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University  of  Illinois  Urbana-Champaign 

Faculty  Working  Papers 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 

Unlv.r.ity  of  Illinois  at  U  rb  a  n  a  -  C  h  a  m  p  a  i  g  n 

Sharpe,    Wxlliam    TTW^^m^PfWIP^li 

Equilibriurd  Under   Conditions   of    Risk,"  Journal    of   ^ 

Stigler,    G.      (1963).      Capital   and    the  Rate   of   Return    in 
Industries,    Princeton:      Princeton  University   Press. 

Taylor,    G.R.      (1951).      The  Transportation  Revolution   183 
York;      Holt,    Rinehart  and   Winston. 

U.S.    Bureau  of    the  Census,    (1975).      Historical    Statistic 
Washington,    D.C.:      Government   Printing  Office. 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 
University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign 
June  6,  1975 


Charles  E.  Blair,  Assistant  Professor, 
Department  of  Business  Administration 


Summary : 

We  continue  work  of  Balas  and  Jeroslov;  on  cutting-planes  algorithms 
for  disjunctive  programs.   VJe  shov;  that,  in  theory,  finite  conveiigence 
can  still  be  obtained  even  if  the  extreme  point  to  be  cut  away  and  the 
disjunction  used  to  generate  the  cut  are  chosen  arbitrarily.   A  more 
computational  variant  of  the  same  idea  is  also  presented  as  well  as  a 
small  example  illustrating  non-convergence. 

Disjunctive  Programs  and  Sequences  of  Cutting-Planes 

Charles  E.  Blair 


Many  discrete  optimization  problems  can  be  viewed  as  systems  of 
linear  inequalities  together  with  restrictions  of  an  "either-or"  type, 
e.g.,  either  x^  =  0  or  x^  =  0  or  x^  =  0.   Balae  [1,  2]  introduced 
disjunctive  programs  to  develop  the  general  theory  of  such  problems. 
P  =  {x|Ax  2.  ^^  C  ^  is  a  polytope  given  by  the  usual  inequality  constraints, 
A  disjunctive  constraint  is  a  requirement  that  the  feasible  set  satisfy 
at  least  one  of  the  Ineqxxalities  d.x  >^  e. ,  i  =  l,,,.k;  where 
PA  d.x  2.  ^4  is  a  face  of  P.  The  constraints  of  a  disjunctive  program 
consist  of  the  inequalities  defining  P,  together  with  t  disjunctive 
constraints,  each  of  the  form 

(1)  xf  (J   (PAdx^e)     j  =  l,...t 


Disjunctive  programs  include  as  special  cases  zero-one  integer  programs 
.-and  linear  complementarity  problems. 

We  consider  cutting-plane  methods  of  obtaining  the  feasible  set  S. 
For  QC  P  the  inequality  ax  >^  3  is  said  to  be  valid  for  Q  if  az  >_  B  for 
all  z  €  Q.   For  1  £  j  £  t  define 

(2)  E(j,Q)  =  \J      (Q/^d  x^  e  ) 



(3)  S  =    r\   E(j,P) 



No  method  of  obtaining  valid  inequalities  for  S  directly  is  known. 
However,  Balas  [1,  sea  also  3]  has  shown  how  valid  inequalities  for 
E(j ,Q)  may  be  obtained  by  solving  certain  linear  programs.   It  is  also 
shown  in  [1]  that  S  =  E(t,  E(t-1,  E(t-2, . ..E(2,  E(1,P) )...)•  In 
principle,  the  feasible  set  may  be  obtained  by  adding  all  the  inequalities 
generated  by  the  first  disjunctive  constraint,  then  adding  all  cuts  generated 
by  the  second  constraint  (applied  to  E(1,P)),  and  so  forth.  Since  the  num- 
ber of  facets  of  E(1,P)  is  typically  exponential,  other  methods  are  needed. 

Jeroslow  [5]  considered  schemes  in  which  cutting-planes  are  added 
one  at  a  time.  One  started  with  Q_  =  P.  At  the  kth  step  one  has  Q^.^  Qi^^-. 
and  an  extreme  point  z,  of  Q,  .  If  z,  ^  S  the  algorithm  stops.  Otherwise 
j  is  determined  such  that  z,  ^  ECjjQ,  ).  An  inquality  ax  >_  3  is  obtained 
(using  the  Unear  program  techniques  mentioned  above)  which  is  valid  for 
E(J>Qi,)  Slid  such  that  c",  <  3,  i.e.,  the  point  z,  is  cut  away.  Then 
Q.  ,^  =  Q.Y°\ciX  >^  3,  an  extrime  point  z,  _^^  of  Q,  ■•,  is  located,  and  so  forth. 

Jeroslow  shov/ed  rhat  if  j,  ct,  3  are  suitably  chosen  at  each  step,  then 
conv(S)  will  be  obtaireil  in  finitely  many  steps,  regardless  of  the  choice 
of  extreme  point  z,    at  each  step.  The  finiteness  proof  is  non-trivial.  We 
give  a  small  example  at  the  end  of  this  paper  to  show  that  finiteness  may 
fail  if  one  simply  chooees  at  each  step  an  arbitrary  facet  of  E(j,Q  )  which 
cuts  away  z  , 

The  problem  is  posed  In  [5]  whethar  one  can  still  obtain  finite 
convergence  if  one  is  allowed  to  choose  z,    and  also  the  j,  such  that 


tf  E(j,  J  Q.  )  at  each  step  (i.e.j  one  chooses  both  the  extreme  point 
and  the  disjunctive  constraint  to  be  used  to  cut  it  away  arbitrarily).  We 
will  show  that  this  can  ba  done,  although  the  cuts  used  may  be  difficult 


to  confute.  We  thee  present  a  related  algorithm  In  which  the  cuts  are 
generated  via  linear  programs.  Finally  we  present  the  example  mentioned 
previously  and  discuss  finiteness  proofs  in  general. 

Preliminary  Analysis 

We  begin  with  a  formal  description  of  cutting-plane  procedures  in 
general.  Let  W  be  the  set  of  all  finite  sequences  of  quadruples 
(z^*  a^*  6^,  jj) 

(4)  W  "   {<(2^,  a^,  6^.  jj^)>Q  <  i  <  K^    [z^.  a^  ^  R^*;  S^,  f.  R;  1  1  j^  1  t] 

such  that  (i)  a^  =  0,  £«  =  0  (ii)  z  is  an  extreme  point  of 

(5)  %,-^Q^\-th 

(lii)  z^^  E(j^.  Q^)  (iv)  a^z^^  <  6^,  and  (v)  Q^  ^  S  for  all  0  <  m  <  K. 

We  will  denote  those  w  ^  W  of  length  k+1  [i.e.,  last  term  is  (z,  ,  a,  ,  g.  ,  j,  )] 

by  W^.  Thus,  W  =  (J  W^. 

k  ttfl 

We  identify  a  cutting-plane  procedtore  with  a  function  A:  W  -♦•  R 

that  assigns  to  each  w  f  W^  A(w)  =  (a,  ,, ,  3^+.-.)  such  that  (iv)  and  (v) 

,are  satisfied  for  m  =  k+1,  A  is  finitely  convergent  if  and  only  if 

(6)  there  is  no  infinite  sequence  <(z. ,  a. ,  B,,  J.)> 

such  that,  for  every  m,  w  C  W^  and  (a  ,  g  )  =  A(w  ,)  [w  =  first  nri-1 

m^         mm      m-i    m 

members  of  the  infinite  sequence] . 

In  other  words,  regardless  of  the  choice  of  z  and  jj  at  each  step, 

one  eventiially  reaches  a  situation  in  which  every  extreme  point  of  Q  is 

in  f\    E(j,P)  »  S,  hence  Q  =  conv(S). 
j«l  ^ 


A  crucial  role  in  our  subsequent  analysis  is  played  by  the  fact 
that  E(j,P)  is  a  union  of  faces  of  P.   Let 

(7)  P(ni)  -  {x;|x^F  for  some  face  F  of  P  of  dimension  _<  m} 

Suppose  we  have  obtained  a  poly  tope  Q^S.  Since  the  extreme  points  of 
conv(S)  are  extreme  points  of  P,  S  is  contained  in  the  convex  hull  of 
those  extreme  points  of  P  which  are  members  of  Q,  i.e., 
conv(Q^  P(0))  ^  S.  More  generally. 

Lemma;  Let  Q^  S  and  0  _<  m  ^  n.  Then  conv(Q  fj  P(m))  ^  S. 

Proof;  Since  P(t!i+1)  "^  P(m)  it  suffices  to  show  this  for  m=0.  By 
(2),  (3),  and  de  Morgan's  law,  we  may  write  S  as  a  union  of  intersec- 
tions of  faces  of  P.  Since  the  intersection  of  faces  is  a  face,  this 
establishes  that  S  is  a  union  of  faces  of  P.  Since  a  face  of  P  is  the 
convex  hull  of  certain  extreme  points  of  P,  it  follows  that  convCS)  is 
the  convex  hull  of  extreme  points  of  P,  as  claimed  above.  Q.E.D. 

We  describe  informally  our  cutting-plane  scheme.  At  each  step  we 
have  0*^5  and  z  an  extreme  point  of  Q  .   Let 

(8)  d  =  dimension  of  that  face  F  of  P  such  that 

m  m 

z  ^  interior  (F  ) 

m  *•  m 

If  d  =0,  i.e.,  z  is  an  extreme  point  of  P,  we  cut  z  away  using  any 

m  m  n. 

inequality  valid  for  S.  Since  P  has  a  finite  number  of  extreme  points 
this  only  happens  finitely  often.  If  d  >  0  then 


C9)       ^^'^onH^f^Hd^-D 



(10)  conv(F^f^Q^nP(d^-  l)):?F^nEa^.  V 

(9)  follows  from  the  fact  that  z  is  an  extreme  point  of  Q  .   (10)  holds 
because  F  ^  E(j  ,  Q  )  is  a  union  of  proper  faces  of  F  . 

We  construct  an  inequality  ot  -x  >^  g^,  which  is  valid  for  E(j  ,  Q  ) 
and  cuts  away  z  .  To  ensure  finite  convergence  we  arrange  that 
F  f\  '^■m+i^   "  ^m+l  ^®  (roughly  speaking)  a  facet  of  Conv  (F  /)  Q  ^P(d  -  1) 

The  Convergence  Theorem 

For  w  f  W  and  1  f.  d  <^  n  let 

(11)  L(d,w)  ■■  largest  m  <^  k-1  such  that  d  <  d 

For  Q  C^  s""^  ^  3  d-dimensional  face  of  P  a  finite  set  S(Q,F)C  r'^ 
is  defined  to  be  a  sharp  set  of  inequalities  if 

(12)  conv(Qn  FA  ^W-D)  ^QO^H      ax>.6 

(a,JJ)f  S(Q,F) 

Sharp  sets  of  inequalities  exist,  e.g.,  the  facets  of  Q O  F(d-l). 

Theorem:  Suppose  that  for  every  F,  Q  S(Q,F)  is  a  sharp  set^pf  in- 
equalities. Suppose  A:  W  ->  R    is  a  cutting-plane  procedure  such  that 
for  every  w^  W  if  A(w)  =  (a,  . ,  ,  &..■■)  then 

k+1'    "k+1' 

<^3>  \4-l\  <  Vl 

(14)  If  \=o    Qi,0\+i-^\+i>  ^ 

(15)  if  d,    >   0     then  for  some    (a,3)  ^   S(Q^  .  .        .  ^,  ,   F,  ) 


(16)        if  \  >  0  QkA%+i-  ^  ^+1  ^  \ri  n^y-i)      , 

Then  A  is  a  finitely  convergent  procedure,  i.e.,  (6)  holds. 

Proof;  With  each  w  ^  w  we  associate  C(w)  =  (a„,  a^ , . . .a  ),  an 
(n+1) -tuple  of  natural  numbers  measuring  the  complexity  of  Q,  .   a„  Is 
the  nxunber  of  extreme  points  of  P  in  Q,  .  For  1  ^  d  ^  n  we  define 

(17)      a^  =  Z  N(F) 


where  N(F)  is  the  number  of  (a,e)  C   S((L  ,,   .  .^  ,  F)  such  that 

*    Hcl,wJ+i 

Q,  /^  F  f\  a-x.  >_  a  ^   Q,  A  i''»  and  the  sum  is  over  all  d-dimensional  faces 

F  of  P.   Let  w  ^   W^"^  be  such  that  (a,  .,,  K^t)   =  A(w)  and  w  =  the 

first  (k+1)  terms  of  w".  Let  C(w  )  =  (a„,...  a  ).   If  d,  =  0  a„  <  a^ 

u     n       K.     u    u 

because  z^Q  -  Q,  j.-.  •   If  d,  >  0  and  i  _<  d,  then  L(i,w)  =  L(i,w  ). 

Since  Qu.i^  Qn»  a  ^a  .  Further  a,   <  a,  because,  by  (15), 

N  (F|^_t)  ■*  ^(^i,_-i)'  Hence  C(w  )  is  lexicographically  smaller  than 

C(w).   By  well  ordering,  no  infinite  sequence  is  possible.   Q.E.D. 

Condition  (16)  is  not  used  directly  in  the  convergence  proof.   Its 

purpose  is  to  insure  that,  at  each  step  of  the  algorithm,  if  d,  >  0, 

then  there  is  some  (a, 3)  fi.  S(Q^  ,,   ^.,,F,  )  such  that  az,  <  S.   This  follows 

^    L(d,  ,w)+l  k  k 

from  the  fact  that,  for  all  d  >  0,  Q,  ^  Q^  , ,   ,^,  C\   P(d-l). 

'  ^k  "^  ^L(d,w)+1 

Solution  of  the  Problem  of  Jeroslow  [5] 

/•   k 
We  must  construct  a  finitely  convergent  A  such  that,  for  w^  W 

A(w)  =  (C|.,T.  Pi.4.1)  is  such  that 


We  require  a  variant  of  the  separating  hyperplane  theorem,  which  can  be 
proved  by  the  usual  convex  analysis  methods. 

Lemmfl.  Let  tC^P  be  a  polytope,  F  a  face  of  P,  v  f  R  ,  5<»  R, 
z  f  F-T.  If  vz  <  6  and  F/^vx  >.  6  p  F  f\  T,  then  there  are  (a, Is)  such 
that  P^  ax  >_  e  5  T  and  (F  A  cue  =  3)  ■=(?  A  vx  =  6), 

Now  we  specify  the  desired  A.  S(Q,F)  consists  of  all  the  facets 
of  Q/\P(d-l).  If  d,  =  0,  \fe  cut  z,  away  using  any  valid  Inequality 
for  E(j-,  Q  ).  If  d  >  0,  then  by  (9)  and  (10)  there  are 
(v,6)  ^  S(Qj^.^  J,,  )+l»^^^  ^"'^^  ^^^^   ^\  <  5  and  Q^/^  Fj^n  vx  >.  6  ^ 
conviqji  ¥^f\   P(dj^-l) )  P  Qk  A  ^k  A  EO  .  Q^)  •     We  let  T  =  conv((Qj^  /\  P(dj^-l))  [J 
E(j»  Qi^))  and  apply  the  leimna  to  obtain  a.  ^  ,  g,  -  satisfying  (13),  (15), 
(16),  and  (18). 

An  AlRorlthm  Based  on  Cuts  Generated  by  Linear  Programs 

The  cutting-plane  procedure  described  in  the  preceeding  section  '■'■ 
seems  impractical  because,  among  other  things,  each  step  depends  on 
locating  a  facet  of  conv(Q,  /^  (d, -1) )  .   In  this  section  we  describe  an 
algorithm  based  on  similar  ideas  in  which  the  cuts  are  generated  at  each 
step  by  finding  basic  feasible  solutions  (not  necessarily  optimal)  to 
certain  linear  programs. 

We  convert  the  representation  of  P  to  equation  form  by  adding  slack 
variables,  so  P  =  {y|B  y  =  b  ,  y  ^  0}  where  B  has  q  rows  and  r  columns. 

At  step  k  of  the  algorithm  the  next  cut  is  added  by  introducing  a  new 

row  to  the  constraints  and  a  Tie\-f   non-negative  variable  v   .   In  general 

we  have 

(19)      Qj^  =  -CylBj^y  +  C^v  -  h^;   y,  v  >.  0}  where 


B,  is  (q+k)xr  and  C^  is  (q+k)=<k.  B^^^  and  C^^^  will  denote  the  ith 
columns  of  the  m&trices,  while  y,   ,  v    will  be  components  of  vectors. 
At  each  step  (y,  ,v,  ) ^  R    is  an  extreme  point  of  Q,  corresponding 
to  a  choice  of  basic  \7ariables  in  (19) .  y,  is  in  the  interior  of  the 
face  of  P 

(20)  F^   =  {ylB^y  =  b^,  y  1  0  y*^^^  =  0  if  y^^^  =  0} 

As  before  d,  =  dimension  of  F,  and  L(d,k)  =  the  largest  m  <_  k-1  such 

that  d  <  d. 


At  step  k+-l  (y,  »v"  )  must  be  cut  away.  Let 

(21)  J  =  {l|y^^^  >  0} 

(22)  D,  =   U   {(y,v)|(y,v)f  Q,  and  y*^^^  =  0} 

^   i^  J  ^ 

Then  D,^/\  ^^^  =  \A  P(di.-l)n  Q^  ^^'^  conv(Dj^)  ■>  conv(Qj^/^  P(dj^-l).  It 
follows  from  results  in  [3]  that  every  inequality  ay  +  &v  _>  v  valid 
for  Q^i/^^v  (0  ^  "1  f.  ^)  call  be  obtained  from  a  feasible  solution  to  the 
"disjunctive  dual  program" 

(23)      minimize  ay,  +  gv,  -  v 

subject  to 

'^j-^i^k'^^   J  =  1»"«^;  i  ^ -^  -  tj> 
^-  1  ^.c5-^'^  j  =  l,..,m  i  £  J 

Bj  =  ^i^^^     m  <  j  <.k   i^  J 

V  <  u.b,    i  ^  J 
—  1  k 

(-1,  .  . . ,  -1)  1  u^  <^  (1,  . . . ,  1) 


In  (23)  the  variables  are  a  f  R^,  g  («  R^,  v  f  R,  and  u  f  R^"*"^  for 
all  if>  J.  The  inequalities  ccrreeponding  to  basic  faasible  solutions 
to  (23)  constitute  a  i,harp  set  of  inequalities  S(Q  ,  F,  ) . 

If  (y,  ,  V,  )  1  S  we  cut  it  away  by  using  an  (a,  3,  v)  corresponding 
to  a  basic  feasible  solution  of  (23),  m  =  L(d^,k)+1,  with  negative 
objective  function  value  Clt  is  not  necessary  to  find  the  optimal  solu- 
tion, although  this  will  produce  a  deeper  cut) .  Then  the  new  row  added 
to  the  tableau  is 

(24)      -ay  -  B,f  +  v^^"*""*-^  =  -v 

pivot  operations  are  perfonned  to  locate  the  next  extreme  point 

^k+1'  \+l^  ^^^   ®°  forth. 

This  algorithm  is  similar  to  that  in  [5]  in  that  it  is  finitely 

convergent,  cuts  away  .?.n  arbitrarily  chosen  extreme  point  at  each  step, 

and  uses  disjunctive,  duel  progreois  to  generate  the  cuts.  The  main 

difference  is  tliat  ths  algorithm  of  Jeroslcv  generates  a  valid  inequality 

for  E(j,  »  Q,  )  at  each  Rtep,  while  our  algorithm  generates  a  valid  in- 

eqtiality  for  conv(0  /*^  P(d, -1))  .  I.-idead,  the  only  use  we  make  «>-  the 

sets  E(J,P)  is  to  test  whether  the   current  point  is  i^-   the  feasible 

set  S.  The  linear  piopram  (23)  comparas  unfa"  rably  with  the  analogous 

program  in  [5,  (7ft-7b)j  if  the  sets  ^\,J$   are  simple,  i.e.,  the  union 

of  small' numbers  of  faces,  "  ..uo   case  of  complex  E(j,fi)  our  program 

(23),  which  f^'—-- .^y   avoids  the  E-sete,  may  be  superior.  In  both 

cases  the  LPs  are  not  as  large  as  they  look,  and  computational  tricks 

and  simplifications  will  he  investigated  later. 


An  Example  of  Non-Convergence; 

The  finiteness  proofs  here  and  in  [5]  are  surprisingly  messy. 
We  offer  an  example  of  a  non-convergent  cutting-plane  procedure,  which 

suggests  that  some  delicacy  is  required  to  insure  finiteness. 

Let  P   R  be  the  polytope  whose  extreme  points  are 

(25)      (3,3,0)  (3,3,5) 

(0,8,0)  (0,8.,e)   [8  and  <f>   to  be  specified  later] 

(8,0,0)  (B,o,e) 

(3,10,0)  (3,10,$) 

(10,3,0)  (10, 3, f) 
•  (8,8,0) 

Geometrically  P  has  a  hexagon  base  and  an  upper  surface  that  is  a 
"creased  hexagon."  The  two  are  joined  at  the  point  (8,8,0). 
There  are  two  disjunctive  constraints 

(26)  E(1,P)  =  {(x,y,z)ix  =0  or  y  =  0  or  z  =  0} 

E(2,P)  =  {(x,y,x)lx  +  y  =  6  or  x  =  10  or  y  =  10  or  z  =  0} 
S  =  P   E(1,P)   E(2,P)  =  {(x,y,z)   PJz  =  0} 
Let  9,<j)  satisfy 

(27)  4<9<5  iji=|-e 


Then  the  extreme  point  (0,8,9)  can  be  cut  away  by  the  inequality 

(28)  (5-(J>)x  +  (5-<J;)y  +  7z  _<  63  -  6$ 

(28)  is  a  facet  of  E(2,P)  which  goes  through  C3,3,5);  Ci,10,<j));  and 


Q  =  P   (28)  has  the  same  extreme  points  as  Q  =  P  except  that 
(0,8,9)  and  (8,0,6)  are  replaced  by  (0,8,9');  (8,0,9')  such  that 

(29)  <!.  >|  6'     9'  =-|4'  +7^ 

The  extreme  point  (3,10,({;)  can  be  cut  away  by  the  inequality 

(30)  9'x  +  e'y  +  8z  _<  166' 

(30)  is  a  facet  of  P(1,Q  )  which  goes  through  (0,8,9');  (8,0,9')  and 

^2  '^  ^1   ^^^^  ^^®  ^^^   extreme  points  (10,3,$)  (3,10,<|>)  replaced   ^•' 
by  (10,3,<(.')  and  (3,10,<j)')  where 

(31)  4  <  9'  <  5     <|)'  =  I  9' 

O  r 

Since  (31)  is  the  same  as  (27)  the  process  can  be  continued  indefi-~ 

Two  remarks  should  be  made  about  this  example.  At  each  step  there 
is  only  one  j  such  that  the  present  extreme  point  is  not  in  E(j,Q,). 
This  is  not  a  case  of  choosing  the  wrong  disjunction  but  rather  the  wrong 
facet,  which  keeps  creating  undesirable  new  extreme  points.  Secondly, 
it  should  be  noted  that  the  sequence  of  extreme  points  does  not  approach 
a  member  of  S  in  any  limiting  sense. 

Concluding  Remarks 

There  are  two  areas  in  need  of  investigation.   Firstly,  the  behavior 
of  computer  implementations  of  these  ideas  needs  to  be  studied  (as  pre- 
viously stated,  this  paper  concentrates  on  theoretical  issues  and  an 


actual  Implementation  would  depend  on  further  tricks) .  Secondly,  the 
finiteness  questions  are  still  rather  mysterious.  Both  the  methods 
described  here  and  in  [5]  have  the  irritating  property  that  the  finite- 
ness proof  may  fail  if  deeper  cuts  than  the  ones  specified  are  used 
(this  is  related  to  the  creation  of  unwanted  extreme  points  in  our  ex- 
ample) .  The  author  feels  that  present  convergence  proofs  are  more 
cumbersome  than  they  should  be,  and  that  a  theory  unifying  the  various 
techniques  is  needed.  The  idea  behind  all  convergence  proofs  for 
cutting-plane  methods  is  that  the  polytope  after  a  cut  is  "simpler"  than 
the  polytope  before  the  cut.  We  lack  a  thorough  understanding  of  what 
constitutes  appropriate  definitions  of  "simpler." 

Finally,  we  wish  to  mention  a  question  related  to  Gomory's  method 
of  integer  forms.  Gomory  [4],  after  showing  that  certain  row  selec- 
tion rules  guaranteed  finite  convergence,  observed  that  he  knew  of  no 
example  of  non-convergence  arising  from  an  arbitrary  selection  of  rows 
at  each  step.  Twenty  years  later,  no  such  example  has  been  constructed. 

M/C/139  „ 



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