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Life Sciences Contribution 81 
Royal Ontario Museum 

The Ejaculatory Complex 
in Water Mites 

(Acari: Parasitengona): 
Morphology and Potential 
Value for Systematics 

David Barr 




DAvIDBARR Lhe Ejaculatory Complex 
in Water Mites 
(Acari: Parasitengona): 
Morphology and Potential 
Value for Systematics 

Publication date: 30 October, 1972 
Suggested citation: Life Sci. Contr., R. Ont. Mus. 


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DAVID BARR is Assistant Curator of the Department of Entomology and Invertebrate 
Zoology, Royal Ontario Museum. 

PRICE: $5.50 
© The Royal Ontario Museum, 1972 
100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Canada 



Abstract, / 
Résumé, 2 

Introduction, 3 
Objectives, 3 
History of Water Mite Classification, 3 
The Genus as Operational Unit, 5 
The Ejaculatory Complex, 5 
Problems in Mite Taxonomy, 6 

Methods, 7 

Functional Morphology of the Ejaculatory Complex in Hydrodroma, 8 
Historical Introduction, & 
Male Reproductive System, 9 
Chitinous Skeleton of the Ejaculatory Complex, /2 
Musculature, 17 
Functional Interpretation, /7 
Discussion, 22 

Survey of the Ejaculatory Complex in Water Mites, 23 

Historical Introduction, 23 

Male Genital System in Terrestrial Mites, 23 

Comparative Studies in Water Mites, 23 
Descriptions: Species Ordered Alphabetically, 24 





A xonopsis 

















Assessment and Analysis of Similarities, 64 
Homology, 64 
The Generalized Water Mite EC, 64 
Similarity Groupings, 65 
Discussion, 7/ 
Basic Conclusions, 7/ 
Importance For Classification, 72 
Phylogenetic Significance, 72 

Summary, 74 

Glossary of Morphological Terms, 75 
Acknowledgments, 75 

Literature Cited, 79 

Appendix A: Traditional Classification of Water Mites (adapted from 
Viets and Viets, 1960), 84 

Appendix B: Johnston’s Classification (1965) of Water Mites 
(adapted), 84 

Appendix C: Data for Collections Examined, 85 

The Ejaculatory Complex 
in Water Mites 

(Acari: Parasitengona): 
Morphology and Potential 
Value for Systematics 


The water mite ejaculatory complex was investigated to 
provide new systematic information. As a basis for com- 
parison, a functional morphological study was first completed 
for the ejaculatory complex (EC) of Hydrodroma sp. (nr. 
H. despiciens). Cleared skeletal mounts, serial sections, and 
other preparations were used to elucidate structure. Finally 
EC structure was compared for 45 species of water mites 
classified in 36 genera and 24 families. The most useful 
technique involved preparation of cleared skeletal mounts 
and observation by interference contrast (Nomarski phase) 

The EC of Hydrodroma is shown to be an elaborate, 
muscled, chitinous syringe-mechanism for the ejection of 
a mass of spermatozoa as a spermatophore. Structure is 
described and a working terminology established. A detailed 
functional hypothesis (based on morphology and general 
behaviour) is developed, and indications of the value of the 
EC character complex for systematic work are noted. The 
basic EC structure for all species studies (except Hydro- 
volzia sp.) is homologous with that of Hydrodroma. General 
EC function also appears to be similar throughout, although 
differences in detailed mechanism are suggested by varia- 
tions in skeletal structure. Using the EC as an indicator 
of relationship, several informal suprageneric groupings, 
coinciding only partially with conventional classifications, are 

A primary conclusion is that evidence from the EC is 
consistent with a hypothesis of monophyly for the water 


On a examiné le complexe éjaculatoire des mites aquatiques 
a la recherche de nouvelle information systématique. Com- 
me fondement d’une étude comparative, d’abord une inves- 
tigation de morphologie fonctionelle a été complétée pour le 
complexe é€jaculatoire (abrégé EC) de Hydrodroma sp. (prés 
de H. despiciens). Des préparations squelettiques claires, 
sections sériales, et des autres préparations ont été utilisés 
pour élucider la structure. C’est suivi par une évaluation 
comparative de la structure de ?TEC pour 45 espeéces de 
mites aquatiques classifi¢es en 36 genres at 24 familles. La 
méthode la plus convenable utilise les préparations claires du 
squelette chitineux et l’observation par microscopie d’inter- 
férence contrastée (Nomarski phase). 

L’EC de Hydrodroma se montre comme un mécanisme de 
seringue élaboré, musculeux, chitineux, pour léjaculation 
d’une masse de spermatozoa en une spermatophore. La 
structure est décrite et une terminologie faisable est établie. 
Une hypothése fonctionelle détaillée (fondée sur la morpho- 
logie et sur le comportement général) est dévelopée, et des 
indications sont notées donnant le valeur de la complexe de 
characteres pour le travail systématique. La structure fon- 
damentale de l’7EC pour toutes les autres espéces de mites 
aquatiques étudiées (avec l’exception de Hydrovolzia sp.) 
est homologeuse a cela de Hydrodroma. La fonction géné- 
rale, elle aussi apparait d’étre pareille pour toutes les espéces, 
bien que des variations en mécanisme détaillé soient sug- 
gérées par des variations en structure squelettique. En 
employant ’EC comme indicateur de relations, plusieurs 
catégoires supra-génériques informales sont délimitées, et 
celles-ci ne sont que partiellement d’accord avec les classi- 
fications conventionelles. 

Une premicre conclusion est que lévidence de TEC 
conforme a une hypothése de monophylie pour les mites 



An objective classification of animals based on a broad _ biological 
characterization rather than the narrow basis of descriptive external 
morphology is essential if classification is to serve as an information 
storage system with high predictive value. The need for this sort of 
approach at the supra-generic level is strikingly apparent in water 
mites. Mitchell (1964b) termed the family groupings arbitrary and 
inconsistent and, in proposing a solution to this undesirable situation, 
discussed studies in functional morphology, chromosome structure, larval 
morphology, and larval behaviour. He concluded that the most stable 
higher classification would be derived from a synthesis of a series of 
similar, independent investigations of biological systems. 

Mitchell (1957a, 1958a) also indicated that characters other than those 
of the external plates of the body wall may form the only reliable basis 
for suprageneric classification in mites. His view arises from the probable 
assumption that small-bodied forms such as mites, with an unspecialized 
mode of locomotion, have little functional need for exoskeletal sclerites 
and may have undergone extensive evolutionary radiation while remaining 
in the “soft-bodied” condition. 

Several modern comparative studies (Bader, 1954, 1969; Sokolow, 
1954; Mitchell, 1957a, 1962; and Sparing, 1959) of biological systems 
in water mites are now available, but more are needed before a stable and 
practical family classification can be derived. The same data are required 
for more realistic and complete estimates of water mite phylogeny. 

Thus, the primary aim of the present study was to make available for 
systematic purposes a body of comparative data on one functional system 
within the water mites and to integrate this new material as another 
information module in our available knowledge. At the same time it 
has been possible to increase our understanding of the reproductive bio- 
logy of aquatic Parasitengona and to elucidate the structure of an organ 
that will prove useful at all levels of taxonomy, in particular, that of 
specific discrimination and identification. 

History of Water Mite Classification 

Thor (1903) summarized some of the classification schemes used for 
mites before 1900, in most of which the true water mites were grouped 
in the single family Hydrachnidae. This family was gradually divided 
into subfamilies by Piersig and Lohman (1901), Koenike (1909), and 
K. Viets (1916). Eventually, Hydrachnidae was much restricted, and 
numbers of new families were erected (see Thor, 1903; K. Viets, 1929, 
1936; Lundblad, 1941b). 

The most widely accepted classification is perhaps best exemplified in 
that employed by Viets and Viets (1960, see Appendix A). It consists 
(for central European species) of 31 families, 16 of which are monotypic. 
The families are grouped into 11 superfamilies, and are arranged in 


natural (evolutionary) order, the most primitive families listed first and 
the most advanced (derivative) last. This classification is based almost 
entirely on the external exoskeletal morphology of adult mites, particularly 
structures of the palp, genital plates, coxae, and legs, and it has been 
constructed by many workers over the past 70 years largely on the basis 
of intuition and tradition. Thus it is difficult to find an explicit statement 
in the literature as to why, for instance, the Torrenticolidae are more 
similar structurally to the Lebertiidae than to the Sperchonidae. 

Grandjean (1935) discovered that all mites could be separated into 
two groups by the presence or absence of actinochitin (optically active 
chitin) in the core of simple setae. This and other correlated characters 
were incorporated into recent classifications of the Acari by Evans et al. 
(1961) and by Johnston (1965). Most recent authors agree that the water 
mites are Prostigmata and should be placed in the group Parasitengona 
(variously described as a Cohort, Suborder, etc.) with the closely related 
terrestrial families Johnstonianidae, Trombiculidae, Trombidiidae, Eryth- 
raeidae, Smaridiidae, and Calyptostomidae, where the larvae differ mar- 
kedly from the adults in morphology and habits (usually parasitic larvae 
and free-living adults). 

Mitchell has devoted much thought to water mite classification and has 
repeatedly advanced the idea that the group may be polyphyletic (1954, 
1957a, 1962; Imamura and Mitchell, 1967), different groups having 
somewhat different affinities within the Parasitengona. Indeed, a number 
of recent authors regard the water mites as basically an ecological assem- 
blage, with the great diversity of structure and of functional systems a 
result of diverse origin. Adult external morphology is so heterogeneous 
as to suggest that, in the extreme case, each family could be regarded as 
an individual phyletic lineage, independent of all the others. But the work 
of Bader (1954) and Mitchell (1957a, 1962) suggests that a smaller 
number of broad phyletic lines would best explain the situation. Johnston 
(1965) was apparently influenced, in part, by Mitchell’s findings in the 
preparation of his catalogue of mites (see Appendix B). 

Johnston included all water mites in 10 superfamilies, each equal in 
rank with those of the terrestrial mites also in the Parasitengona. The 
last seven superfamilies are informally grouped as the Hydrachnellae 
(s. str.), resulting in four main groups within the water mites; viz, 
Hydrovolzioidea, Eylaoidea, Hydryphantoidea, and Hydrachnellae (s. str.). 
The implication is that the four main groups of water mites are no more 
closely related among themselves than they are to any of the superfamilies 
of terrestrial mites. Krantz (1970) used a similar classification. 

Except for the above-mentioned studies, a conscious and objective in- 
vestigation of the problem of grouping genera into families has not been 
attempted. The genera are so distinctive that they form the units by 
which most students learn to recognize different types of water mites, 
and the most workable keys are to genera only (Newell, 1959). Keys to 
the families and family diagnoses (Baker and Wharton, 1952: 259-319) 
are so complex, full of exceptions, and difficult to grasp intuitively that the 
validity and objectivity of most of the presently accepted family groupings 
is doubtful. 


The Genus as Operational Unit 

As indicated above, the genus appears to be the most stable supraspecific 
taxon in water mites and is the most readily defined unit of diversity and 
evolutionary radiation. Few genera, once erected, have required further 
modification, and although the taxonomic level of a generic grouping of 
species may be changed, it has seldom been necessary to thoroughly dis- 
sociate the members of such a grouping in spite of the description of 
thousands of new species from all parts of the world since 1900. The 
corollary is that there are few, if any, “dumping ground” genera com- 
posed of a heterogeneous assemblage of species. As a further corollary, 
within the water mites, interspecific variation within generic bounds is 
almost invariably smaller than interspecific variation across generic 
lines. Consequently, the present study was based upon a comparison of 
genera as represented by one or a few available species. 

This is the so-called exemplar method of comparative biology (Sokal 
and Sneath, 1963: 161), and its justification is based upon the observation 
that when it is not possible (for reasons of time, labour, poor collections, 
etc.) to base observations on large samples of the units of a given taxon, 
reasonably dependable results can be obtained by using representative 
units. The success of this method depends upon the probability that a 
randomly chosen taxonomic unit will be typical for the taxon it represents, 
a probability that is much increased when the taxa are as homogeneous as 
water mite genera. The method has been tested. several times with 
favourable results (Sokal and Sneath, 1963: 162; Moss, 1968). 

The Ejaculatory Complex 

Throughout all groups of the Arthropoda, wherever genitalia or intro- 
mittent organs of complex form are found, the comparative morphology 
of these structures has provided a rich source of data for use in species 
definition, classification, and phylogenetic speculation at all taxonomic 
levels. This is true in such widely different groups as Anostraca (Dexter, 
1959), Astacidae (Hobbs, 1942a, 1942b), Diplopoda (Keeton, 1960), 
Araneida (Comstock, 1948: 106-121) and Acarina (Feider, 1959), as well 
as for almost every order of Insecta (Tuxen, 1956). But until the present, 
the use of this fund of information for the elucidation of systematic pro- 
blems in the water mites has been limited. Although the aquatic Parasi- 
tengona have been intensively studied for at least 100 years and constitute 
perhaps one of the best understood subunits of the Acari, and although the 
generic classification has reached a mature and stable level, the simple 
descriptive morphology of the chitinous male organ, known as_ the 
penisgeriist Or ejaculatory complex, has so far been neglected. 

The ejaculatory complex has been referred to in different ways by 
various authors. Perhaps the term most commonly applied to it is Penis, 
but it is inappropriate to continue this usage as penis commonly refers to 
a flexible membranous or muscular intromittent organ in other invertebrate 
and vertebrate groups. Phallus is unsatisfactory also, for it implies merely 


an intromittent organ, a through passage for sperm transfer. The ejacula- 
tory complex of water mites, however, is not always used for intromission 
and usually serves other functions in addition to simple sperm transfer. 
Aedeagus can be applied only to the sclerotized distal section of the 
phallus in insects, often litthe more than a sclerotized tube. Authors 
writing in German have generally applied the term penisgeriist to the 
organ, literally ““(supporting) framework of the penis.” This term is cor- 
rect in a narrow sense if the walls of the sperm passage are considered 
to represent a membranous penis, but its use seems to deny the probable 
ontogenetic origin of the sclerites from the walls of the passage and 
completely neglects the functional character of the organ in spermatophore 
formation. Thus, in every way, the name ejaculatory complex as defined 
by Mitchell (1964a) in his study of the trombiculid, Blankaartia acuscu- 
tellaris, describes best the muscled, chitinous framework that participates 
in formation of a spermatophore as well as ejection and deposition of the 
spermatophore outside the body of the male. This term will often be 
abbreviated to EC in the present report. 

Problems in Mite Taxonomy 

Although the limits and diagnostic characters for most genera of water 
mites are well understood, the species-level taxonomy, especially of non- 
European forms, is unsatisfactory. Of the approximately 75 genera known 
from North America, only about 15 have been revised since 1950, and 
keys are available for only a few of these. The other 60+ genera are 
known only from scattered and inadequate species descriptions and a few 
dated monographs by Wolcott (see references in Crowell, 1961). A major 
revisionary effort is needed before even the adults of most North American 
species can be determined with confidence (for example, see Paterson, 

The unsatisfactory taxonomic situation has proven a difficulty in the 
present study, and the following conventions were followed in discussing 
the water mite species examined. Each species was represented by indivi- 
duals from a monospecific population (judged on morphological criteria) 
from a single locality (collection data in Appendix C). Thus, the unit of 
study was not a species but a representative (and relatively uniform) sub- 
population (or deme) of that species. This practice will tend to insure that 
characters of more than one closely related species will not be confused. 
Species names are applied to such populations only where the identifica- 
tion seems unequivocal, and in each such case I have cited the source upon 
which the determination was based. The designation near (nr.) indicates 
that there are good reasons to believe that the mites examined are mem- 
bers of this species, but that revisionary work and/or reference to types 
is required before a precise determination can be made. 


Cleared skeletal preparations of the EC were studied by light micros- 
copy, both bright-field and interference contrast (Nomarski phase). Most 
of the structural detail is illustrated in paired anterior and lateral views. 
All illustrations are semi-diagrammatic in that sclerites are delimited 
somewhat more clearly than they appear in the preparation, while small 
changes were sometimes necessary to clarify structure or position. Each 
drawing is oriented with the distal end of the ejaculatory complex pointing 
towards the bottom of the page. Thus the lateral view is of the left hand 
side. The scale accompanying each pair of figures represents a length of 
50 », and a single scale serves for both illustrations of each species. 

Specimens for gross dissection and serial sectioning were prepared by 
the cellulose nitrate infiltration procedure described by Mitchell (1964a). 
Serial sections were stained with Mallory’s triple stain (Gray 1964: 111). 

Each species population examined is represented by a small series of 
voucher specimens deposited in the collection of the Department of Ento- 
mology and Invertebrate Zoology of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 

Abbreviations used in the figures and descriptive portions of the text 
are listed below. 

AMScl: anterior margin sclerite. DisRm: distal ramus. 
AntHn: anterior horn. Dissc: /) distalesclemte, 
AntK]: anterior keel. DLBd:  distolateral border. 
AntRm: anterior ramus. EC: ejaculatory complex. 
Apcl: apical development. LtrSf: lateral shelf. 
ApRm: apical ramus. LWScl: lateral wall sclerite. 
ApSt: = apical seta. PosKl: _ posterior keel. 
BsPI: basal plate. PrxAm: proximal arm. 
Cmb: chamber. PrxCmb: proximal chamber. 
CmbRm: chamber ramus. PrxHn: proximal horn. 
DisAm: distal arm. PrxSc: proximal sclerite. 
DisRd: distal rod. PstRm: posterior ramus. 

Functional Morphology of the 
Ejaculatory Complex in Hydrodroma 

Historical Introduction 

Early workers investigated the male reproductive system of water mites 
in some detail. Koenike (1888), von Schaub (1888), Michael (1895), 
Pollock (1898), Nordenskiold (1899), Thon (1900), Thor (1903), 
Lundblad (1930), and Schmidt (1935) considered some aspects of the 
sclerotized penisgeriist, but none succeeded in producing a meaningful, 
three-dimensional explanation of the structure. Thus, no adequate func- 
tional hypothesis was developed. Because Schmidt, the most thorough of 
these investigators, worked primarily with Hydrodroma (=Diplodontus) 
despiciens, this species was chosen for intensive investigation. 

Additional evidence on the EC may be available in Croneberg (1878) 
or in Musselius (1912; cited by Mitchell, 1955). Neither publication 
could be obtained for the present study. | 

Purely taxonomic studies have made little use of the ejaculatory com- 
plex (see Koenike, 1901; 1902; Lundblad, 1941a, 1943; 1956;[K70: 
Viets, 1965, 1968). Usually, only a semi-detailed drawing has been 
offered with one or two prominent features noted in the text. There is no 
standard structural terminology. 

Mitchell’s morpohological publications on Unionicola and Najadicola 
(1955), Thermacarus and other thermophiles (1960), water mite mouth- 
parts (1962), and Limnochares and Eylais (1964b) did not treat the 
EC, but demonstrated a variety of little-used techniques that proved 
valuable in the present study. 

I sought basically to repeat Schmidt’s work, with the addition of gross 
dissection and skeletal preparation techniques to more thoroughly explore 
the three-dimensional structure of the ejaculatory complex and to discover 
its functional significance. Schmidt’s (1935) observations on the soft 
parts of the genital system were accurate and are, in part, repeated here 
by way of summary and orientation. 

The species studied has long been known as Hydrodroma despiciens 
Miller. It is common, shows little variation over its broad range in North 
America, and appears to be the same as the European species of that 
name. The assumption that North American mite populations belong to 
European species on the basis of adult morphology alone is, however, 
unwise. Several of these associations have been proven incorrect in the 
past. A thorough comparison of North American and European popula- 
tions of H. despiciens might also show specific differences. 

The Hydrodroma collected from Lake Myosotis, Rensselaerville, N.Y., 
are uniform in the structure of the ejaculatory complex. This population 
also is similar to samples examined from other collections in northeastern 
North America. 

Male Reproductive System 

The testes, multilobed and filling much of the body cavity, surround the 
gut and push anteriorly, crowding the salivary glands. Each lobule empties 
via a sperm duct that unites with others in a branching system leading 
ultimately to a pair of long, wide, seminal vesicles lying midway (dorso- 
ventrally and anteroposteriorly, Fig. 1c) in the body. These seminal vesi- 
cles are anteroposteriorly elongate and lie one on either side of the midline, 
with the products of the testes entering dorsoposteriorly. Exiting antero- 
ventrally from each seminal vesicle is a narrow, tubular, muscular-walled 
vas deferens that travels anteroventrad in the direction of the genital 
opening. After a short distance (Figs. lc, 5a) the vasa deferentia turn 
posteromediad and unite to form a wide, thin-walled, muscular tube, the 
ductus ejaculatorius. The ductus proceeds posterad for a short distance 
and narrows, bending ventrally at the same time and entering the ejacu- 
latory complex. 

The ejaculatory complex lies in the median plane and is usually posi- 
tioned with its longitudinal axis in an oblique anteroventral to postero- 
dorsal direction, the free distal end pointing toward the genital opening 
(Fig. la). For clarity and ease of usage, all subsequent terminology 
associated with this organ will be based on the assumption that it is 
oriented directly dorsoventrally, the distal end being ventral and the 
proximal end dorsal. Thus, the cephalic-facing and caudal-facing surfaces 
will be termed simply anterior and posterior, respectively. The organ lies 
at the distal end of the ejaculatory duct and just inside the genital opening 
in the body wall. Lightly sclerotized distal membranes join its apex to 
the margins of the genital opening so that the extreme distal tip is an 
external structure concealed in a phallocrypt (Fig. 1b). The structure is 
apparently maintained in place in the body cavity by a network of thin, 
cross-banded fibers inserted generally over its surface (particularly on 
membranous areas), and having their origin on the inside of the genital 
plates, on the distal membranes, on the endosternite, and on denser tracts 
of such fibers lying in the body cavity. Schmidt (1935) interpreted these 
fibers to be muscular, but Mallory’s triple stain (Gray 1964:111) pre- 
parations would indicate that they are chitinous endocuticular fibrils of 
the same nature as those forming muscle tendons. The endosternite is a 
short, transverse tract of endocuticular material lying anterior to the 
ejaculatory complex and serving as the point of origin for a number of 
important body muscles. 

The external genitalia of male Hydrodroma consist of two ovoid plates 
that are somewhat pointed anteriorly and posteriorly and lie on either side 
of the elongate genital opening. Each bears approximately 60 (+ 10) 
genital acetabula and, on the concave medial border, a narrow tract of 
setae. Convincing evidence that the acetabula are sensory organs was 
advanced by Thor (1903) and by Schmidt (1935). 


excretory pore 

E accessory gland 
( \ 
genital plate 
: ~_ phallocrypt 
seminal vesicle 
i ore 
genital plate excretory Pp 
Fig. 1 Hydrodroma anatomy: a, three-dimensional diagram to indicate the position 

of the ejaculatory complex; b, diagrammatic cross-section illustrating the 
relationship of the EC to the ventral body wall; c, diagrammatic sagittal 
section of a male showing the relationship of the EC to the rest of the 

male reproductive system. 





ea DisSc 1 


ie DisSc 2 


Fig. 2 EC skeleton of Hydrodroma: a, anterior view; b, lateral view; c, partial 
posterior view; d, perspective view. 


Chitinous Skeleton of the Ejaculatory Complex 

The ejaculatory complex is typically a two-layered, chitinous structure of 
the same basic cuticular composition as those of the exoskeleton. It is 
probably produced by evagination and subsequent sclerotization of the 
internal wall of the distal portion of the ductus ejaculatorius, which is 
embryologically an invagination of the ectoderm. This interpretation is 
supported by the observation that even the heavily sclerotized arms of 
the ejaculatory complex show a circular pattern of cuticular structure 
(Fig. 4a) as though originating as tubular evaginations of the ductus. 

Because of the method of its formation, the analysis of EC structure 
in terms of well-defined sclerites is difficult. Heavily sclerotized and 
apparently distinct areas often grade imperceptably into lightly sclerotized 
or membranous areas. The articulation between sclerites may not be a 
definite suture or joint but an imperfectly defined membranous area that 
is continuous with both sclerotized structures. Thus, for the purpose of 
this study, sclerites were delimited somewhat arbitrarily so that they could 
be referred to as structural landmarks. Points of muscle attachment are 
usually recognizable because the sclerites are roughened and pitted to 
increase the surface area for bonding in a manner similar to that observed 
for muscle insertion on vertebrate bones. 

New terms have been defined throughout this study for structures of 
the EC skeleton. The names proposed are derived from English and are 
descriptive of position and general shape. All such terms appear in bold- 
face where they first occur in the text and are redefined in the glossary, 
p. 75. Abbreviations used in the figures are shown with first usage of 
the term, in the glossary, and in a complete list, p. 7. 

No attempt was made to homologize parts of the ejaculatory complex 
of this species with the sclerites described by Feider (1959) for the 
Trombidioidea although there is undoubtedly an evolutionary relationship. 
Until the relation of Feider’s sclerites to the soft parts is better known, 
functional and structural homologies will be difficult to interpret. Needed 
are more investigations of the type done by Mitchell (1964a) for the 
trombiculid, Blankaartia. 

The main supporting framework of the EC (Figs. 2, 3) consists of 
two pairs of sclerites, the paired proximal arm sclerites and paired distal 
arm sclerites. The ductus ejaculatorius proper empties into an enlarged 
proximal chamber (PrxCmb), which is roughly cubical, with lateral, proxi- 
mal, and posterior walls sclerotized. The anterior wall is largely membra- 
nous and is the point of entry of the ductus. The lateral walls approach 
each other distally, and the chamber is narrowed and open on the distal 
side. The lateral walls are strengthened along their anterior and distal edges 
by the more heavily sclerotized anterior margin sclerite (AMScl). The 
anteroproximal edge of the chamber is especially heavy and bears a pair 
of proximal horns (PrxHn). The anterior third of the proximal wall is 
also heavily sclerotized, and a lateral wall sclerite (LWScl) travels dia- 
gonally across each lateral wall providing additional rigidity. The thick- 
ened sclerites of the distolateral borders of the chamber run posteriorly and 
join with the proximal arm sclerites. 


After entering the anterior side of the proximal chamber, the sperm 
passage proceeds distally to the exterior. Lying on either side of the 
sperm passage are the main supporting elements of the EC, the paired 
proximal and distal arm sclerites. Each proximal arm sclerite consists 
of four rami. The largest is the thick, curved proximal arm (PrxAm) that 
projects proximolaterad from the body of the EC, then curves mediad to 
partially encircle the proximal chamber. The tips and lateral margins of 
this arm are roughened and pitted to facilitate muscle insertion. A distal 
ramus (DisRm) proceeds distally along the posterior wall of the EC, the 
distal rami of either side lying close together on either side of the midline. 
A medial ramus projects toward the midline of the EC and appears to 
articulate with its fellow from the opposite side. This articulation is the 
sole point of direct contact between the two proximal arm sclerites. A 
short chamber ramus (CmbRm) has its origin at the point where the 
proximal arm contacts the lateral wall of the proximal chamber. It travels 
proximad for a short distance in the lateral wall and articulates with the 
distal end of the lateral wall sclerite. 

The posterior wall of the proximal chamber is moderately sclerotized 
and grades distally into the lightly sclerotized areas surrounding the distal 
rami of the proximal arm sclerites in the posterior wall of the midsection 
of the EC. This latter wall is strengthened in addition by three pairs of 
submedian distal sclerites (DisSc) (Fig. 2c) that appear to articulate with 
the distal rami. The members of each pair are proximodistally elongate 
and lie side by side in the posterior wall of the distal half of the EC. The 
proximal pair are short and thin, the middle pair short and thick, whereas 
the apical pair are long and taper distally to attenuate apices. The apical 
distal sclerites extend beyond the apex of the EC, and the attenuate 
tips project into the phallocrypt. The proximal distal sclerites appear 
to articulate proximally with the point of articulation of the medial rami 
(within the body of the EC). The articulation with the distal rami occurs 
in the posterior wall at the point at which middle and apical sclerites are 
in contact. 

A laterally compressed evagination from the posterior wall of the 
proximal chamber forms a thin posterior keel (PosKl). The lateral walls 
of this structure and the posterior walls of the chamber are thickened 
at the point of contact, and the chamber cavity projects a short way into 
the keel. The keel is expanded into a flattened kidney-shape, and its 
surface is pitted and sculptured to facilitate muscle attachment. The keel 
bears a distal rod (DisRd) projecting distally and curving anteriorly so 
that it eventually lies adjacent to the posterior wall of the distal end of 
the EC and terminates in the distal membranes. This rod is lightly 
sclerotized (almost membranous) in Hydrodroma. 

Each of the paired distal arm sclerites bears three main rami. The 
distal arm, projecting laterally from the EC at an angle of approximately 
50° to the longitudinal axis, is strong, cylindrical, and relatively straight to 
the tip, where there is a gradual curve proximad. The tip of each arm 
is flattened and bears medial horizontal flanges that are sculptured for 
muscle attachment. The anterior ramus (AntRm) projects distally and 


Fig. 3 Photomicrographs of the EC skeleton of Hydrodroma, overall length 
220 ,: a, anterior view, optical section in plane of proximal and distal 
arms, interference contrast; b, lateral view, optical section in median 
plane interference contrast; c, anterior view, scanning electron micro- 
graph; d, three-quarter view (disto-antero-lateral), scanning electron 


anteriorly, arching over the EC and fusing, on the midline, with the tip 
of the same ramus from the opposite side. On the distal border of this 
ramus, there is no clear line of demarcation between the heavily sclerotized 
ramus and the sheet of gradually less sclerotized membrane that leads 


externally to the margins of the genital opening. The posterior rami 
(PosRm) of the distal arm sclerite lie along the lateral margins of the 
posterior wall of the midsection of the EC and each is fused with an 
elongate sclerite lying in the same plane but slightly mediad. These 
paired posterolateral sclerites are attentuate distally (not projecting beyond 
the distal arm sclerites) and heavier posteriorly where they broaden and 
expand considerably to fuse with the distal, lateral, and posterior walls 
of the lateral chambers (Cmb 1). 

On either side, the distal arm is attached to the posterior wall of the 
EC (and to the posterior rami) by a thin, sclerotized lateral shelf (LtrSf). 
The shelf fills the triangular axillary area between the distal arm and the 
posterior ramus and proceeds proximad to fuse with the posterior wall of 
the lateral chamber. The proximal margin of this shelf is irregular but 
roughly concave. 

The anterior wall of the EC distal to the proximal chamber is covered 
by two anterior sclerotized surfaces that slope from the midline on the 
anterior surface posterad to the lateral shelf on either side. Proximally 
these surfaces expand to form part of the distal and anterior walls of the 
lateral chambers. Distally they narrow and proceed under the arch 
formed by the anterior rami of the distal arm sclerites, at the same time 
tapering, becoming less heavily sclerotized, and eventually uniting with 
the membranes delimiting the phallocrypt. Where the anterior sclerotized 
surfaces meet along the midline, they fuse and are expanded anteriorly 
to form a high, broad, thin, strongly sclerotized anterior keel (AntK]). 
Each of the sclerotized surfaces is strengthened by a thickened area lying 
along the base of the keel and extending part way up its distal edge. 
The keel is strongly sculptured and pitted for muscle attachment. 

The area from the base of the proximal end of the anterior keel to the 
anterodistal border of the proximal chamber is membranous and conti- 
nuous with the membranes of the anterior wall of the proximal chamber. 
The membranes of this area are supported by one pair of rod-like proxi- 
mal sclerites (PrxSc 1). These sclerites extend obliquely from the anterior 
side of the lateral chambers, proximomediad to the anterior end of the 
distolateral border of the proximal chamber. 

The sperm passage (Figs. 1c, 5a) enters the proximal chamber through 
the anterior side, expands, and narrows as it leaves the chamber dis- 
tally. The shape of this passage in the distal part of the EC is elaborate 
(Fig. 4) with extensions into the lateral chambers, but the general course is 
distad, exiting between the distal apices of the distal arm sclerites. Schmidt 
(1935) described a series of setae along the sperm canal that were not 
observed here. 

The distal membranous cone leading to the margins of the genital 
opening and forming the walls of the phallocrypt is attached to the 
ejaculatory complex along the following line: along the distal edge of the 
anterior rami of the distal arm sclerite (as previously described), along the 
basal half of the distal arm, under the distal arm, proximally along the 
lateral shelf, and across the entire posterior side of the EC at the level 
of the lateral chambers. 






ductus ejaculatorius 


Fig. 4 Diagrammatic transverse sections of the Hydrodroma EC skeleton: a, in 
the region of the proximal chamber; b, in the region of the distal arm 
sclerites; c, in the region of the lateral chambers. 

Fig. 5 Musculature of the Hydrodroma EC: a, general view of terminal elements 
of male genital tract; b, diagram of the deep muscle groups (4-6); c, dia- 
gram of the superficial muscle groups (1-3). 



The musculature of the EC is bilaterally symmetrical, being composed of 
six pairs of muscle groups that completely ensheath the sclerotized ele- 
ments (Fig. 5). The number of muscle fibers involved in each group, as 
in all muscles of this species, is small, not over 10 or 15 at the most, and 
only three in the phallic retractors. 

The superficial or lateral muscle groups are massive in cross section 
(Fig. 5c). The distal dilators (designated muscle group number 1) run 
laterally from their origin on the anterior and distal halves of the anterior 
keel to an insertion on the medial surface of the distal arm on either side. 
The lateral-longitudinal compressors (group 2) are oriented distoproxi- 
mally, originating on the posterior and ventral portions of the lateral 
surfaces of the anterior keel and on the anterior sclerotized surfaces. 
They insert on the anterior and medial surfaces of the proximal arm. 
The proximolateral compressors (group 3) are another laterally directed 
group, originating on the medial and posterior surfaces of the proximal 
arm and inserting on the lateral surfaces of the posterior keel. 

The deep or medial muscle groups are illustrated in Fig. 5b. The 
mediolongitudinal compressors (group 4) run in a distoproximal direction 
from their origin on the apex, proximal edge, and proximal half of the 
lateral surfaces of the anterior keel to their insertion on the proximal 
horns. The proximomedial compressors (group 5) originate on the proxi- 
mal horns and insert on the proximal and anterior edges and proximal part 
of the lateral surfaces of the posterior keel. The phallic retractors (group 
6), included with the deeper groups for convenience, originate laterally 
on the endosternite and insert on the distal arm sclerites near the bases 
of the distal arms. All of these muscle groups are of smal! to medium 

Functional Interpretation 

The construction of a hypothesis for the function of the Hydrodroma 
ejaculatory complex is based upon three principal kinds of evidence: 
the reproductive habits of the species, the form and articulations of the 
skeletal components, and the size and disposition of the muscle groups 
(plus the similarity to known spermatophore-forming water mites). 
Transfer of spermatophores is a common method of fertilization in the 
Arthropoda (Snodgrass, 1935: 573; Green, 1961: 69-70; Alexander, 
1964; Davey, 1965) and especially in the Acari (Hughes, 1959: 176; 
Evans et al., 1961: 23-26). Indeed, it is probably safe to generalize in 
stating that, for mites, even where internal insemination takes place, a 
spermatophore is still formed and transferred (i.e., the sperm never travel 
freely in a fluid medium). Water mites appear to be typical in this respect 
(Lundblad, 1929; Mitchell, 1958b; Bottger, 1962, 1965; Efford, 1966). 
Whether Hydrodroma practices internal insemination or some form of 
spermatophore deposition (both are known for various water mites) is 
not yet known, but this point would likely affect only the behavioural 
aspects of insemination and not the function of the EC. The motions of 


spermatophore deposition and internal fertilization should be much the 
same, unless perhaps in the latter the EC is extended farther out from the 
body (or is more elongate in structure). Therefore I assume that the 
functions of the ejaculatory complex in Hydrodroma are to (i) form a 
spermatophore, (ii) transport the spermatophore outside the body wall, 
and (iil) deposit the spermatophore. 

The skeletal components of the EC can be divided into three functional 
groups (Figs. 6, 7). The component sclerites of each group are either 
fused or bound by tough, inextensible, ligament-like hinges, but the 
groups are attached to each other by flexible membrane and have a 
limited degree of movement relative to each other. The groups are: (i) 
the distal arm sclerites, (11) the anterior keel and anterior sclerotized sur- 
faces, and (iii) the proximal arm sclerites and proximal chamber. Groups 
(i) and (ii) are joined to each other by short membranous areas that 
permit only limited movement. Group (iii), in contrast, is joined to the 
other two groups by a wide band of thin, flexible, chitinous membrane that 
forms a conspicuous outpocketing on either side at the level of the lateral 
chambers. The assumption that each group of sclerites functions as a 
unit is difficult to support by movement of prepared specimens, as Eisner 
(1957) reported for the ant proventriculus, but is supported by the mode 
of deformation and breakage when coverslip pressure is applied. 

Muscle groups 1, 2, and 3 are massive, each composed of 10-15 fibres 
of large diameter, whereas groups 5 and 4 are smaller because they are 
composed of a similar number of smaller fibers. Group 6 is a long, thin 
muscle group composed of only three slender fibers. The relative dia- 
meter of these groups is probably related to the force applied by each 
during EC movements. 

The presence of group 6, the phallic retractors, indicates that the entire 
ejaculatory complex is probably projected at least part way out of the 
genital opening. But there are no muscles attached to the organ that 
would be capable of protraction, and so a different mechanism must be 
sought. Water mites, in common with a variety of other arthropods 
(Manton, 1958; Parry and Brown, 1959; Snodgrass, 1965: 88) utilize 
the pressure of the hemocoelic fluid for extension of the limbs (Mitchell 
1955, 1957b, 1960), and this same pressure is probably the motive force 
pushing the ejaculatory complex out through the genital opening. Thus, 
the probable initial events of spermatophore deposition include: (i) con- 
traction of the dorsoventral body muscles increasing pressure on the hemo- 
coelic fluid, (11) protrusion of the ejaculatory complex to the extent per- 
mitted by the distal membranes, and (ili) passive opening of the genital 
plates because of the pressure of the EC as it is forced outwards (Mitchell, 

In this position, the sensory setae inserted on the apices of the distal 
arm sclerites in some species (but not Hydrodroma) can be applied to the 
substrate to gather tactile information on surface texture, and perhaps help 
guide the animal to a suitable site for spermatophore deposition. In speci- 
mens preserved in GAW (Koenike’s fluid) (Mitchell and Cook, 1952) 
the EC often extends through the genital opening, occasionally lying en- 


Fig. 6 Postulated action of the distal arm sclerites, transverse section: a, muscle 
group 1 relaxed; b, muscle group 1 contracted. 

Fig. 7 Postulated action of the sclerite groups of the EC, lateral view: a, all 
muscle groups relaxed; i, ii and iii are major sclerite groups; b, contraction 
of muscle group 4 rotates proximal chamber counter-clockwise; c, contrac- 
tion of muscle group 2 adducts iii up to ii and through i; contraction of 
muscle group 1 spreads distal arm sclerites of i (see Fig. 6) and widens 
sperm passage; d, simultaneous contraction of muscle groups 5 and 3 vio- 
lently compresses proximal chamber and expels the contained mass of 


tirely outside the body. In extreme cases the proximal end is free and 
farthest from the body, whereas the distal end is held close to the genital 
opening. This type of protrusion of the EC is not natural but is an arti- 
ficial situation caused by the extreme osmotic pressures developed during 
the process of GAW preservation. When the internal pressure increases 
sufficiently, the membranous walls of the phallocrypt are ruptured, and 
the EC is forced out. Because the proximal end is held in position only 
by the soft tissues of the ejaculatory duct, it is easily displaced. The 
distal end is more firmly attached by the tough distal membranes and is 
the only part of the EC to remain fixed to the specimen. 

A sequence of movements by the ejaculatory complex that results 
in spermatophore deposition, once the male has located a suitable site, 
can be postulated. Consider the following sequence where the word 
“and” indicates simultaneous contraction and the symbol . . . . indicates a 
pause inactivity 24,0. 2. t. 43, 25 -andt3. 4-263 Thentthesres- 
ponse of the sclerotized skeletal elements could be as follows (Figs. 6, 7): 
the proximal chamber is tipped distally, thus aiding in closing the open 
side (4); sclerite group (111) slides forward under group (11) and through 
group (i) until the widest part of the proximal arm sclerites (at base of 
the proximal arm) meets the distal walls of the lateral chambers (2); the 
distal arms are pulled medially and anteriorly, articulating with each other 
anteromedially and greatly widening the posteromedial area through which 
the sperm passage travels (1); the anteroproximal side of the proximal 
chamber is pulled distally, further rotating this chamber in a counter- 
clockwise direction (4) and bracing it against clockwise torque; the 
posterior wall of the proximal chamber is thrust violently anterodistally 
by the simultaneous contraction of muscle groups 5 and 3, decreasing the 
volume of the chamber and propelling its contents distally and down the 
sperm passage. Such a mechanism would effectively expel the semen 
components of the spermatophore. The sequence of events described, 
however, is only one of several plausible schemes that could be advanced. 

Two structural peculiarities present in Hydrodroma and also widespread 
in the EC of other water mites show some relevance to the proposed mode 
of action. If the proximal chamber is deformed during spermatophore 
deposition, then the lateral wall sclerite (Fig. 2b) clearly functions to con- 
trol the direction of deformation by maintaining the distance between the 
base of the proximal arm and the anteroproximal corner of the chamber 
nearly constant on either side. Thus, the primary compression must be 
along the anterior-posterior axis. The distal rod (Fig. 2b) appears to be a 
second structure well suited to maintaining the distance between parts 
of the EC skeleton. Because the rod is membranous in Hydrodroma and 
a few other genera, it probably determines the maximum rather than the 
minimum distance between its point of origin (posterior keel) and its 
point of insertion (posterior surface of EC at level of distal arm sclerites). 
The proximal component of the pull exerted by muscle groups 3 and 5 
on the posterior keel is thus balanced by the pull of the distal rod in the 
distal direction during the simultaneous contraction of these two groups. 
This mechanism would leave effective only the anterior component of the 


force exerted by groups 3 and 5 and so provides a further means of con- 
trolling the direction of distortion of the proximal chamber. 

The role played by the accessory gland (Fig. 1b, 5a) in spermatophore 
formation and deposition is not known. The organ was accurately descri- 
bed by Schmidt (1935), and his notes are summarized here. The gland 
lies posterior to the EC at the level of the anterior keel and is bipartite, an 
elongate, ovoid arm projecting laterally on either side, with each arm 
emptying medially into a broad common duct. The common duct opens, 
not into the sperm passage, but into the phallocrypt posterior to the 
distal tip of the EC. The canals of the two arms are lined with endocu- 
ticle which is uniformly perforated. The glandular tissue consists of 
columnar cells surrounding each of the arms and presumably discharging 
secretions through the perforations into the canals. The point at which 
the gland product enters the genital system indicates that it probably is not 
used in those aspects of spermatophore formation (e.g., compacting the 
sperm mass) that occur within the ejaculatory complex. The secretion 
must instead play some role during extrusion of the spermatophore from 
the body, perhaps forming a waterproof coating or an attachment stalk 
(types 3 and 4 of Brunhuber, 1969). The tubular, sac-like structure of 
these glands would make them well suited to the production of a liquid, 
proteinaceous coating material of the type described by Davey (1965: 
31-33) for the spermatophore of Rhodnius. 

In none of the specimens sectioned (collected in September and 
October) were products of the testes present in any part of the EC. 
Although in most males the lobes and sperm ducts of the testes, the 
seminal vesicle, and the proximal sections of the vasa deferentia were 
filled with spermatozoa and the carrying fluid (Schmidt, 1935), this ma- 
terial did not extend into the EC. In a number of water mites of other 
species, however, from which cleared skeletal preparations of the ejacula- 
tory complex were made, dense boli of presumably seminal material were 
sometimes seen. 

The distal parts of the vasa deferentia and the entire ductus ejaculatorius 
are provided with a thin circular coat of small muscle fibers that probably 
constrict these passages enough to prevent passage of reproductive 
products forward beyond the seminal vesicle. Similarly, once the proxi- 
mal chamber of the ejaculatory complex has been charged with semen, the 
subsequent contraction of the muscle coats would effectively prevent 
backward movement of spermatophore materials during the contractions 
of the ejaculatory complex muscles responsible for spermatophore depo- 
sition. Backflow may be further alleviated by the constriction of the 
ductus ejaculatorius caused when muscle group 4 on either side enlarges 
during contraction. 

As stated earlier, the lateral membranes in the area of the lateral 
chambers (Cmb 1) join sclerite group (iii) to the other two groups. It is 
possible that upon being charged with semen, the EC expands by separa- 
tion of sclerite groups (i) and (ii) from group (iii), with the distention 
of the lateral membrane. Consequently a larger portion of the sperm 
canal would be filled with semen, but the series of contractions postulated 

could still expell the entire mass. Bs 

In summary, the ejaculatory complex of Hydrodroma is a syringe-like 
organ for the reception, compacting, and expulsion of masses of spermato- 
zoa. The proximal chamber is charged with the contents of the seminal 
vesicle, and then a series of muscular contractions forces the chamber 
distally and compresses it, rapidly decreasing its volume. Simultaneously, 
the distal end of the sperm passage is dilated, and the sperm mass is 
propelled from the genital tract. 


Knowledge of the structure of the ejaculatory complex of Hydrodroma sp. 
(nr. H. despiciens) provides a useful criterion for investigation. As with 
any character complex, this structure may prove to be a sensitive indicator 
both of intraspecific, population interactions and of interspecific, taxono- 
mic boundaries. H. despiciens has been reported from five continents and 
numerous islands (K. Viets, 1956), and it would be surprising if this 
widely-applied name has not been used for a number of distinct species. 
For example, a specimen from Brazil, determined to be H. despiciens, was 
examined during the present study and found to have an ejaculatory com- 
plex differing in significant details from that of populations in New York 
and Ontario. 

A study of the functional aspects of the EC complements morpho- 
logical data by broadening the biological significance of the observations 
and by permitting the recognition of homologies in other genera. Thus 
data are made available for classitication and for phylogenetic speculation. 
Unfortunately, although the mode of operation proposed here provides a 
groundwork for the study of function in other genera of water mites, the 
extensive variations of detailed form and three-dimensional relations of the 
component sclerites found in these animals (pp. 24-64) suggest that 
many of the details of this hypothesis may be applicable only to Hydro- 
droma and closely related genera. 

A number of obvious lines of future research are suggested by the 
results of the present study. The deduction of ejaculatory complex func- 
tion from morphological data should now be checked by a life history 
study for the species. Emphasis should be on observation of the method 
of insemination and the condition of the reproductive organs at various 
times of the year. The ontogeny of the ejaculatory complex in immature 
forms should also be studied. Perhaps methods can be developed to fix 
specimens in various stages of spermatophore deposition allowing direct 
observation of the gross activities of the ejaculatory complex. However, 
there seems to be little chance that a way can be found to test the hypo- 
thesis of the method of expelling the spermatophore by a syringe-like 
contraction. A further possibility is that certain aspects of the operation 
of the apparatus in Hydrodroma may be clarified by functional studies in 
other genera. 


Survey of the Ejaculatory Complex 
in Water Mites 

Histcrical Introduction 


There has been considerable comparative and detailed morphological work 
on the male reproductive system of mites (summarized by Hughes, 1959). 
As noted for water mites (page 8), this research has been concen- 
trated on the soft parts of the system to the neglect of the sclerotized 
terminal portions (termed the penis by Hughes, op. cit.). Internal sclero- 
tized reproductive structures are absent in male Mesostigmata and Metas- 
tigmata, and although they are present in both the Oribatei and the Acari- 
diae, the distant taxonomic relationship of these groups to the water 
mites renders comparisons of little interest. From the standpoint of the 
the comparative morphology of water mites, the most important consider- 
ation is the structure of the ejaculatory complex in related families of the 
Prostigmata, especially the Parasitengona. 

Blauvyelt (1945), Hughes (op. cit.::1/6), YThomae (1925), Thor 
(1903), Henking (1882), Fredrickson (1961), Moss (1962), and 
Feider (1959) reported on the male reproductive system for various 
Prostigmata and Parasitengona, but in none do the skeletal elements 
resemble the analagous structure in water mites. Mitchell (1964a) studied 
thoroughly the enlarged terminal portion of the ductus ejaculatorius in the 
trombiculid, Blankaartia acuscutellaris. Although this organ, which Mitchell 
termed the ejaculatory complex, is similar in function to the comparable 
structure in water mites, little morphological evidence exists upon which 
to base a hypothesis of homology. There is no indication, for instance, of 
an ontogenetic relationship between the genital sclerites and the walls of 
the ductus, as there appears to be in Hydrodroma. Thus, the consensus 
of the literature is that no other group of mites possesses a chitinous eja- 
culatory complex skeleton of the water mite type. 

Most recent publications pertaining to phylogeny within the water mites 
have been cited (Bader, 1954, 1969: Mitchell, 1957a, 1958a, 1962; 
Sparing, 1959; Sokolow, 1954). Wooley (1961) reviewed the phylo- 
geny of mites and briefly discussed problems within the aquatic taxa. The 
early speculation on the phylogeny of this group was based only on exo- 
skeletal morphology, a practice that was questioned by Mitchell (1958a). 
Nordenskiold (1899) and later authors (Wooley, 1961: 279) variously 
concluded that the group was mono-, di-, oligo-, or polyphyletic. Even 
then, however, most authorities agreed that water mites evolved from one 
or more terrestrial ancestors whose affinities would be with the Prostig- 
mata, probably among the Parasitengona. 

Bader (1954) studied the comparative morphology of the midgut and 
distinguished four main lines of evolution. His scheme represented a con- 
siderable simplification from hypotheses based on exoskeletal data, and 


Mitchell has since shown that other functional and biological systems 
may be considered concordant with Bader’s findings; life histories and 
larvae (1957a), mouthparts (1962). Recently (1969) Bader extended 
his interpretation of midgut structure somewhat and made several tenta- 
tive conclusions of the first report more concrete. He recognized explicitly 
six distinct subgroups of genera, and suggested specific, separate origins 
for five. Sparing, who published (1959) the only comparative study of 
water mite larvae to date, concluded from larval morphology that the 
water mites (with the exception of Hydrovolzia) constitute a monophyletic 
grouping. Mitchell (1958a) also appeared willing in one instance to 
postulate a long-surviving, hypothetical water mite ancestor that gave 
rise successively to a small number of major evolutionary lines. 

Descriptions: Species Ordered Alphabetically 

The EC skeleton of the first species for each genus is described fully. 
Sclerites of additional species in the same genus are briefly compared to 
the first, and major differences are noted. 

Albia sp. 
(nr. A. caerulea) Fig. 8 

Chitinous skeleton of medium size, lightly built; body moderately sclerotized with 
walls of midsection largely membranous; arms well developed and strongly sclero- 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER consisting of two main sections, anterior wide, rectangular, 
shallow, posterior narrow, elongate, deep, its walls moderately well sclerotized; 
anterior margin sclerite wide, not heavily sclerotized; proximal horns borne on an 
elongate, sclerotized rod-like proximal ramus, short, blunt, expanded at tips; lateral 
wall sclerite narrow, strongly sclerotized, following a sinuate course along lateral 
wall of anterior section of chamber from its anteroproximal margin to base of 
chamber ramus. 

POSTERIOR KEEL reduced, narrow anteroposteriorly, proximal end angular with 
margin irregular; distal rod wide proximally, heavily sclerotized throughout its 
length, strongly bonded with distal arm sclerites distally. 

PROXIMAL ARMS shorter than distal arms, strongly sclerotized throughout, 
curved, projecting proximally beyond proximal horns, almost parallel to longitudinal 
axis of EC in lateral view; distal rami short, not extending beyond proximal end of 
anterior keel; chamber ramus narrow, proceeding anterad then angled proximad, 
tapering to a fine point, not articulating apically with any sclerites of proximal 
chamber; basal plate not developed. 

MIDSECTION of EC with one pair of L-shaped proximal sclerites (PrxScl), 
shorter, less heavily sclerotized arm lying proximodistally, its proximal end 
continuous with membranous anterior wall of proximal chamber, longer, more 
heavily sclerotized arm projecting laterally, ending in a blunt, expanded tip that is 
free of the membranes attached to its base; no distal sclerites; large. membranous 
lateral chamber (Cmb 1) located in axillary position on either side proximal to 
distal arm, walls continuous with distal membranes. 

ANTERIOR KEEL low, rounded, surface area reduced, moderately sclerotized, 
margins heavily sclerotized, projecting distally beneath distal arch; subtended by a 
broadened, moderately sclerotized, U-shaped plate lying in anterior wall of midsection 
of EC. 





L 2SX4d 

Z 2§X4d 
€ 2SX4d 



j: i pdy eee : 5 \ 
Ei ie eae S44] de 

\ ON 2 Ayu 

wyssd —— Kh } c 


L 2SX4d 



a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

8 Albia sp. (nr. A. caerulea): 

9 Arrenurus crenellatus: 
10 Arrenurus intermedius: 



a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
anterior view; 6b, lateral view. 



Arrenurus lyriger: 

Fig. 11 


DISTAL ARMS long, narrow, strongly sclerotized, projecting proximolaterad at 
approximately 30° to longitudinal axis of EC, straight in midportion, curved at 
either end; lateral shelf absent; anterior rami forming anterior arch, massive, 
heavily sclerotized, not fused anteromedially, broad posteriorly, tapering slightly 
anteriorly, then flaring to form an anterior tip that is subtriangular in lateral view; 
posterior rami short, heavy, strongly sclerotized, each provided apically with a 
medial lobe; distal arm sclerites each with a long, distally tapering, sclerotized, 
horn-like apical ramus (ApRm) projecting distad, forming 1/3 of total length of EC 
curved (concave anteriorly in lateral view, laterally in anterior view), generally 
convergent distally, slightly divergent at tips; no apical setae detected. 

Arrenurus crenellatus 
Fig. 9 

Chitinous skeleton small, compact, only lightly sclerotized; distal and proximal 
arms reduced, few strong sclerites. Determined from Cook, 1954a, 1954b, 1955a. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Oblong in anterior view, deep anteroposteriorly, anterior 
side only 1/2 length of posterior, posterior wail strongly convex so that open 
anterior side is rotated counter-clockwise through approximately 30° to face 
anterodistally; proximal and posterior sides moderately sclerotized, lateral and 
anteroproximal walls lightly sclerotized: anterior margin sclerite thickened, mode- 
rately sclerotized; no lateral wall sclerite; distolateral border indistinct; proximal 
horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL elongate in lateral view, tapering gradually into distal rod 
which is fused along entire length with posterior surface of EC. 

PROXIMAL ARMS reduced, thin, short, not reaching proximally to apex of proxi- 
mal chamber; distal ramus and short chamber ramus present; basal plate of two 
main sections, one rectangular section proximal to base of proximal arm and 
another triangular section distal to base of proximal arm and tapering distally, 
strengthened by an oblique, anteroproximal to posterodistal strut fused with base 
of proximal arm. 

MIDSECTION of EC between proximal chamber and anterior keel largely mem- 
branous, supported by a set of proximal sclerites consisting of a pair of elongate, 
sinuate lateral rods (PrxSc 1) and a pair of short, anteriorly bifid, club-like, antero- 
lateral rods (PrxSc 2); lateral rod of either side (PrxSc 1) incorporated as a 
strengthening strut in distal section of basal plate. 

ANTERIOR KEEL Of medium size, sclerotized, margin irregular; proximal margin 
strengthened by a narrow sclerotized rod that is bifurcate anteriorly and curved 
distally along base of keel; keel tapering rapidly distally, narrow end extending 
under anterior arch. 

DISTAL ARMS greatly modified; rami of distal arm sclerites flattened, expanded 
and fused so that sclerites of either side form together a cone-shaped, sclerotized 
structure, blunt distally, open posteriorly, encircling distal end of EC; distal arms 
recognizable as sclerotized lateral and posterior margins of proximal end of 
cone; anterior rami as thickened anterior margin; posterior rami retain a degree 
of individuality, forming lateral margins of posterior gap in cone, projecting 
proximally beyond cone to level of proximal end of anterior keel, situated far 
apart, One on either side of broad posterior surface of EC; lateral shelf also 
forms part of lateral and posterior walls of cone; a pair of simple setae situated 
subdistally, one on either side of cone. 


Arrenurus intermedius 
Fig. 10 

The EC of this species differs from A. crenellatus primarily in being proportionately 
narrower and more elongate. Anterior margin sclerite more heavily sclerotized; 
distal rod free from body of EC in midsection; basal plate reduced; only a single 
pair of proximal sclerites (PrxSc 1) associated with midsection; apical cone elon- 
gate; posterior rami not distinct. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 

Arrenurus lyriger 
Fig. 11 

Differs from A. crenellatus in being larger and more heavily sclerotized, as well as 
proportionately more elongate. Anterior margin sclerite stronger; lateral wall of 
proximal chamber supported by a pyriform sclerite; distal rod free from body of 
EC in midsection; proximal arms short; basal plate small, triangular; proximal 
sclerites (PrxSc 1-3) of midsection differ in number, size and shape; distal 
arm sclerites heavily sclerotized; apical cone separated into two sections joined 
only across anterior arch, more inflated and higher. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 

Arrenurus magnicaudatus 
Fig, 12 

The EC of this species is larger, more elongate and more heavily sclerotized than 
that of A. crenellatus. Anterior margin sclerite moderately sclerotized; proximal 
margin of posterior keel strongly concave; distal rod free from body of EC in 
midsection area; proximal arms longer; chamber ramus rudimentary; basal plate 
small, crescentic, lying entirely distal to base of proximal arm; one elongate, 
obliquely placed pair of proximal sclerites (PrxSc 1) in midsection; apical cone 
narrower; distal arms and posterior rami distinct. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 

Arrenurus major 
Fig. 13 

This species has the largest EC of any member of the genus examined. It is pro- 
portionately more elongate and more heavily sclerotized than that of A. crenellatus. 
Anterior surface of proximal chamber more strongly rotated counter-clockwise; 
lateral walls strengthened by a small subtriangular sclerite; distal rod completely 
free from posterior surface of EC; proximal arms heavier; basal plate lying entirely 
distal to base of proximal arm; two pairs of spindle-shaped proximal sclerites 
(PrxSc 1, 2) in midsection; distal arms well sclerotized, projecting farther laterally 
so that base of apical cone flared broadly. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 

Arrenurus planus 
(not illus.) 

The EC of this species is narrower than that of A. crenellatus and somewhat more 
heavily sclerotized. Anterior margin sclerite more prominent; proximal arms 
shorter and heavier; basal plate narrower and tongue-like; posterior keel reduced, 
distal rod free from posterior surface of EC; two pairs of oblique sclerites (PrxSc 
1, 2) present in midsection; anterior keel low, linear; apical cone small and propor- 
tionately very short. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 






PrxSc 1 


PrxSc 1 


— PrxSc1 

{ ———_ PrxAm 

Arrenurus magnicaudatus: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Arrenurus major: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Arrenurus semicircularis: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Arrenurus trifoliatus: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Arrenurus semicircularis 
Fig. 14 

The EC of this species is about the same size as, but proportionately narrower 
and shallower than that of A. crenellatus. Anterior surface of proximal chamber 
less strongly rotated counter-clockwise; posterior keel much reduced; distal rod 
completely free from posterior surface of EC, proximal arms stronger basally; 
basal plate much reduced; only a single oblique proximal sclerite (PrxSc 1) in 
midsection, anteroproximal tip expanded and subtriangular; apical cone narrow 
and elongate. Determined from Cook, cp. cit. 

Arrenurus trifoliatus 
Fig. 15 

This species has the EC less sclerotized, with most sclerites reduced in size and 
complexity. Proximal chamber greatly expanded and produced proximally; anterior 
margin sclerite reduced; lateral walls of chamber supported by a large subtriangular 
sclerite; proximal arms short, heavy; distal rami prominent; basal plate absent; 
posterior keel and distal rod absent; no sclerites in midsection: anterior keel low, 
elongate; distal arm sclerites drastically reduced, represented only by two pairs of 
sclerites lying distally in lateral walls of EC, homologies uncertain; no apical setae 
observed. Determined from Wilson, 1961. 

Arrenurus wardi 
Fig. 16 

The EC of this species is proportionately narrower and more elongate than that of 
A. crenellatus and is also more heavily sclerotized. Proximal chamber smaller; 
proximal arm heavier; basal plate reduced in size, extending proximally as a narrow, 
curved strap; posterior keel truncate posteriorly; distal rod entirely free from 
posterior surface of EC; a single pair of oblique proximal sclerites (PrxSc 1) 
present in lateral walls of midsection, distoposterior tip expanded, club-shaped; 
apical cone narrow and elongate. Determined from Cook, op. cit. 

Atractides sp. 
iis ly 

The EC of this species is of the general Hydrodroma type but is more massively 
built and more heavily sclerotized. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER square in anterior view, semicircular, with flat side facing 
anteriorly in lateral view; anterior margin sclerite strongly chitinized, wide proxi- 
mally in lateral view, interrupted midway by an ovoid excavation, tapering distally 
to a blunt apex; no special strengthening sclerites in lateral walls; anteroproximal 
margin of chamber drawn out medially to form a proximal ramus, expanded at 
either end, wide in lateral view, narrow in anterior view; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL arises from convex posterior surface of chamber, proceeds 
posteroproximally as a narrow bar, then expands into a large oval plate, sculptured 
for muscle insertion; posterior keel gives rise to distal rod from posterodistal margin 
of its narrow basal portion; rod curved, free from EC until level of anterior keel, 
then closely applied to posterior surface, grading insensibly into distal membranes. 

PROXIMAL ARMS massive, heavily sclerotized, strongly curved in anterior view, 
projecting proximally to tip of proximal ramus, apices expanded, sculptured, with 
margins finely divided for muscle attachment; distal rami strong; chamber ramus 



PrxSc 1 







Cmb 2 
Cmb 1 
PrxSc 1 
Cmb 4 


Arrenurus wardi: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Atractides sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Aturus (s. str.) sp. (nr. A. deceptor): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Axonopsis (Hexaxonopsis) sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 



short, strong, grading into lateral chamber wall; a small, triangular basal plate 
present in lateral chamber wall posterior to base of proximal arm. 

MIDSECTION of EC largely membranous, supported primarily by a heavy, Y- 
shaped proximal sclerite (PrxSc 1) on either side; this sclerite with base (long 
arm) beginning posteriorly and running anteriorly, one short blunt inflated arm 
projecting proximad as far as distal margin of proximal chamber, another longer, 
thinner, apically expanded arm proceeding laterodistad to middle of anterior keel, 
these sclerites especially prominent in anterior view; one pair of laterally-placed, 
hook-shaped, distal sclerites (DisSc 1) aids in support of membranes of midsection 
just proximal to distal arms, rod-like, distoproximally oriented, distal fifth tapering, 
abruptly curved medially. 

ANTERIOR KEEL Strongly sclerotized; arising from a long base and proceeding 
anteriorly, first tapering, then expanding abruptly into a large, subtriangular plate 
that is sculptured for muscle attachment; base supported by a thickened, sclero- 
tized band travelling distally beneath anterior arch. 

DISTAL ARMS massive, strong, heavily sclerotized, each projecting in a broad 
arc laterally from body of EC, apices slightly expanded, sculptured, margins 
divided for muscle attachment; anterior rami robust, apices apparently attached 
but not fused medially; lateral shelf reduced to a small flange near base of distal 
arm; posterior rami greatly expanded in lateral view, thickened basally in anterior 
view, forming a partial support for lateral walls of distal portion of EC; no apical 
development of distal arm sclerite; strong chitinous ligaments leading distad from 
bases of distal arms appear to strengthen connections with distal membranes; 
apical setae not noted. 

Aturus (s. str.) sp. 
(nr. A. deceptor) Fig. 18 
The EC of this species is of the general Hydrodroma type. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate in anterior view, widest midway, tapering distally 
and proximally, greatly compressed anteroposteriorly, appearing narrow in lateral 
view; anterior margin sclerite a thickened, sclerotized band, narrow proximally, 
projecting beyond proximal wall, gradually broadening over strongly sinuate course 
distad, grading gradually into lateral walls distally; no strengthening sclerites in 
narrow, sclerotized, lateral walls; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL a Slight broadening of base of distal rod, attached to posterior 
surface of proximal chamber proximal to base of proximal arms, rod tapered 
gradually, curving distad beneath EC, apex joining posterior surface of EC again 
at level of distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARMS broad basally, strongly curved, gradually tapering apically in 
anterior view, Of subequal width and straight in lateral view; distal rami strong, 
prominent in anterior and lateral views; chamber rami absent; basal plate absent. 

MIDSECTION Of EC membranous; no proximal sclerites; a pair of small, sinuate, 
spindle-shaped distal sclerites (DisSc 1) lie either side of base of anterior keel, 
Sclerites narrow, angulate in anterior view; a single, median, lightly sclerotized, 
semispherical chamber (Cmb 1) at base of anterior keel; three pairs of lateral, 
membranous chambers (Cmb 2-4) visible in anterior view, largest, axillary pair 
Cmb 4) semispherical, supported posteriorly by posterior rami of distal arm 

ANTERIOR KEEL high, subtriangular in lateral view, much inflated, with a broad 
base in anterior view, moderately sclerotized, continuous with membranous lateral 
surfaces of EC. 


DISTAL ARMS Slender, strong, well sclerotized, strongly curved, tapering apically; 
anterior rami long, slender, pointed, strongly sclerotized, apices apposed medially; 
posterior rami short, strong; each distal arm sclerite bears a flat, plate-like apical 
development, subrectangular in lateral view, each bearing subapically a short simple 
seta on lateral surface; lateral shelf forming part of posterior surface of distal- 
most lateral outpocketing (Cmb 4). 

Axonopsis (Hexaxonopsis ) sp. 
Fig. 19 

The EC of this species is of the general Hydrodroma type but is more compact 
and heavily sclerotized. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate in anterior view (1/2 length of EC), broadest at 
bases of proximal arms, tapering rapidly distad, gradually proximad; chamber 
strongly compressed anteroposteriorly, long and narrow in lateral view; lateral 
walls narrow, heavily sclerotized; anterior margin sclerite a strong bar, V-shaped 
in anterior view, bent at an angle of approximately 45° in lateral view, projecting 
proximad beyond end of chamber, ending in a short, broad proximal ramus; proxi- 
mal horns present, projecting laterally and posteriorly from lateral apices of 
proximal ramus. 

POSTERIOR KEEL attached to distal part of sclerotized posterior surface of 
proximal chamber, elongate, anterior and posterior margins subparallel, tapering 
distad to form a distal rod, produced posterad into a curved projection with 
rounded apex; distal rod sinuate, attached to posterior surface of EC at level of 
distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short (projecting proximad only 2/3 length of proximal 
chamber), heavily sclerotized, strongly curved in anterior view, with a wide, flange- 
like lateral expansion from base, basal area broad in anterior view, tapering apically, 
apex somewhat expanded, sculptured, margin divided for muscle attachment; 
chamber ramus absent; distal ramus not prominent; basal plate large, pyriform, 
rounded distally, grading insensibly into sclerotized lateral walls of midsection, 
portion proximal to base of proximal arm tapering gradually, occupying most of 
lateral surface of proximal chamber. 

MIDSECTION of EC short, sclerotized laterally, membranous anteriorly and 
anterolaterally; a lightly sclerotized, elongate, inflated sac (Cmb 1) arises on midline 
anteriorly, just proximal to base of anterior keel; membranes of anterolateral area 
doubly outpocketed (Cmb 2, 3) on either side; a compressed, sclerotized sac 
(Cmb 4) subtends base of anterior keel on either side in axillary position, sub- 
quacrate in anterior view. 

ANTERIOR KEEL a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse facing anterodistally, 
moderately sclerotized. 

DISTAL ARMS strong, heavily sclerotized, crescent-shaped, tapering apically in 
anterior view, almost straight in lateral view; anterior rami short with a thick 
base, almost square in anterior view; posterior rami short, heavy; a small, trian- 
gular lateral shelf joins base of distal arms to body of EC; apical setae absent. 

Brachypoda (s. str.) sp. 
(nr. B. cornipes) Fig. 20 

The EC of Brachypoda is of the general Hydrodroma type but is more compact 
and heavily sclerotized. Furthermore, the midsection displays a complex structure. 


PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate, oval in anterior view, anteroposteriorly com- 
pressed, narrow in lateral view; proximal and posterior walls heavily sclerotized, 
lateral walls narrow, moderately sclerotized; anterior margin sclerite strong, heavily 
sclerotized, U-shaped (in anterior view), curved (concave face anteriorly) in 
lateral view, broadened and truncate proximally, ending in a small lobe on either 
side distally, projecting proximad and anterad beyond proximal wall of chamber 
as a quadrate proximal ramus; a proximal horn projects laterally on either side 
from proximal ramus. 

POSTERIOR KEEL attached to posterior side of proximal chamber, roughly 
rhomboid, produced proximally into a short, triangular apex, tapering distally to 
base of distal rod which travels straight, approximately parallel to longitudinal axis 
of distal half of EC, tapering and grading imperceptibly into distal membranes. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short, heavily sclerotized, curved, with laterodistal margins 
expanded into a thin plate laterally, tapering apically in anterior view, tips slightly 
expanded and sculptured; chamber ramus short and broad, articulating with distal 
end of anterior margin sclerite; basal plate somewhat pyriform, broad distally, 
grading insensibly into sclerotized lateral surfaces of EC, proximal part tapering, 
acute, fused anteriorly with anterior margin sclerite. 

MIDSECTION of EC with lateral walls lightly sclerotized, forming 4 main in- 
flated chambers (Cmb 1-4) on either side; Cmb 3 more heavily sclerotized than 
others, apparently incorporating lateral shelf into its structure; lateral walls 
strengthened by a curved, pyriform, proximal sclerite (PrxSc 1) located distal to 
distal tips of anterior margin sclerite on either side. 

ANTERIOR KEEL Of extremely complex structure, composed of a distal and a proxi- 
mal section; proximal section in form of an irregular cone lying on midline, tapered end 
facing distally, broad end closed, facing proximally, composed of several overlapping, 
inflated, sclerotized sacs with thickened, sinuate proximal surfaces in lateral view; 
distal section composed of three structures arising from midline, distal-most laterally 
compressed, high, T-shaped in anterior view, middle structure lower, somewhat 
inflated, proximal structure still lower, inflated, wide in anterior view. 

DISTAL ARMS long, strongly curved in anterior view, nearly straight in lateral 
view, heavily sclerotized, apices expanded; anterior rami long, slender, heavily 
sclerotized; lateral shelf forming part of Cmb 3; several ligaments arise from distal 
edges of anterior rami and base of distal arms and appear to strengthen attach- 
ment of distal membranes. 

Eylais sp. 
Fig. 21 

The EC in Eylais is considerably different from the Hydrodroma type, although 
most structures can be easily homologized. The body is largely membranous with 
only isolated sclerotized structures. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER large (2/3 length of EC in anterior view, 1/2 of lateral 
area), mostly membranous, somewhat variable in form; in anterior view main 
(anterior) section of chamber oval (longitudinal axis laterally directed), with a 
median proximal outpocketing; more posteriorly a pair of membranous out- 
pocketings lie one on either side, each supported by a posterolateral extension of 
anterior margin sclerite; in lateral view chamber high, posterior surfaces lightly 
sclerotized; lateral walls largely membranous, supported by basal plate of proximal 
arm sclerites and a semicircular sclerite articulated with, but posterior to, basal 
plate; posterior margin of semicircular sclerite strengthened by a sclerotized rod 
proceeding proximally to margin of chamber and terminating in a blunt apex; in 
anterior view, anterior margin sclerite a long, curved (convex distally) rod with 




ja je 

Brachypoda (s. str.) sp. (nr. B. cornipes): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Eylais sp.: a, anterior view; 5, lateral view. 

Forelia (Madawaska) borealis: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Frontipoda sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

expanded, subtriangular lateral apices (may correspond to proximal horns), lateral 
apices then produced posterad and finally proximad, tips tapering, merging im- 
perceptibly with membranous walls of chamber, sclerite thickened medially, giving 
rise tO a proximally directed arm, straight, dilated apically; in lateral view, anterior 
margin sclerite strongly S-shaped, median area high, arms curving posteriorly and 

POSTERIOR KEEL small, narrow, convex posteriorly; distal rod absent. 

PROXIMAL ARMS long, slender, slightly curved in anterior view, sinuate in lateral 
view, apices greatly expanded and sculptured for muscle attachment; medial rami 
strong, straight, fused medially so that in anterior view proximal arm sclerites 
appear as a single broadly curved bar (concave proximally); chamber ramus 
directed distad, fused with a proximally directed ramus of distal arm sclerite; 
basal plate large, subrectangular, strengthened by several sclerotized struts from 
base of proximal arm, connected posteriorly by a strut to semicircular lateral wall 
sclerite of proximal chamber. 

MIDSECTION Of EC virtually eliminated by close juxtaposition of bases of proxi- 
mal and distal arm sclerites; anterior side apparently open (opening of anterior 
side of proximal chamber), membranes surrounding it joined distomedially to base 
of anterior keel and laterally draped over bases of proximal arms to attach to 
lateral walls of proximal chamber. 

ANTERIOR KEEL large, subtriangular with apex truncate, broadly rounded, distal 
margin supported by a thickened, broad, heavily sclerotized band that tapers distally 
to support anterior wall of sperm passage, rest of structure less heavily sclerotized; 
base of keel entirely fused with distal arm sclerites on either side. 

DISTAL ARMS short, arising from base of anterior keel, proceeding laterad and 
anterad on either side of keel, slender, heavily sclerotized, apices expanded and 
sculptured; subtended by a complex basal sclerite that is attached posteriorly by a 
strongly curved strut to basal plate of proximal arm sclerite; basal sclerite of distal 
arms giving rise to struts that proceed distad strengthening lateral walls of sperm 
passage, also posterad to semicircular sclerite. No other rami conspicuous; apical 
setae absent. Area of sperm passage distal to distal arms roughly tubular with a 
series Of pairs of weakly sclerotized strengthening rods in walls, most readily seen 
in anterior view. 

Feltria sp. 
(not illus.) 

This species possesses an EC too minute ( < 100 », ) for successful separation from 
the large genital plate, and so detailed drawings could not be made. From limited 
observations, the EC is clearly of the general Hydrodroma type. Proximal arms 
well developed, proximal chamber heavily sclerotized only in proximal wall, distal 
arms reduced in relative size. 

Forelia (Madawaska ) borealis 
Fig. 22 

This EC has the typical Hydrodroma facies, differing primarily in the apical deve- 
lopment of the distal arm sclerites. Determined from Cook, 1955b. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate, subrectangular in anterior view, proximal margin 
broadly rounded, high and curved in lateral view, posterior and proximal sides 
elongate, anterior surface rotated counter-clockwise through approximately 30° with 
respect to longitudinal axis of EC, facing anterodistally; proximal and posterior 


walls lightly sclerotized, semicircular in lateral view, no strengthening sclerites; 
anterior margin sclerite a narrow, moderately sclerotized band, thickest and strong- 
est along proximal margin; proximal horns project laterad from proximolateral 
corners of anterior margin, each thin, strongly sclerotized, each a short, curved 
(convex proximally) rod with a flange-like plate developed distolaterally. 

POSTERIOR KEEL small, linear, attached basally to posterior surface of chamber 
midway along its length, projecting proximad a short way parallel to longitudinal 
axis of EC; no distal rod; membranes along posterior surface of EC proximal to 
bases of distal arms containing an elongate, sclerotized rod that may correspond 
to distal section of distal rod. 

PROXIMAL ARMS shorter than proximal chamber, strong basally, well sclerotized; 
chamber ramus short and indistinct; distal ramus well developed; no basal plate. 

MIDSECTION Of EC bearing proximally a pair of sclerotized plates (PrxSc 1) 
forming in anterior view, a U-shaped structure (convex distally) delimiting distal 
boundary of membranes of anterior surface of proximal chamber; lateral surfaces 
of midsection lightly sclerotized, inflated to form two chambers on either side; 
proximal-most chamber (Cmb 1) of small diameter, incorporating no other sclerites; 
more distal chamber (Cmb 2) large, supported mainly by posterior ramus and 
lateral shelf of distal arm sclerite; in lateral view, just above Cmb 2 is a narrow, 

spindle-shaped sclerite (DisSc 1) in lateral wall. 

ANTERIOR KEEL not higher than anterior arch, anterior margin dissected, ir- 
regular, roughly rectangular, tapering distally, passing beneath anterior arch, 
merging with anterior wall of sperm passage. 

DISTAL ARMS short, strong, heavily sclerotized, straight, projecting at an angle 
of 40° to longitudinal axis of EC in anterior view, strongiy curved (convex poste- 
riorly) in lateral view; continuous with high, triangular anterior ramus; area 
distal to these arms expanded (apical development), entire basal area of distal 
arm sclerite subtriangular in lateral view; posterior ramus strong, proximal portion 
strongly curved (convex laterally and posteriorly), supporting distal-most lateral 
chamber (Cmb 2); lateral shelf well developed. 

Frontipoda sp. 
Fig. 23 

Only one species of Frontipoda (F. americana) has been described from North 
America. However, genitalic dissections during the course of this study have 
revealed the presence of two different forms, so that a specific name will not be 
applied to the population described here. 

The EC is more compact than that of Hydrodroma and most structures are 
reduced in relative size and degree of sclerotization. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate in anterior view, subrectangular, narrower distally, 
wider and rounded proximally; in lateral view chamber high, subrectangular, a 
distinct angle between posterior and proximal surfaces; in lateral view, proximal 
and posterior walls only moderately sclerotized as are lateral walls; anterior margin 
sclerite a narrow sclerotized band, U-shaped in anterior view; distal ends of margin 
sclerite produced posteriorly to form well-defined, sclerotized, distolateral borders 
of chamber, these sclerites then curving distally to merge with Jateral walls of 
midsection of EC; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL inflated, clearly an extension of cavity of proximal chamber, 
subtriangular, attached broadly to posterior side of chamber, curved and tapered 
distally to give rise to distal rod travelling straight distally to level of apex of EC 
where it grades gradually into distal membranes. 


PROXIMAL ARMS short, stubby, wide in anterior view, expanded at apex, pro- 
jecting at approximately 55° to longitudinal axis of EC; chamber ramus short, 
articulating with sclerotized distolateral border of chamber; an angular basal plate 
lies at base of proximal arms in lateral wall of EC, primarily distal to base of 
proximal arm, strengthened by two sclerotized struts from base of this arm. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized, inflated to form a pair of large lateral 
chambers (Cmb 1); a series of parallel, distoproximally oriented, sclerotic ridges 
subtend anterior keel on either side; no other conspicuous sclerites. 

ANTERIOR KEEL subtriangular, Occupying approximately distal half of EC, 
supported and strengthened by a sclerotized anterodistal edge, proximal margin 
rounded, broad in anterior view. 

DISTAL ARM sclerites much reduced, apparently represented by two small, 
spindle-shaped sclerites situated laterally on either side of distal end of EC, visible 
in anterior view. 

Geayia sp. 
Fig. 24 

The EC of this species is easily referable to the Hydrodroma type, but the pro- 
portions of various areas are altered, and there is considerable apical development 
of the distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Oval in anterior view, widest at ends, narrower at mid- 
length, rounded distally and proximally; in lateral view subrectangular, rotated 
counter-clockwise through approximately 30°, anterior surface faces anterodistally; 
anterior margin sclerite a thickened, sclerotized band, oval in anterior view, in 
lateral view projecting proximad beyond end of proximal chamber, joined to chamber 
by an anteroproximal extension of proximal wall; lateral chamber walls supported and 
strengthened by a heavy, well-sclerotized, oblique, lateral wall sclerite, fused proxi- 
moanteriorly with anterior margin sclerite, articulated posterodistally with base of 
proximal arm; proximal horns present, arising on either side from proximolateral 
corners of anterior margin sclerite, short, slender, straight in lateral view, curved 
in anterior view, slightly expanded at tips. 

POSTERIOR KEEL attached broadly to posterior surface of proximal chamber 
midway along its length, expanding greatly to form a large, reniform plate, rounded 
proximally, tapering distally to give rise to a strongly curved, sclerotized, distal rod; 
distal rod sinuate, separate from body of EC through most of its length, proceeding 
anterad to lie immediately below EC at level of anterior keel. 

PROXIMAL ARMS Of medium length, broad, massive in anterior view, not pro- 
ceeding proximad beyond proximal horns, strongly curved (convex posteriorly) in 
lateral view, apices little expanded, lateral margin expanded to form a thin, 
sculptured plate for muscle attachment; chamber ramus short, curved, closely asso- 
ciated with distal tip of lateral wall sclerite; distal ramus strong, proceeding distad 
to level of anterior keel. 

MIDSECTION Of EC with lateral walls lightly sclerotized, supported by heavily 
sclerotized rods and plates (PrxSc 1-3), anterior surface in this area membranous; 
structure of supporting sclerites most clearly seen in anterior view; most anteriorly 
lie a submedial pair of Y-shaped sclerites (PrxSc 1); lying below Y-shaped sclerite, 
a Sinuate sclerite (PrxSc 2) proceeding distad irregularly from laterodistal corner 
of margin sclerite, ending in an enlarged, irregular, blunt apex; a pair of small 
submedian sclerites (PrxSc 3) lie slightly proximal to proximal margin of anterior 
keel; lateral walls of midsection inflated to form a median, elongate, rounded tube 
(CMb 1) subtending anterior keel. 



= nN 
a) Uo = £ - AN 
a “w 2 = N 
a RE r Boexgne & 
a VU a BE Rok Ein 
Vaava e 

Fig. 24 Geayia sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 25 Hydrachna (Rhabdohydrachna) sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 26 Hydrovolzia sp.: a, anterior (?) view, distal end at top; b, lateral view, 
proximal end at top. 

Fig. 27 Hydryphantes sp. (nr. H. ruber): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 


ANTERIOR KEEL large, well-sclerotized, subrectangular in lateral view, anterior 
surface rounded, irregular, strengthened by lightly sclerotized anterior and distal 
margins, part of proximal and posterior margins strengthened and supported by a 
strongly sclerotized, curved band that continues distad, tapering beneath anterior 

DISTAL ARMS short, strongly curved in anterior view, wide at base; in lateral 
view, almost straight; anterior ramus long, strong, heavily sclerotized, tips of two 
anterior rami not apposed medially but joined by a strong chitinous band or liga- 
ment; posterior rami strong, heavily sclerotized, projecting proximally to level of 
proximal margin of anterior keel; lateral shelf broad, produced proximally to 
form a quadrate, proximally truncate plate joining distal arm to posterior ramus, 
margins strengthened by sclerotized thickenings; base of distal arm sclerite gives 
rise to an apical development, moderately sclerotized, apparently lying along lateral 
wall of sperm passage, approximately tubular, provided with a subdistal, simple 
apical seta. 

Hydrachna (Rhabdohydrachna) sp. 
Fig. 25 

The EC of this species is of the general Hydrodroma type modified by heavier 
sclerotization of the proximal chamber and midsection, and reduction in size and 
complexity of the distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate, rectangular in anterior view, subquadrate in lateral 
view, walls heavily sclerotized, membranes of anterior surface thick and leathery; 
anterior margin sclerite not prominent, anterior section of distolateral border of 
chamber strongly sclerotized, continuous with proximal sclerite (PrxSc 1) of mid- 
section; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL a broad curved plate attached at one end to posterior surface 
of proximal chamber, projecting posteriorly and distally; no distal rod present. 

PROXIMAL ARMS massive, heavily sclerotized, strongly curved; chamber ramus 
short, grading into sclerotized lateral wall of proximal chamber, distal ramus 
strong, fused with sclerotized lateral and posterior walls of midsection; basal plate 
well developed, forming part of sclerotized lateral surface of EC. 

MIDSECTION of EC sclerotized on all surfaces; strengthened by pair of proxi- 
mal sclerites (PrxSc 1) that are narrow, sinuate anteriorly, broad, well sclerotized 
and V-shaped laterally, continuous proximally with distolateral border of proximal 
chamber; these sclerites support a pair of conical lateral chambers (Cmb 1). 

ANTERIOR KEEL with a narrow, elongate, anterior projection and inflated basal 
section passing along anterior surface of EC. 

DISTAL ARMS reduced, short, straight; anterior rami rudimentary, only lightly 
sclerotized, anterior arch low; other rami much reduced; no apical setae. 

Hydrovolzia sp. 
Fig. 26 

Only a few alcohol-preserved specimens of this species were available for study, 
and no completely satisfactory skeletal preparations could be made. The EC is 
small and difficult to manipulate, and the alcohol preservation rendered the muscle 
tissue refractory to ordinary clearing agents. The sclerotized structures were not 
examined in detail, but Fig. 26 gives a general impression of the configuration. 
Except for an elongate pair of proximolateral sclerites, perhaps analogous to the 


proximal arms, there appears to be no structural similarity to the Hydrodroma EC. 

This genus may be more easily homologized with the Trombidioidea than 
with the water mites, Once its structure is better understood. 

Hydryphantes sp. 
(nr Hs yuber)) Figs 27 

The EC of Hydryphantes resembles, in general, that of Hydrodroma, although the 
distal arm sclerites are reduced. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Subrectangular in anterior and lateral views, anterior sur- 
face wider than posterior section which tapers distally, posterior and proximal 
walls smoothly rounded, moderately sclerotized, as are lateral walls; no strengthen- 
ing sclerite in lateral walls; anterior margin sclerite a thickened, sclerotized band, 
smoothly rounded proximally in anterior view, in lateral view proceeding distally 
parallel to longitudinal axis of EC, curving abruptly posterad at approximately 90°, 
forming strong, anterodistal shoulder of proximal chamber; distal tips of anterior 
margin sclerite project posterad and distolaterad forming strong distolateral borders 
of proximal chamber, greatly expanded apically; proximal horns absent, anterior 
margin sclerite of anterior surface produced proximally on midline into a small 
proximal ramus projecting anterodistad, narrow in lateral view, wider in anterior 

view, expvanded proximally. 

POSTERIOR KEEL a slight broadening of base of sinuate distal rod, attached to 
posterior surface of proximal chamber near its distal end. 

PROXIMAL ARMS broad, strong, heavily sclerotized, strongly curved in anterior 
view, projecting proximad beyond tip of proximal ramus, slightly sinuate in lateral 
view; chamber ramus absent; distal ramus strong, curved, proceeding distally to 
midway along anterior keel; a subrectangular basal plate present, lying in lateral 
wall of proximal chamber, produced proximally to an acute, anteroproximal apex. 

MIDSECTION of EC largely membranous proximally with two main pairs of 
sclerites (PrxSc 1, 2); anterior-most (PrxSc 1) L-shaped, one arm from each side 
joined anteriorly to form a raised, irregular, median projection; posterior-most 
sclerite (PrxSc 2) also roughly L-shaped, an inflated, sclerotized fold of lateral 
wall, anteriorly directed arm also fused with median projection, lateral surfaces 
sculptured for muscle attachment; a pair of lateral chambers (Cmb 1) supported 
by distolateral border sclerite of proximal chamber, another by proximal sclerites 
of midsection (Cmb 2); distal area of midsection a lightly sclerotized tube. 

ANTERIOR KEEL elongate, roughly oval, anterior margin irregular, divided, proxi- 
mal section of anterior margin elevated into a rounded projection strengthened by an 
anterior sclerotized thickening base of keel supported by a thickened, sclerotized 


DISTAL ARMS short, spindle-shaped, almost straight in anterior view; anterior 
rami short, slender, strongly sclerotized, apices apposed on midline; posterior 
ramus strong, sinuate, spindle-shaped, proximal apices curving laterad to aid in 
support of Cmb 2; lateral shelf absent. 

Hygrobates sp. 
Fig. 28 
This species has an elaborate EC of the general Hydrodroma type. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Subrectangular in anterior view, anteroposteriorly com- 
pressed, narrow in lateral view, posterior side strongly sclerotized, proximal side 


less so, lateral walls lightly sclerotized, anterior surface largely membranous; 
margins of anterior surface supported and strengthened by a narrow, thin, strongly 
sclerotized margin sclerite, broadly U-shaped in anterior view, produced proximally 
on median line to form a median proximal ramus which is straight, anteroproxi- 
mally directed, expanded, bearing a pair of rudimentary proximal horns apically; 
margin sclerite of anterior surface dips posterad on either side into a broadly U- 
shaped excavation of lateral wall, membrane bridges this gap. 

POSTERIOR KEEL elongate, bilobed; smaller proximal lobe rounded proximally, 
proximal margin lightly sculptured, keel attached to distal part of posterior surface 
of proximal chamber by a broad stalk; distal lobe large, tapering distally to a 
curved distal rod; distal rod free from posterior surface of EC, grading distally into 
distal membranes. 

PROXIMAL ARMS project at almost 90° to body of EC basally, then bent proxi- 
mad at almost 90°, straight, strong, wide, heavily sclerotized, expanded greatly at 
apices to form a thin, sculptured apical plate for muscle attachment; chamber 
ramus absent; distal ramus well developed; no basal plate. 

MIDSECTION of EC moderately sclerotized laterally and posteriorly, primarily 
membranous anteriorly, strengthened and supported by two pairs of large, heavy 
sclerites; proximally, an anteroposteriorly directed rod (PrxSc 1) with a twisted, 
sculptured anterior arm on either side; distally, expanded anterior tips of paired 
L-shaped sclerites (DisSc 1) also project above anterior surface; both pairs of 
sclerites support folds of membranous anterior surface; a pair of posterolateral 
chambers (Cmb 1) formed by inflation of sclerotized lateral walls, an axillary pair 
of chambers (Cmb 2) strengthened by L-shaped sclerites (DisSc 1) and posterior 
rami Of distal arm sclerites. 

ANTERIOR KEEL narrow laterally and distoproximally, high, rounded apically, 
proximal margin angulate, distal margin sinuate, base subtended by a pair of sinuate, 
strongly sclerotized bars with proximal tips produced anteriorly and_ strongly 

DISTAL ARMS long, strong, heavily sclerotized, almost straight in lateral view, 
in anterior view strongly curved, tapering regularly to apices, apices little expanded; 
anterior rami broad in anterior view; posterior ramus moderately strong, produced 
proximad to level of proximal margin of anterior keel; no apical development or 
apical setae. 

Koenikea sp. 
ie 29 

The EC skeleton is of the general Hydrodroma type and is relatively simple in 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER circular in anterior view, subquadrate in lateral view; 
posterior and proximal walls moderately well sclerotized as are lateral walls; lateral 
and proximal margins of anterior surface supported and strengthened by a strong, 
heavily sclerotized, semicircular margin sclerite, thick and broad proximally, distal 
apices tapering, attenuate; proximally on midline, margin sclerite drawn out into 
a short, broad, almost square proximal ramus, directed anteroproximad in lateral 
view; an elongate, curved (convex proximally) proximal horn arises from each 
proximolateral corner of proximal ramus. 

POSTERIOR KEEL narrow, elongate posteriorly, basal section narrower, stalk-like, 
expanding apically into a broader plate that is irregular proximally and tapers 
distally to form a narrow, strongly sclerotized, smoothly curved (convex posteriorly ) 
distal rod; rod free from body of EC, merging abruptly with distal membranes 
below EC at level of distal arm sclerites. 


Hygrobates sp.: a, anterior view; 5, lateral view. 
Koenikea sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Kongsbergia sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Lebertia sp.: a, anterior view; 5, lateral view. 

PROXIMAL ARMS strong, curved, heavily sclerotized, broad in anterior view; 
tips expanded, little sculptured; chamber ramus short, broad, heavy; distal ramus 
strong, well-developed, projecting distad to level of distal-most section of anterior 
keel; basal plate small. 

MIDSECTION of EC with anterior and lateral surfaces moderately sclerotized, 
more membranous anteriorly; three pairs of lateral chambers form most prominent 
feature of area; proximal-most two chambers (Cmb 1, 2) merely semisclerotized 
outpocketings of wall; distal-most chamber (Cmb 3) with a moderately well- 
sclerotized, strongly curved (convex proximally) proximal wall, anterior and dis- 
tolateral walls largely membranous. 

ANTERIOR KEEL divided into two sections; proximal-most lying approximately 
midway along length of EC, short and narrow, basal stalk projecting anteroproxi- 
mally, then expanding into a subcircular sculptured plate; distal-most section of 
keel wider, subrectangular, anterior margin convex but irregular, anterior area 
sculptured for muscle insertion; no prominent sclerotized supports for either section 
of anterior keel. 

DISTAL ARMS strong, well-sclerotized, sinuate, tapering only gradually to curved, 
acute apices; anterior rami long, sinuate, in lateral view broad basally, rapidly 
tapering apically, apices apposed anteriorly on median line; posterior ramus short, 
broad, subtriangular in lateral view; lateral shelf absent; no apical setae present. 

Kongsbergia sp. 
Fig. 30 
The EC of this species is similar to the basic Hydrodroma type. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Oval in anterior view, in lateral view anteroposteriorly 
flattened, narrow, subrectangular, anterior surface entirely membranous, posterior 
and proximal walls heavily sclerotized, lateral walls only moderately sclerotized; 
lateral and proximal margins strengthened and supported by a. narrow, heavily 
sclerotized anterior margin sclerite, thicker proximally, tapering distally, projecting 
proximad as an over-hanging lip (rudimentary proximal ramus) beyond proximal 
end of chamber; no strengthening sclerites in lateral walls of chamber; proximal 
horns lacking. 

POSTERIOR KEEL elongate, narrow, broadly attached to posterior surface of 
chamber, posterior and proximal margins irregular, tapering distally to form a 
strong, weakly curved (convex posteriorly), well-sclerotized distal rod; distal 
rod free from EC through most of its length, becoming closely associated with 
posterior surface distal to distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARMS massive, strongly curved, heavily sclerotized, projecting proxi- 
mad to apex of proximal chamber, basal areas broad, tapering rapidly to slightly 
expanded apices, sculptured for muscle insertion; chamber ramus absent; distal 
ramus strong, well developed. 

MIDSECTION Of EC elaborate in structure; primarily membranous anterior sur- 
face supported by three main sclerites; centre sclerite (PrxSc 1) distoproximally 
Oriented, shaped as a tall letter “V” with truncate apex, arms of “V” concave 
laterally, forming anterolateral margins of anterior surface of proximal chamber; 
surrounded by this sclerite and more proximally placed, a tall, omega-shaped 
sclerite (PrxSc 2); distal-most of anterior sclerites (DisSc 1) forms a structure 
roughly reniform in anterior view, convex margin facing distally, two short, 
curved rami on either side; in lateral view anterior sclerites narrow, elevated, plate- 
like in form, anterior margins strengthened by sclerotized thickening; omega 
sclerite (PrxSc 2) elevated distally to a level equal to that of apices of anterior 


arch; V-shaped sclerite (PrxSc 1) elevated proximally: reniform sclerite (DisSc 1) 
not distinctly visible in lateral view; in anterior view lateral surfaces of midsection 
of EC inflated into a pair of lateral chambers (Cmb 1) on either side, form 
irregular, walls lightly sclerotized. 

ANTERIOR KEEL absent, its morphological position and function apparently 
assumed by anterior projections of proximal-most two anterior surface sclerites 
(PrexSey 2 

DISTAL ARMS strong, heavily sclerotized, strongly curved in anterior view, 
broad basally, tapering gradually to lightly sculptured apices, margins divided for 
muscle insertion, almost straight in lateral view, expanded slightly; anterior ramus 
slender, especially in anterior view, tapering to an acute apex, curved proximally in 
lateral view; posterior rami situated in lateral wall apparently as a strengthening 
structure, elongate, inflated basally, narrower towards expanded, blunt apex; a broad 
subtriangular section of posterior ramus present in lateral wall; lateral shelf absent; 
apical setae lacking. 

Lebertia sp. 
Fig. 31 

The EC of this species shows a typical Hydrodroma structure but is more compact, 
heavily sclerotized, and complex. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Oval in anterior view; in lateral view high, short disto- 
proximally, posterior and proximal walls moderately sclerotized, lateral walls lightly 
sclerotized; lateral walls strengthened by an oblique sclerite that articulates disto- 
posteriorly with base of proximal arm sclerite and is free anteroproximally; anterior 
surface largely membranous, lateral and proximal margins supported and strength- 
ened by a thickened, broadly U-shaped margin sclerite, in anterior view of sub- 
equal width all way around, distal tips indistinct; in lateral view, distal arms of 
margin sclerite narrower proximally, broader distally, forming a distal shoulder, 
then directed posterad to form a broad, sclerotized distolateral border of proximal 
chamber, border sclerite fused with base of proximal arm, then sweeping distally 
along lateral wall of midsection of EC; proximal horns arise from proximal margin 
of anterior margin sclerite, bases fused, each large, broad, tapering to a blunt 
apex, curved (convex proximally), produced laterally so that apex almost apposed 
with proximal apex of proximal arm. 

POSTERIOR KEEL elongate, narrow, roughly a curved oval, posterior and proximal 
margins sinuate, irregular, abruptly tapering distally to form a sinuate, strongly 
sclerotized distal rod that curves first posterad then abruptly anterad to follow 
general contour of posterior surface of EC, distal tip of rod closely associated 
with posterior surface of EC just distal to level of distal arm sclerite. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short, weakly curved in anterior view, heavily sclerotized, 
widest basally, tapering to a blunt, rounded apex, sinuate, tapering in lateral view; 
chamber ramus indistinct; distal ramus strong, well developed, especially in lateral 
view; a subtriangular basal plate present, lying primarily distal to base of proximal 

MIDSECTION of EC lightly sclerotized, some small membranous areas anteriorly; 
main feature of this region in lateral view an oblique, lateral sclerite (DisSc 1) 
oriented from anteroproximal to posterodistal in lateral wall, a wide, heavily scle- 
rotized band, sides subparallel, posterior side merging with lateral wall of EC, 
anterior side raised to form an elongate ridge, anteroproximally giving rise to a 
short, broad rod articulating with distal shoulder of anterior margin sclerite, 
posterodistally giving rise to a strong, laterally directed axillary arm that is 
expanded apically, sculptured for muscle attachment, and articulated with apex of 


distal arm; anterolateral area of this section of EC greatly elevated, inflated, in 
anterior view an elongate pyriform anterior chamber (Cmb 1), rounded distally. 

tapering to an acute apex proximally. 

ANTERIOR KEEL low, elongate, curved (convex anteriorly), truncate posteriorly, 
lying along median line of proximal half of anterior pyriform chamber (Cmb 1). 

DISTAL ARMS strong, broad basally, heavily sclerotized, slightly curved (concave 
laterally) in anterior view, apices expanded, especially laterally, sculptured for 
muscle attachment; anterior ramus short, subtriangular, with rounded apex, apices 
of two sides apposed on midline; posterior ramus large, strongly curved (concave 
posteriorly), tapering proximally, apparently partially fused with distal ramus of 
proximal arm sclerite, proximal half free from body of EC; small, subtriangular 
lateral shelf joins distal arms to proximomedial rami and body of EC; apical setae 

not observed. 

Limnesia (s. str.) sp. 
Fig. 32 

The EC of this species represents one of the most extensive elaborations of the 
basic Hydrodroma type observed in the present study. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER large, subrectangular in anterior view; posterior wall weakly 
curved; proximal wall high, so that anterior surface rotated counter-clockwise 
through approximately 50° with respect to longitudinal axis of EC; lateral wall 
strengthened by a narrow, curved sclerite, obliquely placed, anteroproximal end 
fused with anterior margin sclerite, posterodistal end articulating with chamber 
ramus of proximal arm sclerite; lateral and proximal margins of anterior surface 
supported and strengthened by a narrow, broadly rounded, anterior margin sclerite, 
tapering to apices distally, somewhat thickened proximally, giving rise to a short, 
blunt proximal horn at each proximolateral corner. 

POSTERIOR KEEL large, elongate, broadly attached to posterior side of proximal 
chamber, produced proximally into an irregular subtriangular plate, tapering distally 
to form a narrow, strongly sclerotized, curved (convex posteriorly) distal rod; 
distal rod free from EC throughout most of its length, closely associated with 
posterior surface distally at level of distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARM broad basally, almost straight in anterior view, tapering apically, 
apex expanded, blunt, sculptured for muscle insertion; chamber ramus prominent, 
sinuate, directed anterodistally; distal ramus strong, heavily sclerotized, broad 
basally in anterior view. 

MIDSECTION of EC; sclerites of anterior surface include a laterally-convex, nar- 
row band (PrxSc 1) forming distal and distolateral margins of anterior surface of 
proximal chamber; distal to this sclerite lies a pair of submedian, bipartite sclerites 
(DisSc 1), in lateral view proximal portions of bipartite sclerites form an anterior 
subrectangular projection with truncate apex, arising proximal to base of anterior 
keel; final major sclerite an oblique strap in lateral wall (DisSc 2), giving rise dis- 
tally to a strong, laterally directed axillary arm, evident in anterior view; lateral 
arm Of DisSc 2 supports membranes forming an irregular axillary chamber (Cmb 1). 

ANTERIOR KEEL Ssubtriangular, high, margins irregular, apex rounded, curved 
proximally, proximal margin concave, surface sculptured for muscle attachment. 

DISTAL ARMS broad, strong, heavily sclerotized, margins subparallel, tapering 
acutely only in apical section to a blunt apex; anterior ramus short. subtriangular, 
broad basally, rounded apically, almost square in anterior view, apices apposed 
but not connected on median line; lateral shelf replaced by an expanded axillary 
knob; each distal arm sclerite gives rise to a short, conical, lightly sclerotized 
apical development, bearing a short, strong apical seta. 



wy Xd 

Zw 2S5!0 


quia xd 


b, lateral view. 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 33. Limnochares sp. (nr. L. americana): a, anterior view; 
a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 32 Limnesia (Ss: str:) sp:: 
Fig. 34 Midea sp.: 
Fig. 35 Mideopsis sp.: 


Limnochares sp. 
(nr. L. americana) Fig. 33 

The EC skeleton of Limnochares is little modified from a sclerotized tube and 
possesses fewer well-defined sclerites than that of Hydrodroma. In anterior view, 
two main sections are distinguished: a wide, subrectangular proximal section com- 
posed primarily of proximal chamber and proximal arm sclerites, and distally, a 
narrower tube, corresponding to distal portion of sperm passage, walls lightly 
sclerotized, some distal thickenings representing rudiments of distal arm sclerites 

but otherwise featureless. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Subrectangular in anterior and lateral views, chamber walls 
lightly sclerotized, anterior surface membranous, no prominent margin sclerite; 
lateral wall of proximal chamber strengthened by an array of sclerotized bands and 
narrow, sclerotic, surface ridges; in lateral view margins of proximal chamber 
constricted at various points suggesting division of chamber into cavities, some 
of which may function in semen retention or spermatophore formation; proximal 

horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL joined to body of EC in an unusual way; supported by a 
subtriangular sclerite in lateral wall of EC distal to proximal chamber, attached to 
these sclerites by a long, curved stalk, projecting as a subtriangular plate below 
posterior surface of chamber, margins irregular; no distal rod. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short and curved in anterior view, not projecting proximad 
beyond apex of proximal chamber, basal area broad and fused with sclerotized 
lateral walls of chamber; a distinct basal plate not discernable; chamber ramus 
projects distally and anteriorly, joins with a rudiment of anterior arch of distal arm 
sclerites; medial rami present as short, thick, blunt, medial projections apposed 

on median line. 

MIDSECTION Of EC much reduced as anterior keel positioned immediately distal 
to proximal chamber; lateral surfaces without distinct sclerotized areas, strengthened 

by several sclerotic surface ridges. 

ANTERIOR KEEL subtriangular, proximal margin sinuate, step-like, thickened by a 
sclerotized band, distal margin slopes concavely, proceeds distad to participate in 
formation of anterior wall of distal tube, apex blunt. 

DISTAL ARM sclerites represented by sclerotizations situated on anterior surface 
of EC distal to anterior keel, (cf. basal sclerite of distal arms in Eylais), in lateral 
view appearing as a strongly arched sclerite, anterior margin supported by a 
thickened sclerotized band, continuous with chamber ramus of proximal arm 
sclerite, lateral surface strengthened by a sclerotic ridge curving posteriorly and 
proximally to fuse eventually with base of proximal arm sclerite; a more distal 
series Of sclerotized folds partially surrounding distal tube not easily homologized 
with any structure in Hydrodroma EC. 

From base of anterior keel and from base of proximal arm, run curved, 
strongly sclerotized rods that fuse distally and proceed forward as an anterior, 
internal rod, along length of sperm passage; on posterior side lie a pair of curved, 
spindle-shaped, rods, attenuate distally, broadened and truncate proximally, may be 
homologous with distal-most of distal sclerites of Hydrodroma. 

Midea sp. 
Fig. 34 
The EC of Midea is greatly modified but is basically similar to that of Hydrodroma. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER in anterior view oval, slightly compressed, narrowed in 


midlength, rounded anteriorly and posteriorly; in lateral view subrectangular, margins 
and corners smoothly rounded; lateral, proximal, and posterior walls of chamber 
lightly sclerotized; anterior surface primarily membranous; anterior margin sclerite 
strongly rounded, U-shaped, thicker along proximal margin, tapering distally on 
either side; on midline proximally a strong, proximal ramus produced, bifurcate at 
apex, each part of bifurcation short, subtriangular, blunt at apex, representing a 
rudimentary proximal horn. 

POSTERIOR KEEL rudimentary, partially membranous, incorporating a small, 
irregular sclerite centrally; distal rod absent. 

PROXIMAL ARM Sclerites set more distally on EC than in Hydrodroma, base lying 
distal to distal side of proximal chamber; proximal arms strong, heavily sclerotized, 
strongly curved in anterior view, not reaching proximally to apex of proximal 
chamber; chamber ramus produced anteriorly and proximally, greatly expanded into 
a subtriangular sclerite strengthening lateral part of proximal and posterior walls 
of proximal chamber; distal rami strong, well sclerotized, proceeding forward 
slightly distal to distal arm sclerites; basal plate lying distal to base of proximal 

MIDSECTION of EC distal to proximal chamber primarily membranous; in 
lateral view, three small sclerites (PrxSc 1-3) support this area; PrxSc 1 irregular, 
forming a distal margin to anterior surface of proximal chamber; in anterior view 
membrane outpocketed into two median chambers (Cmb 1, 2); most proximal 
(Cmb 1) lying immediately distal to proximal chamber and supported in part by 
PrxSc 1 sclerites; distal-most chamber (Cmb 2) subtends base of anterior keel; 
two indistinct lateral chambers also evident in anterior view. 

ANTERIOR KEEL rudimentary, partially membranous, in lateral view appearing 
as two distinct structures, each one a short, narrow plate projecting anteriorly from 
anterior surface of EC. 

DISTAL ARM sclerites much modified; anterior ramus and base of sclerite appear 
fused and expanded to form a small, cone-shaped apical development, apices of cones 
sculptured and excavated for muscle insertion; distal arm projects laterad and 
proximad as a small, curved, smoothly tapering, rod-like sclerite; no trace of 
posterior rami; a small lateral shelf joins base of distal arm to cone section of 
sclerite; apical setae not present on this sclerite. 

Mideopsis sp. 
Fig. 35 

The EC of this species is clearly of the Hydrodroma type, although the distal 
section is greatly modified. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER narrow, suboval in anterior view, long, narrow, antero- 
posteriorly compressed in lateral view; anterior surface primarily membranous, 
supported and strengthened by a strong, U-shaped margin sclerite, broad and 
heavy proximally, tapering distally, in lateral view margin sclerite strong, well 
sclerotized; in addition to following margin of anterior surface, margin sclerite has 
a posterior projection in lateral wall of proximal chamber almost to base of 
proximal! arm sclerite, apex of this projection produced laterad, visible in anterior 
view; lateral, proximal, and posterior walls well sclerotized; anteroproximally a 
club-shaped lateral wall sclerite visible in lateral view, broad thickened end articu- 
lating with proximal end of anterior margin sclerite, more attenuate and paralleling 
posterior projection from margin sclerite, passing under it in wall of chamber and 
ending slightly distal to its apex; a proximal horn projects anterad from either 
proximolateral corner of anterior margin sclerite, each a short, stout, heavily 
sclerotized rod, apex expanded, sculptured for muscle insertion. 


POSTERIOR KEEL attached to rounded, inflated apex of proximal chamber which 
is produced proximally, keel produced posteriorly from chamber as a narrow plate, 
tapering gradually distally, giving rise to a sinuate distal rod; distal rod free 
from body of EC throughout most of its length, closely associated with posterior 
surface only in area of distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARMS massive, strong, heavily sclerotized, short, straight in anterior 
view, projecting at an angle of approximately 35° to longitudinal axis of EC, 
apices greatly expanded, subtriangular, curved medially, not extending proximally 
beyond apex of proximal chamber; chamber ramus absent; distal ramus strong, 
well sclerotized; basal plate greatly developed, elongate in distoproximal direction, 
occupying posterior half of lateral wall of proximal chamber and part of proximal 
and posterior walls. 

MIDSECTION of EC lightly sclerotized and elaborate, no well-defined sclerites 
strengthening walls, a number of sclerotized outpocketings and a number of surface 
sclerotic ridges serve to make area rigid and give it form. 

ANTERIOR KEEL low, anterior margin sinuate, lateral surface heavily sculptured, 
supported basally by several surface sclerotic ridges, bifurcate proximally in 
anterior view. 

DISTAL ARMS short, massive basally, tapering rapidly to an expanded apex, 
strongly curved, apices sculptured with divided margins for muscle attachment; 
anterior rami slender, tapering gradually to apex, rami of either side completely 
fused on midline so that anterior arch continuous; region distal to anterior arch 
and distal arm greatly expanded, in lateral view a high, broad, anterior section 
supported by a narrow, oval margin sclerite, area tapers posteriorly to form a 
subtriangular apical projection of distal arm sclerite, bearing subdistally a simple, 
curved seta; in anterior view apical projections narrowly subtriangular with a 
blunt apex, high anterior expanded portion supported also by anterior, sclerotized, 
J-shaped ridges on either side, small arm of “J” facing medially; area between 
“J” sclerites appears to be Open as a large anterior fossa, with proximal margin 
bounded by anterior arch, distal margin bounded by a membrane folding over top 
of apical projections of distal arm sclerites; posterior rami not evident. 

Neumania sp. 
Fig. 36 

This species is, in general, similar to Hydrodroma in the structure of the EC 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER circular to oval in anterior view, oval to subrectangular 
in lateral view, proximal and posterior walls moderately sclerotized, lateral walls 
lightly sclerotized; anterior surface primarily membranous, supported and strength- 
ened laterally and proximally by a divided anterior margin sclerite; in anterior 
view each part of margin sclerite L-shaped, joined medially in proximal margin by a 
ligamentous band, not fused; distolateral borders of chamber not sclerotized; lateral 
walls strengthened by an oblique sclerite articulating anteroproximally with proximal 
edge of anterior margin sclerite, articulating distoposteriorly with base of proximal 

POSTERIOR KEEL attached to distal part of posterior surface of proximal cham- 
ber, broadly attached, subrectangular in shape, rounded proximally, tapering 
irregularly distally to a short, strong, sclerotized distal rod; distal rod free 
from body of EC throughout, merging gradually with distal membranes at level 
of anterior keel. 

PROXIMAL ARMS long, slightly curved in anterior view, sturdy, heavily sclero- 


Neumania sp.: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Neumania sp. (nr. N. distincta): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Oxus sp. (nr. O. connatus): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 
Oxus sp. (nr. O. intermedius): a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

tized, broadest basally, tapering gradually to an expanded apex, approximately 
twice as long as proximal chamber in anterior view; chamber ramus absent; distal 
rami slender, strongly sclerotized, proceeding distad to level of anterior keel; 
basal plate small, subquadrate, lying in lateral wall of EC distal to base of 

proximal arm. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized, complex in structure; in anterior view 
can be seen a proximal bilobed chamber (Cmb 1), a distal, axillary, rounded 
chamber (Cmb 2), and posterior and lateral to these two, an elongate, sac-like 
chamber (Cmb 3); in anterior view, a pair of short, heavy, laterally placed, dumb- 
bell-shaped sclerites (PrxSc 1), anterior expanson of each sculptured for muscle 


ANTERIOR KEEL high, narrow, slightly curved (convex distally) oval, apex acute, 
lateral surfaces heavily sculptured for muscle attachment, base broad but not 
tapering distally beneath anterior arch. 

DISTAL ARM strong, heavily sclerotized, wide basally, tapering regularly to an 
acute apex, curved in anterior view, apex only slightly expanded; anterior ramus 
high, broad basally, tapering to sharp, acute apex, apices of either side apposed on 
median line; distal arm joined to lateral wall of EC by a strongly sclerotized rod 
that is expanded medially into a subtriangular plate, broadly attached to lateral 
surface of lobe-shaped lateral chamber, probably representing a modified lateral 
shelf; no apical setae observed. 

Neumania sp. 

(nr. N. distincta) Fig. 37 

The EC of this species differs from that of the previously described Neumania sp. 
in being somewhat larger and more heavily sclerotized. Stout, proximal ramus 
produced medially from anterior margin sclerite, bearing apically a pair of short, 
truncate, proximal horns; no lateral wall sclerite strengthening proximal chamber; 
posterior keel large and subtriangular; distal rod of normal length; midsection of 
EC elaborated into four pairs of lightly sclerotized lateral chambers (Cmb 1-4) 
and one short, twisted, spindle-shaped sclerite (PrxSc 1); all rami and projections 
of distal arm sclerite larger and stronger; a pair of short, stout, apical setae 

Oxus sp. 
(nr. O. connatus) Fig. 38 

This species shows a great reduction of size and complexity of sclerotized EC 
Structures as compared with Hydrodroma. 

: PROXIMAL CHAMBER narrowly oval, elongate in anterior view, in lateral view 
high, broad, subrhomboid proximal and posterior walls moderately sclerotized 
lateral walls lightly sclerotized, anterior wall largely membranous; lateral sind 
proximal margins of anterior surface supported by a narrow, U-shaped margin 
sclerite, distal tips proceeding posteriorly at distal edge of proximal chamber 
forming a shoulder and sclerotized distolateral border of chamber, fusing then with 
lateral sclerotized surfaces of EC and basal plate of proximal arm sclerite; lateral 
wall sclerite absent; no trace of proximal horns. 

POSTERIOR KEEL rudimentary; a thin, narrow, lightly sclerotized distal rod 
appears to arise directly from posterior side of proximal chamber, proceeds for- 
ward curving slightly in a sinuate fashion not far from posterior surface of EC 
but not fused with it. 


PROXIMAL ARM a short, hollow, subconical structure, roughly triangular in 
anterior view, in lateral view expanded anteroposteriorly, surface lightly sculptured 
for muscle insertion; chamber ramus not recognizable; distal rami proceed distad 
in an approximately lateral position parallel with lateral walls of EC to midway 
along length of distal arm sclerites; basal plate large, subtriangular, lying partially 
distal to proximal chamber in walls of midsection of EC, strengthened by three 
sclerotized struts, two proceeding from base of proximal arm, third lying in a 
central position on plate, proximal portion expanded into a thin, triangular plate in 
lateral walls of proximal chamber. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized, relatively simple in structure; inflated 
in anterior view (Cmb 1), high in lateral view. 

ANTERIOR KEEL narrow and elongate; obliquely placed in lateral view, lying 
along distal portion of anterior margin of midsection of EC; high at proximal end, 
sloping down distally to level of distal arm sclerites. 

DISTAL ARM sSclerites greatly expanded, fused and modified to form a lightly 
sclerotized, apical cone at distal end of EC; cone thin, membranous anteriorly, 
proximal margins moderately well sclerotized; no setae observed on this sclerite. 

Oxus sp. 
(nr. O. intermedius) Fig. 39 

The EC of this species shows great modification of the Hydrodroma pattern and is 
altered as well from that previously described for Oxus sp. (nr. O. connatus). 
Proximal chamber greatly enlarged in lateral view but narrow in anterior view; 
anterior surface greatly elongated proximally, curving clockwise through 180°; 
distal tips of anterior margin sclerite produced posteriorly forming strong, sub- 
triangular, distolateral border sclerites; two short, tapering, sclerotized ridges lie 
side-by-side in membranes of anterior surface at distal border of chamber, each 
giving rise to a short, subconical, blunt anterior horn; posterior keel and distal rod 
absent; proximal arm short, blunt, fused basally with distolateral border sclerite; 
basal plate produced posteriorly as a narrow, sinuate, strap-like sclerite further 
strengthening distolateral border of proximal chamber; midsection and distal region 
lightly sclerotized, inflated to form an irregular chamber (Cmb 1); distal arm 
sclerites reduced to sclerotized thickenings in walls of Cmb 1. 

Piona pinguipal pis 
Fig. 40 

The EC of this species differs from that of Hydrodroma primarily in the remarkable 
development of the proximal chamber. Determined from Cook, 1960. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER greatly elongated, narrowly oval in anterior view, in lateral 
view subrectangular, long, low; unusual feature of proximal chamber is extension of 
posterior wall and of anterior surface into a curving, helical, proximal projection, 
an elongate, blunt, narrow, blind sac appended proximally to proximal chamber; 
lateral, posterior, and rest of proximal surfaces all more nearly normal, moderately 
sclerotized, lateral surfaces not strengthened by sclerites; anterior surface primarily 
membranous, elongate, forming anterior surface of proximal sac; anterior margin 
sclerite approximately normal in shape, in anterior view elongate, narrow, U-shaped, 
wide proximally, tapering distally on either side, proximal section of sclerite raised 
anteriorly, arched over anterior surface of chamber so that anterior surface pro- 
ceeds beneath its proximal end, being attached to it by membranes and is then 
produced proximally into blind sac; proximal horns absent. 


POSTERIOR KEEL hatchet-shaped, connected to posterior surface of proximal 
chamber by a thin, oblique stalk, broadening posteriorly into an obliquely placed, 
subrectangular plate, truncate proximally, tapering distally to give rise to a 
moderately well-sclerotized, evenly curved (convex posteriorly) distal rod; distal 
rod free from posterior surface of EC throughout most of its length, although 
closely applied to posterior surface. 

PROXIMAL ARMS broad, strongly curved in anterior view, widest at shoulder, 
tapering basally and apically, proximal apex acute, blunt, lateral margins much 
expanded to form a thin, sculptured plate for muscle insertion; basal plate small, 
lying distal to base of proximal arm in lateral wall of midsection of EC; distal 
ramus strong, heavily sclerotized; chamber ramus absent. 

MIDSECTION of EC in part lightly sclerotized, in part membranous; in lateral 
view most of area occupied by basal plate of proximal arm sclerite, by a T-sclerite 
(DisSc 1), linear in lateral view, and by an anterolateral chamber (Cmb 1), more 
fully visible in anterior view; in anterior view Cmb 1 lies above base of proximal 
arm, subtriangular, broad lateroproximally, tapering distomedially; a pair of short, 
curved sclerites (DisSc 2) subtend base of anterior keel on either side. 

ANTERIOR KEEL Subtriangular with a broad base and a tall, anteriorly produced 
apex that is slightly expanded and sculptured for muscle insertion. 

DISTAL ARMS in anterior view narrow, well-sclerotized, strongly curved, basal 
and apical portions directed at approximately 90° to one another, tapering gradually 
to a truncate, slightly expanded apex; anterior rami high, broad basally, tapering 
rapidly to an acute apex, apices of either side apposed on median line; area 
distal to anterior ramus and distal arms expanded, produced into a thin, lightly 
sclerotized, subconical structure on either side; lateral! shelf aids in formation of 
posterior side of this apical development, joins base of distal arm to latera! wall 
of EC; posterior rami short, blunt, subtriangular; no apical setae present. 

Protzia sp. 
Fig. 41 

The EC of this species is unusual in that much of the lateral surface is covered by 
_ folds of membranous chitin. Otherwise, the general structure is similar to that of 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER large, subrectangular in both anterior and lateral views, 
proximal, posterior, and lateral walls lightly sclerotized, anterior surface largely 
membranous, lateral margins of anterior surface not strengthened by sclerotized 
rods, proximal margin supported and strengthened by a margin sclerite, produced 
proximally on midline into a low, blunt, cone-shaped proximal ramus; lateral 
wall supported in part by an oblique sclerotized rod that is broader proximo- 
anteriorly at articulation with anterior margin sclerite, tapering distoposteriorly to a 
blunt apex at base of proximal arm; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL large, subquadrate, attached broadly to posterior surface of 
proximal chamber, margins irregular, produced anteriorly into a short, triangular 
section giving rise to a curved, partially membranous distal rod; distal rod 
short, merging at level of proximal margin of anterior keel with distal membranes 
attached to posterior surface of EC. 

PROXIMAL ARMS strong, heavy, well sclerotized, tapering gradually to blunt 
apices; chamber ramus short, almost indistinguishable; distal ramus long, well 
sclerotized; basal plate subtriangular, lying in lateral wall of EC distal to base of 
proximal arm and distal in large part to proximal chamber. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized; only prominent sclerites in this region a 


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zt quis 
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lateral view. 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 


Fig. 40 Piona pinguipalpis: a, anterior view; b 

Fig. 41 

Protzia sp.: 
Pseudohydryphantes sp.: 

Fig. 43 Sperchon sp.: 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 42 


pair of long, narrow, sinuate rods (PrxSc 1) lying in submedian position On anterior 
surface next to base of anterior keel, proceeding proximad to edge of anterior 
surface of proximal chamber, in lateral view wide, sides subparallel, proximal apex 
expanded into a subtriangular plate; a well-sclerotized chamber (Cmb 1) present on 
either side in a subaxillary position. 

ANTERIOR KEEL elongate, low, subrectangular, slightly curved in lateral view, 
lying obliquely, anterior margin facing anterodistally; anterior margin sinuate, ex- 
cavated in distal portion to form a short, triangular projection at either end of 
excavation, well sclerotized, subtended by folds of membrane. 

DISTAL ARMS short, almost straight in anterior view, sides subparallel, tapering 
rapidly to a blunt apex; anterior rami elongate, broad, heavy, well sclerotized, 
sinuate, tapering to an acute apex in lateral view, apices apposed on midline; area 
distal to anterior ramus and distal arms expanded, produced distally into a thin- 
walled, cone-shaped apical structure on either side, blunt apically, bearing a strong, 
straight, subapical, simple seta; posterior rami short, strong. 

Pseudohydryphantes sp. 
Fig. 42 
The EC of this species represents an elaboration of the basic Hydrodroma plan. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Oval to round in anterior view, subrectangular in lateral 
view, lateral, proximal, and posterior walls heavily sclerotized, anterior wall pri- 
marily membranous; anterior surface strengthened laterally and proximally by a 
broadly rounded, U-shaped margin sclerite, thicker proximally, produced on mid- 
line proximally into a short, rectangular, truncate proximal ramus appearing as a 
thin plate in lateral view; distal ends of anterior margin sclerite curved posteriorly 
forming a rounded shoulder, then swept posteriorly forming a sclerotized disto- 
lateral border of proximal chamber, and distally as a broad, crescent-shaped 
sclerite lying in lateral wall of midsection of EC; distal section of this sclerite 
closely associated with elongate base of proximal arm; no strengthening sclerites 
in lateral walls of proximal chamber; proximal horns absent. 

POSTERIOR KEEL subtriangular, low, posterior apex rounded, base broadly at- 
tached to posterior surface of proximal chamber, distal margin gives rise to a 
gently curving, well-sclerotized distal rod; distal rod free from posterior surface of 
EC throughout its entire length, merging gradually with membranes at level of 
distal half of anterior keel. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short, not strongly curved, broadest basally, tapering gradually 
to a slightly expanded, blunt apex, projecting proximally about as far as apex of 
proximal chamber; in lateral view proximal arms thin, sinuate, base placed far 
distad on lateral wall of EC; distal ramus long, sharply pointed, ending distal to 
anterior arch; chamber ramus directed proximally from base, curved, parallelling 
distal extension of anterior margin sclerite; basal plate little developed, small, 
triangular, lying in posterior area of lateral wall of midsection. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized laterally, some membranous areas ante- 
riorly; strong, narrow, sclerotized ridge (PrxSc 1) lies obliquely in lateral wall, 
articulating posteriorly and distally with posterior ramus of distal arm _ sclerite, 
then proceeding anteroproximad, ending at proximal end of basal margin of anterior 
keel; a second strong sclerite in lateral walls is a narrow, curved, elongate rod 
(DisSc 1) subtending base of anterior keel; in anterior view, sclerites and pro- 
jections of lateral wall define and support lateral and posterior walls of two 
pairs of large lateral chambers (Cmb 1, 2), anterior walls of these chambers 
appear largely membranous; two spindle-shaped sclerites (PrxSc 2) lie submedially 
in anterior wall between distal margin of proximal chamber and proximal margin 
of anterior keel. 


ANTERIOR KEEL subtriangular, high, rounded anteriorly and proximally, tapering 
distally to continue forward beneath anterior arch. 

DISTAL ARMS short, curved in anterior and lateral views, broad basally, tapering 
to an acute, blunt apex; anterior rami short, blunt, subtriangular in anterior and 
lateral views; a well-developed lateral shelf present; area distal to anterior rami and 
distal arms expanded, produced to form a lightly sclerotized, cone-like structure: 
posterior ramus present, short, curved, tapering to an acute apex proximally: each 
apical cone bearing a short, stout, curved seta subapically. 

Sperchon sp. 
Fig. 43 

The EC of this species is greatly modified from the Hydrodroma type. The body 
of the organ is composed of a long, inflated, lightly sclerotized sack consisting 
primarily of the proximal chamber and the inflated midregion. The typical sclerites 
are reduced and lie in the lateral walls of the structure. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER large, Oval in anterior view, rounded in lateral view, pos- 
terior and lateral sides lightly sclerotized, anterior surface largely membranous; an 
oblique, lightly sclerotized band lies in anterior portion of lateral wall of proximal 
chamber; anterior margin sclerite U-shaped, thin in anterior view, broader and 
strap-like in lateral view, distal ends proceed posteriorly as a sclerotized, disto- 
lateral border of chamber, then distally as an oblique arm across lateral surface of 
midsection; small proximal horns, in anterior view, project laterally, apparently as 
continuations of sclerotized plate strengthening proximal surface of chamber. 

POSTERIOR KEEL almost non-existent; distal rod produced directly from posterior 
surface of proximal chamber, curved slightly (convex posteriorly), following poste- 
rior surface of EC closely although not attached to it throughout most of its 
length, distally rod becomes completely fused with posterior surface at level of 
distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARM Sclerites small, simple in anterior view; arms short, slightly 
curved, broad basally, tapering regularly to a blunt apex; only well-developed ramus 
is chamber ramus proceeding obliquely from base of proximal arm antero- 
proximad to fuse-with distal end of anterior margin sclerite. 

MIDSECTION of EC large, approximately diamond-shaped in lateral view, 
anterior and lateral walls lightly sclerotized, anterior surface high, arched ante- 
riorly, lateral walls expanded to form large axillary chamber (Cmb 1) on either 
side; a longitudinal median chamber (Cmb 2) subtends anterior keel; Cmb 1 
strengthened by one oblique sclerite (DisSc 1) in distal half of lateral wall, tapering 
posterodistally, articulating with base of distal arm sclerites; a number of sclerotic 
ridges give additional support to lateral walls. 

ANTERIOR KEEL low, elongate in lateral view, slightly curved (convex ante- 
riorly), perched upon anterior surface of Cmb 2. 

DISTAL ARM sclerites much reduced, distal arms short, slightly curved, tapering 
to a blunt apex; anterior rami directed distad, long, thin, curving almost to midline 
over anterior surface; posterior ramus indistinct, probably fused with DisSc 1; a 
semi-membranous, curved rod projects posteriorly, on either side, from posterior 
surface at level of distal arm (cf. posterior ramus in Hydryphantes); no apical 
development or apical setae. 


Sperchonopsis sp. 
Fig. 44 

The chitinized EC skeleton of this species is similar to that of the Sperchon species 
just described. It differs primarily in being proportionally higher (anterior to 
posterior direction), more heavily sclerotized, and more elaborate. Proximal 
chamber larger, subquadrate in lateral view; proximal horns thin, lightly sclerotized, 
elongate; basal plate of proximal arm sclerite large, aiding in formation of a lateral 
over-hanging wall in midsection; lateral walls of axillary chambers (Cmb 1) well 
sclerotized; DisSc 1 broad, curved and strap-like; each distal arm sclerite giving 
rise to a cone-like apical development that curves posteriorly and bears subdistally 
a short, stout, apical seta; posterior ramus of distal arm sclerite evident. 

Testudacarus sp. 
Fig. 45 

The EC of this species is a compact, moderately sclerotized structure, easily 
referable to the basic Hydrodroma type. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER large, subcircular in anterior view, subrectangular in 
lateral view; lateral, proximal and posterior walls moderately sclerotized; anterior 
portion of chamber more rounded, posterior portion narrower, more trough-like; 
anterior surface primarily membranous, supported and strengthened laterally and 
proximally by a margin sclerite; margin sclerite rounded, broadly V-shaped in 
anterior view, distal tips forming a shoulder at anterodistal corner of chamber, 
then proceeding obliquely posterodistad, finally curving distad across surface of 
lateral wall of midsection; margin sclerite produced proximally into a short, blunt, 
rounded proximal ramus, and laterally on either side to form a thin, tapering, 
lightly sclerotized proximal horn; lateral walls of proximal chamber strengthened 
and supported by a sinuate oblique sclerite. 

POSTERIOR KEEL a short, low ridge, tapering distally and proximally, slightly 
curved (convex posteriorly), applied to posterior surface of proximal chamber near 
distal border of chamber; distal rod absent. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short, strong, almost straight in anterior view, widest basally, 
tapering gradually to a slightly expanded, sculptured apex, reaching proximally only 
about half as far from their base as apex of proximal chamber; chamber ramus 
short, strong, fused with distal section of anterior margin sclerite where it travels 
across lateral surface of EC; distal rami curve posterad, then strongly anterad and 
distad; basal plate roughly triangular, lying wholly in lateral wall of EC distal to 
base of proximal arm, almost entirely covered by sclerotized flaps or chambers 
elaborated in lightly sclerotized wall. 

MIDSECTION Of EC moderately sclerotized, elaborated into a number of plates, 
chambers, and sclerotized structures, entire area large, subrectangular in anterior 
and lateral views; treating first structures of anterior surface, proximal-most anterior 
sclerite (PrxSc 1) horseshoe-shaped (concave distally), lying on midline just distal 
to anterior surface of proximal chamber, forming an anterior margin for this 
area; distal-most anterior surface sclerite (DisSc 1) in form of a long, narrow, 
U-shaped structure with sub-median ramus on either side elongate, narrow, tapering, 
sinuate, rami on either side joining on midline just proximal to base of anterior 
keel; both PrxSc 1 and DisSc 1 broad, plate-like in lateral view; lateral surface of 
midsection with a number of sclerotic surface ridges, folds, plates and some folded 
membranous areas posteriorly; most prominent feature, a subtriangular lateral 
chamber (Cmb 1) axillary to distal arms; walls of this chamber strengthened by a 
V-shaped (in anterior view) sclerite (DisSc 2), apex projecting laterally, arms fused 
basally with lateral walls of midsection. 



a, anterior view; 5, lateral view. 

Fig. 44 Sperchonopsis sp.: 

, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 45 Testudacarus sp.: a 

b, lateral view. 
, anterior view; 5, lateral view. 


: a, anterior view; 

Fig. 46 Thyas barbigera 

Fig. 47. Tiphys sp. (nr. T. americana): a 


ANTERIOR KEEL triangular in lateral view, broadly joined to anterior surface of 
area delimited by DisSc 1 and elevated on this structure, anterior margin almost 
straight, irregular, with a thin, finger-like proximal extension; proximal margin 
strongly concave. 

DISTAL ARMS short, straight, tapering gradually to a blunt apex, apices sculptured 
slightly for muscle attachment; anterior ramus lacking entirely; posterior ramus 
forms part of lateral chamber (Cmb 1); area distal to base of distal arm expanded, 
produced to form an elongate, narrow, blunt, cone-like apical development, each 
cone bearing a short, curved, simple seta subapically. 

Thyas barbigera 
Fig. 46 

The EC of this species is robust and heavily sclerotized but displays a tendency to 
reduction of the distal arm sclerites. Determined from Cook, 1959. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Subquadrate in anterior view, subrectangular in lateral 
view, lateral, proximal, and posterior walls lightly sclerotized; anterior surface 
primarily membranous; in lateral view, anterior margin sclerite forms a pronounced 
anterodistal shoulder to proximal chamber and distal tip of sclerite, then pro- 
ceeds posterad and distad in a broad arc onto lateral surface of midsection of EC, 
in anterior view this broad crescentic sclerite narrow, entirely free from lateral 
surface of midsection; anterior portion of lateral chamber wall strengthened and 
supported by a curved, strongly sclerotized, oblique, rod-like wall sclerite; anterior 
margin sclerite produced proximally on midline into a short, subrectangular proximal 
ramus, truncate in anterior view. 

POSTERIOR KEEL elongate, narrow, suboval, attached by a short, broad stalk to 
posterior surface of proximal chamber, proximal margin rounded, distal margin 
irregular, tapering to give rise to short, almost straight, distal rod; distal rod 
becomes indistinct just proximal to level of distal arm sclerites, fused at this point 
with portions of distal membranes. 

PROXIMAL ARM massive, strongly curved, broadest basally, tapering gradually to 
slightly expanded apex, reaching proximad to about apex of proximal chamber; 
chamber ramus fused with sclerotized distolateral border of chamber and with 
lateral wall sclerite; distal ramus heavy, elongate, well sclerotized, strengthening 
posterior and lateral walls of midsection; basal plate small, broadly fused with 
distal section of anterior margin sclerite. 

MIDSECTION Of EC moderately well sclerotized; main feature of the region a 
subaxillary lateral chamber (Cmb 1) with sclerotized walls, subtending anterior 
keel; supported laterally by a strong, V-shaped sclerite (DisSc 1); a high, thin, 
membranous, median chamber (Cmb 2) lies proximally on anterior surface, ex- 
tending part way over proximal chamber. 

ANTERIOR KEEL elongate, slightly expanded distally, apex rounded. 

DISTAL ARMS elongate, thin, well sclerotized, in anterior view almost straight, 
slightly curved near apices, broad basally, tapering apically; anterior rami short, 
massive, subtriangular in lateral view, subquadrate in anterior view, apices apposed 
medially; area distal to anterior ramus and distal arms expanded to form a short, 
blunt, cone-shaped apical development on either side bearing a simple apical seta 
subdistally; posterior rami short, but strong; a small, subtriangular, lateral shelf 
joins base of distal arm to lateral surface of EC. 


Tiphys sp. 
(nr. T. americana) Fig. 47 

This species possesses an EC of the generalized Hydrodroma type, with a pronoun- 
ced elongation of the proximal chamber. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER long, narrowly oval in anterior view, subrectangular in 
lateral view; lateral and proximal surfaces lightly sclerotized, posterior surface 
more heavily sclerotized; anterior surface membranous, membrane thick and 
leathery in appearance: lateral and proximal margins of anterior surface supported 
by a long, narrow, U-shaped margin sclerite, arms subequal in width throughout 
their length, apices expanded, round, blunt; proximally, anterior margin sclerite 
gives rise to two long, stout proximal horns directed distolaterad, each with its 
base on midline, each possessing an expanded, sculptured apex for muscle attachment. 

POSTERIOR KEEL an elongate, strap-like sclerite, produced and rounded proxi- 
mally, broadly attached to posterior surface of proximal chamber, tapering distally 
to form a long narrow, well-sclerotized distal rod: distal rod only slightly curved, 
parallelling posterior surface of EC beyond distal arm sclerites, free from EC, 
merging with distal membranes at level of distal arms. 

PROXIMAL ARMS short, broad basally, tapering to a narrow region subapically, 
apex expanded into an almost circular sculptured knob; chamber rami absent; 
distal rami strong, well sclerotized, proceeding forward to level of anterior keel; 
basal plate elongate, spindle-shaped in lateral view, lying two-thirds in lateral 
wall of proximal chamber, one-third in lateral wall of midsection of EC, 
strengthened by several strongly sclerotized struts from base of proximal arm. 

MIDSECTION of EC lightly sclerotized, walls produced into four small, lobe- 
like chambers on either side and one small, sclerotized median chamber anteriorly, 
beneath over-hanging proximal section of anterior keel. 

ANTERIOR KEEL an elongate subrectangular plate, obliquely placed; broader 
basal end fused distally with anterior surface of EC, keel then projects antero- 
proximally, over-hanging proximal portion of anterior surface; apex irregular, tip 

DISTAL ARMS slender, tapering from a broad base gradually to a narrow, blunt 
apex, only slightly curved in anterior and lateral views; anterior ramus a strong, 
short rod in lateral view, tapering to blunt apex, subtriangular in anterior view; 
apices and medial margins apposed on midline; lateral shelf apparently absent; 

apical setae absent. 

Torrenticola sp. 
(designated species A) Fig. 48 

The EC of this species is much modified from the Hydrodroma type. Both 
structural complexity and degree of sclerotization are reduced. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER elongate, Oval in anterior view, subrectangular in lateral 
view; lateral, posterior, and proximal surfaces lightly sclerotized; anterior surface 
primarily membranous, supported laterally and proximally by a U-shaped margin 
sclerite; margin sclerite thin, of approximately uniform width, directed posterad at 
distal margin of anterior surface to form an anterodistal shoulder to proximal 
chamber, not proceeding far in lateral wall; upper surface of lateral wall of 
proximal chamber strengthened by an oblique, narrow, rod-like sclerite; proximal 
portion of anterior margin sclerite gives rise laterally on either side to a short, blunt 

proximal horn. 


POSTERIOR KEEL small, subtriangular, attached to distal portion of posterior 
surface of proximal chamber, tapered apically to give rise to a slightly curved, 
moderately sclerotized distal rod, separated from body of EC throughout most 
of its length, fused with it again distally. 

PROXIMAL ARMS Short, blunt distally, apical and basal areas slightly expanded; 
chamber ramus and basal plate rudimentary; distal ramus proceeds posteriorly and 
distally in lateral wall of proximal chamber, fused at its distal tip with a sclerite 
(PrxSc 1) lying in posterolateral section of midpart of EC. 

MIDSECTION of EC lightly sclerotized, simple; general configuration that of a 
tube, wider proximally, tapering slightly distal to level of distal arm sclerites; 
an approximately heart-shaped, membranous region delimited medially in proxi- 
mal half of anterior surface; lightly sclerotized areas distal and lateral to this; 
strong rod-shaped sclerite (PrxSc 1) lies in posterior region of each lateral wall, 
with a small lateral arm projecting laterally on each side, one-third of distance 
from proximal end. 

ANTERIOR KEEL elongate, low, anterior margin gently concave, distal margin 
convex, rounded, distal and anterior borders strengthened by a sclerotized thickening. 

DISTAL ARMS thin, moderately well-sclerotized in anterior view, swept back, 
slightly concave laterally, apices narrow, simple; in lateral view arm subtriangular, 
wing-shaped, lateral and proximal margins strengthened by sclerotized thickenings; 
anterior ramus absent, only bases of distal arms apposed on midline; area of 
distal arm sclerites distal to base produced into an apical development forming a 
single, subconical structure; apical cone low, blunt, rounded distally; other rami of 
distal arm sclerites absent; apical setae absent. 

Torrenticola sp. 
(designated species B) Fig. 49 

The EC of this species is greatly elongated and apparently modified for internal 
insemination. Proximal chamber small, oval, anteroposteriorly compressed, lightly 
sclerotized; proximal horns absent; distolateral border and anterodistal corner of 
chamber sclerotized; posterior keel elongate, linear; distal rod absent: distal ramus 
of proximal arm sclerite strong, heavily sclerotized; midsection short, lightly sclero- 
tized; a broadly U-shaped anterior sclerite (PrxSc 1) in this section forms a distal 
margin to proximal chamber, gives rise on either side to a short, lateroposteriorly 
directed rod (PrxSc 2) strengthening lateral wall of lateral chamber (Cmb 1); ante- 
rior keel elongate, linear, membranous; distal arm sclerites strongly modified, con- 
sisting Of a proximally directed distal arm extending to edge of proximal chamber 
and a greatly elongated, cylindrical apical development, blunt distally; each apical 
development bearing a long, simple, subdistal seta; posterior surface of EC also 
produced distad to form a shallow, lightly sclerotized trough partially supporting 
apical developments of distal arm sclerites. 

Tyrrellia sp. 
Fig. 50 

The EC of this species is unusual and unlike any other that I studied. It is appa- 
rently strongly modified in response to some particular element of the mite’s habits 
or habitat, for instance, the necessity of accomplishing insemination in a water- 
film environment. Structures can be compared only with difficulty with those of 
Hydrodroma, but the strong resemblance of the adult to the typical water mites 
justifies the following unsatisfactory attempt. The final elucidation of this organ 
awaits an intensive study of its functional morphology and of the behaviour and 


/ =f 
L2SX4q ——— pUNN tA 
Z 2$X4d aver 



L 2S*4d 

wy Xid 

Z 2SX4d 

wy Xid 



Fig. 49 Torrenticola sp. B: a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 48 Torrenticola sp. A: a, anterior view; b, lateral 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Fig. 50 Tyrrellia sp.: 

a, anterior view; b, lateral view. 

Unionicola sp.: 

Fig. Sf 


life history of the species. In the body of the adult male, the EC projects ventro- 
posterad into the phallocrypt so that the surface designated anterior in Hydrodroma 
faces ventrally. This is the surface illustrated in Fig. 50a. Sclerites are lettered 
(A-D) because of their uncertain homology. 

Proximally, a capacious, lightly sclerotized (proximal ?) chamber surrounds 
the basal half of the organ. The paired sclerites (A) on the anterior surface 
may be homologous with the proximal arm sclerites of Hydrodroma or, in part, 
with the anterior margin sclerite. The conspicuous, broad, flat distal plates (D) 
bear a strong, anteriorly-directed spine at the mediodistal corner, and the lateral 
edges are toothed. These sclerites are probably homologous with some elements of 
the distal arm sclerites of Hydrodroma, but appear to serve a special function in 
Tyrrellia. The presence of a band of muscles joining a posterior projection (C) 
from these plates with a median posterior projection (B) suggests that the distal 
toothed plates (D) can be moved scissor-like, in the horizontal plane. This may 
be linked with an unusual method of spermatophore deposition. “The triangular 
plate lying proximal and anterior to the EC and joined to it only by membrane is 
apparently the median anterior sclerite in the genital field of the ventral body wall. 
It appears to function as a point of anchorage for the EC. 

Unionicola sp. 
Fig. 51 

The EC of this species is an elaboration of the basic Hydrodroma type. The organ 
is robust, complex, and heavily sclerotized. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER Subquadrate in anterior view, subrectangular to oval in 
lateral view, lateral, posterior, and proximal surfaces moderately sclerotized, anterior 
surface primarily membranous; margins of anterior surface supported and strength- 
ened only proximally by a wide, curved proximal sclerite, lateral arms of this 
sclerite absent; an oblique sclerite present in anterior portion of lateral wall, 
roughly L-shaped (convex posteriorly), short arm articulating anteroproximally with 
proximal section of anterior margin sclerite, tapering distal tip articulated and 
partially fused with base of proximal arm; anterior margin sclerite produced proxi- 
mally on midline into a short, broad proximal ramus, subrectangular in anterior 
view, a short, stout rod in lateral view; from either proximal corner of proximal 
ramus is produced a stout, well-sclerotized, L-shaped, proximal horn, short limb 
of “L” fused with proximal arm, directed proximolaterally, long arm of “L” 
directed posteriorly, sinuate, tapering to a blunt apex. 

POSTERIOR KEEL suboval, attached to distal portion of posterior wall by a short, 
narrow stalk, posterodistal corner of keel produced into a sinuate, strongly sclero- 
tized distal rod; distal rod well separated from posterior surface of EC throughout 
its entire length, fusing with distal membranes and walls of sperm passage only 
distal to distal arm sclerites. 

PROXIMAL ARMS long, stout, broad in anterior view, hardly tapering, expanded 
into a subtriangular apex, unusual in giving rise basally to a postetriorly directed arm 
ramus; arm ramus short, stout, tapering slightly, truncate apically, bearing a small 
apical projection possibly a tendon for muscle or membrane attachment: chamber 
ramus absent; distal rami short and stout. 

MIDSECTION Of EC lightly sclerotized; area characterized by a number of 
chambers or outpocketings both laterally and anteriorly, and by a pair of prominent 
T-shaped sclerites (PrxSc 1); in lateral view PrxSc 1 seen to have a complex struc- 
ture consisting of a horizontal sclerite, broadly rounded distally, also rounded 
and narrower proximally, bearing two anteriorly directed, curved, thin rami; loca- 
tion of chambers follows: Cmb ‘1, in proximal section of lateral wall overlapping 


anterodistal section of lateral surface of proximal chamber; Cmb 2 medially placed 
on anterior surface of midsection, subtending proximal end of base of anterior 
keel; Cmb 3, posteriorly in lateral wall directly below base of anterior keel; 
anterior surface also bears a small pair of sclerites (PrxSc 2) lying submedially, 
proximal to base of anterior keel in membranous area of anterior surface. 

ANTERIOR KEEL high, crescent-shaped (convex distally), apex bluntly rounded. 

DISTAL ARM sclerites massive, broadly expanded, heavily sculptured; distal arms 
short, almost straight, thin in lateral view, broad in anterior view because of 
medial, shelf-like expansions; anterior ramus elongate, narrow, tapering from a 
broad base to a small, blunt apex; lateral shelf greatly expanded, produced proxi- 
mally near body of EC thus forming a broad connection between distal arm and 
lateral surface of midsection; this shelf also produced posteriorly as seen in lateral 
view, in concert with posterior ramus, forms a posterior wing-like projection beside 
lateral surface of EC, this extension then joined to lateral wall by a fold of 
membrane near base of proximal arm; lateral shelf divided so that distal arm 
also joined to lateral wall by a short, stout, well-sclerotized rod; entire sperm 
passage produced distal to these sclerites forming a lightly sclerotized tube, narrow 
in lateral view, somewhat oval in anterior view. 

Assessment and Analysis of Similarities 


In the comparative morphological study of a given life history stage, 
embryological evidence is rarely available. Homology can, however, be 
justifiably inferred from similarity of form and of position in a well- 
defined functional system. The degree of confidence placed in con- 
clusions based on this ‘practical’ homology is increased when (1) there 
is reasonable homogeneity of structure among the organisms studied, and 
(ii) both functional and anatomical relationships of structures are clearly 
understood. Conclusions are also strengthened by parallel but independent 
research on other functional systems for the same group of organisms. 
Such parallelism aids in exposing both misinterpretation and the con- 
fusing results of evolutionary convergence. 

The chitinous skeletal elements of the EC are surprisingly similar through- 
out the water mites with only a few exceptions. The basic function in all 
genera is apparently to form and deposit the spermatophore, and the 
basic mode of action probably uniform. The first sclerotized section of the 
sperm passage is an enlarged proximal chamber that may be large, box- 
like and robust, or narrow and elongate, or inflated, membranous and 
sac-like. The lightly sclerotized anterior surface, usually supported by a 
U-shaped margin sclerite, is the point of entry for semen from the ductus 
ejaculatorius. The remainder of the mechanism consists of a narrow, often 
complex sperm passage to the exterior. The passage is surrounded by a 
series of sclerites giving purchase and leverage to several pairs of muscles 
that contract in concert to operate a syringe-like mechanism, compressing 
the proximal chamber and expelling its contents to the exterior. 

The proximal edge of the anterior margin sclerite may be unmodified 
Or may give rise to a proximal ramus or a pair of proximal horns. Fre- 


quently a narrow, shelf-like posterior keel is attached to the posterior sur- 
face of the proximal chamber and is often produced distally into an 
elongate distal rod that may be free or variously fused to the body of 
the EC. The distal section of the proximal chamber is invariably sup- 
ported on either side by a proximal arm sclerite giving rise to a laterally 
directed proximal arm. Other processes of this sclerite further strengthen 
the lateral walls of the chamber and midsection of the EC. 

The midsection varies more than other areas of the EC in the species 
observed, often being elaborated into a number of different sclerites, 
projections, and chambers. A relatively constant feature of the region is 
a thin, sclerotized, longitudinal anterior keel. The keel varies in shape 
and degree of sclerotization but is consistent in its median position 
distally on the anterior surface of the midsection. The distal apex of the 
EC is provided with a pair of distal arm sclerites that may be greatly 
reduced but always persist in the form of some rudimentary sclerotization. 
When well developed, each bears a laterally directed distal arm and an 
anteromedially directed anterior ramus, the tips of the anterior rami 
apposed on the midline to form an anterior arch. Other processes of the 
distal arm sclerite strengthen the lateral and posterior walls of the mid- 
section. In many species, these sclerites are expanded and developed 
apically and may bear a pair of simple, apical setae. Membranes are 
always inserted at some point on the distal half of the EC and attach it to 
the borders of the genital opening. 


With the data presented it is possible to assess the similarity of the 
chitinous skeleton of the EC from genus to genus and to present the 
results graphically as in Figures 52-55. Feltria is omitted from this 
analysis because of the lack of detailed morphological data. The figures 
illustrate similarity relationships only; the length of the line joining two 
taxa is inversely proportional to the degree of mutual similarity shown by 
the ejaculatory complexes of the taxa, with dotted lines indicating situa- 
tions in which the precise relationship is based on only one or a few 
characters, and is tentative. There is no intent to illustrate phylogenetic 

Group 1 of Fig. 52 is composed of the two genera, Protzia and Hydro- 
droma, showing a generalized structure of the EC skeleton. The two 
have in common relatively strong, well-developed distal and proximal arm 
sclerites, a pair of sclerotized lateral chambers, a well-developed disto- 
lateral border to the proximal chamber, lateral wall sclerites, and a weak, 
partially membranous distal rod. Protzia is similar to Limnesia in the 
form of distal arm sclerites, large, robust proximal chamber, and shape of 
distolateral border of proximal chamber. The latter relation indicates 
that the Group 1 genera show closest affinity with those of Group 3. 

Group 2 is also composed of two genera, Eylais and Limnochares, that 
are characterized by a highly-modified EC. They are similar in the 
reduction of the distal arms, in the configuration of the proximal arm 
sclerites, with a great enlargement of the medial ramus, and in the un- 


| cp 


Hydro - 

Fig. 52 Similarity relationships based on the morphology of the ejaculatory com- 

usual, arched structure formed on either side by the bases of the distal 
arm sclerites. Although the basic affinity of the Group 2 genera with 
other water mites is strong, the precise relationship is not clearly indicated 
by the structure of the EC. But the joining of proximal and distal arm 
sclerites by sclerotized struts, and the reduction of the distal arms may 
indicate some similarity to Group 3 (especially Hydrachna). 

Group 3 consists of 11 genera and is a large and reasonably homo- 
geneous group with a complex internal structure (Fig. 53). Lebertia 
occupies a central position in the similarity diagram. Thyas and Hydry- 
phantes form a nucleus defined by the possession of a well-developed 


Testud = ; 

Sperchon Sperchon - 




Pseudohy ~ 

Fig. 53 Similarity relationships among the genera of Group 3. 

distolateral border of the proximal chamber with its extension into the 
lateral wall of the EC, sclerotized lateral chambers, and a slight reduction 
of the distal arms. The first and last of these features indicates similarity 
to Lebertia. Sperchon and Sperchonopsis are closely similar and share so 
many features that their species would perhaps be considered congeneric 
on the basis of EC characters alone. They are like Lebertia in having 
the midsection of the EC inflated and well sclerotized. Other similarities 
to Lebertia include the form of the proximal horns and the sclerite-complex 
formed by the anterior margin sclerite, distolateral border, and lateral wall 
sclerite of the proximal chamber. In addition, Sperchon and Sperchonopsis 


have in common the sclerotized bands and chambers of the midsection, 
the swept-back configuration of the distal arms with low anterior rami, 
and the strongly elbowed proximal arms. Testudacarus is readily placed 
close to Sperchon by the virtually identical, sclerotized axillary chambers, 
the configuration of the distal arms, and the sclerotized distolateral 
borders. The EC in the two Torrenticola spp. examined was reduced and 
modified, and there is little reliable evidence to link the genus with 
Testudacarus on the basis of this structure. Nonetheless, the adult exo- 
skeletal morphology of these genera is virtually identical so that, by asso- 
ciation, Torrenticola is also shown to have a strong affinity with Sperchon 
and Sperchonopsis. The presence of one additional genus (Testudacarus) 
in the study can illuminate a previously obscure relationship. 

Frontipoda and Oxus possess a modified and reduced EC with a num- 
ber of similar features: extreme reduction of the distal arm sclerites, similar 
shape of the basal plates, inflated chambers of the midsection, and similar, 
lightly sclerotized distolateral borders of the proximal chamber. The latter, 
together with the reduction of the distal arms and the possession of an 
inflated median chamber below the anterior keel, link the two genera to 
Lebertia. Oxus sp. (nr. O. intermedius) is more modified than the species 
near O. connatus and so supports the association with Lebertia to a lesser 
degree. Pseudohydryphantes is a definite, although peripheral member of 
Group 3. It possesses a distinct distolateral border, a sclerotized axillary 
chamber, and a proximal ramus and is most similar to Thyas._ Hydrachna 
shows a general similarity to the rest of Group 3 and is placed there on 
the basis of over-all facies. Although it is not closely linked to any other 
genus, in the reduction of the distal arm sclerites and possession of a 
well-developed distolateral border it is most similar to Thyas or Lebertia. 

Limnesia possesses a generalized EC skeleton and is distinct from any 
of the groups established here. It does, however, have a strong distal 
sclerite in a position axillary to the distal arms suggestive of that found in 
Lebertia. Also, the distal end of the distolateral border projects forward 
into the midsection of the EC in a manner reminiscent of the genera of 
Group 3. As suggested earlier, these features indicate that Limnesia may 
be intermediate between Group 1 and Group 3. 

Group 4 represents seven genera (Fig. 54) forming a less closely- 
related unit than those of Group 3. Unionicola and Neumania are easily 
associated by the modification in each of the lateral shelf to form a sup- 
porting buttress and by the presence of a lateral wall sclerite. Forelia 
is similar to Neumania, especially in the formation of a buttress from 
part of the lateral shelf. And, through the form of its distal arm sclerites, 
its proximal horns, and free proximal lobe of the posterior keel, Forelia 
appears to be related to Piona and Tiphys, linking these to Neumania as 

Atractides and Hygrobates comprise another well-defined nucleus within 
Group 4, sharing in common the shape of the anterior keel, the presence 
of a proximal ramus, and the lateral excavation of each arm of the anterior 
margin sclerite. In addition, Atractides is similar to Unionicola in the 
shape of the anterior keel and in the possession of a pair of laterally placed 






Unionicola Neumania 


Fig. 54 Similarity relationships among the genera of Group 4. 

Y-sclerites. Piona and Tiphys are related by a similarity of overall facies, 
with an elongation of the proximal chamber, similar form of proximal and 
distal arms sclerites, and a narrow, oblique anterior keel. The lateral 
shelf and laterally placed Y-sclerite of Piona indicate a relationship to 

The four genera of Group 5 (Fig. 55) exhibit strong mutual affinities 
but their relationship to other mites is less clear. Axonopsis and Brachy- 
poda are similar in general EC structure, each characterized by a compact, 
well-sclerotized skeleton of robust components. In particular, the strong, 
U-shaped anterior margin sclerite, the complex midsection, and the prox- 
imally-lobed posterior keel indicate the close phenetic relationship of 
these genera. Aturus presents a comparable facies and is strongly linked 
to Axonopsis and Brachypoda by the structure of the anterior margin scle- 
rite. The Kongsbergia EC is less specialized, but the form of the anterior 
margin sclerite, the posterior keel, and the complex structure of the mid- 
section tie it convincingly to the other Group 5 genera. Its more gene- 
ralized structure points to an additional relationship with the genera of 
Group 4, and the complex basal area of the distal arm sclerite, together 
with the form of the anterior margin sclerite, suggest that of the Group 4 




Fig. 55 Similarity relationships among the genera of Group 5. 

genera in this study, it is most similar to Unionicola. 

Koenikea does not fit easily into any of the groups formed thus far but 
seems to be intermediate between the genera of Groups 4 and 5. The 
shape of the distolateral border, the elongation of the anterior ramus, and 
the reduction of the posterior keel also occur in Aturus. On the other 
hand, the three pairs of lateral, midsection chambers and the medially- 
based proximal horns suggest a distant affinity with Neumania. 

Four additional genera do not appear to fall within any one of the five 
main groups, but each can be tentatively related (Fig. 52) to one or 
another of them. Mideopsis shares a heavy sclerotization of the proximal 
chamber and the narrow shape of the posterior keel with Axonopsis in 
Group 5. Geayia in turn has the sclerotized proximal chamber and con- 
figuration of the strongly fused anterior margin and lateral wall sclerites in 
common with Mideopsis. The EC of Albia is similar to that of Koenikea 
in the medial placement of the proximal horns, form of the posterior keel, 
and elongate anterior ramus. Thus Albia also appears distantly related 
to Group 5. Midea can be linked to the same group via two features 
shared with Kongsbergia: a pair of elongate, curved, rod-like distal scle- 
rites anteriorly in the midsection and a median, proximally-directed exten- 
sion of the anterior margin sclerite (proximal ramus). Species of these 
genera are hard-bodied, actively-swimming mites, and associated modifi- 
sations of the EC have possibly obscured relationships. 

On the basis of overall homology of the EC skeleton, the genera of 
Groups 1, 2, and 3 have a strong basic affinity with those of Groups 4 
and 5. The generalized, intermediate EC structure of Limnesia is at 


present, however, our sole indicator of the probable details of intergroup 
relationships between these two larger divisions. Only the investigation 
of additional genera can provide the information needed to specify precise 

The remaining three genera cannot on the basis of the morphology of 
the ejaculatory complex be successfully related to any of the previously 
considered groups of genera. It should eventually be possible to homo- 
logize the Tyrrellia EC with that of other water mites, especially since, as 
Dr. David R. Cook pointed out (in lit.), the closely related genus Neo- 
tyrrellia possesses a typical EC skeleton (Lundblad, 1941a: 176) of the 
Hydrodroma type. The position of Tyrrellia in the similarity diagram 
(Fig. 52), however, is at present uncertain. The modifications of the 
EC of Arrenurus also preclude a precise linkage with the genera studied, 
but its structure could be reached by progressive alteration of the fairly 
generalized EC characteristic either of Group 1 or of Group 4. Hydro- 
volzia possesses an EC apparently not homologous with that of typical 
water mites. 



Perhaps the most significant finding of the present study is the evidence 
that all of the genera commonly grouped by habitat as “water mites” are 
related as well by the possession of an elaborate, functional system, the 
ejaculatory complex. In addition, this organ is obviously homologous in 
all except two genera of the group. Substantiating evidence from genera 
not covered in this investigation is available in many published taxo- 
nomic illustrations that, although seldom detailed, reveal the basic EC 
skeletal structure to be virtually universal in “water mites”. Equally 
important is the indication from published reports that similar structures 
do not occur in any related families of terrestrial mites. Thus, although 
many details of the inter-relationships of various water mite genera remain 
unclear, a distinctive, common character complex unites them all and 
separates them decisively from related terrestrial genera. 

New efforts to locate the nearest relatives of water mites among the 
terrestrial taxa should take the ejaculatory complex into account along 
with all other available evidence. Feider’s (1959) phylogenetic specula- 
tion was certainly premature, and based on the inadequate treatment in 
the literature of the water mite EC. 

Several important factors in water mite systematics were discovered 
or confirmed. The genus in this group is indeed a homogeneous and 
stable taxonomic category, and the interspecific similarity of the EC 
within a single genus is great. Conversely, from observations on Arre- 
nurus, Oxus, and Torrenticola, species similar in external exoskeletal mor- 
phology may regularly be expected to differ in significant details of the 
Structure of the EC skeleton. Thus this organ can be used as a source of 
characters to provide increased resolution of species discrimination, 
especially in difficult taxa. 


The EC may provide useful information for constructing suprageneric 
classifications, as many characters are common from genus to genus. One 
draw-back in the use of the organ at this classificatory level is that exten- 
sive modifications can obscure the affinities of a given EC type. For 
instance although the strong affinity of Eylais, Limnochares, and Arrenurus 
to each other and to other water mites is demonstrated, the EC gives little 
evidence of the precise nature of this relationship. Such problems are 
partially alleviated by the study of all available genera and of as many 
species within each genus as possible. Thus, it may be possible to discover 
situations transitional to each highly modified state. 


The generic coverage of the present study is not complete enough to 
form the basis for a thorough reclassification of the water mites. Indeed, 
it would be an unjustifiable and arbitrary procedure to base a classificatory 
system upon any such limited set of characters. Nevertheless, the results 
obtained raise important questions about the accepted classification and 
suggest changes that warrant further study. 

The most obvious point raised is the strong cohesiveness of the genera 
comprising the water mites, suggesting that all families except the Hydro- 
volziidae be grouped in a single superfamily, equivalent to the Hydrovol- 
zioidea and the terrestrial superfamilies of the Parasitengona. In addition, 
the number of families of water mites currently recognized could be 
decreased to offset the past over-emphasis on the diversity of adult forms. 

Relationships within the genera of Group 3 (Fig. 53) differ consider- 
ably from those shown in Viets and Viets (1960, Appendix A). The 
Sperchonidae and Torrenticolidae cluster strongly, whereas the Oxidae, 
Lebertia and (to a lesser extent) Hydrachna are rather closer to the 
Thyasidae. The Group 4 genera (Fig. 54), however, cluster in much the 
same way as might be expected from the traditional classification. Only 
the absence of Koentkea from this group is surprising. The Axonopsae, 
Mideopsae, and Krendowskiae exhibit a greater mutual affinity than 1s 
indicated by the current classification. But Group 5 and related genera 
demonstrate a configuration easily predicted from Appendix A. 


The discussion above has been concerned primarily with the related 
concepts of phenetic affinity and practical classification of similar or- 
ganisms. Normally, such basic observations should lead to a clearer 
insight into the phylogenetic history of the taxa involved. Two main 
factors, however, prevent the immediate construction of satisfactory phylo- 
genies for the water mites. The first is the lack of thorough cataloguing 
of the diversity of taxa to be found within the group and the primitive 
state of our knowledge of life histories, immature stages, behaviour, and 
physiology. An additional problem is the even greater lack of published 
data for those related terrestrial families from which the water mites 
almost certainly evolved. It is thus difficult to establish which are 
primitive and which are derived states, or to determine how many possible 


ancestors exist within the Parasitengona. 

Therefore the erection of a detailed phylogeny now is inadvisable, but 
data given here suggest an important guideline. In spite of the great 
diversity of adult exoskeletal morphology and of larval structure and be- 
haviour, there are still good grounds for retaining the tentative hypothesis 
of a monophyletic origin for the freshwater Parasitengona (excepting 

No genus provides a convincing exception to the hypothesis of mono- 
phyly. The EC of Tyrrellia is as difficult to relate to the typical water 
mite structure as is that of Hydrovolzia. But Hydrovolzia is distinct in 
adult and larval morphology, whereas Tyrrellia is a typical water mite in 
every respect and is moreover closely related to the genus Neotyrrellia, 
with normal EC structure (Lundblad, 194la: 176). Certain “lower” 
genera (e.g. Eylais, Limnochares) differ considerably in EC structure 
from other water mites. But so do such “higher” genera as Oxus and 
Arrenurus, and no intrinsic evidence exists to suggest whether these dif- 
ferences are primitive or derived. Evidence from other sources (Mitchell, 
1957a) indicates that the group 3 genera, especially Thyas, may be 
closest to the terrestrial ancestor. Most important, the intergeneric dif- 
ferences are minor when compared to the great morphological discon- 
tinuity beteween the EC of water mites and that of related terrestrial 

Convergence is rejected at present as the explanation for uniformity 
of basic EC structure because there are no apparent factors (environmen- 
tal or otherwise) to explain the widespread similarity observed in genera 
otherwise characterized by the most extreme diversity. Certainly require- 
ments for sperm transfer in an aquatic habitat did not alone produce the 
effect, for Hydrovolzia and other aquatic and semi-aquatic Prostigmata 
have not developed in a similar manner. Parallel evolutionary develop- 
ment of the EC is a more plausable hypothesis but is usually based in turn 
on monophyly (Mayr, 1969: 82). For the moment, monophyly fur- 
nishes the most parsimonious explanation of the simiiarities observed in 
the EC of water mites. 

Because of the restricted number of characters on which it is based, 
the evidence at hand cannot be considered as conclusive but has sufficient 
merit that the hypothesis of monophyly for all water mites (excluding 
Hydrovolzia) should be retained for further scrutiny. 




A comparative study of the male reproductive system was under- 

taken to provide evidence pertinent to the classification of freshwater 


a. The water mite genus is the most convenient comparative unit for 
such a study. 

b. The term ejaculatory complex (EC) is the most suitable of 
several for the terminal organ in the male genital tract. 

c. Present deficiencies in the specific taxonomy of North American 
water mites dictate that the deme is often the only definable 
category below the genus. 

The water mite EC has not previously been adequately explained 
either structurally or functionally. 

The EC of Hydrodroma is a well-muscled, chitinous framework that 
functions as a syringe-like organ for the reception, compacting, and 
expulsion of masses of spermatozoa. 

An analysis of EC structural similarities leads to the delimitation of 
several large groups of genera showing a high degree of internal affi- 
nity. These groups coincide only partially with conventional classi- 

The EC is shown to have potential value for classification and phylo- 
genetic speculation at every taxonomic level. 

No other group of mites possesses a chitinous EC skeleton of the type 
found in water mites. 

The basic EC structure appears to be homologous in all water mite 
genera with the exception of Hydrovolzia. 

Available evidence from the EC is consistent with a monophyletic 
origin for all water mite genera except Hydrovolzia. 

Glossary of Morphological Terms 

Terms are defined to correspond with the usage of the present report. 
Thus, even familiar terms are included where their application to mites 
may be unclear. 

ANTERIOR: that surface of the EC usually facing in an anterodorsal direction when 
the organ is in situ; the surface through which the ductus ejaculatorius enters 
the EC. 

ANTERIOR ARCH: the bridge-like structure formed by the apposed anterior rami 
(aq. v-)’. 

ANTERIOR HORN (AntHn): a short, subconical, sclerotized projection arising from 
each of a pair of sclerites lying in the anterior wall of the proximal chamber 
of Oxus sp. (nr. O. intermedius). 

ANTERIOR KEEL (AntKI): a thin, plate-like structure usually borne medially on the 
anterior surface of the EC, often roughened for muscle attachment. 

ANTERIOR MARGIN SCLERITE (AMScl): a sclerotized thickening in the lateral and 
proximal margins of the anterior surface of the proximal chamber. 

ANTERIOR RAMUS (AntRm): an anteromedially directed rod arising from the base 
of the distal arm sclerite; apices of the anterior rami of either side usually 
apposed, often attached or fused on the midline. 

ANTERIOR SCLEROTIZED SURFACE: anterolateral walls of midsection of Hydrodroma 
EC; subtending the anterior keel. 

APICAL: pertaining to the free, unattached tip of any structure, especially the distal 
portion of the EC. 

APICAL DEVELOPMENT (Apcl): any sclerotized elongation of the distal arm sclerites 
distal to the bases of distal arms and anterior rami. 

APICAL RAMUS (ApRm): a distally directed rod arising from the base of the distal 
arms in Albia. 

APICAL SETA (ApSt): a simple seta borne on the distal arm sclerite or on an apical 
development of the sclerite. 

ARM RAMUS: a Short, posteriorly directed rod arising from the base of the proximal 
arm; known only from Unionicola. 

AXILLARY: positioned in or near the angle between the distal arm and the lateral 
surface of the midsection of the EC. 

BASAL PLATE (BsPl): a sclerotized plate of varying dimensions, subtending the 
proximal arm and lying in the lateral walls of the proximal chamber and/or 
the midsection of the EC. 

CARRIER FLUID: a secretory product of the testes noted by Schmidt (1935) and 
evident in sections of the testes and seminal vesicles of Hydrodroma; having a 
characteristic, globular histological appearance and presumably functioning as 
a transportation medium for the spermatozoa. 

CHAMBER (Cmb): any widening of the sperm passage (q.v.); walls may be mem- 
branous or sclerotized. 

CHAMBER RAMUS (CmbRm): a short, usually anteriorly directed rod or plate, arising 
from the base of the proximal arm and lying in the lateral wall of the 
proximal chamber. 


DISTAL: pertaining to the free, unattached tip of any structure, the end farthest 
from. any connection with a larger body; (DISTAD: in the distal direction). 

DISTAL ARM (DisAm): a sclerotized rod (in the generalized condition) projecting 
laterally from the distal area of the EC, subtended by the distal arm sclerite: 
variously reduced and modified in different genera. 

DISTAL ARM SCLERITE: One Of a pair of sclerites situated on either side of the distal 
end of the EC; composed of three main rami and often produced distad into 
an apical development. 

DISTAL MEMBRANES: a cone of lightly sclerotized membranes inserting around the 
EC, usually in its distal half, and attaching it to the borders of the genital 
opening in the body wall; these membranes thus form the walls of the phallo- 
crypt (q.v.). 

DISTAL RAMUS (DisRm): a distally directed rod arising from the proximal arm 
sclerite; usually lying lateroposteriorly in walls of midsection of EC. 

DISTAL ROD (DisRd): a distally directed, sclerotized rod arising from the distal 
border of the proximal keel; lying along the median line. 

DISTAL SCLERITE (DisSc): any sclerite lying distally in the midsection of the EC; 
usually laterally, but three posterior pairs are noted for Hydrodroma. 

DISTOLATERAL BORDER (DIBd): referring to this edge of the proximal chamber, often 
Strengthened by a sclerotized extension of the anterior margin sclerite. 

DUCTUS EJACULATORIUS: the tube-like terminal portion of the male reproductive 
system; formed by fusion of the paired vasa deferentia. 

EJACULATORY COMPLEX (EC): the well-muscled, chitinous framework of the walls 
of the distal portion of the ductus ejaculatorius (q.v.); functioning to form, 
exsert, and deposit spermatophores (q.v.). 

ENDOSTERNITE: a transverse bundle of endocuticular fibers lying just anterior to 
the EC in the body of Hydrodroma; serving as a point of origin for various 
body muscles. 

GENITAL ACETABULUM: usually subcircular cuticular structures in the region of the 
external genitalia of almost all adult water mites; function probably sensory. 

GENITAL OPENING: external opening in the body wall through which the genital pro- 
ducts pass. 

GENITAL PLATE: a Sclerotized plate lying in the ventral body wall in close proximity 
to the genital opening. 

KEEL: any flat, sclerotized, longitudinally oriented plate projecting from the median 
line of the EC. 

LATERAL: a directional term having the same meaning for the EC as for the adult 
mite; (LATERAD: in a lateral direction). 

LATERAL SHELF (LtrSf): a thin, sclerotized, subtriangular plate of varying size, join- 
ing the distal arm to the lateral wall of the midsection of the EC. 

LATERAL WALL SCLERITE (LWScl): a rod-like, (usually) oblique sclerite situated in 
the lateral wall of the proximal chamber. 

MIDSECTION: that area of the EC lying distal to the proximal chamber and proximal 
to the distal arm sclerites. 

PHALLIC RETRACTOR: a small group of three muscle fibers having its origin on the 
lateral end of the endosternite and inserting near the base of the distal arm, 
apparently serving to withdraw the EC after spermatophore deposition. 


PHALLOCRYPT: an invagination of the ventral body wall to form a protected (yet 
topologically external) cavity into which projects the distal tin of the EC. 

POSTERIOR: that surface of the EC usually facing in a posteroventral position when 
the organ is in situ; the surface opposite that through which the ductus ejacu- 
latorius enters the EC. 

POSTERIOR KEEL (PosKl): a thin, plate-like structure, usually borne medially on the 
posterior surface of the proximal chamber, often roughened for muscle attach- 

POSTERIOR RAMUS (PostRm): a proximally directed, rod-like sclerite arising from 
the base of the distal arm sclerite, usually lying in the posterior and/or lateral 
walls of the midsection. 

POSTEROLATERAL SCLERITE: a thickened, rod-like sclerotization lying laterally in the 
posterior surface of the distal third of the Hydrodroma EC. 

PROXIMAL: pertaining to the basal, attached end of any structure, the end closest 
to any connection with a larger body; (PROXIMAD: in the proximal direction). 

PROXIMAL ARM (PrxAm): an elongate, rod-like sclerite, projecting laterad from the 
body of the EC at approximately the level of the distal border of the proximal 
chamber; subtended by the proximal arm sclerite (q.v.). 

PROXIMAL ARM SCLERITE: one Of a pair of sclerites situated, one on either side of 
the body of the EC, proximally; composed of four main rami. 

PROXIMAL CHAMBER (PrxCmb): a large median chamber in the proximal-most por- 
tion of the EC, constant in occurrence; constituting that part of the EC which 
receives semenaceous material directly from the ductus ejaculatorius. 

PROXIMAL HORN (PrxHn): one of a pair of short, rod-like, sclerotized projections 
sometimes occurring on the anteroproximal border of the proximal chamber. 

PROXIMAL RAMUS: a median, sclerotized, proximally directed projection of the 
anteroproximal border of the proximal chamber; often bearing the proximal 
horns (q.v.). 

PROXIMAL SCLERITE (PrxSc): any sclerite lying proximally, in the anterior or 
lateral walls of the midsection. 

SEMINAL VESICLE: One of a pair of anteroposteriorly elongate, thin-walled sacs col- 
lecting spermatozoa from the sperm ducts and acting as a reservoir; sperma- 
tozoa leave anteriorly via the vasa deferentia. 

SPERMATOPHORE: a discrete unit of transfer containing a quantity of viable sperma- 
tozoa; of simple or complex structure; often complicated by the presence of a 
stalk or other hold-fast device; of wide occurrence in the Acari. 

SPERM PASSAGE: the central cavity of the EC through which spermatozoa must 

TESTIS: the male water mite reproductive gland, producing spermatozoa and carrier 

VAS DEFERENS: one Of a pair of short, thin-walled tubes carrying semen anteriorly 
away from the seminal vesicles; the tubes fuse distally to form the median 
ejaculatory duct. 



This report was adapted from a thesis submitted to the Faculty of the 
Graduate School of Cornell University, June 1969, in partial fulfilment of 
the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 

I thank Dr. W. L. Brown, Jr. for his constructive criticism and 
advice during the course of the work and for a stimulating introduction 
to the principles of evolutionary theory. Dr. G. B. Wiggins gave early 
encouragement to my systematic interest in invertebrates and provided a 
basic instruction in systematic method. I am further indebted to Drs. 
Rodger Mitchell, David R. Cook, and Carmine A. Lanciani for advice 
and discussions on many aspects of water mite classification, evolution, 
and biology. Numerous colleagues have supplied useful reprints of their 

Support for the study came from two Fellowships and a Comstock 
Scholarship awarded by Cornell University, and from a two-year Special 
Scholarship granted by the National Research Council (Canada). A fund 
provided by the Allied Chemical Company supplied financial assistance 
for research and travel during the period 1965 - 1968. 

Dr. Robert C. Dalgleish kindly made it possible to collect on the 
Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, and the New York Finger Lakes State 
Parks Commission supplied the author with a permit to collect in several 
state parks. Part of the material was collected in Ontario by Mr. I. M. 
Smith for the Department of Entomology and Invertebrate Zoology, Royal 
Ontario Museum. 

Acknowledgment is made for use of the scanning electron microscope 
in the Royal Ontario Museum, established through a grant from the 
National Research Council to the Department of Zoology, University of 
Toronto, for the development of a programme in systematic and evolu- 
tionary zoology. 

My wife, Carrolyn, was of great assistance, both through her patience 
during the research and as an indefatiguable collector of water mites. 
Miss Alix E. Hillmer typed several drafts of the manuscript and assisted 
with the task of proof-reading and editing. Mr. Anker Odum, Scientific 
Illustrator in the Department of Entomology and Invertebrate Zoology, 
Royal Ontario Museum, gave valuable advice in the preparation of figures 
and plates. 


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Appendix A: Traditional Classification of Water Mites 
(adapted from Viets and Viets, 1960) 









*These New World genera were not included by Viets and Viets (1960) and so 










Sperchon, Sperchonopsis 

Frontipoda, Oxus 
Testudacarus*, Torrenticola 

Limnesia, Tyrrellia* 

Atractides, Hygrobates 

Koenikea*, Neumania, Unionicola 

Forelia, Piona, Tiphys 

Albia, Brachypoda, Axonopsis 
Aturus, Kongsbergia 





have been inserted above on the basis of Mitchell’s (1954) checklist. 

Appendix B: Johnston’s Classification (1965) of Water Mites (adapted) 





Erythraeidae, Smarididae 
Trombiculidae, Trombidiidae (s. lat.) 


Eylais, Limnochares 
Hydrodroma, Hydryphantes, Protzia, Thyas 







*The position of these genera was not given by Johnston (1965). 


Frontipoda, Lebertia, Oxus, Pseudohydryphantes*, 
Sperchon, Sperchonopsis, Testudacarus, Torrenticola 
Atractides, Feltria, Forelia, Hygrobates, Koenikea, 
Limnesia, Neumania, Piona, Tiphys, Tyrrellia, 


Albia*, Aturus, Axonopsis, Brachypoda, Kongsbergia 

Midea, Mideopsis 


inserted above on the basis of Mitchell’s (1954) checklist. 


They have been 

Appendix C: Data For Specimens Examined 

Collections are deposited in the Department of Entomology and Inverte- 
brate Zoology, Royal Ontario Museum. 

Albia sp. (nr. A. caerulea) (p. 24) 
ONT.: Baysville, Muskoka Dist.; Echo L., Sta. xv; 22 auG 1965, I. M. Smith. 
Arrenurus crenellatus (p. 26) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lake Myosotis, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D.B. 
A. intermedius (p. 27) 
As above. 
A. lyriger (p. 27) 
AS above. 
A. magnicaudatus (p. 27) 
N.Y.: Dryden, Tompkins Co., Dryden Twp.; Dryden Lake; 21 JUNE 1966, 
A. major (p. 27) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lincoln Pond, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D.B. 
Ae planus (p. 27) 
ONT.: Aberfoyle, Wellington Co.; pond 1; 16 MAY 1967, I. M. Smith. 
A. semicircularis (p. 29) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lake Myosotis, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D.B. 
A. trifoliatus (p. 29) 
As above. 
A. wardi (p. 29) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lincoln Pond, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D.B. 
Atractides sp. (p. 29) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; cold, fast stream; 31 MAY 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Aturus, (Ss. str.) sp. (nr. A. deceptor) (p. 31) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.; Cayuga Inlet at Rt. 34; 26 AuG 1966, 
Axonopsis (Hexaxonopsis) sp. (p. 32) 
N.Y.: Slaterville Springs, Tompkins Co., Caroline Twp.; Six Mile Creek, CU 
wildflower preserve; 15 JULY 1966, D.B. 
Brachypoda (s. str.) sp. (nr. B. cornipes) (p. 32) 
N.Y.: Myers, Tompkins Co., Lansing Twp.; Cayuga Lake at Lansing Park; 
> JUNE 1967, DB. 
Eylais sp. (p. 33) 
ONT.: Aberfoyle, Wellington Co.; temp. pond 1; 15 MAy 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Feltria sp. (p. 35) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; moss, cold fast stream; 16 JUNE 1967, I. M. Smith. 
Forelia (Madawaska) borealis (p. 35) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lincoln Pond, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
SeSEPT 1966, D:B. 
Frontipoda sp. (p. 36) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lake Myosotis, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D.B. 
Geayia sp. (p.37) 
ont.; Chatifey's WLocks; Ieeds..Go.; Lake Opinicon, Sta. v; 27 MAY 1965, 
I. M. Smith. 
Hydrachna (Rhabdohydrachna) sp. (p. 39) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; pond 1; 3 JUNE 1967, I. M. Smith. 


Hydrovolzia sp. (p. 39) 
ALTA.: Banff; spring fed stream, road to Sundance Canyon; 22 JUNE 1962, D.B. 
Hydryphantes sp. (nr. H. ruber) (p. 40) 
N.Y.: Waterburg, Tompkins Co., Ulysses Twp.; temp. pond s. of Indian Fort 
Road; 5 MAY 1966, D.B. 
Hygrobates sp. (p. 40) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.: Cayuga Inlet at Rt. 34; 26 auG 1966, 
Koenikea sp. (p. 41) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lake Myosotis, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3 SEPT 1966, D'B: 
Kongsbergia sp. (p. 43) 
ONT.: Caledon, Peel Co.; stream on Caledon sideroad no. 5; 12 SEPT 1966, 
I. M. Smith. 
Lebertia sp. (p. 44) 
N.Y.: Myers, Tompkins Co., Lansing Twp.; Cayuga Lake at Lansing Park; 
20 AuG 1966, D.B. 
Limnesia (Ss. Sir.) Sp.) (Gps 4))) 
N.Y.: Dryden, Tompkins Co., Dryden Twp.; Dryden Lake; 16 APR 1966, D.B. 
Limnochares sp. (nr. L. americana) (p. 47) 
N.Y.: Dryden, Tompkins Co., Dryden Twp.; Dryden Lake; 24 auc 1966, D.B. 
Midea sp. (p. 47) 
ONT.: Chaffey’s Locks, Leeds Co.; Lake Opinicon, Sta. vm; 5 sepT 1965, 
I. M. Smith. 
Mideopsis sp. (p. 48) 
As above. 
Neumania sp. (p. 49) 
N.Y.: Dryden, Tompkins Co., Dryden Twp.; Dryden Lake; 24 auc 1966, D.B. 
Neumania sp. (nr. N. distincta) (p. 51) 
N.Y.: Rensselaerville, Albany Co.; Lake Myosotis, E. N. Huyck Preserve; 
3°SEPT 1966; DB. 
Oxus sp. (nr. O. connatus) (p. 51) 
As above. 
Oxus sp. (nr. O. intermedius) (p. 52) 
As above. 
Piona pinguipalpis (p. 52) 
N.Y:: Waterburg, Tompkins Co., Ulysses Twp.; temp. pond s. of Indian Fort 
Road; 5 MAY 1966, D.B. 
Protzia: sp. (p. 53) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; cold, fast stream; 31 MAY 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Pseudohydryphantes sp. (p. 55) 
ONT.: Baysville, Muskoka Dist.; Echo L., Sta. xv; 20 JULY 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Sperchon sp. (p. 56) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.; Cayuga Inlet at Rt. 34: 25 JUNE 
1966, D.B. 
Sperchonopsis sp. (p. 57) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; cold, fast stream; 31 MAY 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Testudacarus sp. (p. 57) 
ONT.: Kendal, Durham Co.; cold, fast stream; 16 JUNE 1967, I. M. Smith. 
Thyas barbigera (p. 59) 
N.Y.: Waterburg, Tompkins Co., Ulysses Twp.; temp. pond s. of Indian Fort 
Road; 5 MAY 1966, D.B. 
Tiphys sp. (nr. T. americana) (p. 60) 
ONT.: Port Credit, Peel Co.; pond v; 21 May 1966, I. M. Smith. 
Torrenticola sp. (designated species A) (p. 60) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.; Cayuga Inlet at Rt. 34; 26 AUG 
1966, D.B. 


Torrenticola sp. (designated species B) (p. 61) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.; Cayuga Inlet at Rt. 34; 5 auG 
1966, D.B. 
Pyrrellia sp. (p. 61) 
N.Y.: Ithaca, Tompkins Co., Ithaca Twp.; Buttermilk Ck. at 500 ft. elev.;: 
26 JULY 1966, D.B. 
Unionicola sp. (p. 63) 
N.Y.: Dryden, Tompkins Co., Dryden Twp.; Dryden Lake; 30 JULY 1966, D.B. 
