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Full text of "Elementary illustrations of the differential and integral calculus"

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THE  publication  of  the  present  reprint  of  De  Morgan's  Ele 
mentary  Illustrations  of  the  Differential  and  Integral  Cal 
culus  forms,  quite  independently  of  its  interest  to  professional 
students  of  mathematics,  an  integral  portion  of  the  general  educa 
tional  plan  which  the  Open  Court  Publishing  Company  has  been 
systematically  pursuing  since  its  inception, — which  is  the  dissemi 
nation  among  the  public  at  large  of  sound  views  of  science  and  of 
an  adequate  and  correct  appreciation  of  the  methods  by  which 
truth  generally  is  reached.  Of  these  methods,  mathematics,  by 
its  simplicity,  has  always  formed  the  type  and  ideal,  and  it  is 
nothing  less  than  imperative  that  its  ways  of  procedure,  both  in 
the  discovery  of  new  truth  and  in  the  demonstration  of  the  neces 
sity  and  universality  of  old  truth,  should  be  laid  at  the  foundation 
of  every  philosophical  education.  The  greatest  achievements  in 
the  history  of  thought — Plato,  Descartes,  Kant — are  associated 
with  the  recognition  of  this  principle. 

But  it  is  precisely  mathematics,  and  the  pure  sciences  gener 
ally,  from  which  the  general  educated  public  and  independent 
students  have  been  debarred,  and  into  which  they  have  only  rarely 
attained  more  than  a  very  meagre  insight.  The  reason  of  this  is 
twofold.  In  the  first  place,  the  ascendant  and  consecutive  charac 
ter  of  mathematical  knowledge  renders  its  results  absolutely  un 
susceptible  of  presentation  to  persons  who  are  unacquainted  with 
what  has  gone  before,  and  so  necessitates  on  the  part  of  its  devo 
tees  a  thorough  and  patient  exploration  of  the  field  from  the  very 
beginning,  as  distinguished  from  those  sciences  which  may,  so  to 
speak,  be  begun  at  the  end,  and  which  are  consequently  cultivated 
with  the  greatest  zeal.  The  second  reason  is  that,  partly  through 
the  exigencies  of  academic  instruction,  but  mainly  through  the 
martinet  traditions  of  antiquity  and  the  influence  of  mediaeval 


logic-mongers,  the  great  bulk  of  the  elementary  text-books  of 
mathematics  have  unconsciously  assumed  a  very  repellent  form, — 
something  similar  to  what  is  termed  in  the  theory  of  protective 
mimicry  in  biology  "the  terrifying  form."  And  it  is  mainly  to 
this  formidableness  and  touch-me-not  character  of  exterior,  con 
cealing  withal  a  harmless  body,  that  the  undue  neglect  of  typical 
mathematical  studies  is  to  be  attributed. 

To  this  class  of  books  the  present  work  forms  a  notable  ex 
ception.  It  was  originally  issued  as  numbers  135  and  140  of  the 
Library  of  Useful  Knowledge  (1832),  and  is  usually  bound  up  with 
De  Morgan's  large  Treatise  on  the  Differential  and  Integral 
Calculus  (1842).  Its  style  is  fluent  and  familiar;  the  treatment 
continuous  and  undogmatic.  The  main  difficulties  which  encom 
pass  the  early  study  of  the  Calculus  are  analysed  and  discussed  in 
connexion  with  practical  and  historical  illustrations  which  in  point 
of  simplicity  and  clearness  leave  little  to  be  desired.  No  one  who 
will  read  the  book  through,  pencil  in  hand,  will  rise  from  its  peru 
sal  without  a  clear  perception  of  the  aim  and  the  simpler  funda 
mental  principles  of  the  Calculus,  or  without  finding  that  the  pro- 
founder  study  of  the  science  in  the  more  advanced  and  more 
methodical  treatises  has  been  greatly  facilitated. 

The  book  has  been  reprinted  substantially  as  it  stood  in  its 
original  form ;  but  the  typography  has  been  greatly  improved,  and 
in  order  to  render  the  subject-matter  more  synoptic  in  form  and 
more  capable  of  survey,  the  text  has  been  re-paragraphed  and  a 
great  number  of  descriptive  sub-headings  have  been  introduced,  a 
list  of  which  will  be  found  in  the  Contents  of  the  book.  An  index 
also  has  been  added. 

Persons  desirous  of  continuing  their  studies  in  this  branch  of 
mathematics,  will  find  at  the  end  of  the  text  a  bibliography  of  the 
principal  English,  French,  and  German  works  on  the  subject,  as 
well  as  of  the  main  Collections  of  Examples.  From  the  informa 
tion  there  given,  they  may  be  able  to  select  what  will  suit  their 
special  needs. 

LA  SALLE,  111.,  August,  1899. 



On  the  Ratio  or  Proportion  of  Two  Magnitudes 2 

On  the  Ratio  of  Magnitudes  that  Vanish  Together     ....  4 
On  the  Ratios  of  Continuously  Increasing  or  Decreasing  Quan 
tities    7 

The  Notion  of  Infinitely  Small  Quantities n 

On  Functions 14 

Infinite  Series 15 

Convergent  and  Divergent  Series 17 

Taylor's  Theorem.     Derived  Functions 19 

Differential  Coefficients 22 

The  Notation  of  the  Differential  Calculus 25 

Algebraical  Geometry 29 

On  the  Connexion  of  the  Signs  of  Algebraical  and  the  Direc 
tions  of  Geometrical  Magnitudes 31 

The  Drawing  of  a  Tangent  to  a  Curve 36 

Rational  Explanation  of  the  Language  of  Leibnitz     ....  38 

Orders  of  Infinity 42 

A  Geometrical  Illustration  :  Limit  of  the  Intersections  of  Two 

Coinciding  Straight  Lines 45 

The  Same  Problem  Solved  by  the  Principles  of  Leibnitz    .     .  48 

An  Illustration  from  Dynamics ;  Velocity,  Acceleration,  etc.   .  52 

Simple  Harmonic  Motion 57 

The  Method  of  Fluxions 60 

Accelerated  Motion 60 

Limiting  Ratios  of  Magnitudes  that  Increase  Without  Limit.  65 

Recapitulation  of  Results  Reached  in  the  Theory  of  Functions.  74 

Approximations  by  the  Differential  Calculus 74 

Solution  of  Equations  by  the  Differential  Calculus     ....  77 

Partial  and  Total  Differentials 78 


Application  of  the  Theorem  for  Total  Differentials  to  the 

Determination  of  Total  Resultant  Errors 84 

Rules  for  Differentiation 85 

Illustration  of  the  Rules  for  Differentiation 86 

Differential  Coefficients  of  Differential  Coefficients  ....  88 
Calculus  of  Finite  Differences.     Successive  Differentiation    .  88 
Total  and  Partial  Differential  Coefficients.     Implicit  Differ 
entiation      94 

Applications  of  the  Theorem  for  Implicit  Differentiation  .     .  101 

Inverse  Functions 102 

Implicit  Functions 106 

Fluxions,  and  the  Idea  of  Time no 

The  Differential  Coefficient  Considered  with  Respect  to  Its 

Magnitude 112 

The  Integral  Calculus 115 

Connexion  of  the  Integral  with  the  Differential  Calculus  .     .  120 

Nature  of  Integration 122 

Determination  of  Curvilinear  Areas.     The  Parabola    .     .     .  124 

Method  of  Indivisibles 125 

Concluding  Remarks  on  the  Study  of  the  Calculus  ....  132 
Bibliography  of  Standard  Text-books  and  Works  of  Reference 

on  the  Calculus 133 

Index 143 



rTvHE  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus,  or,  as  it 
JL  was  formerly  called  in  this  country  [England], 
the  Doctrine  of  Fluxions,  has  always  been  supposed 
to  present  remarkable  obstacles  to  the  beginner.  It 
is  matter  of  common  observation,  that  any  one  who 
commences  this  study,  even  with  the  best  elementary 
works,  finds  himself  in  the  dark  as  to  the  real  meaning 
of  the  processes  which  he  learns,  until,  at  a  certain 
stage  of  his  progress,  depending  upon  his  capacity, 
some  accidental  combination  of  his  own  ideas  throws 
light  upon  the  subject.  The  reason  of  this  may  be,  that 
it  is  usual  to  introduce  him  at  the  same  time  to  new 
principles,  processes,  and  symbols,  thus  preventing 
his  attention  from  being  exclusively  directed  to  one 
new  thing  at  a  time.  It  is  our  belief  that  this  should 
be  avoided  ;  and  we  propose,  therefore,  to  try  the  ex 
periment,  whether  by  undertaking  the  solution  of 
some  problems  by  common  algebraical  methods,  with 
out  calling  for  the  reception  of  more  than  one  new 
symbol  at  once,  or  lessening  the  immediate  evidence 
of  each  investigation  by  reference  to  general  rules,  the 
study  of  more  methodical  treatises  may  not  be  some- 


what  facilitated.  We  would  not,  nevertheless,  that 
the  student  should  imagine  we  can  remove  all  ob 
stacles  ;  we  must  introduce  notions,  the  consideration 
of  which  has  not  hitherto  occupied  his  mind  ;  and 
shall  therefore  consider  our  object  as  gained,  if  we 
can  succeed  in  so  placing  the  subject  before  him,  that 
two  independent  difficulties  shall  never  occupy  his 
mind  at  once. 


The  ratio  or  proportion  of  two  magnitudes  is  best 
conceived  by  expressing  them  in  numbers  of  some 
unit  when  they  are  commensurable  ;  or,  when  this  is 
not  the  case,  the  same  may  still  be  done  as  nearly  as 
we  please  by  means  of  numbers.  Thus,  the  ratio  of 
the  diagonal  of  a  square  to  its  side  is  that  of  1/2  to  1, 
which  is  very  nearly  that  of  14142  to  10000,  and  is 
certainly  between  this  and  that  of  14143  to  10000. 
Again,  any  ratio,  whatever  numbers  express  it,  may 
be  the  ratio  of  two  magnitudes,  each  of  which  is  as 
small  as  we  please  ;  by  which  we  mean,  that  if  we 
take  any  given  magnitude,  however  small,  such  as  the 
line  A,  we  may  find  two  other  lines  B  and  C,  each 
less  than  A,  whose  ratio  shall  be  whatever  we  please. 
Let  the  given  ratio  be  that  of  the  numbers  m  and  n. 
Then,  P  being  a  line,  mP  and  nP  are  in  the  propor 
tion  of  m  to  n ;  and  it  is  evident,  that  let  m,  n,  and  A 
be  what  they  may,  P  can  be  so  taken  that  mP  shall  be 
less  than  A.  This  is  only  saying  that  P  can  be  taken 
less  than  the  #zth  part  of  A,  which  is  obvious,  since  A, 
however  small  it  may  be,  has  its  tenth,  its  hundredth, 
its  thousandth  part,  etc.,  as  certainly  as  if  it  were 
larger.  We  are  not,  therefore,  entitled  to  say  that 
because  two  magnitudes  are  diminished,  their  ratio  is 


diminished  ;  it  is  possible  that  B,  which  we  will  sup 
pose  to  be  at  first  a  hundredth  part  of  C,  may,  after 
a  diminution  of  both,  be  its  tenth  or  thousandth,  or 
may  still  remain  its  hundredth,  as  the  following  ex 
ample  will  show  : 

C       3600  1800  36  90 

B       36  1  3  9 

B=c      B==c      B== 

oo  i  oo 

Here  the  values  of  B  and  C  in  the  second,  third,  and 
fourth  column  are  less  than  those  in  the  first  ;  never 
theless,  the  ratio  of  B  to  C  is  less  in  the  second  col 
umn  than  it  was  in  the  first,  remains  the  same  in  the 
third,  and  is  greater  in  the  fourth. 

In  estimating  the  approach  to,  or  departure  from 
equality,  which  two  magnitudes  undergo  in  conse 
quence  of  a  change  in  their  values,  we  must  not  look 
at  their  differences,  but  at  the  proportions  which  those 
differences  bear  to  the  whole  magnitudes.  For  ex 
ample,  if  a  geometrical  figure,  two  of  whose  sides  are 
3  and  4  inches  now,  be  altered  in  dimensions,  so  that 
the  corresponding  sides  are  100  and  101  inches,  they 
are  nearer  to  equality  in  the  second  case  than  in  the 
first  ;  because,  though  the  difference  is  the  same  in 
both,  namely  one  inch,  it  is  one  third  of  the  least  side 
in  the  first  case,  and  only  one  hundredth  in  the  sec 
ond.  This  corresponds  to  the  common  usage,  which 
rejects  quantities,  not  merely  because  they  are  small, 
but  because  they  are  small  in  proportion  to  those  of 
which  they  are  considered  as  parts.  Thus,  twenty 
miles  would  be  a  material  error  in  talking  of  a  day's 
journey,  but  would  not  be  considered  worth  mention 
ing  in  one  of  three  months,  and  would  be  called  to- 


tally  insensible  in  stating  the  distance  between  the 
earth  and  sun.  More  generally,  if  in  the  two  quanti 
ties  x  and  x-}-a,  an  increase  of  m  be  given  to  x, 
the  two  resulting  quantities  x  -j-  m  and  x -\-m-\-  a  are 
nearer  to  equality  as  to  their  ratio  than  x  and  x-\-a, 
though  they  continue  the  same  as  to  their  difference;  for 

x-\-a  .    a        ,   x  -\-m-\-  a  a          ..*•«. 

— ! —  =14--  and  — '    .  =  1  -\ ; —  of  which 

x  x  x-\-  m  x  -\-m 

is  less  than  —  ,  and  therefore  1  -\ —  is  nearer 

x-\-m  x  x-\-m 

to  unity  than  1  -\ .     In  future,  when  we  talk  of  an 

OC  ~' '.  . 

approach  towards  equality,  we  mean  that  the  ratio  is 
made  more  nearly  equal  to  unity,  not  that  the  differ 
ence  is  more  nearly  equal  to  nothing.  The  second 
may  follow  from  the  first,  but  not  necessarily;  still 
less  does  the  first  follow  from  the  second. 


It  is  conceivable  that  two  magnitudes  should  de 
crease  simultaneously,*  so  as  to  vanish  or  become 
nothing,  together.  For  example,  let  a  point  A  move 
on  a  circle  towards  a  fixed  point  B.  The  arc  AB  will 
then  diminish,  as  also  the  chord  AB,  and  by  bringing 
the  point  A  sufficiently  near  to  B,  we  may  obtain  an 
arc  and  its  chord,  both  of  which  shall  be  smaller  than 
a  given  line,  however  small  this  last  may  be.  But 
while  the  magnitudes  diminish,  we  may  not  assume 
either  that  their  ratio  increases,  diminishes,  or  re 
mains  the  same,  for  we  have  shown  that  a  diminution 
of  two  magnitudes  is  consistent  with  either  of  these. 

*  In  introducing  the  notion  of  time,  .ve  consult  only  simplicity.  It  would 
do  equally  well  to  write  any  number  of  successive  values  of  the  two  quanti 
ties,  and  place  them  in  two  columns. 


We  must,  therefore,  look  to  each  particular  case  for 
the  change,  if  any,  which  is  made  in  the  ratio  by  the 
diminution  of  its  terms. 

Now  two  suppositions  are  possible  in  every  in 
crease  or  diminution  of  the  ratio,  as  follows  :  Let  M 
and  N  be  two  quantities  which  we  suppose  in  a  state 
of  decrease.  The  first  possible  case  is  that  the  ratio 
of  M  to  N  may  decrease  without  limit,  that  is,  M  may 
be  a  smaller  fraction  of  N  after  a  decrease  than  it  was 
before,  and  a  still  smaller  after  a  further  decrease, 
and  so  on  ;  in  such  a  way,  that  there  is  no  fraction  so 

small,  to  which  =^  shall  not  be  equal  or  inferior,  if  the 

decrease  of  M  and  N  be  carried  sufficiently  far.  As 
an  instance,  form  two  sets  of  numbers  as  in  the  ad 
joining  table  : 


20     400     8000     160000 

111  1 

1    T     T      T        16     etc- 

Ratio  of  M  to  Nl  etc. 

Here  both  M  and  N  decrease  at  every  step,  but  M 
loses  at  each  step  a  larger  fraction  of  itself  than  N, 
and  their  ratio  continually  diminishes.  To  show  that 
this  decrease  is  without  limit,  observe  that  M  is  at 
first  equal  to  N,  next  it  is  one  tenth,  then  one  hun 
dredth,  then  one  thousandth  of  N,  and  so  on  ;  by  con 
tinuing  the  values  of  M  and  N  according  to  the  same 
law,  we  should  arrive  at  a  value  of  M  which  is  a 
smaller  part  of  N  than  any  which  we  choose  to  name  ; 
for  example,  -000003.  The  second  value  of  M  beyond 
our  table  is  only  one  millionth  of  the  corresponding 
value  of  N  ;  the  ratio  is  therefore  expressed  by  -000001 


which  is  less  than  -000003.  In  the  same  law  of  forma 
tion,  the  ratio  of  N  to  M  is  also  increased  without  limit. 
The  second  possible  case  is  that  in  which  the  ratio 
of  M  to  N,  though  it  increases  or  decreases,  does  not 
increase  or  decrease  without  limit,  that  is,  continually 
approaches  to  some  ratio,  which  it  never  will  exactly 
reach,  however  far  the  diminution  of  M  and  N  may 
be  carried.  The  following  is  an  example  : 

iv/r  111111 

M  l     T     T     TO     15     21      28etC' 

4      T     16     25     36     496t 

4       9      16     25     36     49 
RatloofMtoNl     -     -     -     -     -     -etc. 

The  ratio  here  increases  at  each  step,  for  -^  is  greater 


than  1,  -^-than-pr-,  and  so  on.   The  difference  between 
o  o 

this  case  and  the  last  is,  that  the  ratio  of  M  to  N, 
though  perpetually  increasing,  does  not  increase  with 
out  limit  ;  it  is  never  so  great  as  2,  though  it  may  be 
brought  as  near  to  2  as  we  please. 

To  show  this,  observe  that  in  the  successive  values 
of  M,  the  denominator  of  the  second  is  1  -f-  2,  that  of 
the  third  1  -|-  2  -|-  3,  and  so  on  ;  whence  the  denom 
inator  of  the  xth  value  of  M  is 

+  2  +  3+  ..... 

Therefore  the  xth  value  of  M  is  —f  —  r-^-9  and  it  is 

x(  ' 

evident  that  the  x^  value  of  N  is  -g,  which  gives  the 

M  2*2  2* 

*     value  of   the   raho        =  --—,    or  —      or 


..  X  2.  If  x  be  made  sufficiently  great,  ^  may 
be  brought  as  near  as  we  please  to  1,  since,  being 
1  --  —  TJ,  it  differs  from  1  by  ..,  which  may  be 

OC  j-|~  X  OC  '  I  *  X 

made  as  small  as  we  please.     But  as  —  —  -r-,   however 

x  -\-  1 

great  x  may  be,  is  always  less  than  1,  —  —  r  is  always 

M  x  -{-  i 

less  than  2.     Therefore  (1)  -^-  continually  increases  ; 

(2)  may  be  brought  as  near  to  2  as  we  please  ;  (3)  can 
never  be  greater  than  2.     This  is  what  we  mean  by 


saying  that  -^=-  is  an  increasing   ratio,    the   limit   of 

N  N 

which  is  2.     Similarly  of  -=-:=-,  which  is  the  reciprocal 

of  -^=-,  we  may  show  (1)  that  it  continually  decreases  ; 

(2)  that  it  can  be  brought  as  near  as  we  please  to  ^  ; 

(3)  that  it  can  never  be  less  than  i.     This  we  express 

by  saying  that  ^  is  a  decreasing  ratio,  whose  limit 



To  the  fractions  here  introduced,  there  are  inter 
mediate  fractions,  which  we  have  not  considered. 
Thus,  in  the  last  instance,  M  passed  from  1  to  £  with 
out  any  intermediate  change.  In  geometry  and  me 
chanics,  it  is  necessary  to  consider  quantities  as 
increasing  or  decreasing  continuously  ;  that  is,  a  mag 
nitude  does  not  pass  from  one  value  to  another  with 
out  passing  through  every  intermediate  value.  Thus 
if  one  point  move  towards  another  on  a  circle,  both 
the  arc  and  its  chord  decrease  continuously.  Let  AB 
(Fig.  1)  be  an  arc  of  a  circle,  the  centre  of  which  is 



O.  Let  A  remain  fixed,  but  let  B,  and  with  it  the  ra 
dius  OB,  move  towards  A,  the  point  B  always  remain 
ing  on  the  circle.  At  every  position  of  B,  suppose 
the  following  figure.  Draw  AT  touching  the  circle  at 
A,  produce  OB  to  meet  AT  in  T,  draw  BM  and  BN 
perpendicular  and  parallel  to  OA,  and  join  BA.  Bisect 
the  arc  AB  in  C,  and  draw  OC  meeting  the  chord  in 
D  and  bisecting  it.  The  right-angled  triangles  ODA 
and  BMA  having  a  common  angle,  and  also  right 
angles,  are  similar,  as  are  also  BOM  and  TEN.  If 
now  we  suppose  B  to  move  towards  A,  before  B 

Fig.  1 

reaches  A,  we  shall  have  the  following  results :  The 
arc  and  chord  BA,  the  lines  BM,  MA,  BT,  TN,  the 
angles  BOA,  COA,  MBA,  and  TBN,  will  diminish 
without  limit ;  that  is,  assign  a  line  and  an  angle, 
however  small,  B  can  be  placed  so  near  to  A  that  the 
lines  and  angles  above  alluded  to  shall  be  severally 
less  than  the  assigned  line  and  angle.  Again,  OT  di 
minishes  and  OM  increases,  but  neither  without  limit, 
for  the  first  is  never  less,  nor  the  second  greater,  than 
the  radius.  The  angles  OBM,  MAB,  and  BTN,  in 
crease,  but  not  without  limit,  each  being  always  less 
than  the  right  angle,  but  capable  of  being  made  as 


near  to  it  as  we  please,  by  bringing  B  sufficiently  near 
to  A. 

So  much  for  the  magnitudes  which  compose  the 
figure :  we  proceed  to  consider  their  ratios,  premising 
that  the  arc  AB  is  greater  than  the  chord  AB,  and 
less  than  BN  +  NA.  The  triangle  BMA  being  always 
similar  to  ODA,  their  sides  change  always  in  the  same 
proportion  ;  and  the  sides  of  the  first  decrease  with 
out  limit,  which  is  the  case  with  only  one  side  of  the 
second.  And  since  OA  and  OD  differ  by  DC,  which 
diminishes  without  limit  as  compared  with  OA,  the 
ratio  OD  -=-  OA  is  an  increasing  ratio  whose  limit  is  1. 
But  OD  -T-  OA  =  BM  -7-  BA.  We  can  therefore  bring 
B  so  near  to  A  that  BM  and  BA  shall  differ  by  as 
small  a  fraction  of  either  of  them  as  we  please. 

To  illustrate  this  result  from  the  trigonometrical 
tables,  observe  that  if  the  radius  OA  be  the  linear 
unit,  and  /BOA  =  0,  BM  and  BA  are  respectively 
sine  and  2sin|0.  Let  (9=1°;  then  sin0=  -0174524 
and  2sin£0=  -0174530;  whence  2sin  J0-j-sin  6  = 
1  •  00003  very  nearly,  so  that  BM  differs  from  BA  by 
less  than  four  of  its  own  hundred-thousandth  parts. 
If  /BO A  =  4',  the  same  ratio  is  1-0000002,  differing 
from  unity  by  less  than  the  hundredth  part  of  the 
difference  in  the  last  example. 

Again,  since  DA  diminishes  continually  and  with 
out  limit,  which  is  not  the  case  either  with  OD  or 
OA,  the  ratios  OD  -~-  DA  and  OA-r-  DA  increase  with 
out  limit.  These  are  respectively  equal  to  BM  -4-  MA 
and  BA  -5-  MA ;  whence  it  appears  that,  let  a  number 
be  ever  so  great,  B  can  be  brought  so  near  to  A,  that 
BM  and  BA  shall  each  contain  MA  more  times  than 
there  are  units  in  that  number.  Thus  if  /  BOA=  1°, 
BM-j-MA  =  114-589  and  BA  -r-  MA  =  114-593  very 



nearly ;  that  is,  BM  and  BA  both  contain  MA 
more  than  114  times.  If  /BO A  =  4',  BM-r-MA  = 
1718-8732,  and  BA~  MA  =  1718 -8375  very  nearly; 
or  BM  and  BA  both  contain  MA  more  than  1718 

No  difficulty  can  arise  in  conceiving  this  result,  if 
the  student  recollect  that  the  degree  of  greatness  or 
smallness  of  two  magnitudes  determines  nothing  as 
to  their  ratio  ;  since  every  quantity  N,  however  small, 
can  be  divided  into  as  many  parts  as  we  please,  and 
has  therefore  another  small  quantity  which  is  its  mil- 

lionth  or  hundred-millionth  part,  as  certainly  as  if  it 
had  been  greater.  There  is  another  instance  in  the 
line  TN,  which,  since  TBN  is  similar  to  BOM,  de 
creases  continually  with  respect  to  TB,  in  the  same 
manner  as  does  BM  with  respect  to  OB. 

The  arc  BA  always  lies  between  BA  and  BN-j-NA, 

or  BM  -j-  MA  ;    hence 

chord  BA 

lies  between   1   and 

BM         MA 




But  -~-r-  has  been  shown  to  approach 



to   decrease  without 

continually  towards  1,  and 

arcBA  sjr^ 

limit ;  hence  •-, — T^FTT  continually  approaches  towards 
chord  r>A 


1.   If  /BOA-:  I°,r=-  0174533  --0174530  = 

chord  BA 
1-00002,  very  nearly.      If  ,/BOA  =  4',  it  is  less  than 


We  now  proceed  to  illustrate  the  various  phrases 
which  have  been  used  in  enunciating  these  and  sim 
ilar  propositions. 


It  appears  that  it  is  possible  for  two  quantities  m 
and  m  -}-  n  to  decrease  together  in  such  a  way,  that  n 
continually  decreases  with  respect  to  m,  that  is,  be 

comes  a  less  and  less   part  of  m,  so  that  —  also  de- 


creases  when  n  and  m  decrease.  Leibnitz,*  in  intro 
ducing  the  Differential  Calculus,  presumed  that  in 
such  a  case,  n  might  be  taken  so  small  as  to  be  utterly 
inconsiderable  when  compared  with  m,  so  that  m-\-  n 
might  be  put  for  m,  or  vice  versa,  without  any  error  at 
all.  In  this  case  he  used  the  phrase  that  n  is  infinitely 
small  with  respect  to  m. 

The  following  example  will  illustrate  this  term. 
Since  (a  -f  /fc)2  ==  02  -f  2  a  h  -j-  /*2,  it  appears  that  if  a  be 
increased  by  h,  a2  is  increased  by  Zah-\-/i'2.  But  if  h 
be  taken  very  small,  h*  is  very  small  with  respect  to 
//,  for  since  \\h\\h\ffi,  as  many  times  as  1  contains 
h,  so  many  times  does  h  contain  h*  ;  so  that  by  taking 

*  Leibnitz  was  a  native  of  Leipsic,  and  died  in  1716,  aged  70.  His  dispute 
with  Newton,  or  rather  with  the  English  mathematicians  in  general,  about 
the  invention  of  Fluxions,  and  the  virulence  with  which  it  was  carried  on, 
are  well  known.  The  decision  of  modern  times  appears  to  be  that  both  New 
ton  and  Leibnitz  were  independent  inventors  of  this  method.  It  has,  perhaps, 
not  been  sufficiently  remarked  how  nearly  several  of  their  predecessors  ap 
proached  the  same  ground  ;  and  it  is  a  question  worthy  of  discussion,  whether 
either  Newton  or  Leibnitz  might  not  have  found  broader  hints  in  writings 
accessible  to  both,  than  the  latter  was  ever  asserted  to  have  received  from 
the  former. 


h  sufficiently  small,  h  may  be  made  to  be  as  many 
times  W  as  we  please.  Hence,  in  the  words  of  Leib 
nitz,  if  h  be  taken  infinitely  small,  h*  is  infinitely  small 
with  respect  to  h,  and  therefore  2ah-\-/fi  is  the  same 
as  2 ah;  or  if  a  be  increased  by  an  infinitely  small 
quantity  h,  a1  is  increased  by  another  infinitely  small 
quantity  2 ah,  which  is  to  h  in  the  proportion  of  2 a 
to  1. 

In  this  reasoning  there  is  evidently  an  absolute 
error  ;  for  it  is  impossible  that  h  can  be  so  small,  that 
Zah  +  W  and  2ah  shall  be  the  same.  The  word  small 
itself  has  no  precise  meaning ;  though  the  word  smaller, 
or  less,  as  applied  in  comparing  one  of  two  magnitudes 
with  another,  is  perfectly  intelligible.  Nothing  is 
either  small  or  great  in  itself,  these  terms  only  imply 
ing  a  relation  to  some  other  magnitude  of  the  same 
kind,  and  even  then  varying  their  meaning  with  the 
subject  in  talking  of  which  the  magnitude  occurs,  so 
that  both  terms  may  be  applied  to  the  same  magni 
tude  :  thus  a  large  field  is  a  very  small  part  of  the 
earth.  Even  in  such  cases  there  is  no  natural  point 
at  which  smallness  or  greatness  commences.  The 
thousandth  part  of  an  inch  may  be  called  a  small  dis 
tance,  a  mile  moderate,  and  a  thousand  leagues  great, 
but  no  one  can  fix,  even  for  himself,  the  precise  mean 
between  any  of  these  two,  at  which  the  one  quality 
ceases  and  the  other  begins.  These  terms  are  not 
therefore  a  fit  subject  for  mathematical  discussion, 
until  some  more  precise  sense  can  be  given  to  them, 
which  shall  prevent  the  danger  of  carrying  away  with 
the  words,  some  of  the  confusion  attending  their  use 
in  ordinary  language.  It  has  been  usual  to  say  that 
when  h  decreases  from  any  given  value  towards  noth 
ing,  h*  will  become  small  as  compared  with  h,  because, 


let  a  number  be  ever  so  great,  h  will,  before  it  be 
comes  nothing,  contain  ft2  more  than  that  number  of 
times.  Here  all  dispute  about  a  standard  of  smallness 
is»avoided,  because,  be  the  standard  whatever  it  may, 
the  proportion  of  h2  to  h  may  be  brought  under  it.  It 
is  indifferent  whether  the  thousandth,  ten-thousandth, 
or  hundred-millionth  part  of  a  quantity  is  to  be  con 
sidered  small  enough  to  be  rejected  by  the  side  of  the 

whole,  for  let  h  be  ^  j^  or  iw>^>m  of  the 

unit,  and  h  will  contain  A?,  1000,  10,000,  or  100,000,000 
of  times. 

The  proposition,  therefore,  that  h  can  be  taken  so 
small  that  2ah-\-h?  and  2aA  are  rigorously  equal, 
though  not  true,  and  therefore  entailing  error  upon 
all  its  subsequent  consequences,  yet  is  of  this  charac 
ter,  that,  by  taking  h  sufficiently  small,  all  errors  may 
be  made  as  small  as  we  please.  The  desire  of  com 
bining  simplicity  with  the  appearance  of  rigorous 
demonstration,  probably  introduced  the  notion  of  in 
finitely  small  quantities;  which  was  further  estab 
lished  by  observing  that  their  careful  use  never  led  to 
any  error.  The  method  of  stating  the  above-mentioned 
proposition  in  strict  and  rational  terms  is  as  follows : 
If  a  be  increased  by  h,  a2  is  increased  by  2  a  h -\- h* , 
which,  whatever  may  be  the  value  of  h,  is  to  h  in  the 
proportion  of  2a-\-h  to  1.  The  smaller  h  is  made, 
the  more  near  does  this  proportion  diminish  towards 
that  of  2  a  to  1,  to  which  it  may  be  made  to  approach 
within  any  quantity,  if  it  be  allowable  to  take  h  as 
small  as  we  please.  Hence  the  ratio,  increment  of  <P-± 
increment  of  a,  is  a  decreasing  ratio,  whose  limit  is  2  a. 

In  further  illustration  of  the  language  of  Leibnitz, 
we  observe,  that  according  to  his  phraseology,  if  AB 


be  an  infinitely  small  arc,  the  chord  and  arc  AB  are 
equal,  or  the  circle  is  a  polygon  of  an  infinite  num 
ber  of  infinitely  small  rectilinear  sides.  This  should 
be  considered  as  an  abbreviation  of  the  proposition 
proved  (page  10),  and  of  the  following:  If  a  polygon 
be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the  greater  the  number  of  its 
sides,  and  the  smaller  their  lengths,  the  more  nearly 
will  the  perimeters  of  the  polygon  and  circle  be  equal 
to  one  another;  and  further,  if  any  straight  line  be 
given,  however  small,  the  difference  between  the  pe 
rimeters  of  the  polygon  and  circle  may  be  made  less 
than  that  line,  by  sufficient  increase  of  the  number  of 
sides  and  diminution  of  their  lengths.  Again,  it  would 
be  said  (Fig.  1)  that  if  AB  be  infinitely  small,  MA  is 
infinitely  less  than  BM.  What  we  have  proved  is, 
that  MA  may  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  BM  as  we 
please,  by  sufficiently  diminishing  the  arc  BA. 


An  algebraical  expression  which  contains  x  in  any 
way,    is    called  a  function  of   x.     Such   are   x2  -j-  a2, 

,  sin2#.     An   expression    may  be  a 


a  —  x 

function  of  more  quantities  than  one,  but  it  is  usual 
only  to  name  those  quantities  of  which  it  is  necessary 
to  consider  a  change  in  the  value.  Thus  if  in  x*  -\-  a* 
x  only  is  considered  as  changing  its  value,  this  is 
called  a  function  of  x  ;  if  x  and  a  both  change,  it  is 
called  a  function  of  x  and  a.  Quantities  which  change 
their  values  during  a  process,  are  called  variables,  and 
those  which  remain  the  same,  constants  ;  and  variables 
which  we  change  at  pleasure  are  called  independent, 
while  those  whose  changes  necessarily  follow  from 


the  changes  of  others  are  called  dependent.  Thus  in 
Fig.  1,  the  length  of  the  radius  OB  is  a  constant,  the 
arc  AB  is  the  independent  variable,  while  BM,  MA, 
the  chord  AB,  etc.,  are  dependent.  And,  as  in  alge 
bra  we  reason  on  numbers  by  means  of  general  sym 
bols,  each  of  which  may  afterwards  be  particularised 
as  standing  for  any  number  we  please,  unless  specially 
prevented  by  the  conditions  of  the  problem,  so,  in 
treating  of  functions,  we  use  general  symbols,  which 
may,  under  the  restrictions  of  the  problem,  stand  for 
any  function  whatever.  The  symbols  used  are  the  let 
ters  F,/,  <£,  <p,  ip ;  cp(x]  and  $  (#),  or  <px  and  ipx,  may 
represent  any  functions  of  x,  just  as  x  may  represent 
any  number.  Here  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  cp 
and  ip  do  not  represent  numbers  which  multiply  x,  but 
are  the  abbreviated  directions  to  perform  certain  opera 
tions  with  x  and  constant  quantities.  Thus,  if  <px  = 
x  -\-  x2,  <p  is  equivalent  to  a  direction  to  add  x  to  its 
square,  and  the  whole  tpx  stands  for  the  result  of  this 
operation.  Thus,  in  this  case,  <p(l)  =  2;  ^>(2)  — 6; 
(pa  =  a-\-a?;  <p(x-\-  h}  =  x-{-h-}-  (x-\-  h^  ;  <psin-#  = 
sin  x  -f-  (sin  x)  2.  It  may  be  easily  conceived  that  this 
notion  is  useless,  unless  there  are  propositions  which 
are  generally  true  of  all  functions,  and  which  may  be 
made  the  foundation  of  general  reasoning. 


To  exercise  the  student  in  this  notation,  we  pro 
ceed  to  explain  one  of  these  functions  which  is  of 
most  extensive  application  and  is  known  by  the  name 
of  Taylor's  Theorem.  If  in  cpx,  any  function  of  x,  the 
value  of  x  be  increased  by  h,  or  x  -{-  h  be  substituted 
instead  of  x,  the  result  is  denoted  by  (p(x-\-h}.  It 


will  generally*  happen  that  this  is  either  greater  or 
less  than  <px,  and  h  is  called  the  increment  of  x,  and 
cp(x-\-h} — cpx  is  called  the  increment  of  cpx,  which  is 
negative  when  cp(x  +  fy<(px.  It  may  be  proved 
that  q)(x-}-h}  can  generally  be  expanded  in  a  series 
of  the  form 

<px-\-ph  +  qh*-\-rhl-\-  etc. ,  ad  infinitum, 
which  contains  none  but  whole  and  positive  powers 
of  h.  It  will  happen,  however,  in  many  functions, 
that  one  or  more  values  can  be  given  to  x  for  which 
it  is  impossible  to  expand  f(x  -\-  h)  without  introdu 
cing  negative  or  fractional  powers.  These  cases  are 
considered  by  themselves,  and  the  values  of  x  which 
produce  them  are  called  singular  values. 

As  the  notion  of  a  series  which  has  no  end  of  its 
terms,  may  be  new  to  the  student,  we  will  now  pro 
ceed  to  show  that  there  may  be  series  so  constructed, 
that  the  addition  of  any  number  of  their  terms,  how 
ever  great,  will  always  give  a  result  less  than  some 
determinate  quantity.  Take  the  series 

l+x  +  x*-\-x*-\-x*+  etc., 

in  which  x  is  supposed  to  be  less  than  unity.  The 
first  two  terms  of  this  series  may  be  obtained  by  di 
viding  1 — x*  by  1  —  x]  the  first  three  by  dividing 
1 — x*  by  1 — x  ;  and  the  first  n  terms  by  dividing 
1 — x"  by  1 — x.  If  or  be  less  than  unity,  its  succes 
sive  powers  decrease  without  limit  ;f  that  is,  there  is 

*This  word  is  used  in  making  assertions  which  are  for  the  most  part 
true,  but  admit  of  exceptions,  few  in  number  when  compared  with  the  other 
cases.  Thus  it  generally  happens  that  x% —  IO.T  -f  40  is  greater  than  15,  with 
the  exception  only  of  the  cas«  where  x  =  $.  It  is  generally  true  that  a  line 
which  meets  a  circle  in  a  given  point  meets  it  again,  with  the  exception  only 
of  the  tangent. 

tThis  may  be  proved  by  means  of  the  proposition  established  in  theS/«a> 
of  Mathematics  (Chicago :  The  Open  Court  Publishing  Co.,  Reprint  Edition), 


no  quantity  so  small,   that  a  power  of  x  cannot  be 
found  which  shall  be  smaller.     Hence  by  taking  n 

1  xn  ^  %n 

sufficiently   great, or may   be 

JL  —  X  JL  —  X         i.  —  X 

brought  as  near  to as  we  please,  than  which, 

— x                          xn 
however,  it  must  always  be  less,  since can  never 

entirely  vanish,  whatever  value  n  may  have,  and  there 
fore  there  is  always  something  subtracted  from  ^ . 

It  follows,  nevertheless,  that  1  -f  x  +  x*  +  etc. ,  if  we 
are  at  liberty  to  take  as  many  terms  as  we  please,  can 

be  brought  as  near  as  we  please  to  = ,  and  in  this 

sense  we  say  that 

= — l-f-^-f'*2 -{-•**-{-  etc. ,  ad infinitum. 


A  series  is  said  to  be  convergent  when  the  sum  of 
its  terms  tends  towards  some  limit  ;  that  is,  when,  by 
taking  any  number  of  terms,  however  great,  we  shall 
never  exceed  some  certain  quantity.  On  the  other 
hand,  a  series  is  said  to  be  divergent  when  the  sum  of 
a  number  of  terms  may  be  made  to  surpass  any  quan 
tity,  however  great.  Thus  of  the  two  series, 


1+2  +  4  +  8  +  etc. 

the  first  is  convergent,  by  what  has  been  shown,  and 
the  second  is  evidently  divergent.  A  series  cannot  be 
convergent,  unless  its  separate  terms  decrease,  so  as, 

page  247.  For  ~X  •—•  is  formed  (if  m  be  less  than  «)  by  dividing  ~  into  n 
parts,  and  taking  away  n  —  m  of  them. 


at  last,  to  become  less  than  any  given  quantity.  And 
the  terms  of  a  series  may  at  first  increase  and  after 
wards  decrease,  being  apparently  divergent  for  a  finite 
number  of  terms,  and  convergent  afterwards.  It  will 
only  be  necessary  to  consider  the  latter  part  of  the 

Let  the  following  series  consist  of  terms  decreas 
ing  without  limit  : 

which  may  be  put  under  the  form 

the  same  change  of  form  may  be  made,  beginning 
from  any  term  of  the  series,  thus  : 

k  +  /+  m  +  etc.  =*  (1  +  L  +  *  .L  _|_  etc.). 

We  have  introduced  the  new  terms  —  -,  -y-,  etc.,  or  the 

a     b 

ratios  which  the  several  terms  of  the  original  series 
bear  to  those  immediately  preceding.  It  may  be  shown 

(i)  that  if  the  terms  of  the  series  —  ,  —  ,  —  ,  etc.,  come 

a     b     c 

at  last  to  be  less  than  unity,  and  afterwards  either 
continue  to  approximate  to  a  limit  which  is  less  than 
unity,  or  decrease  without  limit,  the  series  a-\-b-\- 
<r-j-etc.,  is  convergent;  (2)  if  the  limit  of  the  terms 

—  ,  —  ,  etc.,  is  either  greater  than  unity,  or  if  they  in 
crease  without  limit,  the  series  is  divergent. 

(1#).   Let  —  be  the  first  which  is  less  than  unity, 


and  let  the  succeeding  ratios  —,  etc.,  decrease,  either 

/        m         n 
with    or    without   limit,    so    that  —  >  —  >  —  ,    etc.  ; 

k         I        m 

whence  it  follows,  that  of  the  two  series, 


i  +  Tj  +  m  +  etc->' 

the  first  is  greater  than  the  second.  But  since  —  is 
less  than  unity,  the  first  can  never  surpass  k  X  -  — r, 

&  ^ 

or ,  and  is  convergent ;  the  second  is  therefore 

K / 

convergent.  But  the  second  is  no  other  than  k  +  /-f 
m  -j-  etc. ;  therefore  the  series  a  -f-  b  -\-  c  -j-  etc.,  is  con 
vergent  from  the  term  k. 

(1  £.)  Let  —  be  less  than  unity,  and  let  the  succes- 


I     m 
sive  ratios  — ,  — ,    etc.,    increase,    never   surpassing   a 

limit  A,  which  is  less  than  unity.  Hence  of  the  two 

*(!+  A  +  A  A  -|-  A  A  A  -f  etc.), 

£H  _L    ^    J_     ^    m  _L     ^    m 

k  k  I  k  I  m 
the  first  is  the  greater.  But  since  A  is  less  than  unity, 
the  first  is  convergent;  whence,  as  before,  a-\-b-\- 
r-|-etc.,  converges  from  the  term  k. 

(2)  The  second  theorem  on  the  divergence  of  series 
we  leave  to  the  student's  consideration,  as  it  is  not 
immediately  connected  with  our  object. 

We  now  proceed  to  the  series 

ph  +  qh*  +  r W  +  -r^4  -f  etc., 

in  which  we  are  at  liberty  to  suppose  h  as  small  as 
we  please.  The  successive  ratios  of  the  terms  to  those 

-4    --       -1-  etc^ 



,.  L  ,  a  .     rh*          r  . 

immediately  preceding  are  —  y-  or  —  ft,  —  —  or  —  h, 

pit          p         qi?          q 

—  TTT  or—  h,  etc.  If,  then,  the  terms  --,  —  ,  —  ,  etc., 
filr-T  p  q  r 

are  always  less  than  a  finite  limit  A,  or  become  so  after 

a  definite  number  of  terms,  —  h,  —  h,  etc.,  will  always 

P        <1 
be,  or  will  at  length  become,  less  than  Aft.    And  since  h 

may  be  what  we  please,  it  may  be  so  chosen  that  Aft 
shall  be  less  than  unity,  for  which  h  must  be  less  than 

-r-.  In  this  case,  by  theorem  (1£),  the  series  is  con- 

vergent  ;  it  follows,  therefore,  that  a  value  of  h  can 
always  be  found  so  small  that  ph-\-  qlP  -f^8  +  etc., 
shall  be  convergent,  at  least  unless  the  coefficients 
p,  q,  r,  etc.,  be  such  that  the  ratio  of  any  one  to  the 
preceding  increases  without  limit,  as  we  take  more 
distant  terms  of  the  series.  This  never  happens  in 
the  developments  which  we  shall  be  required  to  con 
sider  in  the  Differential  Calculus. 

We  now  return  to  <p(x  +  /*),  which  we  have  as 
serted  (page  16)  can  be  expanded  (with  the  exception 
of  some  particular  values  of  #)  in  a  series  of  the  form 
q)X-\-ph-\-  qh*  -f-  etc.  The  following  are  some  in 
stances  of  this  development  derived  from  the  Differ 
ential  Calculus,  most  of  which  are  also  to  be  found  in 
treatises  on  algebra  : 

7,2  JA 

(x  +  k)»=x»    +nxM-lft+n(n—l)x«-*  —  -f  n(n—l)  (w—  2)**-*  —  etc. 

2  2.O 

»  2  JA 

a*+*=*a*       +kaxh*          +&a*  —  +  &a*  —  etc. 

2  2.  o 

1  1       7*2  2         ft3 

s'm(x+ft)=sinx  +  cosxft  —  sin*—  —  —  cos  x  ——  etc. 

6  a.o 

•Here  k  is  the  Naperian  or  hyperbolic  logarithm  of  a;  that  is,  the  com 
mon  logarithm  of  a  divided  by  .434294482. 

tin  the  last  two  series  the  terms  are  positive  and  negative  in  pairs. 


A1  h* 

cos(x+h)=cosx— sinxTt  —  cos*  — -  +  sin  x-— etc. 

a  £•') 

It  appears,  then,  that  the  development  of  cp(x-\-h) 
consists  of  certain  functions  of  x,  the  first  of  which  is 
cpx  itself,  and  the  remainder  of  which  are  multiplied 

h?      h*        /z4 

by  h,  -n-j  17  Q-,  3-Q-7»  and  so  on.     It  is  usual  to  denote 
_       — .  o     Zi.  «_>.  4 

the  coefficients  of  these  divided  powers  of  h  by  cp'x, 
qj'x,  qj"x,*  etc.,  where  cp',  cp",  etc.,  are  merely  func 
tional  symbols,  as  is  cp  itself ;  but  it  must  be  recol 
lected  that  cp'x,  cp"x,  etc.,  are  rarely,  if  ever,  employed 

to  signify  anything  except   the  coefficients  of  h,  -^-, 


etc.,  in  the  development  of  (p(x-\-h).  Hence  this  de 
velopment  is  usually  expressed  as  follows : 

p(*  + A)  =  9>*+  qfxh+<p"x  ^  +  <p?"x  ^  +  etc. 

Thus,  when  cpx  =  xn,  (p'x  =  nxn~l,  gj"x  =  n(n — 1) 
xn~2,  etc.;  when  ^»^  =  sin^,  cp'x  =  cosxy  cp"x  = 
—  sin^,  etc.  In  the  first  case  q)'(x-}-?i}  =  n(x-[-hy-1, 
cp'\x -\-  //)  =  #(#  —  1 )  (x  -j-  /z) n~2 ',  and  in  the  second 
<p'(x H-  ^)  =  cos  (x  +  /£),  cp"(x  +  h}=—  sin(^r -f  h}. 

The  following  relation  exists  between  cpx,  cp'x, 
cp"x,  etc.  In  the  same  manner  as  cp'x  is  the  coefficient 
of  h  in  the  development  of  cp(x-\-Ji},  so  qj'x  is  the  co 
efficient  of  h  in  the  development  of  cp'(x  +  ^)>  and 
<£/".#  is  the  coefficient  of  h  in  the  development  of  cp" 
(x-\-  /£);  <piv#  is  the  coefficient  of  ^  in  the  development 
of  cp"'(x  -f-  ^),  and  so  on. 

The  proof  of  this  is  equivalent  to  Taylor's  Theorem 
already  alluded  to  (page  15);  and  the  fact  may  be 
verified  in  the  examples  already  given.  When  cpx 
=  a*,  <p'x  =  ka*,  and  cpr (x -{- %}=  & a*+A  =  k(a*-\-ka*h 
-fete.).  The  coefficient  of  h  is  here  k?ax,  which  is  the 

*  Called  derived  functions  or  derivatives. — Ed. 


same  as  cp"x.  (See  the  second  example  of  the  pre 
ceding  table.)  Again,  <ft'(x-\-  h}  =  & ax+h  =  &  (a* -\- 
ka*h-\-  etc.),  in  which  the  coefficient  of  h  is  k*ax,  the 

same  as  cp'"x.     Again,  if  cpx  =  \ogx,  cpfx=  — ,    and 

1  1          *  u 

cp  (x  -{-  h)  =  -  -—f  = =  -f-  etc- '   as  appears  by 

x  -{-  n        x         x  ^ 

common  division.      Here  the  coefficient  of  h  is j, 

which  is  the  same  as  cp"x  in  the  third  example.     Also 
-f-  Ji\  =  — r-5  =  —  (x  4-  /^)~2,  which  by  the 

Binomial    Theorem    is   —  (a-2  —  2x~s/i  -f  etc.).      The 

coefficient  of  h  is  2x~*  or  — ^,   which  is   cp'"x  in   the 

same  example. 


It  appears,  then,  that  if  we  are  able  to  obtain  the 
coefficient  of  h  in  the  development  of  any  function 
whatever  of  x  -(-  h,  we  can  obtain  all  the  other  coeffi 
cients,  since  we  can  thus  deduce  cp'x  from  cpx,  cp"x 
from  cp'x,  and  so  on.  It  is  usual  to  call  cp'x  the  first 
differential  coefficient  of  cpx,  cp"x  the  second  differen 
tial  coefficient  of  cpx,  or  the  first  differential  coefficient 
of  cp'x;  cp'"x  the  third  differential  coefficient  of  cpx, 
or  the  second  of  cp'x,  or  the  first  of  cp"x  ;  and  so  on.* 
The  name  is  derived  from  a  method  of  obtaining  cp'x, 
etc.,  which  we  now  proceed  to  explain. 

Let  there  be  any  function  of  x,  which  we  call  cpx, 
in  which  x  is  increased  by  an  increment  h  ;  the  func 
tion  then  becomes 

h2  /IB 

<px-\-  cp'x  h  -f-  cp"x  -     -f-  cp'"x  --     -f  etc. 

*The  first,  second,  third,  etc.,  differential  coefficients,  as  thus  obtained, 
are  also  called  the  first,  second,  third,  etc.,  derivatives.—  Ed. 


The  original  value  cpx  is  increased  by  the  increment 

h?  h* 

cp'x  h  +  cp"x  -^  +  <p"'x  j-g  -I-  etc.; 

whence  (h  being  the  increment  of  x) 

increment  of  q)x  h  h* 

v-          ,     f         =  (p'x-\-cp"x  -5-  -f  cp   *o-o-  +  etc., 

increment  of  x  2  2.3 

which  is  an  expression  for  the  ratio  which  the  incre 
ment  of  a  function  bears  to  the  increment  of  its  vari 
able.  It  consists  of  two  parts.  The  one,  (p'x,  into 
which  h  does  not  enter,  depends  on  x  only ;  the  re 
mainder  is  a  series,  every  term  of  which  is  multiplied 
by  some  power  of  h,  and  which  therefore  diminishes 
as  h  diminishes,  and  may  be  made  as  sma.'l  as  we 
please  by  making  h  sufficiently  small. 

To  make  this  last  assertion  clear,  observe  that  all 
the  ratio,  except  its  first  term  cp'x,  may  be  written  as 
follows : 

h  (9"x  1  +  <?'"* -A.  +  etc.); 

the  second  factor  of  which  (page  19)  is  a  convergent 

series  whenever  h  is  taken  less  than  -r-,   where  A  is 


the  limit  towards  which  we  approximate  by  taking 
the  coefficients  cp"x  X  -o-,  <p'"xX  IT-K^  etc.,  and  form 
ing  the  ratio  of  each  to  the  one  immediately  preced 
ing.  This  limit,  as  has  been  observed,  is  finite  in 
every  series  which  we  have  occasion  to  use ;  and 
therefore  a  value  for  h  can  be  chosen  so  small,  that 
for  it  the  series  in  the  last-named  formula  is  conver 
gent  ;  still  more  will  it  be  so  for  every  smaller  value 
of  h.  Let  the  series  be  called  P.  If  P  be  a  finite  quan 
tity,  which  decreases  when  h  decreases,  Ph  can  be 
made  as  small  as  we  please  by  sufficiently  diminishing 


h ;  whence  (p'x  -f-  P^  can  be  brought  as  near  as  we 
please  to  cp'x.  Hence  the  ratio  of  the  increments  of 
cpx  and  x,  produced  by  changing  x  into  x-\-  h,  though 
never  equal  to  (p'x,  approaches  towards  it  as  h  is  di 
minished,  and  may  be  brought  as  near  as  we  please 
to  it,  by  sufficiently  diminishing  h.  Therefore  to  find 
the  coefficient  of  h  in  the  development  of  (p(x-\-K), 
find  <p(x-{-  h} — <px,  divide  it  by  h,  and  find  the  limit 
towards  which  it  tends  as  k  is  diminished. 
In  any  series  such  as 

a  +  bh  +  cft -{-£#• +  /#•+!+  w/**+2  +  etc. 

which  is  such  that  some  given  value  of  h  will  make  it 
convergent,  it  may  be  shown  that  h  can  be  taken  so 
small  that  any  one  term  shall  contain  all  the  succeed 
ing  ones  as  often  as  we  please.  Take  any  one  term, 
as  khn.  It  is  evident  that,  be  h  what  it  may, 

khH\lh'+*  +  mh'+*-\-  etc.,    ::  £:M-f-«#  +  etc., 

the  last  term  of  which  is  /^(/-f-w^-j-etc.).  By  rea 
soning  similar  to  that  in  the  last  paragraph,  we  can 
show  that  this  may  be  made  as  small  as  we  please, 
since  one  factor  is  a  series  which  is  always  finite  when 

h  is  less  than  -^-,  and  the  other  factor  h  can  be  made 

as  small  as  we  please.  Hence,  since  k  is  a  given 
quantity,  independent  of  h,  and  which  therefore  re 
mains  the  same  during  all  the  changes  of  h,  the  series 
h  (/_j_  m h  _|_  etc. )  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  k  as 
we  please,  since  the  first  diminishes  without  limit, 
and  the  second  remains  the  same.  By  the  proportion 
above  established,  it  follows  then  that  lhn+l-\-  mhn+<* 
-fete.,  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of 
khn.  It  follows,  therefore,  that  if,  instead  of  the  full 
development  of  <p(x-\~A),  we  use  only  its  two  first 


terms  cpx -\-qfxh,  the  error  thereby  introduced  may, 
by  taking  h  sufficiently  small,  be  made  as  small  a  por 
tion  as  we  please  of  the  small  term  cp'xh. 


The  first  step  usually  made  in  the  Differential  Cal 
culus  is  the  determination  of  cp'x  for  all  possible  val 
ues  of  cpx,  and  the  construction  of  general  rules  for 
that  purpose.  Without  entering  into  these  we  pro 
ceed  to  explain  the  notation  which  is  used,  and  to  ap 
ply  the  principles  already  established  to  the  solution 
of  some  of  those  problems  which  are  the  peculiar 
province  of  the  Differential  Calculus. 

When  any  quantity  is  increased  by  an  increment, 
which,  consistently  with  the  conditions  of  the  prob 
lem,  may  be  supposed  as  small  as  we  please,  this  in 
crement  is  denoted,  not  by  a  separate  letter,  but  by 
prefixing  the  letter  d,  either  followed  by  a  full  stop  or 
not,  to  that  already  used  to  signify  the  quantity.  For 
example,  the  increment  of  x  is  denoted  under  these 
circumstances  by  dx ;  that  of  cpx  by  d.cpx;  that  of 
xn  by  d.xn.  If  instead  of  an  increment  a  decrement 
be  used,  the  sign  of  dx,  etc.,  must  be  changed  in  all 
expressions  which  have  been  obtained  on  the  suppo 
sition  of  an  increment ;  and  if  an  increment  obtained 
by  calculation  proves  to  be  negative,  it  is  a  sign  that 
a  quantity  which  we  imagined  was  increased  by  our 
previous  changes,  was  in  fact  diminished.  Thus,  if 
x  becomes  x  -f  dx,  x2  becomes  X*  -f  d.x2.  But  this  is 
also  (x+dx}2  or  x2  +  2x  dx  +  (dx}2;  whence  d.x2  = 
2x  dx-\-  (dx']'2.  Care  must  be  taken  not  to  confound 
d.x1,  the  increment  of  x2,  with  (dx}2,  or,  as  it  is  often 
written,  dx2,  the  square  of  the  increment  of  x.  Again, 


if  x  becomes   x-\-dx.  —  becomes  --  \-d.  —  and   the 
x  xx 

,1.1  1  dx  .       . 

change  of  —  is  -  ;  ---  or  --  ^-  -  -  —  ;  showing 
x       x      dx        x  * 

that  an  increment  of  x  produces  a  decrement  in  —  . 


It  must  not  be  imagined  that  because  x  occurs  in 
the  symbol  dx,  the  value  of  the  latter  in  any  way  de 
pends  upon  that  of  the  former  :  both  the  first  value  of 
x,  and  the  quantity  by  which  it  is  made  to  differ  from 
its  first  value,  are  at  our  pleasure,  and  the  letter  </must 
merely  be  regarded  as  an  abbreviation  of  the  words 
"difference  of."  In  the  first  example,  if  we  divide 
both  sides  of  the  resulting  equation  by  dx,  we  have 


—  '-  —  =2x-\-  dx.      The  smaller  dx  is  supposed  to  be, 
ct  oc 

the  more  nearly  will  this  equation  assume   the  form 


—  —  =2x,  and  the  ratio  of  2  x  to  1  is  the  limit  of  the 


ratio  of  the  increment  of  x*  to  that  of  x\  to  which 
this  ratio  may  be  made  to  approximate  as  nearly  as 
we  please,  but  which  it  can  never  actually  reach.  In 
the  Differential  Calculus,  the  limit  of  the  ratio  only  is 
retained,  to  the  exclusion  of  the  rest,  which  may  be 
explained  in  either  of  the  two  following  ways  : 

(1)  The  fraction  —  '-  —  may  be  considered  as  stand- 


ing,  not  for  any  value  which  it  can  actually  have  as 
long  as  dx  has  a  real  value,  but  for  the  limit  of  all 
those  values  which  it  assumes  while  dx  diminishes. 

d  x^ 
In  this  sense  the  equation  -^  —  =2  x  is  strictly  true. 

But  here  it  must  be  observed  that  the  algebraical 
meaning  of  the  sign  of  division  is  altered,  in  such  a 
way  that  it  is  no  longer  allowable  to  use  the  numera 
tor  and  denominator  separately,  or  even  at  all  to  con- 


sider  them  as  quantities.     If  -7—  stands,  not  for  the 

ratio  of  two  quantities,  but  for  the  limit  of  that  ratio, 
which  cannot  be  obtained  by  taking  any  real  value  of 

dx,  however  small,  the  whole  -^-  may,  by  convention, 

(T  OC 

have  a  meaning,  but  the  separate  parts  dy  and  dx 
have  none,  and  can  no  more  be  considered  as  sep- 

arate  quantities  whose  ratio  is  -~t  than  the  two  loops 

of  the  figure  8  can  be  considered  as  separate  numbers 
whose  sum  is  eight.  This  would  be  productive  of  no 
great  inconvenience  if  it  were  never  required  to  sep 
arate  the  two  ;  but  since  all  books  on  the  Differential 
Calculus  and  its  applications  are  full  of  examples  in 
which  deductions  equivalent  to  assuming  dy=%xdx 


are  drawn  from  such  an  equation  as  -—  —2x,  it  be 
comes  necessary  that  the  first  should  be  explained,  in 
dependently  of  the  meaning  first  given  to  the  second. 
It  may  be  said,  indeed,  that  if  y  =  x*9  it  follows  that 


~=2x-}-dx,  in  which,  if  we  make  dx  =  Q,   the  re- 

**         dy 

suit  is  —  —  2x.    But  if  dx  =  Q,  dy  also  =0,  and  this 
ax  Q 

equation  should  be  written  —  =2x,  as  is  actually  done 

in  some  treatises  on  the  Differential  Calculus,*  to  the 
great  confusion  of  the  learner.  Passing  over  the  diffi- 

cultiesf  of  the  fraction  -^-,  still  the  former  objection 
recurs,  that  the  equation  dy  =  2xdx  cannot  be  used 

*This  practice  was  far  more  common  in  the  early  part  of  the  century 
than  now,  and  was  due  to  the  precedent  of  Euler  (1755).  For  the  sense  in 
which  Euler's  view  was  correct,  see  the  Encyclopedia  Britannica,  art.  Infin 
itesimal  Calculus,  Vol.  XII,  p.  14,  2nd  column.— Ed. 

t  See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Reprint  Edition,  Chicago :  The  Open  Court 
Publishing  Co.,  1898),  page  126. 


(and  it  is  used  even  by  those  who  adopt  this  explana 
tion)  without  supposing  that  0,  which  merely  implies 
an  absence  of  all  magnitude,  can  be  used  in  different 
senses,  so  that  one  0  may  be  contained  in  another  a 
certain  number  of  times.  This,  even  if  it  can  be  con 
sidered  as  intelligible,  is  a  notion  of  much  too  refined 
a  nature  for  a  beginner. 

(2)  The  presence  of  the  letter  d  is  an  indication, 
not  only  of  an  increment,  but  of  an  increment  which 
we  are  at  liberty  to  suppose  as  small  as  we  please. 
The  processes  of  the  Differential  Calculus  are  intended 
to  deduce  relations,  not  between  the  ratios  of  different 
increments,  but  between  the  limits  to  which  those  ra 
tios  approximate,  when  the  increments  are  decreased. 
And  it  may  be  true  of  some  parts  of  an  equation,  that 
though  the  taking  of  them  away  would  alter  the  rela 
tion  between  dy  and  dx,  it  would  not  alter  the  limit 
towards  which  their  ratio  approximates,  when  dx 
and  dy  are  diminished.  For  example,  dy  —  2xdx-\- 
(dx)*.  If  #  =  4  and  </*  =  -01,  then  #=-0801  and 

^=8-01.     If  <**=-0001,  ^=-00080001  and  ^  = 

dx  dx 

8-0001.  The  limit  of  this  ratio,  to  which  we  shall 
come  still  nearer  by  making  dx  still  smaller,  is  8.  The 
term  (dx)*,  though  its  presence  affects  the  value  of  dy 

and  the  ratio  ~,  does  not  affect  the  limit  of  the  latter, 

dy          dx 

for  in  -J-  or  2x  -j-  dx,  the  latter  term  dx,  which  arose 

from  the  term  (dx)*,  diminishes  continually  and  with 
out  limit.  If,  then,  we  throw  away  the  term  (dfc)2, 
the  consequence  is  that,  make  dx  what  we  may,  we 
never  obtain  dy  as  it  would  be  if  correctly  deduced 
from  the  equation  y  —  x*,  but  we  obtain  the  limit  of 
the  ratio  of  dy  to  dx.  If  we  throw  away  all  powers  of 


dx  above  the  first,  and  use  the  equations  so  obtained, 
all  ratios  formed  from  these  last,  or  their  consequences, 
are  themselves  the  limiting  ratios  of  which  we  are  in 
search.  The  equations  which  we  thus  use  are  not  abso 
lutely  true  in  any  case,  but  may  be  brought  as  near  as  we 
please  to  the  truth,  by  making  dy  and  dx  sufficiently 
small.  If  the  student  at  first,  instead  of  using  dy  = 
Zxdx,  were  to  write  it  thus,  dy  —  2x  dx  -{-  etc. ,  the  etc. 
would  remind  him  that  there  are  other  terms ;  neces 
sary,  if  the  value  of  dy  corresponding  to  any  value  of 
dx  is  to  be  obtained  ;  unnecessary,  if  the  limit  of  the 
ratio  of  dy  to  dx  is  all  that  is  required. 

We  must  adopt  the  first  of  these  explanations  when 
dy  and  dx  appear  in  a  fraction,  and  the  second  when 
they  are  on  opposite  sides  of  an  equation. 


If  two  straight  lines  be  drawn  at  right  angles  to 
each  other,  dividing  the  whole  of  their  plane  into  four 
parts,  one  lying  in  each  right  angle,  the  situation 
of  any  point  is  determined  when  we  know,  (1)  in 
which  angle  it  lies,  and  (2)  its  perpendicular  distances 
from  the  two  right  lines.  Thus  (Fig.  2)  the  point  P 
lying  in  the  angle  AOB,  is  known  when  PM  and  PN, 
or  when  OM  and  PM  are  known  ;  for,  though  there 
is  an  infinite  number  of  points  whose  distance  from 
OA  only  is  the  same  as  that  of  P,  and  an  infinite  num 
ber  of  others,  whose  distance  from  OB  is  the  same  as 
that  of  P,  there  is  no  other  point  whose  distances 
from  both  lines  are  the  same  as  those  of  P.  The  line 
OA  is  called  the  axis  of  x,  because  it  is  usual  to  de 
note  any  variable  distance  measured  on  or  parallel  to 
OA  by  the  letter  x.  For  a  similar  reason,  OB  is  called 


the  axis  of  y.  The  co-ordinates*  or  perpendicular  dis 
tances  of  a  point  P  which  is  supposed  to  vary  its  po 
sition,  are  thus  denoted  by  x  and  jy;  hence  OM  or  PN 
is  x,  and  PM  or  ON  is  y.  Let  a  linear  unit  be  chosen, 
so  that  any  number  may  be  represented  by  a  straight 
line.  Let  the  point  M,  setting  out  from  O,  move  in 
the  direction  OA,  always  carrying  with  it  the  indef 
initely  extended  line  MP  perpendicular  to  OA.  While 
this  goes  on,  let  P  move  upon  the  line  MP  in  such  a 
way,  that  MP  or  y  is  always  equal  to  a  given  function 
of  OM  or  x\  for  example,  let  y  =  x*,  or  let  the  num- 



N                   P 





0          T         M       M'      A 


ber  of  units  in  PM  be  the  square  of  the  number  of 
units  in  OM.  As  O  moves  towards  A,  the  point  P 
will,  by  its  motion  on  MP,  compounded  with  the  mo 
tion  of  the  line  MP  itself,  describe  a/icurve  OP,  in 
which  PM  is  less  than,  equal  to,  or  greater  than,  OM, 
according  as  OM  is  less  than,  equal  to,  or  greater 
than  the  linear  unit.  It  only  remains  to  show  how 
the  other  branch  of  this  curve  is  deduced  from  the 
equation  y  =  x2.  And  to  this  end  we  shall  first  have 
to  interpolate  a  few  remarks. 

*The  distances  OM  and  MP  are  called  the  co-ordinates  of  the  point  P.  It 
is  moreover  usual  to  call  the  co-ordinate  OM,  the  abscissa,  and  MP,  the  ordi- 
nate,  of  the  point  P. 



It  is  shown  in  algebra,  that  if,  through  misappre 
hension  of  a  problem,  we  measure  in  one  direction,  a 
line  which  ought  to  lie  in  the  exactly  opposite  direc 
tion,  or  if  such  a  mistake  be  a  consequence  of  some 
previous  misconstruction  of  the  figure,  any  attempt 
to  deduce  the  length  of  that  line  by  algebraical  rea 
soning,  will  give  a  negative  quantity  as  the  result. 
And  conversely  it  may  be  proved  by  any  number  of 
examples,  that  when  an  equation  in  which  a  occurs 
has  been  deduced  strictly  on  the  supposition  that  a  is 
a  line  measured  in  one  direction,  a  change  of  sign  in 
a  will  turn  the  equation  into  that  which  would  have 
been  deduced  by  the  same  reasoning,  had  we  begun 
by  measuring  the  line  a  in  the  contrary  direction. 
Hence  the  change  of  -j-  a  into  — a,  or  of  — a  into  -f-  #, 
corresponds  in  geometry  to  a  change  of  direction  of 
the  line  represented  by  a,  and  vice  versa. 

In  illustration  of  this  general  fact,  the  following 
problem  may  be  useful.  Having  a  circle  of  given  ra 
dius,  whose  centre  is  in  the  intersection  of  the  axes 
of  x  and  y,  and  also  a  straight  line  cutting  the  axes  in 
two  given  points,  required  the  co-ordinates  of  the 
points  (if  any)  in  which  the  straight  line  cuts  the  cir 
cle.  Let  OA,  the  radius  of  the  circle  =r,  OE  =  0, 
OF=:£,  and  let  the  co-ordinates  of  P,  one  of  the 
points  of  intersection  required,  be  OM  =  x,  M.P=y. 
(Fig.  3.)  The  point  P  being  in  the  circle  whose  ra 
dius  is  r,  we  have  from  the  right-angled  triangle 
OMP,  x2-\-}/2=r2,  which  equation  belongs  to  the  co 
ordinates  of  every  point  in  the  circle,  and  is  called 


the  equation  of  the  circle.  Again,  EM  :  MP  : :  EO  :  OF 
by  similar  triangles  ;  or  a  —  x  \y  :  :  a  :  b,  whence  ay-\- 
bx  =  ab,  which  is  true,  by  similar  reasoning,  for  every 
point  of  the  line  EF.  But  for  a  point  P'  lying  in  EF 
produced,  we  have  EM'  :  M'P' : :  EO  :  OF,  or  x+a  :y 
: :  a  :  b,  whence  ay  —  bx  =  ab,  an  equation  which  may 
be  obtained  from  the  former  by  changing  the  sign  of 
x;  and  it  is  evident  that  the  direction  of  x,  in  the 


second  case,  is  opposite  to  that  in  the  first.  Again, 
for  a  point  P"  in  FE  produced,  we  have  EM"  :  M"P"  : : 
EO  :  OF,  or  x— a  :y  : :  a  :  b,  whence  bx—ay  =  ab,  which 
may  be  deduced  from  the  first  by  changing  the  sign 
of  y ;  and  it  is  evident  that  y  is  measured  in  different 
directions  in  the  first  and  third  cases.  Hence  the 
equation  ay-\-bx  =  ab  belongs  to  all  parts  of  the 
straight  line  EF,  if  we  agree  to  consider  M"P"  as 
negative,  when  MP  is  positive,  and  OM'  as  negative 


when  OM  is  positive.  Thus,  if  OE  =  4,  and  OF  =  5, 
and  OM  —  1,  we  can  determine  MP  from  the  equation 
ay-\-bx  =  ab,  or  4y-\-5  =  2Q,  which  gives  y  or  MP  = 
3J.  But  if  OM'  be  1  in  length,  we  can  determine 
M'P'  either  by  calling  OM',  1,  and  using  the  equation 
ay  —  bx  =  ab,  or  calling  OM',  —  1,  and  using  the  equa 
tion  ay-\-bx  —  a&,  as  before.  Either  gives  M'P'  =  6J. 
The  latter  method  is  preferable,  inasmuch  as  it  en 
ables  us  to  contain,  in  one  investigation,  all  the  differ 
ent  cases  of  a  problem. 

We  shall  proceed  to  show  that  this  may  be  done 
in  the  present  instance.  We  have  to  determine  the 
co-ordinates  of  the  point  P,  from  the  following  equa 
tions  : 

=.  ab, 

Substituting  in  the  second  the  value  of  y  derived  from 
the  first,  or  ba      x  \  we  have 

or    « 
and  proceeding  in  a  similar  manner  to  nndjy,  we  have 

which  give 

the  upper  or  the  lower  sign  to  be  taken  in  both. 
Hence  when  (02-J-£2)r2;>tf2<£2,  that  is,  when  r  is  greater 
than  the  perpendicular  let  fall  from  O  upon  EF,  which 
perpendicular  is 



i/a2  +  t2' 

there  are  two  points  of  intersection.  When  (a2  -}-  £2)/-2 
=  a2l>2,  the  two  values  of  x  become  equal,  and  also 
those  of  y,  and  there  is  only  one  point  in  which  the 
straight  line  meets  the  circle  ;  in  this  case  EF  is  a 
tangent  to  the  circle.  And  if  (a*  -f  fiy*  <  a2&2,  the 
values  of  x  and  j>  are  impossible,  and  the  straight  line 
does  not  meet  the  circle. 

Of  these  three  cases,  we  confine  ourselves  to  the 
first,  in  which  there  are  two  points  of  intersection. 
The  product  of  the  values  of  x,  with  their  proper 
sign,  is* 

and  of  y, 

the  signs  of  which  are  the  same  as  those  of  ft  —  r2, 
and  a2  —  r2.  If  b  and  a  be  both  >  r,  the  two  values 
of  x  have  the  same  sign  ;  and  it  will  appear  from  the 
figure,  that  the  lines  they  represent  are  measured  in 
the  same  direction.  And  this  whether  b  and  a  be  pos 
itive  or  negative,  since  ft  —  r2  and  a2  —  r2  are  both 
positive  when  a  and  b  are  numerically  greater  than  r, 
whatever  their  signs  may  be.  That  is,  if  our  rule, 
connecting  the  signs  of  algebraical  and  the  directions 
of  geometrical  magnitudes,  be  true,  let  the  directions 
of  OE  and  OF  be  altered  in  any  way,  so  long  as  OE 
and  OF  are  both  greater  than  OA,  the  two  values  of 
OM  will  have  the  same  direction,  and  also  those  of 
MP.  This  result  may  easily  be  verified  from  the 

*  See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Chicago  :  The  Open  Court  Pub.  Co.),  page  136. 


Again,  the  values  of  x  and  y  having  the  same  sign, 
that  sign  will  be  (see  the  equations)  the  same  as  that 
of  20£2  for  x,  and  of  2a2fr  for  y,  or  the  same  as  that  of 
a  for  x  and  of  b  for  j>.  That  is,  when  OE  and  OF  are 
both  greater  than  OA,  the  direction  of  each  set  of  co 
ordinates  will  be  the  same  as  those  of  OE  and  OF, 
which  may  also  be  readily  verified  from  the  figure. 

Many  other  verifications  might  thus  be  obtained  of 
the  same  principle,  viz.,  that  any  equation  which  cor 
responds  to,  and  is  true  for,  all  points  in  the  angle 
AOB,  may  be  used  without  error  for  all  points  lying 
in  the  other  three  angles,  by  substituting  the  proper 
numerical  values,  with  a  negative  sign,  for  those  co 
ordinates  whose  directions  are  opposite  to  those  of 
the  co-ordinates  in  the  angle  AOB.  In  this  manner, 
if  four  points  be  taken  similarly  situated  in  the  four 
angles,  the  numerical  values  of  whose  co-ordinates 
are  #  =  4  and  y  =  6,  and  if  the  co-ordinates  of  that 
point  which  lies  in  the  angle  AOB,  are  called  -f-  4  and 
-f-  6;  those  of  the  points  lying  in  the  angle  BOC  will 
be  — 4  and  +6;  in  the  angle  COD  — 4  and  — 6; 
and  in  the  angle  DOE  -f-  4  and  — 6. 

To  return  to  Fig.  2,  if,  after  having  completed  the 
branch  of  the  curve  which  lies  on  the  right  of  BC, 
and  whose  equation  isjy  =  #2,  we  seek  that  which  lies 
on  the  left  of  BC,  we  must,  by  the  principles  estab 
lished,  substitute  — x  instead  of  x,  when  the  numeri 
cal  value  obtained  for  ( — #)2  will  be  that  of  y,  and  the 
sign  will  show  whether  y  is  to  be  measured  in  a  simi 
lar  or  contrary  direction  to  that  of  MP.  Since  ( — #)2 
=  x'2,  the  direction  and  value  of  y,  for  a  given  value 
of  x,  remains  the  same  as  on  the  right  of  BC;  whence 
the  remaining  branch  of  the  curve  is  similar  and  equal 
in  all  respects  to  OP,  only  lying  in  the  angle  BOD. 



And  thus,  if  y  be  any  function  of  x,  we  can  obtain  a 
geometrical  representation  of  the  same,  by  making  y 
the  ordinate,  and  x  the  abscissa  of  a  curve,  every  or- 
dinate  of  which  shall  be  the  linear  representation  of 
the  numerical  value  of  the  given  function  correspond 
ing  to  the  numerical  value  of  the  abscissa,  the  linear 
unit  being  a  given  line. 


If  the  point  P  (Fig.  2),  setting  out  from  O,  move 
along  the  branch  OP,  it  will  continually  change  the 

direction  of  its  motion,  never  moving,  at' one  point,  in 
the  direction  which  it  had  at  any  previous  point.  Let 
the  moving  point  have  reached  P,  and  let  OM=#, 
MP=^.  Let  x  receive  the  increment  MM'=//je,  in 
consequence  of  which  y  or  MP  becomes  M'P',  and 
receives  the  increment  QP'=dy,  so  thatx-\-dx  and 
y-\-dy  are  the  co-ordinates  of  the  moving  point  P, 
when  it  arrives  at  P'.  Join  PP',  which  makes,  with 

PQ  or  OM,  an  angle,  whose  tangent  is       ^T   or  ~. 

Since  the  relation  y  =  x*  is  true  for  the  co-ordinates  of 
every  point  in  the  curve,  we  have  y-\-  dy  =  (x-\-  dx)2, 


the  subtraction  of  the  former  equation  from  which 
gives  4>  —  2xdx+  (dx)*,  or  •—-  =  Zx+dx.  If  the 


point  P'  be  now  supposed  to  move  backwards  towards 
P,  the  chord  PP'  will  diminish  without  limit,  and  the 
inclination  of  PP'  to  PQ  will  also  diminish,  but  not 
without  limit,  since  the  tangent  of  the  angle  P'PQ,  or 


-j-,  is  always  greater  than  the  limit  2x.     If,  therefore, 


a  line  PV  be  drawn  through  P,  making  with  PQ  an 
angle  whose  tangent  is  2x,  the  chord  PP'  will,  as  P' 
approaches  towards  P,  or  as  dx  is  diminished,  con 
tinually  approximate  towards  PV,  so  that  the  angle 
P'PV  may  be  made  smaller  than  any  given  angle,  by 
sufficiently  diminishing  dx.  And  the  line  PV  cannot 
again  meet  the  curve  on  the  side  of  PP',  nor  can  any 
straight  line  be  drawn  between  it  and  the  curve,  the 
proof  of  which  we  leave  to  the  student. 

Again,  if  P'  be  placed  on  the  other  side  of  P,  so  that 
its  co-ordinates  are  x — dx  and  y  —  dy,  we  have  j>  —  dy 
=  (x  —  dx)*,  which,  subtracted  from  y  =  x*,  gives  dy 

=  2xdx — (dx)*,  or—-  =%x — dx.     By  similar  reason- 

ing,  if  the  straight  line  PT  be  drawn  in  continuation 
of  PV,  making  with  PN  an  angle,  whose  tangent  is 
2x,  the  chord  PP'  will  continually  approach  to  this 
line,  as  before. 

The  line  TPV  indicates  the  direction  in  which  the 
point  P  is  proceeding,  and  is  called  the  tangent  of  the 
curve  at  the  point  P.  If  the  curve  were  the  interior 
of  a  small  solid  tube,  in  which  an  atom  of  matter  were 
made  to  move,  being  projected  into  it  at  O,  and  if  all 
the  tube  above  P  were  removed,  the  line  PV  is  in  the 
direction  which  the  atom  would  take  on  emerging  at 
P,  and  is  the  line  which  it  would  describe.  The  an- 


gle  which  the  tangent  makes  with  the  axis  of  x  in  any 
curve,  may  be  found  by  giving  x  an  increment,  find 
ing  the  ratio  which  the  corresponding  increment  of  y 
bears  to  that  of  x,  and  determining  the  limit  of  that 
ratio,  or  the  differential  coefficient.  This  limit  is  the 
trigonometrical  tangent*  of  the  angle  which  the  geo 
metrical  tangent  makes  with  the  axis  of  x.  Iiy=(px, 
qjx  is  this  trigonometrical  tangent.  Thus,  if  the  curve 
be  such  that  the  ordinates  are  the  Naperian  loga- 
rithmsf  of  the  abscissae,  or  y  =  logx,  and^-j-^v  = 

log#-|  ---  dx  —  x—  g-dfo8,  etc.,  the  geometrical  tangent 
of  any  point  whose  abscissa  is  x,  makes  with  the  axis 

an  angle  whose  trigonometrical  tangent  is  —  . 


This  problem,  of  drawing  a  tangent  to  any  curve, 
was  one,  the  consideration  of  which  gave  rise  to  the 
methods  of  the  Differential  Calculus. 


As  the  peculiar  language  of  the  theory  of  infinitely 
small  quantities  is  extensively  used,  especially  in 
works  of  natural  philosophy,  it  has  appeared  right  to 
us  to  introduce  it,  in  order  to  show  how  the  terms 
which  are  used  may  be  made  to  refer  to  some  natural 
and  rational  mode  of  explanation.  In  applying  this 
language  to  Fig.  2,  it  would  be  said  that  the  curve 
OP  is  a  polygon  consisting  of  an  infinite  number  of 

*  There  is  some  confusion  between  these  different  uses  of  the  word  tan 
gent.  The  geometrical  tangent  is,  as  already  defined,  the  line  between  which 
and  a  curve  no  straight  line  can  be  drawn  ;  the  trigonometrical  tangent  has 
reference  to  an  angle,  and  is  the  ratio  which,  in  any  right-angled  triangle, 
the  side  opposite  the  angle  bears  to  that  which  is  adjacent. 

t  It  may  be  well  to  notice  that  in  analysis  the  Naperian  logarithms  are 
the  only  ones  used  ;  while  in  practice  the  common,  or  Briggs's-  logarithms, 
are  always  preferred. 


infinitely  small  sides,  each  of  which  produced  is  a 
tangent  to  the  curve ;  also  that  if  MM'  be  taken  in 
finitely  small,  the  chord  and  arc  PP'  coincide  with 
one  of  these  rectilinear  elements ;  and  that  an  infin 
itely  small  arc  coincides  with  its  chord.  All  which 
must  be  interpreted  to  mean  that,  the  chord  and  arc 
being  diminished,  approach  more  and  more  nearly  to 
a  ratio  of  equality  as  to  their  lengths ;  and  also  that 
the  greatest  separation  between  an  arc  and  its  chord 
may  be  made  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of  the  whole 
chord  or  arc,  by  sufficiently  diminishing  the  chord. 

We  shall  proceed  to  a  strict  proof  of  this ;  but  in 
the  meanwhile,  as  a  familiar  illustration,  imagine  a 
small  arc  to  be  cut  off  from  a  curve,  and  its  extremi 
ties  joined  by  a  chord,  thus  forming  an  arch,  of  which 
the  chord  is  the  base.  From  the  middle  point  of  the 
chord,  erect  a  perpendicular  to  it,  meeting  the  arc, 
which  will  thus  represent  the  height  of  the  arch. 
Imagine  this  figure  to  be  magnified,  without  distortion 
or  alteration  of  its  proportions,  so  that  the  larger  fig 
ure  may  be,  as  it  is  expressed,  a  true  picture  of  the 
smaller  one.  However  the  original  arc  may  be  dimin 
ished,  let  the  magnified  base  continue  of  a  given 
length.  This  is  possible,  since  on  any  line  a  figure 
may  be  constructed  similar  to  a  given  figure.  If  the 
original  curve  could  be  such  that  the  height  of  the 
arch  could  never  be  reduced  below  a  certain  part  of 
the  chord,  say  one  thousandth,  the  height  of  the  mag 
nified  arch  could  never  be  reduced  below  one  thou 
sandth  of  the  magnified  chord,  since  the  proportions 
of  the  two  figures  are  the  same.  But  if,  in  the  origi 
nal  curve,  an  arc  can  be  taken  so  small  that  the  height 
of  the  arch  is  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of  the 
chord,  it  will  follow  that  in  the  magnified  figure  where 



the  chord  is  always  of  one  length,  the  height  of  the 
arch  can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please,  seeing  that 
it  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of  a  given 
line.  It  is  possible  in  this  way  to  conceive  a  whole 
curve  so  magnified,  that  a  given  arc,  however  small, 
shall  be  represented  by  an  arc  of  any  given  length, 
however  great ;  and  the  proposition  amounts  to  this, 
that  let  the  dimensions  of  the  magnified  curve  be  any 
given  number  of  times  the  original,  however  great,  an 
arch  can  be  taken  upon  the  original  curve  so  small, 
that  the  height  of  the  corresponding  arch  in  the  mag 
nified  figure  shall  be  as  small  as  we  please. 




Let  PP'  (Fig.  4)  be  a  part  of  a  curve,  whose  equa 
tion  is  y  =  (p(x),  that  is,  PM  may  always  be  found  by 
substituting  the  numerical  value  of  OM  in  a  given 
function  of  x.  Let  OM=x  receive  the  increment 
MM' :=*/#,  which  we  may  afterwards  suppose  as  small 
as  we  please,  but  which,  in  order  to  render  the  figure 
more  distinct,  is  here  considerable.  The  value  of  PM 
or  y  is  <px,  and  that  of  P'M'  or  y  -\- dy  is  cp(x-\-dx). 

Draw  PV,  the  tangent  at  P,  which,  as  has  been 
shown,  makes,  with  PQ,  an  angle,  whose  trigonomet- 


rical  tangent  is  the  limit  of  the  ratio  -^-,  when  x  is  de 
creased,  or  (p'x.      Draw  the  chord  PP',  and  from  any 


point  in  it,  for  example,  its  middle  point/,  draw/?1 
parallel  to  PM,  cutting  the  curve  in  a.     The  value  of 

P'Q,  or  dy,  or  <p(x  -\-dx~)  —  (px  is 

P'Q  =  ft  dx  +  9"x          -  +  <p'"x  +  etc. 

But  <p'x  dx  is  tan  VPQ  .  PQ  =  VQ.  Hence  VQ  is  the 
first  term  of  this  series,  and  P'V  the  aggregate  of  the 
rest.  But  it  has  been  shown  that  dx  can  be  taken  so 
small,  that  any  one  term  of  the  above  series  shall  con 
tain  the  rest,  as  often  as  we  please.  Hence  PQ  can 
be  taken  so  small  that  VQ  shall  contain  VP'  as  often 
as  we  please,  or  the  ratio  of  VQ  to  VP'  shall  be  as 
great  as  we  please.  And  the  ratio  VQ  to  PQ  contin 
ues  finite,  being  always  cp'x  ;  hence  P'V  also  decreases 
without  limit  as  compared  with  PQ. 

Next,  the  chord  PP'  or  V  (dx}*  -f  (dy)*,  or 

is  to  PQ  or  dx  in  the  ratio  of  x|l  +  (-f-\  :  1,    which, 

^  \axj 

as  PQ  is  diminished,  continually  approximates  to  that 
of  1/1  +  (cp'x^  :  1,  which  is  the  ratio  of  PV:  PQ. 
Hence  the  ratio  of  PP':  PV  continually  approaches  to 
unity,  or  PQ  may  be  taken  so  small  that  the  differ 
ence  of  PP'  and  PV  shall  be  as  small  a  part  of  either 
of  them  as  we  please. 

Finally,  the  arc  PPf  is  greater  than  the  chord  PP' 

arr  pp' 
and  less  than  PV  -f  VP'.     Hence  -J:t^±±__.  iies  be- 

PV        VP'  chord  PP 

tween  1   and   pp>  +  pt>T>  ^ne   former  of  which   two 

fractions  can  be  brought  as  near  as  we  please  to  unity, 
and  the  latter  can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please  ;  for 


since  P'V  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  PQ  as  we 
please,  still  more  can  it  be  made  as  small  a  part  as  we 
please  of  PP',  which  is  greater  than  PQ.  Therefore 
the  arc  and  chord  PP'  may  be  made  to  have  a  ratio  as 
nearly  equal  to  unity  as  we  please.  And  because /# 
is  less  than  pv,  and  therefore  less  than  P'V,  it  follows 
that  pa  may  be  made  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of 
PQ,  and  still  more  of  PP'. 

In  these  propositions  is  contained  the  rational  ex 
planation  of  the  proposition  of  Leibnitz,  that  "an  in 
finitely  small  arc  is  equal  to,  and  coincides  with,  its 


Let  there  be  any  number  of  series,  arranged  in 
powers  of  h,  so  that  the  lowest  power  is  first ;  let 
them  contain  none  but  whole  powers,  and  let  them  all 
be  such,  that  each  will  be  convergent,  on  giving  to  h 
a  sufficiently  small  value  :  as  follows, 

Gfc»+    D>*4  +    E/^-f-etc.  (1) 

C'/&8+   D'^4+   EW  +  etc.  (2) 


etc.  (4) 

etc.  etc. 

As  h  is  diminished,  all  these  expressions  decrease 
without  limit ;  but  the  first  increases  with  respect  to 
the  second,  that  is,  contains  it  more  times  after  a  de 
crease  of  h,  than  it  did  before.  For  the  ratio  of  (1) 
to  (2)  is  that  of  A  +  'Bh  -f  C#*  -f  etc.  to  B'^-f-C'/*2 
-}-etc.,  the  ratio  of  the  two  not  being  changed  by  di 
viding  both  by  h.  The  first  term  of  the  latter  ratio 
approximates  continually  to  A,  as  h  is  diminished, 
and  the  second  can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please, 
and  therefore  can  be  contained  in  the  first  as  often  as 


we  please.  Hence  the  ratio  (1)  to  (2)  can  be  made 
as  great  as  we  please.  By  similar  reasoning,  the  ratio 
(2)  to  (3),  of  (3)  to  (4),  etc.,  can  be  made  as  great  as 
we  please.  We  have,  then,  a  series  of  quantities, 
each  of  which,  by  making  h  sufficiently  small,  can  be 
made  as  small  as  we  please.  Nevertheless  this  de 
crease  increases  the  ratio  of  the  first  to  the  second,  of 
the  second  to  the  third,  and  so  on,  and  the  increase  is 
without  limit. 

Again,  if  we  take  (1)  and  h,  the  ratio  of  (1)  to  h  is 
that  of  A  -f  Bh  -f  Ctf  -f  etc.  to  1,  which,  by  a  suffi 
cient  decrease  of  h,  may  be  brought  as  near  as  we 
please  to  that  of  A  to  1.  But  if  we  take  (1)  and  h*, 
the  ratio  of  (1)  to  h*  is  that  of  A  -f-  Bh  -f  etc.  to  h, 
which,  by  previous  reasoning,  may  be  increased  with 
out  limit ;  and  the  same  for  any  higher  power  of  h. 
Hence  (1)  is  said  to  be  comparable  to  the  first  power 
of  h,  or  of  the  first  order,  since  this  is  the  only  power 
of  h  whose  ratio  to  (1)  tends  towards  a  finite  limit. 
By  the  same  reasoning,  the  ratio  of -(2)  to  h*,  which  is 
that  of  B'  -f  C'h  -f  etc.  to  1,  continually  approaches 
that  of  B'  to  1  ;  but  the  ratio  (2)  to  h,  which  is  that 
of  B'/£  -j-  C7/8  -f-  etc.  to  1,  diminishes  without  limit,  as 
h  is  decreased,  while  the  ratio  of  (2)  to  h9,  or  of  B'  -J- 
C'^-|-etc.  to  h,  increases  without  limit.  Hence  (2)  is 
said  to  be  comparable  to  the  second  power  of  h,  or  of 
the  second  order,  since  this  is  the  only  power  of  h  whose 
ratio  to  (2)  tends  towards  a  finite  limit.  In  the  lan 
guage  of  Leibnitz,  if  h  be  an  infinitely  small  quan 
tity,  (1)  is  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the  first  or 
der,  (2)  is  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the  second 
order,  and  so  on. 

We  may  also  add  that  the  ratio  of  two  series  of 
the  same  order  continually  approximates  to  the  ratio 


of  their  lowest  terms.  For  example,  the  ratio  of  Ah* 
-f  B/i*  -f  etc.  to  A'/fc8  +  B'/;4  -f  etc.  is  that  of  A  +  B^ 
-fete,  to  A'  -j-  ~B'h  -\-  etc.  ,  which,  as  h  is  diminished, 
continually  approximates  to  the  ratio  of  A  to  A',  which 
is  also  that  of  A/i3  to  A'/$8,  or  the  ratio  of  the  lowest 
terms.  In  Fig.  4,  PQ  or  dx  being  put  in  place  of  h, 

QP',  or   q/xdx  +  q/'x-,   etc.,  is  of  the  first  or- 


der,   as  are  PV,   and  the  chord  PP';  while  P'V,   or 

<p"x  -^-—  —  f-  etc.,  is  of  the  second  order. 

The  converse  proposition  is  readily  shown,  that  if 
the  ratio  of  two  series  arranged  in  powers  of  h  con 
tinually  approaches  to  some  finite  limit  as  h  is  dimin 
ished,  the  two  series  are  of  the  same  order,  or  the  ex 
ponent  of  the  lowest  power  of  h  is  the  same  in  both. 
Let  Aha  and  B>6*  be  the  lowest  powers  of  h,  whose  ra 
tio,  as  has  just  been  shown,  continually  approximates 
to  the  actual  ratio  of  the  two  series,  as  h  is  diminished. 
The  hypothesis  is  that  the  ratio  of  the  two  series,  and 
therefore  that  of  Ah"  to  B#>,  has  a  finite  limit.  This 
cannot  be  if  a  >  b,  for  then  the  ratio  of  Ah"  to  B^*  is 
that  of  Aha~h  to  B,  which  diminishes  without  limit  ; 
neither  can  it  be  when  a  <  b,  for  then  the  same  ratio 
is  that  of  A  to  ~Bh6~a,  which  increases  without  limit  ; 
hence  a  must  be  equal  to  b. 

We  leave  it  to  the  student  to  prove  strictly  a  prop 
osition  assumed  in  the  preceding;  viz.,  that  if  the 
ratio  of  P  to  Q  has  unity  for  its  limit,  when  h  is  di 
minished,  the  limiting  ratio  of  P  to  R  will  be  the  same 
as  the  limiting  ratio  of  Q  to  R.  We  proceed  further 
to  illustrate  the  Differential  Calculus  as  applied  to 




Let  OC  and  OD  (Fig.  5)  be  two  axes  at  right  an 
gles  to  one  another,  and  let  a  line  AB  of  given  length 
be  placed  with  one  extremity  in  each  axis.  Let  this 
line  move  from  its  first  position  into  that  of  A'B'  on 
one  side,  and  afterwards  into  that  of  A"B"  on  the 
other  side,  always  preserving  its  first  length.  The 
motion  of  a  ladder,  one  end  of  which  is  against  a  wall, 
and  the  other  on  the  ground,  is  an  instance. 

Let  A'B'  and  A"B"  intersect  AB  in  P'  and  P".  If 
A"B"  were  gradually  moved  from  its  present  position 
into  that  of  A'B',  the  point  P"  would  also  move  grad- 


0  A' A    A         0 

ually  from  its  present  position  into  that  of  P',  passing, 
in  its  course,  through  every  point  in  the  line  P'P". 
But  here  it  is  necessary  to  remark  that  AB  is  itself 
one  of  the  positions  intermediate  between  A'  B'  and 
A"  B",  and  when  two  lines  are,  by  the  motion  of  one 
of  them,  brought  into  one  and  the  same  straight  line, 
they  intersect  one  another  (if  this  phrase  can  be  here 
applied  at  all)  in  every  point,  and  all  idea  of  one  dis 
tinct  point  of  intersection  is  lost.  Nevertheless  P" 
describes  one  part  of  P"P'  before  A"  B"  has  come  into 
the  position  AB,  and  the  rest  afterwards,  when  it  is 
between  AB  and  A'  B'. 


Let  P  be  the  point  of  separation  ;  then  every  point 
of  P'P",  except  P,  is  a  real  point  of  intersection  of 
AB,  with  one  of  the  positions  of  A"B",  and  when 
A"  B"  has  moved  very  near  to  AB,  the  point  P"  will 
be  very  near  to  P  ;  and  there  is  no  point  so  near  to  P, 
that  it  may  not  be  made  the  intersection  of  A"  B"  and 
AB,  by  bringing  the  former  sufficiently  near  to  the 
latter.  This  point  P  is,  therefore,  the  limit  of  the  in 
tersections  of  A"  B"  and  AB,  and  cannot  be  found  by 
the  ordinary  application  of  algebra  to  geometry,  but 
may  be  made  the  subject  of  an  inquiry  similar  to  those 

A"  A    A.         G 

which  have  hitherto  occupied  us,   in  the  following 
manner : 

LetOA  =  rf,  OB=l>,  AB  =  A'B'  =  A"B"  =  /.  Let 
AA'  =  <fo,  BB'=<#,  whence  OA'  = 
—  db.  We  have  then  <*2-{-£2  =  /2,  and 
(b  —  d#)2  =  /2;  subtracting  the  former  of  which  from 
the  development  of  the  latter,  we  have 

2a  da  +  (dd?  —  2bdb  +  (dtf  =  0 
20 -f  da 

°r  da        Zb  — 


As  A'B'  moves  towards  AB,  da  and  db  are  diminished 
without  limit,  a  and  b  remaining  the  same ;  hence  the 

db  .    2a        a 
limit  of  the  ratio  —  is  ^  or  — . 

da       Zb        b 


Let  the  co-ordinates*  of  P  be  OW  =  x  and  M'P, 
•=y.  Then  (page  32)  the  co-ordinates  of  any  point  in 
AB  have  the  equation 

ay-\-bx  =  ab  (2) 

The  point  P'  is  in  this  line,  and  also  in  the  one  which 
cuts  off  a-}-  da  and  b  —  db  from  the  axes,  whence 

(a+da)y+(t  —  db)x  =  (a  +  da)  (b  —  dt>)  (3) 
subtract  (2)  from  (3)  after  developing  the  latter,  which 

yda  —  xdb  =  bda  —  adb  —  dadb  (4) 

If  we  now  suppose  A'  B'  to  move  towards  AB,  equa 
tion  (4)  gives  no  result,  since  each  of  its  terms  dimin 
ishes  without  limit.  If,  however,  we  divide  (4)  by  da, 

and  substitute  in  the  result  the  value  of  -^  obtained 


from  (1)  we  have 

2a  +  da  2a-\-da 

y-*  v±y-  =*—  ^g±a  -*      (&) 

From  this  and  (2)  we  might  deduce  the  values  of  y 
and  x,  for  the  point  P',  as  the  figure  actually  stands. 
Then  by  diminishing  db  and  da  without  limit,  and 
observing  the  limit  towards  which  x  and  y  tend,  we 
might  deduce  the  co-ordinates  of  P,  the  limit  of  the 

The  same  result  may  be  more  simply  obtained,  by 
diminishing  da  and  db  in  equation  (5),  before  obtain 
ing  the  values  of  y  and  x.  This  gives 

y  —  -r  oc=.b  —  —  or  by  —  ax  —  fl  —  a9  (6) 
From  (6)  and  (2)  we  find  (Fig.  6) 

*The  lines  OM'  and  M'P'  are  omitted,  to  avoid  crowding  the  figure. 


This  limit  of  the  intersections  is  different  for  every 
different  position  of  the  line  AB,  but  may  be  deter 
mined,  in  every  case,  by  the  following  simple  con 

Since   (Fig.    6)    BP  :  PN,    or  OM  :  :  BA  :  AO,   we 

1-  -Dr,  rMV/T  ,  .         ., 

have    BP  =  OM  -r-^-  =  —  —  —  —;    and,    similarly, 
12  AU          l£  a          I 

PA=— .     Let  OQ  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  BA; 

then  since  OA  is  a  mean  proportional  between  AQ 

02  #* 

and  AB,  we  have  AQ=—,  and  similarly  BQ=  — . 

Hence  BP  =  AQ  and  AP  =  BQ,  or  the  point  P  is 
as  far  from  either  extremity  of  AB  as  Q  is  from  the 

O     M 


We  proceed  to  solve  the  same  problem,  using  the 
principles  of  Leibnitz,  that  is,  supposing  magnitudes 
can  be  taken  so  small,  that  those  proportions  may  be 
regarded  as  absolutely  correct,  which  are  not  so  in 
reality,  but  which  only  approach  more  nearly  to  the 
truth,  the  smaller  the  magnitudes  are  taken.  The  in 
accuracy  of  this  supposition  has  been  already  pointed 
out ;  yet  it  must  be  confessed  that  this  once  got  over, 



the  results  are  deduced  with  a  degree  of  simplicity 
and  consequent  clearness,  not  to  be  found  in  any  other 
method.  The  following  cannot  be  regarded  as  a  dem 
onstration,  except  by  a  mind  so  accustomed  to  the 
subject  that  it  can  readily  convert  the  various  inaccu 
racies  into  their  corresponding  truths,  and  see,  at  one 
glance,  how  far  any  proposition  will  affect  the  final 
result.  The  beginner  will  be  struck  with  the  extra 
ordinary  assertions  which  follow,  given  in  their  most 
naked  form,  without  any  attempt  at  a  less  startling 
mode  of  expression. 



Pig.  7 

Let  A'B'  (Fig.  7)  be  a  position  of  AB  infinitely 
near  to  it ;  that  is,  let  A'PA  be  an  infinitely  small 
angle.  With  the  centre  P,  and  the  radii  PA'  and  PB, 
describe  the  infinitely  small  arcs  A'a,  Bfr.  An  infin 
itely  small  arc  of  a  circle  is  a  straight  line  perpendic 
ular  to  its  radius ;  hence  A'aA  and  B£B'  are  right- 
angled  triangles,  the  first  similar  to  BOA,  the  two 
having  the  angle  A  in  common,  and  the  second  simi 
lar  to  B'OA'.  Again,  since  the  angles  of  BOA,  which 
are  finite,  only  differ  from  those  of  B'OA'  by  the  infin 
itely  small  angle  A'PA,  they  may  be  regarded  as 


equal;  whence  A' a  A  and  B'£B  are  similar  to  BOA, 
and  to  one  another.  Also  P  is  the  point  of  which  we 
are  in  search,  or  infinitely  near  to  it ;  and  since  BA  = 
B'A',  of  which  BP  =  t>P  and  aP  =  A'P,  the  remain 
ders  ~B'b  and  Aa  are  equal.  Moreover,  B£  and  A'a 
being  arcs  of  circles  subtending  equal  angles,  are  in 
the  proportion  of  the  radii  BP  and  PA'. 

Hence  we  have  the  following  proportions : 

Aa  :  A'a  :  :  OA  :  OB  :  :  a  :  b 
B£  :  B'J  :  :  OA  :  OB  :  :  a  :  b. 

The  composition  of  which  gives,  since  A#  =  B'£: 

B£   :  A'a  : :  a9  :  P. 

Also  B£   :  A'a  : :  BP        :  Pa, 

whence  BP  :  Pa    :  :  a?  :  t>*, 

and  BP  +  Pa  :  Pa    ::a*  +  P  :  P. 

But  Pa  only  differs  from  PA  by  the  infinitely  small 
quantity  Aa,  and  BP-j-PA  =  /,  and  02-f-£z  =  /2; 

/:PA::/2:^,     or  PA=  ~, 

which  is  the  result  already  obtained. 

In  this  reasoning  we  observe  four  independent 
errors,  from  which  others  follow :  (1)  that  B£  and  A'a 
are  straight  lines  at  right-angles  to  Pa-}  (2)  that  BOA 
B'OA'  are  similar  triangles ;  (3)  that  P  is  really  the 
point  of  which  we  are  in  search ;  (4)  that  PA  and  Pa 
are  equal.  But  at  the  same  time  we  observe  that 
every  one  of  these  assumptions  approaches  the  truth, 
as  we  diminish  the  angle  A'PA,  so  that  there  is  no 
magnitude,  line  or  angle,  so  small  that  the  linear  or 
angular  errors,  arising  from  the  above-mentioned  sup 
positions,  may  not  be  made  smaller. 

We  now  proceed  to  put  the  same  demonstration 


in  a  stricter  form,  so  as  to  neglect  no  quantity  during 
the  process.  This  should  always  be  done  by  the  be 
ginner,  until  he  is  so  far  master  of  the  subject  as  to  be 
able  to  annex  to  the  inaccurate  terms  the  ideas  neces 
sary  for  their  rational  explanation.  To  the  former  fig 
ure  add  Bj3  and  Aa,  the  real  perpendiculars,  with 
which  the  arcs  have  been  confounded.  Let  /  A'PA  = 
d6,  PA=/,  Aa  =  dp,  BP  =  ^  B'l>  =  dq;  and 
OB=fi,  and  AB  =  /.  Then*  A'a  =  (p 
qdO,  and  the  triangles  A'Aor  and  B'Bfi  are  similar  to 


Fig.  7 

O  JL  A 

BOA  and  B'OA'.  The  perpendiculars  A'a  and  B/? 
are  equal  to  PA'  sin  dO  and  PBs'mdff,  or  (/  —  dp) 
sin  dO  and  q  sin  dO.  Let  aa  =  fA  and  tfi  =  r.  These 
(p.  9)  will  diminish  without  limit  as  compared  with 
A' or  and  B/3  •  and  since  the  ratios  of  A' ex  to  a  A  and  B/3 
to  /?B'  continue  finite  (these  being  sides  of  triangles 
similar  to  AOB  and  A'OB'),  aa  and  bft  will  diminish 
indefinitely  with  respect  to  aA  and  /?B'.  Hence  the 
ratio  Aa  to  fiB'  or  dp  -\-  p  to  dq-\-v  will  continually 
approximate  to  that  of  dp  to  dq,  or  a  ratio  of  equality. 

*For  the  unit  employed  in  measuring  an  angle,  see  Study  of  Mathtmatics 
(Chicago,  1898),  pages  273-277. 


The  exact  proportions,  to  which  those  in  the  last 
page  are  approximations,  are  as  follows  : 
<#  +  /"  (p  —  dp)smdd::a  :  b, 

gs'mdd:         dq-\-v         \\a  —  da\b  +  db\ 
by  composition   of  which,   recollecting    that  dp  =  dq 
(which  is  rigorously  true)  and  dividing  the  two  first 
terms  of  the  resulting  proportion  by  dp,  we  have 

If  </0  be  diminished  without  limit,  the  quantities 

</0,  </£,   and  dp,   and   also    the   ratios  -~-  and  —     as 

dp  dp 

above-mentioned,  are  diminished  without  limit,  so 
that  the  limit  of  the  proportion  just  obtained,  or  the 
proportion  which  gives  the  limits  of  the  lines  into 
which  P  divides  AB,  is 

q-p-.a*  :P, 

hence  q+p  =  Z-.p  ::  a«  +  £»  =  /»  :  03, 

the  same  as  before. 


We  proceed  to  apply  the  preceding  principles  to 
dynamics,  or  the  theory  of  motion. 

Suppose  a  point  moving  along  a  straight  line  uni 
formly  ;  that  is,  if  the  whole  length  described  be  di 
vided  into  any  number  of  equal  parts,  however  great, 
each  of  those  parts  is  described  in  the  same  time. 
Thus,  whatever  length  is  described  in  the  first  second 
of  time,  or  in  any  part  of  the  first  second,  the  same 
is  described  in  any  other  second,  or  in  the  same  part 
of  any  other  second.  The  number  of  units  of  length 
described  in  a  unit  of  time  is  called  the  velocity  \  thus 
a  velocity  of  3-01  feet  in  a  second  means  that  the 


point  describes  three  feet  and  one  hundredth  in  each 
second,  and  a  proportional  part  of  the  same  in  any 
part  of  a  second.  Hence,  if  v  be  the  velocity,  and 
t  the  units  of  time  elapsed  from  the  beginning  of  the 
motion,  vt  is  the  length  described  ;  and  if  any  length 
described  be  known,  the  velocity  can  be  determined 
by  dividing  that  length  by  the  time  of  describing  it. 
Thus,  a  point  which  moves  uniformly  through  3  feet 
in  \\  second,  moves  with  a  velocity  of  3-j-lJ,  or  2 
feet  per  second. 

Let  the  point  not  move  uniformly ;  that  is,  let  dif 
ferent  parts  of  the  line,  having  the  same  length,  be 
described  in  different  times ;  at  the  same  time  let  the 
motion  be  continuous,  that  is,  not  suddenly  increased 
or  decreased,  as  it  would  be  if  the  point  were  com 
posed  of  some  hard  matter,  and  received  a  blow  while 
it  was  moving.  This  will  be  the  case  if  its  motion  be 
represented  by  some  algebraical  function  of  the  time, 
or  if,  /  being  the  number  of  units  of  time  during  which 
the  point  has  moved,  the  number  of  units  of  length 
described  can  be  represented  by  cpt.  This,  for  ex 
ample,  we  will  suppose  to  be  /-j-  /2,  the  unit  of  time 
being  one  second,  and  the  unit  of  length  one  inch ; 
so  that  £  -f  J,  or  |  of  an  inch,  is  described  in  the  first 
half  second  ;  1  -j-  1,  or  two  inches,  in  the  first  second  ; 
2  -f-  4,  or  six  inches,  in  the  first  two  seconds,  and  so  on. 

Here  we  have  no  longer  an  evident  measure  of  the 
velocity  of  the  point ;  we  can  only  say  that  it  obvi 
ously  increases  from  the  beginning  of  the  motion  to 
the  end,  and  is  different  at  every  two  different  points. 
Let  the  time  /  elapse,  during  which  the  point  will  de 
scribe  the  distance  /-f  fl ',  let  a  further  time  dt  elapse, 
during  which  the  point  will  increase  its  distance  to 
/  -\-  dt  -|-  (t  -f  <#)2,  which,  diminished  by  /-}-/*,  gives 


dt+2tdt-\-(dff*  for  the  length  described  during  the 
increment  of  time  dt.  This  varies  with  the  value  of 
/  ;  thus,  in  the  interval  dt  after  the  first  second,  the 
length  described  is  3*#  -}-  dfl ;  after  the  second  second, 
it  is  5dfr-j-(V/)2,  and  so  on.  Nor  can  we,  as  in  the 
case  of  uniform  motion,  divide  the  length  described 
by  the  time,  and  call  the  result  the  velocity  with  which 
that  length  is  described  ;  for  no  length,  however  small, 
is  here  uniformly  described.  If  we  were  to  divide  a 
length  by  the  time  in  which  it  is  described,  and  also 
its  first  and  second  halves  by  the  times  in  which  they 
are  respectively  described,  the  three  results  would  be 
all  different  from  one  another. 

Here  a  difficulty  arises,  similar  to  that  already  no 
ticed,  when  a  point  moves  along  a  curve  ;  in  which, 
as  we  have  seen,  it  is  improper  to  say  that  it  is  mov 
ing  in  any  one  direction  through  an  arc,  however 
small.  Nevertheless  a  straight  line  was  found  at  every 
point,  which  did,  more  nearly  than  any  other  straight 
line,  represent  the  direction  of  the  motion.  So,  in 
this  case,  though  it  is  incorrect  to  say  that  there  is 
any  uniform  velocity  with  which  the  point  continues 
to  move  for  any  portion  of  time,  however  small,  we 
can,  at  the  end  of  every  time,  assign  a  uniform  ve 
locity,  which  shall  represent,  more  nearly  than  any 
other,  the  rate  at  which  the  point  is  moving.  If  we 
say  that,  at  the  end  of  the  time  /,  the  point  is  moving 
with  a  velocity  v,  we  must  not  now  say  that  the  length 
vdt  is  described  in  the  succeeding  interval  of  time  dt ; 
but  we  mean  that  dt  may  be  taken  so  small,  that  vdt 
shall  bear  to  the  distance  actually  described  a  ratio  as 
near  to  equality  as  we  please. 

Let  the  point  have  moved  during  the  time  /,  after 
which  let  successive  intervals  of  time  elapse,  each 


equal  to  dt.  At  the  end  of  the  times,  t,  t-\-dt,  t+Zdt, 
t-\-*&dt,  etc.,  the  whole  lengths  described  will  be  t-\-P, 
t  -f-  dt  -f  (/  -f  <//)2,  t  +  2dt  -f  (/  -j-  2<//)2,  /  +  3<#  + 
(V-f  3rt7)2,  etc.;  the  differences  of  which,  or  dt -\-2tdt 
+  (X/)2,  ///  +  2^/-f3(^/)2,  *//+2/<#+ 5  (<//)*,  etc., 
are  the  lengths  described  in  the  first,  second,  third, 
etc.,  intervals  dt.  These  are  not  equal  to  one  another, 
as  would  be  the  case  if  the  velocity  were  uniform  ;  but 
by  making  dt  sufficiently  small,  their  ratio  may  be 
brought  as  near  to  equality  as  we  please,  since  the 
terms  O//)2,  3(/#)a,  etc.,  by  which  they  all  differ  from 
the  common  part  (1  -|-  2/)  dt,  may  be  made  as  small  as 
we  please,  in  comparison  of  this  common  part.  If  we 
divide  the  above-mentioned  lengths  by  dt,  which  does 
not  alter  their  ratio,  they  become  \-\-Zt-\-dt,  1-f  2/ 
-(-  3///,  1  -}-  2/  -{-  5rt#,  etc.,  which  may  be  brought  as 
near  as  we  please  to  equality,  by  sufficient  diminution 
of  dt.  Hence  1  -f-  2/  is  said  to  be  the  velocity  of  the 
point  after  the  time  /;  and  if  we  take  a  succession  of 
equal  intervals  of  time,  each  equal  to  dty  and  suffi 
ciently  small,  the  lengths  described  in  those  intervals 
will  bear  to  (1  -f  2/)  dt,  the  length  which  would  be  de 
scribed  in  the  same  interval  with  the  uniform  velocity 
1  -f-  2/,  a  ratio  as  near  to  equality  as  we  please.  And 
observe,  that  if  cpt  is  /-f-  /2,  q!t  is  1  -f  2/,  or  the  coeffi 
cient  of  h  in  (/  -j-  h]  -f  (/  -f  /%)». 

In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown,  that  if  the  point 
moves  so  that  cpt  always  represents  the  length  de 
scribed  in  the  time  /,  the  differential  coefficient  of  cpt 
or  cp't,  is  the  velocity  with  which  the  point  is  moving 
at  the  end  of  the  time  /.  For  the  time  /  having  elapsed, 
the  whole  lengths  described  at  the  end  of  the  times  / 
and  t-\-  dt  are  cpt  and  cp  (/  -j-  dt)  ;  whence  the  length 
described  during  the  time  dt  is 


cp  (t  4-  df)  —  q>t,  or  cp't  dt  4-  cp"t        -  4-  etc. 

Similarly,  the  length  described  in  the  next  interval 
dt  is 


<pt  4-  cpt  2dt  4-  cp  t         J    4-  etc. 


—  (^>/ -f-  ^>'^ dt  4-  9>'V  5i-—£ — f-  etc.), 

which  is 

cp' t  dt -\-^cp"  t — —  4~  etc. ; 

the  length  described  in  the  third  interval  dt  is 
4-  etc.,  etc. 


Now,  it  has  been  shown  for  each  of  these,  that  the 
first  term  can  be  made  to  contain  the  aggregate  of  all 
the  rest  as  often  as  we  please,  by  making  dt  sufficiently 
small;  this  first  term  is  cp'tdt  in  all,  or  the  length 
which  would  be  described  in  the  time  dt  by  the  velo 
city  cp't  continued  uniformly :  it  is  possible,  therefore, 
to  take  dt  so  small,  that  the  lengths  actually  described 
in  a  succession  of  intervals  equal  to  dt,  shall  be  as 
nearly  as  we  please  in  a  ratio  of  equality  with  those 
described  in  the  same  intervals  of  time  by  the  velocity 
cp't.  For  example,  it  is  observed  in  bodies  which  fall 
to  the  earth  from  a  height  above  it,  when  the  resist 
ance  of  the  air  is  removed,  that  if  the  time  be  taken 
in  seconds,  and  the  distance  in  feet,  the  number  of 
feet  fallen  through  in  /  seconds  is  always  at*,  where 
a  =  16^  very  nearly  ;  what  is  the  velocity  of  a  body 
which  has  fallen  in  vacuo  for  four  seconds?  Here  cpt 
being  at*,  we  find,  by  substituting  t -\- h,  or  t-\-dt,  in 
stead  of  t,  that  cp't  is  2at,  or  2  X  16yVX  * ',  which,  at 


the  end  of  four  seconds,  is  32£  X  4,  or  128|  feet.  That 
is,  at  the  end  of  four  seconds  a  falling  body  moves  at 
the  rate  of  128J  feet  per  second.  By  which  we  do 
not  mean  that  it  continues  to  move  with  this  velocity 
for  any  appreciable  time,  since  the  rate  is  always 
varying  ;  but  that  the  length  described  in  the  interval 
dt  after  the  fourth  second,  may  be  made  as  nearly  as 
we  please  in  a  ratio  of  equality  with  128f  X<#,  by 
taking  dt  sufficiently  small.  This  velocity  Zat  is  said 
to  be  uniformly  accelerated  ;  since  in  each  second  the 
same  velocity  2a  is  gained.  And  since,  when  x  is  the 

space  described,  cp't  is  the  limit  of  — ,  the  velocity  is 

also  this  limit ;  that  is,  when  a  point  does  not  move 
uniformly,  the  velocity  is  not  represented  by  any  in 
crement  of  length  divided  by  its  increment  of  time, 
but  by  the  limit  to  which  that  ratio  continually  tends, 
as  the  increment  of  time  is  diminished. 


We  now  propose  the  following  problem  :  A  point 
moves  uniformly  round  a  circle  ;  with  what  velocities 
do  the  abscissa  and  ordinate  increase  or  decrease,  at 
any  given  point?  (Fig.  8.) 

Let  the  point  P,  setting  out  from  A,  describe  the 
arc  AP,  etc.,  with  the  uniform  velocity  of  a  inches 
per  second.  Let 

From  the  first  principles  of  trigonometry 

x  =  rcosO 
x  —  dx  =  r  cos  (0  -f-  dO)  =  r  cos  0  cos  d&  —  r  sin  0  sin  dO 


Subtracting  the  second  from  the  first,  and  the  third 
from  the  fourth,  we  have 

dx  — r  sin  0  sin  dO -\-rcos  0(1 —  cos  dO)  (1) 

dy  =  rcosOsindO-}-rsinO(l — cos</0)  (2) 

But  if  dO  be  taken  sufficiently  small,  sindO,  and  dO, 
may  be  made  as  nearly  in  a  ratio  of  equality  as  we 
please,  and  1  —  cos  dO  may  be  made  as  small  a  part 
as  we  please,  either  of  dO  or  sin  dO.  These  follow  from 
Fig.  1,  in  which  it  was  shown  that  BM  and  the  arc 
BA,  or  (if  OA  =  r  and  AOB=dO),  r  sindO  and  rdO, 
may  be  brought  as  near  to  a  ratio  of  equality  as  we 

Fig.  8 

O  Mx   M         A 

please,  which  is  therefore  true  of  sin  dO  and  dO.  Again, 
it  was  shown  that  AM,  or  r  —  rcosdO,  can  be  made 
as  small  a  part  as  we  please,  either  of  BM  or  the  arc 
BA,  that  is,  either  of  r  s'mdO,  or  rdQ\  the  same  is 
therefore  true  of  1  —  cosdO,  and  either  sindO  or  dO. 
Hence,  if  we  write  equations  (1)  and  (2)  thus, 

dx  =  rsinOdO  (1)  dy  =  r  cosOdO  (2), 

we  have  equations,  which,  though  never  exactly  true, 
are  such  that  by  making  dO  sufficiently  small,  the 
errors  may  be  made  as  small  parts  of  dO  as  we  please. 
Again,  since  the  arc  AP  is  uniformly  described,  so 
also  is  the  angle  POA ;  and  since  an  arc  a  is  described 


in  one  second,  the  angle  —  is  described   in  the  same 

time;  this  is,  therefore,  the  angular  velocity.*     If  we 
divide  equations  (1)  and  (2)  by  dt,  we  have 

dx  „  dB  dy  A  dB 

these  become  more  nearly  true  as  dt  and  dB  are  dimin- 


ished,  so  that  if  for  —  ,  etc.,  the  limits  of  these  ratios 

be  substituted,  the  equations  will  become  rigorously 
true.  But  these  limits  are  the  velocities  of  x,  y,  and 

B,  the  last  of  which  is  also  —  ;  hence 

velocity  of  x  =  r  sin0  X  —  =a  sin0, 

velocity  of  y=r  cos  6  X  —  =a  cos0; 

that  is,  the  point  M  moves  towards  O  with  a  variable 
velocity,  which  is  always  such  a  part  of  the  velocity 
of  P,  as  sin0  is  of  unity,  or  as  PM  is  of  OB  ;  and  the 
distance  PM  increases,  or  the  point  N  moves  from  O, 
with  a  velocity  which  is  such  a  part  of  the  velocity  of 
P  as  cos0  is  of  unity,  or  as  OM  is  of  OA.  [The  mo 
tion  of  the  point  M  or  the  point  N  is  called  in  physics 
a  simple  harmonic  motion.'] 

In  the  language  of  Leibnitz,  the  results  of  the  two 
foregoing  sections  would  be  expressed  thus  :  If  a 
point  move,  but  not  uniformly,  it  may  still  be  con 
sidered  as  moving  uniformly  for  any  infinitely  small 

*The  same  considerations  of  velocity  which  have  been  applied  to  the 
motion  of  a  point  along  a  line  may  also  be  applied  to  the  motion  of  a  line 
round  a  point.  If  the  angle  so  described  be  always  increased  by  equal  angles 
in  equal  portions  of  time,  the  angular  velocity  is  said  to  be  uniform,  and  is 
measured  by  the  number  of  angular  units  described  in  a  unit  of  time.  By 
similar  reasoning  to  that  already  described,  if  the  velocity  with  which  the 
angle  increases  be  not  uniform,  so  that  at  the  end  of  the  time  t  the  angle  de 
scribed  is  0  =  $tt  the  angular  velocity  is  <£7,  or  the  limit  of  the  ratio  -j-  . 


time  ;  and  the  velocity  with  which  it  moves  is  the  in 
finitely  small  space  thus  described,  divided  by  the  in 
finitely  small  time. 


The  foregoing  process  contains  the  method  em 
ployed  by  Newton,  known  by  the  name  of  the  Method 
of  Fluxions.  If  we  suppose  y  to  be  any  function  of  x, 
and  that  x  increases  with  a  given  velocity,  y  will  also 
increase  or  decrease  with  a  velocity  depending  :  (1) 
upon  the  velocity  of  x  ;  (2)  upon  the  function  which 
y  is  of  x.  These  velocities  Newton  called  the  fluxions 
of  y  and  x,  and  denoted  them  by  y  and  x.  Thus,  if 
y  =  x2,  and  if  in  the  interval  of  time  dt,  x  becomes 
x  -\-  dx,  and  y  becomes  y  -f  dy,  we  have  y-{-dy  = 

and  dy  =  2x  dx  +  (dx}*,  or         =  2x  ~ 

-—  dx.  If  we  diminish  dt,  the  term  —  dx  will  dimin- 
at  at 

ish  without  limit,  since  one  factor  continually  ap 
proaches  to  a  given  quantity,  viz.,  the  velocity  of  x, 
and  the  other  diminishes  without  limit.  Hence  we 
obtain  the  velocity  of  y  =  2x  X  the  velocity  of  x,  or 
y  =  2x  x,  which  is  used  in  the  method  of  fluxions  in 
stead  of  dy  =  2x  dx  considered  in  the  manner  already 
described.  The  processes  are  the  same  in  both  meth 
ods,  since  the  ratio  of  the  velocities  is  the  limiting 
ratio  of  the  corresponding  increments,  or,  according 
to  Leibnitz,  the  ratio  of  the  infinitely  small  incre 
ments.  We  shall  hereafter  notice  the  common  objec 
tion  to  the  Method  of  Fluxions. 


When  the  velocity  of  a  material  point  is  suddenly 
increased,  an  impulse  is  said  to  be  given  to  it,  and  the 


magnitude  of  the  impulse  or  impulsive  force  is  in  pro 
portion  to  the  velocity  created  by  it.  Thus,  an  im 
pulse  which  changes  the  velocity  from  50  to  70  feet 
per  second,  is  twice  as  great  as  one  which  changes  it 
from  50  to  60  feet.  When  the  velocity  of  the  point  is 
altered,  not  suddenly  but  continuously,  so  that  before 
the  velocity  can  change  from  50  to  70  feet,  it  goes 
through  all  possible  intermediate  velocities,  the  point 
is  said  to  be  acted  on  by  an  accelerating  force.  Force 
is  a  name  given  to  that  which  causes  a  change  in  the 
velocity  of  a  body.  It  is  said  to  act  uniformly,  when 
the  velocity  acquired  by  the  point  in  any  one  interval 
of  time  is  the  same  as  that  acquired  in  any  other  in 
terval  of  equal  duration.  It  is  plain  that  we  cannot, 
by  supposing  any  succession  of  impulses,  however 
small,  and  however  quickly  repeated,  arrive  at  a  uni 
formly  accelerated  motion ;  because  the  length  de 
scribed  between  any  two  impulses  will  be  uniformly 
described,  which  is  inconsistent  with  the  idea  of  con 
tinually  accelerated  velocity.  Nevertheless,  by  di 
minishing  the  magnitude  of  the  impulses,  and  increas 
ing  their  number,  we  may  come  as  near  as  we  please 
to  such  a  continued  motion,  in  the  same  way  as,  by 
diminishing  the  magnitudes  of  the  sides  of  a  polygon, 
and  increasing  their  number,  we  may  approximate  as 
near  as  we  please  to  a  continous  curve. 

Let  a  point,  setting  out  from  a  state  of  rest,  in 
crease  its  velocity  uniformly,  so  that  in  the  time  /,  it 
may  acquire  the  velocity  v — what  length  will  have 
been  described  during  that  time  /  ?  Let  the  time  / 
and  the  velocity  v  be  both  divided  into  n  equal  parts, 
each  of  which  is  /'  and  v'\  so  that  #/'==/,  and  nv' =  v. 
Let  the  velocity  v'  be  communicated  to  the  point  at 
rest ;  after  an  interval  of  /'  let  another  velocity  v'  be 


communicated,  so  that  during  the  second  interval  f 
the  point  has  a  velocity  2z/';  during  the  third  interval 
let  the  point  have  the  velocity  3z/,  and  so  on  ;  so  that 
in  the  last  or  /zth  interval  the  point  has  the  velocity 
nv'.  The  space  described  in  the  first  interval  is,  there 
fore,  v't'-,  in  the  second,  2z;Y;  in  the  third  3z>Y;  and 
so  on,  till  in  the  «th  interval  it  is  nv'f.  The  whole 
space  described  is,  therefore, 

v't'  -f  2z>Y  +  30Y  + . . .  -f  (n  —  1 )  v'f  +  nv'f 

or  [1  +  2  +  3 (n  —  l^  +  n^v't'^n.^^v'f 


tfv't'  +  wY 


In  this  substitute  v  for  »#',  and  /  for  nf,  which  gives 
for  the  space  described  %v(t-{-f}.  The  smaller  we 
suppose  /,  the  more  nearly  will  this  approach  to  \vt. 
But  the  smaller  we  suppose  f,  the  greater  must  be  n, 
the  number  of  parts  into  which  /  is  divided  ;  and  the 
more  nearly  do  we  render  the  motion  of  the  point  uni 
formly  accelerated.  Hence  the  limit  to  which  we  ap 
proximate  by  diminishing  /without  limit,  is  the  length 
described  in  the  time  /  by  a  uniformly  accelerated 
velocity,  which  shall  increase  from  0  to  v  in  that  time. 
This  is  \vt,  or  half  the  length  which  would  have  been 
described  by  the  velocity  v  continued  uniformly  from 
the  beginning  of  the  motion. 

It  is  usual  to  measure  the  accelerating  force  by  the 
velocity  acquired  in  one  second.  Let  this  be  g\  then 
since  the  same  velocity  is  acquired  in  every  other  sec 
ond,  the  velocity  acquired  in  /  seconds  will  be  gtt  or 
v=gt.  Hence  the  space  described  is  J^/X  *»  or  \£&- 
If  the  point,  instead  of  being  at  rest  at  the  beginning 
of  the  acceleration,  had  had  the  velocity  a,  the  lengths 


described  in  the  successive  intervals  would  have  been 
tf/'-f-  z/Y,  at  '-\-  Zv't',  etc.  ;  so  that  to  the  space  described 
by  the  accelerated  motion  would  have  been  added 
naf,  or  at,  and  the  whole  length  would  have  been 
at-}-%gfi.  By  similar  reasoning,  had  the  force  been 
a  uniformly  retarding  force,  that  is,  one  which  dimin 
ished  the  initial  velocity  a  equally  in  equal  times,  the 
length  described  in  the  time  /  would  have  been  at 

Now  let  the  point  move  in  such  a  way,  that  the 
velocity  is  accelerated  or  retarded,  but  not  uniformly  ; 
that  is,  in  different  times  of  equal  duration,  let  differ 
ent  velocities  be  lost  or  gained.  For  example,  let  the 
point,  setting  out  from  a  state  of  rest,  move  in  such  a 

Tig.  9 
O  AB    C        D 

way  that  the  number  of  inches  passed  over  in  /  sec 
onds  is  always  ts.  Here  (pt  =  tB,  and  the  velocity  ac 
quired  by  the  body  at  the  end  of  the  time  /,  is  the  co 
efficient  of  dt  in  (/-f-///)3,  or  3/2  inches  per  second. 
Let  the  point  (Fig.  9)  be  at  A  at  the  end  of  the  time 
/;  and  let  AB,  BC,  CD,  etc.,  be  lengths  described  in 
successive  equal  intervals  of  time,  each  of  which  is  dt. 
Then  the  velocities  at  A,  B,  C,  etc.,  are  3^,  3(7  -f  /#)», 
3(/+2<#)2,  etc.,  and  the  lengths  AB,  BC,  CD,  etc., 
are  (/  +  <#)3  —  /3, 
(/+2<#)8,  etc. 


A       3/2 

B       3/2+ 
C       3/2  + 



BC       3/V/+    9/(X/)2-f    7(X/)3 
CD       3A//  +  15/0//)2  +  19(X/)8 

If  we  could,  without  error,  reject  the  terms  con 
taining  (X/)2  in  the  velocities,  and  those  containing 
(dt)*  in  the  lengths,  we  should  then  reduce  the  mo 
tion  of  the  point  to  the  case  already  considered,  the 
initial  velocity  being  3/2,  and  the  accelerating  force  6/. 
For  we  have  already  shown  that  a  being  the  initial 
velocity,  and  g  the  accelerating  force,  the  space  de 
scribed  in  the  time  /  is  at  +  \gfi.  Hence,  3/2  being 
the  initial  velocity,  and  6^  the  accelerating  force,  the 
space  in  the  time  dt  is  3/V/  -f  3/  (dt)2,  which  is  the 
same  as  AB  after  (dt)*  is  rejected.  The  velocity  ac 
quired  is  gt,  and  the  whole  velocity  is,  therefore, 
&-\-gt\  or  making  the  same  substitutions  3P  -f-  §tdt. 
This  is  the  velocity  at  B,  after  the  term  3(X/)2  is 
rejected.  Again,  the  velocity  being  %fl-^-§tdt,  and 
the  force  6/,  the  space  described  in  the  time  dt  is 
(ZP  +  §tdt)dt-\-  3/(X/)2,  or  3/V/-f9/(X/)2.  This  is 
what  the  space  BC  becomes  after  7(*//)8  is  rejected. 
The  velocity  acquired  is  Qtdt;  and  the  whole  velocity 
is3/2-f  §tdt+§tdt,  or3/2-f  I2tdt;  which  is  the  velo 
city  at  C  after  12  (X/)2  is  rejected. 

But  as  the  terms  involving  (dt)*  in  the  velocities, 
etc.,  cannot  be  rejected  without  error,  the  above  sup 
position  of  a  uniform  force  cannot  be  made.  Never 
theless,  as  we  may  take  dt  so  small  that  these  terms 
shall  be  as  small  parts  as  we  please  of  those  which 
precede,  the  results  of  the  erroneous  and  correct  sup 
positions  may  be  brought  as  near  to  equality  as  we 
please  ;  hence  we  conclude,  that  though  there  is  no 
force,  which,  continued  uniformly,  would  preserve 


the  motion  of  the  point  A,  so  that  OA  should  always 
be  tz  in  inches,  yet  an  interval  of  time  may  be  taken 
so  small,  that  the  length  actually  described  by  A  in 
that  time,  and  the  one  which  would  be  described  if 
the  force  6/  were  continued  uniformly,  shall  have  a 
ratio  as  near  to  equality  as  we  please.  Hence,  on  a 
principle  similar  to  that  by  which  we  called  3fl  the 
velocity  at  A,  though,  in  truth,  no  space,  however 
small,  is  described  with  that  velocity,  we  call  6/  the 
accelerating  force  at  A.  And  it  must  be  observed 
that  §t  is  the  differential  coefficient  of  S^2,  or  the  co 
efficient  of  dt,  in  the  development  of  3(/-j-  df}*. 

Generally,  let  the  point  move  so  that  the  length 
described  in  any  time  t  is  <pt.  Hence  the  length  de 
scribed  at  the  end  of  the  time  /-f  dt  is  cp(t-\-df},  and 
that  described  in  the  interval  dt  is  cp(t  -\-  df)  —  <pt,  or 

in  which  dt  may  be  taken  so  small,  that  either  of  the 
first  two  terms  shall  contain  the  aggregate  of  all  the 
rest,  as  often  as  we  please.  These  two  first  terms  are 
<p'tdt-\-%<p"t(dt}*,  and  represent  the  length  described 
during  dt,  with  a  uniform  velocity  cp't,  and  an  accel 
erating  force  <p"t.  The  interval  dt  may  then  generally 
be  taken  so  small,  that  this  supposition  shall  represent 
the  motion  during  that  interval  as  nearly  as  we  please. 


We  have  hitherto  considered  the  limiting  ratio  of 
quantities  only  as  to  their  state  of  decrease  :  we  now 
proceed  to  some  cases  in  which  the  limiting  ratio  of 
different  magnitudes  which  increase  without  limit  is 


It  is  easy  to  show  that  the  increase  of  two  magni 
tudes  may  cause  a  decrease  of  their  ratio ;  so  that,  as 
the  two  increase  without  limit,  their  ratio  may  dimin 
ish  without  limit.  The  limit  of  any  ratio  may  be  found 
by  rejecting  any  terms  or  aggregate  of  terms  (Q)  which 
are  connected  with  another  term  (P)  by  the  sign  of 
addition  or  subtraction,  provided  that  by  increasing 
x,  Q  may  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  P  as  we  please. 

For  example,  to  find  the  limit  of  — 0  ,  ,   , ,  when 

Ax1"  -j-  vx 

x  is  increased  without  limit.  By  increasing  x  we  can, 
as  will  be  shown  immediately,  cause  2x  -f-  3  and  §x  to 
be  contained  in  x2  and  2#2,  as  often  as  we  please ;  re- 

jecting  these  terms,  we  have  ^— ^,  or  J,  for  the  limit. 

The    demonstration   is    as    follows :    Divide   both 

numerator  and  denominator  by  x*,  which  gives  1  -{- 
o  q  & 

—  H — zr,  and  2H ,  for  the  numerator  and  denom- 

x        x2  x 

inator  of  a  fraction  equal  in  value  to  the  one  proposed. 
These  can  be  brought  as  near  as  we  please  to  1  and  2 

by  making  x  sufficiently  great,  or  —  sufficiently  small ; 
and,  consequently,  their  ratio  can  be  brought  as  near 

as  we  please  to  -^. 

We  will  now  prove  the  following  :  That  in  any 
series  of  decreasing  powers  of  x,  any  one  term  will,  if 
x  be  taken  sufficiently  great,  contain  the  aggregate  of 
all  which  follow,  as  many  times  as  we  please.  Take, 
for  example, 

ax™  -f  bxm~^  -f  ex™-*  + +px  +  q 


The  ratio  of  the  several  terms  will  not  be  altered  if  we 
divide  the  whole  by  xm,  which  gives 


It  has  been  shown  that  by  taking  —  sufficiently  small, 


that  is,  by  taking  x  sufficiently  great,  any  term  of  this 
series  may  be  made  to  contain  the  aggregate  of  the 
succeeding  terms,  as  often  as  we  please  ;  which  rela 
tion  is  not  altered  if  we  multiply  every  term  by  tf", 
and  so  restore  the  original  series. 

(x  \  V\m 

It  follows  from  this,  that         m       has  unity  for  its 


limit  when  x  is  increased  without  limit.  For  (x  -f-  1)"* 
is  xm  -J-  mx™-1  -|-  etc.  ,  in  which  x™  can  be  made  as 
great  as  we  please  with  respect  to  the  rest  of  the 

O-f  IV*  ,    mx"-1  -\-etc. 

series.     Hence  v     lm  }    —\-\  --  5  -  ,  the  nu- 
x  x 

merator  of  which  last  fraction  decreases  indefinitely 
as  compared  with  its  denominator. 

In  a  similar  way  it  may  be  shown  that  the  limit  of 

(*+!)•£_*-»'  when  *  is  increased,  is  -i^.    For 
since  (*  +  l)m+l  =  xm+1  -\-  (m-\-  1)  x~  +  ±(m- 
-\-  etc.,  this  fraction  is 


in  which  the  first  term  of  the  denominator  may  be 
made  to  contain  all  the  rest  as  often  as  we  please  ; 

that  is,  if  the  fraction  be  written  thus,  T 

A  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  (#*-j-  I)*"*  as  we 


please.     Hence  this  fraction  can,  by  a  sufficient  in 
crease    of  x,    be    brought    as    near   as  we  please   to 
xm  1 

A  similar  proposition  may  be  shown  of  the  fraction 

(x  4.  M« 
- — — —    +1   — j^pp  which  may  be  immediately  reduced 

to  the  form — — -,  where  x  may  be  taken 

(M-\-  l)axm-\-  A 

so  great  that  xm  shall  contain  A  and  B  any  number  of 

We  will  now  consider  the  sums  of  x  terms  of  the 
following  series,  each  of  which  may  evidently  be  made 
as  great  as  we  please,  by  taking  a  sufficient  number 
of  its  terms, 

.    |                     |  ^ 

1**  -j-  2^  -j-  3^    1   43    i 

(x      I)3  4-*8 

1-  4-  2-  4-  3~  4-  4"  4- 4.  (X — 1)~  4- «"    O) 

We  propose  to  inquire  what  is  the  limiting  ratio  of 
any  one  of  these  series  to  the  last  term  of  the  succeed 
ing  one ;  that  is,  to  what  do  the  ratios  of  (1 4- 2 

4- +#)   to  x2,  of   (I2  4-  22....  -I-*8)  to  Ar8,  etc., 

approach,  when  x  is  increased  without  limit. 

To  give  an  idea  of  the  method  of  increase  of  these 
series,  we  shall  first  show  that  x  may  be  taken  so 
great,  that  the  last  term  of  each  series  shall  be  as 
small  a  part  as  we  please  of  the  sum  of  all  those  which 
precede.  To  simplify  the  symbols,  let  us  take  the 
third  series  I8  4-  28  -f  . .  .  .  4~  •*3>  in  which  we  are  to 
show  that  x9  may  be  made  less  than  any  given  part, 


say  one  thousandth,  of  the  sum  of  those  which  pre 
cede,  or  of  !3-j-28 +(*  —  I)8. 

First,  x  may  be  taken  so  great  that  x*  and  (x — 
1000)8  shall  have  a  ratio  as  near  to  equality  as  we 
please.  For  the  ratio  of  these  quantities  being  the 

/,         1000V         ,  1000  ,    . 
same  as  that  of  1  to  (1 J  ,  and being  as 

small  as  we  please  if  x  may  be  as  great  as  we  please,  it 

1000                                       /,        1000\3 
follows  that  1 ,  and,  consequently,  1 1 

x  \  x   j 

may  be  made  as  near  to  unity  as  we  please,  or  the 

ratio  of  1  to  (1  — :     —  ]  ,  may  be  brought  as  near  as 

\  x   / 

we  please  to  that  of  1  to  1,  or  a  ratio  of  equality.   But 

this  ratio  is  that  of  x9  to  (x  — 1000)8.  Similarly  the 
ratios  of  x*  to  (x— 999)8,  of  x8  to  (x  —  998)8,  etc.,  up 
to  the  ratio  of  XB  to  (x  —  I)3  may  be  made  as  near  as 
we  please  to  ratios  of  equality  ;  there  being  one  thou 
sand  in  all.  If,  then,  (x  —  l)*  =  axs,  (x—2^  =  fix*, 
etc.,  up  to  (x — lOOO)3^^^3,  x  can  be  taken  so  great 
that  each  of  the  fractions  a,  /?,  etc.,  shall  be  as  near 
to  unity,  or  a  -j-  ft  -f- . . . .  -\-  GO  as  near  *  to  1000  as  we 

please.     Hence   — — ^— —  which  is 

ax*  -f  fix3  -f -f  GOX* 

--a  or 

_  1000V*' 

— l)8-f-O  —  2 

*  Observe  that  this  conclusion  depends  upon  the  number  of  quantities  a, 
ft,  etc.,  being  determinate.  If  there  be  ten  quantities,  each  of  which  can  be 
brought  ?s  near  to  unity  as  we  please,  their  sum  can  be  brought  as  near  to  10 
as  we  please;  for,  take  any  fraction  A,  and  make  each  of  those  quantities 
differ  from  unity  by  less  than  the  tenth  part  of  A,  then  will  the  sum  differ 
from  10  by  less  than  A.  This  argument  fails,  if  the  number  of  quantities  be 


can  be  brought  as  near  to    Tc™  as  we  please  ;  and  by 

the  same  reasoning,  the  fraction 

(*—!)•  -f-  ......  -f  O—  1001)8 

may  be  brought  as  near  to      nT  as  we  please  ;  that  is, 

may  be  made  less  than  T-     Still  more  then  may 

_    _ 

(X  —  I)'  +  .  .  .  .  +  (*  —  1001)3  -f  .  .  .  .  -f  23  -}-  18 

be  made  less  than          '  or  x*  ma^  ^e  ^ess  t*ian 

thousandth  part  of  the  sum  of  all  the  preceding  terms. 
In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown  that  a  term  may 
be  taken  in  any  one  of  the  series,  which  shall  be  less 
than  any  given  part  of  the  sum  of  all  the  preceding 
terms.  It  is  also  true  that  the  difference  of  any  two 
succeeding  terms  may  be  made  as  small  a  part  of 
either  as  we  please.  For  (x-\-I}m  —  xm,  when  devel 
oped,  will  only  contain  exponents  less  than  m,  being 

mxm~1  -f-  m  —  5  —  a:"*-2  -f  etc.  ;    and   we    have    shown 


(page  66)  that  the  sum  of  such  a  series  may  be  made 
less  than  any  given  part  of  xm.  It  is  also  evident 
that,  whatever  number  of  terms  we  may  sum,  if  a 
sufficient  number  of  succeeding  terms  be  taken,  the 
sum  of  the  latter  shall  exceed  that  of  the  former  in 
any  ratio  we  please. 

Let  there  be  a  series  of  fractions 

pa'  -f  *>''  p 

in  which  a,  a',  etc.,  b,  V  ',  etc.,  increase  without  limit; 
but  in  which  the  ratio  of  b  to  a,  b'  to  a,  etc.,  dimin 
ishes  without  limit.  If  it  be  allowable  to  begin  by 


supposing  b  as  small  as  we  please  with  respect  to  a, 

or  —  as  small  as  we  please,  the  first,  and  all  the  suc- 
a  1 

ceeding  fractions,  will  be  as  near  as  we  please  to  — -, 
which  is  evident  from  the  equations 

a                 1               a'  1 
__  _____    *»tc 

.A,.      I       L  i    '      JL.  _ I     I       A'  U  '     c^*'» 

*  t  +  lS 

Form  a  new  fraction  by  summing  the  numerators  and 
denominators  of  the  preceding,  such  as 

"  + etc., ' 
the   etc.  extending   to   any  given   number  of   terms. 

This  may  also  be  brought  as  near  to  —  as  we  please. 

For  this  fraction  is  the  same  as 


and  it  can  be  shown*  that 

I,  -L.  y  4.  etc. 

a  -f  a'  -f  etc. 
must  lie  between  the  least  and  greatest  of  the  fractions 

7  7/ 

— ,  —7,  etc.     If,   then,   each  of  these  latter  fractions 
a     a 

can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please,  so  also  can 

b  +  V  +  etc. 

a  -j-  #'  +  etc. ' 

No  difference  will  be  made  in  this  result,  if  we  use 
the  following  fraction, 

A  -f-  (a-\-a'-\-a"  -f  etc. ) 

B  +  p  (a  -}-  a'  +  a"  +  etc. )  +  £  +  b'  +  £"  -f  etc. 


*  See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Reprint  Edition,  Chicago  :  The  Open  Court 
Publishing  Co.),  page  270. 


A  and  B  being  given  quantities  ;  provided  that  we 
can  take  a  number  of  the  original  fractions  sufficient 
to  make  a-\-  a'  -}-  a" -\-  etc.,  as  great  as  we  please, 
compared  with  A  and  B.  This  will  appear  on  divid 
ing  the  numerator  and  denominator  of  (1)  by  a-\-ar  -f- 
a"  -f  etc. 

Let  the  fractions  be 


•    .   ..,,,  etc. 


The  first   of  which,    or  —  —  may,    as   we   have 

4x*  -f-  etc.  j 

shown,  be  within  any  given  difference  of  —  .  and  the 


others  still  nearer,  by  taking  a  value  of  x  sufficiently 
great.  Let  us  suppose  each  of  these  fractions  to  be 

within  -,AAAAA  of  —r-.     The  fraction  formed   by  sum- 
100000         4 

ming  the  numerators  and  denominators  of  these  frac 
tions  (n  in  number)  will  be  within  the  same  degree  of 
nearness  to  J.  But  this  is 

all  the  terms  of  the  denominator  disappearing,  except 
two  from  the  first  and  last.  If,  then,  we  add  #4  to 
the  denominator,  and  I3  -f-  23  -f-  38  .  .  .  .  -}-  jc3  to  the  nu 
merator,  we  can  still  take  n  so  great  that  (x  -J-  I)3 
-f-  ____  -f  (x  -f  »)8  shall  contain  I3  -f-  .  .  -f-  xs  as  often 
as  we  please,  and  that  (x  -j-  «)4  —  .*4  shall  contain  x* 
in  the  same  manner.  To  prove  the  latter,  observe 

that  the  ratio  of  (x  -\-  n)*  —  x*  to  x*  being    l  -j  -- 

\          x 
can  be  made  as  great  as  we  please,  if  it   be  permitted 


to  take  for  it  a  number  containing  x  as  often  as  we 
please.  Hence,  by  the  preceding  reasoning,  the  frac 
tion,  with  its  numerator  and  denominator  thus  in 
creased,  or 

may  be  brought  to  lie  within  the  same  degree  of  near 
ness  to  J  as  (2);  and  since  this  degree  of  nearness 
could  be  named  at  pleasure,  it  follows  that  (3)  can 
be  brought  as  near  to  J  as  we  please.  Hence  the 
limit  of  the  ratio  of  (l8-f2»-f-  ----  +  *»)  to  #*,  as  x 
is  increased  without  limit,  is  J  ;  and,  in  a  similar  man 
ner,  it  may  be  proved  that  the  limit  of  the  ratio  of 
(!*»_{_  2"»-f  ----  +#*")  to  x*+l  is  the  same  as  that  of 

This  result  will  be  of  use  when  we  come  to  the 
first  principles  of  the  integral  calculus.     It  may  also 

be  noticed  that  the  limits  of  the  ratios  which  x    ~  , 


x  —  ^  --  5  —  ,  etc.  ,  bear  to  x*,  x9,  etc.,  are  severally  -JT-, 

a  O  Li 

^r-n-,  etc.  ;  the  limit  being  that  to  which  the  ratios  ap- 
A-6  x  _  i 

proximate  as  x  increases  without  limit.     For  x  —  5  — 


x—  1      x—  Ix  —  2  x—lx  —  Z 

-"  *  =  -&-•  *  ~2-  -g-  -H^=  ~£T  -TEr-  etc" 

...  _  i      „  _  o 

and  the  limits  of  —  —  ,  -  ,  are  severally  equal  to 


We  now  resume  the  elementary  principles  of  the 
Differential  Calculus. 



The  following  is  a  recapitulation  of  the  principal 
results  which  have  hitherto  been  noticed  in  the  gen 
eral  theory  of  functions  : 

(1)  That  if  in  the  equation  y=(p(x),  the  variable 
x  receives  an  increment  dx,  y  is  increased  by  the  se 

<p'X  dx  +  9"X          .  +  <p»X  +  etc. 

(2)  That  (p"x  is  derived  in  the  same  manner  from 
cp'x,  that  cp'x  is  from  <px  ;  viz.,  that  in  like  manner  as 
<p'x  is  the  coefficient  of  dx  in  the   development  of 
<p(x-\-dx),  so  cp"x  is  the  coefficient  of  dx  in  the  de 
velopment  of  <p'  '(x  -j-  dx')',  similarly  (p"'x  is  the  coeffi 
cient  of  dx  in  the  development  of   cp"(x-\-dx),  and 
so  on. 

(3)  That  qfx  is  the  limit  of  S^  or  the  quantity  to 

which  the  latter  will  approach,  and  to  which  it  may 
be  brought  as  near  as  we  please,  when  dx  is  dimin 
ished.  It  is  called  the  differential  coefficient  of  y. 

(4)  That  in  every  case  which  occurs  in  practice, 
dx  may  be  taken  so  small,  that  any  term  of  the  series 
above  written  may  be  made  to  contain  the  aggregate 
of  those  which  follow,  as  often  as  we  please  ;  whence, 
though  qfxdx  is  not  the  actual  increment  produced 
by  changing  x  into  x  -f-  dx  in  the  function  cpx,  yet,  by 
taking  dx  sufficiently  small,  it  may  be  brought  as  near 
as  we  please  to  a  ratio  of  equality  with  the  actual  in 


The  last  of  the  above-mentioned  principles  is  of 
the  greatest  utility,  since,  by  means  of  it,  (p'xdx  may 


be  made  as  nearly  as  we  please  the  actual  increment ; 
and  it  will  generally  happen  in  practice,  that  qfxdx 
may  be  used  for  the  increment  of  (px  without  sensible 
error ;  that  is,  if  in  (px,  x  be  changed  into  x  -j-  dx,  dx 
being  very  small,  <px  is  changed  into  (px+ cp'xdx, 
very  nearly.  Suppose  that  x  being  the  correct  value 
of  the  variable,  x-\-h  and  x-\-  k  have  been  succes 
sively  substituted  for  it,  or  the  errors  h  and  k  have 
been  committed  in  the  valuation  of  x,  h  and  k  being 
very  small.  Hence  <p(x-\-h)  and  cp(x-\-k)  will  be 
erroneously  used  for  cpx.  But  these  are  nearly  cpx-\- 
<p'xh  and  cpx-\-<p'xk,  and  the  errors  committed  in 
taking  cpx  are  qfxh  and  <p'xk,  very  nearly.  These 
last  are  in  the  proportion  of  h  to  k,  and  hence  results 
a  proposition  of  the  utmost  importance  in  every  prac 
tical  application  of  mathematics,  viz.,  that  if  two  dif 
ferent,  but  small,  errors  be  committed  in  the  valua 
tion  of  any  quantity,  the  errors  arising  therefrom  at 
the  end  of  any  process,  in  which  both  the  supposed 
values  of  x  are  successively  adopted,  are  very  nearly 
in  the  proportion  of  the  errors  committed  at  the  be 
ginning.  For  example,  let  there  be  a  right-angled 
triangle,  whose  base  is  3,  and  whose  other  side  should 
be  4,  so  that  the  hypothenuse  should  be  1/32  -}-  42 
or  5.  But  suppose  that  the  other  side  has  been  twice 
erroneously  measured,  the  first  measurement  giving 
4-001,  and  the  second  4-002,  the  errors  being  -001 
and  -002.  The  two  values  of  the  hypothenuse  thus 
obtained  are 

T/32_|_4-0012,  or  1/25-008001, 

and  ]/38  +  4-0022,  or  1/25-016004, 
which  are  very  nearly  5-0008  and  5-0016.    The  errors 
of  the  hypothenuse  are  then  -0008  and  -0016  nearly ; 
and  these  last  are  in  the  proportion  of  -001  and  -002. 


It  also  follows,  that  if  x  increase  by  successive  equal 
steps,  any  function  of  x  will,  for  a  few  steps,  increase 
so  nearly  in  the  same  manner,  that  the  supposition  of 
such  an  increase  will  not  be  materially  wrong.  For, 
if  h,  2h,  3^,  etc.  ,  be  successive  small  increments  given 
to  x,  the  successive  increments  of  (px  will  be  qfxh, 
<pxZh,  cp'xSh,  etc.  nearly;  which  being  proportional 
to  h,  Zh,  3^,  etc.,  the  increase  of  the  function  is  nearly 
doubled,  trebled,  etc.,  if  the  increase  of  x  be  doubled, 
trebled,  etc. 

This  result  may  be  rendered  conspicuous  by  ref 
erence  to  any  astronomical  ephemeris,  in  which  the 
positions  of  a  heavenly  body  are  given  from  day  to 
day.  The  intervals  of  time  at  which  the  positions  are 
given  differ  by  24  hours,  or  nearly  -g-J-gth  part  of  the 
whole  year.  And  even  for  this  interval,  though  it  can 
hardly  be  called  small  in  an  astronomical  point  of  view, 
the  increments  or  decrements  will  be  found  so  nearly 
the  same  for  four  or  five  days  together,  as  to  enable 
the  student  to  form  an  idea  how  much  more  near  they 
would  be  to  equality,  if  the  interval  had  been  less,  say 
one  hour  instead  of  twenty-four.  For  example,  the 
sun's  longitude  on  the  following  days  at  noon  is  writ 
ten  underneath,  with  the  increments  from  day  to  day. 

Proportion  which  the  differences 


158°  30'  35" 



159  28  44 



160  26  56 



161  25  9 


162  23  23 

The  sun's  longitude  is  a  function  of  the  time  ;  that  is, 
the  number  of  years  and  days  from  a  given  epoch 
being  given,  and  called  x,  the  sun's  longitude  can  be 


found  by  an  algebraical  expression  which  may  be 
called  cpx.  If  we  date  from  the  first  of  January,  1834, 
x  is  -666,  which  is  the  decimal  part  of  a  year  between 
the  first  days  of  January  and  September.  The  incre 
ment  is  one  day,  or  nearly  -0027  of  a  year.  Here  x  is 
successively  made  equal  to  -666,  -666  +  -0027,  -666-}- 
2  X  '  0027,  etc.  ;  and  the  intervals  of  the  corresponding 
values  of  <pxt  if  we  consider  only  minutes,  are  the 
same  ;  but  if  we  take  in  the  seconds,  they  differ  from 
one  another,  though  only  by  very  small  parts  of  them 
selves,  as  the  last  column  shows. 


This  property  is  also  used*  in  finding  logarithms 
intermediate  to  those  given  in  the  tables  ;  and  may 
be  applied  to  find  a  nearer  solution  to  an  equation, 
than  one  already  found.  For  example,  suppose  it  re 
quired  to  find  the  value  of  x  in  the  equation  <px  =  Q, 
a  being  a  near  approximation  to  the  required  value. 
Let  a  -f-  h  be  the  real  value,  in  which  h  will  be  a  small 
quantity.  It  follows  that  cp(a-\-  h)  =  (),  or,  which  is 
nearly  true,  <pa-\-  (p'ah  =  Q.  Hence  the  real  value  of 

h  is  nearly  —  —  ,—  .  or  the  value  a  —  ^—r-  is  a  nearer 
cp  a  cp'a 

approximation  to  the  value  of  x.  For  example,  let 
x*  -f  x  —  4  =  0  be  the  equation.  Here  cpx  =  x*-\-  x  —  4, 
and  cp(x  +  h)  =  (x  +  ?i)*  +  x  +  h  —  4  =  x*  +  x—  4  + 
(2#  +  l)£  +  /*8;  so  that  <p'x  =  2x  +  l.  A  near  value 
of  x  is  1-57;  let  this  be  a.  Then  <pa  =  -0349,  and 

cp'a  =  4'  14.      Hence   —  -??-  =  —  •  00843.      Hence 


1  .  57  _  .  00843,  or  1  •  56157,  is  a  nearer  value  of  x.     If 

*  See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Reprint  Edition,  Chicago  :  The  Open  Court 
Publishing  Co.,  1898),  page  169  et  seq. 


we  proceed  in  the  same  way  with  1-5616,  we  shall 
find  a  still  nearer  value  of  x,  viz.,  1-561553.  We 
have  here  chosen  an  equation  of  the  second  degree, 
in  order  that  the  student  may  be  able  to  verify  the 
result  in  the  common  way  ;  it  is,  however,  obvious 
that  the  same  method  may  be  applied  to  equations 
of  higher  degrees,  and  even  to  those  which  are  not 
to  be  treated  by  common  algebraical  method,  such  as 
tan  x  =  ax. 


We  have  already  observed,  that  in  a  function  of 
more  quantities  than  one,  those  only  are  mentioned 
which  are  considered  as  variable  ;  so  that  all  which 
we  have  said  upon  functions  of  one  variable,  applies 
equally  to  functions  of  several  variables,  so  far  as  a 
change  in  one  only  is  concerned.  Take  for  example 
x2y-{-2xy8.  If  x  be  changed  into  x-\-dx,  y  remaining 
the  same,  this  function  is  increased  by  2xy  dx  -j-  2y*dx 
-{-etc.,  in  which,  as  in  page  29,  no  terms  are  con 
tained  in  the  etc.  except  those  which,  by  diminishing 
dx,  can  be  made  to  bear  as  small  a  proportion  as  we 
please  to  the  first  terms.  Again,  if  y  be  changed  into 
y-\-dy,  x  remaining  the  same,  the  function  receives 
the  increment  oPdy  -\-  §xy*dy  -f-  etc. ;  and  if  x  be  changed 
into  x  -\-dx,  y  being  at  the  same  time  changed  into 
y-{-  dy,  the  increment  of  the  function  is  (2xy-\-Zp)dx 
_j_  (a*  _|_  QXy^dy  -f  etc.  If,  then,  u  =  x*y  +  2xy*,  and 
du  denote  the  increment  of  u,  we  have  the  three  fol 
lowing  equations,  answering  to  the  various  supposi 
tions  above  mentioned, 

(1)  when  x  only  varies, 

du  =  (2xy  +  2/)  dx  +  etc. 


(2)  when  y  only  varies, 

du  —  O2  -f  6#/)  dy  -f  etc. 

(3)  when  both  x  and  y  vary, 

du  =  (2xy  +  2/)  dx  +  (x*  +  6^2)  dy  -f  etc. 

in  which,  however,  it  must  be  remembered,  that  du 
does  not  stand  for  the  same  thing  in  any  two  of  the 
three  equations  :  it  is  true  that  it  always  represents 
an  increment  of  u,  but  as  far  as  we  have  yet  gone,  we 
have  used  it  indifferently,  whether  the  increment  of  u 
was  the  result  of  a  change  in  x  only,  or  y  only,  or  both 

To  distinguish  the  different  increments  of  »,  we 
must  therefore  seek  an  additional  notation,  which, 
without  sacrificing  the  du  that  serves  to  remind  us 
that  it  was  u  which  received  an  increment,  may  also 
point  out  from  what  supposition  the  increment  arose. 
For  this  purpose  we  might  use  dxu  and  dyu9  and  dXtji, 
to  distinguish  the  three  ;  and  this  will  appear  to  the 
learner  more  simple  than  the  one  in  common  use, 
which  we  shall  proceed  to  explain.  We  must,  how 
ever,  remind  the  student,  that  though  in  matters  of 
reasoning,  he  has  a  right  to  expect  a  solution  of  every 
difficulty,  in  all  that  relates  to  notation,  he  must  trust 
entirely  to  his  instructor  ;  since  he  cannot  judge  be 
tween  the  convenience  or  inconvenience  of  two  sym 
bols  without  a  degree  of  experience  which  he  evi 
dently  cannot  have  had.  Instead  of  the  notation  above 
described,  the  increments  arising  from  a  change  in  x 

and  y  are  severally  denoted  by  -y-  dx  and  —  dy,  on 

the  following  principle  :  If  there  be  a  number  of  re 
sults  obtained  by  the  same  species  of  process,  but  on 
different  suppositions  with  regard  to  the  quantities 


used  ;  if,  for  example,  p  be  derived  from  some  suppo 
sition  with  regard  to  a,  in  the  same  manner  as  are  q 
and  r  with  regard  to  b  and  c,  and  if  it  be  inconvenient 
and  unsymmetrical  to  use  separate  letters  /,  ^,  and  r, 
for  the  three  results,  they  may  be  distinguished  by 
using  the  same  letter  p  for  all,  and  writing  the  three 

results  thus,  — - a,  ~  b,  —  c.     Each  of  these,  in  com- 
a         b         c 

mon  algebra,  is  equal  to  /,  but  the  letter  /  does  not 
stand  for  the  same  thing  in  the  three  expressions. 
The  first  is  the  /,  so  to  speak,  which  belongs  to  «,  the 
second  that  which  belongs  to  b,  the  third  that  which 
belongs  to  c.  Therefore  the  numerator  of  each  of  the 

fractions  — -,  -£,  and  — ,   must  never   be   separated 
a      o  c 

from  its  denominator,  because  the  value  of  the  former 
depends,  in  part,  upon  the  latter ;  and  one  p  cannot 
be  distinguished  from  another  without  its  denomina 
tor.  The  numerator  by  itself  only  indicates  what  op 
eration  is  to  be  performed,  and  on  what  quantity;  the 
denominator  shows  what  quantity  is  to  be  made  use 
of  in  performing  it.  Neither  are  we  allowed  to  say 

that  —  divided  by  -~  is  — ;  for  this  supposes  that  / 
a  b          a 

means  the  same  thing  in  both  quantities. 

In  the  expressions  -  -  dx,  and   -  dy,  each  denotes 

that  u  has  received  an  increment ;  but  the  first  points 
out  that  x,  and  the  second  that^y,  was  supposed  to  in 
crease,  in  order  to  produce  that  increment ;  while  du 
by  itself,  or  sometimes  d.u,  is  employed  to  express 
the  increment  derived  from  both  suppositions  at  once. 
And  since,  as  we  have  already  remarked,  it  is  not  the 
ratios  of  the  increments  themselves,  but  the  limits  of 
those  ratios,  which  are  the  objects  of  investigation  in 


the  Differential  Calculus,  here,  as  in  page  28,  —  -  dx, 

7  (IX 

and  -j-dyt   are  generally  considered  as  representing 

those  terms  which  are  of  use  in  obtaining  the  limiting 
ratios,  and  do  not  include  those  terms,  which,  from 
their  containing  higher  powers  of  dx  or  dy  than  the 
first,  may  be  made  as  small  as  we  please  with  respect 
to  dx  or  dy.  Hence  in  the  example  just  given,  where 
2xy*,  we  have 

dx  =  (fry  +  2/)  dx,  0*        =  Zx?  + 


du  du 

du  or  a.u=  ~  ax  A  —  =-  ay. 

dx  d     " 

The  last  equation  gives  a  striking  illustration  of 
the  method  of  notation.  Treated  according  to  the 
common  rules  of  algebra,  it  is  du  =  du-\-  du,  which  is 
absurd,  but  which  appears  rational  when  we  recollect 
that  the  second  du  arises  from  a  change  in  x  only,  the 
third  from  a  change  in  y  only,  and  the  first  from  a 
change  in  both.  The  same  equation  may  be  proved 
to  be  generally  true  for  all  functions  of  x  and  y,  if  we 
bear  in  mind  that  no  term  is  retained,  or  need  be  re 
tained,  as  far  as  the  limit  is  concerned,  which,  when 
dx  or  dy  is  diminished,  diminishes  without  limit  as 

compared  with  them.     In  using  —  and  -=-  as  differ 

ential  coefficients  of  u  with  respect  to  x  and  y,  the  ob 
jection  (page  27)  against  considering  these  as  the 
limits  of  the  ratios,  and  not  the  ratios  themselves, 
does  not  hold,  since  the  numerator  is  not  to  be  sep 
arated  from  its  denominator. 


Let  u  be  a  function  of  x  and^y,  represented*  by 
cp(x,  y).  It  is  indifferent  whether  x  and  y  be  changed 
at  once  into  x -\-  dx  and  jy  -f-  dy,  or  whether  #  be  first 
changed  into  x -\- dx,  and  y  be  changed  into  y-\-dy  in 
the  result.  Thus,  x*y  -f-  _y3  will  become  (#-[-d&)2 
Oy  +  d&O  +  (y  -f  ^v)3  in  either  case.  If  x  be  changed 
into  x-\-dx,  u  becomes  u  -}-  u  dx  -f-  etc. ,  (where  «'  is 
what  we  have  called  the  differential  coefficient  of  u 
with  respect  to  x,  and  is  itself  a  function  of  x  and_y; 
and  the  corresponding  increment  of  u  is  u'  dx-\-  etc.) 
If  in  this  result  y  be  changed  into  y  -\-  dy,  u  will  as 
sume  the  form  u  -f-  ut  dy  -f-  etc. ,  where  ut  is  the  differen 
tial  coefficient  of  u  with  respect  to  y ;  and  the  incre 
ment  which  u  receives  will  be  utdy  -|- etc.  Again, 
when^  is  changed  mto  y-\-dy,  u',  which  is  a  function 
of  x  andjy,  will  assume  the  form  u'  -\-pdy-\-etc. ;  and 
u  -\-  u  dx  -f-  etc.  becomes  u  -f-  ucly  -f-  etc.  -|-  (u'  -f-  p  dy 
+  etc. )  dx  -f-  etc. ,  or  u-\-  utdy  +  u' dx -\- p  dx  dy -\-  etc., 
in  which  the  termfldxdy  is  useless  in  finding  the  limit. 
For  since  dy  can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please, 
pdxdy  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  pdx  as  we  please, 
and  therefore  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  dx  as 
we  please.  Hence  on  the  three  suppositions  already 
made,  we  have  the  following  results  : 

(1)  when  x  only  is  changed 

u  receives 


(2)  when  y  only  is  changed 
into  y  -f-  dy, 

(3)  when  x  becomes  x-\-dx 
and  y  becomes  y-\-dy 
at  once, 

utdy  4-  etc. 

u'dx  -f-  utdy  -f-  etc. 

*The  symbol  $(x,y)  must  not  be  confounded  with  $(xy).  The  former  rep 
resents  any  function  of^-and^;  the  latter  a  function  in  which  x  and  y  only 
enter  so  far  as  they  are  contained  in  their  product.  The  second  is  therefore 
a  particular  case  of  the  first ;  but  the  first  is  not  necessarily  represented  by 


the  etc.  in  each  case  containing  those  terms  only  which 
can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please,  with  respect  to 
the  preceding  terms.  In  the  language  of  Leibnitz, 
we  should  say  that  if  x  and  y  receive  infinitely  small 
increments,  the  sum  of  the  infinitely  small  increments 
of  u  obtained  by  making  these  changes  separately,  is 
equal  to  the  infinitely  small  increment  obtained  by 
making  them  both  at  once.  As  before,  we  may  cor 
rect  this  inaccurate  method  of  speaking.  The  several 
increments  in  (1),  (2),  and  (3),  maybe  expressed  by 
u'dx  -f-  P,  ut  dy  -f  Q,  and  u'dx  -\-  ut  dy  -f  R  ;  where  P, 
Q,  and  R  can  be  made  such  parts  of  dx  or  dy  as  we 
please,  by  taking  dx  or  dy  sufficiently  small.  The  sum 
of  the  two  first  is  u'dx  -f-  udy  -j-  P  -{-  Q,  which  differs 
from  the  third  byP-J-Q  —  R;  which,  since  each  of 
its  terms  can  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  dx  or  dy  as 
we  please,  can  itself  be  made  less  than  any  given  part 
of  dx  or  dy. 

This  theorem  is  not  confined  to  functions  of  two 
variables  only,  but  may  be  extended  to  those  of  any 
number  whatever.  Thus,  if  z  be  a  function  of  /,  q,  r, 
and  s,  we  have 

dz    .     ,    dz    .     ,    dz    .     ,    dz    . 
d.z  or  dz  =  — -  dp  4-  —  dq  -4-  -7 -  dr  -f-  —  ds  4-  etc. 
dp  dq  ar  as 

in  which  —  dp-\-  etc.  is  the  increment  which  a  change 

in/  only  gives  to  z,  and  so  on.  The  etc.  is  the  repre 
sentative  of  an  infinite  series  of  terms,  the  aggregate 
of  which  diminishes  continually  with  respect  to  dp, 
dq,  etc.,  as  the  latter  are  diminished,  and  which,  there- 

the  second.  For  example,  take  the  function  xy  +  sin  jcy,  which,  though  it 
contains  both  x  and^,  yet  can  only  be  altered  by  such  a  change  in  x  andjy  as 
will  alter  their  product,  and  if  the  product  be  called/,  will  be/  +  sin/.  This 
may  properly  be  represented  by  $(xy) ;  whereas  x  +  ,ry2  cannot  be  represented 
in  the  same  way,  since  other  functions  besides  the  product  are  contained 
in  it. 


fore,  has  no  effect  on  the  limit  of  the  ratio  of  d.z  to 
any  other  quantity. 


We  proceed  to  an  important  practical  use  of  this 
theorem.  If  the  increments  dp,  dq,  etc.,  be  small, 
this  last-mentioned  equation,  (the  terms  included  in 
the  etc.  being  omitted,)  though  not  actually  true,  is 
sufficiently  near  the  truth  for  all  practical  purposes ; 
which  renders  the  proposition,  from  its  simplicity,  of 
the  highest  use  in  the  applications  of  mathematics. 
For  if  any  result  be  obtained  from  a  set  of  data,  no 
one  of  which  is  exactly  correct,  the  error  in  the  result 
would  be  a  very  complicated  function  of  the  errors  in 
the  data,  if  the  latter  were  considerable.  When  they 
are  small,  the  error  in  the  results  is  very  nearly  the 
sum  of  the  errors  which  would  arise  from  the  error  in 
each  datum,  if  all  the  others  were  correct.  For  if  /, 
q9  r,  and  s,  are  the  presumed  values  of  the  data,  which 
give  a  certain  value  z  to  the  function  required  to  be 
found  ;  and  if  p  -j-  dp,  q  -f-  dqt  etc.,  be  the  correct  values 
of  the  data,  the  correction  of  the  function  z  will  be 

very  nearly  made,  if  z  be  increased  by  —  dp  -f  -=-  dq  -f- 
fly  /fv  dp  dq 

-j-  dr  4-  —  ds ,  being  the  sum  of  terms  which  would 
ar  as 

arise  from  each  separate  error,  if  each  were  made  in 
turn  by  itself. 

For  example  :  A  transit  instrument  is  a  telescope 
mounted  on  an  axis,  so  as  to  move  in  the  plane  of  the 
meridian  only,  that  is,  the  line  joining  the  centres  of 
the  two  glasses  ought,  if  the  telescope  be  moved,  to 
pass  successively  through  the  zenith  and  the  pole. 
Hence  can  be  determined  the  exact  time,  as  shown  by 
a  clock,  at  which  any  star  passes  a  vertical  thread, 


fixed  inside  the  telescope  so  as  apparently  to  cut  the 
field  of  view  exactly  in  half,  which  thread  will  always 
cover  a  part  of  the  meridian,  if  the  telescope  be  cor 
rectly  adjusted.  In  trying  to  do  this,  three  errors 
may,  and  generally  will  be  committed,  in  some  small 
degree.  (1)  The  axis  of  the  telescope  may  not  be  ex 
actly  level ;  (2)  the  ends  of  the  same  axis  may  not  be 
exactly  east  and  west;  (3)  the  line  which  joins  the 
centres  of  the  two  glasses,  instead  of  being  perpen 
dicular  to  the  axis  of  the  telescope,  may  be  inclined 
to  it.  If  each  of  these  errors  were  considerable,  and 
the  time  at  which  a  star  passed  the  thread  were  ob 
served,  the  calculation  of  the  time  at  which  the  same 
star  passes  the  real  meridian  would  require  compli 
cated  formulae,  and  be  a  work  of  much  labor.  But  if 
the  errors  exist  in  small  quantities  only,  the  calcula 
tion  is  very  much  simplified  by  the  preceding  princi 
ple.  For,  suppose  only  the  first  error  to  exist,  and 
calculate  the  corresponding  error  in  the  time  of  pass 
ing  the  thread.  Next  suppose  only  the  second  error, 
and  then  only  the  third  to  exist,  and  calculate  the 
effect  of  each  separately,  all  which  may  be  done  by 
simple  formula?.  The  effect  of  all  the  errors  will  then 
be  the  sum  of  the  effects  of  each  separate  error,  at 
least  with  sufficient  accuracy  for  practical  purposes. 
The  formulae  employed,  like  the  equations  in  page  28, 
are  not  actually  true  in  any  case,  but  approach  more 
near  to  the  truth  as  the  errors  are  diminished. 


In  order  to  give  the  student  an  opportunity  of  ex 
ercising  himself  in  the  principles  laid  down,  we  will 
so  far  anticipate  the  treatises  on  the  Differential  Cal 
culus  as  to  give  the  results  of  all  the  common  rules 


for  differentiation  ;  that  is,  assuming  y  to  stand  for 
various  functions  of  x,  we  find  the  increment  of  y  aris 
ing  from  an  increment  in  the  value  of  x,  or  rather, 
that  term  of  the  increment  which  contains  the  first 
power  of  dx.  This  term,  in  theory,  is  the  only  one 
on  which  the  limit  of  the  ratio  of  the  increments  de 
pends  ;  in  practice,  it  is  sufficiently  near  to  the  real 
increment  of  y,  if  the  increment  of  x  be  small. 

(1)  y  =  xm,  where  m  is  either  whole  or  fractional, 
positive  or  negative  ;  then  dy  =  mx"*'1  dx.  Thus  the 
increment  of  x$  or  the  first  term  'of  (x-\-dx)%  —  x$ 

is  \x%~idx,   or-—.     Again,    if  y  =  x8,    dy  =  8x1dx. 

When  the  exponent  is  negative,  or  when  y  =  —  , 
dy=  --  ^-j,  or  when  y  =  x~m)  dy=  —  mx~m~ldx, 

which  is  according  to  the  rule.  The  negative  sign 
indicates  that  an  increase  in  x  decreases  the  value 
of  y\  which,  in  this  case,  is  evident. 

(2)  y  =  a*.     Here  dy  =  a*  log  a  dx  where   the  log 
arithm   (as  is   always   the   case   in    analysis,    except 
where  the  contrary  is  specially  mentioned)  is  the  Na- 
perian  or  hyperbolic  logarithm.     When  a  is  the  base 
of  these  logarithms,  that  is  when  a  =  2-  7182818  =  e, 
or  when  y  =  £*,  dy  =  e*dx. 

(3)  y  =  logx    (the    Naperian    logarithm).      Here 

dy=  —  .     If  y=  common  log*,  ^  =  -4342944  —  . 

x  x 

(4)  y  = 
sinxdx;  y  =  ta.nx,  dy  = 


At  the  risk  of  being  tedious  to  some  readers,  we 
will  proceed  to  illustrate  these  formulae  by  examples 


from  the  tables  of  logarithms  and  sines.  Let  j>  =  com 
mon  log  x.  If  x  be  changed  into  x-\-dx,  the  real  in 
crement  of  y  is 

in  which  the  law  of  continuation  is  evident.  The  cor 
responding  series  for  Naperian  logarithms  is  to  be 
found  in  page  20.  From  the  first  term  of  this  the 
limit  of  the  ratio  of  dy  to  dx  can  be  found  ;  and  if  dx 
be  small,  this  will  represent  the  increment  with  suffi 
cient  accuracy.  Let  #  =  1000,  whence  y  =  common 
loglOOO  =  3;  and  let  dx  =  ~L,  or  let  it  be  required  to 
find  the  common  logarithm  of  1000  -f-  1,  or  1001.  The 
first  term  of  the  series  is  therefore  -4342  944  Xy^Viy»  or 
•0004343,  taking  seven  decimal  places  only.  Hence 
log  1001  =log  1000+  -0004343  or  3-0004343  nearly. 
The  tables  give  3-0004341,  differing  from  the  former 
only  in  the  7th  place  of  decimals. 

Again,  let  y  =  sinx;  from  which,  by  page  20,  as 
before,  if  x  be  increased  by  dx,  sinx  is  increased  by 
cosxdx  —  ^smx(dx)^  —  etc.,  of  which  we  take  only 
the  first  term.  Let  #  =  16°,  in  which  case  sin#  = 
•2756374,  and  cos  #  =  -9612617.  Let  dx  =  l',  or,  as 
it  is  represented  in  analysis,  where  the  angular  unit  is 
that  angle  whose  arc  is  equal  to  the  radius*,  ^f  £^. 
Hence  sin  16°  1'  =  sin  16°  +  •  9612617  X  *dHfro  = 
•  2756374  -f  •  0002797  =  •  2759171,  nearly.  The  tables 
give  -2759170.  These  examples  may  serve  to  show 
how  nearly  the  real  ratio  of  two  increments  approaches 
to  their  limit,  when  the  increments  themselves  are 

*See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Chicago  :  The  Open  Court  Pub.  Co.),  page  273 
et  seg. 




When  the  differential  coefficient  of  a  function  of  x 
has  been  found,  the  result,  being  a  function  of  x,  may 
be  also  differentiated,  which  gives  the  differential  co 
efficient  of  the  differential  coefficient,  or,  as  it  is  called, 
the  second  differential  coefficient.  Similarly  the  differ 
ential  coefficient  of  the  second  differential  coefficient 
is  called  the  third  differential  coefficient,  and  so  on. 
We  have  already  had  occasion  to  notice  these  succes 
sive  differential  coefficients  in  page  22,  where  it  ap 
pears  that  cp'x  being  the  first  differential  coefficient  of 
cpx,  <p"x  is  the  coefficient  of  h  in  the  development 
cp'(x  -{•  #),  and  is  therefore  the  differential  coefficient 
of  cp'x,  or  what  we  have  called  the  second  differential 
coefficient  of  cpx.  Similarly  cp'"x  is  the  third  differ 
ential  coefficient  of  cpx.  If  we  were  strictly  to  ad 
here  to  our  system  of  notation,  we  should  denote  the 
several  differential  coefficients  of  cpx  or  y  by 


dy          .*•?* 

J        **        **  etc- 

dx  dx  dx 

In  order  to  avoid  so  cumbrous  a  system  of  notation, 
the  following  symbols  are  usually  preferred, 

dy     d*y     d*y 

dx     2?     Z?'  ' 


We  proceed  to  explain  the  manner  in  which  this 
notation  is  connected  with  our  previous  ideas  on  the 


When  in  any  function  of  x,  an  increase  is  given  to 
x,  which  is  not  supposed  to  be  as  small  as  we  please, 
it  is  usual  to  denote  it  by  Ax  instead  of  dx,  and  the 
corresponding  increment  of  y  or  cpx,  by  Ay  or  Acpx, 
instead  of  dy  or  dcpx.  The  symbol  Ax  is  called  the 
difference  of  x,  being  the  difference  between  the  value 
of  the  variable  x,  before  and  after  its  increase. 

Let  x  increase  at  successive  steps  by  the  same  dif 
ference  ;  that  is,  let  a  variable,  whose  first  value  is  x, 
successively  become  x-}-Ax,  x  +  ZAx,  x-}-%Ax,  etc., 
and  let  the  successive  values  of  cpx  corresponding  to 
these  values  of  x  be  y,  yi,  y%,  j8,  etc. ;  that  is,  cpx  is 
called^,  <p(x-\-Ax}  is  y\,  <p(x-}-2Ax)  is  y*,  etc.,  and, 
generally,  cp(x  -\-mAx]  isym.  Then,  by  our  previous 
definition  y\ — y  is  Ay,  y^ — y\  is  Ay\,  J3 — y%  is  Ay^ 
etc.,  the  letter  A  before  a  quantity  always  denoting 
the  increment  it  would  receive  if  x-\-Ax  were  substi 
tuted  for  x.  Thus  yi  or  cp(x-\-*&Ax)  becomes  <p(x-{- 
Ax  -\-  3  Ax),  or  cp(x  -j-  ±Ax),  when  x  is  changed  into 
x  +  Ax,  and  receives  the  increment  cp(x  -J-  ±Ax)  — 
cp(x  -\-ZAx),  or  j>4 — j8.  If  y  be  a  function  which  de 
creases  when  x  is  increased,  y\ — y,  or  Ay  is  negative. 

It  must  be  observed,  as  in  page  26,  that  Ax  does 
not  depend  upon  x,  because  x  occurs  in  it  j  the  sym 
bol  merely  signifies  an  increment  given  to  x,  which 
increment  is  not  necessarily  dependent  upon  the  value 
of  x.  For  instance,  in  the  present  case  we  suppose 
it  a  given  quantity;  that  is,  when  x-\-Ax  is  changed 
into  x -\-Ax-\-  Ax,  or  x -\-2Ax,  x  is  changed,  and  Ax 
is  not. 

In  this  way  we  get  the  two  first  of  the  columns  un 
derneath,  in  which  each  term  of  the  second  column  is 
formed  by  subtracting  the  term  which  immediately 
precedes  it  in  the  first  column  from  the  one  which  im- 


mediately  follows.     Thus  Ay  is_yi — y,  Ay\  is  jy2 — y\, 

>.+    ^)....j 





In  the  first  column  is  to  be  found  a  series  of  suc 
cessive  values  of  the  same  function  cpx,  that  is,  it  con 
tains  terms  produced  by  substituting  successively  in 
cpx  the  quantities  x,  x-\-Ax,  x  -\-2Ax,  etc.,  instead  of 
x.  The  second  column  contains  the  successive  values 
of  another  function  <p(x-\-Ax)  —  cpx,  or  A  cpx,  made  by 
the  same  substitutions  ;  if,  for  example,  we  substitute 
x  -\-ZAx  for  x,  we  obtain  cp(x  -\-3Ax)  —  (p(x  -\-2Ax), 
or  ys  —  J2,  or  Ay*.  If,  then,  we  form  the  successive 
differences  of  the  terms  in  the  second  column,  we  ob 
tain  a  new  series,  which  we  might  call  the  differences 
of  the  differences  of  the  first  column,  but  which  are 
called  the  second  differences  of  the  first  column.  And 
as  we  have  denoted  the  operation  which  deduces  the 
second  column  from  the  first  by  A,  so  that  which  de 
duces  the  third  from  the  second  may  be  denoted  by 
A  A,  which  is  abbreviated  into  A*.  Hence  as  y\  —  y 
was  written  Ay,  Ay\  —  Ay  is  written  A  Ay,  or  A^y.  And 
the  student  must  recollect,  that  in  like  manner  as  A 
is  not  the  symbol  of  a  number,  but  of  an  operation, 
so  A9  does  not  denote  a  number  multiplied  by  itself, 
but  an  operation  repeated  upon  its  own  result  ;  just 
as  the  logarithm  of  the  logarithm  of  x  might  be  writ 
ten  Iog2#;  (logjc)2  being  reserved  to  signify  the  square 
of  the  logarithm  of  x.  We  do  not  enlarge  on  this  no 
tation,  as  the  subject  is  discussed  in  most  treatises  on 


algebra.*  Similarly  the  terms  of  the  fourth  column, 
or  the  differences  of  the  second  differences,  have  the 
prefix  AAA  abbreviated  into  A*,  so  that  A^y\ —  A*y  — 
A*y,  etc. 

When  we  have  occasion  to  examine  the  results 
which  arise  from  supposing  Ax  to  diminish  without 
limit,  we  use  dx  instead  of  Ax,  dy  instead  of  Ay,  d^y  in 
stead  of  A*y,  and  so  on.  If  we  suppose  this  case,  we 
can  show  that  the  ratio  which  the  term  in  any  column 
bears  to  its  corresponding  term  in  any  preceding  col 
umn,  diminishes  without  Hmit.  Take  for  example, 
d*y  and  dy.  The  latter  is  <p(x  -f-  dx)  —  cpx,  which,  as 
we  have  often  noticed  already,  is  of  the  form  /  dx  -f- 
q(dxf  -\-  etc.,  in  which  p,  q,  etc.,  are  also  functions 
of  x.  To  obtain  d*y,  we  must,  in  this  series,  change 
x  into  x-\-dx,  and  subtract  pdx-\- q(dx)* -\-  etc.  from 
the  result.  But  since  p,  q,  etc.,  are  functions  of  x, 
this  change  gives  them  the  form 

f  +  fdx  +  etc.,   ?4Y*fcr-f  etc.; 
so  that  d*y  is 

(p  +p'dx  +  etc. )  dx  -f  (q  -f  q'dx  -f  etc. )  (dx)*  -f  etc. 
—  (pdx  -f-  q  (dx)*  +  etc. ) 

in  which  the  first  power  of  dx  is  destroyed.  Hence 
(pages  42-44),  the  ratio  of  d*y  to  dx  diminishes  with 
out  limit,  while  that  of  d*y  to  (dx)*  has  a  finite  limit, 
except  in  those  particular  cases  in  which  the  second 
power  of  dx  is  destroyed,  in  the  previous  subtraction, 
as  well  as  the  first.  In  the  same  way  it  may  be  shown 
that  the  ratio  of  dzy  to  dx  and  (dx)*  decreases  without 
limit,  while  that  of  d*y  to  (dx)*  remains  finite  ;  and  so 

*The  reference  of  the  original  text  is  to  "  the  treatise  on  Algebraical  Ex 
pressions,"  Number  105  of  the  Library  of  Useful  Knowledge, — the  same  series 
in  which  the  present  work  appeared.  The  first  six  pages  of  this  treatise  are 
particularly  recommended  by  De  Morgan  in  relation  to  the  present  point.— Ed. 


TT  t       -     dy  d*y  d*y 

on.   Hence  we  have  a  succession  of  ratios  -f-,  ~»  -^=. 

dx  dx*  dx* 

etc.,  which  tend  towards  finite  limits  when  dx  is  di 

We  now  proceed  to  show  that  in  the  development 
of  cp(x  -f  A),  which  has  been  shown  to  be  of  the  form 

h*  h* 

<px-\-  cp'xh  -f  cp"x  -£  +  <jt"x  g-g  -f  etc., 

in  the  same  manner  as  <p'x  is  the  limit  of  -j-  (page  23), 

d^v  d^y 

so  (p"x  is  the  limit  of  —  ^,  <p'"x  is  that  of  -^~,  and  so 


From  the  manner  in  which  the  preceding  table 
was  formed,  the  following  relations  are  seen  imme 

diately  : 

Ay  i  =  Ay 



Hence  y\,  y^  etc.,  can  be  expressed  in  terms  of  y,  Ay, 
A*y,  etc.  For  yi  =y+Ay\  y*  =yi  +  Ayi  =  (y  -f  Ay}  -f 
(Ay  -^-A^f)  =y  +  24y  -f  A^y.  In  the  same  way  Ay*  = 
Ay  -f-  2  A^y  -\-  A*y  ;  hence  _y8  =  j 
J«y)  +  (J_y  -f  2  A*y  +  A*y)  =y 
Proceeding  in  this  way  we  have 


,  etc. 

from  the  whole  of  which  it  appears  that  yn  or  cp(x  -f 
nAx}  is  a  series  consisting  of  y,  Ay,  etc.,  up  to  Any, 
severally  multiplied  by  the  coefficients  which  occur  in 
the  expansion  (1  -f  «)"»  °r 


Let  us  now  suppose  that  x  becomes  x  -f-  h  by  n 

h           2/t  nh 

equal  steps  ;  that  is,  x,  x  -j ,  x  -\ ,  etc x  -f-  — 

or  x  -f-  h,  are  the  successive  values  of  x,  so  that 
nAx  —  h.  Since  the  product  of  a  number  of  factors  is 
not  altered  by  multiplying  one  of  them,  provided  we 
divide  another  of  them  by  the  same  quantity,  multiply 
every  factor  which  contains  n  by  Ax,  and  divide  the 
accompanying  difference  of  y  by  Ax  as  often  as  there 
are  factors  which  contain  n,  substituting  h  for  nAx, 

which  gives 

Ay          A    nAx — Ax    A*y 
cp(x  -f  n  Ax}  =y  -f  n  Ax  -—-  -f  nAx 

Zj  OC 

nAx  —  Ax  nAx — 2 Ax 


If  h  remain  the  same,  the  more  steps  we  make  be 
tween  x  and  x-\-  h,  the  smaller  will  each  of  those 
steps  be,  and  the  number  of  steps  may  be  increased, 
until  each  of  them  is  as  small  as  we  please.  We  can 
therefore  suppose  Ax  to  decrease  without  limit,  with 
out  affecting  the  truth  of  the  series  just  deduced. 
Write  dx  for  Axt  etc.,  and  recollect  that  h  —  dx, 
h  —  2dx,  etc.,  continually  approximate  to  h.  The  se 
ries  then  becomes 

dy  .    ,    d*yh*    ,    d*y  » 


in  which,  according  to  the  view  taken  of  the  symbols 

~-  etc.  in  pages  26-27,  S-  stands  for  the  limit  of  the 
ax  ax 

dy  d^y 

ratio  of  the  increments,  -f-  is   cp'x,  -.—  is   cp"x,   etc. 

uX  uX 

According  to  the  method  proposed  in  pages  28-29, 
the  series  written  above  is  the  first  term  of  the  devel 
opment  of  cp(x-}-fr),  the  remaining  terms  (which  we 
might  include  under  an  additional  -f-  etc.)  being  such 
as  to  diminish  without  limit  in  comparison  with  the 
first,  when  dx  is  diminished  without  limit.  And  we 


may  show  that  the  limit  of  -^4  is  the  differential  co- 
J  dx* 


efficient  of  the  limit  of  -/-;  or  if  by  these  fractions 

dx  di 

themselves  are  understood  their  limits,  that  -^  is  the 

dy  dx 

differential  coefficient  of  -^- :  for  since  dy,  or  (p(x  -j-  dx) 


—  cpx,  becomes  dy  -f-  d*y,  when  x  is  changed  into 
x  -\-  dx  ;  and  since  dx  does  not  change  in  this  process, 

dy  dy       d^y  d^y 

-4-  will  become  -^-  -f-  -r-t  or  its  increment  is  —=-.   The 

dx  dx        dx  dx 

ratio  of  this  to  dx  is       ^2,  the  limit  of  which,  in  the 

definition  of  page  22,  is  the  differential  coefficient  of 

-£.  Similarly  the  limit  of  -^  is  the  differential  co- 
dx  dx* 


efficient  of  the  limit  of  -~\  and  so  on. 


We  now  proceed  to  apply  the  principles  laid  down, 
to  some  cases  in  which  the  variable  enters  into  its 
function  in  a  less  direct  and  more  complicated  man 


For  example,  let  z  be  a  given  function  of  x  and  y, 
and  let  y  be  another  given  function  of  x ;  so  that  z 
contains  x  both  directly  and  indirectly ;  the  latter  as 
it  contains  y,  which  is  a  function  of  x.  This  will  be 
the  case  if  z  =  x\ogy,  where  y  =  sin  x.  If  we  were  to 
substitute  for  y  its  value  in  terms  of  x,  the  value  of  z 
would  then  be  a  function  of  x  only ;  in  the  instance 
just  given  it  would  be  xlogs'mx.  But  if  it  be  not  con 
venient  to  combine  the  two  equations  at  the  beginning 
of  the  process,  let  us  first  consider  z  as  a  function  of 
x  andy,  in  which  the  two  variables  are  independent. 
In  this  case,  if  x  and  y  respectively  receive  the  incre 
ments  dx  and  dy,  the  whole  increment  of  z,  or  d.z,  (or 
at  least  that  part  which  gives  the  limit  of  the  ratios) 
is  represented  by 

dz  dz    , 

—  dx  4-  -=-  dy. 
dx  dy    • 

liy  be  now  considered  as  a  function  of  x,  the  conse 
quence  is  that  dy,  instead  of  being  independent  of  dx, 
is  a  series  of  the  form  pdx  -f-  q  (dxf  -f  etc.,  in  which  p 
is  the  differential  coefficient  of  y  with  respect  to  x. 

dz    ,          dz  d.z        dz         dz 

d.  z  =  -3—  dx  -f  -j-  pdx  or  — -  = \-  -=-  p, 

dx  dy  *  dx        dx         dy r 

in  which  the  difference  between  — ^—  and  -y-  is  this, 

dx  ax 

that  in  the  second,  x  is  only  considered  as  varying 
where  it  is  directly  contained  in  z,  or  z  is  considered 
in  the  form  in  which  it  first  appeared,  as  a  function  of 
x  and  y,  where  y  is  independent  of  x ;  in  the  first,  or 

-^— ,  the  total  variation  of  z  is  denoted,  that  is,  y  is 


now  considered  as  a  function  of  x,  by  which  means  if 
x  become  x  -j-  dx,  z  will  receive  a  different  increment 


from  that  which  it  would  have  received,  had  y  been 
independent  of  x.  In  the  instance  above  cited,  where 
z  =  x\ogy  andy  =  s'mx,  if  the  first  equation  be  taken, 
and  x  becomes  x  +  dx,  y  remaining  the  same,  z  be 
comes  x  logy  -f-  logydx  or  —  is  log_y.  If  y  only  varies, 


since  (page  20)  z  will  then  become 

x\Q%y  +  x-±—  etc., 

-j-  is  — .     And  -2-  is  cos*  when  y  =  s'mx  (page  20) 
dy       y  dx 

dz        dz  dz        dz  dy  .  ,    x 

HenCe  -&  +  Tyt'  °r  TX  +  Ty  TX  'S  Iog'  +  7  C°S*' 

or  log  sin  AH — : — cosx.     This  is  — =^— ,  which  might 
sm  x  dx 

have  been  obtained  by  a  more  complicated  process,  if 
sinx  had  been  substituted  lory,  before  the  operation 
commenced.  It  is  called  the  complete  or  total  differen 
tial  coefficient  with  respect  to  x,  the  word  total  indi 
cating  that  every  way  in  which  z  contains  x  has  been 

used ;  in  opposition  to  -7-,  which  is  called  the  partial 


differential  coefficient,  x  having  been  considered  as 
varying  only  where  it  is  directly  contained  in  z. 

Generally,  the  complete  differential  coefficient  of  z 
with  respect  to  x,  will  contain  as  many  terms  as  there 
are  different  ways  in  which  z  contains  x.  From  look 
ing  at  a  complete  differential  coefficient,  we  may  see 
in  what  manner  the  function  contained  its  variable. 
Take,  for  example,  the  following, 

d.z dz       dz  dy       dz  da  dy       dz  da 

dx        dx       dy  dx       da  dy  dx       da  dx* 

Before  proceeding  to  demonstrate  this  formula,  we 
will  collect  from  itself  the  hypothesis  from  which  it 


must  have  arisen.  When  x  is  contained  in  z,  we  shall 
say  that  z  is  a  direct*  function  of  x.  When  x  is  con 
tained  in  y,  and  y  is  contained  in  z,  we  shall  say  that 
z  is  an  indirect  function  of  x  through  y.  It  is  evident 
that  an  indirect  function  may  be  reduced  to  one  which 
is  direct,  by  substituting  for  the  quantities  which  con 
tain  x,  their  values  in  terms  of  x. 

The  first  side  of  the  equation  —^—  is  shown  by  the 

point  to  be  a  complete  differential  coefficient,  and  in 
dicates  that  z  is  a  function  of  x  in  several  ways;  either 
directly,  and  indirectly  through  one  quantity  at  least, 
or  indirectly  through  several.  If  z  be  a  direct  function 
only,  or  indirectly  through  one  quantity  only,  the 

symbol  — ,   without   the   point,   would   represent   its 

total  differential  coefficient  with  respect  to  x. 
On  the  second  side  of  the  equation  we  see  : 

(1)  -=- :  which  shows  that  z  is  a  direct  function  of 

x,  and  is  that  part  of  the  differential  coefficient  which 
we  should  get  by  changing  x  into  x-\-dx  throughout 
Zj  not  supposing  any  other  quantity  which  enters  into 
z  to  contain  x. 

(2)  —  -f-:  which  shows  that  z  is  an  indirect  func- 
J  dy  dx 

tion  of  x  through  y.  If  x  and  y  had  been  supposed  to 
vary  independently  of  each  other,  the  increment  of  5, 
(or  those  terms  which  give  the  limiting  ratio  of  this 

increment  to  any  other,)  would  have  been  —  dx-\- 

dz        .  dx 

-j-  dy,  in  which,  if  dy  had  arisen  from  y  being  a  func- 

*It  may  be  right  to  warn  the  student  that  this  phraseology  is  new,  to  the 
best  of  our  knowledge.  The  nomenclature  of  the  Differential  Calculus  has 
by  no  means  kept  pace  with  its  wants ;  indeed  the  same  may  be  said  of  alge 
bra  generally.  [Written  in  1832.— Ed.} 


tion  of  x,  dy  would  have  been  a  series  of  the  form 
pdx  -f-  q  (dx^f  -J-  etc.,  of  which  only  the  differential  co 
efficient/ would  have  appeared  in  the  limit.  Hence 

dz  .          dz  dz  dy 

—  dy  would  have  given  -r-/,  or  —  ~. 
dy    '  dy*         dy  dx 

(3)  —  --  — :  this  arises  from  z  containing  a,  which 

J  da  dy  dx 

contains  y,  which  contains  x.  If  z  had  been  differen 
tiated  with  respect  to  a  only,  the  increment  would 

have  been  represented  by   7   da ;  if  da  had  arisen  from 


an  increment  of  y,  this  would  have  been  expressed  by 

dz  da   . 

—  -    dy ;  if  y  had  arisen  from  an  increment  given  to 
da  dy    '  ////// 

x.   this  would  have  been  expressed  by  —         —r-  dx. 

J  da  dy  dx 

which,  after  dx  has  been  struck  out,  is  the  part  of  the 
differential  coefficient  answering  to  that  increment. 

(4)  —  — -  :   arising  from   a  containing  x  directly, 

and  z  therefore  containing  x  indirectly  through  a. 

Hence  z  is  directly  a  function  of  x,  y,  and  a,  of 
which  y  is  a  function  of  x,  and  a  ot  y  and  x. 

If  we  suppose  x,  y  and  a  to  vary  independently, 
we  have 

d.z=  ^  dx  +  ^  dy+  ^  da  +  etc.     (pages  28-29). 

But  as  a  varies  as  a  function  of  y  and  x, 

da  da 

da—  —  dx-\-  —  dy. 

dx  dy    ' 

If  we  substitute  this  instead  of  da,  and  divide  by  dx, 
taking  the  limit  of  the  ratios,  we  have  the  result  first 

For  example,  let  (1)  z  =  x*ya*,  (2)y=x*,  and  (3) 
a  =  x6y.  Taking  the  first  equation  only,  and  substi- 


tuting  x  -f  dx  for  x  etc. ,  we  find  —  =  2xya9,  -=-  =  x2a?, 

s7w  {I V  <* 

and  —  =  3xf*ya2.    From  the  second  — -  =  2x,  and  from 

da      da  •*  ja  dx 

the  third  —  =3jc2y,  and  -3-  =xs.     Substituting  these 

dx       d  z  y 

in  the  value  of  — '— ,  we  find 

d.z        dz          dz        dy     dz  da    dy       dz  da 

dx         dx          dy        dx     da  dy    dx       da  dx 

2xya*  +  *2a3  X  2x  +  Zx2ya?  X  &  X  2*  +  3^2j'a2  X 

If  for  j>  and  #  in  the  first  equation  we  substitute  their 
values  x1  and  x*y,  or  x5,  we  have  z  =  x19,  the  differen 
tial  coefficient  of  which  19^tr18.  This  is  the  same  as 
arises  from  the  formula  just  obtained,  after  x2  and  x5 
have  been  substituted  for  y  and  a  ;  for  this  formula 
then  becomes 

2  *w  __  6  *"      9  ^c18  or  19  x16. 

In  saying  that  2  is  a  function  of  x  and^,  and  that 
y  is  a  function  of  x,  we  have  first  supposed  x  to  vary, 
jy  remaining  the  same.  The  student  must  not  imagine 
that  y  is  then  a  function  of  x  ;  for  if  so,  it  would  vary 
when  x  varied.  There  are  two  parts  of  the  total  dif 
ferential  coefficient,  arising  from  the  direct  and  indi 
rect  manner  in  which  z  contains  x.  That  these  two 
parts  may  be  obtained  separately,  and  that  their  sum 
constitutes  the  complete  differential  coefficient,  is  the 

theorem  we  have  proved.     The  first  part  —  is  what 

would  have  been  obtained  if  y  had  not  been  a  function 
of  x  ;  and  on  this  supposition  we  therefore  proceed  to 

find  it.     The  other  part  -j-  -j~-  is  the  product  (1)  of 

—  ,  which  would  have  resulted  from  a  variation  of  y 

only,   not  considered  as  a  function  of  x;  and  (2)  of 



-f-,  the  coefficient  which  arises  from  considering^  as  a 


function  of  x.  These  partial  suppositions,  however 
useful  in  obtaining  the  total  differential  coefficient, 
cannot  be  separately  admitted  or  used,  except  for  this 
purpose;  since  if  y  be  a  function  of  x,  x  and^  must 
vary  together. 

If  z  be  a  function  of  x  in  various  ways,  the  theorem 
obtained  may  be  stated  as  follows  : 

Find  the  differential  coefficient  belonging  to  each 
of  the  ways  in  which  z  will  contain  x,  as  if  it  were  the 
only  way  ;  the  sum  of  these  results  (with  their  proper 
signs)  will  be  the  total  differential  coefficient. 

Thus,   if  z  only  contains  x  indirectly  through  y, 

dz  .    dz  dy      ,,  .  .  .  ,          ^  .       ,      ,  .  , 

-j-  is  -r  -f-.  If  *  contains  a,  which  contains  b,  which 
dx  dy  dx 

dz       dz  da  db 

contains  x,  -=-  =  -=-  -77  -r. 

dx       da  db  dx 

This  theorem  is  useful  in  the  differentiation  of  com 
plicated  functions;  for  example,  let  z  =  log(x*  -}-a?). 

If  we  makejy=#2-f  a2,  we  have  s  =  log^y,  and-y-=  —  ; 

while  from  the  first  equation  -~  —2x.     Hence  —  or 

2x  dx  dx 


If  s  =  log  log  sin#,  or  the  logarithm  of  the  loga 
rithm  of  sin#,  let  sin#=j>  and  logy  =  a;  whence 
z:=log0,  and  contains  x,  because  a  contains^,  which 
contains  x.  Hence 

dz  _  dz  da  dy  ^ 
dx       dady~dxy 
but  since  z  =  loga, 



since  a —  logy, 

**  -~L 

dy  ~  y> 

and  since  y  =  sin  x, 


dz        dz  da  dy        11  cos* 

-. -  =  -=-  -=-  -f-  = COSX=  -: : : . 

dx       da  dy  dx       ay  logsm^sin* 

We  now  put  some  rules  in  the  form  of  applications 
of  this  theorem,  though  they  may  be  deduced  more 


(1)  Let  z  =  ab,  where  a  and  b  are  functions  of  x. 
The  general  formula,  since  z  contains  x  indirectly 
through  a  and  b,  is  (in  this  case  as  well  as  in  those 
which  follow,) 

dz       dz  da        dz  db 
dx       da  dx       db  dx' 

We  must  leave  —  and  —  as  we  find  them,  until  we 
dx         dx 

know  what  functions  a  and  b  are  of  x\  but  as  we 
know  what  function  z  is  of  a  and  3,  we  substitute  for 

—  and — .     Since  z  =  ab,  if  a  becomes  a-}- da,  g  be- 
da         db  jz 

comes ab -\-  bda,  whence  —-=b.   In  this  case,  and  part 

of  the  following,  the  limiting  ratio  of  the  increments 
is  the  same  as  that  of  the   increments  themselves. 

Similarly  -jr=a,  whence  from  z  =  ab  follows 

dz       ,  da   .      db 


(2)   Letz  =  --.     If  a  become  a-\-da,  z  becomes 

a-\-da        a    ,    da        .  da  .    1       _.  . 
—  -  -  or  —  -f  —  ,  and  —  is  -7-.     If  b  become  b  -}-  db,  z 
b  bo  da      b 

a  a        adb  .  dz  .         a 

becomes  .   ,     .,  or  -  ---  7=-  -f-  etc.  ,  whence  —  is  —  -75. 
b       b         P  db          b1 

Hence  from  z=  —  follows 

i  da  dt> 

dz        1  da        a  db       °  -£<  —  a  irx 

(3)  Let  z-=a*.  Here  (a  +  da)*  =  a*  +  fa*-*  da 
-j-etc.  (page  21),  whence  -^  =  bab~l.  Again,  ab+db  = 
abadb  =  ab(\  -f  log^t^  -f-  etc.)  whence  —  =«* 
Therefore  from  z  =  a*  follows 

dz  ,  .  da   .     .  .         db 

~-  =  bab~^  -j-  +  ab  log  a  —. 
dx  dx  dx 


If  y  be  a  function  of  x,  such  as  y=cpx,  we  may, 
by  solution  of  the  equation,  determine  x  in  terms  of 
y,  or  produce  another  equation  of  the  form  x  =  $y. 
For  example,  when  y  =  x2,  x=y%.  It  is  not  neces 
sary  that  we  should  be  able  to  solve  the  equation 
y=cpx  in  finite  terms,  that  is,  so  as  to  give  a  value 
of  x  without  infinite  series ;  it  is  sufficient  that  x  can 
be  so  expressed  that  the  value  of  x  corresponding  to 
any  value  of  y  may  be  found  as  near  as  we  please 
from  x  —  i/jy,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  value  of  y 
corresponding  to  any  value  of  x  is  found  from  y  =  cpx. 

The  equations  y  =  g>x,  and  x  =  ip>y,  are  connected, 
being,  in  fact,  the  same  relation  in  different  forms  ; 
and  if  the  value  of  y  from  the  first  be  substituted  in 


the  second,  the  second  becomes  x  =  tp((px>),  or  as  it  is 
more  commonly  written,  ty(px.  That  is,  the  effect  of 
the  operation  or  set  of  operations  denoted  by  ip  is  de 
stroyed  by  the  effect  of  those  denoted  by  cp  ;  as  in  the 
instances  (#2)^,  (#8)£,  &°sx,  angle  whose  sine  is  (sin#), 
etc.,  each  of  which  is  equal  to  x. 

By  differentiating  the  first  equation  y=<px,  we  ob 

tain  -=-  =  qjx,    and   from    the    second  —  —  tb'y.    But 
dx  dy 

whatever  values  of  x  and  y  together  satisfy  the  first 
equation,  satisfy  the  second  also  ;  hence,  if  when  x  be 
comes  x  -\-  dx  in  the  first,  y  becomes  y  -f-  dy  ;  the  same 
y-^dy  substituted  for  y  in  the  second,  will  give  the 

same  x-\-  dx.     Hence  --  as  deduced  from  the  second, 

and  -J-  as  deduced  from  the  first,  are  reciprocals  for 

every  value  of  dx.  The  limit  of  one  is  therefore  the 
reciprocal  of  the  limit  of  the  other  ;  the  student  may 

easily  prove  that  if  a  is  always  equal  to  —,  and  if  a 
continually  approaches  to  the  limit  a,  while  b  at  the 

same  time  approaches  the  limit  y#,  a  is  equal  to  -^  . 

dx  P. 

But  —  or  if>'y,  deduced  from  x  —  rpy,  is  expressed  in 

d  v 
terms  of  y,  while  -j-  or  cp'x,   deduced  from  y  =  (px  is 


expressed  in  terms  of  x.  Therefore  ip'y  and  cp'x  are 
reciprocals  for  all  such  values  of  x  and  y  as  satisfy 
either  of  the  two  first  equations. 

For  example  let  y  =  £*,  from  which  x  =  logy.   From 

the  first  (page  20)  -J-  =  £*  ;  from  the  second  —  =  —  ; 
and  it  is  evident  that  s*  and  —  are  reciprocals,  when 

ever  y  =  £*. 

If  we  differentiate  the  above  equations  twice,  we  get 


-~~  =  q>"x,  and  -j-^  =tb"x.    There  is  no  very  obvious 

dx1  dy* 

analogy  between  -~  and  —^  ;  indeed  no  such  appears 
dx  dy 

from  the  method  in  which  these  coefficients  were  first 
formed.  Turn  to  the  table  in  page  90,  and  substitute 
d  for  A  throughout,  to  indicate  that  the  increments 
may  be  taken  as  small  as  we  please.  We  there  sub 
stitute  in  (px  what  we  will  call  a  set  of  equidistant  val 
ues  of  x,  or  values  in  arithmetical  progression,  viz., 
x,  x-\-dx,  x  -\-2dx,  etc.  The  resulting  values  of  y, 
or  y,  y\,  etc.,  are  not  equidistant,  except  in  one  func 
tion  only,  when  y=ax-\-b,  where  a  and  b  are  con 
stant.  Therefore  dy,  dy\,  etc.,  are  not  equal  ;  whence 
arises  the  next  column  of  second  differences,  or  d*y, 
d*yi,  etc.  The  limiting  ratio  of  d*y  to  (dfcr)8,  expressed 

by  TTJI  is  the  second  differential  coefficient  of  y  with 

respect  to  x.  If  from  y  —  cpx  we  deduce  x  =  $y,  and 
take  a  set  of  equidistant  values  of  y,  viz.,  y,  y-\-dy, 
y-^-2dy,  etc.,  to  which  the  corresponding  values  of  x 
are  x,  x\,  x%,  etc.,  a  similar  table  may  be  formed, 
which  will  give  dx,  dxi,  etc.,  d2x,  d*x\,  etc.,  and  the 

limit  of  the  ratio  of  d*x  to  (/#>)8  or  —^-  is  the  second 

differential  coefficient  of  x  with  respect  to  y.  These 
are  entirely  different  suppositions,  dx  being  given  in 
the  first  table,  and  dy  varying  ;  while  in  the  second  dy 
is  given  and  dx  varies.  We  may  show  how  to  deduce 
one  from  the  other  as  follows  : 

When,  as  before,  y=cpx  and  x  =  fiy,  we  have 

dy  _      ,          1          1 
dx-V*    "ft  —  p' 

if  ty'y  be  called  /.     Calling  this  u,  and  considering  it 


as  a  function  of  x  from  containing  /,  which  contains 
y,  which  contains  x,  we  have 

du  dp  dy 

dp  dy  dx 

for  its  differential  coefficient  with  respect  to  x.     But 

_  ^ 


du=     _1. 

dp~        f 

since  p  —  rp'y,  therefore 

and  if>"y  is  the  differential  coefficient  of  i/>'y,  and  is 

or  or 


Hence  the  differential  coefficient  of  u  or  -^-,  with  re- 

d*y   .  dx 

spect  to  x,  which  is  -       is  also 

dx     dy*  dx  \dx)    dy*  ' 

If  y  =  e*,   whence  #  =  logjy,  we  have--=€*  and 

d*y               _      dx        1        ,  //8^             1       _,        . 
•n  =  €*•     But  —  =  —  and  -ry  = ^.     Therefore 

8  ^^.  _/          1\  &*  $* 

or  — s-  or  -«-» 


which  is  fi*,  the  value  just  found  for  - 


In  the  same  way  -~  might  be  expressed  in  terms 

x  d*x  ,  d*x 
-—  ,  -}-=-,  and  -T-J:- 
dy  dy*  dy* 

,  dx  , 

of  -—  ,  -}-=-,  and  -T-J:-;  and  so  on. 
*  * 


The  variable  which  appears  in  the  denominator  of 
the  differential  coefficients  is  called  the  independent 
variable.  In  any  function,  one  quantity  at  least  is 
changed  at  pleasure ;  and  the  changes  of  the  rest, 
with  the  limiting  ratio  of  the  changes,  follow  from  the 
form  of  the  function.  The  number  of  independent 
variables  depends  upon  the  number  of  quantities 
which  enter  into  the  equations,  and  upon  the  number 
of  equations  which  connect  them.  If  there  be  only 
one  equation,  all  the  variables  except  one  are  inde 
pendent,  or  may  be  changed  at  pleasure,  without  ceas 
ing  to  satisfy  the  equation  ;  for  in  such  a  case  the 
common  rules  of  algebra  tell  us,  that  as  long  as  one 
quantity  is  left  to  be  determined  from  the  rest,  it  can 
be  determined  by  one  equation  ;  that  is,  the  values  of 
all  but  one  are  at  our  pleasure,  it  being  still  in  our 
power  to  satisfy  one  equation,  by  giving  a  proper 
value  to  the  remaining  one.  Similarly,  if  there  be 
two  equations,  all  variables  except  two  are  independ 
ent,  and  so  on.  If  there  be  two  equations  with  two 
unknown  quantities  only,  there  are  no  variables ;  for 
by  algebra,  a  finite  number  of  values,  and  a  finite 
number  only,  can  satisfy  these  equations  ;  whereas  it 
is  the  nature  of  a  variable  to  receive  any  value,  or  at 
least  any  value  which  will  not  give  impossible  values 
for  other  variables.  If  then  there  be  m  equations  con 
taining  n  variables,  (n  must  be  greater  than  m),  we 
have  n — m  independent  variables,  to  each  of  which 


we  may  give  what  values  we  please,  and  by  the  equa 
tions,  deduce  the  values  of  the  rest.  We  have  thus 
various  sets  of  differential  coefficients,  arising  out  of 
the  various  choices  which  we  may  make  of  independ 
ent  variables. 

If,  for  example,  a,  b,  x,  y,  and  z,  being  variables, 
we  have 

<p(a,  b,  x,y,  *,)  =  °» 

if>(a,  b,  x,y,  *,)  =  0, 

X(a,  t>,  x,  y,  *,)  =  0, 

we  have  two  independent  variables,  which  may  be 
either  x  and  y,  x  and  z,  a  and  b,  or  any  other  com 
bination.  If  we  choose  x  and^,  we  should  determine 
a,  b,  and  z  in  terms  of  x  and  y  from  the  three  equa 
tions  ;  in  which  case  we  can  obtain 

da     da     db 
Jx~'   ~fy>  Jx~'  e 

Wheny  is  a  function  of  x,  as  in  y—  <px,  it  is  called 
an  explicit  function  of  x.  This  equation  tells  us  not 
only  that  y  is  a  function  of  x,  but  also  what  function 
it  is.  The  value  of  x  being  given,  nothing  more  is 
necessary  to  determine  the  corresponding  value  of  y, 
than  the  substitution  of  the  value  of  x  in  the  several 
terms  of  (px. 

But  it  may  happen  that  though  y  is  a  function  of 
x,  the  relation  between  them  is  contained  in  a  form 
from  which  y  must  be  deduced  by  the  solution  of  an 
equation.  For  example,  in  #2  —  xy-\-y'2==at  when  # 
is  known,  y  must  be  determined  by  the  solution  of  an 
equation  of  the  second  degree.  Here,  though  we  know 
that  y  must  be  a  function  of  x,  we  do  not  know,  with 
out  further  investigation,  what  function  it  is.  In  this 
case  y  is  said  to  be  implicitly  a  function  of  x}  or  an  im- 


plicit  function.  By  bringing  all  the  terms  on  one  side 
of  the  equation,  we  may  always  reduce  it  to  the  form 
cp(x,  y)  =  0.  Thus,  in  the  case  just  cited,  we  have 

We  now  want  to  deduce  the  differential  coefficient 


-j-  from  an  equation  of  the  form  q>(x,  y)  =  0.     If  we 


take  the  equation  u  =  cp(x,  jv),  in  which  when  x  and  y 
become  x  -|-  dx  and  y  -f  dy,  u  becomes  u  -{-  du,  we  have, 
by  our  former  principles, 

du  =  u'dx  -\-  utdy  -}-  etc.  ,  (page  82), 

in  which  »'  and  ut  can  be  directly  obtained  from  the 
equation,  as  in  page  82.  Here  x  and  y  are  independ 
ent,  as  also  dx  and  dy  ;  whatever  values  are  given  to 
them,  it  is  sufficient  that  u  and  du  satisfy  the  two  last 
equations.  But  if  x  and  y  must  be  always  so  taken 
that  u  may  =0,  (which  is  implied  in  the  equation 
<p(x,  y)  =  0,  )  we  have  #  =  0,  and  du  =  §\  and  this, 
whatever  may  be  the  values  of  dx  and  dy.  Hence  dx 
and  dy  are  connected  by  the  equation 

0  =  u'dx  -f  utdy  -f  etc.  , 

and  their  limiting  ratio  must  be  obtained  by  the  equa 

y  and  x  are  no  longer  independent  ;  for,  one  of  them 
being  given,  the  other  must  be  so  taken  that  the  equa 
tion  (p(x,  _y)  =  0  maybe  satisfied.  The  quantities  u' 

and  u  we  have  denoted  by  -3—  and  -=-,  so  that 
'  dx          dy 



We  must  again  call  attention  to  the  different  mean 
ings  of  the  same  symbol  du  in  the  numerator  and  de 
nominator  of  the  last  fraction.  Had  du,  dx,  and  dy 
been  common  algebraical  quantities,  the  first  meaning 
the  same  thing  throughout,  the  last  equation  would 
not  have  been  true  until  the  negative  sign  had  been 
removed.  We  will  give  an  instance  in  which  du  shall 
mean  the  same  thing  in  both. 

Let  u  =  <p(x),  and  let  u  =  t/y,  in  which  two  equa 
tions  is  implied  a  third  <px  =  ipy,  and  y  is  a  function 
of  x.  Here,  x  being  given,  u  is  known  from  the  first 
equation ;  and  u  being  known,  y  is  known  from  the 
second.  Again,  x  and  dx  being  given,  du,  which  is 
<p(x-\-dx}  —  <px  is  known,  and  being  substituted  in 
the  result  of  the  second  equation,  we  have  du  — 
^(y  ~\~  dy} — tyy,  which  dy  must  be  so  taken  as  to 
satisfy.  From  the  first  equation  we  deduce  du  = 
qj 'x  dx  -j-  etc.  and  from  the  second  du  —  il>'ydy-\-  etc. , 

qjx  dx  -f-  etc.  =  ip'y  dy  -j-  etc. ; 

the  etc.  only  containing  terms  which  disappear  in  find 
ing  the  limiting  ratios.     Hence, 

Q  —  ^—'ZL  t*\ 

dx~~  Wy  "  *± 


a  result  in  accordance  with  common  algebra. 

But  the  equation  (1)  was  obtained  from  u  =  (p(x,y\ 
on  the  supposition  that  x  and  y  were  always  so  taken 
that  u  should  =0,  while  (2)  was  obtained  from  «  = 
<p(x)  and  u  =  Sy,  in  which  no  new  supposition  can  be 
made  ;  since  one  more  equation  between  u,  x,  and  y 
would  give  three  equations  connecting  these  three 
quantities,  in  which  case  they  would  cease  to  be  vari 
able  (page  106). 


As  an  example  of  (1)  let  xy  —  *  =  1,   or  xy  —  x— 
1  =  0.     From    u  =  xy  —  x  —  1  we   deduce    (page  81) 

du  .    du 

—  —y  —  if        =x;  whence,  by  equation  (1), 

dx~  x 

By  solution  of  xy  —  x  =  l,  we  fmdy  =  l-\  --  ,  and 

dy  1 

Hence  ~  (meaning  the  limit)  is  --  -v  which  will  also 

be  the  result  of  (3)  if  1  H  --  be  substituted  for.y. 


To  follow  this  subject  farther  would  lead  us  be 
yond  our  limits ;  we  will  therefore  proceed  to  some 
observations  on  the  differential  coefficient,  which,  at 
this  stage  of  his  progress,  may  be  of  use  to  the  stu 
dent,  who  should  never  take  it  for  granted  that  be 
cause  he  has  made  some  progress  in  a  science,  he  un 
derstands  the  first  principles,  which  are  often,  if  not 
always,  the  last  to  be  learned  well.  If  the  mind  were 
so  constituted  as  to  receive  with  facility  any  perfectly 
new  idea,  as  soon  as  the  same  was  legitimately  ap 
plied  in  mathematical  demonstration,  it  would  doubt 
less  be  an  advantage  not  to  have  any  notion  upon  a 
mathematical  subject,  previous  to  the  time  when  it  is 
to  become  a  subject  of  consideration  after  a  strictly 
mathematical  method. 

This  not  being  the  case,  it  is  a  cause  of  embarrass 
ment  to  the  student,  that  he  is  introduced  at  once  to  a 
definition  so  refined  as  that  of  the  limiting  ratio  which 

*  See  page  26. 


the  increment  of  a  function  bears  to  the  increment  of 
its  variable.  Of  this  he  has  not  had  that  previous  ex 
perience,  which  is  the  case  in  regard  to  the  words 
force,  velocity,  or  length.  Nevertheless,  he  can  easily 
conceive  a  mathematical  quantity  in  a  state  of  con 
tinuous  increase  or  decrease,  such  as  the  distance  be 
tween  two  points,  one  of  'which  is  in  motion.  The 
number  which  represents  this  line  (reference  being 
made  to  a  given  linear  unit)  is  in  a  corresponding 
state  of  increase  or  decrease,  and  so  is  every  function 
of  this  number,  or  every  algebraical  expression  in  the 
formation  of  which  it  is  required.  And  the  nature  of 
the  change  which  takes  place  in  the  function,  that  is, 
whether  the  function  will  increase  or  decrease  when 
the  variable  increases ;  whether  that  increase  or  de 
crease  corresponding  to  a  given  change  in  the  vari 
able  will  be  smaller  or  greater,  etc.,  depends  on  the 
manner  in  which  the  variable  enters  as  a  component 
part  of  its  function. 

Here  we  want  a  new  word,  which  has  not  been  in 
vented  for  the  world  at  large,  since  none  but  mathe 
maticians  consider  the  subject ;  which  word,  if  the 
change  considered  were  change  of  place,  depending 
upon  change  of  time,  would  be  velocity.  Newton 
adopted  this  word,  and  the  corresponding  idea,  ex 
pressing  many  numbers  in  succession,  instead  of  at 
once,  by  supposing  a  point  to  generate  a  straight  line 
by  its  motion,  which  line  would  at  different  instants 
contain  any  different  numbers  of  linear  units. 

To  this  it  was  objected  that  the  idea  of  time  is  in 
troduced,  which  is  foreign  to  the  subject.  We  may 
answer  that  the  notion  of  time  is  only  necessary,  in 
asmuch  as  we  are  not  able  to  consider  more  than  one 
thing  at  a  time.  Imagine  the  diameter  of  a  circle  di- 


vided  into  a  million  of  equal  parts,  from  each  of  which 
a  perpendicular  is  drawn  meeting  the  circle.  A  mind 
which  could  at  a  view  take  in  every  one  of  these  lines, 
and  compare  the  differences  between  every  two  con 
tiguous  perpendiculars  with  one  another,  could,  by 
subdividing  the  diameter  still  further,  prove  those 
propositions  which  arise  from  supposing  a  point  to 
move  uniformly  along  the  diameter,  carrying  with  it 
a  perpendicular  which  lengthens  or  shortens  itself  so 
as  always  to  have  one  extremity  on  the  circle.  But 
we,  who  cannot  consider  all  these  perpendiculars  at 
once,  are  obliged  to  take  one  after  another.  If  one 
perpendicular  only  were  considered,  and  the  differen 
tial  coefficient  of  that  perpendicular  deduced,  we  might 
certainly  appear  to  avoid  the  idea  of  time ;  but  if  all 
the  states  of  a  function  are  to  be  considered,  corre 
sponding  to  the  different  states  of  its  variable,  we 
have  no  alternative,  with  our  bounded  faculties,  but 
to  consider  them  in  succession ;  and  succession,  dis 
guise  it  as  we  may,  is  the  identical  idea  of  time  intro 
duced  in  Newton's  Method  of  Fluxions. 


The  differential  coefficient  corresponding  to  a  par 
ticular  value  of  the  variable,  is,  if  we  may  use  the 
phrase,  the  index  of  the  change  which  the  function 
would  receive  if  the  value  of  the  variable  were  in 
creased.  Every  value  of  the  variable,  gives  not  only 
a  different  value  to  the  function,  but  a  different  quan 
tity  of  increase  or  decrease  in  passing  to  what  we  may 
call  contiguous  values,  obtained  by  a  given  increase  of 
the  variable. 

If,  for  example,  we  take  the  common  logarithm  of 


x,  and  let  x  be  100,  we  have  common  log  100  =  2.  If 
x  be  increased  by  2,  this  gives  common  log  102  = 
2-0086002,  the  ratio  of  the  increment  of  the  function 
to  that  of  the  variable  being  that  of  •  0086002  to  2,  or 
•0043001.  In  passing  from  1000  to  1003,  we  have  the 
logarithms  3  and  3-0013009,  the  above-mentioned  ra 
tio  being  -0004336,  little  more  than  a.  tenth  of  the 
former.  We  do  not  take  the  increments  themselves, 
but  the  proportion  they  bear  to  the  changes  in  the 
variable  which  gave  rise  to  them ;  so  in  estimating 
the  rate  of  motion  of  two  points,  we  either  consider 
lengths  described  in  the  same  time,  or  if  that  cannot 
be  done,  we  judge,  not  by  the  lengths  described  in 
different  times,  but  by  the  proportion  of  those  lengths 
to  the  times,  or  the  proportions  of  the  units  which 
express  them. 

The  above  rough  process,  though  from  it  some 
might  draw  the  conclusion  that  the  logarithm  of  x  is 
increasing  faster  when  #  =  100  than  when  #  =  1000, 
is  defective;  for,  in  passing  from  100  to  102,  the 
change  of  the  logarithm  is  not  a  sufficient  index  of  the 
change  which  is  taking  place  when  x  is  100  ;  since, 
for  any  thing  we  can  be  supposed  to  know  to  the  con 
trary,  the  logarithm  might  be  decreasing  when  #  = 
100,  and  might  afterwards  begin  to  increase  between 
#==100  and  #  =  102,  so  as,  on  the  whole,  to  cause 
the  increase  above  mentioned.  The  same  objection 
would  remain  good,  however  small  the  increment 
might  be,  which  we  suppose  #  to  have.  If,  for  ex 
ample,  we  suppose  #  to  change  from  #  =  100  to  #  = 
100-00001,  which  increases  the  logarithm  from  2  to 
2-00000004343,  we  cannot  yet  say  but  that  the  log 
arithm  may  be  decreasing  when  #  =  100,  and  may  be 
gin  to  increase  between  #  =  100  and  #  =  100  -00001. 


In  the  same  way,  if  a  point  is  moving,  so  that  at 
the  end  of  1  second  it  is  at  3  feet  from  a  fixed  point, 
and  at  the  end  of  2  seconds  it  is  at  5  feet  from  the 
fixed  point,  we  cannot  say  which  way  it  is  moving  at 
the  end  of  one  second.  On  the  whole,  it  increases  its 
distance  from  the  fixed  point  in  the  second  second ; 
but  it  is  possible  that  at  the  end  of  the  first  second  it 
may  be  moving  back  towards  the  fixed  point,  and  may 
turn  the  contrary  way  during  the  second  second.  And 
the  same  argument  holds,  if  we  attempt  to  ascertain 
the  way  in  which  the  point  is  moving  by  supposing 
any  finite  portion  to  elapse  after  the  first  second.  But 
if  on  adding  any  interval,  however  small,  to  the  first 
second,  the  moving  point  does,  during  that  interval, 
increase  its  distance  from  the  fixed  point,  we  can  then 
certainly  say  that  at  the  end  of  the  first  second  the 
point  is  moving  from  the  fixed  point. 

On  the  same  principle,  we  cannot  say  whether  the 
logarithm  of  x  is  increasing  or  decreasing  when  x  in 
creases  and  becomes  100,  unless  we  can  be  sure  that 
any  increment,  however  small,  added  to  x,  will  in 
crease  the  logarithm.  Neither  does  the  ratio  of  the 
increment  of  the  function  to  the  increment  of  its  vari 
able  furnish  any  distinct  idea  of  the  change  which  is 
taking  place  when  the  variable  has  attained  or  is  pass 
ing  through  a  given  value.  For  example,  when  x 
passes  from  100  to  102,  the  difference  between  log  102 
and  log  100  is  the  united  effect  of  all  the  changes 
which  have  taken  place  between  #  =  100  and  x  = 
100^;  #  =  100^  and  #  =  100^,  and  so  on.  Again, 
the  change  which  takes  place  between  #  =  100  and 
#  =  100^  may  be  further  compounded  of  those  which 
take  place  between  x  =  100  and  x  =  lOOyJ^  ;  x  = 
and  #  =  100^,  and  so  on.  The  objection 


becomes  of  less  force  as  the  increment  diminishes, 
but  always  exists  unless  we  take  the  limit  of  the  ratio 
of  the  increments,  instead  of  that  ratio. 

How  well  this  answers  to  our  previously  formed 
ideas  on  such  subjects  as  direction,  velocity,  and 
force,  has  already  appeared. 


We  now  proceed  to  the  Integral  Calculus,  which 
is  the  inverse  of  the  Differential  Calculus,  as  will  after 
wards  appear. 

We  have  already  shown,  that  when  two  functions 
increase  or  decrease  without  limit,  their  ratio  may  either 
increase  or  decrease  without  limit,  or  may  tend  to 
some  finite  limit.  Which  of  these  will  be  the  case  de 
pends  upon  the  manner  in  which  the  functions  are  re 
lated  to  their  variable  and  to  one  another. 

This  same  proposition  may  be  put  in  another  form, 
as  follows  :  If  there  be  two  functions,  the  first  of  which 
decreases  without  limit,  on  the  same  supposition  which 
makes  the  second  increase  without  limit,  the  product 
of  the  two  may  either  remain  finite,  and  never  exceed 
a  certain  finite  limit ;  or  it  may  increase  without  limit, 
or  diminish  without  limit. 

For  example,  take  cos  0  and  tan  0.  As  the  angle  6 
approaches  a  right  angle,  cos0  diminishes  without 
limit ;  it  is  nothing  when  6  is  a  right  angle  ;  and  any 
fraction  being  named,  0  can  be  taken  so  near  to  a 
right  angle  that  cos0  shall  be  smaller.  Again,  as  6 
approaches  to  a  right  angle,  tan0  increases  without 
limit ;  it  is  called  infinite  when  0  is  a  right  angle,  by 
which  we  mean  that,  let  any  number  be  named,  how 
ever  great,  0  can  be  taken  so  near  a  right  angle  that 
tan0  shall  be  greater.  Nevertheless  the  product  cos0X 


tan  0,  of  which  the  first  factor  diminishes  without  limit, 
while  the  second  increases  without  limit,  is  always 
finite,  and  tends  towards  the  limit  1 ;  for  cos#X  tan0 
is  always  sin0,  which  last  approaches  to  1  as  0  ap 
proaches  to  a  right  angle,  and  is  1  when  0  is  a  right 

Generally,  if  A  diminishes  without  limit  at  the 
same  time  as  B  increases  without  limit,  the  product 
AB  may,  and  often  will,  tend  towards  a  finite  limit. 
This  product  AB  is  the  representative  of  A  divided  by 

^g-  or  the  ratio  of  A  to  -=-.  If  B  increases  without 
-tJ  -i  r> 

limit,  •=-  decreases  without  limit ;  and  as  A  also  de- 

creases  without  limit,  the  ratio  of  A  to  -^  may  have  a 

finite  limit.  But  it  may  also  diminish  without  limit ; 
as  in  the  instance  of  cos20  X  tan0,  when  0  approaches 
to  a  right  angle.  Here  cos20  diminishes  without  limit, 
and  tan0  increases  without  limit;  but  cos20X*an0 
being  cos0Xsin0,  or  a  diminishing  magnitude  multi 
plied  by  one  which  remains  finite,  diminishes  without 
limit.  Or  it  may  increase  without  limit,  as  in  the  case 
of  cos0  X  tan20,  which  is  also  sin  0  X  tan0  ;  which  last 
has  one  factor  finite,  and  the  other  increasing  without 
limit.  We  shall  soon  see  an  instance  of  this. 

If  we  take  any  numbers,  such  as  1  and  2,  it  is  evi 
dent  that  between  the  two  we  may  interpose  any  num 
ber  of  fractions,  however  great,  either  in  arithmetical 
progression,  or  according  to  any  other  law.  Suppose, 
for  example,  we  wish  to  interpose  9  fractions  in  arith 
metical  progression  between  1  and  2.  These  are  1^, 
1-jj^,  etc.,  up  to  1-^j- ;  and,  generally,  if  m  fractions  in 
arithmetical  progression  be  interposed  between  a  and 
a  -\-  h,  the  complete  series  is 


up  to  a  -\ r- 

The  sum  of  these  can  evidently  be  made  as  great  as 
we  please,  since  no  one  is  less  than  the  given  quan 
tity  a,  and  the  number  is  as  great  as  we  please.  Again, 
if  we  take  <px,  any  function  of  x,  and  let  the  values 
just  written  be  successively  substituted  for  x,  we  shall 
have  the  series 

...................  up  to  <p(a  +  R)     (2); 

the  sum  of  which  may,  in  many  cases,  also  be  made 
as  great  as  we  please  by  sufficiently  increasing  the 
number  of  fractions  interposed,  that  is,  by  sufficiently 
increasing  m.  But  though  the  two  sums  increase  with 
out  limit  when  m  increases  without  limit,  it  does  not 
therefore  follow  that  their  ratio  increases  without 
limit  ;  indeed  we  can  show  that  this  cannot  be  the 
case  when  all  the  separate  terms  of  (2)  remain  finite. 
For  let  A  be  greater  than  any  term  in  (2),  whence, 
as  there  are  (w-j-2)  terms,  (w  +  2)A  is  greater  than 
their  sum.  Again,  every  term  of  (1),  except  the  first, 
being  greater  than  a,  and  the  terms  being  m-\-2  in 
number,  (m  -|-  2)0  is  less  than  the  sum  of  the  terms  in 
(1).  Consequently, 

(m  -L-  2)  A  .  .    sum  of  terms  in  (2) 

T  -  —  ~  —  is  greater  than  the  ratio  -  -f—  -  :  —  ^, 
(m  -f  2)#  sum  of  terms  in  (1) 

since  its  numerator  is  greater  than  the  last  numerator, 
and  its  denominator  less  than  the  last  denominator. 



(m  +  2)a        ~a' 

which  is  independent  of  m,  and  is  a  finite  quantity. 
Hence  the  ratio  of  the  sums  of  the  terms  is  always 
finite,  whatever  may  be  the  number  of  terms,  at  least 
unless  the  terms  in  (2)  increase  without  limit. 

As  the  number  of  interposed  values  increases,  the 
interval  or  difference  between  them  diminishes  ;  if, 
therefore,  we  multiply  this  difference  by  the  sum  of 
the  values,  or  form 

—  T  \(pa  -j-  <p{  a  -\  --  —  -    4- 
+\\J         ^\        an          n 


we  have  a  product,  one  term  of  which  diminishes,  and 
the  other  increases,  when  m  is  increased.  The  pro 
duct  may  therefore  remain  finite,  or  never  pass  a  cer 
tain  limit,  when  m  is  increased  without  limit,  and  \\e 
shall  show  that  this  is  the  case. 

As  an  example,  let  the  given  function  of  x  be  ^2, 
and  let  the  intermediate  values  of  x  be  interposed  be 
tween  x  =  a  and  x  =  a4-h.  Let  v= =-,  whence 

m  +  l 

the  above-mentioned  product  is 

................  -f  tf4-(^+l> 

(m  +  2)  va*  -f-  2av*  {  1  +  2  +  3  +  .  .  +  (m  +  1)  } 

of  which,  l  +  2  +  ....-K«  +  l)==Kai+l)(»»-f2) 
and  (page  73),  !2-f  22  +  .  .  .  .  -f  (»  +  1)«  approaches 
without  limit  to  a  ratio  of  equality  with  $(;«-}-  1)8, 
when  m  is  increased  without  limit.  Hence  this  last 
sum  may  be  put  under  the  form  |(>-f  1)8(1  +  a), 


where  a  diminishes  without  limit  when  m  is  increased 
without  limit.     Making  these  substitutions,  and  put 

ting  for  v  its  value  —  r-=t  the  above  expression  be- 
m  -j-  1 


in  which  —  ~—  has  the  limit  1  when  m  increases  with- 


out  limit,  and  1-f-  a  has  also  the  limit  1,  since,  in  that 
case,  a  diminishes  without  limit.  Therefore  the  limit 
of  the  last  expression  is 

ha*  +  tfa+-    or 

This  result  may  be  stated  as  follows  :  If  the  vari 
able  x,  setting  out  from  a  value  a,  becomes  succes 
sively  a-^-dx,  a  -\-2dx,  etc.,  until  the  total  increment 
is  h,  the  smaller  dx  is  taken,  the  more  nearly  will  the 
sum  of  all  the  values  of  x^dx,  or  a?dx  -\-(a-\-  dx^f  dx  -f- 
(a-\-2dx)2dx-\-etc.t  be  equal  to 

and  to  this  the  aforesaid  sum  may  be  brought  within 
any  given  degree  of  nearness,  by  taking  dx  sufficiently 

This  result  is  called  the  integral  of  x*dx,  between 
the  limits  a  and  a  -\-  h,  and  is  written  fx^dx,  when  it 
is  not  necessary  to  specify  the  limits,  andy],a  hx*dx, 
or*  fx^dx?**,  or  fx2dx%^+h  in  the  contrary  case.  We 

*This  notation  f3?dx£+h  appears  to  me  to  avoid  the  objections  which 
may  be  raised  against  J'^i^dx  as  contrary  to  analogy,  which  would  require 
that  /"  jrdxr  should  stand  for  the  second  integral  of  x^dx.  It  will  be  found 
convenient  in  such  integrals  &sfzdx*dy&x.  There  is  as  yet  no  general  agree 
ment  on  this  point  of  notation.—  Zte  Morgan,  1832. 


now  proceed  to  show  the  connexion  of  this  process 
with  the  principles  of  the  Differential  Calculus. 



Let  x  have  the  successive  values  a,  a  4  dx,  a  -f-  Zdx, 
etc.  ,  .  .  .  .  up  to  a  4-  mdx,  or  a  -f  ht  h  being  a  given 
quantity,  and  dx  the  /0th  part  of  h,  so  that  as  m  is  in 
creased  without  limit,  dx  is  diminished  without  limit. 
Develop  the  successive  values  (px,  or  cpa,  cp(a  -f-  dx}  — 
(page  21), 

4,  a 

*    +  etc. 

>"a  +  ^'"«  -f  etc. 

+  etc. 

+  etc. 

If  we  multiply  each  development  by  dx  and  add  the 
results,  we  have  a  series  made  up  of  the  following 
terms,  arising  from  the  different  columns, 

<pa    X  mdx 

cp'a    X(l  +2  +3  +...+*)  (</*)» 


and,  as  in  the  last  example,  we  may  represent  (page 


1  4.2  4-3  -f  .....  +m          by£w2(14-tf) 
12  _|_  22  4-  32  +  .....  4-  m*          .  .  \m*  (1  4-  ft) 

-    »4l-         etc- 


where  a,  /?,  y,  etc.,  diminish  without  limit,  when  m 
is  increased  without  limit.    If  we  substitute  these  val 

ues,  and  also  put  —  instead  of  dxt  we  have,  for  the 


sum  of  the  terms, 

<f/a  ~  (1  +  «)  +  <p"a  ^  (1  +  fS) 


which,  when  m  is  increased  without  limit,  in  conse 
quence  of  which  a,  ft,  etc.,  diminish  without  limit, 
continually  approaches  to 

h*  h*  h* 

(pah  +  (p'a^-\-  cp"a  ^  +  (p'"a  ^-^  +  etc. 

which  is  the  limit  arising  from  supposing  x  to  increase 
from  a  through  a-\-dx,  a  -\-2dx,  etc.,  up  to  a-\-h, 
multiplying  every  value  of  <px  so  obtained  by  dxt  sum 
ming  the  results,  and  decreasing  dx  without  limit. 

This  is  the  integral  of  cpxdx  from  x  =  a  to  x  = 
a-\-h.  It  is  evident  that  this  series  bears  a  great  re 
semblance  to  the  development  in  page  21,  deprived 
of  its  first  term.  Let  us  suppose  that  fya  is  the  func 
tion  of  which  (pa  is  the  differential  coefficient,  that  is, 
that  fy'a=<pa.  These  two  functions  being  the  same, 
their  differential  coefficients  will  be  the  same,  that  is, 
il)"a  =  (p'a.  Similarly  if>'"a  =  (p"a)  and  so  on.  Sub 
stituting  these,  the  above  series  becomes 

*/>'<*&  +  fa  £  +  fa  ^~  +  $»a  ^-^  +  etc. 

which  is  (page  21)  the  same  as  ip(a-\-Ji)  —  i/>a.  That 
is,  the  integral  of  cpxdx  between  the  limits  a  and  a-\-h, 
is  il>(a-\-?f)  —  fa,  where  $x  is  the  function,  which, 


when  differentiated,  gives  (px.  For  a  -j-  h  we  may 
write  £,  so  that  ?/•£  —  ipa  is  the  integral  of  <pxdx  from 
x  =  a  to  x  =  b.  Or  we  may  make  the  second  limit  in 
definite  by  writing  x  instead  of  b,  which  gives  ipx  —  ipa, 
which  is  said  to  be  the  integral  of  (pxdx,  beginning 
when  x  —  a,  the  summation  being  supposed  to  be  con 
tinued  from  x  =  a  until  x  has  the  value  which  it  may 
be  convenient  to  give  it. 


Hence  results  a  new  branch  of  the  inquiry,  the  re 
verse  of  the  Differential  Calculus,  the  object  of  which 
is,  not  to  find  the  differential  coefficient,  having  given 
the  function,  but  to  find  the  function,  having  given 
the  differential  coefficient.  This  is  called  the  Integral 

From  the  definition  given,  it  is  obvious  that  the 
value  of  an  integral  is  not  to  be  determined,  unless 
we  know  the  values  of  x  corresponding  to  the  begin 
ning  and  end  of  the  summation,  whose  limit  furnishes 
the  integral.  We  might,  instead  of  defining  the  in 
tegral  in  the  manner  above  stated,  have  made  the 
word  mean  merely  the  converse  of  the  differential  co 
efficient  ;  thus,  if  (px  be  the  differential  coefficient  of 
ipx,  ipx  might  have  been  called  the  integral  of  (pxdx. 
We  should  then  have  had  to  show  that  the  integral, 
thus  defined,  is  equivalent  to  the  limit  of  the  summa 
tion  already  explained.  We  have  preferred  bringing 
the  former  method  before  the  student  first,  as  it  is 
most  analogous  to  the  manner  in  which  he  will  deduce 
integrals  in  questions  of  geometry  or  mechanics. 

With  the  last-mentioned  definition,  it  is  also  obvi 
ous  that  every  function  has  an  unlimited  number  of 
integrals.  For  whatever  differential  coefficient  fyx 


gives,  C  -}-  tyx  will  give  the  same,  if  C  be  a  constant, 
that  is,  not  varying  when  x  varies.  In  this  case,  if  x 
become  x  -f-  h,  C  -}-  i/>x  becomes  C  -j-  if>x  -f-  fy'x  h  -f  etc. , 
from  which  the  subtraction  of  the  original  form  C  -f  i/>x 
gives  ffi'x  ft -\-etc.;  whence,  by  the  process  in  page  23, 
i/j'x  is  the  differential  coefficient  of  C  +  i/?x  as  well  as 
of  i/>x.  As  many  values,  therefore,  positive  or  nega 
tive,  as  can  be  given  to  C,  so  many  different  integrals 
can  be  found  for  fy'x  \  and  these  answer  to  the  various 
limits  between  which  the  summation  in  our  original 
definition  may  be  made.  To  make  this  problem  def 
inite,  not  only  ip'x  the  function  to  be  integrated,  must 
be  given,  but  also  that  value  of  x  from  which  the  sum 
mation  is  to  begin.  If  this  be  a,  the  integral  of  ip'x  is, 
as  before  determined,  ipx  —  ipa,  and  C  = — ipa.  We 
may  afterwards  end  at  any  value  of  x  which  we  please. 
If  x  =  a,  tpx —  i/}a  =  Q,  as  is  evident  also  from  the 
formation  of  the  integral.  We  may  thus,  having  given 
an  integral  in  terms  of  x,  find  the  value  at  which  it 
began,  by  equating  the  integral  to  zero,  and  finding 
the  value  of  x.  Thus,  since  x2,  when  differentiated, 
gives  2x,  x2  is  the  integral  of  2x,  beginning  at  x  =  Q  j 
and  x2  —  4  is  the  integral  beginning  at  x  =  2. 

In  the  language  of  Leibnitz,  an  integral  would  be 
the  sum  of  an  infinite  number  of  infinitely  small  quan 
tities,  which  are  the  differentials  or  infinitely  small  in 
crements  of  a  function.  Thus,  a  circle  being,  accord 
ing  to  him,  a  rectilinear  polygon  of  an  infinite  number 
of  infinitely  small  sides,  the  sum  of  these  would  be 
the  circumference  of  the  figure.  As  before  (pages 
13-14,  38  et  seq.,  48  et  seq.)  we  proceed  to  interpret 
this  inaccuracy  of  language.  If,  in  a  circle,  we  suc 
cessively  describe  regular  polygons  of  3,  4,  5,  6,  etc., 
sides,  we  may,  by  this  means,  at  last  attain  to  a  poly- 


gon  whose  side  shall  differ  from  the  arc  of  which  it  is 
the  chord,  by  as  small  a  fraction,  either  of  the  chord 
or  arc,  as  we  please  (pages  7-11).  That  is,  A  being 
the  arc,  C  the  chord,  and  D  their  difference,  there  is 
no  fraction  so  small  that  D  cannot  be  made  a  smaller 
part  of  C.  Hence,  if  m  be  the  number  of  sides  of  the 
polygon,  mC  -f-  mD  or  mA  is  the  real  circumference  ; 
and  since  mD  is  the  same  part  of  mC  which  D  is  of  C, 
niD  may  be  made  as  small  a  part  of  mC  as  we  please ; 
so  that  mC,  or  the  sum  of  all  the  sides  of  the  polygon, 
can  be  made  as  nearly  equal  to  the  circumference  as 
we  please. 

As  in  other  cases,  the  expressions  of  Leibnitz  are 
the  most  convenient  and  the  shortest,  for  all  who  can 
immediately  put  a  rational  construction  upon  them  ; 
this,  and  the  fact  that,  good  or  bad,  they  have  been, 
and  are,  used  in  the  works  of  Lagrange,  Laplace, 
Euler,  and  many  others,  which  the  student  who  really 
desires  to  know  the  present  state  of  physical  science, 
cannot  dispense  with,  must  be  our  excuse  for  contin 
ually  bringing  before  him  modes  of  speech,  which, 
taken  quite  literally,  are  absurd. 


We  will  now  suppose  such  a  part  of  a  curve,  each 
ordinate  of  which  is  a  given  function  of  the  corre 
sponding  abscissa,  as  lies  between  two  given  ordi- 
nates ;  for  example,  MPP'M'.  Divide  the  line  MM' 
into  a  number  of  equal  parts,  which  we  may  suppose 
as  great  as  we  please,  and  construct  Figure  10.  Let 
O  be  the  origin  of  co-ordinates,  and  let  OM,  the  value 
of  x,  at  which  we  begin,  be  a ;  and  OM',  the  value 
at  which  we  end,  be  b.  Though  we  have  only  divided 


MM'  into  four  equal  parts  in  the  figure,  the  reasoning 
to  which  we  proceed  would  apply  equally,  had  we  di 
vided  it  into  four  million  of  parts.  The  sum  of  the 
parallelograms  Mr,  mr,  m'r",  and  m"R,  is  less  than 
the  area  MPP'M',  the  value  of  which  it  is  our  object 
to  investigate,  by  the  sum  of  the  curvilinear  triangles 
Prp,  pr'p',  //'/',  and  /'RP'.  The  sum  of  these  tri 
angles  is  less  than  the  sum  of  the  parallelograms  Qr, 
qr',  q'r",  and  ^"R ;  but  these  parallelograms  are  to- 



gether  equal  to  the  parallelogram  q"w,  as  appears  by 
inspection  of  the  figure,  since  the  base  of  each  of  the 
above-mentioned  parallelograms  is  equal  to  m"M',  or 
/'P',  and  the  altitude  P'w  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the 
altitudes  of  the  same  parallelograms.  Hence  the  sum 
of  the  parallelograms  Mr,  mr  m'r",  and  m"R,  differs 
from  the  curvilinear  area  MPP'M'  by  less  than  the 
parallelogram  q"w.  But  this  last  parallelogram  may 
be  made  as  small  as  we  please  by  sufficiently  increas 
ing  the  number  of  parts  into  which  MM'  is  divided  ; 


for  since  one  side  of  it,  P'w,  is  always  less  than  P'M', 
and  the  other  side  P'/',  or  m"M',  is  as  small  a  part  as 
we  please  of  MM'  the  number  of  square  units  in  g"w, 
is  the  product  of  the  number  of  linear  units  in  P'w 
and  PV",  the  first  of  which  numbers  being  finite,  and 
the  second  as  small  as  we  please,  the  product  is 
as  small  as  we  please.  Hence  the  curvilinear  area 
MPP'M'  is  the  limit  towards  which  we  continually 
approach,  but  which  we  never  reach,  by  dividing  MM' 
into  a  greater  and  greater  number  of  equal  parts,  and 
adding  the  parallelograms  Mr,  mr',  etc.,  so  obtained. 
If  each  of  the  equal  parts  into  which  MM'  is  divided 
be  called  dx,  we  have  OM  =  a,  Om  =  a-\-dx,  Omr  = 
a -\-2Jx,  etc.  And  MP,  mp,  m'/,  etc.,  are  the  values 
of  the  function  which  expresses  the  ordinates,  corre 
sponding  to  a,  a-\-dx,  a -\-2dx,  etc.,  and  may  there 
fore  be  represented  by  (pa,  (p(a-{-dx),  cp(a  -\-Zdx), 
etc.  These  are  the  altitudes  of  a  set  of  parallelo 
grams,  the  base  of  each  of  which  is  dx\  hence  the 
sum  of  their  area  is 

(pa  dx  -f-  (p(a  -\-  dx)  dx  -j-  cp(a  -J-  2dx)  dx  -f-  etc. , 
and  the  limit  of  this,  to  which  we  approach  by  dimin 
ishing  dx,  is  the  area  required. 

This  limit  is  what  we  have  defined  to  be  the  in 
tegral  of  <pxdx  from  x  =  a  to  x  =  fr;  or  if  ipx  be  the 
function,  which,  when  differentiated,  gives  cpx,  it  is 
fyb  —  i/>a.  Hence,  y  being  the  ordinate,  the  area  in 
cluded  between  the  axis  of  x,  any  two  values  of  y,  and 
the  portion  of  the  curve  they  cut  off,  is  fydx,  begin 
ning  at  the  one  ordinate  and  ending  at  the  other. 

Suppose  that  the  curve  is  a  part  of  a  parabola 
of  which  O  is  the  vertex,  and  whose  equation*  is 

*If  the  student  has  not  any  acquaintance  with  the  conic  sections,  he  must 
nevertheless  be  aware  that  there  is  some  curve  whose  abscissa  and  ordinate 


therefore  y*  =px  where  p  is  the  double  ordinate  which 
passes  through  the  focus.  Here  y=p*x%,  and  we 
must  find  the  integral  of  p^x\dx,  or  the  function 
whose  differential  coefficient  is  p%x*,  p%  being  a  con 
stant.  If  we  take  the  function  cxnt  c  being  independ 
ent  of  x,  and  substitute  x-\-h  for  x,  we  have  for  the 
development  cxn -\- cnxn~l  h  +  etc.  Hence  the  differ 
ential  coefficient  of  cxn  is  cnxn~l ;  and  as  c  and  «  may 
be  any  numbers  or  fractions  we  please,  we  may  take 
them  such  that  en  shall  =/i  and  n  —  1— J,  in  which 
case  n  =  %  and  c=^p*.  Therefore  the  differential  co 
efficient  of  %p%x%  is  p%x^,  and  conversely,  the  integral 
oip^x^dx  is  f/^rl 

The  area  MPP'M'  of  the  parabola  is  therefore 
^p\b\  —  -|/W.  If  we  begin  the  integral  at  the  vertex 
O,  in  which  case  a  =  0,  we  have  for  the  area  OM'P', 
where  £  =  OM'.  This  is  f/W  X  bt  which,  since 
M'P'  is  f  P'M'  X  OM',  or  two-thirds  of  the  rect 
angle*  contained  by  OM'  and  M'P'. 


We  may  mention,  in  illustration  of  the  preceding 
problem,  a  method  of  establishing  the  principles  of 
the  Integral  Calculus,  which  generally  goes  by  the 
name  of  the  Method  of  Indivisibles.  A  line  is  consid 
ered  as  the  sum  of  an  infinite  number  of  points,  a 
surface  of  an  infinite  number  of  lines,  and  a  solid  of 
an  infinite  number  of  surfaces.  One  line  twice  as  long 
as  another  would  be  said  to  contain  twice  as  many 

are  connected  by  the  equation  y%  =Ar.  This,  to  him,  must  be  the  definition 
of  parabola;  by  which  word  he  must  understand,  a  curve  whose  equation  is 
yi  =Ar. 

*This  proposition  is  famous  as  having  been  discovered  by  Archimedes 
at  a  time  when  such  a  step  was  one  of  no  small  magnitude. 


points,  though  the  number  of  points  in  each  is  unlim 
ited.  To  this  there  are  two  objections.  First,  the 
word  infinite,  in  this  absolute  sense,  really  has  no 
meaning,  since  it  will  be  admitted  that  the  mind  has 
no  conception  of  a  number  greater  than  any  number. 
The  word  infinite*  can  only  be  justifiably  used  as  an 
abbreviation  of  a  distinct  and  intelligible  proposition  -, 

for  example,  when  we  say  that  a  -\ is  equal  to  a 

when  x  is  infinite,  we  only  mean  that  as  x  is  increased, 

a-\ becomes  nearer  to  a,  and  may  be  made  as  near 


to  it  as  we  please,  if  x  may  be  as  great  as  we  please. 
The  second  objection  is,  that  the  notion  of  a  line 
being  the  sum  of  a  number  of  points  is  not  true,  nor 
does  it  approach  nearer  the  truth  as  we  increase  the 
number  of  points.  If  twenty  points  be  taken  on  a 
straight  line,  the  sum  of  the  twenty-one  lines  which 
lie  between  point  and  point  is  equal  to  the  whole  line  : 
which  cannot  be  if  the  points  by  themselves  constitute 
any  part  of  the  line,  however  small.  Nor  will  the  sum 
of  the  points  be  a  part  of  the  line,  if  twenty  thousand 
be  taken  instead  of  twenty.  There  is  then,  in  this 
method,  neither  the  rigor  of  geometry,  nor  that  ap 
proach  to  truth,  which,  in  the  method  of  Leibnitz, 
may  be  carried  to  any  extent  we  please,  short  of  abso 
lute  correctness.  We  would  therefore  recommend  to 
the  student  not  to  regard  any  proposition  derived 
from  this  method  as  true  on  that  account ;  for  false 
hoods,  as  well  as  truths,  may  be  deduced  from  it.  In 
deed,  the  primary  notion,  that  the  number  of  points 
in  a  line  is  proportional  to  its  length,  is  manifestly  in 
correct.  Suppose  (Fig.  6,  page  48)  that  the  point  Q 

*See  Study  of  Mathematics  (Chicago  :  The  Open  Court  Publishing  Co  ), 
page  123  et  seq. 


moves  from  A  to  P.  It  is  evident  that  in  whatever 
number  of  points  OQ  cuts  AP,  it  cuts  MP  in  the  same 
number.  But  PM  and  PA  are  not  equal.  A  defender 
of  the  system  of  indivisibles,  if  there  were  such  a  per 
son,  would  say  something  equivalent  to  supposing 
that  the  points  on  the  two  lines  are  of  different  sizes, 
which  would,  in  fact,  be  an  abandonment  of  the 
method,  and  an  adoption  of  the  idea  of  Leibnitz,  us 
ing  the  word  point  to  stand  for  the  infinitely  small 

This  notion  of  indivisibles,  or  at  least  a  way  of 
speaking  which  looks  like  it,  prevails  in  many  works 
on  mechanics.  Though  a  point  is  not  treated  as  a 
length,  or  as  any  part  of  space  whatever,  it  is  consid 
ered  as  having  weight ;  and  two  points  are  spoken  of 
as  having  different  weights.  The  same  is  said  of  a 
line  and  a  surface,  neither  of  which  can  correctly  be 
supposed  to  possess  weight.  If  a  solid  be  of  the  same 
density  throughout,  that  is,  if  the  weight  of  a  cubic 
inch  of  it  be  the  same  from  whatever  part  it  is  cut,  it 
is  plain  that  the  weight  may  be  found  by  finding  the 
number  of  cubic  inches  in  the  whole,  and  multiplying 
this  number  by  the  weight  of  one  cubic  inch.  But  if 
the  weight  of  every  two  cubic  inches  is  different,  we 
can  only  find  the  weight  of  the  whole  by  the  integral 

Let  AB  (Fig.  11)  be  a  line  possessing  weight,  or 
a  very  thin  parallelepiped  of  matter,  which  is  such, 
that  if  we  were  to  divide  it  into  any  number  of  equal 
parts,  as  in  the  figure,  the  weight  of  the  several  parts 
would  be  different.  We  suppose  the  weight  to  vary 
continuously,  that  is,  if  two  contiguous  parts  of  equal 
length  be  taken,  as  pq  and  qr,  the  ratio  of  the  weights 


of  these  two  parts  may,  by  taking  them  sufficiently 
small,  be  as  near  to  equality  as  we  please. 

The  density  of  a  body  is  a  mathematical  term,  which 
may  be  explained  as  follows :  A  cubic  inch  of  gold 
weighs  more  than  a  cubic  inch  of  water ;  hence  gold 
is  denser  than  water.  If  the  first  weighs  19  times  as 
much  as  the  second,  gold  is  said  to  be  19  times  more 
dense  than  water,  or  the  density  of  gold  is  19  times 
that  of  water.  Hence  we  might  define  the  density  by 
the  weight  of  a  cubic  inch  of  the  substance,  but  it  is 
usual  to  take,  not  this  weight,  but  the  proportion 
which  it  bears  to  the  same  weight  of  water.  Thus, 
when  we  say  the  density,  or  specific  gravity  (these  terms 
are  used  indifferently),  of  cast  iron  is  7-207,  we  mean 
that  if  any  vessel  of  pure  water  were  emptied  and 
filled  with  cast  iron,  the  iron  would  weigh  7-207  times 
as  much  as  the  water. 

If  the  density  of  a  body  were  uniform  throughout, 
we  might  easily  determine  it  by  dividing  the  weight 
of  any  bulk  of  the  body,  by  the  weight  of  an  equal 
bulk  of  water.  In  the  same  manner  (pages  52  et  seq.) 
we  could,  from  our  definition  of  velocity,  determine 
any  uniform  velocity  by  dividing  the  length  described 
by  the  time.  But  if  the  density  vary  continuously, 
no  such  measure  can  be  adopted.  For  if  by  the  side 
of  AB  (which  we  will  suppose  to  be  of  iron)  we  placed 
a  similar  body  of  water  similarly  divided,  and  if  we 
divided  the  weight  of  the  part  pq  of  iron  by  the  weight 
of  the  same  part  of  water,  we  should  get  different 
densities,  according  as  the  part/^  is  longer  or  shorter. 
The  water  is  supposed  to  be  homogeneous,  that  is, 
any  part  of  it  pr,  being  twice  the  length  of  pq,  is  twice 
the  weight  of  pq,  and  so  on.  The  iron,  on  the  con 
trary,  being  supposed  to  vary  in  density,  the  doubling 


the  length  gives  either  more  or  less  than  twice  the 
weight.  But  if  we  suppose  q  to  move  towards/,  both 
on  the  iron  and  the  water,  the  limit  of  the  ratio  pq  of 
iron  to  pq  of  water,  may  be  chosen  as  a  measure  of 
the  density  of  /,  on  the  same  principle  as  in  pages 
54-55,  the  limit  of  the  ratio  of  the  length  described  to 
the  time  of  describing  it,  was  called  the  velocity.  If 
we  call  k  this  limit,  and  if  the  weight  varies  contin 
uously,  though  no  part  pq,  however  small,  of  iron, 
would  be  exactly  k  times  the  same  part  of  water  in 
weight,  we  may  nevertheless  take  pq  so  small  that 
these  weights  shall  be  as  nearly  as  we  please  in  the 
ratio  of  k  to  1. 

Let  us  now  suppose  that  this  density,  expressed 
by  the  limiting  ratio  aforesaid,   is  always  oc*  at  any 

Fig.  11. 

point  whose  distance  from  A  is  x  feet  ;  that  is,  the 
density  at  q,  2  feet  distance  from  A,  is  4,  and  so  on. 
Let  the  whole  distance  AB=#.  If  we  divide  a  into 
n  equal  parts,  each  of  which  is  dx,  so  that  ndx  =  a, 
and  if  we  call  b  the  area  of  the  section  of  the  paral 
lelepiped,  (b  being  a  fraction  of  a  square  foot,)  the 
solid  content  of  each  of  the  parts  will  be  bdx  in 
cubic  feet  ;  and  if  w  be  the  weight  of  a  cubic  foot  of 
water,  the  weight  of  the  same  bulk  of  water  will  be 
wbdx.  If  the  solid  AB  were  homogeneous  in  the  im 
mediate  neighborhood  of  the  point  /,  the  density  being 
then  x9,  would  give  x*  X  bwdx  for  the  weight  of  the 
same  part  of  the  substance.  This  is  not  true,  but  can 
be  brought  as  near  to  the  truth  as  we  please,  by  tak 
ing  dx  sufficiently  small,  or  dividing  AB  into  a  suffi- 


cient  number  of  parts.  Hence  the  real  weight  of  pq 
may  be  represented  by  bwx^dx  -j-  a,  where  a  may  be 
made  as  small  a  part  as  we  please  of  the  term  which 
precedes  it. 

In  the  sum  of  any  number  of  these  terms,  the  sum 
arising  from  the  term  a  diminishes  without  limit  as 
compared  with  the  sum  arising  from  the  term  bwx^dx  ; 
for  if  a  be  less  than  the  thousandth  part  of/,  a'  less 
than  the  thousandth  part  of  p't  etc.,  then  a-}-  a'-f-  etc. 
will  be  less  than  the  thousandth  part  of  /  -j-  p'  -}-  etc. : 
which  is  also  true  of  any  number  of  quantities,  and  of 
any  fraction,  however  small,  which  each  term  of  one 
set  is  of  its  corresponding  term  in  the  other.  Hence 
the  taking  of  the  integral  of  bwx^dx  dispenses  with 
the  necessity  of  considering  the  term  a ;  for  in  taking 
the  integral,  we  find  a  limit  which  supposes  dx  to 
have  decreased  without  limit,  and  the  integral  which 
would  arise  from  a  has  therefore  diminished  without 

The  integral  of  bw  x^dx  is  \bwx*,  which  taken  from 
x  =  Q  to  x  =  a  is  \bwcP.  This  is  therefore  the  weight 
in  pounds  of  the  bar  whose  length  is  a  feet,  and  whose 
section  is  b  square  feet,  when  the  density  at  any  point 
distant  by  x  feet  from  the  beginning  is  x2 ;  w  being 
the  weight  in  pounds  of  a  cubic  foot  of  water. 


We  would  recommend  it  to  the  student,  in  pur 
suing  any  problem  of  the  Integral  Calculus,  never  for 
one  moment  to  lose  sight  of  the  manner  in  which  he 
would  do  it,  if  a  rough  solution  for  practical  purposes 
only  were  required.  Thus,  if  he  has  the  area  of  a 
curve  to  find,  instead  of  merely  saying  that  y,  the 
ordinate,  being  a  certain  function  of  the  abscissa  x, 


fydx  within  the  given  limits  would  be  the  area  re 
quired  ;  and  then  proceeding  to  the  mechanical  solu 
tion  of  the  question  :  let  him  remark  that  if  an  ap 
proximate  solution  only  were  required,  it  might  be 
obtained  by  dividing  the  curvilinear  area  into  a  num 
ber  of  four-sided  figures,  as  in  Figure  10,  one  side  of 
which  only  is  curvilinear,  and  embracing  so  small  an 
arc  that  it  may,  without  visible  error,  be  considered 
as  rectilinear.  The  mathematical  method  begins  with 
the  same  principle,  investigating  upon  this  supposi 
tion,  not  the  sum  of  these  rectilinear  areas,  but  the 
limit  towards  which  this  sum  approaches,  as  the  sub 
division  is  rendered  more  minute.  This  limit  is  shown 
to  be  that  of  which  we  are  in  search,  since  it  is  proved 
that  the  error  diminishes  without  limit,  as  the  subdi 
vision  is  indefinitely  continued. 

We  now  leave  our  reader  to  any  elementary  work 
which  may  fall  in  his  way,  having  done  our  best  to 
place  before  him  those  considerations,  something 
equivalent  to  which  he  must  turn  over  in  his  mind  be 
fore  he  can  understand  the  subject.  The  method  so 
generally  followed  in  our  elementary  works,  of  lead 
ing  the  student  at  once  into  the  mechanical  processes 
of  the  science,  postponing  entirely  all  other  considera 
tions,  is  to  many  students  a  source  of  obscurity  at 
least,  if  not  an  absolute  impediment  to  their  progress  ; 
since  they  cannot  imagine  what  is  the  object  of  that 
which  they  are  required  to  do.  That  they  shall  un 
derstand  everything  contained  in  these  treatises,  on 
the  first  or  second  reading,  we  cannot  promise ;  but 
that  the  want  of  illustration  and  the  preponderance  of 
technical  reasoning  are  the  great  causes  of  the  difficul 
ties  which  students  experience,  is  the  opinion  of  many 
who  have  had  experience  in  teaching  this  subject. 




Perry,  John  :  Calculus  for  Engineers,  Second  edition,  London 
and  New  York:  Edward  Arnold.  1897.  Price,  75.  6d.  ($2.50). 

Extract  from  Author's  Preface :  "This  book  describes  what  has 
for  many  years  been  the  most  important  part  of  the  regular  course  in 
the  Calculus  for  Mechanical  and  Electrical  Engineering  students  at 
the  Finsbury  Technical  College.  The  students  in  October  knew  only 
the  most  elementary  mathematics,  many  of  them  did  not  know  the 
Binomial  Theorem,  or  the  definition  of  the  sine  of  an  angle.  In  July 
they  had  not  only  done  the  work  of  this  book,  but  their  knowledge 
was  of  a  practical  kind,  ready  for  use  in  any  such  engineering  prob 
lems  as  I  give  here." 

Especially  good  in  the  character  and  number  of  practical  exam 
ples  given. 

Lamb,  Horace :  Infinitesimal  Calculus.  New  York  :  The  Mac- 
millan  Co.  1898.  Price,  $3.00. 

Extract  from  Author's  Preface:  "This  book  attempts  to  teach 
those  portions  of  the  Calculus  which  are  of  primary  importance  in 
the  application  to  such  subjects  as  Physics  and  Engineering. .  .  . 
Stress  is  laid  on  fundamental  principles.  .  .  .  Considerable  attention 
has  been  paid  to  the  logic  of  the  subject." 

*The  information  given  regarding  the  works  mentioned  in  this  list  is  de 
signed  to  enable  the  reader  to  select  the  books  which  are  best  suited  to  his 
needs  and  his  purse.  Where  the  titles  do  not  sufficiently  indicate  the  char 
acter  of  the  books,  a  note  or  extract  from  the  Preface  has  been  added.  The 
American  prices  have  been  supplied  by  Messrs.  Lemcke  &  Buechner,  812 
Broadway,  New  York,  through  whom  the  purchases,  especially  of  the  foreign 
books,  may  be  conveniently  made. — Ed. 


Edwards,  Joseph :  An  Elementary  Treatise  on  the  Differential 
Calculus.  Second  edition,  revised.  8vo,  cloth.  New  York 
and  London:  The  Macmillan  Co.  1892.  Price,  $3.50. — 
Differential  Calculus  for  Beginners.  8vo,  cloth.  1893.  The 
Integral  Calculus  for  Beginners.  8vo,  cloth.  (Same  Pub 
lishers.)  Price,  $1.10  each. 

Byerly,  William  E. :  Elements  of  the  Differential  Calculus.  Bos 
ton:   Ginn  &  Co.     Price,  $2.15. — Elements  of  the  Integral 
Calculus.     (Same  Publishers.)     Price,  $2.15. 

Rice,  J.  M.,  and  Johnson,  W.  W. :  An  Elementary  Treatise  on 
the  Differential  Calculus  Founded  on  the  Method  of  Rates 
or  Fluxions.  New  York:  John  Wiley  &  Sons.  8vo.  1884. 
Price,  $3.50.  Abridged  edition,  1889.  Price,  $"1.50. 

Johnson,  W.  W. :  Elementary  Treatise  on  the  Integral  Calculus 
Founded  on  the  Method  of  Rates  or  Fluxions.  8vo,  cloth. 
New  York:  John  Wiley  &  Sons.  1885.  Price,  $1.50. 

Greenhill,  A.  G. :  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus.  With  ap 
plications.  8vo,  cloth.  Second  edition.  New  York  and  Lon 
don:  The  Macmillan  Co.  1891.  Price,  gs.  ($2.60). 

Price :  Infinitesimal  Calculus.  Four  Vols.  1857-65.  Out  of 
print  and  very  scarce.  Obtainable  for  about  $27.00. 

Smith,  William  Benjamin:  Infinitesimal  Analysis.  Vol.  I.,  Ele 
mentary  :  Real  Variables.  New  York  and  London  :  The  Mac 
millan  Co.  1898.  Price,  $3.25. 

"  The  aim  has  been,  within  a  prescribed  expense  of  time  and 
energy  to  penetrate  as  far  as  possible,  and  in  as  many  directions,  into 
the  subject  in  hand,— that  the  student  should  attain  as  wide  knowl 
edge  of  the  matter,  as  full  comprehension  of  the  methods,  and  as  clear 
consciousness  of  the  spirit  and  power  of  analysis  as  the  nature  of  the 
case  would  admit." — From  Author's  Preface. 

Todhunter,  Isaac :  A  Treatise  on  the  Differential  Calculus.  Lon 
don  and  New  York:  The  Macmillan  Co.  Price,  ics.  6d. 
($2.60).  A  Treatise  on  the  Integral  Calcuhis.  (Same  pub 
lishers.)  Price,  IDS.  6d.  ($2.60). 

Todhunter' s  text-books  were,  until  recently,  the  most  widely  used 
in  England.  His  works  on  the  Calculus  still  retain  their  standard 
character,  as  general  manuals. 


Williamson  :  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus.  London  and 
New  York  :  Longmans,  Green,  &  Co.  1872-1874.  Two  Vols. 
Price,  $3. 50  each. 

De  Morgan,  Augustus:  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus.  Lon 
don  :  Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge.  1842. 
Out  of  print.  About  $6.40. 

The  most  extensive  and  complete  work  in  English.  "  The  object 
has  been  to  contain  within  the  prescribed  limits,  the  whole  of  the 
students'  course  from  the  confines  of  elementary  algebra  and  trigo 
nometry,  to  the  entrance  of  the  highest  works  on  mathematical  phys 
ics  "  (Author's  Preface).  Few  examples.  In  typography,  and  gen 
eral  arrangement  of  material,  inferior  to  the  best  recent  works.  Val 
uable  for  collateral  study,  and  for  its  philosophical  spirit. 


Sturm:  Cours  d"  analyse  de  ?&  cole  Poly  technique.  10.  Edition, 
revue  et  corrige  par  E.  Prouhet,  et  augmentee  de  la  theorie 
e'le'mentaire  des  fonctions  elliptiques,  par  H.  Laurent.  2  vol 
umes  in — 8.  Paris:  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1895.  Bound, 
16  fr.  50  c.  $4.95. 

One  of  the  most  widely  used  of  text-books.  First  published  in 
1857.  The  new  tenth  edition  has  been  thoroughly  revised  and  brought 
down  to  date.  The  exercises,  while  not  numerous,  are  sufficient,  those 
which  accompany  the  additions  and  complementary  chapters  of  M. 
De  Saint  Germain  having  been  taken  from  the  Collection  of  M.  Tis- 
serand,  mentioned  below. 

Duhamel:  Elements  de  calcul  infinitesimal.  4.  edition,  revue  et 
annotee  par  J.  Bertrand.  2  volumes  in — 8 ;  avec  planches. 
Paris :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1886.  15  fr.  $4.50. 

The  first  edition  was  published  between  1840  and  1841.  "  Cordially 
recommended  to  teachers  and  students"  by  De  Morgan.  Duhamel 
paid  great  attention  to  the  philosophy  and  logic  of  the  mathematical 
sciences,  and  the  student  may  also  be  referred  in  this  connexion  to 
his  Mlthodes  dans  les  sciences  de  raisonnement.  5  volumes.  Paris : 
Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  Price,  25.50  francs.  $7.65. 

Lacroix,  S.-F. :  Traite  elementaire  de  calcul  differentiel  et  de 
calcul  integral,  g.  edition,  revue  et  augmented  de  notes  par 
Hermite  et  Serret.  2  vols.  Paris :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils. 
1881.  15  fr.  $4.50. 

A  very  old  work.  The  first  edition  was  published  in  1797.  It  was 
the  standard  treatise  during  the  early  part  of  the  century,  and  has 
been  kept  revised  by  competent  hands. 


Appell,  P.:  Elements  d' analyse  mathematique .  A  1'usage  des 
inge"nieurs  et  des  physiciens.  Cours  professe  a  I'fecole  Cen- 
trale  des  Arts  et  Manufactures,  i  vol.  in — 8,  720  pages,  avec 
figures,  cartonne  a  1'anglaise.  Paris  :  Georges  Carre  &  C. 
Naud.  1899.  Price,  24  francs.  $7.20. 

Boussinesq,  J. :  Cours  d' analyse  infinitesimal.  A  1'usage  des 
personnes  qui  e"tudient  cette  science  en  vue  de  ses  applications 
mecaniques  et  physiques,  2  vols. ,  grand  in-8,  avec  figures. 
Tome  I.  Calcul  differentiel.  Paris,  1887.  17  fr.  ($5.10). 
Tome  II.  Calcul  integral.  Paris:  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils. 
1890.  23  fr.  50  c.  ($7.05). 

Hermite,  Ch. :  Cours  d' analyse  de  r£cole  Poly  technique.  2  vols. 
Vol.1.  Paris:  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1897. 

A  new  edition  of  Vol.  I.  is  in  preparation  (1899).  Vol.  II.  has  not 
yet  appeared. 

Jordan,  Camille  :   Cours  d"1  analyse  de  fAcole  Poly  technique.     3 
volumes.     2.  Edition.     Paris :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.     1893 
1898.     51  fr.     $14.70. 

Very  comprehensive  on  the  theoretical  side.  Enters  deeply  into 
the  metaphysical  aspects  of  the  subject. 

Laurent,  H.:  Traite  d 'analyse.  7  vols  in — 8.  Paris:  Gauthier- 
Villars  et  fils.  1885-1891.  73  fr.  $21.90. 

The  most  extensive  existing  treatise  on  the  Calculus.  A  general 
handbook  and  work  of  reference  for  the  results  contained  in  the 
more  special  works  and  memoirs. 

Picard,  £mile  :  Traite"  d' analyse.  4  volumes  grand  in-8.  Paris: 
Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1891.  15  fr.  each.  Vols.  I.— III., 
$14.40.  Vol.  IV.  has  not  yet  appeared. 

An  advanced  treatise  on  the  Integral  Calculus  and  the  theory  of 
differential  equations.  Presupposes  a  knowledge  of  the  Differential 

Serret,  J.-A. :  Cours  de  calcul  differentiel  et  integral.  4.  edi 
tion,  augmente'e  d'une  note  sur  les  fonctions  elliptiques,  par 
Ch.  Hermite.  2  forts  volumes  in — 8.  Paris  :  Gauthier-Villars 
et  fils.  1894.  25  fr.  $7.50. 

A  Rood  German  translation  of  this  work  by  Axel  Harnack  has 
passed  through  its  second  edition  (Leipsic:  Teubner,  1885  and  1897). 


Hoiiel,  J.:  Cours  de  calcul  infinitesimal.  4  beaux  volumes  grand 
in — 8,  avec  figures.  Paris :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1878- 
1879-1880-1881.  50  fr.  $15.00. 

Bertrand,  J. :  Traite  de  calcul  differ entiel  et  de  calcul  integral. 
(i)  Calcul  differentiel.  Paris  :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1864. 
Scarce.  About  $48.00  (2)  Calcul  integral  (Integrates  de"fin- 
ies  et  inde'finies).  Paris,  1870.  Scarce.  About  $24.00. 

Boucharlat,  J.-L.  :  Elements  de  calcul  differentiel  et  de  calcul 
integral.  9.  edition,  revue  et  annotee  par  H.  Laurent.  Paris : 
Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1891.  8  fr.  $2.40. 

Moigno :  Lecons  de  calcul  differentiel  et  de  calcul  integral,  2 
vols.,  Paris,  1840-1844.  Scarce.  About  $9.60. 

Navier  :  Lecons  d1  analyse  de  V Ecole  Polytechnique .  Paris,  1840. 
2nd  ed.  1856.  Out  of  print.  About  $3.60. 

An  able  and  practical  work.  Very  popular  in  ;ts  day.  The  typical 
course  of  the  Ecole  Polyteclmique ,  and  the  basis  of  several  of  the  trea 
tises  that  followed,  including  that  of  Sturm.  Also  much  used  in  its 
German  translation. 

Cournot :  Theorie  des  fonctions  et  du  calcul  infinitesimal.  2 
vols.  Paris,  1841.  2nd  ed.  1856-1858.  Out  of  print,  and 
scarce.  About  $3.00. 

The  first  edition  (1841)  was  "  cordially  recommended  to  teachers 
and  students"  by  De  Morgan.  Cournot  was  especially  strong  on  the 
philosophical  side.  He  examined  the  foundations  of  many  sciences 
and  developed  original  views  on  the  theory  of  knowledge,  which  are 
little  known  but  have  been  largely  drawn  from  by  other  philosophers- 

Cauchy,  A.:  (Euvres  completes.  Tome  III:  Cours  d' analyse 
de  I' Ecole  Polytechnique.  Tome  IV :  Resume  des  lecons 
donnees  h  I"1  Ecole  Polytechnique  sur  le  calcul  infinitesimal. 
Lecons  sur  le  calcul  differentiel.  Tome  V :  Lecons  sur  les 
applications  du  calcul  infinitesimal  h  la  geometric .  Paris  : 
Gauthier-Villars  et  fils,  1885-1897.  25  fr.  each.  $9.50  each. 

The  works  of  Cauchy,  as  well  as  those  of  Lagrange,  which  follow, 
are  mentioned  for  their  high  historical  and  educational  importance. 

Lagrange,  J.  L. :  (Euvres  completes.  Tome  IX  :  Theorie  des  fonc 
tions  analytiques.  Tome  X. :  Lecons  sur  le  calcul  des  fonc- 


tions.     Paris  :  Gauthier-Villars  et  fils,  1881-1884.     18  fr.  per 
volume.     $5.40  per  volume. 

"The  same  power  of  abstraction  and  facility  of  treatment  which 
signalise  these  works  are  nowhere  to  be  met  with  in  the  prior  or  sub 
sequent  history  of  the  subject.  In  addition,  they  are  replete  with  the 
profoundest  aperfus  into  the  history  of  the  development  of  analytical 
truths,— aperfus  which  could  have  come  only  from  a  man  who  com 
bined  superior  creative  endowment  with  exact  and  comprehensive 
knowledge  of  the  facts.  In  the  remarks  woven  into  the  body  of  the 
text  will  be  found  what  is  virtually  a  detailed  history  of  the  subject, 
and  one  which  is  not  to  be  had  elsewhere,  least  of  all  in  diffuse  his 
tories  of  mathematics.  The  student,  thus,  not  only  learns  in  these 
works  how  to  think,  but  also  discovers  how  people  actually  have 
thought,  and  what  are  the  ways  which  human  instinct  and  reason 
have  pursued  in  the  different  individuals  who  have  participated  in 
the  elaboration  of  the  science." — (E.  Diihring.) 

Euler,  L.: 

The  Latin  treatises  of  Euler  are  also  to  be  mentioned  in  this  con 
nexion,  for  the  benefit  of  those  who  wish  to  pursue  the  history  of  the 
text-book  making  of  this  subject  to  its  fountain-head.  They  are  the 
Differential  Calculus  (St.  Petersburg,  1755),  the  Integral  Calculus  (3 
vols.,  St.  Petersburg,  1768-1770;,  and  the  Introduction  to  the  Infinitesi 
mal  Analysis  (2  vols.,  Lausanne,  1748).  Of  the  last-mentioned  work 
an  old  French  translation  by  Labey  exists  (Paris:  Gauthier-Villars), 
and  a  new  German  translation  (of  Vol.  I.  only)  by  Maser  (Berlin : 
Julius  Springer,  1885).  Of  the  first-mentioned  treatises  on  the  Cal 
culus  proper  there  exist  two  old  German  translations,  which  are  not 
difficult  to  obtain. 


Harnack,  Dr.  Axel:  Elemente  der  Differential-  und  Tntegral- 
rechnung.  Zur  Einftihrung  in  das  Studium  dargestellt.  Leip 
zig  :  Teubner,  1881.  M.  7.60.  Bound,  $2.80.  (English  trans 
lation.  London:  Williams  &  Norgate.  1891.) 

Junker,  Dr.  Friedrich  :  Htihere  Analysts.  I.  Differentialrech- 
nung.  Mit  63  Figuren.  II.  Integralrechnung.  Leipzig : 
G.  J.  Goschen'sche  Verlagshandlung.  1898-1899.  80  pf.  each. 
30  cents  each. 

These  books  are  marvellously  cheap,  and  very  concise.  They 
contain  no  examples.  Pocket-size. 

Autenheimer,  F. :  Element  arbuch  der  Differential-  und  Integral 
rechnung  mit  zahlreichen  An-wendungen  aus  der  Analysis, 
Geometric,  Mechanik,  Physik  etc.  Fur  hohere  Lehranstalten 


und  den  Selbstunterricht.    4te  verbesserte  Auflage.    Weimar  : 
Bernhard  Friedrich  Voigt.     1895. 

As  indicated  by  its  title,  this  book  is  specially  rich  in  practical 

Stegemann  :  Grundriss  der  Differential-  und  fntegralrechnung, 
8te  Auflage,  herausgegeben  von  Kiepert.  Hannover :  Hel- 
wing,  1897.  Two  volumes,  26  marks.  Two  volumes,  bound, 


This  work  was  highly  recommended  by  Prof.  Felix  Klein  at  the 
Evanston  Colloquium  in  1893. 

Schlomilch  :  Compendium  der  h'dheren  Analysis.  Fifth  edition, 
1881.  Two  volumes,  $6.80. 

Schlomilch's  text-books  have  been  very  successful.  The  present 
work  was  long  the  standard  manual. 

Stolz,  Dr.  Otto  :  Grundziige  der  Differential-  und  Integralrech- 
nung.  In  2  Theilen.  I.  Theil.  Reelle  Verelnderliche  und 
Functionen.  (460  S.)  1893.  M.  8.  II.  Complexe  Verander- 
liche  und  Functionen.  (3388.)  Leipzig:  Teubner.  1896. 
M.  8.  Two  volumes,  $6.00. 

A  supplementary  3rd  part  entitled  Die  Lehrt  von  den  Doppel- 
integralen  has  just  been  published  (1899).  Based  on  the  works  of  J. 
Tannery,  Peano,  and  Dini. 

Lipschitz,  R.:  Lehrbuch  der  Analysis.  1877-1880.  Two  vol 
umes,  bound,  $12.30. 

Specially  good  on  the  theoretical  side. 


Byerly,  W.  E. :  Problems  in  Differential  Calculus.  Supplemen 
tary  to  a  Treatise  on  Differential  Calculus.  Boston  :  Ginn  & 

Co.     75  cents. 

Gregory  :  Examples  on  the  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus. 
1841.  Second  edition.  1846.  Out  of  print.  About  $6.40. 

Frenet :  Recueil  d' exercises  sur  le  calcul  infinitesimal.  5.  Edi 
tion,  augmentee  d'un  appendice,  par  H.  Laurent.  Paris : 
Gauthier-Villars  et  fils.  1891.  8  fr.  $2.40. 


Tisserand,  F.:  Recueil  complement air e  d*  exercises  sur  le  calcul 
infinitesimal.  Second  edition.  Paris:  Gauthier-Villarset  fils. 

Complementary  to  Frenet. 

Laisant,  C.  A. :  Recueil  de  problemes  de  matliematiques.  Tome 
VII.  Calcul  infinitesimal  et  calcul  des  fonctions.  Mecanique. 
Astronomic.  (Announced  for  publication.)  Paris  :  Gauthier- 
Villars  et  fils. 

Schlomilch,  Dr.  Oscar  :  Ucbungsbuch  zum  Studium  der  htiheren 
Analysis.  I.  Theil.  Aufgaben  aus  der  Differentialrechnung. 
4te  Auflage.  (336  S.)  1887.  M.  6.  II.  Aufgaben  aus  der 
Integralrechnung.  3 te  Auflage.  (3848.)  Leipzig  :  Teubner, 
1882.  M.  7.60.  Both  volumes,  bound,  $7.60. 

Sohncke,  L.  A. :  Sammlung  von  Aufgaben  aus  der  Differential- 
und  Integralrechnung.  Herausgegeben  von  Heis.  Two  vol 
umes,  in — 8.  Bound,  $3.00. 

Fuhrmann,  Dr.  Arwed  :  Anwendungen  der  Infinitesimalrech- 
nung  in  den  Naturzuissenschaften,  im  Hochbau  und  in  der 
Technik.  Lehrbuch  und  Aufgabensammlung.  In  sechs  Thei- 
Isn,  von  denen  jeder  ein  selbststandiges  Ganzes  bildet.  Theil 
I.  Naturwissenschaftliche  Anwendungen  der  Differentialrech 
nung.  Theil  II.  Naturwissenschaftliche  Anwendungen  der 
Integralrechnung.  Berlin  :  Verlag  von  Ernst  &  Korn.  1888- 
1890.  Vol.  I.,  Cloth,  $1.35.  Vol.  II.,  Cloth,  $2.20. 


Accelerated  motion,  57,  60. 

Accelerating  force,  62. 

Advice   for   studying    the    Calculus, 

132,  133- 
Angle,  unit  employed  in  measuring 

an,  51. 
Approximate  solutions  in  the  Integral 

Calculus,  132,  133. 
Arc  and  its  chord,   a  continuously 

decreasing,  7  et  seq.,  39  et  seq. 
Archimedes,  127. 
Astronomical  ephemeris,  76. 

Calculus,  notation  of,  25,  79  et  seq. 

Circle,  equation  of,  31  et  seq. 

Circle  cut  by  straight  line,  investi 
gated,  31  et  seq. 

Coefficients,  differential,  22  et  seq., 
38,  55,  82,  88,  96,  100,  112. 

Complete  Differential  Coefficients, 

Constants,  14.   • 

Contiguous  values,  112. 

Continuous  quantities,  7  et  seq.,  53. 

Co-ordinates,  30. 

Curve,  magnified,  40. 

Curvilinear  areas,  determination  of, 
124  et  seq. 

Density,  continuously  varying,  130  et 

Derivatives,  19,  21,  22. 

Derived  Functions,  19  et  seq.,  21. 

Differences,  arithmetical,  4;  of  incre 
ments,  26;  calculus  of,  89. 

Differential  coefficients,  22  et  seq.. 
38,  55,  82,  as  the  index  of  the  change 

of  a  function,  112;  of  higher  orders, 

Differentials,  partial,  78  et  seq.;  total 
78  et  seq. 

Differentiation,  of  the  common  func 
tions,  85,  86;  successive,  88  et  seq.; 
implicit,  94  et  seq.;  of  complicatpd 
functions,  100  et  seq. 

Direct  function,  97. 

Direction,  36. 

Equality,  4. 

Equations,  solution  of,  77. 

Equidistant  values,  104. 

Euler,  27,  124. 

Errors,  in  the  valuation  of  quantities, 

75,  84. 
Explicit  functions,  107. 

Falling  bodies,  56. 

Finite  differences,  88  et  seq. 

Fluxions,  n,  60,  112. 

Force,  61-63. 

Functions,  definition  of,  14  et  seq.; 
derived,  19  et  seq.,  21;  direct  and 
indirect,  97;  implicit  and  explicit, 
107, 108;  inverse,  102  et  seq..  of  sev 
eral  variables,78  etseq.;  recapitula 
tion  of  results  in  the  theory  of,  74. 

Generally,  the  word,  16. 

Implicit,   differentiation,  94  et  seq.; 

function,  107,  108. 
Impulse,  60. 
Increase  without  limit,  5  et  seq.,  65 

et  seq. 
Increment,  16,  11,3. 



Independent  variables,  106. 

Indirect  function,  97. 

Indivisibles,  method  of,  127  et  seq.; 
notion  of,  in  mechanics,  129  et  seq. 

Infinite,  the  word,  128. 

Infinitely  small,  the  notion  of,  12,  38 
et  seq.,  49,  59,  83. 

Infinity,  orders  of,  42  et  seq. 

Integral  Calculus,  73,  115  et  seq.,  no 
tation  of,  119. 

Integrals,  definition  of,  119  et  seq.; 
relations  between  differential  co 
efficients  and,  121 ;  indefinite,  122, 

Intersections,  limit  of,  46  et  seq. 

Inverse  functions,  102  et  seq. 

Iron  bar  continually  varying  in  dens 
ity,  weight  of,  130  et  seq. 

Ladder  against  wall,  45  et  seq. 

Lagrange,  124. 

Laplace,  124. 

Leibnitz,  n,  13,  38,  42,  48,  59,  60,  83, 

123, 124,  128, 129. 

Limit  of  intersections,  46  et  seq. 
Limits,  26  et  seq. 
Limiting  ratios,  65  et  seq.,  81. 
Logarithms,  20,  38,  86,  87,  112  et  seq. 

Magnified  curve,  40. 
Motion,  accelerated,  60;  simple  har 
monic,  57. 

Newton,  u,  60. 

Notation,  of  the  Differential  Calcu 
lus,  as,  79  et  seq.;  of  the  Integral 
Calculus,  119. 

Orders,    differential    coefficients   of 

higher,  88. 
Orders  of  infinity,  42  et  seq. 

Parabola,  the,  30,  124  et  seq.,  127. 
Partial,  differentials,  78  et  seq.;  dif 
ferential  coefficients,  96. 
Paint,  the  word,  129. 

Points,  the  number  of,  in  a  straight 

line,  129. 
Polygon,  38. 
Proportion,  2  et  seq. 

Quantities,  continuous,  7  et  seq.,  53 

Ratio,  defined,  2  et  seq.;  of  two  in 
crements,  87. 

Ratios,  limiting,  65  et  seq.,  81. 

Rough  methods  of  solution  in  the  In 
tegral  Calculus,  132,  133. 

Series,  15  et  seq.,  24  et  seq. 
Signs, 31  et  seq. 
Simple  harmonic  motion,  57. 
Sines,  87. 

Singular  values,  16. 
Small,  has  no  precise  meaning,  12. 
Specific  gravity,  continuously  vary 
ing,  130  et  seq. 

Successive  differentiation,  88  et  seq. 
Sun's  longitude,  76. 

Tangent,  37,  38,  40. 

Taylor's  Theorem,  15  et  seq.,  19  et 


Time,  idea  of,  4,  no  et  seq. 
Total,   differential    coefficient,    100, 

differentials,  78  et  seq.;  variations, 

Transit  instrument,  84. 

Uniformly  accelerated,  57,  60. 

Values,  contiguous,  112;  equidistant, 

Variables,  independent  and  depen 
dent,  14,  15,  106;  functions  of  sev 
eral,  78  et  seq. 

Variations,  total,  95. 

Velocity,  linear,  53  et  seq.,  uij  §a-. 
gular,  59. 

Weight  of  an  iron  bar  of  which  the 
density  varies  from  point  to  point, 
130  et  seq. 

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