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Full text of "The discovery, settlement, and present state of Kentucky : and an introduction to the topography and natural history of that rich and important country ; also Colonel Daniel Boon's narrative of the wars of Kentucky ; with an account of the Indian nations within the limits of the United States ... and the stages and distances between Philadelphia and the Falls of the Ohio, from Pittsburgh to Pensacola, and several other places"

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Colonel  DANIEL  BOON'S 

Narrative  of  the  Wars   of  Kentucky: 


An  Account  of  the  Inpi  an  Nations  within  the  Limits  of  the  United  States, 
their  Manners^  Cuftoms*  Religion,  and  their  Origin  } 

The  Stages  and  Diftances  between  Philadelphia  and  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio, 
from  Pittfburgh  to  Penfacola,  and  feveral  other  Places. 

By  JOHN  FILSON;  n<v7?-ngs 

IHuftrated  with  a  large  whole  Sheet  Map  of  Kentucky  from  aftyal  Sur- 
veys, and  a  Plan  with  a  Defcription  of  the  Rapids  of  the  River  Ohio; 

By  Capt.  Thomas  Hutchins,  Geographer  to  the  Gongrefs, 


Printed  for  joHn  stockdale,  Piccadilly, 


[price  tw«  shillings.] 




^TtiE  Editor  qflures.  the  reader,  that  thejlriclejl  re- 
liance  may  be  plated  on\he  authenticity  of  the  follow- 
ing  pages.  The  original  was  printed  at  Wilmington 
in  i7$4$  and  is  now  re-publijhed  with  confiderable 
additions,  which  have  jujl  been  received  from  one 
cf  the  mojl  accurate  writers  in  America ;  and  it 
may  with  propriety  be  confidered  as  a  fupplement  to 
the  American  Geography,*  by  the  Rev.  Jedidiah 
Morse,  whofe  work  defervedly  Jiands  fo  high  in  the 
eflimation  of  the  public,  and  who  has  Jhewn  to  the 
world  how  little  reliance  is  to  be  placed  on  any  of  the 
hijlories  relating  to  that  country  hitherto  publi/hed. 

2oth  November,  1793. 

*  This  work  is  now  publifhing  in  fix  weekly  numbers,  at 
One  Shilling  each,  for  the  convenience  of  thofe  who  may  prefer 
this  mode  of  purchafe  ;  but  the  book  being  already  printed,  may 
be  had  complete,  price  Six  Shillings. 

83"  An  abridgement  of   the  fame  may  be  had   pr/te  Three 
Shillings  and  Six-pence  bound.  / 

WE  the  Subfcribers,  inhabitants  of  Kentucky 
and  well  acquainted  with  the  country  from  its  firft 
fettlement,  at  the  requeft  of  the  author  of  this  book 
and  map,  have  carefully  revifed  them,  and  recom- 
mend them  to  the  public,  as  exceeding  good  per- 
formances, containing  as  accurate  a  defcription  of 
our  country  as  we  think  canpoflibly  be  given,  much 
preferable  to  any  in  our  knowledge  extant,  and 
think  it  will  be  of  great  utility  to  the  public.  Wit- 
nefs  our  hands  this  1 2th  day  of  May,  Anno  Do- 
mini,  1784. 



THE  generality  of  thofe  geographers  wrho  have  at- 
tempted a  map,  or  a  defcription  of  America,  feem 
either  to  have  had  no  knowledge  of  Kentucky,  or  to 
have  neglected  it,  although  a  place  of  infinite  impor- 
tance :  and  the  reft  have  proceeded  fo  erroneoufly,  that 
they  have  left  the  world  as  much  in  darknefs  as  before. 
Many  are  the  miftakes  refpecting  the  fubject  of  this  work 
in  all  other  maps  which  I  have  yet  feen  ;  whereas  I  can 
truly  fay,  I  know  of  none  in  that  which  I  here  prefent  to 
the  world,  either  from  my  own  particular  knowledge,  or 
from  the  information  of  thofe  gentlemen,  with  whofe  af- 
liftance  I  have  been  favoured,  and  who  have  been  well 
acquainted  with  the  country  fince  the  firft:  fettlement. 
When  I  vifited  Kentucky,  I  found  it  fo  far  to  exceed  my 
expectations,  although  great,  that  I  concluded  it  was  a 
pity  that  the  world  had  not  adequate  information  of  it. 
I  conceived  that  a  proper  defcription  of  it,  and  a  map 
of  it,  were  objects  highly  interefting  to  the  United  States ; 
and  therefore,  incredible  as  it  may  appear  to  fome,  I 
muft  declare,  that  this  performance  is  not  publifhed  from 
lucrative  motives,  but  folely  to  inform  the  world  of  the 
happy  clime,  and  plentiful  foil  of  this  favoured  region. 
And  I  imagine  the  reader  will  believe  me  the  more  ealily 
when  I  inform  him,  that  I  am  not  an  inhabitant  of  Ken- 
tucky, but  having  been  there  fome  time,  by  my  ac-, 
1  quaintancc  ( 

(    8    ) 

craaintance  in  it,  am  fufficiently  able  to  publish  the 
truth,  and  from  principle,  have  cautioufly  endeavoured 
to  avoid  every  fpecies  of  falfehood.  The  confcioufnefs  of 
this  encourages  me  to  hope  for  the  public  candour, 
where  errors  may  poffibly  be  found.  The  three  gen- 
tlemen honouring  this  work  with  their  recommendation, 
Col.  Boon,  Col.  Todd,  and  Col.  Harrod,  were  among 
the  firfl  fettlers,  and  perfectly  well  acquainted  with  the 
country."  To  them  I  acknowledge  myfelf  much  in- 
debted for  their  friendly  affiftance  in  this  work,  which 
they  cheerfully  contributed  with  a  difinterefted  view  of 
being  ferviceable  to  the  public.  My  thanks  are  more  es- 
pecially due  to  Col.  Boon,  who  was  earlier  acquainted 
with  the  fubject  of  this  performance  than  any  other  now 
living,  as  appears  by  the  account  of  his  adventures, 
which  I  eireemed  curious  and  interefcing,  and  therefore 
have  publifhed  them  from  his  own  mouth.  Much  ad- 
vantage may  poffibly  arife  to  the  poffefTor  of  this  book, 
as  thofe  who  wim  to  travel  in  Kentucky  will  undoubtedly 
find  it  a  complete  guide.  To  fuch  I  affirm,  that  there 
is  nothing  mentioned  or  defcribed  but  what  they  will 
find  true.  Confcious  that  it  would  be  of  general  utility, 
I  have  omitted  nothing,  and  been  exceeding  particular 
in  every  part.  That  it  may  have  the  delired  effecT:,  is 
the  lincere  wifh  of    ' 







THE  firft  white  man  we  have  certain  accounts  of  who  difco- 
vered  this  province  was  one  James  M'Bride,  who,  in  com- 
pany with  fome  others,  in  the  year  1754,  palling  down  the  Ohio 
in  canoes,  landed  at  the  mouth  of  Kentucky  river,  and  there 
marked  a  .tree  with  the  firft  letters  of  his  name,  and  the  date, 
which  remain  to  this  day.  Thefe  men  reconnoitered  the  country, 
and  returned  home  with  the  pleafmg  news  of  their  difcovery  of 
the  bed  tract  of  land  in  North  America,  and  probably  in  the 
world.  From  this  period  it  remained  concealed  till  about  the 
year  1767,  when. one  John  Finley,  and  fome  others,  trading  with 
the  Indians,  fortunately  travelled  over  the  fertile  region,  now 
called  Kentucky,  then  but  known  to  the  Indians,  by  the  name  of 
the  Dark  and  Bloody  Ground,  and  fometimes  the  Middle  Ground. 
This  country  greatly  engaged  Mr.  Finley's  attention.  Some  time 
after,  difputes  arifing  between  the  Indians  and  traders,  he  was 
obliged  to  decamp,  and  returned  to  his  place  of  refidence  in 
North  Carolina,  where  he  communicated  his  difcovery  to  Col. 
Daniel  Boon,  and  a  few  more,  who  conceiving  it  to  be  an  inte- 
resting object,  agreed  in  the  year  1769  to  undertake  a  journey  in 
order  to  explore  it.  After  a  long  fatiguing  march  over  a  mountain- 
ous wildernefs,  in  a  weftward  direction,  they. at  length  arrived 
upon  its  borders;  and  from  the  top  of  an  eminence,  with  joy  and 
wonder  defcried  the  beautiful  landfcape  of  Kentucky.  Here 
they  encamped,  and  fome  went  to  hunt  provifions,  which  were 
readily  procured,  there  being  plenty  of  game,  while  Col.  Boon  and 
John  Finley  made  a  tour  through  the  country,  which  they  found 
far  exceeding  their  expectations  ;  and  returning  to  camp,  in- 
formed their  companions  of  their  difcoveries  ;  but  in  fpight  of 
this  promifmg  beginning,  this  company  meeting  with  nothing  but 
B  hardlhips 

hardfhips  and  adverfity,  grew  exceedingly  di  (heartened,  and  was 
plundered,  difperfed,  and  killed  by  the  Indians,  except  CoL 
Boon,  who  continued  an  inhabitant  of  the  wildernefs  until  the 
year  177 1,  when  he  returned  home. 

About  this  time  Kentucky  had  drawn  the  attention  of  fe- 
veral  gentlemen.  Doctor  Walker  of  Virginia,  with  a  number 
more,  made  a  tour  weftward  for  difcoveries,  endeavouring  to 
find  the  Ohio  river  ;  and  afterwards  he  and  General  Lewis,  at 
Fort  Stanwix,  purchafed  from  the  five  nations  of  Indians  the 
lands  lying  on  the  north  fide  of  Kentucky.  Col.  Donaldfon  of 
Virginia  being  employed  by  the  ftate  to  run  a  line  from  fix  miles 
above  the  Long  Ifland,  on  Holftein,  to  the  mouth  of  the  great 
Kenhawa,  and  finding  thereby  that  an  extenfive  tract  of  excellent 
country  would  be  cut  off  to  the  Indians,  was  folicited  by  the  in- 
habitants of  Clench  and  Holftein  to  purchafe  the  lands  lying  on 
the  north  fide  of  Kentucky  river  from  the  five  nations :  this  pur- 
chafe he  completed  for  five  hundred  pounds  fpecie.  It  was  then 
agreed  to  fix  a  boundary  line  running  from  the  Long  Ifland  on 
Holftein  to  the  head  of  Kentucky  river  ;  thence  down  the  fame 
to  the  mouth  ;  thence  up  to  the  Ohio,  to  the  mouth  of  great 
Kenhawa:  but  this  valuable  purchafe  the  ftate  refuted  to  con- 

Col..  Henderfon  of  North  Carolina  being  informed  of  this 
country  by  Col.  Boon,  he  and  fome  other  gentlemen  held  a 
treaty  with  the  Cherokee  Indians  at  Wataga  in  March  1775,  and 
then  purchafed  from  them  the  lands  lying  on  the  fouth  fide  of  Ken- 
tucky river  for  goods  at  valuable  rates,  to  the  amount  of  fix  thoufand 
pounds  fpecie. 

Soon  after  this  purchafe,  the  ftate  of  Virginia  took  the  alarm, 
agreed  to  pay  the  money  Col.  Donaldfon  had  contracted  for,  «md 
then  difputed  Col.  Henderfon's  right  of  purchafe  as  a  private  gen-  , 
tleman  of  another  ftate,  in  behalf  of  tiimfelf:  however,  for  his 
eminent  fervices  to  this  country,  and  for  having  been  in'ftrumental 
in  making  fo  valuable  an  acquifition  to  Virginia,  that  ftate  was 
pleafed  to  reward  him  with  a  tract  of  land,  at  the*  mouth  of  the 
Green  river,  to  the  amount  of  two  hundred  thoufand  acres ;  and 
the  ftate  of  North  Carolina  gave  him  the  like  quantity  in  Powel's 
Valley.  This  region  was  formerly  claimed  by  various  tribes  of 
Indians,  whofe  title,  if  they  had  any,  originated  in  fuch  a  man- 
ner as  to  render  it  doubtful  which  ought  to  polfefs  it ;.  hence  /K^ 
fertile  fpot  became  an  object  of  contention,  a  theatic  of  a 
from  which  it  was  properly  denominated  the  Bloody  Groui  ..J. 
Their  contentions  not  being  likely  to  decide  the  right  to  any  par- 
ticular tribe,  as  foon  as  Mr.  Henderfon  and  his  friends  pro- 
pofed  to  purchafe,  the  Indians  agreed  to  fell  ;  and  notwithstand- 
ing the  valuable  conlideration  they  received,  have  continued  ever 
fince  troublefome  jieighbours  to  the  new  fettlers. 


(  "  ) 

Situation,  extent,  and  boundaries.']  Kentucky  is  fituated  in 
its  central  part  near  the  latitude  of  3830  north,  and  850  weft  longi- 
tude, and  lying  within  the  fifth  climate,  its  longeft  day  is  14 
hours  and  40  minutes.  It  is  bounded  on  the  north  by  Great  Sandy 
creek,  north-weft  by  the  river  Ohio,  weft  by  Cumberland  river, 
fouth  by  North  Carolina,  eaft  by  Sandy  river,  and  a  line  drawn 
due  fouth  from  its  fource,  till  it  ftrikes  the  northern  boundary  of 
North  Carolina,  being  upwards  of  250  miles  in  length,  and  200 
in  breadth,  and  contains  5000  fquare  miles. 

Civil  divisions.]  Kentucky  was  originally  divided  into  three 
counties,  Lincoln,  Fayette,  and  Jefferfon.  It  has  fince  been 
fubdivided  into  nine,  which  follow  : 


No.  Inhabitants. 

Chief  Towns. 

No.  Inhab. 


"          4,565 




"           I7>576 


'          834 


-       7>837 







Beards  town 

-       2l6 


-       5,772 


-       6,548 


-    9,210 




-         462 

Total     71,815,  of  whom  12,430  are  (laves. 

There  were  in  1784,  eight  towns  laid  off,  and  building,  and 
more  were  propofed. 

Louifville,  at  the  Falls  of  Ohio,  and  Beards  town,  are  in 
Danville,  Jefferfon  county  ;  Harrodfburgh,  and  Boons-burrow,  in 
Lincoln  county ;  Lexington,  Lees  town,  and  Greenville,  in  Fayette 
county  ;  the,  two  laft  being  on  Kentucky  river.  At  thefe  and 
many  other  places  on  this  and  other  rivers,  infpecting  houfes  are 
eftablifhed  for  tobacco,  which  may  be  cultivated  to  great  ad- 
vantage, although  not  altogether  the  ftaple  commodity  of  the 

Rivers."]  The  beautiful  river  Ohio  bounds  the  north-weftern 
fide  of  Kentucky  in  its  whole  length,  being  a  mile  and  fometimes 
lefs  in  breadth,  and  is  fufficient  to  carry  boats  of  great  burthen  ; 
its  general  courfe  is  fouth  60  degrees  weft,  and  in  its  courfe  it 
receives  numbers  of  large  and  fmall  rivers,  which  pay  tribute  to 
its  glory.  The  only  difadvantage  this  fine  river  has,  is  a  rapid, 
one  mile  and  a  half  long,  and  one  mile  and  a  quarter  broad,  called 
the  Falls  of  Ohio.  In  this  place  the  river  runs  over  a  rocky  bot- 
tom, and  the  defcent  is  fo  gradual,  that  the  fall  does  notjprobably 
in  the  whole  exceed  twenty  feet :  in  fome  places  we  may  obferve 
it  to  fall  a  few  feet. 

The  rapids  in  a  dry  feafon  are  difficult  to  defcend  with  loaded 

boats  or  barges,  without  a  good  pilot ;    it  would  be  advifeable 

B  Z  there- 

(      12      ) 

therefore  for  the  bargemen  in  fuch  a  feafon,  rather  than  run  any 
rifk  in  palling  them,  to  unload  part  of  their  cargoes,  and  re-fhip  it 
'when  the  barges  have  got  through  the  rapids.  It  may,  however,  be 
proper  to  obferve,  that  loaded  boats  in  frejhes  have  been  eafily 
rowed  againft  the  ftream  (up  the  rapids)  and  that  others,  by  means 
only  of  a  large  fail,  have  afcended  them. 

In  a  dry  feafon,  the  defcent  of  the  rapids  in  the  diftance  of  a  mile 

'  is  about  12  or  15  feet,  and  the  paifage  down  would  not  be  difficult, 
except,  perhaps,  for  the  following  reafons:  two  miles  above  them 
the  river  is  deep,   and  three  quarters  of  a  mile  broad  ;  but  the 

■channel  is  much  contracted,  and  does  not  exceed  250  yards  in 
breadth;  (near  three- fourths  of  the  river  on  the  fouth-eaftern  fide  of 
it  being  filled  with  a  flat  limeftone  rock,  fo  that  in  a  dry  feafon  there 
is  feldom  more  than  fix  or  eight  inches  water,)  it  is  upon  the 
northern  fide  of  the  river,  and  being  confined,  as  above  mentioned, 
the  defcending  waters  tumble  over  the  rapids  with  a  confiderable 
degree  of  celerity  and  force.  The  channel  is  of  different  depths, 
but  no  where  it  is  fuppofed  lefs  than  five  feet ;  it  is  clear,  and  upon 
each  fide  of  it  are  large  broken  rocks,  a  few  inches  under  water. 
Col.  Gordon  in  his  journal  down  the  Ohio  mentions,  "  thatthefe 
"  Falls  do  not  deferve  that  name,  as  the  flream  on  the  north  fide 
"  has  no  fudden  pitch,  but  only  runs  rapid  over  the  ledge  of  a  flat 
*'  rock  ;  feveral  boats,"  he  fays,  "  palfed  it  in  the  dryefi  feafon 
<l  of  the  year,  unloading  one  third  of  their  freight :  they  palled  on 
"  the  north  fide,  where  the  carrying  place  is  three  quarters  of  a 
*'  mile  long.  On  the  fouth-eaft  fide  it  is  about  half  that  diftance, 
*'  and  is  reckoned  the  fafeft  paifage  for  thofe  who  are  unacquainted 
"  with  it,  but  it  is  the  moft  tedious,  as  during  part  of  the  fu miner 
**  and  fall,  the  battoe  men  drag  their  boats  over  the  flat  rock.  The 
"  fall  is  about  half  a  mile  rapid  water,  which,  however,  is 
41  paflable,  by  wading  and  dragging  the  boat  againft  the  ftream 
"  when  loweji,  and  with  ftill  greater  eafe,  when  the  water  is  railed 
"  a  little."  See  a  plan  on  the  annexed  map,  •,  it  is  a  correct 
defcription  of  thefe  rapids,  made  by  Mr.  Hutchins  on  the  fpot, 
in  the  year  1766.  Excepting  this  place,  there  is  not  a  finer  river 
in  the  world  for  navigation  by  boats.  Befides  this,  Kentucky  is 
watered  by  eight  fmaller  rivers,  and  many  large  and  fmall  creeks, 
as  may  be  eafily  feen  in  the  map. 

-  At  the.  bottoms  of  thefe  watercourfes,  the  limeftone  rock,  which 
is  common  to  this  country,  appears  of  a  greyilh  colour  ;  and 
■where  it  lies  expofed  to  the  air  in  its  natural  ftate,  it  looks  like 
brown  freeftone.  On  the  banks  of  thefe  rivers  and  rivulets,  this 
ftone  has  the  appearance  of  fine  marble,  being  of  the  fame  texture, 
and  is  found  in  the  greateft  plenty. 

Sandy,  Licking,  and  Kentucky  rivers  rife  near  each  other  in  the 
Cumberland   mountains.      Of  thefe,    Sandy  river  only  breaks 


(    '3    ) 

through  the  mountain  :  this  river  conftitutes  a  part  of  the  eaftern 
boundary  of  Kentucky. 

Licking  river  heading  in  the  mountains  with  Cumberland 
river^  and  the  north  branch  of  Kentucky,  runs  in  a  north-weft 
direction  for  upwards  of  a  hundred  miles,  collecting  its  filver 
ftreams  from  many  branches',  and  is  about  one  hundred  yards  broad 
at  its  mouth. 

Red  river  heads  and  interlocks  with  the  main  branch  of  Lick- 
ing, and  flows  in  a  fouth-weft  courfe  into  Kentucky  river,  being 
about  iixty  miles  long,  and  fixty  yards  wide  at  its  mouth. 

The  Kentucky  river  rifes  with  three  heads  from  a  mountainous 
part  of  the  country  ;  its  northern  branch  interlocks  with  Cum- 
berland, runs  half  way  \n  a  weftern  direction,  and  the  other  half 
north-wefterly  ;  it  is  amazingly  crooked,  upwards  of  two  hun- 
dred miles  in  length,  and  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  yards 

Elkhorn  is  a  fmall  river  which  empties  itfelf  into  Kentucky  in 
a  north-weft  by  weft  courfe  ;  is  about  fifty  miles  long,  and  fifty 
yards  broad  at  the  mouth. 

Dick's  river  joins  the  Kentucky  in  a  north -weft  direction,  is 
about  forty-five  miles  long,  and  forty-five  yards  wide  at  its  mouth. 
This  river  curioufly  heads  and  interlocks  its  branches  with  Salt 
river,  Green  river,  and  the  waters  of  Rock-caftle  river. 

Salt  river  rifes  at  four  different  places  near  each  other.  The 
windings  of  this  river  are  curious,  rolling  its  ftreams  round  a  fpa- 
cious  tract  of  fine  land,  and  uniting  almoft  fifteen  miles  before 
they  approach  the  Ohio,  and  twenty  miles  below  the  Falls.  It 
is  amazingly  crooked,  runs  a  weftern  courfe  near  ninety  miles, 
and  is  about  eighty  yards  wide  at  the  mouth. 

Green  river  interlocking  with  the  heads  of  Dick's  river,  as 
mentioned  above,  is  alio  amazingly  crooked,  keeps  a  weftern 
courfe  for  upwards  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles,  and  is  about 
eighty  yards  wide  at  its  mouth,  which  is  about  one  hundred  and 
twenty  miles  below  the  Falls. 

Cumberland  river  interlocks  with  the  northern  branch  of 
Kentucky,  as  aforefaid,  and  rolling  round  the  other  arms  of 
Kentucky-,  among  the  mountains  in  a  fouthern  courfe  for  one 
hundred  miles ;  then  in  a  fouth-weftern  courfe  for  above  two 
hundred  miles  ;  then  in  a  fouthern  and  fouth-weftern  courfe  for 
about  two  hundred  and  fifty  more,  finds  the  Ohio  four  hundred 
and  thirteen  miles  below  the  Falls.  At  Nafhville  this  river  is  two 
hundred  yards  broad,  and  at  its  mouth  three  hundred,  pafling 
in  about  half  its  courfe  through  North  Carolina. 

The  Great  Kenhawa,  or  New  river,  rifes   in  North  Carolina, 

runs  a  northern  and  north-weft  courfe  for  upwards  of  four  hundred 

miles,  and  finds  the  Ohio  four  hundred  miles  above  the  Falls.     It 

.is  about  five  hundred  yards  wide  at  its  mouth  :  thefe  two  rivers  are 

3  juft 

(    H    ) 

juft  mentioned,  being  beyond  our  limits;  they  run  contrary  courfes, 
are  exceeding  large,  and  it  is  worth  notice  that  Clench,  Holftein, 
Nolachuckey,  and  French  Broad-rivers,  take  their  rife  between 
thefe  two,  or  rather  weftward  of  New  river,  fome  of  them  fifing 
and  interlocking  with  it;  and  when  they  meet,  form  what  is 
called  the  Tenefe,  or  Cherokee  river,  which  runs  a  weftern 
courfe,  and  finds  the  Ohio  twelve  miles  beIvow  Cumberland 
river  ;  it  is  very  large,  and  has  fpacious  trails  of  fine  land. 

Thefe  rivers  are  navigable  for  boats  almoft  to  their  fources, 
without  rapids,  for  the  greateft  part  of  the  year.  This  country  is 
generally  level,  and  abounding  with  limeflone,  which  ufually  lies 
about  fix  feet  deep,  except  in  hollows  where  ftreams  run,  where 
we  find  the  rock  in  the  bottom  of  the  channel. 

The  fprings  and  ftreams  lefTen  in  June,  and  continue  low, 
hindering  navigation  until  November,  when  the  autumnal  rains 
foon  prepare  the  rivers  for  boats,  and  replenish  the  whole  country 
with  water  ;  but  although  the  ftreams  decreafe,  yet  there  is  al- 
ways fufficient  for  domeft-ic  ufes  :  there  are  many  fine  fprings  that 
never  fail,  every  farmer  has  a  good  one  at  leaft,  and  excellent 
wells  may  eafily  be  dug. 

Mills  that  may  be  fupplied  with  water  eight  months  in  a  year, 
may  be  erected  in  a  thoufand  different  places.  Wind-mills  and 
horfe-hills  may  fupply  the  other  four  months. 

Springs.]  There  are  five  noted  fait  fprings  or  licks  in  this 
Country,  viz.  the  higher  and  lower  Blue  Springs,  or  Licking 
river,  from  fome  of  which  it  is  faid  iiTue  ftreams  of  brinilh 
water  ;  the  Big  Bone  lick  ;  Drennon's  lick  ;  and  Bullet's  lick 
and  Saltfburgh.  The  laft  of  thefe  licks,  though  in  low  order,  has 
fupplied  this  country  and  Cumberland  with  fait  at  20s.  per 
bufhel,  Virginia  currency,  and  fome  is  exported  to  the  Illinois 

The  method  of  procuring  water  from  thefe  licks  is  by  finking 
wells  from  thirty  to  forty  feet  deep.  The  water  drawn  from 
thefe  wells  is  more  flrongly  impregnated  with  fait  than  the  water 
from  the  fea.  A  ftraight  road,  forty  feet  wide,  has  been  cut  from 
Saltfburgh  to  Louifville,  twenty-four  miles. 

Face  of  the  country.']  The  country  in  fome  parts  is  nearly 
level,  in  others  not  fo  much  fo,  in  others  again  hilly,  but  mode- 
rately, and  in  fuch  places  there  is  molt  water.  The  levels  are  not 
like  a  carpet,  but  interfperfed  with  fmall  rifings  and  declivities, 
which  form  a  beautiful  profpecl.  A  great  part  of  this  foil  is  ama- 
zingly fertile,  feme  not  fo  good,  and  fome  poor :  the  inhabitants 
diftinguifh  its  quality  by  firft,  fecond,  and  third  rate  lands  ;  and 
fcarcely  any  fuch  thing  as  a  marfh  or  fvvamp  is  to  be  found.  There 
is  a  ridge  where  Kentucky  rifes,  nearly  of  the  fizeof  a  mountain, 
which  in  the  map  we  have  reprefented  as  fuch. 


(    '5    ) 

Ail  the  land  below  the  Great  Kenhawa  until  we  come  near  th* 
waters  of  Licking  river  is  broken,  hilly,  and  generally  poor ; 
except  in  fome  valleys,  and  on  Little  and  Big  Sandy  creeks, 
where  there  is  fome  firft  rate  land,  but  moftly  fecond  and  third 
rate.  It  is  faid,  that  near  this  water  is  found  a  pure  fait  rock. 
Upon  the  north  branch  of  Licking,  we  find  a  great  body  of  firft 
rate  land.  This  ftream  runs  nearly  parallel  to  the  Ohio  for  a  con- 
fiderable  diftance,  and  is  about  feven  miles  from  the  mouth  of 
Limeftone  creek,  where  is  a  fine  harbour  for  boats  coming  dowpi 
the  Ohio,  and  now  a  common  landing.  It  is  fixty-five  miles  from 
Lexington,  to  which  there  is  a  large  waggon  road.  The  main 
branch  of  Licking,  is  about  twenty-two  miles  from  Limeftone. 
On  this  ftream  we  find  fome  firft,  but  moftly  fecond  and  third  rate 
lands,  and  towards  its  head  fomething  hilly.  There  we  find  the 
Blue  licks,  two  fine  fait  fprings,  where  great  plenty  of  fait  may 
be  made.  Round  thefe  licks,  the  foil  is  poor  for  fome  diftance, 
being  much  impregnated  with  fait. 

The  fouthern  branch  of  Licking,  and  all  its  other  arms,  as 
appears  in  the  map,  fpread  through  a  great  body  of  firft,  and  fome 
fecond  rate  land,  where  there  is  abundance  of  cane,  and  fome  fait 
licks,  and  fprings.  On  thefe  feveral  branches  of  Licking,  are 
good  mill  feats,  and  navigation  to  the  Ohio,  from  the  fork  down 
to  its  mouth.  The  land  is  hilly,  and  generally  poor,  yet  along 
the  ftreams  and  in  valleys  we  find  fome  excellent  land. 

Elkhorn  river,  a  branch  of  the  Kentucky,  from  the  fouthreaft, 
waters  a  country  fine  beyond  defcription.  Indeed,  the  country 
eaft  and  iouth  of  this,  including  the  head  waters  of  Licking  river, 
Hickman's  and  Jefiamine  creeks,  and  the  remarkable  bend  in 
Kentucky  river,  may  be  called  an  extenfive  garden.  The  foil  is 
deep  and  black,  and  the  natural  growth,  large  walnuts,  honey 
and  black  locuft,  poplar,  elm,  oak,  hickery,  fugar  tree,  &c. 
Grape  vines  run  to  the  tops  of  the  trees ;  and  the  furface  of  the 
ground  is  covered  with  clover,  blue  grafs,  and  wild  rye.  On  this 
fertile  tract,  and  the  Licking  river,  are  the  bulk  of  the  fettlements 
in  this  country. 

The  lands  below  the  mouth  of  Elkhorn,  up  Eagle  creek,  and 
towards  the  Ohio,  are  hilly  and  poor,  except  thofe  contained  in  a 
great  bend  of  the  Ohio,  oppolite  Great*  Miami,  cut  off,  as  ap- 
pears in  the  map,  by  the  Big-bone  and  Bank-lick  creeks,  inter- 
locking, and  running  feparate  courfes.  Here  we  find  a  great  deal 
of  good  land,  but  fomething  hilly. 

On  Kentucky  river  we  find  many  fertile  valleys,  or  bottoms 
along  the  river,  efpecially  towards  its  rife.  There  is  good  land 
alfo  on  Red  river,  but  towards  the  heads  of  this,  and  Kentucky, 
the  foil  is  broken ;  but  even  here,  we  find  in  valleys,  and  along 
ftreams,  a  great  deal  of  fruitful  land.  Generally  the  foil  within 
a  mile  or  two  of  Kentucky  river  is  of  the  third  and  fourth  rates  j 


C  *;  ), 

from  about  that  diftance,  as  we  leave  it  on  either  fide,  we  approach 
good  lands.  The  country  through  which  it  winds  its  courfe,  for 
the  moft  part,  may  be  confidered  as  level  to  its  banks,  or  rather 
precipices ;  from  the  brow  of  which,  we  behold  the  river,  three 
and  fometimes  four  hundred  feet  deep,  like  a  great  canal.  For  a 
more  particular  account  of  this,  we  refer  the  reader  to  where  we 
treat  of  the  curiofities  of  Kentucky. 

Dick's  river  runs  through  a  great  body  of  firft  rate  land, 
abounding  every  where  with  cane,  and  affords  many  excellent 
mill  feats.  Many  mills  are  already  built  on  this  ftream,  fome  of 
which  are  reprefented  in  the  map,  and  will  have  a  plentiful  fupply 
of  water  in  the  dryeft  feafons.  The  banks  of  this  river,  near  its 
mouth,  are  fimilar  to  the  banks  of  Kentucky.  The  feveral 
ftreams  and  branches  of  Salt  river  afford  excellent  mill  feats. 
Thefe  roll  themfelves  through  a  great  tract  of  excellent  land,  but 
the  country  from  the  junction  of  thefe  waters,  and  fome  miles 
above  towards  the  Dhio,  which  may  be  about  twenty-five  miles,  is 
level  and  poor,  and  has  abundance  of  ponds.  For  a  confiderable 
diftance  from  the  head  of  this  river,  the  land  is  of  the  firft  quality, 
■well  fituated,  and  abounds  with  fine  cane.  Upon  this,  and  Dick's 
river,  the  inhabitants  are  chiefly  fettled,  it  being  the  fafeft  part 
of  the  country  from  the  incurfions  of  the  Indians. 

Green  river  affords  excellent  mill  feats,  and  a  conftant  ftream. 
This  is  allowed  to  be  the  be  ft  watered  part  of  Kentucky.  On  its 
banks  we  find  many  fine  bottoms,  fome  firft  rate,  but  moftly  fecond 
and  third  rate  lands  ;  and  at  fome  diftance,  many  knobs,  ridges, 
and  broken  poor  land.  Below  a  creek,  called  Sinking  creek,  on 
this  river,  within  fifty  miles  of  Ohio,  towards  Salt  river,  a  great 
territory  begins,  called  Green  river  Barrens,  extending  to  the 
Ohio.  Moft  of  this  is  very  good  land,  and  level.  It  has  no 
timber,  and  little  water,  but  affords  excellent  pafturage  for  cattle. 
On  fome  parts  of  this  river,  we  find  abundance  of  cane,  fome 
fak  licks,  and  fulphureous  and  bituminous  fprings.  South  of 
Green  river,  in  the  lands  referved  for  the  continental  and  ftate 
troops  of  Virginia,  an  exceeding  valuable  lead  mine  has  lately 
been  difcovered.  Iron  ore  is  found  on  Rough  creek,  a  ftream 
running  into  this  river.  That  part  of  Cumberland  river  which 
is  in  the  Kentucky  country,  traverfes  a  hilly  poor  land,  though  in 
fome  parts  we  find  good  foil  along  its  fides.  The  other  rivers  I 
mentioned  (viz.  Great  Kenhawa,  and  1  enefe)  are  not  in  the 
Kentucky  country,  and  therefore  do  not  come  properly  within 
my  plan. 

The  reader,  by  calling  his  eye  upon  the  map,  and  viewing 
round  the  heads  of  Licking,  from  the  Ohio,  and  round  the 
heads  of  Kentucky,  Dick's  river,  and  down  Green  river  to  the 
Ohio,  may  view,  ia  that  great  compafs  of  above  one  hundred 


(  17  ) 

miles  fquar«,  the  moft  extraordinary  country  that  the  fun  en* 
ftghtens  with  his  celeftial  beams. 

The  Ohio  river,  the  great  reiervoir  of  all  the  numerous  rivers 
that  flow  into  it  from  both  fide&,  has  many  fine  valleys  along  its 
fides ;  and  we  obferve  that  oppofite  to  each  of  them  there  is  a  hill ; 
thefe  hills  and  bottoms  changing  fides  alternately.  It  only  re- 
mains under  this  head  to  inform  the  reader,  that  there  is  a  great 
body  of  firft  rate  land  near  the  falls,  or  rapids,  called  Bare-grafs  ; 
and  it  will  be  fufficient  juft  to  mention  that  the  country  on  the 
north-weft  fide  of  the  Ohio,  fome  of  the  waters  of  which  I  have 
reprefented  in  the  map,  is  allowed  by  all  travellers  to  be  a  moft 
Fertile,  level  country,  and  well  watered. 

The  following  juft  and  judicious  obfervations  were  addrefTed 
to  the  Earl  of  Hillfborough,  in  the  year  1770,  when  he  was 
Secretary  of  State  for  the  North  American  department,  by  a  very 
intelligent  gentleman,  then  refident  in  the  country. 

"  No  part  of  North  America,  (he  fays,)  will  require  lefs  en- 
tl  couragement  for  the  production  of  naval  {lores,  and  raw  ma- 
"  terials  for  manufactories  in  Europe;  and  for  fupplying  the  Weft 
"  India  iflands  with  lumber,  provijions,  &c.  than  the  country  of 
"  the  Ohio  ;  and  for  the  following  reafons : — Firft,  the  lands  are 
*f  excellent,  the  climate  temperate,  the  native  grapes,  filk  worms, 
"  and  mulberry  trees,  abound  every  where :  hemp,  hops,  and 
M  rve>  grow  fpontaneoufly  in  the  valleys  and  low  lands;  lead  and 
**  iron  ore  are  plenty  in  the  hills,  fait  fprings  are  innumerable  ; 
"  and  no  foil  is  better  adapted  to  the  culture  of  tobacco,  flax,  and 
"  cotton,  than  that  of  the  Ohio. 

M  Second,  the  country  is  well  watered  by  feveral  navigable 
"  rivers,  communicating  with  each  other ;  by  which,  and  a  fhort 
•<  land  carriage,  the  produce  of  the  lands  of  the  Ohio  can,  even 
u  now,  be  fent  cheaper  to  the  fea  port  town  of  Alexandria,  on. 
"  the  river  Potomack  in  Virginia,  (where  General  Braddock's 
"  tranfports  landed  his  troops)  than  any  kind  of  merchandife  is 
*'  fent  from  Northampton  to  London. 

"  Third,  the  river  Ohio  is,    at  all  fcafons  of  the  year,  navi- 

•**  gable  with  large  boats,  like  the  weft  country  barges,  rowed  only 

'  by   four  or  five  men  ;   and   from  the   month  of  February  to 

*(  April,  large  ihips  may  be  built  on  the  Ohio,  and  fent  to  fea, 

"  laden  with  hemp,  iron,  flax,  filk,  tobacco,  cotton,  pot-afh,  &c. 

"  Fourth,  flour,  corn,  beef,  ihip-plank,  and  other  ufeful  ar- 
"  articles,  can  be  fent  down  the  Jlr earn  of  Ohio  to  Weft- Florida, 
"  and  from  thence  to  the  Weft- India  iflands,  much  cheaper,  and 
"  in  better  order,  than  from  New  York  or  Philadelphia,  to  thefe 
«  iflands. 

"  Fifth,  hemp,  tobacco,  iron,  and  fuch  bulky  articles,  may 

«'  alfo  be  fent  down  the  dream  of  Qbio  to  the  fea,  at  leaft  fifty 

«  per  cent,  cheaper  than  thefe  articles  were  ever  carried  by  a  land 

C  "  carriage , 

(  I*  ) 

"  carriage,  of  orrly  60  miles,  in  Pennfylvania  ;  where  waggonage 
"  is  cheaper  than  in  any  other  part  of  North  America. 

"  Sixth,  the  expence  of  tranfporting  European  manufactories 
"  from  the  fea  to  the  Ohio  will  not  be  fo  much  as  is  now  paid,  and 
"  muft  ever  be  paid,  to  a  great  part  of  the  counties  of  Pennfylvania, 
*c  Virginia,  and  Maryland.  Whenever  the  farmers  or  merchants 
"  of  Ohio,  (hall  properly  underftand  the  bufinefs  of  tranfportation, 
"  they  will  build  fchooners,  Hoops,  &c.  on  the  Ohio,  fuitable  for 
"  the  Weft-India,  or  European  markets;  or  by  having  black 
"  walnut,  cherry-tree,  oak,  &c.  properly  fawed  for  foreign 
il  markets,  and  formed  into  rafts,  in  the  manner  that  is  now  done 
<c  by  the  fettlers  near  the  upper  parts  of  Delaware  river  in 
"  Pennfylvania,  and  thereon  flow  their  hemp,  iron,  tobacco,  &c. 
"  and  proceed  with  them  to  New  Orleans. 

"  It  may  not,  perhaps,  be  arnifs  to  obferve,  that  large  quanti- 
"  ties  of  flour  are  made  in  the  diftant  (weftern)  counties  of 
<<  Pennfylvania,  and  fent  by  an  expenfive  land  carriage  to  the 
*'  city  of  Philadelphia,  and  from  thence  ihipped  to  South  Caro- 
"  lina,  and  to  Eaft  and  Weft-Florida,  there  being  little,  or  no 
*'  wheat  raifed  in  thefe  provinces.  The  river  Ohio  feems  kindly 
**  defigned  by  nature  as  the  channel  through  which  the  two 
<l  I'loridas  may  be  fupplied  with  flour,  not  only  for  their  home 
f*  co^iumption,  but  alfo  for  carrying  on  an  extenfive  commerce 
'<  with  Jamaica  and  the  Spanifh  fettlements  in  the  bay  of  Mexico. 
"  Millftones  in  abundance  are  to  be  obtained  in  the  hills  near  the 
*c  Ohio,  and  the  country  is  every  where  well  watered  with  large 
**  and  conftant  fpringsand  ftreams,  for  grift  and  other  mills. 

"  The  paflage  from  Philadelphia  to  Penfacola  is  feldom  made 
*{  in  lefs  than  a  month,  and  fixty  ihillings  fterling  per  ton  freight, 
*{  conlifting  of  fixteen  barrels)  is  ufually  paid  for  flour,  &c.  thither. 
**  Boats  carrying  800  or  1000  barrels  of  flour,  may  go  in  about 
*'  the  fame  time  from  the  Ohio,  (even  from  Pittfburgh)  as  from 
**  Philadelphia  to  Penfacola,  and  for  half  the  above  freight,  the 
"  Ohio  merchants  would  be  able  to  deliver  flour,-  &c.  there,  in 
"  much  better  order,  than  from  Philadelphia,  and  without  in- 
"  curring  the  damage  and  delay  of  the  fea,  and  charges  of  in- 
"  furance,  &c.  as  from  thence  to  Penfacola. 

"  This  is  not  mere  fpeculation  ;  for  it  is  a  facl:,  that  about  the 
**  year  1746  there  was  great  fcarcity  of  provifions  at  New  Or- 
**  leans  ;  and  the  French  fettlements  at  the  Illinois,  fmall  as 
"  they  were,  fent  thither,  in  one  winter,  upwards  of  eight 
**  hundred  thoufand  weight  of  flour." 

Air  and  Climate.  J  This  country  is  more  temperate  and  healthy 
than  the  other  fettled  parts  of  America.  In  fummer  it  wants  the 
fandy  heats  which  Virginia  and  Carolina  experience,  and  receives 
a  fine  air  from  its  rivers.  In  winter,  which  at  moil  only  lafts 
three  months,  commonly  two,  and  is  but  feldom  fevere,  the 
2,  people 

(,*9    ) 

people  are  fafe  in  bad  houfes  ;  and  the  beads  hare  a  good  fupply 
without  fodder.  The  winter  begins  about  Chriftmas,  and  ends 
about  the  firft  of  March,  at  fartheft  does  not  exceed  the  middle  of 
that  month.  Snow  feldom  falls  deep  or  lies  long.  The  weft 
wind  often  brings  ftorms,  and  the  eaft  winds  clear  the  iky;  but 
there  is  no  fteady  rule  of  weather  in  that  refpe&as  in  the  northern 
flates.  The  weft  winds  are  fometimes  cold  and  nitrous.  The 
Ohio  running  in  that  direction,  and  there  being  mountains  on  that 
quarter,  the  wefterly  winds  by  fweeping  along  their  tops,  in  the 
cold  regions  of  the  air,  and  over  a  long  trail:  of  frozen  water,  col- 
lect cold  in  their  courfe,  and  convey  it  over  the  Kentucky  county  ; 
but  the  weather  is  not  fo  intenfely  fevere  as  thefe  winds  bring  with 
them  in  Pennfylvania.  The  air  and  feafons  depend  very  much  on 
.  the  winds,  as  to  heat  and  cold,  drynefs  and  moifture. 

Soil  and  Produce.']  The  foil  of  Kentucky  is  of  a  loofe,  deep, 
black  mould,  without  fand,  in  the  firft  rate  lands  about  two  or 
three  feet  deep,  and  exceeding  luxurious  in  all  its  productions. 
In  fome  places  the  mould  inclines  to  brown.  In  fome  the  wood, 
as  the  natural  confequence  of  too  rich  a  foil,  is  of  little  value,  ap- 
pearing like  dead  timber  and  large  ftumps  in  a  field  lately  cleared. 
Thefe  parts  are  not  confiderable.  The  country  in  general  may  be 
confidered  as  well  timbered,  producing  large  trees  of  many  kinds, 
and  to  be  exceeded  by  no  country  in  variety.  Thofe  which  are 
peculiar  to  Kentucky  are  the  fugar-tree,  which  grows  in  all  parts 
in  great  plenty,  and  furnifhes  every  family  with  plenty  of  excel- 
lent fugar.  The  honey-locuft  is  curioufly  furrounded  with  large 
thorny  fpikes,  bearing  broad  and  long  pods  in  form  of  peas,  has  a 
fweet  tafte,  and  makes  excellent  beer. 

The  coffee-tree  greatly  refembles  the  black  oak,  grows  large, 
and  alfo  bears  a  pod,  in  which  is  enclofed  good  coffee.  The 
pappa-tree  does  not  grow  to  a  great  fize,  is  a  foft  wood,  bears  a 
fine  fruit  much  like  a  cucumber  in  fhape  and  fize,  and  tafte5;  fweet. 
The  cucumber-tree  is  fmall  and  foft,  with  remarkable  leaves, 
bears  a  fruit  much  refembling  that  from  which  it  is  named.  Black 
mulberry-trees  are  in  abundance.  The  wild-cherry-tree  is  here  fre- 
quent,  of  a  large  fize,  and  fupplies  the  inhabitants  with  boards 
for  all  their  buildings.  Here  alfo  is  the  buck-eye,  an  exceeding 
foft  wood,  bearing  a  remarkable  black  fruit,  and  fome  other  kinds 
of  trees  not  common  elfewhere.  Here  is  great  plenty  of  fine 
cane,  on  which  the  cattle  feed,  and  grow  fat.  This  plant  in  ge- 
neral grows  from  three  to  twelve  feet  high,  of  a  hard  fubitance, 
with  joints  at  eight  or  ten  inches  diftance  along  the  ftalk,  from 
which  proceed  leaves  refembling  thofe  of  the  willow.  There  are 
many  cane  brakes  fo  thick  and  tall  that  it  is  difficult  to  pafs  through 
them.  Where  no  cane  grows  there  is  abundance  of  wild-rye, 
clover,  and  tjuffalo  grafs,  covering  vaft  traces  of  country,  and  af- 
fording excellent  food  for  cattle.  The  fields  are  covered  with 
Q  %  abundance 

(      *>     ) 

abundance  of  wild  herbage  not  common  to  other  countries*, 
the  Shawanefe  fallad,  wild  lettuce,  and  pepper-grafs,  and 
many  more,  as  yet  unknown  to  the  inhabitants,  but  which, 
no  doubt,  have  excellent  virtues.  Here  are  feen  the  fineft 
crown- imperial  in  the  world,  the  cardinal  flower,  fo  much  ex- 
tolled for  its  fcarlet  colour  j  and  all  the  year,  excepting  the  three 
winter  months,  the  plains  and  valleys  are  adorned  with  variety  of 
flowers  of  the  moil  admirable  beauty.  Here  is  alfo  found  the 
tulip-bearing  laurel-tree,  or  magnolia,  which  has  an  exquifite 
fmell,  and  continues  to  blolfom  and  feed  for  feveral  months  to- 

This  country  is  richeft  on  the  higher  lands,  exceeding  the  fineft 
low  ground  in  the  fettled  parts  of  the  continent.  When  cultivated, 
it  produces  in  common  fifty  and  fixty  bufhels  per  acre  ;  and  I 
have  heard  it  affirmed  by  credible  perfons,  that  above  one  hundred 
bufhels  of  good  corn  were  produced  from  an  acre  in  one  feafon. 
The  firft  rate  land  is  too  rich  for  wheat  till  it  has  been  reduced  by 
four  or  five  years  cultivation. 

Col.  Harrod,  a  gentleman  of  veracity  in  Kentucky,  has  lately 
experienced  the  production  of  fmall  grain,  and  affirms,  that  he 
had  thirty-five  bufhels  of-  wheat,  and  fifty  bufhels  of  rye  per 

I  think  in  common  the  land  will  produce  about  thirty  bufhels 
of  wheat,  and  rye,  upon  a  moderate  computation,  per  acre  ;  and 
this  is  the  general  opinion  of  the  inhabitants.  The  foil  is  very 
favourable  to  barley,  oats,  flax  and  hemp,  turnips,  potatoes  and 
cotton,  which  grow  in  abundance  ;  and  the  fecond,  third,  and 
fourth  rate  lands,  are  as  proper  for  fmall  grain.  Thcfe  accounts 
of  fuch  amazing  fertility  may,  to  fome  appear  incredible,  but  are 
certainly  true.  Every  hufbandman  may  have  a  good  garden,  or 
meadow,  without  water  or  manure,  where  he  pleafes.  The  foil, 
which  is  not  of  a  thirfty  nature,  is  commonly  well  fupplied  with 
plentiful  fhowers. 

The  old  Virginia  planters  fay,  that  if  the  climate  does  not 
prove  too  moid,  few  foils  known  will  yield  more  or  better  to- 
bacco. Experience  has  proved,  that  the  climate  is  not  too  moilt. 
Great  quantities  of  this  article  have  been  exported  to  France  and 
Spun,  through  New  Orleans;  and  it  is  a  well  known  fact,  that 
Pniladelphia  is  a  profitable  market  for  the  Kentucky  planter,  not- 
.withftanding  all  the  inconveniencies  and  expences  of  re-fhipment  at 
New  Orleans,  under  a  Spanifh  government.  What  advantages, 
then,  may  not  this  country  expeel  from  a  free  navigation  of  the 
MifTiffippi,  unreftrained  by  Spanifh  policy  ! 

Iron  ore  and  lead  are  found  in  abundance,  but  we  do  not  hear 
of  any  filver  or  gold  mine  as  yet  difcovered. 

The  weftern  waters  produce  plenty  of  fifh  and  fowl.     The  fifh 


_     (      21       ) 

common  to  the  waters  of  the  Ohio  are  the  buffalo  fifh,  of  a  large 
fize,  and  the  cat-fifh,  fometimes  exceeding  one  hundred  weight. 
Salmons  have  been  taken  in  Kentucky  weighing  30  pounds  weight. 
The  mullet,  rock,  perch,  gar-fifh,  and  eel,  are  here  in  plenty. 
It  is  faid  that  there  are  no  trouts  in  the  weftern  waters.  Slickers, 
fun-fiih,  and  other  hook-fifh,  are  abundant ;  but  no  lhad,  or 
herrings.  We  may  fuppofe  with  a  degree  of  certainty,  that  there 
are  large  fubterraneous  aqueducts  ftored  with  fifh,  from  whence 
fine  fprings  arife  in  many  parts  producing  fine  hook-fifh  in 
variety.  On  thefe  waters,  and  efpecially  on  the  Ohio,  the  geefe 
and  ducks  are  amazingly  numerous. 

The  land  fowls  are  turkeys,  which  are  very  frequent,  pheafants,  , 
partridges,  and  ravens ;  the  parroquet,  a  bird  every  way  re- 
fembling  a  parrot,  but  much  fmaller  ;  the  ivory-bill  wood-cock, 
of  a  whitilh  colour  with  a  white  plume,  flies  fcreaming  exceeding 
(harp.  It  is  afTerted  that  the  bill  of  this  bird  is  pure  ivory,  a  cir- 
cumstance very  fingular  in  the  plumy  tribe.  The  great  owl  re- 
fembles  its  fpecies  in  other  parts,  but  is  remarkably  different  in  its 
vociferation,  fometimes  making  a  ftrange,  furprifing  noife,  like  a 
man  in  the  moft  extreme  danger  and  difficulty. 

Serpents  are  not  numerous,  and  are  fuch  as  are  to  be  found  in 
other  parts  of  the  continent,  except  the  bull,  the  horned,  and 
the  mockafon  fnakes.  Swamps  are  rare,  and  confequently  frogs 
and  other  reptiles,  common  to  fuch  places.  The  honey  bee  may 
be  called  a  domeflic  infect,  as  it  is  faid  not  to  be  found  but  in  ci- 
vilized countries.  This  is  confirmed  by  a  faying  which  is  common 
among  the  Indians,  when  they  fee  a  fwarm  of  bees  in  the  woods, 
"  Well,  brothers,  it  is  time  for  us  to  decamp,  for  the  white  people 
are  coming  i"  neverthelefs  bees,  of  late  years,  have  abounded  to 
their  amazement,  even  two  hundred  miles  north  and  north-weft  of 
the  Ohio. 

Quadrupeds. ]  Among  the  native  animals  are  the  urus,  or 
zorax,  described  by  Catfar,  which  we  call  a  buffalo,  much  re- 
fembling  a  large  bull,  of  a  great  fize,  with  a  large  head,  thick 
fhort  crooked  horns,  and  broader  in  his  forepart  than  behind. 
Upon  his  fhoulder  is  a  large  lump  of  flelh,  covered  with  a  thick 
bofs  of  long  wool  and  curly  hair,  of  a  dark  brown  colour.  They 
do  not  rife  from  the  ground  as  our  cattle,  but  fpring  up  at  once 
upon  their  feet  ;  are  of  a  broad  make  and  clumfy  appearance^ 
with  fhort  legs,  but  run  faft,  and  turn  not  aiide  for  any  thing  when 
chafed,  except  a  ftanding  tree.  They  weigh  from  five  to  ten 
hundred  weight,  are  excellent  meat,  fupplying  the  inhabitants  in 
many  parts  with  beef,  and  their  hides  make  good  leather.  I  have 
heard  a  hunter  affert,  that  he  faw  above  one  thoufand  buffaloes  at 
the  Blue  Licks  at  once  ;  fo  numerous  were  they  before  the  firft 
fettlers  had  wantonly  fported  away  their  lives.  There  full  re- 
mains a  great  number  in  the  exterior  parts  of  the  fettiement. 


(      22      ) 

They  feed  upon  cane  and  grafs,  as  other  cattle,  and  are  innocent 
harmlefs  creatures. 

There  are  dill  to  be  found  many  deer,  elks,  and  bears,  within 
the  fettlement,  and  many  more  on  the  borders  of  it.  There  are 
alfo  panthers,  wild-cats,  and  wolves. 

The  waters  have  plenty  of  beavers,  otters,  minks,  and  mufk- 
rats  :  nor  are  the  animals  common  to  other  parts  wanting,  fuch 
as  foxes,  rabbits,  fquirrels,  racoons,  ground  hogs,  pole-cats,  and 
oppoiTurns.  Mod  of  the  fpecies  of  the  domeftic  quadrupeds  have 
been  introduced  fince  the  fettlement,  fuch  as  horfes,  cows,  fheep, 
and  hogs,  which  are  prodigioufly  multiplied,  fuffered  to  run  in  the 
woods  without  a  keeper,  and  only  brought  home  when  wanted. 

Chief  'Towns. ]  Lexington,  which  ftands  on  the  head  waters  of 
Elkhorn  river,  is  reckoned  the  capital  of  Kentucky.  Here  the 
courts  are  held,  and  buiinefs  regularly  conducted.  In  1786,  it 
contained  about  one  hundred  houfes,  and  feveral  itores,  with  a 
good  affcrtment  of  dry  goods.  It  has  greatly  increafed  fince,  and 
contains  about  nine  hundred  inhabitants. 

Wafhington,  the  {hire  town  of  Mafon  county,  is  the  fecond 
town  in  this  {fate,  containing  about  five  hundred  inhabitants. 

Lees  town  is  weft  of  Lexington,  on  the  eaftern  bank  of  Ken- 
tucky river.  It  is  regularly  laid  out,  and  is  flourifhing.  The 
banks  of  Kentucky  river  are  remarkably  high,  in  fome  places 
three  and  four  hundred  feet,  compofed  generally  of  ftupendous 
perpendicular  rock  ;  the  confequence  is,  there  are  few  croiTing 
places.  The  beft  is  at  Lees  town,  which  is  a  circumftance  that 
mull  contribute  much  to  its  increafe. 

Louifville  is  at  the  rapids  of  the  Ohio,  in  a  fertile  country, 
and  promifes  to  be  a  place  of  great  trade.  It  has  been  made  a 
port  of  entry.  Its  unhealthinefs,  owing  to  ftagnated  waters  at 
the  back  of  the  town,  has  confiderably  retarded  its  growth.  Be- 
fides  thefe,  there  is  Beards  town,  in  Nel/on  county,  and  Harrodf- 
bnrgh,  in  Mercer  county,  both  on  the  head  waters  of  Salt  river: 
Danville,  Boonfborough,  and  Granville  are  alfo  increafing  towns. 

Population  and  Charafler.~]  The  population  of  this  ftate  in 
1790  is  given  in  the  preceding  table.  In  1783,  in  the  county  of 
Lincoln  only,  there  were,  on  the  militia  rolls,  3570  men,  chiefly 
emigrants  from  the  lower  parts  of  Virginia:  it  fhould,  however, 
be  remembered,  that  this  county  has  fince  been  divided,  and  fub- 
divided.  In  1784  the  number  of  inhabitants  were  reckoned  at 
upwards  of  30,000.  It  is  afferted,  that  at  lead:  20,000  migrated 
herein  the  year  1787.  Thefe  people  are,  in  general,  polite,  hu- 
mane, hofpitable,  and  very  complaifant  \  collected  from  different 
ftates,  of  different  manners,  cuftoms,  religions,  and  political  fen - 
timents,  they  have  not  been  long  enough  together  to  form  a  uni- 
form national  character.  Among  the  fettlers  there  are  many  gen- 
tlemen of  abilities,  and  many  genteel  families,  from  feveral  of 


C   *3    ) 

the  ftates,  who  give  dignity  and  refpeclability  to  the  fettlement. 
They  are,  in  general,  more  regular  than  people  who  ufually  fettle 
in  new  countries. 

Religion.']  The  Anabaptifts  were  the  firft  that  promoted  public 
worlhip  in  Kentucky ;  and  the  Prefbyterians  have  formed  three  large 
congregations  near  Harrod's  Station,  and  have  engaged  the  Rev. 
David  Rice  of  Virginia  to  be  their  pallor.  At  Lexington,  35 
miles  from  thefe,  they  have  formed  another  large  congregation, 
and  invited  the  Rev.  Mr.  Rankin  of  Virginia  to  undertake  that 
charge  among  them.  At  prefent  there  are  no  other  religious  fo- 
cieties  formed,  although  feveral  other  fects  have  numerous  adhe- 
rents ;  but  from  thefe  early  movements  it  is  hoped  that  Kentucky 
will  eminently  fhine  in  learning  and  piety,  which  will  fulfil  the 
wifh  of  every  virtuous  citizen. 

ConJlitution.~\  By  the  conftitution  of  this  ftatc,  formed  and 
adopted  in  1792,  the  powers  of  government  are  divided  into  three 
diftincl  departments,  legiflative,  executive,  and  judiciary.  The 
legillative  power  is  vefted  in  a  general  alfembly,  confiding  of  a 
fenate  and  houfe  of  reprefentatives;  the  fupreme  executive  in  a 
governor  ;  the  judiciary  in  the  fupreme  court  of  appeals,  andfuch 
inferior  courts  as  the  legislature  may  eltablifh.  The  reprefenta- 
tives are  chofen  annually  by  the  people;  the  fenators  and  governor 
are  chofen  for  four  years,  by  electors  appointed  for  that  purpofe  ; 
the  judges  are  appointed  during  good  behaviour  by  the  governor, 
with  advice  of  the  fenate.  An  enumeration  of  the  free  male  inha- 
bitants, above  twenty -one  years  old,  is  to  be  made  once  in  four 
years ;  after  each  enumeration,  the  number  of  fenators  and  re- 
prefentatives is  to  be  fixed  by  the  legiflature,  and  apportioned  among 
the  feveral  counties,  according,  to  the  number  of  inhabitants : 
there  can  never  be  fewer  than  forty,  nor  more  than  one  hundred 
reprefentatives.  The  fenate  at  firftconfifted  of  eleven  members, 
and  for  the  addition  of  every  four  reprefentatives,  one  fenator  is 
to  be  added.  The  reprefentatives  muft  be  twenty-four  years  old, 
the  fenators  twenty-feven,  the  governor  thirty,  and  all  of  them 
muft  have  been  inhabitants  of  the  ftate  two  years  ;  the  governor 
can  hold  no  other  office  ;  the  members  of  the  general  affembly 
none  but  thofe  of  attorney  at  law,  juftice  of  the  peace,  coroner, 
and  in  the  militia.  The  judges,  and  all  other  officers,  muft  be  in- 
habitants of  the  counties  for  which  they  are  appointed.  The 
governor,  members  of  the  general  alfembly,  and  judges,  receive 
Hated  falaries  out  of  the  public  treafury,  from  which  no  money 
can  be  drawn,  but  in  confequence  of  appropriation  by-  law.  All 
officers  take  an  oath  of  fidelity  to  difcharge  the  duties  of  their  of- 
fices, and  are  liable  to  impeachment  for  mifconduct.  Elective 
officers  muft  fvvear  that  they  have  not  ufed  bribery  in  obtaining 
their  elections.  All  free  male  citizens,  twenty-one  years  old, 
having  refided  in  the  ftate  two  years,  or  in  the  county  where  they 


(   n  ) 

offer  to  \*ote,  one  year,  have  a  right  to  vote  for  reprefentatives, 
and  for  eleftors  of  fenators  and  governor  ;  and  are  privileged  from 
arreft  in  civil  a&ions,  while  attending  that  bufinefs.  The  ge- 
neral alTembly  meets  on  the  firrt  Monday  in  November  in  each 
year,  unlefs  fooner  convened  by  the  governor.  Each  houfe 
choofes  its  fpeakcr,  and  other  officers,  and  judges  of  the  qualifica- 
tions of  its  members,  and  determines  the  rules  of  its  proceedings, 
of  which  a  journal  is  kept  and  publifhed  weekly,  unlefs  fecrecy 
be  requifite  :  the  doors  of  both  houfes  are  kept  open.  The  mem- 
bers of  the  legislature,  while  attending  the  public  bufinefs,  are 
privileged  from  arrefts  in  civil  actions,  and  may  not  be  queftioned 
elfewhere  for  any  thing  faid  in  public  debate.  Impeachments  are 
made  by  the  lower  houfe,  and  tried  by  the  upper.  AH  revenue 
bills  originate  in  the  houfe  of  reprefentatives,  and  are  amenable 
by  the  fenate  like  other  bills.  Each  bill  palled  by  both  houfes  is 
prefented  to  the  governor,  who  muft  fign  it  if  he  approve  it  ;  if 
not,  he  muft  return  it  within  ten  days  to  the  houfe  in  which  it 
originated  ;  if  it  be  not  returned,  Or  if,  when  returned,  it  be  re- 
paired by  two  thirds  of  both  houfes,  it  is  a  law  without  his  figna- 
ture.  The  governor  has  power  to  appoint  molt  of  the  executive 
offices  of  the  irate ;  to  remit  fines  and  forfeitures,  and  grant  re- 
prieves and  pardons,  except  in  cafes  of  impeachment ;  to  require 
information  from  executive  officers  ;  to  convene  the  general  af- 
fembly on  extraordinary  occafions,  and  adjourn  them  in  cafe  they 
cannot  agree  on  the  time  themfelves.  He  muft  inform  the  legif- 
lature of  the  ftate  of  the  commonwealth,  recommend  to  them 
fuch  meafures  as  he  mall  judge  expedient,  and  fee  that  the  laws 
are  faithfully  executed.  The  fpeaker  of  the  fenate  exercifes  the 
office  of  governor  in  the  cafe  of  vacancy.  The  legit] ature  has 
power  to  forbid  the  farther  importation  of  ilaves,  but  not  to  eman- 
cipate thofe  already  in  the  ftate  without  the  confent  of  the  owner, 
or  paying  an  equivalent.  Treafon  againft  the  commonwealth 
oonlifts  only  in  levying  war  againft  it,  or  in  adhering  to  its  ene- 
mies, giving  them  aid  and  comfort.  The  declaration  of  rights 
atTerts  the  civil  equality  of  all ;  their  right  to  alter  the  govern- 
ment at  any  time;  liberty  of  confeience  ;  freedom  of  elections 
and  of  the  prefs  ;  trial  by  jury;  the  fubordination  of  the  military 
to  the  civil  power  ;  the  rights  of  criminals  to  be  heard  in  their 
own  defence  ;  the  right  of  the  people  to  petition  for  the  redrefs  of 
grievances,  to  bear  arms,  and  to  emigrate  from  the  ftate  :  it  pro- 
hibits unreasonable  fearches  and  feizures ;  exceflive  bail;  con- 
finement of  debtors,  unlefs  there  be  prefumption  of  fraud  ;  fuf- 
penlion  of  habeas  corpus  writ,  unlefs  in  rebellion  or  invafion  ;  ex 
pjl  facia  laws  ;  attainder  by  the  legiflature  ;  (landing  armies  ; 
.titles  of  nobility  and  hereditary  diftinition. 

Literature   and  Improvements.']     The    legiflature    of  Virginia, 
while  Kentucky  belonged  to  that  ftate,  made  provifion  for  a  col-- 


(    *5    ) 

lege  in  it,  and  endowed  it  with  very  confiderable  landed  funds. 
The  Rev.  John  Todd  gave  a  very  handfome  library  for  its  ufe. 
Schools  are  eftabliflied  in  the  feveral  towns,  and  are,  in  general, 
regularly  and  handfomely  fupported  :  they  have  a  printing  office, 
and  publifh  a  weekly  gazette  :  they  have  erected  a  paper  mill,  an 
oil  mill,  fulling  mills,  faw  mills,  and  a  great  number  of  valuable 
grift  mills.  Their  fait  works  are  more  than  fufficient  to  fupply 
all  their  inhabitants  at  a  low  price.  They  make  confiderable 
quantities  of  fugar  from  the  fugar  trees.  Labourers,  particularly 
tradefmen,  are  exceedingly  wanted  here. 

CurioJities.~]  Amongft  the  natural  curiofities  of  this  country, 
the  winding  banks,  or  rather  precipices  of  Kentucky  and  Dick's 
rivers,  deferve  the  firff.  place.  The  aftonifhed  eye  there  beholds 
almoft  every  where  three  or  four  hundred  feet  of  a  folid  perpendi- 
cular limeftone  rock  ;  ■  in  fome  parts  a  fine  white  marble,  either 
curioufly  arched,  pillared,  or  blocked  up  into  fine  building  {tones. 
Thefe  precipices,  as  was  obferved  before,  are  like  the  fides  of  a 
deep  trench  or  canal  ;  the  land  above  being  level,  except  where 
creeks  fet  in,  and  crowned  with  fine  groves  of  red  cedar.  It  is 
Only  at  particular  places  that  this  river  can  be  crofTed,  one  of 
which  is  worthy  of  admiration,  a  great  road  large  enough  for 
waggons  made  by  buffaloes,  floping  with  an  eafy  defcent  from  the 
top  to  the  bottom  of  a  very  large  fleep  hill,  at  or  near  the  river 
above  Lees  town. 

Caves  are  found  in  this  country  amazingly  large,  in  fome  of 
which  you  may  travel  feveral  miles  under  a  limeftone  rock,  fup- 
ported by  curious  arches  and  pillars  :  in  moil:  of  them  runs  a 
itream  of  water. 

Near  the  head  of  Salt  river  a  fubterranean  lake  or  large  pond  has 
lately  been  difcovered.  Col.  Bowman  fays,  that  he  and  a  com- 
panion travelled  in  one  four  hours,  till  he  luckily  came  to  the 
mouth  again.  The  fame  gentleman  mentions  another  which  ope- 
rates like  an  air  furnace,  and  contains  much  fulphur  :  an  ad- 
venturer in  any  of  thefe'  will  have  a  perfect  idea  of  primeval 

There  appear  to  be  great  natural  (lores  of  fulphur  and  fait  in 
this  country.  A  fpring  at  Boonfburrow  conftantly  emits  fulphu- 
reous  particles,  and  near  the  fame  place  is  a  fait  fpring.  1  here 
is  another  fulphureous  fpring  upon  Four  Mile  creek,  a  third 
upon  Green  river,  and  many  others  in  different  places,  abounding 
with  that  ufeful  mineral. 

There  are  three  fprings  or  ponds  of  bitumen  near  Green  river, 
which  do  not  form  a  ftream,  but  difgorge  themfelves  into  a  com- 
mon refervoir,  and  when  ufed  in  lamps,  anfvver  all  the  purpofes 
of  the  fined  oil. 

D  There 

(     26    ) 

There  are  different  places  abounding  with  copperas,  eafily  pro- 
cured, and  in  its  prefent  impure  flate  lufficient  for  the  inhabitants  ; 
and  when  refined,  equal  to  any  in  the  world. 

There  is  an  allum  bank  on  the  fouth  fide  of  Cumberland'river, 
fituated  at  the  bottom  of  a  cliffof  rocks  projecting  over  it.  In  its 
prefent  (fate  it  has  the  appearance,  and  pofTetTes  the  virtues  of  that 
mineral,  and  when  purified  is  a  beautiful  allum. 

Many  fine  fait  fprings,  whofe  places  appear  in  the  map,  con- 
ftantly  emit  water,  which  being  manufactured,  affords  great 
quantities  of  fine  fait.  At  prefent  there  is  but  one,  called  Bullet's 
Lickj  improved,  and  this  affords  fait  lufficient  for  all  Kentucky,  and 
exports  fome  to  the  Illinois.  Salt  fells  at  prefent  for  twenty  mil- 
lings per  bufhel  ;  but  as  fome  other  fprings  are  beginning  to  be 
worked,  no  doubt  that  neceffary  article  will  foon  be  much  cheaper. 
Drennen's  Lick,  the  Big-bone,  and  the  Blue  Licks,  fend  forth 
ftreams  of  fait  water.  The  Nob  Lick,  and  many  others,  do  not 
produce  water,  but  confift  of  clay  mixed  with  fait  particles  :  to 
thefe  the  cattle  repair,  and  reduce  high  hills  rather  to  valleys  than 
plains.  The  amazing  herds  of  buffaloes  which  refort  thither,  by 
their  (izeand  number,  fill  the  traveller  with  amazement  and  terror, 
efpccially  when  he  beholds  the  prodigious  roads  that  they  have 
made  from  all  quarters,  as  if  leading  to  fome  populous  city  ;  the 
vaft  fpace  of  land  around  thefe  fprings  defolated  as  by  a  ravaging 
enemy,  and  hills  reduced  to  plains  ;  for  the  land  near  thofe  fprings 
are  chiefly  hilly:  thefe  are  truly  curiofities,  and  the  eye  can  fcarcely 
be  fatisfied  with  admiring  them. 

A  medicinal  fpring  is  found  near  the  Big-bone  Lick,  which 
has  perfectly  cured  the  itch  by  once  bathing,  and  experience  in 
lime  may  difcover  in  it  other  virtues.  There  is  another  of  like 
Tiature  near  Drennen's  Lick. 

Near  Lexington  are  to  be  feen  curious  fepulchres,  full  of  hu- 
man fkeletons,  which  are  thus  fabricated  :  firft,  on  the  ground 
are  laid  large  broad  (tones,  on  thefe  are  placed  the  bodies,  fepa- 
rited  from  each  other  by  broad  (tones,  covered  with  others,  which 
ierve  as  a  bafjs  fqr  the  next  arrangement  of  bodies.  In  this  order 
they  are  built,  without  mortar,  growing  (fill  narrower  to  the 
height  of  a  man.  This  method  of  burying  appears  to  be  totally 
different  from  that  now  practifed  by  the  Indians.  For  our  con- 
jecture on  this  fubject  we  beg  leave  to  refer  to  Appendix,  No.  3. 
'At  a  fait  fpring  near  Ohio  rft'er,  very  large  bones  are  found,  far 
furpaiiing  the  (ize  of  any  fpecies  of  animals  now  in  America.  The 
head  appears  10  have  been  about  three  feet  long,  the  ribs  feven, 
and  the  thigh  bones  about  four  ;  one  of  which  is  repofited  in  the 
library  of  Philadelphia,  and  faid  to  weigh  feventy-eight  pounds. 
The  tuiks  are  above  a  foot  in  length,  the  grinders  about  five 
inches  fquare,  and  eight  inches  lQng.  Thefe  bones  have  equally 
excited  the  amazement  of  the  ignorant,  and  attracted  the  attention 

1  of 

r  27  > 

fcf  the  philofopher.     Specimens  of  them  have  been  fen t  both  t<J. 
France  and  England,  where  they  have  been   examined  with  the 
greateft  diligence,  and  found  upon  comparifon  to  be  remains  of 
the  fame  fpecies  of  animals  that  produced  thofe  other  foflii  bones 
which   have  been  difcovered  in  Tartary,  Chili,  ana  feveral  other 
places,  both  of  the  old  and  new  continent.     What  animal  this  is, 
anil  by  what  means  its  ruins  are  found  in  regions  fo  widely"  dif- 
ferent, and  where  none  fuch  exifts  at  prelent,  is  a  queftion  of 
more  difficult  decifion.     The  ignorant   and  fuperftitious  Tartars 
attribute  them  to  a  creature  whom  they  call  matmon,  v\ho>  they 
fay,  ufually  refides  at  the  bottom  of  the  rivers,  and  of  whom  they 
relate  many  marvellous  dories  ;  but  as  this  is  an  affertion  totally 
diverted  of  proof,  and  even  of  probability,  it  has  juftly  been  re* 
jedted  by  the  learned  ;  and  on  the  other  hand  it  is  certain,  that 
no  fuch  amphibious  quadruped  exifts   in  our  American  waters  : 
the  bones  themfelves  bear  a  great  refemblance  to  thofe  of  the  ele- 
phant ;    there   is   no  other  terreltrial  animal   now   known  large 
enough  to  produce  them.     The  tufks  with  which  they  are  equally 
furnimed,  equally  produce  true  ivory.  Thefe  external  refembiances 
have  generally  made  fuperficial  obfervers  conclude,  that  they  could 
belong  to  no  other  than  that  prince  of  quadrupeds  ;  and  when  they 
tirft  drew  the  attention  of  the  world,  philosophers  feem  to  have 
fubfcribed  to  the  fame  opinion.     But  if  fo,  whence  is  it  that  the 
whole  fpecies  has  difappeared  from  America  ?  An  animal  fo  labo- 
rious and  fo  docile,  that  the  induftry  of  the  Peruvians,  which  re- 
duced to  fervitude,  and  fubjedled  to  education,  fpecies  fo  valtly  in- 
ferior in  thofe  qualities,  as  the  llama  and  the  paca,  could  never 
have  overlooked  the  elephant,  if  he  had  been  to  be  found  in  their 
country.     Whence  is  it  that  thefe  bones  are  found  in  climates 
"where  the  elephant,  a  native  of  the  torrid  zone,  cannot  even  fub- 
fift  in  his  wild  ftate,  and   in>a  ftate  of  fervitude  will  not  propa^ 
gate  ?  Thefe  are  difficulties   fufficient  to  ftagger  credulity  itfelf* 
and  at  length  produced  the  inquiries  of  Dr.  Hunter.     That  cele- 
brated anatomift  having  procured  fpecimens  from  the  Ohio,  ex- 
amined them  with  that  accuracy  for  which  he  is  fo  much  diftin- 
guifhed.       He  difcovered  a  confiderable  difference  between  the 
ihape  and  ftrudture  of  the  bones,  and  thofe  of*  the  elephant :  he 
obfervedfrom  the  form  of  the  teeth,  that  they  muft  have  belonged 
to  a  carnivorous  animal  s,  whereas  the  habits  of  the  elephant  are 
foreign  to  fuch  fuftenance,  and  his  jaws  are  totally  unprovided 
with  the  teeth  neceflary  for  its  ufe  %  and  from  the  whole  he  con- 
cluded to  the  fatisfacxion  of  naturalifts,  that  thefe  bones  belonged 
to  a  quadruped  now  unknown,  and  whofe  race  is  probably  extinct, 
tinlefs  it  may  be  found  in  the  extenfive  continent  of  New  Holland, 
whofe  recedes  haVe  not  yet  been  pervaded  by  the  curiofity  or  avi- 
dity of  civilized  men.     Can  then  fo  great  a  link  have  perifhed 
From  the  chain  of  nature  ?  Happy  we  that  it  has.  How  formidable 
D  2  aa 

(    *8     ) 

an  enemy  to  the  human  fpecies,  an  animal  as  large  as  the  ele- 
phant, the  tyrant  of  the  forefts,  perhaps  the  devourer  of  man ! 
Nations,  fuch  as  the  Indians,  muff,  have  been  in  perpetual  alarm. 
The  animofities  among  the  various  tribes  muft  have  been  fuf- 
|>ended  till  the  common  enemy,  who  threatened  the  very  exiftence 
of  all,  ihould  be  extirpated.  To  this  circumftance  we  are  pro- 
bably indebted  for  a  fact,  which  is  perhaps  fingular  in  its  kind, 
the  extinction  of  a  whole  race  of  animals  from  the  fyftem  of 

Rights  of  land. J  The  proprietors  of  the  Kentucky  lands  ob- 
tain their  patents  from  Virginia,  and  their  rights  are*  of  three 
kinds,  viz.  thofe  which  arife  from  military  fervice,  from  fettle- 
ment  and  pre-emption,  or  from  warrants  from  the  treafury.  The 
military  rights  are  held  by  officers,  or  their  reprefentatiyes,  as  a 
jeward  for  fervices  doneinbne  of  the  two  laft  wars.  The  fettle- 
snent  and  pre-emption  rights  arife  from  occupation.  Every  man 
who  before  March  1780,  had  remained  in  the  country  one  year, 
or  faifed  a  crop  of  corn,  was  allowed  to  have  a  fettlemeht  of  four 
hundred  acres,  and  a  pre-emption  adjoining  it  of  one  thoufand 
acres.  Every  man  who  had  only  built  a  cabbin,  or  made  any 
improvement  by  himfelf  or  others,  was  entitled  to  a  pre-emption 
<sf  one  thoufand  acres  where  fuch  improvement  was  made. 

In  March  1780,  the  fettlement  and  pre-emption  rights  ceafed^ 
and  treafury  warrant's  were  afterwards  ifTued,  authorifing  their 
-poflelior  to  locate  the  quantity  of  land  mentioned  in  them,  where- 
cver  it  could  be  found  vacant  in  Virginia. 

The  mode  of  procedure  in  thefe  affairs  maybe  inftruclive  to  the 
reader.  After  the  entry  is  made  in  the  land  office,  there  being 
one  in  each  county,  the  perfon  making  the  entry  takes  out  a  copy 
«f  the  location,  and  proceeds  to  furvey  when  he  pleafes.  The 
plot  and  certificate  of  fuch  furvey  mult  be  returned  to  the  office 
within  three  months  after  the  furvey  is  made,  there  to  be  recorded ; 
and  a  copy  of  the  record  mnft  be  taken  out  in  twelve  months  alter 
the  return  of  the  furvey,  and  produced  to  the  afhftant  regifter  of 
the  land-office  in  Kentucky,  where  it  muft  lie  fix  months,  that 
prior  locators  may  have  time  and  opportunity  to  enter  a  caveat, 
and  prove  their  better  right.  If  no  caveat  is  entered  in  that  time, 
the  plot  and  certificate  are  fent  to  the  land-office  at  Richmond  in 
Virginia,  and  three  months  more  are  allowed  to  have  the  patent 
returned  to  the  owner. 

The  validity  of  the  right  of  Virginia  to  this  extenfive  weftem 
territory  has  been  difputed  by  fome,  but  without  reafon.  The 
weftern  boundary  of  that  ftate,  by  charter,  reilricted  by  the  treaty 
of  Paris  in  1763,  is  fixed  upon  the  Ohio  river  :  me  has  purchafed 
ihe  foil  from  the  Indians,  has  firft  fettled  it,  and  eftablifhed 
wholefome  laws  for  the  regulation  and  government  of  the  inhabi- 

(    *9    ) 

iants,  and  therefore  we  conclude,  that  the  right  of  Virginia  to 
Kentucky  is  as  permanent  as  the  independence  of  America. 
'  Trade  of  Kentucky  J\  A  convenient  fituation  for  commerce  is 
the  grand  hinge  upon  which  the  population,  riches,  and  happinefs 
of  every  country  depends.  I  believe  many  conceive  the  fituation 
of  Kentucky  to  be  unfavourable  in  this  refpect.  I  confefs  when 
I  firft  vifited  this  country,  I  was  of  the  opinion  of  other  mifin- 
formed  men,  that  the  beft  channel  was  from  Philadelphia  or  Balti- 
more, by  the  way  of  Pittfburg,*  and  from  thence  down  the  Ohio  ; 
and  upon  account  of  the  difficulties  and  expences  attending  this 
route,  for  which  there  is  no  remedy,  that  goods  would  ever  be 
dear.  This  opinion  I  have  fince  reprobated,  as  the  effe&  of  igno- 
rance of  the  trade  up  the  Miffiffippi  from  New  Orleans,  or  Mant- 
chac,  at  the  river  or  gut  Iberville. 

Thofe  who  are  acquainted  with  America,  know  the  Mifliilippi 
and  Ohio  rivers  to  be  the  key  to  the  northern  parts  of  the  wellem 
continent.  Thefe  are  the  principal  channels  through  which  that 
extenfive  region,  bathed  by  their  waters,  and  enriched  by  the  many 
ftreams  they  receive,  communicate  with  the  fea,  and  may  truly 
be  confidered  as  the  great  patfage  made  by  the  hand  of  nature  for 
a  variety  of  valuable  purpofes,  and  principally  to  promote  the 
happinefs  and  benefit  of  mankind  ;  among!*  which,  the  convey- 
ance of  the  produce  of  that  immenfe  and  fertile  country  lying 
weftward  of  the  United  States  is  not  the  leaft.  A  fhort  defcrip- 
tion  of  thefe  rivers,  and  fome  others  flowing  into  them,  are  ob- 
jects fubmitted  to  the  reader's  attention,  in  order  to  form  a  juft 
idea  of  the  favourable  commercial  circumftances  of  that  important 

The  Ohio  river  begins  at  Pittfburg,  320  miles  weft  of  Phila- 
delphia, being  there  formed  by  the  jundion  of  Alleghany  and 
Monangehela  rivers,  and  running  a  winding  courfe  of  fouth  6o° 
weft,  falls  into  the  Miififfippi  1074  miles  by  the  meanders  of  the 
river  below  Pittfburg.  The  only  obftru&ionto  navigation  on  this 
river  are  the  Rapids,  as  defcribed  before  under  the  defcription  of 
the  Kentucky  rivers  ;  but  they  are  palled  in  fafety  when  the  Areata 
is  high. 

The  mod  remarkable  branches  eompofing  the  head  waters  of 
Ohio,  are  Redftone  creek,  Cheat  river,-  and  YochiaghaRy. 
Thefe  waters  are  navigable  to  a  confiderable  diftance  above  Pittf- 
burg, from  November  until  June,  and  the  Ohio  a  month  longer  i 
but  from  great  Kenhawa,  which  is  one  hundred  and  ninety-fix 
miles  and  a  half  below  Pittfburg,  the  ftream  is  navigable  molt  of 
the  year.  Down  this  river  great  quantities  of  goods  are  brought, 
and  fome  are  conveyed  up   the  Kentucky  rivers,  others  on  horfe* 

*  From  Philadelphia  to  Pittfburg  is  a  land  carriage  of  330  miles,  from 
Baltimore  *S». 


(    3°    ) 

back  or  in  waggons  to  the  fettled  parts,  and  fold  on  an  average  at 
one  hundred  pounds  per  cent,  advance. 

The  current  of  the  Ohio  defcends  about  two  miles  an  hour  in 
autumn,  and  when  the  waters  are  high,  about  five  miles.  Thofe 
of  the  Kentucky  rivers  are  much  the  fame,  and  without  rapids, 
and  are  of  immenfe  value  to  the  country,  affording  fifli  and  fowl, 
and  tranfportation  of  the  produce  of  the  country  to  the  bed  market. 
Thefe  rivers  increafe  the  Ohio  more  in  depth  than  breadth.  At 
its  mouth  it  is  not  more  than  one  mile  and  a  half  in  width,  and 
enters  the  Miftiffippi  in  a  fouth-weft  direction  with  a  flow  cur- 
rent and  a  fine  channel.  This  great  river,  at  the  junction  with  the 
Ohio,  runs  in  a  fouth-eaft  direction,  and  afterwards  in  a  fouth- 
weft,  having  been  a  little  before  joined  by  a  greater  river  called 
Miffouri,*  which  runs  in  an  eaftward  direction  through  Louifiana, 
and  afterwards  communicates  to  the  MiilifTippi-f  its  own  muddy 
and  majeftic  appearance.  From  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio  to  New 
Orleans,  a  diftance  not  exceeding  460  miles  in  a  ftraight  line,  is 
about  856  by  water.  The  depth  is,  in  common,  eight  or  ten  fa- 
thoms, until  you  approach  its  mouth,  which  empties  itfelf  by  fe- 
veral  channels  into  the  gulph  of  Mexico.  Here  the  navigation  is 
dangerous,  on  account  of  the  many  iflands,  fand  bars,  and  logs 
interfperfed  in  its  mouth,  which  is  about  twenty  miles  wide  :- 
thisdifadvantage  may  be  remedied  almoft  in  the  fame  manner  that 
the  ftream  was  difconcerted.  The  conflict  between  the  fea  and 
this  mighty  river,  which  brings  down  with  its  ftream  great  num- 
bers of  trees,  mud,  leaves,  &c.  caufes  them  to  fubfide  and  form 
ihoals.  One  of  thefe  trees,  flopped  by  its  roots  or  branches,  will 
foon  be  joined  by  thoufands  more,  and  fo  fixed,  that  no  hu- 
man force  is  able  to  remove  them.  In  time  they  are  confolidated, 
every  flood  adds  another  layer  to  their  height,  forming  iflands* 
which  at  length  are  covered  with  fhrubs,  grafs,  and  cane,  and 
forcibly  fhift  the  bed  of  the  riven  In  this  manner  we  fuppofe 
moft  of  the  country  on  each  fide  of  the  Miffiffippi  below  the  Iber^ 
ville  to  have  been  formed  by  iflands  uniting  to  iflands,  which,  in 
a  fucceffion  of  time,  have  greatly  encroached  on  the  fea,  and  pro- 
duced an  extenfive  tract  of  country.  If  fome  of  the  floating 
timber  at  the  mouths  of  this  river  were  moved  into  fome  of  the 
channels,  numbers  more  would  incorporate  with  them  ;  and  the 
current  being  impeded  in  thefe,  the  whole  force  of  the  river 
uniting,  one  important  channel  would  forcibly  be  opened,  and 
fufheiently  cleared  to  admit  of  the  moft  excellent  navigation. 

About  ninety-nine  miles  from  Orleans  is  a  fort,  now  called 
Mantchac  by  the  Spaniards;  formerly  Fort  Bute  by  the  Engliih, 
who  built  it.     Near  this  is  a  large  gut,  formed  by  the  Miffiihppi, 

*  The  Miffouri  is  fuopofedto  be  about  3000  miles  long. 
f  The  Milfiflippi  is  laid  to  be  about  ijoo  miles  long. 


(  »  ) 

on  the  eaft  fide,  called  Iberville  ;  fome  have  dignified  it  with  the 
name  of  river,  when  the  Mifliffippi,  its  fource,  is  high.  This  is 
navigable,  at  moft,  not  above  four  months  in  the  year  for  the  firft 
ten  miles  ;  for  three  miles  farther,  it  is  from  two  to  fix  feet  in 
autumn,  and  from  two  to  four  fathoms  the  remaining  part  of  the 
way  to  lake  Maurepas,  receiving  in  its  courfe  the  river  Amit. 
which  is  navigable  for  batteaux  to  a  confiderable  diftance. 

Lake  Maurepas  is  about  ten  miles  in  length,  and  feven  in 
breadth  ;  and  there  is  a  pafTage  of  feven  miles  between  this  and 
lake  Pontchartrain. 

Lake  Pontchartrain  is  about  forty  miles  long,  twenty-four 
broad,  and  eighteen  feet  deep.  From  this  lake  to  the  fea  the 
channel  is  ten  miles  long,  and  three  hundred  yards  wide,  and  the 
water  deep  enough  to  admit  large  vefTels  through  thefe  lakes,  and 
their  communications.  This  place,  if  attended  to,  might  be  of 
confequence  to  all  the  weftern  country,  and  to  the  commerce 
of  Weft  Florida:  for  it  may  reafonably  be  fuppofed,  that  the  in- 
habitants and  traders  of  the  weftern  country  would  rather  trade  at 
this  place  than  at  New  Orleans,  if  they  could  have  as  good  returns 
for  their  peltry,  and  the  produce  of  their  foil,  as  it  makes  a  confi- 
derable difference  in  their  voyage,  and  faves  labour,  money,  and 
time.  Experience  will  doubtlefs  produce  confiderable  improve- 
ments, and  render  the  navigation  of  the  Miffiflippi,  either  by  thefe 
lakes,  or  New  Orleans,  nearly  as  cheap  as  any  other.  That  the 
Miflillippi  can  anfwer  every  valuable  purpofe  of  trade  and  com- 
merce, is  proved  already  to  a  demonftration  by  experience. 

I  have  realbn  to  believe,  that  the  time  is  not  far  diftant  when 
New  Orleans  will  be  a  great  trading  city,  and  perhaps  another 
will  be  built  near  Mantchac,  at  Iberville,  that  may  in  time  rival 
its  glory. 

A  prodigious  number  of  iflands,  fome  of  which  are  of  great  ex- 
tent, are  interfperfed  in  that  mighty  ri.ver ;  and  the  difficulty  in 
afcending  it  in  the  fpring,  when  the  floods  are  high,  iscompenfated 
by  eddies  or  counter  currents,  which  moftly  run  in  the  bends 
near  the  banks  of  the  river  with  nearly  equal  velocity  againft  the 
ftream,  and  aflift  the  afcending  boats.  This  river  is  rapid  in 
thofe  parts  which  have  clufters  of  iflands,  fhoals,  and  fand  banks  ; 
but  the  rapidity  of  thefe  places  will  be  no  inconvenience  to  the 
newly-invented  mechanical  boats,*  it  being  their  peculiar  property 
to  fail  beft  in  fmart  currents, 

*  This  plan  is  now  in  agitation  in  Virginia,  and  recommended  to  govern- 
ment by  two  gentlemen  of  firft  rate  abilities,  Mr.  Charles  Rumfey,  and 
dodrer  James  M'Macken.  Their  propoials  are,  "  to  conftruct  a  fpecies  of 
"  boat,  of  the  burthen  of  ten  tons,  that  (hail  fail,  or  be  propelled  by  the 
*'  force  of  mechaivcal  powers  thereto  applied,  up  the  ftream  of  a  frefh  water 
11  river  the  diftance  of  between  25  and  40  miles  a  day,  nonvithltanding  the 
«'  velocity  of  the  water  fhould  move,  at  the  rate  of  10  miles  an  hour,  to  be 
i<  wrought  at  no  greater  expence  than  that  of  three  hands." 


(    3*    | 

From- New  Orleans  to  the  Falls  of  Ohio,  batteaux,  carrying 
about  40  tons,  have  been  rowed  by  about  eighteen  or  twenty  men 
in  eight  or  ten  weeks,  which,  -at  the  extent,  will  not  amount  to 
more  than  five  hundred  pounds  expence,  which  experience  has 
proved  to  be  about  one  third  of  that  from  Philadelphia.  It  is 
highly  probably  that  in  time  the  difrance  will  be  exceedingly  fhor- 
tened  by  cutting  acrofs  bends  of  the  river. 

Charlevoix  relates,  that  at  Coupee,  or  Cut  Point,  the  river 
formerly  made  a  great  turn,  and  fome  Canadians,  by  deepening 
the  channel  of  a  fmall  brook,  diverted  the  waters  of  the  river  into 
it.  The  impetuofity  of  the  ftream  was  fo  violent,  and  the  foil  of 
fo  rich  and  loofe  a  quality,  that  in  a  ihort  time  the  point  was  en- 
tirely cut  through,  and  the  old  channel  left  dry,  except  in  inunda- 
tions, by  which  travellers  fave  14  leagues  of  their  voyage.  The 
new  channel  has  been  founded  with  a  line  of  thirty  fathoms,  without 
finding  bottom.  When  the  diftance  is  fhortened,  which  I  believe 
may  readily  be  done,  and  the  mechanical  boats  brought  to  their 
higheft.  improvement,  the  expences  of  a  voyage  from  New 
Orleans  to  the  Falls  of  Ohio  will  be  attended  with  inconfiderablc 
expence.  Now,  we  know  by  experience  that  forty  tons  of  goods, 
cannot  be  taken  to  the  Falls  of  Ohio  from  Philadelphia  ..under  fix- 
teen  hundred  pounds  expence  ;  but  by  improvements  on  the 
Miffiffippi,  with  the  conveniencies  of  thefe  boats,  goods  can  be 
brought  from  New  Orleans  to  the  Falls  for  the  tenth  part  of  that 
expence  ;  and  if  they  are  fold  at  one  hundred  pounds  per  cent, 
now,  when  brought  from  Philadelphia  at  expences  fo  great,  what 
may  the  merchant  afford  to  fell  his  goods  at,  who  brings  them  fo 
much  cheaper  ?  Befides,  the  great  advantages  arifing  from  the 
exporting  of  peltry,  and  country  produce,  which  never  can  be 
conveyed  to  the  eaftern  ports  to  any  advantage.  It  is  evident 
alio  that  the  market  from  which  they  receive  imports,  muft  con- 
fequently  receive  their  exports,  which  is  the  only  return  they  can 
porfibiy  make. 

By  ttating  the  commerce  of  Kentucky  in  its  proper  terms,  we 
find  the  expences  fuch,  that  we  conclude  with  propriety,  that 
that  country  will  be  fupplied  with  goods  as  cheap  as  if  fituated  but 
forty  miles  from  Philadelphia. 

But  perhaps  it  will  be  replied,  New  Orleans  is  in  the  pofTeilion 
of  the  Spaniards,  who,  whenever  they  pleafe,  may  make  ufe  of* 
that  fort,  and  fome  others. they  have  on  the  Mifliifippi,  to  prevent 
the  navigation  and  ruin  the  trade.  The  paffage  through  Iberville 
is  aifo  fubjecl  to  the  Spaniards,  and  befides,  inconvenient ;  that 
flream  continuing  fo  fhort  a  time,  and  in  the  moft  difadvantgeous 

I  grant  it  will  be  abfurd  to  exceed  a  free  navigation  of  the 
Mifliifippi  whilrtthe  Spaniards  are  in  pofTeflion  of  New  Orleans  -. 
to  fuppofe  it,  is  an  idea  calculated  to  impofe  only  upon  the  weak. 


(    33    ) 

They  may  perhaps  trade  with  us  upon  their  own  terms,  while  they 
think  it  confident  with  their  intereft,*  but  no  friendfhip  in  trade 
exifts  when  intereft  expires  ;  therefore,  when  the  weftern  country 
becomes  populous  and  ripe  for  trade,  found  policy  tells  us  the 
Floridas  mull  be  ours  too.  According  to  the  articles  of  the  defi- 
nitive treaty,  we  are  to  have  a  free  and  unmolefted  navigation 
of  the  Miffiifippi  ;  but  experience  teaches  mankind  that  treaties 
are  not  always  to  be  depended  on,  the  mod  folemn  being  broken. 
Hence  we  learn  that  no  one  (hould  put  much  faith  in  any  ftate,  and 
the  trade  and  commerce  of  the  Miilillippi  river  cannot  be  fo  well 
fecured  in  any  other  pofleflion  as  our  own. 

Although  the  Iberville  only  admits  of  a  ihort  and  inconvenient 
navigation,  yet  if  a  commercial  town  were  built  there,  it  would 
be  the  center  of  the  weftern  trade,  and  a  land  carriage  of  ten  or 
twelve  miles  would  be  counted  no  di  fad  vantage  to  the  merchant. 
Nay,  I  doubt  not,  that  in  time  a  canal  will  be  broke  through  the 
gut  of  Iberville,  which  may  divert  the  water  of  MifTiflippi  that 
way','  and  render  it  a  place  of  the  greateft  confecuence  in  America ; 
but  this  important  period  is  referved  for  futurity. 

*  Article  Sth  of  the  late  definitive  treaty,  fays,  the  navigation  of  the 
Miffiifippi  river,  from  its  fource  to  the  ocean,  fliall  for  ever  remain  free  and 
©pen  to  the  fubjedts  of  Great  Britain  and  the  citizens  of  the  United  States. 




"The  Adventures  of  Col.  DANIEL   BOON,  containing  a 
Narrative  of  the  Wars  of  Kentucky. 


URIOSITY  is  natural  to  the  foul  of  man,  and  interefting 
objects  have  a  powerful  influence  on  our  affections.  Let 
thefe  influencing  powers  actuate,  by  the  permiflion  or  difpofal  of 
Providence,  from  feltifh  or  focial  views,  yet  in  time  the  myfte- 
rious  will  of  Heaven  is  unfolded,  and  we  behold  our  conduct;, 
from  whatfoever  motives  excited,  operating  to  anfwer  the  impor- 
tant defigns  of  Heaven.  Thus  we  behold  Kentucky,  lately  an 
howling  wildernefs,  the  habitation  of  favages  and  wild  beads, 
become  a  fruitful  field  ;  this  region,  fo  favourably  diftinguifhed 
by  nature,  now  become  the  habitation  of  civilization,  at  a  period 
unparalleled  in  hiitory,  in  the  midft  of  a  raging  war,  and  under  all 
the  difadvantages  of  emigration  to  a  country  fo  remote  from  the 
inhabited  parts  of  the  continent.  Here,  where  the  hand  of  vio- 
lence med  the  blood  of  the  innocent ;  where  the  horrid  yells  of 
lavages,  and  the  groans  of  the  diftrefled,  founded  in  our  ears,  we 
now  hear  the  praifes  and  adorations  of  our  Creator;  where 
wretched  wigwams  flood,  the  miferable  abodes  of  favages,  we 
behold  the  foundations  of  cities  laid,  that,  in  all  probability,  will 
rival  the  glory  of  the  greatert  upon  earth ;  and  we  view  Kentucky, 
fituated  on  the  fertile  banks  of  the  great  Ohio,  rifing  from  obfcu- 
rity  to  fhine  with  fplendor,  equal  to  any  other  of  the  ftars  of  the 
American  hemifphere. 

The  fettling  of  this  region  well  deferves  a  place  in  hiitory  ; 
moll  of  the  memorable  events  I  have  myfelf  been  exercifed  in  :  and 
for  the  fatisfaction  of  the  public,  will  briefly  relate  the  circum- 
ftances  of  my  adventures,  and  fcenes  of  life,  from  my  firlt  move- 
ment to  this  country  until  this  day. 

It  was  on  the  firft.  of  May,  in  the  year  1769,  that  I  refigned 
my  domefiic  happinefs  for  a  time,  and  left  my  family  and  peace- 
able habitation  on  the  Yadkin  river,  in  North  Carolina,  to  wan- 

(    35    ) 

der  through  the  wildernefs  of  America  in  queft  of  the  country  of  Ken- 
tucky, in  company  with  John  Finley,  John  Stewart,  Jofeph  Hokten, 
James  Monay,  and  William  Cool.  We  proceeded  fuccefsfully, 
and  after  a  long  and  fatiguing  journey  through  a  mountainous 
wildernefs,  in  a  weftward  direction,  on  the  feventh  day  of  June 
following,  we  found  ourfelves  on  Red  river,  where  John  Finley 
had  formerly  been  trading  with  the  Indians,  and,  from  the  top  of 
an  eminence,  faw  with  pleafure  the  beautiful  level  of  Kentucky. 
Here  let  me  obferve,  that  for  fome  time  we  had  experienced  the 
moft  uncomfortable  weather  as  a  prelibation  of  our  future  fuffer- 
ings.  At  this  place  we  encamped,  and  made  a  fhelter  to  defend 
us  from  the  inclement  feafon,  and  began  to  hunt  and  reconnoitre 
the  country.  We  found  every  where  abundance  of  wild  beads  of 
all  forts  through  this  vaft  foreft  ;  the  buffaloes  were  more  frequent 
than  I  have  feen  cattle  in  the  fettlements,  browzing  on  the  leaves 
of  the  cane,  or  cropping  the  herbage  on  thofe  extenfive  plains, 
fearlefs,  becaufe  ignorant  of  the  violence  of  man.  Sometimes  we 
faw  hundreds  in  a  drove,  and  the  numbers  about  the  fait  fprings 
were  amazing.  In  this  foreft  (the  habitation  of  beafts  of  every 
kind  natural  to  America)  we  praciifed  hunting  with  great  fuccefs 
until  the  twenty-fecond  day  of  December  following. 

This  day  John  Stewart  and  I  had  a  pleafing  ramble,  but  for- 
tune changed  the  fcene  in  the  clofe  of  it.  We  had  parted  through 
a  great  foreft  on  which  flood  myriads  of  trees,  fome  gay  with 
bloffoms,  others  with  fruits.  Nature  was  here  a  feries  of  won- 
ders, and  a  fund  of  delight ;  here  ihe  difplayed  her  ingenuity  and 
induftry  in  a  variety  of  flowers  and  fruits,  beautifully  coloured, 
elegantly  fhaped,  and  charmingly  flavoured  ;  and  we  were  di- 
verted with  innumerable  animals  prefenting  themfelves  perpe- 
tually to  our  view.  In  the  decline  of  the  day,  near  Kentucky 
river,  as  we  afcended  the  brow  of  a  fmall  hill,  a  number  of  In- 
dians^rufhed  out  of  a  thick  cane-brake  upon  us,  and  made  us  pri- 
foners.  The  time  of  our  forrow  was  now  arrived,  and  the  fcene 
fully  opened  ;  the  Indians  plundered  us  of  what  we  had,  and  kept 
us  in  confinement  feven  days,  treating  us  with  common  favage 
ufage.  During  this  time  we  difcovered  no  uneafinefs  or  defire  to 
efcape,  which  made  them  lefs  fufpicious  of  us  ;  but  in  the  dead  of 
night,  as  we  lay  in  a  thick  cane-brake  by  a  large  fire,  when  deep 
had  l&cked  up  their  fenfes,  my  lituation  not  difpollng  me  for  reft, 
I  touched  my  companion  and  gently  awoke  him.  We  improved 
this  favourable  opportunity  and  departed,  leaving  them  to  take 
their  reft,  and  fpeedily  directed  our  courfe  towards  our  old  camp, 
but  found  it  plundered,  and  the  company  difperfed  and  gone 
home.  About  this  time  my  brother,  'Squire  Boon,  with  another 
adventurer,  who  came  to  explore  the  country  inertly  after  us,  was 
wandering  through  the  foreft,  determined  to  find  me,  if  poflible, 
and  accidentally  found  our  camp.  Notwithftanding  the  unfortu- 
E  2  nate 

(    36    ) 

nate  circumstances  of  our  company,  and  our  dangerous  fituation, 
asfurrounded  with  hoftile  favages,  our  meeting  fo  fortunately  in 
the  wildernefs  made  us  reciprocally  fenfible  of  the  utmoft  latis- 
faclion.  So  much  does  friendfhip  triumph  over  misfortune,  that 
forrows  and  fufFerings  vanifh  at  the  meeting  not  only  of  real  friends, 
but  of  the  moft.  diftant  acquaintances,  and  fubftitute  happinefs 
in  their  room. 

Soon  after  this,  my  companion  in  captivity,  John  Stewart,  was 
killed  by  the  favages,  and  the  man  that  came  with  my  brother  re- 
turned home  by  himfelf.  We  were  then  in  a  dangerous,  helplefs 
fituation,  expofed  daily  to  perils  and  death  amongft  favages  and 
wild  beads,  not  a  white  man  in  the  country  but  ourfelves. 

Thus  lituated,  many  hundred  miles  from  our  families  in  the 
howling  wildernefs,  I  believe  few  would  have  equally  enjoyed  the 
happinefs  we  experienced.  I  often  obferved  to  my  brother,  "  You 
fee  now  how  little  nature  requires  to  be  fatisfied.  Felicity,  the 
companion  of  content,  is  rather  found  in  our  own  breafts  than  in  the 
enjoyment  of  external  things:  and  I  firmly  believe  it  requires  but  a 
little  philofophy  to  make  a  man  happy  in  whatfoever  ftate  he  is. 
This  confifts  in  a  full  refignation  to  the  will  of  Providence  ;  and  a 
refigned  foul  finds  pleafure  in  a  path  ftrewed  with  briars  and 

We  continued  not  in  a  ftate  of  indolence,  but  hunted  every  day, 
and  prepared  a  little  cottage  to  fhelter  us  from  the  winter  ftorms. 
We  remained  there  undiflurbed  during  the  winter ;  and  on  the 
firft  day  of  May,  1770,  my  brother  returned  home  to  the  fettle- 
ment  by  himfelf,  for  a  new  recruit  of  horfes  and  ammunition, 
leaving  me  by  myfelf,  without  bread,  fait,  or  fugar,  without  com- 
pany of  my  fellow  creatures,  or  even  a  horfe  or  dog.  I  confefs  1 
never  before  was  under  greater  neceility  of  exerciling  philofophy 
and  fortitude.  A  few  days  I  palled  uncomfortably.  The  idea  of 
a  beloved  wife  and  family,  and  their  anxiety  upon  the  account  of 
my  abfence  and  expofed  fituation,  made  fenfible  impreilions  on 
my  heart.  A  thoufand  dreadful  apprehenfions  prefented  them- 
felves  to  my  view,  and  had  undoubtedly  expofed  me  to  melancholy, 
if  further  indulged. 

One  day  I  undertook  a  tour  through  the  country,  and  the  di- 
verlity  and  beauties  of  nature  I  met  with  in  this  charming  feafon, 
expelled  every  gloomy  and  vexatious  thought.  J  u  ft  at  the  clofe  of 
day  the  gentle  gales  retired,  and  left  the  place  to  the  difpofal  of  a 
profound  calm.  Not  a  breeze  ihook  the  moil:  tremulous  leaf.  I 
had  gained  the  fummit  of  a  commanding  ridge,  and,  looking 
round  with  aftonifhing  delight,  beheld  the  ample  plains,  the  beau- 
teous trails  below.  On  the  other  hand,  I  furveyed  the  famous  river 
Ohio  that  rolled  in  filent  dignity,  marking  the  weftern  boundary 
of  Kentucky  with  inconceivable  grandeur.  At  a  vaft  diftance  I 
beheld  the  mountains  lift  their  venerable  brows,  and  penetrate  the 


(  37  ) 
clouds.  All  things  were  ftill.  I  kindled  a  fire  near  a  fountain  of 
fweet  water,  and'feafted  on  the  loin  of  a  buck,  which  a  few  hours 
befcre  I  had  killed.  The  fullen  (hades  of  night  foon  overfpread 
the  whole  hemifphere,  and  the  earth  feemed  to  gafp  after  the  ho- 
vering moifture.  My  roving  excurfions  this  day  had  fatigued  my 
body,  and  diverted  my  imagination.  I  laid  me  down  to  deep, 
and  I  awoke  not  until  the  fun  had  chafed  away  the  night.  I  con- 
tinued this  tour,  and  in  a  few  days  explored  a  confiderafble  part  of 
the  country,  each  day  equally  pleafed  as  the  firft.  I  returned  again 
to  my  old  camp,  which  was  not  difturbed  in  my  abfence.  1  did 
not  confine  my  lodging  to  it,  but  often  repofed  in  thick  cane-brakes, 
to  avoid  the  favages,  who,  I  believe,  often  vifited  my  camp,  but, 
fortunately  for  me,  in  my  abfence.  In  this  fituation  I  was  con- 
ilantly  expofed  to  danger  and  death.  How  unhappy  fuch  a  fitu- 
ation for  a  man  tormented  with  fear,  which  is  vain  if  no  danger 
comes,  and  if  it  does,  only  augments  the  pain.  It  was  my  hap- 
pinefs  to  be  deftitute  of  this  afflicting  paffion,  w^  which  I  had 
the  greateft  reafon  to  be  affected.  The  prowlingvwplves  diverted 
my  nocturnal  hours  with  perpetual  how  lings  ;  and  fheVarious  fpe- 
cies  of  animals  in  this  vaft  foreft,  in  the  day  time^w'ere  conti- 
nually in  my  view.  v>. 

Thus  I  was  furrounded  with  plenty  in  the  midft  or  wanfr.  X 
was  happy  in  the  midit  of  dangers  and  inconveniencies.  In  fuch  a 
diverfity  it  was  impoflible  I  fhould  be  difpofed  to  melancholy.  No 
populous  city,  with  all  the  varieties  of  commerce  and  ftately  ftruc- 
tuces,  could  afford  fo  much  pica fu re  to  my  mind,  as  the  beauties 
of  nature  I  found  here. 

Thus,  through  an  uninterrupted  fcene  of  fylvan  pleafures,  I 
fpent  the  time  until  the  27th  day  of  July  following,  when  my 
brother,  to  my  great  felicity,  met  me,  according  to  appointment, 
at  our  old  camp  ;  fhortly  after,  we  left  this  place,  not  thinking  it 
fafe  to  flay  there  longer,  and  proceeded  to  Cumberland  river,  re- 
connoitring that  part  of  the  country  until  March,  1771,  and 
giving  names  to  the  different  waters. 

Soon  after,  I  returned  home  to  my  family  with  a  determination 
to  bring  them  as  foon  as  polfible  to  live  in  Kentucky,  which  I  ef- 
teemed  a  fecond  paradife,  at  the  rifle  of  my  life  and  fortune. 

I  returned  fafe  to  my  old  habitation,  and  found  my  family  in 
happy  circumftances.  I  fold  my  farm  on  the  Yadkin,  and  what 
goods  we  could  not  carry  with  us  :  and  on  the  twenty-fifth  day  of 
September,  1773,  bade  a  farewel  to  our  friends,  and  proceeded 
on  our  journey  to  Kentucky,  in  company  with  five  families  more, 
and  forty  men  that  joined  us  in  Powel's  valley,  which  is  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  miles  from  the  now  fettled  parts  of  Kentucky.  This 
promifing  beginning  was  foon  overcaft  with  a  cloud  of  adverfity  ; 
for  upon  the  tenth  day  of  October,  the  rear  of  our  company  was 
attacked  by  a  number  of  Indians,  who  killed  fix  and  wounded 

(    3*    ) 

one  man  ;  of  thefe  my  eldeft  fon  was  one  that  fell  in  the  action. 
Though  we  defended  ourfelves,  and  repulfed  the  enemy,  yet  this 
unhappy  affair  fcattered  our  cattle,  brought  us  into  extreme  dif- 
ficulty, and  fo  difcouraged  the  whole  company,  that  we  retreated 
forty  miles,  to  the  fettlement  on  Clench  river.  We  had  paifed 
over  two  mountains,  viz.  Powers  and  Walden's,  and  were  ap- 
proaching Cumberland  mountain  when  this  adverfe  fortune  over- 
took us.  Thefe  mountains  are  in  the  wildernefs,  as  we  pafs  from 
the  old  fettlements  in  Virginia  to  Kentucky,  are  ranged  in  a  fouth- 
weft  and  north-eafi  dire&ion,  are  of  great  length  and  breadth,  and 
not  far  diflant  from  each  other.  Over  thefe,  nature  hath  formed 
paiTes,  that  are  lefs  difficult  than  might  be  expected  from  a  view  of 
fuch  huge  piles.  The  afpect  of  thefe  cliffs  is  fo  wild  and  horrid, 
that  it  is  impoffible  to  behold  them  without  terror.  The  fpectator 
is  apt  to  imagine  that  nature  had  formerly  fuffered  fome  violent 
convulfion  ;  and  that  thefe  are  the  difmembered  remains  of  the 
dreadful  fhock  ;  the  ruins,  not  of  Perfepolis  or  Palmyra,  but  of 
the  world ! 

I  remained  with  my  family  on  Clench  until  the  fixth  of  June, 
1774,  when  I  and  one  Michael  Stoner  were  folicited  by  Governor 
Dunmore,  of  Virginia,  to  go  to  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  to  conduct 
into  the  fettlement  a  number  of  furveyors  that  had  been  fent  thi- 
ther by  him  fome  months  before  ;  this  country  having  about  this 
time  drawn  the  attention  of  many  adventurers.  We  immediately 
complied  with  the  governor's  requeft,  and  conducted  in  the  fur- 
veyors, completeing  a  tour  of  eight  hundred  miles,  through  many 
difficulties,  in  fixty-two  days. 

Soon  after  I  returned  home,  I  was  ordered  to  take  the  command 
of  three  garrifons  during  the  campaign,  which  Governor  Dun- 
more  carried  on  againft  the  Shawanefe  Indians  :  after  the  conclu- 
lion  of  which,  the  militia  was  difcharged  from  each  garrifon,  and 
I  being  relieved  from  my  port,  was  folicited  by  a  number  of  North 
Carolina  gentlemen,  that  were  about  purchafing  the  lands  lying  on 
the  fouth  fide  of  Kentucky  river  from  the  Cherokee  Indians,  to 
attend  their  treaty  at  Wataga,  in  March,  1775,  to  negotiate  with 
them,  and  mention  the  boundaries  of  the  purchafe.  This  I  ac- 
cepted, and,  at  the  requeft  of  the  fame  gentlemen,  undertook  to 
mark  out  a  road  in  the  beft  paffage  from  the  fettlement  through  the 
wildernefs  to  Kentucky,  with  fuch  affiftance  as  I  thought  neceflary 
to  employ  for  fuch  an  important  undertaking. 

I  foon  began  this  work,  having  collected  a  number  of  enter- 
prifing  men  well  armed.  We  proceeded  with  all  pofiible  expedi- 
tion until  we  came  within  fifteen  miles  of  where  Boonfborough 
now  Hands,,  and  where  we  were  fired  upon  by  a  party  of  Indians 
that  killed  two,  and  wounded  two  of  our  number;  yet,  although 
furprifed  and  taken  at  a  difadvantage,  we  flood  our  ground.  This 
was  on  the  twentieth  of  March,  1775*     Three  days  after,  we 


(  39  ) 
were  fired  upon  again,  and  had  two  men  killed,  and  three  wound- 
ed. Afterwards  we  proceeded  on  to  Kentucky  river  without  op<^ 
pofition  ;  and  on  the  firft  day  of  April  began  to  ereel;  the  fort  of 
Boonfborough.  at  a  fait  lick,  about  fixty  yards  from  the  river,  on 
the  fouth  fide. 

On  the  fourth  day  the  Indians  killed  one  of  our  men.  We 
were  bufily  employed  in  building  this  fort,  until  the  fourteenth 
day  of  June  following,  without  any  farther  oppolition  from  the 
Indians:  and  having  finifhed  the  works,  I  returned  to  my  family, 
on  Clench. 

In  a  fhort  time  I  proceeded  to  remove  my  family  from  Clench 
to  this  garrifon ;  where  we  arrived  fafe  without  any  other  dif- 
ficulties than  fuch  as  are  common  to  this  "adage,  my  wife  and 
daughter  being  the  firft  white  women  that  ever  flood  on  the  banks 
of  Kentucky  river. 

On  the  twenty-fourth  day  of  December  following  we  had  one 
man  killed,  and  one  wounded,  by  the  Indians,  who  feemed  de- 
termined to  perfecute  us  for  erecting  this  fortification. 

On  the  fourteenth  day  of  July,  1776,  two  of  Col.  Calaway's 
daughters,  and  one  of  mine,  were  taken  prifoners  near  the  fort. 
I  immediately  purfued  the  Indians,  with  only  eight  men,  and  on 
the  fixteenth  overtook  them,  killed  two  of  the  party,  and  recovered 
the  girls.  The  fame  day  on  which  this  attempt  was  made,  the 
Indians  divided  themfelves  into  different  parties,  and  attacked  fe- 
veral  forts,  which  were  fhortly  before  this  time  ere&ed,  doing  a 
great  deal  of  mifchief.  This  was  extremely  diftreffing  to  the  new 
fettlers.  The  innocent  hufbandman  was  fhot  down,  while  bufy 
cultivating  the  foil  for  his  family's  fupply.  Mofl  of  the  cattle 
around  the  ftations  were  deftroyed.  They  continued  their  hofti- 
iities  in  this  manner  until  the  fifteenth  of  April,  1777,  when  they 
attacked  Boonfborough  with  a  party  of  above  one  hundred  in 
number,  killed  one  man,  and  wounded  four.  Their  lofs  in  this 
attack  was  not  certainly  known  to  us. 

On  the  fourth  day  of  July  following,  a  party  of  about  two 
hundred  Indians  attacked  Boonfborough,  killed  one  man,  and 
wounded  two.  They  befieged  us  forty- eight  hours  ;  during  which 
time  feven  of  them  were  killed,  and  at  laft,  finding  themfelves 
not  likely  to  prevail,  they  raifed  the  liege  and  departed. 

The  Indians  had  difpofed  their  warriors  in  different  parties  at 
this  time,  and  attacked  the  different  garrifons  to  prevent  their 
aflifting  each  other,  and  did  much  injury  to  the  diftrefled  inha- 

On  the  nineteenth  day  of  this  month,  Col.  Logan's  fort  was 
befieged  by  a  party  of  about  two  hundred  Indians.  Dur- 
ing this  dreadful  fiege  they  did  a  great  deal  of  mifchief,  diftrefled 
the  garrifon,  in  which  were  only  fifteen  men,  killed  two,  and 
wounded  one.     The  enemies  lofs  was  uncertain,  from  the  com- 

3  mon 

(    40    ) 

mon  practice  which  the  Indians  have  of  carrying  off  their  dead  in 
time  of  battle.  Col.  Harrod's  fort  was  then  defended  by  only 
flxty-five  men,  and  Boonfborough  by  twenty-two,  there  being  no 
more  forts  or  white  men  in  the  country,  except  at  the  Falls,  a  con- 
fiderable  diftance  from  thefe,  and  all  taken  collectively,  were  but  a 
handful  to  the  numerous  warriors  that  were  every  where  difperfed 
through  the  country,  intent  upon  doing  all  the  mifchief  that  lavage 
barbarity  could  invent.  Thus  we  palled  through  a  fcene  of  fuf- 
ferings  that  exceed  defcription. 

On  the  twenty-fifth  of  this  month  a  reinforcement  of  forty-five 
men  arrived  from  North  Carolina,  and  about  the  twentieth  of 
Auguft  following,  Col.  Bowman  arrived  with  one  hundred  men 
from  Virginia.  Now  we  began  to  (trengthen,  and  from  hence, 
for  the  fpace  of  fix  weeks,  we  had  fidrmiihes  with  Indians,  in  one 
quarter  or  other,  almoft  every  day. 

The  favages  now  learned  the  fuperiority  of  the  long  knife,  as 
they  call  the  Virginians,  by  experience  ;  being  dut-generalled  al- 
moft in  every  battle.  Our  affairs  began  to  wear  a  new  afpect,  and 
the  enemy,  not  daring  to  venture  on  open  war,  practiced  fecret 
mifchief  at  times. 

On  the  firft  day  of  January,  1778,  I  went  with  a  party  of 
thirty  men  to  the  Blue  Licks,  on  Licking  river,  to  make  fait  for  the 
different  garrifons  in  the  country. 

On  the  feventh  day  of  February,  as  I  was  hunting  to  procure 
meat  for  the  company,  I  met  with  a  party  of  one  hundred  and 
two  Indians,  and  two  Frenchmen,  on  tiieir  march  againft  Boonf- 
borough, that  place  being  particularly  the  object  of  the 

They  purfued,  and  took  me  ;  and  brought  me  on  the  eighth  day 
to  the  Licks,  where  twenty-leven  of  my  party  were,  three  of 
them  having  previoufly  returned  home  with  the  fait.  I  knowing 
It  was  impoilible  for  them  to  efcape,  capitulated  with  the  enemy, 
and,  at  a  diftance  in  their  view,  gave  notice  to  my  men  of  their 
Situation,  with  orders  not  to  refill,  but  furrender  themfelves  cap- 
tives.   . 

The  generous  ufage  the  Indians  had  promifed  before  in  my  ca- 
pitulation, was  afterwards  fully  complied  with,  and  we  proceeded 
with  them  as  priloners  to  old  Cheliclothe,  the  principal  Indian 
town,  on  Little  Miami,  wheife  we  arrived,  after  an  uncomfortable 
journey  in  very  fevere  weather,  on  the  eighteenth  day  of  February, 
and  received  as  good  treatment  as  priloners  couid  expect  from  fa- 
vages. On  the  tenth  day  of  March  following,  I  and  ten  of  my 
men  were  conducted  by  forty  Indians  to  Detroit,  where  we  ar- 
rived the  thirtieth  day,  and  were  treated  by  Governor  Hamilton, 
the  Britiih  commander  at  that  poft,  with  great  humanity. 

During  our  travels,  the  Indians  entertained  me  well ;  and  their 
affection  for  me  was  fo  great,  that  they  utterly  refufed  to  leave  me 


(  4i  ) 
there  with  the  others,  although  the  governor  offered  them  oric 
hundred  pounds  fterling  for  me,  on  purpofe  to  give  me  a  parole  to 
go  home.  Several  Englilh  gentlemen  there,  being  fenfible  of  my 
adverfe  fortune,  and  touched  with  human  fympathy,  generoufly 
offered  a  friendly  fupply  for  my  wants,  which  I  refufed,  with  many 
thanks  for  their  kindnefs  ;  adding,  that  I  never  expected  it 
would  be  in  my  power  to  recompence  fuch  unmerited  generofity. 

The  Indians  left  my  men  in  captivity  with  the  Britith  at  De- 
troit, and  on  the  tenth  day  of  April  brought  me  towards  Old 
Chelicothe,  where  we  arrived  on  the  twenty-fifth  day  of  the  fame 
month.  This  was  a  long  and  fatiguing  march,  through  an  ex- 
ceeding fertile  country,  remarkable  for  fine  fprings  and  ftreams 
of  water.  At  Chelicothe  I  fpent  my  time  as  comfortably  as  I 
could  expect  ;  was  adopted,  according  to  their  cuftom,  into  a 
family  where  I  became  a  fon,  and  had  a  great  fhare  in  the  affection 
of  my  new  parents,  brothers,  filters,  and  friends.  I  was  exceedingly 
familiar  and  friendly  with  them,  always  appearing  as  cheerful  and 
fatisfied  as  poffible,  and  they  put  great  confidence  in  me.  I  often 
went  a  hunting  with  them,  and  frequently  gained  their  appplaufe 
for  my  activity  at  our  mooting- matches.  I  was  careful  not  to  ex- 
ceed many  of  them  in  fhooting  ;  for  no  people  are  more  envious 
than  they  in  this  fport.  I  could  obferve,  in  their  countenances  and 
geftures,  the  greateft  expreffions  of  joy  when  they  exceeded  me  j 
and,  when  the  reverfe  happened,  of  envy.  The  Shawanefe  king 
took  great  notice  of  me,  and  treated  me  with  profound  refpect, 
and  entire  friendfhip,  often  entrufting  me  to  hunt  at  my  liberty. 
I  frequently  returned  with  the  fpoils  of  the  woods,  and  as  often 
prefented  fomewhat  of  what  I  had  taken  to  him,  expreffive  of 
duty  to  my  fovereign.  My  food  and  lodging  was,  in  common > 
with  them,  not  fo  good  indeed  as  I  could  defire,  but  neceifity  madt- 
every  thing  acceptable. 

I  now  began  to  meditate  an  efcape,  and  carefully  avoided  their 
Fufpicions,  continuing  with  them  at  Old  Chelicothe  until  the  firfr. 
day  of  June  following,  and  then  was  taken  by  them  to  the  fait 
fprings  on  Sciotha,  and  kept  there,  making  fait,  ten  days.  During 
this  time  I  hunted  fome  for  them,  and  found  the  land,  for  a  gre«.t 
extent  about  this  river,  to  exceed  the  foil  of  Kentucky,  if  pof* 
fible,  and  remarkably  well  watered. 

When  I  returned  to  Chelicothe^  alarmed  to  fee  four  hundred 
and  fifty  Indians,  of  their  choiceft  warrior*,  painted  and  armed 
in  a  fearful  manner,  ready  to  march  againft  Boon^borotigh,  I  de* 
termined  to  efcape  the  firft  opportunity. 

On  the  fixteenth  before  fun-rife,  I  departed  iii  the  rhoft  fecret 
manner,  and  arrived  at  Boonfborough  on  the  twentieth,  after  a 
journey  of  one  hundred  and  lixty  miles  ;  during  which  I  had  but 
one  meal. 

F  I  found 

(    42    ) 

I  found  our  fortrefs  in  a  bad  ftate  of  defence,  but  we  proceeded 
immediately  to  repair  our  flanks,  ftrengthen  our  gates  and  pof- 
terns,  and  form  double  baftions,  which  we  completed  in  ten 
days.  In  this  time  we  daily  expected  the  arrival  of  the  Indian 
army  ;  and  at  length,  one  of  my  fellow  prifoners,  efcaping  from 
them,  arrived,  informing  us  that  the  enemy  had  an  account  of  my 
departure,  and  poftponed  their  expedition  three  weeks.  The  In- 
dians had  fpies  out,  viewing  our  movements,  and  were  greatly 
alarmed  with  our  increafe  in  number  and  fortifications.  The 
grand  councils  of  the  nations  were  held  frequently,  and  with 
more  deliberation  than  ufual.  They  evidently  faw  the  approach- 
ing hour  when  the  long  knife  would  difpoflefs  them  of  their  de- 
finable habitations  ;  and  anxioufly  concerned  for  futurity,  deter- 
mined utterly  to  extirpate  the  whites  out  of  Kentucky.  We  were 
not  intimidated  by  their  movements,  but  frequently  gave  them 
proofs  of  our  courage. 

About  the  firft  of  Auguft,  I  made  an  incurfion  into  the  Indian 
country,  with  a  party  of  nineteen  men,  in  order  to  furprife  a 
fmall  town  up  Sciotha,  called  Paint-creek-town.  We  advanced 
within  four  miles  thereof,  where  we  met  a  party  of  thirty  Indians, 
on  their  march  againft  Boonfborough,  intending  to  join  the  others 
from  Chelicothe.  A  fmart  fight  enfued  betwixt  us  for  fome  time  : 
at  length  the  favages  gave  way,  and  fled.  We  had  no  lofs  on  our 
fide  ;  the  enemy  had  one  killed  and  two  wounded.  We  took  from 
them  three  horfes,  and  all  their  bnggage  ;  and  being  informed,  by 
two  of  our  number  that  went  to  their  town,  that  the  Indians  had 
entirely  evacuated  it,  we  proceeded  no  further,  and  returned  with 
all  pofTible  expedition,  to  aflift  our  garrifon  againft  the  other  party. 
We  patted  by  them  on  the  fixth  day,  and  on  the  feventh  we  arrived 
fafe  at  Boonfborough. 

On  the  eighth,  the  Indian  army  arrived,  being  four  hundred 
and  forty-four  in  number,  commanded  by  Capt.  Duquefne,  eleven 
other  Frenchmen,  and  fome  of  their  own  chiefs  ;  and  marched 
•up  within  view  of  our  fort,  with  Britifh  and  French  colours  fly- 
ing ;  and  having  fent  a  fummons  to  me  in  his  Britannic  Majefty's 
Jiame,  to  furrender  the  fort,  I  requefted  two  days  confideration, 
which  was  granted. 

It  was  now  a  critical  period  with  us.  We  were  a  fmall  num- 
ber in  the  garrifon  :  a  powerful  army  before  our  walls,  whofe  ap- 
pearance proclaimed  inevitable  death,  fearfully  painted,  and 
marking  their  footfteps  with  defolation.  Death  was  preferable  to 
captivity;  and  if  taken  by  florin,  we  muft  inevitably  be  devoted 
to  deftru&ion.  In  this  fituation  we  concluded  to  maintain  our 
garrifon,  if  poffible.  We  immediately  proceeded  to  collect  what 
^re  could  of  our  horfes,  and  other  cattle,  and  bring  them  through 
the  pofterns  into  the  fort:  and  in  the  evening  of  the  ninth,  I 
returned  anfwer,  that  we  were  determined  to  defend   our  fort 


(  43  ; 

a  manwas  living.  "  Now,"  faid  I,  to  their  commander,  who 
flood  attentively  hearing  my  fentiments,  "  we  laugh  at  all  your 
formidable  preparations  :  but  thank  you  for  giving  us  notice  and 
time  to  provide  for  our  defence.  Your  efforts  will  not  prevail ; 
for  our  gates  (hall  for  ever  deny  you  admittance."  Whether  this 
anfwer  affected  their  courage,  or  not,  I  cannot  tell;  but,  contrary 
to  our  expectations,  they  formed  a  fcheme  to  deceive  us,  declaring 
it  was  their  orders,  from  Governor  Hamilton,  to  take  us  captives, 
and  not  to  deftroy  us  ;  but  if  nine  of  us  would  come  out,  and 
treat  with  them,  they  would  immediately  withdraw  their  forces 
from  our  walls,  and  return  home  peaceably.  This  founded  grate- 
ful in  our  ears  ;  and  we  agreed  to  the  propofal. 

We  held  the  treaty  within  fixty  yards  of  the  garrifon,  on  pur- 
pofe  to  divert  them  from  a  breach  of  honour,  as  we  could  not 
avoid  fufpicions  of  the  favages.  In  this  fituation  the  articles  were 
formally  agreed  to,  and  figned  ;  and  the  Indians  told  us  it  was 
cuftomary  with  them,  on  fuch  occafions,  for  two  Indians  to  fhake 
hands  with  every  white-man  in  the  treaty,  as  an  evidence  of  en- 
tire friendfhip.  We  agreed  to  this  alfo,  but  were  foon  convinced 
their  policy  was  to  take  us  prifoners.  They  immediately  grap- 
pled us  ;  but  although  furrounded  by  hundreds  of  favages,  we  ex- 
tricated ourfelves  from  them,  and  efcapedall  fafe  into  the  garrifon, 
except  one  that  was  wounded,  through  a  heavy  fire  from  their 
army.  They  immediately  attacked  us  on  every  fide,  and  a  con- 
ftant  heavy  fire  enfued  between  us  day  and  night  for  the  fpace  of 
nine  days. 

In  this  time  the  enemy  began  to  undermine  our  fort,  which  was 
fituated  fixty  yards  from  Kentucky  river.  They  began  at  the 
water-mark,  and  proceeded  in  the  bank  fome  diftance,  which  we 
underftood  by  their  making  the  water  muddy  with  the  clay  ;  and 
we  immediately  proceeded  to  difappoint  their  defign,  by  cutting  a 
trench  acrofs  their  fubterranean  paffage.  The  enemy  difcovered 
our  counter-mine,  by  the  clay  we  threw  out  of  the  fort,  defifted 
from  that  ftratagem  :  and  experience  now  fully  convinced  them 
that  neither  their  power  nor  policy  could  effect  their  purpofe, 
on  the  twentieth  day  of  Auguft  they  raifed  the  fiege  and  de- 

During  this  dreadful  fiege,  which  threatened  death  in  every 
form,  we  had  two  men  killed,  and  four  wounded,  befidesa  num- 
ber of  cattle.  We  killed  of  the  enemy  thirty-feven,  and  wounded 
a  great  number.  After  they  were  gone  Ave  picked  up  one  hundred 
and  twenty-five  pounds  weight  of  bullets,  befides  what  ftuck  in 
the  logs  of  our  fort ;  which  certainly  is  a  great  proof  of  their  in- 
duflry.  Soon  after  this,  I  went  into  the  fettlement,  and  nothing 
worthy  of  a  place  in  this  account  paired  in  my  affairs  for  fome 

F  2  .  During 

(    44    ) 

During  my  abfenee  from  Kentucky,  Col.  Bowman  carried  on 
an  expedition  againft  the  Shawanefe,  at  Old  Chelicothe,  with 
one  hundred  and  fixty  men,  in  July,  1779.  Here  they  ar- 
rived undifcovered,  and  a  battle  enfued,  which  lafted  until 
ten  o'clock,  A.  M.  when  Col.  Bowman,  finding  he  could  not 
fucceed  at  this  time,  retreated  about  thirty  miles.  The  Indians  in 
the  mean  time,  collecting  all  their  forces,  purfued  and  overtook 
him,  when  a  fmart  fight  continued  near  two  hours,  not  to  the  ad- 
vantage of  Col.  Bowman's  party. 

Col.  Harrod  propofed  to  mount  a  number  of  horfe,  and  furir 
oufiy  to  ru(h  upon  the  favages,  who  at  this  time  fought  with  re- 
markable fury.  This  defperate  ftep  had  a  happy  effect,  broke 
their  line  of  battle,  and  the  favages  fled  on  all  fides.  In  thefe  two 
battles  we  had  nine  killed,  and  one  wounded,  The  enemy's  lofs 
uncertain,  only  two  fcalps  being  taken. 

On  the  twenty-fecond  day  of  June,  1780,  a  large  party  of 
Indians  and  Canadians,  about  fix  hundred  in  number,  com- 
manded by  Col-  Bird,  attacked  Riddle's  and  Martin's  ftations,  at 
the  forks  of  Licking  river,  with  fix  pieces  of  artillery.  They 
carried  this  expedition  fo  fecretly,  that  the  unwary  inhabitants  did 
not  difcover  them,  until  they  fired  upon  the  forts ;  and  not  being 
prepared  to  oppofe  them,  were  obliged  to  furrender  themfelves 
miferable  captives  to  barbarous  favages,  who  immediately  after 
tomahawked  one  man  and  two  women,  and  loaded  all  the  others 
with  heavy  baggage,  forcing  them  along  toward  their  towns,  able 
or  unable  to  march.  Such  as  were  weak  and  faint  by  the  way,  they 
tomahawked.  The  tender  women  and  helplefs  children  fell  victims 
to  their  cruelty,  This,  and  the  favage  treatment  they  received 
afterwards,  is  fhocking  to  humanity,  ana  too  barbarous  to  re- 

The  hoftile  difpofition  of  the  favages,  and  their  allies,  caufed 
General  Clark,  the  commandant  of  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  imme- 
diately to  begin  an  expedition  with  his  own  regiment,  and  the 
armed  force  of  the  country,  againft  Pecaway,  the  principal  town 
of  the  Shawanefe,  on  a  branch  of  Great  Miami,  which  he 
finifhed  with  great  fuccefs,  took  feventeen  fcalps,  and  burnt  the 
town  to  afhes,  with  the  lofs  of  feventeen  men. 

About  this  time  I  returned  to  Kentucky  with  my  family  ;  and 
here,  to  avoid  an  inquiry  into  my  conduct:,  the  reader  being  be- 
fore informed  of  my  bringing  my  family  to  Kentucky,  I  am 
under  the  neceifity  of  informing  him  that,  during  my  captivity 
with  the  Indians,  my  wife,  who  defpaired  of  ever  feeing  me 
again,  expecting  the  Indians  had  put  a  period  to  my  life,  op- 
prefied  with  the  diftreffes  of  the  country,  and  bereaved  of  me, 
her  only  happinefs,  had,  before  I  returned,  tranfported  my  fa- 
mily and  goods,  on  horfes,  through  the  wildernefs,  amidft  a  mul- 
titude of  dangers,  to  her  father's  "houfe.  in  North-Carolina. 


(    45    ) 

Shortly  after  the  troubles  at  Boonfborough,  I  went  to  them, 
and  lived  there  peaceably  until  this  time.  The  hiftory  of  my  go- 
ing home,  and  returning  with  my  family,  forms  a  feries  of  diffi- 
culties, an  account  of  which  would  fwell  a  volume,  and  being  fo- 
reign to  my  purpofe,  I  fhall  purpofely  omit  them. 

I  fettled  my  family  in  Boonfborough  once  more,  and  fhortly 
after,  on  the  fixth  day  of  O&ober,  1780,  I  went  in  company 
with  my  brother  to  the  Blue  Licks,  and,  on  our  return  home, 
we  were  fired  upon  by  a  party  of  Indians  ;  they  fhot  him,  and 
purfued  me,  by  the  fcent  of  their  dog,  three  miles,  but  I  killed  the 
dog,  and  efcaped.  The  winter  foon  came  on,  and  was  very  fe- 
vere,  which  confined  the  Indians  to  their  wigwams. 

The  feverity  of  this  winter  caufed  great  difficulties  in  Ken- 
tucky. The  enemy  had  deftroyed  mod  of  the  corn  the  fummer 
before  ;  this  neceffary  article  was  fcarce  and  dear,  and  the  inhabi- 
tants lived  chiefly  on  the  flefh  of  buffaloes.  The  circumftances 
of  many  were  lamentable  ;  however,  being  a  hardy  race  of  peo- 
ple, and  accuftomed  to  difficulties  and  neceflities,  they  were  won- 
derfully fupported  through  all  their  fufferings,  until  the  enfuing 
fall,  when  we  received  abundance  from  the  fertile  foil. 

Towards  fpring  we  were  frequently  harrafled  by  Indians,  and 
in  May,  1782,  a  party  afTaulted  Afhton's  ftation,  killed  one 
man,  and  took  a  negro  prifoner.  Captain  Afhton,  with  twenty- 
five  men,  purfued,  and  overtook  the  favages,  and  a  fmart  fight 
enfued,  which  lafted  two  hours  ;  but  they  being  fuperior  in  num- 
ber, obliged  Captain  Afhton's  party  to  retreat,  with  the  lofs  of 
eight  killed,  and  four  mortally  wounded  ;  their  brave  commander 
himfelf  being  numbered  among  the  dead. 

The  Indians  continued  their  hoftilities,  and  about  the  10th  of 
Auguff.  following,  two  boys  were  taken  from  Major  Hoy's  fta- 
tion. This  party  was  purfued  by  Capt.  Holder  and  feventeen 
men,  who  were  alfo  defeated,  with  the  lofs  of  four  men  killed 
and  one  wounded.  Our  affairs  became  more  and  more  alarming  ; 
feveral  ftations  which  had  lately  been  eredled  in  the  country  were 
continually  infefted  with  favages,  ftealing  their  horfes  and  killing 
the  men  at  every  opportunity.  In  a  field  near  Lexington,  an 
Indian  fhot  a  man,  and  running  to  fcalp  him,  was  himfelf  fhot 
from  the  fort,  and  fell  dead  upon  his  enemy. 

Every  day  we  experienced  recent  mifchiefs.  The  barbarous 
favage  nations  of  Shawanefe,  Cherokees,  Wyandots,  Tawas, 
Delawares,  and  feveral  others  near  Detroit,  united  in  a  war 
againfl:  us,  and  aflembled  their  choicer!  warriors  at  old  Chelicothe, 
to  go  on  the  expedition,  in  order  to  deftroy  us,  and  entirely  de- 
populate the  country.  Their  favage  minds  were  inflamed  to 
mifchief  by  two  abandoned  men,  Captains  M'Kee  and  Girty. 
Thefe  led  them  to  execute  every  diabolical  fcheme ;  and  on  the 
} 5th  day  of  Auguft,  commanded  a  party  of  Indians  and  Cana-1 
'  dians 

(  46  ) 
d'tan?,  of  about  five  hundred  in  number,  againfr.  Briant's  ftation, 
live  miles  from  Lexington.  Without  demanding  a  furrender, 
they  furioufly  affaulted  the  garrifon,  which  was  happily  prepared 
to  oppofe  them  ;  and  after  they  had  expended  much  ammunition 
in  vain,  and  killed  the  cattle  round  the  fort,  not  being  likely  to 
make  themfelves  mailers  of  this  place,  they  raifed  the  fiege,  and 
departed  in  the  morning  of  the  third  day  after  they  came,  with 
tli©  lofs  of  about  thirty  killed,  and  the  number  of  wounded  un- 
certain. Of  the  garrifon  four  men  were  killed,  and  three 

On  the  1 8th  day,  Col.  Todd,  Col.  Trigg,  Major  Harland, 
and  myfelf,  fpeedily  collected  one  hundred  and  feventy-fix  men, 
well  armed,  and  purfued  the  favages.  They  had  marched  beyond 
the  Blue  Licks  to  a  remarkable  bend  of  the  main  fork  of  Licking 
river,  about  forty-three  miles  from  Lexington,  as  it  is  particu- 
larly reprefented  in  the  map,  where  we  overtook  them  on  the 
19th  day.  The  favages  obferving  us,  gave  way,  and  we  being 
ignorant  of  their  numbers,  paffed  the  river.  When  the  enemy 
law  our  proceedings,  having  greatly  the  advantage  of  us  in  fitua- 
tion,  they  formed  the  line  of  battle,  as  reprefented  in  the  map, 
from  one  bend  of  Licking  to  the  other,  about  a  mile  from  the 
Blue  Licks.  An  exceeding  fierce  battle  immediately  began,  for 
about  fifteen  minutes,  when  we,  being  overpowered  by  numbers, 
were  obliged  to  retreat,  with  the  lofs  of  fixty-feven  men,  feven  of 
■whom  were  taken  prifoners.  The  brave  and  much-lamented  Co- 
lonels Todd  and  Trigg,  Major  Harland,  and  my  fecond  fon, 
were  among  the  dead.  We  were  informed  that  the  Indians, 
numbering  their  dead,  found  they  had  four  killed  more  than  we  ; 
and  therefore  four  of  the  prifoners  they  had  taken  were  by  ge- 
neral confent  ordered  to  be  killed  in  a  mod  barbarous  manner  by 
the  young  warriors,  in  order  to  train  them  up  to  cruelty,  and  then 
they  proceeded  to  their  towns. 

On  our  retreat  we  were  met  by  Col.  Logan,  haftening  to  join 
ns,  with  a  number  of  well-armed  men.  This  powerful  affiftance 
we  unfortunately  wanted  in  the  battle  ;  for  notwithstanding  the 
enemy's  fuperiority  in  numbers,  they  acknowledged  that  if  they  had 
received  one  more  fire  from  us,  they  fhould  undoubtedly  have  given 
way.  So  violently  did  our  fmall  party  fight,  that  to  the  memory 
of  thofe  who  unfortunately  fell  in  battle,  enough  of  honour  cannot 
be  paid.  Had  Colonel  Logan  and  his  party  been  with  us, 
%t  is  highly  probable  we  fhould  have  given  the  favages  a  total 

I  cannot  reflect  upon  this  dreadful  fcene  but  forrow  fills  my 
heart ;  a  zeal  for  the  defence  of  their  country  led  thefe  heroes  to 
the  fcene  of  action,  though  with  a  few  men,  to  attack  a  powerful 
anny  of  experienced  warriors.  When  we  gave  way,  they  purfued 
ps  with  the  utrnoit  eagernefs,  and  in  ev$ry  quarter  fpread  deftruc- 


(    47    ) 

tiorr.  The  river  was  difficult  to  crofs,  and  many  were  killed  In 
the  flight,  fome  juft  entering  the  river,  fome  in  the  water,  other* 
after  eroding,  in  afcending  the  cliffs.  Some  efcaped  on  horfe- 
back,  a  few  on  foot  ;  and  being  difperfed  every  where,  in  a  few 
hours  brought  the  melancholy  news  of  this  unfortunate  battle  to 
Lexington.  Many  widows  were  now  made.  The  reader  may 
guefs  what  forrow  filled  the  hearts  of  the  inhabitants,  exceeding 
any  thing  that  I  -am  able  to  defcribe.  Being  reinforced,  we  re- 
turned to  bury  the  dead,  and  found  their  bodies  ftrewed  every 
where,  cut  and  mangled  in  a  dreadful  manner.  This  mournful 
fcene  exhibited  a  horror  almoft  unparalleled  :  fome  torn  and 
eaten  by  wild  beafts  ;  thofe  in  the  river  eaten  by  ;  all  ia 
fuch  a  putrefied  condition,  that  no  one  could  be  diftinguifhed 
from  another. 

As  foon  as  General  Clark,  then  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  who 
was  ever  our  ready  friend,  and  merits  the  love  and  gratitude  of  all 
his  countrymen,  underftood  the  circumftances  of  this  unfortunate 
action,  he  ordered  an  expedition  with  all  poflible  hafte  to  purfue 
the  favages,  which  was  fo  expeditioufly  effected,  that  we  over- 
took them  within  two  miles  of  their  towns,  and  probably  might 
have  obtained  a  great  victory,  had  not  two  of  their  number  met 
us  about  two  hundred  poles  before  we  came  up.  Thefe  returned 
quick  as  lightning  to  their  camp  with  the  alarming  news  of  a 
mighty  army  in  view.  The  favages  fled  in  the  utmoft  diforder, 
evacuated  their  towns,  and  reluctantly  left  their  territory  to  our 
mercy.  We  immediately  took  pofTeflion  of  Old  Chelicothe  with- 
out oppofition,  being  deferted  by  its  inhabitants ;  we  continued 
our  purfuit  through  five  towns  on  the  Miami  rivers,  Old  Cheli- 
cothe, Pecaway,  New  Chelicothe,  Will's  towns,  and  Chelicothe; 
burnt  them  all  to  afhes,  entirely  deftroyed  their  corn,  and  other 
fruits,  and  every  where  fpread  a  fcene  of  defolation  in  the  country. 
In  this  expedition  we  took  feven  prifoners  and  five  fcalps,  with 
the  lofs  of  only  four  men,  two  of  whom  were  accidentally  killed 
by  our  own  army. 

This  campaign  in  fome  meafure" damped  the  fpirits  of  the  In- 
dians, and  made  them  fenfible  of  our  fuperiority.  Their  connec-. 
tions  were  difTolved,  their  armies  fcattered,  and  a  future  inva- 
fion  put  entirely  out  of  their  power  ;  yet  they  continued  to  prac- 
tife  mifchief  fecretly  upon  the  inhabitants  in  the  expofed  parts  of 
the  country. 

In  O&ober  following,  a  party  made  an  excurfion  into  that 
diftridt.  called  the  Crab  Orchard,  and  one  of  them  being  advanced 
fome  diftance  before  the  others,  boldly  entered  the  houfe  of  a  poor 
defencelefs  family,  in  which  was  only  a  negro  man,  a  woman, 
and  her  children,  terrified  with  the  apprehenfions  of  immediate 
death.  The  favages  perceiving  their  defencelefs  fituation,  with- 
out offering  violence  to  the  family,  attempted  to  captivate  the 
I  .  negro, 

(    48    ) 

negro,  who  happily  proved  an  overmatch  for  him,  threw  him  on 
the  ground,  and  in  the  ftruggle,  the  mother  of  the  children  drew 
an  axe  from  a  corner  of  the  cottage,  and  cut  his  head  off,  while 
her  little  daughter  fhut  the  door.  The  favages  inftantly  ap- 
peared, and  applied  their  tomahawks  to  the  door.  An  old  rufty 
gun  barrel,  without  a  lock,  lay  in  a  corner,  which  the  mother  put 
through  a  fmall  crevice,  and  the  favages  perceiving  it,  fled.  In 
the  mean  time,  the  alarm  fpread  through  the  neighbourhood,  the 
armed  men  collected  immediately,  and  purfued  the  ravagers  into 
the  wildernefs.  Thus  Providence,  by  the  means  of  this  negro, 
faved  the  whole  of  the  poor  family  from  destruction.  From  that 
time,  until  the  happy  return  of  peace  between  the  United  States 
and  Great  Britain,  the  Indians  did  us  no  mifchief.  Finding  the 
great  king  beyond  the  water  difappointed  in  his  expectations,  and 
confcious  of  the  importance  of  the  long  knife,  and  their  own 
wretchednefs,  fome  of  the  nations  immediately  defired  peace,  to 
which,  at  prefent,  they  feem  univerfaily  difpofed,  and  are  fend- 
ing ambaffadors  to  General  Clark,  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  with 
the  minutes  of  their  councils  ;  a  fpecimen  of  which,  in  the  mi- 
nutes of  the  Piankafhaw  council,  is  fubjoined. 

To  conclude,  I  can  now  fay  that  I  have  verified  the  faying  of 
an  old  Indian  who  figned  Col.  Henderfon's  deed.  Taking  me 
by  the  hand  at  the  delivery  thereof,  Brother,  fays  he,  we  have 
given  you  a  fine  land,  but  I  believe  you  will  have  much  trouble  in 
fettling  it.  My  footfteps  have  often  been  marked  with  blood, 
and  therefore  I  can  truly  fubfcribe  to  its  original  name.  Two 
darling  fons  and  a  brother  have  I  loft  by  favage  hands,  which 
have  alfo  taken  from  me  forty  valuable  horfes,  and  abundance  of 
cattle.  Many  dark  and  fleeplefs  nights  have  I  been  a  companion 
for  owls,  feparated  from  the  cheerful  fociety  of  men,  fcorched  by 
the  fummer's  fun,  and  pinched  by  the  winter's  cold,  an  inftru- 
ment  ordained  to  fettle  the  wildernefs  :  but  now  the  fcene  is 
changed  ;  peace  crowns  the  fylvan  made. 

What  thanks,  what  ardent  and  ceafelefs  thanks  are  due  to  that 
all-fuperintending  Providence  which  has  turned  a  cruel  war  into 
peace,  brought  order  out  of  confufion,  made  the  fierce  favages 
placid,  and  turned  away  their  hoftile  weapons  from  our  country ! 
May  the  fame  Almighty  Goodnefs  banilh  the  accurfed  monfter, 
war,  from  all  lands,  with  her  hated  afTociates,  rapine  and  infa- 
tiable  ambition.  Let  peace,  defeending  from  her  native  heaven, 
bid  her  olives  fpring  amidft  the  joyful  nations  ;  and  plenty,  in 
league  with  commerce,  fcatter  bleflings  from  her  copious 

This  account  of  my  adventures  will  inform  the  reader  of  the 
mod  remarkable  events  of  this  country.  I  now  live  in  peace  and 
fafety,  enjoying  the  fweets  of  liberty,  and  the  bounties  of  Provi- 
dence, with  my  once  fellow-furTerers  in  this  delightful  country, 


(  49  ■) 
which  I  have  feen  purchafed  with  a  vafl:  expence  of  blood  and 
treafure,  delighting  in  the  profped  of  its  being  in  a  fhort  time  one 
of  the  mod  opulent  and  powerful  (fates  on  the  continent  of  North 
America  ;  which,  with  the  love  and  gratitude  of  my  countrymen, 
I  elteein  a  fufficient  reward  for  all  my  toil  and  danger. 

v  Fayette  county,  Kentucky. 


In  a  Council  held  with  the  Piankafhaw   Indians,  by  Thomas 
J.  Dalton,  at  Pojl  St.  Vincent's,  April  15,   1 784. 

My  Children, 

WHAT  I  have  often  told  you  is  now  come  to  pafs.  This 
day  I  received  news  from  my  Great  Chief  at  the  Falls  of 
Ohio.  Peace  is  made  with  the  enemies  of  America ;  the  white 
flefh,  the  Americans,  French,  Spaniih,  Dutch,  and  Englifh, 
this  day  fmoke  out  of  the  peace-pipe.  The  tomahawk  is  buried, 
and  they  are  now  friends. 

I  am  told  the  Shawanefe,  Delawares,  Chicafaws,  Cherokees, 
and  all  other  the  red  flefh,  have  taken  the  Long  Knife  by  the  hand ; 
they  have  given  up  to  them  the  prifoners  that  were  in  their 

My  Children  on  Wabajh, 

Open  your  ears,  and  let  what  I  tell  you  fink  deep  in  your 
hearts  ;  you  know  me  ;  near  twenty  years  I  have  been  among 
you  ;  the  Long  Knife  is  my  nation;  I  know  their  hearts;  peace 
they  carry  in  one  hand,  and  war  in  the  other. 

I  leave  you  to  yourfelves  to  judge  ;  confider,  and  now  accept 
the  one  or  the  other.  We  never  beg  peace  of  our  enemies ;  if 
you  love  your  women  and  children,  receive  the  belt  of  wampum 
I  prefent  you  ;  return  me  my  flelh  you  have  in  your  villages, 
and  the  horfes  you  ftole  from  my  people  at  Kentucky ;  your  corn 
fields  were  never  difturbed  by  the  Long  Knife  ;  your  women  and 
children  lived  quiet  in  their  houfes,  while  your  warriors  were 
killing  and  robbing  my  people.  All  this  you  know  is  the  truth  ; 
this  is  the  laft  time  I  mall  fpeak  to  you  ;  I  have  waited  fix  moons 
to  hear  you  fpeak,  and  to  get  my  people  from  you  ;  in  ten  nights 
I  fhall  leave  the  Wabafh  to  fee  my  Great  Chief  at  the  Falls  of 
Ohio,  where  he  will  be  glad  to  hear  from  your  own  lips  what  you 
haye  to  fay.     Here  is  tobacco  I  give  you  j  fmoke,  and  confider 

G  what 

(    5°    ) 
what  I  have  faid.     Then  I  delivered  one  belt  of  blue  and  white 
wampum ;    and  faid,    Piankafhaw,    fpeak,  fpeak   to  the  Ame- 

Then  the  Piankafbaw  Chief  anfwered  : 
My  Great  Father,  the  Long  Knife ', 

You  have  been  many  years  among  us  ;  you  have  fuffered  by 
us  ;  we  ftill  hope  you  will  have  pity  and  companion  upon  us,  on 
our  women  and  children  ;  the  day  is  clear  ;  the  fun  mines  on  us; 
and,  the  good  news  of  peace  appears  in  our  faces.  This  day,  my 
Father,  this  is  the  day  of  joy  to  the  Wabafh  Indians  :  with  one 
tongue  we  now  fpeak. 

We  accept  your  peace-belt ;  we  return  God  thanks,  you  are 
the  man  that  delivered  us  what  we  long  wiflied  for,  peace  with 
the  White  Flefh.  My  Father,  we  have  many  times  counfelled 
before  you  knew  us,  and  you  know-  how  fome  of  us  fuffered 

We  received  the  tomahawk  from  the  Englifh  ;  poverty  forced 
us  to  it :  we  were  attended  by  other  nations  :  we  are  forry  for  it  : 
we'  this  day  collecl  the  bones  of  our  friends  that  long  ago  were 
fcattered  upon  the  earth  :  we  bury  them  in  one  grave  :  we  thus 
plant  the  tree  of  peace,  that  God  may  foread  branches,  fo  that  we 
can  all  be  fecured  from  bad  weather :  they  fmoke  as  brothers  out 
of  the  peace-pipe  we  now  prefent  you.  Here,  my  Father, 
is  the  pipe  that  gives  us  joy  ;  fmoke  out  of  it  ;  our  warriors  are 
glad  you  are  the  man  we  prefent  it  to.  You  fee,  Father,  we 
have  buried  the  tomahawk  ;  we  now  make  a  great  chain  of  friend- 
fhip  never  to  be  broken  ;  and  now,  as  one  people,  fmoke  out  of 
your  pipe.  My  Father,  we  know  God  was  angry  with  us  for 
itealing  your  horfes,  and  difturbing  your  people  ;  he  has  fent  us  fo 
much  fnow  and  cold  weather,  that  God  himfelf  killed  all  your 
horfes  with  our  own. 

We  are  now  a  poor  people.  God,  we  hope,  will  help  us ; 
and  our  Father,  the  Long  Knife,  will  have  pity  and  companion 
on  our  women  and  children.  Your  flefh,  my  Father,  is  well  that 
is  among  us ;  we  fhall  colled  them  all  together  when  they  come 
in  from  hunting.  Do  not  be  forry,  my  Father,  all  the  prifoners 
raken  at  Kentucky  are  alive  and  well  ;  we  love  them,  and  fo  do 
our  young  women. 

Some  of  your,  people  mend  our  guns,  and  others  tell  us  they  can 
make  rum  of  the  corn  ;  thofe  are  now  the  fame  as  we  ;  in  one 
moon  after  this,  we  will  go  with  them  to  their  friends  at  Ken- 
tucky. Some  of  your  people  will  now  go  with  Coftea,  a,  chief  of 
our  nation,  to  fee  his  Great  Father,  the  Long  Knife*  at  the  Falls 
of  Ohio. 

My  Father, 
•  This  being  the  day   of  joy  to  the  Wabafh  Indians,  we  beg  a 
little  drop  of  your  milk,  to  let  our  warriors  fee  it  came  from  your 

(    Si    ) 

own  breaft.  We  were  born  and  raifed  in  the  woods ;  we  could 
never  learn  to  make  rum.  God  has  made  the  White  Fiefh  matters 
of  the  world  ;  they  make  every  thing,- and  we  all  love  rum. 

Then  they  delivered  three  firings  of  blue  and  white  wampum, 
and.  the  coronet  of  peace. 

Present    in  Council, 


Capt.  BEAVER, 







With  many  other  chiefs,  and  war  captains,  and  the  principal 
inhabitants  of  the  poft  of  St.  Vincent's. 


OF    THE 


WE  have  an  account  of  twenty-eight  different   nations  of 
Indians,  eaftward  of  the  Miffiffippi. — Their  fituation  is 
as  follows  : 

The  Cherokee  Indians  are  neareft  to  Kentucky,  living  upon 
the  Tenefe  river,  near  the  mouths  of  Clench,  Holftein,  Nola- 
«huke,  and  French  Broad  rivers,  which  form  the  Tenefe  or  Che- 
rokee river,  in  the  interior  parts  of  North  Carolina,  two  hundred 
miles  from  Kentucky. 

The  Chicamawgees  live  about  ninety  miles  down  the  Tenefe 
from  the  Cherokees,  at  a  pjace  called  Chicamawgee,  which  in 
our  language  fignifies  a  Boiling  Pot,  there  being  a  whirlpool  in  the 
xiver  dangerous  for  boats.  The  Dragomonough,  a  chief  of  the 
Cherokees,  with  fixty  more,  broke  off  from  that  nation  and 
formed  this  tribe,  which  is  called  by  t?he  name  of  the  Whirlpool. 

The  Cheegees,  and  Middle  Settlement  Indians,  are  fettled  about 
fifty  and  eighty  miles  fouth  of  the  Cherokees.  Thefe  four  tribes 
fpeak  one  language,  being  defcendcd  from  the  Cherokees. 

The  Chicafaws  inhabit  about  one  hundred  miles  north-weft 
from  our  fettlement  at  French  Lick,  on  '  Cumberland  river,  on 
the  heads  of  a  river  called  Tombeche,  which  runs  into  Mobile 

The  Choctaw  nation  are  eighty  miles  from  the  Chicafaws, 
down  the  fame  river. 

The  Creek  Indians  live  about  one  hundred  and  fixty  miles 
fouth  of  the  Cho&aws,  on  the  Apalache  river,  which  runs  into 
the  Gulph  of  Mexico,  fome  little  diftance  eaft  of  Mobile  bay. 

The  Uchees  Indians  occupy  four  different  places  of  relidence; 
at  the  head  of  St.  John's,  the  Fork  of  St.  Mary's,  the  head  of 
Cannuchee,  and  the  head  of  St.  Tillis.  Thefe  rivers  rife  on  the 
borders  of  Georgia,  and  run  feparately  into  the  ocean. 


(    53    ) 

The  Catauba  Indians  are  fettled  in  North  Carolina,  about 
two  hundred  miles  diftant  from  Charles  town  in  South  Carolma. 

The  tribes  to  the  weftward  of  Ohio  river  are  the  Delawares, 
living  upon  the  Mifkingum  river,  which  runs  into  the  Ohio,  one 
hundred  and  eighty-feven  miles  above  Sciotha,  on  the  north-well 

The  Mingo  nation  lives  upon  a  north-weft  branch  of  Sciotha 
river,  as  reprefented  in  the  map. 

The  Wyandotts  poflefs  the  banks  of  a  river  called  Sanduficy, 
which  heads  and  interlocks  with  Sciotha,  and  running  in  a  con- 
trary direction  nearly  north-weft  for  a  great  diftance,  falls  into 
Lake  Erie. 

The  Six  Nations  are  fettled  upon  waters  running  into  Lake 
Ontario,  that  head  in  the  mountain,  from  whence  the  Ohio  and 
Sufquehannah  rivers  rife. 

The  Shawanefe  Indians  occupy  five  towns  on  the  waters  of 
Little  and  Great  Miami,  as  appears  in  the  map. 

The  Gibbaways  are  fixed  on  the  eaft  fide  of  Detroit  river,  and 
oppofite  the  fort  of  that  name.  This  river  runs  out  of  Lake 
Huron  into  Lake  Erie,  is  about  thirty-fix  miles  in  length,  and 
the  fort  (lands  on  the  weft  fide,  half  way  between  thefe  lakes. 

The  Hurons  live  fix  miles  from  the  Gibbaways  towards  Lake 
Huron,  and  on  the  fame  fide  of  the  river. 

The  Tawas  are  found  eighteen  miles  up  the  Mawmee  or  Oniee 
river,  which  runs  into  Lake  Erie. 

There  is  a  fmall  tribe  of  Tawas  fettled  at  a  place  called  the  Ra- 
pids, fome  diftance  higher  up  the  river  than  the  former. 

The  Mawmee  Indians  live  two  hundred  and  forty  miles  up  this 
river,  at  a  place  called  Rofedebau. 

The  Piankafhaws  refide  about  one  hundred  and  fixty  miles  up 
Wabafh  river. 

The  Vermillion  Indians  about  fixty  miles  higher;  and  thd 
Wyahtinaws  about  thirty  miles  ftill  farther  up  the  fame  river. 

The  Wabafh  heads  and  interlocks  with  Mawmee,  and  runs  a 
contrary  direction  into  the  Ohio,  three  hundred  and  eighteen  miles 
below  the  Falls. 

The  Long  I  fie,  or  I  fie  river  Indians  live  on  Ifle  river,  which 
runs  into  Wabafh. 

The  Kickapoos  are  fixed  on  a  branch  of  Mawmee  river  above 
the  Long  Ifle  Indians. 

The  Ozaw  nation  lives  on  the  Ozaw  river,  which  runs  inta 

And  the  Kakafky  nation  on  the  Miffiffippi,  two  hundred  miles 
above  the  Ozaws. 

The  Illinois  Indians  inhabit  upon  the  Illinois  river,  which  falls 
into  the  MiMIflippi. 


rf  54  ) 

And  the  Poutawottamies  near  St.  Jofeph's,  a  town  oft  a 
branch  of  the  Illinois. 

The  Sioux  and  Renards  are  neighbours  to  the  fort  of  Michilli- 
mackinac,  on  Lake  Michigan. 

Thefe  are  the  principal  part  of  the  nations  within  the  limits  of 
the  United  States.  Allowing  about  feven  hundred  to  a  nation  or 
tribe,  they  will  contain,  in  all,  twenty  thoufand  fouls,  and 
confequently  may  furnifh  between  four  and  five  thoufand  war- 

The  fpeculations  of  curious  idlenefs  have  framed  many  fyftems 
to  account  for  the  population  of  this  immenfe  continent.  There 
is  fcarce  a  people  in  the  old  world  which  has  not  had  its  advo- 
cates ;  and  there  have  not  been  wanting  fome,  who  defpairing  to 
loofen,  have  cut  the  knot,  by  fuppofing  that  the  power  which 
furnifhed  America  with  plants,  has  in  the  fame  manner  fupplied 
it  with  men,  or  at  leaft,  that  a  remnant  in  this  continent  was 
faved  from  the  univerfal  deluge,  as  well  as  in  the  other.  As  this 
fubje£t  is  rather  curious  than  ufeful,  and  in  its  very  nature  does 
not  admit  of  certainty,  every  thing  that  pafTed  in  America  before 
the  arrival  of  the  Europeans  being  plunged  in  Cimmerian  darknefs, 
except  thofe  little  traditional  records  which  diffufe  a  glimmering 
light  on  the  two  empires  of  Mexico  and  Peru,  for  about  two 
hundred  years  at  moft  before  that  period,  we  mall  only  ilightly 
touch  on  that  fubjecl: ;  chiefly  for  the  fake  of  taking  notice  of 
fome  modern  difcoveries  which  feem  to  ftrengthen  the  probability 
of  fome  former  theories.  The  great  fimilarity,  or  rather  identity 
of  the  perfons  and  manners  of  the  Americans,  and  thofe  of  the 
Tartars  of  the  north-eaftern  parts  of  Afia,  together  with  a  pre- 
fumption  which  has  long  poflefled  the  learned,  that  Afia  and 
America  were  united,  or  at  leaft  feparated  only  by  a  narrow  fea, 
has  inclined  the  more  reflecting  part  of  mankind  to  the  opinion/ 
that  the  true  origin  of  the  Indians  is  from  this  quarter.  The  im- 
menfe feas  which  feparate  the  two  continents  on  every  other  fide,- 
render  it  highly  improbable  that  any  colonies  could  ever  have  been 
fent  acrofs  them  before  the  difcovery  of  the  magnetical  compafs. 
The  ingenious  M.  Buffon  too  has  remarked,  and  the  obfervation 
appears  to  be  juft,  that  there  are  no  animals  inhabiting  in  com- 
mon the  two  continents,  but  fuch  as  can  bear  the  colds  of  the 
north.  Thus  there  are  no  elephants,  no  lions,  no  tigers,  no- 
camels  in  America  ;  but  bears,  wolves,  deer,  and  elks  in  abun- 
dance, abfolutely  the  fame  in  both  hemifpheres.  This  hypo- 
thefis,  which  has  been  gaining  ground  ever  iince  its  firft. appear- 
ance in  the  world,  is  now  reduced  almoft  to  a  certainty  by  the 
late  difcoveries  of  Capt.  Cook.  That  illuftrious,  but  unfortu- 
nate navigator,  in  his  lad  voyage,  penetrated  for  a  confiderable 
diflance  into  the  ftrait  which  divides  Afia  from  America,  which  is 
©»ly  fix  leagues  wide  at  its,  raoMth,  and  therefore  eafily  practicable 


(    55    ) 

for  canoes.  We  may  now  therefore  conclude,  that  no  farther  in- 
quiry will  ever  be  made  into  the  general  origin  of  the  American 

Yet,  after  all,  it  is  far  from  being  improbable  that  various  na- 
tions, by  fhipwreck  or  otherwife,  may  have  contributed,  in 
fome  degree,  to  the  population  of  this  continent.  The  Cartha- 
ginians, who  had  many  fettlements  on  the  coaft  of  Africa,  be- 
yond the  Straits  of  Gibraltar,  and  pufhed  their  difcoveries  as  far 
as  where  the  two  continents  in  that  quarter  approach  each  other 
the  neareft,  may  probably  have  been  thrown  by  tempefts  on  the 
American  coaft,  and  the  companies  of  the  veffels,  finding  it  im- 
practicable to  return,  may  have  incorporated  with  the  former  in- 
habitants, or  have  formed  new  fettlements,  which,  from  want 
of  the  necefTary  inftruments  to  exercife  the  arts  they  were  ac- 
quainted with,  would  naturally  degenerate  into  barbarity.  There 
are  indeed  fome  ancient  writers,  who  give  us  reafon  to  fuppofe, 
that  there  were  colonies  regularly  formed  by  that  nation  in 
America,  and  that  the  communication,  after  having  continued 
for  fome  time,  was  flopped  by  order  of  the  ftate.  But  it  is  diffi- 
cult to  conceive  that  any  people,  eftablifhed  with  all  thofe  necef- 
faries  proper  for  their  fituation,  fhould  ever  degenerate,  from  fo 
high  a  degree  of  cultivation  as  the  Carthaginians  poffeifed,  to  a 
total  ignorance  even  of  the  mod  necefTary  arts :  and  therefore  it 
feems  probable,  that  if  that  nation  ever  had  fuch  colonies,  thev 
muft  have  been  cut  off  by  the  natives,  and  every  veflige  of 
them  deftroyed. 

About  the  ninth  and  tenth  centuries,  the  Danes  were  the  great- 
eft  navigators  in  the  univerfe.  They  diicovered  and  fettled  Ice- 
land ;  and  from  thence,  in  964,  planted  a  colony  in  Greenland. 
The  ancient  Icelandic  chronicles,  as  reported  by  M.  Mallet,  con- 
tain an  account  of  fome  Icelanders,  who,  in  the  clofe  of  an  un- 
fuccefsful  war,  fled  to  Greenland,  and  from  thence  weftward,  to  a 
country  covered  with  vines;  for  which  reafon  they  called  it  Vin- 

The  adventurers  returned  home,  and  conducted  a  colony  to 
their  new  difcovery  ;  but  difturbances  arifing  in  Denmark,  all 
communication  with  Greenland,  as  well  as  Vinland,  ceafed  ; 
and  thofe  countries  remained  unknown  to  the  reft  of  the  world 
for  feveral  ages.  The  remains  of  this  colony  are  probably  to  be 
found  on  the  coaft  of  Labrador,  in  the  nation  of  the  Efquimaux. 
The  colour  of  their  fkins,  their  hairy  bodies  and  bufhy  beards, 
not  to  mention  the  difference  of  manners,  mark  an  origin  totally 
diftinct  from  that  of  the  other  Indians. 

In  the  year  1170,  Madoc,  fon  of  Owen  Gwynnedh,  Prince 
of  Wales,  diffatisfied  with  the  fituation  of  affairs  at  home,  left 
his  country,  as  related  by  the  Welfh  hiftorians,  in  queft  of  new 
fettlements;  and  leaving  Ireland  to  the  north,  proceeded  weft  till 

1  he 

t  56  ) 

he  difcovered  a  fertile  country  ;  where,  leaving  a  colony,  he  re- 
turned, and  perfuading  many  of  his  countrymen  to  join  him,  put 
to  lea  with  ten  mips,  and  was  never  more  heard  of. 

This  account  has,  at  feveral  times,  drawn  the  attention  of  the 
world;  but  as  no  veftiges  of  them  had  then  been  found,  it  was  con- 
cluded, perhaps  too  rafhly,  to  be  a  fable,  or  at  leaft,  that  no  re- 
mains of  the  colony  exiited.  Of  late  years,  however,  the  weft- 
em  fettlers  have  received  frequent  accounts  of  a  nation,  inhabiting 
at  a  great  diftance  up  the  Miffouri,  in  manners  and  appearance 
refembling  the  other  Indians,  but  fpeaking  Welfh,  and  retaining 
foine  ceremonies  of  the  Chriftian  worfhip  ;  and  at  length,  this  is 
univerfally  believed  there  to  be  a  fact. 

Captain  Abraham  Chaplain,  of  Kentucky,  a  gentleman  whofe 
veracity  may  be  entirely  depended  upon,  allured  the  author,  that 
in  the  late  war,  being  with  his  company  in  garrifon  at  Kafkafky, 
fome  Indians  came  there,  and,  fpeaking  in  the  Welfh  dialect, 
were  perfectly  underftood  and  converfed  with  by  two  Welfhmen 
in  his  company,  and  that  they  informed  them  of  the  fituation  of 
of  their  nation,  as  mentioned  above. 

The  author  is  fenfible  of  the  ridicule  which  the  vain  and  the 
petulant  may  attempt  to  throw  on  this  account ;  but  as  truth  only 
has  guided  his  pen,  he  is  regardlefs  of  the  confequences,  and 
flatters  himfelf,  that,  by  calling  the  attention  of  mankind'once 
more  to  this  fubject,  he  may  be  the  means  of  procuring  a  more 
accurate  inquiry  into  its  truth,  which,  if  it  fhouldeven  refute  the 
{lory  of  the  Welfh,  will  at  leaft  perform  the  important  fervice 
to  the  world,  of  promoting  a  more  accurate  difcovery  of  this 
immenfe  continent. 

There  are  feveral  ancient  remains  in  Kentucky,  which  feem  to 
to  prove,  that  this  country  was  formerly  inhabited  by  a  nation  far- 
their  advanced  in  the  arts  of  life  than  the  Indians.  Thefe  are 
there  ufually  attributed  to  the  Welfh,  who  are  fuppofed  to  have 
formerly  inhabited  here  ;  but  having  been  expelled  by  the  na- 
tives, were  forced  to  take  refuge  near  the  fources  of  the  Miifpuri. 

It  is  well  known  that  no  Indian  nation  has  ever  practifed  the 
raethod  of  defending  themfelves  by  entrenchments  ;  and  fuch  a 
work  would  even  be  no  eafy  one,  while  thefe  nations  were  unac- 
quainted with  the  ufe  of  iron. 

In  the  neighbourhood  of  Lexington,  the  remains  of  two  ancient 
fortifications  are  to  be  feen,  furnifhed  with  ditches  and  baftions. 
One  of  thefe  contains  about  fix  acres  of  land,  and  the  other 
nearly  three.  They  are  now  overgrown  with  trees,  which,  by 
the  number  of  circles  in  the  wood,  appear  to  be  not  lefs  than  one 
hundred  and  fixty  years  old.  Pieces  of  earthen  veflels  have  alfo 
been  plowed  up  near  Lexington,  a  manufacture  with  which  the 
Indians  were  never  acquainted. 


(    57    ) 

The  burying-grounds,  which  were  mentioned  above  Under  the 
head  ofcuriofities,  form  another  ftrong  argument  that  this  country 
Was  formerly  inhabited  by  a  people  different  from  the  prefent  In- 
dians. Although  they  do  not  difcover  any  marks  of  extraordinary 
art  in  the  ftrucTture,  yet,  as  many  nations  are  particularly  tena- 
cious of  their  ancient  cuftoms,  it  may  perhaps  be  worthy  of  in- 
quiry, whether  thefe  repofitories  of  the  dead  do  not  bear  a  con- 
fiderable  refemblance  to  the  ancient  Britifh  remains.  Some  build- 
ings attributed  to  the  Picls  are  mentioned  by  the  Scottifli  anti- 
quaries, which,  if  the  author  miftakes  not*  are  formed  nearly  in 
the  fame  manner.  Let  it  be  enough  for  him  to  point  out  the  road, 
and  hazard  fome  uncertain  conjectures.  The  day  is  not  far  dif- 
tant,  when  the  fartheft  receifes  of  this  continent  will  be  explored, 
and  the  accounts  of  the  Welih  eftablifhed  beyond  the  poffibility  of 
a  doubt,  or  configned  to  that  oblivion  which  has  already  received 
fo  many  fuppofitions  founded  on  arguments  as  plaufible  as 

Perfons  and  Habits.']  The  Indians  are  not  born  white  ;  but 
take  a  great  deal  of  pains  to  darken  their  complexion,  by  anoint- 
ing themfelves  with  greafe,  and  lying  in  the  fun.  They  alfo  paint 
their  faces,  breads  and  moulders,  of  various  colours,  but  gene- 
rally red  ;  and  their  features  are  well  formed,  efpecially  thofe  of 
the  women.  They  are  of  a  middle  ftatlire,  their  limbs  clean  and 
iftraight,  and  fcarcely  any  crooked  or  deformed  perfon  is  to  be 
found  among  them.  In  many  parts  of  their  body  they  prick  in 
gunpowder  in  very  pretty  figures'.  They  ffiave  or  pluck  the  hair 
off  their  heads,  except  a  patch  about  the  crown,  which  is  orna- 
mented with  beautiful  feathers,  beads,  wampum,  and  fuch  like 
baubles.  Their  ears  are  pared,  and  ft  retched  in  a  thong  down  to 
their  moulders.  They  are  wound  round  with  wire  to  expand 
them,  and  adorned  with  filyer  pendants,  rings,  and  bells,  which 
they  likewife  wear  in  their  nofes.  Some  of  them  will  have  a 
large  feather  through  the  cartilage  of  the  nofe  ;  and  thofe  who 
can  afford  it,  wear  a  collar  of  wampum,  a  filver  breaft-plate,  and 
bracelets,  on  the  arms  and  wrifts.  A  bit  of  cloth  about  the  mid- 
dle, a  fhirt  of  the  Englifh  make,  on  which  they  bellow  innu- 
merable broaches  to  adorn  it;  a  fort  of  cloth  boots  and  mockafons-, 
which  are  fhoes  of  a  make  peculiar  to  the  Indians,  ornamented 
with  porcupine  quills,  with  a  blanket  or  match-coat  thrown  over 
all,  complete  their  drefs  at  home  ;  but  when  they  go  to  war, 
they  leave  their  trinkets  behind,  and  mere  necelfaries  ferve  them. 
There  is  little  difference  bet  ween  the  drefs  of  the  men  and  women, 
excepting  that  a  (hort  petticoat,  and  the  hair,  which  is  exceeding 
Hack,  and  long,  clubbed  behind,  diflinguiih  fome  of  the  latter. 
£xcept  the  head  and  eye-brows,  they  pluck  the  hair,  with  great 
diligence,  from  all  parts  of  the  body, 

H  Their 

(     58     ) 

.  Their  warlike  arms  are  guns,  bows  and  arrows,  darts,  fcalping- 
knives,  and  tomahawks.  This  is  one  of  their  moft  ufeful  pieces 
of  field-furniture,  ferving  all  the  offices  of  the  hatchet,  pipe, 
~and  fword.  They  are  exceeding  expert  in  throwing  it,  and  will 
kill  at  a  confiderable  diftance.  The  world  has  no  better  marks- 
men with  any  weapon.  They  will  kill  birds  flying,  fillies  fwim- 
ming,  and  wild  beafts  running. 

Genius*']  The  Indians  are  not  fo  ignorant  as  fome  fuppofe 
them,  but  are  a  very  underftanding  people,  quick  of  apprehenfion, 
fudden  in  execution,  fubtle  in  bufmefs,  exquifite  in  invention, 
and  induftrious  in  action.  They  are  of  a  very  gentle  and  amiable 
difpofition  to  thofe  they  think  their  friends,  but  as  implacable  in 
their  enmity;  their  revenge  being  only  completed  in  the  entire 
deftruction  of  their  enemies.  They  are  very  hardy,  bearing  heat, 
cold,  hunger  and  thirft,  in  a  furpriiing  manner,  and  yet  no  peo- 
ple are  more  addicted  to  excefs  in  eating  and  drinking,  when  it  is 
conveniently  in  their  power.  The  follies,  nay  mifchief,  they 
commit  when  inebriated,  are  entirely  laid  to  the  liquor,  and  no 
one  will  revenge  any  injury  (murder  excepted)  received  from  one 
who  is  no  more  himfelf.  Among  the  Indians,  all  men  are  equal, 
perfonal  qualities  being  moft  efteemed.  Nodiftintlion  of  birth,  no 
rank,  renders  any  man  capable  of  doing  prejudice  to  the  rights  of, 
any  private  perfons;  and  there  is  no  pre-eminence  from  merit,  which 
begets  pride,  and  which  makes  others  too  fenfible  of  their  own 
inferiority.  Though  there  is  perhaps  lefs  delicacy  of  fentiment 
in  the  Indians  than  amongft  us,  there  is,  however,  abundantly 
•more  probity,  with  infinitely  lefs  ceremony,  or  equivocal  compli- 
ments. Their  public  conferences  flievv  them  to  be  men  of  genius  ; 
and  they  have,  in  a  high  degree,  the  talent  of  natural  elo- 

They  live  difperfed  in  fmall  villages,  either  in  the  woods,  or 
en  the  banks  of  rivers,  where  they  have  little  plantations  of  In- 
dian-corn, and  roots,  not  enough  to  fupply  their  families  half  the 
year,  and  fubfifting  the  remainder  of  it  by  hunting,  fifhing  and 
fowling,  and  the  fruits  of  the  earth,  which  grow  fpontaneoully  in 
great  plenty. 

Their  huts  are  generally  built  of  fmall  logs,  and  covered  with 
bark,  each  one  having  a  chimney,  and  a  door,  on  which  they  place 
a  padlock. 

Old  Chelicothe  is  built  in  form  of  a  Kentucky  ftation,  that  is, 
a  parallelogram,  or  long  fquure  ;  and  fome  of  their  houfes  arc 
fhingled.  A  long  council-houfe  extends  the  whole  length  of  the 
lown,  where  the  king  and  chiefs  of  the  nation  frequently  meet, 
and  confult  of  all  matters  of  importance,  whether  of  a  civil  or 
jrrilitary  nature. 

Some  huts  are  built  by  fettir.gup  a  frame  on  forks,  and  placing 
>ark  againfl  it ;  others  of  reeds,  and  furrounded  with  clay.     The 


(  59  ) 
fire  is  in  the  middle  of  the  wigwam,  and  the  fmoke  pafTes  through 
a  little  hole.  They  join  reeds  together  by  cords  run  through  them, 
•which  ferve  them  for  tables  and  beds.  They  moftly  lie  upon 
Fkins  of  wild  beafts,  and  fit  on  the  ground.  They  have  brafs 
kettles  and  pots  to  boil  their  food  ;  gourds  or  calabafhes,  cut 
afunder,  ferve  them  for  pails,  cups,  and  difhes. 

Religion.']  The  accounts  of  travellers,  concerning  their  reli- 
gion, are  various  ;  and  although  it  cannot  be  absolutely  affirmed 
that  they  have  none,  yet  it  muft  be  confefled  very  difficult  to  de- 
fine what  it  is.  All  agree  that  they  acknowledge  one  fupreme 
God,  but  do  not  adore  him.  They  have  not  feen  him,  they  do 
not  know  him,  believing  him  to  be  too  far  exalted  above  them, 
and  too  happy  in  himfelf  to  be  concerned  about  the  trifling  affairs 
of  poor  mortals.  They  feem  alfo  to  believe  in  a  future  ft  ate,  and 
that  after  death  they  lhall  be  removed  to  their  friends  who  have 
gone  before  them,  to  an  elyfium,  or  paradife. 

The  Wyandotts,  near  Detroit,  and  fome  others,  have  the  Ro- 
man catholic  religion  introduced  amongft  them  by  miilionaries. 
Thefe  have  a  church,  a  minifter,  and  a  regular  burying  ground. 
Many  of  them  appear  zealous,  and  fay  prayers  in  their  families  : 
thefe,  by  acquaintance  with  white  people,  are  a  little  civilized, 
which  muft  of  neceflity  precede  Chriftianity. 

The  Shawanefe,  Cherokees,  Chickafaws,  and  fame  others, 
are  little  concerned  about  fuperftitions  or  religion.  Others  continue 
their  former  fuperftitious  worfhip  of  the  objeds  of  their  love  and 
fear,  and  especially  thofe  beings  whom  they  mod  dread,  and  whom 
therefore  we  generally  denominate  devils ;  though,  at  the  fame 
time,  it  is  allowed  they  pray  to  the  fun,  and  other  inferior  bene- 
volent deities,  for  fuccefs  in  their  undertakings,  for  plenty  of 
food,  and  other  necefTaries  of  life. 

They  have  their  feftivals,  and  other  rejoicing-days,  on  which 
,they  fing  and  dance  in  a  ring,  taking  hands,  having  fo  painted 
and  difguifed  themfelves,  that  it  is  difficult  to  know  any  of  them; 
and  after  enjoying  this  diverfion  for  a  while,  they  retire  to  the 
place  where  they  have  prepared  a  feaft  of  fifh,  flefh,  fowls,  and 
fruits;  to  which  all  are  invited,  and  entertained  with  their  coun- 
try fongs.  They  believe  that  there  is  great  virtue  in  feafts  for  the 
fick.  For  this  purpofe  a  young  buck  muft  be  killed,  and  boiled, 
the  friends  and  near  neighbours  of  the  patient  invited,  and  having 
firft  thrown  tobacco  on  the  fire,  and  covered  it  up  clofe,  they  all 
fit  down  in  a  ring,  and  raife  a  lamentable  cry.  They  then  uncover 
the  fire,  and  kindle  it  up ;  and  the  head  of  the  buck  is  firft  fent 
about,  every  one  taking  a  bit,  and  giving  a  loud  croak,  in  imi- 
tation of  crows.  They  afterwards  proceed  to  eat  all  the  buck, 
making  a  molt  harmonious,  melancholy  fong j  in  which  ftrain 
their  raulic  is  particularly  excellent. 

Ha  As 

{    6o    ) 

As  they  approach  their  towns,  wheri  fome  of  their  people  are 
loft  in  war,  they  make  great  lamentations  for  their  dead,  and  bear 
them  long  after  in  remembrance. 

Some  nations  abhor  adultery,  do  not  approve  of  a  plurality  of 
wives,  and  are  not  guilty  of  theft ;  but  there  are  other  tribes  that 
are  not  fo  fcrupulous  in  thefe  matters.  Amongft  the  Chickafaws 
a  hufband  may  cut  off  the  nofe  of  his  wife,  if  guilty  of  adultery  ; 
but  men  are  allowed  greater  liberty.  This  nation  defpifes  a  thief. 
Among  the  Cherokees  they  cut  off  the  nofe  and  ears  of  an  adul- 
terefs ;  afterwards  her  hufband  gives  her  a  difcharge  ;  and  from 
this  time  fhe  is  not  permitted  to  refufe  any  one  who  prefents  him- 
felf.  Fornication  is  unnoticed  ;  for  they  allow  perfons  in  a  fingle 
(tare  unbounded  freedom. 

Their  form  of  marriage  is  fhorf— the  man,  before  witneffes, 
gives  the  bride  a  deer's  foot,  and  fhe,  in- return,  prefents  him  with 
an  ear  of  corn,  as  emblems  of  their  feveral  duties. 

The  women  are  very  flaves  to  the  men  \  which  is  a  common 
cafe  in  rude,  unpolifhed  nations,  throughout  the  world,  They 
a"re  charged  with  being  revengeful  5  but  this  revenge  is  only  doing 
themfelves  juftice  on  thofe  who  injure  them,  and  is  feldom  ex- 
ecuted, but  in  cafes  of  murder  and  adultery. 

Their  king  has  no  power  to  put  any  one  to  death  by  his  own 
authority  ;  but  the  murderer  is  generally  delivered  up  to  the  friends 
of  the  deceafed,  to  do  as  they  pleafe.  When  one  kills  another, 
his  friend  kills  him,  and  fo  they  continue  until  much  blood  isfhed ; 
and  at  laft,  the  quarrel  is  ended  by  mutual  prefents.  Their  kings 
are  hereditary,  but  their  authority  extremely  limited.  No  people 
are  a  more  ftriking  evidence  of  the  miferies  of  mankind  in  the 
want  of  government  than  they.  Every  chief,  when  offended, 
breaks  off  with  a  party,  fettles  at  fome  diftance,  and  then  com- 
mences hostilities  againft  his  own  people.  They  are  generally  at 
war  with  each  other.  Thefe  are  common  circumftances  amongft 
the  Indians. 

When  they  take  captives  in  war,  they  are  exceedingly  cruel, 
treating  the  unhappy  prifoners  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  death  would 
be  preferable  to  life.  They  afterwards  give  them  plenty  of  food, 
load  them  with  burdens,  and  when  they  arrive  at  their  towns, 
they  mull  run  the  gauntlet.  In  this,  the  favages  exercife  fo  much 
cruelty,  that 'one  would  think  it  impoilible  they  mould  furvive 
their  fufferings.  Many  are  killed  ;  but  if  one  outlives  this  trial, 
he  is  adopted  into  a  family  as  a  fon,  and  treated  with  paternal 
kindnefs  j  and  if  he  avoids  the  fufpicion  of  going  away,  is  allow- 
ed the  fame  privileges  as  their  own  people. 

The  ConduJi.oru~\  Having  finifhed  my  intended  narrative,  I 
fnall  clofe  the  appendix,  with  a  few  obfervations  upon  the  happy 
circumftances  that  the  inhabitants  of  Kentucky  will  probably 
enjoy,  from  the  pofleilion  of  a  country  fo  extenfive  and  fertile. 


(    6i    ) 

There  are  four  natural  qualities  neceffary  to  promote  the  hap- 
pinefs  of  a  country,  viz.  a  good  foil,  air,  water  and  trade.  Thefe 
taken  collectively,  except  the  latter,  Kentucky  polTefles  in  a  fu- 
perior  degree  :  and,  agreeable  to  our  defcription  of  the  weftern 
trade,  we  conclude,  that  it  will  be  nearly  equal  to  any  other  on 
the  continent  of  America,  and  the  difadvantages  it  is  fubject  to, 
be  fully  compenfated  by  the  fertility  of  the  foil. 

This  fertile  region,  abounding  with  all  the  luxuries  of  nature, 
ftored  with  all  the  principal  materials  for  art  and  induftry,  inha- 
bited by  virtuous  and  ingenious  citizens,  mull  univerfally  attract: 
the  attention  of  mankind,  being  (ituated  in  the  central  part  of  the 
extenfive  American  empire,  (the  limits  of  whofe  ample  domains, 
as  defcribed  in  the  fecond  article  of  the  late  definitive  treaty,  are 
fubjoined)  where  agriculture,  induftry,  laws,  arts,  and  fciences, 
flourim  ;  where  afflicted  humanity  raifes  her  drooping  head;  where  a  harveft  for  the  poor  ;  where  confcience  ceafes  to  be  a 
flave,  and  laws  are  no  more  than  the  fecurity  of  human  hap- 
p.inefs ;  where  nature  makes  reparation  for  having  created  man  ; 
and  government,  fo  long  proftituted  to  the  moft  criminal  purpofes, 
eftablimes  an  afylum  in  the  wildernefs  for  the  diftrefled  of  mankind. 

The  recital  of  your  happinefs  will  call  to  your  country  all  the 
unfortunate  of  the  earth,  who,  having  experienced  oppreflion, 
political  or  religious,  will  there  find  a  deliverance  from  their  chains. 
To  you  innumerable  multitudes  will  emigrate  from  the  hateful 
regions  of  defpotifm  and  tyranny  ;  and  you  will  furely  welcome 
them  as  friends,  as  brothers  ;  you  will  welcome  them  to  partake 
with  you  of  your  happinefs.  Let  the  memory  of  Lycurgus,  the 
Spartan  legillator,  who  banifhed  covetoufnefs,  and  the  love. of 
gold  from  his  country  ;  the  excellent  Locke,  who  firfl:  taught  the 
doctrine  of  toleration  ;  the  venerable  Penn,  the  firft  who  founded 
a  city  of  brethren  ;  and  Washington,  the  defender  and  protector 
of  perfecuted  liberty,  be  ever  the  illuftrious  example  of  your  po- 
litical conduct.  Avail  yourfelves  of  the  benefits  of  nature,  and 
oi  the  fruitful  country  you  inhabit. 

Let  the  iron  of  your  mines,  the  wool  of  your  flocks,  your  flax 
and  hemp,  the  flcins  of  the  favage  animals  that  wander  in  your 
woods,  be  fafliioned  into  manufactures,  and  take  an  extraordinary 
value  from  your  hands  :  then  will  you  rival  the  fuperfluitie^  of 
Europe,  and  know  that  happinefs  may  be  found,  without  the  com- 
merce fo  univerfally  defired  by  mankind. 

In  your  country,  like  the  land  of  promife,  flowing  with  milk 
and  honey,  a  land  of  brooks  of  water,  of  fountains  and  depths, 
that  fpring  out  of  valleys  and  hills,  a  land  of  wheat  and  barley, 
and  all  kinds  of  fruits,  you  fhall  eat  bread  without  fcarcenefs, 
and  not  lack  any  thing  in  it ;  where  you  are  neither  chilled  with 
the  cold  of  Capricorn,  nor  fcorched  with  the  burning  heat  of 
Cancer  j  the  mildnefs  of  your  air  fo  great,  that  you  neither  feel 


(      62      ) 

the  effects  of  infectious  fogs,  nor  peftilential  vapours.  Thus, 
your  country,  favoured  with  the  fmiles  of  heaven,  will  probably 
be  inhabited  by  the  firft  people  the  world  ever  knew. 

Article  II.  of  the  late  Definitive  Treaty. 

And  that  all  difputes  which  might  arife  in  future  on  the  fubjec"l 
of  the  boundaries  of  the  faid  United  States,  may  be  prevented, 
it  is  hereby  agreed  and  declared,  that  the  following  are  and  fhall 
foe  their  boundaries,  viz.  From  the  north-weft  angle  of  Novar 
Scotia,  viz.  that  angle  which  is  formed  by  a  line  drawn  due  north 
from  the  fource  of  St.  Croix  river  to  the  Highlands,  along  the 
faid  Highlands,  which  divide  thofe  rivers  that  empty  themfelves 
into  the  river  St.  Lawrence,  from  thofe  which  fall  into  the  At- 
lantic ocean,  to  the  north- wefternmoft  head  of  Connecticut  river; 
thence  down  along  the  middle  of  that  river  to  the  forty-fifth  de- 
gree of  north  latitude  ;  from  thence  by  a  line  due  weft  on  faid  la- 
titude, until  it  ftrikes  the  river  Iroquois,  or  Cataraqui ;  thence 
along  the  middle  of  the  faid  river  into  Lake  Ontario,  through  the 
middle  of  the  faid  lake,  until  it  ftrikes  the  communication  by 
water  between  that  lake  and  Lake  Erie  \  thence  along  the  middle 
of  faid  communication  in  Lake  Erie,  through  the  middle  of  faid 
lake  until  it  arrives  at  the  water  communication  between  that  lake 
and  Lake  Huron  ;  thence  along  the  middle  of  faid  water  commu- 
nication into  the  Lake  Huron  ;  thence  through  the  middle  of  faid 
lake  to  the  water  communication  between  that  lake  and  Lake  Su- 
perior; thence  through  Lake  Superior  northward  of  the  Ifles 
Royal  and  Phelipeaux  to  the  Long  Lake  ;  thence  through  the 
middle  ot  faid  Long  Lake  and  the  water  communication  between 
it  and  the  Lake  of  the  Woods,  to  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  ; 
thence  through  the  faid  lake  to  the  moft  north-weft  point  thereof, 
smd  from  thence  on  a  due  weft  courfe  to  the  river  Miffiffippi  ; 
thence  by  a  line  to  be  drawn  along  the  middle  of  the  faid  river 
Miiliffippi,  until  it  fhall  interfecl  the  northernmoft  part  of  the 
thirty -firft  degree  of  north  latitude  ;  fouth,  by  a  line  to  be  drawn 
due  eaft  from  the  determination  of  the  laft  mentioned  in  the  lati- 
tude of  thirty-one  degrees  north  of  the  equator,  to  the  middle 
of  the  river  Apalachicola,  or  Catanouche ;  thence  along  the 
middle  thereof  to  its  junction  with  the  Flint  river,  thence  ftraight 
to  the  head  of  St.  Mary's  river  ;  and  thence  down  along  the  middle 
of  St.  Mary's  river  to  the  Atlantic  ocean  ;  eaft,  by  a  line  to  be 
drawn  along  the  middle  of  the  river  St.  Croix,  from  its  mouth 
on  the  bay  of  Fundy  to  its  fource,  and  from  its  fource  directly 
I  north. 

(    63    ) 

north  to  the  aforefaid  Highlands  which  divide  the  rivers  that  fall 
into  the  Atlantic  ocean  from  thofe  which  fall  into  the  river  St. 
Lawrence,  comprehending  all  iflands  within  twenty  leagues  of  any 
part  of  the  fhores  of  the  United  States,  and  lying  between  lines 
to  be  drawn  due  eaft  from  the  points  where  the  aforefaid  boun- 
daries between  Nova  Scotia  on  the  one  part,  and  Eaft- Florida 
on  the  other,  fhall  refpectively  touch  the  bay  of  Fundy  and  the 
Atlantic  ocean,  excepting  fufch  iflands  as  now  are,  or  heretofore 
have  been,  within  the  limits  of  the  faid  province  of  Nova 


{     64    ) 

ROADS  from  Philadelphia  to  the  Falls  of  the  Obi*  by  Land, 

FROM  Philadelphia  to  Lancaft'er 
To  Wright's  on  Sufquehannah 
To  York  town 
Abbot's  town 
Hunter's  town 

the  mountain  at  jBlack's  Gap 
the  other  fide  of  the  mountain 
the  Stone-houfe  Tavern 
Wadkin's  ferry  on  Potowmack 
New  town  -    -• 

Stover's  town  «• 

Shanandoah  river 
the  north  branch  of  Shanandoah 

the  North  Fork  of  James  river 
.James  river 
Botetourt  Court-houfe 
Woods's  on  Catauba  river 
Patterfon's  on  Roanoak 
the  Allegany  mountain 
New  river 
the  forks  of  the  road 

Fort  Chi  (Tel 
a  Stone  Mill 


head  of  Holftein 

Wafhington  Court-houfe 

the  Block-houfe 

Powel's  mountain 

Walden's  Ridge  -      . 

the  valley  Station 

Martin  Cabbin's 

Cumberland  mountain 

the  ford  of  Cumberland  river 

the  Flat  Lick 

Stinking  creek 


n.  d* 












"  7 



































40 1 





1  I 



























(    6S    ) 

M.  M.D. 

To  Richland  creek                 -  \.-.4  /9 

Down  Richland  creek                  -  -              f  £57 

.  .    Rackoon  faring                    -  "                      2  66$ 

Laurel  river                   -                   -  6go 

Hazel  Patch                   -  \*  6 

the  ford  on  Rock-caftle  river-  -                   «J  °9° 

En^lifh's  Station                    -  «,8 

Cof  Edwards's  at  Crab  Orchard  *              3  7  « 

Whitley's  Station                  -  5  IS 

Logan's  Station                 -  J,  * 

Clark's  Station                  -  ,               "  i  '720 

Crow's  Station       •                              "  J  Jj 

Harrod's  Station                 -  4  '*6 

Harbifons                  -.  .           2r  781 

Bard's  town                 -                 -  „           2r  806 

the  Salt-works  -  20  826 
Kenmct  t  t£a*m  fouth,  60^  weft'from  PUhddnhi., 

and  on  a  Sght  line,  may  be  about  fix  hundred  mdes  d.ftant  from 

that  city. 

fcOAD  •  Pittflurg,  end  dances  from  thence  do^On  theOhi* 
River  to  its  mouth,  and  from  theme  down  the  MiJJiJJippi  to  the 
Mexican  Gulph* 

FROM  Philadelphia  to  Lancaftef 
To  Middletown 
Harris's  ferry 



Chamber's  town  -    . 

Fort  Loudon  - 

Fort  Littleton 

Juniata  creek 


the  foot,  of  the  Allegany  mountains 

Stoney  creek 

the  eaft  fide  of  Laurel  hill 

Fort  Ligonier 

Pittfbui:£  -  - 































'(    66    ) 

From  Pittsburgh  to  Log's  town  on  the 
tf :  fide 
To  Big  Beaver  creek,  N. 
Little  Beaver  creek,  N, 
Yellow  creek,  N, 
Ming's  town 

Grafs  creek,  N.  *       . 

Wheelen  creek,  S.  fide 
Grave  creek,  S. 
the  Long  Reach 
(he  end  of  do. 
Miikingnm  river,  N. 
Little  Kenhawa,  S. 
Hockhocking  river,  N. 
Great  Kenhawa  river,  S. 
Great  Griandot,  S. 
Big  Sandy  creek,  S. 
Sciotha  river',  N. 
Big  Buffalo  Lick  creek,  S. 
a  Large  ifland 
the  Three  iflands 
Limeftone  creek,  S. 
Little  Miami,  N. 
Licking  river,  fouth  fide 
Great  Miami  river,  N. 
Big-bone  creek,  S. 
Kentucky  river,  S.. 
the  Rapids  of  Ohio 
Salt  river,  S. 

the  beginning  of  the  low  country 
the  firft  of  the  Five  iflands 
Green  river,  S. 
a  large  ifland 
Wabafh  river,   M. 
the  Great  Cave,  N-  :   - 

Cumberland  river,  S. 
Tcnefe  river,   S. 
Fort  Meflia  river,  S.  - 

the  mouth  of  the  Ohio  river 
the  Iron  Banks,  S. 
Chickafaw  river 
the  river  Margot  '  - 

St.  Francis's  river 
Akanfa  river 
Yazaw  river 
the  Grand  Gulph 























1 1 




























1 160 






(.    «7    ) 

To  the  Little  Gulph  - 

Fort  Rofalie,  at  the  Natches 

the  river  Rouge 

the  uppermoft  mouth  of  the  Mifliflippi 

Point  Coupee     - 

Iberville  •  -      .  -  -    . 

the  villages  of  the  Alibama  Indians 

New  Orleans,  S.  fide 

the  mouths  of  the  Mifliflippi 
A  ftrait  line  drawn  from  Pittfburg  to  the  mouth  of  the  Mifliflippi 
may  be  computed  at  two  thirds  of  the  diftance  by  the  meanders  of 
the  rivers,  which  will  be  twelve  hundred  and  ninety  miles. 



















105  • 


A  few  Copies  of  the  following  valuable  Works  may 
be  had  of  Mr.  Stockdale. 

I  T>RITANNIA;  or,  a  Chronological  Defcription 
X3  of  the  Flourifhing  Kingdoms  of  England, 
Scotland,  and  Ireland,  and  the  Iflands  adjacent, 
from  the  earlieft  Antiquity.  By  William  Camden. 
Tranflated  from  the  Edition  publifhed  by  the  Author 
in  1607,  enlarged  by  the  lateft  Difcoveries,  by 
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lumes, illuftrated  with  Maps,  and  other  Copper- 
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Another  fet,  calf  gilt 

pitto,  in  Ruflia 

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Ditto,  in  Ruffia,  gilt,  lettered  as  above 

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in  5  vols,  quarto,  in  Boards  —  5     5 

Another  fet,  elegantly  bound  in  catfj  and  gilt 


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