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University  of  California  •  Berkeley 

From  the  Papers  of 

Prof.     Edmund    Pinne 






By  JOHN   HIND,   MA. 






Printed  by  J.  Smith,  Printer  to  the  University; 



AND    BY    G.   B.  WHITTAKER,    LONDON. 


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The  Work  now  laid  before  the  Public  consists 
of  two  Treatises,  the  former  on  Plane  and  the  latter 
on  Spherical  Trigonometry,  and  in  the  execution  of 
them  both  the  Author  has  adopted  that  Arrangement 
which  appeared  to  him  the  most  natural,  and  at  the 
same  time  the  most  elementary.  The  whole  of  the 
former  Treatise  with  the  exception  of  the  last  chapter, 
has  been  made  to  depend  solely  upon  the  Propositions 
usually  read  in  Geometry,  and  the  first  Principles  of 
Algebra.  For  an  account  of  the  particular  Articles 
which  may  be  found  in  the  work  the  reader  is  referred 
to  the  Table  of  Contents,  but  the  following  brief 
outline  will  put  him  in  possession  of  the  general 
plan  upon  which  the  performance  has  been  con- 

The  first  Chapter  contains  the  Definitions  of  the 
subject  and  the  Terms  made  use  of  in  it,  accompanied 
by  various  Observations  and  Deductions  of  great  im- 
portance to  the  complete  understanding  of  the  subse- 
quent parts  of  the  work.  With  respect  to  the 
explanation  and  elucidation  of  the  geometrical  Lines 
which  form  the  leading  feature  of  this  part  of  Mathe- 


matical  Science,  it  may  be  observed  that  a  Notation 
has  been  adopted,  in  which  small  Figures  are  suffixed 
to,  or  placed  under,  the  Letters  employed:  this  does 
away  with  the  necessity  of  introducing  a  greater 
number  of  different  letters,  and  has  also  the  ad- 
vantage of  establishing  and  pointing  out  a  Connection 
between  the  geometrical  Lines  and  their  algebraical 
Affections,  which  cannot  fail  greatly  to  assist  the 
progress  of  the  student ;  and  it  is  of  course  always  to 
be  understood,  when  neither  of  the  above-mentioned 
objects  is  to  be  attained,  that  the  suffixes  may  be 
altogether  suppressed. 

The  second  Chapter  comprises  what  is  generally 
called  the  Arithmetic  of  Sines,  and  commences  with 
a  geometrical  Demonstration  of  a  Proposition  which 
fonns  the  basis  of  the  whole  Doctrine:  from  this 
proposition  and  the  definitions  of  the  preceding- 
Chapter,  all  the  other  parts  of  it  are  either  directly 
or  indirectly  derived,  various  Examples  of  great  utility, 
or  at  least  remarkable  either  for  the  frequency  of 
their  occurrence  or  for  the  singularity  of  their  results, 
being  occasionally  introduced. 

The  third  Chapter  is  a  short  treatise  on  the  Con- 
struction and  Verification  of  sets  of  Tables  adapted  to 
practical  purposes,  and  commonly  knovm  by  the  name 
of  the  Trigonometrical  Canon,  It  is  this  part  of 
the    subject   which    is    most   laborious,    and    renders   it 


available  in  the  concerns  of  life.  In  this  Chapter 
some  Approximations  to  the  numerical  value  of  the 
Circumference,  or  to  the  Rectification,  of  the  Circle, 
have  been  made. 

The  fourth  Chapter  contains  the  Application  of 
Trigonometry  to  the  determination  of  the  Relations 
between  the  different  Parts  and  Properties  of  Triangles 
and  other  rectilinear  Figures,  and  it  will  be  seen  that 
a  variety  of  Problems  has  been  expeditiously  solved 
by  it,  in  which  the  operations  of  common  Geometry 
would  have  been  long  and  tedious.  The  Properties 
of  regular  Polygons  have  been  here  introduced,  but 
for  the  subject  of  Pohjgonometry  in  general,  the  reader 
is  referred  to  '  Polygonometrie,  ou  de  la  mesure  des 
figures  rectiligiies  i^ar  Simon  LliuiUer,'  or  to  a 
masterly  extract  from  it,  contained  in  the  third 
volume   of  Dr.  Hutton's  Course. 

The  fifth  Chapter  exhibits  the  Solutions  of  all 
cases  of  triangles  that  usually  occur,  points  out  briefly 
the  methods  to  be  preferred  under  different  circum- 
stances, and  concludes  with  several  examples  of  their 
application  in  the  Mensuration  of  Heights,  Distances, 
&c.  This  Chapter  with  the  assistance  of  the  tables  of 
whose  formation  a  short  account  has  been  given  in  the  third, 
constitutes  the  general  practical  use  of  Trigonometry. 

The  sixth  Chapter  presents  the  subject  in  a  more 
general  aiul  analytical  point  of  view,  and  treats  of  what 


was  termed  by  Vieta  and  the  Mathematicians  of  the  old 
School,  Angular  Sections:  this  is,  in  fact,  a  generaliza- 
tion of  the  Arithmetic  of  Sines,  and  in  a  work  not 
designed  for  the  purpose  of  affording  elementary  Infor- 
mation, might  have  rendered  unnecessary  many  of  the 
propositions  demonstrated  in  the  second  Chapter  of 
the  present. 

The  last  Chapter  on  Plane  Trigonometry  is  made  up 
of  such  Propositions  as  could  not  without  a  violation 
of  method  be  disposed  of  in  any  of  the  preceding 
divisions  of  the  work. 

The  Treatise  on  Spherical  Trigonometry  is  also 
comprised  in  seven  Chapters,  and  in  a  great  degree 
a  similar  plan  of  arrangement  has  been  adhered  to. 
Of  course  this  Treatise  has  been  made  to  depend  almost 
entirely  upon  the  preceding  one,  and  its  division  into 
Chapters  seemed  so  obvious  that  it  is  unnecessary  here 
to  attempt  to  assign  any  reasons  for  it,  the  only  novelty 
in  addition  to  the  substance  of  the  generality  of  works 
on  the  same  subject  being  a  Chapter  on  Polyhedrons. 
The  reader  will  readily  learn  what  he  may  expect  to  find 
in  it  by  casting  his  eye  over  the  Table  of  Contents. 

Throughout  the  whole  of  both  Treatises  it  has 
been  the  Author's  object  to  present  to  his  reader  every 
proposition  proved  in  a  plain  concise  form;  and  with 
the   view   of   forwarding    the    purposes    of  Academical 


Instruction,  for  which  the  work  is  principally  intended, 
the  leading  propositions  are  stated  in  Italics,  though 
it  may  be  observed  that  the  Corollaries  and  Deductions 
sometimes  involve  results  of  no  less  importance  than 
the  articles  which  have  been  so  distinguished. 

A  collection  of  Theorems  and  Problems  connected 
with  the  substance  of  each  Treatise  has  been  annexed 
in  two  Appendices  at  the  end  of  the  work,  and  they 
have  been  partially  allotted  to  the  respective  Chapters 
in  order  to  direct  the  student  in  some  degree  to  the 
knowledge  necessary  to  enable  him  to  attempt  their 

In  the  Table  of  Contents  asterisks  have  been  prefixed 
to  such  articles  as  may  be  reserved  for  the  student's 
perusal  after  he  has  made  a  partial  progress  in  some  of 
the  other  subjects  of  his  Academical  Education. 

,  -~« 


Nov.  25,  1828. 

Lately  published  by  the  same  Author, 

The    PRINCIPLES    of    the    DIFFERENTIAL    and 

Also  in  the  Press, 


On  a  first  perusal,  the  articles  marked  with  asterisks  may  be  omitted. 


Chap.  I. 

Article  Page 

1.  Definition  of  Plane  Trigonometry 1 

2 —  6.  Measures  of  Angles,  &c. 1 

7 — 11.  Division  of  the  Circle,  &c ^ 4 

12 — 14.  Definitions  of  Complement  and  Supplement 7 

15 — 16.  Enumeration,  &c.  of  Trigonometrical  lines 8 

17 — 20.  Definition,  &c.  of  Sine 9 

21—25.  Definition,  &c.  of  Cosine 11 

26—31.  Definition,  &c.  of  Versed  Sine.' , 13 

32—37.  Definition,  &c.  of  Chord 15 

38 — 42.  Definition,  &c.  of  Tangent 17 

43 — 47.  Definition,  &c.  of  Cotangent 19 

48 — 52.  Definition,  &c.  of  Secant 21 

53 — 57.  Definition,  &c.  of  Cosecant 23 

58            Mode  of  finding  the  Algebraical  Signs  of  Lines 25 

59 — 62.  Method  of  changing  the  Radius,  &c 26 

Chap.  II. 

63 — 69.  Sines  and  Cosines  of  A±B,  &c 33 

70 — 72.  Sines  and  Cosines  of  A  and  B  in  terms  of  A  +  B 39 

73 — 74.  Sine  and  Cosine  of  (72+1)  A,  &c 41 


75 — 80.  Sines  and  Cosines  of  2^,  — -,  &c.  Delambres  Formula. . .   42 


*81— 82.  Sine  and  Cosine  of  — ,  &c 46 



Article       '  Page 


83 — 92.  Sines  and  Cosines  o£3A,  — ,  &c.  Euler's  and  Legendre's 

Formulae  of  Verification 49 

*93— 100.  Versed  Sines  of  ^  +  B,  2A,  SA,  &c.  ^,  ^,  ^^,  &c.     5S 

Ai  O  Ai 

*101— 107.  Chords  of  ^  +  5,  2.4,  -,4^&c... 56 

108—1 11.  Tangents  and  Co-tangents  of  ^  +  ^,  &c. 60 

1 12—113.  Tangents  and  Co-tangents  of  2  .4,  — ,  &c QS 

1 1 4—1 1 6.   Tangents  and  Co-tangents  of  3  ^ ,  — ,  &c ,     ^5 


A  A 

*117— 123.  SecantsandCo-secantspf  J  +  jB,2^,-,&c.3^, -,&c.  67 

*124— 130.  Sine,  Cosine,  &c.  of  ^+J5  +  C 71 

*131— 136.  Sine,  Cosine,  &c.  of^+J5+  C  +  &c 75 

Chap.  III. 

*137— 141.  Sines  and  Cosines  of  Arcs  less  than  30<^ 79 

*142.             Sines  and  Cosines  of  Arcs  between  30^  and  45^ ^S 

*i43.             Sines  and  Cosines  of  Arcs  between  45^  and  90^ 84 

*144.             Sines  and  Cosines  of  Arcs  greater  than  90^ S5 

*145 — 146.  Tangents,  Cotangents,  &c.  of  Arcs S6 

*147 — 151.  Trigonometrical    Canon,    and    Formulae   of  Verifica- 
tion, &c. 87 

*152 — 153.  The  Ratio  of  the  Circumference  of  a  Circle  to  the 

Radius,  &c 90 

*154 — 156.  The  length  of  a  circular  Arc  in  terms  of  the  Radius. .  90 

Chap.  IV. 

157 — 191-  Properties  of  Triangles 92 

*192 — 200.  Properties  of  certain  Quadrilaterals II6 

*201 — 209.  Properties  of  regular  Polygons 123 

*210— 216.  Properties  of  the  Circle 128 


Chap.  V. 

Article  Page 

2 17-— 219.  Statement  of  the  Cases  of  Triangles 132 

220—228.  Solution  of  right-angled  Triangles 134 

229 — 242.  Solution  of  oblique-angled  Triangles 140 

*243— 256.  Mensuration  of  Heights,  Distances,  &c 151 

Chap.  VI. 
*257 — 262.  Algebraical  Expressions  for  the  Sines,  Cosines,  &c. 

of  simple  Arcs l64 

*263 — 266.  Algebraical  Expressions  for  the  Sines,  Cosines,  &c.  of 

multiple  Arcs I68 

■*267 — 269.  The  Formulae  of  Demoivre 172 

*270— 271 .  Sine,  Cosine,  &c.  of  a  multiple  Arc 174 

*272 — 275.  Powers  of  the  Cosine  and  Sine  of  an  Arc,  &c 177 

*276— 284.  Sine,  Cosine,  &c.  in  terms  of  the  Arc,  &c 183 

Chap.  VII. 

*285.  Solution  of  Quadratic  Equations I9I 

*286— 289-  Solution  of  Cubic  Equations 193 

*290.             Demoivre's  Theorem  for  the  Solution  of  certain  Equa- 
tions     197 

*291 — 293.   Cotes's  Theorems  and  Properties  of  the  Circle 199 

*294 — 296.  Sine  and  Cosine  of  an  Arc  in  continued  Products,  and 

WalUss  Theorem 203 

*297 — 301.  Expressions  for  the  Length  of  a  circular  Arc,  &c 205 

*302— 306.  Certain  Solutions  of  Triangles,  &c 208 

*307 — 308.  Expressions  for  the  Cosines  and  Sines  of  multiple  Arcs  212 
*309 — 327.  Summation  of  Trigonometrical  Series,  &c 214 


Chap.  I. 

1.  Definition  of  Spherical  Trigonometry 227 

2—10.  Section  of  a  Sphere 227 

1 1 — 12.  Sides  of  a  Spherical  Triangle,  &c 229 


Article  Page 

13 — 16.  Polar  Triangle  and  its  Properties i 230 

17—20.  Angles  of  a  Spherical  Triangle,  &c 231 

Chap.   TI. 
21 — 26.  Cosines,  Sines,  &c.  of  the  Angles  of  a  Spherical  Triangle 

in  terms  of  the  Sides,  &c 233 

27 — 30.  Cosines,  Sines,  &c.  of  the  Sides  of  a  Spherical  Triangle 

in  terms  of  the  Angles,  &c 238 

31 — 36.  Napier's  Analogies,  &c 241 

Chap.  III. 

37.  Statement  of  the  Cases  of  Spherical  Triangles 245 

38 — 39.  Solution  of  right-angled  Triangles  by  Napier's  Rules  for 

the  Circular  Parts 246 

40.  Solution  of  quadrantal  Triangles  by  Napier's  Rules  for 

the  Circular  Parts 251 

41 — 48.  Solution  of  oblique-angled  Triangles 252 

Chap.  IV. 
*49 — 61.  Surface  of  a  Spherical  Lune,  Triangle,  &c.  in  terms  of 

the  Angles,  Sides,  &c 260 

*62_64.  Measures  of  Solid  Angles,  &c 267 

Chap.  V. 

^65 — 66.  General  Properties  of  Polyhedrons 271 

*67 — 73.   Properties  of  the  regular  Polyhedrons 272 

*74 — 78.   Properties  of  the  Parallelepiped ^79 

*79 — 81.   Properties  of  the  Triangular  Pyramid 281 

*82.  Miscellaneous  Observations  on  Polyhedrons 282 

Chap.  VI. 
*83 — 84.  General  Remarks  on  the  Variations  of  the  Sides  and 

Angles  of  Spherical  Triangles 286 

*85 — 89.  Variations    of  the    Sides    and    Angles    of  right-angled 

Spherical  Triangles 288 

*90  — 95.  Variations  of  the   Sides  and  Angles  of  oblique-angled 

Spherical   Triangles 29I 

Chap.  VII. 
^■g() — 108.  Miscellaneous  Propositions 297 


CHAP.  I. 


Article  I.     Definition  I. 

Plane  Trigonometry  in  its  original  acceptation  is  that 
part  of  Mathematical  Science  which  treats  of  the  mensuration 
of  the  sides  and  angles  of  plane  rectilinear  triangles ;  but  it  is 
here  used  in  a  more  comprehensive  sense,  and  includes  the 
general  doctrine  of  plane  rectilinear  angles,  as  well  as  their 
relations  to  one  another,  and  to  the  straight  lines  by  which 
they  are  formed,  or  with  which  they  are  in  any  manner  con- 

2.  In  a  chxle  of  given  radius,  the  arcs  may  he  considered 
as  the  measures  of  the  angles  which  they  subtend  at  the  centre. 

For,  let  C  be  the  centre  of  the  circle,  of  which  FQ,  P'Q\ 
are  any  two  arcs  subtending  the  angles  PCQ,  P'CQ!  re- 
spectively: draw  the  diameters  ACD,  BCE  at  right  angles 
to  each  other,  which  divide  the  circumference  into  four  equal 
parts  called  Quadrants :  then  (Euclid,  6.  33.)  we  have 

arc  PQ  :   arc  P'Q'  ::   angle  PCQ   :   angle  PXQ' : 


that  is,  the  arcs  are  proportional  to  the  angles  which  they 
subtend,  and  may  therefore  be  taken  as  the  measures  of  them 
to   the   given  radius   C^. 

3,  If  the  radii  of  circles  he  supposed  to  he  of  different 
magnitudes,  the  angles  at  their  centres  will  he  directly  pro- 
portional to  the  arcs  which  suhtend  them^  and  inversely  pro- 
portional to  the   radii;  and  every  angle  may  he  measured  hy 

the  fraction ,   ( — - — )  . 

For,  let  PQ,  P'Q!  be  two  arcs  of  different  circles  subtending 
at  the  common  centre  C,  the  angles  PCQ,  P'CQ!  respectively : 

draw  the  diameters  ACD,  BCE  at  right  angles  to  each  other 

arc  PQ  :   arc  JB    ::   angle  PCQ   :   angle  JCB, 


or  angle   PCQ  =  — —  angle  ACB;  again, 

A.  D 

arc  P'Q!   :   arc  A'B'   ::   angle  PXQ'   :   angle   AXB", 
or  angle   P'CQ'  =  ~  angle   AXB'  : 

\    angle   PCQ   :    angle    P'C&   :: 

PQ  P'O' 

~    angle  ACB  :  ^.  angle  AXB: 


but  the  angle  ACB  is  the  same  as  the  angle  A'CB\  and  the 
quadrants  of  circles  are  proportional  to  their  radii,  therefore 
we  have 

angle  PCQ   :  angle  P'CQ'  ■■  J^  ■  ~i^  > 

that  is,  the  angles  are  as  the  arcs  directly  and  the  radii  inversely  : 

PQ      P'Q 

and   the  fractions,    — ^  ,        ,       may   therefore  be  taken  as  the 
JxL/       j4  (_/ 

measures  of  the  angles   PCQ  and    P'CQ!  respectively, 

4.  In  Article  2.  we  have  seen  that  an  angle  may  be 
measured  by  the  corresponding  arc  of  a  circle,  whose  radius 
is   given ;    and   in    Article  3.    that  an    angle   may  be  measured 

(arc   ^ 
: —  I  ;    now   it  is    manifest    that 

these  measures  will  not  be  upon  the  same  scale,  unless  the  given 

radius  in  Art.  2.  be  supposed  to  be  1  :  hence,  therefore,  adopting 

this  hypothesis,   we   conclude  generally   that  any   angle  may  be 

measured  by  the  corresponding  arc  of  the  circle  whose  radius  is  1, 

-  )    part  of  the  corresponding  circular  arc  whose  radius 

is  r;    or   generally  by    the    fraction,    ( : — )•   that  is,   angle 



5.  Cor.  1.  Hence,  therefore,  if  a  represent  the  length 
of  the  arc  which  measures    a  given  angle   to  the*  radius  1,   and 

a'   to   the   radius  r,  we  shall   have  a=   l~^  J  }  or  a=ra. 

6.  Cor.  2.  If  the  angles  at  the  centres  of  different  circles 
be  of  the  same  given  magnitude,  the  arcs  by  which  they  are 
measured  will  be  proportional  to  the  radii ;  and,  if  the  arcs 
be  of  the  same  given  magnitude,  the  angles  will  be  proportional 
to  the  reciprocals  of  the  radii. 


Ex.  1.  If  the  arc  whose  length  is  a  measure  a  given  angle 
denoted  by  A  to  the  radius  1^  then  will  an  arc  whose  length  is  ra 
measure  the  same  angle  when  the  radius  is  supposed  to  be  r. 

Ex.  2.  If  the  arc  a  of  given  length  measure  an  angle  A  to 
the  radius  1,   then  will  an  arc  of  the  same  length  be  the  measure 

—  J  when  the  radius  used  is  r. 

7.  Def.  2.  If  the  radius  of  the  circle  be  supposed  =  1, 
the  circumference  (hereafter  proved=6. 28318,  &c.)  is  represented 
by  27r,  and  is  supposed  to  be  divided  into  360  equal  parts 
called  degrees :  each  degree  is  again  supposed  to  be  divided 
into  60  equal  parts  called  minutes  :  each  minute  into  60  equal 
parts  called  seconds,  and  so  on.  These  are  expressed  by  the 
characters  ^,  ',  '\  '\  &c.  placed  above  the  line  to  the  right 
of  the  numbers  :  thus  45°  35'  25"  14'"  represent  45  degrees, 
25  minutes,  25   seconds,    14  thirds. 

In  the  following  pages  we  shall  always  suppose  the  radius 
to  be  1,  unless  the  contrary  be  expressed. 

8.  Cor.  1.      It  appears  from   the   last  definition  that  one 


right  angle  will  be  measured  by   -  or  90^; 


Two  right  angles  by  tt  or    180°; 

Three by  —  or  270°; 


Four by  27r   or   360°. 

9.  Cor.  2.  If  we  suppose  the  circumference  of  the  circle 
to  be  taken  a  second,  third,  &c.  time,  w^e  may  in  the  same  man- 
ner represent  the  sum  of  any  number  of  right  angles  whatever : 

Five  right  angles  will  be  measured  by  —  or  450° ; 

Six  right  angles  will  be  measured  by  3  tt  or  540®  j 

Seven or  630° ; 

&c &c.; 

UTT  n 

n — or  w.go  . 


10.  Most  modern  mathematicians,  with  the  exception  of 
the  English,  divide  the  circumference  of  the  circle  into  400 
equal  parts,  which  they  call  degrees ;  each  degree  into  100 
equal  parts,   which   they  call  minutes,  and   so   on. 

In  this   division   of  the   circle 

One  right  angle  will  be  measured  by  -  or  100°; 


Two 7ror200°; 

&c &c.; 

n — 


or  n .  100°. 

11.  Cor.  Hence,  we  may  easily  investigate  rules  for  re- 
ducing degrees,  &c.  in  either  of  these  scales  into  degrees,  &c.  in 
the  other. 

For,  let  IV=the  number  of  degrees,  &c.  in  the  English 
scale,  then  since  360  English  degrees  =  400  foreign, 

we  shall  have   1  English  degree  =  -—  foreign 

=  -—  foreign  ; 
.'.  JV  English  degrees  =  foreign 

=  :\  -} loreign, 

which  gives  the  first  Rule  ; 

To   the  number    of    English    degrees,    8cc.    add    one-ninth 
part^  and  the  sum  will  be  the  number  of  foreign  degrees^  8cc. 

Ex.  1.      Represent    31^    45'    5l"    English    in    the    foreign 

Here      N  =  31^  45'  51''  =  3l\  765833.... 




.'.  IV  4-  —  J   or  the  number  of  foreign  degrees^  8cc. 

•         =35\29537....=35^  29'53"  &c. 

Ex.2.  Hence  also,  1°  English  =1^  ll'  ll"&c.  foreign; 
l'  English  =  r  85'  18"  &c.  foreign  ; 
l"  English  =  3"  08'"  64""  &c.  foreign. 

Agairij  let  w  =  the  number  of  degrees,  8lc.  in  the  foreign 
scale,   then 

1  foreign  degree  =  —   English  ; 

.'.   w  foreign    degrees  =  —  English  =  ?z English, 

which  gives  the  second  Rule  : 

From  the  number  of  foreign  degrees,  &c.  subtract  one- 
tenth  part,,  and  the  remainder  will  be  the  number  of  English 
degrees,  8ic. 

Ex.  1.      Express  25°  44'  89^'  foreign,  in  the  English  scale. 

In  this  case  n  =  25^.4489; 


.'.  —  =    2^  54489; 


n J  or  the  number  of  English  degrees,  8cc. 

=  22\  9040 1=22*^  54'  14"  ^c. 

Ex.  2.      Similarly   we  find   that 

1°  foreign   =   0^  o4'   English  ; 
l'   foreign  =  O'  32". 4   English  ; 
\"  foreign   =  0".324   English. 

We  may  here  observe  that  in  both  cases  minutes,  seconds, 
&c.  must  be  expressed  as  decimals  of  a  degree,  and  that  it  is 
usual  in  practice  to  express  all  inferior  denominations  as  deci- 
mals of  seconds. 

12.  Def.  3.  If  A  represent  any  angle  or  arc,  then  90^ 
--  A,  or  f  —  ^  ^  is  called  its  Complement. 

Ex.  1.  The  complement  of  34^  Id' =  90^ -34^  15' =  55°  45': 
and  the  complement  of  23°  2?'  53".67  =  90°- 23°  2?' 53".67 
=  u6°  32'6".33. 

Ex.  2.      The   complement   of 


Ex.   3.      The    complement  of 


Ex.  4.  If  the  angles  of  a  plane  rectilinear  triangle  be  A, 
B,  C,  whereof  C  is  a  right  angle^  then   since   A+jB+C  =  7r, 

we    have    A-}-B  =  7r  — C  =  7r—-=-,    and    .*.    ^  =  ^  — -D, 


B=  -  —  J,    or    each    of   the    acute   angles   of   a   right-angled 
triangle  is  the  complement  of  the  other. 

13.  Def.  4.  If  il  be  any  angle  or  arc,  180^  —  ^^  or 
TT—A  is  called  its  Supplement. 

Ex.  1.  The  supplement  of  44°  16' =  180°  -  44°  16' 
=  135°  44',  and  the  supplement  of  173°  3'  13^81  =  180°- 
173°  3'  13''.81  =6°  56' 46".  19. 

Ex.   2.      The  supplement  of 
Ex.   3.      The  supplement  of 

(tT  ±  J[)   =    TT  -  (tT  ±   1)     =      +     A. 

Ex.  4.  If  A,  B,  C  be  the  angles  of  a  triangle,  and, 
therpfnr^  A-\  B^C  =  Tr,  we  shall  have  A  =  tt  —  (B -f  C), 
J5  =  TT  -  (A  +  C),  and  C  =  TT  —  (1  +  £) :  that  is,  each  of 
the  angles  of  a  triangle  is  the  supplement  of  the  sum  of  the 
two  others. 

14.  If  in  the  last  two  articles,  the  foreign  scale  be  used^ 
the  complement  of  A  will  be  =  100°-— A,    and  the  supplement 

of  A  =  0^00^-.  A. 

15.  Since  the  magnitudes  of  angles  or  of  the  arcs  by 
which  they  are  subtended,  cannot  without  inconvenience  be 
determined  by  actual  measurement,  and  since  all  measures  found 
by  means  of  instruments  are  subject  to  error,  both  on  account 
of  the  unavoidable  defects  in  their  construction  and  the  neces- 
sary inaccuracy  of  their  application,  angular  magnitudes  as  well 
as  the  relations  of  angles  to  one  another,  are  more  easily,  and 
on  that  account  more  generally,  found  by  means  of  certain 
straight  lines  which  are  supposed  to  belong  to  all  arcs  and 
angles,   and  are  termed  trigonometrical  functions  of  the  same : 


these  are  the  Sine,  Co-sine,  Versed  sine,  Chord,  Tangent,  Co- 
tangent, Secant,  and  Co-secant :  to'  which  are  sometimes  added, 
though  but  little  used,  the  Co-versed  sine,  Su-versed  sine,  Co- 
chord,  and  Su'Chord.  These  lines  are  properly  called  the 
Natural  Sine,  Natural  Co-sine,  &c.  when  the  arc  is  supposed 
to  be  the  measure  of  the  angle_,  or  the  radius  is  supposed  to 
be  1. 

16.  If  positive  quantities  be  represented  by  lines  measured 
in  any  direction  from  a  given  point,  it  is  easily  shewn  that 
negative  quantities  will  be  represented  by  lines  taken  in  the 
opposite  direction ;  and  it  therefore  follows  conversely,  that 
if  lines  drawn  in  any  direction  be  considered  positive,  those 
lines  which  are  drawn  in  the  opposite  direction  must  be  con- 
sidered negative.  Again  if  lines  drawn  from  'the  centre  of 
a  circle  through  any  point  in  its  circumference  be  called 
positive,  those  lines  which  are  drawn  from  any  point  in  the 
circumference,  through  the  centre,,  must  be  supposed  negative. 
Also,  if  a  point  be  taken  in  the  circumference  of  a  circle,  and 
through  it  a  diameter  be  drawn,  the  positive  arcs  being  mea- 
sured in  one  direction  from  this  point,  the  n^ative  arcs  will 
be  measured   in   the   other. 

The  algebraical  signs  of  lines  are  also  sometimes  determined 
from  the  principle,  that  every  quantity  which  admits  of  different 
magnitudes  has  its  sign  changed* in  passing  through  zero  or  in- 

In  the  following  pages,  arcs  of  the  circle  which  we  begin 
to  measure  upwards  from  the  extremity  of  a  diameter  are 
termed  positive,  and  those  which  commence  from  the  same 
point  downwards,  negative.  Also,  all  lines,  in  whatever  man- 
ner drawn,  are  termed  positive  for  any  arc  not  greater  than  a 

I/*  Def.  5.  The  sine  (sin)  of  an  arc  is  the  straight  line 
drawn  from  the  end  of  the  arc,  perpendicular  to  the  diameter 
passing  through  the  beginning  of  it.      Thus, 




The  sine  of  APi  is  N^Pij  which  is   positive ; 

^Pg  is  JV2JP2)    positive; 

-4P3  is  N3P35  negative; 

JP4  IS  NiP^j    negative. 

It  appears  therefore,  that  the  sine  is  positive  in  the  first  and 
second  quadrants,  and  negative  in  the  third  and  fourth. 

Hence  it  is  also  manifest^  that  if  the  arc  A  Pi  be  called  A, 
NiPi  is  also  the  sine  of  the  arcs  denoted  by  9,7r  +  J,  47r  +  ^, 
67r-\-A,  &c.(2w7r  +  ^). 

18.   Ex.    "'From  the  definition,  we  have  sin  0  =  0; 
sin  90^  =  sin    (^^    ~  CP  =  1 ; 
sin  180^= sin      (tt)     =  0; 

\=    CE=  -  1  ; 

sin  360°=  sin    (Stt)    =  0. 

Hence,  in  the  first  quadrant,  the  magnitude  of  the  sine 
lies  between  0  and  1  ;  in  the  second,  between  1  and  0 ;  in  the 
third,  between  0  and  —  1  ;  and  in  the  fourth,  between  —  1 
and  0. 

19.  Cor.   1.     Sin  (-A)=  -  Si?i  A, 

For,  take  APi  =  A,  AP^  ==  —  A  ;  then  it  is  manifest,  that 
P4N4  =  PiNi,   or   sin   {-  A)=—sm  A,  by  (16),   that   is,   the 


algebraical  sign  of  the  sine  of  an  arc  changes  with  that  of  the 
arc  itself. 

By  means  of  this   corollary,   we  have  sin  ^  =  —  sin  {  —  A) 

=— sin  (Stt— ^'^)=  — sin(47r— J.)=&c.  =  — sin(2w7r— ^). 

Also^  from  this  corollary  and  (17)  we  have 

sin   (272 TT  +  ^)=— sin  (Stztt  — -^). 

20.  Cor.  2.     Sin  (x-A)  =  Sin  A. 

For,  let  AP^=:J,  AF2  =  {7r-  A)\  therefore  BCP^^^ir 
-ACP2  =  7r-{7r-J)  =  A=ACP,,  and  .*.  P^Nz  =  P,N„ 
or  sill  (tt  — y4)  =  sin  A;  in  other  words,  the  sine  of  an  angle 
or  arc  is  equal  to  the  sine  of  its  supplement. 

From  this  corollary  we  have  immediately,  sin  A  =  sin  (tt  —  A) 
=  sin  (Stt  — ^)=  &c.  =  sin  {  (2;z— 1)  tt  -  ^},  and  therefore 
from  (17)  we  conclude  that 

sin  {2n7r-\-A)  =  sin  {(Q.n—  l)  tt-  A]. 

21.  Def.  6.  The  cosine  (cos)  of  an  arc  is  the  sine  of  its 
complement,  and  is  therefore  equal  to  that  part  of  the  diameter 
which  is  intercepted  between  the  centre  and  the  sine.     Thus, 

The  co-sine   of  APj^  is  P^M^  =   CNi,  which  is   positive; 

AP2  is  P2M2  =  CiVg,  negative; 

AP^  is  P3M3  =   CN3,  negative; 

^4P4  is  P4M4  =  CIV4,  positive. 


Hence,  the  cosine  is  positive  in  the  first  and  fourth  quadrants, 
and  negative  in  the  second  and  third. 

Here,  as  before,  CA^i  =  cos  ^  =  cos  (27r+  ^)  =  cos  (47r4-^) 
=  &c.  =  cos  (2?2  7r  +  A). 

22.    Ex.     We  have,  therefore,  cos  0  =  CA  =  1  ; 
cos     90"  =  cos  ^-  J    =0; 
cos  180°  =  cos    (tt)      =  CD=  —  1; 
cos  270°  =  cos  {—)  =   0; 
cos  360°  =  cos    (27r)     =   C^  =  1. 

By  these  Examples  it  is  seen,  that  in  the  first  quadrant  the 
magnitude  of  the  cosine  lies  between  1  and  0 ;  in  the  second, 
between  0  and  —  1  ;  in  the  third,  between  —  1  and  0 ;  and  in 
the  fourth,  between  0  and  1. 

23.   Cor.  1.     Cos  (  -  A)  =  Cos  A. 

For,  take  AP,  =  ^,  AP^=  -^;  then  cos(-^)=CiY4 
=  CNi  =  cos  A  ;  that  is^  whether  an  arc  be  considered  positive 
or  negative,  the  algebraical  sign  of  the  cosine  is  the  same. 

From  this  and   (2J)   it   folio wSj   that  cos  ^  =  cos  (  —  J.)  = 

cos  ('27r±  ^)  =  cos  (47r±  ^)=;&c.  =  cos  (2rt7r  +  A), 

24.  Cor.  2.     Cos(7r  -  A)=  -- Cos  A. 

For,  let  APi  =  A,  AP^r^^Tr—  A) ;  therefore,  as  before,  we 
shall  have  CN^^CNj,,  or  cos  {7r—A)=  -cos  J,  by  (l6),  that 
is,  the  cosine  of  any  arc  is  equal  to  the  cosine  of  its  supplement 
with  a  different  algebraical  sign. 

Hence   also,    cos  A  —  —cos   (tf — A)=  —cos  {o7r—A)=^ 


See.  =  —  cos    {(2/*  --  1)  TT  —  ^}  ;    and   by  the  last  corollarj, 

cos  (2W7r±^)  =  — C0S{(2«—  1)  TT  — ^}. 

25.  Cor.  3.  From  the  right-angled  triangle  CNiPi,  we 
have  (Euclid,    i.  47.) 

P,N,'  +  CK  =  CPi\  or  sin^  J  +  cos'  A=l; 

.*.   also  sin^  -^  =  l—cos^  Az=z{l  +  cos  -^)(1  —cos  J)-, 

and  cos^  ^  =  1  -  sin^  ^  =  ( 1  +  sin  ^)  ( 1  -  sin  J). 

Ex.      If7l=45",   we   shall   have 

1  =  sin'  45'  +  cos'  45*^  =  sin'  45^  +  sin'  45° 
=  2  sin^  45^  =  2  cos^  45^,  by  (21), 

and    .'.   sin  45*^  =  — ;;r-=cos45'. 
V  2 

26.  Def.  7.  The  versed  sine  (vers)  of  an  arc  is  the  part 
of  the  diameter,  intercepted  between  the  beginning  of  the  arc 
and  the  sine.      It  is  sometimes  called  the  Sagitta.      Thus, 

The   versed   sine  of  AP,^  is  ANi,   which  is  positive ; 

^Pg  is  AN2, positive; 

AP^  is  AN3, positive; 

AP^  is  ANi, positive. 

Hence,  the  versed  sine  is  positive  in  every  quadrant. 

Also,  it  is  clear  that  vers  il  =  vers  (2 7r+ A)  =  vers  (47r  +  i4) 
=  &c.  =  vers  (2 «7r  +  ^). 

27.  Ex.      It  follows  therefore,  that  vers  0  =  0; 

vers     90'  =  vers    (-)  =AC  =  \', 

vers  180'  =  vers      (tt)  =AD=zQ,; 

vers  270'  =  vers  (-~)  =^C  =  1 ; 

vers  360^  =  vers    (27r)  =0. 


From  these  Examples  it  appears  that  in  the  first  quadrant, 
the  versed  sine  lies  between  0  and  1  ;  in  the  second,  between 
1  and  2 ;  in  the  third,  between  2  and  1 ;  and  in  the  fourth, 
between  1  and  0. 

28.  Cor.  1.      Vers{-'A)=  Vers  A. 

For,  let  AP^=A,  AP^=—A)  then  is  AN^  =  AlSi^y  or 
vers  (—--4)  =  vers  A, 

From  this  we  have  vers  A  =  vers  (  —  j4.)  =  vers  (Stt  —  A) 
=  vers  (47r  —  ^)  =  &c.  =  vers  (2«7r— J.) :  and  therefore  also, 
vers  (2w7r  +  ^)  =  vers  (2;i7r  — ^). 

29.  Cor.  2.     Fers  (tt  — A)  =  2— Fer5  A. 

For,  let  J.Pi=^5  AP^  =  {7r  —  A)y  then  vers  {tt  —  A) 
=  AN^  =  DN,  ^AD-  JN,  =  2  -  vers  A, 

This  is  called  the  Su-versed  sine  of  A,  because  it  is  the 
versed  sine  of  its   supplement. 

Hence  also,  vers  A  =2  —  vers  (tt— ^)  =  2  — vers  (Stt  — J.) 
=  &c.  =  2-  vers  {(2;z—  l)?:-^}. 

30.  Cor.  3.  Since  AN^  =  AC  —  CN^,  we  have  vers 
A  =  l— cos  A,  and  cos  A=  I  —vers  A,  Also,  vers  {tt  —  A) 
=  2  -  (1  —  cos  1)  =  1  -f  cos  J. 

31.  Cor.  4.      The    versed    sine    of   f^—Aj    is    BM^, 

which  =  £0-  CM^  =  BC-  N^P^  =  1  ~  sin  A,  and  is  called  the 
Co-versed  sine  of  A,  since  it  is  the  versed  sine  of  its  com- 

Ex .      Hence  vers  45^  -=  1  —  cos  45°  =1 7=- ; 

su-vers  45°  =  1  +  cos  45°  =  1  H j^  ; 

and  CO" vers  45°  =  I  —  sin  45°  =1 pr  • 



32.   Def.  8.    The  Chord  (chd)  of  an  arc  is  the  straight  line 
which  joins  the  beginning  and  end  of  the  arc.      Thns, 


^      J'/ 

The  chord  of  ^Pj  is  AP^,  which  is  positive; 

J.P2  is  AP2,  positive; 

J.P3  is  AP3,  positive; 

J.P4  is  iLP4, positive. 

Hence,  the  cliord  is  positive  in  every  quadrant. 

And  we  likewise  observe,  that  chd  J.  =chd  (^tt-j- A)  =  chd 
(47r  +  A)  =  &c.  =  chd  {Qnir  +  A). 

33.   Ex.      From  the  last  Article  we  have  chd  0  =  0; 

chd    90'  =  chd    (^)    =AB  =  ^AC  +  BC  =  J2; 

chdl80°  =  chd     (tt)      =AD  =  2; 

chd  270"  =  chd  (^—^  =AE  =  ^AC'-{-EC'=  ^ ; 
chd  360^  =  chd    (^tt)     =0. 

Hence,  then,  in  the  first  quadrant  the  chord  lies  between 
0  and  \/'2.;  in  the  second,  between  ^2  and  2;  in  the  thirds 
between  2  and  ^^2  ;   and  in  the  fourth,  between  .^/^"and  0. 

34.  Cor.  1.      Chd  {- A)  =  Chd  A. 

For,  let  AP^  =  Af  AP4=  —A;    then  it  is  manifest,   that 
AP^=zAP,,  or  chd  (- A)  =  chd  A. 


Therefore  we  have  chd  A  =  chd  (  —  .4)  =  chd  (Stt  -  J) 
=:chd  (47r  —  ^)  =  8cc.  =  chd  (^wtt  —  A);  and  by  (32)  chd 
(2}i7r  +  A)  =  chd  {Inir-A). 

35.  Cor.  2.      Chd  (tt  -  A)  =  ^4 -  CA^'  A. 

For^  let  APi=A,  AP2  =  (7r  —  A);  .•.  the  straight  line 
AP^=DP,  =sJaD''  -  ^P,",  orchd(7r-J)  =  ^y4-chd'^  J. 
This  is  called  the  Su-chord  of  ^. 

36.  Cor.  3.  From  the  right-angled  triangles,  AN^P^, 
AP,D,  we  have  AP,^ -AN,^  +  NiPi\  or  chd"  J  =  vers^  J 
4-sin^  J,   and  .*.  chd  ^=  ^ vers^  J  +  sin"  A. 

Also,  JPi^=  A-D.Ai\^i,  orchdM  =  2vers^  =  2-2cos74, 
and  chd  A  =■  >^2  —  2  cos  A ;  and  therefore  chd  (tt  —  -^) 
=  V^2  +  2  cos  1,  from  {35). 

37.  Cor.  4.     Chd  (^^  -  J.)  =  J5Pi=^PMi'  +  MiPf 

=  a/ci— sin  ^)^  +  cos''^  =  ^^2-2  sin  A,  by  (25). 
This  is  called  the  Co'chord  of  j4. 

Ex.  If  the  arc  IP  be  taken  equal  to  60',  and  CP,  AP,  PN 
and  PM  be  drawn,  it  is  manifest  that  the  triangle  ACP  is  equi- 
lateral, and  that  CA  is  bisected  by  PN:   hence  it  follows  that 





I              c 

N       I 


chd   60'  =  JP=     ^C=     radius  =  ] 
vers  60'  =  ^1^=  |  JC  =  ^  radius  r=  f 


Again,  we  have 
cos    60'  =  CIV  =  I IC  =  i  radius  =  |  =  sin  30"  ; 

, , \/3 

sin     60"  =  PN  =  V  CP'-  CN''^  s/T^  =  -^    =  cos  30^ 

Hence  also, 
su-chd  60^  =  >v/4~^^~ckF60^  =  x/4-l=  1/3  =  did  120^  ; 
co-chd  60'  =  »y2  — 2  sin  6o'  =  V^^-~V^=  chd  30^ 

38.  Def.  9.  The  tangent  (tan)  of  an  arc  is  the  straight 
line  touching  the  arc  at  the  beginning,  and  terminated  by  the 
radius  through  the   end  of  it,   produced.      Thus, 

The  tangent  of  ^Pi  is  ATi,  which  is  positive; 

^IPg  is  J. To,   negative; 

APs  is  AT3,  positive; 

AP4  is  A 2 4,   negative. 

We   observe,  therefore,   that   the   tangent  is    positive  in  the 
first  and  third  quadrants,  and  negative  in  the  second  and  fourth. 

Hence  likewise,  tan  A  =tan  (^tt  +  ^)  =  tan  (47r  +  A)=&c. 
=  tan  (2«7r  +  A). 

39.   Ex.      From  this  definition,  we  have  tan  0  =  0; 

tan     90'  =  tan    (J^J     =  00; 

tan  180"  =  tan     (tt)     =0; 
tan  270^  =  tan  (  — }  =  ~  QO  ; 

tan  360^  =  tan    (Stt)     =0. 

These  two  articles  prove  that  in  the  first  quadrant,  the  mag- 
nitude of  the  tangent  lies  between  0  and  oo  ;  in  the  second, 
between  —  oo  and  0 ;  in  the  third,  between  0  and  QO  ;  and  in 
the  fourth,   between  —  co  and  0. 

40.  Cor.  1.      ^«y^  (-A)=  -  Tan  A. 

For,  take  JPi  =  A,  AP^  =  —  ^ ;  then  it  is  manifest  that 
AT^  =  ATi,  or  tan  (  — A)  =  -tan  J,  by  (16);  that  is,  the 
algebraical  sign  of  the  tangent  of  an  arc  changes  with  that  of  the 
arc  itself. 

Hence  therefore,  tan  A  =■  —  tan  {  —  A)=-  —  tan  {^tt  —A) 
=  ~  tan  (47r— ^)  =  &c.  =  ~  tan  (2/27r-  A). 

And,  from  (38)  we  have  likewise  tan  (2/Z7r+i4)=  — 
tan  (2;i7r  —  A). 

41.  Cor.  2.      Tan  {it  ^  A)  =^ —  Tan  A. 

For,  take  APi  =  A,  AP^  =  w  —  A ;  therefore  Z  ACT2 
=  zACTi,  and  AT^  =  ATi,  that  is,  tan  (tt  — ^)=  —  tan  ^, 
by  (16);  or  the  tangent  of  an  arc  is  equal  to  the  tangent  of  its 
supplement  with  a  different  algebraical   sign. 

From  this  we  have  also,  tan  ^  =  —  tan  (tt—  A)=  — 
tan  (37r— ^)  =  -tan  (57r  —  J[)=&c.=  —  tan  {{2n-~  l)7r  — J.}; 
and  also  from  (38),  tan(2w7r  +  ^)=  -tan  {(2^i-l)  tt-A], 

42.  Cor.  3.  By  the  similar  triangles  CNiPi,  CATi, 
we  have 

CNi    :    NiPi   ::    CA   :   ATi, 
or  cos  J.    :   sin  :4    ::    1    :   tan  A, 

and  therefore  tan  A  =  —7. 
cos  A 



Ex.     From  this  corollary  and  the  preceding  pages^  it  follows 

tan  30^  = 

tan  45"  = 

tan  60^  = 

sin  30^ 


30"         ^3' 

sin  45" 

sin  60" 


cos  60' 

0  =  x/3. 

43.  Def.  10.  The  co-tangent  (cot)  of  an  arc  is  the  tangent 
of  its  complement,  and  is  therefore  the  straight  line  touching  the 
circle  at  the  end  of  the  first  quadrant,  and  terminated  by  the 
radius  through  the  end  of  the  arc,  produced.      Thus, 



B              /;? 




















The  co-tangent  of  AY^  is  -B^j,  which  is  positive; 

AV^  is  ^t^y  negative; 

A^n,  is  5^3,  positive; 

^P4  is  Bt^,  negative. 

The   co-tangent  is  therefore   positive  in   the  first  and  third 
quadrants,   and   negative  in   the   second   and  fourth. 

For  the   same   reason    as  before,    we  shall    have   cot   A  = 
cot  (Stt  +  A)  =  cot  (47r  +  A)=  &c.  =  cot  (Q,tnr  +  A). 

44.  Ex.    Hence  therefore,  cot  0=  co; 
cot  go'' =  cot   (^^    =0; 

cot  180°  =  cot     (tt)      =  —  CO  ; 

cot  270°  =  cot  {^^}  =0; 

cot  360°  =  cot   (Qtt)    =  CO  . 

From  these  two  articles,  it  appears  that  the  co-tangent 
in  the  first  quadrant  is  between  co  and  0 ;  in  the  second, 
between  0  and  -co;  in  the  third,  between  co  and  0;  and  in 
the  fourth,  between  0  and  —  c» . 

45.  CoR.l.      Cot  {'-A)=  -  Cot  A. 

For,  let  APi^A,  AP^=  —A;  then,  it  is  evident  that 
Bt^  =  Bt^,  and  therefore  cot  (— ^)=  -cot  A,  by  (l6);  or  the 
algebraical  sign  of  the  co-tangent  of  an  arc  changes  with  that  of 
the  arc  itself. 

Therefore  also,  cot  ^  =  —  cot  (  —  A)  =  —  cot  (Stt  — ^4) 
=  —  cot  (47r  —  A)  =  8cc.  =  —  cot  (Swtt  —  A)\  and  thence 
by  (43)   we   have  cot(2«7r  +  A)=  -  coi  {Q.nir  -  A). 

46.  Cor.  2.      Cot  {tt  -  A)=  —  Cot  A. 

For,  let  APi  —  Ay  JP2  =  tt  —  A\  then,  it  is  manifest  that 
Bt^  —  Bti,  or  cot  (tt  — A)=— cot  A,  by  (16);  that  is,  the 
co-tangent  of  an  arc  is  of  the  same  magnitude  as  the  co-tangent 
of  its  supplement,  but  with  a  different  algebraical  sign. 

From  this  corollary,  we  have  likewise  cot  A  =  —  coi  {tt  —  A) 
=  -  cot  (Stt—  A)  =  &c.  =  -  cot  {{Q.n  —  1)  tt  —  A]  ;  and 
therefore  also  by  (43),  cot  {^n'Tr-\~A)=  —cot  {(2«—  \)'7r—A}. 

47.  Cor.  3.  By  the  similar  triangles,  CMiPi,  CBti, 
we  have 

CM,    :    M,P,   ::    CB   :    Bt,, 

or  sin  A   :   cos  ^    ::      1      :    cot  A, 

cos  A  1         .  . 

and    .*.  cot  A  =  -: =  r  ,  by  (4'2). 

sm  A        tan  A  '     -^  ^ 


Ex.      It  follows  from  what  has  been  already  proved,  that 

cot  30^ 

cot  45' 

cot  60° 

cos  30 
sin  30^ 

cos  45° 

tan  30"  -V3; 

sm  45         tan  45^ 

cos  60°  1 

"^iiTeo^  ~ 

=  1 


60°  -  V5  • 

48.   Def.  11.      The  secant  (sec)  of  an  arc  is  the  straight 
line   drawn   from   the    centre  through   the    end  of  the  arc,   and 

termmated   by   the   tangent.      Thus, 

The  secant  of  APi  is  C2\,  which  is  positive; 

AP2IS  CTo,  negative; 

^Pg  is  CT3,  negative; 

'  AP4  is  Cl\j  positive. 

Therefore    the    secant    is    positive   in    the  first   and  fourth 
quadrants,   and  negative  in   the   second   and   third. 

Hence  also  as  before,,  secil  =  sec  (^tt-}- -4)=^  sec  (47r -j- j4) 
=  &c.  =:sec  i2n7r  +  A). 


49.  Ex.     We  shall  therefore  have  sec  0=1; 

sec    90^  =  sec   (   -  )    =  00  ; 

sec  180^  =  sec     (tt)      =— 1; 
sec  270^  =  sec  ^  —  J  =  —  go  ; 
sec  360^  =  sec     (27r)     =1. 

We  conclude  then^  that  the  magnitude  of  the  secant  in  the 
first  quadrant  lies  between  1  and  oo ;  in  the  second,  between 
—  00  and  —  1 ;  in  the  thirds  between  —  1  and  —  co ;  and  in  the 
fourth^  between   oo  and  1 . 

50.  Cor.  1.     Sec  (-  A)=^Sec  A, 

For,  let  APi  =  J,  AP4  =  -  A;  then  CT4  =  CT^,  or 
sec  (  — ^)  =  sec  J.;  that  is,  the  magnitude  and  algebraical  sign 
of  the  secant  is  the  same  whether  the  arc  be  positive  or  negative. 

Hence  also^  sec  ^  =  sec  (  —  A)  =  sec  (Stt  —  A)  =  sec 
(^TT—  A)  =  8cc.  =  sec  (SwTT  —  A);  and  therefore  by  (48)  we  have 
sec  (2w'7r  +  ^)  =  sec  {^utt  —  A), 

51.  Cor.  2.      Sec  i'7r  —  A)=  -  Sec  A, 

For,  let  lPl  =  ^  AP2^7r-A;  then,  CT^^^CT^,  and 
,'.  sec  {t7--A)=  —sec  A,  by  (16);  or  the  secants  of  an  arc 
and  of  its  supplement  are  of  the  same  magnitude,  but  have 
different  algebraical  signs. 

And  as  before,  sec  j1  =  —  sec  (tt  — ^)=  —  sec  (Stt  — A) 
=  &c.=  -sec  {(2?i— 1)  ir-A}:  also  by  (48),  sec  (2/7 7r  + A) 
=  —sec  {(2yi—  1)  tt— ^}. 

52.  Cor.  3.  From  the  similar  triangles  CNiP^,  CATi, 
we  get 

CTi    :    CA   ::    CPi    :    CNi, 

or  sec  A    :       1      ::       1      :    cos  A, 

and  therefore  sec  A  = 

cos  A 

Also,  from  the  triangle  CATi,  we  have  CTi'  =  CA^  +  AJ?, 
that  isj  sec^  A=-\'\-  tan^  ^,    and  .*.  tan^  A  =  sec"  A  —  1, 

Ex,   From  either  of  these  formulae,  we  shall  have 


sec  30' 

,^,   sec  45^  =  ^2,   and  sec  60^  =  2. 

53.  Def.  12.  The  co-secant  (cosec)  of  an  arc  is  the  secant 
of  its  complement,  and  is  therefore  the  straight  line  drawn  from 
the  centre  through  the  end  of  the  arc,  and  terminated  by  the 

t^        t^. 

B              ts 














\  "I 




The  co-secant  of  A  Pi  is  Ct\,  which  is  positive; 

ilP2  is  Ctc^i  positive; 

AT^  is  C^3,  negative; 

J.P4  is  C^4, negative. 

Hence,    the   co-secant   is   positive   in   the   first  and  second 
quadrants,  and  negative  in  the   third   and  fourth. 

Alsoj   cosec  A  =  cosec  (2  tt  4"  ^)  =  cosec  (4  tt  -f-  A)  =  &c. . . . 
=  cosec  (2/Z7r  -j-  A). 

54.   Ex.      This  definition  gives  cosec  0  =  co  ; 

cosec  90  =  cosec 

G)  = 



eosec  180^  =  cosec      (tt)      =  oo  ; 

0  /^'^\ 

cosec  270  =cosec   f  —  I   =  —  1; 

cosec  360^  =  cosec    (Qtt)     =00. 

In  the  first  quadrant  therefore^,  the  co-secant  is  between  co 
and  1  ;  in  the  second^  between  1  and  co ;  in  the  third, 
between  —  co  and  —  1 ;  and  in  the  fourth,  between  —  1  and  —  co  . 

55.  Cor.  1.      Cosec  {  —  A)  =  —  Cosec  A, 

For,  let  APi  =  A,  ^P4=  —A;  then  Ct^  =  Ctu  or  cosec 
(  — J.)=  —cosec  A,  by  (I6);  that  is,  the  algebraical  sign  of  the 
cosecant  changes  with  thjit  of  the  arc. 

Hence  also,  cosec  A=  --  cosec  (—  A)=  —  cosec  (2 tt  —  A) 
=  —  cosec  (47r  —  A)  =  &c.  =  —  cosec  (  —  A). 

And  therefore  by  (53) j  cosec  (2;?7r  +  A)  =  —  cosec 
{2n7r  —  A). 

56.  Cor.  2.      Co.sec  (tt— A)=  Cosec  A. 

For,  let  APi  =  A5  AP2  —  'n--  A;  then  Ct2=^Cti,  as  is 
evident;  that  is,  cosec  (tt—  A)  =  cosec  A,  by  (I6);  or  the  co- 
secant of  an   arc   is  equal  to   that  of  its   supplement. 

So  also,  we  have  cosec  A  =  cosec  (tt  -  A)  —  cosec  {Sir  —  A) 
=  &c.=  cosec  {(2«— 1)  TT  —  A]  ;  and  therefore  by  {o3)t  cosec 
(2«7r4- A)=:cosec  {(2w— 1)  TT—  A}. 

57.  Cor.  3.     From  the  triangle  CBt^,  Ch'^^  CB^ -^  Bti\ 
that  is,  cosec^  A  =  1  +  cot'^  A,   and   .*.  cot"  A  =  cosec'A  —  1. 

Also,  cosec^  A  =z\  -j-  cot^  A 

cos^  A       sin^  A  4-  cos^  J  I 

=  1  -f    .  .   .  = 7-2-1 =  -:^T-r  y  by  (25), 

sin   A  sm    A  sm   A 

and   therefore   cosec  A 

sin  A 


Ex.      These  formulae _,  with  what  has  gone  before,  give 

cosec  30^  =  2,   cosec  45°  =  /n/2,  and  cosec  60^  = 

58.  In  the  preceding  articles,  we  have  determined  the 
algebraical  signs  of  the  tangent,  co-tangent,  secant^  and  co- 
secant, from  an  examination  of  the  lines  which  represent  them 
in  the  figures,  according  to  the  principles  assumed  in  (16); 
but  it  may  be  observed  that  they  are  all  easily  deducible  from 
those  of  the  sine  and   co-sine   previously  found. 

IhuSj  tan  Ari=  7-—  must  be  positive,  since  sin  Ar^i 

cos  A  Pi 

and  cos  APi  are  both  positive: 

.  _         cos  APo  .  .         .  .  „ 

and,    cot    AP2=   ~ r-~  must  be  negative,  since  cos  A-Tg 

sin  AP2 

is  negative,  and  sin  AP^  positive  : 

also,  sec  AP3  =   7^=r-  must  be  negative,  since  cos  AP3 

cos  AP3 

is   negative : 

and.  cosec  APa^^    .      .  .^    must  be  negative^  since  sin  AP4 
sm  AP4 

The  same  method  may  be  used  to  determine  the  magnitudes 
of  the  same  functions.      Thus, 

sin  0         0 

tan     0      =      =  -  =  0; 

cos  0  1 

i,,  C) 



sec     0      = 





cos  0 

1  __ 
"  1  ~ 

1 ; 





=  ~  =  CO  : 


(I)  ° 

and  so  of  the  rest,  as  alread}?  found. 

59.      To  transform  trigonometrical  formula  constructed  to 
the  radius  1,  into  others  which  shall  be  adapted  to  any  radius  r. 


N  A 

Let  Ci4-I,  CA'=r,  and  let  ACP  =  AXP'  be  any 
proposed  angle,  which  is  represented  by  A  :  then,  to  the  radius  1 , 
we  have 

PN=s\n      A, 

CN=cosr    A, 

AN  =  vers    A, 

AP  =  chd    A, 
AT  =  tan     A, 

Bt  =  cot    A^ 

CT=  sec     A, 

Ct  =cosecil; 
and  to  the  radius  r,  we  have 

P'iV'  =  sin    A, 

CN'  =cos   A, 

A'N'  =  rers  A, 

.4'F=chd  A, 

A'r  =  t2iu    A, 

B' l'  =cot    A^ 

Cr  =sec   A, 

Ct'    =coseCil: 


hence,  denoting  these  lines  on  the  latter  scale  by  accents  placed 
over  them,  we  shall  have   (Eucl.  6.  4.) 

Sin^   :    sin'    A    ::   PN  :   FN'   ::    CP   :   CF  ::    1    :   r; 

.*.    sin    A   =  "   sin'  A,  and  sin'  A=r  sin   A 

Cos  A  :   cos'  A    ::   CN   :    CN'    .:    CP  :   CP'  :: 

.*.    cos   -4  =  -  cos'  Af  and  cos'  A  =  r  cos  A 

Vers  A  :   vers' A    ::   AN  :   A'N'   ::    CP   :   CP'  :: 

.*.  vers  A  —  -  vers'  ^4,  and  vers'  A=r  vers  il 

did  A  :   chd'  A    ::   ^P   :   A'P'  :;    CP    :    CP'  :: 

.'.   chd    A  =  -  chd'  A,  and  chd'  i4=r  chd  A 


Tan^    :   tan'   A    ::    AT   :    AT'  ::    CA    :    CA'   :: 

•'.    tan    A  =  -   tan'  yl,   and  tan'  A=r  tan    il 

Cot  vl    :    cot'   A    ::    JB^    :    5'^'  ::     CB   :    CB'   :: 

.*.    cot   A  =  -  cot'  ii,  and  cot'  A  =  7-  cot  A 

Sec  A    :   sec'  A    ::    CT   :    Cr  ::    CA    :    CA'  :: 

/.  sec    A   =  --  sec'  J^,  and  sec'  A  =  r  sec  A 

r  ; 

Cosec  A  :  cosec'  A  ::  C^  :    C^'    ::    CB    :    Ci3'   ::    I 

.*.  cosec  A  =  --  cosec'  A^  and  cosec' tI  = /•  cosec  A. 

Hence,  therefore,   if  we  wish  to   make  use  of  the  radius  r 
instead  of  the  radius  1,  we  have  only  to  substitute  in  any  proposed 


formulae  which  are  true  on  the  supposition  of  the  radius  being  1, 

sin    A         cos    A       ^  .         .  ,  r      ■         A  A 

the  quantities ,     ,  &c.  ni  the  places  ot  sm  A,  cos  A, 

&c.  respectively,  and  the  results  will  be  adapted  to  the  radius  r. 

Ex.  1.     We  have  seen  in  (25)  that  sin^  A+cos^  ^  =  1^   to 
the  radius  1  ; 

(sin  A\'     ,     /cos  A\^  .  .. 
/     "^    ( /     ~   1,  to  the  raduis  r, 

or  sin^  A  +  cos'^  A  =  r^,  when  the  radius  is  r. 

Ex.  2.      By  article  (42)^   tun   A  = ,  to  the  radius  1  ; 

cos  A 

sin  A 

tan  A\         \     r     / 


(tan  A\         \     r     ^ 
1   = —     tQ    tjje   raduis   r. 
r     y          ycosA^  ' 

.  /sm  ^\       . 

or  tan  A  =  r  i I  ,   it  the  radius  be  r. 


Ex.  3.  If  the  formula,  cos  m^=acos'"  A-\-h  cos*"~^^ 
+  c'  cos*"~'"  ^  +  &c.  were  true  on  the  supposition  of  the  radius 
being  !_,  then  according  to  the  article,  we  have 

(QOsmA\        /cos^x*"     ,/cosJ.\'"~^       /cos  it\'"~'''     „ 

or  r*'*-^  cosmJ  =  «  cos'"  A+r/';  cos'"--^  ^4 +7''c  cos""'"^  A+&c. 
which  would  be  true  if  the  radius  were  represented  by  r. 

6*0.    Cor.   1.     From    the    last   example,    which    involves    j 
general  expression,   may   be   deduced   the  following   Rule : 

Render  all  the  terms  of  any  formula  homogeneous,  by 
multiplying  each  by  such  a  power  of  r  as  shall  make  its  dimen- 
sions equal  to  the  highest  involved  in  it,  and  the  result  will  be 
adapted  to   the   radius   r. 


Ex.  To  the  radius  1,  we  have  seen  in  (52)  that  sec^  A 
=  1  +  tan  A  ;  therefore  to  the  radius  r,  we  shall  have  sec^  A 
=  r^  +  tan^  A,  by  making  each  of  the  terms  a  quantity  of  two 

6l.  Cor.  2.  By  similar  substitutions,  formulae  deduced  on 
the  supposition  of  the  radius  being  R,  may  be  transformed  into 
others  which  shall  be  true  when  the  radius  r  is  made  use  of. 

For,  let  sin  A  represent  the  sine  of  A  to  the  radius  R, 
sin'  A ..r, 

then,  sin  A  :  sin'  ^  ::  jR  :  r,  as   before, 

and  .*.  sin  A= —  sin   A  ; 


similarly,  cos  A——  cos'  A,  &c.  =  &c. 

hence,  for  sin  A,  cos  A,  &c.  we  have  only  to  substitute 

R  .     ,    R        , 

-^  sin  A,  —  cos  Ay  &c.   respectively, 
and  the  results  will  be  adapted  to  the  radius  r. 

Ex.  1.    The  formula  tan  .4  =  2  -,  is  true  for  the  radius 

cos  A 

2,  by  (59);   therefore  if  we  wish  to  use  the  radius  3,  we  shall  have 

2  ^  ^  sin  A  ,  ^  sin   A 

-   tan  A  =  2 ,  and  .*.  Ian  A=^S . 

S  -t  cos  A  cos  A 

Ex.  2.  Sec"  A=  l6-f-tan'  A,  is  true  by  (60)  for  the  radius  4  ; 
therefore  if  the  radius  be  10^  we  shall  have 


and  .*.  sec^  A  =  100  + tai/  A,  to  the  radius  10;  and  so  on. 

The  same  methods  are  applicable  to  transform  any  other 
similar  and  similarly  situated  lines,  from  one  radius  to  another. 


62.  By  means  of  the  relations  between  the  trigonometrical 
functions  of  an  arc  established  in  this  chapter,  we  are  enabled 
to  prove  divers  theorems,  and  to  solve  a  variety  of  problems. 

Ex.    1.      It  is  required  to  prove  that 

in  A  =  .y/2  vers  A  — vers^  A,  to  the  radius  1 . 


By  (25)  we  have  sin^  ^=1  — cos^  J.=  l  —  (1  — versil/  from  (30), 
=  1  —  1+2  vers  A  -  vers^  A  =  2  vers  A  —  vers^  A  ; 



A  =  ^2  vers  A  —  vers^  A,   to  the  radius  1. 

Also,  to  the  radius  r,  by  (59)  we  shall  manifestly  have 
n  j4         a/     yvers  A\        ><vers  ^\' 

—  =  V  "-K-j-)-KrT~)  ' 

and    .'.   sin  A  =,^2r  vers  tI  — vers"  A, 

^  _.  ,        tan  A  +  tan  B  .  ,, 

Ex.  2.      lo   prove  that =-  =  tan  A  tan  B.  to 

cot  J  +  cot  B 

the  radius  1. 

From    (42)   we  have 

_.      sin  A         sin  B        sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  B 

tan  A  -f  tan  B  = H = : 

cos  A        cos  i)  cos  A  cos  B 

also,  from  (47)  we  get 

,   .  „      cos  A        cos  B        cos  A  sin  B  -f-  sin  ^1  cos  B 

cotA  +  cotJ5=  - — -  4-   - — ~= ^ — -i—. — 5 : 

sm  A         sni  B  sm  A  sni  i> 

and   the  numerators  of  these  fractions  being  the  same,  it  follows 

tan  j4.  4- tan  B        sin  A  sin  B         /sin  A\    /sin  B 

cot  A  +  cot  B        cos  ^4  cos  B 
tan  il  tan  B,  by  (42),  to  the  radius  1. 

(sm  A\    ysui  n\ 
cosA^    \cosB/ 


tan  A  +  tan  B        tan  A  tan  B         .  ,. 

Likewise —  =  5 — —  to  the  radius  /',  as 

cot  -4  -i-  cot  15  r" 

easily  appears  by  means  of  the  rule  laid  down  in  (60). 

Ex.  3.      Given  m  sin  A=Ji  cos  A,   to  find  the   values   of 
sin  A  and  cos  A. 

Here,  m^  sin^  A  =11'   cos^   A  =  71^  (1— siir   A),   by  (25), 
=  n^  —  ?t^  sin'^  -4  ; 

/.  (m^+w^)  sin^  A^n^,  whence  sin  A=  ± 


7?i^  +  w^ 

also  cos     J.  =  1  —  sm     ^1  =  1  — 

and   .*.  cos  -4=  Hh     / — r^=^,  to  the  radius  1. 
^m  +71" 

If  the  radius  r  be  used,  we  have  by  what  is  proved  in  (59), 

sin  A  n  cos  A  m 

^  i'^^m'  +  n  r  ^m^  +  rr 

whence  sin  ^  =  ±  — y  -„ -„ ,  and  cos  A  =  ± 

/— 2-^ 5    aim   VV.D    ^  —    T.  .— — — -  . 

Ex.  4.      Given  sin  A  =  m  sin  JB,   and  tan  A=w  tan  J3,  to 
find  the  values  of  sin  A  and  sin  B. 

Since   tan   -4  =  w  tan  B,    we   have 

sin  il  sin  -B     ,      ,  ^  ^- 

.  =  n  -,   by  (42); 

cos  A  cos  .0 

sin  A  cos  A     ,      .  cos  A 

:.  - — 5  =  71 5,  that  is,  w  =  w  -; 

sm  jD  cos  75  cos  i) 


«  ^^.2      A  T    _   ,-.,2     ^  1    _        2       ■'1 

cos^  1  _  1  -  siir  A  _  1  -  m^  siir  B 
cos'  -B  ""   1  -  sin''  J?  ~     1  -  sin^  B    ' 


whence  m^-^rri'  sin^  B  =  ri^  -  n^rt^  sin'  By  and 

m^  ( 1  —  w^)  sin^  3=^71^  —  w',  or  sin^  5  =  — ^"^ ~^ , 

m    (1  — w") 

and  /.  sin  jtf=  +  —  V/ ; 

ni    ^      1  -  w^ 

wherefore  sin  il  =#?2  sin  jB=  Hh    'y/ ^  , 

1  —  IlL^ 

in  both  of  which  the  radius  is  1. 

Adapting  these  values  to  the  radius  ? ,  since  ni  and  n  are 
merely  numerical  magnitudes  and  therefore  not  considered  of 
any  dimensions,  we  shall  have  by  (60), 


A  I  4    /  W^  —if  J       •         D  I       ''       4      /W^  —  if 

A  =  +   r  V  ,  and  sni  5  =  +  -    \/  

From   these    two   equations    all    the    other    trigonometrical 
functions  of  A  and  B  are  easily  deduced. 


On  the  relations  between  the  Trigonometrical  Functions  of  arcs 
or  angles,  and  those  of  their  sums  and  differences,  and  also 
of  some  of  their  multiples,  sub-multiples  and  powers. 

63,  To  express  the  sines  and  cosines  of  the  sum  and  dif- 
ference of  tivo  arcs,  in  terms  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  the  arcs 

Let  the  arcs  AP,  PQ,  be  the  measures  of  any  two  angles 
ACP,  PCQ  denoted  by  A  and  B  to  the  radius  CA:  draw  QM 
perpendicular  to  CP,  and  QR,  MS,  PN  perpendicular  to  CA  * 
draw  also  MT  parallel  to  CA.     Then^ 

N    A 

PN  =sm  ACP,  CIV  =  cos  ACP ; 
QM=sin  PCQ,  CM=  cos  PCQ; 
QR  =  sin  ACQ  =  sin  {ACP  ±  PCQ) ; 
CR  =  cos  ACQ  =  cos  (ACP  ±  PCQ) : 

Now    QR  =  RT  ±QT=  MS  ±  QT,  the   upper  and   lower 
signs  being  used  for  the  first  and  second  figures  respectively  ; 



but  by  similar  triangles, 

MS  ;  CM  ::  PN  :  CP, 

and  QT:  QM  ::  CN  i  CP ', 


from  which  MS  =  CM—  ,  and  QT=QM-^; 


/.  we  have  QE  =  CM—   ±  QM — 

:=-^{PN.CM±  CN,QM)  =  PN.CM  ±  CN.QM, 

if  the  radius  be  supposed  to  be  1  ;   that  is, 

sin  iA±  E)  =  sin  A  cos  B ±cos  A  sin  B (a). 

Again,  CR=CSTRS=zCS  +  MT; 
but  by  similar  triangles, 

CS   :    CM  ::    CW  :    CP, 
and  Mr  :   QM  ::   PN  :   CP; 


whence  CS=  CM  ;^,    and   Mr=QM-— ; 
Ux  Ox 


.V  we  have   CR=^CM~  +  ^^  CP 

^  JL(CN.CM+  PN.QM)=  CN.CM+  PN.QM, 

if  CP=  I,  as  before;  that  is, 

cos  {A±B)  =  cos  il  cos  B  ^  sin  A  sin  B (/3) 

Ex.  1.      Let  5  =  ^,   or  ^  +  5  =  ^  +  ^: 

--^  -f  ^  1  =  sni  ~  cos  ^  -I-  cos  -  sm  J 
=  cos  A,   by  (18)  nnd  (22): 


and  cos  I   -  +  ^  I  =  cos  -    cos  ^  —  sin  ^  sin  A 

=  -sin  A,  by  (18)  and  (22). 

Ex.2.      Lct^  =  7r,   or  A  +  B  =  7r-\-A: 
therefore  sin  (tt  -\-  A)  =  sin  tt  cos  A  4-  cos  tt  sin  A 
=  -sin  ^,   by  (18)  and  (22): 
and  cos  (7r  +  74)  =  cos  x  cos  A— sin  tt  sin  A 
=  — cos  ^5   by  (18)  and  (22). 

64.  Cor.  1.  The  construction  and  investigation  above 
given  hold  good  whatever  be  the  magnitudes  of  the  angles 
ACP,  PCQy  due  regard  being  had  to  the  algebraical  signs  of 
the  trigonometrical  lines  as  determined  in  the  preceding  chapter : 
and  any  three  of  the  functions  just  mentioned  may  with  great 
facility  be  deduced  from  the  remaining  one.      Thus, 

mn(A-B)  =  sm  {7r-(^-.B)},  by  (20), 
=  sin  {{7r-A)  +  B} 

=  sin  (tt  —  A)  cos  B  +  cos  (tt  —  A)  sin  B,  by  (a), 
=  sin  A  cos  jB—  cos  A  sin  B,   from   (20)  and  (24): 


cos  {A  4-  B)  =  sin  {3   -  (^  +  -B)| ,    by  (21), 

=  sm  |(^  +^)  +  i^j,  by  (22), 

=  sin  f^  +  Aj  cos  B  +  cos  T-  +  A  J  sin  B,  by  (a), 

=  095  A  cos  B  -  sin  A  sin  jB^   from  (ti3)  : 


and,  cos  {A-B)  =  sm  |^  -(^~  JB)j,  by  (21), 
=  ,n{(l-A)+B} 

=  Sin  f^  —Aj  cos  B  +  cos  C-    -  A  J  sin  E,  by  (a), 

=  cos  ^  cos  £  -\-  sill  ^  sin  i3,   from  (21). 

The  same  values  of  cos  (A  ±  B)  are  also  easily  deducible  from 
the  equation  cos  (A±  B)  =  -.^/l^--sir?(^±5). 

65.  Cor.  2.  If  the  radius  CP  be  supposed  =  ;•,  we  shall 

sin  {A±  B)=  -  (sin  A  cos  B  ±  cos  A  sin  B) ; 

and  cos  (^  +  jB)  =  -  (cos  A  cos  B  +  sin  y4  sin  B), 

which  are  the  same  as  would  have  been  derived  from  those  just 
found  by  means  of  the  rule  laid  down  in  article  (60). 

66.  Cor.  3.  Let  •S'  and  s  be  the  sines  of  any  two  arcs^ 
C  and  c  their  cosines ;   then  by  {QS)  we  have,, 

The  arc  whose  sine  is  5  +  the  arc  whose  sine  is  s  = 
the  arc  whose  sine  is  (*Sc  +  sC):  also,  the  arc  whose  cosine 
is  C  +  the  arc  whose  cosine  is  c  =  the  arc  whose  cosine 
is  {Cc  T  Ss), 

These  are  usually  written  abbreviatedly  as  follows : 
Sin-'  ,S  ±  sin"'  s  =  sin"'  {Sc  ±  sC) ; 
Cos''C±  cos-'c  =  cos-^'  (CcT^5). 

Ex.       Sin-.(0+.i„-.©=™-.j2J  +  liS 


125         25)  ^    * 

=  (^),  as  appears  from  (18). 

67.  From  (63)j  we  obtain  by  addition  and  subtraction 
the  following   formulae : 

sin  (A +  £)-{-  sin  (A  ~-  B)  =  2  sin  A  cos  B; 

sin  (A  +  B)  —  sin  {A  —  B)  =  2  cos  A  sin  B  ; 

cos  ( J[  —  ^)  +  cos  (^  +  B)  =  2  cos  J  cos  ^ ; 

cos  (A  —  B)-  cos(A  4-  -B)  =  2  sin  ^  sin  B. 

These  expressions  furnish  the  following  useful  equations  : 

1.  The  sum  of  the  sines  of  any  two  arcs  is  equal  to  twice 
the  rectangle  of  the  sine  of  their  semi-sum,  and  the  cosine  of 
their  semi-difference. 

£.  The  difference  of  the  sines  of  any  two  arcs  is  equal  to 
twice  the  rectangle  of  the  cosine  of  their  semi-sum,  and  the  sine 
of  their  semi-difference. 

3.  The  sum  of  the  cosines  of  any  two  arcs  is  equal  to 
twice  the  rectangle  of  the  cosine  of  their  semi-sum^  and  the 
cosine  of  their  semi-difference. 

4.  The  difference  of  the  cosines  of  any  two  arcs  is  equal 
to  twice  the  rectangle  of  the  sine  of  their  semi-sum,  and  the 
sine  of  their  semi-difference. 

68.  From  the  same  article  we  obtain  by  multiplication, 
sin  {A  +  B)  sin  {A  -  B) 

=  (sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  B)  (sin  A  cos  B  —  cos  ^  sin  B) 

=  sin'^  A  cos"  B  —  cos^  A  sin^  B 

=  sin"  A  (1  —sin'  5)  — (1  —sin'  A)  sin^  B 

=  sin^  A  —  sin"  A  sin^  B  —  sin^  B  +  sin"  A  sin^  B 

=  sin'  A  —  sin"  B  =  (sin  A  -{-  sin  B)  (sin  A  —  sin  B) : 

=  cos^  B  —  cos^  A  =  (cos  B  +  cos  A)  (cos  B  —  cos  A). 

cos  (^4-B)  cos(^-B) 
=  (cos  A  cos  B  —  sin  A  sin  JB)  (cos  A  cos  jB  +  sin  A  sin  B) 
=  cos^yi  cos^  B  —  sin^  ^  sin^  ^ 
=  cos'  A  {I-  sin'  5)  -  (1  -cos^  A)  sin'  B 
=  cos^  A  —  cos-  ^  sin^  B  —  sin^  ^  +  cos'  A  sin^  JB 
=  cos^  A  -  sin-  B  —  (cos  J  +  sin  jB)  (cos  A  ■—  sin  B) : 

=  cos^  B  —  sin'  A  =  (cos  B  +  sin  A)  (cos  B  —  sin  A). 

69.      By  division,  we  have  from  the  same  article, 

sin  {A  +  jB)         sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  jB 
sin  (A  —  jB)         sin  A  cos  B  —  cos  tI  sin  B 

(sin  J.X  >^sin   5\ 

cos  Ay  Vcos  JB/ 

(sin  A\  >^sin  Bx 

cos  tI/'  Vcos  B^^ 

(by  dividing  both  numerator  and  denominator  by  cos  A  cos  jB) 

tan  A  4-  tan  B 
tan  il  -  tan  JB  ' 

In  like  manner, 

cos  (A  +  B)  _  cos  A  cos  B  —  sin  A  sin  B 
cos  {A  —  i^)        cos  A  cos  J3  +  sin  A  sin  B 

_  1  -  tan  A  tan  JB 
~  1  4- tan  A  tan  B 

by  proceeding   as 


The  former  of  these  expressions  furnishes  the  following 
useful  proportion: 

The  sine  of  the  sum  of  two  arcs  :  the  sine  of  their 
difference  ::  the  sum  of  their  tangents  :  the  difference  of 
their  tangents, 

70.  To  express  the  sines  and  cosines  of  tivo  arcs  in 
terms  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  their  semi-sum  and  semi- 

therefore   we  have  by  means   of  (63), 

.in  ^  =  sin  {(i^)    +(^^^)} 

=  sm  (-^-;  cos  {^-^)  +  cos  (-5-)  sm  (-^^  ; 

and    sin    B  =  sin  {{-~)   -    (^)} 

Similarly,  cos  A  =  cos  \  I  — —  /  "^  (  )  i 

=  cos  (— ^;  cos  {—^)   -sm  {—^)  sm  {—^)^ 
and  cos  B  =  cos  |  (^— ^J   -   i^—^)  ( 

=  eos  (-^-)  cos  {-Y-)  +s...  {-^)  «m  {^-^-) 

71.  This  article,  by  addition  and  subtraction,  gives 
sm  id  +  sin  B  =2  sin  f — - — 1  cos  f — - — 1  ; 

sin  A  -  sin  B  =  Q.  cos  I  — 5°~~  I  ^"^*  I — 5 — J ' 

cos  B  +  cos  ^  =  2  cos  I  — - —  I  cos  f I ; 

,      ^   .     /A  +  B\     .     /^  -  J5\ 
cos  J5  —  cos  A  =  2  sin  f I  sm  I  1 ; 

in  which  expressions  are  comprised  the  Rules  laid  down  in  (67). 

72.  From  the  same  article,  we  obtain  by  division, 

'A-\-B\  /A-B^ 

.      /A  +  B\  /A-B\ 

sin  A  4-  sin  B 

sin  A  ~  sin  B  /A  +  jB\  ^^-^ 

(A  +  ±>'\      .      /A-  ±S\ 

TJ^-gT'  by  (42)  and  (47); 




-  cos  jB  +  cos  a 

2  cos  {—^)  cos(^-^J 

cosi)— costI  .      /<A -\- B\     .     /A~B^ 

A+B\  /A-B^ 


(^")  -  (^0 


From  the  former  of  these  formula^,  we  have  the  following 
useful  Proportion. 

The  sum  of  the  sines  of  any  two  arcs  :  the  (hfference  of 
the  sines  ::  the  tanoent  of  their  semi-sum  :  the  tanc-ent  of  their 

By  a  similar  process  it  is  easily  proved  that 
sin  .i  +  sin  E  __  /A+  B\ 

cos  J -{- cos  B  "^    '      \      2     /  * 
and  if  i>=Oj   we  shall  find  by  reduction  that 

J ]  —  tan   ~ 

.      ^         A  / 1  -  cos  ^  ,  ,  2 

tan  —  =  V   -,  and  .".  cos  A  =  r  . 

2  ^     1  +  cos  A  ^    ,         .  yl 

1+tan-  — 

73.  To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  (n  +  1)  A,  in  terms 
of  the  sines  and  cosines  o/'nA,  (n— 1)  A,  and  A. 

Here,  attending  to  the  formulce  of  (63)  we  have 
sin  (n  4- 1)  A  =  sin  0^^  +  A) 

=  sin  71 A  cos  A  +  cos  ?iA  sin  Aj 
and  sin  (/^—  1)  A  =  sin  (nA  —  A) 

=  sin  nA  cos  A  —  cos  n A  sin  A; 


hence  by  addition,  we  have 

sin  (n-i-  ])  A  +  sin  (n  —  \)  A  =  2  sin  ti  A  cos  A, 
and  .'.  sin  {n  -r  I)  A  =  Q  sin  nA  cos  A  —  sin  (71  —  \)  A.  . 

Again,  cos  {12+  I)  A  =  cos  {nA-\'A) 

=  cos  nA  cos  tI  —  sin  nA  sin  ^, 
and  cos  {n  —  \)  A  =  cos  (/i^  ~  A) 

=  cos  7f  A  cos  A  +  sin  //A  sin  A  ; 

whence  as  before,  we  get 

cos  (n  -{-  1)  A  +  cos  (n  —  1)  A  =  Q  cos  7iA  cos  il^ 
and  .'.  cos  {n  +  l)  A  =  2  cos  nA  cos  A  —  cos  (?^  -  1)  ^. 

74.  Ex.     Let    n    be   taken    equal    to    1,    2,    3,    4,    &c. 
successively,   and   we  shall  have 

sin  2  J.  =  2  sin  A  cos  A  ; 

sin  3  A  —9.  sin  2  J.  cos  A  -  sin  J.; 

sin  4j1  =  2  sin  3  J.  cos  ^1  —  sin  2^4  ; 

&c =  &c 

cos  2  J.  =2  cos  A  cos  A  —  1  ; 

cos  3^  =  2  cos  Q.A   cos  tI  —  cos  A  ; 

cos  4^  =  2  cos  3 tI  cos  A  —  cos  2  J[  ; 

&c =   &c 

75.  To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  twice  an  arc  in  terms 
of  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  arc  itself. 

Here,  by  means  of  {QS),  we  have 

sin  2  J.  =  sin  ( A  +  -4)  =  sin  A  cos  A  +  cos  A  sin  A 

=  2  sin  A  cos  A ; 

or    =  2  sin  A  /s/  l—"  s\n^  A  ;    or   =  2  cos  A  ^  1  --  cos'^  A 


Also_,  cos  2^  =  cos  (A  -jr  A)  =  cos  A  cos  A  —  sin  A  sin  A 
=  cos^  J[  —  sin^  A  ; 
or    =  2  cos^  tI  —  1  ;    or  =  1  —  2  sin*  A. 

76.   Cor.    Putting  A  and  —  in  the  places  of  2  A  and  A 

respectively,  we  have   from   the  last  article^ 

sni  ^  =  2  sni  —   cos   — 

2  2 

and  cos  il  =  cos^  —  —  sin''  —  =  2  cos'' 1  =  1—2  sin 



A        .  o  A  o  A 

—  sni    —  =  2  cos^ 
2  2  2 

also,  from  the  latter  of  these  we  obtain 

2  sin^  —  =  1  -  cos  A  =  vers  A  =  |-  chd^  A,  by  (36), 

A  A 

and   .'.  2  sin  —  =  chd  A.   or  sin  —  =  ^chd  A  ; 

2  2        ^ 

that  is,  the  chord  of  an  arc  is  equal  to  twice  the  sine  of 
its  half,  or  the  sine  of  an  arc  is  equal  to  half  the  chord 
or  its   double. 

77-  By  some  writers,  the  properties  just  mentioned  are 
made  the  basis  of  many  of  the  fundamental  propositions  of 
Trigonometry,  and  they  may  be  proved  merely  by  a  comparison 
of  the  respective  lines  in  the  following  figure  :   thus, 

Let  AP  =  A,  AQ=^QP  =^   —  j   then  it   appears   from   the 


definitions  laid  down  in  the  preceding  chapter,  that  j4.P  =  chd  A, 

and    QM=sin  — - :   it  is   also  manifest  that   AL  =  LP.  or  AP 

=  2AL,   and  AL=:QM:   whence  it  follows  that  ^P  =  2 QM, 

j4  a       I 

or  chd  ^  =  2  sin  —  .  and  .*.  sin  —  =   -  chd  A. 
2  2        2 

78.     To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  half  an  arc  in  terms 
of  the  sine  of  the  arc  itsef, 

A  A 

Since  cos^ \-  sin'  -  =  1,   by  (25), 

2  2 

A  A 

and  2  sin  —   cos   —  =  sin  A^  by  (76) ; 

we   have   by  addition, 

o  A  .A  A       .  ^  A  .      . 

cos   —4-2  sin  —  cos f-  sni    —  =  1  -f  sm  J. 

2  2  2  2 

and   by  subtraction, 

2  ^  .A  A    ^     ,  ^  A  .      ^ 

cos 2  sni  —   cos h  sar  —  =  1  —  sm  A  ; 

2  2  2  2 

whence,   by  extracting   the   square  roots  of  both   sides  of  these 
equations,  we  obtain 

j^  j^  ^  j^  

cos~+sin  -=  V^J  4-sin  A,  cos  ~  -  sin  — =  +  ^1  —  sin  A'-, 

in   the   latter  of  which   the   positive   or  negative   sign  must   be 

used  according  as  cos  —  is  greater  or  less  than  sm  —  ; 
2  2 

.'.   by    addition    and    subtraction   and  division  by  2, 
A      1 

cos   —  =  - 
2      2 

and  sm  - 

|x/(H-sin  A)  ±  J\^\~  sin  A)\  , 
-=-  |x/(l+sin  A)  +   V(l-sin  1)| 


These  two  expressions  are  frequently  used  to  examine  the 
accuracy  of  results  deduced  by  other  means,  and  on  that  account 
are  termed  Formulte  of  Verification. 

A  1 

Ex.     Let  A=SO^,  then  -  =  15^  and  sin  J=  -  ,  from  (37), 

wherefore  sin  lo^  =  -  {^1+sin  30^—  ^1  —sin  30^} 

and  cos  15^  =  -  {^1+siu  30^  +  >/l  -sin  30^} 

79-    2^0  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  half  an  arc  in  terms 
of  the  cosine  of  the  arc  itself 

From  (76)5  it  appears  that 

cos    —  —  sin    —  =  cos  A. 

2  2  . 

also,   cos^  —  +  sin"  —  =  ] ,   by  (25) ; 


.*.  by  addition_,   2  cos'  —  =  1  +cos  A^ 

and  by  subtraction,  2  sin"  —  =  1  —  cos  A  ; 

whence,,  dividing  each  of  these  equations   by  2,   and  extracting 
the  square  roots,  we  have 

.     A  4  /xl  —cos  ^X 

sin  —  =  +   V   I    )  , 

2       ~    ^     V        2       y' 



A  1 

Ex .     Let  A  =  45^  then  -  =  22^  30\  and  cos  A  =  — r-  from 

2  ^2 

(25)_,   whence  we  have 

0      /      A  /l  — cos  45^         A  /l  1  ./Vq-I 

sin  22°  30'=  V   =  V 7-  =  V  7—  ' 

^  2  ^22l/2^2V2 

eos  2.»  30'=  x/i±^°^  =  \/V^  =  \/^?±^. 
^  2  ^22\/2  2  1/2 

80.  From  articles  {QS)  and  (75)  may   easily  be   deduced 
what  is   called   Delambre's  formula. 

For,  sin  {A-\-  l^)  =  sin  A  cos  l^  4- cos  A  sin  1^^ 

and  sin  (^4.  —  1^)  =  sin  A  cos  1^  —  cos  A  sin  l'' ; 

whence  by  addition, 

sin  {A  +  1^)  +  sin  (J  -  1^)  =  2  sin  A  cos  1^ 
and  .•.  sin  (A  +  1^)  =  2  sin  A  cos  1°  -  sin  (A  -  1^) 

=  2  sin  1  (1  -  2  sin^  30')  -  sin  (A  -  1°) 
=  2  sin  A  -  sin  {A  —  1^)— 4  sin  A  sin"  30' 
=  sin  ^  +  {sin  J.  -  sin  (A  —  1^)}  -  4  sin  A  sin^  30\ 

8 1 .  We  have  seen  in  the  last  article  but  one,  that 

•  ^    \/^~~~^     7 

sin  —  =  V   -  —  -  cos  A 

2  2       2 

and  from  these  are  readily  derived  the  following  equations  : 

.    A        ./~i       i         A 

sni  -7T  =    V cos  — 

2-         ^22  2 

=  \/i-iv/.-si.,»-^ 


4  =  \/i^ 

1         A 

sin  — ^  =   V   —  ;:  cos  -^ 
2  2       2         2 

-  V  ^  -  ^  V   1  -  sin  -,  ; 

2       2 
(fee =    &c 

1  1 

Sin  — -  =    V    ^  --  -  cos 

2"  2         2  2*"" 

Also,  from  the  same  article  it  appears  that 

whence  we  similarly  obtain 

cos  -  =  V  5  +  5  cos  4 

=   V  i  +  5  \/l-siu^^ 


i  =  V  2  +  5COS- 

1         JL 

cos  -o  =    V    "  +  ~  cos  — 

2^  2       2  2- 

-    V    -  +  -  V   1  ~  sm   -. 


ike =       Sec r. 





82.      From  the  last  article,  by  substitution  we  shall  have 



cos  ^  ; 


=    8cc. 

sm  — -  = 


the  radical  sign  being  repeated  ii  times. 
In  the  same  manner,  we  get 





=    &c. 

COS  —  = 

yl^Wl^lVl^lV^c \/i+icos^, 

where  the  radical  sign  is  repeated  n  times. 

Ex.     Let  A=    C-^  ;  and  /.  cos  A=0,  and  we  have 

{r4''^i-Wi*W^ n/^ 


the  radical  sign  in  each  case  occurring  n  times. 

83.      To  express    the  sine  and  cosine  of  thrice  an  arc   in 
terms  of  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  arc  itself. 

Here  we  have  from  (63), 

sin  3  ^  =  sin  (2  A-\-A)  =  sin  2  ^  cos  A  +  cos  2  A  sin  A 
=  2  sin  A  cos^  A  +  (1  —  2  sin^  A)  sin  A,  by  (75) 
=  2  sin  A  -  2  sin^  il  +  sin  A  —  2  sin'^  A 
=  3  sin  A  — 4  sin^  A  ; 
and  from  the  same  article, 

cos  3  A  =  cos  (2  A  +-4)=:  cos  2  A  cos  A  —  sin  2  A.  sin  A. 
=  (2  cos^  J  -  1)  cos  A  -  2  sin^  A  cos  A,  by  (75) 
=  2  cos'  ^  —  cos  ^  —  2  cos  A  +  2  cos^  A 
=  4  cos^  A  --  3  cos  A. 

84.  From  the  two  formulae  just  proved,  we  have  immediately 
sin^  A=\{^  sin  A  —  sin  SA),  and  cos''  A=\{S  cos  A-\-  cos  3  A). 

85.  By    substituting    in    the    formulae    just    investigated, 
A  and  —  in  the  places  of  3  A  and  A  respectively,  we  get 

sm  A  =  3  sm  — '  —  4  sm    —  .    and  cos  A  =  4  cos 3  cos  —  : 

3  3  3  3 

and  thence  the  equations, 

4  sin"  (- }  ■-  3  sin  ("^  +  sin  A  =  0, 

and  4  cos^  (  ~~  )  "*"  "^  ^^^  V  ""  )  —  ^^^  il  =  0  ; 

by  the  solution  of  which,  sin  (  —  )  and  cos  ( -7  )  may  be  found 
in  terms  of  sin  A  and  cos  A  respectively. 

Ex.  1.      Let  A=  180^   then  sin  ^1  =  0,  and  —  =  60^; 

therefore,  4  sin^  60°  — 3  sin  60^  =  0, 

V^S  1 

and  sin  60^  = ,  and  .*.  cos  60^  =  -  . 

Ex.  2.     Suppose  1  =  90^  then  cos  ^  =  0,  and  --  =  30°; 

hence,  4  cos^  30^  —  3  cos  30^  =  0, 

and  cos  30"  = ,  and  .'.  sin  30°  =  -  . 

2    '  2 

86.  From  the  last  examples,  combined  with  some  of  the 
preceding  articles,  we  are  enabled  to  find  the  sines  and  cosines 
of  15^  75',  105°,  165°,   &c. 

For,  sin  15°  =  sin  (45°  —  30°)  =  sin  45°  cos  30°  -  cos  45°  sin  30° 
I        VS  I       \  1 

a/2      2  \/2   2        21/2 

(/3-  1)  =  cos  75°; 

similarly,  cos  15°  =  — -r-  (  ^^3+  1)  =  sin  75°. 
2  V  2 


sin  105°  =  sin  (60°  +45°)  =  sin  60°  cos  45°+  cos  60°  sin  45° 

=  ^  -i-  +i   J-   =  -V(V^3  +  l)=-cosl65°; 
2        V^2        21/2        2/2 

similarly,   cos  105°=  -  TT/^  (  /3-l)=  —sin  l65°. 


87.     Articles  (75)  and  (83)  afford  us  the  means  of  deter- 
mining the  sines  and  cosines  of  18^  and  72^. 

For,  since  sin  2^1  =2  sin  A  cos  A, 

and  cos  3^=4  cos^  A —  3  cos  A  : 

if  ^  =  18^  we  have  2^=36^  and  3^  =  54^ 

also,  sin  2.1  =  sin  36^  =  cos  (90°  —  36^)  =  cos  54°  =  cos  3  yl  : 

hence  2  sin  18°  cos  18°  =  4cos'^  18°  — 3  cos  18°, 

and  2  sin  18°  =  4  cos"  18°— 3=  1  -  4  sin"  18°; 
.'.  4  sin^  18°+  2  sin  18°=  1,  which  gives 

V5-  1 


and  cos  18°  =  ^/l  -   sm^  18°  =  — =  sin  72°. 


88.      Hence  the  sines  and  cosines  of  36^  and  54°  are  easily 

For,  sin  36°  =  2  sin  18°  cos  18° 

=  P  /^^-^\  x/lQ  +  2^1  _  (  l/5~l)  v^lO  +  2  j/J 

~  4  ""  8 

sin  18°=  =  cos  72°; 

V 10 -2  1/5 

=  cos  54°  : 

and  cos  36°  =  2  cosM8°-l 

2(10  +  2  1/5)  1/5  +  1  0 

= 1  =  =  sm  54  . 

16  4 

89.      From  the  last  two  articles  is  derived  Eider's  Formula 
of  Verification,  which  is 

sin  A  =  sin  {36''  +  il)  +  sin  (72°-  A) 
-  sin  (36° -_4)- sin  (72°  + J): 


For,  sin  (36^^  +  A)-  sin  (36°-  A)  =  2  cos  36°  sin  A, 
and  sin  (72^  -\-  A)-  sin  (72°  -  ^)  =  2  cos  72°  sin  A  : 
therefore  by  subtraction^  we  have 

sin  (36°  +  ^)  +  sin  (72°  -  Jl)  -  sin  (36°  -A)-  sin  (72°  +  A) 
=  2  sin  -A  (cos  36°-  cos  72°) 

=  2  sin  A  \ \  =  sin  A, 

A  f  ^^  +  ^  _  Jl^zlII 

90.  Legendre's  Formula  of  Verification  is,  in  fact,  the 
same   as   Euler's,   though  different  in   form,  that  is, 

cos  A  =  sin  (54°  +  A) -{-  sin  (54°  -  A) 
-sin  (18°-|-il)--sin  (18°-^). 

Here,  sin  (54°  +  ^)  +  sin  (54°  —  ^)  =  2  sin  54°  cos  A, 
and  sin(18°  +  ^)+sin  (18°— 1)  =  2  sin  18°  cos  A-, 
therefore  by  subtraction,  as  before,  we  have 

sin  (54°  +  A)  +  sin  (54°-  A)  -  sin  (18°  +  A)-  sin  (18°— .4) 
=  2  cos  yl  {sin  54°  -sin  18°} 

=  2cos^|i:^i±i-J^^]=cos4. 

14  4       J 

91.  By  means  of  (78)  the  sine  and  cosine  of  9^  and  81° 
are  easily  obtained  from  the  sine  of  18°;  from  the  sines  and 
cosines  of  9^  and  15°,  the  sines  and  cosines  of  6°  and  24°, 
and  therefore  of  84°  and  66^  are  very  readily  deduced ;  from 
the  sines  and  cosines  of  6°  and  84°  may  be  found  those  of 
78°   and    12°;    and   so   on. 

92.  By  a  process  in  every  respect  similar  to  that  used  in 
article  (83),  we  readily  obtain  the  following  results : 

sin  4 A  ={4  sin  J.  —  8  sin^  A)  cos  A  ; 

sin  5A—0  sin  A  —  20  sin^  A  +  Id  sin^  A; 

sin  6 A  =(0  sin  1—32  sin"  JL  +  32  sin^  A)  cos  A  ; 

&c =&c 


cos 4^  =  8  cos*  ^  —  8  cos^  A  +  I; 

cos 5 ^  =  ] 6  cos^  A -20  cos^  A  +  5  cos  A; 

cos  6 A  =32  cos^  ^-48  cosM  +  18  cos"  .4  -  1; 

&c =&c 

93 .  To  express  the  versed  sines  of  the  sum  and  difference  of 
two  arcs  in  terms  of  the  versed  sines  of  the  arcs  themselves. 

From  (30)  we  have 

vers  {A±B)=zl-  cos  (A  ±  B) 

=  1  —  cos  A  cos  -B  +  sin  A  sin  B 

which,  by  (30)  and  (62), 

=  1  -(1- vers  A)  (1— vers  B) 

±  ^J{2  vers  A  -  vers^  A)  (2  vers  5— vers^  B) 

=  vers  A  +  vers  B  —  vers  A  vers  B 

+  V  (2  vers  ^— vers°  A)  (2  vers  £— vers"  B). 

94.  From  the  expressions  just  proved  we  have  immediately, 

vers  (A  +  B)  +  vers  {A  -  B) 
=  2  vers  A  +  2  vers  J3  —  2  vers  A  vers  B  ; 
or    =  2(1  —  cos  j1  cos  J5); 

also_,  vers  (A  +  B)  —  vers  (A  —  B) 
=  2  /vy(2  vers  A  —  vers^  A)  (2  vers  ^  —  vers"  B); 
or  =  2  sin  A  sin  B  ; 
and  vers  {A  4-  i>)  vers  (J  —  B)  =  (vers  ^  —  vers  JB)^, 

95.  The  vahie  of  vers  (A  +  B)  may  however  be  exhibited 
in  a  much  neater  form  than  that  in  which  it  is  given  in  the 
last  article  but  one.      Thus, 

vers  (A  ±  B)  =  vers  A  4'  vers  B  —  vers  A  vers  B 

±  x/(2  vers  A  —  vers^  J)  (2  vers  B  — vers"  B) 


=  ^  {vers  -4.  (2  —  vers  B)  -f  vers  B  (2  —  vers  A) 
±  2  ^(2  vers  A  -  vers^  ^4)  (2  vers  B  —  vers^  B)} 

=  "I-  {vers  tI  vers  (tt  —  B)  +  vers  5  vers  (tt  —  A) 
+  2  A^vers  ^4  vers  (tt  —  J)  vers  jB  vers  (tt  —  B) } 

—  2  Is/ ^^^^  ^  v^^s  (tt  —  B)  ±  M^ vers  J5  vers  (tt  —  A)}'^, 

96.  Cor.  1.     In  (93),  suppose   B  =  J,  and  we  have  im- 

vers  2  A  =  2  vers  A  —  vers^  ^  +  2  vers  -^  —  vers'^  A 

=  4  vers  JL  —  2  vers^  ^  =  2  vers  A  (2  —  vers  A) 

=  2  vers  J.  vers  (tt—  A),  by  (29). 

97.  Cor.  2.     In  (95)  for  JB  put  2  J,  and  we  have  vers  3  A 
=  "l^  {^vers  ^  vers  (tt  —  9.  A)  +  ^versQ,A  vers(7r  — ^)}^ 

=  -^  {v  vers  A  (2  — vers  2^)  +  /y^ vers  2  ^  (2  —  vers  ^)}'^ 
=  ^  {/^2versy4(l  — vers^)"  +  ^2  vers  A  (2  —  vers  ^4)^  }^ 
=  f  { (1   —  vers  ^)  ^2  vers  ^  +  (2  ~  vers  ^)  ;y/2  vers  j4  }^ 
=  ~{(S  —  2  vers^)  ^2  vers  1}^  =  vers  A  (3  —  2  vers  ^)^ 

A  similar  process  may  be  used  to  express  the  versed  sines 
of  4 A,  5  A,  &c.  in  terms  of  vers  A. 

98.  Since  vers  2  A  =  4  vers  ^  —  2  vers"  A,  by  substituting 

A  and  —  in  the  places  of  2^  and  A,   we  shall  have 
2  *^ 

vers  A  =  4  vers 2  vers    —  , 

2  2 

,  3  ^  ^  vers  A 

and   .'.  vers  —   —  2  vers  —  =  —   , 

2  2  2      ' 


,  c,  A       ^  A     ^  2  -  vers  A 

whence  vers 2  vers  ■—  +  i  =  

2  2  2 

and  .*.  vers  —  =  1  + 

o  — 

v/(--^|:ii) . 

Ex.  1.    Let  1  =90*^;   .'.  vers  ^  =  1,  by  (27),  and  —  =45°, 

whence  vers  45^^  =  1  —    v    -  =  1 7-  =  — 7— (  v^2—  l). 

^2  1/2  t/2^  ^ 

Ex.  2.    Let  A  =  60^  .-.  vers^=  -,  by  (37),  and  -  =30', 

.-.  vers  30°  =  1  -  V^=  1  -  —  =  -  {2  -    ^3}. 
4  2  2  ^ 

A     A 

Similarly  the  versed  sines  of  — ,  — ,  &c.   may  be  found  in 

terms  of  vers  A,   by  the  solutions  of  a  cubic^  biquadratic,  &c. 
equation  respectively. 

99*     By   means   of  the  last  article   we  have  the  following 
equations  : 

^                  4/1 
vers  —  =  1—    v    1—  -  vers  A ; 

2                                   2 

A                ./         \          A 
vers  ^  =  ^  -   V    1  -   -  vers  -  ; 

A                 ./         \          A 

vers^  =  1  -    V   1-  o^ers-,; 

^c    .       —  &r 

and  hence 


A                 ./         \          A 

-5   =  1  —    V    1 vers  - 


1  _  \/i  4--  \/l-iversA; 



=  1  -  \/7- 

veis  — ,  =  1  -    V    1  —  "  ^ers  -5 

=  -  \/RvT^I7r:i^i; 

2    2 

&c =&c 

and  generally,   vers  —  =  1  -   V    1  —  J  vers  ^^^j 

=  '  -  \^\^WWz\/\  +&C....  \/l-  iversl, 
where  the  radical  sign  is  repeated  n  times. 

100.  By  substituting  in  the  expressions  for  vers  {A±B 

(A  +  B\      ,  /A-B\ 
)  and  i  — - —  1 

in    the  places    of   A    and    B    respectively^    the    values   of    the 
versed   sines    of  J  and   B   will  be   exhibited   in   terms   of   the 

versed  smes   or    I  I   and  f 1  . 

101.  To  express  the  chords  of  the  sum  and  difference  of  two 
arcs  in  terms  of  the  chords  of  the  arcs  themselves- 

From  (36)  we  have 

chd^  U  ±  -B)  =  2  vers  (1  ±  5)  =  2  { 1  -  cos(A  ±  ^)} 
=  2  {  1  —  cos  A  cos  B  +  sin  A  sin  B }  : 

now,  from  the  same  article  it  is  easily  proved  that 

,        2-chdM          ,     .      ,        V^4chd^^-  did*  A 
cos  A  =  — ,  and   sm  A  =    : ; 


cos  i5  = ,    and  sin  B  =  -^^ 

2  '  2 

therefore  chd'  (A  ±  B) 

(2  -  chd^  J)  (2  -  chd'  B) 

=  2  |l  - 


.y  (4  did"  A  -  chd'  ^)  (4  chd"  B  -  chd"^)| 
-  4  ^ 

=  i.  {4  -  4  +  2  chd^  A  +2  chd'  B  -  chd'  A  chd'  B 
±  >v/(4  did'  A  -  chd'  A)  (4  chd"-  B  -  chd^  5)} 

=  I-  {2  chd'  A  +  2  did'  5  -  did'  A  chd'  jB 

±  >/(4  did'  ^  -  did'  A)  (4  did'  ^  -  chd'  B)] 
and  chd  (A  ±  B) 

=  -^  {2  did'  1  +  2  did'  5  -  did'  A  did'  5 

K  2 

±  V(4  chd'  A  -  chd'  1)(4  did'  ^- chd*  ^)!^. 

102.      From  the  result  above  found^  we  shall  have 
chd"  (A  +  JB)  +  chd'  {A  -  i^) 
=  2  chd"  A  -b  2  chd-  ^  -  chd'  A  chd-  5 ; 
or  =  4  vers  A  +  4  vers  B  —  2  vers  ^4  2  vers  JB; 
or  =  4  ~  4  cos  4+4  —  4  cos  7^ 

—  4  (1  —  cos  A  —  cos  B  +  cos  j4.  cos  B) 
=  4—4  cos  A  cos  J5  =  4  (1  —  cos  A  cos  5); 

and  chd=  {A+B)-  chd'  (1  -  B) 
=  V(4  chd-  A  -  chd'^  1)  (4  chd'  B  -  chd^  jB)  ; 

or  =  chd  A  chd  B  ^/(4  —  chd^  1)  (4  -  chd"  B) ; 

or   =  4  sin  4  sin  B. 



103.      A    more    convenient    expression    for    the    chord    of 
{A  +  ^>)  may  easily  be   deduced   from   that  found  above. 

Thus,  chd'  U  ±  B) 
=  I  {did'  A  (4  -  chd'  B)  +  chd'  i]  (4  -  chd-  A) 

±  V^'tid'  ^  (4  -  chd'  A)  chd^  B  (4  —  chd'  B)] 
=  ^  { chd-  A  chd-  {TT-  B)  -h  chd'  B  chd'  {TT-  A) 

±  2  Vchd'  A  chd'  (tt  -  il)  chd'  B  did'  (tt-  J5)} 
=  |-  {chd^  chd  (tt-JB)  +  chd  JB  chd(7r-i4)}^ 

and  .-.chd  {A±B) 

=  |-  {chd  A  chd  (tt  -  5)  ±  chd  B  chd  (tt-A)}, 

104.      Hence,   by   the   common   operations   of   arithmetic, 
we  have  immediately, 

chd  (A+  B)  +  chd  (A-  B)  =  chd  A  chd  (tt  -  jB) ; 

chd  (^  +  jB)  -  chd  {A  -  B)  =z  chd  B   chd  (tt  -  ^); 

and  chd  {A  +  B)  chd  (J  -  B) 
=  ^  {chd'  A   chd'  (tt  -  5)  -  chd'  5  chd'  (tt  -  A)\  ; 
1  {  chd"  ^  (4  -  chd'  B)  -  chd^  i?  (4  -  chd'  1)  } 


=  chd'  A  -chd-  5=  (chd  A  +  chd  jB)  (chd  A  -  chd  B). 

105.      In  (101)  if  we  suppose  B=^  A,   we  shall  obtain 
chd  2  A  =  >/4  chd'  A  —  chd'^  ^  =  chd  A  ^4 -chd'  A\ 
or   =  chd  A  chd  (tt—  A). 

Hence  also,  by  the  solution  of  a  quadratic  equation, 

chd  ~  =  Y/s-^I-chdM    or  =  ^S-cluKTr-il). 



Ex.      Let  A  =  90^;   then  we  have  chd  (tt  —  A)  =  chd  - 
=  V2,  by  (33) ;  and  therefore  chd  45^  =  >/2-    \/2. 

By  making  jB  successively  equal  to  2  A,  3  A,  &c.  the  chords 
of  3^1,  4<Aj  &c.  will   be   found   in   terms  of  chd  A,  and  by  the 

.       .  .  .  A  A 

solutions  of  a  cubic_,  biquadratic,  Sec.  equation^  chd  —  ^    chd  —  , 

Sec.  may  be  expressed  in  terms  of  the  same  line. 

106.     As  in  the  last  article,  we  obtain  the  followino:  results: 

chd  ^  = 




=  n/«- 

-  chd  (tt 


1 1^ 



■  M'i 

=  \/'i-chd(x-^); 

&c =  ik.c 

chd|  =  \/'2-    v/4-chd^^ 

and  therefore  by  substitution,  we  have 

4  . ..  .. 

chd  ^  =  a/ 2  -   v^2  4-  chd  (tt  -  .1) ; 

-  =  ^/ 2  -  x/2  +  x/2  4-  chd  (tt  ~  A) ; 



&c =&< 


chd  -  =   Y  2-  V  2  -fVs  +&c....Ay2  +  chd(7r- J), 
in  which  the  radical  sign  occurs  n  times. 

Ex.      Let  A=^TT\  therefore  chd  (tt—  A)  =  chd  0  =  0,  and 

chd  ~  =  \/2  —  n/^  +  \I^  +  Sec...  /v/2. 

107.  By  pursuing  the  method  pointed  out  in  (100), 
the   chords   of  A  and    i5   may   be   expressed    in    terms   of  the 

chords  of  ( )  and  ( )  ;  but  as  the  results  possess 

no  elegance,  and  are  at  the  same  time,  of  little  use,  the 
operations  in  this  case  as  well  as  those  in  the  Article  just 
alluded   to,   are   omitted. 

108.  To  express  the  tangents  and  co-tangents  of  the  sum 
and  difference  of  two  arcs  in  terms  of  the  tangents  and  co- 
tangents of  the  arcs  themselves. 

From  (42)  we  have 

sin  {A  ±  B)        sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  J  sin  B 

tan  ( J.  ±  IJ)  = 

cos  {A  +  B)        cos  A  cos  B  +  sin  A  sin  B 

sin  A  sin  B 

cos  A    ~   cos  B  .     „.  .  tan  A  +  tan  B 

as  m  (69),  = 

_  sin  A  sin  B  1  +  tan  J  tan  B 

^  + -A  B 

cos^  cosi> 

Again,  from  (47)  we  get 

(  A    X    ry\  __  ^os  {A  +  B)  __  cos  A  COS  jB  +  sin  A  sin  B 

""  sin  (^  +  B)        sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  B 

COS  A    cos  B  _ 

sin  A     sin  B  1         ■     1  ^^^  -^  ^'ot  B  +  I 

=   — '■ — ~-  5  bv  a  similar  process,  = — 

cos  B        cos  A  col  i5  4-  cot  A 

_ f-  _ — 

sin  B        sin  A. 


109-      Either  of  the  expressions   given   in  the  last  article, 
might  have  been  deduced  from  the  other. 

Thus,  cot  (A±B)  =  -—-±-—      by  (47), 
tan  (A  +  B) 

1  1  +  tan  A  tan  B 

tan  A  4-  tan  B  \  tan  A  +  tan  B 

(tan  A  ±  tan  p  \ 
1  +  tan  A  tan  b) 

_        1  1 

1  + 

cot  A    cot  B  cot  A  cot  B  +  1 

1  1  cot  J5  +  cot  A 


cot  A  ~~  cot  5 

m       .     0         A.  t'*^"  45*'  +  tan  A 

Ex.  1.      Tan  (4o''  +  .1)  =  — := r=o 7 

-  1  +  tan  45°  tan  .4 

1  +  tan  A  r         ,.^K 

J   as  appears  irotn  (42). 

1  +  tan  A 

tan  90°  +  tan  A 

Ex.  2.     Tan  (90°  4-  1)  =       _  -» ; 

-  1  +  tan  90    tan  A 

tan  A 

GO  +  tan  A  ~       CO  _        1 

1+00  tan  A          1     _  tan  A 
h   tan  it 


=   +  cot  Af  as  is  manifest  from  (39)  and  (47). 

110.  Cor.  Let  T  and  t  be  the  tangents  of  any  two  arcs^ 
T'  and  t'  their  co- tangents ;  then,  using  the  kind  of  notation 
adopted  in  {QQ)y   we   shall  have 

Vi  +  rJ' 

Ian'    T  ±  tan-'  t  =  tan" 

1  (T't'+\ 

cof'  I"  +  col"'('  =  cot 



1       1 

3  1 

Ex.  2.      Cot~*  -   +cot~'  ~  =  cot 

4  7 

Ex.  1.      Tan-^-  +tan*^-  =  tan*'  ^ 

2  3  i  1 

=:tan-'(l)  =45^from  (42). 


=  cot-'  (  _  1)  =  -  45%r  =  135^  from  (47)  and  (46). 

Ex.3.    Tan~'  -  +tan-'-  4-tan-'-«  ^tan"'- 
3  5  7  8 

=:{tan-i+tan-i}    +    {tan"'  i  +  tan^  i} 

=  tan~'  -  +tan-'—   =  tan*' (l)  =  45^ 
7  11 

111.  To  express  the  tangents  and  co-tangents  of  two  arcs 
in  terms  of  the  tangents  and  co-tangents  of  their  semi-sum  and 


from  article  (108)  we  have 

tan  A  — 

/A  -h  B\  /A  +  7^\  ' 



/A  +  B\              (A-  B\ 
tan  ( J   —  tan  ( I 

tan  B  =   — _ ; 

/A  +  B\  /A  +  B\ 

/A-B\    ,         (A  +  B\  ' 

/A  +  B\  /A-B\ 

eot  (-—)  cot  (-^)  +  i 

/I  -  B\  /A  +  B\  ' 

cot  A  = 

cot  J5  = 

112.     To  express  the  tangent  and  co-tangent  of  ttoice  an  arc 
in  terms  of  the  tangent  and  co-tangent  of  the  arc  itself. 

tan  A  +  tan  A 
—  tan  . 

2  tan  A  2 

Here,  tan  2l  =tan  {A  +  A)= r- ,  from  (108), 

1  —  tan  A  tan  A 

1  -  Ian"  A  I 

—  tan  A 

tan  A 

2  cot  J  2 

cot   A  —  1         cot  A  —  tan  A 

^  ^        .^       cot  A  cot  A  —  I 

Also,  cot  2^  =  cot  {A-{-A)= ,  from  (108), 

cot  ^  +  cot  J  ^         ' 

cot^  A  —  I        cot  A  1 

2  cot  J  2  2  cot  A 

1  —  tan^  ^        cot  A  —  tan  J 

2  tan  -4  2 


113.  To  express  the  tangent  and  co-tangent  of  half  an  arc 
in  terms  of  the  tangent  and  co-tangent  of  the  arc  itself 

By  substituting  in  the  expressions  found  in  the  last 
article,  A  and  —  in  the  places  of  2^  and  A  respectively,  we 
shall  have 

2  tan  - 
A  — ,   and  cot  A  = 

cy    A 

1  -  tan^  - 

cot^ 1 



2  cot  — 

of  which  gives 

oA    ,        2               A 

tan^ 1 7  tan  -  = 

2         tan  A           2 


A         ~  1  ±  V 1  +  tan^  A 

and  ,*.  tan  —  = 

2  tan  A 

—  1  4-  sec  A 


tan  J 

;  or  =  4-  cosec  A  —  cot  A  ; 

and  from  the  latter  we  get,  cot^ 2  cot  A  cot  —  =  1, 

2  2 

whence,  cot  —  =  cot  J.  +  x/  1  +  cot'  A  : 

'2  ~  ^  ' 

or  =  cot  A  i  cosec  A. 

Ex.1.'      Let   ^=90°;    .-.tan    ^  =  oo ,    and    cot  ^  =  0; 
and  from   the  equations  above   given   we  get 

tan  45°  =  1  =  cot  45^ 
Ex.  2.      Let  J  =  45° ;   /.  tan  ^  =  1  =  cot  ^ ; 

whence,  tan  22°30'= Vl±t^!l_A  =  ^g-  1  =  cot  67°  30': 

tan  45 

and  cot  22°  30'  =  cot  45°  +  x/H^'c^?45°  =  >v/2  -j-l  =  tan  67°  30'. 


114.  To  express  the  tangent  and  co-tangent  of  thrice 
an  arc  in  terms  of  the  tangent  and  cotangent  of  the  arc 

As  before  we  have, 

tan  3i4  =  tan  (2^  +  A) 

tan  %A  -f  tan  A 

1  —  tan  9.A  tan  A 
2  tan  A 

,    by  (108), 

3  tan  A  -  tan^  A 

/   2  tan  A   \  . 

(1:1^^7:1)  +  '='"^  _  ■      ■-■ 

tan'^  iL  -  3  tan  il  3  cot~  J—  1  1-3  cot^  A 

3  tan^  ^  —  1  cot    ^1  —  3  cot  A        3  cot  il  —  cot^  A 

also,   cot  3  ^  =  cot  (2  1  +  A) 
cot  2  A  cot  A 

,    by  (108), 

cot  2  A  +  cot  ^ 
/cot^  A  —  1\  . 

I  7-  I     cot  A  -  1  3     , 

V   2  cot  A    /  ,     ,       X         cotM  — 3cot4 

=  2— i >  bv  (112),  =  — ^— 

/cot^  A  -  1\     .  ,         -  V       /^  3  cot^  A-  1 

I —  )   +  cot  A 

\    2  cot  A    / 

3  cot  A  —  cot^  A  1-3  tan^  A  3  tan^  A  -  1 

1  —  3  cot^  A  3  tan  A  —  tan'  A        tan   A  -  3  tan  A  ' 

115.      By  substitutions  similar  to  those  used  in  some  of  the 
preceding  articles,  we  readily  obtain, 



A  ,  A 

3  tan tair  —  3  cot cot"  - 

3                3         ,          ,                 3  3 

tan  A  = —  ,  and  cot  A  = — -; —  : 

n     A  ^     A 

1  -  3  tan^  —  1-3  cot^  -- 

3  3 

and  thence  the  equations, 

tan^ 3  tan  A  tan^ 3  tan f-  tan  A  =  0, 

3  3  3 

A                           A  A 

and  cot^ 3  cot  J  cot^ 3  cot  —  +  cot  ^  =  0 ; 

A  A 

by  the  solution  of  which,  tan  —  and  cot  —  will   be   expressed  in 

terms  of  tan  A  and  cot  A  respectively. 


Ex.  1.      If  ^1=90^    we    have   tan  ^  =  oo  ,   and  —=30°; 


therefore,  1  —  3  tan^  30°  =  0,  and  tan  30°  =    -^=^  cot  60°. 


Ex.  2.  Let  A  =  180°;  then  tan  il  =  0,  and  -  =60°; 
therefore,  tan^  60°  -  3  tan  60°  =  0,  and  tan  60°=  '/3  =  cot  30°. 

11 6.  The  method  used  in  the  last  article  to  determine 
the  tangent  and  cotangent  of  3  Aj  may  be  applied  to  express 
the  tangents  and  cotangents  of  4  Ay  oA,  6  A,  &c.  in  terms  of 
tan  A  and  cot  A  ;    and  there  will  result 

.         4  tan  ^  —  4  tan^  A 
tan  4  A=z 

tan  5  ^  = 

1—6  tan^'  A  +  tan"*  A ' 

5  tan  ^  -  10  tan^  A  +  tan^  A 

tan  6  ^  = 

1  -  10  tan^  A +  5  tan^  A      ' 
6  tan  ^  —  20  tan^  A +  6  tan^  A 

1  -  15  tan^  A-i-\5  tan^  A  -  tan^  A  ' 
&c =  &c 

cot  4  A  = 


cQt^  A  -6  cot'  A  +  1 
4  cot^  ^  —  4  cot  ^     ' 

.  c  A      ^^^  J -10  cot^  A  +  5  cot  A 

cot  5  J.  = 5 i ; 

5  cot'  ^—10  cot^  ^+1 

cot^  A -15  cot^  ^  4-  15  cot^  ^  -  1 
""     6  cot^  ^  -  20  cot^  ^  +  6  cot  ^     ' 

&c =    &c 

117-  To  express  the  secants  and  coseca?its  of  the  sum  and 
difference  of  two  arcs  in  terms  of  the  secants  and  cosecants  of 
the  ai'cs  themselves. 

From  (52)  we  have 

1  1 

sec  {A±B)=^ 

cos  {A  i  B)       cos  A  cos  B  +  sin  A  sin  B 
1  I 

cos  A     cos  B  .      ^  V  sec  A  sec  B 

,,  as  m  (69),  =7"=- 

cos  A    cos  B  _  sin  A    sin  B  1  +  tan  A  tan  jB 

cos  A    cos  i^      cos  -^  cos  B 

sec  il  sec  JB 

.   by  (52); 

1  +  v^(sec'  A-  l)(sec'  5-1) 
also,   from  (57) 
cosec  (^±  -B)  =  - 

sin  (A  +  -B)       sin  il  cos  B  ±  cos  il  sin  B 
1  1 

sin  A     sin  5  .    .,    .  cosec  A  cosec  £ 

,  similarly _,  = 

sin  A   cos   5    ,    cos  A   sin  5  '        cot  5  + cot  A 

sin  A    sin  5  ^  sin  A    sin  J5 

cosec  A   cosec  B 

>/cosec^  5—  1  ±  >/ cosec"  A  —  1 

,   by  (57). 


118.      The  functions   in   the  last  article  may  be  expressed 
in  terms  somewhat  different, 


1  1 

sec  {A  ±  B)  = 

cos  {A  ±  B)        cos  A  cos   J5  -f  sin  J.  sin   B 

_  _  _  J 

sec  A  sec  B      cosec  A     cosec  B 

sec  A  sec  B  cosec  A   cosec  B 
cosec  A   cosec  J5  +  sec  J.   sec  B 


cosec  {A±B)  = 

sin  (A  ±  B)        sin  ^   cos  B  ±  cos  ^   sin  B 


_     -^  _  _  _ 

cosec  A   sec  B       sec  A  cosec  B 

__     cosec  .4  cosec  jB  sec  A   sec  B 
cosec  ^  sec  J.  +  cosec  A  sec  jB 

119.  By  means  of  the  substitutions  used  in  articles  (72) 
and  (107)^  the  secants  and  cosecants  of  two  arcs  are  expressed 
in  terms  of  the  secants  and  cosecants  of  their  semi-sum  and 

120.  To  express  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  twice  an  arc 
in  terms  of  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  the  arc  itself. 

HerCj  from  (117),   we  have 

sec  A   sec  A  sec^  A 

sec  2  il  =  sec  ( J  +  -A)  =  :; 24,,  =  ;; 2-7  5 

1  — -  sec    ^  +  1        2  —  sec    tI 



cosec  A   cosec  A 

cosec  2  4  =  cosec  (A  +  A)  = 

2  .y/cosec^  4  —  1 
cosec*  J. 

2  />/cosec^  ^  —  1 
Or  thus,  by  (118),  we  get 

sec  A  sec  A   cosec  A   cosec  A 

sec  2  il  = 

cosec  A   cosec  A  —  sec  il   sec  A 

sec^  A   cosec^  A 

cosec^  ^  —  sec^  A  ' 

cosec  A   cosec  A   sec  A   sec  A 

cosec  2  A  = 

cosec  A   sec  A  +  cosec  A.   sec  A 
cosec^  A   sec^  A        1 

.   =  -  cosec  ^  sec  A. 
2  cosec  A   sec  A        2 

121.      2o  express  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  half  an  arc  in 
terms  of  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  the  arc  itself. 

By  the  requisite  substitutions  in  the  last  article  we  obtain 


2  sec  A 

2       -    ^     1  +  sec   A' 




—  =  +   \/  ^  cosec"  A  ±  2  cosec  A  ^ycosec^  A  —  1, 

Ex.   Let  A  =  90^  ;  therefore  since  sec  A  =  oo  ,  cosec  A  =  1, 
and  —  =  45^,   we   shall  have 


45°  =  1/2  =  cosec  45^ 


122.      lb  express  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  thrice  ati  arc  in 
terms  of  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  the  arc  itself. 

From  (117)  we  have 

sec  SA  =  sec  (2A  +  A) 

sec  9>A  sec  A 

1  -  >/(sec^  21  —  1)  (sec"  .1-1) 
sec^  A 

4  —  3  sec^  A 
cosec  3il  =  cosec  {2A  -^^  A) 

cosec  ^A  cosec  A 

y   by  substitution  and  reduction  ; 

^cosec'^  A  —  1  +  ^  cosec   2  A  —  1 
cosec"^  A 

3  cosec^  1—4 

5   by  the  same  process. 

123.      Let  A  and  —  be  put  for  3  A  and  A  respectively  in 


the  last  article,  and  we  get 






cosec    — 

;osec 4 



which  give  the  following  equations, 

A  „  A 

sec^ h  3  sec  1  sec' 4  sec  A  =  0,- 

3  3 

and  cosec''  —  —  3  cosec  1  cosec^  —4-4  cosec  1=0; 
3  3 


by  means  of  which  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  —  are  expressed 
in  terms  of  the  secant  and  cosecant  of  A. 

Ex.  1.     Let  A  =  90°;    then   sec   A  =^  oo ,  cosec  il  =  1, 

and  -  =30% 
3  ' 

therefore  3  sec"^  30^  -  4  =  0^ 

and  sec  30  =  —7-  =  cosec  60  . 

Ex.  2.      Let   A  =  180^;     therefore  sec   A  =  —  \,    cosec 

il  =  00  ,   and  —  =  uO : 


hence  sec^  60^  -  3  sec^  60^  +  4  =  0, 
from  which  we  obtain  sec  60^  =  2  =  cosec  30**. 

It  may  be  observed  that  the  formulae  in  these  two  articles 
might  have  been  deduced  from  those  in  (83)  and  (84),  by 
means  of  (52)  and  (o7) ;  and  by  continuing  the  process  we 
should  in  a  similar  manner  obtain  the  values  of 

sec  A  A,  cosec  4^.  &c.  sec  —  ,  cosec  — ,  &c. 

4  '  4 

124.  To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  sum  of  three  arcs 
in  terms  of  the  si?ies  and  cosines  of  the  arcs  themselves. 

By  considering  the  sum  of  two  of  the  proposed  arcs  as  one, 
we  have 

sin  (^  +  5  4-  C)  =:  sin  {{A  +  B)  ^  C] 
=  sin  {A  +  B)  cos  C  +  cos  (A  +  B)  sin  C 
=  (sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  B)  cos  C 

+  (cos  A  cos  5  —  sin  ^  sin  jB)  sin  C,  by  {63), 
=  sin  A  cos  B  cos  C  +  sin  B  cos  A  cos  C 

+  sin  C  cos  A  cos  B  ~  sin  il  sin  jB  sin  C ; 


and  cos  (A+  B  +  C)  =  cos  {(A  ■\-  B)  +  C] 
=  cos  {A  +  B)  cos  C  —  sin  (^  +  JB)  sin  C 
=  (cos  -4  cos  B  —  sin  ^  sin  B)  cos  C 

—  (sin  A  cos  J5  +  cos  A  sin  B)  sin  C,  by  (6S), 
=  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  —  cos  A  sin  ^  sin  C 

—  cos  5  sin  il  sin  C  —  cos  C  sin  J.  sin  B. 

Ex.  1,      If  we  have  (A  +  B  -h  C)  =  2w  -  ,  or  riTr,  then  will 


sin  A  sin  ^  sin  C  =  sin  A  cos  B  cos  C 
4-  sin  B  cos  A  cos  C  +  sin  C  cos  A  cos  ^. 

Ex.  2.      U  A  +  B  -\-  C  =  (9.JI  -  1)  -  ,  we  shall  have 


cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  =  cos  A  sin  ^  sin  C 

+  cos  B  sin  A  sin  C  +  cos  C  sin  A  sin  B. 

125.  Cor.      Let  A  =  5=C,   then  the  formulae  in  the  last 
article   become 

sin  3  A  =  3  sin  A  cos^  A  —  sin'^  A  =  3  sin  A  —  4  sin^  A, 

and  cos  3  A  =cos^  A  — 3  cos  A  sin"  A  =4  cos"*  A  —  3  cos  A  ; 

which  have  been  already  proved  in  (83). 

126.  By  a  process  similar  to  that  used  in  (124)^  we  may 
prove  that 

sin  (A  +  B)  sin  (5  +  C)  =  sin  A  sin  C  +  sin  B  sm{A-\-B+  C). 

sin  (A+J3H-C)  =  sin  A  cos  (5  +  C)  +  cos  A  sin  (5  + C) 
=  sin  A  cos  B  cos  C  -  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C  +  cos  yl  sin  (5+  C)  ; 


.*.  sin  B  sin  {A  +  B  +  C)  +  sin  A  sin  C 
=  sin  A  cos  B  cos  C  sin  B  +  sin  A  sin  C  (1  —  sin^  B) 

+  cos  j1  sin  B  sin  (5  +  C) 
=  sin  A  cos  -B  (sin  B  cos  C  +  cos  B  sin  C) 

+  cos  A  sin  5  sin  (B  4-  C) 
=  sin^  cosB  sin  (B  +  C)  +  cos  A  sin  5  sin(B  +  C) 
=  (sin  ^  cos  JB  +  cos  A  sin  B)  sin  (-S  +  C) 
=  sin  (A+B)  sin  (J5+C). 
Similarly,  sin  {A  —  jB)  sin  (C  —  B)  =  sin  il  sin  C 

—  sin  jB  sin  {J~B+  C). 

Ex.1.  Let^  +  5+C  =  7r;  then  sin  (^  +  5  +  C)  =  0, 
and  it  follows  that 

sin  {A  +  B)  sin  (5  -}-  C)  =  sin  A  sin  C. 

Ex.  2.  Let  A  -  JB  +  C  =  0  ;  then  sin  (1  —  5  +  C)  =  0, 
and  we  have 

sin  (A  —  B)  sin  {C  —  B)  —  sin  J.  sin  C. 

127.  From  (93)  and  (101)  the  versed  sine  and  chord 
of  (A  +  jB  +  C)  are  obtained  after  the   same  manner. 

128.  To  express  the  tangent  and  cotangent  of  the  sum 
of  three  arcs  in  terms  of  the  tangents  and  cotangents  of  the  arcs 

Proceeding  as  in  (124)  we  have 

tan  (^  +  ^  +  C)  =  tan  {(A  +\B)  +  C] 
tan  {A  -\-  B)  +  tan  C 

1   -  tan  {A  4-  B)  tan  C 
tan  A  +  tan  B 

by  (108), 


^  ,  +  tan  C 
tan  A  tan  B/ 

,  by  (108), 

/  tan  A  +  tan  i/  \  ^ 

( A ^  )  tan  C 

\1— tan  A  tan  B/ 


tan  A  4-  tan  B  +  tan  C  —  tan  A  tan  B  tan  C 
""  1  -  (tan  A  tan  5  -f-  tan  A  tan  C  +  tan  jB  tan  C) 

and  cot  (1  +  B  -f  C)  =  cot  {(A  +  5)  +  C)} 
cot  (A  +  5)  cot  C  -  1 

cot  (A  4-  i5)  +  cot  C 
cot  J.  cot  -B  —  1 

,   by  (108), 

/cot  A  cot  i5  —  1\ 

(  ^ \    cot  C  -    1 

V  cot  A  +  cot  JB  /  ^    ^^^  . 

= ,   by  (108), 

/cot  A  cot  ^  —   1\      ,  r. 

/ ^\    _|-  cot  C 

\   cot  J  +  cot  ii    / 

_  cot  A  cot  5  cot  C  —  (cot  j1  +  cot  JB  +  cot  C) 
~"  cot  A  cot  5  +  cot  A  cot  C  +  cot  -B  cot  C  -  r 

Ex.  1.     Let  (.4  +  5  +  C)  =  (2w  -  1)  ~  ;   therefore 


tan  (A+5  +  C)=  00,  and  cot  (J  +  5+C)  =  0;   and  hence 
tan  A  tan  B  +  tan  A  tan  C  +  tan  5  tan  C  =  1 ; 

also,  cot  A  cot  jB  cot  C  =  cot  A  +  cot  jB  +  cot  C. 

Ex.  2.      Let  (il  +  B  +  C)  =  2w  -  =  WTT  ;   then 

tan  (A  +   B  +  C)  =  0,   and  cot  (^  +  jB  +  C)  =   oo  ; 

therefore  tan  A  +  tan  5  4-  tan  C  =  tan  A  tan  B  tan  C ; 

and  cot  ^  cot  B  +  cot  v^  cot  C  +  cot  B  cot  C=  1. 

129.  Cor.      In  the  last  article^  suppose  ^  =  JB  =  C;   then 

3  tan  A  —  tan^  A  ,         ;^  ,        3  cot  ^  -  cot^  A 

tan  3  A  =  — 2— —  5   and  cot  3  A  =  r— —  ; 

1  -  3  tan^  A  1-3  cot^  A 

which  are  the  formulas  proved  in  (1 14). 

130.  The  same  method  leads  to  expressions  for  the  secant 
and  cosecant  of  (A  +  ^  -|-  C)  in  terms  of  the  secants  and 
cosecants  of  A,    B  and   C 


131.  By  separating  the  arcs  into  two  parts  as  has  been 
done  in  some  of  the  preceding  articles,  we  are  enabled  to 
determine  the  sine,  cosine,  &c.  of  the  sums  of  4,  o,  &c. 
n  arcs  :  but  as  the  methods  are  so  very  simple,  notwithstanding 
the  prolixity  of  some  of  the  results,  we  shall  not  pursue  the 
subject  further  in  this  place  except  to  notice  a  curious  property 
of  the  tangent  and  cotangent  of  the  sum  of  any  number  of  arcs, 
which  shall  be  the  subject  of  most  of  the  remaining  articles  of  this 

132.  If  ^i  denote  the  sum  of  the  tangents  of  n  arcs, 
Af  B,  C,  D,  &c.  Kj  L;  So  the  sum  of  their  products  taken 
two  and  two  together ;  S^  the  sum  of  their  products  taken  three 
and  three  together  ;  and  so  on  :  then  will 

tan  (^4--B  +  C  +  &c.  +  K  +  L)  = 

I-  S^  +  S^- &c. 

T-       1     /,^^v  .A       ^v  tan  A  -\-  tan  B  Si 

For,  by  (108),  tan  U  +  B)-  -         ^ 

1  —  tan  ^   tan  jB        1  —  .Sg ' 

again,   by  (128),  tan  {A  -\-  B  +  C) 

_     tan  A  +  tan  B  +  tan  C  —  tan  A  tan  jB  tan  C     _  •S'l  —  S^ 
l-(tan  ^  tan  jB  +  tan  A  tan  C  +  tan  B  tan  C)  ""   1  —  Sc^   ' 

and  so  on :   and  generally,  if 

tan(^+J5  +  C+&c.  +  i^) 

6'i-^3  +  S5~&C. 

1    -   ^2  +   ^4   -   &C.  ' 

we  shall  have,  from  (108), 

tan  (^  +  i?  +  C  +  &c.  +  K  +  L) 

-      tan  (J  +  B  -{-  C  +  ^c.-\-  K)  +  tan  L 
~"  1  -  tan  (A  +  jB  +  C  +  &c.  +  K)  tan  L 

Si  —  S^  -\-  S5  "—  &c.' 

C'  -  :-'  +  ?^  -  ^^-^  +  tan  L 
VI  —  ^\  +  S.^  -  &c./ 


{S,  -  ^3  4-  ^5  -  &c.)  +  (1  -  ^2  4-  ^4  -  &c.)  tan  L 


+  s. 

-  &c.)  - 


t  -  Ss  +  '%  - 

&c.)  tan 


(5,+ tar 


■iSs  +  S, 



tan  X)  - 


1  -  ("Sa  +  ^1  tan  L)  +  (^^4  +  S^  tan  X)  -  &c. 

which  expression  is  manifestly   formed   after  the   same  law  as 
the  preceding  one  : 

Therefore^  if  the  form  be  true  for  the  tangent  of  the 
sum  of  tt—  I  arcs,  it  will  also  be  true  for  the  tangent  of  the 
sum  of  n  arcs.  Now  it  has  been  shewn  that  the  law  obtains 
for  the  tangents  of  the  sums  of  two  and  three  arcs  :  hence  it 
obtains  also  for  the  tangents  of  the  sums  of  4,  3_,  &c.  arcs  ; 
that  isj   generally  for   the  tangent  of  the  sum  of  n  arcs. 

Ex.  ].      If  (^  +  5  +  C  +  &c.  +  X  +  Jv)  =  27i  -  ,  or 


fiTT,  we  have 

and  therefore   5^  +  S,^  +  &c....  =  *S3  +  ^Sy  +  &c. 

Ex.  2.      If  (A  +  5  +  C  +  &c.  +  X  +  X)  =  (2w  -  ])  - , 

we  have 

^S,-  Ss  +  S,-  &c. 

and  thence   1  +  ^4  -}-  &c.  =  ^Sg  +  Sq  -f  &c. 

133.  Cor.  Supposing  A  =  B=C  =  &ic.  to  n  terms,  we 
shall  manifestly  have 

n  tan  J  —  ?i  i j   ( j  tan    A  +  &c. 

tan  nA  =  ~ 

1  —  n  C- j  tan^  A  +  &c. 


134.      In    the    last    article     but    one,     let    il  =  -    —  A', 


B  =   -  -  JB',   C=  -   -  C;  &c.  =  &c.,  then  will 
A  -\'  B  ^  C  4-  &c.  to  w  terms 
=  —   -    I  A'  +  K  +  C  +  &c.  to  n  terms}  ; 

and  tan  A  =  cot  A! ,  tan  ^  =  cot  B'^  tan  C  =  cot  C\  &c.  =  &c. 

also,  on  this  hypothesis,  we  have 
S^  =  the  sum  of  the  cotangents  of  A ,  B\  C\  &c. 
aS'2  =  the  sum  of  their  products  taken  two  and  two  together ; 
&c.  =  &c. 

Hence  if  7i  be  even,, 
cot  (^'  -f  ^  +  Cr  +  &c.)  =  cot  1^  -  (J  +  5+  C  +  &c.)| 

tan  (1  +  J3  +  C  +  &c.)  S,-S^-\-S-,-^c. ' 

and  if  n  be  odd, 

cot(A'  +  5^+C+&c.)  =  cot  1^  -U-f5  +  C+&c.)| 

•^i  -  8.^  +  5^5  -  &c. 

=  tan  (J  -f-  B  +  C  4-  &c.)  = 

1   -   6^2  +   'S'4  -  &c. 

135.   Cor.     If  A' =  i^' =  C  =  &c.  to   n  terms,   we   shall 
have,  when  n  is  even, 

n  -  1 
cot  nA 

1  -  w  (— ;7— )  cot"  A'  +  &:c. 

n  coiA'  - ;.  (^)  (^)  cot^^  1'  +  &c. 

and  when  n  is  odd, 

n  cot  A'  -  n  {~-)  C^—-\  cot^  A'  +  &c. 

cot  71  A' ■= — — . 

1  «-  n  (— — -)  cot^  A'  +  &c. 

136.  In  the  various  articles  of  this  chapter,  the  trigo- 
nometrical functions  of  {A  +  B)  and  (^1  —  B)  have  each  been 
deduced  by  a  separate  process;  but  this  is  unnecessary,  for  in  fact 
the  corresponding  functions  of  both  are  contained  in  the  same 

Thus,  if  we  put  —  jB  in  the  place  of  B,  and  —  sin  B,  —  tan  B, 
—  cot  B,  —  cosec  B  in  the  places  of  sin  B,  tan  J5,  cot  B,  and 
cosec  B  respectively,  the  rest  remaining  unchanged  agreeably  to 
what  has  been  proved  in  Chap.  I  ;  any  trigonometrical  function 
of  either  {A-\-B)  or  {A  —  B)  will  be  changed  into  the  cor- 
responding one   of  the  other.      Thus, 

since  sin  (-4  -f-  i^)  =  sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  B ; 

by  changing  B  into  —  B,  and  sin  B  into  —  sin  B^  we  have 

sin  (^  —  J5)  =  sin  A  cos  B  —  cos  -4  sin  jB  : 

_,^         tan  A  —  tan  B 
agam,  because  tan  {A  —  B)  = 

1  4-  tan  J  tan  J5  ' 
.*.  by  putting  -  B  for  JB,  and  —  tan  B  for  tan  JB,  we  get 

,  .         „,  tan  j1  +  tan  i? 

tan  (A  +  jB)  =  ;: :   and  so  on. 

1  — tan  A  tan  B 


CHAP.   Ill 

On  the  computation  of  the  sines,  cosines ,  8fc.  of  one,  two,  three, 
Sfc,  minutes,  and  succeeding  arcs,  and  on  the  construction  of 
the  Trigonometrical  Canon.  On  the  uses  of  Formulcz  of 
Verification-  On  the  Logarithmic  sines,  cosines,  Sfc.  of  arcs. 
On  the  ratio  of  the  circumference  of  a  circle  to  its  diameter, 

137.      To  express   the  sine  and  cosine  of  one  minute  in 
terms  of  the  radius  1. 

In  the  last  chapter  at  (81),  it  has  been   proved   that 
.    A 



^  •  ^     \/^     1  .  /      .  2  ^ 

and  sm  ~  =   V    -  -  -   V   1  -  sni    -^^ 

A  =  30^,   we  have  sin  tI  =  -  ,  from  (37),  and  thence 

sin  15^=  -  V  2  -    VS  =  .2588190  8cc. 

sin  7'  30'=  i   \/- — ^=  .1305262  &c. 

2  2 

&c....=  &c =   &c 


and  it  is  manifest   that  by  this  process  we  shall  obtain  succes- 
sively the  sines  of  3^  45/  1^  59!  30'\  &c. 

Now,  at  the  end  of  the  tenth  division  from  3(f,  the  arc  be- 
comes l'  45''  28'"  1""  30'""  and  its  sine  .0005113269  &c.;  also 
at  the  end  of  the  eleventh,  the  arc  becomes  52"  44'"  3""  45""' 
and  its  sine  .0002556634  &c. :  from  which  it  appears,  that 
when  the  operation  above-mentioned  has  been  repeated  so  many 
timesj  the  sine  of  the  arc  is  halved  at  the  same  time  that  the  arc 
itself  is  bisected ;  that  is,  the  sines  become  then  proportional  to 
the  arcs :  hence 

sm  52    44     3      45        :   sm  1     ::   52    4     3      45        :    1 

::  .0002556634  &c.   :    .0002908882  &c. 

and  therefore  sin  l' =  .0002908882  &c. 

also,  cos  l'  =  »/  1  -  sin^  l'  =  .999999957  &c. 

138.  Cor.  From  what  has  been  proved  in  the  preceding- 
article,  it  is  clear  that  the  sine  of  any  number  n  of  seconds  may 
be  obtained  simply  by  a  proportion.      Thus, 

sm  n     :    sm  1     ::  n     :    1     ::   n   :   DO, 

and  therefore  sin  it"  =  -rr-  sin  l';  and  the  cosine  may  be  deter- 

mined   by  means   of   the    equation,   cos  A  =  \/  I  —  sin^  •^,    as 

139.  To  express   the  sine  and  cosine  of  2,  3,  4,  5,  <5)T. 
minutes  in  terms  of  the  radius  1. 

From  (73),  we  have  the  equation 

sin  (;i  +  1 )  A=Q.  cos  A  sin  n  A  —  sin  (w  —  1 )  ^  ; 

and  if  in   this  we  suppose  A  to  be  l',  and  n  to  be  taken  equal 
to  the  numbers  1,  2,  3,  4  &c.  successively,  we  get 

sin  2=2  cos  l'  sin  l' 

=  .0005817764  &c.  =  cos  89^  58'; 

81  ^ 

sin  3' =  2  cos  l' sin  2' -sin  l' 

=  .0008726645  &c.  =  cos  89^  ol'  \ 

sin  4' =  2  cos  l'  sin  3'  -  sin  2' 

=  .0011635526  &c.=cos  89**  56^ 
sin  5' =  2  cos  1'  sin  4'  —  sin  3' 

=  .  0014544406  &c.  =  cos  89^  5o  ; 
&c....  =   &c =&c 

Again,  from  the  other  forntiula  proved  in  the  same  article, 
cos  (w  +  1)  il  =  2  cos  ^  cos  ?^  J.  —  cos  {n  —  \)  A, 
we  shall  have  by  the  same  substitutions, 
cos  2' =  2  cos  1'  cos  1' — 1 

=  .  9999998308  &c.  =  sin  89°  58' ; 
cos  3' =  2  cos  1'  cos  2' —cos  1' 

=  .  9999996192  &c.  =  sin  89°  57' ; 
cos  4'  =  2  cos  1'  cos  3'  —  cos  2 

=  .  9999993231  &c.  =  sin  89°  5Q' ; 
cos  5' =  2  cos  1'  cos  4'  — cos  3' 

=  .  9999989423  &c.  =  sin  89°  6o  ; 
&c....=   &c =  &lc 

We  may  observe  from  the  latter  of  these  sets  of  equations, 
that  when  an  arc  becomes  very  nearly  equal  to  90^  and  0°,  the 
changes  which  the  sine  and  cosine  respectively  undergo,  are  of 
no  value  as  far  as  five  or  six  places  of  decimals. 

140.  The  process  adopted  in  the  last  article  being  con- 
tinued would  enable  us  to  determine  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all 



arcs  whatsoever ;  but  by  reason  of  the  long  and  tedious  numeri- 
cal operations  that  are  required,  expedients  of  various  kinds  have 
been  had  recourse  to,  to  facilitate  the  computation  :  thus,  by 
means  of  the  formula, 

sin  {A  +  B)  =  2  sin  A  cos  B  —  sin  {A  —  B) 

l-2sin^— )-sin  {J  —  B) 

—  2  sin  A  —  sin  (A  ~  B)  —  4  sin  A  sin^  — ; 

if  we  suppose  B~  \',  and  A  to  take  the  values  l',  2',  3',  &c.  in 
succession,  we  shall  have, 

sin  2' =2  sin  l'  —  sin  O'  — 4  sin  l'  sin"  SO" 
sin  3'  =  2  sin  2'  —  sin  l'  -  4  sin  2'  sin^  30" 
sin  4'  =  2  sin  S'  -  sin  2^—4  sin  S'  sin"  30" 
&c.=  &c 

Again,   if  ^=l',   and  A  assume  the  values  1°,   I*'  l',  1°  %\ 
&c.  we  get 

sin  1^  l'  =  2  sin  1^— sin  59'  — 4  sin  1^  sin^  SO"  \ 

sin  1^  2'  =  2  sin  I*'  l'  -  sin  1^-4  sin  1^  l'  sin^  30" ; 

sin  1°  3' =  2  sin  1^2'  — sin  1°  l'  — 4  sin  1°  2'  sin^30''; 

&c.  =&c 

and  so  on  ; 

and  these  operations  are  somewhat  less  laborious  than  those 
which  would  be  necessary  by  the  former  method. 

141.      The   formulae, 
sin  {A  +  B)  sin  {A  —  B)  —  (sin  A  +  sin  B)  (sin  A  —  sin  B), 
cos  {A  -f  B)  cos  {A  —  JB)  =  (cos  A  +  sin  B)  (cos  A  —  sin  B), 


proved  in  (68)^  will  also  enable  us  to  deduce  the  sines  and 
cosines  of  arcs  from  the  sines  and  cosines  of  others  pre- 
viously determined,  and  may  likewise  be  the  means  of  verifying 
the  results  found  by  the  preceding  methods  :  thus  by  making 
J5=  1^5  and  A  =  QP,  3^,  &c.  in  order,  we  obtain 

_:„  oO_   (sin  2^  + sin  1°)  (sin  2° -sin  1^)^ 

sin  1« 

sin  4*^  = 

(sin  3°  +  sin  1°)  (sin  3°  -  sin  l*") 

sin  2^ 



cos  3°  = 

(cos  2^ -f  sin  1°)  (cos  2' -sin  f) 

cos  1 

cos  4  = 

(cos  3^  + sin  1^)  (cos  3^ -sin  1°) 

cos  2^ 



and  the  values  thus  found  may  be  checked  by  assigning  different 
values  to  A  and  B,  so  that  their  sum  may  still  remain  the 

By  one  or  other  of  these  methods  we  may  proceed  to  de- 
termine the  values  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  as  far  as 
30  J  after  which  the  tediousness  of  the  numerical  operations  may 
in  a  great  degree  be  avoided,  by  means  of  certain  formulae  which 
have  already  been  investigated  in  the  second  chapter. 

142.      To  express  the  sines  and  cosines  of  arcs  greater  than 

30^  and  less  than  45^  in  terms  of  the  radius  1. 

It  has  been  shewn  in  (67),  that 

sin  (^  +  jB)  +  sin  (A  -  i?)  =  2  sin  ^  cos  5  ; 

therefore  sin  {A  +  B)  =  2  sin  A  cos  B  —  sin  {A  —  B), 


and  if  A  be  made  equal  to  30^  and  B  be  assumed   equal  to  l', 
2',  3',  ficc... successively,  we  get,  since  sin  30^=  -  ,  from  (37), 

sin  30^  1'  =  cos  1'  -  sin  29^  59'; 

sin  30^  2'  =  cos  2'—  sin  29^  58' ; 

sin  30"^  3'  =  cos  3'  -  sin  29""  5?' ; 

&c....  =  &c 

and  thus  the  sines  of  all  arcs  as  far  as  45^  may  be  derived  from 
the  sines  and  cosines  of  those  previously  found  : 

cos  (A  -  5)  -  cos  (1  +  5)  =  2  sin  A  sin  B,  by  (67), 

we  have 

cos  (^  4-  jB)  =  cos  (  Jl  —  B)  —  2  sin  A  sin  S  : 

and  if  A  be  supposed  =  30°  as  above,  and  jB  equal  to  1  ,  2',  3 , 
&c.  in  succession, 

cos  30°  1'  =  cos  29°  59'  -  sin  1' ; 

cos  30°  2'  =  cos  29°  58'  -  sin  2' ; 

cos  30°  3'  =  cos  29^  5/  -  sin  3' ; 

&c..-.=    &c 

and  hence  the  cosines  of  all  arcs  up  to  45°  may  be  determined 
by  means  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  those  which  are  less  than 

143.      To  express  the  sines  and  cosines  of  arcs  greater  than 
45°  and  less  than  90°  in  terms  of  the  radius  1 . 

Since  by  (12)  and  (21),  sin  (45°+l)=cos  (45°— i.),  we  have 

sin  45°  l'  =  cos  44°  59' 

sin  45°  2'  =  cos  44°  58' 

sin  45°  3'  =  cos  44°  57' 

<&c....  =   &c 


and  since  cos  (45°  +  jI)  =  sin  {4i5^  —  A),  by  the  same  articles,  we 

cos  46^  l'  =  sin44^59'; 

cos  45^  2'  =  sin  44^  58'; 
cos  45^  3'  =  sin  44^  5?' ; 

&c....=   &c, 

and  thus  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  as  far  as  90°  may  be 

From  this  it  is  manifest  that  if  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all 
arcs  up  to  45^  were  formed  into  a  table,  such  a  table  would 
serve  for  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  as  far  as  90°. 

144.  jf'o  express  the  sines  and  cosines  of  arcs  greater  than 
90^  in  terms  of  the  radius  1. 

From  (63),  we  have 

sin  (90°  +  A)  =  sin  90°  cos  A  +  cos  90°  sin  A  =  cos  A  ; 
cos  (90°  +  A)  =  cos  90°  cos  A  —  sin  90°  sin  ^  =  —  sin  A  : 
sin  (180°+^)  =  sin  180°  cos  ^-j-cos  180°  sin  A  =  -sin  A; 

cos  (180°  +  ^)  =  cos  180°  cos  ^  — sin  180°  sin  A  =  -  cos  A  : 
sin  (270°  +  J)  =  sin  270°  cos  A  +  cos  270°  sin  A~  -  cos  A; 
cos  (270°  +  ^)  =  cos  270°  cos  A  —  sin  270°  sin  A  =  sin  J  : 


therefore  the  values  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  greater 
than  90°,  will  be  the  same  as  the  sines  and  cosines  of  corres- 
ponding arcs  less  than  90° :  and  if  a  table  be  formed  to  contain 
the  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  less  than  a  quadrant_,  such  table 
will    contain   the    sines    and  cosines  of  all   arcs   greater  than  a 


quadrant,  proper  regard  being  paid  to  the  algebraical  signs  of  the 
quantities  according  to  the  principles  laid  down  in  (16)  and  applied 
in  the  subsequent  articles  of  the  first  chapter. 

145.  The  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  being  determined 
by  the  methods  just  explained,  the  tangents,  cotangents,  secants, 
and  cosecants  are  immediately  deduced  from  the  following  equa- 
tions : 

sin  J.             .       cos  A  I 

tan  A  = ,  cot  A  =  -: ,  sec  ^1  = 

cos  A  sin  A  cos  A 


and  cosec  A  = 

sin  A 

and  the  versed  sines  and  chords,  if  necessary,  from  the  equations, 


vers  j1  =  1  —  cos  A,  and  chd  A  =  ^ 2  —  Q  cos  A,  or  =  2  sin  —  . 


146.  The  tangents  of  arcs  greater  than  45^  may  however 
be  easily  found  from  the  tangents  of  those  that  are  less,  by 
simple  addition   only. 

.  .        sin  A        cos  A 

For.  smce  tan  A  —  cot  A  = : 

cos  A        sm  A 

sin^  A  —  cos^  A  cos  9>A 

=  : — -  =  -2-: =  —  2  cot  2^  : 

sin  A  cos  A  sm  2^1 

if  we  suppose,  A=45^-^B,  and  .*.  2J  =  90^  +  2JB, 

we  shall  have 

tan  (45°+  B)  -  tan  (45°  -  ^)  =  -  2  cot  (90°  +  2  J5)  =  2  tan  2  B  ; 

.-.  tan  (45°  +  5)  =  2  tan  2^  +  tan  (45°  -  B)  : 

hence,  assuming  B  to  be  equal  to  1°,  2°,  3°,  &c.  successively,, 
we   have 

tan  46°  =  2  tan  2°  +  tan  44° ; 

tan  47°  =  2  tan  4°  +  tan  43° ; 


tan  48°  =  2  tan  6^  +  tan  42° ; 

&c =&c 

These  expressions  may  also  be  used  to  try  the  correctness 
of  the  values  of  the  tangents  deduced  by  the  other  method. 

147.  The  sines,  cosines^  &c.  of  all  arcs  being  thus  cal- 
culated and  tabulated,  form  what  is  called  the  Trigonometrical 
Canon;  and  it  is  easily  seen  that  the  sole  difficulty  in  con- 
structing such  tables  arises  from  the  application  of  the 
fundamental  rules  of  arithmetic  to  numbers  consisting  of  many 
places  of  figures  ;  and  some  of  the  expedients  generally  resorted 
to,  to  remove  this  difficulty ^  have  already  been  explained.  As 
a  check  upon  such  computations,  Formulcz  of  Verification  have 
been  introduced,  which  involving  the  dependance  of  the  trigono- 
metrical functions  of  arcs  upon  one  another,  may  be  applied  to 
ascertain  the  correctness  of  a  numerical  calculation  from  the 
known   accuracy  of  one  or  more  others. 

Formulae  of  Verification  might  be  multiplied  indefinitely, 
but  the  most  useful  and  those  most  generally  used,  have  been 
proved  in  (78),  (89)?  and  (90),  and  their  utility  will  be  manifest 
from  the  two  following  articles. 

148.  In  article  (78)  it  has  been  proved  that 

sin—  =  -  {x/(l  +  sin  A)  +  ^(1  -  sin  ^1)}, 
2         2 

A       1 

and  cos  -  =  -  {  ^/(l  +  sin  A)  ±  s/ {^  -  sin  A)\  : 
2        2 

now  if  we  assign  any  value  as  25^  to  A,  we  shall  have 

sin  12^  30'  =  -  {  v^(l+sin25')  -  ^ {\  -  sm  Q.o'')} , 

and  cos  12^  30'  =  ^  {  ^(H-sin  25")  +  ^(1  -  sin  25")}  ; 


hence  if  the  results  of  these  equations  be  the  same  as  the  sine 
and  cosine  of  12^  30'  calculated  by  the  method  before  given, 
we  may  conclude  with  a  considerable  degree  of  certainty  that  all 
the  operations  concerned  are  correct. 

The  formulae  just  mentioned  might  manifestly  have  been 
likewise  employed  to  deduce  the  sine  and  cosine  of  —  im- 
mediately from  the  sine  of  J, 

149.  In  Elder's  formula  proved  in  (89)  we  have  seen  that 
sin  ^=sin  (36^ ^)  +  sin  (72°-^)-sin  (36^-^)~sin  (7^''+^): 

and  if  A  be  taken  equal  to  5^,  we  shall  have 
sin  5^  =  sin  41 V  sin  67^ —  sin  31°- sin  77°: 

therefore  if  the  values  of  the  sines  of  these  arcs  already  com- 
puted satisfy  this  equation,  they  may  each  be  reasonably 
presumed   to  be  correct,   and  the   contrary. 

Again,  in  Legendre's  formula, 
cosil=sin(54°  +  ^)  +  sin(54°-^)-sin(18°4-A)-sin(l8°- A), 

which  is  proved  in  (90),  if  we  suppose  A  =  7°,  we  get 
cos  7°  =  sin  61°  +  sin  47° -sin  25° -sin  11°, 
from  which  the  same  inferences  may  be  drawn  as  before. 

Similarly,  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  other  arcs. 

150.  In  the  Trigonometrical  Canon,  constructed  and 
verified  by  these  methods,  the  radius  has  been  supposed  to  be 
equal  to  1  ;  but  as  the  logarithms  of  quantities  afford  great 
facilities  in  the  multiplication,  division,  involution  and  evolution 
of  large  numbers,  it  is  desirable  that  the  logarithms  of  the  sines, 
cosines,  &c.  of  arcs  should  also  be  tabulated,  many  of  which 
from  their  nature  would  to  this  radius  be  negative.  On  this 
account   the    Tabular  Radius  has   been   assumed   equal   to   ten 


thousand  millions,  and  consequently  each  of  the  sines,  cosines, 
&c.  thus  computed,  must  be  increased  in  the  same  proportion, 
and  their  logarithms  will  then  become  positive  quantities.    Thus, 

since  to  the  radius  1,  we  have  sin  l'  =  .0002908882  8cc. 

.*.  to  the  radius  10^^  we  shall  have  sin  l'  =  2908882.  &c. 

and  hence,  log  sin  j'  =log  2908882.  &c. 

=6.4637261  Scc.andsoon: 

and  a  table  constructed  on  this  principle,  is  called  a  table  of 
logarithmic  sines,  cosines,  &c.  by  the  use  of  which  most  of  the 
practical  applications  of  trigonometry  are  greatly  facilitated  and 
generally  performed. 

151.  If  the  logarithmic  sines  and  cosines  of  all  arcs  be 
found  as  in  the  last  article,  the  logarithmic  tangents,  cotangents, 
secants  and  cosecants,  as  also  the  versed  sines  and  chords,  may 
be  deduced  from  them  by  the  operations  of  addition  and  sub- 
traction  only.      Thus, 

log   tan    A=]oglr  j)    =logr  4  log  sin  ^  —  log  cos  tI 

=  10  +  log  sin  A  —  log  cos  A ; 

(cos  A  \ 
r  - — —   )  =  log  r  +  log  cos  A  —  log  sin  A 
sm  A.  / 

=  10  +  log  cos  A  —  log  sin  A  ; 

log   sec  A  =  log  ( 1=2  log  r  —  log  cos  A 

\  cos  A/ 

=  20  —  log  cos  A  ; 

log  cosec  A  =  loo-  ( I     =  2  losf  r  —  log  sin  A 

^  Vsin  A/  ^  ° 

—  20  —  log  sin  A ; 

=  iog\ — - — y  =  log  2  + 

log  vers  A  =  logV^ -J  =  log  2  +  2  log  sin log  ?• 



=  log  2  +  2  log  sin  —  ■—  10  ; 


and  log  chd  A  =  log  (  2  sin  —  )  =  log  2  +  log  sin  —  . 
\  2/  2 

152.  To  Jind  the  numerical  ratio  of  the  circumference  of 
a  circle  to  its  radius  and  diameter. 

In  (137)  where  the  radius  is  supposed  to  be  1,  the  sine 
of  l'  has  been  shewn  to  be  .0002908882  &c.  and  ithas  been 
proved  also  that  the  sines  of  arcs  so  small  as  l'  are  very  nearly 
equal  to  the  arcs  themselves :  hence_,  since  the  number  of 
minutes  in  the  whole  circumference  is  360  X  60  =  6  X  60  X  60^ 
we  shall  have 

the  whole  circumference  =  .  0002908882  8cc.  x  6  X  60  X  60 
=  .  0017453292  &c.  x  60  x  60 
=  . 1047197520  &c.  x  60 
=  6.28318512  &c. 

which  was  assumed  in  (7)  to  be  represented   by  27r;   therefore 
the  circumference  of  a  circle  :   the  radius 

::   6.28318512  &c.  :  1  ; 

and  the  circumference  of  a  circle  :    the  diameter 

::   6.28318512  &:c.    :   2   ::   3  .  14159256  &c.  :  1. 

153.  By  the  method  of  converging  fractions,  approxima- 
tions to  the  ratio  just  found  are  3  :  1  ;  22  :  7 ;  SSS  :  106,  &c. 
which  are  alternately  less  and  greater  than_,  but  more  and  more 
nearly  equal  to,  the  true  ratio,  and  may  be  adopted  in  most  cases 
of  practice  without  sensible  error. 

154.  To  find  the  magnitude  of  the  angle  which  is  subtended 
by  an  arc  of  the  circle  equal  to  the  radius. 

Since  6  .28318512  &c.  or  the  whole  circumference  subtends 
four  right  angles^  or  is  equivalent  to  360^  on  the  same  scale 
on  which   1  represents   the   radius^   we   shall  have 

360^  :  the  required   Z  ::  6.28318512  &c.  :  1, 


and  therefore  the  required  angle  will  be 

6.28318512  8vc. 

=  57^2957795  &c.=57^  17' 44"  48''' &c. 

156.  3b  express  the  length  of  the  arc  zohich  Jiieasures 
a  given  angle,  in  terms  of  the  radius. 

Since  the  arc  subtending  an  angle  of  57°  17' 44"  48'"  Sec. 
is  in  every  circle  equal  to  the  radius,  because  the  arcs  are  pro- 
portional to  the  radii,  when  the  angles  which  they  subtend  at  the 
centres  are  equal ;  if  A^  be  the  magnitude  of  any  angle^  and  a  the 
arc  subtending  it,  we  have 

r  :  a  ::  57^2957795  &c.  :  A"", 
and  .'.  the  arc  a  expressed  in  terms  of  the  radius  r 


5  f  .0.951195  &c, 


(1  \^    /  1  \^ 
—  )  ,  (tit)  ,  succes- 

sively,  then   we  have 

the  lenoth  of  one  degree  =  r  (  — „ —  ) , 

V57^2957795  &c./ 

=  ?•  (.017453292  8cc.), 

the  length  of  one  minute  =  r  (.0002908882  &c.), 

the  length  of  one  second  =  r  (.00000484813  &c.). 

156.    Cor.     if   57^2957795   &c.    be    represented   by    r^, 

we   shall  have  a  =  r  —(T  ,    and   thence  -  =  -tt  ,   which  agrees 
r  r         r 

with  what  is  assumed  in  (4)  :   also  if  r=z\,  then  will  a  =  —q-. 


CHAP.   IV. 

On  the  relations  between  the  sides,  angles,  areas,  circumscribed 
and  inscribed  circles,  ^c.  of  plane  triangles.  On  the  relations 
between  the  sides,  angles,  diagonals,  areas  and  circumscribed 
circles,  Sfc,  of  certain  quadrilaterals.  On  the  perimeters, 
areas,  Sfc,  of  regular  polygons.  On  the  periphery,  area,  S^c. 
of  a  circle, 

157.      2^HE   sides  of  a   plane   triangle  are  proportional 
to  the  sines  of  the  angles  which  they  respectively  subtend. 

Let    ABC    be    a    plane    triangle,    of    which    the    angles 

A     /^' 

D    '    V   B 

are  A,  B  and  C;  with  centres  A,  B,  and  radius  \,  describe 
circular  arcs  cutting  CA  and  CB,  or  these  lines  produced 
in  the  points  a  and  /3 ;  draw  afx,  jiv  and  CD  perpendicular  to 
AB  (produced  if  necessary) ;    then  by  similar  triangles 

AC  :    CD  ::     Ja     :   afx  ::       1       :   sin  J,  by  (17); 
and   CD  :   BC  ::     f^v     :  Bfi  ::   s'm  B  :    1,  by  (17)  or  (20) ; 

.'.  by  compounding  these  proportions^  we  have 
AC  :   BC  ::   sin  B  :   sin  A; 


similarly,   AC  :   AB  ::   sin  jB   :  sin  C; 

and  AB  :   BC  ::   sin  C    :  sin  il  ; 
and  therefore  generally 

BC   :   AC   :   AB   ::   sin  A    :  sin  B   :   sin  C. 

158.      This  fundamental   property  of  plane   triangles  may 
hkewise  be  proved  as  follows  : 

Suppose  a  circle  to  be  described  about  the  triangle  ABC, 
and  let  its  centre  be  O,  and  its  radius  equal  to  R ;  then  it  is 
manifest  that  the  sides  of  the  triangle  are  the  chords  of  the 
arcs  they  respectively  cutoff,  to  the  radius  R  ;  join  AO^  BO,  CO, 
and  by  (oQ)  we  have 


chd  BOC  =  2  sin  ("V")  ~  '^  ^"^  ^  '  ^^  ^'^^' 

-—  =  chd  AOC  =  2  sin  ( )  =  2  sm  B ; 

R  V     2     /  ' 

J  7? 
and  -—  =  chd  AOB 

2  sin  ( 

2     ) 

=  2  sin  C; 


CB      CA      AB 

::  2  sin  ^   :   2  sin  B  :   2  sin  C 

R         R         R 

that  is,  CB   :   C^  :   AB   ::      sin  ^    ;    sin    B    :   sin  C 


If  the  sides  which  subtend  the  angles  A,  Bj  C  be  called 
a^  b,  c  respectively,  we  have 

a   :  b  :  c  ::  sin  A    :  sin  jB  :   sin  C; 

a  __  sin  A        a        s'm  A        b        sin  jB 
b        sin  B  '      c         sin  C '      c         sin  C  ' 

159.  Cor.  1.      By  either  of  the  last  two  articles,  we  have 
a      :      b      ::  sin  A  :   s'm  B, 

.*.  a  +  b  :  a—  b  ::  sin  ^1  +  sin  J3  :  sin  ^  —  sin  B 

/A  +  B\  /A-Bx     ,     ^        ■ 

'"''"   (-^)^tan(-^-),by(72); 


rA-\-C\            /A-C\ 
«  +  c  :  a  —  c  : :  tan  I  |  :  tan  | I  : 

and  o-jrc  :  0^  c  : :  tan  I I   :  tan  I )  . 

V      2     /  V     2      / 

Hence^  in  a  plane  triangle,  the  sum  of  any  two  sides  :  the 
difference  ::  the  tangent  of  the  semi-sum  of  their  opposite  angles  : 
the  tangent  of  the  semi-difference, 

160.  Cor.  2.      Let   CE  drawn  to  bisect  the  angle  ACB 


A  E  B 

meet  the  base  AB  in  £,  then  by  (157)  we  have 
AE   :   AC   ::   sin   ACE  :   sin   AEC 

::    sin  BCE  :    sin  BEC  ::    BE  :   BC', 
.\  AE   :   BE   ;:        AC         :    BCi 


that  is,  the  segments  of  the  base  have  the  same  ratio  which  the 
other  sides  of  the  triangle  have  to  one  another. 

Also,  if  AE  =  a'j  BE  =  b',  we  have  a    :   h'  w  b  :  a, 
whence  we  find  a  =  — — r  ,  and  h  = 

a  +  /; '  a+b' 

and  .• .  a  b'  =^  ab  I )  : 

\a  +  b) 

or  a  b'  :  ab  ::  c~  :  {a-^bf. 

A  similar  process  may  be  used  if  the  exterior  angle  be  bisected^ 
and  it  will  appear  that 

a'b'  :   ab   ::   c^   :  {a^bf. 

161.   Cor.  3.      If  CF  be  supposed  to  bisect  the  side  AB, 
we  have  from  (157), 

A  F  B 

sin  ACF  :   sin  CAF  ::  AF  :    FC 

::    BF  :    FC   ::  sin  BCF  :  sin  CBF; 

.-.  sin  ACF  :   sin  BCF  ::  sin  CAF  :  sin  CBF: 

or  the  sines  of  the  segments  of  the  vertical  angle  are  proportional 
to  the  sines  of  the  corresponding  angles  at  the  base. 

Also,  if  A'  and  B'  represent  the  segments  of  the  angle  C, 
we  have 

sin  A'   :   sin  B'  ::   sin  A  :   sin  B, 
and  .*.  sin  A'  +  sin  B'    :    sin  A'  —  sin  B'  ;: 
sin  A  +  sin  B     :    sin  A  —  sin  B, 


o..  tan  {~:r-)  •■  t""  (-^-j  ■■■■  '=»> {-^)  ■■  t-» (-i- j ; 



V       2       7   .         C  /A  -  X>\  O 

—  ,  or  =  tan  I I  tan  — 

2  '  V      2     /  2 

-  tan 

from  which,  and  the  equation  A'  -{-B'  ■=  C,  the  values  of  A   and 
J3'  become  known. 

162.      To  find  the  relations  betiveen  the  sides  and  angles  of 
right-angled  triangles. 

Let  ACB  be  a  triangle  having  its  sides  represented  by  «,  h,  c, 
as  before,  and  the  angle  at  C  a  right  angle,  then 


BC   :    AB  ::   sin  BAG  :   sin  ACB 

::   sm      A      :   sni  ~ 

::   sin      A      :   1,  by  (18); 
whence  BC-AB  sm  A  -  AB  sin  (^  ~  b\  =:  AB  cos  B; 

similarly,  AC  =  AB  sin  J5  =  AB  sin  N    -  J  j  =  JJB  cos  A; 


again,  BC  :  AC 

;in  BAC  :  sin  ABC 
sin  J       :   cos  A 

tan  A      :    1,  by  (42), 

/.  5C  =  ^Ctan  A  =  ^C  tan  ^-  -  Jb")  =AC  cotE; 

similarly,   ^C  =  5C  tan  B=:BC  tan  /^-   -  a)  =  JBC  cot  A  : 
whence  we  have 

AB  = 


sin  ^4 




=  i?C  cosec  A  =   BC  sec  5; 

7iC  TiC 

also,  sin  A  =  — ^  =  cos  £,  and  tan  A  =  —— ;  =  cot  B. 

163.  To  find  the  relations  between  the  sides  and  angles  of 
oblique-angled  triangles. 

Let  ACB  be  an  oblique-angled  triangle,  draw  CD  perpen- 
dicular to  AB,  and  let  the  sides  subtending  the  angles  Ay  B,  C 
be  called  a,  b,  c  respectively : 


A  D  B 

then,  c=1jD  +  ED 

=  AC  cos  A  +  BC  cos  B,  by  the  last  article, 
=  b  cos  A  -T  a  cos  B  ; 
similarly _,  b  =  a  cos  C  -{-  c  cos  A  ; 
and  a  =  b  cos  C-^c  cos  B: 

and   from   these   equations    any   one  of  the   quantities  involved 
may   be   found   in   terms  of  the   rest. 

164.  Cor.  The  last  article  combined  with  the  property 
proved  in  (157),  is  sometimes  applied  to  express  the  sine  of  the 
sum  of  two  angles  in  terms  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  the 
angles  themselves.      Thus, 

since  c  =b  cos  A  +a  cos  B,  we  have  ~   =  -  cos  A  -|-  cos  B ; 

a        a 



c        sin  C       sin  (tt  --  C)        sin  (A  -{-  B)  b       sin  B 

but  -  =  -^ — 7  =  : ;; —  =  : — -: ,    and  -  =  -. — j  ; 

a       sin  A  sni  A  sni  A  a        sm  A 

.,  „,e  shall  have  ^^liA^  =  fjlL^  eos  ^  +cos  B, 
sui  A  sin  iL 

and  thence,  sin  {A  •{■  B)  =■  sin  jB  cos  A  +  sin  ^  cos  B 

=  sin  j1  cos  B  -\-  cos  il  sin  By 
as  has  been  already  proved  in  (63). 

Since  ^-f- jB  is  less  than  tt,  the  proof  just  given  may  at  first 
sight  seem  partial ;  but  by  means  of  the  relations  established  in 
the  first  chapter,  it  is  easily  extended  to  the  sine  of  the  sum  of 
any  two  arcs  whatever. 

165.  To  express  the  cosines  of  the  angles  of  a  plane  triangle 
in  terms  of  the  sides. 

If  ^,  I^,  C  be  the  angles  of  any  plane  triangle,  a,  bj  c  the 
corresponding  sides  which  subtend  them,  we  have  seen  that 

a  =^  b  cos  C  +  c  cos  J5, 
b  =  a  cos  C  +  c  cos  A, 
c  =  a  cos  B  -{■  h  cos  A ; 

and   multiplying   both   sides   of  these   equations   by  a,  b,  c  re- 
spectively, we  obtain 

d^  =zab  cos  C-\- ac  cos  B, 

h^  =.ab  cos  C  -{-be  cos  A, 



ac  cos  B-\-  be  cos  A  ; 

therefore,,  by  addition, 

a"  +5'  -f-c-^  =  Q.ab  cos  C  cos  B'{-2bc  cos  A  : 

from  this  equation,   subtract  successively  2a^,  2Z>",  2c^  and  their 
equals,  and  we  have 

b'^  -h  c^  —  a'^  ~2bc  cos  A  ; 

J.  a^  -\-  c"  —  b'^  =  2ac  cos  B  ; 

a--^b'~  c'':=:Qab  cosC: 


+  c'- 





+  c-°-  - 




+  6^- 



from  which  equations  immediately  result 
cos  A  = 

cos  B  = 

cos  C=  ^     , 

l66.  The  values  above  found  are  frequently  deduced  by 
means  of  the  twelfth  or  thirteenth  Propositions  of  the  Second 
Book   of  EudicVs  Elements. 

For,  BC^  =  AC--{  AK  T  9.AB  .  AD, 

but  AD  =  AC  cos  A,  by  (l62), 

or  =  AC  cos  (tt  -  A)  by  (l62),  =  -  IC  cos  ^,  by  (24)  ; 

.-.  BC'  =  AC'  -h  AB'-^AB. AC  cos  A, 

or  a'  =  ^'^  +  c^  —  2  6f  cos  ^, 

and  .*.  cos  A  = ;^ ,   as  before. 


It  may  here  be  observed,  that  the  Propositions  of  Euclid  above 
referred  to,  are  in  reality  proved  in  the  last  article. 

For_,   since  a^  =  b~  +  c^  —  2b c  cos  J,  we  have 
BC'  =  JC  +  AB'-qAB.  AC  cos  A 
=  AC''^AB^^'2AB.  ADy 

as  appears  from  (l62). 

Ex.  1.      Let  a  =  b,  or  the  triangle  be  isosceles:   then 

c'  r  c    _ 

cos  A  =  - —  =  r"  —  771  —  cos  ^  j 

also,  cos  C  = 5 —  =  1  -  77-3  ,  .and  vers  C  =  -;:--y 

2a  2a  2a 


Ex.  2.      Let  a  —  b^c,  or  the  triangle  be  equilateral:  then 
cos  il  =  ^  =  cos  60^  =  cos  B  =  cos  C. 

167.   Cor.  1.     Since  cos  C=  ; ,   we  have 


c^  =  a^  —  2ah  cos  C  -H  b^,  and  thencec  =  ^a^~2(2  6  cos  C-i-  b'^, 

which  is   the  value  of  one   side  expressed  in  terms  of  the  two 
others  and   their  included   angle, 

Ex.  ].  Let  C  =  90",  then  cos  C  =0,  and  /.  c^  =  a^  +  ^>^ 
which  is  the  47th  Proposition  of  the  first  book  of  Euclid^ s 
Elements   established   by  the   Principles   of  Trigonometry. 

Ex.  2.      If  C  =  60^   we  have  cos  C  =  X^  from  (37), 

md  .'.  c"^  =  a"  —  ab  -}-  b' 

a'  +  ¥ 

a  -{-  b 

Ex.  3.      If  C  =  120^  we  have  cos  C  =  -  ^,  by  (24), 

"         2  7    ,    12       a  —b^ 

and  .•.£'  =  «    -h  cib  -\-  b   = . 

a—  b 

168.   Cor.  2.      From  (165),  we  have  immediately 

2  6c-  cos  A  =  b^'  -h  c"  -  a^ 

or  a'  —  b"  =  c^  —  ^bc  cos  A  =Q.c  (-  —  b  cos  A  \ : 

V2  ; 

that  is,  the  difference  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  is  equal  to 
twice  the  rectangle  contained  by  the  base,  and  the  distance  of  its 
middle  point  from  the  perpendicular. 

Again,  {a  +  b)  {a  —  b)  =  c  (c  —  2b  cos  J), 

ore   :  a  +  b  ::   a  —  b  :   c  —  %b  cos  A : 

that  is,  the  base  :  the  sum  of  the  sides  ::  the  difference  of 
the  sides  :  the  difference  or  sum  of  the  segments  of  the  base 
made  by  a  perpendicular  let  fall  upon  it  from  the  opposite 
angle,   according  as  it   falls  within  or  without   the   triangle. 


169.  Cor.  3.      From  the  preceding  articles  it  is  seen,  that 

^  =•  c^  •\'  h'  —  %ab  cos  C 

=  a  —  ah  cos  C  +  b^  —  ab  cos  C 
=  a  {a^  b  cos  C)  +  b  {b  —  a  cos  C) : 

suppose  now  AP  and  BG  to  be  drawn  from  the  angles  A  and  B 
respectively  perpendicular  to  the  subtending  sides ; 

then  «  -  6  cos  C  =  i?C  -  CF=  BF, 

and  b  —  a  cos  C  =  AC  —  CG  =^  AG; 

hence  replacing  a,  b,  c  by  5C,  AC  and  ^J5  respectively, 
we  have 

AB^=:BC.BF+  AC, AG: 

or  the  square  described  upon  any  side  of  a  triangle  is  equal 
to  the  sum  of  the  rectangles  contained  by  the  two  others 
and  their  segments  respectively  cut  off  by  perpendiculars  let  fall 
upon  them  (produced  if  necessary)  from  the  opposite  angles. 

170.  Cor.  4.  If  the  angle  C  be  bisected  by  the  straight 
line  CE  meeting  the  opposite  side  in  E,  the  value  of  this  line 
may  be  found;   for  by  (I66)  we  have 

A  E  B 

CE'  =  AC''  +  AE'-2AC.AE  COS  J 

b'c-  2  6 


(a  +  by        a  +  b 

b'c"  {a^-b^)b         bc^ 

=  b''  +    ,     .    ...  + 

{a-\-br  a\h  a-^h 

b'c'       ^      be' 
''^'^{a-\'bf        a  +  6 

=.ab  — 

(a  +  bf  \a  -\-bJ  \a-]r  b) 

or  AC. BC  =  AE,EB-\-CE^: 

that  is,  if  any  angle  of  a  triangle  be  bisected  by  a  straight  line 
which  cuts  the  opposite  side,  the  rectangle  of  the  two  other  sides 
is  equal  to  the  rectangle  of  the  segments  of  the  divided  side 
together  with   the  square   of  the   dividing  line. 

171  •   Cor.  5.     Supposing  CF  to  bisect  the  side  AB  in  F, 
we  shall  have  by  (I66), 

CF'==CA'  +  AF'-'2AC  .  .IF  cos  A  =6'+  {^^  -  be  cos  A 

■2  j2i2  2  2i7  2 

c         b  '\-c  —  a         a  -\-  0 

=  6^  + - 

4  2  2  4 

therefore  a'  +  6'  =  2  (-  j    +  2CF^ 

which  shews  that  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  any  two  sides 
of  a  triangle  is  equal  to  twice  the  square  of  half  the  other  side, 
and  twice  the  square  of  the  straight  line  which  is  drawn  from  the 
opposite  angle  to  bisect  it. 


172,  Cor.  6.  If  we  suppose  CF  =  h,  and  the  coi- 
responding  lines  drawn  from  the  angles  A  and  B  to  bisect  the 
opposite  sides,  equal  to  k  and  /  respectively,  we  shall  have  from 
the  last  article, 

a-^  +  i'  =  2  g)+2/i^ 

6^  +  c=  =  2g)'+2ft^ 
and  therefore  by  addition, 

and  thence 

that  is,  three  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  a  plane 
triangle  is  equal  to  four  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  lines 
drawn  from  the  angles  to  bisect  the  opposite  sides. 

173.      To  express  the  sines  of  the  atigies  of  a  plane  triangle 
in  terms  of  the  sides. 

From  {25)y  we  have   sin"  A-=  I  —  cos"  A 

■b^  +  e-  a\'       {2bcf  -  (b-  +  c'  -  a-f 


(Qbc  +  6"  +  c^  -  fl^)  (^bc  -  b--c^+  a') 
4 /re' 

{(b  +  cf--a'}{a'^{b-cf] 


_  ia'{-b-^c)  {b-\-c  -  a)  (a  -j-  c  -  b)  (a-\-b''c) 
and  therefore 

sin  A  =  —r-  />7(a+6  +  c)  (6  +  c-  a)  (a4-c-6)(a+6-c); 

sin  5  =  ^J{a  +  b  +  c){b-\'C-a){a^i^c-b){a  +  b-c)', 

sin  C  =  — r  i^{a-\-  b  +  c)  {b  +  c—  a)  (a+c-  /;)  (a  +  6  — c): 

assume  now,  2AS'  =  fl  -\- b  +c  =  the  sum  of  the  sides ; 
then  Q.{S-a)  =  b  ■\-  c-  a, 
2{S  -  b)=a  +  c  —  b, 
2(S-  c)=a  -{-  b  -c; 
whence  by  substitution  we  obtain 

sin  ^  =  ~   \/s  (S~a){S-~b)(S-c); 

be     ^ 

sin5  =  —   \/s  (S-a)(S-b)(S-c)', 
ac     ^ 

sin  C  =   —  \/ S  {S  —  a){S-b)(S-c\ 
ab    ^ 

Ex.  1.      Let  a  =  b,  or  the  triangle  be  isosceles;  then 

in^=-^    \/  S{S-a)iS'-a){S'-c) 







4  ?/  —  <?  —  sin  B  ; 

and  sin  C  =  '-i^  \/s(S-c)  =  J  \/(«  +  fJ   („-i) 
Ex.  2.      Leta  =  Z>  =  c,  or  the  triangle  be  equilateral,  then 



= =sin  60°  =  sin  B  =  sin  C. 


Ex.  3.      If  the  sides  of  the  triangle  a,  h^  c  be  respectively 
equal  to  3,  4,  5,  we  shall  have 

2  ^  =  3  +  4+5=12,  and  *S  =  6, 
.-.    S  —  a==S,  S—b  =  2,  and  5-c=  1  : 

2    A  /  12       3 

and  sin  1  =  —  V  6  .  3  .  2  .  1  =  —  =  -  ; 
20    ^  20      5 

.     T.       2    4  /^  12       4 

sm  jB=—  V—=-; 

sin  C  =  -^    V  6.3.2.  1  =  ~=  1  =sin^: 
12  12  2 


hence  C  =  -  ,   or  the  triangle  is  right-angled  at  C. 


174.     Cor.      From  the  last  article  we  have 

V  6'  (5  -  a)  {S  -b){S-c)=:  ^'  sill  C,  wliich,  if  C  =  - 

gives  2  ,yT(^^~«)(5-6)(.S~c)^«^: 


and  by  substituting  for  a,  b,  c,  the  quantities  71^  —  Ij  2;/  and 
n^  4-  1  respectively,  it  will  be  found  that  this  equation  is  verified  ; 
and  therefore  the  sides  of  any  rational  right-angled  triangle  may 
be  represented  by  these  quantities^  n  being  assumed  at  plea- 
sure equal  to  any  quantity  greater  than  unity. 

175.      To  express  the  sine,   co-sine,   tangent ,  Sfc.   of  half 
an  angle  of  a  triangle  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

From  (79)  we  have 

^A  ,  b~'\-c"'-a~      %hc'-J)'-c^+a^ 

2  snr  —  =  1  —  cos  A=  \ 

a^-{b-cf  __   {a-\-b'-c){a^-C'-b)    ^   2  (S-b)  2  (S -c) 
Qbc  ~  2bc  Q,bc 

_      .    A    _       /(S-b)(S-^) 



$m  —  =   V   

2  ac 

.     C  /(S-a)(S-'b) 

and  sm  —  =   V  "■ ; — ~~~  = 

2  ab 

Again,  from  the  same-  article,  we  have 


cosec  — 









,A         .  ,  Z»'  +  c^~«"-       Qbc-i-b'  +  c^-, 

£  cos'— =  1-f  cos  7i=   1    + 

2  2bc  9.bc 

{b-\-cf-a'  ___  {a  +  b-^c){b  +  c-a)  _  2S  2(8 -a) 
2b~c  2bc  ""  oOc 



^  A/SiS-a)  1 

=  n/ 

2  ^  be  A' 

sec  — 


,            B          /s{S-b)          1 
ally,  cos  -  =    V  =  7t; 

similar  ,,  _   , 

ac  B 

sec  — 


,  C  /SiS-c)  1 

and   cos  —  =   y/^ 

2  ^  ab  C 

sec  — 


Hence  .*.  we  shall  have  by  (42) 

^      A      ./iS-b){S-c)           1 
tau  —  =  V   — tttt: ^ —  =  •, 

cot  — 


cot  — 

.        C          /iS-a)(S 
and  tan  —  =    y    -— — 


2  ^  S{S-c)  C 

cot  — 


176.  Cor.  1.      If  the  angle  C  be  a  right  angle^    we    shall 

.     C       .         ,         }  .  C 

sm  —  =  sin  45  =  — 7-  =  cos  45  =  cos  — ; 
2  V  2  2 

1          ./{S-a)(S--b)          /S(S--c) 
hence  — 7-  =    v    ; =   V  ; —  ; 

and  therefore 

a6  =  2(S-a)(6"-6)  =  2  6'  (5-c), 

and  {S-a){S'--b)=:S  (S-c), 


177-   Cor.  2.      From  (175)  we  may  easily  deduce  what   is 
proved  in  (173). 

A         A 
For,  sin  A  =  2  sin  —  cos  — ,   by  (76), 
2  2 


-b)  {S  -  c)    S{S-  a) 

be  be 

=  ^s/S{S-a){S'~b){S~-el 
he  ^ 

as  before  :   similarly  of  the  others. 

178.      To  express  the  area  of  a  plane  triangle  in  terms  of 
the  sides. 

D  B 

The  area  of  the  triangle  ABC  ^-  AB  .  CD 
=  -    AB  ,  AC  sin  A,   by  (l62), 

=  ^^  -^,  s/S{S--a){S-b){S'-e\   by  (173), 

2    b 

=  ^/^^(5-«)(S-6)(S-c). 

179*  The  area  above  found  might  easily  have  been  deter- 
mined without  assuming  the  expression  for  the  sine  of  an  angle 
of  the  triangle.      Thus, 

since  «^  =  6^  +  c'-2r  AD,   by  (l66),  .-.  AD  =  '  "^^       " 


CD"-  =  AC^-AD^-  =  ,^~(^^±^) 


-  (Q-t-^-^g)  {h-hc-  a)  (a  +  c-6)  ja  +  b-c) 


Q.S  2{S-a)<^{S-b)  2  (S-c) 

hence  the  area  = =  yj  S  {S  -  a)  (S  —  b)  (S  —  c), 

From  either  of  these  articles,  we  obtain  the  following 
Rule  : 

From  the  semi-sum  of  the  sides,  subtract  each  side  sepa- 
rately; multiply  the  semi-sum  and  the  three  remainders  together, 
and  the  square  root  of  the  product  will  be  the  area. 

Ex.  1.      Let  «  =  ^,  then  the  area  of  an  isosceles  triangle 

whose  base  is  c  =  {S^a)sJ  S  (S  —  c) 


4  4 

Ex.  2.      If  a  =  6  =  c,  the  area  of  an  equilateral  triangle 

whose  side  is  a  =  S^  (S"  —  a)^  =  (  —  )  ( ""  )    ~  "  • 

Ex.  3.      If  a,  b,  c  be  equal  to  18,  24,  and  30  respectively, 
we  shall  have 

5:  =  i  (18  4-24  +  30)  =  ^  (72)  =  36; 
2  2 

.-.  S-a  =  36-  18  =  18, 
.S- A  =  36-24=12, 
S  ^  c  =  36  -  30  =   6  ; 


and  .'.  the  area  =  ^  =  ^36.36.36 
=  6,6.6  =  216. 

180.  Cor.  1.  Hence  the  perpendicular  drawn  from  any 
angle  to  the  opposite  side  is  easily  expressed  in  terms  of  the  sides 
of  the  triangle  :   for 

4S{S-a)  {S-'b){S-c) 

and  .  .  LIJ  = 

181.   Cor.  2.     The  area  of  the  triangle  may  very  easily  be 
expressed  in  different  terms. 

Thus,  by  (178)  the  area  =z^bc  sin  A; 

or  =  V  — — —  j^  S  {S-  a)bc 

A      . 

=  sin  —  as/  S  {S  —  a)bc  ; 

or  =  \/^Z^  ^(S-b)iS-c)bc 

A      , 

=  tan  —  S  (S  -  a):   &c. 

182.   Cor.  3.     If  the   triangle   be  right-angled   at   C,  we 
shall   have 



tan   —  or  1 

^    ^/(S-a)(S-b) 

and  .*.  the  area  =  S  (6'  —  c),  or  =  {S  —  a)  (S  —  b) : 

that  is,  the  area  of  a  right-angled  triangle  is  equal  to  the 
rectangle  contained  by  the  semi-perimeter  and  its  excess  above 
the  hypothenuse ;  or  to  the  rectangle  contained  by  the  excesses 
of  the  semi-perimeter  above  each  of  the  sides  containing  the 
right  angle. 

183.  Cor,  4.  From  the  values  of  the  area  above  deter- 
mined,  it  may  be  demonstrated  that  the  areas  of  similar  triangles 
are  in  the  duplicate  ratio  of  their  homologous  sides. 

Let  A,  B,  C ;  a,  by  c,  and  A' ,  B\  C  ;  a,  b\  c'  be  the  cor- 
responding angles  and  sides  of  two  similar  triangles  ; 

then  if  2  *S  =  a  +  6  +  f,  and  2  5^  =  a  ■\-  b'  -\-  c\ 

.   ^      ../{S-b){S-0       .    A      ./{S'-U){S'-c) 
wehavesm— =  V   1 =sni— -=   y    rn ; 

A  /S{S-a)  A'  /S'iS'-a) 

and  cos  —  =    V   ; =  ^'os  —    =    \/    — — -^-7 ; 

2  ^  he  2  ^  be 

.'.  area  of  the  triangle  ABC  :  area  of  the  triangle  A'B'C 

::  ^S{S~a){S~b){S-c)   :    ^ S\S'-a){S'-b')iS'-e) 

,,  ,  e  shi  B        ,  c   sin  B  2         ,q 

::  he   :   be'   ::   c       .     ,,     :    c        .    ^,    ,   by  (157),    ::    c     :   c   . 
sm  C  sm  C 

184.  Cor.  o.      Smce  ABC   :   AlB'C  ::^  he   :   Ve,  if  we 
suppose  1BC  =  A'jB'C',  we  shall  have  be^b' e\ 

and  /.  h   :    h'   \:    c    :  c  : 

or,  if  the  areas  of  two  triangles  which  have  one  angle  of  the  one 


equal  to  one  angle  of  the  other,  be  equal ^   the  sides  about  the 
equal  angles  are  reciprocally  proportional  :   and  conversely. 

185.    To  express  the  radius  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  a  plane 
triangle  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

Let   ABC   be    the    triangle,  its    angles   and   corresponding 
opposite   sides  being  denoted  by  A,   B,  C;   a,  b,  c  as  before: 

bisect  the  angles  A  and  B  by  the  straight  lines  Ao,  Bo 
meeting  in  o,  draw  o«,  ob,  oc  perpendicular  to  BC,  ^ICand 
AB  respectively;  then  o  is  the  centre,  and  o«  =  o^  =  oc  the 
radius  of  the  inscribed  circle  ;  let  this  be  called  r : 

now  by  (157),  we  have 

Ac        sin  ^oc        cos  oAc 

oc        sin  ou4c         sin  oAc        tan  oAc 




',  ilc  = 


;   snnilarly.  Be  = 




tan  — 

Ac  -\-  Be  =  7'  \- — 


tan  — 



tan  — 


(./      S(S-a) 
''  {^  (S-b)(S-c) 

—        tan  —  S 

^2  2>' 

.  /       ^  (S  -  b)      1 
V,.,      \,o        J>   by  (175), 
(S-a)  iS-c)) 

(      S(S-a)  +  S(S-b)     ) 


26'  -  (a  +  b) 

i^S{S-a)  {S-b){S-'c)} 


whence  we  obtain 

^S(S-a)(S-  b)(S  -c) 


{S  -a){S-  b)  (S  -  c) 


Ex.  1.      Let  a  =  by  or  the  triangle  be  isosceles,  then 

/  o         \  \  /^  ""  ^         ^    \  /^^  -^ 
o  2  2a  +  c 

Ex.  2.     If  a  =  b  =  c,    or    the    triangle    be   equilateral,  we 
shall   have 

==  x/^^  -  of  ^  sj~i_ 

S  12        SV'S 

186.    Cor.  1.     Since  r5  =  ^^^  (5  -  a)  (5  -  ^>)  (5  -  c), 

we  have 

/a  +  6  +  c\         ,  ^   ,        .       , 

J.  I I  —  the  area  or  tlie  triangle. 

This   is  also  manifest   from  the    consideration  that  the   triangle 
^JBC  =  the  sum  of  the   triangles   AoB,  AoC,    BoCj 

AB.oc        AC.ob        BC.oa  /a-^b  +  r 

= -\-  -j- 



and  from  this  property  the  value  of  r  is   very  easily  obtained  ; 

2  area  js/ S  {S  -  a)  {S  -  b)  [S  -  c)  ,    . 

r  =  —  =  -^^ — ,  as  before. 

a  +  b  -\-  c  S 



187-  Cor.  2.  We  may  hence  find  the  segments  of  the 
sides  of  the  triangle  made  by  the  points  of  contact  with  the 
inscribed   circle. 

From  (185)  and  (175)  we  have 


Ac  2         S—a  Ac  S  —  a  S  —  a 

Be  A       S—h'  "  AB       2S-{a  +  b)  c     ' 

tan  — 


wherefore  Ac  =  S  —  a  =  ^{b  -\-c~-a)  : 
In  the  same  manner  Be  =  S  —  6=^(a-|-c—  6): 
and  similarly  of  the  rest. 

Hence  also,  Ac.  Bc  =  (S'-a)  (S  —  b);   and -jr- =  ^  ■    .  ; 

DC         o  —  6 

and  so  of  the  rest. 

188^    To  express  the  radius  of  the  circle  circumscribed  about 
a  plajie  triangle  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

Let    ABC    be    the    triangle,    the    angles    and    sides    being 
Af  B,  C;   a,  b,  c  as   before:    bisect  the  sides    AC  and   BC 

in   the   points  5  and  a;    draw  bo,   ao   at  right   angles  to  AC 
and  BC  respectively,  meeting  in  a ;   then  is  o  the  centre,  and 


Ao  =  Bo  =  Co  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle  :   call 
this  jR.      Then 

^0  1  1  1  ^  ,  V 

"7T  =  "- — T~l  = -A —  =  "■: — ;;  >  (Eucl.  S.  20.); 

Ab        sm  Job         .     Aoc        sm  B 



^         Ab         b  1 



Ex.  1.      Let  a  ■=  b,   then  in  an  isosceles  triangle  we  have 

2  9. 

n  __  _^ ^_f _  a 

Ex.2.      If   a  =  b=^c^    we    shall    have    for    an    equilateral 

3  3 

I89.    Cor.  1.     By  means  of  the  last  article,  we  have 


Q,R  = 



""    2  ^S{S-a){S-b){S^) 

=  -T7f:y  as  appears  from  (180); 
and  .-.  Q,R,CD  =  ab  ^  AC .  BC i 


or  the  rectangle  contained  by  any  two  sides  of  a  plane  triangle 
is  equal  to  the  rectangle  contained  by  the  diameter  of  the  cir- 
cumscribed circle,  and  the  perpendicular  let  fall  upon  the 
remaining    side    from    its    opposite    angle. 

190.  Cor.  2.  The  property  just  mentioned  which  may  be 
proved  by  means  of  similar  triangles,  is  frequently  made  use 
of  to  determine  the  radius  of  the   circumscribed  circle. 

^        .         ^,,        «6        ,       ^       AB.CD       abc 
ror,  smce  CD  =  — ~  ,   therefore  =  — ^; 

^      AB,CD       ^  .  .       •      1 

but =  the  area  of  the  triangle 

=  ^S{S-a){S-'b){S''c\ 

hence  ^  =  ^ S  {S -  a)  {S  -  b)  (S-c\ 
4  it 

and  R  = 

4  V*S(*S'-«)(6^-6)(5-c)' 
as  before  proved. 

191.  Cor.  3.  The  segments  of  the  angles  A,  B,  C  made 
by  the  radii  of  the  circumscribed  circle  may  easily  be  foluid. 


For,    /L  oAb  =  -  —  Aob  =  -  —  B  =  /  oCb: 


similarly,    /.  oAc  ='^   —  ^oc  =   -  —  C=  Z  oBc, 

•  2  2 

and    Z  oBa  =  -   —  Boa  =  -   —  A  =  Z  oCa. 
2  2 

192.  To  express  the  cosines  of  the  angles  of  a  quadrilateral 
in  terms  of  the  sides^  two  opposite  angles  being  supplemental 
to  each  other. 

Let  the  angles  of  the  quadrilateral  be  denoted  by  the  letters 
at  its  angular  points,  j4,  Bj  C,  D:   also  join  AD,  and  suppose 


AB  =  a,   BC  =  b,    CD  =  c,  and   DA=d:   draw   the  diagonals 

AC,    BD  and  let   BD  =  a,   AC  =  f^  :   then  by  (1 65)  we  have 

2  ad  cos  A  =  rt*  +  d''  -  a^,  from  the  triangle  ABD  ; 

26c  cos  C  =  b'  -{-  c^  —  a^y  from  the  triangle  BCD 
now  cos  C  =  cos  {tt  —  A)=  —  cos  J.^ 
therefore  —2bc  cos  A  =  />>^  +  c^  —  a  : 
hencCj  by  the  elimination  of  a,  we  obtain 

2  (a  J  4-  be)  cos  ^  =  «-  4-  ^"^  -  /r  -^6-'  ; 

and  cos  ^  = 

2  (ad  +  be) 



sHTiilarly,  cos  ii  =  ; —  =  —  cos  JJ. 

^  2{ab-]-cd) 

193.      To  express  the  sines  of  the  angles  in  terms  of  the 
sides  of  the  quadrilateral. 

As  in  (173)  we  have  sin^  A 


=  1  —cos' 


~^~  V     2{ad-^bc)     J 

4(af/+  bcY 

2{ad  +  bc) 
{4{ad-{-bcf-{a'  +  d'-b'--cy] 


4{ad  +  bcY 


4(ari  +  />c) 

4(ac?  +  ^>c)- 
{(a+^'  +  ^-cXa+c  +  rf-^Xfl  +  ^  +  c-^iX^+c  +  cif-fl)}: 
now  let  cf  +  5  +  c  +  c?  =  2  6' ; 

«  +  6  +  6;— c=2(6'-c), 

4(a^  +  6c) 

(flc?  +  6c) 

and  sin  A=—- —  J  (^S  ~- a)  {S  -  b)  {S  -  c)  {S  -  d)  : 

ad  +  be 

and  similarly  of  the  rest. 

194.  By  a  process  very  similar  we  may  express  the  sine, 
cosine,  tangent,  &c.  of  half  an  angle  of  the  quadrilateral  in 
terms  of  the  sides. 

Thus,  2  sm^  —  =  1  —  cos  ^  =  1 

2  Q.  (ad  +  bc) 

ad-i-^hc-a^-d'^  +  b'  +  c^        (b  +  cy-{a-~dy 

2(ad-i-bc)  2(ad  +  bc) 

(a  +  b  +  c-d)  (b  +  c+d-a)        2  (S  -  a)  2(S-d) 

2(ad-{-bc)  Q.{ad  +  bc) 

.         .     ^       ./(S'^a){S-d)      1 

and  .*.  sHi  —  =  \/   ; = ^  ; 

2        ^  ad+bc  A 

cosec  — 


similarly,  cos 

A^  ^(S-h)iS^)  1 

ad-\-bc  A 

sec  — 


A       ./{S-a){S-d)  1 

and   .*.   tan  —  =  \/ 

o        ^    ^S'-'b){S-c)  A' 

cot  — 

similarly  of  the  others. 

195.      On  the  same  supposition  to  express  the  diagonals  of 
the  quadrilateral  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

The    construction   and  notation  remaining  the    same  as  in 
(192),  we  have 

2     I       j2  2 

a  +0   —a 

cos  A  — 

and  cos  C  =  —  cos  A 


Q.bc         ' 

2ad  2bc 

hence  a'  (ad  +  be)  =  (a^  +  d')  b c -{- (b' -}- c')  ad, 

.  /(a^  +  d')  bc  +  (b^  +  c^)ad 

and  a  =    V   JTT 

ad  +  be 

_  ./a^c  +  d'bc-hb'^ad  +  c'^  ^  ./{ac  +  bd){ab+c 
"  ^  ad  +  bc  ^  ad  +  bc 

similarly,  since  cos  B=  —  cos  D,  we  shall  have 

_   y/{a''+b')cd  +  (c^  +  d')ab 

_  y/ a^c d  +  b\d-^c^ab-\- d^b    _    ./{ac-^-bd)  {ad-\- be) 
ab-\-cd  ab  +  cd 


190.  Cor.   1.      From  the  last  article,  we  have  immediately 

a/^  =  ac  +  bd,  or  AC.BD  =  AB,CD'\' BCAD: 

that  is,  the  rectangle  of  the  diagonals  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the 
rectangles  of  the  opposite  sides. 

a  _  ab  +  cd         AC  _  AB.BC  +  CD. DA 
'  f3  "  ad  +  bc'  ""'bd"  AB.AD  +  BC.CD' 

that  is,  the  diagonals  are  to  each  other  as  the  sums  of  the 
rectangles  of  the  conterminous  sides  respectively  meeting  their 

197*  Cor.  2.  The  former  property  deduced  in  the  last 
article,  which  may  be  proved  geometrically,  is  sometimes  made 
use  of  to  express  the  sine  of  the  sum  of  two  arcs  in  terms  of 
the  sines  and  cosines  of  the  arcs  themselves. 

For,  if  A  and  B  be  the  proposed  arcs,  take  yJP  =  2A,  PQ 
=  2l?;  draw  the  diameter  PR  and  join  AP,  JQ,  AR,  PQ, 

then  AP  =  chd  2A  =  2  sin  J,  PQ  =  chd  2B  =  2  sin  B, 
^l^  =  chd  (tt-  Q.A)  =  2  sin  (^  —  Aj  =2  cos  A, 

QR  =  chd  (7r-2.B)  =  2sin  (^-b\  =  2  cos  B, 
and  ^Q  =  chd  (2^  +  2  6)  =  2  sin  (A-f-B): 


now  PR  .  JQ  =  AP  .  QR  +  AR  .  PQ,  by  the  last  article; 

.*.  4  sin  (A-hB)  =  <2.  sin  A  2  cos  1^  +  2  cos  ^  2  sin  B, 

or  sin  (A  +  B)  ~  sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  i)j  as  before. 

198.     On  the  same  hypothesis,   to  express  the  area  of  the 
quadrilateral  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

The  area  of  A  BCD  =  the  area  of  the  triangle  ABC  +  the 
area  of  the  triangle  ACD 

=  —   sin  B  H sin  D,  by(l78), 

2  2  f     J  ^       y^ 

ah  .     ^      cd  ah  +  cd    . 

=  — sin  B-i sm  (tt  -  /5)  = sm  h 

2  2  2 

ab  +  cd         2 


2         06  +  <:c? 

=  ^(6:-  a)  (S-b)  {S  -  c)  {S^d). 

199»  Cor.     From  the  last  article,  it  appears  that 

A  ABC  =       ""^    ,  VC'^  -  «)  ("^ -  ^)  (-^  -  f)  (-^  -  A 
ab  +  cd 


ab  +  cd 

Also,  if  0  denote  the  angle  in  which  the  diagonals  intersect 
each  other,  and  AG,  CH  be  drawn  perpendicular  to  the  diagonal 
BDj  we  manifestly  have 

the  area  of  ABCD  =aABD-^A  CBD  =  ^^^  +  ^^^T^ 
=  ^  {AG+CH}=^  [AE  sin  0+CE  sin  0} 

= ^ sm  0  ; 


sin  0 

2  ABCD       2  ^/{S  -  a)  {S-b)  {S  -c){S-  d) 

AC.BD  ac  +  bd 

200.  A  circle  may  be  circumscribed  about  the  above-men- 
tioned  quadrilateral,  and  its  radius  may  be  determined. 

Let  Jf^  be  the  radius  of  the  circle  circumscribed  about  the 
triangle  ABD,  R  that  of  the  circle  circumscribed  about  the 
triangle  BCD:   then  by  (188)  we  have 

aad  aad  a 

Jx  = 

4  A  ABD  ad     .      ,        2  sin  A  ' 

4   —  sm  A 



tbc  abc 

R'  = 

4  A  BCD  ^c     .      ^,        2  sin  C 

4    —   sm    C 

now  sin  C  =  sin  (tt  — i4)  =  sin  A,  and  therefore  R'  =  R: 

or  the  circle  which  can  be  circumscribed  about  the  triangle  ABD, 
will  also  be  circumscribed  about  the  triangle  ACD,  and  there- 
fore  about  the  quadrilateral  ABCD. 

Also,  R  = 

A  A  ABD 

a  {ad-{-  be) 

4  ^(S-a)  (S-  b)  iS-c)  (S-d) 

,   by  (198), 


b  +  cd)(ac  +  bd)(ad  +  bc) 

,  from  (193). 


By  making  any  one  of  the  sides  of  the  quadrilateral  equal  to 
nothing,  all  the  formulae  just  proved  will  manifestly  be  true  of  a 


201.  To  express  the  area  of  a  regular  polygon  in  terms  of 
the  side. 

Let  ABy  BC  be  two  adjacent  sides  of  the  polygon  each  =  a  : 
bisect  the  angles  at  A  and  B,  by  the  straight  lines  AO  and  BO 
meeting  in  O;  then  if  n  be  the  number  of  sides  of  the  polygon, 
and  therefore  the  number  of  angles,  we  have  (Euc.  1.32)  the 
sum  of  the  angles 

=  (271  — 4)  -=(«-2)7r; 

(n—  2\ 
■ I    TT  : 

Draw  Oa  perpendicular  to  the  side  AB, then  Aa  =  Ba,  and 
the  area  of  the  polygon 

,^^          AB.Oa         a  a        ^^        nc?         /;*  —  2\  tt 
—  ni^AOB^n  = /j tan  U^  tt  = --- tan 

2  2   2  4 

/n  — 2\  TT 
\    n     )  i 

na  /TT       7r\         na  tt  na 

=   —  tan  I I  =  —  cot  -    =  — . 

4  \2        7^/  4  n        ^  IT 

4  tan  - 

Ex.      Let  n  be   taken  equal   to  3,  4,  5,  &c.   successively, 

and  we  shall  have 

.       ,          3a-         1   TT        ?:>a^         ^0      a'Vs 
area  of  a  triangle  =  tan  -    -  =  — -  tan  30   = : 

^4324  4 

4  a~         1    TT 
area  of  a  square  =  —  tan  -   -  =  a^  tan  45^  =  a^ : 
^  4  2    2 

5  a"  3   TT        5q'  0 

area  of  a  pentagon  = tan  -    -  =  tan  54  :    and  so  on. 

4  5    2  4 


202.  To  express  the  radius  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  a 
regular  polygon,  in  terms  of  the  side. 

Let  AB  and  BC  as  before  be  two  adjacent  sides  of  the 
polygon,  n  the  number  of  sides :  bisect  the  angles  at  A  and  B  by 
the  straight  lines  AO  and  BO  meeting  in  0;  draw  Oa,  Ob  per- 
pendicular to  AB  and  BC  respectively,  and  therefore  bisecting 
them  ;  then  will  O  be  the  centre  and  Oa  =  Ob  the  radius  of  the 
inscribed  circle  ;  let  this  =  r  : 



m  OB  a        sin  OBa 

Ba        sin  a  OB        cos  OBa 

(TT  7r\  TT 

-   —  -  )   =   cot    - ; 
2         n/  n 

—  tan  OBa 

a         TT 

/.  7'  =    -  cot  -'     = 

2         n 



2  tan  - 

203.   Cor.     Hence  from  article  (201),  we  have 

the  area  = 


4  tan 




2  tan  - 

nar       r     ■    . 

=  "  pernneter. 

204.      To   express    the  radius   of  the   circle  circumscribed 
about  a  regular  polygon,  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

Bisect  the  angles  A  and  B  by  the  straight  lines  AO  and  BO 
meeting   in    0 ;    then   it   is    manifest    from    the    fourth  book  of 


Euclid's    Elements,   that    O   is  the   centre  of  the   circumscribed 
circle,   and    OA  =  OB   the   radius^   which   call   R ;    then 

OA        sin  AaO 
A  a        sm  AO a 

(i  -  «■•«) 



(~);    -G-d 

Sin  - 

R  = 


2sm  - 


205.   Cor.  1.      Hence   also  the   area   of  the  polygon 

na  cos 

11  a  K  cos  - 


4  tan 


21  sni  - 


it  cos  - 



206.   Cor.  2.      From    articles    (202)   and    (204)   we  have 




tan  - 
a                    n 


.       TT 

TT               .       TT 

2  sin  —        2  tan  -         sin  —        cos  — 
n  n  2  n 


Ex.     Let  n  be  taken  successively  equal  to  3,  4,  5,  Scc,  then 

.       ,      ^  1 

m  a  triangle  —  =  — -q  =  2 : 

r         cos  60 

in  a  pentagon  -  =  ^„  =  V^-  1  : 

and   so  on. 

207.      To   express    the  perimeter    and   area   of  a    regular 
polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle^   in  terms  of  the  radius. 

Let  r  be  the  radius  of  the  circle,  n  the  number  of  sides  of 
the  polygon  ;  then  the  angle  at  the  centre  of  the  circle  subtended 

by  each  side  AB  \s  —  ; 

now  by  article  (59),  we  have 

—  =  did  AOB  =  chd  —  =  2  sin  -,   by  (76), 
r  n  n 

.*.  Ai)  =  2r  sui  -  : 

and  the  perimeter  of  the  polygon   =  nAJB  =  2«r  sin  -  ; 


AO.BO  r'         27r 

A  AOB  =  —  sin  AOB,    by  (178),  =  —  sin  — ; 


iir^     .     Qtt 

and  the  area  of  the  polygon  =  n  A  AOB  =  —  sin 

^  Tl 

r  TT  .       TT  r  TT  . 

=  "  COS  -  2/zr  sm  -  =  -  cos  -«  perimeter. 
2  w  n        2         n 

208.      7^0   express   the   perimeter  and  area    of  a   regular 
polygon  circumscribed  about  a  circle,  in  terms  of  the  radius. 

Let  r  be  the  radius,  n  the  number  of  sides  of  the  polygon, 

then  the  angle  at  the  centre  subtended  by  each  side  AB\s  — ; 


draw  Oa  perpendicular  to  AB  which  is  therefore  bisected  in  a: 

then;,  AB  =  2lrt  =  2  0«  tan  AOa  —  Q.r  tan  -; 


therefore  the  perimeter  :=.  Q^nr  tan  -  . 


.^i>       AB.Oa         .       ^  2         TT 

Also,   aAOB== =Aa.Oa  =  r  tan -", 

.'.  the  area  of  the  pologon  =  nr^  tan  - 

r  TT        r        . 

=  -  9,?ir  tan  -   =  -  perimeter. 

209.  Cor.  From  the  last  two  articles,  if  P,  P'  and  ^, 
A  represent  respectively  the  perimeters  and  areas  of  the  inscribed 
and  circumscribed  regular  polygons  of  the  same  number  n  of 
sides,   we   perceive   that 

„         Sin  -  .         sm  — 

jP  7i__  TTjI  ^*_  9  '^       , 

P'  TT  A<  '  A'  TT  n' 

tan  -  2  tan  - 

n  n 

210.  3o  express  the  periphery  of  a  circle  in  terms  of  the 

Let  p  and  p  represent  the  perimeters  of  two  regular 
polygons  of  n  sides,  the  former  inscribed  in,  the  latter  cir- 
cumscribed about,   a  circle  whose  radius  is    1  ; 

then  p  =  2n  sin  -  ,  by  {9.01), 

and  p    =  'In  tan  -  ,  by  (208)  ; 

sm  - 

therefore  —  =  =  cos  — : 

p  IT  n 

^         tan  - 

and  if  we  suppose  the  value  of  n  to  be  increased  indefinitely,  the 

value  of  --  will  be  indefinitely  diminished, 

and   .*.  cos    -   =  1,   or  p  =  p  : 

now  the  periphery  of  the  circle  evidently  lies  between  p  and  p\ 
and  therefore  in   this  case    is   equal    to   either  of  them;  hence 

on  this   supposition  —  th  part  of  the  perimeter  of  the  polygon  is 
equal  to  — -  th   part  of  the  periphery  of  the  circle  ; 

.       TT  27r  TT  ,       TT  TT  TT 

that  is,  2  sm  «-  =  —  =  2  tan  -  ,  or  sm  -«='-=  tan  --  ; 
n         n  n  n        n  n 

therefore  the  perimeter  of  a  polygon  described  about  the  circle 
whose  radius  is  r 


=  ^Zur  tan  -  , 



and  the   circumference  of  the  circle  =  9,nr  tan  -«    when   n    is 


Hihnite^  =  2wr  -    =  27rr. 

211.  Cor.  1.  Let  a  be  an  arc  of  a  circle  whose  radius 
is  r,  A^  the  angle  subtended  by  it  at  the  centre ;  then  by 
(Eucl.  6.  SS)  we  have 

27rr    :    a    ::   27r   :    A^ 
and  thence  A    =  =  -  : 

2  TT  r  7' 

or    an   angle   is    equal    to    the    corresponding   arc    divided    by 
the   radius. 

212.  Cor.  2.  From  what  has  been  proved  in  (210),  if  r 
and  r  be  the  radii  of  two  circles,  D  and  D'  their  diameters, 
C  and    C    their   circumferences,   it   appears   that 

C  =  27r?',   and  C'  =  Stt/; 

C         27rr         r         2/'         J) 


'  C        27r/        r'        2/-'         jy* 

that  is^    the  circumferences  of   circles  are  proportional  to  their 
radii   or  diameters. 

The  properties  proved  in  this  and  the  preceding  article  were 
assumed  in  articles  (3)  and  (4) ;  but  it  may  be  observed  that  no 
conclusion  was  drawn  from  them,  upon  which  any  of  the 
propositions  on  the  trigonometrical  functions  of  arcs  or  angles 
in  any  way  depend. 

213.  Cor.  3.  From  the  demonstration  of  (210)  it  appears 
that  if  a  circular  arc  be  continually  diminished,  it  ap- 
proaches   continually    to   a   ratio    of   equality    with    its    sine    or 

A  A 

tangent :   also,  since   chd  A  =  2  sin  —  by  (76)  =  2  —  (if  A  be 

indefinitely  diminished)  =  A,  we  conclude  generally  that  the  sine, 



chord,  and  tangent  of  a   circular  arc   are  all    ultimately  equal 
to   one   another^   and   to   the   arc   itself. 

214.  To  express  the  area  of  a  circle  in  terms  of  the 

If  A  and  A'  denote  the  areas  of  two  regular  polygons  of 
the  same  number  n  of  sides,,  described,  in  and  about  the 
circle  whose  radius  is  r,  we  have  seen  by  (207)  and  (208) 

iir"    .     9>7r  ,  „  TT 

A  =  sni  — ,   and  A  =iir'  tan  -  ; 

2  n  n 


A         1            n 
hence  — -.  =  -  

^  2  TT 

tan  ~ 

•=■  cos^  -   =  1^   if  n  be  indefinitely  increased ; 

.*.  A  —  Al\  and  on  this  supposition  the  area  of  the  circle  is 
equal  to  either  of  them,   that  is, 

•    1          wr^     .     27r  .    .   ^   . 

the  area  of  the  circle  =  sm  when  n  is  infinite, 

nr     9,1?  ^  ^  9 

-  —  by  (210)  =  Ttr^  : 

2       n 

T  r 

the  area  also  =-  27rr  =  -  the  circumference,  from  (210). 
2  2 

If  the  radius  =  1,  we  have  the  area  =  tt  :  that  is,  ir  which 
represents  the  semi-circumference  of  a  circle  whose  radius  is  1, 
will  also  represent  the  area. 

215.  Cor.  1.  By  means  of  the  last  article,  the  area 
of  a  circular  sector  is  easily   found. 


FoFj  let  A^  be  the  angle  of  the  sector,  a  the  arc ;  then 
(Eucl.  6.  33)  the  area  of  the  sector  :  the  area  of  the  quadrant 

::   a   :    ::  -    :  -    ::   A°   :   -,  from  (211); 

4  7-2  2 

.'.  the  area  of  the  sector  =  —  area  of  the  quadrant 



2A   TT?'"  ^                 ^         A?'^       r    ^  r 

=  —  from  (214)  =  =  -  A  r  =  -  the  arc,  from  (21 1). 

TT       4  2  2  2  ^  V       / 

2l6.  Cor.  2.  Hence  it  is  easily  shewn  that  the  areas  of 
circles  are  proportional  to  the  squares  of  their  radii,  diameters^  or 

For,  let  r,  /  be  the  radii  of  two  circles^ 

D,  ly  the  diameters,  C,  C-  the  circumferences  ; 

then  by  (214)  we  have  A  =  7rr^  and  A'  =.7^'^  ; 

A         irr"         7-^         4/^  D"-  0 

and  .*.  —  =  -^^,  =  I^  =  ZZr-  =•■  Tvl'  =  7^^  *^>'  (-^^^' 


CHAP.   V. 

On  the  Solution  of  Triangles  and  the  Jpplication  of  Trigono- 
metry  to    the    Mensuration    of  Heights,    Distances,   &,-c. 

217.  In  every  triangle  there  are  six  parts,  the  three 
sides  and  the  three  angles  ;  and  if  a,  b,  c  represent  the  former^ 
and  A,  B,  C  the  angles  subtended  by  them  respectively,  it 
has  been  proved  in  (l63)  that  their  mutual  dependence  upon  one 
another  is  expressed  by  the  equations 

a  =  b  cos  C  +  c  cos  B, 
b  =  a  cos  C  +  c  cos  A, 
c  =  a  cos  B  -jr  b  cos  A  : 

now,  since  n  independent  equations  are  in  general  necessary  and 
sufficient  for  the  determination  of  n  unknown  quantities,  it  is 
manifest  that  if  three  of  the  above-mentioned  quantities  be 
given,   the   other   three   may  generaUij  be   found. 

On  further  examination  however,  it  will  appear  that  wlien 
the  three  parts  given  are  the  angles,  the  magnitudes  of  the 
sides  will  be  indeterminate,  though  their  ratios  to  one  another 
may  be  found ;  for,  in  addition  to  the  dependance  expressed 
in  the  equations  just  mentioned,  the  sides  and  angles  are 
further  connected  by   the   equations  proved  in  (158),   namely 

a        sin  A     a       sin  A  b       sin  B 

1  =  - — ^,  -  =  —7;,  a"(^  -  =  ~^~7^- 
o        sm  i5     c        sm  L  c        sm  C 

hence,  by  division  and  substitution  we  have  immediately 

-  =  cos  C  +  -  cos  B  =  cos  C  -I — ^ — =r  COS  B  ; 
b  b  sm  i> 


.    ,    «  „  .         sin  A  ^ 

=  cos  A  -\ —  cos  C  =  cos  A  -{ — : — -  cos  C; 
c  sin  C 

=  cos  i>  -f-  -  cos  A  =  cos  i)  +  -: 7  cos  A  : 

«  r^  sin  A 

therefore  if  A,  B,  C  be  given,  and  the  latter  sides  of  either  of 
these  two  sets  of  equations  be  called  w,  n,  p,  respectively, 
we  have 

a  h  c 

-.  =  m,  -  =  ;^  and  -  =  p^ 

be  a 

from  which  it  is  evident  that  the  magnitudes  of  a,  b,  c  cannot  be 
determined,  though  their  ratios  to  each  other  are  found. 

From  what  has  been  said,  it  follows  that  in  every  triangle,  if 
any  three  parts  not  all  angles  be  given,  the  remaining  parts  can 
be  found ;  and  the  reason  of  the  exception  above  stated  is  still 
further  apparent  from  the  circumstance  that  the  lengths  of  the 
sides  of  triangles  may  be  increased  or  diminished,  while  the 
magnitudes   of  the  angles   remain  the   same. 

218.  If  one  of  the  angles  of  the  triangle  be  equal  to  90^, 
or  the  triangle  be  right-angled,  it  follows  that  this  angle  may 
in  all  cases  be  considered  as  one  of  the  parts  which  are  given, 
and  therefore  that  only  two  other  parts  will  be  necessary 
and  sufficient  for  the  determination  of  all  the  rest ;  the  same 
exception  being  made,  and  for  the  same  reason  as  in  oblique- 
angled  triangles. 

219.  From  the  considerations  of  the  last  two  articles, 
it  is  manifest  that  the  solutions  of  all  right-angled  triangles 
are   comprised   in   those   of  the   two   following   cases : 

I.  When  one  side  and  one  angle  are  given  : 

II.  When  two  sides  are  given  : 

and  the  solutions  of  all  oblique-angled  triangles  in  the  following 
four : 


I.  When  one  side  and  two  angles  are  given: 

II.  When  two  sides  and  the  angle  opposite  one  of  them, 

are  given : 

III.  When  two  sides  and   the   angle  included  by  them, 
are  given  : 

IV.  When  the  three  sides  are  given  : 

and  the  investigations  of  the  solutions  of  these  cases  in   order, 
will  be  contained  in  the  following  articles. 

Solution  of  right-angled  triangles. 
Case  I,  in  which  one  side  and  one  angle  are  given. 

'      220.      Let  cf,  h,  c  be  the  sides  of  the  triangle.  A,  B,  C  the 
angles  subtended  by  them  respectively,  C  being  the  right  angle  ; 

then  since  A  -\-  B  =  -  ,  (Euc.  1.  32),  if  one  of  these  angles  be 

known,  the  other  is  likewise  found : 

a        sin  A        sin  A 

=  tan  A  —  cot  B  ; 

=  sin  A  =  cos  B ; 

=  sm  B  —  cos  A  : 

and    from    these    equations,    if  il    or    jB   and  any   one   of  the 
quantities  a,  by  c,  be  given,  all  the  rest  may  be  determined. 

221.    Ex.   1.     Given  the  side  a  and  tlie  opposite  angle  A, 
to  find  the  rest. 

Here  i>  =  -  —A.   and  is  therefore  found  : 

o  ' 

.so,  - 

sin  B 

cos  A 


sin  A 

sin  A 





sin  C 

.       IT 

Sin  - 


,  b 

sin  B 

sin  JB 

and  - 




sin  C 

sin  - 









tan  A  J 





-  a 













A  " 



C   : 


sin  A 





A'  "' 

hence  b  and  c  are  also  found. 

These  values  of  b  and  c  being  adapted    to   the   radius  r  by 
means  of  (60),  become 

ra  ra 

tan  A^  sin  J.  ' 

and  taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides  of  each,  we  have 
log  b  =  log  r  -f-  log  a  —  log  tan  A  ; 
log  c  =  log  7'  -f  log  a  —  log  sin  A  : 

from    which,   by  means   of  logarithmic   tables,    the    logarithms 
of  b  and  c,  and  therefore  b  and  c  themselves,  may  be  found. 

222.  In  the  expressions  for  the  logarithms  of  b  and  c 
just  found,  the  radius  r  has  been  introduced,  because  the  natural 
sines,  cosines,  &c.  being  all  calculated  to  the  radius  1,  the 
logarithms  of  many  of  them  would  of  course  be  negative  or 
decimals ;  and  to  avoid  this,  the  radius  used  in  the  tables  of 
logarithms  as  has  been  observed  in  (loO)  is  generally  supposed 
to  be  ten  thousand  millions,  and  consequently  its  logarithm 
to  be   10. 

Hence,  therefore  the  equations  above  given  become 
log  6=10+  log  a  —  log  tan  A  ; 
log  c  =  10  +  log  a  —  log  sin  A . 

To  illustrate  what  has  just  been  said,  let  us  suppose 

a  =  4,  and  A  =  53^  l'  54''; 
.-.  B  =  90^-53'  f  54"  =  36^  52' 6": 


also  Jog  ^»  =  10  +  log  4  -  log  tan  53^  7'  o4" 

=  10  +  0.60206  -  10.12494 

=  0.47712 

=  log  3  ; 
therefore  6  =  3: 
and  log  c  =  10  +  log  4  -  log  sin  53^  7'  54'' 

=  10  +  0.60206  -  9.90309 

=  0.69897 

=  log  5 ; 
therefore  c  =  5. 

223.  The  quantities,  10  — log  sin  tI,  10  — log  tan  J,  &c. 
are  called  the  Arithmetic  Complements  of  log  sin  A,  log  tan  j4j 
&c.  and  it  is  manifest  that  if  we  denote  these  complements 
by  colog  sin  Ay  colog  tan  A,  &c.   we  shall  from  (222)  have 

log  6=  log  a  +  colog  tan  A; 
log  c  =  log  a  -f-  colog  sin  A  : 

and  it  may  here  be  further  observed  that  to  obtain  the  arithmetic 
complement  of  a  logarithm,  it  is  necessary  merely  to  subtract 
the  first  digit  to  the  right-hand  from  10,  and  all  the  rest  from  9 
in  succession. 

224.  Ex.  2.  Given  the  side  c  and  the  adjacent  angle  A, 
to  find  the  rest.  ^ 

Here,  we  have  B  =  90^  —  A,  which  is  therefore  known  ; 

c        sin  C  1  .       . 

and  -  =  -: — -  =  —, ,   or  a  =  c  sm  A  ; 

a        sm  A        sm  A 

c         sin  C  1  1  . 

also  7  =  -: — ^  =  ~ — ^  =  ~ 7,   or  6  =  c  cos  ^; 

b        sm  i>        sm  Ji        cos  A 

whence  a  and  b  are  known. 


Adapting  the  expressions  for  a  and  b  to  the  radius  r,  and 
taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides  as  before,  we  have 

sin  A  cos  A 

a  =  c  ,   6  =  c  ; 

r  r 

.',  log  a  =  log  c  +  log  sin  A  ^  log  r  =  log  c  +  log  sin  A  —  10 

=  log  c  —  ( 10  —  log  sin  A)=  log  c  —  colog  sin  A  ; 

log  b  =  log  c  +  log  cos  A  —  log  r  =  log  c -{- log  cos  A—  \0 

=  log  c  —  ( 10 ~ log  cos  A)  =  log  c  —  colog  cos  A  : 

and  from  these  equations,  the  logarithms  of  a  and  b,   and  thence 
a  and  6  themselves,  are  found. 

Case  II,   in  which  two  sides  are  given. 

225.  Using  the  same  notation  as  before,  we  have  (Euc.  I. 
47. )j  c^  =  a^  +  b^y  whence  if  any  two  of  the  quantities  a,  b^  c 
be  given,  the  remaining  one  is  found  : 

a        sin  A        sin   A 

also,  -  =    - — —  =  ;  =  tan  A  =  cot  B ; 

b        sm  B        cos  A 

a        sin  A        sin  A         . 

-  =  ~ = =  sm  A  =  cos  B ; 

c        sin  C  .     TT 

=  sin  B  =  cos  A  ; 

from  which,   if  any  two   of  the   quantities  a,  6,  c  be    given,    the 
angles  of  the  triangle  will  be  found. 

226.    Ex.  1.     Given  the  sides  a  and  6,  to  find  the  rest. 

sin  ^ 


b        sin  jB 
c        sin  C 

sin  B 

sm  ^ 


Here,   c  =  t^a^  +  b^   is   found  ; 

a        sin  J.  .  1 

also,  7  =  - — =:  =  tan  A 

b        sin  B  tan  B 


,\   tan  A  —  T  3  and  tan  ij  =  - ; 
b  a 

and  hence  A  and  B  are  found. 

Adapting  the  expressions  above  deduced  to  the  radius  r,  and 
taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides  of  the  equations,  we  shall 

A  ^  T^  ^ 

tan  A  =  r  -  J  tan  i5  =  r  -  , 
0  a 

log  tan  A  =  log  r  +  log  a  —  log  b 

=  (10  — log  b)  +  log  a  =  colog  b  -\-\og  a; 

and  log  tan  B  =  log  r  +  log  6  — log  a 

=  ( 10  —  log  a)  -j-  log  b  =  colog  a  +  log  b  ; 

and  thus,   by  means  of  the  tables,    the  logarithms  of  tan  A  and 
tan  B,  and  therefore  A  and  B  themselves,  are  found. 

227.  If  the  values  of  a  and  b  be  expressed  in  numbers,  we 
have  only  to  add  together  their  squares,  and  by  extracting  the 
square  root,  to  obtain  the  value  of  c  ;  but  if  these  quantities 
involve  trigonometrical  functions  of  angles,  the  value  of  c  may 
be  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation  by  the  following  pro- 
cess : 

smce  c 

=  Va^  +  6"-  =  a  \/l  +  ^; 

assume  a  subsidiary  angle  6  such  that  tan  0  =  — ; 


therefore  c  =  a  ^Z  1  +  tan^  6  =  a  sec  0; 

jp b  CL  seo'v 

and  to  the  radius  r  we  have  tan  ^=  — ,  c  =  ■ — ; 

a  r 

whence  log  tan   ^  =  logr  +  log  /;  —  log  a  =  10+ log  6  —  log  a, 
from  which  0  is  found  : 


also  log  c  =  log  a  +  log  sec  0  —  log  r  —  log  a  +  log  sec  0  —  10, 
from  which  the  value  of  c  is  obtained  ; 

or  if  the  logarithmic  secants  be  not  found  in  the  tables, 

log  c=log  a  +  20  —  log  cos  ^—10,    by  (lol) 

=  10  +  log  a  —  log  cos  Of 

from  which  the  value  of  c  is  readily  determined. 

228.   Ex.  2.     Given  the  sides  a  and  c,  to  find  the  rest. 

In  this  we  have,  b  =  \J (?  —  c^ ^  which  is  found; 

a        sin  A         . 
and  by  (lo8),  -  =   -; — —  =  sni  A  =  cos  B  ; 
c         sni  C 

whence  A  and  JB  are  determined. 

As  in  (226),  we  have  to  the  radius  r,  sin  A  =  r  -  =  cos  B, 


.*.  log  sin  ^=log  ?'  +  log  a  —  log c=  10  + log  a— logc  =  log  cos  B, 

from  which,  by  the  tables,  A  and  B  are  found  : 

also,  as  in  (227),  since  b  =  ^ c  —  (^  —  c   y    1  —  —  ; 


cos  ^  =  -  ,   then  h  —  c  sj  \  —  cos'"^  0  =  c  sin  d ; 

^      ?vz  c  sm  0 

and  to  the  radius  r  we  have  cos  \3  =  — ,   and  b=-  : 

c  r 

hence  log  cos  d  —  log  v  +  log  a  —  log  c  =  10  +  log  a  —  log  c, 

which  gives  the  value  of  Q  ; 

and  log  6  =  log  c  -f  log  sin  0  —  log  r  =  log  c  +  log  sin  0—10, 

from  which  b  is  determined. 


Solution  of  oblique-angled  Triangles. 

Case  I,  in  which  one  side  and  two  angles  are  given. 

229.  In  the  triangle,  let  a,  b,  c;  A,  B,  C  be  the  sides  and 

opposite  angles  respectively;  then  since  A-}-  B-\'C  =  ir,  (Euc.  1 . 

32),  if  any  two  of  the  angles  A,  B,    C  be  given,   the   remaining 

one  is  found  : 

a        sin  A     a        sin  A     b        sin  B 
also,  -  =  - — ~ ,  -   =  - — ~,  -   =  - — -  ; 
o        sm  B    c        sm  L    c        sin  C 

from  which  equations  it  is  manifest  that  if  any  one  of  the  quanti- 
ties a,  bj  c,  and  any  two  of  the  quantities  A,  B,  C  be  given,  the 
rest  may  be  found. 

230.  Ex.      Given  the  side  a  and  the  angles  A^  B,  to  find 
the  rest. 

Since  A -jr  B -Jr  C  =  w,  we  have  C  =  tt  -  ( A  +  jB),  which  is 

found  ; 

a        sin  A  sin  B 

also,  -   =  -: — -,   .'.  h  =  a  ~ -; 

o        sm  i)  sm  A 

a  _  sm  A  __        sin  A  ^       _^      sin  (^  +  B) 

c        sin  C        sin  (A  -f  J5) '  sin  A       ' 

and  thence  b  and  c  are  also  determined. 

The  values  of  b  and  c  just  found  being  already  adapted  to 
any  radius,  we  have  immediately, 

log  b  =  log  a  +  log  sin  B  — log  sin  A  ; 

log  f  =  log  a  +  log  sin  ( J.  -|-  J5)  —  log  sin  ^  ; 

therefore,  by  means  of  the  tables,  the  logarithms  of  b  and  c,  and 
thence  b  and  c  themselves  are  obtained. 

Case  II,  in  which  two  sides  and  the   angle  opposite  one  of 
them  J  are  given. 

23 1 .  Retaining  the  notation  of  (229),  we  have 

«  _  sin  ^     a        sin  A     b        sin  B 
b        sin  B'  c   ""sin  C '  c    ~  sin   C  ' 


and  from  these  equations,  if  two  of  the  quantities  a,  b,  c  and  a 
corresponding  one  of  the  quantities  A,  B,  C  be  given,  all  the  rest 
may  be  found. 

232.  Ex.  Given  the  sides  a,  b  and  the  angle  Aj  to  find 
the  rest. 

a        sin  A       .      .     „        b 

Here,  -  =  - — 7, ,   .  .   sm  b  =  -  sm  A, 

o        sm  Jb  a 

from  which  B  is  found^  and  hence  C  =  tt  —  (A  +  jB)  is  determined : 

a        sin  A  sin  C 

also,  -  =  -: — -:, ,     .'.   c  =  a  - — -  , 
c        sm  C  sm  A 

which  is  therefore  found. 

The  side  c  as  here  found  involves  the  value  of  C  which  is 
not  one  of  the  quantities  given,  though  it  has  been  determined  in 
the  previous  part  of  the  solution.  The  same  side  may  however 
be  found  in  terms  of  a,  b  and  A  only  : 

for,  cos  A  = ,   by  (105), 


.*.  26c  cos  A  =  &^  +  c^  — a^,  and  c^  —  9.bc  cos  A=a^  —  b'. 

from  which  c  =  b  cos  A  ±  sj c?  —  Jf  sin^  A. 

The  equations  sm  o  =  -   sm  A.   and  c  ■=  a  — — -  , 
^  a  sm  A 

are  already  adapted  to  an  v  i  adius  ; 

.*.  log  sin  B  =  log  b  —  log  a  +  log  sin  A  ; 
and  log  c  =  log  a  -f  log  sin  C  —  log  sin  Ay 
which_,  by  the  tables,  give  the  values  of  B  and  c. 

The  equation  c  =  ^  cos  A  +  ^ cT  —  b^  sin^  A,  is  not  much 
used,  owing  to  the  difficulty  of  adapting  it  to  logarithmic  compu- 
tation, and  is  indeed  rendered  almost  unnecessary  by  the  facility 
with  which  the  angles  B  and  C  are  determined. 


233.  Cor.    In  the  last  example  we  have  seen  that  sin  B  =  - 


sin  A  ;  and  because  the  sine  of  an  angle  and  the  sine  of  its  sup- 
plement (20)  are  equal,  we  are  left  in  doubt  whether  the  angle  B 
should  be  acute  or  obtuse.  If  however  the  side  b  adjacent  to 
the  given  angle  A  be  less  than  the  side  a  which  is  opposite  to  it, 
it  follows  (Euc.  1.  18)  that  the  angle  B  is  less  than  the  angle  Aj 
and  therefore  the  ambiguity  is  in  this  case  removed.  But  if  h  be 
greater  than  a,  the  case  remains  ambiguous,  as  is  also  easily 
shewn  by  geometrical  construction. 

For,  at  the  point  A  in  the  indefinite  straight  line  AD  make 
the  angle  CAD  equal  to  the  given  angle  A;  take  AC  equal  to 
the  side  b,  and  with  centre  C  and  radius  equal  to  the  side  a, 
describe  a  circular  arc,  which,  since  a  is  less  than  b,  will  cut  AD 
in  two  points  B,  B  on  the  same  side  of  A :  therefore  each  of  the 
triangles  ABC  possesses  the  same  data,  and  consequently  each  of 
the  required  parts  admits  of  two  different  values. 

The  same  construction  shews  that  if  a  be  greater  than  b^ 
there  is  no  ambiguity,  the  intersections  B,  B  being  then  on 
opposite  sides  of  A. 

Case  IIIj  in  zohicJi  two  sides  and  the  angle  included  by  them, 

234.      The  same  notation  remaining,  we  have  from  (159) 

fA  +  B\  C 

tan  I )  cot  — 

a-\-b  _^  \      2      J £ 

rT^  "         /A-Bx"         /T  -  B\  ' 


/A+C\  B 

tan  ( I  cot  — 

a  -\-  c  \      2      /  2 

a  —  c  /A  —  C\  /A  —  C 


J^4-C\  A 

tan  I  I  cot  — 

b  +  c 

h  -  c  /B-C\  /B^  C\' 


(^)  -r-i^) 

from  which,  if  any  one  of  the  angles  A,  Bj  C  and  the  two 
sides  containing  it  be  given,  the  difference  of  the  two  remaining 
angles  is  found  :  also  the  sum  of  the  same  angles  being  the 
supplement  of  the  given  one  is  known,  whence  the  angles  them- 
selves are  found :  and  the  remaining  side  is  then  determined 
from  (157). 

235.   Ex.      Given  the  sides  a,  b  and  the  included  angle  C, 
to  find  the  rest. 


,  cot  -- 

XT  U  "^     +    ^  ^ 

Here  we  have 

a-b               /A-B 
tan  I 

/A-B\        /a-h\         C  D 

■'■ '""  {--J-)  =  to)  ""'i  =''"¥'  ^"''P"^^' 

from   which  ( )   is  found  =  — ;    then  we  have 

\      2     /  2 

A-\-B      TT       C         ,A-B       D 

=  — ,  and =  — : 

2  2         2  2  2 

whence,  by  addition  and  subtraction,  are  obtained 

2        V      2      /  2         V      2      /' 

which  therefore  both  become  known  : 


-        c        sin  C  sin  C  sin  C 

also,  -  =  — — -r  = 

a        sin  ^          .     /TT        C-Dx                /C-D\' 
sill  I \        cos  I I 

a  sin  C 


,   which  becomes  known. 


The  value  of  c  may  also  be  found  directly,  without 
previously  determining  the  angles  A  and  B,  for  in  (167)  it  has 
been  proved  that 

c  =  ^a^-{-b^-C  :'^  cos  C. 

The  equation,  tan  [—^)  =  (^^:p^j  cot -^  , 

is   already  adapted  to   any  radius,    and  if  a  and  b  be  numerical 
magnitudes,  it  is  also  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation  ;   thus, 

log  tan  ( — —j  =  log  {a  -  b)  —  log  (a  +  b)  -{-  log  cot  — , 
from   which  by  the   tables,   / J  becomes   known. 

If  however  a  and  b  be  not  numbers,  but  involve  trigono- 
metrical  functions   of  angles,   assume  j  =  tan  0, 

V      2      /         \a  +  bj  2  }a 

,'.  tan 

/tan  0-  1\  C  ^_  0^  C 

=  I TTTT  I  cot  —  =  tan  (t^~  45  )  cot  --  to  the  radius   1  ; 

Vtan^+1/  2  2 

,  ,.  .         a       tan  0 

.*.  to  the  radius  r  we  have  -  = , 

b  r 

/A-B\         tan  (0-45^)  C 

and  tan  I  I  =  cot  —  : 



hence  log  tan  0  =  log  r  -f-  log  «  —  log  ^=10  +  log  a  —  log  6, 
from  which  0  is  found  ; 

and  log  tan  ( — —  )  -=  log  tan  (0—  45^)  +  log  cot log  r 


=  log  tan  {0  ~  45^)  +  log  cot  -  -  10, 

from  which  ( ]  is  determined: 

V      2      / 

again,  log  c  =  log  a  +  log  sin  C  —  log  cos  ( J  , 

from  which,  by  the  tables,  c  becomes  known. 

The    other   expression   for   c  is    also   easily  adapted   to  lo- 
garithmic computation,    for 

c  =  ^a"-\-b^'-Q.ab  cos  C  =  >>/ (a  -  6)"  +  2 « 6  ( 1  —  cos  C) 
=  \/(a  -hY  +  4.ab  sin^  ^  =  {a-h)  \/  x  +  -^^~^^  : 

let  .*.  the  subsidiary  angle  0  be  such  that  tan^  0  =  ^ -r>  sin^  —  , 

{a—oy         2 

whence  c  =  {a-'  h)  ^J  1  +  tan"  0  =  («  —  h)  sec  0 ; 
and  to  the  radius  r,  we  have 

o  ^         4  a  ^       .  o  C         ,  ■,       ,  ^  sec  0 

tan'  9  =  —7  sm'  — ,  and  c  —  (a—o)  , 

{a  —  by  2  ?' 

therefore  taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides,  we  get 

log  tan  6  =  -^  [log  4a b  -^  2  log  sin  —  —  2  log  (a  —  ^)}, 

which  determines  the  value  of  0 ; 

and  log  c  =  log  («  —  b)  +  log  sec  ^  —  log  r 
=  log  {a  —  b)  4-  log  sec  ^  —  10, 
=  log  (fl  —  6)  +  10  •—  log  cos  Oy 

from  which  c  is  found. 



236.  In  practice,  when  two  sides  AC^  AB  oi  a  triangle 
and  the  included  angle  A  are  given,  a  perpendicular  CD  is 
generally  let  fall  upon  one  of  the  given  sides  AB  from  the 
opposite   angle  C ;  the   triangle   is  thus  divided  into   two  right- 

angled  triangles  ACD^  BCD,  of  which  the  sides  and  angles  are 
easily  found  by  the  methods  already  laid  down  ;  and  hence  the 
remaining  side  and  angles  of  the  proposed  triangle  may  be 

Case  IV,  in  which  the  three  sides  are  given. 

237.      The  notation  of  the  preceding  articles  remaining,  we 
have  seen  by  (173),  that  i(  %S  =  a  +  b  +  c, 

sin  JL  =  -^  ^S(S-a)(S--  b)  {S  -  c); 


sin  B  =  —  JS{S-'a){S-h)(S  -c); 
ac   ^ 

sin  C=—   J^S{S-a)(S-b){S''c) 

also,  in  (175),  it  has   been   shewn   that 

.    A  /(S-b)(S^) 

^"?  =  V ^^ ; 


2  ac 

.     C        ./(S-a)(S'-b) 

sm  -  =  V  — -T 

2  ab 

and  cos 



2  ^  ac 

C        ^/S(S-c) 

s  —  =    V    ; : 

Q  ^  ab 

A  ^  ^(S-b)(S~c) 

and  .*.  tan  „  ^    ^        . 

2  ^  S(S-a) 

^"^2  ^         SiS^b) 

C        .  /{S  ~a){S-  b) 

tan       =  V  ^-Tq T"  • 

2  S  (S  --  c) 

and  from  any  of  these  sets  of  equations  the  values  of  the  angles 
A,  B,  C  may  be  determined. 

238.    Ex.      Given  the  sides  a,  b,  c,  to  find  the  angle  A. 

From   the   first   set   of  equations   given   in   the   last    article, 
we  have 

sin  A  =  ^  ^S{S-a)iS^b)(S-^c), 

which  being  adapted  to  the  radius  r  by  means  of  (59)  becomes 

sin  A  =  ^  ^S{S-a)(S''b)iS'^c), 

and  in  logarithms  gives 

log  sin  4  =  J  0  4-  log  2  —  log  6  —  log  c 

+  f  {logS  +  log(5-«)+log(S-6)  +  log(5-c)}, 

from  which  the  value  of  A  is  found. 

This    solution    might    at    first    sight    seem    to   be    all    that 
is   necessary,    and    sufficient   for  the  determination  of  an  angle 


in  all  cases ;  but  upon  examination  of  the  tables  of  logarithmic 
sines,  and  from  (139),  it  appears  that  when  an  angle  becomes 
nearly  equal  to  90^,  its  logarithmic  sine  does  not  differ  by  any 
significant  figure  from  those  of  several  other  angles  nearly  equal 
to  it,  though  this  does  not  happen  in  other  cases.  If  therefore, 
from  the  relations  of  the  sides  of  the  triangle,  we  perceive  that 
no  one  of  its  angles  is  nearly  equal  to  90^,  tliis  method  of  solution 
will  not  be  liable  to  objection^  owing  to  any  imperfection  in 
the  construction  of  the  trigonometrical  and  logarithmic  tables, 
and  may  therefore  be  applied  without  apprehension  of  great 
inaccuracy  in   the   result. 

239.    The  second  set  of  equations  mentioned  in  (237),  gives 

^    y/'{S--b)(S-c) 

sin  —  =    Y ,   to  the  radius  1, 

...    A         ./(S-J^HS-c) 

and  .  .  sm  —  =  r  y ,   to  the  radms  r ; 

2  he 

.\  log  sin-  =  10+  -  {log(6'-6)  +  Iog(^-c)-log^»-~logcl, 

from  which  — ,   and  therefore  A,  may  be  found. 

To  determine  in   what   cases  it  may  be  expedient   to  make 
use  of  this   solution. 

Since  sin  a'  — sin  a  — 2  cos  ( — ^ \  sin  / \  ,    by  (()7), 

sin  a   —  sin  a  (a   +  a\  V       ^      / 

we  have  -. ==  cos  I 1  ',  3 

a   -  a  V      2      /       /g    -  o-\ 

which,  if  a  and  a  be  very  nearly  equal  to  one  another,  becomes 

sin  a  —  sin  a  c         (ox  c^\ . 
-, =  cos  a,  nearly,  as  appears  irom  (2io;. 


that  is,  corresponding  to  a  given  change  in  the  angle,  the  change 
of  the  sine  will  be  nearly  proportional  to  the  cosine,  or  the  greater 
as  the  angle  is  the  less  ;  and  hence  it  follows  that  this  method 
of  solution  is  to  be  preferred  when  the  angle  required  is  acute. 

From  this  it  is  also  manifest  why  the  changes  in  the  sines  of 
angles  nearly  equal  to  90°  are  very  small,  the  cosines  being  then 
nearly  equal  to  0;  and  also,  that  this  second  method  of  solution 
may  be  employed  when  the  angle  of  the  triangle  which  is 
required  is  nearly  equal  to  a  right  angle. 

240.  From  the  third  set  of  equations  enumerated  in  (237), 
we  have 

-  =  v-^'^'  ~  "* 

cos  —  =    v    ; -,  to  the  radms  1, 

2  be 

A  /s{S-a)     ^     .  ,. 

and  .*.  cos  —  =  ?•  V/   : >    to  the  radius  r  : 

£  ^  be 

A  1 

hence  log  cos  —  =  10  +  -   { log  «S  -(-  log  {S  —  a)  —  log  ^  —  lo 

from  which  —  ,  and  therefore  A.  becomes  known. 

To  determine  the  eligibility  of  this  solution  in  anj  case. 

a    -T  a 

6  "-  ] 

o"  c 


Since  cos  a  "^  cos  a  =  2  sin  y—^ )   si"  ( — ^)  >  ^y  (^ 

cos  d  '^  cos  a  .     (a    -r  o.\  \      ^       J 

we  have  ^_^         =  s.n  (^-^-j  ,  _  , 

cos  a  '^  cos  a        .  , 

which  becomes  -, =sm  a,  nearly, 

a    —  a 

when  a  and  a  are  nearly  equal  to  one  another:  hence  the 
change  in  the  cosine  corresponding  to  a  given  change  m  the  angle 
varies  nearly  as  the  sine  of  the  angle,  and  will   therefore  be  the 


greatest  when  that  angle  is  nearly  equal  to  90°.  This  solution 
will  therefore  be  best  adapted  to  those  cases  in  which  the  angle 
considerably  exceeds  a  right  angle,  and  consequently  when  its 
half  differs  not  greatly  from  a  right  angle. 

Hence  also^  this  solution  and  the  next  preceding  one  will 
respectively  have  the  advantage,  according  as  the  angle  sought 
is  obtuse  or  acute. 

241.      The  fourth  set  of  equations  given  in  (237)j  has 

A      .  /{S  ~b){S-  c)  .        ^.      ^ 

2  o  (o  —  a) 

/  .    .      ^  K/(S-h)(S-c) 

and  .  .  tan  —  =  r  V    — ~—^ r — ,    to  the  radius  r  ; 

2  o  {o  — a) 


.*.  log  tan  ^ 

=  10+  I  {log  {S  -  ^»)4-log  (S-c)-log  6^-log  (^~«)}, 

and  hence  —  and  A  are  found. 

As  in  the  two  preceding  methods  of  solution, 

sin  a         sin  a 

snice  tan  a  -  tan  a  = 

cos  a         cos  a 

sin  a    cos  a   —  cos  a    sin  a         sin  (a    —  a) 

cos  a   cos  a  cos  a    cos  a 

we  have 

tan  a    —  tan  a  1  sin  (a'  —  a) 

a   —  a  cos  a   cos  a       (a'  --  a) 


cos    a 

sec^  Uj  nearly,  if  a  be  very  nearly  equal  to  a : 


hence,  if  the  change  in  the  angle  be  given,  the  change  in  its 
tangent  will  be  proportional  to  the  square  of  its  secant^  and 
therefore  very  great  when  that  angle  is  nearly  equal  to  90  .  This 
method  of  solution  therefore,,  owing  to  the  want  of  accuracy  in 
the  proportional  parts,  will  be  least  eligible  when  the  angle 
required  considerably  exceeds  a  right  angle,  but  in  other  cases 
may  generally  be  used  with  advantage. 

242.  This  case,  like  the  preceding,  is  in  practice  generally 
solved  by  drawing  a  perpendicular  from  one  of  the  angles  C 
upon  the  side  which  subtends  it,  and  thus  dividing  the  triangle 
into  two  others  ACD,  BCD  having  each  a  right  angle  at  D: 

then,  since  by  (l68),  the  base  AB  :  the  sum  of  the  sides 
(AC+  BC)  ::  the  difference  of  the  sides  {AC  -  BC)  :  the  dif- 
ference or  sum  of  the  segments  of  the  base  {AD^ DB)  made 
by  a  perpendicular  let  fall  upon  it  from  the  opposite  angle, 
according  as  it  falls  within  or  without  the  triangle:  therefore 
the  difference  or  sum  of  the  segments  of  the  base  may  be  found, 
and  their  sum  or  difference  AB  being  given,  the  segments  AD 
and  DB  become  known,  and  consequently  two  parts  in  each  of 
the  right-angled  triangles  are  determined,  from  which  all  the  rest 
are  immediately  derived. 

Meiisuration  of  Heights,  Distances,  8sf. 

243.  The  solutions  of  triangles  given  in  this  chapter,  will 
in  all  cases  enable  us  to  determine  the  relations  between  their 
different  parts,  and  if  the  number  of  quantities  which  are  given 
be  sufficient,  to  find  the  rest ;  and  the  mensuration  of  heights, 
distances,  &c.  is  merely  the  application  of  these  solutions  to  par- 
ticular instances,  together  with  the  use  of  certain  instruments,  by 
which  the  lengths  of  lines  and  the  measures  of  angles  are  ascer- 


tained.  Gunter's  chain  of  4  poles  or  ^2  yards,  or  common 
tape  of  50  or  100  feet  is  used  to  measure  distances  ;  a  graduated 
quadrant  furnished  with  a  plumb-line  to  measure  angles  of  eleva- 
tion or  depression  ;  a  theodolite,  to  measure  horizontal  angles, 
and  a  sextant  or  quadrant,  such  as  are  oblique.  This  ap- 
plication of  trigonometry  involves  no  principles  but  what  have 
been  aheady  explained,  and  no  general  rules  can  be  laid  down, 
except  that  such  lines  must  be  measured  and  such  angles  observed, 
as  may  most  easily  and  conveniently  lead  to  the  determination  of 
those  which  are  required.  The  following  examples  will  be  suf- 
ficient to  make  this  part  of  the  subject  understood. 

244.  Ex.  1 .  To  find  the  height  of  an  accessible  object  stand- 
iiig  upon  a  horizontal  plane. 

Let  AB  be  the  object  standing  upon  the  horizontal  plane 
JBD;  measure  off  BC  =  a  feet,  and  at  C  let  the  angle  ACB  be 
observed  :    then 

AB        sin  C        sin   C  ^ 

=  -: — T  = p,  =  tan  C, 

BL         sm  A         cos  G 

.*.  AB  =  BC  tan  C  =  a  tan  C,  which  is  the  height  of  the 
object  • 

,  ^C        sin  i^  1 

a»«  ---  =  -, — -  = =  sec  C, 

i)C        sm  A        cos  C 

.*.   AC  =  BC  sec  C  =  a  sec  C,  which  is  the  distance  of  its 
summit  from  the  place  of  observation. 

If  the  observed  angle  were  C  instead  of  C,  and  h,  K  the 
heights  deduced  from  these  two  angles,  we  have 

K  =  a  tan  C',  and  h  =  a  tan  C, 

w       ;  ,        ^,,  .,,  (sin   O        sin   C) 

/.  h  —  h  =  a  (tan  C  —tan  C)  =  a  < — ,  —  -J. 

(cos  C         cos  C) 

{sin  C  cos  C  --  cos  C  sin  C)          sin  (C  —  C) 
77, 7^ (  =« w, n, 
cos  C   cos  C             }          cos  C  cosC 


h'—h  a  sin  (C  —  C)  a 

and  .*.  —, — 7,  =  7^7 t;   — jTr 7^ —  = 2-7,9  by  (187), 

C  —  C        cos  C  cos  C         C  —  C  cos    C 

(if  C'  be  very  nearly  equal  to  C) 

h  h  Qh 

tan   C  cos'"^  C        sin  C  cos  C        sin  2  C 

hence,  if  a  small  error  of  given  magnitude  be  made  in  the  ob- 
servation of  the  angle,  the  error  in  the  computed  height  will  be 
inversely  as  the  sine  of  double  that  angle^  and  therefore  the  least 
when  that  angle  is  45° ;  which  consequently  points  out  the  place 
in  which  it  is  desirable  that  the  observation  should  be  made. 

245.  Ex.  2.  To  Jind  the  height  of  an  inaccessible  object 
above  a  hoi'izontal  plane. 

Let  the  point  A  denote  the  place  of  the  object :  draw  AB 
perpendicular  to  the  horizontal  line  jBD,  and  in  this  line  take 
two  positions  C,  D  distant  a  feet  from  each  other,  at  which  ob- 
serve the  angles  ACB,  ADB  equal  to  C  and  JD  respectively; 
then  zDAC=  L  BCA  -  z.BDA  =  C-D: 

,  AC       sin  ADC  sin  D 


CD       sin  CAD       sin  (C-D)' 
CD  sin  D  a  sin  D 

AC  = 

sin  (C-jD)        sin  (C~  D)' 

AB       sin  ACB        .     ^ 

also,  —-7  = — ^  =  sm  C, 

AC        sm  ABC 

.-.  AB  =  AC  sm  C  =     .     .^ ^r-  , 

sm  (C  —  D) 

which  is  the  height  required  : 


.  ^          a  sin  D  .    ^  r*  a  sin  C 

AC  5= — k;?  and  AD  = 

sin  (C-D)'  sin(C-D)' 


which  are  the  distances  of  the  object  from  the  places  of  observ- 

This  example  determines  the  distances  of  an  inaccessible 
object  from  two  stations  in  the  same  plane  with  it. 

246.  Ex.  3.  To  Jifid  the  height  of  an  accessible  object 
standing  upon  an  inclined  plane. 

Let  AB  he  the  object  upon  the  inclined  plane,  in  which 
take  any  two  positions  C,  D  in  a  line  with  it;  suppose  BC==a, 
CD  =  b,  and  let  the  angles  ACB,  ADB  be  observed,  and  called 
C  and  D  :  then 

AC  sin  D  ^        ,^       CD  sin  D  b  sin  D 

and  ,\  AC 

CD       sin  (C-D)'  sin(C-D)        sin(C~D)' 

also,  in  the  triangle  ACB,  we  have  by  (234), 


cot  — 
AC  +  CB  2 

AC  -  CB 



/^-^\       AC-CB        C 

6  sin  D-a  sin  (C-D)  C  E 

=  , — : — 7^: : — 77; 7^  cot  —  =  tan  —  ,   suppose, 

6  sm  jD+fl  sm  (C  — jD)  2  2  '       ^' 

B-A       E     ,     B  +  A       IT       C 

,'.   =  — ,  also =   ^  -_  — 

2  2  2  2         2 

whence  B  = ( |  and  A  =  ^   —  ( | 

2\2/  2V2/ 

AB  __  sin  C  sin  C 

"  IC"  sin  B  ""  /C~£\' 



2indAB=  AC 


sin  C  h  sin  C  sin  D 

cos  (  )        sin(C— jD)cos( \ 

which  is  the  height  required. 

247.  Ex.  4.  Tojind  the  height  of  an  object  standing  upon 
a  hill  contiguous  to  a  horizontal  plane. 

Let  AB  be  the  object^  C,  D  two  stations  on  the  plane  in  a 
line  with  it ;  produce  AB  to  meet  the  plane  in  jE  ;  at  C  observe 
the  angles  ACE,  BCE,  and  let  them  be  C  and  C  respectively; 
suppose  CD  =  a,  and  let  the  angles  ADE,  BDE  be  called  D 
and  Z)' :   then 

AC  sin  D  ,         ^/n       C^  sii^  ^  a  sin  D 

,  and  ,'.  AC  = 

CD       sin  (C~D)'  '  sin  (C-D)       sin  (C-D)' 

BC  sin  D'  CD  sin  D'          a  sin  D' 

also,  7^-7::  =  -: — -p;-^ — Tv",  and.*.i5C= 

Ci)      sin{C-D')'  sin{C-D')      sin  {C-DY 

hence  in  the  triangle  ACB  we  have  found  the  two  sides  AC, 
BC  and  the  included  angle  ACB=  C—  C^  from  which  AB  the 
height  of  the  object  may  be  determined  as  in  the  last  example. 

Precisely  in  the  same  manner  the  distance  between  two 
objects  at  A  and  B  which  are  inaccessible  to  the  observer  at  C 
and  D,  and  to  each  other,  may  be  ascertained. 

248.  Ex.  5.  From  the  top  of  an  eminence  of  given  height 
the  angles  of  depression  of  two  objects  on  the  horizon  in  the 
same  plane  ivith  it  are  observed,  to  find  the  distance  between 

Let  AB  be  the  given  eminence  and  =  fl^  C,  D  the  ob- 
jects  in    the   horizon:    draw    AE   parallel    to  the    horizon    and 


let  the  angles  of  depression  EAC,  EAD  of  the  objects  be   C 
and   D ; 

,       AC       sin  ABC 
then  -^—r  = 

AB      sin  JCD      sm  E AC      sin  C' 
AB  a 

•.  AC 

sin  C       sin  C 

CD  _  sin  CAD  _  sin  {C-D) 
^"     C^  ~  sin  ^  DC""        sin  D       ' 

.    ^7^  _  6t  sin  (C  -  D) 
sm  C  sni  D 

which  is  the  distance  between  the  objects. 

Hence  also  the  distances  of  the   objects  from   the   point  of 

observation  are  — — -  and  -: — -   . 
sm  C  sm  D 

249.  Ex.  6.  To  determine  the  height  of  an  object  standing 
upon  a  horizontal  plane,  by  means  of  observations  made  at  the 
top  of  another  object  of  given  height  on  the  same  plane. 

Let  the  height  of  the  given  object  AB  be  a;  observe  the 
angles  of  depression  or  elevation  of  the  bottom  and  top  of  the 
other  CD,  and  let  these  be  /3,  a  respectively  ;  then  AE  being 
drawn  horizontal  to  meet  CD  or  CD  produced  in  E,  we  have 

aADB  ==  DAE  =  /3, 

=  ~ 7c,  whence  AIJ  = 

AB       sm  A  DB       sin  /3  sin /3 

CD        sin  CJD        sin  (/3  ±  a) 


AD       sin  ACD 


i„(|  +  a) 


^^  _   AD  sin  (/3±a)  _  a  sin  (/3±a) 

/TT  _     \  COS  a  sni  p 

sm  (j  +  «) 

which  is  the  height  required. 

Hence   also    the   distances   of  the    bottom    and  top  of  the 
object  CD  from  the  place  of  observation  A  may  be  found  : 

for  AD  =  — — -  ,  as  above, 
sm  p 

,    AC        cos  B  ,„        AD  cos  B  a  cos  B 

and  — — -  =  ,   /.  AC  =  ~ 

AD        cos  a  cos  a  cos  a  sin /3 

250.  Ex.  7.  To  determine  the  height  and  distance  of  an 
object  standing  on  the  horizon,  from  two  observations  of  its 
altitude,  one  made  on  the  horizon,  and  the  other  at  a  given 
height  above  it. 

Let  A  and  B  be  the  two  points  of  observation  in  the 
same  vertical  line,  at  which  the  angles  of  elevation  are  a, 
)3  respectively;  AB  =  a,  CD  the  object  whose  height  and 
distance  are  required;  draw  A  IE,  parallel  to  the  horizon,  meeting 
it  in  Ey  then 

CD  =  BD  tan  /3,   and  CE  =  AE  tan  a, 

,'.  AB=^ED=:CD-  CE=:BD  (tan  /3-tan  a), 

,   _,_  BA  a  cos  a  cos  B 

and  BD  = ^ =  — : — -^ -~, 

tan  p  —  tan  a  sni  (p  —  a) 

which  is  the  required  distance : 

^x^       T^T^  n       «  cos  a  cos /3  «  cos  a  sin /3 

also,  CD  =  BD  tan  /3  =  —7—73 ~  tan  /3  =  — r-— 5 ^, 

sm  (p  —  a)  sm  (p  —  a) 

which  is  the  height  required. 

251.   Ex.  8.      Given  the  distances  between  three  stations  in 
a  straight  line  with  an  object  standing  upon  a  horizontal  plane, 



and  the  angles  of  its  elevation  at  these  points  0,  -^  —  0,  and  0,6 
in  order,  0  being  unknown^  to  find  its  height. 

Let  ^  J5  be  the  object,  C,  D,  E  the  stations  in  a  straight 
line  with  it,  CD  =  a,  DE  =  b  :   then 

zAEB  =  e,  /.ADB:='^ -G,  and^ACB^^O; 

.-.  ^EAC=  ^ACB-  zAEB  =  2e-e^0==  a  AEC, 
and  .-.  AC=CE',  also,  zE^i)=  /.  ADB-  /.  AEB 

2  2  ' 

hence,  in  the  triangle  ADE,  we  hr^ve 

DA        sin  AED  sin  0 

DE       sm  DAE 



s'ln  0  _   .        b  sin  0 

DA  = 

cos  20  '   '  *  cos  %0 

again_,  in  the  triangle  ACD,  we  have 

sin  (-  -e) 

AC  _  sin  ADC  _    '      \2  J  _     cos  0 

AD  ^  sin  ACD  ""        sin  20         ~   sin  2  0 

,  ^       .  _^  cos  0         6  sin  0  cos  0  b 

/.  AC=^D    .     ^^  =  -r— -7^ -r  = — r  =  EC=a-i-b, 

sin  2  0        sin  20  cos  20        2  cos  20  ' 

whence  cos  20  =  — ; — rrrj   ^nd  is  .'.  found; 
2  (a  -f-  o) 

and  AB  =  AC  sin  20  =  («  +  /;)  V   1 ^——, 

4  (a  +  6)" 

=  — ,   Uic  required  height. 


252.  Ex.  9*  Given  the  distances  between  three  objects, 
and  the  angles  contained  by  the  lines  drawn  from  each  of  them 
to  a  certain  station  in  the  same  plane  with  them,  to  find  its 
distance  from  each. 

Let  Ay  B,  C  be  the  objects,  D  the  station,  at  which  let  the 
angular  distances  of  ^  and  C^  C  and  JB  be  a,  ^  respectively  ; 
then  calling  the  sides  of  the  triangle  a,  b,  c  as  before,  if  the 
angles   DAC,   DEC  be  0  and  6', 

sin  a  b  sin  0'        DC 

we  shall  have  -: — ;:  =  -p^-p^,  and  -: — -pr  =  , 

sin  6        DC  sm  p  a 

.    s"^  cc  sin  0'        b  .         •    /3'      7    •    /3    •    ^ 

•  •  ~ — 7r~- — 7^  =  •"  *   or  a  sm  a  sni  t^  =  6  sin  p  sin  ^  : 
sm  6  sin  p        a 

but  the  angles  of  the  quadrilateral  A  DEC  being  together  equal 
to  four  right-anglesj  we  have 

0'=27r  -  (a  +  /3+C)  — ^  =  0-^,   suppose, 

.'.  b  sin  /3  sin  9  =  a  sin  a  sin  {(p  —  6) 

■=  a  sin  a  (sin  (p  cos  6  —  cos  (p  sin  ^), 

and  b  sin  j3  tan  0  =  c  sin  a  (sin  0  —  cos  0  tan  0)^ 

a  sin  a  sin  d> 

whence  tan  d  —   — : ~7~7~i — '• — 3  * 

a  sin  a  cos  <p-rb  sin  p 

and    therefore    the    angles    CAD,    CED   become   known,   and 
consequently  the  distances  ADj   ED  and   CD. 

This  problem  may  be  solved  geometrically,  by  describing 
upon  AC  and  EC  two  segments  of  circles  containing  angles 
equal  to  a,  /3  respectively,  and  intersecting  each  other  in  the 
point   D. 

253.  Ex.  10.  To  determine  the  height  and  distance  of  an 
object  from  its  observed  equal  elevations  at  two  points  whose 
distance  from  each  other  is  given,  and  its  elevation  at  the 
middle  point  between  them. 

Let  AE  hQ  the  object,  C,  D  the  two  points  whose  distance 
from  each  other  is  a,   and  E  the  middle  point  between   them  : 


a  the  elevations   at   C  and  D,   and  /3  the  elevation  at  E:  join 
BC,  BD,  BE,  AC,  AD,  AE;  then 

tana        BE  rtrv 

since    BCE  is  manifestly  right  angled  at   E,  because  CBD  is 
isosceles  ; 

a  sin  BCE        a  tan  a 

BE=:CEt^n  BCE  = 

2  cos  BCE        2  ^tan-/3-tan^  a 
whence  AB  =  BE  tan  /3 

a        tan  a  tan  /3  a  sin  a  sin  /3 

""  5  ^tan^/B-tan'"^  ""  2   ^sin(/3-a)  sin  (p  +  a)  * 
which  is  the  height  of  the  object : 

^                   fl  cos  a  sin  B  ^^ 

also,  BC  =  AB  cot  a  = .         ^  ^       -x  =  ^I>  > 

2  ^sin(j3  -  a)  sin  (/3  +  a) 

^  „       .  ^.  ^       ^  sin  a  cos  i8 

and  BE  =  AB  cot /3  =  ^ 

2  ^sin  (j3  -  a)  sin  (/3  +  a) ' 

which  are  the  horizontal  distances  of  the  object  from  the  places 
of  observation. 

254.  Ex.  11.  Given  the  elevations  of  an  object  above 
a  horizontal  plane  at  three  points  at  given  distances  from  one 
another  in  the  same  straight  line,   to  find  its  height. 

Let  AB  he  the  object  standing  at  the  point  B  on  the 
horizontal  plane ;  and  at  the  three  stations  C,  D,  E  in  a  straight 
line,  let  the  observed  elevations  be  a,  /3,  y^  and  suppose  the 
height  AB  to  be  represented  by  h:   then 

BC  =  h  cot  a,  BD  =  h  cot  /3  and  BE  =  h  cot  y  : 

draw  BE  perpendicular  to  CE,  then  from  (l66),  if  CD  and  DE 
be  called  a  and  b,  we  shall  have 

h^  coV a  =  a-  +  h:'  cot^  (3 +  2aDF, 
and  h^  cot"  7  =  //  +  /r  cot^  ^—  2/;  DF; 


hence  bh^  cof  a  =  a  b-{-bh^  cot^  fi  +  2a b  DF, 
and  ah^  cofy  —  ab^  +  ah^  cor/3  — 2a6  DF, 
.'.by  addition_,  we  get 

{a  cot^  y +  b  cot^  a)  h^  =  a'b-\-ab'  +  (a  +  b)  cot' fth\ 

and  consequently, 

{a  cot^  y  —  {a-\'b)  coV  fi -{■  b  cot"  a]  h^  =  ab  {a-\-b); 

a/  ab  (a  +  b) 

whence  h  =    y   5 — 5-75 — ; 2~ 

a  cot  7  —  (a  +  0)  cot   p  +  b  cot   a 

the  required  height : 

I       „.^      ;  4  /  « 6  (a  +  6) 

also,  xJC  =:/iCOta  =  cot  a    v    5 — q-?^ — ; 5~  > 

«  cot  7  -  (a  +  6)  cot^  ^  +  6  cot^  a 

which  is  the  horizontal  distance   of  the  object  from  one  of  the 

If  we  suppose  b  =  a,  and  7  =  a,  the  perpendicular  height 
and  horizontal  distance  of  the  object  will  be  the  same  as 
determined   in   the  last   example. 

255.  Ex.  12.  Four  objects  situated  at  unequal  but  given 
distances  in  the  same  straight  line,  appear  to  a  spectator  in  the 
same  plane  zcith  them  to  be  at  equal  distances  from  each  other, 
it  is  required  to  determine  his  position. 

Let  Ay  B,  C,  D  be  the  objects,  E  the  place  of  the  eye; 
draw  EF  perpendicular  to  DA  produced  if  necessary,  and 
suppose  AB  =  a,  BC  =  b,  CD  =  c; 

also  let  lAEB=  ^BEC=  ^CED  =  (j),   and    zEAF=e: 

sin  3(p     _  sin  AED  __  AD 
sin  EAD  ~  sin  EAD  ""  ED' 

sin  EAD  _  sin  EAD  __  EB 
""""^      sin  0      ""  sin  AEB  "  ~AB' 


sin  3  0  .  2  ,        AD  EB 

whence  — : — p-  or  3  —  4  sni  0  =  ■— —   — -— 

sin  (f)  ^       AB  ED 

AB   CD  ac 

and  /.  sin  0  =   A/  , 

consequently  0  is  determined  : 



sin  0  =  sin  EJF  =  -—  ,  and  sin  (0  -■  20)  =  sin  ECF  =  -~ , 
AJb  EC 

sin  0  CE        BC  ^     ^  ^,  ^        b 

sin(y— -20)        -4il/        7li5  a 

and  a  sin  0  =  6  sin  (^  —  20)  =  6  (sin  ^  cos  20  —  cos  ^  sin  20), 

6  sin  20 
whence  tan  0  =   ; ,   and  .*.  6  is  found: 

o  cos  2(p  —  a 

AE       sin  EBA        sin  (0-0)  ,    ,  ^       «  sin  (0  -  0) 

•'•  ITB  =  "^ — TWB  = •     ^       ^  and  ^E  =  .      ,    ^   ; 

il5       sm  ^Ej«  sin  0  sm  0 

.  1       4  77      ^  I?         /3       «  sin  (0  -  0)  cos  0 

whence  also  At  =  AE  cos  U  = : — '- , 

sm  0 

^   rj?      AT?     ■     D       ^  ^"^  (0-0)  sin  0 

and  EF=AE   sm  0  —  -. — f , 

sm  0 

and  thus  the  position  of  E  is  completely  determined. 

It  is  obvious  that  if  (a-\-b-^c)b  be  greater  than  Sac,  the 
problem  is  impossible:  also,  if  we  suppose  a  =  b  =  c,  we  shall 
have  sin  0  =  0,  and  AF  and  EF  indefinitely  great ;  that  is_, 
equidistant  objects  in  the  same  straight  line  appear  to  be  so  to 
a  spectator  indefinitely  distant. 

256.  It  would  be  no  difficult  matter  to  extend  the  number 
of  examples  on  this   subject,  but  from  what  has  been  already 


done,  the  method  of  proceeding  in  other  cases  cannot  but  be 
manifest,  though  few  or  no  general  rules  have  been  given. 

The  Trigonometrical  Survey  of  a  Country  or  large  tract  of 
land  is  conducted  in  a  similar  manner^  by  selecting  conspicuous 
places  which  may  be  seen  from  one  another  as  stations  at  which 
angles  are  observed,  for  instance,  the  mutual  bearings  and 
directions  of  such  objects  as  it  is  intended  to  include ;  and  the 
distances  between  two  or  more  of  these  stations  being  found  by 
actual  measurement,  each  of  the  other  parts  of  the  triangles 
employed  may  be  determined :  this  may  also  be  verified  by 
taking  the  measure  of  a  different  line  and  proceeding  with  it  as 
with  the  first,  so  that  if  the  whole  be  correct,  the  conclusions 
will  necessaiily  be  the  same  by  each  process. 

In  Navigation,  the  computations  used  in  what  is  called 
Plane  Sailing  are  nothing  more  than  the  solutions  of  right- 
angled  triangles,  the  hypothenuse  being  termed  the  Distance,  the 
other  two  sides  the  Difference  of  Latitude  and  Departure,  and 
one  of  the  acute  angles  the  Course:  and  if  any  two  of  these 
quantities  be  given,  the  remaining  two  may  be  found  by  the 
methods  already   explained. 


CHAP.   VI. 

On  Algebraical  Expressions  fo?-  the  sines j  cosines,  Sac  of  arcs, 
and  their  sums,  differences,  multiples,  Sfc.  On  the  general 
relations  between  the  sine,  cosine,  S^c.  of  an  arc,  and  those 
of  its  multiples  and  submultiples.  On  the  general  relations 
between  the  poivers  of  the  sine,  cosine,  <S)C.  of  an  arc,  and 
the  sines,  cosines,  S^c.  of  its  multiples.  On  general  ex- 
pressions for  the  sine,  cosine,  S^c.  of  an  arc  in  terms  of 
the  arc,  and  impossible  exponential  quantities, 

257.  2o  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  an,  arc  by  means  of 
algebraical  binomials. 

Since,  by  article  (25), 
l=cosM+sin^J.=(cosA+  ^  —  1  sin -4)  {cosA  —  ^  —  lsmA), 

, .  1 

we  have  cos  A—  j^  —  \  sin  A  = / :     7  • 

^  cos  ^  +  ^  —  1  sm  A 

let  then  cos  A  +  ^  —  1  sin  A=^x,  .',  cos  A—  ^  -  \smA=  -  , 
and  by  addition  and  subtraction  we  get 

2  cos  A  =  x  -\r  -  ,   or  cos  A  —  -   (:r  +  -|:   and 
X  Q\x/ 

2  x/  -  1  sin  A=x—  -  ,   or   sin  ^  =   7=-  (  x |  . 

X  2^-1    V  xJ 

By  means  of  the  relations  established  in  the  first  chapter, 
the  versed  sine,  chord,  &c.  of  A  might  be  expressed  in  terms 
of  X,  if  it   were  necessary. 


1258.     To    express    the  sines  and  cosines   of  the   sum    and 
difference  of  tzvo   arcs  by  means  of  algebraical  binomials. 

Let  cos  A  -\-  ^  —•  \  s'm  A=^x,   .'.  cos  A  —  a^  —  I  sin  A=  -  ; 

^  X 

and  cos  B  -\-  ^  —  1  sin  B  =y,   .*.  cos  B  —  yj  —  \  sin  £  =  -  : 

hence  cos  A  =  --  \  x  -\ —  \  .   sin  ^  = 7-=-  (  x |  ; 

2  V  x)'  '^J-\    V  x)' 

and  cos  B  =  -   (  y  +  -  |  ,   sin  jB  =  - — 7==  \y ) : 

^K       y)  2^-1   V^       y) 

.• .  cos  (jI  +  5)  =  cos  A  COS  B—  %\w  A  sin  B 

COS  ( A  —  5)  =  cos  A  COS  B  +  sin  A  sin  B 

2  V        0^/  2  V'^      y)        2  V^^  ^         ^'/  2  ^  -  1  V-^      y) 

4  1  y  X  j        2  (j/        a  j  ' 

sin  (^  +  B)  =  sin  J.  cos  B  +  cos  ^  sin  B 

7^H-41  = 

7=  U-y r; 

sin  (^1  —  i>)  =  sill  A  cos  B  —  cos  ^4  sin  B 


259.  Cor.  1.  If  C  be  another  arc,  and  cos  C+ >^  —  l  sin  C 
be  assumed  equal  to  z,  we  shall,  by  a  process  exactly  similar, 

and  sin  (^  +  JB  +  C)  =  > \xyz v; 

2  V  —  1  I  ^  j/  2 ) 

and  generally,  if  there  be  any  number  of  arcs  whatever, 
cos  (A  + -B  +  C -{- &c.)  =  -i^xyz  &c.  + 



in(iH-i^  +  C  +  &c.)  = 



lj/2  &C. 



260.   Cor.  2.      By  multiphcation  and  addition,   we  obtain 
from   the   expressions  just  deduced, 

cos(il  +  jB+C+&c.)-i-A/^sin(^  +  ii4-C  +  &c.)  =  j?3/2&c. 

=  (cos  A  H-  ^  —  1  sin  ^)  (cos  B  +  >^/  -  1  sin  B) 

(cos  C  +  >/°^  sin  C)  &c. 

and  by  multiplication  and  subtraction, 

cos  (1  +  B  +  C  +  &C.)  -  V^  sin  (1 4-  jB  4-  C  +  &c  J 


(cos  il  +  /^  -  1  sin  1)  (cos  ^+  ^—  1  sin  B) 

(cos  C  'f  V  —  1  .''in  C) 

,   &c. 


=  (cos  A  —  ^—  1  sin  A)  (cos  B ~  ^  —  1  sin  £) 
(cos  C  —  v~  1  sin  C)  &c. 

20l.  The  properties  proved  in  the  last  article  are  frequently 
deduced  by  a  direct  process ;  thus^  by  actual  multiplication 
we  have 

(cos  A  ±  ^/  -  1  sin  A)  (cos  B  ±  ^  -  l  sin  7^) 
=  (cos  A  cos  B  —  sin  A  sin  B)  ±  ^/  —  1  (sin  A  cos  B  +  cos  A  sin  J5) 

=  cos  {A-hB)±  >/^  sin  (A  +  B): 
(cos^l  +  ^y  —  lsin^)(cos  B  ±  ^^  —  1  sinB)(cosC±  /y/  —  1  sin  C) 

=  {cos(7i  +  jB)  ±  v^^n'sin(^  +  5)}  {cosC±  v^^  sin  C} 
=  cos(^  +  -S+C)±  ^~^  sm{A  +  B+C),  as  before; 

and  by  the  principle  that  if  the  formula  be  true  for  the  sum 
of  n  —  I  arcs,  it  will  also  be  true  for  the  sum  of  n  arcs, 
we  have  generally 

(cos  A  ±  v"--~l  sin  A)  (cos  B  ±  sj  —  1  sin  B)  &c. 

=  cos(A  +  B  +  &c.)  ±  \f-^\  sin(^  +  jB  +  &c.)- 

262.   Cor.     From   the  last  article  is  easily  deduced  what 
was  proved  in  (132). 

For,  cos  {1  +  JB  +  C  +  &C.}  -f  >y/^  sin  {1  +  B  +  C  +  &C.} 
=  (cos  A  +  s/  —  ^  sin  A)  (cos  JB  +  >>/  -—  1  sin  J5) 
(cos  C+  ^/^  sin  C)&c. 

=  cos7lcosJ5cosC&c.  (1  +  ^/—  1  tan  J){\  +  ^/-l  tan  B) 
(1  +  ^y  -  1  tan  C)  &:c.  =  cos  A  cos  B  cos  C  &:c. 

{14- V^  ^1  -  ^2  -  >s/^-~l  '^3  +  '^^+  V^-^o-^c.} 
the  notation  used  in  article  (132)  being  retained  : 


hence,  equating  the   possible   and   impossible  parts  respectively 
on  both   sides  of  this   equation,    we  get 

cos{J  +  B  +  C+&ic.}  =cosAcosJBcosC&c.  {  1  —  ^Sa  +  S4  — &c.}  ; 

sin  {^  +  5  +  C  +  &:c.}=cos^  cos  B  cos  C  &c.  {^'i-^Sa  +  ^s-Scc} 

.-.  tan  (A  +  £+C  +  &c.)  =   p  ,  /^  ,  Q — N 

cos  (A -{-3  +  0  +  Sec.) 

as  before. 

263.  To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  multiple  of  an 
arc  hy  means  of  algebraical  binomials  involving  the  same  quau- 
tities  as  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  arc  itself 

Let  cos  A-\-  ^  —l  sin  id  =  :r,    .'.  cos  yi  —  ,>/  —  1  sin  ^4  =  -  , 


and  2  cos  A  —  x  -\--  ,  2^  —  1  sin  A=x : 

X  ^  X 

hence,  cos  2  ^  =  2  cos'  ^—1=2-    (  x  ■{ )   —  1 

4    V  x/ 

=  -    (x^-\--A.   or  2  cos2  ^=x^  +  -^; 
2   \,  x^J  /' 

J  =  2  sin  A  cos  A=  2 7-=^^-   (x ]   -  ( x  -{-  -  | 

^^  -  i    \         x/   2   \    ^  xj 

= ;; — /- I  x^  —  -^  ) ,  or  2  /v/  —  1  sin  2  ^  =  .r^ 5 :  and  so  on  : 

2  V  —  1    V  ^'  /  ^  x^ 

sin  2 


if  then, 

2  cos(//-  1)  A  =  .r^^*' +—_-,, 

and  .-.  2^—1  sin  (n  —  \)  A  —  r"~  ^  ~  "X^rr  > 
we  shall  have 

2  cos  /iy4=:-  {2  COS  (;i  -  1)  J.  2  cos  A  — 2  sin  {n  —  \)  A  2  sin^} 

=  -  (2  a^^^  +  --)  =  .r^'  +  —  ,  and  .*.  2  ^/"^  sin  //^  =  ^"  -  -  ; 
2  \  X  /  X  X 

hence  therefore  it  appears  that  if  these  formulae  be  true  for  any 
one  value  of  n,  they  are  necessarily  true  for  the  next  superior 
value  :  also,  it  has  been  just  shewn  that  they  are  true  when 
?i  =  2,  therefore  they  will  likewise  be  true  when  ?^  is  equal  to 
3,  4,  5,  &c, ;  that  is^  they  will  be  generally  true. 

It  may  here  be  remarked,  that  these  two  formulie  are  im- 
mediately derivable  from  (259)  by  making  A  =  B=  C  =  &.c.  and 
therefore  x=iy  =  z=-  &c. 

264.  If  n  be  an  odd  number,  n-\-\  will  be  an  even  one, 
and  therefore,  as  we  have  seen  by  the  last  article,  we  shall 

.  cos  ('^)l  =  . -+-!,, 

X  ^ 

and  2^  —  1  sni  I  1  ^  =  .r  " -^^^ : 

\     2     /  — 2~ 


but  the  formulae  are  equally  true  when  n  is  even,   and   therefore 
an  improper  traction. 

Since  2cos^—  =  l-fcos  ^4=1+-  (i-f-W-  (   Vx-{ y-  \  , 

A  y  \  ,  /—  .Ay  1 

.*.  2  COS  —  =  Va'  +  — /-,  andSv^  -  i  sm  — =  Vx --r- : 

2  Vx  ^  2  Vx 

hence^  if  2  cos  ( i  A  ^  x        +      ^_^ , 

^-  ^ 

1     V  >»  —  1  1 

.        //<—  1\      ,  -IT  1 

and  .'.  2  >/  -1   sin  (-~— )  ^  = 
we  shall,  as  in  the  last  article^  have 

X       — 

n  —  l  ) 

2  COS  (-^j  ^=^       "^"^ 

.         //i+l\       ,  ^^  1 

and  2  ^/  —  I  sin  (—7-)  ^  =  :i  ""    - 

and  therefore^  as  before^  the  formulag  will  be  generally  true. 

265.  Cor.  From  the  preceding  articles  of  this  chapter,  it 
may  easily  be  proved,  on  the  suppositions  there  made^  that  we 
shall  have 

2  cos  {nA^mB)^xy  +  -^^-^;  2  cos  {iiA  -  7?2J5)  =  — +^  ; 

2  J~^\  sin  ill  A  +  mB)  =  x^'f  -  ~^  ; 

X  y 


these  formulae  are  however  more  curious  than  useful. 

266.  The  following  singular  property  of  the  chords  of  a 
circle,  the  discovery  of  which  has  been  attributed  to  Vieta, 
Waring,  &c.  may  be  immediately  deduced  from  (263). 

Let  PA  be  the  diameter  of  a  circle,  and  let  there  be  taken 
any  number  of  contiguous  equal  arcs  ABf  BC,  CD,  &c. 
then,   if  the  chords  PB,  PC,  PD,  &c.  be  drawn,    and  PB  be 

assumed  equal  to  .r  +-  ;    we  shall  have 

1       ^^        ,         1 

PC  =  .r"  +   ^,  PD  =  .r"  +  ~,  &c.  =  & 


tor,  P^  =  chd(7r  — iljB)  =  2sm  ( )=2  cos =  2'  +  -  ; 

\2         2   /  '2.  X 

PC  =  chd(7r-lC)  =  2  sin  f-   -•  ~\  =  <z  cos  — 

\2  2   /  2 

=  2  cos  2  ( \  =  X'  +  -  ,  by  (263) ; 

PD  =  chd  (tt-  i4D)  =  2  sm  I )  =  2  cos  — 

\2  2    /  2 

/AB\        -      1 
=  2  cos  3  (  "IT  )  =  '^"+  —  J  ^"^  so  on. 


267.     Demoivre's  fornuilit,  which  are 


(cos  A  ±  v^  —  1  sin  AT  =  con  uA  ±  \/  —  1  sin  n  A^ 

(cos  A  ±  ^  —  It  sin  A)"  =  cos  —  yi  ±  \/  —  1  sin  —  A, 



may  also  be   proved  by  means  of  the  expressions  investigated  in 

Let  X  —  cos  A-^-  sj  —  1  sin  A^   /.  '",  =  cos  ^4  —  ^  —  1  sin  ^ 
then   we  shall   have 
x''  -  (cos  A  -^  ^  —  1  sin  A)^  and  -  =  (cos  A  -   sj  -  1  sin  J)"  : 

but   on  the   assumption  above   made   we   have   shewn  in   (263) 

x^  4 =21  cos  n 

A,  and  x'' —%  ^J  -\  sin  nA  ; 

therefore,  by  addition  and  subtraction,  we  get 


a'"=cos  7f^-l-  \J  —  1  m\nA,  and  ~  =  cos  ?iJ.  —  \f  —  1  sin?/ A; 



(cos  A  +  \/  —  I  sin  ^ly  =  cos  ?iA+  \/  -  1  sin  ^iid, 

(cos  A  —   ^/  —  1  sin  A)"  =  cos  ^^4  —   >>/  —  1  sin  tiA, 

Again,  let  nA  z=  mB,   then  (cos  A  ±  s/  —  \  sm  A)"' 
=  cos  71 A  ±^  /v/  —  1  sin  ?iA  =  cos  mB  ±  \/  —  \  sin  ^/zi^ 


=  (cos  B±  J  -  1  sin  5)'"  =  (cos  -  A±  x/~^l  si"  "  -^V". 


and  .'.  (cos  A±  v  —  1  sm  A)    =cos  -  ^  +  ^  —  1  sin  — ^ 

m  m 

26s.   Cor.  1.      If  the  indices  n  and  -    be    negative^    the 


formulae   will   still   hold   good,   by   changing  the  algebraical  sign 

of  the  arc  in  the  latter  sides  of  the  equations. 

For,  (cos  A  ±  V--1  sin  A)-"  = .    ^     j .-— -, 

^  (cos  ^  ±  >/  —  1  sui  Ay 

,   by  (257), 

Vcos  J.  +   V   —  1    sin  A/ 
=  (cos  A  +  ^  -  I  sin  A)"  =  cos  «^  +  V   —  1  si"  ^^A 

=  cos  {  —  iiA)  ±  v—l  sin  {  —  iiA)', 
and  similarly  of  the  other  case. 

269.  Cor.  2.  We  may  here  observe  that  the  formula?  of 
Demoivre  contained  in  the  last  two  articles  are  in  reality  only 
particular  cases  of  those  which  were  demonstrated  in  (260)  and 
(261),  and  may  be  immediately  derived  from  them  by  supposing 
l  =  B  =  C  =  &c. 

Also,  from  the  truth  of  the  formulae  (cos  A±  \/  —  I  sin  Af' 

=  cos  —  A  +  ^  —  \  sin  —  A,  if  we  put  2  cos  A  =  x  -r  ^ , 
m       ~~   ^  m  X 

we  may  prove  conversely,  that  2  cos  —  A  =  x    H 


n     ,  m  1 

and   2  ^  —  1  sin  —  ^=.r ^:    and  thence  conclude  that 

m  — 

these  formulae  are  general 

270.  2'o  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  multiple  of  an 
arc  in  terms  of  the  powers  of  the  sine  and  cosine  of  the  arc 

By  Demoivre's  formulae  proved  in  (267),  we  have 
cos  nA-^  ^  -  1  sin  nA  =  (cos  A -{-  a^  —  1  sin  A)'' 
=  cos"  1  +  w  cos"-'  A  x/-^  sin  A -71  C^^-—)  cos"'^  A  sin'  A 

-  n  C^^)  C—A)  cos"-'  A  J'~^\  sin^"  1  +&c.  +( -  1)^  sin^'  A, 
by  the  binomial  theorem  : 

hence,  equating  the  impossible  and   possible  parts  of  these  ex- 
pressions respectively,  we  obtain  the  follovt'ing  equations  ; 

f>J  -—A  sin  n  A 
n  cos"-' A  v^- 1  sin  A-n  C^-^-)  (~T"  )  cos"-'yl  >/^  sin'^  +  &c 

.*.  dividing  both  sides  by  ^  —  ]^   we  get 

n—  1  \    /n  —  2^ 


nA=n  cos"-'  ^  sin  ^  -  n  C^—\  C- -\  cos""' J[  sin"  J. 

11  -^  \ 
+  &C.   which    will   be  continued   to    terms    if   //    be   odd 


and   to  -  terms  if  n  be  even  : 



n—  1 

and   cos  jiA  =  cos"  A  —  ?t  ( )  cos"    ^  A  sin^  A  -{-  Sec. 

n-\-  1 

which   will   be   continued   to   terms   if  n  be   odd,   and  to 

-  +  1    terms   li    //    be   even. 

Ex.  Making  n  equal  to  the  numbers  2,  3,  4,  8cc.  succes- 
sively, we  shall  have 

sin  2  A  =  2  cos  A  sin  A  ; 

cos  2  A  =  cos"  A  —  sin'  A  : 

sin  3  A  =  3  cos^  A  sin  A  -  sin^  A  ; 

cos  3  il  =  cos^  A  —  3  cos  A  sin^  A  : 

sin  4  A   =  4  cos"^  ^  sin  ^  —  4  cos  J.  sin^  ^  ; 

cos  4  A  =^  cos"*  A  —  6  cos^  A  shr  J.  +  sin'^  A  : 

8cc.  =  &c 

The  versed  sines  and  chords  of  the  same  multiples  may  be 
expressed  in  terms  of  the  sines  and  cosines,  and  therefore  in 
terms  of  the  versed  sines  and  chords  of  the  same  arcs,  by  means 
of  the  observations  made  in  Chap.  i. 

271.  Cor.  From  the  last  article,  the  tangent  of  the  mul- 
tiple of  an  arc  may  be  expressed  in  terms  of  the  powers  of  the 
tanoent  of  the  arc  itself. 


sin  n  A 
row  tan  tiA  = 



n  cos"~^  A  sin  A-n  C- \  C- — ^\  cos"~^  A  sin^  A+&c. 

-  A-n  (^)  cos'^--  A  sin"  ^  +  Scc. 



sin  A  /n—  \\    /n  —  2\  sin''  A 

cos  A 

fn—  \\    /n  -  2\   sill   A 

/n—  1\   sin    A 

'    \     2    /   cos^  A 

(by  dividing  both  numerator  and  denominator  by  cos"  A) 

\  tan-*  ^  +  &c. 

as  has 

n  tan  ^  —  /*  (—^ — j  (~^)  ^^"^  ^  "^  *^^* 

1  ~  n  (—^ — j  tair  A  +  &c. 

been  proved  in  (133),  and  in  which  if  ?i  be  odd,   the  numerator 

n  +  1 
and  denominator  will  each    be   continued   to terms,    and 


..       ,  n  n 

if  n  oe  even,  to  -   and  -   +  1  terms  respectively. 
2  2 

This  expression  for  tan  nA  might  however  have  been  found 
without  taking  for  granted  those  for  sin  nA  and  cos  nA. 

Ihus.  tan  nA  = 


1         ((cos  ti  A  +  jsj  —  1  sin  ?i^)  — (cos  uA  —  /^  —  \  sin?/^)> 
^  —  1   ((cos  iiA+  /v/  ~  1  sin  nA)-\-{cos  nA  — \/  —  \  smnA)J 

_         1         |(cos  A  +  aJ  -   1  sin  Ay  -  (cos  A  —  sj  — 1  sin  AY\ 
V"-^  Kcos  A  +  x/~^  sin  ^r  -  (cos  A  -  ^/^  sin  A)"] 

=  __L_  (0  +  \/^  tan  ■ir~-(l  -  ^"^  tan  ^r) 
n/"^   kT+'y^^tan  Ar  +  {\  -  ^ITtan  iy'i 

?i  tan  A--n  {j—^^  (~~~)  ^''"^  ^  "'"  ^^' 

=  — ~— — ,   as  before. 

1  —  w  (  — ^  j  tan"  ^  +  ^c. 


The  expressions  just  found  for  the  sine,  cosine  and 
tangent  of  nA,  have  been  deduced  on  the  supposition  that 
ti  is  a  whole  number ;  they  are  however  true  whether  ii  be 
whole  or  fractional,  but  in  the  latter  case  the  number  of  terms 
will  be  indefinitely  great,  and  consequently  they  are  approxima- 
tions to  the  true  value  only  when  the  series  converge ;  and  by 
substitutions  similar  to  those  made  above,  we  can  find  expres- 
sions for  the  co-tangent,  secant,  and  co-secant  of  nA,  whether 
71   be   whole   or   fractional. 

272.     3b  express  the  poivers  of  the  cosine  of  an  arc  in  terms 
of  the  cosines  of  its  multiples. 

Assume  cos  A  +  x/"--~l  sin  A^x,  then  2  cos  A  =  jt  +  -  by  (257) : 


.',  by  the  binomial  theorem  we  have  2"  cos"  A=  {x-\ —  \ 
('■+i)-'('"--?^.)-('^)('-'  +  ^)-- 

First   let   n   be    odd,    therefore    the    number    of    terms    in 
the  expanded  binomial  will  be  n  +  1   which  is  even,  and  there 

will  be  an   exact  number  of  pairs  of  terms  ;   hence   by 


{2,^^)  we  shall  have 

2" cos'' 1=2 cos »il  +27?cos(«-2)A4-2«^— —  j  cos{n-4)A 

;z  +  1 
■\-  Sec.  to  — terms  ; 


and  .*.  cos"  A 

_  -rlcosnA  +  n  cos{n—Q.)  Ai-n  I |  cos(w— 4)^+& terms>  : 

Next  let  71  be  even,  then  the  number  of  terms  of  the 
expanded  binomial  being  w  +  I  will  be  odd_,  so  that  in  addition 
to  the   pairs    of  terms    above,  there   will   be  an  additional  one 

which  is  the  middle  or  (  -  +  1  j  th  term  of  the  expansion,  and  is 

equal  to 

w(w-l)(?i-2)&c.{-   +  1  ) 

^         ^  \2         ^  I  1.3.5  &c.  (;2  -1) 

^ —  2    ; 

n  n 

1  .  2  .  3  &c.  -  1  .  2  .  3  &c.  - 

2  2 

hence  2" cos" ^  =  (x''+  -A  +?i{x'"^+  -7rr^?i  -f  &c.  to  ~  terms 

,     r    1  .3.5&C.  (/i-l) 

+  2    


1  .  2  .  3  &c.  - 


=  2  COS  nA-\r^n  cos  (n  —  2)  A-\-&c.  to  -  terms 

I    1  .3  .5  &:c.  Oi~l) 

+  2     ■; 

1  .  2  .  3  &c.  - 


If  w 

and  .*.  cos"  A  =  — — r  ^cos  w  J.  +w  cos(7Z  — 2)^  +  &c.  to  -  terms 
2"-     (  2 

-  1-1   1.3.5  &c.  (w-1)") 

n      r 
1 .  2  .  3  &c.  - 

2     ^ 


273.  Ex.  Let  71  be  taken  equal  to  the  numbers  2,  S, 
4,  5,  &c.  successively,  and  the  formulae  just  demonstrated 
alternately  give 

cos'^  A  =  -  {cos  2A-{-\}  ; 

cos^  A  =  "  {cos  3il  +  3cos  ^}  ; 

cos'*  A  =  ^  ^  cos  4^  +  4  cos  2  A  +3}  ; 

cos^  A  =  —  {cos  5A  +5cos3A  +  10  cos  A}  ; 

&c.  =  &c 

274.      2o  express  the  powers  of  the  sine  of  an  arc  in  terms 
of  the  sines  or  cosines  of  its  multiples. 

If  cos  A  +  ^  —  ]  sin  A  =^  X, 

we  have  2  ^/--  1  sin  A=x  —  ,   by  (257) ; 

therefore  2"  (x/'^)"  sin^'A=  (x-  -X 

now  n  must  necessarily  be  of  one  or  other  of  the  forms  A-m, 
Am  +  ],  4m  +  2,  4m  +  3>  and  therefore  (v  —  i)"  must  admit 
of  four  different  values  : 


In  the  first  place^  let  Ji  be  equal  to  4m,  and  therefore 

( x/"^! )"  =  (  x/*^)'''*  =  (( s/~^)Y  =  l^'*  =  1  ;  then 
2"  sin"  A 

■('■  +  f)-(--+p^)-'(=^)('-'+?^0 

n  11.3.5  &c.  (n  -  1) 

—  <?fec.  to  -  terms    +2 

2  n 

1  .2.  3  &c.  - 


=  2  cos  nA  —  2n  cos  (w  —  2)  A  +  2w  ( --)  cos  (w  — 4)  J. 

71                    f  1  .3.5  &c.  (n-  1) 
— •  &c.  to  z  terms  +  2 ; 

1  .  2  .  3  &c.  - 


.'.  sm 


=    ^_y  I  cos  w  A  —  w  COS  {n  —  2)  A  +  w  ( )  cos  {n  —  4)  A 

n  ,      1-11.3.5  &c.(;z-  l)"! 

—  oCc.  to  -  terms  +  2       f 

2  ^^     >  : 

1  .  2  .  3  &c.  - 

2    -^ 

Secondly,  let  7i  =  4m+  1, 


2"  7  -  1  sin"  A  =  (x»  -  i;)  -  n  (y-  -  ^  -  ^) 
+  „('l^)(."---i,)!i±ite™, 


=  2  ^Z  -  1  sin  w^  -  2n  ^  -  1  sin  {n—Q)  A 

-    .  w  -f- 1 

1  sin  (n  —  4)  A  —  &c.  to terms ; 


/.  sin"  A 

=     ^^_i  <  sin  JiA  —  n  sin  (/« —  2)  il  +  w  ( )  sin  (?z— 4)  A 

7Z+  1 

—  &c.  to terms 

Thirdly,   if  n  =  4m  +  2,   we  have 
•  •.  -2"  sin'' A 

w  4  1  .3.  5  &c.  (?z-  1) 

—  &c.   to  -  terms  —  2     

2  ^       ?i 

1  .  2.3&C.- 


=  2  cos  nA  —  2«  cos  (/z  — 2)  A  +  2;z  ( j  cos  {n-  4)  A 

^    1  .3  .5   &.C.   (72-   1) 

—  &c.  to  -  terms  —  2 


1  .  2  .  3  Sec. 

.-.  sin"  A 

= ^^j  I  cos  nA^n  cos  (?t— 2)  A+/2  ( — ^ — jcos(/i— 4)A 

T-i  1  .3  .5  &c.  (w—  1)' 

—Sec.  to  -  terms  —  2 

.5  &c.  (w—  lA 

2  .  3  &c.  -         \ 
2        J 

Lastly,  if //  =  4m  +  3,  we  have 

=('-?)-"('■'■-.-)  ^"(=ii)('"--p^) 

w+  1 
-&c.  to  terms 


2  .>y  —  1  sin  nA-2nA>y  —  I  sin  («  -  2)  ^ 
w— 1 

1  sin  («  -  4)  yl  —  &c.  to  terms ; 


~ __  I  sin  nA  —  n  sin  {n  —  2)  A+n  (— ^  )  9in(/i— 4)  A 

n+l  \ 

--  &c.  to  — terms  f  . 

275,    CoPt.      The  first  and  third   cases  of  the   proposition 
proved  in  the  last  article  are  both  comprehended  in  the  formula, 



=  ±  ~;;;:^  \  cos  n  A  — n  cos  {n  — 2)  A -\rn  ( jcos(/i— 4)J.— 

1-1  1.3.5  8cc.  {?i-  lU 
±  2        ^ -\ 

1.2.3&c.i'  ' 

2       J 


to  -  terms 


and  the  second  and  fourth  in  the  formula, 

sin^  J. 

=  ±         1  |sinM7l-?/sin  (n—9)A  +  n(  — ^ — j  sin(w  — 4)^  ~  &c. 



to terms 


and  attention  to  the  algebraical  signs  might  have  made  it 
sufficient  to  divide  tlie  proposition  into  the  two  cases  only, 
in   which   7i  is  even   and  odd. 

Ex.  If  we  suppose  w  to  assume  the  particular  values 
2,  3,  4,  5,  &c.  successively,  we  shall,  by  attending  to  the  different 
forms,  immediately  obtain  from  these  formulae, 

sin^  A= (cos  2 A.  —  1)  =  -  (1  —  cos  2^) ; 


-  (sin  3A'-3smA)=  - 

4  ^  4 

sin^  J.  =  —  -  (sin  3A'-3smA)=  ^  (3  sin  y^— sin  3  A); 

sin*  J.=  -(cos4l  -  4cos2yl  -f  3)=  -(3-4cosG^  +  cos4J.); 
8  8 

sin^  A  =  — :  (sin  5  ^  —  5  sin  3  A  + 1 0  sin  1)=  -~  ( 10  sin  ^  —  5  sin  3  A  +  sin  5  A) ; 

&c.  =  8cc, 

276.      To  express  the  sine  of  an  arc  in  terms  of  the  arc 

In  article  (270)  we  have  proved  that 
sin72A  =  wcos"-^A  ^\\\A-nC- j  C- j  cos"-^^sin^A+&c. 

,    (     sin  A  /w— ]\    /n-2\    s'm^  A       ^     ) 

I     cos  .4  \    2     /   \    3    /   cosM  ) 

=  cos'^  A  L  tan  A  -  71  (~-)  (~J~)  ^^"^  ^  +  ^c.j  ; 


assume  now  7iA=0,   ox  A  =■  - , 


e  {  0  /n—\\rn  —  Q.\       ^0  ) 

..  sin  0  =  cos"  ^^  [n  tan  ;^   -  .  (-^)    (— )  tan^  -  ,.  &c.  [  ; 

0     .         . 
then  if  n  become  indefinitely  great,  -  will  be  indefinitely  small, 




.°,  we  have  cos    --  =  1,   tan  -  =  -  _, 
fi  71        n 

71  {71-  1)  (W,  — 2)  =  n^  (l \    (l \   =  71%  &c. 

.    ^  e  li'       0'  71'  0'  .     .   ^    . 

iience  sin  6  =  71-- r-  + ?  —  &c.  in  iniimtum 

71        1  .2.3  rf        ]  .  ?^^  ^ 

0'  0' 

=::  ^ _j ^Q^  iji  infinitum, 

1.2.3  ^ 

277*  Since  in  the  expression  for  the  sine  of  7iA,  the 
quantities  involved  are  trigonometrical  functions  of  the  arc 
and  therefore  expressed  in  terms  of  the  radius  1,  it  follows 
that  before  the  expression  just  investigated  can  be  applied 
the  value  of  0  must  be  found  in  terms  of  the  same  radius  : 
hence  therefore  if  r^  =  57^.2957795  &c.  the  number  of  degrees 
contained  in  an  arc  equal  to  the  radius,  and  0^  be  the  number  in 
any  proposed  arc,  we  shall  have 

r^   :   0^  ::    1    :  -n  =  the  value  of  0^  in  terms  of  the  radius, 

id.\sm^^=  (-^) -(ii)   + (-t)  -&c. 

VrV        1.2.3  VrV         1  ,  2.  3.4.  5  V/'V 

Ex.  1.      Suppose  d^  =■  1°,  theUj  in  (155)  we  have  seen  that 

-0  =  .0174532  Sec, 

,'.  sin  1^=. 0174532  &c. (.0174532  &c.)^+&c. 


=  .0174524  &c. 

(1.0  ^0 

—  )    =  l';    then  -5- =  .00029088  &c. 
00/  r 

from  (155), 

and  sin  l'  =  .00029088  &c. (.00029088  SiccY-r&c. 

= . 0002909  &x. 


(1  \  0  fi^ 

—  j  =  \'\  we  have  -^  =  .000004848  &c. 

and  .*.  sin  l"  =  .000004848  &c. (.000004848)^  +  &c. 

1  .2.3 

=  .000004848  &c. 

and  so  on. 

278.  Cor.  From  the  last  of  the  examples  above  given, 
it  appears  that  the  arc  of  one  second  and  its  sine  do  not  differ 
by  any  significant  figure,  and  therefore  in  all  practical  applica- 
tions of  trigonometry,  we  may  without  sensible  error  assume 
sin  1''  =  1'':  similarly,  sin  2"  =  2  sin  l"=2",  sin  S"  =  3  sin  l"  =  S" 
&c.  very  nearly,  by  (74). 

Also,  if  (j)  (A)  denote  any  trigonometrical  function  of  A 
expressed  in  terms  of  the  radius,  we  shall  have 

sin  T'   :   (b  (A)   ::    l''   : 
the  value  of  the  same  function  expressed  in  seconds,  which 

I'XD     0(A) 

.  .   =  — /      ,      =  ■^. — -jy  seconds, 
sin  1  sm  1 

279-  To  express  the  cosine  of  an  arc  in  terms  of  the  arc 

It  has  been  proved  in  (270)  that 
cos  nA  =  cos"  A-\-  n  ( \  cos"~^  A  sin^  A  +  &c. 

=  cos"  A  \\-n  (r—^  tan^  A  +  &c. | 

.'.  as  before  cos  0  =  cos**-  \\—n  ( )  tan^  -  +&c.( 

w  I  \    Q.    J  n  5 

n'     e'  n'  0'       ^        .     .   ^.   . 

=  1 -^  H —  --  &c.  tn  rnhmtnm, 

1  .  2  «^         1  .  2  .  3  .  4  n*  -^ 

by  reasoning  as  in  (276), 

A  A 


—  1  — \~ Sec.  in  mfimtum. 

1.2        1  .2.3.4  ^ 

and  pursuing  the  steps  taken  in  article  (277),  we  get 

1.2  VrV  \r/ 

Ex.  If  the  same  values  of  0^  be  assumed  as  in  the  last 
examples,  we  shall  find 

cos  1^  =  .9998477  &c. 

cos  l'  =  .9999998  &c. 

cos  l"=  .9999999  &c. 

280.  By  means  of  the  expressions  for  sin  6  and  cos  6>, 
found  in  articles  (276)  and  (279),  formulae  for  the  other  trigo- 
nometrical functions  are  easily  obtained.     Thus, 

(gi                   r\\ 
1 1 &c.  I 
1.2  / 

= j-  &,c.  in  infinitum: 

1.2  ^  ' 

chd  0  =  2  sm  -  =  2  ^ -^  -{ -^  -  &cA 

2  (2         1.2.3   2'   2^  j 

""  ^  "^  773  ?  "^   ¥  "  ^''*  '''  '''^"'^'''^ ' 

Q ^ 


tan  ^  =  2f  ~  B^^ m — 

cos  d  6  6^ 

1 + &c. 


^      .       20'  .... 

r=  0  H H-  - — - — -  +  &c.  m  tnjinitum ; 

J  87 

0'  0* 

^n        COS  0  1.2 

cot0  = 

sin  e  0^  e^ 

e + . —  &c. 


r: —  &c.  in  infimtum; 


1  1 

sec  9 

1 + &c. 


S^  5  9* 

=  1  H H h  &c.  m  infinitum  ; 

^  1  .2  -" 

1  1 

COSec  9  =  -:— ;r  =  ^ 


sin  ^        ^  9  9"" 

9 &c. 


1    .        9  14^'  ^        .     .  ^  . 

=  7;  H i ^  +  &c.  ?w  infinitum^ 

9        1  .2.3  -^ 

281.  Cor.  If  the  arc  be  small,,  approximate  values  of 
some  of  the  preceding  functions  are  readily  obtained.  Thus,  if 
9  be  very  small,  we  shall  have 

^  =  ^-r:l:3  =  H'-r:?:i)  =  K'-i^/  =  ^<-^)*' 

hence,  log  sin  9  =  log  9  -{-  ^  log  cos  9, 

and  log  9  =  log  sin  0  —  ^  log  cos  9 : 

9  9 

again,  tan  6>  =  0  +  —  =  ^(l+—)  = 


(1--)-       (co.# 

.*.  log  tan  9  =  log  ^  —  7;  log  cos  9, 

and  log  9  —  log  tan  ^  +  -  log  cos  0: 

188   . 

also,  2  mi  e  +  tan  6  =  ^0 h  0  -\ =  3  6: 

1.2.3  '    1  .3 

and  8chd  -  -  chd^^S  ( 5)- (^ ;  "Ts) 

2  V2        1  . 3  4V      V  1  . 3   2V 

10^^  \       0' 

„  —  0  + = 

1.32^  1.32' 

=  46-^^,-6+^^=36, 

1      /  f?  \ 

whence  0  =  -^  (  8  did chd  6), 

3  \  2  /' 

which  is  an  useful  approximate  formula  for  practice;  and  in  all 
these  instances,  the  arc  is  of  course  supposed  to  be  expressed  in 
terms  of  the  radius. 

282.     To  express  the  sine  and  cosine  of  an  arc  in  terms  of 
impossible  exponential  functions  of  the  arc  itself 

1  3 

XX  X 

In  the  expression  e^  =  1   H h 1 1-  &c. 


where  e  =  2.71828  &c.  the  base  of  hyperbolic  logarithms,  let 
0  \/  —  l  and  ■—  d  j^  —  1  be  successively  substituted  in  the  place 
of  X,  and  we  shall  have 

'  ^1  1.2  1.2.3     ^^ 

1  1.2  1.2.3 

hence  by  exddition  and  from  (279),  we  get 

+  ,-e-.=.,{l_Jl+_i__Scc.S  =  2cos6, 


and  .  .  cos  v  =  

and  by  subtraction  and  from  (276),  we  obtain 


~=2yirr|0 — ^  +  — ^ &c. 

^  I         1.2.3 

=  2  ^  -  1  sin  0, 
hence    .'.  sin  0 

eev/^i_^-9v/— 1 


283*  These  two  formulae,  as  before,  enable  us  to  find 
expressions  of  the  same  kind  for  all  the  other  trigonometrical 
functions.     Thus, 



chd  0  =  2  sm  --  =2 

2  2V^=T  x/-  1 

sin  ^ 

tan  0  = 

sni  ^  1        e '         —  e  1 

cos^     7-le^^-^+e-^^-^      7-le^^^-i  +  l' 
cos^         ,— ;e^-^+e-e-^  e^^^^+1 

—  e~~         ^  ' 


1     _         2^-1 


sine       e^^-i-.-^^-i        ^  g2e^/^        .9v-:ri- 

284.  If  the  equations  investigated  in  the  last  two  articles 
were  established  by  any  independent  method,  they  might  be  used 
to  determine  the  relations  between  other  different  trigonometrical 
expressions.      Thus, 

2  sin  0  cos  0  =  2  [^ 1 — \  ( 

-i_.-^^^.     ^e^^^  +  e-'^=^- 

2  V^^ 


{e  —  e  J  (e'         +e  ) 

=  i=.  (/^  -^1  -,e-2e  v^)=:si„  2^,  as  in  (76) ; 

2  V  -1 

also,  cos  u  =  ( I 

8  ^ 

_  1   je +^ .   Q  <?  +g I 

~  4   I  2  2  -f 

=  -  {cos  S0  +  3COS  0}, 

as  has  been  before  proved  in  (273) : 

again,  (cos  0  +  \/  —  I  sin  BT^ 


2                 ~ 

)  =*■ 

2                 - 
=  cos  mO  ■¥  fk. 

/  —  1   sin  w^. 

which  is   Demoivre's  formula  already  established  by  a  different 



On  the  application  of  Trigonometrical  FormuliZ  to  the  solution 
of  quadratic  and  cubic  equations.  On  Theorems  for  the 
decomposition  of  certain  Functions  into  their  simple  and 
quadratic  Factors,  On  Expressions  for  the  sine  and  cosine 
of  an  arc  by  means  of  continued  products,  and  their  use. 
On  Expressions  for  an  arc  in  terms  of  its  tangent,  sines  of 
its  multiples,  S^c.  On  the  Solution  of  certain  cases  of  triangles 
by  means  of  series^  and  without  the  aid  of  Tables,  S)C.  On 
Expressions  for  the  cosine  and  sine  of  the  multiple  of  an  arc 
in  terms  of  the  cosine  and  sine  of  the  arc  itself.  On  the 
Summation  of  the  Trigonometrical  Functions  of  certain  series 
of  arcs,  S^c, 

285.      To  f?id  the  roots  of  a  quadratic  equation  by  means 
of  a  table  of  sines,  cosines,  Sfc. 

First,  let  the  proposed  equation  be  x^±px-\-q  =  0, 
let  sin"  0  =  —q- , 



and  .',  x=  +  -  {l  +^l-sm^O\  =  +  -  !  1  +cqs^!: 

9  0 

now,  ]  •—  cos  0=2  sin^  -  ,   and  1  +  cos  0  =  2  cos"  -  ; 
2  2 

6  9 

,',  the  values  of  x  will  be  +  »  sin^  -  ,  and  +  p  cos^  -  . 

2  2 


These    values    may   be   exhibited   in    a   different   form :   for 

snice  p  =  —. — -  ,   we  have 
sni  V 

_        .  ,e        _   CL\^q    .  2  ^        _    /  6 

+  p  snr  -  =  +    -: — T  snr  -  =  +  v  ^  tan  ;-  , 

^e     „  2A/r/     ,0    _    .       e 

and  +  »  cos    -   =  +  -: — ~  cos   -  =  +  v  7  cot  -  . 
^  2  sni  ^2  ^2 

If  these  solutions  be  applied  to  practice^   the  formulae  must 
be  adapted  to  the  radius  r  by  (60),  and  then  we  get 

log  sin  ^  =  |-  {20+2  log  2 +log  g' -  2  log  p}, 


log  J7  =  +  { log  2?  +  2  log  sin 20 } , 


and  log  j;  =  +  { log  p  +  2  log  cos  -  —  20}  : 
similarly  of  the  other  solutions. 

Next,  let  the  equation  proposed  be  a*+  px  —  q=:0, 

from  which  we  have  x  =  +  -^  ]  1  +    y    1  -i 1  [  ; 

let  tan^  0  =  -f , 

and  .-.  j:  =  +  ?  {  1  +  ^l+tm^^O}  =  +  ?  {  1  +  sec  ^}  : 
2  2 

0  fi 

now,  I  —  sec  0=  —  tan  ^  tan  -  ,  and  1  -hsec  0  =  tan  0  cot  -  ; 

2  2 

.'.  the  values  of  x  are  +  -  tan  0  tan  -  ,   and  T  -  tan  0  cot  -  : 

~  2  2  2  2 

.      .  2  \/^ 

and  these,  by  substituting  for  p  its  value  ^-^   become 

tan  0 

±  V  </  tan  -  ,   and  +  v  </  cot  -  ,   respectively. 


Each  of  these  sets  of  formula?  must  be  adapted  to  practice 
as  before ;  and  it  may  be  observed  that  all  these  soUitions  can 
be  advantageously  employed  in  those  cases  only,  in  which  p  and  q 
are  very  large  or  very  complicated  quantities. 

286.  To  find  the  roots  of  a  cubic  equation  by  means  of 
a   table  of  sines,   cosines,  8^c. 

Let  the  equation  be  reduced  to' x"  —  qx +  r  =  0,  by  taking 
away  the  second  term,  and  assume  sin  0  =  x, 

.•.  sin  30  =  3  sin  ^  —  4  sin'^^,   to  the  radius  1: 

hence  sin'^  0  ~-  sin  0  ■{ sin  3^  =  0,  to  the  radius  R, 

4  4 

,      •      3      3R-         R'  .      ^ 

that  iSj  x^ a   H sin  30  =  0; 

4  4 

therefore  equating   the    coefficients    of   the  corresponding    terms 
of  this   and   the    proposed   equation,    we   have 

3R^  R^    .       ^ 

=  7,    and  —  sm  30=  4-  r ; 

4  4  ~ 

/o                                   3t 
whence  jR  =  2  v    -  -  and  sin  30=  H : 

.*.  to  the  radius  2  y    -  find  an  angle  3  0  whose  sine  is  +  — , 
and  thus  sin  0  or  x  will  be  determined  : 

3  7' 

also,  since  +  —  =sin  30  =  sin  (Stt +  30)  =  —  sin(27r— 30) 

=  sin  (47r+30)=  —  sin  (47r-30)  =  &c.  by  (17)  and  (20),  the 
values   of  .r   will   be 


9,si„(^f  +  e).-si„(^=J-e),  si„(ir+^) 

(47r  \ 

—  —  0  1 ,  8cc. 



but  sin  (^  4-  eV  -  sin  (stt  -  -y  -  e^  =  -  sin  (-—-  -~  e\  ; 

-sin(ij^  -  e)   =sin(2.-  ^  ^- o)  =  sin  (^  +0); 

&c =&c 

(27r  \ 

~^^ — h  ^  )  5 

and  ^  sin  ( ^  J  to   the   radius  2  S/  -  ^   since   after   these 

three,  the  same  values  continually  recur. 

To  the  radius  1,  the  values  of  x  will  manifestly  be 

2  \/i" sin  9,  2  \/^s,n  (^  +  O) ,  and  -2  x/^in  (^  -  o)  , 
because  sin  0  to  the  radius  R=  R  sin  9  to  the  radius  1. 

If  we  had   assumed    cos   6  =  x,  the   roots  might   have  been 
obtained   in   a   similar   manner. 

Ex.      Let   it    be    required    to    determine    the    roots    of   the 
equation  .r"^  —  3  .r  — -  1  =  0. 

In  this  case  ^  =  3,    r=:l;, 

.-.  JR  =  £  \/  -  =  2,    and  sin  30— =  —  1,  to  the  radius  2  : 

3  q 

hence  to  the  radius  1,    sin  S6=  -  i  =  sin  210^,  and  9  =  70^^ ; 

.'.  the  values  of  a  are  2  sin  70^  2  sin  IQO^,  and  -  2  sin  50^. 

287.      In    the    solution    above    given^,     we    have    assumed 

JJ  =  2   V   ^  ,   and    therefore    if    q     be     negative,    R   will    be 

impossible  :   again,    if  q   be    positive    and  ±  —  be  greater  than 



e  shall   have   sin   30   greater  than  R,    which  is  also 

impossible  :  hence  therefore  in  both  these  cases  this  solution  by 
the  trisection  of  an  arc  fails^  but  Cardati's  solution  does  not. 
two   roots    being  then  impossible,  and  it  is  observable  that  both 

solutions  succeed  when  +  —  =2  \/  -- ,  or  two  roots  are  equal. 
-    q  ^     3 

288.  Though  the  solution  just  given  fails  in  the  instances 
above  enumerated,  trigonometrical  formulae  may  still  be  applied 
in  finding  the  only  root  which  is  possible:  thus,  if  the  proposed 
cubic  be  x^-\-qx-\-  r  =  0,  we  have  by  Cardan's  rule. 

assume  tan'  kj  — _,  or  —  = ^r-r-' 

27  r'  4        27  tan- e 

.-.  a=    V    -\  [V    l-sec^+    Vl+sec^l 

=   V    -  ^    |V  sec^+1-    V  sec^-  l| 

—  \/ ^    [\/^^^^  +^   _    4 '/sec  0  -T| 
~    ^    3    (^        tan^  ^       tan^     ) 

let   V    cot-  =cot<p,    .*.   V   tan-  =  tan  ^; 
and  .r  =    V  ?  {cot  0  —  tan  0}  =  2   y   ^  cot  20, 

wliiqh  is  the  possible  root. 


If    the    equation    proposed    be    x^  —  qx  +  r  =0,  and 
—    be  greater  than  2  y    7  ,  we  have  as  before^ 

■an        ^^^           !!l  _       9 
assume  sin  0  =■ o  ?   o*'       —  

Q7r'         4        27sin^e' 

.-.  a  =  V  -  ^  I VI  -  c«se  -r  S/i+cos^l 

*  /7f\/l-cosa         ^  y  1  4-  cos  e| 

—   V   ?  {tan  0  +  cot  0}      =  2  V 
the  possible  root 

{tan  (^  +  cot  0}      =  2  \/  -^  cosec  2^, 

289.  The  latter  solution  alkided  to  in  article  (286)  might 
without  much  difficulty  have  been  deduced  from  that  of  Cardan, 
but  the  process  will  be  less  simple  than  the  one  which  would 
result  immediately  from  the  assumption  there  pointed  out. 

For,  since  :.=  \7  -i'  +  \/IIC+  \/ZIZ\/ZZl  , 

let  -  l^a,   and  V  ~  -  '^  =/3./^,  and  .-.  «'  +  ^^  =  |r' 
hence  x  =    V    a  +/3>/^^  +  V   a  -  /3 ^  -  1  : 




and  if  we  assume  cos  S6=      ,  ,  and  .*.  sin  S0=      ,— — —  , 

we  shall  havea±/3.y^=  V^^  {cos  30+  V~^l  sin  30}; 

.-.  V  a+/3.y^=   Vl  {cos0-{-.y~^  sin0}, 


and  \/a-/3V~^=    V-  {cos  0  -  V"^!  sin  0}  ; 

whence  a  =  2  \/  --  cos  0  : 

also  since  cos  30  =  cos  (Stt  +  30)  =  cos  (Stt  -  30), 
the  two  remaining  values  of  .r  will  be 

2\/Fcos(^;+e),    and2sAcos(^-e), 

as  would  have  been  found  from  (286). 

This   is   the   solution  of  what  is  called  the  Irreducible  Case 
of  Cardan  s  Rule. 

By  an    assumption  similar   to   the    one   just  made,    that   is, 

if  tan  0  =  — ,   it  is   easily   proved   that 

7ri?7^  =  7^"^'  fcos  -^  +  ^~l  sin  ^-\  . 

^        7f  n) 

290.     To  decompose  x*"  —  2  cos  0  x^ -[-  1  i)(to  its  simple  and 
quadratic  factors. 

Assuming  ar^"  — 2  cos  0   x"  4-1=0,   we  obtain 

a"  =  cos  0  ±  ^y  -  1  sin  0,   and  also  by  (1?)  and  (21), 

=  cos(27r  +  0)±  >y  —  1  sin  (27r  +  0) 

=  cos  (47r-f0)±  s/  -  1  sin(47r4-0) 
=  &c 


=  cos  {2  in-  \)7r  +  0)  ±  ^y  -  \  sin  (2  (/^  ~  l)7r  +  ^): 
but,  by  (267),  we  shall  have  from  these  equations, 

0       i —   .  e 

a-  =  cos  — I-  /s/  -  I  sin  -  ; 
n  n 



X  =  COS  +  n/   ~"  ^ 

47r-i-^           / .     47r-f0 

X  =  cos  — +  lU  —  I  sni 

11  n 

ac.  =  &c, 

2(7/-l)7r  +  0  y .    2O/-l)7r  +  0 

x  =  cos  ±  V   "~  ^   ^'" 

hence,  by  the  nature  of  equations,  we  have 


.     0\\ 

=  [r  -  (cos  ;  +  7  -  1  sin  ^)}  {.  -  (cos  ^^  -  Vri  sin  ^J 
f  /        27r  +  0    .        /- .     27r  +  ^\l 

f-  (^"^-^; —  ^  -^  ^  ^"^-T~)i  ^^^- 

Jx  —  (  cos 

2(72-l)7r  +  ^  y—     .     2(w-])7r4-^ 

— ^ h  >^/  —  1  sni  — 

2(«—  1)77  +  ^ 

■!  1  —  (  cos  — ^^ '■ ^y  —  1  sin 

.    )1 

2(;/,~l)7r  +  ^\|^ 

and  combining  each  of  these  pairs  of  simple  factors,  we  get 
t"*  -  2  cos  (9  .r"  4- 1 

=  Tr"  —  2cos  -  X  +  \\   ^1 

27r  +  ^ 

2  cos X  H-  1 


/x^  — 2cos  — - — T4-  1]  ^c.lx^  ~  2cos— ^^ 2+1  K 

the  number  of  factors  being  ;/. 

This  theorem  of  Demoivre  contains  the  solution  of  the 
equation  a'"  —  2  cos  0  .r"  +  1  =0,  all  the  quadratic  factors  of 
which  appear  to  be  possible,  and  all  the  roots  impossible, 
unless   some   extreme   value   be  assigned   to  cos  0. 

291-  Cor.  1.  In  the  formula  just  investigated  suppose  ^=0, 
or  cos  0=1;  then  we  have 

^^2«_2.r"+l=(2^'-e2  +  1)  /^x--2cos  -^  X  +  \\ 

/o                47r             \           /o                2(7i—  Ott  \ 

(  x  —  2  cos .r  -j-  1  j  8zc.  (  jt"  —  2  cos x  +  1  j  , 

to  71  factors  : 

2(«-  Dtt 
now  cos 


-  l)7r  /  27r\  27r 

=  cos  (  2  TT I  =  COS  — : 

n  \  n  /  n 

2(w--2)7r  /  47r\  47r 

=  COS  (  27r )  =  COS : 

n  \  n  J  n 

&c =&:c =&c. 

,'.  :r'"  -2.r"  +  l=(x'~2a^+l)  /'/--2  cos  —  .r  +  l) 

(rr  -  2  cos x  -{-  \\  &c. 

First  let  n  be  odd,  then 
:r^«-2A^"+l=(x^--2.r+l)  Tr' -  2  cos  —  .r  +  A 


(47r                \"            /a                    C^*""'  1)  TT         ,       \^ 
/_2cos .r  +  \j  &c.  (a^--2cos a^  +  ij   , 

n  +  1 
the   number  of  factors   being   manifestly — - — ;   and  extracting 

the  square  roots  of  both  sides,  we  have 

x"  -  1  =  (a:  -  1)  (  X-  '-  2  cos  —  X  -{■  \j 

Next   let  n   be   even, 

a  A. 

(27r  \     /  47r  \ 

2^" -2  cos .r+1)    r/-2cos- — x -\-  \  \    &c. 

./-2C0S^^ —    r   +    Ij      {X^  — 2  cos  IT    X  +    ]) 

^(x^  —  Qx-hl)  (x"'  -2C0S—X  -{-  l\   &c.  (j:' +  2^:4-1), 

the  number  of  factors  being  ~  ;    and  extracting  the  square  roots 
as  before,  we  get 

a?"—  l=(x-  1)  r/  — 2cos—  X  +  l\  &c.  (a:-f  l) 

^^-  2  COS x-\-\\  &c.  rr^-2cos  ^  +  1  ) 

In  the  same  manner,  if  we  make  0  =  7r,  ^^^^+1  may  be 
decomposed  into  its  simple  and  quadratic  factors,  and  the  roots 
of  the  equation  x"  +  1  =  0,  will  be  determined. 


These  formulae  which  are  from  their  inventor  called  Cotes^s 
Theorems,  include  the  solution  of  the  equations  j;"  +  1  =  0, 
the  roots  of  which  are  the  n  roots  of  +  ],  and  it  is  evident  that 
only  one  of  them  is  possible  when  n  is  odd,  and  two  or  none 
when  n  is  even. 

292.   Cor.  2.     By  means  of  the  formula  of  (290),  we  are 
enabled   to   prove  also  Cotes^s  Properties  of  the   Circle. 

For,  since  a;^*'  —2  cos  0  x"  +  1 
=  (x^  —  2  cos  -'  X  +  1  j  (  T^— 2  cos X  +  1  )  &c.  to  n  factors, 

if  we  suppose  ^  =  27rj  we  shall  have 

0  __2'7r     27r  +  0__47r     47r  +  0  __67r       _       __ 
'  n         n  '        n  n  n  n   ^ 

and  .-.  :i'"-2i"  +  l 

27r  \    /  c  47r 

(M  71"  \      /  4  TT  \ 

/  —  2cos  ^^  j:  +  1  )  (  /  -  2  cos  —  x  +  \\  &c.  to  n 


now  if  P  be  any  point  in  the  diameter  (produced  if  necessary) 
of  a  circle  whose  radius  is  1,  and  the  whole  circumference 
be  divided  into  71  equal  parts,  AB,  BC,  CD,  &c.  we  have, 
if  OP  =  x, 

^^n  „  22"-M  =  0P^"~20P''-i-  1  =(0P"-^0^'^)'; 


^'-2  cos  —:r+l  =  0P'-20P  cos  A0J5+1  =  PP'; 

oc^^Q,  COS  -^:r  +  l  =  0P'-2  OP  cos  ^0C  +  1=PC'; 

x'-Q  cos  — :r+l=  OP'-£OP  coslOD+l  =  PD'; 

&c =&c. 

.'.  (op^'-o^^f =pJ3^pc^pJ)^&c. 

and  OP"'^OA''=:PB  .  PC  .  PD  .  &ic. 

Again,  if  the  arcs  AB,  BC,  CD,  &c.  be  bisected  in  the 
points  ttj  b,  Cj  &c.  and  P«,  Pb,  Pc,  8cc. ;  Oa,  Ob,  Oc,  &c. 
be  joined,  we  shall  have  as  before 

OP^''^  OA^''  =  Pa.PB,Pb.PC.  &c. 
^Pa.Pb.d^c,  PB,PC.  &c.  =  Pa.  Pb  .  &c.  {OP"'^OA''\ 

and  /.P..P6.Pc.&c.=    gpn^oA'^    =OP'^+OA\ 

293.   Cor.      If   the    point    P    be    supposed    to    coincide 

with  J[,   Pa,  Pb,  &c.  will  become  the  chords  of  -, ,  8lc. 

n      n 

and  /.  chd  -  chd chd &c.  to  n  factors  =2, 

21  n  n 

TT  .       Sir  .       OTT 

or  2  sm 2  sin 2  sm &c.  =  2, 

2/i  2?i  2^^ 

,  .      TT     .     Stt     .     57r  „  1 

and  .*.  sin  — -  sin  —  sm  —  &c,  = 1 . 

2^  2w         2w  2"~ 


294.      To  express  the  sine  and  cositie  of  an  arc  by  meajis  of 
continued  products, 

1 + 8cc.  [ ,  if  we 

1.2.3  J' 

assume  sin  0  =  0,  the  corresponding  values  of  9  will  be 
0,   ±'Jr,  ±2  7r,   ±37r,  &c. 
.*.  by  the  nature  of  equations,  we  have 

sin  e=Ce  {tt-B)  (7r  +  ^)  i^TT-O)  (27r+0)  &c. 

=  C7r^2V3V"-&€ 

e\  /       G" 


but  when  0  is  indefinitely  small,  we  have  seen  in  (213)  that 

-^—  =  1,  and  .*.  we  have  C  tt^  2"  tt^  3^  tt^  &c.  =  1  ; 

hence,  sin  0  =  0  (\ -^  (\ ^-^  &c. 

Again,   smce   cos    t7  =  1 + —  &c.   if  we 

^  1.2 

suppose   cos   0  =  0,   the   values  of  0  will   be 

TT  Sir  OTT        „ 

+  -  ,     +  —  ,    ± ,  &c. 

-  2        -     2  2 

=  C  -7; jj-  &c.      ' 

2'      2 
and  if  0  be  indefinitely  small,  we  shall  have 

2     o2      2 

cos  ^=  1,  or  C— 2    — 2""  ^^'  =  1  » 

2       2~ 

hence,  cos  0=  {\ ^j  (  1  —  7^—2)  occ. 


295.  Cor.  1.  It  is  manifest  that  if  we  suppose  C=C\  there 
will  be  the  same  number  of  factors  in  the  expressions  for 
both  sin  0  and  cos  0 :  omitting  therefore  one  of  the  first  of 
the  equal  factors  in  the  latter  to  make  the  number  correspond 
with   that  of  the  former,   we  have 

w  fSV'^  5'w'  7V=         1  ,„,,„,,  „  ^ 

2    (   2"        2^       2"  J 

^       TT       2^  4'  6'  &c.   in  inf.        ^.  ^  .    ^^^  ^^.  , 

and  .  .  -  =    <,     c, — TT— : — 7—7  3  which  is  Wains  s  expression 

2        3"  5-   7~  &c.   in  mj.  ^ 

for  the  circumference  of  a  circle  whose  diameter  is  I. 

Hence  also  from  (214)  it  appears  that  the  area  of  a  circle  : 
the  square  of  its  diameter 

2^  4^  6"  &c.  in  inf,  8        24       48 

::   ^g  ^^  ^2  . .     .   r    '    1    ::   -  X   —  X  —  X  &c.   :    1. 

3^  5^  7    &c.  in  znf.  Q        25        49 

296.  Cor.  2.  From  the  two  theorems  above  proved,  the 
logarithmic  sines  and  cosines  of  arcs  are  easily  derived  without 
previously  computing  their  natural  sines  and  cosines. 

m  IT  ' 

For,  let  ^  =  —    — ;   therefore  we  have 
'  n    2 

sin  —  —  =  —  —  (  1 ~-  )   (  1  —  -— —  J  Sec. 

w  TT        /  m^\   /  m^  \ 

cos =    I    1 ^  I    I    I ^-5  I   &C. 

n    2         \  ir)  \  3^n'} 

and  thence 

log  s.n  _  _  =  log  ^  +  log  (-j  +log(^l  -  ^,j  +&C. 
,„g,os-  -  =log(.  -  -,)  +Iog  (1  -  -,-^)  +&C,     . 


297*     To    express    the   length   of  mi    arc  in  terms  of  its 

From  (282)  we  have 

cos ^  4- \A^  sin  0  =  6^"^',  and  cos  0-  ^'^l  smO  =  e'^"^^; 

e^"""^  c:Q^m__  cos0-\-^ —\sin9  _  \  + ,y -ItanO 

^''F^^^''  ~  cos^-^^sin^"   l-V'^ltan^' 

hence,  taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides,  we  get 

2^>y/"^=log(l  +  ^/^  tane)-log(l-  x/-~i  ^an^) 

=  >/^  tan^+;;  tan'e-  -  ^'^  tan^  0  -  -  tan'^  +  &c. 

+  ^/~^l  tan^ tan^a-  -  ^7  -  1  tan^^+  -  tan^0— &c. 

2  3  4 

and  .*.  6  =  t3in0 tan^  0  +  -  tan^^  — &c. 

3  5 

Ex.  1.     Let  6  =  45^,  or  tan  6=  \, 

.-.  the  arc  of  45^=  1 4- + \-^c.  in  iff. 

3        5       7       9        11 

=  (l I  +  f-  -   -I  +  (- 1  +&C.  in  infinitum 

\         3/        \5         7/        V9         11/  ^ 

2             2              2       .  .     .  ^.   . 

H 1 h&c.  2w  infinitum: 

1.3       5.7       9.11 

and  the  whole  circumference  of  the  circle  whose  radius  is  r 

(1  1  1  ....       1 

=  I6r  \ ( 1 h  dc.  ?7f  infimtum\  . 

ll  ..3        5.7        9.11  -^ 


Ex.  2.      Let   tan  0  and  tan  0'  be  taken  respectively  equal 

to  -   and  "  ,    then 
2  3 

2       3  Q,^        5   9.^  '  3       3  3^        5  3^ 

^il     ,  .  „-il    _..o 

but  by  (110),  e  +  0'  =  tan''-  +tan-^-   =45^; 

.•.thearcof45°=  f-  +-^- -    (-k  +  ~^^+-    f -5  +  -r")  -  &c. 

\2       3/       3    \2^       3V       5   W       3V 

298.  Cor.  1.     Since  log  u  =  (w  -  m"')  -  -  (w^  -  m"') 

4-  -  (w^— w~^)  — 8CC.5  if  we  suppose  ti=  \/  —  1,  we  shall  have 

log  V~=^l 

/ 1  If  >  1     f  / 1  1  o 

=  2V~I  {'  -  5  +  5  -  :)  "^  &c.}  =  2^^  ^,  by  Ex.  1; 
.*.  Stt  or  the  circumference  of  the  circle  whose  radius  is  1 

x/^i      • 

299.  Cor.  2.      Since  w'^  =  e"'^^^  if  u  =  V^,  we  have 

TT  1         TT^  1  Tt'' 

=  1  "  ::  +  T-;: ::  —  +  &c.  =  .207879  &c. 

2         1.2    4  1.2.38 

The    discovery    of   these    singular   formulie    is    due    to    the 
celebrated   John  Bernoulli, 


300.  To  express  the  length  of  an  arc  in  terms  of  its  sine, 
and  the  sines  of  its  successive  multiples. 

Since  log  .r  =  Cr-a?-')  -  -  (x'^-jr"^)  +  -  {x^  ■- x'^) --^c. 

=  sill  0 sin  20  +  -  sin  SG  -  &c. 

2  3 

301.  To  express  the  length  of  an  arc  in  terms  of  its  sine, 
and  the  secants  of  successive  suhmultiples. 

By  article  (76)  we  have  immediately, 

.   e      Q 

sni  y  =  2  sm  -  cos  -  , 
2         2 

.     ^  .0  0 

sm^  =  '^«'"5i^«V^' 

^  0         6 

sill-.  =  2sin^cos^, 

&c.  =  &c. 

.       e  .     0         9 

sin  j;7T-r  =  2  sm  ^  cos  -  ; 

therefore  by  multiplication,   we  get 

.6000,  0 

sm  0  =  2"  sm  —  cos  -  cos  —  cos  -^  ccc.   cos  —7 . 


.    0        .    ^       0        0        0  ^  0 

and  2"  sin  —  =  sm  u  sec  --  sec  —  sec  — ^  cCc.  sec  - —  : 

2"  2  2  2  2" 

suppose  now  n  to  be  infinite,  in  which  case  sin  ~  =  —  by  (213), 

9  6 

,'.  0  =z  s\n  0  sec  -  sec  -^  &c.  in  infinitum; 

2  2^  ^ 

which  is  generally  known  by  the  name  of  Euler^s  formula. 

302.  Given  two  sides  a,  h  of  a  triangle,  and  the  included 
angle  C,  to  find  the  remaining  side  and  angles  hy  means  of 
infinite  series. 

By  (167)  we  have 

c'  =  a^  -^b^  —  2ab  cos  C 

=  a'  +  b'  -  ab  (e^''^'  ^e'^^~)  =  {a^b  e^''^)(a'-  b  e'^'^'^'\ 
.'.  as  before,  2  log  c  =  log  (« —  ft  e^'    ~^) -r  log  (a  —  &  e"^    ~^) 

=  2  log  «  + log  (  1  -  -  e^^~^j  +  log  (  1 e~^^^~^  J 


b  b^  /  ^ 

and  loar c  =  loo-  a cos  C  —  — ^  cos  2 C  —  — it  cos  SC—  &c. 

^  a  2a^  Sa"^ 

the  logarithms   being  taken    in    the   system  whose  base  is  e  or 
2.71828  &c. 

,  .         a        sin  A        sin(5+C)  „    ,    sin  C 

also,  snice  -r  =  -: — -  =  : — - —  =  cos  C  +   — , 

b       Hm  B  sin  B  tan  B 

,  _,  6  sin  C 

we  nave  tan  B 

a  —  b  cos  C ' 
and  .*.  -  -,  / — ^—F=  = T= — 

or  e^^"^^ 


and  taking  the  logarithms  of  both  sides,   we  get 

2l^-v/^  =  log  (a-  he-^''^~^^)-\o^  {a-  hc^'^^) 

__  ^  /^Cv'—       ^-Cv^TZY. 


a  2a 


and  .'.  B  =  -  sin  C  +  — 5  sin  2C  -1 -,  sin  SC  +  &c. 

a  Q,ar  Sa-^ 

which  is  expressed  in  terms  of  the  radius  1  :   and  hy  (278) 

6  sin  C         h^    sin  2  C    ,     h^    sin  3  C       ^ 

^  -3  — ^ — ^  .J __ ^  ^ __ ^  ^  g^^,^ 

«  sin  1  2  a     sm  J  3  a    sm  1 

b  sin  C        6^   sin  2  C       ^^  sin  3  C 
a  sm  1  a   .  sni  2  a"^    sm  3 

which  is  the  value  of  B  in  seconds  ;   also,   if  b  be  much   less 
than  a,  a  few  terms  of  these  series  will  be  sufficient. 

303.     By    processes   similar    to    those  pursued    in  the   last 
article,  we  shall  find  that  the  equation 

n  sin  cb 
tan  u  =  -,   cives 

1+W  COS0       "^ 

^  =  n  sin  <p sm  Q.(p  ■\-  —  sin  3  0-*&c. 



tan  O^n  tan  (p  gives 

tan  ^  =  cos  a  tan  ^  gives 

0  =  d)  —  tan*  -  sin  2d)  4-  -  tan"*  -  sin  4d)  —  &c. 

and  sin  0  =:  sin  a  sin  (/3  +  ^)  gives 

^  =  sin  a  sin  /3  +  -  sin'^  a  sin  2/3  +  -  sin^a  sin  3/3  +  &C. 
2  3 

304.  To  solve  triangles  without  the  aid  of  tables. 

In  (224)  we  have  seen  that  «  =  c  sin  A,   .*.  by  (277)  we  have 
(/A\  1       /A\'  1  /A\'  ) 

also  ta»*l^^  =  -t  ,   and  /.  by  (297)  we  obtain 

^•-'"{(-:)-3©'+j(-:)'— 1^ 

2     I     f  2 2 

again,   since  cos  C  =  ^ — 7 ,   we  shall  have  from  (279) 

and  so  on  for  all  other  cases. 

305.  By  a  similar  process  if  r  be  the  radius  of  the  circle 
circmnscribed  about  a  triangle  whose  sides  are  2^,  2&,  2c,  it  will 
readily  appear  that 


'a+b+c\    .      1     /a^^b'  +  c\    .      1.3     /a'  +  b'+c' 

1.3.5      /a^  -\-  b'^  +  c\ 

H : — :: — -  ( :; i  "f  &c.  =  the  sean-circumference  or 

a  circle  whose  radius  is  1. 

306.  To  solve  triangles,  two  of  whose  angles  are  very 

First,  let  the  two  very  acute  angles  A,  B  and  the  side  c  be 
given,  then  will  the  remaining  angle  C  be  found  to  be  very 
obtuse :   also  by  (276)  we  have 

A^  .     ^     ,.         B^ 

sin  A  =  A ,  sin  B=B-~ 

1.2.3'  1  .2.3' 

and  sin  C  =  sin  {A -{- B)-{A^  B)  -  ^     "^     ^   nearly : 

csinil  cA       f         2.154-^^) 

hence  a  =  -: rr-  = —  { 1  + >  , 

smU  +  jB)       A-\-B\  1.2.3    r 

cs'mB  cB      (      ,    A^-{-2AB) 

^"^  ^=  sinUH-^)  =  TT^  r  "^  Tr^rrl' 

which  are  the  true  values  after  neglecting  such  terms  as  contain 
four  or  more  dimensions  of  A  and  B. 

Hence  the  excess  of  the  sum  of  the  two  other  sides  above 

c  A  B 

that  which  subtends  the  greatest  angle  =  a'{'b  —  c  = — ,  and 


it  may   be  observed   that  A  and   B  are  both  understood  to  be 

expressed  in  terms   of  the  radius. 

Next,  let  the  two  sides  a,  b  and  the  included  angle  C  which  is 
very  obtuse  be  given  :   assume  C  =  7r--a,  then  by  (l67)  we  have 

c^  =  «^  +  6^—- 2at  cos  C  =  a^ '^b'^-\-Q,ab  cos  a 
=  a~-^b'  +  2ab  (\  -  -^)  ^(a^-bf-  aba\ 

1    aha 

2  a  +  b 


■      A       a    .  ^      a    .            a   \              a      \ 

a2;ain,  sin  A=  -  sin  C=  -  sin  a  =  -    la  —  ;   ^    A 

°                        c  c                 c    V          1 .2 .3; 

__       rt        r  \     aba                *^     \ 

""  rt  +  6   I"  5  {a  +  6)'  ""   1.2.  si 

a  a      j  («"  +  b")  —  a  b       a      1 

^7+7^    r  (a-f-W'         1.2.3)' 

sin"^  J.  a  a      ,    nb{a  —  b)      a^ 

whence  A  =  sin  ilH ^ — ~  = 4- 


1.2.3        a+6    '     {a  +  bf    1.2.3 
_     gg      \  bja-b)       g'     I 

which  would  have  been  found  to  be  of  the  same  value  from  the 
equation    B  =  a  ~  A. 

307.      To  express  the  cosine  of  the  multiple  of  an  arc  in 
terms  of  descending  powers  of  the  cosine  of  the  arc  itself 

(1  -ax)  (\  -  -\  =1-  fa+  '-\  .r+/=l  -  x  (a -\ x\, 

if  we  assume  rt  4-  -  =  p,  and  take  the  logarithms  of  both  sides 
of  this  equation,  we  have 

log  ( 1  ~  « j:)  +  log  M  —  '-<  j  =  log  \i—x(p-  x)},   and 

a      „        a      ^  a 

«  r  +  -r  x^  +   -  a  '  -f  &c.  +  —  i"  +  cScC.  ■ 
2  3  n 


2  3  n 

therefore  equating  the  coefficients  of  a'^  in  both  sides,,  we  get 

«.     ^  n         «    2      n(fi—3)    „^.      n{n—4)(n—5)    „    ^ 

^    y^(,^-77^--l)8cc.  (7^-2;y^-^-  l)^.-2.»^ 

1  . 2 . 3  &c.  7?^  ^  "^       ' 

in    which    the    last   term    will    be    2    or  rip   according  as  w   is 
even  or  odd  : 

nowif/9  =  a  +  -  =  2  cos  il,   we  have  2  cos  72^  =  a'*  +    — : 
a  a" 

and  if  n  be  even^  we  shall  have 

2  cos  JiA 

=  (2cos^)"-n(2cos^r-'+  ^^  (2  cos  l)"-*-8cc.  ±  2; 

1  .  2 

also  if  n  be  odd,  we  shall  tind 

2  cos  ?« J. 

=  (2  cos  AT  -  n  (2  cos  1)"" ^  +  n{n-S)  ^^  ^^^  AY'^-'&c. 

1 .2 

+  7Z  (2  cos  A). 

If  we  differentiate  both  sides  of  the  equations  just  investigated, 
we  shall  obtain  similar  expressions  for  sin  nA, 

308.    To  express  the  cosine  of  the  multiple  of  an  arc  in  terms 
of  ascending  powers  of  the  cosine  of  the  arc  itself. 

Reversing  the  order  of  the  terms  of  the  expressions  found  in 
the  last  article,  wc  get  immediately,  if  n  be  even. 



-  I  1.2  j 

and  if  fi  be  odd, 

cos7iil=  +7/cos^  J  I COS  A-\ COS  A—&cA, 

-  I        1.2.3  J 

in  which  the  upper  signs  must  be  used  when  7i  is  of  the  forms 
4m  and  4m  +  1^  and  the  lower  when  of  the  forms  4!m+2  and 
4;72  +  3. 

Differentiating    both    sides    of    these    equations,    we    shall 
immediately  obtain  expressions  of  the  same  kind  for  sin  nA. 

309.      To  find  the  sum  of  the  sines  of  a  series  of  arcs  in 
arithmetical  progression. 

Let  sin^  +  sin(^-}-^)  +  sin(^  +  2^)  +  &c.  +  sin(^+(«-l)^) 
be  the  proposed  series,  then  by  (67),  we  have 

2  sin  -  sin  0  =  cos  (  0 |  —  cos  (  0  4-  -)  9 

2  \  2/  V         2/ 

2  sin-   sin  {0-^^)  =  cos  (o  ^  ''^-cos/^^^-  —V 
&c =&c 

2sin^sin(^  +  (;z-l)^)=cos(^  +  ?^^)-cos(^  +  ?^^^ 
and  denoting  the  sum  of  the  proposed  series  by  Sj 
we  shall  have  by  addition^ 


sin  (  ^  H 0  I  8111  — 

A   .   <;?  V  ^      /         ^ 

and  .  .  o  = ' --^ . 

sin  - 


310.    Ex.      If  I  be  taken  equal  to  d,  2^,   3^,  &c.   suc- 
cessively,  we   shall  have 

sin^  -I-  sin  2^  +  sin  30  +  &c.  +  sin  nQ 

.     (n^\\^.    71$ 
sin  I I  6  sm  --— 

.    0 

sm  - 


sin0  -f-  sin  30  +  sin  o0  +  &c. +  sin  (2/2-  1)0=   --.    -     : 

sm  C7 

sin  0  +  sin  40  +  sin  70  +  &c.  +  sin  (3w  -  2)0 

3n-  1\  ^  .    3n0 

in  ( I  0sin 

\      2      /  2 

.     30 
sin  — 


&c =  &c, 

311.   Coil.      Hence  also, 

sin  0  -  sin  (0  +  ^)  +  sin  (0  +  2^)  ~  &c. 

^{sin0  +  sin(0+2S)+&c.}-{sin(0  +  ^)  +  sin(0  +  3^)  +  &c.} 

may  be  found ;  and  if  —  ^  be  substituted  in  the  place  of  S, 
the  sum  of  the  series  sin  0  +  sin  (0  — ^)  +  sin  (0— 2^)  +  &c. 
will  be   obtained. 

312  By  proper  substitutions  in  the  formula  above  deduced, 
the  summation  of  the  sines  of  any  series  of  arcs  in  arithmetical 
progression  may  be  effected  :    also,  if 

2«-i  ^  ^''K^-i) 

^_| —  ^  =  (2wi  —  1)  -  ,   the  sum  will  be k—  , 

2  2  .0 

2  sm  - 


and  this  has  been  erroneously  called  the  sum  of  the  series   con* 
tinued  in  i?ifinitum,  but  which  in  fact  cannot  be  determined. 

313.     To  find  the  sum  of  the  cosines  of  a  series  of  arcs 
in  arithmetical  progression. 

Let  cos0  +  cos(f)+^)  +  cos(^-h2S)-|-&c.  +  cos(O  +  (?i-l)^) 
be  the  proposed  series,  then  as  before, 

2  sin  -  cos  ^  =  sin  (04-'-]  —  sin  (O | , 

2sin  --  cos(0  +  ^)  =  sin  {$-{ \  -sin  (Oi-  -V 

&c =&c 

2  sin  ^  cos{e  +  (n-  l)^)  =  sin  (O-^—-!  ^^  -  sin  (^0  +  ?^^); 

whence  by  addition,  we  have 

2  sin  ^  S=  sin  (o  +  ?^^)   -sin  (o  -   ^) 

=  2  cos  (^  +  '^  ^^)  sin  ~ ,   by  (67). 

cos  (  a  H 0  )  sni  — 

V  2        /  2 

w—  1 
cos(6^  + 

and  /.  S  = 

sui  -- 


314.     Ex.   Let  ^   be   taken  equal   to    0,   20,  30,    &c.  in 
succession,  and 

cos  0  -f  cos  20  +  cos  30  -f  (fee.  +  cos  nO 



cos  I  — —  ]  0  sin 

,     0 
sni  -- 



cos  0  +  COS  3  0  -h  COS  50  +  &c.  -I-  cos  {Qn  —  1)0 

_  cos  nO  sin  ti9 

sin  9 

cos  6  +  cos  40  +  cos  70  +  &c.  +  cos  {Sn-  2)0 

/3n—  1\  _   .     3ft9 

cos  ( I  0sin 

=  V      2      /  2 

.     30  ' 

sin  — 

&c =&c. 

315.  Cor.  The  sums  of  the  cosines  of  the  series  men- 
tioned in  article  (311)  may  be  found  by  the  formula  above 
deduced,  as  indeed  may  the  sums  of  the  cosines  of  any  series 
of  arcs  whatsoever  in   arithmetical   progression. 

31 6.  As  in  the  preceding  articles^  the  sums  of  the  squares, 
cubes,  &c.  of  the  sines  and  cosines  of  the  same  arcs  may  be 
obtained  by    means   of  (272)  and  (274).      Thus 

sin^  0  +  sin'  (0  +  ^)  +  ^c,  +  sin'  (0  +  («  -  1 )  ^)  = 


icos  20  + 

1   {cos  (2  0-f(»-l)^)  sin  ?rS] 

---  {cos  20  +  cos  2(0  +  ^) -f&c.  -f  cos2(0  +  (/i-  1)^)} 
2      2 

_7i  ^  I    fcos  {0  9-\-in  —  \)d)  sm  y?d| 
*"  5  ""  2  I  sin  ^  J  ' 

by  (313),  and   so   on. 

Also,  by   successive   diflferentiations  of  the   examples  given 
in  (310)  and  (314),   the   sums   of  such   series   as 

sin  0  +  2'"  sin  2  0  +  3'"  sin  30+  &c. 

and  cos  0  +  2"'  cos  2  0  +  3"^  cos  3  0  +  &c. 

will   be  obtained. 

Similarly,   by    multiplying  by  dO,    and   integrating  succes- 
sively,  the   sums   of  such  series   as 

.      ,         1      .         ^        1      .        ^ 
sm  9-^  —  sm  2  0+—  sm  30+  <S:c. 



and  cos  0  -\ — —  cos  Q.  0  -] —  cos  30  +  &Ca 

2  3 

may  be   determined. 

317.  The  series  menlioned  in  the  preceding  articles  might 
have  been  summed  by  means  of  the  expressions  for  the  sine  and 
cosine  of  an  arc   investigated  in  (263)  and  (282).      Thus,  if  we 

suppose  sin  6  =  ^=  (  oc  —  -  ) ,  we  shall  have 

sin  ^  +  sin  2  0  +  sin  3  ^  -}-  &c.  to  n  terms 

?.r  -4-   r'^   4-    r^   -I-  &c.    to  ?i  terms V 

, .X  +  X    -\-  X'    +  &c.   to  ?i  terms, 

1  fl  1  1  } 

.       -  <-   +  -17  H — 5  -|- &c.   to  n  terms? 
2  ^  _  I   U        x'        x^  ) 

1  p  (:r"- 1)  l-x"    ) 

2^^  1     ^r-1       "^   .r'^(a:--  l)j 

2^"=^    i         x''{x-])         J 

._((''-;;)C'  -ip) 

5  5 

sm  —  sm  I  — I  y 

2      V  2  y 

;,  as  berore. 


.    0 
sin  - 


Again,  since  cos  0  =    we  have 


cos  0  -f  cos  2^  -f  cos  30  +  &c.  to  ?i  terms 


=  i   {e^^-^  +  e'S^-'  +  ^^^^^4.  &e.  to  n  terms} 

+  i   {e~^^-^  +  e-'^^^-f^-''^-'  +  &c.  to^^  terms} 
5   I  i       -i  i 

.     nO 
sin  —  cos 

—  J  as  before. 

.    0 
sin  - 

It  moreover  appears  from  (73)  that  these  are  recurring 
series^  and  may  therefore  be  summed  by  the  rules  laid  down  for 
that  purpose ;  but  there  still  remains  to  be  explained  another 
method   not  inferior  to   any   that   have   yet   been   given. 

Let  5'  =  sin  ^H-sin  30  +  sin  50  +  &c.  +  sin  (2n—  \)0, 
.'.  5  sin  20  =  sin  0  sin  20  +  sin  20  sin  30  + sin  2  0  sin50+&c. 
+  sin  20  sin  (2w —  1)  0,  and  as  appears  from  (6?)  = 

-   J  cos  0  — cos  30  + cos  0—  cos  50  + cos  30  — cos  70  +  8cc. 

+  cos  (271  -  5)  0—  cos  (2?i—  1)0  +  cos  (2 n  -  3)  0— cos  (2??+  1)0  [ 
=  -   {2cos0-cos(2«~  1)0-  cos(2?i+  1)0} 

=  -    {2cos0  — 2cos2?i0  COS0},  by  (67), 

_  cos  0  — cos  2;i0  COS  0        1 — cos  2 7^0  _  siir;/0 
*  '      "  2  sin  0  cos  0  ~~        2  sin  0        "~    sin  0 


318.  To  Jin d  the  sum   of  the  series^  cosec  0 -i- cosec  0.8 
+  cosec  2'  6  +  S:c.   to  n  terms, 

Here,   cosec  0  =  cot cot  9. 

cosec  9.9  =^  cot  9 -cot  2  9, 
&c.  =  .  .  .  .  &.C.. ... 

cosec  2^*-'a  =  cot  2"-'e-cot2"-'^; 

.*.   by  addition,    we   shall  have 

cosec  9  4- cosec  20  +  8cc.  +  cosec  2''~^9; 


=  cot cot  Q'^~^9, 


319.  To  find  the  sum  of  the  series^  tan  9  -^  9,  tan  9.9  + 

2"^  tan  2'  9  +  <S)C.  to  n  terms. 

It   is   easily  proved   that 

tan  0  =  cot  ^  -  2  cot  2  9, 

2  tan  2  0  =  2  cot  2  0  —  2*  cot  QT  9, 

2^  tan  2^9  =  2^  cot  2'^  -  2^  cot  2^9, 

&c.  .  .  .  =  &c 

2"-'  tan  2"-'^  =  2""' cot  2"-'^ -2'' cot  2"^; 
.*.  by  addition,   we   get 
tan  (9  +  2  tan  2  ^  -f  &c.  +2"-'  tan  2"*^^  =  cot  ^  -  2"  cot  2'*^. 

320.     To  find  the  sum  of  the  series 

10        1  \         9  9 

^tan-  +  -,  tan  -,  +  ~,  tan  - 

tan  ;:  +  :::2  ^^'^  ~2  "i — 3  ^^^^  ~r  &c.  to  n  terms. 

9  9 

We   have   seen  in   (112)   that   tan  -  =  cot  -  —  2cot0; 

2  2 


\      e     \      e 

,'.  -  tan  -  =  -  cot coty, 

2  2       2  2 

1       ^1       e     \      e 

-7  tan  -^  =  --2  cot  -z  —  -^  cot  -  , 
<2^  2^       2^         2-2  2 

Szc =  &c. 

10          10  1  0 

— -  tan  -r  =  —  cot  —- — 7  cot 

2»  £/j        2'*  2"        2""^  2'^~^  ' 

1  9 

hence  by  addition,  the  required  sum  =  —  cot  ~  —  cot  0 ; 

and  if  «  be  infinite^  this    becomes  ^  —  cot  0. 


321.      To  find   the    sum    of  the   series,   (tan  0  +  cot  0) 
+  {tan  26  +  cot  2  0)  +  (tan  2'0  +  ^ot  2^0)  -f  ^c.  to  u  terms. 

In   this   case,   we    have 

tan  6    +  cot  0  =  2  cot  0    —  2  cot  2  9, 
tan  20  +  cot  2  0  =  2  cot  20  —  2  cot  2^0^ 
&c =  &c 

tan  2"-'0  +  cot  2''-'0  =  2  cot  2"-^0  -  2  cot  2"0; 
.'.  the   required   sum  =  2  cot  0  —  2  cot  2"0. 

322.     To  find  the  sum  of  the  series  x   sin  0  +  x*  5/;/  2  0 
+  x^  sin  39  +  S^c.  to  n  terms. 

By  means  of  the   formulae  investigated  in  (282),  if  S  be  the 
required  sum,   we   shall   have 


-j-  &c.  to  ;/  terms 



=^|^.e*^^^  +  ^V'^-"^  +  ^r^e'^^+&c.  +  ^"e"^^-')} 

2  V  -1  ^ 

■      ~  £^^  1  x'-{e'^'  +  e-'^^^)  :r  +  1  I 

■  1 (         x{e^^-'^e-'^-^)  ) 

.t'*+^  sin  nO-  ^"  +  ^  sin  (/i  +  l)  ^  +  :r  sin^ 

2~  ~  2  cos  0  X  -\-  \ 

If    :i^  be   a  proper  fraction    and   n    indefinitely    great^    we 
shall  have   the   sum   of  the   series  continued   in   infinitum 

X  sin  S 

x^  •—  9,  cos  0  X  -^  \ 

323.     To  find  the  sum  of  the  series  x  cos  0  -^  x^  cos  2  0 
+  x^  C05  3  0  +  Sfc  to  n  terms. 

As  before, 


+  :r    (  — )  +  &c.  to  n  terms 

=  -  {^  e^^-^  +  /  e-^^^  +  a^^^  ^'^'^  4-  &c.  +  a-"  e"^^-^: 




^^e^^-i   cr^J^rzrr^n 

«  +  2  /gnQvCrr  _|_  ^-«6 

,6v  _  i  ,   ^-^vzn 

11        ^  u 

.r^  +  ^  cos  ne-  0?"  +  '  cos  (w  +  l)  ^  +  x  cos  0  -  x" 

x"  —  2  cos  0  X  -{-  \ 

and   as  in   the  last   article,   the    snni  of    the   series   indefinitely 

X  cos  0  —  x"^ 
"~   x'^  ~  2  cos  9  X  ■\-  \  ' 

324.  By  means  of  the  operations  of  differentiation  and 
integration  as  pointed  out  in  article  (v3l6),  the  sums  of  various 
other  trigonometrical  series  may  easily  be  determined  ;  but  the 
almost  entire  absence  of  utility  renders  it  unnecessary  now  to 
devote  more  time  to  the  subject.  We  shall  however  conclude 
this  Chapter  with  two  or  three  instances  in  which  some  of 
the  preceding  series  are  made  available  to  the  solution  of 
more  important   Problems. 

325.  From  (322)  it  appears  that  the  sum  of  the  series 
sin  d-]rx  sin  20+.r^  sin  30-|~Slc.  continued  in  injinitum  is 

sin  9  sin  9 

x^  —  2  cos  9x  +  1         1  —  .r  (2  cos  ^  —  .r)  ' 
and  therefore  bv  actual  division  we  shall  have 


sin  e  +  x  sill  '^e+x'  sm  SO +  Sic.+x'*~'  siiiw^  +  Scc. 

=  sin  0  {\-\-x{9,  cos  0-x)  +  x^  {2  cos  0  -  xY-{-^c. 

+  ar"-2  (2  cos  0  -  xT-^-hx''^'  (2  cos  0  -^rr"'  +  8cc.}  : 

whence  by  expanding  the  binomials  and  equating  the  coefficients 
of  x^^"^  on  both  sides,  we  shall  obtain 

sin  nO  =  sin  G  ((2  cos  OT''' -  ^^^—^{2  cos  Of-'' 

(.-3)(.-4)       ^^^  1^ 

Similarly    by   means   of  the   series  summed  in  (323),  it  may  be 
shewn   that 

cos;i0  =  l.|(2cos^r--w(2cos^r-^^+^^^^i^(2cos^f--'-8cc.|, 

which  might  have   also   been  readily  derived  from  the  preceding 
by  the  operation  of  differentiation. 

326.     If  we  suppose  0  =  —  or  72*^,   the   second   example 


of  (314)  gives 

^      cos2^sin2^        ,  sin40  sin(27r-^) 

cost^  +  cos3y= 7—7^ =  ^     ■    ^    =  ^ : — =—  i; 

sin  a  2   sm^         2        s,n^  2' 

also  from  (6?)  we  have  sin  0  cos  30=  ^  ^cos  4^  + cos  20 \ 
=  §{cos(27r-^)  +  cos(27r-3^}=  |  {cos  0  +  cos  30}  =  -  ^  : 

and  from  these  two  equations  are  immediately  deduced 

cos  0  =  cos  72^=  "^^"^     andcos30=cos2l6'=   "  "^ ^  "  \ 
4        '  4  ^ 

which  are  the  same  as   would  have   been  found  by  the  methods 
pointed  out  in  the  second  chapter* 


327.    Let  0  =  —  or  170  =  7r,   then  from  the  example  re- 
ferred  to  in   the  last  article   we   have 

cos  80  sin  8  0 

cos  04-cos  30-f  COS50  +  &C.  +  cos  150  = 



sin  160  __  J  sin  (ti— 0)        ^ 
sin0     ~2        ^iJT^         -  2' 

assume  now  x  =  cos  0  +  cos  90  +  cos  130  +  cos  1 5  0, 

and  y  =  cos  3  0  +  cos  5  0+ cos  70  +  cos  110; 

then   if  these    two    quantities   be  multiplied  together,  and  their 
product  be  reduced   by  (67)j   we  shall  obtain 

X7/  =  Q.  {cos20  +  cos40  +  cos60  +  &c. +  COS  160} 

=  -2  {cos  150  + COS  130  + cos  1 10 +&c.  +  cos0}=  -  1, 
by  what  has  just  been  proved  : 
whence  the  equations  x-\-i/=—,   and  jry=  —  1,   give 

i+x/Tt"    ,       i-^'y? 

X  = 5: and  y  =  ^^^ : 

4  -^  4 

Again,  let  s  =  cos  0+cos  130,  and  ^=cos  9^4-cos  150, 
also  M  =  cos  30  + cos  5  0,  and  v=qos  7  0  +  cos  11  0, 

.K  .     ^.        1+n/^       ^  l-x/T7 

so  that  s  +  ^  =  ^^^ ,  and  u  +v  — — ; 

4  4 

whence  proceeding  as  before  we  shall  obtain 

St  ■=  —  J: ,  and  uv  =  —  |:; 
and  thus  the  four  quantities  5,  t,  u,  v,  may  be  determined : 
hence  since  cos0+cos  130  =  5,  and  by  (67),  cos  0  cos  130 

=  i  {cos  120  +  cos  140}  =  -  ^  {cos  30  +  COS50}  =  -  ^  . 



the  values  of  0  and  130  are  readily  obtained. 



This  article  enables  us  to  determine  the  side  of  a  regular 
polygon  of  17  sides  inscribed  in  a  circle  whose  radius  is  1^ 
which  is  manifestly  =  chd  2^  =  2  sin  ^  =  2>/l—  cos^  0, 

In  what  we  have  just  been  doing,  no  reason  has  been 
assigned  for  the  assumptions  there  made  :  and  in  fact  no  reasons 
can  be  given  without  entering  upon  a  theory  much  too  difficult 
for  a  place  in  an  elementary  Treatise  like  the  present.  The 
invention  of  such  a  theory  is  due  to  M,  Gauss,  Professor  of 
Mathematics  at  Strasburgh,  and  it  may  be  seen  fully  developed 
in  his  work  entitled  Disquisitiones  Arithmetic cz^  which  has  been 
translated  into  French  by  M.  PouUet-Delisle  under  the  title  of 
Kecheixhes  Arithmetiques.  On  this  subject  the  reader  is  referred 
also  to  the  last  chapter  of  Barlow'^s  Elementary  Investigation 
of  the  Theory   of  Numbers. 


CHAP.  I. 


Article  I.     Definition  I. 

Spherical  Trigonometry  treats  of  the  relations  between 
the  sides  and  angles,  &c.  of  figures  formed  by  the  intersections 
of  three  or  more  planes  with  the  surface  of  a  sphere. 

2.    Everi/  section  of  the  surface  of  a  sphere  made  by  a  plane 
cutting  it,  is  the  arc  of  a  circle. 

Let  O  be  the  centre  of  the  sphere,  ABC  the  section  made 
by  a  plane  passing  through  it ;  draw  OD  perpendicular  to  this 
plane  and  produce  it  both  ways  to  meet  the  surface  in  E  and  F, 
join  ADf  BDj  CD,  and  draw  the  radii  of  the  sphere  OA, 
OB,  OC:  then  by  Euclid  xi.  Def.  3,  ODA,  ODE,  ODC 
are   right  angles ; 


that  is  DA^  =  DB' :=DC'  =  &c.  or  DA  =  DB=DC  =  &c. 

and   therefore  the   section  ABC  is  a  circle  whose  centre  is  D, 
and  radius  -  DJ  =  DB=  DC  =  &c. 

3.  Cor.  If  the  distance  of  the  cutting  plane  from  the 
centre  of  the  sphere  be  called  d,  and  the  radius  of  the  sphere  r, 
we  shall  have  the  radius  DA  of  the  section  =  s^  OA^  —  OD^ 
=  A^r^  -  d'^:  and  if  d  =  0,  or  the  cutting  plane  pass  through 
the  centre  of  the  sphere,  the  radius  of  the  section  is  equal  to 
the  radius  of  the  sphere,  and  its  centre  coincides  with  the 
centre  of  the   sphere. 

4.  Def.  2.  The  pole  of  a  circle  of  the  sphere  is  a  point 
in  the  surface  of  the  sphere  from  which  all  straight  lines  drawn 
to  the  circumference  of  the  circle  are  equal. 

6.  Cor.  Hence  if  the  line  OD  be  produced  both  ways 
to  meet  the  surface  of  the  sphere  in  E  and  F,  these  points  a  e 
called  the  poles  of  the  circle  ABC,  the  former  the  near,  the 
latter  the  remote  pole. 

6.  Def.  3.  When  the  cutting  plane  passes  through  the 
centre  of  the  sphere,  the  radius  of  the  section  being  equal 
to  the  radius  of  the  sphere  is  the  greatest  possible,  and  the 
circle  is  called  a  Great  Circle  of  the  sphere  :  in  all  other  cases 
the  section  is  termed  a  Small  Circle. 

7.  Cor.  1.  If  the  section  pass  through  the  centre  of  the 
sphere,  the  points  O  and  D  coincide,  and  the  poles  of  a  great 
circle  are  the  points  of  intersection  with  the  surface  of  the  sphere 
made  by  a  perpendicular  to  the  circle  passing  through  its  centre  ; 
and  it  is  manifest  that  the  arc  of  the  sphere  intercepted  between 
the  circumference  of  a  great  circle  and  either  of  its  poles  is 
a  quadrant. 

8.  Cor.  2.  Hence  two  great  circles  of  the  sphere  bisect 
one   another^   because   they  have   a  common   centre^    and   iheir 


common  section    being    a    diameter    of    each    therefore    bisects 

Q.  Def.  4.  The  arcs  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere  are 
always  understood  to  be  portions  of  great  circles  unless  the 
contrary  be  expressed :  a  figure  formed  by  three  such  arcs  is 
a  spherical  triangle :  by  four  a  spherical  quadrilateral,  &c  :  and 
by   n   such   arcs   a   spherical   polygon   of  7i  sides. 

10.  Def.  5.  The  angles  of  spherical  triangles,  &c.  are 
those  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  contained  by  the  arcs  of 
the  great  circles  which  form  the  sides,  and  are  the  same  with 
the  inclinations  of  the  planes  of  those  great  circles  to  one 

11.  Ani/  two  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  are  together 
greater  than  the  third,  and  the  three  sides  are  together  less  than 
the  circumference  of  a  great  circle. 

Let  ABC  be  a  spherical  triangle  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere 
whose  centre  is   O ;   draw  the  radii    of    the   sphere   OA,   OB, 


OC  to  the  angular  points  :  then  since  the  solid  angle  at  0  is 
contained  by  the  three  plane  angles  AOB,  AOC,  BOC,  any 
two  of  which  are  by  Euclid  xi.  20.  together  greater  than  the 
third,  it  follows  that  any  two  of  the  arcs  which  measure  these 
angles  are  together  greater  than  the  third:  that  is,  AB  +  AC 
is  greater  than  BC,  AB  +  BC  greater  than  AC,  and  AC  +  BC 
greater  than  AB. 

Also,  since  the  solid  angle  at  0  is  contained  by  the  three  plane 
angles  JOB,  AOC,  BOC,  which  by  Emc/?V7  xi.  21.  are  together 


less  than  four  right  angles,  it  is  manifest  that  the  three  arcs  AB, 
AC  and  BC  are  together  less  than  the  circumference  of  a  great 

Hence  if  the  sides  be  denoted  by  a,  b,  c,  and  the  radius  of 
the  sphere  be  1,  then  a  +  b  >  c,  a  +  c  >  b,  b  +  c  >  a,  and 
a  +  b  +  c  <  27r. 

12.  CoR.  For  the  same  reason,  since  {Euclid  x\.  21.)  every 
solid  angle  is  contained  by  plane  angles  which  are  together 
less  than  four  right  angles,  it  follows  that  all  the  sides  of  a 
spherical  polygon  are  together  less  than  the  circumference  of 
a  great  circle. 

13.  Def.  6.  If  with  the  angular  points  of  a  spherical 
triangle  as  poles,  great  circles  of  the  sphere  be  described, 
the  figure  formed  by  the  intersections  of  these  circles  is  called 
the  Polar  Triangle,  in  contradistinction  to  which,  the  proposed 
one  is  styled  the  Primitive  Triangle, 

14.  The  angular  points  of  the  polar  triangle  are  the  poles 
of  the  sides  of  the  primitive  triangle. 

Let  A  BC  be  the  primitive  triangle,  DFE  the  polar  triangle 

described   according   to  the  definition,  and  let   the  great  circles 
be   produced   as  in   the   figure  :   then 

since  A  is  the  pole  of  DE,    AD  is  a  quadrant, 
and  since  B  is  the  pole  of  DF,    BD  is  a  quadrant: 


.•.  the  distances  of  the  points  A  and  B  from  D  being  quadrants 
are  equal  to  one  another,,  and  consequently  D  is  the  pole 
of  AB:  for  the  same  reason  the  angular  points  E  and  F  oH  the 
polar  triangle  are  the  poles  of  the  sides  j^C  and  BC  of  the 
primitive  triangle. 

15.  The  sides  and  angles  of  the  polar  triangle  are  the 
supplements  of  the  angles  and  sides  respectively  of  the  primitive 

The  same  construction  remaining,  and  the  radius  of  the 
sphere  being  supposed  =1,  so  that  an  angle  may  be  equal 
to  the  arc  which   measures  it,  we   have 

similarly  A  B  =  nr  —  BF,  and  zC  =  7r--EF: 
again   A  D  =  GH=  GB -h  BH=  GB  +  AH- AB^ir  -  AB: 
similarly   z£  =  7r-lC,   and   Z.F=7r—BC. 

Hence  if  «,  hj  c.  A,  By  C  be  the  sides  and  angles  respectively 
of  the  primitive  triangle,  and  a\  b',  c,  A\  B' ,  C'  those  of  the 
polar  triangle,  we  shall  have 

a'=7r  — u4,    b'  =  TT  —  B,    c'=7r— C, 
and   A'=  TT  —  a,    B'  =  tt  —  b,     C'  =  tt  —  c; 

and  from  these  properties  the   polar  triangle  is  frequently  styled 
the  supplemental  triangle. 

16.  Cor.  1.  If  one  or  more  of  the  sides  or  angles  of  the 
primitive  triangle  be  quadrants  or  right  angles,  the  corresponding 
angles  or  sides  of  the  polar  triangle  will  be  right  angles  or 

17.  Cor.  2.  Hence  the  sum  of  the  three  angles  of  a 
spherical  triangle  lies  between   two  and  six   right  angles. 

For,  since  by  (11)  a''\-b'-\-c  is  less  than  Stt,  it  follows 
that  A  +  B  +  C  =  Stt  —  {a  +  b' -{- c)    is    greater  than  w  or  two 


right  angles:  and  we  manifestly  \m\e  A-\-B+C=37r—{a-}-b' -^c) 
less   than  Stt  or  six  right  angles. 

A  spherical  triangle  may  therefore  have  two  or  three  right 
angles,   or  two  or  three  obtuse  angles. 

18.  Cor.  3.  Hence  also  the  sum  of  any  two  angles  of 
a  spherical  triangle  exceeds  the  third  by  less  than  two  right 

For,  since  by  (11)  a  -{-b'  is  greater  than  c  ,  we  have 
TT  —  A-\-7r  —  B  greater  than  tt  —  C,  or  tt  greater  than  A  +  B—  C, 

.*.  ^  +  -B  —  C  is  less  than  tt  :  similarly  J +  C—B,  und  B  +  C- A 
are  each  less  than  tt. 

19.  Cor.  4.  In  the  same  manner  if  the  sides  of  a  sphe- 
rical polygon  be  each  less  than  a  semicircle,  and  with  its 
angular  points  as  poles  great  circles  be  described,  another 
spherical  polygon  will  be  formed  which  will  be  supplemental 
to  the  former. 

20.  Def.  7.  If  one  of  the  angles  of  a  spherical  triangle 
be  a  right  angle,  it  is  called  a  right-angled  triangle;  if  one  of 
the  sides  be  a  quadrant,  it  is  called  a  quadrantal  triangle,  and  all 
others  are  called  oblique-angled  triangles. 



On  the  relations  between  the  sides  and  angles,  S)X.  of  spherical 


21.     7^0  express  the  cosines   of  the  angles  of  a  spherical 
triangle  in  term^  of  the  sides. 

Let  ABC  be  a  triangle  on  the   surface  of  a  sphere  whose 
centre  is  O  and  radius  =  1,   the  angles  being  A,  J5,  C  and  the 

corresponding  opposite  sides  a,  b,  c  :  let  ADj  AE  touching 
the  arcs  AB,  AC  nt  the  point  A^  meet  the  radii  OB,  OC  pro- 
duced in  D,  E,  and  join  DE  :   then  we  have 

AE  =  tan  AC  =  tan  b,  AD  =  tan  AB  =  tan  c, 

OE  =  sec  AC  =  sec  b,  OD  =  sec  AB  =  sec  c  : 

now  in  the  triangle  DOE,  we  have  from   (l65)  PL  Trig, 

DE'  =  OjE'  +0D'-20E.  OD  cos  DOE 

=  sec^  b  +  sec^  c  —  2  sec  b  sec  c  cos  a 
=  2  -f  tan^  6  +  tan^  c  —  2  sec  6  sec  c  cos  a ; 


also,  in  the  triangle  EAD,  we  have  by  the  same  article 
DE'  =  AE^  +AD^'-QAE.AD  cos  DAE 
=  tan^  b  4"  tan^  c  —  2  tan  6  tan  c  cos  A  : 
whence  equating  and  transposing  we  get 

2  tan  b  tan  c  cos  A  =  2sec  b  sec  c  cos  a  —  2, 

2  sec  b  sec  c  cos  a  — 2       cos  «  —  cos  b  cos  c 

and  .*.  cos  A  = 

2  tan  b  tan  c  sin  b  sin  c 

cos  /;  — cos  a  cos  c  ^     cos  c  —  cos  a  cos  6 

similarly  cos  JD= ^ : ,  and  cos  C= : : — 7 

•^  sin  a  sm  c  sm  a  sni  0 

Ex.  1.      If  a  =  6,  we  have 

cos  a  — -  cos  a  cos  c        cos  a  (1  —  cos  c) 

cos  il  = 

2  sin^ 

sm  «  sm  c  sm  a  sm  c 


cos  a  2  ^  7         ^  r> 

=  -: : =  cot  a  tan  -  =  cot  b  tan  -  =  cos  ±>  i 

sm  a      sm  c  2  2 

cosc-cos^a  2  0 

and  cos  C  =  r-^ =  cos  c  cosec  a  —  cot  a. 

sm  a 

Hence  we  have  A  ^^  B,  or  the  angles  at   the  base  of  an 
isosceles  spherical   triangle   are  equal  to  one  another. 

Ex.   2.      Let  a=^b  =  c,  then  we  shall  have 

cosa  — cos^a         cos«(l— cos«) 

cos  A  = 

sin  a  yy/ 1  —  cos^  a 


4/1  —cos  a  «  2  _,  ^ 

=  cot  a  y    — ; =  cot  a  tan  -  = =  cos  B  =  cos  C 

1  +  cos  a  2        tan  a 

Hence  every  equilateral  spherical  triangle  is  also  equiangular. 


22.  Cor.  If  the  angle  at  C  be  a  riglit  angle^  we  have 
0  =  cos  c  —  cos  a  cos  b^  and  therefore  according  as  cos  a  and 
cos  b  have  the  same  or  different  signs,  cos  c  will  be  positive  or 
negative ;  that  is,  according  as  the  sides  are  of  the  same  or 
different  affections^  the  hypothenuse  is  less  or  greater  than  a 

23.  To  express  the  sines  of  the  angles  of  a  spherical 
triangle  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

Since  sin  ^  =  ^  1  —  cos^  A  =  ^(1  —  cos  A)  (1  +  cos  A), 
cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c 

and  cos  A  = 

we  have  1  —  cos  J.  =  1  — 

sin  b  sin  c 

cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c 

sin  b  sin  c 

sin  b  sin  c  —  cos  a  +  cos  b  cos  c        cos  (6  —  c)  —  cos  a 

sin  6  sin  c  sin  6  sin  c 

/a-^-b-cx     .     /a  +  c-^»\ 

^«^«(— i— )-(-^— ) 

r-f-. ^ ^,  by  (67),  PI.  Trig. 

sm  6  sm  c  ^  n      »  o 

,  ,  .  ,    cos  a  "  cos  b  cos  c 

and  1  +  cos  A  =  1  ^ : — ; — : 

sm  b  sm  c 

sin  b  sin  c  +  cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c        cos  a  —  cos  (b  +  c) 
sin  6  sin  c  sin  b  sin  c 

=  r— ^— : ,  by  (67); 

sm  0  sm  c 

\eta  +  b  +c=Q.S,     .-.  6  +  c  -  a  =  2  (5  -  a); 

a  +  c  —  6  =  2  (5  —  6),  and  «  +  6  —  c  =  2  (5  -  c) ; 

2  sin  (5-6)  sin  (*S  -  c) 

1  —  cos  A  = 

^nd  1  +  cos  A  = 

sin  6  sin  c  ' 

2  sin  S  sin  (5  —  a) 
sin  6  sin  c 



whence  sin  -4=  -: — - — : —  /^  sin  S  sin  {S  —  a)  sin  {S  —  b)  sin  (6*  —  c)  - 
sin  6  sin  c 

2  / : : 

similarly  sin  B=  — : —  aV  sin  S  sin  (S  —  a)  sin  (S  —  b)  sin  (S  —  c), 

sin  a  sin  c 

and  sin  C  =  -: r— r  ^/ sin  5  sin  (5  —  a)  sin  (S  —  b)  sin  (S  -  c). 

sin  a  sin  6 

Ex.  1.      Let  a  =  b,  or  the  triangle  be  isosceles,  then 

.      .         2sin(^  — «)      f- — -—. 

sin  A  =  — : : /v/  sin  S  sin  (S  —  c) 

sin  a  sin  c 

.    c 
%  sin  - 


sm  a  sm  c 


V    sin  (  a  H —  \  sin  (  a  - 



sm  «  cos  - 


V  sin(/>+  ''-\^mih  - 


=  sin  ^ : 

sm  6  cos  -^ 

.  2sin(5-«)      1  .     ..    •    .o V 

and  sin  C  =  r-^ \J  ?A\\  o  sin  (o— c/ 

2  sin  - 

•     2 


I      ^  y ^ ^ 

\/  sin  (  a  -) —  )  sin  (a ) 

a       ^  V  2/         V  2/ 

Ex.   2.     Let  a  =  ^=6',    then    in    an    equilateral    triangle 
we  have 

jin  A 

__  2  /i^  sin  *S'  sin^  {S  —  a) 


A  /  .     3a    .  ~  a 
2   V    sin  —  sni   -- 

sin   a  .  o  a       ofl 

4  sm"  --  cos 

.    3a 


3—4  sin*^  -  =  sin  J3  =  sin  C. 

2  cos  -  sin 

24.  Cor.  1.     Hence  rejecting  the  common  factors,  we  have 

sin  j4   :   sin   B  :   sin    C  =  sin  a   :   sin  b   :   sin  c  ; 

or  the    sines   of  the    sides    of  a   spherical    triangle   are    to  one 
another  as  the  sines  of  the  opposite  angles. 


25.  Cor.  2.     Since  1  —  cos  -4  =2  sin"^  —  ,   and  1  +  cos  A 


=  2  cos'  —  ,  we  have  from  (23)  by  reduction, 

sm  —  =   v 

sin  (5  —  h)  sin  {S  —  c) 

2  sin  h  sin  c 

^         ^  /sin  6'  sin  (8  -  a) 

and  cos  —  =    v    ^ — t — :^ > 

2  sin  0  sin  c 

A         A  / s'm  (S  —  b)  sm  (S  —  c) 

and  thence  tan  ~  =    y   -. — ^—. — — ; — 

2  sin  o  sin  (o  —  a) 

sin  — 

,.       ^  „  ,  2         ^  / sm  a  sm  (S  —  b) 

20,     Cor.  3.     Hence  also 5  =  V   "^ — ; — • — 77^ ^  > 

.    B  sin  b  sin  (o  —  a) 

sin  — 

and   therefore   according  as  a   is    greater  or   less  than   b,  sin  -- 


will   be  greater  or   less   than  sin  — ,   and  theiice  A    greater  or 

less  than  B :   that  is^  the  greater  side  of  every  spherical  triangle 
is  opposite  the  greater  angle,  and  the  contrary. 

27.  To  express  the  cosines  of  the  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle 
in  terms  of  the  angles. 

Let  a,  65  c,  Aj  B,  C  be  the  sides  and  angles  of  the  pro- 
posed triangle,  a,  b',  c ,  A\  B/  C  those  of  the  polar  triangle, 
then  by  (21),  we  have 

. ,       cos  a  —  cos  h'  cos  c' 

cos  A  = .     ,.    . ;; ; 

sni  o  sm  c 

but  cos  ^'  =  cos  (tt  —  a)=  — cos  a,   cos  a'  =  cos  (tt ^  A)  =  —  cos  A, 

cos  b'  =  cos  (tt  —  jB)  =  —  cos  B,  cos  c  =  cos  (tt  —  C)  =  —  cos  C, 

sin  b'=  sin  (tt  —  JB)  =  sin  B,  sin  c'  =  sin  (tt  —  C)  =  sin  C; 

cos  A  +  cos  B  cos  C 

/.  the  formula  just  given  becomes  cos  a  =  : — j^ — : — 7;         - 

^       °  sm  B  sm  C 

cos  B  -f  cos  A  cos  C 

similarly,  cos  6  =  : — -. — : — 7; , 

sm  A  sm  C 

cos  C  +  cos  A  cos  jB 

and  cos  c  =  : — -. — : — fi • 

sm  A  sm  i> 

cos  A    I  +  cos  C 

Ex.  1.     Let  A  =  B,  .'.  cos  a  =  -: — ;; : — 7^— 

sm  A        sm  C 

c  c 

=  cot  ^  cot  —  =  cot  B  cot  —  =  cos  6  ; 

cos  C  +  cos    A  „  ^    i     .         ..2    ^ 

and  cos  c  =  r-r—, =  cos  C  cosec"  ^  +  cot   A  . 

sm  A 

Hence  if  two  angles  of  a  spherical    triangle   be    equal  to   one 
another,  the  sides  which  subtend  them  are  also  equal. 


Ex.  2.   hetA  =  B=C,  .'.  cos  a=cotyl  cot  —  =cos  6=cosc: 


wherefore  equiangular  spherical  triangles  are  also  equilateral. 

cos  A 

28.  Cor.      If  C  =90",  we  have  cos  a  =  -: — —\   .'.  cos  a 

sin  i5 

will  be  positive  or  negative  according  as  cos  A  is  positive 
or  negative  :  that  is,  a  will  be  less  or  greater  than  a  quadrant 
according  as  A  is  less  or  greater  than  a  right  angle:  or  the  sides 
of  right-angled  triangles  are  of  the  same  affections  as  their  opposite 

29.  To  express  the  sines  of  the  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle 
in  terms  of  the  angles. 

From  the  last  article  but  one  we  have 

cos  A  +  cos  B  cos  C 

1  —  cos  a  =  \ 

sin  B  sin  C 

sin  5  sin  C  —  cos  A  —  cos  B  cos  C  _^       cos  A  +  cos  (B  -{■  C) 
sin  B  sin  C  sin  B  sin  C 

A  +  B-{-C\         /B-\-C-A 

2  cos 

sin  B  sin  C 

cos   yl  +  COS  B  COS  C 

and  1  +  COS  a  =  ]  +  •     ti    •     ^^ 

sni  ±>  sin  C 

sin  B  sin  C  +  cos  A  -^  cos  i^  cos  C  __  cos  A  +  cos  (B  -  C) 
sin  £  sin  C  sin  J3  sin  C 

2  cos 


sin  B  sin  C 

.'.  assume  2.S' =  A -f  5  +  C,  whence  we  shall  have 
2  cos  S'  cos{S'  -A) 

1  —  cos  a  = 

sin  B  sin  C 

and  1   -f  cos  a  = 


2  cos  (5'  -  B)  cos  {S'  -  C) 

sin  ^  sin  C 
whence  sin  a 

=    ■     ^-    ^^ -cosS'cosiS'-A)cos{S'-B)cos{S''-'C); 
sin  ±>  sm  C 

similarly  sin  b 
_  9, 

sin  A  sin  C 
and  sin  c 

sin  J.  sin  B 

^-cosS'  cos  (5'-^)  cos  (S'-B)  cos  (S-C); 
V  -  cos  y  cos  (6"-^)  cos  (S' -  jB)  cos  (6"-  C). 

It  may  here  be  remarked  that  since  by  (17)  the  sum  of  the 
three  angles  of  a  spherical  triangle  is  greater  than  two  right 
angles  and  less  than  six,  -S'  is  manifestly  greater  than  one  right 
angle  and  less  than  three,  and  consequently  cos  5'  is  a  negative 
quantity;  also  since  by  (18)  the  excess  of  the  sum  of  any  two 
angles  of  a  spherical  triangle  above  the  remaining  one  is  less 
than  two  right  angles,  it  follows  that  .S'— ^,  S'—  B  and  5'—  C 
are  all  less  than  one  right  angle,  and  therefore  that  cos  {S'—  A), 
cos  {S' —  B)  and  cos  (S^  —  C)  are  all  positive,  from  which  it 
results  that  all  the  expressions  just  investigated  are  possible, 
though   they   appear  in  an  imaginary  form. 

30.  Cor.  1.  From  the  demonstration  of  the  last  article 
we  have 

.    2  « 

2  sin   -  =  1  —  cos  a=  — 

^       /A  +  B+C\         /B-{-C-A\ 
2  cos  I 1  cos  ( I 

V  2         /  V         2  / 

sin  jB  sin  C 

/^4-B~C\        /A  +  C-B\ 
2  cos  I  )  cos  (  I 

V  2  7         V         2  /_ 

sin  B  sin  C 
/  /A+B  +  C\         /B  +  C-A\ 

/  —  cos   (   )  COS  I  I 

I  ■    ^^        \/  V         2  /         V  2         / 

whence  sin  -  =    y 

2  sin  B  sin  C 

-  2  ^ 

and  2  cos  --  =  1  -f  cos  a 



cos  .S'  (cos  S'  —  A) 
sin  B  sin  C 

/      /A  +  B-C\        /A  +  C-B^ 
^  /eos(~^-^— )cos(— ^ ) 

and  cos  ~  =  V    

sin  B  sin  C 


cos  (*S'- jB)cos  (S'~  C) 

and  .*.  tan 

sin  B  sin  C 

5  ^  ^  cos(y-ii)  cos(6"-C) 

31.  To  express  the  tangents  of  the  semi-sum  and  semi- 
difference  of  two  angles  of  a  spherical  triangle  in  terms  of  their 
opposite  sides  and  the  remaining  angle* 

cos  a  —  cos  6  cose  cos  c  —  cos  fl  cos  6 

Snice  cos  A— : — ; — : .  and  cos  C  = : : — 

sm  h  sni  c  sin  a  sin  b 

cos  a  —  cos  6  cos  c 

.'.  cos  A  sin  c  =  : — ; 

sm  0 

cos  a        cos  b 


b         sin  b 

(sin  a  sin  b  cos  C  +  cos  a  cos  /;) 

cos  a         .  1  r^  ^^^'  ^^ 

—. —'sin  a  cos  b  cos  L  —  cos  a  — — r- 

sin  b  sin  b 

cos  a  .  1  r^       cos  a  . 

=  ~ — r  —  Sin  a  cos  b  cos  C : — r  -f-  cos  fl  sm  f/ 

sm  b  sin  6 

=  cos  a  sin  &  —  sin  a  cos  /;  cos  C : 

similarly  cos  B  sin  c  =  cos  ft  sin  a  —  sin  ft  cos  a  cos  C; 

.*.  (cos  A  -}-  cos  jB)  sin  c  =  sin  (rt  -|-  ft)  ( 1  —  cos  C)  : 

sin  j1        sin  B       sin  C  ,    ,, 

but  since  from  (24)  — : =  —: — r  =  — r — 

sm  a         sin  ft         sm  c 



(sin  A  ±  sin  B)  sin  c  =  (sin  a  ±  sin  b)  sin  C  J 

hence  using  the  upper  sign  we  obtain 

sin  A  +  sin  B       sin  a  +  sin  b       sin  C 
cosil+cosjB  sin  (a +  6)     1 -- cos  C  ' 

a  —  b^ 

/a-  d\ 

cos  I I 

A  +  B  V    £    / 

and    by  means  of  the  lower  we  get 

or  tan = r—  cot  — ; 

a-\-b\  2 


sin  A  —  sin  B  __  sin  «  —  sin  b       sin  C 
cos  A  +  cos  5         sin  {a-\-b)     1  —  cos  C 

iin  I  1 

( )  = —  cot  — 


These  equations  converted  into  proportions  constitute  what 
are  from  their  inventor  called  Napier^s  first  and  second  Analo- 

Ex.     If  C  =  90^,  we  shall  have  for  a  right-angled  triangle, 
a  -  ^A  .     /a  —  b' 

/a  -  ^;\  .     /a  —  0\ 

\     9.     J  /a  +  b\  \      2      /         .     /a-h 


\     2     / 


m    ^  ^ '  -c-f^) 

32.     Cor.     From  the    two  equations  just  investigated  we 

'a-\-b\  .     /a  +  b' 

.    Q    )         /A-^-Bx  _  ^^"\    2    . 

/a-  b\    ^      \     o      )"        ^a  —  bx 

C  V    2    /  /A-\'B\  V    2    /        /A-B\ 

cot  —  =  7—  tan  I I  = —  tan  ( ). 

2  /a-~b\  \     2      /         .    /a'-b\         \     2-   / 



33.  To  express  the  tangents  of  the  semi-sum  and  semi- 
difference  of  two  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  in  terms  of  their 
opposite  angles  and  the  remaining  side. 

Retaining  the  notation  before  used,  we  shall  by  the  last 
article  but  one  have  in  the  supplemental  triangle 


/A'  +  B\       ^^^  V    2     )        C 
tan  I  I  =  ,  .   w     cot  — , 


sin  ' 

and  tan  I ^ —  )  = ; — -7—  cot  —  : 

V       2       /         .     /a  +h\  2  ' 

sin  I I 

V     2      / 

and  by   effecting  the   proper  substitutions    as  in  (27)   we   shall 

a  +  h^ 

/a-i-  o\ 

tan  ( I  =  .    .   ^     tan  r-> 

V    2    /  /A-\'B\         2' 


sin  (^~^\ 
and  tan  (^)=-—^  tan-; 


which  converted  into  proportions  as  before  are  Napier's  third 
and  fourth  Analogies. 

34.    Cor.     Hence  in  the  same  manner  as  in  (32),  we  have 

cos  I 1  ,   ,  sin  (  — - —  )  , 

cos(-^)  s,n(-^-j 


Ex.     Let  c  =  ~  ,  then  in  a  quadrantal  triangle  we  have 


\    2     / 


(£zj?)  ^      3...  (i^) 

— ^ -— ,  and  tan  ( )  = =7- 

35.  To  express  the  co-tangent  of  an  angle  of  a  spherical 
triangle  in  terms  of  another  ajigle,  and  the  sides  zohich  include  it, 

cos  a  —  cos  6  cos  c  ^     cos  c— cos  a  cos  6 

Suice  cos  A  — : — - — -. J  and  cos  C= -. -. — ; 

sin  0  sin  c  sm  a  sm  0 

.*.   sin  b  sin  c  cos  A  =  cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c ; 

sin  C    .  •         •     7         ri  ,  L 

but  sin  c  =  -: — -  sin  (?,  and  cos  c  =  sin  «  sin  b  cos  C  +  cosrz  cos  6; 

sin  A 

.*.  cot  A  sin  «  sin  6  sin  C=cos  a  — sin  a  sin  b  cos  6  cos  C 

—  cos  a  cos^  6  =  cos  a  sin^  6  —  sin  a  sin  6  cos  b  cos  C, 

cos  <^   sin  6  cos  C 

.'.   cot  A  —  —. -: — —  —  cos  o  — — — 

sm  a  sin  C  sin  C 

=  cot  a  sin  />  cosec  C  —  cos  6  cot  C. 

36.  2  a  express  the  co-tangent  of  the  side  of  a  spherical 
triangle  in  terms  of  another  side,  and  the  angles  which  are 
adjacent  to  it, 

cos  J.+COS  i3  cos  C  cos  C  +  cos  il  cos  ii 

Since  cos  «  = : — r—-. — — ,  and  cos  c  = -. — - — : — ; 

sm  h  sm  C  sm  A  sm  h 

we  have  sin  B  sin  C  cos  a  =  cos  ^-|-cos  B  cos  C; 

but  sin  C  =  - —  sin  A,  and  cos  C=sin  A  sin  B  cos  c— cos  A  cos  B  ; 

.*.  cot  a  sin  A  sin  jB  sin  c  =  cos  A  +  sin  ^4  sin  B  cos  JB  cos  c 

~  cos  A  cos"  jB  =  cos  A.  sin^  i^  +  sin  A  sin  5  cos  B  cos  c, 

cos  A   sin  jB  cos  c 

whence  cot  a  =  -: -: 1-  cos  B  — 

sin  A    sm  c  sm  c 

=  cot  A  sin  B  cosec  c  +  cos  B  cot  c. 

CHAP.   Ill 

On  the  Solution  of  Spherical  Triangles. 

37.  r*ROM  the  pieceding  chapter  it  appears  that  the 
following  relations  between  the  sides  and  angles  of  spherical 
triangles  have  been  established;  namely,  from  (21) 

cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c  _        cos  b  —  cos  a  cos  c 

cos  A  =  : — -—. ,     cos  B  =  : : ' 

sni  o  sni  c  sm  a  sm  c 

cos  c  —  cos  a  cos  ^  ,  ,  . 

cos  C  =  : : — ;  and  from  (27), 

sm  a  sm  o 

cos  A+cos  B  cos  C  ,        cos  ^  +  cos  A  cos  C 

cos  a  =    : ^— : — p:; ,    COS  6  =  : -— : , 

sin  B  sin  C  sm  ^  sm  C 

COS  C  +  cos  A  COS  JB 

cos  c  = 

sin  tI  sin  B 

and  since  each  of  these  sets  contains  three  independent  equations, 
of  the  six  quantities  involved  in  them  any  three  being  given^  the 
remaining  three  may  be  found  ;  but  if  one  of  the  parts  of  the 
triangle  be  a  right  angle  or  a  quadrantal  arc^  it  is  manifest  that 
only  two  other  parts  will  be  necessary  for  the  discovery  of  all 
the  rest. 

On  this  account  therefore  the  solutions  of  spherical  triangles 
are  distributed  under  the  three  following  heads  : 

I.  Solution  of  right-angled  triangles. 

II.  Solution  of  quadrantal  triangles. 

III.  Solution  of  oblique-angled  triangles. 


and  a  proper  application  of  the  propositions  contained  in  the 
last  chapter,  will  enable  us  to  effect  the  solutions  of  all  their 
particular  cases. 

I.     Solution  of  Right-Angled  Triangles. 

38.  From  what  has  been  said,  it  appears  that  all  the 
cases  of  right-angled  spherical  triangles  may  be  solved  by 
means  of  either  of  the  sets  of  formulae  above  given ;  but  it 
may  also  be  observed  that  the  substitutions  and  eliminations 
necessary  to  effect  these  solutions  would  in  many  cases  be 
too  tedious  for  practice,  and  their  results  burdensome  to  the 
memory.  To  remedy  this  inconvenience,  Baron  Napier  the 
celebrated  inventor  of  logarithms  devised  two  rules  easy  to 
be  remembered,  which  are  sufficient  for  the  solutions  of  all 
cases  of  right-angled  spherical  triangles,  and  of  which  the 
following  explanation   may   be  given. 

If  C  be  supposed  to  be  the  right  angle,  there  remain  five 
other  parts  belonging  to  every  triangle,  namely,  the  two  sides 
or  legs  a,  b,  the  hypothenuse  c,  and  the  two  angles  A,  B :  now 


the  two  legs  a,  ft,  the   complement  of  the  hypothenuse  -  —  c, 


and    the   complements  of    the   two  angles  -  —  J^,   -   —  B  are 

by  Napier  termed  Circular  Parts,  the  right  angle  being  left 
entirely  out  of  the  consideration,  and  any  one  of  these  parts 
may  be  assumed  to  be  what  he  calls  a  Middle  Part :  then  the 
two  parts  which  lie  close  on  each  side  of  it  are  called  Adjacent 
Extremes,  and  the  two  remaining  parts  which  are  farthest  off 
from  it  and  separated  from  it  by  an  adjacent  part  are  termed 
Opposite  Extremes.  This  being  premised,  the  two  following 
equations  are  found  universally  to  obtain,  and  are  called  Napier's 
Rules : 

(1)      Radius  x  the  sine  of  the  middle  part  =  the  rectangle 
of  the  tangents  of  the  adjacent  extremes. 


(2)      Radius  x  the  sine  of  the  middle  part  =  the  rectangle 
of  the  cosines  of  the  opposite  extremes  : 

and  from  these  equations  if  any  two  of  the  quantities  involved  be 
given,  the  remaining  parts  may  be  immediately  derived. 

39.     To  prove  Napier's  Rules. 


First,  let  one  of  the  legs  a  be  the  middle  part,   then  -  —  JB 

and    h    are  the    adjacent^    and  -^  —  A   and  -  —  c   the   opposite 

extremes  : 

,     .  ,       cos  JB  +  cos^  cosC       cos  £     .  0 

now  by  (27)  cos  0  = ^ — - — : — — =  - — -  ,  smce  C=90  , 

sHi  A  sm  C  sHi  A 

.  sin  B  sin  a 

.'.  cos  B  =:  sin  A  cos  o  = : — ;; cos  0,  by  (24); 

sm  0 

sin  b  cos  B  »  t^ 

whence  sm  a  =  r -. — —  =  tan  0  cot  B, 

cos  0    sm  B 

or  r  sin  a  =  tan  6  tan  (  -  --  Bj (1) 

similarly  r  sm  b  =  tan  a  cot  A  =  tan  a  tan  ( A\ (2) 

^  sin  a        sin  j1         .      .  .  ,      . 

agam  by  (24)  —. =  -: — —  =  sm  ^,  .'.  sma  =  sm  c  sm  A, 

sm  c        sm  C 

or  r  sm  a  =  cos  (-  -  cj  cos  (-  —  A\ (3) 

similarly  r  sin  6=sinc  sin  B=cos(-  — c\  cos  (- — B\ (4) 


Secondly,  let  the  complement  of  the  hypothenuse  -  — c  be  the 

die  part,  then  the  adjacent  extrei 
and  the  opposite  extremes  a  and  b : 


middle  part,  then  the  adjacent  extremes  are A  and  -  —  5^ 

now  by  (27)  cos  c 


cos  C  +  COS  A  cos  B 

sin  A  sin  B 

cos  J.  cos  B 

sin  J.  sin  B 

cot  A  cot  jB, 

•••  »•  ^i"  (i  -  <')  ='""  (i  -  ^) '''"  (i  -  ^) (^> 

^     ^         ^       cose— cos  a  cos  Z>  , 

and  by  (21)  cos  C  =   : — ; — : =  0,  .'.  cos  c=cos  a  cos  by 

sin  0  sm  c 

in  (-  —  c)  =cosa  cos  b (6). 

or  r  sm 


Lastly,  let  the  complement  of  one  of  the  angles  --   —  ^   be 


the  middle   part,  then   the   adjacent  extremes   are  h  and  ^  —  c, 


and  the  opposite   extremes   a  and jB : 

cos  c 

—  cos  b  cos  c 

.     .   cos  a  —  cos  o  cos  c    cos  6 
now  by  (21)  cos  A  =  - 

sin  b  sin  c  sin  b  sin  c 

cose  (1  — cos^6)  cose  sin  b  sin  6  cos  c 

: —  =  tan  b  cote; 

sin  b  cos  6  sin  c       sin  6  cos  b  sin  e       cos  6    sin  e 

or  r  sin  /  -  —  A  )  =  tan  b  tan  (  -   -   e  ) (7) 

similarly  r  cos  B  —  tan  «  cot  c, 

or  r  sin( ^)~  ^^"^  ^^'^  {  "  ""  ^  ) (S) 

.    ,     ,^  ,  cos  J.  +  cos  S  cos  C        cos  tI      .         ^,         - 

again  by  (27)  cos  a  = : — -— ^ — =  ~r~~  ,  since  C=90^ 

sin  i5  sm  C  sm  B 

.'.  cos  tI  =  cos  a  sin  B, 
or  r  sin  ( Aj  =  cos  a  cos  f  - —  B  | (Q) 

similarly  cos  B  =  cos  b  sin  A, 
or  r  sin  ( jB  )  =  cos  b  cos  f  -  —  ^  j (10), 

and  since  out  of  five  things  taken  two  and  two   together,  there 

can  be  formed  - —  or  10  combinations,  it  follows  that  the  ten 
1  .2 

equations  above  deduced  include  all  the  cases  that  can  possibly 
occur :  moreover  they  are  all  adapted  to  logarithmic  com- 

We  will  now  illustrate  the  use  of  these  rules  by  the  following 
examples  in  which  the  radius  is  supposed  to  be  1. 

Ex.  1.     Given  a  and  b,  to  find  the  rest. 

From  (l),  sin  a=tan  b  cot  B,  .'.  cot  B  = =  sin  acotb: 

tan  b 

(2),   sin  b=tan  a  cot  A,  .',  cot  A  = =  sin  b  cot  a  : 

tan  a 

(6),  cosc=cos  a  cos  ^  ; 

whence  B,  A  and  c  may  be  found,  and  it  is  manifest  that  there 
is  no  ambiguity. 

Ex.  2.     Given  a  and  c,  to  find  the  rest. 

sin  a 

From  (3),   sin  a  =  sin  c  sin  A,    .*.  sin  A  = 
(6),  cos  c  =  cos  a  cos  ^,   .*.  cos  ^  = 

sni  c 
cos  c 

cos  a 
(8),  cos  B  =  tan  a  cot  c : 

whence  Ay  c,  B  may  be  determined,  and  there  can  be  no 
ambiguity  except  in  the  value  of  A,  and  this  is  removed  by 
means  of  the   circumstance  stated  in  (28). 



Ex.  S.     Given  a  and  A,  to  find  the  rest. 

_  .       .  •         .      i  •  sin  a 

From  (3).   sin  a  =  sm  c  sm  A,   .'.  sm  c  =  -: — 7  ^ 

sin  A 

(2),   sin   Z>  =  tan  a  cot  A  : 

cos  A 

{9)3  cos  A  =  cos  «  sin  B,   ,\  sin  jB  = 

cos  a 

hence  the  sines  of  c,  h,  and  B,  and  therefore  the  parts  them- 
selves may  be  found :  but  it  may  be  observed  that  there  is 
nothing  to  decide  whether  c,  h,  and  B  should  be  greater  or  less 

than  -  or  QO^^   and  therefore  the  solution  is  ambiguous;  and  as 

in  Plane  Trigonometry  (233),  it  is  readily  shewn  that  there 
may  be  two  right-angled  spherical  triangles,  which  possess  the 
proposed  data,  and  in  which  the  required  parts  are  supplemental 
to  each  other. 

Ex.  4.     Given  a  and  B,  to  find  the  rest. 

From  (1),  sin  a  =  tan  6  cot  13,  .'.tan  6= =sinatani5: 


/^\  Ti  cos_B  _ 

(8)5  cos  jd  =  tan  a  cot  c,  .*.  cote  = =  cosi5cota: 

tan  a 

(9),    cos  A  =  cos  a  sin  B ; 

therefore  h,  c  and  A  may  be  determined,  and  there  is  no 
ambiguity  in   the   solution. 

Ex.  5.     Given  c  and  J,  to  find  the  rest. 

From  (3),   sin  a  =  sin  c  sm  A: 

cos  c 

(5),  cos  c  =  cot  A  cot  ^,  .*.  coti5= r=cosctanJ^: 

^  cot  A 

(7),  cos -A  =  tan  6  cot  c,  .'.tan  6  = =  cosAtanc; 

cot  c 

whence  a^  B  and  b  may  be  found,  and  there  can  be  no  ambiguity 
except  in  the  first,  which  may  be  removed  by  means  of  the 
considerations  noticed  in  (28). 


Ex.  6.     Given  A  and  B,  to  find  the  rest. 
From  {5),  cos  c  =  cot  A  cot  5  : 

(9),  cos  j1  =  cos  a  sin  Bj    .*.  cos  a  = 

cos  ji 
sin  ii 



(10),  cos  5  =  cos  &  sin  A,    .*.  cos  6  =  —       . 

^     ^'  '  sin  ^ 

therefore  c,  a,  and  Z>  may  be  found  without  ambiguity. 

II.    Solution  of  Quadrantal  Triangles, 

40.  Let  ABC  be  a  spherical  triangle  whose  sides  and 
angles  are  denoted  by  o,  h,  c,  A,  B,  C  respectively,  whereof 
c  is  a  quadrantal  arc :  construct  the  polar  triangle,  and  let 
its  sides  and  angles  be  expressed  by  a,  h  ,  c\  A  ,  B',  C  respec- 
tively as  in  (27),  then  it  is  manifest  that  C  will  be  a  right  angle. 
Now  by  the  last  article  we  have 

r  sin  a'  =  tan  h'  cot  B',   and  r  sin  a  =  sin  c   sin  A  : 

whence  by  substitution  we  get 

r  sin  {it  —  A)-=- tan  (tt  —  B)  cot  (tt  —  b),  or  ;•  sin  A  =  tan  B  cot  b ; 


r  sin  (tt—  A)  =  sin  (tt  —  C)  sin  (tt  —  a),  or  ?'  sin  A  =  sin  C  sin  a : 

In  the  same  manner  all  the  ten  cases  of  the  polar  triangle  as 
enumerated  in  the  last  article  being  resolved,  those  of  the  primi- 
tive triangle  will  be  immediately  deduced  from  them,  and  it  will 
readily  be  observed  that  the  two  Rules  of  Napier  above  ex- 
plained will  be  applicable  to  the  solution  of  all  the  cases  of 
quadrantal  triangles,  if  the  two  angles  adjacent  to  the  quadrantal 
side,  the  complements  of  the  two  other  sides,  and  the  com- 
plement of  the  hypothenusal  angle,  or  angle  subtended  by  the 
quadrant  be  considered  as  the  circular  parts ;  and  to  all 
ambiguity  of  solution   whether   real    or   apparent,   the   remarks 


made  in  the  different  examples  at  the  end  of  the  preceding 
article  may  be  applied. 

These  solutions  like  the  preceding  are  already  adapted  to 
logarithmic  computation. 

III.     Solution  of  Oblique- Angled  Triangles, 

41.  Since  every  oblique-angled  triangle  has  six  distinct 
parts,  the  three  sides  and  the  three  angles,  it  follows  that 
the  number  of  solutions  in  which  from  three  parts  given  a  fourth 
may  be  found,  will  be  equal  to  the  number  of  combinations 
that  can  be  formed  out  of  six  quantities  taken  four  at  a  time, 
that  is,  =  15;  but  from  a  little  consideration  it  will  appear  that 
all  the  solutions  essentially  different  will  be  comprised  in  the 
six  following  cases  : 

I.  When  two  sides  and  the  angle  opposite  one  of  them  are 


II.  When  two  angles  and  the  sides  subtending  one  of  them 

are  given. 

III.  When  two  sides  and  the  included  angle  are  given. 

IV.  When  two  angles  and  the  adjacent  side  are  given. 

V.  When  the  three  sides  are  given. 

VI.  When  the  three  angles  are  given; 

and  the  resolution  of  oblique-angled  spherical  triangles  will 
be  complete,  if  we  can  show  that  the  expressions  already 
investigated  can  be  applied  to  effect  the  solution  of  each 
particular  case. 

42.  Case  I,  in  which  two  sides  a,  b,  and  the  angle  A 
opposite  one  of  them  are  given,   to  find  the  rest, 

sin  B       sin  ^         .     ^  ,  .  sm  b    . 

Smce  —. =  — —  by  ('24),  we  have  sm  B  =  -: sni  A, 

sm  A       sm  a  sm  a 

which  is  therefore  found  : 


again  from  (32),  cot  —  =  —  tan  ( ) 

cos  I I 

V    2    / 

which  is  also  determined; 

c  V      2      /  /a  +  h^ 

c  \      '^      J  /«  "^  ^\  •      ,     . 

and  from  (34),  tan  —  = -. 77—  tan  (  — -—  )  is  obtained, 

2  /A-B\  \     2     / 


sin  C    .  sin  C    . 

or  sin  c  =  — : — r  sm  a  =  -: — =:  sin  o  becomes  known, 
sin  A  sin  B 

All  these  formulas  are  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation ; 
but  it  must  be  observed  that  C  and  c  are  here  expressed  in 
terms  involving  B  which  was  not  originally  given_,  but  has 
been  determined  in  the  previous  part  of  the  solution.  This 
is  however  by  no  means  necessary,  for  in  (35)  we  have  seen 
that  cot  A  sin  C  =  cot  a  sin  b  —  cos  b  cos  C,  and  to  adapt  it 
to  logarithms^  assume  the  subsidiary  angle  0  such  that 

tan  0  =  cos  b  tan  A ;  then  we  shall  have 

cos  5  sin  C  . 

—  =  cot  a  sin  0  —  cos  0  cos  C, 

tan  6 

.*.  cos  b  sin  C  cos  0  =  cot  a  sin  b  sin  9  —  cos  b  cos  C  sin  0^ 


cot  a  sin  6  sin  6=cos  6  (sin  C  cos  ^  +  cos  C  sin  O)=cos  5  sin  (0+^), 

and    .'.  sin  (C-l-^)  =  cot  rt  tan  ^  sin  0_,    from  which   C  +  ^_,   and 
therefore    C  may   be  determined. 

Again,  from  (21),  sin  b  sin  c  cos  A  =  cos  «  —  cos  b  cos  c ; 
.*.  if  we  assume  tan  ^  =  cos  A  tan  b,  we  shall  have 
cos  b  sin  c  tan  0  =  cos  a  —  cos  6  cos  r, 
and  cos  &  sin  c  sin  0  =  cos  a  cos  0  —  cos  b  cos  c  cos  6, 



cos  h  cos  {c  —  6)  =   cos  a  cos  0,  or  cos  (c  —  ^)  = cos  0, 

cos  o 

which  is  adapted  to  logarithms^  and  gives  the  value  of  c  — 0  and 

therefore  of  c. 

43.    Case  II,  in  zohich  two  angles  A,  B  and  the  side  a 
subtending  one  of  them  are  given,  to  find  the  rest. 

sin  6       sin  J5  .  sin  5   . 

Since  -. —  =  -: — r  by  (24),  we  get  sin  b  =  -: — r  sin  a, 
sin  a       sm  A  sin  A 

which  is  found  : 

A^-  B 

c  \      9.      y         /a  +  b 


\      9.       y  ^n  A-  h\ 

becomes  known: 
/rA--  B\         \     2     / 


and  from  (34)  tan  -  = .A-B^  '""  (^) 

(a  +  b\ 
~ir)    z^+Bx. 

also  trom  (32)  cot  —  = tan  ( )  is  determined, 

2  xg-  b\         V      2      / 


.  sin  c    .  sin  c    . 

or  sm  C  =  -. —  sin  A  =  — — -  sin  B  is  found, 
sin  a  sm  b 

These  solutions  are  all  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation, 
and  to  these  methods  of  finding  c  and  C  the  same  observations 
may  be  applied  as  in  the  last  case  ;  but  articles  {SQ)  and  (27) 
by  the  introduction  of  subsidiary  angles  may  as  above  be  the 
means  of  expressing  in  logarithmic  forms  the  values  of  these 
two  parts  without  the   previous   determination   of  the  side  b, 

44.    Case  III_,  in  which  two  sides  a_,  b^   and  the  included 
angle  C  are  given ^  to  find  the  rest. 

In   (31)  we  have  seen  that 


A-\-B\       ™(_^       C 


a  +  b\        2' 



'a  —  h^ 


and  tan  {  — - —  )  = cot— , 

V      2      /         ^     /^  +  ' 

sni  ( I 

V  2  y 

whence and —  become  known  and  therefore  A  and  B: 

2  2 

sin  C    .  sin  C    .     ,  .     , 

also  sni  c  =*■  -^ — -  sni  a  =  ^ — —  sni  o  is  thence  round, 
sin  A  sin  B 

These  forms  are  all  adapted  to  logarithms^  but  the  side  c  may 
likewise  be  expressed  in  terms  of  a,  /;,  C  immediately  and  in 
a  form   fitted  for  practice. 

.  cos  c —  cos  «  cos  6 

For,  since  cos  C  =  : -. — ; ,  we  have 

sin  a  sm  o 

cos  c  =  cos  a  cos  h  +  sin  a  sin  h  cos  C 

=  cos  a  cos  6  +  sin  «  sin  ^  —  sin  a  sin  6  vers  C 

=  cos  {a  —  h)  -—  sin  a  sin  h  vers  C 

.*.  vers  c  =  vers  («  —  h)  +  sin  a  sin  h  vers  C 

{sin  a  sin  5  vers  C) 
vers  {a—  o)      ) 

,  .  ,  .      sin  rt  sin  h  vers  C  2  /^    i 

which,  by  assuming ; =  tan  t/,  becomes 

vers  ia  —  b) 

vers  (.fi  ~~"  o^  sec  yj 
vers  c  = 2 t^   ^^6  radius  r,  and   is  adapted  as 


45.    Case  IV,  in  which  two  angles  A,  B  and  the  adjacent 
side  c  are  given,  to  find  the  rest. 

In  (SS)  it  has  been  proved  that 


a  f  h\  \      Q      J        c 



/a  •+-  ft\  ,.      ^      , 

tan  I I  =  : ^^r-tan 

\     2     / 



sin  (^-^\ 
,ndtan(-^)=         ^  .,  jg     tan  ^^  , 

from  which  and ,  and  therefore  a  and  b  are  known  : 

2  2 

.  sin  c   .       .        sin  c    .     ^-  .     ,         ,  .      . 

and  sm  C  =  —. —  sin  A  =  -: — -  sm  i>  is  thus  determined, 
sin  a  sin  6 

These  formulie  are  all  ready  for  logarithmic  computation,  but 
as  in  the  last  case,  the  value  of  C  may  be  expressed  in  terms 
of  the  given  parts  A,  B  and  c  alone,  and  adapted  to  practice. 

_         .        ,      ,     ,  cos  C  +  cos  A  cos  B 

tor.  since  by  (27)  cos  c  =  -. — - — -. — =; ,  we  have 

sin  A  sin  B 

cos  C  =  sin  A  sin  B  cos  c  —  cos  A  cos  B ; 

.*.   vers  C  =  1  —  sin  it  sin  jB  (1  —  vers  c)  +  cos  A  cos  B 

=  1  —  sin  A  sin  JB  +  sin  A  sin  jB  vers  c  -j-  cos  A  cos  B 

=  1  +  cos  ( J.  +  -B)  +  sin  A  sin  B  vers  c, 

^   .  ,C      ^  /A4-Bx  .      ,     .     ^ 

.*.  2  sin  — =2  cos   I  ■ I  +  sm  A  sin  B  vers  c. 

2  V      2      / 

A    ,    T)      C      ,    sin  ^  sin  B  vers  c'X 

A  4-  B\        <,  -    .    sin  A  sin  jB  vers  c 


2/A  +  i^\  2/1       f 

=  2  cos  (  — I  sec   t7,  ir 

V      2      / 

.        2/-4  +  jB> 

2  cos 


assumed  =  tan"^  0,  and   thus  the  value  of  C   may  be  found  from 
the  tables. 

46.    Case  V,  in  which  the  three  sides  a,  b,  c   are  giveriy 
to  find  the  rest. 

In  (23)  and  (25)  it  has  been  demonstrated  that 

2  , 

sin  A  =    .     ,    . —  ^sin  S  sin  (S  -  a)  sin  {S  —  h)  sin  {S  -  c\ 
sm  6  sin  c  ^  ^  /         v  /         \  /? 


.    A      .  / sm{S  —  h)  sin  (S—c)  A      ^  /sin  S  sin  (S—a) 

sm--=y   : — - — : ,   cos  — =  V   ■ — ; — : ^ 

2  sin  /;  sin  c  2  sm  6  sin  c 

A        4  / s'm  (S  —  b)  sm  (S  —  c) 
and  tan  —  =  \/  ^ ^ ^ : ; 

2  sin  S  sin  {S  —a) 

all  of  which  when  adapted  to  the  radius  r  will  be  prepared  for 
logarithmic  computation  :  and  to  which  of  these  the  preference 
ought  to  be  given  above  the  rest,  must  be  decided  by  means  of 
the  remarks  made  in  (238)^  (239)^  (240)  and  (241)/  of  the 
Plane  Trigonometry. 

47.     Case  VI_,    in  ivhich   the    three  angles  A,  B,   C  are 
given,  to  find  the  rest. 

In  (29)  and  (30),   we  have  seen  that 

sin  a  =   .     ^    .    ^  ^-cos^  cos(.S'-^)cos(S'-^)cos(.S'-C), 
sin  i5  sm  C 

.    a      A  /  —  cosaS  cos(6  —  7I)         a      a  / cos{S  —  B)  cos(S —C) 

m  -  =  V    : — T, — ■ — 7; ,COS-  =  V    : — ^ — : — 7; 5 

2       ^  sm  5  sin  C  2       ^  sm  B  sm  C 

a        A  /  —COS  S'  cos{S'  —  A) 
""•^  '^"  5  =  ^  cos(S'-B)cos(S'-Cy 

from  any  of  which  when  adapted  to  the  radius  r,  the  value  of  a 

or  -   may  be  logarithmically  determined,   the   preference   as   to 

method  being  given  according  to  the  remarks  referred  to  in  the 
last  article. 

48.  Though  there  has  just  been  given  a  solution  of  every 
one  of  the  six  cases  above  enumerated,  and  which,  it  was 
•observed,  are  all  that  are  essentially  different  from  each  other, 
it  may  still  be  added  that  by  supposing  an  arc  of  a  great  circle 
to  be  drawn  from  one  of  the  angles  perpendicular  to  the  opposite 
side,  Napier  s  Rules  for  the  solution  of  right-angled  triangles 
are  sufficient  for  the  solution  of  all  spherical  triangles  whatsoever. 
For  brevity's  sake,  we  will  exemplify  their  application  in  the  last 
two  cases  only. 



First,  let  the  three  sides  a,  b,  c  be  given,  to  find  the  three 
angles,  and  suppose  the  arc  CD  of  a  great  circle  to  be  drawn 
from  the  angle  C  perpendicular  to  the  side  AB;  then  by 
Napier's  Rules  we  have 

/'  cos  a  =  cos  BD  cos  CD,   and  r  cos  ^  =  cos  AD  cos  CD, 
cos  a       cos  BD 


5   or  the   cosines   of  the   segments  of 

cos  b       cos  AD 
the  base  are  proportional  to  the  cosines  of  the  adjacent  sides ; 


a  — cos  6       cos  51)— cos  j4D 

cos  a  +  cos  b       cos  BD  +  cos  AD 

.    AD  +  BD   .    AD-BD 

sm sm  — . 

AD+BD        AD^BD 

cos  — cos 


c        /AD—BDx 

=  tan  -  tan  i  ) 

2         \  2  / 

AD-BD  .    ^       ,        ,  AD  +  BD  ^   .        . 
whence  is  lound,  and being  given^   two 

parts  in  each  of  the  right-angled  triangles  ACD,  BCD  become 
known,  and  consequently  all  the  angles  of  the  triangle  may  be 

Hence    also    the   perpendicular   CD    may   be   found   from 

..    '        ,              .                 _,_       rcosa  ^,^       rcosb 

either  of  the  equations,  cos  C jL)= 777^,  or  cos  CD  = 

cos  BD 

cos  AD 


Nextj  let  the  three  angles  A,  B,  C  be  given,  to  find  the  rest; 
then  the  same  construction  remaining,  we  have  by  Napier  s 

r  cos  A  =  cos  CD  sin  A  CD,  and  r  cos  B  =  cos  CD  sin  BCD ; 

,    ,       ^       cos  ^        sin  ACD  .       .  ^  , 

and  therefore ~  =  ^ — ttftf:  j   o*"  the  smes  of  the  segments 

cos  B       sm  BCD 

of  the  vertical  angle  are  proportional   to  the  sines  of  the  cor- 
responding angles  at  the  base ; 

hence  if  these  segments  be  called  a,  /3  respectively,  we  have 

cos  A  —  cos  B        sin  a  —  sin  /3 
cos  A  +  cos  B        sin  a  +  sin  /3  ' 

tan  (  — z —  I  tan  ~ 

from  which may  be  found,  and  or  —  bemg  given, 

the  values  of  the  segments  a,  /3  may  easily  be  determined  ;  and 
thus  in  each  of  the  right-angled  triangles  ACD.  BCD  two  angles 
being  known,  the  sides  of  the  proposed  triangle  may  be  found. 

As  before,  the  magnitude  of  CD  may  be  found  from  either 
of  the  equations  "^ 

r  cos  A  ^^         r  cos  B 


sm  ACD  sm  IJCD 



Ofi  the  Areas  of  Spherical  Triangles,  8^c.  and  the  Spherical  Excess, 
On  the  Measures  of  solid  Angles,  S^c, 

49.  The  surface  of  a  spherical  Liine  is  proportional  to  the 
angle  contained  betioeen  the  planes  of  the  two  semi-circles  by 
which  it  is  formed. 

Let  APNQ  be  the  lune  formed  by  the  two  great  semi-circles 
of  the  sphere  PAQ,  PNQ:   then  it  is  obvious  that  if  the  arc 


AN  which  measures  the  angle  APNhe  doubled,  or  increased  in 
any  other  ratio,  the  surface  APNQ  will  be  doubled,  or  increased 
in  the  same  ratio,  because  equal  portions  of  surface  will  mani- 
festly correspond  to  equal  parts  of  the  arc  :  that  is,  the  surface 
APNQ  is  proportional  to  the  arc  AN,   or  to  the  angle  APN. 

50.     Cor.  1.     Hence,  if  5  represent  the  whole  surface  of 

the  sphere,  the  surface  APBQ  =  — ,  and  we  shall  have 


the  area  of  the  lune  JPNQ   :  -  ::    Z  APN  :    180°; 


.%  the  area  of  the  lune  APNQ  = 

180°       2 


and  if  the  radius  =  lj  we  have  seen  in  (£14)  PL  Trig,  that  the 

area  of  the  circle  =  tt,  and  .*.  —  =  27r=  180^, 


z  APN 
whence  the  area  of  the  lune  APNQ  =  „-  27r=  Z  APN. 

51.   Cor.  2.    The   area    of    the    lune     may    be    expressed 
in  other  terms. 

For    since    the    spherical   angle   APN  =  the    plane    angle 

AON=  ^ao7i=  —  =  -: — — —  ,  we  have   the  area  of  the  lune 
ao        sjn  Pa 

APNQ=     "" 

sin  Pa 

52.     To  express  the  area  of  a  spherical  triangle  iti  terms  of 
its  angles. 

Let  ABC  be  a  spherical  triangle  on  the  surface  of  a  sphere 
whose  radius  is  1,  and  produce  the  sides  AC,  BC  till  they  meet 

in  c  on  the  opposite  hemisphere ;  then  it  is  manifest  that  the  arcs 
Cac,  Cbc  are  semi-circles;  whence,  since -4 Ca,  BCb  are  also 
semi-circles^  it  follows  that  AC  =  ac  and  BC  =  bc:  therefore 
the  angles  at  C  and  c  which  measure  the  inclination  of  the 
same  planes  being  also  equal,  we  have  the  triangles  ACB, 
atb  in  every  respect^ equal  to  one  another: 


Now  if  the  area  of  the  triangle  ACB  be  called  x,  and  BCa, 
ACb,  CBa  be  assumed  equal  to  a,  (i,  y  respectively,  we 
shall  have 

A.     S  B     S  C      S 

^+"=Ti5^¥' ^+^=T85-«-5' ^+^=Ti3-»-i' 

.*.  by  addition,  observing  that  x +  a  4-/3-|-7  =  —,  we  get 
S       A  +  B-^-C  S 

1  ,  r  .u     .  •       1         ^  +  ^  +  C--180"  S 

whence  x.  or  the  area  of  the  triangle  = ^ 

^  180^  4 

=  ^+E  +  C-180^  as  appears  from  (214). 

53.  Cor.  1.  Hence  the  area  of  the  triangle  is  equal  to 
the  excess  of  the  sum  of  its  three  angles  above  the  two  right 
angles,  which  is  called  the  Spherical  Excess. 

54.  Cor.  2.  It  follows  therefore  by  (17),  that  the  area  of 
a  spherical  triangle  may  be  represented  by  any  number  of 
degrees  between  0  and  360,  and  also  that  if  two  of  the  angles 
be   right  angles,  the  area  varies   as  the  third. 

55.  Cor.  3.     If  the  radius  of  the  sphere  be  supposed  =  r, 

we  shall  have  S  =  47rr^,  Diff,  Cal.j  and  therefore  the  area  of  the 

.       ,         ^4-5  +  C-180"       2         ^  .         ,. 

triansle  = n ttv   :  and   to   the   radius   1,  ir  re- 

presents    180^   expressed   in  terms  of  that  radius,  therefore  the 
area  of  the  triangle  expressed  hi  seconds 

=  (A  +  i^H-C~180')/sinl". 

56.  Cor.  4.  By  means  of  this  article  the  area  of  a  spherical 
polygon  may  likewise  be  expressed  in  terms  of  its  angles. 

For  let  A  BCD  Sec.  be  a  polygon  of  n  sides  whose  angles 
are  Aj  B,  C,  D  &c. :   take  any  point  F  in  its  surface,  and  from 


it  to  the  angular  points  draw  arcs  of  great  circles  of  the  sphere: 
then  the  area  of  the  polygon  ABCD  &c.  =  the  sum  of  the  areas 

of  the  triangles  AFB,  BFC,  CFD,  DFE,  &c.  =  the   sum  of 
the  angles  of  the  polygon,  together  with  the  angles  at  P— w  180° 

=  ^  +  5  +  C  +  D-f-&c.  +  2.180''-wl80° 

=  A  +  5  +  C  +  D  +  &c.  —  (;*  —  2)  1 80^  the  radius  of  the  sphere 
being  supposed  =  1. 

57.  To  express  the  area  of  a  spherical  triangle  in  terms  of 
two  sides  and  the  included  angle. 

Let  a,  b  be  the  proposed  sides  and  C  their  included  angle, 
and  suppose  the  area  of  the  triangle  or  the  spherical  excess 
A  +  ^  +  C  —  180^  to  be  represented  by  E  :  then  in  (31) 
we  have   seen   that 




A+B\  V    2    /        C 

/A  +  DA 

tan  I I  = r-7-  cot  —  , 

\      2      /  /a-^b- 


whence  cot 

1  —  tan  (  "  '  "  )  tan  — 

V  2  y     - 

/a-b\         C  /a  +  b\         C 

I I  cot 1-  cos  I I  tan  — 

V2/  2  \2/  2 

/a-b\  /ai-b\ 

cos  I  —  I    ~  COS   I  1 

\    2    /  \     2    / 


/a-b\       gC   ,         /«  +  6\    .  2  C 
cos  I 1  cos hcos  I I  sin  — 

.     a     .     b     .     C  C 

2  sm  ~  sin  -   sin  —  cos  — 
2  2  2  2 

a         b  a     .     b   /  C        .  oC\ 

cos  -  cos  -  -f-sin-   sin  -  |  cos sin'—  I 

2         2  2         2  \  2 2/ 

.     a    .     b 
sin  -  sm  -"  sm  C 

2        2 

cot  -   cot f-  COS   C 

2  2 

sm  c 

58.     Tb  express  the  area  of  a  spherical  triangle  in  terms  of 
the  sides. 

It  has  been  shewn  in  the  last  article  that 

^        cot  -  cot  -  -f-  cos  C 
E  2         2 

cot  —  = 

2  sin  C 

a         b       (1  4-cos  «)(1 -|-cos  6) 

now  cot  -   cot  -    =  : : — ; 

2         2  sin  a  sm  b 

1  +  cos  a  +  cos  Z/ -|- cos  a  cos  6  ^      cos  c  —  cos  a  cos  Z> 

: r-T ,    COsC=  : r-j 

sm  a  sm  o  sin  a  sin  o 

and  sin    C  =  -: : — -  v  sin  S  sin  (*S  —  a)  sin  (5  —  b)  sin  (S  —  c), 

sin  a  sino 

according  to  the  notation  adopted  in  (23); 

E  1  4-  cos  a  +  cos  b  +  cos  c 

/.  cot  —  = 

2         2  v^  sin  5^  sin  (5  -  a)  sin  (5  -  b)  sin  (6'  -  c) 

This   formula  for   the    spherical   excess    was   discovered  by 
De  Gua,  but  it  is  not  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation. 

a        b  „ 

„        cot  -  cot-  +cosC 
E  2        2 

5 Q.  Co  R .  1 .  Since  cot  -  = r—p; ,  we  shall  have 

2  sm  C 


,,a       ^'o  a  o         ^ 

T,  ^        1  +  cot'  -  cot^  -  +  2  cot  -  cot  -  cos  C 

« £  o  -E  2  2  2  2 

cosec"—  =  1  +  cot'  —  =  r, 

2  2  sin-  C 

out  cot"  -  cot  - 


2  2  .  „a    .  2^ 

sill  -  sin  - 

1  —  sin  -  —  sm  -  +  sm  -  sm   - 
2  2  2         2 

sm  -  sm  - 

2         2 

,  ^       cos  c  — cos  a  cos  Z> 

also  cos  C  =  : : — 

sin  a  sm  b 

l-2sin^^  -  A-2sin-j'\  i\  -2sii/-^ 

.     a    .     h         a         h 
4  sm  -  sm  --  cos  -  cos  -- 

2         2         2  2 

/.  2  cot  -  cot  -  cos  C  = 

l-2sin'-  -  /^l-2sm-^'\  /^l-2sin^-^ 

2 sin  -  sm"- 
2         2 

.  „  a    ,     .  r.  ^         .  oC       ^.  .  oa    .  ^h 

sin^  -  +  sin sm 2 sin  -  sin"  - 

2  2  2  2         2 

sin   -  sm   - 

2         2 

.'.  by  substitution  we  get  cosec  ■— 

.  .a   .  ,b  .  pfl        .  o^  .     .  £«  •  2^  1     •  e«    .     -2^        -2^      ^  .  2«   •  «»^ 

sm^-siir- +  1-8111"-  -  sur-  +sin  -sm  -4-sm  -  +  sm  -  -  sm  - -2sin  -sm"- 

22  22222  22  22 

sm   --  sin  -  sm  C 

2         2 



.    qC  ^  2«  2  ^  £  ^ 

1  —  sm  -  4  COS  -  COS  -  COS  - 

2  2  2  2 

•  2  «    .  2  ^    .  2  ^       s"i  '^  s^"  (*^  "■  ^)  si«  iS  —  6)  Sin  (S  —  c) 
sin  -  sin  -  sin    C 
2  2 

,  •    :^  _  x/si"  *^  sin  {S  —  a)  sin  (8  —  b)  sin  (S'  —  c) 

2  a         h         c 

2  cos  -"  cos  —  cos  -^ 

2  2  2 

The  discovery  of  this  formula  is  due  to  Cagnoli,  and  it  has 
the  advantage  of  being  easily  adapted  to  logarithms. 

60.  Cor.  2.    Since  cos  —  =  cot  —  sin  — ,  we  have  from  the 

2  2         2 

last  two  articles 

1?  ,     .  .  7  COS^-  +  COS    -'+COS--—  1 

-c/       1 +cos«  +  cos  t> -r  cosc  2  2  2 

cos—  = = ? 

2  a         b         c  a         b         c 

4  cos--  cos-  cos-  2  cos --  cos--  cos  - 

2         2  2  2         2         2 

which  is  rational_,  but  not  adapted  to  logarithmic  computation. 

61.  Cor.  3.    Because 

E  E 

1  —  cos —  1  —  COS  — 

2  2 

.    E 

sm  — 

\/(l  +  cos|)   (l-cos|) 


=  tan  — ,  we  shall  have  by  substitution^ 

2«  ^b  ^c  a        b        c 

1  — cos  -  —  cos  -—COS  -  H- 2  cos- cos- cos - 

E  2  2  2  2        2        2 

4  V  sin  S  sin  (5  — a)  sin  (5  —  b)  sin  (*S  — c) 

2«  ob  oC  a         6         c 

but  1  —  cos  -  —  cos cos  -  +  2  cos  -  cos  -  cos  - 

2  2  2  2         2  2 

/  9«\     /  2   ^\  /  ^'  ^^  ^\' 

=  I  1  ~  cos  -  I  I  1  —  cos  -  I  —  I  COS  -  COS  —  cos  -  I 

\       2/  V       2/    V   2   2     2/ 


b\'        /         a         h 

(  .    a    .    b\  /ah  c\ 

=  I  sin  -  sin  -  I    —  I   cos  -  cos cos  --  I 

\      2        2/  V         2         2  2/ 

{.    a    .    b             a         b  c  ) 

sin  -  sm  -  +  cos  -'  cos cos  --  >  x 
2        2              2         2  2  j 

{.    a    .    b  a         b  c\ 

sm  -  sin  -  --  cos  -  cos  -  +  cos  --  \ 
2         2  2  2  2j 

.     S  .     /S-a\     .     /-S-z^x     .     /S-c\ 

=  4  sm  —  sin  1 1  sin  { j  sm  | I  , 

2        V2/  V2/  \    2    J  ' 

if  we  adopt  the  notation  of  (23); 

S    .    /S-a\    .    /S-b^ 

A.  mn 



.    S    .    f^-a\    .    (S-b\     .    (S~c\ 

4  sin  —  sm  1 j  sin  { J  sm  I 1 

2         \    %     )         \2/         \2/ 

^  x/sin  *S  sin  (S'  — a)  sin  (8  — Z>)  sin  (^  — c) 

=  \/tan  I  ,an  (^")  tan  (^)  .a»  (^^)  , 

which   being    transformed    to   the    radius   r   will  be  adapted  to 
logarithmic   computation. 

This  singular  formula  for  the  spherical  excess  was  discovered 
by  Simon  Lhuillier  of  Geneva. 

62.  A  solid  angle  being  the  angular  space  included  between 
the  several  planes  by  which  it  is  formed,  will  manifestly  have 
the  same  relation  to  the  corresponding  spherical  surface  whose 
centre  is  the  angular  point,  as  plane  angles  have  to  their  cor- 
responding circular  arcs_,  and  therefore  the  magnitudes  of  solid 
angles  may  be  compared  by  determining  the  ratios  between 
the  spherical  surfaces  by  which  they  are,  as  it  were,  respect- 
ively subtended.  Now  we  have  seen  (52)  that  the  area  of 
a  spherical  triangle  is  measured  by  the  excess  of  the  sum  of 
its  angles  above  180°,  and  {56)  the  area  of  a  spherical  polygon 
of  n  sides  by  the  excess  of  the  sum  of  all  its  angles  above  (n  — 2) 
180°;  hence  it  follows  that  these  quantities  may  be  assumed  as 


the  measures  of  the  solid  angles  formed  by  the  planes  whose 
inclinations  to  one  another  are  the  same  as  the  angles  of  the 
triangle  or  polygon.  The  maximum  limit  of  solid  angular 
space  will  manifestly  be  a  hemisphere  and  its  measure  the 
surface  of  the  hemisphere  in  the  same  manner  as  the  max- 
imum limit  of  plane  angular  space  is  a  semi-circle  and  its 
measure  the  arc  of  the  semi-circle.  Representing  therefore  the 
maximum  solid  angular  space  by  the  content  of  the  hemisphere 

whose    radius  is  1,   or  by    -;— ,  {Diff.    Cal.)  we  shall  have   its 


measure   equal   to  the  corresponding  hemispherical  surface  Stt 

or  360^ 

Ex.  1.  In  a  cube  each  of  the  solid  angles  is  formed  by 
three  plane  right  angles,  and  thence  we  have 

the  solid  angle  of  a  cube  _  QO^  +  90^ -f  90^  -  180°  _   90^  _  1 
the  maximum  solid  angle  ~"  36o"  ""  36o"  ~"  4 ' 

which  we  also  know  to  be  true  from  the  circumstance  that  if  four 
cubes  be  placed  together  upon  a  plane,  they  exactly  fill  up  the 
angular  space  about  a  common  point. 

Ex.  2.  In  a  regular  right  prism  with  a  triangular  base  two 
of  the  plane  angles  which  form  each  solid  angle  are  manifestly  90^^, 
and  the  remaining  one  60°  :  therefore 

the  solid  angle  of  this  prism  _  90°  +  90°  +  60°  —  180^  __    60°         1 
the  maximum  solid  angle  360°  360°  ~  6  * 

Hence  by  means  of  the  last  Example,   we  have 

the  solid  angle  of  a  cube         11        6        3 
the  solid  angle  of  this  prism        4        6        4  ~"  2  * 

Ex.  3.  Let  there  be  two  regular  light  prisms  of  m  and  n 
sides  respectively,  then  each  of  the  angles  of  their  bases  will  be 

—  j  180°   and  I j  180"  respectively  :   hence 


the  solid  angle  of  the  first  prism        \    m    )  '^^         m 

I )  180^ 

\    m    J 

the  maximum  solid  angle  360°  2m 

("-^\  180° 
the  solid  angle  of  the  second  prism  _  \    w     /  _  ?i  —  2 

the  maximum  solid  angle  360°  Q.ti 

the  solid  angle  of  the  first  prism         (m  —  2)  ?i 


the  solid  angle  of  the  second  prism        (ii  —  2)  m 

and  by  means  of  this  example,  the  solid  angles  of  all  regular  right 
prisms  whatsoever  may  be  compared. 

Ex.  4.  If  there  be  any  two  prisms  whatever,  whose  numbers 
of  sides  are  m  and  w,   we  shall  manifestly  have 

the  sum  of  all  the  solid  angles  of  the  first  prism  _  (m—  2)  180**     m^2 
the  maximum  solid  angle  360°  2 

the  sum  of  all  the  solid  angles  of  the  second  prism      (n  —  2)  180°     «  ~  2 
the  maximum  solid  angle  360°  2 

the  sum  of  all  the  solid  angles  of  the  first  prism        m—  Q 
the  sum  of  all  the  solid  angles  of  the  second  prism         ?i  —  2* 

63.  The  vertical  angles  of  pyramids  whether  regular  or 
irregular  may  be  ascertained  and  compared  by  the  same  methods  : 
thus  if  there  be  two  regular  pyramids  of  m  and  n  sides 
having  the  inclinations  of  two  contiguous  sides  to  each  other 
represented  by  a  and  /3  respectively,  then  according  to  the 
principles  above  explained,  we  shall  have 

the  vertical  angle  of  the  first  pyramid     _  ma  —  (m  —  2)  180° 
the  vertical  angle  of  the  second  pyramid        11  (^  —  {ii  —  2)  180°* 

o4.  The  same  principles  enable  us  to  compare  the  vertical 
angles  of  cones,  by  comparing  the  areas  of  corresponding 
spherical  segments  of  spheres  of  equal  radii,  whose  centres  are 
the  angular  points. 


Hence  since  {Diff.  Cal.)  the  surface  of  a  spherical  seg- 
ment varies  as  its  altitude,  if  H  and  h  be  the  altitudes  of  two 
cones  corresponding  to  L  the  common  length  of  their  sides, 
we  shall  have 

the  vertical  angle  of  the  first  cone  the  height  of  the  first  segment 

the  vertical  angle  of  the  second  cone        the  height  of  the  second  segment 

\  L- H       1  —  cos  0        vers  ^ 

L  —  h        1 — cos  0        vers  (p' 
if  9  and  (j)  be  the  vertical  angles  of  their  generating  triangles. 
Ex.     For  the  equilateral  and  right-angled  cones  we  have 
0  =  30°,    and  (p  =  45^,  respectively ; 

the  vertical  angle  of  the  equilateral  cone      vers  30°  __  2   _2--  V^3 

the  vertical  angle  of  the  right-angled  cone      vers  45°  1       2—  1/2 

Whenever  the  spherical  surface  by  which  any  solid  angle  is 
measured  can  be  divided  into  7i  parts  either  equal  to  one  aijother, 
or  having  any  assigned  ratios^  the  solid  angle  itself  can  be  divided 
into  n  parts  having  to  each  other  the  same  ratios. 

This  method  of  measuring  and  comparing  solid  angles  by 

means  of  the   positions,   and  not  the  magnitudes^  of  its  plane 

angles,   was  first  suggested  by  Albert  Girard  in  his   Invention 

nouvelle  en  Algebre  published  about  the  year  1629,  and  has  been 

■  extended  and  exemplified  by  several  modern  writers. 


CHAP.  V. 

On   the  regular   Polyhedrons,  and  on  the  Parallelopiped   and 
triangular  Pyramid. 

65.  In  every  Polyhedron,  the  numbers  of  Solid  Angles  and 
Plane  Faces  together  exceed  the  ?iumber  of  Edges  by  2. 

Let  :c  be  the  number  of  solid  angles^  y  the  number  of  plane 
faces  and  z  the  number  of  edges ;  then  since  every  edge  is 
common  to  two  plane  faces,  Qz  will  be  the  number  of  sides 
of  all  the  faces  : 

Within  the  polyhedron  suppose  a  point  to  be  assumed 
from  which  to  all  the  angular  points  straight  lines  may  be 
drawn,  and  with  this  point  as  a  centre  let  a  spherical  surface 
be  described  cutting  these  lines,  and  let  the  points  of  intersection 
be  joined  by  arcs  of  great  circles  of  the  sphere  so  as  to  form 
as  many  spherical  polygons  as  the  solid  has  faces  :  let  A  BCD 
&c.  be  one  of  such  polygons,  the  number  of  whose  sides  is  72  ; 

then  by  (56\  its  area  =  A  +  B+ C  +  D-\-^c.  -  (n  -  Q)  1 80^• 
and  the  same  being  found  for  all  the  polygons,  we  shall  have  the 
whole  surface  of  the  sphere  or  720°  equal  to  the  sum  of  all  the 
angles  of  all  the  polygons —(2 z  ~2y)  180^  or  the  sum  of  all 


the  angles  of  all  the  polygons  =  720^  +  (2  ~j/)360^  but  the 
sum  of  all  the  angles  about  any  point  as  A  being  =  360^,  we 
have  the  sum  of  all  the  angles  of  all  the  polygons  =  cr 360^: 

whence  x  360^  =  720^  +  (z  -  y)  SQO\   or  or  =  2  +  2  -y, 

and  .*.  X  +3/  =  z  -^-^l. 

QQ.   Cor.  1.    Hence  the  sum  of  all  the  plane  angles  forming 
all  the  solid  angles  of  any  polyhedron  =  {x  —  2)  360^. 

For  if  any  face  have  n  sides_,  the  sum  of  all  its  angles 
=  (2?z  -  4)  90^  =  (/2  -  2)  180^  ;  hence  the  sum  of  all  the  angles 
of  all  the  faces  =  (2  ?  -  2j/)  180^  =  (z  -y)  360^  =  (^-2)  360°. 

67.  Cor.  2.   In  a  regular  polyhedron,  if  ?i  be  the  number  of 
sides  of  each  plane  face,  m  the  number  of  plane  angles  constituting 

-\  180°  be   the  magnitude  of 

TTl  ( tl  —  2  ) 

each  plane  angle^   and — 180°  the  sum  of  all  the  plane 

angles  forming  each  solid  angle  ;   hence   retaining  the   notation 
above    used,   we   shall  have   the   sum   of  all  the    plane    angles 

tl  1        1-1        1         m(n-'2)x        0 
formmg  all  the  solid  angles  = —  180  : 

therefore  from  the  last  article,  we  get 

(x  ~  2)  360°  =  — ^ —  180°, 


and  .•.  2wr-— 4w  =  m»jr  — 2mj, 


whence  the  number  of  solid  angles  x  =  - 

2  {??i  -f  n)  —  mn 

,    ny  4n 

also  smce  i/  =  2+jz—  a:  =  2+  -^^ 

we  have  the  number  of  plane  faces  y  = 

2         2{m  -{-  ii)  —  m  n 

2  (m  +  7i)  -^  mn 


68.    Cor.  3.    From  what  has  just  been  proved,  we  imme- 

diateJy  obtain  the  number  or  edges  2  =  -^  =  • ; : 

and  therefore  the  number  of  solid  angles,  the  number  of  plane 
faces,  and  the  number  of  edges  of  any  regular  polyhedron,  are 
to  one  another  respectively  as  4w,  4m  and  ^miiy  or  as  2?/, 
2m  and  mn, 

^^,     There  can  he  only  Jive  regular  polyhedrons. 

For^  the  notation  above  adopted  being  retained,   if  x,  y^  z  be 

finite  positive  quantities,  the  denominator  9.{m^rn)—mn  must  be 

positive,  and  .'.  9>m-\-2n  must  be  greater  than  mn,   from  which 

m  ,       ^ 

we  have greater  than  -  . 

772-  2  ^  2 

First,  let  m  =  3,  or  each  solid  angle  be  formed  by  three  plane 

angles^  and  n  =  3,  or  the  faces  be  triangular,   then being 

3  .        .  •         .  12 

greater  than  -  ,  a  solid  will  be  formed  having  — —  or  4  solid 

^  2  ''2.6-3.3 

angles;  — or  4  plane  triangular  races;  and or 

^      '2.6-3.3  ^  *=  '  2.6-3.3 

6  edges,  and   is  therefore  called  a  Tetrahedron. 


Again,  let  m  =  3  and  «  =  4,  and  we  shall  have greater 

3  -2  *= 

than  -  ,    and    thus    a    solid   will   be  formed   having   eight  sohd 

angles,  six  plane  square  faces,  and  twelve  edges,  and  is  therefore 
called  a  Hexahedron^  which  is  the  same  as  a  cube. 

3  5 

Next,  let  772  =  3  and  n  =  5,  which  gives  — —  greater  than  -  , 

and  therefore  a  solid  will  be  formed  having  twenty  solid  angles, 
twelve  plane  pentagonal  faces,  and  thirty  edges,  and  on  this 
account  is  termed  a  Dodecahedron. 

M  M 

If  m==3,  and  7i  be  any  number  greater  tb an  5,  the  condition 

771  W 

that   must  be  orrealer  than  -  will   not  be   satisfied:   and 

thence  it  appears  that  there  can  be  constructed  only  three  regular 
polyhedrons  in  which  each  solid  angle  is  formed  by  three  plane 

Secondly,  let  W2  =  4  and  w  =  3,   and  we  have  greater 

than  -  :  wherefore  there  will  be  formed  a  solid  having  six  solid 

angles,  eight  plane  triangular  faces,  and  twelve  edges,  which  is 
therefore   called   an   Octahedron. 

Again,  let  /?2  =  4  and  n  =  4,  or  any  larger  number,  and  the 
condition  will  no  longer  be  fulfilled;  and  consequently  there  can 
be  constructed  only  one  regular  polyhedron  in  which  each  of  the 
solid  angles  is  formed  by  four  plane  angles. 

5  3 

Thirdly,  let  m=5  and  n  =  4,  then being  greater  than  ~  , 

there  will  be  formed  a  solid  having  twelve  solid  angles,  twenty 
plane  triangular  faces,  and  thirty  edges  :  this  solid  is  therefore 
called  an  Icosahedron. 

If  m  =  5j  or  any  larger  number,  and  ti  be  greater  than  3_, 
the  specified  condition  cannot  be  fulfilled,  and  thence  it  appears 
that  there  can  exist  five,  and  only  five  regular  polyhedrons. 

By  supposing  2(m  +  ?0  —  ^^w  =  0,  we  find  the  values  of 
X,  ?/,  z  indefinitely  great :  and  a  sphere  may  be  considered 
as  a  regular  polyhedron  of  an  infinite  number  of  solid  angles,  &c. 

70.  To  find  the  inclination  of  tivo  contiguous  faces  of  a 
regular  polyhedron  to  one  another. 

Let  AB  he  the  side  common  to  the  two  contiguous  faces, 
C  and  JB  being  their  centres,  from  which  let  CD  and  jEZ) 
be  drawn  perpendicular  to  it,  then  will  the  angle  contained 
between  CD  and  ED  be  the  incHnation  of  these  two  faces 
to   each   other :    in   the  plane    in  which    CD   and   TLD  lie,  let 


CO    and    EO   be   drawn    perpendicular    to    them    respectively 
and  meeting  in  O,  join  OA,  OB,   OD,  and  from  0  as  a  centre 

suppose  a  spherical  surface  to  be  described  cutting  the  lines 
OJ.,  OCy  OD  in  the  points  p,  q,  r,  and  let  these  points  be 
joined  by  arcs  of  great  circles :  then  it  is  manifest  that  the 
angle  prq  is  a  right  angle:  hence  retaining  the  notation  before 
used,  we  shall  have 


Z.qpr=  —  5  and  /.pqr=  -  : 
m  n 

«ow  by  Najyier's  Rules,  the  spherical  triangle  pqr  gives 


cos  — 

cos  qpr-=-i\\\pqr  cos  qr^  and  .*,  cos  ^r  =  ; 


sm  - 

CD  F 

but  cos  qr  =  cos  COD  =  sin  CDO  =  sin 

2      ' 

.    CDE       ""'l 
/.  sm  — - —  = 5 

2  .       TT 

sm  - 

from  which  the  required  angle  CDE  may  be  found, 
(1)      In  the  Tetrahedron  m  =  3  and  7i  =  3, 

.     CDE        cos60«  1  .         ^rir'       1 

"    sm  — : —  =  — ^ — ^TTfT  =  ~r~  ^   and  cos  LDE  =  -  . 

sin  60^        V3 


(2)  In  the  Hexahedron  m  =  3  and  n  =  4, 

r,'s\n^^=  cos_6^^     1       ^^^  ^^^  CD£=0,  or  CjDE=90^ 

2  sm  45^         /2  ' 

(3)  In  the  Octahedron  m  =  4  and  w  =  3, 

.     CDE        cos  45^        ./a"         ,  ^^^  1 

.*.  sui =  — — ^-77  =    v    -  5   and  cos  CDi^=  —  7;  . 

2  sm  60^  ^3  3 

(4)  In  the  Dodecahedron  m  =  3   and  71  =  5, 

.    Ci)E      cosGO**  2  ,         ^T^T^      l-'^^ 

.'.sin = -77= — ..    .■■     .  ==  .  and  cos  CiJil/=- 77. 

2  sin  36'      ^10-2^5  5-V5 

(5)  In  the  Icosahedron  m  =  5   and  w  =  3, 

.     CjDE       cos  36'        14-/5  ,         ^^^      .    ^5 

.*.   sm  = -: — ;;-7r  = 7 — ,  and  cos  CiJil/ =- . 

2  sm  60'  2  V^3  3 

71.  To  ^/zc?  //te  radii  of  the  spheres  inscribed  in  and 
circumscribed  about  a  regular  polyhedron. 

Retaining  the  construction  and  notation  of  the  last  article, 
it  is  manifest  that  CO  and  £0  are  respectively  perpendicular  to 
the  planes  ABCf  ABE  and  equal  to  each  other;  and  the  same 
being  true  of  any  other  two  contiguous  faces,  it  follows  that  C 
is  the  centre  of  the  inscribed  and  circumscribed  spheres  whose 
radii  are    OC  and    OA   respectively : 

OC  TT  'TT     ,        ,^        .      , 

now  -— —  =:  COS  pq  =  cot  qpr  cot  pqr  =  cot  —  cot  -  ,  by  Napier  s 

Rules:    but    if    a    side    of    one    of    the   faces  =  a,    we    have 
from  (204) 

CA  =  --^—,   and  /.  0A^=  0C"+       "" 

rnr  .  o  tt 

2  sm  —  4  sm''  - 

n  n 

wherefore  r  and   R  representing  these   radii,  we  have  the  two 
following  equations ; 


cot  —  cot  — ,  and  Br  —  r^  — 

R  m         n  .    .  2 '"" 

4siu   — 

to  determine  their  values. 

72.   Cor.    If  the    angle    CDE   be    found   as    in   the  last 
article   but  one,   we   shall   manifestly   have 

a         TT          CDE       ,  ^,       a         tt          CDE 
r—  -  cot  --   tan and  K=  -  tan  —  tan  . 

Ex.  1.     In  the  Tetrahedron  W2  =  3  and  11  =  3, 

r  1 

.*.  —  =cot  60°  cot  60°=  "  ,    whence  R  =  3r\ 
K  3 

also  R^-'r^=  — .  <2  ^  n  =   — i  fiom  which  are  obtained 
4  sn/  60°        3  ' 

a  3a 

r  =  r:;      und  it  = 

2  V"6  21/6 

Ex.  2.     In  the   Hexahedron  and   Octahedron,   since  in  the 

former  m  =  3  and  n  =  4f,   and  in  the  latter  tw  =  4  and  71  =  3,   we 

r  1 

shall  have  —  =  cot  60°  cot  45°  =  — 7—;    which   shews   that   if 
it  V  3 

these  two  solids  were  inscribed  in  one  sphere,  they  might  both  be 

circumscribed  about  another  sphere,   and  the  contrary  :   also,  in 

the  former  it  is  easily  proved   that  r  =  --  ,   J^  =  -  /sj 3^  in  the 
latter  r  =  — 7—  and  R  =  -7-  . 

Ex.  3.    In  the  Dodecahedron  and  Icosahedron  m  =  3,?i  =  5, 
and  m=^5,  7i  =  3  respectively, 

.-.  ^  =  cot  60°  cot  36°=  \/i±^^, 
R  15 

and  the  same  remark  may  be  made  as  in  the  last  example  : 

hence  also  in  the  former  r  =  — x/250+  1 10  V^, 

20        - 


R=^(\^15+  1/3);  in  the  latter 

r  =  —  ^42+18  t/5,  jR=  2  ^10  +  21/5. 

73.     To  find  the  content  of  a  regular  polyhedron. 

From  the  centre  0  of  the  inscribed  sphere,  let  straight  lines 
OAy  OB,  OC,  &c.  be  drawn  to  all  the  angular  points,  then  will 
the  polyhedron  be  divided  into  as  many  pyramids  with  equilateral 
bases  as  there  are  plane  faces^  and  whose  altitudes  are  each 
equal  to  the  radius  of  the  sphere  r :  now  if  we  retain  the  nota- 
tion which  we  have  before  adopted^   we  shall  by  (201)  have  the 

area  of  each  face  = ; 


4  tan  — 

n  c?  y 
and  therefore  the  whole  surface  = ^— , 


4  tan  — 

whence  the  content  =  \  whole  surface  x  r  = • 

^  TT 

1 2  tan  - 

Ex.     In  the  Tetrahedron  w  =  3,  3/  =  4,  r  =  — T7?>    ^"^ 


tan  -  =  tan  60^  =  /3  ; 


/.  (1)  the  content  of /the  Tetrahedron      = f=  =  —  '^2. 

2^18        12 


(2)  the  content  of  the  Hexahedron      =  c^  : 


(3) Octahedron        =  —  1/2  : 

(4)  Dodecahedron  =  ~  x/470 +  210.^^  • 

4  ^^ 

c  ^.3        / 

(5)  , Icosahedron       = vl4  +  6>y/5. 


By  means  of  the  last  proposition  there  will  be  no  difficulty 
in  expressing  the  content  in  terms  of  the  radii  of  the  inscribed 
or  circumscribed  spheres. 

74.  Given  the  three  edges  of  a  parallelopiped  which  meet, 
and  the  angles  included  between  theniy  to  find  its  perpendicular 

Let  OA,  OB,  OCj  the  three  edges  of  a  parallelopiped 
meeting  at  the  same  angle  be  represented  by  a,  b,  c  ;  draw  CD 
perpendicular  to  the  plane  AOB,  join  OD,  and  let  the  angles 
AOB,    AOC,    BOC    be    called    a,    /3,    7    respectively,     then 

CD=OC  sin  COD'-,  now  to  find  the  sine  of  the  angle  COD, 
with  centre  O  and  radius  =  1,  suppose  the  surface  of  a  sphere 
to  be  described  cutting  the  edges  OA  and  OC  in  p  and  cj^  and 
OD  in  r\    then  if  2»S  =  a  +  /3  +  'y,  we  shall  manifestly  have 

sin  COZ)  =  sin  <5r7'  =  sinp^  sin  qpr,  by  Napier's  Rules^ 

=  sin  B— : — 7;:  ^/sin  -S'  sin  (5'  — a)  sin  (S—  3)  s\n(S  —  y) 

sm  a  sm  p  ^  ' 

^y  sin  S  sin  (5  -  a)  sin  (S  —  /3)  sin  (6'  —  7X 

sm  a 

whence  CD  =  -, ^sin  5  sin  (5  -  a)  sin  (S  —  3)  sin  (S  -  y\ 

sm  a  ' 

75.  Cor.    The   whole   surface   of  the  parallelopiped   will 
manifestly  =  Q  {ab  sin  a-\-ac  sin  (3 -{-be  sin  7}. 

76.  On  the   same  hypothesis,   to  find    the  content  ofi  the 


The  content  =  area  of  the  base  x  the  perpendicular  altitude 
==0A,  OB  sin  AOB.  CD 

Qq         ._ -  -■-... 

=  ab  sin  a  — \/ s'lnS  s'm{S —a)  s'm{S  —  Q)  sin^S  —  y) 

sni  a 

=  2a he  ^y  «in  «S'  sin(i5^  — a)  sin  (5-/3)  sin(«S  — 7). 

77*     On  the  same  supposition^  to  find  the  diagonal  of  the 

Let  2  CD  (which,  if  the  figure  were  completed,   would  be 
the  diagonal  of  one  of  the  faces)  =  d,  then 

d"  =  a'^-\-b'^  +  2ab  cos  a  : 

also  if  D  be  the  diagonal  of  the  parallelopiped,   we  shall  easily 
perceive  that 

D^=d''  +  ^-h2cd cos  COD=:a^  +  b^  +  c^-\-2abcosa  +  2cdcosCOD: 

now  the  angle  COD  is  manifestly  measured  by  the  arc  qr, 

and  cos  ^ r  =  cos  p q  cos  pr  +  s'm  pq  sin  p r  cos  qp r 

^  .     n    •  fcos'V  — cosa  cos/3) 

=  cos  p  COS  pr  +  smp  sm  pr  < : : — y: r 

i         sm  a  sm  p        ) 

^  .     .         rcos 'y  —  cos  a  cos /3) 

=  cosp  cos  pr-\- sm  pr{ : > 

I  sin  a  ) 

cos  7  sin  pr        cos /3  (sin  a  cos/?  r —  cos  a  sin  pr) 

—  ; 1 ^ 

sm  a  sm  a 

__  cos  7  sin  pr       cos  fi  sin  (a  —  pr) 
sm  a  sm  a 

sin  AOD    ,  ^  sin  BOD 

=  cos  7 : h  cos  p  : : 

sm  a  sin  a 

but  in  the  parallelogram   whose  diagonal  is  20Df  it  is  evident 

sin.iQD  _     OB    _b  sin  BOD  _     OA    _a 

sm  a  SOD        J'  sma  2  0£)       d 


.*.  cos  qr  or  cos  COD=^   -  cos  /3  -|-  -  cos  7; 

a  a 

whence  by  substitution  we  get 

D  =  /sj  a^ -{- h^  +  c^ -\- Q, a h  cos  a  4-2«c  cos  fi-\-2bc  cos  y. 

78.  Cor,  By  proper  substitutions  in  the  last  expression, 
the  other  diagonals  are  determined  :  and  thence  it  may  easily  be 
shewn  that  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  four  diagonals  of 
a  parallelopiped  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  twelve 

79*  Given  three  edges  of  a  triangular  pyramid  which  meet, 
and  the  angles  which  they  make  with  each  other,  to  Jind  its 

Since  by  Euclid  xii.  7?  every  prism  having  a  triaiigular  base 
may  be  divided  into  three  pyramids  that  have  triangular  bases 
and  are  equal  to  one  another,  it  follows  that  the  content  of  the 
triangular  pyramid  will  =§•  of  the  corresponding  parallelopiped: 
that  is,  retaining  the  notation  of  the  last  article,  we  shall  have 
the  content  of  the  triangular  pyramid 


=  —  /y/sin  S  sin  {S  —  a)  sin  {S  — /3)  sin  {S  —  y). 

80.  Cor.  The  sum  of  the  areas  of  the  three  sides  of  the 
pyramid  manifestly  =  j  {ah  sin  a-\-ac  sin /3  +  ^c  sin  7}. 

81.  Given  the  six  edges  of  a  triangular  pyramid,  to  Jind 
its  content. 

Retaining  the  notation  of  the  preceding  articles,  and  in 
addition  thereto  representing  the  sides  AB,  AC 3  BC  of  the 
base  by  h,   k  and  /  respectively,   we  have 

a'+b'-'h^  ^      a''-{-c^-k'  b'-^-c'-'l' 

cos  a  =  — ' ,   cosp  =  — ,   cos'y= ; ; 

2ab        '  ^  2ac        '  ^  Qbc        ' 

hence  the  content  =  y^sin  S  sin  {S  ~  a)  sin  {S  -  /3)  sin  {S  -  7) 

N  N 



=  — —  >/  1— cos^a— cos^j3— cos*7  +  2cosacos^cos7;asin(6l), 

—         ^          V^  .2/2  .22  .729"+' 


the  quantities  i?,  K,  L  representing  the  numerators  of  the  values 
of  cos  a,  cos  /3  and  cos  y  respectively. 

82.  We  shall  conclude  this  chapter  with  a  few  remarks 
upon  certain  consequences  resulting  from  Euler's  Theorem 
demonstrated  in  (65),  extracted  and  slightly  altered  from  Note  8, 
of  the  Elements  de  Geometrie  of  M.  Legendre,  to  which  work 
the  student  is  further  referred  for  the  geometrical  construction  of 
the  regular  polyhedrons  treated  of  in  the  preceding  part  of  the 

(l)  Let  yg  be  the  number  of  triangles,  3/4  the  number  of 
quadrilaterals,  3/5  the  number  of  pentagons,  &c.  which  form  the 
surface    of  a   polyhedron  :   then   the  whole  number  of  faces  is 

3/3  +  y4  +  ys  +  3/6  +  Sec, 

and  the  whole  number  of  their  sides  is 

37/3  +  4^4  -f  5^5  +  6^6  +  &c. 

which  is  also  twice  the  number  of  edges  :  hence  as  in  (65)  if  x 
be  the  number  of  solid  angles,  y  the  number  of  plane  faces, 
and  z  the  number  of  edges,  we  shall  have 

y  =y3  +y4  +3/5  +^6  +  ^^-^   and  2z  =  Sys -f  4^4  +  5i/^  +  %6-  +  &c- 

but  since  by  (65),  .r  +  y  =  2;  +  2,  we  get 

2x  =  4-\-2z-  2y  =  4+y3  +  2y4  +  3y5  +  4y6  +  &c. 

from  which  we  conclude  that  the  number  of  faces  of  a  polyhe- 
dron having  odd  numbers  of  sides  is  always  even. 


(2)  Since  2  =  ^^  +  2 2/4  +  ^  +  3j/,.  +  8cc. 

and  ^  =  2  +  —  +  3/4  +  -~^  +  ^j/g  +  &c. 

=  2  +  i  {^3  +  2y4  H-  3^5  +  4i/6  +  &c.} 
it  follows  that  %  cannot  be  less  than  |  y,  nor  x  less  than  2+^y. 

Also  the  whole  number  of  plane  angles  being  Sz,  and  the 
number  of  solid  angles  ar,  it  is  manifest  that  the  mean  number 

22  42 

of  plane  angles  constituting  each  solid  angle  =  —  =  — 

^  2(3^3  +  4y4  4-  5^5  +  6^6'  +  ^^') . 
4  +  3/3  +  2j/4  +  3^5  +  4^6  +  &c.  ' 

also   since  no  solid  angle  can  be   formed  by  fewer   than   three 

plane  angles,  —  cannot   be   less   than  3,   or  22  cannot  be  less 


than  3 a?  :  hence 

3^3  +  4j/4  +  5y5  H-  6j/6  4-&c.  cannot  be  less  than 

6  +  ^  +  3^4  4-  5|^  +  6y,  +  &c. 

nor  61/3  +  8^4  4-  lOys  +  12^^  +  &c. 

less  than  12  +  Sys  +  63/4  +  9^5  +  l^y^  +  &c., 

and  therefore  Sys  4-  2y4  +  ys  cannot  be  less  than 

12  +  y7  +  2y8  +  3y9  4-  &c. 

from  which  we  learn  that  ys,  y4,  y^  cannot  all  be  zero  at  the 
same  time ;  or  in  other  words,  that  there  cannot  exist  a  poly- 
hedron all  of  whose  faces  have  more  than  five  sides. 


*    From  what  has   been  proved,   it  appears  that  y  cannot  be 
less  than 

4  +  ^ , 

and  therefore  x  not  less  than 

4t  -4-  , 

3  ' 

and  consequently  3;  not  less  than 

6  +  y4  +  2^5  +  3y,  +  &c. 

also  since  3y  is  not  less  than  12+3/4  +  2y5-|-3j/g+ &c.  we  shall 
evidently  have  Qy  not  less  than  JC  +  4,  and  3y  not  less  than 
z-j"6^  for  all  polyhedrons  whatever. 

(3)  If  we  suppose  2  2  greater  than  4x,  so  that  all  the  solid 
angles  shall  be  formed  by  four  or  more  plane  angles,  we  shall 
manifestly  have 

3/3 +3/4 +3/5 +3/6 +  ^c.  not  less  than  8+3/4  +  23/5  +  3J/6  +  &C. 

or  2/3  not  less  than  8 -|- 3/5 -+■  ^y^,-  +  Sy^  +  &c.  and  therefore  we 
infer  that  such  a  polyhedron  must  have  at  least  eight  triangular 

This  likewise  gives  x  not  less   than 

6  +  2/4  +  2^5  -f  3 y,  +  &c. 
and  z  not  less  than 

12  +  2?/4  +  4j/5  +  8j/tj  +  &c. 

from  which  it  follows  that  :r  is  not  greater  than  y  -  Q,  and  z  not 
greater  than  2y  —  4. 

(4)  Let  22  be  greater  than  5x,  so  that  all  the  solid  angles 
shall  be  formed  by  at  least  b  plane  angles,  then  we  have 

3/3  +3/4  +3/5  +3/6-  +  ^c.  not  less  than  20  +  3j/4  +  63/5  +  93/6" +  &c. 
and  .*.  j/g  not  less  than  20  +  23/4  4-  ^3/5  +  83/5  +  &c. 

and  thence  it  appears  that  the  solid  must  have  at  least  twenty 
triangular  faces. 

Also  on  the  same  hypothesis  x  cannot  be  less  than 

nor   z  less  than 

from  whence  we  conclude  that  a:  cannot  be  greater  than  -  (y— 2), 


nor  z  greater  than  -  ( j/  —  2). 

(5)  Smce  2^  +  2^4  +  4^5+ 6^6  + ^c.  + 12 

=  33/3  +  4^4  +  53/5  +  6y,  +  &c.  +  23/4  +  4j/5  +  6j/6  +  &c.  +  1 2 
=  12  +  3^3  +  6y4  +  9j/5  +  12^6  +  &c. 

==6  J2+^  +^4+  ^y5+23/,+  &c.|  =Qx, 

therefore  it  is  evident  that  9.Z  must  always  be  less  than  Qx\ 
or  in  other  words,  that  there  cannot  exist  a  polyhedron,  all 
of  whose  solid  angles  are  constituted  by  six  or  more  plane 
angles :  and  in  fart  six  angles  of  equilateral  triangles  =  360° 
which  exceeds  the  sum  of  the  plane  angles  forming  any  solid 
angle   whatever. 

(6)  If  all  the  faces  of  a  polyhedron  be  triangular,  we  have 
^4  +  23/5  +  ^ye  +  &c.  =0,  and  thence  we  find  that  r  =  |y, 
and  :r  =  2  +  ^y. 

If  all  the  solid  angles  of  a  polyhedron  be  formed  by  five 
and  six  plane  angles,  the  number  of  the  former  being  jCg, 
and  of  the  latter  org,  then  j?  =  ^Tg  +  arg,  and  ^z  =  5xr^-\-6x^f 
whence  6>r  —  22  =  3:5  :  also  z  =  |y,  and  .r  =  2  +  \y,  from  which 
it  follows  that  2'5  =  6r  — 2z=  12,  and  this  shews  us  that  the 
number  of  solid  angles  formed  by  five  plane  angles  will  always 
be  twelve,  and  Xq  being  indeterminate  proves  that  the  number 
formed  by  six  may  be  any  whatever. 



On  the  Variations  of  the  Sides  and  Angles  of  Spherical 

83.  In  the  practical  applications  of  Spherical  Trigono- 
metry to  philosophical  subjects_,  wherein  certain  parts  of 
spherical  triangles  are  determined  from  instrumental  observation, 
and  the  remaining  parts  deduced  from  them  by  arithmetical  or 
logarithmic  calculation^  it  is  manifest  that  the  effect  of  any 
error  however  small  in  the  observed  part  or  parts,  will  be 
entailed  upon  the  results  as  determined  by  computation.  If 
then  we  suppose  the  instrumental  or  original  error  to  be  of 
given  magnitude,  we  may  by  means  of  the  Calculus  of  Finite 
Differences  or  by  Taylor's  Theorem  be  enabled  to  determine 
what  relation  the  resulting  error  bears  to  it,  when  these  errors 
are  of  considerable  magnitude,  and  the  operation  of  Differentia- 
tion will  be  sufficient  for  the  same  purpose  when  they  are 
very  small.  Thus,  since  in  every  spherical  triangle  there  are 
six  distinct  parts,  any  three  of  which  would  be  sufficient  for 
the  determination  of  all  the  rest^  we  may  suppose  two  of 
them  to  remain  constant,  and  then  find  the  ratios  of  the 
simultaneous  changes  of  all  the  rest.  We  will  illustrate  these 
principles  by  an  example  of  each  method,  and  then  proceed 
to  the  consideration  of  such  particular  cases  as  are  most 
commonly  met  with  in   practice. 

.  cos  a  —  cos  h  cos  c 

84.  Assume  the  equation  cos  A  =  — — -: — ; — : -,  and 

sm  0  sm  c 

suppose  that  in  consequence  of  a  becoming  a  +  A  a,  il  becomes 
il  +  A  il,  whilst  bf  c  remain  constant,  then  we  have 

,.   .         ,^       cos  (a  +  A  ft)  —  cos  ^  cos  c 

cos  (J.-I-  A  A)=  ^ r—. — : : 

sm  b  sm  c 

.*.  by  subtraction,  cos  {A-\-  A  ^)--  cos  A  = 


cos  (a-f  A  a)  — cos  a 

sin  b  sin  c 

A  a 

sin  (  a  -i )  sin  — 

A^\.aA  V  2/  2 

or  sm  f  A  H I  sin 

.     /  Aa\      , 

sin  I  a  H I  SI 

.     /  .         AJ\     ,      aA  V  2/ 

r  sm  I  A  4 )  sin  -' —  = : — - — : — 

V  2    /  2  sin  6  sm  c 

and  if  one  of  the  quantities  A  a,  A  A  were  given,  the  other 
might  be  determined  by  the  solution  of  this  equation  ;  but  it 
may  be  observed  that  it  would  be  no  easy  matter  to  disentangle 
either  A  A  or  A  a  from  the  other  quantities  with  which  they  are 

Again,   since  Taylor  s   Thebrein  gives 

cos  {A-\-  A  A)  —  cos  A  =  —  sin  il  A  A  —  cos  iL -—  -f  &c. 

1  . 2 

and  cos  (a  +  A  a)  —  cos  a  =  —  sin  a  A  «  —  cos  a -—  +  &c., 

1  .  2 

{AAf  ^  «  Aa  +  cos  a  -j^  -&c. 

sin -^AA+COS  J.  —  &c.  =  -- : — ; — : ? 

1  .  2  sm  o  sm  c 

in  each  side  of  which  the  number  of  terms  is  indefinite,  and 
consequently  in   this  form  the  difficulty  of  determining  the  ratio 

A  A 

' is  in  no  degree   diminished,   and  recourse  must  finally  be 


had  to   some   such  method  as   approximation. 

If  however  any  dependance  can  be  placed  upon  the  accuracy 
of  instrumental  observations,  it  will  follow  that  the  errors  above 
alluded  to  are  very  small  quantities,  so  small  indeed,  that  they 
may  be  neglected  when  connected  with  finite  quantities  by  the 
operations  of  addition  or  subtraction,  or  at  most,  that  one 
or  two  terms  of  such  expressions  as  those  above  given  will 
ensure  a   sufficient  degree   of  correctness. 


Thus,  on  the  first  hypothesis,  we  obtain 

.     Aa  .     aA 

^        sni  a  sin sin 

.      ..AA                          2         J  2  sma 

sin  A  sin  =  — : — ; — : ,  ana  .'. 

2  sm  6  sin  c  .      A  a        sm  b  sin  c  sm  A 



A  ^  sin  « 


A  a        sin  6  sin  c  sin  J.  ^ 

since  the  arc  and  sine  are  ultimately  equal ;  and  this  is  the  same 
result  as  would  be  obtained  by  retaining  on  each  side  only  the 
first  terms  of  the  expansions  given  by  Tai/Ior's  Theorem. 

A  greater  degree  of  accuracy  will  however  be  ensured  on 
the  second  hypothesis  by  retaining  two  terms  of  the  expansions, 
and  rejecting  all  the  powers  of  the  increments  above  the  second, 
so  that 

sin  a  Aa  4- cos  a  

'         A  A      .  A     (^^)  1   •  ^ 

sm  A  A  A-i- cos  A  ~ 

1.2  sin  6  sin  c 

A  A 
from  which  the  value  of may  manifestly  be  obtained  by  the 

solution  of  a  quadratic;  and  if  three  or  more  terms  were  retained 

on  each  side_,  the  ratio  — —  might  be  still  more  accurately  found 
A  a 

by  the  solution  of  an  equation  of  three  or  more  dimensions. 

.        A  A  sin  a 

Reverting    to    the    equation  =  -: — ; — : : — -,    we 

°  A  a        sin  6  sm  c  sm  A 

observe  that  it  is  immediately  derived  from  the  proposed  one  by 

the  operation  of  differentiation  ;  that  is,  replacing  A  by  d  we  have 

dA  sin  a 

da         sin  h  sin  c  sin  A 

and  for  the  reasons  above  assigned,  the  ratio  of  the  differentials 
may  in  all  practical  cases  be  substituted  for  the  ratio  of  the 
errors   introduced. 

85.     Let  ABC  be  a  right-angled  triangle  whose  sides  and 
angles  are   a,  by  c,  A,  B,   C  respectively  ;   then   if  any  one  of 


these  quantities  remain  constant,  we   may  find  the  ratios  of  the 
small  contemporaneous  increments  of  the  rest. 

We  shall  divide  this  into  the  three  following  cases  : 

(1)  When  a  is  constant: 

(2)  When  c  is  constant  : 

(3)  When  A  is  constant. 

86.     Let  one  of  the  legs  a  remain  constant* 

Since  cos  A  =  cos  a  sin  B,   we  get 

—  sin  Ad  A  =  cos  a  cos  BdB; 
dA  cos  a  cos  B  cos  A  cos  B  cot  B 

dB  sin  A  sin  B  sin  ^  tan  A 

Since  sin  6  =  tan  a  cot  ^j   we  shall  have 
cos  hdh  —  —  tan  a  cosec^  A  JA  ; 
JjI  cos  b 

db  tan  a  cosec^  A 

cos  6  sin  2  A 


sin  6  tan  A  cosec   ^  2  tan  b 

Since  sin  «  =  sin  c  sin  A,   .*.  sin  c  =  sin  a  cosec  A^ 
whence  cos  cdc—  —  sin  a  cosec  A  cot  Ad  A; 
dA  cos  c  _  cos  c  tan  A 

dc  sin  «  cosec  A  cot  tI  sin  c  cot  -4.  tan  c 

Since  sin  a  =  tan  b  cot  Bj  .'.  tan  /;  =  sin  a  tan  B, 
whence  sec^  bdb  =  s'm  a  sec^  BdB; 
dB  sec"  b  sec^  b  sin2jB 

db        sin  a  sec"  B        tan  6  cot  B  sec^  J5        sin  26 

Since  cos  c  =  cos  a  cos  b,  .'.  we  have 

sin  cdc  =  cos  a  sin  bdb ; 
6?c         cos  a  sin  6        cos  c  sin  b        tan  Z> 




db  sine  cos  b  sin  r         tan  c 




87-     Let  the  h^/pothenuse  c  be  considered  cojistaut. 

Since  cos  c  =  cot  A  cot  B,    .*.  cot  A  =  cos  c  tan  B, 
whence  —  cosec^  Ad  A  =  cose  sec^  BdB; 
dA_       coscsec^B_       cot  A  cot  _B  sec^ -B  _      sin  2  A 
dB  cosec^  J.  cosec^  ^  sin  2  B 

Since  sin  a  =  sin  c  sin  A,  we  obtain 

cos  «c?a  =  sine  cos  Ad  A; 
dA  cos  a  cos  a  sin  A        tan  A 

da        sin  c  cos  A        sin  a  cos  A        tan  a 
Since  cos  il  =  tan  6  cot  c,  we  have 

—  sin  A  dA  =  cot  c  sec"  6  J/^ ; 

dA  sec^hcotc  sec^  b  cos  A  _       Qcot^l 

dh  sin  A  sin  J.  tan  6  sin  26 

Since  cos  c  =  cos  a  cos  b,   we  have  cos  a  =  cos  c  sec  b, 

whence  —  sin  ada=:  cos  c  sec  b  tan  bdb, 
da  cos  c  sec  b  tan  6  cos  a  sin  6  tan  6 




db  sin  a  sin  a  cos  b  tana 

88.     Let  one  of  the  angles  A  remain  constant. 

Since  cos  A  =  cos  a  sin  B,   we  have  sin  B  =  cos  A  sec  a, 
whence  cos  BdB  =  cos  y^  sec  a  tan  aJfl  ; 

^B        cos  A  sec  a  tan  «        cos  a  sin  B  sec  a  tan  a        tan  B 
da  cos  B  cos  B  cot  a 



Since  cos  B  =  cos  b  sin  il^  we  get  sin  BdB  =  sin  A  sin  6(^6  ; 
dB  _^  sin  6  sin  A  _  sin  b  cos  B  _   tan  Z» 
c?6  sin  B  sin  B  cos  6        tan  B  " 

Since  cos  c  =  cot  A  cot  B,  we  have  sin  cf/c  =  cot  A  cosec^  BdB  ', 
dB  ^  sine  _      sin  e  cot  B     _sin2B 

dc         cot  A  cosec"  B        cos  c  cosec^  B        2 cote 



Since  sin  b  =  tan  a  cot  A,  we  have 

Qosbdb  =  cot -^  sec  ada\ 
da  cos  h  cos  /;  tan  a         sinSa 

db        cot  J.  sec^a        sin  ^  sec^  a        Stan  6 

Since  sin  rt  =  sin  c  sin  tI,  we  have  cos  a  Ja  =  sin  ^  cos  c  Jc  ; 

da        sin  A  cos  c       sin  a  cos  c       tan  a  ^  . 

.-.   _-  = =  ; —  = (5). 

d  c  cos  a  cos  a  sni  c       tan  c 

89.  Thus  the  ratio  of  the  evanescent  increments  has  been 
determined  on  each  of  the  suppositions  above  made,  and  the 
last  three  articles  include  all  the  ditferent  cases  that  can  occur 
in  right-angled  spherical  triangles^  the  right  angle  not  being  sup- 
posed to  undeigo  any  change ;  and  it  may  be  observed  that  the 
two  parts  for  which  this  ratio  has  been  found  increase  or 
decrease  at  the  same  time  when  the  differential  coefficient  is 
positive,  and  the  contrary  when  it  is  negative. 

Moreover,  if  the  small  change  in  any  one  of  the  parts  be 
considered  given  and  constant,  the  greatest  or  least  values  of  the 
contemporaneous  small  changes  in  any  of  the  rest  may  be  deter- 
mined by  putting  the  corresponding  differential  coefficient  equal 
to  zero,  according  to  the  principles  of  Maxima  and  Mhtima. 

90.  Let  ABC  be  any  spherical  triangle  whatever  whose 
sides  and  angles  are  a,  &,  c,  A,  B,  C  respectively  :  then  the 
consideration  of  the  corresponding  small  changes  in  the  parts 
may  be  comprehended  in  the  four  following  cases  : 

(1)  When  A  and  a  are  constant: 

(2)  When  A  and  b  are  constant : 

(3)  When  a  and  b  are  constant : 

(4)  When  A  and  B  are  constant. 

91 .  Let  the  angle  A  and  its  opposite  side  a  remain  constant. 

cos  J.  4- cos  5  cos  C 

bmce  cos  a  = : — — — : — — ,   w'e  have 

sin  B  sm  C 

cos  a  sin  jB  sin  C  =  cos  A  -f  cos  B  cos  C ; 


dB  sin  B  cos  C  cos  a  +  cos  B  sin  C 

c/  C  cos  B  sin  C  cos  a  +  sin  5  cos  C 

cos  A  +  cos  B  cos  C 

but  sin  B  cos  C  cos  a  = 
and  cos  B  sin  C  cos  a  = 

tan  C 

cos  J.  -j-  COS  B  cos  C 

tan  jB 
therefore  by  substitution  we  obtain 

dB  sin  B  fcos  J3  +  cos  A  cos  C| 

{COS  J3  +  C0S  A  cos  C)  cos  6 

cos  C  +  cos  il  cos  B  f  cos  c 

dC  sin  C 

sin  B       sin  J.            ,           .     „  sin  J.    .    , 

Since  —. — —  =    -; ,   we  have  sin  B  =  -; — -  sin  6  ; 

sin  b         sin  a  sin  a 

.*.  cos  BdB  =  -^ cos  hdbj  whence 

sin  a 

dB       sin  A    cos  6         sin  B  cos  6        tan  B 


c?6         sin  rt    cos  B        cos  B  sin  b        tan  6 
cos  a  —  cos  h  cos  c 


:os  A  = 

sin  6  sin  c 

we  have  sin  h  sin  c  cos  tI  =  cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c  ;   whence 
db  sm  6  cos  c  cos  A  —  cos  6  sin  c 

dc  cos  6  sin  c  cos  A  —  sin  b  cos  c  ^ 

from  which  by  substituting  for  cos  A,  its  value,  and  reducing,  we 

db  cos  B  ^  ^ 

dc  cos  C 

dB       tan  i^  J6  cos  B 

Since  -77-  = ,   and  — -  = —  ,  we  have 

db        tan  0  dc  cos  C 

<?B  tan  jB  cos  B  sin  B 

92.     Let  the  angle  A  and  its  adjacent  side  b  remain  constant* 
cos  B  -\-  cos  A  cos  C 

Since  cos  b  = 

sin  A  sin  C 


we  have  sin  A  cos  6  sin  C  =  cos  B  +  cos  A  cos  C  ; 

dB  _       sin  j1  cos  6  cos  C  +  cos  A  sin  C 
d  C  sin  B 

(cos  B  +  cos  ^  COS  C)  cos  C  +  cos  A  sin^  C 
sin  B  sin  C 
by  substitution,  whence 

dB  cos  A  +  cos  B  cos  C 

d  C  sin  B  sin  C 

—  cosa (1), 

sm  jB       sin^l  .         ■     ^       •     a     ■     . 

Since  — : — ~  =  —. ,  we  have  sma  sui  ^  =  sin  A  sni  b  ; 

sin  6        sm  a 

dB  sin  B  cos  a  tan  B 

whence  -r—  = — — : —  = (2). 

da  cos  B  sm  a  tan  a 

^.  .         cosa  — cos  6  cos  c 

bmce  cos  A  =  : — - — : , 

sin  o  sm  c 

.'.  cos  A  sin  6  sin  c  =  cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c  ; 

6^a  cos  A  sin  6  cos  c  —  cos  6  sin  c 

whence  -r-  = : — 

dc  sin  a 

(cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c)  cos  c  —  cos  6  sin^  c 
sin  a  sin  c 
by  substitution, 

da       cos  6  — cos  a  cos  c 

f?c  sin  a  sin  c 

cos  B (3). 

dC  I        dB  tanB  da 

Since  -r-r:  = ,  ~r~  — >  ^^^"  ~T~  ~  c<^s  i),  we  have 

dB  cos  a      oa  tan  a  dc 

dC        tan  B  cos  ii        sin  i^ 

-T-  = = (4). 

dc         tan  a     cos  a  sin  a 

93.     Xe^  the  two  sides  a  a?ii/  b  remain  constant, 

sin  A        sin  a  ,  .      ^        sin  a    .     ^ 

Since  -^ — =:  =  -. — r,  we  have  sin  A  =  -: — -  sm  B: 
sm  B        sin  6  sm  b 


dA        sin  a  cos  B        sin  A  cos  JB        tan  A 
dB        sin  6  cos  A        sin  5  cos  A        tan  jB 


^.  „      cos  c  — cos  a  cos  6  .  •    ^i  7/-1  sincere 

bnice  cos  C  = : -. — ; ,  we  have  sm  LdL  =  — : — r ; 

sin  a  sni  0  sin  a  sm  6 

.  dC  sin  c  1  1  .  . 

whence =:  — ^  "• ; =  -7- ;;— —  =  — ^ ^ .  •(2), 

t?c         sin  «  sin  b  sin  C        sin  b  sin  A        sin  a  sin  B 

_.  .        cos «  — cos  6  cos  c 

Since  cos  A  =  : — - — : , 

sm  b  sm  c 

.'.  cos  A  sin  b  sin  c  =  cos  a  —  cos  b  cos  c ; 

c?^!        cos  J.  sin  6  cos  c  —  cos  Z>  sin  c 

whence  -—r-  =  : — ; — : : — 7— 

dc  sm  b  sin  c  sin  J. 

cos  a  cos  c  —  (cos  b  cos^  c  4-  cos  6  sin  c) 

sin  6  sin^  c  sin  A 

6?  J.  cos  B  sin  fl  cos  B  cot  B 

dc  sin  6  sin  c  sin  J.  sin  ^  sin  c  sin  c 



^.         c?J.  cot  5  ^c  .  , 

Since  — — -  = : ,  and  —7;  =  sm  a  sin  B, 

dc  sin  c  aC 

,         J^  cot  5  sin  a  sin  B  cos  B  sin  a 

we  have  — —  = : = : ....  (4). 

dL  sin  c  sm  c 

94.     Let  the  two  angles  A  and  B  remain  constant. 

cos  A  -f  cos  B  cos  C 

Since  cos  a  =  : — r——. — ~ _, 

sin  B  sin  C 

we  shall  have  as  before 

dC  sin  a  sin  B  sin  C  sin  a  sin  B  sin^  C 

rfa        cos  a  sin  ^  cos  C  +  cos  B  sin  C        cos  J5  +  cos  A  cos  C ' 

c?C       sin  a  sin  5  sin  C       sin  6  sin  C        sin  C 
or-—  = : — = — —  = (1). 

da  sin  A  cos  0  cos  0  cot  b 


^.                       cos  C+ cos  A  cos  i?  .       _  sin  CdC 

bince  cos  c=  -. — - — : — — - — —  j  .'.  sin  cac=^ 

sin  A  sin  5  '  '  '  sin  A  sin  5 ' 

dC       sin  A  sin  JB  sin  c       .         .  .         . 

whence  — r~  =  : — — =sina  sin  jB=sin  b  sm  A,,, (2), 

dc  sm  C 

^.         sin  a        sin  A  ,  .  sin  A    .    ^ 

bnice  -; — r  =    .         ,  we  have  sin  a  =  -: — -  sm  6  ; 
sin  o        sm  JD  sin  B 

da       sin  ^  cos  b        sin  «  cos  b       tan  a 

whence  -—  =  -r—- =  -7—^ = r (3). 

do        sin  Jd  cos  a        sin  o  cos  a        tan  6 

6?a        cot  b  dC 

oC       sin  C  dc 

Since  3-^  =  -: — ~ ,   and  -7—  =  sin  b  sin  J.,  we  shall  have 

da  __  cot  b  sin  J.  sin  b        cos  6  sin  A 
dc  sin  C  sin  C 

95.  Cor.  The  ratios  which  have  been  deduced  in  the 
same  manner  as  the  last  in  the  preceding  article^  might  like  the 
rest  have  been  found  by  an  independent  process,,  and  all  the 
ratios  determined  in  the  last  three  articles  may  be  expressed 
in  different  terms  according  to  the  nature  of  the  case  in  which 
they   are  employed  :   thus  in   (93),  we  have   seen  that 


cot  B 


sin  c 

35)  cot  B  = 

cot  b  sin  c 


sin  A 

tan  A 

dA         cot 
dc         tan 

c         cot  b 
A         sin  A  * 

This  instance  has  been  selected  because  it  includes  the 
solution  of  an  important  astronomical  problem^  but  it  is  clear 
that  in  every  one  of  the  other  cases  similar  substitutions  might 
have  been  made. 


The  principles  explained  in  this  chapter  may  with  great 
facility  be  applied  to  compare  the  corresponding  small  changes 
in  the  parts  of  plane  triangles ;  and  indeed  the  observations 
made  towards  the  ends  of  articles  (239),  (240),  (241)  and  (244) 
in  the  Plane  Trigonometry,  are  merely  examples  of  the  same 
principles  without  introducing  the  notation  of  the  Differential 

This   subject   was   first   treated   of  by   Roger  Cotes,  in  his 

tract  entitled  Estimatio  Errorum  in  mixta  Mathesi,  &c.  which 

is  the  first  of  his  Opera  Miscellanea^  and  may  be  found  at  the 
end  of  the  Harmonia  Mensurarum, 



Containing  some  miscellaneous   Propositions. 

96.     To  expi^ess  the  sum  of  the  angles  of  a  spherical  triangle 
in  terms  of  the  sides. 

_.       ,    /     ^         E  1  f  cos  a-fcos  64-cos  c 

Since  by  (58),  cot  — 

2         o  ^sin  »S  sin  (S—a)  sin  (S—h)  sin  {S—c)  ' 

/A  +  J5+C\  /E  o\  ^ 

we  have  tan  ( \  ~  tan  (  ~  +  9^   )  =  ~  cot  — 
l  4- cos  «  +  cos  ^ -{- cos  c 
2  yy/ sin  S  sin  {S  —  a)  sin  (S  —  b)  sin  (6'  —  c) 

97-    To  express  the  perimeter  of  a  spherical  triangle  in  terms 
of  the  angles. 

Resumin"^  the  notation  of  (15)  we  shall  have 


/a  +  b-^c\    _   .     ^TT-A'  +  ^~  B'-\-7r-C) 

=  «'"  1"^ o /   =  -  '^'  { o ) 

_  ^  -  cos  S'  cos  (S'  -  A)  cos  (S'-B)  cos  jS' -  C) 

.    A    .    B    .    C 

2  sni  —  SHI  —  sm  — 

2  2  2 

by  substitution  and  reduction,,  as  in  (59). 



98.     To  express   the  excess   of  the  sum  of  tivo  angles  of 
a  spherical  triangle  above  the  third  in  terms  of  the  sides. 

Retaining  the  notation  hitherto  used,  we  have 

A  +  B\  C  a         b 

,.„  (i±^) 

/Ai-^\  c  a         0    .         ^ 

tan( )  —tan  ~       tan  -  tan  -  +cos  C 

\     2      /  2  _         2  2 

A^B\        C  ~  sin  C 

l+tanl  — Jtan  — 

V      2      /         2 

1  4-  cos  c  —  cos  a  —  cos  b 

Ay/ sin  »S  sin  (5  —  «)  sin  {S  —  b)  sin  («S  —  c)  ' 
by  substitution  and  reduction  as  in  (58). 

Similarly,  tan  (  )  may  be  expressed  in  terms  of  the 


99*  ^0  express  the  perpendicular  from  an  angle  of  a 
spherical  triangle  upon  its  opposite  side,  in  terms  of  the  sides 
and  angles  respectively^ 

By  Napier's  Rules,  sin  CD  =  sin  BC  sin  B 

2  /—. : : : 

=  sin  a  ~ : —  /s/  sin  S  sin  (S  —  a)  sin  {S  —  b)  sin  (S  —  c) 

sm  a  sin  c 

^  2  ^smS  sin  (S-a)  sm(S—b)  sm  (S  -  c) 
sin  c 

Alsoj  sin  CD  — sin  B  sin  BC 


=sin  B  V  -cos  .S'  cos  {S'-A)  cos  {S'-  B)  cos  (S'- C) 

SHI  15  sin  C  \  /        \  /        \  / 

__^  2  x/  -  cos  y  cos  (Y  -  .A)  cos  (^^  -  B)  cos  (8^  --  C) 

sin  C 


100.  To  Jijid  the  position  of  the  pole  of  the  small  circle 
of  the  sphere,  Ziihich  may  he  inscribed  in  a  given  spherical 

Referring  to  the  figure  of  (185)  PL  Trig,  and  supposing 
all  the  lines  employed  to  be  arcs  of  great  circles  instead  of 
straight  lines,  we  have   by  means   of  the   same  construction, 

Ah  =  Ac,    Ba  =  Bc,   and  Ca  =  Cbj 

whence  Ab  + Ba-\-Ca  =  Ac+ Bc-{- Cb,   oiAb-ha  =  c  +  Cb, 

.'.  Q.Ab-{-a  =  c  +  Ab+Cb  =  b  +  c,  and  A5=     ^^~^  ^S-a: 


similarly_,  Bc  =  S  —  b,  and  Ca  =  S  -  c. 

Now  by  Napier  s  Rules,  we  have  sin  Ab  =  tan  ob  cot  oAb, 
from  which  if  r  be  the  circular  radius  required,  we  get 

tan  r  =  sin  A  b  tan  o ^  6  =  sin  {S  —  a)  tan  — 


.       _,        ,  .  /sin(^-  6)sin(^^-c) 

=  sin  (S-a)  y  — .    c  •  /c — ^; — 

sm  o  sm  (o  —  a) 

sin  {S  —  a)  sin  (S  —  b)  sin  {S  —  c) 
sin  <S 

_  />/ sin  iS  sin  {S  —  a)  sin  {S  —  b)  sin  (S—c) 
sin  S 


Hence  also  the  segments  of  the  sides  are  found,  and  thus  the 
position  of  the  pole  is  determined. 

101.  Tofnd  the  position  of  the  pole  of  the  small  circle  of 
the  sphere,  which  may  be  circumscribed  about  a  given  spherical 

Referring  back  to  (188),  PI.  Trig.,  and  making  the  same 
supposition   as   in    the   last   article,   we   have 

/.BAo=zABo,    aBCo=lCBo,    zACo=/.CAo, 

.'.by  addition,    Z  BA  o-\-  C  =  B-\-  Z  CA  o,  whence 

2zJBlo  +  C  =  J5+  zClo4-  zBAo  =  A  +  B, 


and   .*.    zBAo=  =6— C: 


similarly,    zCBo=  S'-A,   and   ^ACo=:S'-B. 

Now  by  Napier's  Rules,  we  obtain 

cos  BAo  =  cot  Ao  tan  -  ,   whence  if  Ao  =  R, 


we  have  tan  jR  =  sec  {S*  —  C)  tan  -  : 


but  sec'  (S'-  C)  =  1  +  tan^  (.S'  -  C) 

!1  +  cos  c  —  COS  a  —  cos  h  \^ 

^  l~cos  a  — COS  o~cos  c -|- 2 cos  a  cos  6  cos  c) 

( 1  +  cos  (0  ( 1  —  cos  «)  ( 1  —  cos  h) 

J    by  reduction. 

2  sin  »S  sin  (8  —  «)  sin  («S'—  ^)  sin  (-8  —  c) 

4  cos  -  sm   -  sin   - 
2         2         2 

^  sin  S  sin  (^ -  «)  sin  {S  -  b)  sin  {S  -  c)' 

c     .     a     .     b 
2  cos  --   sin  -   sin  - 

,o'     r\  2  2  2 

.  .  sec  (o  —  C) 

V  sin  5  sin  (6'—  a)  sin  (^  —  b)  sin  (-S— c)  ^ 

.     a     .     b    ,     c 
2  sm  -   sin  --   sin  -< 

2  2  2 

and  tan  it  =  — ^  .       ^       .     .  —  • 

^sin  aS  sin  (»S  --  c)  sin  (S—b)  sin  (<S— c) 

The  segments  of  the  angles  have  been  found  above, 
and  thus  the  pole  is   determined. 

The  articles  of  the  Plane  Trigonometry  just  alluded  to, 
readily  show  how  great  is  the  similarity  of  the  formulas  found 
in  this  and  the  preceding  articles  to  those  investigated  there : 
and  it  is  manifest  that  the  methods  here  pursued  would  lead 
immediately   to   the   results   before   obtained. 


102.  Given  tivo  sides  and  the  included  angle  of  a  spherical 
triangle,  to  find  the  angle  contained  between  the  chords  of  these 

Let  the  two  given  sides  and  included  angle  be  a,  h^  C,  and 
let  a,  /3,  y  be  the  chords  of  the  sides  a,  b,  c  respectively,  then 
from  (21)  we  have 

cos  c  =  sin  a  sin  b  cos  C  +  cos  a  cos  b,  that  is, 

.  o  c  .a  a    .     b         b 

1  —  2  snr  -  =  4  su)  -'  cos  -  sni  -  cos  -  cos  C 

2  2  2         2  2 

+  (l^2sin^g(l-2sin=^), 

or  1 =  ai3  cos  -  cos  -  cos  C  +  1 ^~-  -\ ~  , 

2  '^         2  2  2  2  4 

.     a'+t^'-^Y  n  a  b  a^0' 

2  2  2  4 

but  if  C  be  the  angle  contained  between  the  chords  a,  (3,  we  have 
,       «°-+/3°-7^  a  h  ad 

COS  C   = — r =  COS  -    COS  -    COS  L  -j 

2a/3  2  2  4 

a  h  ,     a    .    b 

=  COS  -  COS  -«  COS  C  +  sni  -  sm  ~  . 

2  2  2        2 

From  this  it  is  not  difficult  to  shew  that  C  is  greater  than  C 
when  it  is  an  acute  angle_,  but  less  when  it  is  either  an  obtuse  or 
a  right  angle. 

103.  Cor.  If  D  be  the  pole  of  the  circle  circumscribed 
about  the  triangle  ABC,  then  the  angle  ADB  will  be  measured 

by  the  arc  of  the  circle  included  between  A  and  B:   also  the 


angle  between  the  chords  of  JC,  BC  stands  upon  the  same 
circumference,  and  therefore  by  Euclid  in.  QO,  C'=  i  /  ADB: 
and  hence  it  also  follows  that  the  angle  ADB  at  the  centre  is 
greater  or  less  than  twice  the  angle  at  the  circumference 
according  as   that  angle  is   acute  or   obtuse. 

104.  Given  the  chords  of  two  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle 
and  the  included  angle,  to  find  the  angle  contained  between 
the   sides. 

r..  -n/  a         b  .     a    .     b 

Smce  cos  C  =  cos  -  cos  -  cos  C  -\-  sni  -  sin  -  ,  we  have 

2         2  2         2' 

^/       .     a     .     b 

cos  u  —  sm  -   sui  - 

r  2         2 

cos  C  = 

a         b 

cos  -  cos  "* 

2         2 

^^^  ^  ~  "I"  A        r>        a 

4 _        4  cos  L  —ap 

in  which  the  radius  of  the  sphere  is  supposed  to  be  ] . 
Ex.    If  a  =  ^5   and  .*.  a  =  /3_,  we  shall  have 

,  2«  /^,     -2^  J  /^       4cosC'  — a* 

cos  L  =  cos   -  cos  C  +  sm  -^ ,   and  co-s  C  =  ;; . 

2  2  4  —  a" 

105.  Given  the  oblique  angle  contained  between  two  given 
objects  above  the  horizon,  to  find  the  horizontal  angle. 

Let  a  and  n  be  the  objects  whose  angular  distance  an 
is  observed  from  the  point  O  in  the  horizon :  then  if  straight 
lines  were  drawn  from  a  and  n  to  O,  the  angle  aOn  would 
be  the  oblique  angle^   and  AON  is  the  corresponding  horizontal 


angle,     which     is    the    same    as    the    spherical    angle    APN  \ 
let  aw  =  c,  Aa  =^  H,    Nn  =  h,  then   by  (2o)  we  have 



cos  H  cos  h 
from  which  the  horizontal  angle  may  be  found. 

106.  Given  two  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  very  nearly 
equal  to  quadrants,  to  find  the  difference  between  the  remaining 
side  and  the  measure  of  the  included  angle. 

Retaining  the  notation  of  the  last  article, 

let  c  +  ^  =  AN=  Z  A  ON  to  the  radius  ] , 


then  a  =  -  —  H.   and  6  =  -  —  h: 

2  2         ' 

whence,  H  and  h  being  very  small,  we  have 

cos  c  —  sin  H  sin  h  cos  c  —  Hh 

cos  (c  4-  0)  = 


cos  c 


'     (-4)(-f) 

(cose— iy/0{  1  +  1- (^-  +  /i')}  very  nearly: 

l-^{H'  +  h')     '  ^'        ^ 

that  is,  cos  c  —  0  sin  c  =  cos  c  —  Hh  -J-  i-  (i/ '+  AO  cos  c 
since  0  is  very  small, 

Hh~-i(H'  +  lr)cosc 

.-.  0  = 

sm  c 


__  <2.Hh  -  (H'  +  U')  cose  - 
2  sin  c 

QHh(cos'^  +  sin' I)  -  (H'  +  h')  (cos^l  -  shrj) 

.     c  c 

4  sm  —  cos  — 

2  2 

{H^  +  2  JT//,  +  h')  sin^  -  -  {H'  -2Hh  +  h')  cos'  - 
2  2 

.    c  c 

4sin  —  cos  — 

2  2 

/J/4-A\'        c         /H-h\'        c 

=  ( I   tan ( )    cot—. 

V     2     /  2         V     2     /  2 

This  expression  is  called  the  approximate  reduction  to  the 
horizon,  and  was  first  given  by  M.  Legendrc  in  1787. 

107.  The  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  being  small  with 
respect  to  the  radius  of  the  sphere,  it  is  required  to  find  the  angles 
of  a  plane  triangle  whose  sides  are  of  the  same  magnitudes. 

If  a,  b,  c  be  the  sides  of  the  proposed  triangle  to  the  radius  r, 
the  sides  of  a  similar  triangle  to  the  radius  i ,  will  manifestly  be 

r      r      r 

now  cos  A 

a  be 

cos  --  ~  cos  -  cos  - 

r  r  r 

.    b    .    e 

sHi  -  sm  - 

r        r 

a                  a'                    a^ 
but  cos-  =   1 ~  -\ X  nearly, 

b  e 

and  similarly  of  cos  -  and  cos  -  ; 
r  r 

,        .    b        b  //  .    .  .    c 

also  sm-  = ^nearly,  and  similarly  of  sin - 

r       r        l,2.Sr'  "^  ^  r 


therefore  by  substitution  and  reduction  we  get 

,        //  +  c'  -  a'        a'-\-b'-\-  c"  -  2  (a'  b^  +  «^c'^  +  b'' c") 

cos  il    = j ;; -„ 

%bc  Q4bcr' 

=  COS  A    —  ~5  sni  J  , 

if  A'  be  the  corresponding  angle  of  the  plane  triangle  whose 
sides  are  a,  h,  c  : 

but  if  il  =  ^1  -f-  0,  we  have  cos  A  =  cos  A'  -—O  sin  //,  nearly ; 

_        be       .       ,       be  sin  A'  1 

•'•  t7  =  —-s    sin  A  =  —-J—  =  — -  area, 

6r  2.3;-  3r^ 

whence  A'  =  A'-'0  =  A  —  — ^   area  : 

similarly  B'=  B  —  0  =  B :;  area,  and  0=C  —  9=C  —  — j  area  : 

^  Sr-  3r' 

also  since  7r  =  A'  -^  B'  -{■  C'  =  A  •\-  B-jr  C  ^  -^  area,  we  have 


—  area  =  ^+2^fC  —  7r=£,  the  spherical  excess, 

.\A'=A-~,    £r  =  B  --,  and  C'  =  C  -  -: 

3  3  3 

that  is,  a  spherical  triangle  under  the  above-mentioned  circum- 
stances may  be  treated  as  a  plane  triangle  having  the  same  sides, 
and  each  of  its  angles  less  by  one-third  of  the  spherical  excess, 
than  the  corresponding  angle  of  the  proposed  triangle. 

The  discovery  of  this  beautiful  Theorem  is  also  due  to 
M,  Legendre,  and  is  alike  remarkable  for  the  simplicity  and 
conciseness  of  its  application,  and  the  accuracy  of  its  results. 

108.  Cor.  If  we  suppose  the  radius  r  of  the  sphere  to  be 
indefinitely  increased  so  that  any  finite  portion  of  its  surface 
may  be  considered  as  a  plane,  we  shall  have  for  a  plane  triangle 



cos  A  = ,   as  in  (l65),  PL  Trio;. 

Also  since  the  arc^  sine  and  tangent  are  all  ultimately  equal, 
it  may  be  observed  generally  that  all  formulae  for  spherical  tri- 
angles involving  the  sines  and  tangents  of  the  sides,  will  be  true 
for  plane  triangles,  when  for  the  sines  and  tangents  are  substi- 
tuted the  sides  themselves. 

Since  the  sides  and  angles  of  spherical  triangles  are  measured 
by  arcs  of  great  circles  on  the  surface  of  the  sphere,  if  the  ra- 
dius be  indefinitely  increased,  the  measures  of  both  sides  and 
angles  will  become  right  lines,  whereas  we  have  always  supposed 
angular  magnitude  to  be  measured  by  a  circular  arc.  On  this 
account  when  we  suppose  the  radius  of  the  sphere  infinite,  the 
angles  must  still  be  measured  by  arcs  of  a  circle  of  finite  radius 
which  may  remain  the  same  whatever  be  the  magnitude  of  the 
sphere  on  which  the  sides  are  described.  This  circumstance 
will  therefore  render  the  magnitudes  of  the  sides  indeterminate 
when  only  the  angles  are  given  :  and,  in  fact,  whenever  the  magni- 
tude of  the  side  of  a  spherical  triangle  has  been  expressed  in 
terms  of  its  angles,  the  radius  of  the  sphere  has  been  supposed 
finite  and  determinate.  This  additional  element  constitutes  the 
whole  difference  between  plane  and  spherical  triangles;  for  if  the 
radius  of  the  inscribed  or  circumscribed  circle  of  a  plane  tri- 
angle, or  any  other  line  given  in  species,  be  known,  the  sides  of 
a  plane  triangle  may  be  determined  by  means  of  the  angles. 



On    chap.  I. 

I.    Theorems. 

1.  Ir-the  radii  of  two  circles  be  R  and  r,  and  the  arcs  A 
and  «3  the  corresponding  angles  will  be  as  Ar  :  aRo 

2.  The   sum    of  the    angles   of   any    polygon   of  «   sides 
=  (;i-  2)  180°  English,  or  (?2  — 2)  200°  foreign. 

3.  Each  of  the   angles  of  a   regular  polygon  of  2w  sides 
=  C!—\  180°  English,   or  (^^)  200°  foreign. 

4.  The  greater  the  number  of  sides  of  a  regular  polygon, 
the  greater  is  the  magnitude  of  each  of  its  angles. 

5.  The    ratios    of  the   lengths    of  a   foreign    and   English 

degree,    minute    and    second    are    expressed    by    the    fractions 

3.33.3^  3.3^ 

,  r  and  5  respectively. 

6.  The  difference  of  an  arc  and  its  complement  is   equal 
to  the  complement  of  twice  the  arc. 

m  —  71  71 

7.  The  complement  of  — —  90°  English  = 180°. 

m  +  /^  771 -{■  71 

8.  The  supplement  of  ^^-^  200°  foreign  =  —7—  400°. 

9.  Sin  ( b  Aj  =  cos^,   and  cos  (  -  -f  Aj=  —sin  A. 

10.  Sin(7r  +  ii)=  —  siutI,   and  cos  (tt  4-^)= —cos  ^. 

11.  Sin  ( —  ±  ^)  =  —  cos^,  and  cos  (~r~±  -^  )  =  ±  sin^. 


12.  Sin^(4Ai  +  ])  ^  ±  J\=  cos  A, 

and  cos  M 4« H-  1 )  -  ±Aj—  +  sin  ^. 

13.  Tan({4n+S)  |  ±  ^^  =  +  cot  .1, 

and  cot  f  (4/?H-3)  -  ±  ^  j=  =Ftan  A. 


14.  S'm  (^(3n+ I) '^±a\  =  ±  cos  il, 

and  cos  K  3 /<  4- 1 )  -    ±^)=   T  sin  il. 

15.  Tan(^(3^^-l)^±^^=  Tcotil, 
and  cot  nSw— 1)  ^+ ^  j=   +  tan  il, 

^n     o-     A        COS  A       tsin  A      cos  ^  sec  J.      tan  il  cot  ^ 

16.  hmA= -= -  = —  = -— , 

cot  A        sec  A         cosec  A  cosec  A 

sin  A        cot  A        sin  jl  cosec  A      tan  A  cot  J. 

17.  Cos^  = 

18.  Vers  A 

tan  A   cosec  ^     sec  A        sec  j4 
tan^l— sin^   cosec  Jl  —  cot  j1   sec  A  —  1 

tan  A  cosec  A  sec  A 

_  sec  ^  sin  A  cosec  A        cos  A  sec  A 

19.     Tan  A  =  r  = = z 

cosec  A  cot  A  cot  A 



20.     CotA  = 

sin  A  cot~  ^ 
cosec  A       sin  A  cosec  A        cos  il  sec  A 

sec  A  tan  A  tan  A 

sin  y4 

cos  A  tan'  A 

21.     SecA  = 


tan  A        cosec  A        sin  A  cosec  A 
sin  i4  cot  J.  cos  A 

tan  A  cot  A 

'22.     Cosec  yI  = 

cos  A 
cot  A       sec  A       cos  A  sec  Yi/       tan  yl  cot  A 

cos  A       tan  A  sin  A  sin  J. 

23.  Vers  {(-^^^tt-  a\  +vers  (f— ^V  + ^  [  =vers7r. 

(\77i  +  ///  ^  {\m-\-n/  ) 

24.  Chd  A  chd  (7r-A)  = 

{c.,d|  +  chd(|-A)|{cM|-chdg-.)}. 

25.  ChdM  =  1  +sin'^lcotM  -  2sinyl  cotl  +cos^il  tan^il. 

26.  1-2  sin^  30°  =  2  cos""  30°  -  1  =  sin  60°, 

and  (sin  30°  +  cos  30°)  (sin  60°  —  cos  60°)  =  sin  30°. 

27.  2  sin  30°  cos  30°  =  sin  60°,  tan  60°  =  2  sin  60°  =  3  tan  30° 

=  chd  120°,  and  cosec  60^  =  2  tan  30^. 

28.  Sin  45°  +  cos  45°  =  chd  90°, 

and  2  sin  45°  cos  45°  =  sin  90°. 


sin  45°  -  sin  30°  _  sec  45°- tan  45° 
sin  45°  + sin  30°  ""  sec  45°  +  tan  45° ' 

sin  60°  -  sin  30°        tan  60°  -  tan  45° 


sin  60°  4-  sin  30°        tan  60°  -f-  tan  45° 

30.     If  «S  and   s   be  the  sines  of  two  arcs,  C  and  c  their 
cosines :   then 


31.  If  *S  and  s  be  the  secants  of  two  arcs,   T  and  t  their 
tangents,  then 

32.  If   S   and   5    be   the   sines    or   secants    of   two   arcs, 

T  S 

T  and   t  their   tangents,    then   is   —    greater  or    less    than  -  , 

t  s 

according  as   T  is  greater  or  less  than   f. 

33.     If  C  and  c  be  the  cosines  or  cosecants  of  two  arcs, 


nd  t  their  cotangents,  then  —  will  be 

according  as  T  is  greater  or  less  than  t. 

T  C 

T  and  t  their  cotangents,  then  —  will  be  less  or  s^reater  than  - , 

t  c 

II.  Problems. 

1.  Compare  the  magnitudes  of  two  angles,  when  the 
arcs   which  subtend  them  are  inversely  as  the  radii. 

2.  If  to  the  radius  r  an  angle  be  measured  by  an  arc  whose 

length  is  a,  required  the  length  of  the  arc  which  will  measure  an 

angle  m  times  as  great  to  the  radius  --  . 

^  n 

3.  One  regular  tigure  has  twice  as  many  sides  as  another, 
and  each  of  its  angles  greater  than  each  of  the  angles  of  the 
other  in  the  ratio  of  4  :  3  :    find  the  number  of  sides  of  each. 

4.  The  number  of  sides  of  one  regular  polygon  exceeds 
the  number  of  those  of  another  by  1,  and  an  angle  of  one 
exceeds  an  angle  of  the  other  by  4^ :  find  the  number  of  sides 
of  each. 

5.  The  interior  angles  of  a  rectilinear  figure  are  in  arith- 
metical progression,  the  least  angle  being  120  ,  and  the  common 
difference  5^ :   find   the  number  of  sides. 

6.  Represent  in  the  foreign  scale,  the  English  arcs  : 
if  15',   22'  so',   30',  45",   60',  75^   and  78'  45^ 


7.  Express  in  the  English  scale,  the  foreign  arcs:  10°, 
20',   33|-^  40^  50^  66f,  70^  and  95'. 

8.  Find  the  complements  of  the  following  arcs  in  the 
English  and  foreign  scales  :  15^  18^  2£°  30',  36°,  54^  72^  75^ 
95^  and  120^ 

9.  What  are  the  supplements  of  the  following  arcs  in  the 
English  and  foreign  divisions  of  the  circle  :  33^  45^,  78^  30', 
150^  180^  2]0^  and  270^? 

10.  Point  out  where  the  sine  increases  or  decreases,  and 
shew  that  it  changes  its  algebraical  sign  only  when  it  passes 
through  0. 

11.  Trace  the  increase  or  decrease  of  the  tangent  in  each 
of  the  four  quadrants,  and  prove  that  this  line  changes  its  sign 
either  by  passing  through  0  or  00  . 

12.  Trace  the  changes  of  algebraical  sign  in  the  secant 
of  an  arc,  and  find  whether  sec  A  and  sec  (tt  +  A)  have  the 
same  or  different  signs. 

13.  Given  the  algebraical  signs  of  the  sine  and  cosine  of 
A  in  each  of  the  four  quadrants,  to  determine  the  sign  of  the 
tangent,  co-tangent,  secant,  and  co-secant. 

14.  Transform  from  the  radius  1  to  the  radius  /-,  the 

A  ^  A  ^  A  ^ 

tan  A  = 7  ,   sec  ii  = ,   cosec  A  = 

cot  A  '  cos  A  '  sin  A  ' 

chd  A=-  ^2—2  cos  A^  sin^  A  =  vers  A  vers  (-/r—  /I), 

chd-  0  -I-  ^^chd'^'^  ~  a\  =4  vers  (^  4-  a\  vers  (^  -  a\ 

15.  Deduce   the    sine,    cosine,  &c.   of    loO^,    22o°,  270° 
and  315^ 

16.  Given  any  one  of  the  trigonometrical  lines  defined 
in  this  chapter,  to  deduce  all  the  rest,  and  adapt  them  to 
the   radius  r. 


17.  Given   2  siii  A  =  tan  ^,    to    find    the    sine,    cosine, 
&c.  of  A, 

18.  Given  vers  (-  —  A\  =  v,   to   find  all  the  rest,   and 
adapt  the  results  to  the   radius   r, 

19.  Given  chd  (7r—A)  =  k,  to  find  all   the  rest  in  forms 
adapted   to  the  radius  r. 

20.  If    sin   A    cos  u4  =  m,     find    the    values    of    sin    A 
and   cos  A. 

21.  Given  m  sin  A  =  n  cos'"^  A,  to  find  tan  A  and  cosec  A. 

22.  Given    m    sin    A  +  ?i    cos  A  =  p,     to    find    tan    A 
and   sec  -4. 

23.  If    m  chd  il  +  w  cos  A  =  p,    what   is   the   value  of 
chd  A  ? 

24.  If  sin   A  (sin  J.  —  cos   A)  =  m,   find   the   value   of 
sin  A. 

25.  If  m  vers  A±_n  vers  (tt  —  ^)  =/>_,  what  is  the  value 
of  vers  A  ? 

26.  Given  tan  ^-|-cot  ^  =  4,  to  find  the  value  of  tan  A. 

27.  Given  m  tan  A  +  ^i  cot  A  =p  sec  ^1,  to  find  cosec  A. 

28.  If  sin  A  +  sin  JB—  m,  and  sin  ^  sin  .B  =  jt,  required 
the  values  of  sin  A  and  sin  jB. 

29.  Given  sin  A  sec  B^m,  and  cos  A  cosec  B  =  )/,  to 
find  the  value  of  sec  A  and  sec  B. 

30.  Given  sin  A  +  cosi>  =  y/z  and  sin  L^-f  ccs  it  =  ??,  to 
find  sin  A  and  cos  B. 

31.  Given  tan  A  +  tan  B  =  ??2,  and  sec  tI  —  sec  B  =  //, 
to  find  tan  A  and  sec  B. 

32.  If  in  a  right-angled  triangle  the  sine  of  one  of  the 
acute  angles  be  given,  it  is  required  to  find  the  versed  sine 
and   chord  of  the   other. 


33.  Give  two  general  formula?,  one  including  all  the  arcs 
whose  sines  are  positive,  and  the  other  all  the  arcs  whose 
cosines   are   negative. 

34.  Express  the  radius  of  a  circle  in  which  the  length 
of  45  =  L,  in  terms  of  the  radius  of  a  circle  in  which  the 
length   of  60^  =  /. 

35.  Given  chdA  =  m  and  vers  A  =  n,  find  vers  B  when 
chd  B=2j,   the  radius   being  unknown. 

On   chap.    II.   AND    III, 

I.  Theorems 

Involving  the  Trigono  met  viced  Functions  of  one  Arc  and  of  some 
of  its  Multiples  and  Submultip/es. 


.     Sin  A  = 

2  sin  — 

2cos  ~        2 



2cos^  — 



cosec  — 





^       A 

2  tan  - 


2  tan  ~ 


2cot  — 


2  cot  — 

.A  ^A  .wi  .A 

sec—         l  +  tair—        cosec—         1  +  cof 
o  o.  o  o 

1  1  1 

A            A              A  ^           .  A                       cosec  A 

tan l-col—        tan r^ot /i  cot —  -  cot  yl 

2              2                2  2 

,1  tI          •   4  -'^  sin  2  ^          cosec  ^ 

V       2.     Cos  yl  =  cos sin         — 

2         2  sin  J        2  cosec  2  J. 


A  J  A  .    A  A  A 

2  cos sec  ~        cosec 2  sin  —        cot  —    —  tan  —• 

2  2  2  2  2  2 


sec  — 


1  -  tan^  — 





cor  -  -^ 



•  1 


~         A            A 
cot-   +tan^ 

sin  A 


cor-  + 




1  + 

2  sin 

Tan  A  =  



2tan  — 





il  tan  — 



cos  — 


in^  — 


2cot  — 



2  sin  — 



'  2 

.    it        A 

—  2  sin  —  tan  — 

2          2 



2  —  sec  — 

osec- —   - 

■  2 

A             A 

cot  -   —  tan  — 
2                ^ 

2  +  2  tan  A  tan  —  . 

2  .V         ^  1 
=  ( 1  +  sec  vl)  tan  —  = 

tan hcot  — 

Q  Q 

4.     2  tan  A  =(sin  A  4-  tan  A)  sec^  —  =  sec^  A  sin  2^. 

6.     Tan  21 -tan  A 

2         cot  il 



sin  J.  2  sin  A 

^      6.     Tanil=cot^  — 2cot2l:= 

2cos''7l  — cos  A        cos  4-+ cos  3  A 
sin  2  A  1  —cos  2  A 

1  +  cos  2  A         sin  2  A 

_  .   /]  —cos  2 A 

I  -f  cos  2  A 


,„       A  sin  Q.A 

laii  —  =  

2  '    '   —' 

cos  A 

I  -^  cos  2  A    1  4-  cos  A 

V      8. 

^     9. 


v^    11. 







2  sill 

o  A 

^1  ^       •  2  ^ 

—    silvers  A  =  sin   ^. 

(2  sin  ^  +  sin  ^J)  tan"  —  =  2  sin  A  —  sin  2yi. 


/  A\         .  ^  ,         A 

I  1  —  tan  —  J  tan  A  =  1  —  sec  A  +  tan  - 
V  2/  2 

(1  -i-secyl). 
Sin  3  A 

sin  tI  =  sin^  Q.A  —  sin"  yl. 
Sin  5 A  sin  J  =  sin*  3A  -  sii/  2 A. 

did  —  did  ~  =  chd"-  A  -  clid^-  - . 
2  2  2 

_       J.         3  A        cos^  — cos2il 
1  an  —  tan  — -  =  — — ~ ■ — 7  . 

2  2         cos  tI  +COS  2A 

_  ,  ,        tan^  2^  -  tan^yi 

Tan  3  A  tan  A  = 77—. 9— 

1  -  tan"  A  tan  2 

tan"  A  tan^2A 

„  ,  ,        COS  A  +  sin  A 

Tan  2A  +sec2A=  -- — : — 7. 

COS  A  ~  sm  A 

1  —  2  sin^  A 

—  2  sin^  A  _  1  -  tan  A  _  1 

1  +  sin  2 A    ""   1  +  tan  A        tan2J  +  sec2A* 

Cos~  2A  —  sin^A  =cos  A  cos  3 A. 

r^     o      .             o   ^        sin  3  A  sin  A 
Tan'  2  A  ~  tan-  A  =  ^-- ^  . 

cos  2  A  COS" A 

sin' 2^  — 4  sin' A         cos^2A--4  cos"  A+3 

rp       4    J  3^ . 

"~  sin*  2  A  +  4  sin"  A  -  4       cos"  2  yl  +  4  cos'  A—  1 
Cos^  (1— tan  2  A  tan  ^)  =  cos  3  A  (1  +  tan  2  A  tan  A). 


22.     Sin  A  =  cos^—  {^l  +  tan  -  +  sec  -  j 

/  .4  yJ\ 

I  1  +  tan  —  —  sec  —  ) . 


.     2  sin 

^=4/  - 

-sin  SA  +  >/sin^ 



-  sin3i4  - 

-  Js\v^ 


-  L 

.    2  cos 

:os3l   + 

^y  cos^ 




4-  V  cos  31  —  ^ycos"37l  — 1. 

11.    Theorems 

Juvolvhig   the    Trigoiwjnetrical  Functions  of  two  Arcs  and   of 
some  of  their   Multiples  and  Submultiples, 

1 .     Sin  A  =  cos  (30'  -  1)  -  cos  (30^  +  A  ) 

=  J^  ^sin(30^+l)-sin(S0'-l)^ 

=  -^  ^sin(45Vl)-sin(45'-l)^  =2sin-(^45'+  -A-  1 


l  +  tan^(45'-^)        1  +  cot'^  (43«  +  ^) 

tan  (45  V  I) -tan  (45' -  I) 
tan  (45'+  ~\  +  tan  Ud^  -  -\ 

=  sin  (60"  4-  1 )  -  sin  ((JO"  - 1)  = 



2.     Cos  A  =  sin  (30^  +  ^)  +  sin  (30^  -  A) 

=  —^  {cos(45^  +  ^) +  cos(45°-J){ 

=  Csin(45M-|)sin(45«-^)  = 

tan  /^45*^  +  -')  -f  cot  ^45*^+—^ 

3.     Tanl 

'l/S  sec  A 

1       sin  (30^  +  A)-  sin  (30^  -  A) 

sin  (45"  +  ^) -cos  (45 

l/3   sin  (30^-1- .4)  + sin  (30" -A) 

sin  (45^  +  A)  +  COS  (45^.1) 

,,„(45«  +  |)  +  cot(45»-4) 

A   ,         A 

tan h  cot  — 

2  2 

sin  (60^  +  A)  -  sin  (60^  -  A)  1 

cos  (60^  + A)  +  cos  (60^  —  1)       cot  it 

4.     Sin(30^±  A)  =  cos(60^  +  il)  = 

cos  tI  4-    V^3  sin  yl 

5.  Sin  {45'  ±J)  =  cos  (45^  T  A)  =   \/i±^!ili  . 

6.  Tan  (30"±  A)  =  1  (cot  ^30"  +  ^)  -  tan  (3(f  +  ^\\ 

7.  Tan  (30"  +  -  )  tan  (30"  -  -)  =  r . 


,,.       ,     n        .V  COS  ^  .  /l  4- sin  2^ 

Tail  (45^  +  A)  =  — _   .      ,   =  V       -   -    ^  A  • 
^       -  1+ sin  it         ^     l+sm2^ 

1  4-  sin  J 

r,.      /     n        ^\         1  +  sin /J  .  . 

Q.   Tan  (  45^  +  -  )  =  -=^ =  sec  A  +  tan  A. 

^  \        -  2/  COS  A  - 

10.  Sin  A  =  4  sin  —  sin  ^(iO'' \  sin  ^60"  +  -^  . 

11.  Cos  A  =  4  cos  -  sin  (sO^ \  sin  /  30^  +  ~\  . 

1 2.  Tan  A  =  tan  ^  tan  (60*'  -  ^^  tan  (go'  -\-  ~\ 

13.  3  cot  il  =  cot-  -  cot  (go'' ^  +  cot  ^60°  +  -V 

14.  Tan  ^45*^  +  -)  -  tan  (45°  -  ~\=z<2  tan  A. 

1 5.  Sec  (45''  +  -~\  sec  Ud""  -  -\=2secA, 

16.  Sec  iL  =  tan(45^+-)-tani  =  cot  ^45^  -  -j-tauA. 

,>.       ^  /TT-f  A\  /ir  —  Ax  ^  .. 

17.  2  vers  ( j  vers  ( I  =  vers  (tt  —  A), 

1 8.  Sin  B  =  sin  (tI  +  B)  cos  1  —  cos  {A  +  i^)  sin  ^1. 

2cos 1  j  cos(A^-5). 

20.  Sin(A  +  jB)sin3(yl-jB)=sin-(2A-L')-siir(2jB--4). 

2 1 .  Sin  {A±B)  =  cos  A  cos  J5  (tan  1  +  tan  B), 

22.  Cos  {A  ±  L')  =  cos  /I  cos  L'  (I  T  tan  A  tan  jB). 







Vers  (A  -  B)  vers  {tt  -  (.4  +  R)}  =(sin  A  -  sin  B)". 
Sin^  (1  4-  B)  -  sill'  (^  -  i^)  =  sin  2  A  sin  2  jB. 
Cos'  (i  +  £;)  -  sin'  A=cosB  cos  (2  A  +  jB). 
Sin-(il+  B)=sin~7l+sin^i^  +  2sin  A  sin  Bcos{A  +  B). 

Cot  A  +  tan  B  =  - — ^ . 

sni  A  cos  B 

Tan  ^  +  tan  B 
Cot  it  +  tan  B 

Sin2(A  +  E) 

=  tan  A  tan  (^  +  _B). 

cos  {A  +  Jj)      cot  B  —  tan  A 

Sin  2  J.  +  sin  2  jB       cos  (tI  —  U)      cotii+tanA' 

sin  (A  +  B)  sin  (A  -  .B) 

1  an~  A  —  tan-  B  = 3—; ;7— r . 

cos   A  COS"  B 

TanU  +  -B)  +  tan(J~i^)  __  tan  A  (l+tan-.B) 
Tan  (.4  -f-  i*)  -  tan  {A-  B)~  tan  ^'  (1  +  tan"  A)  * 

1  4-  COS  2  A  COS  2  B  =  2  (sin^  A  cos^  i?  +  cos'  A  sin"  jB). 


m  tan  (A  ~  J5)  n  tan  B 

cos^  B 


,   then  will 


tan  {A-2B)  = tan  A, 

n  ■\-  m 

If  cos  B  {m  4-  cos  A)=\  +  m  cos  ^_,  then  will 

/A  B\ 

H  {  tan tan  —  I . 

V        2  2/ 

A    ,  i>^ 

tan  —  +  tan  — 

2  2 

i^        1-tan^A       . 

35.     If  tan  —  =  — ; ^— - ,   then  will 

2         1  +  tan^  A 

2coi2A  =  A^tan  B  +  sec  B  +  ^U\\\  B  — sec  B. 


III.    Theorems 

Involving  the  Trigonometrical  Functions  of  three  or  more  Arcs 
and  of  some  of  their  Multiples  and  Suhmultiples. 

1.  QhdnA  chd(7r- J)  =  chd(;i+1)  J  +  chdO/- 1)J. 

2.  Sin-4  +  cos  J5=2sin(^45M ~—)  cos  ^45^ V 

3.  Cos^l+sin  J5=2cos(45^  +  — ^^^  cos /^ 45*^ ^V 

Cos  7) -sin  A  /     0      A-^  B\       /     .      A-  B\ 

4.  7\ 7^ :— :  =  tan  (  45" —  j tan  (  45' ) 

Cosi3  +  sniy4  V  2      /       V  -       2      / 

5.  If  ^  -f-  /^  +  C  =  TT,   then 

sin  A  +  sin  j5  +  sin  C  =  4  cos  —  cos  ~  cos  —  . 

2  2  2 

6.  On  the  same  supposition,, 

sin  2^1  +  sin  2  i3  +  sin  2  C  =  4  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C. 

7.  The  same  hypothesis  remaining, 

_^    ,     .  ,B    ,     .  ,C       ^  .    A    .    B    ,    C 

sm" h  sm h  sm f-  2  sm  —  sm  ~  sm  —  =  1 . 

2  2  2  2         2  2 

8.  If  iH-B-f  C  =  45°,  then 

tan  A  +  tan  B  +  tan  C— tan  A  tan  7i  tan  C 
=  1  —  tan  A  tan  i?  —  tan  A  tan  C  —  tan  B  tan  C. 

9.  If  ^ -f-  B   f  C  =  (2?«  +  l)^,   then 

cos  2^  +  cos  2  B  +  cos2C  =  4cos  A  cos  />  cos  C. 


10.  If^-fi^+C=^,    then 

tan  A  +  tail  B  -{•  tail  C  =  tan  A  tan  B  tan  C  -f  sec  A  sec  B  sec  C. 

11.  If  the  arcs  Ay  B,  C  be  in  arithmetical  progression,  tlien 

sin  A  —  sin  C  =  2  sin  (J  —  B)  cos  73. 

cos^  —  cos  C        sin  ^  —  sin  C 

12.     Again,  tan  (J— 23)  = 

sin  yi  +  sin  C        cos  ^4  + cos  C 

tan  73  sin  A  +  sin  C 

13.    Also, 

tan  ( 73  —  C)        sin  yi  —  sin  C  /A  -  O 

tan  ' 


14.  And  sin  /i  sin  C 

=  {sin  J5  +  sin(yi-13)}   {sin  B-sin(^-B)}. 

15.  lfA  +  B  +  C=-,  and  A,  B,  C  be  in  arithmetical 


progression,  then 

VS  —  tan  A=i\  +  VS  tan  A)  tan  C. 

16.  If  J. +73  +  C==7r,  and   the   sines  of  A,   73,   C  be  in 
arithmetical  progression,  then 

.    A    .    /B-C\         .    C    .    /A-Bx 

sin  —  sin  ( I  =  sm  —  sm  ( i . 

2  \     2      /  2         \      2      / 

17.  On  the  same  snpposition,   if  the  cosines  of  yl,   B,  C 
be  in  arithmetical  progression,  then 

A    .    B        C  ^B 

2  cos  —  sm  —  cos  —  =  cos  —  . 
022  2 

18.  Co.s-(\/?)-cos-'(J^  +  ^J  =  30«. 

19.  2tan-^  ('-,')  +  tan-'  G)=^'^'' 


21.  If  tan  ^  =  — —  ,   and  tan  B  —  —y — ,   then 

sin  {A'\-B):=  sin  60°  cos  36^ 

22.  Sin(^-jB)sinC-sin(A-C)sini5  +  sin(JB-C)sini4=0. 

23.  If  cos  ^  =  cos  B  cos  C,  then 

/^+^\           /A.-B\  eC 

tan  { )  tan  ( J  =  tan   —  . 

V     2      /         \     2      /  2 

24.  If  sin  {A  +  i^)  cos  C  =  2  cos  (B  —  C)  sin  ^,   then 

cot  ^  —  cot  B  =  2  tan  C. 

25.  Sin(^+B)  sin(B-f-C  +  D)  =  sinl  sin  (C  +  D) 

+  sin  5  sin  ( A  +  JB  +  C  +  D). 

26.  Sin  2(^ -C)  + sin  2(B  -  C)-- sin  2(^-5) 
=  4  cos  {A  -  C)  sin  (i?  -  C)  cos  (yl  —  B). 

27.  Cos(^-B-C)  +  cosU-.B  +  C)H-cos(^  +  B^C) 

+  cos  ( J  +  -0  +  C)  =  4  cos  ^  cos  jB  cos  C. 

28.  If  yi,  B,  C,  D,  &c.    L,  be  any  arcs,  then 

sin  (A  +  B)  sin  U  -  B)  +  sin(B  +  C)  sin  (B-C)  +  &c. 
+  sin  {L+A)  sin  (L  -  il)  =  0,   and  cos  {A  +  B)  sin  (A  -  B) 
+COS  ( B  +  C)  sin  (B  -  C)  +  &c.  +  cos  (L  +  J.)  sin  (L  -  .1)  =  0. 

cos  A  —  sin  B  sin  C        cos  JD  —  sin  E  sin  P 

29.     If ^ 7^ =  Ti T. ^ 

cos  B  cos  C  cos  i^  cos  ± 

cos  B  cos  C       vers  A  —  vers  (B —  C) 
cos  £  cos  F       vers  D —  vers  (-E—  F) 


IV.    Theorems 

Involving  the  Numerical  Values  of  the  Trigonometrical  Functions 
of  certain  given  Arcs  to  the  Radius  1 . 

1 .      Sill  7^  30 

0    n,J 

2  V^2 
V^3+  1/5  -  Jo  -  Vb 

2.  Sin  9° 


3.  Cos  11°  !■>- ^  ^^^"+^. 

21/2—  t/3~  1 

5.  Vers  15^        = 

6.  Vers  78^  45'  = 

,  _  2  —  x/2  -  x/ "2+1/2 

7.      Chd  30° 

1/3—1  ^2 

1/2  1  4- 1/3 

8.      Chd  67"  30'  =  J 2  -  JT'~  V'2. 

9.      Tan  18"* 

10.  Tan  37°  30' 

11.  Cot  78°  45' 

2  V"  2~+  t/3" 
""'  4  H-  1/6  -  t/2  * 

2  +  ^2+^/2 


V3+  V5  +  Vo  -\/5 

,3.      S.c2f         ^-^y^V-5-273-V-5 

1  +  V  5 

14.      Sec  5fr  15 

15.     Cosec  22^30'  = 

l6.      Cosec52''S0' 

0  .,/  _  2n/2  4-  J%-  V'2 

V^-l- V^S 

^2-  1/2' 

17.      Sin     ^'=.-^'^{V5^-\)^~j5-V5, 

Vs    ,       .        1 

18.  Sin  12^=--  — (1/5-1) +^^yM^^5. 

19.  Sin2f=-'^(i/5+l)+^x/I^V^. 

20.  Sin39^^=-^^(V^5  +  1)-^V^::75'. 

21.  Sin  4£'  =  -  i  (•5-  l)+  j^  >/^'+"v^- 

22.  Sin57^  =  -  :^$^(V^5-l)+^^^7?+1^ 

8  K  2  o 

1  V^S 

23 .  Sin  m'  =  ^  (1/ 5  +  1 )  +  -—r-^  Jo-\/5. 

8  ^  4\/2 

1/3-1      / 

-— ; (V/5-  0  + 

8t/2     ^  8 

24.      Sm  87"=  -—7--(v/5-l)  + -— ^5+t/5. 


V.    Problems 
Involving  the  Trigonometrical  Functions  of  one  or  more  Arcs. 

1.  Express  each   of  the  Trigonometrical   Functions  of  A 

in  terms  of  sin  2  A  and  sin  ~  ,  and  adapt  the  results  to  radius  r. 


2.  In  terms  of  cos  Q.A  and  cos  —  . 


3.  In  terms  of  vers  2  A  and  vers  —  . 



4.  In  terms  of  chd  2  A  and  chd  ~  . 


5.  In  terms  of  tan  2  A  and  tan  — . 


6.  In  terms  of  cot  2  J.  and  cot  —. 


7.  In  terms  of  sec  2  J.  and  sec  — . 

8.  In  terms  of  cosec  2  J.  and  cosec  —  . 


9.  Given  tan  2  A  =  3  tan  J,  to  fmd  A. 

_ .         1  +  tan  A         .  ,  .... 

10.  Given =  ^  sec2A,  to  hnd  tI. 

1  —  tan  A        ^ 

11.  From  the  equation_,  tan  —    =  cosec  vl  —  sin  Ay  find  the 


of  A 


12.  Find  the  value  of  A  which  satieties  the  equation, 

1  +  tan  A  tan  —  )  . 

13.  If  sin  3^-2  sin2A  +  sin''il  +4sin^l  =  0,  find  the 
value  of  sin  A, 

14.  Given  sin  4A-\-  4  sin  3  A  cos  A  =0,  to  find  tan  A, 

15.  Given  sin  2  A  cos  2^4  +  3  sin  A  cos  S  A  =  0,   to   find 
cos  A, 

16.  Find   general  formulae  including  all  the    values  of  A 
which   fulfil   the   conditions   of  the  equation, 

2  sin'  SA  +  sin^  6A  =  Q. 

17.  If  sin{A-B)  =  cos{A+B)  =  ^,  find  the  values  of 
A  and   B. 

18.  Given   sin  {A  +  B)  +  sin  (A  -  B)  =  cos  (A  -f  B) 
-f-  cos  {A  —  B\  to   find   the   value   of  A. 

19.  Given  sin  (A  +  B)  -  sin  {A  ~  B)  ==  tan  60"  sin  jB,   to 
find  the  value  of  A. 

20.  If    sin  {9.  J  -r  B)  -  sin  (2.1  -  B)  =  sin  (J.  +  ^) 
—  sin  (A  —  jB)  —  sin  B,   find   the   value  of  sin  A, 

21.  Given    tan  A  +  tan  B  =  sec  A,     find    the     relation 
between   the  values   of  A  and  B. 

22.  Given  tan  C  +  2  tan  (1  -  C)  =  tan  (A  +  jB  —  Q,   to 
find   tan    C. 

23.  Given  2  tan  C  +  tan  (A  -  C)  =  tan  (C  -  B),  to  find 
ttin  C. 

24.  Divide  a  given  angle  into  two  parts  A  aud  B  so  that 

sin  A        cosec  B        m 
sin  B        cosec  A        ?i  * 


cos  A       sec  B       m 

25.  So  that 

cos  i>        sec  A         n 

26.  So  that 

27.  So  that 

28.     So  that  ™"  "        "■"    , 

tan  h        cot  A        n 

sec  A        m 




A  ' 







chd  A 


chd  B 






29.     So  that 

tan  B        n 

30.  If  tan  A  ^  tan  i^  +  tan  C  =  tan  A  tan  B  tan  C,  it  is 
required  to  lind  the  general  value  of  (7I  +  i^  4-  C). 

31.  If  sin  A  —  2  sin  jB  +  sin  C  =  2  sin  jB  vers  (A—  B),  find 
the  relation  between  A,  B  and  C 

32.  Given  cos  A -{-COS  JB  =  w,   and  cos  5  A  +  cos  5  B  =  ?/, 
to  find  A  and  B. 

33.  If  ^  -f  5  +   C  =  180°,  and  tan  A  tan  5  =  m,  tan  .4 
tan  C  =  )t,  find  the  values  of  tan  A,  tan  B  and  tan  C. 

On   chap.    IV. 

I.  Theorems. 

1.     In  a  right-angled  triangle,  if  A,  B,  C,    r/,  ^,  f  be  the 
angles  and  sides,  and  C  the  right  angle,  then 

in  —  =    V .  cos  —  =   V    ,  tan  —   =   V   . 


2ab                    ,        h^-cr                ^        2nb 
2.     Sm  2  A  = -2-7TT .    cos  2^1=    ■  ^,  tan2^=^, 


3.  Sin  (45' ±  A)  4  ~  (^)'   ''''  (4^°±  ^) 

=  -4-(-^^).   tan  (45^  ±  J)  =7^. 

4.  Sin  (A -73)  = r— ,  cos  (1-jB)=  -x"  . 

tan  ( J[  -  JB)  =  -— —  . 

5.  The  area  =  —  =  ''  J c-a^  =  -  Jc'-lr=^  ^  sin  Svl 

2  2  7.2 

^  .  nr^  «  ^  b 

—  —  s\n2B  =  —  tan  jB  =  —  tan  ^4. 

4  2  2 

6.  If  «',  6'  be  the  segments  of  the  h^pothenuse  made  by 
a  line   bisecting  the  right   angle,  then 

'  jf  2,72 

ah         {a  +  hf 

7.     If  the  lines  drawn  from  the  acute  angles  to  bisect  the 
opposite  sides  be  a,  /3,   the  tangents  of  these  angles  are 

8.     The  radius  of  the  insciibed  circle  is 
(a  +  b-c) 

,  (a  -f  c  -  6)  (Z>  +  c  -  fl)  ah 

^(a-\-h  —  c)  =  -k : 

a  -\-  b  +  c  a  +  b  +  c' 

9.   The  radius  of  the  cirumscribed  circle  is 
a  be  a  be 

(a  +  b  +  c)  (a  +  b  —  c)        (b  +  c  —  a)  (a -{- e  -  b)        5' 

10.    The  sum  of  the  diameters  of  the  inscribed  ami  ciicum 
scribed  circles  is  a  ^-  b. 


11.     l(  A,  Dj  C  be  the  angles  of  a  triangle,   and  2  cos  B 
sin  A 

sin  C 

,   the  triangle  is  isosceles. 

12.  If  ^^"  ^  =  ^"\  - ,    then    will    the   triangle    be    either 

tan  B       sni"  x> 

isosceles^  or  right-angled  at  C. 

13.  In  any  oblique-angled  triangle,  if  A,  B,  C,   a^  h,  c  be 
the  angles  and  sides  respectively,   then 

C  ^   .         ^ 

cot  —  tan  —  +  tan  — 

a+h                      2  c                  22 

,  and 

a-b              r^-JW           CL-b              A  H 

tan  I I  tan tan  — 


Vers  A  _ a(S-b)  vers(^+B)  _  (S—a){S-b) 

^^'   Vers  B~biS- a)'  """'        vers  C  6'OS-c) 

15.      1  an  —  tan  —  =  — - — ,   and  —  =  — . 

2  2  S  B       ^  -  a 

tan  — 


16.     Sn.  (-^)  =  (— )-«i  '  -^  (-^)  =  (~)  ""i' 

2         ;2 

and  sin  r.4  -  B)  =  (^-7-)  «i"  (^-^  "h  B). 

/^-f  JB-C> 


_       ^h'-c^  __  tan  B 

^'^"^  A  +  C-  B\  "  ,r  +  c'^-/r  ~  tan  C 





18.  The  perpendicular  from  the  angle  C  upon  the  opposite 

_        a  +  b  -\-c        __  c  cos  (A  —  B)  —  cos  {A  +  B) 

""         I  B  ~i  sinC  * 

cot h  cot  — 

2  2 

19.  The  distance  of  the  perpendicular  from  the  middle  of 
the  base 

c    sm(A—B)        c  tan^  — tanB 
~  2         sin  C        ""  2  tan  A  +  tan  B  * 

c"  sin  J.  sin  B 

20.  The  area  of  the  tnanole  =   - 

i         sin  C 

c"  cos(A- B)~cos(A+B)  2a he  ABC 

: ■— —  =  ~_  cos  —  cos  —  cos  — . 

4  sm{A-^B)  aH-/;  +  c  2  2  2 

21.     Four  times  the  area  of  the 

-  («  +  ^  +  g)^  {cos  A -(-cos  ^4- cos  C~l} 
sin  A+sin  i^  +  sin  C 

=  n/ 

4(a^  +  //4-cV(«'  +  ^''  -f  c"T  a2  +  Z^-  +  c" 

cot"  A  +  cot-  i^+cot"  C  cot  J.  4- cot  i?  +  C0I  C 

22.  The  sum  of  the  perpendiculars  from  the  angles  upon 
the  opposite  sides  =  2  area  ( j, 

23.  If  R  and   r   be   the    radii   of   the   circumscribed   and 
inscribed   circles,   then 

abc  1  111 

QRr  =       ,    .    ,      ,  or-— =  _+—  +  _-. 
a-f-o-^c  2Hr       ab       ac        be 

24c.     The  diameter  of  the  inscribed  circle 

.  /  X  A  S  C 

=  («  -f  6  +  6)  tan  —  tan  —  tan  — 
2  2  2 


__  2  ^ ctV'c^  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C  _  rtftc  (sin  A  +  sin  B  4-  sin  C) 

25.     The  diameter  of  the  circumscribed  circle 

a  +  6  +(;  4  /  a^c 


sin  ^    -f  sin  B   +  sin  C  sin  A  sin  B  sin  C 

a  4-  6  +  c 

"  T       B        C' 

4  cos  —  cos  ~  cos  — 

2  2  2 

26.     The  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the  centre 
of  the  inscribed  circle  from  the  angular  points 


=  ab  +  ac-\-bc 

a-{-b  +  c 

27.  If  d  be  the  line  drawn  to  bisect  the  angle  C,  and 
meeting  the  opposite  side  in  E,   then 

.  ,,^       a-rb         C 
tan  ALL  = tan  — . 

fl-6  2' 

cos  ACE  =  ; — ,   and  ^    =- ttt  {(a  +  o)  — c  }. 

2a  b  {a-Vby 

28.  If  P  and  p  be  the  perpendiculars  from  the  extremities 
of  the  base  of  a  triangle  upon  the  line  bisecting  the  vertical 
angle  at  distances  D  and  d  from  it,  then 

4  Pp  =  (a  -  />  +  c)  (6  +  c  -  a\  and  4  D c?  =  («  +  ^  +  c)  («  +  6  -  c), 

and  the  nre3.  =  Pd  =  pD. 

29.  The  perpendiculars  drawn  from  the  angles  of  a  triangle 
upon  the  opposite  sides  meet  in  one  point,  and  the  rectangles 
of  the  segments  of  the  perpendiculars  are  equal  in  each. 

30.  If  three  straight  lines  be  drawn  from  the  angles  of  a 
triangle  to  bisect  the  opposite  sides^  they  meet  in  the  same  point : 
and  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  the  triangle  is  equal 
to  three  times  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  distances  of  the 
point  of  intersection  from  die  angles. 


31.  If  lines  be  drawn  from  the  angles  of  a  triangle  to  any 
point,  the  products  of  the  sines  of  the  angles  thus  formed  taken 
alternately  are  equal,  as  are  also  the  products  of  the  alternate 
segments  of  the  sides. 

32.  If  two  angles  of  a  triangle  be  bisected  bylines  meeting 
in  a  point,  the  remaining  angle  will  be  bisected  by  the  line 
joining  it  with  this  point. 

33.  The  perpendiculars  to  the  three  sides  of  a  triangle  at 
their  middle  points,  meet  in  one  point. 

34.  If  a  J  bj  c  be  the  sides  of  a  triangle,  and  a,  b,  c 
the  perpendiculars  drawn  from  a  point  within  the  triangle,  to 
bisect  the  sides,   then 

fa         b         c)  abc 

a         b         c )          abc 

35.  The  side  of  an  equilateral  triangle  inscribed  in  a  circle  : 

the  side  of  a  square  inscribed  in  the  same  circle  '.:  s/ 3  :  /^ 2  ; 
and  the  area  of  the  triangle  :  the  area  of  the  square  ::  3^3  : 

36.  The  square  of  the  side  of  a  pentagon  inscribed  in  a 
circle  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  squares  of  the  sides  of  a  regular 
hexagon  and  decagon  inscribed  in  the  same  circle. 

37.  If  a  point  be  assumed  in  a  regular  polygon  of  n  sides, 
from  which  perpendiculars  are  drawn  to  each  of  the  sides  or 
sides  produced  ;  the  sum  of  these  perpendiculars  :  the  radius  of 
the  inscribed  circle  ::  ii  :  1. 

38.  If  the  external  angles  of  a  quadrilateral  figure  be 
denoted  by  a,  /3,  y,  S,  and  the  sides  by  a,  b,  c,  d,  then 

a  sin  a-\-b  sin  (a  +  /3)  +  c  sin  (a  +  /3  +  7)  +  J  sin  (a  +  i3  +  7  +  S)=0, 
a  cos  a  +  b  cos  (a  +  jS)  4-  c  cos  (a  -f-  /3  +  7)  +  ^Z  cos  (a  +  /3  +  7  +  ^)=0. 

39.  The  area  of  a  regular  polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle  is 
a  mean  proportional  between  the  areas  of  an  inscribed,  and  of  a 
circumscribed  regular  polygon  of  half  the  luimber  of  sides. 


40.  The  area  of  a  regular  polygon  circumscribed  about 
a  circle  is  an  harmouical  mean  between  the  areas  of  an  inscribed 
regular  polygon  of  the  same  number  of  sides,  and  of  a  circum- 
scribed regular  polygon  of  half  that  number. 

41.  If  an  equilateral  polygon  of  ^  sides  be  inscribed  in  a 

circle  whose  radius  is  1,  the  side=  V  2  —  v  2-}-^2  +  8tc.  the 
radical  sign  being  repeated  v  times. 

42.  If  the  diagonals  of  a  quadrilateral  whose  opposite 
angles  are  supplemental  to  each  other,  intersect  at  right  angles, 
their  segments  are  proportional  to  the  rectangles  of  the  sides 
which  are  terminated  at  their  extremities. 

43.  Jn  every  polygon,  any  one  side  is  equal  to  the  sum  of 
the  products  of  each  of  the  other  sides  and  the  cosine  of  the 
angle  made  by  it  with  the  aforesaid  side. 

44.  In  every  polygon,  the  perpendicular  upon  a  side  from 
any  of  the  angular  points  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  the  products  of 
the  sides  comprised  between  that  point  and  side,  and  the  sines  of 
their  respective  inclinations  to  that  side. 

45.  The  square  of  a  side  of  any  polygon  is  equal  to  the 
sum  of  the  squares  of  all  the  other  sides,  diminished  by  twice 
the  sum  of  the  products  of  all  those  sides,  taken  two  and  two 
together,    and  the  cosines  of  the  included  angles. 

46.  Twice  the  area  of  any  polygon  is  equal  to  the  sum  of 
the  products  of  its  sides  except  one  taken  two  and  two  together, 
and  the  sines  of  the  sums  of  the  exterior  angles  contained  by 
those  sides  produced. 

47»  A  circle  is  inscribed  in  an  equilateral  triangle,  an  equi- 
lateral triangle  in  the  circle,  a  circle  in  the  last  triangle,  and  so 
on,  in  infinitum:  then  the  radius  of  any  one  of  these  circles  is 
equal  to  the  sum  of  the  radii  of  all  those  within  it. 

48.  If  lines  be  drawn  from  all  the  angles  of  a  polygon 
to  any  point,  the  products  of  the  sines  of  the  angles  so  formed 
taken  alternately  are  equal. 


49.  In  a  right-angled  triangle,  a  perpendicular  is  drawn 
from  the  right  angle  to  the  opposite  side :  then  the  areas  of  the 
circles  inscribed  in  the  triangles  made  by  it^  are  proportional  to 
the  corresponding  segments  of  the  side. 

50.  In  a  plane  triangle,  the  differences  of  the  segments  of 
a  side  made  by  a  perpendicular  from  the  opposite  angle,  by  the 
contact  of  the  inscribed  circle,  and  by  the  line  bisecting  the 
opposite   angle,   are   in   geometrical   progression. 

51.  If  through  any  point  O  within  a  triangle,  straight  lines 
be  drawn  from  the  angles  A,  B,  C  to  meet  the  opposite  sides 
in  «_,  b,  c  respectively,  then 

Oa        m        Oc  _ 

52.  In  any  triangle,  the  rectangle  contained  by  the  excess 
of  the  semi-perimeter  above  each  of  the  sides  including  any 
angle,  is  equal  to  the  rectangle  of  the  radius  of  the  inscribed 
circle  and  the  radius  of  the  circle  which  touches  the  base  and 
the    two    sides    produced. 

53.  If  7'  be   the  radius  of  a  circle  inscribed  in  a  triangle, 

7'j,  To,  ?3  the  radii    of  three  other   circles  touching  the  sides  and 


sides  produced,    of  the  same  triangle,   then  —  = —    + h  — , 

7'        r,        /'g        r-g 

and  the  area  of  the  triangle  =  v  ^'^'i^s^s* 

54.  If  R  be  the  radius  of  the  circle  circumscribed  about 
a  triangle,  r  the  radius  of  the  circle  inscribed  in  it,  the  distance 
between  the  centres  of  these  circles  is  ->/ J^^~  2Rr. 

55.  If  r^,  To,  ry  be  the  radii  of  the  circles  touching  one  side 
of  a  triangle  and  the  two  others  produced,  the  distances  of  their 
centres  from  that  of  the  circumscribed  circle  whose  radius  is  R  are 

jR:'-\-^lRr,,    jR''-^%Rr.,   and  V-^'  +  ^-Krg. 


II.  Problems. 

1.  Given  the  three  sides  of  a  triangle,  to  find  the  per- 
pendicular upon  one  side  from  the  opposite  angle,  and  the 
segments   into   which    that  side   is   divided. 

2.  Given  the  perimeter  and  area  of  a  right-angled  triangle, 
to  find  the  sides. 

3.  Given  the  perimeter  of  a  triangle,  to  find  the  sides, 
when  a  perpendicular  from  one  of  the  angles  to  the  opposite 
side  divides  that  side  in  a  given  ratio. 

4.  Given  one  angle  of  -a  triangle,  and  the  straight  lines 
drawn  from  each  of  the  other  angles  to  bisect  the  opposite  sides, 
to  find  the  sides  of  the  triangle. 

5.  Express  the  perimeter  of  a  triangle  in  terms  of  two 
of  the  angles,  and  the  perpendicular  from  the  remaining  angle 
upon  the  opposite  side. 

6.  Given  the  lines  bisecting  the  acute  angles  of  a  right- 
angled  triangle  and  terminated  by  the  opposite  sides,  to  find  the 
area  of  the  triangle. 

7.  Given  the  perimeter  of  a  triangle  and  the  ratios  of  its 
angles,  to  find  the  sides. 

8.  In  a  right-angled  triangle,  given  one  of  the  sides  con- 
taining the  right  angle  and  the  radius  of  the  inscribed  circle,  to 
find  the  sides. 

9.  Given  the  hypothenuse  of  a  right-angled  triangle  and 
the   radius   of  the  inscribed   circle,    to  find    the    sides. 

10.  Given  the  perimeter  of  a  right-angled  triangle  and  the 
radius  of  the  inscribed  circle,  to  find  the  sides. 


11.  Given    the    area    of   a    right-angled  triangle    and   the 
radius   of  the  circle  inscribed  in  it,   to  find   the   sides. 

12.  Given  the  three  angles  of  a  triangle  and  the  radius   of 
the  inscribed  circle,  to  find  the  sides. 

13.  Express  the  area  of  a  triangle  in  terms  of  the  radius 
of  the  inscribed  circle  and  the  three  angles. 

14.  Given  the  three  angles  of  a  triangle  and  the  radius  of 
the  circumscribed  circle,  to  find  the  sides. 

15.  Express  the  area  of  a  triangle  as  a  function  of  the 
radius   of  the  circumscribed   circle   and  the   three  angles. 

16.  Investigate  an  expression  for  the  area  of  a  triangle 
involving  all  the  sides,  and  the  tangents  of  all  the  semi-angles. 

17.  In  a  right-angled  triangle,  given  the  radii  of  the 
inscribed  and  circumscribed  circles,  to  find  the  sides  and 

18.  In  any  triangle,  given  the  vertical  angle,  the  radius  of 
the  inscribed  circle,  and  the  sum  of  the  lines  drawn  from  its 
centre  to   the  angles   at  the   base,   to   find  the   sides. 

19*  Given  the  perimeter,  the  area  and  one  angle  of  a 
triangle,   to  find   the   side   opposite   to  it. 

20.  Given  the  area,  the  vertical  angle  and  the  sum  of  the 
including  sides,  to  find  the  sides  of  the  triangle. 

21.  Given  the  radius  of  the  circumscribed  circle,  the 
vertical  angle  and  the  ratio  of  the  sides  containing  it,  to  find 
the   sides   of  the   triangle. 

22.  If  a  circle  be  described  about  a  triangle,  find  the 
distances  of  the  bisections  of  the  sides  from  the  circumference. 


23.  Given  the  three  straight  lines  drawn  from  the  angles  of 
a  triangle  to  bisect  the  opposite  sides,  to  find  the  sides  of  the 

24.  Express  the  area  of  a  triangle  in  terms  of  two  of  its 
sides  and  an  angle  opposite  one  of  them  :  also,  in  terms  of  two 
of  its  angles  and  a  side  opposite  one  of  them. 

25.  Determine  the  triangle  whose  sides  are  three  con- 
secntive  natural  numbers,  and  whose  greatest  angle  is  double 
of  the   least. 

26.  Find  the  angles  of  a  triangle,  when  the  base_,  the 
sides,  and  the  perpendicular  are  in  continued  geometrical 

27.  Given  three  straight  lines,  to  find  the  radius  of  the 
circle  so  that  they  shall  be  the  chords  of  three  contiguous  arcs 
which  together  make  a  semi-circle. 

28.  In  a  given  scalene  triangle,  it  is  required  to  draw  from 
one  side  to  another  produced,  a  straight  line  which  shall  be 
bisected    by    the  third  side. 

29.  Given  the  perpendiculars  from  the  angles  upon  the 
opposite  sides  of  a  triangle,  to  find  the  angles  and  sides. 

30.  Given  the  area,  the  base  and  the  sum  of  the  angles  at 
the  base  of  a  triangle,  to  find  the  angles. 

31.  Given  the  angles  of  a  triangle  and  the  perpendiculars 
upon  the  sides  from  a  given  point  within  it,  to  find  the  sides. 

32.  Given  the  angles  of  a  triangle  and  the  perpendiculars 
upon  the  sides  from  a  given  point  without  it,  to  find  the  sides. 

33.  Compare  the  sides  and  areas  of  the  squares  and  regular 
octagons  described  in,  and  about,  the  same  circle, 



34.  Given  the  ratio  of  the  side  of  a  regular  polygon 
inscribed  in  a  circle  to  the  radius,  to  find  the  number  of  sides 
and  the  magnitude  of  each  angle. 

35.  The  alternate  angles  of  a  regular  pentagon  being 
joined,  it  is  required  to  compare  the  sum  of  the  isosceles 
triangles  so  formed  with  the   pentagon. 

36.  Find  the  side  and  area  of  a  regular  decagon  inscribed 
in  a  given  circle. 

37.  Determine  the  sides  of  a  regular  hexagon  and  dode- 
cagon inscribed  in  the  same  circle,  and  compare  their  perimeters 
and  areas. 

38.  The  area  of  a  regular  polygon  of  n  sides  in  a  circle  : 
the  area  of  another  regular  polygon  of  3  n  sides  in  the  same  circle 
::  p  :  (j  :  find  the  values  of  the  angles  subtended  by  a  side 
of  each  at  tlie  centre. 

39.  The  area  of  a  regular  polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle  ;  the 
area  of  a  similar  figure  circumscribed  about  it  ::  3  :  4;  find  the 
number  of  sides. 

40.  Find  the  side  of  a  regular  quindecagon  inscribed 
in   a  circle   of  given    radius. 

41.  The  area  of  a  regular  polygon  inscribed  in  a  circle 
being  given,  and  the  area  of  one  circumscribed  with  the  same 
number  of  sides^  it  is  required  to  find  the  areas  of  the  inscribed 
and  circumscribed  polygons  of  half  the  number  of  sides. 

42.  Find  the  area  included  between  two  regular  polygons 
of  the  same  number  of  sides,,  one  being  inscribed  in,  and 
the  other  circumscribed  about,  a  circle  of  given  radius ;  and 
determine  the  number  of  sides  when  this  area  has  a  given  ratio 
to  either. 


43.  Given  two  sides  and  tlie  included  angle  of  a  quadri- 
lateral, to  find  the  sides  and  diagonals,  when  two  opposite 
angles   are   right  angles. 

44.  Express  the  area  of  any  quadrilateral  in  terms  of  all 
the   sides,   and   two   of  the   opposite   angles. 

45.  Given  one  side  of  a  polygon  and  the  angles  made  by 
it  with  the  lines  drawn  from  its  extremities  to  all  the  other 
angles,   to   find   the   area   of  the   polygon. 

46.  A  circle  has  an  equilateral  triangle  inscribed  in  it; 
a  circle  is  inscribed  in  the  triangle  which  also  has  an  equilateral 
triangle  inscribed  in  it,  and  so  on :  find  the  sums  of  the 
perimeters  and   the   areas   of  all  the  circles   and   triangles. 

On   chap.    V.    VI.    VII. 

Theorems  and  Problems. 

c  =  y  {a  -  bf-\-4ab  sin"  -  =  V   {a  +  bf-4ab  cos~  ~ 

^—^^ — ^ 

V  ('^  +  ^)"  si"'—   +  («  -  ^f  <^«s'  — 

=  b  (cos  A  +  sin  A  cot  jB). 


2.     Sin  C 

cos  B  +  sin  B  cot  C 
c  sin  A 

s/ b'  +  c'^  -  9.bc  cos  A 

_  sin  B  {a  cos  B±  sj  b"^  -  a"  sin^  B 
~  h 

=   ~  sin  G  J5  ±  sin  ii  \/  1  -  C^\  sin'  B. 


3.     Cos  C  = 


a  —  c  cos  -B 

x/  a^  -^  c'^  —  2  rt  c  cos  B 

2  sin'  B  +  cos  7i  V   1  -  (yj'si"'  B. 

c  sin  yl  _       c  sin  A 

''■     '^""  '^'  ==  7«'-cSinM  ~   6  -  c  cos  I 

Z>  COS  ^4"  \/  ci^  —  b' 


6  COS  ^  —  cot  il  ^  a    -  h^  sin^  A 
1  +  sec  yl  V  /^^'^    -  sin^  A 

1  —  cosec  J. 

v/(=y  -  .i„. 

5.  If  />  be  the  perpendicular  upon  the  side  c  frooi  tlie 
opposite  angle  C,  then  are  the  other  two  sides  respectively 
equal    to 

^J c^'\-pc  cot  C+  sj c^-^pc  tan  C, 

and  s/c^-\-pc  cot  C  —  n/c^  4-pc  tan  C. 

6.  Given  the  angle  B,  the  side  c  and  the  sum  ot  the 
remaining   sides,  to   solve   the   triangle. 

7.  Given  the  angle  B,  the  side  c  and  the  ratio  of  the 
remaining   sides,    to  solve   the  triangle. 

8.  Given  the  angle  B,  the  side  a  and  the  area,  to  solve  the 

9.  Given  the  area,  the  base  and  the  sum  of  the  angles 
at  the   base^   to   solve   the   triangle. 

10.  Giveji  the  logarithms  of  the  three  sides  of  a  phuic 
triangle,  to  determine  the  logarithms  of  the  segments  of  one  of 
them  made  bv  a  line  bisecting  the  opposite  angle. 


11.  If  the  base  of  an  isosceles  triangle  be  c  and  the  per- 
pendicular from  one  of  the  equal  angles  upon  the  opposite 
side  py   then 

log  area  =  log  p-{-2  log  c  ~  2  log  2  —  i-  log  {{c  -\-  p)  (c  —  p)]. 

sin  ^        a 

12.  if  tan  A  tan  IS  =  3,   and  -:^ — —  =  -  ,    and   we   assume 

sni  B        h 


tan  20  =  — —5 -jT  ,    then  will 

3(a^  —  o^) 


A  /3a  cot  (b          ,          ,^       A  /3b  tan  d> 
^  =   V  — -X. ^   and  tan  B=  S/  ^ 

13.  In  finding  the  sine  of  half  an  arc,  shew  that  when  0  is 
small,  a  large  error  may  be  expected  in  applying  the  formula 

.     0        .  /  1  -  cos  e 
sm  -  =   V  , 

2         ^  2 

and  a  small  one  in  using  tlie  formula 


sin  -  =  ^  ^y  \  -\-  sin  0  -  ^  ^  \  -  sin  0. 

14.  The  Sun's  altitude  being  oO",  lind  the  position  of 
a  stick  of  given  length  that  the  shadow  may  be  the  longest 
possible,    and   determine   the   shadow's   length. 

15.  The  aspect  of  a  wall  is  due  south  and  the  Sun  is  in 
the  south  east  at  an  altitude  of  30^ :  lind  the  breadth  of  the 
wall's    shadow. 

16.  A  person  attempts  to  swim  directly  across  a  stream  of 
given  breadth,  where  will  he  reach  the  opposite  side,  if  he 
swim  n  times  as  far  as  he  would  have  done,  had  there  been  no 
current,   and  what  angle  does  his  course  make  with  it  ? 

17.  Three  objects  A,  B^  C  form  an  isosceles  triangle 
whose  vertex  is  B  and  whose  angles  are  as  the  numbers  4,  1,  1: 
a  person  walking  from  .1  towards  C  measures  a  base  AD=a  feet 
and   observes   the   angle    BDC  :    he   then  advances  to  E,  h  feet 


lailher,   and   linds    the    angle   EEC   the  supplement  of  BDC  : 
lind  the   sides   of  the   triangle. 

18.  Coasting  along  shore  observed  two  headlands,  the 
iirst  bore  N.  N.  W.,  and  the  second  N.  E.  by  E. :  then  steering 
12  miles  E.  N.  E.,  the  first  bore  N.  W.  and  the  second  N.  E. : 
shew  how  the  distance  and  bearing  of  the  two  headlands  from 
each  other  may  be  found. 

19.  A  person  on  a  tower  can  see  the  top  of  a  pillar 
of  known  altitude  from  which  he  wishes  to  know  his  distance 
and  the  height  of  the  tower :  he  can  see  also  an  object  on 
the  horizontal  plane  from  which  he  has  formerly  observed 
the  angular  distance  of  the  tops  of  the  tower  and  pillar  :  shew 
how   he   may   find    the   required  distances. 

20.  For  determining  the  distance  between  two  inaccessible 
objects  A  and  Bj  two  positions  C  and  D  are  taken  such  that  the 
triangles  ACT),  BCD  are  not  in  the  same  plane:  state  the 
requisite  observations  for  determining  their  distance,  and  the 
bearing  and  elevation  of  one  as  seen  from  the  other,  and 
give   the   solutions  of  the  triangles  in   logarithms. 

21.  A  person  wishing  to  ascertain  the  horizontal  distance 
of  two  inaccessible  objects  from  each  other,  can  find  no  point 
from  which  they  are  visible  together :  he  finds  however  two 
stations  the  distance  between  which  he  can  determine,  from 
which  the  objects  may  be  separately  seen:  explain  what  obser- 
vations and  measurements  it  will  be  necessary  for  him  to  make, 
and  how  they  must  be  applied  to  effect  his  purpose. 

22.  The  top  of  a  tower  is  visible  from  three  stations 
A,  Bj  C  in  the  same  horizontal  plane:  at  each  of  the  stations 
the  angular  distance  of  the  top  of  the  tow^er  from  each  of  the 
other  two  stations  is  observed  :  given  the  distance  between 
A  and  B,  and  the  height  of  the  tower,  to  find  the  distance  of  C 
from  each  of  the  other  stations  and  from  the  tower. 

23.  A  hill  rises  due  north  at  an  angle  of  45^_,  and  a  shaft 
was  discovered  in  it  making  an  angle  of  G(f  with  the  horizon, 
and  extending  100  feet  in  a  north  cast  direction  which  led 
into  a  cavern  stretchini!;   horizonlaliv  to  the   north  east.      At  the 


foot  of  the  hill,  300  feet  in  a  south  west  direction  from  the 
mouth  of  the  shaft,  another  opening  was  found  extending- 
horizontally  120  feet  due  north:  find  the  length  and  direction 
of  the  least  shaft  that  can  be  cut  from  tlie  extremity  of  this 
opening   to    reach    the   line    of   the   cavern. 

24.  Prove  that—  =  f  2^  -    ^\   seconds  =  52''  44"'  S'"'  45\ 

12        V  2V 

25.  If  the  sides  of  a  triangle  be  a,  b,  c, 

and  X  +  -   =  2  cos  A,  y  -\ —  =2  cos  7?,   then  --  -\-  bx  =  c, 

26.  If  Cq  =  cos  a  cos  B  cos  C  &c.,  c„  =  the  sum  of  the 
products  of  all  the  cosines  but  n,  multiplied  by  the  sines  of 
those  Hj   then 

cos  (^  +  5+  C  +  &C.)  =  fo-C2  +  C4  — &C. 

sin  {A  +  i3  +  C  +  &C.)  =  Ci  -C3  +(^5  -  &c. 

27.  Prove  that 

^aJ  -  \  sin  71 A  =  (cos  A  +  ^  -\  sin  A)" -(cos  .4-  ^~sin^)^ 
and  2  cos  ?iA=^(cosA  + />/ —  1  sin  A)"  +  (cosil'— ^/  —  Isin^d)"; 
and  adapt  them  to  the  radius  r. 

28.  Shew  that 

2  sm 

m\A=  s/ysin^nA—  1  +sin  tiA 

V  ^sin'-  n  yl  —  1  +  sin  ?i  A. 

2  cos  A~  \J  V^cos' nA—\  -\-  cos «  A  +  -r 

V  Vcos^ nA—\  +  cos n A 
and  adapt  them  to  the  radius  r. 

29.  Find    the    sum  of  the   7?^'^  powers  of  the  tangent  and 
cotangent   of  an   arc. 

30.  Solve    the    equation    a""  — 62— 4  =  0,    by    means    of 
a   table   of  natural   sines   and   cosines. 


31.  Solve  .T^  — 49i  "-  120=0,  by  means  of  trigonometrical 

32.  Solve   the  equation  x^  —  ^  x^  —  ^x  •{-  ^  =  0,   by  the 
trisection    of   an    arc, 

33.  Solve  .r^  —  Sax"  —  Sx  -{-  a  =  0,  by  means  of  an  arc 
whose   tangent   is  a. 

34.  Solve  2* -j~  4.r^— 6:c'^-- 4 j:-|- 1  =0,    by    means    of  an 
arc   of  45^ 

35.  Determine    the    roots    of  x"^  +  9,x^  — x^  —  2x  -{-  I  =0, 
by  Trigonometry. 

36.  If  cos  0=      ,  then  uill 

{a'\-hj'^\r  ^{a-^bj  -  D"  =  <^{d''\-bT  cos-  a 

37.  If  the    quadrant   of   a   circle    be    divided   into   an    odd 


number    of    equal    parts   so    that   6  = ,   then    to   the 

radius  /% 

sinO  sin  30  sm  5^  &c.  sm  (2//— 3)^=  (  -  j 

-  ) 

38.  If  the   semi-circumference  of  a  circle  be  divided  into 


an  odd  number  of  equal  parts  so  that  0  =  .   then 

(r  \  "  "^  ^ 

and  cos  0  cos  20  cos  3^  &c.  (/i  ~  1)  0  ===  (  -  j 

39.  If  the  semi-circumference  of  a  circle  be  divided  into 

an    even    number  of  equal   parts  so    that  0  =  —  ,    then 
*         *  2ff       

chdO  chd30  chd50  8cc.  did  (£« --  \)0  =^/2/^ 


40.  If  the  circumference  of  a  circle  be  divided  into  any 
number  of  equal  parts  as  ii  of  which  0  is  one,  then 

chd  e  chd  2  e  chd  3  0  &c.  chd  (m  -  1 )  0  =  //  r"  ' '. 

41.  Prove  that  sin  0  +  sin  (0  +  ^)  +  sin  (^  + 2^)  +  &c.  is 
a  recurring  series,  find  the  scale  of  relation,  and  by  means  of  it 
the  sum  of  7i  terms. 

42.  Prove  that 

sin  (}-f  sin  2^4-sin  304-&C.  to  7Merms  ^  .0 

=  tan  ill  +  1)  -  , 

cos6^  +  cos£^  +  cos  30-1-&C.  to  n  terms  2 

sin  6  -{-  sin  3^  +  sin  50-j-&c.  to  n  terms  ^ 

and 7— -^^—— =  tan  ni), 

cos  y +  COS  36^  -J-  cos  ou  -\-  cvc.  to  n  terms 

43.  Find  the  sum  of  vers  0  +  vers  Q.0  +  vers  30  +  &c. 
to   11  terms. 

44.  If  the  circumference  of  a  circle  be  divided  into  any  odd 

number  of  equal  parts  so  that  0  = ,  then  to  the  raduis  r, 

^  (2  «  —  1 ) 

chd'0  +  chd'20  +  chd"30-[-&c.+chd'(2?/-2)0  =  (4?i-2)r^ 

45.  If  the  circumference  of  a  circle  be  divided  into  an 
even  number  of  equal  parts  as  2w,  then  the  sums  of  the  squares 
of  the  alternate  chords  are  equal  to  each  other  and  to  S/^r*. 

AQ.  On  the  same  supposition,  the  product  of  the  squares 
of  the  odd  chords  together  with  the  product  of  the  squares  of 
the  even  chords  =  4r'''', 

47.  If  the  circumference  of  a  circle  whose  radius  is  r, 
be  divided  into  2//  equal  parts  and  from  one  of  the  points 
straight  lines  be  drawn  to  all  the  rest,  the  sum  of  all  these  lines 

2r  cot 

48.  If  Ay  B,  C,  Df  Sec.  be  the  angular  points  of  nn 
equilateral  polygon  of  ?n  sides  inscribed  in  a  circle  whose 
radius  is  r,  and  P  be  any  point  in  the  circumference,  then 
PA'"-\-PB^"  +  PC-"+&c.  =  m  times  the  middle  term  of 
(1  +r)-"\,   if  ?/  be   less   than   m. 

X  X 


49.  Find  the  sum  of  all  the  natural  suies  to  every  minute 
in  the  quadrant. 

50.  Sum    the    series 

cos  0  -\-  2  ^^s  2O  -\-  ^  cos  SO  +  &c.   to  71  terms. 

51.  Sum    the    series 

cos^O  +  2cob^20  +  3  coa'^ 30  +  See.  to  71  terms. 

52.  Sum   the   series 

sin^  COS0  +  sin2^  cos30  +  sin  30  cos^c^  +  ^c.  to  n  terms. 

53.  Sum  the  series 

tan^sec^^  +  ^tan- (^sec- j  +  ^ tan  -  (^  sec  --j   +  8cc, 

to  n  terms. 

54.   Sum  the  series 

•    n  /  .    ^V         '    ^  /  ■    ^V        '    ^  /  -    ^V 
smtf  I  sm  -  I  +2sm  ~  I  sm  -  )  +4sm  -(  sm-  I  +&c. 

to  n  terms  and  to  infinity. 

55.  Sum  the  series 

tan^l  tan-  )  +2tan-(  tan-  |  +4tan-(  tan-  )  +&c. 
V       2/  2V       4/  4V       8/ 

to  n  terms  and  to  infinity. 

56.  Sum   sec^'^-f  4sec^20+l6sec'40  +  64sec^80  +  &c. 
to  it  terms. 

57.  Prove  that  a:  sin  0  4-  —  sin 20  H sin  30  +  &c.  in  inf. 

2  3 

if     a  sin  0     ■) 

=  tan-M ^\ 

U  — TCOS0J 

58.  Sum  the  series 

e^  sin  0 sin  20  4 sin  3  0  —  &c.  to  infinity. 

2  3  -^ 

59.  Resolve  {a"—9,ah  cos  0  +  6^)*^"*  into  a  series  of  cosines 
of  0  and  its  multiples,  by  means  of  the  equation 

2COSW0  =  x""  -\ , 

and  the  binomial  theorem. 



Theorems  and  Problems. 

1.  In    a    right-angled  spherical  triangle  wherein  C  is  the 
right  angle, 

sin  {a-b)  A -{^  B        A  —  B  sin  (c  -  6)  ^A 

-7-~ — ~ri  =  tan  -— tan  — - — ,   and  -: — ; —  =  tan  ~  . 

sni  (a  +  b)  2  2  sm  (c  +  b)  2 

B  +  A 
tan  ( ... 

^      ^     ,«  \     2  )  /c  +  6\  fc-b^ 

2,  Ian  -  = 


— =  tan  ( )  tan  (  — --  ). 

2  /B-A  ,    _n\  \    2    /         \    2    J 


3.     Tan^-  =- 

2  c  cos  (A  +  B)        tan  A  tan  B  -  1 

2  ~"        cos  {A  -  B)        tan  A  tan  5  +  1  ' 
and  2  cos  c  =  cos  (fl  +  />)  +  cos  (a  —  b). 
c  +a' 

/c  +  a\ 
4.     Ta„(4a»  +  f)=-^, 



tan  — 

tan  (^^ ^\ 

cot(45«  +  -)  = 

tan  — 

,        ...      ..       A' 
and  cot* 

(«•  *  I) 




2/0       ^\         1  +  s^"  ^  sin  A        sin (C  -f  b) 
%/         1  -  sin  c  sin  A        sin  (i>  —  6) ' 

6.     In    any  spherical   triangle   whose  angles  and   sides   are 
A,  B,  C,  a,  b,  c, 

-b\  /a  -I-  b 

.    /A-hB\      ^^A   2    ;        C         /A  +  jB\ 

sin  I I  = — -  cos  — ,  cos  I I  = 

\      2      /  c  2  '         V     2      / 

.   ,A+B^     ^"%-V;       C        M+Bx     '"'{-^J.   C 

.Sin  — : 

c  2 

cos  -  cos  ^ 

2  2 

sin  --  sin  -- 

7*     ^^'^  t^^^  sanie  hypothesis, 

/A-B\  /^+A 

cos  ( I  ,  COS  I   I 

.    /^/-f-^\               V      2      /    .    c  /a-^-bx               V     2      /         c 

sni  I I  = sni  -  ,    cos  ( |  = '  cos  - 

\2/               .    C                2'  \2/                .C                 2 

sm  -  ,           sni  — 

2  2 

.    /a  —  b\_       \     2      /    .    c  /«~<^\      ^"  \     2      /         c 

^'"V"l~;~' c~^"^i'  '"<^= c — ""^5' 

COS  -  COS    - 

(a  +  b\         /a  —  b\ 
».    :5m  ^A-±W^  ^^-^ \-±JL  sin  C, 

COS   — 



sin  (A  ^  B)  = sin  C 

sm  — 

£).     Sin  (rt  +  6)  =  ^ sin  c, 

sin^  - 

14- B\     .     /A- B> 


(^")  ■■"  (^) 

sin  (a  "  b)= --, sin  c. 

2  ^ 

cos''  — 

10.  Sin'Csin(«  +  ^)sin(fl-6)=sin®csin(74  +  B)sin(l-i?). 

1 1 .  Sin  a  sin  c  +  cos  a  cos  c  cos  B  =  sin  A  sin  C  —  cos  A 
cos  C  cos  b. 

^.     .      cos  C /</ s'm^  B—s'in^  C  s'ln^  b  +  s'm  C  cos  B  cos  b 

1 2.  Sin  A  = -^^^ r-Yi — ^T7^ 

1  —  sin  b  SUV  C 

13.  Cos  C  =  -  cos  (A  -  5)  sin^  -  -  cos  (1  +  B)  cos*  -  . 

^  2  2 

14.  Sin^—  =  cos^  I  — I  sin  -  +  cos^  I )  cos 

2  \2/2  \2/ 

15.  Cos  —  =  sin    I I  sin   — hsin   ( )  cos 

2  \2/2  \2/ 

c  c 

16.  Cos  c  =  cos  (a  —  6)  cos^  —  -f- cos  (a  +  ^)  sin'  — ". 

2  2 

sin    — 


17.  Sm'  -  =  sm^  (-^)  cos=  -  +  sm'  (^-  ) 

18.  Cos-  -  =  cos'  [-^j  cos-  -+COS  (^-^j 

19.    Sin' 6^= 


(sin^  a  siii^  b  sin^^  c  siii  A  sin  B  sin  C)l 

1  B         C        ^^ 
2  tan  —  tan  —  tan  — 

2  £  2 

^     g  ^,     (sni  a  SHI  />»  sm  c  sin  A  sm   J5  sin   C)» 

20.  Cos    «S  = ; . 

a         b         c 
2  cot  •"  cot  -  cot  '- 

£         2         2 

21.  If  a ,  b'  be  the  segments  of  the  base  contiguous  to  the 
angles  A  and  B  respectively^  made  by  a  perpendicular  arc  from 
the  angle  C,  then 

,       cos  a  —  cos  6  cos  c  ,      cos  6  —  cos  «  cose 

tan  a  = — : ,  tan  b  =  -. , 

cos  b  sin  c  cos  a  sin  c 

(a-^-bx         (a  —  b\ 
■a'-h\        '^"  (-?-)'''"  ("T-j        sinU-iJ) 

'a-i-b\         /a  —  b 
tan  I 
/a—()\  V     -    ,  .     ~    ,         _...,__      _, 

tan  I 1  = =  - — ,  ,    .    „,  tan 

V     2      / 


c  sin  {A-\-B)         2 

tan  - 

22.    If  A\  B'  be  the  corresponding  segments  of  the  vertical 
angle,  then 

cos  jB -|- cos  ^  cos  C  ,       cos  A  +  cos  JB  cos  C 

cot  A  = — :— 7^ 5   cot  ii  = .       , 

cos  A  sm  C  cos  B  sm  C 

{A  +  B\  /A-B\ 

.  I      w  ia"  I )  tan  I I        ,  , ,         ^ 

A''-B\  V      2      /  _    V     2      /      sin  (« -  ^>)         C 




\      2      / 

C  ~sin(«  +  Z>)  ^""2 


23.  In  an  isosceles  triangle,  wherein  b  =  c,  prove  that 

.     a  A 

sin  —  cos  — 

2  .                      2 

sin  6  =  7  ,   and  sin  B  = . 

.    A  a 

sm  —  cos  - 

2  2 

24.  If  the  two  sides  a,  b  of  a  spherical  triangle  be  supple- 
mental to  each  other,   then  sin  2^  +  sin  2  J3  =  0. 


26.  In  a  right-angled  splierical  triangle  whose  right  angle 
is  C, 

A        sin  (c  —  b)       sin(c— 6) 
2         sin  a  cos  6        tan  a  cos  c 

26.  On  the  same  hypothesis 

Sin  -  =  sni  -  cos  -   4-  cos  -  sni   -  . 
2  2  2  2  2 

27.  The  sines  of  the  arcs  drawn  from  the  angles  of  a 
spherical  triangle  perpendicular  to  the  opposite  sides,  are  to 
each  other  inversely  as  the  sines  of  the  sides  upon  which  they 
fall_,   or  of  the  angles  from  which  they  are  drawn. 

28.  If  d  be  the  length  of  an  arc  bisecting  the  angle  C 
and  terminated  by  the  opposite  side,   then 

2  sin  a  sin  6  C 

tan  a  =  —. — r-  cos  —  . 

sm  (a^r  b)  2 

29.  If  -D  be  the  length  of  the  arc  drawn  from  the  angle  C 
to  bisect  the  opposite  side,  then 

^       sin  {A  +  B)         c 

cos  D  =  : — — COS  -  . 

sm  C  2 

30.  Draw  through  a  given  point  in  the  side  of  a  spherical 
triangle,  an  arc  of  a  great  circle  which  shall  cut  off  a  given 
portion  of  it. 

31.  Find  the  whole  number  of  equal  and  regular  figures 
which  may  be  described  upon  the  surface  of  a  sphere  so  as 
exactly  to  cover  it. 

32.  If  the  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  AB,  AC  be  pro- 
duced to  by  c  so  that  Bb,  Cc  shall  be  the  semi-supplements  of 
AB  and  AC  respectively:  prove  that  the  arc  be  subtends  an 
angle  at  the  centre  of  the  sphere  equal  to  the  angle  between  the 
chords  of  AjB  and  AC. 


33.  If  each  of  the  sides  of  a  spherical  triangle  be  produced 
till  they  meet,  three  triangles  will  be  formed  ;  and  if  ri,  r^,  rg 
be  the  circular  radii  of  their  inscribed  circles,  then 

tan  r  tan  r^  tan  r2  tan  rs 

=  sin  5  sin  (S  -  a)  sin  (S  —  b)  sin  {S  —  c), 

34.  On  the  same  hypothesis,  if  Ri,  Bof  ^8  be  the  circular 
radii  of  their  circumscribed  circles,  then 

cot  R  cot  Ri  cot  R2  cot  i?3 

=  —co3S'cos(S'-A)  cos{S'-  B)  COS  {S''-C). 

35.  If  a  spherical  triangle  be  inscribed  in  a  circle  whose 
pole  is  in  its  base,  the  angle  at  the  vertex  of  the  triangle  will  be 
equal  to  the  sum  of  the  angles  at  the  base. 

3o.  If  two  arcs  of  great  circles  terminated  by  a  circle  on 
the  surface  of  the  sphere  cut  one  another,  the  rectangle  of  the 
tangents  of  the  semi-segments  of  one  of  them  is  equal  to  the 
rectangle  of  the  tangents  of  the  semi-segments  of  the  other. 

37.  The  sums  of  the  opposite  angles  of  a  spherical  quadri- 
lateral inscribed  in  a  circle  are  equal  to  one  another. 

38.  If  a  spherical  quadrilateral  be  inscribed  in  a  circle,  the 
rectangles  of  the  sines  of  the  semi-diagonals  is  equal  to  the  sum 
of  the  rectangles  of  the  sines  of  half  the  opposite  sides. 

39.  Ih  a  spherical  quadrilateral  inscribed  in  a  circle,  whose 
sides  are  a,  b,  c,  d^  if  T>  be  the  diagonal  joining  A  and  C, 

snr  — 

(.    a    .    d         .    b    .    c\  /  .    a    .    c        ,    b    .    d\ 
sm  -^  sin  -^  +  sni  -'  siu  --  I  I  sin  -  sm  --  +  sm  --  sin  --  1 
22  2        2/\222         2/ 

.    a    .     b         .    c    .    d 
sin  -  sm  -  4"  sin  -<  sm  - 

2         2  2        2 




c  «fr  c  (  ^' 





^  <*. 




^  c 






^  c 
