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Full text of "The effects of marine organisms on engineering materials for deep-ocean use"

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7 March 1962 


Port Hueneme, California 

bt 172: 
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Type C 

James S. Muraoka 


To determine the effects of pelagic and benthic marine organisms upon 
engineering materials for use in deep-ocean environments. 


A literature survey was made of the effects of marine organisms on various 
types of engineering materials, particularly in deep-ocean environments. Numerous 
materials such as manila ropes, cotton fishing nets, petroleum hydrocarbons, rubber 
products, steel, submarine cables (telegraph and telephone), concrete, and cork 
(floats) have been attacked and destroyed by various marine organisms in various 
depths, from shallow protected waters to ocean depths exceeding 7, 200 feet. 
Marine organisms which have been observed to be responsible for the destruction of 
these materials include species of wood- and rock-burrowing animals, purple sea 
urchins, sharks, fish, and microorganisms. 

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INTRODUCTION cc Gon doo dob oO doo COO OOo BO DOB NO8 6 6% 1 
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Molilusks: avis. scmriet iat? mectan cneavsticte: mouse 308 olestns Rice 4 
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DIEEIPOSIE/AY ZNINIIWWNES "G oc 6 6 oo 6.0 010)0.0 0.0.0 015 0 010.6 O15 6 oO Ondac 1] 
Exposure of Materials in the Natural Sea Environment ........-. 12 
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The present study was undertaken to investigate, analyze, and evaluate the 
effects of marine organisms of the archibenthic and abyssal zones on various types 
of engineering materials such as elastomers, plastics, metals, portland-cement, 
concrete, and electrical wire conductors. The study places particular emphasis 
upon the biological deterioration of engineering materials exposed in the deep-ocean 
environment as well as in the marine sediments. 

In the following pages a preliminary analysis of environmental variables is 
summarized, the results of a literature survey of the problem are presented, and a 
proposed field and laboratory study to accumulate further data on the effects of 
marine organisms on engineering materials is submitted. 


The environmental variables which are of immediate interest to marine 
biologists and oceanographers include salinity, temperature, density, viscosity, 
pressure, light penetration, suspended organic matter, dissolved gases, and 
hydrogen-ion concentration. 23,4 A brief summary for each of these variables 


The salt concentration of sea water is known as salinity and is expressed as 
grams of salts per kilogram of sea water (parts per mille, o/co). The salinity in 
the ocean is generally between 33 and 37 o/oo. Because the salinity range in the 
open oceans is rather small, an average value of 35 o/oo is used. 


The average surface temperatures for all the oceans range from about 27 C 
near the equator to (-) 1 C in the arctic and antarctic regions. However, with 
increasing depth not only does the temperature drop, but the seasonal variations 
become negligible below depths of about 600 feet. The temperature at 600 feet 
is about 20 C, at 4,000 feet it is about 5 C, and below this depth the temperature 
falls to a minimal value of 1 to 2 C in the abyssal regions. 

Specific Gravity 
The specific gravity of sea water is dependent upon salinity, temperature, and 

pressure. At atmospheric pressure and 0 C the specific gravity of sea water of average 
salinity 35 0/oo is about 1.028, and at 10 C it is about 1.027. 


The viscosity of sea water is slightly greater than that of fresh water (0.0893 
poises at 25 C) and increases gradually with an increase in salinity and to a much 
greater extent with a decrease in temperature. At a salinity of 35 o/oo, for example, 
the increase of viscosity is almost two-fold for a temperature drop from 25 to 
0 centigrade. 


Hydrostatic pressure increases by about | atmosphere for each 32. 8-foot 
increase in depth, and shows a range from zero at the surface to some 1, 100 atmospheres 
at the greatest known depth of 36,000 feet. The mean ocean depth of all the oceans 
and adjacent seas is about 12, 500 feet. 


Light is absorbed rapidly when passing through the surface waters of the sea 
and the intensity falls off with depth. In the clearest open ocean water, light is 
perceptible to a depth of 2, 300 feet. In average open ocean water, light of 
selective wavelength bands is perceptible to a depth of 1,000 feet, and in turbid 
coastal waters to 200 feet. 

Suspended Organic Matter 

Sea water cones a small quantity (1.2 to 2.0 mg of carbon per liter) of 
dissolved and suspended organic matter, which is derived from the excreta of 
living organisms and their decomposed tissues after death. 

Dissolved Gases 

The dissolved gases of particular biological interest are oxygen and carbon 
dioxide. The dissolved oxygen content of ocean water varies from 0 to 8.5 ml/liter 
STP (standard temperature and pressure). It is greater in the surface layers where free 
exchange with the atmosphere can take place than in the subsurface waters, which 
obtain their oxygen through mixing, wind action, etc. In certain closed seas and 
basins in which there is deficient circulation, the bottom layers become stagnant 
and the oxygen concentration falls to zero. Hydrogen sulfide and other products 
of putrifactive decomposition such as methane may be present in such areas. The 
carbon-dioxide concentration in sea water varies from 34 to 56 ml/liter. It is 
present as free CO> and HyCO3, but the greater part of carbon dioxide is present 

as carbonates and bicarbonates; the content of free COs and HCO decreases with 
increasing temperature and salinity. In general, the carbon-dioxide content is 
higher in the deeper waters than at the surface layers. 

Hydrogen-lon Concentration 

Sea water is normally alkaline in reaction, with a pH range of 8.0 to 8.4 in 
surface waters. In stagnant basins where large amounts of H9S are present (anaerobic 
condition), the 9H may approach 7.0. 


The results of the literature survey on the biological deterioration of various 
engineering materials in the marine environment are tabulated in the Appendix. 
Materials attacked by biological organisms, the type of damage resulting from attack, 
the geographical location where the damage occurred, biological organisms respon- 
sible for the damage, and other pertinent information to the subject are listed and 
referenced. The following discussion is based on that data. 


Crustaceans responsible for extensive damage to materials in the sea include 
species of Limnoria also known as gribbles. Limnoria are related to the shrimps and 
lobsters and are world-wide in distribution. They are normally found attacking the 
surface of submerged wooden structures in shallow waters (harbors). However, 
materials other than wood, such as the gutta-percha coverings of submarine cables 
at a depth of about 360 feet in the ocean, have been penetrated by Limnoria lignorum. 
One species of Limnoria off the coast of Japan is known to inhabit depths of approxi- 
mately 1,000 feet. It is suggested 5 that the absence of suitable edible materials 
in the deep-ocean environment may be one of the limiting factors which confine 
Limnoria to shallow water. 

Species of Sphaeroma, also a crustacean, are found burrowing into sandstone 
in San Francisco Bay and into sea walls made of clay stone in Hawk Bay, New Zealand. 
Sphaeroma are less important economically than Limnoria in the amount of damage 
they cause to engineering materials. 


The mollusks responsible for extensive damage to various types of engineering 
materials in the sea include species of Teredo, Bankia, Xylophaga, and Martesia. 
These mollusks are related to the clams and the oysters and are world-wide in distribution. 

They are normally found attacking submerged wooden structures in harbors, or 
burrowing into rocks, coral, and mud on the ocean floor. Because of their ability 

to attack varied materials from soft wood to hard rocks, it is anticipated that under- 
sea construction materials which serve as a source of food and shelter to these animals 
will be susceptible to attack and destruction. 

One of the early engineering materials exposed in the deep-sea environment 
was the submarine cable. Numerous reports and articles have been published per- 
taining to damages inflicted upon these cables at various depths, and an extensive 
bibliography has been compiled by Clapp and Kenk. © Most of the attacks upon 
submarine cables were confined to the coverings of jute and hemp, although a few 
observers report attacks on the gutta-percha insulation of the cables by the mollusks 
belonging to the family Teredinidae. These attacks have occurred from depths of 
a few feet of water to a depth of 7,200 feet. Roch” in his paper on Mediterranean 
Teredos refers to Teredo utriculus obtained from a depth as great as 10,000 feet. A 
species of Xylophaga was found ranging from a few feet of water to 6, 000 feet or 
more; some have been found burrowing into the insulation of submarine cables, 
causing physical damage and short circuits. 

In a recent report, 8 mention is made of a species of Martesia boring through 
the outer solid-lead sheath and subadjacent insulation of an electrical conduit cable 
(off the coast of Florida), producing a blowout which seriously interrupted urban 
electrical service. 

Martesia striata has been responsible for attacks and penetration of solid-lead 
sheathing of a submarine power cable (in Boca Ciega Bay, Florida) resulting in an 
electrical short. The exposed lead sheathing was riddled with holes. Some holes 
were about 6 mm in diameter and 2 mm in depth. In another instance, a 4-mm-thick 
solid-lead sheath covered with two layers of asphalt-impregnated jute which served 
as a bedding for a single layer of galvanized-steel armor wire was penetrated by 
Martesia striata and Barnea truncata 300 feet from shore in 3.5 feet of water where 
the bottom was muddy. 

Even concrete has not been immune to attack by marine animals. Inspection 
of concrete-jacketed wooden piles in Los Angeles Harbor revealed the presence of 
7 to 8 burrowing animals per square foot of concrete. Of 18 piles, 16 jackets were 
found to be attacked by rock-boring animals such as Pholadidae penita, Platyodon 
cancellata, Lithophaga plumula, and Botula talcata. Burrows in the concrete 
averaged 1-3/4 inches in diameter. The concrete jackets, which had an average 
thickness of 2-1/3 inches, consisted of cement mortar with no coarse aggregate. 

The crushing strength of a 2-1/2-inch by 3-1/2-inch by 4-1/2-inch concrete 
specimen was 1, 726 pounds per square inch. It is suggested ? that a good concrete 
containing aggregates of gravel and broken stones would offer greater resistance to 
attack by these rock-boring animals. 

Marble columns which were part of the cargo of a Roman ship wrecked in the 
Mediterranean Sea in the first century B. C. were found riddled by the rock-boring 
animals Lithophaga and Pholas, producing a spongy appearance. 

Fiber mooring ropes which held buoys and mooring floats to anchors were 
damaged by Teredo morsei Bartsch, and some ropes were entirely severed mainly at 
the lower ends (near the attachments to the anchors). 

Marine Bacteria 

The marine bacteria's indispensible function in the biological cycle of the sea 
is primarily one concerned with transformation of organic and inorganic substances. 
The characteristics, distribution, and function of marine bacteria have been described 
in great detail by ZoBell. 10 Some are autotrophic bacteria and are able to build 
carbohydrate and protein out of simple substances such as carbon dioxide and 
inorganic salts. One group of autotrophes, the chemosynthetic bacteria, derive 
their energy from the oxidation of various inorganic compounds such as hydrogen 
sulfide, sulfur, or ammonia on the sea bottom where there is insufficient light for 
photosynthesis. However, the majority of marine bacteria are heterotrophic bacteria 
which obtain their energy and carbon source by the oxidation of organic compounds. 
During bacterial metabolism the organic substances in the sea water and sediments 
are transformed into carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, and minerals. These bacteria 
convert from 30 to 40 percent of the carbon of organic compounds into bacterial 
cell substances. |! Other geochemical changes which take place during the bacterial 
metabolism include consumption of oxygen, production of heat and hydrogen sulfide, 
and changes in hydrogen-ion concentration. 

Marine bacteria are found in sea water and in bottom sediments from shallow 
depths to the deepest portion of the sea. The greatest number have been found in 
coastal waters where the greatest abundance of plant and animal life is also produced; 
however, the greatest density by far of bacterial population is found on the bottom, 
where millions of cells per gram of wet mud may occur. !2 The aerobic bacteria, 
which require free oxygen for growth, are found in sea water and in the first few 
inches of bottom sediment. The anaerobic bacteria, which are able to grow in an 
environment where free oxygen is absent, are usually found in areas where relatively 
heavy accumulations of organic matters are found, such as in marine bottom sediments, 
under deteriorating organic coatings of various materials, and in minute pits found in 
corroding metal surfaces. 

ZoBell and Morita found millions of viable bacteria per gram of sediments 
taken from gue exceeding 33,000 feet on the Danish Galathea Deep-Sea 
Expedition. |! Many deep-sea species are able to grow well at a temperature as 
low as 0 centrigrade. The high hydrostatic pressures which prevail at great depths 
are not a deterrent to bacterial life; ZoBell found that some bacteria are actually 
barophillic or pressure-loving bacteria and reproduced only when subjected to 400 
to 1,000 atmospheres. !3 (See Figure 1 for method of converting atmospheres to 
pounds per square inch. ) 

Because marine bacteria are able to live in various marine environments and 
can utilize various materials for growth, they are one of the major biological agents 
of deterioration and fouling of various organic and inorganic materials and equipment 
in sea water and in marine sediments. Marine bacteria play an important role in the 
fouling of submerged surfaces by (1) affording a foothold for other animals, (2) dis- 
coloring glazed or bright surfaces, (3) becoming a source of food for barnacles, etc., 
and (4) promoting the deposition of the carcareous cements of sessile animals. !9 
The effect of fouling by marine organisms (including the bacteria) on the acoustic 
efficiency of submerged sonar equipment is extremely serious, resulting in an average 
attenuation of about three decibels per inch of fouling thickness. 

Pits between 10 and 37 mils in depth were formed beneath the growth of fouling 
organisms (barnacles) on the surface of monel metal immersed in sea water at 
Port Hueneme, California. These pits may have resulted from localized oxygen- 
concentration cells due to barnacle growth. Bacterial film (produced as a result 
of abundant bacterial growth) may form a protective layer over an antifouling 
coating normally toxic to fouling animals, thereby affording these animals a foothold 
for growth. 14 |t may be possible that a simple rapid test to determine the effective- 
ness of antifouling paints can be developed by testing antifouling paint against marine 

Marine cellulose-decomposing bacteria are responsible for millions of dollars 
worth of damage to fiber nets, seines, and lines used by commercial fishermen. The 
average useful life of this equipment is less than two years. 15 Manila ropes and 
cotton fishing nets have been destroyed after 14 months in sea water. Also present 
in the sea are cellulose-destroying fungi found infesting natural fibers and wood. 16, 17 
Rubber products including rubber hoses, chlorinated rubber paints, rubber gaskets 
and similar materials used at sea, either submerged or subject to frequent wetting with 
salt water, are decomposed by the action of marine bacteria. Rubber is generally 
regarded as biologically inert, but highly purified rubber, both natural and synthetic, 
as well as various rubber products are susceptible to bacterial oxidation in the presence 
of mineral and moisture. Corks used at sea as floats by commercial fishermen and 
others also are decomposed by marine bacteria, which slowly destroy the buoyancy 

by rupturing the cell walls of the cork which is composed of lignocellulose suberin 
complex filled with air spaces. Petroleum hydrocarbons such as gasoline, kerosene, 
lubricating oil, crude oil, and other petroleum products are oxidized by microorganisms 
inhabiting sea water and marine bottom sediments as well as on land. In a laboratory 
test, samples of crude oi! added to marine sediments were rapidly destroyed by the 
hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria of Proactinomyces, Actinomyces, Pseudomonas, 
Micromonospora, or Mycobacterium. Bacteria which utilize hydrocarbon might be 
instrumental in causing undesirable changes in petroleum products stored over water. 
Kerosene and gasoline in storage tanks were decomposed with the formation of 
methane and possibly ethane. When combined with air, these gases could form 
explosive mixtures which might account for spontaneous oil fires. 18 In a laboratory 
test, neither polyethylene plastic nor neoprene was affected by either aerobic or 
anaerobic marine bacteria; however, polyvinyl chloride plastics were susceptible to 
bacterial decomposition according to the way in which they were plasticized. 

Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria 

The sulfate-reducing bacteria are strict anaerobes which obtain their energy 
by the reduction of sulfates and sulfites in water in the absence of free oxygen. The 
end product of their metabolic process is hydrogen sulfide. These bacteria are widely 
distributed in the marine environment and have assumed particular significance since 
it was discovered that they are agents of deterioration of organic and inorganic 
materials, !9,20,21,22 ZoBell found from 10, 000 to 1, 000, 000 sulfate-reducing 
bacteria per gram of bottom sediment from the Pacific coast of California. 10 

In the Black Sea, oxygenated water is found from the surface down to 
approximately 600 feet, and is inhabited by plants and animals. However, between 
600 feet and the bottom at approximately 6, 600 feet, the water contains large 
quantities of hydrogen sulfide (6.04 ml/liter at a depth of 3, 300 feet), and only 
microorganisms inhabit this area. 3 The high content of the hydrogen sulfide does 
not visibly inhibit the capacity of microorganisms to use organic matter and other 
materials in their life process. They participate in the overturn of carbon, nitrogen, 
sulfur, and phosphorus in the sea. A bacteriological examination of one gram of 
mud taken from the deepest parts of the Black Sea floor produced 100, 000 colonies 
of bacteria on a suitable medium. The large microbial population in the hydrogen- 
sulfide zone consists chiefly of filamentous purple-sulfur bacteria. 

The aqueous hydrogen-sulfide environment is detrimental to many materials; 
for example, it may produce the erratic behavior of steels known as "sulfide-stress 
cracking." This is the spontaneous fracturing of steel subjected simultaneously to 
a corrosive hydrogen-sulfide aqueous medium and a static stress less than the tensile 
strength of the metal. 24 Polyethylene insulating compounds used in ocean telephone 
cables are essentially impervious to sea water and oxygen; however, they can be 
permeated by hydrogen sulfide found in ocean-bottom sediments. 29 

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Sulfate-reducing bacteria were found to be responsible for a severe external 
anaerobic corrosion of a ship's hull which laid on mud banks of a river estuary for 
several months after launching. Pitting and black corrosion products were observed 
on rivet points and plates. The liquid extracted from inside the paint blisters on the 
ship's hull have been reported to contain sulfate-reducers, and their deleterious 
action is considered to be more widespread in marine corrosion than has been previously 
suspected. 26 Anaerobic corrosion is one of the several important types of corrosion 
which cause metal loss estimated at between 5 and 6 billion dollars annually in the 
United States. 27 In studies 28 wherein steel test samples were immersed in sterile 
sea water (bacteria-free) for 6 months, the corrosion rate was 0.0294, 0.0397, and 
0.066 gram per square meter per hour; however, samples of steel exposed to the 
action of natural marine bacterial populations in the North Sea showed a 20 to 
25 percent increase in the deterioration rates. This increase was attributed to 
increased acidity of the liquid medium and changed electric potential of the metal 
due to the metabolic activity of marine bacteria. It was demonstrated that micro- 
organisms isolated from corroding steel samples attacked newly submerged steel 
samples more aggressively than those bacteria normally found in sea water. 

Concrete sewer pipes and buried iron conduits are severely damaged by sulfur 
bacteria (genus Thiobacillus). These bacteria utilize elemental sulfur, thiosulfates, 
and hydrogen sulfide as sources of hydrogen or energy, oxidizing these substances 
eventually to sulfuric acid. The acid attacks concrete and iron conduits, causing 
severe deterioration. 

Fish, Sharks, and Sea Urchins 

Certain varieties of marine fish are attracted to white polyethylene-covered 
cables and lines. Nibbling by these fish has caused considerable damage to 
insulations. It is suggested 2? that the use of black polyetheylene-covered cables 
in the sea is advantageous since they do not attract fish. There is a report about 
sharks which like to test their teeth and jaws on submarine cable sheathings, often 
leaving their teeth embedded clear through the copper core. 

The purple sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, were blamed for the 
destruction of steel H-beam piles in 30 feet of water about 1,500 feet from shore. 
Of the 42 steel piles (oil-well pier) pulled, about half were damaged by these 
urchins. The abrasive action of the sea urchins kept the rust cleared, leaving the 
bare metal continuously exposed to the corroding action of sea water. The adjoining 
pits made by the urchins became large holes; as these holes merged, the damaged 
isolated sections of the steel piling finally fell before the forces of the surging sea. 


The knowledge of the existence of animal life in the deep sea was first provided 
by a broken submarine cable that was brought up for repairs from a depth of over 
6,600 feet in the Mediterranean in 1860. Attached to this cable were bivalve 
mollusks, gastropods, hydroids, alcyonanians, and worms. Recently the Danish 
Deep-Sea Expedition (1950-52) in the research ship Galathea obtained living 
animals of several phyla, in addition to viable bacteria, from a depth of greater 
than 33, 000 feet in the Philippine Trench. The animals obtained at this great depth 
included about 40 actinians, 5 echiurid worms, 80 myriotrochus, 1 elasipod holothurian, 
5 bivalves, and species of amphipods and tanaids. 30 

Much of the animal life in the deep sea is truly endemic, as shown by the 
presence of vast numbers of species and genera found consistently in the deep zones. 
However, many deep-sea species are eurybathic; that is, they endure great ranges 
of depth. These animals are of great biological interest because of their adaptability 
to conditions of depths. Some of the more outstanding eurybathic forms which are 
able to inhabit the ocean from shallow to great depths are: (1) pennatularians — to 
11, 900 feet, (2) polychaetes — to 16, 500 feet, (3) bivalves — to 14, 500 feet, 

(4) snails — to 9,900 feet, (5) starfish — to 8,000 feet, and (6) sea urchins — to 
16, 000 feet. 3 

Species of marine fish are also capable of inhabiting the environment of total 
darkness, low temperature, and high hydrostatic pressures which prevails in deep 
waters. In this area of very little or no light penetration, there is a marked increase 
in reddish and dark-colored animals. Abyssal fishes are characterized by strange 
and weird anatomical adaptations. These adaptations are concerned with structural 
modifications fitting the animals better to survive in faintest light or in utter and 
perpetual darkness. They are mainly along three lines: (1) tactile structures, 

(2) food-procuring contrivances, and (3) light production. The following are a few 
of the deep-sea fishes that were obtained on various deep-sea expeditions: 

(1) Macropharynx longicaudatus, length 15.1 cm, from 11,500 feet, (2) Gigantactis 
macronema, length 13.3 cm, from 8,250 feet, (3) Linophryne macrodon, length 

5.3 cm, from 5,000 feet, (4) Malacostus indicus, length 8 cm, from 3,000 to 

8, 250 feet. 3 3! 


The ocean environment is so broad and complex with so many factors involved, 
such as marine life, depths, pressure, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen con- 
centration, and bottom sediments, that a single test procedure cannot be expected 

to yield all the necessary information on the problem of biological deterioration of 
materials in the deep ocean. Field, as well as laboratory, studies are essential. 
The data obtained from these two approaches can then be compared and correlated, 
and a more useful body of information on the behavior of each engineering material 
to biological deterioration can be accumulated. This information would provide 
marine engineers and designers with valuable data on the merits of each material 
for use in the deep-sea environment. 

As a part of its total program of deep-ocean studies, the Laboratory is planning 
a series of investigations along the following lines. 

Exposure of Materials in the Natural Sea Environment 

Deep-Ocean Exposure Test. Selected engineering materials to be exposed will 
be secured aboard a Submersible Test Unit (STU), shown in Figure 2, and placed on 
the bottom of the sea off Port Hueneme, California, at a depth of approximately 
6,000 feet. For example, commercially available plastic rods and tubes will be 
assembled in a rack as shown in Figure 3. A portion of each rod will be wrapped 
with jute fiber and coal tar, another portion will be taped, and the remaining 
area.will be left smooth. At the midpoint of the rods, an untreated piece of pine 
wood will be fitted around the test samples to act as bait to lure marine organisms 
into direct contact with the specimens and thus determine whether or not they will 
attack the plastic rods directly from the water. The assembled rack will be attached 
to the STU in such a way that the lower ends of the rods will be buried in the bottom 
sediments and the upper portions exposed to the sea water. This is to determine the 
effect of mud dwellers, including bacteria, on plastics buried in the sediments, and 
the effect of other marine organisms on plastic rods exposed above the mud line. 
Various materials such as concrete, metals, rubber, electrical wire cables, and coral 
concrete will also be placed aboard three STU's. The first STU will be retrieved 
after 6 months, the second after 12 months, and the third after 24 months' exposure 
in the deep ocean. The biological effects, if any, upon these materials then will 
be carefully inspected and evaluated. Materials and devices placed on the STU by 
other engineers and scientists for exposure to the effects of the deep-ocean environ- 
ment will also be inspected for biological deterioration and any live specimens 
found attached to these materials will be preserved for later biological study. 

Shallow-Water Exposure Test. Because of the wide differences in water 
temperature, hydrostatic pressure, etc., between shallow and deep-ocean depths, 
it is expected that the number, activity, and species of marine animals found will 
be quite different in the two environments. However, it is possible that some species 
which attack materials in shallow water may be eurybathic. A comparison of species 
found deleterious to submerged materials (other than wood) in these two environments 
will be made and the rates of deterioration due to biological action will be determined. 
No further investigation other than the exposure test is planned in this environment. 


Height: 14 ft 

Cross section: 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 ft 
Base: 13 x 13 ft 

Weight: about 3,000 Ib 

Capacity: about 2,000 |b of mtls 
and test equip. 

Figure 2. Sketch of Submersible Test Unit (STU) designed to test the 
behaviors of engineering materials in deep-ocean environments. 


2 x 2 x 2 x 30-in. channel iron 

~ 3-ft plastic rods 2x 4x 30-in. pine wood 

connecting iron 

2 x 2 x 2 x 30-in. channel iron 

connecting iron 

front view 

side view 

Figure 3. Sketch of special metal rack to hold plastic rods and tubes for 
deep-ocean exposure. 


The preferred location for the shallow-water exposure test would be in tropical 
waters such as at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where the biological activity is intense. In 
addition to the species of Teredo and Limnoria, a pholad, Martesia striata, is present 
in these waters. Martesia striata is found throughout the world in nearly all temperate 
and tropical regions and this invertebrate may prove to be the most destructive and 
difficult to control of all the biological agents, especially since it is able to attack 
various chemically preserved woods, hard tropical woods, and even solid lead sheaths 
of submarine cables. Species of Martesia have been found in waters around the coasts 
of North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Cuba, the Hawaiian Islands, Japan, the Philippine 
Islands, and Australia. 

Commercially available plastic rods and tubes and other selected materials 
will be exposed in the sea. The plastic rods will be assembled in a rack very similar 
to the ones assembled for the deep-ocean exposure test. The lower ends of the rods 
will be in marine sediments and the upper portions will be exposed to the sea water. 
The rack with the test materials will be raised and inspected for any biological 
deterioration after 6, 12, and 24 months' exposure in relatively shallow water. 
Other selected engineering materials will also be exposed in this environment. 

Laboratory Investigations 

The Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Materials and their Resistance to 
Biological Action. It is anticipated that some materials may undergo structural 
changes under the influence of high hydrostatic pressure; i.e., changes in perme- 
ability, density, elasticity, etc. Some materials which are normally resistant to 
biological deterioration may become highly susceptible to biological action when 
these changes take place. 

Hydrostatic pressures (up to 15,000 psi) will be applied to various organic 
materials in a high-pressure test vessel. The biological-deterioration studies upon 
these materials will take place in standard BOD bottles containing sea water and 
bottom sediments and utilizing marine microorganisms as biological agents. This 
laboratory test is essentially a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) type of test in 
which the ability of marine bacteria to utilize organic compounds as the only source 
of carbon for growth is determined. It is considered primarily a screening test. The 
BOD-type test consists of two separate bioassay procedures. In one method, the 
oxygen consumed by the aerobic bacteria is measured; in the other, a metabolic 
by-product (hydrogen sulfide) resulting from anaerobic bacterial activity is measured. 
With minor changes, the BOD-type test follows the procedures employed by Snoke 32 
in biological-deterioration tests of various organic materials and elastomers utilizing 
marine microorganisms. 

A Conductor Test to Determine Biological Deterioration of Organic Coatings 

and Insulations. Various organic coatings and insulations for wire conductors designed 
for use in shallow and deep water will be evaluated for biological deterioration. 
Hydrostatic pressures (up to 15,000 psi) will be applied in a high-pressure test vessel 
to organic insulating materials coated on a wire conductor and to commercially 
available insulated wire conductors. Coils of pressure-applied and nonpressure- 
applied test materials will be placed in separate covered glass jars containing sea 
water and marine sediments, and results will be compared and evaluated. This 
medium will also contain species of viable microorganisms normally found in sea 

water and bottom sediments. Insulation resistance measurements will be taken 
periodically to indicate any changes in dielectric strength. Microscopic examinations 
of the insulations will be performed when electrical failure has occurred, and it will 
be determined if breakdown of wire coatings occurred in the sediment or in the water. 
Conductors will be placed in sterile sea water and sediments to serve as controls. 

It is believed that valuable and readily applicable engineering data can be obtained 
by using this test technique. 

Studies on Deterioration of Metals by Marine Microorganisms. This investigation 
will consist of basic research on the effects of marine microorganisms on the corrosion 

of various metals. Because bacteria are capable of inhabiting varied marine environments 
and are able to utilize various organic and inorganic materials from the sea for growth, 

it is expected that marine bacteria (including the sulfate-reducers) would be one of 

the major biological agents of deterioration of various engineering materials in sea 

water and in marine sediments. 

The marine anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria which reduce sulfates and 
sulfites to hydrogen sulfide during their metabolic process have assumed particular 
significance since it was discovered that they are agents of severe deterioration of 
iron and steel in the sea. It is felt that any information obtained from this study on 
the mechanism of corrosion of metal due to bacterial action or its metabolic by-products 
will aid researchers in developing methods of prevention and control of deterioration 
of various organic and inorganic materials for use in the sea environment. 


1. Extensive field and laboratory studies have been performed and considerable 
published information exists about the deteriorating effects of marine wood-boring 
animals upon wooden structures in shallow protected waters. However, there have 
been very few controlled field or laboratory studies made about the biological 
deterioration of materials other than wood in either the shallow or the deep-ocean 
environments. Thus there is virtually no published data on the behavior of materials 

such as plastics, concrete, coating resins, wire insulation, elastomers, ceramics, 
metals, and other nonligneous materials exposed to the natural biological population 
of the sea and its bottom sediments. 

2. Materials such as lead sheaths of submarine cables, concrete, rocks, and steel 
pilings have been penetrated by marine animals at various depths; therefore, it is 
highly possible that other engineering materials will also be susceptible to attack 
if they were available as a source of food or shelter for these animals in the deep- 
ocean environment. 

3. The marine microorganisms capable of inhabiting extreme sea environments can 
be expected to be important agents of deterioration of materials in the ocean. The 
sulfate-reducing bacteria which produce hydrogen sulfide under anaerobic conditions 
have assumed particular significance as agents of deterioration of various engineering 

4. The inadequacy of the information obtained from the literature survey to meet 
the requirements of the Navy's accelerated interest in deep-ocean developments 
points up the need for more intensive investigations of the effects of marine organisms 
on engineering materials in deep-ocean environments. 


1. Turner, Ruth D. "The Status of Systematic Work in the Teredinidae, " in 
Marine Boring and Fouling Organisms, edited by Dixy Lee Ray. Friday Harbor 
Symposium, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1959. 

2. Forsythe, W. E. Smithsonian Physical Tables, Smithsonian Miscellaneous 
Collections, 9th Ed., Vol. 120. Smithsonian Institution, New York, 1954. 

3. Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson, and R. H. Fleming. The Oceans. Their 
Physics, Chemistry and General Biology. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1942. 

4. Nicol, J. A. C. The Biology of Marine Animals. Interstate Publishers, 
New York, 1960. 

5. Menzies, R. J., and Ruth D. Turner. "The Distribution and Importance of 
Marine Wood Borers in the United States." ASTM Special Technical Publication 
No. 200. American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, September 1956, 
pp 3-21. 


6. Clapp, W. F., and R. Kenk. Marine Borers, a Preliminary Bibliography, 
Parts | and II. Library of Congress, Technical Information Division, Washington, D. C., 
1956 and 1957. 

7. Roch, F. "Die Teredinidae de Mittelmeeres," Thalassia, Vol. 4, 1940, pp 1-147. 

8. Bartsch, P., and H. A. Rehder. "The West Atlantic Boring Mollusks of the Genus 
Martesia." Publs. Misc. Coll. No. 104. Smithsonian Institution, New York, 1945. 

9. Atwood, W. G., and A. A. Johnson. Marine Structures, Their Deterioration 
and Preservation. National Research Council, Washington, D. C., 1924. 

10. ZoBell, C. E. Marine Microbiology. A Monograph on Hydrobacteriology. 
Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass., 1946. 

11. Morita, R. Y., and C..E. ZoBell. "Occurrence of Bacteria in Pelagic 
Sediments Collected During the Mid-Pacific Expedition." Deep Sea Research, 
Vol. 3, 1955, pp 63-73. 

12. ZoBell, C. E. "Studies on the Bacterial Flora of Marine Bottom Sediments. " 
Jour. of Sedimentary Petr., Vol. 8, April 1938, pp 10-18. 

13. ZoBell, C. E. "Hydrostatic Pressure as a Factor Affecting the Viability and 
Activities of Bacteria in the Sea." Int. Congr. Microbiol. Rept. Proc. 6th Congr., 
Vol. 7, September 1953, pp 372-373. 

14. ZoBell, C..E., and Esther C. Allen. "The Significance of Marine Bacteria 
in the Fouling of Submerged Surfaces." Jour. of Bact., Vol. 29, 1935, pp 239-251. 

15. Robertson, A. C. "Preservation of Textile Fish Nets." Ind. Engr. Chem., 
Vol. 23, 1931, pp 1093-1098. 

16. Barghoorn, E. S. "The Occurrence and Significance of Marine Cellulose- 
Destroying Fungi." Science, Vol. 96, 1942, pp 358-359. 

17. Myers, S. P. "Marine Fungi in Biscayne Bay, Florida." Bull. of Marine Sci. 
of the Gulf and Caribbean, Vol. 2, 1953, pp 590-601. 

18. Thaysen, A. C. "Gas Evolution in Gasoline Storage Tanks Caused by the 
Activity of Microorganisms." Jour. Inst. Petrol. Tech., Vol. 25, 1939, pp 411-415. 

19. Starkey, R. L. "The Relationship of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria to Iron Corrosion 
in the Marine Environment." Int. Congr. Microbiol. Rept. Proc. 6th Congr., Vol. 7, 
September 1953, pp 326-327. 

20. Scott, W. R. "Some New Concepts of Corrosion from Bacterial Action in 
Water Floods." A Seminar on Water Flood Problems, presented in Los Angeles, 
California, by Magna Products, Inc., Santa Fe Springs, California, January 1960, 
pp 3-38. 

21. Wood, F. E. J. "Marine Bacteria in Relation to Economic Processes." Int. 
Congr. Microbiol. Rept. Proc. 6th Congr., Vol. 7, September 1953, pp 350-357. 

22. Starkey, R. L. "Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria — Physiology and Practical 
Significance." Lecture presented at University of Maryland, College Park, 
October 1960. 

23. Kriss, A. E. "Microbiology and the Chief Problems in the Black Sea." Deep 
Sea Research, Vol. 5, 1959, pp 193-200. 

24. Vollmer, L. W. "The Behavior of Steels in Hydrogen Sulfide Environment." 
Corrosion, Vol. 14, July 1958, pp 37-42. 

25. Hazzard, Peggy M. "How Environment Affects Ocean Cables." Bell Laboratory 

Record, March 1961. 

26. Patterson, W. S. "External Ship Corrosion Due to Bacterial Action." Trans. 
North East Coast Inst. Engr. and Shipbuilders, Vol. 68, December 1951, pp 93-106. 

27. Uhlig, H. H. "The Cost of Corrosion to the United States." Chem. Engr. 
News, Vol. 27, 1949, pp 2764-2767. 

28. Nikitina, N. S., and |. B. Ulanovskii. "Some Data on the Microbiological 
Factors of the Corrosion of Steel in Sea Waters." (In Russian.) Akad. Nauk SSR. 
Murmanskaia Biologicheskaia Stantsiia, Dal'niye elentsy, Trudy No. 3, 1957, 

pp 190-200. 

29. Pauli, D. C., W. M. Ellsworth, and J. Richards. "A Survey of the Effect 
of Ocean Environment on the MONOB Array." Cleveland Pneumatic Industries, Inc., 
Washington, D. C., August 1960. 

30. Bruun, A. Fr. "The Philippine Trench and Its Bottom Fauna." Nature, Vol. 168, 
October 1951, pp 692-693. 

31. Marshall, N. B. Aspects of Deep-Sea Biology. Hutchinson and Co., London, 

32. Snoke, L. R. "Resistance of Organic Materials and Cable Structures to Marine 
Biological Attack." The Bell System Tech. Jour., Vol. 36, 1957, pp 1095-1127. 

33. Chilton, C. "Destructive Boring Crustacea in New Zealand." New Zealand 
Jour. Sci. Technol., Vol. 2(1), 1919, pp 3-15. 

34. Anderson, J. "Statistics of Telegraphy. Appendix I. An Account of Marine 
Cables Laid." Jour. Statistics Soc. London, Vol. 35(3), 1872, pp 313-321. 

35. Mance, H. "Experiments Conducted for the Purpose of Ascertaining Whether 
the Teredo Borer Prefers Gutta-percha to India Rubber." Teleg. Jour. and Elect. 
Rev., Vol. 3(68), 1875, p 278. 

36. Preece, G. E. "On Cable-Borers." Teleg. Jour. and Elect. Rev., Vol. 3(69), 
1875, pp 296-297. 

37. Bontemps, C. "Telegraphic Sous-Marine: la Destruction des Cables." Nature 
(Paris), Vol. 5, Part 2(233), November 1877, pp 387-389. 

38. Rivera, V. "Osservazioni e Rilievi Sopra Alcuni Xilofagi Marini Rinvenuti 
nell Interno dei Cavi Telegrafici." R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano, Bollettino 

Bimestriale, Vol. 5 (1-3), 1951, pp 34-48. 

39. Siemens, C. W. "On the Outer Covering of Deep-Sea Cables." Rep. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci. Meeting, Vol. 35 (1865), Trans. 1866, pp 187-190. 

40. Andrews, A. "Limnoria terebrans Attacking Telegraph Cable Exhibited. " 

Quart. Jour. Microsc. Sci. (n.s.), Vol. 15(59), 1875, p 332. 

41. Springer, V. G., and E. R. Beeman. "Penetration of Lead by the Wood 
Piddock, Martesia striata." Science, Vol. 131, 6 May 1960, pp 1378-1379. 

42. Snoke, L. R., and A. P. Richards. "Marine Borer Attack on Lead Cable 
Sheath." Science, Vol. 124, 7 September 1956. 

43. Kelly, R. A. "Toughest Splicing Job of All." Popular Mechanics, February 1961, 
pp 154-156, 258-259. s 

44, Johnson, M. W. "Deterioration Due to Marine Borers." Marine Corrosion 
and Fouling Conference, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, April 18-20, 1956. 

45. Sadler, W. R., and D. E. Hughes. "Observations on Rock-Boring Mollusks 
in Concrete." Engineering News Record, Vol. 93(26), 1924, pp 1027-28. 

46. Ludlow, J. W. "Developments in Connection with Concrete Piling." World 
Ports, Vol. 12(6), 1924, pp 34-44. 

47. Rigdon, J. H., and C. W. Beardsley. '" Corrosion of Concrete by Autotrophes. " 
Corrosion, Vol. 14, April 1958, pp 206t-208t. 

48. Summer, W. "Microbially Induced Corrosion." Corrosion Tech., Vol. 7, 

September 1960, pp 287-288. 

49, Oppenheimer, C. H. "Marine Microbiology." Naval Research Review, 

April 1961, pp 11-14. 

50. Starky, R. L. "Transformation of |ron by Bacteria in Water." Jour. of the 
Amer. Water Works Assoc., Part II, Vol. 37, July-December 1945, pp 963-983. 

51. Caldwell, J. A., and M. L. Lytle. "Bacterial Corrosion of Offshore Structures. " 
Corrosion, Vol. 9, June 1953, pp 192-196. 

52. Nikitina, N. S., and |. B. Ulanovskii. "Growth of Bacteria on Steel Surface 
in Sea Water." (In Russian.) Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 98, 1954, pp 841-844. 

53. Irwin, Margaret. "Steel Boring Sea Urchins." Pacific Discovery, Vol. 6, 
March-April 1953, pp 26-27. 

54. Brouillette, C. V. “Corrosion Rates in Port Hueneme Harbor." Corrosion, 

Vol. 14, August 1958, pp 352t-356t. 

55. Mendizza, A. "Corrosion — The Constant Enemy of Metal." Bell Laboratory 
Record, Vol. 34, December 1956, pp 451-455. 

56. Ulanovskii, |. B., and N. S. Niemen "The Influence of Putrifying Aerobic 
Bacteria on the Corrosion of Steel in Sea Water." (In Russian.) Microbiologiya, 
Vol. 25, January-February 1956, pp 66-71. 

57. Atkins, W. R. G., and F. J. Warren. "The Preservation of Fish Nets, Trawl 

Twines, and Fiber Ropes for Use in Sea Water." Jour. Marine Biol. Assoc., Vol. 25, 
1941, pp 97-107. 


58. ZoBell, C. E., and Josephine D. Beckwith. "The Deterioration of Rubber 
Products by Microorganisms." Jour. Amer. Water Works Assoc., Vol. 36, 1944, 
pp 439-453. 

59. ZoBell, C. E., C. W. Grant, and H. F. Haas. "Marine Microorganisms 
Which Oxidize Petroleum Hydrocarbons." Bull. of the Amer. Assoc. of Petr. 
Geol., Vol. 27, September 1943, pp 1175-1193. 

60. Coe, W. R. "Destruction of Mooring Ropes by Teredo: Growth and Habits 
in an Unusual Environment." Science (New York), Vol. 77, 12 May 1933, pp 447-449. 

61. Kodota, Hajime. "A Study of the Marine Cellulose-Decomposing Bacteria. " 
Fisheries Series (Japan), Vol. 6, 1956. 

62. Defense Research Laboratories. Report No. 192, The Preservation of Ropes 
Against Deterioration in Sea Water, by W. R. Hindson. Dept. of Supply, Australia, 
May 1953. 

63. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Report No. 22, Fishing Gear Preservatives 
for Philippine Waters, 1950. 

64. Naval Research Laboratory. Report No. $2477, Corrosion and Fouling of 
Sonar Equipment, Part |, by J. W. Fitzgerald, M. S. Davis, and B. G. Hurdle. 
Office of Naval Research, Washington, D. C., March 1947. 

65. Kalinenko, V. O., and N. A. Mefedova. "Bacterial Fouling of the Submerged 
Parts of Ships." (In Russian with English Summary.) Microbiologiya, Vol. 25, 1956, 
pp 191-194. 

66. Ragg, M. "The Biological Rapid-Testing of Ship-Bottom Paints." (In German. ) 
Farbe U. Lack, Vol. 57, July-August 1951, pp 287-291, 352-356. 

67. Marine Fouling and its Prevention, prepared for Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, 
by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass. Contribution No. 580. 
Copyright by United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., 1952. 

68. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Technical Report No. 5, Fouling in 
the Western Pacific, by L. W. Hutchins under Office of Naval Research Contract 
N5 ori-195. Woods Hole, Mass., March 1949. 

69. Turner, Ruth D. "The Family Pholadidae in the Western Atlantic and the 
Eastern Pacific." Johnsonia, Vol. 3, Parts | and II, May 1954 and March 1955. 


70. Schmitt, W. L. Crustaceans in Smithsonian Scientific Series, Vol. 10, 
Washington, D. C., 1931, pp 85-248. 

71. MacGinitie, G. E. "Ecological Aspects of a California Marine Estuary." 
Amer. Midland Naturalist, Vol. 16, 1935, pp 639-765. 

72. Yonge, C. M. The Sea Shore. Wm. Collins Sons and Co., London, 1949. 

73. Yonge, C. M. "Marine Boring Organisms." Research (London), Vol. 4, 1951, 
pp 162-167. 

74. U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. Technical Report 147, Harbor 
Screening Tests of Marine Borer Inhibitors — Il, by H. Hochman and T. Roe, Jr. 
Port Hueneme, California, 16 May 1961. 

75. U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. Technical Report 048, The Toxicity 
of Chemical Agents to Marine Borers — I, by H. Vind and H. Hochman. Port Hueneme, 
California, 29 June 1960. 

76. Vind, H., H. Hochman, J. Muraoka, and J. Casey. "Relationship Between 
Limnoria Species and Service Life of Creosoted Piling." ASTM Special Technical 
Publication No. 200. Amer. Soc. Test. Mat., Philadelphia, September 1956, 
pp 35-50. 

77. Ray, Dixy Lee. "An Integrated Approach to Some Problems of Marine Biological 
Deterioration: Destruction of Wood in Sea Water," in Marine Biology, edited by 
Ivan Pratt and James E. McCauley. Biology Colloquium, Oregon State College, 
Corvallis, 1959, pp 70-87. 










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‘pp1UOD D}!ued aDp!Ipojoug 

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ayy ul 420q p90g D7 

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a1aM Jy ynogo ‘payjnd sayid Zp ouy 
JO *sayid woaq-} jaea4s ayy yo 410M 

-989D] D spDW UOISOIJOD YIM Paulqwod 

4194} UO JaAD] UO!SoAOd 4D! 4J-WW=E 

D poy sajduins asayy pun ‘ajduins jaay4s 
D JO BdDJ1Ns ayy WO pajde];09 a198M 
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UO!}|!W OLE JO ]2404 D ‘sADp QS Je4}V 
*uolsiawu! yo App 4saty ayy Uo peipad 
-dd yjmosB joljayopg "pag syueiDg 
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alam WWE X OG| X QOZ ‘Sejdwins jae4s 

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UOI!SO1IOD ayy ‘4sa} A1oJDIOqD] D U| 

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UDBD0 JO SPNW 49D}q ayy U! aplyjns 
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Bulpoiiod wo Diwayopg “(poled 
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*sia1oq Opasay jsulo6p uolydejo1d so 
pasn si addo> *1addo> pup a11M 
JOWUD }aa4s—paziuDA}DB Aq payoa4 
-oJd 81D sajqno auoydaye4y eulinwqns 

“Bulyyid ynousim 

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Bul|Noy YyIM payDod 218M 13}0M Das 
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No. of 








Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks (Code 70) 
Naval Forces Commanders (Taiwan Only) 
Construction Battalions 

Mobile Construction Battalions 
Amphibious Construction Battalions 
Construction Battalion Base Units 

Chief of Naval Research - Only 

Chief of Naval Operation (OP-07, OP-04) 


Laboratory ONR (Washington, D. C. only) 
Research Office ONR (Pasadena only) 
Training Device Center 

Station - CNO (Boston; Key West; New Orleans; San Juan; Long Beach; San Diego; 
Treasure Island; and Rodman, C. Z. only) 

Communication Station (San Juan; San Francisco; Pearl Harbor; Adak, Alaska; and 
Guam only) 

Administration Command and Unit CNO (Saipan only) 
Communication Facility (Pt. Lyautey only) 

Security Station 

Radio Station (Oso and Cheltanham only) 

Security Group Activities (Winter Harbor only) 

Hospital (Chelsea; St. Albans, Portsmouth, Va; Beaufort; Great Lakes; San Diego; 
Oakland; and Camp Pendleton only) 

Medical Center 

Administration Command and Unit - BuPers (Great Lakes and San Diego only) 
U. S. Fleet Anti-Air Warfare Training Center (Virginia Beach only) 
Amphibious Bases 

Receiving Station (Brooklyn only) 

Station - BuPers (Washington, D. C. only) 

Training Center (Bainbridge only) 

Personnel Center 

Construction Training Unit 

School Academy 

School CEC Officers 

School Postgraduate 

School Supply Corps 


Distribution List (Cont'd) 
No. of SNDL 

copies Code 
1 J95 School War College 
1 J99 Communication Training Center 
11 LI Shipyards 
4 L7 Laboratory - BuShips (New London; Panama City; Carderock; and Annapolis only) 
5 L26 Naval Facilities - BuShips (Antigua; Turks Island; Barbados; San Salvador; and 
Eleuthera only) 
1 L30 Submarine Base (Groton, Conn. only) 
2 L32 Naval Support Activities (London & Naples only) 
2 L42 Fleet Activities - BuShips 
4 M27 Supply Center 
7 M28 Supply Depot (Except Guantanamo Bay; Subic Bay; and Yokosuka) 
2 M61 Aviation Supply Office 
15 Nl BuDocks Director, Overseas Division 
28 N2 Public Works Offices 
7 N5 Construction Battalion Center 
5 N6 Construction Officer-in- Charge 
1 N7 Construction Resident-Officer-in-Charge 
12 N9 Public Works Center 
1 N14 Housing Activity 
2 R9 Recruit Depots 
2 R10 Supply Installations (Albany and Barstow only) 
1 R20 Marine Corps Schools, Quantico 
3 R64 Marine Corps Base 
1 R66 Marine Corps Camp Detachment (Tengan only) 
7 WIA1 Air Station 
32 W1A2 Air Station 
10 W1B Air Station Auxiliary 
4 Wwi1c Air Facility (Phoenix; Monterey; Oppama; Naha; and Naples only) 
4 WIE Marine Corps Air Station (Except Quantico) 
1 WI1F Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station 
8 W1H Station - BuWeps (Except Rota) 
1 Deputy Chief of Staff, Research and Development, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, 
Washington, D. C. 
1 President, Marine Corps Equipment Board, Marine Corps School, Quantico, Va. 
2 Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 
200 Director, Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 


No. of 



Distribution List (Cont'd) 

Chief of Staff, U. S .Army, Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army, 
Washington, D. C. 

Office of the Chief of Engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineering for Civil Works, Department of 
the Army, Washington, D. C. 

Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Attn: Engineering R & D Division, Washington, D. C. 
Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Attn: ENGCW-C, Washington, D. C. 

Director, U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Attn: Information 
Resources Branch, Fort Belvoir, Va. 

Headquarters, Wright Air Development Division, (WWAD-Library), Wright-Patterson Air Force 
Base, Ohio 

Headquarters, U. S. Air Force, Directorate of Civil Engineering, Attn; AFOCE-ES, 
Washington, D. C. 

Commander, Headquarters, Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, 
Washington, D. C. 

Deputy Chief of Staff, Development, Director of Research and Development, Department of the 
Air Force, Washington, D. C. 

Director, National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce, Connecticut Avenue, 
Washington, D. C. 

Office of the Director, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. 

Armed Services Technical Information Agency, Arlington Hall Station, Arlington, Va. 

Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Department of Defense, Washington, D. C. 
Director, Division of Plans and Policies, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. 
Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D. C. 

Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Construction Battalion Center, Attn: Technical Division, 
Code 141, Port Hueneme, Calif. 

Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Construction Battalion Center, Attn: Materiel Department, 
Code 142, Port Hueneme, Calif. 

Commanding Officer, Yards and Docks Supply Office, U. S$. Naval Construction Battalion Center, 
Port Hueneme, Calif. 

Dr. Ruth D. Turner, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 
Mr. V. Bagdon, U. S. Army Engineering Research and Development Laboratories, Ft. Belvoir, Va. 

Dr. A. M. Kaplan, Pioneering Research and Engineering Command, Natick, Mass. 

Dr. C. Lamanna, Army Research Office, Office Chief, Research and Development, Washington, D. C. 


Distribution List (Cont'd) 

No. of 

1 U. S$. Naval Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, Calif. 

1 U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif. 

1 U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, Pasadena, Calif. 

1 President, Beach Erosion Board, Corps of the Engineers, Department of the Army, 
5201 Little Falls Road, N.W., Washington, D. C. 

1 Hydrographer, U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Washington, D. C. 

1 National Academy of Science, National Research Council Committee on Oceanography, 
Washington, D. C. 

1 Office of Naval Research, Geophysics Branch, Washington, D. C. 

1 Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Office, Woods Hole, Mass. 

1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. 

1 Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. 

1 Department of Zoology, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, 
1013 East 40th Street, Seattle, Wash. 

1 Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University, Pallisades, N. Y. 

1 Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 

1 Chesapeake Bay Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 

1 Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 

1 Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas, College Station, Tex. 

1 Marine Laboratory, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. 

1 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 

1 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 

1 Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 

1 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 

1 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 

1 Director, North Atlantic Fishery Investigation, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Woods Hole, Mass. 

1 Director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. 

] Director, Narragansett Marine Laboratory, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 

1 Head, Dept. of Meterology & Oceanography, College of Engineering, New York University, New York 

] Director, Marine Laboratories, University of Delaware, Newark, Del. 

1 Director, Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. 

1 Director, Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas, Port Aransas, Tex. 

1 University of California, Department of Biology, Berkeley, Calif. 

1 University of Washington, Department of Oceanography, Seattle, Wash. 

1 Director, Arctic Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 1070, Fairbanks, Alas. 


U. §. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 
Technical Report R-182. 
USE, by James S. Muraoka. 

39 p. illus. 7 Mar 1962 UNCLASSIFIED 

A literature survey was made of the effects of 
marine organisms on various types of engineering 
materials, particularly in deep-ocean environments. 
A proposed field and laboratory study to accumulate 
further data is presented. 

U. S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 
Technical Report R-182. 

USE, by James S. Muraoka. 
39 p. 7 Mar 1962 UNCLASSIFIED 


A literature survey was made of the effects of 
marine organisms on various types of engineering 
materials, particularly in deep-ocean environments. 
A proposed field and laboratory study to accumulate 
further data is presented. 




Deep-ocean materials — 
Biological deterioration 
Muraoka, James S. 


Deep-ocean materials — 
Biological deterioration 
Muraoka, James S. 


U. S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 
Technical Report R-182. 

USE, by James S. Muraoka. 
39 p. illus. 7 Mar 1962 UNCLASSIFIED 

A literature survey was made of the effects of 
marine organisms on various types of engineering 
materials, particularly in deep-ocean environments. 
A proposed field and laboratory study to accumulate 
further data is presented. 

U. S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. 
Technical Report R-182. 

USE, by James S. Muraoka. 
39 p. illus. 7 Mar 1962 UNCLASSIFIED 

A literature survey was made of the effects of 
marine organisms on various types of engineering 
materials, particularly in deep-ocean environments. 
A proposed field and laboratory study to accumulate 
further data is presented. 

1. Deep-ocean materials — 
Biological deterioration 
Il. Muraoka, James S. 

Il. Y-RO11-01-042 

1. Deep-ocean materials — 
Biological deterioration 

I. Muraoka, James S. 

Il. Y-RO11-01-042 

Distribution List (Cont'd) 

No. of 

1 Dr. R. A. Connolly, Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., Murray Hill, N. J. 

1 Chief, Bureau of Ships, Attn: Chief of Research and Development Division, Navy Department, 
Washington, D. C. 

1 Officer in Charge, U. S. Naval Biological Laboratory, Naval Supply Center, Oakland, Calif. 

1 Officer in Charge, U. S. Naval Supply Research and Development Facility, Naval Supply Center, 
Attn: Library, Bayonne, N. J. 

1 Director, Marine Physical Laboratory, U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, Calif. 

1 Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Attn: Research Division, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 

1 Commander, Pacific Missile Range, Attn: Technical Director, Point Mugu, Calif. 

1 Commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Attn: Metallurgical Laboratory, Portsmouth, Va. 

1 Officer in Charge, U. S. Naval Supply Research and Development Facility, Naval Supply Center, 
Bayonne, N. J. 

] Commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Attn: Chemical Laboratory, Portsmouth, Va. 

1 Commander, U. S. Naval Shipyard, Attn: Rubber Laboratory, Mare Island, Vallejo, Calif. 

1 Commander, U. S. Naval Shipyard, Attn: Materials and Chemical Lab., Boston 

1 Commander, U. S. Naval Shipyard, Attn: Material Laboratory, Brooklyn 

1 U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Chemistry Division, Washington, D. C. 

1 Deputy Chief of Staff, Research & Development Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. 

1 Deputy CCMLO for Scientific Activities, Washington, D. C. 

1 Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, Attn: Research & Development Laboratory, Washington, D. C. 

1 Commanding Officer, Signal Corps Engineering Labs, Fort Monmouth, N. J. 

1 Department of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, N. C. 

1 Department of Biology, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Neb. 

1 Library, Biology Dept., Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 

1 Library, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 

1 Mr. A. P. Richards, The Wm. F. Clapp Laboratories, Duxbury, Mass. 

1 Dr. S. R. Galler, Code 446, Office of Naval Research, Washington, D. C. 

1 Mr. Carrol M. Wakeman, Port of Los Angeles, P.O. Box 786, Wilmington, Calif. 

1 Dr. R. Rabson, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 

1 Director, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D. C. 

1 Mr. J. R. Moses, Material Testing Laboratory Code C400, District Public Works Office, 
14th Naval District, Navy No. 128, FPO, San Francisco 

1 Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Technical Library, Code 245.1D, Bremerton, Wash. 

1 Drs. W. M. Bejuki and C. J. Wessel, Prevention of Deterioration Center, Washington, D. C. 

1 Dr. D. Isenberg, Department of Defense, Washington, D. C. 

1 Dr. J. B. Loefer, Coordinator for Biological Sciences, Office of Naval Research, 

1030 E. Green Street, Pasadena, Calif.