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Full text of "An elementary treatise on the differential calculus, containing the theory of plane curves, with numerous examples"

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LONGMANS,     GREEN,    AND    CO., 


NEW     YORK     AND     BOMBAY. 


[all  kights  rkserved.] 

c:Zi>l^C  ^^^C-t^l^ 

Printed  at  the 

By  Ponsonby  a  Weldrick. 


PREFACE.  l\^na^ 

In  the  following  Treatise  I  have  adopted  the  method  of 
Limiting  Eatios  as  my  basis ;  at  the  same  time  the  co- 
ordinate method  of  Infinitesimals  or  Differentials  has  been 
largely  employed.  In  this  latter  respect  I  have  followed  in 
the  steps  of  all  the  great  writers  on  the  Calculus,  from 
Newton  and  Leibnitz,  its  inventors,  down  to  Bertrand,  the 
author  of  the  latest  great  treatise  on  the  subject.  An  ex- 
clusive adherence  to  the  method  of  Differential  Coefficients 
is  by  no  means  necessary  for  clearness  and  simplicity ;  and, 
indeed,  I  have  found  by  experience  that  many  fundamental 
investigations  in  Mechanics  and  Greometry  are  made  more 
intelligible  to  beginners  by  the  method  of  Differentials  than 
by  that  of  Differential  Coefficients.  While  in  the  more  ad- 
vanced applications  of  the  Calculus,  which  we  find  in  such 
works  as  the  M^canique  Celeste  of  Laplace  and  the  Mica- 
nique  Analytique  of  Lagrange,  the  investigations  are  all 
conducted  on  the  method  of  Infinitesimals.  The  principles 
on  which  this  method  is  founded  are  given  in  a  concise  form 
in  Arts.  38  and  39. 

In  the  portion,  of  the  book  devoted  to  the  discussion  of 
Curves  I  have  not  confined  myself  exclusively  to  the  ap- 
plication of  the  Differential  Calculus  to  the  subject,  but 
have  availed  myself  of  the  methods  of  Pure  and  Analytic 

vi  Preface. 

Geometry  whenever  it  appeared  that  simplicity  would  be 
gained  thereby. 

In  the  discussion  of  Multiple  Points  I  have  adopted  the 
simple  and  general  method  given  by  Dr.  Salmon  in  his 
Higher  Plane  Curves.  It  is  hoped  that  by  this  means  the 
present  treatise  will  be  found  to  be  a  useful  introduction  to 
the  more  complete  investigations  contained  in  that  work. 

As  this  book  is  principally  intended  for  the  use  of  begin- 
ners I  have  purposely  omitted  all  metaphysical  discussions, 
from  a  conviction  that  they  are  more  calculated  to  perplex 
the  beginner  than  to  assist  him  in  forming  clear  conceptions. 
The  student  of  the  Differential  Calculus  (or  of  any  other 
branch  of  Mathematics)  cannot  expect  to  master  at  once  all 
the  difficulties  which  meet  him  at  the  outset ;  indeed  it  is  only 
after  considerable  acquaintance  with  the  Science  of  Geometry 
that  correct  notions  of  angles,  areas,  and  ratios  are  formed. 
Such  notions  in  any  science  can  be  acquired  only  after 
practice  in  the  application  of  its  principles,  and  after  patient 

The  more  advanced  student  may  read  with  profit  Carnot*s 
Reflexions  sur  la  Metajohysique  du  Calcul  Infinitesimal;  in 
which,  after  giving  a  complete  resume  of  the  different  points 
of  view  under  which  the  principles  of  the  Calculus  may  be 
regarded,  he  concludes  as  follows  : — 

"  Le  merite  essentiel,  le  sublime,  on  pent  le  dire,  de  la 
methode  infinitesimale,  est  de  r^unir  la  facilite  des  procedes 
ordinaires  d'un  simple  calcul  d'approximation  a  Fexactitude 
des  resultats  de  1' analyse  ordinaire.  Cet  avantage  immense 
serait  perdu,  ou  du  moins  fort  diminue,  si  k  cette  methode 
pure  et  simple,  telle  que  nous  I'a  donnee  Leibnitz,  on  voulait, 
sous  I'apparence  d'une  plus  grande  rigueur  soutenue  dans 
tout  le  cours  de  calcul,  en  substituer  d'autres  moins  naturelles, 

Preface,  vii 

moins  commodes,  moins  conformes  k  la.<,marclie  probable 
des  inventeurs.  Si  cette  methode  est  exacte  dans  les  re- 
Bultats,  comme  personne  n'en  doute  aujourd'hui,  si  c'est  tou- 
jours  a  elle  qu'il  faut  en  revenir  dans  les  questions  difficiles, 
comme  il  parait  encore  que  tout  le  monde  en  convient, 
pourquoi  recourir  a  des  moyens  detoumes  et  compliqucs  pour 
la  suppleer?  Pourquoi  se  contenter  de  I'appuyer  but  des 
inductions  et  sur  la  conformite  de  ses  resultats  avex  ceux  que 
foumissent  les  autres  methodes,  lorsqu'on  pent  la  demontrer 
directement  et  generalement,  plus  facilement  peut-etre 
qu'aucune  de  ces  metbodes  elles-memes  ?  Les  objections  que 
I'on  a  faites  contre  elle  portent  toutes  sur  cette  fausse  suppo- 
sition que  les  erreurs  commises  dans  le  cours  du  calcul,  en  y 
negligeant  les  quantites  infiniment  petites,  sont  demeurees 
dans  le  resultat  de  ce  calcul,  quelque  petites  qu'on  les  sup- 
pose ;  or  c'est  ce  qui  n'est  point :  Telimination  les  emporte 
toutes  n^cessairement,  et  il  est  singulier  qu'on  n'ait  pas 
apercu  d'abord  dans  cette  condition  indispensable  de  Telimi- 
nation  le  veritable  caractere  des  quantites  infinitesimales  et 
la  reponse  dirimante  a  toutes  les  objections." 

Many  important  portions  of  the  Calculus  have  been 
omitted,  as  being  of  too  advanced  a  character ;  however, 
within  the  limits  proposed,  I  have  endeavoured  to  make  the 
Work  as  complete  as  the  nature  of  an  elementary  treatise 
would  allow. 

I  have  illustrated  each  principle  throughout  by  copious 
examples,  chiefly  selected  from  the  Papers  set  at  the  various 
Examinations  in  Trinity  College. 

In  the  Chapter  on  Eoulettes,  in  addition  to  the  discussion 
of  Cycloids  and  Epicycloids,  I  have  given  a  tolerably  com- 
plete treatment  of  the  question  of  the  Curvature  of  a  Eoulette, 
as  also  that  of  the  Envelope  of  any  Curve  carried  by  a  rolling 

viii  Preface. 

Curve.  This  discussion  is  based  on  the  beautiful  and  general 
results  known  as  Savary's  Theorems,  taken  in  conjunction 
with  the  properties  of  the  Circle  of  Inflexions.  I  have 
introduced  the  application  of  these  theorems  to  the  general 
case  of  the  motion  of  any  plane  area  supposed  to  move  on 
a  fixed  Plane. 

I  have  also  given  short  Chapters  on  Spherical  Harmonic 
Analysis  and  on  the  System  of  Determinant  Functions 
known  as  Jacobians,  which  now  hold  so  fundamental  a  place 
in  analysis. 

Trinity   College, 
October,  1899. 





Dependent  and  Independent  Variables, i 

Increments,  Differentials,  Limiting  Ratios,  Derived  Functions,          .        .  3 

Differential  CoeflBlcients, 5 

Geometrical  Illustration, 6 

Navier,  on  the  Fundamental  Principles  of  tlie  Differential  Calculus,          .  8 

On  Limits, 10 

Differentiation  of  a  Product, 13 

Differentiation  of  a  Quotient, 15 

Differentiation  of  a  Power, 16 

Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  a  Function, 17 

Differentiation  of  Circular  Functions, 19 

Geometrical  Illustration  of  Differentiation  of  Circular  Functions,       .         .22 

Differentiation  of  a  Logarithm, 24 

Differentiation  of  an  Exponential, 2b 

Logarithmic  Differentiation, 27 

Examples, 3<^ 



Successive  Differential  Coefficients, 34 

Infinitesimals,          .         .  ■ 3^ 

Geometrical  Illustrations  of  Infinitesimals, 37 

Fundamental  Principle  of  the  Infinitesimal  Calculus,         .         .        .        .40 

Subsidiary  Principle, 4^ 

Approximations, 4^ 

Derived  Functions  of  x^, 4^ 

Differential  Coefficients  of  an  Exponential, 4^ 

Differential  Coefficients  of  tan-i  a:,  and  tan-i-, 50 


Theorem  of  Leibnitz, 5' 

AppUcatious  of  Leibnitz's  Theorem, 53 

Examples,       ...         •• 57 

X  Table  oj  Contents, 




Taylor's  Expansion, 6i 

Binomial  Theorem, 63 

Logaritlimic  Series, ..63 

Maclaurin's  Theorem, 64 

Exponential  Series, 65 

Expansions  of  sin  x  and  cos  a?, 66 

Huy gens'  Approximation  to  Length  of  Circular  Arc,         .        .        .        .66 

Expansions  of  tan"^  a;  and  sin"^  a:, 68 

Euler's  Expressions  for  sin  x  and  cos  x, 69 

John  Bernoulli's  Series, 7° 

Symbolic  Form  of  Taylor's  Series, 70 

Convergent  and  Divergent  Series, 73 

Lagrange's  Theorem  on  the  Limits  of  Taylor's  Series,       .        .        .        .76 

Geometrical  Illustration, 7^ 

Second  Form  of  the  Eemainder, 79 

General  Form  of  Maclaurin's  Series, 81 

Binomial  Theorem  for  Fractional  and  Negative  Indices,    .        .        .        .82 

Expansions  by  aid  of  Differential  Equations, •     ^5 

Expansion  of  sin  mz  and  cos  mz, 87 

Arbogast's  Method  of  Derivation, 88 

Examples, 91 



Examples  of  Evaluating  Indeterminate  Forms  without  the  Differential 

Calculus, ;  96 

Method  of  Differential  Calculus, 99 

Form  o  X  00 , 102 

Form  g-, 103 

Formso%  00°,  i*« 105 

Examples, 109 



Partial  Differentiation, I13 

Total  Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Two  Variables,        .        .        .         .115 
Total  Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Three  or  more  Variables,         .        .117 

Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Differences, 119 

Implicit  Functions,  Differentiation  of  an  Implicit  Function,      ,         ,         .120 

Euler's  Theorem  of  Homogeneous  Functions, 123 

Examples  in  Plane  Trigonometry, 130 

Landen's  Transformation, 133 

Examples  in  Spherical  Trigonometry, •  I33 

Legendre's  Theorem  on  the  Comparison  of  Elliptic  Functions,  .        .        *  137 
Examples, 140 

Table  of  Contents,  n 

CHAPTER  VI.       .. 


The  Order  of  Differentiation  is  indifferent  in  Independent  Variables, 
Condition  that  Fdx  +  Qdy  should  be  an  exact  Differential, 
Euler's  Theorem  of  Homogeneous  Functions, 
Successive  Differential  Coefficients  oi  <p(x  +  at,  y  +  fit). 
Examples, , 




Lagrange's  theorem. 

Lagrange's  Theorem, •••.151 

Laplace's  Theorem, 154 

Examples, 155 



Expansion  of  (^  (o;  + /i,  y  +  A-) , 156 

Expansion  oi  (p  (x  +  h,  y  +  k,  z  +  I), 159 

Symbolic  Forms, •...160 

Euler's  Theorem, 162 



Geometrical  Examples  of  Maxima  and  Minima, 164 

Algebraic  Examples, 165 

Criterion  for  a  Maximum  or  a  Minimum, 169 

Maxima  and  Minima  occur  alternately, 173 

Maxima  or  Minima  of  a  Quadratic  Fraction, 177 

Maximum  or  Minimum  Section  of  a  Right  Cone, 181 

Maxima  or  Minima  of  an  Implicit  Function, 185 

Maximum  or  Minimum  of  a  Function  of  Two  Dependent  Variables,        .  186 

Examples, 188 



Maxima  and  Minima  for  Two  Variables,           .         .         .         *         •         •  '91 
Lagrange's  Condition  in  the  case  of  Two  Independent  Variables,     .        .191 

xii  Table  of  Contents. 


Maximum  or  Minimum  of  a  Quadratic  Fraction, 194 

Application  to  Surfaces  of  Second  Degree, 196 

Maxima  and  Minima  for  Three  Variables, 198 

Lagrange's  Conditions  in  the  case  of  Three  Variables,     ....  199 

Maximum  or  Minimum  of  a  Quadratic  Function  of  Three  Variables,        .  200 

Examples, 203 




Method  of  Undetermined  Multipliers, 204 

Application  to  find  the  principal  Eadii  of  Curvature  on  a  Surface,    .         .  208 

Examples, 210 



Equation  of  Tangent, 212 

Equation  of  Normal, 215 

Subtaii  gent  and  Subnormal, 215 

Number  of  Tangents  from  an  External  Point,  .         .         .         .         .219 

Number  of  Normals  passing  through  a  given  Point,         ....  220 

Differential  cf  an  Arc, 220 

Angle  between  Tangent  and  Radius  Vector, 222 

Polar  Subtangent  and  Subnormal,  .         .         .         ,         ,         ,         .223 

Inverse  Curves,     ...........  225 

Pedal  Curves, 227 

Reciproca'.  Polars, •  228 

Pedal  and  Reciprocal  Polai  of  r*"  =  a"*  cos  md,         .....  230 

Intercept  between  point  of  Contact  and  foot  of  Perpendicular,  .         .  232 

Direction  of  Tangent  and  Normal  in  Vectorial  Coordinates,      .         .         .  233 

Symmetrical  Curves,  and  Central  Curves, 236 

Example 238 



Points  of  Intersection  of  a  Curve  and  a  Right  Line,         ....  240 

Method  of  Finding  Asymptotes  in  Cartesian  Coordinates,         .         .         .  242 

Case  where  Asymptotes  all  pass  through  the  Origin,         .         ,         .         .  245 

Asymptotes  Parallel  to  Coordinate  Axes, 245 

Parabolic  and  Hyperbolic  Branches, 246 

Parallel  Asymptotes 247 

The  Points  in  which  a  Cubic  is  cut  by  its  Asymptotes  lie  in  a  Right  Line,  249 

Asymptotes  in  Polar  Curves, 250 

Asymptotic  Circles,        ,        .        .        .' 252 

Examples,     •• ••••  254 

Table  of  Contents,  xiii 




Nodes,  Cusps,  Conjugate  Points,            259 

Method  of  Finding  Double  Points  in  general, 26 1 

Parabolas  of  the  Third  Degree, 262 

Double  Points  on  a  Cubic  having  three  given  lines  for  its  Asymptotes,     .  264 

Multiple  Points  of  higher  Orders, 265 

Cusps,  in  genera], 266 

Multiple  Points  on  Curves  in  Polar  Coordinates, 267 

Examples, •••••••  268 



Method  of  Envelopes, 270 

Envelopeof  Zo2+2Jfa  +  iV=o, 271 

Undetermined  Multipliers  applied  to  Envelopes,      .        .        .        .        .273 

Examples, ••  276 



Convexity  and  Concavity, 278 

Points  of  Inflexion, ^ 279 

Harmonic  Polar  of  a  Point  of  Inflexion  on  a  Cubic,  ,        .        .        .281 

Stationary  Tangents, 282 

Examples, 283 



Curvature,  Angle  of  Contingence, 285 

Eadius  of  Curvature, 286 

Expressions  for  Eadius  of  Curvature, 287 

Newton's  Method  of  considering  Curvature, 291 

Radii  of  Curvature  of  Inverse  Curves, 295 

Radius  and  Chord  of  Curvature  in  terms  of  r  and  p,        ,        ,        •        .  395 

Chord  of  Curvature  through  Origin, 296 

Evolutes  and  Involutes, 297 

Evolute  of  Parabola, 298 

Evolute  of  ElHpse, 299 

Evolute  of  Equiangular  Spiral,       . 3^0 

xiv  Table  of  Contents, 


Involute  of  a  Circle, •        .  300 

Eadius  of  Curvature  and  Points  of  Inflexion  in  Polar  Coordinates,  .         .301 

Intrinsic  Equation  of  a  Curve, 304 

Contact  of  Different  Orders, 304 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  an  Ellipse, 307 

Osculating  Curves,          . 309 

Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  Node, 310 

Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  Cusp, 311 

At  a  Cusp  of  the  Second  Species  the  two  Radii  of  Curvature  are  equal,      .  312 

General  Discussion  of  Cusps, 315 

Points  on  Evolute  corresponding  to  Cusps  on  Curve,        .        .        .        .316 

Equation  of  Osculating  Conic, 317 

Examples, 319 



Tracing  Algebraic  Curves, 322 

Cubic  with  three  real  Asymptotes, 323 

Each  Asymptote  corresponds  to  two  Infinite  Branches,     ....  325 

Tracing  Curves  in  Polar  Coordinates, 328 

On  the  Curves  r*»  =«»»  cos  »i0, 328 

The  Lima9on, 331 

The  Conchoid, • 332 

Examples, 333 



Roulettes,  Cycloid,        •        . 335 

Tangent  to  Cycloid, 336 

Radius  of  Curvature,  Evolute, 337 

Length  of  Cycloid, 338 

Trochoids, 339 

Epicycloids  and  Hypoeycloids, 339 

Radius  of  Curvature  of  Epicycloid,         .......  342 

Double  Generation  of  Epicycloids  and  Hypoeycloids,       ....  343 

Evolute  of  Epicycloid, 344 

Pedal  of  Epicycloid, 346 

Epitrochoid  and  Hypotrochoid, 347 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  Epitrochoid, 351 

Savary's  Theorem  on  Centre  of  Curvature  of  a  Roulette, ....  352 

Geometrical  Construction  for  Centre  of  Curvature, 352 

Circle  of  Inflexions, 354 

Envelope  of  a  Carried  Curve, .355 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  the  Envelope,      ..••••.  ?57 

Table  of  Contents,  xv 


Radius  of  Curvature  of  Envelope  of  a  Right  Line,  .        .^      •        .        .  358 

On  the  Motion  of  a  Plane  Figure  in  its  Plane,         .        V*      .        .        .  359 

Chasles'  Method  of  Drawing  Normals, 360 

Motion  of  a  Plane  Figure  reduced  to  Roulettes, 362 

Epicyelics, 363 

Properties  of  Circle  of  Inflexions, 367 

Theorem  of  Bobilier, 368 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  Conchoid, 370 

Spherical  RoulQttes, 37° 

Examples, 372 



Equation  of  Cartesian  Oval, 375 

Construction  for  Third  Focus,         .     ^ 376 

Equation,  referred  to  each  pair  of  Foci, 377 

Conjugate  Ovals  are  Inverse  Curves, 378 

Construction  for  Tangent, 379 

Confocal  Curves  cut  Orthogonally, 381 

Cartesian  Oval  as  an  Envelope, 382 

Examples,      •••• 3^4 



Elimination  of  Constants, 3^4 

Elimination  of  Transcendental  Functions, 3^6 

Elimination  of  Arbitrary  Functions,        .         .    _ 3^7 

Condition  that  one  expression  should  he  a  Function  of  another,        .        .  389 

Elimination  in  the  case  of  Arbitrary  Functions  of  the  same  expression,    .  393 

Examples,      .        , 397 



Case  of  a  Single  Independent  Variable, 399 

Transformation  from  Rectangular  to  Polar  Coordinates,   ....    403 

cPV      d^V 
Transformation  of  —r^  +  ——„ •        •    4^4 

dx^        dxp- 

d'^V      d^V      d^V 
Transformation  of  -— r-  +  — ^  +  -— -, 4^5 

dx^        dip-        dv- 

Geometrical  Illustration  of  Partial  Differentiation, 4^7 

xvi  Table  of  Contents. 


Linear  Transformations  for  Tliree  Variables, 408 

Case  of  Orthogonal  Transformations, 409 

General  Case  of  Transformation  for  Two  Independent  Variables,      ,        ,410 

Functions  unaltered  by  Linear  Transformations, 411 

Application  to  Geometry  of  Two  Dimensions, 412 

Application  to  Orthogonal  Transformations, 414 

Examples, 416 



cPV      d^V      drV 

OntheEguation^  +  ^+^  =  0 ^li 

Solid  Harmonic  Functions, 419 

Complete  Solid  Harmonics, 421 

Spherical  and  Zonal  Harmonics, 423 

Complete  Spherical  Harmonics,      , 427 

Laplace's  Coefficients, 429 

Examples, 432 



Jacobians, 433 

Case  in  which  Functions  are  not  Independent, 435 

Jacobian  of  Implicit  Functions, .        .        .438 

Case  where /=  o, 441 

Case  where  a  Relation  connects  the  Dependent  Variables,         .        .   '     .  442 

Examples, 446 



Conditions  for  Four  Independent  Variables, 447 

Conditions  for  n  Variables, 449 

Orthogonal  Transformation, 452 

Miscellaneous  Examples, .        .     454 

S"oTE  ON  Failure  of  Taylor's  Theorem, 467 

The  beginner  is  recommended  to  omit  the  following  portions  on  the^r*^ 
reading: — Arts.  49,  50,  51,  52,  67-85,  88,  iii,  114-116,  124,  125,  Chap,  vii.. 
Chap.   VIII.  ;    Arts.    159-163,    249-254,    261-269,    296-301,   Chaps,  xxm., 





I .  Functions. — The  student,  from  his  previous  acquaintance 
with  Algebra  and  Trigonometry,  is  supposed  to  understand 
what  is  meant  when  one  quantity  is  said  to  be  a  function  of 
another.  Thus,  in  trigonometry,  the  sine,  cosine,  tangent,  &c., 
of  an  angle  are  said  to  be  functions  of  the  angle,  having  each 
a  single  value  if  the  angle  is  given,  and  varying  when  the 
angle  varies.  In  like  manner  any  algebraic  expression  in  x 
is  said  to  be  a  function  of  x.  Geometry  also  furnishes  us 
with  simple  illustrations.  For  instance,  the  area  of  a  square, 
or  of  any  regular  polygon  of  a  given  number  of  sides,  is  a 
function  of  its  side  ;  and  the  volume  of  a  sphere,  of  its  radius. 

In  general,  whenever  two  quantities  are  so  related,  that 
any  change  made  in  the  one  produces  a  corresponding  variation 
in  the  other,  then  the  latter  is  said  to  be  a  function  of  the 

This  relation  between  two  quantities  is  usually  represented 
by  the  letters  F,  /,  0,  &c. 

Thus  the  equations 

u  =  F{x),    €>=/(«?),  'tr  =  0(^), 

denote  that  w,  v,  w,  are  regarded  as  functions  of  Xy  whose 
values  are  determined  for  any  particular  value  of  a?,  when  the 
form  of  the  function  is  known. 

2.  Dependent  and  Independent  Variables,  Con- 
stants.— In  each  of  the  preceding  expressions,  x  is  said  to  be 


2  ^^      First  Principles — Differentiation. 

the  independent  variable,  to  which  any  value  may  be  assigned 
at  pleasure ;  and  u,  v,  w^  are  called  dependent  variables,  as  their 
values  depend  on  that  of  Xy  and  are  determined  when  it  is 

Thus,  in  the  equations 

y=  lo*,    y  =  0^^    y  =  Qmx, 

the  value  of  y  depends  on  that  of  a?,  and  is  in  each  case  deter* 
mined  when  the  value  of  x  is  given. 

If  we  suppose  any  series  of  values,  positive  or  negative, 
assigned  to  the  independent  variable  x,  then  every  function 
of  X  will  assume  a  corresponding  series  of  values.  If  a  quan- 
tity retain  the  same  value,  whatever  change  be  given  to  x^  it 
is  said  to  be  a  constant  with  respect  to  x.  We  usually  denote 
constants  by  a,  h,  c,  &o.,  the  first  letters  of  the  alphabet ; 
variables  by  the  last,  viz.,  u,  v,  w,  a?,  y,  z. 

3.  Algebraic  and  Transcendental  Functions. — 
Functions  which  consist  of  a  finite  number  of  terms,  involving 
integral  and  fractional  powers  of  Xj  together  with  constants 
solely,  are  called  algebraic  functions — thus 

are  algebraic  expressions. 

Functions  which  do  not  admit  of  being  represented  as 
ordinary  algebraic  expressions  in  a  finite  number  of  terms  are 
called  transcendental :  thus,  sin  Xj  cos  Xy  tan  x,  e*,  log  x,  &c., 
are  transcendental  functions ;  for  they  cannot  be  expressed 
in  terms  of  x  except  by  a  series  containing  an  infinite  number 
of  terms. 

Algebraic  functions  are  ultimately  reducible  to  the  follow- 
ing elementary  forms :  (i).  Sum,  or  difference  {u  -^  VyU  -  v), 

(2).  Product,  and  its  inverse,  quotient  (uvy  -  j.    Powers,  and 

their  inverse,  roots  (w"*,  w"*). 

The  elementary  transcendental  functions  are  also  ulti- 
mately reducible  to :  (i).  The  sine,  and  its  inverse,  (sin  w, 
sin~*w).  (2).  The  exponential,  and  its  inverse,  logarithm 

Limiting  Batios— ^Derived  Functions.  3 

^  4.  Continuous  Functions. — A  function  0  (x)  is  said  to 
be  a  continuous  function  of  x,  between  the  limits  a  and  J, 
when,  to  each  value  of  x,  between  these  limits,  corresponds  a 
finite  value  of  the  function,  and  when  an  infinitely  small 
change  in  the  value  of  x  produces  only  an  infinitely  small 
change  in  the  function.  If  these  conditions  be  not  fulfilled 
the  function  is  discontinuous.  It  is  easily  seen  that  all 
algebraic  expressions,  such  as 

Ooa^  +  «iaj^*  +....«„, 

and  all  circular  expressions,  sin  x,  tan  x,  &c.,  are,  in  general, 
continuous  functions,  as  also  6*,  log  x.  &c.  In  such  cases, 
accordingly,  it  follows  that  if  x  receive  a  very  small  change, 
the  corresponding  change  in  the  function  of  x  is  also  very 

-^  5.  Increments  and  Differentials. — In  the  Differen- 
tial Calculus  we  investigate  the  changes  which  any  function 
undergoes  when  the  variable  on  which  it  depends  is  made  to 
pass  through  a  series  of  different  stages  of  magnitude. 

If  the  variable  x  be  supposed  to  receive  any  change,  such 
change  is  called  an  increment ;  this  increment  of  a;  is  usually 
represented  by  the  notation  ^x. 

"When  the  increment,  or  difference^  is  supposed  infinitely 
small  it  is  called  a  differential,  and  represented  by  dx,  i.e.  an 
infinitely  small  difference  is  called  a  differential. 

In  like  manner,  if  w  be  a  function  of  a?,  and  x  becomes 
X  +  Ao?,  the  corresponding  value  of  u\s>  represented  by  w  +  Aw; 
i.  e.  the  increment  of  u  is  denoted  by  Aw. 
y<'  6.  liimiting  Ratios,  Derived  Functions. — If  w  be  a 
function  of  x,  then  for  finite  increments,  it  is  obvious  that  the 
ratio  of  the  increment  of  u  to  the  corresponding  increment  of 
X  has,  in  general,  a  finite  value.  Also  when  the  increment 
of  X  is  regarded  as  being  infinitely  small,  we  assume  that  the 
ratio  above  mentioned  has  still  a  definite  limiting  value.  In 
the  Differential  Calculus  we  investigate  the  values  of  these 
limiting  ratios  for  different  forms  of  functions. 

The  ratio  of  the  increment  of  u  to  that  of  x  in  the  limit, 

when  both  are  infinitely  small,  is  denoted  by  — .     When 

B  2 

4  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

u  =f[x)y  this  limiting  ratio  is  denoted  by /'(a?),  and  is  called 
the.^rs^  derived  function*  oif(x]. 

Thus  ;  let  x  become  x  +  hj  where  h  =  Ax,  then  u  becomes 

f{x  +  h)f  i.  e.  w  +  Au  -f{x  +  A), 

/.  Aw  =f{x  +  h)  -f{x)y 

Au  _f{x  +  h)-f{x) 
Ax  h  ' 

The  limiting  value  of  this  expression  when  h  is  infinitely  small 
is  called  the  first  derived  function  of  f[x),  and  represented 


Again,  since  the  ratio  —  has/'  {x)  for  its  limiting  value, 
if  we  assume 

£  miist  become  evanescent  along  with  Ax ;  also  — -  becomes 

°  Ax 

-r-  at  tlito  same  time  ;  hence  we  have 

This  result  may  be  stated  otherwise,  thus  : — If  Wi  denote 
the  value  of  u  when  x  becomes  Xi,  then  the  value  of  the  ratio 

fi.   —   or 

,  when  Xi-  X  \%  evanescent,  is  called  ihe  first  derived 

Xi-  X 

function  of  u,  and  denoted  by  -j-. 

*  The  method  of  derived  functions  was  introduced  by  Lagrange,  and  the 
different  derived  functions  of/  [x)  were  defined  by  him  to  be,  the  coefficients  of 
the  powers  of  A  in  the  expansion  of/{a;+A):  that  this  definition  of  the  fijst 
derived  function  agrees  with  that  given  in  the  text  will  be  seen  subsequently. 

This  agreement  was  also  pointed  out  by  Lagrange.  See  "Theorie  dea 
Fonctions  Analytiques,"  N°*.  3,  9. 

Algebraic  Illustration.  5 

If  Xi  be  greater  than  a?,  then  Ui  is  also  greater  than  u,  pro- 
vided — is  positive ;  and  hence,  in  the  limit,  when  Xx  -  x 

Xi  -  X  ^  ^w 

is  evanescent,  Wi  is  greater  or  less  than  u  according  as  —  is 


positive  or  negative.  Hence,  if  we  suppose  x  to  increase, 
then  any  function  of  x  increases  or  diminishes  at  the  same 
time,  according  as  its  derived  function,  taken  with  respect 
to  X,  is  positive  or  negative.  This  principle  is  of  great 
importance  in  tracing  the  different  stages  of  a  function  of  x, 
corresponding  to  a  series  of  values  of  x. 

7.  differential,    and   Bifferential   Coefficient,    of 


Let  u  =f{x);  then  since 

we  have  du  =  d{f{x))  =f{x)dx, 

where  dx  is  regarded  as  being  infinitely  small.  In  this 
case  dx  is,  as  already  stated,  the  differential  of  x,  and  du 
or  /'  {x)  dx,  is  called  the  corresponding  differential  of  u. 
Also  /'  (x)  is  called  the  differential  coefficient  of  /(a?),  being 
the  coefficient  of  dx  in  the  differential  of  f{x). 

8.  Algebraic  Illustration. — That  a  fraction  whose 
numerator  and  denominator  are  both  evanescent,  or  in- 
finitely small,   may  have    a    finite    determinate   value,   is 

evident  from  algebra.  For  example,  we  have  t  =  -7  what- 
ever n  may  be.  Jl  n  be  regarded  as  an  infinitely  small 
number,  the  numerator  and  denominator  of  the  fraction 
both  become  infinitely  small  magnitudes,  while  their  ratio 

remains  unaltered  and  equal  to  t- 

It  will  be  observed  that  this  agrees  with  our  ordinary 

idea  of  a  ratio ;   for  the  value  of  a  ratio  depends  on  the 

relative,  and  not  on  the   absolute  magnitude '  of  the  terms 

which  compose  it. 

...  -  wflj  +  n^a' 

Agam,  :f  w  «  -^ ^, 

°  nb  +  n^o 

in  which  n  is  regarded  as  infinitely  small,  and  a,  h,  d  and  V 

6  First  Principles — BifferentiaUon. 

represent  finite  magnitudes,  the  terms  of  the  fraction  are 
both  infinitely  small, 

but  their  ratio  is  ■; 7^ 

b  +  nh 

the  limiting  value  of  which,  as  n  is  diminished  indefinitely, 
is  J.  Again,  if  we  suppose  n  indefinitely  increased^  the 
limiting  value  of  the  fraction  is  j-,.     For 

a  +  a'n       a        ah'  -  ha' 

h  +  h'n       V     b'{h  +  h'n)  ' 

but  the  fraction    -^-r-Tz — 77--    diminishes    indefinitely   as   n 

^  h'(b  +  h'n)  -^ 

increases   indefinitely,   and   may  be   made    less  than   any 
assignable    magnitude,    however    small.      Accordingly   the 

limiting  value  of  the  fraction  in  this  case  is  -,. 


<    9.  Trigonometrical  Illustration. — To  find  the  values 
of  7 — ^,  and  — n~,  when  0  is  regarded  as  infinitely  email. 

Here  - — j.  =  cos0,  and  when  9  =  o,  eosO  =  i. 
tan  6 

Hence,  in  the  limit,  when  6^  =  o,*  we  have 

sin  0  ,         tan  0  ,  ,,  , . 

7 — 7T  =  I,  and,  .*.  -; — j:  =  I,  at  the  same  time, 
tan  0  sm  0 


Again,  to  find  the  value  of  -: — -x,  when  0  is  infinitely  small. 

sm  0 

From  geometrical  considerations  it  is  evident  that  if  d  be 

the  circular  measure  of  an  angle,  we  have 

tan  0  >  0  >  sin  0, 

tan0        e 
or  -7— 5  >  -7—^  >  I ; 

sm  ff     smu 

*  If  a  variable  quantity  be  supposed  to  diminish  gradually,  till  it  be  less  than 
anything  Jinite  which  can  be  assigned,  it  is  said  in  that  state  to  be  indefinitely 
small  or  evanescent;  for  abbreviation,  such  a  quantity  is  often  denoted  by  cypher. 

A  discussion  of  infinitesimals,  or  infinitely  small  quantities  of  diflferent  orders, 
will  be  found  in  the  next  Chapter. 

Geometrical  Illustration, 

but  in  the  limit,  i.e.  when  0  is  infinitely  small, 
tan0  __ 
sin  e"  ^' 

and  therefore,  at  the  same  time,  we  have 


=  I. 

This  shows  that  in  a  circle  the  ultimate  ratio  of  an  arc  to  its 
chord  is  unity,  when  they  are  both  regarded  as  evanescent. 

lo.  Oeometrical  Illustration. — Assuming  that  the 
relation  y  =  f{x)  may  in  all  cases  be  represented  by  a  curve, 
where  . ,  , 

y  =  /(^) 

expresses  the  equation  connecting  the  co-ordinates  (ic,  y) 
of  each  of  its  points ;  then,  if  the  axes  be  rectangular,  and 
two  points  {x,  y),  {xi,  y^  be  taken  on  the  curve,  it  is  obvious 

that  — represents  the  tangent  of  the  angle  which  the 

chord  joining  the  points  {x,  y),  {xi,  y^  makes  with  the  axis 
of  X. 

If,  now,  we  suppose  the  points  taken  infinitely  near  to 
each  other,  so  that  Xi-  x  becomes  evanescent,  then  the  chord 
becomes  the  tangent  at  the  point  (a?,  y),  but 

t}—l.  becomes  -f  ot  f  (x)  in  this  case. 
Xi-  X  ax 

Hence,  f  {x)  represents  the  trigonometrical  tangent  of  the 
angle  which  the  line  touching  the  curve  at  the  point  {x,  tj)  makes 
with  the  axis  of  x.  We  see,  accordingly,  that  to  draw  the 
tangent  at  any  point  to  the  curve 

y  =  /(^) 
is  the  same  as  to  find  the  derived  function  f{x)  of  y  with 
respect  to  x.     Hence,  also,  the  equation  of  the  tangent  to 
the  curve  at  a  point  {x,  y)  is  evidently 

y-Y  ^  f{x){x-X\  (2) 

where  X,  Y  are  the  current  co-ordinates  of  any  point  on  the 


First  Principles — Differentiation. 

tangent.  At  the  points  for  which  the  tangent  is  parallel  to 
the  axis  of  x,  we  have  /'  (cc)  =  o ;  at  the  points  where  the 
tangent  is  perpendicular  to  the  axis,  f  (a?)  =  oo .  For  all 
other  points  /'  (cc)  has  a  determinate  finite  real  value  in 
general.  This  conclusion  verifies  the  statement,  that  the 
ratio  of  the  increment  of  the  dependent  variable  to  that  of 
the  independent  variable  has,  in  general,  a  finite  determinate 
magnitude,  when  the  increment  becomes  infinitely  small. 

This  has  been  so  admirably  expressed,  and  its  con- 
nexion with  the  fundamental  principles  of  the  Differential 
Calculus  so  well  explained,  by  M.  Navier,  that  I  cannot  for- 
bear introducing  the  following  extract  from  his  "Lecons 
d'Analyse": — 

"  Among  the  properties  which  the  function  y  =  f{x),  or 
the  line  which  represents  it,  possesses,  the  most  remarkable — 
in  fact  that  which  is  the  principal  object  of  the  Differential 
Calculus,  and  which  is  constantly  introduced  in  all  practical 
applications  of  the  Calculus — is  the 
degree  of  rapidity  with  which  the 
function  /  {x)  varies  when  the  in- 
dependent variable  x  is  made  to 
vary  from  any  assigned  value. 
This  degree  of  rapidity  of  the 
increment  of  the  function,  when  x 
is  altered,  may  differ,  not  only 
from  one  function  to  another,  but 
also  in  the  same  function,  ac- 
cording to  the  value  attributed  to 
the  variable.  In  order  to  form  a 
precise  notion  on  this  point,  let  us  attribute  to  a;  a  deter- 
mined value  represented  by  OiV",  to  which  will  correspond 
an  equally  determined  value  of  y,  represented  by  PJ^.  Let 
us  now  suppose,  starting  from  this  value,  that  x  increases  by 
any  quantity  denoted  by  Ax,  and  represented  by  NM,  the 
function  y  will  vary  in  consequence  by  a  certain  quantity, 
denoted  by  Ay,  and  we  shall  have 

y  +  Ay  =  fix  +  Ax),        or    A^^  =  /(a;  +  Ax)  -fix). 

The  new  value  of  y  is  represented  in  the  figure  by  QM, 
and   QJj  represents   Ay,  or  the  variation  of  the  function. 

Fig.  I. 

Geometrical  Illustration,  9 

The  ratio  — ^  of  the  increment  of  the  function  to  that  of 
the  independent  variable^  of  which  the  expression  is 

is  represented  by  the  trigonometrical  tangent  of  the  angle 
QPL  made  by  the  secant  PQ  with  the  axis  of  x, 

"  It  is  plain  that  this  ratio  — -  is  the  natural  expression 


of  the  property  referred  to,  that  is,  of  the  degree  of  rapidity 
with  which  the  function  y  increases  when  we  increase  the 
independent  variable  x ;  for  the  greater  the  value  of  this 
ratio,  the  greater  will  be  the  increment  ^y  when  x  is  in- 
creased by  a  given  quantity  Aa;.     But  it  is  very  important 

to  remark,  that  the  value  of  — ^  (except  in  the  case  when 


the  line  PQ  becomes  a  right  line)  depends  not  only  on  the 
value  attributed  to  x,  that  is  to  say,  on  the  position  of  P  on 
the  curve,  but  also  on  the  absolute  value  of  the  increment  Ax. 
If  we  were  to  leave  this  increment  arbitrary,  it  would  be 

impossible  to  assign  to  the  ratio  -~  any  precise  value,  and 


it  is  accordingly  necessary  to  adopt  a  convention  which  shall 
remove  all  uncertainty  in  this  respect. 

"  Suppose  that  after  having  given  to  Ax  any  value,  to 
which  will  correspond  a  certain  value  Ay  and  a  certain 
direction  of  the  secant  PQ,  we  diminish  progressively  the 
value  of  Ax,  so  that  the  increment  ends  by  becoming 
evanescent ;  the  corresponding  increment  Ay  will  vary  in 
consequence,  and  will  equally  tend  to  become  evanescent. 
The  point  Q  will  tend  to  coincide  with  the  point  P,  and  the 
secant  PQ  with  the  tangent  PT  drawn  to  the  curve  at  the 

point  P.     The  ratio  —    of   the    increments  will  equally 

approach  to  a  certain  limit,  represented  by  the  trigonometrical 

tangent  of  the  angle  TPL  made  by  the  tangent  with  the 

axis  of  X. 

"We  accordingly  observe  that  when  the  increment  Ax, 

lo  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

and  consequently  Ay,  diminisli  progressively  and  tend  to 
vanisli,   the  ratio  — ^    of  these    increments    approaches    in 


general  to  a  limit  whose  value  is  finite  and  determinate. 

Hence  the  value  of  —  corresponding  to  this  limit  must  be 

considered  as  giving  the  true  and  precise  measure  of  the 
rapidity  with  which  the  function  f  {x)  varies  when  the  independent 
variable  x  is  ?nade  to  vary  from  an  assigned  value ;  for  there 
does  not  remain  anything  arbitrary  in  the  expression  of  this 
value,  as  it  no  longer  depends  on  the  absolute  values  of  the 
increments  Arc  and  Ay,  nor  on  the  figure  of  the  cui've  at  any 
finite  distance  at  either  side  of  the  point  P.  It  depends 
solely  on  the  direction  of  the  curve  at  this  point,  that  is,  on 
the  inclination  of  the  tangent  to  the  axis  of  x.  The  ratio 
just  determined  expresses  what  Newton  called  the  fluxion  of 
the  ordinate.  As  to  the  mode  of  finding  its  value  in  each 
particular  case,  it  is  sufficient  to  consider  the  general 
expression  ^y     /(^^A.)-/(^) 

Acc  Aa;  ' 

and  to  see  what  is  the  limit  to  which  this  expression  tends, 
as  ^x  takes  smaller  and  smaller  values  and  tends  to  vanish. 
This  limit  will  be  a  certain  function  of  the  independent 
variable  x,  whose  form  depends  on  that  of  the  given  function 

f{x) We  shall  add  one  other  remark ;  which  is,  that 

the  differentials  represented  by  dx  and  dy  denote  always 
quantities  of  the  same  nature  as  those  denoted  by  the  variables 
X  and  y.  Thus  in  geometry,  when  x  represents  a  line,  an 
area,  or  a  volume,  the  differential  dx  also  represents  a  line,  an 
area,  or  a  volume.  These  differentials  are  always  supposed 
to  be  less  than  any  assigned  magnitude,  however  small ;  but 
this  hypothesis  does  not  alter  the  nature  of  these  quantities  : 
dx  and  dy  are  always  homogeneous  with  x  and  y,  that  is  to 
say,  present  always  the  same  number  of  dimensions  of  the  unit 
by  means  of  which  the  values  of  these  variables  are  expressed." 
loa,  liimit  of  a  Variable  Magnitude. — As  the  con- 
ception of  a  limit  is  fundamental  in  the  Calculus,  it  may 
be  well  to  add  a  few  remarks  in  further  elucidation  of  its 
meaning : — 

Idmit  of  a  Variable  Magnitude. 

In  general,  when  a  variable  magnitude  tends  continualm  to 
equality  ivith  a  certain  fixed  magnitude,  and  approaches  nearer  to 
it  than  any  assignable  difference,  however  small,  this  fixed  magni- 
tude is  called  the  limit  of  the  variable  magnitude.  For  example, 
if  we  inscribe,  or  circumscribe,  a  polygon  to  any  closed  curve, 
and  afterwards  conceive  eacli  side  indefinitely  diminished, 
and  consequently  tlieir  number  indefinitely  increased,  then 
the  closed  curve  is  said  to  be  the  limit  of  either  polygon. 
By  this  means  the  total  length  of  the  curve  is  the  limit  of 
the  perimeter  either  of  the  inscribed  or  circumscribed  polygon. 
In  like  manner,  the  area  of  the  curve  is  the  limit  to  the 
area  of  either  polygon.  For  instance,  since  the  area  of  any 
polygon  circumscribed  to  a  circle  is  obviously  equal  to  the 
rectangle  under  the  radius  of  the  circle  and  the  semi-perimeter 
of  the  polygon,  it  follows  that  the  area  of  a  circle  is  repre- 
sented by  the  product  of  its  radius  and  its  semi-circumfe- 
rence. Again,  since  the  length  of  the  side  of  a  regular 
polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle  bears  to  that  of  the  correspond- 
ing arc  the  same  ratio  as  the  perimeter  of  the  polygon  to  the 
circumference  of  the  circle,  it  follows  that  the  ultimate  ratio 
of  the  chord  to  the  arc  is  one  of  equality,  as  shown  in  Art.  9. 
The  like  result  follows  immediately  for  any  curve. 

The  following  principles  concerning  limits  are  of  fre- 
quent application: — (i)  The  limit  of  the  product  of  two  quan- 
tities, which  vary  together,  is  the  product  of  their  limits;  (2)  The 
limit  of  the  quotient  of  the  quantities  is  the  quotient  of  their 

For,  let  P  and  Q  represent  the  two  quantities,  and  p  and 
q  their  respective  limits ;  then  if 

P=p^a,        Q  =  g  +  (B, 

a  and  j3  denote  quantities  which  diminish  indefinitely  as  P 
and  Q  approach  their  limits,  and  which  become  evanescent 
in  the  limit. 

Again,  we  have 

FQ  =pq  +pf5  +  qa  +  aj3. 

Accordingly,  in  the  Hmit,  we  have 


12  First  Principles — Differentiation, 

..  P     p  +  a     p      qa  -  pQ 

Again,  -pr  =^ — 3  =  -  +  ^7 — ^. 

The  mimerator  of  the  last  fraction  becomes  evanescent  in 
the  limit,  while  the  denominator  becomes  q^,  and  consequently 

the  limit  of  —  is  -. 

Q      q 

1 1 .  DiflTerentiation. — The  process  of  finding  the  derived 
function,  or  the  differential  coefficient  of  any  expression,  is 
called  differentiating  the  expression. 

We  proceed  to  explain  this  process  by  applying  it  to  a 
few  elementary  examples. 


I.  y  =  x\ 

Substitute  x  +  h  for  x,  and  denote  the  new  value  of  y  by  yi,  then 

tn  =  {x+  hy  =  a;2  +  2xh  +  h^  ; 

.*.  — ; —  or  — ^  =  2a;  +  A. 
h  Ax 

If  h  be  taken  an  infinitely  small  quantity,  we  get  in  the  limit 


~=  2X] 

or  if  /(«)  =  ^^1  we  have/'  {x)  =  2X. 

„  I 

Here  yi  = 

«+  A 

I  I 


X  +  h      X  X  (x  +  h)* 

y\-y  or  ^  =  - 

A     '       Ax         x{x  +h)'' 
which  equation,  when  h  is  evanescent,  becomes 

dy i_  \x/ i_ 

^"      x^'  ^     dx    ~      x" 


Differentiation  of  a  Product.  1 3 

12.  Diirerentiation  of  the  Algebraic  Sum  of  a 
Finite  ^Rf umber  of  Functions. — Let  "• 

y  =  u  +  V  -  w  -\-  &Q,\ 
then,  \ixi  =  x  ■\-  h,  we  get 

yi  =  Wi  +  «?!  -  «ri  +  .  .  . ; 
.    yi  -  y  _  'Wi  -  ^      «^i  -  -^^      Wi^W 

'''  T"  -  "T~  "^  ~1  F"  "*"•••' 

which  becomes  in  the  limit,  when  h  is  infinitely  small, 
dy      du      dv      dw 
dx      dx      dx      dx 

Hence,  if  a  function  consist  of  several  terms,  its  derived 
function  is  the  sum  of  the  derived  functions  of  its  several  parts, 
taken  with  their  proper  signs. 

It  is  evident  that  the  differential  of  a  constant  is  zero. 

13.  DifTerentiation  of  tbe  Product  of  Two  Func- 
tions.— Let  y  =  uv,  where  u,  v,  are  both  functions  of  x ;  and 
suppose  Ay,  Au,  Av,  to  be  the  increments  of  y,  u,  v,  corre- 
sponding to  the  increment  Ax  in  x.     Then 

Ay  =  (w  +  Au^{v  +  Av)  -  uv 

=  uAv  +  vAu  +  Au  Av, 

Ay        Av      ,  .  Au    . 

or  —  =  u  —  +  (v  +  Av)  — . 

Aa;         AiZJ  Ax 

Now  suppose  Ax  to  be  infinitely  small,  then 

Ay  Av  Au 

Ax*  Ax*  Ax^ 
become  in  the  limit 

dy  dv  J  ^^ . 

dx*  dx^  dx  * 

also,  since  Av  vanishes  at  the  same  time,  the  last  term  dis- 
appears from  the  equation,  and  thus  we  arrive  at  the  result 

dy       dv        du  ,  . 

/  =  w  —  +  «?  — .  (3) 

dx       dx       dx  ^ 

14  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

Hence,  to  difPerfentiate  the  product  of  two  functions, 
multiply  each  of  the  factors  hy  the  differential  coefficient  of  the 
other,  and  add  the  products  thus  found. 

Otherwise  thus:  let /(a;),  0  {x)j  denote  the  functions,  and 
h  the  increment  of  x,  then 

Vi  =/(a?  +  h)  <^{x-\-h); 

.  yi-y  y{^  +  h)ip(x  +  h)  -fix)  0 [x) 

"      h  h 

Now,  in  the  limit, 

f{x->rh)-f[x)         ^,.  ,        ,^  ,. 

and                         (l){x  +  h)  -  <l>  ix)         ,.  . 
J =  0  W» 

and,  accordingly, 

|=/(*)^'(!fc)  +  ^(<r)/(«,), 

which  agrees  with  the  preceding  result. 

When  y  =  au,  where  «  is  a  constant  with  respect  to  x, 
we  have  evidently 

dy         du 

dx         dx 

14.  Differentiation  of  the  Product  of  any  IVuniber 
of  Functions. — First  let 

y  =  uvw; 

suppose  VIC  =  Sf 

then  y  =  us, 

and,  by  Art.  13,  we  have 

dy  dz        du 

dx         ir       dx 

Differentiation  of  a  Quotient.  15 

but,  by  the  same  Article, 

dz         dv        dw 

dx         dx        dx^ 

dy  du  dv         dw 

-f-  =  vw -rr  +  wu -rr  -^  uv  -—. 
dx  dx  dx  dx 

This  process  of  reasoning  can  be  easily  extended  to  any 
number  of  functions. 

The  preceding  result  admits  of  being  written  in  the  form 

16?^       I  du      I  dv      I  dw 
y  dx      u  dx      vdx     w  dx^ 

and  in  general,  if     y  =  yi .  2^a .  2^3  ....  ^n, 
it  can  be  easily  proved  in  like  manner  that 

i  ^  =  i  ^  +  i  ^^         +  1^  (a) 

y  dx      yx  dx      y^dx'  '  '      yn  dx ' 

15.  DiflTerentiation  of  a  Cinotient — Let 

y  =  -,  then  u  =  yv; 

^1      i.       r     A_z  ^^         dv       dy 

therefore,  by  Art.  13,    ^  =  2^^^^^^^ 

dy      du        dv       du     udv 
dx      dx        dx       dx     vdx 






"  ■■  9 

dy  _     dx        djc         /  (5) 

* '  dx  v^ 

This  may  be  written  in  the  following  form,  which  is  often 
useful : 

d  (u\      1  du      u  dv 

dx\v]     V  dx      v^  dx' 

1 6  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

Hence,  to  differentiate  a  fraction,  multiply  the  denominator 
into  the  derived  function  of  the  numerator,  and  the  numerator  into 
the  derived  function  of  the  denominator ;  take  the  latter  product 
from  the  former,  and  divide  hy  the  square  of  the  denominator. 

In  the  particular  case  where  w  is  a  constant  with  respect 
to  X  {a  suppose),  we  obviously  have 

d  fa\  a  dv  /^\ 

dx  \vj  v^  dx 


a  —  x  ^       du 

I.     u  = .  An». 

a  +  x  dx  {a  +  xy- 

2.     «  =  (a  + »)  (4  +  a?).  -—  =  a  +  b-\-  2x. 


V  '        1 6.  Differentiation   of  an    Integral    Power. — Let 

^  ' '  y  =  x^,  where  w  is  a  positive  integer. 

Suppose  yi  to  be  the  value  of  y,  when  x  becomes  a^i,  then 

■»  =  Xi      +  xxi      +  .  .  .  +  ar  ^. 

Xi-  X  Xi-  X 

Now,  suppose  Xi-  X  to  be  evanescent.  In  this  case  we 
may  write  x  for  Xi  in  the  right-hand  side  of  the  preceding 
equation,  when  it  becomes  nx''^~^;  but  the  left-hand  side,  in 

the  limit,  is  represented  by  ~  • 

Hence  -^  =  mxf^K 


or  — V— ^  =  wa^  . 


This  result  follows  also  from  Art.  14  ;  for,  making 

2^1  =  ^2  =  ^3  =  .  .  .  =  yn  =  w, 

we  evidently  get  from  (4), 

d  (w")  ^,  du  f. 

-^  =  nu"^'—.  (7) 

ax  ax 

This  reduces  to  the  preceding  on  making  u  ^  oj. 


Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  a  Function.  1 7 

17.  nifferentiatioii  of  a  Fractional   Power. — Let 

then  jr  =  t*-,  and-^i  =  -^^ 

hence,  by  (7), 

^     dx  dx' 

d  (u")       dy  _  mu^'^du       m  ^-idu  .  . 

dx         dx       n  y"~*  dx       n        dx' 

y  =  «""*,  then  2^  =  — ,  and  by  (6)  we  get 


18.  Differentiation   of  a   ]¥egative    Power. — Let 


^(«-") ;^ '»«-™-'^-         (9) 

Combining  the  results  established  in  (7),  (8),  and  (9),  we 
find  that 

-\   ^  =  mu'f*'^  — 
dx  dx 

for  all  values  of  m,  positive,  negative,  or  fractional.  When 
applied  to  the  differentiation  of  any  power  of  x  we  get  the 
following  rule : — Diminish  the  index  by  unity,  and  multiply  the 
power  of  x  thus  ohtained  by  the  original  index ;  the  result  is  the 
required  differential  coefficient,  with  respect  to  x. 

19.  Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  a  Function. — 

Let  y  =  f{x)  and  u  =  <p(y),  to  find  — .    Suppose  yi,  Ui,  to  be 


the  values  of  y  and  u  corresponding  to  the  value  Xi  for  x ; 

then  if  Ay,  Aw,  Ax,  denote  the  corresponding  increments, 

we  have  evidently 

Ui-u  ^  Ux-u  yi-y 

Xx-x      yi-  y  xi-x^ 

Au       Au  Ay 

Ax       Ay  Ax' 

1 8  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

As  this  relation  holds  for  all  corresponding  increments, 
however  small,  it  must  hold  in  the  limit,*  when  AiP  is 
evanescent ;  in  which  case  it  becomes 

du  _  dudy  y     v 

dx      dy  dx 

Hence  the  derived  function  with  respect  to  x  of  u  is  the 
product  of  its  derived  with  respect  to  y ;  and  the  derived  of  y 
wi(h  respect  to  x. 

20.  DiflTerentiation  of  an  Inverse  Function. — To 
prove  that 

dx        I 

dy  ~  dy^ 

Suppose  that  from  the  equation 

y-m  («) 

the  equation 

is  deduced,  and  let  jTi,  yi,  be  corresponding  values  of  x^  y, 
which  satisfy  the  equation  (a),  it  is  evident  that  they  will 
also  satisfy  the  equation  {b).     But 

yi-y  ^  xi-x  ^ 

Xx-x     y,-y 

As  this  equation  holds  for  all  finite  increments,  it  must 
hold  when  Xi  -  x  and  yi-  y  are  infinitely  small ;  therefore 
we  have  in  the  limit 

^.^  =  I.  (II) 

dx  dy 

The  same  result  may  also  be  arrived  at  from  Art.  19, 
as  follows : — 

When  y  =  f{x),  and  u  =  <}>{y), 

*  The  Student  will  observe  that  this  is  a  case  of  the  principle  (Art.  joa)  that 
the  limit  of  the  product  of  two  quantities  is  equal  to  the  product  of  their  limits. 

Differentiation  of  sin  X,  19 

we  have,  in  all  cases, 

du      du  dy 
dx      dy  dx 

This  result  must  still  hold  in  the  particular  case  when  u  =  x, 
in  which  case  it  becomes 




1.  «  =  (a«-a;2)ft. 

Let  a'  -  «2  _s  y^    then  «  =  y*, 

-  =  5S^,ana-.-«. 

Hence  —  =  -  loa?  (a*  -  a;*)*. 

dx  ^  ' 

2,  u=  {a  +  bx^)K  Ans.  ^  =  izbx*  {a  +  hi^)\ 

3.  «  =  (i  +  af2)». 

4.  w  =  (i  +a;»»)*.  —  =  mwa:«-i(i+a:«)»»-K 

^  ~    (i  +z^)i' 


We  next  proceed  to  determine  the  derived  functions  of 
the  elementary  trigonometrical  and  circular  functions. 
21.  DifTerentiation  of  sin  a;. — Let 

y  =  sin  iP,      ^1  =  sin  {x  +  h)y 

y\-  y     sin  (a?  +  ^)  -  sin  x  _  "  """'  2 

~A  h  h 

.    h 


But  by  Art.  9,  the  limit  of  — r—  =  i ;  moreover,  the  limit  of 

...        (      h\ 
2  sm  -  cos  \x-\-  -\ 

(a?  +  -Jis  cos«. 



2  Bin  -  sin  [  a?  +  -  j 

zo  First  Principles — Differentiation, 

Hence  ^  =  cos^g,  (12) 

22,  DifTerentiation  of  cos  a;. 

y  =  cos  Xf     pi  =  cos  (a;  +  A), 

.    h   . 
/       T  \  A  riin  — 

i/i  -  p  _  coa  (x  +  h)  -  ooB  X  2 

~~h  h  "  h 

Hence,  in  the  limit, 

c?  cos  a?  .  .    . 

-^-  =  -sm*.  (.3) 

This  result  might  be  deduced  from  the  preceding,  by  substi- 

tuting  —  s  f or  a;,  and  applying  the  principle  of  Art.  19. 

It  may  be  noted  that  (12)  and  (13)  admit  also  of  being 
written  in  the  following  symmetrical  form : — 

^sina;       .     /       ttN 

«?cosa;            /       7r\ 

— ; —  =  cos    a?  +  - ). 

dx               \       2) 

23.  Differentiatioii  of  tan  x. 

y  =  tan  a?,    yi  =  tan  (a?  +  h)^ 

eiD.{x  +  h) 

sin  X 

y\-y     tan  {x  +  h)  -  tan  x     cos  {x  +  h)     cos  x 
"X"  h  h 

sin  h 

A  cos  a?  cos  (aj  +  h)* 

which  becomes  — r-  in  the  limit, 
cos'  X 

Differentiation  ofy  = 

=  %in'^  X, 


d  (tan  x)         I 
dx          cos''  X 

=  seo'aJ.^ 

Otherwise  thus, 

d  (tan  x) 

,  sm  a;             d  sm  x 

d . cos  X  — ; sm  x 

cos  X                 dx 



dx       ^ 


cos*aJ+  sin*  a; 
cos*  a? 


cos'' a;' 



24.  Differentiation  of  cot  a?. — Proceed  as  in  the  last, 

,  ,      d  (cot  a;)  I  „  .    . 

and  we  get     — ~ — -  «  -  -r-r-  =  -  cosec'^a;.  (15) 

°  dx  sm*a;  ^     ' 

This  result  can  also  be  derived  from  the  preceding,  by  put- 
ting —  2  for  a;,  as  in  Art.  22, 


5.  Differentiation  of  sec  x. 


y  =  see  a?  = ; 

cos  a? 

dv      sin  a; 

dx     cos'*  a; 

=  lan  a;  sec  x. 


d  cosec  a? 

-  cot  a;  cosec  x. 


Differentiation  of  y 

=  sin"*a?. 


fl?«siny,  .*. 

3-  =  cosy. 


by  Art. 

20,  we  get 

c?y         I 

4- . 


da     <xi&y        -/i  -g» 

22  First  Principles. — Differentiation, 

The  ambiguity  of  the  sign  in  this  case  arises  from  the  ambi- 
guity of  the  expression  y  =  sin"^  x ;  for  if  y  satisfy  this  equa- 
tion for  a  particular  value  of  x,  so  also  does  ir  -  y;  as  also 
2Tr  +  y,  &o.  If,  however,  we  assign  always  to  y  its  least  value, 
i.  e.  the  acute  angle  whose  sine  is  represented  by  x,  then  the 
sign  of  the  differential  coeflficient  is  determinate,  and  is  evi- 
dently positive  ;  since  an  angle  increases  with  its  sine,  so  long 
as  it  is  acute.    Accordingly,  with  the  preceding  limitation, 

d .  sin~^  XI  ,     . 

In  like  manner  we  find 

d .  cos"*  X  I 

^       ^/in? 


with  the  same  limitation. 

This  latter  result  can  be  at  once  deduced  from  the  preced- 
ing by  aid  of  the  elementary  equation 

sm  *  X  +  cos^  a?  =  -, 


27.  BiflRerentiation  of  tan"*  a?. 

y  =  tan'*  a?,  .*.  x  =  tan  y ; 



«-, » 

dy     cos*  y 

ef.tan'*a?     dy         ^  \  ,    . 

,,—- _  =  oos'y.^-^.  (.9) 

28.  CTeometrical   Demonstration. — The   results  ar- 
rived at  in  the  preceding  Articles  admit  also  of  easy  demon- 

Geometrical  Demonstration, 


stration  by  geometrical  construction.     We  shall  illustrate  this 
method  by  applying  it  to 
the  case  of  sin  d. 

Suppose  XPQFtobe  a 
quadrant  of  a  circle  hav- 
ing 0  as  its  centre,  and 
construct  as  in  figure. 
Let  Q  denote  the  angle 
XOP  expressed  in  circu- 
lar measure ;  then  Fig.  2. 

„     arc  PX       ,  -      ^  ^     arc  PQ 
e  = -^^,  and  A  =  A9  = -^^p-. 

8m(0  +  A)-sm0  =  — =  ^.^  =  COS  PQi?.^; 

N  M 

,\     ^^ T^ =  cos  PQR ^^r. 

h  arcPQ 

But  we  have  seen,  in  Art.  9,  that  the  limiting  value  of 



=  I ;  also  PQIt  =  9,  at  the  same  time  ;  hence  — -r^ —  =  cos  0, 


as  before. 

The  student  will  find  no  difiiculty  in  applying  the  pre- 
ceding construction  to  the  differentiation  of  cos  0,  sin~^  0,  and 
cos"^  6.  The  differential  coefficients  of  tan  9,  tan"^  9,  &c.,  can, 
in  like  manner,  be  easily  obtained  by  geometrical  construction. 

I.  y  =  sin  (nx  +  a). 



n  cos  {tm  +  a). 

2.  y  =  cos  mx  coswr. 

3.  y  =  sm^a:, 

—  =  -  [m  cos  nx  sin  mx  +  n  cos  mx  sin  nx), 


=  n  8in»"i  X  eos  a?. 

24  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

4.  y  =  sin (i  +  »»).  'd'^'^^  ^°^  ^^  ^  ^^^* 

5.  Show  that  sin^  x  —  (sin»»a;  sin  mo;)  =  m  sin^'+^a;  sin  (m  +  i)  «. 

^  uX 

Here  —  (sin»»a;  sin  mx)  =  m  sin^'-^x  (cos  x  sin  ma;  +  sin  x  cos  wa;) 

=  m  sin»»-i  a:  sin  (m  +  l)  a; :  .-.  &c. 

6.  y  =  {a sin* a;  +  J  cos" a:)".  •~  =  n{a'~b)  sin  2a;  (a  sin" x  -vb cos' a;)"-'. 
^  'J.  y  =  sin  (sin  a;). 

Or  y  =  sin  «,  where  w  =  sin  a:.  -^  =  cos  a;  cos  (sin  x), 

o  •    1  /  ^\  ^y  wa;«-i 

8.  y  =  sin-^  (a:»).  "^ 

<fa;      (I  -  a;2»)** 
9.  2/  =  sin-i  (i  -  a;")i. 

Here  (i  -  a;")i  =  sin  y ;  .♦.  a:  =  cos  y. 

l=-sin-^.  .    ^^ 

dx'  "  dx         y'l  _^2' 

,*  +  «cosa;  dy     ./~^     li 

10.  y  =  cos-i ; .  ■—  =  V  ^    -^ 

a  +  icosa;  dx     a  +  bcosx 


1 1.  y  =  sec»  X,  -f  =  n  sec"  a;  tan  x, 


12.  y  =  sec"^  (a;«).  -— -  =       /  . 
^    29.  DilTereiitiatioii  of  logoa;. 

Let  y  =  ^OgaX,       Vx  =  loga  {X  +  A), 


yi~y  ^  logg  (a?  +  A)  -  logga; 

h  h  h 

Hence  -j-  is  equal  to  the  limiting  value  of 

when  h  is  infinitely  small. 
Again,  let  h  =  xu,  then 

I  1        /       h\      I  loga  (i  +  w)       I  .        .  .J 

Geometrical  Demonstration.  25 

.*.  -^  =  -  multiplied  by  the  value  of  loffo  (i  +  w)**  when  u  is 
infinitely  small. 

To  find  the  value  of  the  latter  expression,  let  -  =  2,  then 

(i  -^uY  becomes  (  i  +  -  j ,  in  which  %  is  regarded  as  infinitely 

great.  Suppose  the  limiting  value  of  this  expression  to  he  re- 
presented  hy  the  letter  e,  according  to  the  usual  notation.  We 
can  then  find  the  value  of  e  as  follows  by  the  Binomial 
Theorem : — 

/        iV  15     I      s  (2  -  i)      I 

\       2/  12  1.2       2* 

■ .  (-^)  (-i)(-a , 

«  I  +  -  +  .^ L  +  .^ LJ i  +  &o. 

I         1.2  1.2.3 

The  limiting*  value  of  which,  when  s  =  00,  is  evidently 

III  I  o 

I  +  -  +  +  +  +  &0. 

I      1.2      1.2.3 

By  taking  a  sufficient  number  of  terms  of  this  series,  we 
can  approximate  to  the  value  of  e  as  nearly  as  we  please. 
The  ultimate  value  can  be  shown  to  be  an  incommensurable 
quantity,  and  is  the  base  of  the  natural  or  Napierian  system 
of  logarithms.  When  taken  to  nine  decimal  places,  its  value 
is  2.718281828. 

Again,  since  (i  +  uY  =  e  when  m  =  o,  we  get 
d.loggx  _  logge 


dx       ^  ■  ('") 

Also,  since  the  calculation  of  logarithms  to  any  other 
base  starts  from  the  logarithms  of  some  numbers  to  the  base  e ; 

*  It  -will  be  slio-wTi  in  Chapter  3,  without  assuming  the  Binomial  expansion, 
that  e  is  the  limit  of  the  sum  of  the  series 

I  +  -  H + +  &c.,  ad  infinitum, 

I       I . Z      1.2.3 

26  First  Principles — Differentiation. 

and  moreover,  since  the  logarithms  of  all  numbers  are  expressed 
by  their  logarithms  to  the  base  e  multiplied  by  the  modulus 
of  transformation,  the  system  whose  base  is  e  is  fundamental 
in  analysis,  and  we  shall  denote  it  by  the  symbol  log  without 
a  sujffix.     In  this  case,  since  log  e  =  i,  we  have 

|aog*)=i.  (21) 


d  ,,         .      logioe     M  .    . 

^  (log,,*)  =  ^  =  -,  («) 

where  M  or  logio  e  is  the  modulus  of  Briggs'  or  the  ordinary 
tabulated  system  of  logarithms.  The  value  of  this  modulus, 
when  calculated  to  ten  decimal  places,  is 


On  the  method  of  its  determination  see  Q-albraith's  "Algebra," 

P-  379- 

If  a;  be  a  large  number,  it  is  evident,  from  the  preceding, 
that  the  tabular  difference  (as  given  in  Logarithmic  Tables), 


i.  e.  the  difference  between  logio  (-^  +  i)  and  logioic,  is  — ,  ap- 

proximately.  The  student  can  readily  verify  this  result  by 
reference  to  the  Tables. 

30.  Differentiation  of  cf. 
Let  y  =  a"y    then  log  1/  =  x  log  a ; 

.    d{logy) 


••        dx  ^"^^' 

djlogy)  ^  d  (log  y)  ^^}_dy_^ 
dx  dy       dx      y  dx* 

d  .a^     dy 

dx        dx 
Also,  since  log  e=  i,  we  have 
d.^  ^ 

=  ylog  a  =  a'  log  a.  (23) 

Logarithmic  Differentiation,  %*j 


I.  y  =  log  (sina?). 

Let  sin  a;  =  z,  then  y  =  log  s. 

dy      dy    dz 
dx      dz  '  dx* 

And  since 

dy     cos  a? 
we  get  -r  =  - —  =  cot «. 

dx      sm  X 

,        /i  -  cos  a; 

, I 

/i  -  cos  a;  _     / 
V I  +  cos  a?        / 

2  sin*- 

2  af 
=  tan  - ; 

2  cos'^  - 


••.  y  =  log  tan  -.     Hence  -^  =  -: — • 
2  aa;      sina? 

31.  liosarithmic  DifTerentiation. — When  the  func- 
tion to  be  differentiated  consists  of  products  and  quotients 
of  functions,  it  is  in  general  useful  to  take  the  logarithm 
of  the  function,  and  to  differentiate  it.  This  process  is  called 
logarithmic  differentiation. 

I.       y  =  yi.y8.y8. .  .  yn,       log2/  =  logyi +  logya  +  .  . . +  logyi.. 

Hence  1^  =  i  ^  +  ifL%  .  .  . +±  ^». 

y  dx     y\  dx      yi  dx  yn  dx 

This  furnishes  another  proof  of  formula  {4),  p.  15. 

sin»»a;      „        ,  ,       .  , 

a.  y  = .    Here,  log  y  =  w  log  sin  a;  -  «  log  cos*; 

co8»»a;  y     o^ 

I  dy         cos  x        sin  x         dy      sin"*"^  x  ,         ,  .  •  % 

.'.  --f  =  m +  » ;  .'.  -f-=  r-  (»»cos*a?  +  nsin'a;). 

y  dx         sin  X        cos  x         dx      cos"-^*  x 

28  First  Principles — Differentiation, 



Here  logy  =  -  log  (a;  -  i)  -  -  log  («  -  2)  -  ^  log  («  -  3) ; 


hence       '  ^^  -  ^      i         3      x         7      i     _  ix^  +  ^ox  -  g-, 

ydx      2x-\      4  a? -2      3  a;  -  3         12  .  (a;  -  i)  (a;  -  2)  (a;  -  3) ' 
^    dy  _      {x-  i)i  (7a;2  +  30a;  -  97) 
'  '  dx  \^.{x-^)l{x-  3)V 

5.  y  =  X*.    Here  log  y  =  a;  log  «. 

"^^  y^"^^"^^*"^')'         .-.  -^=x«(i+log«). 

6.  y  =  «**.     Here  log  y  =  a;», 

I  dy     d.x*         ,       .       . 

.-.  ^  =  ^*a;'(»  +loga;). 

7.  y  =  «•,  where  m  and  v  are  both  functions  of  *. 
Here  log  y  =  v  log  «, 

I  dy     ,         dv      V  du 

•••  -  /  =  log  «*  3-  +  -  3- ; 

y  da?  dx     udx 

dy  f.        dv      V  du\  .        dv  .du 

.:   ~f-=:u*   Mog  «  —  +  -  —       =  M"  log  tt  —  +  VM^l  — . 

dx  \    ^     dx      u  dx)  °     dx  dx 

32.  The  expression  to  be  diJfferentiated  frequently  admits 
of  being  transformed  to  a  simpler  shape.  In  such  cases  the 
student  will  find  it  an  advantage  to  reduce  the  expression  to 
its  simplest  form  before  proceeding  to  its  differentiation. 

I.  y  =  sin- 

\/i  +  X' 

X                                 x^ 
Here  — ^  =  sin  y,  or -„  =  sin''  y  ;  hence  z  =  tan  y, 

A  /  f  a.  -rZ  I  +  x^ 

and  we  get  —  =  cos*  y  — 

dx  I  +  «' 



Logarithmic  Differentiation. 

y  =  tan-i  ^.  7=.     ^ 

V  I  +  »«- V  I  -a» 

tauy=-5^-rr=r= -. -» 

\/l  +a;2-'s/i  -  «* 

\/i  +  a;2  ^  tan  y  4-  I  ^ 

.   ^^('+tany)g-(i-tany)^^    2tany    ^  ^.^ 
(i  +  tan  y)2  +  (i  -  tany)a      i  +  tan'y 


-—  cos  2y  =  * 



Let  a;  = 

cos  ly     Vi  -»*' 

y  =  iog  r  — —   . =  -  log    . — 7=- 

V-v/i +»- -v/i -a;     *        '/i+ar-Vi-af 

I  ,      I  4-^/1  -  ««      I 



=  -log(i  + V^i  -a;2)-- 


2a;  Vi  —  a;2 

^      ,  \/i  +a;2  -  I      ^      , 

y=»tan-i-^- +  tan-*  . 

a;  I  —  a;'* 

:  tan  z,  and  the  student  can  easily  prove  tliat 

5       ,  dy      s      \ 

y  ra  -  z ;  hence  -—- 5. 

'a  <&;     a  I  +  a;2 

30  First  Principles — Differentiation, 


1  A      ^y         ^ 

I.  y=sBeo-»*.  Ana.  -f- = 

2.  y  =  alogas.  ^=I  +  log«. 

3.  y  =  log  tan  a;.  -^  =  — i- . 

^d;      sin  2^ 

4«  y  =  logtaii-*jr. 
5.  y  =  a^/x. 

<&      (i  4  sfi)  tan-»  x' 

dx    ^*y  X 

c  '    n       \  ^y     cos  (log  a?) 

6.  y  =  sin  (log  «).  -f  =  — ^^—^—:, 

dx  X 

^  A.     ^        ^  dy  \ 

7.  y  =  tan-i  ^ 

8.  y  =  tan- 

V  X  +  V  a  <fy  1 

9.  y 

I  -  -s/oi  <^^      2V^^  (i  +  a;). 

Here  y  =  tan-^  y^a;  +  tan-i  \/a. 

aj«»»  <?«/        2«ic2»-i 

(I  +  ar^)*'  rfa;      (i  +  a;2)»*i* 

).  y  =  log    -  \  tan-»  a;.    -/  =  - 

VI  -a;/  i^a;      I 


,         /\/i  +  a;2  +  a;  <fy  1 

I.  y  =  iog  r         —       :^=-7= 

.  _,  3  +  2x  dy                 I 

,      (i  +  a;2)J  ,  ,      ,        dy                  x 

^    13-  y  =  log  7 n-  +  ^  tan-i  x,    -f-= — — . 

y      "*    "*         ^  (i  +  a:)*  ^                 rfa;      (i  + «)  (l  + «») 

'^     a/TT^'  ^    "(1+^)1- 



^  '^  X  dx         X  sfl      ^  ' 

16.  y 

I  —  tan  X 

dx         X 

sec  X  dx 

^/ 1  —  x^  +  X  s/  i      dy 

17.  y  =  log  

/  ^/^.~x 

-  (cos  aJ  +  sin  «). 

18.  y 

(I  +  x^)^      • 

'^^      (v^i  -  a;2  +  a;v^2)  (i  -  a;2) 

rfy  _  (l  +  a^)  ^  g«  tan"^  « 

^a;  (i  +  x^)l         * 

20.  y  =  log  { (2a;  -  i)  +  2\/a;3  -  a;  -  i } . 

rfa;      (ar«-a?-i)i' 

-  il  +  X\/2  +  X^        ^        ,X\/2  dy        2\/2 

II.  y  =  log     ^ +  tan-i  -^.  3^  =  --^.. 

\i  -x^2  +  x-^  ^-^'  ^^      '  +  * 

t2.  y  =  e**  tan->  a;.  r  ~  ^'^  \ 2  "^  ^*  **^"'  ^^  ('  +  ^^S  ^) )  ■ 

Ax  y  I  +  aj  y 

13.  Being  given  that  y  t=  a^s  Ji-ajzWi 1    5  ^ 

dy         ex'-  +  c'x*  +  d'  x^ 



determine  the  values  of  c,  c\  c*'.    Ans.  c  =  3,  c'  =  -  6,  c"  =  f , 

24.  y  =  log  (log a;). 

,  3  +  5  cos  a: 

25.  y  =  cos-i  ^— ^ . 

5  +  3  cos  a; 

I  -  a;* 

26.  y  =  sin-^ r. 

27.  y  =  e"*  sinw  raf. 

dx     X  log  a;" 
rfy  4 

<^a;      5  +  3  cos* 
rfv        -  2 

dip      1  +  »« 

/  28.  y  =  e^i 

•—.  =  go*  Bin»»-i  ra;  («  sin  ra;  +  mr  cos  ra?). 

^  =  efl»*/a^  +  r«  sin  (ra;  +  ^),  ^ft — 

where  tan  ^  s  -. 

32                 -  First  Principles — Differentiation, 
29.  y  =  log  {\/x-a  +  ^/x^b).        Am.  ^  =  7 

Here  inf  =  tan'^  ?^;  ...  a.  =  cos  y;  .-.  ^  = L__. 

31.  y  =  a;*".  ^  =  a;*"+»»-i  (» log  x  +  i). 

i  ,  ^  .  »» - 1 

jJS     32.  y  =  ( I  +  a;2)  2  sin  ^^  tan"*  a;).        -^  =  «» (i  +  a;2)~2~cos { (w- 1)  taii-»;p} . 

,         ja  cos  a;  -  i  sin  a;  <fy 

33.  y  =  log^/ .  —  =  — 

°  \  a  cos  aj  +  d  sin  a;  dx      a^ 


cos^  X  —  b"^  sin?  x 

34.  Define  the  differential  coeflS.cient  of  a  function  of  a  variable  quantity, 
with  respect  to  that  quantity,  and  show  that  it  measures  the  rate  of  increase  of 
the  function  as  compared  with  the  rate  of  increase  of  the  variable. 

35.  If  y  =  -,  prove  the  relation 

dy  dx 

^/l  +  y*'    -v/i  +  x*^ 

c    rr        ^     ^^ -V  ax -V  */ {x"^ -^  axf  -  bx  .,    .  du    . 

36.  If  w  =  log --—  T  prove  that  —    is  of  the   form 

a;2  +  oa;  -  \/(a:3  +  ax)'^  -  bx  «^ 

,  and  determine  the  values  of  ^  and  B,    Am.  -4  =  3,  JB  =  a. 

Vix^  +  ax)2  -  bx 

ABm^d  + B8m^e+ C 

J  37.  Prove  that  j^  f  sin  0  cos  0  ^/i  -  ^2  sin2  e  ) 

and  determine  the  values  of  A,  B,  G.      Ana.  A  =  3^2,  B  =  —  2  {i  +  c^),  c  =  1. 

38.  If  w  =  a?  +  -  —  +  ^-^  —  +     '  ^  '  i  -,+  ,,.  ad  inf.  ;  find  the  sum 

23      2.45      2. 4. 67' 

of  the  series  represented  by  — .  Ana*  (i  —  a?'^)"*. 


39.  Reduce  to  its  simplest  form  the  expression 

3^2  d     a:  (a;2  +  2a)i 


(a;2  +  a)i  {x^  +  2a)i      dx  '     {x"^  +  a)%  '  '  (x^  +  a)i  {x^  +  2a)i 

40.  If  sin  y  =  X  sin  la  +  y),  prove  that  -^  = ? ^, 

^  ^       "" "  dx  sma 

Examples,  33 

^  41.  If  a:(r  +  y)»  +  y(l +a:)J  =  o,find  j^.  ^ 

In  this  case  x^  (i  +  y)  =  y^  (r  +  »)  ; 

••.  x^  -y^  =  yx  {y  -  x), 

42.  y  =  log  (^  +  V^'  -  «^)  +  sec-1  -.  -  =  -  ^^3^. 

43.  If  a;  and  y  are  given  as  functions  of  t  by  the  equations 

x=f{t);    y  =  F{t); 

dij  ^  d)^      F' {t) 

find  the  value  of  —  in  terms  of  ^.  —  =  jj-r^.  • 



44.  y 

1+  x^ 

I  \x' 

I  +  &c.,  ad  infinitum. 
««  dy  X 

Hence  y=.j-^.  5-  =  ^=! 

45.  ar  =  fe  i* 


dy         log  ^ 
Hence  y=—^—.  efa;"  (l  +  log.;)i' 

(     34    ) 



33.  Successive  Derived  Functions. — In  tlie  preceding 
chapter  we  have  considered  the  process  of  finding  the  derived 
functions  of  different  forms  of  functions  of  a  single  variable. 

If  the  primitive  function  be  represented  by/(ir),  then,  as 
already  stated,  its  first  derived  function  is  denoted  hj  f\x). 
If  this  new  function,  f'(;x)j  be  treated  in  the  same  manner, 
its  derived  function  is  called  the  second  derived  of  the  original 
function /(a:),  and  is  denoted  by/''(^). 

In  like  manner  the  derived  function  of  f'\x)  is  the  third 
derived  of /(a?),  and  represented  by/'''(ir),  &c. 

In  accordance  with  this  notation,  the  successive  derived 
functions  oifix)  are  represented  by 

/»,      f\x),      f"'{x) /W(*), 

each  of  which  is  the  derived  function  of  the  preceding. 
34.  Successive  DiflTerential  Coefficients. 

If  y  =  /(a:)wehaveg=/». 

Hence,  differentiating  both  sides  with  regard  to  x,  we  get 

dx\dx)     dx-'  ^  '    ■'   *■  ' 

then  J^  =  '^»- 

In  like  manner  t"(t2  )  ^®  represented  by  — ,  and  so  on  ; 

Successive  Differentials,  35 

hence  .  g  =/"  {x),  &o.  .  •  .  g  ^/("'  {?>).  (i) 

The  expressions 

dy     d'^y     d^y  d'^y 

IJ    1^'    d^'  '  '  '  d?^ 

are  called  the  first,  second,  third,  .  .  .  n'^  differential  coef- 
ficients of  y  regarded  as  a  function  of  x. 

These  functions  are  sometimes  represented  by 

/,  f,  r,  .  .  .  yW, 

a  notation  which  will  often  be  found  convenient  in  abbre- 
viating the  labour  of  forming  the  successive  differential 
coefficients  of  a  given  expression.  From  the  mode  of 
arriving  at  them,  the  successive  differential  coefficients  of  a 
function  are  evidently  the  same  as  its  successive  derived 
functions  considered  in  the  preceding  Article. 

35.  Successive  Differentials. — The  preceding  result 
admits  of  being  considered  also  in  connexion  with  differen- 
tials ;  for,  since  x  is  the  independent  variable,  its  increment, 
dx,  may  be  always  taken  of  the  same  infinitely  small  value. 
Hence,  in  the  equation  dy  =  f\x)  dx  (Art.  7),  we  may 
regard  dx  as  constant,  and  we  shall  have,  on  proceeding 
to  the  next  differentiation, 

d  {dy)  =dxd  [/  {x)-]  =  [dxyrix), 

since  ^[/W]  =/' W  dx. 

Again,  representing       d  {dy)  by  d'^y, 

we  have  d'^y  =  f\x)  {dxy ; 

if  we  differentiate  again,  we  get 

and  in  general 

From  this  point  of  view  we  see  the  reason  why/^"^  {x)  is 
called  the  n*^  differential  coefficient  oif(x). 


36  Successive  Differentiation, 

In  tlie  preceding  results  it  may  be  observed  tbat  if  dx 
be  regarded  as  an  infinitely  small  quantity,  or  an  infinitesimal 
of  the  first  order,  {doay,  being  infinitely  small  in  comparison 
with  dx,  may  be  called  an  infinitely  small  quantity  or  an 
infinitesimal  of  the  second  order ;  as  also  d^y,  if  /"  {x)  be 
finite.  In  general,  d"y,  being  of  the  same  order  as  (dx)"',  is 
called  an  infinitesimal  of  the  n*^  order. 

36.  Infinitesimals. — We  may  premise  that  the  expres- 
sions great  and  small,  as  well  as  infinitely  great  and  infinitely 
small,  are  to.  be  understood  as  relative  terms.  Thus,  a  magni- 
tude which  is  regarded  as  being  infinitely  great  in  comparison 
with  Q.  finite  magnitude  is  said  to  be  infinitely  great.  Similarly, 
a  magnitude  which  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  a 
finite  magnitude  is  said  to  be  infinitely  small.  If  any  finite 
magnitude  be  conceived  to  be  divided  into  an  infinitely  great 
number  of  equal  parts,  each  part  will  be  infinitely  small  with 
regard  to  the  finite  magnitude ;  and  may  be  called  an  infini- 
tesimal of  the  first  order.  Again,  if  one  of  these  infinitesimals 
be  conceived  to  be  divided  into  an  infinite  number  of  equal 
parts,  each  of  these  parts  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison 
with  the  former  infinitesimal,  and  may  be  regarded  as  an 
infinitesimal  of  the  second  order,  and  so  on. 

Since,  in  general,  the  number  by  which  any  measurable 
quantity  is  represented  depends  upon  the  unit  with  which 
the  quantity  is  compared,  it  follows  that  a  finite  magnitude 
may  be  represented  by  a  very  great,  or  by  a  very  small  num- 
ber, according  to  the  unit  to  which  it  is  referred.  For  ex- 
ample, the  diameter  of  the  earth  is  very  great  in  comparison 
with  the  length  of  one  foot,  but  very  small  in  comparison 
with  the  distance  of  the  earth  from  the  nearest  fixed  star,  and 
it  would,  accordingly,  be  represented  by  a  very  large,  or  a 
very  small  number,  according  to  which  of  these  distances  is 
assumed  as  the  unit  of  comparison.  Again,  with  respect  to 
the  latter  distance  taken  as  the  unit,  the  diameter  of  the 
earth  may  be  regarded  as  a  very  small  magnitude  of  the  first 
order,  and  the  length  of  a  foot  as  one  of  a  higher  order  of 
smallness  in  comparison.  Similar  remarks  apply  to  other 

Again,  in  the  comparison  of  numbers,  if  the  fraction  (one 

million)*'^  or  — ^,   which  is  very  small  in  comparison  with 

Geometrical  Illustration, 


unity,  be  regarded  as  a  small  quantity  of^the  first  order,  the 
fraction  — ^,  being  the  same  fractional  part  of  — ^  that  this 



is  of  I,  must  be  regarded  as  a  small  quantity  of  the  second 
order,  and  so  on. 

If  now,  instead  of  the  series  —5,  f  — -J  ,   f  — 5  j ,    .    .    . 

we    consider    the    series 

in  which   n   is 

supposed  to  be  increased  without  limit,  then  each  term  in  the 
series  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  the  preceding 
one,  being  derived  from  it  by  multiplying  by  the  infinitely 

small  quantity  -.  Hence,  if  -  be  regarded  as  an  infinitesimal 

of  the  first  order,  — „,  — , 
n^  n^ 

.  — ,  may  be  regarded  as  infini- 
tesimals of  the  second,  third,  .  .  ,  r*^  orders. 

37.  Creometrical  Illustration  of  Infinitesimals. — 

The  following  geometrical  results  will  help  to  illustrate  the 
theory  of  infinitesimals,  and  also 
will  be  found  of  importance  in  the 
application  of  the  Differential  Cal- 
culus to  the  theory  of  curves. 

Suppose  two  points.  A,  B,  taken 
on  the  circumference  of  a  circle ; 
joiu  B  to  E,  the  other  extremity 
of  the  diameter  AE,  and  produce 
EB  to  meet  the  tangent  at  A 
in  D.  Then  since  the  triangles 
ADB  and  EAB  are  equiangular, 
we  have 

Fig.  3. 

AB     BE  BD      AB 

AD  ~  AE'  ^"""^  AD  ~  AE' 

Now  suppose  the  point  B  to  approach  the  point  A  and  to 

become  indefinitely  near  to  it,  then  BE  becomes  ultimately 

ecjual  to  AE,  and,  therefore,  at  the  same  time,  -p^  =  i. 

38  Successive  Differentiation, 

Again,   -j=r  becomes  infinitely   small  along  with  -j^, 

i.  e.  BB  becomes  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  AB  or 
AB.  Hence  BB  is  an  infinitesimal  of  the  second  order  when 
AB  is  taken  as  one  of  the  first  order. 

Moreover,  since  BB  -  AE  <  BB,  it  follows  that,  when  one 
side  of  a  right-angled  triangle  is  regarded  as  an  infinitely  small 
quantity  of  the  first  order,  the  difference  between  the  hypothenuse 
and  the  remaining  side  is  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the 
second  order. 

Next,  draw  BN  perpendicular  to  AB,  and  BF  a  tan- 
gent at  B',  then,  since  AB  >  AN,  we  get  AB  -  AB 

AB-AB     BN    AB 
BB       ^  BB^  BB' 

Consequently, ^yr —  becomes  infinitely  small  along  with 

AB;  .'.  AB  -  AB  is  an  infinitesimal  of  the  third  order. 
Moreover,  as  BF=  FB,  we  have  AB  =  AF  +  BF;  .-.  AF 
+  BF-  AB  is  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the  third  order  ; 
but  AF  +  FB  is  >  arc  AB,  hence  we  infer  that  the  difference 
between  the  length  of  the  arc  AB  and  its  chord  is  an  infinitely 
small  quantity  of  the  third  order,  when  the  arc  is  an  infinitely 
small  quantity  of  the  first.  In  like  manner  it  can  be  seen 
that  BB  -  BN  is  an  infinitesimal  of  the  fourth  order,  and 
so  on. 

Again,  if  AB  represent  an  elementary  portion  of  any 
continuous*  curve,  to  which  AF  and  BF  are  tangents,  since 
the  length  of  the  arc  AB  is  less  than  the  sum  of  the  tangents 
AF  and  BF,  we  may  extend  the  r^pult  just  arrived  at  to  all 
such  curves. 

♦  In  this  extension  of  the  foregoing  proof  it  is  assumed  that  the  ultimate 
ratio  of  the  tangents  drawn  to  a  continuous  curve  at  two  indefinitely  near 
points  is,  in  general,  a  ratio  of  equality.  This  is  easily  shown  in  the  case  of 
an  ellipse,  since  the  ratio  of  the  tangents  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  parallel 
diameters.  Again,  it  can  be  seen  without  difficulty  that  an  indefinite  number 
of  ellipses  can  be  drawn  touching  a  curve  at  two  points  arbitrarily  assumed  on 
the  curve  ;  if  now  we  suppose  the  points  to  approach  one  another  indefinitely 
along  the  curve,  the  property  in  question  follows  immediately  for  any  con- 
^uou3  curve. 

Geometrical  Illustration,  39 

Hence,  the  difference  between  the  length  of  an  infinitely 
small  portion  of  any  continuous  curve  and  its  chord  is  an  infi- 
nitely small  quantity  of  the  third  order y  i.e.  the  difference  between 
them  is  ultimately  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the  second 
order  in  comparison  with  the  length  of  the  chord. 

The  same  results  might  have  been  established  from  the 
expansions  for  sin  a  and  cos  a,  when  a  is  considered  as  infi- 
nitely small. 

If  in  the  general  case  of  any  continuous  curve  we  take 
two  points  A,  B,  on  the  curve,  join  them,  and  draw  BJS 
perpendicular  to  AB,  meeting  in  ^  the  normal  drawn  to 
the  curve  at  the  point  A  ;  then  all  the  results  established 
above  for  the  circle  still  hold.  When  the  point  B  is  taken 
infinitely  near  to  A,  the  line  AJE  becomes  the  diameter  of 
the  ci7xle  of  curvature  belonging  to  the  point  A ;  for,  it  is 
evident  that  the  circle  which  passes  through  A  and  B,  and 
has  the  same  tangent  at  A  as  the  given  curve,  has  a  contact 
of  the  second  order  with  it.  See  "Salmon's  Conic  Sections/' 
Art.  239. 


1.  In  a  triangle,  if  the  vertical  angle  be  very  small  in  comparison  with  either 
of  the  base  angles,  prove  that  the  difference  between  the  sides  is  very  small  in 
comparison  with  either  of  them ;  and  hence,  that  these  sides  may  be  regarded  as 
ultimately  equal. 

2.  In  a  triangle,  if  the  external  angle  at  the  vertex  be  very  small,  show  that 
the  difference  between  the  sum  of  the  sides  and  the  base  is  a  very  small  quantity 
of  the  second  order. 

3.  If  the  base  of  a  triangle  be  an  infinitesimal  of  the  first  order,  as  also  its 
base  angles,  show  that  the  difference  between  the  sum  of  its  sides  and  its  base 
is  an  infinitesimal  of  the  third  order. 

This  furnishes  an  additional  proof  that  the  difference  between  the  length  of 
an  arc  of  a  continuous  curve  and  that  of  its  chord  is  ultimately  an  infinitely 
small  quantity  of  the  third  order. 

4.  If  a  right  line  be  displaced,  through  an  infinitely  small  angle,  prove  that 
the  projections  on  it  of  the  displacements  of  its  extremities  are  equal. 

5.  If  the  side  of  a  regular  polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle  be  a  very  small 
magnitude  of  the  first  order  in  comparison  with  the  radius  of  the  circle,  show 
that  the  difference  between  the  circumference  of  the  circle  and  the  perimeter  of 
the  polygon  is  a  very  small  magnitude  of  the  second  order. 

40  Successive  Differentiation. 

38.  Fundamental  Principle  of  the  Infinitesimal 
Calculus. — We  shall  now  proceed  to  enunciate  the  funda- 
mental principle  of  the  Infinitesimal  Calculus  as  conceived  by 
Leibnitz  :*  it  may  be  stated  as  follows : — 

If  the  difference  between  two  quantities   be   infinitely 
small  in  comparison  with  either  of  them,  then  the  ratio  of 
the  quantities  becomes  unity  in  the  limit,  and  either  of  them 
can  be  in  general  replaced  by  the  other  in  any  expression. 
For  let  a,  j3,  represent  the  quantities,  and  suppose 

a  =  /3  +  z,  or  g  =  I  +  g. 

Now  the  ratio  -3  becomes  evanescent  whenever  i  is  infinitely 

small  in  comparison  with  /3.  This  may  take  place  in  three 
different  ways  :  (i)  when  j3  is  finite,  and  i  infinitely  small : 
(2)  when  i  is  finite,  and  j3  infinitely  great ;  (3)  when  j3  is 
infinitely  small,  and  i  also  infinitely  small  of  a  higher  order  : 

thus,  if  i  =  /tj3^,  then  rr  =  A:i3,  which  becomes  evanescent  along 

with  /3. 

*  This  principle  is  stated  for  finite  magnitudes  by  Leibnitz,  as  follows : — 
"  Caeterum  aequalia  esse  pnto,  non  tan  turn  quorum  differentia  est  omnino  nulla, 
sed  et  quorum  differentia  est  incomparabiliter  parva."  ..."  Scilicet  eas 
tantum  homogeneas  quantitates  comparabiles  esse,  cum  Euc.  Lib.  5,  defin.  5, 
censeo,  quarum  una  numero  sed  finito  multiplicata,  alteram  superare  potest ;  et 
quae  tali  quautitate  non  differunt,  aequalia  esse  statue,  quod  etiam  Arcbimedes 
sumsit,  aliique  post  ipsum  omnes."     Leibnitii  Opera,  Tom.  3,  p.  328. 

The  foregoing  can  be  identified  with  the  fundamental  principle  of  Newton, 
as  laid  down  in  his  Prime  and  Ultimate  Ratios,  Lemma  I. :  "Quantitates,  ut 
et  quantitatum  rationes,  quae  ad  sequalitatem  tempore  quovis  finito  constanter 
tendunt,  et  ante  finem  temporis  illius  proprius  ad  invicem  accedunt  quam  pro 
data  quavis  differentia,  fiunt  ultimo  aequales." 

All  applications  of  the  infinitesimal  method  depend  ultimately  either  on  the 
limiting  ratios  of  infinitely  small  quantities,  or  on  the  limiting  value  of  the 
sum  of  an  infinitely  great  number  of  infinitely  small  quantities;  and  it  may 
be  observed  that  the  difference  between  the  method  of  infinitesimals  and  that  of 
limits  (when  exclusively  adopted)  is,  that  in  the  latter  method  it  is  usual  to 
retain  evanescent  quantities  of  higher  orders  until  the  end  of  the  calculation, 
and  then  to  neglect  them,  on  proceeding  to  the  limit;  while  in  the  infinitesimal 
method  such  quantities  are  neglected  from  the  commencement,  from  the  know- 
ledge that  they  cannot  affect  ihejinal  result,  as  they  necessarily  disappear  in  the 

Principles  of  the  Infinitesimal  Calculus.  41 

Accordingly,  in  any  of  tlie  precediog  cases,  the  fraction 
-3  becomes  unity  in  the  limit,  and  we  can,  in  general,  substi- 
tute a  instead  of  j3  in  any  function  containing  them.  Thus, 
an  infinitely  small  quantity  is  neglected  in  comparison  with 
a  finite  one,  as  their  ratio  is  evanescent ;  and  similarly  an 
infinitesimal  of  any  order  may  be  neglected  in  comparison 
with  one  of  a  lower  order. 

Again,  two  infinitesimals  a,  /3,  are  said  to  be  of  the  same 

order  if  the  fraction  —  tends  to  a  finite  limit.     If  -^   tends 
a  or 

to  a  finite  limit,  |3  is  called  an  infinitesimal  of  the  n*^  order 

in  comparison  with  a. 

As  an  example  of  this  method,  let  it  be  proposed  to 
determine  the  direction  of  the  tangent  at  a  point  {x,  y)  on  a 
curve  whose  equation  is  given  in  rectangular  co-ordinates. 

Let  X  +  a,  y  +  j3,  be  the  co-ordinates  of  a  near  point  on 
the  curve,  and,  by  Art.   10,  the  direction   of  the  tangent 

depends  on  the  limiting  value  of  -.     To  find  this,  we  substi- 


tute  a;  +  a  for  x,  and  2/  +  j3  f or  ^  in  the  equation,  and  neglect- 
ing all  powers  of  a  and  j3  beyond  the  first,  we  solve  for  -, 

and  thus  obtain  the  required  solution. 

For  example,  let  the  equation  of  the  curve  106x^  +  1/  =  zaxy\ 
then,  substituting  as  above,  we  get 

a^  +  sx^a  +  y^  +  3?/^j3  =  ^axy  +  ^axl5  +  saya : 

hence,  on  subtracting  the  given  equation,  we  get  the 

a      ax  -  y, 

39.  Subsidiary  Principle. — If  ai  +  aj  +  03  +  .  .  .  +  a^ 

represent  the  sum  of  a  number  of  infinitely  small  quantities, 
which  approaches  to  a  finite  limit  when  n  is  increased  indefi- 
nitely, and  if  j3i,  jSa,  .  .  •  j^n  be  another  system  of  infinitely 
small  quantities,  such  that 

I  +  tn, 

/3i        ^       ft      ^^ 


—  =  I  +  fi,  —  =  I  +  £2,  . 

Ox                       Oa 

* '  «» 

42  Successive  Differentiation. 

where  ci,  fg,  .  .  •  Cnj  ar©  infinitely  small  quantities,  then  the 
limit  of  the  sum  of  ^i,  jSa,  .  .  •  i3»  is  ultimately  the  same  as 
that  of  tti,  as,  .  .  .  On. 

For,  from  the  preceding  equations  we  have 

i3i  +  jSg  +  .  .  .  +  j3»  =  ai  +  aa  +  .  .  .  -f  an  +  aiSi  +  azSi  +  . .  .  +  Onen- 

Now,  if  17  be  the  greatest  of  the  infinitely  small  quan- 
tities, 61,  f2,  •  .  .  f»>  we  have 

j8i  +  ^3  +  .  • .  +  j3»  -  (oi  +  a2  -I- .  .»  .  '.  4-  On)  <  »;  (ai  +  a,  .  .  .  +  a„) ; 

but  the  factor  ai  +  as  +  .  .  •  +  a^  has  a  finite  limit,  by^  hypo- 
thesis, and  as  ij  is  infinitely  small,  it  follows  that  the  limit  of 
i3i  +  /Ba  +  .  .  .  +  i3rt  is  the  same  as  that  of  ai  +  az  +  .  .  .  +  a„. 
This  result  can  also  be  established  otherwise  as  follows : — 

The  ratio  §>±P,±s^^±h,      - 

oi  +  02  +  .  .  .  +  a» 

by  an  elementary  algebraic  prraciple,  lies  between  the  greatest 
and  the  least  values  of  the  fractions 

|3i  /3»         /3,. 

>  i   •    •    •  > 

oi    02  an 

it  accordingly  has  unity  for  its  limit  under  the  supposed  con- 
ditions :  and  hence  the  limiting  value  of  /3i  +  /3a  +  .  .  .  +  j3»  is 
the  same  as  that  of  oi  +  02  +  .  .  .  +  on. 
^  40.  Approximations. — The  principles  of  the  Infini- 
tesimal Calculus  above  established  lead  to  rigid  and  accurate 
results  in  the  limit,  and  may  be  regarded  as  the  fundamental 
principles  of  the  Calculus,  the  former  of  the  Differential,  and 
the  latter  of  the  Integral.  These  principles  are  also  of  great 
importance  in  practical  calculations,  in  which  approximate 
results  only  are  required.      For  instance,  in  calculating  a 

result  to  seven  decimal  places,  if  — ^  be  regarded  as  a  small 

quantity  o,  then  a^,  a%  &c.,  may  in  general  be  neglected. 

Thus,  for  example,  to  find  sin  30' and  cos  30' to  seven  de- 
cimal places.    The  circular  measure  of  3  o'  is  -^,  or  . 00 8  7  2  6  6 ; 


Approximations,  43 

denoting  this  by  a,  and  employing  the  formulae, 

a^  a*" 

sm  a  =  a  — —,  cos  a  =  i , 

o  2 

it  is  easily  seen  that  to  seven  decimal  places  we  have 

—  =  .0000381,      —  =  .0000001. 
2  o 

Hence        sin  30'  =  .0087265  ;  cos  30'  =  9999619. 

In  this  manner  the  sine  and  the  cosine  of  any  small  angle 
can  be  readily  calculated. 

Again,  to  find  the  error  in  the  calculated  value  of  the 
sine  of  an  angle  arising  from  a  small  error  in  the  observed 
value  of  the  angle.  Denoting  the  angle  by  a,  and  the  small 
error  by  a,  we  have 

sin  («  +  a)  =  sin  «  cos  a  +  cos  a  sin  a  =  sin  «  +  a  cos  a, 

neglecting  higher  powers  of  a.     Hence  the  error  is  repre- 
sented by  a  cos  a,  approximately. 

In  like  manner  we  get  to  the  same  degree  of  approxima- 

tan  {a  +  a)  -  tan  a  =  — r-. 

Again,  to  the  same  degree  of  approximation  we  have 
a  +  a  _a      ba  -  af5 

where  a,  /3  are  supposed  very  small  in  comparison  with  a  and  h. 
As  another  example,  the  method  leads  to  an  easy  mode  of 
approximating  to  the  roots  of  nearly  square  numbers  ;  thus 

'/a^  +  a  =  a  +  —  ;    ^/ar  +  a^  =  a  +  —  =  a,  whenever  a^  may 
2a  2a 

be  neglected. 

Likewise,  ^/a^  +  a  =  a  +  — 5,  &c. 

If  J  =  «  +  a,  where  a  is  very  small  in  comparison  with  «, 

we  have         ^/ah  =  y^a^  +  aa  =  a  +  -  = . 

2         2 

44  Successive  Differentiation, 

Again,  in  a  plane  triangle,  we  have  the  formula 

C  C 

c^  =  a^  +  b^  -  zah  cos  C  =  {a  +  by  sin-  —  +  {a  -  by  cos'^  — . 

Now  if  we  suppose  a  and  b  nearly  equal,  and  neglect  {a  -  by 
in  comparison  with  {a  +  by,  we  have 

e  =     {a  +  by  sin*  —  +  {a  -  by  cos'*  —  =  {a  +  b)  sm  — . 

This  furnishes  a  simple  approximation  for  the  length  of 
the  base  of  a  triangle  when  its  sides  are  very  nearly  of  equal 


^  I.  Find  the  value  of  (i  +  o)  (i  -  20^)  (i  +  30'),  neglecting  a*  and  higher 
powers  of  o.  ^ns.  I  +  o  -  2o^  +  a^. 

2.  Find  the  value  of  sin  (a  +  a)  sin  {b  +  0),  neglecting  terms  of  2nd  order 
in  a  and  fi.  Ans.  sin  a  sin  6  +  a  cos  a  sin  i  +  /3  sin  a  cos  b. 

3.  liiri.  =  u  -  e  sin  w,  e  being  very  small,  find  the  value  of  tan  ^u. 

Ans.  ii-^e)  tan  — . 

„       u     m      e    .  .      t*     .       /fn        \       ,  e    . 

Here  -  =  —  +  -  sm  « ;  tan  -  =  tan  (  —  +  a    ,  where  a  =  -  sm  « :  .'.  &c. 
222  2  \2         /  2 

4.  In  a  right-angled  spherical  triangle  we  have  the  relation  cos  0  =  cos  a  cos  b ; 
determine  the  corresponding  formula  in  plane  trigonometry. 

The  circular  measure  of  a  is  -,  R  being  the  radius  of  the  sphere ;  hence, 


substituting  I  -  -^  for  cos  «,  &c.,  and  afterwards  making  iJ  =  00,  we  get 

c2  =  a2  +  P. 

5.  If  a  parallelogram  be  slightly  distorted,  find  the  relation  connecting  the 
changes  of  its  diagonals. 

Ans.  dt^d  +  d' ti.A'  =  o,  where  d^  d'  denote  the  diagonals,  and  Arf,  Ac?'  the 
changes  in  their  lengths.  In  the  case  of  a  rectangle  the  increments  are  equal, 
and  of  opposite  signs.  . 

6.  Find  the  limiting  value  of 

Aa^  +  -gg^^^  +  gg"*^^  +  &C. 
flg"  +  ig^'i  +  ca"-'-  +  &c. 
when  a  becomes  evanescent. 

^g"*      A 

In  this  case  the  true  value  is  that  of ■  =  —  a"*^. 

flo'»        a 

Hence  the  required  value  is  zero,  — ,  or  infinity,  according  as  m>,  =,  or  <  n. 

Examples,  45 

7.  Find  tte  value  of 

I--V-  +  — 
6       120 

I +  -- 

2       24 

neglecting  powers  of  x  beyond  the  4tli.  Am.  i  +  —  +  — . 

y^  8.  Find  the  limiting  values  of  -  when  y  =  o,  a;  and  y  being  connected  by 

the  equation  yj  =  2xy  —  sfi. 
Here,  dividing  by  y'  we  get 


-  2  -  =  -  y. 

y^      y 

If  we  solve  for  -  we  have 

Hence,  in  the  limit,  when  y  =  o,  we  have  -  =  2,  or  -  =  o. 

y  y 

9.  In  fig.  3,  Art.  37,  if  ^J5  be  regarded  as  a  side  of  a  regular  inscribed  polygon 
of  a  very  great  number  of  sides,  show  that,  neglecting  small  quantities  of  the 
4th  order,  the  difference  between  the  perimeter  of  the  inscribed  polygon  and 
that  of  the  circumscribed  polygon  of  the  same  number  of  sides  is  represented 

by  -  BB. 


Let  n  be  the  number  of  sides,  then  the  difference  in  question  is  n  {AD  -  AB) ; 

,    ^  irAE  ,  ^^       ^^^      TT  AH  {AB  -  AB) 

but  n  = —  ;     .-.  n  {AB  -  AB)  =  ^—— -' 

arc^^  ^  '  AB 

^wAE^^-^^r.  '^{BE-AE)  =  1bB,  a.  p. 

This  result  shows  how  rapidly  the  perimeters  of  the  circumscribed  and  in- 
scribed polygons  approximate  to  equality,  as  the  number  of  sides  becomes  very 

10.  Assuming  the  earth  to  be  a  sphere  of  40,000,000  metres  circumference, 
show  that  the  difference  between  its  circumference  and  the  perimeter  of  a  regular 
inscribed  polygon  of  1,000,000  sides  is  less  than  -j^th  of  a  millimetre. 

11.  If  one  side  5  of  a  spherical  triangle  be  small,  find  an  expression  for  the 
difference  between  the  other  sides,  as  far  as  terms  of  the  second  order  in  b. 

Here  cos  e  =  cos  a  cos  i  +  sin  a  sin  J  cos  C. 

Let  z  denote  the  difference  in  question ;  i.  e.  <j  =  a  —  « ; 

then  cos  a  coaz  +  sin  a  sin  z  =  cos  a  coab  +  sin  a  sin  i  cos  C; 

.*,  sin  a  -  sin  5  cos  C  =  cot  a  (cos  b  —  cos  z). 

46  Successive  Differentiation, 

Since  z  and  b  are  both  small,  we  get,  to  terms  of  the  second  order, 

The  first  approximation  gives  z=b  cos  0.    If  this  he  substituted  for  *  m  the 
right-hand  side,  we  get,  for  the  second  approximation, 

^     42  sin^C  cot  a 


We  now  proceed  to  find  the  successive  derived  functions 
in  some  elementary  examples. 

41.  Derived  Functions  of  of*. 

Let  1/  =  £i^f 

then  -/  =  mx"''-^  -j^=m(m-  1)  x*^-\ 

dx  dx^         ^  '        ' 

and  in  general,  -r-^  =  m  {m  -  i)  (m  -  2)  .  .  .  (w  -  w  +  i)  a?'""". 


If  m  be  a  positive  integer,  we  have 


I  •  2  .  .  .  m. 

and  all  the  higher  derived  functions  vanish. 

If  ni  be  a  fractional,  or  a  negative  index,  then  none  of  the 
successive  derived  functions  can  vanish. 

I.  lfu  =  ax»-\^  5a;«-i  +  cx^'"^  +  &c.,  prove  that 

__  »  n  («  - 1)  ax»-'^  +  (»  -  I )  (n  -  2)  bx>*-^  +  &c; 

,     ./  d»u  ,  d"'-^u 

also^  -7—  =  I  .  2  . .  .  .  «  ,  «,  and  - — -,  =  <i- 


, ,    ^  dy  na       d^y      n{n  ^  i\a 

pi-ove  thfa,t  —  = -,     — ^  =     ^  ' 

dx         a;"-!'     dx^  a;"+2      ' 

and  ^^  =  (-  ,)m  *»(^+0--.("  +  "^-i)«^ 

Examples,  47 

y    3.  y=2a\/x\ 

dy        a        d^y  a       d^y      i  a 

provethat  ^^  =  ;/-'     ^  =  -.11'     ^  =  4^1' 

-  (-  iV 

<'**'^y  _  /     T\n  3  •  5  •  7  .  .  .{in-\)a 

42.  If  y  =  a;^  log  iP,  to  find       ^ . 
Here  -^  =  zx^  log  a?  +  ic* ; 

also  —^  =  6.r  log  aj  +  30?  +  2:?^  =  6.r  log  a?  +  5^, 


It  miglit  have  been  observed  that  in  this  case  all  the 
terms  in  the  successive  differentials  which  do  not  contain 
log  X  will  disappear  from  the  final  result — thus,  by  the  last 

Article,        3 '  =  o,  accordingly,  that  term  may  be  neglected  ; 

and  similar  reasoning  applies  to  the  other  terms.     The  work 

can  therefore  be  simplified  by  neglecting  such  terms  as  we 


The  student  will  find  no  difficulty  in  applying  the  same 

mode  of  reasoning  to  the  determination  of  the  value  of 


■j^,  where  y  =  af^^  log  x. 

For,  as  in  the  last,  we  may  neglect  as  we  proceed  all  terms 
which  do  not  contain  log  a;  as  a  factor,  and  thus  we  get  in 
this  case, 

d'^y  _  (w  -  i)  .  .  .  2  .  I  _  1^-  ^  ^ 
dx""  ~  X  X 

48  Successive  Differentiation, 

43.  Derived  Functions  of  sin  mx. 

Let  y  =  sin  mx^ 

then  -—  =  m  cos  mx, 


-T-  =  -  rrt  sm  mx, 

and,  in  general,  -^-^  =  (-  i)"m^"  sin  mx^ 

—-— ^  =  (-  i)«w'«+'  cos  mx, 



It  is  easily  seen  that  these  may  be  combined  in  the  single 
equation  (Art.  22), 

d^  (sin  mx)         r    -    I  "" 

In  like  manner  we  have 
d"^  cos  mx 

=  m^  miimx  +  r-y  {2] 

=  m^  cos  [mx  +  r 

dx"  \ 

44.  Derived  Functions  of  e^. 

Let  y  =  e«*, 


then  ^  =  flfe«^     ^  =  «'c«*,  .  .  .  ^  =  ««c'^^       (3) 

This  result  may  be  written  in  the  form 

(IJ.^^^a'e-,  (4) 

where  the  symbol  ( — )  denotes  that  the  process  of  differentia- 
tion is  applied  n  times  in  succession  to  the  function  e"^. 

Derived  Functions  of  e**  cos  bx.  49 

In  general,  adopting  the  same  notation,  we  have 

^^oa"^*  +  ^ia«-»e«*  +  ^^a^-V^  +  &o. 
=  [^o«"  +  A^a""-'  +  A^a""-^  +  &c.  An']  c«*. 
This  result,  if  ^  (a?)  denote  the  expression 

A(^  +  Ayof-^  +  .    .   .  ^„, 

may  be  written  in  the  form 

in  which  0  (a)  is  supposed  to  contain  only  positive  integral 
powers  of  a. 

45 .  To  find  the  n*^  Derived  Function  of  e^'  cos  hx, — 

Let  tj  represent  the  proposed  expression, 

then  -r  =  aef^"  cos  bx  -  be'^^  sin  bx 


B  ^*  {a  cos  bx  -  b  sin  &a?) ; 


If  tan  0  =  -,  we  have  ^  =  ^a'^  +  6^  sin  0,  and  a  =  y^a'  +  6*  cos  ^. 
Hence  we  get 

50  Successive  Differentiation, 


^  =  (a'  +  b')^  e«*  [a  cos  (bx  +  cp)  -  h  sin  {hx  +  0)] 

=  (a"  +  b^)  e"'  cos  {bx  +  2^). 

By  repeating  this  process  it  is  easily  seen  that  we  have  in 
general,  when  n  is  any  positive  integer, 

^  =  (a=  +  b'f^'-  cos  {bx  +  n<l>).  (6) 


46.  To    find  the   DeriTed  Functions    of  tan  "M -J, 

and  tan"^  x. 

Let  y  =  tan"^  f  -  J,  or  a?  =  cot  y : 

, ,  dy       -  I 

then  -r  = ;  =  -  sm'  y. 

«a?      I  +  fl?^ 

«  sin^  y  —  (sin'*  y)  =  sin*  y  sin  zy, 

«  -  sin^y—  {^v^y  sin  2^) 
«=  -  I  .  2  .  sin' 2^  sin  ly,  {Ex.  5,  Art.  28.) 

Hence,  also  —  =  1.2.3.  sin*«/  sin  4y; 

and  in  general,  --^  =  (_  i)«  |7t  -^i  sin"  y  sin  wy. 

Theorem  of  Leibnitz,  5 1 

^     •     -1^ 

Again,  since  ioir^x  =  —  tan~  -, 

2  X 

we  have      —^ — ■  =  ("  ^ )     h"^  ^m"  y  sm  nt/,  (7) 

where  y  =  cot'^  a?,  as  before. 

This  result  can  also  be  written  in  the  form 


c?"  (tan"*ij?)     /      x« , ,                 \  -/  /o\ 

^.^,       =  (-  i)-^  In  -  I  — ^ -^ .  (8) 

47.  If  y  =  sin  {m  sin"*  a?),  to  prove  tbat 


dy     m  cos  (m  sin"*  x) 

■~\  ^m^  cos'  (m  sin"* a;)  «  w*  (i  - y*). 

Hence,  differentiating  a  second  time,  and  dividing  by  2  -^, 
we  get  the  required  result-. 

48.  Theorem  of  lieibnitz. — To  find  the  n^^  differen 
tial  coefficient  of  the  product  of  two  functions  of  x.     Le( 
y  ^uv\  then,  adopting  the  notation  of  Art.  34,  we  write 

,     ,    ,   .     dy  du  dv 

and  similarly,  /',  w",  tf\  &o.,   for  the  second  and  higher 
derived  functions — thus, 

'^  dx""'  dx""' 

F   2 

52  Successive  Differentiation. 

Now,  if  we  differentiate  the  equation  y  =  uv,  we  have 

xf  =  uv'  -V  vu\  by  Art.  13. 
The  next  differentiation  gives 

y"  =  uf  +  wV  +  «?V  +  V^'  =  w/'  +  2«/t^  +  WjI\ 

The  third  differentiation  gives 

f'  =  wt'"'  +  wV  +  2wV'  +  2«*V  +  t;V'  +  t;«*'" 

=  t^tj"' +  3wV' +  3wV  +  «^"', 

in  which  the  coefficients  are  the  same  as  those  in  the  expan- 
sion of  (a  +  Vf. 

Suppose  that  the  same  law  holds  for  the  /»'*  differential 
coefficient,  and  that 


then,  differentiating  again,  we  get 

+  ?L(^Z_i)  (^''^(n-i)  +  e^'''^(n-2))  +  &0.  .  .  .  +  tte***)^; 

=  ««;(«*^)  +  (fj  +  i)  «*'«?(«)  +  6Liil^«i"t.'(«-i)  +  &o.  .  .  . , 


in  which  it  can  be  easily  seen  that  the  coefficients  follow  the 

law  of  the  Binomial  Expansion. 

Accordingly,  if  this  law  hold  for  any  integer  value  of  w, 

it  holds  for  the  next  higher  integer ;  but  we  have  shown  that 

it  holds  when  w  =  3  ;  therefore  it  holds  for  ^  =  4,  &c. 
Hence  it  holds  for  all  positive  integer  values  of  n. 
In  the  ordinary  notation  the  preceding  result  becomes 

fl?» [m)        d''v        du  ^"-1 V     n(n-  i)  d'u  d''-''v      . 

— ^^ — -  s=  u V  n ■  +  — ^^^ ■ V  &c. 

daf"  ds^       dxdstf'-^  1.2     dxUx''-'' 

Applications  of  Leibnitz^ a  Theorem,  53 

49.  To  prove  that 

(|)"(^«)=^(-0«.  (n) 

where  w  is  a  positive  integer. 

Let  V  =  e"^  in  the  preceding  theorem  ;  then,  since 

dv         „^     d^v       „  „^  d^v       „  „^ 

■—  =  «e«^,    -—  =  a'e«*,  ...  TIL  =  ^  ^  y 
dx  dx^  dx"" 

we  have 

which  may  be  written  in  the  form 


«  +  — )  is  supposed  to  be 
developed  by  the  Binomial  Theorem,  and  — ,  — ,  .  .  . 

dx'  dx"'  dsxf 

dxj      \dx)       \dx 

substituted  for  ( 3~)^>  (j-J^j  (t-)  ^>  iii  ^^^  resulting  ex- 

50.  In  general,  if  0  (a)  represent  any  expression  in- 
volving only  positive  integral  powers  of  a,  we  shall  have 

For  let  <^\-f\  when  expanded,  be  of  the  form 


M^    +^i(~)      +•   •   •   -^^n. 

54  Recessive  Differentiation, 

then  tlie  preceding  formula  holds  for  each  of  the  component 
terms,  and  accordingly  it  holds  for  the  sum  of  all  the  terms ; 
.*.  &o. 

The  result  admits  also  of  being  written  in  the  form 


,-.^(^ )(,«.«). 

This  symbolic  equation  is  of  importance  in  the  solution 
of  differential  equations  with  constant  coefficients.  See 
"  Boole's  Differential  Equations,"  chap.  xvi. 

51.  \f  y  =  sin"^a?,  to  prove  that 

hence,  by  differentiation, 

Again,  by  Leibnitz's  Theorem,  we  have 

fe)  X 


On  subtracting  the  latter  expression  from  the  former,  we 
obtain  the  required  result  by  (14). 
If  a;  =  o  in  formula  (13),  it  becomes 

Applications  of  Leibnitz's  Tlieorem,  55 

—  j    represents   the  value  of  -~^  when  x  becomes 
Also,  since  f -^  j   =  i,   we  get,   when  w  is  an  odd  integer, 

V(&»*7o     I   •  3  •  5    •  .  .  •  « . 

'  72     \ 

Again  we  have  (v^j  =0;  consequently,  when  n 
integer,  we  have  [^)  =  o. 

is  an  even 


A      52.  If  y  =  (i  +a;')^sin  (mtan~*a?),  to  prove  that 

(i  +^')^-  2(w  -  i)x-£-vm{m-  i)y  =  o.     (15) 


dy  --1  --1 

-J-  =  mx{i  ■¥  a?y     sin  (m  tan~^aj)  +  i»(i  +  a;')^   cos  (mtan'^a;), 


dy  -  - 

(i  +  a?)  -f  =  mx{i  +  a^)  ^  sin  (m  tan'^a;)  +  m  (i  +a?)  *  cos  w  (tan"*  a?) 


=  mx^  +  m{i  +  Q^y  cos  (m  tan~* x) ; 

/         ox?       /     i      ,  N      I  +  a^dv 
,\  (1  +  sr)  ^  cos  (m  tan"*ir)  = ; —  xv. 

^  ^         ^  '         m     dx 

The  required  result  is  obtained  by  differentiating  the  last 
equation,  and  eliminating  cos  {m  tan"^  x)  and  sin  (m  tan'^a;)  by 
aid  of  the  two  former. 

Again,  applying  Leibnitz's  Theorem  as  in  the  last  Article, 
we  get,  in  general — 

56  Successive  Differentiation, 

Hence,  when  «  =  o,  we  have 

Moreover,  as  when  ar  =  o,  we  have  y  =  o,  and  -j-  =  tn  ;   it 


follows  from  the  preceding  that 

For  a  complete  discussion  of  this,  and  other  analogous 
expressions,  the  student  is  referred  to  Bertrand,  "  Traits  de 
Calcul  Differentiel,"  p.  144,  &o. 

Examples,  57 


^  I.  y  =  «*  log  if,  proYe  that  —=---.. 

2.  y  =  x  log  ir, 

3-  y  =  ^, 

^     4.  y  =  log  (sin  x\ 

^        ,  \/  I  +  X*  -  I        ,        ,      24? 

5.  y  =  tan-i •  +  tan'* 

«  I-* 

6.  y  =  ««  log  (a:!), 

\  I  -  a:  V  ^ 

8.  y  =  e^*Bmlx, 




3'.  X 



'  +  «*-^ 

<f  3y      2  COS  rr 


(^a:3  ~   sin3  x  ' 

d^y           5^ 



dx'^  ~      (1  +  0:2)2- 


iV        2« 

d^"  x' 


d-iy         8^/2  .  «s 
dx^  ~      (i+x*)2' 


rf«y      ^♦•«  sin  {x  +  *?</>) 

where  tan  ^  = 

•  — • 


n-r  /  d\^ 

9.  If  y  =  e"'  a:^,  prove  that 


and  (^)V^)=(;)""'(gV*') 

>•  10.  lfy  =  a  cos  (log  a;)  +  b  sin  (log  «), 

prove  that  x^ ha;,    +y  =  o. 

^  dx^         dx 

II.   If  y  =  ^sin-lx^ 

d^y        dy 
prove  that  ^'  ~  ^^^  ^  ~  ^  ^  "  ^'^' 

58  Examples, 

12    Froye  that  the  equation 

dx'        dx 
is  satisfied  by  either  of  the  following  values  of  y : 

y  =  cos  (»  sin"^  x),  ox  y  =  e^  "^  sta-)*, 

13.  Being  given  that        y  —  [x  -v  ^ x'-  —  !)♦», 

d'^v        dv 
prove  that  (a;2  -  i)  --^  +  a;  -^  -  m»y  =  o. 

dx^         dx 

14.  If  y  =  sin  (sin  a;), 

prove  that  T^  +  t"  ^^^  ^  +  y  cos'a;  =«  o. 

aa;^      air 

15.  In  Fig.  3,  Art.  37,  HAB  be  regarded  as  a  side  of  a  regular  polygon  of  an 
indefinitely  great  number  of  sides,  show  that  the  difference  between  the  circum- 
ference of  the  circle  and  the  perimeter  of  the  polygon  is  represented  by  2  SD^ 


to  the  second  order  of  infinitesimals. 

16.  If  y  =  -4  cos  fw;  +  J5  sin  «a?,  prove  that  ( —  +  w^  I  y  =  o. 

//O        Ti.  I  .1.  ..  ^"y     /      V    I »» •  sin"*'  <p  sin  (n  +  i)  A 

vhere  A  =  tan**  -. 

^  a; 

This  follows  at  once  from  Art.  46,  since  —  f  tan-»- J  =    ^       ..    It  can  also  be 
proved  otherwise,  as  follows : 

_L_^_L__r_i i_l. 

a^  +  x*      2a(-i)iU -«(-!)*      «  +  «(~i)U* 

(- 1)«  1 . 2 . . . «  r I I         "I 

Examples.  59 

Again,  since  -  =  tan  <^,  ve  hayo  a  =  ^/'^^TV'  sin  </>^nd  x  =  v/a^  +  »2  cos  ^p  ; 

hence  («  +  a  (-  l)*)*^!  =  («»  +  «*)  =*  (cos  ^  +  (-  i)»  sin  <^)»+i 

=  (a«  +  sfl)  »  {cos {«  +  I)  <^  +  (-  I)* sin  (»  +  i)  ^}, 

and  we  get,  finally. 

^„y  |n.8in(»+ i)<^.8in'»+i<^ 

i8.  In  like  manner,  if  y  =  -r 5, 

a*  +  a;* 

^ny                1«  •  sin"+^  <p .  cos  (n  +  l)  ^ 
prove  that  ^  =  <"  ^J"  " ^Ji^  • 

19.  If  «  =  a;y, 

provethat  d^n^"  dTn  +  ^'d^i' 

20.  If  w=  (sin"^«)*, 

provethat  (' "*  >  ^  "  ^^  ==  *' 

a  I.  Proye,  from  the  preceding,  that 

(l  -  a;2) (2n  +  i)  a;  - — -  -  «'  3-: 


\^«+«/o~**  \dx**/o 

22.  If  y  5=  ^*  sin  *a;,  prove  that  -^  -  2»  —  +  (a2  +  A')  y  =  a 

aa;  +  i    -    ,  <^'H 

23.  Given y  =  ^j-^„  find—. 

•^®^®  ;c2-<;2  ~      2<J     X-  e  "^      2C     «:  +  <?* 

rf«y      (-i)-\n  /  ae+b  ac  -  b   \ 

(     6o    ) 



53.  liemma. — If  w  be  a  function  oi  x  +  y  which  is  finite 
y^    and  continuous  for  all  values  of  a;  +  ?/,  between  the  limits 
a  and  h,  then  for  all  such  values  we  shall  have 

du  _  du 
dx     dy 

For,  let  w  =/(a;  +  ^),  then  if  x  become  a?  +  ^, 

dx  h 

when  ^  is  infinitely  small. 

Similarly,  if  y  become  y  +  A,  we  have 

which  is  the  same  expression  as  before. 

T-r  du     du 

Hence  -7-  =  -;-. 

dx     dy 

Otherwise  thus : — ^Let  z  =  x  +  y,  then  u  =f{z\ 

dz  ,  dz 

—  =  I,  and  :^  =  i; 

dx  dy 

du  ^dudz  _    ,.  . 

du      dudz  _    ,.  .      du 
dy     dz  dy         ^      dx' 

Taylorh  Expansion.  6i 

54.  If  a  continuous  function  fix  +  y)  be  supposed  ex- 
panded in  a  series  of  powers  of  y,  the  expansion  can  contain 
no  negative  powers;  for,  suppose  it  contains  a  term  of  the 
form  My~^,  where  M  is  independent  of  y,  this  term  would 
become  infinite,  for  all  values  of  x^  when  y  =  o\  but  the  given 
function  in  that  case  reduces  to  f(x) ;  and  since  /  {x)  cannot 
be  infinite  for  all  values  of  x^  it  follows  that  the  expansion 
of /(aj+  y)  can  contain  only  positive  powers  of  y. 

Again,  if  f{x)  and  its  successive  derived  functions  be 
continuous,  the  expansion  of /(a;  +  y)  can  contain  no  fractional 

power  of  y.     For,  if  it  contain  a  term  of  the  form  Py'^% 

where  -  is  a  proper  fraction,  then  its  {n  +  1)*^  derived  func- 
tion with  respect  to  y  would  contain  y  with  a  negative  index, 
and,  accordingly,  it  would  become  infinite  when  y  =  o;  but  this 
is  impossible  for  the  same  reason  as  in  the  former  case ;  hence, 
with  the  conditions  expressed  above,  the  expansion  oif{x  +  y) 
can  contain  only  positive  integral  powers  of  y. 

55.  Taylor's  Kxpansion  otf{x  +  y).* — Assuming  that 
the  iunoiion  f  {x  +  y)  is  capable  of  being  expanded  in  powers  of 
y,  then  by  the  preceding  this  equation  must  be  of  the  form 

f{x  +  y)  =  Po  +  P^y  +  P,f  +  &C.  +  Pny""  +  &C., 

in  which  Po,  Pi,  .  .  .  Pn  are  supposed  to  be  finite  and  con- 
tinuous functions  of  x. 

When  y  =  o,  this  expansion  reduces  iof{x)  =  Po. 

Again,  l^i  u=f{x  +  y)\  then  by  differentiation  we  have 


dP,        dP,      JP^ 
dx      "  dx     ^    dx 

du  _ 

--  Pi  +  iP^y  +  aPay*  +  & 

•  The  investigation  in  this  Article  is  introduced  for  the  purpose  of  showing 
the  beginner,  in  a  simple  manner,  how  Taylor's  series  can  be  arrived  at.  It  is 
based  on  the  assumption  that  the  function /(a;  +  y)  is  capable  of  being  expanded 
in  a  series  of  powers  of  y,  and  that  it  is  also  a  continuous  function.  It  demon- 
strates that  whenever  the  function  represented  by/(a;  +  y)  is  capable  of  being 
expanded  in  a  convergent  series  of  positive  ascending  powers  of  y,  the  series 
must  necessarily  coincide  with  the  form  given  in  (i).  An  investigation  of  the 
conditions  of  convergency  of  the  series,  and  of  the  applicability  of  the  Theorem 
in  general,  will  be  introduced  in  a  subsequent  part  of  the  Chapter.  The  parti- 
cular case  of  this  Theorem  when /(a;)  is  a  rational  algebraic  expression  of  the  n'* 
degree  in  x  is  already  familiar  to  the  student  who  has  read  the  Theory  of  Equations. 

62  Development  of  Functions, 

Now,  in  order  that  these  series  should  be  identical  for  all 
values  of  y  the  coefficients  of  like  powers  must  be  equal. 
Accordingly,  we  must  have 

dx         dx       -^  ^  ^' 

'        I.   2   dx    ~   I   .   2      dx"      ~   I   ,2^    ^   ^' 

'     Z  dx       1.2.3     d^     "  1.2.3*^    ^^^' 

and  in  general, 

I  .  2  . . .  ;^     d^''         I  .  2  . .  .n 


Accordingly,  when  f{x)  and  its  successive  derived  func- 
tions are  finite  and  continuous  we  have 

/(*+y)  =/{<»)  +  f/W  +  r^/"W  +  •  •  •  +  f/'"'W+-  (0 

This  expansion  is  called  Taylor's  Theorem,  having  been  first 
published,  in  17 15,  by  Dr.  Brook  Taylor  in  his  Methodus 

It  may  also  be  written  in  the  form 

•^  ^      i'/    ^  \  /     J    ^         1^2     dx^  \n      doif         ^  '' 

or,  if  u  =  f{x)f  and  Wi  =f{x  +  y), 

ydu       y"^   d^u  y^  d*^u      -  ,  . 

To  complete  the  preceding  proof  it  will  be  necessary  to 
obtain  an  expression  for  the  limit  of  the  sum  of  the  series 
after  n  terms,  in  order  to  determine  whether  the  series  is 
convergent  or  divergent.  We  postpone  this  discussion  for 
the  present,  and  shall  proceed  to  illustrate  the  Theorem  by 

The  Logarithmic  Series,  63 

showing  that  the  expansions  usually  giyon  in  elementary 
treatises  on  Algebra  and  Trigonometry  are  particular  cases 
of  it. 

y      56.  The  Binomial  Theorem. — Let  w  =  (a?  +  y)** ; 
here/(ij?)  =  x^,  therefore,  by  Art.  41,    " "  ' 

f(iv)  =  niv'"-\  .../(*•)  (a;)  =  w  (w  -  i)  ...(;*-  r  +  i)af*^. 

Hence  the  expansion  becomes 

-i ^ ^^ ^  ^«-^  y"-,  I      (4) 

I  .  2  .  .  .  r  ^^ 

If  ?^  be  a  positive  integer  this  consists  of  a  finite  number  of 
terms ;  we  shall  subsequently  examine  the  validity  of  the 
expansion  when  applied  to   the   case   where  n  is  negative 
or  fractional. 
^     57.  The  liOgarithmic  Series. — To  expandlog  (a;  +  ?/). 

Here       /{x)  =  log  (^),-  r{x)  =  '-,    f"{x)  =-± 


log(*  +  ^)=log.  +  l^-i?^+i^-l?^+&o. 
If  a?  =  I  this  series  becomes 

log(i+y)=|-J  +  ^-...(-,)-^..&o.  (5) 

When  taken  to  the  base  a,  we  get,  by  Art.  29, 

log,  (i+2^)  =  Jlf('|-^  +  ^-^  +  &o.y  (6) 

64  Development  of  Functions, 

58.  To  expand  sin  (a?  +  y). 
Here  f{x)  =smx,      f^{x)  =  coax, 

f\x)  =  -  sin  X,     f'\x)  =  -  cos  x,  &o. 


(x^y)=mix{i  -—  + — &c.  +  p-.  .  .  ) 

^       ^^  .    V       1.2  \2n        J 

+  cos:p[^ ^— -  + ^^ ...±   ^ 

I     1.2.3 

As  the  preceding  series  is  supposed  to  hold  for  all  values, 
it  must  hold  when  a;  =  o,  in  which  case  it  becomes 

Qmy=.l 1-^^ 't &c.  (8) 

I      1.2.3 

Similarly,  ii  x  =  —,  we  get 

cos  y  =  I  -  -^—  + &o.  (9) 

I  .2      I  .2.3  .4 

We  thus  arrive  at  the  well-known  expansions*  for  the  sine 
and  cosine  of  an  angle,  in  terms  of  its  circular  measure. 

59.  maelaurin's  Theorem. — If  we  make  a?  =  o,  in 
Taylor's  Expansion,  it  becomes 

/  (y)  =/(o)  +  f/(o)  +  -^/'{o)  +  ...  ^/W(o)  +  . . . ,  (10) 

where /(o)  .  .  .f^"^{o)  represent  the  values  which /(^r)  and 
its  successive  derived  functions  assume  when  x  =  o. 

Substitute  xior  y  in  the  preceding  series  and  it  becomes 

/ W  =/(o)  +  Y  /'(o)  +  -^^  /"(o)  +  .  .  •  +  ^  /'"'  (o)  +  &c. 

*  These  expansions  are  due  to  Newton,  and  -were  obtained  by  him  by  the 
method  of  reversion  of  series  from  the  expansion  of  the  arc  in  terms  of  its  sine. 
This  latter  series  he  deduced  from  its  derived  function  by  a  process  analogous 
to  integration  (called  by  Newton  the  method  of  quadratures).  See  Opuscula, 
torn  r.,  pp.  19,  21.  Ed.  Cast.     Compare  Art.  64,  p.  68. 

Exponential  Series,  65 

This  result  may  be  established  otherwise  thus ;  adopting 
the  same  limitation  as  in  the  case  of  Taylor's  Theorem : — 

Assume    f{x)    =  A  +  Bx  +  Cx^  +  Dx^  +  Ex^  +  &c. 
then  f  {x)  ^B-\-2Cx  +  sDx'  +  ^Ex'  +  &c. 

f'  (x)  =  20  +  3  .  2Dx  +  4 .  ^Ex"  +  &c. 

f''{x)  =  3  .  22)  +  4  .  3  .  2^iC  +  &c. 

Hence,  making  a?  =  o  in  each  of  these  equations,  we  get 
f(o)^A,   f'(o)=B,    -^-^  =  0,    fM.^  =  D,&o. 

whence  we  obtain  the  same  series  as  before. 

The  preceding  expansion  is  usually  called  Maclaurin's* 
Theorem ;  it  was,  however,  previously  given  by  Stirling,  and 
is,  as  is  shown  already,  but  a  particular  case  of  Taylor's  series. 
We  proceed  to  illustrate  it  by  a  few  examples. 

60.  Bxponential  lieries. — Let  y  =  cf. 

Here        f{x)    =  «*,  hence  /(o)    =1, 

f{x)    =  a'' log  a,  „     /(o)  =logfl, 

r{x)=a^{loga)\  „     r(o)=loga)\ 

/(«)  {x)  =  a-  (log  a)%  „     fW  (o)  =  (log  a)-  ; 

and  the  expansion  is 

(x  loo;  a)      (x  loff  aV  (x  loff  aY      ^  ,     . 

I  1.2  I  .  2  .  ..n 

If  e,  the  base  of  the  Napierian  system  of  Logarithms,  be 
substituted  for  a,  the  preceding  expansion  becomes 

X       x^  a^  ,     . 

e**=i+-  + +  ...+ +  ...  (12) 

I      1.2  I  .  2  . ,  .  n 

♦  Maclaurin  laid  no  claim  to  the  theorem  which  is  known  by  his  name,  for, 
after  proving  it,  he  adds — "This  theorem  was  given  by  Dr.  Taylor,  Method. 
Increm."     See  Maclaurin's  Fluxions,  vol.  ii.,  Art.  751. 


66  Development  of  Functions, 

If  ^  =  I  this  gives  for  e  the  same  value  as  that  adopted  in 
Art.  29,  viz. : 


e  =  I  +  -  + + + +  . .  • 

I      1.2      1.2.3 

61.  £xiiaiisioii  of  sin  x  and  cos  x  by  llaclauriii's 

Theorem.     Let/(i?;)  =  sin  a?,  then 

/(o)=o,    /(o)  =  i,     r(o)  =  o,    /"(0)=-I,&0, 

and  we  get 

,  X  X  'Ju  f. 

sm  ic  = + &c 

I      1.2.3 
In  like  manner 

cos  X  =  \  - 


the  same  expansions  as  already  arrived  at  in  Art.  58.    . 

Since  sin  (-  a;)  =  -  sin  x^  we  might  have  inferred  at  once 
that  the  expansion  for  sin  x  in  terms  of  x  can  only  consist  of 
odd  powers  of  x.  Similarly,  as  cos  (-  x)  =  cos  x,  the  expan- 
sion of  cos  X  can  only  contain  even  powers. 

In  general,  if  F{x)  =  F{-  x),  the  development  of  F{x) 
can  only  consist  of  even  powers  of  x.  li  F{-  x)  =  -  F{x),  the 
expansion  can  contain  odd  powers  of  x  only. 

Thus,  the  expansions  of  tan  x,  sin'^^r,  tan~^a;,  &c.,  can  con- 
tain no  even  powers  of  x ;  those  of  cos  x,  sec  x,  &c.,  no  odd 

62.  Huy gens' Approximation  to  length  of  Circular 
Arc.* — If  A  be  the  chord  of  any  circular  arc,  and  B  that  of 


half  the  arc ;  then  the  length  of  the  arc  is  equal  to ,  q.p. 


For,  let  R  be  the  radius  of  the  circle,  and  L  the  length  of 

the  arc :  and  we  have 

A         .LB         .     L 

♦  This  important  approximation  is  due  to  Huygens.  The  demonstration 
given  above  is  that  of  Newton,  and  is  introduced  by  him  as  an  application  of 
his  expansion  for  tlie  sine  of  an  angle.     Vid.  "  Epis.  Prior  ad  Oldembnrgium." 

Huygens'  Approximation.  67 

hence,  by  (8), 

A  =  L z^^  + 7 — zr.  -  &0. 

2.3.4.  J?'      2  .3.4.  5  .  i6.i2* 

8B  =  4L — ^+ -— 57 -&o. 

2  . 3  .  4  .  i22      2  . 3  .  4 .  5  .  64  .  i2* 

consequently,  neglecting  powers  of  ^  beyond  the  fourth,  we 

Hence,  for  an  arc  equal  in  length  to  the  radius  the  error  in 

adopting  Huygens'  approximation  in  less  than         *^  part  of 

the  whole  arc ;  for  an  arc  of  half  the  length  of  the  radius 
the  proportionate  error  is  one-sixteenth  less ;  and  so  on. 
In  practice  the  approximation*  is  used  in  the  form 

X  =  2J5  +  i  (2^  -  A). 

This  simple  mode  of  finding  approximately  the  length  of 
an  arc  of  a  circle  is  much  employed  in  practice.  It  may  also 
be  applied  to  find  the  approximate  length  of  a  portion  of 
any  continuous  curve,  by  dividing  it  into  an  even  number  of 
suitable  intervals,  and  regarding  the  intervals  as  approxi- 
mately circular.  See  Rankine's  Rules  and  Tables,  Part  I., 
Section  4. 

*  To  show  the  accuracy  of  this  approximation,  let  us  apply  it  to  find  the 
length  of  an  arc  of  30°  in  a  circle  whose  radius  is  100,000  feet. 

Here  B  =  2li  sin  7°  30',     A  =  2B  sin  15" ; 

but,  from  the  Tables, 

sin  7°  30'  =  .1305268,     sin  15°  =  .2588190. 

„  ^      2B-A 

Hence  2B  +  =  52359.71. 

The  true  value,  assuming  v  =  3.1415926,  is  52359.88  ;  whence  the  error  is  but 
.17  of  a  foot,  or  about  2  inches. 

F  2 


68  Development  of  Functions, 

yf    63.  Expansion  of  ioxf^x. — Assume,  according  to  Art. 
61,  the  expansion  of  tan~^;z;to  be 

Ax  +  Bx"  +  ai?5  +  Bx'  +  &c., 
where  -4,  B^  C,  &c.,  are  undetermined  coefficients: 

d    \^x^^x 
then  -^ =  -4  +  iBx"-  +  sOc*  +  ^Bx^  +  &c. ; 

but  -^—, = 1  =  I  -  a;'  +  a?*  -  a;'  +  &o., 

ax  \  ^■  x^ 

when  a;  lies  between  the  limits  ±  i. 
Comparing  coefficients,  we  have 

^=1,     5  =  -i      C  =  -,     D  =  -  i&o. 
3  5  7 


^      ,        x      x""      x''  ,      .      aj'"+i  ,     , 

tan-^a;  = + ...  +  (-  i)" +  .  .  . ;       (14) 

135  ^       ^    2W  +  I  »        \  t/ 

when  X  is  less  than  unity. 

This  expansion  can  be  also  deduced  directly  from  Mac- 
laurin's  Theorem,  by  aid  of  the  results  given  in  Art.  46. 
This  is  left  as  an  exercise  for  the  student. 

64.  Expansion  of  sin'^ic. — Assume,  as  before, 

sin"^a;  =  Ax  +  Bx^  +  Cx^  +  &c. ; 

then  7 TTT  =  A  +  ^Bx^  +  $Cx^  ^  &o. ; 

(I  -  x^p 

but         7—^ — ^,  =  (1  -x')-^=i  +  lx'+L^x'  + 

(l  -X)^      ^  '  2  2.4 

2.4...     2r 

Hence,  comparing  coefficients,  we  get 

-4=1,    ^=-.-,     C  =  i-^.-,&o. 

23  2.45' 


.     ,       X     10?     1.33?*  i.3...2r-i     ;r"*'  ,     , 

sin"^ir  =  -  +  -  .-+ — ^.  — +  .. .  +  — . +...  (15) 

123     2.4  5  2.4...    2r      2r+ I         ^     ' 

Euler^s  Expressions  for  Sine  and  Cosine,  69 

Since  we  have  assumed  tliat  mr'^x  vanishes  along  with  x  we 
must  in  this  expansion  regard  but^x  as  oeing  the  circular 
measure  of  the  acute  angle  whose  sine  is  x. 

There  is  no  difiSculty  in  determining  the  general  formula 
for  other  values  of  sin"^^,  if  requisite. 

A  direct  proof  of  the  preceding  result  can  be  deduced 
from  Maclaurin's  expansion  by  aid  of  Art.  5 1 .  "We  leave 
this  as  an  exercise  for  the  student. 

From  the  preceding  expansion  the  value  of  tt  can  be 
exhibited  in  the  following  series : 

TT      I         II         I  .  3      I       p 
6      2      2.38      2  .4.532 

For,  since  sin  30°  =  -,  we  have  -  =  sin"^  -  ;  .'.  &c. 
2  02 

An  approximate*  value  of  w  can  be  arrived  at  by  the  aid 
of  this  formula ;  at  the  same  time  it  may  be  observed  that 
many  other  expansions  are  better  adapted  for  this  purpose. 

65.  £uler's  Expressions  for  Sine  and  Cosine. — In 

the  exponential  series  (12),  if  x  >y  -  i  be  substituted  for  x, 
we  get 

e^-^  =1 + +  &c.  .  .  • 



cos  a;  +  v^  -  I  sin  a; ;  by  Art.  59. 

Similarly,  e~^^"^  =  cos  a?  -  -y/  -  i  sin  x. 
Hence  e^"^'^  +  r^^-^  =  2  cos  Xj 

^^~i  _  e-x-/'!  ^  2y/~^  sin  X. 

A  more  complete  development  of  these  formulae  will  be 
found  in  treatises  on  Algebra  and  Trigonometry. 


*  The  expansion  for  sin-^a?,  and  also  this  method  of  approximating  to  ir,  were 
given  by  Newton. 

70  •    Development  of  Functions, 

66.  John  Bernoulli's  §lcries. — If,  in  Taylor's  Ex- 
pansion (i)  we  make  y  =  -  x^  and  transfer  f{x)  to  the  other 
side  of  the  equation,  we  get 

f{:c)  =/(o)  +  xf\x)  -^J"(x)  +  7^3 /'"(*)  -  &o.     (.7) 

This  is  equivalent  to  the  series  known  as  Bernoulli's,* 
and  published  by  him  in  Act.  Lijos.,  1694. 

As  an  example  of  this  expansion,  let /(a;)  =  ^  ;  then 

/(o)  =  i,  y»  =  ^,  /»=^,&c., 

and  we  get 


e^  =  1  +  xe" ef"  +  &c., 


Or,  dividing  by  e*,  and  transposing, 

e^  =  I  -x  + &o., 

I  '2 

which  agrees  with  Art.  60. 

67.  Symbolic    Form   of  Taylor's   Theorem. — The 


may  be  written  in  the  form 


in  which  the  student  will  perceive  that  the  terms  within  the 
brackets  proceed  according  to  the  law  of  the  exponential 
series  (12)  ;  the  equation  may  accordingly  be  written  in  the 

f{x^y)^e'rxf{x),  (19) 

*  In  his  Reduc.  Quad,  ad  long,  curv.,  John  Bernoulli  introduces  this  theorem 
again,  adding — *'  Quam  eandum  seriem  postea  Taylorus,  inteijecto  viginti 
annorum  intervallo,  in  librum  quern  edidit,  a.d.  1715,  demethodo  incrementorum, 
transferre  dignatus  est  sub  alio  tantum  characterum  habitu."  The  great  in- 
justice of  this  statement  need  not  be  insisted  on ;  for  while  Taylor's  Theorem  is 
one  of  the  most  important  in  the  entire  range  of  analysis,  that  of  Bernoulli  ia 
comparatively  of  little  use ;  and  is,  as  shown  above,  but  a  simple  case  of  Taylor's 

Symbolic  Form  of  Taylor's  Theorem.  7 1 

where  e  ^  is  supposed  to  be  expanded  as  in  the  exponential 

theorem,  and  ^- V^  written  for  r-  (  —  )  /(a;),  &o. 

^n      dx"^  Y  \dxj  ^  ^  " 

This  form  of  Taylor's  Theorem  is  of  extensive  application 
in  the  Calculus  of  Finite  Differences. 

68.  Other  Forms  derived  from  Taylor's  Series. — 

In  the  expansion  (3),  Art.  55,  substitute  h  for  y, 

^,  hdu        h"    d'u  A"        d''u     ^ 

then    u^  =  u  +  -  —■  + —  +  .  . . z—  +  &o. 

I  dx      I  .  2  dx^  I  ,  2  .  .  ,n  dx"- 

If  now  h  be  diminished  indefinitely,  it  may  be  represented 
by  dx,  and  the  series  becomes 

du  dx      dhi  dx^  d^hi      daf* 

Wl  =  w  + +  -^„   —  +  . . .  +  T- 

dx  I       dx^  I  .  2  dx^^  I  .  2  . ,  ,n       * ' 

or        m-u  =  '^dx+'^^dx'  +  ^^^^dx'  +  &o.,     (20) 
I  1.2  1.2.3  '\/ 

in  which  «i  -  w  is  the  complete  increment  of  u,  corresponding 
to  the  increment  dx  in  x. 

Again,  since  each  term  in  this  expansion  is  infinitely  small 
in  comparison  with  the  preceding  one,  if  all  the  terms  after 
the  first  be  neglected  {hf  Art.  38)  as  being  infinitely  small  in 
comparison  with  it,  we  get 

du  =f\x)  dx, 

the  same  result  as  given  in  Art.  7. 

Another  form  of  the  preceding  expansion  is 

du      d^u          d^u                      d^u  «  ,     , 

Wi  -  w  =  —  + + +  . . .  + +  &c.  (21) 

I  1.2         1.2.3  1.2...  W  ^      ^ 

69.  Theorem. — If  a  function  ofx  become  infinite  for  any 
finite  value  of  x  then  all  its  successive  derived  functions  become 
infinite  at  the  same  time. 

If  the  function  be  algebraic,  the  only  way  that  it  can  be- 
come infinite  for  a  finite  value  of  x  is  by  its  containing  a 

term  of  the  form  --^,  in  which   Q  vanishes  for  one  or  more 

7  2  Development  of  Functions, 

values  of  x  for  whicli  P  remains  finite.     Accordingly,  let 

P  , ,       du    clx      Q  dx ;  this  also  becomes  infinite  when 

Q  =  o. 

d^i(   d^ii 
Similarly,  — ,  — ,  &c.,  each  become  infinite  when  Q  =  o. 


Again,  certain  transcendental  functions,  such  as  e""  , 
cosec  {x  -  a),  &c.,  become  infinite  when  x  =  a;  but  it  can  be 
easily  shown,  by  differentiation,  that  their  derived  functions 
also  become  infinite  at  the  same  time.  Similar  remarks  apply 
in  all  other  cases. 

The  student  who  desires  a  more  general  investigation  is 
referred  to  De  Morgan's  Calculus,  page  179. 

70.  Remarks  on  Taylor's  Expansion. — In  the  pre- 
ceding applications  of  Taylor's  Theorem,  the  series  arrived 
at  (Art.  56  excepted)  each  consisted  of  an  infinite  number  of 
terms ;  and  it  has  been  assumed  in  our  investigation  that  the 
sum  of  these  infinite  series  has,  in  each  case,  a,  finite  limiting 
value,  represented  by  the  original  function, /(a;  +  y),  or  f{x). 
In  other  words,  we  have  assumed  that  the  remainder  of  the 
series  after  n  terms,  in  each  case,  becomes  infinitely  small 
when  n  is  taken  sufficiently  large — or,  that  the  series  is  con- 
vergent. The  meaning  of  this  term  will  be  explained  in  the 
next  Article. 

71.  Convergent  and  Divergent  Series. — A  series, 
Ui,  U2,  Uz,  ,  ,  .  Un,  .  .  .  consisting  of  an  indefinite  number  of 
terms,  which  succeed  each  other  according  to  some  fixed  law, 
is  said  to  be  convergent,  when  the  sum  of  its  first  n  terms 
approaches  nearer  and  nearer  to  a  finite  limiting  value,  accord- 
ing as  n  is  taken  greater  and  greater ;  and  this  limiting  value 
is  called  the  sum  of  the  series,  from  which  it  can  be  made  to 
differ  by  an  amount  less  than  any  assigned  quantity,  on 
taking  a  sufficient  number  of  terms.  It  is  evident  that  in  the 
case  of  a  convergent  series  the  terms  become  indefinitely 
small  when  n  is  taken  indefinitely  great. 

If  the  sum  of  the  first  n  terms  approximates  to  no  finite 
limit  the  series  is  said  to  be  divergent. 

Convergent  and  Divergent  Series,  73 

In  general,  a  series  consisting  of  real  and  positive  terms 
is  convergent  whenever  the  sum  of  its  first  n  terms  does  not 
increase  indefinitely  with  n.  For,  if  this  sum  do  not  become 
indefinitely  great  as  n  increases,  it  cannot  be  greater  than  a 
certain  finite  value^  to  which  it  constantly  approaches  as  n 
is  increased  indefinitely. 
yt^  'J  2.  Application  to  Oeometrical  Progression. — 
The  preceding  statements  will  be  best  understood  by  apply- 
ing them  to  the  case  of  the  ordinary  progression 

I  —  »zj** 
The  sum  of  the  first  n  terms  of  this  series  is in  all  cases. 

I  -  X 

(i).  Letir<  I ;  then  the  terms  become  smaller  and  smaller 
as  n  increases ;  and  if  n  be  taken  sufficiently  great  the  value 
of  x^  can  be  made  as  small  as  we  please. 

Hence,  the  sum  of  the  first  n  terms  tends  to  the  limiting 

value ;  also  the  remainder  after  n  terms  is  represented 

by  — '■ — ,  which  becomes  smaller  and  smaller  as  n  increases, 

and  may  be  regarded  as  vanishing  ultimately. 

(2).  Let  x>  I.  The  series  is  in  this  case  an  increasing 
one,  and  af^  becomes  infinitely  great  along  with  w.     Hence 

the  sum  of  n  terms, or ,  as  well  as  the  remainder 

I  -X  X  -  I 

after  n  terms,  becomes  infinite  along  with  n.    Accordingly 
the  statement  that  the  limit  of  the  sum  of  the  series 

i+x-\-x^-\-,,,-i!-af^-\-,.,ad  infini 

is holds  only  when  x  is  less  than  unity,  i.  e.  when  the 

I  —  X 

series  is  a  convergent  one. 

In  like  manner  the  sum  of  n  terms  of  the  series 

I  -  X  +  x^  -  x^  ^-  &c. 


13  ^^ . 

I  +  a? 

74  Development  of  Functions* 

As  before,  when  x<i.  the  limit  of  the  sum  is ;    but 

I  +  iC 

when  x>  i,  of*  becomes  infinitely  great  along  with  n,  and  the 
limit  of  the  sum  of  an  even  number  of  terms  is  -  oo  ;  while 
that  of  an  odd  number  is  +  oo  .  Hence  the  series  in  this  case 
has  no  limit. 

73.  Theorem. — 1/^   in  a  series  of  positive  terms  repre- 
sented  by 

Wi  +  W3  +  .  .  .  +  «^n  +  &c., 

the  ratio  -^  he  less  than  a  certain  limit  smaller  than  unity ^  for 


all  values  of  n  beyond  a  certain  number ^  the  series  is  convergent, 
and  has  a  finite  limit. 

Suppose  A;  to  be  a  fraction  less  than  unity,  and  greater 

than  the  greatest  of  the  ratios  ^^  .  .  .  (beyond  the  number 


n),  then  we  have 


/.  Wn+1  <  kUn. 

"-  <  k, 


.'.  Wn+2  <  k^Un. 

«"-  <  k, 

,'.  UnH  <  k^Un. 

Hence,  the  limit  of  the  remainder  of  the  series  after  w„  is 
less  than  the  sum  of  the  series 

kun  +  k^Un  +  .  .  .  +  IfUn  .     .        ad  infinitum  ; 

therefore,  by  Art.  72,  less  than 

kUn     .       , 

r ,  since  A-  <  I . 


Hence,  since  Un  decreases  as  n  increases,  and  becomes  infi- 
nitely small  ultimately,  the  remainder  after  n  terms  becomes 
also  infinitely  small  when  n  is  taken  sufficiently  great ;  and 
consequently,  the  series  is  convergent,  and  has  a  finite  limit. 

Aj2:ain,  if  the  ratio  -^  be  >  i,  for  all  values  of  n  beyond 


Convergent  and  Divergent  Series.  75 

a  certain  number,  the  series  is  divergent^  and  has  no  finite 
limit.  This  can  be  established  by  a  similar  process;  for, 
assuming  k  >   i,   and  less  than  the  least  of  the  fractions 

-^, .  .  .  then  by  Art.  72  the  series 

Un  +  kun  +  khcn  +  &c.  ttd  infinitum 
has  an  infinite  value ;  but  each  term  of  the  series 

Un  +  Un+i  +  Un+2  +  &C. 

is  greater  than  the  corresponding  term  in  the  above  geome- 
trical progression ;  hence,  its  sum  must  be  also  infinite,  &c. 
These  results  hold  also  if  the  terms  of  the  series  be  alter- 
nately positive  and  negative ;  for  in  this  case  k  becomes 
negative,  and  the  series  will  be  convergent  or  divergent 
according  as  -  ^  is  <  or  >  i ;  as  can  be  readily  seen. 

In  order  to  apply  the  preceding  principles  to  Taylor's 
Theorem  it  will  be  necessary  to  determine  a  general  expres- 
sion for  the  remainder  after  n  terms  in  that  expansion ;  in 
order  to  do  so,  we  commence  with  the  following : — 

74.  Xiemnia. — If  a  continuous  function  0(aj)  vanish  token 
X  =  a,  and  also  when  x  =  b^  then  its  derived  function  ^\x),  if 
also  continuous,  must  vanish  for  some  value  of  x  between  a 
and  b. 

Suppose  b  greater  than  a\  then  if  <^'{x)  do  not  vanish 
between  a  and  b,  it  must  be  either  always  positive  or  always 
negative  for  all  values  of  x  between  these  limits;  and 
consequently,  by  Art.  6,  (p{x)  must  constantly  increase,  or 
constantly  diminish,  as  x  increases  from  a  to  b,  which  is 
impossible,  since  (^{x)  vanishes  for  both  limits.  Accordingly, 
0'(a?)  cannot  be  either  always  positive  or  always  negative ; 
and  hence  it  must  change  its  sign  between  the  limits,  and, 
being  a  continuous  function,  it  must  vanish  for  some  inter- 
mediate value. 

This  result  admits  of  being  illustrated  from  geometry. 
For,  let  y  =  (l){x)  represent  a  continuous  curve;  then,  since 
<j){a)  =  o,  and  ^(5)  =  o,  we  have  y  =  o,  when  x  =  a,  and  also 
when  x=b;  therefore  the  curve  outs  the  axis  of  x  at  distances 
a  and  b  from  the  origin  ;    and  accordingly  at  some  inter- 

76  Development  of  Functions. 

mediate  point  it  must  have  its  tangent  parallel  to  the  axis  of 
X.  Hence,  by  Art.  lo,  we  must  liave  0'(^)  =  ^  ^^^'  some 
value  of  X  between  a  and  b. 

75.  I^agrange's  Theorem  on  the  liimits  of  Tay- 
lor's Series. — Suppose  jB„  to  represent  tlie  remainder  after 
n  terms  in  Taylor's  expansion,  then  substituting  X  for  x  ^-  y 
in  (i),  we  may  write 

/(Z)  =/{.)  +  ^-^r  [x]  +  -^^^V"  w  + . . . 

in  which /(jr),/' (a?) /"  {x)  are  supposed  finite  and 

continuous  for  all  values  of  the  variable  between  X  and  x. 

If  we  now  make  a?  =  X,  we  get  i^  =  o ;  accordingly  it 
contains  X  -  ir  as  a  factor ;  hence  we  may  write 

Rn  =  [X-x)PP,  {22) 

where  ph^  positive  quantity,  and P  is  a  function  of  X  and  x. 
Consequently  we  may  write 

f[X)  -  \f(x)  +  (-^/'W  + . . .  +  ^^^/<"-'  W 

+  {X-xyp]^=o.        (23) 

Now,  let  %  be  substituted  for  x  in  every  term  in  the  pre- 
ceding, with  the  exception  of  P,  and  let  F  (z)  represent  the 
resulting  expression  :  we  shall  have 

F{z)  =/(X)  -  j/(.)  +  i^--il/'(2)  +  . ..+  (X-2)?PJ,  (24) 

in  which  P  has  the  same  value  as  in  {22). 

Again,  the  right-hand  side  in  this  equation  vanishes 
wlienz  =  X;  .-.  F[X)  =0. 

Also,  from  (23),  the  right-hand  side  vanishes  when  z  =  x\ 
,'.  F{x)  =  o. 

Limits  of  Taylor* s  Theorem.  77 

Accordingly,  since  the  function  F[z)  vanishes  when  2  =  X, 
and  also  when  z  =  x,it  follows  from  Art.  74  that  its  derived 
function  F\z)  vanishes  for  some  value  of  z  between  the  limits 
X  and  X. 

Proceeding  to  obtain  F'{z)  by  differentiation  from  equa- 
tion (24),  it  can  be  easily  seen  that  the  the  terms  destroy  each 
other  in  pairs,  with  the  exception  of  the  two  last.  Thus  we 
shall  have 

F\z)  =  -  (^-^)"">(,)  +^;(x  -  zy--P. 

Consequently,  for  some  value  of  z  {z'  suppose)  between  x 
and  X  we  must  have 

Again,  if  0  be  a  positive  quantity  less  than  unity  it  is 
easily  seen  that  we  may  write 

z'  =  x+  e(X-x), 

since  by  assigning  a  suitable  value  to  0,  x  +  9{X  -  x)  can  be 
made  equal  to  any  number  intermediate  between  x  and  X. 
If  we  substitute  this  value  for  z  in  the  foregoing  equation  it 

(I  -  or  ^^I'f^y^i'^  +  e{x-  x)]={i  -  e)p[x  -  x)pp 

^^^^-^  =(i-0)^i?„,  by  (22), 

Hence  we  infer  that  p  =  n,  and 

iJ,  =  i^-^/(")(^  +  0(X-^)).  (25) 


Making  this  substitution,  equation  {22)  becomes 

f{X)  =  fix)  +  i^^  fix)  +  ^-^fn^)  + . . . 

+  (ZjI^'  /(n-l)  (^)  +    (If ^  fin)  {:,  +  e(X-x)}.      (26) 

The  preceding  demonstration  is  taken,  with  some  modifi- 
cations, from  Bertrand's  " Traite  de  Oalcul  Differentiel" (273). 

78  Development  of  Functions, 

Again,  if  h  be  substituted  for  X  -  x,  the  series  becomes 

■^p7/^'*"M^)  +  £/^^M^  +  0^).  (27) 

In  this  expression  n  may  be  any  positive  integer. 
Jin  =  I  the  result  becomes 

f{x  +  h)  =f{x)  +  hf  {x  +  Oh).  (28). 

When  n  =  2, 

fix  +  h)  =f{x)  +  hf  (x)  +  ^/"  (x  +  Oh).  (29) 

The  student  should  observe  that  6  has  in  general  different 
values  in  each  of  these  functions,  but  that  they  are  all  subject 
to  the  same  condition,  viz.,  6  >  o  and  <  i. 

It  will  be  a  useful  exercise  on  the  preceding  method  for 
the  student  to  investigate  the  formulae  (28)  and  (29)  inde- 
pendently, by  aid  of  the  Lemma  of  Art.  74. 

The  preceding  investigation  may  be  regarded  as  furnish- 
ing a  complete  and  rigorous  proof  of  Taylor's  Theorem^  and 
formula  (27)  as  representing  its  most  general  expression, 

76.  Geometrical  Illustration. — The  equation 

/(X)  =f{x)  +  {X-x)f  [x^Q{X-x)] 

admits  of  a  simple  geometrical  verification;  for,  let  y  =f{x) 
represent  a  curve  referred  to  rectangular  axes,  and  suppose 
(X,  F),  {x,  y)  to  be  two  points  Pi,  P2  on  it :  then 

f{X)-f{x)      Y-y 

Y  -  y  . 
But  7= is  the  tangent  of  the  angle  which  the  chord  Pi  Pj 

X  —  X 

makes  with  the  axis  of  x\  also,  since  the  curve  cuts  the 
chord  in  the  points  Pi,  P2,  it  is  obvious  that,  when  the  point  on 
the  curve  and  the  direction  of  the  tangent  alter  continuously, 
the  tangent  to  the  curve  at  some  point  between  Pi  and  Pi  must  be 
parallel  to  the  chord  Pi  P2 ;  but  by  Art.  10,/'  (xx)  is  the  tri- 
gonometrical tangent  of  the  angle  which  the  tangent  at  the 

Second  Form  of  Remainder,  7^ 

point  (iTi,  f/i)  makes  with  the  axis  of  x.  He;oce,  for  some  value, 
x^y  between  X  and  x,  we  must  have 

Y-y     f{X)-f{x) 
^(*'^  =  Z^=       X-x     ' 

or,  writing  Xi  in  the  form  x  +  B  {X  -  x)^ 

f{X)  =/{x)  +  {X-x)flx+e{X-x)]. 

77.  iSecond  Form   of  Remainder. — The  remainder 
after  n  terms  in  Taylor's  Series  may  also  be  written  in  the  form 

En  =  ^  .         ^        AV(«)  {X  +  Oh). 

\n-i  ' 

For  it  is  evident  that  B.n  may  be  written  in  the  form 

.-./(X)  =7(0.)  +  (X-  ^)  fix)  +  . . .  4  (^Z^V^**-^)  (^) 

■v{X-x)  P,. 

Substitute  s  for  x,  as  before,  in  every  term  except  Pi ;  and  the 
same  reasoning  is  applicable,  word  for  word,  as  that  employed 
in  Art.  75.  The  value  of  F'  (s)  becomes,  however,  in  this 

and,  as  F\z)  must  vanish  for  some  value  of  2  between  x  and 
X,  we  must  have,  representing  that  value  by  a;  +  Q  (X  -  x)y 

p.  =  (^-'^)""('-g)'"'yW  {^  +  0  (X  -  «)},  (30) 

where  Q,  as  before,  is  >  o  and  <  i. 

If  h  be  introduced  instead  of  X  -  a?,  the  preceding  result 

JJ„  =  (Luir'  J^nfl^n)  (^  ,   Q,0,  (31) 

which  is  of  the  required  form. 

8o  Development  of  Functions. 

Hence,  Taylor's  Theorem  admits  of  being  written  in  the 

{i-e)^'f^-){x+Qh).      (32) 

The  same  remarks  are  applicable  to  this  form*  as  were  made 
with  respect  to  (27). 

From  these  formulae  we  see  that  the  essential  conditions 
for  the  application  of  Taylor's  Theorem  to  the  expansion  of 
any  function  in  a  series  consisting  of  an  infinite  number  of 
terms  are,  that  none  of  its  derived  functions  shall  become 
infinite,  and  that  the  quantity 

shall  become  infinitely  small,  when  n  is  taken  sufficiently 
large ;  as  otherwise  the  series  does  not  admit  of  a  finite  limit. 

78.  liimit  of  when  n  is  indefinitely  great. 

1  ,  2  ,.n 

Let  Un  = ,  then   -^  = ;  .*.  -^  becomes  smaller 

I  .  2  . . w  Un       n+  I  Un 

and  smaller  as  n  increases  ;  hence,  when  n  is  taken  sufficiently 
great,  the  series  Un+n  ^n+s?  •  •  .  &c.,  diminishes  rapidly,  and 
the  terms  become  ultimately  infinitely  small.  Consequently, 
whenever  the  n^^  derived  function  f^'^'i  {x)  continues  to  he  finite  for 
all  values  of  w,  however  great,  the  remainder  after  n  terms  in 
Taylor* s  Expansion  becomes  infinitely  small,  and  the  series  has 
a  finite  limit. 

*  This  second  form  is  in  some  cases  more  advantageous  than  that  in  (27). 
An  example  of  this  will  be  found  in  Art.  83. 

y//^     Remainder  in  the  Expansion  of  sin  x.  8  j 

r^yg-    ©eneral   Form    of  JUaclaurin's   Sferies. — The 

/expansion  (27)  becomes,  on  making  x  =  o,  and  substituting 
X  afterwards  instead  of  A, 

A^)  =/(o)  +7/(0)  --^^/"(o)  +  . . .  +  |J-i/("-"  (o) 

+  ^/'"'(9^)-  (33\ 

Hence  the  remainder  after  n  terms  is  represented  by 

where  0  is  >  o  and  <  i . 

This  remainder  becomes  infinitely  small  for  any  functioi] 

f{x)  whenever  ,— Z^**^  (Ox)  becomes  evanescent  for  infinitely 

great  values  of  n. 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  examine  the  remainders  in  the 
different  elementary  expansions  which  were  given  in  the 
commencement  of  this  chapter. 

80.  Reniainder  in  the  Kxpansion  of  a^. — Our  for- 
mula gives  for  Bn  in  this  case 


Now,  a^*  is  finite,  being  less  than  a'' ;  and  it  has  been  proved 

(x  lo2r  a^^ 
in  Art.  78  that  ^^ —  becomes  infinitely  small  for  large 

values  of  n.  Hence  the  remainder  in  this  case  becomes 
evanescent  when  n  is  taken  sufficiently  large.  Accordingly 
the  series  is  a  convergent  one,  and  the  expansion  by  Taylor's 
Theorem  is  always  applicable. 

8 1 .  Remainder  in  the  Expansion  of  sin  x. — In  this 

„       a?"     .     fmr      ^  \ 

jB„  =  r-  sm    —  +  (fx  . 

n         \2  J 

82  Development  of  Functions. 

This  value  of  Bn  ultimately  vanislies  by  Art.  78,  and  the 
series  is  accordingly  convergent. 

The   same  remarks   apply  to  the   expansion   of   cos  x. 
Accordingly,  both  of  these  series  hold  for  all  values  of  x. 

82,  Remainder  in  tbe  Expansion  of  log  (i  +  x). — 
The  series 

X     x"^      a^     X*-      o 

+ +  &c., 


when  a?  is  >  i ,  is  no  longer  convergent ;  for  the  ratio  of  any 
term  to  the  preceding  one  tends  to  the  limit  -  x ;  conse- 
quently the  terms  form  an  increasing  series,  and  become 
ultimately  infinitely  great.  Hence  the  expansion  is  inappli- 
cable in  this  case. 

Again,  since  f^{x)  =  (-  i)**"^  - — -,  the  remainder 

(i  +  X) 

Bn  is  denoted  by  - — —- 1 jr- ) ;;  hence,  if  x  be  positive  and 


less  than  unity ^  -^  is  a  proper  fraction,  and  the  value  of 

Bn  evidently  tends  to  become  infinitely  small  for  large  values 
of  n  ;  accordingly  the  series  is  convergent,  and  the  expansion 
holds  in  this  case. 

83.  Binomial  Theorem  for  Fractional  and  IVega- 
tive  Indices. — In  the  expansion 

(i  +aj)'»  =  I  +  — a;  +  — ^^ -x^  +  ,... 

^         ^  I  1.2 

m(m- i)  . . .  im-n-\- i)x^      o 

I  .  2 

if  Un  denote  the  n*^  term,  we  have 

w„+i      m-n+  I 

the  value  of  which,  when  n  increases  indefinitely,  tends  to 
become -iz;;  the  series,  accordingly,  is  convergent  if  a;  <  i, 
but  is  not  convergent  ii  x  >  i . 

Binomial  Theorem,  83 

Accordingly,  the  Binomial  Expansion  .does  not  hold  when 
X  is  greater  than  unity. 
Again,  as 

/(»)  {x)  =m{m~  i)  .  .  .  (m  -  w  +  i)  (i  +  a?)'"-", 
the  remainder,  by  formula  (25),  is 

1 .2.  .  .  w 


m  (m- i)  .  .  .  (m-w  +  i)         a?** 

I  .  2  .  .  .  yj  (i  +  Oa;)"-"** 

Now,  suppose  a;  positive  and  less  than  unity ;  then,  when 
n  is  very  great,  the  expression 

m{m-  i)  .  .  .  (wi - w  +  i) 
I  .  2  .  .  .  n 

becomes  indefinitely  small ;  also  -. „  .  _^  is  less  than  unity; 

hence,  the  expansion  by  the  Binomial  Theorem  holds  in  this 

Again,  suppose  x  negative  and  less  than  unity.  We  employ 
the  form  for  the  remainder  given  in  Art.  77,  which  becomes 
in  this  case 

(-  i)"— ^^ \ r — ^ —  (i  -  OY-'  (i  -  9x)*^^ ; 

^     ^  1 . 2  .  .  .  (w-  i)  ^         ^      ^  ' 


U   \«^(^^~  0  .  .  .{m-n+  i)  {1  -  Q)'^^af^ 
^    ^^  1.2  ...  (/^-I) 

I -Ox 

1  —  a 

Also,  since  x<  i,  6x<  9;  .'.  i  -6x>  i  -  6  ;  hence 7- 

is  a  proper  fraction  ;  .*.  any  integral  power  of  it  is  less  than 
unity ;  hence,  by  the  preceding,  the  remainder,  when  n  is 
sufficiently  great,  tends  ultimately  to  vanish. 

G  2 

84  Development  of  Functions, 

In  general  {x  +  y)*^  may  be  written  in  either  of  the  forms 

x^[  I  +-)   or  ^'"f  I  +-)  : 

now,  if  the  index  m  be  fractional  or  negative,  and  x>  y,  or 
-  a  proper  fraction,  the  Binomial  Expansion  holds  for  the 



{x  +  y)"'  =  x'^[  I  +-]  =x"'  +  —  x'^'-^y  +  -— ^^ (xf^'^y^  +  &o., 

'  \         Xj  I  1.2 

but  does  not  hold  for  the  series 

(a;  +  y)"*  =  y"»f  I  -f  -    =  ^T  +  -  y"*~^a;  +  — ^^ <-  2/*""V  +  &c.,  ' 

since  the  former  series  is  convergent  and  the  latter  divergent. 

We  conclude  that  in  all  cases  one  or  other  of  the  expan- 
sions of  the  Binomial  series  holds ;  but  never  both,  except 
when  m  is  a  positive  integer,  in  which  case  the  number  of 
terms  is  finite. 

84.  Remainder  in  the  Expansion  of  tan^^ic. — The 

X      a^     s^ 

tan'^a;  = + &c., 


is  evidently  convergent  or  divergent,  according  as  a;  <  or  >  i .  , 
To  find  an  expression  for  the  remainder  when  a?<  i,  we  have, 
^y  (8)»  P-  50— 

,  ,  „  |w  -  I .  sin  ( w n  ioxr^x  J 

/(n)(^)  =  ( |. ]  .  tan-i-^,  =  (-  i)-^  ^Z: IJ I . 

\d^J  (I  +  x'f. 

Hence  we  have,  in  this  case, 

a;"  sin  jw n  tan"^  (Ox)  > 

^'^"^    '^  n(i  +  0V)5 

which,  when  x  lies  between  +  i  and  -  i ,  evidently  becomes 
infinitely  small  as  n  increases,  and  accordingly  the  series  holds 
for  such  values  of  x. 

Expansion  hy  aid  of  Differential  Equations,  85 

85.  Expansion  of  8in"^a?. — Since  the  function  sin'^a?  is 
impossible  unless  a;  be  <  i,  it  is  easily  seen  that  the  series 
given  in  Art.  64  is  always  convergent ;  for  its  terms  are  each 
less  than  the  corresponding  terms  in  the  geometrical  pro- 

X  -\-  3^  +  x^  +  &0. 

Consequently,  the  limit  of  the  series  is  always  less  than  the 
limit  of  the  preceding  progression. 

A  similar  mode  of  demonstration  is  applicable  to  the 
expansion  of  tan"^^;  when  x  <  i,  as  well  as  to  other  analogous 

In  every  case,  the  value  of  i^„,  the  remainder  after  n 
terms,  furnishes  us  with  the  degree  of  approximation  in  the 
evaluation  of  an  expansion  on  taking  its  first  n  terms  for 
its  value. 

86.  Expansion  by  aid  of  DiflTerential  Equations. — 
In  many  cases  we  are  enabled  to  find  the  relation  between 
the  coefficients  in  the  expansion  of  a  function  of  x  by  aid  of 
differential*  equations ;  and  thus  to  find  the  form  of  the 

For  example,  let  y  =  e',  then 

Now  suppose  that  we  have 

y  =  a^\  a^x  -v  a^st^  +  .  .  .  an^if*  +  . ,  . , 

then  -;-  =  «i  +  za^  +  .  .  .  na^x**''^  +  &o. 


Accordingly  we  have 

*  This  method  is  indicated  by  Newton,  and  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  it 
■was  by  aid  of  it  he  arrived  at  the  expansion  of  sin  {m  sin'^  x),  as  well  as  other 
series. — Vide  Ep.  posterior  ad  Oldemburfftum.  It  is  worthy  of  observation  that 
Newton's  letters  to  Oldemburg  were  written  for  the  purpose  of  transmission  to 

86  Development  of  Functions, 

hence,  equating  coefficients,  we  have 

2         2'  3        2.3 

Moreover,  if  we  make  a;  =  o,  we  get  ajq  =  i, 

.-.  ^  =  I  +  -  + +  +  &c., 

I         1.2        1.2.3 

the  same  series  as  before. 
Again,  let 

y  =  sin  (msin"*a?). 
Here,  by  Art.  47,  we  have 

Now,  if  we  suppose  y  developed  in  the  form 
y  =  aQ  +  ayx-^  a^x"^  +  .  .  .  +  UnP^  +  &c., 

then  ^  "  ^^  ■*"  ^^^  "^  3^3i2^  +  .  .  .  +  nanx''-^  +  &c., 

^  =  2«2  +  3  .  2«3aj  +  .  .  .  +  w  (w  -  i)  a„a^-*  +  &c. 
Substituting  and  equating  the  coefficients  of  a^  we  get 

^Z         ^2 

«!.•  (34) 

'♦»+2  —  7  TT  \  "■»• 

{n  +  i)  (w  +  2) 

Again,  when  a;  =  o  we  have  y  =  o;  .*.  «o  =  o. 

Hence  we  see  that  the  series  consists  only  of  odd  powers 
of  a; ;  a  result  which  might  have  been  anticipated  from  Art. 

To  find  tti.    When  a?  =  o,  cos  {m  sin~^a?)  =  i,  hence  ( 7^  )=  ^ ; 

accordingly  ai  =  m  ; 

m^  -  I  m{m^  -  i) 

•*•   Q/z  — Cli  =  —  . 

2.^  1.2.3 

m^  -  g  m  (rr^  -  i)  {w^  -  9) 


Expansion  of  sin  mz  and  cos  mz,  87 

hence  we  get 

•  *  /      .  _,  \      ^        m(m^-  i) 

sin*  im  sin^a?)  =  -  jz; ^ x^ 

I  1.2.3 

mM  -  i)  (w^  -  9)    ,      p  ,  ,. 

+  — ^ '-^ ^  x'  -  &c.  (35) 

In  the  preceding,  we  have  assumed  that  sin'^a;  is  an  acute 
angle,  as  otherwise  both  it,  and  also  sin  [m  dic^x),  would  admit 
of  an  indefinite  number  of  values. — See  Art.  26. 

87.  Expansion  of  sin  mz  and  cosws. — If,  in  (35),  she 
substituted  for  sin"^ij?,  the  formula  becomes 

( I      m^  -  \     .  . 

sm  mz  =  m  sm  z\ sm^s 

(i      1.2.3 

im^  -  i)  {m^  -  q)    .   .         _    )  ... 

+  ^ LI ^sin*2  -  &c.  (36)  ) 

In  a  similar  manner  it  can  be  proved  that 

m^  sin^z      m^  (m"^  -  4)    .    .        _  ,     . 

cos  mz  =  1 +  — ^ sirrz  -  &c.  (37) 


If  m  be  an  odd  integer  the  expansion  for  sin  mz  consists 
of  a  finite  number  of  terms,  while  that  for  cos  mz  contains  an 
infinite  number.  If  m  be  an  even  integer  the  number  of 
terms  in  the  series  for  cos  mz  is  finite,  while  that  in  sin  mz  is 

The  preceding  series  hold  equally  when  m  is  a  fraction. 

A  more  complete  exposition  of  these  important  expansions 
will  be  found  in  Bertrand's  "  Calcul  Diiferentiel." 

In  general,  in  the  expansion  (36),  the  ratio  of  any  term' 

to  that  which  precedes  it  is  -. r-7 r  sin^s,  which,  when 

^  {n  +  i){n  +  2) 

n  is  very  great,  approaches  to  sin^s.     Hence,  since  sin  z  is 

less  than  unity,  the  series  is  convergent  in  all  cases.     Similar 

observations  apply  to  expansion  (37). 

*  This  expansion  is  erroneously  attributed  to  Euler  by  M.  Bertrand ;  it  wixa 
originally  given  by  Newton.     See  preceding  note. 

88  Development  of  Functions. 

The  expansion 

I  1.2  1.2.3 

can  be  easily  arrived  at  by  a  similar  process. 

S^.  Arbogast's  Method  of  Berivations. 

X  X^  Q^ 

If  f«  =  «  +  ^-  +  c +  d +  &c.. 

I         1.2         1.2.3 

to  find  the  coefficients  in  the  expansion  of  0  {u)  in  ascending 
powers  of  x — 

Let  /W  =  0  M, 

B         C 

and  suppose  f{x)  =  A  +  —x  + a^  +  &o. 

=/(o)+^/'(o)+:^/"(o)  +  &o., 

then  we  have  evidently 

^=/(o)  =  0(a). 

Also,  writing  u\  ic'\  u"\  &c.  instead  of 

du      d'^u      dhi 

di'     d?'     d?'^"^'' 

by  successive  differentiation  of  the  equation /(a?)  =  0  (««),  we 

.  r  {x)  =  0'  (u) .  u% 

f\x)  =  0'  ill) .  ir  +  3(/)"  (i^) .  u' .  w"  +  ^"'  (w)  (w7, 

/i^(;r)  =  0'  [u) .  i^^  +  ^"  ill)  {^u'  tr  +  3  (w'7]  +  6f ''(w) .  (w^.  u" 

Now,  when  a;  =  o,  w,  w',  w",  e*'",  .  .  ,  obviously  become 
fl5,  by  c^  dy  .  .  .  respectively. 

Arhogasfs  Method  of  Derivations,  89 


j?=  /  (o)  =  ^' (a) .  6,  /  ; 

B  =  f"  (o)  =  ^'  («) .  ^  +  3^''  [o>) .  &c  +  f'  [a) .  6», 

^  =  /iv  (o)  =  ^'  («)  .  e  +  ^"  (fl^)  (46^  +  3^')  +  6^'"  (a) .  h'^c 

+  ^^^  («) .  6*. 

From  the  mode  of  formation  of  these  terms,  they  are  seen 
to  be  each  deduced  from  the  preceding  one  by  an  analogous 
law  to  that  by  which  the  derived  functions  are  deduced  one 
from  the  other  ;  and,  q.%  f  (x),  f" {x)  .  .  .  are  deduced  from/(a;) 
by  successive  differentiation,  so  in  like  manner,  B,  C,  D^  .  .  . 
are  deduced  from  ^  {u)  by  successive  derivation  ;  where,  after 
differentiation,  a^  6,  c,  &c.,  are  substituted  for 

du     d^u  p 

«'rf^'  ^' •••*''• 

If  this  process  of  derivation  be  denoted  by  the  letter  S,  then 

J5  =  8.^,     C=^.B,    B  =  ^.C,&G.  (38) 

From  the  preceding,  we  see  that  in  forming  the  term 
S  .  ^(a),  we  take  the  derived  function  (ji^a),  and  multiply  it 
by  the  next  letter  b,  and  similarly  in  other  cases. 

Thus    8  .b    =c,  S  .c  =d,  ..  . 

S  .  J"*  =  mb'^'^c,       S  .  c"*  =  mc'^-^d  .  .  . 

Also  d  .(l>'{a)b  =  ^'  (a)  c  +  f  [a)  b\ 

This  gives  the  same  value  for  C  as  that  found  before  ;  B 
is  derived  from  C  in  accordance  with  the  same  law  ;  and  so 

The  preceding  method  is  due  to  Arbogast :  for  its  com- 
plete discussion  the  student  is  referred  to  his  "  Calcul  des 
Derivations."  The  Rules  there  arrived  at  for  forming  the 
successive  coefficients  in  the  simplest  manner  are  given  in 
"  Galbraith's  Algebra,"  page  342, 

go  Development  of  Functions. 

As  an  illustration  of  this  method,  we  shall  apply  it  to  find 
a  few  terms  in  the  expansion  of 

.    f          X          a?               ct^  o    \ 

m[a  +  h  -  +  c +  d +  &o.  . 

\  I  1.2  1.2.3  J 


Here  A  =  sma,    JB  =  d  .sina  =  b  cos  a, 

C  =  S  .  boosa  =  c  coBa  -  b^  BID.  a, 

D  =S.  C  =  d  cosa  -  ^bc  sin  a  -  b^  cos  «, 

JE  =  d.D  =  eGOBa-  {^bd  +  3c')  sin  a  -  6b^c  cos  a 

+  ¥  sin  a. 


If  the  series  a-vbx  +  o +  &c.  consist  of  a  finite  num- 

I  .  2 

ber  of  terms  the  derivative  of  the  last  letter  is  zero — thus,  if 

d  be  the  last  letter,  S  .  c?  =  o,  and  d  is  regarded  as  a  constant 

with  respect  to  the  symbol  of  derivation  §. 

If  the  expansion  of  ^  (u)  be  required  when  u  is  of  the 


a  +  /3^  +  7a;2  +  So?'  +  &c., 

the  result  can  be  attained  from  the  preceding  method  by 
substituting  a,  b,  c,  c?,  &c.  instead  of  a,  j3,  i  .  2  7,  i .  2  .  3 .  S, 
&c.,  and  proceeding  as  before. 

The  student  wiU.  observe  that  in  the  expression  for  the 
terms  i),  E,  &c.,  the  coefficients  of  the  derived  functions 
^'(fl),  (^'  {a),  &c.,  are  Qom-^lQiolj  independent  of  the  form  oi  the 
function  ^,  and  are  expressed  in  terms  of  the  letters,  b,  c,  d, 
&c.  solely ;  so  that,  if  calculated  once  for  all,  they  can  be  applied 
to  the  determination  of  the  coefficients  in  every  particular 
case,  by  finding  the  different  derived  functions  0'(«),  (^"{a), 
&c.,  for  that  case,  and  multiplying  by  the  respective  coef- 
ficients, determined  as  stated  above. 

Examples.  91 


1.  If  M  =  f(ax  +  bu),  then  --—=-—-.    This  furnishes  the  condition  that 

•^  ^  '  a  dx      b  dy 

a  given  function  of  x  and  y  shouM  be  a  function  of  ax  +  by. 

2.  Find,  by  Maclaurin's  theorem,  the  first  three  terms  in  the  expansion  of 

Ans.  «  +  —  +  — 
3        15 

3.  Find  the  first  four  terms  in  the  expansion  of  sec  x. 

x^     5«*      61  x^ 

Ans.  I  +  —  +  ^—  +  . 

2       24        720 

4.  Find,  by  Maclaurin's  theorem,  as  far  as  «*,  the  expansion  of  log  (i  +  sin  x) 
in  ascending  powers  of  x. 

Let  /(a;)  =  log  (i  +  sin  a;), 

Ai.      £>i  \        cos  a;         I  -  sina: 

then/  (a;)  = : —  = =  sec  a;  -  tan  x. 

I  +  sm  a;         cos  a; 

/"(a?)  =  sec  a;  tan  a;  -  sec'^a;  =  -  f'{x)  sec  x ; 
f"\x)  =-/"(a;)  sec  x  -f\x)  sec  a?  tan  x  =  -f'[x)  f'[x), 
.'.f^^{x)  =-  {f"{x)Y  -f{x)r'{x); 
.•./(o)  =  o,    /'{o)=l,    /"(o)  =  -i,    r'(o)  =  i,    /-(o)  =  -2; 

a;2      x^      x^ 

.'.  log  (i  +  sin  a?)  -  a; +  -7 +  &c. 

"^  '  2        6       12 

5.  Find  six  terms  of  the  development  of in  ascending  powers  of  a; 

cos  X 

^x^      x^      2x^ 
Ans.  i+a;  +  a;2  +  —  +-  +  :^—  .  .  . 
3         2        10 

6.  Apply  the  method  of  Art.  86,  to  find  the  expansions  of  sina;  and  cos  a:. 

7.  Prove  that 

tan-i  {x  +  h)  =  tan-i a:  +  A  sin  2  ^^  -  (A  sinz)^  !^^_i?  +  (^  sinz)^ &c., 

where  z  =  cot-^a:. 

Here/(a;)  =  tan-^a;  =  —  z;  and  by  Art.  46,  j—  =  (-  i)"  |«- »  sin^zsin ««;  .*.  &q. 

92  Examples, 

8.  Hence  prove  the  expansion 

TT  sin  z  sin  2%      ,      sin  Xz       . 

-  =  2  +  cos  z  H cos'«  + —  C0S*2  +  &c. 

3  1  a  3 

Let  A  =  -  cot  a  =  -  «,  &c. 

q.  Prove  that 

»     «      sin  a     sin  2«     sin  32 

2         2  I  2  3 

Let  A  sin  z  =  -  I  in  Example  7  :  then  A  +  x  =  — ; =  -  tan  - ;  .•.  &o 

Bin*  a 

10.  Prove  the  expansion 
TT  sii 
2      cos  z  '  2  cos' 2   '  3  cos'a 

TT     sin  2      I  sm  22      I  sm  sz 

Assume  h  =  — : ,  then 

sin  2  cos  2 

X  +  h  =  -  tana  =  tan  (ir -  a) ;  .*.  »  -  2  =  tan"*  (z  ■\-  h),  &c. 

Substituting  in  Example  7,  we  get  the  result  required. 
The  preceding  expansions  were  first  given  by  Euler. 

11.  Prove  the  equations 

sin  9*  =  9  sin  a;  -  120  sin'a;  +  432  sin^a;  -  576  sin'ar  +  256  sin'as^ 
cos  6a;  =  32  cos^x  -  48  cos*a;  +18  cos'a;  -  i. 

These  follow  from  the  formulae  of  Article  87 . 

12.  If  m  =  2,  Newton's  formula,  Art.  87,  gives 

(  .           sin^a?      sin^a?      „     ) 
<  sm  a; &c.  5  ; 

verify  this  result  by  aid  of  the  elementary  equation  sin  2a;  =  2  sin  x  cos  x. 

13.  If  <^  (a;  +  A)  +  ^  (a;  -  A)  =  ^  (a;)  ^  (A),  for  all  values  of  x  and  h, 

<l>"(x)      0'^(a;) 
prove  that  ^—7-r  =  ■hrr-r  =  &c.  =  constant : 

<t>{x)       <i>"{x) 

and  also  4>'(o)  =  o,        <p"'{o)  =  o,  &c. 

14.  If,  in  the  last,  ^^  =  ^^'^  prove  that  d>(x)  =  e^'-^-e-^. 

d>"  (x) 
It  .  ■   =  -  a' ;  prove  that  A  (a;)  =  2  cos  (ox). 


Examples,  93 

5.  Apply  Arbogast'B  method  to  find  the  first  four  terms  in  the  expansion 
(a  +  i«  +  cx^  +  d3fi+  &c.)". 

Am.  ««  +  «««-! bx  +  (^ ^^~    '  ^2  ^  „a^  J ^-2 ;cj 

+  n  |(2jllli!L:ila«-3 ^8  +  (n  -  i)  an-zi^  +  an-i^j  a^  +  &c. 

e*  +  I 
16.  Prove  that  the  expansion  of .  x  can  contain  no  odd  powers  of  x. 

For  if  the  sign  of  x  be  changed,  the  function  remains  unaltered. 

17.  Hence,  show  that  the  expansion  of contains  no  odd  powers  of  x 

beyond  the  first. 

_r  X         x     X    e^  -It  I  . 

Here  +  _  =  -  , ;  .♦.  &c 

^  -  I      2      2    e*  -  I 

18.  If  t*  = ,  prove  that 

n  (d»-^u\        n{n-i)  /d"^^u\  (du\       ,  ^ 

I  \dx^--J(i  1.2      \dx"^/o  \dxjQ 

and  hence  calculate  the  coefficients  of  the  first  five  terms  in  the  expansion  of  «. 
Here  «*«  =  «  +  «,  and  by  Art.  48,  we  have 

(du     n(n-i)d^u  d»u\      d^u 

dx         1.2     dx^  dx<^l      dx^ 

x^  -  ,  .  . 

19.  If   * 

X  ^     Bx     ^            Bi 

-r*  4- 

[            2      1.2          1.2.3 


ve  that 

.2.  ..6 

^1  =  ^,        ^2  =  —,        ^8  =  —,         ^4  =  — ,  &C. 

6  30'  42'  30' 

These  are  called  Bernoulli's  numbers,  and  are  of  importance  in  connexion 
with  the  expansion  of  a  large  number  of  functions. 

20.  Prove  that 

X         X      Bix^  ,  ,       ,  Btx^       ,  ,       ,  Bzi^ 

««+i      2      1.2^  '^  '     1.2. ..6^  ' 

94  Examples, 

21.  Hence,  prove  that 

=  BiX  (2«  -  l)  +    2*  -  I     +  -7  (»'  -  l)   f  &C 

«*+i  ^  '       3-4'  ' 

= + &c. 

2      24      240 

22.  Prove  that 

2^-Bix^        2*^23^  i^Bsmfi         . 

ar  cot  a;  =  I ■ 7  -  &c. 

1.2      1. 2. ..6 

23.  Also,  tan  -  =  Bix  (2^  -  i)  +  -^  (2*  -  i)  +  &c. 

2  3.4 

24.  Prove  that 

X     ^  X  ^  a;2      ^  X*'      Bzx^ 

-  cot  -  =  I  -  -Bi  1 B2-. — —  ... 

This  follows  immediately  by  substituting  -  for  x  in  Ex.  22. 

25.  Given  u{u—  x)  =  i ;  find  the  four  first  terms  in  the  expansion  of  u  in 
terms  of  a;,  by  Maclaurin's  Theorem. 

26.  If  ar^^  +  ^  +  y  =  o, 

dx^      dx      ' 

expand  y  in  powers  of  x  by  the  method  of  indeterminate  coefficients. 

27.  Show  that  the  series 

X       «'      a;'       X*- 

J  III         2***         ^^         A*** 

is  convergent  when  x<  i,  and  divergent  when  a?  >  r,  for  all  values  of  m. 

28.  Prove  the  expansion. 

(x  -  «)»» <p  {x)      {x  -  «)«  <p{a)      {x  -  a)«-i  ^a  \<p{a)  ] 

I  _  (dyif{a)\ 

"^  1 .  2  .  (a;  -  a)'«-2  U«/    U(«))  "^     ° 

29.  Find,  by  Maclaurin's  Theorem,  the  first  four  terms  in  the  expansion  of 
(I  +  a)*  in  ascending  powers  of  x. 

Let  f{x)={iArx)\ 

Examples,  95 

But,  by  Art.  29,  /(o)  =  «; 

.•./•(o)  =  -;,    /"(o)-^.    /"'(o)  =  -y«- 

Hence  (i  +  a;)*  =  * + -^  a;3  +  &c. 

2        24         16 

This  result  can  be  verified  by  direct  development,  as  follows: 

let  u={i  +  xYj 

I  X     x^      se^ 

then  log  M  =  -  log  ("i  +  a^)  =  I + +  .  . . ; 

X  234 

,'.  u  =  e   ^    3'4"*  =  e.e"^    3"4  ••• 
r       fx    x^     a?     \    x^fi     X    x^     y     x^   (i     X        \3        -| 

[a;      iia;'^      Tx^        "1 
I--  + —."  '     . 
2       24         16         J 

30.  In  Art.  76,  if /(a;)  and/'(x)  be  not  both  continuous  between  the  points 
Pi,  Pz,  show  that  there  is  not  necessarily  a  tangent  between  those  points,  parallel 
to  the  chord. 

31.  Find  the  development  of : in  ascending  powers  of  ar,  the  coef- 

sin  X  sm  2a; 

ficients  being  expressed  in  Bemoullian  numbers.     "  Camb.  Math.  Trip.,  1878." 

_.  a;  sin  3a;  ,  .         ,,  .       .  ,-       -l     ,     ^ 

Since  -; : =  a:  cot  a;  +  a;  cot  2a;,  the  expansion  m  question,  by  (22), 

sin  a;  sin  2a;  '  ^  ^  '  ^     ' 


3       22/?2a:2  2<^4ar<   ,   ,         ^      2^ B^x^  ,  ^         ,        „ 

(     96     ) 



89.  Indeterminate  Forms. — Algebraic  expressions  some- 
times become  indeterminate  for  particular  values  of  the 
variable  on  which  they  depend ;  thus,  if  the  same  value  a 
when  substituted  for  x  makes  both  the  numerator  and  the 

denominator  of  the  fraction  *^-7-n  vanish,  then" -7-T  becomes  of 

<l>(x)  <p(a) 

the  form  -,  and  its  value  is  said  to  be  indeterminate, 

Similarly,  the  fraction  becomes  indeterminate  iif{x)  and 
(p  (x)  both  become  infinite  for  a  particular  value  of  x.  We 
proceed  to  show  how  its  true  value  is  to  be  found  in  such 
cases.  By  its  true  value  we  mean  the  limiting  value  which  the 
fraction  assumes  when  x  differs  hy  an  infinitely  small  amount 
from  the  particular  value  which  renders  the  expression  indeter- 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  determination  of  the  diffe- 
rential coefficient  of  any  expression /(i?;)  may  be  regarded  as  a 
case  of  finding  an  indeterminate  form,  for  it  reduces  to  the 

.     , .         ^  fix  +  h]  -  fix)     , 

determmation  of  — — =^^-^  when  A  =  o. 


In  many  cases  the  true  values  of  indeterminate  forms  can 
be  best  found  by  ordinary  algebraical  and  trigonometrical 

We  shall  illustrate  this  statement  by  a  few  examples. 


I.  The  fraction  ~^ ?^ r-;  becomes  of  the  form  -  when  a;  =  c;  but  since 

hx^  -  2bcx  +  bc^  o 

it  can  be  written  in  the  shape  -rr L,  its  true  value  in  all  cases  is  -. 

^    b{x  -c)^  b 

Examples.  97 

2.  The  fraction  — ir=- becomes  -  when  *  =  o. 

\/  a  +  X  "■  V  a  -X  ° 

To  find  its  true  value,  multiply  its  numerator  and  denominator  by  the  com- 
plementary  surd,  ^ a  +  »  +  ^ a  —  x,  and  the  fraction  becomes 

x{*/  a  +  a;  +  '\/  a  -  x)       \/a  +  x+  \/a-x  ^ 

■ or '■^-- ; 

2X  2 

the  true  value  of  which  is  ya  when  x  =  o. 

*y a'  +  ax  +  x"^  -  \/  d^  -  ax  +  x"^ 
3. ^         ,  when  *  =  o. 

\/a  +  X  —  Ya-x 
Multiply  by  the  two  complementary  surd  forms,  and  the  fraction  becomes 

2ax  {ya  +  a;  +  ^/^a  -  x) 
2x  {\/a'i  +  ax-\-x^  +  \/a^-ax-\-x'^] 

a  ( V  a  +  x-\-  y  a  —  x) 
ts/ a^  ^  ax -V  x^  ^  *y  c^  —  ax -V  3^ 

the  true  value  of  which  evidently  is  \/a  when  a;  =  o.  From  the  preceding 
examples  we  infer  that  when  an  expression  of  a  surd  form  becomes  indeter- 
minate, its  true  value  can  usually  be  determined  by  multiplying  by  the  com- 
plementary surd  form  or  forms. 


2x  -  \/  ^x^  —  a}      .  ,        I 

4.        whfjn » =  a.  Ans.  -. 

X  —  y  %a^  —  a^  ^ 

a  -  y^a^  —  x^     .  .        i 

5. — when  x  =  o.  Ana.  — . 

x^  2a 

,  a  sin  0  -  sin  C0  ,  o     . 

6. becomes  -  when  0  =  o. 

0(cos  Q  -  cos  a9)  o 

To  find  its  true  value,  substitute  their  expansions  for  the  sines  and  cosines, 
and  the  fraction  becomes 

a  [9 +  ...]-  [ae +  . .  . 

\        1-2.3  /        \         1.2-3  / 

e{ +  ...  + .. .} 

^  (a3  _  a)  +  . .  , 

m  53 . 



98  Indeterminate  Forms. 

Divide  by  0"^  («-  -  i),  and  since  all  the  terms  after  the  first  in  the  new  numerator 



and  denominator  vanish  when  0  =  o,  the  true  value  of  the  fraction  is  -  in  this 

7.  The  fraction 

aox''  +  aiic"-!  +  .  .  .  +  an 

becomes  ^  when  «  =  00 : 

its  true  value  can,  however,  be  easily  determined,  for  it  is  evidently  equal  to 
that  of 



01         «2 
X         X^ 

Moreover,  when  a;  •=  00,  the  fractions  — ,  -r  ...—  ...,  all  vanish ;    hence, 

X       X^  X 

the  true  value  of  the  given  fraction  is  that  of 

Ao    ^ 
xm-n  —  when  x  =00. 

The  value  of  this  expression  depends  on  the  sign  of  m  —  n. 

(i.)  If  PI  >  n,  «»""'»  =  00  when  a;  =  00 ;  or  the  fraction  is  infinite  in  this 


(2.)  Itm  =  «,  the  true  value  is  — . 

(3.)  If  m  <  M,  then  a;»»-»  =  o  when^  =  00  ;  and  the  true  value  of  the  frac- 
tion is  zero. 

Accordingly,  the  proposed  expression,  when  x  =  00,  is  infinite,  finite,  or  zero, 
according  as  m  is  greater  than,  equal  to,  or  less  than  n.     Compare  Art  39. 

8.  M  =  v^ic  +  a-  Yx  +  b,  when  a;  =  00. 

\/x  +  a  +  *y  X  +  b 

9.  \/a;2  ^  ax  -  x^  when  a;  =  co.  Ans.  -. 

10.  «  =  a*  sin  (  —  I ,  when  a;  =  00. 

(i.)  If  «  <  I,  a*  =  o  when  a;  =  00,  and  therefore  the  true  value  of  u  is  zero 
in  this  case. 

(2.)  If  a  >  I,  then  a*  becomes  infinite  along  with  x ;  but  as  —  is  infinitely 

small  at  the  same  time,  we  have  sin  —  ■=  — .     Hence,  the  true  value 

a'     a" 

of  tt  is  c  in  this  case, 

Here  w  =  — .         ,  =  o  when  a;  =  00. 

Method  of  the  Differential  Calculus.  99 

r.  «  =  \/a2  _  -j;3  cQt  _     I is  of  the  form  o  x  oo  when  x  =  a. 

2  \«  +  a; 

Here  m  - 

IT     /«  -  « 
tan  -  J 

but,  when  a  -  a:  is  infinitely  small, 

v     la  —  X      -K     ja  —  X 

2  y^T~x^  2\«T«' 

\/  a}  —  x^      a  +  X      ±a     , 
u  =        I         ;  =  '  =  —  when  x  =  a. 

la-  X         Z  *■ 

\7^~x  2 

X  sm  (sm  x)  —  sm'a; 
12.  w  = -^ ,  when  x  —  o. 

Substitute  the  ordinary  expansion  for  sin  a;,  neglecting  powers  beyond  the  sixth, 
and  u  becomes 

(  .           sin^a?      sin'ar)       /       a?      x^\^ 
X  {sm  X ; —  +  -; — [  -  («-,—  +  —  ) 

(  |3  k    ^        \        |3      |5/ 

i^     x'^     if       a;3\3    a;5  /         ajZ     a;4\2 

Hence  we  get,  on  dividing  by  a;',  the  true  value  of  the  fraction  to  be  —  when 


«  =  o. 

(a  sin>  +  )8  cos2<^)»  -  iS"      ,  ■  ^         .  , 

13.  ' a^-  fin    '  ^^®^  "  =  ^-  ^'**-  ^"^^• 

Similar  processes  may  be  applied  to  other  cases ;  there 
are,  however,  many  indeterminate  forms  in  which  such  pro- 
cesses would  either  fail  altogether,  or  else  be  very  laborious. 

We  now  proceed  to  show  how  the  Differential  Calculus 
furnishes  us  with  a  general  method  for  evaluating  indetermi- 
nate forms. 

90. — -method  of  the  Differential    Calculus. — Sup- 

pose  —^  to  be  a  fraction  which  becomes  of  the  form  -  when 
(}>{x)  o 

X  =  a; 

i.  e,f{a)  =  o,  and  (ft  (a)  =  o ; 

H  2 

lOO  Indeterminate  Forms. 

substitute  a  +  A  for  a;  and  the  fraction  becomes 

f{a-^h)  -f{a) 

f±l3   or_L_. 
^(a+  hY        <p{a  +  h)  -  <p[a) ' 

but  when  h  is  infinitely  small  the  numerator  and  denominator 
in  this  expression  become /'(«)  and  <^\a\  respectively;  hence, 
in  this  case, 

f{a^h)     f\a) 
(^{a  +  h)      ^\a)' 

Accordingly,  -tjA  represents  the  limiting  or  true  value  of 

the  fraction  -7-7. 

(i.)  If /'(a)  =  o,  and  i^'{a)  be  not  zero,  the  true  value  of 

—7-^  is  zero. 
(2.)  If  /  (a)  be  not  zero,  and  <^\a)  =  o,  the  true  value  of 


(3.)  If /'(a)  =  o,  and  0'(a)  =  o,  our  new  fraction ''-77^  is 


still  of  the  indeterminate  form  -.     Applying  the 

preceding  process  of  reasoning  to  it,  it  follows  that 

its  true  value  is  that  of' 


If  this  fraction  be  also  of  the  form  -,  we  proceed  to  the 

next  derived  functions. 

In  general,  if  the  first  derived  functions  which  do  not 

vanish  be/(**)(a)  and  0(")(a),  then  the  true  value  of  '—j-r 
is  that  of  ^^^^jtH- 

Examples,  loi 

Examples.  '"* 


a?  sin  a;  - 
cos  a; 


when  a:  = 



=  a;  sin  a;  - 



^  {x)  =  cos  a; ; 
•*•  /'(^)  =  a:  cos  a;  +  sinaf,  /'  f  -  J  =  i, 

4)'(a;)  =  -sina?,  <^'  ^^j  =-  i. 

Hence  «  =  -  i,  when  a?  =  -. 


gmx  _  gmo 

2.  M  = r-,  when  a?  -  a. 

(a?  -  a)*- 

Here  /(»)  =  «»»*  -  «»»», 

^(a;)  =  (a;  -  «)•• ; 

<p'{x)  =r{x-  «)♦"•*,  ^'(»)  is  o  or  00,  as  r  >  or  <  i, 

Hence  the  true  value  of  w  is  00  or  o,  according  as  r  >  or  <  i. 

This  result  can  also  be  arrived  at  by  writing  the  fraction  in  the  form 

hence,  expanding  ^w*^,  and  making  A  =  o,  we  evidently  get  the  same  result  as 





when  x  =  o. 

f\x)  =  I  -  C03«, 

/'(o)  =  o. 

<?>'(«)  ==  3*S 

^'(o)  =  o. 





f"'{z)  =  coax, 

/'"(O)  =  I. 

<p"'{x)  =  6, 

<^"'(o)  =  6. 

I02  Indeterminate  Forms, 

Hence,  the  true  value  is  -,  as  can  also  be  immediately  arriyed  at  by  substituting 

z—  -2  +  &c.  instead  of  sin  z. 

4*  when  z  =  o,  Ans.  log  a. 


.     ^/(x)-^/(a)  /(^)  +/» 

5»  T\ 7~»  wnen  a;  =  a.  ,,  —7— 77-r. 

c'^(a;)  -  ^4)(fl)  "  <^(a)+  <^  (a) 

It  may  be  observed  that  each  of  these  examples  can  be  exhibited  in  the  form 
00  -  00  ,  that  is,  as  the  difference  of  two  functions  each  of  which  becomes  in- 
finite for  the  particular  value  of  a;  in  question. 

91.  Form  o  x  cxs. — The  expression /(a?)  x  <^{x)  becomes 
indeterminate  for  any  value  of  x  which  makes  one  of  its  fac- 
tors zero  and  the  other  infinite.     The  function  in  this  case  is 

easily  reducible  to  the  form  - ;  for  suppose /(a)  =  o,  and  0  (a) 
=  00,  tlien  the  expression  can  be  written  — ^,  which  is  of  the 

required  form. 


I.  Find  the  value  of  (i  —  z)  tan  —  when  a?  =  i. 

1  —  z  2 

This  expression  becomes  — ,  the  true  value  of  which  is  -  when  a;  =  i. 

cot  — 



Sec  z  (  a:  sin  a; J , 

when  a;  =  -, 


xemz  — 


bis  becomes 


a  form 

already  discussed. 


cos  X      ' 


Tan  {z  -  a) 


when  z  =  a. 

Ans.  o. 

4.  Cosec'^jSa; .  log  (cos  ax),  „    x  =  o. 

Method  of  the  Differential  Calculus.  103 

becomes  indeterminate  for  the  value  x  =  a/ii 

92.  Form  ^.     As  stated  before,  the  Jraction  '  ^73  also 

f{a)  =  00,  and  (^(os)  =00 

in  the  shape 

It  can,  however,  be  reduced  to  the  form  -  by  writing  it 



The  true  value  of  the  latter  fraction,  by  Art.  90,  is  that  of 

{0W)'  ^^m\fW 
fix)  'VwUwr 

Now,  suppose  A  represents  the  limiting  value  of  -j-^s^ 

when  x  =  ttf  then  we  have 

f{a)  <l>{a) 

that  is,  the  true  value  of  the  indeterminate  form  ^  is  found 

in  the  same  manner  as  that  of  the  form  -. 


In  the  preceding  demonstration,  in  dividing  both  sides  of 
our  equation  by  -4,  we  have  assumed  that  A  is  neither  zero 
nor  infinity  ;  so  that  the  proof  would  fail  in  either  of  these 

It  can,  however,  be  completed  as  follows  : — 

Suppose  the  real  limit  of  -7-(  to  be  zero,  then  that  of 

,  .         is  kj  where  k  may  be  any  constant ;  but  as  the 


I04  Indeterminate  Forms. 

latter  fraction  has  a  finite  limit,  its  value  by  the  preceding 
method  is 

therefore  '  ,,  {  =  o ;  i.  e.  when  A  is  zero,  '-7,-^  is  also  zero,  and 

vice  versa. 

Similarly,  if  the  true  value  of  ~j-\  ^®  infinity  when  x  =  a, 

then  jj4-  is  really  zero ;  we  have,  therefore,  777^  =  o,  by  what 

■p  ( n\ 

has  been  lust  established ;  /♦'  ,,  ;  =  cxs. 

Accordingly,  in  all  cases  the  value  of  '-77-f  *   determines 

that  of  -)-{  for  either  of  the  indeterminate  forms  -  or  ^. 
<l>{a)  o       °° 

*  On  referring  to  Art.  69,  the  student  will  observe  that  "^7-^  is  of  the  form 


^  whenever   -j4  =  ^,  so  that  the  process  given  above  would  not  seem  to  assist 

us  towards  determining  the  true  value  of  the  fraction  in  this  case ;  however,  we 
generally  find  a  common  factor,  or  else  some  simple  transformation,  by  which 

we  are  enabled  to  exhibit  our  expression,  after  differentiation,  in  the  form  -. 


For  example  is  of  the  form  -^^—  when  jc  =-:    here  /'(«) 


=  aed^x,  <i>'{x)  =  — ^,  and  the  fraction  "^^y-^  is  still  of  the  form  — ,  but  it  can 
a-  _  5  ^  \^) 




be  transformed  into  ■'     ,  ,  which  is  of  the  form  - :  the  true  value  of  the  latter 
cos^a;  o 

fraction  can  be  easily  shown  to  be  —  00  when  x  =  -. 

In  some  instances  an  expression  becomes  indeterminate  from  an  infinite  value 

of  X.    The  student  can  easily  see,  on  substituting  -  for  x,  that  our  rules  apply 


equally  to  this  case. 

Indeterminate  Expressions  of  the  Form  \f{ic))^^').      105 

93.    Indeterminate    expressions^  of   the     Form 

(/(^)j*(*).  Let  u  =  {/(^))*(^),  then  log  u  =  <p{x)  logf(x). 
This  latter  product  is  indeterminate  whenever  one  of  its  fac- 
tors becomes  zero  and  the  other  infinite  for  the  same  value 
of  X. 

(i.)  Let  ^(aj)  =  o,  and  log  [f{x)]  =  ±  00 ;  the  latter  re- 
quires either /(a?)  =co,orf{x)=o. 

Hence,  {/{x)]'^^'^^  becomes  indeterminate  when  it  is  of  the 
form  o",  or  oo<'. 

(2.)  Let  (l){x)  =  +  00,  and  log  {/{x)}  =  o,  ot/{x)  =  i ;  this 
gives  the  indeterminate  forms 

I*  and  I"". 

Hence,  the  indeterminate  forms  of  this  class  are 

o^  oo«,  and  i±-. 


I .  (sin  «;)**"«  is  of  the  form  oo,  -when  a;  =  o. 

log  (sin  x) 

The  true  value  of  this  fraction  is  that  of 

cot  a? 

=  -  cos  a;  sin  x,  or  o  when  x  =  o. 

-  cosec^a; 

Hence  the  value  of  (sin  a;)**"  *  =  «o  =  i  at  the  same  time. 

2.  (sin  a;)*""  *,  -vrhen  x  =  -. 

This  is  of  the  form  i  *,  but  its  true  value  is  easily  found  to  be  unity. 

when  a?  =  o. 



Here  log  u 

,    ^  tana;  x^ 

but  ss  r  +  —  +  &c. 

a^  3 

io6  Indeterminate  Fortns. 

,      tan  K     ,       /       aj2  \      a;2 

.*.  log  =  log  f  I  +  —  +  &c.  J  =  —  +  &c. 

Hence,  the  true  value  of  log  « is  -  when  a?  =o;  and,  accordingly,  the  value  of  m 
is  ei  at  the  same  time. 


when  x  =  o, 

log  (i  +  az) 

Let  «  =  -  then  log  u 

z  Z 

.'.  hy  Art.  92,  the  true  value  of  log  u  when  2  =  00  is  that  of ,  or  is  zero. 

Hence,  the  value  of  «  is  r  at  the  same  time. 

5.  «  =  f  I  +  -  J  ,  when  a;  =  00. 

T  A  ^    .-,       1  log(i  +  az) 

Let  «  =  -,  then  log  u  =     ^^      — ^', 

the  true  value  of  which  is  a  when  z  is  zero. 

Hence,  the  true  value  of  w  is  ^ ;  as  also  follows  immediately  from  Art.  29. 

(I\  Una; 


when  a;  =  o.  An$.  i. 

** ,  when  x  =  a,  „  «''. 

94.  Compound  Indeterminate  Forms. — If  an  in- 
determinate form  be  the  product  of  two  or  more  expressions, 
each,  of  which  becomes  indeterminate  for  the  same  value  of  x, 
its  true  value  can  be  determined  bj  considering  the  limiting 
value  of  each  of  the  expressions  separately ;  also  when  the 
value  of  any  indeterminate  form  is  known,  that  of  any  power 
of  it  can  be  determined.  These  are  evident  principles  :  at 
the  same  time  the  student  will  find  them  of  importance  in  the 
evaluation  of  indeterminate  functions  of  complex  form.  We 
will  illustrate  their  use  by  a  few  elementary  applications. 

I.  Find  the  value  of 

x"^  (sin  x)  ta»»  *  (  ^T  ^     )  ,  "When  a;  =  -. 
The  value  of  a;*"  is  ( -  J    ,  and  that  of  (sin  x)  *»»«  is  unity :  see  p.  105. 

Examples.  107 

Again,   *^~  ^  becomes  — -. on  substituting  — *  for  x :  hence  its  true 

'^        2  sin  2a;  2  sin  2Z  2 

value  is  -  when  2  =  0. 


IT  IT*** 

Accordingly,  the  true  value  of  the  proposed  expression  when  «  =  -  is  -^. 
2.  —  when  a?  =  00, 

This  fraction  can  be  written  in  the  form  /  -r-  \  •  The  true  value  of  ~,  by  the 

method  of  Art.  92,  is  that  of  — ^ ;  but  the  value  of  the  latter  fraction  is  zero 


when  a;  =  00 ;  hence  the  true  value  of  the  proposed  fraction  is  also  zero  at  the 
same  time. 

3.  u  =  x»  (log  a;)»»,  when  x  =  o,  and  m  and  n  are  positive. 


Here  t*  =  («"*  log  a;)*»i 

-^  is  of  the  form  ~  when  «  =  O; 

its  true  value  is  that  of 



X    »» 

Hence,  the  true  value  of  the  given  expression  is  zero. 

This  form  is  immediately  reducible  to  the  preceding,  by  assuming  x"  =  rv. 

4.  M  =  —  when  a?  =  00. 


but  if  J  >  I,  and  n  >  m,  J*""*"  =  oo  when  x  =  oo.    Consequently  the  vtJue  of  m  is 

of  the  form  o* ,  or  is  zero  in  this  case. 

Again,  if  w  >  w,  fr^"''"  =  o  when  a;  =  oo,  and  the  true  value  of  u  is  oo. 

lo8  indeterminate  Fortns, 

a  *     . 

5.  «  =  — -  wnen  a;  =  o. 

Let  aj  =  -,  and  this  fraction  is  immediately  reducible  to  the  form  discussed  in 


the  previous  Example. 

(i  -  cos  ir)»{log (I +«;))♦»      ,  .        i 

6.  ^ '    ^  ^ ^^ ,  when  x  =  o.  Ant.  — . 

7.  «  = ,  when  x  =  0. 

From  Art.  29,  this  is  of  the  form  - ;  to  find  its  true  yalue,  proceed  by  the 

method  of  Art.  90,  and  it  becomes 

('  +  ^^  1 ^(Tm — J- 

Again,  substituting  for  (i  +  «)*  its  limiting  value  «,  we  get 
fa;-(i  +a;)log(i+a;))^ 

the  true  value  of  which  is  readily  found  to  be  —  when  x  =  o.  Compare  Ex,  29, 

p.  94. 

I  m*  -  I  I  C«  sin  a;  -  sin  ax) » 

8.  — <  -; :  >  ,  when  x^o, 

I   sm  a;    I  (x(co8a;- cosaa;)) 

w*  —  I 

The  true  value  of  — : ,  when  a;  =  o,  is  log  m ; 

sma;  7        o     » 

a  sin  a;  —  sin  aa;      , 

and  that  of  -. r,  whena^so, 

a;(cosa;-cosaa;)  ^ 

has  been  found  in  Example  6,  Art  89,  to  be  - ;  hence  the  true  value  of  the  given 


expression  when  x  =  o,  is  ( -  j    log  m. 


«+  I     ' 


-  a:2)i  +  (a 




-  x^)\  +  (« 



rri  tan  » 



^8ma:_  ^j 








a;2  -f.  2  COS  a;  - 





f  a;  +  sin  2a;  - 



+  cos  a;  - 

5  cos- 

Examples.  log 


»=  - 

sin  a;  +  cos  «  ir 

x=  -. 

»  =  o. 

«  =  o. 


(sin  waj\  «•» 
— )• 

cos  xd  -  cos  «0 
^*        (a;2-w2)r    * 

\/ a  +  a;  —  ^/2x 

4-     y  7^ 

-v/  a  +  3a;  -  2-/  {» 


„    tana: -sin*  I 

8.    r-s 1  iCssO. 


I  + 

aV  l 

a;  =  - .  a  log  a. 

a?  =  c,  o. 


no  Examples, 

v/2  + co8  2a;- sina;  ,  »       ^       "v/io 

15.  : ,  when  oj  = -.    Ans.  , 

a;  sin  2a;  +  as  cos  X  2  3-ir 

-    x<*  sin  na  —  w«  sin  xa 

16. ,  X  =  n. 

tan  na  -  tan  a;a 

n<^^  («  cos  Ma  -  sin  na)  co&hia. 


x^          tan  na:  -  M  tan  a; 

I  —  cos  mx  '  n  sin  x  —  sin  nx  ' 


(2  sin  a?  -  sin  2x)^ 

(sec a:  -cos 2a;) 3  ' 

x  =  o. 



[9.   a;^'*,  a:  =  I. 

-»'(y)}-2(/)(x)  +  2»(y) 

(a:-y)»  "  '    ^-«'-  6 

,n  (^  -  y){<ft'(^)  +  <P'{y)}  -  2(p{x)  +  2»(y)  «^'"(y) 

a;log(i  +  a;) 

22.   X  .  e''.  a?  =  o. 

23.   , ; r,  X  =  0. 

•*    log(n-a;)' 

ira;  —  I 

log  (tan  2x) 
•^     log  (tan  x) 

-    e*  +  log(i  -a;)  -  I      .  i 

26.  2J i a;  =  o.  -   -. 

tana;  -  x  2 

2»»  ,*/t     ^  I  +  m 

27.  7 ,  tan-i  Y  I  -m  ^^g  ^  _    ^os  A,    w  =  i. 

cos  3<^ 


log(i+a;  +  a;2)+log(i-a;  +  a;') 

25. — — -«  a?  =  O.  It 

sec  a;  —  cos  a; 


"•  ( ^ ) 

aiUi  .  ,  ,  On* 

Examples,  1 1 1 

'log  x\x 

/log  x\x 



33.  a;2  f  I  +  -  j    -  «2r3  log  / 1   +      j  , 
I  -a;  +  loga; 

I  -  a;  +  log  a;' 

cos X  -  log  (r  +a;)  +sma;  -  i 

e"  +  sm  a;  -  I 
^  •      log{i+a;)^* 

e*  —  e"*  —  2a; 
^^'  "tan  a;  -  iP~» 

d    lax^  +  5a;  +  c\ 
fi?a;  \     aia;  +  ^»i    /  ' 

a  —  X 


when  a?  =  00.     ^«*.  i. 

i  *a; 

(I  +  a;)*-e  +- 
^         '  2  we 

? »  '=°-       ^- 

sin  a;  -  log  (^*  cos  a;)  i 

34-  / ,» 

I  -  V  2a;  -  a;- 

x^  —  X 
35.    ^ ,  a?  =  I. 

^^    I  -  a;  +  log  x' 




41.  y -„  ^  *  =  «•  -I. 

a  —  \/  2«a;  —  a;* 

tan  (a  +  a;)  -  tan  («  -  a;)  i  +  a' 

42. ^^ ^ — ~  a;  =  o.  . 

tan-i  («  +  a;)  -  tan"^  (a  —  xy  coa^a 

a;^  —  30?  4-  2 

1 1 2  Examples. 

44.  (sina;)"»»,  when  a;  =  o.        Ans,  i, 

45.  (seca;)»»»ec«,  x  =  o.  i. 

tar. »  ^  ^ 

46.  (sin  a;)       ,  as  =  -.  i« 

47.  Find  the  value  of 

{x  -i/)a»  +  (y  -  a)  a?"  +  (g  -  a?)y**  w 

{x  -  y)  {t/ -  a)  {a  -  x)  »                              1.2^ 
when  X  =  y  =  a. 

Substitute  a+  h  for  a;,  and  a  +  k  for  y,  and  after  some  easy  transformations  we 
get  the  answer,  on  making  h=  o,  and  k  =  o. 

X  +  tan  X  —  tan  2x  ^7 

4S.  ,  z-  cs        Am.  -^, 

a:  +  sin  a;  —  sin  zx  —  7 

40.  — ^ ,  x=-o.                — . 

^    2a;  +  tan  a;  -  tan  3a;'  52 


\/^  -  s/a  +  \/a;  -  a 

2    .  I  ^ 

a; sin  a;  —  tan  x 

5.-  ^      .     ^         ■ 


»  -  o. 

v/a;2-a2  -v/za 

-  I 


(     113     ) 



95.  Partial  Differentiation. — In  the  preceding  chap- 
ters we  have  regarded  the  functions  under  consideration  as 
depending  on  one  variable  solely ;  thus,  such  expressions  as 

e***,  sin  hx,  x^,  &c., 

have  been  treated  as  functions  oi  x  only ;  the  quantities 
a,  b,  m,  .  ,  .  being  regarded  as  constants.  We  may,  however, 
conceive  these  quantities  as  also  capable  of  change,  and  as 
receiving  small  increments  ;  then,  if  we  regard  x  as  constant, 
we  can,  by  the  methods  already  established,  find  the  differen- 
tial coefficients  of  these  expressions  with  regard  to  the  quan- 
tities, a,  b,  m,  &c.,  considered  as  variable. 

In  this  point  of  view,  e"*  is  regarded  as  a  function  of  a  as 
well  as  of  X,  and  its  differential  coefficient  with  regard  to  a 

is  represented  by  -^-,  or  x  e""^  i-^  Art.  30 ;  in  the  derivation 

of  which  X  is  regarded  as  a  cons^iant. 

In  like  manner,  sin  {ax  +  by)  may  be  considered  as  a 

function  of  the  four  quantities,  c,  y,  a,  b,  and  we  can  find  its 

differential  coefficient  with  respect  to  any  one  of  them,  the 

others  being  regarded  as  constants.   Let  these  derived  functions 

be  denoted  by 

du     du      du     du 

Tx     'dkf    la'     dh' 

respectively,  where  u  stands  for  the  expression  under  con- 
eideration,  and  we  have 

du  ,         .  .      du     .         ,         ,  . 

—  =  «  cos  (ax  +  by)^     —  =  b  cos  (ax  +  by), 

du  .         .  .      du  /         I  \ 

Y  =  ^  Gos  (ax+  by),     —  =  y  cos  (ax  +  by). 

114  Partial  Differentiation. 

These  expressions   are   called  the  partial  differential  coef- 
ficients of  u  with  respect  to  x,  y,  a,  b,  respectively. 
More  generally,  if 

denotes  a  function  of  three  variables,  x,  p,  z,  its  differential 
coefficient,  when  x  alone  is  supposed  to  change,  is  called  the 
partial  differential  coefficient  of  tlie  function  with  respect  to  x; 
and  similarly  for  the  other  variables  y  and  s.  If  the  function 
be  represented  by  u,  its  partial  differential  coefficients  are 
denoted  by 

du     du     du 
^'     di/'     dz' 

and  from  the  preceding  it  follows  that  the  partial  derived 
functions  of  any  expression  are  formed  by  the  same  rules  as 
the  derived  functions  in  the  case  of  a  single  variable. 


I.  M    =    (aa?2  4.  byi  J.  C22)«. 

Here  -y  =  2««a;  (ax^  +  hy^  +  cz')«-^, 



■■  2nby  {ax^  +  hy^  +  C2*)»-^ 


:  2nez  {ax^  +  hy^  +  e^Y'K 

u  = 

.      ,  X 




du            -X 



T^-i     dy     y^^- 


u  = 


dn            ,         du 



u  =  xi(p  {xy). 
—  =  2X<p  {xy)  +  x'^y<f>  {xy). 

Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Two  Variables,         115 

96.  DiflTerentiation  of  a  Function^  of  Two  Vari- 
ables.— Let  u-  (jt  {x,y),  and  suppose  x  and  y  to  receive  the 
increments  h,  k,  respectively,  and  let  Aw  denote  the  corre- 
sponding increment  of  w,  then 

Aw  =  0  (x  +  h,  p  ■{  k)  -  (p  {x,  y) 

=-<!>  {x+  h,y  +  k)  -~  (ji  {x,y  +  k)+(j>{x,y  +  k)-^{Xfy) 
(f)  {x  +  h,y  +  k)  -(f>  (x,y  +  k)        (p  {x,  y  +  k)  -  (j)  {x,  y)  ^ 
h  k 

If  now  h  and  k  be  supposed  to  become  infinitely  small, 
by  Art.  6  we  have 

<fi  (x  +  hf  y  +  k)  -  (j)  (x,y  -^  k)  _  d  ,  (ft  {x,  y+  k) 
h  ^  * 

and    0  (^>  y  +  ^^)  -  0  (^^  y)_^  d '  ^  (^>  y)^ 

k  dy 

In  the  limit,  when  k  is  infinitely  small,  (jt  {x,  y  +  k) 
becomes  0  (a?,  y),  and 

.    li±%JLli^  becomes  ^4^; 
cfa;  dx 

hence  we  get-  neglecting  infinitely  small  quantit^^  of  the  second 


dr  ^     du  , 
du  ^  -—  h  ^  -T-  ki 
djf       dy 

where  h  and  k  are  infinitely  small. 

If  dXf   dy,  be   substituted  for  h  and  k,  the  preceding 


-       dii  .       du  _  ,  . 

du  =  -r  dx  +  -—  du.  (i) 

dx  dy    ^  ^  ^ 

In  this  equation  du  is  called  the  total  differential  of  w, 
where  both  x  and  y  are  supposed  to  vary. 

The  student  should  carefully  observe  the  different  mean- 
ings given  to  the  infinitely  small  quantity  du  in  this  equation. 

Thus,  in  the  expression  —  dx,  du  stands  for  the  infinitely 


I  2 

ii6  Partial  Differentiation, 

small  change  in  u  arising  from  the  increment  dxmcc,y  being 

regarded  as  constant.     Similarly,  in  —  dy,  du  stands  for  the 

infinitely  small  change  arising  from  the  increment  dymy,x 
being  regarded  as  constant.  If  these  partial  increments  be 
represented  by  dxU,  dyU,  the  preceding  result  may  be  written 
in  the  form  ' 

du  =  dxU  +  dyU. 

That  is,  the  total  increment  in  a  function  of  two  variables  is 
found  by  adding  its  partial  increments,  arising  from  the 
differentials  of  each  of  the  variables  taken  separately. 


I .  Let  a;  =  r  COS  0,  in  which  r  and  d  are  considered  variables,  to  find  the 

total  differential  of  x. 

(Ix  dx 

Here  ■—  =  cos  0,    — -  =  -  r  sin  9* 

dr  '    de 

Hence  dz  =  cos  0  rfr  -  r  sin  0  d6. 

Here  ^  =  ^,    ^t  =.%. 

dx       «»'    dy      ^* 


(-  I .     Let  -  =  2,  then  m  =  f  («), 
yj  y      '         .     Tv/» 


du      du  dz 

dx       dzdx  ~        y      ' 

_      ,/?\ 
du      du  dz  _  \y) 

dy      dz  dy~        y'-        * 
ydx  —  xdy 

^«  =  ^'(?) 


Again,  multiplying  the  former  of  the  two  preceding  equations  by  x,  and  the 
latter  by  y,  and  adding,  we  get 

du        du 

dx        dy 

Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Three  or  more  Variables.    1 1 7 

97.  Differ entiation  of  a  Functioji  of  Three  or 
more  ITariables. — Suppose 

u  =  (f,  {x,  y,  s), 

and  let  h,  k,  I  represent  infinitely  small  increments  in  x,  y,  z, 
respectively;  then 

Au  =  (l>(x  +  h,t/  +  kjZ  +  I)  -(l>{x,y,z) 

^(l)  {x  +  h,  y  +  k,  z  +  I)  -  ((>  (x,  y  +  Ic,  z  +  I) , 


^{x,y  +  k,z+l)-<f){x,y,z+l)j^    (^{x,y,z+l)-(l>{x,y,z)  ^ 
+  ^  k+  ^  /, 

wHch  becomes  in  tkv  limit,  ^y  the  same  argument  as  before, 
when  dXj  dy,  dz,  are  substituted  for  h,  k,  I, 

du  ^       du  ^       du  ^  ,  . 

du  =  —  dx  +  —  dy  +  -r  dz.  (z) 

dx  dy  dz 

Or,  the  infinitely  small  increment  in  u  is  the  sum  of  its 
infinitely  small  increments  arising  from  the  variation  of  each 
variable  considered  separately. 

A  similar  process  of  reasoning  can  be  easily  extended  to 
a  function  of  any  number  of  variables ;  hence,  in  general,  if 
w  be  a  function  of  n  variables,  a?!,  a?2,  iCs,  .  .  .  a?«, 

du    ^        du    ^  dv    ^  /  . 

az*  =  -T-  aa?i  +  —  cwrg  +  . . .  +  -t—  dxn,  (3) 

(a/X\  aXi  uXn 

98.  If 

u  =/(^,  w), 

where  v,  w,  are  both  functions  of  x ;  then,  from  Art.  96,  it  is 
easily  seen  that 

du  _  df{v,  w)  dv     df{v,  tv)  dw 
dx  dv      dx         dw      dx' 

This  result  is  usually  written  in  the  form 

du     du  dv      du  dw  ,  . 

dx      dv  dx     dw  dx' 
In  general,  if 

1 1 8  Partial  Differentiation, 

'Sphere  yi,  2/2,  ..  .  y«>  are  eacli  functions  of  ir,  we  have 

du      du  dxfY      du  dy^  du  dyn  .  . 

dx     dyi  dx      dy-i  dx     '  '  '     dyn  dx' 

Also,  if  yi,  yzf  &o.,  y„,  be  at  the  same  time  functions  of 
another  variable  s,  we  have 

du      du  dyx      du  dy^      p         du  dy^ 

—  +   -; 1-  OCC.  +  -T— 

d%     dxjx  dz      dy%  dz  '     dyn  dz ' 

and  so  on. 


r.  Let  u^  (p{X,  F), 

where  X  =  ax  +  by,        T  =  a'x  +  J'y ; 

,  du  _   du  dX      du  dY 

®°  dx~  dXlx^dflx* 

du  __  du  dX      du^  dY ^ 
dy~  dXly  ^  dY  dy* 

,    ^  dX  dX       .     dY        ,     dY       ., 

but  __  =  <»     — -  =  J,    -—  =  a ,    — -  =  6 » 

dx  dy  dx  dy 


''    Ty 

=  J. 









2.  More  generally,  let 

where  Z  =  aa;  +  iy  +  ca, 

r  =  a'a?  +  Vy  +  e\ 

When  these  substitutions  axe  made,  u  becomes  a  function  of  «,  y,  z,  and  we 


du         du        ,du       ,,du 

^  =  *^  +  ''^'^'^  ^' 
du       .du         du  du 

Tr^dx^  df^  ^' 

du  du        ,du        „du 

Tz^-'dX-^'df^'  dz' 

Differentiation  of  a  Function  of  Differences, 


98*.  DiflTerentiation  of  a  Function  of  Diflfe- 
rences. — If  w  be  a  function  of  the  differences  of  the  vari- 
ables, a,  j3,  7  :  to  prove  that 

du     du      du 
da      dp      dy 

Let  a-/3  =  ir,  j3-7  =  y,  7-a  =  s;  then,  w  is  a  function 
of  Xy  y,  z\  and,  accordingly,  we  may  write 


u  =  (i>(x,  y,  2). 

du  _  du  dx     du  dy     du  d%      du     du 
da      dxda      dy  dn      dzda      dx      dz 

du  du  vuu 

dj3  dy  w;' 

du  du  du 

da  dfi  dy 

du  _  du 
dy      dz 


This  result  admits  of  obvious  extension  to  a  function  of 
the  differences  of  any  number  of  variables. 


I.  If 

dA      dA 


dA      dA      dA      dA  _ 
da""  Is'^ 'Jy'' IE  ~  ^ 




















=  0. 

































,  prove  that 



120  Partial  Differentiation. 


99.  Definition  of  an  Implicit  Function. — Suppose 
that  y,  instead  of  being  given  explicitly  as  a  function  of  x,  is 
determined  by  an  equation  of  the  form 

/(^,  y)  =  o, 

then  y  is  said  to  be  an  implicit  function  of  x ;  for  its  value,  or 
values,  are  given  implicitly  when  that  of  x  is  known. 

100.  DifTerentiation   of  an  Implicit  Function. — 

Let  Iz  denote  the  increment  of  y  corresponding  to  the  incre- 
ment h  in  X,  and  denote /(^,  y)  by  u. 

Then,  since  the  equation  f[x^  ?/)  =  o  is  supposed  to  hold 
for  all  values  of  x  and  the  corresponding  values  of  y,  we 
must  have 

f{x  ■vh,y-¥k)=  o. 

Hence  du  =  O)  and  accordingly,  by  Art.  96,  we  have, 
when  h  and  k  are  infinitely  small, 

du  ^     du  ^ 
ax        dy 


hence  m  the  limit  h^  IT  ^'IT  ^^ 


This  result  enables  us  to  detc^iine  the  differential 
coefficient  of  y  with  respect  to  x  whenever  the  form  of  the 
equation /(a;,  y)  =  oib,  given. 

In  the  case  of  implicit  functions  we  may  regard  x  as 
being  a  function  of  «/,  or  3/  a  function  of  x,  whichever  we 
please — in  the  foimer  case  y  is  treated  as  the  indejyendent 
variable,  and,  in  the  latter,  x  :  when  y  is  taken  as  the  inde- 
pendent variable,  we  have 


dx        dy  I 

dy        du  dy 

dx  dx 

This  is  the  extension  of  the  result  given  in  Art.  20,  and 
might  have  been  established  in  a  similar  manner. 

Differentiation  of  an  Implicit  Function.  1 2 1 


I.  If  »3  +  y'  -  Zaxy  =  e,  to  find  — , 



iS^tf  Art.  38. 
2.  If 

dy      x^- 

dx       ax  —  y^ 

«»»     g>^       '  dx 

du       mx^'^      du       my^'^  ^     ^    dy  fx\**~^fby 

dx  a^   *     dy  b^    *    '  '  dx 

^y  loi.  If  w  =  0  (iT,  I/),  where  x  and  2/  axe  connected  by  the 
equation  f(x,  y)  =  o,  to  find  the  total  differential  of  u  with 
respect  to  a? ;  2/  being  regarded  as  a  function  of  x. 
Here,  by  Art.  90,  we  "get 


du     d<^     dtp  dy 
dx     dx      dy  dx 

dx     dy  dx 


Hence,  eliminating  —-,  we  get 

d^d£     df^d^ 
du  _  dx  dy     dx  dy  /-\ 

dx  df 



Partial  Differentiation, 

This  result  can  also  be  written  in  the  following  deter- 
minant form : 

d<lt     dcji 

dx'     dy 

d£     ^ 

dx*    dy 



More  generally,  let  u  =-  ^(r,  y,  s),  where  x^  y^  s,  are  con- 
nected by  two  equations, 

/i(aj,  ^.  z)  =  o,     /,(<r,  y,  s)  =  o ; 

then,  as  in  the  preceding  case,  we  have 

and  also 

du     d(l>     dcf)  dy     dift  dz 
dx      dx      dy  dx     dz  dx* 

dx      dy  dx     dz  dx       * 


dfidy     dfidz  _ 
dy  dx      dz  dx 

=  0. 

Hence,  we  get 

dcj)     d<p      d(f> 
di'    d^'     di 

df:       dA       dA 

dx'     dy'    dz 


dA     dA     df, 
dx'    dy'    dz 


df,         df, 
dy'        dz 

dA         dA 
dy'        dz 

This  result  easily  admit 

s  of  generalizat] 



Enter's  Theorem  of  Homogeneous  Functions,  123 

102.  Euler's    Tbeorem    of  Homogeneous    Func- 
tions.— If 

u^AsxPy^^  Bo^  1/  -f  Co^'  y^"  +  &o., 

p  -^  q  -  p'  ^-  ^  =  p"  ^  f][^  =  &(i.  =  n, 

to  prove  that 

du       du  ,  . 

Here        ^  :r  "  ^^^  y^  "^  -^^^  ^^^'  ^'^'  "^  ^°- » 
y  —  =  ^3'^  %A-^B(i  ^  y'i'  +  &o. ; 

.'.  «^  +  2^ ^  =  ^0  -+  (/)^ 2^^  +  B{p'  ^^aP'y^'  ^-  &c. 

=  w^aj^  y^  +  wjB^jP'  2^*'  +  &c.  =  nu. 

Hence,  if  u  be  any  homogeneous  expression  of  the  w** 
degree  in  x  and  y,  not  involving  fractions,  we  have 

du        du 
dx        dy 

Again,  suppose  u  to  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  a 

fractional  form,  represented  by  —  ;  where  0i,  62,  are  homo- 

geneous  expressions  of  the  n*^  and  m^^  degrees,  respectively, 
in  X  and  y ;  then,  from  the  equation 

we  have 




rf0i     rf^. 


'       W''      ' 


^01           ,     C?02 

1 24  Partial  Differentiation, 

accordingly  we  get 

du   du  H^^^^r^'v^^^i^ 

dx     ^  dy  {<p,Y 

but,  by  the  preceding,     » 

,  du        du     ndii  Q»2  -  m6x  (t>2 

hence  ^zr  +  ^:r=  /^\8 

=  (w  -  w)  —  =  (w  -  m)  w ; 

which  proves  the  theorem  for  homogeneous  expressions  of  a 
fractional  form. 

This  result  admits  of  being  established  in  a  more  general 
manner,  as  follows : 

It  is  easily  seen  that  a  homogeneous  expression  of  the  n^^ 
degree  in  x  and  y,  since  the  sum  of  the  indices  of  x  and  of  y 
in  each  term  is  w,  is  capable  of  being  represented  in  the 
general  form  of 



Accordingly,  let 

u^x-<^\^  =  x-v. 



d^^         „,         „  dv 
—  =  nx''-H  +  a?"  — , 
dx                       dx' 

-  du      ^dv 

and  -rr  =  x^-r-i 

dy        dy 

multiply  the  former  equation  by  x,  and  the  latter  by  3/,  and 
add;  then 

du        du         „         ^f  dv        dv\ 

Euler^s  Theorem  of  Homogeneous  Functions.  125 

but  (by  Ex.  3,  Art.  96), 

dv        dv 

du        du        „ 
hence  a;  —  +  y  —  =  naf'v  =  nuy 

dx        dy 

whicli  proves  the  tbeorem  in  general. 

In  the  case  of  three  variables,  x,  y,  z, 

suppose  u  =  AxP  y^  s**, 

then  we  have 

du       .         ^  ^        du      J     „   „  ^         du      J     „   n  .,■ 
X—  =ApxP y'i z^,     t'-j-  =  Aq x^ y^ z^,     z—  =ArxP y^ z'  ; 

du        du        du       .,  s    „   „  ^      /  N 

,\  X  —  +  y  —  +  z  —  =  A{p  +  q  +  r)  xP y^  z*^  =  (p  +  q  +  r)  u ; 
uiX        dy        uz 

and  the  same  method  of  proof  can  be  extended  to  any  homo- 
geneous function  of  three  or  more  variables. 

Hence,  if  w  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n*^  degree 
in  Xf  y,  z,  we  have 

du        du        du  ,     V 

It  may  be  observed  thai  the  preceding  result  holds  also 
if  n  be  a  fractional  or  nrfgative  number,  as  can  be  easily  seen. 

This  result  can  also  be  proved  in  general,  by  the  same 
method  as  in  the  case  of  two  variables,  from  the  considera- 
tion that  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n^^  degree  in  x,  y,  z 
admits  of  being  written  in  the  general  form 

«  =  ^"^l|^)» 

or  in  the  form 

u  =  x*^  (j)  {Vf  w)y  where  v  =  -,  and  to  =  -. 

X  X 

Proceeding,  as  in  the  former  case,  the  student  can  show, 

126  Partial  Differentiation, 

without  difficulty,  that  we  shall  have 

du       du       du 
X -T-  +  y —-  +  z -T-  =  nu. 
dx        dy        dz 

Another  proof  will  be  found  in  a  subsequent  chapter,  along 
with  the  extension  of  the  theorem  to  differentiations  of  a 
nigher  order. 

Verify  Euler's  Theorem  in  the  following  cases  by  direct  difEerentiation : — 
a;3  4-  «/3  ^^        ^^       cu 

{x  +  yyi  "  dx        dy        2 

a^  +  ax'^y -^  by^  du        du 

'a;*  +  : 

y2     '   "    '^dx 

.    ,  a;2  _  V*  du        du 

3-     "=«'""?T?'   "  ^^^nr"- 

(x^-y^\  du        « 


103.  Theorem. — If  C=  Wo  +  «*i  +  «^  •  •  .  +  W«, 

where  Wo  is  a  constant,  snd  «^i,  Wj,  •  .  •  ««»  are  homogeneous 
functions  of  x,  y,  z,  &c.,  nf  the  ist^  2nd,  .  .  .  n*^'  degrees, 
respectively,  then 

dU       dU       dU  ,    , 

'"^'■^^^'■^''•••"^^^'^^■'^^■'■•••^^'''-      (") 

For,  by  Euler's  Theorem,  we  b^ve 

dUr  dUr  dUr        « 

aj4.^  +2  +&C.=  rWr» 

dx         dy         dz 

since  w^  is  homogeneous  of  the  r*^  degree  in  the  variables. 

Cor.  liU=Oy  then 

dU       dU       dU  ,  »       /    X 

dx         dy         dz 

This  follows  on  subtracting 

we^o  +  w^i  +  .  •  .  +  VlUn  -  o 
from  the  preceding  result. 


Remarks  on  JEuler's  Theorem.  1 2  7 

104.  Remarks  on  Ruler's  Theorem. — In  the  appli- 
cation of  Euler's  Theorem  the  student  should  be  careful  to 
see  that  the  functions  to  which  it  is  applied  are  really 
homogeneous  expressions.     For  instance,  at  first  sight  the 

expression  sin'^  I  -r — ^ )  might  appear  to  be  a  homogene 

function  in  x  and  y ;  but  if  the  function  be  expanded,  it  is 
easily  seen  that  the  terms  thus  obtained  are  of  different 
degrees,  and,  consequently,  Euler's  Theorem  cannot  be 
directly  applied  to  it.     However,  if  the  equation  be  written 

X  -b  i/ 

in  the  form  -r — ^  =  sin  u,  we  have,  by  Euler's  formula, 
d  sin  u        d  sin  u  _  sin  u 


or  cos  w  1  a?  -T-  +  2/ 


du        dii\      sin  u 

dx        dyj         2 

.  du       du     ^m  u     I  X  +  y 

hence  x-=--^  y  -r  ^ = , 

d^        dy         2  ^^/{i^^ylY-{x^■y)'' 

When,  however,  the  degrees  in  th-i  numerator  and  the 
denominator  are  the  same,  the  function  is  of  the  degree  zero, 
and  in  all  such  cases  w^  hs-yfi 

du       <^^ 
dx        dy 

T-i  .      (^  +  y^  X  +  y  — 

For  example,  sm'*  (    ^  _  "^  ^  j,  tan"^ -,  e^,  &c.,  may  be 

treated  as  homogeneous  expressions,  whose  degree  of  homo- 
geneity is  zero.     The  same  remark  applies  to  all  expressions 

which  are  reducible  to  the  form  ^  ( -  ) ;   as  already  shown  in 
Ex.  3,  Art.  96. 

105.  If  X  =  r  COS  6y  y  =  r  sin  0, 

to  prove  that  xdy  -  ydx  =  r^dO.  (13) 

128  Partial  Differentiation, 

In  Ex.  I,  Art.  96,  we  found 

dx  =  cos  Qdr  -  r  sin  QdQ  ; 
similarly  dy  =  mi  ddr  -1-  r  cos  Odd. 

Hence  scdy  =  r  cos  0  sin  Odr  +  r^  cos^  OdO^ 

ydx  =  r  Gos  0  sin  Odr  -  r'^  s\v^  OdO ; 
.'.  xdy  -  ydx  =  r^  dO. 

106.  If  X  and  y  have  the  same  values  as  in  the  last,  to 
prove  that 

{dxY  +  {dyY  =  {dry  +  r'  {dO)\  (14) 

Square  and  **,dd  the  expressions  for  dx,  dy,  found  above, 
and  the  required  result  follows  immediately. 

The  two  preceding  formulae  are  of  importance  in  the 
theory  of  plane  curves,  and  admit  of  being  easily  established 
from  geometrical  considerations. 

107.  If        u=  ax^  +  hy"^  +  cz^  +  zfyz  +  igzx  +  ihxy, 

to  find  the  condition  among  the  constants  that  the  same  values  of 
X,  y,  z  should  satisfy  the  three  equations 



dy       ' 


Here                —  =  2ax  +  2%  +  2gz  -  0, 

—  =  zhx^  2hy  +  2/s  =  0, 


—  =  2gx  +  2fy  +  2CZ  =  0. 

Hence,  eliminating  x,  y,  z  between  these 
the  required  condition  is 

abc  -  af  -  Ig""  -  ch^  +  2fgh  =  0; 

or,  in  the  determinant  form. 

a       h       g 

h       h      f 

=  0. 

g     f      c 

Remarks  on  Eulcr^s  Theorem.  129 

The  preceding  determinant  is  called  the  (Mscviminant  of  the 
quadratic  expression,  and  is  an  invariant  of  the  function ;  it 
also  expresses  the  condition  that  the  conic  represented  by 
the  equation  u  =  o  should  break  up  into  two  right  lines. 
(Sahnon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  76.) 

The  foregoing  result  can  be  verified  easily  from  the  latter 
point  of  view ;  for,  suppose  the  quadratic  expression,  u,  to  be 
the  product  of  two  linear  factors,  X  and  Y ; 

or  w  =  XY, 

where  X  =  Ix  +  my  +  nz,      Y  =  Vx  -1-  m'y  +  n'%  ; 

.,  du      ^dY     ^dX      .,^     -„ 

then  —  =  X-r-  +  Y  ^r  =  l^  +  ^Y, 

dx  dx  dx 

du  ^dY  -^dX  ,^  ^ 
-r=X-r  +  F-—  =  m'X  +  mY, 
dy  dy  dy 

du  dY  ^.dX  ,^  ^ 
—  =X— -  +Y  -r  =  nX  +  nY. 
dz  dz  dz 

Here  the  expressions  at  the  right-hand  side  become  zero  for 
the  values  of  x,  y,  s,  which  satisfy  the  equations  X  =  o,  1^=  o, 

or  Ix  +  my  +  nz  =  o,         l^x  +  ?ny  +  nz  =  o. 

Hence  in  this  case  the  equations 

du  du  du  _ 

dx        ^     dy       '     dz 

are  also  satisfied  simultaneously  by  the  same  values. 

We  shall  next  proceed  to  illustrate  the  principles  of 
partial  differentiation  by  applying  them  to  a  few  elementary 
questions  in  plane  and  spherical  triangles.  In  such  cases  we 
may  regard  any  three*  of  the  parts,  «,  6,  c,  A^  B,  (7,  as  being 

*  The  case  of  the  three  angles  of  a  plane  triangle  is  excepted,  as  they  are 
ft^uivalent  to  only  two  independent  data. 


1 30  Partial  Differentiation, 

independent  variables,  and  each  of  the  others  as  a  function  of 
the  three  so  chosen. 

108.  Equation  connecting  the  Yariatious  of  the 
three  iSides  and  one  Angle. — If  two  sides,  a^  b,  and  the 
contained  angle,  C,  in  a  plane  triangle,  receive  indefinitely 
small  increments,  to  find  the  corresponding  increment  in  the 
third  side  c,  we  have 

c^  =  a^  +  b"^  -  2ab  cos  (7; 

.*.  cdo  =  {a  -  b  cos  C)  da  +  (b  -  a  cos  C)  db  +  ab  sin  CdC\ 

but      «  =  ^  cos  (7  +  c  cos  ^,      h  =  a  Qo^  C  +  c  cos  A. 

Hence,  dividing  by  c,  and  substituting  c  sin  B  for  b  sin  C, 
we  get 

dc  =  cos  Bda  +  qo^  Adb  -v  a  sin  B  dC.  (15) 

Otherwise  thus,  geometrically. 

By  equation  (2),  Art.  97,  we  have 

dc  dc    „       dc   ^^ 

dc  =  -r  da  +  -r:  db  +  —^  dC, 
da  db  dC 

Now,  in  the  determination  of  -—  we  must  regard  b  and  C  as 

da  ° 

constants ;   accordingly,  let  us  sup- 
pose the  side  CB,  or  «,  to  receive  a 
small  increment,  BB^  or  A  a,  as  in 
the  figure.   Join  AB^^  and  draw  B'D 
perpendicular  to  AB^  produced  if 
necessary;    then,  by  Art.  37,  AB^     -Op^ 
=  AB  when  BB'  is  infinitely  small,      y~ 
neglecting   infinitely  small   quanti- 
ties of  the  second  order.  _. 
Hence                                                               ^'^-  '' 

Ac  =  AB'  -AB^AD-AB  =  BD; 
dc      ..    ..     .Ac      BD  p 

.•.  -r-    =    limit  01  =    -— =r7  =  COS  B, 

da  An      BB 

Examples  in  Plane  Trigonometry,  131 

Similarly,  —  =  cos  -4 ;  which  results  agree  with  those  arrived 


at  before  by  differentiation. 

Again,  to  find  -r^.    Suppose  the  angle  C  to  receive  a 

small  increment  A  (7,  represented  by 

BCB^  in  the   accompanying  figure; 

take  CB'  =  CB,  join  A&,  and  draw 

BB  perpendicular  to  AB^. 


Ac  =  -4^  -  ^5  =  B^D  (in  the  limit) 

=  BF  cos  AB^B  =  BF  sin  ^^^(q.p.).  Fig.  5. 

Also,  in  the  limit,  BB'  ----  BG  sin  BCB^  -- a  b.G, 

Hence  -r-^  =  limiting  value  of  — ^  =  «  sin  5 ; 

the  same  result  as  that  arrived  at  by  differentiation. 

In  the  investigation  in  Eig.  5  it  has  been  assumed  that 

AB  -  AT)  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  BB ;  or  that 

AB  -  AD 
the  fraction  ^yr —  vanishes  in  the  limit.     For  the  proof 

of  this  the  student  is  referred  to  Art.  37. 

When  the  base  of  a  plane  triangle  is  calculated  from  the 

observed  lengths  of  its  sides  and  the  magnitude  of  its  vertical 

angle,  the  result  in  (15)  shows  how  the  error  in  the  computed 

value  of  the  base  can  be  approximately  found  in  terms  of  the 

small  errors  in  observation  of  the  sides  and  of  the  contained 


1 00.  To   find  -r-.  wben  a  and   0   are    considered 


Constant. — In  the  preceding  figure,  BAB^  represents  the 
change  in  the  angle  A  arising  from  the  change  A  (7  in  (7; 
moreover,  as  the  angle  A  is  diminished  in  this  case,  we  must 
denote  BAB^  by  -  A^,  and  we  have 

^^      ABAA         ABAA       c^A 
sin  AB'B         cos  B         cosB' 
K  2 

132  Partial  Differentiation, 

Also,  BB  =a^C', 

c?^      A-^4  ^  ^  a  cos  ^  ^     ' 

This  result  admits  of  another  easy  proof  by  differentiation. 

For  «  sin  jB  =  5  sin  ^  ; 

hence,  when  a  and  h  are  constants,  we  have 

a  Qo^  B  dB  =  h  cos  A  dA  ; 

also,  since  ^  +  J?  +  (7  =  tt,  we  have 

dA  +  dB  +  dC=  o. 

Substitute  for  c?^  in  the  former  its  value  deduced  from  the 
latter  equation,  and  we  get 

(a  cosB  +  b  cos  A)  dA  =  -  a  cos  B dC; 

or  c  dA  =  -  a  Gos  B  dO,  as  before. 

no.  Equation  connecting  the  Variations  of  tivo 
Slides  and  the  opposite  Angles. — In  general,  if  we  take 
the  logarithmic  differential  of  the  equation 

a  sm  B  =  b  sin.  A, 

regarding  a,  b,  A,  B,  as  variables,  we  get 

da  .      dB       db       dA 

a      tan  B      b      tan  A 


III.  lianden's  Transformation. — The  result  in  equa- 
tion (16)  admits  of  being  transformed  into 

dA  dC 

aoosB         c   ' 


c  =  va^  +  J^  -  lab  cos  (7,  and  a  cos  B  =  \/a*  -  b^  sin^^; 
hence  we  get 

dA  dO_ 

*/a^  -  ¥  sin  ^A         \/  a^  +  b"^  -  zab  cos  C 

Examples  in  Spherical  Trigonometry,  133- 

If  C  be  denoted  by  180°  -  2^,,  tbe  ag^le  at  A  by  ^,  and 
-  by  h,  the  preceding  equation  becomes 

d6  2d(j)i  idifii 

2  ^*/>i 

(i  +  k)  \/i  -  kx  sin^^i' 



wbere  kx- 

i  +k 

Also,  tbe  equation  a  ^mB  =  h  sin  A  becomes 

sin  (2^1  -  <!>)  =h  sin  ^. 

The  result  just  established  furnishes  a  proof  of  Landen's* 
transformation  in  Elliptic  Functions. 

We  shall  next  investigate  some  analogous  formulae  in 
Spherical  Trigonometry. 

112.  Relation  connecting  the  Variations  of  Tiirec 
Slides  and  One  Angle. — Differentiating  the  well-known 

cos  c  =  cos  «  cos  J  +  sin  a  sin  ft  cos  (7, 
regarding  a  and  h  as  constants,  we  get 
dc      sin  a  sin  h  sin  C 

dO  sin  c 

sm  a  sin  B, 

Again,  the  value  of  — ,  when  h  and  C  are  constants,  can 
cia  , 

be  easily  determined  geometrically  as  follows : — 

*  This  transformation  is  often  attributed  to  Lagrange ;  it  had,  however,  been 
previously  arrived  at  by  Landen.  (See  Philosophical  Transactions,  I'j'ji  and 


Partial  Differentiation. 

In  the  spherical  triangle  ABC,  making  a  construction 
similar  to  that  of  Fig.  4,  Art.  108,  we  have 

BB  =Aa;  .-.  —  =  limit  of  — -  =  -=r^ 
da  Aa     BB 

(in  the  limit)  =  cos  B, 

Similarly,  when  a  and   G  are  con' 

stantSf  —  =cosA. 

Hence,  finally,  ^^-  ^' 

dc  =  cos  Bda  -^  cos  Adh  -^  sin  a  sin  B  dC,  (19) 

This  result  can  also  be  obtained  by  a  process  of  diffe- 
rentiation. This  method  is  left  as  an  exercise  for  the 

As,  in  the  corresponding  case    of  plane  triangles,  we 

have  assumed  that  AB"  =  AD  in  the  limit ;    i.  e.,    that 

AB'  -  AD 

-7— —  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  ^D  in  the 

limit ;  this  assumption  may  be  stated  otherwise,  thus : — 

If  the  angle  ^  of  a  right-angled  spherical  triangle  be 

c  —  b 
very  small,  then  the  ratio  — —   becomes  very  small  at  the 

same  time,  where  c  and  b  have  their  usual  significations. 

This  result  is  easily  established,  for  by  Napier's  rules  we 


tan  b     BID.  b  cos  c 

00s  ^  =  7 = r—. — ; 

tan  c     cos  b  sm  c 

I  -  cos  A  _  sin  c  cos  b  -  oosc  smb  _  sin  {c  -  b)  ^ 

*  *  I  +  cos  ^     sin  c  cos  b  +  coa  c  sin  b     sin  (c  +  b)^ 

sin  {c  -  b)  =  tan^  —  sin  {c  +  b) ;  .-.  -=-^ — j^=  sin  {c  +  b)  tan—. 

tan  — 

But  the  right-hand  side  of  this  equation  becomes  very  small 
along  with  A,  and  consequently  c  -  b  becomes  at  the  same 
time  very  small  in  comparison  with  that  angle. 

Examples  in  Spherical  Tngonometry.  135 

The  formula  ( 1 9)  can  also  be  written  in  the  form 
,^  dc  da  ^h  ,     . 

dC  = ; 5  - 1 5  -     •      7  X         A'  (20) 

sm  a  sm  B     sm  a  tan  B     sm  0  tan  A 

The  corresponding  formulae  for  the  differentials  of  A  and  B 
are  obtained  by  an  interchange  of  letters. 

Again,  from  any  equation  in  Spherical  Trigonometry 
another  can  be  derived  by  aid  of  the  polar  triangle. 

Thus,  by  this  transformation,  formula  (19)  becomes 

dC  =  -  cosb  dA  -  cos  adB  -\-  sin  A  sin  h  dc,  (2 1 ) 

These,  and  the  analogous  formulae,  are  of  importance  in 
Astronomy  in  determining  the  errors  in  a  computed  angular 
distance  arising  from  small  errors  in  observation.  They  also 
enable  us  to  determine  the  most  favourable  positions  for 
making  certain  observations ;  viz.,  those  in  which  small  errors 
in  observation  produce  the  least  error  in  the  required  result. 

113.  Remarks  on  Partial  Differentials. — The  be- 
ginner must  be  careful  to  attach  their  proper  significations  to 

the  expressions  — ,  -7-^,  &c.,  in  eacli  case.     Thus  when  a  and 

0  are  constants^  we  have  -7-^  =  sin  ^  sin  ^ ;  but  when  A  and  a 

are  constants,  we  have  -^yz  = 7^ ;  these  are  quite  different 

dC     tan  (7  ^ 

quantities  represented  by  the  same  expression  — ^. 

The  reason  is,  that  in  the  former  case  we  investigate  the 
ultimate  ratio  of  the  simultaneous  increments  of  a  side  and 
its  opposite  angle,  when  the  other  two  sides  are  considered  as 
constant ;  while  in  the  latter  we  investigate  the  similar  ratio 
when  one  side  and  its  opposite  angle  are  constant. 

Similar  remarks  apply  in  all  cases  of  partial  differentia- 

When  our  f ormulse  are  applied  to  the  case  of  small  errors 
in  the  sides  and  angles  of  a  triangle,  it  is  usual  to  designate 
these  errors  by  Aa,  A&,  Ac,  AA,  AB,  AC;  and  when  these 
expressions  are  substituted  for  da,  db,  &c.,  in  our  formulae, 
they  give  approximate  results. 

136  Partial  Differentiation. 

For  instance  (19)  becomes  in  this  case 

Ac  =  Aa  cos  5  +  A5  cos  ^  +  A(7  sin  «  sin  B  ;  {22) 

and  similarly  in  otlier  cases. 

It  is  easily  seen  that  the  error  arising  in  the  application  of 
these  formulae  to  such  cases  is  a  small  quantity  of  the  second 
order ;  that  is,  it  involves  the  squares  and  products  of  the 
small  quantities  A^,  A^,  Ac,  &c.  This  will  also  appear  more 
fully  from  the  results  arrived  at  in  a  subsequent  chapter. 

1 14.  Theorem. — If  the  base  c,  and  the  vertical  angle  C, 
of  a  spherical  triangle  bo  constant,  formula  (19)  becomes 

da  db 

=  o. 

cos  A     cos  B 

Now,  writing  ^  instead  of  a,  \p  instead  of  b,  and  k  for 

-; — ,  this  equation  becomes 
sm  c 

sin  A     sin  B 

since  k 

sin  a       sin  b 


a/i  -  k^  sm^<l>      a/i  -  F  sin'i// 
where  0  and  \p  are  connected  by  the  following*  relation : — 

cos  c  =  cos  0  cos  1//  +  sin  0  sin  i//  cos  (7, 
or         cos  c  =  cos  0  cos  t/*  +  sin  ^  sin  x^  ^  \  -  k^  sin^  c, 
115.  In  a  ISpherical  Triangle,  to  prove  that 

da  db  dc  ,     , 

1  +  ^  + 7i  =  o>  (24) 

cos  A      cos  -B     cos  (7  ^     ' 

sin  C . 
when  -; is  constant. 

sm  c 

*  This  mode  of  establishing  the  connexion  between  Elliptic  Functions  by 
aid  of  Spheiical  Trigonometry  is  due  to  Lagrange. 

Examjjles  in  Spherical  Trigonometry.  13' 

Let  sin  C  =  Z:  sin  c,  and  we  get 

,^     Z;  cose  ,       sin^  cos'tJ  , 

c?C  = 77  dc=- ^dci 

cos  C  sm  a  cos  C 

substitute  this  value  for  c?(7  in  (19),  and  it  becomes 

.  „  _.  ,       cos  c  sin  ^  sin  .B  , 

dc  =  cos  Ado  +  cos  B  da  + ^ dc ; 

cos  C 


.  ,,  T*  ,       I        COS  c  sm  ^  sm  ^\  . 

or        cos  Ado  -VGOBBda  =  [  i 7; )  dc 

cos  C 

cos^  cos -6  , 
cos  C 

since  sin  A  sin  ^  cos  c  =  cos  (7  +  cos  ^  cos  B. 

_.                          ^<x           c?&  dc 

Hence  r  + :^  + 

cos  ^      cos  B     cos  (7 

Again,  since  cos -4  =  y^i  -  sin^^  =  \/i  -  Ic^  sin^cf,  &c., 
the  preceding  result  may  be  written  in  the  form 

da  dh  dc 

-v/i  -  k^  ^m^a     v^i  -  F  sin'^^      \/i  -  W  sin^a       '  ' 

where  «,  J,  c,  are  connected  by  the  equation 

cos  c  =  cos  fl5  cos  J  +  sin  «  sin  h  v  i  -  F  sin^c. 

116.  Theorem  of  I^egendre. — "We  get  from  (24) 

cos  B  cos  Cda  +  cos  A  cos  (7c?i  +  cos  B  cos  ^c?c  =  o, 

or  (cos  ^  -  sin  ^  sin  C  cos  a)  da  +  (cos  5  -  sin  ^  sin  0  cos  h)  dh 

+  (cos  (7  -  sin  ^  sin  B  cos  c)  cfc  =  o ; 

/.  cos  Ada  +  cos  ^cfJ  +  cos  Cdc 

=  sinB  sin  Cd  (ain  a)  +  sin  A  sin  Cd  (sin  ft)  +  sin  A  sin  5c?  (sin  c) 

=  A'  (sin  6  sin  cd  (sin  cr)  +  sin  a  sin  cc?  (sin  b)  +  sin  a  sin  bd  (sin  c)  j 

=  k'^d  (sin  a  sin  i  sin  c)  ; 

138  Partial  Differentiation. 

or     -v/i  -  F  sin'^  ada-\-  y^i  -  k"^  sin^  hdh  -^^i-k^ sin'^ c  dc 

=  Fc?  (sin  a  sin  5  sin  c).  (26) 

This  furnishes  a  proof  of  Legendre's  formula  for  the  compa- 
rison of  Elliptic  Functions  of  the  second  species. 

The  most  important  application  of  these  results  has  place 
when  one  of  the  angles,  C  suppose,  is  obtuse ;  in  this  case 
cos  0  is  negative,  and  formula  (25)  becomes 

da  dh  dc 

V^i  -  F  sin'' a     v^i  -  F  sin^6     ^/i  -  ¥  sin'^c' 
where  the  relation  connecting  a,  b,  c  is 

cos  c  =  cos  a  cos  J  -  sin  fl  sin  &  ^/l  -  ¥  sin'^c. 
In  like  manner,  equation  (26)  becomes,  in  this  case, 

v/i  -  W  m^a  da  +  y^i  -  F  sin'^ h  dh 

=  yi  -  ¥  sin^ cdc  +  ¥d  (sin  a  sin  h  sin  c). 

117.  If  w  =  ^(a;  +  atf  y  -{■  f5t),  where  a?,  y,  a,  j3,  are  in- 
depeudent  of  t,  and  of  each  other,  to  prove  that 

du        du     ^du  ,     . 

Let  of  =  X  +  at,    y'  =  y  +  fit] 

then  ^  =  ^{^9^)9 

,  dx'  dif  daf  di/ 

Also,  since  /  is  independent  of  x,  we  have 

du     du  dx'  _du         j    ^^     ^^ 
dx     dx' dx       dx'*  dy      d^/' 

_.  du      du  dx      du  dy'        du      ^  du 

Hence         3r  =  3-7-:7r+T^-^  =  «:r  +  PT"- 
dt      dx  dt      dy  dt         dx     '   dy 

Partial  Diferentiation.  139 

In  like  manner,  if  x\  y\  2',  be  substituted  for  a;  +  a^,  y  +  /3^, 
2  +  7^,  in  the  equation  ^ 

w  =  ^  (a;  +  a^,  y  +  (5t,  2  +  7^), 
it  becomes        u  =  (p  {x\  y\  2') ; 

du     du  dx      du  dy'     du  dz  ^ 
^^®^  'd^^l^'d^^'d^d^'^d^'d^' 

dx'         d^  dz' 

but  -7-  =  i>  "3"  =  o?  T~  =  o> 

^    du     du      1     t^^  _  ^^     ^^  _  ^^ 
dx     dx'^  dy     dy'^   dz      dz'' 

.         du  _du  dx'     du  dy'     du  dz' 

^^^'°      'dt"d^'~M^li/~db^'d^'dV 

dx'  d\/  dz' 

T-r  du        du     f^  d'^         du  ,  „. 

This  result  can  be  easily  extended  to  any  number  of  variables. 

140  Examples, 



(x\  fv\  ^^  ^'. 

-  I  +  sin-i  ( -  J ,  prove  that  dii  =      .  +  — 7=d 

If  w  =  a;y<|)  f-j,  »,  *-T-  +  y3-  =  2W. 

; \  y 

dx        dy 

3.  Find  the  conditions  that  «,  a  function  of  a?,  y,  z,  should  he  a  functipn  of 

X  \  y  \  z. 

.        du     du     du 
dx      dy      d* 

4.  If  f{ax  +  *y)  =  tr,  find  ^. 

5.  If /(m)  =  ^(v),  where  m  and  t;  are  each  functions  of  x  and  y,  prove  that 

(fw  dv      dv  du 
dx  dy      dx  dy' 

t.  Find  the  values  oi  x  -z-  ^  y  -r,  when 
dx        dy 

7.  If  w  =  sin  ««  +  sin  iy  +  tan"^  f  -  J ,  prove  that 

zdy  —  ydt 

du  =  a  cos  axdx+  b  cos  Jy  ^y  H r — ^. 

y*  +  «' 

„       x/.  1  n      n^^  3^^  .  du  I  (fW  -  log  X 

8.  If  w  =  logycc,    find  —  and  —.  Ana.  —  =  — ,     —  =  -— — . 

dx         dy  dx     a; logy      dy     y  {log  yy 

Q.  If  0  =  tan-1  -,  prove  that 

(x^  +  y^)  dd  =  ydx  -  xdy. 
10.  If  w  =  y'y  prove  that 

du  =  y*»-^  {xzdy  +  yz  log  ytfa;  +  a;y  log  ydz). 

Examples,  141 

II.  If  a  +  \/a'  -  y^  =ye      «       ,  prove  that         w« 
dy  -y 

dX  ^^2    _    y%' 

12.  In  a  spherical  triangle,  when  o,  h  are  constant,  prove  that 

dA      tan  ^        ,  <?C  sin  G 

-,  and  -—  = 

dB      tan^'  <^i?        sin  ^  cos^ 

13.  In  a  plane  triangle,  if  the  angles  and  sides  receive  small  variations, 
prove  that 

cLB  +  h  cos  -4 AC  =  o ;  a^h  heing  constant, 
cos  CLh  +  cos  Bd^c  =  o ;  a,  .^4  heing  constant, 
tan-4A5  —  bAG;  a,  B  heing  constant. 

14.  The  hase  c  of  a  spherical  triangle  is  measured,  and  the  two  adjacent 
hase  angles  A,  B  are  found  hy  observation.  Suppose  that  small  errors  dA,  dB 
are  committed  in  the  observations  of  A  and  B  ;  show  that  the  corresponding 
error  in  the  computed  value  of  G  is 

-  cos  adB  -  cos  bdA. 

15.  If  the  hase  c  and  the  area  of  a  spherical  triangle  be  given,  prove  that 

a  .     b 

sin'  -dB  +  sin^  -  dA  =  o. 
2  2 

16.  Given  the  base  and  the  vertical  angle  of  a  spherical  triangle,  prove  that 
the  variation  of  the  perpendicular  p  is  connected  with  the  variations  of  the  sides 
by  the  relation 

sin  Gdp  —  sin  i'da  +  sin  sdb^ 

s  and  s'  being  the  segments  into  which  the  perpendicular  divides  the  vertical 

17.  In  a  plane  triangle,  if  the  sides  a,  b  be  constant,  prove  that  the  variations 
of  its  base  angles  are  connected  by  the  eq^uation 

dA  dB 

a/u^  -b^  ain^A      ^Z h^  -  a^  ern^B' 

18.  Prove  the  following  relation  between  the  small  increments  in  two  sides 
and  the  opposite  angles  of  a  spherical  triangle, 









tan  A 

tan  3* 

19.  In  a  right-angled  spherical  triangle,  prove  that,  if  A  be  invariable 
sin  2cdb  =  sin  zbdc  ;  and  if  c  be  invariable,  tan  ada  +  tan  bdb  =  o. 

142  Examples, 

20.  If  a  be  one  of  the  equal  sides  of  an  isosceles  spherical  triangle,  whose 
vertical  angle  is  very  small,  and  represented  by  d<a,  prove  that  the  quantity  by 

which  either  base  angle  falls  short  of  a  right  angle  is  -  cos  a  dot. 

21.  In  a  spherical  triangle,  if  one  angle  C  be  given,  as  well  as  the  sum  of 
the  other  angles,  prove  that 

da         db    __ 
sin  a      sin  5       * 

22.  If  all  the  parts  of  a  spherical  triangle  vary,  then  will 

cos  Ada  +  cos  Bdb  +  cos  Cdc  =  kd{k  sin  a  sin  i  sin  e) ; 

sin  ^      sin  J5  _  sin  C 
sin  a      sin  i       sin  c  * 

*i                    ^^           db           dc  .        ^        ^    /i\ 

Also  - — ^  +  — -  + -^,  =  tan^  tan5  tan  Gd[-\ 

cos  A      cos  B      cos  C 

These  theorems  can  be  transformed  by  aid  of  the  polar  triangle? — M^Cullagh^ 
Fellowship  Examination,  1837. 

These  are  more  general  than  the  theorems  contained  in  Arts.  1 15  and  116, 
and  can  be  deduced  by  the  same  method  without  difficulty. 

23.  If  z  =  ^  (a;2  -  y2),  prove  that 

dz         dz 
d»         dy 

24.  If  z  =  -/  ( -  J  ,  prove  that 

dz         dz 
dx        dy 

dy         dz 
25.  Find  -j-  and  —    when  x,  y,  z  are  connected  by  two  equations  of  the 


/(«,y,  2)=0,        <^  (a;,  y,  «)  =  o. 

df_d,\>      dfd^ 
dy  _  dx  dz      dz  dx 
'    Jx^WdT^Wd? 
dz  dy      dy  dz 

d£d^  _  d£d<p 

dz  _dy  dx       dx  dy 

"     'dx~  dfd<p      df  d<f>' 

dz  dy      dy  dz 


26.  Prove  that  any  root  of  the  following  equation  in  y, 



satisfies  the  differential  equation 



27.  How  can  we  ascertain  whether  an  expression  such  as 
admits  of  being  reduced  to  the  form 


dtp      d^l/ 
dx      dy 


28.  lilX^-mY+nZ,  l'X  +  m'T+  n'Z,  l"X+  m"Y  ^  n"Z,  be  substituted 
for  X,  y,  z,  in  the  quadratic  expression  of  Art.  107  ;  and  if  a',  b',  </,  c^,  ^,/',  be 
the  respective  coefficients  in  the  new  expression,  prove  that 

of  f  ^ 
f  V  d' 
(f     d'    c' 

Ia  f  e 
f  b  d 
e    d    c 

29.  If  the  transformation  be  orthogonal,  i.  e.  if  x"-  -{■  y"^  -\-  z^  =  X*  ■{■  Y^  +  Z-, 
prove  that  the  preceding  determinants  are  equal  to  one  another. 

30.  If  M  be  a  function  of  |,  rj,  (,  and  |  =  y  +  ",   ri  =  z  +  -,    ^=  x  +  -, 

z  X  y 

shoM'  that 

du        du 

X—  + 

du         du        du        du       .du         /    du        du         du\ 

(     144     ) 



1x8.  Successive  Partial  Differentiation. — We  have  in 
the  preceding  chapter  considered  the  manner  of  determining 
the  partial  differential  coefficients  of  the  first  order  in  a  func- 
tion of  any  number  of  variables. 

If  w  be  a  function  of  x,  y,  s,  &c.,  the  expression 

du     du      du    - 
Tx'    Ty'     ^'     ""•' 

being  also  functions  a?,  y,  2,  &c.,  admit  of  being  differen- 
tiated in  the  same  manner  as  the  original  function  ;  and  the 

partial  differential  coefficient  of  — -,  when  x  alone  varies,  is 


denoted  by 

d  fdy\      d^u 

as  in  the  case  of  a  single  variable. 

Similarly,  the  partial  differential  coefficient  of  — ,  when  y 


alone  varies,  is  represented  by 

d  fdu\         d^u 

dy  \dx/       dydx* 

and,  in  general,  denotes  that  the  function  u  is  first 

ciy  ax 

differentiated  n  times  in  succession,  supposing  x  alone  to 

vary,  and  the  resulting  function  afterwards  differentiated  m 

times  in  succession,  where  y  alone  is  supposed  to  vary ;  and 

similarly  in  all  other  cases. 

The  Order  of  Differentiation  is  Indifferent.  145 

We  now  proceed  to  show  that  the  values  of  these  partial 
derived  functions  are  independent  of  the  oj^der  in  which  the 
variables  are  supposed  to  change. 

119.  If  t^  be  a  Function  of  x  and  ?/,  to  prove  that 

d  fdu\      d  fdu\         d'^u       dhi 

dy\dx)      dx\dyj         dydx     dxdy 

where  x  and  y  are  independent  of  each  other. 

Let  u  =  <p{x,  y),  then  —  represents  the  limiting  value  of 


0  (a;  +  h,  y)  -(f>  {x,  y) 

when  h  is  infinitely  small. 

This  expression  being  regarded  as  a  function  of  y,  let  y 

become  y  +  k,  x  remaining  constant ;  then  -ri-r]  is  the 

limiting  value  of 

((>{x  +  hyy  +  k)-(l>{x,y  +  Jc)-(t>{x  +  h,  y)  +0(a?,  y) 

when  both  h  and  k  become  infinitely  small,  or  evanescent. 

In  like  manner  -7-  is  the  limiting  value  of 

(t>{x,y  +  k)-(l>  {x,  y) 

when  k  is  infinitely  small ;  hence  -ri-r]^^  the  limiting  value 

of  "^ 

((>(x  +  h,y  +  k)  -(i>{x+h,y)  -  (f>{x,y  +  k)  +  <l>{x,y) 

when  both  h  and  k  are  infinitely  small. 

Since  this  function  is  the  same  as  the  px-eceding  for  all 



Successive  I*artial  Differentiation. 

finite  values  of  h  and  k,  it  will  continue  to  be  so  in  the  limit ; 
hence  we  have 

d  (du^ 


fdu\  _  d  fdu\ 
\dy)  ~  dy  \dxj' 



dx^dy      dyda?* 

d^u    _  d^u  ^ 
dxdy      dydx ' 


d     d 


d     d 



dx'  dy 


dy '  dx 


In  like  manner 

for  by  the  preceding 

d  r  d^u\       d 
dx  [dxdy J      dx 

similarly  in  all  other  cases.     Hence,  in  general, 

dP'^'iu  __    dP'-Hi 
dxPdy^  ~  dy^dxP' 

Again,  in  the  case  of  functions  of  three  or  more  variables, 
by  similar  reasoning  it  can  be  proved  that 

d^u  dhc 

dzdxdy      dxdyd£ 

Hence  we  infer  that  the  order  of  differentiation  is  in  all  cases 
indifferent,  provided  the  variables  are  independent  of  each 

verify  that  -7-^-  =  ^—7-. 
dydx      dxdy 

Examples  foe  Verification" 
3.   If  «  =  sin  {ax'^  +  by^)^ 





"       dx^dy^'      dy^dx* 

120.  Condition  that  Pdx  +  Qdy   shall  be  a  total 

DiflTerential. — This  implies  that  P dx  +  Qdy  should  be  the 
exact  differential  of  some  function  of  x  and  y.  Denoting  this 
function  by  w,  then 

du  =  P  dx  +  Q  dy, 


Condition  for  a  Total  Differential,  147 

and,  by  (i),  Art.  95,  we  must  have 

dP_£u_      dQ_d^ 
dy      dydx^     dx      dxdy 

Hence  tlie  required  condition  is 

dy       dx' 

121.  If  z^  be  any  Function  of  x  and  y^  to  prove  that 

|(^<-)S)=s(^«|>  » 

where  a;  and  y  are  independent  variables. 

Here  each  side,  on  differentiation,  becomes 

122.  More  generally,  to  prove  tbat 

d  I  dv\      d  (  dv\  ,  . 

where  u  and  v  are  both  functions  of  s,  and  s  is  a  function  of 

X  and  y. 

d  I  dv\     dudv  d'^v 

For  -T-    tt-r  ]  =  -T--^  +  u 


dy  \  dx)     dy  dx        dydx^ 

du  _  du  dz      dv  _  dvdz  ^ 
dy     dz  dy*    dx     dz  dx ' 

d  (  dv\      du  dv  dz  dz  d^v 

dy\  dx)     dz  dz  dx  dy        dydx ' 

and  Tx'^t)  ^^^  evidently  the  same  value. 

L  2 

148  Successive  Partial  Diferentiation, 

123.  £uler's    Theorem    of  Homogeneous    Func- 
tions.— In  Art.  102  it  has  been  shown  that 

du        du 

where  w  is  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  w'*   degree  in 
a?  and  y. 

Moreover,  as  —  and  —  are  homogeneous  functions  of  the 

degree  n-  i,  we  have,  by  the  same  theorem, 

d  fdu\         d  (du\     ,        .  du 

dx  \dxj        dy  \dxj  '  dx^ 

d  fdu\         d  fdu\ 

du  ^ 
dx \dy)  '  ^  dy \dy)     ^"'     '^'  dy' 

multiplying  the  former  of  these  equations  by  x^  and  the 
latter  by  y,  we  get,  after  addition, 

,  d^u  d^u        ^d^u     ,        .(  du        du\ 

=  (w-i)ww.  (5) 

This  result  can  be  readUy  extended  to  homogeneous 
functions  of  any  number  of  independent  variables. 

A  more  complete  investigation  of  Euler's  Theorems  will 
be  found  in  Chapter  YIII. 

124.  To  find  the  iSuccessive  DilTerential  CoeflS- 
eients  iivith  respect  to  t^  of  the  Function 

(^{x  +at,    t/  +  (5t)y 

where  x,  y,  a,  /3,  are  independent  of  t,  and  of  each  other. 

By  Ait.  1 1 7  we  have  in  this  case,  where  <j)  stands  for  the 
expression  (p{x  +  at,  y  +  (it), 

d^        d(^      ^  dcj) 
dt        dx         dy 

Differentiation  of(^{x-v  at,  y  -^  ^t),  149 

^0         t^  (d^\  d  fd<f\ 

~''dx\dtj'"^  dy\dt) 

d  (   d(b      ^d(}>)      c  d  \    d^         d(l>\ 
o?;i;  (   (i^iz;      ^  f/?/ )      "^  dy  {   dx      '^  dy) 

This  result  can  also  be  written  in  the  form 

in  which  ( « T"  +  P  T" )  is  supposed  to  be  developed  in  the 

dx     ^  dy^ 
usual  manner,  and  --^,  &c.,  substituted  for  f  —  j  0,  &o. 

Again,  to  find  — . 

f^  _d  f^\  ^dfd_         d\ 
df  ~  dt\dt'J  ~  dtydx  ""^  dy)"^ 

(    d      ^  dVdcp     f    d      ^  dVf  d<f>      „4\ 

By  induction  from  the  preceding  it  can  be  readily  shown 

f/»0     /    d      ^dy 


This  expression,  when  expanded  by  the  Binomial  Theorem, 
gives  the  n^^  differential  coefficient  of  the  function  in  terms  of 
its  partial  differential  coefficients  of  the  n*'^  order  in  x  and  y. 

150  Examples, 


1.  If  «  =  sm  ix^y),  verify  the  equation  — -—  =  — — -, 

2.  If  «  =  sin  (y  +  ax)  +  (y  ~  «a?)*,  prove  that 

d'^u  _   ^dru 
dx^         dy^' 

3.  In  general,  \iu=f{y  +  ax)-^<p{y-  ax),  prove  that 

d^u      „  d^u 

J-^  =  <^  3-1- 
dx'         dy^ 

4.  If  M  =  y*,  prove  that 

—  =  y-i(i+.logy)  =  _. 

5.  If  w  =  — V"! )  fi°<l  the  values  of 

ax  -V  by  ■\-  cz 

d^u      d^u  dr-u 

^'     ^^'   ^^  ^* 

6.  If  M  =  {x"^  +  y2)J^  prove  that 

.d^u  d^u         ^d^u 

^Si  +  ^^^^  +  S-V^"- 

7.  If  M  =  (a:^  ^  yS.^\^  prove  that 

aa;2  aa;«?y  6?y-      4 

8.  If  F  =  ^y3  +  iBy^x  +  3Cya;2  +  jj^rS^  prove  that 

d2VdV^_      fV^dVdV     d^Vdr^_ 
dx^  dyi       ^  dxdy  Ix  dy '^  If  1^  ~  ^^ 

A,  B,    0 

B,  C,    D 

and  show  that  the  left-hand  side  of  this  equation  vanishes  when  F  is  a  perfect 

d^u      d^u      d^u 

1 H =  O. 

dx^      df  ^  dz^ 

(     151      ) 


Lagrange's   theorem. 

125.  IJagrange's  Theorem. — Suppose  that  we  are  given 
the  equation 

.     z  =  x  +  y(li{z),  (i) 

in  which  x  and  y  are  independent  variables,  and  it  is  required 
to  expand  any  function  of  z  in  ascending  powers  of  ij. 

Let  the  function  be  denoted  by  F{z),  or  by  Uy  and,  by 
Maclaurin's  theorem,  we  have 

I  \dylQ     I  .  2  V^y Vo  1.2...  n\dy''Jo  ^  ' 

where  Wo»  ( -r  1  »  &c.,  represent  the  values  of  w,  -r,  &c.,  when 

VWo  .  .    .  dy 

zero  is  substituted  for  y  after  differentiation. 

It  is  evident  that  Uq  =  F{x). 

To  find  the  other  terms,  we  get  by  differentiating  (i)  with 
respect  to  a?,  and  also  with  respect  to  y, 

dz  ,,  s  dz  dz         ,  .  ,,  ,dz 

Tx^'^y'^^'^dx^         dy^'^^^^y'^^'^dy^ 

1  dz         ,  .dz 

Also,  since  w  is  a  function  of  2,  we  have 

du     du  dz         du      du  dz 
dx     dz  dx*       dy     dz  dy'* 

152  Lagrange's  Theorem, 

hence  we  obtain 

Jy  =  *(^)^-  (3) 

Again,  denoting  ^(s)  by  Z,  we  have  by  Art.  121,  since 
Z  is  a  function  of  u^ 

d    I  rrd'^^\  ^    f  rT^^\  d^^U      „  ,     . 

T.[^ dp)  =  d^A^ T.)  -  df' ^'""^  ^'^' 

dhi       d  f  r7.du\  i  \ 

df^A^di}  '"^ 

Hence  also  -=-.  =  3-3-  ( Z^-^\ 

dy^     dxdy  \     dxj 

since  x  and  y  are  independent  variables ; 

"      |(>^S)-7.(^|)-£(^-S)V(3). 

dxdy  \      dxj      \dxj  \     dx) ' 

,  d'u      (d\(du\  ,. 

^^^.^^  -df=Wj[^'dx}  (51 

To  prove  tliat  the  law  here  indicated  is  general,  suppose 

then.sinee  ^(z»^"]  =  ^f Z«^]  4(^««  J) 

—  fz^-V-f'^^- 
f/y  \      dx)      dx  \      dy )      dx 

Lagrange's  Theorem.  153 

This  shows  that  if  the  proposed  law  hold  for  any  integer 
n,  it  holds  for  the  integer  n+i-,  but  it  has-been  found  to  hold 
f or  w  =  2  and  w  =  3  ;  accordingly  it  holds  for  all  integral  values 
of  n, 

dti    d  u 
It  remains  to  find  the  values  of  -n  -7-0 »   &c.   when  we 

dtj    df 

make  y  =  o.  Since  on  this  hypothesis  Z  or  0(s)  becomes 
0(a?),  and  -7-  becomes  J^  ^  or  F^{x),  it  is  evident  from  (3), 
(4),  (5),  (6),  that  the  values  of 

du      d^u     dH         d^*^u 
dy'     dy^'     df  "  '  ~^' 

become  at  the  same  time 

Consequently  formula  (2)  becomes 
F{?)  =  F{x)  +  \  i>{x)r{x)  +  ^  I  [  (0  WP  J'(<^)]  +  &c 

.  + 

This  expansion  is  called  Lagrange's  Theorem. 

If  it  be  merely  required  to  expand  z,  we  get,  on  making 
F(z)  =  s, 

7/**  d^-^ 

^  ^^[a>)]^  +  &o,  (8) 

I  .  2  , , .  n  do^'^ 

154  Laplace^ s  Theorem. 

126.  Ijaplace's  Theorem. — More  generally,  suppose 
that  we  are  given 

«=/{a?  +  ^(^(z)),  (9) 

and  that  it  is  required  to  expand  any  function  F{z)  in  ascend- 
ing powers  of  y. 

Let  t  =  X  ^-  y<p{z),  then  z  =f{t),  and  we  have 

^  =  ^  +  2/^(/(0)-  (10) 

Also  F{z)  =  F[f(t)]  ;  and  the  question  reduces  to  the 
expansion  of  the  function  F[f{t)]  in  ascending  powers  oiy 
by  aid  of  (10) ;  accordingly,  formula  (7)  becomes  in  this  case 

F{z)  =  F  (/(<))  =  F{f[x)}  +  I  ,s,{f{x)}  r  [fix)]  +  &o. 
^"  **  '[0i/(^))]»-2;"[/W]I+&o.     (> 

I   .2  .  .  .  (fi  +  l)  6/12;" 

This  formula  is  called  Laplace's  Theorem,  and  is,  as  we 
have  seen,  an  immediate  deduction  from  the  Theorem  of 
Lagrange.  These  theorems  evidently  only  hold  when  the 
expansions  are  convergent  series. 

JExamples.  155 

Examples.  ^ 

1.  Expand  z,  being  given  the  equation 

z  =  a  +  bz\ 
Here  x  =  a,  i/  =  b,  ^(z)  =  sfi, 

and  we  get,  from  formula  (8), 

z  =  a  +  ba^  +  Z^^a5+ iiPa' +  &c. 

Lagrange  has  shown  that  this  expansion  represents  the  least  root  of  the  pro- 
posed cubic,  and  that  a  similar  principle  holds  in  like  cases. 

2.  Given  z  =  a  +  bz»,  find  the  expansion  of  z. 

b^  *» 

Ans.    z  =  a  +  a^b  +  2«a2"-i 1-  3w(3w  -  i)  a3»»-2  +  &c. 

1.2  ^  1.2.3 

3.  Given  z  =  x  +  ye",  find  the  expansion  of  z. 

Ans.  z  =  x  +  ve*  +  \f-^  +  -^—  z^'-^  +  — - —  \^el^  +  &c. 
1.2  1.2.3 

4.  z  =  a  +  «  sin  z,  expand  (i)  «,  (2)  sin  %. 

^     d  ^      f  d\^ 

(l).  Ana.  2  =  «  +  «  sin  a  + —  (sin^a)  +  . (  — -  j  (sin%)  +  &c. 

^  I  .  2  da^        '1.2.3  \dal 

^     d 

(2).      ,,     sin  z  =  sin  «  +  e  sin  a  cos  a  +  -j-  (sin'a  cos  a)  +  &c. 

I  .  2  aa 

5.  If  «  =  a  +  -  (z*  —  i),  prove  that 


^  I  .  2  . .  .  »  \da)       \     2     /    ^ 

6.  Hence  prove  that 

J  .  3  .  .  .  «  \daj     \    2     ) 

(     156     ) 



127.  Expansion  of  (l)(x  +  h,i/ +  k).  Suppose  w  to  be  a  func- 
tion of  two  variables  x  and  y,  represented,  by  the  equation 
^«  =  0(a?,  y) ;  then  substituting  x  +  hior  Xy  we  get,  by  Taylor's 

0(^  +  ^,2^)  =  0(ar,  y)  +  h—  {(t>{x,y)]  +j^^,  {^(^,  !/))  +  &c. 

Again,  let  y  become  y  +  ky  and  we  get 

(p{x  +  h,y  +  k)  =  (l>(xy  y  +  k)  +  h—  {^(ar,  y  +  k)] 


d  T^    d^ 

<l>{x,y+k)  =  ^{x,y)+k  —  [^{Xy  2/))  +7y^^,(0(^,y))  +  &c. 

,  c?w       /c'*    cPu 

=  w  +  /fe—  + —  +  &0. 

ay      1.2  dy^ 


^  T"   0(^>  y  +  ^0 )  =  h—  +  hk  -—r  +  3-7-.  +  &o., 


h''    d-  ..  ,..        h^    dH       Wk    d'u       . 

1 . 2(^;z;=' ^^^  '^        ^^      i.2afa;'      i.idx'dy 

Extension  of  Taylor's  Theorem*  157 

Substituting  these  values  in  (i),  we  get 

1 ,2  dx^  dxdy      i,  zdy"^         '      ^  ' 

128.  This  expansion  can  also  be  arrived  at  otherwise  as 
follows  : — Substitute  x  +  at  and  y  +  f5t  for  x  andy,  respectively, 
in  the  expression  ^  {x,  y),  then  the  new  function 

<t>{x  +  at,  y  +  l^t), 

in  which  x,  y,  a,  (5,  are  constants  with  respect  to  t,  may  be 
regarded  as  a  function  of  tj  and  represented  by  F{t) ;  thus 

(j,{x  +  at,y  +  pt)  =F(t). 

The  latter  function  F{t)f   when  expanded  by  Maclaurin's 
Theorem,  becomes,  by  Art.  79, 

F{t)  =i^(o)  +  ^F'{o)  +  ~  r\o)  +  . . . 

+  |^i^(«)(0O,  (3) 

where F'[o)  is  the  value  of  i^(^)  when  ^  =  0,  i.e.  F{o)  =  0  (ar,  y) 
=  u\  also  F\o)y  F'\o),  &c.  are  the  values  of 

^     ^^-     &c 
dt'     df    ^""'^ 

when  ^  =  o  ;  wher^v  ^^  stands  for  (l>{x  +  at,  y  +  j5t). 
Moreover,  by  Ait.  1 1 7,  we  have 

dd)        d(b     ,,  dd) 
dt        dx        dy 

*  Since  it  is  indifferent  whether  we  first  change  x  into  a;  +  A,  and  afterwards 
change  y  into  y  -^  k,  or  vice  versa  ;  the  expansion  given  ahove  furnishes  an  in- 
dependent proof  of  the  results  arrived  at  in  Art.  1 19. 

158  Extension  of  Taylor^ s  Theorem. 

but,  when  ^  =  o,  ^(a;  +  a^,  3/  +  ^t)  becomes  u,  or  F{p),  and  -j 


becomes  a  -7-  +  /3  ^-  at  the  same  time. 
ax        ay 

Hence  i?^'(o)  =  a  ^' +  j3  ^. 

'        dx        ay 

Also,  by  the  same  Article, 

dp      "■  dx^^^  "^dxdy  ^  ^  df  ( 

which,  when  ^  =  o,  reduces  to  \ 

F  (o)=„'-  +  2„/3^H-^'^„  (4) 

&C.  &C.  &0. 

These  equations  may  also  be  written   in  the  symbolic 

"(°)  =  (-i^-^|J«' 


Again,  f  a  —  J  w  =  a*"  — ,  &o.,  since  a,  /3,  are  independent 

of  X  and  y :  and  hence  the  general  term  in  the  expansion  of 
F(t)  can  be  at  once  written  down  by  aid  of  the  Binomial 

Extension  of  Taylor'' s  Theorem.  159 

Finally,  we  have,  on  substituting  h  for  at,  and  k  for  fit, 
,       ,         ,.  ^  du     ^  du       h^^d^u      „  d'^u 

'Tr^W^-^^^KTx^^Jy]    't'i-^6h,,.ek).   (5) 

129.  Kxpansion  of  (l>{cc  +  h,  1/  +  k,  z  +  I). — A  function 
of  three  variables,  x,  y,  z,  admits  of  being  treated  in  a  similar 
manner,  and  accordingly  the  expression 

(}){x  +  at,  y  +  fit,  z  +  jt), 

when  u  is  substituted  for  (p[x,  y,  z),  becomes 

e  f  d    ^d      dv     . 


(h(x  +  h,  y  +  k,  z  +  I)  =  u  +  ih—-  +  k-rr  +  l-r)^* 
^^         »^        '  ^  \  dx        dy        dz) 

I     (,  d      ^  d         d\        ^ 

+ h-—  +  k-r  +  1-t\u  +  &c. 

I  .2\  dx        dy       dzj 

,du     ,du     Au        1^    d^u       ¥    dht        P    d^u 
dx       dy       dz      i  .  2  dx^      i  ,2  dy^      1.2  dz^ 

,,  d^u       „  dhi       ..  d^u       p  ... 

+  hk——r  +  Ih  ^—  +  kl----  +  &o.  (6) 

dxdy         dzdx         dydz 

The  general  term  in  this  expansion,  and  also  the  re- 
mainder after  n  terms,  can  be  easily  written  down. 

1 60  Extension  of  Taylor's  Theorem, 

These  results  admit  of  obvious  generalization  for  any 
number  of  variables. 

Also,  by  making  x,  y,  s  eacb  cypher  in  (6),  we  have 



1 . 2  ydx^ja 

where  (  -r  1 »  (  -r  ) »  •  •  •  denote  the  values  which  the  functions 
\dxjQ  \dyJo 

du  du  ,  .  , 

-7-,  -r?  .  •  .  assume  on  making  x  =  0,  y  =  o,  and  2  =  0. 

dx  dy 

This    result    may    be    regarded    as    the    extension    of 

Maclaurin's  Theorem. 

130.  Symbolic  Expression  for  preceding  Results. — 


^-*k-  (^d      ,  d\        I    f^d      ,  dy 

""        \  dx        dy)      I  .  2  \   dx        dy) 

1  f^d       ,  dY     . 

equation  (5)  may  be  written  in  the  shape 

J.    * 
e*'^**^^^  {x,  y)=<l>{a;  +  h,y  +  k).  (7) 

This  is  analogous  to  the  form  given  for  Taylor  s  Theorem 
in  Art.  67,  and  may  be  deduced  from  it  as  follows  : — 

We  have  seen  that  the  operation  represented  by  e^'^ 
when  applied  to  any  function  is  equivalent  to  changiag  x 
into  X  +  h  throughout  in  the  function. 


Accordingly,  e  '^(j>{x,  y)  =  <^(x  +  h^y),  since  y  is  indepen- 
dent of  X. 

Extension  of  Taylor* 8  Theorem,  i6i 

In  like  manner,  the  operation  ^^^,  wheji  applied  to  any 
function,  changes  y  into  y  +  k; 

/.  /""  .  A^0  {x,  y)  =  /""^ (a;  +  ^,  y)  =  0  (;^;  +  A,  y  +  A;), 

or  e^y^^^'^i^ {x,  y)  =  <l>{x  +  h^y  +  k), 

assuming  that  the  symbols  k  —  and  h  -r-  are  combined  ac- 

cLy  ux 

cording  to  the  same  laws*  as  ordinary  algebraic  expressions. 

In  an  analogous  manner  we  obtain  the  symbolic  formula 

^Kx^W^' ^[x,  y,z)  =  <p{x-¥h,y  +  k,z  +  l).  (8) 

131.  If  in  the  development  (2),  dxhe  substituted  for  ^, 
and  dy  for  k,  it  becomes 

(j){x  +  dx,  y  +  dy)  =  (j)  +  -p-  dx  -i-  -^  dy 
ux  ay 

If  the  sum  of  all  the  terms  of  the  degree  n  in  dx  and  dy 
be  denoted  by  ^^"0,  the  preceding  result  may  be  written  in 
the  form 

,        ,  ,  .  d(b      d^d)         d^<h 

<^{x  +  dx^y  +  dy)  =  (b  +  -'^  ^  —^  4- 1—  +  .  .  . 

^^  '      ^       I        1.2      1.2.3 

+  -7-^  +  &o. 
Since  t^,  dy,  are  infinitely  small  quantities  of  the  first 

dru        cPu 
*  That  this  is  the  case  appears  immediately  from  the  equations  — — -  =  ^--  , 

dxdy     dydx 
d^u  d^u 

-,  &c. 

dp  dx' 

1 62  Extension  of  Taylor* s  Theorem, 

order,  each  term  in  the  preceding  expansion  is  infinitely  small 
in  comparison  with  the  preceding  one. 

Hence,  since  c?^^  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with 
d<^y  if  infinitely  small  quantities  of  the  second  and  higher 
orders  he  neglected  in  comparison  with  those  of  the  first,  in 
accordance  with  Art.  38,  we  get 

d(p  =  ^(^7  +  dx,y  ■{-  dy)  -  (p{x,  y)  ^-^dx-i-  -^  dy, 

which  agrees  with  the  result  in  Art.  97. 

132.  £uler's  Theorems  of  llomogeneous  Func- 
tionjs. — ^We  now  proceed  to  give  another  proof  of  Euler's 
Theorems  in  addition  to  those  contained  in  Arts.  102  and  123. 

If  we  suhstitute  gx  for  A  and  gy  for  k  in  the  expansion  (5), 
it  becomes 

,  .  /  du        du\ 

<p{x  +  gx,y-^  g?/):=u  +  g[x—  +  y  ~\ 

g^   f  „  d^u  d^u 

1.2  V    dx^         -^  dxdy     ^ 

where  u  stands  for  ^(a;,  y). 

But       (^{x  +  gx,  y  -^^  gy)  =  ^[{i -\-  g)x,  (i  +  g)y} ; 

and,  if  0  [x,  y)  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  w**  degree 
in  x  and  y,  it  is  evident  that  the  result  of  substituting  (i  +  g)x 
for  ir,  and  (i  +  g)y  iov  y  in  it,  is  equivalent  to  multiplying  it 
by  (i  +  gY*     Hence,  we  have  for  homogeneous  functions, 

i^[x  +  gx,y  +  gy)  =  (i  +  g)""  (^{x,  y)  =  (i  +  gYu, 

,         .  [  du        du\ 

or    (i+^)«„  =  «  +  j,(^^_  +  2,_J 

1 .  2  \    dx^ 

d'u        J'u\      . 

where  w  is  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n*^  degree  in  x 
and  y. 

Euler^s  Theorems,  163 

Since  the  preceding  equation  holds  for  all  values  of  ^,  if 
we  expand  and  equate  like  powers  of  g,  we*  obtain 

du        du 
,d^u  d^u        ,d^u        ,         V 

.d^u         „     d^u  .  d^u        .d^u        .         .  ,         . 

&0.  &0.  &0. 

The  foregoing  method  of  demonstration  admits  of  beiiii/ 
easily  extended  to  the  case  of  a  homogeneous  function  of  three 
or  more  variables. 

Thus,  substituting  gx  for  h,  gy  for  k,  gz  for  /,  in  formula 
(6)  Art.  1 2  9,  and  proceeding  as  before,  we  get 

du        du        du 
dx        dy       dz 

„d^u       ^d^u       ^d^u  d'u  d^u 

d^u        f         . 
+  2yz  ;t-7-=  ^(^  -  i)  ^> 

&a  &o.  &o. 

These  formulae  are  due  to  Euler,  and  are  of  importance 
in  the  general  theory  of  curves  and  surfaces,  as  well  as  in 
other  applications  of  analysis. 

The  preceding  method  of  proof  is  taken  from  Lagrange's 
M^canique  Analytique. 

M  2 

(     i64     ) 



133.  Definition  of  a  Maximum  or  a  Minimum. — If  any 

function  increase  continuously  as  the  variable  on  which  it  de- 
pends increases  up  to  a  certain  value,  and  diminish  for  higher 
values  of  the  variable,  then,  in  passing  from  its  increasing  to  its 
decreasing  stage,  the  function  attains  what  is  called  a  maximum 

In  like  manner,  if  the  function  decrease  as  the  variable 
increases  up  to  a  certain  value,  and  increase  for  higher  values 
of  the  variable,  the  function  passes  through  a  minimum  stage. 

Many  cases  of  maxima  and  minima  can  be  best  determined 
without  the  aid  of  the  Differential  Calculus ;  we  shall  com- 
mence with  a  few  geometrical  and  algebraic  examples  of  this 

134.  Creometrical  Example. — To  find  the  area  of  the 
greatest  triangle  which  can  he  inscribed  in  a  given  ellipse.  Sup- 
pose the  ellipse  projected  orthogonally  into  a  circle ;  then  any 
triangle  inscribed  in  the  ellipse  is  projected  into  a  triangle 
inscribed  in  the  circle,  and  the  areas  of  the  triangles  are  to 
one  another  in  the  ratio  of  the  area  of  the  ellipse  to  that  of 
the  circle  (Salmon's  Conies,  Art.  368).  Hence  the  triangle  in 
the  ellipse  is  a  maximum  when  that  in  the  circle  is  a  maxi- 
mum ;  but  in  the  latter  case  the  maximum  triangle  is  evidently 
equilateral,  and  it  is  easily  seen  that  its  area  is  to  that  of  the 
circle  as  -v/iy  to  47r.  Hence  the  area  of  the  greatest  triangle 
inscribed  in  the  ellipse  is 

where  a,  h  are  the  semiaxes. 

Moreover,  the  centre  of  the  ellipse  is  evidently  the  poiiit 
of  intersection  of  the  bisectors  of  the  sides  of  the  triangle. 

Algebraic  Examples  of  Maxima  and  Minima.  165 


1.  Prove  that  the  area  of  the  greatest  ellipse  inscribed  in  a  given  triangle  is 


, —  (area  of  the  triangle). 

2.  Find  the  area  of  the  least  ellipse  circumscribed  to  a  given  triangle. 

3.  Place  a  chord  of  a  given  length  in  an  ellipse,  so  that  its  distance  from  the 
centre  shall  be  a  maximum. 

The  lines  joining  its  extremities  to  the  centre  must  be  conjugate  diameters. 

4.  Show  that  the  preceding  construction  is  impossible  when  the  length  of 
the  given  chord  is  >a\/  z  or  <b*yz  ;  where  a  and  h  are  the  semiaxes  of  the 
ellipse.  Prove  in  this  case  that  if  the  distance  of  the  chord  from  the  centre  be 
a  maximum  or  a  minimum  the  chord  is  parallel  to  an  axis  of  the  curve. 

5.  A  chord  of  an  ellipse  passes  through  a  given  point,  find  when  the  triangle 
formed  by  joining  its  extremities  to  the  centre  is  a  maximum. 

6.  Prove  that  the  area  of  the  maximum  polygon  of  «  sides,  inscribed  in  a 
given  ellipse,  is  represented  by  -  ab  sin  — . 

135.  Algebraic  Examples  of  Maxima  and  minima. 

— Many  cases  of  maxima  and  minima  can  be  solved  by  ordi- 
nary algebra.  We  shall  confine  our  attention  to  one  simple 
class  of  examples. 

"Lei  fix)  represent  the  function  whose  maximum  or  mini- 
mum values  are  required,  and  suppose  u  =f{x),  and  solve 
for  X ;  then  the  values  of  u  for  which  x  changes  from  real  to 
imaginary^  are  the  solutions  of  the  problem.  TJiis  method  is, 
in  general,  inapplicable  when  tEe  equatioii  in  x  is  beyond  the 
second  degree.  We  shall  illustrate  the  process  by  a  few  ex- 
amples : — 


r .  To  divide  a  number  into  two  parts  such  that  their  product  shall  be  a 

Let  a  denote  the  number,  x  one  of  the  parts,  then  x  (a  —  x)  is  to  be  a  maxi- 
mum, by  hypothesis. 

Here  u  =  x(o  -  x)y  or  x"^  ~  ax  ^^  u  =  o  ; 

solving  for  x  we  get 



accordingly,  the  maximum  value  of  Mis —,  since  greater  values  would  make  x 

i66     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

1.  To  find  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  the  fraction . 


TT                           X             ^            X                 1       '\X(  I  —  2w)  ( r  +  2«) 
Here  u  = ,  or  ««  +  f  =  - ;  ••.  a;  =  —  +  ^— ^^ i-i— - — '- 

X^+l  U  2U~  2M 

In  this  case  we  infer  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  u  are  -  and 


;  and  the  proposed  fraction  accordingly  lies  between  the  limits  -  and 

for  all  real  values  of  x. 

These  results  can  be  also  easily  established,  as  follows.   We  have  in  all  cases 

{x  +  yf  =  {x-  yf  +  ^y. 

Accordingly,  if  a;  +  y  be  given,  xp  is  greatest  when  x-y=  o,or  when  x  =  y. 
Conversely,  if  xy  be  given,  the  least  value  oix  ^-y  ia  when  x  —  y. 

Hence,  denoting  xy  by  a^,  the  minimum  value  of  a:  +  —  is  2  a,  for  positive 

values  of  x. 

Again,  it  is  evident  that  when  a  function  attains  a  maximum  value,  its  in- 
verse becomes  a  minimum ;  and  vice  versd. 

Accordingly,  the  max.  value  of  -5 j  is  — ,  under  the  same  condition. 

x^  +  a*      2a 

3.  Find  the  greatest  value  of 

(a  +  «)  (i  +  x) 

(a  +  x)  (b  +  x)  .   ^    ,           .  .                ab         .  .  /—■ 

Here is  to  be  a  mmimum,  or h  a?  is  a  mm. ;  .*.«=%/  «*» 

and  the  max.  value  in  question  is 

{x  +  «)(«  +  h) 
4*  * 

af  +  c 

Let  x  +  e  =  Zy  and  the  fraction  becomes  — -» 


In  order  that  this  should  have  a  real  min.  value,  {a  —  c){b  —  e)  must  be  posi- 
tive ;  i.  e.  the  value  of  e  must  not  lie  between  those  of  a  and  b,  &c. 

5.  Find  the  least  value  of  a  tan  6  +  bcot  d.  Ans.  i\/ ab, 

6.  Prove  that  the  expression ; will  always  lie  between  two  fixed 

*^  x^  +  bx  +  c^ 

finite  limits  if  a>  +  c'  >  o5  and  b"^  <4.c^',  that  there  will  be  two  limits  between 
which  it  cannot  lie  if  cfi  +  <^>  ab  and  i'  >  4  <j3  :  and  that  it  will  be  capable  of  all 
values  if  a*  +  c*  <  ab. 

136.  Xo  find  the  Maximniii  and  minimum  values 


act^  +  zhxy  +  c?/' 

e/ir*  +  il/xy  +  cV* 

Algebraic  Examples  of  Maxima  and  Minima,  167 


Let  u  denote  the  proposed  fraction,  and  substitute  a  for  -; 

then  we  get  "^ 

az^  +  2hz  +  c  ,  . 

aV  +  2b'z+  c'  ^ 
or  (a  -  a^ujz^  +  2{b-  b'u)z  +  c  -  c'w  =  o. 

Solving  for  z,  this  gives 

[a - a'u)%  +b-b'u=± ^{b - b'uy -  {a- a'u)  (c - cu) .         (2) 

There  are  three  cases,  according  as  the  roots  of  the  equation 

{b''  -  aV)  u^  +  {ad  +  ca'-2  bb')  u+b''-ac  =  o  (3) 

are  real  and  unequal,  real  and  equal,  or  imaginary. 

(i).  Let  the  roots  be  real  and  unequal,  and  denoted  by 
a  and  j3  (of  which  /3  is  the  greater) ;  then,  if  6'*  -  a'c'  >  o,  we 
shall  have 

{a -a'u)z  +  b- b'u = +  y{b'^ - dd)  (u-a)  (u-fS), 

Here,  so  long  as  u  is  not  greater  than  a,  s  is  real ;  but 
when  u  >  a  and  <  j3,  z  becomes  imaginary ;  consequently,  the 
lesser*  root  (a)  is  a  maximum  value  of  u.  In  like  manner,  it 
can  be  easily  seen  that  the  greater  root  (j3)  is  a  minimum. 

Accordingly,  when  the  roots  of  the  denominator,  «V  +  2b^x 
+  d  =  o,  are  real  and  unequal,  the  fraction  admits  of  all  pos- 
sible, positive,  or  negative  values,  with  the  exception  of  those 
which  lie  between  a  and  j3. 

If  either  a'  =  o,  oi  d  =  o,  the  radical  becomes 


and,  as  before,  the  greater  root  is  a  minimum,  and  the  lesser 
a  maximum,  value  of  u. 

*  In  general,  in  seeking  the  maximum  or  minimum  values  of  1/  from  the 
equation,  1/  =  tp  (x),  if  for  all  values  of  y  between  the  limits  a  and  ^8,  the  corre- 
sponding values  of  x  are  imaginary,  while  x  is  real  when  y  =  a,  or  y  =  )8 ;  then 
it  is  evident  that  the  lesser  of  the  quantities,  o,  )8,  is  a  maximum,  and  the  greater 
a  minimum,  value  of  y.  This  result  also  admits  of  a  simple  geometrical  proof, 
by  considering  the  curve  whose  equation  is  y  =  <^  {x). 

1 68     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

(2.)  When  a  =  j3,  the  expression  under  the  radical  sign  is 
positive  for  all  values  of  w,  and  consequently  u  does  not  admit 
of  either  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  value. 

(3.)  When  the  roots  a  and  j3  are  imaginary,  the  expres- 
sion under  the  radical  sign  is  necessarily  positive,  and  u  in 
this  case  also  does  not  admit  of  either  a  maximum  or  a  mini- 
mum value. 

Hence,  in  the  two  latter  cases,  the  fraction  admits  of  all 
possible  values  between  +  00  and  -  00  . 

In  the  preceding,  the  roots  of  the  denominator  are  sup- 
posed real ;  if  they  be  imaginary,  i.e.  if  b'"^  -  dc  <  o,  we  have 

{a-du^z'^b-b'u  =  ±^{dd ~b"^)  (ti-a)  {f5-u). 

It  is  easily  seen  that  z  is  imaginary  for  all  values  of  u 
except  those  lying  between  a  and  j3.  Accordingly,  the  greater 
root  is  a  maximum,  and  the  lesser  a  minimum,  value  of  u. 

Hence,  in  this  case,  the  fraction  represented  by  u  lies  be- 
tween the  limits  a  and  /3  for  all  real  values  of  x  and  y. 

137.  Quadratic  for  determining  2. — Again,  the  value 
of  2,  corresponding  to  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  value  of  w, 
must  satisfy  the  equation 

{a  -  a'u)%  +  b  -  b'u  =  o. 

Substituting  for  u  in  (i)  its  value  derived  from  this  latter 
equation,  we  obtain  the  following  quadratic  in  z  : 

(ab'  -  bay  +  z  iac'  -  cd)  +  bd  -  cV  =  o.  (4) 

This  equation  determines  the  values  of  z  which  correspond 
to  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  u.  It  can  be  easily 
seen  that  if  the  roots  of  equation  (3)  are  real  so  also  are  those 
of  (4) ;  and  vice  versa. 

The  student  will  observe  in  the  preceding  investigation 
that  when  u  attains  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  value,  the 
corresponding  equation  in  z,  obtained  from  (2),  has  equal 
roots.  This  is,  as  will  be  seen  more  fully  in  the  next  Article, 
the  essential  criterion  of  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  value,  in 

Condition  for  a  Maximum  or  Minimum.  169 

Find  the  maximum  or  minimum  values  of  u  in  the  follow- 
ing cases : — 


«*  +  2a;  +  1 1  .  5       . 

I.      u  =  — .  ^n*.  M  =  2,  a  max.,  «  =  ^  a  nun. 

a2  +  4a;  4-  10  6 

X^  -  X  ■'r  I  2  -  2X 

I  + 

X^  ->r  X  —  I  X'  +  X  —  I 

\   —  X         .  .  .  X^  -h  X  —  I  . 

-T is  a  max.  or  a  min.  according  as ia  a  min.  or  a  max.,  i.  e. 

x^  -i  X-  I  °  1  -  X 

I  .  .  . 

as «  IS  a  maximum  or  a  minimum. 

I  —  X 

.'.  a;=  o,  or  a;  =  2  ;  the  former  gives  a  maximum,  the  latter  a  minimum  solution. 

We  now  proceed  to  a  general  investigation  of  the  condi- 
tions for  a  maximum  and  minimum,  by  aid  of  the  principles 
of  the  Diif  erential  Calculus. 

138.  Condition  for  a  Afaximnni  or  Minimum. — If 

the  increment  of  a  variable,  a?,  be  positive,  then  the  corre- 
sponding increment  of  any  function,  f{x),  has  the  same  sign 
as  that  of /'(ip),  by  Art.  6  ;  hence,  as  x  increases,/ (37)  increases 
or  diminishes  according  Q.^f\x)  is  positive  or  negative. 

Consequently,  when  f[x)  changes  from  an  increasing  to  a 
decreasing  state,  or  vice  versa,  its  derived  function  f\x)  must 
change  its  sign.  Let  oj  be  a  value  of  x  corresponding  to  a 
maximum  or  a  minimum  value  oif{x) ;  then,  in  the  case  of 
a  maximum  we  must  have  for  small  values  of  h, 

f{a)  >f(a  +  h)y  and/(a)  >f{a-'h) ; 

and,  for  a  minimum, 

f{a)  <f{a  +  h),  and/(a^)  <f{a-h). 

Accordingly,  in  either  case  the  expressions 

f{a  +  h)  -f(a),  and/(« - h)  -f{a), 

have  both  the  same  sign. 

1 70     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable, 
Again,  by  formulae*  (29),  Art.  75,  we  have 
f{a  +  h)  -f{a)  =  hfia)  +  -^/'(a  +  6h), 

f{a  -  h)  -f{a)  =  -  hf{a)  +  -^/'(«  -  ^i*). 

Now,  when  h  is  very  small,  and  /"(«)  finite,  the  second 
term  in  the  right-hand  side  in  each  of  these  equations  is  very 
small  in  comparison  with  the  first,  and  hence  f  {a  +  h)  -f{a) 
and  f{a-  h)  -  f{a)  cannot  have  the  same  sign  unless 
/(«)  =  o. 

Hence,  the  valines  of  x  which  render  f{x)  a  maximum  or  a 
minimum  are  in  general  roots  of  the  derived  equation  f  {x)  =  o. 

This  result  can  also  be  arrived  at  from  geometrical 
considerations  ;  for,  let  y  =  f{x)  be  the  equation  of  a  curve, 
then,  at  a  point  from  which  the  ordinate  y  attains  a  maximum 
or  a  minimum  value,  the  tangent  to  the  curve  is  evidently 
parallel  to  the  axis  of  x ;  and,  consequently  f{x)  =  o,  by 
Art.  10. 

Moreover,  if  x  be  eliminated  between  the  equations 
f{x)  =  u  and/'(a7)  =  o,  the  roots  of  the  resulting  equation  in 
u  are,  in  general,  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  oif{x). 

This  is  the  extension  of  the  principle  arrived  at  in 
Art.  134. 

Again,  since /'(«)•=  o,  we  have 



*  In  the  investigation  of  maxima  and  minima  given  above,  Lagrange's  form 
of  Taylor's  Theorem  has  been  employed.  For  students  who  are  unacquainted 
■with  this  form  of  the  Theorem,  it  may  be  observed  that  the  conditions  for  a 
maximum  or  minimum  can  be  readily  established  from  the  form  of  Taylor's 
Series  given  in  Art.  54,  viz., 

f{a  +  h)  -f{a)  =  hf{a)  +  ^^f'ia)  +  ^-^  /'"{a)  +  &c. ; 

for  "when  h  is  very  small  and  the  coefficients /(a),/"  (a),  &c.  finite,  it  is  evident 
that  the  sign  of  the  series  at  the  right-hand  side  depends  on  that  of  its  first 
term,  and  hence  all  the  results  arrived  at  in  the  above  and  the  subsequent 
Articles  can  be  readily  established. 

Condition  for  a  Maximum  or  a  Minimum.  171 

But  the  expressions  at  the  left-hand  side  in  these  equations 
are  both  positive  for  small  values  of  h  wb^n/"(«)  is  positive; 
and  negative,  when  f^\a)  is  negative ;  therefore  f{a)  is  a 
maximum  or  a  minimum  according  as  f\a)  is  negative  or 

If,  however, /"(flf)  vanish  along  with  /'(«),  we  have,  by 
Art.  75, 

/(a  +  h)  -f(a)  =_|--/-(«)  +  rT^^/n^  +  Oh), 

/{a  -  h)  -f{a)  =  T^r W  •+  TTI^/^^C^  -  OJ^)' 

Hence  it  follows  that  in  this  case,  f{a)  is  neither  a 
maximum  nor  a  minimum  unless  f'\a)  also  vanish;  but  if 
f"{a)  =  o,  then /(a)  is  a  maximum  when  /^^(«)  is  negative, 
and  a  minimum  when/^'^(<?)  is  positive. 

In  general,  let/(")(a)  be  the  first  derived  function  that 
does  not  vanish  ;  then,  if  n  be  odd,  f{a)  is  neither  a  maximum 
nor  a  minimum ;  if  n  be  even,  f{a)  is  a  maximum  or  a  mini- 
mum according  as  /(")  [a]  is  negative  or  positive. 

The  student  who  is  acquainted  with  the  elements  of  the 
theory  of  plane  curves  will  find  no  difficulty  in  giving  the 
geometrical  interpretation  of  the  results  arrived  at  in  this 
and  the  subsequent  Articles. 


1.  «=  a  sin*  +  J  cosa?. 

Here  the  mazimum  and  minimuin  values  are  giyen  by  the  equation 

du  a 

-7-  =  fl  cos  a:  -  i  sm  iP  =  o,  or  tan  a;  =  7. 
dx  '  b 

Hence,  the  max.  value  of  u  is  -v/^^T^and  the  min.  is  -  ^/a^  +  b"^.  This  is 
also  evident  independently,  since  u  may  be  written  in  the  form 

\/a*  +  ^2  Bin  i^x  +0), 
where  tan  o  as  — . 

2.  «  =  a;  -  sin  «. 

r    ^,  .  du  cPn  dh* 

In  this  case       —  =  i  -  cos  «,     —  =  sm  x,     — ^  =  cos  « 
dx  ax''  dx^ 

172     Maxima  and  Minima  0/ Functions  of  a  Single  Variahk. 

Accordingly,  if    7-  =  o,  we  have  ^-s  =  O1  ^^^^  -—  =  r. 

Consequently,  the  function  x  -  B\nx  does  not  admit  of  either  a  maximum  or  a 
minimum  value. 

This  result  can  also  be  easily  seen  from  geometrical  considerations. 

3.     M  =  a  cos  a;  +  J  cos  2x,  a  and  b  being  both  positive. 

„  du  .  ,    . 

Here  -—  =  -  a  smrr  -  20  sm  22?, 



—  =  -  a  cos  T  -  40  cos  2X. 

The  maximum  and  minimum  values  are  given  by  the  equation  a  sin*  +  2b 
sin  2a;  =  o : 

—  a 
.'.  we  have,  (i),  sin  a;  =  o ;     or  (2),  cos  x  =  —7-. 


The  simplest  solution  of  (r)  is  a;  =  o,  in  which  case 

w*:  a  +  b,    -—  =  —  a  —  40; 

consequently  this  gives  a  maximum  solution. 

Again,  let  a;  =  tt,  and  we  have  u  =  b  -  a,  —^  =  a  -  ^b  ;  consequently  this 
gives  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  solution,  according  as  a  is  <  or  >  ^b. 

If  a  =  45,  we  get  when  a;  =  ir,  -—  =  o. 

On  proceeding  to  the  next  differentiation  we  have 


^  =  a  (sin  «  +  a  sin  2x),  =  o  when  a?  *=  «. 

Again,    ■—  =  a  (cos  a;  +  4  cos  2x)  =  3a.      Consequently  the  solution  is  a 

minimum  in  this  case. 

Again,  the  solution  (2)  is  impossible  unless  a  be  less  than  4J.     In  this  case, 

L  e.  when  a  <  ^b,  we  easily  find  — ^  positive,  and  accordingly  this  gives  a  min. 

value  of  «,  viz.  —  -^  —  h, 

4.  Find  the  value  of  x  for  which  sec  «  —  a:  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum. 

Alls,  smx  = . 

Application  to  Rational  Algebraic  Expressions.        173 

139.  Application  to  Rational  Algebraic  Expres- 
sions.— Suppose  fix)  a  rational  function  containing  no 
fractional  power  of  x,  and  let  the  real  roots  of  f{x)  =  o, 
arranged  in  order  of  magnitude,  be  a,  j3,  7,  &c. ;  no  two  of 
which  are  supposed  equal. 

Then       /{x)  =  {x  -  a)  {x  -  (5)  {x  -  y)  .  .  . 

and  r(a)=(a-/3)(a-y)   .   .   . 

But  by  hypothesis,  a  -  j3,  a  -  y,  &c.  are  all  positive ;  hence 
/"(a)  is  also  positive,  and  consequently  a  corresponds  to  a 
minimum  value  oif{x). 

Again,  /'(/3)  =  0-a)0-7) 

here  j3  -  a  is  negative,  and  the  remaining  factors  are  positive  ; 
hence /"(j3)  is  negative,  and/(|3)  a  maximum. 
Similarly, /(y)  is  a  minimum,  &c. 

140.  Maxima  and  Minima  lvalues  occur  alter- 
nately.— We  have  seen  that  this  principle  holds  in  the  case 
just  considered. 

A  general  proof  can  easily  be  given  as  follows  : — Suppose 
f{x)  a  maximum  when  a;  =  a,  and  also  when  x  =  b^  where  b  is 
the  greater  ;  then  when  x  =  a  +  h,  the  function  is  decreasing, 
and  when  x  =  b  -  hjitis  increasing  (where  A  is  a  small  incre- 
ment) ;  but  in  passing  from  a  decreasing  to  an  increasing 
state  it  must  pass  through  a  minimum  value ;  hence  between 
two  maxima  one  minimum  at  least  must  exist. 

In  like  manner  it  can  be  shown  that  between  two  minima 
one  maximum  must  exist. 

141.  Case  of  £qual  Roots. — ^Again,  if  the  equation 
f{x)  =  o  has  two  roots  each  equal  to  a,  it  must  be  of  the  form 

In  this  case  /"(a)  =  o,f"{a)  =  21//  (a),  and  accordingly, 
from  Art.  138,  a  corresponds  to  neither  a  maximum  nor  a 
minimum  value  of  the  function /(a;). 

In  general,  if /'(^)  have  n  roots  equal  to  a,  then 

Here,  when  n  is  even,  /(a)  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a 
minimum  solution  :  and  when  n  is  odd,  /  (a)  is  a  maximum  or 
a  minimum  according  as  ;//(a)  is  negative  or  positive. 

174     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

142.  Case  where  f'{x)  =  00.  The  investigation  in 
Art.  138  shows  that  a  function  in  general  changes  its  sign  in 
passing  through  zero. 

In  like  manner  it  can  be  shown  that  a  function  changes 
its  sign,  in  general,  in  passing  through  an  infinite  value  ;  i.e.  if 
<l){a)  =  00,  (j){a  -  h)  and  ^{a+h)  have  in  genexal  opposite  signs, 
for  small  values  of  h. 

For,  if  u  and  -  represent  any  function  and  its  reciprocal, 

they  have  necessarily  the  same  sign ;  because  if  u  be  positive, 

-  is  positive,  and  if  negative,  negative. 

Suppose  Ui,  U2,   Usy  three  successive  values  of  w,   and 

— ,    — ,    — ,  the  corresponding  reciprocals. 

Then,  if  Wa  =  o,  by  Art.  138,  Ui  and  u^  have  in  general 
opposite  signs. 

Hence,  if  —  =  00 ,  —  and  —  have  also  opposite  signs ;  and 

tt-i  U\  W3 

we  infer  that  the  values  of  x  which  satisfy  the  equation  f\x) 
=  00  may  furnish  maxima  and  minima  values  oif(x), 

143.  We  now  return  to  the  equation 

/{x)  =  (x-a)-^p{x), 

in  which  n  is  supposed  to  have  any  real  value,  positive,  nega- 
tive, integral,  or  fractional. 

In  this  case,  when  x  =  a,f^(x)  is  zero  or  infinity  according 
as  n  is  positive  or  negative. 

To  determine  whether  the  corresponding  value  of /(a?)  is 
a  real  maximum  or  minimum,  we  shall  investigate  whether 
f^{x)  changes  its  sign  or  not  as  x  passes  through  a. 

When  it  =  a  +  hy    f(a  +  h)  =  A" ;//  (a  +  A), 

„  X  =  a-  h,    f{a  -h)  =  (-h)**\P(a-h): 

inow,  when  h  is  infinitely  small,  -(pla+h)  and  \p(a-h)  become 
each  ultimately  equal  to  ip  {a) :  and  therefore  /'(a  +  h)  and 
f\a  -  h)  have  the  same  or  opposite  signs  according  as  ( -  i)" 
is  positive  or  negative. 

Examples.  175 

(i).  If  w  be  an  even  «n%er,  positive  or  negative, /'(a;)  does 
not  change  sign  in  passing  through  a,  and.  accordingly  a  cor- 
responds to  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum  solution. 

(2).  linhQ  an  odd  integer,  positive  or  negative,  f{a  +  h) 
and /'(a  -  h)  have  opposite  signs,  and  a  corresponds  to  a  real 
maximum  or  minimum. 

(3).  If  w  be  a  fraction  of  the  form  ±  — ,  then  (  -  i) 


=  1  ^  =  I ,  and  a  corresponds  to  neither  a  maximum  nor  a 

ar.fl  £ 

(4).  If  n  be  of  the  form  ±  i^LHl^  then  (  -  i)     "  =  (- 1) ''; 

this  is  imaginary  Up  be  even,  but  has  a  real  value  ( -  i)  when 
p  is  odd.  In  the  former  case,  f'(a  -  h)  becomes  imaginary  ;  in 
the  latter,/'(flJ  +  y^)  and/'(«-A)  have  opposite  signs,  and/(fl) 
is  a  real  maximum  or  minimum. 

Thus  in  all  cases  of  real  maximum  and  minimum  values 
the  index  n  must  be  the  quotient  of  two  odd  numbers. 


I,  f{x)  =  ax^  +  2bx  +  c. 

Her©  f{x)=2{ax  +  b)=iO\         hence  a:  = , 

fix)  =  2a, 

j^ji^  — Z —  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  value  of  ax^  +  zJx  +  c,  according 

as  a  is  negative  or  positive. 

a.  /(a?)  =  2a:»  -  iSa;"  +  36a;  +  10. 

Here  f  {x)  =  6{a;2  _  5a;  +  6)  =  6{a;  -2){x-  3). 

(i.)  Let  a;  =  2 ;  then /"(a;)  is  negative  ;  hence /(2)  or  38  is  a  maximum 
(2.)  Let  a;  =  3  ;  then/  "(a?)  is  positive;  hence  /  (3)  or  37  is  a  minimum. 

1 7  6    Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

It  is  evident  that  neither  of  these  values  is  an  absolute  maximum  or  mini- 
mum ;  for  when  a:  =  oo  ,  f{x)  =  so  ,  and  when  x  =  -  o^  ,  f{x)  =  —  go  ,  accord- 
ingly, the  proposed  function  admits  of  all  possible  values,  positive  or  negative. 

Again,  neither  +  oo  nor  —  oo  is  a  proper  maximum  or  minimum  value,  because 
for  large  values  of  a:,  f{x)  constantly  increases  in  one  case,  and  constantly  dimi- 
nishes in  the  other. 

It  is  easily  seen  that  as  x  increases  from  —  oo  to  +  2,  f{x)  increases  from  —00 
to  38  ;  as  ic  increases  from  2  to  3,f(x)  diminishes  from  38  to  37  ;  and  as  x  in- 
creases from  3tos<,f{x)  increases  from  37  to  00.  When  considered  geome- 
trically, the  preceding  investigation  shows  that  in  the  curve  represented  by  the 

y  =  2x^  -  i^x^  +  36a;  +  10, 

the  tangent  is  parallel  to  the  axis  of  x  at  the  points  a;  =  2,  y  =  38  ;  and  a;  =  3, 
y  =  37  ;  and  that  the  ordinate  is  a  maximum  in  the  former,  and  a  minimum  in 
the  latter  case,  &c. 

3.  /(ar)  =  a  +  b{x  -  c)i.  Ans.  x  =  e.     Neither  a  max.  nor  a  min. 

4.  f{x)  =  b  +  e{x-  a)^  +  d{x  -  «)i 
Substitute  a  +  A  for  x,  and  the  equation  becomes 

/(a  +  A)  =  i  +  c0  +  d?^; 

also  f{a  -  A)  =  J  +  cA^  +  dh^ ; 

but  when  A  is  very  small  h^  is  very  small  in  comparison  with  Ai,  and  accordingly  b 
is  a  minimum  or  a  maximum  value  of /(a-)  according  as  c  is  positive  or  negative. 

5-  /(^)  =  S^^  +  »2a;5  -  15a;*  -  4oa;3  +  i^x"^  +  60a;  +  17. 

Ans.  X  =  ±  I  gives  neither  a  max.  nor  a  min. ;  x  =—  2  gives  a  min. 

(x  -  i)(x-  6) 

6.      .     Let  a;  —  10  =  z,  and  the  fraction  becomes 

X-  10 

(g  +  9)(g+4)  ,,,^,,^36 

,  or  z  +  1 3  +  — . 

z  z 

The  maximum  and  minimum  values  are  given  by  the  equation  i  -  ^=0; 

,-.  «  =  +  6,  and  hence  a;  =  16  or  4 ;  the  former  gives  a  minimum,  the  latter 
a  maximimi  value  of  the  fraction. 

'•  ^^^^-{x-^if' 

Hence  /'(^)  =  |^^  (^  +  5). 

If  a;  =  T,/(ir)  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum;  if  a?  =  -  S,f(x)  is  a 

,  _,.       ^  ax"  +  2hxy  +  cy^  177 

Max.  and  Mm.  of rr- ri  • 

ax"^  +  20xy+  cy^ 

Again,  the  reciprocal  function  j is  evidently  a  max.  when  z  =  ~  1; 

for  if  we  substitute  for  x,  —  i  +  h,  and  -  i  -  A,  successively,  the  resulting 
values  are  both  negative  ;  and  consequently  the  proposed  function  is  a  minimum 
in  this  case. 

This  furnishes  an  example  of  a  solution  corresponding  to /'(a;)  =00.     See 
Art.  142. 

144.  We  shall  now  return  to  the  fraction 

ax^  +  ihxy  +  cy"^ 
aV  +  2b' xy  +  cy* 

the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  which  have  been  already 
considered  in  Art.  136. 

Write  as  before  the  equation  in  the  form 

z^{a  -  a'u)  +  2z{h  -  Vu)  +  (c  -  c'u)  =  o, 
where  2  =  -. 


Differentiate  with  respect  to  2,  and,  as  —  =  o  for  a  maxi- 


mum  or  a  minimum,  we  have 

z{a  -  du)  +  (5  -  h'u)  =  o. 

Multiply  this  latter  equation  by  s,  and  subtract  from  the 
former,  when  we  get 

z{b  -  h'u)  +  (c  -  c'u)  =  o. 

Hence,  eliminating  z  between  these  equations,  we  obtain 

{a  -  du)  (c  -  c'u)  ={b-  b'u)\ 

or        u^ia'd -  b"^)  ~  u{ac  +  ca'  -  2bb')  +  {ac  -  b"-)  =0;     (3) 

the  same  equation  (3)  as  before. 
The  quadratic  for  2, 

z'^{ab'  -  ba)  +  z{ad  -  ca')  +  bd  -  cV  =  o,  (4) 

is  obtained  by  eliminating  u  from  the  two  preceding  linear 

178     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

This  equation  can  also  be  written  in  a  determinant  form, 
as  follows : — 










=  o. 

It  may  be  observed  that  the  coefficients  in  (3)  are  in- 
variants of  the  quadratic  expressions  in  the  numerator  and 
denominator  of  the  proposed  fraction,  as  is  evident  from  the 
principle  that  its  maximum  and  minimum  values  cannot  be 
altered  by  linear  transformations. 

This  result  can  also  be  proved  as  follows : — 


^~  dX-"  -\-2b'XF  +  c'Y'' 

where  X,  Y  denote  any  functions  of  x  and  y ;  then  in  seeking 
the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  w  we  may  substitute 

z  for  — ,  when  it  becomes 

az^  +  2bz  +  c 

dz^  +  ib'z^-  c" 

and  we  obviously  get  the  same  maximum  and  minimum  values 
for  u,  whether  we  regard  it  as  determined  from  the  original 
fraction  or  from  the  equivalent  fraction  in  2. 

Again,  let  X,  Y  be  linear  functions  of  x  and  y,  i.  e. 

X  =  Ix  -v  my,     Y=  Tx  +  m'y^ 

then  u  becomes  of  the  form 

Ax-  +  iBxy  +  Ctf 

2V  +  iB^xy  +  Oy 

where  A,  B,  C,  A\  B\  C\  denote  the  coefficients  in  the  trans- 
formed expressions  ;  hence,  since  the  quadratics  which  deter- 
mine the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  tc  must  have  the 
same  roots  in  both  cases,  we  have 

AC-B'  =  X{ac  -  b'),  AC  +  CA'  -  2BB'  =  \{ad  +  ca' -  zbb"), 

AC  -  B"  =  A(«V  -  b'').  Q.JE.n. 

Application  to  Surfaces,  179 

It  can  be  seen  without  difficulty  that 
A  =  {Im'  -  mr)\ 

We  shall  illustrate  the  use  of  the  equations  (3)  and  (4)  by 
applying  them  to  the  following  question,  which  occurs  in  the 
determination  of  the  principal  radii  of  curvature  at  any  point 
on  a  curved  surface. 

145.  To  find  the  Maxima  and  Minima  Values  of 

r  cos*a  +  2s  cos  a  cos  jS  +  ^  cos'jS, 

where  cos  a  and  cos  j3  are  connected  by  the  equation 

(i  +p^)  cos'a  +  2pq  cos  a  cos  /3  +  (i  +  q^)  cos'^/B  =  i, 

and  p,  q,  r,  s,  t  are  independent  of  a  and  /3. 

Denoting  the  proposed  expression  by  w,  and  substituting 

»     cos  a  , 

z  lor  — p.,  we  ffet 
cos/3        ° 

rZ^  +  28Z  +  t 

(i  +p^)z^  +  ipqz  +  (i  +  ^y 

The  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  this  fraction,  by 
the  preceding  Article,  are  given  by  the  quadratic 

u^i  ■¥p'  +  q^)-u[[i+q'')r-  zpqs-v  (i +/)^)  +r^ -«*  =  o;    (6) 

while  the  corresponding  values  of  z  or  • ^  are  given  by 

z^[{i  +p^)s  -pqr]  +  s((i  +p^)t  -  (i  +  q^)r] 

+  {pqt-{i+q')s}  =0*  (7) 

The  student  will  observe  that  the  roots  of  the  denominator 
in  the  proposed  fraction  are  imaginary,  and,  consequently,  the 
values  of  the  fraction  lie  between  the  roots  of  the  quadratic 
(6),  in  accordance  with  Art.  136. 

*  Lacroix,  Dif.  Cal,  pp.  575,  576. 

N  2 

i8o    Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Singh  Variable, 

146.  To  find  tbe  Maxiniuiii  and  Mininram  Radius 
Vector  of  tlie  Ellipse 

ax^  +  ilxy  +  cy*  =  i. 

(i).  Suppose  the  axes  rectangular ;  then 

r^  =  x^  -\-  y^  iB>  to  be  a  maximum  or  a  minimum, 


Let  -  =  s,  and  we  get 

as*  +  ibz  +  c 

Hence  the  quadratic  which  determines  the  maximum  and 
minimum  distances  from  the  centre  is 

r*  {ac  -  i')  -  r'  (^  +  c)  +  I  =  o. 

The  other  quadratic,  viz. 

ha?  -  {a-  c)  xy  -  6y*  =  o, 

gives  the  directions  of  the  axes  of  the  curve. 

(2.)  If  the  axes  of  co-ordinates  be  inclined  at  an  angle  w, 

r*  =  ar*  +  ^  +  ixy  cos  (u 

z^  +  2s  cos  w  +  I 

az^  +  2bz  +  c     ' 

and  the  quadratic  becomes  in  this  case 

r*  {ac  -  b^)  -r^  {a  +  c  ~  2b  cos  w)  +  sin*w  =  o, 

the  coefficients  in  which  are  the  invariants  of  the  quadratic 
expTfessions  forming  the  numerator  and  denominator  in  the 
oxprtffision  for  r*. 

The  equation  which  determines  the  directions  of  the  axes 
A  the  conic  can  also  be  easily  written  down  in  this  case. 

Maximu7n  and  Minimum  Section  of  a  Right  Cone.      1 8 1 

147.  To  investigate  tlie  maximmu  and  Jfinimi 
Values  of  u« 

Substituting  z  for  -,  and  denoting  the  fraction  by  w,  we  have 

az^  +  3/^2-  +  3CS  +  fl? 
~  a>z^  +  35's'^  +  3c'2  +  flf* 

Proceeding,  as  in  Art.  144,  we  find  that  the  values  of  u  and  2 
are  given  by  aid  of  the  two  quadratics 

az^  +  2bz  +  c  =  (az^  +  2b'z  +  c^u, 

bz^  +  2CZ  +  d=  (b'z^  +  idz  +  d')u. 

Eliminating  u  between  these  equations,  we  get  the  following 
biquadratic  in  z  : — 

z\aV  -  ba!)  +  zz^ac'  -  cd)  ^■z^[ad'  -  a'd  +  i{bd  -  cb')] 

+  2z{^d'  -  db')  +  led'  -  cd)  =  o.  (8) 

Eliminating  z  between  the  same  equations,  we  obtain  a 
biquadratic  in  u,  whose  roots  are  the  maxima  and  minima 
values  of  the  proposed  fraction.  Again,  as  in  Art.  144,  it 
can  easily  be  shown  that  the  coefficients  in  the  equation  in  u 
are  invariants  of  the  cubics  in  the  numerator  and  denominator 
of  the  fraction. 

148.  To  cut  tlie  maximum  and  minimum  Ellipse 
from  a  Right  Cone  wbich  stands  on  a  given  circular 
base. — Let  AD  represent  the  axis  of 
the  cone,  and  suppose  BP  to  be  the 
axis  major  of  the  required  section;  0 
its  centre ;  a^  b,  its  semi-axes.  Through 
0  and  P  draw  LM  and  PR  parallel  to 
BC.  Then  BP  =  2a,  b^  =  LO  .  OM 
(Euclid,  Book  in.,  Pr.  35) ;  but  LO 

=  — ,0M  =  —  ;.'.  P=-.BC.  PR. 

Hence  BP^'  .  PR  is  to  be  a  maximum 

or  a  minimum.  ^^*  '' 

1 82     Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable. 

Let  Z  BAD  -  a,  PBC  =  Q,  BO  =  c. 
Then  BP^BC''''^^^        '''''' 

FB  =  BP 

sin  ^P(7     cos  {d  -  a)' 
sin  PBB     c  cos  (0  +  a) 

sin  Pi25      cos  (6/  -  a) ' 

cos  (0  +  a)  . 

— TTTi (  IS  a  maximum  or  a  mmimum. 

COS^  (0-a) 

du  _  sin  20  -  2  sin  2a 
dQ         cos*  (0  -  a) 

TT  uu      8m2(7- 2  sm  2a  .      ^ 

iience    -777  = -r-r?, ^ —  =  o  ;     .*.  sm20  =  2  sm 2a. 

The  solution  becomes  impossible  when  2  sin  2a  >  i ;  i.e.  if 
the  vertical  angle  of  the  cone  be  >  30°. 

The  problem  admits  of  two  solutions  when  a  is  less  than 
15°*     ^or,  if  Qi  be  the  least  value  of  0  derived  from  the 

equation  sin  20  *=  2  sin 2a ;  then  the  value  -  -  0i  evidently 

gives  a  second  solution. 

Again,  by  differentiation,  we  get 

d^U  2COS20      ,    ,  .       .  .         . 

3215  =  — TTTx r  (when  sm20  =  2  sm 2a).  » 

dd^     cos*  (0  -  a)  ^  ' 

This  is  positive  or  negative  according  as  cos  20  is  positive  or 

negative.     Iience  the  greater  value  of   0  corresponds  to  a 

maximum  section,  and  the  lesser  to  a  minimum. 

^  In  the  limiting  case,  when  a  =  15°,  the  two  solutions 

coincide.     However,  it  is  easily  shown  that  the  corresponding 

section  gives  neither  a  maximimi  nor  a  minimum  solution  of 

the  problem.     For,  we  have  in  this  case  0  =  45° ;  which  value 

gives  -r^^  =  o.     On  proceeding  to  the  next  differentiation,  we 

find,  when  0  =  45°, 

d^u  _  -  4  _     ^4 

dO'  ~  cos*(45°-a)  "  ~  "9" 

Hence  the  solution  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum. 
When  a  >  15°,  both  solutions  are  impossible. 

Oeometrical  Examples,  183 

149.  The  principle,  that  when  a  function  is  a  maximum 
or  a  minimum  its  reciprocal  is  at  the  same  time  a  minimum 
or  a  maximum,  is  of  frequent  use  in  finding  such  solutions. 

There  are  other  considerations  by  which  the  determina- 
tion of  maxima  and  minima  values  is  often  facilitated. 

Thus,  whenever  w  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum,  so  also 

is  log  (w),  unless  u  vanishes  along  with  — . 

Again,  any  constant  may  be  added  or  subtracted,  i.e.  if 
f(x)  be  a  maximum,  so  also  is /(a?)  ±c. 

Also,  if  any  function,  w,  be  a  maximum,  so  will  be  any 
positive  power  of  w,  in  general. 

150.  Again,  if  z  =  f{u),  then  dz  =  f(u)du^  and  conse- 
quently s  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum;  either  (i)  when 
du  =  o,  i.e.  when  u  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  ;  or  (2)  when 

/(«)  =  o. 

In  many  questions  the  values  of  u  are  restricted,  by  the 
conditions  of  the  problem,*  to  lie  between  given  limits; 
accordingly,  in  such  cases,  any  root  of  f\u)  =  o  does  not 
furnish  a  real  maximum  or  minimum  solution  imless  it  lies 
between  the  given  limiting  values  of  u. 

We  shall  illustrate  this  by  one  or  two  geometrical 

(i).  In  an  ellipse,  to  find  when  the  rectangle  under  a  pair  of 
conjugate  diameters  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum.  Let  r  be  any 
semi-diameter  of  the  ellipse,  then  the  square  of  the  conjugate 
semi-diameter  is  represented  by  a'  +  i^  -  r^,  and  we  have 

u  =  r^  (a*  +  h"^  -  r^)  a  maximum  or  a  minimum. 

Here  -r-  =  2(0^  +  b^  -  zr^) r, 

dr        ^  ' 

Accordingly  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  are, 
(i)  those  for  which  r  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  ;  i.e.  r-a, 
or  r  =  6 ;  and,  (2)  those  given  by  the  equation 

r(c^  +  6^  -  2r*)  =  o; 

•  See  Cambridge  Mathematical  Journal,  vol.  iii.  p.  237. 

1 84    Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable, 

or  r  =  o,  and  r 


The  solution  r  =  o  is  inadmissible,  since  r  must  lie  between 
the  limits  a  and  b  :  the  other  solution  corresponds  to  the 
equiconjugate  diameters.  It  is  easily  seen  that  the  solution 
in  (2)  is  the  maximum,  and  that  in  (i)  the  minimum  value 
of  the  rectangle  in  question. 

151.  As  another  example,  we  shall  consider  the  following 
problem* : — 

Given  in  a  plane  triangle  two  sides  (a,  b)  to  find  the 
maximum  and  minimum  values  of 

I  A 

-  .  cos  — , 
e  2 

where  A  and  c  have  the  usual  significations. 

Squaring  the  expression  in  question,  and  substituting  x 
for  c,  we  easily  find  for  the  quantity  whose  maximum  and 
minimum  values  are  required  the  following  expression  : 

I2b_  a"  -y" 

X      x^  ar*    ' 

neglecting  a  constant  multiplier. 

Accordingly,  the  solutions  of  the  problem  are — (i)  the 

maximum  and  minimum  values  of  a;,  i.e.  a  +  6  and  a  -b. 

(2)  the  solutions  of  the  equation  — ,  i.e.  of 

I      Ab      3  (^^  -  b^) 
x^      x^  x^ 

or  x^  +  Ofbx  -  ^{a^  -  b^)  =  o; 

whence  we  get      x  =  ^/^a"^  +  b^  -  2b, 

neglecting  the  negative  root,  which  is  inadmissible. 

Again,  if  J  >  a,  \/3a'^  +  b'^  -  2b  is  negative,  and  accord- 
ingly in  this  case  the  solution  given  by  (2 )  is  inadmissible. 

*  This  problem  occurs  in  Astronomy,  in  finding  when  a  planet  appears 
biightest,  the  orbits  being  supposed  circular. 

Maxima  and  Minima  Values  of  an  Implicit  Function.     185 

If  a  >  6,  it  remains  to  see  whether  y^sa'  +  6*  -  ih  lies 
between  the  limits  a  ■\-  h  and  a  -h.  It*  is  easily  seen  that 
-v/3a*  +  6*-2Jis>«-6:  the  remaining  condition  requires 

a  ^    b   >  v^3rt^  +  h^  -  zby 

or  «  +  36   >  'v/s^'*  +  ^S 

or  a^  +  tab  +  96^  >  3«^  +  6% 

i.e.  4 J'  +  3^5-  a^   >  o, 

or  (46  -  flj)  (6  +  a)  >  o ; 

or,  finally,  ft  >  -. 

We  see  accordingly  that  this  gives  no  real  solution  unless 
the  lesser  of  the  given  sides  exceeds  one-fourth  of  the 

When  this  condition  is  fulfilled,  it  is  easily  seen  that  the 
corresponding  solution  is  a  maximum,  and  that  the  solutions 
corresponding  to  x  =  a  +  b,  and  x  =  a  -  b,  are  both  minima 

152.  Haxima  and  Minima  ITalaes  of  an  Implicit 
Function. — Suppose  it  bo  required  to  find  the  maxima  or 
minima  values  of  ^  from  the  equation 

/(x,  y)  =  o. 

Differentiating,  we  get 

du     du  dy 
dx     dy  dx 

where  u  represents  f{x,  y).     But  the  maxima  and  minima 

values  of  y  must  satisfy  the  equation  -^  =  o :  accordingly  the 


1 86    Maxima  and  Minima  of  Functions  of  a  Single  Variable, 

maximum  and  Trn'm'-mnm  values  are  got  by  combining*  the 

equations  -r  =  o,  and  u  =  o, 

153.  maximum  and  JVUnimum  in  case  of  a  Func- 
tion of  two  dependent  Variables. — To  determine  the 
maximum  or  minimum  values  of  a  function  of  two  variables, 
X  and  y,  which  are  connected  by  a  relation  of  the  form 

f{x,  y)  =  o. 

Let  the  proposed  function,  0  (a?,  y)  be  represented  by  u ; 
then,  by  Art.  loi,  we  have 

d^df  d(f)  df 
du  _  dx  dy  dy  dx 
dx  df 

But  the  maxima  and  minima  values  of  u  satisfy  the 

equation  ;t-  =  o,  hence  the  values  of  x  and  y  derived  from 

the  equations /(a?,  y)  =  o,  and 

d^  df     d^  df 
dx  dy     dy  dx       ' 

furnish  the  solutions  required.     To  determine  whether  the 

solution  so  determined  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum,    it 

is  necessary  to  investigate  the  sign  of  -r-^.     We  add  an 

example  for  illustration. 

154.  Gimn  the  four  sides  of  a  quadrilateral,  to  find  when  its 
area  is  a  maximum. 

Let  a,  by  c,  d  be  the  lengths  of  the  sides,  ^  the  angle 
between  a  and  b,  yfj  that  between  c  and  d.  Then  ab  sin  0 
+  cd  sin  ;//  is  a  maximum ;  also 

a^  ■{-  b^  -  2ab  cos  0  =  c*  +  gP  -  zed  cos  ;/» 

being  each  equal  to  the  square  of  the  diagonal. 

•  This  result  is  evident  also  from  geometrical  considerations. 

Maximum  Quadrilateral  of  Given  Sides*  187 

Hence  ab  cos  6  +  cd  Goa  xL-r-  =  o 

^  ^  d(l>     -4 

for  a  maximum  or  a  minimum ;  also, 

^  .     i# 
ab  sm  6  =  ed  sm  \p-j- ; 

•'.  tan  <;^  +  tan  rp  =  o,  OT<j>  +  \p=i  80®. 

Hence  the  quadrilateral  is  inscribable  in  a  circle. 

That  the  solution  arrived  at  is  a  maximum  is  evident 
from  geometrical  considerations;  it  can  also  he  proved  to  be 
so  by  aid  of  the  preceding  principles. 

For,  substitute  —r—. — -,  instead  of  -7^,  and  we  get 
cd  sin  \p  dip  ° 

du     ab  sin  (^  +  \li) 
d(p  sin  ^       ' 

TT  d*u       ab  cos  (6  +  \IA  f        d\L\  ,  , .  , 

Hence   -r^  = —-. — —    i  +  -;^  ]  +   a  term  which 

d(j>^  &ui\p         \         d(l)J 

vanishes  when  ^  +  ^  =  180°;  and  the  value  of  — ^  becomes 

in  this  case 



sin  ip 
which  being  negative,  the  solution  is  a  maximum. 

I S8  Examples, 


1.  Prove  that  a  sec 6  +  3  coseo  0  is  a  minimum  when  tan  fl  =  I/*. 

2.  Find  when  4a;'  -  153:2  +  12a;  -  i  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum. 

Ans.  af  =  1^,  a  max. ;  oj  =  2,  a  min. 

3.  If  a  and  *  be  such  that  /(a)  =  /(i),  show  that  f{x)  has,  in  general,  a 
maximum  or  a  minimum  value  for  some  value  of  x  between  a  and  b. 

4.  Find  the  value  of  x  which  makes 

sin  X  .  cos  X 

cos2(6o» -ar) 

•5-  I*  7t\ — ttI  ^e  a  maximum,  show  immediately  that  -^^is  aminimum. 
f{x)  -  <p{x)  ^  (p{x) 

6.  Find  the  value  of  cos  x  when  -  is  a  maximum. 

V  5  -  4  cos  a; 

Ans.  cos  a?: 

7.  Find  when  ■  is  a  maximum.  „    as  ss  -•., 

\/4  +  S*'*  ^ 

8.  Apply  the  method  of  Ex.  5  to  the  expression 


x^  -  ax  +  b 
9.  "What  are  the  values  of  x  which  make  the  expression 

2x^  -  2ix-  +  36a;  -  20 

a  maximum  or  a  minimum  ?  and  (2)  what  are  the  maximum  and  minimum 
values  of  the  expression  ?  Ans.  a:  =  i,  a  max.  ;  x=  6,  &  min. 

*o.  u  =  X^ui  —  xY.  Ant.  X  = ,  a  maximiu- 

^  m-\-  n 

1 1.  Given  the  angle  C  of  a  triangle ;  prove  that  sin^^  +  sin'^  is  a  maximum, 
and  cos*-4  +  cos*^  a  minimum,  when  A  =  B. 

12.  Find  the  least  value  of  ««*■»  +  le'^'.  Ana.  z's/ab 

{a  +  x){b  +  x)  .—. 

■*  {a-  x){b  -  :r)  »i  _  v 

Examples,  1 89 

14.  Show  that  h  -^  e  {x  -  a)?,  when  ar  =  a,  is  a  minimum  or  a  maximum 
according  as  e  is  positive  or  negative.  ^ 

15.  M  =  a;  cos  X.  Ans.  x  =  cot  x. 

16.  Prove  that  x"  is  a  maximum  when  x  =  e. 

17.  Tan^a; .  tan"  (a  —  a:)  is  a  maximum  when  tan  (a  —  ix)  =  tan  a  ? 

n  +  m 

18.  Prove  that ; is  a  minimum  when  x  =  e. 

log  a; 

19.  Given  the  vertical  angle  of  a  triangle  and  its  area,  find  when  its  base  is 
a  minimum. 

20.  Given  one  angle  A  of  a.  right-angled  spherical  triangle,  find  when  the 
difference  betweeen  the  sides  which  contain  it  is  a  maximum. 

Here  tan  ccoaA  =  tan  b ;  and  since  e  —  b  is  a.  maximum,  -77  =  i. 


Hence  we  find  tan  b  =  v  cos  A> 

This  question  admits  of  another  easy  solution ;  for,  as  in  Art.  112,  we  have 

Sin  («J  +  i)  2 

consequently  sin  (e  —  b)  becomes  a  maximum  along  with  sin  {c  +  b),  since  A  is 
constant ;  and  hence  c  —  b  13  &  msiximum  when  c  +  b  =  gO°. 

This  problem  occurs  in  Astronomy,  in  finding  when  the  part  of  the  equation 
of  time  which  arises  from  the  obliquity  of  the  ecliptic  is  a  maximum. 

21.  Prove  that  the  problem,  to  describe  a  circle  with  its  centre  on  the 
circumference  of  a  given  circle,  so  that  the  length  of  the  arc  intercepted  within 
the  given  circle  shall  be  a  maximum,  is  reducible  to  the  solution  of  the  equation 

$  -  cot  e. 

22.  A  perpendicular  is  let  fall  from  the  centre  on  a  tangent  to  an  ellipse, 
find  when  ther  intercept  between  the  point  of  contact  and  the  foot  of  the  perpen- 
dicular is  a  maximum.   Prove  that  p  =  \/  ab,  and  intercept  =  a  -b. 

23.  A  semicircle  is  described  on  the  axis-major  of  an  ellipse  ;  draw  a  line  from 
one  extremity  of  the  axis  so  that  the  portion  intercepted  between  the  circle  and 
the  ellipse  shall  be  a  maximum. 

24.  Draw  two  conjugate  diameters  of  an  ellipse,  so  that  the  sum  of  the 
perpendiculars  from  their  extremities  on  the  axis-major  shall  be  a  maximum. 

25.  Through  a  point  0  on  the  produced  diameter  AB  of  a  semicircle  draw  a 
secant  ORE',  so  that  the  quadrilateral  ABRR'  inscribed  in  the  semicircle  shall 
be  a  maximum. 

Prove  that,  in  this  case,  the  projection  of  RB^  on  AB  is  equal  in  length  to 
the  radius  of  the  circle. 

26.  If  ^m<\)  =  k  sin  »|/,  and  i^  +  »|/  =  a,  where  a  and  k  are  constants,  prove 
that  cos  1^'  cos  ^  is  a  maximum  when  tan^^  =  tan  y^  tan  ^'. 

190  Examples, 

27.  Find  the  area  of  the  ellipse 

ax^  4-  2hxy  +  by^  =  e 
in  terms  of  the  coefficients  in  its  equation,  by  the  method  of  Art.  146. 

(l)  for  rectangular  axes.  Ans.  ■. 

s/ab  -  A2 

,.-,,.  vc  sin  Q) 

,  (2)  for  oblique.  „     —  ■-. 

^/ab  -  A2 

28.  A  triangle  inscribed  in  a  given  circle  has  its  base  parallel  to  a  given  line, 
and  its  vertex  at  a  given  point ;  find  an  expression  for  the  cosine  of  its  vertical 
angle  when  the  area  is  a  maximum. 

29.  FLnd  when  the  base  of  a  triangle  is  a  minimum,  being  given  the  ver- 
tical angle  and  the  ratio  of  one  side  to  the  diflference  between  the  other  and  a 
fixed  line. 

30.  Of  all  spherical  triangles  of  equal  area,  that  of  the  least  perimeter  is 
equilateral  ? 

31.  Let  u^  -\-  x^—  "^axu  =  o;  determine  whether  the  value  x  =  o  gives  u  a 
maximum  or  minimum.  Ans.  Neither. 

32.  Show  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  the  cubic  expression 

ax^  +  ibx^  ^-^cx^-d 
are  the  roots  of  the  quadratic 

aV  _  2Gz\  A  =  0; 

where  G  =  aH-  labc  +  ih^,  and  A  =  cC-cP-  +  d^a^  +  6^db^  -  ib\^  -  dabed. 

33.  Through  a  fixed  point  within  a  given  angle  draw  a  line  so  that  the 
triangle  formed  shall  be  a  minimum. 

The  line  is  bisected  in  the  given  point. 

34.  Prove  in  general  that  the  chord  drawn  through  a  given  point  so  as  to 
cut  off  the  minimum  area  from  a  given  curve  is  bisected  at  that  point. 

35.  If  the  portion,  AB^  of  the  tangent  to  a  given  curve  intercepted  by  two 
fixed  lines  OA,  OB,  be  a  minimum,  prove  that  FA  =  NB,  where  F  is  the  point 
of  contact  of  the  tangent,  and  N  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  let  fall  on  the 
tangent  from  0. 

36.  The  portion  of  the  tangent  to  an  ellipse  intercepted  between  the  axes  is 
a  minimum :  find  its  length.  Ans.  a  +  b. 

37.  Prove  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  the  expression,  Art.  147, 
are  roots  of  the  biquadratic 

{a- my  {d  -  ud'f  +  4 (a  -  ud)  {c -  ue'^  +  4  (^  -  ud')  {b  -  ub'f 

-  3  (6  -  iib'Y {c  —  uc'Y  —  6 (a  —  ud)  {b  —  ub')  {c  —  uc)  (d  ~  ud')  =  o. 

(     191     ) 


MAXIMA     AND     MINIMA    OF     FUNCTIONS    OF   TWO    OR   MORE    IN- 

155.  Maxima   and  Minima   for    Two  Tariables. — In 

accordance  with  the  principles  established  in  the  preceding 
chapter,  if  0  {cc,  y)  be  a  maximum  for  the  particular  values 
Xq  and  2/0,  of  the  independent  variables  x  and  y,  then  for  all 
small  positive  or  negative  values  of  h  and  ^,  0  (jto,  y^  must 
be  greater  than  ^  {^Cq  -\-h,yQ-\-  k) ;  and  for  a  minimum  it  must 
be  less. 

Again,  since  x  and  y  are  independent,  wo  may  suppose 
either  of  them  to  vary,  the  other  remaining  constant; 
accordingly,  as  in  Art.  138,  it  is  necessary  for  a  maximum 
or  minimum  value  that 

du  .  du 

-  =  o,  and-  =  o;  (,) 

omitting  the  case  where  either  of  these  functions  becomes 

156.  liagrange's  Condition. — "We  now  proceed  to 
consider  whether  the  values  found  by  this  process  correspond 
to  real  maxima  or  minima,  or  not. 

Suppose  aJo,  yo  to  be  values  of  x  and  y  which  satisfy  the 


du  J  du 

^  =  0,  and-=o, 

and  let  A.  B.  C  be  the  values  which  -r^,  -r—r,  -t-„  assume 

dx^   dxdy  dy^ 

when  Xq  and  2^0  are  substituted  for  x  and  y ;  then  we  shall 


i>{xQ+h,y^^li)  -  (p{xo,yo)= {Ah''+ 2Bhk+ Ck'') +&c.  (2) 

1 92     Max.  and  Min.for  two  or  more  Independent  Variables, 

But  when  h  and  k  are  very  small,  the  remainder  of  the 
expansion  becomes  in  general  very  small  in  comparison  with 
the  quantity  Ah^  +  2Bhk  +  0^^ .  accordingly  the  sign  of 
<P{xq  +  h,  7/0  +  k)  -  <p{xo,  po)  depends  on  that  of 

AT,2        7,1.7      ni^  '        s^  Uh  +  Bkf  +  ¥{AC-B') 
Ah^  +  zBhk  +  OF,  i.e.  of  -^ '—2 — ^^ • 


Now,  in  order  that  this  expression  should  be  either  always 
positive  or  always  negative  for  all  small  values  of  h  and  k, 
it  is  necessary  that  AC  -  B^-  should  not  be  negative ;  as,  if 
it  be  negative,  the  numerator  in  the  preceding  expression 
would  be  positive  when  A; =0,  and  negative  when  Ah  +  Bk  =  o. 
Hence,  the  condition  for  a  real  maximum  or  minimum  is 
that  AC  should  not  be  less  than  B"^,  or 

d^di^  ^^^\dx(fy)' 

and,  when  this  condition  is  satisfied,  the  solution  is  a  maxi- 
mum or  a  minimum  value  of  the  function  according  as  the 
sign  of  A  is  negative  or  positive. 

If  j5^  be  >  -2  (7  the  solution  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a 

The  necessity  of  the  preceding  condition  was  first  estab- 
lished by  Lagrange  ;*  by  whom  also  the  corresponding  con- 
ditions in  the  case  of  a  function  of  any  number  of  variables 
were  first  discussed. 

Again,  ii  A  =  o,  B  =  o^  C  =  o,  then  for  a  real  maximum 
or  minimum  it  is  necessary  that  all  the  terms  of  the  third 
degree  in  h  and  k  in  expansion  (2)  should  vanish  at  the  same 
time,  while  the  quantity  of  the  fourth  degree  in  h  and  k 
should  preserve  the  same  sign  for  all  values  of  these  quan- 
tities.    See  Art.  138. 

The  spirit  of  the  method,  as  well  as  the  processes  em- 
ployed in  its  application,  will  be  illustrated  by  the  following 

157.  To  find  the  position  of  the  point  the  sum  of  the 
squares  of  whose  distances  from  n  given  points  situated  in 
the  same  plane  shall  be  a  minimum. 

'  Thiorie  des  Fonctions.     Deuxieme  Partie.  Ch.  onzieme. 

Maxima  and  Minima  for  Two  or  more  Variahles.        193 

Let  the  co-ordinates  of  the   given  points  referred  to 
rectangular  axes  be 

(«i,  Ji),  («2,  ^2),  (^3,  h)  .  ,  ,  {an,  bn)y  respectively; 

(x,  y)  those  of  the  point  required ;  then  we  have 

w  =  (ic  -  «i)*  +  (s^  -  hiY  +  (a?  -  a.^""  +  {y  -  hf  +  .  .  . 

+  (^  -  anY  +(y-  bnY 
a  minimum ; 

du  f  . 




-_r  «i  4-  «2  f  .  .  .  +  «„  Si  +  Ja  +  .  .  .  +  fi« 

Hence       a; ,    y  = ; 

and  the  point  required  is  the  centre  of  mean  position  of  the 
n  given  points. 

From  the  nature  of  the  problem  it  is  evident  that  this 
result  corresponds  to  a  minimum. 

This  can  also  be  established  by  aid  of  Lagrange's  con- 
dition, for  we  have 

_  ^^^  _  D  _  ^^^^  _         rr  _  ^^^  _ 

~  dx^~    *         "  dxdy  ~    '         ~  dy'^~    ' 

In  this  case  AC  -  B^  \s>  positive,  and  A  also  positive; 
and  accordingly  the  result  is  a  minimum. 

158.  To  find  the  maximum  or  Minimum  ITalue 
of  tlie  expression 

ax^  +  hf  +  iJixy  +  2gx  +  2fy  +  c, 

*  Denoting  the  expression  by  u,  we  have 

\  du         ^    , 

I   ^^  7,7  ^ 

2dy  ^     ^ 

194       Maxima  and  Minima  for  Two  or  more  Variables. 

Multiplying  the  first  equation  by  x,  the  second  by  y,  and 
subtracting  their  sum  from  the  given  expression,  we  get 

u  =  gx^-fy  +  c\ 

whence,  eliminating  x  and  y  between  the  three  equations, 
we  obtain 

a    h    g 

u{ah-h')^      h     h    f    .  (3) 

9    f    <i 
This  result  may  also  be  written  in  the  form 

d^      ^ 

where  A  denotes  the  discriminant  of  the  proposed  expression. 

.      .  d'^u  d'^u       .         d^u        _ 

Asram,        -—;  =  2a.      -r^  =  20.      -z—r  =  2h. 
^      '        dx'         '      dy""         '       dxdy 

Hence,  if  ah  -  h^  be  positive,  the  foregoing  value  of  t*  is  a 
maximum  or  a  minimum  according  as  the  sign  of  a  is  negative 
or  positive. 

If  h^  >  ah,  the  solution  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a 

The  geometrical  interpretation  of  the  preceding  result  is 
evident ;  viz.,  if  the  co-ordinates  of  the  centre  be  substituted 
for  X  and  y  in  the  equation  of  a  conic,  w  =?  o,  the  resulting 
value  of  u  is  either  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  if  the  curve 
be  an  ellipse,  but  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum  for 
a  hyperbola  ;  as  is  also  evident  from  other  considerations. 

159.  To  find  the  maxima  and  !9Iininia  Yalues 
of  the  Fraction 

aa^  +  hy'^  +  ihxy  +  igx  +  zfy  +  0 
«V+  b'y^+  2h'xy+  2g'x+2f^y+(f' 

Let  the  numerator  and  denominator  be  represented  by 
^1  and  02 ;  then,  denoting  the  fraction  by  w,  we  get 

01  =  W02.  (a) 

Examples  for  Tico  Variables,  195 

Differentiate  with  respect  to  x  and  y  separately,  then 

d(^i      du 

dx      dx  dx ' 

2     d(px     du    "*       G?02, 

dy      dy  dy  *  V 

but  for  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  we  must  have 




=  o 

hence,  the  required  solutions  are  given  by  the  equations 

ax  -{■  hy  -v  g  =  u(a'x  +  Ky  +  /), 

hx  -:-  hy  +/  =  u{Kx  +  Vy  +/). 

Multiplying  the  former  by  x^  the  latter  by  y^  and  subtracting 
the  sum  from  the  equation  (a),  we  get 

These  equations  may  be  written 

(a  -  a'u)x  +  {h  -  h'u)y  +  ^  -  /w  =  o, 
{h  -  h\()x  +  {b-  b'u)y  +f  -fu  =  o, 
{g  -  ^u)x  +  {f-fu)y  +  c  -  c'^f  =  o. 
Eliminating  x  and  y,  we  get  the  determinant 
a  -  du     h  -  h'u    g  -  g^u 
h-Ku     b~  b'u    f  -fu    =  o.  (4) 

9  -^'i^     f-fu     c  -du 

The  roots  of  this  cubic  equation  in  u  are  the  maxima  and 
minima  required. 

This  cubic  is  the  same  as  that  which  gives  the  three 
systems  of  right  lines  that  pass  through  the  points  of 
intersection  of  the  conies  ^1  =  0,^2=  o.* 

*  Salmon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  370. 

196      Maxima  and  Minima  for  Two  or  more  Variables. 

The  cubic  is  written  by  Dr.  Salmon  in  the  form 

AV  +  0  V  +  0«^  +  A  =  o,  (5) 

where  A,  A'  denote  the  discriminants  of  the  expressions  0i  and 
02,  and  0,  0'  are  their  two  other  invariants. 

On  the  proof  of  the  property  that  the  coefficients  are  in- 
variants compare  Art.  144. 

The  cubic  reduces  to  a  quadratic  if  either  the  numerator 
or  the  denominator  be  resolvable  into  linear  factors ;  for  in 
this  case  either  A  =  o,  or  A'  =  o. 

If  both  the  numerator  and  denominator  be  resolvable  into 
factors,  the  cubic  reduces  to  the  linear  equation 

0'w  +  0  =  O, 

and  has  but  one  solution,  as  is  evident  also  geometrically. 

160.  To  find  the  Maxima  or  Minima  lvalues  of 
^^  +  y'  +  z^i  where 

oa;*  +  J/  +  cs*  +  ihxy  H-  2gxz  +  2f%y  =  i. 

X  XI 

Let  w  =  a:*  +  y*  +  «* ;  substitute  x'  and  y'  for  -  and  -,  and 

z         z 

we  have 

aJ^  +  j^'*  +  I 


aa?'*  +  ly"^  +  c  +  2hx']f  +  2gx  +  2//* 
Accordingly  the  cubic  of  formula  (4)  becomes  in  this  case 
a-u~^        h  g 

h        b'vr^     f 
g         f     c-ir' 

This  is  the  well-known  cubic*  for  determining  the  axes  of 
a  surface  of  the  second  degree  in  terms  of  the  coefficients  in 
its  equation  :  when  expanded  it  becomes 

u-^-{a  +  b  +  c)ur^  +  {ab  +  be  +  ac  -p  -  g"  -  h^)w^ 
+  («/'  +  bg^  +  cA'  -  abc  -  2fgh)  =  o. 

♦  See  Salmon's  Geometry  of  Three  Dimensions,  3rd  ed.,  Art.  82. 

Application  of  Lagrange's  Theorem.  197 

161.    Application    of    Itagrange's    Condition. — In 

applying  this  condition  to  the  general  "case  of  Art.  159,  we 
write  the  equation  in  the  form 

01  =  W02> 

from  which  we  get,  on  making  —  =  o,  and  —  =  o, 

dxdy        dxdy        dxdy^ 
c?'0i  _    c?202  d:'u 


^'|S?-(S^)l  =  4K«-«'«X*-*'«)-(^-^'«)')- 

Accordingly,  the  sign  of  AC  -  JB^  is  the  same  as  that  of 
the  quadratic  expression 

{ab  -  hT)  -  {ah'  +  h(/  -  zhK)  u  +  (dV  -  K^)u\         (7) 

where  w  is  a  root  of  the  cubic  (4)  or  (5). 

If  A2  represent  the  determinant  in  (4),  the  preceding 

quadratic  expression  may  he  written  in  the  form  —^, 


Again,  Wi,  u^y  Uz  representing  the  roots  of  the  cubic  (4) ; 
a,  /3,  those  of  the  quadratic  (7)  ;  if  Ui  be  a  real  maximum  or 
minimum  value  of  u,  we  must  have  {ui  -  a){ui  -  j3)(a'6'-  h'^) 
a  positive  quantity. 

Accordingly,  if  a'l>  -  K"^  be  positive,  Ux  must  not  lie  be- 
tween the  values  a  and  /3.     Similarly  for  the  other  roots. 

198       Maxima  and  Minima  for  Tivo  or  more  Variables. 

If  all  the  roots  of  the  cubic  lie  outside  the  limits  a  and  j3, 
they  correspond  to  real  maxima  or  minima,  but  any  root 
which  lies  between  a  and  ]3  gives  no  maximum  or  minimum. 

In  the  particular  case  discussed  in  Art.  1 60  the  roots  of 
the  cubic  (6)  are  all  real,  and  those  of  the  quadratic 
a  -  ir\       h 

=  o  are  interposed  between  the  roots  of  the 
h,  h-u-'- 
cubic.  (See  Salmon's  Higher  Algebra^  Art.  44).  Accord- 
ingly, in  this  case  the  two  extreme  roots  furnish  real  maxima 
and  mininia  solutions,  while  the  intermediate  root  gives 
neither.  This  agrees  with  what  might  have  been  anticipated 
from  the  properties  of  the  Ellipsoid ;  viz.,  the  axes  a  and  c 
are  real  maximum  and  minimum  distances  from  the  centre  to 
the  surface,  while  the  mean  axis  h  is  neither. 

It  would  be  unsuited  to  the  elementary  nature  of  this 
treatise  to  enter  into  further  details  on  the  subject  here. 

162.  maxima  or  Minima  of  Functions  of  three 
Tariables. — Next,  let  u  =  <^{x,  y,  z),  and  suppose  iTo,  yo,  2o 
to  be  values  of  Xj  y,  z,  which  render  u  a  maximum  or  a  mini- 
mum ;  then,  if  sr,  y,  z  be  independent  of  each  other,  by  the 
same  reasoning  as  before,  it  is  obvious  that  a?o,  yo  ,  2©  must 
satisfy  the  three  equations 

du  du  du 

dx       ^     dy       '     dz 

omitting  the  case  of  infinite  values. 
Accordingly  we  must  have 

(p{xo  +  hf  yo  +  kyZo  +  l)  -  (pixc,  yoi Zo)  ^^—^  "^""^  i~2  "^  ^~2 

+  Fkl  +  Ghl  +  Ehk  +  &c. 
where  A,  B,  (7,  F,  G,  H,  are  the  values  that  ^ 

d^u     d^u     d^u       d^u        d^u        d^u 
dx^'     df'     cfe^'     dydz'     dxdz'     dxdy 

respectively  assume  when  iTo,  yo>  2o  are  substituted  for  x^  y,  2 
in  them. 

Maxima  or  Minima  for  Three  Variables.  199 

Now,  in  this,  as  in  the  case  of  two  independent  variables, 
it  is  necessary  for  a  real  maximum  or  ^jninimum  value  that 
the  preceding  quadratic  function  should  be  either  always 
positive  or  always  negative  for  all  small  real  values  of  hy  k, 
and  /. 

Substituting  al  for  A,  and  /3/  for  k,  and  suppressing  the 
positive  factor  l'\  the  expression  becomes 

Aa'  +  JBj^'+0+  2F[5  +  2Ga  +  2lIaP,  (8) 

A[a'  +  2a  (^±^)1  +  Bi3'  +  2F13  +  a 


Completing  the  square  in  the  first  term,  and  multiplying  by 
A,  we  get 

{Aa  +  ^/3  +  Gy+  {AB-S')^'  +  2{AF-  QE)^  +  [AC-  G'). 

Moreover,  since  the  first  term  is  a  perfect  square,  in  order 
that  the  expression  should  preserve  the  same  sign,  it  is  neces- 
sary that  the  quadratic 

{AB  -  JT^)j3^  +  2{AF-  CH)^  +  AO-G' 

should  be  positive  for  all  values  of  j3  :  hence  we  must  have 

ab-e:'>  o,  (9) 

and  {AB  -  E'){AC  -  G')  >  {AF-  GH)\ 

or         A{ABC  +  2FGE-  AF'  -  BG'  -  OR')  >  o,        (10) 

i.e.  A  and  A  must  have  the  same  sign,  A  denoting  the  diS' 
criminant  of  the  quadratic  expression  (8),  as  before. 

Accordingly,  the  conditions  (9)  and  (10)  are  necessary 
that  Xo,  ^0,  Zo  should  correspond  to  a  real  maximum  or  mini- 
mum value  of  the  function  u. 

When  these  conditions  are  fulfilled,  if  the  sign  of  A  be 
positive,  the  function  in  (8)  is  also  positive,  and  the  solution 
is  a  minimum  ;  if  A  be  negative,  the  solution  is  a  maximum. 

163.  9Iaxinia  and  Minima  for  any  number  of 
¥ariables. — The  preceding  theory  admits  of  easy  extension 

200      Maxima  and  Minima  for  Two  or  more  Variables. 

to  functions  of  any  number  of  independent  variables.  The 
values  which  give  maxima  and  minima  in  that  case  are  got 
by  equating  to  zero  the  partial  derived  functions  for  each 
variable  separately,  and  the  quadratic  function  in  the  ex- 
pansion must  preserve  the  same  sign  for  all  values ;  i.e.  it 
mnst  be  equivalent  to  a  number  of  squares,  multiplied  by 
constant  coefficients,  having  each  the  same  sign. 

The  number  of  independent  conditions  to  be  fulfilled  in  the 
case  of  n  independent  variables  is  simply  w  -  i ,  and  not  2"  -  i , 
as  stated  by  some  writers  on  the  Differential  Calculus.  A 
simple  and  general  investigation  of  these  conditions  will  be 
given  in  a  note  at  the  end  of  the  Book. 

164.  To  investigate  the  9Iaxiiuuiii  or  minimaiii 
Yalue  of  tbe  Expression 

am?  +  hy^  +  cz^  +  ihxy  +  zgzx  +  ifyz  +  ipx  +  zqy  +  irz  +  d. 

Let  u  denote  the  function  in  question,  then  for  its  maxi- 
mum or  minimum  value  we  have 



=  2(ax  +  hy  +  gz  +^)  =  o, 
=  2{hx  +  hy  +/«  +  j)  «  o, 
=  2{gx+fy  ^cz^  r)  «o; 

hence,  adopting  the  method  of  Art.  158,  we  get 

Eliminating  x,  y,  z  between  these  four  equations,  we  obtain 
a    h    g    p 

h  h  f  q 
g  f  0  r 
p     q     r    d 

=  u 

a  h  g 
h  h  f 
g    f   c 

.      .       .        d'^u 
Again,  smce  — 



2h,  &e. 

Maxima  or  Minima  for  two  or  more  Variables.  201 

the  result  is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum  unless 

h    h 

is  positive,  and 










has  the  same  sign  as  a. 

The  student  who  is  acquainted  with  the  theory  of  surfaces 
of  the  second  degree  will  find  no  difficulty  in  giving  the 
geometrical  interpretation  of  the  preceding  result. 

165.  To  find  a  point  such  that  the  sum  of  the 
squares  of  its  distances  from  n  given  points  shall  he 
a  ^Minimum. — Let  {a,  b,  c),  (a\  b\  c),  &c.,  be  the  co-ordi™ 
nates  of  the  given  points  referred  to  rectangular  axes ;  Xy  y^  a, 
the  co-ordinates  of  the  required  point ;  then 

(x  -  aY  +  (y  -  hY  +  (z  -  cY 

is  equal  to  the  square  of  the  distance  between  the  points 
(a,  b,  c),  and  (x,  y,  2). 

w=  (a^-a)*  +  (y-5)»+  (z-c)«+  (ar-a'/+  (y-5')'  +  (2-^r 
+  &c.  =  2(aJ  -  aY  +  S(y  -  b^  +  S(2  -  c)*, 

where  the  summation  is  extended  to  each  of  the  n  points. 
For  the  maximum  or  minimum  value,  we  have 

2S(aj  -  a)  =  2nx  -  2S«  =  o, 


—  =  2S(y  -  J)  =  2ny  -  2S5  =  o, 

du       ^         .  „ 

T-  =  22  s  -  c)  =  2n%  -  2^c  =  o ; 

dz  ' 

^a  26  2c 

a?o  =  —  >     yo=  — )     2o  =  — 

n       ^        n  n 

i.e.  a^o,  yo>  2o  are  the  co-ordinates  of  the  centre  of  mean  posi- 

202         Maxima  and  Minima  of  Independent  Variables. 

tiou  of  the  given  points.     This  is  an  extension  of  the  result 
established  in  Art.  157. 

.      .         d^u  d^u  d^u  d^u  _ 

Agam      ^  =  ^«.  Of  =  '"'  ^  =  -'"'  S^  =  °'  *°- 

The  expressions  (10)  and  (11)  are  both  positive  in  this  case, 
and  hence  the  solution  is  a  minimum. 

It  may  be  observed  with  reference  to  examples  of  maxima 
and  minima,  that  in  most  cases  the  circumstances  of  the  prob- 
lem indicate  whether  the  solution  is  a  maximum,  a  minimum, 
or  neither,  and  accordingly  enable  us  to  dispense  with  the 
labour  of  investigating  Lagrange's  conditions- 

Examples.  203 

Examples.  ^ 

Find  the  maximum  and  minimum  values,  if  any  such  exist,  of 

ax  +  by  +  c                            .       c  +  \/  c^  +  i'  +  c^ 
C.  -:; 5 .  Am.  -= -. 

«-    +  y2  +  I  X 

ax  +  bt/  +  0 

(a),  a;  =  o,  y  =  o,  a  maximum. 
(i8).  a;  =  y  =  +  -,  a  minimum. 

(7).  a;  =  -  f/  =  +  - — ,  a  mmimum. 

4.  ax^  +  bxy  +  dz^  +  ?a;z  +  myz. 

X  =  y  =  z  =  o,  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum. 

5.  If  «  =  ax^y^  -  X^y*  -  a^y^j  prove  that  a;  =  -,  y  =  -  makes  u  a  maximum. 

2  3 

6.  Prove  that  the  value  of  the  minimum  found  in  Art.  165  is  the  -th  part  of 


the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  mutual  distances  between  the  n  points,  taken  two 
and  two. 

7.  Find  the  maximum  value  of 

(axi-by  +  cz)e  .      ^«,.  ^- ^- +  -  + -|, 

8.  Find  the  values  of  x  and  y  for  which  the  expression 

{aix  +  b\y  +  CiY  +  [a^x  +  ^2^  +  cj)'  +  .  .  .  +  {c^x  +  i»y  +  <s,}' 
b'^comes  a  minimum. 

(     204     ) 



1 66.  Jflethod  of  Cndetermined  Multipliers. — In  many 
cases  of  maxima  and  minima  the  variables  which  enter  into 
the  function  are  not  independent  of  one  another,  but  are  con- 
nected by  certain  equations  of  condition. 

The  most  convenient  process  to  adopt  in  such  cases  is 
what  is  styled  the  method  of  undetermined*  multipliers.  We 
shall  illustrate  this  process  by  considering  the  case  of  a  func- 
tion of  four  variables  which  are  connected  by  two  equations 
of  condition. 

Thus,  let  w  =  0(a?„  iPaj  ^8,  a^i), 

where  iCi,  Xz,  Xz,  Xi  are  connected  by  the  equations 

Fi{xi^  Xiy  Xs,  Xi)  =  o,  F^ixi,  x^f  X3,  xi)  =0.  (i) 

The  condition  for  ajmaximum  or  a  minimum  value  of  w 
evidently  requires  the  equation 

dd)    ^        dd)    .        dd)    .        d(b    . 

-T-  dxi  +  -^  dxz  -\--^  dxz  +—  dXi  -  o. 

dxi  dxt  dx%  axi 

Moreover,  the  differentials  are  also  connected  by  the  rela- 

dF,  ,  dF,  .  dF,  .  dF,  .  ^ 
-J—  dxi  +  -:r-  dx2  +  -r-  dx3+^-  dxi  «  o, 
dxi  dxz  dxz  dXi 

dFz  ^       dFz  ^       dFz  ^       dF^  ^ 

-7-  dxi-^-r-  dxz  +  -7—  dXi  +  -7—  dxt,  =  o. 

dxi  dxi  dxz  dXi 

Multiplying  the  first  of  the  two  latter  equations  by  the  arbitrary 

*  This  mctliod  is  also  due  to  Lagrange.     See  Mec.  Anal.,  tome  i.,  p.  .74. 

Method  of  Undetermined  Multipliers.  205 

quantity  Xi,  the  other  by  X2,  and  adding  their  sum  to  the  pre- 
ceding equation,  we  get  ^ 

c?0      ,    dF,     .    dF,\.       fdcf>     .    dF,.    dFA^ 
dxi  dxi  dXiJ  \dXi  aXi  ax%j 

fd<b     ^    dF,     ^   dF,\^       fdci>      .    dF,      .    dF,\. 
\dxz  dxz  dxzj  \dXi  ax^  dx^j 

As  Ai,  A2  are  completely  at  our  disposal,  we  may  suppose 
them  determined  so  as  to  make  the  coefficients  of  dx^  and  dxi 
vanish.     Then  we  shall  have 

di^      .    dFx      .    dF2\,       fd((>      .    dF,      .    dF,\  , 
dx^  dxz  dxzJ  \dxi  dx^  dxj 

Again,  since  we  may  regard  X3,  x^  as  independent  variables, 
and  Xi,  X2  as  dependent  on  them  in  consequence  of  the  equa- 
tions (i),  it  follows  that  the  coefficients  of  dxs  and  dXi  in  the 
last  equation  must  be  separately  zero,  for  a  maximum  or  a 
minimum  ;  consequently,  we  must  have 

d(b      ^   dFi      .    dF2 
-^  +  Ai  -T-  +  A2  ;^  =  o, 
dXi  dXi  dxz 

d6      .    dFi      .    dFi 
-^  +  Ai  ;7-  +  X2  -T-  =  o. 
dXi  dXi,  dXi 

These,  along  with  equations  (i)  and 

d(b      .    dFi      .    dF2 
~-  +  Ai  -7-  +  A2  -r-  =  o, 
dxi  dxi  dxx 

d6       .    dFi      .    dFi 
-^  +  Ai  -7-  +  A2  -^  =  o, 

dx2  dx2  dx2 

are  theoretically  sufficient  to  determine  the  six  unknown 
quantities,  i^i,  iC2,  a?3,  x^,  Ai,  Aj ;  and  thus  to  furnish  a  solution 
of  the  problem  in  general. 

This  method  is  especially  applicable  when  the  functions 
J^i,  J^2,  &c.,  are  homogeneous ;  for  if  we  multiply  the  preceding 

2o6  Method  of  Undetermined  Multipliers. 

differential  equations  by  fl?i,  x^,  Xz,  x^,  respectively,  and  add, 
we  can  often  find  the  result  with  facility  by  aid  of  Euler's 
Theorem  of  Art.  103. 

There  is  no  difficulty  in  extending  the  method  of  undeter- 
mined multipliers  to  a  function  of  n  variables,  Xi,  x^,  x^,  .  .  . 
Xn,  the  variables  being  connected  by  m  equations  of  condition. 

i^i  =  O,  i^2  =  O,  i^3  =  O,    .    .    .    Fm  =  O, 

m  being  less  than  n ;  for  if  we  differentiate  as  before,  and 
multiply  the  differentials  of  the  equations  of  condition  by  the 
arbitrary  multipliers,  Ai,  X2,  .  .  .  X;„  respectively;  by  the  same 
method  of  reasoning  as  that  given  above,  we  shall  have  the  n 
following  equations, 

d(f>         dF^  dFm 

-z h  Ai  — \-  .  .  ,  +  Am  —} — 

axi         dxi  dxi 

.  dF,  .    dFm 

+  Ai  -J-  +  .  .  .  +  A,»  — —  =  O, 

dXi         dXi  dx', 

dXn  dXn  dXn 

These,  combined  with  the  m  equations  of  condition,  are 
theoretically  sufficient  for  the  determination  of  the  m  -i-  n 
unknown  quantities 

a?i,  Xzf  .  .  ,  Xn,  Ai,  A2,  .  .  .  A»|. 


I.  To  find  the  triangle  of  maximum  area  inscribed  in  a  given  circle. 
Let  R  denote  the  radius  of  the  circle,  A,  £,  C,  the  angles  of  an  inscribed 
triangle,  u  its  area  ;  then 

u  =  -—  =  zH^  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C. 

Also,  A  +  £ +0=1^0°;     .\  dA  +  d£  +dC^.Oi 

and,  taking  logarithmic  differentials,  we  get 

cot  AdA  +  cot  BdB  +  cot  CdC  =  o, 

Examples.  207 

and  consequently 

tan  ^  =  tan  i?  =  tan  C;  hence  A  =  JB  =0  =  6d* ; 

and  therefore  the  triangle  is  equilateral. 

2.  Find  a  point  such  that  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  perpendiculars 
drawn  from  it  to  the  sides  of  a  given  triaogle  shall  be  a  minimum. 

Let  a,  y,  z  denote  the  perpendiculars :  a,  J,  c  the  sides  of  the  triangle  ;  then 

«  =  a;*  +  3/2  4.  z3  is  to  be  a  minimum ; 

olso  ax  ■\-  by  +  cz  —  double  the  area  of  a  triangle  =  2A  (suppose) ; 

. '.  xdx  +  ydy  4-  zdz  =■  o,  adx  +  bdy  +  cdz  —  o  , 

.'.  a;  =  \a,  y  =:\b,  z  =  \c  :  multiplying  these  equations  by  a,  b,  c,  respectively, 

and  adding,  we  obtain 

ax  +  by  +  cz:=\  (a*  +  b^  +  c^),  or      A.  = 

X  — 

a3  +  ^3  +  c*' 
■z£ia  2Ab  2A0 

,2  +  ^2  +  c2»         y        a3  +   ^2  +  ^2'  ^i  +  J2  +  c«' 

which  determine  the  position  of  the  point.     The  minimum  sum  is  obviously 

fl2  +  i2  +  c2 

3.  Similarly,  to  find  a  point  such  that  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  its  distances 
from  four  given  planes  shall  be  a  minimum.  Suppose  A,  B,  C,  D  to  represent 
the  areas  of  the  faces  of  the  tetrahedron  formed  by  the  four  planes  ;  x,  y,  z,  w, 
the  perpendiculars  on  these  faces  respectively;  then,  as  in  the  preceding 
example,  we  have 

Ax-v  By\Cz^  Bw  =  three  times  the  volume  of  the  tetrahedron  =  3  F  (suppose), 

and  M  =  a;2  +  y'-*  +  2^  +  w^^  a  minimum; 

.*.  xdx  +  ydy  +  zdz  +  xcdw  =  o, 

Adx  +  Bdy  +  Cdz  +  Bdw  =  o ; 

hence  X  =  \A,  y  =  ?J3,  z  =  \C,  w  =  \D; 

and  proceeding  as  before,  we  get  m=    ..        ^      ^^     ^3. 

4.  To  prove  that  of  all  rectangular  paralldepipeils  of  the  same  volume  the  cube 
has  the  least  sm'face. 

Let  X,  y,  2  represent  the  lengths  of  the  edges  of  the  parallelepiped ;  then^  if 
A  denote  the  given  volume,  we  have 

xyz  =  A,  and  xy  +  xz  +  yz  a  minimum ; 

.'.  ysdx  +  xzdy  +  xydz  =  o, 

(1/  +  z)  dx  +  {x  +  z)  dy  +  {x  +  y)  dx=o; 

hence  yz  =  \{y  +  z),  xz  =  \{x-\-  z),  xy  =  \  {x  +  y)  : 

from  which  it  appears  immediately  that  x  —  y  =  z. 


Method  of  Undetermined  Multipliers. 

167.    To      find     the      Maximum     and    Jflinimum 
¥alues  of 

ax^  +  hy^  +  cz^  +  zhxy  +  igzx  +  2fyz, 

where  the  variables  are  connected  by  the  equations 

Lx  +  My  +  iVs  =  o,  and  x^  +  y"^  +  z^  =  i. 

In  this  case  we  get  the  following  equations : 

ax  -\-hy  +  gz  +  \iL  +  Asiz;  =  o, 

hx  +  hy  +/s  +  \xM  +  Xzy  =  o, 

gx  +fy  +  cs  +  XiiV  +  A22  =  o. 

Multiply  the  first  by  x,  the  second  by  y,  the  third  by  z,  and 
add;  then 

u  +  A2  =  o,  or  Xi 



[a-  u)  X  +  hy  +  gz  +  XiL  =  o, 

hx  +  {b  -u)  y  +fz  +  XiM  =  o, 

gx  +fy  +  (c-u)  z  +  XiN  =  o, 

Lx  +  My  +  Nz  =  o : 

eliminating  x,  y,  z  and  Ai,  we  get  the  determinant  equation 

a  —  u,      h,  g,      L 

h,        h  -  Uy        /,      M 

g,  /,         c-u,    N 

L,       M,       jsr,      o 

=  o. 


The  roots  of  this  quadratic  determine  the  maximum  and 
minimum  values  of  u. 

The  preceding  result  enables  us  to  determine  the  principal 
radii  of  curvature  at  a  given  point  on  a  surface  whose  equa- 
tion is  given  in  rectangular  co-ordinates. 

Application  to  Surfaces. 


Again,  the  term  independent  of  u  in  this  determinant  is 

















and  the  coefficient  of  u^  is  L'  +  M^  +  N^,  Accordingly,  the 
product  of  the  roots  of  the  quadratic  (2)  is  equal  to  the  frac- 
tion whose  numerator  is  the  latter  determinant,  and  denomi- 
nator L^  +  M^  +  iV\  From  this  can  he  immediately  deduced 
an  expression  for  the  measure  of  curvature*  at  any  point  on  a 

•  Salmon's  Geometry  of  Three  Dimensions.  Art.  2  95. 

2IO  Examples, 


1.  Find  the  minimum  value  of 

^1  +  ^J  +  ^^  +  •  •  •  +  ^'^ 
where  x\,  Xiy  . .  .  Xn  are  subject  to  the  condition 

a\x\  +  a^2  f  .  .  .  +  Uf^n  =  k,  Ans. 

2.  Find  the  maximum  value  of 

xP  y9  2^, 
where  the  variables  are  subject  to  the  condition 

ax  ■{■  by  -^^  cz  =  p -^  g  +  r. 

a;  +  a;...+< 



6         <b 

3.  If  tan  -  tan  -  =  m,  find  when  p^"r  P  -  ♦»?  sin  *  is  a  maximum. 

4.  Find  the  maximum  value  of  («  +  i)  (y  +  i)  (z  +  i)  where  a' bv  c^  =  A. 

{log  {Aabc)}^ 


27  log  a  .  log  b  .  log  c 

5.  Find  the  volume  of  the  greatest  rectangular  parallelepiped  inscribed  iu 
the  ellipsoid  whose  equation  is 

^2        y9        gi 


6.  Find  the  maximum  or  the  minimum  values  of  «,  being  given  that 

«  =  a2a;2  +  ^2^2  +  c^z-,    a;2  ^  y2  ^  2?  =  I,    and  Ix  +  my  +  nz  =  o. 

Proceeding  by  the  method  of  Art.  167,  we  get 

a^x  +  \X  +  fil=  O,     b^y  +  Ay  +  fini  =  o.     c-z  -^  \z  -t  /xn  ~  o. 

Again,  multiplying  by  x,  y,  s,  respectively,  and  adding,  we  get  A.  =  -  u. 

.'.  (m  -  a^)  x  =  fxly     (u  -  b^)  y  =  fim,     (u  -  c^)  z  =  /*». 

Hence,  the  required  values  of  u  are  the  roots  of  the  quadratic 

l^  m*  «2 

+ f =t  o. 

«  -  a'      u  -  If^      «  -  a 

Examples.  2 1 1 

7.  Giren  -5  +  i^  +  -^  =*  i,  and  Ix  +  fny  +  «»  =  o,  find  when  «*  +  y'  +  z*  is  a 
a*      0*      c*  .4 

maximum  or  minimum.  Proceeding,  as  in  the  last  example,  we  get  the  quadratic 

aH'^         h^m^         c^n^ 

+ r:;  + -.  =  o. 

w  -  ««      u  -  b^      u  -  c^ 

This  question  can  be  at  once  reduced  to  the  last  by  substituting  in  our  equations 
rta:,  Jy,  and  («,  instead  of  a?,  y,  «. 

8.  Of  all  triangular  pyramids  having  a  given  triangle  for  base,  and  a  given 
altitude  above  that  base,  find  that  whose  surface  is  least. 

Ans.  Value  of  minimum  surface  is \/  r^  +  p^^  where  a,  5,  c  repre- 


sent  the  sides  of  the  triangular  base ;  >*,  the  radius  of  its  inscribed  circle ;  and  p^ 
the  given  altitude. 

9.  Divide  the  quadrant  of  a  circle  into  three  parts,  such  that  the  sum  of  the 
products  of  the  sines  of  every  two  shall  be  a  maximum  or  a  minimum ;  and 
determine  which  it  is. 

10.  Of  all  polygons  of  a  given  number  of  sides  circumscribed  to  a  circle,  the 
regular  polygon  is  of  minimum  area  ?  For,  let  ^i,  ^2,  •  .  .  ^n  be  the  external 
angles  of  the  polygon,  then  the  area  can  be  easily  seen  to  be  in  general 

r«  (tan  ^  +  tan  ^  +  . . .  +  tan  —  J  , 

where  ^1  +  ^2  . .  .  +  0n  =  2t. 

Hence,  for  a  minimum,       ^1  =  ^2  =  ^s  =  . .  .  =  ^». 

11.  Of  all  polygons  of  a  given  number  of  sides  circumscribed  to  any  closed 
oval  cujTve  which  has  no  singular  points,  that  which  has  the  minimum  area 
touches  the  curve  at  the  middle  point  of  each  of  the  sides. 

12.  Given  the  ratio  sin  ^ :  sin  i|/,  and  the  angle  0,  find  when  the  ratio 
sin  (0  +  0)  :  sin  (^^  +  &)  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum.  Ans.  <p  +  rp  —  0. 

1 3.  Required  the  dimensions  of  an  open  cylindrical  vessel  of  given  capacity, 
so  that  the  smallest  possible  quantity  of  material  shall  be  employed  in  its  con- 
struction, the  thickness  of  the  base  and  sides  being  given. 

Ans.  Its  altitude  must  be  equal  to  the  radius  of  its  base. 

14.  Show  how  to  determine  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  flp'+y*+«' 
subject  to  the  conditions 

te  +  wy  +  «z  =  o. 
P  2 

{      212      ) 



1 68.  Equation  or  the  Tangent. — If  (a?,  y),  (a?i,  ^/i),  he  the 
co-ordinates  of  any  two  points,  P,  Q,  taken  on  a  curve,  and 
if  (X,  Y)  be  any  point  on  the  y 
line  which  joins  P  and  Q ;  then 
the  equation  of  the  line  PQ  is 

Y-y  =  {X-iv) 


^     M 

in  which  X  and  Y  represent  the    ^ 

current  co-ordinates.  ^^s-  ^• 

If  now  the  point  Q  be  taken  infinitely  near  to  P,  the  line 
PQ  becomes  the  tangent  at  the  point  P,  and,  as  in  Art.  lo, 
we  have  for  its  equation 



where  X,  Y  are  the  co-ordinates  of  any  point  on  the  line, 
and  ic,  y  those  of  its  point  of  contact. 

For  example,  to  find  the  equation  of  the  tangent  to  the 


x^y^  =  a^^*^. 

Taking  the  logarithmic  differentials  of  both  sides,  we  get 


n     mdy 
X      y  dx 



and  the  equation  of  the  tangent  becomes 

nX     mY 
X         y 

m  +  n. 

Tangents  Parallel  to  a  Given  Line,  2 1 3 

If  we  make  X*  o,  and  F=  o,  separately,  we  get  -^ y 

fn  4"  n 
and X  for  the  lengths  of  the  intercepts  made  by  the 

tangent  on  the  axes  of  x  and  y,  respectively.  This  result 
furnishes  an  easy  geometrical  method  of  drawing  the  tangent 
at  any  point  on  a  curve  of  this  class. 

li  m  =  I,  n  =  I,  the  preceding  equation  represents  a 
hj^erbola  ;  ii  m  =  2,  and  n  =  -  i,  it  represents  a  parabola. 

169.  If  the  equation  of  the  curve  be  of  the  form 
/{x,  y)  =  o,  and  iS/(x,  y)  be  denoted  by  w,  we  have  from 
Art.  100, 


dx       du^ 

and  hence  the  equation  of  the  tangent  becomes  • 

.—       .du     ,-.      .du 

The  points  on  the   curve   at   which  the  tangents  are 

parallel  to  the  axis  of  x  must  satisfy  the  equation  -—  =  o ; 

they  are  accordingly  given  by  the  intersection  of  the  curve, 

w  =  o,  with  the  curve  whose  equation  is  -7-  =  o.     The  y  co- 


ordinates  at  such  points  are   evidently  in  general  either 

maxima  or  minima. 

Similar  remarks  apply  to  the  points  at  which  the  tangents 
are  parallel  to  the  axis  of  y. 

To  find  the  tangents  parallel  to  the  line  y  =  mx  +  n.  The 
points  of  contact  must  evidently  satisfy 

du        du 

-I-  +  m—  =0. 

dx         dy 

The  points  of  intersection  of  the  curve  represented  by 

214  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves, 

this  equation  with  the  given  curve  are  the  points  of  contact 
of  the  system  of  parallel  tangents  in  question. 

The  results  in  this  and  the  preceding  Article  evidently 
apply  to  oblique  as  well  as  to  rectangular  axes. 


1.  To  find  the  equation  of  the  tangent  to  the  ellipse 

du  _2x      du  _^  2y 
and  the  required  equation  is 

2.  Find  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  any  point  on  the  curve 

—  +  J-  =  1.  Ans. +  -f —  =  I. 

3.  If  two  curves,  whose  equations  are  denoted  by  w  =  o,  m'  =  o,  intersect  in 
a  point  (a?,  y),  and  if  «  be  their  angle  of  intersection,  prove  that 

du  dt/      di4f  du 

.  dx  dif       dx  dy 

tan  w  = 

du  dvc      du  du 

dx  dx      dy  dy 

4.  Hence,  if  the  ciures  intersect  at  right  angles,  we  must  have 

du  du'     du  du' 
dx  dx      dy  dy  " 

5.  Apply  this  to  find  the  condition  that  the  curves 

a;2  yi  ^2  yi 

^  +  i»  =  '»    ^+i^'°' 

should  intersect  at  right  angles.  Ana.  a*  -  Ja  =  a'*  -  h'*. 

Equation  of  Normal, 


1 70.  Equation  of  ^^orinal. — Since  the  normal  at  any 
point  on  a  curve  is  perpendicular  to  the  tangent,  its  equation, 
when  the  co-ordinate  axes  are  rectangular,  is 



The  points  at  which  normals  are  parallel  to  the  line 
y  =  mx  +  n  are  given  by  aid  of  the  equation  of  the  curve  u  =  o 
along  with  the  equation 


-7-  =  m 



I.  Find  the  equation  of  the  normal  at  any  point  (ar,  y)  on  the  ellipse 


X         y 

=  0;^-^, 

3.  Find  the  equation  of  the  normal  at  any  point  on  the  curve 

yf^  =  ax».  Ans.  nYy  +  mXx  -ny^  -i-  mx^. 

171.  ^ubtangent   and  l§lubiiornial. — In   the  accom- 
panying figure,  let  PT  repre-  y 
sent  the  tangent  at  the  point  P, 
PiV the  normal;  OM,  Pilf  the 
co-ordinates    at   P ;    then   the 
lines  TM  and  MlSf  are   called 
the  subtangent  and  subnormal    0' 
corresponding  to  the  point  P.  Fig.  9. 

To  find  the  expressions  for  their  lengths,  let  ^  =  Z  FT  My 



MN     ,  dy 






2i6  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves. 

The  lengths  of  FT  and  PN  are  sometimes  called  the 
lengths  of  the  tangent  and  the  normal  at  P :  it  is  easily 
seen  that 




1.  To  find  the  length  of  the  subnormal  in  the  ellipse 

a2  +  ^2  "  '• 

Here  y—  =  -  —  x\ 

dx         a^ 

the  negative  sign  signifies  that  MN  is  measured  from  M  in  the  negative 
direction  along  the  axis  of  x,  i.e.  the  point  N  lies  between  M  and  the  centre  0 ; 
as  is  also  evident  from  the  shape  of  the  curve. 

2.  Prove  that  the  subtangent  in  the  logarithmic  curve,  y  =  «*,  is  of  constant 

3.  Prove  that  the  subnormal  in  the  parabola,  y^  =  imx,  is  equal  to  m. 

4.  Find  the  length  of  the  part  of  the  normal  to  the  catenary 

.    X  X. 


intercepted  by  the  axis  of  a?.  Am.  — . 

5.  Find  at  what  point  the  subtangent  to  the  curve  whose  equation  is 
ay2  =  a^  (a  -  x) 

IS  a  maximum.  Ans.  a?  =  -,    y  =  a. 

172.  Perpendicular  on  Tangent. — Let  p  be  the  length 
of  the  perpendicular  from  the  origin  on  the  tangent  at  any 
point  on  the  curve 

F{x,  y)  =  c, 

Length  of  Perpe^idkular  on  Tangent,  217 

then  the  equation  of  the  tangent  may  be  written 

X  cos  a>  +  J'  sin  w  =  p^ 

where  w  is  the  angle  which  the  perpendicular  makes  with 
the  axis  of  x. 

Denoting  F  (x,  y)  by  w,  and  comparing  this  form  of  the 
equation  with  that  in  (2),  and  representing  the  common  value 
of  the  fraction  by  X, 

we  get 

du  du  du        du 

dx  dy         dx        dy 

cos  a>     sin  a>  'O 

(du\^    fdu\ 

du       du 

J  dx     ^  dy  /  V 

and  'P  =    ,,  -^ —  •  (4) 



CoR.  If  F{x^  y)  be  a  homogeneous  expression  of  the  n*^ 
degree  in  x  and  2/,  then  by  Euler's  formula,  Art.  102,  we  have 

du        du 

*&.+^^  =  »"=""' 

and  the  expression  for  the   length   of  the    perpendicular 
becomes  in  this  case 


UduV    fduV 


In  the 



prove  that 


p""-^  ^  (a  cos  w)"*-^  +  {h  sin  a.)'""*.  (5) 

2iS  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves. 

By  Ex.  2,  Art.  169,  the  equation  of  the  tangent  is 

=  I ; 

comparing  this  with  the  form 

X  cos  w  +  ]r  sin  (0  =  j», 

we  get 


cos  w  _  a;'^^  sin  a>  _  y*"~^ 

la  cos  <.>N"^'_  OS        fb  sin  w\'^'_  y 
XT')    "«'      \^^j     °V 

Hence,  substituting  in  the  equation  of  the  curve,  we  obtain 
the  result  required. 

174.  liocns  of  Foot  of  Perpendicular  for  the  same 
Curve. — Let  X,  Fbe  the  co-ordinates  of  the  point  in  ques- 

X  T 

tion,  and  we  have,  evidently,  cos  w  «=  — ,  sin  a>  =  — :  substi- 
tuting these  values  for  cos  w  and  sin  a>  in  (5),  it  becomes 

(X^  +  F^)*^^  =  (aX)"*-^  4  {h  Y)"'-\ 

since  j9*  =  X^  +  T^. 

175.  Another  Form  of  the  Fquation  to  a  Tan- 
gent.— If  the  equation  of  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  be 
written  in  the  form 

<p{x,  y)  =Un  +  W„-i  +  W„.a  +  .  .  .    f  tt,  +  Wi  +  Wo  =  O, 

where  Un  denotes  the  homogeneous  part  of  the  n^^  degree  in 
the  equation,  w„_i  that  of  the  {n  -  i)'^,  &o.;  then,  by  Cor. 
Art.  103,  we  have 

x-r  +  y-r-  -  ^  f«„.;  -f  2Un^  +  &0.     . .  +  nuo\. 
ax        ay 

Number  of  Tangents  from  an  External  Point,         219 

Hence  the  equation  of  the  tangent  in  Art.  169  becomes 

X-r  +  F  -i^  +  w^i  +  2Wn-2  +  .  .  .  +  wwo  =  o ;  (6) 

ax  ay 

an  equation  of  the  (w  -  i)^'^  degree  in  x  and  y. 

176.  Xumber  of  Tangents  from  an  External 
Point. — To  find  the  number  of  tangents  which  can  be 
drawn  to  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree  from  a  point  (a,  j3),  we  sub- 
stitute a  for  X,  and  /3  for  Y  in  (6) ,  and  it  becomes 

a^+  j3^  +  Ur^i  +  2W,*_2  +  .  .  .  +  wwo  =  o.  (7) 

This  represents  a  curve  of  the  {n  -  lY^  degree  in  x  and  y, 
and  the  points  of  its  intersection  with  the  given  curve  are  the 
points  of  contact  of  all  the  tangents  which  can  be  drawn 
from  the  point  (a,  j3)  to  the  curve.  Moreover,  as  two  curves 
of  the  degrees  n  and  n  -  i  intersect  in  general  inn  {n  -  i) 
points,  real  or  imaginary  (Salmon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  238), 
it  follows  that  there  can  in  general  be  n{n  -  i )  real  or 
imaginary  tangents  drawn  from  an  external  point  to  a  curve 
of  the  n^^  degree. 

If  the  curve  be  of  the  second  degree,  equation  (7)  be- 

a  J-  +  j3  ^  +  Wi  +  2Wo  =  O, 

an  equation  of  the  first  degree,  which  evidently  represents 
the  polar  of  (a,  /3)  with  respect  to  the  conic. 
In  the  curve  of  the  third  degree 

U3  +  Ui  +  Ui  +  Uo  =  o, 

equation  (7)  becomes 

d6      ^  d(j> 
a—  +  ^-^  +  U2  +  2Ui  +  sUo  =  Oy 
ax        ay 

which  represents  a  conic  that  passes  through  the  points  of 
contact  of  the  tangents  to  the  curve  from  the  point  (a,  /3). 

This  conic  is  called  the  polar  conic  of  the  point.  For  the 
origin  it  becomes 

Ui  +  2Ui  +  3We  =  o. 

220  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves, 

177.  KTamber  of  UTormals  which  pass  through  a 
Ctiven  Point. — If  a  normal  pass  through  the  point  (a,  j3), 
we  must  have  from  (3), 

.du  du 

This  represents  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree,  which  intersects  the 
given  curve  in  general  in  n^  points,  real  or  imaginary,  the 
normals  at  which  all  pass  through  the  point  (a,  j3). 
For  example,  the  points  on  the  ellipse 

at  which  the  normals  pass  through  a  given  point  (a,  j3), 
are  determined  by  the  intersection  of  lie  ellipse  with  the 

xp  (a*  -  b^)  =  c^ay  -  V^x, 

For  the  modification  in  the  results  of  this  and  the  pre- 
ceding article  arising  from  the  existence  of  singular  points  on 
the  curve,  the  student  is  referred  to  Salmon's  Higher  Plane 
Curves,  Arts.  66,  67,  iii. 

178.  DifTerential  of  the  Arc  of  a  Plane  Curve. 
Direction  of  the  Tangent. — If  the  length  of  the  arc  of  a 
curve,  measured  from  a  fixed  point  A  on  it,  be  denoted  by  s, 
then  an  infinitely  small  portion  of  it  is  represented  by  ds. 
Again,  if  ^'  represent  the  angle  QPL  (fig.  8),  we  have 

,     PL      ^    .     ,      QL 

but  in  the  limit,  PL  =  dx,  QL  =  dy,  and  PQ  =  ds*  and  also 
0'  becomes  PTX,  or  (p  (fig.  9). 

*  In  Art.  37  it  has  been  proved  that  the  difference  between  the  length  of  an 

infinitely  small  arc  and  its  chord  is  an  infinitely  small  quantity  of  the  second 

■,     .                .          .  ,    ,     ,        ,     »  ,      ,      ■■     .      arc  FQ  -  FQ  .    .   „  .    , 
order  in  comparison  with  the  length  of  the  chord;  i.e. — is  infinitely 

small  of  the  second  order,  and  therefore  this  fraction  vanishes  in  the  limit. 

Hence  J~p?)  ~  ''  ultimately. 

Differential  of  the  Arc  of  a  Curve, 





cos^  =  ^,    sin0  =  ^ 

squaring  and  adding,  we  get 

tm- ' 



Hence,  also,  we  have 

and  therefore 

=  dx"  +  dy\ 



On  account  of  the  importance  of  these  results,  we  shall 
give  another  proof,  as  follows : — 

Let,  as  before,  FR  he  the  tangent  to  the  curve  at  the 
point  P, 

MN=PL  =  ^x,  QL  =  Ay. 

LPTX=(l),a>TGPQ=  As, 

Then,  if  the  curvature  of 
the  elementary  portion  PQ 
of  the  curve  be  continuous, 
we  have  evidently  the  line 

PQ<qxqPQ<PR+QR',      0      T  M    N 

Fig.  10. 
or         vAa?'  +  /^y"^  <  As  <  Ax  sec  (^  +  Ay  -  Ax  tan  ^ ; 


.— ^     <  —  <sec0  +  — ^-  tan  0. 

\Axj       Ax  Ax 

Again,  in  the  limit  ir-  =  -f-  =  tan  (^,  and  J  i  +  ( 



222  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves, 

becomes  ji  +  (^^j  or  sec0  j  accordingly  each  of  the  pre- 

ceding  expressions  converges  to  the  same  limiting  value,  and 

we  have  j~  =  Ji+fj^-  5   which   establishes  the  required 


179.  Polar  Co-ordinates. — The  position  of  any  point 
in  a  plane  is  determined  when  its  distance  from  a  fixed  point 
called  a  pole,  and  the  angle  which  that  distance  makes  with  a 
fixed  line,  are  known  ;  these  are  called  the  polar  co-ordinates 
of  the  point,  and  are  usually  denoted  by  the  letters  r  and  0. 
The  fixed  line  is  called  the  prime  vector,  and  r  is  called  the 
radius  vector  of  the  point. 

The  equation  of  a  curve  referred  to  polar  co-ordinates  is 
generally  written  in  one  or  other  of  the  forms, 

r=/(0),  ori^(r,0)=o, 

according  as  r  is  given  explicitly  or  implicitly  in  terms  of  0. 
Also,  if  6/  be  positive  when  measured  above  the  prime  vector, 
it  must  be  regarded  as  negative  when  measured  below  it. 

1 80.  Angle  betTFeen  Tangent  and  Radius  Tector. 

Let  0  be  the  pole,  P  and  Q  two  near 
points  on  the  curve,  PMo.  perpendicular 
on  OQ,  OP  =  r,  POX  =  0,  and  ^p  the 
angle  between  the  tangent  and  radius 
vector.     Then 

cos  OQP  =  -77^ :  but  in  the  limit  when 

QP  Fig.  II. 

Q  and  P  coincide,    the   angle    OQP 
becomes  equal  to  ;//,  and* 

QM     dr     PM     rdO     ,  ,^ 

^57^  =  Tf    -7T7S  =  -7-  >  at  the  same  time ; 

PQ      ds      PQ       ds  ' 

dr       r     ,     rdO      ,       ,     rdO  ,     . 

or  cosi//  =  -T-,    sm^=-7-,    tan;//=— r-.  (n) 

^     ds  ■       ds  dr  ■ 

•  These  residts  can  be  easily  established  from  Art.  37. 

^olar  Suhtangent  and  Subnormal, 



\ds  J  '^  \ds)  ~ 


Hence,   also,   we  can  determine   an  expression  for  the 
differential  of  an  arc  in  polar  co-ordinates ;  for,  since 

we  get,  on  proceeding  to  the  limit, 

ds__    j        7d¥ 
dr     \  dr 



.2     ' 




These  results  are  of  importance  in  the  general  theory  of 

i8i.  Application    to    the    liOgarithmic    Spiral. — 

The  curve  whose  equation  is  r  =  a^  is  called  the  logarithmic 
spiral.     In  this  curve  we  have 

^       .      rdO         I 

tan  w  -  —r-  =  :; . 

dr       log  a 

Accordingly,  the  angle  between  the  radius  vector  and  the 
tangent  is  constant.  On  account  of  this  property  the  curve 
is  also  called  the  equiangular  sjnral. 

182.  Polar  liubtangent  and  Subnormal. — Through 
the  origin  0  let  8T  be  drawn  perpendi-     g 
cular  to  OF,  meeting  the  tangent  in  T, 
and  the  normal  in  S.   The  lines  OT  and 
08  are  called  the  polar  subtangent  and. 
subnormal,  for  the  point  P.     To  find 
their  values,  we  have 

0T=  OF  tan  OFT=r  tan  ^  =  -^. 

08  =  OF  tan  0F8 

Also,  if 

H  = 

224  Tangents  and  Nmvnals  to  Curves, 

Again,  if  ON  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  PT,  we  have 

PiV^=OPcosi/.  =  r^.  (15) 

183.  Expression  for  Perpendicular  on  Tangent.- — 

As  before,  let  p  =  ON,  then 

^       as 

The  equations  in  polar  co-ordinates  of  the  tangent  and 
the  normal  at  any  point  on  a  curve  can  be  found  without 
difficulty :  they  have,  however,  been  omitted  here,  as  they 
are  of  little  or  no  practical  advantage. 


1.  To  find  the  length  of  the  perpendicular  from  a  focus  on  the  tangent  to  an 

The  focal  equation  of  the  curve  is 

ail  -  e^  I  -  e  cosfl 

r  = '.  or  M=  —. -r-  ; 

I  -  «  cos  6'  a  (I  -  e^) 

du        «  sin  0 
dd      a(i-c*)' 

**'  ^  ^      a«  (I  -  e2)vs      -  a*{i  -e^)  \r  )' 

2.  Prove  that  the  polar  subnormal  is  constant,  in  the  curve  r~a9;  and  thft 
Dolar  subtangent,  in  the  curvft  rrt  =  a. 

Inverse  Curves. 


184.  Inverse  Curves. — If  on  any  radius  vector  OP, 
drawn  from  a  fixed  origin  0,  a  point  P'  ^e  taken  such  that 
the  rectangle  OF  .  OF"  is  constant,  the  point  P'  is  called  the 
inverse  of  the  point  P ;  and  if  P  describe  any  curve,  P' 
describes  another  curve  called  the  inverse  of  the  former. 

The  polar  equation  of  the  inverse  is  obtained  immediately 

from  that  of  the  original  curve  by 

F  . 
substituting  -  instead   of  r  in  its 

equation ;  where  k'^  is  equal  to  the 
constant  OP  .  OP", 

Again,  let  P,  Q  be  two  points, 
and  jP',  Q'  the  inverse  points  ;  then 
since  OP  .  OF  =  OQ  .  0Q\  the 
four  points  P,  Q,  Q\  P",  lie  on  a 
circle,  and  hence  the  triangles 
OQP  and  OP^Q'  are  equiangular ; 

Fig.  13. 





OP.  OQ 
OQ .  OQ' 

OP.  OQ 


Again,  if  P,  Q  be  infinitely  near  points,  denoting  the 
lengths  of  the  corresponding  elements  of  the  curve  and  of  its 
inverse  by  ds  and  ds,  the  preceding  result  becomes 



185.  Direction  of  the  Tangent  to  an  Inverse 
Curve. — Let  the  points  P,  Q  belong  to  one  curve,  and  F,  Q! 
to  its  inverse ;  then  when  P  and  Q  coincide,  the  lines  PQ, 
FQ'  become  the  tangents  at  the  inverse  points  P  and  F: 
again,  since  the  angle  SPP'  =  the  angle  SQ'Q,  it  follows  that 
the  tangents  at  P  and  F  form  an  isosceles  triangle  with  the 
Hne  PF. 

By  aid  of  this  property  the  tangent  at  any  point  on  a 
curve  can  be  drawn,  whenever  that  at  the  corresponding 
point  of  the  inverse  curve  is  known. 

It  follows  immediately  from  the  preceding  result,  that  if 
two  curves  intersegt  at  any  angle,  their  inverse  curves  intersect  at 
the  same  angle.    ^ 

2  26  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves, 

1 86.  fquation  to  the  Inverse  of  a  Criven  Curve. — 

Suppose  the  curve  referred  to  rectangular  axes  drawn  through 
the  pole  0,  and  that  x  and  y  are  the  co-ordinates  of  a  point  P 
on  the  curve,  X  and  Y  those  of  the  inverse  point  P' ;  then 

X~  0F~      OF'      ~  X'+Y''  ^^^^^^^^^  Y~  X^+Y''' 
hence  the  equation  of  the  inverse  is  got  by  substituting 


x^  +  y"^  x^  + 

mstead  of  x  and  y  in  the  equation  of  the  original  curve 

Again,  let  the  equation  of  the  original  curve,  as  in  Art. 
174,  be 

tin  +  Un-\  +  W»-2  +  .  .  .  +  ^2  +  Wi  +  Wo  =  O. 

When-r and   ,       ,  are  substituted  for  x  and  v,  '^ 

x^  +  y^         x'  ■¥  y^ 

becomes  evidently  t^ ^ . 

(:z;^  +  ?/^)^ 

Accordingly,  the  equation  of  the  inverse  curve  is 
A-'"w„  +  /v^"-2?/„_i  (aj2  +  y"")  +  ^'"-%n-2(^'  +  y')'  +  .  .  . 

+  WoC^'^  +  2^^^)"  =  o.  (19) 

For  instance,  the  equation  of  any  right  line  is  of  the  form 
^^l  +  ^^o  =  o ; 
hence  that  of  its  inverse  with  respect  to  the  origin  is 
hhh  +  Uq  {x^  +  y"^)  =  o. 

This  represents  a  circle  passing  through  the  pole,  as  is 
well  known,  except  when  Uq  =  o  ;  i.e.  when  the  Hne  passes 
through  the  pole  0. 

Again,  the  equation  of  the  inverse  of  the  circle 
x^  +  y^  ^  Ui  -»-  W'o  =  o, 
with  respect  to  the  origin,  is 

(k'  +  ¥u,  +  u,  {x'  +  f))  (x"  +  y')  =  o, 

which  represents  another  circle,  along  with  the  two  imaginary 
right  lines  x'  +  y^  =  o. 

Pedal  Curves,  ii'j 

Again,  tlie  general  equation  of  a  conic  is  of  the  form 

hence  that  of  its  inverse  with  respect  to  the  origin  is 

k^u^  +  Wu^ix^  +  \f)  +  Uq{x^  -^  iff  ='  o, 

which  represents  a  curve  of  the  fourth  degree  of  the  class 
called  '*  bicircular  quartics." 

If  the  origin  be  on  the  conic  the  absolute  term  Uq  vanishes, 
and  the  inverse  is  the  curve  of  the  third  degree  represented 

Fw2  +  Wi  (3?  +  y^)  =  o. 

This  curve  is  called  a  "  circular  cubic." 

If  the  focus  be  the  origin  of  inversion,  the  inverse  is  a 
curve  called  the  Limac'on  of  Pascal.  The  form  of  this  curve 
will  be  given  in  a  subsequent  Chapter. 

187.  Pedal  Curves. — If  from  any  point  as  origin  a  per- 
pendicular be  drawn  to  the  tangent  to  a  given  curve,  the  locus 
of  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  is  called  the  ^e^«/  of  the  curve 
with  respect  to  the  assumed  origin. 

In  like  manner,  if  perpendiculars  be  drawn  to  the  tan- 
gents to  the  pedal,  we  get  a  new  curve  called  the  second  pedal 
of  the  original,  and  so  on.  With  respect  to  its  pedal,  the 
original  curve  is  styled  the  first  negative  pedal,  &c. 

188.  Tangent  at  any  Point  to  the  Pedal  of  a 
given  Curve. — Let  OJS',  ON' 
be  the  perpendiculars  from  the 
origin  0  on  the  tangents  drawn 
at  two  points  P  and  Q  on  the 
given  curve,  and  T  the  intersec- 
tion of  these  tangents ;  join  iViV^'; 
then  since  the  angles  ONT  and 
ON'T  are  right  angles,  the  qua- 
drilateral ONN'T  is  inscribable 
in  a  circle, 

.-.  lON'N^^lOTN, 

In  the  limit  when  P  and  Q  coincide,  L  OTN  =  L  OPN, 
and  NN'  becomes  the  tangent  to  the  locus  of  JV;  hence  the 

Q  2 

228  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves. 

latter  tangent  makes  the  same  angle  with  ON  that  the 
tangent  at  P  makes  with  OP.  This  property  enables  us 
to  draw  the  tangent  at  any  point  N  on  the  pedal  locus  in 

Again,  if  p'  represent  the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent  at 
N  to  the  first  pedal,  from  similar  triangles  we  evidently  have 


P  .  .  .        .  ^ 

Hence,  if  the  equation  of  a  curve  be  given  in  the  form 

r  =f{p),  that  of  its  first  pedal  is  of  the  form  ^  =/(??),  in 

which  p  and  p'  are  respectively  analogous  to  r  and  p  in  the 
original  curve.  In  like  manner  the  equation  of  the  next 
pedal  can  be  determined,  and  so  on. 

189.  Reciprocal  Polars. — If  on  the  perpendicular  ON 
a  point  P'  be  taken,  such  that  OP".  ON  is  constant  {k^  sup- 
pose), the  point  P'  is  evidently  the  pole  of  the  line  PiV"  with 
respect  to  the  circle  of  radius  k  and  centre  0 ;  and  if  all  the 
tangents  to  the  curve  be  taken,  the  locus  of  their  poles  is  a 
new  curve.  We  shall  denote  these  curves  by  the  letters  A 
and  B,  respectively.  Again,  by  elementary  geometry,  the 
point  .of  intersection  of  any  two  lines  is  the  pole  of  the  line 
joining  the  poles  of  the  lines,*  Now,  if  the  lines  betaken  as 
two  infinitely  near  tangents  to  the  curve  A,  the  line  joining 
their  poles  becomes  a  tangent  to  B ;  accordingly,  the  tangent 
to  the  curve  B  has  its  pole  on  the  curve  A.  Hence  A  is  the 
locus  of  the  poles  of  the  tangents  to  B. 

In  consequence  of  this  reciprocal  relation,  the  curves  A  and 
B  are  called  reciprocal  polars  of  each  other  with  respect  to  the 
circle  whose  radius  is  k. 

Since  to  every  tangent  to  a  curve  corresponds  a  point  on 
its  reciprocal  polar,  it  follows  that  to  a  number  of  points  in 
directum  on  one  curve  correspond  a  number  of  tangents  to  its 
reciprocal  polar,  which  pass  through  a  common  point. 

Again,  it  is  evident  that  the  reciprocal  p)olar'to  any  curve 
is  the  inverse  to  its  pedal  with  respect  to  the  origin. 

We  have  seen  in  Art.  1 76.  that  the  greatest  number  of  tan- 
geats  from  a  point  to  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  is  w  (»  -  i)  ; 

♦  Townsend's  Modern  Geometry y  vol.  i.,  p.  219. 

Reciprocal  Polara.  229 

hence  the  greatest  number  of  points  in  which  its  reciprocal 
polar  can  be  cut  by  a  line  is  n{n  -  i),  qj?  the  degree  of  the 
reciprocal  polar  is  n{n-  / ) .  For  the  modification  in  this 
result,  arising  from  singular  points  in  the  original  curve,  as 
well  as  for  the  complete  discussion  of  reciprocal  polars,  the 
student  is  referred  to  Salmon's  Higher  Plane  Curves. 

As  an  example  of  reciprocal  polars  we  shall  take  the  curve 
considered  in  Art.  173. 

If  r  denote  the  radius  vector  of  the  reciprocal  polar  cor- 
responding to  the  perpendicular  p  in  the  proposed  curve,  we 

^  =  7- 

Substituting  this  value  for  j9  in  equation  (5),  we  get 

m  m 

1  -m-3  .  tn-l 

=  (a  cos  (u)     -»-  {0  Sin  w)     , 

n<  m 


or  A;"*-*  =  {ax)"^^  +  (hy)' 

which  is  the  equation  of  the  reciprocal  polar  of  the  curve  re- 
presented by  the  equation 

In  the  particular  case  of  the  ellipse, 

a-  ^  h'      '' 
the  reciprocal  polar  has  for  its  equation 
¥  =  aV  +  by. 

The  theory  of  reciprocal  polars  indicated  above  admits  of 
easy  generalization.  Thus,  if  we  take  the  poles  with  respect 
to  any  conic  section  ( U)  of  aU  the  tangents  to  a  given  curve 
A,  we  shall  get  a  new  curve  B ;  and  it  can  be  easily  seen,  a£ 
before,  that  the  poles  of  the  tangents  to  B  are  situated  on  the 
curve  A.  Hence  the  curves  are  said  to  be  reciprocal  polars 
with  respect  to  the  conic  Z7. 

It  may  be  added,  that  if  two  curves  have  a  common  poiD^ 

230  Tangents  and  Kormals  to  Curves. 

their  reciprocal  polars  have  a  common  tangent;  and  if  the 
curves  touch,  their  reciprocal  polars  also  touch. 

For  illustrations  of  the  great  importance  of  this  "  principle 
of  duality,"  and  of  reciprocal  polars  as  a  method  of  investi- 
gation, the  student  is  referred  to  Salmon's  Conies,  ch.  xv. 

We  next  proceed  to  illustrate  the  preceding  by  discussing 
a  few  elementary  properties  of  the  curves  which  are  comprised 
under  the  equation  r"*  =  a"*  cos  md. 

190.  Pedal  and  Reciprocal  Polar  of  r*"  =  a^QO^mB. 
"We  shall  commence   by  finding  the 
angle  between  the  radius  vector  and 
the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent. 

In  the   accompanying  figure   we 


have  tan  PON  =  cot  OPN  =  -  -^. 


Pig.  15- 
But  m  log  r  =  m  log  a  +  log  (cos  mO) ; 

hence  -m  =  -  tan  mQ, 


and  accordingly,  L  PON  -  mO.  (20) 

Again,  p  =  0N=  r  cosmO 

or  r""^^  =  a'^p.  (21) 

The  equation  of  the  pedal,  with  respect  to  0,  can  be  im- 
mediately found. 

For,  let  lAON  =  w,  and  we  have 


Also,  from  (21),        (-)=(- 
Hence,  the  equation  of  the  pedal  is 

pmn  =  ^m+l  QQ^     \  (22) 

On  the  Curve  r"'  =  a"*  cos  md.  231 

Consequently,  the  equation  of  the  pedal  is  got  by  substi- 

tiitinsr  instead  of  m  in  the  eqiiatioir*of  the  curve. 

By  a  like  substitution  the  equation  of  the  second  pedal  is 
easily  seen  to  be 

^2nt+i  _  /72fn+l 

rzrrr  nid 

cos ; 

zm  +  I 

and  that  of  the  n*^  pedal 

-^       -— -  m8 

^n.n*i  ^  fjmn+.  ^OS .  (23) 

mn  +1  ^     ' 

Again,  from  Art.  184,  it  is  plain  that  the  inverse  to  the 
curve  r^  =  a^^  cos  w^0,  with  respect  to  a  circle  of  radius  a,  is 
the  curve  r^  cos  mO  =  «*". 

Again,  the  reciprocal  polar  of  the  proposed,  with  respect 
to  the  same  circle,  being  the  inverse  of  its  pedal,  is  the  curve 

tn  /I  w* 

—  mu  — 

r"**^  cos =  a"***.  (24) 

m+  1  ^  ^^ 

It  may  be  observed  that  this  equation  is  got  by  substitut- 
ing   for  m  in  the  original  equation. 

Accordingly  we  see  that  the  pedals,  inverse  curves,  and 
reciprocal  polars  of  the  proposed,  are  all  curves  whose  equa- 
tions are  of  the  same  form  as  that  of  the  proposed. 

In  a  subsequent  chapter  the  student  will  find  an  additional 
discussion  of  this  class  of  curves,  along  with  illustrations  of 
their  shape  for  a  few  particular  values  of  m. 

t.  The  equation  of  a  parabola  referred  to  its  focus  as  pole  is 
r  (i  +  cosO)  =  za, 
to  find  the  relation  between  r  and  p. 


Here  ri  cos  -  =  aJ,  and  consequently  p*  =  «y, 

a  well-known  elementary  property  of  the  curve. 

232  Tangents  and  JSTormals  to  Curves. 

2.  The  equation  r' cos  2e  =  d2  represents  an  equilateral  hyperbola;  prore 
that  ji?r  =  a'. 

3.  The  equation  r^  =  a^  cos  2^  represents  a  Lemniscate  of  Bernoulli ;  find 
the  equation  connecting  p  and  r  in  tnis  case.  Ans.  r^  =  c^p, 

4.  Find  the  equation  connecting  the  radius  vector  and  the  perpendicular  on 
the  tangent  in  the  Cardioid  whose  equation  is 

r  =  a{x  +  cos  e).  Ans.  r'  =  zap^. 

It  is  evident  that  the  Cardioid  is  the  inverse  of  a  parabola  with  respect  to 
its  focus  ;  and  the  Lemniscate  that  of  an  equilateral  hyperbola  -with  respect  to 
its  centre.  Accordingly,  we  can  easily  draw  the  tangents  at  any  point  on  either 
of  these  curves  by  aid  of  the  Theorem  of  Art.  1 85. 

5.  Show,  by  the  method  of  Art.  188,  that  the  pedal  of  the  parabola,  p*  =  aty 
with  respect  to  its  focus,  is  the  right  line  p  =  a. 

6.  Show  that  the  pedal  of  the  equilateral  hyperbola  pr  =  a^  is  a  Lemniscate. 

7.  Find  the  pedal  of  the  circle  r^  =  2ap.         Ans.  A  Cardioid,  1^  =  2ap\ 

igi.  lExpres«iioii  for  PiV. — To  find  the  value  of  the 
intercept  between  the  point  of 
contact  P  and  the  foot  JV  of 
the    perpendicular    from    the 
origin  on  the  tangent  at  P. 

Let  p  =  OJSr^cj  =L  NO  A,  > 

PN=  t)  then L NTN'==lNON' 

=  Aw,  also  SN'=TS  sin  STN'; 

.-.  TS  =  — iTfTTi^,;  but  in  the 

limit,  when  PQ  is  infinitely  small, 
and  TS  becomes  FN  or  t : 

Also  OP'  =  ON'  +  PN^ ; 

^=^'.(iy.         (36) 

192.  To  prove  thai 

ds  dt  i   m\ 

dd)  du) 

Vectorial  Co-ordinates,  233 

On  reference  to  the  last  figure  we  have 

ds      ..    .,    .PT^TQ      dt      ..    ,''^.QN'-FN 

-J-  =  limit  of  ,     -—  =  limit  of ; 

but  FT+  TQ  -  QN'  +  PN  =  TN  -  TN'; 

hence  ~ -7-  =  limit  of =  limit  of =  ON=p ; 

aw      au)  All)  Ao> 

ds  dt 

att)  aui 

This  result,  which  is  due  to  Legendre,  is  of  importance  in 

the  Integral  Calculus,  in  connexion  with  the  rectification  of 


If  —  be  substituted  f or  ^,  the  preceding  formula  becomes 

ds  d^p  ,  ^, 

aw    ^     dw^  ^    ' 

This  shape  of  the  result  is  of  use  in  connexion  with  curva- 
ture, as  will  be  seen  in  a  subsequent  chapter. 

193.  Birection  of  Hiormal  in  tectorial  Co-ordi- 
nates.— In  some  cases  the  equation  of  a  curve  can  be 
expressed  in  terms  of  the  distances  from  two  or  more  fixed 
points  or  foci.  Such  distances  are  called  vectorial  co-ordi- 
nates. For  instance,  if  ri,  r-i  denote  the  distances  from  two 
fixed  points,  the  equation  ri  +  ra  =  const,  represents  an  ellipse, 
and  ri  -  ^2  =  const.,  a  hyperbola. 

Again,  the  equation 

ri  +  mri  =  const, 

represents  a  curve  called  a  Cartesian*  oval. 
Also,  the  equation 

ri  r2  =  const, 

represents  an  oval  of  Cassini,  and  so  on. 

The  direction  of  the  normal  at  any  point  of  a  curve,  in 
such  cases,  can  be  readily  obtained  by  a  geometrical  con- 

*  A  discussion  ot  the  principal  properties  of  Cartesian  ovals  will  be  found 
in  Chapter  XX. 

234  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves. 

For,  let 

-F(ri,  rz)  =  const. 
be  the  equation  of  the  curve,  where 

then  we  have 

dFdn     dFdr^  _ 
dvx  ds      drz  ds 

Now,  if  PTbe  the  tangent  at  P,  then,  by  Art.  1 80,  we  have 
— ^  =  cos ;//!,    -~  =  cos  ;/»2,     where  ■^x  =  L  TFFi,     xp2  =  I.  TFF2. 

TT  dF        ,      dF        .  .    . 

±lence  —  cos  \pi+  —  cos  \pz  =  o.  (29) 

ari  ar% 

Again,  from  any  point  R  on  the  normal  draw  RL  and 
RM  respectively  parallel  to  F^P  and  FiP,  and  we  have 

PL  :  LR  =  sin  RPM :  sin  RPL  =  cos  1/^2 :  -  cos  ;//i 

_(^^  dF 

Accordingly,   if  we  measure  on  PFi  and  PF2  lengths 

PL  and  PM.  which  are  in  the  proportion  of  -r-  to  -;— ,  then 

dri       drz 

the  diagonal  of  the  parallelogram  thus  formed  is  the  normal 


This  result  admits  of  the  following  generalization  : 
Let  the  equation  of  the  curve*  be  represented  by 

•P(n,  n,  ^3,  .  .  .  rn)  =  const., 

*  The  theorem  given  above  is  taken  from  Poinsot's  Elements  de  Statigue, 
Neuvieme  Edition,  p.  435.  The  principle  on  which  it  was  founded  was,  how- 
ever, given  by  Leibnitz  {Journal  des  Savana,  1693),  and  was  deduced  from 
mechanical  considerations.  The  terra  resultant  is  borrowed  from  Mechanics, 
and  is  obtained  by  the  same  construction  as  that  for  the  resultant  of  a  number 
of  forces  acting  at  the  same  point.  Thus,  to  find  the  resultant  of  a  number  of 
lines  Pa,  Fb,  Fc,  Fd,  .  .  .  issuing  from  a  point  F,  we  draw  through  a  a.  right 
line  a£,  equal  and  parallel  to  Fb,  and  in  the  same  direction ;  through  B,  a  right 
line  BO,  equal  and  parallel  to  Fs,  and  so  on,  whatever  be  the  number  of  lines: 
then  the  line  FH,  which  closes  the  polygon,  is  the  resultant  in  question. 

Normals  in  Vectorial  Co-ordinates.  235 

where  rj,  ^2,  .  .  .  r^  denote  the  distances  from  n  fixed  points. 
To  draw  the  normal  at  any  point,  we  connect  the  point  with 
the  n  fixed  points,  and  on  the  joining  lines  measure  off 
lengths  proportional  to 

dF     dF     dF  dF  ,.    . 

^'  d^.;  d7r-d^:'''^''^'^'^^' 

then  the  direction  of  the  normal  is  the  resultant  of  the  lines 
thus  determined. 

For,  as  hefore,  we  have 

dFdj\     dFd_n  ^^_ 

dri  ds      dr2  ds      '  '  '  drn  ds 

TT  dF        ,      dF        ,  dF        ^  .     , 

Hence       -7-  cos  t//i  +  —  cos  U/2  +  .  .  ,  -r-  cos  ip«  =  o.  (30) 

(tr\  arz  ^^» 

dF        ,      dF        ,  dF         , 

Now,      -7-  cos  t//i,      —  cos  t//2,    .  .  .    TT  COS  U/„, 

ar\  ar^  ■  w/  j^ 

are  evidently  proportional  to  the  projections  on  the  tangent 
of  the  segments  measured  off  in  our  construction.  Moreover, 
in  any  polygon,  the  projection  of  one  side  on  any  right  line 
is  manifestly  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  projections  of  all  the 
other  sides  on  the  same  line,  taken  with  their  proper  signs. 
Consequently,  from  (30),  the  projection  of  the  resultant  on 
the  tangent  is  zero ;  and,  accordingly,  the  resultant  is  normal 
to  the  curve,  which  establishes  the  theorem. 

It  can  be  shown  without  difficulty  that  the  normal  at  any 
point  of  a  surface  whose  equation  is  given  in  terms  of  the 
distances  from  fixed  points  can  be  determined  by  the  same 


T.  A  Cartesian  oval  is  the  locus  of  a  point,  P,  sucli  that  its  distances,  Pi/, 
PM',  from  the  circumfereuces  of  two  given  circles  are  to  each  other  in  a  constant 
ratio  ;  prove  geometrically  that  the  tangents  to  the  oval  at  P,  and  to  the  circles 
at  M  and  M'j  meet  in  the  same  point. 

2.  The  equation  of  an  ellipse  oi  Cassini  is  r/  =  ab,  where  r  and  /  are  the 
distances  of  any  point  P  on  the  curve,  from  two  fixed  points,  A  and  B.  If  0 
be  the  middle  point  of  ^P,  and  PiVthe  normal  at  P,  prove  that  L  AFO=  I BPN. 

3.  In  the  curve  represented  by  the  equation  ri^  +  ra'  =  «',  prove  that  the 
normal  divides  the  distance  between  the  foci  in  the  ratio  of  r%  to  ri. 

236  Tangents  and  Normals  to  Curves. 

194.  In  like  manner,  if  the  equation  of  a  curve  be  given 
in  terms  of  the  angles  0i,  02,  •  •  .  ^n>  which  the  vectors  drawn 
to  fixed  points  make  respectively  with  a  fixed  right  line,  the 
direction  of  the  tangent  at  any  point  is  obtained  by  an  analo- 
gous construction. 

For,  let  the  equation  be  represented  by 

F{Q,,  02,  .  .  .  0«)  =  const 

Then,  by  differentiation,  we  have 

dF^dd,     dFdOi  dFddn_ 

dOi  ds      dOz  ds      '  '  '  dOn  ds 

Hence,  as  before,  from  Art.  180,  we  get 

I  dF  .     ,       I  dF  .     ,  I  dF   ,     ,       . 

Accordingly,  if  we  measure  on  the  lines  drawn  to  the  fixed 
points  segments  proportional  to 

i_dF     i_dF  i_dF 

r.ddy     r.dO,'  '  "  rndOn* 

and  construct  the  resultant  line  as  before,  then  this  line  will 
be  the  tangent  required.  The  proof  is  identical  with  that  of 
last  Article. 

195.  Curves  Symmetrical  Yrith  respect  to  a  liine, 
and  Centres  of  Curves. — It  may  be  observed  here,  that 
if  the  equation  of  a  curve  be  unaltered  when  1/  is  changed 
into  -  y,  then  to  every  value  of  x  correspond  equal  and  oppo- 
site values  of  «/;  and,  when  the  co-ordinate  axes  are  rect- 
angular, the  curve  is  symmetrical  with  respect  to  the  axis  of  a;. 

In  like  manner,  a  curve  is  symmetrical  with  respect  to 
the  axis  of  y,  if  its  equation  remains  unaltered  when  the  sign 
of  x  is  changed. 

Again,  if,  when  we  change  x  and  y  into  -  x  and  -  y,  re- 
spectively, the  equation  of  a  curve  remains  unaltered,  then 
every  right  line  drawn  through  the  origin  and  terminated  by 
the  curve  is  divided  into  equal  parts  at  the  origin.  This 
takes  place  for  a  curve  of  an  even  degree  when  the  sum  of 

Symmetrical  Curves  and  Centres,  237 

the  indices  of  x  and  y  in  each  term  is  even ;  and  for  a  curve 
of  an  odd  degree  when  the  like  sum  is  odd.-  Such  a  point  is 
called  the  centre*  of  the  curve.  For  instance,  in  conies,  when 
the  equation  is  of  the  form 

flwj*  +  zhxy  +  hy'^  =  c, 

the  origin  is  a  centre.  Also,  if  the  equation  of  a  cubicf  be 
reducible  to  the  form 

Wa  +  Wi  =  o, 

the  origin  is  a  centre,  and  every  line  drawn  through  it  is  bi- 
sected at  that  point. 

Thus  we  see  that  when  a  cubic  has  a  centre,  that  point 
lies  on  the  curve.  This  property  holds  for  all  curves  of  an 
odd  degree. 

It  should  be  observed  that  curves  of  higher  degrees  than 
the  second  cannot  generally  have  a  centre,  for  it  is  evidently 
impossible  by  transformation  of  co-ordinates  to  eliminate  the 
requisite  number  of  terms  from  the  equation  of  the  curve. 
For  instance,  to  seek  whether  a  cubic  has  a  centre,  we  substi- 
tute X  +  a  for  a?,  and  F  +  j3  f or  y,  in  its  equation,  and  equate 
to  zero  the  coefficients  of  X^  XFand  F^  as  well  as  the  abso- 
lute term,  in  the  new  equation :  as  we  have  but  two  arbitrary 
constants  (a  and  /3)  to  satisfy  four  equations,  there  will  be 
two  equations  of  condition  among  its  constants  in  order  that 
the  cubic  should  have  a  centre.  The  number  of  conditions  is 
obviously  greater  for  curves  of  higher  degrees. 

*  For  a  general  meaning  of  the  word  "  centre,"  as  applied  to  curves  of 
higher  degrees,  see  Chasles's  Apercu  Historique,  p.  233,  note. 

t  This  name  has  been  given  to  curves  of  the  third  degree  by  Dr.  Salmon, 
in  his  Higher  Plane  CurveSj  and  has  been  generally  adopted  by  subsequent 
writers  on  the  subject. 

238  Exmnples. 


I.  Find  the  lengtlis  of  the  subtangent  ana  subnonnei  at  any  point  of  the 

yn  =  ^n-la;. 

Ans,  nx.  — . 

;.  Find  the  subtangent  to  the  curve 

X>'*yn  —  «»»•«•, 


Am, . 


;.  Find  the  equation  of  the  tangent  to  the 


x^  =  o3yS. 


5^    2r_ 

X        y        ^' 

4.  Show  that  the  points  of  contact  of  tangents  from  a  point  (o,  ^8)  to  the 

are  situated  on  the  hyperbola  (m  +  n)zi/  =  nfix  +  may, 

5.  In  the  same  curve  prove  that  the  portion  of  the  tangent  intercepted  be- 
tween the  axes  is  divided  at  its  point  of  contact  into  segments  which  are  to  each 
other  in  a  constant  ratio. 

6.  Find  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  any  point  to  the  hypocycloid,  xt  +  1^ 
=  al ;  and  prove  that  the  portion  of  the  tangent  intercepted  between  the  axes  is 
of  constant  length. 

7.  In  the  curve  a;'»  +  2/"  =  a**,  find  the  length  of  the  perpendicular  drawn 
from  the  origin  to  the  tangent  at  any  point,  and  find  also  the  intercept  made  by 
the  axes  on  the  tangent. 

an  tf2n 

Ans.  p  =  —  —  ;  intercept  =  -. r. 

8.  If  the  co-ordinates  of  every  point  on  a  curve  satisfy  the  equations 

a;  =  c  sin  20(i  +  cos  20),    y  =  c  cos  20(1  —  cos  20), 
prove  that  the  tangent  at  any  point  makes  the  angle  B  with  the  axis  of  x. 

9.  The  co-ordinates  of  any  point  in  the  cycloid  satisfy  the  equations 

X  =  a{Q  -sme),    2/  =  a(i -CO8  0): 

prove  that  the  angle  which  the  tangent  at  the  point  makes  with  the  axis  of  y 
.  e 

18  -. 


Examples,  239 

Here  -^  =  --  =  cof  -. 

ax     ax  2 

10.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  foot  of  the  perpendicular  from  the  pole  ou 
the  tangent  to  an  equiangular  spiral  is  the  same  curve  turned  through  an  angle 

11.  Prove  that  the  reciprocal  polar,  with  respect  to  the  origin,  ofanequi- 
angular  spiral  is  another  spiral  equal  to  the  original  one. 

13.  An  equiangular  spiral  touches  two  given  lines  at  two  given  points ;  prove 
that  the  locus  of  its  pole  is  a  circle. 

13.  Find  the  equation  of  the  reciprocal  polar  of  the  curve 

y*  cos  -  =  a*. 


with  respect  to  a  circle  with  radius  a.  Ans.  The  Cardioid  H  =  ai  cos  -. 


14.  Find  the  equation  of  the  inverse  of  a  conic,  the  focus  heing  the  pole  of 

15.  Apply  Art.  184,  to  prove  that  the  equation  of  the  inverse  of  an  ellipse 
with  respect  to  any  origin  0  is  of  the  form 

lap  =  OFi  .  pi  +  OF2  .  p2, 

where  F\  and  F-2,  are  the  foci,  and  p,  pi,  02  represent  the  distances  of  any  point 
on  the  curve  from  the  points  0,  /i  and  /2,  respectively  ;  f\  and  /g  being  the 
points  inverse  to  the  foci,  F\  and  Fz. 

16.  The  equation  of  a  Cartesian  oval  is  of  the  form 

r  +  ^r'  =  a, 

where  r  and  r'  are  the  distances  of  any  point  on  the  curve  from  two  fixed  points, 
and  a,  k  are  constants.  Prove  that  the  equation  of  its  inverse,  with  respect  to 
any  origin,  is  of  the  form 

opi  +  3o2  -f  7J3  =  o, 

where  pi,  pz,  pa  are  the  distances  of  any  point  on  the  curve  from  three  fixed 
points,  and  o,  )3,  7  are  constants. 

17.  In  general  prove  that  the  inverse  of  the  curve 

api  +  i8p2  +  7P3  =  o, 

with  respect  to  any  origin,  is  another  curve  whose  equation  is  of  similar  form. 

18.  If  tlie  radius  vector,  OP,  drawn  from  the  origin  to  any  point  Pon  a 

240  Examples. 

curve  be  produced  to  Pi,  until  PPi  be  a  constant  length ;  prove  that  the  normal 
at  Pi  to  the  locus  of  Pi,  the  normal  at  P  to  the  original  curve,  and  the  perpen- 
dicular at  the  origin  to  the  line  OP,  all  pass  through  the  same  point. 

This  follows  immediately  from  the  value  of  the  polar  subnormal  given  in 
Art.  182. 

19.  If  a  constant  length  measured  from  the  curve  be  taken  on  the  normals 
along  a  given  curve,  prove  that  these  lines  are  also  normals  to  the  new  cixrve 
which  is  the  locus  of  their  extremities. 

20.  In  the  ellipse  -^  -t  —  =  i,  if  a?  =  a  sin  a, 

prove  that 


s=  ay/ I  -  ^2  Bin2«^. 

21.  If  i«  be  the  element  of  the  arc  of  the  inyerse  of  an  ellipse  with  respect 
to  its  centre,  prove  that 

,-  «  a/'i  -  «^  sin*0  ,  -  «*-  i' 

d»=Tfi-^       ,   , ^  dip,    where  n  =  —75—. 

22.  If  w  be  the  angle  which  the  normal  at  any  point  on  the  ellipse 
—  +  J-  =  I  makes  with  the  axis-major,  prove  that 

,       *«  doo 

d9=  - 

a  {i  —  tf^sin^w)^ 

23.  Express  the  differential  of  an  elliptic  arc  in  terms  of  the  semi-axis  major, 
fi,  of  the  confocal  hyperbola  which  passes  through  the  point. 

^  a\^  —  y? 

24.  In  the  curve  r»»  =  o»»  cos  m0,  prove  that 

ds  —     , 

-—  =a  a  sec  "»  mQ. 


25.  If  F{x,  y)  =  o  be  the  equation  to  any  plane  curve,  and  <p  the  angle  be- 
tween the  perpendicular  from  the  origin  on  the  tangent  and  the  radius  vector  to 
the  point  of  contact,  prove  that 

dF       dF 
y X  — 

dx  dy 

'™*  =  -7f — dF' 

(     241 



196.  Intersection  of  a   Curve  and  a  Right  One.— 

Before  entering  on  tlie  subject  of  this  chapter  it  will  be  ne- 
cessary to  consider  briefly  the  general  question  of  the  inter- 
section of  a  right  line  with  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree. 

Let  the  equation  of  the  right  line  hQ  y  =  fix  -\-  v,  and  sub- 
stitute fix  +  V  instead  of  y  in  the  equation  of  the  curve ;  then 
the  roots  of  the  resulting  equation  in  x  represent  the  abscissae 
of  the  points  of  section  of  the  line  and  curve. 

Moreover,  as  this  equation  is  always  of  the  n*^  degree,  it 
follows  that  every  right  line  meets  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  in  n 
points^  real  or  imaginary^  and  cannot  meet  it  in  more. 

If  two  roots  in  the  resulting  equation  be  equal,  two  of  the 
points  of  section  become  coincident,  and  the  line  becomes  a 
tangent  to  the  curve. 

Again,  suppose  the  equation  of  the  curve  written  in  the 
form  of  Art.  175,  viz. : 

Un  +  lln-\  +  W«-2  +  .  .  .  •Wa  +  Wi  +  «^o  =  O  ; 

then,  since  %  is  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n^^  degree  in 
X  and  yy  it  can  be  written  in  the  form  x^fA-\  similarly 

And  accordingly,  the  equation  of  the  curve  may  be  written, 

*"/.(f)+-"-y.(f)-"-y.g)+&o.  =  o.      (r} 

Substituting  ^  +  -  for  -  in  this,  it  becomes 

X  X 

242  Asymptotes. 

Or,  expanding  by  Taylor's  Theorem, 

+  &c.  =  o.  (2) 

The  roots  of  this  equation  determine  the  points  of  section  in 

We  add  a  few  obvious  conclusions  from  the  results  arrived 
at  above  :— 

1°.  Every  right  line  must  intersect  a  curve  of  an  odd  de- 
gree in  at  least  one  real  point ;  for  every  equation  of  an  odd 
degree  has  one  real  root. 

2°.  A  tangent  to  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  cannot  meet  it 
in  more  than  n  -  2  points  besides  its  points  of  contact. 

3°.  Every  tangent  to  a  curve  of  an  odd  degree  must  meet 
it  in  one  other  real  point  besides  its  point  of  contact. 

4°.  Every  tangent  to  a  curve  of  the  third  degree  meets 
the  curve  in  one  other  real  point. 

197.  Definition  of  an  Asymptote. — An  asymptote  is 
a  tangent  to  a  curve  in  the  limiting  position  when  its  point 
of  contact  is  situated  at  an  infinite  distance. 

1".  No  asymptote  to  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree  can  meet  it 
in  more  than  n  -  2  points  distinct  from  that  at  infinity. 

2°.  Each  asymptote  to  a  curve  of  the  third  degree  inter- 
sects the  curve  in  one  point  besides  that  at  infinity. 

198.  Method  of  finding  the  Asymptotes  to  a  Curve 
of  the  n*^  Degree. — If  one  of  the  points  of  section  of  the 
line  y  =  fxx  +  V  with  the  curve  be  at  an  infinite  distance,  one 
root  of  equation  (2)  must  be  infinite,  and  accordingly  we 
have  in  that*  case 

/.W  -  o.  (3) 

Again,  if  two  of  the  roots  be  infinite,  we  have  in  addition 
v/o'M  +/.W  =  O.  (4) 

*  This  can  be  easily  established  by  aid  of  the  reciprocal  equation ;  for  if  we 

substitute  -  for  x  in  equation  (2),  the  resulting  equation  in  z  will  have  one  root 


zero  wnen  its  absolute  terra  vanishes,  i.e.,  when/o(/i)  =  o ;  it  has  two  roots 
zero  when  we  have  in  addition  yfo'ifi)  +fi(ji)  =  o  ;  and  so  on. 

Method  of  finding  Asymptotes  in  Cartesian  Co-ordinates.  243 

Accordingly,  when  the  values  of  fi  and  v  are  determined 
so  as  to  satisfy  the  two  preceding  equations,  the  correspond- 
ing line 

y  =  fix  +  V 

meets  the  curve  in-  two  points  in  infinity,  and  consequently  is 
an  asymptote.     (Salmon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  154.) 

Hence,  if  /wj  be  a  root  of  the  equation /©(/x)  =  o,  the  line 

is  in  general  an  asymptote  to  the  curve. 

If /i(/i)  =  o  and/o(ju)  =  o  have  a  common  root  (jUi  suppose), 
the  corresponding  asymptote  in  general  passes  through  the 
origin,  and  is  represented  by  the  equation 

y  =  fxix. 

In  this  case  %  and  w^-i  evidently  have  a  common  factor. 

The  exceptional  case  when  fo{fx)  vanishes  at  the  same 
time  will  be  oonaidered  in  a  subsequent  Article. 

To  each  root  of  /o(ju)  =  o  corresponds  an  asymptote,  and 
accordingly,*  every  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  has  in  general  n 
asymptotes,  real  f/r  imaginary. 

From  the  preceding  it  follows  that  every  line  parallel 
to  an  asymptote  meets  the  curve  in  one  point  at  infinity. 
This  also  is  immediately  apparent  from  the  geometrical 
property  that  a  system  of  parallel  lines  may  be  considered 
as  meeting  in  the  same  point  at  infinity — a  principle  intro- 
duced by  Desargues  in  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth 
century,  and  which  must  be  regarded  as  one  of  the  first 
important  steps  in  the  progress  of  modern  geometry. 

Cor.  No  line  parallel  to  an  asjrmptote  can  meet  a  curve 
of  the  fi!'^  degree  in  more  than  (^  -  i)  points  besides  that 
at  infinity. 

Since  every  equation  of  an  odd  degree  has  one  real 
root,  it  follows  that  a  curve  of  an  odd  degree  has  one  real 

*  Since /o(^)  is  of  the  «''•  degree  in  /i,  unless  its  highest  coefficient  vanishes, 
in  which  case,  as  -we  shall  see,  there  is  an  additional  asymptote  parallel  to  the  axis 
of  ft 

R  2 

244  Asymptotes. 

asymptote,  at  least,  and  has  accordingly  an  infinite  brancli 
or  branches.  Hence,  no  curve  of  an  odd  degree  can  he  a  closed 

For  instance,  no  curve  of  the  third  degree  can  be  a  finite 
or  closed  curve. 

The  equation  fifi)  =  o,  when  multiplied  by  j»**,  becomes 
w„  =  o ;  consequently  the  n  right  lines,  real  or  imaginary, 
represented  by  this  equation,  are,  in  general,  parallel  to  the 
asymptotes  of  the  curve  under  consideration. 

In  the  preceding  investigation  we  have  not  considered 
the  case  in  which  a  root  of  /o(/u)  =  o  either  vanishes  or  is 
infinite ;  i.e^,  where  the  asymptotes  are  parallel  to  either 
co-ordinate  axis.  This  case  will  be  treated  of  separately  in  a 
subsequent  Article. 

If  all  the  roots  of  /o(iu)  =  o  be  imaginary  the  curve 
has  no  real  asymptote,  and  consists  of  one  or  more  closed 


To  find  the  asymptotes  to  the  following  curves  :— 

1.  y'  =  ax^  +  a^. 

Substituting  fxx  -k-  v  for  y,  and  equating  to  zero  the  coefficients  of  sfi  and  a;*, 
separately,  in  the  resulting  equation,  we  obtain 

^8  —  I  =  o,  and  Tff^v  =  a ; 


hence  the  curve  has  but  one  real  asymptote,  viz., 


y  =  X+-. 


2.  y*  —  «*  +  2ax^y  =  S^sfi. 
Here  the  equations  for  determining  the  asymptotes  are 

/t*  -  I  =  o,        and  4jtt3j/  +  2o/t  =»  o  j 

accordingly,  the  two  real  asymptotes  are 

a        ^  a 

y  =  a:  —  -,  and  y  +  a;  +  -  =  o. 

3.  «»  +  3a:2y  _  xf  -  3y^  +  x^  -  2Xt/  +  3y3  +  4a;  +  5  =  o. 

a^      3  I  3 

Ans.  j/  +  -+-  =  o,    y  =  ic  +    y    y  -\-  z  =  -. 

3      4  4  » 

Asymptotes  Parallel  to  Co-ordinate  Axes,  245 

199.  Case  in  ii'hich  t^„  =  o  repres^jnts  the  n  Asymp- 
totes.— If  the  equation  of  the  curve  contain  no  terms  of 
the  {n  -  lY^  degree,  that  is,  if  it  be  of  the  form 

Un  +  UnJi  +  Wn-8  +  &C.    .    .   .   +  Wi  +  Wq  =  O, 

the  equations  for  determining  the  asymptotes  become 

/o(/i)  =  o,  and  i/o'(ju)  =  o. 

The  latter  equation  gives  v  =  o,  unless  /o'(iu)  vanishes  along 
with/o(ju),  i.e.,  unless /o(iu)  has  equal  roots. 

Hence,  in  curves  whose  equations  are  of  the  above  form, 
the  n  right  lines  represented  by  the  equation  Un  =  o  are  the 
n  asymptotes,  unless  two  of  these  lines  are  coincident. 

This  exceptional  case  will  be  considered  in  Art.  203. 

The  simplest  example  of  the  preceding  is  that  of  the 

ax^  +  ihxy  +  hy"^  =  c, 

in  which  the  terms  of  the  second  degree  represent  the  asymp- 
totes (Salmon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  195). 


Find  the  real  asymptotes  to  the  curves 

1.  xy*  -  x^y  —  <^{x  +  y)  +  i*.  Ans,  a;  =  o,  y  =  o,  »  —y  =  0. 

2.  y^  —  3fi  =  c^x.                                           „  y  -  x  =  o. 

3.  «* -  y*  =  a^xy  +  d*y*.  „  x  +  y  =  OjX-y  =  o. 

200.  Asymptotes     parallel     to     the     Co-ordinate 

Axes. — Suppose  the  equation  of  the  curve  arranged  accqrd- 
ing  to  powers  oix,  thus 

Oo^"  +  («iy  +  b)x*'-^  +  &o.  =  o  ; 

then,  if  ^0  =  o  and  aiy  +  b  =  o,  or  y  = ,  two  of  the  roots 

of  the  equation  in  x  become  infinite  ;  and  consequently  the 
line  ttiy  +  6  =  o  is  an  asymptote. 

246  Asymptotes. 

In  other  words,  whenever  the  highest  power  of  x  is 
wanting  in  the  equation  of  a  curve,  the  coefficient  of  the 
next  highest  power  equated  to  zero  represents  an  asymptote 
parallel  to  the  axis  of  x. 

If  Uq  =  o,  and  6  =  0,  the  axis  of  x  is  itself  an  asymptote. 

If  x^  and  x^~^  be  both  wanting,  the  coefficient  of  x^~'^  re- 
presents a  pair  of  asymptotes,  real  or  imaginary,  parallel  to 
the  axis  of  x  ;  and  so  on. 

In  like  manner,  the  asymptotes  parallel  to  the  axis  of  y 
can  be  determined. 


Find  the  real  asymptotes  in  the  following  curves  : — 

1 .  y^x  -  ay2  =  a;^  +  ax^  +  b^.  Ans.  x  =  a,  y  =  x  +  a,  j/  +  «  +  a  =  o. 

2.  y(a;2  -  ^bx  +  2b'^)  =a?  -  ^aafi  +  a^.     x  =  b,  x  =  2b,  y  +  ^a  =  x  +  ^b. 

3.  ic'ys  =  «2 (a;2  +  y'i),  x  =  ±a,y  =  ±a. 

4.  a;2y«  =  0^(2:^  -  y«).  y  +  a  =  o,  y  -a^o, 

5.  y'^a-y^x  =  x^,  x  =  a. 

201.  Parabolic  Branches. — Suppose  the  equation 
/o(/x)  =  o  has  equal  roots,  then/o'(/xi)  vanishes  along  with/o(jLt), 
and  the  corresponding  value  of  v  found  from  (5)  becomes  in- 
finite, unless /i(/u)  vanish  at  the  same  time. 

Accordingly,  the  corresponding  asymptote  is,  in  general, 
situated  altogether  at  infinity. 

The  ordinary  parabola,  whose  equation  is  of  the  form 

{ax  +  j5yy  =  Ix  +  my  +  n, 

furnishes  the  simplest  example  of  this  case,  having  the 
line  at  infinity  for  an  asymptote.  (Salmon's  Co7iic  Sections, 
Art.  254.)  ^  ^    ■ 

Branches  of  this  latter  class  belonging  to  a  curve  are 
called  parabolic,  while  branches  having  a  finite  asymptote  are 
called  hyperbolic. 

202.  From  the  preceding  investigation  it  appears  that 
the  asymptotes  to  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  depend,  in 
general,  only  on  the  terms  of  the  n^^  and  the  {n  -  i)'^  degrees 

Parallel  Asymptotes.  247 

in  its  equation.  Consequently,  all  curves  which  have  the 
same  terms  of  the  two  highest  degrees  have  generally  the  sami 

There  are,  however,  exceptions  to  this  rule,  one  of  whicli 
will  be  considered  in  the  next  Article. 

203.  Parallel  Asymptotes. — We  shall  now  consider 
the  case  where /o(/z)  -  o  has  a  pair  of  equal  roots,  each  repre- 
sented by  jui,  and  where /i(/ui)  =  o,  at  the  same  time. 

In  this  case  the  coefficients  of  x^  and  af^~^  in  (2)  both 
vanish  independently  of  v,  when  /x  =  yui  ;  we  accordingly 
infer  that  all  lines  parallel  to  the  line  y  =  fxix  meet  the  curve 
in  two  points  at  infinity,  and  consequently  are,  in  a  certain 
sense,  asymptotes.  There  are,  however,  two  lines  which  are 
more  properly  called  by  that  name  ;  for,  substituting  /xi  for  ju 
in  (2),  the  two  first  terms  vanish,  as  abeady  stated,  and  the 
coefficient  of  x^''~^  becomes 

■fo'ini)   +   vfiifXi)  +MfMl). 

I   .  2 

Hence,  if  vi  and  v-z  be  the  roots  of  the  quadratic 

Y^/«"W  +  '//(i«.)+/^W=o),  (6) 

the  lines  y  =  fxix  +  vi,  and  y  =  fiiX  +  V2, 

are  a  pair  of  parallel  asymptotes,  meeting  the  curve  in  three 
points  at  infinity. 

If  the  roots  of  the  quadratic  be  imaginary,  the  corre- 
sponding asymptotes  are  also  imaginary. 

Again,  if  the  term  tCn-i  be  wanting  in  the  equation,  and 
if /o(^)  =  o  have  equal  roots,  the  corresponding  asymptotes 
are  given  by  the  quadratic 

I  .  2 

fo'ifx,)  +M^;)  =  o. 

In  order  that  these  asymptotes  should  be  real,  it  is 
necessary  thQ,tf2{ini)  and  fo'dmi)  should  have  opposite  signs. 

There  is  no  difficulty  in  extending  the  preceding  investi- 
gation to  the  case  where  fo(jm)  =  o  has  three  or  more  equal 

24S  Asymptotes. 


I.  (a;  +  y)'  {x^  +  y^  +  xy)  =  a^f  +  a^(x-  y). 

Here  /o(/t)  =  (i  + /x)2(i  + /*  + /i^),    /iCu)  =  o,    f^iji)  ^- a^tj?-, 

.♦.  /*i  =  -  I,    fa" (/ti)  =  2,   /2 Otti)  =  -  a=« ; 
accordingly  yi  =  «,     j/g  =  -  o, 

and  the  corresponding  asymptotes  are 

y  ■{.  X  -  «  =  o,  and  y  +  »  +  a  =  o. 
Tbe  other  asymptotes  are  evidently  imaginary. 

a.  x^  {x  +  y)2  +  2ay'^{x  -[■  y)  +  Za^xy  +  a^y  =  o. 

Here  /,(/i)  =  (i  + /i)2,    /lOu)  =  2«/*«(i  +  ^),    f 2{,j,)  =  Sa^f, , 

.••  /*i  =  -  I,    /o"(/t)  =  2,    /i'(mi)  =  2«,    /2(mi)  =  -  8«», 
jtad  the  corresponding  asymptotes  are 

y  +  a?  -  2a  =  o,  and  y  +  «  +  4a  =  o. 

204.  If  the  equation  to  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree  be  of 
the  form 

(p  +  ax  +  I5)(l>i  +  02  =  o, 

where  the  highest  terms  containing  x  and  2^  in  ^i  are  of  the 
degree  n  -  i,  and  those  in  03  are  of  the  degree  w  -  2  at  most, 
the  line 

y  +  ax  +  15  =  o 

is  an  asymptote  to  the  curve. 

For,  on  substituting  -  ax-  (5  instead  of  y  in  the  equation, 
it  is  evident  that  the  coefficients  of  of'  and  x^~^  both  vanish ; 
hence,  by  Art.  198,  the  line  3/  +  a^  +  j3  =  o  is  an  asymptote. 

Conversely,  it  can  be  readily  seen  that  ii  y  +  ax  +  /3  be  an 
asymptote  to  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree  its  equation  admits  of 
being  thrown  into  the  preceding  form. 

In  general,  if  the  equation  to  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree 
be  of  the  form 

{y  +  aiX  +  Pi){y  +  a2X  +  /Bz)  .  .  .  0/  +  anX  +  j3«)  +  02  =  o,      (7) 

Asymptotes  to  a  Cubic.  249 

where  <pi  contains  no  term  higher  than  the  degree  n  -  2y  the 

j^  +  a,a;  +  /3i  =  o,     y  +  a-iX  -{■  fi^  =  O^  .  .  .  ^  +  a«3?  +  j8«  =  o 

are  the  n  asymptotes  of  the  curve. 

This  follows  at  once  as  in  the  case  considered  at  the  com- 
mencement of  this  Article. 

For  example,  the  asymptotes  to  the  curve 

xy  {x  +  y  +  a^{x  +  y  -^  a^  +  byx  +  bzy  =  o 
are  evidently  the  four  lines 

x  =  o,  y  =  OjX  +  y  +  ai  =  o,  x  +  y  +  a2  =  o 

If  the  curve  be  of  the  third  degree,  ^2  is  of  the  first,  and 
accordingly  the  equation  of  such  a  curve,  having  three  real 
asymptotes,  may  be  written  in  the  form 

{y  +  aix  +  j3i)(y+  a2X+  P>2){y  +  aa^  +  jSa)  +  Ix  ^  my  +  n  =  o,  (8) 

Hence  we  infer  that  the  three  points  in  which  the  asymp- 
totes to  a  cubic  meet  the  curve  lie  in  the  same  right  line,  viz., 

Ix  +  my  +  w  =  o. 

The  student  will  find  a  short  discussion  of  a  cubic  with 
three  real  asymptotes  in  Chapter  xviii. 

205.  To  prove  that,  in  general,  the  distance  of  a  point 
in  any  branch  of  a  curve  from  the  corresponding  asymptote 
diminishes  indefinitely  as  its  distance  from  the  origin  increases 

If  y  +  aa;  +  j3  =  o  be  the  equation  of  an  asymptote,  then, 
as  in  the  preceding  Article,  the  equation  of  the  curve  may  be 
written  in  the  form 

{y  +  ax  +  /3)  01  =  02, 
where  02  is  at  least  one  degree  lower  than  0i  in  rr  and  y. 

250  Asymptotes, 

Hence  y  +  ax-vfi  =  -^ 

and  the  perpendicular  distance  of  any  point  {xo,  t/o)  on  thf 
curve  from  the  line  1/  +  ax  +  (5  =  o  is 

yo  +  aXo  +  /3  I  f(j)2 

. -,  or     . ,       ,  , 

where  the  suffix  denotes  that  a;©  and  y^  are  substituted  for  ^ 
and  y  in  the  functions  0i  and  02. 

Now,  when  Xq  and  y^  are  taken  infinitely  great,  the  value 
of  the  preceding  fraction  depends,  in  general,  on  the  terms 
of  the  highest  degree  (in  x  and  2/)  in  ^i  and  ^2 ;  and  since  the 
degree  of  ^2  is  one  lower  than  that  of  ^i,  it  can  be  easily 

seen  by  the  method  of  Ex.  7,  Art.  89,  that  the  fraction  — 

becomes,  in  general,  infinitely  small  when  x  and  y  become 
infinitely  great.  Hence,  the  distance  of  the  line  y  +  ax  +  (5 
from  the  curve  becomes  infinitely  small  at  the  same  time. 

It  is  not  considered  necessary  to  go  more  fully  into  thia 
discussion  here. 

The  subject  of  parabolic  and  other  curvilinear  asymptotes 
is  omitted  as  being  unsuited  to  an  elementary  treatise. 
Moreover,  their  discussion,  unless  in  some  elementary  cases, 
is  both  indefinite  and  unsatisfactory,  since  it  can  be  easily 
seen  that  if  a  curve  has  parabolic  branches,  the  number  of  its 
parabolic  asymptotes  is  generally  infinite.  The  reader  who 
desires  full  information  on  this  point,  as  well  as  the  discussion 
of  the  particular  parabolas  called  osculating,  is  referred  to  a 
paper  by  M.  Pliicker,  in  Liouville's  Journal,  vol.  i.,  p.  229. 

206.  Asymptotes  in  Polar  Co-ordinates. — If  a 
curve  be  referred  to  polar  co-ordinates,  the  directions  of  its 
points  at  an  infinite  distance  from  the  origin  can  be  in  gene- 
ral determined  by  making  r  =  00,  or  m  =  o,  in  its  equation, 
and  solving  the  resulting  equation  in  9.  The  position  of  the 
asymptote  corresponding  to  any  such  value  of  9  is  obtained 
by  finding  the  length  of  the  corresponding  polar  subtangent, 


i.e.,  by  finding  the  value  of  —  corresponding  to  u  =  o. 

Asymptotes  in  Polar  Co-ordinates.  251 

It  should  be  observed  that  when  —  is  positive,  the  asymp- 
tote lies  above  the  corresponding  radius  vector,  and  when 
negative,  below  it ;  as  is  easily  seen  from  Art.  182. 

If  we  suppose  the  equation  of  the  curve,  when  arranged 
in  powers  of  r,  to  be 

r^MQ)  +  ^"-yi(0)  +  .  .  .  +  rUm  +/«(6>)  =  o, 

the  transformed  equation  in  u  is 

u%{Q)  +  u^-'U^iQ)  +  .  .  .  +  uf,{Q)  +/o((9)  =  o :        (9) 

consequently,  the  directions  of  the  asymptotes  are  given  by 
the  equation 

/.(0)  =  o.  (10) 

Again,  if  we  differentiate  (9)  with  respect  to  d,  it  is  easily 

seen  that  the  values  of  -r^  corresponding  to  u  =  o  are  given 

by  the  equation 

/.(e)^+/«'(e)  =  o,  (I,) 

provided  that  none  of  the  functions 

/.(0),  MO),  •  •  •  /«W 

become  infinite  for  the  values  of  0  which  satisfy  equation  (10). 

Consequently,  if  a  be  a  root  of  the  equation /o(0)  =  o,  the 

curve  has  an  asymptote  making  the  angle  a  with  the  prime 

vector,  and  whose  perpendicular  distance  from  the  origin  is 

,    -   ,  /i(a) 

represented  by  -  777-^. 

Jo  \a) 

It  is  readily  seen  that  the  equation  of  the  corresponding 
asymptote  is 

r  sm(a  -  Q)  --TTTs  =  o- 

This  method  will  be  best  explained  by  applying  it  to  one 
or  two  elementary  Examples. 

252  Asymptotes. 

I.  Let  the  curve  be  represented  by  the  equation 
r  =  a  sec  0  +  J  tan  fi. 


a  +  i  sini 

When  8  =  -,  we  have  «  =  o,  and  —  = r. 

Accordingly,  the  corresponding  polar  subtatigent  is  a  +  i,  and  hence  the  line 
perpendicular  to  the  prime  vector  at  the  distance  a  +  b  from  the  origin  is  an 
asymptote  to  the  curve. 

Again,  «  vanishes  also  when  0  =  — ,  and  the  corresponding  value  of  the 


polar  Bubtangent  is  a  -  i ;  thus  giving  another  asymptote. 
2.  r  =  a  sec  wO  +  4  tan  mQ, 


a  +  J  sin  i 

V  du      —  tn 

"When  d  =  — ,  we  have  «♦  =  o,  and  -—  = : , 

2m  '         dd     a  +  *' 

whence  we  get  one  asymptote. 

.     •        1.                    /»      3^                     du        m 
Again,  when  0  =  — ,  w  =  o,  and  —  =  -, 

which  gives  a  second  asymptote. 

On  making  d  =  — ,  we  get  a  third  asymptote,  and  so  on. 

It  maybe  remarked,  that  the  first,  third,  .  .  .  asymptotes  all  touch  one 
fixed  circle;  and  the  second,  fourth,  &c.,  touch  another. 

3.  Find  the  equations  to  the  two  real  asymptotes  to  the  curve 

r28in(0  -a)  +  ar  sin  (0  -  20)  +  a^  =  o. 

uins.  r  sin  (0  -  tt)  =  +  a  sin  o. 

207.  Asymptotic  Circles. — In  some  curves  referred  to 
polar  co-ordinates,  when  0  is  infinitely  great  the  value  of  r 
tends  to  a  fixed  limiting  value,  and  accordinglj  the  curve 

Asymptotic  Circles.  253 

approaches  more  and  more  nearly  to  the  circular  form  ^t  the 
same  time :  in  such  a  case  the  curve  is  said  to  have  a  circular 

For  example,  in  the  curve 


so  long  as  B  is  positive  r  is  less  than  a^  a  being  supposed 
positive;  but  as  B  increases  with  each  revolution,  r  con- 
tinually increases,  and  tends,  after  a  large  number  of  revo- 
lutions, to  the  limit  a  ;  hence  the  circle  described  with  the 
origin  as  centre,  and  radius  a,  is  asymptotic  to  the  curve, 
which  always  lies  inside  the  circle  for  positive  values  of  0. 
Again,  if  we  assign  negative  values  to  0,  similar  remarks  are 
applicable,  and  it  is  easily  seen  that  the  same  (jircle  is  asymp- 
totic to  the  corresponding  branch  of  the  curve  ;  with  this 
difference,  that  the  asymptotic  circle  lies  within  the  curve  in 
the  latter  case,  but  outside  it  in  the  former.  The  student 
will  find  no  difficulty  in  applying  this  method  to  other 
curves,  such  as 

^       aO  _     aO'  _  a{e  +  Goae) 

**  ~  d  +  sin  0'     ^~e'  +  a''     '*"      e  +  Bmd~' 

254  Examples, 


Find  the  equations  of  the  real  asymptotes  to  the  following  curves : — 

1.  y{a^  -  x^)  =  P{2x  +  e).        Ans.  i/  =  o,  x  +  a  =  o,  x-a  =  o. 

2.  X^  -  ap-y^  +  fl[2^«  +  i*  =  o.  x  +  i/  =  o,  X  —  i/=o,  x  =  o. 

3.  x^  —  x^t/^ +x^  +  y*  —  a^  =  o.         x—  i=OyX+i=o,x  —  p  =  o,  x  +  t/  =  o. 

4.  (a  +  a;)2(32-a;2)  =  a;^y2.  x  =  o. 

5.  {a  +  a;)2(52  +  a:^)  =  x^y^.  z  =  o,  y  =  x  +  a,  y  +  x  +  a  =  o. 

6.  arV  -  2a;2f/2  +  try^  =  a^ajS  4.  b'iy'i,  x  =  o,  y=o,  x  —  y  =  ±  v  o*  +  b"^. 

7.  a'  —  4iry2  _  ^x^  4.  i2a;y  -  izy^  +  Sx  +  2y  +  4.  =  o. 

Ans.  X  +  3  =  o,  X  —  ^y  ■=  o,  x  +  2y  =  6 
?.  a;2y'  —  «a;(a;  +  y)2  —  2a^y^  —  a*  =  o.    x  —  2a  =  o^  x  +  a  =  o. 

9.  If  the  equation  to  a  curve  of  the  third  degree  he  of  the  form 

W3  +  Ml  +  Wo  =  o, 
the  lines  represented  hy  W3  =  o  are  its  asymptotes. 

10.  If  the  asymptotes  of  a  cuhic  be  denoted  by  0  =  0,  3  =  0,  7  =  0,  the 
equation  of  the  curve  may  be  written  in  the  form 

ojSy  =  Aa'r£$  +  Cy. 

1 1.  In  the  logarithmic  curve 

prove  that  the  negative  side  of  the  axis  of  x  is  an  asymptote. 

12.  Find  the  asymptotes  to  the  curve 

r  cos  nd  =  a. 

13.  Find  the  asymptotes  to 

r  cos  md  =  a  cos  n9. 

14.  Show  that  the  curve  represented  by 

x^  +  aby  —  axy  =  o 

has  a  parabolic  asymptote,  x^  +  bx  +  b^  =  ay. 

Examples.  255 

15.  Find  the  circalar  asymptote  to  the  curve 

16.  Find  the  condition  that  the  three  asymptotes  of  a  cuhic  should  pass 
through  a  common  point. 

Let  the  equation  of  the  curve  he  written  in  the  form 

«o  +  Zhx  +  3*1^  +  zcqx"^  +  ^c\xy  +  ZCzy^  +  dox^  +  zdix'^y  +  zd^xy^  +  dzy^  =  o, 
then  the  condition  is 

da,         di,        d2f 

diy        «?2,         ds, 

Co,  Ci,  C2, 

This  result  can  he  easily  arrived  at  hy  substitutint;  x  -V  a  and  y  +  j8  instead 
of  X  and  y  in  the  equation  of  the  cuhic,  and  finding  the  condition  that  the  part 
of  the  second  degree  in  the  resulting  equation  should  vanish.     See  Art.  204. 

17.  When  the  preceding  condition  is  satisfied  show  that  the  co-ordinates, 
a  and  $,  of  the  point  of  intersection  of  the  three  asymptotes,  are  given  by  the 

e\di  —  Cod^  _  Cod\  —  c\do 

dodz  —  di^  d^d^  —  d\^ 

18.  If  from  any  point,  0,  a  right  line  be  drawn  meeting  a  curve  of  the  n*^ 
degree  in  i2i,  E%,  .  .  .  Rn,  and  its  asymptotes  in  ri,  r2,  .  .  .  rn,  prove  that 

ORi  +  Oi?2  +  .  .  .  ORn  =  On  +  Orz  +  .  .  .  0/-„. 

N.B. — The  terms  of  the  w<^  and  {n  —  i)'*  degrees  are  the  same  for  a  curve 
and  its  asymptotes. 

19.  If  a  right  line  be  drawn  through  the  point  {a,  o)  parallel  to  the  asymptote 
of  the  cubic  {x  -  a)^  -  x'^j/  =  o,  prove  that  the  portion  of  the  line  intercepted  by 
the  axes  is  bisected  by  the  curve. 

20.  If  from  the  origin  a  right  line  be  drawn  parallel  to  any  of  the  asymptotes 
of  the  cubic 

y{ax^  +  ihxy  +  ly"^  +  igx  +  2/y  4-  c)  -  a^  =  O, 

show  that  the  portion  of  this  line  intercepted  between  the  origin  and  the  line 
gx  -V  fy  ■\-  c  =  o  \&  bisected  by  the  curve. 

21.  If  tangents  be  drawn  to  the  curve  a:^  +  y3  _  ^3  ixova.  any  point  on  the 
line  y  =  X,  prove  that  their  points  of  contact  lie  on  a  circle. 

32.  Show  that  the  asymptotes  to  the  cubic 

ax'^y  +  bxy"^  +  a'x^  +  b'y^  +  a'x  +  b"y  =  o 
are  always  real,  and  find  their  equations. 

Ans.        bx  +  b'  =  o,     ay  +  a'  =  o, 
ab{ax  +  by)  -  a^b'  -  a'b^  =  o. 

(     256     ) 



208.  In  the  following  elementary  discussion  of  multiple 
points  of  curves  the  method  given  by  Dr.  Salmon  in  his 
Higher  Plane  Curves  has  been  followed,  as  being  the  simplest, 
and  at  the  same  time  the  most  comprehensive  method  for 
their  investigation.  The  discussion  here  is  to  be  regarded  as 
merely  introductory  to  the  more  general  investigation  in  that 
treatise,  to  which  the  student  is  referred  for  fuller  information 
on  this  as  well  as  on  the  entire  theory  of  curves. 

"We  commence  with  the  general  equation  of  a  curve  of  the 
^th  degree,  which  we  shall  write  in  the  form 

+  Joa?  +  hy 
+  c^"^  +  Cixy  +  Cay' 

+      &0.  +  &0. 

+  4a;"  +  haf^-^y  +  &o.     +  In't/^  =»  o, 

where  the  terms  are  arranged  according  to  their  degrees  in 
ascending  order. 

When  written  in  the  abbreviated  form  of  Art.  175,  the 
preceding  equation  becomes 

Wo  +  Wi  +  «^  +  . .  .  +  w^i  +  «^«  =  o. 

We  commence  with  the  equation  in  its  expanded  shape, 
and  suppose  the  axes  rectangular.     Transforming  to  polar 

Multiple  Points.  257 

co-ordinates,  by  substituting  r  cos  H  and  r  sin  6/  instead  of 
X  and  yy  we  get  "* 

«o  +  (^0  cos  d  +  hi  sin  &)  r 

+  (co  cos'^O  +  Ci  cos  0  sin  0  +  Cg  sin^O)  r*  +  .  . . 

+  (/ocos"0  +  /iCOs"-^0  sin0  +  .  .  .  +  /„sin"0)r'»  =  o.      (i) 

If  0  be  considered  a  constant,  the  n  roots  of  this  equation 
in  r  represent  the  distances  from  the  origin  of  the  n  points 
of  intersection  of  the  radius  vector  with  the  curve. 

If  Gq  =  o,  one  of  these  roots  is  zero  for  all  values  of  0 ;  as 
is  also  evident  since  the  origin  lies  on  the  curve  in  this  case. 

A  second  root  will  vanish,  if,  besides  a^  =  o,  we  have 
&o  cos  0  +  5i  sin  0  =  o.  The  radius  vector  in  this  case  meets 
the  curve  in  two  consecutive  points*  at  the  origin,  and  is 
consequently  the  tangent  at  that  point. 

The  direction  of  this  tangent  is  determined  by  the 

Jo  cos  0  +  5i  sin  0  =  o ; 

accordingly,  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  the  origin  is 
b(fio  +  hxy  =  o. 

Hence  we  conclude  that  if  the  absolute  term  be  wanting 
in  the  equation  of  a  curve,  it  passes  through  the  origin,  and 
the  linear  part  (u^  in  its  equation  represents  the  tangent  at 
that  point. 

If  Bq  =  o,  the  axis  of  a;  is  a  tangent ;  if  ^1  =  o,  the  axis 
of  2/  is  a  tangent. 

The  preceding,  as  also  the  subsequent  discussion,  equally 
applies  to  oblique  as  to  rectangular  axes,  provided  we  sub- 
stitute mr  and  nr  for  iv  and  y ;  where 

sin  (u)-6)         -        sin  0 

m  = ^:^ -,   andw=-^ ; 

sm  (0  sm  CO 

u)  being  the  angle  between  the  axes  of  co-ordinates. 

From  the  preceding,  we  infer  at  once  that  the  equation  of 
the  tangent  at  the  origin  to  the  curve 

iv''{x'  -vy^)  =a{x-y) 

*  Two  points  which  are  infinitely  close  to  each  other  on  the  same  branch  of 
a  curve  are  said  to  be  consecutive  points  on  the  curve. 

258  Multiple  Points  on  Curves, 

is  iP  -  2/  =  o,  a  line  bisecting  the  internal  angle  between  the 
co-ordinate  axes.  In  like  manner,  the  tangent  at  the  origin 
can  in  all  cases  be  immediately  determined. 

209.  Equation  of  Tangent  at  any  Point. — By  aid 

of  the  preceding  method  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  any 
point  on  a  curve  whose  equation  is  algebraic  and  rational 
can  be  at  once  found.  For,  transferring  the  origin  to  that 
point,  the  linear  part  of  the  resulting  equation  represents  the 
tangent  in  question. 

Thus,  iif{x,  ?/)  =  o  be  the  equation  of  the  curve,  we  sub- 
stitute X  +  Xi  for  aj,  and  F  +  yi  for  y,  where  {xi,  y^)  is  a 
point  on  the  curve,  and  the  equation  becomes 

/(X  +  ^x,  F+yO=o. 

Hence  the  equation  of  the  tangent  referred  to  the  new  axes  is 

-f-)  =0. 

On  substituting  x  -  Xi,  and  y  -  2^1,  instead  of  X  and  F,  we 
obtain  the  equation  of  the  tangent  referred  to  the  original 
axes,  viz. 

This  agrees  with  the  result  arrived  at  in  Art.  169. 

210.  Double  Points. — If  in  the  general  equation  of  a 
curve  we  have  %  =  0,  b^  =  o,  hi  =  o,  the  coefficient  of  r  is 
zero  for  all  values  of  0,  and  it  follows  that  all  lines  drawn 
through  the  origin  meet  the  curve  in  two  points,  coincident 
with  the  origin. 

The  origin  in  this  case  is  called  a  double  point. 
Moreover,  if  Q  be  such  as  to  satisfy  the  equation 

<?o  cos*0  +  Cicos  0  sin  0  +  c^  sin^0  =  o,  (2) 

the  coefficient  of  r*  will  also  disappear,  and  three  roots  of 
equation  (i)  will  vanish. 

As  there  are  two  values  of  tan  Q  satisfying  equation  (2),  it 
follows  that  through  a  double  point  two  lines  can  be  drawn, 
each  meeting  the  curve  in  three  coincident  points. 

Double  Points.  259 

The  equation  (2),  when  multiplied  by-^r',  becomes 
CqOi^  +  Cixy  +  C2?/^  =  o. 

Hence  we  infer  that  the  lines  represented  by  this  equa- 
tion connect  the  double  point  with  consecutive  points  on  the 
curve,  and  are,  consequently,  tangents  to  the  two  branches  of 
the  curve  passing  through  the  double  point. 

Accordingly,  when  the  lowest  terms  in  the  equation  of  a 
curve  are  of  the  second  degree  (wo),  the  origin  is  a  double 
point,  and  the  equation  u%  =  o  represents  the  pair  of  tangents  at 
that  point. 

For  example,  let  us  consider  the  Lemniscate,  whose  equa- 
tion is 

(x^  +  y''y  =  (C^{x^  -y"). 
On  transforming  to  polar  co-ordinates  its  equation  becomes 
r*  =  ah'"^  {cos^O  -  sin'^^),  or,  r'  =  «^  cos  2O. 

Now,  when 9  =  o,  r  =  ±a; 
and,  if  we  confine  our  atten- 
tion to  the  positive  values  of 
r,  we  see  that  as  0  increases 

from   o  to  -,   r  diminishes 

from  a  to  zero.     When  0  >- 

and< — ,  r  is  imaginary,  &c.,  Fig-  '8. 

and  it  is  evident  that  the  figure  of  the  curve  is  as  annexed, 
having  two  branches  intersecting  at  the  origin,  and  that  the 
tangents  at  that  point  bisect  the  angles  between  the  axes. 
The  equations  of  these  tangents  are 

X  +  y  =  o,  and  x  -  y  =  o, 

results  which  agree  with  the  preceding  theory. 

211.  Socles,   Cusps,  and  Conjugate  Points.* — The 

pair  of  lines  represented  by  ^^2  =  o  will  be  real  and  distinct, 
coincident,  or  imaginary,  according  as  the  roots  of  equa- 
tion (2)  are  real  and  unequal,  real  and  equal,  or  imaginary. 

*  These  have  been  respectively  styled  crunodes,  spinodes,  and  acnodes,  by 
Professor  Cayley.     See  Salmon's  Higher  Plane  Curves^  Art  38. 

S    2 

26o  Multiple  Points  on  Curves. 


Hence  we  conclude  that  there  may  be  one  of  three  kinds 
of  singular  point  on  a  curve  so  far  as  the  vanishing  of  Uq  and  Wi 
is  concerned. 

(i).  For  real  and  unequal  roots,  the 
tangents  at  the  double  point  are  real 
and  distinct,  and  the  point  is  called  a 
node;  arising  from  the  intersection  of  V^___^^j'^'^\n^ 
two  real  branches  of  the  curve,  as  in  y"^  NX 

the  annexed  figure.  \  ^ 

(2).  If  the  roots  be  equal,  i.e.  if  U2  j,- 

be  a  perfect  square,  the  tangents  coin- 
cide, and  the  point  is  called  a  cusp ;  the 

two  branches  of  the  curve  touching  each  ^^^ 

other  at  the  point,  as  in  figure  20. 

(3).  If  the  roots  of  iti  be  imaginary, 
the  tangents  are  imaginary,  and  the 
double  point   is    called    a  conjugate   or  '^*  *°' 

isolated  point ;  the  co-ordinates  of  the  point  satisfy  the  equation 
of  the  curve,  but  the  curve  has  no  real  points  consecutive  to 
this  point,  which  lies  altogether  outside  the  curve  itself. 

It  should  be  observed  also  that  in  some  cases  of  singularities 
of  a  higher  order,  the  origin  is  a  conjugate  point  even  when  u^ 
is  a  perfect  square,  as  will  be  more  fully  explained  in  a  sub- 
sequent chapter. 

We  add  a  few  elementary  examples  of  these  different 
classes  for  illustration. 


1.  y2  («2  +  a;2)  =  ^2  (^2  _  a.2). 

Here  the  origin  is  a  node,  the  tangents  bisecting  the  angles  between  the  axes  of 

2.  ay^  =  x^. 

In  this  case  the  origin  is  a  cusp.    Again,  solving  for  y  ve  get 

Hence,  if  a  be  positive,  p  beeomes  imaginary  for  negative  values  of  x ;  and, 
accordingly,  no  portion  of  the  curve  extends  to  the  negative  side  of  the  axis  of  a:. 
Moreover,  for  positive  values  of  a:,  the  corresponding  values  of  y  have  opposite 
signs.  This  curve  is  called  the  semi-cubical  parabola.  The  form  of  the  curve 
near  the  origin  is  exhibited  in  Fig.  20. 

Double  Points  in  General.  261 

3.  y*  =  x^  {x  +  a). 

Am.  The  origin  is  a  cusp. 

4.  •  h{x'i\y^)=x\ 

Ans.  The  origin  is  a  conjugate  point. 

5.  «*  -  3«^y  +  2/3  =  o. 

Ans.  The  two  branches  at  the  origin  touch  the  co-ordinate  axes. 

212.  Double  Points  in  Ceneral. — In  order  to  seek 
the  double  points  on  any  algebraic  curve,  we  transform  the 
origin  to  a  point  {xx^  y\)  on  the  curve ;  then,  if  we  can  deter- 
mine values  of  Xi,  y^  for  which  the  linear  part  disappears  from 
the  resulting  equation,  the  new  origin  (a;i,  y^  is  a  double  point 
on  the  cuTve. 

From  Art.  209  it  is  evident  that  the  preceding  conditions 

moreover,  since  the  point  (iPi,  y^  is  situated  on  the  curve, 
we  must  have 

/(^i,  y^  =  o. 

As  we  have  but  two  variables,  a^i,  ^i,  in  order  that  they 
should  satisfy  these  three  equations  simultaneously,  a  con- 
dition must  evidently  exist  between  the  constants "  in  the 
equation  of  the  curve,  viz.,  the  condition  arising  from  the 
elimination  of  x^^  y^  between  the  three  preceding  equations. 

Again,  when  the  curve  has  a  double  point  (i^i,  yi),  if  the 
origin  be  transferred  to  it,  the  part  of  the  second  degree  in 
the  resulting  equation  is  evidently 


Accordingly,  the  lines  represented  by  this  quadratic  are 
the  tangents  at  the  double  point. 

^  The  point  consequently  is  a  node,  a  cusp,  or  a  conjugate 
point,  according  as 

(dhi\.  ((Pu 

\dxdy)\  \dx^ 

A  fd''u\ 



Multiple  Points  on  Curves. 

It  may  be  remarked  here  tliat  no  cubic  can  have  more 
than  one  double  point ;  for  if  it  have  two,  the  line  joining 
them  must  be  regarded  as  cutting  the  curve  in  four  points, 
which  is  impossible. 

Again,  every  line  passing  through  a  double  point  on  a  cubic 
must  meet  the  curve  in  one,  and  but  one,  other  point ;  ex- 
cept the  line  be  a  tangent  to  either  branch  of  the  cubic  at 
the  double  point,  in  which  case  it  cannot  meet  the  curve  else- 
where; the  points  of  section  being  two  consecutive  on  one 
branch,  and  one  on  the  other  branch. 

In  many  cases  the  existence  of  double  points  can  be  seen 
immediately  from  the  equation  of  the  curve.  The  following 
are  some  easy  instances : — 


To  find  the  position  and  nature  of  the  double  points  in   the   following 
curves : — 

I.  {bx-  cyY  =  {x-  o)5. 

The  point  a;  =  a,  y  =  — ,  is  evidently  a  cusp, 

at  -which  bx  -  cy  =  o\&  the  tangent,  as  in  the 
accompanying  figure 


{^-cY  =  {x-aY{x-b). 

The  point  x  =  a,  y  =  e,  is  &.  cusp  if  «  >  i,  or  0 
if  a  =  i  ;  but  is  a  conjugate  point  ii  a<b. 

Fig.  21. 

3.  y'^  =  x{x  +  a)2. 
The  point  y  =  o,  a;  =  -aisa  conjugate  point. 

4.  id  +  2/*  =  «'. 

The  points  x=o^y  =  ±a;  and  y  =  o,  a;  =  +  a,  are  easily  seen  to  be  cusps. 

213.  Parabolas  of  the  Third  Degree. — The  follow- 
ing example*  will  assist  the  student  towards  seeing  the  dis- 
tinction, as  well  as  the  connexion,  between  the  different  kinds 
of  double  points. 

Let  y^  =  {x  -  a)  [x  -h)  {x  -  c) 

be  the  equation  of  a  curve,  where  a<h  <  c. 

♦  Lacroix,  Cal.  Bif.^  pp.  395-7.     Salmon's  Higher  Plane  Curves,  Art.  39. 

Parabolas  of  the  Third  Degree. 


Here  y  vanishes  when  x  =  a^  OTx=b,  ot  x=c]  accordingly, 
if  distances  OA  =  a,  OB  =  b,  OC  =  c,  be  taken  on  the  axis  of 
X,  the  curve  passes  through  the  points  A,  B,  and  C. 

Moreover,  when  x  <  a,  y^  is  negative,  and  therefore 

y  is  imaginary. 
„  x>  a^  and  <  J,  y"^  is  positive,  and  therefore 

y  is  real. 
„  x>b^  and  <  c,  y"^  is  negative,  and  therefore 

y  is  imaginary. 
„  x>  Cy  y"'  is  positive,  and  therefore 

increases  indefinitely  along  with  x. 
Hence,  since  the  curve  is  sym- 
metrical with  respect  to  the  axis  of 
X,  it  evidently  consists  of  an  oval 
lying  between  A  and  B,  and  an 
infinite  branch  passing  through 
(7,  as  in  the  annexed  figure.  It 
is  easily  shown  that  the  oval  is 
not  symmetrical  with  respect  to 
the  perpendicular  to  AB  at  its 
middle  point.  Again,  \ib  =  c,  the 
equation  becomes 

y^  =  {x^  a){x  -  by. 

In  this  case  the  point  B  co- 
incides with  (7,  the  oval  has      , 

joined  the  infinite  branch,  and     o 
B  has  become  a  double  point, 
as  in  the  annexed  figure. 

On  the  other  hand,  let  b 

y^=  {x-ay{x-c)] 

in  this  case  the  oval  has  shrunk 
into  the  point  -4,  and  the  curve 
is  of  the  annexed  form,  having  o 
A  for  a  conjugate  point. 

Next,  \Qt  a  =  b  =  c,  and  the 
equation  becomes 

2/^=  {x-aY\ 


is  real  ;   and 

Fig.  22. 


Fig.  23. 
^,  and  the  equation  becomes 

Fig.  14. 

264  Multiple  Points  on  Curves. 

here  the  points  A,  JB,  C,  have 
come  together,  and  the  curve 
has  a  cusp  at  the  points,  as  in 
the  annexed  figure. 

The   curves   considered   in 
this  Article  are  called  parabolas  Fig.  25. 

of  the  third  degree. 

As  an  additional  example,  we  shall  investigate  the  fol- 
lowing problem : — 

214.  Given  the  three  aBymptotes  of  a  cubic,  to  find  its  equa- 
tion,  if  it  have  a  double  point. 

Taking  two  of  its  asj^mptotes  as  axes  of  co-ordinates,  and 
supposing  the  equation  of  the  third  iohQ  ax  +  by  +  c  =  o,  the 
equation  of  the  cubic,  by  Art.  204,  is  of  the  form 
xy  [ax  +  by  +  c)  =  Ix  +  my  +  n. 

Again,  the  co-ordinates  of  the  double  point  must  satisfy 
the  equations 

du  _        du  _ 

dx       ^    dy       ' 

or  [lax  +  by  -^  c)  y  =  I,      {ax  +  ihy  +  c)  x  =  m; 

from  which  I  and  m  can  be  determined  when  the  co-ordinates 
of  the  double  point  are  given. 

To  find  w,  we  multiply  the  former  equation  by  x,  and  the 
latter  by  y,  and  subtract  the  sum  from  three  times  the  equa- 
tion of  the  curve,  and  thus  we  get 

cxy  =  zlx  +  zmy  +  t^u  ; 

from  which  n  can  be  found. 

In  the  particular  case  where  the  double  point  is  a  cusp,* 
its  co-ordinates  must  satisfy  the  additional  condition 

d^(Pu  _  f  d^u  Y 

dx^  dy"^      \dxdy)  * 

or  {2ax  +  2by  +  cy  =  ^abxy, 

and  consequently  the  cusp  must  lie  on  the  conic  represented 
by  this  equation. 

*  It  is  essential  to  notice  that  the  existence  of  a  cusp  involves  one  more 
relation  among  the  coefficients  of  the  equation  of  a  curve  than  in  the  case  of  an 
ordinary  double  point  or  node. 

Double  Points  m  a  Cubic.  265 

It  can  be  easily  seen  that  this  conic*  touches  at  their 
middle  points  the  sides  of  the  triangle  formed  by  the  asymp- 

The  preceding  theorem  is  due  to  Plucker,t  and  is  stated 
by  him  as  follows  : — 

"  The  locus  of  the  cusps  of  a  system  of  curves  of  the  third 
degree,  which  have  three  given  lines  for  asymptotes,  is  the 
maximum  ellipse  inscribed  in  the  triangle  formed  by  the 
given  asymptotes." 

It  can  be  easily  seen  that  the  double  point  is  a  node  or  a 
conjugate  point,  according  as  it  lies  outside  or  inside  the 
above-mentioned  ellipse. 

215.  Multiple  Points  of  Higher  Curves. — By  follow- 
ing out  the  method  of  Art.  208,  the  conditions  for  the  existence 
of  multiple  points  of  higher  orders  can  be  readily  determined. 

Thus,  if  the  lowest  terms  in  the  equation  of  a  curve  be  of 
the  third  degree,  the  origin  is  a  triple  point,  and  the  tangents 
to  the  three  branches  of  the  curve  at  the  origin  are  given  by 
the  equation  Uz  =  o. 

The  different  kinds  of  triple  points  are  distinguished, 
according  as  the  lines  represented  by  Uz  =  o  are  real  and 
distinct,  coincident,  or  one  real  and  two  imaginary. 

In  general,  if  the  lowest  terms  in  the  equation  of  a  curve 
be  of  the  m*^  degree,  the  origin  is  a  multiple  point  of  the  m^^ 
order,  &c. 

Again,  a  point  is  a  triple  point  on  a  curve  provided  that 
when  the  origin  is  transferred  to  it  the  terms  below  the  third 
degree  disappear  from  the  equation.  The  co-ordinates  of  a 
triple  point  consequently  must  satisfy  the  equations 

du  du  d^u  d/^u  d^u 

"=°'  ;&  =  °'  ^=°'  ^=°'  ;&^=°'  ^=°- 

Hence  in  general,  for  the  existence  of  a  triple  point  on  a 
curve,  its  coefficients  must  satisfy  four  conditions. 

The  complete  investigation  of  multiple  points  is  effected 

♦  From  the  form  of  the  equation  we  see  that  the  lines  a;  =  o,  1/  =  o  are 
tangents  to  the  conic,  and  that  2ax  +  zb?/  +  c  =  o  represents  the  line  joining  the 
points  of  contact ;  but  this  line  is  parallel  to  the  third  asymptote  ax  +  bj/  +  c  =  o, 
and  evidently  passes  through  the  middle  points  of  the  intercepts  made  by  this 
asymptote  on  the  two  others. 

t  Liouville's  Journal^  vol.  ii.  p.  14. 

266  Multiple  P/tnts  on  Curves. 

more  satisfactorily  by  introducing  the  method  of  trilinear  co- 
ordinates. The  discussion  of  curves  from  this  point  of  view  is 
beyond  the  limits  proposed  in  this  elementary  Treatise. 

215  {a).  Cusps,  in  Greneral. — Thus  far  singular  points 
have  been  considered  with  reference  to  the  cases  in  which 
they  occur  most  simply.  In  proceeding  to  curves  of  higher 
degrees  they  may  admit  of  many  complications  ;  for  instance 
ordinary  cusps,  such  as  represented  in  Fig.  20,  may  be  called 
cusps  of  the  first  species,  the  tangent 
lying  between  both  branches :  the  cases  in 
which  both  branches  lie  on  the  same  side, 
as  exhibited  in  the  accompanying  figure, 
may  be  called  cusps  of  the  second  species.  p.    ^5 

Professor  Cayley  has  shown  how  this  is 
to  be  considered  as  consisting  of  several  singularities  happen- 
ing at  a  point  (Salmon's  Higher  Plane  Curves,  Art.  58). 

Again,  both  of  these  classes  may  be  called  single  cusps, 
as  distinguished  from  double  cusps  extending  on  both  sides  of 
the  point  of  contact.  Double  cusps  are  styled  tacnodes  by 
Professor  Cayley.  These  points  are  sometimes  called  points 
of  osculation ;  however,  as  the  two  branches  do  not  in  general 
osculate  each  other,  this  nomenclature  is  objectionable.  It 
should  be  observed  that  whenever  we  use  the  word  cusp  with- 
out limitation,  we  refer  to  the  ordinary  cusp  of  the  first  species. 

Cusps  are  calledpom^s  de  rehroussement  by  French  writers, 
and  Eiickkehrpunkte  by  Q-ermans,  both  expressing  the  turning 
backwards  of  the  point  which  is  supposed  to  trace  out  the 
curve;  an  idea  which  has  its  English  equivalent  in  their 
name  of  stationary  points.  A  fuller  discussion  of  the  different 
classes  of  cusps  will  be  given  in  a  subsequent  place.  We 
shall  conclude  this  chapter  with  a  few  remarks  on  the  multiple 
points  of  curves  whose  equations  are  given  in  polar  co-ordi- 


1.  (y  -  ir»)2  =  a;5. 
Here  the  origin  is  a  cusp ;  also 

y  =  a;2  +  a;5  ; 

hence,  when  a;  is  less  than  unity,  both  values  of  y  are  positive,  and  consequently 
the  cusp  is  of  the  second  species. 

2.  Show  that  the  origin  is  a  double  cusp  in  the  curve 

re*  +  4x*  —  a^y^  =  o. 

Multiple  Points  with  Polar  Co-ordinates,  267 

216.  multiple  Points  of  Curves  in  Polar  Co-ordi- 
nates.— If  a  curve  referred  to  polar  co-ofSinates  pass  through 
the  origin,  it  is  evident  that  the  direction  of  the  tangent  at 
that  point  is  found  by  making  r  =  o  in  its  equation  ;  in  this 
case,  if  the  equation  of  the  curve  reduce  to  f{d)  =  o,  the 
resulting  value  of  d  gives  the  direction  of  the  tangent  in 

If  the  equation /(0)  =  o  has  two  real  roots  in  Q,  less  than  tt, 
the  origin  is  a  double  point,  the  tangents  being  determined 
by  these  values  of  d. 

If  these  values  of  Q  were  equal,  the  origin  would  be  a  cusp ; 
and  so  on. 

In  fact,  it  will  be  observed  that  the  multiple  points  on 
algebraic  curves  have  been  discussed  by  reducing  them  to 
polar  equations,  so  that  the  theory  already  given  must  apply 
to  curves  referred  to  polar,  as  well  as  to  algebraic  co-ordi- 

It  may  be  remarked,  however,  that  the  order  of  a  multiple 
point  cannot,  generally,  be  determined  unless  with  reference 
to  Cartesian  co-ordinates,  in  like  manner  as  the  degree  of  a 
curve  in  general  is  determined  only  by  a  similar  reference. 

For  example,  in  the  equation 

r  =  a  coa^O  -  b  ahi^O, 
the  tangents  at  the  origin  are  determined  by  the  equation 

tan  6  =  ±  Jt,  and  the  origin  would  seem  to  be  only  a  double 

point ;  however,  on  transforming  the  equation  to  rectangular 
axes,  it  becomes 

{x'  +  fy={ax'-bfy; 

from  which  it  appears  that  the  origin  is  a  multiple  point  of  the 
fourth  order,  and  the  curve  of  the  sixth  degree.  In  fact, 
what  is  meant  by  the  degree  of  a  curve,  or  the  multiplicity  of 
a  point,  is  the  number  of  intersections  of  the  curve  with  any 
right  line,  or  the  number  of  intersections  which  coincide  for 
every  line  through  such  a  point,  and  neither  of  these  are  at 
once  evident  unless  the  equation  be  expressed  by  line  co-ordi- 
nates, such  as  Cartesian,  or  trilinear  co-ordinates;  whereas 
in  polar  co-ordinates  one  of  the  variables  is  a  circular  co- 

263  Examples. 


1.  Determme  the  tangents  at  the  origin  to  the  curve 

j/"^  =  a;2  (i  —  x^).  Ans.  a;  +  y  =  o,  ar  —  y  =  o. 

2.  Show  that  the  curve 

a;*  -  S"^P  +  y*  =  o 
touches  the  axes  of  co-ordinates  at  the  origin. 

3.  Find  the  nature  of  the  origin  on  the  curve 

a;*  -  az^i/  +  bi/^  =  o, 

4.  Show  that  the  origin  is  a  conjugate  point  on  the  curve 

ay^  —  0:^  +  5x^  =  0 

when  a  and  b  have  the  same  sign  ;  and  a  node,  when  they  have  opposite  signs. 

5.  Show  that  the  origin  is  a  conjugate  point  on  the  curve 

6.  Prove  that  the  origin  is  a  cusp  on  the  curve 

(y  -  a;2)2  =  a^. 

7.  In  the  curve 

(y-a;2)2  =  a:«, 

show  that  the  origin  is  a  cusp  of  the  first  or  second  species,  according  as  n  is 
<  or  >  4. 

8.  Find  the  numher  and  the  nature  of  the  singular  points  on  the  curve 

X*  +  4ax^  -2ai/^  +  4a^x^  -  "^c^y^  +  4a*  =  o, 

9.  Show  that  the  points  of  intersection  of  the  curve 

0'*  ©' 

with  the  axes  are  cusps. 

10.  Find  the  douhle  points  on  the  curve 

x^  -  4aa;^  +  \c?x^  —  h'^y'^  +  ^h'^y  —  «*  —  A*  =  O. 

Examples.  26g 

11.  Prove  that  the  four  tangents  from  the  origin  to  the  curve 

wi  +  wa  +  «3  =  o 

are  represented  by  the  equation  4W1  us  =  w". 

12.  Show  that  to  a  double  point  on  any  curve  corresponds  another  double 
point,  of  the  same  kind,  on  the  inverse  curve  with  respect  to  any  origin. 

13.  Prove  that  the  origin  in  the  curve 

x*  -  zax^y  -  axy^  +  a'^y^  =  o 

is  a  cusp  of  the  second  species. 

14.  Show  that  the  cardioid 

r  =  a  (i  +  cos  d) 

has  a  cusp  at  the  origin. 

15.  If  the  origin  be  situated  on  a  curve,  prove  that  its  first  pedal  passes 
through  the  origin,  and  has  a  cusp  at  that  point. 

16.  Find  the  nature  of  the  origin  in  the  following  curves: — 

r^  =  a^  sin  30,  r^  =  a**  sin  nd,  r  =  — . 

bu  +  c 

17.  Show  that  the  origin  is  a  conjugate  point  on  the  curve 

X*  -  ax^y  +  axy"^  +  a^y"^  =  o. 

18.  If  the  inverse  of  a  conic  be  taken,  show  that  the  origin  is  a  double  point 
on  the  inverse  curve;  also  that  the  point  is  a  conjugate  point  for  an  ellipse,  a 
cusp  for  a  parabola,  and  a  node  for  a  hyperbola. 

19.  Show  that  the  condition  that  the  cubic 

xy"^  +  ax^  +  bx'^  +  CX+  d  +  2ey  =  o 
may  have  a  double  point  is  the  same  as  the  condition  that  the  equation 

aa^  +  hx^  +  cx^  +  dx-  6^  =  0 

may  have  equal  roots. 

20.  In  the  inverse  of  a  curve  of  the  n*^  degree,  show  that  the  origin  is  a 
multiple  point  of  the  w^'»  order,  and  that  the  n  tangents  at  that  point  are  parallel 
to  the  asymptotes  to  the  original  curve. 

(       270      ) 



217.  method  of  Envelopes. — If  we  suppose  a  series  of 
iifferent  values  given  to  a  in  the  equation 

/(^,  y,  a)  =  o,  (i) 

the  for  each  value  we  get  k  distinct  curve,  and  the  ahove 
equation  may  be  regarded  as  representing  an  indefinite 
number  of  curves,  each  of  which  is  determined  when  the 
corresponding  value  of  a  is  known,  and  varies  as  a  varies. 

The  quantity  a  is  called  a  variable  parameter,  and  the 
equation /(;r,  y,  a)  =  o  is  said  to  represent  a.  family  of  curves; 
a  single  determinate  curve  corresponding  to  each  distinct 
value  of  a  ;  provided  a  enters  into  the  equation  in  a  rational 
form  only. 

If  now  we  regard  a  as  varying  continuously,  and  suppose 
the  two  curves 

/(^,  y,  a)  =  O,    f(x,  2/,  a  +  Aa)  =  O 

taken,  then  the  co-ordinates  of  their  points  of  intersection 
satisfy  each  of  these  equations,  and  therefore  also  satisfy  the 

f{x,  y,  g  +  Aa)  -/(a?,  y,  a) 

Now,  in  the  limit,  when  Aa  is  infinitely  small,  the  latter 
equation  becomes 

*%l^  =  o;  (2) 


and  accordingly  the  points  oi"  intersection  of  two  infinitely 
near  curves  of  the  system  satisfy  each  of  the  equations  (i) 
and  (2). 

Envelopes.  271 

The  locus  of  the  points  of  ultimate  intersection  for  the 
entire  system  of  curves  represented  by  /(a?,  y,  a)  =  o,  is  ob- 
tained by  eliminating  a  between  the  equations  (i)  and  (2). 
This  locus  is  called  the  envelope^  of  the  system,  and  it  can  Joe 
^asily_  seen. that  it  is  touched  ty  e  very"  cur  veoFthe  systejn*. 

For,  if  we  consider  three  consecutive  curves,  and  suppose 
Pi  to  be  the  point  of  intersection  of  the  first  and  second,  and 
P2  that  of  the  second  and  third,  the  line  Pi  P2  joins  two  infi- 
nitely near  points  on  the  envelope  as  well  as  on  the  inter- 
mediate of  the  three  curves  ;  and  hence  is  a  tangent  to  each 
of  these  curves. 

This  result  appears  also  from  analytical  considerations, 
thus  : — the  direction  of  the  tangent  at  the  point  x,  y,  to  the 
curve /(ii;,  7/,  a)  =  o,  is  given  by  the  equation 

dx     dy  dx 

in  which  a  is  considered  a  constant. 

Again,  if  the  point  x,  y  be  on  the  envelope,  since  then  a 
is  given  in  terms  of  x  and  y  by  equation  (2),  the  direction  of 
the  tangent  to  the  envelope  is  given  by  the  equation 

df     df  dy     df  fda     da  dy\  _ 
dx     dy  dx     da\dx     dy  dx)       ' 

df     df  dy 

or  -f-^^T-^^' 

dx     dy  dx 

since  -^  =  o  for  the  point  on  the  envelope. 

Consequently,  the  values  of  -^  are  the  same  for  the  two 


curves  at  theircomm^^ppint,  and  hence  they  have  a  common 
tangent  aFiEat  pointr^""^ 

One  or  two  elementary  examples  will  help  to  illustrate 
this  theory. 

The  equation  x  eoQa  +  y  sina  =  p,  in  which  a  is  a  variable 
parameter,  represents  a  system  of  lines  situated  at  the  same 

272  Envelopes. 

perpendicular  distance  p  from  the  origin,  and  consequently 
all  touching  a  circle. 

This  result  also  follows  from  the  preceding  theory ;  for 
we  have 

/(^>  ?/,  a)  =  a;  cos  a  +  y  sin  a  -  ^  =  O, 

df(x.  y,  a)  . 

-^ — •  =  -  xsiaa  +  y  cos  a  =  O, 


and,  on  eliminating  a  between  these  equations,  we  get 

x^  +  y''=p\ 

which  agrees  with  the  result  stated  above. 
Again,  to  find  the  envelope  of  the  line 

y  =  aaj  +  — , 

where  a  is  a  variable  parameter. 

Here  f{x,  yy  a)  =  y  -  ax =  0, 


df(x,  y,  a)         ^^^      ^.    .  /^ 

=  -«!  +  —  =  0;  ,\a=    /— . 

da  a'  \  X 

Substituting  this  value  for  a,  we  get  for  the  envelope 

which  represents  a  parabola. 
"    21 8.  Envelope  of  La^  +  2Ma  +  N=  o.   Suppose  Z,  M,  iV, 
to  be  known  functions  of  x  and  y,  and  a  a  parameter,  then 

f{x,  y,  a)  =  Lv?  +  iMa  +  iV=  O, 

-7-  =  iLa  +  2JZ  =  o; 


accordingly,  the  envelope  of  the  curve  represented  by  the 
preceding  expression  is  the  curve 

Undetermined  Multipliers  applied  to  Envelopes.         273 

Hence,  when  L,  M,  N  are  Knear  functions  in  x  and  y, 
this  envelope  is  a  conic  touching  the  lines  L,  N,  and  having 
M  for  the  chord  of  contact. 

Conversely,  the  equation  to  any  tangent  to  the  conic 
LN  -  M"^  can  be  written  in  the  form 

La^  +  2Ma  +  ]Sr=0* 

where  a  is  an  arbitrary  parameter. 

219.  ITndeternimecl  multipliers  aiiplied  to  Enve- 
lopes.— In  many  cases  of  envelopes  the  equation  of  the 
moving  curve  is  given  in  the  form 

f{x,i/,  a,  ^)  =c„  (3) 

where  the  parameters  a,  /3  are  connected  by  an  equation  of 
the  form  ' 

^  (a,  (5)  =  c„  (4) 

In  this  case  we  may  regard  /3  in  (3)  as  a  function  of  a  by 
reason  of  equation  (4) ;  hence,  differentiating  both  equations, 
the  points  of  intersection  of  two  consecutive  curves  must 
satisfy  the  two  following  equations  : 

df      df  d[5  ,  d(b     d(h  d3 

da      dp  da  da      dp  da 

df_      d£ 

Consequently  g  =  ^. 

da      df5 

If  each  of  these  fractions  be  equated  to  the  undetermined 
quantity  X,  we  get 

^  =  X^ 
da         da 

rf/3       dfi 

*  Salmon's  Conies,  Art.  270. 

274  Envelopes. 

and  the  required  envelope  is  obtained  by  eliminating  a,  /3,  and 
X  between  these  and  the  two  given  equations. 

The  advantage  of  this  method  is  especially  found  when 
the  given  equations  are  homogeneous  functions  in  a  and  /3 ; 
for  suppose  them  to  be  of  the  forms 

/(a?,  y,  o,  P)  =  Ci,     0  (a,  (5)  =  c,, 

where  the  former  is  homogeneous  of  the  w'*  degree,  and  the 
latter  of  the  m*^,  in  a  and  /3.  Multiply  the  former  equation 
in  (5)  by  a,  and  the  latter  by  /3,  and  add ;  then,  by  Euler's 
theorem  of  Art.  102,  we  shall  have 

nci  =  mCiX.     or  A  =  — ^ ,  (6) 


by  means  of  which  value  we  can  generally  eliminate  a  and  /3 
from  our  equations. 


I.  To  find  the  envelope  of  a  line  of  given  length  (a)  whose  extremities  move 
along  two  fixed  rectangular  axes. 

Taking  the  given  lines  for  axes  of  co-ordinates,  we  have  the  equations 

et      p 


^,=K.,     |  =  ^A 

from  which  we  get 


.-.  a  =(«%)!,    fl=(<>V)', 

and  the  required  locus  is  represented  hy         ^^^ 


2.  To  find  the  envelope  of  a  system  of  concentric  and  coaxal  ellipses  of  con- 
slant  area. 

Here  ~:  +  •z^=  i,     a)8  =  c ; 

o»      )8"- 

hence  — ,  =  A/S,     -—  =  Ao  ;    .•.  r\e  =  1 

and  the  required  envelope  is  the  equilateral  hyperbola 

2x1/  =  c. 

Examples.      •  275 

3.  To  find  the  envelope  of  all  the  normals  to  an  ellipse. 
Here  we  have  the  equations 

where  a  and  B  are  the  co-ordinates  of  any  point  on  the  ellipse. 
Hence,  -_  =  A-,     -_  =  _x-- 

fl2'       i82  i2 

consequently  A.  =  «^  —  b\ 

and  we  get  a*x  =  (a«  -  J2)  a',     b^y  =  -  (a^  -  i2)j8'; 

•'*</       \a'i-bi)'     b~       \a-i-by' 

Substituting  in  the  equation  of  the  ellipse,  we  get  for  the  required  envelope, 

(aa;)l  +  (%)l  =  {a^  -  *2)l. 

This  equation  represents  the  evolute  of  the  ellipse. 

X      y 
4.  Find  the  envelope  of  the  line  -  +  —  =  i»  where  a  and  j8  are  connected  by 

a      B 
the  equation 

m  M  m 

a»»  4.  jgm  =  c»».  Am.  a;*"*^  +  y»»»+^  =  <;*»+^ 

2  20.  The  preceding  method  can  be  readily  extended  to  the 
general  case  in  which  the  equation  of  the  enveloping  curve 
contains  any  number,  w,  of  variable  parameters,  which  are 
connected  by  w  -  i  independent  equations.  The  method  of 
procedure  is  the  same  as  that  already  considered  in  Chapter 
XI.  on  maxima  and  minima,  and  does  not  require  a  separate 
investigation  here. 

T  2 

2^6  Examples, 


I.  Prove  that  the  envelope  of  the  system  of  lines  -  +  —  =  i,  where  I  and  m 

I      m 
I      tn 
are  connected  by  the  equation  -  +  —  =  i,  is  the  parabola 


©'*  (I)'- 

2.  One  angle  of  a  triangle  is  fixed  in  position,  find  the  envelope  of  the 
opposite  side  when  the  area  is  given.  Jlns.  A  hyperbola. 

3.  Find  tbe  envelope  of  a  right  line  when  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the 
perpendiculars  on  it  from  two  given  points  is  constant. 

4.  Find  the  envelope  of  a  right  line,  when  the  rectangle  under  the  perpen- 
diculars from  two  given  points  is  constant. 

Ans,  A  conic  having  the  two  points  as  foci. 

5.  From  a  point  P  on  the  hypothenuse  of  a  right-angled  triangle,  perpen- 
diculars FM,  PJV"  are  drawn  to  the  sides ;  find  the  envelope  of  the  line  MK. 

6.  Find  the  envelope  of  the  system  of  circles  whose  diameters  are  the  chords 
drawn  parallel  to  the  axis-minor  of  a  given  ellipse. 

7.  Find  the  envelope  of  the  circle 

xi  +  i/i-  2aex  +  o'  -  J2  =  o, 

where  a  is  an  arbitrary  parameter ;    and  find  when  the  contact  between  the 
circle  and  the  envelope  is  real,  and  when  imaginary. 

(a).  Show  from  this  example  that  the  focus  of  an  ellipse  may  be  regarded  as 
an  infinitely  small  circle  having  double  contact  with  the  ellipse,  the  directrix 
being  the  chord  joining  the  points  of  contact. 

8.  Show  that  the  envelope  of  the  system  of  conies 

a      a  —  h 

where  a  is  a  variable  parameter,  is  represented  by  the  equation 

(X  ±  ^hf  +  2/2  =  o. 

Hence  show  that  a  system  of  conies  having  the  same  foci  may  be  regarded 
as  inscribed  in  the  same  imaginary  quadrilateral. 

9.  Find  the  envelope  of  the  line 

iro'»  +  yj3"»  =  a«+^ 
where  the  parameters  a  and  /5  are  connected  by  the  equation 

Am.  «»-»» + 

Examples,  277 

10.  On  any  radius  vector  of  a  curve  as  diameter  a  circle  is  described :  prove 
geometrically  that  the  envelope  of  all  such  circles  itf  the  first  pedal  of  the  curve 
with  respect  to  the  origin. 

11.  If  circles  be  described  on  the  focal  radii  vectores  of  a  conic  as  diameters, 
prove  that  their  envelope  is  the  circle  described  on  the  axis  major  of  the  conic  as 

12.  Prove  that  the  envelope  of  the  circles  described  on  the  central  radii  of  an 
ellipse  as  diameters  is  a  Lemniscate. 

13.  Find  the  envelope  of  semicircles  described  on  the  radii  of  the  curve 

r»»  =  a**  cos  nd 
as  diameters. 

14.  If  perpendiculars  be  drawn  at  each  point  on  a  curve  to  the  radii  vectores 
drawn  from  a  given  point,  prove  that  their  envelope  is  the  reciprocal  polar  of 
the  inverse  of  the  given  curve,  with  respect  to  the  given  point. 

15.  Find  the  envelope  of  a  circle  whose  centre  moves  along  the  circum- 
ference of  a  fixed  circle,  and  wbich  touches  a  given  right  line. 

16.  Ellipses  are  described  with  coincident  centre  and  axes,  and  having  the 
sum  of  their  semiaxes  constant ;  find  their  envelope.' 

17.  Find  the  equation  of  the  envelope  of  the  line  Aa;  +  ^y  +  v  =  o,  where 
the  parameters  are  connected  by  the  equation 

a\«  +  b/x^  +  cv^  +  ^ffiv  +  2gvK  +  zhKfi  =  O. 
a,         h,        ff,        X 
h,        b,        /,         y 


18.  At  any  point  of  a  parabola  a  line  is  drawn  making  with  the  tangent  an 
angle  equal  to  the  angle  between  the  tangent  and  the  ordinate  at  the  point ; 
prove  that  the  envelope  of  the  line  is  the  first  negative  pedal,  with  regard  to  the 

focus,  of  the  parabola ;  and  hence  that  its  equation  is  ri  cos -0  =  ai,  the  focus 

being  pole. 

N.B. — This  cTirve  is  the  caustio  by  reflexion  for  rays  perpendicular  to  the 
axis  of  the  parabola. 

19.  Join  the  centre,  0,  of  an  equilateral  hyperbola  to  any  point,  P,  on  the 
curve,  and  at  P  draw  a  line,  PQ,  making  with  the  tangent  an  angle  equal  to  the 
angle  between  OP  and  the  tangent.  Show  that  the  envelope  of  PQ  is  tlie  first 
negative  pedal  of  the  curve 

r^  =  2a*  sin  -d  sin  -  Q. 
3  3 

the  centre  being  pole,  and  axis  vamox  prime  vector. 

N.B. — This  gives  the  caustic  by  reflexion  of  the  equilateral  hyperbola,  the 
centre  being  the  radiant  point. 

20.  A  right  line  revolves  with  a  uniform  angular  velocity,  while  one  of  its 
points  moves  uniformly  along  a  fixed  right  line ;  find  its  envelope. 

4w*.  A  cycloid, 

(     278     ) 



221.  Convexity  and  Concavity. — If  the  tangent  be 
drawn  at  any  point  on  a  curve,  the  neighbouring  portion  of 
the  curve  generally  lies  altogether  on  one  side  of  the  tangent, 
and  is  convex  with  respect  to  all  points  lying  at  the  opposite 
side  of  that  line,  and  concave  for  points  at  the  same  side. 

Thus,  in  the  accompanying  figure,  the  portion  QPQf~w^^ 
convex    towards     all    points 
lying  below  the  tangent,  and 
concave  for  points  above. 

If  the  curve  be  referred 
to  the  co-ordinate  axes  OX 
and  OY,  then  whenever  the 
ordinates  of  points  near  to 
P  on  the  curve  are  greater 
than  those  of  the  points  on 
the  tangent  corresponding  to  ^^'  ^^' 

the  same  abscissae,  the  curve  is  said  to  be  concave  towards 
the  positive  direction  of  Y. 

Now,  suppose  2/  =  0  (^)  ^^  ^^  ^^Q  equation  of  the  curve, 
then  that  of  the  tangent  at  a  point  x,  y,  by  Art.  i68,  is 



Let  P  be  the  point  x,  y,  and  MN  =h  =  MN\  QN  =  j/i, 
TN  =  Fi,  and  we  have 

2/1  =  0(aj  +  h)  =  <l>(x)  +  h(l>\x)  + 4,'\x)  +  — - — <^'"{x)  +&o. 

Fi*=  y  +  h<^\x)  =  ^{x)  +  h(^\x) ; 
/.  y.  -  F.  =  ^^  ^'\x)  +  Y^/\^)  +  &o.  (I) 

Points  of  Inflexion, 


When  h  is  very  small,  the  sign  of  the  right-hand  side  of 
this  equation  is  the  same  in  general  as  that  of  its  first  term, 
and  accordingly  the  sign  of  3/1  -  Zi,  or  of  QT,  is  the  same  as 
/)  fchatof_£(;r). 

'  '  *  Hence,  for  a  point  abjave  th  e  jixis^f  av  the  curxe  ia.coiurex 
to;w-arJs~that  axis  when  (p'^{x)  is  positive,  and  concave  when 
nQggJjigie-    *" 

We  accordingly  see  that  the  convexity  or  concavity  at  any 

point  depends  on  the  sign  of  ^"(ic)  or  -7^,  at  the  point. 


222.  Points  of  Inflexion.- 

the  point  P,  we  shall  have 

-If,  however,  ^''(a?)  =  o  at 

2-5  .4 

0^^(a;)  +  &c.  {2] 

Fig.  28. 

Such  points  on  a  curve  are  called  points  of 

Now,  provided  ((/^\x)  be  not  zero,  1/1  -  Yx  changes  its  sign 

with  h,  i.e.  if  MN'  =  MN=  h, 

and  if  Q  lies  above   T,  the 

corresponding  point    Q[  lies 

below  T\  and  the  portions  of 

the  curve  near  to   P  lie   at 

opposite  sides  of  the  tangent, 

as  in  the  figure. 

Consequently,  the  tangent 
at  such  a  point  cuts  the  curve, 
as  well  as  touches  it,  at  its 
point  of  contact, 

Again,  if  <^"\x)  as  well  as  <^\x)  vanish  at  the  point  P,  we 
shall  have 


and,  provided  <^^'^{sc)  be  not  zero  at  the  point,  yx  -  *Yx  does  not 
change  sign  with  ^,  and  accordingly  the  tangent  does  not 
intersect  the  curve  at  its  point  of  contact. 

Generally,  the  tangent  does  or  does  not  cut  the  curve  at 
its  point  of  contact,  according  as  the  first  derived  function 
which  does  not  vanish  is  of  an  odd,  or  of  an  even  order  ;  as 
can  be  easily  seen  by  the  preceding  method. 

28o  Points  of  Inflexion. 

From  the  foregoing  discussion  it  follows  that  at  a  point 
of  inflexion  the  curve  changes  from  convex  to  concave  with 
respect  to  the  axis  of  x,  or  conversely. 

On  this  account  such  points  are  called  points  of  contrary 
flexure  or  of  inflexion. 

22 s  The  subject  of  inflexion  admits  also  of  being  treated 
by  the  method  of  Art.  196,  as  follows  : — The  points  of  in- 
tersection of  the  line  y  =  /ux  +  v  with  the  curve  y  =  ^{x)  are 
evidently  determined  by  the  equation 

^{x)  =fix  +  v.  {3) 

Suppose  A,B,  C,  2),  &c.,  to  represent  the  points  of  section  in 

question, andleta^i, x^, .. . Xn 

be  the  roots  of  equation  (3) ;  —^ 

then  the  line  becomes    a    f-^ 

tangent,   if  two    of  these 

roots   are    equal,    i.e.,    if  ^ig-  ^g- 

^'(^1)  =  jM,  where  Xi  denotes  the  value  of  x  belonging  to  the 

point  of  contact. 

Again,  three  of  the  roots  become  equal  if  we  have  in 
addition  (l>\xi)  =  o  ;  in  this  case  the  tangent  meets  the  curve 
in  three  consecutive  points,  and  evidently  cuts  the  curve  at  its 
point  of  contact ;  for  in  our  figure  the  portions  PA  and  CD 
of  the  curve  lie  at  opposite  sides  of  the  cutting  line,  but 
when  the  points  Aj  B,  G  become  coincident,  the  portions  A£ 
and  BC  become  evanescent,  and  the  curve  is  evidently  cut  as 
well  as  touched  by  the  line. 

In  like  manner,  if  (l>"\xi)  also  vanish,  the  tangent  must 
be  regarded  as  cutting  the  curve  in  four  consecutive  points  : 
such  a  point  is  called  o,  point  of  undulation. 

It  may  be  observed,  that  if  a  right  line  cut  a  continuous 
branch  of  a  curve  in  three  points.  A,  B,  (7,  as  in  our  figure, 
the  curve  must  change  from  convex  to  concave,  or  conversely, 
between  t]ie  extreme  points  A  and  (7,  and  consequently  it 
must  have  a  point  of  inflexion  between  these  points  ;  and  so 
on  for  additional  points  of  section. 

Again,  the  tangent  to  a  curve  of  the  n^^  degree  at  a  point  of 
inflexion  cannot  intersect  the  curve  in  more  than  w  -  3  other 
points:  for  the  point  of  inflexion  counts  for  three  among 
the  points  of  section.     For  example,  the  tangent  to  a  curve 

Harmonic  Polar  of  a  Point  of  Inflexion  on  a  Cubic,      281 

of  the  third  degree  at  a  point  of  inflexion  cannot  meet  the 
curve  in  any  other  point.  Consequently^  if  a  point  of  in- 
flexion on  a  cubic  be  taken  as  origin,  and  the  tangent  at  it 
as  axis  of  x,  the  equation  of  the  curve  must  be  of  the  form 

a-^  +  ?/0  =  o, 

where  0  represents  an  expression  of  the  second  and  lower 
degrees  in  x  and  y.     For,  when  y  =  o,  the  three  roots  of  the 
resulting  equation  in  x  must  be  each  zero,  as  the  axis  of  x 
meets  the  curve  in  three  points  coincident  with  the  origin. 
The  preceding  equation  is  of  the  form 

or,  when  written  in  full, 

x^  +  y  {ax^  +  ihxy  +  hy"^)  +  y  {zgx  +  ify  +  c)  «=  o.       (4) 

Now,  supposing  tangents  drawn  from  the  origin  to  the 
curve,  their  points  of  contact,  by  Art.  176,  lie  on  the  curve 

U-i  +  2Ui  =  o, 

i.e.  on  the  curve 

(g^+fy  +  c)y  =  0, 

The  factor  y  =  o  corresponds  to  the  tangent  at  the  point 
of  inflexion,  and  the  other  factor  gx  +  Jy  +  c  =  o  passes 
through  the  points  of  contact  of  the  three  other  tangents  to 
the  curve. 

Hence,  we  infer  that  from  a  point  of  inflexion  on  a  cubic 
but  three  tangents  can  be  drawn  to  the  curve y  and  their  three 
2mnts  of  contact  lie  in  a  right  line. 

It  can  be  shown  that  this  right  line  cuts  harmonically 
every  radius  vector  of  the  curve  which  passes  through  the 
point  of  inflexion. 

For,  transforming  equation  (4)  to  polar  co-ordinates,  and 
dividing  by  r,  it  becomes  of  the  form 

Ar  +  JBr+  C  =  o. 

If  /,  /'  be  the  roots  of  this  quadratic,  we  have 

r      r  V 

282  Points  of  Inflexion, 

Now,  if  p  be  the  harmonic  mean  between  /  and  r",  this 

2      I       I  5  _     2/7  cos  0  +  if  sin  d 

Hence  the  equation  of  the  locus  of  the  extremities  of  the 
harmonic  means  is 

gx  +  fy  -^  c  =  o,  Q.E.D. 

This  theorem  is  due  to  Maclaurin  [De  Lin.  Geom.  Prop. 
Gen.y  Sec.  iii.  Prop.  9). 

From  this  property  the  line  is  called  the  harmonic  polar  of 
the  point  of  inflexion.  This  line  holds  a  fundamental  place 
in  the  general  theory  of  cubics.* 

224.  /Stationary  Tangents. — Since  the  tangent  at  a 
point  of  inflexion  may  be  regarded  as  meeting  the  curve  in 
three  consecutive  points,  it  follows  that  at  such  a  point  the 
tangent  does  not  alter  its  position  as  its  point  of  contact 
passes  to  the  consecutive  point,  and  hence  the  tangent  in  this 
case  is  called  a  stationary  tangent. 

The  equation  -7-^  =  0  follows  immediately  from  the  last 

consideration ;  for  when  the  tangent  is  stationary  we  must 


have  -J-  =  o,  where  (f>,   as  in  Art.  171,  denotes  the  angle 

which  the  tangent  makes  with  the  axis  of  x ;  but  tan  (jt  = —^ 

hence  -p^  =  o,  which  is  the  same  condition  for  a  point  of 

inflexion  as  that  before  arrived  at. 

*  Chasles,  Aper^u  His  tongue,  note  xx. ;    Salmon's  Higher  Plane  Curves. 
Art.  179. 

Examples,  283 


1.  Show  that  the  origin  is  a  point  of  inflexion  on  the  curve 

a^y  =  bxy  +  cx^  +  dx*, 

2.  The  origin  is  a  point  of  inflexion  on  the  cubic  M3  +  mi  =  o  ? 

3.  In  the  curve  a^'^y  =  a?'", 

prove  that  the  origin  is  a  point  of  inflexion  if  m  be  greater  than  2. 

4.  In  the  system  of  curves 

find  under  what  circumstances  the  origin  is  (a)  a  point  of  inflexion,  (b)  a  cusp. 

5.  Find  the  co-ordinates  of  the  point  of  inflexion  on  the  curve 

«'  -  3^0:2  4.  a^y  =  o.  Ans.  x  =  b,  y  =  — . 

6.  If  a  curve  of  an  odd  degree  has  a  centre,  prove  that  it  is  a  point  of 
inflexion  on  the  curve. 

7.  Prove  that  the  origin  is  a  point  of  undulation  on  the  curve 

Ui  +  Ui  +  U5  +  &C.,  +  M»  =  O. 

8.  Show  that  the  points  of  inflexion  on  curves  refeired  to  polar  co-ordinates 
are  determined  by  aid  of  the  equation 

d^u  ^  I 

^  +  -7;:^  =  °i    where  «  =  -, 
de^  r 

9.  In  the  curve  rd»*  =  a,  prove  that  there  is  a  point  of  inflexion  when 

d  =\^m  (i  -  m). 

10.  In  the  curve  y  =  c  sin  -,  prove  that  the  points  in  which  the  curve 

meets  the  axis  of  x  are  all  points  of  inflexion. 

11.  Show  geometrically  that  to  a  node  on  any  curve  corresponds  a  Hue 
touching  its  reciprocal  polar  in  two  distinct  points  ;  and  to  a  cusp  corresponds  a 

.  point  of  inflexion. 

284  Examples. 

12.  If  the  origin  be  a  point  of  inflexion  on  the  curre 

«l  +  «»  +  M8  +  .  ..+•«■  =  o, 
proye  that  «2  must  contain  t/i  as  a  factor. 

13.  Show  that  the  points  of  inflexion  of  the  cubical  parabola 

lie  on  the  line 

3x  +  a  =  4* : 

and  hence  proTe  that  if  the  cubic  has  a  node,  it  has  no  real  point  of  inflexion  ; 
but  if  it  has  a  conjugate  point,  it  has  two  real  points  of  inflexion,  besides  that 
at  infinity. 

14.  Prove  that  the  points  of  inflexion  on  the  curve  y^  =  x'(aE*  +  ^px  +  y) 
are  determined  by  the  equation  zx*  4  6px^  +  3  {p-  -^  q)  x  ■\-  2pq  =  o. 

15.  If  y*  =  /(x)  be  the  equation  of  a  curve,  prove  that  the  abscissae  of  its 
points  of  inflexion  satisfy  the  equation 

16.  Show  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  ordinates  of  the  cnrye 

y=2/(x)r(x) -{/(*)}» 

correspond  to  the  points  of  intersection  of  the  curve  y*  =/(x)  with  the  axis 

17.  "When  y*  =/(x)  represents  a  cubic,  prove  that  the  biquadratic  in  x 
which  determines  its  points  of  inflexion  has  one^  and  but  one,  pair  of  real  roots. 
Prove  also  that  the  lesser  of  these  roots  corresponds  to  no  real  point  of  inflexion, 
while  the  greater  corresponds,  in  general,  to  two. 

18.  Prove  that  the  point  of  inflexion  of  the  cubic 

fly*  +  3ixy-  -h  :«x2y  +  dj^  +  3«b*  =  o 

lies  in  the  right  line  ay  +  bx  =  o,  and  has  for  its  co-ordinates 

2a-e        ,         %abe 
,  =  -— ,andy=— , 

where  O  is  the  same  as  in  Example  32,  p.  190. 

19.  Find  the  nature  of  the  double  point  of  the  curve 

y=  =  (x  -  2)'  {X  -  5), 

and  show  that  the  curve  has  two  real  points  of  inflexion,  and  that  they  subtend 
a  right  angle  at  the  double  point. 

20.  The  co-ordinates  of  a  point  on  a  curve  are  given  in  terms  of  an  angle  • 
by  the  equations 

«  =  sec3e,    y  =  tan0Eec^fl; 

prove  that  there  are  two  finite  points  of  inflexion  on  the  curve,  and  find  the 

values  of  B  at  these  point*. 

{  285  ) 



225.  Corvatore.  Angle  of  Contingence. — Every  con- 
tinuous curve  is  regarded  as  having  a  determinate  curvature 
at  each  point,  this  curvature  being  greater  or  less  according 
as  the  curve  deviates  more  or  less  rapidly  from  the  tangent  at 
the  point. 

The  total  curvature  of  an  arc  of  a  plane  curve  is  measured 
by  the  angle  through  which  it  is  bent  between  its  extremities — 
that  is,  by  the  external  angle  between  the  tangents  at  these 
points,  assuming  that  the  arc  in  question  has  no  point  of  in- 
flexion on  it.  This  angle  is  called  the  angle  of  contingence  of 
the  arc. 

The  curvature  of  a  circle  is  evidently  the  same  at  each  of 
its  points. 

To  compare  the  curvatures  of 
different  circles,  let  the  arcs  AB 
and  ah  of  two  circles  be  of  equal 
length,  then  the  total  curvatures 
of  these  arcs  are  measured  by  the 
angles  between  their  tangents,  or 
by  the  angles  ACB  and  ach  at 
their  centres :  but  °'  ^  ' 

^^^  ,      aroAB   src  ab        i       i 

lACB'.  Lacb  =  — — --: =  -rps*— • 

AG         ac         AC  ac 

Consequently,  the  curvatures  of  the  two  circles  are  to  each 
other  inversely  as  their  radii;  or  the  curvature  of  a  circle 
varies  inversely  as  its  radius. 

Also  if  As  represent  any  arc  of  a  circle  of  radius  r,  and 
A<p  the  angle  between  the  tangents  at  its  extremities,  we  have 


r  =  — . 

2  86  Radius  of  Curvature. 

The  curvature  of  a  curve  at  any  point  is  found  by  deter- 
mining the  circle  which  has  the  same  curvature  as  that  of  an 
indefinitely  small  elementary  arc  of  the  curve  taken  at  the 

226.  Radius  of  Curvature. — Let  ds  denote  an  infi- 
nitely small  element  of  a  curve  at  a  point,  d^  the  corresponding 

angle  of  contingence  expressed  in  circular  measure,  then  — 

evidently  represents  the  radius  of  the  circle  which  has  the 
same  curvature  as  that  of  the  given  curve  at  the  point. 

This  radius  is  called  the  radius  of  curvature  for  the  point, 
and  is  usually  denoted  by  the  letter  p. 

To  find  an  expression  for  p,  let  the  curve  be  referred  to 
rectangular  axes,  and  suppose  x  and  y  to  be  the  co-ordinates 
of  the  point  in  question ;  then  if  ^  denote"  the  angle  which  the 
tangent  makes  with  the  axis  of  x,  we  have 

dy  d .  tan  0      d^y 

^'"I'^di'  ■'•~dr  =;&" 

,      .  dd)     dd)  dx  d(f>  ,    cPy 



sec»(^_V       \dx)  J  (j) 

d(p      d'^y  d^y 

ds       d^  dx* 

At  a  point  of  inflexion  —^  =  o  :  accordingly  the  radius  of 

curvature  at  such  a  point  is  infinite  :  this  is  otherwise  evident 
since  the  tangent  in  this  case  meets  the  curve  in  three  conse- 
cutive points.     (Art.  222.) 

Again,  as  the  expression  f  i  +  f^J  1    has  always  two 

values,  the  one  positive  and  the  other  negative,  while   the 

Expressions  for  Radius  of  Curvature.  287 

curve  can  have  in  general  but  one  definite  circle  of  curvature 
at  any  point,  it  is  necessary  to  agree  upon-Avhicli  sign  is  to  be 
taken.     "We  shall  adopt  the  positive  sign,  and  regard  p  as 

being  positive  when  -7^  is  positive ;   i.  e.  when  the  curve  is 

convex  at  the  point  with  respect  to  the  axis  of  x. 

227.  Other  ^Expressions  for  p. — It  is  easy  to  obtain 

other  forms  of  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  ;  thus 

by  Art.  178  we  have 

dx       .  dy 

cos  rf>  =  -7-,     sm  0  =  -^. 
^     ds  ^     ds 

Hence,  if  the  arc  be  regarded  as  the  independent  variable,  we 

d6      d^x  dd)      d^y 

-  sm  0  -r  =  -T-,      cos  d)  -7-  =  -r^, 

^  ds      ds^'  ^  ds      ds"' 

from  which,  if  we  square  and  add,  we  obtain 

p*     \ds)      \dsy      {ds'J' 

Again,  the  equations     dx  =  cos  ^ds,     dy  =  sin  ^ds, 

give  by  differentiation  (substituting  —  for  c?^), 

(dsY  (dsY 

d^x  =  cos  (pd^s  -  sin  0-^—^,     d^p  =  sin  ^d^s  +  cos  ^  -^^.      (3) 

Whence,  squaring  and  adding,  we  obtain 

(d'xy  +  {(Py)'  =  id's)'  +  i^*, 


'"'  ''     ^/(d'xy  +  {d'yy  -  (d'sf  ^^' 

288  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Again,  if  the  former  equation  in  (3)  be  multiplied  by 
sin  ^,  and  the  latter  by  cos  ^,  we  obtain  on  subtraction, 

ds^  ds^ 

cos  (p d}y  -  sin  0 df a;  =  — ,     or  dxd'^y  -  dyd^x  =  — . 

P  P 

S®^^®  P  =  T^Ti T^'  (5) 

dxd^y  -  dyd^x 

The  independent  variable  is  undetermined  in  formulae  (4) 
and  (5),  and  may  be  any  quantity  of  which  both  x  and  y  are 

For  example,  in  the  motion  of  a  particle  along  a  curve, 
when  the  time  is  taken  as  the  independent  variable,  we  get 
from  (4)  an  important  result  in  Mechanics. 

I.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  the  parabola  x"^  =  ^my. 

Here  2m/ =  a:,      2m-^=i,     i  +  f^)    =  i  + -^  =  i  +  i^; 

2  (m  +  y)g 
'•'^'=— ^^i 

3.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  in  the  catenary 



dx     2\            1'     dx'      a'-'          ' 


Hence  the  radius  of  curvature  is  equal  to  the  part  of  the  normal  intercepted 
by  the  axis  of  a:,  but  measured  in  the  opposite  direction  (Ex.  4,  Art.  171). 

3.  In  the  cubical  parabola  30^^  =  3?^  we  have 
dx  dx'  (  \dxl   )  ,e  '  ^a*x 

General  Expremonfor  Radius  of  Curvature  289 

4.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  in  the  ellipse  -;;  J-  r-  53  I. 

Let  a;  =  a  cos  ^,  then  y  =  5  sin  <p,  and  we  have 

dx  =  —  a  sin  <pd(p,     d^x  =  -  a  cos  (pdc^"^  —  a  sin  ^^fz^^ 

dy  ^h  00a  <j>d(]),        d^i/=:-b  sin  ^<?<^2  +  j  ^qs  ^^20. 

Hence  by  formula  (5)  we  obtain 

(a*sin2^  +  3*0082^)5 
^ ^ • 

5.  In  the  hypocycloid  a:t  +  yi  =  ai,  let  a;  =  a  cos'^,  then  y  =  a  sin^^,  and  re- 
garding (f)  as  the  independent  variable,  we  have 

dx  =  -Za  cos'^  sin  <pd<p,  d^x  =  S(t  cos  (f>  dcp-  (2  sin^  (|)  -  cos^ ^), 

<?y  =  3a  sin^^  cos  ^ ^^,  d^i/  =  3«  sin  4)  (?^2  (2  cos^  ^  -  sin^ ^), 

{dx^  +  dy^)i  =  3a  sin^  cos  <pd(i>,  and  «?a;c?2_j/  _  dyd'^x  =  -  gd^  wa.^<f>  cos*^c?^3, 

from  which  we  obtain 

p  =  -  3  {axi/y. 

6.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  of  the  curve 

««  =  secf-j.  Ans.  p  =  a  Beo  I- U 

228.  Creneral  Sxpression  for  Radius  of  Curva- 
ture.— The  value  of  p  becomes  usually  diJficult  of  determi- 
nation from  formula  ( i )  whenever  y  is  not  given  explicitly  in 
terms  of  a;,  that  is,  when  the  equation  of  the  curve  is  of  the 

"We  proceed  to  show  how  the  equation  for  p  is  to  be  trans- 
formed in  this  case.     Suppose 

du  du  _  d^u  _  d^u   _  d'^u  __  ^ 

Tx'-^'     dy~^'     ^"^'    d^y'-^'     df"^' 

then,  by  Art.  100,  we  have 


290  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Again,  differentiating  this  equation  with  respect  to  x, 
regarding  y  as  a  function  of  a;  in  consequence  of  the  given 
equation,  and  observing  that 

d  .         dL     dLdy      ^  /iir\  _  ^^     dM  dy 
dx^   '      dx      dy  dx^     dx^     '      dx       dy  dx^ 

we  obtain 

dL     dLdy_     (dM     dMdy\dy^  d^y 

dx      dy  dx      \  dx       dy  dx)  dx  dm^ 

A^2Bf.C%^M'^  =  o;  (6) 

dx         dx^  dx^        '  ^  ' 

whence,  on  substituting  -  -^  for  -f,  we  obtain 

JzL  (XX 

(Py  _    AM^-zBLM+CD 

dx'^  ~  M' 


^     ^  AM' -  2BLM -^  CU'  ^^^ 

Or,  on  replacing  X,  M,  A,  B,  C,  by  their  values, 


,..-  *wi 

d'^u  fduV        d'u  du  du     d'u  fduV 
dx'  \dy)        dxdy  dx  dy      dy'  \dx) 

The  result  in  (6)  enables  us  to  determine  the  second  diffe- 
rential coefficient  of  an  implicit  function  in  general;  a  process 
which  is  sometimes  required  in  analysis. 

22q.  The  Centre  of  Curvature  is  the  point  of 
intersection  of  two  Consecutive  IVormals. — We  shall 
next  proceed  to  consider  the  subject  from  a  geometrical 
point  of  view. 

As  a  circle  which  passes  through  two  infinitely  near 
points  on  a  curve  is  said  to  have  contact  of  the  first  order  with 

Newton^ s  Method  of  Investigating  Curvature.         291 

the  curve,  so  the  circle  which  passes  through  three  infinitely 
near  points  on  a  curve  is  said  to  have  contact  of  the  second 
order  with  it,  and  is  called  the  circle  of  curvature,  or  the 
osculating  circle  at  the  point. 

Again,  the  centre  of  the  circle  which  passes  through 
three  points,  P,  Q,  jK,  is  the  intersection  of  the  perpendicu- 
lars drawn  at  the  middle  points  of  PQ  and  QR ;  but  when 
P,  Q,  R  become  infinitely  near  points  on  a  curve,  the  per- 
pendiculars become  normals,  and  the  centre  of  the  circle 
becomes  the  limiting  position  of  the  intersection  of  two  infinitely 
near  normals  to  the  curve.     (Compare  Art.  37,  note.) 

From  this  it  is  easily  seen  that  we  obtain  —  for  the  length 


of  the  radius  of  the  circle  in  the  limit,  as  before. 

230.  IVewton's  Method  of  investigating  Radii  of 
Curvature. — When  the  equation  of  the  curve  is  algebraic 
and  rational  it  is  easy  to  obtain  an 
expression  for  its  radius  of  curvature* 
at  any  point. 

For,  take  the  origin  0  at  the 
point,  and  the  tangent  and  normal 
for  co-ordinate  axes;  let  P  be  a 
point  on  the  curve  near  to  0,  and 
describe  a  circle  through  P  and  0 
touching  the  axis  of  x\  draw  PN 
perpendicular  to  OX  and  produce 
it  to  meet  the  circle  in  Q ;  then  we  have 

ON'  =  PN.NQ. 

Hence,  if  x  and  y  be  the  co-ordinates  of  P,  we  get 


But  when  P  is  infinitely  near  to  0,  NQ  becomes  OB,  the 

*  This  method  of  finding  the  radius  of  curvature  is  indicated  by  Newton 
(Principia,  lib.  I.,  Sect,  i.,  Lemma  xi.),  and  has  been  adopted  in  a  more  or  le^ 
modified  form  by  many  subsequent  writers. 

V  2 

292  Radius  of  Curvature. 

diameter  of  the  circle  of  curvature,  and  if  p  be  its  radius,  we 

.    .        a?* 

2p  =  limit  of  —  when  x  is  infinitely  small. 

Again,  since  the  axis  of  x  is  the  tangent  at  the  origin, 
the  equation  of  the  curve,  by  Art.  208,  is  of  the  form 

hy  =  CqX^  +  2Cixy  +  Ci'if'  +  terms  of  the  third  and  higher  degrees 

=  C(fio^  +  2Cixy  +  (?2y'  +  W3  +  W4  +  &o.  (9) 

On  dividing  by  y  we  obtain 

Oi  =  Ca—  +  2CiX  +  C2I/  +—  +  &0. 

'     y  y 

Again,  when  x  is  infinitely  small,  —  becomes  2p,  and 

each*  of  the  other  terms  at  the  right-hand  side  becomes  infi- 
nitely small ;  hence 

Thus,  for  example,  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in 
the  curve 

ty  -  2x^  +  ^xy  -  4y*  +  «• 

is  -,  the  axes  being  rectangular. 

Ms    Hi 

♦  We  have  assumed  above"  that  the  tenns  — ,  — ,  &c.,  become  evanescent 

y  y 

along  with  x ;  this  can  be  readily  established  as  follows : — 
Let  «3  =  oa^  +  ^x^y  +  fxy*  +  Jy*, 

then  -  =  o- +i8x'»  +  7ary  +  5y»; 

each  of  the  terms  after  the  first  vanishes  with  a;,  while  the  first  becomes  a  — «, 
or  2apx,  which  also  vanishes  with  a?,  when  p  is  finite. 
Similar  reasoning  is  applicable  to  the  terms,  — ,  &c. 

Case  of  Oblique  Axes.  293 

From  the  preceding  it  follows  that  wien  the  axis  of  x  is 
a  tangent  at  the  origin,  the  length  of  the  radius  of  curvature 
at  that  point  is  independent  of  all  the  coefficients  except 
those  of  y  and  x^. 

231.  Case  of  Oblique  Axes. — If  the  co-ordinate  axes 
be  oblique,  and  intersect  at  an  angle  w,  then  PQ  no  longer 
passes  through  the  centre  of  the  circle  in  the  limit,  but  be- 
comes the  chord  of  the  circle  of  curvature  which  makes  the 
angle  w  with  the  tangent ;  accordingly,  we  have  in  this  case 

2p  sin  w  =  -:fr^  =  — ,  in  the  limit. 
PN      y^ 

Hence,  in  the  case  of  oblique  axes,  we  have 

hi  .    . 

p  Bin  01  =  — .  (10) 

If  &i  and  Co  have  opposite  signs,  p  is  negative  ;  this 
indicates  that  the  centre  of  curvature  lies  below  the  axis  of  x, 
towards  the  negative  side  of  the  axis  of  y. 

The  preceding  results  show  that  the  radius  of  curvature 
at  the  origin  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  parabola,  h^y  =  CqX^,  at 
the  same  point ;  and  also  that  the  system  of  curves  obtained 
by  varying  all  the  coefficients  in  (9),  except  those  of  y  and 
;r',  have  the  same  osculating  circle,  in  oblique  as  well  as  in 
rectangular  co-ordinates. 

Again,  as  in  Art.  223,  the  osculating  circle,  since  it  meets 
the  curve  in  three  consecutive  points,  cuts  the  curve  at  the 
point,  in  general,  as  well  as  touches  it. 

If  Co  =  o  in  the  equation  of  the  curve,  and  h^  be  not  zero, 
the  radius  of  curvature  becomes  infinite,  and  the  origin  is  a 
point  of  inflexion.  This  is  also  evident  from  the  form  of  the 
equation,  since  the  axis  of  x  meets  the  curve  in  this  case  in 
ihree  consecutive  points. 

232.  In  general,  the  equation  of  a  curve  referred  to  any 
rectangular  axes,  when  the  origin  is  on  the  curve,  may  be 
written  in  the  form 

ih^x  +  ibxy  =  CqX^  +  2CiXy  +  c^y"^  +  t^g  +  &o. 

294  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Here  h^x  -\-  hy  =  o  is  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  the 
origin ;  and  the  length  of  the  perpendicular  PN  from  the 
point  {x,  y)  on  this  tangent  is 

haX  +  hiy 

Also,  OF^  =  x^  +  y\  and  OF^  =  2p .  PiVin  the  limit. 

Accordingly,  we  have,  when  x  and  y  are  infinitely  small, 

I      zPN  2bQX  +  zhiy 

P      OP'      (x'  +  y')ybo'  +  bi' 

\    ^  CqX^  +  2Cixy  +  C2y^      Ws « 

~{^'  +  f)yK^'     {x'  +  f)^b^Tb?'^ 

(since  the  point  x,  y  is  on  the  curve). 

Affain,  the  terms  contained  in  ,  ^  „  &o.,  become 

cent  in  the  limit,  as  before  {see  note.  Art.  230). 
Hence  we  have 

I       c^x^  +  iCixy  +  c^y^  x        \x 

'  '  evanes- 

9      {x" 


But  for  points  infinitely  near  the  origin  we  have 

X  0\ 

Substituting  this  value  instead  of  -  in  the  preceding  equation, 


it  becomes 

I      cj)y^  -  2b^bxCi  +  Cib* 

P  {bo'  +  b. 


The  student  will  find  no  difficulty  in  showing  the  identity 
of  this  result  with  that  given  in  (7). 

Radius  of  Curvature  in  terms  of  r  and  p. 


233.  Radii   of  Cnrvatiire  of  Inverse    Curves. — ^It 

may  be  convenient  to  state  here  that  if  tWo  curves  be  inverse 
to  each  other  with  respect  to  any  origin,  their  osculating  circles 
at  two  inverse  points  are  also  inverse  to  each  other  with  respect 
to  the  same  origin. 

This  property  is  evident  geometrically  from  the  con- 
sideration that  a  circle  is  determined  when  three  points  on 
it  are  given. 

Again,  since  the  centres  of  the  two  inverse  circles  are 
in  directum  with  the  origin,  we  can  construct  the  centre  of 
curvature  at  any  point  on  a  curve,  when  that  for  the  cor- 
responding point  on  the  inverse  curve  is  known. 

Also,  if  the  osculating  circle  at  any  point  on  a  curve 
pass  through  the  origin,  the  corresponding  point  is  a  point  of 
inflexion  on  the  inverse  curve.    . 

We  shall  next  proceed  to  establish  another  expression  for 
the  radius  of  curvature,  which  is  of  extensive  application  in 
curves  referred  to  polar  co-ordinates. 

234.  Radius  of  Curvature  in  terms  of  r  and  p. — 
Let  PN  and  P(7  be  the  tangent 
and  normal  at  any  point  P  on  a 
curve,  P'iV'  and  F'C  those  at 
the  infinitely  near  point  P',  then 
C  is  the  centre  of  curvature  cor- 
responding to  the  point  P.  Let 
0  be  the  origin. 

Join    0(7,  and  let   OC  =  8, 

OP  =  r,  or  =  /,  ojsr  =  p, 

ON'=p\  CP=CP'=  p;  then 
we  have 


Fig.  32, 

OC  =OP'+CP'^  2OP.CP. ooB OPO, 

^^r^  +  p^"  2pp. 

In  like  manner  we  have 

r  *  +  p^  -  2pp 

Subtracting,  we  get 

r^  -r^  =  2p  {p'  -  Jt)),  or  — 



p  -p     r  -v  r 

296  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Hence  we  have 

dr     p  dr  .       ,     ^ 

—  =  -,  or  /o  =  r— .  (12) 

dp      r         ^        dp  ^    ^ 

This  formTila  can  also  be  deduced  immediately  from  Ait. 
191  :  thus 

I       T^  TIT     dp    ;  dp  ds        dp        dp  dr  .  dp 

d(t)     ds  do)     ^  ds        drds     ^        ^  dr 
dp  dr 

235.  Chord  of  Curvature   through   the    Origin. — 

Let  7  denote  half  the  intercept  made  on  the  line  OF  by  the 
circle  of  curvature,  and  we  evidently  have 

y  =  psinOPJr=pf=^|.  (,3) 

This  and  the  preceding  formula  are  of  importance  when- 
ever we  can  express  the  equation  of  the  curve  in  terms  of  the 
lines  represented  by  r  and  p. 

Their  use  will  be  illustrated  by  the  following  elementary 
examples : — 


1.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  a  parabola. 

Taking  the  focus  as  pole,  the  equation  of  the  curve  in  terms  of  r  and  p 
evidently  is  p^  =  zmr. 

—  dr     pr       /ar^Xi  dr      p^ 

Hence  />  =  -^  =  -=  (-)  i  «!=».  7  =/'^  =  -  =  ^r. 

2.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  in  an  ellipse. 
Taking  the  centre  as  origin,  the  equation  of  the  curve  is 


_    dr  _  a^lP- 
'''  ^~^d^~~p^' 

3.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  in  the  Lemniscate. 
Here,  by  Ex.  3,  Art.  190,  we  have  r^  =  a^p; 

'  *•  3**^  T  =  ^^'f  lience  p  =  —  ;  also,  7  =  - . 
dp  Sr  3 

Evolutes  and  Involutes. 


4.  To  find  the  chord  of  curvature  which  passes  through  the  origin  in  the 
Cardioid  ^ 

r  =  a(r  +cos0). 
In  this  case,  we  have  r*  =  2ap'^. 

Hence  7  =  r-  — -  =  -  r. 

dp      z 

5.  To  find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  the  curve  r^=:a^  cos  m6. 
Here  r»»*i  =  a*»p,  by  Art.  190. 

Hence  p  = r z  = r-  ;  also,  7  =  . 

(w  -t  i^r*""^      \m-v  \)p  w  +  I 

This  result  furnishes  a  simple  geometrical  method  of  finding  the  centre  of  cur- 
vature in  all  curves  included  under  this  equation. 

236.  To  prove  that  p  =p  +  — ^.     If  p  and  w  have  the 

same  signification  as  in  Art.  192,  the  formula  of  that  Art. 

ds  d^p 

^     d(^     ^'^dw''' 

In  a  central  ellipse  prove  that 


p  =  *y  d^  cos^  ctf  4-  i^  sin'oj, 
and  hence  deduce  an  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  the 

2.  In  a  parabola  referred  to  its  focus  as  pole,  prove  that  p  =  m  sec  «,  and 
hence  show  that  p  =  ^m  sec^w. 

237.  Evolutes  and  Involutes. — If  the  centre  of  cur- 
vature for  each  point  on  a  curve  be    p^  p^ 
taken,  we  get  a  new  curve  called  the   ~^^~~'    -^ 
^volute  of  the  original  one.     Also,  the 
original  curve,  when  considered  with 
respect  to  its  evolute,  is  called  an  in- 

To  investigate  the  connexion  be- 
tween these  curves,  let  Pi,  P2,  P3,  &c., 
represent  a  series  of  infinitely  near 
points  on  a  curve;  (7i,  (72,  Os,  &c.,  the 
corresponding  centres  of  curvature, 
then  the  lines  PiC,,  TzCi,  PgCs,  &c., 
are  normals  to  the  curve,  and  the  lines 
OiCz,  (72(73,  (73(74,  &c., may  be  regardedin 

Fig.  33. 

the  limit  as  consecutive  elements  of  th©  evolute;  also,  since 

298  Radius  of  Curvature, 

eacli  of  the  normals  PiCi,  PzC'zjPaCaj&c,  passes  through  two 
consecutive  points  on  the  evolute,  they  are  tangents  to  that 
curve  in  the  limit. 

Again,  if  pi,  /02,  JO3,  /04,  &c.,  denote  the  lengths  of  the  radii 
of  curvature  at  the  points  Pi,  P2,  P3,  P4,  &c.,  we  have 

^1  =  PiCi,  p2  =  P2C2,  /03  =  PzCzy  Pi  =  Pid,  &c. ; 

•*•      f>l  "~  ^2  =   PlOi   —   X2^2   =   P2^1   ~   P2C2  =    C1C2J 

also         p2-  p3=  CiCz,   pz-  pi=  GzCi,  .  .  .  |On-i  -  /On  =  0,»-i(7n  ; 

hence  by  addition  we  have 

pi-  Pn=  C1C2  +  C2C3  +  Czd  +  .  .  .  +  Cn-1  On. 

This  result  still  holds  when  the  numher  n  is  increased 
indefinitely,  and  we  infer  that  the  length  of  any  arc  of  the 
evolute  is  equal,  in  general,  to  the  difference  between  the  radii  of 
curvature  at  its  extremities. 

It  is  evident  that  the  curve  may  be  generated  from  its 
evolute  by  the  motion  of  the  extremity  of  a  stretched  thread, 
supposed  to  be  wound  round  the  evolute  and  afterwards 
unrolled ;  in  this  case  each  point  on  the  string  will  describe 
a  different  involute  of  the  curve. 

The  names  evolute  and  involute  are  given  in  consequence 
of  the  preceding  property. 

It  follows,  also,  that  while  a  curve  has  but  one  evolute,  it 
can  have  an  infinite  number  of  involutes ;  for  we  may  regard 
each  point  on  the  stretched  string  as  generating  a  separate 

The  curves  described  by  two  different  points  on  the 
moving  line  are  said  to  be  parallel;  each  being  got  from  the 
other  by  cutting  off  a  constant  length  on  its  normal  measured 
from  the  curve. 

238.  £volates  regarded  as  EiiTelopes. — From  the 
preceding  it  also  follows  that  the  determination  of  the  evolute 
of  a  curve  is  the  same  as  the  finding  the  envelope  of  all  its 
normals.  We  have  already,  in  Ex.  3,  Art.  219,  investigated 
the  equation  of  the  evolute  of  an  ellipse  from  this  point  of 

239.  Evolute  of  a  Parabola. — ^We  proceed  to  deter- 
mine the  evolute  of  the  parabola  in  the  same  manner. 

Evolute  of  Ellipse. 


Let  the  equation  of  the  curve  be  y"^  =  2ma;,  then  that  of 
its  normal  at  a  point  («,  y)  \& 




y*  +  2my{m  -  X)  -  2m^Y  =  o. 

The  envelope  of  this  line,  where  y  is  regarded  as  an  arbi- 
trary parameter,  is  got  by  eliminating  y  between  this  equa- 
tion and  its  derived  equation 

^y^  +  2m(m  -  X)  =  o. 

Accordingly,  the  equation  of  the 
required    envelope    is  obtained   by 

substituting =  instead 

°   2  m  -  X 

in  the  latter  equation. 

Hence,  we  get  for  the  required 

evolute,  the  semi-cubical  parabola 

27mY^  =  8  (Z  -  m)\ 

The  form  of  this  evolute  is  exhi- 
bited in  the  annexed  figure,  where 
VN=m  =  2VF.  If  P,  F,  repre- 
sent the  points  of  intersection  of  the 
evolute  with  the  curve,  it  is  easily  seen  that 

240.  Evolute  of  an  Ellipse. — The  form  of  the  evolute  of 
an  ellipse,  when  e  is  greater 
than  yv  2,  is  exhibited  in 
the  accompanying  figure ; 
the  points  M,  N,  M\  N\  are 
evidently  cusps  on  the  curve, 
and  are  the  centres  of  cur- 
vature corresponding  to  the 
four  vertices  of  the  ellipse. 
In  general,  if  a  curve  be 
symmetrical  at  both  sides 
of  a  point  on  it,  the  oscu- 
lating circle  cannot  intersect  Fig.  j^. 

Fig.  34. 

300  Radius  of  Curvature. 

the  curve  at  the  point ;  accordingly,  the  radius  of  curvature 
is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  at  such  a  point,  and  the  corre- 
sponding point  on  the  evolute  is  a  cusp. 

It  can  be  easily  seen  geometrically  that  through  any  point 
four  real  normals,  or  only  two,  can  be  drawn  to  an  ellipse, 
according  as  the  point  is  inside  or  outside  the  evolute. 

It  may  be  here  observed  that  to  a  point  of  inflexion  on 
any  curve  corresponds  plainly  an  asymptote  to  its  evolute. 

241.  Evolute  of  an  Equiangular  Spiral. — We  shall 
next  consider  the  equiangular  or  logarithmic  spiral,  r  =  a^. 

Let  P  and  Q  be  two  points 
on  the  curve,  0  its  pole,  P(7, 
Q(7the  normals  at  P  and  Q ;  join 
OC.  Then  by  the  fundamental 
property  of  the  curve  (Art.  181), 
the  angles  OPC  and  OQO  are 
equal,  and  consequently  the  four 
points,  0,  P,  Q,  (7,  lie  on  a  circle : 
hence  L  QOC  =  z  QPC;  but  in 
the  limit  when  P  and  Q  are  coin-  p.     ^ 

cident,  the  angle  QPC  becomes 

a  right  angle,  and  C  becomes  the  centre  of  curvature  belong- 
ing to  the  point  P ;  hence  POC  also  becomes  a  right  angle, 
and  the  point  C  is  immediately  determined. 

Again,  lOCP  =  L  OQP 1  but,  in  the  limit,  the  angle 
OQP  is  constant;  .*.  L  OCP  is  also  constant ;  and  since  the 
line  CP  is  a  tangent  to  the  evolute  at  C,  it  follows  that  the 
tangent  makes  a  constant  angle  with  the  radius  vector  OC. 
From  this  property  it  follows  that  the  evolute  in  question  is 
another  logarithmic  spiral.  Again,  as  the  constant  angle  is 
the  same  for  the  curve  and  for  its  evolute,  it  follows  that  the 
latter  curve  is  the  same  spiral  turned  round  through  a  known 

angle  (whose  circular  measure  is  —  logoi/). 

241  {a).  Involute  of  a  Circle. — As  an  example  of 
involutes,  suppose  APQ  to  represent  a  portion  of  an  involute 
of  the  circle  BAC,  whose  centre  is  0.     Let 

OC=a,    LCOA  =  ip, 
and  CA  the  length  of  the  string  unrolled;  then 
CP=CA  =  a6. 

Points  of  Inflexion  in  Polar  Co-ordinates, 


Draw  ON  perpendicular  to  the  tangent  at  P,  and  lei 
ON  =  Pf  then  we  have  "^ 

p  =  atp. 
Hence,  since 
lBON=aCOA  =  (P, 

the  pedal  of  the  curve  APQ  is  a 
spiral  of  Archimedes. 
Also,  since 

OP'  =  OC  +  CP\ 
we  have 

r'^  =p'^  +  a^, 

Fig-  37. 

which  gives  the  equation  to  the  involute  of  a  circle  in  terms 
of  the  co-ordinates  r  and  p. 
Again,  if  AP  =  s,  we  have 

from  which  it  is  easily  seen  that 

242.  Radius  of  Curvature,  and  Points  of  In- 
flexion, in  Polar  Co-ordinates. — We  shall  first  find  an 
expression  for  p  in  terms  of  u  (the  reciprocal  of  the  radius 
vector)  and  d. 

By  Article  183-  we  have 

I        ,     (du\ 



I  dp^ 

.■r-  =  U  + 

p  >=  r 



I  du 

dp        u^dp^ 

302  Radius  of  Curvature 

, ,  /        <Pu\        I         (        f  du 

consequently    ^  ^«  +  -  j  =  _  =  j  i  +  (^_ 

...  I         ,         c?w         I  <?r 

Affam,  since  t/  =  -,  we  nave  -77;  =  -  -^  -^ 





This  result  can  also  be  established  in  another  manner,  as 
follows : — 

On  reference  to  the  figure  of  Art.  1 80,  it  is  obvious  that 
^  =  0  +  ^// ;  where  (/>  is  the  angle  the  tangent  at  P  makes  with 
the  prime  vector  OX. 

.^  d<h  d\L  dd>  ds  d\L 

s^^^^        ^  =  ^^^'  ''d^do^'-'Je' 


I  _  ^ dd^^ 

'  *  p      ds         ds^ 

df  d  r 

Again,    denoting   ^    and  -^^  by    r   and  r,  we  have 

tan  ^  =  -  ;  and  hence 

di>  ^     'r"^  -  rr      r*  -  rr 

-5  =  cos^^  — — —  =  -^ rr  ; 

dd  ^      r^  r^  +  r^ 

d\L     r^  -  rr  +  zr^      .     ds  ., , 

dQ  r^  +  r'  a^ 

Hence,  we  get 

Intrinsic  Equation  of  a  Curve,  3^3 

Or,  replacing  r  and  r  by  their  values, 


Again,  since  /o  =  oo  at  a  point  of  inflexion,  we  infer  that 
the  points  of  intersection  of  the  curve  represented  by  the 

O'r       fdr\ 

with  the  original  curve,  determine  in  general  its  points  of 

In  some  cases  the  points  of  inflexion  can  be  easier  found 
by  aid  of  (15),  which  gives,  when  p  =  00, 



1.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  in  the  spiral  of  Archimedes, 

r  =  a0,  Ans.  a-^-^-^. 

2.  Fiad  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  logarithmic  spiral  r  =  a  , 

Ans.  r(i  +  (loga)2)l. 

3.  Find  the  points  of  inflexion  on  the  curve 

r  =  29  -  1 1  cos  20.  Ans,  cos  2d  =  — . 


4.  Prove  that  the  circle  r  =  10  intersects  the  curve 

r  =  II  —  3  COS50 
in  its  points  of  inflexion. 

5.  Prove  that  the  curve 

r  =  «  +  *  COS  «e 

has  no  real  points  of  inflexion  unless  a  is  >  J  and  <(i  +  «')  J.  When  a  lies  he- 
tween  these  limits,  prove  that  all  the  points  of  inflexion  lie  on  a  circle ;  and  show 
how  to  determine  the  radius  of  the  circle. 

304  Radius  of  Curvature. 

242  {a).  Intrinsic  Equation  of  a  Curve. — In  many 
cases  the  equation  of  a  curve  is  most  simply  expressed  in 
terms  of  the  length,  5,  of  the  curve,  measured  from  a  fixed 
point  on  it,  and  the  angle,  0,  through  which  it  is  bent, 
i.  e.  the  angle  of  deviation  of  the  tangent  at  any  point  from 
the  tangent  at  the  fixed  point,  taken  as  origin.  These  are 
styled  the  intrinsic  elements  of  the  curve  by  Dr.  Whewell,* 
to  whom  this  method  of  discussing  curves  is  due. 

The  relation  between  the  length  s  and  the  deviation  0  for 
any  curve  is  called  its  intrinsic  equation. 

If  this  relation  be  represented  by  the  equation 

then  if  />  be  the  radius  of  cvirvature  at  any  point,  we  have 

Also,  if  5i  denote  the  length  of  the  evolute,  from  Art.  237 
it  is  easily  seen  that  the  equation  of  the  evolute  is  of  the  form 

Si  =/'(0)  +  const. 

From  this  it  follows  that  the  series  of  successive  evolutes 
are  in  this  case  easily  determined  by  successive  differentiation. 

The  simplest  case  of  an  intrinsic  equation  is  that  of  the 
circle,  in  which  case  we  have 

5  =  a<^. 

Again,  from  Art.  24i(<?),  the  intrinsic  equation  of  the 
involute  of  a  circle  is  reducible  to  the  form 


We  shall  meet  with  further  examples  of  intrinsic  equa- 
tions subsequently. 

243.  Contact  of  Different  Orders. — As  already 
stated,  the  tangent  to  a  curve  has  a  contact  of  the  first  order 
with  the  curve  at  its  point  of  contact,  and  the  osculating 
circle  a  contact  of  the  second  order.  We  now  proceed  to 
distinguish  more  fully  the  different  orders  of  contact  between 
two  curves. 

Cambridge  Philosophical  Transactions,  Vols.  viii.  and  rx. 

Contact  of  Different  Orders,  305 

Suppose  the  curves  to  be  represented  by  the  equations 

y=f{x)y  and  2/  =  ^  (a?), 

and  that  Xi  is  the  abscissa  of  a  point  common  to  both  curves, 
then  we  have 


Again,  substituting  Xy  +  h,  instead  of  a;  in  both  equations, 
and  supposing  yi  and  yi  the  corresponding  ordinates  of  the 
two  curves,  we  have 

Vx  =/(^i  +  h)  ^/{xi)  +  hf{x,)  +  j-^/"(^i)  +  &c.. 
Subtracting,  we  get 

y.-y.=A{/(*,)-^'WI  +  j^,  (/>0-'^"W)+&c.     (17) 

Now,  suppose  f^{xi)  =  (p'ixi),  or  that  the  curves  have  a 
common  tangent  at  the  point,  then 

t/.-p>  =  ^^  {/'(*.) -  fi'^d )  +  Y^  {f"M - rC'^O )+  &o. 

In  this  case  the  curves  have  a  contact  of  the  first  order ; 
and  when  h  is  small,  the  difference  between  the  ordinates  is 
a  small  quantity  of  the  second  order,  and  as  yi  -  y-i  does  not 
change  sign  with  A,  the  curves  do  not  cross  each  other  at  the 

If,  in  addition 

then         j^i  -  2/2  =  j^^  {/"(^i)  -  ^'"(^0 }  +  &o. 

In  this  case  the  difference  between  the  ordinates  is  an  in- 
finitely small  magnitude  of  the  third  order  when  h  is  taken 
an  infinitely  small  magnitude  of  the  first;  the  curves  are 
then  said  to  have  a  contact  of  the  second  order ^  and  approach 
infinitely  nearer  to  each  other  at  the  point  of  contact  than  in 

3o6  Radius  of  Curmture. 

the  former  case.  Moreover,  since  y^  -  y^  ^anges  its  sign 
with  h,  the  curves  cut  each  other  at  the  point  as  well  as  touch. 
If  we  have  in  addition  f'\x^  =  0"'(a?i),  the  curves  are 
said  to  have  a  contact  of  the  third  order:  and,  in  general,  if 
all  the  derived  functions,  up  to  the  n^^  inclusive,  he  the  same 
for  both  curves  when  x  =  a?i,  the  curves  have  a  contact  of  the 
n^^  order,  and  we  have 

y.  -y. =1^^  {/(""'(«.)  -  *(""'  («.))  +  &o.        (i8) 

Also,  if  the  contact  be  of  an  even  order,  w  +  i  is  odd,  and 
consequently  If'^^  changes  its  sign  with  A,  and  hence  the  curves 
cut  eac  other  at  their  point  of  contact ;  for  whichever  is  the 
lower  at  one  side  of  the  point  becomes  the  upper  at  the 
other  side. 

If  the  curves  have  a  contact  of  an  odd  order,  they  do  not 
cut  each  other  at  their  point  of  contact. 

From  the  preceding  discussion  the  following  results  are 
immediately  deduced : — 

(i).  If  two  curves  have  a  contact  of  the  n^^  order,  no  curve 
having  with  either  of  them  a  contact  of  a  lower  order  can 
fall  between  the  curves  near  their  point  of  contact. 

(2).  Two  curves  which  have  a  contact  of  the  n*^  order  at 
a  point  are  infinitely  closer  to  one  another  near  that  point 
than  two  curves  having  a  contact  of  an  order  lower  than 
the  n^^. 

(3).  If  any  number  of  curves  have  a  contact  of  the  second 
order  at  a  point,  they  have  the  same  osculating  circle  at  the 

244.  Application  to  Circle. — It  can  be  easily  verified 
that  the  circle  which  has  a  contact  of  the  second  order  with  a 
curve  at  a  point  is  the  same  as  the  osculating  circle  determined 
by  the  former  method. 

For,  let  {X-fxf^{Y-^J^B^ 

be  the  equation  of  a  circle  having  contact  of  the  second  order 
at  the  point  {x^  y)  with  a  given  curve ;  then,  by  the  preceding, 

dti  d  ii 

the  values  of  -r-  and  tt  must  be  the  same  for  the  circle  and 

dx  dx^ 

for  the  curve  at  the  point  in  question. 

Application  to  Circle,  307 

Differentiating  the  equation  of  the  circle  twice,  and  sub- 
stituting X  and  y  for  X  and  Y,  we  get 

a;-a+(y-/3)^  =  o,  (19) 

Hence    y-^ ^5— '  *  -  « Sj^"^'        (^') 

This  agrees  with  the  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature 
found  in  Art.  226. 

The  co-ordinates  a,  j3  of  the  centre  of  curvature  can 
be  found  by  aid  of  equations  (21) ;  and  the  equation  of  the 
e  olute  by  the  elimination  of  x  and  y  between  these  equa- 
tions and  that  of  the  curve. 

In  practice,  the  following  equations  are  often  more  useful : 
thus,  by  differentiation  with  respect  to  x,  we  get  from  (19), 

In  like  manner,  from  the  equation 

we  obtain 

(y-/3)+(^-a)^  =  o, 

d^x  d  f  dx\  ,     . 

245.  Centre  of  Curvature,  and  £volute  of  Ellipse. 

— As  an  illustration,  we  shall  apply  these  equations  to  de- 

X  2 

3o8  Radius  of  Curvature. 

termine  the  co-ordinates  of  the  centre  of  curvature,  and  the 
equation  of  the  evolute  of  the  ellipse 

a^     If 
TT  dy        6*        dx        a* 

"  dx\  dx)        a^'     dy\dy)        b'' 
^  d'y        h"      (dy\        y"     ¥  x" 

In  like  manner,  we  have 

d^x         a* 

Substituting  in  {22)  and  (23),  we  obtain  for  the  co-ordinates 
of  the  centre  of  curvature 

/3 j^ ,     « ^ •  (24) 

Again,  substituting  the  values  of  x  and  y  given  by  these 

equations,  in  the  equation  -^  +  •77=  i,  we  get  for  the  equation 

of  the  evolute 

{aa)t  +  (j3&)l  =  {a'  -  h')h 

246.  It  may  be  noticed  that  the  osculating  circle  cuts  the 
curve  in  general,  as  tcell  as  touches  it.  This  follows  from 
Article  243,  since  the  circle  has  a  contact  of  the  second  order 
at  the  point. 

At  the  points  of  maximum  and  minimum  curvature  the 

Osculating  Curves,  309 

osculating  circle  has  a  contact  of  the  third  order  with  the 
curve  ;  for  example,  at  any  of  the  four  vertices  of  an  ellipse 
the  osculating  circle  has  a  contact  of  the  third  order,  and  does 
not  cut  the  curve  at  its  point  of  contact  (Art.  240). 

247.  Osculating  Curves. — When  the  equation  of  a 
curve  contains  a  numher,  w,  of  arbitrary  coefficients,  we  can 
in  general  determine  their  values  so  that  the  curve  shall  have 
a  contact  of  the  (n  -  ly^  order  with  a  given  curve  at  a  given 
point ;  for  the  n  arbitrary  constants  can  be  determined  so 
that  the  n  quantities 

dy     d^  dr^y 

^'  dx'    da?'  '  '  'dx^-'' 

shall  be  the  same  at  the  ♦point  in  the  proposed  as  in  the 
given  curve,  and  thus  the  curves  will  have  a  contact  of  the 
{n  -  lY^  order. 

The  curve  thus  determined,  which  has  with  a  given  curve 
a  contact  of  the  highest  possible  order,  is  called  an  osculating 
curve,  as  having  a  closer  contact  than  any  other  curve  of  the 
same  species  at  the  point. 

For  instance,  as  the  equation  of  a  circle  contains  but 
three  arbitrary  constants,  the  osculating  circle  has  a  contact 
of  the  second  order,  and  cannot,  in  general,  have  contact  of  a 
higher  order ;  similarly,  the  osculating  parabola  has  a  contact 
of  the  third  order ;  and,  since  the  general  equation  of  a  conic 
contains  five  arbitrary  constants,  the  general  osculating  conic 
has  a  contact  of  ihe  fourth  order.  In  general,  if  the  greatest 
number  of  constants  which  determine  a  curve  of  a  given 
species  be  w,  the  osculating  curve  of  that  species  has  a  contact 
of  the  (n  -  lY^  order. 

248.  Geometrical  Metliocl. — The  subject  of  contact 
admits  also  of  being  considered  in  a  geometrical  point  of  view ; 
thus  two  curves  have  a  contact  of  the  first  order,  when  they 
intersect  in  tivo  consecutive  points  ;  of  the  second,  if  they  inter- 
sect in  three;  of  the  n^\  if  in  w  +  i.  For  a  simple  investi- 
gation of  the  subject  in  this  point  of  view  the  student  is 
referred  to  Salmon's  Conic  Sections,  Art.  239. 

249.  Curvature  at  a  ©ouble  Poiut. — We  now  pro- 
ceed to  consider  the  method  of  finding  the  radii  of  curvature 
of  the  two  branches  of  a  curve  at  a  double  point. 

3 1  o  Radius  of  Curvature, 

In  this  case  the  ordinary  formula  (8)  becomes  indetermi- 
nate, since 

du  ,  du 

-7-  =  o,  and  — -  =  o 
dx  dy 

at  a  double  point.  The  question  admits,  however,  of  being 
treated  in  a  manner  analogous  to  that  already  employed  in 
Art.  230  :  we  commence  with  the  case  of  a  node. 

250.  Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  IVode. — Suppose  the 
origin  transferred  to  the  node,  and  the  tangents  to  the  two 
branches  of  the  curve  taken  as  co-ordinate  axes,  w  represent- 
ing the  angle  between  them. 

By  Art.  210,  the  equation  of  the  curve  is  in  this  case  of 
the  form 

zhxy  =  ax^  +  ^x^y  +  '^xy'^  +  ^y^  +  W4  +  &o. : 
dividing  by  xy  we  obtain 

2h  =  a-  +  3x  +  yy  +  6—  +  —  +  &o. 
y  '  X       xy 

Now,  let  pi  and  pa  be  the  radii  of  curvature  at  the  origin 
for  the  branches  of  the  curve  which  touch  the  axes  of  x  and  y, 
respectively;  then,  by  Art.  231,  we  have 

2p\  sin  (!>=—,  and  202  sm  w  =  — ,  in  the  limit. 

y  X 

Again,  it  can  be  readily  seen,  as  in  the  note  to  Art.  230, 

that  the  terms  in  — ,  &o.,  become  evanescent  along  with  x 

and  y,  and  accordingly  the  limiting  values  of  —  and  —  can 

be  separately  found,  as  in  the  Article  referred  to. 
Hence  we  obtain 

h  h  ,    , 

Also,  if  a  =  o,  we  get  pi  =  00,  and  the  corresponding 
branch  of  the  curve  has  a  point  of  inflexion  at  the  origin. 
Similarly,  if  §  =  o,  pa  =  00. 

Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  Cusp,  311 

If  a  =  o,  and  S  =  o,  the  origin  is  a  point  of  inflexion  on 
both  branches.  This  appears  also  immediately  from  the 
consideration  that  in  this  case  Uz  contains  u^  as  a  factor. 

If  the  equation  of  a  curve  when  the  origin  is  at  a  node 
contain  no  terms  of  the  third  degree,  the  origin  is  a  point  of 
inflexion  on  both  branches.  An  example  of  this  is  seen  in 
the  Lemniscate,  Art.  210. 


1.  Find  the  radii  of  curvature  at  the  origin  of  the  two  branches  of  the  curve 

ax^  -  2bxy  +  ey^  =  «*  +  y*, 

b         h 
the  axes  being  rectangular.  Ans,  -  and  -. 

2.  Find  the  radii  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in  the  curve 

a  [y"^  -  x^)  =  a?. 

Transforming  the  equation  to  the  internal  and  external  bisectors  of  the  angle 
between  the  axes,  it  becomes 

^axy^^  =  {x-yf'y 

hence  the  radii  of  curvature  are  2a  -y^  2  and  -  T-a^/  2,  respectively. 

251.  Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  Cusp. — The  preceding 
method  fails  when  applied  to  a  cusp,  because  the  angle  w 
vanishes  in  that  case.  It  is  easy,  however,  to  supply  an  in- 
dependent investigation  :  for,  if  we  take  the  tangent  and 
normal  at  the  cusp  for  the  axes  of  x  and  y,  respectively,  the 
equation  of  the  curve,  by  the  method  of  Art.  210,  maybe 
written  in  the  form 

y^  =  ax^  +  ^x^y  +  yony'^  +  hf  +  e^4  +  &c.  (26) 

Now  in  this,  as  in  every  case,  the  curvature  at  the  origin 
depends  on  the  form  of  the  portion  of  the  curve  indefinitely 
near  to  that  point ;  consequently,  in  investigating  this  form 
we  may  neglect  ?/V,  ?/^,  &c.,  in  comparison  with  y- ;  and  x*^ 
3?y^  &c.,  in  comparison  with  7?. 

312  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Accordingly,  the  curvature  at  tlie  origin  is  the  same,  in 
general,  as  that  of  the  cubic 

y^  =  aic^  +  ^x^y.  (27) 

Dividing  by  x^,  we  get 


Hence,  in  immediate  proximity  to   the  origin,    -  be- 


comes  very  small,  i.  e.  y  is  very  small  in  comparison  with  x. 
Accordingly,  the  form  of  the  curve  near  the  origin  is  repre- 
sented by  the  equation 

y"^  =  ax^. 

From  this  we  infer  that  the  form  of  any  algebraic  curve 
near  a  cusp  is,  in  general,  a  semi-cubical  parabola  {see'Ex.  2, 
Art.  211). 

Again,  since 

we  have,  by  Art.  230, 

a^     X 

from  which  we  see  that  p  vanishes  along  with  x,  and  accord- 
ingly the  radii  of  curvature  are  zero  for  both  branches  at  the 

This  result  can  also  be  arrived  at  by  differentiation,  by 
aid  of  formula  (i). 

252.  Case  where  the  Coefficient  of  a;^  is  wanting. — 
Next,  suppose  that  the  term  containing  x^  disappears,  or 
a  =  o,  then  the  equation  of  the  curve  is  of  the  form 

y''  =  /3^3/  +  'yxy''  +  ^y^  +  aV  +  &c. ; 

and  proceeding  as  before,  the  curvature  at  the  origin  is  the 
same  as  in  the  curve 

if  =  p^y  +  aV,  (28) 

Radii  of  Curvature  at  a  Cusp.  313 

The  two  branches  of  this  curve  are  determined  by  the 

P. 3.^' 

y  =  -  ic-  ±  -  y /3'  +  4a'.  (29) 

2  2 

The  nature  of  the  origin  depends  on  the  sign  of  j3^  +  4a',  and 
the  discussion  involves  three  cases. 

(i).  If  j3^  +  4a'  be  positive^  it  is  evident  that  the  curve 
extends  at  both  sides  of  the  origin,  and  that  point  is  a  double 
cusp  (Art.  215(a)). 

On  dividing  equation  (28)  by  y"^,  and  substituting  zp  iot 

— ,  we  get  I  =  2]3|0  +  4a'/o'.  (30) 

The  roots  of  this  quadratic  determine  the  radii  of  curva- 
ture of  the  two  branches  at  the  cusp. 

These  branches  evidently  lie  at  the  same,  or  at  opposite 
sides  of  the  axis  of  x,  according  as  the  radii  of  curvature 
have  the  same  or  opposite  signs :  i.  e.  according  as  a  has  a 
negative  or  positive  sign. 

These  results  also  appear  immediately  from  the  circum- 
stance, that  in  this  case  the  form  of  the  curve  very  near  the 
origin  becomes  that  of  the  two  parabolas  represented  by 
equation  (29). 

(2).  If  jy^  +  4a' be  negative,  y  becomes  imaginary,  and  the 
origin  is  a  conjugate  point. 

(3).  If  j3^  +  4a'  =  o,  the  equation  (30)  becomes  a  perfect 
square  :  we  proceed  to  prove  that  in  this  case  the  origin  is  a 
cusp  of  the  second  species. 

To  investigate  the  form  of  the  curve  near  the  origin,  it  is 
necessary  in  this  case  to  take  into  account  the  terms  of  the 
fifth  degree  in  x  (y  being  regarded  as  of  the  second) :  this  gives 

{y  -  ^xy  =  yxf  +  jSV?/  +  aV  =  x{yy'  +  jd'x'y  +  aV).    (31) 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  right-hand  side  changes  its 
sign  with  x ;  accordingly  the  origin  is  a  cusp.  Also,  the  cusp 
is  of  the  second  species,  for  the  two  roots  of  the  equation  in  y 
plainly  have  the  same  sign,  viz.,  that  of  |3  ;  and  consequently 
both  branches  of  the  curve  at  the  origin  lie  at  the  same  side 
of  the  axis  of  x. 

314  Radius  of  Curvature, 

Moreover,  as  equation  (30)  has  equal  roots  in  this  case, 
the  radii  of  curvature  of  the  two  branches  are  equal,  and  the 
branches  have  a  contact  of  the  second  order. 

We  conclude  that  when  the  term  involving  x^  in  equation 
(28)  disappears,  the  origin  is  a  double  cusp,  a  cusp  of  the  second 
species,  or  a  conjugate  point,  according  as  (5"^  +  4a'  >  =  or  <  o. 

Moreover,  if  a  =  o,  one  root  of  the  quadratic  (30)  is  in-) 

finite,  and  the  other  is  —5.    The  origin  in  this  case  is  a  double 

cusp,  and  is  also  a  point  of  inflexion  on  one  branch.  Such  a 
point  is  called  a  point  of  oscul-inflexion  by  Cramer. 

If  j3  =  o  in  addition  to  a  =  o,  the  origin  is  a  cusp  of  the 
first  species,  but  having  the  radii  of  curvature  infinite  for  both 

It  is  easy  to  see  from  other  considerations  that  the  radii 
of  curvature  at  a  cusp  of  the  first  species  are  always  either 
zero  or  infinite. 

For,  since  the  two  branches  of  the  curve  in  this  case 

turn  their  convexities  in  opposite  directions,  —-  must  have 

opposite  signs  at  both  sides  of  the  cusp,  and  consequently  it 
must  change  its  sign  at  that  point ;  but  this  can  happen  only 
in  its  passage  through  zero,  or  through  infinity. 

It  should  be  observed  that  the  preceding  discussion  applies 
to  the  case  of  a  curve  referred  to  oblique  axes  of  co-ordinates, 
provided  that  we  substitute  7  instead  of  p  ;  where  y  is  half 
the  chord  intercepted  on  the  axis  of  y  by  the  osculating  circle 
at  the  origin. 

253.  Recapitulation. — The  conclusions  arrived  at  in  the 
two  preceding  Articles  may  be  briefly  stated  as  follows  : — 

(i).  Whenever  the  equation  of  a  curve  can  be  transformed 
into  the  shape  y^  =  ax^  +  terms  of  the  third  and  higher  degrees, 
the  origin  is  a  cusp  of  the  first  species ;  both  radii  of  curva- 
ture being  zero  at  the  point. 

(2).  When  the  coefiicient  of  x^  vanishes,*  the  origin  is 

*  In  this  case,  if  Vi  be  the  equation  of  the  tangent  at  the  cusp,  the  equation 
of  the  curye  is  of  the  form 

Vi^  +  ViVi  i-  V4  +  &c.  =  o. 

This  is  also  evident  from  geometrical  considerations. 

General  Investigation  of  Cusps*  315 

generally  either  a  double  cusp,  a  conjugate  point,  or  a  cusp 
of  the  second  species.  In  the  latter  case  the  two  branches 
of  the  curve  have  the  same  centre  of  curvature,  and  conse- 
q^uently  have  a  contact  of  the  second  order  with  each  other. 

(3).  If  the  lowest  term  in  x  (independent  of  y)  be  of  the 
5*^  degree,  the  origin  is  a  point  of  oscul-inflexion. 

If,  however,  the  coefficient  of  a^y  also  vanish,  the  origin 
is  not  only  a  cusp  of  the  first  species,  but  also  a  point  of 
inflexion  on  both  branches  of  the  curve. 

254.  <jreiieral  Investigation  of  Cusps. — The  pre- 
ceding results  admit  of  being  established  in  a  somewhat  more 
general  manner  as  follows  : — 

By  the  method  already  given,  the  equation  which  deter- 
mines the  form  of  an  algebraic  curve  near  to  a  cusp  may  be 
written  in  the  following  general  shape  : 

y"^  =  2Aafy  +  Bx^  +  Cx%  (32) 

where  lAx'^  is  the  lowest  term  in  the  coefficient  of  y,  and 
Bx^,  Cx^*  are  the  lowest  terms  independent  of  y. 

By  hypothesis,  a,  b,  c  are  positive  integers,  and  a  >  i,  b>  2, 
(J  >  3  ;  now,  solving  for  y,  we  obtain 


=  Ax^  ±  yA'x'"'  +  Bx^  +  Caf, 

which  represents  two  parabolasf  osculating  the  two  branches 
at  the  origin. 

The  discussion  of  the  preceding  form  for  y  resolves  itself 
into  three  cases,  according  as  2  a  is  >=  or  <  6. 

(i).  Let  2a  =  h  ■{■  h^  then 

6  +  A       6 

y  =  Ax^±  x^yB  +  A^a^  +  Ca^'^. 


(a).  If  h  be  odd,  0^  becomes  imaginary  for  negative  values 
of  X,  and  accordingly  the  origin  is  a  cusp  of  the 
first  species  in  this  case. 

♦  This  term  is  retained,  as  it  is  necessary  in  the  case  of  a  cusp  of  the  second 

t  The  word  parabola  is  here  employed  in  its  more  extensive  signification. 

^,5  Radius  of  Curvature. 

(j3).  If  h  be  even,  and  B  positive,  y  is  real  for  all  values 
of  X  near  the  origin ;  accordingly  that  point  is  a 
double  cusp. 

(y).  If  b  be  even,  and  B  negative,  the  origin  is  a  conjugate 

(2).  If  2a  =  b,  we  have 

y  =  Ax^±  X'*  ^/{A^  +  B)  +  CxP-*. 

In  this  case,  the  origin  is  either  a  double  cusp,  or  a  conju- 
gate point,  according  b.8  A^  +  B  is  positive  or  negative. 
Again,  ii  A^  +  B  =  o,  we  have 


y  =  x^(A  +  x  ^    yC)- 

(a).  Ifc-b  be  an  odd  number,  the  origin  is  a  cusp  of  the 

second  species. 
(j3).  li  c-b  be  even,  the  origin  is  a  double  cusp  or  a  con- 
jugate point  according  as  C  is  positive  or  negative. 

(3),  2a  <  b,  OT  b  =  2a  +  h. 

Here  p  =  Ax"  ±  x"*  ^/A^  +  Bx^  +  Cx'-^'*, 

and  the  curve  evidently  extends  at  both  sides  of  the  origin, 
which  accordingly  is  a  double  cusp. 

This  method  of  investigating  curvature  is  capable  of  being 
modified  so  as  to  apply  to  the  case  of  multiple  points  of  a 
higher  order ;  the  discussion,  however,  is  neither  sufficiently 
elementary,  nor  sufficiently  important,  to  be  introduced  here. 

255.  Points  on  E volute  corresponding  to  Cusps  on 
Curve. — In  connexion  with  evolutes  and  involutes,  the  pre- 
ceding results  lead  to  a  few  interesting  conclusions. 

(i).  If  a  curve  has  a  cusp  of  the  first  species,  its  evolute 
in  general  passes  through  the  cusp.  However,  if  in  addition 
the  cusp  be  a  point  of  inflexion,  the  normal  at  it  is  an  asymp- 
tote to  the  evolute. 

(2).  To  a  cusp  of  the  second  species  corresponds  in  general 
a  point  of  inflexion  on  the  evolute  :  in  some  cases  the  point 
of  inflexion  lies  altogether  at  infinity. 

(3).  To  a  double  cusp  corresponds  a  double  tangent  to  the 

Equation  of  Osculating  Conic.  317 

256.  Equation    of  tbe    Osculating  "Conic. — As    an 

additional  illustration  of  the  principles  involved  in  the  pre- 
ceding investigation,  it  is  proposed  to  discuss  the  question  of 
the  conic  which  osculates  an  algebraic  curve  at  a  given  point. 
Transferring  the  origin  to  the  point,  and  taking  the  tangent 
as  axis  of  Xj  the  equation  of  the  curve  may  be  written  in  the 

ay  =  aj*  +  aixy  +  ttip^  +  hoO^  +  hio^y  +  biXy^  +  hy^ 

+  CqX^  +  CiO^y  +  &c.  +  doo^  +  &c.  (33) 

In  considering  the  form  of  the  curve  near  the  origin,  as  a 
first  approximation  we  may,  as  in  Art.  251,  neglect  xy,  if^  &c., 
in  comparison  with  y ;  and  x^^  x^,  &c.,  in  comparison  with  x^ ; 
thus  the  equation  reduces  to  the  form 

ay  =  a?*.  (34) 

Hence  the  form  to  which  every  curve  of  finite  curvature 
approximates  in  the  limit  is  that  of  the  common  parabola,  as 
already  seen  in  Art.  231. 

To  proceed  to  the  next  approximation,  we  retain  terms  of 
the  third  order  (remembering  that  when  ic  is  a  very  small 
quantity  of  the  first  order,  y  is  one  of  the  second),  and  the 
equation  becomes 

ay  =  x^  +  ttixy  +  haO?, 

On  substituting  ay  instead  of  x^  in  the  term  hoO^,  the  pre- 
ceding equation  becomes 

ay  =  iP'  +  {a^  +  h^a)  xy,  (35) 

This  represents  a  conic  having  contact  of  the  third  order 
with  the  proposed  curve  at  the  origin.  When  ai  +  h^a  =  o,  the 
parabola  ay  =  x^  has  a  contact  of  the  third  order  at  the  origin, 
and  accordingly  so  also  has  the  osculating  circle. 

^  In  proceeding  to  the  next  and  final  approximation,  we  re- 
tain terms  of  the  fourth  order,  and  we  get 

ay-a^  +  aixy  +  azy^  +  boX^  +  hix'y  +  Coic*.  (36) 

3i8  Radius  of  Curvature. 

Moreover,  from  the  preceding  approximation  we  have 

haojxy  =  ha^  +  hoO^y  («i  +  ah^. 

Hence,  we  get  for  the  equation  of  the  conic  having  a 
contact  of  the  closest  kind  with  the  given  curve 

ay  =  a^+  {ai  +  ha)xy-\-[at  +  a{h-aihQ)  +a«(<;o  -  Jo*)]s/'.     (37) 

This  conic,  since  it  has  the  closest  contact  possible  with 
the  given  curve  at  the  origin,  is  the  osculating  conic  (Art.  246) 
for  that  point. 

In  like  manner  the  parabola 

«y  =  :r'  +  (ff,  +  Ma^  +  ^-^^^^^V,  (38) 

since  it  has  the  closest  contact  possible  for  a  parabola,  is  the 
osculating  parabola  at  the  point. 

Examples.  319 


1.  Prove  that  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  vertex  of  a  parabola  is  equal  to 
its  semi-latus  rectum. 

2.  Find  the  length  of  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in  the  curve 

y*  +  a^  +  a  (ir2  +  y2)  =  a^y.  Ans.  -. 

3.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in  the  curve 

a^y  =  bii^  ■{■  cx^y.  Ans.  oo. 

4.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  centre  of  a  conic  having  contact  of  the  third 
order  with  a  given  curve  at  a  common  point  is  a  right  line. 

5.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  centres  of  equilateral  hyperbolas,  which  have 
contact  of  the  second  order  with  a  given  curve  at  a  fixed  point,  is  a  circle,  whose 
radius  is  half  that  of  the  circle  of  curvature  at  the  point. 

6.  Prove  geometrically  that  the  centre  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  an  ellipse 
is  the  pole  of  the  tangent  at  the  point,  with  respect  to  the  confocal  hyperbola 
which  passes  through  that  point. 

7.  The  locus  of  the  centres  of  ellipses  whose  axes  have  a  given  direction,  and 
which  have  a  contact  of  the  second  order  with  a  given  curve  at  a  common  point, 
is  an  equilateral  hyperbola  passing  through  the  point  ? 

8.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  focus  of  a  parabola,  which  has  a  contact  of 
the  second  order  with  a  given  curve  at  a  given  point,  is  a  circle. 

9.  Prove  that  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  curve  rtf""^  y  =  a;*»  at  the  origin  is 
zero,  -,  or  infinity,  according  as  w  is  <  =  or  >  2 :  m  being  assumed  to  be  greater 
than  unity. 

10.  Two  plane  closed  curves  have  the  same  e volute  :  what  is  the  difference 
between  their  perimeters  ? 

Ans.  2trd,  where  d  is  the  distance  between  the  curves. 

11.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in  the  curve 

3y  =  44;  -  i5a;2  -  %si^ : 
find  also  at  what  points  the  radius  of  curvature  is  infinite. 

12.  Apply  the  principles  of  investigating  maxima  and  minima  to  find  the 
greatest  and  least  distances  of  a  point  from  a  given  curve  ;  and  show  that  the 
problem  is  solved  by  drawing  the  normals  to  the  curve  from  the  given  point. 

(fl).  Prove  that  the  distance  is  a  minimum,  if  the  given  point  be  nearer  to 
the  curve  than  the  corresponding  centre  of  curvature,  and  a  maximum  if  it  be 

320  Examples, 

(J)).  If  the  given  point  be  on  the  evolute,  show  that  the  solution  arrived  at 
is  neither  a  maximum  nor  a  minimum ;  and  hence  show  that  the  circle  of  curva- 
ture cuts  as  well  as  touches  the  curve  at  its  point  of  contact. 

13.  Find  an  expression  for  the  whole  length  of  the  evolute  of  an  ellipse. 

«3  -  ^3 

Ans.  4 J—. 


14.  Find  the  radii  of  curvature  at  the  origin  of  the  two  branches  of  the  curve 

«*—  -  ax^y  —  axy"^  +  a^y"^  =  o.  Ans.  a  and  -. 

2  4 

15.  Prove  that  the  evolute  of  the  hypocycloid 

jrl  +  ^  =  al 
is  the  hypocycloid 

(a  +  )8)i  +  (a  -  ^)i  =  2«l. 

16.  Find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  the  curve 

y  +  V  ^  ( '  -  ^)  =  sin-i  ^x. 

17.  If  the  angle  between  the  radius  vector  and  the  normal  to  a  curve  has  a 
maximum  or  a  minimum  value,  prove  that  y  =  r;  where  7  is  the  semi-chord  of 
curvature  which  passes  through  the  origin. 

18.  If  the  co-ordinates  of  a  point  on  a  curve  be  given  by  the  equations 

a;  =  c  sin  20 (i  +  cos  20),        y  =  c  cos  20  (i  —  cos  20), 
find  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  point.  Ans.  40  cos  30 

19.  Show  that  the  evolute  of  the  curve 

r*  -  a2  _  ffipi 

has  for  its  equation 

f2  _  (i  -  w)  a2  =  m.p\ 

30.  If  a  and  )8  be  the  co-ordinates  of  the  point  on  the  evolute  corresponding 
to  the  point  {x,  y)  on  a  curve,  prove  that 

dy     da 

Tx   ^  +  '  =  °- 

21.  If  p  be  the  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  on  a  curve,  prove  that  the 

radius  of  curvature  at  the  corresponding  point  in  the  evolute  is  — :  where  o» 

is  the  angle  the  radius  of  curvature  makes  with  a  fixed  line. 

22.  In  a  curve,  prove  that 

1  =  1.  l^\ 
p      dx  \dsj 

Examples,  321 

23.  Find  the  equation  of  the  evolute  of  an  ellipse -by  means  of  the  eccentric 

24.  Prove  that  the  determination  of  the  equation  of  the  evolute  of  the 
curve  y  =  kx^  reduces  to  the  elimination  of  x  between  the  equations 

w  -  2         Jc'^n-     „    ,         .  ^      2n  -  I  .  I 

a;2n-ij  and  fi  = kxn-\. 

n  -  I        n  —  1  n—  I  kn{n—  i)a;"-« 

25.  In  figure,  Art.  239,  if  the  tangent  to  the  evolute  at  P  meet  the  parabola 
in  a  point  H,  prove  that  EN  is  perpendicular  to  the  axis  of  the  parabola. 

26.  If  on  the  tangent  at  each  point  on  a  curve  a  constant  length  measured 
from  the  point  of  contact  be  taken,  prove  that  the  normal  to  the  locus  of  the 
points  so  found  passes  through  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  proposed  curve. 

27.  In  general,  if  through  each  point  of  a  curve  a  line  of  given  length  be 
drawn  making  a  constant  angle  with  the  normal,  the  normal  to  the  curve  locus 
of  the  extremities  of  this  line  passes  through  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  pro- 
posed.    (Bertrand,  Cal.  Dif.,  p.  573.) 

This  and  the  preceding  theorem  can  be  immediately  established  from  geome- 
trical considerations. 

28.  If  from  the  points  of  a  curve  perpendiculars  be  drawn  to  one  of  its  tan- 
gents, and  through  the  foot  of  each  a  line  be  drawn  in  a  fixed  direction,  pro- 
portional to  the  length  of  the  corresponding  perpendicular ;  the  locus  of  the 
extremity  of  this  line  is  a  curve  touching  the  proposed  at  their  common  point. 
Find  the  ratio  of  the  radii  of  curvature  of  the  curves  at  this  point. 

29.  Find  an  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  in  the  curve  p  = 

p  being  the  perpendicular  on  the  tangent. 

30.  Being  given  any  curve  and  its  osculating  circle  at  a  point,  prove  that 
the  portion  of  a  parallel  to  their  common  tangent  intercepted  between  the  two 
curves  is  a  small  quantity  of  the  second  order,  when  the  distances  of  the  point 
of  contact  from  the  two  points  of  intersection  are  of  the  first  order. 

Prove  that,  under  the  same  circimistances,  the  intercept  on  a  line  drawn 
parallel  to  the  common  normal  is  a  small  quantity  of  the  third  order. 

31.  In  a  curve  referred  to  polar  co-ordinates,  if  the  origin  be  taken  on  the 

curve,  with  the  tangent  at  the  origin  as  prime  vector,  prove  that  the  radius  of 

3urvature  at  the  origin  is  equal  to  one-half  the  value  of  -  in  the  limit. 

32.  Hence  find  the  length  of  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  origin  in  the 

curve  y  =  a  sin  nd.  Ans.  p  =  — . 

'^       2 

33.  Find  the  co-ordinates  of  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  catenary;  and 
show  that  the  radius  of  curvature  is  equal,  but  opposite,  to  the  normal. 

34.  If  p,  p  be  the  radii  of  curvature  of  a  cujve  and  of  its  pedal  at  corre- 
sponding points,  show  that 


Ind.  Civ.  Ser.  Exam.y  1878. 


(      322      ) 



257.  Tracing  Algebraic  Curves. — Before  concluding  the 
discussion  of  curves,  it  seems  desirable  to  give  a  brief  state- 
ment of  the  mode  of  tracing  curves  from  their  equations. 

The  usual  method  in  the  case  of  algebraic  curves  consists 
in  assigning  a  series  of  different  values  to  one  of  the  co-ordi- 
nates, and  calculating  the  corresponding  series  of  values  of 
the  other ;  thus  determining  a  definite  number  of  points  on 
the  curve.  By  drawing  a  curve  or  curves  of  continuous  cur- 
vature through  these  points,  we  are  enabled  to  form  a  tolerably 
accurate  idea  of  the  shape  of  the  curve  under  discussion. 

In  curves  of  degrees  beyond  the  second,  the  preceding 
process  generally  involves  the  solution  of  equations  beyond 
the  second  degree  :  in  such  cases  we  can  determine  the  series 
of  points  only  approximately. 

258.  The  following  are  the  principal  circumstances  to  be 
attended  to : — 

(i).  Observe  whether  from  its  equation  the  curve  is  sym- 
metrical with  respect  to  either  axis;  or  whether  it  can  be 
made  so  by  a  transformation  of  axes.  (2).  Find  the  points 
in  which  the  curve  is  met  by  the  co-ordinate  axes.  (3).  De- 
termine the  positions  of  the  asymptotes,  if  any,  and  at  which 
side  of  an  asymptote  the  corresponding  branches  lie.  (4) .  De- 
termine the  double  points,  or  multiple  points  of  higher  orders, 
if  any  belong  to  the  curve,  and  find  the  tangents  at  such 
points  by  the  method  of  Art.  212.  (5).  The  existence  of 
ovals  can  be  often  found  by  determining  for  what  values  of 
either  co-ordinate  the  other  becomes  imaginary.  (6).  If  the 
curve  has  a  multiple  point,  its  tracing  is  usually  simplified  by 
taking  that  point  as  origin,  and  transforming  to  polar  co-or- 
dinates :  by  assigning  a  series  of  values  to  6  we  can  usually 
determine  the  corresponding  values  of  r,  &c.     (7).  The  points 

On  Tracing  of  Curves,  323 

where  the  y  ordinate  is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  are  found 

from  the  equation  j-  =  o:  by  this  means  the  limits  of  the 

curve  can  be  often  assigned.     (8).  Determine  when  possible 
the  points  of  inflexion  on  the  curve. 

259.  To  trace  the  Curve  y^  ^x^  {x-a)\  a  being  sup- 
posed positive. 

In  this  case  the  origin  is 
a  conjugate  point,  and  the 
curve  cuts  the  axis  of  ^z?  at  a 
distance  OA  =  a.  Again, 
when  X  is  less  than  «,  y  is 
imaginary,  consequently  no 
portion  of  the  curve  lies  to 
the  left-hand  side  of  A. 

The  points  of  inflexion,  I ' 
and  r,  are  easily  determined 

^2y  Fig.  38. 

from  the  equation  -r-f  =  o ;  the 

corresponding  value  of  a?  is  — ;  accordingly  AN  = . 

Again,  if  TI  be  the  tangent  at  the  point  of  inflexion  /,  it 

can  readily  be  seen  that  TA  =  -  = . 

This  curve  has  been  already  considered  in  Art.  213,  and 
is  a  cubical  parabola  having  a  conjugate  point. 

260.  Cubic  with  three  Asymptotes. — We  shall  next 
consider  the  curve* 

y^x  +  ey  =  ax^  +  hx^  +  ex  +  d,  (i) 

where  a  is  supposed  positive. 

The  axis  of  y  is  an  asymptote  to  the  curve  (Art.  200),  and 
the  directions  of  the  two  other  asymptotes  are  given  by  the 

y^  -  ax^  =  Of     or  y  =  ±  X  ^/a. 

*  This  investigation  is  principally  taken  from  Newton's  Enumeratio  Li- 
nearum  Tertii  Ordinis. 

Y  2 

324  On  Tracing  of  Curves, 

If  the  term  hx^  be  wanting,  these  lines  are  asymptotes ;  if  h 
be  not  zero,  we  get  for  the  equation  of  the  asymptotes 

/-        h  /-        * 

On  multiplying  the  equations  of  the  three  asymptotes 
together,  and  subtracting  the  product  from  the  equation  of 
the  curve,  we  get 

ey  =  [e ]x  +  a: 

this  is  the  equation  of  the  right  line  which  passes  through  the 
three  points  in  which  the  cubic  meets  its  asymptotes.  (Art. 

Again,  if  we  multiply  the  proposed  equation  by  x^  and 
solve  for  xy,  we  get 

\ax^  +  5a;^  +  ca?'  +  t^a?  +  -  :  (2) 

from  which  a  series  of  points  can  be  determined  on  the  curve 
corresponding  to  any  assigned  series  of  values  for  x. 

It  also  follows  that  aU  chords  drawn  parallel  to  the  axis 

of  y  are  bisected  by  the  hyperbola  xy-v-  =  o\  hence  we  infer 

that  the  middle  points  of  all  chords  drawn  parallel  to  an 
asymptote  of  the  cubic  lie  on  a  hyperbola. 

The  form  of  the  curve  depends  on  the  roots  of  the  bi- 
quadratic under  the  radical  sign.  (i).  Suppose  these  roots 
to  be  all  real,  and  denoted  by  a,  j3,  7,  §,  arranged  in  order  of 
increasing  magnitude,  and  we  have 

xy  =  --±^a{x-a){x-  (5){x  -  y){x  -  g). 

Now  when  x  is  <  a,  y  is  real ;  when  x  >  a  and  <  /3,  ^  is 
imaginary  ;  when  x>  $  and  <  7,  y  is  real ;  when  x>  y  and 
<d,y  is  imaginary ;  when  x  >  d,  y  is  real. 



We  infer  that  the  curve  consists  of  three  branches,  extending 
to  infinity,  together 
with  an  oval  lying 
between  the  values 
/3  and  7  for  x. 

The  accompany- 
ing figure*  repre- 
sents such  a  curve. 

Again,  if  either 
the  two  greatest 
roots  or  the  two 
least  roots  become 
equal,  the  corres- 
ponding point  be- 
comes a  node. 

If  the  interme- 
diate roots  become  ^ig-  39- 
equal,  the  oval  shrinks  into  a  conjugate  point  on  the  curve. 

If  three  roots  be  equal,  the  corresponding  point  is  a  cusp. 

If  two  of  the  roots  be  impossible  and  the  other  two  im- 
equal,  the  curve  can  have  neither  an  oval  nor  a  double  point. 

If  the  sign  of  a  be  negative,  the  curve  has  but  one  real 

261.  Asymptotes. — In  the  preceding  figure  the  student 
will  observe  that  to  each  asymptote  correspond  two  infinite 
branches ;  this  is  a  general  property  of  algebraic  curves,  of 
which  we  have  a  familiar  instance  in  the  common  hyperbola. 

By  the  student  who  is  acquainted  with  the  elementary 
principles  of  conical  projection  the  preceding  will  be  readily 
apprehended ;  for  if  we  suppose  any  line  drawn  cutting  a 
closed  oval  curve  in  two  points  at  which  tangents  are  drawn, 
and  if  the  figure  be  so  projected  that  the  intersecting  line  is 
sent  to  infinity,  then  the  tangents  will  be  projected  into 
asymptotes,  and  the  oval  becomes  a  curve  in  two  portions, 
each  having  two  infinite  branches,  a  pair  for  each  asymptote, 
as  in  the  hyperbola. 

The  figure  is  a  tracing  of  the  curve 

9a?y2  +  io8y  =  (iP  -  5)  (a?  -  II)  (a;  -  12). 


On  Tracing  of  Curves. 

It  should  also  be  observed  that  the  points  of  contact  at 
infinity  on  the  asymptote  in  the  opposite  directions  along  it 
must  be  regarded  as  being  one  and  the  same  point,  since  they 
are  the  projection  of  the  same  point.  That  the  points  at 
infinity  in  the  two  opposite  directions  on  any  line  must  be 
regarded  as  a  single  point  is  also  evident  from  the  considera- 
tion that  a  right  line  is  the  limiting  state  of  a  circle  of  in- 
finite radius. 

The  property  admits  also  of  an  analytical  proof ;  for  if 
the  asymptote  be  taken  as  the  axis  of  x,  the  equation  of  the 
curve  (Art.  204)  is  of  the  form 

2/01  +  02  =  o, 

^^  ^  =  "  t"' 

where  02  is  at  least  one  degree  lower  than  (pi  in  x  and  y. 

Now,  when  x  is  infinitely  great,  the  fraction  —   becomes   in 

general  infinitely  small,  whether  x  be  positive  or  negative ; 
and  consequently  the  axis  is  asymptotic  to  the  curve  in  both 

262.  To  trace  the  Curve 

ay  =  bx^  +  x^, 
where  a  and  b  are  both  positive. 
Here       ya^  =  ±  x"^  {x  +  b)^. 

The  curve  is  symmetrical  with  respect 
to  the  axis  of  x^  and  has  two  infinite 
branches  ;  the  origin  is  a  double  cusp. 
The  shape  of  the  curve  is  exhibited  in  the 
figure  annexed. 

If  b  were  negative,  we  should  have 

ya^  =  ±x^  {x  -  b)k 

Here  y  becomes  imaginary  for  values  of  x  less  than  b ; 
accordingly,  the  origin  is  a  conjugate  point  in  this  case  :  the 
curve  has  two  infinite  branches  as  in  the  former  case 

263.  Xo  trace  the  Curve 

a^y^  =  zabx^y  +  x^. 

Fig.  40. 

Form  of  Curve  near  a  Double  Point. 


From  the  form  of  its  equation  we  sea  that  the  origin  is 
a  point  of  oscwi-inflexion  (Art.  251' 

Solving  for  y,  we  can  easily 
determine  any  number  of  points 
on  the  curve  we  please.  It  has 
two  infinite  branches  at  opposite 
sides  of  the  axis  of  a;,  and  a  loop 
at  the  negative  side  of  that  axis, 
as  exhibited  in  the  figure. 

264.  To  trace  the  Curve 

x*"  +  x^y"^  +y^  =  x  [ax^  -  hy"^). 

(i).  Let  a  and  h  have  the 
same  sign,  then  the  origin  is 
a  triple  point,  having  for  its 
tangents  the  lines 

a  +  y  vb 



Fig.  4a. 

and        x^ya-y  \/h=o. 

Moreover,  since  the  curve 
has  no  real  asymptote,  it  is 
a  finite  or  closed  curve  with 
three  loops  passing  through  the 
origin  ;  and  it  is  easily  seen  that  its  shape 
is  that  represented  in  the  accompanying 

(2).  \ia  and  h  have  opposite  signs,  the 
lines  represented  by  a^  -  hf  =  o  become 
imaginary.  The  curve  in  this  case  consists 
of  a  single  oval  as  in  the  figure. 

This  and  the  preceding  figure  were 
traced  for  the  case  where  b  =  3a:  if  the 

value  of  -  be  altered,  the  shape  of  the  curve  Fig.  43. 

will  alter  at  the  same  time.     If  a  be  greater  than  h,  the 
curve  (2)  will  lie  inside  the  tangent  at  the  point  X 

265.  Form  of  Curve  near  a  Double  Point.— When- 
ever the  curve  has  a  node  or  a  cusp,  by  transforming  the 
origin  to  that  point,  the  shape  of  the  curve  for  the  branches 

328  On  Tracing  of  Curves, 

passing  through  the  point  admits  of  being  investigated  by  tlie 
method  explained  in  Arts.  250,  251.  It  is  unnecessary  to 
enter  into  detail  on  this  subject  here,  as  it  has  been  already 
discussed  in  the  articles  referred  to. 

266.  In  connexion  with  the  tracing  and  the  discussion  of 
curves  there  is  an  elementary  general  principle  which  may 
be  introduced  here. 

If  the  equation  of  a  curve  be  of  the  form 

Lr  -  MM'  =  o, 

where  Z,  Jf,  L\  M'  are  each  functions  of  the  co-ordinates  x 
and  y,  the  curve  evidently  passes  through  all  the  points 
of  intersection  of  the  curves  represented  by  the  equations 
L  =  o  and  Jf  =  o ;  similarly  it  passes  through  the  intersec- 
tions oi  L  =  o  and  if'  =  o ;  and  also  those  of  Jf  =  o  and 
L  =  o\  and  of  L'  =0  and  M'  =  o.  Moreover,  if  L  and  L' 
become  identical,  the  points  of  intersection  coincide  in 
pairs,  and  the  equation  of  the  curve  becomes  of  the  form 
X^  -  MM'  =  o ;  which  represents  a  curve  touching  the  curves 
Jf  =  o,  M'  =  o,  at  their  points  of  intersection  with  the  curve 
L  =  o. 

This  principle  admits  of  easy  extension ;  but  as  the  subject 
belongs  properly  to  the  method  of  trilinear  co-ordinates,  it  is 
not  considered  necessary  to  enter  more  fully  into  it  here. 

267.  On  Tracing  Curves  given  in  Polar  Co-ordi- 
nates.—The  mode  of  procedure  in  this  case  does  not  differ 
essentially  from  that  for  Cartesian  co-ordinates.  We  have 
already,  in  Arts.  206  and  207,  considered  the  method  of 
finding  the  asymptotes  and  asymptotic  circles  in  such  cases. 
It  need  scarcely  be  observed  that  the  number  and  variety  of 
curves  whose  discussion  more  properly  comes  under  the 
method  of  polar  co-ordinates  are  indefinite.  We  propose  to 
confine  our  attention  to  a  few  varieties  of  the  class  of  curves 
represented  by  the  equation 

r^  =  «"»  cos  mQ. 

268.  On  the  Curves  r"*  =  a^  cos  mB. — In  this  case, 
since  the  equation  is  unaltered  when  B  is  changed  into  -  0, 
the  curve  is  symmetrical  with  respect  to  the  prime  vector : 
again,  when  0  =  o,  we  have  r  =  a ;  and  as  B  increases  from  zero 

Curves  of  the  Form  r'"^  =  a'"  cos  md. 


to  — ,  r  diminislies  from  a  to  zero.     Wlien  m  is  a  positive  in- 

2  m 

teger,  it  is  easily  seen  that  the  curve  consists  of  m  similar  loops. 
There  are  many  familiar  curves  included  under  this 
equation.  Thus,  when  m  =  i ,  we  have  r  =  a  cos  0,  which 
represents  a  circle :  again,  if  m  =  -  i ,  the  equation  gives 
r  cos  0  =  a,  which  represents  a  right  line.  Also,  if  w=  2,  we 
have  r^  =  a^  cos  20,  a  Lemniscate  (Art.  210).  If  m  =  -  2,  we 
get  r^  cos  20  =  a^j  an  equilateral  hyperhola. 

If  m  =  -  we  get  r^  =  ah  cos  -,  whence  r  =-  (\  +  cos  0),  a 

1  ...     ,         0 
-,  it  IS  rs  cos  - 

2  2 

cardioid  (Ex.  4,  p.  232)  ;  with  m 

parabola  (Ex.  i,  p.  231)  ;  and  so  on.  As  already  observed, 
if  we  change  m  into  -  m  we  get  a  new  curve,  inverse  of 
the  original.     Also,  the  reciprocal  polar  is  obtained  by  sub- 

stitutinsr  -   instead  of  m. 

°      m  +  I 

The  tangent  and  normal  can  be  immediately  drawn  at 
any  point  on  a  curve  of  this  class  by  aid  of  the  results  arrived 
at  in  Art.  190.  The  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point  has 
been  determined  in  Ex.  5,  Art.  235.  The  method  of  finding 
the  equations  of  the  successive  pedals,  both  positive  and 
negative,  has  been  also  already  explained. 

A  few  examples  in  the  case  of  fractional  indices  are  here 

Example  i. 

rl  =  rt*  cos  -. 
Here  when  0  =  o,  we  have  r  =  «, 
and  the  curve  cuts  the  prime  vector 
at  a  distance  OA  equal  to  a  :  again, 

when  0  =  — ,  r  =  — - — :  also  when 
2  8 

0  =  7r,  r 

a  a 

-3,  or  05=  g. 

Fig.  44. 

The  shape  of  the  curve  is  given  in  the  accompanying 
figure.  This  curve  is  the  inverse  of  the  caustic  considered  in 
Example  18,  p.  277. 


On  Tracing  of  Curves. 

Ex.  2. 


Ex.  4. 

rl  =  «t  cos-  d.         r^  =  a^  cos  -  d.         r^  =  a^  cos  -  d. 
4  5  3 

In  Ex.  2,  as  0  increases  from  zero  to  120^,  r  diminishes 
from  a  to  zero :  when  Q  increases 
from  120°  to  240°,  r  increases  from 
zero  to  a :  when  d  increases  from 
240°  to  360°,  r  diminishes  from  a 
to  zero.  By  assigning  negative 
values  to  d,  the  remaining  part  of 
the  curve  is  seen  to  be  symmetrical 
with  that  traced  as  above.  The 
same  result  plainly  follows  by  con- 
tinuing the  values  for  Q  from  360° 
up  to  720°.  The  form  of  the  curve 
is  exMbited  in  the  annexed  figure.  j?ig.  45. 

In  Ex.  3,  according  as  cos  -  0  is  positive  or  negative,  we 

get  equal  and  opposite  real  values,  or  maginary  values,  for  r. 

Hence  it  is  easily  seen  that  for  values  of  B  between  ±  ^  tt  the 


radius  vector  traces   out  two  symmetrical  portions   of  the 

IS  2  s 

curve :    again,  between  —  tt  and  -^  tt   we    get  two   other 

o  o 

Fig.  46. 

Fig.  47. 

symmetrical  portions.     The  shape  is  that  given  in  the  former 
of  the  two  accompanying  figures. 

The  Limagon. 


The  latter  figure  represents  the  curve  is-Ex.  4  ;  it  consists 
oifive  symmetrical  portions  ranged  round  the  origin. 

The  results  above  stated  admit  of  generalization,  and  it 
can  be  shown,  without  difficulty,  that  in  general  the  curve 

r^  =  a'i  cos  —  consists  of  p  similar  portions  arranged  about 

the  origin;  and  that  the  entire  curve  is  included  within  a 
circle  of  radius  a  when  p  is  positive,  but  lies  altogether 
outside  it  when  p  is  negative. 

Many  curves  can  be  best  traced  by  aid  of  some  simple 
geometrical  property.  We  shall  terminate  the  Chapter  with 
one  or  two  examples  of  such  curves. 

269.  The  liimai^oii. — The  inverse  of  a  conic  section 
with  respect  to  a  focus  is  called  a  Limacon.  From  the  polar 
equation  of  a  conic,  its  focus  being  origin,  it  is  evident  that 
the  equation  of  its  inverse  may  be  written  in  the  form 

r  =  a  cos  0  +  ft, 

where  a  and  h  are  constants. 

It  is  easily  seen  that  -  is  the  eccentricity  of  the  conic. 

The  curve  can  be  readily  traced  by  drawing  from  a  fixed 
point  on  a  circle  any  number  of  chords,  and  taking  off  a 
constant  length  on  each  of  these  lines,  measured  from  the 
circumference  of  the  circle. 

If  a  be  less  than  ft,  the  curve  is  the  inverse  of  an  ellipse, 
and  lies  altogether  outside  the  circle. 

If  a  be  greater  than  ft,  the 
curve  is  the  inverse  of  a  hy- 
perbola, and  its  form  can  be 
easily  seen  to  be  that  exhibited 
in  the  .annexed  figure,  where 
OD  =  a  -hy  and  the  point  0  is  a 
node  on  the  curve. 

If  ft  =  a,  the  curve  becomes 
the  inverse  of  the  parabola, 
and  is  called  a  cardioid.  The 
inner  loop  disappears  in  this 
case,  and  the  origin  is  a  cusp  ~ 

on  the  curve.  Fig.  48. 


On  Tracing  of  Curves, 

When  a=  2b,  the  Limacon  is  called  the  Trisectrix;  a 
curve  by  aid  of  which  any  given  angle  can  be  readily 

270.  The  Conchoid  of  IVicomedes. — If  through  any 
fixed  point  A  a  secant  PiAP  be 
drawn  meeting  a  fixed  right  line  LM 
in  JS,  and  BF  and  BPi  be  taken 
each  of  the  same  constant  length; 
then  the  locus  of  P  and  Pi  is  called 
the  conchoid. 

This  curve  is  easily  traced  from 
the  foregoing  geometrical  property, 
and  it  consists  of  two  branches, 
having  the  right  line  LM  for  a 
common  asymptote.  Moreover,  if 
the  perpendicular  distance  AB  oi 
A  from  the  fixed  line  be  less  than 
BP,  the  curve  has  a  loop  with  a 
node  at  A,  as  in  the  annexed  figure. 

It  is  easily  seen  that  when 
AB  =  PP,  the  point  ^  is  a  cusp 
on  the  curve  ;  and  when  AB  is 
greater  than  PP,  ^  is  a  conjugate 

The  form  of  the  curve  in  the 
latter  case  is  represented  by  the  dotted  lines  in  the  figure. 

If  AB  =  a,  BP  =  h,  the  polar  equation  of  the  curve  is 
(r  ±  h)  cos  0  =  flj. 

When  transformed  to  rectangular  co-ordinates,  this 
equation  becomes 

The  method  of  drawing  the  normal,  and  finding  the 
centre  of  curvature,  at  any  point,  will  be  exhibited  in  the 
next  Chapter. 

Examples.  333 


I.  Trace  the  curve  y  =  [x  -  i)  {x  -  i){x  -  3),  and  find  the  position  of  its 
point  of  inflexion. 

a.  Trace  the  curve  y^  -  ^axy  +x^  =  o,  drawing  its  asymptote. 
This  curve  is  called  the  Folium  of  Descartes. 

3.  Tra  the  curve  a^x  =  y  {b^  +  x^),  and  find  its  points  of  inflexion,  and 
points  of  greatest  and  least  distance  from  the  axis  of  x, 

4.  If  an  asymptote  to  a  curve  meets  it  in  a  real  finite  point,  show  that  the 
corresponding  branch  of  the  curve  must  have  a  point  of  inflexion  on  it. 

5.  Find  the  position  of  the  asymptotes  and  the  form  of  the  curve 

«*  —  y*  +  2axy'^  =  o. 

6.  Show  that  the  curve  r  =  a  cos  ie  consists  of  four  loops,  while  the  curve 
»•  =  a  cos  39  consists  of  but  three.  Prove  generally  that  the  curve  r  =  a  cos  nd 
has  n  or  2n  loops  according  as  n  is  an  odd  or  even  integer. 

7.  Trace  the  curve 

y^  (x  -  a){x  -  b)  =  e^x  +  a)ix  +  b). 

8.  Show  that  the  curve  x^y^  +  x^  =  a^{x^  -  y^)  consists  of  two  loops  passing 
through  the  origin,  and  find  the  form  of  the  curve. 

9.  Trace  the  curve  y{x  +  a)^  =  b^z(x  +  c)%  showing  the  positions  of  its 
asymptotes  and  infinite  branches. 

ro.  Trace  the  curve  whose  polar  equation  is 

r  =  a  cose  +  b  co3  2df 

und  show  that  it  consists  of  four  loops  passing  through  the  origin. 

11.  Gi7en  the  base  and  the  rectangle  under  the  sides  of  a  triangle,  fijid  the 
equation  of  the  locus  of  the  vertex  (an  oval  of  Cassini).  Exhibit  the  different 
forms  of  the  curve  obtained  by  varying  the  constants,  and  find  in  what  case  the 
curve  becomes  a  Lemniscate. 

12.  Trace  the  curve  y^  =  ax^  +  ^bx^  +  zcx  +  d,  and  find  its  points  of  greatest 
and  least  distance  from  the  axis  of  x. 

Show  that  two  of  these  points  become  imaginary  when  the  roots  of  the  cubic 
in  X  are  all  real. 

13.  Given  the  base  and  area  of  a  triangle,  prove  that  the  equation  of  the 
locus  of  the  centre  of  a  circle  touching  its  three  sides  is  of  the  form 

x^y  -  a{x^  +  y^)  -  b- {y  -  a)  =  o. 

334  Examples. 

14.  Prove  that  all  curves  of  the  third  degree  are  reducible  to  one  or  other  of 
the  forms 

(i).    a?«/2  ^ey  =  ax^  +  bx^  ■{■  ex  +  d. 

(2).     xy  =  ax^  +  bx"^  +  ex  +  d. 
(3).     y2  =  aa^-\-  bx'^  +  ex  +  d, 
(4).    y    =  ax^  +  bx^  +  ex  +  d. 
Nosvton,  Enum.  Linear.  Ter.  Ordinis. 

15.  Prove  that  all  curves  of  the  third  degree  can  be  obtained  by  projection 
from  the  parabolas  contained  in  class  (3)  in  the  preceding  division.     [Newton.] 

For  every  cubic  has  at  least  one  real  point  of  inflexion :  accordingly,  if  the 
curve  be  projected  so  that  the  tangent  at  the  point  of  inflexion  is  projected  to 
infinity,  the  harmonic  polar  (Art.  223)  will  bisect  the  system  of  parallel  chords 
passing  through  this  point  at  infinity.  Hence  the  projected  curve  is  of  the 
class  (3).     [This  proof  is  taken  from  Chasles,  Ristoire  de  la  Geometi'ie,  note  xx.] 

16.  Trace  the  curve  r  =  —z ,  and  show  that  it  has  a  point  of  inflexion 

B^  -  I 

when  0^  =  3 ;  find  also  its  asymptotes  and  asymptotic  circle. 

17.  Trace  the  curve  y  =  a  sin-,  and  show  how  to  draw  its  tangent  at  any 
point.     (This  is  called  the  curve  of  sines.) 

18.  The  base  of  a  triangle  is  fixed  in  position ;  find  the  equation  of  the  locus 
of  its  vertex,  when  the  vertical  angle  is  double  one  of  the  base  angles. 

Trace  the  locus  in  question,  finding  the  position  of  its  asymptote. 

19.  Show  geometrically  that  the  first  pedal  of  a  circle  with  respect  to  a 
point  on  its  circumference  is  a  cardioid. 

20.  Show  in  like  manner  that  the  Lima9on  is  the  first  pedal  of  a  circle  with 
respect  to  any  point. 

21.  Trace  the  curve 

y*  +  ^axy'^  =  aa^  +  a;*, 

and  find  the  equations  of  its  asymptotes,  and  of  the  tangents  at  the  origin. 

Ind.  Civ.  Ser.  Ex.,  1876. 

(     335     ) 



271.  Roulettes. — When  one  curve  rolls  without  sliding 
upon  another,  any  point  invariably  connected  with  the  rolling 
curve  describes  another  curve,  called  a  roulette. 

The  curve  which  rolls  is  called  the  generating  curve,  the 
fixed  curve  on  which  it  rolls  is  called  the  directing  curve,  or 
the  base^  and  the  point  which  describes  the  roulette,  the  tracing 
point.  We  shall  commence  with  the  simplest  example  of  a 
roulette :  viz.,  the  cycloid. 

272.  The  Cycloid. — This  curve  is  the  path  described  by 
a  point  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  which  is  supposed  to 
roll  upon  a  fixed  right  line. 

The  cycloid  is  the  most  important  of  transcendental 
curves,  as  well  from  the  elegance  of  its  properties  as  from  its 
numerous  applications  in  Mechanics. 

We  shall  proceed  to  investigate  some  of  the  most 
elementary  properties  of  the  curve. 

Let  LPO  be  any  position  of  the  rolling  circle,  P  the 
generating  point,  0  the  point  of      jg-'  l  b 

contact  of  the  circle  with  the  fixed 
line.  Take  the  length  AO  equal 
to   the  arc  PO,   then,   from  the 

mode  of  generation  of  the  curve,  ■   ■■    — ,- r? 

A  is  the  position  of  the  generating 

point  when  in   contact  with  the  I'ig.  S©* 

fixed  line ;  also,  if  AA^  be  equal  to  the  circumference  of  the 

circle,  A^  will  be  the  position  of  the  point  at  the  end  of  one 

complete  revolution  of  the  circle.     Bisect  AA'  in  D,  and 

draw  DB  perpendicular  to  it  and  equal  to  the  diameter  of 

the  circle,  then  JB  is  evidently  the  highest  point  in  the 

cycloid.     Draw  PiV  perpendicular  to  AA\  and  let  PI^  =  y, 

AN  =x,L  PCO  =  e,  OG=a,  and  we  get 

x  =  AO-]SfO  =  a{d-&me),  y  =  PN  =  a{i  -cos0).    (i) 

336  Boulettes* 

The  position  of  any  point  on  the  cycloid  is  determined  by 
these  equations  when  the  angle  0  is  known,  i.  e.  the  angle 
through  which  the  circle  has  rolled,  starting  from  the  position 
for  which  the  generating  point  is  upon  the  directing  fine. 

273.  Cycloid  referred  to  its  Vertex. — It  is  often 
convenient  to  refer  the  cycloid  to  its  vertex  as  origin,  and  to 
the  tangent  and  normal  at  that  point  as  axes  of  co-ordinates. 
In  the  preceding  figure  let 

then  we  have 

x  =  £]Sr'  =  a{e'  +  8me'),    y  =  PN'  =  a{i--co8e'),    (2) 

274.  Tangent  and  IVormal  to  Cycloid. — It  can  be 

easily  seen  that  the  line  PO  is  normal  at  P  to  the  cycloid ; 
for  the  motion  of  each  point  on  the  circle  at  the  instant  is  one 
of  rotation  about  the  point  0,  i.  e.  each  point  may  be  regarded 
as  describing  at  the  instant  an  infinitely  small  circular*  arc 
whose  centre  is  at  0  :  and  hence  PO  is  normal  to  the  curve. 
This  result  can  also  be  established  from  the  values  of  x 
and  y  in  (i) :  for 

dx        ,  n^       dy  .    ^  ,  . 

^  =  «(i  -  cos  0),     ^  =  «  sm  0 :  .  (3) 

,  dy        sin0  6         ,  „^^ 

"-y-  = n  =  cot  -  =  cot  PLO ; 

dx      I  -  CO80  2 

and,  accordingly,  PL  is  the  tangent,  and  PO  the  normal  to 

the  curve  at  P. 

dx  d)j 

Again,  if  we  square  and  add  the  values  of  -^  and  -7^,  we 

du         do 



.  =  aM  (i  -  cos  ey  +  sin'^  0]  =  ^a"  sin''  ^  9 ; 

*  This  method  of  finding  the  normal  to  a  cycloid  is  due  to  Descartes,  and 
evidently  applies  equally  to  all  roulettes. 

The  Cycloid. 



--:   =    2fl5SlIl-  =   PO.     -* 

dd  2 


275.  Radius  of  Curvature  and  £volute  of  Cycloid. 

— Let  p  denote  the  radius  of  curvature  at  the  point  P,  and 

lPOA=<p  =  -; 



2—  =  4fl^sin-  =  2PO; 

or  the  radius  of  curvature  is  douhle  the  normal 
value  of  p  the  evolute  of  the  curve 
can  be  easily  determined.  For, 
produce  PO  until  OP'  =  OP,  then 
P'  is  the  centre  of  curvature  be- 
longing to  the  point  P.  Again, 
produce  LO  until  00'  =  OL,  and 
describe  a  circle  through  0,  P'  and 
(/ ;  this  circle  evidently  touches 
AA\  and  is  equal  to  the  generating 
circle  LPO. 

Also,  the  arc  OP"  =  arc  OP  =  ^0 ; 

/.  arc  ap"  =  aro  -F0  =  AD-A0=0D 

From  this 

Fig.  51 


Hence  the  locus  of  P'  is  the  cycloid  got  by  the  rolling  of 
this  new  circle  along  the  line 
P'O';  and  accordingly  the  evo- 
lute of  a  cycloid  is  another 
cycloid.  It  is  evident  that  the 
evolute  of  the  cycloid  ABA' 
is  made  up  of  the  two  semi- 
cycloids,  AF  and  B^A\  as  in 
figure  51.  Conversely,  the 
cycloid  ABA'  is  an  involute  of 
the  cycloid  AB'A'. 

The  position  of  the  centre  of 
curvature  for  a  point  P  on  a 
cycloid  can  also  be  readily  de- 
termined geometrically,  as  fol- 
lows : — 

Suppose  0,  a  point  on  the 
lircle  infinitely  near  to   0,  and  take  00% 



3^8  Roulettes, 

be  the  centre  of  curvature  required,  and  draw  POi  and  P'Oz. 
Now  suppose  the  circle  to  roll  until  Ox  and  O2  coincide,  then 
COi  becomes  perpendicular  to  AD,  and  POi  and  FOt  will 
lie  in  directum  (since  P'  is  the  point  of  intersection  of  two 
consecutive  normals  to  the  cycloid).     Hence 

z  OCOx  =  z  PO,Q  =  z  OPO,  +  z  OP'Oi, 

since  each  side  of  the  equation  represents  the  angle  through 
which  the  circle  has  turned. 

But  L  OCOi  =  2lOP  Oi.       (Euclid,  III.  20.) 

Hence  L  OPO^  =  z  OFOx\ 

.-.  P0i  =  P'0r, 
and  consequently  in  the  limit  we  have 

PO  =  P'O, 

as  before. 

We  shall  subsequently  see  that  a  similar  method  enables 
us  to  determine  the  centre  of  curvature  for  a  point  in  any 

276.  liength  of  Arc  of  Cycloid. — Since  AFB^  (Fig.  51) 
is  the  evolute  of  the  cycloid  ^PP,  it  follows,  from  Art.  23  7,  that 
the  arc  AP'  of  the  cycloid  is  equal  in  length  to  the  line  PP", 
or  to  twice  P'O ;  hence,  as  A  is  the  highest  point  in  the 
cycloid  AP'B^y  it  follows  that  the  arc  AP'  measured  from  the 
highest  point  of  a  cycloid  is  double  the  intercept  P'O,  made 
on  the  tangent  at  the  point  by  the  tangent  at  the  highest 
point  of  the  curve. 

Hence,  denoting  the  length  of  the  arc  AP^  by  s,  we  have 

s  =  4^^  sin  P'OD  =  \a  sin  0.  (6) 

This  gives  the  intrinsic  equation  of  the  cycloid  {see  Art. 
242  (a)).  Hence,  also,  the  whole  arc  AB^  is  four  times  the 
radius  of  the  generating  circle :  and  accordingly  the  entire 
length  ABA'  of  a  cycloid  is  eight  times  the  radius  of  its 
generating  circle. 

Again,  if  the  distance  of  P'  from  AA'  be  represented  by 
y,  we  shall  have 

FO^  =00'  xy=  lay. 

Hence  s"  -  4P'0-  =  ^ay,  fj) 

Epicycloids  and  JSypocycloids. 


Fig.  53. 
Their  forms  are  exhibited  in 

This  relation  is  of  importance  in  the  applications  of  the 
cycloid  in  Mechanics. 

Again,  since  ^0  =  arc  OP',  if  we  represent  AOhy  v,  we 

V  =  2a<p.  (8) 

277.  Trochoids.  —  In  general,  if  a  circle  roll  on  a 
right  line,  any  point  in  the. 
plane  of  the  circle  carried  round* 
with  it  describes  a  curve.  Such 
curves  are  usually  styled  tro- 
choids. When  the  tracing 
point  is  inside  the  circle,  the 
locus  is  called  a  prolate  tro- 
choid ;  when  outside,  an  oblate, 
the  accompanying  figure. 

Their  equations  are  easily  determined;  for,  let  x,  y  be 
the  co-ordinates  of  a  tracing  point  P,  referred  to  the  axes 
AD,  and  AI  {A  being  the  position  for  which  the  moving 
radius  CP  is  perpendicular  to  the  fixed  line). 

Then,  if  CO  =  a,  CP  ^  d,  L  OCP  =  0,  we  have 
x^^AN^AO-ON^aQ-dmi  0, 

y  =  PiV"  =  «  -  (?  COS  0. 

278.  Epicycloidsf  and  Hypocycloids. — The  investi- 

♦  This  is  called,  by  Professor  Casey,  the  tangential  equation  of  the  cycloid, 
and  by  aid  of  it  he  has  arrived  at  some  remarkable  properties  of  the  curve  ("On 
a  New  Form  of  Tangential  Equation,"  Fhilosophical  Transactions,  1877).  "In 
general,  if  a  variable  line,  in  any  of  its  positions,  make  an  intercept  v  on  the  axis 
of  ar,  and  an  angle  ^  with  it;  then  the  equation  of  the  line  is 

ar  +  ^cot^-y  =  o; 

and  V,  <p,  the  quantities  which  determine  the  position  of  the  line  may  be  called 
its  co-ordinates.  From  this  it  follows  that  any  relation  between  y  and  tp,  such 

will  be  the  tangential  equation  of  a  curve,  which  is  the  envelope  of  the  line.'* 
For  applications,  the  reader  is  referred  to  Professor  Casey's  Memoir.  See  also 
Dub.  Exam.  Papers^  Graves,  Lloyd  Exhibition,  1847. 

t  I  have  in  this  edition  adopted  the  correct  definition  of  these  curves  as 
given  by  Mr.  Proctor  in  his  Geometry  of  Cycloids.  I  have  thus  avoided  the 
anomaly  existing  in  the  ordinary  definition,  according  to  which  every  epicycloid 

Z  2 




ffation  of  the  properties  of  the  cycloid  naturally  gave  nse  to 
the  discussion  of  the  more  general  case  of  a  circle  rolling  on  a 
fixed  circle.  In  this  case  the  curve  generated  by  any  point 
on  the  circumference  of  the  rolling  circle  is  called  .an  epicycloid, 
or  a  hypocycloid,  according  as  the  rolling  circle  touches  the  outside, 
or  the  inside  of  the  circumference  of  the  fixed  circle.  We  shaU 
commence  with  the  former  case. 

Let  P  he  the  position  of  the  generating  point  at  any  in- 
stant, A  its  position  when 
on  the  fixed  circle  ;  then 
the  arc  OA  =  arc  OP. 

Again,  let  (7  and  Che 
the  centres  of  the  circles, 
a     and    b    their    radii, 

LACo  =  e,/.oc'P  =  e'; 

then,  since  arc  OA  =  arc 
OP,  we  have  aO  =  hO. 

Now,  suppose  C  taken 
as  the  origin  of  rectangu- 
lar co-ordinates,  and  CA 
as  the  axis  of  a?;  draw  PN 
and  C'L  perpendicular, 
and  PJf  parallel,  to  CA,  and  we  have 

Fig.  54. 

x=^CN=CL-NL  =  {a+b)  cosO  -b  cos {0  +  Q'), 
y  =  PN^CL-  C'M=  {a  +  J)  sin 0  -  J  sin  (0  +  ^); 

or,  suhstituting  -  d  for  d\ 

X  =  {a  +  b)  cosB  -  b  cos  —7—  0, 

.    a  +  b 

y  =  {a  +  b)  sinO  -  b  sin  —7—  0. 



is  a  hypocycloid,  but  only  some  hypocycloids  are  epicycloids.  While  according 
to  the  correct  definition  no  epicycloid  is  a  hypocycloid,  though  each  can  be  gene- 
rated in  two  ways,  as  will  be  proved  in  Art.  280. 

Epicycloids  and  Hypocycloids,  341 

When  the  radius  of  the  rolling  circle  is  a  submultiple  of 
that  of  the  fixed  circle,  the  tracing  point,  after  the  circle 
has  rolled  once  round  the  circumference  of  the  fixed  circle, 
evidently  returns  to  the  same  position,  and  will  trace  the 
same  curve  in  the  next  revolution.  More  generally,  if  the 
radii  of  the  circles  have  a  commensurable  ratio,  the  tracing 
point,  after  a  certain  number  of  revolutions,  will  return  to  its 
original  position :  but  if  the  ratio  be  incommensurable,  the 
point  will  never  return  to  the  same  position,  but  will  describe 
an  infinite  series  of  distinct  arcs.  As,  however,  the  suc- 
cessive portions  of  the  curve  are  in  every  respect  equal  to 
each  other,  the  path  described  by  the  tracing  point,  from 
the  position  in  which  it  leaves  the  fixed  circle  until  it  returns 
to  it  again,  is  often  taken  instead  of  the  complete  epicycloid, 
and  the  middle  point  of  this  path  is  called  the  vertex  of  the 

In  the  case  of  the  hypocycloid,  the  generating  circle  rolls 
on  the  interior  of  the  fixed  circle,  and  it  can  be  easily  seen 
that  the  expressions  for  x  and  y  are  derived  from  those  in  (10) 
by  changing  the  sign  of  h  ;  hence  we  have 

«  =  (a  -  6)  cos  0  +  6  cos  —7—  Oi 

a-b        •  ^"^ 

y  -  {a  -h)  Bm.0 -h  sin  —7—  0, 

The  properties  of  these  curves  are  best  investigated  by 
aid  of  the  simultaneous  equations  contained  in  formulas  (10) 
and  (11). 

It  should  be  observed  that  the  point  A,  in  Fig.  54,  is  a 
cusp  on  the  epicycloid ;  and,  generally,  every  point  in  which 
the  tracing  point  P  meets  the  fixed  circle  is  a  cusp  on  the 
roulette.  From  this  it  follows  that  if  the  radius  of  the  rolling 
circle  be  the  n^^  part  of  that  of  the  fixed,  the  corresponding  epi- 
or  hypo-cycloid  has  n  cusps :  such  curves  are,  accordingly, 
designated  by  the  number  of  their  cusps  :  such  as  the  three- 
cusped,  four-cusped,  &c.  epi-  or  hypo-cycloids. 

Again,  as  in  the  case  of  the  cycloid,  it  is  evident  from 
Descartes'  principle  that  the  instantaneous  path  of  the  point  P 
is  an  elementary  portion  of  a  circle  having  0  as  centre ;  ac- 

342  Roulettes. 

oordingly,  the  tangent  to  tlie  path  at  P  is  perpendicular  to 
the  line  PO,  and  that  line  is  the  normal  to  the  curve  at  P. 
These  results  can  also  be  deduced,  as  in  the  case  of  the 
cycloid,  by  differentiation  from  the  expressions  for  x  and  y. 
We  leave  this  as  an  exercise  for  the  student. 

To  find  an  expression  for  an  element  ds  of  the  curve  at 
the  point  P;  take  0\  0'',  two  points  infinitely  near  to  0  on 
the  circles,  and  such  that  00'  =  OC/'',  and  suppose  the  gene- 
rating circle  to  roll  until  these'  points  coincide  :*  then  the 
lines  CO'  and  CO"  will  lie  in  directum,  and  the  circle  wiU 
have  turned  through  an  angle  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  angles 
OCO'  and  OC'O'';  hence,  denoting  these  angles  hjdO  and  dd", 
respectively,  we  have 

ds  =  OP  (dO  +  d&)  =  OP^i  +  f)dd\  (i2) 

since  d&  =^  -  dd. 


279.    Radius   of  Curvature   of  an   Epicycloid. — 

Suppose  w  to  be  the  angle  OSN  between  the  normal  at  P  and 
the  fixed  line  GA,  then 

i^  =  aos-o'C8  =  ----Q) .',  daj  =  -de[i+-^\. 

22'  {       2b) 

Hence,  if  p  be  the  radius  of  curvature  corresponding  to 
the  point  P,  we  get 

p=     *  =  Opi(^).  (,3) 

dii)  a  +  2b  ^  ^ 

Accordingly,  the  radius  of  curvature  in  an  epicycloid  is 
in  a  constant  ratio  to  the  chord  OP,  joining  the  generating 
point  to  the  point  of  contact  of  the  circles. 

♦  It  may  be  observed  that  O'O"  is  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  OC/ ; 
hence  the  space  through  which  the  point  0  moves  during  a  small  displacement 
18  infinitely  small  in  comparison  with  the  space  through  which  Pmoves.  It  is 
in  consequence  of  this  property  that  0  may  be  regarded  as  being  at  rest  for  the 
instant,  and  every  point  connected  with  the  rolling  circle  as  having  a  circular 
motion  around  it 

Double  Generation  of  Epicycloids  and  Hypocycloida^      343 

Fig.  55« 

280.  Double  feneration  of  Epicycloids  and  Hypo- 
cycloids. — In  an  Epicycloid,  it  can  be  easily  sliown  that 
the  curve  can  be  generated  in  a  second  manner.  For, 
suppose  the  rolling  circle  in- 
closes the  fixed  circle,  and  join 
P,  any  position  of  the  tracing 
point,  to  0,  the  correspond- 
ing point  of  contact  of  the  two 
circles;  draw  the  diameter  O-SD, 
and  join  C/E  and  PD ;  connect 
C,  the  centre  of  the  fixed  circle, 
to  (/,  and  produce  CO  to  meet 
DP  produced  in  D\  and  describe 
a  circle  round  the  triangle  (yPD'\ 
this  circle  plainly  touches  the 
fixed  circle  ;  also  the  segments 
standing  on  OP,  O'P,  and  OiJ  are  obviously  similar ;  hence, 
since  OP  =  OC/  +  UP,  we  have 

arc  OP  =  arc  00'  +  arc  (/P. 

If  the  arc  00' A  be  taken  equal  to  the  arc  OP^  we  have 
arc  OA  =  arc  QfP ;  accordingly,  the  point  P  describes  the  same 
curve,  whether  we  regard  it  as  on  the  circumference  of  the 
circle  OPD  rolling  on  the  circle  OO'E^  or  on  the  circumference 
of  O'PD'  rolling  on  the  same  circle ;  provided  the  circles  each 
start  from  the  position  in  which  the  generating  point  coincides 
with  the  point  A,  Moreover,  it  is  evident  that  the  radius  oj 
the  latter  circle  is  the  difference 
between  the  radii  of  the  other  two. 

Next,  for  the  Hypocycloid, 
suppose  the  circle  OPD  to  roll 
inside  the  circumference  of  OO'E, 
and  let  C  be  the  centre  of  the 
fixed  circle  ;  join  OP,  and  pro- 
duce it  to  meet  the  circum- 
ference of  the  fixed  circle  in  0' ; 
draw  O'E  and  PD,  join  CO', 
intersecting  PD  in  D',  and  de- 
scribe a  circle  round  the  triangle 
PD'Qf,  It  is  evident,  as  be- 
fore, that  this  circle  touches  the  Fig.  56. 



larger  circle,  and  that  its  radius  is  equal  to  the  difference  be- 
tween the  radii  of  the  two  given  circles.  Also,  for  the  same 
reason  as  in  the  former  case,  we  have 

arc  00'  =  arc  OP  +  arc  O'P. 

If  the  arc  OA  be  taken  equal  to  OP,  we  get  arc  UP 
=  arc  O^A  ;  consequently,  the  point  P  will  describe  the  same 
hypocycloid  on  whichever  circle  we  suppose  it  to  be  situated, 
provided  the  circles  each  set  out  from  the  position  for  which 
P  coincides  with  A. 

The  particular  case,  when  the  radius  of  the  rolling  circle  is 
half  that  of  the  fixed  circle,  may  be  noticed.  In  this  case  the 
point  B  coincides  with  C,  and  P  becomes  the  middle  point  of 
0(/,  and  A  that  of  the  arc  00^.  From  this  it  follows  im- 
mediately that  the  hypocycloid  described  by  P  becomes  the 
diameter  CA  of  the  fixed  circle.  This  result  will  be  proved 
otherwise  in  Art.  285. 

The  important  results  of  this  Article  were  given  by  Euler 
[Acta.Petrop.y  1781).  By  aid  of  them  all  epicycloids  can  be 
generated  by  the  rolling  of  a  circle  outside  another  circle ; 
and  all  hypocycloids  by  the  rolling  of  a  circle  whose  radius 
is  less  than  half  that  of  the  fixed  circle. 

281.  E volute  of  an  Epicycloid. — The  evolute  of  an 
epicycloid  can  be  easily 
seen  to  be  a  similar  epi- 

For,  let  P  be  the  trac- 
ing point  in  any  position, 
A  its  position  when  on  the 
fixed  circle ;  join  P  to  0, 
the  point  of  contact  of  the 
circles,  and  produce  PO 

untU  Pi"  =  OP  ?^*, 

then  P  is  the  centre  of 
curvature  by  (13) ;  hence 


a  +  lb'  Fig.  5-7. 

Next,  draw  P'C/  perpendicular  to  P'O ;  circumscribe  the 

Evolute  of  Epicycloid,  345 

triangle  OP' (7  by  a  circle ;  and  describe  a  circle  with  C  as 
centre,  and  CC/  as  radius :  it  evidently  touches  the  circle  OF'Qf. 

Then     Oa :  0E=  OF  :  OP  =  a:a  +  zh-^COiCE', 

.-.  CO-Oa:CE-OE  =  CO:CE, 

or  Ca:CO=CO:CE; 

that  is,  the  lines  CE,  CO,  and  0(7  are  in  geometrical  pro- 

Again,  join  C  to  B",  the  vertex  of  the  epicycloid ;  let  CF 
meet  the  inner  circle  in  D,  and  we  have 

arc  an  :  arc  OJ?  =  CO' :  C0=  CO  :  CE^aO.EO 

But  arc  OB  =  arc  OQ ;        /.  arc  CD  =  arc  FO^. 

Accordingly,  the  path  described  by  F  is  that  generated  by  a 
point  on  the  circumference  of  the  circle  OFO^  rolling  on  the 
inner  circle,  and  starting  when  P'  is  in  contact  at  D.  Hence 
the  evolute  of  the  original  epicycloid  is  another  epicycloid. 
The  form  of  the  evolute  is  exhibited  in  the  figure. 

Again,  since  CO  :  OE  =  CO^  :  (/O,  the  ratio  of  the  radii 
of  the  fixed  and  generating  circles  is  the  same  for  both  epicy- 
cloids, and  consequently  the  evolute  is  a  similar  epicycloid. 

Also,  from  the  theory  of  evolutes  (Art.  237),  the  line 
PF  i:>  equal  in  length  to  the  arc  P'A  of  the  interior  epicy- 
cloid ;  or  the  length  of  FA^  the  arc  measured  from  the 
vertex  A  of  the  curve,  is  equal  to 

a  CO  ca 

Hence,  the  length*  of  any  portion  of  the  curve  measured  from 
its  vertex  is  to  the  corresponding  chord  of  the  generating  circle  as 
twice  the  sum  of  the  radii  of  the  circles  to  the  radius  of  the  fixed 

*  The  length  of  the  arc  of  an  epicycloid,  as  also  the  investigation  of  its 
evolute,  were  given  hy  Newton  {Principia,  Lib.  i.,  Props.  49,  50). 



With  reference  to  the  outer  epicycloid  in  Fig.  57,  this 

aroP^=2P^.^.  (,4) 

The  corresponding  results  for  the  hypocjcloid  can  be 
found  by  changing  the  sign  of  the  radius  b  of  the  rolling 
circle  in  the  preceding  formulae. 

The  investigation  of  the  properties  of  these  curves  is  of 
importance  in  connexion  with  the  proper  form  of  toothed 
wheels  in  machinery. 

282.  Pedal  of  Epicycloid. — The  equation  of  the  pedal, 
with  respect  to  the  centre  of  the 
fixed  circle,  admits  of  a  very 
simple  expression.  For  let  P  be 
the  generating  point,  and,  as  be- 
fore, take  arc  OA  =  arc  OP,  and 
make  AB  =  90°.  Join  CA,  CB, 
CP,  and  draw  CN  perpendicular 
to  LP.  Let  lPDO  =  <p,l  BCN 
=  io,/.ACO  =  e,  CN  =  p. 

Then  since  AO  =  PO,  we  have 

aO  =  2b(i);    .-.  9  =  —(j). 

Again,  w  =  go° - ACW  =  0  +  6 

I  +  — 

Fig.  58. 


0  = 


a  +  2b 
CN=  ODsin^; 

.*.  p=  {a  +  2b)  sin 


a  +  26' 



which  is  the  equation  of  the  required  pedal. 

283.  Equation  of  Epicycloid  in  terms  of  r  andj!?. — 

Again,  draw  OL  parallel  to  DiV^,  and  let  CP  =  i\  and  we  have 

r^  -/  =  PN^  =  OL'  =  OC  -  CD 

a  +  2b 


Epitrochoids  and  Hypotrochoids,  347 

^-'^'^'^^'■^  c^) 

Also,  from  (16)  it  is  plain  that  the  equation  of  DiV",  the  tan- 
gent to  the  epicycloid  (referred  to  GB  and  CA  as  axes  of  x 
and  y  respectively),  is 

izjcos  (u  +  ?/ smo)  =  («  +  20)  sm 7.  (18) 

The  corresponding  formulae  for  the  hjrpocycloid  are 
obtained  by  changing  the  sign  of  J  in  the  preceding  equa- 

Again,  it  is  plain  that  the  envelope  of  the  right  line  re- 
presented by  equation  (18)  is  an  epicycloid.  And,  in  general, 
the  envelope  of  the  right  line 

«?  cos  fc>  +  y  sin  (u  =  A;  sin  ma>, 

regarding  w  as  an  arbitrary  parameter,  is  an  epicycloid,  or  a 
hypocycloid,  according  as  m  is  less  or  greater  than  unity.  For 
examples  of  this  method  of  determining  the  equations  of  epi- 
and  hypo-cycloids  the  student  is  referred  to  Salmon's  Higher 
Plane  Curves,  Art.  310. 

284.  £pitroclioids  and  Hypotrocboids. — In  general, 
when  one  circle  rolls  on  another,  every  point  connected  with 
the  rolling  circle  describes  a  distinct  curve.  These  curves  are 
called  epitrochoids  or  hypotrochoids,  according  as  the  rolling 
circle  touches  the  exterior  or  the  interior  of  the  fixed  circle. 

If  d  be  the  constant  distance  of  the  generating  point  from 
the  centre  of  the  rolling  circle,  there  is  no  difficulty  in 
proving,  as  in  Art.  278,  that  we  have  in  the  epitrochoid  the 

X  =  {a  ■\-h)  QO^O  -  d  cos  — —  6, 

«  +  i        >  (-9) 

y  =  {a  +  b)  sinO  -  d  sin  —7—  B. 



In  the  case  of  the  hypotrochoid,  changing  the  signs  of  h 
and  dy  we  ohtain 


X  =  {a  -  b)  cos  6  +  d 


a  -  b 



^  =  (a-b)  sin  9  -  d  sin  "^-r-^  B. 


In  the  particular  case  in  which  a  =  iby  i.e.  when  a  circle 
rolls  inside  another  of  double  its  diameter,  equations  (20) 

x  =  [b  +d)  cos  Q,    y  =  (b  -  d)  sin  0 ; 
and  accordingly  the  equation  of  the  roulette  is 
^'      ^      f       

(b+dy    {b-dy     * 

which  represents  an  ellipse  whose  semi-axes  are  the  sum  and 
the  difference  of  b  and  d. 

This  result  can  also  be  established  geometrically  in  the 
following  manner : — 

285.  Circle  rolling  inside  another  of  double  its 
Diameter. — Join  Ci  and  0  to  any 
point  L  on  the  circumference  of  the 
rolling  circle,  and  let  CiL  meet  the 
fixed  circumference  in  A  ;  then  since 
L  OCL  =  zOCA,  and  OG,  =  2 00,  we 
have  arc  OA  =  arc  OL ;  and,  accord- 
ingly, as  the  inner  circle  rolls  on  the 
outer  the  point  L  moves  along  CiA, 
In  like  manner  any  other  point  on 
the  circumference  of  the  rolling  circle 
describes,  during  the  motion,  a  dia- 
meter of  the  fixed  circle. 

Again,  any  point  P,  invariably  connected  with  the  rolling 
circle,  describes  an  ellipse.  For,  if  L  and  M  be  the  points  in 
which  OP  cuts  the  rolling  circle,  by  what  has  been  just 
shown,  these  points  move  along  two  fixed  right  lines  C^A 
and  CiBy  at  right  angles  to  each  other.    Accordingly,  by  a 

Epitrochoids  and  Hypotrochoids.  349 

well-known  property  of  the  ellipse,  any  other  point  in  the 
line  LM  describes  an  ellipse. 

The  case  in  which  the  outer  circle  rolls  on  the  inner  is 
also  worthy  of  separate  consideration. 

286.  Circle  rolling  on  another  inside  it  and  of 
half  its  Diameter. — In  this  case,  any  diameter  of  the  rolling 
circle  always  passes  through  a  fixed  point,  which  lies  on  the 
circumference  of  the  inner  circle. 

For,  let  CiL  and  C^L  be  any  two  positions  of  the  moving 
diameter,  (7i  and  d  being  the  corresponding  positions  of  the 
centre  of  the  rolling  circle  :  0  and  O2  the  corresponding  posi- 
tions of  the  point  of  contact  of  the  circles.  Now,  if  the  outer 
circle  roll  from  the  former  to  the  latter  position,  the  right 
lines  C1O2  and  CO2  will  coincide  in 
direction,  and  accordingly  the  outer 
circle  will  have  turned  through  the 
angle  C2O2C1 ;  consequently,  the  mov- 
ing diameter  will  have  turned 
through  the  same  angle ;  and  hence 
Z  C2LC1  =  lCiO^Cx",  therefore  the 
point  L  lies  on  the  fixed  circle,  and 
the  diameter  always  passes  through 
the  same  point  on  this  circle. 

Again,    any   right    line    connected  Fie"  60 

with  the  rolling  circle  will  always  touch 
a  fixed  circle. 

For,  let  DE  be  the  moving  line  in  any  position,  and  draw 
the  parallel  diameter  AB\  let  fall  Cii^  and  ZIT  perpendicular 
to  DE.  Then,  by  the  preceding,  AB  always  passes  through 
a  fixed  point  L ;  also  LM=  CiF=  constant ;  hence  D-E"  always 
touches  a  circle  having  its  centre  at  L. 

Again,  to  find  the  roulette  described  by  any  carried  point 
Pi.  The  right  line  Pi(7i,  as  has  been  shown,  always  passes 
through  a  fixed  point  L ;  consequently,  since  CiPi  is  a  con- 
stant length,  the  locus  of  Pi  is  a  Limagon  (Art.  269).  In  like 
manner,  any  other  point  invariably  connected  with  the  outer 
circle  describes  a  Limacon ;  unless  the  point  be  situated  on 
the  circumference  of  the  rolling  circle,  in  which  case  the 
locus  becomes  a  cardioid. 

^eo  Examples — Roulettes. 

1.  "When  the  radii  of  the  fixed  and  the  rolling  circles  become  equal,  prove 
geometrically  that  the  epicycloid  becomes  a  cardioid,  and  the  epitrochoid  a 
Liraa^on  (Art.  269). 

2.  Prove  that  the  equation  of  the  reciprocal  polar  of  an  epicycloid,  with 
respect  to  the  fixed  circle,  is  of  the  form 

r  sin  ma  =  const. 

3.  Prove  that  the  radius  of  curvature  of  an  epicycloid  varies  as  the  perpen- 
dicular on  the  tangent  from  the  centre  of  the  fixed  circle. 

4.  If  a  =  4J,  prove  that  the  equation  of  the  hypocycloid  becomes 

5.  Find  the  equation,  in  terms  of  r  &ndp,  of  the  three-cusped  hypocycloid ; 
«.  e.  when  a  =  zb.  Ans.  r^^a^  -  %f. 

6.  Find  the  equation  of  the  pedal  in  the  same  curve. 

Ans.  jt?  =  5  sin  3w. 

7.  In  the  case  of  a  curve  rolling  on  another  which  is  equal  to  it  in  every 
respect,  corresponding  points  being  in  contact,  prove  that  the  determination  of 
the  roulette  of  any  point  P  is  immediately  reduced  to  finding  the  pedal  of  the 
rolling  curve  with  respect  to  the  point  P. 

8.  Hence,  if  the  curves  be  equal  parabolas,  show  that  the  path  of  the  focus 
is  a  right  line,  and  that  of  the  vertex  a  cissoid. 

9.  In  like  manner,  if  the  curves  be  equal  ellipses,  show  that  the  path  of  the 
focus  is  a  circle,  and  that  of  any  point  is  a  bicircular  quartic. 

10.  In  Art.  285,  prove  that  the  locus  of  the  foci  of  the  ellipses  described  by 
the  different  points  on  any  right  line  is  an  equilateral  hyperbola. 

ir.  -4  is  a  fixed  point  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle ;  the  points  L  and  M 
are  taken  such  that  arc  AL  —  m  arc  AM,  where  m  is  a  constant ;  prove  that  the 
envelope  of  LM  is  an  epicycloid  or  a  hypocycloid,  according  as  the  arcs  AL  and 
AM  are  measured  in  the  same  or  opposite  directions  from  the  point  A. 

12.  Prove  that  ZM,  in  the  case  of  an  epicycloid,  is  divided  internally  in  the 
ratio  w  :  I,  at  its  point  of  contact  with  the  envelope  ;  and,  in  the  hypocycloid, 
externally  in  the  same  ratio. 

13.  Show  also  that  the  given  circle  is  circumscribed  to,  or  inscribed  in,  the 
envelope,  according  as  it  is  an  epicycloid  or  hypocycloid. 

14.  Prove,  from  equation  (14),  that  the  intrinsic  equation  of  an  epicycloid  is 

4J  (a  +  b)    .        a<b 
8  = — i  sm  — r. 

where  s  is  measured  from  the  vertex  of  the  curve. 

15.  Hence  the  equation  «  =  ^  sin  «<^  represents  an  epicycloid  or  a  hypo- 
cycloid, according  as  »  is  less  or  greater  than  unity. 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  an  Epitrochoid  or  Sypotrochoid.    35 1 

16.  In  an  epitrochoid,  if  the  distance,  d,  of  the  moving  point  from  the  centre 
of  the  rolling  circle  be  equal  to  the  distance  between  the  centres  of  the  circles, 
prove  that  the  polar  equation  of  the  locus  becomes 

r  =  2  (a  +  h)  cos 

+  2l 

17.  Hence  show  that  the  curve 

r  =  a  dnrnQ 

is  an  epitrochoid  when  w  <  i,  and  a  hypotrochoid  when  m  >  i. 

This  class  of  curves  was  elaborately  treated  of  by  the  Abbe  Grandi  in  the 
Philosophical  Transactions  for  1723.  He  gave  them  the  name  of  "  Rhodonese," 
from  a  fancied  resemblance  to  the  petals  of  roses.  See  also  Gregory's  Examples 
on  the  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus^  p.  183. 

For  illustrations  of  the  beauty  and  variety  of  form  of  these  curves,  as  well  as 
of  epitrochoids  and  hypotrochoids  in  general,  the  student  is  referred  to  the  admi- 
rable figures  in  Mr.  Proctor's  Geometry  of  Cycloids. 

287.  Centre  of  Curvature  of  an  Epitrochoid  or 
Hypotrocboid. — The  position  of  the  centre  of  curvature  for 
any  point  of  an  epitrochoid  can  be  easily 
found  from  geometrical  considerations.  For, 
let  Cx  and  G^  be  the  centres  of  the  rolling 
and  the  fixed  circles,  Pi  the  centre  of  cur- 
vature of  the  roulette  described  by  Pi ;  and, 
as  before,  let  Oi  and  O2  be  two  points  on  the 
circles,  infinitely  near  to  0,  such  that  OOx 
=  OO2.  Now,  suppose  the  circle  to  roll  until 
Ox  and  Oz  coincide;  then  the  lines  CxOi 
and  C2O2  will  lie  in  directum,  as  also  the 
lines  PxOx  and  P2O2  (since  P2  is  the  point  Fig.  61. 

of  intersection  of  two  consecutive  normals  to 
the  roulette). 

Hence       z  OCxOx  +  L  OC^Oi  =  L  OPxOx  +  L  OP^O^, 

since  each  of  these  sums  represents  the  angle  through  which 
the  circle  has  turned. 

Again,  let    L  CxOPx  =  0,     OOx  =  00^  =  ds ; 


L  OCxOx 

OCx'   "-^^'^'-oci' 

,OPxOx='-^,     ^OPM  =  '-^ 

352  Roulettes, 

consequently  we  have 

Or,  if  OPi  =  n,     OP2  =  i\, 

-^ok='''Ko?/ok)         ^''^ 

II  ,M       I 

-  +  -  =  cos  d)   —  +  -  |. 

From  this,  equation  n,  and  consequently  the  radius  of  curva- 
ture of  the  roulette,  can  be  obtained  for  any  position  of  the 
generating  point  Pi. 

If  we  suppose  Pi  to  be  on  the  circumference  of  the  rolling 

circle,  we  get  cos  ^  =  —7777 ;  whence  it  follows  that 
2  C/Oi 

OP,  =  — ^  OPi, 

which  agrees  with  the  result  arrived  at  in  Art.  279. 

288.  Centre  of  Curvature  of  any  Roulette. — The 

preceding  formula  can  be  readily  extended  to  any  roulette  :  for 
if  (7i  and  C,  be  respectively  the  centres  of  curvature  of  the 
rolling  and  fixed  curves,  corresponding  to  the  point  of  contact  0, 
we  may  regard  OOi  and  00,  as  elementary  arcs  of  the  circles 
of  curvature,  and  the  preceding  demonstration  will  still 

Hence,  denoting  the  radii  of  curvature  00 i  and  00,  by 
Pi  and  Pi,  we  shall  have 

—  +  i  =  cosd)|-  ^■  -\  (22) 
Pi     /02           ^Vi     rij 

It  can  be  easily  seen,  without  drawing  a  separate  figure, 
that  we  must  change  the  sign  of  p,  in  this  formula  when  the 
centres  of  curvature  lie  at  the  same  side  of  0. 

It  may  be  noted  that  Pi  is  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the 
roulette  described  by  the  point  P2,  if  the  lower  curve  be  sup- 
posed to  roll  on  the  upper  regarded  as  fixed. 

289.  Creometrical  Construction*  for  the  Centre  of 

♦  This  beautiful  construction,  and  also  the  formula  (22)  on  which  it  is  based, 
■were  given  by  M.  Savary,  in  his  Leqona  des  Machines  a  VEcole  Foly technique. 
See  also  Leroy's  Qiometrie  Descriptive,  Quatrilme  Edition,  p.  347. 

Construction  for  Centre  of  Curvattcre. 


Curvature  of  a  Roulette. — The  formula  {22)  leads  to 
a  simple  and  elegant  construction  for  the  centre  of  curva- 
ture Pa. 

We  commence  with  the  case  when  the  base  is  a  right 
line,   as  represented  in   the  accom- 
panying figure. 

Join  Pi  to  (7i,  the  centre  of  curva- 
ture of  the  rolling  curve,  and  draw 
ON  perpendicular  to  OPi,  meeting 
FyCi  in  N;  through  N  draw  JVM 
parallel  to  0(7i,  and  the  point  P2  in 
which  it  meets  OPi  is  the  centre  of 
curvature  required. 

For,  equation  {22)  becomes  in 
this  case 

cos  ^  I    TT^^  + 

Fig.  62. 


OF,     OF.. 


V^hence  we  get 

Pi  Pa 
OPi .  OP2 


NC, .  OF, ' 

00,  sin  C,  ON     NO,  sin  C,NO 

.    i^iPa  ^  NF,  ^ 

"    OF2      NC,' 

and,  accordingly,  the  line  NF2  is  parallel  to  Od,  Q.  E.  D, 
The  construction  in  the  general  case  is  as  follows  : — 
Determine  the  point  N  as  in  the  former 
case,  and  join  it  to  Cg,  the  centre  of  curva- 
ture of  the  fixed  curve,  then  the  point  of 
intersection  of  NCz  and  F,0  is  the  required 
centre  of  curvature. 

This  is  readily  established  ;  for,  from 
the  equation 

CC^        _  cos  ^PiPa^ 

OC.OC  OF,.  OF  J 

CiCa     OF2         O(7iCOS0 


we  get 



2  A 

Fig.  63. 



But,  as  before, 

OGi  cos  ^  = 

CN.OPx      .    OCiCos0 
NPr      '  "        OP, 



C,C,    OP2  ^NCi 
OCP^P,"  NPx 

Consequently,  by  the  well-known  property  of  a  transversal 
cutting  the  sides  of  a  triangle,  the  points  d,  P2,  and  N  are 
in  directum. 

The  modification  in  the  construction  when  the  rolling 
curve  is  a  right  line  can  be  readily  supplied  by  the  student. 

290.  Circle  of  Inflexions. — The  following  geometrical 
construction  is  in  many  cases  more  Cj 

useful  than  the  preceding. 

On  the  line  OCi  take  ODi  such 



00,     OO2' 

and  on  OD,  as  diameter  describe  a 
circle.  Let  JE,  be  its  point  of  inter- 
section with  OPiy  then  we  have 

and  formula  {22)  becomes 

I  I 



OPx     OP2     OAcos^     OEi' 
Hence,  if  the  tracing  point  Pi  lie  on  the  circle*  OEiD,, 

♦  This  theorem  is  due  to  La  Hire,  who  showed  that  the  element  of  the 
roulette  traced  by  any  point  is  convex  or  concave  with  respect  to  the  point  of 
contact,  0,  according  as  the  tracing  point  is  inside  or  outside  this  circle.     (See 

Envelope  of  a  Carried  Curve,  355 

the  corresponding  value  of  OP2  is  infinite,"  and  consequently 
Pi  is  a  point  of  inflexion  on  the  roulette. 

In  consequence  of  this  property,  the  circle  in  question  is 
called  the  circle  of  inflexions,  as  each  point  on  it  is  a  point  of 
inflexion  on  the  roulette  which  it  describes. 

Again,  it  can  be  shown  that  the  lines  Pi  P2,  PiQ-^^  Pi  Ei 
are  in  continued  proportion ;  as  also  CiCz,  CiOy  anJ  CxBi. 
For,  from  (23)  we  have 

P1P2  I 

OPi.OF,     OE, 
Hence  P1P2  :F,0=OP^:  OEr, 

.-.  PiPa :  PiO  =  P1P2  -OP,:P,0-  OE,  =  P,0:  P^E,.     (24) 
In  the  same  manner  it  can  be  shown  that 

CiA:CiO=(7iO:(7ii)i.  (25) 

In  the  particular  case  where  the  base  is  a  right  line,  the 
circle  of  inflexions  becomes  the  circle  described  on  the  radius 
of  curvature  of  the  rolling  curve  as  diameter. 

Again,  if  we  take  OD2  =  ODiy  we  shall  have,  by  describing 
a  circle  on  ODg  as  diameter, 

C2C/1   '.    O2C/  =    {y-iiJ  '.    L/2-L^2) 

and  also  P2P1 :  P2O  =  P2O  :  P^E^.  (26) 

The  importance  of  these  results  will  be  shown  further  on. 

291.  Envelope  of  a  Carried  Curve. — We  shall  next 
consider  the  envelope  of  a  curve  invariably  connected  with  the 
rolling  curve,  and  carried  with  it  in  its  motion. 

Since  the  moving  curve  touches  its  envelope  in  each  of  its 

Memoires  de  V Academie  des  Sciences,  1706.)  It  is  strange  that  this  remarkable 
result  remained  almost  unnoticed  until  recent  years,  when  it  was  found  to 
contain  a  key  to  the  theory  of  curvature  for  roulettes,  as  well  as  for  the 
envelopes  of  any  carried  curves.  How  little  it  is  even  as  yet  appreciated  in 
this  country  v/ill  be  apparent  to  any  one  who  studies  the  most  recent  produc- 
tions on  roulettes,  even  by  distinguished  British  Mathematicians. 

2  A  2 

356  Roulettes. 

positions,  the  path  of  its  point  of  contact  at  any  instant  must 
be  tangential  to  the  envelope;  hence  the  normal  at  their 
common  point  must  pass  through  0,  the  point  of  contact  of 
the  fixed  and  rolling  curves. 

In  the  particular  case  in  which  the  carried  curve  is  a 
right  line,  its  point  of   contact   v^ith 
its  envelope  is  found  by  dropping   a 
perpendicular  on  it  from  the  point  of 
contact  0. 

For  example,  suppose  a  circle  to 
roll  on  any  curve :  to  find  the  envelope* 
of  any  diameter  PQ  : — 

From  0  draw  ON  perpendicular 
to  PQ,  then  N,  by  the  preceding,  is  Yis.  6$. 

a  point  on  the  envelope. 

On  0(7  describe  a  semicircle;  it  will  pass  through  iV", 
and,  as  in  Art.  286,  the  arc  ON  =  arc  OP  =  OA,  if  A  be 
the  point  in  which  P  was  originally  in  contact  with  the 
fixed  curve.  Consequently,  the  envelope  in  question  is  the 
roulette  traced  by  a  point  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle 
of  half  the  radius  of  the  rolling  circle,  having  the  fixed  curve 
AO  for  its  base. 

For  instance,  if  a  circle  roll  on  a  right  line,  the  envelope  of 
any  diameter  is  a  cycloid,  the  radius  of  whose  generating  circle 
is  half  that  of  the  rolling  circle. 

Again,  if  a  circle  roll  on  another,  the  envelope  of  any 
diameter  of  the  rolling  circle  is  an  epicycloid,  or  a  hypocycloid. 

Moreover,  it  is  obvious  that  if  two  carried  right  lines  be 
parallel,  their  envelopes  will  be  parallel  curves.  For  ex- 
ample, the  envelope  of  any  right  line,  carried  by  a  circle 
which  rolls  on  a  right  line,  is  a  parallel  to  a  cycloid,  i.e.  the 
involute  of  a  cycloid. 

These  results  admit  of  being  stated  in  a  somewhat  different 
form,  as  follows : 

If  one  point.  A,  in  a  plane  area  move  uniformly  along  a 
right  line,  while  the  area  turns  uniformly  in  its  own  plane, 
then  the  envelope  of  any  carried  right  line  is  an  involute  to  a 
cycloid.     If  the  carried  line  passes  through  the  moving  point 

*  The  theorems  of  this  Article  are,  I  believe,  due  to  Chasles  :  see  his  Histoire 
de  La  Geometrie,  p.  6q. 

Centre  of  Curvature  of  the  Envelope  of  a  Carried  Curve.    357 

A,  its  envelope  is  a  cycloid.  Again,  if  tB*e  point  A  move 
uniformly  on  the  circumference  of  a  fixed  circle,  while  the 
area  revolves  uniformly,  the  envelope  of  any  carried  right 
line  is  an  involute  to  either  an  epi-  or  hypo-cycloid.  If  the 
carried  right  line  passes  through  A,  its  envelope  is  either  an 
epi-  or  hypo- cycloid. 

292.  Centre  of  Curvature  of  the  Envelope  of  a 
Carried  Curve. — Let  aj)i  represent  a 
portion  of  the  carried  curve,  to  which  Dm 
is  normal  at  the  point  m ;  then,  by  the 
preceding,  m  is  the  point  of  contact  of  aihx 
with  its  envelope. 

Now,  suppose  fl'2^2  to  represent  a  por- 
tion of  the  envelope,  and  let  Pi  be  the 
centre  of  curvature  of  «i6i,  for  the  point  m, 
and  P2  the  corresponding  centre  of  cur- 
vature of  ^2^2- 

As  before,  take  d  and  O2  such  that 
00,  =  OO2,  and  join  PiOi  and  P2O2. 
Again,  suppose  the  curve  to  roll  until 
Oi  and  O2  coincide;  then  the  lines  PiOx 
and  P2O2  will  come  in  directum,  as  also 
the  lines  dCi  and  O^Cz ;  and,  as  in  Art. 
288,  we  shall  have 

Fig.  66. 

zOi  +  z:C2  =  zPi  +  zPa; 

and  consequently 

ok ""  ^r '"' H^.  ■"  ^) 


From  this  equation  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  enve- 
lope, for  any  position,  can  be  found.  Moreover,  it  is  obvious 
that  the  geometrical  constructions  of  Arts.  289,  290,  equally 
apply  in  this  case.  It  may  be  remarked  that  these  construc- 
tions hold  in  all  cases,  whatever  be  the  directions  of  curvature 
of  the  curves. 

The  case  where  the  moving  curve  aihi  is  a  right  line  is 
worthy  of  especial  notice. 



In  this  case  the  normal  Om  is  perpendicular  to  the  moving 
line ;  and,  since  the  point  Pi  is  ini&nitely 
distant,  we  have 


=  7777  (^^^-  290); 

OP,      00,     00,     OD 

whence,  F,  is  situated  on  the  lower  circle  of 
inflexions.     Hence  we  infer  that  the  dif- 
ferent centres  of  curvature  of  the  curves  en- 
veloped hy  all  carried  right   lines,   at  any  pj     g^; 
instant,  lie  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle. 

As  an  example,  suppose  the  right  line  OM  to  roll  on  a 
fixed  circle,  whose  centre  is  C,,  to 
find  the  envelope  of  any  carried  right 
line,  LM. 

In  this  case  the  centre  of  cur- 
vature, P2,  of  the  envelope  of  LM, 
lies,  by  the  preceding,  on  the  circle 
described  on  00  as  diameter;  and, 
accordingly,  OP,  is  perpendicular 
to  the  normal  Pi  P,. 

Hence,  since  L  OLPi  remains 
constant  during  the  motion,  the  line 
OPi  is  of  constant  length;  and,  if 
we  describe  a  circle  with  0  as  centre,  pig.  68. 

and  OP1  as  radius,  the  envelope  of 

the  moving  line  LM  will,  in  all  positions,  be  an  involute  of  a 
circle.  The  same  reasoning  applies  to  any  other  moving 
right  line. 

We  shall  conclude  with  the  statement  of  one  or  two  other 
important  particular  cases  of  the  general  principle  of  this 

(i).  If  the  envelope  a^h,  of  the  moving  curve  aihx  he  a  right 
line,  the  centre  of  curvature  Pi  lies  on  the  corresponding  circle  of 

(2).  If  the  moving  right  line  alicays  passes  through  a  fixed 
point,  that  point  lies  on  the  circle  OB^E,. 

292  (a).  Ei:presision  for  Radius  of  Curvature  of 
Envelope  of  a  Right  liine. — The  following  expression 
for  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the  envelope  of  a  moving  right 

On  the  Motion  of  a  Plane  Figure  in  its  Plane,         359 

line  is  sometimes  useful.  Let  p  be  tlie  perpendicular  distance 
of  the  moving  line,  in  any  position,  from  a  fixed  point  in  the 
plane,  and  w  the  angle  that  this  perpendicular  makes  with  a 
fixed  line  in  the  plane,  and  p  the  radius  of  curvature  of  the 
envelope  at  the  point  of  contact;  then,  by  Art.  206,  we  have 

^^P  /     ON 

Whenever  the  conditions  of  the  problem  givejo  in  terms  of 
w  (the  angle  through  which  the  figure  has  turned),  the  value 
of  p  can  be  found  from  this  equation.  For  example,  the  re- 
sult established  in  last  Article  {see  Fig.  68)  can  be  easily 
deduced  from  {2^).     This  is  left  as  an  exercise  for  the  student. 

293.  On  the  Motion  of  a  Plane  Figure  in  its  Plane. 
— "We  shall  now  proceed  to  the  consideration  of  a  general 
method,  due  to  Chasles,  which  is  of  fundamental  importance 
in  the  treatment  of  roulettes,  as  also  in  the  general  investi- 
gation of  the  motion  of  a  rigid  body. 

We  shall  commence  with  the  following  theorem : — 

When  an  invariable  plane  figure  moves  in  its  plane,  it  can 
he  brought  from  any  one  position  to  any  other  by  a  single  rotation 
round  a  fixed  point  in  its  plane. 

For,  let  A  and  B  be  two  points  of  the  figure  in  its  first 
position,  and  Ai,  Bi  their  new 
positions  after  a  displacement. 
Join  A  Ax  and  BBi,  and  sup- 
pose the  perpendiculars  drawn 
at  the  middle  points  of  AAi 
and  BBi  to  intersect  at  0 ; 
then  we  have  AO  =  AiO,  and 
BO  =  BiO.  Also,  since  the 
triangles  AOB  and  AiOBi 
have    their    sides    respectively  ^^'   ^' 

equal,  we  have  Z.AOB  =  lA.OB^  ;  .•.  z  AOA^  =  lBOBx. 

Accordingly,  AB  will  be  brought  to  the  position  A^Bx  by 
a  rotation  through  the  angle  AOAx  round  0.  Consequently, 
any  point  C  in  the  plane,  which  is  rigidly  connected  with  AB, 
will  be  brought  from  its  original  to  its  new  position,  Cx,  by 
the  same  rotation. 

This  latter  result  can  also  be  proved  otherwise  thus : — Join 
OC  and  OCx ;  then  the  triangles  OAO  and  OAiCx  are  equal, 

360  Roulettes. 

because  OA  =  OAi,  AC  =  A,Ci,  and  the  angle  OAC,  being 
the  difference  between  OAB  and  BAC,  is  equal  to  OA.d, 
the  difference  between  OA^Bx  and  BiAiCi  ;  therefore  OC 
=  OCi,  and  lAOC  =  lA.OC^  ;  and  hence  z  ^O^i  =  /  COC^. 
Consequently  the  point  G  is  brought  to  Ci  by  a  rotation 
round  0  through  the  same  angle  AOAx.  The  sarae  reasoning 
applies  to  any  other  point  invariably  connected  with  A  and  B. 

The  preceding  construction  re- 
quires modification  when  the  lines 
AAi  and  BBi  are  parallel.  In  this 
case  the  point,  0,  of  intersection  of  the 
lines  BA  and  BiAi  is  easily  seen  to  be 
the  point  of  instantaneous  rotation. 

For,  since  AB  =  A^Bx,  and  AAi,  ^1^^  ^o^ 

BBi,  are  parallel,  we  have  OA  =  OAi, 

and  OB  =  OBi.  Hence,  the  figure  will  be  brought  from  its 
old  to  its  new  position  by  a  rotation  around  0  through  the 
angle  AOAy. 

Next,  let  AAij  and  BBi  be  both  equal  and  parallel.  In 
this  case  the  point  0  is  at  an  infinite  distance ;  but  it  is 
obvious  that  each  point  in  the  plane  moves  through  the  same 
distance,  equal  and  parallel  to  AA^ ;  and  the  motion  is  one  of 
simple  translation,  without  any  rotation. 

In  general  if  we  suppose  the  two  positions  of  the  moving 
figure  to  be  indefinitely  near  each  other,  then  the  line  AAi, 
joining  two  infinitely  near  positions  of  the  same  point  of  the 
figure,  becomes  an  element  of  the  curve  described  by  that  point, 
and  the  line  OA  becomes  at  the  same  time  a  normal  to  the  curve. 
Hence,  the  normals  to  the  paths  described  by  all  the  points  of  the 
moving  figure  pass  through  0,  which  point  is  called  the  instan- 
taneous centre  of  rotation. 

The  position  of  0  is  determined  whenever  the  directions  of 
motion  of  any  two  points  of  the  moving  figure  are  known  ;  for  it 
is  the  intersection  of  the  normals  to  the  curves  described  by 
those  points. 

This  furnishes  a  geometrical  method  of  drawing  tangents 
to  many  curves,  as  was  observed  by  Chasles.* 

•  This  method  is  given  by  Chasles  as  a  generalization  of  the  method  of  Des- 
cartes (Art.  273,  note).  It  is  itself  a  particular  case  of  a  more  general  principle 
concerning  homologous  figures.  See  Chasles,  Eistoirc  de  la  Geometrie,  pp.  548-9  : 
9\wi  Bulletin  Universel  dea  Sciences,  1830. 

Chasles'  Method  of  drawing  NormaU.  301 


The  following  case  is  deserving  of  special  consideration : — 

A  right  line  always  passes  through  a  fixed 

point,  while  one  of  its  points  moves  along  a 

fixed  line  :  to  find  the  instantaneous  centre  of 

rotation.     Let  A  be  the  fixed  point,  and  AB 

any   position   of  the   moving  line,    and  take 

B'  A  =  BA  ;  then  the  centre  of  rotation,  0,  is 

found  as  before,  and  is  such  that  OA  =  0A\ 

and  OB  =  OB".     Accordingly,  in  the  limit  the     ^  ^ 

centre  of  instantaneous  rotation  is  the  inter-         j.- 

section  oi  BO  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  fixed 

line,  and  A  0  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  moving  line  at  the 

fixed  point. 

In  general,  if  ABhe  any  moving  curve,  and  Zilf  any  fixed 
curve,  the  instantaneous  centre  of  rotation  is  the  point  of  inter- 
section of  the  normals  to  the  fixed  and  to  the  moving  curves j  for 
any  position. 

Also  the  normal  to  the  curve  described  by  any  point  in- 
variably connected  with  AB  is  obtained  by  joining  the  point 
to  0,  the  instantaneous  centre. 

More  generally,  if  a  moving  curve  always  touches  a  fixed 
curve  -4,  while  one  point  on  the  moving  curve  moves  along  a 
second  fixed  curve  B,  the  instantaneous  centre  is  the  point  of 
intersection  of  the  normals  to  A  and  B  at  the  corresponding 
points;  and  the  line  joining  this  centre  to  any  describing 
point  is  normal  to  the  path  which  it  describes. 

We  shall  illustrate  this  method  of  drawing  tangents  by 
applying  it  to  the  conchoid  and  the  limacon. 

294.  Application  to  Curves. — In  the  Conchoid  (Fig.  49, 
ps-g®  332),  regarding  AP  as  a  moving  right  line,  the 
instantaneous  centre  0  is  the  point  of  intersection  oi  AO 
drawn  perpendicular  to  AP,  with  RO  drawn  perpendicular  to 
LM]  and  consequently,  OP  and  OPi  are  the  normals  at  P 
and  Pi,  respectively. 

For  the  same  reason,  the  normal  to  the  Limacon  (Fig.  48, 
page  331)  at  any  point  Pis  got  by  drawing  OQ  perpendicular 
to  OP  to  meet  the  circle  in  Q,  and  joining  PQ. 

362  Roulettes. 


1.  If  the  radius  vector,  OP,  drawn  from  the  origin  to  any  point  P  on  a  curve, 
be  produced  to  Pi,  until  PPi  be  a  constant  length  ;  prove  that  the  normal  at  P\ 
to  the  locus  of  Pi,  the  normal  at  P  to  the  original  curve,  and  the  perpendicular 
at  the  origin  to  the  line  OP,  all  pass  through  the  same  point. 

2.  If  a  constant  length  measured  from  the  curve  be  taken  on  the  normals 
along  a  given  curve,  prove  that  these  lines  are  also  normals  to  the  new  curve 
which  is  the  locus  of  their  extremities. 

3.  An  angle  of  constant  magnitude  moves  in  such  a  manner  that  its  sides 
constantly  touch  a  given  plane  curve ;  prove  that  the  normal  to  the  curve  de- 
scribed by  its  vertex,  P,  is  got  by  joining  Pto  the  centre  of  the  circle  passing 
through  P  and  the  points  in  which  the  sides  of  the  moveable  angle  touch  the 
given  curve. 

4.  If  on  the  tangent  at  each  point  on  a  curve  a  constant  length  measured 
from  the  point  of  contact  be  taken,  prove  that  the  normal  to  the  locus  of  the 
points  so  found  passes  through  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  proposed  curve. 

5.  In  general,  if  through  each  point  of  a  curve  a  line  of  given  length  be 
drawn  making  a  constant  angle  with  the  normal,  the  normal  to  the  curve  locus 
of  the  extremities  of  this  line  passes  through  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  pro- 

295.  Motion  of  any  Plane  Figure  reduced  to 
Roulettes. — ^Again,  the  most  general  motion  of  any  figure 
in  its  plane  may  be  regarded  as  consisting  of  a  number  of 
infinitely  small  rotations  about  the  different  instantaneous 
centres  taken  in  succession. 

Let  0,  0\  0'\  0"\  &c.,  represent  the  successive  centres  of 
rotation,  and  consider  the  instant  when  i,r^ 

the  figure  turns  through  the  angle  OxOO  q  /'' '    ^ 

round  the  point  0.     This  rotation  will  q   Zl-'  t^ 

bring  a  certain  point  Ox  of  the  figure  to     _^i,^^ 

coincide  with  the  next  centre  (7.  The  next    '^^^^^" "^^ 

rotation  takes  place  around  0';  and  suppose        o\;--.. 
the  point  O2  brought  to  coincide  with  the  (fV./ 

centre  of  rotation  0".  In  like  manner,  by  "V^^  T' 

a  third  rotation  the  point  O3  is  brought  to  ^  1\ 

coincide  with  (/",  and  so  on.     By  this  ^  \    ,. 

means  the  motion  of  the  moveable  figure  ^i 

is  equivalent  to  the  rolling  of  the  polygon  ^^'  ^^' 

OOiOiOz  .  .  .  invariably  connected  with  the  figure,  on  the 
polygon  Oaa'O'"  .  .  .  fixed  in  the  plane.  In  the  limit,  the 
polygons  change  into  curves,  of  which  one  rolls,   without 

Epicyclics.  363 

sliding,  on  the  other ;  and  hence  we  conclude  that  the  general 
movement  of  any  plane  figure  in  its  own  plane  is  equivalent  to  the 
rolling  of  one  curve  on  another  fixed  curve. 

These  curves  are  called  by  Eeuleaux*  the  "centrodes"  of 
the  moving  figures. 

For  example,  suppose  two  points  A  and  B  of  the  moving 
figure  to  slide  along  two  fixed  right 
lines  CX  and  CY;  then  the  instan- 
taneous centre  0  is  the  point  of  inter- 
section of  ^0  and  BO,  drawn  perpen- 
dicular to  the  fixed  lines.  Moreover, 
as  AB  is  a  constant  length,  and  the 
angle  ACB  is  fixed,  the  length  CO  is 
constant  ;  consequently  the  locus  of 
the  instantaneous  centre  is  the  circle 
described  with  C  as  centre,  and  CO  as  ^^*  ^^' 

radius.  Again,  if  we  describe  a  circle  round  CBOA,  this 
circle  is  invariably  connected  with  the  line  AB,  and  moves 
with  it.  Hence  the  motion  of  any  figure  invariably  connected 
with  AB  is  equivalent  to  the  rolling  of  a  circle  inside  another 
of  double  its  radius  {see  Art.  285). 

Again,  if  we  consider  the  angle  XCY  to  move  so  that  its 
legs  pass  through  the  fixed  points  A  and  B,  respectively ;  then 
the  instantaneous  centre  0  is  determined  as  before.  More- 
over, the  circle  BCA  becomes  a,  fixed  circle,  along  which  the 
instantaneous  centre  0  moves.  Also,  since  CO  is  of  constant 
length,  the  outer  circle  becomes  in  this  case  the  rolling  curve. 
Hence  the  motion  of  any  figure  invariably  connected  with  the 
moving  lines  CX  and  CY  is  equivalent  to  the  rolling  of  the 
outer  circle  on  the  inner  (compare  Art.  286). 

295  (a).  Epicyclics. — As  a  further  example,  suppose  one 
point  in  a  plane  area  to  move  uniformly  along  the  circum- 
ference of  a  fixed  circle,  while  the  area  revolves  with  a  uniform 
angular  motion  around  the  point,  to  find  the  position  of  the 

The  directions  of  motion  are  indicated  by  the  arrow 
heads.     Let  C  be  the  centre  of  the  fixed  circle,  P  the  position 

*  See   Kennedy's   translation  of    Eeuleaux' s    Kinematics  of  Machinery, 
pp.  65,  &c. 



of  the  moving  point  at  any  instant,  Q  a  point  in  the  moving 

figure  such  that   CP  =  FQ. 

Now,  to  find  the  position  of 

the  instantaneous    centre    of 

rotations  it  is    necessary   to 

get  the  direction  of  motion  of 

the  point  Q. 

Let  Pi  represent  a  con- 
secutive position  of  P,  then 
the  simultaneous  position  of  Q 
is  got  by  first  supposing  it  to 
move  through  the  infinitely 
small  length  QR,  equal  and 
parallel  to  PPi,  and  then  to 
turn  round  Pi,  through  the 
angle  RPiQi,  which  the  area 
turns  through  while  P  moves 
to  Pi.  Moreover,  by  hypo- 
thesis, the  angles  PC^Pi  and  RPxQi  are  in  a 

Fig.  74. 

constant  ratio : 
if  this  ratio  be  denoted  by  m,  we  have  (since  PQ  =  PC) 

RQr  =  mPPi  =  mQR. 

Join  Q  and  Qi,  then  QQ,  represents  the  direction  of  mo- 
tion of  Q.  Hence  the  right  line  QO,  drawn  perpendicular 
to  QQi,  intersects  CP  in  the  instantaneous  centre  of  rotation. 

Again,  since  the  directions  of  PO,  PQ,  and  QO  are,  re- 
spectively, perpendicular  to  QR,  RQi,  and  QQi,  the  triangles 
QPO  and  QiRQ  are  similar ; 

.'.  PQ  =  mPO,  i.e.  CP  =  mPO. 

Accordingly,  the  instantaneous  centre  of  rotation  is  got 
by  cutting  off 



Hence,  if  we  describe  two  circles,  one  with  centre  C  and 
radius  CO,  the  other  with  centre  P  and  radius  PO;  these 
circles  are  the  required  centrodes;  and  the  motion  is  equivalent 
to  the  rolling  of  the  outer  circle  on  the  inner. 



Accordingly,  any  point  on  the  cirdlimference  of  the  outer 
circle  describes  an  epicycloid,  and  any  point  not  on  this  cir- 
cumference describes  an  epitrochoid.  When  the  angular 
motion  of  PQ  is  less  than  that  of  CP,  i.e.  when  m  <  i, 
the  point  0  lies  in  PC  produced.  Accordingly,  in  this 
case,  the  fixed  circle  lies  inside  the  rolling  circle;  and  the 
curves  traced  by  any  point  are  still  either  epitrochoids  or  epi- 

In  the  preceding  we  have  supposed  that  the  angular 
rotations  take  place  in  the  same  direction.  If  we  suppose  them 
to  be  in  opposite  directions,  the  construction  has  to  be  modified, 
as  in  the  accompanying  figure. 

In  this   case,    the    angle  ^!%Pf% 

RPiQi  must  be  measured  in 
an  opposite  direction  to  that 
of  PCPx ;  and,  proceeding  as 
in  the  former  case,  the  direc- 
tion of  motion  of  Q  is  repre- 
sented by  QQi',  accordingly, 
the  perpendicular  QO  will  in- 
tersect CP  produced,  and,  as 
before,  we  have 





Hence  the  motion  is  equi- 
valent to  the  rolling  of  a  circle 

of  radius  PO  on  the  inside  of  a  fixed  circle,  whose  radius  is 
CO.  Accordingly,  in  this  case,  the  path  described  by  any 
point  in  the  moving  area  not  on  the  circumference  of  the 
rolling  circle  is  a  hypotrochoid. 

Also,  from  Art.  291,  it  is  plain  that  the  envelope  of  any 
right  line  which  passes  through  the  point  P  in  the  moving 
area  is  an  epicycloid  in  the  former  case,  and  a  hypocycloid 
in  the  latter. 

Again,  if  we  suppose  the  point  P,  instead  of  moving  in  a 
circle,  to  move  uniformly  in  a  right  line,  the  path  of  any 
point  in  the  moving  area  becomes  either  a  trochoid  or  a 

Curves  traced  as  above,  that  is,  by  a  point  which  moves 

366  Boulettes, 

uniformly  round  the  circumference  of  a  circle^  whose  centre  moves 
uniformly  on  the  circumference  of  a  fixed  circle  in  the  same 
plane,  are  called  epicyclics,  and  were  invented  by  Ptolemy 
(about  A.D.  140)  for  the  purpose  of  explaining  the  planetary 
motions.  In  this  system*  the  fixed  circle  is  called  the  deferent, 
and  that  in  which  the  tracing  point  moves  is  called  the 
epicycle.  The  motion  in  the  fixed  circle  may  be  supposed  in 
all  cases  to  take  place  in  the  same  direction  around  0,  that 
indicated  by  the  arrows  in  our  figures.  Such  motion  is  called 
direct.  The  case  for  which  the  motion  in  the  epicycle  is  direct 
is  exhibited  in  Fig.  74. 

Angular  motion  in  the  reverse  direction  is  called  retro- 
grade. This  case  is  exhibited  in  Fig.  75.  The  corresponding 
epicyclics  are  called  by  Ptolemy  direct  and  retrograde  epicy- 

The  preceding  investigation  shows  that  every  direct  epi- 
cyclic  is  an  epitrochoid,  and  every  retrograde  epicyclio  a 

It  is  obvious  that  the  greatest  distance  in  an  epicyclio 
from  the  centre  C  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  radii  of  the  circles, 
and  the  least  to  their  difference.  Such  points  on  the  epicyclio 
are  called  apocentres  and  pericentres,  respectively. 

Again,  if  a  represent  the  radius  of  the  fixed  circle  or 
deferent,  and  /3  the  radius  of  the  revolving  circle  or  epicycle  ; 
then,  if  the  curve  be  referred  to  rectangular  axes,  that  of  x 
passing  through  an  apocentre,  it  is  easily  seen  that  we  have 
for  a  direct  epicyclic 

iP  =  a  cos  0  +  j3  cos  mB,  \ 
p  =  asmd  +  j5  sm  mO.  ) 

*  The  importance  of  the  epicyclic  method  of  Ptolemy,  in  representing  ap- 
proximately the  planetary  paths  relative  to  the  earth  at  rest,  has  recently  heen 
brought  prominently  forward  by  Mr.  Proctor,  to  whose  work  on  the  Geometry  of 
Cycloids  the  student  is  referred  for  fuller  information  on  the  subject. 

We  owe  also_  to  Mr.  Proctor  the  remark  that  the  invention  of  cycloids,  epi- 
cycloids, and  epitrochoids,  is  properly  attributable  to  Ptolemy  and  the  ancient 
astronomers,  who,  in  their  treatment  of  epicyclics,  first  investigated  some  of 
the  properties  of  such  curves.  It  may,  however,  be  doubted  if  Ptolemy  had 
any  idea  of  the  shape  of  an  epicyclic,  as  no  trace  oi"  such  is  to  be  found  in  the  entire 
of  his  great  work,  The  Almagest. 

Example  on  the  Construction  of  Circle  of  Inflexions.     367 

The  formulae  for  a  retrograde  epicyclio  are  obtained  by 
changing  the  sign  of  m  (compare  Art.  284). 

It  is  easily  seen  that  every  epicyclic  admits  of  a  twofold 

For,  if  we  make  md  =  <{),  equation  (30)  may  be  written 


a?  =  3  cos  d>  +  a  cos  — , 

^    .  .6 

y  =  j3  sm  d)  +  a  sm  — , 

which  is  equivalent  to  an  interchange  of  the  radii  of  the 
deferent  circle  and  of  the  epicycle,  and  an  alteration  of  m 

into  — .    This  result  can  also  be  seen  immediately  geometri- 


It  may  be  remarked  that  this  contains  Euler's  theorem 
(Art.  280)  under  it  as  a  particular  case. 

296.  Properties   of  the  Circle   of  Inflexions. — It 

should  be  especially  observed  that  the  results  established  in 
Art.  290,  relative  to  the  circle  of  inflexions,  hold  in  all  cases 
of  the  motion  of  a  figure  in  its  plane,  and  hence  we  infer 
that  the  distances  of  any  moving  point  from  the  centre  of  curva- 
ture of  its  path,  from  the  instantaneous  centre  of  rotation,  and 
from  the  circle  of  inflexions,  are  in  continued  proportion. 

Again,  from  Art.  292,  we  infer  that  if  a  moveable  curve 
slide  on  a  fixed  curve,  the  distances  of  the  centre  of  curvature  of 
the  moving,  from  that  of  the  flxed  curve,  from  the  centre  of  in- 
stantaneous rotation,  and  from  the  circle  of  inflexions,  are  in 
continued  proportion. 

The  particular  cases  mentioned  in  these  Articles  obviously 
hold  also  in  this  case,  and  admit  of  similar  enunciations. 

These  principles  are  the  key  to  the  theory  of  the  curvature 
of  the  paths  of  points  carried  by  moving  curves,  as  also  to  the 
curvature  of  the  envelopes  of  carried  curves. 

We  shall  illustrate  this  statement  by  a  few  applications. 

297.  Sxample  on  tlie  Construction  of  Circle  of 
Inflexions. — Suppose  two  curves  aj)i  and  Cidi,  invariably  con^ 
nected  with  a  moving  plane  figure,  always  to  touch  two  fixed 
curves  a^h  and  c^dz^  to  find  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  roulette 
described  by  any  point  Rx  of  the  moving  figure. 

J  68  Roulettes. 

The  instantaneous  circle  of  inflexions  is  easily  constructed 
in  the  following  manner : — Let 
Pi  and  P3  be  the  centres  of  cur- 
vature for  the  point  of  contact 
m  for  the  curves  aih  and  a^h^, 
respectively :  and  let  Qi,  Qz,  be 
the  corresponding  points  for 
the  curves  c^d^  and  c^di.     Take 

then,  by  Art.  290,  the^  points        '  p-g  ^5 

Ex  and  Fi  lie  on  the  circle  of 

inflexions.    Accordingly,  the  circle  which  passes  through  0, 

Ei  and  Pi,  is  the  circle  of  inflexions. 

Hence,  if  PiO  meet  this  circle  in  Gi,  and  we  take 

R1R2  =  ^^-pTi  ^^®  point  P2  (by  the  same  theorem)  is  the 

centre  of  curvature  of  the  roulette  described  hy  Pi. 

In  the  same  case,  by  a  like  construction,  the  centre  of  cur- 
vature of  the  envelope  of  any  carried  curve  can  be  found. 

The  modifications  when  any  of  the  curves  «i6i,  a-ih^  &c., 
becomes  a  right  line,  or  reduces  to  a  single  point,  can  also  be 
readily  seen  by  aid  of  the  principles  already  established  for 
such  cases. 

298.  Theorem  of  Bobillier.* — If  two  sides  of  amoving 
triangle  always  touch  two  fixed  circleSy  the  third  side  also  always 
touches  a  fixed  circle. 

Let  ABC  be  the  moving  triangle  ;  the  side  AB  touching 
at  <?  a  fixed  circle  whose  centre  is  7,  and  AC  touching  at  J  a 
circle  with  centre  /3.  Then  the  instantaneous  centre  0  is  the 
point' of  intersection  of  5/3  and  cy. 

Again,  the  angle  jSOy,  being  the  supplement  of  the  con- 
stant angle  BAC,  is  given;  and  consequently  the  instanta- 
neous centre  0  always  lies  on  a  fixed  circle. 

*  Coiirs  de  g  dome  trie  pour  les  ecoles  des  arts  et  metiers.  See  also  Collignon, 
Traite  de  Mecanique  Cinematique,  p.  306. 

This  theorem  admits  of  a  simple  proof  by  elementary  geometry.  The  in- 
vestigation above  has  however  the  advantage  of  connecting  it  with  the  general 
theory  given  in  the  preceding  Articles,  as  well  as  of  leading  to  the  more  general 
theorem  stated  at  the  end  of  this  Article. 

Analytical  Demonstration, 


Fig.  77. 

Also  if  Oa  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  third  side  BCy 
a  is  the  point  in  which  the  side 
touches  its  envelope  (Art.  291). 
Produce  aO  to  meet  the  circle 
in  a ;  and  since  the  angle  a  0/3 
is  equal  to  the  angle  ACB,  it 
is  constant ;  and  consequently 
the  point  a  is  a  fixed  point  on  the 
circle.  Again,  by  (4)  Art.  292, 
the  circle  jSOy  passes  through 
the  centre  of  curvature  of  the 
envelope  of  any  carried  right 
line;  and  accordingly  a  is  the 
centre  of  curvature  of  the  enve- 
lope oi  JBC;  but  a  has  already 
been  proved  to  be  a  fixed  point ; 
consequently  BCin  all  positions  touches  a  fixed  circle  whose 
centre  is  a.    (Compare  Art.  286.) 

This  result  can  be  readily  extended  to  the  case  where  the 
sides^jB  and  AG  slide  on  any  curves  ;  for  we  can,  for  an  in- 
finitely small  motion,  substitute  for  the  curves  the  osculating 
circles  at  the  points  b  and  c,  and  the  construction  for  the  point 
a  will  give  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  envelope  of  the 
third  side  BC. 

298  (a).  Analytical  Demonstration. — The  result  of  the 
preceding  Article  can  also  be  established  analytically,  as  was 
shown  by  Mr.  Ferrers,  in  the  following  manner  : — 

Let  ay  h,  c  represent  the  lengths  of  the  sides  of  the  moving 
triangle,  and  pi,  p^^  pz  the  perpendiculars  from  any  point 
on  the  sides  a^  h,  c,.  respectively  ;  then,  by  elementary 
geometry,  we  have 

api  +  hjh  -^  cpz=  2  (area  of  triangle)  =  2A. 

Again,  if  jOi,  /Q2,  /03  be  the  radii  of  curvature  of  the  enve- 
lopes of  the  three  sides,  and  w  the  angle  through  which  each 
of  the  perpendiculars  has  turned,  we  have  by  {2d>)y 

api  +  hp2  +  cpz  =  2A. 


Hence,  if  two  of  the  radii  of  curvature  be  given  the  third 
can  be  determined. 

2  B 



We  next  proceed  to  consider  the  conchoid  of  Nicomedes. 
299.  Centre  of  Curvature  for  a  Concboid. — Let  A 

be  the  pole,  and  LM  the  directrix  of  a  conchoid.  Construct 
the  instantaneous  centre  0,  as  before  :  and  produce  AO  until 
OA,  =  AO, 

It  is  easily  seen  that  the  circle  circumscribing  AiOEi  is 
the  instantaneous  circle  of  inflexions :  for  the  instantaneous 
centre  0  always  lies  on  this  circle  ;  also  jRi  lies  on  the  circle 
by  Art.  290,  since  it  moves  along  a  right  line  :  again,  A  lies 
on  the  lower  circle  of  inflexions  of  same  Article,  and  conse- 
quently A:  lies  on  the  circle  of  inflexions. 

Hence,  to  find  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  conchoid 
described  by  the  moving  point  Pi,  produce  PiO  to  meet  the 
circle  of  inflexions  in  Fi,  and  take 

PiPa  =  -^^  ;  then,  by 



P.  is 

the  centre  of  curvature  belonging  to 
the  point  Pj  on  the  conchoid. 

In  the  same  case,  the  centre  of 
curvature  ot  the  curve  described  by 
any  other  point  Qi,  which  is  inva- 
riably  connected  with  the  moving 
line,  can  be  found,  ll'or,  if  we 
produce  QiO  to  meet  the  circle  of 
inflexions    in    JSr,   and    take    Q1Q2 

=  Tp^  ;  then,  by  the  same  theorem, 

Q2  is  the  centre   of  curvature  re- 

A  similar  construction  holds  in  all  other  cases. 

300.  Spherical  liouiettes. — The  method  of  reasoning 
adopted  respecting  the  motion  of  a  plane  figure  in  its  plane 
is  applicable  identically  to  the  motion  of  a  curve  on  the  sur- 
face of  a  sphere,  and  leads  to  the  following  results,  amongst 
others : — 

(i).  A  spherical  curve  can  be  brought  from  any  one 
position  on  a  sphere  to  any  other  by  means  of  a  single 
rotation  around  a  diameter  of  the  sphere. 

(2).  The  elementary  motion  of  a  moveable  figure  on  a 
sphere  may  be  regarded  as  an    infinitely   small   rotation 

Fig.  78. 

Motion  of  a  Rigid  Body  about  a  Fixed  Point.  371 

around  a  certain  diameter  of  the  sphere."  This  diameter  is 
called  the  instantaneous  axis  of  rotation,  and  its  points  of 
intersection  with  the  sphere  are  called  the  poles  of  rotation. 

(3).  The  great  circles  drawn,  for  any  position,  from  the 
pole  to  each  of  the  points  of  the  moving  curve  are  normals  to 
the  curves  described  by  these  points. 

(4) .  When  the  instantaneous  paths  of  any  two  points  are 
given,  the  instantaneous  poles  are  the  points  of  intersection 
of  the  great  circles  drawn  normal  to  the  paths. 

(5).  The  continuous  movement  of  a  figure  on  a  sphere 
may  be  reduced  to  the  rolling  of  a  curve  fixed  relatively  to 
the  moving  figure  on  another  curve  fixed  on  the  sphere. 
By  aid  of  these  principles  the  properties  of  spherical  roulettes* 
can  be  discussed. 

301.  Motion  of  a  Rigid  Body  about  a  Fixed 
Point. — We  shall  next  consider  the  motion  of  any  rigid 
body  around  a  fixed  point.  Suppose  a  sphere  described 
having  its  centre  at  the  fixed  point ;  its  surface  will  intersect 
the  rigid  body  in  a  spherical  curve  A,  which  will  be  carried 
with  the  body  during  its  motion.  The  elementary  motion  of 
this  curve,  by  the  preceding  Article,  is  an  infinitely  small 
rotation  around  a  diameter  of  the  sphere  ;  and  hence  the 
motion  of  the  solid  consists  in  a  rotation  around  an  instan- 
taneous axis  passing  through  the  fixed  point. 

Again,  the  continuous  motion  of  A  on  the  sphere  by  (5) 
(preceding  Article)  is  reducible  to  the  rolling  of  a  curve 
i,  connected  with  the  figure  ^,  on  a  curve  X,  traced  on  the 
sphere.  J3ut  the  rolling  of  i  on  A  is  equivalent  to  the 
rolling  of  the  cone  with  vertex  0  standing  on  X,  on  the  cone 
with  the  same  vertex  standing  on  A.  Hence  the  most  general 
motion  of  a  rigid  body  having  a  fixed  point  is  equivalent  to 
the  rolling  of  a  conical  surface,  having  the  fixed  point  for  its- 
summit,  and  appertaining  to  the  solid,  on  a  cone  fixed  in 
space,  having  the  same  vertex. 

These  results  are  of  fundamental  importance  in  the  gene- 
ral theory  of  rotation. 

*  On  the  Curvature  of  Spherical  Epicycloids,  see  Eeaal;  Journal  de  lEeoU 
JPolytechnique,  1858,  pp.  335,  &c. 

2  B  2 

372  Examples, 


1.  K  the  radius  of  the  generating  circle  be  one-fourth  that  of  the  fixed, 
prove  immediately  that  the  hypocycloid  becomes  the  envelope  of  a  right  line  of 
constant  length  whose  extremities  move  on  two  rectangular  lines. 

2.  Prove  that  the  evolute  of  a  cardioid  is  another  cardioid  in  which  the 
radius  of  the  generating  circle  is  one-third  of  that  for  the  original  circle. 

3.  Prove  that  the  entire  length  of  the  cardioid  is  eight  times  the  diameter  of 
its  generating  circle. 

4.  Show  that  the  points  of  inflexion  in  the  trochoid  are  given  by  the 
equation  cos  0  +  -  =  o ;  hence  find  when  they  are  real  and  when  imaginary. 

5.  One  leg  of  a  right  angle  passes  through  a  fixed  point,  whilst  its  vertex 
slides  along  a  given  curve ;  show  that  the  problem  of  finding  the  envelope  of 
the  other  leg  of  the  right  angle  is  reducible  to  the  investigation  of  a  locus. 

6.  Show  that  the  equation  of  the  pedal  of  an  epicycloid  with  respect  to  any 
origin  is  of  the  form 

r  =  (<?  +  2h)  cos -  c  cos  (6  +  o). 

a  -\-  2b  ^         ' 

7.  In  figure  57,  Art.  281,  show  that  the  points  C,  F  and  Q  are  in  directum. 

8.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  vertex  of  an  angle  of  given  magnitude,  whose 
sides  touch  two  given  circles,  is  composed  of  two  lima9ons. 

.  9.  The  legs  of  a  given  angle  slide  on  two  given  circles :  show  that  the 
locus  of  any  carried  point  is  a  limacjon,  and  the  envelope  of  any  carried  right 
line  is  a  circle. 

10.  Find  the  equation  to  the  tangent  to  the  hypocycloid  when  the  radius  of 
the  fixed  circle  is  three  times  that  of  the  rolling. 

Ans.  X  cos  CO  +  y  rnxoi  =  b  &m  3«. 

This  is  called  the  three-cusped  hypocycloid.     See  Ex.  5,  Art.  286. 

11.  Apply  the  method  of  envelopes  to  deduce  the  equation  of  the  three- 
cusped  hypocycloid. 

Substituting  for  sin  ia>  its  value,  and  making  t  =  cot  w,  the  equation  of  the 
tangent  becomes 

xt^  +  {y-  lh)fi  +  xt+h^-y  =  o, 

in  which  t  is  an  arbitrary  parameter.  If  t  be  eliminated  between  this  and  its 
derived  equation  taken  with  respect  to  t,  we  shall  get  for  the  equation  of  thft 

(«»  +  3^2)2  +  i8J2  (a;»  ^  j/S)  ^  24ia;2y  _  Uy^  =  27  J4. 

Examples,  373 

12.  If  two  tangents  to  a  cycloid  intersect  at  a  constant  angle,  prove  that  the 
length  of  the  portion  which  they  intercept  on  the  tangent  at  the  vertex  of  the 
cycloid  is  constant. 

13.  If  two  tangents  to  a  hypocycloid  intersect  at  a  constant  angle,  prove 
that  the  arc  which  they  intercept  on  the  circle  inscribed  in  the  hypocycloid  is  of 
constant  length. 

14.  The  vertex  of  a  right  angle  moves  along  a  right  line,  and  one  of  its  legs 
passes  through  a  fixed  point :  show  geometrically  that  the  other  leg  envelopes  a 
parabola,  having  the  fixed  point  for  focus. 

15.  One  angle  of  a  given  triangle  moves  along  a  fixed  curve,  while  the 

opposite  side  passes  through  a  fixed  point :  find,  for  any  position,  the  centre  of 
curvature  of  the  envelope  of  either  of  the  other  sides,  and  also  that  of  the  curve 
described  by  any  carried  point. 

16.  If  a  right  line  move  in  any  manner  in  a  plane,  prove  that  the  locus  of 
the  centres  of  curvature  of  the  paths  of  the  different  points  on  the  line,  at  any 
instant,  is  a  conic. — (Resal,  Journal  de  I' £cole  Foly technique,  1858,  p.  112). 

This,  as  well  as  the  following,  can  be  proved  without  difficulty  from  equa- 
tion (22),  p.  352. 

17.  When  a  conic  rolls  on  any  curve,  the  locus  of  the  centres  of  curvature 
of  the  elements  described  simultaneously  by  all  the  points  on  the  conic  is  a  new 
conic,  touching  the  other  at  the  instantaneous  centre  of  rotation. — (Mannheim, 
same  Journal,  p.  179.) 

18.  An  ellipse  rolls  on  a  right  line :  prove  that  p,  the  radius  of  curvature  of 

the  path  described  by  either  focus,  is  given  by  the  equation  -  = ;  where 

r  is  the  distance  of  the  focus  from  the  point  of  contact,  and  a  ia  the  semi-axis 
major. — (Mannheim,  Ibid.) 

1 9.  The  extremities  of  a  right  line  of  given  length  move  along  two  fixed 
right  lines  :  give  a  geometrical  construction  for  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the 
envelope  in  any  position. 

20.  Prove  that  the  locus  of  the  intersection  of  tangents  to  a  cycloid  which 
intersect  at  a  constant  angle  is  a  prolate  trochoid  (La  Hire,  Mem.  de  I* Acad,  des 
Sciences,  1704). 

21.  More  generally,  prove  that  the  corresponding  locus  for  an  epicycloid  is 
an  epitrochoid,  and  for  a  hypocycloid  is  a  hypotrochoid.  (Chasles,  Sist.  de  la 
Giom.,  p.  125). 

22.  If  a  variable  circle  touch  a  given  cycloid,  and  also  touch  the  tangent  at 
the  vertex,  the  locus  of  its  centre  is  a  cycloid.  (Professor  Casey,  Thil.  Trans., 

23.  Being  given  three  fixed  tangents  to  a  variable  cycloid,  the  envelope  of 
the  tangent  at  its  vertex  is  a  parabola.     {Ibid.) 

24.  If  two  tangents  to  a  cycloid  cut  at  a  constant  angle,  the  locus  of  the 
centre  of  the  circle  described  about  the  triangle,  formed  by  the  two  tangents  and 
the  chord  of  contact,  is  a  right  line.     {Ibid.) 

25.  If  a  curve  {A)  be  such  that  the  radius  of  curvature  at  each  point  is  n 
times  the  normal  intercepted  between  tlie  point  and  a  fixed  straight  line  (B), 



then  when  the  curve  roUs  along  another  straight  line,  (5)  will  envelope  a  curve 
in  which  the  radius  of  curvature  is  «  +  i  times  the  normal. 

Thus,  when  «  =  -  2,  {A)  is  a  parabola,  and  {B)  the  directrix ;  and  when 
the  parabola  rolls  along  a  straight  Una,  its  directrix  envelopes  a  catenary  (for 
which  w  =  -  i),  to  which  the  straight  line  is  directrix. 

When  the  catenary  rolls  along  a  straight  Hue,  its  directrix  passes  through  a 
fixed  point,  for  which  w  =  o. 

When  the  point  moves  along  a  straight  line,  the  straight  line  which  it  car- 
ries with  it  envelopes  a  circle  (w  =  i),  and  {B)  is  a  diameter. 

When  the  circle  rolls  along  a  straight  line,  its  diameter  envelopes  a  cycloid 
(n  =  2),  to  which  {B)  is  the  base.  When  the  cycloid  rolls  along  a  straight  line 
its  base  envelopes  a  curve  which  is  the  involute  of  the  four-cusped  hypocycloid, 
passing  through  two  cusps,  and  is  in  figure  like  an  ellipse  whose  major  axis  is 
twice  the  minor.     (Professor  Wolstenholme.) 

The  fundamental  theorem  given  above  follows  immediately  from  equation 

(27),  P-  357- 

26.  Prove  the  following  extension  of  Bobillier's  theorem  : — If  two  sides  of  a 
moving  triangle  always  touch  the  involutes  to  two  circles,  the  third  side  will 
always  touch  the  involute  to  a  circle. 

27.  Investigate  the  conditions  of  equilibrium  of  a  heavy  body  which  rests  on 
a  fixed  rough  surface. 

In  this  case  it  is  plain  that,  in  the  position  of  equilibrium,  the  centre  of 
gravity  G  of  the  body  must  be  vertically  over  the  point  of  contact  of  the  body 
with  the  fixed  surface. 

Again,  if  we  suppose  the  body  to  receive  a  slight  displacement  by  rolling  on 
the  fixed  surface,  the  equilibrium  will  be  stable  or  unstable,  froni  elementary 
mechanical  considerations,  according  as  the  new  position  of  G  is  higher  or 
lower  than  its  former  position,  i.  e.  according  as  G  is  situated  inside  or  outside 
ths  circle  of  inflexions  (Art.  290). 

Hence,  if  pi  and  f%  be  the  radii  of  curvature  for  the  corresponding  fixed  and 
rolling  curv  3,  and  h  the  distance  of  G  from  the  point  of  contact  of  the  surfaces, 

the  equilibrium  is  stable  or  unstable  according  as  h  is  <  or  >  — .    See  Walton' s 

P1  +  P2 

Problems,  p.  190 ;  also,  for  a  complete  investigation  of  the  case  where  h  = 

pi  +  p2 
Minchin's  Statics,  pp.  320-2,  2nd  Edition. 

28.  Apply  the  method  of  Art.  285  to  prove  the  following  construction  for 
the  axes  of  an  ellipse,  being  given  a  pair  of  its  conjugate  semi-diameters  OP,  OQ, 
in  magnitude  and  position.  From  P  draw  a  perpendicular  to  OQ,  and  on  it  take 
PB  =  PQ  ;  join  P  to  the  centre  of  the  circle  described  on  01)  as  diameter  by  a 
right  line,  and  let  it  cut  the  circumference  in  the  points  H  and  F ;  then  the  right 
lines  OE  and  OF  are  the  axes  of  the  ellipse,  in  position,  and  the  segments  P^ 
and  PF  are  the  lengths  of  its  semi-axes  (Mannheim,  Nouv.  An.  de  Math.  1857, 
p.  188). 

29.  An  involute  to  a  circle  rolls  on  a  right  line  :  prove  that  its  centre  describes 

30.  A  cycloid  rolls  on  an  equal  cycloid,  corresponding  points  being  in  con- 
tact :  show  that  the  locus  of  the  centre  of  curvature  of  the  rolling  curve  at  the 
point  of  contact  is  a  trochoid,  whose  generating  circle  is  equal  to  that  pf  either 

(    375    ) 



302.  £quatioii  of  Cartesian  Oval. — In  this  Chapter* 
it  is  proposed  to  give  a  short  discussion  of  the  principal  pro- 
perties of  the  Cartesian  Oval,  treated  geometrically. 

We  commence  by  writing  the  equation  of  the  curve  in  its 
usual  form,  viz., 

n  ±  fivz  =  a, 

where  n  and  r^  represent  the  distances  of  any  point  on  the 
curve  from  two  fixed  points,  or  foci,  F^  and  Fz,  while  fx  and 
a  are  constants,  of  which  we  may  assume  that  (i  is  less  than 
unity.  We  also  assume  that  a  is  greater  than  FiFz,  the  dis- 
tance between  the  fixed  points. 

It  is  easily  seen  that  the  curve  consists  of  two  ovals,  one 
lying  inside  the  other  ;  the  former  corresponding  to  the 
equation  n  +  fir^  =  a,  and 
the  latter  to  n  -  nn  =  a. 
Now,  with  Fi  as  centre, 
and  a  as  radius,  describe  a 
circle.  Through  F2  draw 
any  chord  DE,  join  FxB 
and  FxE;  then,  if  P  be 
the  point  in  which  FxD 
meets  the  inner  oval,  we 

PD  =  a-n  =  llr^  =  liPF^. 

From    this     relation    the 

point  P   can    be    readily  Fig»  79. 


*  This  Chapter  is  taken,  with  slight  modifications,  from  a  Paper  published 
by  me  in  Mermathena,  No.  iv.,  p.  509. 

376  On  the  Cartesian  Oval, 

Again,  let  Q  be  the  corresponding  point  for  the  outer 
oval  Ti  -  jLLVi^  a;  and  we  have,  in  like  manner,  DQ  =  /utFiQ ; 

.-.  F,Q  :  F,P  =QD:DP; 

consequently,  F2D  bisects  the  angle  PF2Q. 

Produce  QF2  and  PF2  to  intersect  FiFj  and  let  Pi  and  Qi 
be  the  points  of  intersection. 

Then,  since  the  triangles  PF2D  and  P1F2E  are  equiangular, 
we  have  PiF  =  juPiJPl ;  and  consequently  the  point  Pi  lies  on 
the  inner  oval.  In  like  manner  it  is  plain  that  Qi  lies  on 
the  outer. 

Again,  by  an  elementary  theorem  in  geometry,  we  have 

F2P .  F2Q  =  P1).DQ  +  FJ)' ; 
/.  (i  -  fx')  F2P .  F2Q  =  F,D\ 

Also,  by  similar  triangles,  we  get 

F2P  :  F2P1  =^  F2I)  :  F^E ; 


(i  -  ^^)  FoQ  .  P2P1  =  F2D  .  F2E  =  const.  (2) 

Therefore  the  rectangle  under  F2Q  and  FzPi  is  constant;  a 
theorem  due  to  M.  Uuetelet. 

303.  Construction  for  Third  Focus. — Next,  draw 
QFz,  making  /.F2QF3  =  LF2F1P1 ;  then,  since  the  points  Pi, 
Pi,  Q,  Fs  lie  on  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  we  get 

P1P2 .  P2P3  =  F2Q  .  P2P1  =  const.  (3) 

Hence  the  point  P^  is  determined. 

We  proceed  to  show  that  P3  possesses  the  same  properties 
relative  to  the  curve  as  Pi  and  P2 ;  in  other  words,  that  P3  is 
a  third  focus.* 

For  this  purpose  it  is  convenient  to  write  the  equation  of 
the  curve  in  the  form 

mri  ±  Ir^  =  ncz,  (4) 

in  which  c^  represents  PiP'2,  and  /,  m,  n  are  constants. 
It  may  be  observed  that  in  this  case  we  have  n  >  m  >  I. 

*  Thia  fundamental  properly  of  the  curve  was  discovered  by  Chasles.     See 
Histoire  de  la  Ge'ome'trie,  note  xxi.,  p.  352. 

Construction  for  Third  Focus.  377 

Now,  since  L  FiF^Q  =  1F1P1F2  =  Z  F.PFi,  the  triangles 
F1PF2  and  F1F3Q  are  equiangular  ;  but,  by  (4),  we  have 

mFiP+  lF^P  =  nFiFi; 
accordingly  we  have 

mFiF^  +  IFsQ  =  nF,Q, 

or  nFxQ  -lF,Q  =  mF,F,; 

i.  e.  denoting  the  distance  from  F^  by  r^  and  F^F^  by  c^, 

nr^  -  Irz  =  mc%. 

This  shows  that  the  distances  of  any  point  on  the  outer  oval 
from  F^  and  F^  are  connected  by  an  equation  similar  in  form 
to  (4)  ;  and,  consequently,  F^  is  a  third  focus  of  the  curve, 

304.  Klquations  of  Curve,  relative  to  eacb  pair  of 
Foci. — In  like  manner,  since  the  triangles  FiQF-i  and  FiF^P 
are  equiangular,  the  equation 

mF,Q  -  IF^Q  =  nF^F^ 

mF,F^  -  IF  J*  =  nF,P. 

Hence,  for  the  inner  oval,  we  have 

nri  +  Ir^  =  mc^. 

This,  combined  with  the  preceding  result,  shows  that  the  con- 
jugate ovals  of  a  Cartesian,  referred  to  its  two  extreme  foci, 
are  represented  by  the  equation 

nr^  ±  Irz  =  mcg.  (5) 

In  like  manner,  it  is  easily  seen  that  the  conjugate  ovals  re- 
ferred to  the  foci  Fi  and  F^  are  comprised  under  the  equation 

nri  -  mrz  =  ±  Ici,  (6) 


c,  =  F,F,. 

305.  Relation  betiveen  the  Constants. — The  equa- 
tion connecting  the  constants  /,  m,  n  va.  o,  Cartesian,  which 
has  three  points  F,,  F^y  F^  for  its  foci,  can  be  readily  found. 

378  On  the  Cartesian  Oval, 

For,  if  we  substitute  in  (3),  c^  for  F^F^,  &c.,  the  equation 
is  easily  reduced  to  the  form 

Pc^  +  n^Cz  =  m%, 

or  PF^z  +  rn'F^,  +  n'F.F^  =  o,  (7) 

in  which  the  lengths  F^Fz,  &c.,  are  taken  with  their  proper 
signs,  viz.,  FzF^  =  -  F^Fz,  &c. 

306.  Conjugate  Ovals  are  Inverse  Curves. — Next, 
since  the  four  points  -F2,  -P,  Q,  -^3,  lie  in  a  circle,  we  have 

F,F .  F,Q  =  F,F^  .F\Fz  =  const.  (8) 

Consequently  the  two  conjugate  ovals  are  inverse  to  each  other 
with  respect  to  a  circle*  whose  centre  is  jPi,  and  whose  radius 
is  a  mean  proportional  between  F^Fi  and  Fx  F^. 

It  follows  immediately  from  this,  siuce  F^  lies  inside  both 
ovals,  that  Fz  lies  outside  both.  It  hence  may  be  called  the 
external  focus.  This  is  on  the  supposition  that  the  constants! 
are  connected  by  the  relations  n  >  m  >  I, 

Also  we  have 

L  PF,F,  =  L  PQF,  =  L  F,Q,P,  =  L  F^FzP, ; 

hence  the  lines  F^P  and  F^Pi  are  equally  inclined  to  the 
axis  FiFz,  Consequently,  if  Pz  be  the  second  point  in  which 
the  line  FiP  meets  the  inner  oval,  it  follows,  from  the  sym- 
metry of  the  curve,   that  the  points  P^  and  Pi   are   the 

♦  It  is  easily  seen  that  when  ?  =  o  the  Cartesian  whose  foci  are  Fi,  F2,  jPs, 
reduces  to  this  circle.  Again,  ifw  =  o,  the  Cartesian  becomes  another  circle, 
whose  centre  is  F^y  and  which,  as  shall  be  presently  seen,  cuts  orthogonally  the 
system  of  Cartesians  which  have  Fi,  F2,  Fi  for  their  foci.  These  circles  are 
called  by  Prof.  Crofton  {Transactions,  London  Mathematical  Society ^  1866),  the 
Confocal  Circles  of  the  Cartesian  system. 

t  From  the  above  discussion  it  will  appear,  that  if  the  general  equation  of 
a  Cartesian  be  written  \r  +  fxr'  =  vc,  where  c  represents  the  distance  between 
the  foci;  then  (i)  if,  of  the  constants,  A,  /*,  v,  the  greatest  be  v,  the  curve  is 
referred  to  its  two  internal  foci ;  (2)  if  v  be  intermediate  between  A  and  yu,  the 
curve  is  referred  to  the  two  extreme  foci ;  (3)  if  v  be  the  least  of  the  three,  the 
curve  is  referred  to  the  external  and  middle  focus  ;  (4)  if  \  =  jx,  the  curve  is  a 
conic ;  (5)  iiv  =  K,  or  v  -  jx,  the  curve  is  a  lima9on ;  (6)  if  one  of  the  constants 
\,  IX,  V  vanish,  the  curve  is  a  circle. 

Construction  for  Tangent  at  any  Point  379 

reflexions  of  each  other  with  respect  to  thb  axis  F1F2,  and  the 
triangles  F^PzF^  and  F1P1F2  are  equal  in  every  respect. 
Again,  since 

z  F^PFs  =  L  F^QF,  =  L  F^xPi  =  z.  F^FxP^, 

the  four  points  P,  P2,  F^  and  F^  lie  on  the  circumference  of  a 

From  this  we  have 

P3P  .  F^P^  =  F^Fi .  FzF^  =  constant. 

Hence,  the  rectangle  under  the  segments,  made  by  the  inner  oval, 
on  any  transversal  from  the  external  focus,  is  constant. 

In  like  manner  it  can  be  shown  that  the  same  property 
holds  for  the  segments  made  by  the  outer  oval. 

If  we  suppose  P  and  P2  to  coincide,  the  line  FzP  becomes 
a  tangent  to  the  oval,  and  the  length  of  this  tangent  becomes 
constant,  being  a  mean  proportional  between  F^F^  and  F^o. 

Accordingly,  the  tangents  drawn  from  the  external  focus 
to  a  system  of  triconfocai  Cartesians  are  of  equal  length. 

This  result  may  be  otherwise  stated,  as  follows  : — A  system 
of  triconfocai  Cartesians  is  cut  orthogonally  hy  the  confocal  circle 
whose  centre  is  the  external  focus  of  the  system  (Prof.  Orof  ton) . 

This  theorem  is  a  particular  case  of  another — also  due,  I 
believe,  to  Prof.  Crof ton — which  shall  be  proved  subsequently, 
viz.,  that  if  two  triconfocai  Cartesians  intersect,  they  cut  each 
other  orthogonally. 

307.  Construction  for  Tangent  at  any  Point. — 
We  next  proceed  to  give  a  geometrical  method  of  drawiog 
the  tangent  and  the  normal  at  any  point  on  a  Cartesian. 

Eetaining  the  same  notation  as  before,  let  R  be  the  point 
in  which  the  line  F^D  meets  the  circle  which  passes  through 
the  points  P,  Fi,  F^,  Q ;  then  it  can  be  shown  that  the  lines 
PR  and  RQ  are  the  normals  at  P  and  Q  to  the  Cartesian 
oval  which  has  F^  and  F^  for  its  internal  foci,  and  F^  for  its 
external.     For,  from  equation  (4),  we  have  for  the  outer  oval 

dr\        dr-i 
m     -  -  /-;-  =  o. 
i(s        ds 


On  the  Cartesian  Oval. 

Hence,  if  wi  and  w%  be  the  angles  which  the  normal  at  Q 
makes  with  QJFx  and  QF^  respectively,  we  have 

m  sin  iM)\  =  I  sin  wz ;  or  sin  w\ :  sin  cuz  =  / :  m,  (9) 


Fig.  80. 
Again,  we  have  seen  at  the  commencement  that 

also,  by  similar  triangles, 

EQ:BF,  =  I)Q:F,Q  =  l:m; 

BQ :  BF,  =  sin  i^QP  :  sin  i^Qi?; ; 

BiaBQF^ :  sin  BQF^  =  l:m. 



Consequently,  by  (9),  the  line  jRQ  is  the  normal  at  Q  to  the 
outer  oval.  In  like  manner  it  follows  immediately  that  PB 
is  normal  to  the  inner  oval. 

This  theorem  is  given  by  Prof.  Crofton  in  the  following 
form : — The  arc  of  a  Cartesian  oval  makes  equal  angles  with  the 
right  line  drawn  from  the  point  to  any  focus  and  the  circular  arc 
drawn  from  it  through  the  two  other  foci. 

This  result  furnishes  an  easy  method  of  drawing  the 
tangent  at  any  point  on  a  Cartesian  whose  three  foci  are 

Confocal  Cartesians  intersect  Orthogonally.  381 

Tlie  construction  may  be  exhibited  in  the  following 
form : — 

Let  i^i,  F2,  Fz  be  the  tbree  foci,  and  P  the  point  in  question. 
Describe  a  circle  through  P  and  two  foci  Fz  and  Fz,  and  let 
Q  be  the  second  point  in  which  F\P  meets  this  circle ;  then 
the  line  joining  P  to  R,  the  middle  point  of  the  arc  cut  off 
by  PQ,  is  the  normal. 

308.  Confocal  Cartesians  intersect  Orthogonally. 
— It  is  plain,  for  the  same  reason,  that  the  line  drawn  from 
P  to  Riy  the  middle  point  of  the  other  segment  standing  on 
PQ,  is  normal  to  a  second  Cartesian  passing  through  P,  and 
having  the  same  three  points  as  foci — F2  and  Fz  for  its  in- 
ternal foci,  and  Fi  for  its  external. 

Hence  it  follows  that  through  any  point  two  Cartesian  ovals 
can  he  drawn  having  three  given  points — which  are  in  directum — 
for  foci. 

Also  the  two  curves  so  described  cut  orthogonally. 

Again,  if  JK(7  be  drawn  touching  the  circle  PRQ,  it  is 
parallel  to  PQ,  and  hence 

F^C'.F.C  =  F,R  :  RB  =  F2E' :  F,R.RD; 
but  F^R  .  RD  =  RP' ; 

.-.  F,C  :  F,C  =  F,R' :  PR'  =  m' :  P,  (i  i) 

Hence  the  point  C  is  fixed. 

CR:F,D==RF,:DF,  =  m'':nf-P; 

.*.  OR  =  — -,  (12) 

which  determines  the  length  of  CR. 

Next,  since  RP  =RQ,  if  with  R  as  centre  and  RP  as 
radius  a  circle  be  described,  it  will  touch  each  of  the  ovals, 
from  what  has  been  shown  above. 

Also,  since  (7  is  a  fixed  point  by  (i  i),  and  CR  a  constant 
length  by  (12),  it  follows  that  the  locus  of  the  centre  of  a  circle 
which  touches  both  branches  of  a  Cartesian  is  a  circle  (Quetelet, 
Nouv.  M^m.  de  VAcad.  Roy.  de  Brux.  1827). 


On  the  Cartesian  Oval, 

This  construction  is  shown  in  the  following  figure,  in 
which  the  form  of  two  conjugate 
ovals,  having  the  points  i<\,  Fz, 
Fzf  for  foci,  is  exhibited. 

Again,  since  the  ratio  of 
FiR  to  JRP  is  constant,  we  get 
the  following  theorem,  which 
is  also  due  to  M.  Quetelet : — 

A  Cartesian  oval  is  the 
envelope  of  a  circle,  whose 
centre  moves  on  the  circum- 
ference of  a  given  circle,  while 
its  radius  is  in  a  constant  ratio 
to  the  distance  of  its  centre 
from  a  given  point. 

310.  Cartesian  Oval  as  an  Envelope. — This  con- 
struction has  been  given  in  a  different  form  by  Professor 
Casey,  Transactions  Royal  Irish  Academy,  1869. 

If  a  circle  cut  a  given  circle  orthogonally,  while  its  centre 
moves  along  another  given*  circle,  its  envelope  is  a  Cartesian 

This  follows  immediately ;  for  the  rectangle  under  FiP 
and  FiQ  is  constant  (8),  and  therefore  the  length  of  the  tan- 
gent from  Fi  to  the  circle  is  constant. 

This  result  is  given  by  Prof.  Casey  as  a  particular  case  of 
a  general  and  elegant  property  of  bicircular  quartics,  viz. :  if 
in  the  preceding  construction  the  centre  of  the  moving  circle 
describe  any  conic,  instead  of  a  circle,  its  envelope  is  a  bicir- 
cular quartic. 

*  It  is  easily  seen  that  the  three  foci  of  the  Cartesian  oval  are  :  the  centre 
of  the  orthogonal  centre,  and  the  limiting  points  of  this  and  the  other  fixed 

Examples,  383 


1.  Find  the  polar  equation  of  a  Cartesian  oval  referred  to  a  focus  as  pole. 
If  the  focus  F\  be  taken  as  pole,  and  the  line  FiFz  as  prime  vector,  we  easily 
obtain,  for  the  polar  equation  of  the  curve, 

(m*  -  P)r^  -  2cz  {mn  -  l^  cos  e)r  +  c-^  {n^  -  P)  =  o. 

The  equations  with  respect  to  the  other  foci,  taken  as  poles,  are  obtained  by 
a  change  of  letters. 

2.  Hence  any  equation  of  the  form 

r^  -  2{a  +  b  cose)r  +  e^  =  o 

represents  a  Cartesian  oval. 

3.  Hence  deduce  Quetelet's  theorem  of  Art.  302. 

4.  If  any  chord  meet  a  Cartesian  in  four  points,  the  sum  of  their  distances 
from  any  focus  is  constant  ? 

For,  if  we  eliminate  6  between  the  equation  of  the  curve  and  the  equation  of 
an  arbitrary  line,  we  get  a  biquadratic  in  r,  of  which  —  4a  is  the  coefficient  of 
the  second  term. 

5.  Show  that  the  equation  of  a  Cartesian  may  in  general  be  brought  to  the 

S^  =  PI, 

where  S  represents  a  circle,  and  L  a  right  line,  and  A;  is  a  constant. 

6.  Hence  show  that  the  curve  is  the  envelope  of  the  variable  circle 

\^kL  4  2\S  +  F  =  o. 
Compare  Art.  309. 

7.  From  this  show  that  the  curve  has  three  foci;  i.e.  three  evanescent 
circles  having  double  contact  with  the  curve. 

8.  The  base  angles  of  a  variable  triangle  move  on  two  fixed  circles,  while 
the  two  sides  pass  through  the  centres  of  the  circles,  and  the  base  passes  through 
a  fixed  point  on  the  line  joining  the  centres ;  prove  that  the  locus  of  the  vertex 
is  a  Cartesian. 

9.  Prove  that  the  inverse  of  a  Cartesian  with  respect  to  any  point  is  a  bi- 
circular  quartic.     {See  Salmon,  Higher  Flane  Curves,  Arts.  280,  281.) 

10.  Prove  that  the  Cartesian 

r-2  _  2  (a  +  i  cos  0)  r  +  0^  =  o 

has  three  real  foci,  or  only  one  according  as 

a  -  4  is  >  or  <  «, 

(     384     ) 



311.  Elimination  of  Constants. — The  process  of  dif- 
ferentiation is  often  applied  for  the  elimination  of  constants 
and  functions  from  an  equation,  so  as  to  form  differential 
equations  independent  of  the  particular  constants  and  func- 
tions employed. 

We  commence  with  the  simple  example  y"^  =  ax  +  b.    By 

differentiation  we  get  2y-j-  =  a,  2i.  result  independent  of  h, 

A  second  differentiation  gives 


<py  / 

a  differential  equation  containing  neither  a  nor  b,  and  which 
accordingly  is  satisfied  by  each  of  the  individual  equations 
which  result  from  giving  all  possible  values  to  a  and  b  in  the 

,  In  general,  let  the  proposed  equation  be  of  the  form 
f{xy  y,  a)  =  o.     By  differentiation  with  respect  to  a?,  we  get 

dx     dydx       * 

The  elimination  of  a  between  this  and  the  equation/(ir,y,a)  =  o 
leads  to  a  differential  equation  involving  x,  y  and  -^,  which 


holds  for  all  the  equations  got  by  varying  a  in  the  proposed. 

Again,  if  the  given  equation  in   x  and  y  contain  two 

constants,  a  and  b  ;  by  two  differentiations  with  respect  to  x, 

we  obtain  two  differential  equations;  between  which  and  the* 

Examples.  385 

original,  when  tlie  constants  a  and  h  are  eliminated,  we  get  a 
differential  equation  containing  x,  y,  —  and  -7^. 

In  general,  for  an  equation  containing  n  constants,  the 

resulting  differential  equation  contains  a?,  y,  -7-,  -rr  .  .  .  — ; 

^  ^  ^  dx  dx^  dx"" 

arising  from  the  elimination  of  the  n  constants  between  the 
given  equation  and  the  n  equations  derived  from  it  by  suc- 
cessive differentiation. 

^  I.  Eliminate  a  from  the  equation 

y'^-iay  +  x'^a'.    Am.  (a;2-2y2)  (^V- 4a;y^-a;«=0. 
ya.  Eliminate  a  and  ^  from  the  equation 

<.-«)»=p(.-.).  ^»...(|)V/J  =  o. 

s/3.  Eliminate  the  constants  a  and  )8  from  the  equation 

y  =  a  cos  nx  +  )8  sin  nx,  Ans.   — -  +  tv^y  =  o 


J  4.  Eliminate  a  and  b  from  the  equation 

{x-af+{y-bf  =  c\  Ans.  c'^l -A^^f — . 


This  agrees  with  the  formula  for  the  radius  of  curvature  in  Art.  226. 

5.  Eliminate  a  and  /8  from  the  equation 

/n      ^\  ^        d^y     n^y 

y=axcoa     -  +  )8    .  Ans.  —^  +  -f-  =  o. 

\a        /  dx^       x^ 

6.  Eliminate  the  constants  uq,  ai,  ,  ,  .  ««  from  the  equation 

y  =  f  {x)  +  aox»  +  aix"-^  +...««.  ^ns»  --^^  =  4>('»+i)  {x). 

y/  7.  Eliminate  o  and  fi  from  the  equation 

JS.  Eliminate  a  and  J  from  the  equation 

d-y        dy 

xy  =  ae''  +  be-».  Ans.  x--^  +  2-^-xy=o. 

dx^        dx 

9.  Eliminate  e  and  e'  from  the  equation 


y  =  o'ice   +  c'are  *  •  Ans.  a;*  3-5 = y. 


386  Elimination  of  Constants  and  Functions, 

312.   Elimination  of  Transcendental  Functions. — 

The  process  of  differentiation  can  also  be  employed  for  the 
elimination  of  transcendental  functions  from  equations 
of  given  form  ;  for  example,  the  logarithmio__f unction 
can  be    eliminated  by   differentiation   from  the    equation 

fj/7/  (h      ( Jy) 

y  =  log(l>{x)y  which  gives -j-  =  .      We  have  met  several 

instances  of  this  process  of  elimination  already ;  thus,  in 
Art.  86,  we  found  that  the  elimination  of  the  symbolic 
functions,  sin  and  sm~\  from  the  equation  y  =  sin  {m  sin'^a?) 
leads  to  the  differential  equation 

.        ^.d^'y        dp       „ 

The  principles  involved  in  this  process  of  elimination  are 
of  great  importance  in  connexion  with  the  converse  problem — 
viz.,  the  procedure  from  the  differential  equation  to  the 
primitive  from  which  it  is  derived.  This  part  of  the  subject 
belongs  to  the  Integral  Calculus  in  connexion  with  the  solu- 
tion of  differential  equations. 


I.  </  =  tan-'a;.  Ans.   -f  = 5. 

dx      1  +  x^ 

3.  Eliminate  the  exponential  and  logarithmic  functions  from  the  equation 

4.  Eliminate  the  circular  and  exponential  functions  from    3/  =  ^  siu  x. 



—  =  ««  Sin  a;  +  g*  COS  a;  =  y  +  ^ 

cos  a; ; 


d^i/      dy 

-^  =  -^  -1-  ^  COS  a;  - 

dx^      dx 

-^*6ina;  = 





y  =  sin  (log  a;). 

,  rf2y         du 
Ans.x^-+x-  +  t/  =  0. 

Elimination  of  ArUtrary  Functions,  387 

In  the  preceding  examples  we  have  only  considered  the 
case  of  a  siiyle  independent  variable  :  the  differential  equa- 
tions arrived  at  in  such  cases  are  called  ordinary  differential 

When  our  equations  are  of  such  a  nature  as  to  admit  of 
two  or  more  independent  variables  the  equations  derived  from 
them  by  differentiation  are  called  partial  differential  equa- 
tions. We  proceed  to  consider  some  cases  of  elimination 
which  introduce  differential  equations  of  this  class. 

y3i3.  £liiiiinatioii  of  Arbitrary  Functions. — The 
equations  hitherto  considered  contained  only  two  variables  ; 
we  now  proceed  to  the  more  general  case  of  an  equation  in- 
volving three  variables,  two  of  which  accordingly  can  be 
regarded  as  independent.  We  shall  denote  the  independent 
variables  by  the  letters  x  and  .y,  and  the  dependent  variable 
by  2.  It  will  also  be  found  convenient  to  adopt  the  usual 
notation,  and  to  represent  the  partial  differential  coefficients 
dz  dz  d^z  dh  -  dh 
dx*     dy^     dx^^     dxdy  dy"^ 

by  the  letters  p,  q^  r,  s  and  t,  respectively. 

We  proceed  to  show  that  in  this  case  we  are  enabled  by 
differentiation  to  eliminate  functions  whose  forms  are  alto- 
gether arbitrary.     In  fact  we  have  already  met  with  examples 

of  this  process :  for  instance,  if  s  =  x^ij)  f  -  ],  we  have  seen,  in 

Art.  102,  that  in  all  cases  we  have 

dz        dz  ,  . 

*&"^«,  =  "^'  (•) 

whatever  be  the  form  of  the  function  ^  :  this  function  accord- 
ingly may  be  regarded  as  completely  arbitrary  in  its  form, 
and  the  preceding  differential  equation  holds  whatever  form 
is  assigned  to  it.  This  can  also  be  shown  immediately  by 
differentiation.     Conversely,  it  can  be  established  without 

difficulty  that  ic'^^f-l  is  the  most  general  form  of  z  which 
satisfies  the  preceding  partial  differential  equation,  and  con- 
sequently z  =  x^(pl-^  J  is  said  to  be  the  solution  of  equation  (i), 

2  G2 


Elimination  of  Constants  and  Fundions, 

where  the  function  0  is  perfectly  arbitrary.  This  latter 
process,  as  in  the  case  of  ordinary  differential  equations, 
comes  under  the  province  of  the  Integral  Calculus,  and  is 
mentioned  here  for  the  purpose  of  showing  the  connexion 
between  the  integration  of  differential  equations  and  the 
formation  of  such  equations  by  the  method  of  elimination. 

As  another  simple  example,  let  it  be  proposed  to  eliminate 
the  arbitrary  function  from  the  equation  z  =f{x^  +  y"^). 

Here   p  =  j^^ixfix^ -^f),  q  =  -^  =  2yf(x'-vy'')\ 
hence  we  get  yp-  xq  =  o\ 

an  equation  which  holds  for  all  values  of  2  whatever  the  form 
of  the  function  (/)  may  be. 

1.  «  =  <p{ax  +  hy). 

2.  y  —  bz  =  <p{x  —  az). 

(y  —  B\ 

4.  (pix**  +  y»')  =  z^. 

5.  z'^  =  xy+  <p  (h. 


Ans.  aq  —  hp. 

,  ap-\-hq=\,  J 

,  (a;-o)i?+(y-^)?  =  a-7, 

,  wa;"-^  q  =  my*'*^^p. 

,  xzp  +  yzq  =  xy.     J 

z  =px  +  qy  +  nvx^  +  y^  +  2*. 

n//3I4.  Condition  that  one  Expression  should  be  a 
Function  of  another. — Let  z  =  ^(t^),  where  v  ia  o,  known 
function  of  x  and  y.  y  '^ 



dz  dv 
dx  dy 

, .  V  .vc      dz       ,r  .dv 



dy  dx  ^  dy     ^  dx 

This  furnishes  the  condition  that  z  should  be  a  function  of 
the  quantity  represented  by  v.  Also,  denoting  z  by  F,  and 
supposing  V  and  v  to  be  tw^i^iven  explicit  functions  of  x  and 
y,  the  condition  that  Vis  a  function  of  v  is  that  the  equation 

^(^_dVd^_     |\  2 

dx  dy      dy  dx         \\  '  ^  ^ 

Condition  that  one  JExpression  is  a  Function  of  another.     389 

shall  hold  for  all  values  of  x  and  y,  i.  e.  shall  be  identically 
satisfied.     For  instance,  if 

F=  a/i-^'-Zi-^'^  and  V  =  V^^'  +  y/^^, 
cc  +  y 

dVdv      dVdv         .,     ..    n 

we  get  —r-, ] — r  =  o>  identically ; 

°  dx  dy     dy  dx 

hence  F  is  a  function  of  v  in  this  case. 

This  can  also  be  independently  verified :  for,  \ix=-  sin  0, 
and  y  =  sin  0,  we  get 

^    cos  (^  -  cos  0  ,       0+0 

F=  -^—R ^  =  -  tan ; 

sm  t/  -  sm  0  2 

«?  =  sin  0  cos  0  +  cos  0  sin  0  =  sin  (0  +  0) : 

this  establishes  the  result  required. 

We  have  here  assumed  that  whenever  equation  (2)  is  satis- 
fied identically,  V  is  expressible  as  a  function  of  v :  this  can 
be  easily  shown  as  follows  : — 

Since  V  and  v  are  supposed  to  be  given  functions  of  x  and 
y^  if  one  of  these  variables,  ^,  be  eliminated  between  them  we 
can  represent  F  as  a  function  of  v  and  x. 

Accordingly,  let 

y-Ax,  v) ; 

dV  _df_     d£dv_     d_V_4fdi^ 
dx       dx     dv  dx^     dy       dv  dy ' 


dVdv__dVdv__^dv^        I 
dx  dy      dy  dx     dxdy 

Hence,  since  the  left-hand  side  is  zero  by  hypothesis,  we  must 

have  3^  =  o ;  i.e,  the  function /(a;,  v)  or  F  reduces  to  a  funo- 

tion  of  e?  solely ;  which  establishes  the  proposition. 

390  Elimination  of  Constants  and  Functions, 

315.  More  generally,  let  it  be  proposed  to  eliminate  the 
arbitrary  function  (p  from  the  equation 

where  V  and  v  are  given  functions  of  three  variables,  x,  p, 
and  z. 

Regarding  x  and  y  as  independent  variables,  we  get  by 



eliminating  ^\v)  we  obtain 

dVdv^  _dVdv 
dx  dy     dy  dx 

dV      ,,  Jdv        dv\ 

fdV(h^  dvdV\ 
\dz  dy     dz  dy  J 

fdVdv     dvdV\ 
^^[d^Iz-Txl^r'''^  (3) 

a  result  independent  of  the  arbitrary  function  0. 

This  equation  can  also  be  established  as  follows : — 
Differentiating  the  equation  V  =  0(«?),  considering  x,  y,  z 

as  all  variables,  we  get 

Then,  since  the  form  of  ^(t?)  is  perfectly  arbitrary,  this  equa- 
tion must  hold  whatever  be  the  form  of  the  function  <p\v)y 
and  hence  we  must  have 

-7-  dx  +  -—dy  +  ~—  r/2  =  o, 
dx  dy  dz 

\  (a) 

dv    ^       dv    ,        dv    ^  '  ^  ' 

■r-  dx  +  y-  dy  +  —  dz^'O 
dx  dy  dz 

Condition  that  one  Expression  is  a  Function  of  another,     391 

Moreover,  introducing  the  oondition^that  z  depends  on  x 
and  y,  we  have 

dz  =  pdx  +  qdy  ; 

consequently,  eliminating  dxy  dy,  dz  between  this  and  the 
equations  in  (4),  we  get 

dV     dV^     dV^ 
dx*     dp  '     dz 

dv       dv        dv      a  o.  (5) 

dx*       dy*       dz 

This  agrees  with  the  result  in  (3). 

Eliminate  the  arbitrary  functions  in  the  following  cases : — 
I.  x  =  <p[amix-\-b  sin y). 

2.  J5  =  ««^(a?—  y). 

A' ---  =  (}> I---] 

^       z      X         \y      XI 

S.         ^^■ 

y^<p  [y)  +  X 


6.  2  =  aV^2+y2  +  <^fn. 

7.  z={x  +  yy*<l>{x'i-y^). 

J  8.  «2  +  y2  +  i52  =  0(a;p+  hy-\-  cz). 

.        .  dz  dz 

Ans.  bcosy- —  «  cos  a:  —  =  o. 
dx  dy 

dz      dz      z 
"      dx      dy      a 

dz        dz       xy 

dx        dy 

dz         dz  /— 

dz         dz 
*»    y—  +  x  —  =  nz. 
"       dx        dy 

dz  dz 

Ans.  {bz—  ey)  --  +  (<?a:  —  az)  —  =  ay-  bx. 

392  Elimination  of  Constants  and  Functions* 

316.  Next,  let  it  be  required  to  eliminate  the  arbitrary 
function  0  from  the  equation 

where  w  is  a  given  explicit  function  of  x,  y  and  z. 

Eegarding  x  and  y  as  the  independent  variables,  we  may 
differentiate  the  equation  with  respect  to  x,  and  also  with 
respect  to  y\  then,  since  s  is  a  function  of  x  and  y,  we  have 

d ,  (hiu)        ,,  Jdu     du  \ 

_  d,(b{u)        .,  Jdu      du  \ 

hence  we  obtain  two  partial  differential  equations  involving 
^»  Vi  2,  p,  q,  (j){u)  and  ^'(«<).  Accordingly,  if  ^(w)  and  ^'(w)  be 
eliminated  between  these  and  the  original  equation,  we  shall 
have  a  resulting  equation  containing  only  x,  y,  z,  p  and  q. 

317.  Case  of  Two  or  more  Arbitrary  Fauctions. — 
If  the  given  equation  contain  more  than  one  arbitrary  func- 
tion, we  must  proceed  to  partial  differentiations  of  a  higher 
degree  in  order  to  eliminate  the  functions :  thus,  in  the  case 
of  two  arbitrary  functions,  ^(w),  and  \p{v),  the  first  differen- 
tiations with  respect  to  x  and  y  introduce  the  functions  (p'(u) 
and  \p\v).  It  is  plainly  impossible,  in  general,  to  eliminate 
the  four  arbitrary  functions  between  three  equations;  we 
accordingly  must  proceed  to  form  the  three  partial  differen- 
tials of  the  second  order,  introducing  two  new  arbitrary 
functions  <p''{u)  and  \fj''(v).  Here,  again,  it  is  in  general 
impossible  to  eliminate  the  six  functions  between  six  equa- 
tions, so  that  it  is  necessary  to  proceed  to  differentials  of  the 
third  order  :  in  doing  so  we  obtain  four  new  equations,  con- 
taining two  additional  functions,  0'''(^«)  and  \p''\v).  After 
the  elimination  of  the  eight  arbitrary  functions  there  would 
remain,  in  general,  two  resulting  partial  differential  equa- 
tions of  the  third  order. 

318.  There  is  one  case,  however,  in  which  we  can  always 
obtain  a  resulting  partial  differential  equation  of  the  second 
order — viz.,  where  the  arbitrary  functions  are  functions  of 
the  same  quantity,  u. 

Case  of  Two  or  more  Arbitrary  Functions.  393 

Thus,  suppose  the  given  equation  of  the  form 

F[x,y,%,^[u),-^[u))=Oy  (6) 

where  t«  is  a  known  function  of  a?,  y  and  s. 
By  differentiation  we  get 

dF       dF     dFfdu        du\_ 
dx        dz      du\dx        dz)       ' 

dF       dF     dFfdu        du 
dy        dz      du  \dy        t ' 

.    .      .       dF 
Eliminating  —  between  these  equations,  we  obtain 

dFdu  _  dFdu        fdFdu  _  dFdu\ 
dx  dy      dy  dx        \dz  dy     dy  dz) 

(dFdu     dFdu\ 
^^[d^dz'd^Txr'''  (7) 

This  equation  contains  only  the  original  functions  ^{u), 
4i{u),  along  with  ^,  y,  z,  p  and  q.  Again,  if  we  apply  the 
same  method  to  it,  we  can  form  a  new  partial  differential 
equation,  involving  the  same  functions  (p{u)  and  ^(w),  along 
Vfithx.y,  z,p,  q,r,  s,  t. 

The  elimination  of  the  unknown  functions,  (p(u)  and  {(/{u), 
between  this  last  equation  and  equations  (6)  and  (7),  leads  to 
the  required  partial  differential  equation  of  the  second  order. 
The  result  in  (7)  admits  also  of  being  arrived  at  by  the 
method  adopted  in  the  second  proof  of  Art.  315.  For,  re- 
garding Xj  y,  z,  as  aU  variables,  we  get  from  (6),  on  differen- 

wj?  ,      dF  ,      dFfdu  ,      du  ^      du  ^  \  ,^, 

dx  +  -^ ay  +  -—  dz  +  -ri  -r  dx -h -r dy  +  —  dz  ]=  o.      (8) 

dz  du\dx         dy         dz      J  ^  ' 

dF  ^  dF 
dx  dy 

T>  i.  dF       dF     „  .      dF    „,  , 

du      d(p{u)  ^^  '    d\p{u)  ^  ^  ' 

394  Elimination  of  Constants  and  Functions. 

and  accordingly,  since  (8)  must  hold  for  all  values  of  (^\u) 
and  -^'{u),  we  have 


--dx^-j'dy  +  -T'dz  =  o, 

dx  dy    ^     dz  \ 

du  ,       du  ,       du  \ 

-r  dx  +  —dy  +  -ydz^  o  J 


Eliminating  between  these  equations  and 

dz  =  pdx  +  qdy, 
we  get  the  following  determinant : 

dF  dF  dF 

dx^  dy*  dz 

du  du  du    =  o 

dx*  dy^  dz 


which,  plainly,  is  identical  with  (7). 

This  admits  also  of  the  following  statement:  substitute  c 
instead  of  u  in  the  proposed  equation  ;  then  regarding  c  as  con- 
stant, diiferentiate  the  resulting  equation,  as  also  the  equation 
u  =  G  {on  the  same  hypothesis) :  on  combining  the  resulting 
equations  with 

dz  =  pdx  +  qdy, 

we  get  another  equation  connecting  ^  (c)  and  \p  (c)  ;  and 
applying  the  same  method  to  it,  we  obtain  the  result,  on 
eliminating  the  arbitrary  functions  <j)(c)  and  \p{c)  between 
the  original  equation  and  the  two  others  thus  arrived  at. 

These  methods  will  be  illustrated  in  the  following  ex- 
amples : — 

Examples,  395 


1.  9^xip{z)  +  y^{z). 

Here  p  =  </)(z)  +  {x(t>'{z)  +  y^l>'{z)}py 

q  =  rp{z)+{x<t>{z)  +  y^l,'{z)]q. 

Hence  f  "  ^  "•^'^'  ^^PP^'®' 

Applying  the  principle  of  Art.  314,  we  have 

d  (p\  d  (p\ 

or  q^r  -  2pqs  +  pH  =  o. 

Otherwise  thus :  let  2  =  e,  and  we  get  dz  =  o,  and  <}> {c) dx  +  \l/{c)  dy  =  o, 
also  pdx  +  qdi/  =  o ; 

therefore  ^  =  ^. 

Differentiating  again,  we  have 

qdp  -  pdq  =  O, 
or  q\rdx  +  sdy^  —  p{sdx  +  tdy)  =  O, 

which,  combined  with  pdx  -f  qdy  =  o, 

leads  to  the  same  result  as  above. 

2.  z  =  x<p{ax  +  Jy)  +  y^{ax  +  by). 

Here  p  =  <l>(«!a;  +  iy)  +  a{x(p  {ax  +  by)  +  yyp  {ax  +  by)}, 

q  =  ip{ax  +  by)  +  b{x<p'{ax  +  by)  +  y\l/'{ax  +  by)]; 
therefore  bp  —  aq—  b(p{ax  +  by)  —  a\p{ax  +  by) ; 

hence  br-  as  =  a{b({>'{ax  +  by)  -  a\l/'{ax  +  by)]; 

bs-at=  b{b<i>'{ax  +  by)  -  a\p'{az  +  by)]; 
therefore        b^r  -  2abs  +  aH  =  o. 

396  Elimination  of  Constants  and  Functions. 

Otherwise  thus  :  let  ax+  bj/  =  c,  then  adx  +  bd^  =  o;  also, 

dz  =  <j>{c)  dx  +  yp{c)  dy^  and  dz  =  pdx  +  qdy ; 

hp-aq=  b<p{c)  -  a\l>{e). 

Differentiating  again,  we  get 

bdp  -  adq  =  o,  or  b{rdx  +  sdy)  -  a{sdx  +  tdy)  =  Ow 

Combining  this  with  the  equation  adx  +  bdy  =  o,  we  get 

b'^r  -  2abs  +  aH  =  o, 
as  before. 

319.  Case  of  n  Arbitrary  Functions  of  same 
Function. — It  can  be  readily  seen  that  the  preceding 
method  is  capable  of  extension  to  the  elimination  of  any 
number  n  of  arbitrary  functions  from  an  equation,  provided 
that  they  are  all  functions  of  the  same  quantity  u. 

For  the  equation  (7)  plainly  holds  in  this  case,  and,  pro- 
ceeding as  in  the  last  Article,  we  obtain  a  series  of  equations 
(the  last  being  of  the  n*^  order  of  differentiation),  each  con- 
taining the  n  arbitrary  functions  along  with  the  variables  and 
their  derived  functions.  If  the  n  functions  be  eliminated 
between  the  n  differential  equations  and  the  original  equation, 
we  obtain  a  differential  equation  of  the  n*^  order  which  is 
independent  of  the  arbitrary  functions  in  question. 

Examples.  397 


1.  Given  y  =  ^*(C  +  C'x),  prove  that 

-—  -  2a  —  +  «V  =  O- 
dx^  dx 

2.  Eliminate  the  constants  from  the  equation 

d^y         dy 

y  =  (71^2*  cos  3a;  +  (72«2ar  g^  3^.  ^WS.     ^  "  4  j"  +   13^  =  0- 

3.  Eliminate  (7  and  C  from  the  equations — 

.  .  cosmic      ^  ^,  . 

(a)  V  =  -i. ::  +  C'cos  nx  +  G  sin«a;, 

^  '  ^      n^  -  m^ 

(J)  y  =  a;sinwa;  + Ccos  wa;  +  C'sinwa:. 

Ans.  {a)    -^^  +  n'^y  =  eosmx.  (b)     -— y+n^y  =  2n  cob  nx. 

4.  Eliminate  the  arbitrary  functions  from  the  equation 

z  =  -/- -\- <b{y ->!■  ax)  +  \l(y  -  ax),  Ans.  r-a^t-  xy. 


,y^.  Eliminate  the  functions  from  the  equation 

y  =  Aco8  {a  sin-^-  +  b)»  Ans.  (c^-x-)  — j  -  a;  —  +  «V  =  o» 

6.  Eliminate  A  and  a  from 

y  =  ^cos(wcosa;  +  o).  Ans.  ^  —  cot  a: -r- +  w  V  sin^a;  =  o. 

7.  li  z  =  COB  ax  <p  I  -]  +  Bin  ax\^  r-]  f  prove  that 

rx^  +  2sxy  +  ty^  +  a^x'^z  =  o. 

8.  If  «!,  a2,  fl!3  be  the  roots  of  the  equation 

^gS  Examples. 

prove  that  the  result  of  eliminating  the  exponentials  from  the  equation 

d^y  dP-y  dy 

9.  Find  the  result  of  the  elimination  of  the  arbitrary  functions  from 

z  =  ^{x  +  ay)  +  ^{x  —  ay).  Ans.  d^r  —  t  =  O. 

/  10.  If  z  =/  ( -  J  +  <^{xy\  prove  that 

x^r  —  yH  ■\^  xp  -  yq  =  o. 

11.  If  ae-y  +  he-v  =  ee*  +  de-'',  prove  that 

\d^    idyy  ^ir/^V-i1=^^ /— ^V 

Idx^  "*"  \dx)  "  ^^J  L  \dx)        J     "^  rfa;  \rfa;3  j  • 

12.  z=a;«^(-J +a;»«»|/(-j. 

Ana.  x^r  +  2a;ys  +  j/'^^  -  (w  +  w  —  i)(j3a;  +  jy)  +  mnz  =  o. 
/   13.  Eliminate  the  arbitrary  functions  from  the  equation 

z  =  <p{x  +f{y)}.  Ans.  ps  -  qr  =  O. 

14.  Prove  that  y  =  Ae"'  satisfies  the  differential  equation  with  constant 

d»y  d**-^y  dy 

provided  a  is  a  root  of  the  equation 

2"  +  piz»-i  +  . .  .  +  jon-ia  +  ;?n  =  o. 

15.  Show  that 

y  =  Aie^i"  +  A2e'*2'>  +  .  . .  +  AnS^*'^ 

is  the  general  solution  of  the  equation  in  Ex.  14,  M'here  «i,  ^2  .  .  •  «n  are  the 
w  roots  of  the  equation  in  z,  and  Ai,  A2,  .  .  .  An  are  arbitrary  constants. 

16.  Eliminate  the  constants  from  the  equation 

ax^  +  2bxy  +  cy2  +  zdx  +  2ey  +/=  o. 

Ana.  40r3  _  45yr2«  +  ^qH  =  o,     where  i?  =  ^,    q  =  ^.    r  =  ^,  &c. 

dx  dx^  da^ 

(    399    ) 



320.  Case    of  a  Single   Independent  Variable. — We 

have  already  pointed  out  the  distinction  between  indepen- 
dent and  dependent  variables  in  the  formation  of  differen- 
tial coefficients. 

In  applications  of  the  Differential  Calculus  it  is  sometimes 
necessary  to  make  our  differential  equations  depend  on  new 
independent  variables  instead  of  those  which  had  been  origi- 
nally selected. 

To  show  how  this  transformation  is  effected  we  commence 
with  the  case  of  one  independent  variable,  and  suppose  V  to 

7  72 

represent  any  function  of  x,  y,  — ,  — ,  &c.  "We  proceed  to 
show  how  the  expressions  for  —,  — ^,  &o.,  are  transformed, 

(tX    ClOG 

when,  instead  of  x,  any  function  of  x  is  taken  as  the  indepen- 
dent variable. 

Let  this  new  function  be  denoted  by  t,  and  suppose  that 
dx  d  X 

— ,  — ,  &c.,  are  represented  by  x,  id,  then,  in  all  cases 
dt    (to'' 

we  have 

du     du  dx        du 

dt      dxdt        dx'' 
where  u  is  any  function  of  a? ; 

Hence  j!  =  4|;  (.) 

dx     xdt  ^  ' 

400  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable, 

d'y_d_fdy\_  d_(ldy\^i_d_(i_dy\^ 
^^^  1^''  dx\dx)~  dx\xdtj     xdt\xdt)'     ^^^ 


.  d'^y      ..  dy 
d'y  ^  ""df^'^di  (3) 

.       gy      d{     df        dt\      I  dl    dt'         dt 
^^^^^     d^'~  dx\       [xf       J~xdt\        x' 

dp     ''^''dt'  ^  dt^^^''^  ^^^ 



and  so  on  for  differentiations  of  higher  degrees. 

If  y  be  taken  as  the  independent  variable,  we  obtain  the 
corresponding  values  by  makiog 



' '.        \l  =  0.  &0- 



I      tfy        <Py 

dy                  \dy) 

\df)    dydf 



/dx\'        » 


Hence  //^     ./^»    ^^2        /^^\3»  v5; 


and  so  on. 

The  preceding  results  can  also  be  arrived  at  otherwise, 
as  follows: — The  essential  distinction  of  an  independent 
variable  is,  that  its  differential  is  regarded  as  constant ;  ac- 
cordingly, in  differentiating  -f,  when  x  is  the  independent 


Case  of  a  Single  Independent  Variable.  401 

variable  we  have  ^(  t-  )  =  -f-'    However,-'w]ien  x  is  no  longer 

regarded  as  the  independent  variable  we  must  consider  the 

numerator  and  the  denominator  of  the  fraction  -f-  as  both 


variables,  and,  by  Art.  15,  we  get 

ri(^y\  _  ^*^  ^^^  ~  ^y  ^"^^         ^  l^y\      dxd'^y  -  dy  d^x 
\dxj  dx^  '       dxKdx)  dx^ 

Differentiating  again  on  the  same  hypothesis,  we  get 

d  (d^y\      dx^ d^y  -  dx dy d^y  -  zdx  d^x d^y  +  3  (d^x) ^ dy 
dx\dx^J  dx^  * 

These  results  are  perfectly  general  whatever  function  of  x 
be  taken  as  the  independent  variable.  Their  identity  with 
the  equations  previously  arrived  at  is  manifest. 


1.  Being  given  that  x  =  a{9  —  sin d)  and  y  =  a{i  -  cos  0),  find  the  value  of 

dx"  « ( I  -  cos  oy 

2.  Hence  deduce  the  expression  for  the  radius  of  curvature  in  a  cycloid. 

3.  li  X  =  {a  +  b)  cos  0  -  i  cos  — 7—  Q  and  y  =  {a-\-b)  sin  d—b  sin  —7—  0,  find 


the  value  of    — -. 


a  +  b 
cos  0  -  cos  —r—  6 

Hero  /= y =iml—^+  i]d, 

dx       .a  +  b  .    ^  \2b        J 

sm  -— —  0  -  sm  0 

d^y     a-V2b 

4i(a  +  J)sin-cos3  (^^+1  j^ 


4.  Change  the  independent  variable  from  a;  to  0  in  the  expression  -7-^,  sup* 


posing  :c  =  sin  0. 


^^®  dx      cos  Odd*  "  dx^      cos  d  dd  V  cos  6  dd)      cos^  d  dd"^      r-* 

^  cos30 

2  D 

402  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable, 

5.  Transform  the  equation 

»^^Aax-f^hy  =  o 

dx^  dx  € 

7i  =.-  e 

into  another  in  which  d  is  the  independent  variable,  being  given  a;  =  ^5, 

Here  dj_^dyd_x^^dj_^ 

dd      dx  dd         dx ' 

hence  U-)  =  ^~i--),  ov^^  =  x^^^  ^  x% 

dd\ddl         dx\   dxj'       d&^  dx^^    dx' 

therefore  ^^^^^^^J. 

dx-'    de^    dd* 

and  the  transformed  equation  is 
6.  Transform  the  equation 

into  another  where  z  is  the  independent  variable,  being  given  x=-. 


It  is  evident  that  in  this  case  x^^-z"^-  hence 
dx  dz  ' 


d  ldy\  d  I   dy\ 


dx^^'^dx-''  dz'  +'^J 

therefore  x'^^A-zx^^-  .»  ^'^ 

""  dx^^^'^Tx-'d^^* 

and  the  transformed  equation  is 


7.  Change  the  independent  variable  from  ^  to  .  in  the  equation 

^*  drr-i  +  ^^y  =  O'  where  x^-. 


Ttco  Independent  Variables,  403 

321.  Two  Independent  Variables. — We  will  next 
consider  the  process  of  transformation  for  two  independent 
variables,  and  commence  with  the  transformations  intro- 
duced by  changing  from  rectangular  to  polar  coordinates 
in  analytic  geometry.     In  this  case  we  have 

sv  =  r  Gosd,    ^  =  r  sinO;  (7) 

and  therefore        r^  =  x^  -h  y^,    tan  0  =  -.  (8) 

Accordingly,  any  function  V  oi  x  and  y  may  be  regarded 
as  a  function  of  r  and  d,  and  by  Art.  98  we  have 

dV_dVdx     dVdjT) 
dQ   ~~dxJQ^'dy  di)  I 

>  •  (9) 

dV _dVdx     d_Vdy  |  ^^^ 

dr       dx  dr     dy  dr } 

But,  from  (7), 

dx  ^     dx  .     .  dy      .    ^     dy  ,     , 

hence  we  obtain 

dV       dV       dV  ,    , 

o?F       <^F       c?r  ,    , 

^^=^^^^^-  ^''^ 

These  transformations  are  useful  in  the  Planetary  Theory 
Again,  we  have 

dV^dVdr     d_Vde-) 
dx       dr  dx     dO  dx  I 

>•  (13) 

dV_dJFdr     dVdO  | 

dy      dr  dy     dO  dy  J 


404  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable. 

But  from  (8)  we  have 


dr     X           n      ^^      '    Q 
_-  =  _  =  cos  0,     --  =  sm  d, 
dx     r            '     dy 

d9            ,^v         sm0      dd 



dV         ^dV     sinOdV 
dx              dr          r    dd' 

dV     .    ^dV     cos  OdV 
dy               dr          r     dd 



The  two  latter  equations  can  also  be  derived  from  equa- 
tions (i  i)  and  (i  2)  by  solving  for  —  and  — . 

d^V  d^V 

322.    Transformation  of  — -r- and -— -. — Since  for- 

dx^  dy^ 

mula  (i6)  holds,  whatever  be  the  form  of  the  function  F, 

we  have 

d  ,  .  n  ^  r  \     sin  0  c?  ,  . 




where  (p  stands  for  any  function  of  x  and  y.   On  substituting 


—  instead  of  (p,  this  equation  becomes 



^dV     sin  BdV 
dr  r    dO 

sinO  d 


^dV     sin  OdV 
dr  r     dU 

^^d^V     cos Q  sin Q  d'V     cos  B sin  BdV 

cos  a  -7^; — ^ — —  + 




sinOr      ^dW     .    . 

cos  B-r-n\  -  sm  B 

r    [_         drdB 

dr  } 

sinJrcos^^     smBd'jn 
"^     r    I    r    dB   '^     r    dB"  f 

Transformation  of  j-^  ^^^^;tt  •  4^5 

or  -z-z- =  QOB^B -rT-  + 

dx^  dr^  r 

idV      d'Vl 
_rde       drdOJ 

singed  V     sin'Od^V 
r    dr         r^    db^  ' 

In  like  manner  we  get 

d^ _   .      d'^V     2sm0cos0ri^r       6fF1 
dy'^  dr^  r         \_r  dd       drdB]' 

QOs'^OdV     GOB^Od^V 
"^  ~V  dr  "^     r'    dO'  ' 

The  latter  result  can  also  be  readily  deduced  from  the 
preceding  by  substituting  in  it  —  0  for  0. 

If  these  equations  be  added  we  have 

dx"    "^  dy^    ~  dr""  ^  r  dr    '^  r'  d6'  '  ^^  ^ 

^23.  Transformation  of  -— -  +  ~-^  +  --^  to   Polar 

^  dx        '^'"         '^" 


dW     d'V     d^ 
dx^       dy^        dz^ 

Let  the  polar  transformation  be  represented  by  the  equa- 

a;  =  r  sin  0  cos  0,     y-r  sin  Q  sin  (p,     z  =  r  cos  6 ; 

also,  assume        p  =  r  sin  0,  and  we  have 

x  =  p  cosfji,     y  =  pe,m<}>; 

T.     /  n^       d'y     dW     d'^V     idV      I  d'V 
hence,  by  (18),      -r-r-  +  -r^  =  -7-^-  +  - -r~  +  -^  ttT' 
'    *^  ^     ^'      dx^       dy^       dp^       pdp       p^  d<l>' 

4o6  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable. 

Again,  from  the  equations 

p  =  r  %mO,     %  =  r  cos  d, 
we  have  in  like  manner 

(TV     ^_(PV     idV      I  d'V 
d^"^  dz'    ~  dr"  ""  rdr    '^  p'  dO^ ' 


dT     d'V     d^_(PV     i^dV      i_d2V     idV    j_(PV 
'd^'^df^d^'d^'^pdp   '^  p'dcfi'  '^  rdr  ^  r' dd' ' 

But  by  (17)  we  have 

dV     .    ^dV     cos  OdV 
dp  dr  r    du 

^^      ^  idV     idV     GotddV 

therefore  -  3-  =  -  3—  +  —tt  3zr« 

pdp       r  dr         ir    du 

Hence  we  get  finally 

d'V    d'V     d^_d^      ■    I       <fF 
dx''   ^df"^l^~  dr"  "^  r'sin^e  di^^^ 
I  d'V     2dV     Got  OdV 
■*"  r'  dS^  '^  r  dr  '^    r'    dd 
lid  f  JV\        I      d  (  .    ^dV\         I     ^F)     ,    . 

=^|7A'Vj^-i^^dr^^^j^s^0^!-  ('9) 

324.  Remarks  on  Partial  Differentials. — As  already 

stated  in  Art.  113,  the  student  must  be  careful  to  attach  the 

correct  meaning  to  the  partial  differential  coefficients  in  each 


Thus  in  finding  —  in  (10)  we  regard  a?  as  a  function  of  r 

and  0,  and  differentiate  on  the  supposition  that  d  is  constant; 

in  like  manner  the  value  of  —  in  (14)  is  found  on  the  suppo- 

sition  that  y  is  constant. 

Geometrical  Illustration. 


The  beginner,  accordingly,  must  not  fall  into  tlie  con- 

ur      uos 
fusion  of  supposing  that  in  this  case  we  have  —  x  -r=  i* 

OiX      ar 

This  caution  is  necessary,  as  some   mathematical  writers, 

from  not  paying  proper  attention  to  the  meaning  of  partial 

derived  functions,  have  fallen  into  a  similar  error. 

325.  Crcometrical  Illustration. — The  following  geo- 

dr  dx 

metrical  method  of  determining  the  proper  values  of  —  and  — 

O/JO  0/1 

under  the  preceding   hypotheses  may   assist  the   beginner 

towards  forming  correct  ideas  on  this  important  subject. 

Let  P  be  the  point  whose  coordinates  are  x  and  y ;  then 

OM  =  Xy     FM  =  y,     OP  =  r, 

POX  =  Q.      Now,  in  finding 


—    regarding    B    as    constant, 

we  take  on  the  radius  vector 
OP  produced  a  portion  PQ 
=  Ar,  and  draw  QN  perpen- 
dicular to  OX;  then  Aa?,  the 
corresponding  increment  in  x, 
is  represented  by  MN  or  PL ; 

Fig.  82. 


^.     PL           ^  dx 

T-  =  ^7;  =  cos  C^,  or    — 

Ar      PQ  dr 




Again,  to  find  ^  on  the  supposition  that  y  is  constant : 

let  MN  be  i^x,  the  increment  in  x,  and  draw  the  parallelo- 
gram PLMJY,  and  join  OZ,  meeting  in  7  a  circle  described 
with  radius  r  and  centre  0 ;  then  LI  represents  the  corre- 
sponding increment  in  r,  and  we  have 

—  =  limit  of  --  =  limit  of  =ry:  =  cosO; 
dx  Ax  PL 

dr  dx 

so  that  in  this  case  the  values  of  -r  and  —  are  each  equal  to 

dx         dr 

cos  0  or  -,  as  before. 

4o8  Change  of  the  Tndependent  Variable. 

The  values  of  3^,  &e.  can  also  be  readily  represented 

geometrically  in  a  similar  manner. 

326.  lilaear  Transformations. — If  we  are  given 

x  =  aX^-hT^cZ,  1/  =  a'X  +  b'Y+c'Z,  z  =a'X+b''Y+  c''Z,    (20) 

then  any  function  F,  of  x,  y  and  s,  is  transformed  into  a 
function  X,  Y^  Z\  and,  as  in  Ex.  2,  Art.  98,  we  have 

dV  ^    d_r      ,dV     ,,d_V 
dX        dx         dy         dz  ' 

dY        dx         dy  dz  ' 

dV_     dV     ,dV     „dV 
dZ        dx  dy  dz  ' 

Again,  proceeding  to  second  differentiation,  we  get 

d'V      d(  dV     ,dV     „dV\      .dfdV     ,dV     „dV\ 
-7^  =  «— U— -  +a  —-+a—-  ]  +  a  —[a—-  +a  — -  +  a  -7- 
dX^       dx\  dx         dy  dz  J        dy\  dx  dy  dz  J 

„d_f  dV      ,dV     ,,dV\ 
dz\  dx         dy  dz  J 

=  r/.2  . 

d'V  ,  d'V  „  d^V         „  ,  d^Y 

=  «'— ^  +  zaa  -——^  laa  -r—r  +  2a  a  -r— 7- 
dx^  dxdy  dxdz  dzdy 

(TF      „,d'} 
dy''   "'''     dz' 

Similarly  we  have 

dY*        dx'  dy'  dz'  dxdy 

+  2bb''-—-+  2V'b'——\ 
dxdz  dzdy 

Orthogonal  Transformation,  409 

(PV_  ,d'V    ,,(PV      „J'V        ,_d'V 
dZ'''  d^'^''  df   ^'    d^^^^'dxdy 

„d'V       „,  d'V 

+  2CC  -—-  +  2C  C    -T—r- 

dxdz  dzdy 

327.  Orthogonal  Transformations. — If  the  transfor- 
mation be  such  that 

we  have 

fl^  +  a2  +  «"2=i,      h'+h"'-^h''^=i,      o^  +  c'2  +  c"2=i.         (21) 

ah^db'  +  a"b''=o,    ac-¥a'G  +  a"c'=o,     hc  +  h'c' +  h"c'=o.     {22) 

Again,  multiplying  the  first  of  equations  (20)  by  a,  the 
second  by  a\  and  the  third  by  a'\  we  get  on  addition,  by  aid 
of  (21)  and  (22), 

X  =  ax  +  a'y-\-  a"z, 

In  like  manner,  if  the  equations  (20)  be  respectively 
multiplied  by  ^,  h\  V\  we  get 


Z=  cx^  c'y  +  c'z. 

If  these  equations  be  squared  and  added,  we  obtain 

a"  -vh^  +  &  =  I,     a""  +  V  +  c'2  =  I,     d"'  +  h"^  +  c""  =  i.     (23) 

ad-\-  h})-\-  cc  =  o,     ad'+  hh"-\-  cc"=  o,     dd'^-  Vh"^-  c'c'=  o.      (24) 

Hence  in  this  case,  if  the  equations  of  the  last  Article  be 
added,  we  shall  have 

(PV_     d'V     d'V     d'V     d^V     d'V 

dx"  ■*"  df  ^  dz'  '  dX'  "^  dY'  ^  dZ''         ^^^^ 

410  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable, 

The  transformations  in  this  and  the  preceding  Article 

are  necessary  when  the  axes  of  co-ordinates  are  changed  in 

Analytic  Geometry  of  three  dimensions ;  and  equation  (25) 

shows  that,  in  transforming  from  one  rectangular  system  to 

d^V     d^V     d^  V 
another,  the  value  of  the  function  ~-r  +  tt  +  -rr  is  un- 

dur       dy^       dz^ 


328.  Creneral    Case   of  Transformation  for  Two 

Independent  Variables. — Suppose  that  we  are  given  the 


ic  =  <l>{r,e),     p  =  xp{r,e),  (26) 

then  any  function  of  x  and  y  may  be  regarded  as  a  function 
of  r  and  6,  and  we  have,  from  (9), 

dV_dVd^     dVdy 
dd   ~  dx  dd'^  dy  W 

dV     dVdx     dVdy 
dr       dx  dr     dy   dr 

where  the  values  of  -^,  ~,  -^,  -/  can  be  determined  from 
dO  dO  dr  dr 

equations  (26). 

Whenever  these  equations  can  be  solved  for  r  and  0, 

separately,  we  can  determine,  by  direct  differentiation,  the 

values  of  — ,  — ,  -,  — ,  and  hence,  by  substituting  in  (13), 

we  can  obtain  the  values  of  —  and  —  • 

dx  dy 

When,  however,  this  process  is  impracticable,  we  can  ob- 

i.  •    XI.         1  .  dr  dr     „       ,  ,   .        „      dV       ^    dV 

tain  the  values  of  — ,  -,  &c.,  by  solving  for  -7-  and  -7- 
dx  d/         '     '^  °  dx  dy 

in  the  preceding  equations. 

Thus  we  obtain 

dVdy     dVdy 

3—      dQ  dr      dr  dS,  /,-\ 

dx    =-7—; T-r5  ^^^ 

ax  ay      dx  dy 


Transformation  for  Two  Independent  Variables*       411 


dVdx  _dVdx 
dy        dx  dy     dx  dy  ' 


The  values  of  -t-t  ,  tt"?  &c.,  can  be  deduced  from  these  : 
dx"     dy^ 

but  the  general  formulse  are  too  complicated  to  be  of  much 

interest  or  utility. 

329.  Concomitant  Functions. — We  add  one  or  two 

results  in  connexion  with  linear  transformations,  commencing 
with  the  case  of  two  variables.  We  suppose  x  and  y  changed 
into  a'X.  ■\-  hY and  a''K  +  h' Y,  respectively,  so  that  any  func- 
tion 0  {x,  y)  is  transformed  into  a  function  of  X  and  Y :  let 
the  latter  be  denoted  by  «^i(X,  F),  and  we  have 

<p{x,y)  =  <p,[X,  Y), 

Again,  let  x'  and  y'  be  transformed  by  the  same  substitu- 
tions, i.  e.f 

x'^aT  +  bY\     t/  =  a'X'+bT; 
then  since        x  +  kx  =  a  {X  +  kX)  +b{Y+kY), 
and  y+ky'  =  d(X  +  kX)  +  b\  Y+kY), 

it  is  evident  that 

ip[x  +  kx\  y-vkij)  =  (l^,[X+kX\   Y^-kY"). 

Hence,   expanding  by  the  theorem   of   Art.    127,   and 
equating  like  powers  of  k,  we  get 

,d(li       ,d(li      ^,d<pi      ^,dcl>i 

"   d^  ^^''y  dxdy^y  df    ^   dX'^^^  ^  dXdY^^  dY" 
&e,  &o.  (30) 

412  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable. 

Accordingly,  if  u  represent  any  function  of  a?  and  y,  the 
expressions  denoted  by 

f  ,d       ,d\  ,d       ,dV 

\    dx    ^  dy     '     \    dx    ^  dyj 

are  unaltered  by  linear  transformation. 

Similar  results  obviously  hold  for  linear  transformations 
whatever  be  the  number  of  variables  (Salmon's  Higher  Algebra^ 
Art.  125). 

Functions,  such  as  the  above,  whose  relations  to  a  quantio 
are  unaltered  by  linear  transformation,  have  been  called  con- 
comitants by  Professor  Sylvester. 

330.  Transformation  of  Coordinate  Axes. — When 
applied  to  transformation  from  one  system  of  coordinate 
axes  to  another,  the  preceding  leads  to  some  important 
results,  by  applying  Boole's  method*  (Salmon's  Conies, 
Art.  159). 

For  in  the  case  of  two  dimensions,  when  the  origin  is 
unaltered  we  have 

x""  +  2xY  COS  io  +  y^=^  X^  +  2Z'F' cos Q  +  Y'\     (31) 

where  w  and  Q,  denote  the  angle  between  the  original  axes 
and  that  between  the  transformed  axes,  respectively. 

Multiply  (31)  by  X,  and  add  to  (30):  then  denoting 
0(a;,  y)  by  u,  and  ^i(-X^,  T)  by  U  we  get 

Now,  suppose  A  assumed  so  as  to  make  the  first  side  of 
this  equation  a  perfect  square,  it  is  obvious  that  the  other 
side  will  be  a  perfect  square  also.  The  former  condition 

(d^u      ,  \  (dhi     .  \      /  d^u       .  \* 

IH     .\(dhi     .\      f  d'u 

M  —  -  —      >   —    +Acosa> 

*  I  am  indebted  to  Prof.  Bumside  for  the  suggestion  that  the  equations  of 
this  Article  are  immediately  obtained  by  Boole's  method. 

Transformation  of  Coordinate  Axes,  413 

or  X'Bm^.  +  A^-.^-2^^^co8a,j 

d^(fu      f  cPu  Y_ 
dx^  dy^      \dxdyj 

Accordingly,  we  must  have  at  the  same  time 

A^sm^i2  +  A^^,+  ^,-2^^^cosl2j 

d:'Ud'U   f  d'U  \^ 

Hence,  comparing  coefficients,  we  get 

(fu  dhi  _  f  dhi  Y  d^Ud^  _  /  d'^U  V 

dx' dy"     \dxdy)  dX'^dY'     \dXdY)  ^        z.^) 
sin^w  sin^Q 


(fw     d'u         d'u  d'U     d'U         d^'U 

dx^      dy^        dxdy  _dX^     dY^       dXdY  r     \ 

sin'^faj  sin^Q 

Consequently,  if  u  he  any  function  of  the  coordinates  of 
a  point,  the  expressions 

d^u  d^u     f  d^u  Y         d\     du         d^u 
dx^  dy^      \dxdyj        ,  dx^      dy"^        dxdy 
sin^w  sin^w 

cos  (U 

are  unaltered  when  the  axes  of  coordinates  are  changed  in  any 
manner^  the  origin  remaining  the  same. 

In  the  particular  case  of  rectangular  axes,  it  follows  that 

d^u     d^u  d^u  d^ii      f  d\  Y 

dx"^      dy^  dic^  dy"^      \dxdy) 

preserve  the  same  values  when  the  axes  are  turned  round 
through  any  angle. 


Change  of  the  Independent  Variable, 

331.  ilpplication  to  Orthogonal  Transformation.' — 

When  the  transformations  are  orthogonal  it  is  easy  to  extend 
the  preceding  results  to  three  or  more  variables  (Art.  327). 
Thus,  in  the  case  of  three  variables,  we  have 

Multiplying  this  by  A,  and  adding  the  result  to  the  equation 
that  corresponds  to  (30),  it  follows  that  the  expression 

+  2ZX 



+  2xy 

,,  (Pu 


is  unaltered  by  orthogonal  transformation. 

Next,  suppose  that  X  is  such  that  the  quadratic  function 
in  x\  y  and  2'  is  the  product  of  two  linear  factors ;  then,  by 
Art.  107,  we  have 




dxdy*       dy"^       '    dydz 



dxdz'       dydz'       dz^ 

+  X 



But,  as  the  transformed  expression  must  also  be  the  product 
of  two  linear  factors,  we  have 

d^u     .      dH      d^u 

dxdy'  dxdz 




dxdz  dydz  dz^ 



d'U     .       d'^U 
2  +  X,  



dXdY'  dXdZ 

d'U    d'U 

dXdY'  dY' 

»  :7tF2  +  X> 




d'U    d'U     , 
r  +  X 

dXdZr  dYdZ!"  dz- 


Orthogonal  Transformation, 


Equating  tlie  coefficients  of  like  powers  of  A^we  see  that  the 

d^u     (Pu     d\ 

(Pu  (Pu     /  dhi  Y  dhi^d^     f  d\i  Y  d^u  d^u     /d'uV 
dx"  dy"     \dxdy)  ^ dx"  dz"   \dxdz)  ~df  dz^  ~  [d^zj  ' 


d^u       d^u 


dx^^     dxdif     dxdz 
dhi       d^u       dhc 

dxdy*     dif*     dzdy 

d^u         d^u       d^u 
dxdz      dydz^     dz^ 

are  unaltered  by  orthogonal  transformation. 

The  first  of  these  results  has  been  already  arrived  at  by 
direct  substitution  (Art.  327). 

These  results  readily  admit  of  generalization. 

41 6  Change  of  the  Independent  Variable, 


1.  Being  given  y  =f{u)  and  u  =  <f>(x),  find  —  • 

2.  liy  =  F{t),  t  =f{u),  u  =  (l>{x),  find  the  value  of  -^  • 

Ans.  r{t)f'{u)<!>"{x)  +  {<l>'{x)}Hr{u)  F'{t)  +  {f{u))^F"it)}. 

3.  Change  the  independent  variable  from  a;  to  «  in  the  equation 

«*  — ^  —  2nx^  -^  +  a^y  =  o,  where  x  =  -, 
dx^  dx  z 

d'^y      2[n^i)dy 

^«*-   ^^-^— ^+^'^  =  °- 

d^y         dy 

4.  Transform  {i  -  x"^)  j-^- x  —  ^-a^yn^o^  being  given  x  =  sin  z, 

Ans.  _  +  «-y  =  o. 

5.  If  ip  =  r  sin  0  cos  <^,     y  =  r  sin  0  sin  0,     z  =  r  cos  0,  prove  that  —  =  — -, 

dr      dx 

where  0  and  ^  are  regarded  as  constants  in  finding  — ;  while  y  and  z  are  re 


garded  as  constants  in  finding  —- ,  • 


6.  If  2  be  a  function  of  two  independent  variables,  x  and  y,  which  are 
connected  with  two  other  variables,  u  and  v,  by  the  equations 

fi{x^  y,  u,  v)  =  o,   f2{Xf  y,u,v)  =  o; 

ehow  how  to  express  — -  and  -—  in  terms  of  —  and  —  • 
dx        dy  du        dv 

7.  Transform  the  equation 

d'^y  ,      2x     dy        _y 

+  x^dx      (i  +  a;2) 

"^  ^  JL  ^2  dr.        (t  -4-  *r2\2  ~     ' 

into  another  in  which  d  is  the  independent  variable,  supposing  x  =  tan9. 



8.  If  2  be  a  function  of  x  and  ^,  and  u  =  px-^qy-z,  prove  that  when 
p  and  q  are  taken  as  independent  variables,  we  have 





d^u  r 

?*    dq^  ^  rT^ 

rt  —  s'-      dp  dq        rt  ■ 
where  i?,  q,  r,  s,  t  denote  the  partial  differential  coefficients  of  z,  as  in  Art.  304. 
9.  If  the  equation 

d^*v  (?'«"^v  dv 

ilS^-T^+  AiX>^-^  j-^  +  .  .  .  +  An-lX  /  +  A  =  O 




be  transformed  to  depend  on  0,  where  x  =  e9,  prove  that  the  coefficients  in  the 
transformed  differential  equation  are  all  constants. 

K).  Given  x  =  ^,    y  =  ^^^  prove  that 

^  f      -^(0 r 

dx'^      \F{t)ip'{t)-'<p{t)F'{t^ 

F{t),    F'{t),    F"{t) 
<p{t),    <^'{t),     4>"{t) 


(    4i8     ) 


332.  It  is  proposed  in  tHs  chapter  to  give  a  brief  discussion 
of  the  differential  equation 

d'V     d'V     (PV 

an  equation  which  occurs  so  frequently  in  physical  investi- 
gations.    We  shall  denote  the  symbolic  operator 

d"       d^       d'  , 


Adopting  this  notation,  we  readily  see  that 

_o/    X  o  »         fdu  dv      du  dv      du  dv\    ,  ^ 

\Uj<i>   U/tt/  {Aiy   Uy  Ct-is    UflA  J 

Again,  since 

~  (r*")  =  mxr^-\ 

we  have         -—  (r"*) 

=  mr"*-'^  -v  m{m-  2)x^  r"*"*, 

and  we  readily  get 


(r'")  =  w(m+  i)r»»-». 

Hence,  from  (2), 

we  have 

V^(r"»F)  =  r'»y' 

'F+m(m+  i)r"»-'F 


„,/  rfF      rfF      rfF\  ,  , 

Moreover,  if  F  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n^^  de- 
gree in  X,  y,  2,  we  get,  by  Euler*s  theorem  of  Art.  98, 

y2  (^m  Y>^  =  ^my2  F+  m  (w  +  2w  +  i)  r»»-«  r.        (5) 

8oMd  Sarmonic  Functions.  419 


333.  Solid  Harmonic  Fanctions. — Any  homogeneous 
function  in  ic,  y,  z  which 'Satisfies  equation  (i)  is  called  a  solid 
spherical  harmonic  function,  and  frequently  a  solid  harmonic. 

We  shall  denote  a  solid  harmonic  of  the  n^^  degree  hy 
Vn,  in  which  the  degree  n  may  be  positive  or  negative,  in- 
teger or  fractional,  real  or  imaginary. 

It  is  evident  that  any  constant  multiple  of  an  harmonic  is 
also  an  harmonic  of  the  same  order. 

From  (5)  it  follows  that  a  solid  harmonic  of  the  w^'^  degree 
satisfies  the  equation 

V'  {r""  Vn)  =m{m+  2n+  i)  r"^'^  F„.  (6) 

Hence  we  see  that  if  Fn  be  a  solid  harmonic,  -r-?-  is  also 

a  solid  harmonic,  whose  degree  is  -  (w  +  i). 

Again,  from  (3)  we  see  that  -  is  a  solid  harmonic  of  the 


degree  -  i.     Also  it  can  be  readily  shown  that  -  is  the  only 

function  of  r  that  satisfies  equation  (i).     For  by  (19),  Art. 
323,  we  can  transform  that  equation  into 

d  (  ,dV\        I      d  (  .    .dV\         I     ^F  ,  , 

Hence,  if  F  be  a  function  of  r  solely,  we  must  have 
—  ( r^  —  J  =  o.     This  gives  F  in  the  form  -  +  J. 

In  like  manner,  if  F  be  a  function  of  the  angle  ^  solely, 

it  must  satisfy  the  equation  — — -  =  o :  this  leads  to  F=  «<^  +  h. 

Hence  we  observe  that  tan"^  I  - 1  is  a  solid  harmonic  of  the 

degree  zero. 

Again,  if  F  be  a  function  of  Q  solely,  we  have 


2  B  2 

420  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis, 

Hence  we  see  that  log  ( tan -j   satisfies  the  equation 

V2p'=  o,  and  we  infer  that  log  f  ——     is  a  solid  harmonic. 

r  +  2 

r-  z 

r  ■¥  X  r  -V  V 

In  like  manner,  I02: and  log are  also  solid  har- 

'      ^  r -X  r - y 


It  is  readily  seen  that  <f>  log  tan  ( -  J  satisfies  equation  (7) ; 

hence  we  see  that 

V  .     r  +  2 


X     ^  r  -  z 

is  a  solid  harmonic,  of  zero  degree. 

If  V  satisfies*  equation  (i)  it  is  seen  immediately  that 

— ,  - — ,  and  -r-  also  satisfy  it,  as  also  the  general  expres- 

dx     dy  d%  ^  ^  ^ 


sion  ,  in  which  p,  q,  r  are  any  positive  integers. 

Hence,  from  any  solid  harmonic,  a  numher  of  others  can 
be  immediately  deduced  by  differentiation. 

Again,  since  -7-^  is  a  harmonic  of  degree  w  -  i,  it  follows 


from  (6)  that  -^^^  -z-^  is  also  a  solid  harmonic,  whose  degree 
is  -  w :  and  so  on. 

For  example,  any  expression  of  the  form       .     ^^     ^  f  -  j 
is  a  solid  harmonic,  whose  degree  is  -  (y  +  ^  +  /  +  i). 

I.  Find  the  condition  that 

ax^  +  by*  +  ez^  +  dxff  +  0ses  +  fffz 
should  be  a  solid  harmonic.  Ana,  a  +  b  +  cso. 

Complete  Solid  Sarmonica,  4^1 

2.  Prove  that 

OK  nr.  y  T  •{■  Z 

z  tan-^  -,    and    z  log 2r, 

r+  z*    r{r+  z)*  x*  r  -  z 

are  solid  harmonics. 

3.  If  Fo  be  a  solid  harmonic  of  degree  zero,  prove  that  r^"-*  -—■  is  also  a 
solid  harmonic. 

4.  Hence  prove  that     ~   — ^^ is  a  harmonic  function. 

For,  let  Vo  =  tan'^  (    )  >  then,  since  y  =  x  tan  ^,  it  can  be  shown,  as  in 
Art.  46,  that 

^3n~l  gin  fi(h 

Hence    ^   is  a  solid  harmonic,  as  also  any  function  derived  from 

{^^  +  y'}l 
it  by  differentiation. 

5.  Prove  that    u  =  — <    is  a  solution  of  the  differential  equation 

2(2^  +  3) 

334.  Complete  iSolid  Harmonics. — A  solid  harmonic 
that  is  finite  and  single  valued  for  all  finite  values  of  the  co- 
ordinates is  said  to  be  a  complete  harmonic.  It  can  be  proved, 
by  aid  of  the  Integral  Calculus,  that  every  complete  solid 
harmonic  is  either  a  rational  integral  function  of  the  coordi- 
nates, or  is  reducible  to  one  by  multiplication  by  some  power 
of  r.  Assuming  this,  it  follows  that  the  number  of  indepen- 
dent complete  harmonics  of  degree  n  is  2n  +  i,  when  n  is 

For  it  is  readily  seen  that  the  number  of  terms  in  F«,  a 
rational  homogeneous  function  of  the  n*^  degree  in  x.  y,  s,  is 
(fi  +  2^  (fi  +  i^  __ 
-;  and  also  the  number  of  terms  in  V*Fn  is 

;  hence,  since  v'  Fn  ^  o  identically,  we  must  have 

-^ linear  equations  connecting  the  coefficients  in  F« ; 

K)nsequently,  the  number  of  independent  constants  is 
{n  +  2)  {n  +  i)     n(n  -  1 

2  2 

422  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis. 

It  can  now  be  shown  that  every  complete  harmonic  can  be 

deduced  from  -  by  differentiation. 
r    -^ 

For  the  solid  harmonic 

^+A+/  I 

dxJdy^dz^  (a^  +  ^'  +  z^)*' 

when  the  differentiations  are  performed,  is  readily  seen  to  be 
a  fraction  of  which  the  numerator  is  a  homogeneous  func- 
tion of  the  degree  n,  and  whose  denominator  is  -^;^,  where 


n  =  k  +J  +  I.    If  this  function  be  represented  by  -j~,  the 

numerator  Vn,  by  (6),  is  also  a  solid  harmonic. 

We  can  now  show  that  the  number  of  independent  har- 
monics of  degree  n  that  can  be  thus  derived  is  zn  +  i. 

For,  since 

dz'  \rj  ~     [dx'  "^  dfj  \r^ 
we  see  that 

dz^^  \rj     ^      ^    \dx'      dfj  \r/ 

.       ,.  ,f  d^       d^Y 

m  which  (  7~j  +  j-2 )  ^^^  ^®  expanded  by  the  binomial  theorem 

as  if  —  and  —  were  algebraic  quantities,  and  the  resulting 

differentiations  of  -  taken. 

Hence,  if  I  be  even,  we  have 

i  dJ*^   fd"     _^Y/'A 

dx^  dy^  dz^  \rj     ^      ^  dx^  dy^  \da^     dfj  \rj 
and,  if  I  be  odd, 

i-\  i-\ 

dxfdy^dz\r)     ^    ^^     dx^ dy^\d^ '^  dy^    Jz^r} 

Spherical  and  Zonal  Harmonics,  423 

Aeoordingly,  in  the  former  case,  we  get  aliumber  of  terms 

each  of  the  form  ,  ,  ,  „  -  ,  where  p  +  q  =  n\   and  in  the 
dxPdi/\rf  ^      ^         ' 

latter,  terms  of  the  form  ^  „  ,  „  J—  ( - )} ,  in  which  p  +  q^n-i, 
dx^dy^  \dz\rjY  ^    ^ 

Now  there  are  p  +  q+i,  ot  n+  i  terms  in  the  former  case, 
and  n  in  the  latter.  Hence  there  are  27^+1  independent 
forms,  as  was  to  be  proved. 

33 5 •  Spherical  and  Zonal  Harmonics. — If  a  solid 

.  harmonic  Vn  be  divided  by  r",  the  quotient  may  be  regarded 

as  a  function  of  the  two  angular  coordinates,  or  spherical 

surface  coordinates,  Q  and  0.     Such  a  function  is  called  a 

spherical  surface  harmonic  of  the  degree  n. 

Hence,  if  F«  =  r**F„,  then  F„  is  a  spherical  harmonic  of 
the  n^^  degree. 

It  is  obvious  that  the  general  spherical  harmonic  of  the  first 
degree  is  of  the  form  aao^O  +  h  sin  6  cos  (j>  +  c  sin  9  sin  <^,  where 
a,  bf  c  are  arbitrary  constants.  Also,  the  general  expression 
for  Z2  can  be  written  down  readily  (see  Ex.  i,  Art.  333). 

Again,  by  {19),  Art.  323,  we  see  that  Yn  satisfies  the 
differential  equation 

sm  %d9\  dQ  J     sm^0  d<j)^         ^         ^ 

This  equation  admits  of  a  useful  transformation :  for,  let 
fjL  =  cos  0,  then,  since 

we  get 

d  ( ,         ,,  dYn)  I      d'Yn        ,         .^  /  X 

Again,  if  a  spherical  harmonic  be  a  function  of  9  solely,  it 
is  called  a  zonal  harmonic.  Hence,  if  P«  be  a  zonal  harmonio 
of  the  n^^  order,  it  must  satisfy  the  equation 

i-j(.-,»)fJH-M-x)P.=  0.  (.0) 

424  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis. 

When  w  is  a  positive  integer,  the  value  of  Pn  can  be  readily- 
represented  by  a  finite  series.  For  since,  by  hypothesis,  P« 
is  a  function  of  the  n*^  degree  in  /u,  we  may  assume 


P„  =  S      Kiu"»). 


Hence  -^^  =  S  {mamfj^-^) ; 

.-.     —  (i  -ju'^)  — ^  =  2m(m  -  i)a^ju*"-'-  Sm(m  +  i)flf^ju"». 

Substituting  in  (lo),  and  equating  the  coefficient  of  ^*"  to 
zero  (since  the  result  must  vanish  identically),  viQ  get 

[m  +  i)  (m  +  2)  a^+a  =  -  (w  -  m)  (m  +  w  +  i)  am- 

Hence,  observing  that  the  highest  power  of  ju  is  n,  we 

w(w-i)     ^ 

2  (2W  -  I) 

and  we  may  write 

r         2(2^i-l)'^  2.4(2W-l)(2W-3)^  )' 

where  fif«  is  an  arbitrary  constant. 

This  is  the  general  form  of  a  zonal  harmonic  of  integer 
positive  degree ;  and  we  see  that  two  zonal  harmonics  of  the 
same  degree  can  only  differ  by  a  constant  multiplier. 

It   can  be  shown    independently  of    the    above    that 

KIT  I  ^^^  ~  ^^**  s^^isfies  the  equation  (10). 

In  order  to  prove  this  we  shall  assume  u  =  im^  -  i ,  and 
write  the  symbol  2)  for  — ;  then  we  have  to  prove  that 

D  {wi)«^^ (w»))  -  w  (w  +  i)  D»  (w*»)  =  o. 

Zonal  Sarmonic8»  425 

du  '* 

Now,  observing  that  —  =  Zfx^   we  get,   by  Leibnitz's 


theorem  of  Art.  48, 

Again,  since 

D  («*«*!)  =  2  (;^+ i);i«t", 
we  have 

J)n+i  (^^n+i)  =  2  (w  +  l)  D»^  OuW") 

=  2  (?i  +  i)  juZ)"  (w")  +  2w  (/^  +  i)  2)"-^  (e**). 

Equating  these  values  of  D''^'^  («*"^^),  we  get 

wZ)"-^^  (w")  =  w  (w  +  i)  2)«-^  (t***) ; 

hence  D  {wD«+^  («««)}  -  w  (w  +  i)2)" «)  =  o.  (12) 

Consequently   -D"  (w**)    satisfies  the  equation    in    question. 
Hence  we  infer  that 



The  student  can  verify,  by  direct  differentiation,  that 
this  expression  differs  only  by  a  constant  factor  from  the 
value  of  Pn  found  in  (11). 

It  is  usual  to  assume  that  Fn  is  that  value  of  the  pre- 
ceding expression  which  becomes  unity  when  /i«  i. 

To  find  this  value,  we  have 

by  Leibnitz's  theorem. 

426  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis. 

Now  it  is  readily  seen  that  f  — )    (jn*  -  i  )**~^  =  o  when  ju  =  i ; 
hence,  when  ju  =  i,  we  have 


=  2^n  {n  -  i)  (^  \fji'  -  i)^^  &c. 
Consequently,  when  ju=  i, 

The  foregoing  result  can  be  readily  shown  in  another 
manner.     For  2  [w f  —  J  (ju'' -  i)"  is  the  coefficient  of  h"  in  the 

expansion  of  (i  -  2/^^  +  h^)-^  (see  Ex.  6,  p.  155). 

( (x  -  ay  +  y'  +  z")'^  =  {r^  -  zarjj.  +  a')"* 

I  f 

=  -  (i  -  hu,  +  A*)-i,  where  h  =  -, 
a^         ^        ^  a 

and  we  have 

a-'^  2-[n\dfxJ  ^^       ^  ' 

in  which  we  suppose  a>  r. 

But  V^iix-ay  +  y^  +  z^y^^o; 


\d~)  ^'^^  ~  ^^"  satisfies  equation  (10),  &o. 

The  functions  Pi,  .  .  .  Pn  are  usually  called  Legendre's 

Complete  Spherical  Marmonics,  427 


1.  If  ^  =  I,  prove  that  P,,  =  1  for  all  values  of  «. 

2.  If  /A  =  -  I,  prove  that  P„  =  (-  i)». 

3.  If  /*  <  I,  show  that  the  series 

Pii-  Pa  +  . . .  +  P„  +  . . . 

is  convergent. 

4.  Prove  the  relations 

P4=  g ,      P6  = g 

5.  Prove  the  equations 

|-(P«.i-Pn-i)  =  (2»f  i)P„, 

(»  +  I) P,M  -  (2W  +  I  )/iP»  +  WP„_1  =  O. 

336.  Complete  Spherical  Harmonies. — 

From  Art.  334  it  follows  that  a  complete  spherical  har- 
monic Yn  of  the  n^^  order,  when  n  is  an  integer,  contains 
2n  +  I  arbitrary  constants.  Its  value  can  be  expressed  by 
aid  of  the  corresponding  zonal  h^monic  P«,  as  we  proceed 
to  show. 

Since  F„  is  in  this  case  a  rational  integer  function  of 
sin  Q  cos  ^,  sin  Q  sin  ^  and  cos  d,  we  may  suppose  it  expressed 
in  a  series  of  sines  and  cosines  of  multiples  of  <^,  whose  coef- 
ficients are  functions  of  0,  or  of  fx.  We  accordingly  assume 
that  Tn  consists  of  a  number  of  terms  each  of  the  form 
il/,  coss<^;  then,  substituting  in  equation  (8),  and  observing 

that  ■  =  -  8^  cos  5^,  we  obtain,  on  equating  to  zero  the 


coefficient  of  cos  5^, 

If,  as  before,  we  write  u  f or  u*  -  i,  and  B  for -7-,  this 


uB[uDMs]  -  sWs  -n{n+i)  uMs  =  o.  (15) 

428  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis. 


Now,  let  Ms'^u^v)  then 

«  < 

uDMs  =  u^  Dv  +  SjuLU^v; 
therefore  «  '  I  i 

uD  {uDMs)  =  u'^^D'v  +  2  (s  +  i)fxi^'l)v  +  su^%  +  syu\. 

Substitute  in  {15),  and  divide  by  u^    ;  then 

uD^v-¥  2(5+  i)iLiDv+  {s(s+  i)-n{n+  i))«?  =  o.     (16) 

It  is  readily  seen  that  this  equation  is  satisfied  by  assum- 
ing V  =  D^Fml  foi"  substituting  this  value  for  v  in  (16),  it 

ujy^'Fm  +  2  (S  +  l)tlB''^Pm  +  S  (s  +  l)  J^Pm 

-  n{n  +  I )  D'Pm  =  o ; 
but  by  Leibnitz's  theorem  the  first  three  terms  are  equivalent 
to  i)**^  [uDPm) ;  whence  the  equation  becomes 
i?"  [uDPn,]  -n[n-\-i)  D'Pm  =  o. 
But  this  equation  follows  immediately  from   (10)   by 
differentiating  it  s  times  with  respect  to  ju. 
^.coordingly,  the  expression 

satisfies  equation  (14),  and  hence 


satisfies  (8). 

T    Ti  ^(sinsd>)         „  .         I, 

In  like  manner,  as     \  ^      =  -  s'  sms0,  the  expression 


also  satisfies  the  same  equation. 

Accordingly,  equation  (8)  is  satisfied  by  the  expression 

(^.cos  s^  +  B, sin s^)  (n' -  i)^^AY(p„),         (i 7) 
in  which  A,  and  £,  are  arbitrary  constants. 

Laplace's  Coefficients,  429 

This  expression  is  called  a  Tesseral  Surfade  Harmonic,  and 
is  said  to  be  of  the  degree  n  and  order  s. 

If  we  give  all  integer  values  to  s  from  i  to  n,  the  com-  ^ 
plete  spherical  harmonic  F»  can  be  written  in  terms  of  ' 
Tesseral  harmonics  as  follows: — 

s=n  td'Pn 

Yn  =  AoPn  +  ^   (^,coss^  +  j5,sins<^)(/x^-i)=^-^,    (18) 

f  d\^ 
in  which  (-7-)  (fx^-  i)"  may  be  substituted  for  Pn  if  neces- 


This  equation  contains  the  proper  number  2n+  i  of  arbi- 
trary constants,  and  consequently  may  be  regarded  as  a 
general  expression  for  a  complete  spherical  harmonic  of  in- 
teger positive  degree. 

There  is  no  difficulty  in  showing  by  differentiation  that 

— )    (juL^-  lY  differs  only  by  a  constant  from 

^  2{2n-i)      ^ 

{n  -  s){n  ^  s  -  i){n -  s  -  2) (n  - 8  -  s) 
2.4.  (zn-  i)'{2n-  3) 

Hence  that  part  of  Yn  which  depends  on  the  angle  stp  may 
be  written 

This  agrees  with  the  general  expression  given  by  Laplace 
{M^canique  Celeste,  tome  iii.,  chap,  ii.,  p.  46). 

337.  Ijaplace's  Coefficients. — It  is  immediately  seen 

that  the  expression  77 ttz — 7 jr^ — , ttth  satisfies  the 

general  equation  (i),  as  also  the  corresponding  equation 

<^F    O'V    d'V  _ 
daf'  "^  di/'  ^  dz''  ~  ^' 

430  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis, 

Transferring  to  polar  coordinates,  the  preceding  expression 
may  be  written  {r^  -  2\r/  +  r^)   ,  where 

af  =  /  sin  &  cos  0',    y'  =  /  sin  Q'  sin  ^\    s'  =  /  ooa  0' ; 

and  X  =  cos  0  cos  Q'  +  sin  Q  sin  0'  cos  («^  -  0') . 

If  P  and  P'  be  the  points  whose  coordinates  are  ccyz  and 
x'y'z\  respectively,  then 

Accordingly,  if 

(i  -  2\h  +  A'»}-i=  i  +  Lih+  Lih^  + . . .  +  Z„A»  + . . ., 
we  have 

I  I        Xi/        Za/*  Zn/« 


I             I         LiV        LzT^  LnT^ 
= h 1 +  .  .  .  +  — 

Hence,  since  VN -pp?)  =  o,  we  must  have  v*(-;^)  =  o, 

and  also  V""  [Lnr")  =  o. 

From  this  we  see  that  Z„  is  a  spherical  harmonic  of  the 
degree  n,  and  that  it  satisfies  the  equation 

The  functions  Xi,  Z2,  .  .  .  Ln  are  called  Laplaceh  Coef- 
ficients,^ after  Laplace,  to  whom  their  introduction  into 
analysis  is  due. 

The  value  of  Ln  may  be  deduced  from  that  of  Pn  in  (11) 
or  (13),  by  substituting  juju'  +  -v/i  -  ju''  -v/i  -  ju'*  cos  (0  -  0')  in 
place  of  ft,  where  ju  =  cos  0,  and  [i  =  cos  0\  Hence  it  is  a 
function  of  the  n*^  degree  in  ju,  y^  i  -  ju^  cos  0  and  y^  i  -  /i'*  sin  0 ; 
as  also  in  ju',  \/i  -  ju''^  cos  0'  and  y^i  -  /^  sin  0'. 

Laplaceh  Coefficients.  431 

Moreover,  since  Ln  is  a  spherical  harmonic  of  the  n*^ 
degree,  and  symmetric  in  fi  and  ju',  as  also  in  <p  and  0',  it 
must,  by  (18),  be  of  the  form 

in  which  the  coeflScients  a^,  «!,...<?«...  are  constants,  the 
values  of  which  remain  to  be  determined. 

It  is  immediately  seen  that  ao=  i:  for  ii  fx  =  i,  we  have 
P„'=  I,  andX«  =  P„. 

In  the  Integral  Calculus,  Art.   233,   it  is  shown  that 

2I  ^  ~  s 

as  =  (-  i)*    , '    Assuming  this  result,  we  have 

?^  +  s 

«=»lw  —  s  «  *<f*P   d^P»^ 

Some  further  applications  of  spherical  harmonics  will  be 
found  in  the  Integral  Calculus,  Arts.  230-5,  but  for  a  more 
complete  treatment  of  the  subject,  which  involves  the  applica- 
tion of  Multiple  Integrals  as  well  as  the  solution  of  Differential 
Equations,  the  student  is  referred  to  Thomson  and  Tait's 
Treatise  on  Natural  Philosophy ;  to  Ferrers'  Spherical  Har- 
monics ;  or  to  Todhunter's  Treatise  on  Laplace* s,  Lam^^s,  and 
BesseVs  Functions, 

432  Spherical  Harmonic  Analysis, 


1.  If  «  be  a  solution  of  the  differential  equation 

du        du        du      ...    .     .  ,    , 

prove  that    x^  +  P^  +e-T  ^'^  ^so  be  a  solution  of  it. 
^  dx        dy         dz 

2.  Show  that  each  of  the  quantities 

--fj?,  (I  -A*')  cos 20,  (i-)u2)8in20,  /tVi-/ii«cosa,  /t\^i-/*'«sini 

is  a  surface  harmonic  of  the  second  degree. 

3.  Prove  that  the  expressions 

,     r+z  z         r+z       z         ,      r  +  2        2rxz 

zlog 2r,     -^log -,     arlog +  — 

^  r-z  r''      °  r-  z      r^'  °  r  -  z      x^  +  y^ 

are  solid  harmonic  functions. 

4.  If  the  polar  variables  be  replaced  by  «  and  v,  where 

cot-e^  =  u,    tan-^^*  =  v,    and  i  =  V  -  i, 

prove  that  any  surface  harmonic  of  the  order  n  satisfies  the  equation 

d^V      n{n+i)F 

—  o. 

dudv        (m  +  v)* 
5.  If  />',  pi',  pa'  be  the  roots  of  the  equation  in  \, 

i  =  ^+    y'    .     «' 

and  if 

A       A.  -  A2      X 


V(p2  -  A2)  (p2  -  k2)'       «i  -  V(A2-pi2)(pi2-kY 

prove  that 
transforms  into 


<f2u         flf^U         <;2w 


(     433     ) 



S^8.  JTacobians. — The  results  obtained  in  Articles  330 
and  331  are  particular  cases  of  a  class  of  general  theorems 
in  determinants  which  were  first  developed  by  Jacobi  (Crelle's 
Journal,  1841). 

Thus,  if  u,  V,  w  be  functions  of  x,  y,  z,  the  determinant 

















was  styled   by   Jacobi  a  functional  determinant.      Such  a 
determinant  is  now  usually  represented  by  the  notation 

d{u,  t).  w) 

and  is  called  the  Jacobian  of  the  system  w,  v,  w  with  respect 
to  the  variables  x,  y,  z. 

In  the  particular  case  where  u,  v,  w  are  the  partial  diffe- 
rential coefficients  of  the  same  function  of  the  variables  x,  y,  s, 
their  Jacobian  becomes  of  the  form  given  in  Art.  331,  and 
is  called  the  Hessian  of  the  primitive  function.  Thus  the 
determinant  in  Art.  331  is  called  the  Hessian  of  u,  after 
Hesse,  who  first  introduced  such  functions  into  analysis,  and 
pointed  out  their  importance  in  the  general  theory  of  curves 
and  surfaces. 




More  generally,  if  yi,  y^,  2/3 ...  ^n  t©  functions  of  oji,  x^^  x^ 
Xm  the  determinant 





"   dXn 





'   *  dXn 


•    • 





is  called  the  Jacobian  of  the  system  of  functions  yi,  2/2?  .. .  yn 
with  respect  to  the  variables  a?i,  x^,  . , .  Xn\  and  is  denoted  by 



d(Xi,  X2y...  Xn) 


Again,  if  yi,  ^2,  •  • .  yn  be  differential  coefficients  of  the 
same  function  the  Jacobian  is  styled,  as  above,  the  Hessian 
of  the  function. 

A  Jacobian  is  frequently  represented  by  the  notation 

J{yi,  ^2, . . .  yn), 

the  variables  Xi,  Xzy  .  .  .  x^  being  understood. 

If  the  equations  for  ^1,  ?/2, . . .  y»  be  of  the  following  form, 

yi  =f2{i^i,  a;^), 

2/3    =/3(aJl,    Xiy    X»)y 

yn  =/n(a?i,  Xz,  ,  ,  ,  Xn)f 

Examples,  455 

it  is  obvious  that  their  Jacobian  reduces  to  -its  leading  term, 


J  «  -7 — .  — ; —  .  .  .  -z —  •  13; 

dxi    aXi         axn 

This  is  a  case  of  a  more  general  theorem  which  will  bo 
given  subsequently  (Art.  343). 


1.  Find  the  Jacobian  of  yi,  yz,  •  • .  yn,  being  given 

yi  =  I  ~  xi,    yz  =  x\{i-  Xi)y    yz  =  xixz  {1  -  xz)  .  , . 

yn  =  i»ia;2 . . .  Xn.i  (I  -  Xn).  Ans.  7  =  (-  ly^Xi'^-'^Xi^-'^  . . .  x„-i. 

2.  Find  the  Jacobian  of  xi,  xz,  .  .  ,  a?«  with  respect  to  0i,  62,  .  .  .  9n,  being 

Xi  =  cos  61,    xz  =  sin  ^i  cos  62,    X3  =  sin  Oi  sin  62  cos  63,  .  .  • 
Xn  =  sin  01  sin  62  sin  03  •  •  •  sin  6n-i  cos  dn. 

Ans.  ^(^1'  ^2>  •  •  •  ^»)  =  (_  i)„  sin„0j .  ginu-i^j .  .  .  sin0„. 

339.  Case  wbere  tbe  Functions  are  not  Indepen- 
dent.— If  2/1,  ^2  •  .  .  2/n  be  connected  by  a  relation,  it  is 
easily  seen  that  their  Jacobian  is  always  zero. 

For,  suppose  the  equation  of  connexion  to  be  represented 


F[yi,y2, . .  .2/n)  =0; 

then,  differentiating  with  respect  to  the  variables  a?!,  Xz,,..  a?«, 
we  get  the  following  system  of  equations : — 

dF  dxjx       dF  dyz  dF  dy^ 

d/yx  dxi       dy^  dxi      " '      dy^  dxi        ' 


436  Jacohians, 

dF  dj/i     dFdpt  dF  dpn  _ 

dyx  dXi     dt/idxt     ' "     dyn  dsh       ' 

dFdyx     dFdpi  dF  dpn  _ 

dyxdxn     dy^dxn     "'     dy^dx^ 

,.    .     ^.      dF     dF        dF 
whence,  eliminatma:  -7-,     -7-  •  •  •  -;— >  w©  ?>^^ 

^  dyx     dyt        dyn        ^ 

d  {Xx,  Xi,,,.Xn) 

The  converse  of  this  result  will  be  established  in  Art.  344 ; 
and  we  infer  that  whenever  the  Jacobian  of  a  system  of 
functions  vanishes  identically  the  functions  are  not  indepen- 
dent. This  is  an  extension  of  the  result  arrived  at  in  Art. 

340.  Case  of  Functions  of  Functions. — If  we  sup- 
pose ih,  tizj  W3  to  be  functions  of  yi,  y^^  y^,  where  yi,  yz,  yz  are 
functions  of  Xi,  icz,  (^3 ;  we  have 

dui  _  dui  dyx       dUx  dy^      dih  dy^ 
dxx      dyx  dxx      dy%  dxx      dy^  dxx ' 

dUx      dui  dyx       dUx  dy^      dUx  dyz 
dxz      dyx  dXi       dyx  dxz       dy^  dx%^ 

dux  _  dtix  dyx       dux  dyz      dux  dy^ 
dxz      dyx  dxs       dy^  dx^       dyz  dxz' 

•        •••••         &o. 

Case  o/Funcftons  of  Functions, 


Hence,  by  the  ordinary  rule  for  the  multiplication  of 
determinants,  we  get 

ayz      ay2      ay^       /  x 

dui      dui      dux 


dui     dth 




dxx      dx^^     dxz 


dyi     dyz 




dUi     du-i     dUi 
dxx      dXi^     dxz 



dut      duz 
dy%     dyz 






dus     dUi     duz 


duz     duz 




dx^     dXi      dxz 


dyi    dy 





d{uxy  Ujy  Uj)     djuiy  u^y  th)    d{yx,  ya,  yz) 
d{xxy  X2y  Xz)      d{y ly  yzy  yz)  *  d{xxy  x^y  Xz) 

It  follows  as  a  particular  case,  that 

djyxy  yi,  yz)    d{xx,  a?2,  xz)  ^ 
d(xxyX2yXz)      d{yx,y2yyz)        ' 


These  results  are  readily  generalized,  and  it  can  be  shown 
by  the  method  given  above  that 

d{uxy  Ujy...  Un)  ^  d{uxy  u^y . , .  u^)    d[yxy  yz, . .  .  yn) 

d{Xxy  iTa,  .  .  .  Xn)       d{yxy  ^2,  . .     yn)  '  d{Xx,  X2,...  XnY 


This  is  a  generalization  of  the  elementary  theorem  of 
Art.  1 9,  viz. 

du     du  dy 

dx      dy  dx 

d{yx,  yz, « . »  yn)  d{xi,  x^,,,,  a?„) 

d{xxy  iCz, . .  .  iP«)  d{yx,  yz, . .  ^  yn) 

This  may  be  regarded  as  a  generalization  of  the  result 

dx        ^  dy 
dy        '  dx 




341.  The  Jacob! an  is  an  Invariant. — In  the  parti- 
cular case  of  linear  transformations  we  have  a  system  of 
equations  as  follows: — 

yi  =  hxXx  +  hxi +  bf^n, 

In  this  case 

, +  InXn^ 

d{yx,  y2 yn) 

d{Xi,  Xi Xn) 

hi     bi  .  .  .  bn 

h  k 


This  determinant  is  a  constant,  and  is  called  the  modulus 
of  the  transformation. 

Accordingly,  in  linear  transformations  the  transformed 
Jacobian  is  equal  to  the  original  Jacobian  multiplied  by  the 
modulus  of  the  transformation. 

In  the  case  of  orthogonal  transformation  (see  Art.  327) 
the  modulus  of  the  transformation  is  unity,  and  accordingly 
the  Jacobian  is  unaltered  by  such  a  transformation. 

342.  Jacobian  of  Implicit  Functions. — Next,  if 
Uy  V,  w,  instead  of  being  given  explicitly  in  terms  of  x,  y,  z, 
be  connected  with  them  by  equations  such  as 

Fi{x,y,z,u,v,w)  =  Q,  Fi{x,yfZ,u,v,w)  =  o,  Fi[x,y,z,u,v,w)  =  o, 
then  w,  V,  w  may  be  regarded  as  implicit  functions  of  a?,  y^  «. 
In  this  case  we  have,  by  differentiation, 

dFx      dFx  du 
dx       du  dx 

dFi  dv     dFi  dio  _ 
dv  dx      dw  dx 

dFi      dFi  du     dFi  dv     dFi  dw  _ 
dy        du  dy       dv  dy      dw  dy        ' 

iFz      dFi  du     dFi  dv     dF^  dw 
dx       du  dx       dv  dx      dw  dx       ' 

Jacohian  of  Implicit  Functions, 


Hence  we  observe,  from  the  ordinary  rule  for  multiplica- 
tion of  determinants,  that 

dF^     dF,     dF, 

du     dv     dw 

dFi     dFx     dF, 

du^     dv^     dw 

dx     dx'     dx 

dx'     dy'     dz 

dF^     dF,     dF^ 
du '     dv^     dw 


du      dv      dw 
dy^     dxf     dy 

=  - 

dF^  dF^  dF^ 
dx'     dy'     dz 

dF^     dFs     dFs 
du^     dv'     dw 

du     dv      dw 
Tz'     1%'     d^ 

dF,  dFz  dF, 
dx'     dy'     dz 

UJJ  2      ,       M-tt  U/U  UW  U/JCz  CI/J.' 2  U/JL' 2  .     » 

~d^  '   Ty'    dy'     ~-   = "  ~^'    "^^    ~^ '  ^^^ 

dFz       du     dv 
dw       dz'    dz' 

This  result  may  be  written 

d{F„F2,F,)    d[u,v,w)  ^    d{Fr,F„F,) 
d{u,  V,  w)    '  d{xy  yy  z)     "    d[x,  y,  z) 

The  preceding  can  be  generalized,  and  it  can  be  readily 
shown  by  a  like  demonstration  that  if  yi,  2/2,  ^3,  •  •  .  yn 
are  connected  with  a?i,  a?2,  0%  .  .  .  a;»  by  /*  equations  of  the 

i^i(a?i,  aJa  .  .  .  Xn,      yi,  ^2  .  .  .  2^n)  =  O, 

F2[xiy  ajj, . . .  iTn,    2^1,  y2 . . .  y»)  =  o. 


Fn[Xi,  aJa  .  .  .  Xn,     yi,  y2*>.yn)='  o, 
we  shall  have  the  following  relation  between  the  Jacobians 
d[F,,F2,,..Fn)  ^  d{y,,  ^2, . . .  Vn)  ^  f     .^  d[F,,F2,.,.Fn)^ 

'^^^'ij  2^3,  .•  •  Vn)  '  d{Xif  X2,,,,  Xn]  d{Xiy  X2,  .  .  .  Xn)' 


djyu  ^2,  . . »  yn) 
d{xi,  Xi,  ,.  .  Xn) 


d{F^,  F2,..,  Fn) 

d{Xi,    X2,    .  ,  .  Xn) 

d[yi,  2^2,  .. .  yn) 




343.  Again,  the  equations  connecting  tlie  variables  are 
always  capable  by  elimination  of  being  transformed  into  the 
following  shape : — 

(l>l[Xx,  iPz,  .  .  .  Xn,  yi)  =  0, 

02  fe,  xz,  ., .  Xn,  Vii  y%)  =  o, 

(pz[Xz,  X^y  .,.  Xn,  Vi,  Vi,  yz)  =  o, 

In  this  case  the  Jacobian  determinant 

(^{yi,  yiy  "  '  ynY 

as  in  Art.  338,  reduces  to  its  leading  term 

d<l>i  d(i)2  difiz       d(f)n 

dyi  dyi  dy^'"  dy„ 

In  like  manner, 

^(<^ij  02,  . . .  ^n) 

d(Xi,   Xiy    ...    Xn) 

reduces  to 

d<j)\  d(p2       d(f>n 

dXi  dXz"  '  dXn 

Accordingly,  in  this  case,  the  Jacobian 

d(pi  d(p2 
d[yx,y2,.,.yn)     .     .„dx,  dx,  " 

d{xi,  ajj,  . . .  Xn)      ^      ^    d(j>i  dtp^ 


'  dXn 

dyx  dy-i  " 

'  dyn 



344.  €ase  where  JTacobian  vanishes. — We  can  now 

prove  that  if  the  Jacobian  vanishes,  the  functions  yi,  ^2, . . .  y» 
axe  not  independent  of  one  another. 

Case  where  Jacohian  Vanishes,  441 

For,  as  in  the  previous  Article,  the  equations  connecting 
the  variables  are  always  capable  of  being  transformed  into 
the  shape  given  in  ( 1 2),  and  accordingly,  if  J  {yi  ^2, . . .  y„)  =  o, 
we  must  have 

d'Xi  dx-i  '  '  '  dxn        ' 

that  is,  we  have   -^  s  o  for  some  value  of  i  between  i  and  n, 

Hence,  for  that  particular  value  of  i  the  function  (fn  must 
not  contain  Xi ;  and  accordingly  the  corresponding  equation 
is  of  the  form 

(f>i  (a?f+i,  .  .  .  iTn,     Vx,  ^8,  .  .  .  Vi)  =  o. 

Consequently,  between  this  and  the  remaining  equations, 

0H1  =  o,     </>f+2  =  0,     .  .  .  ^„  =  o, 

the  variables  xui  Xi+2,  .  .  .  a?„  can  be  eliminated  so  as  to  give 
a  final  equation  between  ^1,  ^2,  •  •  •  yn  alone.  This  establishes 
our  theorem. 

Also,  it  follows  that  if  the  Jacobian  does  not  vanish, 
the  functions  are  independent. 

345.  In  the  particular  case  where 

yi  =  Fi{xi,  xo,  .  .  .  a?J, 
t/2  =  F^iyi,  X2,  .  .  .  Xn), 

we  have 

t/n  =  Fn{yi,y2,  .  .  .yn.i,!^n), 

d  (yi>  ^2,  .  .  ♦  yn)  ^dyj_   dy^,         dy 
d  [Xiy  iTs,  .  .  .  Xn)       dXi  '  dx2  '  '  '  dXi 


It  may  be  observed  that  the  theory  of  Jacobians  is  of 
fundamental  importance  in  the  transformation  of  Multiple 
Integrals  (see  Int,  Calc,  Art.  225). 

^^^  jacobians. 


I.  Find  the  Jacobian  of  yi,  j/2,  .  .  .  y«  with  respect  to  r,  0i,  62,  .  .  .  0«-i, 
being  given  the  system  of  equations — 

yi  —  r  cos  di,    1/2  =  r  sin  Oi  cos  62,    ys  =  »*  sin  ^i  sin  02  cos  Os,  •  •  • 

yn  =  r  sin  0i  sin  02  .  .  •  sin  0n-i. 

If  we  square  and  add  we  get 

yi'^  +  y8«  +  . . .  yn'  »  r». 

Assuming  this  instead  of  the  last  of  the  given  equations,  we  readily  find 

7=  r»-i  sin»»-'0i  sin«-^02  ...  sin  0„.a, 

2.  Find  the  Jacobian  of  yi,  yz  .  . .  yn,  being  given 

yi  =  «!  (i  -  a;2),     y2  =  ariar*  (I  -  a^s) . .  • 

y»-i  =  aJia^2  .  .  .  sun-i  (I  —  a^)» 

yn  =  X1X2  .  .  .  Xn> 

Here,    yi  +  y2  +  .  •  •  y»  =  J»?i,  and  we  get 

a  [Xif  X2f    .  .  ,  Xn) 

346.  Case  where  a  Relation  connects  the  Depen- 
dent ITariables. — If  yi,  2/2  ..  .  y^  which  are  given  func- 
tions of  the  n  variables  iCi,  a^,  .  .  .  Xn,  be  connected  by  an 
independent  relation, 

J^(2/i»  ya, .  .  .  y«)  =  o,  (15) 

we  may,  in  virtue  of  this  relation,  regard  one  of  the  variables, 
ii?„  suppose,  as  a  function  of  the  remaining  variables,  and  thus 
consider  2/1,  ^2,  •  .  •  Vn-i  as  functions  of  a?i,  arg,  .  .  .  a?n_i.  In 
this  case  it  can  be  shown  that 

d[yi,  ^2,  .  .  .  Vn-i)  _  dyn  d  (yi,  ya .  .  .  yn) . 
d[Xx,X2^  .  .  .  Xn-i)      dF_d(xi,X2,  .  .  .  aj„) 


Case  where  a  Belation  connects  the  Dependent  Variables.  443 
For,  if  we  regard  Xn  as  a  function  of  cPi,  xz,  &c.,  we  have 

^    ,    .  _  ^1      dyx  dXn      _^(    \_^      ^^2  dXn   » 
^^^^^"^1  "*"  ^^'     dxy^'^'~dxx      dxndxx 

Also,  from  equation  (15), 

dF     dF  dxn  dF     dF  dXn         « 

aa?i     dxndxi  dx^     dxndx% 

let     Ax  =  ^, 

dF                      dF 

.      dx^            .           c?ir„-i  ^ 

^a?n           ^          dXn 

dx,"    ^''    dx. 


—  ~~  A2,  .  .  .  - , An-l» 


TT  d    ,    .     dijx     ^   dyx        d    .    .     dyx    ^  dyx    - 

Hence      ^— (yi)  =  -T--Ai3— ,     -3— (2/i)  =  tt--A2  t~,  &o. 
rfiPi  ^^^     dxx         dXn       dxi      '     dx^        dxn 


Accordingly,  substituting  in  the  Jacobian 

dixxyXiy  ..  .  n;„.i)' 

it  becomes 

dyx    ^  ^yi  ^-x  J^        ^^-\    i^ 

dxx         dxn  dx2       ^  dx^  "  *  dxn.\      **"  c?a?» 

dXx  dXn        '        dXi  "^  dXn     *  *  *  <^iJ?n-l         **"     dXn 

dyn-x    .   #«-i     e?yn_i    .   dyn.\         dy^^x    ^      %i»-i 

— ; Ai  — ; — «     — ; A2  — ; — j  •  •  •  "7  ^n^\  ~3 

dXi  dXn         dX2  dXn  axn.x  axn 

If  this  determinant  be  bordered  by  introducing  an  addi- 
tional column  as  in  the  following  determinant,  the  other 



terms  of  the  additional  row  being  cyphers,  its  value  is  readily 
seen  to  be 



dx,'    •  •  • 





dx,'    '  '  ' 








dx^'  '  '  ' 



A»,         •   .   . 





dx,'    '  • 







dx^'    '  *  ' 













dx,'  '  '  ' 






dx,'  '  '  ' 


Again,  we  have 

dF      dF  dy^ 
dxi       dyi  dxi 

dF  dy^ 
dyi  dxi 

^  dF  dy^ 
dyn  dxi  ' 


dF  dyx 
dyx  dXi 

^  dF  dy,  ^ 
dy^  dxz 



Substituting  these  values  in  the  last  row  of  the  preceding 

Case  where  a  Relation  connects  the  Dependent  Variables,    445 

the  theorem  is  established,  since  we  readily  find  that  the 
determinant  is  reducible  to 



dx^'    *  • 







dx^   '  ' 


'  dXn 





'  dXn 


It  may  be  well  to  guard  the  student  from  the  supposition 
that  this  latter  determinant  is  zero,  as  in  Arts.  339  and  344. 
The  distinction  is,  that  in  the  former  cases  the  equation 
F{yu  yi '  '  '  yn)  =  o,  connecting  the  y  functions,  is  deduced 
by  the  elimination  of  the  variables  Xi,  X2,  .  .  -  Xn  from  the 
equations  of  connexion ;  whereas  in  the  case  here  considered 
it  is  an  additional  and  independent  relation. 


I.  Being  given 



yi  =  r BinOi  sin dz,    ys  =  r  sin  0i cos  0a, 
yz=r  cos  Qi  sin  dz,    y^  =  r  cos  di  cos  Os, 

find  the  value  of  the  Jacobian 

^(r,  01,  02,  03)  ' 


a.  Find  the  Jacobian   ■  ,    5'  /,  being  given 

»  =  r cos 0  cos ^,    y  =  rsind  V  I— M^sin^^,     a  =  rBin</)\/i  —  w'^sin^e, 
"vrhere  w*  +  M*  =  i. 

r2{M2cOSV  +  «2cos2a) 


Vl-m'sin^^  Vi  -  nHxn^Q 

3.  Being  given 

X%Xz  X\X%  X\X% 

yi=— -,    y2  =  -— ,    ^3=-—, 

0^1  0:3  it^S 

find  the  value  of  the  Jacobian  of  yi,  yz,  ya. 
4.  In  the  Jacobian 

Ans.  4. 

d[y\,y%.  ..yn) 


if  we  make 

«1                      «2 

yi  =  — ,   2/2  =  —,...  yn  = 

prove  that  it  becomes 

«,             Wl,          «2,      ...    «» 

^M         efe^l        <f?^               <fMn 

dx\      dx\     dx\  '  '  '  dxi 


du       du\      du%          dun 


dXi     dxz     dxi*  '  '  '  dxz 


du       du\      dui  dun 

dXn       dXn       dXn    '  '  '  dXn 

This  determinant  is  represented  by  the  notation  K{Uf  ui,  , . .  Un). 

5.  If  a  homogeneous  relation  exists  between  u,  «i,  .  .  .  w»,  prove  that 

Jr(w,  «i,  . .  .  «„)  =  o. 

6.  In  the  same  case  if  yi,  yg,  .  .  .  yn  possess  a  common  factor,  so  that 
yi  =  UiU,  &c.,  prove  that 

•^(y,  ya, . . .  y»)  =  2m«/(wi,  «a,  ...«»)  -  ««-1jK'(«,  «!,«»,...  1%). 

(     447     ) 



347.  Conditions  for  a  maximum  or  Minimum  for 
Four  ITariablesi. — The  conditions  for  a  maximum  or  a 
minimum  in  the  case  of  two  or  of  three  variables  have  been 
given  in  Chapter  X. 

It  can  be  readily  seen  that  the  mode  of  investigation,  and 
the  form  of  the  conditions  there  given,  admit  of  extension 
to  the  case  of  any  number  of  independent  variables. 

We  shall  commence  with  the  case  of  four  independent 
variables.  Proceeding  as  in  Art.  162,  it  is  obvious  that  the 
problem  reduces  to  the  consideration  of  a  quadratic  expres- 
sion in  four  variables  which  shall  preserve  the  same  sign  for 
all  real  values  of  the  variable. 

Let  the  quadratic  be  written  in  the  form 

u  =  anXx  +  av^^  +  a^z  +  a^^x^ 

+  2a'iiX2Xi  +  ittziX^i^  (i) 

in  which  «ii,  012,  ^22,  &c.,  represent  the  respective  second 
differential  coefficients  of  the  function,  as  in  Art.  162. 

We  shall  first  investigate  the  conditions  that  this  ex- 
pression shall  be  always  a  positive  quantity.  In  this  case 
«ii,  022,  «33,  &o.,  evidently  are  necessarily  positive :  again, 
multiplying  by  o^n,  the  expression  may  be  written  in  the 
following  form : — 

«iiW  =  [aixXi  +  ttnXi + fl5i3a?3 + «i4a?*)^  +  («i  i«22  -  dn)  Xz  +  («n<i?a3  -  ^is'^)  ^i 

+  («11«Z44  -  «U  )  X^  +  2  («5iia23  -  «12«13)iP2^ 

+  2  [cLwCLu  —  (ln(l\i\  X^^  +  2  {anasi  -  dndu)  X^i.  (2) 


General  Conditions  for  Maxima  or  Minima, 

Also,  in  order  that  the  part  of  this  expression  after  the 
first  term  shall  be  always  positive,  we  must  have,  by  the 
Article  referred  to,  the  following  conditions : — 


^11^22  —  ^12    >  0> 

(«u«22  -  (in)  («ii«33  -  Cln)  -  («n«23  -  aiidizY  >  O, 

^11^22  "■  ^12  ^11^23  ~  ^12^13,        ^11^24  ~  ^12^14 

^11<^23  ~  ^12^13)        <5fll^33  —  ^13  >  <^11^34  ~"  ^13^14 

^11<5524  —  ^12<?14>         ^11^34  —  <^13^14j         ^11^44  "  ^14 

>  o. 




To  express  the  determinant  (5)  in  a  simpler  form,  we 
write  it  as  follows: — 



aiif                    «i2>  (^I3y  ^14 

O,  fl5]1^22  ~  ^12  >  ^11^23  ~  ^12^13>  ^11^24  ""  ^12^14 

O,  <Zufl!23  —  ^12<^13)  ^11^33  ~  ^13  )  ^11<?34  ~  <?13<^14 

O,  fl5ll<3!24  ~  ^12^14>  <^11<5534  —  a23fl!l4>  ^11^44  —  ^14 


Next,  to  form  a  new  determinant,  multiply  the  first  row 
by  0^12,  aisi  au,  successively,  and  add  the  resulting  terms  to 
the  2nd,  3rd,  and  4th  rows,  respectively;  then,  since  each 
term  in  the  rows  after  the  first  contains  an  as  a  factor,  the 
determinant  is  evidently  equivalent  to 



^11>        ^12)        ^13)  ^14 

^12)        ^22)        ^23>  ^24 

^13>        ^23)        <3533,  au 

«i4,     a2i,     auf  an 

In  like  manner  the  relation  in  (4)  is  at  once  reducible  to 
the  form 

f^Uf        ^12)        ^13 
an  «12,         a22f        ^23  >    O' 

^13)        ^23>        ^33 

Maxima  and  Minima, 


Hence  we  conclude  that  whenever  the  following  condi- 
tions are  fulfilled,  viz. 

any  ^12)  ^13)  au 

an  >  o, 

aui  ^12 

^12,  fl^za 

>  O, 

<^12)  ^22)  <^23 
^13)  ^23j  ^33 


<^12j  ^22j  ^23j  a^i 
^13)  ^23)  ^33>  ^34 
^/l4,  ^24>  <^345  ^44 

>  o. 


the  quadratic  expression  in  (i)  is  positive  for  all  real  values 

of  Xi,  Xi^  Xz^  X4^. 

Accordingly,  the  conditions  are  the  same  as  in  the  case 
(Art.  162)  of  three  variables,  with  the  addition  that  the  deter- 
minant (7)  shall  be  also  positive. 

In  like  manner  it  can  be  readily  seen  that  if  the  second 
and  fourth  of  the  preceding  determinants  be  positive,  and 
the  twp  others  negative,  the  quadratic  expression  (i)  is 
negative  for  all  values  of  the  variables. 

The  last  determinant  in  (8)  is  called  the  discriminant  of 
the  quadratic  function,  and  the  preceding  determinant  is 
derived  from  it  by  omitting  the  extreme  row  and  column, 
and  the  others  are  derived  in  like  manner. 

When  the  discriminant  vanishes,  it  can  be  seen  without 
difiSculty  that  the  expression  (i)  is  reducible  to  the  sum  of 
three  squares. 

It  can  now  be  easily  proved  by  induction  that  the  preceding 
principle  holds  in  general,  and  that  in  the  case  of  n  variables 
the  conditions  can  be  deduced  from  the  discriminant  in  the 
manner  indicated  above. 

348.  Conditions  for  n  l^ariables. — If  the  notation 
already  adopted  be  generalized,  the  coefficient  of  Xr^  is 
denoted  by  am  and  that  of  XrXm  by  larm-  In  this  case  the 
discriminant  of  the  quadratic  function  in  n  variables  is 

^iij     ^12)     a 




«'23,         ... 




«33,         .     .     . 








«3n,       .    .    . 




General  Conditions  for  Maxima  or  Minima* 

and  the  conditions  that  the  quadratic  expression  shall  be 
always  positive  are,  that  the  determinant  (q)  and  the  series 
of  determinants  derived  in  succession  by  erasing  the  outside 
row  and  column  shall  be  all  positive. 

To  establish  this  result,  we  multiply  the  quadratic  func- 
tion by  «ii,  and  it  is  evident  that 

aiiU  =  [a^^Xx  +  anXi  +  . . .  ai«a?„/  +  (au^za  -  an']x^  +  ... . 

+  (^iiflfnn  -  ax^)Xr^  +  2(an«23  -  ax-iflxz^X^X^  + 
+  2  {axxarn  ~"  ^ir'^in)  XrXn  +  &C. 

In  order  that  this  should  be  always  positive  it  is  necessary 
that  the  part  after  the  first  term  should  always  be  positive. 
This  is  a  quadratic  function  of  the  n-  \  variables Xx,  a^a, . . . Xn> 
Accordingly,  assuming  that  the  conditions  in  question  hold 
for  it,  its  discriminant  must  be  positive,  as  also  the  series  of 
determinants  derived  from  it.     But  the  discriminant  is 

^H^22  ""  <^12  )  ^11^23  ~  ^12^13>       •    •    •       <'5ll^2n  ""  ^is^in 

^11^23  ~  ^12^13j       ^11^33  "~  ^13  >  ...       axx^^in  ~  ^13^1» 

^11^34 "~  ^i2<55u>     (i'wa^  —  ax^ax^^     .  .  .     ^ufl^in  "~  (^\^fi\n 

^ii^2n—  ^i2^m)    ^ii^3»  ~  ^i3^in> 



Writing  this  as  in  (6),  and  proceeding  as  in  Art.  347,  it 
is  easily  seen  that  it  becomes 


«.e.  the  discriminant  of  the  function  multiplied  by  ^u""''. 

Hence  we  infer,  that  if  the  principle  in  question  hold  for 
n  -  I  variables  it  holds  for  n.  But  it  has  been  shown  to  hold 
in  the  eases  of  3  and  4  variables,  consequently  it  holds  for 
any  number. 




.  .  .    axn 




...    ain 




...    azn 








.  .  .     ttnn 

Maxima  and  Minima. 


"We  conclude  finally  that  the  quadratic  expression  in  n 
variables  is  always  positive  whenever  the  series  of  determi- 


^iij  a\z 

a\2y  a%-i 

ail,  «i2,  «5i3 

an,     «22,     ^23 

J    •   •   • 

^13,     «23,     «33 

an,  aiz,  . 

^12)     ^22j     • 

^ln>  a2nj 



are  all  positive. 

According  as  the  number  of  rows  in  a  determinant  is 
even  or  odd,  the  determinant  is  said  to  be  one  of  an  even  or 
of  an  odd  order. 

If  the  determinants  of  an  even  order  be  all  positive,  and 
if  those  of  an  odd  order,  commencing  with  ^fn,  be  all  negative, 
the  quadratic  expression  is  negative  for  all  real  values  of  the 

Hence  we  infer  that  the  number  of  independent  conditions 
for  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  in  the  case  of  n  variables  is 
n  -  I,  as  stated  in  Art.  163. 

It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  state  that  similar  results  hold 
if  we  interchange  any  two  of  the  suffix  numbers ;  i.  e.  if  any 
of  the  coefficients,  ^22,  «33,  •  •  •  ann,  be  taken  instead  of  an  as 
the  leading  term  in  the  series  of  determinants. 

If  the  determinants  in  ( 1 2  j  be  denoted  by  Ai,  Aa,  A3, . . .  A«, 
it  can  be  seen  without  difficulty  that  whenever  no  one  of  these 
determinants  vanishes  the  quadratic  expression  under  con- 
sideration may  be  written  in  the  form 

Ai  A2 



Hence,  in  general,  when  the  quadratic  is  transformed  into  a 
sum  of  squares,  the  number  of  positive  squares  in  the  sum 
depends  on  the  number  of  continuations  of  signs  in  the  series 
of  determinants  in  (12). 

It  is  easy  to  see  independently/  that  the  series  of  conditions 
in  (12)  are  necessary  in  order  that  the  quadratic  function 
under  consideration  should  be  always  positive ;  the  preceding 


452  General  Conditio)) fi  for  Maxima  or  Minima. 

investigation  proves,  however,  that  they  are  not  only  necessary, 
but  that  they  are  sufficient. 

Again,  since  these  results  hold  if  any  two  or  more  of  the 
sujfix  numbers  be  interchanged,  we  get  the  following  theorem 
in  the  theory  of  numbers :  that  if  the  series  of  determinants 
given  in  (12)  be  all  positive,  then  every  determinant  obtained 
from  them  by  an  interchange  of  the  suffix  numbers  is  also 
necessarily  positive. 

Also,  since  when  a  quadratic  expression  is  reduced  to  a 
'sum  of  squares  the  number  of  positive  and  negative  squares 
in  the  sum  is  fixed  (Salmon's  Higher  Algebra,  Art.  162),  we 
infer  that  the  number  of  variations  of  sign  in  any  series  of 
determinants  obtained  from  (12)  by  altering  the  suffix 
numbers  is  the  same  as  the  number  of  variations  of  sign 
in  the  series. 

349.  Orthogonal  Transformation. — As  already  stated, 
a  quadratic  expression  can  be  transformed  in  an  infinite 
number  of  ways  by  linear  transformations  into  the  sum  of 
a  number  of  squares  multiplied  by  constant  coefficients ; 
there  is,  however,  one  mode  that  is  unique,  viz.  what  is 
styled  the  orthogonal  transformation  (see  Art.  341). 

In  this  case,  if  Xi,  X2,  X3,  . . .  Xn  denote  the  new  linear 
functions,  we  have 

x^^-vxi  +  .,.^  xn^  =  Xi^  +  X2'  +  &c.  f  X„2  =  F; 

also,  denoting  the  coefficients  of  the  squares  in  the  transformed 
expression  by  ^1,  <?2,  •  • .  «n, 

17=  ayxXi   +  a-iiX^  +  .  .  .  +  a^n^n   +  .  .  .  +  lax^X^X^  +  ZaxrlCxXr  +  .  .  . 

=  axXx  +  ^2X2^  +  «f„X„^ 

Hence,  equating  the  discriminants  of  U -  XV  ior  the  two 
systems,  we  get 

^11  ~  A,  ai2y  .  .  .  ttin 
^i2j  ^22  ~  A,  ...  a2n 
<^13)  ^23>         •  •  •      azn 

^  A 

^i«>  ^2n> 

=  [ai-\){a2-X),.,{an-\). 

Conditions  of  Maxima  or  Minima  in  General.         453 

Accordingly,  the  coeflBcients  ai,  az,  . . .  an  are  the  roots  of 
the  determinant  A. 

Moreover,  in  order  that  the  function  U  should  be  always 
positive  or  always  negative  for  all  real  values  of  the  variables 
(^1,(^2,  ...  Xny  the  coefficients  «i,  a-i  .  , .  a„  must  be  all  positive 
in  the  former  case,  and  all  negative  in  the  latter ;  and  con- 
sequently, in  either  case,  the  roots  of  the  determinants  in  (14) 
must  all  have  the  same  sign. 

For  a  general  proof  that  the  roots  of  the  determinant  A 
are  always  real,  and  also  for  the  case  when  it  has  equal 
roots,  the  student  is  referred  to  Williamson  and  Tarleton's 
Dynamics^  Second  Edition,  Chapter  XIII. 


Miscellaneous  Examples, 

Miscellaneous  Examples, 

I.  If  a,  )8,  7  be  the  roots  of  the  cubic 

x^+px'^  +  qx  +  r  =  o, 

show  that 

dp  dq  dr 

da  da  da 

dp  dq  dr 

dk*  dfi*  dh 

dp  dq  dr 

dy*  dy*  dy 


2.  Being  given  the  three  simultaneous  equations 

<p\{Xu  SC2,  Xz,  Xi)  =  O,      (f>2{Xi,  X2,  X%,  xC)  -  O,       ^z{Xi^  X^,  Xz,  Xi)  =  o, 

determine  the  values  of  -— ,    — — ,    — — . 

dx\      dxi      dx\ 



S.  If  X  and  y  be  not  independent,  prove  that  the  equation  -  — r-  —  ^  ^ 
does  not  hold  good,  in  general. 

4.  Prove  that  the  points  of  intersection  of  a  cui-ve  of  the  fourth  degree  with 
its  asymptotes  lie  on  a  conic ;  and  in  general  for  a  curve  of  the  degree  n  they 
lie  on  a  curve  of  the  degree  n  —  z. 

5.  Prove  that  every  curve  of  the  third  degree  is  capable  of  being  projected 
into  a  central  curve,  (Chasles). 

For  if  the  harmonic  polar  of  a  point  of  inflexion  he  projected  to  infinity,  the 
point  of  inflexion  will  be  projected  into  a  centre  of  the  projected  curve  {see  p.  282). 

6.  Two  ellipses  having  the  same  foci  are  described  infinitely  near  one 
another,  how  does  the  interval  between  them  vary  ? 

{a)  How  will  the  interval  vary  if  the  ellipses  be  concentric,  similar,  and 
similarly  placed? 

7.  Eliminate  the  arbitrary  functions  from  the  equation  z  =  <p{x)  ^{y). 

8.  Show  that  in  order  to  eliminate  n  arbitrary  functions  from  an  equation 
containing  two  independent  variables,  it  is,  in  general,  requisite  to  proceed  to 
differentials  of  the  order  2n  —  i.  How  many  resulting  equations  would  be  ob- 
tained in  this  case  ? 

9.  In  the  Lemniscate  r^  =  a^  cos  20,  show  that  the  angle  between  the  tan- 
gent and  radius  vector  is  -  +  2$. 

Miscellaneous  Examples, 
10.  If  the  detenninant  of  the  n*^  order 


X,     a, 

a,  a 

a,  a 

X,  a 

a.  X 

be  denoted  by  An,  prove  that  ——  =  wA„-i. 

11.  Prove  that  the  ellipses 

ahj^  +  i%2  =  ^2^2  (I) ^     ^2^2  sec*  <p  +  bhj^  cosec*  <p  =  a*e*  (2), 

are  so  related  that  the  envelope  of  (2)  for  different  values  of  0  is  the  evolute  of 
(i)  ;  and  the  point  of  contact  of  (2)  with  its  envelope  is  the  centre  of  curvature 
at  the  point  of  (i)  whose  excentric  angle  is  <p. 

12.  Being  given  the  equations 

bx  =  \fiy      by=    V(A2-i2)(J2-;i2), 

prove  that 

-^2     '    J2_ 

13.  If  i—y-  ay^  =  o,  develop  y^  in  terms  of  a  by  Lagrange's  Theorem. 

14.  Being  given  a;  =  r  cos  d,  y  =  r  sin  d,  transform 


into  a  function  of  r  and  0,  where  Q  is  taken  as  the  independent  variable. 

15.  Apply  the  method  of  infinitesimals  to  find  a  point  such  that  the  sum  of 
its  distances  from  three  given  points  shall  be  a  minimum. 

If  p\ ,  p2,  p3  denote  the  three  distances,  we  have  dpi  +  dpz  +  dp3  =  o:  suppose 
dpi  =  o,  then  d{p2  +  pz)  =  o,  and  it  is  easily  seen  that  pi  bisects  the  angle  be- 
tween p%  and  p3,  and  similarly  for  the  others  ;  therefore  &c. 

16.  Eliminate  the  circular  and  exponential  functions  from  the  equation 

y  =  gsra"^*, 

17.  One  leg  of  a  right  angle  passes  through  a  fixed  point  whilst  its  vertex 
slides  along  a  given  curve,  show  that  the  problem  of  finding  the  envelope  of  the 
other  leg  of  the  right  angle  may  be  reduced  to  the  investigation  of  a  locus. 

45 6  Miscellaneous  Examples. 

1 8.  If  two  pairs  of  conjugates,  in  a  system  of  lines  in  involution,  be  given 
by  the  equations 

u  =  ax'^-it  2bxy  +  cy"^  =  O,     u' =  a'x^  +  2h'xy  +  c'y"^  =  o, 
show  that  the  double  lines  are  given  by  the  equation 

dudu'      dudu'  ,„  .        ,    n    -       a  _i.    ,  -  > 

=0.     (Salmon  s  Comes,  Art.  342  ). 

dx  dy      dy  dx 

.         X\  X-i  Xn-\ 

19.  If  Wl  =  — ,   W2  =  — ,   Wn-1  = , 

Xn  Xn  Xn 

where  Xi,  X2,  .  .  *  Xn  are  connected  by  the  relation 

Xi"^  ^xz'^  +  xs'^  +  .  .  .+  Xr?  =  I, 
prove  that  the  Jacobian 

d{Ui,  »2,   •   •  •  t^n-l)  _       I 
d{xi,  X2,  .   .   .  Xn-l)        Xn'*-^' 

20.  If  the  variables  yi,  yz,  ...  y»  are  related  to  xij  X2,  ...  Xn    by  the 

yi  =  aiXi+  azxz  +  .  .  .  +  anXn, 

f/i  =  biXi  +  biXi  +  .  .  •  +  bnXnt 
yn=  hXi   +hX2   +  .  .  ,-^  InXn, 

and  if  we  have  also 

X,^+X2^  +  ...+  Xn^  =  I, 

yi2  +  ya^  +  .  . .  +  y«2  =  i, 
prove  that  the  Jacobian 

^(a;i,  a;2,  .  .  .  a;n-i)      a^n' 

21.  Prove  that  the  equation 

ry"^  —  2sxy  +  tx"^  =px  +  qy  -  z 

may  be  reduced  to  the  form  —  +  z  =  o  by  putting  x  =  ucoa  v,    y  =  w  sin  v. 

22.  Investigate  the  nature  of  the  singular  point  which  occurs  at  the  origin 
of  coordinates  in  the  curve 

X*  —  2ax^y  -  axy^  •{■  a-y^  =  0. 

Miscellaneous  Examples,  457 

23.  Investigate  the  form  of  the  curve  represented  hy  the  equation  t/  =  e'"' 

24.  How  would  you  ascertain  whether  an  expression,  V,  involving  ar,  y,  and  z, 
is  a  function  of  two  linear  functions  of  these  same  variables  ? 

Ans.  The  given  function  must  be  homogeneous ;  and  the  equations 

dV_       dV_       dV_ 
dx         *    dy        ^     dz         ' 

must  be  capable  of  being  satisfied  by  the  same  values  of  x,y^z\  i.  e.  the  result 
of  the  elimination  of  a;,  y,  and  z  between  these  equations  must  vanish  identi- 

25.  Iiy=  <p  (a;2),  prove  that 


~  =  (2x)«^(«)  (a;2)  +  w(w  -  I)  (2a;)«-2  ,^(«-i)  {x^ 

I  •  2 

26.  If  a;  +  ty  =  (a  +  i^S)",  where  *  =  V  -  i,  prove  that 

df_+_dy^  _    2  <fa^  +  d$^ 

27.  If  tan  0  tan ,//  =  7^^,  prove  that  ^  +    JLlfj^  =  o. 

VI  -  C2'  ^  d^L        \l^C^  Billed, 

28.  If  a;  =  — ,  prove  that 


transforms  into 

V(i-a;2)(i-F-a;2)  V(i -y2)(i -/fcV)' 

Prove  that  —  Ucu)  =  (i  +a;— Jw. 

dx  '     '  \  dx) 

29.  Hence  prove  that 

I    d\(  d  \         ^dr-u 

\    dx)  \  dx  )  dx* 

^  I    d\  I    du\     I  ^  d\  du        du        ^  d^u 

458  Miscellaneous  Examples, 

30.  Pro7e  that 


By  the  preceding  example  we  have 

therefore  ^^_  .  .  j^._  =  ^  _. 

31.  Prove,  in  general,  that 



This  can  he  easily  arrived  at  from  the  preceding  hy  the  method  of  mathematica' 
induction :  that  is,  assuming  that  the  theorem  holds  for  any  positive  integer  n 
prove  that  it  holds  for  the  next  higher  integer  («  +  i),  &c. 

32.  Find  -  +  — „  I  -  J  in  terms  of  r.  when  r^-a^  cos  2d.  Ana.  —r  • 
"^              r      dd^  \r/  f* 

33.  If  w  =  {x^  +  y^  +  z^)i,  prove  that 

rf*w      d^u      d*u  d^u  d^u  <^*^    _^ 

34.  If  a  =   ,  ^    ,,  and  d>  =  tan-M  -  ) ,  prove  that 

d**z  _  I  .  2  .  3  .  .  .  n.  cos(w  +  i)^.co8»^^<ft 

dx^  ~  ^~   ^  a;"+^  ' 

(f2n2  I  .  2  .  3  .  .  .  2«.C0S(2W  +  l)</)  .COS^"-^^) 

d2tM-l«  1  .  2.3  .  .  .(2W+l)sin(2W+2)(ft.COs2>'^2<^ 

Miscellaneous  Examples, 


35.  If  w  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  n<^  degree  in  x,  y,  z,  and  if  ui,  W2,  M3, 
denote  its  differential  coefficients  with  regard  to  x,  1/,  z,  respectively,  while 
«ii,  wi2,  &c.,  in  like  manner  denote  its  second  differential  coefficients,  prove  that 

Wn,  W]2,  «13,  «i 

M2I,  W22,  «23>  «2 

W3I,  W32,  W33>  «3 

Ml,  W2,  W3,  O 

«11,  «12,  «13 
«21,  «22,  «33 
«31,       «32,       «33 

36.  If  M  be  a  homogeneous  function  of  the  «*'»  degree  in  x,  y,  z,  w,  show 
that  for  all  values  of  the  variables  which  satisfy  the  equation  m  =  o  we  have 

«11,  M12,  M13,  Wj 

«21,  «22,  W23,  «2 

«31,  «32,  W33,  «3 

«1,  «2,  «3,  O 


Wn,  «12,  «13,  Wl4 

«21,  «22,  «23,  «24 

«31,  W33»  M33,  M34 

«41,  «42,  «43,  «44 

37.  If  «  +  A  be  substituted  for  a;  in  the  quantic 

,      w  (n  —  i) 
aoa;"  +  naix>*-^  +  — ^  azX**'^  +  &c.  +  ««, 

and  if  «'o,  «'i,  ....  aV  •  • 
quantic,  prove  that 

denote  the  corresponding  coefficients  in  the  new 

It  is  easily  seen  that  in  this  case  we  have 

a'r  =  ar  +  rar.\\  +  -^ <?r-2A.'+  &c.  . .  .  +  aoV;  .*.  &c. 

1 .  2 

38.  If  ^  be  any  function  of  the  differences  of  the  roots  of  the  quantic  in  the 
preceding  example,  prove  that 


d  d  d 

:5-  +  2<^^  -—  +  3^2  :r-  + 
da\  daz  das 

+  nan-\ 


<p  =  0. 

This  result  follows  immediately,  since  any  function  of  the  differences  of  tbe 
roots  remains  unaltered  when  a;  +  A  is  substituted  for  Xy  and  accordingly 


o  in  this  case. 
39.  Being  given 

u  =  «y  +  Vi  -  ««  -  y2  +  a;2y2^    »  =  «  Vi  -  y^  +  y  Vi  -  «2, 

460  Miscellaneous  Examples, 

prove  that 

du  dv      dv  du 

— — sa  Q 

dx  dy      dx  dy 

and  explain  the  meaning  of  the  result, 

40.  Find  the  minimum  value  of 

sin  ^  sin  ^  sin  C  ,         ^  ,   ■«      „       «  « 

+   .    ^  .  -■  +  -. —  ■   .    p,  where  ^  +  i?  +  (7=  l8o\ 

sin  ^  sin  C     sin  G  &\n.A      sin  A  siuB 

41.  Prove  that 

where  <p  {x)  is  a  rational  function  of  x. 

42.  Show  that  the  reciprocal  polar  to  the  evolute  of  the  ellipse 

-^  +  17  =  I» 

with  respect  to  the  circle  descrihed  on  the  line  joining  the  foci  as  diameter,  has 
for  its  equation 

43.  If  the  second  term  be  removed  from  the  quantio 

(ao,  a\,  02,  .  ,  ,  a,) {x,  y)« 

by  the  substitution  of  a: y  instead  of  x,  and  if  the  new  quantic  be  denoted 

by  {Ao,  o,  A2,  A3,  .  .  .  An){x,  y);  show  that  the  successive  coefficients 
A2,  Az  .  .  .  An  are  obtained  by  the  substitution  of  ai  for  x  and  —  oo  f or  y  in 
the  series  of  quantics 

(rto,  «i,  az)  {x,  y\    (ao,  «!,  «2,  ^3)  (a?,  y),  •  .  .  (ao,  «i,  .  . .  «n)  («,  y). 

44.  Distinguish  the  maxima  and  minima  values  of 

I  +  2a:  tan-^  x 
I  +a;2 

^,  a'a;2  +  2h'x  +  c' 

45-  If  y  =  — ,  prove  that 

^"^  ax^  +  2bx  -Y  c   ^  ^ 

i^^  {ac  -  b^)  y2  +  (^ac'  ^  g'c  _  2bb')  y  +  a'g'  -  b"^ 

2  <?«  (a^') a;2  -  i^ca) x  +  (Ac')  ' 

where  {ab')  =  ab'  -  ba',  &c 

Miscellaneous  Examples* 


46.  If  IX  +  mY+  nZ,  I'X  +  m'T+n'Z,  l"X  +  m"r+  n"Z,  be  substituted 
for  X,  y,  z,  in  the  quadratic  expression  ax^  +  bip-  +  cz^  +  2dyz  +  2<?'a;  +  2/a;y  ; 
and  if  a',  b',  c',  d',  e\  f  be  the  respective  coeflS.cient3  in  the  new  expression ; 
prove  that 

=  o    whenever 


,     d\    c\ 

47.  If  the  transformation  be  orthogonal,  i.e.  if 

a;3  +  y2  +  22  ==  ^2  +  j-2  +  ^3^ 

prove  that  the  preceding  determinants  are  equal  to  one  another, 

48.  Prove  that  the  maximum  and  minimum  values  of  the  expression 

ax^  +  /[hx^  -  dcx^  +  ^dx  +  e 
are  the  roots  of  the  cubic 

aV  -  3  {a^I  -  32-2)23  +  3  (aZ2  -  i8B-/)  2  -  A  =  O, 

where  E=ac-h\     I  =  ae-  ^bd  +  ^d^. 

fl,  b,  c 
by  Of  d 
c,     d,     e 

,  and  A  =  73  -  27/2. 

By  Art.  138  it  is  evident  that  the  equation  in  z  is  obtained  by  substituting 
e  -  z  instead  of  e  in  the  discriminant  of  the  biquadratic  ;  accordingly,  since  the 
discriminant  of  the  biquadratic  is 

73  _  27/2  =  o, 

we  have  for  the  resulting  equation 

(/-«»)»  =  27(7- 25")2. 

In  general,  the  equation  in  z  whose  roots  are  the  n  —  t  maximum  and  mini- 
mum values  of  a  given  function  of  n  dimensions  in  x  can  be  got  from  the  dis- 
criminant of  the  function,  by  substituting  in  it,  instead  of  the  absolute  term, 
the  absolute  term  minus  z. 

It  is  evident  that  the  discriminant  of  the  function  in  a;  is,  in  all  cases,  the 
absolute  term  in  the  equation  in  z. 

49.  If  A  be  the  product  of  the  squares  of  the  differences  of  the  roots  of 
afi  -  px^  +  qx  -  r  =  0, 

462  Miscellaneous  Examples, 

find  an  expression  for  — -  by  solving  from  three  equations  of  tlie  form 

dA      dA  dp      dA  dq      dA  dr 
da      dp  da      dq  da      dr  da* 

Ans.  2()8  +  7-2o)(7+a-2j8)  (a+/3-27). 

50.  If  X  +  F  V-  I  be  a  function  of  a;  +  y  V-  i,  prove  that  X  and  Y  satisfy 
the  equations 

d^X     d^X  ^  d^Y     d^Y 

1 =  o.  and \- =  o, 

dx''  ^  dt/^        '  dx-i  ^  df- 

51.  If  the  three  sides  of  a  triangle  are  «,  a  +  o,  a  +  )8,  where  o  and  j3  are 
infinitesimals,  find  the  three  angles,  expressed  in  circular  measure. 

TT      a  +  )8      IT      2o-)8      TT      2)8 -a 

Ans. — ,     -+ — ,     -  + — . 

3      as/i      3      a>/3      3      «>v/3 

52.  If  y  =  a;  +  aa;',  where  a  is  an  infinitesimal,  find  the  order  of  the  error  in 
taking  x  =  y  -  ay^. 

53.  The  sides  a,  h,  c,  of  a  right-angled  triangle  become  a  +  o,  3  +  )3,  c  +  7, 
where  o,  ;8,  7  are  infinitesimals ;  find  the  change  in  the  right  angle. 

.        cy  -  aa  -  bfi 

^. — ^ — . 

54.  If  a  cui've  be  given  by  the  equations 

2x  =  ^yW^t  +  v^i2  _  2t^ 

2y  =  *yW^t  -  ^i^^  -  2t, 
find  the  radius  of  curvature  in  terms  of  t. 

55.  In  the  curve  whose  equation  is  y  =  r*",  determine  all  the  cases  where 
the  tangent  is  parallel  to  the  axis  of  x. 

If  6  be  the  greatest  angle  which  any  of  its  tangents  makes  with  the  axis  of  a, 
prove  that  tanfl  =  J-. 

56.  In  a  curve  traced  on  a  sphere,  prove  the  following  formula  for  the 
radius  of  curvature  at  any  point : 

sin  rdr 
tan  p  = — . 

cos  pdp 

57.  Apply  this  form  to  show  that  in  a  spherical  ellipse  we  have 

sin^  sinj9'  =  const., 

where  p  and  p'  are  the  perpendiculars  from  the  foci  on  any  great  circle  whii.h 
touches  the  ellipse. 

Miscellaneous  Examples,  463 

58.  Prove  the  following  relation  between  (p,  p'),  the  radii  of  curvature  at 
corresponding  points  of  two  reciprocal  polar  curves  : 

^^    ~C0S3,|/'  \ 

where  t//  is  the  angle  between  the  radius  vector  and  normal. 

59.  If  AB,  BG,  CD,  ...  be  the  sides  of  an  equilateral  polygon  inscribed  in 
any  curve,  and  if  AJD  be  produced  to  meet  BCinF,  prove  that,  when  the  sides 


of  the  polygon  are  diminished  indefinitely,  BF  =  Z—,,  where  p  and  p'  are  the 
radii  of  curvature  at  B  and  at  the  corresponding  point  of  the  evolute. 

00.  If      /7=V(i-^)(i+y+y')  +  ^(i-y)(i+^  +  ^'), 

dnd  r  =  I  — 



dnd  the  value  of 

dx  dy      dx  dy* 

61.  If  r«ir"  +  — ,   and  2  =  a;  +  -, 

prove  that 

62.  Determine  h  and  h  so  that  the  curve 

(a;2  +  ip-)  (a;  cos  o  +  y  sin  a  -  a)  =  F  (a;  cos  )8  +  y  sin  j3  -  J) 

may  have  a  cusp  ;  o,  )8,  and  a  being  given,  and  the  coordinates  being  rectan- 

Prove  that  in  this  case  the  cuspidal  tangent  makes  equal  angles  with  the 
asymptote  and  with  the  line  drawn  from  the  cusp  to  the  origin. 

63.  Find  the  coordinates  of  the  two  real  finite  points  of  inflexion  on  the 
curve  y^  =  {x  —  2)-  {x  -  5),  and  show  that  they  subtend  a  right  angle  at  the 
double  point. 

64.  If  X,  y,  z,  be  given  in  terms  of  three  new  variables,  u,  t>,  w,  by  the  fol- 
lowing equations :  x  =  Fu,   y={F-b)v,  z=  {F  -c)w,  where 

_  I  +  Jv^  4.  cw"^  ^ 
"^   t<2  +  t;2  +  «J2  * 

464  Miscellaneous  Examples, 

it  is  required  to  prove  that  dx^  +  dy"^  +  dz^  =  LHu^  +  M^dv^  +  N^dto'^^  and  to 
determine  the  actual  values  of  L,  M,  N. 

6$.  li  X  -{■  y  =  X,     y  =  XY^  prove  that 

dP'U  dP-u        du     ^d-u  d^u  du 

'^dx^'^^dzdu'^dx^     dT'~    dXdY'^dX' 

bb.  Beinsr  given  x  =  u^  -  ^uv^,  y  =  xu^v  —  v^.  find  what  — ; '——  becomes 

\x.i^xm^oiu,v,du,dv,  xdz-^ydy 

udv  — vdu 

Ans.   — -. 

udu  + vdv 


67.  If  the  polar  equation  of  a  curve  be   r  =  a  sec^  -,  find  an  expression  for 
its  radius  of  curvature  at  any  point. 

68.  Show  that  the  differential  —  —   is  transformed  into 

^x^  -  sx^  +  3 


-/(I  +  ynan2 A)  (I  +  2/2  eot2  A)' 
by  assuming  x  =  */r  — -,  and  find  the  value  of  \. 

Ans.  A.  =  7*  30'. 

vj.  If  y^  +  xy=  I,  prove  that 

„  d^y  dy^         dv"^ 

dx^  dx^        dx^ 

70.  The  pair  of  curves  represented  by  the  equation 

,•2  _  2rF  (a>)  +  c-  =  O 

may  be  regarded  as  the  envelope  of  a  series  of  circles  whose  centres  lie  on  a 
certain  curve,  and  which  cut  orthogonally  the  circle  whose  radius  is  c,  and 
whose  centre  is  the  origin  (Mannheim,  Journal  de  Math.,  1862). 

71.  A  chord  FQ  cuts  off  a  constant  area  from  a  given  oval  curve ;  show  that 
the  radius  of  curvature  of  its  envelope  will  be  ^FQ  (cot  0  +  cot  ^),  d  and  <p  being 
the  angles  at  which  FQ  cuts  the  curve. 

72.  In  the  polar  equations  of  two  curves, 

i?'(r,  ft,)  =  o,    /(r,  «)=0, 

if  J2*»»  be  substituted  for  r,  and  nO.  for  w,  prove  that  the  curves  represented  by 
the  transformed  equations  intersect  at  the  same  angle  as  the  original  curves. 

W.  Eoberts,  Liou^ille's  Journal,  Tome  13,  p.  209. 

Miscellaneous  Exatnples,   ,  465 

This  result  follows  immediately  from  the  property  that  — —  is  unaltered  by 

the  transformation  in  question. 

73.  A  system  of  concentric  and  similarly  situated  equilateral  hyperbolas  is 
cut  by  another  such  system  having  the  same  centre,  under  a  constant  angle, 
which  is  double  that  under  which  the  axes  of  the  two  systems  intersect. 

Ibid.,  p.  210. 

74.  In  a  triangle  formed  by  three  arcs  of  equilateral  hyperbolas,  having  the 
same  centre  (or  by  parabolas  having  the  same  focus),  the  sum  of  the  angles  is 
equal  to  two  right  angles.  Ibid.,  p.  210. 

75.  Being  given  two  hyperbolic  tangents  to  a  conic,  the  arc  of  any  third 
hyperbolic  tangent,  which  is  intercepted  by  the  two  first,  subtends  a  constant 
angle  at  the  focus.  Ibid.,  p.  212. 

An  equilateral  hyperbola  which  touches  a  conic,  and  is  concentric  with  it,  is 
called  a  hyperbolic  tangent  to  the  conic. 

76.  A  system  of  confocal  cassinoids  is  cut  orthogonally  by  a  system  of  equi- 
lateral hyperbolas  passing  through  the  foci  and  concentric  with  the  cassinoids. 

Ibid.,  p.  214. 
The  student  will  find  a  number  of  other  remarkable  theorems,  deduced  by 
the  same  general  method,  in  Mr.  Roberts'  Memoir.     This  method  is  an  exten- 
sion of  the  method  of  inversion. 

77.  If  on  each  point  on  a  curve  a  right  line  be  drawn  making  a  constant 
angle  with  the  radius  vector  drawn  to  a  fixed  point,  prove  that  the  envelope  of 
the  line  so  drawn  is  a  curve  Avhich  is  similar  to  the  negative  pedal  of  the  given 
curve,  taken  with  respect  to  the  fixed  point  as  pole. 

78.  If  2U=ax--\  2bxy  +  cy"^,       2 F s  a'x"  +  zh'xy  +  c'y\ 

^AU^+2BUV+  Cr\  find  A,  B,  V. 


dU  dU 

dx*  dy 

d_V  dV 

dx*  dy 

79.  Prove  that  the  values  of  the  diameters  of  curvature  of  the  curve  y^=f{x) 
at  the  points  wheie  it  meets  the  axis  of  x  are/'(o),/'(j8), ....  if  a,  /8,  ...  be 
the  roots  of /(a;)  =  o. 

Hence  find  the  radii  of  curvature  of  y-  =  [x^  -  m^)  {x-a)  at  such  points. 

80.  A  constant  length  FQ  is  measured  along  the  tangent  at  any  point  F  on 
a  curve  ;  give,  by  aid  of  Art.  290,  a  geometrical  construction  for  the  centre  of 
curvature  of  the  locus  of  the  point  Q. 

81.  In  same  case,  if  FQ'  be  measured  equal  to  FQ,  in  the  opposite  direction 
along  the  tangent,  prove  that  the  point  F,  and  the  centres  of  curvature  of  the 
loci  of  Q  and  Q'  lie  in  directum. 

82.  A  framework  is  formed  by  four  rods  jointed  together  at  their  extremities 
prove  that  the  distance  between  the  middle  points  of  either  pair  of  opposite  aides 

2  H 

466  Miscellaneous  Examples, 

is  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  when  the  other  rods  are  parallel ;  being  a  maximum 
when  the  rods  are  uncrossed,  and  a  minimum  when  they  cross. 

83.  At  each  point  of  a  closed  curve  are  formed  the  rectangular  hyperbola, 
and  the  parabola,  of  closest  contact ;  show  that  the  arc  of  the  curve  described  by 
the  centre  of  the  hyperbola  will  exceed  the  arc  of  the  oval  by  twice  the  arc  of 
the  curve  described  by  the  focus  of  the  parabola ;  provided  that  no  parabola  has 
five-pointic  contact  with  the  curve.    {Camh.  Math.  Trip.,  1875.) 

84.  A  curve  rolls  on  a  straight  line  :  determine  the  nature  of  the  motion  of 
one  of  its  involutes.     {Frof.  Crofton.) 

85.  Prove  the  following  properties  of  the  three- cusped  hypocycloid : — 

(i).  The  segment  intercepted  by  any  two  of  the  three  branches  on  any 
tangent  to  the  third  is  of  constant  length.  (2).  The  locus  of  the  middle  point 
of  the  segment  is  a  circle.  (3).  The  tangents  to  these  iM-anches  at  its  extremities 
intersect  at  right  angles  on  the  inscribed  circle.  (4).  The  normals  corresponding 
to  the  three  tangents  intersect  in  a  common  point,  which  lies  on  the  circum- 
scribed circle. 

Definition. — The  right  line  joining  the  feet  of  the  perpendiculars  drawn  to 
the  sides  of  a  triangle,  from  any  point  on  its  circumscribed  cii'cle,  is  called  the 
pedal  line  of  the  triangle  relative  to  the  point. 

86.  Prove  that  the  envelope  of  the  pedal  line  of  a  triangle  is  a  three-cusped 
hypocycloid,  having  its  centre  at  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  circle  of  the 
triangle.  (Steiner,  Ueber  cine  bcsondere  curve  dritter  Masse  und  vierten  grades, 
Crelle,  1857.) 

This  is  called  Steiner^s  Envelope,  and  the  theorem  can  be  demonstiated, 
geometrically,  as  follows  : — 

Let  Pbe  any  point  on  the  cin  umscribcd  circle  of  a  triangle  ABC,  of  which  D 
is  the  intersection  of  the  perpendiculars ;  then  it  can  be  shown  without  difficulty 
that  the  pedal  line  corresponding  to  I'  passes  through  the  middle  point  of  JDF. 
Let  Q  denote  this  middle  point,  then  Q  lies  on  the  nine-point  circle  of  the 
triangle  ABC.  If  0  be  the  centre  of  the  nine-point  cii'cle,  it  is  easily  seen  that, 
as  Q  moves  round  the  circle,  the  angular  motion  of  the  pedal  line  is  half  that  of 
OQ,  and  takes  place  in  the  opposite  direction.  Let  R  be  the  other  point  in 
which  the  pedal  line  cuts  the  nine-point  circle,  and,  by  drawing  a  consecutive 
position  of  the  moving  line,  it  can  be  seen  immediately  that  the  corresponding 
point  T  on  the  envelope  is  obtained  by  taking  QT=  QR.  Hence  it  can  be 
readily  shown  that  the  locus  of  T  is  a  three-cusped  hypocycloid. 

This  can  also  be  easily  proved  otherwise  by  the  method  of  Art.  295  (a). 

87.  The  envelope  of  the  tangent  at  the  vertex  of  a  parabola  which  touches 
three  given  lines  is  a  three-cusped  hypocycloid. 

88.  The  envelope  of  the  parabola  is  the  same  hypocycloid. 

For  fuller  information  on  Steiner's  envelope,  and  the  general  properties  of 
the  three-cusped  hypocycloid,  the  student  is  referred,  amongst  other  memoirs,  to 
Cremona,  Crelle,  1865.  Town  send,  Educ.  Times.  Reprint.  1866.  Ferrers, 
Qaar.  Jour,  of  Math.,  1866.  Serret,  Nouv.  Ann.,  1870.  Painvin,  ibid.^  1870 
Cahen,  ibid.,  I075. 

On  the  Failure  of  Taylor^ s  Tfieorem.  467 

On  the  Fatlitre  op  Taylor's  Theorem. 

As  no  mention  has  been  made  in  Chapter  III.  of  the  cases  when  Taylor's 
Series  becomes  inapplicable,  or  what  is  usually  called  the  failure  of  Taylor's 
Theorem,  the  following  extract  from  M.  Navier's  Zegons  d'  Analyse  is  intro- 
duced for  the  purpose  of  elucidating  this  case : — 

On  the  Case  Trhen^  for  certain  particular  Values  of  the 
Variable,  Taylor's  Series  does  not  give  the  DeTelopment  of 
the  Function. — The  existence  of  Taylor's  Series  supposes  that  the  function 
f{x)  and  its  differential  coeflScients/'(a;),/"(a:),  &c.  do  not  become  infinite  for 
the  value  of  x  from  which  the  increment  h  is  counted.  If  the  contrary  takes 
place  the  series  will  be  inapplicable. 

Suppose,  for  example,  that /(a;)  is  of  the  form  - — ^— ^-j  w  being  any  positive 

number,  and  F{x)  a  function  of  x  which  does  not  become  either  zero  or  infinite 
when  X  =  a. 

If,  conformably  to  our  rules,  - — ^^-r —  be  developed  in  a  series  of  posi- 
tive powers  of  h,  all  the  terms  would  become  infinite  when  we  make  x  =  a.     At 

the  same  time  the  function  has  then  a  determinate  value,  viz. :  — ^ ;  but, 


as  the  development  of  this  value  according  to  powers  of  h  must  necessarily  con- 
tain negative  powers  of  h,  it  cannot  be  given  by  Taylor's  Series. 

Taylor's  Series  naturally  gives  indeterminate  results  when,  the  proposed 
function  f{x)  containing  radicals,  the  particular  value  attributed  to  x  causes 
these  radicals  to  disappear  in  the  function  and  in  its  differential  coeflScients. 
In  order  to  understand  the  reason,   we  remark  that  a  radical  of  the  form 

{x  —  a)?,  p  and  g  denoting  whole  numbers,  which  forms  part  of  a  function /(a:), 
gives  to  this  function  q  different  values,  real  or  imaginary.  As  this  same  radical 
is  reproduced  in  the  differential  coefficients  of  the  function,  these  coefficients  also 
present  a  number,  q,  of  values.  But,  if  the  particular  value  a  be  attributed  to  x, 
the  radical  will  disappear  from  all  the  terms  of  the  series,  while  it  remains 

always  in  the  function,  where  it  becomes  M.  Therefore  the  series  no  longer  re- 
presents the  function,  because  the  latter  has  many  values,  while  the  series  can 
have  but  one.  The  analysis  solves  this  contradiction  by  giving  infinite  values 
to  the  terms  of  the  series,  which  consequently  does  not  any  longer  represent  a 
determined  result. 

The  development  oif{x)  ought,  in  the  case  with  which  we  are  occupied,  to 
contain  terms  of  the  form  h^.    We  should  obtain  the  development  by  making 
a;  =  a  +  A  in  the  proposed  f  unction. 

468  On  the  Failure  of  Taylor's  Theorem. 

Fractional  powers  of  h  would  appear  in  the  latter  development :  for  example, 

f{x)  =  2ax  -  3;2  +  a'/x^  -  a»; 

tliis  giyes 


f{^)  =  2{a-x)+         ■; 

y'a;2  -  a- 

On  making  a;  =  «,  we  have /(a;)  =  a^y  and  all  the  differential  coefficients 
become  infinite.  This  circumstance  indicates  that  the  development  oif{x  +  h) 
ought  to  contain  fractional  powers  of  h  when  a;  =  a  :  in  fact  the  function  be- 
comes then 

f{a  +  A)  =  ««  _  A2  +  a\/2ah  +  A% 

of  which  the  development  according  to  powers  of  h  would  contain  A^,  A^,  A^,  &c. 

It  should  be  remarked  that  a  radical  contained  in  the  f unction/(a;)  may- 
disappear  in  two  different  ways  when  a  particular  value  is  attributed  to  the 
variable  x ;  that  is,  i°,  when  the  quantity  contained  under  the  radical  vanishes  : 
2°,  when  a  factor  with  which  the  radical  may  be  affected  vanishes. 

In  the  foi-mer  case  the  development  according  to  Taylor's  Theorem  can  never 
agree  with  the  function /(a;  +  A)  for  the  particular  value  of  a;  in  question,  for 
the  reason  already  indicated. 

But  it  is  not  the  same  in  the  latter  case,  because  the  factor  with  which  the 
radical  is  affected,  and  which  becomes  zero  in  the  function,  may  cease  to  affect 
the  radical  in  the  differential  coefficients  of  higher  orders ;  in  fact  it  may  not 
disappear  at  aU,  and  the  series  may  in  consequence  present  the  necessary  number 
of  values. 

For  example,  let  the  proposed  function  be 

m  being  a  positive  integer. 
Here  we  have 


f{x)  =  m{x  -  o)*"-!  -^x-h  +  2^^— y' 

r{x)  =  m(m  -  i)(a:-. a)-2  v/J3j  +  ^i^^T'^,  _  {x^a)M^ 

•slx-b  4(:c-J)i 

Each  differentiation  causes  one  of  the  factors  of  {x  —  a)"»  to  disappear  in  the 
first  term.  After  m  differentiations  these  factors  would  entirely  disappear ;  and 
consequently  the  supposition  x  —  a,  in  causing  the  first  m-derived  functions  to 
vanish,  will  leave  the  radical  Vx  -  d  to  remain  in  all  the  others. 


ACNODE,  259. 

Approximations,  42. 

further  trigonometrical  applica- 
tions of,  130-8. 
Arbogast's  method  of  derivations,  88. 
Arc  of  plane  curve,  differential  ex- 
pressions for,  220,  223. 
Archimedes,  spiral  of,  301,  303. 
Asymptotes,  definition  of,  242,  249. 

method  of  finding,  242,  245. 

number  of,  243. 

parallel,  247, 

of  cubic,  249,  325. 

in  polar  coordinates,  250. 

circular,  252. 

Bernoulli's  numbers,  93. 

series,  70. 
Bertrand,  on  limits  of  Taylor's  series, 

Bobillier's  theorem,  368,  374. 
Boole,  on  transformation  of  coordi- 
nates, 412. 
Brigg's  logarithmic  system,  26. 
Bumside,  on  covariants,  412. 

Cardioid,  297,  372. 

Cartesian  oval,  or  Cartesian,  233,  375. 

third  focus,  376. 

tangent  to,  379. 

confocals  intersect  orthogonally, 
Casey,  on  new  form  of  tangential 
equation,  339. 

on  cycloid,  373. 

on  Cartesians,  382. 
Cassini,  oval  of,  233,  333. 
Catenary,  288,  321. 
Cayley,  259,  266. 
Centre  of  curve,  237. 
Centrode,  363. 

Change  of  single  independent  variable, 

Change  of  two  independent  variables, 

403,  410. 
Chasles,  on  envelope  of  a  carried  right 
line,  356. 
construction  for  centre  of  instan- 
taneous rotation,  359. 
generalization  of  method  of  draw- 
ing normals  to  a  roulette,  360. 
on  epicycloids,  373. 
on  Cartesian  oval,  376. 
on  cubics,  454. 
Circle  of  inflexions  in  motion  of  a  plane 

area,  354,  358,  367,  374- 
Complete  Solid  Harmonics,  42 1 . 
Conchoid  of  Nicomedes,  332,  361. 

centre  of  curvature  of,  370. 
Concomitant  functions,  411. 
Condition  that  Pdx  +  Qdy  should  be  a 

total  differential,  146. 
Conjugate  points,  259. 
Contact,  different  orders  of,  304. 
Convexity  and  concavity,  278. 
Crofton  on  Cartesian  oval,^378,  379, 

Crunode,  259. 
Cubics,  262,  281,  323,  334. 
Curvature,  radius  of,  286,  287,  295, 
297,  301. 
chord  of,  296. 
at  a  double  point,  310. 
at  a  cusp,  311,  313. 
measure  of,  on  a  surface,  209. 
Cusps,  259,  266,  315. 
curvature  at,  311. 
Cycloid,  335,  356. 

equation  of,  335,  336. 

radius  of  curvature,  and  evolute, 

length  of  arc,  338. 
Descartes,  on  normal  to  a  roulette,  336. 

ovals  of,  375. 
Differential  coefficients,  definition,  5. 

successive,  34. 



Diflferentiation  of,  a  product,  13,  14. 
a  quotient,  15. 
a  power,  16,  17. 
a  function  of  a  function,  17. 
an  inverse  function,  18. 
trigonometrical  functions,  19,  20. 
circular  functions,  21,  22. 
logarithm,  25. 
exponential  functions,  26. 
functions  of  two  variables,  115. 
three  or  more  variables,  117. 
an  implicit  function,  120. 
partial,  113,  406. 

of  a  function  of  two  variables, 


of    three    or    more    variables, 


applications  in  plane  trigono- 
metry, 130. 
in    spherical    trigonometry, 


successive,  144. 
of  </)  (a;  +  at,  y  +  ^t)  with  respect 
to  t,  148. 
Discriminant  of  a  ternary  quadratic 
expression,  129,  194,  196. 
of  any  quadric,  449. 
Double  points,  258,  261. 

Elimination,  of  constants,  384. 

of  transcendental  functions,  386. 

of  arbitrary  functions,  387,  396. 
Envelope,  270. 

of  Lo?  +  iMa  +  JV  =  o,  272. 

of  a  system  of  confocal  conies, 
Ex.  8,  p.  276. 

of  a  earned  curve,  355. 

centre  of  curvature  of,  357. 
Epicyclics,  363. 

are  epi-  or  hypo-trochoids,  366. 
Epicycloids  and  hypocycloids,    339, 
356,  466. 

radius  of  curvature  of,  342. 

cusps  in,  341. 

double  generation  of,  343. 

evolute  of,  344. 

length  of  arc,  345. 

pedal,  346,  372. 

regarded  as  envelope,  347. 
Epitrochoids  and  hypotrochoids,  347. 

ellipse  as  a  case  of,  348,  363. 

centre  of  curvature  of,  351. 

double  generation  of,  367. 

Equation  of,  tangent  to  a  plane  curve, 
212,  218. 
normal,  215. 
Errors  in  trigonometrical  observation, 

Euler,  formulae  for  sin  x  and  cos  x,  69. 

theorem  on  homogeneous  func- 
tions, 123,  127,  148,  162. 

on  double  generation  of  epi-  and 
hypo-cycloids,  344. 
Evolute,  297. 

of  parabola,  298- 

of  ellipse,  299,  308  ;  as  an  enve- 
lope, 297. 

of  equiangular  spiral,  300. 
Expansion  of  a  function,  by  Taylor's 
series,  6r. 

by  Arbogast's  method,  88. 

oi  (l>[x  +  h,  y  4-^),  156. 

oi  (p{x-^  h,  y^k,  z  +  l),  159. 

Family  of  curves,  270. 

Ferrers,  on  Bobillier's  theorem,  369. 

on  Steiner's  envelope,  466. 
Folium  of  Descartes,  333. 
Functions,  elementary  forms  of,  2. 

continuous,  3. 

derived,  3. 

successive,  34. 

examples  of,  46. 

partial  derived,  113. 

elliptic,  illustrations  of,  136,  138. 

Graves,  on  a  new  form  of  tangential 
equation,  339. 

Harmonic  polar  of  point  of  inflexion 

on  a  cubic,  281. 
Huygens,  approximation  to  length  of 

circular  arc,  66. 
Hyperbolic  branches  of  a  curve,  246. 
Hypocycloid,  see  Epicycloid. 
Hypotrochoid,  see  Epitrochoid. 

Indeterminate  forms,  96. 

treated  algebraically,  96-9. 

treated  by  the  calculus,  99,  etseq. 
Infinitesimals,  orders  of,  36. 

geometrical  illustration,  57. 
Inflexion,  points  of,  279,  281. 

in  polar  coordinates,  303. 
Intrinsic  equation  of  a  curve,  304. 

of  a  cycloid,  338. 

of  an  epicycloid,  350. 

of  the  involute  of  a  circle,  301. 



Inverse  curves,  225. 

tangent  to,  225. 

radius  of  curvatui-e,  295. 

conjugate  Cartesians,  as,  378. 
Involute,  297. 

of  circle,  300,  358,  374. 

of  cycloid,  356. 

of  epicycloid,  357. 

Jacobians,  433-45- 

;"agrange,  on  derived  functions,  ^,note. 
on  limits  of  Taylor's  series,  76. 
on  addition  of  elliptic  integrals, 

theorem  on  expansion  in  series, 

on  Euler's  theorem,   163. 
condition  for  maxima  and  minima, 
191,  197,  I99»  202. 
La  Hire,  circle  of  inflexions,  354. 

on  cycloid,  373. 
Landen's   transformation   in    elliptic 

functions,  133. 
Laplace's  theorem  on  expansion  in 
series,   154. 
coefficients,  429. 
Legendre,  on  elliptic  functions,  137. 
on  rectification  of  curves,  233. 
coefficients  of,  426. 
Leibnitz,  on  the  fundamental  principle 
of  the  calculus,  40. 
.    theorem  on  the  n^^  derived  func- 
tion of  a  product,  5 1 . 
on  tangents  to  curves  in  vectorial 
coordinates,  234. 
Lemniscate,  259,  277,  296,  329,  333. 
Lima9on,  is  inverse  to  a  conic,  227, 

331,  334>  349,  361,  372. 
Limiting  ratios,  algebraic  illustration 
of,  S. 
trigonometrical  illustration,  7. 
Limits,  fundamental  principles,  11. 

Maclaurin,  series,  65,  81. 

on  harmonic  polar  for  a  cubic,  282. 
Manheim,  construction  for  axes  of  an 

ellipse,^  374. 
Maxima  or  minima,   164. 

geometrical  examples,  164,  L83. 
"  "  3,  166.  X 

algebraic  examples, 
ax^  +  zlxy  +  cy^ 

01    — ; , 

a  a;2  +  2b' xy  +  c'y"^ 
condition  for,  169,  174 

166,  177. 

problem  on  area  of  section  of  a 

right  cone,   181^ 
for  implicit  functions,  185. 
quadrilateral  of  given  sides,  186. 
for  two  variables,  191 ;  Lagrange's 

condition,  191,  197. 
for  functions  of  three  variables, 
of  n  variables,  199,  449. 
application  to  surfaces,  200. 
undetermined  multipliers  applied 
to,  204. 
M\iltiple  points  on  curves,  256,  265, 

.  367. 
Multipliers,  method  of  imdetermined, 

Napier,  logarithmic  system,  25. 
Navier,    geometrical    illustration    of 
fundamental  principles  of  the 
calculus,  8. 
on  Taylor's  theorem,  467. 
Xewton,  definition  of  fluxion,   10. 
prime  and  ultimate  ratios,  40. 
expansions  of  sin  Xy  cos  a;,  sin-^, 
&c.,  64,  69. 

by  differential  equations,  85. 
method  of  investigating  radius  of 

curvature,  291. 
on  evolute  of  epicycloid,  345. 
Nicomedes,  conchoid  of,  332. 
Node,  259. 
Normal,  equation  of,  215. 

number  passing  through  a  given 

point,  220, 
in  vectorial  coordinates,  233. 

Orthogonal  transformations,  409,  414, 

Osc-node,  259, 
Osculating  curves,  309. 

circle,  291,  306. 

conic,  317. 
Oscul-inflexion,  point  of,  314,  317. 

Parabola,  of  the  third  degree,  262,  288. 

osculating,  318. 
Parabolic  branches  of  a  curve,  246. 
Parameter,  270. 

Partial  differentiation,  113,  406. 
Pascal,  lima^on  of,  227. 
Pedal,  227. 

tangent  to,  227. 

examples  of,  230. 

negative,  227. 



Pliicker,  on  locus  of  cusps  of  cubics 
having  given  asymptotes,  265. 

Points,  de  rebroussement,  266. 
of  inflexion,  279. 

Polar  conic  of  a  point,  219. 

Proctor,  definition  of  epi-  and  hypo- 
cycloids,  399- 
epicyclics,  366. 

Ptolemy,  epicyclics,  366. 

Quetelet,  on  Cartesian  oval,  376, 381- 

Radius  of^curvature,'286. 

in  Cartesian  coordinates,  287, 289. 

in  r,  j3  coordinates,  295. 

in  polar  coordinates,  301. 

at  singular  points,  310. 

of  envelope  of  a  moving  right 
line,  358. 
Reauleaux,   on  centrodes  ot  moving 

areas,  363. 
Reciprocal  polars,  228,  230. 
Remainder  in  series,  Taylor's,  76,  79. 

Maclaurin's,  81. 
Resultant  of  concurrent  lines,  234. 
Roberts,  W.,  extension  of  method  of 

inversion,  464. 
Rotation,  of  a  plane  area,  359. 

centre  of  instantanous,  360,  364. 

of  a  rigid  body,  371. 
Roulettes,  335. 

normal  to,  336. 

centre   of   cui-vature,    352;  Sa- 
vary's  construction,  352. 

circle  of  inflexions  of,  354. 

motion  of  a  plane  figure  reduced 
to,  362. 

spherical,  370. 

Savary's   construction  for  centre  of 

*  curvature  of  roulette,  353. 
Series,  Taylor's,  61,  70,  76. 

binomial,  63,  82. 

logarithmic,  63,  82. 

for  sin  x  and  cos  x,  64,  66,  81. 

Maclaurin's,  64,  81. 

exponential,  65,  8r. 

Bernoulli's,  70. 

convergent  and  divergent,  72,  75. 

for  sin-' a;,  68,  85. 

for  tan-^a;,  68,  84. 

for  sin  mx  and  cos  inx,  87. 

Arbogast's,  88. 

Lagi-ange's,  151. 
Solid  Harmonic  functions,  419. 
Spherical  Harmonics,  423. 
Spinode,  259. 
Stationary,  points,  266. 

tangents,  282. 
Subtangent  and  subnormal,  215. 

polar,  223. 
Symbols,  separation  of,  53. 

representation  of  Taylor's  theo- 
rem by,  70,  160. 

Tacnode,  266. 

Tangent  to  curve,  212,  218,  258. 

number  through  a  point,  219. 

expression  for  perpendicular  on, 
217,  224. 

expression  for  intercept  on,  232. 
Taylor's  series,  61. 

symbolic  form  of,  70, 

Lagrange  on  limits  of,  76. 

extension  to  two  variables,  156. 
to  three  variables,  159. 

symbolic  form  of,  160. 

on  inapplicability  of,  467. 
Tesseral  Surface  Harmonics,  429. 
Three-cusped  hypocycloid,  350,  372, 

Tracing  of  curves,  322,  328. 
Transformations,  linear,  408. 

orthogonal,  409,  452. 
Trisectrix,  332. 
Trochoids,  339. 

Ultimate  intersection,  locus  of,  271. 

for  consecutive  normals,  290. 
Undetermined  multipliers,  application 
to  maxima  and  minima,  204. 

applied  to  envelope,  273. 
Undulation,  points  of,  280. 

Variables,  dependent  and  indepen- 
dent,  I . 

Variations  of  elements  of  a  triangle, 
plane,  130;  spherical,  133. 

Vectorial  coordinates,  233. 

"Whewell,  on  intrinsic  equation,  304. 
Zonal  Harmonics,  423. 





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At  the  conference  on  uniform  requirements  for  admission  to  col- 
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tered, following  in  my  checking 
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Longmans,  Green,  &-  Go's  Publications. 

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Morris — Practical  Plane  and  Solid  Geometry. 

By  I.  Hammono  Morris,  South  Kensington  Art  Department.  Fully 
Illustrated  with  Drawings  done  specially  for  the  Book  by  the  Author. 
(LoNGMi^Ns''  Elementary  Science  Manuals.)  i2mo.  264  pages. 

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and  Scales  of  Chords.  2.  Proportional  Division  of  Lines.  3.  Mean 
and  4th  Proportional.  4.  Lines  and  Circles  required  in  drawing 
out  Geometrical  Patterns.  5.  Reduction  and  Enlargement  of  plane 
Figures.  6.  Polygons  on  Lines  and  in  Circles.  7.  Irregular  Poly- 
gons. 8.  Irregular  Figures  :  the  Ellipse,  etc.  9.  Plan,  Elevation, 
and  Section  of  Cube,  Pyramid,  Prism,  Cylinder,  Cone,  and  Sphere 
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The  Multiplication  of  Numbers  by  Construction.  The  Division  of 
Numbers  by  Construction.  The  Determination  of  the  Square  Root 
of  Numbers  by  Construction. 

Morris — Geometrical  Drawing  for  Art  Students. 

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8  Longmans,  •  Green,  &-  Go's  Publications. 

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141  Diagrams.  (London  Science  Class  Books.)  i6mo.  210  pages. 
Taylor — An  Introduction  to  the  Differential  and  Integral 
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Watson— ^Plane  and  Solid  Geometry. 

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plication of  Proportion  to  Geometry.  Book  VII.  On  Planes,  and 
Lines  in  Space. 

Wilson — Geometrical  Drawing. 

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