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Illustrated by C. E. Johnson 

The story of the earth upon which 
we live is a very exciting one. Many 
geologists have* spent their lives study- 
ing the rocks of the earth to learn the 
stories they have to tell of all the 
things that have happened since the 
earth was formed. 

In The Earth /ieneath Our Feet Miss 
Wilson tells the^e stories in a sl\le 
and manner which will appeal to 
children. The information is authen- 
tic and up-to-date, ft will make read- 
ers of lliis delightful hook more keenly 
aware of the wonders of the world 
around them. 

The first part of the hook describes 
how the rocks of the earth were 
formed; how mountains were thrown 
up; how r the plains, rivers, caves and 
seas of the earth were carved out; and 
how all of these are always changing. 

The second part describes the four 
ages of the earth, showing how these 
stories may be read in the rocks oi 
seashore, mountain and plain. The 
last part oi the book tells the stories 
of the earth's treasures: gold, copper, 
tin, oil and gas, coal, iron, water and 

Here ill! a book which is both enter- 
taining arid instructive; a book which 
will stimulate* in every reader a new 
injhe earth beneath 



Born at Cobourg, Ontario, in the 
Eighties, Alice Wilson is the daughter 
of the late Richard Wilson, and grand- 
daughter of William Kingston, who 
was head of the Mathematics and 
Geology Department of Victoria Uni- 
versity, then located at Cobourg. 

She spent a happy childhood with 
her two brothers. Their free outdo'or 
life boating on Lake Ontario and 
camping in the north provided an 
informal education of lasting value. 

Miss Wilson received her formal 
education at Cobourg Collegiate Insti- 
tute, Victoria College, Toronto, and 
the University of Chicago, where she 
took n post graduate Ph.D. degree in 
geology. She was on the staff of the 
Geological Survey of Canada for 
nearly forty years, and was ranked as 
a full geologist at the time of her 
retirement in 1946. 

A Fellow of the Geological Society 
of America and of the Royal Society 
of Canada, Miss Wilson has had prac- 
tical experience in -geological field 
work, and has published a number ol 
geological maps and scientific papers. 
In 1935 she was made a Member of 
the Order of the British Empire, as 
the woman longest ii; Government 
Scientific service. She r; now acting 
as consultant in petroleum geology. 



Illustrated by 





Copyright, Canada t 1947 


All rights reserved no part of this book may be reproduced in any 

form without the written permission of the publisher. 

Mimeographing or reproducing mechanically in any other way passages 

from this book without the written permission of the publisher is an 

infringement of the copyright law. 

Printed in Canada 


The Hugh Heat on Printing Ho*e9 Limited 



who walk and run and jump on the Earth t 
this book is dedicated, 

To tell you what you are walking upon, 

To tell you how our Earth came to be what it is, 

To tell you how it is changing now, and why, 

To tell you how very old it is, 

To tell you it is not the hills but the sea that is everlasting, 


N.B. This book is like maple sugar. Read just a little 
at one time. Take too much and you want never to 
see it again. Take a small piece and you like it. You 
want more. 


I WOULD LIKE here to express my gratitude for 
the time and thought given to the book by Doctors 
F. J. Akock, H. Bostock, J. F. Caley, H. C. 
Cooke, D. Leechman, F. H. McLearn, T. L. 
Tanton and M. E. Wilson, geologists, palaeon- 
tologist, palaeobotanist and anthropologist. Each 
made a critical reading and proffered suggestions 
regarding the section or sections of the book in 
which he is a specialist. I feel greatly privileged 
to have been able to have the advice of these men. 

1 would like to thank Miss M. C. Melburn who 
for a number of years has taught science to 
children of the age for which this book is written. 
She read and criticized the whole book and made 
suggestions from the angle of the presentation to 
boys and girls. 

I also owe a special debt to gratitude to Doctor 
Grace A. Stewart, of Ohio State University. The 
book was originally designed as a joint effort. She 
has given me a number of ideas and suggestions 
and has critically read Part One. 





Go 15 








A Story in Stone 







INTRODUCTION . . . .161 

I. GOLD 165 


III. TIN 190 


V. COAL 217 

VI. IRON 234 



[NDEX 285 


Beauty born of law! 

As when a dull grey stone 

Tossed by an urchin, 

Winged by force, 

Lightly leaps from wave to wave, 

Gently dipping, bird-like, curving low, 

Scatters shining drops ere it falls 

Forever to oblivion. 


"HEY, THERE! I'll show you/' shouted Jim, slithering 
down the cliff and running across the beach. 

"I know why you can't skip them," he added breath- 
lessly, stooping to pick up a small flat grey pebble which 
he threw lightly over the surface of the lake. 

"Five times/' counted Betty, who stood beside Tom. 

"I can beat you," she boasted. Opening her hand she 
chose a smooth flat pebble a little larger than the others 
and threw it 'underhand'. For Betty and Jim lived by 
the lake and had skipped stones ever since they could 

And Betty did beat Jim, by one. Her stone skipped 
six times. 

Tom stood watching. Tom had lived in the city. The 
lake and skipping stones were new to him. He tried 
again. One skip. 

"You haven't the right stones," said Jim. "Let me 
see them." 

Tom opened his hand. Stones of all shapes were 
there, wet and sparkling and pretty. 



"They're no good," said Jim. u You need flat grey 

" Why?" asked Tom. 

"I don't know," said Jim. "They skip better. Look 
at Betty's." 

Betty opened her hand full of flat, dull, grey stones, 
and held them beside Tom's sparkling ones. The stones 
looked very different side by side. Tom's were wet, 
round, and coloured. Betty's were flat and dull but they 
were the kind to skip. 

u Why are stones so different?" asked Tom. Neither 
Betty nor Jim could tell him. 

"Dad," asked Betty that night. "Why are stones 

"I don't know," answered Dad. "Are they?" 

"Yes," said Jim, looking up from a book. "You have 
to use grey ones to skip, and lots of others are round, 
and red, or green, or white." 

"Yes, that's true," said Dad. "But I don't know 

A week later Tom was back at school in the city. He 
had to write a composition on summer holidays, and 
thought of the stones. 

"Why have stones different colours?" he asked the 

"Have they?" answered the teacher. "I don't know." 

"Yes, you have to use flat, grey ones to skip," replied 

Then Friday night came. Tom, Jim and Betty, to- 
gether again, forgot about the different stones until 
Saturday morning. Racing down to the shore they 
took a short cut through an old quarry, and almost ran 


into a man, with a pack on his back. He was tapping at 
the rocks with a queer-shaped hammer. 

Something clicked in Jim's brain. 

"Say, mister," he asked suddenly. "Why are stones 

"Are they?" said the geologist, for such he was. He 
paused to straighten his back and looked at the three. 
Now, a geologist is a person who tries to find out all 
he can about the Earth. 

"Yes, they are," he answered himself. 

"Some are flat and some are chunky," Jim continued. 

"Yes," admitted the geologist. "So they are. Did you 
ever see these?" he asked, holding out a piece of the 
dull grey stone which he had just chipped from the 
rock. In it was a little creature turned to stone. It had 
a head, a body and a tiny tail, and looked a little like 
a crab. 

"What is it?" asked Betty shyly, standing on one 

The man handed it to her and watched her thin eager 

"That is a trilobite," he answered. "There is noth- 
ing quite like it living now. It was a very distant cousin 
of the crab." 

"Was it alive?" asked Betty, her eyes wide with sur- 

"Yes," said the man. 

"I have seen pieces of things like that," said Jim. 
The boys took it in their hands in turn. 

"How did it get here?" they asked. 

"That," said the geologist, "is almost the same story 


as the reason stones are different. That little animal 
was once alive in the sea." 

"Alive in the sea !" they all shouted, and then were 

"But, how did it get here?" asked Jim slowly. 

"I will tell you," the man replied. 

The geologist took the knapsack from his back and 
sat down on a granite boulder on the edge of the lime- 
stone quarry. Betty and the boys sat around in front of 
him. On one side of them the sun was shining on the 
blue water of the lake. Above them the sky was blue, 
with white floating clouds. In moist cracks between the 
great layers of rock grew the green, green moss. 
Around the scattered piles of loose stone at the edge 
of the quarry tumbled the sweet-smelling stalky clover. 
The dying blue bugloss grew up among it, faded, but 
still as straight as soldiers. A brilliant mass of purple 
asters shoved aside a bunch of withering grass. The 
wind fitfully lifted Betty's hair. 

And this is what the geologist told them. 


The earth is round, and like a ball 
Seems swinging in the air; 

Water and land upon the face 

Of this round world we see; 

The land is man's safe dwelling place, 

But ships sail on the sea. 

"The Earth" S. G. GOODRICH 



OUR EARTH is a great ball, not quite round, but nearly 
so, made up of continents and oceans; the continents 
made up of mountains and plains. But our Earth was 
not always as we know it now. 

The very Earth itself tells us the story. It is written, 
literally carved, on its rocks like writing on the pages 
of a book. The story tells us why there are now broad 
lands in some places and wide oceans in others, why and 
when the mountains rose up from the plains, why rivers 
are where they are, what made the waterfalls and 
canyons, and many other things. 

All these things did not just appear, presto, like 
magic! Behind each of these common everyday things 
there is a story of great happenings. Sometimes the 


story runs slowly, sometimes it moves at a dizzy, ter- 
rifying speed. 


On the inside our Earth is hot and heavy, but wheth- 
er solid or liquid, who knows? Some think one thing 
and some the other. We cannot go very far into it to 
find out. The deepest mine does not go down much 
more than a mile. Oil wells have been drilled as deep 
as three miles. But even three miles is not very far. 
For the Earth is 8,000 miles through the centre, if you 
could cut it like an apple through the core. 

How do we know that the Earth is hot inside? Per- 
haps you know some of the reasons. Hot molten lavas 
come bursting out from volcanoes. Hot springs spout 
out in fountains, or ooze from the Earth in many 
places. There are some in Yellowstone National Park, 
United States, in New Zealand, in Iceland and in many 
other places in the world. And, again, the deeper men 
go into mines the hotter it grows. So, no doubt about 
it ! The Earth is very hot inside. 

How do we know that the Earth is heavy inside? 
Men have instruments with which they can measure 
its weight. It is too complicated to tell about here. But 
it is known that the inside of the Earth is much heavier 
and more dense than the outside. 


On the outside our Earth is cold and solid, and very 
uneven. Some parts are high, like the continents, and 
some parts are very low, like the beds of the oceans. 

Wherever you may live, look at your map. I hope 


you have one. If you have not, look inside the covers 
of this book. You see, there are six continents : Eurasia 
(Europe and Asia), Africa, Australia, North America, 
South America, and Antarctica. Eurasia is the largest, 
and Australia is the smallest. Antarctica is at the South 
Pole. It is almost completely covered by a great ice 
sheet or glacier, only the mountain-tops stick up above 
the ice. It is not shown on our map, because no people 
live there, though a number have explored it, Scott, 
Amundsen and Byrd. 

And then, there are the oceans five of them: the 
Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctic and Indian oceans. 
They are all joined. There is much more ocean on the 
Earth than there is land. Almost three-fourths of our 
Earth's surface is ocean. 

The great bays of the oceans are sometimes called 
seas. The Mediterranean is one that you read much 
about in history. It lies between Europe and Africa. 
There is the North Sea between the British Isles and 
Scandinavia, the Behring Sea between Alaska and Rus- 
sia, and the Caribbean Sea between North America and 
South America. There are many more. Look at your 
map and see how many you can find. 

Why are there continents in some places, and oceans 
in others? Some men think that when the hot Earth 
cooled it shrank. The outside wrinkled like the skin 
on an old dried orange or apple. They think the wrin- 
kles on the Earth are the higher parts or the continents, 
and the lower places between the wrinkles are the ocean 
beds. Others think that the continents are high because 
they are made of lighter rock (and they are), and that 
the oceans are low because beneath them is a heavy 


dense rock (and there is). But no one knows all 
about it yet. Later I will tell you of some of 
the other ways in which men explain the continents 
and the oceans. First I want to tell of the surpris- 
ing things we do know, about how our Earth was 
made and to find how very long it has taken for our 
Earth to become what it is now. 



(There are two kinds of rock) 

DID YOU ever take a motor-car trip? Or, perhaps you 
have gone on a train journey. Almost everywhere you 
see rock sticking out from beneath the soil. Here it is 
in great cliffs, there it is flat, farther on it is in the bank 
of a river, or, in another place a little lies in the bed of 
a brook. 

There is just one kind of country where you will not 
see rock, sooner or later. That is when you cross a 
great plain. When you get thirsty driving over the dusty 
plain, perhaps you get out at a farmhouse for a drink. 
The farmer's wife will bring you a glass of cool fresh 
water from a pump. The man who made that well bored 
his drill down through the soil right into the rock it- 
self, until he found water. It had gathered in the cracks 
of the rock. And so, even beneath the plain there is 
rock. It is not seen because it is covered by soil. 

The truth is rock everywhere forms the hard crust 
of the Earth. It is on the surface in some places. It is 
slightly covered with soil in some places. And it is deep- 
ly buried in some places. But there it is. 

Do you know that all the rock of the Earth belongs 
to one of two great groups rock that has been melted, 
or rock that was laid in sea-bottom ? 




Rock melted ! Yes, it is true ! But it needs a terrific 
heat to melt it ! 

Have you ever seen a volcano, or even a movie pic- 
ture of one? If you have, you know what rock looks 
like when it is melted. The lava, thick like molasses, 
flows down the mountain-side. Lava cools quickly in the 
air, and forms a glassy material, not clear like window 
glass, but dark, shiny and brittle, with sharp edges 
when broken. Such is lava. 

But there is another story about melted rock. Some- 
times, deep down in the heart of the Earth, the hot 
melted rock pushes up towards the surface but cannot 
reach it. There is no way open. As it works up and up, 
it cools slowly, very slowly and finally, while still below 
the surface it becomes solid rock. This rock cooled 
slowly far below, is not smooth and shiny but is made 
up of many particles or grains. 

What happerts if you boil toffee too long? When it 
cools it is not smooth as toffee should be, but is sugary. 
Grains of sugar ! They are crystals crystals of sugar. 
Look at them carefully with a magnifying glass, if you 
have one. All the crystals have the same colour, and 
even more surprising, they all have the same shape, ex- 
cept when broken. 

Now the hot, thick, melted rock forms grains, too, 
when cooled far down in the Earth. These grains or 
crystals are minerals. In the slow cooling, silently and 
mysteriously, every crystal of each mineral takes on 
the same shape and the same colour. There are many 
different minerals in the rock. So there are many, many 
crystal shapes and colours. 


So, these slowly-cooling rocks are called the 'crys- 
talline' rocks. They are massive, immense and very 
strong. When broken they make great irregular bould- 
ers. Even smaller pieces will still be irregular, all shapes 
and sizes. Even the little pebbles will be uneven and 
made up of various mineral crystals. 

Probably the melted rock which you know best is 
granite. It has several minerals : quartz, feldspar, mica, 
and maybe hornblende. The quartz is whitish and oily- 
looking; the feldspar is white or pink; the mica is dark 
and shiny; and the hornblende is black. 

Most crystals are very, very small and have several 
sides. Some of them have many sides. You will need to 
get your magnifying glass for this. Each tiny side 
is something like a mirror. It will throw back light, like 
sun shining on water. That is why pebbles from these 
rocks are bright and sparkling. That is the kind of peb- 
bles Tom picked up. They are beautiful, but do not 
'skip' well. 

But all melted rocks, whether they have cooled quick- 
ly, or cooled slowly, are called 'igneous' rocks. 'Ignis' 
is the Latin word for 'fire'. And it certainly needs fire 
to melt rock ! 


And then there is the other kind of rock ! Rock that 
has been laid in sea-bottom! How do we know it was? 
You will see later, when reading of the 'Footprints of 
the Sea'. In some places this sea-laid rock is limestone. 
Ih some places it is sandstone, just the usual sand on 
the shore cemented into rock. Or, in some places it is 
shale, just the mud that has collected on the floor of 


the sea, partly hardened into a weak kind of rock. Most 
sea-laid rocks are dull-looking. They may be almost 
white, grey, brick red, or even almost black. They never 
sparkle, except perhaps some bits of the sandstone. 

Do you live near a quarry, or near a shore where 
some of this flat-lying rock is on the surface? Try to 
break it. Give it a strong blow with a hammer, straight 
down! Pretty tough, isn't it? 

Well, try the other way, from the side, horizont- 

It breaks ! Quite easily, in fact. 

Why does it break one way more easily than the 
other? Because it was laid in that way, flat on the sea 
floor, layer upon layer. 

Take that piece you have broken off. Break it into 
smaller pieces. The edges are jagged, not round and 
smooth like pebbles. But they are all flat. They would 
'skip' on the water. Jim and Betty knew them. Try 
them. When pebble edges are smooth and round, it 
just means that the sharpness has been worn off by 
jostling around with other pebbles. 


Sometimes both sea-laid rocks and melted rocks are 
changed again. The hot melted rock in many places 
has shoved and burned through the sea-laid rocks, and 
burns or cooks the parts it touches. The changed rock 
is called by a big name metamorphic rock. It is really 
quite simple. It just means a rock that has changed its 
form. Marble is a changed limestone, that is all. 


So, there are the two great groups of rock that 
which was once melted, and breaks into irregular 
bright sparkling pieces ; and that which was laid in sea- 
bottom and breaks into dull, flat pieces which wear into 
round flat pebbles. 

And remember, that the Earth's crust everywhere is 
made up of rock, though in some places the rock is cov- 
ered by soil. 



They crowned him long ago 

On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, 

\Vith a diadem of snow. 


WHAT MAKES mountains? For mountains, you know, 
were not always where they are now. Some mountains 
are very old and some are quite young. Another strange 
thing is that the oldest mountains are not the highest. 
Two of the oldest mountain regions in the world are the 
Highlands of Scotland and the Laurentians in Canada 
which lies across North America from the Atlantic 
Ocean to Lake Winnipeg and north to Great Bear 
Lake. These very old, old mountains are not nearly so 



high as the Rockies or the Alps. And yet the Rocky 
Mountains and the Alps are really quite young for 

How do I know? I will tell you. Or better, you can 
find out for yourself, if you live near the mountains. 
There is probably a quarry, on the mountain-side, some- 
where near you. There nearly always is one. Go and 
look at it. You will see the rock lies in layers. That, you 
have learned, is because it was laid down, one layer flat 
upon another, in the bottom of the sea. We must talk 
more about that later. But you see, if this rock was 
once sea-bottom it must have been very much lower and 
not mountain-side at all. Yes, it was lower. What is true 
of your mountain-side is true of all other mountains. 
All the great mountain ranges of the Earth once were 
not mountains at all. 


Where are the great mountains of the world, to-day? 
Wherever you may live, look at your map. There are 
mountains on all the continents and even on many 
islands. In North America and South America they run 
nearly north and south near the edges of the continents. 
In Europe and Asia most of them run east and west. 
Africa is near Europe and shaped something like North 
America and South America. On the north of Africa 
where it is near Europe the mountains run east and 
west, too. In the rest of Africa the mountains are more 
like those in North and South America. They run al- 
most lengthwise, near the great oceans. The African 
mountains are not so high as the Rocky Mountains and 
the Andes. As to Australasia it is a little difficult to say. 


They are north and south on Australia itself, but every- 
where around it there are so many drowned mountains. 
All those islands are just drowned mountains, with their 
tops above the ocean. 


Let us go for a walk up a mountain to see what it 
really is! Here in the valley it is green. Beneath the 
green is the soil of the fields. This path leads upward. 
And there is forest beginning near the foot of the moun- 
tain. We seem to be walking on woodsy-covered earth, 
just as in any other walk through the forest. Don't trip 
on those boulders along the path ! 1 wonder where they 
came from? There is a break in the trees over there, 
and here is a trail leading that way. Let us follow it 
around the bend. 

The trees are thinning out now, and there are bits 
of cut limestone strewn along the trail. Yes, there is 
the quarry, with its walls of layered rock. Well, one 
thing seems certain. Here is some of the limestone that 
has been laid under the sea. 

Let us go back to the main path again. The trail is 
getting rougher and steeper. There is less soil and more 
boulders. There are side trails here and there, but let 
us stick to the one we are on. It is narrower now, we 
will have to go single file. Look! We are on the edge 
of a cliff. We can see far down the valley .and over the 
flat countryside. See all the farms down there ! And a 
town I See the smoke from that crawling train! Right 
beneath our feet is a great ridge of massive rock. It is 
no longer the, layered rock, but the igneous type, hard 
and strong, the kind that was once melted. You can 


hardly split it even with a hammer. So, we see, our 
mountain is not all made of layered rock. Crystalline 
rock is part of the mountain, too. 

There is much rock here, but also there are forests 
on this mountain-side. If we did not follow the path, 
we should be lost in the 'bush', at least on the lower 
half of the mountain. In spite of the boulders and great 
shoulders of rock there must be soil here, too, though 
we cannot see much of it for the dead branches, moss, 
dead leaves and rock. But the soil is here, caught in the 
hollows between the great rocks. 

So we have learned there is ordinary soil on the 
mountain-side in which trees grow. 

But it is getting late. We cannot climb to the top, 
but we can look at the summit of our next mountain 
neighbour with the field-glass. Can you see it? 

What makes the mountain-top so jagged? It is rock, 
all rock, sharp and steep. Not much soil there ! It could 
not stay very well on that steep slope. Rain and melt- 
ing snow would wash it down. There are no trees there 
either. They could not grow without the soil, and, be- 
sides it is cold for trees on mountain-tops. 

What, then, are mountains ? They are masses of rock 
piled high, sea-laid and igneous rock. They are steep 
and rough. They have soil on the lower part, and in 
the soil live growing plants and trees. Mountains, then, 
are like the rest of the Earth, only they stand on end, 
their peaks far above the green valleys. 



The hills are shadows and they flow 
From form to form, and nothing stands ; 
They melt like mist, and solid lands, 
Like clouds they shape themselves and go. 


Why are these rocks piled up so steeply, above the 
plains? How did the sea-laid rocks ever get there? 
Were these mountains once at the bottom of the sea? 
They were. You saw for yourself the layers of rock on 
the mountain-side in the quarry. 

All the wise men who have studied the rocks puzzled 
and puzzled over that question. They measured the 
thickness of the layered mountain rocks. Some worked 
hard at measuring and comparing the rocks of the Alps. 
Some worked in the Rocky Mountains, a few in South 
America, a few in Africa. They wrote about it. They 
gathered together and talked about what they had 
found. And this is what they thought. 

When the highest layered rocks now on the moun- 
tains were below, on the bottom of the ocean, then the 
lowest layered rocks must have been many feet below 
the water. 

Imagine seas where there are now mountains ! Look 
at your map. The seas must have been in the broad val- 
leys or troughs all up and down the continents, just 
where we now have mountains ! There must have been 
such a trough or valley along the margins of North 
America and South America, and in those other coun- 
tries, too. The ocean waters must have poured into 
those valleys. They must have, because to-day there, 


on the mountain-side, are the many thousands of feet 
of layered rock. 

It is true 1 Rock was laid on sea-bottom all over these 
broad valleys just as long as the ocean filled them. 

"But," you say, u that would not look like North 
America and South America, nor Europe. It would not 
be the right shape!" 

But it was so. All the shores have changed. You and 
I would not know a map of North America then. It 
was so different. 

The wise men pondered. How did the mountains 
rise from the sea? 

"That means that the continents rose or the oceans 

"Well," they said, "we know the solid bottom of the 
ocean is really heavier than the land. So far so good!" 

"Then," they thought, "the mountains have risen, 
when the heavy floor of the oceans sank, and the ocean 
water that had filled the former valleys drained out." 

And that, some of the wise men thought, is what 
happened! The continents rose when the oceans sank. 
Things happened! The Earth was shaken to its core! 
The sinking floor of the ocean shoved against the edges 
of the land. Those rocks shoved the rocks farther in- 
land, shoved and shoved. The continents were pushed 
up until the wide sea-covered valleys were raised and 
the sea-water ran out again to the great oceans, leav- 
ing broad stretches of young sea-laid rocks that were 
weak. The ocean floor sank farther. The rocks were 
crushed and shoved still farther. The new sea-laid rocks 
just crumpled up. They were piled up and up, as the 
margins of the continents were pushed inland. The 


rock broke. It piled up on edge. Great pieces slid over 
and buried other pieces. You know, if you live near a 
mountain, because you can see them, the layers piled up, 
sloping or shoved over one another. 

It is true that long ago the Pacific Ocean did sink. 
It drowned many of the islands. Such sinking sometimes 
happens now. A very few years ago a little piece of the 
floor of the Pacific Ocean dropped farther down, when 
the earthquake shook Long Beach, California, and 
caused a great amount of damage. Long ago the At- 
lantic Ocean sank, too, but not so far. It is not so deep. 
The Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean sank, and even 
the much smaller Mediterranean Sea. It did not hap- 
pen all at once, as I have told you, but bit by bit. 

The Strange Doings of Continents 

Later another thought was born. Cut up a map of 
the world. Place the continents side by side, like pieces 
of a jigsaw puzzle. South America fits right under the 
sheltering bulge of Africa. Move North America a little 
around the North Pole and it fits against Europe and 
Asia. Cut off India and slide it down against the east 
side of Africa. Place Antarctica, Australia and all the 
other islands, those not too small to handle, to the 
south and east of Africa and India. 

They fit rather well. Think, then, of all the conti- 
nents as one huge continent. In the chinks that do not 
quite fit, think of shallow seas upon this one great con- 

So, it once stood, one man thought a German, 
named Wegcncr. Many others agree with him. Wegen- 
er risked and lost his life trying to find out about this 
and other questions referring to it. Wegener died dur- 


ing a Greenland winter, measuring the growth and con- 
ditions of glacial ice, and the possible movement of 
separation of Greenland from North America. Others 
are still trying to find out whether his theory could be 

Wegener thought, then, that all land was once one. 
Then the continents, as we now know them, floated 
apart ! 

Continents float! Well, not exactly, certainly not in 
the waters of the oceans. Then how did they 'float' ? 

We know that the rocks beneath the oceans are heav- 
ier than the continents. We know, too, how glaciers 
move. They do not flow. They re-crystallize. The great 
weight from higher up makes heat. A tiny liquid film 
forms over one end of the crystal, on the side of least 
pressure, and then the liquid film freezes again, but it 
has moved a tiny bit along its own crystal. So each crys- 
tal moves on, film by film, by the freezing and thawing 
of one after another of each tiny particle of each ice 
crystal, though always, the whole great mass is solid. 
This sometimes is called 'solid flow'. 

So also solid rock, if crystalline, can move under 
great, unequal pressure. When pressure is equal on all 
sides the rock is rigid. Thus, thought Wegener, the 
continents moved with their bases in a heavy dense rock 
beneath, which itself was anchored in the solid core of 
the Earth. So, he thought, North America and South 
America moved from Europe and Africa. So, Asia and 
India moved together. Antarctica moved west, and Af- 
rica moved from India and Asia and all moved from 
Australia, and Australia itself moved, too. 

And, as the Americas moved westward in a century- 


slow ploughing through the heavy rocks below, their 
western margins were wrinkled up into mountains. As 
Asia, India and Africa pressed together the long line 
of mountains, the Alps and Himalayas, were crushed 
up between them. Northward and westward they all 
moved, but some perhaps moved faster than others. 

Why did they move ? What would move them ? The 
mighty but slow force of the turning Earth. As the 
Earth turns through the ages it bulges at the Equator 
where the speed is greatest. So the continents would 
move out towards the place of greatest speed, move 
westward and northward. 

Could this be so ? It will take many observations and 
many years to prove it right or wrong. 

But that is not all ! Whichever way the mountains 
were formed, certainly things happened! Some of the 
rock, always hot down in the heart of the Earth, melted 
and welled up, pouring into the cracks, sometimes be- 
neath the surface, sometimes out over the surface. Or 
the molten rock belched out as terrible volcanoes. As it 
cooled, the melted rock hardened or 'froze', like cooled 
toffee. This did not happen just once, but many times. 

And so, probably in one of these ways, the great 
mountains of the Earth were formed. They are made 
up of melted rock and of sea-laid rock. 

This is the story of the younger mountains like the 
Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Alps and others. 


It is very difficult to read the story of those very 
much older mountains, the Laurentians in Canada, the 
Adirondacks in New York State, for instance. The Ad- 


irondacks really are a border part of the Laurentians. 
These mountains are all so very old. The tops of these 
old, old mountains are all worn off, so they are not so 
high now as they once were. But men found that they, 
too, were not always mountains, because there are lay- 
ered sea-laid rocks among them: sandstone and lime- 
stone and shale. It was all so long ago that the oceans 
and continents may have been quite different. Scotland 
is still surrounded by the ocean that may have wrinkled 
up the Highlands, but some parts of North America 
where those ancient mountains stand are now far in- 
land. Men are still wondering. That is a question for 
you to think about and work about, when you are older. 
It is a big question and worth while. 


And then there are mountains that have grown and 
grown from little volcanoes to big volcanoes. There are 
active volcanoes and dead ones. Active volcanoes belch 
out smoke and steam, and sometimes lava. Lava is real- 
ly melted rock. It pours out of an opening, called a 
crater, at the saucer-shaped top of the volcano. Some- 
times the lava wells up out of cracks on the sides. It 
cools or .'freezes' on the outside of the volcano. First 
it builds a little cone-shaped hill, then it piles more lava 
on top of the cooled lava, and builds up higher and 
higher. The mountain you see in so many pictures of 
Japan, Fuijama, grew in that way. There is a very 
beautiful mountain in Chile, Osorno, just like that, and 
there are many others in the world. 

Sometimes a big volcano explodes. Then things hap- 
pfcn! Terrible things, if there are people living on its 


sides, or in the valleys! Melted rock bursts from the 
sides of the volcano, and blazing gas and hot ashes are 
hurled into the air, and the ash falls all around burying 
everything. Some of the ash is shot high above the 
Earth and carried far away on the upper currents of 
air. Ash from a volcano has been carried all around 
the world. 

Sometimes a volcano will be quiet for years, then 
there is a rumble and trembling of the Earth, and it 
will burst out again, just like Vesuvius did in Italy. It 
came to life in a hurry. Steam burst out and blew off 
the top of the mountain. Ashes and lava covered the 
country for miles around, burying people and whole 

And then there are dead volcanoes, dead for years 
and years, perhaps hundreds of years, perhaps thou- 
sands of years, or much more. There is volcanic ash 
in a great many of the old rocks. Some rock in Wales 
has shells right in the volcanic ash, showing that the 
ashes fell into the sea. Mount Royal at Montreal, 
Canada, is the core of an old volcano. There are old 
volcanoes in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. And the 
hot geysers there show it is still hot beneath. There 
were even volcanoes in the very, very old rocks of the 
Laurentians, because there are old lavas there. 
# * * 

And then there are mountains which are not made 
the same way at all. They were really plains at first 



Now THE MOUNTAINS stand high. Their peaks in the 
clouds seize and hold our imagination. But the moun- 
tains cover only a small part of the Earth. The broad 
vast parts of the Earth are the plains. They cover the 
greater surface of all continents. There, on the plains, 
is where people live. The cities of the plains ! They are 
the great cities of the Earth. 

In the days of old, what people sometimes call 'the 
brave days of old*, capital cities were built on moun- 
tains, or in high places. Can you think why? The ene- 
mies of their people could not get at them easily. But 
even then the rich cities were on the plains. Why? One 
reason is that they were the centres of great farming 
areas. Where land is fertile, there people must live. 



Another reason is that some of the cities of the plains 
were the centres of the great trade roads, whether trade 
was carried on by camel or by ship. But trade has chang- 
ed. Camels and sailing ships have given place to trains, 
motor trucks, and great oil-driven ships. To-day some 
of the great cities on the plains are also ports. London 
is both a city of the plains and a great port. New York 
and Montreal, the two greatest ports of North America, 
are not cities of the plains, but Chicago is. Chicago is 
also a lake and river port, but it began as a city of the 

The cities of the plains are often factory centres. The 
electricity used to run the factories may come from wat- 
erfalls in the upland or mountain rivers, but it is cheap- 
er to carry electricity to the factory than to carry goods 
over mountains. So the factories are on the plains. 

A plain is not always level like the surface of a pond. 
It may be uneven. Some plains may have low hills. 
Others have long ridges of rock. Some plains are low. 
Some plains are high above sea-level. 

There are many plains. In the United States there is 
a plain on the east, sloping to the Atlantic Ocean, a 
great plain of the Central States drained by the Mis- 
sissippi River, and others in the west. In Canada there 
are plains in large parts of Ontario, in the wide-spread 
Prairie Provinces, and in the north country where the 
cariboo range. In Europe there is the great plain of 
Northern Russia. There are the desert plains of Af rica t 
and the veldts of South Africa. There are broad plains 
in South America, such as the great wheat fields and 
cattle ranges of Argentina. A large part of the centre 
of Australia is a plain. 


Why are these great stretches of the Earth plains? 
How did they come to be so level? Just as the moun- 
tains were not always mountains so the plains were not 
always plains. Plains are made by water; by running 
water in rivers, by the waves of lakes and ocean; in a 
few places by volcanoes pouring out lava ; and in a few 
places by the pushing up of great blocks of the Earth's 


Do you live near a river, where you can see its val- 
ley? If you do not, just look at a fast little stream near 
you. See how it washes its sides away, then spreads the 
sand and mud along its bed. A large river does exactly 
the same thing. It may take a long time, but it does it 
The rather flat part of the river valley gets wider and 
wider. Sometimes, like the Mississippi and the rivers 
which flow into it, the river overflows its banks and 
spreads the sand and mud far and wide on the top of 
the valley it forms. The Nile in Egypt does that, too, 
and many other rivers. The river makes a plain grow. 
Such land is very fertile, as you know if you live on a 
river plain. 


But perhaps you live by a seashore, on the California 
coast, south of Monterey, or on one of the Great 
Lakes. For lakes though smaller really work as hard 
as the ocean. Stand up high on the cliffs and look down. 

There is a narrow ribbon of shore away down there 
between the cliffs and the sea. The sea beats against 
those great cliffs and breaks off pieces of them. On 
quieter days the tide coming in and out spreads the 
stones, the sand and the mud along the strip of shore. 


The strip becomes wider, and wider, and the level 
stretch with a gentle slope grows farther and farther 
out under the water. 

Beaches like this are very narrow plains. But after a 
long, long time the wave-worn strip of beach grows 
wider and wider still. It becomes not a beach but a wide 
plain. The cliffs, far inland now, are hills. The rivers 
coming from those hills, lend a hand. Together the 
waves and the rivers have made a great, gently sloping, 
almost level stretch of land between the sea and the in- 
land hills. This is called a coastal plain. All this time the 
ocean has been smoothing out its floor along the coast. 
Finally a great plain stretches from the hills away in- 
land far out under the sea, part of it on land and part 
beneath the sea. 

Perhaps you live in the east Atlantic States and know 
some part of the great plain that slopes from the Ap- 
palachian Mountains to the sea. Perhaps you live in 
England where the plain slopes from the mountains of 
Wales to the North Sea. Perhaps you live Well, there 
are quite a number of other places you may live and be 
on such a plain. It would really take too long to name 
them all. 

Then something happens, not suddenly, but slowly. 
The land begins to rise, up and up. The shore of the 
sea moves farther and farther out. Slowly it moves. 
The land still rises! The shore still moves farther out! 
And there is a great plain ! There are such plains now 
hundreds of miles from the sea. That has happened 
many times since the Earth began. How do we know? 
The base of the plain is made of sea-laid rock. Perhaps 
you live in Wisconsin. If so, you are living on a plain 


which once was beneath the sea. Perhaps you live in 
the Prairie Provinces of Canada. They, too, were rais- 
ed from beneath the sea. It happened all along Lakes 
Erie and Ontario. Parts of these plains in some places 
are drowned by their lakes, but there they are, still 
plains beneath the water. 


Now as soon as a great plain like this is lifted up, 
immediately, the rivers get to work. They begin to 
pull it down. They wear valleys here. They wear val- 
leys there. Finally the valleys meet and a piece of the 
high plain is left standing alone like a mountain. It real- 
ly is one kind of mountain. The Catskills of New York 
were made in this way. So were the Helderbergs of 
New York. They are what is left of a high plain. The 
Cotswolds and Chiltern Hills of England and quite a 
number of mountains are made in that way. They are 
parts of high plains not yet worn down. 


The winds help the rivers to wear down the plains. 
Hand in hand they wear the high plain away until it is 
cut into sections. In the west of the United States these 
small bits that are left are called 'mesas'. They are flat 
on top because they were part of a plain. 'Mesa' is the 
Spanish word for 'table*. In Arizona some of the In- 
dians live on these flat-topped mesas. 

But the rivers, helped by the winds, never stop work- 
ing until the mesas, too, are quite worn down, and be- 
hold! You have another plain, a low level plain this 
time. It has been worn down from a high plain by the 
rivers and wind. 


So the rivers work and work, wearing the land away. 
They make two kinds of plains: first, in their own val- 
leys by wearing down their sides and spreading the 
muds and sands over the broadened valley; second, by 
wearing down high plains into low plains. And the 
oceans work and work, wearing down their shores, mak- 
ing beaches and spreading the muds and sands over 
their floors, to form a part of a larger plain if the land 
rises. They just never stop working, night and day, 
rivers and oceans. 

The Circle 

This story really goes around in a circle. The river 
carries sand and mud and rock from the mountains and 
spreads them along the shore. The waves break off the 
edges of the shore and add sand and mud and rock to 
A*hat the rivers have brought down. The shore widens, 
the floor of the sea becomes level. Then it rises into a 
high plain. Then the rivers begin all over again. That 
is called a 'cycle', which means it is repeated over and 
over again like the turn of a wheel. 

During the time the plain is high it is called a 'pla- 
teau 9 . That is the French word for a 'high flat place'. 


But there is another kind of high plain or plateau. 
It is hard to know whether to call it a plain or a moun- 
tain. You know now how mountains are made. Some- 
times the force of the mountain-building movement is 
so great that the crust of the Earth is twisted and pull- 
ed, until it is broken up into great blocks. Two blocks 
may fall, and as they fall, squeeze up another between 
them. That squeezed-up block will make a great flat- 


topped plateau, too. There are a number of plateaux 
formed that way in the United States, in Oregon, and 
parts of Nevada and in California. Immediately the 
rivers and winds get to work to wear down the edges. 
By and by they look like any other mountains, but they 
were not formed in exactly the same way. They were 
plateaux first. (The V at the end of 'plateaux' is not 
a mistake, that is the way French words ending in *eau' 
form their plural. ) 


There is still another kind of high plain or plateau, 
the kind that has been made from lava. Down in South 
America, in Peru, and thereabouts, there was once an 
old mountain range, worn down pretty low, for moun- 
tains. Farther inland the newer higher Andes were 
pushed up, and many volcanoes began to awake. They 
got very wide awake, indeed, and active, and poured 
out lava, and poured it out. Not only did it come from 
the saucer-shaped crater at the top, but the mountain- 
sides burst open. Lava flowed down filling the valleys 
until the old mountains nearer the coast were complete- 
ly covered. Slowly the lava hardened, and now there is 
a high plateau in Peru, covering the old mountains, and 
nearly all made from lavas and other volcanic materi- 
als. Rivers from the high plateau have cut through the 
rock and revealed the old mountains buried by the later 
lavas. There is another plateau like this along the Co- 
lumbia River in Oregon, Idaho and Washington States. 

So, besides the low plains made by the wearing down 
and the levelling-off of rivers and oceans, there are 
the plateaux or high plains that have been lifted up, the 


plateaux made by pushed-up blocks, and the plateaux of 

So the mountains and the plains come and go. 

It is not the hills that are everlasting but the sea! 



HERE is A RIDDLE! What are the Twins-that-are- 
Everywhere? They were here, there and everywhere 
when your grandparents were boys and girls, and when 
their grandparents were boys and girls, and many hun- 
dreds of years before, almost since the Earth was made. 
They are still being born, now! Who or what are they? 
They are sand and mud! Did you ever hear of any 
place without them ? They are twins, really twins. They 
even look alike sometimes, do they not? What are they 

When you were very little, you made mud-pies. You 
poured water on some mud and stirred it with a stick, 
or perhaps you just used your hands. What is this mud 
you used for your mud-pies? 

Do you have a garden? If you have, get a handful 
of soil. Look at it carefully. Put a little into a glass of 



water and see what happens. Some of it will float on 
top. Skim it off. Some of it will sink quickly. Leave it in 
the bottom of the glass. And the rest, just muddy water, 
pour carefully into another glass. Let it stand long 
enough to dry out. Something is left in the bottom of 
the glass, very tiny particles. 

Now you have three things. One, the part that floats 
is dead roots and leaves broken up very fine. There is 
really only a very little. Two, the part that sank quickly 
that is sand. Not much of it in your garden, I hope ! 
Too much of it is not good for your flowers. Three, 
the part that made the water muddy, is clay. When it is 
wet we call it mud. 


Let us look at the sand first. Shake it in the glass of 
water. Hold the glass up to the light. The water is 
clear. The sand is at the bottom. That is the first thing 
we learn about sand. It is heavy, and sinks quickly to 
the bottom, leaving the water clear. 

Leave the sand in the water a few days, weeks, or 
even months. It will not disappear. It remains the same. 
That is the second thing we learn about sand. It does 
not disappear or dissolve in the water. 

But its colour! Look at it in the water. It is bright 
and sparkling, and there are all sorts of beautiful col- 
ours white, pink, red or purple. That is the third thing 
we learn about sand. It is bright and sparkling and full 
of colour. 


Let us look at the clay. Put some of it, not too much, 
in a glass of water. Shake well. It makes the water 
*muddy\ doesn't it? If you have good eyes you will see 


tiny specks floating around in the water. Look at it with 
a magnifying glass. The particles do not float on top 
like the specks of roots and leaves. They are heavier. 
They float right down in the water. That, then, is the 
first thing we learn about clay. It almost floats, but not 

Let the glass of muddy water stand. The particles 
slowly settle to the bottom. No matter how long it 
stands the clay will not disappear into the water as salt 
or sugar will. That is the second thing we learn about 
clay. It will not disappear or dissolve in the water. 

In time the water dries up. Look at the clay left in 
the bottom of the glass. It is dull-looking, isn't it? Un- 
less you live in New Brunswick, or Niagara, or Georgia 
or some other place where the clay is a brick-red col- 
our. In those places it is red because there is iron in it. 
But even there it is a dull red. That is the third thing 
about clay. It is dull in colour. 

The twins, then, are alike in that neither of them dis- 
solves in water. They differ in that sand is heavy though 
bright and sparkling, and the clay almost floats, but is 
a dull colour. 


From where did these strange everyday twins come ? 
For they are strange, are they not, even if they are so 
very common! Yet, they were being made when the 
Earth was very young. They are being made to-day. 

The Streams and Rivers Make Them 

I saw sand and clay being made one day. I was walk- 
ing up a trail on the side of a low mountain in Quebec. 
Near the path was a large stone, all rounded at the 


corners, a boulder of coarse-grained rock, broken from 
the hillside. It was quite sparkling in the sunshine. In a 
ring around it on the ground were coarse bits which 
had flaked off. Up there, in the winter it is very cold. 
Each year, when the cold autumn rains fall on the 
coarse boulder, the water freezes in the cracks. The ice 
loosens the outside flakes which gradually fall off. On 
the grourld these pieces look like coarse pebbly sand. 
In the springtime the snow melts and floods down the 
hill. The snow-water carries some of the coarse flakes 
with it. The floods of another spring carry them to the 
stream below the hill. They lie at the edge of the 
stream. A thunderstorm may flood the stream. The 
pebbly flakes are pushed a little farther downstream. 
They bump against the bank and rest a year or two. 
And so it goes, day after day, year after year. 

But all this time something happens to the pebbly 
flakes. They are becoming smaller and smaller. Part of 
each flake disappears in the water, just like salt. And 
there is salt and lime in those old rocks, and many 
other things that will melt or dissolve in water. It takes 
a long time, but it happens. Then the pebbly flakes fall 
apart. They become smaller and smaller as they move 
down the stream. 

So the pebbly flakes are divided in three. First, the 
salts are carried away, dissolved in the water. Second, 
little particles that do not dissolve are broken off and 
carried downstream, floating or almost floating in the 
water; that is the clay. Third, the heavier bits that do 
not dissolve are rubbed and scrubbed along the shore. 
They jostle against one another, grinding off their edges 
and corners. These particles are the sand. 


Almost every stream you look at is carrying mud and 
sand to the sea. That is why the water looks muddy. 
Such is the work of streams all over the Earth, to carry 
the loose rock materials to the sea. They never rest. 
The Mississippi River carries so much mud and sand to 
the sea that it has built up a great delta at its mouth. So 
has the Nile River, and the Mackenzie River. The 
Amazon and St. Lawrence rivers carry their sand and 
mud far out to sea. Their channels are deep. Their cur- 
rents are strong. 

The flakes I saw on the hillside that day will move 
down to larger and larger streams until they reach the 
Ottawa River, and then down the Ottawa for many 
years to the St. Lawrence River. And then down, down 
to the Atlantic Ocean. It will be a long time before 
they reach the ocean, perhaps thousands of years, but 
they will get there. 

The Winds and the Rains Make Them 

But not all of those pebbly flakes I saw that day will 
get into the stream. In fact, my heavy boots tramped 
some of them into the ground. Always the moisture in 
the ground gets to work immediately upon the salt and 
lime in such broken flakes, and they begin to change. 
During summer, when there is less rain, they dry out. 
Along comes a hot wind before a storm and blows them 
along the side of the mountains, away from the stream. 
The pieces scurry along tumbling over one another. A 
rainstorm comes up and beats the flakes into the damp 
ground. More of the salts, and minerals in them dis- 
solve and each piece falls apart, just as in the water. 
They dry out again, then again along comes the wind. 


Day after day the winds blow and blow. The coarser 
heavier particles are rolled along the ground, they 
bump against the rough places in their path, and stop 
when the winds die. The finer particles are blown far 
away. When the winds cease the finer bits lie just where 
they are, far beyond the coarse heavy particles. And so, 
the coarse pieces become finer, and the finer pieces be- 
come still finer. And finally they are all sorted out. The 
rain-water has carried the salts into the ground. The 
very, very fine pieces, the clay, is blown far away. The 
coarser sand is piled in dunes nearer the starting-point. 
But this time the sand is not rounded by rubbing. It is 
sharpened, and has edges, because when the wind hurls 
sand grains, one against another, each sharp, heavy 
piece just chisels off the sides of its neighbour. 

So the pebbly pieces that are not carried into the 
stream make sand and clay, too. The great sand dunes 
of the Sahara desert, in Africa, have been formed in 
this way. On the desert of Peru are great crescent dunes 
of finer sand, sorted out from the coarser, heavier sand 
on the floor of the desert. 

The Ocean Makes Them 

Sand and mud are being made in other ways. Do you 
live near the ocean, or near one of the Great Lakes of 
the world? I hope some of you do. The waves of the 
ocean, particularly in storms, are breaking off bits of 
rock which are slowly ground up. During heavy storms 
the stones are hurled at the cliffs, breaking off still more 
rocks. They, too, are slowly ground up, year after year. 
The mineral salts are dissolved in the water, the lighter 
tiny pieces float or almost float away, the heavier sand 


is dropped nearer the shore, making sandy beaches. So 

the lakes and oceans are making sand and mud. 

* * * 

So, now we have three ways in which sand and mud 
are being made right under our eyes. In each case the 
Twins come first from rock. The rock is split, by frost 
or waves or by the dissolving of the salts in them. The 
large pieces become smaller and smaller by the further 
dissolving of the salts. The parts of the rock that can- 
not be dissolved are carried away by streams or wind 
or waves. The Twins-that-are-Everywhere are being 
made now. 


But not all the sand and mud on the Earth has been 
made recently, or when your grandfather lived, nor 
even since man has lived. We must look back, before 
that, far back. 

If you read on, in Part II, you will find the story of 
the Great Rhythm of the Earth. Many times the sea 
came up over the continents, and then went back again 
to the ocean beds. As the sea came and went the rivers 
changed. Every river, every ocean storm, every down- 
fall of rain through all those many millions of years was 
making sand and mud, all the time. They just never 

But something else was happening. At the same time 
the oceans were working in another way. Each time as 
the sea came up covering the sand and mud already ly- 
ing on the continents it cemented some of the sand into 
sandstone and some of the fine clay particles were press- 
ed into shale. So, not all the sand and mud was left to 
be carried by the streams or to be blown by the wind. 


So now we have it all. The sand and mud which is 
being made to-day is added to that made during all the 
many millions of years in the past. 

Do you wonder that they are the Twins-that-are- 
Everywhere, and that there is so much of them? 



The streams all flow into the sea 

But the seas they never fill 

Though the streams are flowing still. 

Eccles. I, 7. (Moffat Translation) 

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why there are so many 
rivers on the lands of the Earth? Why some are so 
small and others so large? Where they begin and where 
they end? Almost every boy and girl in North America 
has seen at least one little river. If you live in the coun- 
try you must know a stream that flows into a river. If 
you live in the mountains you know how the mountain 
brooks chatter down the slopes. Even if you live in the 
city probably there is a large river flowing through it 
or very near it. 


From the earliest time man has used the rivers. Be- 
fore there were roads, rivers were the highways for 
travel and trade. Before there were trains there were 
boats; boats that were poled along; boats that sailed; 
or boats driven by a paddle wheel. Then there were 
steamboats, and finally the great steamships of to-day. 
In North America canoes were first used by the Indians. 
And it was along the rivers that the early discoverers in 
our country explored the land. 

The first white men to go down the Mississippi River 
were Frenchmen from French Canada. They had to 



paddle miles westward, up the rivers flowing into the 
St. Lawrence. When they could not go farther they pick- 
ed up their canoes and carried them through the woods 
to the next river. The French word for 'to carry 1 is 
'porter 1 . So the places over which they carried their 
canoes became 'portages'. Finally they found one of the 
rivers which empties into the Mississippi and paddled 
down it to the great 'father of waters 1 . 

And now we travel quickly over the country by train 
or automobile, and still more quickly through the air. 
But boats still travel on river and lake, and a great deal 
of the merchandise of the world is still carried on jpoats 
down the rivers to the seaports. 


Have you read Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley? 
If you have not, read it. During a storm Tom saw the 
eels and everything rushing past him. "Down to the 
sea, 1 ' said Tom, "everything is going to the sea, and I 
will go too. 11 And the same thing is true of all the 
brooks, streams, little rivers and big rivers, too. All are 
going to the sea. 

Why do rivers flow to the sea? Well because that 
is their work to carry all the waters of the Earth to 
the sea. They flow to the sea because the sea is the 
lowest place, and water always runs downhill. A river 
along its course may twist and turn and flow in the op- 
posite direction for some distance, but always it will 
turn again and flow on to the sea. 

"But all the water does not go to the sea, 11 you say. 
"Water soaks into the ground, and there are swamps 
and lakes. 11 Give it time and it, too, will get to the sea. 
When rain falls, part of it soaks into the soil. But it 


does not stay there. It often moves on below the ground 
and if there is an opening it will flow out again as a 
spring. The spring may join a river. Swamp water, too, 
may join the water hurrying to the sea. Even the water 
in the lake may get to the sea. Look at your map again. 
Rivers carry the water down from one lake to another 
lake, and then a larger river carries it down to the sea. 
See for yourself on the map. The Nipigon River car- 
ries the water of Lake Nipigon to Lake Superior, the 
St. Mary River carries it to Lake Huron, the St. Clair 
River carries it to Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River 
carries it to Lake Erie, the Niagara River carries it to 
Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence River at last car- 
ries it to the sea. 

There is only one condition in which water does not 
flow to the sea that is, if it is below sea-level. Of 
course it could not flow then because it would be flowing 
uphill. It seems very odd but there are really places on 
the continents which are lower than the sea, for ex- 
ample, the water near the bottom of some of the deep 
lakes. The floor of several of the Great Lakes of North 
America is too deep for the water caught there to flow 
up into the sea. Death Valley in California is lower 
than the sea but of course there is not much water there 
to flow out. When the water cannot flow out of small 
seas or lakes on the land it becomes very salty. Great 
Salt Lake in Utah is a very salty lake. So is the Dead 
Sea in Palestine. 


Do you live on a farm with a little stream flowing 
through it? Does the stream begin in a swamp back of 
those fields, or, does it just begin in a ditch in the pas- 


ture field? It gets a little bigger on this side of the field. 
Do you know why? Some of the water that soaked into 
the ground on that hill over there is coming out in a 
spring, not bubbling, just slowly oozing out. It gradually 
makes its way down to the stream. So it makes the 
stream larger. 

If you live near the mountains you will have to climb 
up high to find out where the rivers are born away 
up near the top, at the edge of the snow and ice. Per- 
haps you can find a stream along the mountain-side 
which runs not from the snow but out of a hole in the 
rocks. It really started higher up in the snow but dis- 
appeared into a crack, and is coming out again as a 

But, you who live on a farm, where did the water 
come from that began in the pasture ditch? Yes, from 
the rain. 

And, you who live in the mountains, where did the 
snow and ice come from ? From the rain and sleet. 

The rain from the clouds, then, is the mother of the 
streams whether they begin in a pasture field or in the 
mountains. They are really born from the clouds. 


At first our stream is just a baby stream. Out in the 
pasture field it dries up when the summer sun is hot. 
But it struggles on after the next rain. Let us follow it. 
Within a little distance a few small springs join it. There 
is more water now. It will not dry up so quickly. Now 
it passes another ditch which brings the water from 
those other fields over there. It does not take long for 
it to become so big that it never dries up, but flows along 
the same course all the time. 


Why does it always follow in the same course? It 
begins in a low-lying spot, a ditch or hollow, where some 
water has collected. After heavy rain the water runs a 
little faster, and hurries along picking up and carrying 
along bits of sand and soil, from the bottom and along 
the banks. So the stream cuts its bed deeper and widen 
The ditch is now a ravine or little valley. And the val- 
ley, in turn, holds the stream within its banks. 

Now the valley changes as we go along. The banks 
become quite steep. They are not smooth but are cut 
by deep gullies. What made the gullies? When it rained 
last time the rain came down so fast that it could not 
soak into the ground. It poured over the edge of the 
bank, right into the stream we are following. A great 
deal of sand and soil was carried down from the side. 
Gullies are formed and each time it rains they get big- 
ger and bigger. 

And, by the way, have you noticed something more? 
The stream's bed is very much deeper than it was far- 
ther back? There is more water. It is carrying along 
more sand and soil from the bottom, cutting deeper into 
the earth. The stream is full of pep and energy, just like 
boys and girls. It hurries along, and keeps cutting away 
at its banks and bed. It is a 'young river'. 

But, look here ! The stream has cut right through the 
soil. Here is some flat rock at the bottom. It is much 
harder to cut through rock than through sand and mud, 
so the water has spread out wider here. Let us go farth- 
er down. Another stream, quite a large one, has come 
in over there. Streams like this that come in from the 
sides we call 'tributary streams'. 



The stream is really quite large now. I think we can 
call it a river. See, the water is running swiftly and it 
is quite rough. There are big rocks and boulders which 
make the water dash up. This is a 'rapid'. The water is 
not deep enough to cover all the bottom. These rapids 
make a lot of trouble if the river is big enough and 
deep enough for boats. The boats would be dashed to 
pieces on the rocks and large boulders. So men build 
canals, man-made rivers, right beside the true river. 
They cut them deep enough and wide enough to carry 
the boats. Then they turn some of the river water into 
them. Men thought of this long ago. Because in olden 
days there were no automobiles, and no trains, they 
learned to use the rivers. When the rivers had rapids 
men had to think of some way to get past them. And 
indeed almost all rivers of any size have rapids some- 
where along their course. 

In some places rivers turn and twist so much that 
canals are built connecting two points on the river, cut- 
ting off the twists and turns and shortening the route. 
In other places canals are built to avoid going around a 
great piece of land like a continent. One of the great 
canals of the world, the Suez, connects the Mediterran- 
ean Sea and the Red Sea. It was built, not to avoid 
rapids but to make a shorter route from Europe to Asia, 
to save going all the way around Africa. This is a very 
important canal because most of the trade between 
Europe and Asia passes through it. The canal is built 
in the low places where Pharaoh's horsemen and 
chariots were drowned when they tried to capture the 
fleeing Israelites. 


One of the most important canals in the western 
hemisphere is the Panama Canal, built to make a short 
way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Not many 
years ago ships from New York or England had to go 
far down to the southern tip of South America to get 
to San Francisco or anywhere on the Pacific. Between 
Central America and South America there is a very 
narrow strip of land, an isthmus. The mountains that 
run down through North America and South America 
are not very high there. On one side a few streams drain 
into the Atlantic, on the other some drain into the 
Pacific. And there is a large lake. So men built the Pan- 
ama Canal there, using the lake and the rivers on both 
sides as much as possible. Now ships go through this 
canal instead of going all around South America. 


But let us get back to our river. We have passed the 
rapids and the river is flowing more smoothly now. It 
has actually cut into the rock. Cut the rock! Yes, it is 
true. See ! The channel is narrower now and the water 
is flowing swiftly but quietly. Let us follow it down. The 
water is so busy cutting down that it does not have time 
to cut widely. And see ! It is rolling those stones a little, 
near the edge. They are regular cutting tools. Some of 
them are probably scraping along the bottom, wearing it 
away, cutting it deeper. After a big thunderstorm they 
will go on scouring the bottom at a great rate, cutting 
it very quickly. And here they certainly have cut it deep. 
The river bed is down between two walls of rock. This 
is a 'gorge'. The word 'gorge' means 'throat'. The river 
is flowing through a narrow channel like a throat 

There are many gorges like this in the rivers of the 


world. One of the best known in North America is the 
Niagara Gorge. Maybe some of you have seen it. 


But come, let us go on. There is another river com- 
ing in on that side, right through another gorge. Our 
main river which we have been following is very large 
now. It can do a lot of work, cutting deeper and deep- 
er. We are now far down between these walls of rock. 
Let us climb up to the top. We can see better from the 
edge. The sides are pretty rough to climb but if we 
try hard enough we can get up. 

As we climb we notice that the valley is getting wider. 
That means it is wider at the top than at the bottom. Be 
careful of those loose pieces of rock. They may start 
to roll if you step on them and you will fall. Try this 
path. Here is some water trickling down. This must be 
a spring. And the rock is all crumbly around the spring. 
For even this water is helping to wear the rock sides 
away. And a big storm will certainly carry a lot of the 
loose rock down into the river. Indeed, that is the rea- 
son the valley becomes wider as we climb higher. Much 
broken rock is carried down the steep slopes by the 
rains. And, of course, a lot just falls down of its own 

The valley wall is not just straight up but rises step 
by step. Just like stairs ! Do you notice the softer rocks 
are worn away more rapidly than the hard ones ? The 
harder layers hold up and form the steps. Here we are 
on top ! This is better. Now we can see. The river looks 
like a little thread far down below. It twists and turns 
in its rock-walled sides. This is no narrow throat now. 
This is a great deep valley, a canyon a great canyon. 


There are many canyons in the world. Canyons in 
Europe, canyons in China, canyons in Africa, the Peace 
River canyon in Canada, the Yellowstone and Columbia 
canyons in the United States. But perhaps the greatest 
of them all is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, River 
in Arizona. The Colorado River cuts down through al- 
most every kind of rock: limestone, sandstone, shale, ig- 
neous rock a mile deep, down, down into the hard 
granites away beneath. It is a very long canyon, 200 
miles. And the rocks show so many beautiful colours: 
red, yellow, green, grey, purple and pink. Most of these 
bright colours are from iron, like the iron rust with 
changing shades. 

All rivers do not have canyons, only those with swift- 
ly flowing streams where their valleys are in hard rock. 
They are usually formed in mountains or in high pla- 
teaux, where the streams go down many feet to reach 
the lowland. 


Have you noticed while we have been walking and 
talking, that we have been gradually coming down from 
the highland? It is not so far down to the bottom of the 
canyon here. And in front of us, not far below, is a 
broad plain. The river comes out of its rock-walled 
canyon to the plain. And look! It is very crooked now. 
It seems to wander all over the plain. 

The river is slower now. It has time to spread out. 
We cannot see very far because there are so many 
trees. But look carefully and you will see a lake away 
over there. There is very little rock now. It seems to be 
covered with very fine clay or silt, called alluvium. 

Let us follow the river to the lake. Look! on the 


other side of the lake over to the west, another large 
river is flowing in. There are some rocky islands in the 
lake. We must get around to the other side to find 
where the water runs out from the lake. For this lake 
is higher than the sea. The water must still flow on. 

Here is the river carrying the water out. Miles away 
from where it entered ! I suspect men call it by a differ- 
ent name here. They generally do. It is flowing on, 
steady and deep. Big ships should be able to steam up 
and down this river. I wonder if they do? 


Come on ! The river is flowing faster now. And look, 
it is rougher. This is almost a rapid again. The water 
runs very swiftly. What is that peculiar noise? It is al- 
most a roar ! Nearer and nearer it comes. Louder and 
louder! I wonder if there is a waterfall? See! The 
smoke! No, it is not smoke. It is mist. Sure enough, 
there is a big waterfall ahead. Down the water goes; 
smooth and swift over the centre part, fretted along 
the sides. 

We will have to go down along the bank. We cannot 
possibly go down over the fall. Of course, we did see 
some little waterfalls farther back. There were some 
from the little streams dropping over rock ledges enter- 
ing the river at the rapids. And there were others in 
several places, but none like this. This looks terribly 
high as we look up at it. Why, it must be some hundred 
feet or more, all in one great drop ! 

There are really many great waterfalls in the world. 
Perhaps the best-known one in North America is Niaga- 
ra Falls. The water plunges over a cliff in the Niagara 
River, and drops 160 feet straight down. There are 


many falls with a greater drop than this. But very few 
of them carry so much water. Look at your map. See 
how the water from Lake Erie flows into the Niagara 
River and then all of it just drops down that cliff, swirls 
around the Whirlpool Rapids with terrific force, and 
flows swift and deep down to Lake Ontario. 

Then there is Yosemite Falls in California. It drops 
from a great height, about a third of a mile. But there 
is not so much water and it spreads out in a falling mist. 
And then, about the greatest fall in the world is the 
Victoria Falls on the Zambesi River in Africa. But not 
many people have seen them. At least, very few white 
people. But it may be some day they will be as well- 
known as Niagara Falls. 


But now our river has travelled down to a broad, 
level plain. It spreads and winds. It flows slowly be- 
cause its course is not so directly downhill. The sides of 
its valley are far back now. But they are there. And 
the river is carrying down the mud and sand from these 
low far hills which it does not even touch. 

"How in the world can the river do that?" you ask. 
"Can it not carry away only what is washed into it?" 
Well, here the valley is so level the river is not cutting 
deeply. It gradually takes a bit of its bank here, and 
another bit there. And the streams that drain into it 
do the same. It is making its bed wider. And as a bit 
of soil is carried away its place is filled by another bit 
slipping from the bank above. Farther back still more 
soil moves on. Sometimes it is carried by rain, some- 
times it just drops over a tiny slope when the soil be- 
neath has been removed. And so the valley grows back 


and back to the distant hills. The soil fairly creeps down 
to the stream, slowly, very slowly. 


But we were down in the level valley of our river, 
were we not? There will be cities there and farms. 
When the river has passed all its gorges, canyons, and 
waterfalls, if it has them, and reaches the low level part 
of its valley, it flows more slowly. And then something 
new is likely to happen. When the rain comes pouring 
down during the rainy season the slow river cannot 
carry away all the sand and mud that is carried into it. 
It flows over its banks and spreads all the material over 
its valley floor. This is its flood plain. It is built up by 
the sand and mud which the river puts there. There 
are usually people living on the flood plain. They like 
to live there. The rich alluvial or river soil grows fine 
crops. It is easier to build houses on the flat land. That 
is why there are fine farms and great cities on the flood 
plains of great rivers. 

But when the floods come it is very bad. Sometimes 
whole towns are flooded and people have to flee from 
their homes. Houses are carried away by the swirling 
waters, crops are ruined, and people are drowned. The 
flood plain of a river is a pretty dangerous place when 
there is a flood. If any of you live on the flood plain of 
the lower part of the Mississippi River you know all 
about it. Or if you live on the plain of rivers that run 
into it, like the Ohio and Missouri rivers, you will know 
about floods too. 


And now we are almost at the sea. There is a great 
city here. It is not right at the mouth of the river, but 


a few miles upstream. Why? Because the wide mouth 
of the river makes a harbour. Here ships from all over 
the world might come, bearing merchandise of the east 
and the west. There must be plenty of room for the 
ships. If the city were at the very mouth the ships would 
have to stay along the shore. It is better up the broad 
bay which often forms at the mouth of a great river. 
The storm waves will not keep swinging the ships 
against the piers as they load and unload. New Orleans, 
near the mouth of the Mississippi is such a city; so is 
New York on the Hudson, London on the Thames in 
England, and Buenos Aires on La Plata in South Am- 
erica. London is the biggest port of them all. 


But we have not quite finished with our river yet, 
even though it has at last flowed into the sea. When the 
slow-flowing water reaches the sea it stops. In the still 
water beyond the mouth of the river all the sand and 
mud it has carried from its banks settle to the bottom. 
Year after year they fall. After a long time they will 
build up islands at its mouth. Such islands are called 
the 'delta' of the river. Altogether they have a shape 
something like the Greek letter called 'delta'. It is the 
same as our letter *d' but it has a different shape. 

All rivers do not have deltas, just as all rivers do not 
have canyons. It depends upon how fast they flow, what 
kind of country they have passed through, and what 
the shore-line is like when they meet the sea. The St. 
Lawrence does not have a delta. It is deep and strong, 
and has not flowed through low plains. It is still deep 
far out into the ocean, and so the sand and mud are 
carried far out. But the Mississippi has a large delta. 


It is so large that there is a big lake on it. The Macken- 
zie River has a large delta where it flows into the Arc- 
tic Ocean. The Nile River in Egypt has a very famous 
delta. It is the fertile Land of Goshen, and upon it the 
very old city of Alexandria is built. 

And so we have come to an end of our river. 


And now we must pause and look back. All along 
you remember, springs, brooks, streams, and other little 
rivers kept bringing their water into our river from 
different directions. They drained the land of its water 
and brought it to the river. We passed down the stream 
for miles and miles. That vast piece of country that 
drains into our river is its valley or its basin. Sometimes 
we say the Mississippi valley and we mean all the great 
expanse of the Central States. We say the St. Lawrence 
River valley, and we mean all the country in the United 
States and Canada that drains into it. Sometimes we* 
include in that all the country, away inland, that drains 
into the Great Lakes as well. For the water that runs 
into the Great Lakes passes to the Atlantic through the 
St. Lawrence. 

And then there is the Amazon River in South Amer- 
ica. Away up in Peru, only a few hundred miles from 
the Pacific Ocean, I watched water flowing between the 
mountains, and knew it flowed eastward for thousands 
of miles, down to the Amazon, and on to the Atlantic 
Ocean. It was a part of the Amazon valley. And there 
is the Nile River the valley of which reached far back 
***to Africa ; the Mackenzie which flows for hundreds of 
/niles north to the Arctic. There are many other large 
rivers. Just look at your map to see some of them. 



In Xanadu did Kubla Khan 
A stately pleasure dome decree; 
\Vhere Alph, the sacred river, ran 
Through caverns measureless to man, 
Down to a sunless sea. 



A CAVE ! A magic word ! The word 'cave' comes from 
the Latin word 'cavus' meaning a 'hollow place'. And 
you will understand the reason, because we are going 
underground into a cave to find out about it. 

We must take a lantern, a shovel, and a fish net. 
This is not a really modern up-to-date cave, with a 
paid guide. So we must go prepared like real explorers. 
And do not forget to bring a big ball of string. What 
for? You will see. We will go into the cave from an 
opening in the mountain-side. The string can be fasten- 
ed to that rock at the opening. Firmly, for much de- 
pends on it. We unwind it as we go. Now, light the lan- 
tern. There are no electric lights here. Already it is 
becoming dark. When we look back we see that the 
opening through which we came is getting smaller and 
smaller. It has become a mere speck of light. Now it 
has vanished completely. 

It is quite cool and dry here, not far in. And see, 
there are a few bones. Animals of some kind must have 
been here at one time. We have heard before that some 



animals, like bears and wolves, take shelter in caves for 
a short time. In ancient times some primitive men lived 
in caves before they learned to build houses. Here, not 
very far from the opening where it is dry, it would be 
very comfortable, never too hot, nor too cold. It would 
be a good place to hide from one's enemies. In many 
caves in Spain and France, and in Africa and other 
places, bones and skeletons of ancient man have been 
found. These cavemen made drawings and painted pic- 
tures on the stone walls. They can still be seen in many 
of the caves. They show the reindeer, elephants, bison, 
and other kinds of animals that early man knew. 

Our cave is very black now. The lantern makes just a 
small round glow of light. The darkness beyond is thick 
and sounds hollow. We are going downhill here. The 
space is narrower. Here is a turn. The string must be 
unwound at every step, but carefully, for a sharp cor- 
ner might rub through and cut it. Then we would be in 
a fix. You know now why we need the string to guide 
back to the opening. 

We are not the first to use a string for that purpose. 
A string had been used as a guide so far back in time 
that the method is part of a Greek legend. In the cen- 
tre of a great Labyrinth of intricately winding passages 
King Minos of Crete kept a monster, the Minotaur, 
with the body of a man and the head of a bull. To the 
Minotaur the king was sacrificing seven maids and 
seven youths of Athens. Theseus volunteered to be one. 
Now Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, loved Theseus. 
She was sure he would kill the Minotaur and gave him a 
ball of thread to find his way out again. Theseus killed 


the monster, found his way out by means of the thread 
and took Ariadne for his bride. 

But to come back to our cave ! Here is a very narrow 
place. It is almost filled with soft clay. This is where we 
need the shovel. It is hard to dig out this passage. It is 
so narrow ! Beyond it the way goes down, down into the 
blackness. On and on through long passages that twist 
and turn in and out, and round about. Here is another 
very narrow place. Can you squeeze through? What 
was that sound? Did you hear it? Like little scuttling 
feet! Many small animals probably live in here. We 
are invading their homes. Rats and mice, spiders, in- 
sects of many kinds, and snails and many other crea- 
tures would find this a fine place to live. And do not for- 
get the bats, the upside-down bats, which hang head 
downwards in the dark caves in the daytime. At night 
they fly outside for food. Bats like darkness. They can- 
not see well in the light. Animals that live in caves 
become especially fitted to live in the dark. Some may 
live near the openings where they can get out for food. 
But others live away back in the cave all the time. 

Listen to the sound of our voices ! They seem differ- 
ent. They have a hollow sound. Voices have that lost, 
hollow sound in large empty rooms. This must be a 
large room. Yes, the lantern shows the rock roof far 
above us. Some caves are very high, much higher than 
this one. 

In the famous Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico one 
room is 250 feet high. That is much higher than Niaga- 
ra Falls. 

What a weird sound is made by the echoes! It is 
black as night where we are now. There is a great 


dome, almost a hill, in front of us. Let us go around it. 
Everywhere the floor is very uneven, all sorts of lumps 
and bumps, and pillars big and little. Careful ! We may 
stumble over them in the dusky light, if we are not cau- 
tious. The path is slippery in places, too, because of the 
water that has dripped, seeping through the sides. List- 
en! the steady drip, drip, drip! Down, down we go 
through lofty rooms and still more winding passages, 
down into the heart of the Earth, it seems. 

Around this bend there is a curtain-like mass of rock, 
with fringed edges hanging in front of us. Stoop or you 
will strike your head on it. The lifted lantern shows a 
fairyland! Gleaming white rope-like curtains of traver- 
tine' hanging from the walls ! Farther over, on that 
side, there is a great curtain hanging from the ceiling. 
It hangs fold on fold, white and gleaming, with water 
slowly dripping from the fringed edges down to the 
floor. On this side the curtain almost touches a pillar 
of travertine rising up from the floor. In one place 
they meet and make a solid wall. 

Let us break off a tiny pencil-like piece, here at the 
edge. It will probably be hollow. And it is. As we turn 
the light slowly the colours change with the glistening 
lights and moving shadows. The silence seems to press 
it upon us. What a relief to hear the dripping water in 
the distance ! I wonder if there is a lot more water over 
there? We shall see later. 


How does the water get down here? We did 
not see it running in at the opening. Well, it soaks or 
seeps down through cracks and crevices from all the 
country round about. As it comes, bit w by bit it slowly 


dissolves some of the lime in the rock through which it 
passes. The lime is dissolved just the same way that the 
salt is dissolved in the glass of water, but much more 

What happens to the water when it comes down into 
the cave? Some of it dries up. It passes out of sight into 
the air. And what becomes of the dissolved limestone 
in it? Of course, the water cannot carry that into the 
air. It is left behind, just as the salt was left in the glass 
when the water dried. Men call this cave-made lime- 
stone 'travertine'. You remember we saw some of it 
farther back. The word comes from a Latin word mean- 
ing 'tibertinus' from the land of Tibur, in Italy. There 
are great quarries of travertine there. 

As the water dries on the roof of the cave it leaves 
a small ring of travertine. Another drop slowly dries, 
leaving another ring. Then another and another. A little 
pencil of travertine is formed. Another drop slowly rolls 
down over the pencil. Sometimes this is called drip- 
stone'. Each drop that dries leaves its tiny ring, one 
upon the other. It goes on and on through the ages un- 
til finally a long hollow icicle of travertine hangs down 
from the roof. Sometimes a single one will grow longer 
and longer, many feet in length. These travertine icicles, 
hanging from the roof or ceiling, are called Stalactites'. 
The word is from the Greek word 'stalasso' meaning 
'to drip'. 

The stalactites may grow and grow, longer and fat- 
ter, until they touch one another and form a broad cur- 
tain, with small pencil-like icicles hanging from the bot- 
tom like a fringe. Where the travertine-filled water 


drips slowly down the walls the icicles grow together in 
great curtain masses like tapestries. 


Of course, not all the water dries up as it trickles 
through the roof and down the stalactites. Some of it 
drops to the floor. There, too, some of it dries. First a 
tiny ring is formed. Then more and more rings. It 
builds up slowly into pillars. Sometimes they are just 
bumps, but sometimes they grow into high mounds. 
They are all called Stalagmites', whether big or little. 
That is another word from the Greek word 'stalasso', 
to drip. Sometimes stalagmites grow to be many feet 
high. .You remember that great dome we saw in the 
room a little while ago. That is a stalagmite. In the 
Carlsbad Caverns there are many large stalagmites. 
One is called the Giant Dome. Another is known as the 
Rock of Ages. These big stalagmites took many thous- 
ands of years to grow. 

As we go farther along in our cave the travertine has 
collected like frozen waterfalls in some places. The wa- 
ter has been flowing over the rock here. Before we 
leave this fairyland let us move the lantern around slow- 
ly on all sides. Take a last look at this strange and won- 
derful place. 


But let us go on. There must be still more sights to 
see. We must go carefully and not slip or step in a sha- 
dow. There might be a crevice or even an opening to 
another room below. If they are out of range of our 
lantern light we cannot see them. The string must still 
be used so that we can find our way back. 

Still farther down into the blackness we go. The drip- 


ping water sounds now as though it were not dripping 
onto the floor, but into some more water. The tinkle of 
it echoes and re-echoes. What is this reflection? Why, 
sure enough ! A pool of water ! How green the water is. 
This must be at the bottom of the cave, for pools, and 
even small lakes form in the lowest parts of caves in 
some places. In some caves there are even rivers at the 
bottom. In the great Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, 
there are two rivers. One is called the Styx, because it 
is deep and black, like the river over which Charon fer- 
ried the souls of the dead to Hades. The other is Echo 
River. We need not tell you how it got its name. For 
you know the sound of our voices has been echoing back 
and forth as we have been walking along. 


Did something move in the water? Over there? Why, 
yes ! A little fish, white and tiny. Our fish net now. Why, 
the fish is blind! This is not really surprising. We re- 
member that animals that are born and always live in 
the dark are likely to be blind like this after many gen- 
erations. They never have a chance to use their eyes, so 
they lose the power to see. 

There are many blind fish in Mammoth Cave. They 
are small, only three or four inches long, and very pale. 
And very pale-coloured crayfish also live there. Ani- 
mals and plants living without the sunlight usually have 
very little colour. Have you seen a plant that has sprout- 
ed in the dark? The potatoes in the cellar, for instance? 
The sprouts are very pale, almost white. 

Well, it is time for us to turn back. We can wind the 
string as we go, and on the way we can talk about caves. 



What makes a cave ? It did not just happen. There 
is always a reason. As I said before, when the rain falls 
a lot of water runs away in the streams. But much of it 
sinks into the ground. Some of this water may come out 
again as springs if there are any openings. Some of it 
is swallowed by the plants. Of course, they could not 
live and grow without the water in the ground. The 
loose soil holds a great deal of water. But some of it 
sinks below the soil. And there is water even in the 
hard rock beneath. For if there are cracks in the rocks, 
or tiny spaces between the rock grains, the water will 
sink down. 

The water in the ground will actually dissolve some 
of the rock. You already know that. There are many 
reasons to show this is true. It works very, very slowly. 
It probably takes thousands of years to dissolve just a 
little bit of rock. Of course, not all kinds of rock will 
dissolve in water. But limestone does. You know that 
now. And most caves are found in limestone. Bit by bit 
the firm rock is removed as the water seeps down. Soon 
small openings are formed along the cracks, and these 
grow wider. In some places, where the rock is dissolved 
easily, larger cavities are made. After a long time, prob- 
ably thousands and thousands of years, many large 
caves will be eaten out, connected by narrow passages. 

In some caves the rooms, or galleries as they are 
sometimes called, are made larger by the rock falling 
in from the top and sides. If the whole roof falls in a 
hollow may be formed at the surface of the ground. In- 
deed, many caves have been found because of such a 


Many people think that underground rivers carve 
out the caves. But this does not happen very often. 
Most caves are made as I have said, by the water slow- 
ly dissolving the limestone. A few caves have been made 
partly by rivers, and some have rivers in them now. You 
remember the two in Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. 

There are many more interesting things to be learned 
about caves, and the life in them. But we do not have 
the time to talk about them now. Here we are out 
again on the mountain-side. 


There are many caves in the world. In North Amer- 
ica the Carlsbad Caverns are one of the largest and 
strangest groups of caves. They are away out in the 
wild lands of New Mexico. Probably the Indians knew 
about them long ago, but not the white man, until one 
day, many years ago, a young cowboy by the name of 
Jim White riding over the desert saw a dark smoke-like 
column coming out of the side of a mountain. Imagine 
his great surprise when he found it was a cloud of bats, 
flying out of the cave, now in small groups, now in 
great clouds like belching smoke. He took a Mexican 
boy with him, and went in to explore. As they went in 
farther and farther, the opening of the cave became a 
speck of light, then disappeared entirely. They were 
in complete darkness except for the light from their 
lantern. They unravelled string as they went. On and 
on they crept. Fairyland after fairyland appeared. It 
took many hours to go through. Then they found their 
way back *again, by winding up the string. Now the 
Government of the United States has made the Carls- 


bad Caverns a part of a National Park and everyone 
who visits this part of New Mexico always goes to see 
the wonders of this place. 

It may be some of you live near caves and have even 
been in one. Those of you who live in Kentucky know 
the great Mammoth Cave of which I spoke. It is really 
not just one cave, but several hundred miles of caves 
connected by narrow openings. There are small lakes, 
rivers, and even waterfalls in some of the caves. If you 
live in Virginia of course you know about the wonderful 
Luray and Endless caverns in the Shenandoah Valley. 
And I dare say some of you have been lucky enough to 
visit them. 

There are some caves in Mexico. There are not 
many in the northern United States or Canada. That 
is because long ago great fields of ice, or glaciers, came 
down from the north. They scoured off the mountain- 
tops and covered the ground with hills of broken rock 
and sand, and ground-up masses of all sorts of material. 
And so the rocks of the Earth's crust were deeply bur- 
ied and protected from being worn away any more. And 
except in a few cases, men have not been able to discov- 
er whether caves were made in the rocks before they 
were covered up with the ice-made soil. 

There are the Cheddar caves in England, many 
caves in France, and caves in Asia. Indeed, in most 
countries there are caves. 



The sea never changes and its works, 
for all the talk of men, are wrapped in mystery. 


LAND AND SEA! The continents and the oceans! Our 
surprising Earth has these two great things. And they 
are wrapped around with air. The continents divide the 
oceans. But all the oceans are joined with one another 
at some place. 

The oceans are much broader than the lands. Indeed, 
they cover three or four times as much of the Earth's 
surface as the lands. It has been said that if the lands 
were cut down to the level of the oceans and all the 
material dumped in, the water would spread out and 
cover all to a depth of two miles. 



The very deepest places of the ocean are called 
'deeps'. The greatest 'deep' yet found is in the Pacific 
Ocean near the Phillipine Islands. It is about 6 l / 2 miles 
deep. The highest mountain on land is Mount Everest 
in the Himalaya Mountains in India. It is about S l / 2 
miles high. 

How do men find out how deep the ocean is? They 
cannot go down. At first sailors let out a plumb line. 
Later it was a steel wire, really a piano wire with a 
sinker on the end. They dropped it from the deck of the 
ship. When the sinker struck bottom the line grew 
slack. Then they read the number of feet on the wire 
to see how far the sinker went down. Now ocean deeps 
are measured by sound waves, something like radio 
waves. The waves travel from an instrument on the 
ship to the ocean floor and back. The instrument tells 
how far they have travelled. The number is divided by 
two, one for going and one for coming back. And that 
tells how deep the ocean is. 


Now here is a question, a big question Which came 
first, the land or the sea? It is hard to tell because it 
all happened so long ago, long before there were people 
here to see. 

Have you read Robinson Crusoe ? When he was 
alone on the desert island he saw a footprint in the 
sand, and said to himself, "There is somebody else 
here." For there could not be a footprint if there was 
not somebody there to make it. It was not a dog's foot- 
print, nor a bird's footprint. It was a man's footprint. 
Now the sea leaves footprints or something like them. 
We can find its footprints on the land. Limestone and 


sandstone and shale, and the sea-shells in the rocks, and 
even ripple-marks are footprints of the sea, all of which 
we find on the continents. 

What is limestone? The crust on the bottom of your 
tea-kettle is limestone. How did it get into your kettle? 
It was in the water. That is what makes the water 
'hard'. It is not easy to wash your hands in hard water 
because the soap does not dissolve in it very well. Fresh 
rain-water has no lime in it. It is 4 soft'. It even tastes 
different from the hard water. 

Just so, the limestone comes from the ocean water. 
But where did the ocean water get it? Turn back to the 
Twins-that-are-Everywhere. You remember about that 
boulder on the hillside, in the Laurentian mountains in 
Canada? The pebbly, flaky bits broke up into smaller 
bits because part of it disappeared just like salt in 
water. Some of that which disappeared was lime. The 
streams then carried the lime to the sea with the water. 
So the ocean gets lime in the water from the rocks. In 
time there is so much lime in the water that it cannot 
hold any more. Then the lime just drops down as lime- 
stone. So the great ocean tea-kettle all over the world 
has left the limestones of the Earth. Some people think 
that bacteria, minute organisms, make the water drop 
the lime. At any rate, that is why limestone is a foot- 
print of the ocean. 

Of course, the sea-shells help to make limestone too. 
In the first place the tiny animals within the shells got 
the lime to make their shells from the ocean water. 
When they died the shells dropped to the ocean floor 
with the limestone. 

But here is a very strange thing. Some of the very 


oldest rocks that have been found in the world are lime- 
stones, the footprints of the sea. So that looks as though 
the sea came first. It is a great puzzfe. 

How can we tell which rocks are the oldest? Men 
who study them can really tell. The lowest rock is usu- 
ally the oldest. It was there first. Once I was walking 
up a country road. I turned to the right and walked 
over a little hill. Down on the other side was a 
low ledge of limestone rock. It was in layers, one 
upon the other. And right across the layers cut a narrow 
band of rock of the kind that once was melted. Now 
which was the older, the limestone or the melted rock? 
A long time ago there must have been a crack in the 
limestone. The melted rock poured into the crack and 
cooled to make hard rock. So the limestone must have 
been there first. So it is the older. It is just like reading 
in a book isn't it? Only the words are different. 

Now come back to the oldest rocks we know on our 
Earth. They are limestones, sandstones and shales, the 
footprints of the sea. They are cut through by rock 
that has been melted. So the footprint rocks are the 

But there must have been still older rocks to make 
the limestone. Men have not seen them yet but they 
know they are there. So we really do not know which 
is the older, the land or the sea. But at least we have 
learned why we do not know. Men will find the answer 
some day. That will be something for you to work on 
when you are older. 


What is the bottom of the ocean like? We have 
wondered about it, and so have many other people. No- 


body has really ever seen the bottom of the ocean, ex- 
cept divers near the shores. I wonder if you who live 
inland know about divers? They are men that put on a 
suit proof against water, and are let down from ships 
in the shallow part of the ocean just a few hundreds of 
feet or more. The ocean is deeper than that, much deep- 
er, and men know a great deal about the bottom of the 
sea, even if they have not seen it. 

Let us pretend to walk out on the ocean floor in our 
seven-league boots. We'll go out from North America 
into the Atlantic Ocean and see what there is. The ocean 
bottom is not the same all over so we will walk out in 
more than one place. 


Suppose we go away north first to Baffin Island and 
try to cross to Greenland. The shores are rather high 
and rugged on Baffin Island, not really mountains, but 
rocky. The cliffs are pretty high in some places. It is 
steep going at first, but as we get out a bit under the 
water the sea-bottom is more level. Much sand and 
mud have been carried out there. There are a few 
scraggy seaweeds in the mud. Not many and they are 
very small. The water is really too cold for most plants. 
They do not like it any more than we do. Here we are 
on the edge of a very steep slope, almost a cliff ! Right 
in front is a great drop in the bottom of the ocean. This 
is not very far out either. Indeed, there is only a narrow 
channel of water between Baffin Island and Greenland. 
But we must get across this deep place somehow ! 

So, I guess the only thing for us to do is to go down. 
We almost seem to be dropping, ever so far. It must be 
about three miles down. There is a lot of soft mud here, 


but very few shells. Those we see are very small, as 
small as snowflakes, and pointed and starred like them. 
Pretty stiff going, isn't it? Just look at this steep slope, 
like a high wall of rock in front of us. We have to get 
up the wall if we are ever going to get to Greenland. If 
we could get down we can surely get up. So, up we go I 
And here we are on top. 

But we are still some distance from Greenland. On 
we go. It isn't so hard walking. Now we seem to be 
walking up-slope. The water is much shallower here, 
and it is becoming brighter. And here we are on Green- 
land. Isn't it cold? See that big iceberg out there? 
There is an ice-cap all across Greenland, except around 
the shores. I think we shall not stay here very long. 

That was interesting ! Let us take another walk, but 
farther down the coast this time. Suppose we start from 
Nova Scotia. 


Look at your map so you know where we are. The 
coast is rather low here so we walk out gradually under 
the sea. There are level stretches of sand. It is pretty 
easy walking, but we have a long way to go. Here are 
fish, such numbers of them ! This must be the Banks of 
Newfoundland where men come to fish from all over 
the Atlantic. But we must push the fish aside and go 
on over the Banks. There are seaweeds here, much 
larger ones than we saw farther north. The water is 
still pretty cold though. And the Banks are a bit un- 
even in spots. 

What is this mud we are in? It is very sticky. And 
here is a steep slope again, almost a cliff! Watch out! 
Don't drop over the edge. For the ocean gets very 


deep here, nearly as deep as the mountains are high. 
This must be one of the ocean deeps. Down we go. 
Carefully ! It isn't really very hard. That is good, for 
there is still a long way to go. We may see an Atlantic 
cable. The bottom is a little different here. It is a soft, 
gooey ooze, made up of millions and millions of the 
tiniest of shells. Each shell is a cluster of little balls or 
globes. Men call them 'Globigerina' (globe-bearing), 
and they call the soft mud 'Globigerina Ooze'. The 
white cliffs of Dover are made of this Globigerina ooze 
dried out. We call it chalk in school. 

It is getting deeper and darker. Now the bottom 
seems to be all red clay, hardly anything else. There are 
a few little bright quartz-like pieces, like the snowflake 
shells. It is very heavy walking, and bits of the red 
clay stick to our boots. Miles and miles we go. On and 
on ! It is good that we are not in a big hurry. 

I do believe we are beginning to come up a little. It 
is not quite so pitch black. The bottom has changed 
again. It is no longer the red clay but the gooey Glob- 
igerina ooze again. We must be nearing the other side, 
and Europe. 

Ah ! Here is the rocky wall-like slope on the other 
side of the Atlantic, guarding Europe. Up we go ! The 
rock edges are very jagged. There is green mud here 
and it has shiny bits of rock in it. Oh ! this mud must 
have come from volcanoes. There may have been great 
volcanoes beneath the sea here at one time. Or maybe 
the ashes from a great volcanic explosion on land fell 
on the ocean and sank to the bottom. 

It is lighter now. And there are some corals and sea 
plants. The water is much warmer here. The shells are 


big, and they have such pretty colours. I wonder why? 
Of course, it is because the Gulf Stream crosses here 
and this coast is warmer than the other side of the At- 
lantic from where we started. The ocean bottom seems 
to be rising, and it is getting brighter and brighter. The 
water above is very rough. We must have come up in 
the Bay of Biscay. The water is usually pretty rough 
here. There are lots of seaweeds of many kinds, and 
shells, and it is not very easy walking. 

Well, here we are in France! I hope you speak 
French for I am hungry! 


Let us try again. This time still farther south from 
Cape Hatteras in North Carolina. Before we set out, 
look at your map again. We hope you have not put it 
away. Do you remember when we were talking about 
Plains we spoke of the great coastal plain that stretches 
from the Appalachians far out under the sea? Well, 
this is it, or at least a part of it. 

Now we are walking on and on. Very level ground, 
isn't it? The water is shallow too, and there is sand and 
mud. The sea-plain stretches evenly far out. The water 
is very muddy. Probably there is a storm up above. 
There often is in this part of the Atlantic. There seems 
to be a quantity of seaweed here. Don't get tangled in 
it. This water is a little warmer than it was up north, 
but it is still pretty cold. The sea plants get covered 
by all this drifting sand and mud. Here is a steep 
drop. The floor of the ocean has gone down again. 

When we get down it will be just like the walk we 
had across the great deep farther north. There will be 
volcanic ash and mud, gooey Globigerina ooze and red 


clay, and then the rock wall on the other side of the 
ocean. Only this time the wall will be in front of Africa. 


Let us take just one more walk. This time from 
Yucatan away at the southern part of the Gulf of Mex- 

We really have not walked out far yet, but here is a 
great deep again. It is deeper than the Rocky Moun- 
tains are high. Let us go down quickly. It is very dark 
here. Why, there is another steep up-slope, so soon! 
Let us climb or float up it. For, if we can walk under 
the sea remember we can float up. Up and up we go ! 
Here is the upper edge, like a shelf. It is just like cross- 
ing between Baffin Island and Greenland. Exactly, ex- 
cept that it was deeper there. 

Now we seem to be going up a mountain-side under 
the water. I think we had better pick up a piece of 
that loose rock to look at when we are up above the 
water again. 

Yes, the bottom of the ocean is sloping up. It is be- 
coming brighter as we get nearer the surface again. But 
the walking is very rough. These prong-like things 
sticking out along here are fine to hold on to, but they 
scratch our hands and feet. I wonder where we are? 
There is daylight above us. It is one of the islands of 
the West Indies that we have reached. And there to the 
north is Cuba, and on the south Jamaica. So this must 
be Haiti we are climbing up. That deep place must be 
what men call Bartlett Trough. This shallow water is 
warm. I suppose because it is so far south. 

Do you remember the prongs that scratched us so? 
They are coral, and are living along the sides of the 


island. Let us look at the piece of rock we picked up. 
Why, it is volcanic rock ! Then the mountain-side is part 
of an old volcano beneath the sea. And this island is 
really the top of that old volcano. It is a volcanic island. 
There is quite a high mountain over there to the north. 
That must be Mount Tina in San Domingo. 

If we stay in comfort on this island we will not learn 
about the bottom of the ocean. We shall have to come 
back by boat some time and visit the island itself. We 
have not time now. We must cross the island and go 
down on the other side. It is a long way across. Now 
we begin to go down. We haven't much shallow water 
this time. Here is another deep already ! Down we go ! 
This is very deep. This must be what is called the 
Nares Deep. And how far down it does go ! About 
six miles ! Even Mount Everest is not six miles high. 
So this is something to see. 

Here is the wall-like slope on the other side of the 
deep. This was not quite so wide as some of the other 
deeps. Up we go. Here we are again on another island. 
But we still must go on, if we are to find what else there 
is under the sea. Down again ! What, another deep ! It 
takes a long time and patience, because there are so 
many deep channels throughout the West Indies, and 
so many volcanoes with corals living on their sides. 

But do not these deep channels and high blocks of 
islands remind you of something? Of course they do. 
On page 32 I told you about the plateaux in Oregon, 
Nevada, and California. How in some places great 
blocks of rock fell and pushed up other blocks between 
them, forming plateaux and mountains. Just so were 
formed these channels and islands. The pushed-up 


blocks have made the islands and they have volcanoes 
and corals on them. The blocks that dropped down 
made the deeps that we have had to cross. 

But while we have been talking we have passed the 
volcanic island. The ocean is getting deeper and deeper. 
Here again we come to a great steep cliff-like slope 
down. The bottom of the sea drops suddenly. We will 
go down again to be sure we do not miss anything. It 
is just the same kind of Globigerina ooze and red clay 
that we saw farther north. 

But it is getting darker and darker down here. We 
do not want to turn back because this journey is dif- 
ferent from any of the others. We have come a long 
way across this ocean floor, a long way even for our 
seven-league boots. Can you feel now, as you walk, that 
we are climbing upward a little, again? Yes, we are. 
It is becoming a little less dark. But this cannot be the 
opposite coast ! We have not come far enough ! Up and 
up we go, climbing a mountain range standing on the 
floor of the mid-ocean and completely covered by the 
water, even to its highest peak. It lies between Africa 
and South America. If we could follow it south we 
should find that it sweeps around in broad curves just 
as do the coasts of the two continents. We are at the 
northern part of it. For it does not continue far into 
the North Atlantic. See, or feel rather, w r e have passed 
the top of the ridge and are going down the other side 
again, in the deep ocean. We still have to climb the 
other shore of what continent? What lies directly east 
of Yucatan? 


Now let us think a bit about what we have seen under 
the ocean. We have walked out from the coast of North 
America into the Atlantic ocean in four places. At every 
place, some distance out, we found a sudden drop, al- 
most a cliff. From Baffin Island to the West Indies the 
bottom of the sea slopes steeplv to great depths. How 
strange this seems! Why is it? This great undersea cliff 
extends right down past South America, though the 
drop is not so steep there. 

This cliff is really the edfl:e of our continent, which 
extends out under the sea. The ocean has spilled over 
the edge of the continent This part is like a shelf, and 
is called the Continental Shelf. The water is shallow 
here. You remember that in our walks the cliff is where 
the continent ends and the deep ocean begins. 

Each continent has a continental shelf like this. In 
some places the shelf is onlv a few miles wide, but in 
others it is sixty to eighty miles wide. Indeed, so much 
of the northern part of Australia has been drowned by 
the sea that there is almost more shelf than continent 


Now we know that there are very heavy rocks under 
the ocean deeps, much heavier than any on land. Why 
do we think so? Well, it is a bit difficult to understand, 
but let us try. 

Hold a piece of wool in one hand, just one end of it 
Have someone strike the other end. You do not feel 
it, do you? Hold a wooden stick. You will feel it when 
the other end is struck. Now try a steel rod. When it 
is struck at the other end, the whole inside of your hand 
will tingle with the vibration. The knock does not travel 


along the light, soft wool. It travels a little along the 
heavier, firmer wood. But it travels very fast along the 
heavy, dense steel, almost like lightning. 

So it is with the Earth. Men find that the vibrations 
of earthquakes are carried strongly and quickly by the 
rocks beneath the oceans. 


There is another very remarkable thing about the 
ocean. Life began there and not on the land. How do 
we know? Let me tell you. 

But first, what do we mean when we say that a thing 
is alive? Are stones alive? "Of course not," you say, 
"but trees are." What is the difference? Do stones eat? 
Do they grow? Do trees eat, and do they grow? Plant 
a stone in your garden. Will it ever grow up and have 
seeds that grow into other little stones? "Indeed not." 
Plant a tree in the garden. Will it grow, and have seeds, 
and produce more trees ? You know the answer. 

Stones do not grow. They do not eat. They do not 
produce more little stones, except by breaking. But trees 
do eat and drink. They grow and produce other little 
trees of the same kind. They are alive ! 

There are two great divisions of life, animal life and 
plant life. Right now the very lowest kinds of plant life 
live in the sea. Men call these lowly plants algae. And 
another interesting thing is that the very lowest kinds 
of animals also live in the sea. These are tiny bits of 
things that you can hardly see. 

Now where do the highest forms of plant life live, 
on land or in the water? The flowering plants with 
carefully covered seeds are the highest, and they live on 
land. And the very highest form of animal life! What 


is it? Why, Man! You and I ! Man lives on land. He 
could not live in the water. He could not breathe. But 
even if we leave man out, the very highest forms of 
other animals live on land. You know that animals 
like bears, wolves, elephants, apes, and many other 

Life began in the sea. It grew and spread. It changed 
and higher forms appeared. Then some plants and ani- 
mals came up to the shores and learned to breathe air. 
In time some did not go back to the sea. That was the 
beginning of land plants and land animals. Much of this 
long story of changing habits and changing life is writ- 
ten upon the footprints of the sea the limestones, and 
sandstones and shales. 

And we can read it. 

Think of sheets of paper, a long composition which 
you have written for school. There are four pages. 
Each page as it is written is laid upon the one written 
before it, not piled neatly but shoved over a bit because 
you accidently drew your sleeve across them. Page 
Four, the last you have written, is lying on top, the 
only one completely uncovered. It is pushed over, and 
part of Page Three shows from beneath it. Part of 
Page Two is covered by Page Three but not all of it. 
A piece of Page One is showing beneath Page Two. 

Now the rocks, too, are piled up like this, one layer 
upon another. They are pages of a composition in an- 
other way. Each layer of rock is a page upon which is 
printed the story. The words are the rocks themselves 
and within them the seaweeds and sea-shells now turned 
to stone. It is a thrilling story, but you have to pay great 
attention to read and understand it. 


What do we find on these stone pages? On the last 
page not quite all the shells and plants are like those 
that live now, but many of them are. The leaves of the 
trees look exactly like those living now. 

But look at Page Three which peeps from beneath 
Page Four. Only a few of the plants and animals are 
like those that live now. The plants and even the ani- 
mals were more simple. 

Look beneath Page Three at Page Two. At the end 
of Page Two there are very few land animals at all. 
At the beginning of Page Two not a plant or animal on 
land! There were only simple seaweeds and shells at 
the time it was written. Some of the sea creatures did 
not even have brains enough to move around to get 
their food. They could only get what the currents of 
water brought to them. 

And the very old limestones at the beginning of Page 
One, do not tell us anything about life. Perhaps there 
was no life. Or, perhaps all signs of life were burned 
out when the melted rock burst through the limestone. 

But we must be sure to read the story aright. 

Mr. Smith finds dark shaly rock with a little oil in 
it which' burns. He says "Oh, I have found coal!" But 
has he? Let us see. We must examine this rock very 
carefully. What sort of footprints are in it? There are 
shells in it. Let us look at the four pages of our rock 
book. Compare the shells with those in the shale. These 
shells in Mr. Smith's dark oily shales are like the shells 
at the very beginning of Page Two. But the great ferns 
that formed coal lived much later, at the end of Page 
Two. So there is no coal in the shale. The plants that 
made coal had not yet appeared on the Earth when the 


oily shale rock was made. The little oil in the shale 
probably came from decayed seaweed, early shell ani- 
mals or even from primitive fish. 

This and many other things we can read from the 
pages of the Earth. 



The root is sharp: it cuts the soil 
In easy growth and with no toil. 
The eye is sharp: it pierces air 
And reaches stars, unaided, bare. 
One knife there is that's sharper still 
For mind cuts Time itself at will. 

(Source not known) 


We have talked about what is happening to our 
Earth now. You see for yourself how it is changing. 

But how did our Earth begin? No one was there. 
But many men have thought about it, down through the 



Simple First Steps 

How to get food, how to be safe from wild 
animals filled the thought of the first men. Later, Man 
learned to grow food, to make weapons. Then, when 
he could store a little food, could feel somewhat safe, 
he began to think of other things. 

In time he began to think of the Earth on which he 
lived, simple thoughts at first: "We did not make the 
Earth so it must have been God/' Again, in time, some 
men began to ask one another, "How was the Earth 

Trying to find out how the Earth was made was like 
chopping a flight of steps out of the mountain-side. 
Each man's thought was a step upward. 

Another Step 

Once it was thought that the Earth was flat. It looks 
flat. Then came a man who said it must be round. He 
knew why he thought so. That is another story. We 
know now that he was right. 

Standing upon this new truth that the Earth is 
round another man chopped out a higher step the 
Earth moves around the sun, not the sun around the 

And so, higher and higher steps were carved out 
slowly and with great thought. Each upward climb gave 
a wider view of the whole question, just as steps on the 
mountain-side give a wider view of the whole valley be- 

These men have belonged and do belong to many 


countries. We cannot name them all here. There are 
too many. 

A Higher Step 

Long ago, in the east in Persia, wise men studied 
the stars. They found the stars are ruled by laws, not 
just whirling around any old way. New stars were born. 
The Earth is a star, a star that moves around the sun. 
After many years the thought grew that the birth of the 
Earth was like the birth of a star. 

Yet Another Step 

An Englishman, named Newton, watched an apple 
fall to the ground. Why did it fall down, not up? Be- 
cause the Earth is bigger than the apple and pulls it. 
Everything pulls everything else, and the heaviest wins. 
The law that makes the apple fall to the ground keeps 
the planets moving around their sun. That was New- 
ton's step. 

Higher Still 

A Frenchman, named Laplace, stood upon Newton's 
step and chopped out another step. Laplace thought 
two stars crashed together and exploded, as they would, 
leaving a disc-like mass of whirling gas. As the gas 
whirled, bits of it broke from the edges, forming other 
centres of whirling gas. In time all cooled, more or less, 
and became solid. Thus, he thought the sun and the 
planets, the stars that move around it, were formed. 
One of them, one of the smallest, was our Earth. 

This seemed reasonable at the time Laplace lived. 
But in the years that followed other new truths had 
been discovered. The planets around our sun are not 
moving in the form of a disc, but in a spiral, and they 


do not all whirl in the same direction. One of the moons 
around Saturn whirls differently, and there are other 
satellites and stars whirling in different directions, or 
on different orbits, as the 'star men 1 say. 


Two men in the United States, Moulton and Cham- 
berlin, thought about Laplace's explanation. They 
stood upon his step and chopped out another. The great 
original star made up of our sun and the planets that 
now turn about it, probably sent out great bulges of gas 
around its rim as our sun does now. Another star, big- 
ger still, shot past it and drew after it balls of gas from 
one or more of those bulges of sun-matter, drew them 
right out away from the sun. But the disturbing star 
sped on far away. Its power to pull grew weak, and 
the central sun, too, continued to pull back. But by this 
time, the central sun also was a long distance away. The 
long banner of gas balls of sun-material curved around 
the sun, but only the nearer parts fell back into it. The 
more distant parts still turn around the sun. 

Each ball cooled and became solid, drawing to itself 
all the smaller pieces within its power. Thus, thought 
Chamberlin and Moulton, the planets were born, and 
our Earth was one of them. 

As all the smaller stars or meteorites within reach 
crashed into our Earth, it became hot in places even to 
melting point. So, slowly the heaviest parts sank to- 
wards the centre, kneading the Earth's surface like 

The main point to remember about this step is the 
belief that after it first became cool and solid the Earth 


still continued to grow, sweeping up all the meteorites 
in its path. 


But more new truths were learned. Some of them are 
hard to understand. 

When the trembling of the earthquakes was measur- 
ed it was found that the centre of the Earth is heavier 
than the outside. 

Then, the salt in the sea was calculated. If there had 
been ocean from the beginning there would be more 
salt in the sea than there is. 

And then the great truth about radium and radium 
activity was discovered. The rays it gives off, though 
you cannot see them, make a great heat. Most of the 
early work on radium was done by a Polish woman, 
Madame Curie. She lived in Paris, and married a 
Frenchman. Madame Curie's new truth must be consid- 
ered, too. Far down in the centre of our new Earth-star 
the radium made great heat. 

Again Another Step 

Thinking of these things, two Englishmen, Jeans and 
Jeffreys, stood upon Madame Curie's step and chopped 
out another step. They agreed that a passing star drew 
out sun-matter, but they did not think the Earth became 
solid soon, but that it was molten for a long time. 

One mass of gaseous sun-matter drawn from the sun 
was our future Earth. Within this mass were areas in 
which the gases were more condensed nuclei, centres 
of heavier gas material. In time some of the gas even 
cooled to molten matter. All around the whole mass, 
like an envelope, was a vapour of lighter gases and 


steam. Picture it, then, hurtling through space, our fu- 
ture Earth, a great turmoil of electric storms within it, 
of lightning flashing from gas cloud to gas cloud, and 
from gas cloud to the largest centre, our Earth-to-be. 
The sunlight would be far outside. It could not pene- 
trate where the lighter gases and steam circled the 
whole whirling, flashing, boiling mass, into which fell 
still other starlets. 

Gradually fewer and fewer starlets were left. The 
seething mass began to cool. Some minerals crystallized 
here, some there. The heavy ones worked downward 
into the still molten lighter minerals. 

Some heavy minerals sinking in would make a basin 
here and others there. As the Earth cooled the steam 
became rain and fell onto it. In time the basins were 
filled with acid water. But within the Earth's centre 
there still was great heat from the great weight of the 
heavy minerals and from radium activity. For a time 
parts of the Earth's crust would burst forth into lavas, 
heaving up. Then, in time, that too cooled. The water 
was no longer steam, but was gathered into the basins 
and dry land appeared. The sun for the first time could 
pierce through to the surface of the new Earth. 
* * * 

Such are some of the thoughts men have had about 
the birth of our Earth. 





High up in the North in the land called Svithjod, there 
stands a rock. It is a hundred miles high and a hundred miles 
wide. Once every thousand years a little bird comes to this 
rock to sharpen its beak. 

When the rock has thus been worn away, then a single day 
of eternity will have gone by. 

The Story of Mankind HENDRIK VAN LOON 
(Courtesy Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York) 


AND NOW THE EARTH tells its own story. Men can 
only think how it may have been born. But it is here. 
Its story after it was born is written on its own broad 
surface, the rocks, the mountains, the rivers and valleys 
and the plains. 



There are gaps in the story, words missing. Some of 
them will be found in due time. You may find one, so 
that later people may read more clearly. Parts of the 
story are rubbed out. Parts of it are covered. But some 
parts of it we can read a story really and truly written 
in stone. 


It is the story of a Great Rhythm, great movements 
of the Earth. For the solid rock crust of the Earth ac- 
tually moves. It has moved many times in the past. It 
will move again. The continents rise. Mountains are 
born. The continents sink. The sea steals in stretching 
across the land long fingers of water which widen and 
spread over its surface. The changing rhythm is like 
some grand organ music, with crashing thundering 
chords when mighty mountains are born. And then 
come the softer notes while the waters of the Earth, 
the winds and ice change its surface. As it does now, 
so it did then. 

The Great Rhythm was repeated and repeated and 
yet in the repeating it was different each time. 

It is true. It is written on the surface of our Earth 
land where now there is sea, sea where now there is 
land, and even sea where now there are mountains. For 
these seas left their footprints in the rocks they made. 
We can find them, and use them like words to read the 
story the sea has written. 


But the crashing chords and the softer notes of the 
Great Rhythm were not all. Quietly, silently, Life too 
changed. The plants changed. The birds and the beasts 


changed. All living things, plant and animal grew from 
simple to higher things. 
Finally Man appeared. 


There are four long, long pages to this composition. 
Each has its own story of the rhythm of the Earth, 
each story different. The sea did not always cover all 
the continents at the same time. Each page tells of new 
mountains born. Each page has its own story of the 
change in Life. 

It is the four pages of the composition, each page as 
it was written laid over the one written before it, not 
piled neatly one on top of another, but spread out, as 
I said before, just as though your elbow had accidental- 
ly pushed the pages over. Only the last page is all un- 
covered. Parts of the others show beneath one another. 
Just so, lie the rocks. The oldest writing is at the bot- 
tom, partly covered by the next. In the Earth's story, 
also, only the latest rock words all lie uncovered. 




In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. 

Genesis I, 1 

PAGE ONE tells of the time long, long ago, when there 
was no life on land or sea. Here the Great Rhythm 
began. This was the strangest time of all, when the 
great Precambrian Shield of North America was born. 


Did you ever stand on a double line of railway 
tracks? Right where you stand the tracks are far 
apart. But look ahead, away off near the horizon the 
tracks seem to run together. You know in your mind 
they are just as far apart there as they are where you 
stand. But they do not look it. 

It is just the same in time. Think back into yesterday, 



a month ago, or a year ago. The things that happened 
then seem close together now. Of course they were not. 
When you look back, far back in the Earth's story, the 
things that happened seem to run together. They did 
not really. There was time between them long, long 
stretches of time. It is like the railway tracks. You 
have to know in your mind that these things happened, 
one a long time after the other. 

And so the story was written on Page One so long, 
long ago that, like the tracks, its happenings seem to 
run together for most of the time. There were two 
main parts in it, with an immensely long time in be- 
tween. Each part had many happenings. 


Let us stand high up on a mountain top somewhere 
in the Adirondacks of New York, or in the Great 
Canadian Shield, for these are some of the oldest parts 
of the Earth. 

Around us here where we stand are high mountains. 
Yes, there were high mountains here in the centre of 
the continent. 


Aged Mountains 

Mighty movements of our Earth made these moun- 
tains long, long ago. The rocks were shoved, twisted, 
turned over, or floated on the white-hot molten rock 
which welled up from below and burst out upon the 
surface. For look ! There are volcanoes I Great active 
volcanoes, as far as we can see, belching out fire and 
steam and ashes ! Lava streams boil over the volcano 
craters, or ooze from huge cracks in the mountain- 


sides. The bright hot lava flows down swiftly. It 
changes to a glowing red, and then grows dark, but 
on it rolls, becoming thicker and thicker and it flows 
more and more slowly. It fills up the valleys. A wall 
of hot, dark lava pushes across the rivers and plunges 
hissing into the sea. Thick clouds of steam curl up 
from the hot lava. 

Lava Pillows 

How do we know this happened, here in the middle 
of the continent? How do we know there were rivers, 
lakes and oceans? Because some of the lava in these 
old rocks has cooled in water. 

Pour some boiling toffee into water. It forms in 
'blebs*. Well, there are 'blebs' or 'pillows' of lava in 
these ancient rocks. So we know there must have been 
water in which the lava cooled quickly. 

Gold in the Rocks 

Up in Northern Ontario, there is gold in these rocks, 
that were melted once but are hard and firm now. 
These gold-bearing rocks lie across Northern Quebec, 
Ontario and Manitoba. They have brought vast wealth 
to Canada. Canada is the second or third most import- 
ant gold-mining country in the world. South Africa al- 
ways is first in the amount produced. In some years Can- 
ada is the second, in some years the United States. 


Far out on the northwest of the Canadian Shield, 
near Great Bear Lake, is some of this ancient rock. It 
is a very heavy dense kind of rock, black as tar, pitch- 
blende, or uranium. It, too, was once molten rock, and 
cut or melted its way from beneath, right through older 


rocks. In this black rock is a very precious thing rad- 
ium. Men found it here just a few years ago. 

It was a very important discovery to the whole 
world, because radium is used in hospitals in helping to 
cure some kinds of illness. Before this discovery radium 
was scarce indeed, and very expensive. Only wealthy 
hospitals could afford it. There was only one place in 
the world where enough of it could be mined. That is 
away off in the Belgian Congo, in Africa. Look at your 
map again! Now that radium has been found near 
Great Bear Lake there is more of it and it is cheaper. 
Even the smallest hospitals can have it now. 

And still more recently from that uranium comes the 
power that made possible the atomic bomb, an energy 
that has possibilities greater than annihilation making 
into nothing an energy that can open a door into the 
future, to build civilization, not break it. 

The Rhythm Changed 

Again listen ! Rushing water ! A river hurrying head- 
long to the sea ! There, where its bed is steep, it runs 
swiftly and tears off some of its banks. It rolls the 
pieces slowly along its channel, scouring its bed deeper. 
Farther on, it is slow and sluggish again. It is under- 
mining its banks, dissolving out mineral salts, and mak- 
ing caves. The banks will fall in when the caves beneath 
become larger. 

That will take a long time, you think. Oh, yes! A 
very long time. Thousands and thousands of years. 

But see, the river farther down has worn a very wide 
valley. So the river was working here, long ago, level- 
ling the high continent, just as rivers are doing now. 


Oceans Then, Too 

And the oceans, wherever they were then, were tear- 
ing away their shores, breaking down, grinding up, and 
dissolving the rock. 

And so the winds and storms, the rivers and oceans 
wore off the top layers of rock. It took ages of time. 
One thousand feet worn off ! Two thousand feet ! The 
top surface became lower and lower. Now many thou- 
sands of feet are gone. How many we do not know. 
There is no way to measure it. 

And there, we have a worn-down plain. Its planed- 
off rocks show how twisted and contorted they were, 
shoved this way and that long before. 

A Desert! 

The plain is a desert. We stand now on great wide 
desert land. No birds! Wind? Yes, but not in trees. 
There are no trees ! No voice ! No call ! No buzzing of 
insects ! What can the sounds be ? 

Listen! There is a storm, with lightning, rain and 
wind! See the clay and sand blowing on and on. The 
rain catches some of the sand and packs it down into 
the hollows. You can hear the echoes of crashing thun- 
der and wind. 

Over there are some high rocky hills, standing up 
from the desert plain. What odd shapes they have, full 
of hollows and sharp-edged rocks! No wonder there 
are echoes! Why are there high rocks over there and 
none here ? Because those rocks are stronger than their 
neighbours. They have withstood the storms longer, 
though the wind has blasted them with sand. 

Listen to the wind! For miles and miles it sweeps 


over the earth, wearing down the rocks, sorting out 
the sand and clay. 

The rains dissolve some of the mineral salts in the 
rock, washing some of it to the rivers, and to the sea. 

Just the same then as now ! 


And so the mountains are gone, worn away. Only 
their roots are left. Right on top of these mountain 
roots lie younger rocks, many thousands of feet of 
them. And there, where they join, is only an irregular 
line. The mountains that had been built up by the great 
chords, the hissing lavas and wild shaking of the Earth, 
these mountains were worn down, cut off by rain, wind 
and frost. There is nothing there, only the irregular 
line where the roots of the mountains are overlain by 
later rocks. 

On the East 

And from where did these younger rocks come? 

Along the eastern part of North America, where the 
Appalachian Mountains now stand was a long trough 
of the sea. For the Appalachians were not yet born. 
And into that trough the rivers on either side carried 
sand and mud from their shores, and deposited lime. 
And out of this some of the younger rocks were form- 
ed, in the floor of that inlet of the sea. 

An Inland Sea 

And in the centre of the continent are sea-laid rocks. 
There was a sea there, something like Hudson Bay, but 
larger. It lay all around Lake Superior and south into 
Michigan. This sea, too, laid down rocks on its floor. 


In these rocks is Iron, great beds of iron ore. In Minne- 
sota, Wisconsin and Michigan, men mine for iron in 
these rocks laid so long ago. 

A Strange New Rhythm 

Something else is written on this Page One, in On- 
tario. It was cold, very cold ! Hard to believe, is it not, 
that men can tell what the weather was like so many 
millions of years ago ? But you can read it for yourself. 
For here are rocks filled with boulders, ice-scratched 
boulders. It was so cold there were icebergs in this in- 
land sea. Where the boulder-bearing ice came from we 
do not know. It may have come from land in the far 
north. Or, it may have come from ice-filled valleys near 
by. So much of the writing of this page is hidden by 
later rocks that it is difficult to tell. But this is the very 
first ice that we know about. 


And once this happened. A huge mass of molten rock 
was slowly moving up toward the surface of the Earth. 
Wherever it found a crack it pushed in. It was hot, 
terribly hot. It was so hot that it melted some of the 
more ancient rock above it. This made more molten 
rock. It spread far and wide. When it found a weak 
layer it pushed in. It pushed up and up, sometimes 
along between two layers of rock, sometimes right 
through a whole group of layers. It cut through or cov- 
ered all that now lies beneath it. As it slowly melted its 
way upward or spread in sheets between the rocks it 
'bowed up* the Earth's surface. As it rose higher it 
cooled and slowly hardened into crystals. 


This Rock Gives Us Copper 

Many metals and precious minerals are often found 
in these slowly cooled rocks. And in the rocks on this 
page we find a great belt of copper-bearing rocks. 
These are the rocks of the Michigan copper mines. We 
will talk about them later when we learn about copper. 

And Nickel 

North of Lake Superior, around Sudbury, Ontario, 
are the greatest nickel mines of the world. Men think 
that the heavy dark rock in which the nickel is found 
was thrust up from below at this time. 

And Silver 

And still farther east in Northern Ontario, these long 
tongues of melted rock pushing between other layers 
and eating their way through cracks, widening them by 
melting the sides, bore with them the precious silver 
of the Cobalt region. 

And all these riches of copper, nickel and silver, and 
many other precious minerals and metals that men find 
now, were thrust up from far below millions of years 


Did you ever see a picture of an old shield, the kind 
that the knights used in the Crusades ? They used them 
to protect themselves. They .were made strong to with- 
stand the lances and spears thrown or thrust by the 
enemy. The central part, or boss of the shield, was 
curved outward to cover the important part of the 
knight's body, as he held it in front of him. 

In North America these old rocks of Page One form 
a 'boss' across the northern part. It covers the continent 


from Labrador across Northern Quebec and Northern 
Ontario to Lake Winnipeg, swinging north and west 
to Great Bear Lake. On the south it crosses into Michi- 
gan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Adirondacks, too, 
belong to it, though they are separate from the main 
part. This great area of old rocks is 'bowed up' like an 
old shield. Like a shield too, it is very strong. It has 
kept the continent steady when mighty forces on either 
side were heaving up mountains. Men call this great 
stretch of old strong rocks the 'Canadian Shield*. The 
rocks in the Canadian Shield belong to both the lower 
and upper part of Page One. 

Other continents have their shields too. There is one 
in South America, in Europe, in Asia, and in Australia. 
But none of them is as large as our shield in North 
America. And most of them have their surfaces covered 
by later rocks, so we cannot read their whole story. 

Men think these strong old rocks are beneath the 
surface everywhere. If we could only dig down deep 
enough we would come to them. 

Why do they think so? Because in places where an- 
cient mountains have been worn to plains the core 
beneath is always these same old rocks. In the Grand 
Canyon of the Colorado, and in some other canyons, 
the river has cut down through thousands and thou- 
sands of feet of younger sea-laid rocks. And there, right 
at the bottom, lie these strong old rocks I In some places 
men have drilled wells deep down into the Earth. And 
behold ! The same old rocks again ! 

It is on the surface of the Earth in places now, but 
it was not always there. All through those millions and 
millions of years the winds and waves and rivers were 


wearing off the rock that lay above it, thousands of feet 
of rock. For when this rock was molten the surface of 
the continent was high above it. But gradually the rock 
above was worn away and the melted rock below, hard- 
ened now, became the surface. 

What a Land! 

Here at the end of Page One we see this boss which 
covers the northern part of North America was dry 
land for millions and millions of years, as it was earlier 
on Page One. It was a low land by this time, worn 
down. And what a land 1 Still no trees ! Still no ani- 
mals I Still, desert, wind and water. Winds rushing over 
a vast country. Water flowing swiftly or slowly to the 
ocean. A wild, wild land! Thundering storms some- 
times 1 Bright sunshine sometimes! Darkness and day- 
light ! The sun rising in gold or in a lowering red, pass- 
ing across the sky, and setting in glory or in storm. One 
day, two days, a year! One year, ten years, a hundred 
years, a million years, many million years ! Still, a wild 

Lane-way of the Sea 

And during most of this time on the west of the con- 
tinent a deep ocean lane lay from north to south where 
the Rocky Mountains now stand. 

And see the high land on both sides of it ! Rain, and 
storms, and rivers are levelling those highlands, just 
as they always do. The sea-lane lies here for many 
long years. Boulders are broken from the rocky lands 
and ground up to smaller pieces. Some of them are 
slowly dissolved. The sand and mud were cairried down 
in that time, millions and millions of years ago, just as 


they are now. And they were all carried out and dump- 
ed into this great sea-lane, or dissolved in its water. 

And the waters of the sea-lane laid beds of limestone 
upon the sand and mud from the worn-down highlands. 
Great thicknesses of rock were formed in the trough of 
the sea-lane, a thousand feet, two thousand, thirty 
thousand, sixty thousand feet ! 

Such an amount of rock! 

This rock can be measured so we know it is thick. 
It is still there. But it is no longer in a trough. In Mon- 
tana, Idaho and British Columbia it is a part of the 
mountain ranges. For, along with the rocks of Middle 
Time, you will learn later, they were pushed up when 
the Rocky Mountains were born. Farther south in Ari- 
zona, as I said before, these old rocks are covered by 
many feet of later rock. And there the mighty Colorado 
River has cut down through them all. Some of them are 
laid bare in the walls of the Grand Canyon. 


Any Plants? 

Was there seaweed in these sea-lanes on the west 
and on the east? There certainly were no plants on the 
wild desert land between them. There are some queer 
marks on the sea-laid rocks. They do not look like any- 
thing much, but still they might be some very simple 

Any Animals? 

Were there any animals? There are other queer 
marks on some of these rocks which might be sponges. 
Sponges are very simple animals indeed. Other forms 
may have lived. It may be that they did not have shells. 


They may have been soft like jelly-fish, and may have 
quite disappeared when they died. 

Then there is a Jot of carbon in some of the very 
oldest rocks. All animals, you know, breathe out a car- 
bon gas, and plants use it and give it up when they 
die. The carbon in the rocks may have been left by 
great numbers of simple plants and animals which lived 
and died in this inland sea. The truth is, we do not know 
for certain whether or not there was any life at that 
long-ago time. 



There rolls the deep where grew the tree. 
Oh, Earth, what changes hast thou seen ! 
There where the long street roars hath been 
The stillness of the central sea. 


SOME OF THE ROCKS of Page Two are covered by 
Page Three but the uncovered ones tell much of the 
story of Life in the sea, and the beginning of Life on 
land. The rocks are very rough and uneven. The words 
are cut large and deep. At its close there were many 
crashing chords, with mountains rising. This is when the 
Appalachians were born. Great things have happened 
to make this writing. 


Again we have the story of the continents rising and 

Listen, the sound of rushing water! 



It is the ocean pouring over the sinking land. And on 
the floor of this inland sea the continent is being cover- 
ed slowly with new layers of rock. 

But again there is a change. The land is rising now. 
The Earth is heaving. Mountains are piling up. The 
Earth's crust is tearing open. No wonder the words of 
Page Two are cut large and deep. 

Listen! Again! The sound of rushing water! The 
inland seas are flowing back to the ocean bed. 

Five times our North America sank and the ocean 
came in. Each time the water covered large parts of 
the continent, and great thicknesses of sea-laid rock 
were built up, one layer upon another. The water cov- 
ered only a small part of the land at first, and then the 
continent sank, the blue sea crept farther and farther 
in. Each time the continent rose again from its sea- 
bath. Five times! Up and down and up the continent 
slowly went. And then, a sixth time it was depressed, 
but only a little, so that the shores were flooded. 


At first the great central part of the continent was 
land, with the winds, waves, rivers and storms wearing 
off its surface. Still no animals and no plants on the 
land! Still a wild, lifeless, desert land! 

But in the low-lying parts along the eastern coast, in 
the great trough where now stand the Appalachians, 
and in the west where now the Rocky Mountains stand, 
lay quiet shallow seas. At the bottom grew thick strong 
weeds. They have left large twisted masses in the mud- 
dy rocks which were then the sea-floor. These large 
masses were made up of the simplest of weeds, just 


stems growing on muddy bottoms and waving in the 
water. And among the weeds were a few lowly forms 
of animal life. 

But it is written on this page that the later invading 
seas flooded over vast areas of the interior of the con- 
tinent, especially during the second and fourth invas- 
ions. The fifth time the sea was not so broad. After 
this fifth invasion, so say the stone words, the great 
continents of the world were mostly dry land as they 
are to-day. Nearly all the sea had left North America. 
Then, as now, the rivers, winds and frosts were wearing 
down the high places and filling in the low places. 
They were changing the whole surface of the con- 
tinent. The sixth time a little of the sea flooded over the 
western United States and western Canada. It was real- 
ly very little compared to what there was during most 
of the time of Page Two. 

What the Seaweeds Grew To Be 

The simple seaweeds grew more definite clumps of 
weeds about 12 inches high, growing from a centre, 
spreading out, moving gently with the water. Side by 
side they stood, over miles and miles of the flat sea- 
floor. Many of them were destroyed in stormy weather. 
But some were left. They were slowly covered with the 
mud or the deposited limestone and there we find them, 
in the rock, to-day. 

And then, in time, some spores fell near shore and 
learned to grow partly in the water and partly on land. 

By the time of the fourth invasion of the sea, as it 
is written on this Page, large fern-like plants began to 
appear on parts of the land that were uncovered. They 
grew and spread, wherever they had a chance. 


Coal is Made 

And when all the continents were rising from the 
fifth sea-bath written on this Page, there were wide 
swamp lands. The ferns and other swamp plants were 
tall like trees, and grew jungle-thick. Broken by storms 
they floated around and sank. Some grew old and fell 
where they had been growing. Others grew on top of 
them, just as they do in the tropical jungles now. They 
were often covered up by mud brought in by slow-flow- 
ing rivers. They lay there for millions of years. What 
happened to them, buried so deep? A strange thing. 
They slowly changed into the coal that we use to-day. 

Yes, indeed, the plants made the coal, without which 
we would be pretty cold to-day, in some parts of the 
world. This was the time when the great fern forests 
of Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia, England and other parts 
of Europe were tall, living plants, not coal at all. These 
plants did not have any flowers. Our kinds of trees were 
not yet born. These were more simple kinds of plants. 
But they were big like trees, and there were ferns and 
rushes. And flying among the trees were great insects, 
dragon-flies. They were far bigger than our dragon-flies 
to-day, almost as big as little birds. But, like the sea- 
weed, they were much more simple, and they all died 
after the time of the big swamps. 


And then, in these sea-lanes and along the shores 
lived Brachiopods. I expect most of you have never 
heard of them. We do not see them now, at least not 
many of them. They live in the bottom of the sea some 


distance out from shore. The living Brachiopods, the 
great, great, great, many times great-grandchildren of 
the Brachiopods in these early seas, are small, only 
about an inch or so long. They are very simple. In the 
early part of Page Two they were simple, too, like little 
bumps in the mud. Each Brachiopod has two shells, 
just as a clam has. But in the clam the two shells are 
alike. In the Brachiopod they are unlike. We speak of 
the shells as Valves'. They really are a little house for 
the animal which lives safely within. These early Brach- 
iopods could only move their shells a little from side to 

But each time the seas came in over the continent dur- 
ing the writing of Page Two they brought Brachiopods 
that had grown more important, more varied, and 
many more of them. 

Of course, all Brachiopods do not have the same 
kind of shell. Some Brachiopods are big and some are 
small. They have different markings on the outside. On 
some shells there are fine lines from the beak at the 
top to the edge, all around. On some shells there are 
lines ringed around the beak or around the outer edge. 
In some shells there are just tiny spines. 

The little animal living inside had a breathing appa- 
ratus. It grew inside the shell. In the early Brachiopods 
the breathing 'gills' were very simple and fastened to 
a point. Then by the time of the later invasions of the 
sea there were Brachiopods having large breathing 
'gills' fastened to rods, and later still the rods became 
twisted and the much larger 'gills' were fastened to a 
beautifully twisted rod, coiled like a spring. 

The early Brachiopods, I said, could only move their 


shells a little from side to side. But in the rocks of mid- 
dle Olden Time they had grown so that they could open 
their shells wide when they wanted to take in water for 
food or air. There are little bubbles of air in the water 
that sea animals use. 

The Nautilus Family Makes Its Mark 

Did you ever see a pearly Nautilus? Probably not, 
because there are very few living now. Very few people 
have seen them except in museums. 

Well, the Nautilus is really very aristocratic because 
it comes from a family that lived long ago. The living 
Nautilus has a distant cousin, about a forty-second cou- 
sin, called the squid, which lives in the sea to-day. They 
are both the great, great, great, many times great- 
grandchildren of the early Nautilus Family. The squid 
is the more common and the more important now. It 
changed its shape and its way of living to suit the 
changing seas, and its brains grew. So it became wiser. 
It dropped its heavy shell. It is able to move swiftly in 
the water. It throws out a smoke screen of inky water 
to confuse its enemies. 

But the poor Nautilus has to be very careful of it- 
self. It hides down in the deep seas. It is lovely to look 
at, but it is not smart. It did not change. So it still looks 
like its many times great-grandmother, the early Nau- 
tilus, who lived with her relations in these very seas, 
and whose shell can be found in the markings in these 

Now the early Nautilus was a distant ancestor of the 
Proud Ammonites of whom you will hear later. The 
Nautilus was a much more simple fellow than the Am- 
monite and did not put on such airs. He began with just 


one little room. When he grew too big for that, out 
of the lime in the water he laid a floor over the small 
end of his room and built on an addition in front. Into 
it he moved. Then he built another and another. But 
he built a plain floor separating his rooms. Some of the 
Nautilus family, the ambitious ones, built the rooms 
curving around one another. But most of them being 
humble fellows, just built straight along, one room after 
another in a row. 

Trilobites Lived and Died 

Of course there were many other animals in the sea. 
But not a solitary animal living on land yet. 

There were trilobites in the sea. Did you ever hear 
of a living trilobite? No, you did not, because all the 
trilobites that ever lived have died. Nobody has ever 
seen a living trilobite. But we find their fossil shells in 
the rocks, generally broken. Sometimes there is just a 
head or a tail, or a part of the hard outside shell. We 
know what they looked like from their shells. Trilobites 
were very distant cousins of the shrimps. If you live 
by the sea you know shrimps. Maybe you have eaten 
shrimp salad. 

At first they were simple for trilobites. But do not 
forget that the trilobite was not such a low form of 
life, not even a simple one. Trilobites must have had 
ancestors still earlier. We do not know those ancestors 
because we have never found their shells. Perhaps they 
never had shells, just soft bodies. The earliest ones we 
find have shells and they trusted to their shells to save 
them from their enemies. 

About the, middle of the time of writing Page Two 
trilobites had grown and spread all over the sea-bottom 


along the shores. They seemed to think "What fine fel- 
lows we are. Nothing else has such spines!" They lay 
in the mud at the bottom and ate other small animals. 
There was plenty of food. Later towards the end of 
this time they became clumsy, lazy fellows. They had 
heavy spines here and there, so they could hardly move 
around to get their food. 

"We do not need to worry," they thought. 

They grew and grew. They became very greedy, and 
ate and ate. They grew heavy with eating. Their shells 
grew heavy and their stomachs bigger. To make room 
for their fat stomachs they had to give up some of the 
space for their brains. But they did not care. Had they 
not shells to save them, and such proud spines ! 

But finally there was not much food. The trilobites 
were so heavy and stupid they could not get to better 
feeding grounds. And so they all died, all the fancy 
ones. They died for their pride. The little plain ones 
lived on for a long time, right to the end of Page Two. 

Other Animals 

There were corals, for instance. Not many at first. 
At least, we do not find many. But as line upon line 
was written upon Page Two, and paragraph upon para- 
graph, the corals, too, grew and spread. Towards the 
end of Page Two, they even built up great coral reefs. 

And there was the Clam Family and all their rela- 
tions. Pelecypods we call them all. Clams, you know, 
like the Brachiopods, have two shells. But unlike the 
Brachiopods, both shells are alike except that one is 
right and the other is left. The Clam Family, too, and 
all its relations, was simple at first, but its members 
grew and spread, wherever there was mud to live in. 


For the Clam Family and some of its near relatives 
like mud those that shove along the bottom in their 
slow way. They, too, grew shells of different shapes, 
and had different lines for ornamentation. 

And then there were the coiled shells, Gastropods, 
we call them. They and their living relatives have only 
one shell, but it is coiled. The common snail-shell is a 
great, great, many times great-grandchild. These early 
ones were responsible for it all. They grew and spread. 
They grew plain spires, round and round, low spires, 
fat spires, thin spires. They put on fancy lines, some 
round and round, some up and down, some oblique, 
some crossing others, anything that a coiled shell could 
think of to make itself different and beautiful. 

All this and many more lowly animals first appeared 
on Page Two. 


Right here we must stop a moment! To talk of some- 
thing else. Do you notice that all the animals of which 
we have been speaking lack a backbone ? 

Here and now on the Earth there are two great di- 
visions of animals, those without a backbone, like the 
snail, the clam, the Nautilus, and those with a backbone, 
like a cat, a dog, a mouse, a fish, a snake or yourself. 

But on the first part of Page Two all animals as well 
as plants, lived in the sea, and not a single animal had 
yet developed a backbone. The honour of being the 
first group to do so belongs to the Fish. 

Fish Grew and Grew! 

In the lower rocks of Page Two only a few bony 
plates are found. But during the fourth time the sea 
came up in Olden Time, fish swam all over the conti- 


ncnt We know this is true because we find their bones 
in the rocks. So many bones! And so many kinds of 
fish! At first they were great clumsy fish with hard 
bones on the outside. They did not have scales like fish 
do now. We call these old fish 'armoured fish*. They 
did not have a coat of steel but they did have a coat of 
good hard bone to protect them from their enemies. But 
they all died. Their hard outside did not save them 
after all. They were heavy fish and could not swim very 
fast. They were not as smart as their neighbours. So 
they did not have a chance to live very long. 

Then later appeared a few fish quite like what we 
find in the sea now. Their bones were inside where we 
now find the bones of any proper fish. They could swim 
swiftly away from their enemies or after their food. 

The most daring fish that swam in the seas were the 
very peculiar 'lung fish'. They were so smart that they 
learned to live in the air as well as in the water. They 
had a sort of bladder they used to rise or sink in the 
water. They also used it as a lung. Pretty smart for a 
fish ! When it got very dry and the water dried up they 
just dug into the mud and lived there until the next rain 


Such were some of the creatures that lived in these 
seas that spread over the continents and wrote their 
story on Page Two. 

But then a change came along the Atlantic coast. 
There was a great pushing and shoving from the heavy 
rocks beneath the great deeps of the Atlantic. North 
America began to buckle up on the Eastern Canadian 
coast and along the New England States. The birth of 


the Appalachians 1 But the Appalachians did not grow 
to their full size all at once. There were long pauses. 
Another great outburst of mountain building broke out 
when the fourth sea of Page Two began to flood the 
centre of the continent. The rocks piled up, twisted 
and turned over. Higher and higher they pushed, far- 
ther and farther south they spread. Until near the end 
of Page Two the mighty Appalachians reached high up 
to the clouds. This must have been a terrific upheaval. 
A few volcanoes belched out smoke, and ashes and 
flame, but not a great many. Right here on the stone 
page are the ashes at the end of Page Two. 

It takes mighty forces to heave up even low hills, 
and these were lofty mountains, much more lofty than 
they are now. 

And all this happened long before the Rocky Moun- 
tains or the Andes were born. 


At first, each time the continent rose from the flood 
the land was a desert waste, a whole continent. No ani- 
mals! No plants! During all those millions and mil- 
lions of years! For it takes millions of years for a con- 
tinent to rise and fall. 

Then gradually another change came. When the sea 
slowly flooded North America the fourth time it did not 
cover all the continent, nor even as much as it had cov- 
ered before, for there on the eastern part the Appal- 
achians now mounted guard. Then it was that plants 
began to creep up to the shore. They found the land 
good. They thrived. One place they grew was in New 
York State. For there, in those rocks of New York, are 
ferns, some of them with stems almost as big as trees. 


By the time the fifth sea of Page Two came up the 
Mississippi valley, the Appalachians were higher and 
the low swampy lands were farther and farther west. 
This was the time of the great coal forests of Penn- 


And then the animals followed the plants. They now 
had something to eat on the land. 

The Frog's Cousins 

Some of the first of land animals were cousins of the 
frogs. Have you ever watched frogs grow? I hope 
some of you live in the country near a river, lake, or 
pond. If you do you probably know about frogs. They 
live very queer lives. You see them hopping around 
ponds catching flies to eat, or making long jumps to get 
away from you. 

But earlier in the summer if you look in shallow 
water you will see tadpoles, great numbers of them. 
They are strange-looking things, wriggling around in 
the water, and getting nowhere very fast. They are 
quite large at the front but are smaller toward the tail. 
They are only about an inch long or less, and are dark- 
coloured. Watch them every day. 

One day you will see a little swelling back of the 
middle. Next day it is bigger. The whole tadpole is 
growing. Later, would you believe it, a frog's leg ap- 
pears behind on each side! Yes, the whole tadpole is 
growing larger. Now there are two legs in front, and 
the head is a frog's head. It is almost a frog, except 
that it has a tail. Watch! Now the tail is smaller. It 
has disappeared right into the body. There is the frog 


complete ! It can swim under the water like a fish. But 
it can hop on the land and breathe air. 

But, from where does the tadpole come ? From eggs, 
a whole mass of them. They may be floating around in 
quiet water or perhaps are fastened to a bit of water- 
weed. From where do the eggs come? A frog, not a 
tadpole, lays them. The eggs hatch into tadpoles. The 
tadpoles grow into frogs. Then the frogs lay more eggs. 

Frogs, then, spend the first part of their lives as tad- 
poles in water breathing like fish, and the last part 
breathing like land animals. Most animals that live on 
the land can live only in the air and not under water. 
Frogs and all other creatures that live part of their 
life in water and part on land breathing air are called 
'Amphibians'. It sounds a big word, but it is two Greek 
words joined together 'amphi' meaning 'both', and 
'bios' meaning 'life' or 'living'. 

And the writing in these rocks at the end of Page 
Two shows that the animals which first came to live 
on land were these cousins of the frogs. There were 
quite a number of them. Some of them were large, much 
larger than frogs. Probably as large as a very big dog, 
only not so high. Some of their skeletons are found in 
Texas, and some in South America. You can see some 
of their fossil skeletons in museums. But many of them 
we know only from their footprints in the rocks. 

Where Now the Land and Where the Sea? 

Let us look at the top layer of this Page. Was the 
land as it is now, or was there sea over some of the 
continents? The stone words on the uppermost rocks of 
Page Two show the great continents of the world were 
mostly dry land #s they are to-day, pearly all the sea 


had left North America. The rivers and winds were 
having a grand time wearing down what mountains 
there were and building up the valleys. They were 
changing the whole surface of the Earth. There was a 
little of the sea flooded over the western United States 
and down from the Arctic into western Canada, but 
really very little compared to what there was during 
most of the time of Page Three. 

Ice, Again! 

South America was dry land. But what a land! A 
large part of South America, almost to the Equator, 
was covered with ice. How do we know? Because these 
very top rocks of Page Two are written all over with 
very thick masses of boulder hills. They are just like 
the hills in Canada, New York, Scotland, and Russia, 
and all places where the last ice stood all unsorted, 
higgledy-piggledy piles of great and small boulders mix- 
ed up with sand and mud. 

There is another way to know about the ice. There 
are great gouges in the rocks beneath the boulder hills. 
Just as it happened later on Page Four, the ice fields 
became thicker and thicker, and so heavy that the ice on 
the edges was crushed out and shoved along. The mov- 
ing ice broke off rocks, little and big. The rough bould- 
ers were frozen in the ice and carried down with it. 
They scratched great grooves in the rock-floor over 
which they were pushed. Large rocks gouged out large 
grooves. Little rocks only made little scratches. 

There they are. You can see them in Peru. There are 
gouges small and narrow. There are gouges wide and 


deep. They slope down a hillside. Before the Spaniards 
conquered Peru the great Indian Inca race lived there. 
Near these gouges the Incas built a large open theatre 
for games. There the warriors raced and wrestled to 
make themselves strong. They used the gouges for 
slides in their games. So they are worn very smooth. 
Now little Indian boys slide down them and push down 
other little Indian boys. And I hope little Indian girls 
get some of the fun too. 

Ice near the Equator ! That seems very strange. We 
think it is always very hot there. But, of course, even 
to-day it is cold high up in the mountains. But there 
were not any mountains there at that time. You remem- 
ber the Andes mountains were born long after this, at 
the end of Middle Time. Why was it so cold then? 
Men have tried to answer that question, but no one is 
really very sure of the true reason, even yet. That may 
be another study for some of you when you grow up. 

I hope you are looking at your map. You need it 

In Europe there was a great deal of land too. We 
do not know much about Asia yet. That is another place 
for study. Not much is known about Africa either. But 
still it is known that during this time Africa, like South 
America, was dry land. 




PAGE THREE tells of the growth and spread, and yes, 
the death of the great reptiles. It, too, closed with thun- 
dering chords. For then were born the Rocky Moun- 
tains, the Andes and many other mountain ranges. 
* * * 

For a long time there was a pause I All the continents 
of the world stood high above the oceans, and were 
exposed to the wear and tear of wind, rain and ice. 

Then, again, in time slowly a change came. For a 
long time, again, even after the change began, most of 
North America was high, dry and cold. Not only North 
America but South America, South Africa and part of 
Europe. In Europe the north was desert land but to the 
south a broad sea arm stretched from the south of the 
present continent to India. 



Along the eastern coast of North America the ranges 
of the new-born mountains were being worn down. In- 
land, salty lagoons were drying up, and in low spots 
were trees. For it was no longer all a desert land. Far 
inland, though, towards the west, high, dry and cold 
was a desert of sand and mud, now to be seen in the 
deep cuts of the Tainted Desert* of Arizona, and the 
'Great Red Valley' of the Black Hills. Here for long 
years the desert reigned supreme. Along the western 
coast two bays pressed in from the Pacific Ocean, one 
reaching down from the Arctic and the other stealthily 
making its way up from California. A ridge of land 
stood between them. 

And then the mountains on the east began to move 
again, not in narrow ridges and folds as before, but 
broadly the whole area rose. 

On the west, too, the land began to rise again. East 
of the rising land the two long bays to the north and 
the south gradually sank further. Just as when you 
squeeze a rubber ball it swells in places and forms hol- 
lows in other places, so the two bays crept together, 
forming a trough sinking first at the ends and then 
throughout its length. 

At this time, too, the sea covered small parts of Eng- 
land. On its floor were laid rocks sandstone, shale 
and limestone and in them were buried dead sea- 
shells. In these rocks in England were the first rock- 
words that men learned to read. 

Learning to Read the Rocks 

A man named William Smith, a surveyor, was drain- 
ing swamps and laying out canals in England. He no- 
ticed the shells in these rocks, which had been made 


so many millions of years before. William Smith col- 
lected the curious stone shells. He studied them. He 
soon found that each rock layer had different shells. 

"Why," he thought, "I will look for these rock lay- 
ers in other places and see if I can tell them by the 

He looked. There were the same types of shells. He 
went farther away. There they were again. The same 
kinds of rock layers ! The same kinds of shells ! 

That was a great discovery. For from these first few 
fossil-words men learned to read the rocks, first a little 
here, then a little there. Soon they could read whole 


In the west of North America this slow upward 
movement burst into action. Another time of great un- 
rest, of belching volcanoes! The Sierra Nevadas were 
born in fiery rocks and white-hot lavas, in smoke and 
steam and ashes 1 

Not all the melted rock gets to the surface. When 
lavas burst forth they leave space below, and into that 
space a great mass of the melted rock slowly wells up 
from far below. This is the kind of crystalline rock that 
often holds the precious minerals. And there are min- 
erals in these rocks made at this time. From them came 
the gold that made the wealth of California many years 
ago. A great mass of rock like this, that cools before it 
reaches the surface, men call a 'batholith'. The word 
is made from two Greek words, 'bathos' meaning 'deep 1 , 
and 'lithos' meaning 'rock*. 

If the rock did not come to the surface, how do we 
know it welled up and that it held gold? Because, as 


before, in the many years that have passed since then, 
the surface above it was worn off by the rivers carrying 
sand and mud and everything else into the inland sea. 
Some of the gold, too, was worn off. It was mixed with 
the river gravels. 

But why did the Sierra Nevadas form here? 

Some men think because the upper rocks were weak. 
They were new. They were laid down where the ocean 
had invaded the fringes of the continent, in the two 
bays that came together from the north and from the 
south. When a great push came from the falling of the 
heavy floor of the Pacific these weak rocks could not 
stand it. There may have been other reasons as yet little 
understood. At any rate they crumpled. When they 
moved, the hot rock below found cracks and welled up 
to freedom. 

Softer Notes 

With the mountains rose a broader strip of the 
continent. If a bird flew in from the Pacific if there 
was a bird where the narrow trough of the sea had 
been, it would have seen a narrow strip of mountains 
bristling with volcanoes, east of that a broad shallow 
valley, and still farther east the low continent. As the 
broader strip of land rose the shallow valley to the 
east bowed down and the sea again came in at the ends. 
The shallow valley became a trough, a sea-lane, over 
the low continent. 

For many years this sea, the great sea of Middle 
Time, lay over a vast part of the interior of the conti- 
nent, while the land to the east and west was worn 
down. For from the west, and in part, from the east 
the rivers and storms dumped into the. trough the sand 


and mud they had worn off the land on either side. 
They poured into the waters of the sea the lime they 
had dissolved from the rocks. A long time after the 
sand, and mud, and lime became sandstone, shale and 
limestone. These new rocks were not so strong as the 
rock on the sides. This is always true. The newer sea- 
laid rock is not so strong as the old land. This was not 
the first time a sea-lane had come over this part of the 
continent, you remember. It had happened before, when 
the rocks were laid on Page Two, and so these new 
rocks were laid upon older sea-laid rocks. 

Maps Look at your map. See the Sierra Nevadas. 
Then look at the long line of the Rocky Mountains. 
And right where those Rocky Mountains now stand was 
that great sea-lane laying new rock upon its floor. 

Crashing Chords, Again 

But it did not stay so. Again there came a great 
push from the Pacific Ocean. Those new rocks were 
weak. And there and then began the birth of the Rocky 
Mountains. They began to rise first in the south, crush- 
ed up by a mighty force pressing in from the Pacific 
Ocean. Farther and farther north, and higher and high- 
er the huge ripples of the Earth's crust rose, up and 
up, particularly on the west of the mountain region. The 
whole continent rose somewhat, and the great moun- 
tain range capped it all, reaching to the clouds. 

And when the Earth's crust heaved up into moun- 
tains, then as always, the boiling melted rock from be- 
low was hurled out in volcanoes, belching out smoke 
and ashes, flame and white-hot lava. The lava poured 
from the cup-like craters, and oozed, thick and slow- 


moving from slits in the mountain-sides. Not all at once, 
but through many years it happened, sometimes a great 
turmoil, sometimes a pause, but ever upward the moun- 
tains rose. 

And while the Rocky Mountains in North America 
heaved up, the Andes were born in South America. 
With wild volcanoes and flowing rivers of lava, in 
clouds of smoke and steam the Andes were born. 

Why did the forces push from the west? Some men 
think for one reason, some for another. A few men 
think the whole continent was moving westward and so 
the western edge crumpled up. Most men, however, 
think the Earth has been shrinking, throughout the 
years. The rocks on the sea-floor are heavier, so they 
sink first. That means when they sink they tear at and 
thrust against the edge of the continent. Whatever the 
reason, the great push that folded up the Rocky Moun- 
tains came from the west. 

"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice. 

"With a name like yours, you might be any shape almost." 
"They gave it me for an un-birthday present." 

Alice in Wonderland LEWIS CARROLL 


When plants and animals took to the land how they 
spread and changed ! 

Have you seen the Petrified Forest of Arizona? The 
tree trunks, turned to beautiful stone now, were alive at 
this time. They did not have the broad green leaves 
that we see on so many trees now. They were ever- 


greens with needle-like leaves. They probably stood 
high on timbered hills. And somehow or other when 
dead they were carried down into the valleys and low- 
lands. But there they all are, helter-skelter, in the weak 
muddy rocks, that may have been the mud of swampy 
lagoons. We find ferns, too, and some rushes, but none 
of the trees that shed their leaves in the autumn and 
burst out in fresh green in the spring again. When 
North America was mostly a high dry land a great 
many things died. Then came the great unrest when the 
Sierra Nevada Mountains were born. After that for a 
long time it was warmer. Slowly the forests spread 
again. This time, with the evergreens were new kinds 
of trees trees with flat green leaves, and tree-ferns. 
There are still tree-ferns in the West Indies. I saw 
some on Martinique Island. And there were gingkos 
with their two-part leaves. You remember gingkos still 
grow in Japan and China, and a few have been brought 
to North America. 

The forests slowly changed along both shores of the 
great sea that began in the Rocky Mountain trough, 
and broadened over the centre of the continent. In time 
many of our own trees appeared: magnolias, fig-trees, 
plane trees, and shrubs like the laurel and holly. There 
were still dark evergreens. There were grasses and 
mosses. And there were flowering plants, for the first 
time. The wild, barren, naked Earth was clothed, the 
mountains and hills covered with forest, and decked 
with flowers, and even the bare plains were softened 
with grasses. 

Think of those grasses and grains. They were food 
for beast and man. But there was not a man, yet I 


Lowly but Beautiful 

But the rocks of Middle Time, lying all across the 
continent where once washed the central sea, are full 
of the fossil shells and bones of the life of the sea. 

There were corals along the coast. At first they were 
quite different from those that live now. They, too, 
died during that cold spell. Of course, a few of them 
still lived in places where it was not so cold. When they 
came back later to North America, in the warmer part 
of Middle Time, they were very like our present corals. 

What are corals? Have you ever been in a glass-bot- 
tomed boat over a coral reef? Corals live in warm shal- 
low sea-water. When one dies the others grow on top 
of it. So they build up an island. 

Most of them have long delicate-looking branches. 
Delicate-looking ! Yes ! But trust them not in your bare 
feet I They are sharp. Look at them closely. They are 
covered with little holes, pores. Watch them. Out of 
those pores come tiny waving arms. Hundreds of little 
waving arms, all over the coral ! They are waving the 
water into the pores. For in the water is food. There 
are corals in the West Indies, and corals in the Pacific. 
There are corals in the Mediterranean and in the In- 
dian Ocean, and in practically all warm seas. 

There were many other sea creatures, crinoids, 
oysters, shrimps. Crabs began in these seas. Such a lot 
of things lived in these waters. Too many to write 
about ! Many of them still live there. Go down to the 
sea to learn what is there now. 


You remember the Nautilus Family which made its 
mark on Page Two ? Well they had some cousins which 


lived in these seas of Middle Time, the Proud Ammon- 
ite Family. 

The Ammonites grew and grew. A Proud Ammonite 
knew of nothing finer than himself, so instead of grow- 
ing straight ahead he coiled around and around him- 
self. He had a whole house of rooms. His outside room 
was large. He lived there. But break off the outside 
room and behold! A smaller room behind it! That is 
where he lived when he was smaller. Break the shell, 
room by room. There, right in the centre, is a tiny room 
where the Baby Ammonite first lived. He began with 
this one room. He ate so much that soon he grew too 
big for it. The shell would not stretch. So, from the 
lime in the water he carefully laid a floor over the 
smaller back part of his room and built it larger in 
front. Then he moved into it. He kept on growing. 
Soon the second room was too small. He built a third 
and moved in. He learned that trick from his ancestor 
the Nautilus. But, he could not just drop the first back 
rooms. They stuck to him. So he built all around them. 
He grew bigger and bigger and prouder and prouder. 
He built room after room, and over every room he 
built a floor. 

Now, the Ammonites, proud creatures, built fancy 
floors with many flutings. Nothing plain for them! 
Their ancestors and cousins, the Nautilus Family, built 
plain floors, but the Ammonites would have none of it! 
They really started quite humbly with a few ornamen- 
tal twists in the edge of the floors where they join the 
wall. But each Ammonite Family tried to do better than 
his neighbour, and succeeded. 

The Ammonites flourished in the beginning of Mid- 


die Time. Then during the desert time the Ammonites 
died off. Perhaps they had some enemies that ate them. 
Anyway, a great many of them died. 

Then it grew warmer again, and the warm weather 
trees and ferns spread all over the continents. Well, the 
few Ammonites that were left thought "This is our 
chance. " They grew and grew and spread all over 
again, wherever they could live. Then the Earth rose. 
The Rocky Mountains were born, the sea drew back. 
The Proud Ammonites died, all of them. There were 
none in the Time Just-Be fore-Now. There are none to- 

Reptiles and AH Their Relations 

What are reptiles? They are crawling things, mostly 
cold and clammy to touch lizards, alligators, snakes 
and turtles. They are cold-blooded and most of them 
lay eggs, rarely paying much attention to their young. 

But there was a time, during this Middle Time, 
when the Reptiles were the lords of the Earth. 


Lord of the Reptiles was the dinosaur, and all its 
cousins. The dinosaurs at the beginning of Middle Time 
were quite humble-minded, that is, compared with their 
great-grandchildren who lived close to the end of Mid- 
dle Time. Nevertheless, they were so lordly they stood 
on their hind legs, quite contrary to the usual custom 
of Reptiles. It is true their front legs were rather short, 
but they found they could run faster on two legs. Run 
they did, all over the land, over the mud flats where 
they left their footprints and their bones ! We find those 
footprints and those bones to-day. 


If you live in Connecticut, look for them. If you live 
in Wyoming or Alberta, look for the bones of their 
fierce great-grandchildren. 

The first mildly humble dinosaurs began to be crowd- 
ed out by their many fiercer children. There was Bron- 
tosaurus and his family. He was about 65 feet long. 
Not a pigmy he 1 Then there was the Diplodocus fam- 
ily, longer than their name, at least 80 feet long. Both 
of these huge beasts had tiny brains. There were others 
like them. Some of them ate leaves and other green 
things. They had teeth for grinding soft food. Some of 
them had the great sharp, curving teeth that were fash- 
ioned for tearing flesh. They ate living things, perhaps 
little mammals if they could catch them 1 

As they grew fiercer they became fewer in number. 
There was a great tyrant among them, the greatest 
flesh-eater that has ever been. He was called Tyran- 
nosaurus rex 'king of the tyrant reptiles'. 


There were dragons once, real dragons. For not con- 
tent with being lords of the land, the Reptiles decided 
to be lords of the air. Back of the small front legs they 
grew a leathery skin. They began to fly. Not a feather 
did they have. True dragons they were, ugly and fear- 
ful, and such clumsy fliers. When they came to Earth 
they walked like other Reptiles. 

We do not know what sounds they made, if any, be- 
cause sounds are not saved in the rocks. 

But they were different from the fabled dragons. 
They did not spit fire ! Fire belongs to Man. 

After many years the great clumsy dragons grew bet- 
ter, that is, more fitted to fly. They grew lighter, with 


smaller bodies and larger wings if you call them 
wings. Some, with a body as small as a goose, stretched 
20 to 25 feet from wing to wing if you call them 
wings. But their day, too, was drawing to a close. They 
died, all of them! 

Reptiles of the Sea 

There were reptiles in the sea. Fish-reptiles they are 
called, because their fore-legs changed into fins. They 
lived on fish. And I suspect very strongly, they ate a 
lot of the Proud Ammonites about which I told you. 

And the birds ? From where did they come ? In some 
very fine rocks laid in that inland sea which stretched 
across Southern Europe, are a few feathers, on two 
small skeletons. They are bird skeletons, the first birds 
known. They look more like reptiles than our birds do ! 
But think what you will ! There are the prints of the 
feathers. There are a few teeth on the beaks, for one 
head is there. The other head is lost. And there are 
claws on the wings, like the front feet of the dinosaurs, 
or the dragons. 

Are they reptile or bird? Since they had feathers 1 
think we may call them birds. 

There were a few sea-birds later. They, too, had 
teeth. But they had lost their wings, so they could not 
fly much. Penguins' wings have become paddles. They 
do not fly but they are birds. Gradually all birds lost 
their teeth, and became more like the birds we know. 

But from where did birds come? It almost looks as 
though the birds were related to the dragons, Most 
men think they were. The early birds had flat heads, and 
teeth on their beaks like reptiles. Their bones were 


much the same too. Both reptiles and birds lay eggs, 
and the young are born from them. 

But there is one great difference. Birds are warm- 
blooded and reptiles are cold-blooded. Because of this 
some men think birds did not come from reptiles. It 
would be a good thing to find some more skeletons of 
early birds. We might be able to be more certain one 
way or the other. 

The birds lived on, and became large and important 
in the Time Just-Before-Now. 


And then there were Mammals! Mammals are 
warm-blooded creatures that feed their young with 
milk, and all but the most lowly are born complete, 
though not yet grown up. We are very interested in 
them because Man is a Mammal. 

The grasses, cereals and fruits had come to stay on 
the Earth. And upon them the mammals thrived. But 
the mammals were just beginning at this time. They 
were simple, small, none of them bigger than a small 
dog. But their brains were big. Mammals were swift 
They had warm blood as we have. If your hands are 
cold, breathe on them. Your breath is warm because 
you are warm inside. Lie down beside your dog. He 
keeps you warm. Put your kitten on your knee. How 
warm it is ! But a fish is not warm. It is cold and clam- 
my. So is a snake or a lizard. But the Mammal is warm- 

The first tiny unimportant mammals appeared in 
Germany, England and South Africa, but there were 
not yet any in North America. They must have felt 
strange and afraid. Of course, they were not so differ- 


ent from the reptiles as mammals are now. We really 
do not know much about them. A few jaws with teeth 
and a skull are all that have been found. But do not 
despise them! These simple early mammals were to 
win out. In time mammals became the most important 
animals on the Earth. 

Did men live then? 

No, not even the first savage wild men. There was 
not one human being. But as time moved on from the 
beginning to the close of Middle Time we see how the 
Earth was being prepared. 

Then They Died 

This Middle Time was truly a time of great growth. 
The creatures in the sea grew and multiplied. But es- 
pecially on land, plants and animals grew and spread. 
For there was a time when there was no life on land. 
Both plants and animals grew from simple forms to 
higher forms. Many of the plants lived on into the Time 

But the animals! When the Rocky Mountains were 
born they died! Many of them! Never to come back 
again. The Proud Ammonites died! The dinosaurs 
died ! The great land turtles died ! I have not spoken of 
them, but there were some. The dragons died ! It was 
a time of dying! 

The Little Things Lived On 

But the birds lived on, and the swift cunning little 
mammals lived on. They could escape their more clumsy 
enemies. They could move quickly from place to place 
when the weather changed. They lived to become, in 
turn, the lords of creation in the Time Just-Before-Now. 



PAGE FOUR has a strange new rhythm, and is most in- 
teresting for another reason during it Man appeared. 

* * * 

The story on this page is not all written in solid rock. 
Much of it is found in the loose rock, such as clay, sand, 
and mud which we see lying about everywhere. Some of 
the things that happened Just-Before-Now are happen- 
ing now, but not all of them. 

This time began in quietness. So it is written on Page 
Four, the last page of the Composition, the Page that 
tells of the first man on Earth! 

During this quiet time all the mountains were being 
worn down by rivers, frost and wind. Great thicknesses 
of sediments from jthe worn-down high places were 



strewn over the lower lands. These were land sediments, 
dry, not cemented as they sometimes are in the ocean. 

But along the ocean shore the sediments were carried 
into the sea. And the seashore was not where it is now, 
but far inland. In California, where the Coast Range 
now stands were no mountains at all. No, even the 
land was deep under the sea, and many feet of mud 
were dropped upon it. That mud, raised up, is now the 
shale that holds the oil of California. 

In the east, during this quiet time the mountains, 
probably higher than the present Appalachians, were 
worn down more and more by the winds and rivers. 
They were almost beginning to look like plains, before 
the great restless Earth warped up again. 


And yet once again ! Just before Man came the Great 
Chords of the Rhythm were struck ! 

The whole world seemed to be just bursting out in 
volcanoes, belching out smoke, ashes and boiling lava. 
Of course, not really the whole world but so much of 
it that you can hardly think of the rest. 

In North America the mountains on the west were 
slowly rising higher and higher. There was a long line 
of belching volcanoes: Mount Shasta, Mount Hood, 
Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, and many others. Lassen 
Peak is still alive. The others are dead volcanoes now, 
but their sides are all built up with lava which poured 
out of them red-hot or white-hot. 

In the States of Washington and Oregon the lava 
poured over a great basin and filled it with lava, flow 
upon flow, until the Columbia Plateau was built up. The 
great ridge of the Sierra Nevadas rose higher and high- 


er, one great mass of crystalline rocks. And in the space 
between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevadas 
immense blocks of the Earth's crust dropped. Other 
blocks were pushed up. Now we call that area 'the 
Great Basin'. 

In the east the Appalachians were treated more gent- 
ly. They were warped up a little higher. Their streams 
began to flow faster and to wear them down again. 

But it was not only in the United States and Canada 
that volcanoes belched and mountains moved. In South 
America the Andes rose higher and higher. In Peru 
there was a great lava plateau built up just like the 
Columbia Plateau. And remember, the Andes are high- 
er than any mountain range in North America. 

And in Europe the Alps rose up and up. In Asia the 
Himalayas went up, up. And remember, the highest 
mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is in the Him- 

In all these great mountain ranges, and in many 
smaller ones were volcanoes belching out fire. 

Truly it seemed as if the Earth was on fire, and never 
quiet ! 

Which is greater a time when mountains are born, 
with belching volcanoes, and rising continents, or the 
quiet times when mountains are being worn down? 

It is a hard question. There is great noise and fire 
when mountains are born, but great things happen dur- 
ing the quiet times, too. The shifting of the sediments 
and of the weight of the Earth's crust during the quiet 
time may be one reason for the change which folds up 


But the greatest thing that happens in the quiet times 
is the growth and spread of life. 


Then a strange thing happened. It had happened be- 
fore in one small place of which we know on Page One, 
and then again over wide areas late in the time when 
Page Two was written. 

It grew cold, very cold. Do not ask why! I cannot 
tell you. Some men think one thing, some another. But 
no one is really sure, even yet. But fields, great fields 
of ice or glaciers covered the northern continents. 

Ice and snow, in some places a mile thick, covered 
the northern half of North America. This was the 
strange rhythm that weighed our land down. Strange ! 
The sea has come and gone many times, but only once 
before (the story is told on Page Two) did great 
sheets of ice cover large parts of the Earth. 

Greenland is mostly covered with ice now, and so 
is Antarctica. If you sail away to Greenland you can 
find only a few harbours along its shore and very little 
uncovered land beyond. Except for the narrow ice-free 
rim at the shore, this large island is still covered with 
a thick sheet of ice. Great ice-caps like this are called 
'continental glaciers'. Greenland and Antarctica are the 
only lands that have continental glaciers now. The other 
glaciers of the world are much smaller. They are really 
rivers of ice flowing out from ice-covered mountain- 

But once up in the north, not only Greenland was 
covered with ice, but the whole northern part of North 
America all of Canada and some of the northern 


States. Covered too, was the north of Europe and 

How do we know the ice in North America was a 
mile thick in some places ? Because there are mountains 
a mile high that were covered, and others higher were 
covered all but their tips. Their peaks stood like islands 
above the broad sea of ice and snow. 

And on these island peaks grew plants of colder cli- 
mates. Their brothers and cousins on the lower lands 
perished in the snow. Of course, plants grow in the 
north now. But they came up again from the south 
after the ice had gone, though not all our plants came 
from the south, for some of these true northerns still 
live on mountain-tops. 

There is another reason for knowing the peaks were 
not covered. The ice was very heavy. It was so heavy 
that some of it was squeezed out along the edges. As 
it moved over the hills it tore off all jutting, jagged rock 
edges, and all sharp pieces. The loosened, broken rocks 
became frozen in the ice, and moved on with it. Like 
great scrubbing brushes the ice with its rock rubble just 
scoured off the tops of all other mountains and left 
them rounded. So when we find a high, rough, jagged 
peak we know the ice never scrubbed that mountain 

Where the loosened rock pieces were frozen in the 
bottom of the ice, they were scraped along the ground. 
And did they scratch it! The ice-cap used the boulders 
like a huge slate-pencil. They wrote just exactly the 
direction in which the glaciers moved. The words are 
the scratches and grooves they made in the flat rock 
surface over which they slid. We can read them now. 


Sometimes scratching along the face of the Earth, 
or scrubbing off mountain-tops, the boulders in the ice 
were themselves crushed to bits, smaller and smaller, or 
even worn to powder. 

As the glaciers reached the valleys, or came farther 
south the weather became warmer. The ice melted. It 
rained, and melted more ice. But, after a long time it 
grew colder again. Snow fell instead of rain. The ice- 
cap grew thicker again and heavier. Its edges pushed 
southward again, covering up all that had happened 
during the warmer weather. 

What had happened in the warm spell? What be- 
came of all the boulders, large and small, the torn off 
mountain-tops ground to powdery earth what happen- 
ed to them when the ice melted? They just dropped 
where they were, higgledy-piggledy, big and little to- 
gether, with earth or coarse bits of rock between them. 
Then weather, winds and water got busy. Soil was made 
from these broken up mountain-tops. Some of the iron 
in the rocks rusted. Other changes took place. Once or 
twice the ice almost disappeared, then it grew colder 
again, and back came the ice for a long time. Several 
between-soils are found in Illinois, Wisconsin and other 
places. Plants grew. Near Toronto, in one of these 
between-soils there are tree branches, not north-country 
trees, but warm-weather trees. 

But when the ice finally all melted, think of all the 
water! Lakes and rivers! We find their beaches and 
shores now. In places the water sorted out some of the 
mixed-up piles of loose boulders, let free some of the 
sand, and carried the finer clays out into the many lakes, 
where it gradually sank to the bottom. We find the clay 


now, spread in layers over the country-side. The layers 
are called Varves\ from a Swedish word meaning rib- 
bon, because when cut, the thin layers are like ribbons. 

So, in large areas the ice-cap left the whole country- 
side covered with boulder hills, partly sorted in places, 
with varved lake-clays in places, with washed-out soils 
in places. None of it really belongs where it is. It came 
from farther north. But, nevertheless, there it is, in 
Canada and the Northern States. 

That, all that, is one strange thing that happened in 
the Time Just-Before-Now. 

And then in North America ! 

The sea came up over the fringes of the northern 
part of the continent. Over the edges of Europe and 
Asia too ! Not very much, but still it lay in spots and 
hollows where you never see it now. In North America 
it came away up the St. Lawrence and down into Lake 
Champlain. It left sea-beaches and sea-shells far up the 
Ottawa valley. 

Why did it come ? Because the continent had been 
weighted down by the ice and it took a little while to 
rise again. The ocean seized the chance to get another 
look far inland. 

And so, these are the things that took place on the 
Page Four of the Earth's history, Just-Before-Now. 


Among the plants w r ere some of the trees that shed 
their leaves for the winter. They grew and spread. And 
flowering plants, such as we know ! It was the beginning 
of the Earth as we know it now. 


In the Sea 

Some forms of all the animals that lived in the sea, 
still lived there. There were still tiny one-celled crea- 
tures. There were still sponges. There were still corals. 
There were still clam-like and snail-like forms, but they 
were very different from their great, great, many times 
great-grandparents. There were still fish, more of the 
kinds that we know now. 

And so you see, there were a great many animals dur- 
ing this Time Just-Before-Now. There were many others 
about which I have not spoken. Some of these animals 
lived on, and some died out. 

This last Page, Just-Before-Now, was the time when 
mammals, the wisest and cleverest group of all the 
creatures, first appeared in great numbers, and grew 
and spread all over the Earth. The time of this Page 
is sometimes called the 'Age of Mammals*. There had 
been a few primitive ones before, as you know. But now 
they grew stronger and wiser and swifter. Finally, the 
wisest of all Man appeared. Even he grew, and 
learned to live on almost all the lands of the Earth. 
But Man has much, very much to learn yet. 


There was the horse, one of Man's greatest friends. 
The kind of horse you know now is not like the first 
horse. Even the wild horses of to-day are smaller and 
tougher than our thoroughbreds. But these horses of 
the time of the glaciers and before were very strange. 

Look at a horse's hoof. A horse-shoe is fastened to 
his one large toe or foot bone. But this early horse was 
much smaller and he had three bones, Jike fingers or 


toes, one large one in the middle and two smaller ones, 
one at each side. Even before that there was an earlier 
horse that had four toes on his front feet and three on 
his hind feet. He was a wee little horse, just about as 
big as a fox-terrier, small and quick. He lived on leaves 
and tender shoots of trees in the forests. He had a lot 
of enemies, much bigger and stronger than himself, but 
they were not so wise as he. He used his intelligence and 
his swiftness to keep away from them. And this little 
horse grew and changed. 

And finally evolved the horse that we know to-day. 


And then came Man! Not in America at least, 
none of his bones have been found here. This first 
group of men possibly lived in southern Europe or Asia. 

* * * 

It is evening away off in Persia. A dark cave on a 
hillside! A man comes to the cave mouth. The setting 
sun falls upon him. He looks like no one you have ever 
seen before. He is short and thick. He has a wide nose, 
heavy eyebrows, a low forehead, almost no neck, short 
squat legs and large feet. He needs no clothes. He is 
covered with hair. In his hand he holds a bone, from 
which with his strong teeth he tears great chunks of 
meat and swallows them dow r n. His face is big-featured 
and, well brutal, that is, if we compare it with that of 
an ordinary man now. But compare it with that of the 
beasts around. It is more cunning. There is a dawning 

And he is more intelligent than the animals about 
him. He makes himself stone tools. He makes fire, 


though he sometimes eats his meat raw as you see. But 
he has learned that fire keeps him warm. In his caves 
are found traces of fires. This man has no bow and ar- 
row. He never saw one. He never even imagined one. 
And yet he is a hunter of hig game, bison, cave-bear, 
horse and reindeer. 

We know he was a big-game hunter because we find 
his bones with the bones of the big animals. And with 
the man's bones we find his simple stone tools. He was 
buried with them. 

The oldest skeletal remains have a skull which slopes 
back like that of living apes. There is not a real chin 
and the mouth and jaw project far out. 

Skeletons of ancient man have been found in several 
countries of Europe, Africa and in Asia: in Mesopo- 
tamia and in China. 

Why were these early men so different from us of 
to-day ? And why so ape-like in appearance ? 

Well, all life, no matter how lowly or how high, has 
slowly changed through the ages. And in that change, 
especially with the animals, bigger and better and 
stronger types have developed. They have learned bet- 
ter how to defend themselves from their enemies and 
how to live. Gradually changes took place in their bod- 

We human beings did not just happen. We are much 
more important than that, for we are a part of this 
great change. Our story began away back before the 
great Glacial Age. Our very distant ancestors in some 
ways looked like the gorillas and other apes now liv- 
ing, but they were more intelligent. Away back, long 
before that, all of us probably came from the same 


early form. Just what that was we do not know yet. 
Some day probably other skeletons will be found that 
will help solve the mystery. 

And is it not a much bigger thought that we are 
growing to something better and better, than to be just 
made, ready-made, like a piece of magic? We are part 
of a great development, a very important part. And 
development is law and order and growth. 

And so Man too, developed. He learned to use 
tools, to tame some of the animals. 

Did Boys and Girls Live Then? 

There were men. There were women, and of course 
boys and girls. Were they like us ? How did they live ? 
What did they eat and wear? What did they do? And 
where did they live? Of course, they did not live on 
the glaciers. They lived farther south where the ice- 
cold climate did not reach them. 

# # * 

Thousands of years have passed. 
* * * 

There, on the hillside, a skin tent is pitched. It stands 
alone. The flap is lifted and a boy comes out. He stands 
for a minute, his hand on the rope that pulls the tent 
flaps tight. The rope looks queer! It is not a rope ! It is 
all made of skin. 

The forest is different, too. That tree over there is 
strange. It is a lighter green, standing out against the 
dark evergreens. Its leaves are divided into two parts. 
They flutter in the breeze. It is a gingko tree. There 
are gingkos now in Japan. There are a few in the 
United States and in Canada. I have seen them, in 


Washington and in Ottawa, but they were brought 
there. They do not now grow of themselves in the 
North American forests. 

The boy stoops and picks up a bow. He takes some 
arrows from a pile. Each arrowhead is of delicately 
chipped stone. Some have a toothed edge. Some of the 
shafts have notches and ornaments down the sides. Per- 
haps these notches mean his father's name. Perhaps 
his father is chief of the tribe. 

The boy runs to a woman, and says something. I do 
not know the words. They are like no living language. 
But the woman understands. She lays down a long 
coarse leather sinew she uses for thread, and a bone 
awl with which she makes holes in the skin over her 
knees. She is making a crude garment for the boy. 
Proudly he puts it on, and hurries to the trees at the 
edge of the bush. 

All along the edge some wild wolf-like dogs are fas- 
tened far apart to keep them from tearing one another 
to pieces. For they are wild, and they are hungry. Their 
masters want them to be hungry because they will hunt 

Some women and naked children come along from 
the huts near the swamp. They all jabber together, 
words of the unknown tongue. The boy hands each dog- 
lead to a different woman. The dogs must still be kept 
apart. They pull, snarl and snap. But the women are 
sturdy and strong, and are able to hold them. 

Again the tent flap opens. A man comes out. He is 
tall and straight. His chin is strong, and he has a fine 
high forehead. He is almost like the men we know. He 
picks up a long, heavy spear, and strikes a blow at the 


howling dogs. He turns to the woman who was sewing 
and says some words in that unknown tongue. 

The men, women and children all jabber together, 
and shout at the dogs. They make a fearful noise. They 
seem to be angry but I do not suppose they are. 

They all need food. The rest of the men have gone 
to hunt for it. Perhaps they will rob another tribe if 
they do not find food, and if they find another tribe in 
this lonely country. And they might even eat their ene- 
mies if they cannot get food any other way. Who 
knows? They are savage people, but wiser, far wiser, 
than the animals about them. And a long time after 
their descendants became still wiser. They learned to 
live together, to study and learn, and to use the forces 
of nature, like the wind, and electricity and many other 
things. Even now in our day man has not yet finished 
his growth. 

But this boy and this man are living long ago. They 
go on through the bush, over plains with short grass. 
They see a monstrous woolly rhinoceros coming up 
from the edge of a river. He is too big and fierce for 
them alone. By signs which we would never see, per- 
haps by smell, they trace some of the other hunters, 
one by one. 

See ! The hunters have killed a great bear. There will 
be meat for all. They hide it safely and then turn back 
to stalk the rhinoceros. It is a fierce fight, the men have 
their arrows only. Two of the men are killed and 
trampled by the great beast, who like the men is fight- 
ing for its life. Two of the dogs are killed too, and an- 
other dies from wounds later. 

Some of the men go to a cache. (They do not call it 


that. I do not know their word. 'Cache' is a French-Ca- 
nadian word meaning a hidden store, usually of food). 
On the way they kill a great tiger with long upper teeth. 
Sabre-toothed tiger, men call him now, because he had 
teeth like a sabre. 

The hunters see him behind some trees near a clear- 
ing. With blood-reddened mouth he tears apart a small 
deer-like animal which has not been swift enough to es- 
cape him. The tiger is so greedy, or so hungry, that he 
does not see the men. He is on the wrong side of the 
wind. It is blowing their scent the other way. They see 
him soon enough to hold back the dogs. The men creep 
nearer. They almost miss him. The first man is so eager 
to get him he shoots too soon. Several arrows strike the 
tiger and then the wolf-dogs are let loose. It is a ter- 
rible fight. But they get him. The tiger's skin is badly 
torn, especially about the head. But there is still a good 
piece of it left. It will be used for clothes or something 

The hunters turn back to the village with their kill, 
back to the hungry tribe. There will be food. There will 
be warm furry skins. There will be more skin for tents. 

Now the boy and his father leave the .other hunters. 
They go on. They want to see more. Each leads a dog 
by a long thong fastened to his arm. They come out 
of the bush to a stretch of wilderness. Tufts of coarse 
grass grow around. They hear the quick sharp sound of 
many feet. Peering from behind a bush they watch a 
herd of wild horses. At a sound or a whiff on the wind 
the horses fling back their heads and fly in a dusty panic 
across the plain. Their sharp hoofs beat into the hard 
ground, horses with quick feet! 


Night comes on. The dogs are fastened well apart 
from one another. If any danger comes at night, the 
dogs will hear or smell it. With their arrows and their 
stone knives the man and boy just roll under a bush to 

In the morning the boy awakes suddenly. He hears 
a croaking sound. It is something new. He raises him- 
self stealthily on his elbow and peers out from under 
the bush. He sees a great vulture-like bird, not far from 
him. In a moment several clumsy birds fly along heavily 
near the ground. They slowly pass out of sight, some- 
times walking, helped along by their large wings, some- 
times flying awkwardly above the ground. The boy 
wonders "Why can birds stay up in the air?" He jumps 
up and tries himself to spring into the air from a little 
hillock. It is no use. He falls heavily to the ground. The 
movement wakens his father. 

What the boy says to the man in that strange lan- 
guage you can imagine. There were not many birds 
then, when the glaciers were slowly withdrawing to the 
north. So this was quite a sight. 

Together the man and boy tear up roots for break- 
fast. They taste good. It is much easier than hunting. 
Then they push on northward. They do not know they 
are going north. 

But they must be. At noon the sun casts their shad- 
ows that way. 

Farther and farther north they go. One day they 
hear a loud trumpeting. Not even the man has heard 
it before. They climb a tree and 'freeze', like all wild 
things. For they are wild, though they are men. They 
remain absolutely still. Down the slope and over the 


glade cornes a great animal, with long curving tusks and 
a huge trunk. He looks like an elephant but is larger. 
He is one of the great, great-grandfathers of elephants. 
He is covered with fur, like the rhinoceros they had 
helped to kill, weeks ago it seems now. They wait 
breathlessly. With its long trunk the great creature 
pulls up the coarse grass by the roots. It even reaches 
high in the trees and rips off the leaves. The man and 
boy climb higher. But the hairy mammoth, for that is 
what he is, lumbers on, eating as he goes. 

One day through the bushes they see a swiftly-moving 
animal, smaller than our deer, come over the scrub to 
drink at a near-by stream. He drinks, makes a peculiar 
grunt and then moves on. The man and the boy speak. 
I do not know what they call it because no one knows 
their words. But it was a kind of camel, though it had 
no hump, or only a very little one. For camels, too, once 
lived in North America. 

There were many other animals. There were giant 
sloths, and giant pigs, and many other creatures with 
queer names. Most of them are gone now. But the man 
and the boy could not see all there were. North Amer- 
ica is so large, and the animals did not all live in one 
part of it. 

In the late afternoon, weeks afterwards, they come 
to a rocky hilly country. Just at dusk they see a great, 
grey shadow lumbering around a point of rock and then 
disappear into a cave. It is a cave-bear. Now, the man 
and boy are hungry. They have eaten berries but the 
flat country with the roots is far behind. They have not 
been able to kill anything all day. The boy has never 
seen a bear like this before, but the man has. It is dan- 


gcrous, but they have no food, and bear meat is good. 

They tie the dogs far back above the cave, and look 
well to their bows and arrows. Then the man creeps 
down and with two pieces of flint starts a fire in front 
of the cave. 

No animal can build a fire. Animals are all very cur- 
ious about it, though. Did you ever watch a young cat 
in front of a grate fire, the first he has ever seen? He 
is terribly curious about the strange flickering of the 

So is the bear in the cave. Besides, the smoke chokes 
it. The bear comes out with two cubs. It ambles towards 
the flame. The cubs follow. Curiously they nose about 
it. The man and the boy wait behind boulders above. 
Then they loose their arrows. The arrows fly straight. 
They are good hunters. In a trice the cubs are killed but 
not the mother bear. Wounded and bleeding, enraged 
at the death of her cubs she charges up the hillside. 
Both bows twang as two more arrows fly and the man 
and the boy dodge behind boulders farther up. The 
man shoots another arrow through the bear's eye, just 
as she strikes at the boy. Her forepaw claws down the 
boys leg, but the bear falls dead. The man staunches 
the bleeding leg with leaves and what grass he can find. 
But the boy is helpless for days. 

Afterwards when the boy became a man himself he 
remembered the place with the roots good to eat, and 
the strange creatures that flew in the air. He and others 
with him came north and made this their home, at least 
for a time. 

* * * 

And as the glaciers drew back, the plants and trees, 


the animals and finally mankind moved farther and 
farther north. 

This is a true story. It happened in Europe and it 
happened in North America. I do not know the name 
of any of the men and women, boys or girls. But I 
know it is true. Mammoth bones have been found 
among the glacial gravels, in Europe and in America, 
and in burial places we find the bones of the men, and 
animals, bones and arrows with them. 

But, you say, "There are no tigers or elephants or 
camels or rhinoceros in North America." Not now, but 
there were. Their bones are found. And the tools of 
the man and the boy, and pictures they drew on the 
rocks. I have seen some of their pictures in Arizona. 
Many of the things they used are found in Mexico. 
Some day you can see for yourself. There are, also, 
many of their pictures in the caves of Europe. 

Those warm- weather animals left in America, the 
mammoths, elephants, camels and others, were killed 
when the final glaciers came down. Perhaps they starv- 
ed because there was so little food. We do not have 
sabre-toothed tigers now but we have lynx and bob-cat. 
Both belong to the tiger family. 

Just when man came to North America in the first 
place we do not know. Nor how he came. But most 
people think that he came here from Asia across 
Behring Sea to Alaska, and then down the continent, 
and thence spread from several centres over the eastern 
part, and along the northern coast. When the white 
men first came to North America they found the In- 
dians living here, and the Eskimo. But that was many 
thousands of years after the glaciers had melted away. 




HAVE YOU READ about the pirates of the Spanish 
Main? They were sea robbers, lying in wait for the 
Spanish ships from the New World ships laden with 
gold and silver and precious stones Treasure ! 

Do you belong to a club? If you do you have a pres- 
ident, a secretary and a 'treasurer'. The treasurer keeps 
account of all the money belonging to the club. 

Even a country, no matter how small or large it is, 
has its Treasurer' or Treasury Department'. In 
United States or in Canada, each state and each prov- 
ince has its 'State Treasurer' or its Treasury Depart- 
ment'. Each treasurer is in charge of the money spent 
by its Federal, State or Provincial Government. 

What do we mean by 'treasure* ? Of course you know. 
A 'treasure' is something precious, something valuable. 

What things are valuable ? 



To the pirate of the Spanish Main, the gold, silver 
and precious stones were valuable. But why were they 
valuable? He could wear a few diamonds and rubies, 
or gold rings in his ears, but only a few. No, these 
things were not valuable to him just because he wanted 
to have them, but because he could sell them and get 
the things he wanted. Maybe he wanted to buy ships, 
maybe adventures, maybe he wanted power, maybe 
fine clothes. 

The treasurer of a club or of a country takes charge 
of the money belonging to the club or to the country. 
But the money is not valuable in itself, but for the things 
it can buy. It may be sheets of music, if it be a music 
club, or rolls of film if it be a camera club. If it be a 
science club the money may be used to carry on some 
great experiment that will help all the country or all 
the world. The money belonging to a country may be 
used for roads, or hospitals, or education. These are 
the things that make our lives comfortable and happy. 

What are the treasures of the Earth? For the most 
part they are common, everyday things. Some of them 
we have without trouble, without thought. One way to 
understand how important they are to us is to think of 
doing without them. 

What would you do if the sun never shone? Could 
you grow food? You could not get along without sun- 

What would you do without water? You would soon 
die. Many people have died because they could not get 


The sun shines and we do not have to do anything 
about it. But someone before us has worked hard that 
we might have water, from a tap, or from a pump. 

What would you do without well, nails or screws ? 
They are very common, not beautiful! But just think 
of all the ways nails and screws are used. It would not 
be very easy to do without them. 

What would you do without well, mud? The com- 
mon soil in which we grow our food! You could not 
have a garden or farm without soil. 

So many common things are treasures! And these 
are the things we really need in life, not the stones that 
glitter. The stones are beautiful and we all want beauti- 
ful things. But first we need the treasures that make us 
comfortable and happy so that we can enjoy the beauti- 
ful things. 

Our Earth is full of treasures. Some are free, like 
the sunshine. But for most of them we must work. 
There are very many treasures in the Earth. I will tell 
you of only a few. Some are so common we hardly re- 
member they are treasures. But they are, and if we had 
to do without them we would feel very sorry for our- 



To gild refined gold, to paint the lily 

or to add another hue 

Unto the rainbow 


NEARLY EVERYONE has seen gold, and many people 
have something made of gold. 

Do you have a fountain-pen? If you have, look at 
the nib. It is gold. Someone in your home may have a 
gold watch, or a gold ring, or a locket. Sometimes we 
read of very wealthy Indian princes eating from gold 
plates. It sounds like the Arabian Nights. But, there 
really are gold plates and they do not all belong to In- 
dian princes. 

Gold, pure gold, is yellow like sunshine. It does not 
change colour. It does not tarnish. Neither acids in the 



air nor in water change it. That is one reason it is so 
valuable. But there are some chemicals that will dis- 
solve it, given time, a long, very long time. Fortunate- 
ly they are not often found together. Gold will wear 
off but not rust off. Pure gold lasts almost forever. 

Gold is really quite soft. You can hammer it flat 
Sometimes churches have parts of the ceiling and pil- 
lars covered with gold hammered thin. I have seen one 
in Peru. Gold-leaf, men call it. But most of the gold we 
use is not pure. Pure gold is too soft to be useful. It 
has to be mixed with other things to harden it. When 
your grandfather was a boy and long before that, gold 
was mixed with copper. It was reddish-yellow in colour. 
We call it old gold. Now, gold is usually mixed with a 
little silver, making it a cold, clear colour white gold. 


All the world seems to be struggling for gold. 

Yet on an island in the far north, in a desert, or in 
any other lonely place gold is of no use. On a desert 
island you want a fish-hook, a rifle, water or fruit. You 
probably could not live very long without them. But 
you could get along there without any trouble if you 
did not have gold at all. 

Why do we struggle for gold then? How do we 
use it? 

It is beautiful, so we use it for its beauty for the 
watches and rings and lockets of which I have spoken. 
There are many more very beautiful ornaments and 
useful things like bowls or vases, too many to write 

We use gold for other things. It is used for mending 
teeth. Even if you do not have a gold watch or ring or 

GOLD 167 

locket, you see people almost every day with gold in 
their teeth. Why is it used there ? Because acids in the 
mouth do not dissolve or tarnish it. Pure gold lasts long- 
er than almost anything else. There are many other 
ways too in which gold is used because of its purity. 

But none of these is the reason the world struggles 
for gold. 

It is scarce. It is hard to find. It costs effort, time, 
money. Men suffer and sometimes die to get it. Why? 

Most boys and girls in North America have played 
'Indian' at some time or other. When all dressed up in 
your feathers you may want to get something from an- 
other Indian, a friendly Indian. You do not want to 
fight him for it. You want to buy from him. Indians did 
not have money like ours. So you have no money when 
you play Indian. What are you going to use for money? 
You use what the Indians call 'wampum'. It may be a 
string of shells. You cut off a piece of wampum when 
you want to buy something; a little bit for something 
cheap, like a wife; a long bit for something very valu- 
able, like a tomahawk. 

When the white man first came to North America he 
had money, but he could not use it to buy from the In- 
dians. They did not want it because they did not under- 
stand it. They used the wampum for trade. The white 
man did not have wampum. But he did have something 
the Indians liked and wanted. He had bright beads, and 
guns, and small glittering trinkets. The Indians liked 
the bright beads, especially for their moccasins and 
belts when they dressed up for war dances. 

Some of the peoples of Africa and Asia still use cow- 
rie shells for money. 


These different kinds of money are all very well if 
the trading is just in the tribe, or with others using 
wampum or cowrie shells. But if people move around 
and sell things from one country to another they have 
to find something that the people in other countries 
value. So gradually gold came into use for buying 
things, and became money. 

Did you ever see gold money? Probably not many of 
you have done so. You cannot get it now, even at a 
bank. But it is there just the same. Sometimes when 
most of the gold in the world is moved into one coun- 
try, other countries say it is of no use to them so they 
do not use it for money any more. They begin trading 
as boys trade. "I will give you a jack-knife for so many 
marbles, " or, "I will give you so much of my wheat 
for your Shipload of cloth." We say those countries 
have gone off the 4 gold standard'. 

The question is a big one. Why use gold that you 
never see, for money? Some people think it should be 
used and others that it should not. But this is not the 
place to study that matter. What we want to know is, 
some of the uses of gold. And money is one of them. 


If gold is so very important, we should know some- 
thing about where it is found. Gold is found in the 
rocks in the Earth, and for centuries men have been tak- 
ing it out of the rocks. 

Let us go down into a gold mine to see how they get 
it out. 

First we go into a huge shed. Why is this, we won- 
der? Because there is a great deal of machinery that 

GOLD 169 

must be protected from the weather. There is the top 
of the elevators and shafts, and the electric dynamos 
that pump air into the mines and keep the lights going 
away down below the surface. 

This is a big room, isn't it? and rather dark. We 
must go over to that smaller room at the side. Well 
get rubber coats, rubber boots, and helmets there. We'll 
need them because it is wet in the mine and not very 
clean. There will be crushed rock and dripping water, 
which do make a mess. 

What a funny elevator ! Wooden slats on the sides to 
keep us in ! How do you like going down into a hole in 
the earth ? We won't be taken right to the bottom, be- 
cause this mine goes down very far into the Earth. 
More than a mile ! Think of a mile along the ground, 
of a house that is a mile away from yours. Now think 
of how deep is a hole a mile down. A long way, is it 

But we will only go down part of the way, perhaps 
half a mile. That is deep enough to see what is done 
in a gold mine. 

The elevator has stopped. The slat door opens. 
Don't stand up too high, or feel too proud of yourself 
because you are down half a mile in the earth in a gold 
mine. You are sure to bump your head if you do. 

Here is a long tunnel with other tunnels branching 
off from it. It is low and pretty narrow, and crowded 
along the tunnel floor on one side is a narrow, rather 
shaky track for the mine cars. 

We don't need to be afraid of rocks falling on us 
from the low ceiling, because it has been cemented over. 


This has been done for the safety of the miners, and 
of course for the safety of the visitors too. 

The lights are a bit dim. But our eyes will get used 
to this half-darkness soon. -There are some irregular 
shoulders of rock jutting out that hide some of the 
lights and make long irregular shadows. 

You can see the miners further along in the tunnel. 
They are shovelling broken rock into little cars that 
look like glorified wheelbarrows. See how the cars are 
wobbling along the narrow track. Flatten yourself 
against the side of the tunnel so that they can pass, be- 
cause the track is very near the wall. 

Let us follow behind the line of cars. It is rough 
walking, with the water sludging up between the ties, 
and the loose chunks of rock that have fallen from the 
cars. I am glad we have rubber clothing. There is wa- 
ter dripping everywhere from the uncovered parts of 
the roof and sides of the tunnel. It reflects the lights 
and adds to the shadow confusion. 

The tunnel is widening into a gallery. It is almost 
a room. There are several miners here. The cars have 
stopped. The rock is being dumped into a big hole. 

Come over to this side and look down into the hole. 
See those two steel plates with great rows of steel teeth 
all across the flattened surface. They are moving back 
and forth. They rub against one another, crushing the 
rocks in between. The motion is almost like rolling 
something between your hands. But the toothed plates 
chew up the rocks. The crushed rock material falls on to 
a carrier below which takes it to a shaft and up to a mill. 

Now let us go back to the elevator and up to the 
mill to see what happens to the crushed rock. 

GOLD 171 

It is good to be up in the daylight again. First, let us 
take off our rubber things. They are so hot. The mill 
is above ground, so we do not need the rubber clothes. 

What a terrific noise the machinery makes here ! We 
cannot hear ourselves speak. 

First, we will go over there where the crushed rock 
enters the building. There is a revolving mill. Revolv- 
ing is not quite the right word, because it is not going 
round and round, but turning this way and that. 

The rock is crushed pretty fine in the mill. Now it 
moves on down into a great boiler-like crusher, that 
is filled with steel balls of all sizes from a golf ball to a 
tennis ball. The rock is whirled around and around, and 
ground finer and finer until it is just a powder. Then it 
is passed through a fine screen or sieve. There are 200 
wires to an inch in that sieve. Very fine indeed ! 

The next thing that happens is a bit difficult to under- 
stand. You really need to know a little chemistry. The 
rock powder is mixed with water and a chemical called 
cyanide of potash, and is passed down through a row 
of rubber-faced discs. The gold solution gets inside the 
discs but the fine powdered rock sticks to the rubber. 
Then air is pumped into the discs. The rubber-facing 
puffs out and out like the cheeks of old King Cole. 
The cheeks puff out so much they touch a scraper near- 
by, which rubs off the rock powder. It falls into water 
and is carried down into a ditch. This thrown-out rock 
powder looks like grey goo, and is called failings'. You 
can see it in great ponds near mining places. 

The gold-bearing liquid is cleaned out of the discs. 
The gold is then separated from the water. 

Where does the gold go then? It is taken into an- 


other building and the few impurities left are taken 
from it. Now it is pure gold, and is melted into a brick 
a gold brick which is very heavy ! 

Then it may be sent to a mint, where it is made into 
money, or it may be just weighed and valued, There is 
a mint in Washington, and there is a Royal Mint at 
Ottawa. There is a Royal Mint in London, England, 
too, and in other world capitals. 


Did you see any gold in that dark rock down in the 
mine? I did not, and probably you did not either. 
Where is it, then? 

Usually it is in such fine particles that you cannot see 
it. But there it is all the same. Generally it is in tiny 
flecks in veins of hard white quartz rock. The quartz 
vein may be wide and clear, or it may be just a thin 
streak criss-crossing another rock. Sometimes gold is 
found in detached, pebble-like blebs of all sizes that 
are mixed in with gravel. 

But how did it get there ? 

In the first place gold comes from great depths where 
the heat is so great the rock is melted. In this great heat 
all or nearly all the water in the rocks becomes steam. 
In the steam-vapours are other gases, and even dissolv- 
ed minerals. Some men believe even gold may be there 
in solution in the steam. For gold, as we read before, 
will dissolve in some things with time and a high tem- 
perature. Other men believe the gold is dissolved in 
water that has not turned to steam. There are minute 
quantities of gold even in sea-water now. 

GOLD 173 

But how does the gold get up near the surface where 
the miners can reach it? 

Melted Masses 

Do you remember what happens when mountains are 
born? The surface of the Earth heaves up. The space 
beneath is filled with melted rock which is welling up 
slowly. And, in some places, there is gold in these great 
masses of melted rock. As the rock slowly rises it cools, 
becomes stiff and finally is hard and crystalline. As I 
explained before (page 11) many minerals are in crys- 
tals because of the slowness of the cooling of the hot 
melted rock beneath the surface. There may be a great 
dome-shaped mass of rock lying, perhaps hundreds of 
feet, below the surface. It has bowed up the rock above 
it into a mountain range. Above it through the centuries 
the wind, rain, ice and rivers wear down the mountain- 
sides. Some is worn off here, some there. Patches of the 
dome of slowly-cooled rock are laid bare, like spots of 
grass on the hillside when spring is wearing off the snow 
and ice. And there in it, in places, is the gold. 

Fault Faces 

When mountains are heaved up the sides cannot al- 
ways stand the strain of pushing. Sometimes cracks are 
made in the rocks and one side is shoved up over the 
other. The hot melted rock pressing up from below 
pushes into the lower end of those great breaks, steals 
along the face of the fallen blocks and in and out of 
any hole or slit it may find. And in front of it, the melt- 
ed rock pushes the vapours and gases, some of which 
may have gold, or the water bearing the gold solutions is 
thrust upward by the expanding gases and vapours. 


These great broken rock faces are called 'faults', and 
gold is found in some places along them. 

Dikes and Veins 

And everywhere along these great breaks are smaller 
cracks. The strain of mountain-building is felt for miles 
on either side. Not all the rock will break, but much of 
it may crack. The cracks close or widen with the moun- 
tain movement. They may be several feet across or less 
than an inch. And into these cracks, too, a thin stream 
of the boiling rock will push, thrust up from below. 

The stream of melted rock becomes a thin rivulet. 
The vapour becomes a mere wisp, or the water a thin 
sheet. The rock is cooled more quickly now because it 
is a narrow vein. It stiffens. The vapour wisps and wa- 
ter are cooler too. The rock finally hardens. There may 
be gold in it, and quartz too, for quartz, like the gold, 
is likely to be in the vapour or water solutions. Melted 
rock that cools in cracks like this is called a Vein' or 
'dike 1 . 


In places the gold and quartz-laden vapours and wa- 
ter moving along in front of the melted rock find a thin 
slaty bed. They press their way in along the surface of 
the bed. They made a thin sheet of rock. When they 
cool, quartz and gold may be found there too. 

It is very difficult to know why the quartz and gold 
choose one bed instead of another. But it has been no- 
ticed that very often the gold is found in beds of slaty 

The gold-bearing rock whether it fills in cracks or is 
in sheets, like the large masses of melted rock, may 

GOLD 175 

cool far below the Earth's surface. But after many 
thousands of years, the surface is worn away, and these 
rocks, too, are laid bare with their rock-filled cracks 
and gold-filled slates. 

Very often the filling in the crack is harder than the 
rock itself. The weaker rock on the sides of the crack 
wears, leaving the solid crack standing up like a ridge. 


Gold is sometimes brought to the surface too when 
melted rock is hurled from volcanoes. Volcanoes long 
ago threw out small quantities of gold, and living vol- 
canoes are still throwing out some. 


But gold is not always found buried in the hard rock. 
Sometimes it is found loose in gravel along streams and 
other places. How did it get there? Well, the winds, 
frost and rivers may wear down a mountain-side which 
is crossed and re-crossed by great breaks, or by gold- 
bearing veins. The ice cracks off great boulders. The 
river at the foot of the mountain helps to break up the 
boulders into smaller pieces. Parts of the rock are dis- 
solved and soon the big boulders become little bould- 
ers. They are rolled down the river-bed, becoming 
smaller and smaller, until they are just gravel. The 
boulders with the gold that was once on the mountain- 
side gradually becomes separated from the rock that 
holds it. Most waters do not have the chemicals which 
help to dissolve gold. So the gold remains mixed in with 
the rock pebbles. And they all roll downstream together. 
But gold is heavier than most other rocks and drops 


sooner. The pebbles of gold in the river gravels are 
called 'nuggets'. 

The great gold rush to California and later to the 
Klondike in northern Canada was for pebble gold, or 
'placer' gold as it is called. There is a lot of it in South 
America, too, in Peru and in other places. 

When people with little training go out to look for 
gold, they are called prospectors'. They may be untrain- 
ed but they learn a lot just by trying. The first prospec- 
tors at a placer stream 'pan' the gold. They dip up a 
panful of the gravel and water. They shake it and 
shake it, letting the small stones on top fly over the 
edge of the pan. The heavy gold pebbles are finally left 
together in the bottom and can be picked out. 

There is gold in gravels in northern Canada and 
Alaska. But the gravels are all frozen together for 
many feet below the surface. They are melted with 
great streams of water. The gravels are scooped up 
then by machinery and ground up into fine bits. Then 
they are put through great water sluices where the finer 
crushed rock is carried off, and the gold recovered. 

Gold May Be in Water 

Men once thought that gold could not be dissolved, 
because acids would not 'eat' it. But now it has been 
found that it can be dissolved when certain other ele- 
ments are present. It takes a long time. But gold is dis- 
solved and is carried away in water. Not all water con- 
tains gold, not even the ocean has enough to 'drop' it 
in any quantity. 

But, if there is too much gold and other minerals 
for the water to hold, even when dissolved, some of 

GOLD 177 

the gold may 'settle' out. And there is the gold, some- 
times in the most unexpected places. 

But of course this gold, too, first came from great 
depths in the Earth. 


Most of the gold in the world is found in the very 
old strong rocks that were shifted and tossed, melted 
and perhaps remelted. It may be as old as the beginning 
of the world so far as we know. 

But there is some gold in the younger rocks too, in 
Olden Time, and indeed in Just-Before-Now-Time. For 
always when mountains are born rocks are cracked in 
many places. And water and vapours carrying gold and 
quartz and other things fill in the cracks. These are 
veins and dikes that I have told you about before. 

In Australia there are gold-bearing veins in rocks 
which were laid down during the time the trilobites 
flourished and grew prosperous. That is much later than 
the gold-bearing rocks of the Canadian Shield where 
the very old strong rocks are. 

The Rocky Mountains and the Andes, you remember, 
are quite young for mountains. They, too, have gold 
but it was formed many millions of years after the gold 
in the time of the Australian trilobites. 

And, of course, as we have told you gold is being 
separated from the rocks all the time, and is found in 

Add It All Up 

So, you see, gold may be found in rocks formed at 
any time from the beginning of the Earth until now. 



It is very important that we know where to look for 
gold. Not everybody can find it. But if we know a little 
about how it was formed we know better where to look 
for it. 

Since gold comes up from great depths one place to 
look for it, we have found, is where there has been 
mountain-building. That is, the places on the Earth 
where mountains now stand, or where there are the 
roots of ancient mountains. 

North America 

There is much gold found in North America. On the 
great Canadian Shield it occurs across the north of 
Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, where the long-ago 
mountains are worn down. It is found along the dikes 
and veins that poured into the cracks when the rocks 
were crushed into mountains. A little of it occurs in 
Michigan and Minnesota, in the very southern part of 
the Great Shield. 

In the east some gold is found in Nova Scotia, and 
in the Appalachian Mountains, right down into Alaba- 
ma. There is not nearly as much, though, as up on the 
Canadian Shield. This gold in Eastern United States is 
found in rocks of different ages. You remember the 
Appalachians were pushed and twisted several times. 
Each time melted rock welled up from below and the 
gold-bearing solutions and vapours were thrust up 
through the fissures. In Nova Scotia, the gold is in the 
rocks of Page One, and also at the beginning of Olden 
Time, Page Two. But farther south the gold vapours 
and solutions pushed through much later. Some of them 
came when there were ice fields near the Equator. 

GOLD 179 

Gold is found along the Pacific coast. The Coast 
Range here was raised up from Behring Straits all the 
way south to Lower California. 

In many places along the sides of the pushed-up 
rocks in Alaska, in Yukon Territory, in British Colum- 
bia, and in California gold is found. It is also found in 
the Sierra Nevada Mountains in northern California. 
The gold, then, in these rocks is many millions of years 
younger than that in the Canadian Shield. It came dur- 
ing Middle Time. 

And then gold is found farther east in the Rocky 
Mountains of British Columbia, Idaho and Montana, 
and all down the mountain range to Mexico. In Mon- 
tana it is in the ancient rocks that were once laid in the 
Rocky Mountain trough. It welled up from below and 
pushed into them when the rocks in the trough were 
raised to mountains in Middle Time. The gold farther 
south is mostly in the younger rocks that were made in 

South America 

And gold is found in South America, too, in many 
places all along the Andes. You remember the stories 
of the Spanish treasure brought from America. 


But the greatest gold country of the world is the 
Rand, in South Africa, where the rocks are strongly 
folded, crushed and twisted. 

And Other Countries 

Gold is found in Europe, too, in Australia, in Russia, 
India, China, Japan. Indeed, there are few countries 
in which no gold at all has been found. 


And so gold is one of the treasures in the Earth's 
great storehouse. It has been brought up to us when 
the rocks were being crushed and pushed about. When 
the Earth's crust was being torn asunder the precious 
gold came up. 



WHERE DID THE WORD 'copper' come from? The 
Romans got the copper they used, and they used a lot 
of it, from the island of Cyprus. So they called the 
metal 'cyprium'. Look at your maps again. (1 hope you 
have not put them away.) Cyprus is an island in the 
eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Later the word 
was shortened to 'cyprum'. Then a long time after it 
was spelled differently and written 'cuprum'. From that 
grew our word 'copper'. In France the word grew into 
'cuivre', and in Germany it became 'Kupfer'. 


Like Red Gold 

Try to get a new cent or penny from the bank. Look 
at it. Put it beside a piece of gold, a ring or watch. It 
is redder than the gold, isn't it, a warmer colour? I 
hope you have a copper kettle in your house. Long ago 
there were copper pots in every kitchen. I remember an 
old grey-green copper pot which stood on three legs. 
It was supposed to be old-fashioned when I was a child, 
and so was kept out in the woodshed. Copper pots are 
no longer old-fashioned. They are prized now. But they 
are not used for cooking. They are polished bright 
enough for a mirror, and stand glowing in a place of 
honour, holding the biggest fern possible. 

When it is polished bright as a mirror pure copper 



is redder than gold. But things can happen to its colour. 
Is there a copper roof in your village or city? Look at 
some church, or library, or city hall, a big building. You 
may find a copper roof. Copper can be hammered or 
moulded into sheets. And as sheets it is used to cover 

But maybe you cannot tell whether it is copper ! 

For you should not look for a reddish, copper-col- 
oured roof, but a bright green roof, a regular sea-green 
one. If it is dry copper stays copper-coloured. But out- 
of-doors where it is rained upon, copper turns green. 
A green roof capping a light stone building is beautiful 
against a blue sky. 

Throw some copper scraps, a bit of copper wire will 
do, into a hot grate fire. Watch the flame turn green. 

Copper alone, then, is a red-gold colour, but when 
dampened or burned it becomes green. 

Copper Is Soft 

Copper, like gold, is soft. It can be heated and pulled 
out into wire, so thin you think it will break. But 
although soft, it is strong and will not break easily. 
Look at the telegraph and telephone wires. Sometimes 
they shine in the sun. Did you ever see telephone men 
unrolling great spools of wire, stringing it up on poles 
or pushing it through underground conduits? Watch 
them next time. It is copper wire. Or, better still, if you 
do not want to wait until new wires are being put up, 
unfasten the wire ends of an electric plug. Copper wire 
again!, It is one of the best materials to conduct the 
electric current. 

You know yourself that copper is soft. That is why 
you can work with it in your manual training class. It 


bends. You can hammer it into whatever shape you 


Pure copper is soft! But, sometimes we want to use 
it, and have it strong and firm. Then it has to be mixed 
with something else. When two metals are fused or 
heated and mixed together the mixture is called an 'al- 
loy*. That just means it is not pure. But like the stiffen- 
ed copper it may be stronger and much more useful 
than either metal by itself. 


Copper and zinc fused or melted together make 
brass. Think of all the things that are made of brass. 
Look at your brass buttons! Hear that band coming 
down the street! It is a brass band. Most of its instru- 
ments are made of brass. They give out clear, pure 
notes. Brass is yellower than copper, more like gold 
in colour. 


Copper and tin mixed make bronze. Next time you 
are walking in a park look at some of the statues of 
great men. They are a dark brown. Touch them. See 
how smooth they are. They are bronze. Why is bronze 
used? Because the rains do not change it. We are so 
used to the word bronze meaning brown colour that 
we often say 'bronzed by the sun* when we mean tanned. 

We really use more brass and bronze than we do 
pure copper. Think of all the copper, brass, and bronze 
things you know. Count them. See how many are cop- 
per, or brass, or bronze. 



You know many ways in which we use copper now. 
You have counted them. But the use of copper is no 
discovery of ours. It was made into many things long 

One day more than eighty years ago, far away in 
the Central Provinces of India, some shepherd boys 
were crossing the country with their cattle, probably 
driving them from one green spot to another. They 
were crossing a bit of waste land. One boy saw some- 
thing queer half-buried in the earth. The boys all ran 
to it. It had a very odd shape. They brought it back 
to their master. It was a bit of an old copper tool. 

The English governor of the area knew that some- 
thing unusual had been found. So the place where the 
copper tool was found was set apart to be studied. Men 
who study about old tools began to dig there. In one 
place, about three feet long and three feet wide and 
four feet deep, they found 424 copper tools and wea- 
pons and 102 pieces of thin silver plates. They were 
all of very odd shapes, not like tools used now at all. 
It was very clear that at one time long ago many things 
were made of copper. Perhaps this was a storehouse of 
someone who sold them. Who knows ? 

How Long Has It Been Used? 

The story of the use of copper is very old. You re- 
member we learned that primitive men lived in caves, 
and that the things that are found in these caves now 
show how those early people lived? The oldest tools 
known were made of stone : stone knives and roughly- 
shaped tools of various kinds. Later men became more 
skilful and learned about copper. Not only did they 


learn to use it but they learned to mix it with zinc to 
make it stronger. They made so many tools of the two 
fused together that now we speak of those people as 
the men of the 'Bronze Age'. So copper has been used 
for a long, long time. 

In India there was a copper statue of Buddha, more 
than seven feet high. It is now in England. A well- 
known Chinese traveller in India, Hiyuen-Tsang, says 
he once saw another great copper statue of Buddha 
more than eighty feet high, in a small village. From the 
workmanship he thought it was made about 1,200 years 
ago. It cannot be found now. 

I hope you have your map. Look at Burma. There 
is a great brass bell there, the second largest bell in use 
in the world. It is sixteen feet across. It is so deep that 
if three men stand on one another's shoulders the top 
man can hardly touch the top of the bell. 

So, copper, brass and bronze were used long, long 

When the early explorers went up the rivers and 
across the forests in New York State, and the Atlantic 
States, and in Canada, they found the Indians had cop- 
per ornaments and copper tools. In the east the copper 
was mainly used in the ornaments. As the explorers 
went farther west and north they found fewer orna- 
ments and more tools. It seemed that copper was more 
common. The nearer they came to Michigan and Wis- 
consin the more it was used for everyday things. After 
some time they found where the Indians got their cop- 
per. It was near Lake Superior in the Keweenaw penin- 
sula. This is still an important centre for the copper 
supply in North America. This great copper country 


stretches north into Canada, and south into Michigan. 
There is more copper in Michigan than in Canada. 

The early explorers even found pits with charcoal 
and wooden bowls. The Indians broke the copper-bear- 
ing rocks by heating them and pouring cold water over 
the hot rock to make it crack. There were great ham- 
mers for pounding it loose. 


Copper is one of the treasures in the Earth's store- 
house. It is stored in many places. Some is found in 
some soils, not much of it, but it is there. It is found in 
some mineral waters. It has even been discovered in 
seaweed. A tiny bit occurs in cheese, eggs, hay, meat 
and other foodstuffs, especially liver and kidneys. But, 
of course, none of these is a good place to get it. The 
amounts are too small. 

Most copper is found in rocks. In fact, it is the only 
metal that occurs free, by itself, in large amounts. You 
remember when talking of 'igneous' rocks we learned 
that each mineral has its own shape of crystal. Well, 
the copper crystal is a cube, the same size up, across and 
through. It is often flattened, though, and sometimes 
the crystal edges are not sharp like the cube but are 
rounded off. But a great deal of copper is not in crys- 
tals. Some of it is found woven through the rock like 
fine threads, twisted in and out of cracks, or in moss- 
like masses. In some places it is found with silver. Or, 
it may not be free at all, but united with some other 
mineral or chemicals, so that it looks quite different. No 
matter with what it is united, it always burns with a 
beautiful green colour, or sometimes when cold it has 
a group of colours, like the 'eye' of a peacock's tail. 


How Do We Get It Out? 

When copper is free it is easy to get it out. There are 
some copper mines that do not look like mines at all. 
The copper is near the surface and the rain and the 
air have just rotted away the material in which it lies. 
Because the copper beds are at the surface, the miners 
just dig away the hillside. A lot of the copper occurs 
like this in Arizona and Utah. There is a big copper 
mine in the hillside at Salt Lake City, all above ground. 
Of course, there are some other impurities in it that 
have to be separated from it. 

When copper is bound up tightly with some other 
metals or minerals it is another story. It has to be 
'smelted'. That means a lot of things have to be done 
to it to break it out from the rock and to make it clean, 
pure copper, so that it can be used. There are three 
ways of cleaning it: the 'dry* way, the 'wet* way, and 
by electricity. 

The 'dry* way is used for rock that has a lot of cop- 
per in it. It is roasted, usually with coke. And some of 
the impurities are separated from it. But not all, not 
iron. Then it is mixed with some other things. This is 
chemistry again. When you are old enough to study 
chemistry, you will learn what these othef things are. 
However, when it is all melted the iron that has been 
tightly bound up with the copper leaves it, and joins the 
other mixture. So the copper can be taken off purer 
still. It is nearly pure now, but not quite. It is white, at 
this stage, called 'white metal'. It is roasted again and 
other impurities run off. Now the copper is pure! 

Different kinds of roasting furnaces are used in dif- 
ferent countries. Some of them are shaken so that the 


heavier minerals will drop more quickly to the bottom. 
Some of them are made hotter by blowing or 'blasting'. 
But whichever kind of furnace is used the copper is 
made pure by the roasting. 

Then there is the Vet' way. It is used for rock which 
does not have much copper. It is really chemistry and 
a little hard to understand yet. The rock is crushed 
and put into a mixture that dissolves it. Do you remem- 
ber salt will just drop from the water in a glass when 
the water can hold no more ? Well, water, or any other 
liquid, can hold some things longer than others. So all 
the metals that drop out first, before the copper, are 
taken away. When the copper drops out, it is like a 
salt, too, and still has a few other minerals with it. 
Then the copper salt can be put into another liquid, arid 
the copper made to drop out, pure. 

And then there is the electric way. That is perhaps 
still harder to understand. But an electric current is sent 
through the mixed-up coppery mass. It separates the 
other minerals from the copper. The electric current is 
really the easiest way. Men knew about it for a long 
time. At first they could not make a current strong 
enough. Then somebody invented the great dynamo. 
And presto! There was a strong current! Next time 
you are near a power-house go in, if they will let you, 
and look at the dynamo. You will not be able to see how 
it works, but you can see what it looks like. 

You remember gold and silver are mixed with cop- 
per in some rocks. The gold and silver are also separat- 
ed out by the electric current, and saved, so that such 
copper-bearing rock is doubly valuable. 


Where Found? 

Fortunately copper is found in a great many places 
in the world. In Europe it is found in England, Spain, 
Portugal, Germany. In England it is found in Cornwall 
near the great tin mines. So the Cornish people learned 
early to mix it with tin and make bronze. It is found 
in South Australia. In Asia it is found in Siberia and 
Japan. In South America, it is found in Chile and Peru. 
A great deal of it is found in Africa. In North America 
it is mined in Mexico, United States and Canada. The 
largest copper mines of pure copper, as we have learn- 
ed, are around Lake Superior. 

So the next time you work with copper in your man- 
ual training class, or see one of those green copper 
roofs, remember that it is one of the treasures stored in 
the Earth. 




That Old Tin Can! 

PICK IT OFF THE ROAD, that old tin can. It may cut 
somebody's motor tire. How did it get there? It must 
have fallen from a garbage wagon. Poor, forlorn, de- 
serted, tin can, full of holes ! Once it stood in a soldier- 
like row with other tins, all the same size, all the same 
shape, all having the same picture on their rounded 
sides. Tinned peaches on the shelf of a grocery store! 
And the tin pails we use for holding dew worms, or 
for carrying water until the holes appear ! First there 
is a rust spot, then a hole ! 

Now tin does not rust. And yet a tin pail will have 
holes. The reason is your pail and the tin can are not 


TIN 191 

really tin. They are iron with only a thin coating of tin. 
The tin wears off. The iron rusts through. 

Once tin pails were really tin pails. We just never 
changed our habit of calling them so. 

But pails of pure tin would be very expensive, and 
too heavy. Steel is much lighter. But steel, like iron, 
rusts unless specially treated. Someone got the bright 
idea of covering the steel with tin, so that dampness 
would not reach it, and then it would not rust. But we 
still call them tin pails and tin cans. And when the tin 
wears off they still rust. 

How to Make Tin Cans 

Bars of mild steel are cut the length wanted, heated 
and rolled between heavy rollers into thin sheets. The 
sheets are doubled over, heated again, rolled and doub- 
led again. This is done several times. Then they are 
pulled apart, rolled out when they are cold, and smooth- 
ed and trimmed. They are made hard by plunging into 
cold water while still hot. Then the sheets are cleaned 
with weak acid. The thin clean sheets are just dipped 
into melted tin, a thin coating of which sticks to them. 
They are then passed through an oil bath. When they 
have been cleaned again after all this, behold! A 
smooth bright sheet which looks like tin, but which is 
much lighter in weight. The tinned sheet is then ready 
for making into cans or pails or whatever is needed. 

In a candy shop you look for chocolates. Chocolates 
are good! If they are fresh they are good, but not so 
good if they are dry. But those wrapped in tin- foil over 
there will be fresh and good I 

Why are they wrapped in tin- foil? To keep the air 


out, so the candies won't get dry. A lot of things are 
wrapped in tin-foil to keep them fresh. You often see 
them, I am sure. 

What is tin-foil? It is just tin hammered out very, 
very thin. In China a great many children work hard 
year after year hammering tin into paper-thin sheets. 
In Europe and America machinery is used. And can 
you believe it? one pound of tin can be rolled so thin it 
will cover 18,000 square inches. Aluminum can be rolled 
to cover twice that area. 

Sandy Through the Looking-glass 

Sandy breaks his mirror. Let us look at it. We can 
really see what a mirror is like. It is glass on one side, 
isn't it? What is on the other side? This is an old mir- 
ror, for that something on the other side is a mixture 
of tin and mercury or quicksilver. 

Mirrors with a mercury-tin mixture on the back have 
been known for some hundreds of years, since the 
time in history that men call the * Middle Ages'. About 
a hundred years ago, though, another way of making 
mirrors was invented. Silver was put on the back. Silver 
is generally used now because it is easier to make and 
lighter in weight. But the backing of tin and mercury 
really lasts longer. It does not 'fog' so quickly, and it 
sticks to the glass better. 
That Tea-kettle Again! 

And then there is your tea-kettle. Of course there are 
several kinds of tea-kettles. I hope yours is one of the 
best. Perhaps it is a little worn on the curves at the top. 
What is that you can see where the tin is worn off? It 
is copper ! Tin is used to cover copper. Copper has some 
quality which makes it easy for other metals to adhere 

TIN 193 

to it. A great many pots and pans and other everyday 
things are made in that way. There are not quite so 
many as in your grandmother's time, because now 
chromium is often used instead of copper. Chromium is 
generally kept, however, for more expensive things, 
like the shiny parts of motor cars. 

Copper does not rust, so tin over copper does not 
rust. But it is not so cheap as tin over iron. 

And then, in addition to the tin-covered copper you 
remember there is a mixture of tin and copper that is 
called 'bronze', known for hundreds of years. It is still 
one of the most important metals for parts of machin- 
ery where two metal surfaces rub. Thousands of tons 
are used in the big guns, in recoil slides and in marine 
engines to reduce friction. 

Jingle Bells 

Have you heard the bells of the Peace Tower in 
Ottawa, or of the singing tower in Florida? Or if not, 
just listen to the church bells some frosty morning. 
Think of the clear note of a beautiful bell. We often 
say the 'silver tone of bells'. But tin, too, is used in bells. 
In Your Great-Grandmother's Kitchen 

Is there pewter in your house? If you live in the 
New England States, I will wager there is. Nowadays 
people collect old pewter dishes. Modern pewter is 
often smooth and highly polished. It is very beautiful. 
The colour of pewter is quite like silver but just a little 
darker, not quite so cold-looking. In former days pew- 
ter was often made into very ornamental pitchers and 
vases, candlesticks, and many other useful things. It 
was used every day, much more so than now pewter 
bowls, pewter spoons, pewter plates. > 


What is pewter? It is tin mixed with lead and some 
other metals. 


Common tin, bright and beautiful, and so useful! 
What is it? 

Well, you certainly know its colour. You have seen it 
often enough; light-coloured and shining. It does not 
rust like iron. It can be made into sheets, so thin you 
can crush them in your hand. Like copper it is so soft 
it has to be mixed with something else to stiffen it. It 
may be used as a thin covering over something firm. 

Tin is one of the treasures of the Earth's storehouse. 

Where Does It Hide? 

In some places native tin and tin oxides occur like 
grains in tiny cracks in rocks that have once been melt- 
ed. Sometimes it is found in veins of rock. Do you re- 
member we also find gold in veins? In Bolivia tin is 
found with silver, and other valuable minerals and 
metals. Tin, like gold, is found in 'placer' deposits. In 
places on the Earth great quantities of it are found in 
dark lumps called 'tinstone', or in some cases as beauti- 
fully marked polished pebbles in gravels along stream- 
beds. Like gold it became part of the gravel, because, 
with the stones of the gravel, it too was once part of the 
bedrock' from which the stones were broken off. It just 
moved along with the other stones and was ground and 
worn into smaller and smaller bits. 

Bolivia, in South America, and Banka Island in the 
East Indies have most of the tin trade of the world, or 
did have it before World War Two. But they did not 
always have it. 

TIN 195 

Tin of the Ancients 

You remember the ancient men of the Bronze Age? 
We learned that bronze is made of tin and copper. But 
not all the bronze of the ancients was made of these 
metals. Tin is mentioned in the Bible, but it is not really 
tin. It is a mixture of copper and something else. This 
mixture, which is called tin and is not, was known in 
Egypt 1,600 years before Christ, and that is more 
than 3,000 years ago. 

You learned in your history that long ago the Phoe- 
nicians came across from the eastern Mediterranean, 
sailing around Spain and up the west of France, to the 
south of England for tin. 

Long after the Phoenicians the Romans came to Eng- 
land. They found tin and used it. The Romans had very 
tidy minds. They wrote things down. We know from 
their writings they did not know all the differences be- 
tween tin and lead at first. They knew, of course, one 
was heavier than the other, and that the tin was whiter 
than the lead. So they called the tin 'white lead'. By the 
time Julius Caesar came over and conquered parts of 
the island the Romans began to find large quantities of 
tin in Cornwall and Devon. And during the first century 
after Christ they began to carry it away in their ships. 

Tin has been taken from Cornwall and Devon for 
hundreds and hundreds of years. There is a long human 
history of the tin-mining in Cornwall; the struggles the 
miners had; the trade routes that tin travelled in the 
early, early days; the way the miners fought for their 
rights; the part played by the Duchy of Cornwall; the 
money that came from it; the huge amounts of tin that 


were sold out of England a long, long history! There 
is not time to tell it here. 

The Romans took away all the tin they could. After 
more than four hundred years the Romans had to leave 
Britain. And then the British themselves began to take 
out tin, and kept taking it out. At first they took it from 
the surface. Then they dug deeper into the gravels. It 
was loose, dirt-covered tinstone. It was just dug out 
with a pick and shovel, and the dirt washed from it in 
a trough of water. The ground surface of the whole re- 
gion was soon full of trenches and holes as more and 
more tin was dug out. The trenches filled with water, 
and had to be drained out. 

The miners dug deeper to drain off the water. This 
all meant labour. They had to find better ways of get- 
ting the tin out from the sides of the holes. At first there 
was no system or order. Everybody just took what he 
thought he had a right to take. The whole place got 
into a horrible mess of trenches and holes. 

By the time Cornwall and Devon had been mined in 
these irregular ways for hundreds of years, all the 
loose tin was gone. But miners worked back and back, 
and down and down, and at last found the parent rock 
from which the tinstone had been broken off. Now they 
are mining, not loose gravels, but the rock from which 
the gravels were made. 

How Is Tin Separated from the Rock? 

When the tin is taken loose from the gravels it is 
washed. The lighter clays, sand and stones are carried 
away. But when it is in hard rock it is a different ques- 

Like the copper it must be broken out of the solid 

TIN 197 

rock, brought out of the deep tunnels of the mines and 
then ground to a powder, and put through sieves in a 
trough of water. Then it, too, is roasted, usually in a 
vibrating furnace to separate the tin from the impuri- 
ties. In some countries where charcoal is cheap, they 
use a furnace like a long shaft. A layer of charcoal and 
then a layer of tinstone is put in, then another of char- 
coal followed by another of tinstone, and so on. When it 
is filled, fire is started at the bottom, and a big blast of 
air is sent through the fire from below. It burns up with 
a great heat, melting the tinstone. The charcoal burns 
with the oxygen from the tinstone and then the pure 
tin runs out at the bottom. In England and in many 
other places coal is used for the furnaces. 

After all this the tin is much purer, but not absolute- 
ly pure. It is then melted, very carefully. The tin melts 
quickly and is run off. Then it is 'poled 1 , that is, stirred 
so that the purest tin rises to the top of the vat, like a 
froth. It is skimmed and poured into moulds, making 
long bars. Long, long ago, the tin was 'poled* by using 
a branch from an apple tree. So for years and years, it 
was thought that an apple branch was the only 'pole' 
to use. A tree branch is no longer used, but .stirring the 
boiling tin is still called 'poling'. 

Now we have some very pure tin. It must be tested. 
The bars are heated again, not very hot, but enough 
almost to melt them. Then they are struck by hammers. 
If the tin falls to the stone floor, splitting into a mass 
of grainy strings, then the tin is pure. 

Where Is the Tin of the Earth Stored? 

You know about England, and about Bolivia. Did you 
ever hear of Banka Island? You need your map. Turn 


to the south of Asia, and just east of Sumatra, not far 
from Malay peninsula, you will find Banka Island. It 
holds the purest tin in the world. There is tin along 
the Straits Settlements, and in Australia. In Europe, 
besides England, it is found in Saxony, and in Bohemia. 
Very little tin has been found in North America, not 
enough to be worth mining. The great quantity used in 
the United States and Canada is brought from other 


* * * 

And so tin is one of the treasures of the Earth, kept 
in its storehouse until men want it enough to get it out 
and to find how to use it 



ANOTHER PAIR of twins! No, two branches of an im- 
mense Family, closely related 1 Oil is a large Family all 
by itself that sees the whole world in the travels of its 
various members. Gas is a Family, not so large, more 
of a stay-at-home, but very useful ! 

"Ho!" I hear you laugh, scornfully, u gas travels all 
over the world in motor cars and bombers, and mos- 
quito planes, flying fortresses, etc., etc.'* 

Not so fast! That is not gas. That h gasoline, just 
*gas' for short. And gasoline belongs to the Oil Fam- 
ily, not to the Gas Family. Real gas travels in pipes and 
can go only as far as the pipes carry it. 

The Oil Family is very large. I do not suppose there 
is a boy or girl that has not met some of the Family. 




There is gasoline a very familiar friend. It makes 
your car run. It is used for aeroplanes. When mixed 
with air and made into a vapour it is exploded by an 
electric spark. That explosion is called 'combustion'. It 
moves a piston which moves something else and so on. 
Such engines are called combustion engines, and gaso- 
line is used for many of them. Farms use them for 
pumping water. Your mother or sister use gasoline for 
cleaning clothes. If they do not, then the Dry Cleaners 

When you go away for the summer to a northern 
lake or a river, gasoline 'putt-putts' make the night hid- 
eous, racing around going nowhere. Or, do you like 
their noise? 

Perhaps you go out to a farm for the summer. After 
you leave the main line you go on a little train, with a 
funny little chug-chug engine, a Diesel engine. The fuel 
of that engine is oil, not very heavy oil but still a mem- 
ber of the Family. 

If you live on a farm, you know that in the spring 
the farmer sat behind the tractor to do his ploughing, 
and together he and the tractor drove around the field 
like a great insect, hither and yon, but in an orderly 
way. And the ploughing! It was done in a trice! The 
tractor is run by a member of the Oil Family. 

Perhaps some of you have been on a great ship at 
sea, or even you may have seen a long greyhound ly- 
ing quietly in a harbour, a battleship ! Not many years 
ago ships were run by coal-heated steam. Now, the fuel 
used is a member of the Oil Family. 

Once I was on a ship in the Caribbean Sea, just off 


Trinidad, and a 'tanker' a ship bringing oil came up 
alongside. She looked like a huge whale, rounded on 
top so the waves could roll over her, except for a cen- 
tral 'poop' which rose above the whale-back. Three or 
four great, thick hose-like pipes came over our side, 
each was fastened to a permanent pipe on our deck, and 
oil was pumped in, right at sea. One careless little mid- 
shipman forgot to turn off a cock at the right time, and 
oil poured over the deck. The captain was angry, but 
I saw the oil, heavy, dark, greasy stuff. You would 
hardly think it belonged to the same Family as gasoline. 
But it does. 

All these oils we have been talking about belong to 
one branch of the Oil Family Fuel oils. You know 
most of them. It may be that you have an oil furnace in 
your house. 

Do you have to mow the lawn on Saturdays in June 
when Saturdays are precious and grass grows quickly? 
The lawn-mower is heavy. You oil it, perhaps with your 
mother's sewing-machine oil. 

After you have driven your car some hundreds of 
miles you take it to be greased. And watch, if you can, 
a locomotive engineer grease his shining engine. If your 
bedroom door squeaks, you oil it. These oils that make 
machinery run smoothly are called lubricants'. In some 
:ases they are a thick sticky grease like vaseline, and 
vaseline is one of them members of the Oil Family, all 
6f them. 

Ask your grandparents if they went to bed in the 
dark. They did not have electricity then. What did they 
use for light? Oil lamps! Kerosene! At first it was dis- 
tilled from coal and called 'coal-oil'. Later when made 


from natural oil it was still called coal-oil in parts of 
the country, and kerosene elsewhere. Even now when I 
go out on 'field work' at some farmhouses I go to the 
kitchen for a lamp. 

What is a lamp ? A bowl-like base filled with oil, in 
it a wick which passes up through a slit and is lighted 
at the upper end. The wick soaks up the oil which 
burns brightly and steadily as long as there is oil in the 

When you are sunburned you put on cold cream. You 
use oil in medicines, in mosquito and moth sprays, in 
paints and varnishes, or any number of common ways. 
All are members of the Great Oil Family. Mineral oils 
they are sometimes called. 

Did I hear someone say something about salad oil, 
olive oil, oil of roses, peppermint oil ? Yes, these are all 
oils. But they belong to another branch of the Family. 
They are pleasant things. We like them for their 
flavour or their fragrance. They are vegetable oils. 

Have you that 'tired feeling', or are you too thin? 
Then along comes someone, friend or foe, and suggests 
or insists that you take cod-liver oil. They may dress it 
up as an emulsion, or make it into a pill, but it is cod- 
liver oil, and not very nice or it would not have to be 

But codfish are not the only oil producers in the sea. 
Whale oil kills rose worms. I don't wonder! Did you 
ever smell it? Eskimos use whale oil for lights and 
whale blubber to eat. These, too, belong to a third 
branch of the Great Oil Family. They are animal oils. 

I have left out quite a number of the many cousins 


of the Family. But enough have been mentioned for you 
to think up some more yourself. 


The Gas branch of the Family is something of a 
Martha in the household. It stays at home and does 
the cooking or the lighting. But there are two sub- 
branches of the Gas group. 

There is 'artificial' gas, that is, gas that is made. It 
is not really 'made'. It is taken from coal. There is a 
'gas works' on the edge of most cities, where it is made 
and piped up and down all the streets and into houses. 
A generation or two ago it was used for street lights. 

Did your grandfather live in a city when a boy? I 
will tell you one thing he saw. When darkness began to 
fall, down the street came a man with a pole. He stop- 
ped at a street lamp you see they still called them 
lamps poked the pole up and by means of a little clip 
he turned a cock just below the jet. Out came the gas. 
You could not see it. But right on top of his pole was 
a little lighter. He touched the light to the jet and the 
light flashed on. The gas had caught fire. He went on 
to the next lamp standard. A trail of light followed him 
down the street. 

Now, however, away off in an electric power-house, 
some unseen, unknown person throws a switch and all 
the lights pop out at once up and down the street. 

But we still use gas in some houses for lighting, and 
for stoves, though it, too, has been largely replaced by 

The house gas is artificial in most places. It is gen- 
erally expensive because it has to be taken from the 
coal. But there are places in the world, and in North 


America, where ready-made gas comes right out of the 
ground. It is piped far and near. It may be used just like 
the 'made' gas for lighting and heating. And it is much, 
much cheaper in the places where it can be obtained. 

These gases are really not so different from one an- 
other as they seem at first. 

But gas, natural gas, does something else. It is al- 
most like a Cinderella, in this, instead of a Martha. 
The Oil branches of the Family when ready for use, 
wander far and wide over the face of the Earth, over 
the oceans and up in the air, but the gas, poor Cinde- 
rella, helps to make them ready. It helps to bring the 
oil from the ground. Read on and you will see how. 
And when the oil is out of the ground, gas helps to sep- 
arate the light and heavy oils and sends them out to 
places where it itself can never go. 


Now this great Tribe or Family with many branches 
in the Oil Family, and the not so many in the Gas 
Family, has a name Hydrocarbon. The name means 
it is made of hydrogen and carbon. 

Did you burn your toast this morning? That black 
you scraped off was carbon. Coal is mostly carbon, and 
so is charcoal. So is sugar, strangely enough! Burn 
some. See the same black stuff. Hydrogen is a gas. 
Water is hydrogen and oxygen. You will have some ex- 
periments with both when you study chemistry. 

All living things must have carbon. When any plant 
or animal dies some form of carbon is left So our great 
Tribe or Family of Hydrocarbons must have had some- 
thing to do with life. And they had, all of them, some- 
where, some time, so men believe. 


That whale oil and cod-liver oil are connected with 
life you see at once. It was made from food by the 
processes of life of the whale and the codfish. The salad 
oil, olive oil, oil of roses and all the rest are simple, 
too, at least comparatively simple. They were made 
during the processes of life of the plants from which 
they came, made by the food the plants took from the 
air and the soil. 

But the Oil and the Gas in the Earth, from where did 
they come? What had they to do with life? We get 
them from the rocks deep in the Earth. They are not 
rock, even though the Oil is called mineral oil. 

Fill a dish with sand. Pour water over it. Quite a lot 
of water can be poured in without making the dish any 
fuller. The water fills in the tiny spaces between the 
sand grains. 

And oil-bearing and gas-bearing rocks must be por- 
ous, either a sandstone or a rock filled with pores and 

But if life produced oil and gas, how did they get 
in the rock? I think you begin to see. There are rocks 
that were melted oil is not in these rocks and, there 
are rocks that were laid in the sea. And in the sea was 
life, plant life and animal life. And as each form died 
it fell to the bottom and was entombed, some of the 
hard parts to become fossils, but the soft parts to de- 
compose and scatter far and wide. That, most men 
think, is the real source of the Oil Family, the part of 
it found in the Earth. 

All of them from life ! 



If Oil and Gas come from life then they are most 
abundant in rocks that were deposited after life had 
developed abundantly. 

Oil and Gas do occur in pockets but not in abundance 
in the rocks laid at the beginning of Page Two. Some- 
times where these rocks lie beneath the soil a boy or a 
farmer will find little iridescent streaks of oil flowing 
out with water from a spring, and he may think, "I 
have found oil." But, as I said, in these earlier sea-laid 
rocks oil is in disconnected pockets only. And, to be of 
use, large reservoirs are needed, not just pockets of it. 

But later on Page Two, you remember, the living 
things began to spread, and plants increased, even sea- 
weeds, just before the great development of fishes. It is 
in the rocks laid at that time that we begin to find oil 
and gas in any quantity, and more of them in rocks laid 
when the fishes multiplied, and abundance of them in 
many rocks that came later. 


Pour oil on water. It floats on top of the water ! Look 
at a canal if you live near one. The oil from the boats 
spreads over the top of the water. Try some in a glass 
of water. Oil, then, is lighter than water. 

And gas is even lighter still. Not only does it float 
on water. It floats on air, and scatters far and wide. We 
say it disperses. 

What happens when you open a ginger ale bottle? 
The gas within froths to the top and scatters. It was 
put there under pressure and the top fastened on secur- 
ely. Gas, 4 natural gas', is lighter than air. It has been 
down in those rocks for millions of years. If there were 


cracks or crannies it would have dispersed long ago. 
The rocks containing the gas there, must have been cov- 
ered to keep it in. 

And oil? 

A pail of water stands on the floor. The bottom of 
a curtain trails into it When you go back to pick up 
the pail the water has crept up the curtain. If you are 
away a long time, leaving the curtain trailing in the wa- 
ter, you will find the pail empty and the curtain dry. 
What happens? The water creeps up the curtain and 
evaporates or is taken into the air. "Dries up," we say. 

And that is exactly what happens to the oil if there 
is a way out for it. It creeps up and up the tiny spaces 
in porous rocks and passes off. Little by little it goes. 
And, remember, some of this oil was made millions of 
years ago. There has been a long time for it to creep 
up, little by little. 

And so oil-bearing rocks must be covered. 


Thick solid formations of limestone will form a cover 
over the porous oil-bearing rocks. But better still, an 
excellent cover is a thick bed of shale. Shale is very 
fine, and has few cracks. There are few or no pores for 
the oil to creep through. 

So the porous oil-bearing sediments must be sealed 
over by an impervious bed, that is, one which cannot be 
penetrated by the oil. 

So far so good! The porous oil-bearing beds are 
sealed. The oils and gas cannot get out. 


The best place to find large reservoirs of oil is on 
the sides of buried ridges. You must have the oil-bear- 


ing rocks and the capping rocks just the same. Now 
think of those rocks lying sloping up the sides of a bur- 
ied ridge. 

Oil is lighter than water so it will float up the slope 
ibove the water. Gas is lighter than oil. So it will float 
up above the oil. 

Why must the ridge be buried? Because if uncovered 
the oil and gas will escape out from the edges. 

I said the best place to find oil and gas is along a 
buried ridge and buried ridges are the best. But both 
are found in more or less flat-lying basins. So much of 
the world's oil and gas have been taken from the bur- 
ied ridges that the large oil companies are now explor- 
ing in the flatter basins. 

But you can see for yourself that the oil won't run 
together in a reservoir so well in a flat area as in a 
sloping one. 


When it is suspected that an area holds oil, test wells 
are drilled. When an oil field is assured, roads are built, 
a water supply secured, and then the drilling starts. 

Some of you, I know, live in an oil country and know 
the derricks that dot the land. There are several types 
of machines used. First the hole must be drilled down 
to the beds bearing the oil. The drill is driven down and 
down. The bit at the end of the drill chews up the rock. 
Water often comes into the hole through the cracks at 
the sides. When enough rock has been crushed fine the 
bailer is put down to take it up. As the material, the 
chewed-up rock and water, comes up it is examined to 
see what rock is being drilled through, limestone, shale 
or sandstone, or any other type or combination. Notes 


are kept, and some of the drillings. For often there are 
tiny microscopic fossils in them. If the geologist (for 
practically all oil companies have geologists now) 
learns the order in which the beds lie on top of one an- 
other, or how many beds the drill has passed through 
before oil is reached he can tell better how many feet 
in depth it will be necessary to drill for the next well 
in the field. So he or the driller keeps a careful account 
a 'log'. 

Suddenly the bailer line is slackened. Something is 
pushing it up ! The cover has been pierced through to 
the gas and oil-bearing rock. 

Maybe it is a gusher ! Hold on to those tools ! It may 
shoot them up. Careful does it! The top is off the great 
ginger ale bottle ! 


Gas and oil, you know now, are lighter than water. 
Perhaps the water is pressing up from below. 

"But, water," you say, "hurries down, not up." It 

Around the circumference of almost every oil field is 
water, a catchment basin of rain water. It may be that 
the ground water of the region is higher than the water 
below the oil and that it has access to it. This water is 
pressing hard to get down. All its weight presses down. 
It rs stopped by the water beneath the oil. And the 
water beneath the oil presses upward against the oil 
with all the force with which it is pressed by the sur- 
rounding water. The drill has pierced the covering rock. 
The gas and oil have an outlet and up they come, driven 
by the pressure of the water beneath, which in its turn 


is driven by the weight of the water from the surround- 
ing slopes far and near. 


There is another reason, for the spouting of the gas 
and oil. 

When the 'lid is on' over the oil and gas, the gas is 
dissolved in the oil under pressure, just like the gas in 
the ginger ale bottle. If there is more gas than the oil 
will dissolve it remains free gas at the top. When the 
hole is drilled and the gas released, up it spouts, first 
the free gas, if any, then the gas and oil. 

Danger Ahead! 

But there are dangers! Let it alone! Up it comes! 
The oil mixed with gas is more fluid. If allowed to flow 
according to its own sweet will, the gas from the oil 
far below will work its way to the top and leave the 
oil behind to take care of itself. The oil alone is heavy 
and slow. It will not flow easily. It sticks between the 
sand grains or whatever pores it is in. It is lost! 

So, do not let it flow too freely. Keep some gas with 
the oil. 

Rumours and More Rumours 

So sometimes you hear that the oil companies or 
governments are holding back or cutting oil production. 
The oil companies will do anything within the law, to 
make more money. But that is not always the reason. 
The big operators and governments have learned that a 
controlled flow will bring up more oil in the long run. 

Crude Oil 

'Crude oil' is what we call unrefined oil. You know it, 
dark and greasy and usually fairly thick. That crude oil 


is made up of a number of things, the heavier elements 
dissolved in the lighter. 

There are two main types of oil. Some have a paraf- 
fin base and some have an asphalt base. You know 
what paraffin is. Think of the top of your mother's 
jelly glasses, or of a candle. You know what asphalt is. 
Think of an asphalt pavement, or the pot that boils 
and smokes on the street when the man mends your 

Hold up a glass of crude oil. What is it? 

Do you live near a lake or the sea ? Watch two waves 
rolling by. You can see two crests and the trough be- 
tween. But can you tell just where in the trough one 
wave ends and the other begins? So with the mixture of 
oil and oil. 


The oil has to be separated. Remember the heavy oil 
is dissolved in the lighter. Not easy to separate ! 

It is bracked'. It all has to do with molecules and 
atoms and such things mysterious things about which 
you will learn later. The molecule of oil is made up of 
a group of elements, just as water is made up of hydro- 
gen and oxygen. When the crude oil is heated under 
pressure the molecules will crack apart and re-sort 
themselves, so you can get oils of paraffin base and oils 
of an asphalt base and separate them. Some of the 
gases also will come out. 


There are various ways of refining the oil. The old 
way was to heat a great 'shell* and draw off the vap- 
ours at the top. The vapours were cooled and the lighter 
oil which was in the vapour condensed. But not now. 


We want many kinds of oil and gas. Aeroplanes need 
lighter 'gases' than motor cars, and both oils are much 
lighter than the oil you burn in your furnace or than is 
burned by the Diesel engine, or by the engines of the 
great ships at sea. 

So the present refiners are very complicated. Far too 
complicated to tell about here. 

But there is a general plan. All the oil is heated until 
it becomes vapour, and heated by the Cinderella 'gas'. 
Now, some oils cool to liquid from vapour at one tem- 
perature, other oils at a higher temperature. You know 
that. To melt asphalt requires quite a lot of heat. But 
melt some paraffin for your mother's jelly glass. It 
melts with just the slightest heat. So by heating into a 
vapour and cooling again at several temperatures it is 
possible gradually to gather together in one stream all 
the vapour oil that becomes liquid at a very high tem- 
perature. As the vapour becomes still cooler another 
oil will become liquid, and so on. 


The use of oil is older than written history. 

Asphalt was used by men long, long ago. It was call- 
ed by different names down through the ages. Now, 
even, we call it pitch, tar, bitumen or asphalt. Gas seep- 
ages lighted by accident such as lightning were worship- 
ped by some. 

Read in your Bible about Abraham who came from 
Ur of the Chaldees. They were using asphalt as mortar 
for bricks there. In building the tower of Babel 'slime' 
had they for mortar, and the 'slime' was asphalt. It 
was used in Nineveh. Search the Scriptures to see how 
Nebuchadnezzar used bricks and bitumen. All these 


people lived near Mesopotamia or Irak, still one of 
the great oil sources of the world a scene of struggle 
in both Great War One and Great War Two. Both Ger- 
many and the United Nations wanted that supply. 

Herodotus, about 450 B.C. tells about oil from pits 
in Persia. 



Asia has many oil and asphalt fields. Irak has already 
been mentioned. In the Sinai Peninsula Moses after he 
fled from Egypt tended the flocks of Jethro and the 
"angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of 
fire out of the midst of a bush, and he looked, and 
behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not 
consumed." It was a gas seepage. 

On the island of Bahrein in the Persian Gulf and 
around its shores oil is found. In Burma there is oil 
"on the way to Mandalay". 

One of thq great oil fields of the world is in the 
Dutch East Indies. The Japanese grabbed those oil 
fields in the first wild onslaught of World War Two. 
There is oil for the lamps of China. 


The oil fields of Baku in southern Russia near the 
Caucasian Mountains have appeared in history down 
the centuries and were again the object of a great cam- 
paign in World War Two. Every boy and girl knows 
or ought to know of the battle of Stalingrad. Why 
were the Germans so determined to break through? 
Why were the Russians even more determined that they 
should not? The oil wells and asphalt deposits of the 


Caucasians and particularly at Baku on the Caspian 
Sea this was the goal. 

The Magi or three Wise Men who came to Bethle- 
hem were Fire-worshippers. They came from the east, 
from Persia, the centre of Fire-worshippers and astrol- 
ogers, those who think they can foretell life by the 
stars. And the principal temple of the Fire-wor- 
shippers was near Baku where a fire, a gas seep- 
age, forever burned. It was a place of pilgrim- 
age. It still is a place of pilgrimage, not now by 
Fire-worshippers but by oil worshippers. It still is 
one of the world's great sources of supply. 

Oil and asphalt is found in other places around the 
Caspian Sea. Russia is the world's second largest pro- 
ducer of oil. When it is all explored it may become the 

Over in Rumania, too, are the same rocks as those 
around the Caspian Sea, all deposited by a sea that ex- 
tended far inland over Europe. And in Rumania, too, 
those rocks have oil. In World War Two as in World 
War One these oil fields were the desire of Germany. 


Little is known of the oil of Africa. Most of Af- 
rica has not been explored for oil. Egypt we know for 
centuries used oil and asphalt but probably got it from 
the Sinai Peninsula and the Dead Sea in Palestine. 

South America 

One day in March I stood at the bow of a large boat 
on the Pacific Ocean as we slowly drew in to the most 
westerly point of the mainland of South America. It 
was Talara in Peru. The top of the cliffs on shore were 


studded with derricks. And believe it or not! The 
ocean was studded with them too ! Out from the shore ! 
For the oil-bearing rocks extended out under the sea. 
Talara is in Peru. And Peru was one of the first oil- 
producing countries of the Western World. 

Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad are also oil pro- 

Trinidad is known all over the world for its Pitch 
Lake, an asphalt lake. I have walked across it, and 
watched the men dig a hole in the pitch, throwing it 
into little dumping cars like those used down in the gold 
mines. The little cars go rattling down to the wharf 
where the pitch is unloaded onto ships and carried 
north to make many a pavement in the United States, 
Canada, England and other parts of the world. 

The holes dug by the men are about two or three 
feet deep. As the workers move across the surface of 
the lake the holes behind them slowly fill. Inch by inch 
the asphalt flows in from the sides, and in places the 
pitch oozes up from below. To walk across it is like 
walking on an asphalt pavement softened by the sun. 

The lake is really very small. We would probably 
call it a large pond if it were water. 


Canada has a few oil fields. Western Ontario has 
produced oil and gas slowly but steadily for many 
years. The Turner Valley fields in the foothills of Al- 
berta have produced considerable oil, and quantities of 
gas, much of which has been wasted. 

You have all heard of the Canol Oil project, where 
oil from Fort Norman on the Mackenzie River has 


been piped in and out the mountains and over the passes 
up to Alaska. 

The tar sands of Alberta hold a considerable quan- 
tity of oil, but it is so costly to extract the oil from the 
sand that this source has proved disappointing at pres- 


Before Cortez "stood on a peak in Darien" asphalt 
and oil were found in Mexico and used by the Aztec 
Indians. Mexico has written a new chapter in the his- 
tory of oil. The Mexican Government took over the oil 
fields and all the foreign companies from the United 
States and Great Britain had to move out. 

United States 

The United States is the leading oil-producing coun- 
try in the world. It must look to its laurels though, when 
Russia gets in full swing. 

Like the colonization of the country the discovery of 
oil moved westward. First it was discovered along the 
Appalachian Mountains. Then it was found in Pennsyl- 
vania, Colorado, Wyoming, California, and so on. In 
twenty States there are important oil fields, besides 
some smaller ones in other States. The State of Texas 
is the greatest oil field in the world, to date. 


Shut your eyes and think of those oil derricks stalk- 
ing across the land ! 

Then think of Russia, Irak and all the other places. 
Think of all the oil in the world that is being drawn up 
from the Earth! 

The Earth a Treasure House ! Surely ! 



SUNDAY MORNING, bright sunshine, sleigh bells, three 
bright-faced children behind warm furry rugs with their 
father and mother. Snow piled high on either side of 
the road! Have you ever driven thus? Clear crisp air 
against your cheeks, and brilliant sunshine overhead, 
and over fences, and field on field deep in snow ! Shad- 
ows of the pine trees and fence posts blocked in deep 
blue ! 

The sleigh turns in a gateway flanked by piles of 
snow. The dog rushes out to welcome them. Children 
and dog chase one another and tumble in the clean white 

It is cold, well below zero, cold but beautiful ! 

Then the family goes in. Standing quietly in a corner 



of the living-room is a stove. Its heat embraces them like 
the welcome of a friend. Its glowing eyes invite them. 
It burns on steadily day and night, for this is a coal 
stove. In the front above the bed of coals is a door, and 
in the door are set pieces of mica through which the 
glowing coals look out cheerfully. 

Coal stoves are still used in parts of the country 
where furnaces have not invaded and where wood is 

If you have not been fortunate enough to be welcom- 
ed by a glowing coal stove, you have stood on a station 
platform and watched a great monster of an engine ap- 
proach. You are thrilled with the thought that it is 
bringing someone to you, or perhaps is going to carry 
you away, away, somewhere ! But just take time to look 
at the big black car behind the engine, filled with coal. 
This coal is not primarily for heat, though it produces 
heat. The heat is for power. The coal heats the engine 
boiler. The water in the boiler becomes steam. The 
steam expands and pushes the pistons and there she 


Coal is another member of the Hydrocarbon Family 
or Tribe. It is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen 
that is, when it is pure coal. And it never is. But that 
is the basis of it. It is again that mysterious uniting of 
atoms into molecules of which you will learn something 
in chemistry. 

You remember when reading of Oil and Gas that 
hydrocarbons had their origin in life. And there you are 
again. Coal was living vegetation. 

But, sad to say, coal is not all coal. 

COAL 219 


After you have burned your fire you must clear away 
the ashes even if it is only a little grate fire. What is 
the ash? 

In plants there are minerals that will not burn. Plants 
take up iron and potash and other things from the soil. 
You poke a white tablet into the pot of a weak plant to 
make it grow. It contains some mineral parts. And the 
plant just gobbles them up and grows strong. Many of 
these minerals will not burn, and sulphur in various 
forms is one of the most difficult impurities. 

But probably most of the ash is carried in by water 
or blown in by wind when the coal was being formed. 
Ash material may even be blown into the coal after it 
is mined if it stands waiting to be delivered to you. 

You can easily see how water could be in the coal. 
It grew in moist places, and any amount might seep in 
through the ages. 

But water does not make ash ! No, but it has to be 
driven out, and some of the heat is used to drive out 
the water, which is not so good! It is poor coal that 
has much water. 


Do you live in the northern States or in Canada? If 
you do you probably know the irritating ways of a coal 

"Open up the damper, the gas is filling the house !"" 
calls someone, just when you are in the middle of a 
most interesting book, or ready to fall asleep at night. 
The gas has escaped without burning, and instead of 
going up the chimney and dispersing in the upper air,, 


it has come through the furnace door and the open 
damper and is seeping through the house. And that gas 
is poisonous. Fortunately, there is an evil-smelling sul- 
phurous gas with it. It is well it is evil-smelling. The 
danger can be detected. 

If you do not live where coal furnaces are used you 
know the gas from the engine of a train. It is the same 
coal gas. 

And then you remember the lighting and cooking gas, 
'artificial' gas, so-called. It, too, was taken from coal. 

Thereby Hangs a Tail 

"The tail may wag the dog." The part that was un- 
important, the waste, a mere by-product, is becoming 
most important. 

Something like that is happening to the making of 
gas from coal, when the gas is taken out and coke is 
left. The gas is used and the coke is used. The coke can 
still be burned for heat or cooking. It burns up faster 
than anthracite coal but it is very good. 

The coke and gas are the dog, in the process of mak- 
ing gas. But there is a gummy stuff left, sticky, ugly, 
dark that is the tail. The dog was the thing! The tail 
was no particular use just waste ! But it is no longer 
so. For in that gum were many precious things. Chem- 
ists treated it this way and that. They cooked it, boiled 
it, put this into it, took that out of it. Now it is known 
to be the source of hundreds of valuable things, ben- 
zene for instance, aspirin, plastics. See if you can find 
twenty things made from coal-tar, for that is what the 
'tail' is called. Perhaps the tail does not quite wag the 
dog. But all these things are used far and wide, even in 
places where coal is not needed for heat. 

COAL 221 

There is another curious fact. It really is not a part 
of the doings of coal, but is connected. Bran oil is now 
made from oat husks, corn cobs, wood pulp and other 
waste from all sorts of grains things that were just 
thrown away, cluttering waste ! From the bran oil can 
be made many of the same products as from coal-tar. 
Perhaps not so surprising when you come to think of 
it! Both are from vegetable life, even though coal is so 
very much older. Bran oil is not yet developed to any 
great degree, but watch it! 

The Hydrocarbons are a very closely related Family, 
are they not? 

What is this coal? How does it work such common 
everyday miracles? So used to it are we that we forget 
the wonder of it. 

If you drive through French Canada at every farm 
you see great piles of wood, cord wood, four feet wide, 
four feet high, and yards and yards long, like a thick 
fence, or wall. It was cut last winter, dried out all sum- 
mer, and will be used for heating and cooking all next 

Coal was once wood. 

How do we know? Because wood and leaves are 
found with it. Some are preserved right in the coal it- 
self. The little cells of the wood can be seen under the 
microscope. Beautifully preserved leaves, bark, and 
wood are found in the beds below it, the mud beds in 
which the plants grew, and in the beds above which 
finally covered the swamp. And in the coal beds them- 
selves, in places, are 'coal balls', round hard lumps 


which when opened have preserved within them the 
most fragile leaves. What made the 'coal balls' ? Some 
of the mineral matter in the water fell on the leaves be- 
fore they were destroyed. Once started the mineral mat- 
ter slowly surrounded the leaves and preserved them 
from whatever happened afterwards. 'Coal balls* do 
not occur everywhere but there are enough to tell their 

This, then, is one way we can prove coal was wood. 

Then, coal must have lived once. It did. But how did 
it become coal ? 


It was born long ago, in New York State, or in On- 
tario, or, in truth, anywhere across the northern part of 
the continent. I do not know exactly where. There was 
no United States or Canada. It was just a continent 
without a name, and without a human being. 

The glaciers had melted far to the north, and the 
nameless continent that is now North America was 
slowly rising, throwing from its back the great wastes 
of melted ice water. First a few islands appeared in the 
watery expanse. There is one worth watching! Higher 
and higher rises the island. More water comes in from 
the north and along the channels of the Great Lakes. It 
pushes back the sea-water and itself flows on to the sea, 
as the continent rises ! 

In time our island becomes a hill which stands high 
and dry. Now we can look at it. It is just rubble, glacial 
till, dropped at the end of a melting glacier. And at its 
feet stands a little lake, surrounded on all sides by 
gently sloping land. And right across the front of the 

COAL 223 

lake across its path stands the hill. The water cannot 
get out. 

Let us look at it later, ten years later, twenty years 
later, fifty years later or even one hundred years later. 
Around its edges small plants have begun to grow. In 
the water, warmer now, appear floating algae, a very 
simple form of plant life. Over the country-side and on 
our hill, bushes and then trees are beginning to appear. 
Slowly the Earth is being re-clothed. The plants die and 
some of them are carried into the lake by stormy autumn 
winds. And the pollen from the trees, and some 
branches are carried in. By this time water plants are 
growing right in the water around the edges. Year after 
year they live and die, their dead leaves and flowers fall 
to the bottom, and mixed with them are the leaves and 
pollen blown from the trees on the hill. 

Slowly our lake is being filled up with muck from 
the decaying vegetation. Each spring more water comes 
down and plant life begins afresh. But the water cannot 
flow away because the hill stands guard, right across 
the path. Each autumn more leaves, more branches pile 
in. Finally, scrubby bushes grow in a tangled swamp, 
first at the edge, then right over the whole surface of 
our little lake. 

In time peat-moss, a greyish-green or whitish moss, 
grows out beyond the former shores over the living 
and dying mass. The trees, no longer on the hill only, 
have come down to the swamp edge. They creep across 
the erstwhile shore and year by year over the place 
where our lake has been. And they, too, die and fall 
Slowly, very slowly the lake disappears. 


Someone carelessly driving past just says, "A peat 

There are many peat bogs, large and small, particu- 
larly over the country where glacial debris stopped the 

Have you ever seen a farmer's claim on a peat bog? 
It is a good place to study peat. I know a bog that the 
neighbouring farmers have divided. Each has his own 
share. It is in a very, very deserted lonesome-looking 
country-side. I followed a waggon trail over a sand hill, 
through some trees and down a slope. A wide, low coun- 
try dark with scrub and small trees lay before me in 
a hollow. Near at hand the larger bushes were cut back, 
and a space irregularly cleared. A fringe of untouched 
dark forbidding-looking bushes marked the edge of the 
clearing. Farther down were reeds and soggy soil. Still 
farther was stagnant water. I stepped off the trail and 
the ground was 'springy', not wet, but like a mattress. 
On either side of the trail and some feet below it was a 
brown-black uneven floor. It could not be called a ditch 
because it was wide, and it was dry, and had a more or 
less even bottom. Back of the sunken floor was a wall 
of peat bricks. 

Each farmer cut his peat whenever he had time in 
the summer, cut it into large bricks, and piled the bricks 
along the edge of his 'cut' to sun-dry. The cuts might 
be any depth, depending on the depth of the original 
lake that was filled up. For this might have been our 
little lake. Then in the autumn the farmer carried home 
his peat. 

Peat is very light and requires a great deal of stor- 
age space. Where there are great quantities of it, it is 

COAL 225 

pressed into bricks or briquettes and used in that way. 
You know now wherever and whenever you see it, peat 
is made from decaying vegetation. 

Old peat at the bottom, in general, will be dark, much 
darker than the more recently made top layers. And 
it will not always be pure. The spring freshets may 
carry mud and sand into it. A forest fire may burn the 
surrounding trees and fill it with ash. And then again 
there is the mineral matter that the plants take up. 

But where do the peat-bog plants get their minerals 
when they grow, not in the soil, but on top of their 
own plant-made muck? The dead plants contain min- 
erals. The mineral matter may pass on and on from one 
generation of plants to another. That is good for the 
peat. The whole mass will not have so much unburnable 
mineral matter in it. 
Trees With Knees 

There are other and larger swamps and bogs the 
Dismal Swamp of North Carolina and Virginia and 
others which lie along the low coastal plain between the 
Appalachians and the sea. 

There are forest swamps in the hot East Indies and 
mangrove swamps form along the seashore in many 
tropical countries. When the trees come down to the 
shore near these great swamps, some of them turn their 
roots into stilts, and each stilt has a knee. All around the 
trees the roots spread out and down, knees at the turn 
of each root. There stands the tree above the water. 


What has this to do with coal? Everything! This, 
was the way coal was made and is being made. We now 
get it from a coal mine. 


A coal mine is very different from a gold mine. Yet 
there are some things that are the same. There is a 
shaft, the elevators, the miners, the galleries, the dig- 
ging out from the walls, the shaky, dumpy little cars. 

There are big mines and there are little mines. Down 
the Mississippi valley you may drive along the road and 
see a hole in the hillside, where a man or two has been 
digging out. In some places the mines have been work- 
ed out right under the sea. And there is every size be- 

* * * 

When was this coal mine, now far below the surface, 
a lake or swamp on the surface ? 

Look back at the end of Page Two of the Story 
Written in Stone. Most of the continents then were 
free from the sea, and on the continents were plants. In 
many places were swamps not unlike the Dismal Swamp 
of the South. From then until now coal has been 


But why is the wood preserved ? There are thousands 
and thousands of square miles of wooded hills and val- 
leys in the world, and they do not make coal. 

When wood dies in the air it disintegrates falls 
apart. Water and the oxygen in the air just slowly burn 
it up. You do not see it burn. It takes so long. The gas 
CO 2 (more chemistry!) passes into the air. CO 2 is more 
about atoms and molecules. Two atoms of oxygen and 
one of carbon just fly off together in the air. And be- 
sides, water is formed that is H 2 O two atoms of 
hydrogen and one of oxygen. They, too, take French 
leave and calmly soak into the ground. And all the min- 

COAL 227 

eral matter just lies carelessly where it falls. So there 
is nothing left of the coal, just the ash. The wood all 
disintegrates, falls apart. But not all wood disinteg- 

First, we have wood. It grows now and we burn some 
of it. Then, we have peat. It grew long ago at least 
the part of it that we burn. Then, we have brown coal 
or lignite. It grew longer ago, on Page Four and Page 

Brown Coal or Lignite 

Brown coals are one stage. As it lies at the bottom 
of the deposit some of the water is pressed out, and, 
from the pressure of what lies on top of it there is a 
little heat. 

Since the brown coal has not advanced so far in the 
process of becoming coal it follows that it has been 
formed more recently. That is true in general. There 
are a few coal deposits in the older rocks the coal of 
which is still a bit brown but that means that they have 
been but little disturbed. 

But think again. Brown coals are younger. That is, 
they were made after the land plants had evolved into 
many kinds. They had seeds and pollen. They are made 
of different plants. 

Bituminous Coal 

What is that? Look back at page 203. Artificial gas 
is made from coal. Oil, too, can be distilled from coal. 
Bituminous coal has much oil. Just get in the way of the 
smoke of an engine. That dirty black smoke and the 
smut on your face comes from bituminous coal. 'Soft' 
coal, we call it sometimes. Your mother knows it, if she 


hangs out some clean clothes when the wind is blowing 
from a factory or from a large apartment house. 

Look at a piece of wood with a magnifying lens. See 
the tiny cells. You can see them in your hardwood floor 
or in a piece of furniture. Those are the little tubes up 
which the life-giving sap flowed, right to the very tip 
of the trees and the leaves. When the trees die the 
cells are empty, the sap oozes out or dries out. 

Let us stand at the edge of one of those great swamps 
of long ago. A great tree falls and sinks into the moist 
muck. In that moist muck is the goo of past decay 
which penetrates up and through those cells. The log is 
slowly saturated. It lies there and is covered and many 
things go on above it, continents rise and fall, mountains 
are born and worn down. Still it lies buried. 

Then along comes man and begins to dig out the 
wood which is now coal. That log into which the de- 
cayed matter has soaked is full of oil. It has made bit- 
uminous coal. 

That is how it happened. 

Gannel Coal 

It is cold and blustery outside. The trees are lashing 
at one another with their naked branches. Snow or sleet 
is falling in spurts. 

But we are cosy here. Put another piece of coal on 
the grate fire. 

Yes, the chunks are large, but crack it this way with 
the poker, along this edge. See, it breaks with smooth 
and squared edges. The furnace coal does not break 
in that way at all. 

What a fine bright flame, roaring up the chimney! 

Hear the tar in the coal sizzling! Put on the fire 

COAL 229 

screen. Sparks may spit out on the carpet. Well, that 
soon drives away the blues of a wild autumn night! 

What is this coal? 

Cannel coal. 

Away in the northern part of North America, in 
northern Canada, are hundreds of lakes hidden here, 
there, and everywhere between the hills of that Cana- 
dian Shield. The hills, many of them, are covered with 
conifers, trees that bear cones. You know them pine, 
spruce, hemlock, Canada balsam. And among them are 
many other flowering trees and mosses. And flowering 
trees have pollen grains. Other plants have spores. At 
certain times of the year the spores and the pollen 
grains scatter with the wind, far and wide. They fall, 
some of them and float as a thick scum on those hidden 
lakes, and on some not so hidden. 

The spores and pollen grains for protection are cov- 
ered with a fatty substance. The fat makes oil. 

And cannel coal was deposited in the older swamps 
in stagnant water which has been covered by spores, 
and in the later swamps by pollen grains, season after 

Anthracite Coal 

Have you filled the furnace for the night? This coal 
is different, small lumps and very hard. 

What is the difference ? 

It does not break and crackle. It has not much oil. 
It does not flame. It is harder to start, but it burns with 
a steady glow and it lasts a long time. It is 'hard coal' 
anthracite coal. 

What makes it different? 

You can see, as I said, there is not much oil in it. 


Nor are there the sudden quick explosions of gas that 
the cannel coal makes in the grate fire. 

Why? They were all made from vegetation. 

The oil and gas have escaped which means that each 
shovelful has more pure carbon, because it has less of 
oil and gas. 

But how did the oil and gas escape ? 

Perhaps the layers that lay above these coal beds 
were porous, and the oil and gas seeped out. That is 
the case in some places. But that will not account for all 
the anthracite coal in the world. 

The anthracite coal of North America is found in 
Pennsylvania and in Alberta. 

Do you notice something, common to both places? 
Look at your map. 

Pennsylvania is crossed by part of the Appalachian 
Mountains, and that is where the anthracite coal is 
found. The Rocky Mountains cross the west side of Al- 
berta, and that is where the anthracite coal is found. 

Does that mean anything? 

Oh, yes. When those mountains were built up there 
was heat and pressure. The rocks about the coal beds 
were cracked, pushed and pulled, and so were some of 
the coal beds. And through those cracks and fissures 
escaped the oil and gas. 

Peat may become brown coal, and some of it may be- 
come bituminous coal, but some people who study it in 
thin sections with the microscope do not think that 
brown coal or bituminous coal will become anthracite, 
even through the escape of oil and gas. Another possi- 
bility is that anthracite is made chiefly of wood, tree 

COAL 231 


Almost everybody knows that coal comes from Penn- 
sylvania and from practically all the States around 
Pennsylvania. We have mentioned the coal of Alberta. 
Down the Mississippi valley there is coal in abundance 
in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Most of the Mississippian 
coal is soft, more bituminous than the Pennsvlvanian or 
Albertan coal. There is much of that soft coal in Nova 
Scotia. There is a cliff there, of the muddy grey rocks, 
along the Joggins coast, and standing upright in it, are 
hundreds of fossil tree trunks. 

u Oh," says a man walking down the street, "why 
bring coals to Newcastle?" 

Newcastle in England is one of the great coal centres 
of the world. Why bring coals to Newcastle? Why, in- 
deed ! That, means the man, is absolutely unnecessary. 
Newcastle has enough coal. 

South Wales is another great coal centre. Welsh coal 
is anthracite. It burns leaving little ash. I know, because 
I have used both Pennsylvanian and Welsh coal in my 

Germany has the largest supply of coal in Europe, so 
far as known. The word Westphalia' just makes you 
think of coal. But there are other provinces of Germany 
with coal. 

Russia has coal, and when all is known there may be 
more in Russia than in Germany. 

Most of the other countries have small supplies, and 
in some of the smaller countries of Europe what they 
have has not all been developed. 



In Asia by far the greatest known resources are in 
China, where there is abundant anthracite. 

Siberia, a part of Russia you know, may have some. 
As yet we do not know much about it. 

There is some coal in India, but just how much we 
do not know. 

Most of the other countries of Asia have coal, but it 
is mined in a very primitive wav. 


There is coal in Africa, too. Most of it is in the 
southern parts of the continent, and much of it is lig- 
nite or bituminous coal. 

But in that African coal is a plant, 'Glossopteris' it 
is called such a name for a plant! 

Over in South America 'Glossopteris' grew, too. The 
specimens of the plant are poor, but that is what they 
are, according to some of the people who study plants. 

Well, how did the plant get across the Atlantic Ocean 
to South America? The spores could not float all that 
distance. How then did Glossopteris get there ? 

The Atlantic Ocean is shallow, for an ocean, between 
Africa and South America. Do you remember the moun- 
tain range drowned in the Atlantic (see page 76) ? 
Some men think that not only a mountain range but a 
whole continent lies drowned under the South Atlantic 
Ocean, that once this drowned continent stood above 
the water, that the Glossopteris spores blew west and 
then again west, hopping to the now drowned continent, 
thence westward to South America. Then the continent 
sank, but Glossopteris was safely across. 

We will have to know more before we are sure. It 

COAL 233 

is rather a heavy responsibility for a plant with such a 
name to suggest that there must have been a continent. 

South America 

There is some coal in Colombia, more in Peru, but 
not so much in a few of the other countries, and none 
in some of them. 


There is a considerable quantity of coal in Australia, 
and some in Tasmania and New Zealand, but not so 
much as in Canada and in the United States. 



Ah me! What perils do environ 

The man that meddles with cold iron. 


"HEY THERE, FRED, turn those cows," called Fred's 
father. "And hammer a board over that hole in the 
fence. We won't have a carrot left." 

Fred stopped pitching his ball against the barn wall, 
to chase the cows. It was milking time. The idling cows 
nosing around had found the way out of bounds into 
the garden. 

Reluctantly Fred went into the workshop. His pocket 
full of nails, hammer in hand, he attacked the hole in 
the fence. As he hammered it suddenly popped into his 
mind, "What is a nail? And, for that matter, what is 
a hammer?" 


IRON 235 

Iron, both of them. Fred looked around, "How many 
things can I see made of iron? the pump, the plough, 
nails, hammer, nearly all tools, the wire fences around 
the fields, screws, the lightning rod up the barn, the 
hoe, the tractor." On and on he went. 

Make a list of all the other things you can think of 
that are made of iron. 

Fred, of course, lived in the country, and perhaps 
you live in the city. But that does not make any differ- 
ence. And if you travel from the country to the city 
don't forget the train in which you travel, nor the 
tracks over which the train runs, nor the bus, the bridge 
you came over on and on. 

We have to breathe air. We have to drink water, and 
we have to eat food just to live. But, I wonder, besides 
these life necessities, if there is another thing in the 
world we use more than iron, or the things made of 
iron. I wonder! 


Irpn, too, like copper and tin is one of the treasures 
of the Earth. And not only of our Earth but of other 
stars as well. Pure iron is not very common. When it is 
pure it forms a very bright crystal. It is brilliant silver- 
white in colour and can take a very high polish. Also 
it is magnetic, that is, it acts like a magnet. It, with 
other things, easily forms a salt. There are several 
kinds of iron salts. And they very readily change their 
nature. Again the question of atoms and molecules 
about which you will learn more in chemistry ! But you 
know perfectly well without chemistry that iron rusts 
that is one of the changes which means the atoms 


re-adjust themselves. For some of those atoms unite 
with the oxygen in the air. 

Iron is generally found in rock and such rock is 
called iron ore. 

But did I hear you ask, "Does it occur in igneous 
rocks or in sedimentary?' 1 The answer is it occurs in 

In Igneous Rock 

Have you read of the Giants' Causeway in Ireland? 
That is basalt, a kind of rock formed from volcanic ac- 
tion. There is iron in it. 

We get iron from other stars ! Really we do. Met- 
eorites! Not all meteorites are made of iron. Some are 
stone. But often they are made of one of the purest 
forms of iron. Smooth, rounded masses of all shapes 
and sizes, they land here literally out of the heavens. 
Have you seen one? When you do you will have no 
doubt whatever about its having been melted. A meteor- 
ite is often irregularly pitted on the outside, hard and 
heavy, but so smooth, not a sharp edge anywhere. It 
came through the atmosphere of the Earth at such a 
rate that the outside was melted, hardening again as 
it cooled. It arrived here warm, but as hard as well, 
as hard as iron, for that is what a great many of them 
are iron with some nickel. You can see meteorites in 
some museums. When cut through they display the 
brilliant silver-white colour and are of ten. polished in 
the showcases, revealing the long criss-cross crystals. 
Very pure they look and very beautiful. 

Meteorites large and small are found in many places 
in the world. They, of course, have nothing whatever 
to do with the country rock where they are found. They 

IRON 237 

may fall anywhere. There is supposed to be a very large 
one buried deep in Arizona. It has made a great hole 
in the Earth, at least that is what is believed. The great 
hole is there and hundreds of little meteorites are all 
over the place. But, if the big hole was made by an im- 
mense meteorite the latter has never been found. It has 
buried itself too deeply in the earth. Meteorites are not 
a source of iron, commercially. They are generally too 
small and too scattered. They are more of a curiosity. 
But they show us a number of things : the iron crystals, 
the fact that iron exists in almost a pure state and that 
other stars have iron. 

It is now thought that the centre of the Earth is iron, 
or iron and nickel. Do you remember on Page One of 
the 'Story in Stone', where all the men who had thoughts 
about the birth of the Earth, differed in many ways but 
they all agreed on one thing that whenever the whole 
Earth or parts of it were molten, the heavy parts sank 
down towards the centre ? 

And then there are those earthquake people. They 
have found out things about the Earth, too. They find 
that the vibrations from an earthquake travel fast and 
faster through about the first 600 miles or so of the 
Earth. For another 1,200 miles or thereabouts, they 
go faster more slowly, that is, the increase of speed is 
not so great. Then through about 4,000 miles at the 
core of the Earth, the increase is very great again, 
much greater than through the first 600 miles. 

Up here on the surface of the Earth, in a smelter 
furnace where iron is separated from the ore, a great 
mass of the smelted ore is poured into containers and 
it sorts itself: the heavy metal sinks to the bottom; the 


other mixture sulphides and oxides they call them 
lie on top of the metal (they are lighter in weight) and 
above that is the frothy slag I 

Now all these things point one way. It cannot be 
proved yet. Some other facts may come to light. But as 
it stands men have changed their thoughts about the 
centre of the Earth, each man mounting on a step built 
by one before, just as they did when thinking of the 
birth of the Earth. 

Long ago it was thought the Earth was full of molt- 
en matter. It was warmer down a deep mine, geysers 
vomit up hot water, and volcanoes pour out lava. Who 
would not think the centre was molten ! 

But in the meantime all these other things have been 
discovered. Now it is thought that the core of the Earth, 
about that central 4,000 miles, is mainly iron and nickel, 
that the next 1,200 miles or so, is something of the na- 
ture of the sulphides and oxides, and the last 600 miles 
on the outside is rock, heavier in the lower part, and 
just slag-like on the outer crust. 

So, iron is found in igneous rocks. 

In Sedimentary Rock 

And then, is iron 'found in sedimentary rock ? Have 
you ever taken water out of a pump that has not been 
used for some time? It is not good. It tastes of iron 
from the long pipe in which the water has been stand- 
ing. Iron dissolves fairly readily in water. It is not the 
iron that will hurt you in the water standing in the pump 
pipe. It is other things. There is often iron in drinking 

And we have iron in our blood. If we do not have 
enough of it we become pale and weak, and to get more 

IRON 239 

iron we eat liver or something disagreeable that the 
doctor gives us. 

So you see, iron is readily dissolved. You can see 
why when you remember that it is usually in the form of 
a salt. 

But all these sources of iron : water as you take it in 
a pail, plants or even the soil where the plants get it 
all these sources are not enough. The quantities are 

But if iron can dissolve in water, given time water 
can re-deposit it. And it does. It is doing it now and it 
has done it since the beginning of time, or of water. So 
you see iron can be in sedimentary rock. 

When I was out making a map of the rocks in a cer- 
tain district an old farmer with a gleam in his eye said 
to me, "Did you see that hill over there behind the 
bush? A fortune-teller told me, that hill is my fortune. 
There is oil in it." 

Now I knew that the rocks underlying his farm were 
lying directly upon the ancient rocks of the Canadian 
Shield, that there had been little life when they were 
laid down, that nowhere in the world has oil been found 
in rocks so old. 

That gleam in his eye meant "Don't you dare tell 
me there isn't oil there !" So I went carefully, very care- 

"Is there a swamp on one side of your hill?" I asked, 

"Why, yes!" he answered, surprised that I knew 
without having been there. But you see I knew the 
whole wide country was full of those glacial boulder 
hills with large and small rocks piled higgledy-piggledy 


together, and most of those hills were stopping the 
drainage and forming bogs. 

"Is the oil on the water ?" I asked. 

"Yes," he said. 

You know how oil floats on water making an irides- 
cent pattern of many colours when seen in the right 

"Next time you see it," I added, "poke your finger 
into the surface. If it is oil it will flow together when 
you take your finger out. But if it is another thing, iron* 
oxide, it will leave cracks radiating from your finger 

For there is iron in bogs, and swamps. If enough is 
present it falls to the bottom mixed with carbon and 
other minerals, forming a soft iron called 'limonite'. 
The word 'limonite' comes from a Greek word 'leimon', 
meaning a meadow or marsh. 

And in some of these marshes there are certain or- 
ganisms which act upon the impure limonite and form 
a soft bog-iron. The yellow ochre you see in your Art 
class is limonite and clay. 

In some places in bogs it gathers together in concre- 
tions forming hard heavy stones of iron in a form called 
'marcasite'. Break them open and within are crystals 
radiating out from the centre, a very beautiful form. 

So, iron is being deposited now. 

And it has been deposited through the millions of 
years in the past. When it is all added up, you see that 
iron might occur in rock of any age. 

Look back to the story of Page One. The rocks laid 
in the inland sea have left vast stores of iron in Minne- 
sota, Wisconsin and Michigan. In Europe much of the 

IRON 241 

iron is in rocks that belong to Page Three of the Great 
Composition of the Story of the Earth. 


Iron is found in many forms, sometimes in shapeless 
masses, sometimes in crystal form. 


I have told of limonite and bog-iron and marcasite. 
Now if limonite is heated somewhat and the water driv- 
en out it may become hematite. 


There on the table are three lots of hematite. They 
do not look very much alike, do they? 

This first one is massive, almost black, and darkly 
shiny. Take it up if you can lift it. Very heavy, isn't it? 
Scratch it with your knife edge. The scratch is red 

Now try this piece. It is a conglomeration of roundish 
bumps, reddish-bronze in colour. Break off a lump. It 
is crystallized. Scratch it. Again the scratch is red. 
Blood-red ! 

That third piece, over there, is blood-red anyway. 
You do not need to scratch it. If this last piece of red 
hematite came from Lake Superior, and perhaps it did, 
the Indians knew about it. You see, it is softer than the 
others. The Indians used it for their war paint. 

All this hematite probably was limonite once. Some- 
how it was heated, at some time. That is not surprising 
around Lake Superior. For on Page One, remember, 
there were lofty mountains here and that means volca- 
noes and molten rock welling up from below. In the 


heating, the limonite lost the water that might have 
helped it to crystallize. So here it is a dull red mass. 

Dark or red, in this form or in that, it all makes a 
red scratch, blood-red. And that is where it got its 
name, from a Greek word 'haima' meaning blood. 

Hematite is one of the greatest sources of iron. In 
the United States, something like 90% of the iron min- 
ed is hematite. 


I know a lake up north on the Canadian Shield 
which has a great patch of black or almost black sand. 
Most of the sand of the region is a reddish, sand col- 
our. Round the Great Lakes the sand is grey. But this 
is almost black. When I scooped some up in my hand it 
was heavy, most surprisingly heavy. 

These black sands or at least the black in them came 
from rock containing magnetite, another iron ore, black 
this time. 

Have you a magnet? It is almost the same word, isn't 
it? Put some needles or iron filings on your table and 
hold the magnet in your hand beneath the table, touch- 
ing the wood. Watch the needles follow the magnet. 

Well, magnetite is magnetic. It has that same force. 

Once, long ago, a shepherd was wandering with his 
sheep on Mount Ida, on the island of Crete, south of 
Greece. (Look at your map). 

In his hand the shepherd had an iron-pointed staff, 
so the story goes. Somewhere on the mountain-side were 
those same black sands that I saw in that northern lake. 
When the shepherd, walking along, put his staff in the 
sand he noticed that all the very black grains stuck to 

IRON 243 

the iron point. He could rub them off. But he could pick 
them up again, by the end of his staff. 

The shepherd's name was Magnes! 

So came the words 'magnet', 'magnetism' and 'mag- 
netite'. For it was magnetite sand that stuck to the iron 
point. That is one legend. 

Have you a compass? It always points north. But 
not to the North Pole. It points to the Magnetic Pole, 
some distance southwest of the North Pole. 


Come with me across the field. There is a man there 
who thinks he has gold. Has he ? Let us look. 

The rock beneath this farm is limestone. You see we 
are walking over it here. It is almost flat and cannot 
change much in the length of this field. You remember 
gold comes from rock that has been melted. If there 
had been melted rock so near this limestone there would 
have been some disturbance. The limestone would not 
be so calmly flat. 

Let us see. A broad white vein cuts through the lime- 
stone, without twisting it, or cooking its edges. Is it 
quartz? Gold often occurs in quartz. But if melted 
quartz cut through limestone like that, the rock on its 
edges would have been cooked. And this is just as it 

There is another test. Scratch it with your knife. (A 
knife is so handy!) The white rock shows a white 
scratch. It is soft. Quartz is harder, much harder. You 
cannot scratch it so. This is crystalline calcium carbon- 
ate, that is, just crystalline limestone. 

"But," insists the man, "there is gold in it. See 


there!" and he points to some bright shining gold- 
coloured cubes. They look exciting, and he is excited. 

But hand me that bottle of acid, hydrochloric acid. 
We will try it out. 

See, the acid just eats it up. 

That is iron pyrite Fool's gold ! and it has fooled 
many a man. 

How did it get there ? 

Water percolated through that crack in the limestone 
carrying in both dissolved limestone and dissolved iron 
and sulphur (for iron pyrite is iron and sulphur). The 
iron and the sulphur united in that strange way minerals 
have. And as the water slowly evaporated it deposited 
the limestone in a crystalline form, bit by bit, and de- 
posited with it the cubic crystal of pyrite. 

Pyrite also occurs in quantities in igneous rocks and 
in metamorphic rock (you remember that word; look 
at page 13) . When in such rocks it usually means those 
rocks have been very highly heated. 

Pyrite or pyrites, as it is called, can be seen in many 
rocks. It rusts easily, when exposed. Common as it is, 
it is not good for mining iron because it is difficult to 
separate the sulphur from the iron. 


If iron occurs in igneous rocks and in sedimentary 
rocks and if it can occur in sedimentary rocks down 
through all the ages, think what a lot of iron there is 
on the Earth, not to mention what there may be at the 
Earth's core. That is well, since we use it so much. 

Look at the list you made of the ways in which we 
use it. 

IRON 245 

All those made irons are not the same, are they? 
There is wrought iron, cast iron and far and away above 

all there is steel. 


Wrought Iron 

Let us go back to Persia, or somewhere there on the 
Eastern Mediterranean. The Cave-man we saw on Pae^e 
Four is dead. In fact, probably many of his great-grand- 
children are dead. This is another man, still a savage, 
but he can make a fire. 

He has had a meal. I don't know which one because 
I am sure he did not have three a day, every day, as 
we do. But his fire is out now. All about him is deso- 
lation. He has come back to one of his hunting-grounds. 
The forest where he caught his game has been burnt to 
a cinder. Perhaps it was from the fire of another sav- 
age, perhaps it was struck by lightning. When he made 
his own fire he laid down a stone tool. Now he wants to 
find it. He pokes around in the ashes with a piece of 
hard stick. The very ground all around is still warm 
from the forest fire. One stone he pushes out of his way 
still has a red glow. He pokes it. The end of his stick 
smoulders. But here is a very strange thing! The end of 
the stick has left a hole in the stone. The red glow is 
dying and his stick leaves less and less impression as he 
curiously pokes the stone. Farther on he finds another 
and another stone still warm. The glow dies before long 
on them all. When cool he wonderingly turns some of 
the stones. He learns that this particular kind of stone 
is heavy, very heavy. He pounds it and finds he can 
change its shape. 

Some men think it was in some such way that men 


learned that these stones, which had iron in them, coula 
be hammered into different shapes. 

Or, it has been suggested, some worker in copper 
long ago tried what he could db with iron, and found 
it, too, could be heated and softened and then hammer- 
ed into shape. 

Whether the use of iron was discovered in this way 
or in that, certainly men learned that an arrowhead of 
iron was sharper and altogether better than one of 
stone. So they made iron arrowheads. 

The first iron stones men found and worked were 
probably meteorites. When the white man explored 
North America he found the Eskimos of Greenland 
were hammering out crude weapons from pieces of met- 
eorites and so were some of the Indians on the west 
coast, hammering them cold, with other pieces of stone. 
They worked away a long, long time to get a piece free 
from the main meteorite. But time was nothing to them. 
They had not learned the use of heat in softening them. 

Many of the men who study about early man think 
the Iron Age, that is, when men began to use iron tools 
instead of stone, came after the Bronze Age, even 
though bronze was more difficult to make. Others are 
not so sure. It really is possible that in some places 
where there was iron and not copper men learned to use 
iron. In Africa, for instance, there was no Bronze Age. 
The Iron Age followed the Stone Age. 

Or, on the other hand, where there was copper and 
not iron they learned to use copper. 

The very first known record we have in the world is 
in the Bible, Genesis IV, verse 22 : "Tubalcain, the for- 
ger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron." Just 

IRON 247 

how many thousands of years B.C. that was we do not 
know. But the man who first wrote that thought it w r as 
pretty near the beginning of human life. 

You remember the old tin pail is iron covered with 
a thin coating of tin. Iron, then, can be pulled out, and 
made into any shape you want. It is rolled into sheets 
to make the tin pail. 

Let us visit a blacksmith's shop. We must go to the 
country. There are a few left there. Farmers' horses 
still have to be shod. 

Under a spreading chestnut tree 
The village smithy stands; 
The smith, a mighty man is he, 
With large and sinewy hands; 
And the muscles of his brawny arms 
Are strong as iron bands. 

The Village Blacksmith H. W. LONGFELLOW 

That was written in New England. Every village had 
its smithy, where now we have service stations. 

Let us go to the door and watch him. 

He turns the bellows on to his forge. It glows and 

See, in the forge he has a long iron bar. It is black 
at this end though hot to touch, but right in the fire it 
is first red-hot and then white-hot. When its colour 
shows it is heated enough to work the smith lifts it from 
the forge to the anvil where with ringing blows, he ham- 
mers it into the shape he wants. Sometimes he dips it 
quickly into water. 

The village smithy's main work now is making horse- 
shoes but he used to make many other things, or mend 
ploughs and pipes for pumps, and in large foundries 


they made iron fences and gates, and many other things. 

Such iron is malleable, that is, it can be shaped by 
hammering or by a mallet. That is the origin of the 
word. In other words, it can be 'worked'. It is called 
'wrought iron'. 'Wrought' is an old word, the old form 
of 'worked'. 

In many places in Europe you can see beautifully 
wrought-iron gates and doors, and railings. Indeed, 
many things! 

Cast Iron 

One day, probably long after it was found that iron 
could be hammered out, someone working away with 
iron, heating it to hammer it, found that it melted down 
so that it could be poured, or that sometimes it could be 
poured. Some of it may have fallen on a hollow stone 
or between stones or into a hollow in the clay, into 
something that could hold it without catching fire. When 
cooled the iron took the shape of the mould into which 
it had fallen. The first cast iron ! 

Why was some of it easier to pour? The man who 
first discovered that it could be poured into a shape did 
not know why, but we do know. It had a great deal of 
carbon in it. Iron readily takes up carbon, and possibly 
some of the burning wood of the fire became mixed 
with the iron. At any rate, iron with carbon can be 
shaped by being poured into a mould but it cannot be 
hammered into shape, hot or cold. 

And so we use cast iron now for many things. But 
the method of casting or pouring into moulds is used 
even more for steel. 

IRON 249 


The form of iron which we use most is steel. When 
the descendant of our savage friend in Persia or the 
East accidently let his hot soft iron stone roll into a 
near-by stream he heard it sizzle but he thought nothing 
of it. Every time he dropped water on the hot stones 
of his fire there was a sizzling and a spitting. 

But once, perhaps, he pulled a piece out to hammer 
it again. It was different. It was harder and broke at 
his heavy pounding instead of taking the shape he 

Why? Because it had cooled suddenly. That was the 
first man to make steel. Or, probably that was the way 
it was first learned that iron cooled quickly was strong- 
er and more brittle. 

That process of heating and cooling quickly is called 
tempering'. 'Finely tempered steeF ! It will take a finer 
edge. It will not wear out so quickly. It will not only 
make spearheads, but swords and knives on chariot 
wheels. Later the swords of Damascus were famous 
for their finely tempered steel. 

Now all these things were learned somewhere east 
of the Mediterranean. At least, that is what is thought. 

Iron has been found in one of the pyramids of Egypt, 
built at least as long ago as 3,000 B.C. Probably iron 
was strange to the Egyptians. They used only a little of 
it, and then only for sacred things, such as burial. At 
any rate, when the Israelites left Egypt, wandered in 
the wilderness and finally invaded Palestine they had no 
weapons to match the Philistines, and the Canaanites, 
armed with swords, and chariots with steel knives. Look 
at your Bible again. Joshua XVII, verses 16 and 18: 


u And the children of Joseph said, 'the hill is not enough 
for us; and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of 
the valley have chariots of iron'." 

And again, I Samuel XIII, verses 19 to 22: u Now 
there was no smith found throughout all the land of 
Israel . . . but all the Israelites went down to the 
Philistines to sharpen every man his share (plough- 
share) and his coulter and his axe and his mattock 
... So it came to pass in the day of battle, 
that there was neither sword nor spear found in 
the hand of any of the people that were with Saul 
and Jonathan. But with Saul and Jonathan his son was 
there found." 

This was all during the fourteenth or fifteenth cen- 
tury B.C. or perhaps even earlier. 

The use of iron and steel travelled slowly westward 
into Europe. Homer mentions it among the Greeks 
about 1,200 B.C. By the time it appeared in Europe 
weapons were decorated often with fancy curves. 

But steel as we now have it is prepared in many ways, 
in many types of furnaces, and the iron united with 
other minerals to give it different qualities. But still the 
carbon content is the important part. It is not just chance 
now. Carbon can be added. 

For wrought iron very little carbon. 

For cast iron, much carbon. 

For steel, varying quantities. It must be malleable 
at different temperatures for different types of steel. 

Then, of course, there are other variations depend- 
ing on the length of time in cooling and on the way in 
which it is hammered, pressed or poured, or any other 
method. For steel, too, is now poured. 

IRON 251 

Iron has the most varied characteristics: it is hard- 
ened by sudden cooling, softened by slow cooling. We 
make steel hammers so hard they can cut other softer 
iron and steel. It may be brittle or drawn out into long 
thin wire. It may be magnetic or non-magnetic. It has 
many other contrasts. 

North America 

In North America the largest supply is around Lake 
Superior, in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. It is 
hematite, and most of it comes from the Mesabi Range. 

And remember the coal in the Mississippi valley, 
principally in Illinois and Ohio ! That means cheap 

For more than fifty years this region has been the 
chief source of iron. A great deal of iron has been 
taken out during that fifty years and well, how long 
will it last? Not for ever! 

The next greatest supply is in the State of Alabama. 
It is a lower-grade ore, but will probably be used more 
and more as the Lake Superior supply gives out. The 
Alabama iron, too, is hematite. 

Then, several places in the western States have small 
supplies of magnetite. There is a little in the north- 
eastern States. 

Canada, up to date, has not had enough for its own 
use. But all the story is not told. North of Lake Super- 
ior is a lake, Steeprock Lake, not very large compared 
to Lake Superior, but not so small for a twisted turn- 
ing lake. A few years ago great boulders of iron were 
seen on the shores of one part. Search was made for 


the rock from which the boulders came. Nowhere did 
it show. It must be under the lake ! It is ! 

Now a dam has been built. The branch of the lake 
beneath which lies the iron is being pumped out. Then 
the iron will be mined. This is a very high-grade hem- 

Up in Labrador explorers recently have found im- 
mense quantities of hematite ore, high-grade ore too, 
which bids fair to be one of the great supplies of the 
world. But alas ! that too, is far from coal and cheap 
smelting. But Canada with her iron and electrical pow- 
er may yet develop a great iron industry. 

There are many other small deposits of magnetite 
iron, particularly in the Ontario part of the Canadian 
Shield. They were mined years ago before the discov- 
ery of the great Lake Superior supply. 

There is a great deal of iron ore in Newfoundland. 
It contains much phosphorus and requires a particular 
type of smelting. Next to the United States, Newfound- 
land now has the greatest output in North America. 

Most of this iron of North America comes from the 
rocks of Page One of the Earth's own story. 
South America 

There is some iron being mined in Chile, and Brazil 
has large supplies. It is known there is some in Vene- 
zuela and elsewhere, but there is still much exploratory 
work to be done. 

Britain has an abundant supply of iron ore, mostly 
hematite, but not all of it is of good grade. And Brit- 
ain has imported quite a bit of the ore for her steel 
from the continent. But, you remember about 'bringing 

IRON 253 

coals to Newcastle'. Right near her iron deposits there 
is a great supply of coal for cheap smelting. So that 
Britain has built up a huge steel industry. 

In the Ruhr valley on the continent lie great iron and 
coal supplies, to build up the iron and steel industry of 
Europe. And these supplies pay no attention to politi- 
cal boundaries. Germany is in it. France is in it. Bel- 
gium is in it and even little Luxembourg has her finger 
in that pie. European wars have pivoted about the re- 
gion. This great supply of ore is not of the highest 
grade. It, too, contains much phosphorus. 

Sweden has some of the highest-grade ore in Eu- 
rope, of the magnetite type. But Sweden lacks coal for 
cheap smelting. Sweden ships her ore to other countries, 
chiefly to Germany. 

Spain has had some iron ore, but most of it has al- 
ready been mined. Austria also has small supplies. 

Russia is the unknown quantity. Most of her known 
iron is of a rather low grade. 


Across North Africa in Algeria and Tunisia is quite 
a lot of hematite iron. There may be still more in Mor- 
occo. Look at your map. See the Atlas mountains. It 
looks hopeful! But alasl There is no coal for smelting. 
Most of it is shipped to England where it is smelted 
and made into steel. 

In South Africa near Pretoria is iron, and near it is 
some coal. The quantity is not large enough nor pure 
enough for more than local supply. Iron ores are found 
at various places in other parts of Africa, but not much 
is yet known of them, and they are not yet mined. 



Japan has one big supply, but it is poor ore. Japan 
has the coal for smelting but most of her ore is import- 
ed from other countries. 

China has reserves but, except for one field of mag- 
netite on the Yangtze river, it is a poor grade. Very 
little of it has been worked. 

India has the greatest supply in Asia, some of it high- 
grade hematite. But Indian coal is not very good. The 
Indian ore has not been greatly developed. 


Australia has enough for her own use but little to 
export to other countries. 

Of the islands the Dutch East Indies has large sup- 
plies and there is coal in the region, but the ore is moist 
and has other material in it so that it requires special 

Several other groups of islands have small supplies, 
none of them more than can be used locally, if they 
were developed, and few of them are. 
* * * 

Iron, then, is a treasure to us in the Earth's store- 
house. It is well that there is much of it! 



Everywhere the water is a thing of beauty, 

gleaming in the dewdrop; 

singing in the summer rain ; 

shining in the ice-gems 

till the leaves all seem to turn to living jewels; 

spreading a golden veil over the setting sun ; 

or a white gauze around the midnight moon. 


WATER A TREASURE in our Earth's storehouse! Is it 
a treasure? 

Just what would your life be without it? Think, 
think hard. You will agree that water is a treasure. 
For our very life depends upon water plant life, 
animal life, human life. Think of the Earth without 



But more than that, think of the ways in which we 
use water, besides drinking it! Think of the heat and 
power, steam power and electric power ! Think of the 
way we mix things with it ! Think of how it has made 
the wood grow that is your furniture, your house ! 
Think of the hundred ways it enters into our lives! 

But I hear you laugh. " Water is not in rock like 
the other treasures. It is neither mineral nor metal!" 

But, isn't it? How is it different? "Why," you say, 
"it is liquid!" Yes, it is, but so is iron if heated up 
to 1,535 C, so is copper if heated up to 1,083 C, 
and so is gold if heated up to 1,063 C, and so is tin 
if heated up to 232 C. 

Suppose we go on a short polar expedition. Our ship 
is jammed in an ice floe. Our water supply is all gone. 
You have been on a desert island and found that gold 
did not help you. But water you must have. Where 
can we get it near the North Pole? Out there, outside 
the ship, is ice. But we cannot drink, nor wash clothes 
in ice. But heat the ice to 32 F, or C, and you 
have water! Water will boil at 212 F, or 100 C 

But, you say, each one of all those other minerals 
has its own crystal shape. Yes, but so has water. A 
water crystal is long and thin and six-sided. Undis- 
turbed at freezing point it will always take the same 

You can see that for yourself any day in the autumn, 
if you live far enough north or south for water to 
freeze. When going to school after a rain, you pass 
a puddle on the sidewalk. It is beginning to freeze, 
not enough for you to take a running slide, but long 
needles of ice are floating on the water crystals ! Stoop 

WATER 257 

down. Look at them. Take them up in your hand if 
they are not too fragile. 

Yes, you see, water too has a crystal form. 

A snow-storm is beginning. Catch some flakes. 
Gently now ! We don't want to break them. Here is 
a piece of black velvet. Now put the flakes under the 
magnifying glass or microscope. Beautiful shapes, 
made up of hundreds of tiny crystals, all with six sides, 
all woven into beautiful patterns water slowly freez- 
ing out of the air! 

So water, like other minerals, freezes at a certain 
temperature and boils at a certain temperature, and 
it has its own crystal shape. 

Water, then, is a true mineral. 


Two Gases 

Water is a compound made up of two gases, hydro- 
gen and oxygen. Funny, isn't it, that water comes out 
of that! It is, again, the chemistry of atoms and mole- 
cules. When you begin to study chemistry, one of your 
early experiments will be to separate some water into 
its two gases, and you will see, for yourself. Until 
then, I shall just have to ask you to believe me. 

Solid Water 

You all know about water freezing. But do you 
know that it is larger when frozen? It expands one- 
tenth its size. And that gentle force of increasing in. 
size is very powerful. Do not leave any water in a 
sealed jar if it is going to freeze, and do be careful 
of the radiator of your car. It will freeze and burst* 


And so will your water pipes on a cold night if they 
are exposed. Remember the top of your milk bottle! 

Water Vapour 

L&st summer was terrifically hot where I was. Every- 
body was going around drooping like a wilted weed. 
And whenever two people met, one would say, 

"Isn't it hot?" It was like the refrain of a sons. 

"It is not the heat, it is the humidity," would straight- 
way be the reply. 

The humidity the amount of water in the air! 

Boil your tea-kettle. You see the water pass off into 
vapour. It is in tiny particles. Then at a little distance 
from the spout it is in tinier particles, so tiny you cannot 
see them. When the air is humid it is filled with a 
vapour of tiny particles of water, almost a gas. And 
the hotter the air the more vapour it can hold. 

If frozen water increases one-tenth in size, the water 
vapour increases seventeen hundred times! Did you 
ever go down into the hold of a steamship and watch 
the machinery? I have. Or watch a train? How does 
it work? What makes those big engine wheels go 
round ? 

Steam is made from water by burning oil or coal. 
Now steam must increase in volume. It is like the laws 
of the Medes and Persians, unalterable. If the volume 
of steam is confined within a pipe or a boiler it presses 
against all sides with tremendous force. That force is 
used, let out, but directed so that it drives a piston. The 
piston drives the wheels. If the pressure of steam gets 
too great some of the steam is let out into the air by 
a safety valve. You have seen a train let off steam. 

WATER 259 

Vapour May Burn You or Cool You 

I hope you have never burned yourself with steam. 
You may be badly burned with boiling water but steam 
is worse. Just the physical process of turning boiling 
water into steam demands more heat than to boil the 

But, strange to say, water vapour may make you 
cooler. Put a dab of water on your arm and let it 
dry off. It cools you. Why? The water passes off into 
vapour, but to pass from water to vapour requires 
heat. The heat is taken from your arm. 


Water Goes Up 

Where is the water of the Earth? In oceans, lakes, 
rivers, swamps, spread over many places on the surface 
of the Earth. The ocean, you remember, covers four- 
fifths of the entire surface of the Earth. Besides that, 
several continents have many lakes, and some of them 
are very large. There is an enormous surface of water, 
all lying spread to the sun's rays. 

And how the sun does work! It makes the surface 
layer of water into vapour all around the globe. Con- 
tinuously that vapour rises. The hotter the sun makes 
the atmosphere the more water-vapour the atmosphere 
can hold. The sun 'draws' and 'draws' and 'draws' the 
water, all the time, day and night, for when it is night 
where you are, it is day on the other side of our Earth. 

Now the ocean water, the greatest surface of all, is 
full of salt, but the salt does not evaporate. It stays 
in the ocean. You remember the experiment with salt 
mixed with water in a glass. The water dries up we 


say. It evaporates. It becomes water-vapour in the 
air, but the salt is left in the glass. So in the oceans, 
the salt is left behind. The vapour from the ocean is 
as fresh water as the vapour from a freshwater lake. 

Water Comes Down 

The atmosphere gets so full of water-vapour that 
it cannot hold another drop, unless it gets hotter still. 
But sometimes instead of getting hotter a cool wind 
comes up. The atmosphere simply cannot take it. The 
draught is too much for it. The little particles are drawn 
together and down it drops as rain. 

And so it falls everywhere, ( on the just and on the 
unjust'. A great deal of it goes back to the ocean from 
which it came, for the ocean has the larger surface to 
catch it. But mercifully some of it falls on the land. 


I am the daughter of the Earth and Water, 

And the nursling of the Sky. 
I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores, 

I change, but I cannot die. 


It floated on top of the Atlantic Ocean. It was blown 
by a storm around some islands into the Gulf of Mexico 
where it was warm, very warm. It hovered in and out 
of the bays, and found it very hot. It was right on the 

"I simply cannot stand the heat/' it moaned. 

And it couldn't. 

In the twinkling of an eye it burst and rose on the 
warm air in tiny particles, higher and higher, climbing 
a sunbeam. And all its particles mingled with those 

WATER 261 

of its neighbours. It was vapour now. When the sun 
set, it grew cooler and people looking up said, "It is 
clouding over, up there/' 

But another day came. The sun shot down its scorch- 
ing rays, and the clouds disappeared, but the vapour 
was still there, though unseen. For hot air, as I said 
before, can carry more unseen vapour than cold air. 
One day it was near the mouth of the Mississippi River. 
The next day it was following up the river. It was 
very, very warm. And more and more particles of 
vapour rose from the river to join the throng. 

"It is terribly hot/' said a man down on the Earth, 
mopping his brow. 

"It is the humidity," said his neighbour. 

Farther and farther up the Mississippi the vapour 
travelled. Once or twice in the coolness of the evening 
it was visible as clouds, and then it disappeared again. 

"An area of low pressure is coming up from the 
South," said the Weatherman, and the barometer fell. 
For moist air is lighter than dry air. 

The vapour-filled air found itself near the Canadian 
border and, in the shoving and jostling of the clouds, 
floated a little higher or lower, and was struck in the 
face by some colder air. That, it just couldn't stand. 
All the particles ran together and formed drops and 
down they came. 

"Rain," sighed the people below. 

"Such a relief P' And rain it did. 

Did our drop fall on the Canadian side or the United 
States side? I do not know. For clouds and water 
never learned political history, though geography is 
the breath of life to them. 


Swamp Life 

Anyway, down it fell. It soaked into the earth, it 
and other drops with it. Down it slipped from a blade 
of grass to a dead root. It was in a swamp. For a 
long time it lay there. Slowly bits of refuse began to 
dissolve in it, from the dead branches and leaves 
around it. It became peaty water, yellow, tawny, not 
pleasant to drink. It w r as occasionally ruffled by the 
wind, or blown to one side. It gradually got over to 
the centre where the lazy water sometimes moved a 
little, sometimes rested. Slowlv it was borne a little 
farther down, dirty and unhappy, but water just the 
same. One day the wind gave an extra push. It began 
to move a little. Why, it did not know. But it was 
really because away up near the edge of the bog some 
water had soaked through a part of the swamp barrier 
and other water was moving up to take its place. 
Farther and farther it was pulled and shoved, until 
at the edge a slow stream flowed from the swamp. 
Glad to be moving again our drop went on. Now it 
ran more quickly. Some distance down it gurgled over 
some pebbles, when plop! It struck a stone and was^ 
hurled right out of the stream ! 

Ground Water Life 

It lay a while but didn't like the look of the sun, so 
slipped down beneath the stone against which it had 
been splashed. Not that it did not like floating as a 
cloud. It did. But it was having adventures, not always 
pleasant it is true, but it was seeing the world. Not yet 
did it want to go back to the clouds. "The ocean is 
my home," it thought. 

It slipped farther down, around this grain of sand 

WATER 263 

and around that. A number of other drops followed it. 
Together they sank lower and lower. It took quite a 
while. It was very dark. But as it slowly filtered through 
the sand it said to itself, "I am getting clean again, pure 
and clean." 

Down, down, the drops went, now through sand, now 
slowly, very slowly along little openings in clay, then 
through sand again. 

Until away down there the drop began to hear and 
feel more and more neighbours around it. Every grain 
of sand or pebble had water around it. It and the few 
that were splashed over with it were not alone. They 
had reached the ground water level. 

For almost everywhere beneath the soil there is a 
level at which water stands. It cannot go farther be- 
cause the rock or the clay beneath it is impervious. The 
level may change from time to time according to the 
rainfall. Or, the level here may be different from the 
level there, because of the difference in the average of 
rainfall in the two places, or, heavy clay may block its 
flow in this or that direction. In another place the flow 
may not be blocked, so it will flow more quickly. 

Our drop did not know it, but it was beneath a farm. 
Now the farmer wanted more water for his cattle. He 
decided to put down a well. As the digging and scrap- 
ing went on, our drop edged farther and farther away. 
It did not want to go up again to be swallowed by a 
cow or a pig. That was all very well. It is a worthy 
fate, "but I want to see more of the world, above and 
below, and anyway, the ocean is my home/' it thought. 
And shoved its neighbours a bit impolitely. 

Just in time ! 


"Water!" cried the farmer as the water rushed into 
his well. Up it went ! 

But our drop had got beyond the pull of that first 
water to enter the well. It decided to hurry, and first 
thing it knew it tumbled with others into a crack in the 
rock against which and over which the soil lay. " An- 
other adventure," thought the drop. "And I am so 
much cooler and cleaner." And on it went, slowlv mov- 
ing down, pulled by some unseen, unknown Dower. 

And as the water stood or slowly flowed through the 
rock it was joined by other small- seepings of water. 

All the way down, and it was a long way, slowly, 
silently but constantly it was dissolving out mineral mat- 
ter from the rock, making the fissure wider and wider 
and then making a network of fissures. And the busy 
drop of water itself was changing. 

It fell from the sky a pure drop of water, soft water 
we call it. In the swamp it was soiled with decaying 
life. Filtering through the sand it was cleansed, and 
here in the fissures of rock it was dissolving out and 
carrying away mineral matter. It was becoming 'hard' 

Down it sank through the fissures down to some 
porous sandy rock. And with it followed all the other 
drops. Here it slipped around this grain and that, some- 
times stopped by grains cemented together. 

Suddenly a distant noise alarmed it. A thud, thud! 
Time after time, thud ! thud ! Then a pause. 

"I know," said a neighbouring drop. "Men are drill- 
ing a well in the rock." 

"Another well," shuddered the drop. "I thought I 

WATER 265 

had passed that danger. 1 * And it hurried on beyond the 

For wells are drilled through rock down to porous 
rock where large supplies of water collect because it 
can flow more freely. 

Hurry, hurry! Faster, faster! Why, it knew not. 
When suddenly it burst into daylight in a bubbling 
spring from a crack in the rock. Pure, clean, cold, fresh 
water, sparkling in the sunshine. 

Some boys and girls came up the trail. 

"Hey," shouted the foremost, "here is a spring!" 

"Oh," said the drop, "the ocean is my home," and it 
jumped over a stone down the other side, racing over 
bright pebbles. It got away. The picnickers drank 
great cupfuls of drops that were behind it 

On it went tumbling down and down, under a tiny 
road bridge and into a larger stream. The stream flow T - 
ed on into Rainy Lake or somewhere else near the bor- 
der. It flowed on to Lake Superior. 

"Oh!" thought the drop, "my ocean home!" But it 
was wrong. Lake Superior is freshwater and the ocean 
is salt water. The drop soon realized its mistake, and 
slowly moved on. How or why it hardly knew, except 
that all water must flow down to the ocean, if possible. 

Sometimes on the surface of the great lake it was 
frozen into ice. Sometimes for years together it was far 
down below the freezing level, even in winter, or far 
out from shore where it never freezes in those great 
restless lakes. Years and years it took to pass through 
Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie 
and all the rivers between. Perhaps in places it went by 
the canals. I do not know. 


But it did not go by the Welland Canal. I know, be- 
cause it came down the Niagara River. Faster and 
faster it began to run, pushed and pulled. And now it 
was at the brink of Niagara Falls, one brief moment! 

And down below stood a man! A great man, who 
has found out some of the laws of the Universe. Tall, 
grey-headed, he stood there looking up. He stood there 
very still. And in his mind he saw not only the drops, 
the millions and millions of drops of water that hurled 
over that precipice, but he saw the many more millions 
of atoms which made up the drops. His mind reached 
out to the infiniteness, the endlessness of that number. 
I know. I heard him tell it. He was Sir Oliver Lodge. 

And there was our drop of water just on the edge, 
when down it plunged, far down below the surface, to 
be tossed upward again into the Whirlpool. On and 
on swiftly to Lake Ontario ! 

Then the drop rested again for many long years. 
Sometimes it helped bear on its back the big boats that 
carry the wheat down to the ships that take it far and 
wide over the world. Sometimes it was whipped in high 
sport by the wind from the top of a wave, to fall back 
again. Many, many of its companions were drawn up 
by the sun to be dropped in rain and go through their 
adventures again. But more of them slowly made their 
way down to the St. Lawrence, again to jump and 
shout and splash over rapid after rapid and then on 
again. Once it was caught in a power-plant race where 
its struggle down to the sea helped to turn a great tur- 
bine to make electricity go out over the land. On again, 
on to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, so near the ocean f And 
one never-to-be-forgotten day our drop was hurried by 

WATER 267 

the prow of a great ocean liner, by wind and ebbing 
tide, out through the Straits of Belle Isle, out to the 
Atlantic Ocean. 

"Oh," sighed the drop happily, as it floated on the 
heavier salt water. "Home at last!" 

But home does not last, not for a drop of restless 
water. It may be taken up by the sun and start its rounds 
all over again. This time it may be caught in a well, or 
be a fresh, cool drink for beast or man, or make a plant 
happy, or hang a dewdrop on a rose petal, or help turn 
a turbine. It may come up as a mineral spring to which 
people come from far and wide to be healed. It may 
soak down near a volcano and be hurtled out as steam, 
or it may enter into the making of a crystal of molten 
rock, for it does. 

It may do one or other or all of these things again 
and again. Or, it may, it just may, be caught in a boy's 
or a girl's experiment in chemistry class and be separat- 
ed into hydrogen and oxygen. Even then it is not gone. 
It is just changed into something else. It is never really 
destroyed! Never! 

* * * 

It is a great treasure, perhaps the greatest, in the 
Treasure store of the Earth. 



... *. ..^ 'V^, ,*?*'''? 

SUMMER DAY I lay floating in, or on, Long Island 
Sound. My eyes were closed in the sunshine, the water 
lay like a soft mattress beneath ! I thought of the many 
lakes and rivers in which I had swum and floated. But 
in none was floating like this ! 

Why? The lakes and rivers were freshwater. Long 
Island Sound look at your map is an arm of the 
sea. Well, and what is the difference? Salt just salt! 

Salt comes from the rocks. It was in the original ma- 
terial at the birth of the Earth. It is still probably in 
solution in steam in places within the Earth. You know 
how easily it dissolves. On the surface the rivers and 
lakes and the ocean dissolve it, wherever they run over 
or through or beat against rocks that contain it. There 


SALT 269 

is so little in the rivers it cannot be noticed. But in the 
lakes of 'hard' water there is more. And it is all carried 
to the sea, and left right there on its doorstep. More 
and more is added every year. And the ocean, poor 
thing, has no way of getting rid of it. Though it did 
get even with the land sometimes. When the seas came 
up over the continents and then withdrew in some cases, 
they left some of their salt behind. 

Just common salt! You put a little from a salt-cellar 
on your dinner. Your mother or someone else puts it 
in her cooking. So, vou use it for food. 

Have you a sore throat? Gargle with salt and water. 
Have you a nasty cut or open bruise? Wash it gently 
with salt water. Yes, it hurts, but it is antiseptic, that 
is, it kills the germs that may have got into the wound. 
It is really the same thing as a gargle, for there, too, 
it kills the germs. You use it, then, for medicine. 

Is there a spot on a saucepan? Rub it with a little 
salt. You will be surprised at the result. 

Ummmm ! Um ! Smell it, bacon and coffee for break- 

u ls the bacon too salty?" asks mother. 

"Oh, no! It is just right," you answer. 

"This lot seemed a little salty, so I soaked it a few 
minutes," adds mother, by way of an explanation of her 
first question. 

What makes the bacon salty, anyway? 

Salt is put into it to preserve it Otherwise it would 
not keep. And haven't you noticed it in ham? And in 
fish? That is to 'cure' it 'Cure' comes from a Latin 
word 'curare', 'to take care of. The salt is used to pre- 


serve food. It kills the little organisms that would spoil 
it, just as it kills the microbes in your throat. 

And it is in our bodies! Our very perspiration is 
salty. You know that. It is in our very blood ! Or rather 
our blood is in it. The blood plasma we give to the Red 
Cross floats about our bodies in brine. Salt is almost as 
vital as water! 


Salt, common salt, is really a mineral called sodium 
chloride. You know what it looks like grains, cube- 
shaped when perfect, clear, translucent. It melts at 
1,458 F. or 810 C, and boils at approximately 2,610 
F. or 1,450 C. That does not tell you much, does it? 
It just shows you it is like other minerals, and being a 
mineral we find it in our Earth's storehouse. 


Did our first savage friend in Persia have salt? 
Probably not. It is not long since some races in Siberia 
began to use salt. Their government taught them to use 
it. The Kirghizes of Turkestan do not use it on their 
food, nor the Bedouins of Arabia. Some of the Amer- 
ican Indians did not use salt when the white man ar- 

These are all people who wander about, nomadic 
tribes we call them. They live on animal food, milk and 
meat, whatever they can catch. It is probable that in 
this food they get what salt they require in one form or 

Man first used salt when he began to settle down 
and plant vegetables. But when man wanted salt, want 

SALT 271 

it he did! And there have been many wars about salt 

When more and more tribes became agricultural and 
accustomed to use salt it became a precious thing, even 
a sacred thing. The Jews offered it to Jehovah with 
their first fruits. It was used among the Greeks and 
Romans with offerings to the gods, and a covenant was 
sealed over a sacrificial meal seasoned with salt "It is 
a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee 
and to thy seed with thee," Numbers XVIII, verse 19. 
A meal with salt was sacred, a friend who had eaten 
your salt was a friend for life. It is still so among some 
oriental peoples "Now because we eat the salt of the 
palace and it is not meet for us to see the kind's dis- 
honour", Ezra IV, verse 14, R.V. 

Homer tells of it being used in the feasts of his he- 
roes. The inhabitants of Sierra Leone (look at your 
map of Africa) used to give everything, even wives and 
children for it. Among inland people a salt spring was 
considered a gift of the gods, and even now it is a great 
luxury. Boys and girls in those regions like to suck it 
as you do candy. 

The Roman soldier was given salt in his ration. 
When salt was missing he was given something else, 
usually money, and that was his 'salary', that is, in place 
of salt. So when your father gets his salary it is his salt 
money. That was the way the word 'salary' was born. 
In Abyssinia and other parts of Africa and in Thibet, 
cakes of salt are still used for money. 

Trade Routes 

Before there were automobiles or trains, across Asia, 
North Africa and Europe were well-travelled roads, 


along which moved camels or horses laden with bur- 
dens. And in early days much of the load was salt. One 
of the oldest roads in Italy, the Via Salaria, was to 
carry salt from Ostia to the Sabine country. The cara- 
van roads of the Libyan desert were to carry salt and 
to-day salt is one of the chief articles of commerce in 
the Sahara desert. 

So important is salt to humankind that from early 
times until now in many lands governments have raised 
money by a tax on salt, because it is a tax of which 
everyone has to pay a small part. Not always a wise 
way in countries with a despotic government! To get 
around the tax collector, the salt dealers sold impure 
salt. But if salt can raise money for governments be- 
cause everyone has to use it, for the same reason gov- 
ernments use it to help the health of people. 

You have a thyroid gland. Did you know that? It is 
in your neck. Sometimes it goes on strike, or only works 
half speed. Then the doctor gives you iodine. If you 
live near the sea, and are eating much sea food you get 
iodine without a doctor. There is considerable in sea- 
water. Fish and oysters, shrimps and mussels and even 
seaweed take it up. You get it by eating them. If you 
live inland you do not get so much, and you need it. 

Now everybody eats salt, so the government sees that 
the salt is iodized, that is, small quantities of iodine are 
put in it. 

In the Ocean 

There is so much of it in the ocean that the water is 
heavier than freshwater, more buoyant. It will hold you 
up more easily. If you have learned to swim or float in 

SALT 273 

freshwater, there is a big surprise waiting for you when 
you jump into ocean water. 

In many countries that border on the ocean the salt 
is taken from the sea-water. 

Go to France or Spain, along the coast somewhere. 
See that long low shore. Over there are rows of low 
flat pools, basins rather. They are empty now. We can 
look at them. 

They are fairly level. The one nearest the shore is 
about at high tide level. The others farther back are 
just a little lower. The floor of each is covered with pud- 
dled clay. Water will not soak through. In some places 
these salt basins have cement floors. 

The tide is coming in. Coming higher and higher up 
the shore. It can get in down that channel. Now the 
first big basin is full. Taste the water. Salty, isn't it? 
The tide runs out. The channel is closed. The water is 
caught, and no more can get in until it is wanted. 

And now the sun begins to work. It is a hot sun in 
Southern France, and in those other countries where 
salt is taken from the sea. From the surface of the pool 
the water becomes vapour and climbs the sun's rays into 
the atmosphere, but not the salt. It stays in the pool. 

Taste it again. Saltier and saltier ! There is the same 
amount of salt, but less water. It is more 'concentrated'. 
The next basin is a little lower. The water heavy with 
salt slowly trickles into it. As it gently passes down 
from one basin to another it becomes more and more 
salty. Until over here, at the last basin, the salt is fall- 
ing to the bottom. The water dries up. The salt is 
left just as it is when salty water is left standing in a 
glass of water. 


In this basin, see, it is raked up into rows and heaps 
and drained again. 

But it is not always pure. Some of the soil gets in it, 
and there are other salts in it. If only a little soiled it 
may be sold cheaply. If there is too much other matter 
it may be washed. Some of the other salts will dissolve 
out more quickly than our salt, so they can be washed 
away with freshwater. Then the rest may be dissolved 
in freshwater which is boiled off leaving the clear crvs- 
tals of salt. 

And believe it or not, in Northern Russia and Siber- 
ia they use ice to separate the salt and water. The sun 
is not hot enough to help them there, at least it is hot 
for too short a time. 

Do you remember the short polar trip we took when 
talking about water? When stuck in an ice floe in the 
Arctic we got a drink by melting ice. Did it occur to you 
that the ice might be salty? It did to me. But very little, 
if any, salt freezes in the water. It is the water of the 
sea that freezes not the salt. There might be salt spray 
on it, but dig beneath. 

So the northern Russians freeze their water and take 
off the ice. The liquid at the bottom like that which was 
drained from pool to pool in France and Spain, becomes 
more and more salty. 

From Brines 

In many countries, India, Russia, United States and 
in sections of Africa there are salt brines. Imagine 
ready-made brines down in the Earth ! 

Hospitals and Sanatoriums have sprung up around 
salt springs all over Europe and America. Sick people 
go to get 'treatments'. In the salt springs there are other 

SALT 275 

salts than the salt we eat. They all help, if not to make 
people well, at least to make them better. 

We, in North America, have known of 'salt licks' 
all our lives, places where salt springs come out and all 
the wild animals come trooping down to get their salt. 

But, as a rule, the reservoir of these brines is not 
enough to make salt to sell as salt. There are a few. 
however, both in Europe and in North America large 
enough to make it worth while to evaporate the brine 
for salt. 

But we have more brine than that right at the surface. 
There are places where Dame Nature is making salt 
all the time. There is the Dead Sea in Palestine. It is 
becoming saltier and saltier ! Even the river Jordan 
brings more salt into it. And the climate is so hot and 
dry that the sun gets in its innings. Even though some 
freshwater comes in, more is lost by evaporation. Some 
day, probably not in my time nor in yours, but in time 
it will just dry up and leave a bed of salt. 

But we have another nearer home ! Great Salt Lake 
in the State of Utah. Even the shore sand is not sand 
at all, but salt, real salt! I have driven over it. Once 
it was used for a motor speed race. It makes such a 
hard road, never dusty. 

There is other salt both in Palestine and in Utah, as 
well as ready-made brine, in quantities. 

And there are other salty waters on their way to 
become briny in time. Land-locked seas like the Cas- 
pian Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea are 
usually more salty than the open ocean. Of course much 
freshwater runs into them from rivers, but their eva- 
poration is very great. 


Rock Salt 

Salt a rock! Yes, it is. In India there are mountains 
called the Salt Range. Of course they are not all salt, 
nor even mostly salt, but there is so much salt found 
there that they have been so named. 

Rock salt is called halite. When perfectly formed 
each crystal is a water-coloured cube. Sometimes when 
formed very fast it is just outside, a box-like shell. 

But from where does all this salt come? 

Volcanoes may throw out salt. There is some in the 
lavas of Vesuvius. But that quantity is small. 

The rock salt was left by the seas that invaded the 
continents. I have seen large cubic crystals or fossil 
salt in the rocks at the very bottom of Page Two in 
the Earth's story. 

All through the ages rocks were deposited, but would 
the salt settle out of the water each time, too? Prob- 
ably not. When the sea withdrew from the continents 
it probably left basins of salt water just like the Dead 
Sea and Great Salt Lake, cut off by some barrier. It 
could not get out. And slowly the water in them eva- 
porated. They became more and more salty. Finally, it 
was salt, not salt water. 

On top of the salt in many places there are thick 
beds of gypsum. Plaster. of paris is gypsum, used to 
make the smooth surface of plaster walls, or to make 
models. You know it. 

Now, how or why is the gypsum there, and why is 
it on top ? 

It, too, must have been in the trapped salt lagoon. 
Salt will become solid more quickly than gypsum. So 
when the salt crystallized out, it fell to the bottom, and 

SALT 277 

the gypsum was left in the liquid on top. When the 
water was still further evaporated, down would fall 
the gypsum. 

Did you ask me why the floor of the sea is not cov- 
ered with salt? There is too much water in it. Think 
of all the freshwater pouring into it. Salt forms in 
land-locked lagoons where the salt water has been left 
behind, and where the loss of water by the work of the 
sun is greater than the freshwater coming in. 

Salt Domes 

What are they? Plugs of salt would suggest a bet- 
ter picture of them. 

If you think of salt settling from a land-locked basin 
you expect it to be flat or at least basin-like, but these 
are upright plugs of rock salt. How did they happen? 
They are not like Lot's wife upright on the surface but 
beneath the surface, in some cases, far below. 

They are not in one country but in many countries, 
in Germany, Persia, Palestine, and the United States. 

Take a large piece of plasticine. Pat it out flat just 
like a bed of salt after the water has evaporated. Press 
from the sides and watch it push up. That will give you 
some idea of what might happen to the salt, if it were 
so pressed. But the salt beds are covered with firmer 
rock which breaks and the salt first bows up, then 
pushes into the cracks. Some people believe that the 
process by which the salt moves up into the cracks may 
be the same as that by which glaciers move down when 
pressed out by the weight of snow and ice above, that 
is, the crystals pressed upon at the sides have less press- 
ure on top, because the covering rock has been cracked 


above it. Tiny particles melt and then re-crystallize in 
the freer area. Other people think this is not the way 
at all. Or, it may depend on the amount of water in the 
salt. More water would make it more mobile. It may 
be caused in one or both of these ways. Just how it 
moves we are not sure. But whatever the method, slow- 
ly the salt moves up. Certainly, wherever there are 
domes the rocks have been pushed about, but not by 
the salt. It is too weak. Other forces must have done 
the pushing, and the salt has pressed into the spaces. In 
a region where movement has taken place more than 
once, the salt may move higher each time. 

Oil and Salt 

In the States of Louisiana and Texas, oil has been 
found near these domes. So the oil men began eagerly 
to look for oil near all salt domes wherever they are 
known in the world. 

But they were fooled 1 It is true that some oil has 
been found near salt domes in other countries, in Persia 
for instance, but not in the great quantities in which it 
occurs in the Gulf States, and there is no oil at all near 
many salt domes. 

Now why is that? 

Salt cannot make oil, nor can oil make salt. In the 
Gulf States there were vast reservoirs of oil. When the 
rocks were pushed up both the oil and salt moved up, 
because they were both of a nature that could move. In 
Persia and those other countries there was not so much 
oil where the salt happened to be formed. And in some 
places there was no oil at all. 

So, it is not that salt and oil are connected but that 
when they were near one another the same forces made 

SALT 279 

them move. When oil was present without the salt it 
moved up, when salt was present without the oil it mov- 
ed up. 

Mining Rock Salt 

If it is on the surface, rock salt can be mined like 
any other mineral. Very pure salt is mined this way in 
the United States and in Galicia. It is mined in lumps 
about one foot in diameter, then crushed and sieved, 
ground between rollers and screened into four sizes. It 
sounds nice and easy. But it has its drawbacks. When 
standing around in sacks waiting for you or somebody 
else to buy it, it goes back into one big mass. 

But much of the world's salt supply is buried far 
down. This salt is mined in a way al lits own. It is 
brined to be mined. 

Few other minerals will dissolve so easily in water. 
Bore-holes are driven down through the overlying ma- 
terial to the salt beds. Freshwater is poured in. It is 
left until it has dissolved all the salt it can hold and 
then drawn up again. The brine is then run into large 
pans, and the water evaporated. In England and in 
the United States and Canada the sun is not hot enough, 
so artificial heat is used to evaporate the water. The 
principle is just the same as evaporating sea-water. 
From the pans it is raked into rows, and then into heaps 
to drain and dry, just as described before. 

Kinds of Salt 

Do you want table salt, sir ? All right, we make that 
by boiling rapidly, keeping it moving. When dried, be- 
hold the fine salt! 


Do you want butter and cheese salt, sir? Very well, 
we will leave it a little moist. It mistes better with the 
butter or cheese. 

Do you want fish salt, sir, to preserve your fish for 
shipping? Over here. We do not boil this, and it forms 
in larger crystals. 

But perhaps, sir, you want a heavy block of salt for 
your cattle in the field? That is pressed into great cubes. 
And how the cows like it ! 

And there are a number of other grades of salt for 
different purposes. 



We have learned that salt is taken from the sea in 
France, Spain, Italy and England, and other countries 
with low coast lines. In England deep-lying beds of salt 
have been found particularly in Cheshire, and there is 
no longer much made from sea-water. 

There are great salt reserves in Austria and Ger- 
many which have not been mentioned, just because there 
are so many everywhere. 


We have spoken of the salt roads in Northern Afri- 
ca but come with me to South Africa. 

We will go to the Transvaal, just about twenty-five 
miles north and west of Pretoria. Ride out over the un- 
dulating bushveld, see that low ridge of land, tree-cov- 
ered. We can hardly see it until we reach it. 

Let us go up the gentle slope. 

What a peculiar sight on the other side ! A crater- 

SALT 281 

like hollow, steep-sided, clothed with scrub and grass. 
Among the scrub and grass are broken blocks of granite. 
And at the bottom what? 

In the centre an irregular dark-coloured pool. From 
the pool to the edge, what is it? White sand? No, salt! 
All high above sea-level, in the centre of a continent! 
They tell me it is remarkably beautiful by moonlight. 

From where came this crater full of salt? Is it a 
crater? Is it a volcano? There is no lava here, just 
blocks of granite. And there are no sea-laid rocks here. 
Elsewhere salt has been connected with sea-water. 

This is a most peculiar salt pan and that is what it is 
called The Salt Pan. 

Now, we learned that salt came into the sea original- 
ly from the rocks. So it still is in the rocks far down. 
Waters down there would dissolve it as elsewhere. 
Steam at great depths would dissolve it. And it is 
thought that this is a true volcano crater which was 
blown up by steam only, without melted rock and in the 
steam were salt solutions. 


We spoke of salt in Northern Siberia. There is some 
in China, though there has not been much development 
there from their deep supplies. Practically all countries 
have salt springs and surface supplies. 


In the year 1829, more than 100 years ago, a ship 
sailed from Australia, laden with 800 fur seal skins, 
400 black seal skins, 2,500 kangaroo skins. Now Aus- 
tralia is a warm country. Skins will not keep long, trav- 
elling in those hot regions. They were preserved in salt. 


In addition the ship carried two casks (I don't know 
how large) of seal oil and twenty tons of salt. 

There were not many people in Australia one hun- 
dred years ago. Certainly there were no salt factories. 
But on Kangaroo Island there are some natural salt 
pans. This is what was used. And the climate in parts 
of Australia, hot and with little rainfall, is just what is 
needed for evaporating natural salt pans. 

There are other sources of salt in Australia. Rock 
salt has been found in considerable quantity and in some 
parts salt is obtained by evaporating sea-water. 

South America 

There is salt in Peru. In fact, there is salt all along 
the Pacific slope of the Andes Mountains. But not much 
has been told about it yet, although it has been known 
for a long time. 

North America 

There is an almost limitless quantity of salt in the 
United States. In some places it is a brine, in some 
places rock salt Rock salt occurs in Michigan, New 
York, Ohio, Kansas, Louisiana, California, Texas, 
Utah, and Virginia. Brines, too, occur in all these States 
except Louisiana and Virginia. But Louisiana doesn't 
need it. 

You remember we spoke of the salt domes of the 
Gulf Coast which at first made people think there was 
some connection between salt and oil? Ift Louisiana 
there are two great fields of domes, which seem to be 
connected with the Texas domes. The source beds are 
nearly 12,000 feet below the surface. The crystals are 
shaped by much movement, and it is hard to tell on 

SALT 283 

what Page of the Story in Stone the salt lagoons were 
left behind when the sea retreated, because the salt has 
migrated up so high into much younger beds. Across 
New York and Ohio is a salt-bearing horizon with great 
supplies. It is even called the Saline formation, which 
means the salt rocks. 

I am sure I have missed some places. If you live in 
a State which has not been mentioned where there is 
salt, just forgive me. There are so many. 

We saw a peculiar salt pan in South Africa. Now let 
us go to Oklahoma. The country is flat, with just a few 
low grassy hummocks, a little higher than the plain. 
There is no leaf of grass on the plain and the floor is 
silt and fine sand. If we go on a rainy day it is just an 
ordinary plain, though horribly dreary. If we go again 
on a bright day it is covered with a gleaming glistening 
crust of salt crystals, reflecting back the sun like snow. 

From where does it come ? There are no salt springs 
around. But dig a hole and you get brine. It is thought 
that perhaps some porous salt-bearing bed is so tilted 
that its contents ooze into the area below the plain. 

In Canada there are also many sources of salt. Com- 
paratively recently a bed of rock salt was found at Mal- 
agash, N.S. Its thickness cannot be exactly measured 
but it is more than 300 feet and less than 500 feet 
thick. And there are brines in Nova Scotia and New 
Brunswick. So far no large supply had been found in 
Quebec, though some springs are known. The salt of 
Western Ontario, both brines and rock salt, has been 
known and used for many years. Because Ontario salt 
has been near the railways, roads $nd shipping, it has 


been carried far over Canada, to those places lacking 
salt or where it has not been developed. 

Salt is not new to Manitoba, but a bed has been 
found buried under 1,500 feet of overmantle. So, now 
Manitoba salt for Manitobans! 

In Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Mackenzie Val- 
ley numerous salt springs probably mean an under- 
ground supply, but Alberta has also a deep-seated bed 
400 feet thick, as yet, undeveloped. It lies right upon 
those ancient rocks of Page One in the Story in Stone. 
British Columbia has some rock salt but far from rail 
head, so most of British Columbia salt comes from Cal- 

And so North America is well salted. 

There are many, many other treasures in the Store- 
house of the Earth. If I were to tell of them all, the 
books would make a library. These are only a few of 
the everyday ones. So common are they that we al- 
most forget they are treasures. But they are. Great 
Treasures ! 


Abyssinia, 271 
Adirondacks, 23, 100, 107 
Africa, 8, 21, 22, 27, 55, 74, 76, 

102, 125, 149, 167, 179, 189, 

214, 232, 271 
Alabama, 178, 251 
Alaska, 8, 157, 179, 216 
Alberta, 136, 216, 230, 231, 284 
Alexandria, 55 
Algeria, 253 
Alligators, 135 
Alloys, 183 
Alps, 16, 19, 23, 142 
Amazon River, 38, 55 
Ammonite(s), 116, 133, 134, 139 
Amphibians, 123 
Amundsen, R. E. G., 8 
Andes, 121, 131, 177, 179, 282 
Animal life, 78, 113, 114, 122,205 
Animals, 109, 118, 131, 147 
Antarctica, 8, 21, 22, 143 
Antarctic Ocean, 8 
Anthracite, 220, 229, 232 
Apes, 79, 149 
Appalachians, 29, in, 112, 120, 

121, 141, 178, 216, 230 
Arabia, 270 
Arctic, 124 

Arctic Ocean, 8, 21, 55 
Argentina, 27 
Arizona, 30, 157, 187, 237 

Volcanic, 25, 72, 100, 121, 128, 

130, 141 
Wood, 219 
Asia, 21, 22, 47, 107, 125, 144, 

146, 148, 149, 157, 167, 189, 

198, 213, 232, 254 
Asphalt base, 211, 212 
Asphalt Lake, 215 
Athens, 57 

Atlantic Ocean, 8, 27, 38 
Atlas Mountains, 253 

Atomic bomb, 102 
Australasia, 8, 16, 233, 254 
Australia, 8, 17, 21, 22, 27, 77, 

107, 177, 179, i9 198. *33 
254, 281 
Austria, 253, 280 

Backbone, 119 

Bacteria, 68 

Baffin Island, 70, 74, 77 

Bahrein, 213 

Baker, Mount, 141 

Baku, 213, 214 

Banka Island, 194, 197 

Bartlett Trough, 74 

Batholith, 128 

Bats, 58, 64 

Bay of Biscay, 73 

Bear, 57, 152, 155, 156 

Beasts, 94 

Behring Sea, 8, 157 

Behring Straits, 179 

Belgian Congo, 102 

Belgium, 253 

Birds, 94, 137, *39, *54 

Birth of the Earth, 87, 90, 237 

Birth of the Rocky Mountains, 


Bison, 57, 149 
Bituminous coal, 227, 228 
Black Sea, 275 
Bob-cat, 157 
Bohemia, 198 
Bolivia, 194, 197 
Bones, 120, 136, 137, 157 
Boss, 106, 107 
Boulder hills, 124, 146 
Brachiopods, 114, 115, 118 
Brains, 80, 116, 118, 138 
Bran oil, 221 
Brazil, 252 
Brass, 183, 185 
Breathing apparatus, 115 




Britain and British Isles, 8, 196, 


British Columbia, 109, 179, 284 
Brontosaurus, 136 
Bronze, 183, 185, 189, 193, 246 
Bronze Age, 195, 246 
Buenos Aires, 54 
Buried ridges. See Ridges 
Burma, 185, 213 
Byrd, Admiral, 8 

Calcium carbonate, 243 
California, 32, 44, 52, 75, 127, 
128, 141, 176, 179, 216, 282, 

Camel (s), 27, 155, 157 
Canada, 27, 42, 65, 101, 113, 124, 
142, 143, 146, 150, 161, 176, 
185, 189, 198, 215, 221, 229, 
233, 251, 279 
Canadian Shield, 100, 101, 107, 

177, 178, 179, 229, 239, 252 
Canals, 47, 127 
Cannel coal, 228 
Canyon (s), 6, 49, 50 
Carbon, no, 204, 218, 226, 230, 


Caribbean Sea, 8, 200 
Carlsbad Caverns, 58, 61 
Caspian Sea, 214, 275 
Catskill Mountains, 30 
Caucasian Mountains, 213 
Caves and Caverns, 56-65, 102, 

148, 149, i55 157 
Stalactites, 59 
Stalagmites, 61 
Pools of water, 61 
Blind fish, 62 
How made, 63 
Caves of the world, 64 
Cave-bear, 149 
Cave man, 245 
Central America, 48 
Central Provinces of India, 184 
Central States, 55 
Centre of the earth, 88, 237 
Qereals, 138 
Chamberlain, T. C., 88 
Champlain Lake, 146 

Charon, 62 

Cheddar Caves, 65 

Chemistry, 171, 187, 204, 218, 235 

Chicago, 27 

Chile, 24, 189, 252 

Chiltern Hills, 30 

China, 132, 149, 179, 192, 213, 

232, 254, 281 
Chords, 94, 100, 104, 105, in, 

126, 128, 130, 141 
Chromium, 193 
Clam, 115, 1x8 
Clay, 35, 36 
Clouds, 261 
Coal, 80, 114, 217-233 

Is made, 114 

Hydrocarbon family, 218 

Ash, 219 

Water, 219 

Gas, 219 

By-products, 220 

Coal balls, 221 

Wood to coal, 226 

Brown coal, 227 

Bituminous coal, 227 

Cannel coal, 228 

Anthracite coal, 229 

Where do we find coal ? 23 1 
Coal forests, 122 
Coal oil, 201 
Coal-tar, 220 
Coast Range, 141 
Cobalt region, 106 
Coke, 220 
Colombia, 215, 233 
Colorado, 216 
Colorado River, 50, 109 
Columbia River and Plateau, 32, 


Combustion engines, 200 
Composition, 79, 95, 14x1, 241 
Connecticut, 136 

Continent(s), 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 
26, 100, 104, in, 112, 121, 
129, 132. 

Strange doings of, 21 

Continental glacier(s), 8, 143 
Continental shelf, 77 



Copper, 1 06, 166, i&l-lSp, 193 

Like red gold, 181 

Is soft, 182 

Brass, 183 

Bronze, 183 

Human uses, 184 

How long has it been used? 

What and where is copper? 

How do we get it out? 188 

Where found? 18^ 
Coral reefs, 118, 133 
Cornwall, 189, 195, 196 
Cotswolds, 30 
Cowrie shells, 168 
Crabs, 133 
'Cracking' oil, 211 
C rater (s), 32, 100, 130 
Creatures, one-celled, 147 
Crevices, 59, 61 
Crinoids, 133 
Crystals, n, 173, 267 

Copper, 1 86 

Iron, 237 

Pyrite, 244 

Water, 256 

Salt, 274 
Cuba, 74 

Curie, Madame, 89 
Cyanide of potash, 171 
Cycle, 31, 259 
Cyprus, 181 

Dead Sea, 44, 214, 276 

Deeps, 67 

Deer, 155 

Derricks, oil, 208, 215, 216 

Desert, 39, 103, 108, 121, 126 

Detroit River, 44 

Devon, 195, 196 

Diamonds, 162 

Diesel engine, 200, 212 

Dikes and Veins, 174, 177, 178 

Also see Veins 
Dinosaur(s), 135, 137, 139 
Diplodocus Family, 136 
Dismal Swamp, 225, 226 
Dragons, 136, 137, 139 
Dragon-flies, 114 
Dripstone, 60 
Dutch East Indies, 213, 254 

Earth, 6-14. 
As we know it, 5 
Inside and outside, 6 
Rock foundations, 10 
Began, 85-90 
In the past, 91 

Earth a Treasure Storehouse, 159 
Earth's crust, 10, 14, 31, 65, 90, 

94 112, 130, 142, 180 
East Indies, 194, 225 
Egypt, 28, 55, 195, 214, 249 
Electricity, 27, 187, 201, 203 
Elephant(s), 57, 155, 157 
England, 114, 127, 138, 185, 189, 

195, 198, 215, 231, 253, 279, 


Equator, 23, 124, 125 
Erie, Lake, 44, 52 
Eskimo, 157, 246 
Eurasia, 8 
Europe, 8, 16, 21, 22, 27, 47, 71, 

107, 114, 125, 126, 144, 146, 

148, 149, 157, 179, iH 198, 

214, 252 

Everest, Mount, 67, 75, 142 
Evergreens, 132 

Fault(s), 173, 174 

Ferns, 80, 114, 121, 132, 135 

Fig trees, 132 

Fish, 62, 71, 81, 119, 120 

Fish reptiles, 137 

Flesh-eaters, 136 

Flint, 156 

Flood plains, 53 

Floor of the desert, 39 , 

Florida, 193 

Flowering plants, 78, 132, 146 

Folds, 127 

Footprints, 12, 67, 79, 80, 94, 123, 


Forest (s), 132, 150, 151 
Forests, fern, 114 
Fort Norman, 215 
France, 57, 65, 73, 181, 195, 

273, 280 

Frog's cousins, 122, 123 
Frost, 40, 104, 140, 175 
Fuel oils, 201 
Fuijama, 24 

Galicia, 279 



Gallery, 63, 170 

Gaps in the story, 94 

Gas, 89, 199, 203, 204, 206, 209, 

210, 219, 220 
At work, 210 
Gas Family, 199, 203, 204 
Gasoline, 199 
Gastropods, 119 
Germany, 138, 181, 189, 231, 253, 

277, 280 
Geysers, 25, 238 
Gingkos, 132, 150 
Glaciers, 22, 65, 143, 154, 156, 

157 . 
Globigerina Ooze, 72, 73, 76 

Glossopteris, 232 

Gold, 101, 128, 165-180, 1 88, 243 

Of what use is gold? 166 

Where do we get gold? 168 

How does gold get into the 
rock? 172 

Melted masses, 173 

Fault faces, 173 

Dikes and veins, 174 

Sheets, 174 

Gold in queer places, 175 

How old is gold? 177 

Places were men find gold 

now, 178 

Gold standard, 168 
Gorge (s), 48, 53 
Gorillas, 149 
Goshen, Land of, 55 
Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 

50, 107, 109 
Granite, 12 

Grass(es), 132, 138, 152, 153 
Gravels, 129, 157, 172, 196 
Great Basin, 142 
Great Bear Lake, 101, 107 
Great Lakes, 39, 44 
Great Red Valley, 127 
Great Salt Lake, 44, 276 
Greenland, 22, 70, 71, 74, 143, 


Grooves, glacial, 124, 145 
Gulf Coast, 282 
Gulf States, 278 
Gulf Stream, 73 
Gulf of Mexico, 74 
Gypsum, 276, 277 

Hades, 62 

Haiti, 74 

Halite, 276 

Hard coal, 229 

Hatteras, Cape, 73 

Heavy Rocks under the Ocean, 


Helderbergs, 30 
Hematite, 241, 251, 252 
Highlands of Scotland, 15, 24 
Himalayas, 2^, 67, 142 
History of the use of oil, 212 
Hood, Mount, 141 
Hornblende, 12 
Horse (s), 147, 148, 149, *53 
Hudson Bay, 104 
Hudson River, 54 
Hydrocarbons, 204, 218 

Ice, 65, 94, 124, 143 

Ice fields, 8, 65, 143, 178 

Iceberg(s), 71, 105 

Ice-cap, 71, 143, 144, 146 

Iceland, 7 

Icicle of travertine, 60 

Idaho, 32, 109, 179 

Illinois, 145, 251 

Inca race, 125 

India, 22, 126, 179, 185, 232, 254 

Indian Ocean, 8, 21, 133 

Insects, 58, 103, 114 

Instrument, 67 

Interlude, 83 

Invasion(s), 113, 115 

Irak, 213, 216 

Iron, 50, 105, 145, 234-253 

What is iron? 235 

In igneous rock, 236 

In sedimentary rock, 238 

Bog iron, 240 

Marcasite, 240 

Native iron, 241 

Limonite, 241 

Hematite, 241 

Magnetite, 242 

Pyrite, 243 

Man-made, 244 

Wrought iron, 245 

Cast iron, 248 

Steel, 249 

Where is the iron of the 
world? 251 



Iron Age, 246 
Israelites, fleeing, 47 
Italy, 25, 60, 272, 280 

Jamaica, 74 

Japan, 24, 132, 150, 179, 189, 254 

Jeans, Sir J. H., 89 

Jeffreys, H., 89 

Joggins Coast, 231 

Just-Before-Now * Page Four, 

135, 138, 140, 146, 147, 177, 


Kansas, 282 
Kentucky, 62, 64 
Kerosene, 201 
Keweenaw Peninsula, 185 
Klondike, 176 

Labrador, 252 

Lagoons, 127, 132, 277, 283 

Lake(s), 27, 28, 30, 40, 43 5<> 

62, 65, 101, 145, 242 
Land animals, 79, 80 
Land plants, 79, 80 
Lane-way of the Sea, 108, 129, 


La Plata, 54 
Laplace, 87, 88 
Lassen Peak, 141 
Laurentians, 15, 23, 25, 68 
Lava(s), 7, n, 24, 25, 32, 90, 

101, 104, 128, 142 
Law(s), 87, 150 
Lead, 194, 195 

Learning to read the rocks, 127 
Leaves, 18, 80, 136, 146, 150 
Libyan Desert, 272 
Life, 64, 78, 79, 80, 94, 109, in, 

131, 146, 204 
Lightning, 90, 103, 212 
Lignite, 227 
Limestone, 12, 13, 24, 50, 79, 127, 


Limestone, sea-laid rock, 12 
Limonite, 241 

Line where there is nothing, 104 
Lizards, 135 
London, 27, 54, 172 
Long Ago Page One, 99 
Long Beach, California, 21 
Louisiana, 278, 282 

Lubricants, 201 
Luray Caverns, 65 
Luxembourg, 253 
Lynx, 157 

Mackenzie River, 38, 55, 215 
Magnes, the Shepherd, 243 
Magnetite, 242, 243, 251 
Magnolias, 132 
Malagash, N.S., 283 
Malay Peninsula, 198 
Mammals, 136, 138, 147 
Mammoth, 155, 157 
Mammoth Cave, 62, 64 
Man, 79, 85, 95, n*> *3&> 138, 

140, 147, 148, 150, 157 
Manitoba, 101, 178, 284 
Marble, 13 
Marcasite, 240 
Martinique Island, 132 
Mediterranean Sea, 8, 21,47, *33 

181, 195, 245, 249, 275 
Mercury, 192 
Mesabi Range, 251 
'Mesas', 30 

Mesopotamia, 149, 213 
Metamorphic Rocks, 13 
Meteorites, 88, 236, 246 
Mexico, 65, 157, 179, 189, 216 
Mica, 12 
Michigan, 104, 105, 106, 107, 178, 

185, 240, 251, 282 
Middle Time- Page Three, 109, 

126-139, 179 
Minerals, n, 12, 90, 106, 128, 

173, 219 

Mine(s), 7, 168, 169, 176, 187 
Miners, 170, 173, 196 
Mining rock salt, 279 
Minnesota, 105, 107, 178, 240, 


Mint, 172 
Mississippi River and Valley, 27, 

38, 42, 54, 122, 225, 231, 251 
Money, 162, 167, 168, 172 
Montana, 109, 179 
Montreal, 25, 27 
Morocco, 253 
Moss(es), 18, 132 
Moulton, F. R., 88 
Mountains, 6, /5-<?5, 100, 104, 

107, 140, 142, 144, 177 



Mountains Come and Mountains 
Go, 15-25 

Where are the great moun- 
tains? 1 6 

A mountain climb, 17 

From where did the mountains 
come? 19 

Strange doings of continents, 

Very old mountains, 23 

Made by volcanoes, 24 
Mount Baker, 141 
Mount Everest, 67, 75, 142 
Mount Hood, 141 
Mount Osorno, 24 
Mount Ranier, 141 
Mount Royal, 25 
Mount Shasta, 141 
Mount Tina, 75 
Mountain-building, 31, 121, 174 
Mud, 35, 41, 54, 70, 130 

Nares Deep, 75 

National Park, 64 

Natural gas, 204, 206 

Nautilus, 116, 117, 133, 134 

Nevada, 32, 75 

New Brunswick, 283 

New England States, 120, 193 

New Mexico, 58, 64 

New Orleans, 54 

New York, 23, 48, 54, 100, 121, 

124, 185, 282, 283 
New Zealand, 7, 233 
Newfoundland, 252 

Banks of, 71 
Newton, Sir Isaac, 87 
Niagara River and Falls, 44, 49, 

Si, 5 

Nickel, 1 06, 236 
Nile River, 28, 38, 55 
Nipigon, Lake, 44 
North America, 8, 16, 19, 20, 21, 

22, 24, 42, 70, 77, 99, 104, 

IO7, IO8, 112, 113, I2O, 121, 

124, 126, 128, 132, 133, 138, 

143, 144, 146, 185 

North Carolina, 73, 225 
North Pole, 21, 243 
North Sea, 8, 29 
Northern Ontario, 101, 107 
Northern Quebec, 101, 107 

Nova Scotia, 71, 114, 178, 231, 


Nuclei, 89 
Nuggets, gold, 176 

Ocean (s), 8, 19, 20, 40, 66, 67, 

69, 103 

Ocean floor, 68, 70, 76 
Ochre, yellow, 240 
Ohio, 251, 282, 283 
Oil, 8 1, 141, 199-216 
Oil and Gas, 199-216 

What is oil? 200 

What use is gas? 203 

The Great Tribe or Family, 

How old are the rocks? 206 

Buried ridges, 207 

An oil field, 208 

Crude oil, 210 

Crack it, 211 

Refining oil, 211 

History of oil, 212 

Where? 213 
Oil and Salt, 278 
Oil Family, 199, 200, 201, 202, 


Oklahoma, 283 
Olden time Page Two, ///- 

125, 177 

Ontario, 27, 106, 178, 283 
Ontario, Lake, 44, 52 
Oregon, 32, 75, 141 
Organ music, 94 
Organisms, 68 
Osorno, Mount, 24 
Ottawa, 151, 172 
Ottawa, Valley, 38, 146 
Our Earth. See Earth 
Oxides, 238 
Pacific Coast, 179 
Pacific Ocean, 8, 21, 48, 67, 127, 

129, 130, 133 

Painted Desert of Arizona, 127 
Palestine, 44, 214, 249, 275, 277 
Panama Canal, 48 
Paraffin base, 211 
Peace Tower of Ottawa, 193 
Peacock's tail, 186 
Peat, 230 

Moss, 223 

Bogs, 224 



Pelecypods, 118 

Penguins, 137 

Pennsylvania, 114, 122, 216, 230, 

Persia, 87, 148, 214, 245, 270, 

277, 278 

Persian Gulf, 213 
Peru, 32, 55, 125, 142, 166, 176, 

189, 215, 233, 282 
Petrified Forest of Arizona, 131 
Pewter, 193, 194 
Phillipine Islands, 67 
Pigs, giant, 155 
Pitchblende, 101 
Placer gold, 176 

Plains, 6, 26-33, 53, 73, 132, *5* 
Plains Come and Plains Go, 26- 

River-made plains, 28 
Wave-made plains, 28 
Plains that become mountains, 

High plains become low plains, 


Mountain plains, 31 

Lava plains, 32 
Plane trees, 132 
Plant life, 78, 205, 255 
Plants, 109, 131, 146 
Plateau (x), 32, 33, 50, 75 
Plates, bony, 120 
Port(s), 27, 53 
Portugal, 189 
Prairie Provinces, 27 
Precambrian Shield, 99 
Pretoria, 253, 280 
Prospectors, 176 
Pyrite, 243, 244 

Quartz, 12, 172, 174, 177, 243 
Quebec, 178, 283 
Quicksilver, 192 

Radium, 89, 101 
Railway tracks, 89 
Rainier, Mount, 141 
Rand, The, 179 
Rapids and canals, 47 
Rats, 58 

Red clay, 72, 73, 76 
Red Sea, 47 

Reindeer, 57, 149 
Reptiles, 135, 137, 138, 139 
Rhinoceros, 152, 157 
Rhythm, 40, 94, 140, 141 

The great chords of, 100 

Again the great, in 

Strange new, 105, 124, 143 

Changed, 102 

Changing, 126 
Ridges, buried, 208 
Ripple-marks, 68 
Ripples, huge, 130 
Rivers, 6, 27, 28, 32, 4^-55, 64, 

65, 102, 103, 107, 140 
Rivers and their Valleys, 42-55 

Rivers needed by man, 42 

Rivers run to the sea, 43 

A river is born, 44 

Rapids and canals, 47 

Gorge, 48 

Canyon, 49 

Lake, 50 

Now a waterfall, 51 

The valley grows wide, 52 

Flood plains, 53 

Port near the sea, 53 

Last, the delta, 54 

What is a river valley?, 55 
Rock of Ages, 61 
Rock words, 127 
Rocks, 10, 17, 18, 37, 50, 68, 77> 
100, 101, 104, 106, 107, 112, 
130, 205, 206, 207 

Melted, n 

Sea-laid, 12 

That are changed, 13 
Rocky Mountains, 16, 19, 23, 109, 
112, 121, 126, 130, 131, 135, 
139, 177, 179 

Rocky Mountain trough, 132, 179 
Romans, 181, 195, 196 
Roots of ancient mountains, 104, 


Royal, Mount, 25 
Royal Mint, 172 
Rubies, 162 
Ruhr Valley, 253 
Rumania, 214 
Rushes, 114, 132 
Russia, 8, 27, 124, 179, 2x3, 216, 
231* 253 



Sabre-toothed tiger, 153 

St. Clair River, 44 

St. Lawrence River, 38, 43, 55, 


St. Mary River, 44 
Salt(s), 38, 60, 68, 89, 102, 104, 
188, 268-284 

An antiseptic, 269 

What is salt? 270 

Salt in human history, 270 

Trade routes, 271 

In the ocean, 272 

Salt tax, 272 

In brines, 274 

Rock salt, 276 

Salt domes, 277 

Oil and salt, 278 

Mining rock salt, 279 

Kinds of salt, 279 

Salt of the Earth, 280 
Salt Lake City, 187 
Salt Range of India, 276 
San Domingo, 75 
San Francisco, 48 
Sand, 35, 36, 40, 41, 53, 130 
Sand dunes, 39 
Sandstone, 12, 24, 40, 79, 127, 


Saskatchewan, 284 
Saturn, 88 
Saxony, 198 
Scandinavia, 8 
Scotland, 124 
Scott, Capt. R. F., 8 
Sea(s), 8, 12, 53, 66-8/, 112, 137 

Footprints of the sea, 67 

Walk beneath the sea, 69-76 

From Baffin Island to Green- 
land, 70 

From Nova Scotia to Europe, 

From North Carolina to Af- 
rica, 73 

From Yucatan, 74 

Shelf along the continent, 77 

Heavy rocks under the ocean, 

Life began in the sea, 78 
Sea-bottom, 10, 14, 70 
Seaweeds, 70, 79, 109, 112, 113 
Seeds, 78 

Shale, 12, 24, 40, 50, 68, 79, 127, 


Shasta, Mount, 141 
Shelf, 74, 77 
Shell (s), 68, 79, 80, 127, 128, 


Shenandoah Valley, 65 
Shield, an old, 106 
Shrimps, 117, 133 
Shrubs, 132 
Siberia, 189, 232 
Sierra Leone, 271 
Sierra Nevadas, 129, 130, 132, 

141, 179 
Silt, 50 
Silver, 106, 166, 186, 188, 192, 


Sinai Peninsula, 213 
Skeletons, 57, 123, 137, 149, *5<> 
Sloths, giant, 155 
Smith, William, 127 
Snail(s), 58, 119 
Snake (s), 135 
Sodium chloride, 270 
Soft coal, 227 

Softer Notes, 94, 102, 121, 129 
Soil, 10, 18, 53, 65, 145 
'Solid flow', 22 
Solution (s), 172, 174, 178 
-South Africa, 27, 101, 138, 253 
South America, 8, 16, 19, 20, 21, 

22, 27, 32, 48, 76, 77 i<>7 

123, 125, 176, 179, 189, 194, 

214, 33, 252 
South Pole, 8 

Spain, 57, 189, *95, 253, 273, 280 
Spanish Main, 162 
Spears, 106 
Sponges, 109, 147 
Spores, 113 

Spring(s), 44, 45, 49, 55, *3 
Squid, 116 
Stalactites, 59 
Stalagmites, 61 
Stalingrad, 213 
Star(s), 87, 88, 89 
Steam vapours, 172 
Steel, 191, 249 

Tempering, 249 
Steeprock Lake, 251 
Step(s), 49, 86 



Stone Age, 246 
Stone Pages, 80 

Words, 123 

Tools, 149 
Storehouse of the Earth, 180, 

194, 198, 254, 267, 284 
Story, 6, 79, 91, 93, 97. *" 

Of one little lake, 222 
Straits Settlements, 198 
Strange ways of water, 21, 257 
Street lights, 203 
Styx, River, 62 
Sudbury, Ontario, 106 
Suez, 47 
Sulphides, 238 
Sulphur, 244 
Sumatra, 198 

Sun, 86, 88, 89, 108, 162, 163 
Superior, Lake, 44, 104, 106, 185, 

189, 241, 251 
Surface of the Earth, 88, 105, 

124, 173 
Svithjod, 93 
Swamp (s), 43, 44, 151 

Plants, 114 

Life, 262 
Sweden, 253 

Tadpoles, 122, 123 

Talara in Peru, 214, 215 

Tasmania, 233 

Tea-kettle, 68, 192 

Teeth, 136, 137, 139, 148, *53 

Texas, 123, 216, 278, 282 

Thames, 54 

Thibet, 271 

Thoughts (s), 86, 90 

Tiber, 60 

Tiger, 153, 157 

Tin, 183, 189, /po-/p#, 247 

How to make tin cans, 191 

Tin-foil, 191 

Sandy through the looking- 
glass, 192 

That tea-kettle again! 192 

Jingle bells, 193 

In your great-grandmother's 
kitchen, 193 

What is tin? 194 

Where does it hide? 194 

Tin of the ancients, 195 

How tin is separated from the 

rocks, 196 
Where is the tin of the Earth 

stored? 197 
Tinstone, 196, 197 
Tina, Mount, 75 
Toffee, ii, 23, 101 
Tools, 48, 150, 157, 184 
Toronto, Ontario, 145 
Track (s), 99, 170 
Trade roads, 27 
Transvaal, 280 
Travertine, 59, 60 
Treasure (s), 161, 162, 163, 180, 

186, 189, 194. *9, 254. 255 

267, 284 
Trees, 78, 103, 127, 132, 135, 

145, 146 

With knees, 225 
Tree-ferns, 132, 135 
Trembling, 25, 89 
Trilobites, 117 
Trinidad, 201, 215 
Trough (s), 19, 104, 109, 112, 

127, 129 

Truth(s), 86, 88 
Tunisia, 253 
Turkestan, 270 
Turner Valley, 215 
Turtles, 135, 139 
Twins, 34-41, 68, 199 
Twins-that-are-Everywhere, 34- 


Something about sand, 35 
Something about clay, 35 
The streams and rivers make 

them, 36 
The winds and rains make 

them, 38 

The ocean makes them, 39 
Sand and mud made long ago, 

Tyrannosaurus, 136 

United States, 7, 27, 32, 55, 65, 
101, 113, 124, 150, 161, 178, 
189, 198, 215, 216, 233, 252, 
277, 279, 282 

Uranium, 101 

Utah, 44, 187, 275, 276, 282 



Valley (s), 28, 49, 5* *o 2 105, 


Vapour, 89, 174, 211, 259, 260 
Varves, 146 
Vaseline, 201 
Veins, 172, 174, 194, 243 

(See also Dikes) 
Venezuela, 215, 252 
Vesuvius, 25 
Via Salaria, 272 
Victoria Falls, 52 
Virginia, 65, 225, 282 
Volcano (es), 23, 24, 25, 27, 75, 

76, loo, 121, 128, 130 

Wales, 29, 231 

Washington, 32, 141, 151, *7 2 

Water, 219, 255-267 

Crystal, 256 

The strange ways of water, 

2 57 

Two gases, 257 
Solid water, 257 
Water vapour, 258 
Endless cycle, 259 
Fateful history of a drop of 

water, 260 
Swamp life, 262 
Ground water life, 262 

Waterfall(s), 6, 27, 51 
Waves, 40, 54, 108, 112 
Weapons, 86 
Wegener, A. L., 21, 22 
West Indies, 74, 75 77. *3 2 , *33 
Westphalia, 231 
Whirlpool Rapids, 52 
Wind(s), 30, 3 2 4O, 103, 108, 

Wisconsin, 29, 105, 107, i45 

185, 240, 251 
Wolves, 57 
Wood to coal, 226 
Word(s), 69, 79, 94, 95 Il2 t 


Writing, 95 i5, "* IX 5 I2 3 
Wyoming, 25, 136, 216 

Yangtze River, 254 
Yellowstone, 7, 25 
Yosemite Falls, 52 
Yucatan, 74 
Yukon Territory, 179 

Zambesi River, 52 
Zinc, 183, 185