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Bulletin  454  January,  1942 

Distribution  of  Roots  of  Certain  Tree 
Species  in  Two  Connecticut  Soils 


^^rttttltural  Experiment  Station 

Bulletin  454  January,  1942 

Distribution  of  Roots  of  Certain  Tree 
Species  in  Two  Connecticut  Soils 

George  Illichevsky  Garin 


Agricultural  ^focnmtmmt  Station 

jNeta  flatten 


Acknowledgment  is  made  for  cooperation,  helpful  advice,  sug- 
gestions and  criticism  during  the  progress  of  this  investigation  to 
Harold  J.  Lutz  and  Walter  H.  Meyer,  Associate  Professors  of  For- 
estry, Yale  University ;  to  Herbert  A.  Lunt,  Associate  in  Forest  Soils, 
C.  I.  Bliss,  Biometrician,  M.  F.  Morgan,  Agronomist  in  Charge,  and 
H.  G.  M.  Jacobson,  Associate  Agronomist,  Connecticut  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station;  to  Raymond  Kienholz,  Silviculturist,  Austin  F. 
Hawes,  State  Forester,  and  S.  E.  Parker,  District  Forester,  Connec- 
ticut State  Park  and  Forest  Commission. 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2011  with  funding  from 

LYRASIS  members  and  Sloan  Foundation 



Review  of  Literature    104 

Selection  of  Soils  and  Tree  Species  for  Investigation   109 

Establishment   of   two   plantations    109 

Condition  of  two  plantations  at  the  initiation  of  the  study 110 

Selection  of  trees  to  be  studied   112 

Methods  of  Procedure  and  Field  Work  113 

Methods  of  procedure    113 

Field   work    115 

Mapping  of  soil  profiles    115 

Collection  of  soil  samples    122 

Photographing  of  the  roots    123 

Field    Observations    123 

Laboratory    Methods    126 

Statistical    Analysis    127 

Discussion  and  Interpretation   of  Results 129 

Physical  soil  properties    129 

Aggregate   analysis    130 

Physical  properties  of  soil-in-place  samples    130 

Mechanical   analysis 136 

Moisture    equivalent    138 

Chemical   properties    139 

Analyses  of  certain  chemical  elements  in  the  two  soils   139 

Loss   on   ignition    141 

Total   nitrogen 145 

Hydrogen  ion  concentration,  pH  values   146 

Base  exchange   values    146 

Root  distribution  in  the  two  soils   147 

Distribution  of  all  roots    150 

Distribution  of   small   roots 151 

Root  distribution  of   the  five  tree  species   155 

Root    distribution     155 

Root  arrangement  in  the  central  root  mass   156 

Silvicultural  Discussion    160 

Summary     162 

Literature   Cited    165 

Distribution  of  Roots  of  Certain  Tree  Species 
in  Two  Connecticut  Soils1 

George  Illichevskt  Garin 

A  knowledge  of  that  portion  of  a  forest  stand  which  is  be- 
low the  ground  surface  is  of  great  interest  to  a  forester.  This 
knowledge  helps  to  indicate  the  silvicultural  treatment  necessary  for 
the  best  management  of  the  stand.  Forest  production  depends  on  the 
proper  utilization  of  a  site  on  which  a  given  forest  is  growing.  In- 
creasing emphasis  is  now  given  to  soil  factors  and  conditions  under- 
ground in  site  utilization.  The  relationship  between  soil  types,  soil 
horizons,  individual  soil  properties  and  the  roots  of  trees  is  receiving 
much  attention  in  recent  years.  Because  of  the  many  types  of  soils, 
species  of  trees,  composition  of  stands  and  age  classes,  only  slow 
progress  can  be  expected.  In  any  event,  certain  limitations  of  the 
scope  of  the  problem  must  be  accepted  at  the  outset  of  such  a  study. 

The  scope  of  the  present  investigation  was  limited  to  two  con- 
trasting soil  types  arid  five  tree  species.  The  plantations  used  were  es- 
tablished seven  years  ago  on  two  areas  previously  cultivated  for  many 
years.  There  was  no  interference  from  the  remains  of  the  roots  of 
trees  which  existed  there  originally.  The  mixture  of  species  in  the 
evenly  spaced  plantations  offered  an  opportunity  to  compare  the  root 
distribution  of  these  species.  In  certain  parts  of  the  plantations, 
where  survival  was  good  and  trees  grew  rapidly,  the  crowns  of 
the  trees  were  about  ready  to  close.  It  is  generally  assumed  that, 
with  the  closure  of  the  stand,  competition  between  trees  becomes  se- 
vere not  only  above  but  also  below  the  ground  surface.  This  may 
have  a  pronounced  influence  on  the  development  of  roots  of  trees.  It 
was  felt  that  the  effect  of  soil  on  root  distribution  could  be  studied  to 
better  advantage  before  severe  competition  had  begun.  Therefore 
these  two  stands  were  found  to  be  at  a  suitable  stage  of  growth  for  the 
present  study. 

The  objectives  of  this  investigation  were  to  ascertain  (A)  the 
differences  in  the  various  soil  properties  between  the  two  soils  and 
several  soil  horizons,  (B)  if  any  of  the  soil  properties  were  significant- 
ly different  for  the  zones  of  high  root  concentrations  as  compared  to 
the  zones  of  low  root  concentrations,  (C)  the  differences  in  root  distri- 
bution in  the  two  soils  and  soil  horizons,  (D)  the  differences  in  root 
distribution  of  the  five  tree  species  when  considered  in  relation  to  the 
two  soils  and  soil  horizons,  (E)  what  effect  the  two  soils  would  have 
on  root  competition. 

1  This  is  a  revision  of  a  dissertation  presented  to  the  Faculty  of  the  Graduate  School 
of  Yale  University  in  candidacy  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy  in  *1942. 

104  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 


There  is  an  abundance  of  literature  on  the  general  subject  of  roots 
and  the  relation  existing  between  roots  and  soil.  The  influence  of 
various  physical  and  chemical  conditions  of  soil  on  root  development 
can  be  cited  at  length,  but  publications  dealing  with  the  relation  be- 
tween root  distribution  and  soil  horizons  are  of  more  recent  origin 
and  are  rather  limited.  Root  competition  between  trees  in  a  forest 
stand  has  been  noted  by  various  observers  for  a  long  time,  but  quan- 
titative studies  have  been  attempted  only  recently.  No  attempt  will 
be  made  to  present  a  complete  review  of  the  literature  on  all  the  sub- 
jects mentioned;  only  the  few  contributions  having  direct  bearing  on 
this  investigation  will  be  noted. 

If  the  influence  of  the  type  of  soil  on  root  development  is  to  be 
taken  as  a  major  subject  of  consideration  we  can  mention  several  of 
the  more  recent  writers.  Aaltonen  (2),  in  discussing  space  arrange- 
ment in  various  forest  stands,  stated  that  it  depends  on  tree  species  and 
quality  of  site.  On  poorer  types  of  soil  the  roots  of  trees  were  nu- 
merous and  extended  further  both  horizontally  and  vertically  than  in 
good  soils.  Trees  required  more  space  on  a  poor  site  than  on  a  better 
one.  The  same  soil  space  in  a  poor  site  represented  a  smaller  amount 
of  food  and  water  than  in  a  better  one.  It  was  concluded,  therefore, 
that  the  growth  of  trees  given  equal  amounts  of  space  must  be  greater 
in  the  better  soil  than  in  the  poorer. 

Laitakari  (19)  studied  the  root  system  of  Scotch  pine,  Norway 
spruce  and  birch.  He  found  that  the  total  length  of  roots  varied 
according  to  the  nature  and  fertility  of  the  soil.  The  most  widely 
spread  roots  occurred  in  sandy  soil;  on  clayey  soil  roots  also  attained 
a  considerable  length,  but  on  morainic  and  stony  gravel  soils  they 
spread  least  of  all.  The  deepest  root  systems  occurred  in  sandy  soil; 
they  decreased  in  depth  in  clayey  soils,  and  were  most  shallow  in 
morainic  stony  soils.  The  branching  of  roots  seemed  to  be  abundant 
where  food  was  available.  The  volume  of  soil  occupied  by  roots  of 
an  individual  tree  was  smaller  for  better  sites,  but  was  also  affected 
by  stand  density,  being  smaller  for  denser  stands. 

Aldrich-Blake  (4),  after  reviewing  several  reports,  stated  that  he 
was  led  to  believe  that  poor  sandy  soils  stimulated  greater  growth  in 
length  of  roots,  with  poor  branching,  while  richer  soils  induced 
copious  branching.  In  deep,  well  aerated  soil  the  penetration  of  the 
tap  root  could  be  great  and  its  form  in  no  way  distorted.  However, 
it  frequently  occurred  that  a  continuous  downward  growth  was  frus- 
trated quite  near  the  surface  by  an  impermeable  hardpan  or  high 
water  table.  Under  these  circumstances  the  tap  root  persisted  only 
to  that  depth  and  grew  no  further.  It  might  die  at  this  point  or  turn 
through  a  right  angle  and  change  to  a  horizontal  root.  Root  systems 
and  tree  crowns  appeared  to  he  influenced  independently  by  their  re- 
spective environments.  The  root  system  did  not  necessarily  develop 
any  better  on  the  side  or  which  the  tree  crown  was  best  developed. 

Turner  (11)   studied  the  distribution  of  roots  of  a  50-year-old 

short-leaf  pine  stand   by  means  of  transects  on  three  soils  in  southern 

Arkansas.     The  soils  were  selected  because  of  a  contrasting  site  index. 

Review'  of  Literature  105 

Although  field  methods  used  were  similar  to  those  employed  in  this 
investigation,  the  roots  were  not  recorded  according  to  soil  horizons 
but  according  to  the  depth  from  the  ground  surface.  Soils  with  bet- 
ter aeration  and  drainage  of  the  lower  levels  showed  a  greater  per- 
centage of  the  roots  below  the  upper  18  inches  of  profile.  Soil  of 
the  highest  site  index  had  the  highest  numbers  and  the  largest  roots ; 
that  of  the  lowest  site  index  had  the  fewest  and  smallest  roots.  Soils 
of  the  intermediate  site  index  were  intermediate  in  regard  to  number 
and  size  of  roots. 

Soil  horizons  have  been  recognized  by  different  investigators  for 
some  time,  but  the  importance  of  horizons  in  forest  soils  and  the  gen- 
eral acceptance  of  this  idea  is  relatively  recent.  Swetloff  (37)  in- 
vestigated roots  of  pines  five  to  15  years  of  age.  The  soil  was  care- 
fully removed  starting  from  the  top;  water  was  used  to  facilitate  the 
process.  For  investigating  roots  of  older  trees  soil  blocks  were  taken 
and  the  roots  were  divided  into  three  sizes,  oven-dried,  and  weighed. 
The  soils  were  podzolized  sands  and  loamy  sands.  He  recognized 
soil  horizons  and  noted  that  roots,  as  a  rule,  spread  out  in  the  upper 
part  of  well-developed  podzol  layers  and  in  some  cases  extended  up- 
ward into  the  organic  layers.  In  organic  layers  the  greatest  amount 
of  root  branching  was  noted  where  proportionately  more  roots,  par- 
ticularly finer  ones,  were  developed.  The  number  of  roots  in  the  Bi 
horizon  was  less  than  that  in  the  A  horizon,  and  in  the  B2  horizon 
there  was  a  marked  falling  off  in  root  numbers.  He  also  noted  in- 
stances of  new  roots  following  the  remains  of  old  roots.  He  concluded 
that  upper  horizons  were  preferred  by  roots  because  of  more  favor- 
able- moisture,  nourishment,  aeration  and  temperature. 

Ooile  (9)  studied  the  tree  root  distribution  by  methods  essentially 
the  same  as  followed  in  the  present  investigation.  Several  Piedmont 
soils  were  compared  by  horizons.  Particular  attention  was  given  to 
the  smaller  roots,  and  conclusions  were  that  most  of  such  roots  are 
concentrated  in  the  A  and  B  horizons.  Greater  root  concentration 
per  square  foot  of  profile  area  was  found  in  finer  textured  soils.  Lutz, 
et  al.}  (25)  made  an  extensive  study  of  root  distribution  of  white  pine 
as  it  is  influenced  by  soil  profile  horizons.  The  white  pine  stands  in- 
vestigated were  between  35  and  45  years  old,  growing  in  soils  belong- 
ing to  the  gray-brown  podzolic  group.  The  method  employed  in  the 
field  and  the  quantitative  studies  of  roots  used  by  these  authors  were 
essentially  the  same  as  those  followed  by  the  writer  in  the  present  in- 
vestigation. They  showed  that  the  greatest  root  development  occurs 
in  the  upper  soil  layers,  and  the  number  of  roots  per  square  foot  of 
cross-sectional  area  in  the  mineral  soil  horizons  decreased  with  in- 
creasing depth  below  the  ground  surface.  However,  the  number  of 
roots  per  square  foot  of  vertical  horizon  area  was  higher  in  the  H 
layers  than  in  any  other  horizons.  They  concluded  that,  since  the 
A  and  B  horizons  have  the  largest  number  of  roots  and  the  organic 
layers,  except  the  L  layer,  have  the  highest  root  concentration  per 
square  foot,  these  layers  must  have  the  highest  ecological  significance. 

The  influence  of  soil  texture  on  root  development  has  been  re- 
peatedly emphasized.     Weaver  (45)  in  his  intensive  root  studies  con- 

106  Connecticut  Experiment   station  Bulletin  454 

eluded  that  less  compact  strata  of  soil  invariably  allow  more  lateral 
branching  of  roots.  Hilf  (18)  stated  that  pine  roots  become  more 
branched  with  increasing  content  of  finer  fractions  in  the  soil.  Lutz, 
et  a!.,  (25)  pointed  out  in  their  investigation  the  unfavorable  influence 
on  root  development  of  extremely  coarse  textured  material  which  may 
prevent  root  development. 

Soil  moisture  always  has  been  recognized  as  an  important  factor 
in  root  development.  Tolski  (38)  studied  the  root  system  of  Scotch 
pine  growing  on  chernozem  and  sandy  soil.  In  chernozem  the  roots 
were  principally  vertical ;  in  sandy  soils  lateral  roots  near  the  surface 
were  produced.  In  chernozem,  where  there  is  no  lack  of  nutritive 
substances  in  any  of  the  soil  layers,  he  believed  the  roots  were  guided 
in  their  development  mostly  by  moisture,  and  penetrated  deepty  into 
the  ground  for  water.  Weaver  (45)  offered  the  water  content  of  the 
forest  soil  as  a  logical  explanation  for  forest  plants  having  shallow 
roots.  Hilf  (18)  attributed  the  variations  of  root  penetration  of  Nor- 
way spruce  to  soil  moisture.  The  roots  penetrated  deeply  in  dry  soils 
and  were  relatively  shallow  in  moist  soils. 

Vater  (42)  exposed  the  roots  of  three  species  of  trees  to  determine 
their  horizonal  spread.  He  concluded  that  during  the  life  of  a  tree 
considerable  changes  take  place  in  the  root  system.  Some  parts  of  the 
roots  die  and  disappear  by  deterioration;  those  parts  of  the  roots 
which  come  above  the  surface  become  covered  with  bark;  and  those 
that  are  growing  may  assume  forms  different  from  those  of  the  dead 
roots,  thus  changing  in  the  course  of  time  the  form  of  the  root  system 
of  the  tree.  In  his  opinion  all  these  activities  depend  largely  on  the 
quality  and  moisture  content  of  the  soil. 

Laitakari  (19),  in  his  extensive  work  on  tree  roots,  believed  that 
an  explanation  of  the  unusually  rich  branching  of  roots  can  be  found 
in  favorable  moisture  relations.  Long  branchless  roots  may  be  caused 
by  excessive  moisture.  The  depth  of  the  root  system  depends  on  the 
position  of  the  ground  water  level.  Oskamp  and  Batjer  (28)  stated 
that  tree  roots  are  usually  shallow  in  soils  which  have  a  high  water 

The  influence  of  various  physical  and  chemical  soil  conditions  on 
root  development  has  been  the  subject  of  investigation  by  many  re- 
cent authors.  Tolski  (.'is),  in  his  study  of  the  roots  of  Scotch  pine  in 
chernozem  and  sandy  soil,  stated  that  the  smaller  vertical  extension 
of  roots  in  chernozem  and  the  horizontal  roots  in  sandy  soils  were 

due  to   the   tendency   of    roots  to   develop   and   spread    in    those   layers 

which  contained  in  greatest  quantities  the  substances  most  needed  by 

plants.  Sandy  soils,  as  a  ride,  are  richest  in  their  upper  layers  con- 
taining humus;  therefore,  the  roots  are  superficial  in  such  soils  and 
the  bulk  of  them  is  found  in  the  top  layers.  In  clierno/.eni.  where 
there  is  no  lack  of  nutritive  substances  in  any  of  the  layers,  the  roots 
were  guided  in  their  development  mostly  by  moisture  and  penetrated 
deeply  ('or  water.  Pines  grown  in  chernozem  had  only  half  of  the 
total    length   of   roots  as  compared    to   those    found   on   trees  grown    in 

sandy  soil.     The  activity  of  the  roots  was  directed  toward  extracting 

nutrients  from  the  soil.      Consequently,  in  good  soil   no  great   develop- 

Review  of  Literature  107 

ment  of  roots  is  needed,  but  in  poorer  soil  adequate  nutrition  involves 
exploitation  of  the  soil  in  a  wide  area  and  numerous  roots  were  neces- 

Stevens  (34)  stressed  the  fact  that  root  growth,  like  so  many  other 
biological  phenomena,  depends  upon  a  combination  of  factors  rather 
than  upon  any  one  factor.  He  emphasized  the  importance  of  at  least 
four  such  factors :  soil  moisture,  soil  temperature,  the  composition  of 
soil  atmosphere  and  the  physical  nature  of  soil.  He  considered  the 
physical  structure  of  the  soil  to  be  of  importance  in  root  growth,  not 
only  in  regard  to  water  holding  capacity,  but  also  as  to  mechanical 
resistance  offered  to  penetration  by  roots.  West  (46),  in  explaining 
the  concentration  of  roots  in  the  surface  soil,  suggested  that  this  may 
be  due  to  greater  availability  of  nutrients  in  that  zone. 

Lutz,  et  al.  (25)  were  led  to  the  conclusion  that  root  distribution 
is  not  appreciably  influenced  by  small  variations  in  hydrogen  ion 
concentration.  On  the  other  hand,  they  pointed  out  that  the  nitro- 
gen content  generally  decreased  rapidly  with  increasing  depth  below 
the  surface  soil  and  at  the  same  time  the  number  of  roots  diminished. 
In  their  comparison  of  soil  samples  containing  roots  and  those  where 
roots  were  lacking,  the  difference  in  total  nitrogen  was  shown  to  be 
statistically  significant.  In  investigations  of  forest  soils,  they  seem 
to  be  among  the  first  to  give  particular  consideration  to  the  base  ex- 
change properties  of  soil  in  relation  to  root  concentration.  Their  re- 
sults indicated  that  roots  develop  more  abundantly  in  soil  material 
with  high  base  exchange  capacity.  Base  exchange  capacity  was  the 
highest  in  organic  layers  and  decreased  in  the  mineral  soil  horizons 
with  increasing  depth.  The  roots  were  less  numerous  in  the  lower 
horizons  where  the  total  base  exchange  capacity  was  low.  The  ex- 
changeable hydrogen  and  exchangeable  bases  gave  inconclusive  re- 
sults. Lutz  (24),  in  his  later  work,  found  differences  in  hydrogen  ion 
concentration  to  be  statistically  significant  between  areas  on  soil 
mounds  which  are  more  favorable  for  tree  growth,  and  those  in  ad- 
jacent depressions  that  were  less  favorable.  But  he  questioned  if  such 
differences  can  be  biologically  significant.  In  this  work  he  also  noted 
statistically  significant  differences  in  the  increase  in  percentage  of 
base  saturation  as  a  result  of  soil  disturbances.  It  was  higher  in  the 
disturbed  soil  and  was  regarded  as  being  favorable  from  an  ecological 
point  of  view. 

Root  systems  of  tree  species  were  examined  by  several  investi- 
gators to  determine  their  special  characteristics  as  they  are  seen  in 
three  dimensions.  Vater  (42)  stated  that  no  generalization  is  pos- 
sible, such  as  that  the  root  system  of  spruce  is  horizontal,  that  of 
beech  intermediate,  and  that  of  pine  very  deep.  He  mentioned  that 
spruce  roots  can  penetrate  to  depths  of  over  4  feet.  The  trees  of  a 
given  stand  never  follow  one  pattern  or  general  regularity  in  root 
development.  Laitakari  (19)  stated  that  the  root  systems  of  trees 
which  he  investigated  extended  beyond  the  projections  of  their  crowns. 
As  the  tree  gets  older  the  root  system  becomes  smaller  in  proportion  to 
the  size  of  the  parts  above  ground.  He  also  mentioned  that  spruce 
has  a  root  system  which  in  total  length  and  area  usually  exceeds  that 

10S  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

of  pine.  Aidrich-Blake  (4),  in  reviewing  the  literature  on  roots, 
pointed  out  that  the  root  system  of  a  tree  is  more  plastic  than  its  sub- 
aerial  portions.  It  is  hard  to  detine  the  normal  rooting  habit  for  any 
species.  With  regard  to  spruce  he  mentioned  the  fact  that,  after  the 
seedling  stage;  tap  roots  are  rarely  seen. 

Stevens  (34),  in  his  study  of  the  root  growth  of  white  pine, 
pointed  out  that  a  wide  variation  in  annual  growth  existed  between 
individual  roots.  There  was  no  apparent  correlation  between  the 
amount  of  root  growth  and  the  amount  of  top  growth.  He  demon- 
strated that  the  extent  of  the  crown  is  but  a  poor  indication  of  the  ex- 
tent of  roots,  stating  that  trees  with  vigorous  tops  possessed  rapidly 
growing  root  systems  and  vice  versa.  He  examined  the  largest  and 
best  trees  in  the  stand  and  stated  that  their  crowns  not  only  occupied 
more  space,  but  their  root  systems  were  also  more  wide-spread  and  bet- 
ter developed  than  those  of  their  companions.  In  other  words,  the 
entire  tree  has  grown  more  rapidty,  and  he  concluded  that  no  tree  can 
achieve  and  maintain  dominance  in  an  even-aged  stand  unless  it- 
root  system  is  of  corresponding  superiority.  Limes  (21)  concluded 
that  variation  in  the  root  system  of  the  same  kind  of  tree  is  often 
greater  in  different  soils  than  those  of  different  kinds  of  trees  in  the 
same  type  of  soil. 

Literature  with  reference  to  tree  root  competition  covers  numer- 
ous observations  and  some  recent  attempts  of  quantitative  investiga- 
tions. Melder  (26),  in  discussing  reproduction  of  pine  in  a  forest 
growing  on  dry  sandy  soils  of  Courlandia,  stated  that  the  root  com- 
petition of  an  old  stand  does  not  allow  the  establishment  of  repro- 
duction until,  through  loss  of  vigor  or  fire,  such  competition  is  re- 
duced to  allow  seedlings  to  come  in  under  the  shade  of  old  trees. 
Aaltonen  (1)  has  shown  that  root  competition  is  not  confined  to  the 
less  productive  soils,  but  is  present  in  all  qualities  of  site.  In  1926, 
Aaltonen,  in  discussing  space  arrangement  of  trees  in  various  forest 
stands,  stated  that  it  depends  on  tree  species  and  quality  of  site.  He 
presented  a  hypothesis  that  the  space  arrangement  of  those  part-  of 
trees  which  are  above  the  soil  arc  mainly  decided  by  their  root  sys- 
tems and  the  competition,  existing  between  roots  for  the  water  and 
food  in  the  ground.  Adams  (3)  investigated  the  effect  of  spacing 
in  a  young  jack-  pine  plantation  on  sandy  soil  and  found  that  compe- 
tition caused  a  decided  alteration  in  the  form  of  the  root  system, 
changing  it  from  a  lateral  spreading  shape  to  a  short,  stubby,  much- 
branched  vertical  form. 

Pearson    (29)     found    that    trenching   seedling-   of    we-tern    yellow 

pine  benefits  them  slightly  in  comparison  to  seedlings  grown  in  the 
open,  even  when  the  latter  are  subjected  to  considerable  competition 
from  the  root-  of  older  trees.     IIi>  conclusion  was  thai   light,  rather 

than  root  competition  or  moist  lire.  i>  ;ui  a  I  l-ini  port  ;mt  factor.  (!ra- 
30Vsky    I  L6),  working  with  white  pine  stand-   in   the   Yale   Forest    mar 

Keene,  New  Hampshire,  concluded  that  the  light  which  reaches  the 
fores!  floor  beneath  a  fully  stocked  stand  is  of  sufficient  intensity  and 
quality  to  3upport  reproduction.  Light,  therefore,  wa-  not  considered 
:i  determining  factor  in  the  establishment  of  white  pine  reproduction. 

Selection  of  Soils  and  Tree  Species  109 

The  weakened  growth  and  absence  of  reproduction  was  believed  due 
to  other  factors  of  environment.  Craib  (10),  working  in  the  same 
forest,  demonstrated  that  root  competition  with  older  trees  may  be 
the  deciding  factor  in  the  survival  of  the  reproduction. 

Stevens  (34)  measured  the  rate  of  growth  in  the  length  of  lateral 
roots  of  white  pine,  4  to  &  years  old,  planted  in  open  fields.  He  did 
not  establish  a  correlation  between  root  growth  and  weather  or  soil 
condition.  Finding  root  growth  more  rapid  on  sandy  soil,  he  con- 
cluded that,  with  four-year-old  white  pines  set  6  feet  apart  on  sandy 
soil,  root  competition  may  be  expected  to  start  within  5  years  after 
planting.  In  clayey  soil  the  growth  made  annually  was  much  smaller 
and  competition  was  delayed  until  about  the  tenth  year. 

Establishment  of  the  Plantations 

Selection  of  the  planting  sites  and  establishment  of  the  planta- 
tions were  carried  out  in  the  spring  of  1933  by  Raymond  Kienholz 
and  H.  A.  Lunt.  In  1940,  when  the  writer  joined  the  staff  of  the 
Station,  it  was  felt  that  the  two  plantations  had  advanced  in  growth 
sufficiently  to  permit  the  study  of  the  spread  and  penetration  of  the 
root  systems  of  the  trees. 

The  two  soils  selected  for  planting  were  Merrimac  loamy  sand 
and  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  The  plot  on  the  Merrimac  soil  was 
in  Peoples  State  Forest  in  the  town  of  Barkhamsted,  Litchfield  Coun- 
ty, about  five  miles  east  of  the  city  of  Winsted.  It  was  located  on 
the  east  side  of  the  West  Branch  of  the  Farming-ton  Eiver,  on  a  river 
terrace  without  perceptible  slope,  about  450  feet  above  sea  level.  The 
river  valley  is  surrounded  by  forested  hills  rising  from  400  to  600  feet 
above  it.  The  land  was  'formerly  cultivated  for  a  number  of  years, 
then  abandoned.  By  the  time  planting  was  undertaken  a  thick  grass 
cover  with  heavy  sod  had  formed. 

The  Charlton  soil  plot  was  located  near  Bantam  Lake  on  land 
belonging  to  the  White  Memorial  Foundation.  The  general  location 
is  about  one  mile  south  from  the  village  of  Bantam,  Connecticut,  and 
about  500  yards  north  of  Bantam  Lake.  The  elevation  of  this  plot 
is  about  900  feet  above  sea  level.  The  general  appearance  of  the 
country  shows  quite  unmistakably  signs  of  glaciation,  with  drumlins 
forming  prominent  features.  The  plot  is  in  a  glaciated  valley  on 
land  with  a  gentle  slope.  A  conspicuous  hill  rises  to  the  east  of  the 
plot.  The  land  was  formerly  cultivated  and  then  abandoned.  By 
the  time  planting  was  undertaken  a  thick  grass  cover  with  heavy 
sod  was  present. 

The  two  plots  had  been  planted  by  four  men  between  April  20 
and  April  25,  1933.  The  planting  was  at  6  x  6-feet  spacing,  carefully 
measured.  Where  individual  trees  were  planted,  the  sod  was  removed 
for  a  radius  of  about  1.5  feet.  A  hole  was  dug  to  accommodate  the 
roots  without  crowding  and,  after  the  roots  were  inserted,  they  were 
carefully  covered  with  soil  and  well  tamped.     The  planting  followed 


Connecticut  Eo'periment  Station  Bulletin  454 

a  certain  pattern  of  pure  and  mixed  rows,  and  the  mixed  rows  in 
themselves  followed  a  definite  plan.  However,  the  original  design  of 
planting,  made  up  with  rigid  regularity,  was  altered  somewhat  to 
meet  the  supply  of  planting  stock  and  the  shape  of  the  field  plots. 

An  exact  record  of  the  source  and  kind  of  planting  stock  is  not 
available.  After  making  several  inquiries  and  examining  the  trees 
themselves,  the  writer  has  concluded,  from  the  evidence  at  hand,  that 
the  conifers  were  2-1  stock,  and  the  hardwoods  1-0  stock.  The  coni- 
fers came  from  local  nurseries.  They  were  grown  for  one  year  as 
transplanted  stock  at  the  Connecticut  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 
Nursery  at  Windsor,  Connecticut,  before  they  were  planted  in  the 

Figure  1.  General  view  of  the  seven-year-old  plantation  utilized  for 
root  study  in  this  investigation.  Plantation  on  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam, 
Bantam  Lake,  Bantam,  Connecticut. 

field.  The  hardwoods  came  from  the  Forest  Nursery  Company  in 
Tennessee.  Since  this  nursery  in  all  probability  secured  the  seed 
locally  and  grew  the  seedlings,  the  change  of  climate  involved  in 
transferring  the  seedlings  from  Tennessee  to  Connecticut  may  account 
to  a  huge  extent  for  the  poor  survival  of  the  hardwood  trees. 

In  Angus!  of  1934  an  examination  was  made  of  the  two  plots  and 
a  record  was  made  of  the  mortality  and  survival  of  the  individual 
trees.  After  this  examination  the  two  plots  received  no  more  atten- 
tion until  the  initiation  of  this  investigation. 

Condition  of  the  Plantations  at  the  Initiation  of  the  Study 

In  June,  L940,  the  two  plantations  were  examined  by  the  writer 
and,  after  a  preliminary  inspection,  plans  were  made  to  conduct  the 
root  investigations  presented  in  this  paper.  The  two  plantations  at 
this  time  were  seven  years  old  and  afforded  view-  as  in  Figures  1  and 

2.     In  certain  part-  of  these  plantation-.,  where  survival  was  ^nnl  and 

treeg  grew   rapidly,  the  crowns  of  the  trees  were  about    ready   to  close. 

Selection  of  Soils  and  -Tree  Species 



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Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  45-1 

Other  parts  presented  open  growth  with  a  heavy  grass  cover  between 
the  individual  trees. 

Local  climate  perhaps  was  a  factor  in  the  survival  of  the  planted 
trees,  but  data  on  local  climatic  conditions  in  the  two  areas  were  not 
available.  It  would  appear  from  casual  observation  that  there  were 
dissimilarities :  the  area  of  Merrimac  loamy  sand  was  in  a  valley 
protected  from  the  wind  on  two  sides;  the  plantation  on  Charlton 
fine  sandy  loam  was  exposed  and  was  swept  by  winds  from  all  sides. 
This  exposed  condition  probabty  created  other  slight  local  variations 
in  atmospheric  factors.     However,  it  can  be  assumed  that  the  sur- 

Figure  2.  General  view  of  the  seven-year-old  plantation  after  exca- 
vation of  soil  transects  around  the  trees  was  well  under  way.  Excavation 
in  Merrimac  loamy  sand,  Peoples  Forest,  Pleasant  Valley,  Connecticut. 

vival  and  development  of  the  trees  was  more  affected  by  the  differ- 
ences in  the  two  soils  than  by  other  environmental  factors. 

Table  1  gives  the  record  of  trees  which  were  planted,  those  which 
died  ami  those  which  survived  on  the  two  soils.  About  30  percent  of 
the  trees  survived  on  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and  56  percent  on  Charl- 
ton line  sandy  loam.  Norway  spruce  and  river  birch  showed  notice- 
ably better  survival  on  Charlton  line,  sandy  loam  than  on  Merrimac 
loamy  sand.  Conifers  and  hardwoods  both  showed  better  survival  on 
Charlton   soil.      Black    birch    was  a   total    failure   on    both    areas.     The 

Charlton  soil  was  more  favorable  lor  the  growth  of  conifers  in  gen- 
eral, ami  the  Merrimac  soil   for  that  of  hardwoods. 

Selection  of  Trees  to  be  Studied 

A  Her  the  preliminary  examination  it  was  concluded  that,  no  les^ 
than  eighl  and  preferably  ten  trees  of  each  species  should  he  studied 
in  order  to  give  a  good  representation.     Later  on  it  became  evident- 

that    the  amount   of  work   involved    in  conducting  the   held  excavation 

and  charting  of  roots  would   not.  permii   the  investigation  of  more 

Methods  of  Procedure  113 

than  eight  trees  of  each  species  on  both  plots  if  work  was  to  be  fin- 
ished within  one  season.  The  work  was  started  in  the  field  on  July 
15  when  the  most  active  growth  for  the  season  was  coming  to  an  end. 
It  was  completed  on  November  1  of  the  same  year,  thus  making  all 
field  data  come  within  one  season. 

In  the  selection  of  species  from  the  group  of  trees  that  survived, 
several  points  were  considered.  Both  conifers  and  hardwoods  were 
to  be  represented.  The  species  selected  were  to  have  no  less  than  eight 
individual  trees  surviving  on  each  plot.  These  eight  trees  were  to  be 
predominantly  of  good  vigor  and  height  growth,  since  such  trees  may 
be  expected  to  show  good  root  growth,  and  have  a  much  greater 
chance  to  survive  as  dominants  in  the  final  stand.  Although  the 
plantations  examined  were  young,  they  were  examined  as  a  prospec- 
tive forest  stand.  Trees  having  a  low  chance  of  survival  were  not 
considered.  Selected  trees  were  to  be  surrounded  by  other  trees,  pre- 
ferably of  other  species  if  they  were  to  show  the  influence  of  root  com- 
petition in  a  mixed  stand.  For  this  reason  river  birch,  for  example, 
was  not  considered  since  it  occurred  for  the  most  part  in  pure  rows  at 
one  end  of  the  plantation. 

The  above  considerations  eliminated  all  species  but  six;  namely, 
Norway  spruce,  red  oak,  red  pine,  Scotch  pine,  white  ash,  and  white 
pine.  Finally  Scotch  pine  was  eliminated  since  it  is  an  exotic  species 
and  two  native  ones  were  available.  The  selected  group  of  trees  was 
of  slightly  better  average  height  growth  on  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam 
than  on  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  Red  oak  was  the  only  exception  to 
this  general  rule. 

Methods  of  Procedure 

The  first  phase  of  field  work  consisted  in  recording  the  location, 
height  and  vigor  of  each  tree.  Eight  trees  of  the  five  species  to  be 
investigated  were  selected.  Trees  of  the  best  vigor  and  height  growth, 
not  adjacent  to  one  another  and  surrounded  by  the  largest  number  of 
other  trees,  were  marked  for  investigation  by  consecutive  numbers. 
The  numbering  was  done  with  shipping  tags  securely  attached  to  the 
stem  of  each  tree. 

In  selecting  the  method  for  field  study  several  considerations  were 
kept  in  mind.  It  was  necessary  to  show  to  what  extent  the  available 
ground  was  occupied  by  the  tree  roots,  and  the  size  and  the  spread  of 
roots  by  soil  horizons.  The  presence  of  root  competition  between  the 
trees,  as  well  as  places  of  high  and  low  root  concentration  or  the  ab- 
sence of  roots,  were  to  be  noted. 

A  considerable  amount  of  research  has  been  done  by  excavating 
carefully  individual  trees  and  following  all  of  their  roots  through  the 
soil  in  three  dimensions.  This  method  makes  it  possible  to  measure 
the  length  of  the  root  system,  the  area  and  volume  occupied  by  the 
root  system,  root  distribution  by  horizons,  and  a  comparison  of  the 
number  of  vertical  and  horizontal  roots.  This  is  the  method  used  by 
Tolski  (38),  Laitakari  (19),  Swetloff  (37),  and  by  many  others.    The 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

method  gives  much  quantitative  data  but  it  is  laborious  and  very  time- 
consuming.  It  requires  the  training  of  common  labor  and  consider- 
able technical  help.  It  is  accurate  within  certain  limits  but  falls  short 
of  theoretical. accuracy  under  field  conditions,  as  each  of  the  above 
investigators  pointed  out  in  his  report. 

The  transect  method  which  was  developed  by  Weaver  (45)  in 
studying  root  systems  of  grasses  has  had  some  application  and  was 
used  by  Turner  (41),  Coile  (9),  Lutz,  et  al.  (25),  and.,  with  some 
variation,  by  others.  A  trench  was  made  on  a  straight  line  and  offered 
one,  or,  if  desired,  two  long  faces  of  the  soil  profile  for  examination. 
The  vertical  sides  of  the  trench,  after  being  cleaned  and  smoothed, 
offered  an  excellent  view  of  soil  horizons  and  showed  the  roots  that 
were  cut  in  that  vertical  plane.  It  is  a  method  that  can  be  used  for 
quantitative  studies  because  it  gives  precise  information  concerning 
root  distribution  by  horizons,  and  root  classification  according  to  sizes, 
and  shows  areas  of  high  and  low  root  concentration.  This  method 
does  not  require  special  training  of  common  labor,  demands  less  tech- 
nical supervision,  and  is  more  rapid  in  accumulating  field  data.  This 
procedure  was  refined  and  perfected  in  the  work  done  by  Ely  (12), 
Little  (20),  and  Lutz,  et  al.  (25).  This  scheme  was  chosen  as  most 
suitable  under  the  conditions  of  the  present  study. 

Figure  3.  Oblique  projection  of  the  block  of  soil  which  was  isolated  around 
an  individual  tree,  Three  sets  of  soil  transects,  1  fool  apart,  were  made.  Each 
sel  "i  transect*    formed  a  square  with  the  tre<    a1   its  geometrical  center. 

Methods  of  Procedure  115 

Field  Work 

An  area  of  36  square  feet  would  be  allotted  to  each  tree  in  a 
plantation  spaced  6x6  feet.  The  boundaries  of  this  area  would  be 
half  way  between  two  trees,  i.  e.,  3  feet  from  each  one  of  them.  The 
length  of  the  boundary  on  each  side  would  be  6  feet.  It  was  decided 
that  the  roots  of  each  tree  would  be  investigated  within  this  space. 
This  required  digging  a  trench  on  all  four  sides  of  a  tree  with  the 
tree  stem  at  the  geometrical  center  of  the  square.  The  sides  of  the 
square  were  parallel  to  the  rows  of  planted  trees  in  two  directions. 
In  order  to  provide  a  working  space  around  the  square  bounded  by  the 
trenches,  they  were  made  2.5  feet  in  width  and  slightly  longer  than  6 
feet  in  length.  The  depth  of  the  trenches  was  from  3.5  to  7  feet  de- 
pending on  root  penetration  and  soil  horizon  thickness.  Two  addi- 
tional transects  were  made  around  the  tree.  The  second  cut  was  2 
feet  and  the  third  cut  1  foot  from  the  tree.  The  sides  of  these  smaller 
squares  were  oriented  parallel  to  the  sides  of  the  original  squares.  A 
view  of  the  position  of  trenches  and  sides  of  the  square  block  of  soil 
can  be  gained  from  Figure  3. 

The  digging  of  the  first  trenches  around  each  tree  proved  to  be 
the  most  difficult  job,  while  the  opening  up  of  the  two  additional  pro- 
files was  not  nearly  so  laborious  a  task.  All  in  all,  the  digging  of 
trenches,  opening  of  additional  profiles  and  covering  up  the  holes 
after  the  work  was  done  amounted  to  considerable  labor.  The  work 
was  made  possible  by  the  use  of  members  of  the  Civilian  Conservation 
Corps,  provided  through  the  courtesy  of  the  State  Forester's  office.  A 
crew  of  approximately  ten  men  was  busy  performing  this  work  for  a 
period  of  about  3%  months. 

Along  the  side  of  each  transect  to  be  investigated  digging  was 
done  with  caution.  When  completed,  the  profile  was  cleaned  and 
smoothed  to,  as  nearly  as  possible,  a  vertical  plane.  The  larger  rocks 
were  allowed  to  remain  in  place  in  order  that  the  profile  face  would 
not  be  greatly  disturbed  by  their  removal.  Of  several  tools  tried, 
including  kitchen  knife,  hunting  knife  and  trowel,  the  machete  proved 
to  be  the  most  efficient  for  this  work.  This  tool  has  a  long  cutting 
surface,  making  it  possible  to  do  the  work  rapidly,  and  a  wide  blade 
which  permits  the  strokes  to  follow  with  ease  the  plane  of  the  trans- 
ect. Its  sharply  pointed  tip  makes  it  convenient  to  work  around 
rocks  and  in  narrow  places.  This  tool  proved  to  be  particularly  effi- 
cient in  smoothing  out  profiles  in  sand,  a  few  strokes  sufficing  to  pro- 
duce a  large  clean  area. 

Mapping  of  Soil  Profiles 

The  exposed  soil  profiles  were  mapped  on  cross-section  paper  with 
a  scale  of  1  inch  to  a  foot.  Three  representative  maps  or  charts  are 
shown  in  Figures  4,  5  and  6.  On  these  charts  are  indicated  four  sides 
of  each  set  of  transects,  one  next  to  the  other.  Corresponding  sides  of 
the  next  set  are  shown  above  the  first  one,  and  a  third  set  above  this 
one.  Each  interval  between  the  graduations,  along  the  sides  and 
bottom  of  charts  of  the  transects,  represents  one  foot.     Horizon  boun- 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin-  -±54 

Figure  4  Horizon  Eeatures  and  root  distribution  in  the  typical  soil 
profiled  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  This  set  of  transects  was  made  around 
a  white  pine  tree  7.8  Eeel  in  height.   (Continued  on  page  11/) 

Methods  of  Procedure 


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Figure  4.     (Continued.) 


Conn  e  die  u  t  Exp  e  rime  n  t  St  a  t  io  n 

Bulletin   451 

Figure  5.  Horizon  features  and  rool  distribution  in  Merrimac  loamy 
sand.  Patchy  appearance  of  the  atypical  profile  is  shown.  This  set  of 
transects  was  made  around  a  red  pine  tree  7.7  [eel   in  height.   (Continued 

on  page  1 1('.  j 

Methods  of  Procedure 


2 . i_! . 

Figure  5.      (Continued.) 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 


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_JfeL_— SI 



Figure  6.     Horizon  features  and  rool  distribution  in  Charlton  fine  san£ 
.,,„.    This  set  of  transects  was  made  around  a  Norway  spruce  tree  7. 




feei  in  heifiltt.   (  <  '<nitintie<l  «>ii  pa.uc  121.) 

Methods  of  Procedure 


■-*.  - 


°  -  ••  o 




•■  b 





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i             i 


Figure  6.   (Continued.) 

122  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

daries  are  indicated  by  lines,  horizons  are  lettered,  and  large  rocks, 
which  were  mapped  to  scale,  are  cross-hatched.  Roots  of  trees  were 
mapped  according  to  five  size  classes  with  the  following  symbols  in- 
dicating; root  sizes. 


;  of  trees 

Roots  of   trees  other 

Diameter  of  root 



than  those  investigated 

up  to  0.05  inch 



0.05  to  0.1  inch 



0.1  to  0.2  inch 



0.2  to  0.5  inch 



0.5  to  1.0  inch 


.    is 

In  order  that  mapping  could  be  done  accurately  a  frame  3.5  feet 
long  and  2  feet  wide  was  constructed.  This  frame  and  its  application 
is  essentially  the  same  as  that  described  by  Ely  (12).  Thin  wire  was 
used  in  preference  to  string  for  subdividing  the  frame  into  smaller 
squares  because  wire  gave  rigidity  to  the  frame  and  kept  the  lines 
from  saging.  Wires  6  inches  apart  were  sufficient  for  orientation  in 
mapping.  With  the  aid  of  an  ordinary  foot  ruler  the  mapping  could 
be  done  with  accuracy.  The  frame,  fitted  against  the  exposed  pro- 
file, was  used  as  a  guide  in  mapping  the  roots  to  scale,  as  illustrated 
in  Figure  7. 

As  the  work  on  root  charting  proceeded,  the  exposed  horizons 
were  studied  and  described.  The  succession  of  horizons  on  the  two 
areas  followed  a  certain  general  pattern  but  all  deviations  and  varia- 
tions from  the  usual  pattern  were  noted  for  each  tree. 

Collection  of  Soil  Samples 

Immediately  following  the  mapping  of  roots  two  main  series  of 
soil  samples  were  taken.  One  set  was  collected  by  horizons  for. the 
entire  plot.  On  Merrimac  loamy  sand  two  patterns  of  soil  horizon 
succession  appeared  to  be  evident,  one  of  which  was  more  general  and 
far  more  widespread  than  the  other.  As  the  work  progressed  it  be- 
came apparent  that,  except  for  one  modification  occurring  only  in 
patches,  the  two  patterns  were  essentially  the  same.  On  Charlton 
fine  sandy  loam  one  common  type  of  horizon  pattern  prevailed 
throughout.  The  general  soil  samples  collected  for  the  two  areas 
consisted  of  one  set  for  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  and  two  sets  for 
Merrimac  loamy  sand,  one  from  the  typical  and  one  from  the  atypical 
profile  pattern.  These  sets  were  taken  in  paper  bags  in"  small  lots  as 
the  work  .progressed  to  give  a  good  representation  of  the  entire  area. 
The  resulting  composite  soil  samples  were  accumulated  from  not  less 
than  40  different  places.  All  samples  were  thoroughly  mixed  before 
any  laboratory  analysis  was  begun. 

The  other  set  was  collected  by  soil  horizons  also,  but  in  pairs 
rather  than  by  individual  samples.  One  sample  of  the  pair  was  taken 
from  or  near  areas  where  roots  showed  particularly  heavy  concentra- 
tion.    The  other  taken  from  areas  in  the  same  horizon,  at  about  the 

Field  Observations  123 

same  level,  where  there  were  no  roots  at  all  or  where  they  were  very 
scarce.  Soil  samples  collected  from  typical  profiles  of  both  soils 
were  kept  separate  for  each  tree  species.  An  exception  was  made  in 
the  case  of  the  atypical  profile  on  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  Due  to  the 
fact  that  areas  of  atypical  profiles  occurred  irregularly  and  were 
rather  limited  in  extent,  it  was  decided  to  maintain  root  concentration 
divisions  irrespective  of  species.  Soil  was  taken  in  small  lots  and 
was  mixed  to  form  composite  samples.  Such  composite  samples  were 
made  up  from  not  less  than  five  separate  lots  and  as  a  rule  represented 
at  least  twenty  individual  portions. 

In  addition  to  the  above,  three  special  sets  of  soil  samples  were 
collected  from  each  area.  One  set  was  taken  from  the  A  and  Bi 
horizons,  at  four  random  places  on  each  area.  These  were  put  into 
air-tight  glass  fruit  jars.  This  set  was  used  for  the  aggregate  analy- 
sis. The  second  set  consisted  of  soil  samples  taken  from  the  middle 
of  the  A  and  Bi  horizons  in  each  area  at  six  random  places  by  means 
of  250  cc.  soil  cylinders.  These  cylinders  were  of  the  same  type  as 
described  by  Coile  (8).  The  technique  of  taking  the  soil  samples 
was  also  according  to  Coile's  suggestions.  These  soil  samples  repre- 
sented undisturbed  soil  and  were  used  for  physical  analyses.  The 
third  set  of  special  samples  consisted  of  three  specimens  taken  one 
under  the  other  at  specified  depths  below  the  surface  of  the  soil,  from 
five  random  places  in  each  area.  Undisturbed  core  samples  repre- 
senting a  volume  of  one  liter  were  drawn  with  steel  cylinders,  follow- 
ing1 the  technique  of  Lutz  (24).  These  samples  also  were  used  for  the 
physical  analyses  of  the  two  soils. 

Photographing  the  Roots 
After  the  mapping  of  roots  and  collection  of  soil  samples,  each 
tree  was  left  standing  on  a  square  block  of  soil  measuring  2  feet  on  a 
side  (Figures  8  and  9).  At  this  stage  the  trees  were  removed  from 
the  soil,  care  being  taken  not  to  disturb  the  roots  as  the  soil  was  dug 
away.  A  white  board  with  lines  6  inches  apart  was  used  as  a  back- 
ground in  photographing  the  exposed  roots.  The  central  root  mass 
of  each  tree  of  the  different  species  in  the  two  soils  was  then  photo- 
graphed against  this  board. 


In  this  investigation  very  young  forest  stands  were  utilized  in 
which  top  layers  of  the  forest  floor  had  not  yet  accumulated.  Humus 
layers  were  absent  except  for  very  limited  areas  around  the  trunks  of 
the  largest  trees.  Soil  horizons  were  uncovered  in  the  transects 
down  to  the  Ci  or  C2  layers. 

The  two  soils  and  soil  horizons  were  described  in  great  detail  in 
field  notes  included  in  the  author's  dissertation.1  Consistent  outstand- 
ing differences  between  the  two  soils  were  observed.  Merrimac  loamy 
sand  was  developed  from  water-deposited  material  of  coarse  texture; 
the  parent  rocks  were  granites,  some  gneisses  and  schists.     Gravel 

1  Tale  University,  Graduate  School  and  School  of  Forestry,  Doctor's  thesis.      179  pp. 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Hull,  tin  454 

vras  found  in  the  Ck  horizon  in  the  majority  of  cases.  Coarse  sand. 
often  white  in  color,  was  also  encountered  in  the  C*  horizon.  Charl- 
ton line  sandy  loam,  on  the  other  hand,  was  derived  from  parent  ma- 
terial consisting;  of  a  heavy,  well-disintegrated  mass  of  glacial  till 

Figure  7.     View  of  the  frame  used  for  field  mapping. 
The    frame   is    fitted   against   the  _' \  J   fool   block   of   soil- 
Note    cross  wires,    0.5    fool    apart,    which    were    used    as 
lin<   .     I-  posure   of   i.\  pii  al    pn  »file   in   *  )hai  Iton 
fine  sand)    loam,   Bantam   Lake,   Bantam,  Connecticut. 

in  which  -<-liis!    fragments  were  predominant 
sional  large  boulders  were  round  in  this  soil. 

Erratics  up  t<>  occa- 

Field  Observations  125 

Another  conspicuous  difference  between  the  two  soils  was  the  dif- 
ference in  drainage.  Merrimac  loamy  sand,  owing  to  the  texture  of 
its  subsoil,  allowed  excellent  drainage  and  the  water  table  was  ap- 
proximately 10  feet  below  the  surface.  Yellow- and  brown  color  pre- 
vailed throughout  the  B  and  Ci  horizons  and  indicated  good  aeration. 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  offered  good  drainage  only  as  deep  as  the 
Bi  horizon  but,  below  that,  due  to  the  compact  glacial  till  in  the  Ci 
horizon,  drainage  was  slow  and  the  water  table  was  only  3  to  5  feet 
below  the  surface.  An  olive  color  in  the  Bs  horizon  was  common, 
and  blue  or  green  colors  indicating  poor  drainage  were  often  found  in 
the  Ci  horizon.  The  roots  of  trees  did  not  reach  into  this  horizon  in 
Charlton  soil  while  only  a  very  few  penetrated  into  the  Ci  horizon  in 
Merrimac  soil. 

The  A  horizons  in  the  two  soils  were  similar  in  color,  being  very 
dark  brown,  approaching  a  blackish  brown.  The  color  of  the  A  hori- 
zon was  slightly  lighter  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and  this  horizon  was 
thicker,  with  coarser  and  more  friable  soil  than  in  Charlton  fine  sandy 
loam.  Certain  similarities  existed  in  the  Bi  horizons  of  the  two  soils. 
These  horizons  were  light  yellow  to  yellowish  brown  in  color,  being 
somewhat  lighter  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  In  Merrimac  loamy 
sand  the  Bi  horizon  was  thicker,  having  coarser  and  more  friable  soil. 
The  differences  in  the  B2  horizons  between  the  two  soils  were  very 
pronounced.  The  B2  horizon  in  Merrimac  soil  was  similar  to  the  Bi 
horizon.  It  was  brownish  yellow,  and  the  soil  was  coarse  in  texture 
and  very  friable.  In  Charlton  soil  the  B2  horizon  was  quite  different 
from  the  overlying  Bi  horizon  but  similar  to  the  Ci  horizon.  It  was 
of  a  yellowish  olive  color  and  was  slightly  compact.  In  this  soil  the 
boundary  between  the  B2  and  Ci  horizons  was  gradual  and  very  ir- 
regular, while  the  boundary  between  the  Bi  and  B2  horizon  was  abrupt 
and  wavy.  In  Merrimac  soil  the  boundary  between  the  Bi  and  B2 
and  the  B2  and  Ci  horizons  was  gradual  and  wavy. 

There  was  practically  no  catastrophic  deformation  of  profiles  in 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  Occasionally  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand 
deformations  were  encountered  that  perhaps  were  clue  to  man's  activ- 
ity. In  this  soil,  in  addition  to  these  few  cases,  a  quite  common  and 
uniform  type  of  deformity  was  often  encountered  during  the  excava- 
tion. In  more  or  less  extensive  areas  of  the  transects  the  Bi  horizon 
was  subdivided  into  two  parts  which  were  designated  as  Bi  and  Bid. 
The  Bi  layer  which  constituted  the  upper  portion  was  similar  to  the 
usual  Bi  horizon.  The  only  differences  noted  in  the  field  were  that  it 
was  somewhat  reddish  in  color  and  of  finer  texture  than  the  usual  Bi 
horizon.  The  Bid  horizon  was  distinctly  different  from  any  other 
layer  of  the  profile.  Occurring  only  in  spots,  it  was  very  dark  black- 
ish brown  in  color  and  more  compact  than  any  other  horizon  in  this 
soil.  It  is  difficult  to  explain  this  irregularity  but,  considering  that 
charcoal  was  found  in  the  Bi-<i  horizon,  it  is  believed  that  the  burning 
of  quantities  of  wood  at  the  time  the  land  was  cleared  may  be  the  ex- 
planation. This  burning  probably  took  place  a  long  time  ago.  While 
this  land  was  under  cultivation,  the  A  horizon  recovered  its  normal 
appearance.     From  photographs  of  the  horizons  which  were  taken  in 


Connecticut  Experiment   Station  Bulletin   4.VJ- 

the  field,  and  are  shown  on  Figures  7,  8  and  9,  some  of  the  above  des- 
cribed differences  can  be  seen. 

In  addition  to  these  differences,  more  biological  activity,  as  evi- 
denced by  a  greater  number  of  earthworm  and  insect  holes,  was  ob- 
served in  the  Charlton  than  in  Merrimac  soil.  However,  the  activ- 
ity of  earthworms  was  confined  to  a  shallower  depth  in  the  Charlton 
soil,  owing  to  poor  drainage  and  aeration  conditions  and  heavier  tex- 


The  laboratory  analyses  of  soil  samples  collected  in  the  field  were 
divided  into  three  parts.  The  first  consisted  in  aggregate  and  physi- 
cal analyses  of  the  special  samples  collected  for  this  purpose  from 
the  two  soils  under  investigation.  The  second  part  related  to  chemi- 
cal analyses  of  the  general  samples  collected  by  horizons  from  the  two 
soils.  The  third  part  consisted  of  a  limited  number  of  tests  on  soil 
samples  collected  in  pairs  according  to  root  concentrations,  tree  species 
and  soil  horizons.  General  soil  samples  were  also  included  in  the 
third  set  of  tests. 



Figure  8.  View  of  the  1  \  2  fool  Murk  of  soil  lefl  around  a  white  ash  tree 
after  final  excavation.  Soil  horizon  boundaries  arc  marked.  From  this  block  <>f 
soil  the  central  rool  mass  was  removed  and  photographed.  Exposure  of  typical 
profile  in  Merrimac  loam)   sand,  Peoples  Forest,  Pleasanl   Valley,  Connecticut, 

Statistical  Analysis  127 

The  method  used  for  aggregate  analysis  was  a  modification  of  the 
one  described  by  Dittrich  (11)  and  by  Russell  and  Tamhane  (31). 
This  analysis  was  done  on  duplicate  samples  of  50  grams  each.  Net 
aggregate  fractions  were  expressed  in  percentage  of  oven  dry  weight 
of  the  soil  sample  used.  The  two  sets  of  soil  samples  taken  for  inves- 
tigating physical  properties  -of  the  two  soils  were  soil-in-place  samples 
and  were  treated  and  analyzed  in  the  laboratory  in  the  same  manner ; 
i.  e.,  by  the  method  described  by  Lutz  (24). 

Chemical  analyses  of  the  general  soil  samples  collected  by  hori- 
zons were  all  done  in  duplicate,  for  only  the  most  important  chemical 
elements  in  the  soil.  Total  calcium,  potassium  and  magnesium  were 
determined  by  the  official  methods  of  the  Association  of  Official  Ag- 
ricultural Chemists  (5).  Other  methods  used  were  as  follows:  total 
phosphorus  by  the  perchloric  acid  method  of  Volk  and  Jones  (44)  ; 
exchangeable  calcium  and  replaceable  potassium  by  the  modified  Wil- 
liams (47,  48)  methods;  and  readily  soluble  phosphorus  by  the  Truog 
and  Meyer  (40)  modified  method. 

In  the  next  series  of  determinations  all  of  the  soil  samples  were 
used.  The  entire  set  consisted  of  93  soil  samples.  Mechanical  an- 
alysis was  carried  out  by  the  Bouyoucos  (6)  hydrometer  method. 
General  soil  samples,  in  addition  to  the  usual  treatment,  were  used  to 
determine  the  amount  of  material  coarser  than  2  mm.  Moisture  equiva- 
lent values  were  determined  in  a  Briggs  and  McLane  centrifuge  ac- 
cording to  the  method  of  Veihmeyer,  et  al.  (43).  Other  methods  used 
were  as  follows :  Loss  on  ignition  according  to  the  general  procedure 
given  by  Wright  (49) ;  total  nitrogen  according  to  the  Kjeldahl  meth- 
od as  modified  by  Stubblefield  and  DeTurk  (35)  ;  hydrogen  ion  con- 
centration, pH  values,  by  using  a  glass  electrode  pH  meter ;  exchange- 
able hydrogen  by  the  Pierre  and  Scarseth  (30)  method,  with  modi- 
fication; exchangeable  bases  by  the  Chandler  (7)  method,  modified  by 
Lunt  (23)  ;  exchangeable  bases  were  obtained  by  subtracting  the  two 
base  exchange  values  thus  secured  and  base  saturation  percentage 
was  calculated. 


After  the  field  work  was  completed,  transect  charts  of  the  roots 
of  the  80  trees  investigated  formed  a  ready  reference.  The  roots  were 
recorded  in  five  size  classes,  and  the  roots  of  others  not  under  investiga- 
tion were  recorded  by  different  symbols.  Each  horizon  boundary 
was  shown  on  these  charts.  Since  three  series  of  transects,  1  foot 
apart,  were  made  around  each  tree,  every  tree  had  three  sets  of  maps 
for  its  root  record  and  each  set  had  four  maps  corresponding  to  four 
sides  of  the  square.  A  count  of  the  number  of  roots  recorded  on  the 
maps  gave  the  total  number  of  roots  in  each  class  per  tree.  It  was 
also  possible  to  determine  the  vertical  areas  of  horizons  because  all 
mapping  was  done  to  scale.  From  the  areas  of  the  horizons  the  num- 
ber of  roots  could  be  expressed  per  square  foot  of  each  horizon. 

An  examination  of  the  tables  gives  useful  information  from  which 
conclusions  can  be  drawn.     To  ascertain  the  validity  of  such  oonclu- 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

sions  the  data  were  examined  statistically  by  the  analysis  of  variance 
as  described  by  Fisher  (13,  14)  and  Snedecor  (32,  33).  The  analysis 
of  variance  has  the  objective  of  determining  whether  a  given  differ" 
ence  is  enough. larger  than  that  ascribable  to  chance  alone  for  it  to  be 
considered  significant.     This  is  ascertained  bv  referring  the  variance 

Figure  9.  Close  view  of  the  2x2  foot  block  of  soil  left  around  a  Norway 
spruce  tree  after  final  excavation.  These  transects  expose  the  atypical  soil  profile 
in  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  Soil  horizon  boundaries  arc  marked.  Note  wide  and 
dark  Bi-,i  horizon  which  is  the  third  from  the  surface.  Peoples  Forest,  Pleasanl 
Valley,  Connecticut. 

ratio  or  ClF"  value  in  question  to  statistical  tables  which  show  hew 
Large  a  value  could  be  expected  by  chance  alone,  once  in  20  trials  and 
once  iii  LOO  trials.  If  the  observed  V  is  Larger  than  that  expected  at 
odds  of  one  in  20.  the  factor  is  called  significant;  if  Larger  than  that 
at  odd-  of  (»ne  in    100,  it   is  called  highly  significant. 

For  the  analysis  of   variance  of   root    data    three   separate   values, 

one  for  each  transect  around  an  individual  tree,  were  combined  be- 
cause the  separate   values  did   not    represent   any    uniform   distance 

from  the  stem  of  the  tree.  Once  this  was  done  it  was  felt  that  tin' 
Large  size  root-  could   not   he  included,  because  such   roots  might   have 

been  recorded  more  than  once  in  \arious  transects.     Furthermore,  the 

-mall  roots  should   indicate  only   feeding  roots  of  trees  and  as  such  are 

of  special  interest.     The  O  horizon  was  eliminated  from  consideration 

because  only  a  few  roots  were  found  in  t  liis  horizon  in  Merrimac  loamy 
-and    and    none   at    all    in    Charlton    fine   sandv    loam.      The    Bi   and    B« 

Interpretation  of  Results  120 

horizons  were  combined  into  one  B  horizon  because  of  the  extreme 
scarcity  of  roots  in  the  B2  horizon  in  Charlton  loam.  If  the  B2  hori- 
zon was  eliminated  instead  of  combining  it  with  the  Bi  horizon  the 
comparison  between  the  two  soils  would  be  thrown  out  of  balance. 
Root  numbers  in  the  A  and  B  horizons  in  the  two  soils  were  compared 
as  in  an  experiment  with  split  plots. 

The  series  of  tests  that  were  conducted  on  the  soil  samples  in  the 
laboratory  produced  a  considerable  amount  of  data.  Some  of  these 
data,  such  as  chemical  tests  on  the  two  soils,  served  as  unreplicated 
descriptive  material.  Other  tests  based  upon  individual  random  sam- 
ples, were  evaluated  by  the  analysis  of  variance. 

The  statistical  analysis  of  soil  properties  differed  from  the  usual 
procedure  in  that  there  were  no  true  replicates  from  which  an  error 
term  could  be  computed.  Two  samples  of  soil  were  taken  from  each 
horizon  about  each  tree  in  the  study,  one  from  a  zone  with  many  roots 
and  the  other  from  a  zone  with  few  or  no  roots.  All  samples  from  the 
same  zone,  horizon,  species  of  tree  and  type  of  soil  were  combined  for 
soil  analysis,  giving  60  measurements  in  all  of  each  soil  factor.  The 
analysis  of  variance  was  divided  into  two  parts.  The  first  was  based 
upon  the  sums  of  the  paired  values  from  the  two  zones  of  high  and 
low  root .  concentration.  These  sums  were  used  to  differentiate  the 
Merrimac  loamy  sand  from  the  Charlton  sandy  loam  by  comparing 
the  principal  differences  between  them  and  the  first  order  interactions 
between  the  main  effects  with  the  second  order  interactions  which  ser- 
ved as  the  error.  The  second  part  was  based  upon  the  differences  in 
each  soil  property  about  the  same  trees  between  the  zone  with  many 
and  that  with  few  roots.  This  part  of  the  analysis  determined  which 
soil  factors  favored  root  growth,  again  in  comparison  with  the  higher 
order  interactions. 

In  all  of  these  calculations,  however,  each  soil  property  was 
treated  in  a  separate  analysis  of  variance,  although  the  different  fac- 
tors were  not  independent  of  one  another.  The  objective  was  to  relate 
soil  characteristics  as  commonly  measured  to  root  development.  Some 
of  these  relations  no  doubt  could  be  explained  largely  if  not  entirely 
by  the  interrelations  between  factors.  The  independent  effect  of  each 
factor  upon  root  development  could  be  determined  by  covariance  and 
related  techniques,  but  this  lies  outside  the  scope  of  the  present  inves- 
tigation and  should  be  based  upon  more  extensive  data  with  true  rep- 


Physical  Soil  Properties 

Physical  properties  of  the  two  soils  received  special  attention  in 
this  investigation.  It  has  been  pointed  out  in  the  review  of  literature 
that  there  is  more  or  less  general  agreement  among  investigators 
that  physical  properties  of  forest  soils  are  very  important  from  the 
point  of  view  of  forest  growth  and  development  of  tree  roots. 

130  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin   4r»4 

Aggregate  Analysis 

Methods  of  aggregate  analyses  are  not  as  vet  established  on  a  firm 
basis.  In  analyzing  aggregates,  they  were  subdivided  originally  into 
live  size  classes.  Although  the  latter  proved  rather  erratic,  the  sum 
of  all  aggregates,  expressed  as  a  percentage  of  the  dry  weight  of  soil 
sample,  clearly  differentiated  the  two  soils.  The  results  of  four  ran- 
dom samples  from  both  the  A  and  Bi  horizons  in  the  two  soil  t}'pes  are 
shown  in  Table  2. 

Table  2.     Aggregate  Analysis  of  Merrimac  Loamy   Sand  and  Charlton  Fixe 

Sandy   Loam   Soils. 
(Values  are  based  on  four   random  samples   analyzed  in   duplicate) 

Soil   type 


Total  of  the  five 
in  percentage  of  dry 

aggregate  size 
weight  of  soil 



loamy   sand 







Charlton   fine 
sandy  loam 








The  data  in  Table  2  have  been  analyzed  statistically  in  Table  3. 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  contained  more  aggregate  than  the  Merri- 
mac loamy  sand  and  in  both  soil  types  a  higher  proportion  of  ag- 
gregates was  present  in  horizon  A  than  in  horizon  Bi.  Both  differ- 
ences were  highly  significant  in  comparison  with  their  respective  er- 
rors. The  ratio  of  the  aggregates  in  horizon  A  to  those  in  Bi,  how- 
ever, did  not  differ  between  soil  types.  By  transforming  the  per- 
centages in  Table  2  to  their  logarithms  before  computing  the  analysis 
of  variance  in  Table  3,  the  variance  Avas  stabilized  and  the  variability 
in  the  ratios  of  the  aggregates  could  be  tested  critically  by  the  inter- 
action between  soils  and  horizons. 

Table  3.     Analysis  of  Variance  for  Total  Aggregates  in  Percentages  of  Oven 

Dry  Weight  of  Soil  Samples  in  A  and  Bi  Horizons  of  Merrimac  Loamy  Sand 

and  Charlton  Fine  Sandy  Loam 

(Based  upon  the  data  in  Table  2  transformed  to  logarithms) 

Degrees  Mean  Observed 

Variation  due  to  of  freedom  square  F 

Types  of  soil  1  1.53357  50.08' 

Plot  error  6  0.03062 

Soil  horizons  1  0.S3213  28.25' 

Interaction  between  soils  and  horizons  1  0.00725  0.39 

Subplol  error  6  0.01884 

Total  15 

1  Significant  at  the  l  percent  le\  el. 

Physical   Properties   of   Soil-in-place   Samples 

Data  for  physical  properties  »>l'  soil-in-place  samples  were  ob- 
tained from  analyses  <>f  samples  taken  with  250  cc.  cylinders  from  the 
middle  of  the  A  and  l>   horizons  and  from  samples  taken  with  L000 

Interpretation  of  Results 


cc.  cylinders  at  three  fixed  depths  below  the  surface.  The  results  of 
these  two  samplings  are  not  strictly  comparable.  The  difference  in 
the  size  of  cylinders  was  responsible  for  some  discrepancies.  It  might 
be  expected  that  the  smaller  cylinders  would  allow  a  relatively  greater 
amount  of  side  play  and,  as  a  consequence,  air  capacity  and  pore 
volume  percentages  would  be  greater.  Deductions  from  Table  4 
prove  this  to  be  the  case.  Difference  in  the  method  of  spacing  the 
samples,  one  above  another,  was  responsible  for  another  portion  of 
the  discrepancies.  One  set  was  taken  from  the  middle  of  the  A  and 
Bi  horizons,  while  the  other  set  was  taken  at  2,  8  and  14  inches  below 
the  surface.  In  the  first  set  soil  horizons  were  mixed,  particularly  at 
the  8-inch  depth,  because  these  samples  were  taken  with  cylinders  10 
cm.  in  height  and  came  from  the  zone  where  the  boundary  between 
the  A  and  Bi  horizons  was  encountered. 

Table  4. 

Physical  Properties  of  Merrimac  Loamy  Sand  and  Charlton  Fine 
Sandy  Loam   Soils. 






£  <-> 

5!  ^ 

a  O-C 




0  +- 

>    c 


01  u 

O     01 

a.    CL 


&   c 

U     01 
.h    01 

<      CL 

Water  holding 


vjl    01 

u  £ 

Q)    => 


c      — . 

01    >.*- 

2/>.5?     ' 

aj  qj 
<  no  :» 



E   <n 



h-  oo 

loamy  sand1 










sandy  loam1 








loamy  sand2 




2-6    ' 









sandy  loam8 













1  Values   represent  the  average   of  six  random   samples   collected   in    250    cc.    cylinders 
from  the  middle  of  the  horizons  at  variable  depths  below  the  surface  of  the  soil. 

2  Values  represent  the  average  of  five  random  samples  collected  in  1000  cc.  cylinders  at 
a  fixed  depth  below  the  surface  of  the  soil. 

Analysis  of  variance  of  the  physical  properties  of  the  two  soils  is 
shown  in  Table  5  separately  for  the  two  sets  of  samples.  Pore  vol- 
ume, water-holding  capacity  and  apparent  specific  gravity  have  been 
selected  for  this  study  since  they  were  determined  largely  from  inde- 
pendent measurements  and  adequately  represented  the  entire  set  of 
physical  properties.  Some  purely  arithmetic  correlations  could  be 
expected  from  the  remaining  values  since  three  initial  measurements 
were  used  to  give  six  criteria. 

The  three  measurements  analyzed  in  Table  5  represent  different 
aspects  of  the  same  physical  properties  as  measured  by  three  criteria 
in  common  use.  The  two  series  corroborated  one  another  very  well 
and  the  differences  between  them  could  be  ascribed  largely  to  the  man- 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

S    i: 

■j.     u 

Ed    _= 

<  -2 

CO  -r 

Qh    - 


z  - 
7  - 
•J  ~ 

~  l^.        CM  ro  ■* 

-T   rH  CMT)N 

3  2       —  ~  2 

2  >-Q  £ 

ro  hj  q> 

lO  oc 
o  od 











t-^  V* 


O  t*3 


o  t 


^1-  CO 

<~o  t^ 

m  f^ 

i/-,  »— i 








O  ^         t^  f  t^ 

00  u"i        ~  On  i-C 

-  - 

£  o  o 

:    -    u 

.2  §  « 

2  a  = 

u  a 

~    u  J0 

:  S  a 




• u    V 

Ufi  ?     7 

_   .2    : 
■".    -    3    n  J: 

B'S  u 

5.  m  fa 

Interpretation  of  Results 


ner  of  collecting  the  samples.  With  the  1000  cc.  cylinders  and  hence 
larger,  less- distorted  samples,  the  differences  between  soil  types  were 
all  significant  as  compared  with  their  errors.  "With  the  smaller  sam- 
ples collected  in  cylinders  one-fourth  as  large,  the  differences  between 
soil  types  were  not  well  enough  established  to  be  significant,  except 
for  the  apparent  specific  gravity. 

The  use  of  fixed  depths  with  the  larger  cylinders,  on  the  other 
hand,  did  not  isolate  the  characteristics  of  the  soil  horizons  as  well  as 
the  smaller  cylinders,  where  each  horizon  was  sampled  separately. 
All  three  criteria  differed  between  horizons  or  depths  very  significantly 
and  these  differences  were  unequal  in  the  two  soil  types  to  a  high  level 
of  certainty  for  both  sizes  of  cjdinders. 

The  analysis  in  Table  5  led  to  the  following  conclusions.  Com- 
bining depths  or  horizons,  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  had  higher  pore 
volume  percentages,  greater  water-holding  capacity  and  smaller  ap- 
parent specific  gravity  than  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  Both  the  per- 
centage of  pore  volume  and  of  water-holding  capacity  decreased  at 
greater  depths  or  lower  horizons,  while  the  apparent  specific  gravity 
increased.  The  change  in  these  same  characteristics  with  depth  or 
horizon  was  consistently  greater  in  the  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  than 
in  the  Merrimac  loamy  sand. 

Table   6.     Mechanical   Analysis    and    Moisture   Equivalent    Values    for 

Merrimac  Loamy  Sani>  and  Charlton  Fine  Sandy  Loam  Soils. 

(Values  represent  percentages  of  dry  weight;  based  on  composite  samples.) 


2  mm 

Composition   of   material    less   than   2mm. 












loamy  sand 












loamy  sand 


















fine  sandy 









All  physical  properties  of  soil-in-place  samples,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  water-holding  capacity  on  a  weight  basis,  tended  to  differ  in 
the  A  horizons  of  both  soils  more  than  in  the  Bi  horizons.  In  seeking 
an  explanation  of  this  condition  it  must  be  noted  that  Charlton  soil 
showed  signs  of  greater  biological  activity  than  the  Merrimac  soil. 
Higher  total  nitrogen  percentages  in  the  Charlton  soil,  which  will  be 
discussed  later,  also  point  to  the  greater  biological  activity  in  this 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin   4.~>4 


















2   ^ 


-  u  < 


3  n-4 


<  o 


i>  (V    o 



1.1   NT 
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-  ^ 


























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h  5 




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-r  X ;  io  co 
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-|0D  SOD 


rnNinTfir.mco;?  O  00  Is.  to  cq  OC 
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ON  GO  NO  "^: 



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^  O  w> 

•*t  <rj  i— i 

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■*'  CO  CM  i-4 






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<  oa.pq  <pQPQ<pqpq<pqpq<pqpq 


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u  •—   a 

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.i  |  erg 


U    'r'     O    4, 

•  -  n  -'  P 
u  q     ■   a. 

o  —  ^~ 

Interpretation  of  Results 



rt  \0  6  T-i  ^t  6  t-5  Tf   rH  M'  Tf   i-J  tH  Tf  t— i 
NHr- I  C\1   t— It— I   CM  t— It— I  CM   T— It— I  N  tH  H 


Ch  (M  00  6  K  ts  00  O  N  tt  r-i  rn'  tn'  0\  rt 
t-l<Mt— i  N  H  H  rt  N  N  r- I  CM  CM  CM  t— i  CM 


■*  **■  CM 

oo'  o  cm 

t<  in  rj-'  rt  d  no  K  c>  no  in  o  no'  cm  1-!  K 





no  od  --I 
in  in  no 

CM- 1>1  CJ  O  in  Hr-iirinNKMrtuirt 


enm  cm 


t-i  \dt-H 

OOT-Hoqininrqt^oojvq  q-q  t->.  cm  t-h 


T-i  t-H  o  odddts  os  t— i  o\  d  t-i  cd  d  m' 

On  en  co 



en  cm'  in  ^t-"  r-J  no  in  -h  oo'  dtots-tt-Jd 

oc  on  o 

Tf'  T-4l< 

en  en  cm 

in  no  <n  r^  oo  en  t->l  on  o  rt-'  vd  o  \d  oo'  o 

en  00  N 

in  in  no 






H    >»  P 


§  gH 

136  Connecticut  Experiment   Station  Hull,  tin    4~»4 

All  differences,  of  physical  properties  between  horizons  ascertained 
from  the  analyses  of  soil-in-place  samples  point  to  the  much  more 
fa viua I ile  conditions  for  root  growth  in  the  A  horizon.  Highly  sig- 
nificant interactions  between  horizons  and  soils  indicate  more  rapid 
changes  in  the  physical  conditions  of  Charlton  soil  from  the  A  to  Bi 
horizon  in  comparison  to  Merrimac  soil. 

Mechanical  Analysis 

Textural  differences  between  the  two  soils  were  quite  pronounced. 
This  can  be  seen  from  the  field  description  and  from  examination  of 
Tables  6  and  7.  Gravel  coarser  than  2  mm.  was  present  in  the  G  hor- 
izons in  both  soils  but  the  amount  in  Charlton  soil  was  almost  twice  as 
great  as  in  Merrimac  soil.  In  the  A  horizons  the  two  soils  differed 
eyen  more  in  their  grayel  content.  In  Charlton  soil  it  was  still  high 
but  in  Merrimac  soil  the  quantity  present  was  negligible.  The  three 
soil  fractions  of  sand,  silt,  and  clay  are  given  as  percentages  in  Table 
7.  The  two  controlling  components,  the  sand  and  claj',  reflected  the 
existing  differences  and  have  been  analyzed  statistically  in  Table  S. 
The  percentage  of  silt  and  the  Bouyoucos  colloid  equivalent,  which  in- 
cluded the  clay  and  the  finer  part  of  the  silt,  are  given  for  descriptive 
purposes.  For  the  differentiation  of  soil  types,  the  data  from  zones 
with  many  roots  have  been  added  to  those  from  zones  with  few  or 
no  roots  for  the  computations  in  the  upper  part  of  Table  8. 

The  outstanding  difference  between  the  two  soil  types  was  the 
higher  percentage  of  sand  and  smaller  percentage  of  clay  in  the  Mer- 
rimac loamy  sand.  The  percentage  of  sand  rose  with  increasing  depth 
in  both  soils  but  more  sharply  in  the  Merrimac  loamy  sand,  both 
trends  being  highly  significant.  The  percentage  of  clay,  on  the  other 
hand,  decreased  with  depth  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  but  increased 
with  depth  to  nearly  the  same  extent  in  Charlton  sandy  loam,  as  shown 
by  a  mean  square  for  soil  horizons  hardly  larger  than  the  error 
coupled  with  a  very  significant  variance  ratio  or  F  for  the  interaction 
between  soils  and  horizons.  The  percentages  in  the  two  soils  of  sand 
and  clay  and  also  of  the  correlated  silt  and  Bouyoucos  colloid  equiva- 
lent agreed  most  nearly  in  the  A  horizons  ami  diverged  progressively 
;it  I  he  lower  horizons  or  depths.  Field  records  also  had  noted  a 
smaller  difference  in  the  two  soil  types  in  the  A  than  in  the  C>  hori- 

The  above  observations  are  consistent  with  the  modem  theories 
'it'  pedology.  Glinka  (15)  has  shown  that,  regardless  of  the  parent 
material,  undisturbed  soils  under  the  Mime  climatic  conditions  will  in 
time  become  essentially  the  same.  The  two  soils  in  this  investiga- 
tion have  different  parent  material,  hut  they  were  located  only  20  miles 
apart.  Since  there  was  n  variation  of  some  l.'.ii  feet  iii  elevation  be- 
tween the  two  areas,  some  local  climatic  differences  undoubtedly  ex- 
isted, but  the  genera]  climantic  conditions  were  very  much  alike:  hence 

the  two  soils  tended    In  lieeome  similar.      The    A    horizons,  being  most 

exposed  to  the  element-,  showed  the  greatest  response  to  the  climate; 
Bi  horizons,  being  more  protected,  displayed  effects  of  climate  to  a 
lesser  degree,  and  the  c,  horizons  leasl  oi'  nil. 

Interpretation  of  Results 




<   6 

!>  ° 


2    S 


w  o 

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13    < 


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w  S 


W    <  [i. 






























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t^  CO 
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no  no  t— i  CO 

00  CM  1^ 

no  ■«*■  co 
cm'  ■*'  o 



■<*■  NO  CM 

-vi-  ^t-  co 


co  co 





O  i-i 

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^«K  O  "St"  r-i 

r>>  i-h  t^. 


^r  O  cm' 

i-H  O  CM 
O  On  o 
CM  co  m 

r^  o 

CM  O 

i— i  co  o  o  in. 
ti-  co  vq  t-h  \o 

o  o  <-<  «-i  o 



NO  NO  Tj" 

i— i  ■*  CM 
CM  ^f  "* 


co  io  o 



co  i— i  O 

co  co  m  oo 

"Hf  CM  NO  NO; 
CM  O  t-h  O 

oc  ^t-  ■ 

NO  l-O 

■**■  co 

CM  O  t-h  o  -h 

8!*;  "8 

00  °    CU 

THNt         ^1  Tf  CO        OOt-h 

CM  ^t"  CM  O' 


G    O 

.^  m  .a  u 

a  »  « i 

rj   o   w    « 


.2  o 

<h    32  "T3     O  *0    O 




°  8 

en  J3 

CLI  S3     S3 

■r.   C   rS   tfl 

X  "h     t«    CO  •« 

°<t1  ^  rs  »h 

C3     O     ™    +j 

03         -m    S 

O    S.S    cn.S 

?  $8  o_g 

"    Nih.O 



CO  hG 



2    cu    S3 


8  9/rt 


en. a    Hi    co 


o   o   «   O 
co  J3   +3    co 



T3  TJ  T3  T3 

C    S3    S3    S3 

oJ   rt   n3   rt 

^  b  *h  ^ 

Hen  E-i  hh 

W      Nrii 


138  Connecticut  Experiment  Stati&n  Bulletin  454 

No  relation  would  be  expected  between  species  of  tree  and  soil 
texture  if  the  trees  were  well  interspersed  in  the  planting  on  each 
soil.  The  percentage  of  sand  did  not  differ  between  species,  but  the 
percentage  of  clay  showed  a  highly  significant  variation  between  soil 
types  for  the  five  species.  The  relatively  larger  interaction  between 
species  and  soils  alone  would  indicate  an  unequal  distribution  of 
trees  selected  for  study  rather  than  differential  survival  related  to  the 
percentage  of  clay. 

In  contrast  with  the  relation  between  tree  species  and  their  in- 
teraction with  the  type  of  soil,  the  textural  differences  between  zones 
of  high  and  low  root  concentration  are  of  direct  biological  interest. 
If  amT  of  the  mean  squares  in  the  lower  half  of  Table  8  for  percentage 
of  sand  or  of  clay  were  significant,  it  would  indicate  that  the  growth 
of  roots  responded  to  differences  in  soil  texture.  Since  none  of  the 
differences  exceeded  their  errors  significantly,  the  roots  of  these  5 
species  did  not  react  differentially  to  soil  texture  in  this  investigation. 

Moisture  Equivalent 

Moisture  equivalent  values  are  considered  to  be  of  importance  as 
an  indication  of  the  capacity  of  soil  to  hold  water.  A  high  content 
of  organic  and  inorganic  colloids  results  in  high  moisture  equivalent 
values.  Moisture  equivalent  values  for  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  are  shown  in  Tables  6  and  7.  Analysis  of 
variance  of  60  soil  samples  is  presented  in  Table  8. 

Moisture  equivalent  values  for  the  Charlton  soil  were  much 
higher  than  those  for  the  Merrimac  soil  and  in  both  types  dropped  off 
sharply  in  the  lower  horizons,  both  effects  being  highly  significant. 
Not  only  were  the  moisture  equivalent  percentages  smaller  in  the  Mer- 
rimac loamy  sand  but  they  fell  off  more  rapidly  in  the  lower  horizons. 
The  atypical  profiles  of  the  Merrimac  soil  showed  larger  moisture 
equivalent  values  in  all  horizons  than  the  typical  profiles,  especially  in 
the  Bi  and  Bi-j  levels  (Table  6).  Presumably  the  atypical  profiles 
had  more  favorable  moisture  relations  for  root  development.  In  the 
<  horizon,  which  was  not  included  in  the  statistical  analysis,  the  mois- 
ture equivalent  in  Charlton  soil  exceeded  that  for  the  !>-•  horizon. 
which  may  he  attributed  to  the  high  percentage  of  inorganic  colloids 
in  the  glacial  till  of  the  C>  layer. 

Moisture  equivalent  values  averaged  significantly  higher  in  zones 

with  many  coots  than   in  neighboring  soil  zones  with    few  or  no  roots. 

emphasizing  the  importance  of  soil  moisture  in  the  economy  of  trees. 
The  contrast  in  moisture  equivalent  between  the  two  zones  was  several 
times  more  marked  in  the  heavier  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  with  its 
two-fold  high  percentage  of  moisture  equivalent  values  than  in  the 
lighter  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  Root  growth  proved  more  sensitive 
i"  moisture  relations  in  the  heavier  soil.  The  significant  interaction 
mi  Table  8  between  root  zones  and  soil  horizon-  showed  that  the  re- 
sponse varied  with  depth.  Two  zones  of  root  concentration  had 
nearly  the  3ame  moisture  equivalent  in  the  A  horizon,  but  differed 
markedly  in  the  B  horizon-,  the  difference  being  most  pronounced  at 
the  Bj  level  in  the  heavier  Charlton  soil  and  at  the  B«  level   in  the 

Interpretation  of  Results  139 

lighter  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  This  finding  is  consistent  with  that  of 
Lutz  et  al.  (25),  who  found  that  moisture  equivalent  values  were  un- 
mistakably higher  for  zones  with  many  roots,  especially  in  the  lower 
soil  horizons. 

Several  investigators,  Morgan  (27)  and  others,  have  noted  that  a 
degree  of  correlation  exists  between  moisture  equivalent  values  and 
other  properties  of  soils.  The  large  number  of  soil  samples  analyzed 
in  this  investigation  offered  an  opportunity  to  test  the  direct  corre- 
lation existing  between  moisture  equivalent  values  and  other  soil 
properties.  The  highest  correlation  coefficient  (r  =  0.907)  was  found 
for  the  loss  on  ignition.  Since,  loss  on  ignition  largely  reflects  the 
presence  of  organic  matter  in  the  soil,  it  can  be  well  understood  why 
it  was  closety  related  to  the  moisture  equivalent.  The  content  of  or- 
ganic matter  in  turn  may  account  for  the  related  values  of  total  nitro- 
gen and  of  total  base  capacity  found  in  the  soil  sample  analyses.  The 
correlation  coefficient  between  moisture  equivalent  and  total  nitrogen 
was  0.834,  and  between  moisture  equivalent  and  total  base  capacity  it 
was  0.871.  Moisutre  equivalent  with  Bouyoucos  colloid  equivalent 
values  gave  a  smaller  correlation  coefficient  of  0.778  which  would  be 
expected,  since  not  only  organic  colloids  but  also  inorganic  colloids  are 
involved  in  the  latter.  All  of  the  correlations  thus  found  to  exist  be- 
tween moisture  equivalent  and  other  soil  properties  are  in  general 
agreement  with  those  given  by  Morgan  (27). 

Chemical   Properties 
Analyses  of  Certain  Chemical  Elements  in  the  Two  Soils 

Earlier  authors  placed  more  stress  on  the  chemical  relationships 
of  forest  soils  than  is  done  now.  Exception  is  made  in  the  case  of 
nitrogen  which  is  still  considered  to  be  important.  It  was  decided  to 
compare  the  two  soils  under  investigation  for  some  of  the  more  im- 
portant chemical  elements.  The  results  of  these  analyses  are  shown 
in  Table  9. 

The  A  horizons  of  the  two  soils  agreed  closely  with  respect  to 
total  calcium,  potassium,  magnesium  and  phosphorus.  The  first  three 
of  these  elements  did  not  vary  to  any  appreciable  extent  between  hor- 
izons in  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  there 
was  some  increase  in  these  elements  from  the  A  to  Bs  horizon,  but  a 
very  sharp  rise  occurred  in  the  G  horizon.  The  percentage  of  total 
phosphorus  decreased  in  both  soils  from  the  A  to  lower  horizons,  but 
in  Charlton  soil  increased  again  in  the  Ci  horizon.  The  total  amounts 
of  calcium,  potassium,  magnesium  and  phosphorus  in  the  two  soils 
and  several  horizons  differed  much  less  than  the  physical  properties. 
Differences  in  the  distribution  of  tree  roots  between  the  two  soils  and 
the  soil  horizons,  which  will  be  discussed  later,  were  not  related  to  the 
amounts  of  these  chemical  elements  in  the  soil. 

The  absence  of  differences  in  these  elements  in  the  A  horizons  of 
the  two  soils  is  not  in  harmony  with  the  fact  that  the  parent  material 
of  the  two  soils  differs  in  mineral  composition,  as  attested  by  the 
chemical  differences  in  the  Ci  horizons.     Total   calcium,  potassium, 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

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loamy  sand 
i  Typical 

pr.  'rile) 

loamy  sand 

i  Atypical 
profile  ) 

fine   sandy 
li  .am 
(  Typical 

Interpretation  of  Results  141 

magnesium  and  phosphorus  were  considerably  higher  in  this  horizon 
for  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  Differences  in  the  amounts  of  these 
elements  in  the  two  soils  were  to  a  considerable  degree  obliterated  in 
the  process  of  soil  formation,  just  as  in  the  case  of  the  differences  in 

Values  for  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  were  consider- 
ably lower  in  the  Merrimac7"  soil  and  decreased  gradually  from  the 
A  to  the  Ci  horizon.  This  indicates  some  improvement  in  the  A  hori- 
zon. In  Charlton  soil  with  higher  levels  of  the  two  elements,  the 
lowest  values  for  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  existed  in  the 
Bi  horizon.  The  A  and  B2  horizons  agreed  closely,  but  exceptionally 
high  values  for  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  were  recorded  in 
the  Ci  horizon  of  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  This  appears  to  be  due 
to  a  high  content  of  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  in  the  glacial 
till  of  this  horizon. 

The  atypical  profile  of  Merrimac  soil  showed  a  greater  amount  of 
calcium  in  all  horizons.  There  was  an  especially  noticeable  increase 
in  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  in  the  dark  Bi-a  horizon.  This 
layer  had  an  abundance  of  these  two  elements  in  an  available  form. 
Values  for  soluble  phosphorus  were  almost  the  same  for  all  horizons 
for  both  the  typical  and  atypical  profiles  in  Merrimac  soil. 

Soluble  phosphorus  was  higher  in  the  Bi  horizon  in  Merrimac 
soil,  and  it  fell  in  the  A  and  other  horizons.  The  A  horizon  in  Charlton 
soil  had  less  soluble  phosphorus  than  the  A  horizon  in  Merrimac  soil. 
In  proceeding  from  the  A  to  Ci  horizon  in  this  soil  there  was  an  in- 
crease in  soluble  phosphorus.  In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  this  ele- 
ment was  highest  of  all  in  the  Ci  horizon,  paralleling  replaceable 
potassium  and  calcium  in  this  respect. 

Loss  on  Ignition 

Loss  on  ignition  depends  on  the  organic  matter  of  the  soil,  clay 
materials  containing  combined  water,  and  changes  in  the  state  of  oxi- 
dation of  the  soil  constituents.  It  serves  as  a  useful  joint  measure  of 
the  organic  matter  and  a  portion  of  the  inorganic  colloids.  It  is  only 
a  rough  measure  of  the  soil  organic  matter.  Loss  on  ignition  for  the 
two  soils  is  shown  in  Tables  9  and  10.  The  analysis  of  variance  of  60 
soil  samples  is  shown  in  Table  11. 

The  differences  between  the  two  soils,  between  the  soil  horizons, 
and  interaction  between  soils  and  horizons  were  highly  significant. 
Loss  on  ignition  was  much  higher  for  the  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam 
than  for  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and  decreased  rapidly  from  the  A  to 
the  lower  horizons.  Values  in  the  A  horizon  for  the  two  soils  were 
quite  different,  being  higher  for  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  How- 
ever, the  loss  on  ignition  for  this  soil  decreased  in  the  B?  horizon  to 
values  approaching  those  obtained  in  the  Merrimac  soil.  The  atypical 
profile  of  Merrimac's  soil  showed  higher  values  in  the  Bi  and  Bi-a 
horizons,  as  compared  to  the  typical  Bi  horizon.  In  Charlton  soil 
high  loss  on  ignition  in  the  Ci  horizon  should  be  especially  noted.  It 
cannot  be  due  to  the  organic  matter.     Apparently  the  high  percentage 


Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin,  454 

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Interpretation  of  Results  145 

of  hydrated  inorganic  colloids  in  the  d  horizon  influenced  the  loss  on 
ignition  values  for  this  soil. 

The  difference  in  loss  on  ignition  between  zones  of  root  concen- 
tration and  soil  zones  lacking  roots  was  highly  significant.  It  in- 
dicated that  the  roots  were  concentrated  in  the  zones  with  greater  con- 
tent of  organic  matter.  The  significant  interaction  between  the  two 
soils  and  root  zones  was  due  to  a  relath^ely  greater  difference  in 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  than  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand. 

Total  Nitrogen 

Total  nitrogen  in  the  soil  is  of  considerable  importance  and  has  a 
bearing  on  its  fertility.  Nitrogen  is  an  element  important  for  plant 
growth.  Total  nitrogen  percentages  for  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  are  given  in  Tables  9  and  10.  Analysis  of 
variance  of  total  nitrogen  for  60  soil  samples  is  given  in  Table  11. 
The  difference  between  the  two  soils  was  highly  significant,  the  total 
nitrogen  being  much  higher  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 

The  fall  in  total  nitrogen  from  horizon  A  to  Bi  and  B2  was  ex- 
ceptionally large  and  approximately  in  geometric  proportion.  High 
significance  of  the  interaction  between  the  two  soils  and  horizons  was 
due  to  a  much  sharper  drop  in  nitrogen  from  A  to  B2  in  Charlton  fine 
sandy  loam  than  in  the  Merrimac  soil.  Nitrogen  values  for  the  two 
soils  in  the  B2  horizon  were  nearly  alike,  but  in  the  A  layer  they  were 
about  twice  as  high  for  Charlton  soil.  In  Ci  total  nitrogen  for  Charl- 
ton soil  was  even  less  than  in  Merrimac  soil.  The  atypical  profile  of 
Merrimac  soil  showed  considerably  more  nitrogen  in  the  Bi  and  Bi-d 
horizons,  as  compared  to  the  typical  Bi  horizon. 

Several  investigators  have  pointed  out  the  favorable  influence  of 
nitrogen  on  tree  root  development.  When  roots  die  they  contribute 
organic  matter  to  the  soil.  Organic  matter  and  decomposition  prod- 
ucts increase  the  nitrogen  content.  Total  nitrogen  in  the  soil  zones 
of  high  root  concentration  can  be  either  the  cause  or  the  effect  of  the 
roots  present.  In  the  young  forest  stand  used  for  this  study  higher 
total  nitrogen  percentages  occurred  in  the  zones  of  root  concentra- 
tion than  in  the  soil  zones  where  roots  were  few  or  lacking.  The  dif- 
ference in  total  nitrogen  values  between  soil  samples  from  the  two 
zones  was  statistically  highly  significant. 

In  Merrimac  loamy  sand  the  difference  in  total  nitrogen  between 
areas  of  high  root  concentration  and  those  of  low  root  concentration 
was  rather  small,  but  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  the  difference  was 
significantly  larger.  Mycorrhizae  were  present  in  the  Merrimac  soil 
in  conspicuously  large  numbers.  At  times,  in  the  open  transects  in 
the  field,  it  appeared  that  almost  all  small  roots  in  this  soil  were 
mycorrhizal.  According  to  Hatch  (17)  mycorrhizal  roots,  by  means 
of  the  increased  absorbing  surface,  are  able  to  extract  the  needed  nu- 
trients from  the  soil  more  effectively  than  other  types  of  roots.  Thus 
large  differences  in  nitrogen  between  the  two  zones  would  be  less  ex- 
pected in  Merrimac  soil.  In  the  Charlton  soil,  where  mycorrhizae 
were  few,  the  association  of  high  nitrogen  values  with  the  zones  of 

146  Connect '/rut  Experiment  /Station,  Bulletin  451 

root  concentration  was  more  in  evidence,  a  reasonable  result  from 
the  above  assumption. 

Differences  in  total  nitrogen  percentages  between  the  tree  species 
and  interaction  between  tree  species  and  the  types  of  soil  were  sig- 
nificant. For  white  pine  and  white  ash,  the  soil  samples  from  the 
zones  of  high  root  concentration,  showed  more  total  nitrogen,  partic- 
ularly in  the  Charlton  soil,  in  comparison  to  corresponding  samples 
for  the  other  tree  species.  The  larger  size  of  the  white  pine  and  the 
greater  tendency  of  white  ash  trees  to  build  up  nitrogen  may  explain 
the  situation.  Soil  samples  taken  around  red  pine  roots  on  Merrimac 
soil  showed  high  A'alues;  those  taken  in  Charlton  soil  showed  low 
values  as  compared  to  other  species. 

Hydrogen  Ion  Concentration  (pH  Values) 

Slight  variations  in  acidity  within  the  limits  usually  found  in 
nature  are  not  considered  decisive,  as  has  been  indicated  in  the  review 
of  literature.  Acidity  is  readily  measured  with  modern  pH  meters 
and  is  considered  necessary  for  a  complete  description  of  any  soil. 
Hydrogen  ion  concentration  (pH  values)  for  the  two  soils  is  given  in 
Tables  9  and  10.  Analysis  of  variance  of  pH  readings  for  the  60 
soil  samples  in  Table  10  is  given  in  Table  11.  The  higher  pH  of 
Merrimac  loamy  sand  was  highly  significant  in  comparison  to  Charl- 
ton fine  sandy  loam,  indicating  that  the  latter  was  the  more  acid. 

The  differences  in  pH  between  horizons  were  highly  significant 
but  the  interaction  between  soils  and  horizons  was  less  than  the 
"error."  The  two  soils  paralleled  one  another  in  showing  a  relatively 
high  acidity  in  the  top  layers,  which  decreased  with  increasing  depth. 
The  two  soils  investigated  belong  to  the  Brown  Podzolic  group,  and 
similar  soils  were  classified  by  Lunt  (22)  as  having  a  mull  type  of 
humus  layer.  In  this  type  of  soil  a  somewhat  higher  acidity  would 
be  expected  in  the  top  layers  than  in  the  parent  material  of  the  0 
horizon.  The  atypical  profile  in  Merrimac  soil  showed  practically  no 
difference  in  the  acidity  of  its  Bi  and  Bi-a  horizons  as  compared  to  the 
II  horizon  of  the  typical  profile. 

The  average  difference  in  pH  between  /.ones  of  high  and  low  root 
concentration  was  too  small  to  be  considered  significant,  but  a  com- 
parison of  the  five  species  showed  in  both  soils  a  higher  acidity  in 
Zones  with  many  roots  than  in  /ones  with  few  roots  for  all  species 
excepl  ii'*\  oak.  In  red  oak  this  relation  was  reversed,  the  /ones  with 
many  roots  being  significantly  less  acid. 

Base  Exchange  Values 

I  la   '■  exchange  relation-  arc  rccci\  ing  increasing  all  cut  ion  in  more 

recent  investigations,  as  has  been  pointed  oul  in  the  review  of  liter- 
ature. Total  exchange  capacity,  exchangeable  hydrogen,  exchange- 
able bases  and  percentages  of  base  saturation  were  given  attention  in 
this  investigation.  Data  concerning  the  base  exchange  values  for  the 
two  soils  are  given  in  Tables  9  and  L0,  and  the  analysis  of  variance 
of  60  soil  samples  in  Table  1 1 . 

Interpretation  of  Results  147 

The  total  exchange  capacity  was  significantly  higher  for  Charl- 
ton fine  sandy  loam  than  for  Merrirnac  loamy  sand  but  in  the  per- 
centage of  base  saturation  the  two  soils  were  alike.  Total  exchange 
capacity  decreased  sharply  from  the  A  to  Ci  horizon,  while  base  sat- 
uration percentage  increased  with  increasing  depth.  There  was  an  ex- 
ception in  the  Bi  horizon  for  Charlton  soil,  which  was  due  presum- 
ably to  the  low  content  of  exchangeable  calcium  and  potassium  noted 
before.  In  the  atypical  profile  of  Merrirnac  soil  the  Bi  and  particular- 
ly the  Bid  horizons  showed  exceptionally  high  base  saturation  values. 
This  again  coincides  with  the  exceptional  values  for  exchangeable  cal- 
cium and  potassium  in  this  horizon.  The  total  exchange  capacity  in 
Charlton  fine  loamy  sand  dropped  notably  between  the  A  and  Bi  hori- 
zons, and  comparatively  little  from  Bi  to  B2,  while  in  Merrirnac  loamy 
sand  it  decreased  at  a  geometric  rate  from  the  A  to  Ci  horizon. 

The  total  exchange  capacity  differed  significantly  between  the 
zones  of  high  and  low  root  concentration  and  was  relatively  high  in 
the  zones  with  many  roots.  These  results  support  the  conclusion 
reached  by  Lutz,  et  al.  (25),  who  found  in  older  stands  of  white  pine 
a  significantly  higher  total  exchange  capacity  in  the  zones  of  high 
root  concentration  than  in  the  soil  zones  with  few  or  no  roots.  They 
concluded  that  high  values  of  this  property  favored  the  development 
of  roots.  Although  closely  similar  in  the  A  horizons,  in  the  B2  and 
particularly  in  the  Bi  horizons  total  base  capacity  in  the  zones  with 
many  roots  was  considerably  higher  than  in  comparable  soil  zones 
with  few  or  no  roots.  Apparently  base  exchange  values  were  of 
greater  importance  for  the  development  of  the  roots  of  trees  in  the 
lower  soil  layers.  Significance  of  interaction  between  soil  types  and 
tree  species  brings  out  the  facts  that  total  exchange  capacity  values  in 
the  Merrirnac  soil  were  high  for  Norway  spruce  and  low  for  white 
pine  as  compared  to  other  species.  In  the  Charlton  soil  these  values 
were  high  for  white  ash  and  low  for  red  pine. 

Differences  in  the  percentage  of  base  saturation  between  zones 
with  few  and  many  roots  varied  significantly  with  the  species  of  tree. 
The  zones  of  high  root  concentration  for  white  ash  and  red  oak  had  a 
higher  percentage  of  base  saturation  than  zones  with  few  or  no  roots, 
while  the  reverse  was  true  for  red  pine.  White  pine  and  Norway 
spruce  showed  no  apparent  "preference." 

From  the  data  on  the  various  soil  properties  it  can  be  concluded 
that,  aside  from  a  few  chemical  similarities,  the  Merrirnac  loamy  sand 
and  the  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  differed  in  practically  all  soil  qual- 
ities investigated.  Differences  in  some  of  the  soil  properties  definitely 
favored  the  concentration  of  tree  roots. 

Root  Distribution  in  the  Two  Soils 

Maps  or  root  charts  prepared  in  the  field  offered  an  opportunity 
to  study  variations  in  the  distribution  of  tree  roots.  After  defining 
the  differences  between  the  two  soils  and  several  soil  horizons  and 
measuring  their  significance,  it  was  concluded  that  not  one  soil  prop- 
erty, but  the  entire  complex  of  properties,  was  responsible  for  the  dif- 
ferences in  root  distribution. 

148  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin    454 

MERRIMAC         LOAMY         SAND  CHARLTON  FINE         SANDY         LOAM 

Dlstonce       from       the       middle       of        tronsect  fo        the        tree,        feet. 
Soil        I                               2                        3                Tree        I  2  3 


Room   mi   mm   oo»  inchti 

Rocli    lor$«r   then   001  inclii 

Figure  10.  Number  <>f  roots  in  two  size  classes  in  vertical  sections  of  soil  pro- 
file horizons  in  Merrimac  loamj  sand  and  I  harlton  fine  sand)  loam,  I  Based  on  tlic 
counl  "i  roots  in  vertical  cross-sections  surrounding  n'.^lit  trees  of  each  species.) 

Interpretation  of  Results 



Distance       from      the      middle     of       transect       to       the       tree,      feet. 
Soil       I  2  3         Tree       I  2 

horizon  ^^^^^^^^m      ^^         mm   sPeci*s  ^      ^^^^J^^^^^^>|     ^^^ 
A         __         _  '      ":      ■  __ 

■  I 

!     :    i 

Roots    Ust   than   0.05  inches    in   diameter 
Roots  larger  than  0.05  inches  in  diameter 

Figure  11.  Number  of  roots  in  two  size  classes  per  square  foot  of  areas  of 
soil  profile  horizons  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  (Based 
on  vertical  cross-sections   surrounding  eight  trees  of  each  species.) 

150  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bull,  tin  454 

Three  sample  root  charts  are  given  in  Figures  4.  5  and  6.  Root 
maps  prepared  in  the  field  were  used  to  count  tree  roots  and  to  deter- 
mine soil  horizon  areas.  The  number  of  tree  roots  and  the  roots  per 
square  foot  of  exposed  soil  horizon  were  tabulated.  The  resulting 
data  are  presented  graphically  in  Figures  10  and  11.  Photographs 
of  the  central  root  mass.  (Figures  12  to  21,  inclusive),  illustrate  the 
root  distribution.  In  these  photographs  the  small  flexible  roots  do 
not  retain  their  horizontal  position  but  droop  down  under  their  own 
weight,  thus  giving  the  suggestion  of  somewhat  deeper  root  penetra- 
tion than  was  actually  the  case. 

Distribution   of   All   Roots 

The  maps  and  diagrams  show  that  roots  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand 
reached  much  deeper  than  they  did  in  Charlton  hue  sandy  loam.  Roots 
of  trees  in  this  sandy  soil  not  only  penetrated  the  A  and  Bi  horizons 
in  larger  numbers  but  even  reached  the  Ci  horizon.  Comparison  of 
photographs  of  the  central  root  mass  confirms  this  observation.  In 
the  review  of  literature  Laitakari  (19)  was  cited  as  expressing  the 
view  that  the  deepest  root  systems  occurred  in  saiuW  soils  and  that 
they  decreased  in  depth  in  clayey  soils.  This  fact  stands  out  clearly 
in  the  present  investigation.  This  also  was  an  important  factor  con- 
tributing to  the  development  of  shallow  root  systems  in  that  soil. 

There  was  a  proportionately  greater  number  of  large  roots  in 
Merrimac  loamy  sand  than  in  the  Charlton  soil.  This  fact  leads  to 
another  conclusion,  previously  expressed  by  Laitakari  (19),  i.  e., 
roots  of  trees  growing  on  light  sandy  soils  do  not  branch  as  much  as 
they  do  in  rich  soils.  More  large  roots  were  encountered  in  the  tran- 
sects in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  than  in  other  soils.  As  the  photo- 
graphs show,  branching  in  this  soil  was  not  as  extensive  as  in  the 
other  soil,  but  the  roots  that  were  present  were  larger  in  size  and  more 

A  very  rapid  decrease  in  the  total  number  of  small  and  large  roots 
from  the  A  to  Bi  and  B->  horizons  stands  out  clearly.  This  supports 
tlif  conclusion  reached  by  Lutz,  et  al.,  (25)  that  most  of  the  tree  roots 
are  found  in  the  A  and  B  horizons  in  forest  soils.  However,  the  pro- 
portion of  large  roots  in  the  lower  horizons  was  greater  than  in  the 
top  soil  layers.  The  decrease  in  the  number  of  roots  in  the  lower  hor- 
izon was  even  more  noticeable  in  their  distribution  per  square  foot 
of  vertical  horizon  areas.    The  rate  of  decrease  between  horizons  was 

much  more  rapid   in  the  Charlton  than   in  the  Merrimac  soil. 

( lomparisons  of  root  distribution  in  three  transects,  at  1.  2  and  8- 

footi  distances  from  the  trees,  showed  that  the  trees  in  Merrimac  loamy 

sand  have  a  proportionately  greater  number  of  roots  at  a  srreater  dis- 
tance from  the  stems  than  is  the  case  in  Charlton  soil.  This  is  par- 
ticularly true  for  the  large  size  roots.  It  supports  the  view  of  Aalto- 
nen  (2)  thai  roots  of  trees  spread  widely  in  light  sandy  ^oils  which 
are  poor  in  nutrients;  in  heavy  -oil-,  rich  in  nutrients,  the  root  spread 
i-  less.  The  Fact  thai  roots  reached  deeper  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand 
indicated  thai  the  total  volume  of  soil  occupied  by  the  root-  of  an  in- 

Interpretation  of  Results  151 

dividual  tree  was  much  greater  in  the  Merrimac  loamy  sand  than  in 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 

A  comparison  of  the  three  transects,  1,  2  and  3  feet  from  the  tree, 
showed  that  the  number  of  roots  differed  less  between  horizons  at  the 
greater  distances  from  the  tree.  The  roots  penetrate  more  deeply  and 
a  relatively  smaller  number  of  them  remained  in  the  A  and  Bi  hori- 
zons, as  compared  to  the  B2.  This  held  true  both  for  the  total  num- 
ber of  roots  and  for  the  number  of  roots  per  square  foot  of  the  ver- 
tical areas.  At  the  same  time  the  proportion  of  large  roots  increased 
at  the  greater  distances. 

In  addition  to  these  observations  there  was  a  tendency  for  the  root 
crowns  in  Charlton  soil  to  produce  heavy  branching  in  two  horizontal 
planes.  Not  all  trees  showed  this  but  there  were-  enough  of  them 
to  make  it  noticeable.  On  examining  corresponding  field  maps  of  the 
transects  these  two  planes  appeared  to  be  at  a  more  or  less  consistent 
depth.  Heavy  branching  was  in  evidence  in  the  A  horizon  just  under 
the  sod  and  at  the  boundary  of  the  A  and  Bi  horizons.  This  resulted 
in  a  very  distinct  two-layered  root  system  for  some  trees.  Evidently 
the  heavier  branching  occurred  at  those  levels  where  the  greatest 
quantity  of  nutrients  was  available. 

In  Merrimac  soil  special  attention  was  given  to  the  atypical  sec- 
tions of  the  soil  profile.  In  counting  roots  of  trees  on  the  root  charts, 
sections  of  transects  having  the  atypical  pattern  were  separated  so 
that  they  could  be  compared  with,  the  typical  profiles.  Three  tree 
species — red  pine,  white  ash  and  red  oak — had  a  heavier  concentra- 
tion of  roots  in  the  Bi  and  Bid  horizons  of  the  atypical  section  of  pro- 
files, in  comparison  to  the  corresponding  Bi  horizon  of  the  typical  sec- 
tions of  profiles.  As  shown  later,  these  species  had  a  higher  proportion 
of  their  roots  in  the  Bi  horizon.  Red  pine  showed  a  most  pronounced 
tendency  in  this  respect.  Moreover,  red  pine  roots  not  only  concen- 
trated in  the  Bi  and  Bid  horizons  of  the  atypical  sections  of  profiles, 
but  they  were  fewer  in  the  A  horizon  of  the  atypical  profiles  than  in 
the  A  horizon  of  the  typical  profiles.  It  must  be  recalled  that  in  the 
analyses  of  several  soil  properties  the  Bi  and,  especially,  the  Bid 
horizons  proved  to  foe  richer  in  nutrients  than  the  Bi  horizon  of  the 
typical  profile  pattern.  On  this  evidence  it  can  be  stated  that,  if  the 
areas  of  soil  horizons  having  particularly  favorable  properties  are 
within  the  reach  of  the  roots  of  trees,  the  roots  will  have  a  tendency 
to  concentrate  in  such  areas.  The  presence  of  such  areas  in  the  lower 
horizons  offers  special  opportunity  for  the  species  of  trees  with  deep 
root  systems. 

Distribution  of   Small   Roots 

Data  pertaining  to  the  small  roots  were  selected  for  statistical 
analysis,  omitting  those  pertaining  to  large  roots  for  reasons  previ- 
ously mentioned  under  the  heading  of  statistical  analysis.  Further- 
more, there  are  important  differences  in  the  physiological  functions  of 
the  two  types  of  roots.  There  is  a  generally  accepted  view  that  large 
roots  have  as  their  function  the  anchorage  of  the  trees  and  conduc- 
tion of  nutrients.     Small  roots  are  mainly  feeding  roots.     At  what 


Connecticut  Experiment  station 

Hull*  tin  454 

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Interpretation  of  Results 


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Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  47.4 

root  diameter  class  this  distinction  must  be  made  is  hard  to  decide. 
It  is  fairly  safe  to  assume  that  all  of  the  smallest  were  feeding  roots. 

Data  for  small  root-  are  given  in  Table  12,  separately  for  the  two 
soils,  five  tree  species  and  for  the  eight  individual  trees  of  each  spe- 
cies. Boots  are  reported  both  in  total  numbers  and  in  the  number  of 
roots  per  square  foot  of  the  vertical  horizon  areas.  Results  of  the 
analysis  of  variance  are  niven  in  Table  13. 

The  number  of  root-  was  significantly  greater  in  Charlton  line 
sandy  loam  than  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  This  supports  the  pre- 
vious conclusion  that,  in  the  richer  Charlton  soil,  copious  branching 
of  roots  occurred,  resulting-  in  a  large  number  of  small  roots.  At  this 
point  it  will  be  observed  that  Merrimac  soil,  poor  in  nutrients,  sup- 
ported trees  of  the  same  age  and  about  the  same  size  with  a  lesser 
number  of  feeding  roots  than  was  the  case  for  Charlton  soil.  The 
difference  in  the  total  number  of  small  roots  in  the  two  soils  was  sig- 
nificant but  the  results  cannot  be  considered  decisive  in  view  of  the 
fact  that  there  was  a  difference  in  the  type  of  small  roots  in  the  two 

Table  13.  Analysis  of  Variance  for  Total  Number  of  Small  Roots  (Less 
Thax  0.05  ix.  ix  Size)  axd  Number  of  Small  Roots  of  Trees  Per  Square  Foot 
in  Vertical  Sectioxs  of  Soil  Profiles  ix  Merrimac  Loamy  Saxd  axd  Charltox 

Fixe   Saxdy  Loam. 
(Based  Upon  the  Data  in  Table  12) 

Variance  based  on 

The  number  ot 
roots  in  both 
A  and  B  hori- 

The  difference 
c>\  number  of 
roots  in  the  A 
and  B  hori- 

Variation  due  to 

Types  of  soil    

Tree  species    

Interaction    between 

and  tree  species. . . 



Difference     in    A    and    B 


Interaction  between  A  and 
B   differences 

and  soil  types    

and  tree  species  

and  soils  and  species.. 

Error  in  A  and  B  difference. 


Grand  total  159 

:  £ 







si  I 

Number  of  small 















Number  of  roots 
per  square  foot 
of  horizon  areas 

Mean       Observed 








27  52 





alflcanl  --it  the  5  i"-.  ■■•  al  level, 
nlflcanl  ;it  the  i  pen  enl  level. 

soils.  In  Merrimac  Loamy  sand  small  roots  were  predominantly  my- 
<•(  with  Large  absorbing  surface,  and  in  consequence  ;i  Lesser 
n ninl ><t  of  these  roots  \\  as  required  i<»  support  the  nee-  thaE  in  (  I larl- 
t'>n  fine  sand^  Loam.  It  i-  believed  thai  the  influence  of  ^>il  fertility 
i-  evident  primarily  in  the  type  <>!'  roots  developed,  and  thus  only  in- 
directly in  the  number  of  roots. 

Interpretation  of  Results  155 

There  was  a  highly  significant  difference  between  the  two  types  of 
soil  in  the  numbers  of  small  roots  per  square  foot  of  the  vertical 
horizon  areas.  It  was  much  greater  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  than 
in  Merrimac  loamy  sand.  This  leads  us  to  a  conclusion  reached  by 
other  investigators,  as  cited  in  the  review  of  literature,  that  rich  soils 
induce  more  copious  branching  and  produce  a  higher  concentration  of 
small  xoots  in  a  given  volume  of  soil.  The  presence  of  a  heavy  con- 
centration of  small  roots  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  is  confirmed  by 
the  photographs  of  root  crowns. 

Highly  significant  differences  existed  between  the  A  and  B  hori- 
zons in  the  total  number  and  the  numbers  of  roots  per  square  foot  of 
horizon  areas.  The  number  of  small  roots  in  the  A  horizon  was 
greater  than  in  the  B  horizon.  Interactions  between  the  A  and  B 
differences  and  soils  were  also  highly  significant.  A  relatively  greater 
number  of  small  roots  occurred  in  the  A  horizon  of  Charlton  soil  than 
in  the  A  horizon  of  the  Merrimac  soil.  Thus  it  is  true  that  small  roots 
of  trees  on  heavy  Charlton  soil  not  only  had  greater  concentration  in 
a  given  volume  of  soil,  but  this  concentration  was  most  pronounced 
in  the  A  horizon  of  this  soil. 

Root  Distribution  of  the  Five  Tree  Species 

Some  differences  in  root  distribution  between  the  five  tree  species 
can  be  noted  from  the  examination  of  the  root  distribution  diagrams 
and  tables.  In  analyzing  statistically  the  total  number  of  small  roots 
and  the  numbers  of  small  roots  per  square  foot  of  the  horizon  areas, 
with  reference  to  the  tree  species,  the  significance  of  the  differences  in 
the  two  cases  paralleled  one  another.  The  differences  were  highly  sig- 
nificant between  tree  species,  in  the  first  order  interaction  between  tree 
species  and  horizons,  and  in  the  second  order  interaction  between 
species,  soils  and  horizons.  Results  of  the  statistical  analysis  indi- 
cated that  the  differences  between  the  five  tree  species  in  the  distribu- 
tion of  small  roots  were  real  and  substantial. 

Root  Distribution 

White  pine  trees  had  the  greatest  number  of  roots  of  all  sizes. 
This  was  true  in  both  soils.  White  pine  roots  concentrated  mostly  in 
the  A  horizon  and  were  reduced  in  numbers  in  the  Bi  and  B2  horizons, 
falling  off  to  insignificant  numbers  in  the  G  horizon  in  Merrimac 
loamy  sand.  In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  the  concentration  of  roots 
fell  off  rapidly  in  the  Bi  horizon,  and  were  negligible  in  the  B?  hor- 
izon. White  pine  roots  reduced  gradually  in  number  with  a  greater 
and  greater  proportion  of  them  extending  into  the  deeper  horizons  of 
transects  farther  away  from  trees  in  Merrimac  soil.  This  was  true 
for  the  total  numbers  of  roots  and  for  roots  per  square  foot  of  tran- 
sects. This  reduction  in  numbers  at  a  greater  distance  from  the  trees 
with  increasing  proportions  of  roots  in  lower  horizons  was  attained 
more  rapidly  in  Charlton  soil. 

Red  pine  trees  ranked  next  to  white  pine  in  number  of  roots  but 
they  had  considerably  fewer  roots.     Red  pine  roots  were  almost  even- 

156  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin   454 

ly  distributed  between  the  A  and  Bi  horizons,  but  fell  off  considerably 
in  the  B2  horizon  in  Merrimac  soil.  In  Charlton  soil  the  concentra- 
tion of  red  pine  roots  was  greater  in  the  A  horizon,  but  a  larger  pro- 
portion of  them  extended  into  the  Bi  horizon  than  was  the  case  for 
white  pine  roots.  Only  a  few  reached  into  the  B=  horizon.  The  num- 
ber of  red  pine  roots  in  Merrimac  soil  remained  almost  unchanged  but 
gradually  diminished  per  square  foot  in  the  transects  farther  away 
from  the  trees.  In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  the  number  of  roots 
gradually  decreased  with  increase  in  distance  from  the  trees. 

Xorway  spruce  was  next  to  the  lowest  in  the  total  number  of 
roots  of  all  sizes.  The  proportion  of  small  roots  was  slightly  greater 
in  this  species  than  in  the  two  pines.  Xorway  spruce  roots  showed 
the  greatest  concentration  in  the  A  horizon ;  they  fell  oif  very  rapidly 
in  the  Bi  horizon,  and  were  extremely  few  in  the  Bs  horizon  in  both 
soils.  Norway  spruce  roots  did  not  fall  off  in  numbers  with  the  in- 
crease in  distance  from  the  trees,  but  showed  a  slight  increase  in  Mer- 
rimac soil;  on  a  square  foot  basis,  there  was  a  gradual  reduction  in 
numbers.  Fewer  roots  at  greater  distances  from  the  trees  were  re- 
corded in  the  Charlton  soil. 

White  ash  occupied  the  middle  position  among  the  five  tree  spe- 
cies investigated  for  the  total  number  of  roots.  The  proportion  of 
small  roots  was  considerably  greater  for  this  species  as  compared  to 
others.  In  Merrimac  loamy  sand,  roots  of  white  ash  were  more  nu- 
merous in  the  A  horizon,  fell  off  slightly  in  the  Bi  horizon,  and  Avere 
reduced  sharply  in  the  B2  layer.  In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  the 
largest  number  of  roots  was  found  in  the  Bi  horizon,  slightly  less  in 
the  A  horizon,  and  only  a  few  were  found  in  the  B--  horizon.  In  both 
soils  the  number  of  roots  was  greatest  in  the  transects  at  one  foot  dis- 
tance from  the  trees.  In  the  other  two  transects,  the  number  remained 
almost  the  same.  The  number  of  roots  per  square  foot  in  the  two 
areas  gradually,  declined,  the  greater  the  distance  from  the  trees. 

Red  oak  had  the  smallest  number  of  roots  in  both  soils,  in  com- 
parison to  the  other  four  species.  The  proportion  of  small  roots  in 
red  oak  was  almost  as  high  as  it  was  in  white  ash.  The  number  of 
toots  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  was  the  largest  in  the  A  horizon.  It 
fell  off  slightly  in  tlic  I)i  horizon,  and  \v;is  negligible  in  the  Ba  horizon. 
In  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  the  largest  number  was  in  the  A  horizon 
and  it  fell  sharply  in  the  Bi  layer.  In  both  soils  the  number  of  roots 
gradually  diminished,  the  greater  the  distances  from  the  trees.  In 
Charlton  soil  red  oak  roots  were  not  found  in  the  Bj  horizon  LB  outer 
t  ransects.     This  can  be  att  ributed  to  the  very  small  size  of  these  t  ices. 

Root  Arrangement  in  the  Central  Root  Mass 

Representative  photographs  of  the  central  root  mass  for  each 
species  of  \vi-i^.  one  on  each  soil,  are  given  in  Figures  \-  and  13. 
Opinions  have  been  expressed  that  root  crowns  of  individual  trees  of 
the  -;ime  species  may  differ  to  a  greater  extent  among  themselves  than 

they  do    from   other  species.      An   examination    Of   the  entire  set.  of  so 

photographs  revealed  that  although  individual  trees  varied  within  the 
pecies,  tne  species  differed  one  from  another  appreciably. 

Interpretation  of  Results 


Figure  12.  Upper  left',  central  root  mass  of  white  pine  tree  grow- 
ing in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and,  upper  right,  in  Charlton  fine  sandy 

Center  left,  central  root  mass  of  red  pine  tree  growing  in  Merrimac 
loamy  sand  and,  center  right,  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 

Bottom  left,  central  root  mass  of  Norway  spruce  tree  growing  in 
Merrimac  loamy  sand  and,  bottom  right,  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 


Connecticut  Experiment  station  Bulletin   454 

White  pine  showed  a  short  stubby  tap  root  which  in  some  cases 
was  difficult  to  distinguish.  Heavy  branching  occurred  immediately 
under  the  root  collar,  with  large  root-  extending  into  the  soil  in  all 
directions.  Small  roots  formed  a  heavy  mass  around  the  root  crown. 
On  Merrimac  soil  roots  reached  much  deeper  under  the  center  of  the 

i       in 





**\    i 

^05.  ; 



"S  -^^^ 














Figure  13.  Upper  left,  central  rool  mass  of  white  ash  tree  grow 
inKr  iii  Merrimac  loamy  sand  and,  upper  right,  in  Charlton  fine  sandj 

Lower  left,  central  rool  mass  ol  red  oak  tree  growing  in  Merrimac 
loamy  sand  and,  lower  right,  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 

tree  than  in  Charlton  soil,  and  main  branch  roots  turned  more  sharply 
downward.  Rool  crowns  were  more  shallow  in  Charlton  soil,  and 
Lateral  roots  did  noi  <j<>  into  deeper  layers  of  the  soil  in  the  immedi- 
ate vicinity  of  the  rool  crowns.  In  white  pine  small  branches  were 
very  numerous,  with  n  lew  exceptions.    One  of  the  rool  crowns  shown 

Interpretation  of  Results  159 

for  Charlton  soil  had  the  two-layered  effect  which  was  mentioned 

Red  pine  indicated  a  strong  tendency  to  form  a  tap  root,  but  this 
was  not  always  present,  or  at  least  it  was  not  always  a  prominent  fea- 
ture of  the  root  system.  Heavy  branching  occurred  immediately  un- 
der the  root  collar,  but  large  roots  assumed  a  downward  trend  more 
sharply  than  in  white  pine.  Small  roots  did  not  form  as  heavy  and 
compact  a  mass  as  they  did  in  white  pine.  In  Charlton  soil  lateral 
roots  displayed  a  tendency  to  spread  out  in  a  more  level  plane  than 
they  did  in  Merrimac  soil.  The  root  crowns  in  Charlton  soil  were 
shallow  but  less  so  than  in  the  case  of  white  pine. 

Norway  spruce  did  not  show  any  tap  root  in  the  true  sense  of  the 
word.  Lateral  branching  occurred  almost  wholly  from  one  common 
point  at  the  base  of  the  tree.  Lateral  roots  remained  near  the  surface 
and  did  not  assume  a  prominent  downward  trend  as  they  did  on  the 
two  pines.  Small  branches  formed  a  considerable  mass  of  roots  but 
this  mass  was  quite  shallow.  It  would  be  .well  to  recall  that  the  roots 
of  Norway  spruce  remained  in  the  A  horizon.  This  conclusion  is  sup- 
ported by  the  photographs. 

White  ash,  as  a  rule,  had  a  tap  root  which  branched  into  a  few 
heavy  roots  maintaining  their  conspicuous  downward  trend.  In 
Charlton  soil,  in  a  few  cases,  the  tap  root  was  practically  absent,  but 
some  prominent  branches  always  maintained  their  downward  trend 
with  the  same  type  of  vertical  rooting  habit.  From  these  character- 
istic vertical  roots  single  lateral  branches  were  developed  at  intervals. 
Lateral  branches  did  not  come  out  in  a  mass  as  they  did  in  conifers. 
They  maintained  their  size  unusually  well.  Lateral  branches  pro- 
ceeded outward  horizontally  or  assumed  a  gradual  downward  trend, 
and  in  turn  produced  some  vertical,  long  branches,  small  in  diameter. 
As  a  result  of  this  angular  branching  small  roots  never  formed  a 
compact  mass  but  were  hanging  in  long  strings. 

Red  oak  definitely  showed  the  presence  of  a  tap  root,  which  in 
some  cases  turned  horizontally  and  continued  its  development  on  the 
same  plane.  This  horizontal  trend  of  the  tap  root  was  an  exception 
in  Merrimac  soil,  but  vertical  branching  of  the  tap  root  was  common. 
In  Charlton  soil,  it  Avas  the  long  vertical  tap  root  that  was  an  excep- 
tion. High  water  table  and  compactness  of  Charlton  soil  did  not 
allow  the  development  of  deep  roots  by  any  species.  The  tap  root  of 
red  oak,  because  of  these  conditions,  could  not  continue  its  downward 
trend.  The  turning  of  the  tap  root  of  this  tree  in  Charlton  soil  fre- 
quently gave  a  stunted  appearance  of  its  root  system.  The  poor 
growth  of  red  oak  on  this  soil  was  perhaps  a  result  of  retarded  root 
development.  The  two-layered  root  sj^stem  could  be  seen  in  oak  as 
well  as  in  other  species.  Lateral  branching  of  red  oak  roots  was  quite 
extensive.  These  roots  developed  in  large  numbers  and  in  groups  in 
contrast  to  the  single  branching  of  white  ash.  Lateral  roots  as  a  rule 
maintained  a  more  or  less  horizontal  position.  Small  roots  were  scat- 
tered and  never  formed  a  closely  woven  mass,  but  were  more  numer- 
ous and  not  as  lono-  as  in  white  ash. 

160  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin   4.">4 


Within  the  36  square  feet  of  ground  area  around  each  tree  investi- 
gated in  the  field,  a  number  of  roots  of  adjoining  trees  of  the  same  or 
different  species  were  found.  These  roots  are  represented  by  differ- 
ent symbols  listed  in  the  tables  in  the  author's  dissertation.  The 
vigor  and  height  growth  of  trees  on  adjacent  ground  were  invariably 
less  than  the  trees  under  study.  Consequently,  the  neighboring  trees 
did  not  have  nearly  as  extensive  or  well  developed  root  systems  as 
those  under  investigation.  Stevens  (34)  indicated  that  crown  de- 
velopment is  related  to  the  extension  of  the  root  system.  This  view 
was  supported  by  the  fact  that  in  the  outermost  transect,  which  was 
on  a  theoretical  boundary  between  two  trees,  the  larger  number  of 
roots  were  those  of  the  tree  under  investigation. 

Other  facts  can  be  observed  from  the  field  maps  and  the  tables. 
The  number  of  roots  coming  into  the  transects  from  the  outside  was 
considerably  greater  in  Merrimac  than  in  Charlton  soil.  This  is  one 
additional  fact  in  support  of  the  conclusion  already  reached  that  trees 
have  more  spreading  root  systems  in  the  lighter  Merrimac  soil  than 
in  heavier  Charlton  soil.  A  proportionately  larger  number  of  roots 
coming  into  the  transects  from  the  outside  was  found  in  lower  hori- 
zons. This  again  sustains  the  previous  conclusion  that  more  roots  of 
trees  reach  into  deeper  horizons  at  a  greater  distance  from  the  trees. 
The  number  of  roots  coming  into  the  transects  from  outside  trees  in- 
creased when  the  trees  under  study  were  smaller.  Such  smaller  trees 
had  fewer  roots  of  their  own  and  it  was  to  be  expected  that  the  roots 
of  other  trees  would  (invade  the  soil  around  them  more  promptly. 
The  number  of  roots  coming  into  the  transects  from  the  outside  de- 
creased from  the  first  transect,  3  feet  away  from  the  tree,  to  the  third 
one  which  was  only  1  foot  from  the  tree.  This  was  due  to  the  obvious 
fact  that  the  soil  was  already  well  occupied  b}'  roots  of  trees  under 
investigation  and  the  distance  from  other  trees  Avas  increasingly  great. 

The  roots  of  other  trees  frequently  extended  well  within  the  area 
occupied  by  those  under  investigation.  Since  the  crowns  of  the  trees 
<lid  not  come  in  contact  with  each  other,  it  can  he  said  that  the  roots 
of  trees  extend  well  beyond  the  radius  of  their  crown  projections  and 
that    intermingling  of  the  roots  of  adjacent    trees  occurs   sooner  than 

does  dosing  of  the  crowns.  The  development  of  roots  underground, 
and  their  competition  with  those  of  other  trees,  were  found  to  pro- 
gress at  a  faster  rate  than  do  those  of  tree  crowns.  But  this  invasion 
may   not    mean  early  competition   because  the  soil   oilers  opportunities 

for  the  development  of  roots  in  3  dimensions.     If  the  roots  of  trees 

occupy  parts  of  soil  in  proximity  one  to  another,  they  are  not  neces- 
sarily in  t  he  state  of  i  ompetil  ion. 

These  observations  tend  to  support  the  view  expressed  by  Coile 

(8)    tlial    under  given    lorot    and   climatic  conditions  every    forest    soil 

has  its  "Toot  capacity."  Consequently,  at  about  the  time  the  root  ca- 
pacity is  reached,  true  root  competition  must  begin.  Such  competi- 
tion may  -tart    in  one  pari  of  the   forested  area   before  it   becomes  more 

general,  hut  it  must  be  reached  at  about  the  same  time  in  an  evenly 

paced    plantation. 

Silvicultural  Discussion  161 

Root  development  of  a  forest  plantation  can  be  pictured  as  pass- 
ing through  four  stages.  The  first  stage  is  that  of  free  root  growth, 
when  roots  have  space  in  which  to  develop  without  coming  near  the 
territory  occupied  by  those  of  other  trees.  The  second  is  that  of  root 
invasion,  when  the  expanding  root  systems  begin  to  intermingle  and 
invade  areas  adjacent  to  other  trees.  This  stage  is  reached  at  a  very 
early  age  in  the  forest  plantation.  The  third  period,  that  of  root  com- 
petition, begins  when  root  capacity  is  reached.  In  some  soils  this 
may  be  much  sooner  than  in  others.  On  poor  dry  soils  this  period, 
in  most  cases,  precedes  the  closing  of  the  tree  crowns  above  the 
ground.  Observations  show  that,  in  poor  soils,  roots  of  trees  of  about 
the  same  height  and  the  same  age  spread  more  widely  and  occupy  a 
much  larger  volume  of  soil  than  those  in  richer  soils.  On  rich  soils 
the  stage  of  root  competition  may  follow  the  closing  of  the  crowns. 
The  third  period  would  prevail  throughout  the  greater  part  of  the 
life  of  the  stand.  A  fourth  stage,  that  of  release  from  root  competi- 
tion, begins  when  mature  trees  start  to  die  and  release  a  sufficiently 
large  area  from  root  competition  so  the  new  reproduction  can  become 
established.  Trees  at  this  stage  do  not  have  the  vigor  to  replace  to 
the  point  of  "root  capacity"  the  areas  release  by  dead  trees,  before 
new  reproduction  becomes  established. 

Considering  these  four  stages  of  root  development,  the  stands  un- 
der investigation  were  found  to  be  in  the  stage  of  root  invasion,  not 
in  that  of  root  competition.  This  is  evidenced  by  the  intermingling 
of  roots  of  the  individual  trees  and  the  lack  of  complete  occupation  of 
the  soil  to  the  point  of  root  capacity.  Root  capacity  is  an  approxi- 
mate constant  with  respect  to  the  number  or  weight  of  the  small  roots 
in  top  soil  layers  in  a  soil  under  given  forest  and  climatic  conditions. 
It  can  be  measured  on  the  basis  of  weight  of  the  small  roots  in  the 
surface  soil  or  on  the  basis  of  numbers  of  small  roots  per  vertical 
unit  area  of  the  A  horizon.  In  this  investigation  data  for  root  dis- 
tribution, on  the  basis  of  the  numbers  of  roots  per  square  foot  of 
horizon  areas,  indicated  great  variation  and  were  far  from  reaching 
a  constant  value. 

Stevens  (34),  in  discussing  young  white  pine  plantations,  ex- 
pressed the  view  that  root  competition  begins  very  early  because  roots 
extend  into  all  parts  of  the  area  at  an  early  age.  The  present  writer 
takes  exception  to  this  view  and,  on  the  basis  of  the  ideas  just  pre- 
sented, feels  that  on  good  sites  true  competition  between  roots  may  not 
begin  until  well  after  the  tree  crowns  have  been  closed. 

The  view  expressed  by  the  writer  is  in  no  way  in  opposition  to  the 
conclusions  reached  by  Grasovsky  (16)  that  other  factors  besides  light 
are  determining  ones  in  the  survival  of  the  reproduction  under  com- 
petition conditions.  The  conclusions  reached  by  Craib  (10)  were 
that  soil  factors,  particularly  that  of  moisture,  were  most  important 
in  root  competition.  It  is  natural  to  suspect  that  root  competition 
is  an  important  factor  in  suppressing  the  individual  trees  of  open 
forest  stands  on  poor  sites.  Here  elimination  of  the  weak  trees  begins 
before  competition  for  light  is  in  evidence.  On  good  sites  with  high 
"root  capacity"  root  competition  and  elimination  of  weak  trees  do 

162  Connecticut  Experiment  station  Bulletin   A:A 

not  start  until  well  after  the  closing  of  the  tree  crowns.  Competition 
for  light,  so  apparent  above  the  ground  under  these  conditions,  can 
easily  divert  the  attention  of  an  observer  from  the  importance  of 
root  competition.  This  is  also  true  of  the  expression  of  dominance 
of  trees  on  poor  and  good  sites.  Stevens  (34)  concluded  on  valid  evi- 
dence that  there  can  be  no  true  dominance  in  a  tree  without  a  corres- 
ponding superiority  of  its  root  system.  Although  light  cannot  be  dis- 
regarded in  the  ecological  complex  of  a  forest  stand,  root  competi- 
tion may  be  essentially  the  most  important  factor  in  the  suppression 
or  dominance  of  trees  on  either  good  or  poor  sites. 

The  information  concerning  root  systems  and  root  distribution  of 
the  5  tree  species  investigated,  as  influenced  by  various  properties  of 
the  two  soil  types,  can  serve  as  a  background  with  which  to  formu- 
late some  silvicultural  practices.  It  is  suggested  that,  in  devising 
a  proper  mixture  of  tree  species,  consideration  be  given  to  a  combin- 
ation of  those  with  a  shallow  and  deep  root  systems,  of  those  forming 
compact  and  spreading  root  masses  and  of  those  having  a  tendency  to 
either  build  up  or  lower  the  acidity  in  the  soil.  The  use  of  some  tree 
species  on  shallow  or  rich  soils  and  others  on  poor  or  deep  soils  is 
suggested.  The  information  can  also  be  utilized  in  diagnosing  poor 
or  good  growth  of  the  tree  species  involved  on  certain  sites,  in  mix- 
ture or  in  pure  stands.  No  attempt  can  be  made,  due  to  the  limited 
scope  of  the  problem  studied,  to  make  any  specific  recommendations, 
except  that  in  applied  silviculture  it  is  well  to  be  familiar  with  the 
aspects  of  soil  and  root  relationships  of  the  tree  species  so  that  such 
knowledge  can  be  used  as  one  of  the  factors  in  deciding  on  certain  sil- 
vicultural practices. 


Seventeen  tree  species  were  planted  in  mixture  on  Merrimac  loamy 
sand  and  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  in  April,  1933.  Seven  years  after 
planting  five  species  were  selected  for  root  study:  white  pine,  red 
pine,  Norway  spruce,  white  ash  and  red  oak.  On  each  soil  type  eight 
tnll  vigorous  trees  Oi  each  species  were  used  in  a  study  of  root  distri- 
bution. The  Held  investigation  consisted  in  surrounding  each  tree 
On  four  sides  by  three  sets  of  trenches,  1,  2  and  3  feet  from  the  tree. 
These  trenches  exposed  the  soil  horizons  and  the  roots,  which  were 
plotted  to  scale  on  the  maps  according  to  five  size  classes.  After  the 
Last  examination,  the  trees  were  removed  with  their  roots  and  pho- 
tographs were  taken  of  the  central  root  mass. 

Composite  soil  samples  were  collected  by  horizons  while  the  held 
work'   was   in    progress.      One  set   of  soil   samples   was  a   general   series 

for  each  of  the  two  soil  types.     Samples  of  another  set  were  collected 

in  pairs  from  zones  of  high  root  concentration  and  from  zones  where 
root-    were    few    or    absent.      The    third    set    consisted    of    soil-in-phicc 

samples  collected  from  the  two  soil  types  for  the  analysis  of  physical 

properties.  One  more  set  was  taken  for  (lie  aggregate  analysis  of 
the  t  wo  soils. 

Root  charts  made  in  the  field   were  utilized  to  count  tree  roots  and 

to  determine  soil  horizon  areas.     The  number  of  tree  roots  and  the 

Summary  163 

roots  per  square  foot  of  soil  horizon  areas  were  tabulated.  The  an- 
alysis of  variance  technique  was  used  in  the  statistical  analysis  of  data 
for  small  roots  of  the  individual  trees.  The  same  technique  was  also 
applied  to  the  laboratory  data  for  the  various  soil  properties  investi- 

Outstanding  differences  between  the  two  soils  observed  in  the  field 
were  discussed. 

In  the  laboratory,  aggregate  analysis  was  carried  out  with  the 
soil  samples  collected  for  this  purpose.  Soil-in-place  samples  were 
used  to  determine  pore  volume,  air  capacity,  water  holding  capacity 
on  volume  and  weight  bases,  apparent  specific  gravity  and  true  spe- 
cific gravity.  General  soil  samples  were  subjected  to  chemical  analy- 
ses to  determine  total  calcium,  potassium,  magnesium  and  phosphor- 
us. Exchangeable  calcium,  replaceable  potassium  and  soluble  phos- 
phorus were  also  determined. 

Considerable  differences  existed  between  the  two  soils  selected  for 
this  investigation  and  between  soil  horizons  within  the  two  soil  types. 
These  were  observed  both  in  the  field,  and  in  laboratory  studies  in- 
volving a  great  majority  of  the  soils  investigated.  Certain  differences 
in  the  soil  properties  in  the  A  horizons  of  the  two  soils  increased  while 
others  decreased  in  the  lower  soil  layers. 

Soil  samples  collected  in  pairs  from  zones  of  high  root  concen- 
tration and  from  zones  where  roots  were  few  or  absent  were  subjected 
to  mechanical  analysis,  to  ascertain  percentages  of  sand,  silt,  clay  and 
Bouyoucos  colloidal  equivalent.  These  samples  were  also  subjected  to 
moisture  equivalent  measurements  and  chemical  analysis  to  determine 
loss  on  ignition,  total  nitrogen,  hydrogen  ion  concentration  (pH 
values),  total  base  capacity,  exchangeable  hydrogen,  exchangeable 
bases  and  relative  base  saturation. 

Some  soil  properties  proved  to  be  significantly  different  in  the 
zones  of  high  root  concentration  in  comparison  to  the  zones  where 
tree  roots  were  few  or  lacking.  Moisture  equivalent  values,  loss  on 
ignition,  total  nitrogen,  and  total  exchange  capacity  were  higher  for 
the  zones  of  greater  tree  root  concentration.  Soil  acidity  and  base 
saturation  percentages  in  the  zones  of  root  concentration  were  found 
to  differ  significantly  between  the  five  tree  species  investigated. 

In  the  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam  fewer  mycorrhizal  roots  were  ob- 
served than  in  the  other  soil,  in  the  zone  of  high  root  concentration. 
However,  this  zone  showed  a  greater  superiority  in  total  nitrogen  for 
the  former  soil  type.  Field  maps  with  tables  and  diagrams  were  used 
as  a  basis  for  the  discussion  of  root  distribution.  Attention  was  given 
to  the  following:  total  number  of  roots  and  numbers  of  roots  per 
square  foot  of  horizon  areas;  distribution  of  small  and  large  roots; 
and  to  the  roots  of  trees  under  investigation  in  relation  to  the  roots 
of  other  trees  appearing  in  the  field  maps. 

Roots  of  trees  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  penetrated  into  deeper  soil 
layers  than  in  the  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  Roots  of  the  individual 
trees  showed  greater  lateral  spread  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand  than  in 
Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  As  a  consequence  of  the  deeper  penetration 
and  the  wider  spread  of  tree  roots  in  Merrimac  loamy  sand,  the  vol- 

164  Connecticut  Experiment  Station  Bulletin  454 

ume  of  soil  occupied  by  the  roots  of  the  individual  trees  was  much 
greater  in  this  soil  than  in  the  richer  Charlton  tine  sandy  loam.  The 
number  of  tree  roots  decreased  with  increasing  depth  below  the  soil 
surface,  the  decrease  being  greatest  in  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam. 

The  proportion  of  large  roots  to  small  roots  increased  in  the  lower 
soil  horizons.  Small  roots  were  concentrated  near  the  soil  surface  and 
large  roots  penetrated  deep  into  the  soil  without  forming  small  feed- 
ing roots.  The  proportion  of  roots  in  the  lower  soil  layers  and  the 
proportion  of  large  roots  to  small  roots  both  increased  with  distance 
from  the  base  of  the  tree.  Thus  small  feeding  roots  were  concen- 
trated near  the  soil  surface  and  were  more  numerous  near  the  trees. 

Large  roots  were  present  in  a  proportionately  greater  number  in 
Merrimac  loamy  sand  than  in  Charlton  line  sandy  loam.  The  total 
number  of  small  roots  was  significantly  greater  in  Charlton  than  in 
Merrimac  soil.  This  indicated  more  copious  branching  of  the  tree 
roots  in  the  heavier  and  richer  Charlton  fine  sandy  loam.  The  ver- 
tical change  in  numbers  of  small  roots  per  square  foot  differed  very 
significantly  between  the  two  soils.  Although  differences  in  the  num- 
ber of  small  roots  in  the  two  soils  were  not  marked  there  were  great 
differences  in  distribution  of  the  roots  in  the  soil  body.  The  number 
of  small  feeding  roots  per  square  foot  was  greater  in  Charlton  than 
in  Merrimac  soil,  particularly  in  the  A  horizon. 

Some  pronounced  differences  existed  between  the  five  trees  species 
in  the  total  number  of  all  roots  and  of  small  feeding  roots,  in  the  pro- 
portion of  large  to  small  roots,  in  root  penetration  and  spread,  and  in 
the  distribution  of  roots  in  the  two  soils  and  several  soil  horizons. 
Deep-rooted  tree  species,  particularly  red  pine,  showed  a  tendency  t<> 
concentrate  their  roots  in  sections  of  the  Bi  horizon  which  were  rich  in 

Photographs  of  the  central  root  masses  of  trees  were  used  to  show 
the  differences  existing  between  the  five  tree  species  investigated.  The 
tree  species  differed  in  tap  root  formation,  density  of  central  root  mass, 
type  <>f  root  branching,  and  manner  of  spreading  of  roots  from  the 
tree.  Vigorous  trees  had  better  root  development  than  poor  indi- 
viduals of  the  same  age. 

Root  distribution  in  relation  to  roots  of  bordering  trees  which 
occurred  in  the  transects  served  as  a  basis  for  the  discussion  of  root 
competition  in  a  forest  stand.  The  root  development  id'  a  forest  stand 
(Vas  suggested  to  be  divided  into  four  stages:  free  root  growth,  pe- 
riod id'  invasion,  period  of  root  competition,  and  period  of  release  from 

competition.  In  the  seven-year-old  plantations  investigated  the  roots 
of  tree-  spread  more  widely  than  the  boundaries  of  their  crown  pro- 
jections, invading  areas  adjacent  to  the  neighboring  trees.  The  stands 
under  investigation  were  placed  in  the  second  stage  because  it  was 
shown  in  the  root  charts  that  root  density  of  small  roots  in  the  A  hori- 
zon did  not  approach  a  constant :  therefore  the  "soil  capacity"  for  roots 

\\a-  not    reached,  and   the  period  of  root   competition   had   not    begun. 

The  period  of  root  competition  in  a  forest  stand  may  precede  or 
lollou    the  closing  of  tree  crowns  above  the  ground  depending  on  the 

-ite  quality.     Root  competition  frequently  must  he  the  most  important 

Literature  Cited  165 

factor  of  suppression  and  dominance  of  trees  in  a  forest  stand  on  good 
and  poor  sites  alike. 

Information  made  available  with  regard  to  root  systems,  root 
distribution,  and  root  distribution  as  influenced  by  soil  properties 
and  two  soil  types  of  the  five  tree  species  investigated,  can  serve  as  a 
background  on  which  to  formulate  some  silvicultural  practices. 


1.  Aaltonbn,  V.  T.  t)ber  die  Ausbreitung  und  den  Reichtum  der  Baumwurzeln  in 
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2. .     On   the   space   arrangement   of   trees    and   root   competition, 

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3.  Adams,  W.  R.     Effect  of   spacing  in  a  jack  pine  plantation.     Vermont   Agr. 

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4.  Aldrich-Blake,  R.  N.     Recent  research  on  the  root  systems  of  trees.     Fores- 

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6.  Bouyoucos,  George  John.     Directions  for  making  mechanical  analysis  of  soils 

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20.  Little,  Silas,  Jr.     Root  distribution  of  white  pine  in  relation  to  certain  physi- 

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25.     ,  Ely,  Joseph  B.,  Jr.,  and  Little,  Silas,  Jr.     The  influence  of 

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28.  Oskamp,  Joseph,  and  Batter,  L.  P.     Soils  in  relation  to  fruit  growing  in  New 

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University  of 








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