,  cor  Seventh  and  H 
Parrott  &  Co,  cor  I  and  Tenth 
Troy,  M  C,  533  Sixth 
Whitmore,  E,  830  Fourth 
Whitmore,  O,  830  Fourth 


Frandzen  &  Bumgardner,  832  to  836 

Gould,  Hutton  &  Co,  938  Third 
Harris  &  Co,  Lawyers  blk 
5tenhouse  &  Co,  1033  Third 
Schiller,  R,  1029  F 


Clark  A,  foot  of  H 
Paulson,  J  E,  foot  of  H 
San  Diego,  foot  of  Fifth 

Frandzen  &  Bumgardner,    832  836 

Gould,  Hutton  «&  Co,  938  Third 
Harris  «&  Co,  Eawyers'  blk 
Olmsted  Co,  1130  Fourth 
Stenhouse  &  Co,  1033  Fourth 
Schiller,  R,  1029  F 


Dodge  &  Burbeck,  1402  D,  cor  Fifth 
Larson  &  Loring,  1434,  1438  H 

Stephens  &  Son,  810  Fifth 
Old  Book  Store,  1530  F 
Olmsted  Co,  1130  Fourth 
Wertheimer,  M  A  &  Co,  762  Fifth 

Havermale  &  Rossier,  Bon  Ton  blk, 

D  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
Jacobs,  A  J,  634  to  636  Fifth 
Jereslaw,  741  Fifth 
Llewelyn,  W,  728  Fifth 
Wright,  F  F,  613  Fifth 


Boselli,  E  949  Fifth, 
Campbell,  A  D,  1415  E 
Christensen,  C  A,  1148  Fourth 
Dickson,  H,  702  H 
Folcke,  W,  1537  F 
Guadagnini,  E,  1027  Fourth 
Horn,  J  E,  1048  Fifth 
Hunt,  Geo  E  P,  848  Atlantic 
Hurst,  H,  1322  F 
Hynding,  P,  131 1  E 
Inker,  Geo,  557  Twelfth 
Lehman,  R  G,  1419  G 
Rennie,  Wm,  920  Sixth 
Straub,  Gustav,  437  Fifth 
Thelin,  O,  744  Fifth 
Wilson,  Wm,  848  Sixth 


Excelsior,  1 143  Third 

Heilbron,  F,  2141  K 

San  Diego  Soda  Works,  424  Logan 


(See  also  real  estate.) 
Barrows,  H  L,  431  Twelfth 
Bradshaw  &  Wood,  1424  E 
Burgoyne,  C  A,  915  Fifth 
Dunkin,  J  R  &  Co,  826  Sixth 
Gay  &  Burns,  1057  Sixth 
Gordon,  H  C,  923  Fourth 
Helphingstine,  John  A,  919  Fifth 
Hinkle,  W  S,  1426  E 


Bowler  &  Brown,  Kighth  and  H 

Dowell,  T.  J.,  Horton  house  blk 

Fos,  W.  N.,  1324  F 

Qilmore  &  Co.,  1012  Fourth 

Hazzard,  Geo.  W.,  640  Fifth 

Jewell  &  Co,  7  and  8,  Kline  blk 

King,    Lawrie  &  Co,   Fisher  opera 
house,  Fourth 

Latta  &  Graham,  850  Sixth 

Lockwood,  S,  1317  E 

Eungstrass  &  Walsh  912  Sixth 

Moll,  Sam  H,  755  Fifth 

Matthews  Bros,  948  Fifth 

Norcross,  F  H,  103 1  Fourth 

Potter  &.  Roberts,  810  Sixth 

Rogers,  I  D,  1340  D 

Sherman,  John,  Greely-Nesmith  blk 

Smith,  Chas.  F.,  merchandise,  Back- 
esto  blk  Fifth  and  H 

Spriggs,  J  C  jr.  &  Co,  cor  6th  and  F 

Stanton,  H  fl,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  E 

Stevens,  CH,  1234  D 

Stewart,  F  W,  21  Pierce-Morse  blk 

Strong  &  Arms,  826  Fifth 

Thomas,  J  R,  966  Sixth 


Lemon,  Qeo.  T.,  735  Sixth 

San  Diego  Cycle  &  Machine  Co.,  cor 
Sixth  and  E 


Hunt,  Qeo.  E.  P.,  848  Atlantic 

S.  D.  Building  &  Loan  Association, 
759  Sixth 

S  D  Savings  &  Loan  Association,  759 

Silver  Gate  Building  &   Loan  Asso- 
ciation, Kuhn  blk 


See  Meat  Markets. 


San  Diego  P.  «ScC.  Co.,  Atlantic  bet 

C  and  D 


Armstrong,  TJ,  916  Second 
Bachman,  A  L,  638  Fourth 
Barnes,  E  T,  1230  C 
Brewer,  H  W,  741  Sixth 
Butler,  W  J,  1622  F 
Day,  W  G,  1508  G 
Kingsbury  &  Co,  318  Fifth 
Lufkin,  Geo  J,  2312  C 
Rossman,  W  A,  918  Sixth 
Sanderson,  T  B  &  Co.,  425  Fifth 
Steffey,  T  H,  636  Sixth 
Strode,  H,  662  Sixth 
Waugh  Bros,  1 140  Fourth 
V/ootten,  J  B,  1622  F 

Pioneer,  751  First 
San  Diego,  Twenty-seventh  and  H 

Chadbourne   Farniture  Co.,  Fourth 

and  C 
Gray  &  Co.,  552  Fifth 
Marston,  Qeo  W,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

See  also  Wagons. 

Fuhrman,  Wm,  se  cor  Seventh  and  H 
San  Diego  Carriage  Works,  1215  F 
Thompson  &  McDowell,  513  Sixth 

Deyo,  T  S  &  Son,  1640  I,  cor  Eighth 
Germain,  A  G,  828  Fourth 

Curtin,  John  J,  1241  Fifth 
Kizer,  Chas.  E.,  504  Seventh 
Jamul  Portland  Cement  Manufactur- 
ing Co,  rooms  3  and  4,  Sun  bldg 
Bach,  H  W,  744  Fifth 
Besington,  John,  425  H 
Blackmer,  J  K,^3i7  F 
Brust,  Sam,  724  and  726  Fifth 


Burk,  B  H,  723  Fifth 

Chisholm,  J  J,  1024  D 

Hoffman,  Chas,  568  Fifth 

Jefferis,  F  D,  1317  D 

Johnson,  Geo  H,  646  Fifth 

Jost,  Joseph,    852  Fifth 

Klauber  «Sc  Levi,  cor  Fourth  and  H 

Lemline,  Louis,  964  Fifth 

Lewis,  Isidor,  540  Fifth 

Milgaard,  C  H,  1425  H 

Moser,  N,  932  Fifth 

McCabe,  Thos,  748  Fifth 

Munroe,  L,  F,  cor  Fourth  and  Plaza 

Peirro,  F,  1417  D 

Porter,  J  W,  456  Fifth 

Roche,  J  T,  752  Fifth 

Schwartz,  IvOU,  1326  D 

Sensenbrenner,  Aug,  1039  Fourth 

Talbot,  J  H,  1038,  1040  Fifth 

Weegar,  F  H,  cor  Sixth  and  F 


Ah  Quin,  Third  and  J 
Quon,  Mane,  Kee  &  Co,  631  Fifth 
Quong  Sow  Kee  &  Co,  Second  and  J 
Tam  A  Yark,    959  Fifth 


(See  also  Surveyors.) 

Capps,  E  M,  12  and  13  Snyder  blk 
Fox,  Chas  J,  First  National  Bank  blk 
Morrill,  David  L,  51  Snyder  blk 
Sanford,  O  N,  915  Sixth 
Schuyler,  J  D,  Ivawyers'  blk 
Scott,  Chalmers,  40,  41,  Lawyers  blk 


Speyer,  L.,  cor  Fifth  and  H 
Marston,  Geo.  W.,  cor  Fifth  and   F 

Blochman  &  Son,  618  Fifth 
City  of  Paris,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Cohen,  Charles,  642  Fifth 
Dorsey  Co.,  A.,  n  e  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Gaffagan,  J  G,  cor  Fifth  and  F 

International  Clothing  House,   936 

I  X  L,  Fifth  near  I 
Kauffman,  I,  651  Fifth 
Schiller  iSc  Murtha,  600  to  612  Fifth, 

cor  Fifth  and  H 
The  Lion,  945  Fifth 

Caledonian  Coal  Co.,  202  to  208  D 
Davidson  &  Co,  1210  Fifth 
Manha  Bros.,  2304  H 
McClain,  Wm.,  cor  Fourth  and.B 
Pacific  Wood  &  Coal  Co.,  Fifth  and 

Sixth  bet  J  and  K 
Pioneer  Coal  Co.,  1427  E 
Spreckels  Bros.  Com.  Co.,  wholesale 

cor  Atlantic  and  G 
Urban,  Geo.  A  L.,  cor  Sixteenth  &  K 


Brooks,  Frank  H,  room  8  Kuhn  blk 
Mercantile,  930  Sixth 
Stetson,  C.  M.,  1242  E 
Wells,  Edwin  A.,  955  Fifth,  room  5 
Gilbert  blk 


Allen,  R  C,  11  Con  Bank  bldg 
Fintzelberg,  Theo.,  759  Sixth 
Nason,  M.  C.  &  Co.,  362  to  366  Fifth 
Scott,  Hinke  &  Co.,  463  F'ifth  142 1  I 
Smith  &  Williams,  cor  Fifth  and  J 
Sherman,  M.,  Fifteenth  and  N 
Stewart,  W.  W.  &  Co.,  cor  Fourth 

Treat,  H.  C.  &  Co.,  338  to  342  Fifth 


Ingersoll,  A.  fl.,  also  ice  cream,  816 

Mielke,  J.   C,    mo  Fourth  and  at 

Fisher  Opera  House 
Nevin,  Bros,  850  Fifth 
Tupper  &  Phillips,  also  ice   cream, 

853  Fifth 


(pronaido     ^^|< 

^  i  ^r  ^-   VANDERKLOOT, 

'  „  President. 

„„,„    M.R.  VANDERKLOOT, 
AND  P  Vice-President. 

XtC^  ^^  ^     W^        J,  H.  BROUWER, 

^'^  \pmp8ir\y  Secretary 



— .«. — 

We  Make  A  Specialty  of 

^am       /irchS-fec-t  viral         12^ 
'*"*    IRON    WORK    ^--^^ 


And  Heavy  Castings. 
— .  •  . — 



In  Southern  California  for  Light  or  Heavy  Work. 

OUR  WORK  MAY    BE  SEEN     Los  Angeles   Cable  Railway   Co.,    Temple 
at  any  of  the  Street    Cable  Railway  Co.,  Second   Street 

FOLLOWING  PLACES:  ?^^^^,  ^%',  ^7^°"%^°"^^^:^^^,  ^°^^'    ^°1 

Angeles  Theatre,    U.  8.  Court   House   and 

Post  Office,  Philadelphia  Brewery,  Cummings  Block,  Burdic  Block,  all 
of  Los  Angeles;  San  Diego  Cable  Railway  Co.,  iron  work  for  road  bed 
and  power  house,  Allyn  Building,  San  Diego  County  Court  House,  Back- 
esto  Block,  and  other  buildings. 


Our  Trade  Extends  Along  the  Coast       ^        WE  INVITE  INSPECTION  OF 
from  ENSENADA  to  TACOMA.  '^  OUR  SHOPS. 



Capron,  John  Q.,   Consolidated   Nat 

Bank  bldg 
Goodbody  &  Sons,  cor  14th  and  H 
Graham,  R  A,  Lawyers'  blk 

Owen,  Mrs.  C.  B.,  1154  Fourth 

Monahan,  T  J,  1237  E 
Stetson,  C.  Jl.,  1242  E 


Blochman  &  Son,  618-622  Fifth 
Palace   Crockery    Store,    1019-1021 

Schiller  &  Son,  1314  E 
Hamilton  &  Co.,  711  Fifth 


Walz,  W.  Q.Co.,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
World  Curio  Co,  Fifth  bet  C  and  D 


Stults,  C.  W.,  824  Fifth 


bowell,  T.  J.,  Horton  house  blk 
Hulse,  A.  P.,  Horton  house  blk 
Mendelson  &  Flores,  755  Sixth 


Booth's,  University  Heights 
Jersey  Milk  Co,  662  Sixteenth 
Mission  Valley  Dairy,   Mission  Val- 
New  England,  Rose  canyon 
Pioneer,  2054  India 
Webb,  P  C,  Twenty-first  and  Kearney 
Silver  Gate,  Chollas  Valley 
San  Diego,  Mission  Valley 
South  Chollas,  South  Chollas  Valley 
Star,  Thirty-second  and  R 
X  D,  Hage,  W  B,  1253  Union 


De  Qarmo,  Tremont  house 
Francis,  Mrs,  161 1  D 
Hinton's  Academy,  Express  block, 
third  floor 


Barnes,  F  J,  i,  2,  3,  767  Fifth 
Cave,  D,  Allyn  blk,  cor  Fifth  and  E 
Coomes,  F  E,  room  10,  Kuhn  bdg 
Cogswell,  Thos,  D  D  S,  cor  Second 

and  D 
Gildea,  B  M,  531  Sixteenth 
Leonard,  C  N,  949  Sixth 
Lord,  C  C,  rooms  i,  2,  3,  Nesmith- 

Greeley  blk,  825  Fifth 
riathews  &  Hooker,  rooms  7  to  9, 

Consolidated  bank  bdg.  Fifth  &  G 
Monroe,  Geo,  745  Fifth 
Parsons,  J  Q,  D  D  S,  955  Fifth 
Philips  &  Harbison,  cor  Sixth  and  D 
Read  &  Read,  Drs.,  rooms  7  to  10, 

Pierce-Morse  blk,  telephone  159 

(See  ad  on  opposite  page). 
Sheriff  &  Sawhill,  16,  18,  Brunswick 
Simms,  D  C,  room  2,  726  Fifth 
Young,  J  A,  cor  Fifth  and  F 


Russell,  James,  1237  E 
Weller,  Thos.,  1242  E 


(See  also  Jewelers.) 

Barclay,  Jas  A,  864  Fifth 
German,  fl,  845  Fifth 
Jenks,  M  W,  808  Fifth' 
Reeve,  Thos,  1335  D 


Seehorne,  Ira,    with   W  S  Hebbard 
9  to  10,  First  National  bank  bdg 




Bitchuau,  Mrs  E,  846  Fourth 
Briukman,  Mrs  C,  1046  Fifth 
Brown,  Miss  Kate,  1730  D 
Butler,  Mrs  A  W,  807  Seventh 
Dauchy,  Mrs  A  H,  Snyder  blk 
Hammond,  Hrs  Mary  M,  947  Sixth 
Harrison,  MM,  1516  H 
Hill  &  Bovet,  823  Sixth 
King,  Mrs  Fannie,  1610  H 
Kirby,  Mrs  M  S,  1940  F 
King,  Mrs  Stovold,  1162  Fourth 
Landis,  Mrs  J  A,  cor  Fifth  and  E 
O'Donnell,  Miss  E,  Backesto  blk 
Storer,  Miss  F  E,  1237  Fifth 
Smith,  Mrs  M  C,  1227  Fourth 
Stearn,  Mrs,  Brunswick 
Pierce,  Mrs  A  P,  1616  F 
Taylor,  Mrs  W  B  1 146  Fourth 
Trenonth,  Miss  M  J,  The  Royal,    cor 

Fourth  and  B 
Turner,  Mrs  E,  Bon  Ton 


Arne  &  Fosdick,  cor  Sixth  and  E 
Averill,     Maria    B.,    Homoeopathic 

Pharmacy,  946  Sixth 
Bosher,  E.  H.,  cor  Fifth  and  H 
Braun,  F.  W.  &  Co.,  wholesale,   309 

Brewster  Pharmacy,  cor  Fourth  and 

C.     Open  all  night 
Chase,  Chas.  A.,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Dodge,  W.  L.,  cor  Sixteenth  and  K 
Doughty,  Wm.,  n  w  cor  Fourth  and 

C,  Blue  front 
Handel  &  Qearn,  827  Fifth 
Knapp,  W  B,  1369  India,  cor  Ash 
Knox  «Sc  Van  Haren,  cor  Sixth  and  D 
Marsh,  G.  W.,  n  w  cor  Seventh  &  F 
Millard,  F  R,  501  Fifth 
McKie,  J.  H.,  2103  H  cor  Twelfth 
Parker  &  Co,  1224  Fourth 
Popular,  372  Fifth 
San  Diego  Drug  Co.,  cor  Fifth  andD 

Strahlmann  &Co.,  cor  D  and  Fourth 
Stevens,  E.  R.,  648  Eogan 
Wetmore,   G    H,    Twenty-ninth  and 
National  ave 

Blochman  &  Son,  618  to  622  Fifth 
Carroll,  M  V,  609  Sixth 
City  of  Paris,  663-69  Fifth 
Czerwinsky,  T,  629  Fifth 
Qreenebaum,  G.  M.,  1414-1420  D 
Marston,  Geo.  W.,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Prentice,  W.  B.,  957  Fifth 
Schiller  &  Murtha,  600  to-  612  Fifth 

cor  Fifth  and  H 
Speyer,  L.,  601  Fifth 
White  House,  821  Fifth 

Bay  City,  1419  D 
Brown,  E,  956  Fifth 
Lang,  Geo.  A.,  838  Fourth 
Naumann,  J.,  843  Sixth  , 

Johnson  &  Co.,  907  Sixth 
S.  D.  Undertaking  Co.,  758  and   760 
Fourth  ^ 

Hendsch,  Hrs.  W.  F.,  910  Sixth  . 

Barclay,  Jas.  A.,  864  Fifth 
German,  M.,  steel,   copperplate  and 
wood,  845  Fifth 

Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

Arcade,  The,  815  Fifth 
Blochman  &  Son,  61S  to  622  Fifth 
City  of  Paris,  cor  Fifth  and  G 
Greenebaum,  G.  fl.,  1414,  1420  D 
Marston,  Geo.  W.,  cor  Fifth  and  F 
Prentice,  W.  B.,  957  Fifth 
Schiller  &  Murtha,  cor  Fifth  and  H 
Speyer,  L.,  cor  Fifth  and  H 
White  House,  821  Fifth 




Davidson  &  Co,  1210  Fifth 
Evans,  C  Iv  &  Co,  cor  H  and  Second 
Howard,  W.  E.,  225  Fifth 
Manha  Bros.,  2304  H 
Mertzmann  &  Waide  508  to  516  Sixth 
McClain,  Wm.,  cor  B  and  Fourth 
Rumsey,  T.  B&  Son,  427  Logan  ave 
Sanders,  T  C  F,  H  bet  nth  and  12 
Smith,  E  T,  866  Fourth 
Urban,   Qeo.   A.   L.,    cor    vSixteenth 
and  K 


Big  Diamond,  cor  E  and  Second 
Coffern  &  Mores,  cor  Seventh  and  H 
Granger,vcor  Eighth  and  I 


California  Fish  flarket,  wholesale 
and  retail,  foot  of  H 

City,  645  Fifth 

Goulden,  J,  1316  F 

S.  D.  Canning  &  Packing  Co.,  At- 
lantic bet  C  and  D 


Blaisdeli  &  Son,  Fifth  bet  B   and  C 
Pierce,  Mrs.   C.   O.,  cor  Thirteenth 

and  G,  and  931  Fifth 
Sessions,  Miss   Kate   L.,   cor  Fifth 

and  C 


Coronado  Foundry  &  Machine  Co., 

Standard  Iron  Works,  cor  Seventh 
and  E 


Alexander,  R.  Q.,  734  Fifth 
Dampf,  E,  938  Sixth 
German,  M.,  845  Fifth 
Parkinson,,  Geo  F,  1618  F 


Andrew,  Geo,  1417  H 

Beers,  W  A,  746  D 

Beja,  Chas,  1423  E 

Bower,  M.  D.,  1062  Fifth 

Chisholm,JJ,  1024  D 

Hedges,  J.  Q.  &  Co.,  s  wcor  Fourth 

and  E 
Knapp  Bros.,    wholesale   and  retail, 

948  Fifth 
Lutich,  Nick,  844  Fifth 
Mathews,  J,  963  Fourth 
Snider,  N.  W.,  cor  G  and  Sixth 
Solomon,  Jacob,  424  Fifth 
Warren  E  E,  1627  F 
Young,  A,  1308  F 



Chadbourne  Furniture  Co.,   Fourth 

and  C 
Gray  &  Co.,  Fifth  bet  H  and  I 
Turner,  C,  H.  &Son,  also  manufac- 
turers, n  w  cor  Sixth  and  D 

(New  and  Second-Hand.) 

Boaz's  Place,  734  Sixth 
Davis,  W.  J.,  822  Sixth 
Dollwet,  Nicholas,  658  Sixth 
Half =Price  House,  838  and  628  Sixth 
Magwood,  G.  W.,  1624-32  H 
Nadeau,  J  F,  also  manufactures, 747  F 
Stevens,  C.  fl..  Sixth  and  H 


(See  Plumbers.) 

Blochman  &  Son,  618  to  622  Fifth 

Whittier  &  Fuller,  639  Sixth 
San  Diego  Paint  Co.;  751  Sixth 


Hamilton  &  Co.,  711  Fifth 

Palace  Crockery  Store,   1019-21  5th 




Dodson,  A.  E.,  915  Fifth 
Hitchcock,  Geo  N  709  Sixth 
Paine,  J.  O.  W.,  F  bet  5th  and  6th 



Cowden,  J  B,  334  Fifth 

Harbison  Grocer  Co.,  cor  G  aud  7th 

Klauber  &  Levi,  cor  Fourth  and  H 

Baer,  N  &  Co  941  Fifth 
Blochman  &  Son,  618  to  622  Fifth 
Bona,  G  F,  2348  K 
Bradt,  Horace,  1240  Fifth 
Brusclii,  V.  &  Co.,  403  Fifth,  cor  J 
Bryant  Bros.,  424  National  ave 
Burch,  J.  D.  &  Co.,  829  and  831  Fifth 

Wholesale  and  Retail 
Carpenter,  W  S,  2402  K 
Cloyd,  G  N,  1028  H 
Collins,  J  M,  701  E 
Crowell,  A.  F.,  2111  H 
Duquette,  J   W,    cor    Vermont    and 

Farmer  &  Son,  foot  of  H 
Frost,  n.  S.,  Pacific  Beach 
Godfrey  &  Edwards,   1469   India   cor 

Godfrey,  Thos  M.,  cor  Front  and  D 
Goldkamp,   F  J,   Twenty-ninth   and 

Clay  ave 
Green,  M  P,  604  F 

Gurnett  &  Silverthorn,  701  Lagan  av 
Hamilton  &  Co.,  711  Fifth 
Has  lam  Bros.,  11 25  Sixth 
Heller,  M  F,  1902  F 
Hilton,  A  C,  1905  K  cor  Tenth 
Hipwell,  R  J,  Thirteenth  and  K 
Hodge,  H  C,  1331  D 
Hog  and  Hominy  Store,  941  Fifth 
Holcomb,  N  E,  2247  H 
Kaland  &  Co,  cor  Seventeenth  and  K 
Elucia,  Dolores,  North  San  Diego 
Eomprey,  Jerome,  547  H 

MacKay,  R.  S.  J.,  se  cor  Fifth  and  C 
Manha  Bros.,  2304  H 
Mattes,  N,  cor  Sixteenth  and  J 
May,  Chas  E,  Fifteenth  and  K 
McRae,  J.  A.  &  Sons,  1072  5th  cor  C 
Miller,  Mrs  C  E,  1269  India  cor  A 
Moody,  B  F,  922  Thirteenth 
Mulvey,  J  E  &  Son,  n  w  cor  6th  &  H 
Mumford,  J.  S.,  n  w  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Norman=Jacoby  Grocery    Co.,    922 

Quinton,  J  H,  412  National  ave 
Relfe,   John,  Twenty-sixth   and  Na- 
tional ave 
Rowland,  R  E,  Third  and  H 
Sandrock,  C  W,  North  San  Diego 
Sandrock,  Mrs,  Mission  Valley 
Schiller  &  Son,  1314  E 
Schimmer,  Carl  F,  1602  H 
Schirm,  J.  S.,  1529  F 
Sea,  F  M,  902  Fourth 
Sill,  S.  J.,  763  Fifth 
Snider,  H.  N.,  700  Sixth 
Stelzner  &  Kelley,  Sixth  and  I 
Stevens,  E.  R.,  Eogan  ave 
Stiller,  Max,  Sixteenth  and  M 
Strength,  W  F,  cor  Twenty-fifth  and 

Franklin  ave 
Thorp,  A  A,  cor  State  and  A 
Urban,   Geo.   A.   L.,  cor  Sixteenth 

Warren,  E  E,  1627  F 
Weegar,  H,  339  Eighth 
White,  Elmer,  1619  to  1625  D 
West,  J  B,  cor  Eighteenth  and  H 
Young,  J  O,  302  National 

Chick,  Martines,  gun  store,  641  Fifth 
Guenther.  H,  cor  Fourth  and  H 
Heinrich,  Louis,  cor  Seventh  and  J 
Kiessig,    Chas.,    gun    store,    Tower 

Lemon  &  Son,  735  Sixth 
Middleton,  Geo.,  St.  James  blk 
Steffey,  W  E,  636  Sixth 

Cash  For 

In  Stoves,  Tin,  Crockery,  Glassware  Lamps 


Genera!  House  Furnishings. 


1624    H    STREET. 


G.  W.  MflGWOOD'S 

SECOND- fi/il^D    STOnC, 



University  Heights 3 

City  Heights 4 

Old   Town 4j 

Mission  Valley 5 

,  '  Old  Mission 8  "^ 

r*  Race  Track 6^  /T) 

[t]  Pacific  Beach 8  rl: 

r*;  Ocean  Beach 8  lO 

UU  Roseville 7  ^ 

rr  La  Holya  Park  {ha.  Jolla) 13  ^^ 

f  Del  Mar.    23  «t- 

r"  Chollas  Valley 3  JL    ' 

(f)  National  City 5 

Paradise  Valley 6  (/) 

I              Sweetwater  Dam , 12  j 

Lakeside 20  ' 

Poway 25  "J) 

^  Escondido ' 35  m 

py]  Oceanside 40  *■  ' 

rjj  'Sorrento 15  pi 

CD  Otav 12  J 

^»  fe  Wanna  (Tia  Juana) 16  ~ 

Chulla  Vista 10 

Julian.. 60 

Alpine 26 

El  Cahone  (Cajou) 15 

Harmule  Valley  Postoffice  (Jamul) 20 

will  pay  you  CASH  for  anything  you  have  to  sell. 





(See  Barbers.) 
Cummings,  T  L,  408  National  ave. 
Deler,  M.,  733  Fifth 
H inters,  Oscar  H.,  926  Fourth 
Olympic,  1320  F 
Rucks,  Mrs  A  F,  6  Kline  blk 

Deier,  M.,  733  Fifth 
Kirby,  E.  D.  &  Co.,  931  Fifth 

^ Hamilton,  Fred.  N.  Co.,  719-721  Fifth 
and  722  Sixth 
Ingle,  Sam  Q.,  725  Fifth  726  Sixth 
Todd  &  Haw  ley,  658  Fifth    and   cor 
Fourth  and  G 


(See  Saddles  and  Harness.) 


Dorsey,   A.  Company,  n  e  cor  Fifth 

and  F 
Doud,  W.  H.,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Marston,  Geo.  W.,  807-811  Fifth 
Price,  L.,  Sixth  and  H 
Shep,  the  Hatter,  911  Fifth 


(See  also  Blacksmiths.) 
Delorey,  E.  J.,  1247  Fifth 
Jadwin,  A  J,  cor  14th  and  G 
Norris,  G  H,  1217  F" 

County   Hospital    and     Poor   Farm, 

Mission  valley 
Schmitt's    Free    Dispensary,     753 

St.  Joseph's,  Sixth  and  University  av 
U.  S.  Marine.  622  F 


(See  also  Dodging  Houses.) 

Adelphia  House,  1023  Front 
Albemarle,  C  C  Doomis,  cor   D   and 

Arcade,  Third  and  Plaza 

Bay  View,  cor  Twelfth  and  I 

Belle  View,  cor  Fourth  and  G 

Capital,  749  Fourth 

Commercial,  cor  Seventh  and  I 

Florence,  Fir  bet  Third  and  Fourth 

Grand  Hotel,  1232  P' 

Horton  House,  D  bet  Third  &  Fourth 

Hotel  Brewster,  cor  Fourth  and  C 

Hotel  D'Furope,  459  Fifth 

New  Carlton,  cor  Third  and  F 

New  Russ  House,  cor  F  and  Third 

Ocean  Beach  hotel,  Ocean  Beach 

Pacific  Beach  hotel,  Pacific  Beach 

Richelieu  House,  1055  Fifth 

St  Elmo,  cor  Second  and  H 

St  James,  cor  Sixth  and  F 

Victoria,  iii6to  1122  D 

Half=Price  House,  838  to  850  Sixth 
and  628  Sixth 


Journeay,  Geo,  670  Twentieth 
Palmer,  J  D  &  Sons,  826  Fifth 

Coronado  Ice  Co.,  C  B  Daggett,  1330 

E  street 
Union  Ice  Co.,  foot  of  F 

Wheeler  «&  Wheeler,  930  Sixth 

(See  also  Brokers  and  Real  Estate.) 

Bailhache,  A.  L.,  special  agent  Equi- 
table Life  Assurance  Society  of 
New  York 

Bailey,  James  A.,  Northwestern  Mu- 
tual Dife  846  Ninth 

Bean,  Chas  H,  life  ins,  915  Fourth 

Burnham,  E  W,  915  Sixth 

Clinkscales,  J.  H.,  special  agent  and 
adjuster,  915  Sixth 

Curtis,  C.  W.,  640  Fifth 



Dodson,  A.  E.,  915  Fifth 

Ferry,  J.  H.,  719  Fifth 

Fidelity   Mutual   Aid    Association, 

1319  E,  Metropolitan 
Fintzelberg,  Tlieo.,  759  Sixth 
Foster  &  Gwyn,  961  Fourth 
Freeland  &  Colton  n  w  cor  E  and  6th 
Grow,  G  B  &  Co,  fire  ins,  915  Fourth 
Liglitner  &  Co.,  640  Fifth 
Massacliusetts  Mutual  Life  Ins.  Co. 

W  F  Tompkins,  gen  agent,  rooms 

7  and  8,  Bancroft  bldg 
Home  Mutual  Insuraance  Co.,  J  C 

Sprigg  jr,    agent,    Pierce-Morse 

blk,  cor  F  and  Sixth 
Nerney,  T.  A.,  923  Fourth 
Northwestern  Mutual  Life  Ins.  Co., 

846  Ninth 
Otis  &  Co.,  1025  Fourth 
Penn    Mutual  Life,   A  W  Smenner 

gen  agent,  1424  F 
Ross,  Dow  &  Co.,  Kuhn  blk 
Reed,  D.  C.  &  Co.,  915  Sixth 
Schmidt,    E.    W.,   Fidelity   Mutual 

Aid  Association,  Metropolitan 
Sprigg,  J.  C.  Jr.,  cor  Sixth  and  F 
Stevens,  H.  C,  1234  D 
Tompkins  &  Co.,  rooms  7  and  8  Ban- 
croft bldg 
Williams,  Jeff.,  1330  E 

Fos,  W.  N.,  1324  F 


Barclay,  J.  A.,  864  F 

Barker,  S  F  &  Son,  818  Fifth 
Coonley,  A.  B.,  951  Fifth 
Plassig,  P.  A.  J.,  1022  Fifth 
German,  M.,  845  Fifth 
Hare,  E  A,  14  and  15  Express  blk 
Harris,  J  R,  643  Fifth 
Jenks,  W.  M.,  808  Fifth 
Lewis,  I,  540  Fifth 
Naylor,  K  C,  836  Fifth 
Reeves,  Thos,  1335  D 

Dunbar  Bros.,  cor  Sixth  and  I 
Falyan,  A  W,  Eighth  and  K 
Gulbrardson,  Theo,  1530  H 


Arcade,  815  Fifth 

Marston,  Geo.  W.,  cor  Fifth  and  F 

.Speyer  L.,  cor  Fifth  and  H 

Palace   Crockery    Store,    1019-1021 

Johnstone,  J  S,  964  Sixth 


Bouscat,  J,  644  Atlantic 

French  Laundry,  Fourth   and   Plaza 

Model,  2370  F 

San  Diego,  11 70  State  cor  B 

Sivierou,  Etienne,  1053  Sixth 

Incandescent    Electric    Light   Co., 

Geo  D  Copeland  Pres,  849  Fifth 
San  Diego  Gas  &  Electric  Light  Co., 

935  Sixth 


Cohn,  J.    A.,    1321    and    1323   F  bet 

Fourth  and  Fifth 
Lehman   R.  G.,  H  bet  5th  and  6th 


Jumal  Portland  Cement  Co.,  Warren 

Wilson  pres.  Sun  bldg 
Spreckels'  Commercial  Co.,  foot  of  G 
Stewart,  W.  W.  &  Co.,  cor  Fourth 

Wyman,  Gruendike  &  Co.,  foot  of  F 


Alta,  Third  and  Grape 
Cuyamaca,  cor  Third  and  C 
Fashion,  First  and  H 
Fifth  Avenue  Boarding  Stable,   cor 

5th  and  B 
H  Street,  2345  H 



Kampling  &  Stoner,  Third  bet  E  &  F 
Kansas,  cor  Fourth  and  I 
Kearney,  D  C,  521  Seventh 
Levi,  A,  Sixth  and  H 
Mason,  H  H  1119  H 
Pacific  Stables  cor  Third  and  F 
Palace  Livery  Stable  cor  Second  &  E 
Star  Stables,    Blithen  &   Dowd,  cor 

Seventh  and  J 
Diamond  Carriage  Co.,  1038  F'irst 
Thomas,  Smith,  539  Seventh 
Smith  &  Bird,  1607  H 
Union  Stables,  733  Second 
Wilson,  W.  F.,  cor  H  and  Eleventh 


California  Mortgage  Loan  &  Trust 

Co.,  1015  and  1017  Fourth 
Pacific  Coast  Loan  &  Trust  Co.,  cor 

Fifth  and  G 
Southern  California  Investment  Co., 

Consolidated  Bank  bldg 
United  Investment  Co.,  1055  Fifth 


(See  also  Hotels.) 
Albany,  749  Fourth 
Alpha,  655  Sixth 
Alhambra,  511  Ninth 
Allison,  The,  854  Tenth 
Allyn,  s  w  cor  5th  and  E 
American,  G  and  Columbia 
Barnett,  Mrs  C  J,  529  Fifth 
Bon  Ton,  cor  Sixth  and  D 
Bradt,  Q.  Q.,  1248  Fifth 
Brooklyn,  The,  1629  E 
Buckingham,  cor  D  and  Second 
Clifton,  1721  Fourth 
Ellsworth,  The,  cor  Twelfth  and   H 
Fifth  Avenue  1248  Fifth 
Good  Templars  Building,  940  Third 
Gould  House,  1239  E 
Grand  Central,  Sixth  and  H 
Grand  Pacific,  cor  Sixth  and  H 
Haley,  Mrs  Lou,  959  Fourth 
Hewitt  House  cor  Seventh  and  E 

Hill  Block,  943  Fourth 
Hinters,  Mrs.  Maggie,  Sun  bldg 
Hollister,  The,  1620  F 
Holt  House,  cor  Fifteenth  and  H 
Keystone,  943  Tenth 
Lafayette,  D  and  Seventh 
Langham,  cor  Fourth  and  C 
Llewelyn  Block,  Fifth  bet  F  and  G 
Leland,  cor  Sixth  and  E 
Luben  Ben,  519  Fifth 
Lynnell  House,  Seventh  bet  F  and  G 
Manor,  cor  Fifth  and  Ash 
Manvel,  n  w  cor  Sixth  and  D 
Metropolitan,  1319  E 
Minneapolis,  743  Seventh 
Montezuma,  Second  and  F 
Montrose  719  Fourth 
Morse,  Whaley  &  Dalton,  920  5th 
New  Russ,  E  bet  Third  and    Fourth 
Orford  House,  1626  H 
Pickwick,  1029  Fourth 
Plaza  Palace,  946  Third 
Prescott  House,  1206  Fifth 
Ramona,  1231  Fourth 
Revere,  11 26  Fourth 
Richelieu,  Fifth,  bet  C  and  D 
Roxbury,  729  Seventh 
Royal,  Fourth  bet  A  and  B 
Selwyn  House,  553  Fifth 
Sheldon  Block,  816  Sixth 
Sierra  House,  cor  Eighth  and  K 
Skinner,  Mrs  May  1231  Fourth 
Stanford,  cor  Eighth  and  F 
Sun  Building,  cor  Fourth  and   Plaza 
Switzer,  E  D,  1267  4th 
Topeka,  cor  H  and  Eighth 
Tower  House,  cor  Fourth  and  F 
Tremont,  Third  bet  C  and  D 
Ulrick,  Mrs  J  C  868  Third 
Union  House,  Seventh  and  I 
Westminster,  1021  G 
Willard,  1435  E 

Windsor,  Mrs  M  C  Sauer  prop,  837 



Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co.,   cor  First 

and  I 
San  Diego  Lumber  Co.,  L,  bet  Fifth 

and  Eighth 
West  Coast  Lumber  Co.,  D  &  India 

Coronado  Foundry  and  flachine  Co. 

Evans,  L.  J.,  845  Sixth 
S.  D.  Cycle  and  Machine  Co.,   cor 

Sixth  and  E 
Standard  Iron  Works,  Seventh  &  E 


Schmidt,  Mrs.  E.  W.,  1319  E,    Met- 


Smith  &  Pirnie,   851    D,    opp   Court 


Bay  City,  cor  Fifth  and  G 

Court  House,  958  Front 

Elliott,  W  H,  313  National  ave 

Golden  Gate,  1068  Fifth 

Hardy,  Chas.  S.,  wholesale,  cor  5th 

and  G 
Kauffman,  C,  1545  F 
Lone  Star,    H  near  14th 
Mayer,  John,  1214  Fifth 
\nna,  A,  India  and  Cedar 
Mundelius,  Conrad,  171  Sixteenth 
San  Diego   Beef  and  Packing  Co., 

1 06 1  Fifth 
Santa  Fe,  foot  of  H 
Selwyn  &  Allison,  747,  749  and  751 

Fifth,  wholesale  and  retail 
San  Diego,  553  Fifth 
Washington,  749  Fifth 
Winter,  Wm.,  946  Fifth  1)et  D  and  E 

Blochman  &  Son,  618  to  622  Fifth 
City  of  Paris,  cor  G  and  Fifth 
Dorsey  Co.,  A.  n  e   cor  Fifth  and  E 
Doud,  W.  H.,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Gaffagan,  J  G,  872  Fifth 
Lion,  The,  945  Fifth 
Eabell,  Harry,  507  Fifth 
Mechanic's  Store,  C  Cohen,  642  Fifth 
Marston,  Geo.  W.,   807-811  Fifth 
Price,  J.,  Sixth  and  H 
Schiller  &  Murtha,  cor  Fifth  and  H 
Welisch,  H.,  936  Fifth 

Bailhache,  J.  M.,  Southern    Califor- 

fornia  Mercantile  Agency 
Dun,  R.  Q.  &  Co.,  room  11  Richelieu 


(See  also  Tailors.) 

De  Groot,  Walter  I,  successor  to  Joe 

Poheim,  916  Fifth 
Ehrhardt  Wm  J,  955  Fourth,  Plaza 
Ekings,  Francis,  1413-1415  F 
Milsom  &  Stratton,  1334  D 
Vernon,  J.,  1327  E 

Cash  nilinery  Store,  11 18  Fourth 
Custer,  rirs.  Ella,  931  Fifth 
De  Voll,  Mrs  M  a,  861-863  Fifth 
Harrison,  M  M,  1516  H 
Remy,  Mrs  S  A  &  Co,  1134  Fourth 
Rumple,  Mrs.  T.  D.,  923  Fifth 
Sullivan,  N,V,  822  Fifth 
The  Wonder,  939  Fifth 
Van  Buskirk,  Mrs  D,  1421  D 


Birkel,  Geo.  J.,  io5o-5;2  F'ourth 

Blackmer,  E  T,  951  Fifth 

Darrow,  L  R,  951  Fifth 


Palace  of  Art,  1031-1033  Fifth 

Rossi,  Mrs.  M  C,  739  Fifth 



Chase,  Waldo  F.,  2  Bou  Ton  blk 

Cooley,  Miss  Clara,  28  Kline  blk 
Ferris,  firs.  Electa  HuH,  room  39, 

Grand  Pacific 
Meisel,  Carl,  Allynblk 
McLeran,  Miss  Rhoda,  Fisher  Opera 

House,  4th 
Sloan,  Geo.,  27  Keating  blk 
Swayne,  Mrs  T  J,  928  Sixth 
Howard,  John,  928  Sixth 

Emmel,  W.  B.,  860  Fifth 
Page,  Geo  R,  Post  office 
Sawyer,  Miss  Mary  P,  Hotel  Florence 


Advertiser,  1146  Third  cor  D 
Daily  San  Diegan,  cor  Third  and  D 
Daily  Sun,  Sun  bldg 
Daily  Union,   Lawyers'  blk 
Great  Southwest,  Lawyers'  blk 
Golden  Era,  Lawyers'  blk      « 
National  Popular  Review 
Sud-California     Deutsche     Zeitung, 
764  Fourth 

Blaisdell,  S.  Q.  &  Son,  1146  Fifth 
Chula  Vista,  cor  Eighth  and  G 
Ford'  Tropical,  cor  Ninth  and  F 
Magnolia,  cor  Sixth  and  E 
Mission  Valley,  5th  and  D 
Poway,  cor  Eighth  and  F 
San  Diego  Nursery,  cor  5th  and  C 
Silver  Gate,  office  456  Fifth 
South  Pacific  1419  F,  yard  9th  and  G 
Sunnyside,  cor  9th  and  F 
Sweetwater  Nursery  Co., cor  8th  &  F 
Watson,  O.  B  &  Co.,  cor  5th  and  I 

Anderson,  Miss  Laura  B,  49  Leland 
Bush,  Thos  H,  840  Fifth 
Dannals,  Geo.  M.,  826  Sixth 
Dodson,  A.  E.,  915  Fifth 

Dugherty,  H,  H.,  1336    D 
Fintzelberg,  Theo.,  759  Sixth 
Higgings,  Thos,  1420  E 
Hitchcock,  Geo  N,  709  Sixth 
Hulse,  A.  P.,  Horton  house  blk 
Moore,    Ben.     F.,    with   Hunsaker, 

Britt  &  Goodrich 
Mouser,  A.  C,  917  Fifth 
Muir,  B.  L.,  1319  F 
Paine,  J.  O.  W.,  1419  F 
Stevens,  C.  H.,  1234  D 
Sweet,  A  H,  First  National  Bank  blk 
Titus,  Nat.  R.,  with  Gibson  &  Titus 
Tucker,  J.  Z.,  2   Morse,    Whaley   & 

Dalton  Blk 
Whitehead,  Ben  F,  15  Lawyer*sblk 


Cleary,  Dr.  George,  Keating  blk  cor 

5th  and  F 
Rodes,  Jos.,  Bon  Ton  blk,  D  and  6th 

King,  Arthur,  Seventh  and  H 
Little,  W.  E.  Co.,  1124  Fourth 
Standard  Oil  Co.,  foot  of22d 
San  Diego  Paint  Co.,  751  Sixth 
Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co.,   635  Sixth 


German,  M.,  845  Fifth 
Barclay,  Jas.  A.,  864  Fifth 

Bown  &  Cliff,  sign,  847  Sixth 
Deyo,  T.  S.  Son,  cor  8th  and  I 
Glover,  W  B,  1243  Fifth 
Hunt,  Wm  C,  1614  H 
McAuliff,  H.  B.,  862  Fourth 

Alexander,  R.  Q.,  734  Fifth 
Heath,  J.  A.,  624  Fifth 
Hoff,  John  D.  Asbestus  Co.,  923  4th 
Hunt,  Wm.  C,  1614  H 
Merigan,  N.  E.,  833  Seventh 
San  Dedgo  Paint  Co.,  751  Sixth 
Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co.,  635  Sixth 


Smith,  A.  B.,  13  to  18  Kuhn  blk 

Merigan,  N.  E.,  833  Seventh 

Chicago,  C  Klindt,  657  Fifth 
Coonley,  H.  E.,  Backesto  blk  5th  &  H 
Elite,  E  H  Turner,  767  Fifth 
Judd,  C  W,  860  Fifth 
Lenz'  Temple  of  Music  &  Art,  103 1 

Ivuccock,  C  D,  1622  H 
Slocum,  J.  E.,  phographers'  supplies 

854  Fourth 

Arndt,  Drs.  943  Sixth 
Averill,  Maria  B,  946  Sixth 
Bailey,   S  Evlaine,    (homoeopathic) 

1528  E 
Baker  &  Baker,  n  e  cor  5th  and  C 
Burnham,  F.  R.,  6  Kuhn  blk 
Carson,  Edwin,  1055  Fifth 
Churchill,  C  C,  Allyn  blk 
Cleary,  George,  oculist  and  aurist, 

4  and  5  Keating  blk  cor  5th  &  F 
Conson,  A.  H.,  s  e  cor  7th  and  E 
Crepin,  H.  E.,  561  Fifth 
Crepin,  H.  N.,  561  Fifth 
Davis,  T.  A.,  767  Fifth 
Day,  B.;W.,  i,  2,  Allyn  blk  5th  &  E 
Derbyshire,  A  L,  17,  18  Kline  blk 
Docking,  Thos.,  643  Sixth 
Doig  &  Hearne,  1506  C  cor  Sixth 
Edwards  &  Waterman,  5,   6   Keating 

blk  cor  5th  and  F 
Escher,  J  F,  n  e  cor  5th  and  E 
Fairbairn,  T  A,  1234  Sixth 
Fenn,  C.  M.,  651  Seventh 
Garvin,  H  D,  3114  N 
Qochenauer,  D.,  2,  3  Express  blk 
Goss,  Dr  R  J,  Sun  bldg 
Gray,  A  J.,  918  Fir 
Hildreth,  "H,  Emerson  house 
Hulburt,  R  G,  n  e  cor  5th  and  H 

Hunt,  Nathan,  Grand  Pacific 
Jenks,  G  W,  917  Twenty-eighth 
Labaume,  Lydia  H.,  1740  D 
Lathrop,  E  H,  936  Sixth 
Lewis,  H  E,  The  Langham,  4th  and  C 
Luscomb,  C  E,  room  5  Marston  blk 
Magee,  T.  L.,  9,  10  Backesto  blk 
Mertzmann,  B.  F.,  (homoeopathic) 

1034  Fifth 
Morgan  &  PolhemuS,  1045  Sixth 
McSwegan,  D,  i  &  2  Metropolitan 
Nugent,  E,  Backesto  blk 
Park,  Lottie  I.,  1740  D 
Paynes,  J  R,  633  Tenth 
Reading,  J.  W.,  n  e  cor  5th  and  H 
Remondino,P.  C.  Fisher  Opera  house 

Fifth  st 
Rodes,  Joseph,  specialist   eye,    ear, 

nose  and   Throat,    Bon   Ton   blk 

cor  Sixth  and  D 
Rood,  V  D,  344  Logan  ave 
Rupp,  D  F,  cor  5th  and  F 
Schmitt,  Geo.  H.,  953  Fourth 
Stockton,  Valle  &  Northrup,  726  5th 
Stone,  J.  B.,  n  w  cor  4th  and  C 
Van  Norman  &  flcConkey,   927  6th 
Telson,  Mrs  M  K,  1241  India 
Walcott,  A  P,  1 161  Second 


Blackmer,  Eli  G,  951  Fifth 
DoHwet,  Nicholas,  658  Sixth 


India  Street,  cor  India  and  B 
The  Russ,  First  and  J 
San  Diego,  Foot  of  Sixth 


Johnstone,  J.  S.,  964  Sixth 
Julian  &  Sons,  532  Fifth 
Kindler,  Albert,  743  Sixth 
Leonard  &  Wade,  851  Seventh 
Merritt,  Geo.  A.,  534  Eleventh 
McKenzie  &  Bro.,  Sixth  and  K 
Woolman,  John  H.,  1630  F 



Coon,  W.  A.,  temperance,  1043  4th 

Black,  W.  Thurston.  Bakesto  blk 

Goulden,  J,  1316  F 
San  Diego  Paultry  Co.,   4th  adjoin- 
ing Fisher  Opera  house 
Snider,  W.  N.,  700  Sixth 
Stelzner  &  Kelley,  n  w  cor  6th  and  I 

Bynon,    A.  Bert,  Enterprise  Print- 
ing Co,  cor  F  and  Eighth 
City  Printing  Co.,  909  Fourth 
Collins,  J.  V.  jr.,  532  Thirteenth 
Dalmazzo,  F  M,  723  Fifth 
Economy  Printing  Co,  cor  3d  and   D 
Frandzen,  Bumgardner  &  Co.,  832 

to  836  Fourth 
Gould,  Hutton  &  Co.,  938  Third 
Hildreth,  H  W,  730  Sixth 
Kamman,  C  F,  764  Fourth 
Olmsted  Co.,  The,  1130  Fourth 
San  Diego  Printing  Co.,  864  Sixth 
Stenhouse  &  Co.,  1033  Fourth 
Whaley,  Frank  H.,  Sun  bldg 

Public  Library,    Consolidated  Bank 

bldg  cor  5th  and  G 
Y.  M.  C.  A.,  639  to  643  Eighth 


Allison,  J  A,  826  Fifth 

Arnold,  Q.  C,  9175th 

Boone,  Griffith  &  Co.,  856  Sixth 

Bowler  &  Brown,  n  w  cor  H  and  8th 

Bradshaw  &  Wood,  1424  E 

Brooks,  Jas  F,  cor  3d  and  Juniper 

Burgoyne,  C.  A.,  915  Fifth 

Bush,  Thos,  840  Fifth 

Campion,  Morton  &  Co.,  1317  E 

College  Hill  Land  \ss'n,  iiKuhnblk 

Christensen,  J  P,  1317  F 

Choate,  D,  832  Fifth 
Churcher,  E  A,  1336  D 
Clark,  Jas  S,  915  Fourth 
Cook,  Henry,  840  Fifth 
Crittenden,  H.  B.,  923  F'ourth 
Dake,  T.  C.  S.,  1317  E  bet 4th  and  5th 
Dickinson,  G.  W.  &Co.,  1422  D 
Dorman,  Edw.  &  Co.,  1238  D,   Hor- 

ton  house  blk 
Dougherty,  E,  840  Fifth 
Dougherty,  H.  H.,  1336  D 
Dunkin,  J.  R.  &Co.,  826  Sixth 
Duress,  Wm  A,  1315  D 
Elliott,  J.  B.  &  Co.,  cor  7th  and  F 
Escondido  Land  &  Town  Co.,  9666th 
Ethridge,  Frank,  909  Fourth 
Ferris,  W  C,  934  Fourth 
Fintzelberg,  Theo.,  759  Sixth 
Fox,  ChasJ,  (Juniper   L   &   W   Co), 

First  National  Bank  blk 
Fox,  Sam'l  I.4ScCo.,  1411  E 
Freeland  &  Colton,  cor  E  and  Sixth 
Frame,  J.  A.,  1426  E 
Gay  &  Burns,  1057  Sixth 
Oilman  &  Burright,  13 15  D 
Gillmore  &Co.,  1012  Fourth 
Gordon,  H.  C,  723  Fourth 
Grandstaff,  T.  &  Co.,  1330  E 
Hakes,  C  C,  1016  D 
Hartwell,  S  M,  924  Sixth 
Hazzard,  G.  W.,  640  Fifth 
Heath,  Chas.  E.,  1426  E 
Helppingstine,  John  A.,  919  Fifth 
Himbaugh,  H  H,  1326  D 
Hitchcock,  A  L,,  509  Sixth 
Jewell  &  Co.,  7,  8  Kline  blk 
Latta  &  Graham,  850  Sixth 
Lawrence  G.  W.,  1442  E 
Loop,  T  M,  1332  D 
Louis,  Isidor,  notary    public,    Louis 

blk,  843  Fifth 
Lungstrass  &  Walsh,  912  Sixth 
Mack,  Lawrence  J.,  1332  D 
Mannasse,  J.  S.,  731  Fifth 
Matthews  Bros.,  948  Fifth 



Marshall,  J  W,  1442  E 

Moore,  F  M,  856  Fifth 

Muir,  B.  L.,  1319  F 

McCormack,  J,  934  Fourth 

Nielsen,  J  B,  1436  E 

Norcross,  H.  F.  1031  Fourth 

Otis  &  Co.,  1025  Fourth 

Patterson,  W  C,  832  Fifth 

Pauly,  Chas  W.,  923  4th  Lawyers  bk 

Potter  &  Roberts,  810  Sixth 

Prout,  W.  J.,  cor  C  and  26th 

Rogers,  I  D,  1340  D 

Ross,  Dow  &  Co.,  Kuhn  blk 

San  Diego  Land  &  Town  Co.,  849 

San  Marcos  Land  Co.,  cor  4th  and  D 

Soto  J.  M.  918  Third,  Mexican  and 
California  lands.  Pass  on  Mex- 
ican titles 

Spriggs,  J.  C.  jr.,  cor  Sixth  and  F" 

Stanton  &  Douglas,  1420  E 

Stevens,  C.  H.,  1234  D 

'Stewart  F  W,  21  Pierce-Morse  blk 

Strong  &  Arms,  826  Fifth 

Walmer,  J.,  1446  E,  Coronado  real 
estate  a  specialty 

Wetmoref  G  H,  Sen,  28th  and  Natn'l 


B  B  &  B,  1050  Fifth 

Bon  Ton,  Mrs  Elvira  Price,  552  6th 

Bussow,  Mrs.  S.,  503  Fifth 

Carr,  James,  827  Seventh 

Commercial,  758  Fifth 

Qirard  Lunch  Room,  1433  F 

Hoffman,  746  Fifth 

Home,  428  Fifth 

Lynnell,  Harry,  514  Fifth 

Maison   Riche,  943  Fourth  on    Plaza 

Mercantile  Cafe,  854  Fifth 

Minneapolis,  828  Fifth 

Palace  Lunch  Counter,  926  Fifth 

Rockaway,  1207  I 

San  Diego  Oyster  &  Chop   House, 

503  Fifth 
Schulze,  H,  cor  5th  and  K 

Stack,  Mrs.  H,  562  Fifth 
Thomas,  F.  E.,  1612  F 
Tujague,  Mrs.  M.,  1433  F 
Vienna  Lunch  Room,  cor  4th  and  F 

Wallace, ^Richard,  842  Fifth 


San  Diego  Rubber  Stamp  Co.,   864 



Bowers,  J  M,  1532  H 
Edwards,  C.  J.,  721  Fourth 
Montijo,  R.,  558  and  560  Fifth 
Nichols,  J  G  B,  Fourth  andF 
Reutner,  Adolph,  1237  H 
Thieme,  M  F,  1315  F 
Villa,  FJ,  919  Sixth 

Hall's  Safe  &  Lock  Co.,  930  Sixth 

Eberhardt,  O.  C,  1423  E 
GilcherWm,  1043  State 


(See  Wines  and  Liquors.) 


(Por  Public  Schools  see  first  part  of 

Coffey,  Prof.  E.  H.,  teacher  of  Span- 
ish, teacher  public  schools,  Sny- 
der blk 

Ludlum,  Miss  flildred,  elocution 
and  delsarte,  1844  Fourth 

Ludlum,  Mrs.  E  M,  elecution,  history 
and  literature,  1844  Fourth 

North,  J  D,  languages,  857  Third 

Phillips,  Mrs  P  F,  2038  C 

San  Diego  Business  College,  N  I 
Phillips  prin,  cor  5th  and  C 

San  Diego  Commercial  College,  cor 
Sixth  and  F 

Southwest  Institute,  cor  3d  and  Elm 

Webb,  Oliver,  manual  training,  928 



Daley  &  Ripley,  searchers  of  records 
abstractor  of  titles,  903  4th  cor  E 

Boaz's  Place,  733,  734  Sixth 
Caleb,  George,  1420  I 
Davis,  W.  J.,  822  Sixth 
Dollwet,  Nicholas,  658  Sixth 
Flenner,  A.,  1602  F 
Flint,  Daniel,  543  Fifth 
Half=Price  House,  838-52  and  628  6th 
Magwood,  Q.  W.,  1624-32  H 
Old  Reliable,  809  Sixth 
Skinner  &  Long,  721  Sixth 
Slifer,  J  J,  1542  H 
Smith,  L  H,  1440  E 
Thorndike,  A  W  &  M  W,  651-57  6th 
Waugh  Bros,  1140  Fourth 
Whittier,  J  F  727  Sixth 
Wurzell,  Joe,  640  Sixth 

Sweetwater  Nursery  Co.,  8th  and  F 
Watson,  Geo.  B.  &  Co.,  cor  5th  &  I 

Buck,  J.  S.,  cor  5th  and  K 

Davis,  F  E  Second  and  G 


Domestic,   E  F    Rockfellow    agent, 

759  Fifth 
New  Home,  E  F  Rockfellow,    agent, 

759  Fifth 
Singer  Agency,  655  Fifth 
Standard,  E  F  Rockfellow  agent,  759 

Daniels,  May  C,  1317  E 
White,  Geo  W   Marston,  agent,  cor 

Fifth  and  F 

Price,  J.,  615  Sixth 

Dann,  Mrs  S  S,  cor  Elm  and  5th 
Walz,  W.  Q.  Co.,  5th  and  F 
World  Shell  &  Curio,  1045  Fi^h 

Heath,  J.  A.,  624  Fifth 


(See  also  Boot  and  Shoemakers.) 
Boselli,  D,  929  Fifth 
Eichhorn,  G,  1115  H  , 

Fisher,  T  2384  K 
Gould,  A,  1237  Fifth 
Heilbron  2141  K 
Smith,  Chas,  465  Sixteenth 

Southern  California,  Coronado 
Stead,  Q.  D.  Co.,  642  to  650  First 
Tandy,  Dr.  Arctic 

Excelsior  Bottling  &  Extract  Co., 

1 143  Third 
San  Diego  Soda  Works,424  Dogan  av 

Dodge  &  Burbeck,  cor  Fifth  and  D 
Emmel,  W.  B.,  860  Fifth 
German,  M.,  845  Fifth 
Larson  &  Loring,  1434-38  H 
Olmsted  Co.,  The,  1130  Fourth 
Stephens  &  Son,  810  Fifth 
Wertheimer  &  Co.,  762  Fifth 

Schaff net.  Miss  Minnie,  Lawyers  bk 

Capps,  A.  v.,  12  and  13  Snyder  blk 
(See  Merchant  Tailors.) 

Brust,  Jacob,  750  Fifth 
De  Beurge,  Louis,  437  Fifth 
Gallo,  E.,  1235  Fourth 
Hammond,  Mrs.  Mary  M.,  947  6th 
Lehmann,  Theo,  754  Third 
McCreesh,  Wm,  1313  F 
Sullivan,  T.  J.,  1144  Fourth 

Great  American  Importing  Tea  Co., 

969  Fifth 
Nye  &  Nissen,  958-60  Fifth 
Ballou,  G.  H.  &  Co.,  wholesale  roas- 
ters, importers   and  jobbers,  u  e 
cor  5th  and  K 

Old  Reliable  Tent  Co.,  First  Nation- 
al Bank  blk 
San  Diego  Tent  &  Awning  Co.,   565 





Pacific  Postal,  cor  5th  E 

San  Diego  District,  10 19,  1021  4th 

Western  Union,  cor  F  and  5th 


Fisher  Opera  House,  4th  bet  B  and  C 
Louis  Opera  House,  5th  bet  B  and  C 


Bone,  W  S,  2430  K 
Cuyamaca,  418  Fifth 
Julian  &  Sons,  532  Fifth 
Williams,  W  E,  730  Sixth 

Dodge  &  Burbeck,  cor  5th  and  D 
Larson  &  Loring,  1448  H 
Rossi,  firs.  n.  C.  739  Fifth 
Olmsted  Co.,  1130  Fourth 
Stephens  &  Son,  810  Fifth 
Wertheimer,  fl,  A.  &  Co.,  762  5th 


Pacific  Transfer  &  Querney  Cab  Co, 

1014  Fourth 
San  Diego  &  Coronado,  W  A  Hawk- 
ins, 1019,  1021  Fourth 


Pioneer  Truck  Co.,  1427  E 
San  Diego  Truck  Co.,  728  Fifth 

Johnson  &  Co.,  907  Sixth  near  E 
San  Diego  Undertaking  Co.,  758  and 

760  Fourth 

Backenstose,  Edward,  6th  and  H 
Crowhall,  J  C,  G  and  Union 
Qillen,  J.  R.,  936  First 
Koster,  P,  1122  Third 
Wright,  J.  W.,  cor  nth  and  H 

Bates  Implement  Co.,  213  Fifth 
Metcalf  Bros,  753  and  755  Fourth 
McDougall  Bros.,  cor  7th  and  I 
Parrott  &  Co.,  mfrs,  cor  loth  and  I 

Alexander,  R.  Q.,  846  Fifth 
Merigan,  N.  E.,  833  Seventh 
San  Diego  Paint  Co.,  751  Sixth 
Sandin,  Chas  M,  1156  Fourth 
Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co.,  639  Sixth 

National  Manufacturing  Co.,  works 
at  National  City 

Cuyamaca,  15th  and  N 
Davis,  Henry  L,  foot  of  Hawthorne 
Silver  Gate,  9th  bet  L  and  M 
Spreckels,  cor  Atlantic  and  G 
Stewart,  W.  W.  &  Co.,  cor  4th  &  K 


Deleval,  Chas.  &  Co.,  628  Fifth 
Jones,  Victor,  544  Fifth 
Klauber  &  Levi,  cor  4th  and  H 
Lewis  Co.,  The,  715,  717  Fourth 
Matfield,  Geo.  H.,  1321,  1323  E 
Schranze  &  Polzien,  1 128  to  1134  D 
Taylor,  Q.  W.,  927  Fourth 

Austrian  Beer  Hall,  n  w  cor  4th  &  I 
Burnes,  Till  A.,  500  Fifth 
Dew  Drop,  Union  and  H 
Eclipse,  438  Fifth 
Electric,  H  and  Union 
England,  Chas  F,  cor  3d  and  I 
Fashion,  The,  516  Fifth 
Goldthorpe  Joe,  964  Fifth 
Harnes  &  Kroenert,  cor  6th  and  F 
Heilbron,  F,  2141  K 
Henninger,  Geo,  cor  6th  and  E 
Herzog,  Frank  cor  5th  and  B  ' 

Hewitt,  John,    cor  6th  and  K 
James,  P,  527  Fifth 
Jameson  &  Kroah  1240  F 
Leppertt,  A,  cor  6th  and  G 
Lohmann,  Henry,  n  e  cor  6th  and  K 
Manz,  A.,  520  Fifth 
Mayrhofer,  Peter,  942  Fifth 
Montana,  339  Fifth 
riyers,  A.  L.  &  Co.,  H  bet  5th  &  6th 
Nauchbaur,  Joseph,  cor  4th  and  F 
Pacific  Exchange,  414  Fifth 
People's  Hall,  927  Fifth 
Pony,  650  Fifth 
Price  &  Coombs,  740  Fifth 
Rentsch,  A,  558  Sixth 
Rose  Bud,  Third  and  I 
Kalvelage  &  Mueller,   1502-6  India 
Shafus,  Chas.,  Atlantic  foot  of  G 
Seifert,  John  R.,  1327  D 
Silver  Moon,  Third  and  I 
Silver  Pitcher,  946  Fourth 
Stowe,  John  P,  842  Fifth 
St.  Charles,  433  Fifth 
Turf,  4th  and  I 
Victoria,  1122  D 
Vollmer  M,   D  near  India 
Wine  Room,  H  bet  5th  and  6th 











■  0 








1— 1 

























r'"" " 























































The  Commercial  Hotel  was  first  opened  in  1868,  Twen- 
ty-four years  ago,  by  Mrs.  M.  J.  Birdsall.  The  house 
has  run  continuously  ever  since,  under  the  same  proprie- 
torship.    Isn't  that  success? 

The  rates  established  in  1868  were  $1.00  and  $1.25 
per  day.  The  present  rates  are  $1.00  to  $1.25  per  day. 
Isn't  that  consistency? 


Corner  Seventh  and  I  Sts. 

San  Diego. 

FREE   'bus  ' 

ALL  TRAINS      - 






( M.  R.  VanderklooT,    Pres 

I  J.  W.    Bean 

Trustees,   {  J.   H.   Hartupee 

I J.  W.  Saunders 

(^ T.  J.  Fisher 

Cletk F.    F.  A.  Kimball 

Treasurer Carl  I.   Ferris 

Marshal ^ W.   W.   Stevens 

Attorney 'O.   H.   McConoughey 

Recorder. S.  P.  Duzan 

Justice  of  the  Peace S.  P.  Duzan 

Constable W.  W.  Stevens 

. ■«■ . 


Adams,  John  W,  coachman  with  Henry  Taylor 

ADERTON,  JOHN,  swimming  teacher  Coronado  baths 

Ailland,  H,  cor  Fifth  and  Orange  ave 

Ailland  Miss  I^,  steamstress,  res  Orange  ave  and  Fifth 


bell  manager,  one  blk  from  Hotel  Coronado 
Arnold,  Geo  H,  clerk  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Arrowsmith,  K,  railroad  man,  res  G  ave    bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Arrowsmith,  res  Fourth  and  Pomona  ave 
Artigue,  P,  capt  bell  boys  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Augerde,  Henry,  res  B  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 


BABCOCK,  E.  S.,  pres  Cor  Beach  Co  and  manager  of  Hotel  del 

Coronado,  res  at  hotel 
Balch,  David  M,  res  Eighth  and  Adella 
Babcock,  Mrs  E  S  sr,  res  Ninth  and  E 


Babcock,  Mrs  M  G,  res  Ninth  and  K 

Baker,  Geo  I^,  Santa  Fe  ticket  agt,  res  Coronado 

Baker,  J  E,  res  C  ave 

Baptist  Mission,  cor  Orange  and  Third 

Barlow,  res  First  and  G 

Barth,  W  G,  pattern  maker  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 

Bean,  J  W,  painter,  cor  Second  and  F 

Bedient,  D  B,  res  Eighth  and  Adella 

Benbough,  Richard,  clerk  with  Hopkins  &  Cox,  res  Hotel  del 

Bettens,  A  G,  cashier  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 

Bergmann,  B,  with  Coronado  Dairy 

BLAISDELL,  FRANK  E.,  nursery,  res  Second  and  C 

BLAISDELL,  5.  C,  nursery,  res  Coronado 

Bonner,  B  F,  machinist,  res  cor  C  and  Second 

BRAGG,  L.  C,  assayer  and  taxidermist,  shell  and  curio  store, 
cor  Tenth  and  Orange  ave 

BREITENSTEIN,  E.,  book-keeper  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Com- 
mercial hotel,  S  D 

Brekley,  Miss  E,  lodging  house,    Orange  bet  Sixth  and  Seventh 

Bremer,  John,  teamster  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Coronado 

Brett,  Henry  E,  mechanical  engineer,  res  G  ave  bet  Second  and 

BROUWER,  J.  H.,  sec'y  Cor  Foundry  &  Machine  Co,  res  cor 
Fourth  and  F  ave 

Brown,  Daniel,  res  F  ave  and  Olive 

Bumpus,  Wm,  res  Coronado 

Burlingame,  W  F,  machinist  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Chollas 

Burnett,  E,  res  Prospect  cor  Third 

Burnett,  Fred  C,  foreman  moulder  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Pros- 
pect Place 

Burnett,  Wm,  blacksmith's  helper  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Pros- 
pect Place 

Burnes,  Wm,  head  laundryman  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 

Buser,  W  H,  machinist,  res  F  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 

BUTLER,  A.  H.,  prop  Hotel  Josephine,  res  at  hotel 

BUTLER,  R.  Q.,  clerk  at  Hotel  Josephine,  res  at  hotel 


Cameron,  Simon,  ranchman,  res    Orange    ave  bet  Seventh  and 

CAflPBELL,  JOHN  R.,  manager  Ostrich  Farm,  res  at  Farm,  one 

blk  from  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Caulfield,  John  F,  waiter  at  Hotel  del  Coronado,  res  Adella  ave 
CARNES.  W.,  book-keeper  with  Cor  Beach  Co,    res  at  Bon  Ton 

San  Diego 
Cary,  Douglas,  res  D  ave  and  Third 
Cary,  Miss  May  S,  teacher  Coronado  schools 
Case,  Truman,  res  C  near  Seventh 
Catherwood,  John,  res  H  ave  and  Eighth 
Catholic  Church,  Seventh  and  B 

Christian,  D  G,  real  estate  broker  at  S  D,  res  Seventh  and  E 
Christian,  Miss  Jennie,  res  Seventh  and  E 
Christian,  Mrs  M  F,  res  Seventh  and  E 
Clarke,  W  A,  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  cor  D  and  Second 
Clark,  Miss  Eliza  M,  res  Ninth  and  B 
Clark,  Miss  Mary  R,  res  Ninth  and  B 
Clark,  Miss  Lydia  H,  res  Ninth  and  B 
Coats,  Jud,  moulder  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
COOK,  J.  M.,  manager  S  C  Soap  Co,  res  cor  Third  and  Pomona 
Cook,  W  M,  soap  maker  with  S  C  Soap    Co,    res  cor  Third  and 

Pomona  ave 
Corbett,  A  W,  boot  and  shoe    maker,    Orange    ave  bet  Second 

and  Third 
Corbett,  Wm,   core  maker.  Cor  Foundry,  res  Oxford  hotel 
CORONADO  BATH  HOUSE,  Mrs  R  C  Hamblin  lessee,  Coronado 

Coronado  Beach  Museum,  Prof  Henry  A  Ward  manager 
Coronado  Dairy,  George  Neale  prop.  Ninth  and  A 

pres,  M  R  Vanderkloot  vice-pres  and  managr,  J  H  Brouwer 

sec'y,  Coronado 
Coronado  Fruit  Package  Co,  C  A  Fieweger  sec'y,  near  Ferry 
CORONADO  ICE  CO,  factory  Coronado,  office  1330  E  San  Diego 


CORONADO  niNERAL  WATER  CO,    J   Y  Jackson   manager, 
CORONADO  RAILROAD,  Bay  Belt  I,ine,  E  S  Babcock,  prest,  J 
A  Flint,  manager 

office  at  C  B  Go's  office,  Coronado 
Cosson,  Martial,  cook,  res  with  F  Dudley 
COX,  Q.  W.,  (Hopkins  &  Cox),  res  Coronado  hotel 
Cox,  Mrs  Eliza,  res  Ninth  and  J 
Curtis,  Ed  C,  locomotive  engineer  Cor  Ry,  res  A  ave,  bet  Third 

and  Fourth 


Dallas,  Ray,  moulder  Cor  Foundry,  res  Wilhelmina 

Daniels,  J  B,  res  E,  near  Seventh 

Daniels,  Miss  May,  sewing  machine  agent,  E  near  seventh 

DANNEBAUn,    MRS.    OTTO,  variety  store.  Orange  ave 

DOW,  H.  Q.,  real  estate  and  insurance,  San  Diego,    res  Orange 

ave  and  Tenth 
Dryden,  J  L,  postmaster,   Coronado 
Duchene,  Joseph,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  Orange  ave,    opp    Hotel 

del  Coronado,  res  same 
DUDLEY,  FRANK,  cigars  and  tobacco,  guns  and  fishing  tackle 
Duzan,  S  P,  justice  of  the  peace  aud  city  recorder 

for  rent,  Orange  ave,  opp  Hotel  del  Coronado,  res  same 
Dyball,  George,  laborer,  C  B  Co,  res  Coronado. 

Edwards,  D  W,  carpenter,  C  ave,  bet  First  and  Second 


Farrow,  W  J,  railroad  man,  cor  Tenth  and  F 

Ferguson,  Alex  H,  tinsmith.  Orange  ave,  bet  Second  and  Third 

FERRIS  &  flARSHALL,  props  Coronado  Pharmacy,  Coronado 

FERRIS,  C.  I.,  (Ferris  &  Marshall),  res  Coronado  hotel 
Ferris,  Miss  Mildred,  clerk  with  Ferris  &  Marshall,  res  Hotel 



Fickus,  J  P,  engineer,  res  G  ave,  near  Second 

Fisher,  Chas,  boiler  maker,  cor  Third  and  Boulevard 

Fieweger,  C  A,  sec'y  C  F  P  Co,  res  G,  bet  Third  and  Fourth 

Fisher,  T  J,  head  bartender  Hotel  del  Coronado 

Fisher,  MrsT  J,  housekeeper.  Hotel  del  Coronado 

Fleming,  Dr  Sarah  Braithwaite,  res  F,  bet  Ninth  and  Tenth 

Fleming,  Edgar,  res  F,  bet  Ninth  and  Tenth 

Flynn,  Patrick,  cupola  tender  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Boulevard 

Foote,  F  M,  gardner,  res  K  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 

Foote,  Frank,  res  K  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 

Foster,  Geo,  res  B  ave  and  Sixth 

Foster,  Otto,  res  I  ave  and  Sixth 

Foster,  Wm,  teamster  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Coronado 

Freeland,  John  ly,  real  estate    broker.    Sixth  and  K  San  Diego, 

res  Adela  ave  near  Tenth 
Furman,  R  H,  photographer.  Orange   ave  bet  First  and  Second 

Gillerman,  Henry,  laborer,  Coronado    Foundry,    res  San  Diego 
GLASS,    LOUIS,    Vienna    Bakery,    San    Diego,    res  I  ave  near 

GOODPASTURE,  C.  O.,  clerk  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Orange  ave  cor 

Goolman,  Al,  moulder  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Gorlier,  Gus,  helper  at  Cor    Foundry,    res    A    ave   bet  Eighth 

and  Ninth 
Gorlier,  Jacob,  laborer  at  Cor    Foundry,    res  A  bet  Eighth  and 

Gorlier,  lyouis,  machinist  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  A  ave  bet  Eighth 

and  Ninth 
Gowell,  Mrs  Clara,  res  Fifth  and  I 

Grainger,  A  J,  blacksmith  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Greathouse,  David,  engineer  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  same 
GREEN,  Q,  B.,  with  S  T  Green,  res  F  ave  near  Third 
GREEN,  S.  T.,  groceries.  Orange  ave  bet    First  and  Second,  res 

F  ave  bet  Second  and  Third 

28  SHp        CORONADO    DIRECTORY. 


Haas,  Fred,  butcher,  Orange  ave  bet    Fourth  and  Fifth,  res  opp 

HAflBLIN,  MRS.  R.  C,  lessee  of    Coronado  Bath  House,  res  at 

bath  house 
Hammer,  O  L,  painter,  res  B  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
Harlan,  K  P,  laborer  with  S  D  &  Cor  Ferry  Co,  res  Coronado 
Harney,  John  M,  capitalist,  res  Floral  ave 
Harrison,  Miss  Ivouise  H,  kindergarten,  res  D  and  Ninth 
Hart,  A  M,  book-keeper  with  Hopkins    &    Cox,    res  Hotel  del 

Hartupee,  J  H,  clerk  with  J  A  Mathewson,  res  cor  H  ave  and 

Hartz,  A  B,  laborer  Cor  Foundry,  res  Wilhelmina 
Hawkins,  Chas,  moulder  Cor  Foundry,  res  Wilhelmina 
Hevery,  J,  head  waiter  Hotel  del  Cor,  res  Eighth  and  Adella 
Hildebrand,  M,  with  Russ  I^umber  Co,  res  Fifth  and  J 
Helm,  John,  laborer,  Cor  Foundry  res  K  ave  and  Fifth 
Hill,  Miss  Clara,  res  I  ave  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 
Hines,  res  C  near  Tenth 
Holmes,  Joseph,  res  B  ave  near  Sixth 
HOPKINS  &  COX,  curio  bazaar    and    news   stand  and  prop  Cor 

boat  house.  Hotel  del  Coronado 
HOPKINS,  Q.  F.,  (Hopkins  &  Cox),    res  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
HOTEL  DEL  CORANADO,  E  S  Babcock  manager 
HOTEL  JOSEPHINE,  A  H  Butler  prop.    Orange   ave  bet  Third 

and  Fourth 
Houts,  Chas  W,  carpenter,  res  I  ave  near  Fourth 
Howard,  LB,  res  cor  Orange  and  C  ave 
Hudson,  Robt,  res  A  ave  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Hunt,  Clarence,  laborer  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Huppe,  F,  tailor,  Orange  ave  opp  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Hutchings,  W  H,  res  Orange  ave  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 


INGRAM,  W.  B.,  pres  S  C  Soap  Co,    res    at  Leland,  San  Diego 



JACKSON,  W.  H.,  W  U  tel  operator,  res  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Jackson,  W  M,  carpenter,  res  G  ave  bet  Seventh  and  Kighth 
Jecock,  G  J,  foreman  machinist  at  Cor  Foundry  &  Machine  Co, 

res  Sweetwater  Valley- 
Jensen,  N  A,  machinist,  res  First  and  D  ave 
Jephers,  I  ave  near  First 
Jessup,  A  P,  dairy,  Miguel  ave 
Johnson,  P  ly,  capt  of  ferry  boat  Coronado,    res  G  ave  bet  Third 

and  Fourth 


Kelley,  Miss  Minnie,  with  S  D  &  Cor  ferry   San  Diego  side,  res 

KIMBALL,  F.  E.  A.,  pub    Cor    Mercury,    prop  of  book  and  sta- 

tionry  store,  agt  for  Wells  Fargo  &  Co 
KIMBALL,  F.  E.  A.,  shell  and  curio  store.   Orange  ave,   near 

Hotel  del  Cor,  res  cor  Third  and  G 
Kirkbride,  F  H,  supt  S  D  &  C  Ferry  Co,  res  San  Diego 
Klinefelter,  S  K,  prop  race  track 

Koeppen,  F  W,  supt  of  gardens,  C  B  Co,  res  Coronado 
LaFever,  Mrs  A,  res  Eighth 


I^ane,  S  H,  clerk  with  Ferris  &  Marshall,  Coronado  hotel 

Lamb,  T  B,  book-keeper,  res  G  and  Sixth 

Lanktre,  T,  res  D  ave  and  Sixth 

Laycock,  Nelson,  res  A  and  Seventh 

Logan,  C  E,  at  Hotel,  res  Pomona  and  Adella 

Lournfchkat,  D,  carpenter,  res  F  and  Seventh 

Lower,  Benj  E,  Adella,  near  Hotel 

LOWER,  Q.  D.  &  CO.,  bakery,  restaurant   and   confectionery, 

Adella,  near  Hotel 
LOWER,  Q.  D.,  (G  D  Lower  &  Co),  res  Adella,  near  Hotel  ' 
Lower,  Mrs  Maggie  E,  res  Adella,  near  Hotel 
Lydick,  J  M,  teamster.  Boulevard,  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 



Mallette,  H  W,  private  sec'y  E  S  Babcock 

Marwarring,  Wm,  teamster  Cor  Foundry,  res  F  ave  and  First 

Markham,  T  S,  carpenter,  Second,  near  D  ave 

Marshal,  Ed,  C,  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 

MARSHALL,  S.  L.,  (Ferris  &  Marshall),  res  Ipava,  111 

Martin ;  P  D,  Beach  Go's  warehouse,  res  D  a,ve  and  Fifth 

Martin,  P  G,  foreman  lumber  yard  and  warehouse,  res  cor  D  ave 

and  Fifth 
riATHEWSON,  J.  A.,    groceries,   Orange   ave,    bet  First   and 

Second,  res  same 
Means,  W  C,  blacksmith,  cor  G  ave  and  Second 
Meany,  John,  laborer,  C  B  Co,  res  Coronado 
M  E  Church,  Seventh  and  E 
Mellin,  Capt  J  A,  I  near  Ninth 
MERTZ,  FRANK,  barber,  Orange  ave,  bet    First   and   Second, 

res  same 
Meyer,  Miss  Emma,  teacher,  res  San  Diego 
Miles,  R  G,  drayman,  res  G  ave  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Montieth,  John,  res  G  ave  near  Third 
McCONOUGHEY,  O.  H.,  (Parker  &  McConoughey,  San    Diego) 

lawyer,  cor  Tenth  and  G 
McCormick,  A  B,  res  Seventh  and  E 
McCoy,  Isaac,  helper  at    Cor    Foundry,    res    E    Boulevard  bet 

Fifth  and  Sixth 
McCoy,  Thos,  moulder  at  Cor    Foundry,     res    E  Boulevard  bet 

Fifth  and  Sixth 
McDonald,  D  R,  capt  of  ferry  boat  Coronado,  res  San  Diego 
Mcintosh,  F  H,    chief  engineer  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
McQuown,  J  F,  carpenter,  Guadalupe  ave  and  Ametto  Row 


Nagle,  Mrs  M  E,  res  Orange  ave  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
NEWLIN,  N.  F.  chief  clerk  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Nevins,  DP,  res  I  ave  near  Eighth 

Nichols,  J,  purser  of  S  D  &  Cor  Ferry  Co,  res  Coronado 
Nordhoff,  Chas,  journalist,  Tolita  ave 



O'Connell,  James,  engineer,  res  First  and  I  ave 

Ogden,  Mrs  WP,  res    Eighth 

Olsen,  Chas,  teamster,  res  Seventh  and  D  ave 

Olsen,  O,  machinist,  res  First  and  D  ave 

Osborne,  B  T,  prop  of  the  Oxford  hotel,  res  Orange  ave 

Oxford  Hotel,  BT  Osborne  prop,  near  ferry 

PAGE,  ALEX.,  book-keeper  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Coronado 

Pierce,  Mrs  Luc}^  G,  cor  Pomona  ave  and  Fourth 

Pepper,  Prof,  res  Seventh  and  F 

Pinkham,  F  V,  electrician  at  Hotel  del  Coronado,  res  near  Or- 
ange ave 

Pinkham,  Miss  Anna,  in  charge  of  cut  flowers  at    Hotel  del  Cor 

Pitman,  Walter,  painter,  res  Fbet  Second  and  Third 

Polhemus,  Capt  A  A,  res  cor  F  and  Third 

Polhemus,  Miss  lycna,  teacher,  res  cor  F  and  Third 

POSTAL  TELEGRAPH  OFFICE,  H  Pollock  operator,  Kimball 
bldg  near  Hotel  del  Coronado 

Powell,  N  J,  res  Ninth  and  Adella 

PRICE,  ni^S  C.  J.,  stenographer  with  Cor  Beach  Co,  res  Sixth 
and  H  San  Diego 

Presbyterian  Church,  C  ave  and  Tenth 

Purdum,  Amos,  res  D  and  Ninth 


Ralphs,  W  D,  electrician  at  Hotel  del  Coronado,  res  23  Sixteenth 

San  Diego 
Randolph,  Mrs  A  W,  res  cor  Orange  and  Isabella  ave 
Reed,  Capt  J  P,  res  A  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
REED,  niSS  I.  n.,  book-keeper  with  Cor   Beach  Co, 
Reed,  Rev  A  C,  pastor  of  Presbyterian   church,  res  Tenth  bet  F 

Remsen,  J,  head  porter,  res  Cor  Beach 
Reynolds,  Albert  T,  janitor  at  school  house,  res  I  near  Ninth 


Riggs,  W  M,  engineer  with  Cor  Ry,  res    C    ave    bet    First  and 

Robbins,  R  H,  with  Spreckels  Co,  res  F  near  Seventh 
Roberts,  K  O,  clerk  with  Hopkins  &  Cox,  res  Cor   Beach 
Roberts,  J  K,  book-keeper,  Orange  ave  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
Robinson,  Chas,  steward  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Robinson,  Mrs  A  W,  res  Orange  ave  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 
Rogers,  J  D,  section  foreman  with  Cor  Ry,  res  Coronado 
Roitsch,  Wm,  carpenter,  res  J  ave  and  Third 
Roper,  Mrs  E  C,  res  A  ave  near  Eighth 
Rosier,  lycwis,  res  J  ave  near  First 
Russell,  John,  book-keeper,  res  A  and  Seventh 
Rust,  E  Iv,  conductor  with  Cor  Ry,  res  Coronado 

Sampson,  Frank,  with  Coronado  Dairy 

Saunders,  J  W,  res  I  bet  Sixth  and  Seventh 

Schloss,  J,  travelling  salesman,  res  cor  Orange  and  C  ave 

Schultz,  Fred,  core  maker  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  at  Wilhelmina 

Scott,  C  H,  foreman  of  Cor  Water  Co,  res  Coronado 

SESSIONS,  MISS  KATE,  nursery,  C  ave,  bet  Second  and  Third 

Shulze,  I/Ouis,  moulder  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Jamul 

Sennet,  E  L,,  carpenter,  res  G  ave  bet  Third  and  Fourth 

Smith,  res  Seventh  and  C 

SMITH,  MILTON,  collector  for  Cor    Beach    Co,    res  University 

Smith,  W  Z,  botanical  gardener,  res  D  ave  near  First 
SOUTHERN  CAL.  SOAP  CO.,    W    B    Ingram    pres,  J  M  Cook 

manager,  cor  B  ave  and  Second 
Stanton,  R  B,  civil  engineer,  res  E  and  Ninth 
Stark,  Matthew,  waiter  at  lyower  &  Co's  restaurant 
Stark,  Mrs  Belle,  cook  at  lyOwer  &  Co's  restaurant,    res  Adella, 

near  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Stevens,  Wm,  marshal,  res  E  ave  and  Sixth 
Stewart,  Mrs  E  A,  cor  F  and  Tenth 
Still  well,  J  M,  carpenter,  res  F  bet  Ninth  and  Tenth 
Stocking,  H  F,  supt  of  park,  res  E  near  Tenth 
Stocking,  R  F,  law  student,  res  I  and  Ninth 


Stone,  W  P,  real  estate  broker,  res  Bighth  and  *D 
Strumm,  A,  purser  of  S  D  &  Cor  Ferry  Co,  res  Coronado 
Strumm,  F,  deck  hand  with  S  D  &  Cor  Ferry  Co,  res  Coronado 
Swyney,  Miss  C  J,  principal  Coronado  schools, res  Hotel  Josephine 


Taylor,  Henry,  res  cor  Alameda  and  G  aves 

Taylor,  Oscar,  moulder  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  Prospect  Place 

Taylor,  Mrs,  teacher,  res  San  Diego 

Telson,  Chris,  ship  carpenter,  res    Boulevard    bet    Fourth  and 

Thompson,  Jas,  painter,  res  Palm  ave  bet  Fourth  and  Fifth 
THOMPSON,  MIS5  OLA,  (G  D  I,ower  &  Co),    res   Adella  near 

Hotel  del  Coronado 
Tiers,  C  P,  res  C  ave 

Tinker,  W  H,  deputy  surveyor,  res  Coronado 
Tregarthen,  W  J,  millwright,  res  Orange  bet  First  and    Second 
Tucker,  I  W,  clerk  at  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Turner,  A  G,  machinist  at  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Turner,  Robt,  manager  of  Hopkins    &    Cox's    boat  house,  res 

Coronado  Beach 
Tyler,  A  P,  engineer  with  Cor  Beach  Ry,  res  Orange  bet  Second 

and  Third 
Tyson,  John,  res  A  ave  near  Eighth 
Tyson,  M  C,  res  A  ave  near  Eighth 
Tyson,  W  J,  painter,  res  C  ave 


Uznay,  Eugene,  laborer,  res  Coronado 


Valentine,  Walter,  B,  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
VANDERKLOOT,  A.,  pres  Cor  Foundry  and   Machine    Co,    res 

at  Chicago 
VANDERKLOOT,  M.  R.,  vice-pres  and  manager   Cor    Foundry 

and  Machine  Co,  res  D  ave,  bet  third  and  Fourth 
Vincent,  C,  moulder  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Vincent,  E  B,  barber.  Orange  ave,  opp  Hotel  del  Coronodo 
Varnum,  Dr,  res  G  and  Third 



WADE,   K.  H.,   gen  manager  Southern   Cal  Ry,   office  at  lyOs 

Angeles,  res  near  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Wadham,  F  K,  conductor  Cor  Ry,  res  Coronado 
Wagner,  J,  res  Guadalupe  ave  and  Juana  Row 
Walker,  F,  pipe  fitter,  res  D,  near  Eighth 
Waller,  J  W,  blacksmith,  cor  G  ave  and  Second 
Walsh,  W  D,  civil  engineer,  G,  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 
Ward,  Prof  Henry  A,  manager  Cor  Museum,  res  Rochester,  N.  Y 
Warfield,  Major  Alex,  res  C  ave  and  Ninth 
Webster,  Walter,  carpenter,  res  H  ave  and  Sixth 
Westenberg,  C  A,  pastor  M  E  Church,  res  E  ave,    bet  Fifth  and 

WESTERN  UNION    TELEGRAPH,    W    H  Jackson   operator, 

office  Hotel  del  Coronado 
WHITE,  ERNEST  E.,  cashier  Spreckels  Bros  Commercial  Co, 

res  Ninth  and  Olive  ^j 
WILFORD,  P.  S.,  private  teacher,  Orange  ave,  bet  Seventh  and 

Willms,  A,  carpenter,  res  K  and  Second 
Wilson,  E  D,  res  Ninth  and  Adella 
Wilson,  J  E,  res  I,  near  Sixth 
Wines,  J  W,  res  F  ave,  bet  Third  and  Fourth 
Wines,  S  J,  clerk  with  J  A  Mathewson,   res    G   ave,    bet   Third 

and  Fourth 
Wood,  R  A,  conductor  Belt  lyine  Ry,  res  E  ave,  bet  Third  and 

Woof,  H  A,  telegraph  operator,  res  Seventh  and  F 
Woof,  James  H,  with  Whittier,  Fuller  &  Co,   res  Seventh  and  F 
Woof,  Mrs  E  G,  res  Seventh  and  F 
,  Woolley,  Harry,  moulder  Cor  Foundry,  res  San  Diego 
Wordie,  Wm,  clerk  I^  C  lyand  Co,  res  Tenth  and  G 


Yeaton,  J  H,  pattern  maker.  Cor  Foundry,  res  Pomona  ave,   cor 








Bragg,  L,  C,    cor  Orange   ave   and 

Dudley,  Frank,  opp  Hotel  del  Cor- 

Hopkins  &  Cox,  Coronado  hotel 


Mertz,  Frank,  Orange  ave  bet   First 

McConoughey,    0.   H.,    (Parker  & 

and  Second 

McConoughey),    res    cor    Tenth 


and  G 

Ferris  &  Marshall,  Coronado  hotel 




Kimball,  F.  E.  A.,    Orange   ave   cor 

Lower,  Q.  D.   &  Co.,   Adella  near 


Hotel  del  Coronado 



Coronado  Foundry  &  Machine  Co., 

Coronado  Beach 

Mertz,  Frank,  Orange  ave  bet   First 

and  Second 


Vincent,  opp  hotel 

Qreen,  T.  S.,  Orange  ave  bet  First 

and  Second 


Mathewson,  J.  A.,    Orange  ave  bet 

Coronado    Bath    House.,   Coronado 

First  and  Second 




Dudley,  Frank,  Orange  ave  opp  hotel 

Coronado,  Hopkins  &  Cox,  props 


Hotel  del  Coronado,  Coronado 


Hotel    Josephine,    Orange   ave    and 

Coronado   Fruit   Package    Co,     near 



Oxford,  near  Ferry 



Kimball,  F.  E.  A.,  Coronado 

Brekly,  Miss  E  Orange  ave  bet  Sixth 

and  Seventh 



Edwards,  D  W,  C  ave  First  and  Sec- 

Haas,  Fred,  Orange  ave   bet   Fourth 

■  ond 

and  Fifth 



The  Mercury,  Orange  ave  &  Second 

Hopkins  &  Cox,  Coronado  hotel 
Kimball,  F.  E.    A.,   Orange   ave  cor 


Sessions,  niss  Kate,  C  ave  bet  Sec- 
ond and  Third,  office  and  sales- 
room cor  C  and  Fifth,  San  Diego 

Blaisdell  &  Son,  cor  C  ave  and  Sec- 
ond, office  and  salesroom  near 
cor  Fifth  and  B  San  Diego 


Museum,  near  hotel 
Ostrich  Farm,  one  block  from  Hotel 
del  Coronado 


Furmant^R  H,  Orange  ave  near  2nd 


Coronado  Beach  Co.,  office  at  hotel 
S.   T.  Qreen,  Orange  ave  bet  First 

and  Second 

Lower,   Q.    D.  &  Co.,   Adella  near 

Hotel  del  Coronado 
Bragg,  L.  C,  Orange  ave  near  Hotel 

del  Coronado 


Hopkins  &  Cox,  Hotel  del  Coronado 
Kimball,  F.  E.  A.,  Orange  ave  near 
Hotel  del  Coronado 

Southern  California  Co.,  cor  B  ave 

and  Second 

Bragg,  L.  C,  Orange  ave  near  hotel 



Aderton,    John,    teacher    of  swim- 
ming, Coronado  Bath  House 
Wilford,  P.  S.,  Orange  near  Seventh 


Postal,  office  Kimball  bldg  near  hotel 
Western     Union,    office    Hotel  del 

Ferguson,  A  H,  Orange  ave  bet   Sec- 
ond and  Third 

Dannebaum,  Urs.  Otto,  Orange  ave 

Land  and  ToWn  fompany 

BINJ/lJVlIjq    K\jABJ\]j\j,  Presider^t, 
MASONIC  BUILDING,       -       -       -       BOSTON,  MASS. 

-40,000  ^CJ^EvS 

Iffigated  Ofange  aod  Lemon  Laods 

In  pive  and  Tep  Acre  Tracts. 

ImproO^d   OrcKsirds. 

S49  Fifth  Street, 

Main  Office 


President.  Cashier.  Vice-President. 

TK?  Ba^nlj  of  fJational  C'*^j 

National  City,  California. 

general  banking  business.  savings  department, 

nickel  savings  stamp  system. 

DIRECTORS:  CAPITAL  $300,000.00 
FSANK  A.  KIMBALL.           C.  B.  WHITTELSEY.  PAID   IN   $30,000.00 


J.  S.  GORDDN.  S.  J.  BAIRD,  J.  O.  HUjSEY. 


^— ^REAL    ESTATE.  .«»*_ 


Olive   Oil    W'^orks! 

Office,  National  Avenue  and  Tenth  Street, 

Nationgil  City,        -        -        California. 

C/iLIFOT^fJS^   T-i^tt    WaSI<, 


Orchard  pertilizer 

Can  be  applied  to  roots  as  well  as  the  foliage,  without 

injury.     Guaranteed  to  kill  all  kinds  of  scale  and 

remove  the  black  fungus  from  fruit  and  foliage. 

Those  who  used  it  last  year  are  using  it  this  year.     We   re- 
fer you  to  the  following  names  for  reference. 

E.  P.  Fowler,    Henry  Shaubut,   J.  C.  Hussey,      E.  Aylsworth, 

Truman  M.  Smith,  San  Diego. 

W.  8.  HILL,  MiiNiiFACTURERS'  Agent.  National  City. 




f O,  E.  M.  Howard,  Chairman 

I Geo.  W.  Deford 

Trustees,   {  John  G.  Routson 

I   J.    H.  KiNCAID 

^ P.  D.  Vaughan 

Clerk Geo.  W.   Beermaker 

Treasurer C.  H.  Sawyer 

Marshal J.  J.  BeaTTY 

Recorder. C.  B.  Roberts 

Justice  of  the  Peace Chas.  H.  Freeman 

•  ■  ♦  ■  • 


Adair,  J  C,   track   foreman,    N  C  &  O  Ry,    res    Fifth  ave  near 

ADAM5,  A.  Q.,  real  estate  and  insurance  and  manager  National 

City  Abstract  Co,  office  at  People's  State    Bank,    res    Third 

ave  near  Twelfth 
ADAMS,  THELEN  &  CO.,  real  estate  and  insurance,    office   at 

People's  State  Bank 
Ainsworth,  Mrs  Mary,  res  C  ave  and  Twenty-fourth 
Ainsley,  G  W,  res   Second  ave  near  Eighth 
Alexander,  A  P,  blacksmith  at  C  S  shops 
Alexander,    Wm,    Third  ave  near  Eighteenth 
Annis,  Dr  T  E,  res  Paradise  valley 

Asher,  B,  wiper  C  S  shops,  res  Ninth  ave  and  Fourteenth 
Atwater,  Horace  I,  ranching,  res  Third  ave  and  Eighteenth 
Augustine,  A,  res  National  ave  and  Eleventh 
Aylworth,  E,  res  Paradise  vallay 



Baca,  Theodore,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
Bacon,  Ceo  A,  car  cleaner  C  S  shops,  res  Third  ave   and   Thir- 
Badwin,    Miss,  nurse,  res  Third  ave  and  Fifteenth 
Baird,  S  J,  fruit  grower,  res  Eighth  near  J  ave 
Baker,  Edward  M,  teacher,  res  Second  ave  near  Thirteenth 
Baker,  W  W,  with  N  Mf'g  Co,  Third  ave  near  Thirteenth 
Baker,  Miss  Carrie,  governess,  res  Second  ave  and  Fifteenth 
Baldwin,  H  J,  supt  schools,  res  Eighth,  near  Second  ave 
Ball,  J  C,  draying,  res  Fourth  ave,  near  Seventeenth 
BANK  OF  NATIONAL  CITY,  Frank  A  Kimball   pres,  Warren 
C  Kimball  vice-pres,  C  B  Whittelsey  cashier,   cor  Seventh 
ave  and  Twenty-first 
Baptist  church,  A  ave  and  Tenth 
Barker,  Hiram,  track  laborer,  N  C  &  O  Ry 
Bartlett,  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
Bartling,  W  H,   brakeman,   N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Eighth  ave  and 

Becker,  John  J,  saloon.  Eighth  ave  and  Eighteenth 
BEERflAKER,  G.  W.,   (The  Record  Co)  and  notary  public  res 

F  ave,  bet  Fifth  and  Sixth 
Beidleman,  Ed,  with  Nat  Mf'g  Co,  res  Second  ave  &  Ninteenth 
Bell^  C,  orchardist,  res  National  ave  near  Tenth 
Bernstein,  F,  track  foreman,  N  C  &  O  Ry 
Bills,  Dr  A  V,  dentist,  res  ex-Mission 
Blackwell,  Miss  Mariam,  christian  scientist,   res    National    ave 

and  Eleventh 
Blanchard,  F  G,  with  L  and  T  Co,  res  A  ave  and  Fifth 
Blanford,  Geo  C,  fireman  on  C  S  Ry,  cor  Second   ave  and    Fif- 
Blossom,  Guy  C,  res  J  ave  and  Eighth 
Blossom,  Mrs  H  E,  res  J  ave  and  Eighth 
BOAL,  JOHN  E.,  acting  gen  manager  S  D  L,and  and  Town  Co, 

res  Terrace,  N  C 
Bouttell,  S  C,  railroader,  res  Fourteenth  near  Second  ave 
Bowen,  J  H,  res  ex-Mission 


Bowen,  Rev  D  V,  pastor  New  Jerusalem  church,  res  A  ave  and 

Boyd  Bros,  (E  W  and  Lynn  Boyd) ,  druggists  and  stationers,  cor 
Seventh  ave  and  Fifteenth 

Boyd,  E  W,  (Boyd  Bros),  res  D  ave  and  Ninth 

Boyd,  Lynn,  (Boyd  Bros),  res  D  ave  and  Ninth 

Boyd,  Mrs  L  E,  res  D  ave  and  Ninth 

Brady,  Hugh,  res  Fourth  ave  near  Fourteenth 

Brenner,  J  J,  barber,  shop  on  ythave  bet  Eighteenth  and  19th 
res  Seventh  ave,  bet  Twenty-first  and  Twenty-second 

Britton,  Capt,  res  Paradise  valley 

Brown,  L  E,  res  I  ave  near  Eighth 

Brown,  J  B,  conductor  S  F  Ry,  res  Seventh  ave  and  Twenty- 

Brown,  Miss  F  A,  teacher,  res  D  ave  and  Ninth 

Brown,  Mrs  P  G,  kindergarten,  res  B  ave  and  Seventh 

Brown  W  E,  telegraph  operator  and  station  agent  N  C  &  O  Ry, 
res  Twenty-fourth  and  C  ave 

Burbeck  &  Copeland  (H  A  Burbeck  and  A  C  Copeland),  drug- 
gists and  stationers,  Seventh  ave,  bet  Sixteetith  and  Seven- 

Burbeck,  H  A,  (Burbeck  &  Copeland),  res  Tenth,  nearC  ave 

Burbeck,  Mrs  Anna  M,  res  Tenth  near  C  ave 

Burlingame,  W  F,  res  ex-Mission 

Burritt,  J  S,  res  cor  National  ave  and  Eighth 

Buser,  John,  rancher,  res  D  ave  and  Fifth 

Butler,  Wm,  miner,  res  First  ave  and  Seventh 

BUXTON,  Dr.  Q.  EDWARD,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  and 
res  National  ave  and  Twelfth 

Bye,  C  R,  with  Nat  City  Record,  res  Sixth  ave,  bet  Eighteenth 
and  Ninteenth 


CAL.  TREE  WASH  AND  FERTILIZING  CO,  National  ave  and 

Carringer,  W  H,  carpenter  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  San  Diego 
Casey,  W  D,  with  Land  and  Town  Co,  res  Sixth  ave,  near  20th 
Chaffin,  Nelson,  carpenter,  res  Sixth  ave  near  Twentieth 


CHALLONER,  T.  Q.,  foreman  N  C  Mf'g  Co,    res   Seventh   ave 

and  Twenty-first 
Chamberlain,  with  railroad  shops,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
CHASE,  Q.  W.,   (National  Packing  Co),  res  H  ave  and  Eighth 

Chase,  Paul  E  B,  with    National    Packing  Co,   res  Eighth  ave 

and  Eighth 
Chase,  Thomas,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Twentieth 
Chisholm,  Alex,  teamster,  res  Twelfth  near  Third  ave 
Childs,  Rev  J  F,  res  I  ave  and  Seventh 
Glark,  S  T,  assistant  hostler  C  S  shops,  res  Seventh  ave,  bet 

Twentieth  and  Twenty-first 
Clark,  L,  D,  res  A  ave  and  Second 
Comfort,  res  B  ave  and  Seventh 
Compton,  James,  machinist,  C    S  shops,    res   Fourth   ave   near 

Compton,  Ralph,  res  Fourth  ave  near  Ninteenth 
Cook,  C  H,  conductor  N  C  &  O  Ry 
Copeland,  A  C,   (Burbeck    &    Copeland)    res  cor  Twelfth   and 

D  ave 
Copeland,  F,  with  N  C  Mf'g  Co,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Twentieth 
Copeland,  F,  city  engineer  and  deputy  county  assessor,  res  D  ave 

and  Eleventh 
Costa,   John   F,   fruits    and    vegetables,    res    Sixth    ave  near 

Cox,  Miss  Annie,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Cox,  Miss  Ivizzie,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Cox,  Miss  Matilda,  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Cox,  Miss  Sarah,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Cox,  Wm,  laborer,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Crain,  J  C,  livery  and  groceries,  Seventh,  cor  Sixteenth  ave 
Crandall,  Cleveland,  res  C  ave  near  Twenty-fourth 
Crawford,  Mrs,  res  C  ave  and  Twenty-first 

Curtis,  Eewis  A,  architect,  Steele  block,  res  E  ave  near  Seventh 
Cushing,  John,  F  ave  near  Thirty-first 



Dadmun,  Daniel,  cabinet  maker,  res  National  ave  near  Twelfth 
Davis,  J  M,  foreman  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  H  ave  and    Fifth 
Davis,  J  M,  farmer,  res  H  ave  near  Sixth 
Davis,  lyeonard,  res  H  ave  and  Second 
Davis,  M,  machinist.  Fourth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Davis,  Munn,  with  National  City  Record,  res  A  ave  and  Tenth 
Dean,  Rev  Dr  William,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Eighteenth 
Deford,  Geo  W,    prop  National  Barley  mill.    National    ave    and 
Eighteenth,  feed  store   Sixth   and   Eighteenth,    res   E   ave 
near  Fifth 
DeTar,  Geo,  teamster,  res  First  ave  and  Twelfth 
DICKINSON,  GEO.  W,  real  estate,  San  Diego,  res    H    ave    and 

Dickinson,  Mrs  Col,  res  the  Terrace 
Dietrich,  A,  res  Third  ave  near  Seventeenth 
Dietrich,  Aug,  saloon.  Eighth  ave,  near  Eighteenth 
Dietrich,  Joseph,  engineer,  res  Second  ave  and  Seventeenth 
Diment,  Edwin,  res  B  ave  near  Sixth 
Dimock,  A  E,  res  Paradise  valley 

Dimock,  Abner  J,  ranching,  Third  ave  near  Nineteenth 
Dimock,  Herbert,  painter,  res  National  ave  near  Tenth 
Dingmond,  F,  res  C  ave  near  Eighth 

Dodge,  Mrs,  W  L,,  stenographer  S  D   I,  &  T   Co,    res  cor  Six- 
teenth and  K,  San  Diego 
Dodman,  Chas,  res  rear  Second  ave  bet  Fourteenth  and  Fifteenth 
DOW,  H.  Q..  insurance,  office  San  Diego,   res  Villa  Maidine, 

H  ave  and  Twenty-fourth 
Dow,  T  E,  res  Eighth,  Paradise  valley 
Dunbar,  Mrs  Albert  H,  res  C  ave  and  Twenty-fourth 
Dunbar,  Miss  Florence,  res  C  ave  and  Twenty-fourth 
Duncklee,  Andy,  with  Theodore  Baca,  res  same 


Eggleston,  Wm,  laborer,  res  First  ave  and  Fifteenth 

Elliott,  A,  res  D  ave  and  Fourth 

Bnearl,  James  H,  carpenter,  res  E  ave,  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 

Episcopal  church,  F  ave  and  Eighth 

Etherington,  W  C,  engineer,  res  Second  ave  near  Thirteenth 

Evans,  John  F,  with  Deford's   barley  mill,  res  Thirteenth,  near 

First  ave 
Evans,  Phil,  Third  ave  near  Seventeenth 

Evans.,  T  J,  carpenter  and  buiMer,  res  Eighth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Evans,  Mrs,  A  E,  res  E  ave  and  Fifth 

Fay,  H  M,  res  near  the  Terrace 

Field,  J,  res  F  ave  near  Fifth 

Fleming,  Mrs  E,  Paradise  valley 

Fletcher,  H  H,  track  laborer,  N  C  &  O  Ry 

Flinn,  John,  with  1,  and  T  Co,  res  International  hotel 

Floyd,  H  W,  res  H  ave  near  Twentieth 

Floyd,  Mrs  C  M,  res  H  ave  and  Twentieth 

Forker,  O  H  P,  res  ex-Mission 

Foster,  J  H,  rancher,  res  B  ave  near  Seventh 

Foss,  C  E,  res  ex- Mission 

Fouth,  A,  track  laborer,  N  C  &  O  Ry, 

Fowler,  E  P,  fruit  grower,  Paradise  valley 

Franklin,  AC,  res  Paradise  valley 

Franks,  Wm,  carpenter  at  C  S  shops,  res  First  ave,  bet  Twenty- 
first  and  Twenty-second 

Frazier,  Mrs,  res  A  ave  near  Tenth 

Freeman,  Chas  H,  Justice  of  the  Peace 

Freeman,  D,  car  repairer  C  S  shops,  res  Fifth  ave  near  Eigh- 

Freeman,  W,  with  N  Mf'g  Co,  res  Seventh  ave  and  Sixteenth 


Freeman,  Mrs  S  M,  Second  Ave  near  Twenty -third 

Freeman,  Mrs  A  G,  dressmaking,    res    near   National    ave   and 

Freitag,  O  R,  with  N  C  Record,  res  Sixteenth  and  Seventh  ave 
Fulton,  Fred,  keeper  Sweetwater  dam,  res  same 


Garretson,  G  A,  pres  Pac  Wood  and  Coal  Co,  San    Diego,   res 

Highland  ave  and  Fourteenth 
Garrettson,  D  F,  with  Rose  Canyon  Brick  Co,   res  B   ave    and 

Gates,    Miss    Maud,    with  N   C    Record,    res   Eighth   ave    and 

Gee,  Samuel,  brakeman.  Third  ave  near  Eighteenth 
Gibbons,  Walter,  brakeman,  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res    Eighth  ave  and 

Gibson,  C  Iv,  foreman  C  S  shops,  res    Fourth    ave   near   Seven- 
Gifford,  Chas,  res  H  ave  and  Second 
Glover  ly  S,  clerk  SDL,  and  T  Co,    res  cor  Twenty-fourth  and 

D  ave 
Gordon,  J  S,  res  the  Terrace 
GRAY,  HENRY,  assist,  treas  S  D  I^  and  Town  Co,  res  Florence 

hotel,  San  Diego 
Gray,  John,  res  Seventh  near  A  ave 
Gray,  Miss  Clara,  teacher 
Gray,  Mrs  E  M,  res  Second  ave  cor  Ninth 
Grant,  G  W,  deputy  assessor,  res  A  ave  and  Eighth 
Green,  Richard,  with  Theo  Race,  res  Eighth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Green,  T,  boarding  house.  Eighth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Griffith,  P,  res  E  ave  and  Eleventh 
Grigsby,  Mrs  M  E,  stationery  and  notions,    res  Seventh  ave  bet 

Seventeenth  and  Eighteenth 
Grigsby,  W  F,  retired,  res  Seventh    ave    bet    Seventeenth   and 

Grout,  A  A,  res  ex-Mission 

Grout,  lyj,  grocer.  Seventh  ave  bet  Eighteenth  and  Nineteenth 
Grout,  Lamont,  grocery,  E  ave  and  Fifth 



HARRISON,  THOS,  attorne^^-at-law  San  Diego  res  near  Terrace 

Hamilton,  Ed,  with  N  Mfg  Co,  res  Fourth  ave  near  Seventeenth 

HANCOCK.  Q.  H.,  prop  of  International  Hotel,  res  same 

Hale  Geo  W,  res  Paradise  Valley 

HARBAUQH,  H.  A.,  (The  Record  Co),  res  Fourth  ave,  bet 
Seventeenth  and  Eighteenth 

Harrison,  E,  engine  wiper  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Ninth  ave 

Harris,  S  E,  carpenter,  res  First  ave  and  Fourteenth 

Hart,  H  M,  car  cleaner  C  S  shops,  res  San  Diego 

Hartwell,  R  S,  res  ex-Mission 

Hawks,  D  F,  car  cleaner  at  C  S  shops,  res  Fourth  ave  bet  Six- 
teenth and  Seventeenth 

Hazard,  A  E,  with  J  R  Hazard,  res  same 

Hazard,  Fred,  with  J  R,  Hazard,  res  same 

Hazard,  J  R,  butcher,  Seventh  ave,  res  First  ave  and  Thirteenth 

Henderson,  Miss  Ruth,  compositor  at  Record  office,  res  Sixth 
ave  and  Nineteenth 

Henry,  Rev  Victor  A,  Baptist  minister,  res  Second  ave  and  Fif- 

Hill,  Mrs  K  M,  res  Seventh  near  E  ave 

Hill,  W  S,  druggist,  Steele  blk  National  ave,  res  East  Second 
ave  and  Eighth 

Hobbs,  Mrs  A  J,  res  Third  ave  near  Eleventh 

Holt,  Chas,  car  wiper  at  C  S  shops 

HORNBECK,  E.  A.,  chief  clerk  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  cor  First  ave 
and  Seventh 

Howard,  O  E  M,  res  Highland  ave  near  Thirtieth 

Horton,  G  R,  jeweler,  res  First  ave  and  Twelfth 

Hubbs,  with  Swayne,  Paradise  Valley 

Huntington,  Dr  H,  retired,  res  J  ave  and   Eighth 

Hussey,  J  C,  res  J  ave  and    Seventh 

Hutchings,  Miss  Ada,  milliner,  res  Second  ave  aud  Fifteenth 

Hyatt,  res  Paradise  Valley 



Ingraham,  Geo  F,  carpenter,  res  Second  ave  near  Eighteenth 
INTERNATIONAL  HOTEL,  G  H  Hancock    prop,  Sixth  ave  bet 
Twenty  second  and  Twenty-third 

Johnson,  Dr  T  F,  homeopathic,  office  overBurbeck  &  Copeland's 

res  Eighth  near  B 
Johnston,  R  C,  with  N  Mfg  Co,  res  Second  ave  and  Seventeenth 
JOHNSTON,  S.  S.,     agt  Russ  Eumber  &  Mill  Co,  res  Blaine  ave 

and  Sixth 
Johnson,  S  S,  res  G  ave  and  Sixth 
JoUs,  EE,  res  Third  ave  and  Eighth 
Josselyn,  C  E,  res  Paradise  Valley 
Judson,  Edward,  res  E  ave  and  Sixth 


Keene,  Dr  J  W,  physician  and  surgeon,    res    Fourth    ave    and 

KELLAH,  C.  C,  clerk  with  S  D  E  &  T  Co,  res  San  Diego 
Kelchner,  O,  with  N  Mfg  Co,  res  Fifth  ave  and  Nineteenth 
Kelle}^  T  C,   engineer,  res  Fifth  ave  and  Twentieth 
Kellogg,  F  R,  prop  St    Elmo    Restaurant,    res  Seventh  ave  bet 

Eighteenth  and  Nineteenth 
Kelley,  J  S,  machinist  with  N  C  &  O  Ry 
Kidwell,  Mrs  S,  res  Second  ave  and  Fourteenth 
Kimball,  A  B,  with  National  City  Record,     res    Sixteenth  near 

M  ave 
Kimball,  C  H,  res  F  ave  and  Twentieth 
KIMBALL,  FRANK  A.,  pres  Bank  of  National  City  and  prop  of 

National  Olive  Oil  Mills,  res  Nat  ave  from  Ninth  to  Eleventh 
Kimball,  Geo,  res  Sixteenth  and  K 
KIMBALL,  WARREN  C,  vice-pres    Bank  of  National  City  and 

prop  N  C  Planing  Mill,  res  cor  Twenty-fourth  and  D  ave 


Mearns,  Samuel  R,  conductor  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Second  ave 

near  Thirteenth 
Mearns,  M  S,  conductor  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Third  ave 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  cor  First  ave  and  Thirteenth 
Milligan,  J,  blacksmith  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Ninth  ave 
Moeck,  G  E,  saloon.  Seventh  ave  bet    Seventeenth    and    Eigh- 
teenth, res  Eirst  ave  cor  Sixteenth 
Morrill,  Dr  J  F,  res  Second  ave  and  Seventeenth 
Morris,  M  R,  locomotive  hostler  at  C  S  shops 
Morris^  Mrs  S  E,  res  D  ave  and  Twenty-fourth 
Moses,  F  A,  salesman  with  Russ    Lumber    &  Mill  Co,  res  Eigh- 
teenth and  Ninth  ave 
Mudgett  &  Nichols,  (J  E  Mudgett,    G    W    Nichols),  hardware, 

plumbing  and  tinning,  cor  Seventh  ave  and  Eighteenth 
Mudgett,  J  E,  (Mudgett  &  Nichols),  res  Third  ave  and  Eleventh 
Mullen,  Ira,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Mullen,  James  E,  rancher,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Mullen,  O  A,  railroader,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Sixteenth 
Munier,  John,  res  D  ave  near  Twenty-fifth 
MUNQER,  W.  F.,  pres  Nat  Mfg  Co,  res  Sweetwater  Valley 
McBean,  A  H,  res  ex-Mission 
McCartney,  Tim,  laborer  with  N  C  &  O  Ry 
McClellen,  fruit  grower,  res  Paradise  Valley 
McCollam,  Mrs  E  M,  res  First  ave  bet  Seventh  and  Eighth 
McCommas,  Robt,  druggist,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Nineteenth 
McCourtney,  A  I,  foreman  of  pipe  line  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  cor 

Thirteenth  and  Third  ave 
McCulloch,  Cole,  engineer  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,    res    Eighth  ave 

and  Twenty-third 
McKay,  W  J,  fruit  grower,  res  I  ave  and  Eighth 
McEaghlin,  J,  with  N  Mfg  Co,  res  Seventh  ave  and  Sixteenth 
McMaster,  H  H,  station  agent,  operator  and  W  F  &  Co  agent, 

res  cor  Twenty-third  and  Fifth  ave 
McNeal,  J  D,  engineer  N  C  &  O  By,  res  Fourth  ave    and  Nine- 
McNeal,  J  B,    engineer   N  C  &  O  Ry,    res   cor   Third    ave  and 

McSwaney,  Mr,  res  E  ave  and  Fifth 


Kincaid  &  Palmer,  (J  H  Kincaid,  T  R  Palmer),  coal,  hay,  grain 

and  feed,  cor  Seventh  ave  and  Ninteenth 
Kincaid,  J  H,  res  Twenty-sixth  near  F  ave 
King,  Sam,  boiler  maker  at  C  S   shops 
Kinney,  Tim,  track  laborer  with  N  C  &  O  Ry 


Lamb,  Chas,  with  Reduction  Works,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Nine- 

Lamb,  David,  res  C  ave  near   Seventh 

Lamb,  Mrs  H  A,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Nineteenth 

Lambrecks,  Mathias,  railroader,  res  Third  ave  near    Nineteenth 

Lawrence,  Mrs  F,  res  National  City 

LEONARD,  Dr.  C.  N.,  (dentist  at  San  Diego),  res  D  ave  near 

Lester,  A,  res  D  ave  near  Twenty-fifth 

Lester,  B,  res  D  ave  near  Twenty-fifth 

Lillie,  C  M,  res  D  ave  near  Sixth 

Lisco,  W,  res  F  ave  and  Twenty-first 

LOCKIE,  GEO.  J.,  manager  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Seventh  ave  bet 
Twentieth  and  Twenty-first 

Long,  Rev  C  E,  pastor  of  Presb^^lerian  church,  res  D  ave  and 

Loop,  T  M,  real  estate  agt  at  San  Diego,  res  D  ave  and  Sixth 


Major,  Miss  Neilie,  res  F  ave  near  Fifth 

Manning,  Rev  W  T,  Episcopalian,  res  San  Diego 

Mashmeyer,  J  A,  harness  maker,  cor    Nineteenth  and    Seventh 

ave,  res  Fourth  ave  near  Seventeenth 
Matchin,  Miss  Rose  S,  teBcher,  res  National  ave  and    Eleventh 
Matthiessen,  A  H,  clerk  with    N    C    Matthiessen,  res  Paradise 

Matthiessen,  G  A.  clerk    with    N    C  Matthiessen,  res  Paradise 

Matthiessen,  N  C,  gen  mdse,  Steele  blk,  res  Paradise  Valley 
Mearns,  Mrs  Mary  R,  res  Second  ave  near  Thirteenth 



NATIONAL  CITY  ABSTRACT  CO.,  office  at  People's  State  Bank 
A  G  Adams  manager 

NATIONAL  CITY  PLANING  MILL,  W  C  Kimball  prop,  Ninth 
ave  and  Seventeenth 

NATIONAL  CITY  RECORD,  The  Record  Co  props,  cor  Seventh 
ave  and  Sixteenth 

NATIONAL  PACKING  CO,  packers  and  canners  of  fruits,  lob- 
sters, etc,  National  ave  and  Twenty-third 

NATIONAL  flANUFACTURING  CO,  W  T  Hunger  pres,  L  A 
Ward  vice-pres,  John  McLaren  sec'y,  Ninth  ave  and 

N.  C.  &  O.  R.  R.,  Geo  J  Lockie  manager 

N.  C,  &  O.  Ry.  SHOPS,  C  H  Wooster  foreman.  Seventh  ave 
and  Twent)^-sixth 

National  Cit}'  Reduction  Works,  near  Tenth  ave  and  Twenty- 

Nichols,  G  W,  (Mudgett  &  Nichols)  res  Third  ave,  cor  Eleventh 

Noble,  Claire,  res  ex-Mission 

Noice,  Ollie,  Res  Sixth  ave  near  Twentieth 

Northrup,  E  B,  with  L  and  T  Co,  res  First  ave  near  Eighth 

NOYCE,  O.  C,   (National  Packing  Co),  res  J  ave  and  Sixteenth 

NOYCE,  O.    H.,  (Nat  Packing  Co),  res  J  ave  and  Sixteenth 


Oberlander,  Charles,  constable 

O'Connell,  Jerry,  foreman  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  cor  Fourth  ave  and 

O'Connell,  James,  res  J  ave  and  Eighteenth 
O'Harro,  Miss  Mary,  teacher,  res  National  ave,  near  Eleventh 
Owens,  Edwin,  res  H  ave  and  Eighteenth 


Pacific  Hardwood  Co,  Sidney  Selover,    sec'y.    Waterfront,    bet 

Sixteenth  and  Seventeenth 
Padgett,  Isaac,  machinist,  C  S  shops 
Palmer,  R  C,  blacksmith  at  C  S  shops 
Palmer,  T  R,  coal,  feed,  etc,  res  Fourth  ave  near  Eighteenth 


Parker,  J  R,  Fifth  ave  near  Twenty-second 

Parsons,  Geo,  res  J  ave  and  Fifth 

Parsons,  T,  res  B  ave  and  Eighth 

Patterson,  John  F,  with  pipe  shop,  res  Third  ave  near  Twelfth 

Patterson,  J  H,  track  laborer  N  C  &  O  Ry 

Pattee,  Ellis,  postmaster,  cor   Seventh    ave    and    Fifteenth,  res 

Sixth  near  J  ave 
PEOPLE'S  STATE  BANK,    Henry    Shaubut    pres,     E   Thelan 

cashier.  National  ave  and  Eighth 
Petts,  John,  res  ex- Mission 
Pike,  F  E,  barber,  cor  Eighth  ave  and  Eighteenth,    res   Eighth 

ave  near  Eighteenth  « 

Pike,  F  H,  foreman  C  S  yard,  res  Eighth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
Piatt,  M,  railroader,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighteenth 
Porter,  A  O,  blacksmith,  res  Second  ave  near  Thirteenth 
Potts'  Sanitarium,  Raradise  valley 

Porter,  H  T,  with  N  Mf'g  Co,  res  Second  ave  and  Twelfth 
Presbyterian  church,  cor  D  ave  and  Eighth 
Prendergast,  F  E,  agricultural  supt  S  D  E  and  T  Co,  res  Chula 

Vista,,  Melrose  station 


Quackenbush,  R  O,  locomotive   fireman,    res   Second    ave  and 


Ranch,  Mrs  J  E,  res  Second  ave  and  Sixteenth 

Redden,  Fred,  Fourth  ave  near  Ninteenth 

Reed,  Frank  P,    Plumbing,  Seventh  ave,  bet  Eighteenth  and 

Ninteenth,  res  Sixteenth  and  K 
Rice,  Bud,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Fifteenth 
RICE,  J.  A.,  broker, real  estate,  insurance,  notary  public, National 

ave  bet  Tenth  and  Eleventh,  res  H  ave  and  Second 
Risdon,  F,  road  overseer,  res  Second  ave  near  Eighth 
Risdon,  Dr  H  T,  res  National  ave  and  Eighth 
Risdon,  S  A,  res  I  ave  and  Fourth 


Roach,  Wm,  track  foreman  N  C  &  O  Ry 
Robbins,  C  B,  clerk  with  Grout,  res  C  ave  and  Eighth 
Roberts,  C  B,  night  watchman  Pac  Hardwood  Co 
Roberts,  C  B,  justice  of  the  peace,  cor  Seventh  ave  and  Seven- 
teenth, res  First  ave  bet  Fifteenth  and  Sixteenth 
Rollins,  F  P,  shoemaker.  Seventh  ave  near  Fifteenth,  res  same 
Routson,  John  G,  sanitarium,  Paradise  valley 
Royce,  J  M,  (Sutherland  &  Rojxe),  res  Third  ave  and  Eighth 
Russell,  Chas,  conductor,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
RUSS  LUMBER  AND  MILL  CO.,    S   S  Johnston    agent,    cor 
Eighteenth  and  Ninth  ave 

Sanburn,  Fred,  res  B  ave  near  Sixth 

SAN  DIEQO  LAND  AND  TOWN  CO.,  John  E  Boal  acting  gen 

manager,  office  National  City 
Salter,  Wm,  laborer,  res  E  ave  and  Sixth 

Savage,  H  N,  hydraulic  engineer,    S  D  L  &  T  Co,  res  Twenty- 
fourth  and  D  ave 
Sawyer,  Chas  H,  teller  Bank  of  N  C,  res  Terrace 
Scalcow,  Marco,  car  cleaner,  C  S  shops 
Scott,  L  A,  attornej'-at-law,  res  I  ave  and  Sixth 
Sholes,  Herman,  res  H  ave  and  Fourth 
SHAUBUT,   HENRY,  pres  People's  State  Bank,  res  H  ave  and 

Searles,  Eugene,  news  agent,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Ninteenth 
Seiberlich,  Mrs  C,  res  D  ave  and  Twenty-fifth 
Seehorn,  J,  laborer,  res  Second  ave  near  Thirteenth 
Simpson,  J  N,  car  repairer,  res  Eighth  ave  and  Twenty-first 
Slocum,  M  L,  millwright,  res  Seventh  near  E  ave 
Simpton,  Frank,  painter,  res  Second  ave  near  Eighth 
Smith,  Geo  B,  with  N  C  Record,  res  G  ave,  cor  Twenty-first 
SMITH,  STEPHEN  S,  cashier  S  D  L  &  T  Co,  res  San  Diego 
Smith,  Geo  B,  printer,  res  F  ave  and  Twenty-first 
Smith,  Mrs  Lydia  K,  res  Twenty-fourth  and  D  ave 
Smith,  S  W,  painter,  res  Third  ave  near  Thirteenth 


Smith,  James  A,  res  G  ave  and  Fourth 

Solner,  Otto,  res  ex-Mission 

South,  Mrs  Blanch,  res  Third  ave  near  Eleventh 

Spink,  Geo,  second  cook  at  St  Elmo  Restaurant,  res  at  San  D 

Stacy,  res  Eighteenth  near  Fifth  ave 

Stafford,  A  S,  painter 

Stafford,  G  W,  plasterer,  res  Third  ave  and  Eighth 

Stafford,  Miss  Katie,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 

Stafford,  Miss  May,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 

Stanton,  H  M,  real  estate  agt  at  San  Diego,  res    Eighth  near  F 

Stearns,  Chas,  brakeman  witn  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Eighth  ave  and 

Stearns,  J  E,  firsman  with  N  C  &  O  Ry.res  Second  ave  and  13th 
Stearns,  J  R,  engineer  with  N  C  &  O  Ry,  res  Tia  Juana 
Steele,  E,  res  J  ave  and  .  Eifth 
Stebbins,  Geo  H,  Eighth  near  Second  ave 
Steele,  J  B,  res  Second  nearH  ave 

St  Elmo  Restaurant,  F  R  Kellogg,  Seventeenth  and  Eighth  ave 
STEVENS,  H.  J.,  attorney-at-lw,  San  Diego,  res  I  ave  and  Eighth 
Stevens,  E  N,  res  I  ave  and  Eighth 
Stewart,  Chas  R,  conductor  with  S  C  Ry,    res    Second  ave  near 

Stoecker,  John,  shoemaker.  Seventh  ave  bet  Sixteenth  and  Sev- 
enteenth, res  San  Miguel 
STOMBS,  C.  H.,  mfg  of  California    Tree    Wash    and    Orchard 

Fertilizer,  National  ave  and  Eighth,  res  same 
Strahl,  Mrs  D  K,  res  C  ave  and  Eighth 
Strong,  E,  res  J  ave  near  Seventh 
Stuart,  J  N,  blacksmith.  National  ave    and    Seventh,   res  Third 

ave  bet  Eighth  and  Ninth 
Swain,  Mrs  C  A,  res  I  ave  and  Seventh 
Sutherland  &  Royce,  (David    Sutherland,    J  M    Royce,  George 

Ingraham),      blacksmiths.      Seventeenth     bet    Sixth    and 

Seventh  aves 
Sutherland,    D,    (  Sutherland  &    Royce ),     res    Sixth    ave    and 

SWAYNE,  E.  J.,  Cal  M  Loan  &  Trust  Co,  res    Paradise    Valley 
Swayne,  T  J,  nursery,  res  Paradise  Valley 


Sweet,  Chas  H,  car  cleaner  at  C    S    Ry  shops,  res  Third  ave  cor 

Sweet,  Chas,  railroader,  res  Third  ave  near  Eighth 
Syvertsen,  Henry,  car  cleaner  at  C  S    Ry    shops,    res  Fifth  ave 

near  Twentieth 


THELEN,  E.,  cashier  People's  State  Bank 

Taylor,  James,  res  First  ave  and  Twenty-third 

Tingley,  Mrs  E  A,  res  D  ave  near  Eighth 

TonhoflF,  Mrs  Margaret,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Sixteenth 

Tratt,  Rev  Ira,  pastor  of  Baptist  church,  res  C  ave  near    Eighth 

Tyson,  J  R,  night  watchman,  res  F  ave  and  Fourth 


Underhill,  Mrs  J  H,  res  Fourth  ave  and  Seventeenth 


Valentine,  E,  real  estate  agt,  res  Eighth  near  G  ave 
Vaughan,  A  W,  grocery  clerk,  res  C  ave  near  Seventh 
Vaughan,  P  D  &  W  B,    general   mdse.     Seventh  ave  and  Seven- 
Vaughan,  P  D,  (Vaughan,  P  D  &  W  B),    res    National  ave  bet 

Seventh  and  Eighth 
Vaughan,  WB,   (Vaughan,    PD&WB),    res    First    ave   and 

Voeltzel,  Daniel,  bakery, Seventh  ave  near  Eighteenth,  res  same 


Wagner,  C  H,  book-keeper  with  Russ    Lumber    &  Mill  Co,  cor 

Ninth  ave  and  Eighteenth 
Wagner,  Carl,  res  ex-Mission 

Waldron,  Mrs  Louisa,  with  International  Hotel,  res   same 
Walker,  Thos,  rancher,  res  B  ave   and  Eighth 


Wakefield,  Mrs,  res  Highland  ave  and  Seventh 

WARD,  H.  B.,  manager  of  Ferris  branch  of    National    Mfg  Co, 

res  at  Ferris 
WARD,  L.  A.,  vice-pres  and  gen'l  manager  Nat  Mfg  Co,  res  cor 

Third  ave  and  Eleventh     * 

Ward,   S  A,  res  Second  ave  and  Fourteenth 

Ward,  Wm,  res  Third  ave  near  Seventeenth 

Weage,  Rev  E  D,  pastor  of  Congregational  church,  res  C  ave 
and  Fifth 

Weisser,  A  J,  cigar  maker,  res  Sixth  ave  and  Seventeenth 

Welker,  E  E,  billiards  and  restaurant,  Eighth  ave  cor  Seven- 
teenth, res  First  ave  and   Sixteenth 

Weslock,  John,  track  laborer  with  N  C  &  O  Ry 

Westemburg,  Rev  C  A,  pastor  M  E  church,  res  Coronado 

Whicker,  S  J,  boot  and  shoe  maker,  Eighth  near  National  ave, 
res  J  ave  and  FoUrth 

WHITTELSEY,  C.  B.,  cashier  Bank  of  National  City,  res  Inter- 
national hotel 

Wilkes,  Grant,  cook  at  St  Elmo  Restaurant,  res  San  Diego 

Williams,  Richard,  at  railroad  shops,    res    Fourth  ave  and  i6th 

Williamson  Bros,  grocers,  Steele  blk,  National  ave 

Willingham,  J  Q,  with  N  Mfg  Co,  res  Second  ave  and  Sixteenth 

Wiliis,  M  C,  res  G  ave  and  Fourth 

Willis,  Miss,  res  Eleventh  near  National  ave 

Wilson,  Mrs  Ada,  with  International  hotel,  res  same 

Witherby ,  Mrs  Edwin,  res  C  ave  and  Tenth 

Wood,  A  H,  engineer  with  S  D  E  &  Co,  res  International  hotel 

Wood,  Harr}^,  res  International  hotel 

Wood,  Mrs  A,  res  Internatlonai  hotel 

Woodburn,  Dr,  fruit  grower,  res  H  ave  and  Sixth 

Woodbury,  F  S,  res  National  ave  near  Eighth 

Woodworth,  Harvey,  res  Third  ave  near  Ninth 

Woodworth,  Mrs,  res  Third  ave  near  Ninth 

Woolsey,  Miss  Addie,  teacher,  res  Otay 

Worster,  C  H,  foreman  at  N  C  &  O  shops,  res  Fourth  ave  and 

Workman,  Jas,  tin  and  coppersmith.  Fourth  ave  bet  Thirteenth 
and  Fourteenth 

Worster,  M  M,  res  Fourth  and  Twentieth 





]SlflTIOHflLi   CITY. 



National  City  Abstract  Co,,  office  at 

Boyd  Bros,  cor  Seventh  ave  and  Fif- 

People's State  Bank 


Burbeck  &  Copeland,    Seventh   ave 


bet  Sixteenth  and  Seventeenth 

Curtis,  Lewis  A,  Steele  blk 

Hill,  W  S,  cor  National  ave  &  Eighth 

McCommas,  Robt,  Seventh  ave 



Rheinoehl  &  Harrison,   officce  San 

Vaughan,  P  D  &  D  W,    cor   Seventh 


ave  and   Seventeenth 



Bank  of  National  City,  C    B  Whit- 

Crain,  J  C,  cor  Seventh  av  and  Seven- 

telsey cashier.cor  Seventh  ave  and 



Grout,  L  J   Seventh   ave   bet   Eigh- 

People's State  Bank,  EThelen  cash- 

teenth and  Nineteenth 

ier,  Steele  blk.  National  ave  and 

Matthiessen,  N  C,  Steele  blk  National 




Williamson  Bros,  Steele  blk 

Voeltzel,  Daniel,  Seventh   ave   near 



Mudgett  &  Nichols,  cor  Seventh  ave 


and  Eighteenth 

Pike,  F  E,  Eighth  cor  Eighteenth 



International,  Sixth  ave  bet  Twenty- 

Second  and  Twenty-third 

Stuart,  J  N,  National  ave  and  Seventh 


Sutherland    &    Royce,    Seventeenth 

bet  Sixth  and  Seventh  aves 

Adams,  Thelen  &Co.,  Steele  blk 

Palmer,  J  R,  Seventh  ave  and  19th 


Routson,  J  G,  Seventh  ave 

Leonard,  Dr.  C.  N.,  ave  D  near  Fifth 

Rice,  J.  A.,  National  ave  near  nth 




Crain,  J  C,  Seventh  ave    and   Seven- 

Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co.,  cor  Eigh- 
teenth and  Ninth  ave 

California  Tree  Wash  &  Fertilizing 

Co.,  National  ave  and  Eighth 
Deford's   Barley   Mill,   National  ave 

and  Eighteenth 
National  City  Reduction  Works 
National  Manufacturing  Co.,  L.  A. 

Ward  manager,  cor  Seventeenth 

and  Ninth  ave 
National    Olive    Oil  Mills,  Frank  A 

Kimball,  prop 
National  Packing  Co.,  National  ave 

and  Twenty-third 
Pacific  Hardwood  Lumber  Co,  Water 

Front,  bet  Sixteenth  and   Seven- 
Planing  Mills,  Warren  Kimball  prop 


Hazard,  J  R,  Seventh  ave  near  Seven- 

National  City  Record,  cor  Seventh 
ave  and  Sixteenth 

Beermaker,  Q.  W.,  with  Record  Co 
Rice,  J.  A.,  National   ave,  bet  Tenth 
and  Eleventh 


Grigsby,  Mrs  M  E,   Seventh   ave   bet 
Seventeenth  and  Eighteenth 


Swayne,  T  J,  Paradise  Valley 


Buxton,  Q.  Edward,  National  ave 
and  Twelfth 

Johnson,  Dr.  T  F,  over  Burbeck  & 

Keene,  J  W,  Fourth  ave  and  Four- 

Morrill,  J  F,  Second  ave  and  17th 

Risdon,  Dr.  H  T,  National  ave  and 

Mudgett  &  Nichols,  7th  ave  and  i8th 
Reed,   F  P,    Seventh   ave   bet  Eigh- 
teenth and  Neneteeuth 
Adams,  Thelen  &  Co.,  Steele  blk 
Kimball,  Frank  A.,  National  ave  bet 

Eighth  and  Eleventh 
Rice,  J.    A.,  National  ave  near  nth 
S.  D.  Land  &  Town  Co.,  John   E 
Boal  manager 


St  Elmo,  cor  Seventeenth  and  8th  av 
Welker,  E   E,   cor   Seventeenth   and 
Eighth  ave 


Becker,  John  J,  cor  Eighth  ave  and 

Moeck,  G  E,  Seventh  ave  bet  Seven- 
teenth and  Eighteenth 


Rollins,  F  P,  Seventh  near  Fifteenth 
Stoecker,  John,  Seventh  ave  bet  Six- 
teenth and  Seventeenth 
Whicker,  S  J,  near  cor   Eighth   and 
National  ave 


Boyd  Bros,  Seventh  ave  and  Fifteenth 



K.  OF  P. — Ivoma  Lodge,  No.  159,  meets  every  Monday  evening,  at  K.  of 
P.  Hall,  Eighth  avenue,  corner  Twenty-second  street. 

I.  O.  O.  F. — National  City  Lodge,  No.  338,  meets   every  Saturday  even- 
ing, at  Odd  Fellows'  Hall,  on  Eighteenth  street. 

F.  &  A.  M. — Southwest  Lodge,  No.  283,  meets  on  Wednesday   evening, 
on  or  preceding  full  moon,  at  Grange  Hall. 

Daughters  of  Rebekah. — \nna  Lodge,  No.  137,  meets  in  Odd   Fellows' 
Hall,  on  the  second  and  fourth  Thursdays  of  each  month. 

National  Union. — San  Miguel  Council,  No.  315,  meets  the  third  Thursday 
of  each  month  at  Odd  Fellows'  Hall. 

W.  C.  T.  U. — Meets  every  alternate   Thursday  afternoon,   at  Congrega- 
tional church. 

♦  •♦ 


Commencing  at  the  San  Diego  city  limits,  the  streets  running  east 
and  west  are  First,  Second,  Third,  etc.,  to  the  city  limits  between  Na- 
tional City  and  Chula  Vista. 

Taking  National  avenue  as  a  base  line,  the  streets  running  north  and 
south  are  called  avenues.  Those  on  the  west  of  National  avenue  are 
First  avenue.  Second  avenue,  etc.,  to  the  bay  front.  Those  on  the  east 
of  National  avenue  are  A  avenue,  B  avenue,  etc.,  as  far  as  the  streets  are 
laid  out. 



Principal    Place  of  Buisincss, 





WELL  and  llttTER  PIP 


W.  T.  MUNQER,  Pres.  JOHN  McLAREN,  Sec. 

L.  A.  WARD,  Vice=Pres.  and  General  Manager. 


W.  T.  Hunger,  President.  John  McLaren.  Secretary. 

Iv.  A.  Ward,  Vice-Pres.  and  General  Manager. 

The  Bank  oe  National  City,  Treasurer. 

Perris  Vali^ey   Bank,  Assistant  Treasurer. 

W.  T.  Hunger,    L.  A.  Ward,  John  McLaren,   A.  A.  Hendeson. 

at  National  City 

Branch  Factor}^ 
at  Perris. 

Principal  Place 

of  Business, 
SRN    Di  EGO, 



Sheet  IfOfi  Well  and  Watef  Pipe. 


Iron  and  Wooden  Tanks,  and  all  Glasses 


We  make  a  specialty  of  a  patent   Asbestos   Coating   for   preserving   steel 

from  rust. 

^Z^^We   also  make  a  specialty  of   the  manufacture  of 

3-inch  Steel   Pipe. 





ALPINE  CENTER.  (Alpine  P.  O.) 

On  Cuyamaca  stage  road,  28  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego, 
ten  miles  from  railroad  at  Lakeside.  A  prosperous  truit,  grain 
and  cattle  country;  population  of  precinct  284 

Albee,  T  M,  painter  Alpine    Center  Hall  Co,  J  A 

ARNOLD,    B.     R.    of  Arnold,       Hilsinger,  sec'y  and  treas 
Cherry  &  Co,  wholesale  ship^  Atwater,  A  J,  blacksmith 
pers;  principal  place  of  busi-  Beebee,  N  A,  millwright 
ness  New  York;    local  resi-  Casty,  B,  carpenter 
dence  Alpine  Emery,  A  A,  clerk 

Emery,  L  D,  (Emery  Bros)  Emery  Bros,  (D  &  Capt   Wm  S 

Emery,    Capt    Wm  S,   (Emery       Emer}^),  butchers    and    stock 

Bros)  and  fruit  raisers 

Hereford,  Dr  F  EflERY,  C.  F.,  postmaster,  gen'l 

High,  Wm,  fruit  packer  mdse,  hotel  and  livery 

Hoagland,  H  M,  teamster  Hilsinger,  J  A,     sec'y  and  treas 

McCormac,  J  G,  nursery  Alpine  Center  Hall  Co 

Pennoyer,  R  A,  carpenter  Pontius,  Dr  R  W 

Shultz,  Chris,  shoemaker  Smith,  Louis,  brick-layer 

Thompson,  John,  brick-layer 


On  Julian  stage  road  45  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego,  and  22 
from  Foster's  railroad  station. 

Alderson,  D  A,  teacher  Boise  H  F,  justice  of  peace 

Booth,  J  W,  farmer  Casner,  M  V,  farmer 



Fisher,  C  P,  hotel 
Fraser,  J  McG,  plasterer 
Halstead,  D,  farmer 
Johnson,  W  W.  blacksmith 
lyittlepage,  C  W,  constable 
McDowell,  Rev,  M  E  minister 
Mclntire,  John  L,,  postmaster 
Stephens,  F,  naturalist 
Stone,  Geo  M,  farmer 
Warnock,  H  A,  constable 
Warnock,  Samuel,  farmer 

Graves,  E  E,  farmer 

Grow,  Miss  Jessie,  teacher 

Himmel,  Chas,  painter 

Keith,  AV,  farmer 

Moore,  E  B,  general    mdse  store 

Mulkins,  J  W,  farmer 

Southerland,  J  P,  painter 

SwycafFer,  J  D,  road    overseer 

Union  Church 

Warnock,  Wm,  farmer 

"Wood,  Rev  T  J,  Baptist  minister 


One  of  the  rich  mining  districts,  on  the  San  Diego,  Julian  and 
Temecula  stage  road  70  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego,  and  40 
miles  from  railroad  at  Lakeside 

Bailey,  D  D,  mine  owner 
Chambers,  W  D,  mine  supt 
Ferguson,  W  B,  teacher 
lyane,  D  C,  mine  supt 
Mason,  J  E,  stock  raiser 
Murphy,  F  A,  mine  contractor 
Pennenberg^  Mrs  E  G,  hotel 

Bright,  James,  blacksmith 
Diamond,  Chas,  livery  stable 
Grant,  Fred,  stock  raiser 
Eane,  D  F,  boarding  house 
Murphy,  A  J,  miner  and  contr'r 
Pennenberg,  E,  lawyer  and  not'y 
Ryan,  John,  stonemason 
Slocum,  Geo  W,    engineer 

and  postmistress 

Wentworth  &  Rees,  gen'l  mdse  Wilcox,  IvL,  mine  owner 

store  Woodrow,  Wm,  gardener 


On  Poway  and  Escondido  road,  28  miles  north  of   San    Diego 
and  5  miles  south  of  Escondido. 
E.  L.SCHILLENBERQ  general  store. 


On  San  Louis  Rey  river,  between  Oceanside  and  Fallbrook, 
45  miles  north  of  San  Diego. 
GODFREY,  D.  W.,  gen.  store     Bonsall,  James,  nursery 

SAN  DIEGO    COUNTY    DIRECTORY.  ,      63 


On  railroad  between  Oceanside  and  Escondido,  40  miles  north 
of  San  Diego. 

COOK,  Q.  H.,  postmaster  Irwin,  Grace,  teacher 

Bearing,  W  S,  teacher  Keith,  lyUcy,  teacher 


Is  a  pretty  watering  place  on  the  S.  C.  Ry.,  37  miles  from  San 
Diego,  and  three  miles  from  Oceanside.  The  M  E  church  owns 
an  extensive  hotel  and  grounds  here,  and  the  Carlsbad  water 
has  attained  considerable  celebrity. 

Brennesholtz,  hotel  keeper 

Brown,  J  T,  dealer  in  horses  and  poultry 

Carlsbad  Mineral  Wells 

CRAIN,  J.  D  postmaster  and  commission  merchant 

Culver,  A  J,  carpenter  and  builder 

Culver,  Fred,  carpenter  and  builder 

Fisher,  Mrs  E,  fancy  work 


Ivcnz,  Jos,  shomaker 

Morrow,  J  D,  brick-layer  and  plasterer 

Reed,  Miss  J  A,  teacher 

Roberts,  S  F,  machinist 

Schutte,  G,  sec'y  of  L,and  &  Mineral  Water  Co 

Smith,  S  C,  real  estate  agent 


A  suburban  residence  section,  adjoining  National  City  on  the 
south ;  with  its  many  miles  of  graded  and  tree-lined  avenues  and 
streets,  handsome  residences,  thousands  of  acres  of  growing 
orange  and  lemon  groves,  and  rapid-transit  connection  with  San 
Diego  city,  it  has  become  the  home  of  many  San  Diego  profes- 
sional and  business  men,  and  is  one  of  the  attractive  places  in 
the  bay  region. 

Adams,   D  K  Barber,  Albert 

Brown,  Payne  Ballon,  J  M 

CALKINS,SC.  D.,  postmaster     Carr,  Wm  M 
Chula  vista  Nursery  Co  Copeland,  H 



Cushney,  Mrs  C  A,  teacher 

Congregational  Church 

Davidson,  J  M, 

Fehlmann,  August 

Fehlmann,  Herman 

Fehlmann,  Otto 

Frazier,  Milton 

Greife,  John 

Gulick  Bros,  nursery 

Gulick,  H,  Sr 

Haberfelner,  H 

Harris,  R  S 

Herman,  Chas 

Jobes,  C  C 

Judkins,  J  T, 

Johnson,  J  M 

Johnson,  Monroe 

Morse,  Peter 

Morse,  I  N 

Morse,  P  W 

Miller,  Ernest 

Orcott  &  Egan,  nursery 

Philomathic  Society   and  free 

reading  room 
Rhinehart,  J  O 
Richardson,  J  S 
Shimerda,  J  A 
Stearns,  Wm 
Stearns,  J  C 
Stephens,  J  E 
Stuart,  C  H 
Titus,  A 
Walker,  Henry 
Webb,  Captain  F  R 
Williams,  T  L 
Williams,  C  L,  plumber 
Williams,  Chas 
Wilson,  William 

Clouse,  J  E,  (Higgins  &  Clouse 

Dyer,  E  W 

Eaton,  Miss  T  M 

Flanders,  E  E 

Fisher,  Henry 

Frank,  C  E 

Griffin,  J  Iv 

Grimes,  Wm 

Griffin,  J  h 

HAINES,  A.,  att'y,  San  Diego 

Hammond,  A 

Henderson,   G  L 

Higgins  &  Clouse,  nursery 

Henderson,  W  J 

Higgins,  T  D,  (H  &  C) 

Johnston,  John 

Knapp,  J  E 

McMurray,  Geo 

McGregor,  Dr  G  P,  physician 

Morley,  A  J 

Newcomb,  Frank  S 

Pinkerton,  Mrs  J  A 

Prendergast,  F  E 

Rhoebuck,  Elias 

Rihn,  W  M 

RIPPEY,  C,  H.,  att'y,  San  Diego 

Smith,  PB 

Stender,  A  G 

Stephens  &  Calkins,  gen  nidse 

Stephens,  A  B,  (S  &  C) 

Trayler,  M 

Vaughn,  R  N 

Walter,  Price 

WARD,  M.  L.,  att'y,  San  Diego 

Wilkins,  W 

Whittaker,  H  S 

Wright,  Ivucius 

Wynn,  L, 




A  stock  raising  and  mining  district,  50  miles  east  of  San  Diego. 
Gaskell,  S  E,  gen.  store,  blacksmith  shop  and  grist  mill 
Herrick,  A  P,    postmaster   and  justice  of  the  peace 
WEBB,   E.   L.,  general  store 

CUYAflACA  (or  Stonewall). 

-The  center  of  a  rich  mining  country,   55    miles   north-east   of 
San  Diego  and  35  miles  from  the  railroad  at   lyakeside.       Stage 
leaves  at  7  a.m.  for  lyakeside. 
Cuyamaca  Mercantile  Co,  (Waldo  S  Waterman,  W  S  Hasking, 

R  C  Turner) 
Hunger,  Dr  M  E,  physician 
Stonewall  Mine,  Waldo  S  Waterman  manager 
Waterman,  Waldo  S,  general  manager  S  D,  C  &  E  Ry 
Hosking,  W  S,  merchant  TURNER,   R.  C,  postmaster 


Is  22  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego,  and  8  miles  from  the  rail- 
road at  El  Cajon. 
Bixby,  Rev  A,  Congregational  Campbell  A  Iv,    general  mdse 

Gregg,  E  E,  blacksmith 
Hartley,  J  M,  insurance 
Ross,  T  A,  teacher 
Sloane,  H  P^  nursery 
Starr,  M  B,  mail  carrier 

Gregg,  A  E  J,  carpenter 
GREGG,  M.  J.,  postmaster 
Hartley,  M  J,  hotel 
McFarlan,  J  R,  justice  of  peace 
Shields,  A  P,   Baptist   minister 


A  seaside  resort  on  the  Southern  California  railroad,  22  miles 

north  of  San  Diego. 
Angeis  &  Rainford,  grocery 
BENNETT,  U,  postmaster 
Civetta,  A,  boarding  house 
Foster,  Iv  J,  justice  of  peace 
Jones,  M  C,  express  agent 
Meklensek,  John,  wine  maker 
Wells,  A  C,  tinner 

Bennett,  AW,  grocery  and  hotel 
Bloodworth,  John,  constable 
Fields,  Chas,  carpenter 
Foster,  Wm,  blacksmith 
Kirby,  I^  A,  jobber 
Taylor,  J  I^,  retired  judge 



On  Cuyamaca  road,  40  miles  east  of  San  Diego  and  20  miles 
from  the  railroad  at  I^akeside. 
Combs,  John  A,  merchant  Marshfield,  Emaline,  teacher 


On  Campo  road,  28  miles  east  of  San  Diego. 
Clark,  Frank  J,  nursery  HAQENBUCK,  H.  H.,  gen.  store 

Marsh,  C  H,  taxidermist  Stoaks,  Eva,  teacher 


Is  on  the  S.  D. ,  C.  &  E.  Ry,  15  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego, 
in  El  Cajon  valley,  one  of  the  finest  in  Southern  California,  a 
rich  agricultural  and  fruit  growing  section.  It  is  noted  for  its 
many  large  raisin  vinyards  and  orchards.  The  best  raisins  on 
the  market  are  grown  in  El  Cajon  valley,  also  some  of  the  finest 
orchards  are  found  here.  The  hundreds  of  raisin  pickers  and 
packers  present  a  busy  scene  in  the  grape  season,  and  the  rail- 
road annually  carries  hundreds  of  car-loads  of  choice  raisins 
and  citrus  and  deciduous  fruits  from  this  valley  to  the  eastern 

Allen,  R  C,  raisin  packer  Bascom  &  Co  meat  market 

Ambrose,  D  E,  minister  Boston  Ranch,  raisin  packers 

Asher,  J  M,  horticulturist  BURGESS,  E.  E.  gen'l  mdse  and 

Brower,  A,  druggist  postmaster 

Cox,  T  J,  justice  of  peace  El  Cajon    Vineyard    Co,    raisin 

EL  CAJON  RAISIN  &  FRUIT         packers 

PACKING  CO.,  J  T  Gordon     El  Cajon    Valley    News,    W  H 

proprietor  Somers  editor 

Garvin,  FE,  painter  GORDON,  J.  T.,  pres  Sweetwater 

Graves,  Chas,  carpenter  Nursery  Co 

Hill,  Uri,  real  estate  agt  Knox,  A  L,    hotel,     livery    and 

Holt,  G  H,  raisin  packer  saloon 

Johnson,  C  M,  physician  Knox  Annex  hotel 

L,instrome.  J,  shoemaker  Knox  El  Cajon  hotel 

McFadden,  D,  blacksmith  Ogden,  D  H.  real  estate  agt 


Rea,  John,  capitalist  Marshall,  S  M,  (El  Cajon  Vine- 
Rush,  John,  saloon  yard  Co) 

Russ  Lumber  Co  Somers,  W  H,  fruit  grower  and 

Vaughn,  F  E,  horseman  editor  El  Cajon   Valley    News 

Walsh,  Martin,  saloon  Sother  &  Crosby  (Boston  Ranch) 

Worcester,  S,  physician  5WEETWATER  NURSERY  CO 

J  T  Gordon  pres 


On  Eagle  Peak  road,  35  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego  and  16 
miles  from  Lakeside. 

HENSLEY,  CHARLES,  general  store  and  postmaster. 


On  Campo  road,  Otay  valley,  18  miles  from  San  Diego. 
G  R  Mossholder,  groceries  and  postmaster. 


Sometimes  called  the  "Lake  City  of  Southern  California"  from 
the  beautiful  sheet  of  water  near  which  it  is  built.  Lake  Elsi- 
nore  is  five  miles  long  and  about  two  miles  wide.  The  resources 
of  the  Elsinore  colony  are  very  extensive  and  diversified.  Coal 
in  abundance  is  found  near  the  city,  and  from  one  to  three  car 
loads  are  shipped  from  the  station  daily.  The  Southern  Califor- 
nia Coal  &  Clay  Co  has  one  of  the  largest  sewer  and  water  pipe 
factories  on  the  coast  near  Elsinore.  The  'famous  Hot  Sulphur 
Springs  rival  the  best  in  the  world.  It  is  a  great  horticultural 
center.  Gold  and  silver  mining  is  growing  in  importance.  The 
station  is  about  two  miles  from  the  city.  It  is  one  of  the  busiest 
stations  on  the  road  and  is  96  miles  from  Los  Angeles  and  86 
miles  from  San  Diego 

City  Council — ^J  F  Jones,  pres;  Thompson  Frame,  W  W  Wil- 
son, L  Yates,  and  John  Clayton.     H  I  Greuell,  City  Clerk 

Armory  Hall,  janitor  H  I  Greuell 

BAIRD,  M.  A.,  asst  cashier  of  Consolidated  Bank 

Barnes,  Edw,  brick  mf 'r  at  Terra  Cotta 


BENNETT,  GEO.  E.,  second  hand  store  and  shoemaker 

Bricker,  G  W,  Irrigation  Dist  Collector 

BUNDY,  E.  Z.,  city  marshal,  blacksmith  and  wagon  maker;  all 
work  first  class  and  guaranteed 

Cameron,  Thos,  city  treasurer 

City  Health  Officer,  Dr  Thos  E  Ellis 

Clark,  E  D,  furniture  dealer  and  undertaker 

Clark,  O  S,  blacksmith 

CONSOLIDATED  BANK  of  Elsinore,  J  T  Kuhns  cashier 

CRESCENT  BATH  HOUSE,  F  H,  Heald  prop 

DALGLISH  &  HUD50N,  prop'rs  Economic  Store 

Denninck,  Chas,  pastor  of  Catholic  church 

DIXON,  E,  saddler  and  harness  maker 

Doherty  &  Ferrish,  dressmakers 

ECONOniC  STORE,  Dalglish  &  Hudson  props,  family  groceries 

ELLIS,  THOS.  E.,  ph5^sician  and  surgeon 

ELSINORE  HOTEL,  J  F  Jones  prop 

ELSINORE  PRESS,  H  McPhee  editor  and  proprietor 

FOUNTAIN  BATH  HOUSE,  E  Z  Bundy  prop 

GILL,  L.,  attorne^^-at-law 

HEALD,  F.  H.,  prop  Crescent  Bath  House 

Hoag,  J  A,  attorney-at-law 

Irrigation  District  Directors — Peter  Wall,  Henry  Lillie,  J  E 
Dickey,  J  C  Chambers  and  D  F  Pearson 

Johnston,  Fred,  pastor  First  Presbyterian  church 

JOHNSTON,  JOHN,  dry  and  furnishing  goods 

JONES,  J.  F.,  prop  Elsinore  hotel 

KUHNS,  J.  T.,  cashier  of  Consolidated  Bank  and  treas  of  Irriga- 
tion Dist 

Eakeview  Hotel,  W  D  Smith  prop 

EangstaflF,  Chas,  blacksmith  and    constable 

LAULER,  S.  L.,  dry  goods,  clothing,  men's  furnishings  and 
boots  and  shoes 

Eaughlin,  M  F,  station  agt  and  tel  operator 

McCoy,  G  E,  watchmaker  and  gunsmith 

McPHEE,  HORACE,  prop  Elsinore  News 

MACY  &  WARD,  groceries,  provisions  and  feed 


MERRILL,  C.  C,  gentnan'grS  C  Coal  &ClayCo,  and  postmaster 
at  Terra  Cotta 

MERRILL,  E.  L.,  sec'y  of  S  Cal  Coal  &  Clay  Co 

Middlesworth,  Mrs  Wm,  boarding  house,  at  Terra  Cotta 

MILLS,  R.  C,  Jr.,  hardware  and  implements,  queensware, -glass- 
ware and  paints,  and  livery  stable 

Parlin,  Geo  W,  prop  Elsinore  stage  line 

Paj'ton  &  Arej^  meat  market 

PECK,  L.  B.,  postmaster,  justice  of  peace  and  city  recorder 

PIERCE,  D.  F.,  sec'y  Irrigation   District 

PIONEER  DRUG  STORE,  L  T  Ellis  prop 

Pittinger,  J,  pastor  of  M  E  church 

ROBINSON  BROS.,  dealers  in  fruit,  vegetables  cigars  etc 

SCHANCK,  JAMES  K.,  jeweler  and  agt  for  Wells,  Eargo  &  Co 

SOUTHERN  CAL.  CLAY  &  COAL  CO.,  E  L  Merrill  supt  of  works 
at  Terra  Cotta 

Smith,  W  D,  prop  of  Lakeview  hotel 

Starbuck,  Tacy  T,  dressmaker 

STEWART  &  WILSON,  Elsinore  warehouse 

STEWART,  S.  A.,  pres  Consolidated  Bank  and  assessor  of  Irriga- 
tion District 

Summers,  Prof  J  N,  principal  of  Elsinore  High  School 

Townsend  &  Co,  plumbers 

WALL,    FLORENCE    V.,  physician  and  surgeon 

Wall,  Peter,  drug  and  grocery  store 

WASHBURN,  S.  H.,  physician  and  surgeon 

Willitts,  S  H  gen'l  mdse  at  Terra  Cotta 

WILSON,  W.  W.,  lumber  dealer 


Is  a  prettily  situated  town  on  the  Pacific  coast  and  the  South- 
ern California  railroad,  35  miles  from  San  Diego. 

Bond,  J  W,  blacksmith  and  livery  stable 

Bush,  R  E,  teacher  and  surveyor 

Chaflfin,  Mrs  S,  general  merchandise 

Cozens,  T.  W,  pres  and  manager  Cash  Store,  also  postmaster 

Derby  House,  A  G  Derby  proprietor 


Bncinitas  Cash  Store  (a  corporation),  S  W  Cozens  pres,  drugs, 

paints  and  oils 
Encinitas  House,  F  P  Nichols  lessee  and  justice  of  the  peace 
Encinitas  Town  Hall  Association 
Encinitas  Transcript,  Rev  J  A  Rodgers  editor 
Gibbs,  W  D,  gen  merchandise  and  piano  tuner 
Macklin,  Charles,  constable 
Macklin,  Mrs  M  T,  bakery 

Miller,  O  W,  station  agent,  operator  and  W  F  &  Co's  agent 
Pitcher,  J  S,  gunsmith 
Rodgers,  Rev  J  A,  pastor  Cong,    church    and  editor   Encinitas 

Rattan,  Thomas,  dry  goods 
SMITH,  SAM  F.,  attorney-at-law 
Sturgis,  J  A,  general  merchandise 


Is  21  miles  from  Oceanside  and  is  the  terminus  of  the  branch 
line  of  the  Santa  Fe  system  running  from  Oceaside  to  Escondido. 
By  wagon  road  it  is  38  miles  from  San  Diego  but  by 
rail  it  is  61.  Escondido  is  strictly  a  temperance  town  and  is  one 
of  the  most  prosperous  and  wealthy  towns  in  Southern  Califor- 
nia. It  has  five  elegant  brick  churches  and  the  foundation  laid 
for  another;  two  newspapers,  a  bank  and  a  splendid  college, 
besides  a  fine  two-story  brick  school  house.  It  has  four  elegant 
hotels,  and  its  business  blocks  are  not  surpassed  by  any  in  the 
county.  It  was  founded  by  the  Escondido  I^and  and  Town 

Trustees — Sig  Steiner,  J.  D.  Kerr,  Henry  Nulton,  Geo.  W. 
Berkley,  Walter  J.  Bailey;  Clerk  I.  N.  Nightengale;  Treasurer, 
John  T.  Chambers,  Marshall,  B.  McFadden;  Recorder,  W.  R. 

ABELL,  S.   P.,  Palace  liverv,  feed  and  sale  stable 

AVENUE  HOUSE,  T  S  Rhodes  prop 

Bacon,  Mrs  J  L,  milliner 

Bailey,  Prof  J  W,  principal  public  school 


BALD  RIDGE,  W.  H.,  drugs,  books,  stationery,  etc 

Ball,  F  E,  shoemaker 

Bank  of  Escondido,  A  W  Wohlford  pres,  J  H  Anderson  cashier 

Beach,  A  H,  notary  public  and  conveyancer 

Berkley,  Geo  W,  groceries  and  provisions 

Blake,  W  R,  prop  Escondido  Club  Rooms 

BOSTON  SHOE  STORE,  J  A  Dyer  proprietor 

Byrne,  Rev  E  R,  parish  priest  Catholic  church 

CALIFORNIA  flEAT  MARKET,  Eouis  Bassou  proprietor 

Carmichael,  Charles,  Bargain  Store 

CASSOU  BROS.,  Pioneer  meat  market  and  wholesale  butchers 

CASSOU,  LOUIS,  California  meat  market 

Chew,  A  W,  wagonmaker 

Cochran,  Miss  A,  teacher 

COMMERCIAL  HOTEL,    D  W  McKay  proprietor 

Cook,  J  W,  station  agent,  Wells,  Fargo  &  Co's  agt  and  operator 

Cook,  Mrs  J  W,  vice  prin  public  schools 

COTTAGE  HOUSE,  Mrs  Byron  Hinman  prop 

CRAVATH,  A.  K.,  real  esta  e,  insurance  and  notary  public 

CRAVATH  HALL,  Escondido 

Culp,  Bros,  contractors  and  builders 

Culp,  M  E,  contractor  and  builder 

DAVIS,  FRANK  A.,  hardware  and  farm  implements 

Donley,  G  W,  real  estate  and  insurance 

Dorn,  E  E,  civil  engineer 

DUNN,  A.  D.,  publisher  of  The  Advocate 

DYER,  J.  A.,  proprietor  Boston  Shoe  Store 

Eaves,  John,  watchmaker 

Ellis,  Rev  E  B,  pastor  M  E  church  south 

Engstrum,  F  O,  contractor  and  builder 

Escher,  Eeo,  tonsorial  artist 

Escondido  Club  Rooms,  W  R  Blake  prop 


ESCONDIDO  HOTEL,  W  W  Thomas  manager 
ESCONDIDO  LAND  &  TOWN  CO.,  R  R  Thomas  gen   manager, 

San  Diego  office  966  Sixth 
Escondido  Lodge  I  O  O  F,  No.  344,  J  H  Anderson  sec'y 


E5C0NDID0  LUriBER  CO.,  Geo  V  Thomas  manager 

Escondido  Race  Track,  Wm  German  manager 

Escondido  Seminary,  Rev  J  A  Wachob  prin 

ESCONDIDO  TiriES,  Lindsay  &  Trownsell  publishers 

Escondido  Water  Works,  J  T  Chamber  manager 

Estee,  Mrs  Carrie,  teacher 

FASHION  STABLE,,  W  P  Bevington  prop 

Fritzwater,  Miss  M,  dressmaker 

GAR,  No.  143,  Escondido  Post,  J  A  Pomeroy  adjutant 

German,  Wm,  horse  trainer 

GRAHAn  &STEINER,  (P  A  Graham,   Sig  Steiner),   general 

QWALTNEY,  H.  C.  &  CO.,  hardware,   agricultural  implements, 

stoves  and  furniture,  pumps,  barbed  wire,  paints,  oils,  etc 
HANEY,  C.  T.,  saddle  and  harness  maker 
Hawthorne,  W  R,  justice  of  the  peace 
HINHAN,  MRS  BYRON,  prop  Cottage  House 
KELLER,  Dr.  M.  B.,  physician  and  surgeon,  and  co  coroner 
Kiewiet,  H,  merchant  tailor 

K  of  P,  Themis  Lodge  No.  146,  S  A  Reed  K  R  and  S 
Jacob,  Rev  W  E,  rector  episcopal  church 
Jeffrey,  F  M,  attorney-at-law 
Jones,  O  J,  bakery 

Legore,  Miss  A,  watchmaker  and  notions 
LINDSAY  &  TROWNSELL,  (A  A  Lindsay,  James  Trownsell), 

editors  and  props  Escondido  Times 
LINDSAY,  rirs.   VIOLA.  N.,  milliner>'  and  fancy  goods 
Lomax,  L,  bakery 

McKAY,  D.  W.,  prop  Commercial  hotel 
McMullen,  Miss,  teacher 
PALACE  STABLES,    S  P  Abell  prop 
Pardee,  D  E,  street  supt  and  truckman 
PARKHURST,  O.,  dry  goods,  clothes  and  furnishings 
Pomero}^,  J  A,  contractor,  builder  and  architect 
Reidy  Bros,  canning,  drying  and  packing  establishment 
RHOADES,  T.  S.,  prop  Avenue  house 
Rice,  N  J,  physician  and  surgeon 
Riddle,  Rev  J  H,  pastor  Christian  church 


ROGERS,  S.  S.,  drugs  and  stationery 

Rogers,  Wm,  boot  and  shoemaker 

Russell,  Dr  M  Iv  V,  dentist 

Settle,  L  W,  blacksmith 

Slocum,  Ivorenzo,  Groceries  and  provisions 

Smart,  Geo  L,  blacksmith  and  wagonmaker 

STEADflAN,  L.  &  CO.,  (L  Steadman,  S  P  Sibley),    dry   goods 

and  furnishing  goods 
STEVENSON  BROS.,  (J  R  Stevenson,  D  R  Stevenson),  general 

SYMINGTON,  R.  D.,  furniture  and  undertaking 
Tabor,  E  F,  civil  engineer 
Tabor,  Isaac,  physician  and  surgeon 
THE  ADVOCATE,  A  D  Dunn  publisher 
THOriAS,  GEO,  v.,  manager  Escondido  Lumber  Co 
THOMAS,  W.  W.,  manager  Escondido  hotel,  res  hotel 
Wachob,  Rev  John  A,  prin  Escondido  seminary  and  pastor  M 

E  church 
Warner,  W  W,  constable 

WHinS,  niSS  M.  EL5IE,  assistant  postmaster 
WHIMS,  N.C.,  postmaster 
WiriMER,  IRA.,  City  Feed  Yard 


Is  a  growing  agricultural  and  horticultural  center  of  a  fine 
belt  of  country  lying  between  the  Temecula  and  San  Luis  Rey 
rivers.  The  station  on  the  California  Central,  which  is  two 
miles  from  the  town,  is  20  miles  north  of  Oceanside,  60  miles 
from  San  Diego  and  122  miles  from  Los  Angeles. 
Clark,  A  J,  notary  public  and  conveyancer 

Fallbrook  Board  of  Irrigation — B.  T.  Blackburn  ores;  J.  A. 
Pruett  Chas.  Richardson,  A.  J.  Foss,  F.  W.  Bartlett.  Geo.  A. 
Scott,  sec'y. 

Fallbrook  Bank,  F  W  Bartlett  pres,  A  J  Clark  cashier 
Fallbrook  Sanitarium,    D  N  Clark  prop   and  homeopathic  phys 
Fisher,  Geo,  photographer 


Neff,  M  F,  constable 

Andrews,   Miss,  teacher 

Bartlett  &  Shipley,  hardware  and  agricultural  implements 

Berry,  John,  contractor  and  builder 

Binnery,  Rev  Mr,  pastor  Baptist  church 

Bradbury,  W  N,  real  estate,  insurance  aud  notary  public 

Bush,  Henry,  livery  stable 

Carpenter,  John  W,  apiarist 

Gate,  A  F,  lumber  and  bee-keeper's  supplies 

Fallbrook  Bank,  A  J  Clark  cashier 

Fallbrook  House,  N  Tomlins  prop 

Fallbrook  Trading  Co,  gen  merchandise  and  drugs 

Fallbrook  Union,  G  T  VanVelzer  prop 

Fallis  Bros,  general  merchandise 

Fish,  Mr,  boot  and  shoemaker 

Gray,  Wm,  nurseryman 

Jacob,  Rev  W  K,  supply  Episcopal  church 

lyamont,  Kennedy  &  Stubblefield,  apiarist 

lyce.  Miss  Nettie,  dressmaker 

Maxwell,  Frank,  blacksmith 

Meeker,  Mr,  teacher 

Morrison,  Mr,  furniture  dealer 

Naples  Hotel,  Dr  Clark  proprietor 

Parker,  Dr,  physician  and  surgeon 

Pruett,  Dr  J  A,  physician  and  surgeon 

Scott,  George,  postmaster,  insurance  agent  and  broker 

Tomlins,  Miss  Mamie,  millinery  and  Fancy  goods 

Wing,  Miss,  millinery  and  fancy  goods 

Wisecarver,  Mr,  contractor  and  builder 


Is  the  eastern  terminus  of  the  San  Diego,  Cuyamaca  &  Eastern 
railroad.  It  is  situated  26  miles  from  San  Diego  at  the  eastern 
end  of  the  Moreno  Valley,  a  spur  of  the  Cajon.  lyakeside,  3)^ 
miles  distant,  is  the  nearest  post-office.  The  Julian  and  Cuya- 
maca stage  runs  daily  between  Julian  and  Foster. 
Corona,  A  M,  gen'l  mdse,  station  agt  and  tel  operator 
Dunn,  R,  engineer  with  S  D  C  &  E  Ry 


FOSTFR,  JOS.,  (Fray  &  Foster),  manager    of   Julian    &  Cuya- 

maca  stage  line 
Hixon,  Wm,  conductor  S  D  C  &  E  Ry 
Newell,  K  I,  engineer  with  S  D  C  &  E  Ry 

QRANTVILLE  (Orcott  Postoffice). 

Located  in  Mission  Valley,  about  8  miles  from  San  Diego. 
Old  San  Diego  Mission  and  Indian  school  are  located  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  river. 

Arnold,  J  M,  Clemens,  J  W, 

Armstrong,  W  H,  McDuell,  J  H 

Botroff,  M  V,  '  Orcott,  H  C,  postmaster 

Bragonia,  Mr.  Riley,  Wm 

Brooks,  W  S,  Simpson,  Mr 

Butler,  Robt  Varni,  G 

Comforth,  Eewis  Sandrock,  Mrs,  store 


Is  a  fine  agricultural  and  fruit    growing    section  20  miles  east 
of  San  Diego,  and  Eight  miles  from  I^a  Presa  station. 
Barber,  T  A,  physician  BARRETT,  WM.  H.,  postmaster 

Cheeseman  Bros,  groceries  Clay,  E  L,  preacher 

Greenleaf,  W  C,  nursery  Jamul   Portland  Cement  Works 

Jerauld,  A  H,  lawyer  two  miles  from  post-office 

Maxfield,  D  C,  groceries  Maxfield,  G  L,  carpenter 

Mason,  W  H,  teacher  Murray,  D,  blacksmith 

Saxton,  W  R,  blacksmith  Steel,  E  G,  hotel 


Is  a  prosperous  horticultural,  agricultural  and  mineral  district, 
58  miles  from  San   Diego  and  is  reached   by  taking   the  San 
Diego,  Cuyamaca  and  Eastern  Ry.   to  Foster  station,    26  miles, 
and  the  Julian  stage  from  Foster  22  miles  to  Julian.      The  stage 
leaves  Julian  for  Foster  at  7  a  m. 
Buell,  E  B  (Holcomb  &  Buell) 
Chapman,  Rev.  Bert,  pastor  Holiness  church 
DeEuca,  F  A,  gen  merchandise 
Gardener,  R,  justice  of  the  peace 
Garland,  Henry,  hotel  and  livery  stable 


QUNN,  CHESTER,  member  board  of  supervisors  &  fruit  grower 

Hale  &  Melrose,  corner  saloon 

Harret,  Frank,  blacksmith 

Holcomb  &  Buell,  editors  Julian  Sentinel 

Holbomb,  William,  attorn ey-at-law 

Hoskins,  Bros,  meat  market 

J  A  Jasper,  justice  of  the  peace  and  real  estate 

JULIAN  FRUIT  CO.,  Hedges  &    Verlaque,  cor    Fourth    and  E 

sts,  San  Diego 
Julian  Hotel,  L,  Mayerhoffer  prop 
Keener,  Geo  W,  attorhey-at-law 
lyevi  &  Noah,  general  mercnandise 
lyowe,  James  R,  justice  of  the  peace 
Mayerhoffer,  L-,  hotel  and  saloon 
McGrail,  J  physician  and  surgeon 
Plant,  Geo,  constable 

&  Foster,  props,  San  Diego  office  1427  K 
Sawday  &  Smith,  gen  merchandise 
Sawday,  F  R,  postmaster 
Sentinel,  Wm  Holcomb  editor 
Treshel,  Jos,  blacksmith 
Washington  Hotel,  Henry  Garland  prop 
Weber,  John,  boot  and  shoemaker 
Wellington,  C  R,  contractor  and  builder 
Williamson,  Mrs  A,  hotel 
Wood,  Rev  T  J,  pastor  Baptist  church 


Is  on  the  San  Diego,  Cuyamaca    &    Eastern  Ry,  twenty  miles 
from  San  Diego;  in  the  El  Cajon  valley.   A  fruit  growing  section 
and  winter  resort.     Has  one  of  the  finest  hotels  in  the  county. 
Beans,  B  E,  blacksmith  Brophy,  J  E,  livery  and    board- 

Clough,  Mrs,  stock  raiser  stable 

El  Cajon  Valley  Co,  real  estate  Griscom,  M  M,  gen'l  mdse 

manager  Geo  Mansfield  Hill,     Ben,    farmer    and    stock 

Lakeside  Hotel,  manager  Geo         raiser 

Doyle  Maxwell,  W  E,  teacher 


MURPHY,  W.  J.,    postmaster,     Philbrook,     M,    carpenter    aud 
and    lawyer,    res  Lakeside,         builder 
office  at  San  Diego  Riley,  A  J,  dentist 

vSwycaffer,  Mrs,  boarding  house  Tracy,  M  J,  justice  of  peace 

LA  MESA  (Allison  Station). 

On  the  S.  D.,  C.  &  E.  Ry. ,  10  miles  northeast  of  San  Diego. 
A  growing  orange  and  lemon  section,  supplied  with  water  from 
the  San  Diego  Flume. 

Case,  Mrs  S  A,  magnetic  healer   Charmicle,  RE,  railroader 
Clingman,  D,  preacher  Dauer,  C  R,  county  treasurer 

Fellows,  L  C,  hotel  and  saloon    Foster,  A,  railroader 
GRAY,  A.  W.,  postmaster  Manning,  Don,  saloon 

Reyes,  Peter,  railroadman  Schuyler,  J  D,  civil  engineer 

Williams,  C  E,  teacher  Dommes,  Wm,  carpenter 


Is  located  on  the  N.  C.  &  O.  Ry.,  15  miles  from  San  Diego. 
Is  a  growing  agricultural  community. 

McLeod,  John,  conductor  C05TELL0,  THOS.,  postmaster 

Fulton  Fred,  foreman  of  dam     Crist,  Francis,  salesman 


Is  situated  on  the  Southern  California    Ry,    15  miles  north  of 
San  Diego. 
Schwarzauer,  C  M,  general  store 


Episcopal  Church  Jossup,  J,  jeweller 

Meyers,  Benj,  gen' 1  store  McDowell,  N  I,  pastor  M  E  c'h 


Is  no  miles  north  of  San  Diego,  and  ten  miles  from  Ferris. 
Allen,  Rev  R  L  pastor   M  E        Allen,  Miss  Lulu,  teacher 

church  south  Armentrout,  James,   blacksmith 

Fletcher,  Rev  A,  pastor  Episco-  Hartshorn,  J  T,  capitalist 

pal  church  Stearns,  C  A,  teacher 

Tibbet,  J  F,  store  and  hotel 



Is  on  Poway  road,  in  Poway  Valley,  20  miles  north  of  San 

Dupont,  Leon,  prop  Twenty-Mile  House 
lyuce,  C  S,  postmaster 


Is  a  fruit  growing  section  50  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego, 
and  25  miles  from  Foster's. 

Banegas,  Manuel,  lawyer  Cleland,  F  G,  blacksmith 

Cleland,  L  S,  lawyer  Farley,  J  M,  blacksmith 

Gedney,  J  E,  gen'l  mdse  store     Knowles,  C  M,  mail  carrier 
Knowles,  D  M,  shoemaker  KNOWLES,  M.    L.,    postmaster 

Lewis,  S  F,  nursery  McDowal,  preacher 

Minnis,  L  M,  teacher  Shrum,  J  B,  hotel 

Soto,  Stephen,  physician 


Is  located  on  the  Parroosa  Canyon  road  45  miles  from  San 
Diego,  and  10  miles  from  Escondido,  its  nearest  railroad  station. 
Irwin,  Miss  Jessie,  teacher  Talbert,  Rev  W  G,  preacher 


Is  situated  about  the  center  of  the  Temecula  Valley.  It  is  a 
growing  town  and  has  some  very  substantial  farmers  and  busi- 
ness men  among  its  citizens.  It  is  located  on  the  Southern  Cali- 
fornia railroad  76  miles  from  San  Diego,  and  106  miles  from  Los 

Bradford,  W  J,  blacksmith  Baxter  &  Son,    harness   makers 

Buchanan,  D  N,  carpenter  and  saddlers 

Burnett,  A  B,  lumber  dealer        Benton,  Chas  H,  real  estate  and 
Burson,  D  M,  civil  engineer  justice  of  peace 

Burson,  John  N,  carpenter  and  Bollen,  R     W,    postmaster    and 

builder  fancy  goods 

Cheney,  John  K,  justice  peace     Colerick  Bros,  gen'l  mdse 
Drake,  C,  teacher  Drake,  MrsC,  teacher 

Doolittle,  A  R  gen'l  mdse  Davis,  C  L,  h'dware  and  tinner 

Escalier,  J,  saloon  Fezler,  Geo  R,    restaurant    and 

Everett,  Geo  H,  saloon  chop  house 


Flagg,  W  I^,  livery  stable  Fountain  House,    1,  G  Maxwell 

Fox,  G  W,  real   estate  proprietor 

Hebel,  Jas  S,  constable  Kerby,  W  B,  station  agt  and  tel 

James,  S  M,  meat  market  operator    and    agt    of  Wells, 

Jerrauld,  E,  watchmaker  Fargo  &  Co 

Kerby,  T  W,  asst  station  agt  Lovejoy,  I  R,  pastor  M  K  church 

lyawerence,  C  E,    physician  Richardson,    J    M,   agricultural 

Roripaugh,  E  E,    physician  impts,  hardware  and  feed 

Tarwater,  B  W,  gen'l  mdse  Valley  Union,  H  McPhee  pub'r 

Tower,  W  M,  barber 


On  the  National  City  and  Otay  railroad,    12   miles  from  San 
Diego  and  is  within  one-quarter  af  a  mile  of  Tibbetts  station. 
Cook,  C  H,  conductor  Burton,  Rev  J  N,  M  E  minister 

Christopher,  Thomas  &  Co,         Evans,  W  G,  treas   Otay  irriga- 

nurserymen  tion  dist  and  station  agt 

Funk,  Wm,  pres  Otay    irriga-     Guion,  W  H,  gardener 

tion  dist  Hammond,    H   H,    sec'y    Otay 

Johnson,  C  R  &  Bro,  dairymen  irrigation  dist 

Jordan,  M  E,  director  Otay  irri-  Kinley,  Judge  J,  attorney-at-law 

gation  dist  Eong,  J  C.  contractor 

Kretsinger,  D  E,  assessor  Otay    Eong,  Mrs  J  C,  music  teacher 

Irrigarion  District  Mapson,  J,  hay  and  grain 

Park,  C  C,  lumber  dealer  Merry,  Miss  Nellie,  teacher 

Peabody,  A  E,  florist  Priest,  H  A  &  Son,  blacksmiths 

REYNOLDS,  H.  C,  postmaster   Schnell,  A  M,  dairyman 

and  gen'l  mdse  Schwenikie,  Gus,  shoemaker 

Sherman,  F  M,  road  overseer     Smith,  J  R,  deputy  collector 
Thomas,  Mrs  F  R,  elocutionist    Wadham,    Fred,    importer    and 
Ware,  Eevi,  winery  breeder  of  fine  horses 

Shepley,  Wm,  tailor 


Is  on  the  Temecula  and  Julian  road,  70  miles  from  San  Diego, 
and  28  miles  from  Temecula. 
Cozard,  A  W,  carpenter 
HOOPER-INQLEDEW,  F.  I.,  postmaster 



This  beautiful  railroad  town  is  the  junction  of  the  Escondido 
branch  and  of  the  Canyon  line  to  Temecula  and  thence  to  San 
Bernardino.  It  has  some  very  substantial  business  blocks  and 
hotels.  It  is  40  miles  from  San  Diego,  and  is  a  popular  seaside 

Council— D  H  Home,  C  P  Ely,  E  ATuttle,  C  F  Elliott.  W  G 
Grate.  Geo  W  Wilbur  clerk,  E  S  Payne  treasurer,  J  H  Brook- 
man  marshal,  A  D  Stewart  recorder,  Dr  H  E  Strand  health 

Bank  of  Oceanside,  Bryaut  Howard  pres,  E  S  Payne,  cashier 

tin  proprietor 
Brodie,  G  H,  baker 

Coleman,  Geo,  dealer  in  wood  and  coal,  also  drayman 
Crawford,  Rev  O  D,  pastor  ot  Congregational  church 
Crutchfield,  Mrs,  baker 
Elliott  &  Co,  groceries  and  gen'l  mdse 
Ely,  C  P,  prop  Peerless  Saloon 
Frazee,  D  B,  attorney-at-law 
Goldbaum,  Simon,  gen'l  mdse 
Goldbaum,  Wm,  livery  and  feed  stable 
Gibson,  Prof  Clyde,  principal  of  Oceanside  High  School 
Grate,  W  G  &  Co,  furniture  and  undertaking 
Hale,  ProfW  S,  principal  of  public  school 
Hayes,  J  Chauncy,  real  estate  agt  and  lawyer 
Hecox,  O  S,  house  and  sign  painter 
Irwin  &  Co,  dry  goods 
Jacob,  Rev  W  E,  rector  Episcopal  church 
Johansen,  S  P,  blacksmith 

Johnson  &  Pickle,  props  Oceanside  meat  market 
Maltby,  C  C,  harness  maker 
Maron,  S  and  A  E,  prop  Cal  Meat  Market 
MARTIN,  J.  n.,  editor  and  prop    Oceanside  Herald 
Martin,  Miss  Alice,  teacher  public  school 
McGraw,  E  D,  real  estate  and  insurance 
Mendelson,  J  B,  barber 


Mitchell,  Mrs  J,   dressmaker 

Moore,  I  M,  agricultural  implements  and  vehicles 

Myers,  J  H,  prop  St  Cloud  hotel 

Norman,  Dr  A,  physician  and  surgeon 

Nugent,  J  ly,  postmaster,  stationery  store  and  insurance 

Oceanside  Flouring  Mill,  M  W,  Spencer  manager 

OCEANSIDE  HERALD,  J  M  Martin,  publisher 

Oceanside  Mill  Co,  planing  mill    work,    feed    mill,    beekeepers 

supplies,  M  W  Spence  sec'y  and  manager 
Oceanside  Nursery,  K  A  Tuttle  prop 
Opera  house,  E  A  Tuttle,  prop 
Patterson,  Geo  M,  harness  maker 

Payne,  E  S  cashier  of  Bank  of  Oceanside,  and  insurance  agt 
Pearson,  J  P,    attorney-at-law 

Pieper,  M,  prop  South  Pacific  hotel  and  bath  house 
Rainey,  W  W,  saloon 
Russell,  M  Iv  V,  dentist 
Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co,  M  W  Spencer  agt 
Saladin,  C,  news  agt  and  jeweler 
Schuyler,  John,  hardware 
Scott,  L  L,  barber 
Shall,  Mrs  E  E,  dressmaker 
Sigler,  Mrs  I  G,  music  teacher 
Sigler,  I  G,  pastor  of  M  E  church 
Sipp,  W  W,  telegraph  operator 
Sledge,  Miss  Ada,  dressmaker 
Smith,  Mrs  J, lunch  room  and  bakery 

Smith,  Sam  C,  real  estate  and  insurance  agt    and    notary  public 
Stambuk,  Nichols,  restaurant 
Stewart,  A  D,  justice  of  peace  and  blacksmith 
Stroud,  Dr  H  E,  druggist 
Taylor,  Mrs,   music  teacher 
Tulip,  J  A,  station  agt 
Walker,  A,  boots  and  shoes 
Weitzel,  H  K,  baggage  agt 
Woodruff,  Mrs  M  F,  milliner  and  dressmaker 
Woodruff,  Frank,  fruits  and  candy 
Woodruff,  Mrs  S  M,  milliner  and  dressmaker 




Thirty  miles  from  San  Diego. 
Encenitas,  3:^  miles  distant. 
Fauth,  Wm,  ebonist 
Beseck,  Bernhard,  carpenter 
Bumaun,  Fred,  tailor 
Denk,  lyouis,  shoemaker 
Etzelsdorfer,  John,  tailor 
Siekert,  John,  shoemaker 

The  nearest  railroad  station  is 

Featherston,  Miss  Bessie, teacher 
BERG,  JOHN  A.,  store  and  P.O. 
Geiger,  David,  caitpalist 
Hauck,  H,  locksmith 
Irwin,  Mrs  B,  teacher 


Is  13  miles  south  of  San  Diego,  near  the  head  of  the  bay,  on 
the  N.  C.  &  O.  and  near  the  Coronado  Belt  railroad.  It  is  be- 
coming a  favorite  residence  suburb  of  San  Diego. 

Eisinmayer,  E,  fruit  grower 
Duncan,  J  R,  painter 
Cook  &  Jackson,  grocers 
M  E  Church 

HARQIS,  Q.  F.,  deputy  sheriff 
Phillips,  Mrs  E,  varietj' store 
Sanborn,  Chas,  fruit  grower 

SniTH,  C.  E.,  grocer  and  P  M 
Snavely,  D  H,  carpenter 
Stocking,  Dr  h  E,  sanitarium 
Stout,  R  C,  carpenter 
Wood,    P    A,    (A  Dorsey     Co, 

San  Diego) 
Yeuwine,  Geo,  blacksmith. 


On  the  N.  C.  &  O.  Ry. ,  12  miles  south  of  San  Diego,  in  the 
center  of  a  fruit  growing  country. 

Baptist  church 
Dowell,  Miss  Anna,  teacher- 
Fletcher,  W  H,  hotel 
Heafiiger,  James,  barber 
M  E  church 

Mariam,  attorney-at-law 
Perry,  Chas  F,  meat  market 
Sorgotz,  B  A,  saloon 
Woodward,  H  P,  phj^sician 

Clark,  W  S,  justice  of  the  peace 

and  insurance 
Hargar,  Henry,  saloon 
Jenkins,  A  J,  editor  Press 
Moore,  Geo  W,  druggist 
Perrj^  Bros,  gen  mdse  and  PM 
Schaffer,  Mrs,  grocery 
Verplank,  T  J,  blacksmith 



Is  at  present  (April  i,  '92),  the  most  prosperous  town  in  the 
county.  Within  the  past  18  months  it  has  doubled  its  popula- 
tion and  quadrupled  its  taxable  property.  It  had  the  water 
turned  on  to  supply  the  lands  of  the  irrigation  district  on  the  gth 
of  September  last,  and  is  now  ready  to  irrigate.  Its  business 
men  are  among  the  most  energetic  and  substantial  of  any  in  the 
county.  It  has  a  new  brick  $8,000  depot  erected  by  the  South- 
ern California  Ry.  Co.  Perris  is  the  junction  of  the  San  Jacinto 
branch  railroad.  It  is  21  miles  from  Riverside,  20  miles  from 
San  Jacinto,  84  from  I^os  Angeles  and  98  from  San  Diego. 

AKIN,  H.  W.,  watchmaker  and  jeweler 
Augustine,  J  W,  barber 
Bentlej^,  J  A.  constable 
BLAKESLEY,  A.  fl.,  prop  Hotel  Perris 
BROCKMAN  &  COLBY,  real  estate  and  insurance 
Carl,  I^  P,  blacksmith 
Carpenter,  F  H,  real  estate 
CITY  RESTAURANT,  Mrs  C  Gilbert  prop 
CLEVIOR,  Nrs  J.  G.,  Millinery  and  fancy  goods 
Davis,  Chas  H  pastor  Congregational  church 
DOUGLASS,  Hiss  CARRIE,  dressmaker 
Doyle,  H  N,  assessor  irrigation  district 
Fisk,  C  H,  express  and  station  agent 
QIEYGER  &  PLIMPTON,  real  estate 
Hancock,  T,  R,  confectioner  and  cigars 

HANSCOM,   F.  B.,  dry  goods,  clothing  boots,  shoes,  groceries 
Harris  &  Swarthout,  livery  stable 
HITT,  CLARK,  attorney-at-law 

HOOK  BROS  &  OAK,   (J  F  Hook,  A  W  Hook,  Ora  Oak),  gen- 
eral merchandise 
HOTEL  PERRIS,  A  M  Blakesley  prop 
Johnson,  C  R,  druggist 
LEEHAN,  L.  E.,  druggist 

McLaren,  JOHN,  harness  maker  and  saddler 
MAPES,  MAYNARD  L.,  postmaster 


Mapes  &  Vermason,  family  groceries,   furnishing  goods,  boots 

and  shoes 
Mers,  S  W,  saloon 
Metz,  A  W,  constable 
niLLER,  W.   H.,  book-keeper   Ferris  Valley  Bank,    sec'y  for 

J  W  Nance  &  Co 
MITCHELL,  D.   Q.,  real  estate  and  insurance 
Moore,  Harry,  news  dealer 

MOORE,  JOHN  R.,  deputy  postmaster  and  justice  of  the  peace 
nOTT,   FRANK  fl.,  real  estate 

NANCE,  J.  W.,  (J  W  Nance  &  Co),  investment  bankers 
NANCE,  J.  W.  &  CO.,    investment  brokers 
NEW  ERA,  published  weekly 
OAK,  ARflAN,  furniture  and  furnishings 
PATTERSON,  JAHES,    jr.    cashier  Ferris    Valley    Bank    and 

notary  public 
Ferris  Irrigation  District — Directors,  L  E  Leeman,  W  F  Ferry, 

A  E  Colby,  Israel  Metz,  Wm  Harvey;  H  A  Flimpton,  sec'y, 

D  G  Mitchell,  treas 
FERRIS  PRINTING  CO.,  E  E  Waters  pres,   C   E  Gyger  vice- 

pres,  J  G  Clayton  sec'y  and  treas 
PERRIS  VALLEY  BANK,  James  Fatterson  cashier 

Bros  &  Oak  props 
Ferry,  W  F,  physician  and  surgeon 
PLinPTON,  H.  A.,  sec'y  irrigation  dist 
PORTER,  J,  W.,  barber 
Reese,  J  R,  physician  and  surgeon 
RIEQER,  JULIUS  C,  real  estate  and  insurance  and  collector  for 

Ferris  irrigation  dist 
REYNOLDS,  L.  D.,  baker 
REYNOLDS,  flRS.  C.  J.,  lodging  house 
Rodgers,  Rev  J  H,  pastor  M  E  Church 
Smith,  L  A,  hardware 
Stahl  Johnes,  saloon 
SYPHERD  &  WITT.,  meat  market 
Taylor,  W  C,  meat  market 
THRALL,  WM.,  clerk  Hotel  Ferris 


Vance,  B  A,  physician  and  surgeon 
Vermason,  C,  justice  of  the  peace 

WEBSTER,  E.  C,  (J  W  Nance  &  Co),  investment  banker 
WISE  &  KNIGHT,  real  estate,   insurance,  lumber,   coal,  ware- 
house and  Mill,  and  livery  stable 
WOOLISCROFT,  JESSE,  restaurant 
Woolfolk,  James,  baker 
Wright's  drug  store,  L,  A  Wright  prop 
Wright,  B  A,  M  D,  prop  hot  baths 


Is  located  on  the  Poway  Valley  road,  23  miles  from  San  Diego 
and  12  miles  from  Escondido,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Campbell,  A  G,  blacksmith         CHAPIN  &  flEEKER,  nurseries 
Chapin,  O  S,  hotel  Eldridge,  G  E,  pastor  of  Baptist 

Good  Templars'  Hall  church 

Hilleary,  ly,  physician  Hewlett,  B  F,    pastor    M  E,  c'h 

Hoernathy,  H  C,  pastor  Con-     Kent,  ly  E,    notary    and  justice 

gregational  church  of  peace 

Kent,  P  E,  carpenter  McIVER,    D.    B.,     gen'l    mdse, 

Swearinger,  E  J,  shoemaker  druggist  and  postmaster 

Adams,  Chapin,  justice  of  peace 


Is  on  the  Campo  road,  40  miles  east  of  San  Diego. 
Fuyuay,  J  H,  blacksmith  Green,  F,  general  store 

Thing  &  Son,  general  store 


Formerly  Vallecitos,  is  situated  near  Temecula,  76  miles  from 
San  Diego  by  rail,  via  the    Canyon    route    on  the  S  C  'Ry.     B5' 
wagon  road  it  is  62  miles  from  San  Diego. 
Bryant,  F  W,  teacher 
RAINBOW,  J.  P.  M.,  member  of    Board  of  Supervisors,  apiarist 

and  horticulturist 
WOOLMAN,  H.,  postmaster  and  general  mdse  dealer 


RAMONA  (Nuevo  P.  O) 

Is  in  the  Santa  Maria  Valley,     on    the    Julian  road,     38  miles 
north-east  of  San  Diego,  and  14  miles  from  Foster's. 
Adams,  A,  harness  maker  Bush,  Mrs  E  A,  teacher 

Davis,  L  B,  saloon  Finley,  Mrs  E,  teacher 

Holton,  Q  A  R,  physician  Jerman,  Thos,  druggist 

Layne,  S  P,  nursery  Mills,  W  E,  preacher 

Minor,  W  W,  blacksmith  Poole,  James,  butcher 

Rice,  Mrs  F  A,  teacher  VERLAQUE,    J.   A.,  postmaster 

Strachan,  EW,  hotel  and  store-keeper 

Williams,  Mrs  S,  milliner  Wineck,  Mrs  I  T,  physician 


Is  the  second  largest  city  in  the  county,  being  smaller  than 
San  Diego  only.  It  is  at  the  head  of  the  great  San  Jacinto  Val- 
ley, and  at  the  foot  of  Mount  San  Jacinto,  from  whose  sides  pour 
down — summer  and  winter — torrents  of  clear,  cold  water  in 
quanities  sufficient  to  irrigate  every  acre  of  land  in  the  vast 
plains  below.  This  great  supply  of  water  is  being  utilized  by 
several  large  and  wealth)'  companies,  among  which  are  the 
Hemet,  the  Florida  and  the  San  Jacinto  Flume  Company,  and  it 
will  eventually  be  absorbed  by  the  Irrigation  District  already 
being  formed  in  the  valley.  San  Jacinto  is  most  delightfully 
situated.  It  has  several  fine  hot  sulphur  springs,  an  excellent 
sanitarium,  and  good  churches,  schools,  and  business  houses. 
Its  business  men  are  energetic,  and  many  of  them  are  wealthy. 
San  Jacinto  is  19  miles  from  Perris,  and  is  the  terminus  of  the 
San  Jacinto  branch  line  of  the  Southern  California  railroad.  It 
is  117  miles  from  San  Diego,  the  county  seat,  and  93  miles  from 
lyOs  Angeles. 

San    Jacinto    City    Government — City  Council:  F.  Estudillo, 
John  Ryan,  James  Kerr,  B.  J.  Inwall,  E.  Proctor.     O.  A.  Munn, 
city  clerk.     J.  W.  Ryan,     city  marshal.     G.    T.     Daggett,    city 
treasurer.     Wm.  Vawter,  city  recorder 
Aubert,  C,  saloon  at  South  San  Jacinto 
BROWNING,    CHAS.    C,    physician  and  surgeon 
BROWN,  J.  A.,  gen'l  mdse  at  South  San  Jacinto 
Baker,   D  B,  groceries  and  crockery 


BRENTNER,    L.   L.,    hardware,  tinware  and  plumbers'  supplies 

Burr,  W  N,  pastor  Congregational  church 

Chambers,  J  S,  justice  of  peace 

Chase,  C  J,  pastor  M  E  church 

City  Livery  Stable,  H  B  White  proprietor 

CLARK,  D.  H.,  livery  and  feed,  South  San  Jacinto 

CLARK,  W.  H.,  meat  market.   South  San  Jacinto 

Clogsdon,  J  S,   constable 

Cresmer,  H,  boot  and  shoemaker 

DAGGETT,  Q.  T.,  cashier  State  Bank  San  Jacinto 

DAGGETT,  M!SS  N.,    millinery  and  dry  goods 

DeSawza,  Henry  F,    barber 

Emerson,  JH,  fruit  and  confectionery 

Estudillo,  Fr,  prop  of  warehouse 

FARMER,  T.,  carriage  and  wagonmaker 

Foster,  J  A,  pastor  Holiness  church 

GREEN,  J.  A.,  president  State  Bank  of  San  Jacinto 

GREGORY,  LYMAN,  homeopathic  physician  and  surgeon 

Hohn,  Florin,  parish  priest 

HARDS,  J.  T.  &  SON,  dry  goods,  groceries,  clothing  furnish- 
ings, etc 

HARPER,  C.  A.,  prop  J  I  C  Livery  Stable  and  Wood  Yard 

HENRY'S  HALL,  San  Jacinto 

HENRY,  W.  W.,   general  merchandise 

HORTON,  JEROME   E.,  blacksmith  and  farm  machimerj^ 

Hubbell,  S  A,  saloon  and  billiard  hall 

Hyatt,  Prof  Edw,  principal  public  school 


KAUFFMAN  &  HAAS,   general  merchandise 

KERR,  CHAS.,  hay,  grain  and  live  stock 

KERR,  JAflES,  general  land  agent 

KNAPP,  E.  B.,  manager  San  Jacinto  Harness  Co 

KRAIS,  SAM'L,  deputy  postmaster 

Lockwood,  T  B,  notions  and  furnishing  goods 

LUNG,  SAM,  restaurant 

McCORMACK,  A.  B.,  boots  and  shoes,  andagt  Domestic  Sewing 
Machine"    - 

McPHETTRIDGE  &  ROSSO,  harness  makers  and  saddlers 


MEIER,  flARTIN,  dealer  in  native  lumber,    cedar,    sugar    and 

yellow  pine,  also  bee  material,  South  San  Jacinto 
MIDDLECOFF,  LAWRENCE,  attorney-at-law 
nORQAN,  J.  T.,  prop  Union  Market 
MORGAN,  Q.  W.  undertaker  and  embalmer 
nUNN,  ARTHUR  Q.,  editor  and  prop  of  San  Jacinto  Register 
Munn,  O  A,  attorney-at-law 

Parrish,  G  D,  station  agtand  tel  operator  with  S  C  Ry 
PATTERSON,  GEO.,  prop  art  store 
PIONEER  TRUCK  CO.,  E  E  Brentner  manager 
POOL,  R.  L.,  druggist 
Porteous,  T  T,  attorney-at  Ibw 

Public  Library,  Mrs  M  E  Fowler  librarian 
RAINEY,  T.  H.,  physician  and  surgeon 
RALSTIN,  J.   P.,  pastor  Christian  church 
REINHARDT  J.  G.  &  CO.,  hardware,  farm  implements,  tinware, 

stoves,  paints,  oils  and  plumbing  goods 
Rosso,  Geo,  constable 

Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co,  R  P  Winters  agt 
RYAN,  J.  W.,  dealer  in  furniture,  wall  paper  and  bedding 
SALLEE,  F.  M.,  attorney-at-law  with  L  MiddlecofF 
SAN  JACINTO  HARNESS  CO.,  E  B  Knapp  manager 
SAN  JACINTO  HOTEL,  Mrs  T  Farmer  prop 
SAN  JACINTO  REGISTER,  Arthur  G  Munn,  editor  and  prop 
SAPP,  J,  A.,  homeopathic  physician  and  surgeon 
SHAVER,  JOHN,  planing  mill,  sash  and  door  factory,  and  mfgr 

of  bee  material 
SIEFKES,  F.  W.,  jeweller 
SniTH,  H.  K. ,  postmaster 
STATE  BANK  OF  SAN  JACINTO,  J  A  Green  pres,    James  Kerr 

vice-pres,  G  T  Daggett  cashier 
TAYLOR,  B.  R.,  barber 
TOLAND,  n.  R.,  physician  and  sargeon 
UNION  riEAT  MARKET,  J  T  Morgan  prop 
VAN  ALLEN  &  STEPHENS,  general  blacksmiths 
Vawter,  Wm,  justice  of  peace 
WELLETTE,  JOSEPH,  boot  and  shoe  maker  at  South  Sanjacinto 


WEBER  &.  GRIFFIN,  real  estate,  and    insurance  at  Hemet  and 

San  Jacinto 
White,  H  B,  prop  City  Livery  Stable 
Widner,  J.  saloon  at  South  San  Jacinto 
Woodmen  of  the  World,  H  B  White  clerk 

On  Southern  California  Ry  about  60  miles  north  of  San  Diego. 
Dood,  F  V,  teacher  Fisher,  H,  saloon 

Freeman,  A  A,  blacksmith  Goldbaum,  Simon,  store  &  P  M 

Is  a  beautiful  farming  and  fruit  raising  country,  on  the  Kscon- 
dido  branch  of  the  S.  C.  Ry.  15  miles   from  Oceanside    and    55 
miles  from  San  Diego. 
Balzer,  M,  blacksmith 
Dearing,  W  S,  teacher 
Greene,  J  M,  prop  San  Marcos  hotel 
JACOBS,  W.  Q.,  supt  San  Marcos  Land  Co 
SAN  MARCUS  LAND  CO.  D  P  Hale  manager,  office  San  Diego 
Tuck,  J  N,  gen  mdse  and  station  agent 

A  fine  agricultural  section,  35  miles  north  of  San  Diego  and 
8  miles  east  of  Escondido. 

Johnson,  L,  carpenter  Olsen,  John,  blacksmith 

JUDSON,  JOHN,   member  board  of  supervisors  and  farmer 
Vestal,  George,  carpenter  ^  ROCKWOOD,  B.  B.,  postmaster 


About  50  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego;  a  large  cattle  ranch, 
creamery  and  dairy;  R.  Rotanzi,  supt. 
Brackett,  Mr,  general  merchandise 

SANTEE  (Cowles  Station) 

Is  located  in  the  El  Cajon  valley,  on  the  S,  D.,  C.  &  E.  Ry., 
17  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego.     A  rich  fruit  country 
Daniels,  Miss  Cetia,  teacher        GILL,  ELI,  gen  mdse  and   P  M 
Worcester,  Samuel,  physician     Finn,  Richard,  assist  P  M 
McKOON,  H.  P.,  attorney  and     McKoon,  Merrit  P,   cocker  and 

cattle  raiser,  office  S  D  spaniel  dog  kennels 




Is  near  the  Mexican  line,  20  miles  south-east  of  San  Diego.     ' 
J.  HARVEY  McCarthy  &  CO.,  general  mdse 

SPRING  VALLEY  (Helix  P  O) 

Ten  miles  from  San  Diego  on  the    county    road,  one  mile  and 
a  quarter  from  the  Cn^^amaca  railroad. 

Allen,  M  D,  physician 
Congregational  Church 
Harwood,  Miss  H,  teacher 
PRENTICE,  W.  B.,  dry  goods 

house  at  San  Diego 
Snider,  L,  carpenter 

Atherton,  Rev  J  W,    minister 
Fisher,  W,  wine  dealer 
Hathaway,  Dr,  poultrj'  raiser 

postmistress  and  groceries 
Stiles,  B  B,  carpenter 


A  suburban  residence  and  fruit  growing  section,  at   the  head 
of  the  bay  and  on  the  Coronado  Belt  lyine  Ry. 
ALLEN,  W.  W.,  CO  surveyor      Gray,  G  Y,  real  estate 
Bacon,  B  H,  jeweler  Markle,  A  B,  minister 

Butler,  W  H,  capitalist  Murdock,  D  L,  lawyer 

Chadwick,  F  C,  jeweler  Smith,  T  D,  carpenter 

FENTON,  J,  gen  mdse  and  PM    Woodruff,  R  P,  lawyer 


Is  the  oldest  town  in  the  valley,  but  has  not  grown  as  rapidlj- 
as  the  others.  It  is  beautifully  situated  and  nestles  cosily  down 
at  the  extreme  south  end  of  the  Temecula  valley,  71  miles  from 
San  Diego.  It  has  a  large  area  of  excellent  land  and  ought  to 
be  far  ahead  of  where  it  is  to-day. 

Bergen,  W  F,  station  agent         Machado,  M,  notary  public 
Escallier,  J,  saloon  McConville,  H,  blacksmith 

Gallic,  W  F,  livery  stable  McConville,  Terry,  blacksmith 

Hutchinson  &  Brown,  dairj-        Mouren,  Peter,  gen  mdse 
Kolb,  Richard,  meat  market        Pohlman,  P,  gen  mdse 
Machado,  Fred,  postmaster         Tollen,  E  J,  blacksmith 
Welty,  R  J,  Temecula  hotel 



Is  on  the  Mexican  line  in  the  Tia  Juana  valley,  18  miles  south 
of  San  Diego.     It  is  the  terminus  of  the  N  C  &  O  Ry. 
Ivind,  E,  prop    Fronteria  house  Messenger  &    I^ane,  post  office, 
Mexican  Custon  House  gen'l  mdse  and  seloon 

Sirl,  John,  blacksmith  Sorgatz,  B,  saloon  and  hotel 

Stefifgen,  Chas,  carpenter  Varn  Hagan  Bros,  livery  stable 


Is  situated  in  Bear  valley^  43  miles  north  of    San  Diego,  and 
9  miles  from  Escondido. 
Adams,  John  Q,    general    mdse  Brannan,  Rev  H  F,  minister 

dealer  Clarke,  J  H,  physician 

COFFEE,   L.  S.,  postmaster  Coffee,  Mrs  L  J,  variety  store 

Cook,  Wm,  hotel  Hawley,  Miss  Ida,  teacher 

Lester,  BJ,  carpenter  Mers,  Henry,  carpenter 

Moore,  Chas,  nursery  Quinn,  J  M,  carpenter 

Stuart,  Alex,  blacksmith  Vestal,  George,  carpenter 


On  the  Cuyamaca  road  30  miles  from  San  Diego  and  14  miles 
from  Lakeside.     Viejas  store,  gen  mdse  and  postoffice. 


On  the  Poway  road,  16  miles  north  of  San  Diego. 
Virginia  Tower,  postmaster  and  merchant 


Owens,  R  D,  blacksmith  Strickler,  J  W,  gen  mdse  &  P  M 


On  Warner's  ranch,  70  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego 
Knight,  Jas,  foreman  Warner's  ranch  WILSON,  H.,  gen  store 


A  pretty  fruit  growing  town  in  the  Temecula  valley,  having  a 
railroad  station,  postoffice  and  express  office. 
Difani,  Andrew,  blacksmith        McKittrick,  E  J,  justice  peace 


Bdgerton,  W  R,  wagonmaker     McKittrick,  Clarence, station  agt 
Hampton,  I  S,  livery  stable        Muncy,  Ralph,  notary  public 
Henderson,  John  A,  hotel  Penrose,     Pearson    &   Michner, 

Jamison,  A  W,  pastor  U  church       raisin  packers 
LEWIS  C.  H.  gen  mdse  &  PM  Wilson,  Miss  Jessie  teacher 
Wildomar  hotel,  John  A  Henderson  manager 


Is  situated  on  the  California  Southern  Railroad,  (Santa  Fe 
route),  lo  miles  east  of  Perris;  estimated  population,  415.  Wells 
Fargo  &  Co's  express  and  telegradh  office  here  with  four  trains 
a  day.  The  principal  exports  are  hay,  grain  and  honey.  For 
further  particulai-s  address  the  Winchester  Improvement  Society, 
F.  T.  lyindenberger,  sec'y. 

ALCOM,  n.  G.,   (Brown  &  Alcom).  real  estate  and  insurance 
BROWN  &  ALCOn,     (James    Brown;    M    G  Alcom),    lumber 

BROWN,  J.  M.,  general  merchandise 

BYNON,  QUS  H.,  prop  and  pub  Plowshare  and  Pruning  Hook 
CASE,  J.  M.,   (lyindenberger  Bros  &  Case)    notarj^  public  and 

insurance . 
Dickson,  Dr  C  S,  physician  and  surgeon,  office  Miller  blk 
Glodfelty,  Geo,  painter,  shop  with  Jno  Patterson 
Ha  slam,  Wm,  livery  stable,  Washington  ave 
Jones  &  Gunther,  (J  H  Jones,  E  H  Gunther),  blacksmithing 
Jones.  J  H,  hotel 

KAUFFMAN  &  HAAS,  warehouse 

LINDENBERQER  BROS  &  CASE,  real  estate  and  insrance 
Nutting,  J  C,  agent  Miller  warehouse 
O'LEARY,  D.,  contractor  and  builder 

PATTERSON,  JOHN,  hardware  and  general  blacksmithing 
Patterson,  Tillie,  station  agent 
Thomas,  R  S,  broom  manufacturer  and  bee  keeper 


On  the  Julian  stage  road,  55  miles  north-east  of  San  Diego. 
Ford  Bros,  nursery  Boring,  Blanch,  teacher 


viSi ness  D i rector^ > 





Bartlett  &  Shepley,  Fallbrook 
Brown,  J.  A.,  South  Sau  Jacinto 
Davis,  Frank  A.,  Escondido 
Qualtney  H.  C.  &  Co.,  Bscondido 
Hook  Bros.  &  Oak,  Perris 
Horton,  Jerome  E.,  San  Jacinto 
Moore,  I  M,  Oceanside 
Reinhardt  &  Co.,  San  Jacinto 
Richardson,  J  M,  Murrieta 

Patterson,  George,  San  Jacinto 


Banegas,  Manuel,  Mesa  Grande 
Frazee,  D  B,  Oceanside 
Gill,  L.,  Elsinore 
Hitt,  Clark,  Perris 
Holcomb  &  Buell,  Julian 
Hoag,  J  A,  Elsinore 
Jeffery,  F  M,  Escondido 
Jerauld,  A  H,  Jamul 
Keener,  Geo  W,  Julian 
Middlecoff ,  Lawrence,  San  Jacinto 
Munn,  O  A,  San  Jacinto 
Murphy,  W.  J.,  Ivakeside 
Pearson,  J  P,  Oceanside  • 

Pennenberg,  E,  notar}^  Banner 
Porteous,  T  T,  San  Jacinto 
Smith,  Sam.  F.,  Encinitas 
Wise  &  Knight,  Perris 


Brodie,  G  H,  Oceanside 
Crutchfield,  Mrs,  Oceanside 
Jones,  OJ,  Escondido 
L/omax,  L,,  Escondido 
Macklin,  Mrs  M  T,  Encenitas 
Reynolds,  L  D,  Perris 
Woodfolk,  Jas,  San  Jacinto 


Bank  of  Escondido,  Escondido 
Bank  of  Oceanside,  Oceanside 
Consolidated,  Elsinore 
Fallbrook  Bank,  Fallbrook 
Nance,  J.  W.  &  Co.,  Perris 
Perris  Valley,  Perris 
State  Bank,  San  Jacinto 


Augustine,  J  W,  Perris 
Escher,  l/co,  Escondido 
Heafiiger,  Jas,  Otay 
Porter,  J  W.,  Perris 
Taylor,  B.  R.,  San  Jacinto 
Scott,  Iv  I/,  Oceanside 
Tower,  W  M,  Murrieta 
DeSouza.  Henry  F,  San  Jacinto 


Crescent,  Elsinore 
Fountain,  Elsinore 
Hot  Springs  Sanitarium,  San  Jacinto 




Berry  John,  Fallbrook 
rieier,  Martin,  South  San  Jacinto 
Shaver,  John,  South  San  Jacinto 
Spencer,  M  W,  Oceanside 


Temperance  Club  Rooms,  Bscondido 


Armentrout,  James,  Menifee 

Atwater,  A  J,  Alpine  Center 

Balzer,  M,  San  Marcos 

Beans,  B  IJ,  Lakeside 

Bond,  J  W,  Encinitas 

Bradford,  WJ,  Murrieta 

Bright,  Jas,  Banner 

Bundy,  E.  L.,  Elsinore 

Carl,  L,  P,  Perris 

Campbell,  A  G,  Piermont 

Clark,  O  S,  Elsinore 

Cleland,  F  G,  Mesa  Grande 

Difani,  Andrew,  Wildomar 

Foster,  Wm,  Del  Mar 

Freeman,  A  A,  San  Luis  Rey 

Fuyuay,  J  H,   Potrero 

Gregg,  E  E,  Dehesa 

Harritt,  Frank,  Julian 

Hauck,  H,  locksmith,  Olivenhain 

Horton,  Jerome  E.,  San  Jacinto 

Johansen,  S  P,  Oceanside 

Johnson,  W  W,  Ballena 

Jones  &  Gunther,  Winchester 

Langstaff,  Chas,  Elsinore 

Maxwell,  F,  Fallbroob 

McConvill,  H,  Temecula 

McConvill,  Terry,  Temecula 

McFadden,  D,  El  Cajon 

Minor,  W  W,  Ramona 

Murray,  D,  Jamul 

Olsen,  John,  San  Pasqual 

Owens,  R  D,  Vista 

Patterson,  John,  Winchester 

Priest,,  HA  &  Sou,  Nestor 

Saxton,  W  R,  Jamul 

Settle,  L  W,  Escondido 

Sirl,  John,  Tia  Juana 

Smart,  Geo  L,,  Escondido 

Stewart,  A  D,  Oceanside 

Stuart,  Alex,  Valley  Center 

Tollen,  EJ,  Temecula 

Treshel,  Jos,  Julian 

Van  Allen  &  Stephens,  San  Jacinto 

Verplank.T  J,  Otay 


Civetta,  A,  Del  Mar 
Dane,  D  F,  Banner 
Middlesworth,  Mrs  Wm,  Elsinore 
Swycaffer,  Mrs,  Lakeside 


Baldridge,  W.  H.,  Escondido 


Boston  Shoe  Store,  Escondido 
Fish,  Fallbrook 
Lauler,  S.  L.,  Elsinore 
McCormack,  A.  B.,  San  Jacinto 
Weber,  John,  Julian 

Barnes,  Edw,  Elsinore 

Nance,  J.  W.  «ScCo.,  Perris 

Farmer,  T.,  San  Jacinto 

Brown,  J.  A.,  South  San  Jacinto 
Graham  &  Steiner,  Escondido 
liards,  J.  T.  &  Son,  San  Jacinto 
Henry,  W.  W.,  San  Jacinto 
Parkhurst,  O,  Escondido 
Ttevenson  Bros.,  Escondido     • 


Emerson,  J  H,  San  Jacinto 
Hancock,  T  R,  Perris 
Robinson,  Bros.,  Elsinore 


Berry,  John,  Fallbrook 
Buchanan,  D  N,  Murrieta 
Burson,  John  N,  Murrieta 
Culp  Bros,  Escondido 
Culp,  M  L,  Escondido 
Culver,  A  J,  Carlsbad 
Culver,  Fred,  Carlsbad 
Engstrum,  V  O,  Escondido 
Fields,  Chas,  Del  Mar 
O'Leary,  D.,  Winchester 
Philbrook,  M,  Lakeside 
Pomeroy,  J  A,  Escondido 
Wellington,  C  R,  Julian 

Brown,  J.  A.,  South  San  Jacinto 




Rainey,  T.  H.,  San  Jacinto 
Rip]ey,  A  J,  Lakeside 
Russell,  Dr.  M  L,  V,   Oceanside    and 


Doherty  &  Ferrish,  Elsinore 
Douglass,  Miss  Carrie,  Ferris 
Fritzwater,  Miss  M,  Escondido 
Lee,  Miss  Nettie,  Fallbrock 
Mitchell,  Mrs  J,  Oceanside 
Shall,  Mrs  E  E,  Oceanside 
Sledge,  Miss  Ada,  Oceanside 
Starbuck,  Tacy  T,  Elsinore 


Baldridge,  W.  H.,  Escondido 
Brower,  A,  El  Cajon 
Ellis,  L.  T.,  Elsinore 
Jerman,  Thos,  Ramona, 
Johnson,  C  R,  Ferris 
Lawrence,  CE,  (M  D),  Murrieta- 
Leeman,  L.  E.,  Ferris 
Mclver,  D.  B.,  Fiermont 
Pool,  R.  L.,  San  Jacinto 
Moore,  E,  Otay 
Moore,  Geo  W,  Otay 
,  Rogers,  S.  S.,  Escondido 
Stroud,  H  E,  Oceanside 
Trading  Co.,  Fallbrook 
Wall,  Peter,  Elsinore 
Wrights  Drug  Store,  San  Jacinto 


Brown,  J.  A.,  South  San  Jacinto 
Graham  &  Steiner,  Escondido 
Hanscom,  F.  B.,  Ferris 
Hards,  J.  T.  &  Co.,  San  Jacinto 
Henry,  N.  W.,  San  Jacinto 
Irwin  &  Co.,  Oceanside 
Johnston,  John,  Elsinore 
Kauffman  &  Haas,  San  Jacinto 
Lauler,  S.  L.,  Elsinore 
Parkhurst,  O.,  Escondido 
Rattan,  Thos,  Encinitas 
Steadman,  L.  &  Co.,  Escondido 
Stevenson  Bros.,  Escondido 


Hook  Bros.  &  Oak,  Ferris 
Kauffman  &  Haas,  San  Jacinto 
Keer,  Chas.,  San  Jacinto 
Richardson,  J  M,  Murrieta 
Wimmer,  Ira,  Escondido 


Bollen,  RW,  Murrieta 
Daggett,  Miss  N.,  San  Jacinto 

Robinson  Bros.,  Elsinore 
Woodruff,  F,  Oceanside 

Johnston,  John,  Elsinore 
Lauler,  S.  L.,  Elsinore 
Macy  &  Ward,  Elsinore 


Brown,  J.  D.,  South  San  Jacinto 
Clark,  L  D.,  Elsinore 
Grate,  W  G  &  Co,  Oceanside 
Morrison,  Fallbrook 
Oak,  Ovman,  Ferris 
Ryan,  J.  W.,  San  Jacinto 
Symington,  R.  D.,  Escondido 

Berg,  John  A.,   Olivenhain 
Brown,  J.  A.,  Winchester 
Burgess,  E.  E.,  El  Cajon 
Campbell,  A  L,  Dehesa 
Chaffin,  Mrs  S,  Encinitas 
Colerick  Bros,  Murrieta 
Combs,  John,  Descanso 
Cook  &  Jackson,  Oneonta 
Corons,  A  M,  Foster 
Cozens,  T  W,  postmaster,  Encinitas 
Crain,  J.  D.,  Carlsbad 
Cuyamaca  Mercantile  Co,  Cuyamaca 
De  Luca,  F  A,  Julian 
Doolittle,  A  R,  Murrieta 
Elliott  &  Co.,  Oceanside 
Emery,  C.  F.,  Alpine  Center 
Fallis  Bros,  Fallbrook 
Fenlon,  James,  South  San  Diego 
Gaskell,  S  E,  also  mill,  Campo 
Gedney,  J  E,  Mesa  Grande 
Gibbs,  W  D,  piano  tuner,   Encinitas 
Gill,  Ely,  Santee 
Godfrey,  D.  W.,  Bonsall 
Goldbavim,  Simon,  Oceanside 
Goldbaum,  Simon,  San  Luis  Rey 
Green,  F,  Fotrero 
Griscom,  M  M,  Lakeside 
Hargenbuck,  H  H,  Dulzura 
Hasking,  W  S,  Cuyamaca 
Hensley,  Chas.,  El  Capitan 
Hook  Bros.  &  Oak,  Ferris 
Hooker=Jngledew,  F.  I.,    Oak  Grove 
Kauffman  &  Haas,  San  Jacinto 



Levi  &  Noah,  Julian 

Lewis,  C  H,  Wildomar 

riclver,  D.  B.,  Piermont 

McCarthy  &  Co,  Siempreviva 

Messenger  &  Lane,  Tia  Juana 

Moore,  E  B,  Ballena 

Mouren,  Peter,  Temecula 

Myers,  Benj.,  Linda  Vista 

Perry  Bros,  Otay 

Pohlman,  P,  Temecula 

Reynolds,  H  C,  postmaster,  Nestor 

Reynolds,  Miss  Aggie,  Spring  Valley 

Sawday  &  Smith,  Julian 

Scheilenberg,  E.  L.,  Bernardo 

Schwarzauer,  C.  M.,  Vista 

Smith,  C  E,  Oneonta 

Stevenson  Bros.,  Escondido 

Strickler,  J  W,  Vista 

Sturgis,  J  A,  Encinitas 

Tarwater,  B  W,  Murrieta 

Tibbet,  J  F,  Menifee 

Thing  &  Sou,  Potrero 

Trading  Co,  Fallbrook 

Tuck,  J  N,  San  Marcos 

Verlaque,  J.  A.,  P  M,  Ramona 

Viejas  Store,  Viejas 

Webb,  E  L,  Campo 

Willitts,  S  H,  Elsinore 

Wilson,  Henry,  Warner's  P  O 

Woolman,  H,  Rainbow 


Angeis  &  Rainford,  Del  Mar 
Baker,  D  B,  San  Jacinto 
Berkley,  G  W,  Escondido 
Brown,  J.  A.  &  Son,  San  Jacinto 
Cheesman  Bros,  Jamul 
Dalglish  &  Hudson,  Elsinore 
Graham  &  Steiner,  Escondido 
Hanscom,  F.  B.,  Perris 
Hards,  J.  T.  &  Son,  San  Jacinto 
Henry,  W.  W.,  San  Jacinto 
Kauffman  &  Haas,  San  Jacinto 
Macy  &  Ward,  Elsinore 
Mapes  &  Vermason,  Perris 
Maxfield,  D  C,  Jamul 
Mossholder,  El  Nido 
Slocum,  L,  Escondido 
Schaffer,  Mrs,  Otay 
Stevenson  Bros.,  Escondido 
Wall,  Peter,  Elsinore 


Bartlett  &  Shipley,  Fallbrook 
Brentner,  L.  L.,  San  Jacinto 
Brown,  J.  A.  &  Son,  San  Jacinto 
Davis,  C  L,  Murrieta 

Davis,  Frank  A,  Escondido 
Qwaltney,  H.  C.  &  Co.,  Escondido 
Milis,  R.  C,  Elsinore 
Bernhardt,  J.  Q.  &  Co.,  San  Jacinto 
Schuyler,  John,  Oceanside 
Smith,  L  A,  Perris 


Adams,  A,  Ramona 

Baxter  &  Son,  Murrieta 

Brown,  J.  A.,   South  San  Jacinto 

Dixon,  E.,  Elsinore 

Haney,  C.  T.,  Escondido 

Maltby,  C  C,  Oceanside 

McLaren,  John,  Perris 

McPhettridge  «&  Rosse,  San  Jacinto 

Patterson,  Geo  M  Oceanside 

San  Jacinto  Harness  Co.,  San  Jacinto 


Avenue  House,  Escondido 

Bennett,  A  W,  Del  Mar 

Commercial,  Escondido  ' 

Cook,  Wm,  Valley  Center 

Cottage  House,  Escondido 

Derby  House,  Encinitas 

Elsinore  Hotel,  J  F"  Jones,  prop,  El- 

Escondido  Hotel,  Escondido 

Encinitas  House,  Encinitas 

P'allbrook  House,  Fallbrook 

Fisher,  C  P,  Ballena 

Fountain  House,  Murrieta 

Fronteria  House  Tia  Juana 

Greene,  J  M,  San  Marcos 

Hotel  Carlsbad,  Carlsbad 

Hotel  Perris,  Perris 

Hotel  Otay,  Otay 

Jones,  J  H,  Winchester 

Lakeside  Hotel,  Lakeside 

Lake  View,  Elsinore 

Knox,  A  L,  El  Cajon 

Mayrhofer  L,  Julian 

Naples  Hotel,  Fallbrook 

Pennenberg,  firs.  E.  Q.,  Banner 

San  Jacinto  Hotel,  Mrs  T  Farmer, 
San  Jacinto 

South  Pacific,  Oceanside 

St  Cloud,  Oceanside 

Strachan,  E  W,  Ramona 

Terrace,  Piermont 

ThePalma.J  A  Brown,  South  San 

Washington,  Julian 

Welty,  R  J  Temecula 

Wildomar  Hotel,  Wildomar 

Williamson,  Mrs,  Julian 

The  California  National  Bank  is  Busted 


Still  holds  out  at  the  Old  Stand  and  he  has  fine 
bargains  for  all  that  will  call  and  see  him. 


Cash  for  Household  Goods. 

1624    H    STREET. 


a.  MflGWOOD'S 

SECOND.fl/iND    STO^E, 



University  Heights 3 

City  Heights 4 

Old  Town 4| 

,  Mission  Valley 5 

hold  Mission 8  — ^ 

Race  Track 6i  rf\ 

tU  Pacific  Beach 8  Jr: 

U              Ocean  Beach 8  N 

Roseville 7  A 

CC  La  Holya  Park  (I,a  Jolla) 13 

HDel  Mar 23  ■•■ 

Chollas  Valley 3  JL 

(^  National  City 5 

Paradise  Valley 6  (/) 

I              Sweetwater  Dam 12  j 

Lakeside 20  ~ 

Poway 25  30 

^  Escondido 35  m 

pg  Oceanside 40  *■  ' 

rj  *Sorrento 15  pl 

yV  Otay 12  J 

»—  Te  Wanna  (Tia  Juana) 16  ~ 

Chulla  Vista 10 

Julian 60 

Alpine 26 

!E1  Cahone  (Cajon) 15 

Harmule  Valley  PostofBce  (Jamul) 20 

I  will  pay  you  CASH  for  anything  you  have  to  sell. 




Brophy,  J  E,  Eakeside 
Bond,  J  W.  Encinitas 
Bush,  Henry,  Fallbrook 
City,  H  B  White,  San  Jacinto 
Clark,  D  H,  South  San  Jacinto 
Diamond,  Chas,  Banner 
Fashian  Stable,  Escondido 
Flagg,  W  E,  Murrieta 
Gallic,  W  F,  Temecula 
Goldbaum,  Wm,  Oceanside 
Hampton,  I  S,  Wildomar 
J.  I.  C.,  Harper,  C  A  prop,  San  Jacinto 
Kerr,  Chas.,  San  Jacinto 
Mills,  R,  C,  Elsinore 
Palace  Stables,  Escondido 
Wise  &  Knight,  Ferris 
Yarn  Hagen  Bros,  Tia  Juana 
Reynolds,  firs.  C.  J.,  Ferris 
Brown  «Sc  Alcorn,  Winchester 
Burnett,  A  B,  Murrieta 
Cate.  A  F,  Fallbrook 
Escondido  Lumber  Co.,  Escondido 
Hook  Bros.  &  Oak,  Ferris 
Maier,  Martin,  South  San  Jacinto 
Park,  C  C,  Nestor 

Russ  Eumber  &  Mill  Co,  Oceanside 
Russ  Lumber  &  Mill  Co,  San  Jacinto 
Wilson,  W.  W.,  Elsinore 
Wise  &  Knight,  Ferris 

Bascom  &  Co,  El  Cajon 
CassouBros.,  (wholesale)Escondido 
Cassou,  Louis,  Escondido 
Clark,  W  W,  South  San  Jacinto 
Hoskins  Bros,  Julian 
James,  S  M,  Murrieta 
Johnson  &  Fickle,  Oceanside 
Kolb,  Richard,  Temecula 
Maron,  S  &  A,  Oceanside 
Fayton  &  Arey,  Elsinore 
Ferry,  Chas,  Otay 
Foole,  Jas,  Ramona 
Sypherd  &  Witt,  Ferris 
Taylor,  W  C,  Ferris 
Union  Meat  Market,  San  Jacinto 

Steadman,  L.  &  Co.,  Escondido 
Parkhurst,  O.,  Escondido 

Bacon,  Mrs  J  Iv,  Escondido 
Clevior,  firs.  J.  Q.,  Ferris 
Daggett,  Miss  N.,  San  Jacinto 

Lindsay,  firs.  Viola  N.,  Escondido 
Tomlius,  Miss  Mamie,  Fallbrook 
Wing,  Miss,  Fallbrook 
Woodruff,  Mrs  S  M,  Oceanside 


El  Cajon  Valle)'  News,  El  Cajon 

Press,  H  M  McFhee,  Elsinore 

Times,  Lindsay  &  Trownsell,  Escon- 

Herald,  J  M  Martin,  Oceanside 

New  Era,  Ferris  Printing  Co,  Ferris 

Plowshare  and  Pruning  Hook,  Win- 

Press,  Otay 

Register,  Arthur  Munn,  San  Jacinto 

Sentinel,  Julian 

Advocate,  A  D  Dunn,  Escondido 

Union,  Fallbrook 

Valley  Union,  Murrieta 

Transcript,  Encinitas 


Brown,  J.  A.,  South  San  Jacinto 

Qualtney,  H.  C.  &  Co.,  Escondido 

Mills,  R.  C,  Elsinore 

Reinhardt,  J.  G.  &  Co.,  San  Jacinto 

Allen,  M  D,  Spring  Valley 

Barber,  T  A,  Jamul 

Browning,  Chas.  C,  San  Jacinto 

Clark,  N  C,  Fallbrook 

Clarke,  J  H,  Valley  Center 

Dickson,  C  S,  Winchester 

Ellis,  Thos.  E.,  Elsinore 

Gregory,  Lyman,  San  Jacinto 

Hereford,  P",  Alpine  Center 

Hilleary,  L,  Foway 

Holton,  Q  A  R,  Ramona 

Johnson,  C  M,  El  Cajon 

Kellar,  M.  B.,  coroner,  Escondido 

Lawrence,  C  E,  Murrieta 

McGrail,  J,  Julian 

Munger,  M  E,  Cuyaniaca 

Norman,  A,   Oceanside 

Parker,  Dr,  Fallbrook 

Perry,  W  F,  Ferris 

Pontious,  R  W,  Alpine  Center 

Pruett,  J  A,  Fallbrook 

Rice,  N  J,  Escondido 

Sapp,  J.  A.,  San  Jacinto 

Soto,  Stephen,  Mesa  Grande 

Stroud,  H  E,  Oceanside 

Tabor,  Isaac,  Escondido 

Toland,  M.  R.,  San  Jacinto 

Rainey,  T.  H.,  San  Jacinto 

Reese,  J  R,  Ferris 

Rorripaugh,  L  L,  Murrietta 



Vance,  B  A,  Perris 
Washburn,  S.  H.,  Elsinore 
Wall,  Florence  V.,  Elsinore 
Woodward,  H  P,  Otay 
Worcester,  S,  El  Cajon 


Shaver,  John,  South  San  Jacinto 

Oceanside  Mill  Co,  Oceanside 

Brentner,  L.  L.,  San  Jacinto 

Reinhardt,  J.  Q.  &  Co.,  San  Jacinto 

Townsend  &  Co,  Elsinore 

Cravath  Hall,  Escondido 

Henry's  Hall,  San  Jacinto 

Benton,  Chas  H,  Murrietta 

Bradbury,  W  N,  Fallbrook 

Brockman  &  Colby,  Perris 

Brown  &  Alcorn,  Winchester 

Carpenter  V"  H,  Perris 

Cravath,  A.  K.,  Escondido 

Donley,  G  W,  Escondido 

Fox,  G  W,  Murrieta 

Guyger  &  Plimpton,  Perris 

Hayes,  J  C,  Oceanside 

Hill,  Uri,  El  Cajon 

Jasper,  J  A,  Julian 

Kerr,  Jas.,  San  Jacinto 

Lindenberger  Bros.   &  Case,    Win- 
chester   . 

Mansfield,  Geo,  L,akeside 

McGraw,  E  D,  Oceanside 

Mitchell,  D.  Q.,  Perris 

Mott,  Frank  M.,  Perris 

Nance,  J.  W.  &.  Co.,  Perris 

Ogden,  D  H,  El  Cajon 

Rieger,  Julius  C,  Perris 

San  Marcos  Land  Co.,  San  Marcos 

Smith,  Sam  C,  Oceanside 

Smith,  S  C  Carlsbad 

Walber  &  Qriffin,  San  Jacinto   and 

Wise  &  Knight,  Perris 


City  Restaurant,  Perris 

Fegler,  Geo  R,  Murrieta 

Lung,  Sam,  San  Jacinto 

Smith,  Mrs  J,  Oceanside 

Stambwk,  N,  Oceanside 

Wooliscroft,  Jesse,  Perris 

Bundy,  E.  Z.,  Elsinore 
Chew,  A  W,  Escondido 
Edgerton,  W  R,  Wildomar 


Aubert,  C,  South  San  Jacinto 
Davis,  E  B,  Ramona 
Escallier,  J,  Murrieta 
Escallier,  J,  Temecula 
Everett,  Geo  H,  Murrietta 
Fisher,  H,  San  Euis  Rey 
Hale  &  Melrose,  Julian 
Hargar,  Henry,  Otay 
Hubbell,  S  A,  San  Jacinto 
Mers,  S  W,  Perris 
Messenger  &  Lane,  Tia  Juana 
Peerless,  Oceanside 
Rainey  WW,  Oceanside 
Rush,  John,  El  Cajon 
Sorgatz,  B  Tia  Juana 
Stahl,Johnes,  Perris 
Walsh,  Martin,  El  Cajon 
Widner,  J,  South  San  Jacinto 

Bennett,  Geo.  E.,  Elsinore 

Wellette,  Jos,  South  San  Jacinto 

Nugent,  J  E,  Oceanside 
Postoffice  Store,  R  L  Pool,   San  Ja- 
Rogers,  S.  5.,  Escondido 

Davis,  Frank  A.,  Escondido 
Qualtney,  H.  C.  &  Co.,  Escondido 

Pioneer  Truck  Co.,  San  Jacinto 

Clark,  L.'  D.,  Elsinore 
Grate,  W  G  &  Co,  Oceanside 
Morgan,  Q.  W.,  San  Jacinto 
Symington,  R.  D.,  Escondido 

Wise  &  Knight,  Perris 
Stewart  &  Wilgon,  Elsinore 

Akin,  H.  W.,  Perris 
Eaves,  John,  Escondido 
LeGrove,  Miss  A,  Escondido 
Jerrauld,  E,  Murrieta 
McKoy,  G  L,  Elsinore 
Saladin,  C,  Oceanside 
Schanck,  Jas.  K.,  Elsinore 
Siefks,  F.  W.,  San  Jacinto 

Coleman,  Geo.,  Oceanside 
J.  I.  C,  CA.  Harper,    San  Jacinto 


p.  M.  Johnson.  J.  E.  Connell. 

S.  W.  Johnson. 



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