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THE  Eelioes 



of  1956-57 


"These   are    tlie   sounds   ol    (la\s    ihal 
ha\  e  jjassed.  "  In  the  \V(jrcls  ol  a  well  known 
conunentator,  this  yearbook   is  present- 
ed to  you  in  the  hope  that   it  will  recall 
the  sounds  of  a  schoolyear  passed. 

College  days  recall  many    events    to 
many  people.  Some  think  of  the  cheers 
at   a   basketball    game,    the   music   at    a 
fraternity  dance,    the   con\ersation    in    the 
Union  after  classes.  To  others  it   is  an 
introduction  to  Shakespeare,  biochem- 
istry, and  the  philosophy  of  being.  ^V'hat- 
ever  it  is,  all  these  experiences  make  an 
impression  on  us.  All  suggest  a  multiple 
signilicance  to  our  senses  ol  sight   and 

Sound  is  no  more  than  a  mental   im- 
pression gi\en  by  a  special  lone  or  noise. 
At    Loyola,    in    the    College   of   Arts   and 
Sciences  and  tlie  School  ol  Nmsing.  \ery 
distinctive   sounds    ha\'e   been    made 
during  the  past  ytar. 

The  student  liurse,  as  she  prepares  for 
Iier  ^vork  in  the  hospital,  nuist  learn  to 
use  !ier  Noice  to  calm  a  patient  with  the 
sound  of  confidence.  She  in  turn  must  ac- 
custom herself  to  the  cries  of  those  in  jxiin. 

rile    undei  graduates   ol     the     Liberal 
Arts  are  soon  aware  of  the  classroom  dia- 
logue Avhich  encourages  them  to  express 
themselves  articulately.  The  art  of  conver- 
sation and  self  expression   helps  them   in 
their   desire   to   be   educated   men   and 

Respecthdiy  then,  we  sid)mit  this  h)- 
cus  on  sound  at  Lovola.   H)56-57, 



Those  \vli()  spoke pages     7-17 

—  AciiiiinisLiation.  Facully 

I  hose  \\'h(3  listened pages    18-37 

—  Seniors.  Class  Candids 

Now.  Our  Response    pages  58-115 

—  Organizaiions.  Aciixiiies 

XoAV,  Our  Cheers   pages  116-143 




sy^n  crS'Cni  l^lacic  o/  /cc?r/)Oc/  men. 
zct.i/c'iis  rcr  l/icir  own  ^ciciict:^  ii;ii7 
rivafs  o/  cac/i  cf/icr  .  .  .  //oi/.;//  .  .  . 
f^^r    the    ^aLe    ef  inlc/fcctim/  pcocc. 

jnlui   IIliu\    Xcwiiian 

The  youiiL;  man  and  Avoniaii  \\lu) 
acknowledt^c  ihc  validitx     ol     New- 
man's slalcnunt  slunv  iheinsch cs  pre- 
pared lor  the  litle  ol  nni\ersii\  siu- 
dent.   Entrance   into  a   unixersiiv   i^ 
properly  preceded    1a    a  desire   lo  ac- 
(|uire  a  liberal   knowledi^e. 

The    acc]iiisiuon    ol    knowledge    in 
an  organizedi  manner  requires  in- 
slrucdon  by  auihoriiy.  But  to  gain  a 
comprehensix  e   \  iew  ol    trulli    in     all 
lields.   il   is  necessary   lo  enter  a   mn- 
versity.  It  is  in  these  uni\ersity  sur- 
roundings thai  ^\'e  attain  to  uni\ersal 
learning,   lor   it    is   heie   that   x\e  con- 
\'erse  and  consult  with  men  ol  learn- 

The  liberal  knowledge  a  uni\ers- 
it\    sttideiu    properh    concerns   him- 
sell  with,  is  gained  primarily  through 
his  as,->ociai  ion  with  tire  assemblage  ol 
learned.  These  authoritative  rivals 
li\e.  work,  and  considt  each  other, 
creating  an    intellectual   atmosphere 
particular  to  .1  uni\ersii\'. 

It  is  not  so  much  Irom  indixidtial 
authorities  that  the  student  accjuires 
his  knowledge:  rather  it  is  from  the 
general  atmosphere  of  these  ri\als  as 
they  seek  to  impart  intellectual  peace. 

Thirs  it  can  be  said  that  the  es- 
sential characteristic  ol  a  imi\ersitv 
is  an  assemblage  of  learnetl  men. 

CL'uT  ^^dminiitxation 

From  the  environs  of  Chicago's  W'est 
Side  St.  Ignatius  High  School  to  the  presi- 
dency of  Loyola  University  —  from  student 
to  administrator  —  ^s'as  the  join^ney  of  Fr. 
McGuire.  S.  J.,  in  less  than  two  decades. 
Even  before  his  arri^•al  here.  Father  had 
learned  the  fundamentals  of  university  ad- 
ministration. For  six  years  he  had  guided 
the  foriimes  of  Xavier  University,  in  Cin- 
cinnati. Fhus  upon  his  return  to  his  native 
cil)'.  he  was  an  old  hand  at  execiui\e  duties. 

Raising  fmuls  lor  the  new  medical 
school,  looking  after  hikes  in  teachers'  pay. 
attending  banquets  on  behalf  of  civic  clubs 

and  Chicago  weliare  groups,  mccling  wiili  his  righi-haiul 
laymen,  giving  lalks  to  boost  university  morale  —  lo  all 
these  numerous  activities  the  President  tinns  his  at- 
lenlion.  But  he  has  helpers. 

In  his  capacity  as  Execulive  Dean,  fr.  Jeremiah 
O'Callaghan,  S.  J.,  gained  his  executi\'e  experience.  Now, 
as  Academic  Vice-President,  Fi.  O'Callaghan  remem- 
bers many  years  ol  teaching  and  directing  the  Depart- 
ment of  Philosophy.  When  Mr.  Conroy  took  office  as 
Executive  Vice-President  in  1955,  that  office  for  the 
first  time  in  its  history  was  to  receive  the  service  of  a 
layman.  To  these  two  reliable  men  Fr.  McGuire  looks 
for  help  in  keeping  the  exectuive  machinery  in  rimning 

At  Lewis  Towers  Fr.  John  C.  Malloy,  S.  J.,  in  his 
role  as  Dean  of  Admissions  is  for  most  students  the  first 
representative  of  Loyola  they  encountered.  During  their 
high  school  days  Fr.  Malloy  visited  their  schools  and 
interested  them  in  attending  Loyola. 

Rcvcifiiii    |()lin    C;.    \lallo\. 

S.j.,    A.M. 

I)c\Hi   1)1     Xiliiiissions 

RN,,    .Xr.S.I'.H. 

il   of    Nuisiiig 


Descending  the  ladder  of  administra- 
tion in  the  tniiversity,  the  student  reaches 
the  Dean  of  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sci- 
ences. When  Fr.  Hartnett.  S.  J.,  left  the 
editorship  of  America  two  years  ago.  the 
futUire  did  not  decree  a  life  of  peaceftil 
retirement  for  him. 

For  awhile  Father  taught  political  sci- 
ence at  Detroit  University.  After  the  Gen- 
eral of  the  Jesuits  divided  the  Chicago  Pro- 
vince, Dean  Harinett's  ahiui  iiuitey  reach- 
ed out  and  claimed  him. 

As  foi'mer  Athletic  Director  and  mem- 
ber of  the  Scliolarship  Committee.  Fr.  Rich- 

Revercnil    Riihaid     tischler.    S.|. 
Leivis     Ii.wcis    Hc-an    c.f    Aits.' 

ard  E.  Tischler.  S.  J..  sho\\s  his  interest 
in  student  activities.  His  office  at  Le^vis 
To^vers  daily  recei\es  dro\es  of  students 
eager  for  class  changes.  All  nine  iloors  ol 
the  Lewis  Towers  College  are  inider  the 
direction  of  Fr.  Tischler.  and  thus  he  is  a 
very  busy  man  —  so  btisy  that  Mr.  Harry 
McCloskey  helps  ease  Father's  chores. 

Since  1948  Mr.  McCloskey  has  been 
instrumental  in  promulgating  the  policies 
of  this  university  —  first  as  teacher,  then 

as  manager  ol  ilir  Uniop.  next  as  Assisiani 
Dean  ol  Stuclenls.  and  now  in  his  |)rcsfni 
position  as   Dean  ol  SludcnLs. 

Al  Lewis  lowers  congregate  the  \asi 
majoril)'  ol  llie  nnixersitys  women  siu- 
(lents  and  so  naturally  Irom  there  Miss 
MarieUe  Lelilanc.  as  Dean  ol  \\'omen, 
looks  out  with  solicitude  on  her  charges. 
Those  \vomen  students  ^v'ho  plan  to  de\()te 
their  services  to  the  sick  add  their  distinc- 
tive note  to  the  pattern  of  harmony  that  is 
Loyola  at  the  Lake  Shore  Campus.  And 
there  Miss  Gladys  Kiniery.  Dean  ol  Nurs- 
ina,  guards  the  wellare  ol   the  School  ol' 

Mr.  Harry  L.   MiCliiskcx.   M  li.A. 
Dean   ot   Stui'.ciiis 

deparimenis,  each  directed  t(j  the  stud)  and 
teaching  ol  a  particular  Held  ot  learning 
and  each  super\ised  by  a  member  whose 
experience  in  the  lielcl  especially  lit  him 
to  guide  its  activities. 

.Although  Loyola  still  holds  tcj  the  tra- 
ditional Jesuit  goals  ol  instruction  —  the 
education  ol  the  whole  man  through  the 
liberalizing  aits  and  sciences  —  it  laces  the 
u'orld  ol  today  b)  ottering  its  students  an 
opportunity  to  prepare  for  a  career  in  the 
world  ol  business.  And  so  the  Economics 
Department,  which  propounds  the  theory 
ot  the  cornerstone  ol  our  monetary  system, 
lays  the  future  business  man's  foundation 
in  practically  helpful  learning  under  the 
direction  of  Dr.   llieodosi  A.  Mogiliniisky. 

Most  of  the  students  in  the  Department 
of  liiology,  headed  by  that  Loyolan  ot  over 
twenty-five  years  stairding,  Mr.  John  \V. 
Mudson,  are  readying  themsehes  for  a  pro- 
fessional lite.  I  hey  will  serve  the  com- 
munity as  men  ol  medicine. 

Nursing  and   its  students. 

Ever  since  his  undergraduate  days  Mr. 
George  KoUintzas  has  steadily  climbed  the 
ladder  of  success  from  years  of  faithful  toil 
as  manager  of  the  Student  Union.  Mr.  Kol- 
lintzas  now  competently  pro\ides  the  imi- 
versity  as  its  Assistant  Dean  of  Students. 
An  honorary  membership  in  Tau  Kappa 
Epsilon  has  been  the  crowning  glory  ot 
this  climb. 
One  can  di\ide   the   entire   faculty   into 

.Assistant  Dean  of  Students.  George  Kol- 
linlzas.  and  office  secretaries  Nora  antl 

czrf-nd    "^^acuLiu 

In  charge  of  the  activities  of  the  De- 
partment of  Chemistry  is  another  Loyolan 
(jf  Icjng  standing.  Dr.  Raymond  D.  Mavi- 
ella.  To  his  luiiversity  program  Dr.  Mari- 
ella  has  added  regular  television  appear- 
ances on  Chicago's  educational  Channel  1 1 . 

Unlike  the  goals  of  the  departments 
considered  thus  far,  the  Department  of 
Classical  Languages  intends  to  inculcate  an 
appreciation  for  Cireco-Roman  culture  and 
that  zest  for  life  that  finds  its  embodiment 
in  its  Chairman,  Fr.  James  J.  Mertz.  .S.  J. 

The  Department  of  Education  carries 
on  the  Creco-Roman  Christian  tradition 
whose  transmission  is  entrusted  to  the  tea- 
chers that  Dr.  John  Wozniak  and  his  fac- 
idty  train.  A  fulinc  in  the  schools  of  our 
city  await  most  of  the  edtication  majors. 

fOr  broad  cultural  \alues  the  Depart- 
ment of  English  furnishes  untold  oppor- 
tunities. Under  the  direction  of  Fr.  Ss'or- 
man  F.  We)and.  S.  ]..  himsell  a  scholar 
ol  note,  the  department  offers  a  career  as 
a  scholar,  or  backerotmds  for  work  in  edu- 

.Seattd:  I'.i.i.h.  \lr,  Mcli  liicrs. 
Slanding:  Nti,  l'lulli|.s,  li.  R,,ll  (,f 
Phy.sics  Dcpl. 

Slaniliiif;  ell  Riglil  troiil:  1,1.  C»\. 
James  i..  MiCidic)  jr.  Silling  l.fft  tn 
Riglu:  C;apt.  Jaiiie.s  L.  Dumas.  Ca])!. 
Keniielli  R.  Rees.  1st.  Lt.  .Allen  15 
lidslad,  Maj.  Sdniiill.  Maj.  Herbert  S. 
M(  |i  Sciinlm!^  1  rll  In  Riglu:  M. 
Sgl  W  .illhci  I  l)iilU\,  M.  S;.|,'  Rdlieil 
L.  I)., MS.  M.  S.41.  \iiliur  |,  Miller.  M. 
Sgl.  Chile  li.  .MarliiK  Mil,  Si.  Depail 
men  I. 


Iili    ir,    KIkIh:    Dr. 
i(  ll;i.   Dr.  (,;l^^L■ItH(), 

cation,  law,  or  any  ol  a  hunflrcd  positions 
—  encouragement  —  indeed  lo  lliose  who 
decide  lo  iollow  the  English  curriciduni. 
Dr.  Paul  S.  I.iei/  pilots  a  distinguished 
group  of  historians  in  leaving  every  Loyola 
graduate  with  a  deep  sense  of  the  meaning 
ol  the  past.  In  Di .  Lietz,  the  Department 
ol  History  has  one  oF  those  many  altmini 
^vl>o  gi\e  ihemsehes  to  lashion  lor  Loyola 

a  name  as  a  lia\i-ii  ol  scholars  and  learniir^. 

jM)r  a  luluii-  ill  jnire  science-  ol  apphcd 
tethnolfjgy,  the  Department  ol  Mathe- 
matics, Following  its  Acting  Clh.iirman,  Dr. 
James  S.  Thale  in  its  interest  in  both,  pre- 
pares its  students  lor  a  career  in  either. 

Lt.  Col.  James  L.  McCrorey  com- 
mands the  Depanmeiu  ol  Military  Science 
and    i  aciics. 

The  Di;il,.oiH 

^    (.1     IM;il 

)    live 


a  contlii\c-  (il 

l,r  l)r|>a, 

i  Cla 

cat   raii<4ii.ii;is 
Dr.    Ixaisci.    I 

.   Men/. 

Kr.    Ik 

.    t  r^ 

:ui(l    Dr.     \\n\ 

Dr.  Ja.stsd.slii  points  out  itic  siihllor 
aspects  of  itic  frog  wliile  nuiiil;cr> 
of  itic  Biotogv  Departmeiu  look  on: 
Mr.  Uuitson,  Dr.  Spiroff.  Dr.  I.isl.  Mr. 
I'eai.son.   and    Di .    Ilisaok.i. 

Clicraislry    Dcpt.,    Left    to    Riglu:    l)i 
Posvic,  Dr.  Reed.  Dr.  Moore,  i)i.  Wii; 

.Speech  and  Drama  racult\  I'lctiiic 
Left  to  right:  Donald  H  Dickinson, 
Chairman;  Pearl  M.  Heffion,  Catliei 
ine  AL  Ciearv  and  Donald  J.  .Stinson. 
Rear,  lell  to  riohl:  Dr.  Kennetli  R. 
H/oili,  and  \\  dharn  C,.  Morris. 

.Sociology  Department,  Left  to  riglu: 
Dr.  Frank  Cazon.  Dr.  Paul  Munch,  Rev, 
S,  A,  Siebcr  S,\'.D..  Rev.  Ralph  .\.  Gal- 
lagher S.J.,  Rex.  Francis  Emerick  C.S, 
V„  Rev,  Leo  J.  Martin  S.J.,  Dr.  Joseph 
F.  Gensert.  and  Dr.  Gordon  C.  Zahn 
not  shown,  now  studving  in  Germanv. 

(;i\il  Dcleiisc  is  its  worthy  aim.  I.i.  Ciol. 
McCrorcy,  as  a  West  Poiiu  gradualc  experi- 
enced in  liie  ladies  oi  war,  can  inculcate  a 

liisl-hand    kiiowledi^c    lo     llic     uni\ersily's 
k( )  rC  sludtiils. 

Dr.  [osepii  I.eBlanc,  sirais^iii  honi  I  lie 
soil  ol  I'rance,  lends  an  aiulienlic  iioic  lo 
ihe  l)c|)arlineiil  ol  .Modern  l.aiimia^es.  Dr. 
I.elilanc  has  re(C'i\c'd  a  .s^oid  wattli  as  a 
l>a(li;e  ol  more  ihan  i\venty-li\e  years  ol 
ser\  ice. 

Siud)  al  I,ou\ain  (|ualiiies  Ir.  Roheit 
Mulligan.  S.  j.,  lo  guide  the  Deparinienl 
I  hat  every  Loyolan  encoimters,  the  Depart - 
meiit  ol   Philosopln.  Fr.  Miilliiian  and  his 

l.ifiiltv    tiy    to    h(  Ip   the   siiideiit    solve   and 
e\ahiate  |)rol)lems  ol   Inimaii   li\iiig. 

It.  j.  Donald  Roll.  S.  f..  and  his  huulty 
iiy  lo  soke  ptohlcms  ol  plusical  nature  — 
and  so  do  I  hen  si  II dc' Ills  m  i  lie  Department 
ol  rh\si<s.  l-i.  R(j1I.  on  the  stall  ol  the- 
Aigonne  \iomi(  I  ahoiaioiA,  has  a  nation- 
al rc|)iilal  ion  aiiioni;  plusicists. 

1m.  W'oelll.  S.  |..  and  his  la(iill\  in 
till-  Dejjai  tniciil  ol  i'oliiiial  S(ien(c  en- 
(lea\oi  to  assist  iheii  slndeiits  to  hecome 
mote  tiiily  (llnistian  and  mote  tilth 
.\mei  ican. 

I  he  numetotis  times  I-'i .  Ralph  \.  ( .al- 
lagher.    S.     }..    has    heeii    called    upon     1>\ 

luigtisli  nc|)t..  Scaled,  left  to  iii;lii:  Di, 
HMiiinuil.  1)1.  r.ngleliaidt.  Mr.  Wotlc. 
Dr.  Clarke.  Mr.  Callan.  Fr.  Weyand 
((.liainiiau    (il    llic   Dcpt.)  ,   Mr.   Bren- 

llisKnN  l)e]i.iiliiuiil:  Dr.  l.iel/.  Fr.  /.al)- 
kar.    Mr.     |(i/»i.ik,     \li-~s    iMicera.    M 

Fiiglisli  l)c|>l..  Slaiutiiig.  letl  In  riglit: 
Mr.  liiiike.  Mr.  ORourke.  .Mr.  Ctielta, 
Fr.  Matlaiid.  Dr.  (.errictts.  Seated,  left 
1(1  right:    Fr.  Sun/.   Miss  firogan.  Miss 

laii.   Miss   Isiiig,  Si.iiidiiig:   Mr.  Voung.         Bikcwii/    Di     \l((lii""i"c    Mr    liiirka         Cllarkscin.  Fr.  Sii almaii.  Dr.  S\aglic.  Dr 

Fr.   OXeill,    Mi.    W  ilheliiii.    Mr.   Wald- 

Dr.  ()l)»\<i,  Di     kinun.  Dr.  Triinlilc. 
Fr.  Kemp.  .Mr.  .Mitchell.  .Mr.  McGovern. 

Dr.    liariN 

I'dluil.ll      SticiKC      1JC|)1..      1)1.      \IC-1KV,     1)1        SdlUal/LllllLl!, 

Fr.   W'ocltl.   Fr.   Small,    Mi.    Maikiw,    Mr.    Persil. 

I'sychologv  Depl..  Icfl  u<  right:  Fr.  Ocxliii.  Mi.  Flaiuigaii, 
Miss  Graham.  Fr.  Doylf,  lir.  Rimoldi,  Fr.  Flerr.  (Chair- 
man of  Depl.) 

l.cll  t(i  Riglu:  Or 
Malciki,  Ml-.  Mc\ 
Wo/iiiak,  mcrnl)cis 

\alciui.  Mr.  riicbcig.  l)i.  .M 
■r,  Miss  Dascnais,  Dr.  Cawkci 
1)1   ilic  Ediitalidn   DcparlniciU. 

ihc  City  of  Chicago  Lo  gi\c  liis  aihicc  on 
coninuuiky  problems  aLiesLs  to  the  quality 
ol  leadership  that  the  Department  of  So- 
ciology has.  In  its  desire  to  make  its  stu- 
dents alive  to  contemporary  social  ills,  the 
department  could  have  not  a  better  guide. 
Mr.  Donald  H.  Dickinson,  recently  ap- 
pointed Chairman  of  the  Department  of 
Speech  and  Drama,  points  to  facility  in 
speech  as  the  main  object  of  his  depart- 
ment. In  this,  Mr.  Dickinson  has  had  bene- 
fit of  personal  experience,  and  liis  many 
superlative  directions  of  the  Loyola  Ctn^t- 
ain  Guild  give  the  Drama  students  a  chance 
to  actuate  the  principles  of  acting  they 
learn  in  class. 

The  Department  of  Psychology  luider 
the  able  direction  of  Fr.  Vincent  V.  Herr, 
S.  j,.  searches  both  emperically  and  phi- 
losophically to  understand  the  composite 
man.  Such  a  study  fits  well  into  the  liberal 
arts  curricidum  forming  a  basis  for  further 
intellectual   effort. 

lo  \\'ea\e  all  the  \aried  strands  of  edu- 
cation togeiher,  the  Department  of  Re- 
ligion under  Fr.  Lester  J.  Evett,  S.  J.,  spins 
the  seamless  garb  of  Christ's  religion.  Fr. 
Evett  finds  time  to  give  spiritual  cotuiscl, 
and  thus  the  practical  as  well  as  the  theo- 
retical side  of  his  department's  teaching  is 




'"Wnl,     'jLc    c.n.crsn.cj.     S   for- 

ijcl      nil      //MIC. 


In  all  siiiccriiy,  wc  iiuisi  conlcss 
ill  is  isii'i  necessarily  so.  Many's  ihe 
lime  ')nr  \  iianiin-sUnuilatcd  minds  rc- 
toilcd  ai  ihc  thous^ht  thai  ihc  liity 
niinulcs  was  suclching  inlo  an  cierni- 
ly  and  we  would  rciiiain  lorevcr  chain- 
ed on  llie  edge  of  the  fiery  lake.  Then 
we  woidd  happily  remember  thai 
oilier  classes  ha\e  passed  away,  so  too. 
would  this. 

Looking  al  the  iour  classes  ccjin- 
prising  this  listening  group,  we  see 
first  of  all  the  f^reshmen.  These  re- 
cruits are  of  two  kinds  —  one  tiniicf 
f)iit  eager  lo  pro\e  themsehes:  the 
other,  idealists  who  clmg  to  their  ideas 
of  reorganizing  the  world. 

Embryonic  signs  of  \\-ear  and  tear 
mark  the  Sophomores.  They  have 
made  some  llead^vay  and  are  proud  of 
it.  S|nirre(f  on  by  tlieir  progress,  they 
|jlunge  inlo  the  archives  of  knowl- 

juniors  disj^lay  an  air  of  satisfac- 
tion which  is  understandable.  They 
lia\e  made  that  great  decision,  the  se- 
lection of  a  major  and  a  minor.  During 
the  year  their  interests  may  wain,  but 
that  comes  with  being  a  Jtmior. 

The  \vorn,  bent,  abject  creatures 
stalking  the  campus  bear  the  title  of 
Senior.  Though  it  is  a  sign  of  achie\  e- 
ment,  the  Senior  knows  his  goal  is  still 
elusive.  If  only  it  could  be  entirelv 
true  that,  "With  thee  conversing,  I 
forget  all  time." 

Al  the  end  of  tlie  Hail  lies  llie  goal 
of  four  years  of  arduous  lal5or.  the 
cuhnination  of  the  uiuleigiaduate 
tarcer.    pradii.ition    da\. 


The  time  has  arrived,  gradualioti;  it 
is  the  goal  sought  by  every  Loyolati  as  he 
progresses  through  liis  college  life.  On 
this  day,  above  all,  the  privilege  of  higher 
education  becotnes  nieatiinginl. 

Disciplined  in  the  Jesuit  tradition  and 
possessed  of  a  proper  sense  of  tnoderation. 
tlie  graduate  has  become  the  '"^vhole  mati.  " 
The  graduate  has  received,  as  a  mark  of 
distinction,  the  much  revered  diplotna. 
Best  of  all,  he  has  rccei\'ed  a  Catholic  Ethi- 


I'lE   ^^xaduats.± 

Iphi.iiiri  Aljialiaiii,  Jr. 
U.S.  .S..S. 

Ridiard   .\.    AllaiK, 
K.S.    llniM. 

:',.s,  S.S. 

I'.dmund    |.  .\l\viii 
K.S.   Ilinii. 

|,.liii    W  .    Barc.ii 
I'.S.    M.   St. 

ili.i    I'.    I'.rll 
U.S.    Mill 

\iiu(.iu    Uciilixcn^a,  Jr. 
li.S.  S.S. 

l?ro.   \i<l(.i    I-,    I'Kilraml.  C.S.V. 

\ul()r   M.    Uisiak 
U.S.   S.S. 

Sara   M.    UlciiiiU 
l!.S,    K,l. 

|<.,iii    \I.    llcirck 
U.S.    l.d. 

Cerald   I'.   U(,\|. 



Ccinstance  J.  Brezina 
B.S.  Xt.  Sc. 

Geralil  Lcc  Bristow,  C.S.V. 

Jdhn   E.  Brow 
B.S.  Hum. 

RithanI   V.  Butler 
B.S.  S.S. 

Maryann  T.  Cairo 
B.S.  \t.  Sc. 

Richard  J.  Carlin 

William  T.  Carlin 
B.S.  Hum. 

Edward  M.  Carney 

Ronald   .\.   Carr 
BS.   Hum. 

Dorothy  M.  Carter 
B.S.  Ed. 

Thercse   B.  Ceriirak 
B.S.   Nt.  Sc. 

Richard  H.  CMiambliss 
B.S.  Hum, 


DiMiic   K.  C/thisiiNik 
A  li. 

|i>S('|>li    I  .    l):i(l<liih 
US,    \l,    S(. 

Alllll^ll^     ll;i<lcl(ni< 
lis.    \L   S(, 

Hisc    |.    Diliolskv 

li  S.     l-.rl. 

I"-- •  l''ll<A,  ll 

lis.     lllMII. 

,o  ].    l)r,M,,scy 
U.S.  S.S. 

Joan   F.  C:hclotti 
I5.S.  S..S. 

\iin    Malic  Ohcplis 
IIS     I  ,1. 

Ridunil    |.   (  iihirn 
U.S.    \l.   Si. 

.Mficil    J.   Clcmcnli 
H.S.    \i.  Sc. 

I'.iliiiia   .\.   Cdiulciii 
U.S.    K,l. 

MaiyaR-l    M.  CciUdiai 


Anthfiiiv  R.  Hi  Benedetto 
B.,S.  Hum. 

C:arlo  M.  Di  Xello 
B.S.  Nt.  Sc. 

Sliclia  E.  Diinaluie 
B.S.  Ed. 

Celeste  J.  Doie 
B.S.'  Ed. 

KutJene   |.  Dtn'gan 

\lai\    Kate   l)c 
IS.S.   H II 111 

Ck'iald  J.  Driesseii 
B.S.  S.S. 

Jciliii  S.  Dnimke 
B.S.    \|.  ,Se. 

I)a\id    L.   Diiavte 
B.S.  S.S. 

|iihii   1'.    Didliii 
B.S.  S.S. 

I)a\id    II.    nunue 
IVS.    lliiiii. 

;iiiies   .\.   DiiiMie 
B.S.  S.S. 

'/  J 




I'.iliHi.i     \.    I)iiii|iliy 

I'.IIIHk     |.     l)\ 

l^iiMcs  J.   l,f.;,„,  Jr. 

|..M|,1,     11,     1 

IVS,     Ihii 

\l.n\     l.nll    j.iiull 
lis,   1(1, 

I  liniiKis    |.   larnll 
li,S,   S,S. 


Man    Uelh    JciUi 
li.S.   Kd. 

Riihanl    [.  I'icdlcr 
U.S.    \|.  ,St. 

r.dward    I..   MciiuiiK 

\  n. 

Cai%l   .\tiii   I'rcko 
n.,S.   Hum. 

Rc.hcit   K.  (.alassini 
I5..S.  ,S.S. 

|cihn  .\.  (,aircf. 
IV.S.  .S.S. 


[dim  W.  Ga/inski,  Jr. 
15. S.  ,S..S. 

|iihn   F.  (.cnovese 
U.S.   Hum. 

Paul   S.   C.cnlins 
U.S.   Hum.' 

Mai\    l'alii(ia   Ciljbons 

.Susan  (.iometti 
B.S.   Hum. 

Bernard  A.  Gladstone 
B..S.  Hum. 

Ellis  Godwin 
B.,S.  .S.,S. 

Daniel   ).  Gimiez 
B.s;  Ed. 

Enul    I-.  (.rahou 
B..S.   M.  .Si. 

Roherl   E.  (.ralcn 
li.S.    Hum. 

Lorraine  D.  (Jranilvs 
B.S.  Ed. 

Warren    T.  Greonleaf 
B.S.  Hum. 


c■^     \l,     IIj 

lis.    Hull 

1)1,11, lid    W  ,|KT 
U.S.    \l,   Sc. 

RaMiiiirid    M.    Il.inisoii 
li.S.   S.,S. 

{,ir:il(l    K.    lliKK'iis 
B.S.    Iliiiii. 

Riihaid    W  .    Ilolhiiul 
li.S.    Iliiiii. 

Jii;in   M.  Crimes 
B-S.   I'd. 

R.iiiald     \.   (.ivwviiiski 
U.S.    llimi. 

M,ii\    .\iiri   (.lien  id  I 
li.S.   Kd. 

Frederick    1'.   Hans 
li.S.  s.s. 

\I.ii\    Ann   Halvcrsdn 
li.S.    Kd. 

Sandra   R.    Hanilv 
B.S.    Kd. 


Kenneth  C.  Howard 
B.S.  S.S. 

Vincent  W.  Howaiil 
U.S.  Hinn. 

Maxine  T.  Hiilthinsdn 
B.S.  S.S. 

Mary  Frances  Jacobson 
B.S.  Ed. 

,\nn   Marie  Janiec 
B.S.  Nt.  Sc. 

William   P.   Joyce 
B.S.  Nt.'  Sc. 

Joann   K.   Jurisic 

Tlioinas   J.   Kallal 
B.S.  Nt,  Sc. 

Frances  J.  Kanapack 
B.S.  S.S. 

James  M.  Kane 
B.S.  S.S. 

Frank  Karwatowicz 
B.S.   Nl.  Sc. 

Charles  J.  Kasper 
B.S.  Nt.  Sc. 


I     ^H 




Ailliiir    K.    K(ri;ili 
A.  II. 

IVS.   SS. 

|iiiic    \.    KcMiKcIv 
U.S.  .S..S. 

RaMiKind    |nnics   Kilcv 
U.S.    .M.  Si. 

I)ciii,.l(l    M.   RiloMiie 
U.S.   HiMii. 

C.irnI    .\.    Kdciiig 
U.S.   K.I. 

luliii   C:.   Kollc! 
1$.S.  Hum. 

William   1-.   Korclke 
U.S.   \t.  .Sc. 

IicTic  C:.   Kossuth 
U.S.  Nt,  Sc. 

Willic.l    M.    Kii/l(.\vski 
li.S.   SS. 

I', ml   C.  Kiuckcr 
U.S.  S.S. 

J  hccukiic    r.   Krxsinski 
li.S.  Xt.  Sc.  ■ 


Robert  X.  Listen 
B.S.  S.S. 

John  D.  Locacius 
B.S.  .S.S. 

Rohcit   F.   Loi//i 
IVS.   \t.  .St. 

Ji):iii    LMuan 
B.S.   N. 

Miles  W.  L\nch 

Nancy  M.  Lvons 
B.S.  Hum. 

:ian  E.  League 

Ann  Leathers 
B.S.   Hun 

Joanne  C.   Lecman; 
B.S.   Ld. 

1  honias  C  Lenitk 
li.S.   Hum. 

Barliara   R.   Lindhohn 
B.S.  S.S. 

Patricia  A.  Linnanc 
B.S.  Hum. 

R(,-I.<il    H.    Iiiliillc 
U.S.    Iliiiii. 

iliii    K.    I.agcisluiiiscn 
II. .S.  S  S. 

Ciii'l    .\.    I.^iriiliicdil 
U.S.    F,(l. 

|(.llll      I).     I.,IMH>II 

l(  S.  S  S. 

(  hailrs    II.    l.auis 
I',  S.   \|.   S(. 

n.ulKua   ,\.   L.ntl/. 
I5.S.  S.S. 

l-r.iiKC.    |.    Mailckn 
B.S.M.  .St. 

\Vaiula   S.    Mal(/c\vski 
U.S.    1(1. 

v]>h   .\.   Maick 
U.S.  S.S. 

Richard   Malkc.wski 
lis.    Hiiin. 

Rmli    M     Maiioaii 
U.S.    Hum." 

Anlliciiiv   I,.   Maixliese 
[\.S.  \t.  Sc. 

Bro.  Donald  G.   i\raixotte.  C.S.V. 

Catherine  M.  Marik 
B.S.  S.S. 

Joseph  Maiien 

Carohne  M.  Maistlial 
B.  S.  Hum. 

John  F.  Martin 
B.S.  S.S. 

.'Kdolpli   V.  Marliiuc\ic 

Constance  M.  Maslanka 
B.S.  Ed. 

Marv  Kllen  >feCornKiik 
B.S.  Ed. 

James   J.  MiCorndck 

Patricia  M.  Mcfirady 
B.S.  S.S. 

Jidia  A.  McGralli 
B.S.  Hum. 

John   L.   >rcl,aughlin 


l.iiKciu-    1  .    \1<  M.ih.iii 
U.S.    IInim. 

I5..S.  .S..S. 

ludciiik    (.    M.inis 
l',,S.    Ilinii. 

RnlllH    1,.    .Mlnik 
lis.    Ilinii. 

Dcn.iia    .\I.   Mulligan 
A. 15. 

Ilaidl.l    IS,    Miiiphv 
I'.S.    Iliiiii. 

■■■■■■  P 

Joseph    I,.   Murpin    Ji 
I'..S.    Hum. 

Daniel   ().   .Miinav 
15.,S.  Hum. 

Mar\    |anc  Xelsen 

\iulre\v  S.    \ic 

C.erald    I.  \o\ak 

^(a^galel    J.  O'Hara 
'l5.S.   Hum. 

Maureen  C.  O'Hara 
B.S.  Ed. 

Greta  M.  Olson 
B.S.  Ed. 

Robert  M.  Palese 

Ediiioncl    I  .    I'arkcr 
B.S,    Hum. 

Ronald    V.    I'awl 
B.S.   .\t.  .St. 

Elaine    I.   Philip 
B.S.  Xt.  Sc. 

Jose|5liinc  A.  I'indras 
B.S.  Ell. 

Erw'in  S.   I'oklacki 
B.S.   M.  .Sc. 

\iaor    |.    I'ojie 
B.S.   Xl.  .Sc. 

Kennclli    |.    I'linnn 
B.S.    lluni. 

Jidia  M.   Oninn 
B.S.  S.S. 

Maehelle   F.    Rcvell 
B.S.    Ed. 

|ns,.|,h     \.    Ri< 

li.S.  s.s. 

Cuil    |.    Kidilci 

li.S.  s.s. 

Willi. nil    I'..    Wis 
il.S.  S.S. 

Riiii.iiil    I'..    R( 

I'.s.  s.s. 

I.riui-    ,\.    RdSS 

](.S.    \1.  .St. 

\llK(l      \.     R( 

li.S.  s.s. 



f  I  M 

Leslie   li.    Riiiil 
B.S.   Hum. 

lohii  T.  RupkL-y 
B.S.  Nl.  .St. 

RaMiKind  M.  .Siahill 

ics  I'-.  Schaii 
B.S.   Nt.  St. 

William   |.  Slianaliaii 
B.S.   Hum. 

I'aliitia  .\.  Slicfliaii 
B.S.  Etl. 

BurtdU  Siegel 
B.S.  S.S. 

James   Pj.  Sloan 

LMomc  (  .  Spelliiian 
B.S.   ,\l.  ,Sl. 

Carmen  \'.  Spcian/a 
lis.    Hum, 

Lenijic  K.  Stankc 
B.S.  Xt.  .Sc. 

m   1,,  Siaiis 
BS.   Hum. 

feanottc  K.  Stines 
BS.   Hum. 

Rdlicn  \\  .  Swicca 
B.S.   Hum. 

llKimas  J.  SiKcd 
BS.   Nt.  ,Sc. 

William    J.    1  ans 
B.S.   Xt.  ,St. 

Lccnaid   .\.  Tokn.s.   Jr. 
B.S.  S.S. 

Bernanl   ].    I'liussaint 
B.S.   Hum. 

•.c|iliiiR-   i:.   \';i(c.iio 
li.S.    l-.d. 

Iiiimis   v.   \',ii,illo 
lis.    Iliiin. 

I).H1.,I,I      |,     X.Mlk.l 
lis.     lllllM. 

Klcanci    .\.   \  lerick 
li.S.  Hiiin. 

M.iii.Mi    R.   Wailau-ek 
IS  s,   S  S. 

raiiliiir   1,.   Wajay 
r.S,    llurii. 




B.S.    lluiii. 

Rolinl    [.    Walsh 
\,l'..    |.   Wal/ 
IVS.    .\i,   s, . 

Donald  J.  Welding 
B.S.  Xt.  .Sc. 

ThdHKis  D.  W' 
B.S.  S.S. 

Man    Whale 
J!.s.   1,1. 

^   fn    ¥^ 

James  X.  A\'ickhind 

John  M.  Wieland 
B.S.  Xt.  St. 

James  D,  Wing 
B.S.  Xt.  Sc. 

Richard  S.  \Visner 
B.S.  S.S. 

Barbara  J.  York 
B.S.  Hum. 

Laurence  T.  Youhn,  Jr. 
B.S.  S.S. 

Ah  in  R.  Zigman 
B.S.  Xt.  Sc. 

La  \'erne  M.  Zugehar 
B.S.   HU311. 

Josepli  A.  ZiiUo 
B.S.  Xt.  Sc. 

V*  CLIurnijn  *l 

Ai>  llluiorom  Dpi  03lnrimtt 

,/   '//„>,■,,:>,/„.,    '/,,/r//, 

,/,„,/ „/,/,/,,^„/,. 


Snim  .■iliisrpli  JFlaiianaii.  3r. 
Ifarfalaurratuii  in  ^rirutia 

/,,,  r,  ,,//„„,,„,/„.  ,.■,„.„„,, /,„„„^,„  .„,„/„/,,  ,„,,/„,,/ 
,,,/,.,/,,,„„„,„,/,.,../,//,,„.,  //i'/",.>'/'f/>.,.„./,//,   ,„„„,/„.,,/ 

^"'    )f  '>.">'.",/„/,,../.„,„/,„  ,\/f:.\/ji/// 


7  ''' '" 

Baibara  M.  Brodie 
li.S,  X. 

Dorothea  M.  Buschljach 
B.S.  X. 

Sister   M.   Charles.   O.S.F. 
B.S.  X. 

Susan  Fanning 
B.S.   X. 

Priscilla  Hartel 
B.S.  X. 

Helen   Herx 
B.S.  X. 

Sister  AI.   Jane  Franees.  O.S.F. 
B.S.  X. 

Marv   .\.    John.son 
U.S.  X. 

Mania  E.  Leidi" 
B.S.  N. 

Wihiia  Oaks 
B.S.  X. 

Christine  M.  Orgren 
B.S.  X. 

Helen   L.   Robert 
B.S.  X. 


Siindni   SiKiiKilKii 
U.S.   N. 

K^itiilccii   SliMriiKin 
U.S.    \. 

\l;irv  ,\nii  .Silovsky 
11..S.   N. 

DoKilhv    \.   X'ilulld 
li..S.    \. 

{.iiKil    ,\.  Wv.socki 
B..S.   \.  ■ 

Bariiani  /.iomck 
1!..S.  N. 


Compsl  Cullcc?  Check!  No-Do/?  C.lieck!  Pencils?  Check!  Refer- 
ence? Check!  Tony,  did  )ou  bring  \nur  notes?  Let's  skip  toniglit 
and  study  all  weekend. 

^44  XiiUnd  Oo-c 





^Enioz   C/aii 

To  the  iiKiriial  xoicc  oi  ilic  organ,  the 
long  column  ol  men  and  ^somcn  moves  in 
quiet  dignil)  inlo  the  thcaiic.  1  his  is  Com- 
mencement Day:  this  is  the  orathiaiing 
class;  and  to  these  men  and  women,  this 
day  marks  the  linal  momeiii  ol  their  col- 
lege life  at  Loyola. 

Ikit  just  as  the  organ  notes  mark  the 
arri\  al  of  this  final  moment,  the  sights  and 
soiuids  of  many  other  moments  of  college 
days  pass  through  the  nrinds  of  the  grad- 
uates, for  it  is  in  these  sights  and  soiuids 
that  Loyola  will  li\e  in  their  memories. 

What   kintl  of  sotmds  do  thev  recall? 


linn  l''t^'  ^"K  <.'\eMl  f(ir  llic  St-ri 
iiiis  .lie  tlic  lo|>  men  (il  llic  ( las\ 
I'liMili  III  I  iiiiv  l)iHciiC(l('lli>  and  \'i(i 
I'lcM.lnii    |iiii    l)cni|isc\. 

A  group  of  seniors  gather  in  ili 
Union  House  office  to  purchase  ticket 
for  the  Martjnette  Game,  one  game  n( 
niie   \\anls   lo   miss. 

At  the  desk  of  the  Cudahy  Library 
a     trio    of    Seniors    gather    to    pern 
some    weighty    tome.    lifted    from    th 
dusty  shelves. 


"Some  books  are  to  be  tasted,  others  to  be 
swallowed  and  some  few  to  be  chewed  and 
digested."  The  tranquillity  of  the  Cudahv  Li- 
brary affords  an  ideal  refectory  for  the  intellect- 
ual meal  as  Gene  .Amoroso.  Jim  .Sloan  and 
Ephraim  .\braham  bend  to  their  tasks.  Taking 
an    after-dinner    nap    is   Joe    Erwin. 

IJack  low  Sistei  Chailcs,  Sistci  Jane  Fiancis 
Helen  Hci\  Doithea  Buschbacli  Fiont  low 
(hiistuic  OiiJien  Ka\  Shannon  Baib  /loniek, 
I'usdll.i    ll.uKN      HUcn    Robeit 

Iiili'sl    ;iirn;il   (il 

iMK     m■^n     I., Is 
,,l     lllialladK'il 
iusi.iMii:ill\    ;hI- 
,gr  .lianunul. 

Wliat  kind  ol  inonicnis  record  tlieir  collct^c 
days?  1  he  carlicsi  uiilorgcLlablc  inomcnl 
was  llic  bw//iii,u  coiilusioii  ol  ]•  rfshniaii 
!<. eg ist ration  da).  Tlirn  ilicic  was  iIil  al- 
lcnli\c  silcncL'  ol  ilic  lirsl  college  lecluie; 
ihc  animal  shouts  ol  the  pushball  conLesl; 
the  uneasy  banter  following'  the  first  col- 
lege exam.  The  beanie  was  the  next  dial 
lenge  bringing  wilh  ii  mixed  feelings  oi 
pride  and  endjarassmenL  Next  came  the 
\agire  rhythms  of  the  band  at  the  first  col- 
lege dance:  the  iniconiiortable  tiuiel  of 
the  student  retreats:  and  the  constant  cata- 
loging of  the  myriad  eccentricities  of  the 
faculty.  These  were  some  of  tire  early 
moments  of  their  college  days,  but  as  the 
years  passed,  the  frivolous  activities  ol  the 
boys  and  girls  changed  into  the  serious 
activities  of  yotmg  men  and  ^vomen. 

The  time  passed  and  the  moments  mul- 
tiplied, until  this  final  moment  arrived. 
And  \vhat  had  happened  in  these  days? 
Both  Loyola  and  the  graduates  changed. 
From  these  nren  and  ^vomen  Loyola  had 
received  its  unique  and  intense  life 
through  their  activities  over  the  years:  and 
from  Loyola  the  graduates  had  received 
the  distinguished  character  of  a  Catholic 
education,  a  mark  which  they  wotdd  carry 
fore\'er  in  their  lives.  This  is  the  Senior 

In  tlic  Lake  Shore  Uool<store  as  'rim  Sclmcidcr 
anct  Ken  I'rinlep,  tool;  on,  as  I'lcd  Haas  lonctlcs  a 
teddy  liear,  only  one  of  the  main  novcllies 
available  at  the  store. 

The  advciil  <il  iIk-  Chiislnias  scasiin  liiids 
Loyola  students  rising  to  the  occasion  and  bring- 
ing ynletide  ornamentation  to  the  Union.  Afem- 
bers  of  the  Jtmior  class  arc  pictured  adorning 
ihc    tree    ^\itli    omanicnts    ad    tinsel. 

ai4  Hl^hnsJ  \fox 


Nursing  ihe  bruises  of  experience  in- 
curred o\er  three  years  of  undergraduate 
work,  the  jiuiiors  are  confidently  ready  to 
approach  their  final  year  at  Loyola.  There 
is  no  doubi  about  the  length  of  time  they 
have  spent  in  achieving  success  in  past  en- 
deavors. Fortunately,  the  juniors  ha\e 
more  to  show  for  this  progress  than  just 
deep  lined  \  isages. 

Many  people  ^vould  claim  that  class 
unity  is  non-existent  in  such  a  luiiversity 
as  ours.  This  charge  has  been  proven  false 
by  the  unifving  spirit  of  the  junior  class. 

With   I  he  possession  of  this  unity  the 


juniors  have  succeeded  in  several  oulsland- 
ino-  projects  such  as  the  Junior  Chiss  Party, 
ihe  junior-Senior  football  S'i'"<-''  'TI'1  i'^"-' 
Arts-Commerce  Variety  Show. 

Disregarding  the  jjariy,  which  was  a 
typical,  hot,  crowded  dance,  the  two  other 
projects  were  unicjue  as  only  the  juniors 
coidd  make  ihem. 

The  Jiniior-Senior  foolball  game  was 
really  not  a  game  at  all.  Due  to  the  incle- 
mant  weather,  the  iootball  lield  was  a  sea 
of  mud  and  ice.  It  rained  continually 
throtighout  the  short  game  in  which  only 
seven  brave  souls  took  part.  Because  one 
man   became   immersed    in   <|iiagmire.    the 

"(onlest"    was   cdled    wiih    ihi-    seniors   on 
lop.    I  1-7. 

In  the  more  sei  ious  \iin.  was  the  (Pom- 
mel ce-Arts  \'aiieiy  Show.  Kihing  solely 
u|)on  the  natural  laleiiis  ol  l,o)(jla  stti- 
dents,  an  elal>orate  \aricty  show  was  pre- 
sented. \'ai  ions  student  organizations  as 
well  as  indi\idu,d  siudents  sang,  danced. 
and  pciioinicd  coniit  routines.  Se\'eral 
])rolessi()nal  enleitainers  acted  as  judges 
and  climaxed  the  exening  In  presenting  a 
ir(i|)liv   to  the  best  entertainers. 

All  this  xvas  the  responsibilil\-  of  the 
juniors,  [udging  hom  the  success  ol  the 
show,  the  jtniiors  can  i^e  justh'  proud. 

Markiiig  \iulators  are  sternly  dealt 
with.  Illegal  parking  i.s  punishable  li\ 
ilie  dismantling  of  your  auto  and  llie 
reselling  of  the  |5arls  at  the  I'nion 

Lewis  Towers  Juniors,  never  at  a  loss 
for  conversation,  find  time  to  squeeze 
in  a  C|uick  philosopliicat  discussion 
before  dashing  off   to  class. 

Charlie  Trapp  rctouls  the  liiulings  iit  Diann 
F()gart^^  George  Cierniatios.  and  Bernard  I  ess  : 
tliey  \ie\v  what  inav  well  he  Lo\(ila's  next  iii 
elcar  disco\ei\'. 

Junior  yeai'  has  often  been  described 
as  the  best  year  in  college.  This  question 
is,  of  course,  debatable  especially  among 
the  other  classes.  One  thing  is  certain,  how- 
ever; there  is  a  certain  air  of  confi- 
dence in  the  junior  class.  They  have  chos- 
en their  field  of  sttidy  and  by  this  time  are 
asstired  that  Loyola  is  the  school  for  them. 
Gone  are  the  days  of  sophomoristic  antics. 
As  juniors  they  haxe  become  responsibile 
citizens  in  the  government  of  a  large  uni- 
\ersity.  The  jtmiors  ha\e  left  a  legacy 
worthv  oi   their  name. 

I  he  leadeiship  of  the  Junior  class  rests  with 
\i(e  president  Jim  Sneidcr  and  President  Don 
kogan.  I  he\  are  foiMid  discussing  some  current 
prulilenis.   piissililx    the  annual  i lass  partv. 





^^H  ^^              ''^l 

^  jLJ 






i     *    1 



^  ^i 

Seeking  cnliglilniciu   ilirough   ihe  sagatious  ainimunicatidiis  on   the  Dean's   Bulletin   Ucjard. 
a  gionp  of  Lake  Shore  Juniors  pause  on  their  way  to  class. 

Jnnior  Xtirses:   Bcrnie  McCinire,  Mar\   Siiillx.  (.loria  Carina.  C^arulla    |inig.   I'enn\    Newman, 
and  Jane  Kemper  take  a  few  moments  of  relaxation  out  of  a  long  clay  at  St.  I'rancis  HosjMtal. 

Wx^'-^x-;:^:^  ?:::::■:■ -I- J^ 

-\t  llie  tallies  in  the  I'liion  wlicie  imisit    loxtis  (Iwell 
And  |ihiy  ])inochle  between  tlie  lioiirs  of  12  and  1. 
Ai!  I.(i\(ilans  heie  assemble  and  tilt  their  coffee  cups. 

I'-at  salami  with   a   pitklc  f)n   a   bun. 

(.cnllenien    smdcnis   seek    a    degree, 

Sit   and   smoke   'lill   ilie\   cmnot  see; 

Cilass    liegins     for    \iiii     and     me. 
Stay!   Stay!   Stay! 

faro    ^U^ati 


Barely  has  the  echo  of  last  semester's 
pedagogical  principles  laded  ^vhen  profess- 
ors' voices  again  drone  on.  The  sophomore 
class,  with  a  year's  experience  behind 
it.  cannot  relax  aiul  look  to  its  laurels 
as  yet.  E\en  thotigh  not  considered  the 
epitome  ol  academic  excellence,  the  soph- 
omores have  prochicetl  some  verv  singidar 
achiexements.    In    their   repertoire    is    the 

S(,|,liciiii<iri-  Xiirsis.  Irll  In  Riulii:  \l;iiiic<-ii 
\\;iMi,  \l:il\  k;i\  I'.. ill,  pllli-  S.iii  ll;iiiirl,  \l:ni 
hn  Sc,i\(,iii'  I  Mill  I  iih.usti  ;iii.l  I'.ii  M((  .1111-1 
|i,llls.'  Iiclnic  S.iMc.l  III, ,11  sMIiir  ;illi-|  miiik; 
Miiciiis   siiiih    III    (  ii(l:ili\    1 

The  indusliN  (if  this  griiu|)  is  pnAcn  In  the 
man  wlio  is  lidding  np  the  wall  wilh  his  foot 
and    the   rest   who   are   I)nsv   lilocking    tlic    hall. 

The  call  of  the  natural  appetites  results  in  the 
Lake  Shore  students  seeking  a  sustaining  repast 
in  the  balanced,  healthftd  offerings  of  the 
I'uion   .Snack   Bar. 


Notice  the  exquisite 
anmial   (iiiis'   Scucc 


l.ivli  on  tlie  field  of  honor  in  tlic 

distinction  of  being  the  first  freshman 
class  ever  to  enter  a  float  in  the  float  par- 
ade and  ha\e  it  jjecome  a  prize  ^vinner.  in 

At  the  annual  Loyola  Fair  and  Frolic. 

this  class  again  demonstrated  its  vei^satility 
by  becoming  the  first  freshman  class  to 
have  a  booth.  Their  no\el  idea  was  to  allow 
madcap  upperclassmen  to  indulge  in  pie- 
throwing.  This  activity  proved  to  cement 
the  o'ood  relations   of   the   freshmen  -^viih 

(.jtht'icd  hftwccn  lUissesnt  \.ini< 
Lewis  Joiveis  canipiis,  some  .' 
soplionioves  get  a  laugh  out  of  onu 
the  many  incidents  that  occur  in 
axciagc  day  at  school. 

I     lllc 
n\     llli 

the  other  classes:  triiunphant  juniors  and 
seniors  and  gleeful  sophomores,  taking  re- 
venge on  the  "little  ones,"  emerged  from 
the  contest  with  hearty  admiration  for  lire 
good  sportmanship  of  the  class.  For  a  good 
cause  people  will  go  to  almost  any  length. 
Fortunate  in  being  the  first  class  to  use 
the  new  dormitory,  the  freshmen  added 
another  first  to  their  grooving  list. 

The  cool  and  inviting  waters  of  Lake  Michigan 
provide  the  students  with  convenient  facilities 
for  a  refreshing  dip  after  a  torrid  day  in  the 
classroom.  K 

I  he    Annual    lie 
l)lci\  (Icliulil.  is 

lie    I'ldiuKc.    a   gam- 
n:ill\   Wdilli  llie  risk. 

\\'itli  an  eye  to  the  iuiure.  today's  soph- 
omores ^v'ill  soon  guide  organizations  at 
Loyola.  On  graduation  day  they  -^vill  be 
aljle  lo  rellect  with  a  sense  of  achie\enient 
on  their  acconiplishnients.  As  others  move 
on  they  must  prepare  to  shoulder  the  slack. 
Here  al  L()\()la  the)'  learn  the  principles 
\vhich  A\'ill  be  everyday  practice  later  on. 
Having  gathered  so  many  first,  in  school 
acli\ilies.  the  sophomore  class  anticipates 
an  cxciiinu  fuline. 


All  indiu  I  idii  iiilo  ilicii  new  (  is 
a  rc(|iiiiciiKiii    Im    all    iiuoiiiinn   Ircshiiun 

al  Loyola.  I '|)|)c  k  lassincn  ,l;i\i'  lixily  oi 
their  liiiic  dining  htshiiiaii  wctk  in  an 
altciii])!  lo  help  ihe  new  stiidcnls  lliKur^li 
ihc  s).slfiii  ol  rcgisiraiion  and  oi  icntalion. 
The  week  is  iiUers|)ersed  wiili  siudeni  un 
ion  addresses,  bnl  needless  lo  sa\  llie  ad- 
jnslnieiil  lo  a  new  school  is  ii|)  to  the  eal- 
low  youlhs.  As  lar  as  ihe  Ireshnieii  per- 
lorniance  went,  the  week  was  successlul  — 
nianed  oieasionally  h\  some  ,t;eltin,<>  into 
the  wroii!^  room. 

On  I'l'iday  ol  the  second  week  ol  the 
new  term,  the  Ik'anie  I'xmnce  was  held  to 
help  the  new  men  at  Loyola  ^et  accpiaint- 
ed  with  the  new  women  at  Mundelein. 
Lhe  proeeclure  ceiilered  around  ihe  small 
green  eha])eati.  ihe  badge  ol  the  ireshmen. 
15)  eking  out  a  dubious  \i(ior\  o\er  a 
minority  sophomore  group  at  the  tradi- 
tional tug  ol  war,  lhe  Ireshmen  Avon  lhe 
rioht  to  diseaid  their  beanies. 

AfLcr  a  sliimilaling  assoiilih,  ilic  flc■^i)llu:ll 
with  ciUluisiaMii.  pour  iloun  lhe  .Ahimiii  (.Mil 
Fire  escape  eii  nmle  Ki  the  Union  House  and 
an    eageriv    awaited    lunch. 

I'jandagcr:  I'enny  I'ish,  Bandagcc:  Mary  Rose 
nielli.  Sitting:  Jerry  Brooks  and  Eleanor  Zahi- 
aka.  .Standing:  Dee-iiec  Spilhmc.  Helen  Slingshy, 
Marvann    Kclh.    Uarliai:i    I'tasck. 

A  ■  canditl  shot  in  the  Lewis  Towers  Union 
linds  a  group  of  fieslimen  girls,  discussing  some 
I  racial  current  problem,  seated  about  one  of  the 
laliles.  Normally,  the  girls  devote  much  of  their 
lime  to  the  discussion  of  such  topics.  Perhaps 
someday  someone  will  survey  these  social  semi- 
11. ns  ,ni(l  infnrni  the  world  of  the  ccmtcnt  of 
Ihcsc    diviissi.,ns. 

Sciiiir  (il  clic  freshmen  seem  to  learn  rather 
ijiiiikh  what  constitutes  college  life.  Here  a 
HKiu])  ot  coeds  cram  for  a  rhetoric  exam  while 
iheir  male  friends  take  the  opportunitv  to  con- 
serve some  of  their  much-needed  energy.  Look 
iliiseb  al  tlie  reai tiou  of  tile  administration  ex- 
|iusscd   ill   llie   iwii   titles  of  the  magazine. 



ic    Hean's   office,    these    hopeful 
■  litiiiiisticallv    toward    the  secre- 

ihe  answer  that,  in  the  last 
.iiuiUsis.  toiiius  ill  loUcgc  .  .  .  final  grades.  For 
some  it  will  be  the  proof  of  hard  work,  good 
exams,  and  much  studv.  For  others,  the  evi- 
dence of  something  ariulenHcallv  amiss  will  be 
legretfuUv    \el    fiimlv    handed    over. 

ll  \'i 

l.oMihiiis    refines    llio 
;iljciiii    (olleue   sludeiils. 

In  a  riuny  ol  jjoliiical  promises,  iresh- 
mcn  \()lcrs  chose  Larry  Miller  to  represent 
them  in  the  Arts  Council.  Represented 
in  the  float  parade,  the  freshmen  helped 
put  on  one  of  the  most  lavish  spectacles  in 
school  annals. 

Christmas  \acation  afforded  a  respite; 
din'ing  this  time  the  social  aspects  of  col- 

lege life  came  to  tlic  fore.  The  return  to 
exams  in  the  latter  part  of  January  pro\ed 
the  more  strenuous  part  of  the  college  cur- 

With  the  first  year  behind  them,  the 
freshmen  no\v  kno\v  'ivhat  to  expect.  That 
the  second  year  promises  to  be  just  as  ex- 
citing as  the  first  all  agree. 

Following  the  Greek  ideal  (if  souiirl  iiiind-sduiid  liodv.  Loyla  l'ni\ersitv  offers  a  balanced  lieallh- 
ful   program   of   exlra-tuuieidai    aclivities.   Mie   e\ent   is   tlie   annual    Frosh-Soph    Tug  of   War. 





^  o       loin       Icariiinci       wiln       conic/u 
exercises    .    .    .    (.icI/i    triniUi    leacn. 

When  the  bell  sounds  and  classes 
are  inially  halted  lor  ihe  day.  xarious 
sections  ol  the  campus  come  ali\'e 
wiih  acti\ity. 

\o  doubt,  many  iaculty  members 
wotdd  be  amazed  at  the  overabund- 
ance ot  energy  that  the  students  dis- 
play. Students  who  appeared  hit  by  a 
jtiggernaut  suddenly  became  \ery 
alive.  Eagerly  they  direct  their  dor- 
mant energy  toward  extra-ctn^ricular 

The  coeds  busy  themselves  with 
the  Coed  Club  and  sorority  e\ents. 
^\•hile  the  male  faction  concerns  it- 
sell  with  the  business  of  fraternal  or- 
ganizations. Jointly,  the  students  di- 
rect their  talents  and  abilities  to  the 
development  of  the  Curtain  Guild, 
the  Historical  Society,  and  the  many 
other  clubs  and  societies  under  specif- 
ic departmental  direction. 

These  talent  and  energy  otitlets 
are  an  important  part  of  the  student's 
lile.  1  heir  pinposes  are  man)'.  Es- 
sentially, all  are  de\'oted  towards  the 
achievement  of  mattire  human  rela- 

Sororities  and  fi'aternities  provide 
the  student  body  -with  necessary  social 
events.  Clubs  and  societies  under  de- 
partmental direction  provide  the  stu- 
dents with  additional  information  in 
their  fields  of  interest. 


Watching  o\er  the  students'  aca- 
demic and  religious  welfare  at  Loy- 
ola are  repiesentative  bodies  of  the 
Arts  Council  and  the  Nurses  Coun- 
cil. The  primary  function  of  these 
councils  is  to  promote  a  closer  co- 
ordination between  their  very  ne- 
cessary aspects  of  collegiate  life. 

Particidar  acti\ities  sponsored  by 
the  Councils  are  the  Arts  Council 

.Alts  Cdiincil:  Standing  left  to  viglu  —  Lairv 
Miller,  Jerry  Spellman,  Joe  Donnelly.  Jim 
Snedier.  Ken  Printen,  Tony  DiBenedetto.  Dick 
Holland.  Jovce  Mc.\tiliffe.  Norm  Stasiak.  and 
Don   Rooran.'.Seated  -   Bob  Gralen. 


I'ai  lliinpln,  Diik  Holland.  Sue  Kellv.  Maureen 
M.iik\,  M.UN  I'.u  (Ubbons  and  Dick  Cavlin. 
iiicinbcrs  ol  the  .\rts  Council  Dance  Cominit- 
lee.   discirss    plans    for   the   "Fall    Fantasy". 

Dance,  ihc  Fall  Frolic,  ilic  Ails  (lonnncrcc 
V'aricly  Sh()\v,  an  annnal  baskclljall  nip, 
and  an  cxlcnsivc  inlraniural  s])oris  pro- 

As  a  member  ol  ihe  Ails  C^ouncil,  the 
Prelccl  ol  I  he  Sodality  lormulalcs  plans 
lor  holy  horns  and  supervises  the  sliident 
ushers  at  the  weekly  SLudenLs'  Mass.  'Fhc 
Council  also  encourages  sludenis  to  atiend 
Icclures  of  guest  speakers  and  to  partici- 
pate in   I  he  various  academic  clubs. 

Young  in  years,  the  Arts  Council  is 
gradually  becoming  the  strongest  govern- 
ing body  in  the  two  colleges. 

Ann  >r:iiclli,  Jiulv  Iivl.nul.  Mm\  Ann  Micluir,  Marilee 
MatRae,  Mary  Rose  Diclil,  Mary  Kav  ISall,  Cecil  King, 
Marilyn  Scavone,  Barb  Donovan,  Sue  l-'anning.  Priseilla 
Hartel,  Barb  Brodie. 

Shelia  Duggan,  Marv  Ann  Silovsk 
Bcrnic  McC.uirc,  I'at  MtCartcr.  f 
raised   arm:    .Marilee   MacRae. 

Tliis  large  mass  of  luniianity  a)ni|niscs  ihe  I'nioii  Congress,  the 
student  legislative  body.  The  youthful  congressmen,  representa- 
tives of  various  graduate  and  undergraduate  organizations,  con 
vene  twice  each  semester  to  discuss  methods  of  improving  tha 

ljnts.1-  ^jzaiEinihi   (LounciL 


Amidst  ihc  umvarranted  harangue  that 
is   merely   a   bureaucratic   organization 

emeshed  in  mountains  of  red  tape,  the 
Loyola  Union  conlinucs  its  \'aluable  daily 

The  Loyola  Union  seeks  to  unily  the 
student  body  ol  the  University  in  every 
field  of  activity  —  be  it  religious,  academic, 
or  social.  As  an  organization  it  pro\ides 
liaison  between  the  student  body  and  the 
unixersity:   so  thai   sludenl     opinion    may 

be  \'oicecl  and  heard,  and  so  that  \arious 
programs  be  given  proper  support  and  en- 

The  Union  is  composed  of  representa- 
tives of  every  college,  fraternity,  sorority, 
and  of  any  other  organization  in  the  uni- 
versity. These  I'epresentatives  express  their 
constituents'  needs:  so  that  the  Union  mav 
act  "lo  meet  ihe  needs  of  a  greater  Lovola 
student  body  and  of  a  greater  Loyola  Uni- 
versity. " 

As  a  limclioning  body  ol  llic  Union 
(•ovcruniLiii.  ilic  InLcrlraicrnily  Council 
lias  made  its  inHuciicc  felt  ihrounlunil  llic 
univcrsily  bolii  as  an  ailjiii  aiion  body  and 
as  a  ccnlci'  ol  (bs(  iission  lor  ilic  [jiobknis 
ol    halcinal    rclalion. 

Prcsitlcnl  ol  ihc  liCl  is  Sii^nia  I.aniJjda 
licla's  Phil  Brankin  who,  in  his  capacii) 
as  Vicc-Prcsidcnl  ol  ihc  (nion  auioinalic- 
ally,  holds  ihc  cludi  nianship  ol  ihis  conncil 
composed  ol  represenlaiixcs  Irom  each 
fraternity  and  sorority. 

The  past  year  has  seen  a  growth  in  the 
po^vcr  of  the  group.  The  council  has  been 

a  prime  mo\ei  in  sncli  matters  as  the  re- 
\i\al  ol  th'j  Il(,  i.all  and  the  <liscussif)n 
and  rejection  (jI  nnilonn  rules  lor  jjledg- 
ing.  Concerning  ilic  plcilging.  ihc  council 
decided  ihal  each  haicnuiN  should  be  re- 
sjjonsiblc-  liisi  \i>  iiscll  anri  [n  iis  iradilions 
and  noi  iiy  lo  mnaxcl  llic  calcndai'  clear- 
ance  problem. 

I.oN'ola's  Inui  li  aUi  nil  \  (luimcil  pcr- 
lonns  ils  lunclion  as  .ni  inicural  |.ian  ol 
ihe  I'nion  go\einmemal  sysiem:  it  ser\'es, 
\\ith  increasing  auihoiiiw  ihe  growing  fra- 
lernity  and  sororil\    mo\eineiU   al    I.cjyola. 

Smiling  l)ia\cl\  lhr<)iif;li  grilled  Icclli,  nitiiibcrs  c.l  llu-  liilc  i  li.iliriiit\  (  ciumil  iii;iii;igc  lo  (oordi- 
iii'lc  llic  \:ir\iiig  iKiliiius  iif  ihc  CJicck  Digani/.ilunis  mio  ,i  I  iiik  I  Hni.n  \  iiiiii  Sliowii  lici'c  arc 
Nnrl  rianagaii.  lolin  Icvcnaii.  Uoh  C:larkc.  |oliii  <  .iiillh  1.1.  I  ),nik  I  lo.^.in,  I  ,1  Walsh,  Curl  Rich- 
Icr.  Ji.c  Kishcr,  Ia<k  Kgan,  |uil\  Wollgrani,  I'al  Sliaikc\.  Idiii  Shea,  Jack  Ouciisari.l  [crn  llcrr. 
Slaiicling  is  <  hairniaii    Phil    r.raiikin. 

c/j-tfifia    ^dta   ^, 


On  various  occasions  tliKJUgluiul  the  vcar  Alp 
spend  some  liinc  with  polenliai  iiiembcis. 

Slanding:  Franl;  Konisek.  Jaclc  Owens.  Bill  Waters. 
Ray  Deverieiix,  Tony  DiBenedetto,  Jim  Kiley,  Joe 
Taylor,  Larry  McDonnell,  Jack  Kiley.  .Seated:  John 
Drossart.   Don   McfUiire,   Bcrnic  .Schioedcr.   Mike  Har- 

Though  Alpha  Delta  Gamma  is  pri- 
marily a  social  organization,  its  members 
are  strongly  and  continuously  encouraged 
to  participate  in  all  activities  of  the  Uni- 
\'crsity  regardless  of  their  nature.  The  po- 
licy of  the  fraternity  is  one  of  fullest  par- 
ticipation in  school  affairs.  This  indisput- 
able fact  is  evidenced  by  the  numer- 
ous positions  held  by  the  brothers  in  the 
different  organizations  at  Loyola. 

Besides  active  participation  in  school 
affairs,  Alpha  Delta  Gamma  has  striven  to 
promote  the  name  of  Loyola  by  sponsoi'- 
ing  such  an  activity  as  the  Annual  Loyola 
Orphan's  Day.  It  is  a  day  set  apart  by  the 
fraternities  and  sororities  in  ^vhich  they 
demonstrate  their  true  bond  of  fraternal- 
ism  ^vilh  those  less  forttmale. 


:  *^ 



i^    ^ 


Officers:  Mike  I  l;n  i  iiinlnii.  Ra\  l)(\<i(;iux.  Irai 
Koiiiick.  Kcii  I'linlcii.  l.iiiA  Mi  I  )niiTHll ,  |aik  Ouct 
llnh    ( 

The  hrollicrs  ol  Alpha  Delia  (iaimiia 
lull)  rcali/,c  lliat  a  Iralcniiiy  iiiusi  lunc^ 
lion  in  a  business-like  manner.  I  lius,  one 
ol  iis  niosi  iuiporlanl  lunclioiis  conies  into 
j)lay  .  .  .  tile  business  meeling.  Here  is  the 
loriiiii  where  thoiighls.  hopes,  and  ideas  are 
\  igoi'ousi)'  poinded  lorih.  all  Avilh  ihe  ideal 
ol  betlering  Alpha  Delia  (ianinia  Iralern- 
il),  and  lostering  within  its  members  a  11- 
delity  anil  lo\alty  to  the  school  lliat  ga\c  it 
birth.  Loyola  LJni\ersity. 

CJatholic  college  Iraternil)'  with  cha]jiers 
Irom  toast  to  coast.  This  year  is  a  \  ei A' 
special  one  lor  The  .Mplia  (Ihapier  ol 
I,o\<)la  lor  the  haieiiiii\\  national  con- 
\eniioii  will  be  hekl  in  the  latter  pan  ol 

Since  its  inception  at  Loyola  Univers- 
ity in  l'J21,  .Vlpha  Delta  Ciamma  Fratern- 
ity has  grown   to  be   the  largest   national 

.Slaiulins:    Ra\    OIikiOli.    Hill    I'l-ck 
Siiillaiiu.   Uill    Diillir,   Ham    Buci^i 
IViiclli.    I'd    nii\li. 
.Sc.iol:     I'.ill     l)c\iiiL-,    Don    I'cclev 


Ml.   ixf   Rca,    nick 
loin    Kn.-iik.    |oc 

]oc    I'.inin.    Laii  I 

^J\atiJ2a  Jd>£.ta 


Kappa  Beta  Ciainina  is  a  national,  social 
sorority  founded  at  Marquette  in  1917. 
The  Epsilon  Chapter  is  located  at  Loyola 

^\^len  looking  back  o\'er  the  past  year, 
the  Kappas  have  many  pleasant  memories. 
First,  there  was  rushing,  a  vital  part  ol 
every  sorority.  Throughout  the  year  the 
date  parties  provided  much  fun.  especially 
the  Bermuda  Shorts  Party  held  on  the  cold- 
est night  of  the  year.  The  Dinner  Dance, 
the  Spring  Formal,  Mother-Daughter  Day. 
Sorority  parties  and  picnics  filled  out  the 
crowded  social  calendar. 

Undoid:)tcdl)'.  the  higlipoini  ot  the 
year  was  the  National  Convention  held  at 
the  Palmer  House,  at  which  the  Loyola 
Chapter  was  hostess.  'Fhc  social  events  of 
the  Convention  included  a  Reception  Tea. 
a  luncheon,  a  dance  and  a  Communion 
Breakfast.   Amidst   all   this   activity,   there 

someho^v  remained  enough  time  to  sched- 
ide  the  all  important  btisiness  meetings. 

The  first  night  at  the  Convention  Head- 
f|uarters  was  hectic  to  say  the  least.  S^^■arms 
of  girls  were  running  hither  and  thither, 
writing  reports  or  phoning:  in  spite  of  this 
bedlam,  all  the  preparations  were  readv  in 
time  for  the  late  show  at  the  Empire  Room. 

The  follo"\ving  evening  a  dance  "^vas 
held  and  the  Epsilon  Chapter  prcnidly  sup- 
plied dates  for  their  "sisters".  A  Commun- 
ion Breakfast  at  Madonna  Delia  Strada  the 
next  morning  concluded   the  convention. 

Perhaps  the  greatest  excitemeirt  of  the 
Convention  occurred  in  the  smoke-filled 
caucas  rooms  ^vhich  ga\e  the  delegates  a 
chance  to  try  their  hand  at  some  profession- 
al "politicking". 

This  year's  acti\ities  of  Kappa  Beta 
(ramma  mai'ked  one  of  the  most  succes- 
sful years  in  the  Chapter's  history. 

l,l-fl    In    I 


t;lil:   Call   Kdciiig.  Kile 
Maiv    M(Clakliic,   1,( 

IViUi.  Joan  Gensler,  Mary   Fran  Jacobson,  Maureen  O'Hara.  Arlcne  Slawinski,  Laverne 
se    D.ilcssanilro,   Nancy   Fraser,  Mary  Pat  Gibl)ons. 

Otfitcis  (il  kj|i|jM  I'.il.i  (,.iiiirii;i  Sc.n.iiu:  (.iii.i  liurku,  Iujmuci; 
Maureen  Ollnia.  \  icc-l'ri-siuciu;  N.iiu\  I.Mins.  Recoidinf;  Scc- 
relary;  I'at  Duiiphy,  I'lesiclciu;  |iilie  I'.tll,  llisioiian:  Joanm; 
Jurisic,    Conespondiiig    Scuctais. 

I.efl    1(1   rinht:   Ten \    I.esiak,    (iilic   Bell.   Uellx    Aim    I'cua.   AiUnc  Slawiiiski.  I'al   nuiipln,  Martic  Goiilil,  \ir<;iiiia   Buikc 
Joaniir  jursic.  Joan   Coiiihuhs. 

^Exaxd  ^vxaniE-U   c^otilzin^  ^oais^hu 

Mciiibeis  (it  (he  t.erard  Manley  Hopkins  S(i<ic'i\  g.illici  m  cxilKingc  \ii\vs  mi  liti.'i„i"v  idpics.  I'inuicd  here  arc:  Marv 
Anne  Reinpala,  La  Verne  Zngehar,  Mary  Hereley,  Mary  Anne  Schaefer,  Harriet  R(^[)si,ni.  Daxid  Dunne,  joe  Manen, 
Bobbie   Gerke,   Lorraine   Atherton,   Gene   Mc  Malion    and    Bob  I'alese. 

The  Gerard  Manley  Hopkins  Literary 
Society,  Loyola's  English  Club,  has  been 
enlhusiastically  i-evived  and  has  greatly  ex- 
panded its  former  program  by  the  efforts 
of  a  new  and  spirited  staff.  Meetings,  held 
every  three  or  four  weeks,  featvne  a  mem- 
ber of  the  English  Department  who  con- 
ducts a  lecture-discussion  of  some  Avell- 
known  piece  of  literature,  particularly 
those  on  the  English  majors'  comprehens- 
ive examination  list.    This  year's  highliolus 

included  many  lectures  and  discussions  on 
the  poetry  of  Gerard  Manley  Hopkins,  bv 
Fr.  Norman  Weyand,  S.  }..  a  Hopkins  ex- 
pert; on  George  Bernard  Sha^\'s  Pygma- 
Hdii.  bv  Dr.  Paul  Hummert,  the  depart- 
ment's hunous  Shavian  critic:  on  Cardinal 
Ne^\■man's  Ide/i  oj  a  Unniersity,  expertly 
presented  by  Dr.  Martin  Svaglic:  and  fin- 
ally, a  lectine  on  James  Joyce's  Portrait 
DJ  I  he  .{yfi^l  a^  a  )'ou)ig  Mtni.  by  Dr.  Casey, 
clid)  moderator. 



(.(lilciicc,  Loloyu's  literal)'  iiiaj^a/inc'.  al- 
tcinpls  Lo  pr()\'i(lt  ihc  iiuli\iclual  sludciii 
with  an  outlet  lor  creati\L'  ciiorts  and  to 
supply  the  student  body  with  an  enjoyable 
magazine.  Il  is  published  loin-  limes  yearly. 

The  stall  ol  ('.(idciu  c  is  urged  to  learn  as 
nuich  as  jjossible  about  magazine  prodiir- 
lion.    thus  encouraging   them    lo   consider 

the  possibilit)'  ol  eiuering  the  lield  ol  pulj- 
lication  alter  graduation  Irom  Lo)ola.  Il 
is  also  hoped  that  the  contributors  to  C'«- 
(l(')tce  may  find  in  their  experiences  the 
preface  to  a  literary  career. 

rhough  stalled  by  undergraduates,  the 
magazine  is  proud  ol  holding  its  place  with 
the  publications  ol  an\  otiier  uni\ersitv. 

For  over  30  years  the  baton  of  Dr.  Graciano 
Salvador  has  liovered  over  the  melodious  heads 
of  the  Loyolo  Choral  Society.  His  reputation  for 
presenting  the  world's  finest  music  was  en- 
hanced Ijy  this  year's  sterling  operatic  presen- 

Dr.  G.  Salvador,  the  founder  and  dircitor  of 
the  Loyola  I'niversity  Choral  Society,  celebrat- 
ed this  year  the  thirty-first  anniversary  of  the 
society  by  presenting  two  distinguished  grand 

[he  nuinbiis  ol  Ihi'  Sodelv,  rcpresenliuo  both 
Muudclein  Cnllcge  and  Loyola  liniversily.  were 
joined  t)y  a  nolaI)le  list  of  ])rofessional  singers 
in  order  to  insure  the  performance  of  Verdi's 
Aidii    and    Mascagni    (:,ivr)rll,-in    liiislhi, inui . 

(^lioiciL  ^oci^tL 


riu'  l,o\oI;i  (ilioral  Society  is  now  in 
ils  Lhinccntli  ycai  al  Loyola  rni\xisiiv. 
During  lliis  linic,  ii  has  Ijccn  unilci  \\n- 
able  leadership  oi  Dr.  Ciraciano  Sahador. 
a  man  with  a  gieat  and  profound  know- 
ledge in  the  licld  of  opera,  besides  Ids  e(|iial 
capabilities  in  liie  Spanish  tongue.  K\er) 
year  the  (ihoral  Society  j)roduces  a  lainotis 
opera,  and  every  year  the  operas  are  among 
the  greatest  ever  composed,  the  grand  Aiilii. 
the  tantalizing  Cdimcu,  the  lusty  Ctnuilleiiti 
Rii.slictuni.  the  melodic  l^ii  Btillo  ni  Mns- 
c/ierii.  and  the  \  ibraiit  La  Fvoza  del  Dcs- 

In  addition  lo  ihe  operas,  the  (ihoral 
Society  also  liolds  an  annual  spring  concert 
in  the  Madonna  Delia  Siiada  Clhapel, 
which  is  one  ol    l.o)ola's  (hie!    highlights 

i  he  society  also  sings  ai  ail  ol  the  high  am 
solemn    m.tsses   on    |-'i  idays    in    ihe   (lliapil 

The  Cihoral  Socict\    has  become  noted   loi 
its  splendid  coopeiation  with  the  other  oi 
ganizations   ol    the    I'nixersity   by   staging 
and  aiding  ihem  in  their  agendas  and  pro- 

J  he  I,o)()la  (Ihoral  Society  is  conijjosed 
maiidy  ol  sttidenls  Irom  Loyola  and  neigh- 
borinti    Minideiein   Clollcue. 

Another  teatiiie  of  tlie  musical  yeai'  at  Loyola  is  tlic  Choral  S(i<icl\\  annual  riiUin  Cnnccil. 
Tiatlitionally,  this  concert  lias  been  replete  with  the  supcriaii\e  \^d^k^  in  saiu<l  iiiiisic.  Past 
efforts  ha\e  included  A'erdi's  Ri-sriciii  and   Hevden's  ('.milinn. 

To  promote  physical  piovvess  among  the  less  sedentary 
raemliers  of  the  University,  the  Intramural  Board  an 
niiallv  sponsors  a  diminnitive  Olympic  (iames.  Members 
ol   I'lii  Mu  (;hi  lirandish   the  spoils  of  their  victory. 

Which  is  the  real  animal?  Two  of  the  champion  pig- 
chasers  of  I'hi  Mti  Chi,  co\ered  with,  among  other 
things,  glorv.  pose  with  their  female  admirers  after  van- 
quishing the  precocious  porker. 

.Standing  left  fo  right:  Robert  l.(]i//i.  Historian;  Terrv 
.Sullivan,  Ircasuier;  lorn  S/wed.  \'i(c--l'icsidcnt.  Seated: 
Kmil    (irabow.    ['resident. 

This  year,  as  in  ptcxidiis  \cars.  one  ol  ilie  ■ninsls'' 
oi  ihc  Loyola  social  taleiular  was  I'lii  Mu  (Dili's  h.asui 
Queenship  Ball.  Held  in  ilie  (.rand  lialhooni  ol  the 
Sherman  Holel,  ihe  dance  repealed  last  \ear's  success  by 
again  lealurino'  two  excellent  bands  which  ])ro\  ided  con- 
liniious  nuisic.  The  Iralernil^  plans  to  make  ihis  a  regu- 
lar aliraclion  al   iuture   Faster  dances. 

The  highlighl  ol  the  e\'cning  was,  ol  course,  the 
selection  and  crowning  ol  the  ()ueen.  As  is  usual  in 
contests  oi  this  nattue.  the  choice  \vas  made  moie  dil- 
liciUt  by  the  fact  that  all  the  finalists  were  eminently 
^vell  ciiialified.  The  winner  was  presented  with  a  watcli 
and  her  escort  was  reliinded  the  price  ol  his  bill. 


I'lonl  liou:  lUil)  l.(ii//,i,  Steve  McSweeiiey,  Keii  Youngmaiiii,  ()iiin  San  Ilanul.  \l  Schcicn.  Sucoiul  Row:  liol)  \or\s. 
Stan  \Viczinski,  Paul  Ku.sler.  Da\c  Biennan.  Tliiid  Row:  Jin  Kearney,  Don  Mezio,  Ron  liegan.  Jerry  Wisnowski,  I)itl< 
Labicli.  Sealed  (from  rear)  Fotirlli  Row:  Ron  Wadle,  Dick  Cilietnick,  Denny  Hillenbrand,  Larrv  Miller.  Joe  Jolinson. 
Standing:  (rear)  ]Don  Macaluso,  I'ete  Wagner,  Dion  O'Leary,  Tom  Wetig,  George  Loca.sio,  Bob  Jvnn,  Rich  Ciec- 


Leit  to  light,  standing:  Phil  Howard,  Bill  Tanscy,  Diik  Hiilhunl,  Ken  Printen,  Frank  Coxev.  Panl 
Gerding.  Seated:  Jerry  Boyle,  Ron  Pawl. 

Left    to    riglit:     George    'rvhnrst,    Dick    Rosen, 
Gharlcs   Sexton,   John    Knnis. 

The  Blue  Key  Naiional  Honor 
Fi-aternity  was  founded  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Florida  in  1924.  Since  that 
lime  its  growth  has  been  phenom- 
enal and  it  has  come  to  be  accepted 
as  the  leadership  etiuivalent  of 
scholarly  Phi  Beta  Kappa.  The 
membership  now  totals  more  than 
35, ()()()  and  every  state  of  the  Union 
boasts  one  or  more  ol  its  100  chap- 
ters. The  Loyola  Chapter  of  the 
Blue  Key  was  established  in  1926, 
and  has  fimctioned  for  many  years 
as  an  honorary  leadership  organi- 
zation. Many  of  the  Uni\ersity's 
most  distinguishetl  aliunni  and  fac- 
iiltv  are  members. 

I^vo  years  ago  llic  local  Clliapui  uiidrr- 
went  a  reorganization.  U  was  reorganized 
as  a  service  group  designed  lo  assisl  ihe 
administration  and  faculty,  and  to  entour- 
age and  help  lead  all  sludeiu  organizations. 
The  success  ol  the  experiment  has  been 
outstanding.  The  men  ol  lUue  l\.e\  ha\e 
been  appointed  permanent  student  marsh- 
alls  for  all  registrations  and  commencement 
exercises.  They  have  helped  olliciate  at 
numerous  University  functions  such  as  the 
celebration  of  the  4()()th  annixetsar)  ol  the 
founding  of  the  Societ)  of  (esns.  Likewise, 
their  two  stibsetiuent  initiation  dinner- 
dances  have  been  significant  and  distin- 
guished social  successes. 

Membership  in  Blue  Key  is  by  invita- 
tion only.  Pledges  are  accepted  dining  their 
junior  or  senior  year.  Students  eligible  are 
those  men  of  reciiiired  scholastic  standing 
who  ha\e  been  most  acti\e  in  exiraciu- 
ricular  activities  and  have  maintained  a 
continuous  record  of  unselfish  service  to 
the  University  and  its  student   bodv. 


Officers,  Top  Row;  (nil  Riilinr,  fnion  Representntive;  Ron  I'.iul,  \'icc-t'iesident;  Cliarles 
Sexton,  President;  jini  Diiiipscx.  C(irresponding;  Secretary:  Pliilip  Andorler,  Secretary-Treasurer. 
Bottom  Row:  Dick  Spillanc,  Conniierce  CoiMicil  Representali\e:  Jerry  Boyle.  .\rts  Council 

/'/^   *^    ;fiS^ 


J^s^hats.  ^oais^iu 

The  Debate  Society  at  Loyola  is  one 
organization  of  which  it  can  be  truly  said, 
upholds  the  original  ideas  of  Jesuit  edu- 
cation. As  everyone  knows,  the  purpose  of 
debating  is  to  train  young  men  and  ^vomen 
in  the  art  of  eloc]uence.  Its  method  is  to 
give  all  its  members  the  opportunity  to  ex- 
press themselves  before  a  small  audience. 
This  discipline  teaches  them  to  think  logic- 
ally, answer  im('(|ui\'ocally,  and  reliUe  ir- 

The  society  is  unicjue  in  that  it  is  tlie 
only  organization  in  the  school  that  com- 
petes on  an  intellectual  basis  with  other 
universities.  The  debaters  thus  enhance 
Loyola's    name   ^vitli    every   victory.    Con- 

sidering their  outstanding  record,  Loyola 
is  being  well  represented. 

The  debaters  have  been  extremely  ac- 
tive this  year.  Members  have  journeyed  to 
such  "far  away  places"  as  Buffalo,  New 
York;  Cleveland,  Ohio:  Milwaukee,  Wis- 
consin; Notre  Dame,  Indiana;  Peoria.  De 
Kalb,  and  Champaign,  Illinois. 

In  other  Loyola  acii\  iiies,  the  debaters 
have  done  their  share.  In  October,  one 
member  had  the  rather  dubious  honor  of 
winning  the  "Lgly  Man"  contest.  In  No- 
\ember,  they  entered  a  float  in  the  parade. 
In  January,  some  members  tried  out  for 
the  Variety  Sho\\';  in  May,  they  had  a  booth 
at  the  Fair. 

Mcmlicrs  of  the  l)cl>aling  Sinicl\  iiuhuk-:  Silting  —  Toiii  I  iiiiglii.  I'at  Kuhistal.  Mike  Polelle, 
^!l.  StiiisDii,  Ehiiiic  Kopiowski,  Bill  ncgan,  Kay  Duyer,  Juliii  Lcnipkowski.  Standing  are  —  Barry 
Ciijlinan,  Joanne  Hai  t/er.  ami  John  Fernaiuie/. 


♦        % 


Nfembers  of  the  Modern  Language  Clul):  Sall\ 
Morelli,  Julia  Quinn,  Joe  O'Malluv,  Laii\  lln 
gctlier  for  a  little  tete-a-tete. 

lawicnic.  Elaine  Kaprnwski.  I'cggN   O'Hara.  Flora 
/icis.  ll(il)  Kllison  and  Dr.  M\s    (Moderator)  gel  to- 

<^\\ocU%n  J^ancjUacjE   dLub 

I'oici  Id  descriplioii  de  c c  ijiw  jail  Ic 
Cercle  des  Ltoigiie.s  Moderncs!  The  Mod- 
ern Languages  Club  was  lormcd  in  fall  of 
1956  out  of  Der  Turin  J'ereiii  (ihc  (Ger- 
man Club),  the  Spanish  Clul:),  and  with 
sttidents  of  French,  since  at  that  time  the 
French  Cltib  had  been  inactive  for  several 
)ears.  The  ne^^dy  combined  cltib  has  spon- 
sored talks  by  members  of  the  Spanish, 
French,  and  German  consulates  in  Chicago. 
Mingled  with  these  somewhat  scholarly 
pinstiits,  off-camptis  j^arties  and  socials  j^ro- 

\  ide  the  members  ^vilh  cnlcriainnieni  with 
lorcign  fla\or. 

Pictured  elsewhere  in  this  book  arc  the 
club  moderator.  Dr.  Jaroslav  Flys,  profes- 
sor of  Spanish:  President.  Peggy  O'Hara: 
Cerman  Club  \^ice-President,  Joe  O'Mal- 
ley:  French  Club  Vice-President.  Sally 
Fawrence:  Spanish  Club  Vice-President, 
Rob  Ellison:  Treasurer.  Larry  Bruozis.  and 
iwo  of  the  club's  members,  Elaine  Kojjrow- 
ski  and  Jtilia  C)uinn. 


Ofliceis  and  Committee  Chairman  Sig- 
ma Pi  Alplia  —  Seated:  Joe  Murphy 
il'rei-.)  Jim  Delgiorno  (\'.  Pres.)  Tony 
Hvnes  fPledgemaster).  Row  Two:  Leo 
Finley,  Jr.,  Gerald  Tarsitano.  John 
Salc'lta,  John  Roller.  Row  Three:  Don 
I'rcvenzalc.  I  om  Ouinlan,  Bolj  Dono- 
huc.   Back:    Bill   Eg"an. 

Sigma  Pi  .Alpha  is  a  social  IraterniLy 
which  is  celebrating  ils  25th  anniversary 
as  an  acti\e  organization  on  the  two 
campuses  of  Loyola  University.  Original- 
ly founded  as  a  fraternity  for  young  men 
of  Polish  descent,  it  is  no'^v  composed  of 
fine  men  from  e\erv  nationality. 

Sigma  Pi  Alpha  this  )ear  ^\ill  spon- 
sor the  Sadie  Hawkins  Memorial  Dog- 
patch  Dance,  which  is  held  annually  on 
the  last  day  of  the  final  examinations. 
The  dance  is  open  to  everyone  and 
promises  to  be  once  again  the  huge  suc- 
cess it  has  always  been. 


Riidiii  (Jul):  I'ird  l!cllllllil...^.  R.i\  Oil.i^ki.  1,.  Al)i.iluiiii   fr.,  Adolijli   Mailincenic,  \'i(  Kji    llisi.ik. 

^\  adio   C-LuLT 

The  Loyola  L'nivcrsily  Radio  Club  is 
organized  for  the  purpose  of  facilitating 
the  exchange  of  information  and  general 
cooperation  between  members  for  further 
promotion  of  radio  kno^vledge.  fraternal- 
ism  and  individual  operating  elficiency, 
and  to  so  conduct  club  programs  and  ac- 
tivities as  to  advance  the  general  interest 
and  welfare  of  amateur  radio  in  the  general 

All  faculty  members,  students  and 
alimmi  of  Loyola  University  interested  in 
amateur  radio  are  eligible  for  member- 
ship. Regular  meetings  are  held  monthly 
and  persons  not  eligible  under  any  of  the 
above  categories  may  be  invited  to  mem- 
bership  on   a   motion   passed   by   a   three- 

fourths  vote  of  the  membership  present  at 
any  meetings  of  the  club. 

The  station  of  the  Radio  Club  operates 
on  20(1  ^vatts  power  and  is  licensed  by  the 
F.C.C.  with  call  letters  JVWBV.  The  basic 
eciuipment  of  the  clidj  consists  of  2  A'ClSo 
receivers,  Single  Side  Band  Transmitter, 
and  a  lOA  phasing  type  Exciter.  A  600-foot 
antenna  rtmning  North-South  and  a  300- 
foot  antenna  rinining  East-West  are  used 
for  maximmn  efficiency.  .\t  present  the 
club  is  operating  on  the  80  and  40  meter 
bands  with  the  set-up  in  the  Physics  lab. 
Contacts  have  been  made  ^vith  most  cotm- 
tries  of  the  ^vorld.  including  those  as  close 
as  England  and  as  far  as  Ne'w  Zealand. 

Row  One:  John  Tibbs,  Jacqueline  Bagmuolo,  I'at  McGiad).  Dan  Atkinson,  Mai\  Brennan.  Row 
Two:  Joseph  Maretto,  Ray  Obroclita,  Joe  Moreno,  Tom  Conway.  Pat  Arbor,  Ron  Wendell,  John 
Malonev.  Row  Three:  |onna  Sayrc.  Ros  eO'Hanlev,  .Sophie  Wilczyk.  Barbara  Breen.  Connie  Clark, 
Matilda  Caroli.  .\nn  MiXallv.  Row  Inuv:  Bill  O'Neill,  |ohn  Lainon,  Marv  Ellen  Cullen.  Bill  Hale. 
Al  Rossi.  I'anI   I'ronteau. 

I'itlnicd  below  is  .1  sc  ini'  Imiii    l.liois  -.MiiKkr  in   ihu  (  allicdial.'    I  oni    Xohiii   and    Mike  Tostil- 
lion    (in  foreground)  turned  in  one  ot   their  bcsl  perlo!  nian(<  s  of  the  \eat    in   ihis  pioduttion. 

//2£   (^iixhabi 


riic  Ciiitaiii  (iiiild  is  Loyola's  way  ol 
biingiiig  (Iraiiia  to  ils  students,  and  its  stu- 
dents lo  the  drama. 

Organized  in  its  present  lorni  since 
1949,  it  opens  its  ranks  to  all  students  in 
academic  residence  who  wish  to  take  part 
in  any  phase  of  theatrical  production:  stage 
management  and  acting,  or  crew  ^vork  in 
lighting,  set  building,  scene-shilting,  soinid 
eliects,  costiunes  and  make-up;  or  in  house 
management,  ticket  sales  and  pid^licity. 

Substantial  ser\  ice  in  two  productions 
qualifies  an  apprentice  for  membership. 
Thereafter,  to  coiitinue  acli\e,  a  member 
must  participate  in  a  mininitini  of  one 
production  yearly.  Loyola's  co-educational 
program  enables  the  Curtain  (iuild  to  call 
on  the  ser\  ices  ol  both  ils  men  and  its 
■women,  onstage  and  backstage. 

Its  present  program  calls  for  loin-  major 
productions  a  year.  These  are  chosen  to 
provide  varied  fare,  both  for  student  audi- 
ences and  for  the  student  actors  and  tech- 
nicians, because  the  Ciuild  exists  to  ser\e 
the  cidtural   interests  ol   the  inii\ersily  — 

and    not    to    (()m|jlete    \ainl\     with    Loiip 
iheateis  or  liroadwa). 

Last  year  its  pla)'s  langed  liom  a  mod- 
cMii-dress  \ersion  ol  Aiiligonc,  through 
I  homas  Dekker's  VV/c  Sliociiuihcy's  Jloli- 
(lii\.  and  ;i  trirj  ol  larcical  one-acts,  ,S7o)v 
ol  11  nee  Widouw.  to  a  somber  memorial 
of  the  Ignatian  \  ear  in  ())i  Earth  as  hi 
Hcaiieii.  The  19,56-57  season  included  nuis- 
ical  comedy,  religious  \erse-drama,  and 
.Shakespeare;  from  As  Y())i  Like  II  and  \  .  .S. 
Kliot's  Murder  in  llie  Cullieflr/il.  to  (ieorge 
(.ersh\vin\    (in  I    (haz\. 

Don't  mistake  the  Contain  (.uild  Icjr  a 
social  organization;  its  job  is  to  produce 
plays,  non-professionally,  but  by  adopting 
|jrolessional  technit|ues  and  setting  profes- 
sional standards.  It  belie\es  that  drama  at 
the  university  le\el  must  be  both  enter- 
tainment ;md  art. 

Curtain  (ruild  officers  for  the  1956-57 
year  were;  John  Lamon,  president;  W  Ros- 
si, vice-president;  Robert  Lear,  business 
manager;  Barbara  Kluk.  reccjrding  secre- 
tary (second  term);  and  Mary  Ellen  Coyne, 
corresponding  secretary. 

Al   R.issi  allaiks  Mike   I'oMilli. 

a   licckt'l.)    AImi  Ik. Ill    'MiinkT  in  tlic  Cailicdral. 

a  prospci  li\c  pk 

Ls  Dr.  Hiimmcit.  iiidilciator,  of 
liist  scnicslcr  Sinuker. 

"A  huiuli  of  :lie  boys  were  wlKjoping  it  up  at  the  in. 
imite  Saloon.  '  Such  acti\ities  arc  coniinon  at  the 
,\lph   monthly   parties. 

Pi  Alpha  Lambda  Fratcmily.  with  se\  ctily-iiitie 
nienibei~s  in  its  thirty-secotid  yeai%  is  presently  the  largest 
social  orgafiizatioii  at  Loyola.  Nonetheless,  it  does  not 
adhere  to  a  theory  of  strength  in  niinfbers.  Being  a  social 
fraternity,  Pi  Alph  concentrates  primarily  on  those  ac- 
tivities which  letid  themselves  to  truly  etijoyable  titiies, 
thereby  contributing  substantially  to  the  over-all  mental 
balance  of  the  brothers. 

Officers:  Bob  Varallo,  Historian;  Tim  Schireider,  .Secretary,  Tony 
Merges,  Vice-President:  Ben  Brady,  President:  Jerry  Boyle, 
Pledge-Master;  Jerry  Bohn,  Treasurer:  Nort  Flanagan,  Imion 
Representative.  Absent  from  photo  is  Paul  Rnickcr.  Sergcant- 

'^i   ^[l2fzu   HcunUa 

Being'  aboiil  llic  niosl  liLlcTogciicous  gr()U|)  on  cnn]) 
us,  inasmuch  as  iis  nicinljcrship  ranges  from  lour  point 
averages  (l()\\'n  lo  one  sLep  abox'e  llie  \'iliage  idioi.  ihe 
organi/alion  re(|iiires  a  great  varieiy  ol  atiiviiies.  Per- 
haps liiis  somewlial  explains  the  leading  partici]jalion  ol 
its  members  in  a  vasi  niajoriiy  ol  the  acti\  ities  alioided  ai 

Last  December  the  Fraternil)  sponsored  tiie  lirst  In- 
tercollegiate Dance  in  the  school's  history,  to  which  other 
Midwestern  colleges  and  universities  ^vere  invited.  Ihe 
affair  proved  to  be  a  mainline  success  and  will  probabh 
become  an  annual  attraction. 

This  dance  and  the  Pi  Alpha  Lamlxla  ^'earbook  arc 
an  indication  that  the  Fraternity  is  expanding  in  ideas 
as  the  Uni\'ersity  itself  is  ex|xinding. 

Members  cjt  I'i  Alpha  l.jiiilMla:  ( liiK  Is  row)  (,ili>  Langlcjl/.  Inhii  Riipkix ,  (  (iiiiiR'  K(m1;.(1s,  Ron  liiirlon.  Mails  Si.iiilon. 
Riiari  \aii  \liei  lii'K^cn.  W.nn-i  Rosc-now,  iMiiic  I.ippc.  jioli  Uio«ii,  and  loin  Sirak.  illilid  row)  |a(k  l.aKcrsliaiisen. 
Bill  I.anric.  Rav  XanDcW  alio.  I'ranl;  Hogan.  Have  liiitlei.  DaM-  lAndi.  Hill  Fogailv,  Mike  lUuke,  Bob  Dolicitv,  Jem 
Jaeobseii.  and  jini  Hannon.  iSeiond  row)  I'liil  Moran.  Sle\e  \lik\i(ka.  Mike  R\an.  na\e  l$nrden.  Dick  \\'aiiiwriKlu.  \\ 
Selialiar,  Don  Gramal.i,  Mike  Cinran.  .nul  I'rank  Sniilli.  (FronI  rou  )  Diik  Wright,  (.cue  Callahan.  I  ini  Stlmeider.  Ions 
Merges.    Ik-n    iSrach,    |err\    Bo\  le.    |err\    llohn.    Bob   X'arallo.    and  .\on  1  lana<;an. 

^liE  ^y  Vyonoaianz  C^LuIj 

Fifteen  new  members  were  inducted  in- 
to the  Monogram  Club  at  the  Annual  Com- 
munion breakfast  at  Loyola  Hall  on  April 
7.  The  number  of  "L"  winners  now  totals 
thirty.  New  officers  ^vere  also  elected. 

The  Monogi"am  Club  also  sponsored 
the  annual  all-sports  banquet  which  also 
\\'as  held  in  the  dormitory  on  April  20. 
Varsity  letters  and  freshman  numerals  were 
given  in  basketball,  track,  s^vimming,  bo^vl- 
ing.  and  golf  by  the  respective  coaches. 

Retiring  officers  are  Bob  Varallo,  presi- 
dent: Bob  Saddler,  vice-president;  and  Bob 
Walsh,  secretary-treasurer.  The  moderator 
is  Reverend  Cletus  Hartmann.  S.  J.,  uni- 
versity athletic  director. 

Fr.  Hailiiiann.  [iiii  DcWull.  B(jIi  H(j\le.  I'liil  M<jran.  I'aul  Kiucker.  Boh  Walsh.  Tern  Xosek, 
Art  McZier,  Sieve  Mr.  K\icka.  Dun  Vexerka.  and  Boh  Varallo  are  engaged  in  a  discussion  about 
the  annual  party  presented  by  Loyola's  Monogram  C\ub.  In  order  to  he  eligible  to  join  the 
Monogram  tUd5,  one  must  have  received  a  letter  while  participating  in  a  university  sport. 


A  lew  (il  llir  riiiiiKTous  |)<rs(Mis  iiitcieslcil  in  llicr 
HciMi.iii  Kcl.ilinriv  (lull  g;itlici  lo  im  lease  ilieir 
knowledge   nl    MiiUlle   KaM    |)riil)lenis. 

c^unian  cy\  s^Lationi   C^Luh 

After  a  successful  series  oi  prcjgrams 
dealing  wiih  1  riuiiijull  Park,  uarculics, 
labor-inanageinenl.  and  ju\enile  dclin- 
cjuency,  the  Hinnan  Relations  C'Jub  was 
iorniall)' organized  in  |inie.  1956. 

Although  sponsored  by  the  Sociology 
Deparinient,  membership  is  open  to  all 
students  interested  in  analyzing  and  under- 
standing the  society  in  \\'hich  they  live. 

In  connection  with  the  trouble  in  the 
Middle  East  se\'eral  talks  ^vere  held  on 
alternating  Tuesdays.  Mr.  Saadat  Hasan. 
Mr.  Frank  Mitchell.  Mr.  Issac  David  Unna. 
all  represented  their  governments'  \'iews 
on  the  contro\ersial  problem.  These  talks 
were  typical  of  ihe  many  exciting  events 
held   by  the  club. 

HuMuni  Reialions  CInl.  Ollicers:  .Maiy  Ella 
Grayhcgan  (I  reasnrer  57-.")8)  Mary  Hereley  (Sec- 
retary 57-.58)  Dr.  Frank  Ca/.an  (Moderatnr) 
Mary  jane  IJicszezat  (\ite-I'  57-.")8)  Joe 
Donnelly  (President  .t7-.">H)  Nancy  A.  Pannier 
(Secretary  r)()r)7)  Bar!)  Laiit/  (President  riii-'il) 
Missing  —  Soria  Camaclio  (\'icc  Pres.  .")6-.")7)  anil 
Jnne  Kenned\     (Treasnrer  '>6-'i~) 

^nsJza    iJ-^ki  c:7~f-Lj2na 

riie  sunnner  oi  1912  saw  the  beginning  of  Theta 
Phi  Alplia  on  campus  of  the  University  of  Michigan  at 
Ann  Arbor  luider  the  guidance  of  Bishop  Edward  D. 
Kelly.  Hie  sorority  ^vas  founded  to  advance  the  edu- 
cational, religious  and  social  interests  of  its  members. 
In  1951,  the  sorority  was  accepted  into  full  member- 
ship of  National  Pan-Hellenic  Conference. 

Theta  Phi  Alpha  Avas  initiated  at  Loyola  in  March 
of  1942  as  its  Upsilon  chapter.  Upsilon's  moderator  is 
Miss  Mary  Loti  McPartlin  and  the  chaplain  is  Father 
Lester  Evett,  S.  J. 

1  liis  year  Theta  Phi  Alpha  won  two  coveted  awards. 
"Scene  in  Siam"  was  awarded  the  best  organizational  ac 
trophy  at  the  annual  Arts-Commerce  Variety  Show,  and 
the  chapter  also  received  the  citation  as  the  organization 
having  the  highest  scholastic  average  at  Loyola. 

I,i|i  Row:  I'.ii  liriiiaiir.  loiiaiiic  Ci.imhs.  Sue  Kcllv.  Colcltc  (,oicv.  Vrim  Kanapak.  Wanda  Malcvuuski.  Anne  Leath- 
ers. Callu  Maiik.  (.lela  Olson.  Connie  \o\ak,  ^raly  Kale  Ooud.  Miclille  Row:  Cam  Marscliall,  Nanc\  Stlnvind.  Gay 
lee    Lidiis.   (doria  javan.    I'essie   CX-iniak.    troni:    Bolictte    Mnniglian,    I.enoie    Sianke. 


SKiiulmn:  IcMiKllc  Siiius,  Slica.  Lois  Riulni'is,  Jiidv  !I;inniicr,  X'iolct  Ru.lis.  ]n\  Inner,  Alien  I'liillips.  SlKinm  Hale. 
|uch  Wnllniain.  M.ii\  Idi.  Slnivn.  Sc.Ui<l:  liuillc  len.iu-.  n,irl).na  I.iiKlhi.ini.  loainic  Kiop,  Slicila  Snlli\an,  l-.iiiiK 

Officers:  Slamliiig  —  Collcltc  C^orcv,  Jndv  Hanmic-r,  NTaiv 
Kate  ntuvcl.  Scaled  -  Marsehall.  Bailiara  l.iiul 
hdliii,    Katlu    Meiritk,    (.lela    Olson. 


c/ftkfia    ^aii    ^A 

A   biiglu   fiiluic   in   the  service  of  man. 


The  year  1957  saw  the  addition  of  a 
ne^v  organization  to  Lake  Shore  Campus. 
1  he  first  professional  fraternity  for  women 
to  be  established  at  Loyola,  it  was  official- 
ly installed  recently  as  the  XI  Chapter  of 
the  Alpha  Tan  Delta  National  Fraternity 
for  women  in  nursing. 

It  is  run  under  the  auspices  of  the  nurs- 
ing faculty  of  Loyola  University.  Being  in 
its  infancy  the  organization  has  to  over- 
come many  imforseen  obstacles.  As  a  neo- 
phyte organization  it  must  first  be  proven. 
Though  tmtried,  the  organization  is  prom- 

There  are  t^venty-three  members  from 
among  the  students  in  the  basic  school.  The 
chapter  is  open  to  co-eds  in  both  the  basic 
school  of  ntu^sing  and  the  professional  de- 
gree   completion    program    for    graduate 

After  a  hard  clay  at  the  hospital  the  junior  nurses 
enjoy  gathering  aliont  the  piano  and  singing  old 
favorites  like  "I've  Got  You  Under  My  Epidermis."  The 
vocalists  are  Audrey  Zabella.  Rinella  l-'.ikman.  Marge 
Raepplinger,  Ann  iMorelli.  Kay  Walsli.  Ceiilc  King, 
I  ynn    I'oynton,   and   Jean   Krug. 






nurses.  This  year,  llic  pkilt^c  .^roiip  (oii- 
sisled  ol  t\s'cnl)-lhrce  Ircshiiian  and  soplio 
more  nurses. 

Miss  Dolores  Seliuinann,  national  \  iee- 
presidenL,  and  Miss  Palritia  (irahani,  na- 
Lional  secrelary,  conducled  the  installalion 
ceremonies  for  tlie  ciiapier. 

The  olliccrs  ol  ihe  chapter  are:  Bar- 
bara Brodie,  President:  Kay  Walsh.  Vice- 
President:  Audrey  Zabella,  Corresponding 
Secretary:  Barbara  Donovan,  Recording 
Secretary;  Helen  Herx.  Treasurer:  Pris- 
cella  Harlell,  Historian:  Renella  Eckman, 
Marshall:  Marilyn  Scavone,  Custodian: 
Mitzie  Sleinle,  Custodian  ol  Pins;  Bernie 
McCuire,  Editor.. 

Miss  Frances  Co\van.  chairman  ol  the 
department  ol  nursing,  is  tiie  ollicial  mode- 
rator ol  lire  chapter. 

Consider  yourself  ,111  iiisi  1111  lor  )ieeiiii};  down  al  .\ 
sea  ol  heaicliliil.  inlelliKeiil  laies.  No.  ilie  leather 
who  has  Ihe  daily  |)ri\il<f;e  ol  sik  h  a  Inealh  taking 
sight    is    iiol    underpaid. 

1  liesc  smiling  conntancnce,s  l)clong  to  members  oC 
.\lpha  ran  Delta,  the  new  nnrsing  fraternity  designed 
primarily  for  new  r.i:rscs.  The  social  organization  en- 
ables ihc  girls  to  congregate  and  discuss  "old  germs". 

Standing,  Back  Row;  Bill  Scluill/.  Bill  Hf^aii,  Sheila  Siillnaii.  Roliciia  (.cike.  Gloiia  Pierotti, 
Mary  Hereley,  Chuck  Johanns.  Scaled:  Lorraine  Ailiciion.  I'.oN  l-llison.  Mai\  Wright.  Moit  Sidli- 
\an.  Maiy  Lou  CUark,  Joe    I  inner.   B<il)  I)olicrt\. 

I  he  LoNola  Xews  staff  meets  with  the  candi- 
dates for  Lnion  olliccs.  I  his  is  an(.lher  efforl 
ot  the  News  lo  liiiiii;  all  \ie\vs  ol  the  school 
politicos    hefou'    the    sludents. 

_//2s  ^ouoLa  ^'Xs^iui 

The  1956-57  edition  of  the  Loyola 
Neivs  Avas  guided  by  two  editors  this  year. 
In  the  fall  semester  Mary  Hereley  became 
the  first  ^voman  editor  in  the  ne^vspaper's 
history.  She  was  followed  by  Mort  J.  Sid- 
livan  in  the  spring  semester. 

On  April  1 .  the  Neics  appeared  under 
a  ne^v  flag.  The  Loyola  Noose,  and  head- 
lined the  story  of  the  Loyola  R.O.T.C.'s 
attack  on  De  Paul  University.  The  lead 
story,  bylined  by  Maggie  Higgins.  told  of 
the  decision  by  the  Union  Congress  to  de- 
claie  Avar  as  the  "official  recognition  of 
hostilities  Avhich  had  existed  since  motor- 
ized coliunns  of  Loyola's  R.O.T.C.  struck 
ai  boih  of  De  Paid's  campiuses."'  Piciiues 
ol  the  firing  squad,  a  lank  in  Aertical  posi- 
liou  under  the  headline  "Uphill  Fight.  " 
and  a  detailed  situation  map  of  the  war 
action  completed  tlie  stoiA'  ol  the  "war." 


9u2^  ^rh  eu 

The  Loyola  IJiiivcrsily  Fine  Ails  CMiib 
is  a  relalivcly  new  organizaiion.  Consider- 
ing ils  shorl  span  ol  cxislcncf,  the  chib 
lias  accomplished  nuicli  (or  the  henelit  ol 
the  st;udents  in  Lhe  way  ol  Fine  Arts.  1  he 
purpose  ol  Lhe  clidj  is  to  jjroniote  and  to 
make  accessible  to  the  students  the  \ai  ious 
artistic  endeavors  jjeing  perlorined  in  (ihi 

In  connection  with  tliis  idea,  the  cltib 
shows  ni()\  ies  on  Lo)'ola's  campus  —  mo\ies 
that  mendjers  migiit  have  missed  when 
they  made  the  national  circuit  —  at  a  mini 
nunii    admission.    Other   acli\ities    include 

Ron  Grzyvvin.stci.  Lorraine  Tillrocli.  Pat  Dyra 
are  founci  pooling  their  faculties  in  an  attempt 
to  (le\ise  aiKillier  intercsiins;  and  upliftin<;  m- 
li\iu    (.r   llir   I  inr    \rls  (Jul)' 

the  purchase  of  blocks  of  tickets  to  \'arious 
artistic  events,  like  the  ballet  and  especialh 
the  legitimate  theater. 

Customaril)',  an  inlonnal  discussion  is 
held  at  one  ol  Chicago's  better  restatiranls 
alter  the  club  attends  a  theater  perlorm- 
ance.  This  year  the  t\vo  favorite  spots  for 
these  discussions  have  been  Como  Inn  and 
the  Brown  Bear.  All  of  these  arrangements 
ai"e  done  gratis  by  the  club. 

.\fter  viewing  llie  Old  \'ic'.s  production  of  Roinco 
and  Juliet.  Di.  Hiimnicrt  and  Mr.  Morris  offer 
their  scintillating  comments  to  the  assembled 
nieml)ers  of   the   Fine  Arts   Clid). 

1  he  l.oNcila  rni\ersity  Historical  Society  has  had  llic 
siiij;iihir  ihsiiiiction  of  presenting  Ijoth  mayoral  candidates 
on  the  same  platform.  During  the  1956  election  campaign. 
Richard  Daley  and  Robert  Merriam  engaged  in  a  ilc 
bate  presentee!  by  the  members  of  the  Society. 

One  of  the  social  acti\ities  of  the  Historical  Society 
is  its  annual  {.InisLmas  partv.  Ihc  affair  this  year 
uas  uni(|iie  in  ihat  the  entertainment  consisted  o£ 
Nations    Kiiropean    folk    ilances. 

Front  row;  Pat  C'.nlhanc.  and  Joe  Donnelly.  Back  row;  Ken 
Printen,  Sue  Giometti.  Mcnl  ,Sulli\an.  Gollette  Ciorey,  and 
Bob   Mullen   -   Officers. 

czTfifitoxiaaL  ^ocUh 


I'hc  Hisforical  Society  is  the  largest  un- 
(lergradiiate  academic  organization  at  Loy- 
ola U'ni\ersity.  Membership  is  open  to  both 
ihe  Commerce  and  Arts  Schools.  Under 
the  able  direction  of  its  moderator.  Dr. 
Kenneth  Jackson,  the  Society  has  grown  in 
size  and  prestige. 

Most  prominent  of  the  organization's 
many  activities  during  the  school  year  \yere 
tlie  excellent  speeches  given  by  various 
public  officials.  The  Society  heard  stich 
persons  as  Father  Harold  Rigney.  Senator 
E\erett  Dirksen,  and  Dr.  ^Valter  Johnson 
ol  Chicago  University.  Because  oi  the  Hun- 
garian crisis,  the  Society  also  sponsored  a 
Hungarian  folk  dance  and  donated  the 
prolits  to  the  Himgarian  Relief  Fund. 

riic  Reserve  Oiiiccis  ri;iinin^('.()r])s  (ROIC;)  has 
Ijeen  in  operation  al  I,o\ola  sinn'  l'.ll<S.  lis  piiniai) 
pinpose  is  lo  develop  (|ualilieil  collet^e  siudenis  as  jun- 
ior officers  in  ilie  Ami)-  Reserve  ami  lo  oiler  disi  inouish- 
cd  military  sUidenLs  career  appoinlnienis  in  the  Regular 
Army.  The  RO  TC  at  Loyola  alTords  cadets  with  oppor- 
tunilies  lor  assit^nnienl  in  an)  ol  the  aims  oi  ser\ices. 

i  he  R()  rc:  applies  practice  to  theory  through  its 
extracun  iculai  activities:  Drill  Team,  Rille  Team,  and 
Heavy  Weapons  Platoon.  The  two  iormer  organizations 
have  publicly  competed  in  intcrrstate  contests.  Ihc  cadet 
corps  is  formed  on  the  basis  of  a  regiment,  consisting  of 
a  battalion  on  each  campus. 

In  addition  to  academic  studies  the  |)rimary  Junctions 
are  those  of  senior  cadets  as  second  lieutenants  at  gradu- 
ation, the  siminier  camp  training  lor  juniors,  and  the 
amuial  Military  Ball,  sponsored  Ijy  the  (rold  ■i\)rch,  a 
([iiasi-military  fraternity. 


ri.    ( ol.    Mi(  iiiu'\     iiisliiKls    a    squad    in    close 
Dulcr  (hill. 

An  R.O.r.e.  lonipaiu  piaitiics  drilling  in 
prcparalion  for  ihc  |jixsidfnt'.s  rc\icw  and  llic 
federal  inspection. 



La  Jo%ak  dLub 

Gold  Iciicli  ollitcis:  Kidi.ird  A.  \  m- 
I'rcs.;  Col  MtCri/icy;  Rkliard  J.  SpiUaiie,  I'lcs. 
Joseph  R.  Shanfeldt.  ticket  mgr.;  IS'orniaJi  | 
Kndl,  Sec:  Edward  B.  Dillmann,  Steward;  W'il 
liani  C.  Waters.  Sgt.-al-Ariirs;  Jereniiali  P.  Rior 
dan.    I  HMs. 


1  lie    Liiyi-ila    drill    team    |)iils    in    one    of    inaii\ 
hours   spent   in   i)rcfcclini;    piecisiim    niciMinents 

IJitk  spillane  addresses  the  (.old    lordi  C.hdj  at  one  of  their  monthlv  nicetino 


*^^-  .^ 

^l^fL  ^i* 

The  (lold  lorch,  Loyola's  niililaiy-so- 
cial  club,  iiioNrd  lorward  I  his  year  by  tak- 
ing exlra-curriculai  R.O.  I  .CI.  groups,  such 
as  the  drill  leani  and  ihe  riile  Lcani,  inlo  lis 

High  poini  ol  the  (iold  rorch's  ac - 
lixilies  this  )car  was  the  annual  Militai) 
Hall.  The  ball  was  held  this  )c'ar  on  Feb- 
ruary 2-!,  in  the  (.land  Ikdltooni  ol  the 
Shorcland  H(jtel.  Johanny  (.ilbeit  and  his 
band  provided  the  music. 

In  a  (|ueenship  (onlesi  held  in  (on- 
neclion  with  the  ball,  Miss  MaiN  Rohner 
was  downed  as  winner.  .\  student  at  ,\Iun- 
delein  Ciollege.  she  was  escorted  by  (ladei 
C!ol.  Ronald  Pawl,  siudeni  conniiander  ol 
Loyola's  R.O.  I  .(^,  regiment.  She  re(ei\c-d 
the  rank  ol  Ilonorai  \  Colonel  in  l  he  (orjjs. 

Late  in  the  \cai ,  a  new  tonsiiuiiion  loi 
I  he  organization  was  drawn  up  and  rat  died. 
Lhe  internal  sirutitne  was  changed  to  ac- 
commodate the  elidj's  growth. 


Rifle  Team:  \V.  liciiard.  R.  KcIkic.  T.  Tarpcv,  |.  Clcary, 
J.  Wicii.  R.  CioisaiH.  R,  Mciiicrs  ((  a|)laiii)  .  1>.  \c\cika. 
F.   Wagner. 

Heavy  \\ea|)oiis:  Kneeling  —  C^adel  Sgi.  I)a\iil  I.mkIi. 
Cadcl  Major  noiiakt  Veverka,  Cladet  Lieiu.  Carmen  S\>c\- 
an/a.  .Standing  —  Cadet  .Sgl.  Robert  Bart,  Cadel  Sgi.  Kd 
ward  Engle,  Cadet  Sgt.  David   Harmon. 

Idp:  I  hree  officers  of  the  ^Vasmann  Society 
pose  with  an  unidentified  past  president  who 
spent    too   many   hours   in    tlie   laboratory. 

I  crrctli. 


Dr.   Hndson.  Jiin   Bolan.  Lea   Rea.  Joe 
and   (oe  Aniato,  discuss  some  biological 

Spiroll.   |nhn  Kiisih.  and  |ini  Hidan  attempt 
|>ci''Uade  llic  owl  lo  look  into  the  microscope 
Ik-  docsn'l  sccni   to  "i\c  a  hoot. 

UL  <Wc 





Wasmann  Hiology  Socicly  gi\cs  slu- 
(Iciits  ol  Biology  a  chance  lo  do  research 
work  on  their  own  and  present  tlieir  find- 
ings to  those  of  similar  interests.  Ii  holds 
meetings  twice  a  month  especially  loi  this 
pmpose.  It  gives  all  an  opportiniily  to 
intermingle  socially  as  well  as  intellectual- 
ly in  the  form  ol  the  Christmas  Party  held 
on  December  19,  1956,  and  the  Wasmann 
Mixer,  ai  which  the  hii'h  poini  ol  the  e\'en- 

ing  is  the  tin  tic  race.  Ii  ihcrehjre  deals 
with  the  ccjmplete  biologisi.  The  /enith  ol 
the  activity  during  the  year  is  the  Hiology 
Fair.  This  is  held  on  Ma\  llli.  al  which 
time  all  students  are  able  lo  jjiescnt  wiiw 
ideas  or  piove  old  one  lo  the  general  ];ub- 
lic,  this  is  I  he  objeci  ol  Wasmami,  to  en- 
able e\er)(;ne  lo  ad\aiice  iheir  biological 

rhc  big  siKil^iilc  (il  Wassiiiaii  ]-  llu' 
\caiiv  lliiilogy  Kaii.  .\t  lliis  c\ciu  llic 
giicsis  pass  among  the  specimens  and 
\ic\v  Ihe  sccrcls  of  nature  unfolded  bv 
the  inicrostope.  Months  of  arduous 
lal)or  and  experimentation  result  in 
this  stellar  ottering,  which  attracts  a 
multitude  of  visitors  from  surrounding 
high    siiinnls   and    uni\ersilies. 

LP±ija  cJ\E±s.axan  ^oais^tu 

The  Psychology  Club,  which  has  been 
an  aclive  organization  at  Loyola  for  many 
years,  deals  with  the  more  practical  aspects 
of  psychology.  Although  the  club  was  es- 
tablished by  psychology  majors,  it  is  open 
to  all  interested  students.  It  affords  stu- 
dents the  chance  to  broaden  their  views 
and  accjuire  a  deeper  understanding  of  the 
complex  mental  problems  of  our  age. 

Movies  and  informal  discussions  of  lit- 
eralinx'  related  to  psychology  are  a  normal 
part  of  the  monthly  meetings.  One  of  the 
most  illuminating  experiences  of  the  year 
is  the  totu"  of  a  mental  hospital.  On  the 
social  side,  members  enjoy  dances  and  oc- 
casional mixcTS. 

A  method  of  curbing  student  enthusiasm  was  long  sought  at 
(he  University,  Disciplinary  problems  have  been  at  a  minimiuii 
since  the  advent  of  the  electric  chair.  The  current  S|iink  of  this 
pto.ji.nn  is  Mr.  1  iiHcne  Albrechl. 


c^.  c.  s. 

C^hcmisli)'  inajors.  cnL()inlji.(l  in  iheir 
cvil-smclliiig  laboraLorics,  appear  lo  the 
uiUrainecl  eye  lo  be  a  rather  useless  and 
removed  segment  of  the  lJni\ersiiy.  How- 
ever, those  Chem-major  Loyolans,  Ijy  mem- 
bership in  the  A.C.S..  liave  luiderlaken  to 
aid  mankind  ihrough  improvements  in  the 
lield  ol  chemistry.  Under  the  leadership 
of  Erwin  Poklacki,  the  American  Chemical 
Society,  at  Loyola,  sni\cs  lo  pre|)are  ils 
members  to  take  lluir  |)laces  among  ilu- 
professionals  in  llie  extremely  important 
and  vital  research  of  chemistry. 

In  ilie  darlc  rccc■s^cs  of  the  cliemistry  lab.  rcujl 
odors  and  niyslciinus  iii.k  liinciy  toreward  ihr 
cause  of  scicn(f.  I  In-  \ouii_n  researchers  w.iii 
expectantl\    for    .111    ini|iiiri,iiu    reaction. 

.\  group  of  young  while  coaled  ile\otees  knock  around  in 
the  them  lab  in  Cudahy  Science  Building.  Such  eager 
young  men  as  these  follou'  one  of  the  liesl  undergraduate 
chemistry   curriculums   in    the   counlr\. 

^aii    J^ELia   iJ-^liL 

Coniaining  the  smallest  membership  of  any  of  the 
fraternal  organizations  at  Loyola,  Tati  Delta  Phi  proud- 
ly boasts  some  of  this  year's  most  outstanding  accomplish- 
ments. Singular  among  these  Avas  the  opening  of  the  first 
undergraduate  fraternity  house  at  Loyola  in  many  years. 
Quoting  the  Loyola  Neivs,  "Tau  Delta  Phi  was  establish- 
ed Avhat  may  well  pro\'c  to  be  tlie  biggest  and  most  for- 
ward moving  step  since  inulergraduate  fraternities  were 
founded  at  Loyola." 

Their  house  I  unctions  as  a  residence  and  meeting 
place.  It  has  been  the  scene  of  many  social  events,  such 
as:  the  "Treasure  Hunt,"  parties  after  the  basketball 
games,  and  the  cal)aret  style  New  ^'ear's  Eve  Party. 

Lhe  eighteen  men  initiated  the  first  "First  Wel- 
coming Dance."   This  was  followed  by  another  milestone, 

the  estal)lishment  of  the  annual  "Facidty  Cocktail  Party." 

Left    lo    Riglil:    Glun   Skoff,    Hcmavd   Coffin,    I5nl,    Aiukr- 
son.    John    C.aiicll.    ful    Ikii  tosic»  ii/,    Hiik    SaicnnL'.    Mori 

Segal  I. 

the  fiatcrnil\  liouse  of  Ian  Uclta  Phi  is  tlic  first  sncli 
actiiniplishnient  Ijy  a  Loyola  fraternity  in  recent  vears. 
L'nilonbtetlly  this  is  the  dream  tliat  all  tlie  Greeks  at 
Lovola  some  day  hope   to  reali/c. 

Hc.waid   Icnnings,  Everclt   llliii,   lliuUh   Sicbcl.  Karl  Dol- 
siin.   Run  Caroliilo.   >r(iil    Mullack.    Bol)   Mnjck. 

Officeis:  Jcnv  Heir,  \'ice-Presi(lent;  Mr.  Don  J.  W'ilhelmi. 
Moderator;  Eil  Walsh,  President;  Dave  .Smith,  House 
Manager;   Jerrv   Epstein,    rrea.siirer. 

_//2£   c:baliooL 

It  has  been  sonielinie  since  Lhis  campus 
has  published  a  yearbook.  This  factor, 
above  all  others,  presented  a  challenge  to 
the  staff  which  they  hope  they  have  capa- 
bly met. 

1  here  can  be  no  pin-pointing  ol  credit 
lo  just  a  small  group.  Many  of  the  mem- 
bers of  the  student  body  with  the  com- 
bined efforts  of  the  fraternities  and  the 
sororities  brought  about  this  book's  com- 
pletion. 1  he  siafi  members  recognize  the 
amoiuit  of  effort  these  groups  eliminated 
and  are  gratefid  to  them. 

Willi  the  accinnulation  of  man)  tedi- 
ous hoin^s,  only  the  pleasurable  memories 
remain.  Moments  of  agitation  and  \\'orry 
all  give  way  to  tliose  spent  in  the  pleasant 
and  satisfying  realization  of  a  job  complet- 
ed. It  is  at  sucii  a  moment  that  we  hope 
you  will  appreciate  the  total  residt  oi  our 

Finally,  we  aie  indebted  to  you  who 
ha\'e  in\'ested  in  this  production.  Without 
yoiu'  financial  support  this  book  woidd  not 
ha\e  been  possible. 

Kilccn  Pcifcr,  Cathy  Marik,  and  Rol)  Ellison 
(onfcr  with  Dean  I  isilijcr's  scciclarics  regard- 
ing scinie  (lelails  iil  llu-  xeaiNook.  I  liev  pniril 
mil    llu:    riicd    Inr    luinr    |iiilili(ii\    on    ilic    \r.i> 

Willi  llu-  iaiii|iiis  in  a  siaic  <il  inlcllci  i  ii;d  Ic  i 
nient,  il  is  no  surprise  llial  llu-  \i.iilni(.k  Mali  is 
peopled  by  a  Rionp  of  exliaoiilinai  il\  inlclli 
gem  and  talenled  individiiaK.  I  his  tomhue  ol 
genius  is  atlendcd  by  Jeiiy  Ilannon.  (.ene  Siilli 
van,  Literary  Kditor:  Jim  l.ynain,  Ciaplions  Kdi 
tor:  Tom  Managan.  Kdiiorin-i  liief;  and  lien 
T  liics.  Managing  Kdiior. 

Class    CJiaiiiniMi    lor    'iearhook:    \I.iiiiii    (.Icason, 
|im   (.(irniaii.  JoNte  MtALilitle.    luiii   Miea.  Dick 
Maureen     Marley.    and     Diek     Carlin 


smiling  prior  to  wrenching  dollar  deposits  from 
unsuspecting  Arts  students. 

Jerry  Spellman.  John  Kebhisck,  Chuck  Haldwin 
Steve  McSweeney.  Dave  Riirden,  Brian  \  an 
Vlierbergen  and  Bill  O'Connor,  adxisor,  l)eiu 
their  efforts  to  the  ironing  out  of  the  siindrx 
details  that  serve  to  nuike  llie  \carbook  a  siii 
cessful   enterprise. 

Mary  McClatchie.  Don  Rogan,  Joan  Combiths, 
I'al  Dnnphy,  Eileen  Peifer.  I'at  Dyra,  Nfaureen 
O'Hara.  and  Mary  Pat  Gibbons.  Lewis  Towers 
\earbook  staff  talks  it  o\er;  ileadline  nuisl  be 

Ed  Cummins.  Tom  Doyle,  jim  L\nani.  Cieorge 
Brvar,  Bob  Varallo.  Joe  Bernard  and  the  lo\el\ 
Pauline  Wajay  enjoy  a  moment  of  leut\  as  the 
yearbook  nears  completion. 


Top:  M.  C-(iiiIl\,  1.  Ijaiix.  V.  Mustari,  T.  Spina,  R.  Follman,  G.  Eckstein,  1).  Ijo1)li,  D.  DeFiguredo,  G.  Lemphe,  A.  Schaid, 
G,  Kollinlzas.  Sliddle:  C.  Richter.  T.  Strul)ble.  T.  Mangan,  J.  Parker,  L.  Brouzis.  J,  Dentzer,  J.  Klop,  F.  Lancaster,  C. 
I.oner.  R,  Pawl,  R.  Cliambiiss,  M.  Gora.  Bottom:  B.  Dentzer,  J,  Stokes,  J.  Saniat,  S.  Liubatek,  F.  Gorecki.  R.  Kulik,  R. 
AVilkus,  R.  Doolcv.  J.  OiclKilik  P.  MffUiive.  P.  Gcrding. 

Not  to  l)e  outdone  by  the  various  I^eauty  contests,  the 
male  popidation  of  Loyola  was  given  a  chance  to  display 
their  charms  in  the  Ugly  ALan  of  the  Year  Contest  spon- 

sorcil   bv   Tali    Kap|ja    F|)silciii. 

_/aa  .J\aJ2J2a   ^ijiLLon 

Loyola's  Epsilon  Kappa  CihapLcr  of  Tau  Kappa  Ep- 
siloii  naLional  iraLcniily  is  in  its  lirsl  year  on  the  caiiipus. 
Formerly  Lhe  Diiiversily  (Hub,  the  or^aiii/aiion  was  iiii- 
Uilcd  May  1.^,  1956  as  the  l.'lL'iid  (hajMei  ol  I  KK.  one 
ol  lhe  three  largest  social  haiernit  ies  in  the  coiiniry. 

J  KE  has  enjoyed  a  position  in  school  allairs  prc- 
eminenl  among  many  active  oiganizalions  al  Loyola. 
I'hey  sponsored  lhe  first  '■Ugly  Mixer"  and  its  corre- 
sponding "Ugly  Man  ol  the  Year  Contest,  "  the  lirsl 
annual  inter-fraternily  greased  pig  conlesi,  lhe  lirsl  an- 
nual Coed  Tea,  and  lhe  iradilional  L'ni\ersily  CIuIj  .Si. 
Patrick's  Day  dance.  "Lhis  chapter  has  conti  ibuied  to  the 
support  of  all  school  functions. 

Individual  Lekes  in  the  ll-man  chapter  hold  posi- 
tions on  the  Neivs,  u\  the  Choral  Society,  aiul  the 

U-fl    [<i   RIkIu.  ori'Ucrs:    Tmiy   SpiiKi,   llernic-   Donlzer.   R(i 

I'jwl,  C;int   Ridin 

Mj)ls    C:(inlcN.    I'aiil   C.crdiiig. 


•Suilalily  heads  Kinfcr:  Fr. 
Moderator  ami  |crry  .S|j( 

J^arzE,  c^hoXE.  <^odaLihj 

Traditions  ai  Loyola  gained  a  sister- 
nicmber  in  the  Marian  Year  of  1954  with 
the  initiation  of  the  annual  MARY'S 
HOUR.  Sponsored  by  the  University,  the 
ptnpose  of  this  May  e^'ent  is  to  honor  the 
Mother  of  God  with  one  song  of  praise 
from  Loyolans.  Progressi\e  changes  have 
relocated  the  event  as  to  time  and  place  — 
from  a  Simday  afternoon  to  a  ^Vednesday 
student  assembly  period,  and  from  the 
Alumni  Gymnasium  to  the  Madonna  della 
Strada  Chapel.  Prominent  aspects  of  the 
program  are  an  address  by  a  guest  speaker, 
recitation  of  the  living  rosary,  cro'^vning 
of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  and  Benedic- 

Members  <if  the  L.S.C. 


Jahtv  are 



ing    the    returns    ol    ll 



r    fond 


clothing   drive,   conihii 


hir   tlie   1 

elief   t 

.f   tlie 

Htnigarian   refugees. 

msaa  the  management  of  the  SodaHt\  can  prove 
an  engaging  tasl;  is  a  fact  well  known  bv  ]err\ 
Spellman  (seated)  .  Barl)ara  Smith.  Marv  .\nn 
Cairo,   and  John   Dentzer. 




I  he  iTcshiiiaii  I'iciiic  last  .Sc]JlLiiibLi 
enabled  many  new  siuclenLs  Lo  nieei  die 
men  and  women  of  Loyola's  Sodalily.  Ha\'- 
ing  become  inleresLcd  in  (he  Sodalily, 
these  students  ol'Cercd  their  assistance  and 
thus  proved  the  picnic  successful.  Other 
projects  included:  Communion  Rreaklasts, 
guest  lecttnes.  lood  and  clothing  drives, 
the  first  parly  lor  ihe  underprivileged 
children,  and  occasional  social  evenls. 

This  May,  seventy  studenis  were  re- 
ceixed  inlo  the  Sodality.  This  receplion 
marked  the  conclusion  of  months  of  in- 
struction during  which  tinre  these  students 
have  vokurtarily  accepted  the  Sodality  way 
of  life.  The  aim  of  this  way  of  life  is  the 
acquiring  of  virtues  both  solid  and  lovable. 

Fr.  Gai\cy  and  Vr.  Hogaii, 
Moderalors;  Eileen  and  |iin 
Dcnipsey,    Co-Prefcds. 

Aluinialh:  I  hr  liidaN  iiiominn  hrcakl.iM  dnl. 
ol  llu-  l.c-wiN  lowers  Sdil.iliu  and  its  liiends 
awail.  il  uiuild  appeal  lallier  lnnit;iil\.  ihe 
arri\al    (il    llieir   iniideralm    tallier   Hi>i>an. 

Iiil(.rin,ill\  nK.nped  alioni  lallier  llnnan,  mem 
I.eis  ,,l  ilie  Lewis  lowers  Sodalil\.  one  of  ihe 
sliulenl  or<;aiis  ol  the  t'ni\eisii\,  plan  some  In- 
line a(  lix  ities. 


"JL  Cod  aU 

The  Coed  C'-lub  is  ihe  largest  women's  organization 
at  Loyola.  Membership  includes  women  from  the  Col- 
leges of  Arts  and  Sciences,  Nursing,  and  Commerce.  The 
club  serves  the  University  through  its  yearly  functions, 
the  Freshman  Welcome  Tea  and  the  Senior  Farewell 
Banquet,  which  are  open  to  all  University  women. 

In  the  fall,  the  Coed  Club  sponsors  a  card  party 
and  fashion  sho^v  organized  members  to  finance  activi- 
ties for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  The  highlight  of  the 
year  is  the  Christmas  formal. 

In  the  spring,  officers  ol  the  club  are  elected.  To- 
gether with  the  moderator.  Miss  Marietle  Le  Blanc,  they 
form  the  Board  of  Governors. 

For  the  past  several  years,  the  most  outstanding  fea- 
ture of  tlie  cIiUd  has  been  the  "Big  Sister"  plan.  By  this 
plan,  yoimg  ^voiiien  Ijecome  ac(|uainted  ^vith  college  ac- 

M;ii\    DdiK 

First  Row:  Anne  ^^lNally,  Gerry  Tripp.  Mary  .Ann  DomegaUi.  Ginger  Kroll.  Mary  Alice  Xebel.  Maureen 
me  Leathers.  Rolicrla  Cierl^e.  Second  Row:  Cam  Marscliall.  C;loria  No\alc.  Kay  Cottrell,  Patti-Jo  Quillinan. 
ladi,  Rila  C.ondiin,  Alice  Gross,  Barbara  Ross,  Nancy  Lyons.  Tliird  Row:  Judy  Buyer,  Lucille  Ferrara.  Xancv 
ma  \(i(i.  I)(irnili\  I.amhreclit.  Honore  Zenk,  Pat  Duggan,  Mary  Nolan.  Laverne  Zugehar.  Fourth  Row:  Elea- 
(iwvki.  Mai\  Aniic  jlanahan.  Peggy  Jo  LaPlante,  Virginia  Burke.  C^olctte  Cogger.  Joan  Gensler,  Eileen  Peifer. 
.\,i;iRs   Scli.isiian,  Jiidv   McTiard.   Fifth   Row:    Donna   Ka\eny.  Jo  Anne   Pindras,   Mary  Biiford.  Joan   Bilt- 

gen.  Sara   Blount.    I'.U   Ciindmi.  C, 



)l    Runa.    Hernadiiic  Xowak.  Louise  Oalessandro. 

CoiuiiiillL-c  (.liainiicii  ol  (  ucd  Cliil.;  M.ii\  McCl.ildii 
I'al  Dimiphy.  Mary  Ik-lli  l-ciuciii,  Cianil  Kdciiig.  Jiii 
W'ollgraiii,  Joan  Combiths. 

I  til  I,.  ni;lil:  \l;ii\  liulcml.  jdaiine  Hart/.cr.  Rita  Cdii.ldii. 
|(i  1  liiiii|)lir(\.  (.<ii\  I  ripp.  I  (ini  Shea.  Helen  Slciii- 
liiULik,    C.liaiiiiaiiic-     lijiloiello,    Nancy   Fraser. 

I  lie  Olliurs  (il  llic  (  Ciuli:  Mar\  Wlialcn,  Sci  i  tlar\ ; 
Mars  l>at  (.iliht.n-,,  Ireasnnr;  I'al  M((,ra(l\.  I'lvsidcnl; 
Miss    I.cHlani.     Mixleiator;     (.icia    Olson.    \in-  I'u'sidcnl. 

I'iil  R(.\4,  I.cll  K.  Ri'4 
Carlrr.  llohcltc  \l(in 
Chandk-r,  Sue  C;hirk. 

n    lull  S(lui\cr.  Icauini  Minph\    Jeannie  Kiuo    Scioiid  R(i\v;  DditliN 
I  liiiil    Rinv:   JaniiK-   SkiiiiKn     Joan   C(>ml>illis    Iiiuilli    Row:    Bc\cily 

^A/{ii±   ^  l/ariLhj 

1  his  year's  "Miss  Varsity"  is  red-headed,  blue-eyed 
Jeanne  Krug.  Formerly  a  student  at  Marquette,  she  was 
noted  for  her  ability  to  provide  visiting  students  \s'ith  last 
minute  dates.  Jeanne  is  a  nursing  student  at  Loyola,  and 
may  be  seen  leading  cheers  at  the  basketball  games.  Like 
her  predecessor.  Pat  Blaney.  Jeanne  ^vas  the  candidate 
of  Pi  Alpha  Lambda  fraternity,  \\hose  members  cam- 
paigned diligently  for  her. 

Ihe  Fall  Frolic  was  held  this  year  in 
the  Red  Lacc[iicr  Room  ol  ilic  Paliiici 
House.  Idle  ever-popular,  ever  present 
Johnny  I'ahner  provided  die  nuisic.  Al 
limes  Lhe  tempo  varied  and  some  ol  ihe 
lasler  arrangemenLs  Iclt  a  number  ol  guesis 
lapping  their  Icet  and  seeming  as  il  they 
wanted  to  dance,  but  could  not. 

All  awaited  the  high  vvater  mark  ol  the 
night,  the  presentation  ol  this  year's  "Miss 
Varsity",  Jeanne  Krug,  and  her  court. 
Misses  Carter,  Combiths,  Schriver,  Moni- 
ghan,  Min])h\,  Skupien.  C'lark.  and  C'han 

One  ol  lhe  )()inig  men  who  attended 
sunmied  tip  the  exening  \er\  well  when  he 
said.  "The  drinks  weic  siipii  b.  the  niiisic 
lair,  the  weather  iinlu.di  lil  iil,  and  I  he 
parking  im]j(jssible." 

A  pre-Lenten  Mardi  (-las  D.nne  enter- 
ed the  scene  lot  lhe  lirsi  lime-  in  Loyola's 
social  history.  I  he  ( !oiisi  iiui  ion  Room  ol 
the  Morrison  H(jtel  appeared  \iiy  lestive 
with  its  decrjrations.  costumed  couples, 
and  bubbling  music  Itiniished  b\'  that  (jI 
Dan  Helloc.  ' 

I'loxiding  social  activities  is  anothei  of 
the  I  iiion's  multiple  functions. 

I  Ik  Rc.l)iiin  ol  .1  OiU' 
liolii.  R.n  \:iii  DrUa 
whal  In  piiil.  ( Idllics  | 

ill   licr  regal 

I  Ik-  a^|,c•ll  c.l  Ilk- 
aiuuial  rail  lhe 
llieir  gicgariiHis  pi(.|.en' 
evening  ot   iiiiiili    ami    ii 

'I  Tieglcileii.  Al  lhe 
l\  couples  e\ei(ise 
.    ill    an    enehanliiif; 

\ssenililed  for  a  Ijriefing  l)v  Joan 
OjiTibiths  are  members  of  the  Slaroon 
and  Gold,  and  organization  that  func- 
tions as  an  advisory  group  for  fledging 
Loyolans.  The  wide-aivake  expressions 
are  typical  of  the  alertness  and  percep- 
tivity of  the  counseling  body. 

c:rfatiuiti£.±.  .  . 

The  life  of  the  scholar  is  not  all 
study.  .\t  Hamilton's,  the  local  alcohol 
dispensary,  some  of  the  intellectuals 
con\ene  to  imbibe  the  amber  fluid 
and  discuss  the  abstruse  topics  of  the 
day.  .Seated  in  the  foreground  are: 
.Sjjencer.   Kent,  X'oltaire.  and  Erasmus. 

Knjoying  a  pleasant  respite  from  the 
rigors  of  study  in  the  homey  atmos- 
phere of  Loyola  Hall,  the  men's  dor- 
mitorv.    the    student    above    oinioiisly 



Deniousii.iiiun  Ins  ,i;4illl\  wiili  .1  i  uc 
slick  in  l,o\(ii;i  Hall's  recrcalic.n  icon 
is  Jack  Jatlslith.  a  man  dcfinilch  ni 
tending  to  complete  his  task  with  ilu 
utmost  speed  and  accuracy. 

W  Inn  Ihc  rcMills  ol  iIjc  fiiuil  ix^Miiina- 
ii.inv  iiic  |)iil.lislic(l  inaiiN  (lisKninllcd 
siiiilriiis  paik  llicir  few  siiii|)l(:  IjcIoiik- 
iiij^v  a]]. I  u-lLirii  to  the  faiiiilaiids  of 
\nii ma  II  is  llic  liopc  of  all  llial  llifv 
ir(i)\(i  lioiii  iliis  blow  and  go  on  to 
l)C(ciiiir    |>iodiic:ii\c   tilizens. 


I  lir  ik\CT  iolliii|iiial  txpitssion  ap- 
|naiing  oil  ilic  lioat  is  cxliorling  llic 
l,o\ola  Icaiii  [o  Hod  lifa\ily  u|j(jn 
liitii  opponcMUs.  I  his  prize  winning 
lloai.  along  with  ninneroiis  other  pro- 
(huts  of  student  ingentiity,  graced  the 
parade   pieieding   the   Ahiinni    (.aiiie. 

The  picture  on  the  right  represents 
one  of  the  otitstanding  manifestations 
of  the  spiritual  life  at  Loyola  Universi- 
ty. The  anntial  retreat  is  held  as  a 
lime  of  reflection  and  meditation  for 
those  students  of  the  university  who 
do  not  choose  to  make  a  closed  re- 
treat elsewhere. 

On  the  occasion  of  the  Lewis  Ntenun 
iai  Mass,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank  j.  Lewis 
are  seen  emerging  from  the  Holy 
Name  Cathedral  following  this  cele- 
bration. .-\s  is  coiiimonlv  known,  the 
Mass  is  offered  anniialK  to  honor 
Ihcse  great   benefactors  of  Losola   liii- 







Highliglit  of  all  ihc  University's  spring 
activities  was  the  Loyola  Fair,  sponsored 
by  the  Loyola  Union.  Preparations  started 
several  nK)nths  Ijefore  the  actual  event  and 
reciiiired  many  hours  ol  work.  During  the 
last  week  in  April,  the  campus  underwent 
a  radical  change.  With  the  appearance  of 
the  ferris  wheel,  the  "whip  ",  and  the  "Big 

Top",  a  true  amusement  park  atmosphere 
invaded  Loyola. 

May  3rd.  4th,  and  5th  marked  the 
week-end  of  the  4th  Anntial  Fair.  Student 
organizations,  fraternities,  and  sororities 
operated  elaborately  decorated  booths,  of- 
fering a  variety  of  prizes  for  carni\al-type 

I  hi-  I  ,.\(.l,i  I  ,111  IS  iiiii  i.iih  \  Ki  cli\cil  llic 
Miukiils  .iiul  i-iiiKli  llic  I  lll^c■l^il^.  U  iluo  iiulh 

KiUcM  i.iiiiiiuiil  liodilis  ,110  luii  l)x  X. 11  ions  iirgani- 
/iitiiins  ill  ;in  allriiislic  ciuleaxtii  u>  inipioxc 
school   faiililics. 




Sludcius  rcspoiulcd  wholchcai  icdly  lo 
Loyola's  lirsL  Charily  Day  Program,  Marcli 
2A.  Over  one  hundred  and  sixly-live  siii 
dents  Look  pari  in  ihe  Union-sponsored  pro 
gram.  The  purpose  ol'  the  day  was  to  en- 
able Loyola  students  to  give  service  to  the 
connnunity,  to  have  fun  while  working, 
and  lo  enhance  feelings  of  a  group  spirit. 

ihe  Arts  and  Connnerce  Councils  pre- 

sented (he  i'llth  Annual  Siudeni  N'ariety 
Show  on  -Saturday,  .March  '.).  at  cS:.j()  p.m.  at 
Lane     lech    .Audiioriiun. 

Spotlighl  in;.^  ihe  l.dtnis  oi  Loyola  slii- 
denls  in  song.  daiKc.  and  comedy  routines, 
ihe  show  leaiured  a  sjjecial  guest  a])pear- 
aiue  by  the  Lassies.  Decca  recording  and 
[\  stars. 

rhe  hard-udikiiii;  iluei  Icaikis:  |t%in 
King,  Miii\  ka\  iiall.  |(.sic  Wall,  Riia 
Hovan,  Maicia  nupkf,  Maiiaiiiif  rnnii, 
liileen  Peifer,  sciliiil  llir  siiHlrni  hoily 
for  thundeiing  loais. 

SlUllciUS    gel    SdllK'    |11,U 

ill  llieir  fiiluic  imii|iaii(iiis  ! 
their  services  to  \arioiis  iici.' 
zations  in  accordance  uiili 
gram  of  Charity  Day. 


OLR   €HEER!$ 

<^incjin<.i     wiln     cpcn    iiioiil  n^.     l/icir 

W'AI.I    Will  1  \i  W 

1  he  clK'ciicadcr  leaping  in  iht 
air  as  il  sujjporicd  by  the  sound  ol 
ihe   crou'd.    die   delcrniincd    look   ol 
ihc  sprinl  man  as  he  crouches  lor 
the  start  ol  the  race,  and  the  slap 
ol    the   swiinmer's   body   cuunig    Lhe 
surface  ol  the  pool:  all  are  a  response 
to  the  Jesuit  spirit:  this  is  ^vhat  we 

rire  acliiexemeni  ol   the  athletes 
and  the  interest  ol  the  crowil  are  t^vo 
sides   ol    a   sterling  coin   —  school 
spirit.  While  training  and  testing  the 
body,  sports  also  pro\ide  Aaluable  op- 
portunities lor  growth  in  such  spirit. 
7  hough  that  spirit  olten  eludes  de- 
finition, the  athlete's  sense  of  be- 
longing and  the  cro^vd's  sense  of  shar- 
ing are  undeniably  to  all  who  ha\"c 
felt  them  the  spirit  of  a  school. 


Ri\'.  Cktus  Hai  tniann,  S.  J. 
Atlilelic  Director 

jcromc  \\'c'ilaiKl 

Trilih  Cniicli 

Donald  P.  Clialmer^ 

Su'inniinto-  Coach 

(.(.■i)rt;L'  Irclaiul 
lUishclhall  Coach 

William  Shay 
Fresh  ma)}  Bashclhall 

A  » 


ClJat  C^oacli 


Rt\ .  (llcius  1-.  I  lartni.iiin,  S.  j..  aili- 
Iclic  (liiccloi,  and  iiisirutlor  in  ilic  I)c- 
partmenl  oi  Malhcinaiics,  come  lo  Loyola 
Universily  in  I9'IM.  In  1952  Vr.  Hanniann 
was  chosen  as  alhlcLic  direclor.  In  acUlilion 
Lo  this  position  Fr.  Hartniann  is  also  coach 
ol   the  goll    Icani. 

(icorge  M.  Ireland,  coach  ol  ihe 
Loyola  Ramblers,  has  jnsi  linished  his 
sixth  season  at  Loyola.  Ireland.  \vho  has 
a  specialty  ol  de\eloping  both  men  and 
teams  into  snccessfid  units,  came  to  Loyola 
in  1951.  A  lormei  AH- American  guard  at 
Notre  Dame,  Ireland  is  only  lifth  Loyola 
basketball  coach  in  the  school's  history. 

William  Shay  has  linished  his  first  sea- 
son as  Loyola's  treshman  and  assistant 
varsity  basketball  coach.  Shay  spent  22 
years  in  the  Catholic  League  .where  he 
was  kno^vn  as  the  winningest  coach  in  the 
circuit.  In  1953  Shay  was  named  to  coach 
the  annual  North-Soiuh  Cage  Classic  at 
Murray  Stale  C^oUege  in  MiuTay,  Ken- 

Jerome  P.  Weiland  came  to  Loyola  in 
1950  after  a  four  )ear  tenure  at  St.  George 
High  School,  where  he  coached  track  and 
football.  Weiland  won  All-City  honors  in 
football  and  set  a  record  for  the  low  hurdles 
while  in  high  school.  At  Southern  Cali- 
fornia University  Weiland  ■ivas  one  of  the 
best  hurdlers  in  the  W^est. 

Donald  P.  Chalmers  came  to  Loyola  in 
1949  as  head  swimming  coach  and  since 
that  time  has  compiled  an  outstanding 
record.  Chalmers  recei\ed  a  Bachelor  of 
Arts  degree  from  Franklin  and  Marshall 
Uni\'ersity,  where  he  ^vas  a  leading  mem- 
ber of  the  swimming  team.  In  1932.  he 
was  a  member  of  the  American  team  at 
the  International  Championships  held  at 
Oranue.  N.   1. 

igj6  -  57  QJaxiiiu  Saifz^ttatl! 

Loyola's  1956-57  edition  ol  ihe  Ram- 
blers opened  their  season  on  December 
1,  1956  with  an  easy  77-58  triumph  over 
Ripon  College. 

This  victory  was  lollon^ed  with  impres- 
si\e  wins  o\er  North  Dakota  State.  94-61, 
and  Kalamazoo,  88-57,  in  succession.  These 
early  conciuests  gave  the  Ramblers  a  line 
start,  enabling  tliem  to  spot  a  perlect  rec- 
ord after  their  iirsi  three  contests. 

Loyola  suffered  its  first  loss  at  the  hands 
of  the  San  Francisco  Dons  in  the  first  of 
six  Loyola-sponsored  doubleheaders  play- 
ed at  the  Chicago  Stadium.  This  game  ^\-as 
the  first  contest  in  the  Loyola  Classic, 
which  included  the  C  S.  Olympic  Team. 
Santa  Clara,  and  San  Francisco,  in  addition 
to  Loyola.  The  Dons,  national  champions 
the  previous  two  seasons,  extended  their 
record  of  consecutive    victories    to    forty 

i\U-iiiIkis  ol  llii-  l')".6  ■,;  ic.iin  arc:  (Lett  lo  Right)  I'lank  lldg.m,  I'aiil  Shcudv.  Al  \iiiville. 
AiL  Mt/ici,  |iiii  Sic\e  Mrk\itka,  Ray  Stopa,  Jim  UcW Hit,  John  Olirien.  Ron  Beals, 
I'aul   Kniikd.  ami    |olin  W  aMi. 




panics,    winiMiiL 
(.(.1(1.  67-4H. 

I  he     Maroon     and 

An  McZicr  is  i.iu;;lu  in  jdioii  Ms  lie-  is  .ilimu  lo 
sdiic  on  a  Imii-aiiiiiiul  jiiiii|i  sluii  againsl  MaiqiieUc. 
Ml /icr  (allied  im  ihis  slui(  Lii  |i(il  (he  Ramblers  ahead 
liir  (lie  riis(   lime  in   (he  (.oiiiesi  \vi(h  (he  Warriors. 

IMayiiin  Saiila  Clara  the  follow  in '4  nij^lit 
lIil-  Lo)()laiis  bounced  hack  10  (kUai  ilic 
Cialiiornians  to  ca|jiiirc'  iluid  place  in  ilic 
loinnanieiii.  ilic  liioiicos  became  Lcjy 
ola's  loin  ill  \itiini.  7()-67.  The  game  uini 
ed  inio  a  voiii  earh  in  the  second  hail 
wiih  ihe  hosi  school  leading  by  2S  poinls 
ai   one  time. 

Alumni  (.ynniasium  was  the  scene  ol 
the  lilth  and  sixth  xictoiies  ol  the  cam- 
paign as  the  Raiidjiers  chalked  uj)  wins 
o\er  Los  Angeles  Slate.  72-3(S.  and  Xoiih 
Dakota  University.  89-7!^.  The  deciding 
lactor  in  these  games  was  the  play  ol  Paid 
Krucker  and   Ait    McZiei'. 

The  following  u-eekend.  Loyola  jcjurn- 
eyed  icj  Minneapolis  lor  the  lirst  road  game 
ol    the   season.    Playing    the    I'nixersiiv   of 

I'aiil    Krncl^er 

ra((l   Sheedy 

Al  N'orville  gets  set  to  block  shooting  attempt  of 
Red  Murrell,  Drake's  all-time  scoring  leader. 
I'dor  shooting  by  the  Ramblers  meant  the  dif- 
ference in  tliis  losing  contest. 

Minnesota,  Coach  Ireland's  crew  \\'as  hu- 
miliated by  an  84-61  score.  The  Crophers 
finished  the  season  tied  for  second  place 
in  the  Big  Ten  race.  Minnesota  had  too 
much  in  height  and  reserve  strength  to 
be  overcome  by  the  smaller  and  inexper- 
ienced Chicago  five.  Krucker  supplied  the 
only  spark  in  this  contest  as  he  carried 
the  Loyola  offense,  scoring  21   points. 

Drake  University  dealt  the  Ramblers 
their  third  defeat  a  week  later  in  a  game 
played  at  Des  Moines.  The  Bulldogs  took 
advantage  of  poor  shooting  and  sloppy 
floor  play  by   Loyola   to  register  a   78-71 

Art  .\U/iei'  aj.'pe.'ns  to  l)e  reatliing  for  tlic  moon 
as  he  oiitjiimps  all  (i|)])onenls.  inilncliiiii  lorn 
Hawkins,  in  C|ncst  ol  rebound  in  Noire  l),iinc 
contest   at  stadium. 

win  o\er  the  Ramblers.  Krucker's  23 
points  led  Loyola  but  ^vere  not  enough  to 
offset  the  Drake  scoring,  with  the  home 
team  winning  in  the  closing  miniue  of  play. 

Returning  home,  the  Maroon  and  Ciold 
continued  its  poor  shotning  as  they  en- 
gaged Western  Michigan  on  Ne\s'  \'ear's 
Eve,  winning  the  first  of  two  games  played 
against  the  Broncos,  57-55.  This  contest 
was  not  decided  until  the  closing  seconds 
and  lound  Loyola  unable  to  gain  a  com- 
fortable maroin  (Uie  to  inaccuracv  in  shoot- 

li  loiiks  i,ns\  as  lorn  Hawkins.  Notre  Dame's 
Jumping  Jaik  1-orwanl,  clears  all  obstacles,  de- 
spite   .-ittciiipl^    oi     I'aul     krucker.    Hawkins    led 

the   Irish   ailack    ui    ilii-. 

iniesi    at   the   Chicago 

Ray  Slopa 

ing.    Roil    Bcals  ^vas   the   only    Loyolan   to 
find  the  range  as  he  tallied  17  points. 

Loyola  played  its  first  game  of  1957  on 
January  5  when  they  traveled  to  Mihvau- 
kee  Arena  and  defeated  Marquette  for  the 
first  of  the  two  wins  over  the  Warriors, 
71-69.  This  was  the  most  thrill-packed  game 
of  the  year  tip  to  this  point.  Loyola  led  by 
6  points  at  the  mtermission  biu  pulled 
out  to  a  14  point  margin  and  held  off  a 
late  Marquette  rally  to  win.  Paul  Sheedy's 
brilliant  floor-play  sparked  the  Rambler's 
eighth  ^vin. 

The  Wildcats  of  Kentucky  needed  a 
late  rally  and  tall  shooting  to  stop  the 
visiting  Ramblers  on  January  7.  Kentucky 
won,  81-62,  biU  needed  the  last  foiu'  min- 
utes of  the  battle  to  assure  their  victory. 
The  Maroon  and  (iold,  led  by  Krucker's 
20  points,  fought  Adolph  Rupp's  charges 
on  even  terms  throughout  most  of  the  con- 
test, tiring  only  in  the  closing  minutes. 

St.  Michael  of  Vermont  pro\ided  the 
next  home  court  victory  for  the  Ramblers 

I'aiil  Shccdv.  who  sparked  I.o\ola  \  ic- 
l(ir\  (>\cr  Mar(|iictlf  ill  Miluaiikco. 
dri\cs  ihc  Warriors'  Bol)  Wak/ak  as 
he   moves    in    Kj    score    another    basket. 

123    Hdgan 

Jolin    O'Kiini 

Bob   Varallo 
Senior  Alaiiaser 

as  they  succumbed  to  the  shooting  of  John 
O'Brien,  whose  sharp-shooting  broke  the 
game  open  and  spelled  victory  for  Loyola. 
In  a  close  battle.  Loyola  came  out  as  victor, 
86-75.  Jim  DeWulf  led  all  scores  with  20 
points.  With  the  Ramblers  leading  by  a 
slim  margin  of  one  point,  O'Brien  entered 
the  game  antl  connected  on  eight  shots  to 
seciue  the  home  team's  ninth  victory. 

The  Irish  of  Notre  Dame  won  the  first 
ol  t^vo  games  against  Loyola  in  a  game 
played  at  South  Bend.  Loyola  tallied  on 
almost  sixty  per  cent  of  its  shots  in  the 
first  half,  but  was  not  able  to  cope  with  the 
Irish  shooting  in  the  second  half.  The 
Maroon  and  (rold  fought  back  to  lie  the 
score  with  only  loin-  miniues  lo  play,  but 
Notre  Dame's  shooting  proved  the  differ- 
ence, do\\'ning  tlie  Randjlcrs.  ()()-7(i. 

Loyola  dealt  Washington  of  St.  Louis 
its  \vorst  defeat  in  five  years,  do^vning  the 
Bears  at  Alumni  Ciym,  69-50.  Paid  Sheedy 
played  brilliantly,  scoring  23  points. 

The  Oklahoma  A  &  M  game  was  the 

occasion  of  the  Randjler's  second  loss  in 
Chicago  Stadium.  Suffering  from  a  long 
rest,  the  Maroon  and  Ciold  had  trouble 
finding  the  range  and  fell  to  the  nation's 
top  defensive  team  by  a  68-58  score.  Sheedy 
again  topped  the  Loyola  scoring  with  14 

On  the  eastern  trip  Loyola  visited 
Providence  and  Bo^vling  Green.  The 
Friars  from  Rhode  Island  shocked  the 
visitors  witli  an  85-63  ilefeat.  Pro\idence 
shot  a  phenomenal  se\'enty-three  per  cent 
in  lire  second  half  and  ivas  never  serious- 
ly threatened.  Playing  two  days  later  on 
the  Falcon's  home  court,  the  Loyolans  ^sere 
the  victim  of  disputable  refereeing,  drop- 
ping an  83-75  decision.  This  was  another 
ol  the  Ramblers'  close  contests,  as  thev 
trailed  by  oidy  one  point  witli  t^\-o  and 
one-half  minutes  remaining.  But  the  Ohio- 
ans  capitalized  on  personal  fouls  to  hanil 
the  Ramblers  tlieir  third  consectitive  de- 

Back  home,  Loyola  dropped  its  next 
iwo  games  in  the  Stadium,  losing  to  Notre 

Dame  and  Kcnlucky  on  successive  week- 
ends. Coach  Ireland's  live  liii  iis  lowest 
ebl)  oi  the  season  in  these  conlesis.  and  ii 
appealed  dial  ihe  Maroon  and  (.old  were 
headed  lor  a  losiiij^  season,  ha\  int;  lost  li\e 
games  in  succession  and  spliuing  e\en  in 
twenty  conlesis.  This  leil  only  lour  panics 
to  l)e  played. 

Ihe  Omaha  game  proved  lo  l^e  ihe 
lurning  point  as  llic  Maroon  and  ( .old  con 
liiiued  ils  winning  manner  on  ihe  home 
court  and  returned  lo  ihe  winning  side  ol 
the  margin,  soundly  whipping  ilie  Indians. 
91-69.  Al  Norville  pro\ed  liimsell  un- 
stoppable as  he  scored  22  points.  From 
this    point    on,    the    Ramblers     \vere     un- 

l>ealable,    defealing     Mar(|ueiie.     W'esiein 
.Michigan,  and  John  Ciarroll.  in  iliat  oidei. 

I,o)ola,  playing  ils  sixth  and  iinal  game 
in  the  .Stadimn.  imiied  in  its  best  showing 
ol  the  year  in  die  most  exciting  contest  ol 
the  season  ai  (lliuago  .Stadium,  as  iliey 
came  Irom  behind  an  ele\en  |)oim  de- 
licil  al  hall  lime  lo  edge  Mari|iKiie  in  an 
o\eriime  contest,  .SI-7!'.  .\oi\ille  and 
Krucker  led  the  comebatk.  bm  ii  was  Ron 
lieals  who  tossed  in  the  winning  baskei. 
Ibis  \sas  ihe  Ramblers  second  \i(ioi\  (j| 
the  season  o\er  Mar(|ueiie. 

Ihe  Iinal  irip  ol  ihe  campaign  was  to 
Kalamazoo,   where   L(j)ola  deleaied    W'esi- 

lipping  IkiII   lo    \rl    \l(/ici    is  Jim   DrWiill   Ms  sc 

lijjIU    lull    InsI    ill   (JMsill"    llliimU'S  ol    ijIun.    NoU-    ill' 

il   IkiII   .iI   |iI,i\   hcniiis  in  ihe  iiallk-  :il   kciuii(k\.  Riinihlcis  |iiii  ii|i  pull 
.ir  ;il   li:illliinr  on   s,  oiclioai  il.   R;n.ilikrs   iiiiilol   li\    onK    six  poiius. 

Ron    Beals   loses    this    tussle   for   a    rebound   in 

Marquette  contest  at  Stadium.  Battling  for  ball 
is  Warriors'  Jim  McCoy.  Bob  VValczak  (23)  and 
Jim  DeWidf  (9)  watch  the  action.  Beals  scored 
the  Ija.sket  that  ga\c  the  Ramblers  an  overtime 
victory.    81-79. 

Jim  DeWulf  descends  with  reliound  in  game 
against  Drake  at  Des  Moines.  The  Ramblers 
dropped  this  contest  to  Drake,  losing  in  the  last 
minute  of  plav.  78-71. 

Al    Nun  ilk-    swoops   (liAvn    on    ll 
hall    like    .ui    eagle    alur    lus    pre 
against    I'rovideiue.    (.apiiiL>    in 
Frank  Hogan    (8)  and   Ihrcc   I'ro 

<■  loose  liaskcl- 
\  in  Ihr  game 
ama/tiiKnt  are 
idciuc   plavers. 

eni  Micliigan,  88-66.  rhi.s  was  ihe  first  de- 
Icat  for  the  Broncos  as  a  University.  Paul 
Kruckcr's  26  points  kept  the  Maroon  and 
(iold  ill  Iront  the  entire  game. 

Alinnni  Crynmasiiiin  was  the  scene  of 
ilic  season's  finale.  Loyola  set  a  ne^v  all- 
iinie  scoring  record,  crushing  the  \'isitors 
horn  John  Carroll  by  a  106-80  score.  The 
Blue  Streaks  were  ne\er  in  the  contest  as 
Jim  DeWulf  scored  20  points  and  grabbed 
as  many  rebounds  in  ihe  lop-sided  victory. 
DeWulf  also  tied  the  record  for  free  thro^ss 
in  one  game.  Krucker  played  his  last  game 
lor    Loyola   and    linislied    \viih    27    points. 

The  final  statistics  sho^vetl  that  Lo\'ola 
scored  a  total  of  1788  points  for  74.5  a\er- 
age  in  24  contests,  while  their  opponents 
a\'eraged  73.4  points.  Paid  Krucker.  Capt- 
ain and  winner  ol  the  lirst  Lo\()la  News 
Outslanding  lMa)cr  .A^vard,  ^\■as  the  top 
scorer  as  he  netted  377  points  ior  a   15.7 

average.  His  83.5  percenlage  liom  ilic  Iree 
throw  line  topped  Loyola  and  was  among 
the  Lops  in  the  nation. 

rhe  team  finished  the  season  in  a  win 
ning  manner,  giving  Loyola  its  best  record 
in  live  years.  For  this  reason,  the  1956  57 
season  is  one  that  will  I)e  remembered  in 
liitinx'  years.  The  leam  exhibited  true  Loy- 
ola spirit  and  worked  hard  to  put  Loyola 
back  among  the  loj;  learns  in   the  nation. 

^  vaxiitij  ^aozsihoaza 

Loyola  77  _    _        Ripon  58 

Loyola  94 North  Dakota  State  61 

Loyola  88 Kalamazoo  57 

Loyola  48 -San  Francisco  67 

Loyola  76 Santa  Clara  67 

Loyola  72 Los  .\ngeles  State  58 

Loyola  89 N.   Dakota   Univ.  72 











W'csiern  Mk  hi 












86       _ 

St.  Michael 



76       ._ 

Notre  Dame 








Oklahoma  .\  ^c 





Pro\  idence 



7  5 

liowling  C.reen 




-    Noire  Dame 




_    KeniiKky 

1  15 


'.)!  ___ 




81    .__ 





Western  Michigan 




John  Carroll 




Won    11   —  Lost 


In  .1  iiuul  Mi.niililc  (or  ihc  hiisk.tli.ill.  uliidi  refilled  ii 
I'rovicleiite  players  for  posscssidii  ol  tin-  s|>lnri'.  I  his  \\ 
and  it  resulted  in  a  loss  for  the  Nisiiors,  js  l'i(i\  idrnic  ii 
awav  to  an  easy  win. 

IMrnp  l)all.  An  Mc/ici  ,ind  jiiii  DtWUli  lontcsi  three 
llic  lirsi  name  cm  tin  eavleni  trip  for  tlie  R.Miilileis. 
ed    in    M.ine   disss    shoolinf.    in    the   se<<.rul    half    t<j    pnll 


Jki±    ^L/Eaz  1    \jioih 

Lcjyola's  freshman  basketball  team  fin- 
ished its  First  season  under  the  direction  ol 
Coach  Bill  Shay  with  a  record  of  1  ?>  wins 
and   2   losses. 

1  he  freshman  sc|iiad,  playing  most  ol 
its  games  on  a  double-header  program  with 
the  varsity  in  the  Alumni  Ciymnasiiim, 
were  defeated  only  by  the  Chicago  Comets 
and  the  Valparaiso  freshman  team. 

Opening  the  campaign  on  October  25 
with  a  48-44  victory  over  Crane  Junior  Col- 
lege, the  freshman  team  continued  to  ^vin 
consistently.  They  won  their  fiist  five 
games  before  being  defeated  by  the  Comets 
on    the    Rambler   home    floor.    They    put 

together  t^vo  four-game  ^vinning  strings 
ivliich  were  interrupted  only  by  a  3  point 
loss  to  the  Valparaiso  frosh.  giving  them 
eight  ^vins  in  their  last  nine  games.  1  hey 
swe]:)t  home-and-home  series  with  Crane, 
Fifih.  .\rmy.  (.real  Lakes  \a\al  Hospital, 
and   Thornton  Jiniior  College. 

throughout  the  year  the  freshmen  had 
a  balanced  scoring  attack  ^vith  six  play- 
ers securing  o\er  UK)  points  apiece.  Center 
Jim  (iorman  led  the  team  ■^vith  a  14.5 
a\erage.  He  ^vas  follo\s'ed  by  Tom  O'Con- 
nor, who  had  a  11.2  average.  The  other 
leading  scf)rers  were  guard  Ron  Sch^vingen, 
with  a    10.2  a\erage;   forward   Bob   Muel- 

Frestiman  Ijasketball  team  includes:  (Hack  Row)  rcii  Willi, iitis.  f.reg  (irifliii.  [iiii  (ioiiiian.  Bi>b 
Mueller.  Mike  McCann.  and  Coach  15ill  Sluiv.  (Fioiil  Row)  Ron  Sihuinsc-n,  Al  DcncnhcTa;.  Bill 
Dousflicitv,  Va\  Ahern.  and  Tom  0'C;onn(ii. 

ler,  9.1;  I'orward-cenicr  Circg  (iriflin,  8.S; 
and  guard  Ed  Ahcrn,  8.2.  Hill  Doughcny, 
Al  Denenbcrg.  \\'illi;niis,  and  Mike 
McCann  rounded  out  ihc  remainder  ol 
the  scoring. 

Loyola  scored  a  lolal  ol  1  M).'!  |joinLs  lor 
a  73.5  average  per  game.  The  opposiiion 
was  able  to  score  only  79  J  pf)inls  in  ihe 
15  contests  lot  a  low  5L'.'.)  a\erage  per 
game.  Indi\  idually,  Ron  .Schwingen  was 
ihe  most  elleclive  player  Irom  the  liee 
throw  line  as  he  scored  on  27  lee  throws  in 
37  attempts  for  a  73.0  percentage. 

In  the  1957-58  season  we  can  look 
forward  to  seeing  some  ol  these  jjlayers 
take  ()\er  starting  Ijcrlhs  on  the  \'arsity 

(.ixg  (hiffin  scores  on  :i  tip-in  in  the  game  play- 
ed ;ig.iitisi  lilt  (;lii<af;()  (Cornels  at  llic  .Miinini 
(.Mil.  WaKliinj;  .Kiiiin  is  |iiii  (.oniiaii.  lop  scorer 
ol    Ihc-   liosh    Siiiiail    ihis   M-ason. 

FRESHM.\N  TK.VM    I'.),")*, 


Loyola  18  (janc  |uiiioi  (iollcgc  II 
r,o\ola  84  riioi  111(111    |iiiiior  C4>llegC'  51 

Loyola  86         Cireat  Lakes  Naval  Hosp.  ,")() 
Filth  .\rniy  .'11 

CaaiiL-    |unioi    (ajlkj^c         80 
Chicago  Comets  bb 

Cxjok  County  Hospital       o9 
Glenxiew   \a\al  bb 

Loyola  79  (ireat  Lake's  Xa\al  Hosp.  5(i 
Loyola  8(i  'Lhoniton  Junior  College  bb 
Loyola  1)2         \'a!|)araiso    Fiosh  (i,") 

Loyola  79  Wluaton    Fiosh  (i(i 

Loyola   71  Lake   Forest    I'"rosli  5,'! 

Loyola   71  Filth  .\iiiiy  5.'i 

Loyola  (i2         Valparaiso    Frosh  .■)8 

Lovola  9^5 

Loyola  90 

Loyola  15 

Loyola  55 

Lovola  89 

Until  Orillin  aiul  (  iohi  in  -iranililc  lor 
li.ill  oil  alUiii|acil  sliol  l)\  (oiiicl  phivcr.  Ihc 
Coiiuls  (Ic.ill  ihc  Irosh  one  of  ihcir  Iwo  losses 
ill   tittccii  (.onlesls. 

Pete    W'M 

Bob  Saddler 


The  Loyola  Hack  team  Ijcgan  its  sea- 
son in  early  Octc^bcr  ^vith  the  cioss-coiin- 
11)  sciiiad  conipeiing  in  se\en  meets,  win- 
ning four  and  losing  three.  The  Harriers 
opened  the  season  with  a  defeat  at  the  hands 
ol  Wheaton  in  a  meet  held  at  W'heaton. 
Lou  Kujawinski.  A\ho  look  louith  place, 
^vas  the  leadnig  Randjler  in  the  meet  as 
Loyola  dropped  a  21-34  decision.  Bob  Sad- 
dler and  Roy  Horton  took  Fifth  and  sixtji 
place  \vhile  Pat  Hiidgin  and  Brian  Shutts 
\\ere  finishing  ninth  and  lentli. 

Lhe  following  weekentl  the  Maroon 
and  Ciold  ran  up  a  double  victory  over 
Chicago  University  and  Michigan  Normal. 
In  the  latter  meet  Kujawinski.  Saddler,  and 
Horton  finished  first,  second,  and  third. 

Following  the  Chicago  meet  the  Har- 
riers deleated  Wayne  l'ni\ersily  in  a  course 
rtni  at  Montrose  Beach.    Tliis  was  the  third 

consecuiixe  victory  lor  Loyola  and  came 
on  an  almost  perfect  score  of  16-43.  The 
top  runner  in  this  race  was  again  Kuja^vin- 
ski.  Saddler.  Shutts.  and  Hudgin  finished 
second,  third,  and  fourth. 

On  October  27  the  team  tra\eled  to 
Notre  Dame  for  a  cjuadrangular  meet  in 
which  Loyola  lost  tire  first  meet  to  the 
Irish  by  a  18-43  score.  .Against  Central 
Michigan  in  the  same  meet,  the  Ramblers 
\\'ere  edged  by  three  points,  26-29,  But  the 
Harriers  bounced  back  ^\'ith  a  Aictory  over 
Bo^siing  Green,  s\\'ainping  the  opposition 
by  an  almost  perfect  score  of  16-39.  Kuja- 
winski again  was  the  indi\'idual  star  for 
Lo)()la  as  he  grabbed  first  place  imcontest- 
ed  in  a  21:01  lime,  .\gainst  Central  Michi- 
gan  Kuja\vinski  linishetl  second. 

In  the  linal  meet  of  the  season  oir  No- 
\  ember  3.   Lovola  finished  in  third  place 

in  the  Illinois  Sialc  ,\Icc(.  1  lie  Harriers 
linishcd     Ijchind     W'hcaloii     and     Illinois 

Normal  Inn  brsicd  li\c-  ol  ilic  oilu-r  siacii 
icanis  in  die  meel.  Kujawinski  look  lop 
honors  lor  (loath   W'eiland's  team. 

i  he  indoor  Hack  season  henan  on 
Decendjer  29  willi  die  Cdiieano  Imilalional 
Meel.  Mike  liurke  look  second  place  in 
the  440  yard  dash.  Dick  Lahari  linished  see 
Olid  in  ihe  .22(1  yard  dash  and  Kujawinski 
look  ihird  [josiiion  in  ihe  mile  race.  .Sad 
dler.  one  ol  ihe  hcsl  hall-mileis  in  die  Mid- 
W'csi.  took  second  |dace  in  dic'  SSO  \ciid  run. 
Don  (iiiliilh  won  diree  medals  in  dn' 
hurdles,  iwo  in  the  Highs  and  one  in  llie 

I  he    lii<^li!is^li(s    ol    ihe    indoor   season 

Avere  ihe  two  records  which  die  midle  rela)' 
leam  sei  in  ilie  Michr^aii  Stale  Rela\s  and 
I  lie  Mic:lii,!.;aii  \  \l  meel.  i  he  relay  leam. 
composed  ol  l.ahail.  i'dirke.  Wall,  and  .Sad- 
dler, iinisiic-d  wiih  a  clocking;  ol  ."i:2  1.."i  ai 
I'.asi  I.aiisiiiL;  and  li,llo\^ed  ihis  wiih  a 
."):2I.I)  al  \nn  Aihoi.  lioih  ol  iliese  limes 
are   records   lor   iheii    respecii\e   meels. 

Kii j.iwinski  look  lirsi  place  in  ilie  I  ni- 
\crsiiy  ol  (IhicaLio  I  lack  (Ihih  meci.  i  iin- 
ning  the  ;\vo  ndle  race  in  an  extremely 
l.isi  '.1:27. ().  I  his  was  ihe  hesl  lime  c-siah- 
lislud  \)\  a  i.oNolan  in  ihis  e\enl  in  ihe 
pasi  lour  }e:irs.  In  ihe  ^anie  meel  die  mile 
relay  leant  look  anolher  liisi  place. 

In  a  meel  al  \(<ire  Dame.  Mike  lUnke 
injuitd  his  ankle  and  was  out   die  remain- 

^z^ynd  dzoii   Counhii 

I  ui.  Mill    \<v\.i)    Icaiii:   l.oii   kii  |,iu  liiski.  Txili  Sjddkr.  liii.iii  Slums,  Mike  I'.iiikt 

der  of  the  season.  The  loss  of  Burke,  the 
best  440  yard  man  on.  i!ic  team,  cut  short 
the  winnings  of  the  mile  relay  team. 

The  track  team  ended  the  indoor  sea- 
son on  March  23  in  the  Central  A.4U  meet. 
Kuja^vinski  again  proved  his  versatility  by 
winning  the  100(1  yard  race  in  2:16.5. 
Shtitts  finished  behind  Kiijawinski  in  that 
same  race. 

Loyola  opened  the  otitdoor  track  sea- 

son on  April  1 3  in  a  nreet  against  Bradley 
University  in  Peoria.  This  meet  was  fol- 
lo^ved  by  the  Kansas  Relays  the  follo^ving 
^veekend  and  the  Drake  Relays  on  April 
27.  The  next  three  meets  consisted  of  the 
triangular  meet  \vith  Drake  and  Bradley  at 
Peoria,  the  Elmhurst  Relays  at  Elmhurst, 
and  a  triangular  meet  ^vith  Northern  Ill- 
inois and  DeKalb  at  DeKalb  on  May  17. 
The  season  closed  on  May  24  ^vith  the 
Central  Collegiate  Meet  at  Mihvaukee. 

Tii|)    Row:     I'eriv    Xdsck.     Idiiv    Ix-iKirt.    I'al    Hiuloin.    (:haile\    \voaiUa>..    and    I.ei)    \\  illiaiiiMin. 
Biittdni   R(m:   Nmiii  Slnwikouski,  R<>\   HoiKm.   lidl)   l',n\  k-.  ami   Tatk   kile\. 


Ilii.Mi  Shuns  lUli)  siKccssrnlK  p.isMs 
h.llcill  lo  loll  Kll|.iu  iliski.  illllill};  lilirl 
.11  (  hicaf^d  I  niMiMl\  I  iclillu.iisc 
Shiiiis  aiul  Kiijawiuski  | 
liaiills  lor  Coaih  \\c-il.iiul\  Iwo  mile 
ivhi\    H'aiii. 

Don  (.rillilh  k-ads  across  llic  lumllc: 
(liniii;4  |>i:iiliii-  sissioii  al  (iliicago  .\vr.i- 
or\.  (.lillitli,  a  sophomore,  was  iho 
oiih     liiiidki    on    Ihc    trark    team. 


John  Stokes,  a  junior,  was  Loyola's  second  high- 
est scorer,  Stokes,  shown  here  preparing  to  hit 
the  water,  was  the  top  freestyler  on  the  team 
wliiili   won   ri\e  iiitcis  lliis  .season. 

<cz>vjunniincj    f^ani 

Loyola's  swimming  team  lost  their  last 
four  meets  of  the  season  to  finish  with  a 
leather  dismal  record  of  5  wins  and  10  losses. 
This  marked  the  first  losing  season  for 
Coach  Don  Chalmers  in  his  eight  years  as 
coach  here  at  Loyola. 

E\'en  with  this  year's  poor  record  Coach 
Chalmers'  tankmen  have  racked  up  36  ^vins 
and  20  losses  o\'er  the  last  four  years. 

The  acjuamcn  ^v()n  the  first  meet  of 
the  season  against  Marian  College.  75-7.  but 
the  closest  they  approached  the  .500  mark 
from  this  point  on  was  a  record  of  5  wins 
and  6  losses.  This  last  victory  was  accomp- 
lislied    in    a   meet   with   George   Williams 

.Mike    rr.uitis,    a    Ireshnian    from  tenwick    High, 

also  shows  great  jiromisc  for  the  future,  I-rancis 

is    a    specialist    in     tlie    ."id    \ar(l  and     10(1    \ard 

di\c  is  freshman,  C'.huck 
er  on  the  team.  Thomp- 
njurx  miivi  of  the  season 
icic  in  the  latter  part  o£ 

l)i;n  \e\ciki.  one  ol  llu-  swinnning  team's  two 
seniors,  linishcd  i  Use  to  the  top  in  scoring  and 
bolstered  the  earU  in  llie  season,  com- 
peting in   the  "110  \ard   li.Kkvlroke. 

College,  in  wliicli  Loyola  ouslud  llic  \  isi- 
lors,  58-17. 

1  he  j)ros|)e(is  lor  iiexi  season  look 
brighi,  with  niosi  ol  ilic  team  reluming. 
Only  Don  Veveika,  I'.oh  Walsh,  and  Huh 
Bobowski,  will  be  losl  by  gradualion.  Tony 
Kieller,  this  year's  leading  scorer,  will  be 
returning  along  u'ith  sophomore  John 
Stokes,  the  ninnber  two  scorer.  In  addition 
to  ihese  top  scorers  Chalmers  will  ha\e 
more  than  hall  this  year's  scjuad  returning, 
mosi  ol  which  aie  freshmen.  Ray  Van  De 
W'alle.  a  jtniior  and  third  highest  scorer, 
went  to  the  National  Finals  iir  North  Caro- 
lina this  year  and  will  be  the  only  senior 
on  next   year's  s(|uad. 

K.i\    \,i;i   l)i-  W-.iUv    (<i.h\i  (  IkiIidcis'  K.p  l,r.;[sl- 

siKikii.    wjs   ;i    hrijilii    liglii    in    a    ratlu-r  ilisiii:il 

si;is..ii    l(.r    llic  suiiiiiniiii^    IcMiii.    \:im    1)c  W^illc. 

J    luiiii.r,   uci',1    III   llic-   N.ilidiial    tiiiaK  in  Xc.illi 

(   JlolilliL 

Boh,  :i  Ik- 
ISiclinuki,  who  mi  i 
sliow.s  greal  |)iiiiiiiM 
CI li aimer's  A(iiiaincn 

,  is  a  liip  hac  ksiKikcr. 
,  al  li.vnia  Xcadenu. 
ihc    liiluu'    (il    Ci.iach 

I'lailiMiig  in  llic  |"»il  arc  Ra\  \  an  IV  Walk' 
and  ron\  Kicllcr.  Riclfci,  tliough  imh  a  Ircsli- 
nian,  was  the  team's  leading  scorer  this  seasLKi, 
swimming  the  Butterfly  and   the   Breastroke. 

J^oijoLa  1  jDocirLina   ^Jsani 

Loyola's  bowling  leaiii  rolled  in  their 
second  conseciuive  Midwest  Intercollegiate 
Bowling  Clonlerence  championship  in 
1957.  By  finishing  first  in  league  competi- 
tion and  by  placing  lirst  in  the  post-sea- 
son tomnament  the  Loyola  keglers  capt- 
ured numerous  trophies  in  competition 
agaiirsi  such  schools  as  Notre  Dame.  De- 
Paul.  St.   )oseph.  and  Valparaiso. 

The  linal  ]M'ooI  ol  Loyola's  supremacy 
came  on  April  7  \\hen  the  Ramblers  look 
all    honors     at     the     M.LB.C.     j)ost-season 

tournament     held    at    Marigold     Bowling 

1  he  individual  leader  of  Coach  Charley 
Cireenstein's  sciuad  was  Captain  John  Arm- 
on.  whose  193  average  topped  the  league 
lor  the  second  consecuti\e  year.  Jim  Jack- 
son's 1926  pin  five  game  series  was  high 
for  the  tournament,  and  Deniris  Suder's 
1055  series  topped  the  league  for  the  en- 
tire seasoir  Other  members  of  the  Lovola 
team  included  Paul  Kre\\"er.  |im  Stephan- 
sen,  and  l^arl  ('ro\edi. 




Loyola  had  a  young  and  cniiicly  new 
team  representing  the  scliool  in  this  year's 
scries  ol  goll  matches.  1  wo  iriangidar 
matches,  a  single  meet,  and  ihe  Cihitago 
Collegiate  Championship  meet  comprised 
the  schedule  whicii  began   April    !;'>. 

The  season  ^vas  higidighied  b)  matches 
with  the  University  ol  Chicago,  Valparaiso 
University,  and  Western  Michigan  Uni- 
versity. Chicago  and  I.I.T.  opened  the 
schedule  in  a  triangular  meet  at  Dyer. 
Indiana.  Loyola  played  Valparaiso  and 
Western  Michigan  at  LaPorte,  Indiana  on 
April  '11. 

llie  oilier  mauh  was  a  singular  meet 

jjlayed  al  While  Pines  on  Ma\  I  1  agaiiisi 
ihe  L'nixersily  ol  Illinois  at  Chicag(j.  1  lie 
annual  Ciiicago  Collegiate  Cioll  Champion- 
siiij:),  which  Loyola  initiated  in  1949.  was 
condticted  by  Loyola  this  year  on  .May  17 
al  Mount  Prospect  Country  Club  in 
Mount  Prospect,  Illinois. 

Ihe  learn,  composed  (jl  all  new  mem- 
bers, was  led  b)  .Mall,  Dave  Fitz- 
gerald. Peter  Wagner.  Ray  Stopa,  Kip 
■Anderson,  Bob  Marlin,  and  Steve  Ryan. 
Willi  no  returning  leltermen  Irom  the  pre- 
\  ious  year,  Rev.  Clelus  Hartmann,  S.  J., 
goH  coach,  did  nol  expect  too  much  from 
this  year's  team  but  holds  high  hopes  ior 
ihe  luttire. 

Sli'vc    Rvaii    Unisons    up   taih    for    the 
1957    golf    season.    "Follow    llirough!" 









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'I  he  t;iil"s  inliaiiiuiiil  schedule  ^nis  llie  hisses  un  <i|i|:ii)i  liiiiil\  to  tleinciustnue  llicir  natural  gift: 
on  the  hauluood  Ihioi.  In  this  puliiie.  Rita  Hoian  |)i\ots  with  llie  hall  while  the  defense 
Lniille  reiiana,  June  Kenneih     |osn   Wall  and    loni  Shea,  sag  aioiuid  her. 

_//2£    \7Enii    ^yVoxkoid 

Women's  intraimirals  began  some  fi\'c 
years  ago.  Since  that  time  it  has  expanded 
to  a  Wednesday  nighi  allair  e\ery  week  at 
Alumni  Gynniasium. 

Recogni/ins;  that  |)hysical  de\elopment 
is  an  integral  part  oia  well-balanced  system 
ol  education,  and  iIku  participation  in 
athletics  is  essential  to  physical  and  moral 
training,  the  board  initiated  a  constitution 
provided  for  a  consistent  program.  Miss 
Betty  Begg,  School  of  Social  Work,  was 
appointed  Director  of  llie  Board.  A  sec- 
retary, a  pidjlicil)   chairman,  and  a  merit 

point  chairman  ^vere  also  included  in  this 

loiu-naments  this  year  included  bas- 
ketball, voUevball.  ping  pong,  and  badmin- 
ton. The  high  point  of  the  season  was  the 
annual  round  robin  volleyball  tournament, 
in  which  tlie  Loyola  coeds,  in  c(Mnpetition 
^vitli  three  other  schools,  took  second  place. 

Each  )ear  the  coeds  arc  gi\en  a  budget 
which  is  used  to  ]nnchase  trophies,  medals, 
and  key  awards,  all  of  which  are  presented 
at  the  annual  hiiramural  Award  Xiohi, 

W'liiil    :i|j|)C';its    Ici    In-    :i    l>:ilU-l    (hi 
iirk-In     iIic    j^irls    liciuK     orin:iKi( 


Lucille     Kiana,     li.cs      llic      line      and 


hvc     llmiu      Uiuanls     lh< 

I  lie  hall  i 
Bui  whaK 

l)nl   Ih 

,.CS   U|)    I 

uiM  come  (liiwn. 

I.arry  Youhn  of  the  Rockets  bright) 
Jtlcnipts  to  block  a  shot  of  an  LI 
|)layer  in  annual  All-Star  game.  At- 
teni|.ting  to  a\ert  a  foul  is  Larrv  Dil- 
lon of  Dorm  A  (at  left)  .  Others  in 
photo  are  Bob  Kapolnek  of  the  Maul- 
ers. Tom  Kellv  of  Delta  .Sigma  I'i  and 
Kcl  Gol)bv  of  I5\'Ds.  Triumph  for  Lake 
Shore  Campus  marked  fifth  victory  in 
the   series   uhich   began   six   years   ago. 

Action  during  Rocket-Dorm  A  Intra- 
mural basketball  game  plaved  at  .\lum- 
ni  Gymnasiiun.  Mike  Harvev  (left,  in 
light  jersey)  moves  in  to  tap  in  re- 
bound on  attempted  shot  by  Lam 
Vouhn  (foregroimd)  of  Rockets.  Gett- 
nig  set  for  rebound  for  Dorm  .\  are 
Ste\e  Stefan,  Fred  Haas,  and  Larrv 
Dilion.  Rockets  defeated  Dorm  A  in 
this  contest  and  also  downed  the  Dorm 
team  in  the  final  playoff  game  to  win 
tlieir  sixth  consecutive  intramural  title. 

\liiiiu  ici  score  a  basket  for  the  Lewis 
li.ueiv  Ml  stars  is  Bill  Rogan  of  the 
\:it;eK,  Attinipting  t(]  block  shot  are 
John  Sciitt\  of  Pi  .Alplia  Lambda  and 
Mike  Harvev  of  the  Rockets.  Watch- 
ing action  is  Bob  Kapolnek  of  i'.iL' 
Maulers  and  Bob  Buckley  of  the  B\'Ds. 
Lake  Shore  Campus  .\1I-Stars  defeat- 
i'(i  the  Lewis  Towers  stars.  59-49.  to 
|)ost  the  fourth  consecutive  victorv. 

(  amera  stops  the  action  as  Jim  Mc- 
Sween  of  the  Rockets  attempts  a  frtv 
throw.  Lined  up  for  rebound  inider 
basket  are  Bob  Marlin  (11)  of  the 
Rockets  and  Fred  Haas  (10)  of  Dorm 
A.  Referee  in  photo  is  Al  Bellini. 
Rmkcts  ami  Dorm  A  competed  in  the 
liult  penilt'iit  League. 

^aA    (].   ^1i 


Along  wilh  every  oLher  phase  ol  I,o) 
ola,  the  inlrainural  syslein  has  leh  ihc 
growing  pains  ol  an  expanding;  insi  ii  iii  ion. 
The  Intramural  Boanl  has  iiici  ihis  nceil 
lor  expansion  by  increasing  ihc  inirauunal 
acti\ities  at  Lf)vola. 

The  inlicUtun'al  program  al  Lake  Slioie 
Campus  opens  ^vitli  basketball  in  ihe  lall 
and  terminates  with  solibal!  the  lollowing 
spring.  Handball,  track,  and  s^vimming  lill 
in  the  remainder  ol  the  jjrogram.  The 
Freshman  Leagtie,  Independent  League. 
and  Fraternity  League  comliined  lor  a 
record  of  IS  teams  in  competition,  ihe 
top  two  teams  of  each  league  played  in  ihe 
playoffs  with  the  Rockets  emerging  as 
champions  lor  the  sixth  consecuti\e  \e;ii. 

^\'inners  ol  the  three  leagues  were  Hamms. 
Rockets,  and  Pi  ,\lpha  Landjda. 

Ihe  entire  inirannnal  program  is  based 
on  a  s\stem  ol  |)oints.  with  the  organi/alion 
that  linishes  the  \eai  wilh  the  laigest  nimi- 
ber  ol  ]K)ints  benig  declared  the  swee]j- 
stakes  winnei.  I  his  spring  saw  the  close 
ol  the  sexeiith  annual  sweepstakes,  wilh 
Alpha  Delt.i  (.;imnia  having  won  loui 

.Vt  Lewis  1  oweis  pat  tic  i|jation  lecoids 
were  brcjken  in  e\eiy  tournament.  .Some 
li5  tournaments  \vere  held  which  included 
horseshoes,  table  tennis,  xollevball.  loot- 
ball,  accuracy  thiow.  turke\  tiot,  checkers, 
badminton,  chess,  table  teiniis,  softball,  and 
basketball.  .\  record  of  16  teams  were  en- 
tered in  the  basketball  tournament. 

nick  lolcN.  K(iiii<ck.  Bill  IVilirscn.  ami  Joe  Rite  cdiiiprisc  ll)c  lake  Shore  (:ain|)iis  lii- 
Li'.muiial  15uaiil.  I  liis  gr(m|j  liamlks  ihi-  ((inipkx  iiiivaimiral  s\slcm.  All  s<  lncliiliiii;  aiid  pni- 
vi.'iions  for  ()fficiatiiif>;  tillers  tliruiij^li  llie  hands  (it  lliesc  men.  Perhaps,  the  f^ie.iKsl  lask  cil  ihe 
Intramural  lioard  is  ihe  tondutlint;  ul  ihe  .Liuuial  Sweepstakes,  the  i;ni\ersil\  s  \eisiiiii  (if  the 
OI\nipic  games. 

cJ^nl  cM^is:    -/fbicUi    Jlis:  .  .  . 


EnA  Of  ^/r  JVoi,^ 

^£.niox  c^atiuitiE± 



Loyola  University  Radio  Club  3.4;  Gold  Torch  1.2; 
Wasmann  Biological  .Society  2;  Hiiinan  Relation  Clnb 
3,4;   Tau   Delta   Phi   2.3,4.  ' 


Historical  .Society  1,2,3,4;  Sodalit\;  Yearbook   1. 


.Sigma  Pi  Alpha  2,3.4;  Historian  3.4;  .Sodality  3.4; 
Historical  Society  3,4;   Htmian   Relations  Club  3.4. 

GENE    \.    AMOROSO 

Intramurals   2,3.4;    P.sycholog\    Research    Society    4. 

JOHN    W.    BARON 

Wasmann   14iological   .Society 

JUl.I A    l'.\  I  RICl A    BELL 

kappa  Beta  Gamma  2.3.4;  Historian  4;  Historical 
.Society   2;    Fellowship   Club   2;    C;o-ed    Club    1. 


Alpha  Kappa  Psi  1,2,3,4;  Vice-president  3:  D.D.  Social 
Athletic  Club  1.2;  President  2;  Loyola  Historical  So- 
ciety 3,4;  Sociological  Society  4;  Psychological  Society 
4;   .Student   Intramurals    1,2,3,4. 


Intrairuirals   2,3.4. 


Radio  C:lub  3.4;  Gold  lorch  Club  1.2;  Sodality  3.4: 
Loyola  News  4;  Psychological  Research  Society  4; 
Fellowship  Club  2. 

SARA    M.    BLOUN  I' 

Cadence  1;  Choral  Sinicl\  1;  Historiial  Socielv  2.3.4; 
Co-ed  Club  1,2,3,4;  Eduiation  Soiietv  4;  Co-director 
Junior  Advisory  Board  3;  .Member  President's  Ad- 
visory  Board   1;   Yearbook   4. 

JO.\N    M.    BORER 

Historical  .Society  1.2;  I  beta  Phi  Al|>ha  1.2,3,4;  .So- 
dality   1,2,3;    \ariet\    Show    2. 


Pi  Alpha  Lambda  2.3,4;  PIcdgemaster  1;  Blue  Rev 
3,4;  ,\rts  Council  3,4;  Secretary-Treasurer  3;  Maroon 
and  Gold  1,2,3;  Co  Chairman  3;  Gold  Torch  1,2.3.4: 
Intramurals   1.2,3,4. 



Historical  C()ntest-2nd  place  3;  Joseph  Conroy  Eng- 
lish C'ontest  Winner  2;  Intra-collegiate  English  Con- 
tcst-4th    place    2:    lulernunals 



Pi  Alpha  Lambda  3.4;  \ariclv  Show  3;  Maroon  and 
Gold  4;   Intramurals   3.1;    Ps\(hologv   4. 


Sodality  1,2.3.4;  Wasmann  Biological  Sociel;  1.3.4; 
Choral   Society    1. 


Maroon    and   (.old    3:    Yearbook   4;    I.ovola    Fair  4. 


Tau  Kappa  Epsilon  4;  University  Club  1,2,3;  Loyola 
News  1,2,3;  Managing  Editor  3;  Curtain  Guild  I; 
Choral  Society  2;  Fine  Arts  Club  3,4;  Union  Con- 
gress 4. 


.SodalitN   3.4;  Latin  Club  2,3.4. 

RONALD    A.    C:.\RR 

Sodalit\  1.2.3,4;  Historical  Societv  1,3:  Maroon  and 
Gold   .3;    Gold   Torch    1,2. 


Kappa  Beta  Gamma  2,3.4;  Rushing  Chairman  3:  Co- 
ed Club  1,3,4;  Historical  Society  1;  Fine  .Arts  Club 
3,4;  Human  Relations  Club  4:  \arietv  Show  4. 


Theta  Phi  Alpha  2.3.4;  Co-ed  Clulj  1.2.3;  Y'ice-presi- 
dent  2;   Maroon  and  Gold  3;  Sophomore  Council. 


Loyola  News  1,2;  Loyola  Union  3;  Inter-Fraternitv 
Council  3;  Maroon  and  Gold  3:  Tau  Kappa  Epsilon 
1,2,3,4:  Social  Chairman  2;  Pledgemaster  3;  Treasurer 


Historical  Society  3;  Fine  .Arts  Club  3,4;  Spanish  Club 
3;  Psychological  Research  .Society  4;  Human  Relations 
Club    4. 


.Sodality;  C:o-ed  Clidj;  Historical  So- 
ciety 2;   Education  .Society  4. 

rk;hard  j.  ciebien 

Wasmann   Biological   Societv    4;   Maroon   and   Gold   3. 


Wasmann  Biological  Societv  4:  President  4:  Maroon 
and  Gold  3,4;  Sodality  4;  Senior  Representati\e  of 
.Science   Committee  of '  N.F.C.C.S.   4. 


Co-ed  Club  3,4:  Curtain  Guild  4;  Historical  Societv 
3;   .Sodality   3,4:   Fine  Arts  Clidi   4:    Intramurals  3. 


Historical  Society  4;  Human  Relations  Chd)  4. 

DIANE   K.  C:/ELl  SNI.\K 

Epsilon    Pi    Rho    1.2,3.4;    Co-ed   Chd) 


Sigma  Pi  .\lpha;  Maroon  and  Gold  3:  In- 
tramurals  1,2,3,4;  \\'asmann   Biological  Societv   1.2. 


Co-ed   Club   3.4;    Transfer   from    Unix,   of  III. 



Sodality  2.3,4;  Spiiitual  Cliairnian  3:  Head  Usher  3: 
Prefect  4;  Sigma  Pi  .Alpha  3.4:  Pledgemaster  3;  Lreas- 
urer  4;  .Alpha  Kappa  Delta  3.4;  Blue  Kev  3.4:  Cor- 
responding Secretary  4;  Senior  Class  \ice-president  4: 
Cheerleader  4:  Maroon  and  Gold  3:  Intramurals  2.3.4. 

AN  I  IIONV    R.    DIBENEDE  I  ro 

.Alpha  Delta  Gamma  1,2.3.4;  \'ice-|)resident  3:  Presi- 
dent 4;  .Arts  Council  4;  Maroon  and  Gold  3;  A'arietv 
Show  Staff  3;  Intrairiurals  1,2,3;  Fine  Arts  Club  2.3: 
Senior  Class  President  4. 

CARLO    M.    DI    NELI.O 

Wasmann    Biological    Societv 

SHlll  A    1      DONAHUE 

I  beta  Phi  .\lpha  3.4:  Co-ed  Club;  President  of 
Women's    DormitorN     4. 


Co-ed  Cliil)  1.2,3;  Loyola  Ilisici  iiul  Society  1,2;  Loydia 
Ediicution   Socicly   -1. 



M.\RV   K.MK    DOl  1) 

Coc-il  CUil)  2.:i.t;  I  licla  I'lii  .Alpha  2,3,4;  Riisliiiiji; 
Cliaiiinaii  .'i;  Col ris|)()iuliiiK  Scdflarv  I;  Maroon  and 
(.old    :l;    InlrainiMal',    l,2.".l;    ^Vailjocik     I. 

(.IR  Ml)    I     DkllSSIA 

IMii  Mil  C  hi  l.2.:i,l;  IN\cIiiiIok\  CIuI)  2.3.1;  Mannm 
and    (.(lid    ■!;    X'ariilx    Show    2. 

|()11\    S.    DRlMKi: 
Sodaht\    1.2.3.-1. 

1)A\11)    1..    IH'ARll. 

|()M\  I',  mirix 

Sit>nia  I'i  Alph.i  :i.l;  lull  aiiiiiials  3.1:  (.oiiuniutt  on 
Family     I  .ixalion     I;    IN^chologv    Chili    I. 

DAVID    HKNRV     1)1  NNE 

Gerard   Manlc\    Hopkins  Soiiclx    3;   \clcrans'  Chili    I. 


Loyola    News    3.4;    Fine     \ns    (  hil>    3,4. 


Kappa  Beta  Ganniia  2.3.4;  Historian  3;  President 
4;  Co-ed  Chih;  Union  Repre.sentative  3;  So- 
dality 2.3.4;  Fine  Arts  Club  3.4;  Union  Congress  3; 
Loyola  News  1;  Historical  Society  I;  Yearbook  4;  Co- 
ordination Editor  4;  Loyola  Union  Board  of  Gov- 
ernors 4;  Senior  Gift  Committee;  LT  .\rts  Chair- 
man  4. 


Alpha  Delta  Gamina  2.3.4;  I  nion  Congressman  3.4; 
.\lumnae  Laison  4;  Fine  Arts  Club  2.3.4;  LT  Rep- 
resentative 3.4;  Historical  Society  2.3,4;  Interfraternity 
Council  3. 

WILLIAM    J.    EGAN,    JR. 

Sigma  I'i  Alpha  2.3.4;  L'nion  C^ongress  3.4:  Sodality 
3.4;   Historical  Society   3,4;   Human  Relations  Club  4. 


Choral  Society  1.2:  .Alpha  Delta  Gamma  F'inc 
.Arts  Club  3,4;  Historical  .Society  3;  Education  Club 
4:    Intramurals    1,2.3.4;    \arsity    Show    1. 

MARY    lot      FARRILI, 

Co-ed  (4iili  3.4:   Sodalitv  3.4. 

I  llOM AS    I     1  ARRI.1  I 

Intramural     Manager    4:     Huui.iu     Relations    Club    4. 


Co-ed  Club  3.4;  External  Relations  Office  4;  His- 
torical   Society    3;    Lovola    Eihuation    Societv   4. 


\\'asmann   Biological   Societv    1.3,4. 


Sodalitv  2.3.4:  Historical  .Societv  3,4;  Latin  Club;   Gold   Torch   3.4. 


Sodalitv  2.3;  Fine  Arts  Club  3.4;  Historical  Societv 
2;  Co-ed  Club  2.3. 


Alpha  Delta  Gamma  2.3.4:  Fine  .Arts  Club  3.4: 
Historical    Society    4:    Human    Relations    Club    4. 


Sodality;  "lau  Delta  Phi  2.3.4:  Union  Repre- 
sentative 2.3;  Historian  and  House  Manager  4;  His- 
torical  Society   2.3;    Political   Science   Club   3. 

[OIIN   W.  G.\^1\SKI  JR. 

l\Mliolog\    (lub    2,3,4. 

]()H\    F.    GENOVESE 

Historical  .Societv  3.4;  Choral  (.lub  2:  Spanish  Club 
3:    (,old     loich    .",:    lleaw    Weapons     1  eain    2.3. 

I'  \l   1     S,   (,l  RI)IN(, 

I  ni\ersii\  Club  1.2:  1  au  Kappa  I.psilon  3,4;  Treas- 
urer 3;  Setreiary  I;  Inter-Fraternity  Council  3,4; 
Union  Oiiigress  Representative  3,4;  Loyola  News 
1.2;  C;lioral  .Society  1;  .Maroon  and  Gold  3,4;  Sopho- 
more Council  2;  Intramurals  1,2,3,4;  Outstanding 
Siholarship   .\ward   2.3;    Blue    Key    Fraternity    3.4. 


Kappa  Beta  Gamma;  President  3;  Coed  Club  1  leasurer  4;  Sodalitv;  Fine  .\rts  Club 
4:  Arts  Xinsiuj-  ^earbook  4;  Maroon  and  Gold  3; 
FpsiloM    I'i    Rho    1.2:    Spanish    Club    1.2. 

SI  SAN     .M.\R1E    GIO.MEl  1  1 

Kappa  Beta  Gamma  2.3.4:  Rushing  Chairmau  2; 
Historical  Societv  Secrelarv  4;  Co-ed  Club 

BERN.VRD    A.    GI..\DS  1  ONE 

Alpha  Delta  Gamma  (.old  loidi  1.2.3:  R.O.- 
I.C.  1.2,3.4:  Maroon  and  (.old  4:  Iiiirainurals  1, 
2.3.4:    \ariel\    Show    I. 

El  LIS  (.()1)\\  IN 

lIuiiKin  Ri-I.iiious  Club  4;  1  ransfer  Irom  Univ.  of 
Indian. 1. 

DANIEL    }.    (.OMF/ 

l.oMila  E(Iiic;itiou  Societv  3.4;  Undergraduate  Chair- 
111  ;in   4. 

EM  IE   F.   (>RABOW 

Phi  Mil  C:hi;  \ice-President  3;  President  4; 
Intramurals  1.2:  Gold  Torch  1;  Wasmann  Biological 
Society  1.2;  Ground  Ckiinmittee  Fair  and  Frolic  2; 
Chairman  Grounds  Committee  Fair  and  Frolic  3; 
Historical  .Society  4 

ROHER  1    E.  (.RALEN 

I'i  Alpha  Lambda  2.3.4:  Lovola  Union  3.4;  Blue  Kev 
3.4:  Maroon  and  Gold  2.3:  President  3;  Director 
of  \'ariel\  Show  3;  Gold  Torch  1.2.3,4;  Sophomore 
Council- junior  Class  President;  Yearbook  Staff;  Presi- 
dent's Council   4:    .\rls   Council    President   4. 


I  beta  Phi  .\lpha  Chairman  of  Publicity  and 
Philanthropy  4;  Co-ed  Club;  Cheerleader  1, 
2.3:    Hum. Ill    Relations    Club    4:    Maroon    and    Gold 

3:   Yearbook   4. 

\\  ARREN     1  HI ODORE    (.REENI.EAF 

Lovola  News  3,4;  Feature  Editor  3;  Editor-in-Chief  4; 
.Advisory  Editor  4;  Cadence  3.4;  Contributing  Editor 
3.4;  Human  Relations  Club  4;  Gerard  Manley  Hop- 
kins   .Societv    4. 


Iheta    Phi    Alplia    2.3.4; 

Co-ed    Club 


Fine  .Arts  Club  2.3.4;  President  4;  Wasmann  Biologi- 
cal Society  1;  Gold  Torch;  Curtain  Guild 
3.4;  Maroon  and  Gold  3;  Historical  Societv  3.4;  Sen- 
ior  Reprcsentati\e   Related   .Arts   Commission    3.4. 


FRED     1.    H  ASS 

l.osola  Union  Congressman  1.4;  .\rts  Council  2.3; 
\  ice  Presiilcnt  2:  Inter-Fraternitv  Representative  3: 
Maroon  and  GoUf  2.3;  Clold  Torch  Club  1.2;  Alpha 
Delta    Gamma    Fraternitv    2.3,4;    Blue    Kev     3.4:    In- 

tramiiral  Board  1.2.3;  Freshman  Council  1;  Stage 
Manager  Variety  Show  3;  Advisor  of  Variety  Show 
4;  Dormitory  Council  4;  President  4;  Intramurals 
1,2.3,4;   Loyola   Fair   and    P'rolic   Committee    1,2,3,4. 



Sodality  2,3,4;   Education   Society  4. 


I'hi  Alpha  Lamhda  3.4;  Maroon  &  Gold  4;  Intra- 
murals   3,4. 


Phi  Mu  Chi  2,3.4;  Gold  Torch  1.2,3.4;  Arts  Council 
Representative  2;  Wasiiiann  Hii>l(>Hi(al  Society; 
Intramurals   2.3,4. 

R.\YMOXll    M.    HARRISON 

Psvchologv    Chib   2.3.4. 


Sigma  I'i  Alplia  2.3.4;  Loyola  Historical  .Society  3.4; 
Choral  Society  1;  Maroon  and  Gold  3;  .Senior  Repre- 
sentative   Dormitory    Coimcil    4. 


Pi  Alpha  Lambda  2.3.1;  Maroon  .-i-  Gold  4;  \\'as- 
mann  Biological  Society    I:   Inirainur.ds   1.2,3.4. 


Alts  Coiuiril  4;  \'ice-Prcsident  4;  German  Chili  1.2.S; 
\icc-President  3;  Modern  Language  Clul)  4;  Marooa 
and  Gold  3.4:  Co-chairman  4;  Historical  .Society  1.2. 
3.4;  Human  Relations  Clul)  4;  Yearbook  4;  .Admis- 
sions  .Society   4;    Intramurals 


Basketball;  Monogram  Club  2.3.4;  Gold  Torch 
2,3.4;    Intrannirals   4. 


Soilalily    3;    Historical    Society    2;    Cadence    2. 


SodalitN    2.3.4;    Human    Relations   did.)   4. 


Kappa  Beta  Gamma  2.3.4:  Treasurer  3;  Siidaht\  1,2. 
3.4;  Human  Relations  Club  4;  Epsilon  Pi  Rlio  I. 
2;  Co-ed  Club  1.2.4;  Historical  Sociclv  3;  Ediualion 
Society    4;    Senior    Giil    Commitlcc    4. 


Co-ed   Club    1.2.4;   .Sodalitv;    Math    Club    1,2.3. 


Anuiiian   Chemical   Society 


Epsilcm  Pi  Rho  1.2,3.4;  Kappa  Bei.i  (.annua; 
Corresponding  Secretarv  4:  Cn-cd  Club  1.2,3.4;  His- 
loriial   Soiiclv    1.2.3:   GcrnKin   Club    1.2.3;   .Secretary   3. 



Theta  Phi  Alpha  2.3.4;  Maga/ine  Chairman  3.4; 
Hiunan  Relations  Club  4;  Historical  Society  4;  Co- 
ed Club;  .Sodahty;  Intramurals  1,2.3.4; 
\'ariclv  Show  2;  Spanish  Club  2. 

JAMES    \l.    KANE 

Pi  .\lplia  Lambda  2.3.4;  Fine  Arts  C:lub  3.4;  Maroon 
S:  Gold  2;  Intramurals  1,2.3.4;  Human  Relations  Club 


Wasmann    Biolosiical    .Society    1. 




Sigma    Pi    .Alpha   2.3.4. 


Sigma  Pi  .Alpha;  .Athletic  Director  1.2;  Cor- 
responding Secretary  2.3;  Vice  President  3.4;  Histori- 
cal .Society  4;  Human  Relations  Club  4;  Junior  Ad- 
visor 3. 


Theta  Phi  Alpha  2.3.4;  Co-ed  Club;  Secretary 
3;  Intramiu'als  1,2.3.4;  Director  4;  Fine  .Arts  Club 
4;  Human  Relations  Club  3.4;  Treasurer  4;  Union 
Congress    Representative   3.4. 


.Alpha  Delta  Gamma  Fraternity  1.2.3,4;  Intramurals  1. 


Intramurals  3.4;  Gold  Torch  3.4;  Historical  Society 


Ka|3pa  Beta  Gamma  2.3.4;  Corresponding  Secretarv 
3;  Co-ed  CInb  1,2.3.4;  Big-Sister  Chairman  4;  Edu- 
cation Society  4:  Historical  Society  1.2;  Sodality  1,2. 
3.4;    Variety    Show    2. 


Lfiyola  News;  Sjiorts  Editor  3;  .Associate  Edi- 
tor 4:  C:horal  Society  1.2;  Sigma  Pi  .Alpha  2.3.4; 
Education    Society    3.4;    Fine    .Arts    Club    3. 


Phi    Mil    Chi.    2.3.4,    Wasmaiui    Biological    Society    I. 


Sodality    2.3.4;    ^Vasmanir    Biological    Society    4. 


Choral  .Society  1.2;  Fine  .Arts  Club  3,4;  Human  Re- 
lations Clui);   Sodality;    \'eterans  Club   4. 


Monogram   Cltdj   2.3.4;   Basketball;   Captain   4; 

Pi    .Alpha    Lambda    2.3.4;    Sargeant-at-.Anns   4. 



Pi  .Alpha  Lambda  Fraternity  2.3.4;  Historical  Society 
3;  Human  Relations  Club  4;  Intramurals  1.2,3.4;  Year- 
book   Staff   4;    Loyola    News   4. 


Co-cil  (4ub;  Spanish  C;lub  2;  Kappa  Beta 
Gamma    1,2.3.4. 

[OHN    1)     I  ANION 

LoNol.i  (  inaiu  Guild  3.4;   President  4;  Lovola  News  4. 


Pi  .Alpha  Lambda  2.3.4;  AVasmann  Biological  Society 
1.2;  Gold  Torch  1,2;  Intramurals  2.3;  Loyola  LTnion 
Fair   Grounds    C^cmmittee    3. 


Co-ed  Club  1.4;  Historical  Socict\  2.3.4:  Human  Re- 
lations Club  3.4;  President  4;  ,AI|)h.i  Kap|)a  Delta 
3.4:   President  4:   line  Arts  Club  4. 


Theta  Phi  Alpha  2.3.4;  Latin  Club;  President 
4;  Cadence  ,-\rt  Editor  2.3:  Co-ed  Club;  Union 
Congress  Representative   3. 


Ihcta   Phi   .Midia   3.4;   Co-eil   Club   3.4. 


(:<,-c(l  Clliii)  \.2.'iA:  1  liii;i  I'lii  Alplm  I'J.ri;  llisum 
cal  Sdticly  1.2,3.1:  hiliMiruniils  Si(KI;ir\  I;  Sliikh 
WCck    ((iriiiniltce   'i. 

I  1I()\I  \^    (       I.KMCK 


Co-cd  Chi:)  l,2,.'i.l:  1  Ih-Li  I'lii  \l|,li;i  l,'.'.:i.l;  \iic 
I'rcsidi'iil  I;  Alls  (.iiiiuil  :i:  Cliiss  \  ii  <•  I'u-sidnil  ",; 
llisKiiiiwI     S,,<i<l\      I.L';     lliini.iii     Cliili      1: 

Miiiddii      in. I     (.(iM     ",;     Smioi     Wick     (  i. illcc     :'.; 

Rank-    ((niiiiiillic     I 

1>A  I  RKIA    A      I  IWAM 

Clirlaiii  (.iiilil  I.L'.:.. I;  l,i.\i>l.i  Xc'ws  l.i;.:i.l:  Cadciuc 
2.3,-1;  Ihila  I'lii  Al|ilia  'J.. '1.1:  line  An-  (liib  2..'i.l; 
Co-ed   (hill    l,L',:f,l. 

ROIM'.RI     \.    lIsrON 

Al|)ha  Di'ha  (.annua  l.2.:!.l:  liili  aiiiiii  .iK  I' 
Manion  and  (.old  I:  (,(dd  Innh  l.2.:i.l:  AilsCiiiii 
nunc    \.iriiL\     Slum     ((.inmillce    .S. 

|()ll\    1)     1    \(  A(  US 

Siid.iiiu  i;.'.".,i, 

ROlilR  I     r,    l,()l//l 

I'hi  Mil  Chi  1.2.3,4:  Hi.storian  3,4;  Wasmaiiii  IJiologi- 
lal  .Society  Cadencc-.Shorl  Simics  I;  Biology 
Rescaiih   I'rojects  -2.3.4. 

|()A\    IA\IA\ 

Wasiiiann  HioloKicil  s,,(icl\  1.2;  Sodaliu; 
.S.\..\.l.    1,2.3.4. 


Wasniann    lliologiial  .Soiiciv   3;   Inn  aiiiiniils  3.4. 

\AN(A     M      lAONS 

Co-ed  (4ul)  1,2,3.4:  Kappa  lieta  (.aiiiiua  .Sorority  2. 
3.4;  I'Icdgc  Mistics.s  3;  Recording  Secretary  4;  So- 
dality 1,2,3.4;  Recording  Secretary  3,4:  Historical 
Society  2,3,4;  Educational  Society  I;  Maroon  &  f^old 
3;   Variety   Shoyv  2, 

ER\\(IS     J.    MADOEX 

.Xniciiian     (4icinii;il     So<  icty     4. 


Co-ed  Club  1,2.3;  Kdmation  Society  2,3,1:  1  liita  I'hi 
Alpha   3.4. 

JOSEPH    .\. 

Sigma  I'i  .\lpha  2,3.1;  Historical  .Soiictv  2.3.1:  .\meii- 
can  Chemical  Society  1.2:  I'ine  Arts  (4iil)  2. .3;  Inti;i- 
mnials   2.3.4. 


Histoiical  Society  1.2,3.;  Cerald  Maiik\  Hopkins  So- 
ciety 1,2,3,4;  Treasurer  3;  Cadence;  .\ssociate 
Editor   3.4:   (.old     loicli    1.2.3. 

Rl    1  II     M.    MAN(.AN 

\N  I  H()\^     1  .    MARCHESE 

Wiismann    Biological    Society 

BROTHER    DONAEl)    (.     \I\R(()1   EE.    C.S.\  . 



Co-ed  (4ul)  1.2.3,4;  I  lieta  I'hi  .\lpha  2.3.4;  Ercasiirer 
3.4;  .\lpha  Kappa  Delta  3.4;  1  reasurer  4;  Loyola 
I'nion  Congress  4;  Historical  Society  2.3.4;  Maroon 
&  (.old  3;  Human   Relations  Club  3.4;  Yearbook  4. 


Historical  Society  3,1:  (.eianl  M;iidi\  Hopkins  So- 
ciety 4:  Loyola  News  2,1:  Latin  Club  .".I;  Eiiie  Arts 
(,lidi    3;     Human     Rekitions    (4ub     I:    Sodality     4. 

C\R()I  INK    \l     \IARSCH.\1L 

I  hi  la  I'lii  Vlpha  I'ledgc  .Mistress  3:  President 
I;  (oe,l  (  hil,  1.2.3,1:  Histoiical  Society  1,2.3.4;  Span- 
ish   (  lull    I;    lliiiii;ni     Rcl.iiions    (  hib     I. 

JOHN    1  .    \l  \K  I  IN 

Sigma    I'I     \lpli.c    ,i  I;    I  lit  i  amiii  als    1,2..',. I. 

\1)()1  I'll     P.    M  \R  1  1N(  E\  1( 

Radio   (  liii,   2:    So.lalily     1,2.3,1:    I'sm  hology    (hib    3.4. 

(  ONS  1   \N(  I     \1     M  ASI    \NK  \ 

(  (,  ed  (hib  I;  lliMciiial  Society  1.2.3;  l.oyohi  Eclii- 
calioll     Soii'ly 

M  \RY   ELLEN    \I(    (  <)R\1I(  K 

I  \MI  S    I     \l(     ( ORMICK 

Slum. I  I'i  \lpli;i  2.3.1:  (.oi  responding  Secretary  3.4: 
Histoiical    Soiielv     1,2,3.1:    l.psiloii    Pi    Rho    1 .2.  ' 

P  \  1  Rl(  l.\    M.    \IC    (.RADY 

Coed  (.lull  2.3.1:  Social  Chairman  .".;  Presidc-nl  I; 
.\lpha  Kappa  Delta  3.1:  Ciirlain  (.uild  2.3;  lliiiiian 
Relations    (dub    3:     Jiinicn     .\dyisor\     3. 

JLI.IE   ANN    .M(.   (.R  \  I  11 

Co-ed  Club  1,2.3.1:  Sodaliu  1,2.:'., I:  Historical  So- 
ciety   1,2,3:    l.o\ola    News   2,3,1;    Copy    Editor    1. 

|OHN     I.  \\\  KKN(  I      \l(,    L\l  (.III.IN 

Kpsilon  I'i  Rho  1,2,3,4:  Spanish  (,liib  2,3;  Secfc- 
t,iry  2:  I'lcsideiit  3;  Modern  Language  (4iib  1;  Hi.s- 
lorical  Socici\  3:  Huiiuin  Relations  (4iib  4:  (.erard 
Manley  Ih.pkiiis  3,1:  \ice  Piesident  4:  Sodality  2; 
Yearbook    I:    Inliamiiials  2. 

ei:gene  er.\ncis  mc  mahon 

Historical  Society  1,2:  (.ei;ild  Manlex  Hopkins  4; 
Yearbook    (4 lib    4, 


Curtain  (.iiilcl  2,3,4:  Historical  Society  2;  Co-ed 
Club    2, 


Line  ,\rts  (hib  2,3,1;  (.old  loich  2,1;  Histoiical 
Society    2,3, 

R()BER4     E.   MROCK 

I  ail  Delia  Phi  2,:'.,L  Historian  3;  Historical  .So- 
ciety   2.3;   Sod.iliiy 

DON  U.I)    M      Mill  l(. AN 

I'i    .Mph.i    Laiiil.d.i   2.3,4. 

HAROLD    B     MLR1'H\ 

Cadence;    M:ii i    .V-    (.old    3. 

JOSEPH   L.    Ml  RPHY 

Sigma  Pi  \lpha  2.3.4;  Corresponding  Secretary  3: 
President  4:  .Sodality  1.2,3.4;  Piefect  4:  Lnion  C.on- 
gressman  2;  Loyola  Lnion  Board  of  Goyerncjrs  3: 
Blue  Key  3.4;  Maroon  &  (.old  3;  Historical  Society 
3:    Spanish    Club    1.2;    Human    Relations   Club    4. 

DANH^L    O.     MLRRAY 

Historical    Society    2.4. 


Coed    Club     I:    (.erard    \lanle\     Hopkins    4. 


Alpha  Delia  (.aii'iiia  2.3. l.');  Historical  Society  4.."); 
Intr;iiiiiii;ils    !'.. 

(.ERALD     1.    N()\  AK 

Sochility  3;  li  onciiiic  Socieiv  I:  Human  Relations 
(lull    I;    Xelei.ins  Club    I:    S.  \.M.l. 

M  \R(.ARE  1      I     OH  \RA 

Modc-in  L:iiigii.ige  (hib  1;  Piesident  4:  Del  I  iinii 
\eiein    2,3:    ('.o-ed    (hib    2.3;    Historical    Societv     1,2,3. 


Kappa  Beta  Ganniia  l.2,,'!.t;  Recording  Secretary 
3;  Vice-President  4:  .XTaroiin  &  Gold,  Secretary  3; 
Historical  Society  1;  C:o-cd  C;lub  1,2.3.4;  .Sodalty 
1,2,3:  Arts  Yearbook  4;  Fine  Arts  Club  4:  Variety 
Show    1.2.4, 

GREl  A    M.   f)L.SO\ 

Go-ed  C4id>  2,3,4;  Vice  President  4;  Cihccrleader  2,3; 
Alpha  Kappa  Delta  3,4;  Secretary  4;  Dean's  Honor 
Roll  3;  1  heta  Phi  Alpha  2,3,4;  Pledge  Mistress  4; 
Maroon  &  Gold  3;  Spanish  Clid)  2. 


Sodality  1,2,3  4;  Historical  Socielv  I;  line  Arts  C4ub 
4;    Latin    Clnb    1,2,3. 


Sigma  Pi  Alplia  3.4;  Hiniian  Relations  Society  4; 
Sodality    3,4;    Historical    Soiiclv    3.4. 


Tan  Kappa  Epsiion  2.3,4;  Pledgemaster  3;  President 
4;  Blue  Key  3.4,  Vice  President  4;  Drill  Team  1,2,3,4; 
Commanding  Officer  4;  Dormitory  Judiciary  Officer 
4;  Maroon  ,<:  Gold  2,3;  Junior  Council  3;  .\rts  Council 
1,2;  Wasmann  Biological  Society  3,4;  Lovola  Union  2; 
Ciold    Torch;    D(>rmilor\'  Council'   3. 

EL.VIXE      I'      I'HIIll' 


Historical  Society  1,2,4;  .Sodality  1.2.3,4;  Ccj-ed  Cluli 
2.4;  Ediica;ion  .Socielv  4;  Inlramurals  2;  Spanisli  (;liii). 


Maroon    ,<:   Gold   2;    .American   Chemical   .Society   2.3.4. 

\  K   rOR    J.    POPl. 

Wasmann  ISiological  .Society  1.2,3.4;  Treasurer  4; 
X'eterans   Club   4. 


Alpha  Delta  Gamma  1.2,3,4;  Parliamentarian  3,4; 
Arts  Coiinril  2,4;  Treasurer  4;  Class  President  2; 
Freshman  Council  1;  Loyola  Union  4;  Blue  Key  3,4; 
Sodality  1,2,3,4;  Vice  President  4;  Wasmann  Biological 
Society  1,2,3,4;  Vice  President  4;  Maroon  &  Gold  2.4; 
Intramural  Board  1,2,3,4;  Historical  Society  2,4,  Vice 
President   4;    Fine   .\rts   3,4, 

|l  LIA    M.    OUINN 

Co-ed  C;hib  1.2,3;  Spanish  f:lub  2;  Ckrman  f;hdi 
2,3,  Treasurer  3;  Modern  Laiigu.igc  (lub  I;  His 
torical  Society  2,3.4, 


Kappa  Beta  (iamma,  I'arliamenlai  ian  3;  C:o-ed 
Club;    Spanish   Club   2;    Historical    .Society   3.4. 

JOSEPH    A.    RK  E 

Alpha  Delta  Gamma  1.2.3,4;  Arts  Council  3.4;  In- 
lramurals Board  1,2,3,4;  Chairman  3,4;  Gold  lorch 
Club   1,2,3,4;  Varsity  Show   1,2,3. 


Tail  Ka|>pa  Epsiion;  \'ice  |)resident  3.1;  L(i\cil.i 
Union  1.2,4;  Executive  Secretary  ol  Board  ol  Go\er- 
nors  2;  Cadence  1.2.3,4;  Photo  editor  2.3;  Loyola 
News  1.4;  Historical  Societv  3.4;  Economic  Society 
3;  Commerce  Yearbook   1.2,3;'  Photo  editor  1.2.3. 


Human  Clluli  3.1;  l's\c  bological  Rcse;ncb 
Society   3.4;    Presicleni   4. 


President  Fine  Arts  Club  3.4;  Secretary  Fine  .\rts 
Club  3,4;  Secretary  Fine  Arts  Chd>  2,3;'  Tau  Delta 
Phi  2,3,4;  Secretary  Tau  Delta  Phi  4;  Clongiess  Repre- 
sentative 3.4;  NFCCS  Repiesentati\e  3.1;  lnlr;unurals 

LOUIS    A.    ROSS 

.\merican    Chemical    Society    4:    Fine    .Arts    Club    2. 


Curtain  Guild;  \'ice-President  4;  Fine  .Arts 
Club  3.4;  Gold  lorch  1,2;  Historical  Societv  2.4; 
Variety    Show    2.3.4. 


Sigma  Pi  Alpha  2.3.4;  .Sodality  1.2,3,4;  Maroon  and 
Gold  3;  R.O.F.C.  Board  1.2.3;  \ariety  Show  Winner 
1.2;  Historical  Society  3;  Gold  Torch  1;  Honors  Pro- 
gram   1.2. 

JOHN     I.    RIPKEY 

Pi  .Alpha  Lambda  2,3.4;  Loyola  News  2;  Maroon  5: 
Gold  4;   Choral   Society  4. 


Historical   Society    1.2,4;    A'eterans    Club    4, 


R.O.T.C,  1.2;  Gold  1  circh  1,2;  \Vasmann  1.2;  Psy- 
chology C:lub  ;;;  Ime  Arts  (lub;  Aarietv  Show 
2.3.4      ' 

Wll  L1.\M    I     SH AXAHAN 

Fine    .\iis    (  lul).    Nice-President    3,4;    \'ariety    Show 



Wasmann  Biological  Society  1.2;  Historical  Society  4; 
Psychology  Club  4;  'Ian  l)elta  Phi  2,3,4;  Secretar\ 
2,  Vice-President  3,  President  4;  Fine  .\rts  Clulj  3.4; 
Modern    Language   4. 

[AMES    B.   S1.0\N 

Debating    (4ul)    3.4,    Fir 

Arts  Club   4. 


Sodality  1,2,3,4;  Prefect  4;  Maroon  and  Gold  3,4; 
C;old  Torch  1,2,3;  Student  C^ouiuil  4;  Leadership 
Award    1,2,3;   Yearbook   4. 


Sigma  Pi  .Alpha;  Gold  lorch  (lub;  Maroon  and 
Gold;  .A.ssistant  Manager  ol  the  I.oxola  Union:  Liiiou 


Theta  Phi  .Alpha  2.3.4;  Lo\ol.i  Union  Recording  Sec- 
retary 2:  Co-ed  Club  1,2,3,4;  Class  Councils  '  1.2,3; 
Maroon  and  Gold  2,3.4:  Women's  Intramural  Board   V\'asmann   Biological   .Society   3.4;   Sodality. 


Curtain  Guild  1.2.3,4;  Fine  Arts  Club  2.3.4;  Aarietv 
Show  —  Master  of  Ceremonies  4;  \ice  President  Fine 
.Arls  Chd)  2.3;    Inlramurals   1.2. 


I  beta  Pi  Alpha  1.2.3,4:  Co-ed  (lub  1.2.3,4:  Pub- 
licity Chairman  3;  Ec|uestrian  (  luli  I:  Histcnical  So- 
cicl\  1,2,3:  Modern  Language  (lul)  4:  Choral  So- 
cielv   2;    Human    Rekitions    (ihib    4. 


Soclalit\  3.1;  Alpha  Kapp.i  Delia  3.1.  \  ice-president 
4;  Historical  Society  2.3.4;  Human  Relations  Club 
3.4;    lnir;ninnals  2.3.4. 

I  HOM  \S    I     S/W  El) 

Lo\ola  News  I:  Wasmann  liiology  Societv  I:  Gold 
loicli  1.3;  I'hi  Mu  (hi  2.3,1:  \  ice-President  4:  In- 
iramur.ils    1,2.3.1. 

W  II  I  I  \\l    I      I  ANSFV.    II 

.Sod.ililv;  \'ice  Prelect  3.1;  W  asm.uni  Biological 
Society  Ciold  Torch  1.2.3:  Maroon  i:  Gold 
2.3;    Union   Ciongress  3:   Blue  Key   3.4. 

IKOXARI)    A.     rOKWS 

(;ol(l      IokIi      I;     liiKi. 
News   li.'i:    liusincss    \I; 

\      Rillc     lii.iii:     I,(i\ohi 
I'    SdciKc    (lull 

HERNARl)     J.     lOUSSAIN  1 

I'rcsidcnl  C.hiciRo  Region  N.I.C.CS.:  I'lii  Sigiiia  l:in: 
IN\(IhiIohs    CInIi;    SimI.iMi). 

|()SI  I'll     I      \  ACC  '  KO 

(  n  cil    (hill    2,:'., I 

IK  \\(  IS     W     \  AK  \I  I  () 

I'i  Al|jli.i  i..iiiilMl.i  ;  I;  llisinii.iii  I;  MmHif^LiMi  Clu', 
a.;i.-l;   I'rcsidcnl    I;    I  ..\nl.i    \cus  :',A:  Spoils   Kdilor    1; 

Arls-N'ursiiig   ^(■.lll k    I;   Spoils   Kdilor    1;   Imcr   Fra- 

icrnilv  Cloiiiicil   :i;  Siudcul  Assucialcs  Ooiiiuil  4;  Gold 

lonh    1,'>.3A:    Loyola    Union   3.4;   Choral   Soticly    1.2; 

lickct  Manager  Variclv  Show  3;  Variety  Show  1; 
Fine  Arts  C:liil)  I:  Historical  Sorielv  4;  Inlraimiral;  Intraniiii.ils  R(|ii(sciuaiiM';  Basketball  .Man 
ager  2.3.4;  I.omiI.i  I  an  1.2.:t,l;  I'i  \l|)ha  Lambda 
Vearbdok.    Kdil.n. 

DON  \1  I)   |,  \  lA  I  Rk A 

.Suiiiiiiiiiig      leaiii     l,L',;i,l;     R.O.  I  .C. 

I  1  1- WOR     A.    MIRICK 

Cdcd     (lull    2.:t.L 

MARI.W    R.    W  \(:l.\\\  l-k 

((,ed  Club  :;.l:  llisioiical  Sn(lel\  1.2;  Human  Re- 
l.ilii.i.s  (lull  :;,!;  Srid.illu. 

I'  \ri  i\i    1 .  w  \|  \\ 

M; ,-;.■  (.old    1. 

.\1  lilR  I     (..    'A  ALI)\(  k 

Cniversitv     Club     1.2;     Sodaliu     2.3;     R.O.T.C.     Drill 
:.,'ream   1.2;  C:hni;il   s,„ieu    I;   (.old    lonh    l,2.:i.l;   Mis 
torical    Sociel\     l,2.:i.l. 

ROlU  R  1     I     W  \LSI1 

lo\ol.i     Su.iiimiiii;      lea 
niann  Society. 

RORKRl      I     W  \[  / 

I'hi  Mil  Chi;  M;iioon  .•<.■  f;old;  \\'asmann  Biological 
Soiiclx;  (.old    lonh;  I  iiioii  Rei)rcscut;iti\c. 

DONALD    J.    WEHLlNt. 

Blue  key  3.4;  IMii  Mu  (hi;  University  Rifle 
Team;  Gold  loidi  (  lub  1,2.3.4;  Wasmann 
Biological  .Society  1.2.3;  I'sNihological  Research  So- 
ciety 2.3,4;  .Assistant  Manager  of  Loyola  Union  4; 
Student  Leadership  .Award  3.4;  Variety  Show  Stage 
Manager  3;   Intraniurals  2,3.1;   Maroon   >t  Gold   3.4. 


HiiiiKin    Rebilioiis  (lub    I;    Hislorii.d   SmicU    4. 

M  \R\     W  IIA1.1-,N 

Coed  (lub  2,3.1;  Uig  Sister  Chairman  3;  Co-ed  Club 
,Sciictar\  I;  Marooii'.'v  Gold  3;  Historical  Society  3; 
\;iiicl\  Show  2. 

).\MKS    N     WlCkl.CND 

Historical  Soiicl\  2;  Gcraicl  Manle\   Hopkins  Society   1. 

JOHN    NL    WUa.AND 

i'i  .\lpha  Lambda  2,3,4;  Maroon  and  (.old  3.4;  \Vas- 
niann  Biological  Sotietv  1.2;  Intramurals  2.3.4;  X'ariciy 
Show    3;    l-air    and    frolic    ComniilUc-    2.3. 

J,\M1S    1).    \\1N(, 

riusics  (lull  3.4;  President  4;  C4ioral  Societv  3;  His- 
torical   Society    3;    Maroon   and   Gold    1. 


Alpha  Delta  Gamma  2.3.4;  \'ice  I'resident;  Histori- 
cal  .Socielv   2.3.4;    Line   Arts   3,4. 

Nfonogiam      (lull      W ; 


I   \\\  RLN(  I.    I  .   vol  H\ 

liiliiiiiiiiiiils     1, 2, '.I, 

.\IA  IN    R.    /1(.\I  \N 

Clicmisii\    (lub    ,i  I;    losol.i    News  3. 

LaXLRNL     M.     /r(,lll\R 

Kappa  liel;i  G;imma  2,3  I;  I'ai  liamcrnlarian  4;  died 
CJub  1,2.3.1;  Gerard  .Manles  Hopkins  Sc«_iet\  3,4; 
Sc.dalil\    l,2,"..l:    (.old    Kc\    3.' 

|OSI  I'll     \     /I   I  I  O 

I'lii    .Mil    I   hi    iKiiciiiiK    2,.;, I, 


r,  \RIV\K  \    M     URODIl 

(^  \  lie  I'lcsideiit  2.1;  Alph.i  I  an  Delta  ricsidc-iii 
1;    S. N.A.I.     1,2,3,1;    W  asiii;iiiii     lliological    Socicl\     1,2. 

DOROIHIA     \1,     1US(,III(\(H 

S,N,\.I,  1,2.3,1;  Sodahu  1,2;  Wasmann  lliological 
,Socicl\     1,2, 

SISl  IR     \L    (II  \R11  S,    OS  I 

Class  \  icc  I'lesidciil  3;  S,N.\.I.  1,2,3.1;  ScidalilN  1.2, 

SrS.\N    1ANN1N(, 

C;lass  lre;isiiicr  1;  I  I'hi  \lplia;  S.N..\.I. 


Class  .Secretar\  1;  Alpha  I  .iii  Delia  1;  Hi-ioiian; 
S.N..\.I.;    Wasmann    Kiological    Socieli,     1.2. 


Alpha  fail  Delta  Ireasuicr  1;  S.N.\.l.  1.2,3,1;  Was 
niann   Biological  Society    1.2. 

SlSIl  R    M,    |.\\E  FRANCES.   O.S.F. 

(hiss    lieasurer  2;   S.N..\.L;    Sodaliiv 

.M  \R1     A      [OHNSON 

SN,\1,    1,2,3.1;    Leadership   .\w;ird   2;   .Sodahl\ 

.MARCIA    E.   LEfDfG 

(4a,ss  President  3;  (oiincil  \  ice  Piesicleiil  3;  I  nioii 
Congress  3.4;  Kappa  liel;i  (.amiiui;  S. N.A.I.; 
Sodalitv;    Wasmann    Biological    Society     1.2,3. 

W  If.M.\    .M.   0\KS 

C;  Secretary  1;  f.eadershi|)  Award  2;  S.N. A. I.  1. 
2.3.4;   Sodality;   Wasmann    Biological   Sociel\    I. 


Class  President  1;  Clouncil  Ireasurer  1;  Kappa  Beta 
Gamma;  S.N.A.l.;  Sociality  1.2.3,4;  Wasmann 
fiiological  Society  1.2. 

HELEN     L.     ROBERl 

Class  Treasurer  1;  S.N.A.l.;  Sodality  2.3:  Was- 
mann   fiiological   Socict\     1.2. 


S.N.A.f.    1.2.3,4;    Ibiilorm   Committee  4. 


Alpha  Ian  f5ella  4;  Kappii  Beta  (.;mima;  S.N.A.f. 
2.3,4;    Co-ed   Club    1,2;    Sodalil\    1;    Yearbook   4. 


Class  President  4;  Council  President  4;  ,\lph;i  "Fan 
Delta   4;    S.N.A.l. 

DOROTHY   N.   VI  Ff  f.LO 

Class  President  2;  Coinicil  .Secrctar\  2;  .\lph;i  I  aii 
Delta  4;  i:nitm  Congress  2;  S.N.A.l.;  Sodabts;    W'.ismann    Biological    Society     1.2, 

(  AROf.    A.    WYSO(  Kl 

(hiss  Secre;.ii\  I;  Cl.iss  I  u;iMnei  3;  S.N.A.l.; 
Sochilin     1.2,3.1;    Wasm.inn    Biological    .Society    1.2. 


Class  .Seciel;n\  3:  S.N,A,1,  1.2.3,4;  Uniform  Com- 
mittee 4. 

Jliank±  Jo  (iJat  ^iionioxi 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  Abruscata 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  E.  Ackeniiann 
Mrs.  Bette  Baldwin 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  M.  Ball 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Beckers 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  S.  Bell 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  |.  Bernard 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  H.  Bernier 
Dr.  &  Mrs.  H.  Bernier 
Dr.  &:  Mrs.  H.  Bielinski 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  Binder 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  B.  Biranowski 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  S.  Brown 
Mrs.  G.  Bryar 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  D.  Burden 
Mr.  Sc  Mrs.  E.  Burke 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  F.  Buike 
Mr.  &  Mrs.   |.  Coiurci 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  Conibiths 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  E.  Cummins 
Mr.  &;  Mrs.  L.  Daly 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  C.  Dangles 
Mrs.  Myrtle  D'Anjou 
Dr.  &  Mrs.  G.  Donahue 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  B.  Donovan 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  R.  Dowd 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  T.  Doyle 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  Drumke 
Mr.  ,^-  Mrs.  R.  Dunne 

Mr.  &:  Mrs.  E.  Dunphy 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Dwver 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  R.  Ellison 
Mrs.  Robert  Fannin 
Mrs.  Robert  Fannin 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  P.  Fanning 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  F.  Feigl 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  C.  Fe'urer 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  E.  Fitzgerald 
Mr.  k  Mrs.  J.  Flanagan 
Mrs.  L.  Fontana 
Mr.  Sc  Mrs.  J.  Ford 
Mrs.  Lee  L.  Eraser 
Dr.  &  Mrs.  W.  Furey 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Geneva 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  A.  Gibbons 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  V.  Giometti 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Gleason 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Gora 
Mr.  &.-  Mrs.  J.  Gorman 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  T.  Hickev 
Mr.  &;  Mrs.  R.  Holland 
Mrs.  K.  Huber 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  I.  Hulnagel 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  Janninck 
Ml .  &  Mrs.  VVm.  Kaufialo 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  Keblusek 
Dr.  S:  Mrs.  P.  Koestner 
Mr.  .<-■  Mis.  11.  Krol 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  Krug 
Dr.  8:  Mrs.  R.  Lee 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  R.  Lindholm 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  J.  Lvnam 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  M.  Marlev 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  L.  Marschall 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  ^V.  McAulilfe 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  P.  McCarter 
Mr.  &:  Mrs.  M.  .McClatchie 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  McCormick 
Mr.  &;  Mrs.  T.  Mulkern 
Miss  Marquerite  O'Connor 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  R.  Palese 
Mr.  &  Mrs.   H.   Peifer 
^'tr.  &:  Mrs.  D.  Priola 
M/.  8c  Mrs.  M.  .Scavone 
Mr.  8c  Mrs.  M.  Scavone 
Mr.  8:  Mrs.  K.  .Shannon 
Mr.  8;  Mrs.  T.  Shea 
Mr.  8c  Mrs.  J.  Smith 
Mr.  Sc  Mrs.  W.  Smoluck 
Mr.  8c  Mrs.  J.  Spellman 
Mr.  &  Mrs.  F.  Sullivan 
Mr.  k  Mrs.  E.  Thies 
Mr.  8c  .Mrs.  E.  Varallo 
Mr.  8:  Mrs.  P.  Wajay 
Mr.  8;  Mrs.  P.  \Vhalen 
Ml  s,  Anne  Zmina 

c:/fnd  (L\tt  ^ahoni 

Mr.   8:   Mis.    Onur    Avdidi 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  W.  J.   IW.itdii 

Mr.  &  Mrs.   Bilvcu 

Mr.  &   Mrs.  J.  'l5(i\k 

Mr.  &  Mrs.   VV.   ).' lirriulcl 

.Mi.sses   Irene  &    Man    C^amcn 

Mrs.   Rose  Clielolti 

Dr.  &  Mrs.  I'.  M.  Corbay 

Mr.  &   Mrs.   Win.   Coupcrtlnv.iil 

Mr.  &   Mrs.    [,   Coxli- 

Mr    S:    Mrs.    |.    Cullcii 

Mrs.   E.   L.   Dougherty 

Mr.  &  Mrs.  C.  Eckstein 

Mr.  &  Mrs.   J.   Enianiiele 

Dr.  &   Mrs.    |.    Kterno 

Mr.    ,>v:    Mrs. '  Joseph    Ferrara 


it  Mrs.  R.  Fred 


,>;•  Mrs.   \.   Freko 


&    Xrrs.   J.    (.enovcsc 


i.-  Mrs.  C:.  Gensler 


X.-    .Mrs.   j.    C.oelicl 


s   Sharon    Hale 


&  Mrs.  E.  Flerliiirger 


&   Mrs.  J.   Izzo 


.   ,\nne   Kennedy 


&   Mrs.   E.    Kid')istal 


8.    Mrs.    N.    Lal'lante 


&   Mrs.   J.   Leemans 


&  Mrs.  Wni.   Linnane 


&:   Mrs.   L.   I.opatka 


&    Mrs.    [.    Ma.Hoan 


Jt    Mis.    I.,    MaksMoi.ik 


.>C-   Mrs.    |.   Maslanka 


.^   Mrs.    Mc(.rad% 


8;    Mrs.    F.    Mcl.ani^hhn 


8:  Mrs.  S.   Mrock 


&  Mrs.  B.  N'elscn 


&  ^rrs.  C.  Newton 


&  Mrs.  J.  OHara 


&  Mrs.   .\.   Parker 


.t  Mrs.   J.   I'indras 


S;    Mrs.    R.    Revell 


.<r    Mrs.    C.    Richier 


s.  Elsie  Rvan 


it   Nfrs.   A.  .Sprengcl 


&   Mrs.  .S.   l'd%ase 


.>;.■  Mrs.  W  Wagner 


.<    Nils,   !■     Wnilgraiii 

And  To  Those  Whose  Names  Were  Received 
Too  Late  To  Be  Pubh'shed 

(^onipliincnis   ol 

Sf.   Ignatius   Parish 

Rc\.  JdIhi   I.  (iracc,  S.  J. 

When  Aiouiul  Loyola  Claiiipus 

DROI'    IN 
Where    Loyola   Studcms    Mcel 


Fiiif    Foods 
65.H()  Sheridan  Road 





6341  N.  liroaduay 


//z^   jDECjUinuicj 

This  renewal  ol  a  yearbook  ior  the  Vris  and  Xursiii;^  (iwllenes  ol  l.o\ola  is  a  mile- 
stone in  ihe  dexelopnieni  ol  a  growin;^'  l'ni\ersity.  ll  inaiks  anoilur  medium  llnouf^h 
which    "the    l-oyola    Sioi),"    iiiiohl    be   shown  as  it   is  really  liNcd. 

It  is  loi-  this  reason  ihal  the  stall  ol  the  "\'J'>7  KCII  lOKS"  eainesth  dc'siies  that  the 
names  ol  those  men  responsible  lor  the  ^^roundwoik  ol  ihe  leitewed  jniblication  Ije  set 
here  in  print  with  the  h()j)e  ihal  as  the  book  grows  Irom  its  picseni  embryonic  stage  it 
^vill  not  be  lorgoiic  ii  thai  Mr.  Harry  McCloskey,  Dean  ol  Students.  Robert  Ciralcn,  Janics 
Sebesta,  Richard   Molland.  and   Frederick   Haas  initiated  its  bi-lh. 

Tojii  Flanagan, 
Editor  in  Chief 

George  Bryar, 
Production  Editor 

Eileen  Peiler, 
Business  Manager 

Kay  .Shannon, 
Nmsing  Reporter 


Ben  Thies, 
Managing   Editor 

Pat  Dunph), 
Coordinating   Manager 

Dick    Holland, 
.Sales  Manager 

Bob  Varallo, 
Sports  Editor 

Gene    Sullivan, 
Literary    Ediioi 

|ini    Lynaiii. 
Captions  Editor 

Dave   Burden, 
Photouraijliv  Editor 



Tom   Doyle 
Pauline       ^V'ajay 
|oe  Bernard 
Walter  Smoluck 
Thomas   Elickey 


Sicxc   .McSweeney 
Don   Priola 
Don    Jannick 
Bob  Genova 
Chuck   Baldwin 
Jerry  Sjx'Uman 
John   Keblusek 
Pat  Whakn 


Dick  Dowd 
Mary    Krol 
Carol  Feiuer 
Marilyn   Scavone 
Pat  McCartcr 
Judy    Ncimes 
Mary   Kay  Ball 
Barbara  Donovan 
Joan  Combiths 
Maureen  Gibbs 
Jane  SanHamcl 


.Marv    McClatchie 
Edwaid    (anumins 


Jim    Clonnan 

Mainecn    Marley 
Jim   Dempsey 
Jeanie   Krug 
Bob  Ellison 
Sue   Fanning 
Toni    Shea 
Casey  Krol 
Teri   Mulkern 
Martin  Gleason 


Maureen    O'Hara 
,Mar\    Pat  Ciibbons 





''  '■'{MliHi 





'/  I  I'M 






