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DR.      LOUIS     A.      WARREN,      DIRECTOR 

MURRAY       E.       SCHLINTZ.       LIBRARIAN 



Executive 's  Col  lectio// 

For  many  years  officials  of  the  Lincoln 
National  Life  Insurance  Company  have 
been  gathering  items  associated  with  and 
referring  to  Abraham  Lincoln.  The 
famous  Brady  photograph  of  the  presi- 
dent, which  was  presented  to  Mr.  Arthur 
F.  Hall  at  the  time  he  organized  the 
company  twenty-five  years  ago,  formed 
the  nucleus  of  the  collection.  Such  items 
as  the  original  Pickett  bronze,  a  replica 
of  the  Lincoln  bust  by  Yolk,  also  many 
portraits  and  curios  have  been  gathered 
during  the  life  of  the  organization.    The 

presence  of  these  rare  and  valuable  items 
encouraged  the  establishment  of  the 
present  museum. 

Foundation  Collection 

Eecently  a  systematic  and  a  concerted 
effort  has  been  made  to  build  up  an 
outstanding  collection  of  Lincolniana. 
Many  valuable  items,  such  as  Lincoln 
letters,  rare  broadsides,  medals  and  much 
current  literature,  have  been  secured, 
augmenting  greatly  the  memorials  gath- 
ered in  years.  Representatives  of  the 
company  out  in  the  field  have  supple- 
mented the  contributions  made  by  the 
home  office  force. 

Daniel  Fish  Collection 

This  collection  of  Lincoln  literature 
gathered  over  a  period  of  a  great  many 
years  by  Judge  Fish  and  undisturbed 
since  his  death  in  1924  need  not  be 
described  to  Lincoln  admirers.  Fish  was 
one  of  the  original  ' '  Big  Five ' '  Lincoln 
collectors  and  the  first  bibliographer  to 
publish  an  exhaustive  list  of  Lincoln 
publications.  It  is  needless  to  say  that 
his  collection  up  to  the  time  of  the 
publication  of  his  work  in  1906  was  as 
complete  as  he  could  make  it. 

Albert  H .  Griffith  Collection 

Another  library,  not  so  well  known, 
but  in  some  respects  a  more  remarkable 
collection  that  the  one  gathered  by  Daniel 
Fish,  was  purchased  from  Albert  H. 
Griffith,   of   Fisk,   Wisconsin. 

One  of  the  features  of  the  Griffith 
collection  is  the  enormous  amount  of 
periodicals  it  includes.  The  newspapers 
and  magazines  containing  Lincoln  discus- 
sions literally  run  into  tons.  Hundreds 
of  programs,  catalogs,  broadsides ;  in 
fact,  everything  that  in  any  way  related 
to  Lincoln  was  eagerly  sought  by  Mr. 

Thompson  Collection 

In  the  spring  of  1928  the  foundation 
purchased  the  Richard  Thompson  col- 
lection of  manuscripts  consisting  of  some 
Lincoln  letters  and  valuable  correspond- 
ence contemporaneous  with  Lincoln  's  term 
in  Congress  and  his  years  as  president. 
There  are  more  than  2,000  manuscripts 
in  this  collection. 

Hitchcock  Collection 

The  Hanks  papers,  including  1,200 
genealogical  lists  of  Hanks  families  and 
hundreds    of    letters    and    records    of   the 

family  were  brought  together  thirty  years 
ago  by  Mrs.  Caroline  Hanks  Hitchcock. 
This  is  by  far  the  largest  collection  of 
Hanks  papers  and  pictures  extant. 

Helm- Hay  era  ft  Collection 

The  early  Kentucky  manuscripts  in  the 
Helm-Haycraft  collection,  about  2,000  in 
number,  were  gathered  over  100  years 
ago  by  John  Helm,  the  surveyor,  and 
8amuel  Haycraft,  the  historian,  in  the 
communities  where  Lincoln 's  -  parents 

These  old  records  provide  a  document- 
ary background  for  the  activities  of 
Thomas  Lincoln  and  his  neighbors. 

Warren  Collection 

The  Warren  collection  of  Lincoln 
source  material  represents  the  personal 
efforts  put  forth,  over  a  period  of  ten 
years,  by  the  director  of  the  foundation, 
in  the  county  court  houses  of  Virginia, 
Kentucky,  Indiana,  and  Illinois,  where 
thousands  of  records  bearing  on  the 
Lincoln  and  cognate  families  were  copied. 



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