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■INWllO   ■. 
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■  UaiuHr  ■maini  I, 

■  iNUiftlMijaniiiH 


The  New  Elmhurst 

see    pages    4   and    5 



Vol.  35,  No.  1 
September  4,  1974 


^\      I elmhurst 


September  18,  1974 

X      -      -  •  IT  ■ 

^73  Homecoming  Festivities 

see    page   4    for    this    years    activities 


DrPwor  training  still  available 

for  fhose  who  massed  ihe  lommer  *,Vinc 
'ra/o/ng  course  -  har  noU  Imlroclion  will  be 
ottered  again  it^e  tail  and  vrinter 

rtie  fini  session  begins  tn  September  and 
a  limiled  number  of  openings  are  stilt  ovoiloble. 
nit  course  will  alter  ^vo  Ume  sched„/es 
schedule  AA,  meeJing  on  T„esdo,.  Wecfnesdoy 
ond  Ibursday  for  Mo  hours  (com  Sepl.  2^  lo  Oct 
17;  schedule  A  which  meels  on  Solucdo,.s  loc  4 
hours  from  Sept  2 1  ihrough  Nov,  2, 

ri.e  cosi  for  Ihe  dciuing  onl,  portion  runs  S55, 
w.rh  tl,e  book  port  at  SI2.  Applicoiions  need  lo 
be  in  before  frrdoy,  Sepf  13.  ond  ore  o.Oiloble 
from  rUr,  Spencer  ,n  rhe  guidonc,  depor.meni 
Siudenrs  should  decide  which  session  rhe,  wish 
lo  attend  before  ihey  come  in. 

A  social  securiiy  number  ond  leorner's  permli 
is  required  before  rhe  rroining  con  be  slorled 

Underclass  to  be  shot 

Undercloss  piclures  will  be  tal,0n  this  rhursdoy 
ond  fridoj-,  Sepiember  5  ond  6.  Sophomores  will 
be  lofcen  during  fnghsh  ond  juniors  during  U.S. 
hisiory  dosses-  The  pictures  will  be  loken 
Ihroughoui  ihe  do,-  in  ihe  foculry  dining  room  by 
Roof  phoiogrophers.  Roof's  olso  onnounces  Ihoi 
reiofres  for  senior  doss  p,cfures  ore  scheduled 
for  Oclofaer  16  ond  17 

Author  to  appear 

Oov,d  Wrikerson,  ouihor  of  The  Cross  and 
the  Switchblade,  will  oppeor  or  ihe  Alemonol 
Coliseum  ll,o  weekend  of  Sepiember  13,  1<  ond 

Oairid  Wllkerson 

Publications  Informs 

The  f.rsr  issue  of  ibe  flmhursi  Advonce  ,• 
ovoiloble  >o  oil  sludenis  attending  EHS,  and  ,s  ic 
be  dislribaled  daring  Wednesday  s  homeroom 

The  second  issue  of  fhe  Advonce,  fo  be  sold  ol 
regulor  prices,  will  be  dislr.buled  ,n  homerooms 
homerooms  on  Sepiember  18 

The  73.74  edilion  of  tl,e  Aniibrum  ,s  due  lo 
orrive  olfHS  momenlorily.  All  sludenis  receiving 
o  yeoboofc  will  be  nolified. 

Subscripiions  lo  Ihe  newspoper  ond  yeorboot 
will  coniinue  ro  be  lolren  during  l„nch  mods  ihis 
weel,,  The  pprfoge  deol  will  siill  be  ovoiloble 
for  S9.00.  After  titat.  however,  rhe  cosr  will 
•  ncrease  lo  S3,50  for  newspoper  ond  S700  for 
Veorbool,  The  yeorbook  „i||  g„  „p  ,„  jj  „„  ^, 
semester  break. 

Two  join  ranks 


Joinlno  iho  Troion  ronks  ol  Elmhursl  rh,s  yeo, 
ore  rwo  foreign  e.chonge  sludenis,  Anso 
Kunnori  ond  Corrine  Bucher 

Eighleen.yeor-old  Anso  is  from  Sollo,  Finlond 
She  orri.ed  on  July  25,  or,d  is  ,i„yi„g  with  |unio, 
Kothy  Chopmon,  Anso  wilt  be  o  junior  thi 

Entering  her  sen.oryeor  01  Elmhurst,Corr,ne„ 
f'om  Zug,  Switorlond,  She  orri.ed  in  For, 
Woyne  August  22  ond  is  sloying  „i,h  jumor  Tino 

"I   hope   10   understood   how   the  people   in 

SwiSorlond  live,-  commented  Tino,  ■•how  they 

think,  ond  obout  their  morol  osp.cts  ond  ideols," 

Aoso-s  ,i,„  is  sponsored  by  the  Inlernotionol 

Chrlstion      yputh      E.chonge,      through      ,h, 

Woynedole  fUethodist  Church    Corrine's  visit  is 

sponsored    bv     the    cimk      .     » 

Dy     ,ne     timhurst     Americon     Field 

15.  There  is  no  odmission  chorge  and  ihe  p„bl,c 
is  invited  10  listen  to  Mr.  WJkersons  messoge 
Former  rock  singer  Oollos  Holm  will  olso  be  on 
bond  for  the  shows  which  will  be  01  7.30  pm 
Fridoy  ond  Soturdoy  ond  3,00  pmSundov 

Chorlty  organizes  program 

The  locol  chopler  of  ihe  Nolionol  foundation  - 
IMorch  of  Dimes  Is  In  Ihe  process  of  orgpnijing  0 
Teen  Action  Prograrr,.  An,  interested  sludenis 
ore  osked  lo  coll  Ihe  IMorch  of  Dimes  office  ol 
■184-0622  or  see  senior  lesheRoymer 

Back-to-school  dance  to  be  held 

fol/owmg  ihe  fooiboi,  game  against  Kokoma 
an  September  13,  ,h,  Afro-Amerlcon  Club  will 
sponsor  o  donee  lo  be  held  in  il^e  cofeterio 

Elmhurst  Advance  I 

approved   by   ^t^o^^trZ^nL'TTr  ""  '""  ""'"" 
Schools.  -rustees  of  the  Fort   Wayne   Communltyl 

Subscription  price  Is  S3.50  per  vear   5<c-«      1      ■  I 

postage  paid  a,  Port  Wayne,  ZZ^^ZT  ""'■  '""""  "°"' 

Monaging  editor 
Feature  editor  - 
Editorial  editor  - 
Sports  editor  -  J,rr 

Mike  Arnold 
-  Marie  Zacher 
Leslie  Raymer 
Nancy  Beodie 
Saroh  Sfewarl 
Barb  Hormon 

Phoio  editor 

Steve  Morgan 

Mike  Duroy 

Wendy  Keim, 

editor         -         AnneCumn 
Business  mgnoger 

ng  staff 

Penny  Ress.Rick'Rifkini 


Keporlers  Monlynn  Sheerer 

Marty  Miller, 

Linda  Moideney 

Photographers    .    Scott    Sanders 

>.„   .        c       ,  PhilGutmon! 

A  .  S'eP^enson.      Tim      Perry 

Advisor  -  Mrs.  JoneHoylmon 

Principol-Mr.  Richgrd  HnrOm^y^i 




Trolan  musician,  to  p,rtarri 

The  EHS  Concert  Bond  „i||  be  ol  Freimonn 
Pork,  Wednesdoy  ofternoon,  September  25  from 
"oon  until,  pm  A,  thi,  time, he  group  will  p„y 
tribute  to  eoch  ciV  high  school  ond  their  footboll 
'eom,  by  performing  eoch  school  song  The 
bond  will  olso  ploy  o  few  of  the,,  morching 

f  WCS  praMnt,  fe,tlwal 

For,  Woyne  Commun,ty  Schools  will  present 
the  fust  onnuol  Fes„vol  September  28 
01  2  p,m,  in  Northrop^s  Stodium,  Elmhurst  will  be 
the,,  olong  with  bonds  from  . I,  the  ,„y  h,g, 
•chools,    eoch    performtng    p    holMlm.    ,how,h,sevemmoybepurcho„df,omony 
bond    member.    P,esole    t,.le,s    ore    soc    ,., 

.  udems  end  $1,00, or  odul,po,rons   Admission 
chorgo  the  doy  o(  the  concert  „,||  be  $1  25 

iole  ond 

Athletic  ticket,  itlll  available 

All-seoson  oihletic  tickets  ore  sti 
moy  be  purchosed  from  Mr-  Pool  ^.^..^ 
office.  Single  tickets  for  vorsiV  footboll  gomes 
will  be  00  Kile  during  eoch  Thursday  ond  Fr.doy 
lunch  mod  prior  to  the  weekend  gomes, 

J.A.  anticipate,  great  year 

Componies  will  be  forming  the  week  c 
Sepiember  30  through  October  3.  for  th,s  yeof 
Junior  Achievement  progrom.  For  Ihos 
interested  In  joining,  the  J.A.  center  will  be  ope 
every  nigh,  of  thol  week,  except  fridoy,  from 
lo  9  p.m.  Be  listening  to  the  rodio  for  furthe 
informoiion  or  contoct  seniors  Phil  Rocksiroh  on, 
Betsy  Hon. 

Cla„  ring,  to  be  told 

Representot.ves     from     the     Herff-Jone 
Compony  will  be  ot  Elmhufst  October  2  dut 
oil  lunch  mods  lo  sell  sludenis  doss  rings. 

Cla,M,  hold  election. 

The  Oisiribuhve  Educotion  ond  Distributive 
Morkoting  dosses  held  th.i,  dub  elections 
September  10  ond  11  The  first  period  senior 
doss  ol  Dislributive  Educotion  officers  ore 
president.  Cindy  Krouse;  vice.presiden,.  Oebb,e 
Isenborger;  secrelory,  Soro  Hoopiogorner;  ond 
reporler  ond  porliomeniorion.  i«ike  dork. 

The  second  period  junior  doss  of  Distributive 
Morketing  officets  ore:  ptesident.  Tom  Sondoy; 
•ico-presideni,  Boberio  Cohen;  secrelory,  Koiie 
Royse;  ond  reporter  ond  porliomeniorion,  Greg 

Ihe  third  period  senior  doss  ol  Distributive 
Educotion  officers  ore:  pr.sideni,  Kevin  Ku.eff; 
vice-president,  Jim  Bulmohn;  secretory,  Polly 
Miller;  ond  reporter  ond  porliomeniorion,  Renee 

Parking  permit,  on  sale 

Forking  permits  ore  now  on  sole  in  iWr.  Bil 
Geyer-s  office.  All  students  driving  to  school 
must  purchose  one  before  Fridoy,  September  20 


state  ,cholar,hlp  Info 

Students   who   plon   to   otiend   o   college   or 

university  in  Indiono  moy  hove  Ihe  opporlunity 

,0  tile  for  o  stole  scholarship  thot  poys  up  to  the 

_,        cos,  ol   ihe  school's  tuition    Those  wonting  to 

,^        opply   should   see   Mr     Douglass   Spencer   ond 

^        submi,  ,he,r  opplicolions  before  December  1 

7      Forum  club  want,  you 

'  The  Forum  Club   ,s   now  planning   its   yeors' 

octi.ilies.  Now  members  ore  welcomed  w„h  on 
,nterest  in  debotrng  ond  solo  evenis    The  dub 

Sept.  18  -  Student  Council  Represen- 
tofive  CatTipaigns  begin 

Sept.  21  -Varsity  football  vs.  Harding 
at  Wayne 

Sept.  23  -  Homecoming  week  begins 

Sept.  25  -  Sophomore  Orientation  as- 
sembly.   Student   Council 
Representative        Elections, 
Homecoming  Courl  Elec- 

Sepf.  27  -  Homecoming  f  loot  parade 
Sept.  28  -  Homecoming  EHS  vs.  luers 
ol  Wayne 

Because  of  the  wide  .cope  ol  EHS  ,tudent 
acll.liie,,  any  student  „|,hlng  to 
contribute  Information  to  the  Dlge,i  page 

meets  the  second  luesdoy  ol  every  month  ond       "  —Icome  to  do  ,0.  Information  will  be 

osks  iho,  onyone  ,nieresled  otiend  the  ne<t  dub       "ccepted  In  room  108  or  by  ony  member  ol 

meeting  Sep.omber  24,  ofier  school  in  room  260.        "-  P"blicatlo„,  s,aH.  All  material  will  be 

reviewed  before  publication. 

Elmhurst  Advance 

4680,.  ,n  acLrdonce  „ r'h  the  ,1",  "'  I"'''  '""  *°'"»'  '"•"°"" 
approved  by  the  BoarJ  of  T  ''°""'' '■"''  S-'-eMne.  for  high  school 
Schools.  "*  ''"•""  "♦  •''»  ""'   Wayne  Community 

Subscription  price  Is  S3.S0  per  veor  5SC  „„,    ,      . 
postage  paid  at  Port  Wayne,  Indla'nai^BOj  '      ""'•  '"""''  ''°" 

Managing  editor 
Feoture  editor  - 
Editorial  editor  - 
Sporls  editor  -  Jin 
Copy  editor 

Mike  Arnold 
■  Marie  Zacher 
Leslie  Raymer 
Nancy  Beodie 
Sarah  Stewort 
Barb  Harmon 

Photo  editor 

Steve  Morgon 
Mike  Duray 

ediior         -         AnneCummings 
-     ^"^'"^^^"^Q^qger  -  SueMarou 

Advertising  staff    .   Wendy  Keim 
Penny  Ress,  Rick  Rifkm,' 
Dave  Rmehart 
Reporters  Morilynn  Shearer 

Marly  Miller, 
Linda  Moideney 
Photographers    -    Scott    Sanders 
^      -       ^       ,  PhilGurman,' 

A  J""      ^'^P^^enson,      Tim      Perry 
Advisor  -  Mrs,  Jane  Hoylmon 
_Principol.Mr.  Richard  Horstmpv^r 

Four    attend    government    seminars     '^e^^i,tnatimComfriaed^m<^tU<f 

by  Marty  Miller 

During  Ihe  week  of  June  16-23,  ihroe  Elmhuisl 
seniors  were  among  765  girls  from  tfiroughooi 
Indiono  ollending  Girls'  Slale  ol  Indiono  Stole 
Universiiy,  Terre  Houie.  Tfie  girls  were  Tino 
Fosler.  Hollv  Wilier,  and  Leslie  Roymer,  Senior 
S,e.e  Morgan  was  ihe  only  EHS  siodeni 
oiiending  Boys'  Siole  ihe  previous  week  ol  llie 
some  campus. 

Wtron  asked  whor  t>e  belie.ed  lo  be  lire 
purpose  of  his  week's  sioy  ol  Boys'  Slale,  Stove 
Morgon  exploined,  "Boys'  Stole,  as  well  os  Girls' 
Stole,  is  set  tjp  for  high  school  seniors  to  goin 
experience  and  understanding  in  politics  ond 
government,  and  also  to  build  friendships 
omong  complete  strongers.  " 

Soon  ofte.  orriving  on  the  15U  compos,  the 
Girls'  State  participants  were  divided  into  tv/o 
political  ponies.  Half  of  the  girls  became  ifie 
Noliorolists  ond  the  other  the  Federolists.  Along 
with  two  seporote  potties,  the  girls  were  olso 
divided  into  cities  and  counties.  After  the  girls  m 
these  new  districts  became  acquainted  with 
ren/one  and  after  state  conventions  were  held. 

.    look    piece. 

During  these  various  elections  Tina  Foster  was 
chosen  OS  o  representative  to  the  House  of 
Representatives,  Holly  Miller  was  elected  o 
deputy  county  coroner,  and  Leslie  Roymer  was 
chosen  os  both  city  choirmon  and  a  slate 
senotor.  While  at  Boys'  State  Steve  Morgan  was 
elected  as  a  city  and  county  councilmon  He  olso 
ran  for  slate  senator  but  wos  unsuccessful  >n  is 

Besides  leorning  guile  o  bit  oboui  government 
In  Iheir  week's  stay,  oil  lour  EHS  participonts  m 
this  summer's  Girls'  and  Boys'  Stole  progroms 
agreed  that  they  had  gomed  a  better 
understanding  of  people  in  generol.  Senior 
Leslie  Roymer  summed  this  idea  up  by  stating, 
"The  sisterhood  was  unbelievable.  II  was  just 
token  for  gronted  that  everybody  wos 
everybody's  friend." 

Senior  Tina  Foster  olso  added  to  this  thought 
by  concluding,  "Any  girl  who  gels  the 
apportunity  to  attend  Girls'  Stole  should  go 
becouse  not  only  does  it  give  you  o  bettor 
understanding  of  our  government  but  you  toke 
owoy  with  you  friendships  that  wi"  lost  forever  " 

.«en/one  and  after  state  conventions  were  held,  ^        ^ 

Comp    hosts    EHS    musicians 

by  Sue  Marquis 

"It  was  a  good  ploce  to  work  but  still 
hove  fun,"  cJeclored  bond  director 
Rondy  Brugh. 

The  Morchtng  Trojons  and  Trojan 
Singers  spent  lost  week  ol  Contp 
LuLendy  in  the  mountains  near  Cloy 
Cily  Kentucky.  The  camp  was  recently 
converted  from  a  resort  motel  into  o 
,„r,,p  for  musical  organizalions. 
Among  the  facilities  ore  horsebock 
riding     miniature    golf,    loble    tennis. 

and     the     most     populor     of     all     - 

Recreation  was  second  only  to  the 
work  thot  wos  done.  Members  of  both 
muslcol  orgonizollons  practiced  and 
worked  approximately  eight  hours 
every  doy. 

The  marching  band's  first 
performance  will  be  September  6  ol 
Woyne  Stodium.  Featured  numbers 
will  include  "Eleanor  Rigby",  and 
"You  Don't  Wiess  Around  with  Jim." 

by  Barb  BoiMen 

August  20  broughl  o  sireom  of 
bright,  enthusiastic!?)  new  faces  lo 
Elmhurst  as  the  lorger  part  of  o  481 
member  sophomore  closs  undertook 
Ihe  task  of  pre-registrotion 

"Things  v/ent  pretty  smoothly  all  the 
way  around,"  commented  Mr. 
Horstmeyer.  The  complete 

orgonizotion  led  to  Ihe  almost 
complete  lock  of  confusion.  Aside 
from  the  schedule  change  line,  few 
oreos  bottlenecked  the  progression  of 
Ihe  students  throughout  the  line  during 
Ihe  week. 

By  Friday  afternoon,  about  75%  of 

Ihe  EHS  population  hod  hit  the  14 
checkpoints  which  mode  up  the 

Total  enrollment  for  the  '74-'75 
school  year  was  found  to  be 
opproxlmotely  1265,  about  130  under 
last  year's  census.  The  iunior  and 
senior  class  will  be  mode  up  of  430 
and  400,  respectively. 

Both  Ihe  alhlelic  and  publications 
departments  were  pleased  with  the 
response  received.  Mr.  Bienz  reported 
that  ticket  soles  were  well  up  over  lost 
year's  figures,  ond  Mrs.  Hoylman 
approximoted  400  yeorbook- 
newspaper  soles. 

AFS  plans  year 

by  Mary  Roop 

The  American  Field  Service  is 
preparing   for   this   year's   activities 

under  the  direction  of  its  new  advisor, 
Mrs.  Ofelia  Herrero.  A  meeting  wos 
held  in  July  with  the  officers  of  both 
Ihe  Elmhurst  student  and  adult  clubs  to 
prepare  for  the  coming  year. 

In  August,  Don  Shepherd,  EHS' 
exchonge  student  lo  Germany,  and 
Cathy  White,  who  spent  last  year  os  an 
exchange  student  to  Belgium,  were 
honored  ot  a  swim  parly  hosted  by  the 
parents  of  sophomore  Chad  Cline,  Dr. 
and  Mrs,  Harold  Cline. 

Later  in  August,  during  registraiion, 
students  found  it  possible  to  sign  up  for 
A.F.S,  and  to  purchase  Elmhurst  decals 
for  a  quarter  apiece. 

On  September  5,  approximately  one 
hundred  people  gathered  together  at 
the  Lochness  Inn  on  Elmhurst  Drive,  for 
a  picnic  to  welcome  new  members 
into  Ihe  club.  Along  with  them,  ihere 
were  students  from  Homestead,  North 
Side,  South  Side,  and  Woodlan. 

To  begin  the  year's  money  making 
projects,  o  paper  drive  is  scheduled  for 
October  5.  In  October,  a  dinner,  much 
like  lost  year's  International  Dinner 
will  be  served,  Plans  for  the  third 
annual  WOWO-faculty  basketball 
gome  ore  already  being  made. 

Cafeteria  to  host    higher  education 

while  much  of  Elmhurst  will  be 
involved  Friday  morning,  September 
27,  with  Homecoming's  parade 
fesiivities,  represenlatives  from  70 
different  colleges,  universities, 
Iroining  schools,  ond  ogencies  will 
also  be  busy  in  the  cafeteria  during  the 
annual  Higher  Education  Foir. 

At  this  time  consultants  from  many 
vocational-technical,  graduate  and 
professional       schools,       colleges. 

universities,  and  schools  of  nursing 
will  meet  and  talk  with  students 
individuolly  about  what  each  institute 
has  to  offer  them.  The  Fair  will  provide 
first-hand  information  on  programs, 
"atmosphere,"  expenses,  and 
financial  aid. 

Students  will  be  allowed  to  come  to 
the  cafeteria  from  8:00  -  10:30  in  the 
morning  with  their  classes,  if  the 
teacher  plans  for  the  entire  class  to  go, 

Class  reps   to 
be    elected 

"The  reo5on  students  should  want  lo  run  for 
represenlotive,"  commented  Studeni  Counsel 
President  Derek  Paris,  "is  ihal  ihey  should  want 
to  see  things  done  in  the  proper  monner,  ' 

Polentiol  student  counsel  rep'esenlotives  will 
begin  their  compaigns  on  September  11,  with 
September  25  being  election  doy. 

A  rolio  of  one  student  for  evefy  fifty  ollending 
Elmhurst  this  yeor  will  become  represenfolives. 
ond  there  will  be  o  limit  of  fifty  running. 

For  o  student's  nome  to  be  put  on  the  bollol, 
he  must  gel  25  people  to  sign  o  represenlotive 

The  students  ihot  ore  voted  to  become  port  of 
the  1974-75  Elmhurst  Studeni  Counsel  will  be 
there  lo  help  pass  the  bills  ihol  will  help  the 

compoigning  will  begin  for  closs  eleclions  on 
Oct,  2,  with  elections  beginning  the  following 


or    may    ask    for    a    pass    from    their 

When  asked  whether  or  not  he 
believed  students  used  this  Fair  from 
on  informative  stondpoint  or  just  a 
lime  to  "get  out  of  class,"  guidance 
counselor  Mr,  Dougloss  Spencer 
commenled  that  in  the  past  students 
have  always  showed  on  interest  in  it 
and  have  properly  used  this  program. 
He  also  hoped  thai  this  would 

new  classes 



by  Barb  Harmon 

One  aspect  of  Elmhurst  that 
changes  every  year  is  the 
curriculum.  This  year  students 
can  expect  to  find  cJifferent 
cncJ  somewhat  unique  classes 
hove  been  added. 

The  consumer  ed  class  may 
prove  on  interesting 

undertaking      for      both      Mr, 
Arland     Reinhard     and     Mrs, 
Roma    Jean    Bradburn,    who 
will  be  teaching  it;  consumer 
ed  will  be  taught  sometimes 
under     two     sections     and 
sometimes        jointly.        Mr, 
Reinhard    will    be    instructing 
the  business  port  of  the  course 
while  Mrs,  Bradburn  will  deal 
with     the    home    economics 
aspect.     But     when     subjects 
come    up    of     importance    to 
both    areas,    the    classes    will 

A  second  major  addition  is 
the  photography  class  to  be 
tought  by  Mr.  Dan  Goss.  Mr. 
Goss,  who  spent  port  of  the 
summer  taking  o  photogrophy 
course  himself,  will  be 
teaching  approximately  25 
students     about     both     the 

technical  ond  artistic  sides  of 
picture  taking.  The  doss 
have  the  odded  advantage  of 
J  new  photo  lob  which  has 
been  set  up  on  a  temporary 

English  electives  added 

There   ore   olso   some   new 
offerings     in     the     elective 
English   courses.   A   new   nine 
week  course  in  psychological 
literature,  involving  studies  of 
such  books  OS  /  m  0<,   You're 
OK   wil!  be   coupled  with   an 
effective    reading    class    the 
second  nine   weeks.   Another 
cJuo     course     is     American 
Minorities        and        Career 
Commumcottons.    During    (he 
first  nine  weeks,  the  members 
will  delve  into  contemporary 
works  by  and  about  American 
minorities.  The  last  port  of  the 
course  will  involve  instruction 
in  business  correspondence. 

The  final  supplement  to  the 
English  program  is  a  new 
study  on  children's  literature. 
Such  clossics  as  Alice  in 
Wonderland  will  be  looked  at 
from  on  adult  standpoint  to 
perceive  the  deeper 

meanings  in  the  novels. 

El.nh.„,   „,H,e„.  ,»„„.   „,„   „„,.   „,^   __,  ,^__ 
building  „„d  ,„„,  „.|,hbor,„g  ,e„„i.  „.r,..  The  ..dll  I., 
.orrect  .ome  of  ,he  proble,„,  co=<h..  <.„d  ,e=ms  had  hJ, 
Space.  °"i 

new  theatei 

Plans  are  being  mode  now 
to  maintain  the  school's  new 
look  with  a  proposed 
auditorium  highlighting  the 
list  of  future  improvements. 

The  new  center  has  already 
been  approved  and  the 
architect  hired  by  the  school 
board.  Bidding  for 

construction    will    begin   offer 
the  first  of  the  yeor 

The  auditorium  will  be  to 
the  west  of  the  building  and 
included  in  the  addition  will 
be     more     space     for     the 

industrial  arts  df 
Completion  of  ih 
hoped  for  by  late  R 

At  the  same  tir 
construction,  seven  3I 
improvements  will 
oround  the  building 
These  renovotio 
with  Elmhurst's  mo  nt 
ones  are  intended  n  le 
school  on  o  progrec 
ond  to  increase  the 
the  schooling  the  slu| 





Sept.  18 Homecoming  Court 

Voted  On 

Sept.  25  .  Homecoming  Queen  Voted 

On;  1st  spirit  day- SO's  day 

Sept.  y,. .  2nd  spirit  day  -  Sucker  Day 

Sept.  27  . .  3rd  spirit  day  -  Tramp  Day 

Homecoming  Parade 

Sept.  28 Coravan  to  Wayne 

Homecoming  Game 
Crowning  of  Homecoming  Queen 

Zueett  ouuutted  at 

One  of  the  highlights  of 
homecoming  is  ihe  crowning 
of  the  queen,  Itv^ill  take  ploce 
01  halfiime  during  the 
Homecoming  £rme  with 
Bishop  Luers. 

First  the  homecoming  court 
will  be  voted  on  during 
homeroom  on  Sept,  18,  Each 
doss  will  vote  from  o  lisi  of  all 
that  class's  girls  on  those  they 
would  like  to  represen;  rhem 
The  sophomore  and  junior 
classes  will  choose  four  girls 
while  the  senior  class  will  pick 
five  from  which  the  queen 
will    be   chosen.   The   entire 

student  body  will  vote  on  the 
queen  on  September  25. 

The  identity  of  the  queen 
will  be  kept  secret  until  the 
crowning  at  holftime,  which 
will  be  done  either  by  Quay 
Howell,  lost  year's 

homecoming  queen,  or  by  a 
student  officer.  All  the 
members  of  the  homecoming 
court  will  be  escorted  to  Ihe 
field  by  members  of  the 

The  varsity  cheerleaders,  as 
last  year,  will  be  in  charge  of 
getting  the  crown  and  the 
flowers  to  be  presented  to  the 
1974  homecoming  queen. 

Elmhurst  will  be  continuing 
the  progress  made  lost  year  in 
boosting  spirit.  The  plans  for 
homecoming  octivilies  are  in 

The  theme  for  this  year's 
homecoming  is  A  Fall 
Fantasy.  On  this  basis  clubs, 
homerooms,  classes  and  any 
other  willing  groups  will  build 
floats  to  be  displayed  and 
judged  during  the 

homecoming  parade. 

Judges  will  be  picked  from 
the  P.T.A.  and  prominent 
people  throughout  the  city. 
First  place  will  be  awarded 
with  a  trophy  that  last  year 
went  to  the  senior  class. 

Entrants  in  the  float  parade 
will  fill  out  opplications 
available  in  the  office  and 
returned  to  the  office.  This 
year  there  will  be  no  limit  on 
how  much  con  be  spent  on  a 
single  float. 

On  the  afternoon  of 
September  27,  during  sixth 
period,  the  floats  will  proceed 
from  the  Elmhurst  parking  lot 
out  to  Ihe  Elmhurst  track 
where  students  will  be  able  to 
watch  the  activities.  Order  of 
the  entries  will  be  designated 
by  shop  teacher,  Mr.  Jim 


The  spirit  days  will  take 
place  on  Wednesday, 
Thursday  and  Friday  before 
the  Homecoming  game. 
Students  voted  in  homerooms 
on  September  1  1  which 
gimmicks  they  preferred  to 
participate  in.  The  varsity 
cheerleaders  tallied  the 

Wednesday,  September  25, 
will  be  50's  Day,  when 
students  will  attire  themselves 
in     the     teen-age     wearing 

apparel  of  Ihe  SO's  decade. 

Sucker  Day  will  take  place 
on  Thursdoy,  Sept.  20.  This 
gimmick  provides  that  Trojans 
can  buy  and  eat  suckers 
during  the  school  day. 

The  final  spirit  day  will  be 
the  day  before  the  game, 
Friday^Sept.  27.  Tramp  doy,  kin 
to  last  year's  dress  down  day, 
will  see  Elmhurst  students 
dressed  in  their  absolute  worst 
closet  stand-bys. 

Mike  Arnold,  Derek  Pari,,  ond  Sondy  Demaree  .It  In  the  .tudent 
council  room,  plonnlng  for  thi.  year',  home.omlnfl.  With  help  from  the 
voriliy  cheerleader,  and  the  .tudent  council  ipon.or,  John  C.  Coahran, 
the  .enior.  did  their  be.l  to  plan  octlvltlef  to  booit  Trojan  ipirlt. 

Looks       at    74-75 

new  building 

This  year  Elmhurst  has  taken 
on  o  new  look.  The  school  is 
changing  borh  internally  and 
externally,  and  one  of  (he 
most  obvious  of  these  changes 
(S  the  addition  of  the  new 
othletic  building. 

The    recently    completed 

focilities  wilt  be  put  to  use  by 

the  boys'  football,  tennis  and 

cross  country  teams;  however, 

(     the     girls'      teams     will      not 

employ    it.    It   will    house    the 

coaches'      office,      additional 

locker     rooms     and     storage 

space     —     all     things     several 

't.     coaches     have     expressed     a 

is      need  for, 

ly  According      to      Mr.      Jim 

Lambert,  the  new  building  is  a 

le      vast   improvement  over  what 

al      ihe  teams  had  in  years  past. 

le     He  explained   that   it  offered 

much  more  room  than  the  old 

iq     set-up  and   the  extra  storage 

It     space,   he  said,   was   needed 

■e      badly.    This,    along    with    the 

,d      bigger    coaching    office    and 

)f      generally  proving  itself  better, 

II      make      up      most      of      the 

advantages      of      the      new 

building,  he  believes. 

Courts  ready  soon 

The  other  new  addition 
which  has  changed  the 
physical  appearance  of 
Elmhurst  is  the  tennis  courts. 

Located  adjacent  to  the 
othletic  building,  the  courts 
will  be  used  by  both  the  girls' 
ond  boys'  tennis  teoms.  They 
won't,  however,  be  open  to 
the  general  public  during 
summer,  after  school  or  on 
Saturdays  os  they  have  been 
reserved  for  team  use  only. 

The  courts,  though  not 
finished  yet,  should  probably 
be  completed  around 
September  14.  The  asphalt 
was  laid  August  14,  and  30 
days  are  required  before  the 
facilities  can  be  put  to  use 

Both  the  athletic  building 
and  the  tennis  courts 
represent  a  new  phase  of 
Elmhurst.  Though  Elmhurst 
may  be  one  of  the  oldest 
schools  in  the  city,  it  is  still 

new  president 

Senior  Derek  Paris  will  assume 
the  job  of  preddeni  of  Elmhurst's 
student  council  this  year.  Derek  Is 
also  a  member  of  the  school's 
track  and  footboll  teams. 

by  Nancy  Beadie 

This  year's  student  council 
president  was  born  in 
Washington  D.C.  It  might 
seem  like  he  was  destined  for 
politics.  He  doesn't  think  so. 
Derek  Paris  doesn't  consider 
running  for  student  council  as 
being  particularly  political. 

Derek  first  became  involved 
in  student  council  because  he 
wanted  to  be  in  the  position 
"to  see  what  was  getting  done 

and  whot  wasn't.  He  ran  for 
president  because  he  hoped 
to  improve  the  condition  of  a 
freshly  started  student 
government.  But  he  doesn't 
plan  to  go  into  politics  ofler 
high  school.  He's  presently 
considering  going  into  a 
social  science. 
Public  relations  help 

Looking  back  on  the 
election,  Derek  attributed 
some  of  his  votes  to  the 
speech  assembly,  when 
"students  could  see  who  was 
who  and  identify  ideas".  He 
cited  one  doubt  he  had  oboul 
his  winning  -•  that  his 
opponent  had  been  Vice- 
President,  thus  knowing  more 
about  oil  the  projects  going 
on.  Derek  made  on  effort  to 
meet  and  talk  with  as  many 
students  as  he  could  in  the 
halls  to  overcome  this. 

Derek's  hopes  for  this  yeor's 
student  council  work  include 
getting  more         student 

involvement.  He  suggests 
uniting  clubs  with  student 
council  by  having  their 
representatives     at     different 

council  meetings.  This  way 
they  could  interject  their  ideas 
in  discussions  and  make  the 
general  student  body  more 
aware  of  student  council 
projects.  Derek  also  proposed 
that  Elmhurst  sponsor  a  city- 
wide  arcade  with  television 
and  radio  advertising  to 
encourage  student 

Knowing  people  Is 

Derek  said  he  doesn't  feel 
the  students  hod  a  good  time 
lost  year.  At  Ihe  risk  of 
"sounding  like  his  parents", 
he  placed  much  of  the  value 
in  high  school  not  in 
academics,  but  in  getting 
olong  with  and  knowing 
people.  He  continued  saying 
that  studying  ploys  o  bigger 
port  in  college. 

As  for  value  in  a  person, 
Derek  considers  straight 
forwardness  important.  He 
portrayed  this  in  his  own 
character  by  saying,  "I'd 
argue  with  anyone  if  I  thought 
1  was  right." 

Buying  power 
of  the 

by  Nancy  Beodle 

teen-ager  examined 



tiamburger  joinls.  roslouronls.  slereo 
slotes,  record  slores,  candy  stiops,  gif' 
shops,  cycle  shops,  deporimeni  stces, 
boliques,  sports  slores,  ond  new  and 
used  car  dealers,  These  are  oil  among 
iKe  lop  businesses  reoping  ihe 
benefits  of  ihe  buying  power  of  youth. 
Americans  under  ihe  age  of  25  ore 
expected  to  spend  $49  billion  in  the 
yeor  1975.  Youlh  of  this  age  often 
hove   parl-lime   [obs   ihot  eventually 

produce  a  reasonable  income  without 
Ihe  expenditures  the  employes' 
porenis  have.  They  don't  have  food 
bills,  morlgoge  poymenis,  electricity 
ond  woler  bills,  and  everything  else 
thot  goes  into  mointoining  o 
household  ond  bringing  up  o  fomily. 
Students  ore  left  with  money  for 
luxury  spending. 

This  lunury  spending  con  be 
illustroled  by  the  number  of 
automobiles    bought    -    one    of    the 



biggest  American  luxury  items. 
Tweniy-lwo   percent   of   Americon 

teen.agers  between  the  ages  of  15 
and  le  own  iheir  own  cars.  Studies 
have  shown  that  most  of  these  were 
bought  used. 

Buying  experience 

Newsweek  analyzed  youlh 
spending  and  noticed  that  it  was 
centered  on  the  buying  of 
experiences.  The  January  18,  1971, 
issue  stated,  "This  explains  nol  only 
mo'iiuono,  psychedelic  posters,  ond 
the  motorcycle  boom,  but  olso  ihe 
college  boy  wtio  wears  only  blue 
jeons  but  cherishes  his  S'.OOO  slereo 

After  surveying  the  siluolion, 
Newsweek's  stoiement  rings  true. 
Most  poyments  leen-ogers  moke  ore 
on  (Kings  they  can  experience.  Sound 
equipment,  movies,  boll  gomes,  block 
lights,  and  sports  equipment  oil  foil 
into  this  category.  At  least  in  the  cose 
of  most  mole  students,  clothing 
occupies  little  of  their  money 

Set  trends 

Bi.,1  the  buying  power  of  the  leen- 
oger  is  not  limited  to  his  money  and 
bis  purchoses.  The  younger 
generation  is  considered  the  trend 
setter.  The  failure  of  the  midiski't 
several  yeo's  ago  hos  been  oltributed 
to  young  women's  refusol  to  weor  the 
longer  length.  And  ihe  leen-ogers  of  o 

fomily  often  influence  Ihe  buying  of 
their  porenis.  Televisions,  food, 
vacations,  ond  cars  ore  often  bought 
with  the  younger  family  members' 
preferences  in  mind. 

Businesses  have  not  foiled  to 
consider  the  buying  power  of  the 
teen-oger.  Advertising  hos  shown 
their  oworeness  of  yOung  weollh  ond 
young  willingness  to  spend  it.  Cola 
commerclols   show   youlh   doing   the 

adventurous,  the  fun,  the  fanlaslic, 
and  then  refreshing  themselves  with 
soft  drinks.  Colors  on  products  ond 
advertisements  ore  bright,  designs 
modern,  music  ond  dressing  styles 
contemporary  lo  ossociole  the 
products  with  youlh.  Those  under  30 
hove  been  recognized  as  o  powerful 
group  of  consumers. 


Music  and  lyrics  tell  sfory 

by  Rlctt  Rlfkin 

"Remember  the  Future"  is  the  latest 
album  by  a  somewhat  obscure 
Germon  band  called  Nektor,  It  is  at 
least  iheif  third  album,  however  only 
the  second  lo  be  vecy  well  received  in 
Ihe  United  Stales.  The  album  prior  lo 
this  one  is  called  "A  Job  in  the  Ocean" 
and  it  was  the  one  thai  reolly  showed 
promise  for  Neklor  on  ihis  side  of  the 

Neklar  is  o  very  musical  bond  and 
ihe  release  of  "Remember  the  Fulure" 
olong  with  their  current  American  tour 
should  bring  Neklar  to  new  heights  of 
fame    and    success. 

creature  teaches  him  the  past  and  the 
fulure,  showing  him  things  he  could 
noi  see  or  understand  otherwise. 
Finally  Bluebird  departs  forever  with 
the  knowledge  that  he  has  gotten  his 
message  across.  The  message  con  only 
be  interpreted  through  the  lyrics  on 
side  two  where  he  ond  the  boy  sing  to 
each  other. 

S  got  ■YVv«.y»>  ale  eh  a  of  tV.t 

SUmmtv  ^V^t^S    «.3W^V/ 

Members  Include  lighting 

The  members  of  Ihe  group  ore  Allan 
Freeman,  ke/baards;  Roye  Alrighlon, 
guitars  and  lead  vocals;  Derek  Moore, 
boss;  and  Ron  Howden,  percussion.  If 
also  seems  that  lights  are  an  integrol 
part  of  Nektar's  live  show,  but  the 
music  and  lyrics  are  enough  to 
slimulole  anyone's  imagination. 

The  theme  of  the  olbum  centers 
oround  a  creoture  Bluebird,  who  hos 
visited  this  world  mony  times  but  the 
people  he  has  encountered  will  not 
listen  to  his  messoge.  Bluebird  finally 
mokes  mental  contact  with  a  young 
blind  boy.  The  boy  leorns  to  see  things 
through     Bluebird's     eyes     ond     Ihe 

Music  and  lyrics  tell 

The  story  is  told  very  well  in  music 
and  lyrics.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
olbum.  Bluebird's  arrival  is  signified 
by  light  guitar  riffs  that  lead  into  the 
music.  This  theme  reappears  only  for  a 
second  at  the  very  end  when  the 
bluebird  departs.  The  lyrics  ore  also 
very  meaningful  and  fit  well  with  the 

On  September  6,  Nektor  will  play  in 
concert  at  the  lU-Purdue  ballroom. 
That  is  not  the  best  place  for  a  concert 
like  this  but  it  should  not  keep  anyone 
from  going.  It  should  be  a  concert  that 
everyone  will  enjoy.  The  visual  show 
is  reputed  lo  be  spectacular,  however 
lU-PU  may  suffer  the  same  problems 
that    occured    at    last   year's    Genesis 

concert  -.  that  is,  not  enough  room  for 

all  Ihe  lighting  equipment. 

Remember  Nektor  and  "Remember 

the  Future".  After  you   heor  ond  see 

them,  you  won't  wonl  to  forget. 

Responsibility  important  for  school 

Student  ,  responsibility     has     , 

aspects  in  the  school.  It  is  importont 
that  each  of  us  assumes  responsible 
attitudes  towards  our  education  in  Ihe 
school  we  attend.  The  taxpayer,  of  the 
Fort  Wayne  community  invest 
tremendous  amounts  of  money  to 
provide  its  youth  with  on  education. 

For  example,  much  lime,  money 
ond  effort  hos  been  spent  putting  our 
school  into  excellent  condition  during 
the  summer  months.  It  has  been 
thoroughly  cleaned.  Many  areas  hove 
been  pointed  and  needed  repairs 
have  been  completed.  Each  of  us  now 
has  a  responsibility  to  help  keep  it  in 
good       condition.       The       school's 

administration  will  have  little 
sympathy  towards  a  student  who 
vonaalizes  this  building. 

Another  area  of  concern  in  student 
responsibility  is  towards  oltendonce 
ond  tordiness.  In  mony  respects,  this  is 
o  school's  most  serious  problem.  An 
investment  of  nearly  $| ,000  per  year  is 
made  in  each  student  lo  give  him  a 
good  educotion.  We  certoinly  con'l 
reap  the  benefits  of  this  educotion  if 
we  ore  not  here.  Elmhurst  teachers  ond 
administrative  staff  will  do  all  they  con 
to  encourage  students  to  be  here  and 
take  odvorloge  of  Ihe  educotionol 
opportunities  at  Elmhurst. 

Richard  Horstmeyer 

Europeans  visited  Ity  two  £HS  Journalists 

by  Marty  Miller  ^  IT 

As  many  Elmhurst  students 
settle  down  after  summer, 
some  will  find  themselves 
reflecting  upon  its  many 
events:  weekends  at  the  lake, 
rock  concerts,  or  just  plain 
relaxing.  But  os  we  look  bock 
upon  the  vocation,  not  too 
mony  of  us  will  be  day 
dreaming  of  places  such  os 
Piccadilly  Circus,  Buckingham 
Palace,  the  Louvre.  Chomps 
Elysees,    or   the   Eiffel   Tower. 

However,   that   is  exactly   the       International 

situation     for     seniors     Greg 
Hershberger  and  Rick  Rif kin. 

Greg  and  Rick,  both 
members  of  the  Elmhurst 
pulicotions  staff,  were  part  of 
a  European  journolism  tour  of 
London  and  Paris,  The  two 
deponed  from  O'Hore  Airport 
in  Chicago  for  this  two  week 
tour  August  1,  sponsored  by 
the  National  Scholastic  Press 
Assoc ioi ion    and    Se minors 

Along  with  Rick  and  Greg 
on  this  trip  were  three  other 
journalism  students  --  two 
girls,  one  from  Oklahoma  and 
the  other  from  Arkansas,  and 
one  boy  from  Iowa.  Also 
along  were  five  high  school 
leachers  from  the  states,  one 
of  whom  was  newly  wed  and 
honeymooning  with  her  new 
husband  while  in  Europe. 

Foreign  publications 

The  main  opportunity  Greg 
and  Rich  felt  they  benefited 
from,  besides  getting  a 
chance  to  visit  London  and 
Paris,  was  the  experience  of 
comparing  French  and  British 
systems  of  publications  with 
our  own. 

For  Ihe  first  stop  of  their 
itinerary,  the  group  visited 
London.  At  this  time  Rick  and 
Greg  hod  the  opportunity  to 
lour  the  British  Broadcasting 
Corporation  (BBC).  While 
there  they  were  shown 
oround  the  large  network, 
which  broadcasts  in  40 
different  languages 

throughout  the  world.  They 
viewed  the  translation  rooms 
and  also  the  external  services, 
where  all  broadcasts  in  the  40 
different  languages  are 

Also  while  in  London,  the 
lourists  hod  the  chance  lo  hold 
an  interview  with 

representatives  from  the 
British  Conservative  and  Labor 
parties.  When  asked  which 
party's  ideas  he  agreed  with 
more,      Greg      stated      the 

conservatives      had      more 
realistic  ideas. 

Tourists  hit  Paris  too 

From  London  the  tour 
traveled  straight  to  Paris 
where  they  spent  much  time 
sightseeing.  While  in  London 
and  Paris,  the  group  toured 
the  cities  from  morning  to  5 
p.m.  daily  and  had  the  rest  of 
the  day  to  shop  or  just  rest. 
Also  in  each  city  everyone 
had  a  free  day  to  do  whotever 
they  wanted.  When  Greg  and 
Rick  were  out  on  their  own 
they  discovered  that  water 
was  bottled  in  France  and  cost 
about  as  much  as  a  Coke  in 
the  U.S. 

Because  of  the  language 
barrier  in  Parrs,  Rick  and  Greg 
could  not  always 

communicate  with  the  people 
of  the  city,  but  when  Greg  was 
asked  which  people  he  liked 
belter  he  commented,  "I  liked 
the  people  in  London  better 
than  the  French  because  they 
seemed  lo  be  more  friendly. 
Often  times  the  people  in 
Paris         that         we  had 

appointments  with  would  not 
keep  them.  It  was  sometimes 
really  disgusting." 

Summer  phys.   ed. 
proves   successful 

Along  with  the  many  new 
improvements       this       fall 

throughout  Elmhurst.  this  post 
summer  brought  one  main 
betterment  for  the  boys' 
athletic  program- 

This  improvement,  o 
summer  physical  educotior 
class  which  lasted  eight 
weeks,  was  directed  by  Mr. 
James  Welborn  and  Mr.  Tom 

Speaking  of  the  course,  Mr. 

Welborn    commented    that    it 

has  helped  this  year's  football 

team    immensely.    Making    it 

such  a  great  success  were  the 

1 1 8    guys    that     participated, 

including    all    but    about    six 

members  of  the  football  team.  | 

Through    this    program    Mr. 

Herman,  who  is  new  to  EHS, 

had  the  chance  to  meet  many 

of  the  football  team  members 

that  he  will  be  coaching  this 

season.     With     all     of     their 

workout  sessions  the  players 

are  in  much  better  shape  than 

last  year. 

Because  of  its  outstanding 
success  and  help  to  the 
athletic  program,  the  P.E.  staff 
is  definitely  gomg  to  continue 
this  summer  course. 

Trojans  defeated  10-7 

The  Elmhurst  football 
season  got  under  way  in 
Jamboree.  Tuesday,  August 
27.  as  the  Tro|ans  met  defeat 

at    the    hands   of   the   Wayne 
Generals  10-7. 

Things  looked  good  for  the 
Trojans  at  the  beginning  of  the 
gome  as  the  Generals  took  the 
opening     kickoff     and     than 
fumbled  on  the  first  play  from 
, scrimmage     to     set     up     the 
JTrojans'  only  score.  With  9:19 
to  go  in  the  first  quarter  junior 
Anthony     Green     took     the 
handoff    from    quarterback 
iBrian  Russell  and  ran  it  all  the 
way  for  the  score.  The  extra 
point  was  good  and  it  looked 
like  the  Trojans  were  on  their 

From  then  on,  however,  the 
tide  of  the  gome  changed,  The 
Generals  took  the  next  kickoff 
all    the   way   with  7:15   to   go 

in  the  first  quarter  Clayton 
Alter  scored  and  Brad  Collins 
added  the  extra  point  to  tie 
the  score  at  7-7.  Then  with  35 
second  to  go  in  the  lost  of  the 
two  quarters,  4th  down  and  4 
to  go  Brad  Collins  kicked  a 
field  goal  thai  iced  the  gome 
as  for  as  the  Trojans  were 

Northrop      will      be      the 
Trojans'         opponent  in 

Elmhursl's  first  home  game  of 
the  season,  this  Friday  at 
Wayne     Stadium. 

Above:  Tony  Green  U  helped  owt  o*  bounds  in  |amboree. 

Below:  Cyrtis  Paschal  and  John  William,  lend  a  hand  lo  Beggle 

Hill  dwrlng  Summer  P.E. 

I  Waynedale 




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10%     off    on    a 
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Expiration  date  Sept.  25. 

— Read— 

to  keep 

culture  exchange 

Finnish  sfudenf  comes  fo  Elmhurst;       Swiss  girl  comes  through  AFS; 

stays  with  Kathy  Chapman  making  use  of  language  dicfionary 

by  Betsy  Barber 

Junior  Ansa  Kunnari,  the  foreign  ex- 
change student  from  Finland,  has  been 
in  town  now  for  six  weeks  and  is 
slaying  with  junior  Kathy  Chapman. 
She  spent  o  lot  of  time  getting  here. 

Ansa  traveled  first  in  a  jeep  from 
Finland  to  Sweden,  then  in  a  train  lo 
Brussels,  onto  an  airplane  from  Phila- 
delphia and  finally  to  Fort  Wayne. 

Having  only  2  years  of  English,  Ansa 
was  rarely  without  her  dictionary  and 
ot  times  she  would  stop,  thumb 
through  the  pages  and  hunt  up  a  word. 

"I  understand  almost  everything 
people  say,  the  hard  part  is  speaking. 
The  English  I  learned  in  Finland  is  so 
different  from  the  language  I  must  use 
here.  You  use  a  lot  of  slang,"  said 

Other  differences  she  thought  of  off- 
hand were  the  presence  of  lockers  in 
Elmhurst,  something  she  never  had, 
and  unfortunately  for  Ansa,  Finland 
schools  don't  know  the  joy  of  our  little 
pink  hall  passesi 

Another  difference  is  in  American 
automobiles.  "They  ore  so  much 
bigger  here.  We  have  many  small 
cars.  And  why  is  it  that  nobody  walks 


Usually  in  the  evenings  after  school. 
Ansa  takes  a  one  to  two  hour  walk. 
Exceptions  are  when  she  rides  her 
bicycle  to  school,  seven  to  eight  miles 
away,  in  which  cose  she  cuts  her  walk 

Cooking,  knit- 
ting, and  sewing 
are  Ansa's  favorite 
pastimes,  and 

reading  is  at  the 
bottom  of  the  list. 
Her  Finland  school 
doesn't  leave  her 
much  time  be- 
cause they  have 
more  subjects 

each  week  (about 
14  to  16  including 
4  languages).  .^j,,^  ^^^^  Elmhur.t  welcome. 

So       far.       Ansa  sludenti.   Anso  Kunnari  from   I 

After  putting  it  off  for  four  days,  I 
finally  decided  to  interview  our  two 
foreign  exchange  students,  Corrine 
Bucher,  and  Ansa 
Kunnari.  I  had  the 
fear  thot  I  would  sit 
trying  to  look  up 
words  in  my 
Engl  ish-Swedish 
Dictionary  or  end 
up  filling  the  air 
with  "uh,  um,  huh, 
what?"  However, 
after  the  first  few 
minutes,  I  knew  I 
was  worried  for 
nothing.  Both  Ansa 
and    Corrine    were 

ind  fmlles'^^sir    stay    here    so 

hasn't     had      many  for  the  camero  on  the  right.  Corrine  Bucher  far    and    I    enjoyed 
troubles      and      she  from  Switzerland  standi  to  the  left  of  Anso.        meeting  them. 

Corrine  Bucher,  a  senior  from 
Switzerland,  is  staying  with  junior  Tina 
Hinton.  She  has  been  in  Fort  Wayne 
only  two  and  a  half  weeks,  "not  really 
long  enough  to  truthfully  say  how  I 
like  it." 

says  it's  been  very  nice.  With  her  warm 
smile  and  quick  dictionary  finger. 
Ansa  is  ready  for  on  active  year  at 

Corrine  got  interested  in  AFS  when 
one  of  her  classmates  returned  and 
told  of  her  visit  to  another  country. 

School  work  hasn't  been  much  of  a 
hassle  for  Corrine.  Their  forty  hours  per 
week  compared  to  our  thirty  is 
probably  a  welcome  change.  Her 
school  days  were  longer  and  allowed 
for  a  person  to  go  home  for  lunch.  "It's 
set  up  a  lot  like  college,"  said  senior 
Jeff  Green,  her  AFS  press  agent. 

So  for,  Corrine  has  had  very  few 
problems  except  for  the  fact  that  she 
could  only  bring  23  kilos 
{approximately  51  lbs.)  of  clothes, 
"which  isn't  enough,"  she  said.  She 
also  had  to  ride  21  hours  on  a  bus  from 
New  York  to  Fort  Wayne. 

The  first  thing  Corrine  did  when  she 
got  to  her  new  home  was  to  sleep 
which  she  loves  about  as  much  as 
traveling,  playing  the  piano,  singing, 
ice  skating,  snow  skiing,  and 
swimming,  omong  her  other  pastimes. 
"You  hove  many  more  sweets 
here,"  she  said  when  asked  how  she 
liices  the  food.  Her  only  complaint 
about  school  lunches  was,  "I  just  can't 
eat  withouta  knifel" 

Herman  new  grid  coach  0,^  e<^u.ttn^  fina^c^ 

Coaches     Herman 
dlicuK    ilralegy 

and     Welborn 
for    Jamboree 

This  year  Elmhurst  hos  a 
new  foolboll  coach  who  is  os 
enrhusiofic  about  Elmhurst  as 
Elmhursl  is  about  him.  The 
vacancy  of  head  football 
coach  left  last  year  by  Mr. 
Hoover  will  be  filled  this  year 
by  Mr.  Tom  Herman. 

Coach  Herman  himself 
played  four  years  of  high 
school  ball  and  four  yeors  of 
college  football  at  Kent  Stale. 
He  was  assistant  coach  at  Kent 
Stote,  Central  High  School, 
and  Northrop  High  School  and 

Netmen  begin  practice 

The  Elmhurst  tennis  team 
storied  practicing  on  August 
19.  with  20  guys  out 
competing  for  the  top  ten 
spots  in  the  starting  line-up, 

CoQch  Robert  Horn 
commented.  "Lost  year  I 
didn't  know  t  was  going  to  be 
the  tennis  coach  so  I  haven't 
seen  the  other  teams  ploy,  Bui 
some  schools  don't  even  know 
if  they  will  hove  o  team  al  all, 
ond  if  they  do  they'll  probably 
have  about  three  beginners, 
and  we  can  beat  any 
beginners.  So  I  definitely  feel 

we  will  hove  a  winning  team 
this  year." 

There  ore  5  juniors  and 
seniors  returning  this  year 
including  one  letterman,  Greg 
Hershberger.  The  twenty 
aspirants  include  seven 
sophomores,  nine  juniors,  and 
four  seniors. 

The  first  tennis  match  of  the 
seoson  was  held  yesterdoy 
against  Huntington,  ond 
Snider  wilt  be  the  Trojans' 
opponents  today.  Tomorrow's 
home  meet  will  be  against 

wos     also      head     coach     at 
Hamilton  High  School. 

Yet  with  all  the  experience 
Coach  Herman  has.  his  job  of 
rebuilding  a  football  team 
may  prove  a  big  one,  but  he  is 
confident  he  can  succeed 
"Elmhurst  is  only  one  of  five 
schools  that  hove  new  head 
coaches  this  year," 

commented  Mr.  Herman, 
"and  we  hod  the  summer  P.E 
program  in  which  oil  but  half 
a  dozen  members  of  our  teom 
participated,  so  we  are  better 
off  thon  some." 

"This  year  we  hove  60  guys 
out  there  who  wont  to  play 
football,"  says  Coach 
Herman.  "We  have  1  ? 
lettermen  returnmg  and  33 
sophomores  who  ore  learning 
fast."  Bui  Ihe  sophomores  are 
not  the  only  ones  learning, 
according  to  the  coach.  The 
whole  team  must  Jeorn  the 
fundamentals  of  the  game.  "If 
we  con  overcome  the 
inexperience  and 

fundamentals,  we'll  have  a 
wmning  season." 

Paul  Stevens  makes  (he  final  (urn 
and  heads  for  finish  In  one  of  his 
many  races. 

Between  the  returning 
lettermen  and  new  blood  in 
the  form  of  sophomores,  the 
team  looks  like  o  strong  con- 
tender in  the  city  roce, 

Five  returning  juniors  and 
seniors  will  give  the  t8-mon 
team  the  needed  experience. 
Among  these  five,  four  are 
lettermen  -  Paul  Stevens,  Rick 
Knuth,    Denny    Kirkland,    and 

Lorry  Rober, 

The  new  blood  will  be 
supplied  mainly  by  three 
sophomores  -  Tim  Lee.  Chad 
Clme,  and  Jim  Freygong,  All 
three  placed  in  the  top  ten  in 
the  city  as  freshmen. 

All  in  all  the  '74  cross 
country  team  looks  like  o 
stronger  team  than  last  year's 
and  a  contender  in  any  meet 
this  year  or  in  the  future. 

Sept.  3 

Homestead-Harding Home 

Sept.  10 

Wayne-Goshen Home 

Sept.  12 

''P*°» Home 

Sept.  14 

Elhhort  Central  InvIt Away 

Sept.  19 

Luers-Norwell-DeKolb ....  Home 
Sept.  26 

Haven-Elmhurst  ......  Owenger 

Oct.  3 
New  Hawen-Soulh-Luers- 

Oct.  5 

Manchester  Inwit Away 

Oct.  IQ 

^          ^''"hurst-South.Sntder-Wayne- 
NewHawen-Hardlng Home 




Assisting  two  members  of  Ihe  EHS 
faculty  ore  student  teachers  James 
Sopp  ond  Borboro  Hollander 

Miss  Hollonder,  a  senior  at  Boll 
State,  soys  quite  simply,  "I  really  like 
Elmhursl."  A  native  of  Evonsville,  she 
finds  it  very  eosy  to  compofe  Elmhurst 
to  the  high  school  she  attended,  but 
odds.  -I  cant  believe  Ihe  changes  that 
hove  occurred  in  the  minds  of  high 
school  students  since  1971." 

Miss  Hollonder  is  staying  with  o 
student  leocher  at  Woyne  while 
studying  under  Mr.  Phillip  Habbeggar 
in  the  math  department. 

A  senior  ot  ISU,  Mr.  Dovid  Sapp  finds 
the  students  of  Elmhursl  very 
receptive.  Horses,  tennis  and  music 
ore  his  main  interests,  though  he  also 
enjoys  raising  crocodiles  and  olligalors 
OS  o  pastime. 

Both    teachers   will    remain   at   EHS 

through  Thonl(sgiving. 


Nome:  Rothe,  Mr.  Michael 

Subiecttoughi:  Gs'mon,  French 

Room  nymber;  255 

Homelown;  Born  ond  lived  in  Gormony  for  1 

yeors.  Considers  Sr.  louis  his  home  bose. 

College     otionded;      Rendloke     College,     M 

Vernon,    Illinois;    Univ.    oh    Mo.    and    (,U.    c 

Mojof:  French  ond  German 

Minor:  tinguislics 
Related    ocliviiies,     hobbies;     Enjoys    reading, 
tfovel  movies  and  sv^imming.  Moil  en(hvsiostic 
oboul  Iraveling,  He  hos  seen  mosi  of  the  Uniied 
Sfoles  and  o  large  pon  of  Europe. 

Addilionol  comments:  Cloims  himself  "Irving 
proof  thot  English  Is  not  diH.colt  to  learn  since 
he  wos  born  of  Germon  porenis.  Has  ability  to 
communicot©  In  French,  Germon,  Greek, 
Swedish,  Lotin,  Sponish,  orid  Chinese. 

Hopes  10  remain  in  leeching  olwoys  and  is 
impressed  by  the  eogerness  of  high  school-oge 
sludenls  lo  toke  odvonioge  of  the  opportunity  to 
teo-n.  Appreciates  the  Inieresi  ond  enthusiasm 
of  mo)Orily  of  students  ot  Elmhursl  ond  is  looking 
forrtrord  to  working  with  ihem. 

Subjects   toughi:    sophomore    English,    creative 

writing,  children's  literature 

Room  number:   154 

Hometown:  Ft.  Wayne  (Sou-h  Side  graduate) 

College  ollended:  Miami  University,  Cinn.  Ohio 

Major;   English 

Minor:  Education 
Previous   experience:      Eighl  years   experience 
wilhFWCS.  Si.  yeors  spent  teaching  at  Kekiongo 
Junior  High  School 

Related  octivilies,  hobbies:  enjoys  reading, 
golf,  ond  needlepoint 

Addilionol  comments:  looking  forword  to  more 
octivities  wilh  the  "moture,  eager  lo  learn" 
student  body. 

:  Schroeder,  Mr.  James 

Sub[ects  loughl;   morkeiing,  dislributiv 
education,  distributive  morkeiing 

Homelown;  Tell  City,  Indiana 

College  otiended;   North  Texas  Stole  U 
Mojor:  Marketing 
Minor:  Distributive  educolion 

Spouse:  Goy 

Previous  experience;  Firsi  offense. 

Related  activities,  hobbies:    Enjoys  tei 

and  piloting  small  planes. 

Addilionol  commenis:  Tolks  with  slight 

accent,  often  lied  to  Texos  residence, 

derived  from  Indiana  bockground. 



Former  accomplices' 

Several  non-returning  members  of 
the  EHS  faculty  have  moved  one  step 
further  in  their  career  plons. 

Former  EHS  Spanish  teacher  and 
foreign  language  department  heod 
Mrs.  Jackie  Foelber  has  accepted  a 
position  OS  dean  of  girls  at  Wayne, 
After    getting   a    taste    of    the    position 

while  filling  in  for  Mrs.  Anderson  lo' 
spring,  Mrs,  Foelber  decided,  at  leos 
for  the  meantime,  that  counseling  wo 
for  her. 

Former  EHS  industrial  arts  teoche 
Mr,  Don  Bussord  is  now  working  as  ihi 
industrial  arts  consultant  for  the  Fo' 
Wayne  Community  School  system 
Mrs.     Jean     Sark     has    acce 

cepted    <| 




Vol.  35  No.  3 

October  2, 1474 


Kamet  RlSS.Mr.Jllchard 

jecllooghl:  woodworking 
number:   136 

lOivn:  Fori  Wayne  (Soulh  Side  grad.) 
egesoriended:  Ball  Slore  and  St.  Francis 
se:  Nancy 

Ifen:  Cheryl,  14;  Mike.  13;  John,  5 
ous  experience:  Johnny  Appleseed  School, 
years;   Cenlrol    High   School,   seven   yeors; 
'h'Op.  rhree  years. 

ies,  hobbies;  Enjoys  spoie  time 
"Sly;  fishing,  hunting  ond  lake  coiloge 


Counselo'  aide  Mr.  Woymon  Brown,  oHice 
secretary  Mrs.  Koy  Teddy  ond  medio  clerk  Mrs 
Morie  Phipps  hove  oil  indicoled  their  happiness 
with  iheif  newsiluotionsat  Elmhufsl. 

Mr.  Brown,  o  Fori  Woyne  Snider  grod., 
summofiied  ihe  trio's  feelings  on  their  new  |obs 
by  stoling  "I've  enjoyed  everything  'aboyi 
Elmhurst  so  for.  I  reolly  couldn't  be  hoppier,"  Mr 
Brown,  whose  job  is  octuolly  acting  os  o  liosion 
between  students  ond  faculty,  finds  the  student 
body,  OS  well  os  the  odministrolion 
"outstondingly  friendly." 

As  secrelorY  lo  the  principol,  Mrs.  Teddy  finds 
her  conlocl  wilh  students  very  interesting  though 
somewhot  limited.  "I'm  really  very  pleased  with 
being  here,"  she  sioted,  adding  thot  she  thinks 
Mr,  Hofslmeyer  is  "o  pretty  good  guy," 

The  diversified  duties  of  medio  clerk  keep 
Mrs.  Phipps  busy  os  she  assists  in  the  library 
during  the  busy  afternoon  hours  ond  oversees 
the  audio  visual  equipment.  She  also 
emphosized  the  friendliness  of  Elmhurst 



ments:    Apprecioies  the  relaned 
£HS  ond  IS  impressed  by  school 
Stating  "Elmhurst  is  lops  as  (of  as  the  other 
3ols  ore  concerned." 

Names  Perego,  MIh  Jean 

Subjects  tought:  French.  Sponish 
Room  number:  253 
Hometown:  Condon,  Michigan 
College  attended:   Indiano  University 

Major:  Sponish 

Minor:  French 
Previous     enperii 
School,  2  yeors. 
Reloted   octivllies 
riding,    foshion   des 
and  ciossicol  music. 

Additionol  comments:  Finds  students  eoger  to 
leorn,  Speoking  of  the  overwhelming  Elmhurst 
hospitolity,  she  proclaims  "The  students  here 
moke  me  feel  ot  home," 


hobbies:   enjoys    horseback 
interior   decorating 

sreabouts  verified- 

feiariol  position  ai  ine  same  center. 
Joih  Mr,  Warren  Hoover,  of  the 
"f^  and  football  departments,  and 
John  Sweel,  physical  education 
'ructor,  are  employed  at  other  area  ' 
'ools.  Mr.  Hoover  is  teaching  and 
Jching  football  at  Lakeland  High 
■'ool,  and  Mr.  Svweet  is  involved  in 
'mentary  P.E. 

French  teocher  Mrs.  Nancy  Schrom  is 
relaxing  during  her  indefinite  leave  of 
absence.  This  summer  Mrs.  Schram 
gave  birth  to  a  5  lb.  baby  girl. 

Mr.  Warren  Bistline  is  now 
employed  as  an  insurance  salesman 
while  Miss  Ural  Edwards  and  Mrs. 
Grace  Pennington  enjoy  a  life  of 
retired  leisure. 

>:  Herman,  Mr.  Tom 

Subject  taught:  physicol  education 

Room  number;   125 

Hometown:  Edon,  Ohio 

College  attended;   Kent  State  University 

Mojor:  HeollhandP.E. 

Minor:  Industrial  Arts 
Spouse:  Dele 
Children:  Kfisli,  5;  T.K.,  3 

Previous  CKperience;  Teaching  ond  cooching  at 
four  high  schools  including  Fort  Wbyne  Central. 
ond  Northrop  as  well  as  Kent  Stote  Universiry. 
Related  activities,  hobbies:  Sports  enlhusiosi. 
Four  years  high  school  football  ond  boseboll. 
four  years  college  (ootboll  to  credit. 
Additionol  comments:  Hopes  to  establish  o 
"winning  Irodilior^"  for  Elmhurst  sports 
Emphasizes  student  support  for  team  pride. 
Believes  EHS  has  "the  poientiol  to  be  one  of  the 
best  football  teams  in  Fort  Wayne."  Further 
contends,  "Although  we  may  not  hove  won  the 
first  gome,  and  we  moy  not  win  the  second,  we 
will  win  -  as  long  as  we  hove  the  support  ond 
pride  we  need." 

Even  though  the  image  is  difficult  to  change. 
suspect  hopes  to  produce  a  unified  team  by 
unifying  the  Student  body  by  helping  produce 
football  viciortes. 


Counielors  render  services 

The  guidonce  deporlmenf  remtnds 
students  to  know  who  they  want  to  see 
when  they  go  to  ihe  office.  A  yellow 
slip  should  be  filled  out  in  Ihe  morning 
and  sent  with  the  first  period 
attendance  cards. 

The  sophomore  class  counselor  is 
Mrs.  Dinah  Coshmon,  who  is  also  in 
charge  of  career  education  and  job 

Mr.  Douglass  Spencer  handles  group 
lesting  and  scholarship  information, 
drivers  training  information  and  serves 
OS  guidance  counselor  for  the  senior 

Juniors  will  find  Mr.  John  Sinks 
willing  lo  help,  as  will  all  those 
wanting  work  permits,  armed  service 
informoiion,  etc. 

Counselor  aide,  Mr.  Woymon 
Brown,  will  help  with  athletic 
eligibility  and  moke  home  visitations. 

Philharmonic  offers  discounts 

The  Fort  Wayne  Philharmontc  will 
offer  student  discounts  during  the 
1974-75  seoson,  opening  Oct.  4. 

The  traditional  "student  rush"  at 
concerts  will  allow  students  to  occupy 
higher  priced  seals  for  the  single 
admission  of  one  dollor.  This  special 
offer  is  avoiloble  on  concert  night  15 
minutes  before  the  progrom. 

In  oddition.fhe  chamber  orchestra 
and  "connoiss^,ur"  series  al  the 
Performing  Arts  Center  offers  sludenls 
ten  concerts  for  ten  dollars,  a  60  per 
cent  savings  for  those  ordering  before 
Oct.  13, 

To  order  subscriptions,  students 
should  call  742-1321  or  visit  the 
Philharmonic  office  at  927  South 
Harrison  Street. 

Morgan  to  attend  luncheons 

Senior  Steve  Morgan  has  been 
selected  as  the  October  Junior 
Rofarion.  Steve  will  attend  luncheons 
al  the  Rotary  Club  each  Monday  of  the 
month,  lislening  lo  speakers  and 
regular  Rolory  Club  business. 

Steve's  first  luncheon  will  be  on  Oct. 
7,  when  he  willl  be  exposed  to  the 
group  of  civic  and  service  oriented 
politicians,  businessmen,  and 

Scholarship  information  incoming 

College-bound  graduating  sludenls 
ore  reminded  (o  keep  in  touch  with  the 
guidance  department  as  far  as 
scholarship  information  is  concerned. 

Mr,  Spencer  is  receiving  information 
almost  doily  from  various  colleges  as 
well  as  financial  aid  institutions. 

Club  plonning  octlvlties 

Elmhurst  Y-Teens  are  already 
planning  a  variety  of  fall  activities  as 
interest  and  membership  steadily 
increase.  On  ihe  afternoon  of  Oct. 
15,  Ihe  group  will  be  bowling  at 
Village  Lanes  in  Quimby  Village.  All 

Breakfast  scheduled  for  moms 

As  a  part  of  sophomore  orientation 
mothers  of  incoming  sophomores  will 
be  invited  to  a  sophomore  Mother's 
breakfast  October  16  in  the  Elmhursi 
cafeteria.  Several  members  of  the 
faculty,   staff  and  administration  will 

^  _-  —^.....jj,       .iinjyc.     /-Ml  ri       ■""■P       ■Jiiu      UUM  III  lltillUTK 

interested  girls  ore  welcome,  and  are     b®  o"  hand  to  greet  the  parents. 
I r  ._ .       .... 

asked  lo  contact  Miss  Susan  Highfill 
or  any  Y-Teen  representative.  The 
club  is  also  planning  a  Halloween 
party  for  the  children  at  the  Allen 
County  Children's  Home. 

Meetings  arescheduled  for  ihefirst 
and  thirdluesday  of  each  month. 
Hunt  to  perform 

Tomorrow,  Oct.  3,  Elmhurst  will  host 
performer  Ted  Hunt  for  a  morning 

Mr,  Hunt's  credits  include  a  wide 
variety  of  community  projects,  public 
relations  work,  entertaining  on  four 
continents,  louring  with  an  Air  Force 
show,  and  producing  an  album 
entitled  "[  cm  an  Americon." 

The  performer  will  be  introduced  to 
the  student  body  at  9  a.m.  and  will 
present  o  show  with  song,  poelry  and 
prose  readings. 

Calenda  r 


2  -Senior  class  officer  election 
Junior  class  officer  campaign 

Closs  rings  go  on  sale  in  cofeleria 

3 -Assembly -Ted  Hunt -9  a.m. 

5 -Varsity  football  at  Muncie 

Rings  -  lunch  mods 

9  -Junior  class  officer  elections 

Sophomore  class  officer  campaign 

10  -  Cross  country  meet  (home) 
n  -Varsity  football  at  South  Side 

I  nterinn  reports  sent  home 

16  -Sophomore  mothers'  breakfast 

Seniors  make-up  pictures 

for  yearbook 
Faculty  pictures  taken 
Sophomoredass  election 

syn*  Con 


Subuilpilen  price 




ediiDi ... 

II  High  Khool.  3SM  Sondpolnt  Rsod,  FoM 
lot  high  ichool  opproood  by  tha  Board 

ilngl*  copy.  S«ond  clou  poitgga 

Viil.8  Ainold        Ad.anmog  tiefl .  .  . 


Dove  Rim 

Wonlynn  Schara 

.  .  ScollSonden, 

ford's  polUij  questioned;  Nixon's  pardon  sparks  anger 

by  Noncy  Beadle 

The  horse  has  been  let  out 
of  the  born  and  oil  the 
animals  will  follow.  There's 
no  way  lo  get  them  bock 
becouse  they're  settled  on 
holy  land. 

Yes,  President  Ford  has 
done  it;  he's  blessed  Nixon 
and  is  giving  serious 
consideration  lo  letling 
Nixon's  people  go. 

With  oil  Ford's  talk  about 
honesty  and  the  open  policy, 







exactly  one  month  after 
taking  office,  he's  grossly 
bridged  this  trust.  With  his 
pardon  of  former-President 
Richard  Nixon,  Ford  has 
insured  that  the  American 
people  will  never  know  the 

The  tapes  will  be  burned  in 
five  to  ten  years,  their 
contents  never  lo  be  revealed. 
Even  if  Ford  does  not  pardon 
Nixon's  conspirators.  the 
chances  that  iheir  trials  will 
lake  place  are  slim.  The 
defendants  will  cloim  that 
valuable  evidence  from  the 
tapes  is  needed;  precisely, 
because  they  know  the  tapes 
will  never  be  obtained. 

Money  and  power 

Nixon  and  his  men  hove  not 
"suffered  enough",  He  made 
no  sacrifice  by  resigning  his 
office.  On  the  controry,  he  hod 
much  to  goin  by  stepping 
down.  He  has  failed  lo  admit 
that  if  he  hadn't  left  of  his  own 
free  will,  he  would  hove 
been  Impeached  and 
convicted.  Then,  he  would 
have  had  no  bond 
accompanying  his  departure, 
no  red  carpet  leading  to  a 
wailing  army  helicopter,  no 
sweet      audience       waving 

goodbyes,  no  office      affect    merely    a    hondful    of     policy,  his  trust  lo  the  country 

loinlenance    staff,    and    no       people.  They  directly  affected     when  he  has  set  up  an  easy 

pension.    Money    and    powe 
was  the  root  of  his  evil. 

Richard  Nixon  should  be 
prosecuted.  His  violations  of 
justice,  privocy,  trust,  law,  and 
who  knows  what  else  did  not 

over   220    million   American  vvay      out      for      the      worsi 

citizens    and     many    others  criminals,         while         those 

throughout  Ihe  world.  criminals'   victims   must  pay 

President       Ford       cannot  heavy  prices  for  lesser  crimes. 
complain     if    the    American 
people     balk     at     his     open 

Vandalism  .  tardies  plague  school 

Vondalism  and  tardiness  are  two 
problems  that  every  high  school  'faces. 
Different  schools  have  their  own  rules  and 
policies  regarding  the  student  who  destroys 
and  the  excessive  late-comer. 

At  Elmhurst,  vandalism  is  not  regarded  as 
a  major  problem  as  it  is  in  other  schools  in 
the  city.  But  the' student  vandal  should  be 
careful,  for  destroying  school  properly  con 
lead  to  1)  suspension  in  cases  a^ich  as 
graffiti  and  2)  expulsion  for  more  serious 
offenses  such  as  fires,  etc.  The  reasons  for 
the  stiff  vandalism  lows  are  that  it  costs  a  lot 
of  money  to  correct  any  damage  done  ond  it 
also  takes  the  time  of  the  maintenance 
people  who  could  be  doing  something  more 

Policies  updated 

The  vandalism  policies  are  not  new  to 
Elmhurst,  but  the  lardy  policies  hove  been 
updated  since  lost  year.  The  teacher  handles 
the  student  who  is  tardy  once  or  twice,  but 
after  three  or  four  tardies,  the  student  is  sent 
directly  to  o  dean.  (Last  year  the  student  was 
sent  to  a  counselor  and  then  lo  the  dean.)  If 

the  problem  cannot  be  corrected  by  tolking 
it  out  with  the  student,  he  is  sent  throuah 
more  channels  and  finally  suspended.  This 
should  end  the  excessive  tardiness,  but  the 
student  can  be  expelled  if  he  continues  to 
interrupt  class  by  walking  in  after  the  bell 

Because  vandalism  is  nolo  problem  that 
is  dealt  with  daily,  the  rule  should 
discourage  anyone  who  is  thinking  of 
destroying  school  property.  But  tardiness  is 
going  to  be  harder  to  control. 

First  of  oil,  Ihose  students  who  are  tardy 
excessively  would  probably  welcome  an 
expulsion  if  it  weren't  for  their  parents. 
This  is  where  the  key  to  the  problem  lies.- 
In  talking  with  the  student  and  his  parents  o 
decision  as  to  whether  the  student  really 
wonts  to  be  or  should  be  enrolled  in  high 
school  can  be  made. 

High  school  is  not  the  place  for  everyone. 
Vocational  or  trade  school  may  provide  a 
more  welcome  atmosphere  for  those 
students  concerned  with  getting  the  training 
needed  for  a  technical  career. 

Careers  explored  thru  program 

Marching    band    performs  al 
festival    Freimann     Parle 

The  Elmhursi  Morching  Band  was 
tecenlly  featured  September  25  at 
freimann  Park's  first  anniversary. 

Performing  from  noon  till  one,  tfie 
band  was  heard  by  many  people 
including  some  elementary  students. 
School  songs  ond  numbers  such  as 
"Eleanor  Rigby"  and  "From  This 
^Aoment  On"  were  played, 

Trolans  participate 
Porlicipating  m  the  1974  Fort  Wayne 
City  Marching  Festival,  the  Marching 
Troions  performed  o  ten  minute  show 
before  a  panel  of  three  judges  last 

The  festival  was  held  Qt  Norlhrop's 
Supller  Stadium,  and  drew  o  crowd  of 
2,500  spectotors-  Judging  was  by 
comment  only  and  each  judge  gave 
constructive  criticisms. 

"The  bond  performed  the  best  they 
had  oil  year,"  said  Mr.  Dove  Sapp, 
student  teacher.  Other  comments  from 
band  members  were  "1  think  we  did 
really  good"  and  "We  finally  did  a 
decent  job." 

Mr.  Brugh  concluded  by  soying, 
"The  festival  was  a  complete  success 
and  plons  ore  being  made  for  another 
festival  next  year." 

by  Mary  Roop 

The  quarterback  tokes  off  at  a  trot, 
then  opens  up  to  run  it.  The  coach  sits 
on  the  sidelines  watching  with  on 
alert  eye  to  see  that  oil  goes  smoothly 
and  just  in  case  the  team  needs  some 
expert  odvice,  he'll  be  ready  to 
contact  a  specialist. 

This  is  no  football  game.  This  is  the 
Explorers.  The  President,  or  the 
"quarterback"  and  the  Post  advisor, 
the  "coach",  work  together  with  the 
rest  of  the  Explorer  group  or  "team" 
to  explore  the  different  aspects  of 
their  particular  field- 
Why  should  a  student  be  on 
Explorer?  "The  exploring  program 
gives  high  school  students  the 
opportunity  to  determine  whether  or 
not  this  is  the  career  in  which  Ihey  are 
interested  ond  if  it  is  the  coreer  they 
wish  to  pursue."  This  is  the  answer 
given  by  Mr.  Steve  Croxton  of 
E  xplorers  headquarters. 

Last  fall  486  people  were  involved 
in  34  different  posts  in  Allen  county. 
There  ore  now  753  in  41  posts.  The 
first  meeting  for  each  of  these  posts 
will  be  on  orientation.  A  general  look 
will  be  given  to  the  particular  field. 

Meetings  lost  no  more  than  one  or 
two  hours,  and  most  posts  will  meet 
every  two  weeks.  The  different  posts 
will  meet  ot  different  times  during  the 
week.  A  paper,  with  these  doys  and 
the  times  at  which  meetings  begin, 
will  be  pasted  on  the  bulletin  board  in 

the  moin  office.  Each  prospective 
member  has  the  opportunity  to 
purchase  a  subscription  10  the 
E  xplorers  Magazine. 

Exploring  is  designed  to  provide 
new  people,  new  experiences,  new 
opportunities.  For  more  information, 
contoct  Mr.  John  Sinks  in  the 
guidance  office  or  call  432-3054. 

Forum  to  sell  candy 

The  Elmhurst  debate  and  solo 
speech  looms  will  be  having  o  candy 
sole  the  first  two  weeks  of  October. 
They  will  be  selling  crunch  bars,  super 
crunch  bars,  M&M's,  and  peanut 

The  profits  from  this  sole  will  be 
used  to  pay  for  severol  speech 
expenses  in  the  up-coming  season.  For 
instance,  both  the  solo  team  and  the 
debaters  will  host  o  meet  here  at 
Elmhurst.  This  means  the  Speech  Club 
will  hove  to  buy  trophies  for  both 

Last  years'  profits  went  toward  a 
trophy  cose  for  the  speech  teams' 
winnings,  the  Student  Council  paid  for 
half  of  the  case  and  the  woods  class  is 
making  it.  Woods  instructor  Mr.  James 
Lambert  hopes  to  hove  the  cose 
completed  by  Christmas. 

The  Speech  Club  holds  its  meetings 
the  second  and  fourth  Tuesdoy  of  each 
month.  New  members  are  welcome. 


Student  reaction: 

A  middle  of  the  road  decision 

It  was  a  courageous  move-breaking 
the  idea  to  a  potentially  hostile  and 
obviously  unsympathetic  group,  the 
Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars. 
Unfortunately,  something  happened 
along  the  way  that  angered  the  right, 
left,  and  middle. 

When  President  Ford  proposed  a 
conditional  amnesty  several  weeks 
ago,  it  seemed  a  fair  enough 
compromise;  those  who  favored 
blanket  amnesty  were  at  least  getting 
part  of  what  they  wanted  and  those  on 
the  right,  well,  those  on  the  right  were 
at  least  willing  to  give  the  President  a 

However,  since  the  President's 
announcement  that  ex-President 
Nixon  has  been  granted  a  complete 
pardon,  many  people,  even  those  who 
were  more  conservative  on  the  issue, 
have  begun  to  wonder  whether  on 
unconditional  amnesty  for  draft 
resistors  and  deserters  is  really  too 
much  to  ask. 

Blonket  heals  wounds 

The  concept  of  such  amnesty  is  not 
new.  There  are  precedents  for  both 
conditional  and  unconditional 
policies.  After  WWII,  men  were 
pardoned  on  an  individual  basis, 
according  to  coses.  Men  in  prison  were 
Qiven   unconditional   pardons  while 

otiiers  were  required  to  give  time  to 
some  civil  service.  It  the  President 
were  to  grant  o  conditional  omneslyi  if 
would  probably  follow  along  these 

Andrew  Johnson,  over  one  hundred 
years  ago,  pardoned  the  entire  South 
after  the  Civil  Wor.  He  did  this  not  at 
once,  but  through  a  series  of 
proclamations  which  culminated  with 
a  final  pardon  on  Christmas.  1867,  If 
the  chief  executive  were  to  consider  a 
blanket  policy,  this  would  also  serve  as 
o  good  premise.  It  would  be  almost 
impossible  to  announce  such  a  plan 
immediately;  he  is  politically 
vulnerable  ond  there  is  still  a  block  of 
opposition  he  must  face.  However, 
total  amnesty,  if  not  immediately,  then 
eventually,  would  serve  the  country 

This  blanket  proposal  would 
hopefully  help  the  psyche  and  heal 
some  of  the  wounds  of  America.  We, 
as  a  notion,  have  been  bitter  and 
cynical  too  long.  The  troumas  of 
Vietngm,  Watergate,'  the  economic 
and  energy  crisis  have  hurt  our  spirit. 
This  move  would  be  a  step  toward 
rebuilding  our  morole  and  unity,  and 
bring  ot  least  a  fraction  of  the  peace 
which  we  seek,  America  magozme 
soys,  "The  dead  in  Vietnam  bear  no 
grudges.  Why  should  we?" 

Tod  Huntley,  sophomore 

"I'm  for  amnesty  but  I  don't  believe 
these  people  should  come  bock  with  a 
full  and  complete  pardon.  I  think  they 
should  work  their  way  bock  through 
the  Peace  Corps  or  Vista,  or  some 
similar  organization. 

"They  hove  broken  existing  laws  - 
whether  we  think  the  laws  are  right  or 
wrong.  Since  they  did  break  what  was 
low  then  and  still  is  now,  I  think  they 
should  work  their  way  back.  However, 
I  do  think  each  case  should  be  tried  on 
a  separate  basis." 

them  whey  they  gave  nothing  to  their 
country.  If  they  choose  to  live  in 
another  country,  let  them,  but  don't  let 
them  come  back  into  this  country 
when  they  chose  to  desert  it. 

Melissa  Hunter,  junior 

"I'm  against  amnesty  for  two 
reasons.  The  first  reason  is  becouse  it's 
not  fair  to  the  men  who  died  or  were 
in  prisoner  of  war  camps.  It's  also  not 
foir  to  the  families  who  lost  friends, 
husbands  end  brothers. 

Second,  they're  where  they  are 
because  they  chose  to  be.  They 
shouldn't  expect  to  come  back  and 
enjoy    what    their    country    can    give 

Barb  Harmon,  junior 

"The  Vietnam  War  wos  one  of  the 
most  unjustified  wars  in  our  history.  By 
gronting  anything  but  unconditional 
amnesty,  Americo  would  be  denying- 
or  more  to  the  point,  hiding  from-lhat 

"In  time  people  will  come  lo 
rationalize  what  happened  in 
southeast  Asia,  but  a  strong  action, 
such  as  granting  total  amnesty,  would 
put  the  war  in  its  proper  historical 
perspective:  a  mistake  we  should 
learn  from, 

"The  men  who  went  to  Canada  sow 
error  in  the  fighting  which  creoted  a 
great  personal  conflict  for  them.  It's 
ridiculous  to  say  that  these  men  do 
not    love    their    country. 

"Considering  that  freedom  of  belief 
is  one  of  the  bases  of  our  democracy, 
it's  sod  to  think  that  objectors  hove 
been  persecuted  and  even  lailed  for 
following  their  conscience." 

Walk  date  set 

The  local  chapter  of  the  Notional 
Foundation  -  March  of  Dimes  has 
onnounced  its  plans  for  the  areas 
fourth  onnuol  Wolk-A-Thon. 

The  Wolk-A-Thon,  which  will  begin 
at  St.  Albon's  Episcopal  Church  on 
Soturdoy.  Oct,  1 2,  will  hopefully  be  the 
most  successful  ever.  Registration  will 
be  from  7:30  to  9:00  a.m. 

Chapter  director  Mrs.  Sherry  Postich 
expects  a  much  lorger  turnout  from  the 
high  school  population  os  well  os  from 
people  who  are  wolking  in  groups, 

Mrs.  Postich  onticipotes  the  turnout 
from  Elmhurst  as  well  as  other  area 
schools  to  be  better  than  previous 
years  and  emphasizes  that  enthusiasm 
within  the  young  adult  age  brocket  is  a 
major  force  in  th©  success  of  the 
majority  of  such  charity  events. 

Seniors  Dave  SHIetto,  Jeff  Green  and  junior  Lorry  Dougherty  practice 
correct  word  emphasis  while  reading  lines. 

The  route  for  the  wolk  itself  has 
been  extended  to  20  miles  as  opposed 
to  lost  year's  15.  It  will  cover  about  the 
same  trail  as  the  earlier  walk  with 
minor  alterations  for  the  lengthening. 

Walk  forms  are  available  to  students 
at  oil  area  Burger  Chefs.  Mololey's, 
and  Rogers'  by  calling  the  MOD  office 
01  484.0622,  or  through  |unior  Connie 
Schteber  or  senior  Leslie  Roymer, 

Tryovis  were  iiefd  recenily  ond  practices 
tiove  now  begun  for  Itiis  yeor's  sct>ool  ploy 
Underttiodireclionof  on  instructor  Mr.  Donold 
Goss,  the  EHS  dromo  deporimer>t  will  preseni 
My  Three  Angelf.  wriiien  by  Som  ond  Bello 
Spewock,  OS  Ihe  lirsi  perlormoncoof  \h,  yeor 

As  o  comedy,  JMy  Three  Angeli  involves 
three  bod  men  -  iwo  of  iliem  murderers  ond  the 
third  o  swindler  -  os  they  get  themselves  inio 
numerous  unlawful  siluotions  in  the  smoll 
couniry  of  French  Gurono. 

The  following sludents  hove  been  cost  for  the 
roles:  Dove  Archer,  Noncy  Beodie,  lorry 
Doughty.  Kent  Gosklll,  Jeff  Green,  Melisso 
Hunier.  Dove  Silleiio,  Geoff  Sills,  Soroh 
Siewori,  ond  Tom  Young  Also  involved  in  Ihe 
works  ore  English  teochers  Miss  Jennifer  Monih 

ond     Mrs      Shelley     Weliingion     os     ossisioni 

The  members  of  ihe  cost  hove  already  begun 
to  run  through  the  scenes  of  ihe  ploy  during 
practice  sessians.  They  meet  Mandoy  through 
Friday  nighis  from  6  ,o  9  p.m  The  siogarrofl 
doss,  under  ihe  instruction  of  Mr  Goss,  hos 
olso  been  busy  pulling  together  ihe  bockground 
seistor  Ihe  ploy 

Performonees  of  My  Three  Angefi  will  be 
Nov,  e,  9,  15,  ond  16,  with  ihe  curiain  ol  8  p,m 
Tickets  fo,  Ihe  performonces  will  be  on  sale 
starling  in  oboul  Iwo  weeks. 

When  osked  oboul  his  anticipation  for  o 
successful  ploy,  Mr,  Gos,  „at«f,  -I  am  very 
enihusiosiici  Everything  is  looking  good  ond  the 
entire  cost  is  ver^  encouraging  " 

IncJy  hosts  ex|iertsj 

Students,  teachers,  parents,  or 
anyone  needing  to  talk  to  on  expert 
about  colleges  or  other  higher 
education  will  find  something  new  fhi; 
year  in  Indionapolis  to  help  them. 

The  Indiana  Convention  Center, 
where  the  program  will  be,  is  located 
at  100  South  Copitol  Avenue,  It  will  be 
open  from  I  p.m.  through  8  p.m.  on 
Tuesday,  Oct.  22,  and  9  a.m.  through  5 
p.m.  Wednesdoy,  Oct.  23. 

Approximately  175  colleges, 
universities,  vocational-technical 

schools,  state  ond  notional  financial 
aid  and  testing  organizations,  will  be 
represented  in  booths  manned  by 
professional  admissions  and  financiol- 
aid  officers  who  will  answer  those 
questions  participants  may  have. 
Schools  from  30  states  and  several 
foreign  countries  will  be  represented. 

The  National  College  Fair  Dictionary 
filled  with  informotion  about  colleges 
ond  institutions  with  booths  at  the  fair 
will  be  given  to  visitors. 

Aside  from  Indianapolis,  Chicago, 
Philadelphia,  Boston,  Atlanta, 
Cleveland  and  other  cities  have  held 
or  are  going  to  hold  National  College 
Fdirs.  It  is  expected  that  there  will  be 
^1,000-5, 000  participants  m 

Indianapolis  alone. 

If  you  hove  an  unusual  question 
about  admissions,  expenses,  finonciol- 
aid,  career  opportunities,  or  college 
life,  a  represenlotive  from  one  of  the 
colleges  will  give  attention  to  these 
and  other  inquiries. 

r/  Death   Wish 
Bronson     stars 

by  Liz  Kerns 

What  would  you  do  if  your  mother 

.      was  beaten   to  death  and  your  sister 

))    roped    by    three    hoods?    The    movie 

Death  Wish,  starring  action  superstar 

Charles  Bronson,  attempts  to  answer 

this  question. 

Charles  Bronson  as  Paul  Kersey, 
husband  and  father,  becomes  New 
York's  fictionol  "vigilante."  Out  to 
clear  the  city  of  crime,  he  walks  the 
streets,  the  porks,  and  rides  the 
subways  alone  ol  night  looking  fo  be 

This  brings  out  two  of  the  film's 
many  shortcomings.  It  seems  "the 
vigilante"  is  on  equal  opportunity 
killer,  because  he  kills  as  many  black 
muggers  as  he  does  while.  Another 
coincidence  is  the  fact  that  all  the 
muggers  carry  knives,  except  the  very 
lost  one,  who  wounds  "the  vigilante" 
and  discloses  his  identity. 

The  end  is  handled  with  taste  and 
wit  as  "the  vigilante"  is  ordered  to 
leave  New  York  because  the  District 
Attorney  refuses  to  prosecute  him  and 
moke  him  a  martyr,  as  Ihe  crime  rate 
has  dropped  by  nearly  one-half  since 
"the  vigilante"  began  his  nightly 

Deoth  Wish  seems  to  be  asking: 
"Okay,  which  one  of  you  big 
melropolises  is  going  to  produce  Ihs 
non-fictional  "vigilante?" 

Politics     confront    Trojans 
as    students   run    for  offices 

New  creative  Section  coming 

■■Frooi  whoi  limned  knowledge  I  hove  of 
those  elected."  commenred  siudeni  council 
adviser  Mr.  John  Coohtan,  "1  think  we  hove 
some  real  loleni  repfesenied." 

Wilh  the  excilemeni  of  Homecoming 
monopolizing  most  of  the  interest  ond 
enlhusiosm  for  the  post  weeks,  few  students 
hove  token  the  time  lo  corefoUy  consider  the 
politlcol  scene  here  within  ElmhursI  High  School. 

The  siudenl  council  representoiive  election 
rame  to  o  climox  on  Wednesdoy.  Sept.  25,  when 
students  voting  in  homerooms  chose  those  they 
thought  could  .epresent  their  doss  best. 

Seniors  elected  iheif  eight  reps.  Lynn  Brown, 
Oove  Compbell,  Greg  Hershberger,  Mike 
Londrigan,  Cindy  Lude,  Louro  Robinson,  Work 
Speors  ond  Denise  Slein  were  selected  with  Poul 
ffonkewich  ond  Dove  SiUello  acting  as 
oliernotes  in  cose  of  ony  absences. 

Juniors  elect  eight 

Those  elected  from  the  lunior  class  included 
Betsy  Barber,  Noncy  Beadie,  Phil  Gulmon.  Mike 
Mourer,  Yvette  Morrill,  Don  landrigon,  Cindy 
Ross  and  Carole  Stanley.  Chosen  os  alternates 
were  Morty  Miller  and  Soroh  Sleworl. 

Although  the  sophomore  doss  choices  were  o 

hille  more  limited  thon  the  others,  Tom  Cross, 
Randy  Girod.  Tod  Huntley,  Jeffery  Kinnie,  Vicki 
Kirkpolrick,  Troi  Lee,  Cindy  Palmeler  and  June 
Williams  came  out  as  the   represenling  eight. 

,  and  Molt  Tyler, 


Soys  siudenl  council  vice  president  Mike 
Arnold  concerning  those  chosen,  "We  hove  o  lol 
10  do  this  yeof.  and  we  need  good 
represenlotives  to  moke  sure  everything  gels 
done  with  as  little  hossle  as  possible." 

Although  he  is  o  little  disoppointed  in  the 
limited  numbers  of  students  who  opplied,  he  is 
impressed  with  the  enthusiosm  of  those 

Plons  tor  the  student  council  include  on  all- 
school  arcode  os  well  os  continuing  some 
activities  done  in  previous  yeors. 

by  Kathy  Weber 

Something  new  is  going  to  happen  to  this 
yeor's  Aniibrum.  Sixteen  pages  ore  going  to  be 
filled  by  a  "croolive  section."  The  section  will  be 
filled  wilh  contributions  by  any  students  and 
leochers.  Closs  projects,  student  writings,  ond 
photos  will  give  ihe  "creative  section"  o 
personal  touch  thot  would  hove  special  meaning 
to  ElmhursI  students  and  foculry, 

Co-editors  of  the  yeorbook,  Holly  Miller  ond 
Colhy  Cory,  ore  both  very  excited  oboul  the  new 
section.  Because  of  the  new  section,  eight  more 
pages  will  be  added  lo  the  Aniibrum  compared 
to  lost  year's  232.  Holly  commented,  "Although 
we  hod  to  cut  o  few  poges  from  other  sections  lo 
moke  room  for  il,  both  Cothy  and  I  think  the  new 
section  is  worthwhile,  and  we're  sure  most  other 

/ill  think  so  K 
Since  Fort  Woyne  contains  so  many  high 
schools,  it  is  hoped  ihol  wilh  the  new  creolive 
section,  Ihe  sioff  will  have  the  opportunity  to 
express  Elmhu'si's  idenlity  as  on  imporiont  pari 
of  Fort  Woyne,  also  ihe  students  will  be  given 
Ihe  opporlunity  to  express  themselves  os 
Individuols  within  the  walls  of  EHS, 

Cothy  Cory  commented,  "We  hope  to  cover 
onything  of  significonco  ond  we  hope  lo  let 
sludenls  porticipale  m  ony  way  possible  lo  moke 
Ihe  book  really  Iheirsl" 

Becouse  the  members  of  ihe  yearbook  stoff 
ore  all  experienced,  either  from  junior  high,  or 
ElmhursI  publications,  they  will  be  able  to  put 
their  obilities  to  good  use  in  moking  the  students 
and  leathers  coniribuiions  part  of  a  sensolional 
creotive  publication. 

(The  Higher  Education  foir  brought  repro.Bnfatl.e.  jrom  7*  In-j 
Itltutlon.  to  the  Eln,hur.t  co.eterlo  on  Sept  27.  ""«»"...-.•.«-  «"«H 
and  ll.tened  to  the  representative,  from  tho.e  .chool.  In  which  they 
were  interested. 

ClatMi  to  elect 

Another  tocet  of  ihe  pol.ticol  activity  is  the 
cloM  officer  coirrpoigm.  The  lerrior  clou,  voting 
lodoy  for  its  oHicers,  will  select  o  presitJeni  from 
,he  following  condidotes:  Keith  Brodimiller, 
Terry  Brutlon,  Reggie  Hill,  lyle  Howord,  Cindy 
Kroose,  ond  Steve  Morgon  Condidotes  for 
Secrotory.Treosuror  ore  Holly  Miller  and  Mori. 
Speors.  Competing  for  the  post  of  sociol 
choirmon  ore  Donno  Bellis  ond  Angela  Gensic 

The  closs  election,  will  be  scheduled  for 
olternoimg  weeks  The  iuniors'  compoigo  begins 
todoy  ond  voting  tokes  place  Od  ?  Thoi  some 
doy  the  sophomore  class  compoigns  begin,  with 
voting  on  Oct.  16. 

The  Efmhurit     defensive  line  charges  forward. 

Trojan  grid  plagued  by  mistahes 

Senior    Hoaaio    Hill    is   downed    by    Norlhrop    dofonderi. 

The  Elmhorst  varsity 
football  team  suHered  its 
second  defeot  lost  Friday, 
at  the  hands  of  the 
Kokomo  Wildcats  22-0. 

A  fumble-plagued  Trf.|an 
learn  couldn't  seem  to  fi^id  the 
handle  from  the  beginning  as 
they  fumbled  the  opening 
kick-off  on  the  ElmhursI  38- 
Although  the  tough  Trojan 
defense  held  the  Wildcats 
scoreless  throughout  the  first 
quarter.  Ihe  continuous 
mistakes  and  costly  penalties 
soon  began  lo  show  their 

Yet  the  game  was  not  a 
complete  loss,  as  signs  of 
Coach  Herman's  rebuilding 
job  were  evident  throughout 
the  evening.  Brian  Russell 
scored  on  a  10-yard 
touchdown  run,  but  a  clipping 
penalty  called  back  what 
would  have  been  the  Trojons' 
first  score  of  the  regular 
season  and  a  6-0  lead.  Russell 
also  threw  a  57-yard  pass  to 
junior  Tim  Choney  in  the  first 
quarter  to  highlight  the 
offense  for  the  Trojans, 

Elmhurst  stands  0-2  in  the 
'74  season,  their  first  loss 
coming       from       o       strong 

Northrop  Bruins  team  on 
September  6.  Again  the  Trojon 
mistakes  cost  them  dearly  as 
the  Bruins  shut  out  the  Trojans 

Although  the  Trojans  now 
hold  o  0-2  record,  Ihey  have 
much  to  be  proud  of.  The 
inexperience  is  slowly 
disappearing      with      every 




the  offense  is  beginning  lo 
throw  off  sparks  thai  are  sure 
lo  catch  fire. 

Elmhurct's  next  two  contests 
are  with  Harding  ond  Bishop 
Luers.  Harding  will  be  this 
Friday  at  Wayne  Stadium  and 
Bishop  Luers  will  be  the  Trojan 
Homecoming  game  also  at 
Wayne  Ihe  following 

beginning  to  come  olive  and 


Swimmers    take    nation  \'^(Mte   ec  leceCvu 

Last  July,  lunior  Jim 
McCleneghen,  along  with 
seven  other  members  of  the 
Huntington  swim  team, 
Iroveled  for  16  hours  to  reach 
Lake  Plocid,  New  York,  (o 
compete  in  the  onnuol 
Notional  Long  Distance 
Swimming  Chompionshjps. 

Lake  Plocid  is  located  in 
Adirondack  Pork  in  the 
northern  part  of  New  York 
stole.  The  loke  is  surrounded 
by  mountains  and  is 
consequently  one  of  ihe 
coldest  lakes  in  the  country. 
But  despite  the  freezing 
lemperolures  of  the  lake,  Jim 
ond  his  team  mates  brought 
bock  first  places  in  both  ihe 
junior  and  senior  divisions. 
The  team  spent  three  day- 

in  New  York,  although  most  of 

the      was      used      up  The      Elmhurst      home  ec 

practicing    for    the    four-mile  department  has  been  blessed 

race.  But  they  did  get  to  see  by   the   gift   of   some   poultry 

some  of  the  area  and  go  lo  a  products.  It  is  the  proud  owner 

Books    and 

While  reading  is  considered 
work  for  some,  many 
teenagers  have  found  value 
in  reoding  on  their  own  lime, 

A  survey  token  by  the 
Notional  Assessment  of 
Education  indicoted  that  98% 
of  oil  t3-year-olds  and  19  out 
of  20  17-year-olds  reod  for 

Mrs.  Mildred  Hibben, 
librorion  ol  Elmhurst  agrees 
that  students  are  reoding  for 
themselves.    She    stated    that 


Jim's  team  competed  on  the 
final  day  of  competition  in  the 
senior  division  race.  Both 
divisions,  junior  and  senior, 
are  judged  on  a  point  system 
ond  each  member  of  the  four- 
man  team  has  o  part  in 
deciding  the  final  score. 

Many  of  the  learns  that 
w/ere  supposed  lo  compete 
failed  to  show  because  of  the 
distance  lo  Lake  Placid.  Jim 
exploined,  "More  people 
would  swim  if  il  wasn't  so  for 
for  one  race  and  the  water 
wasn't  so  cold. 

of  o  turkey  ond  12  dozen  eggs, 
oil  for  free! 

As  part  of  a  stole-wide 
program  in  which  all  high 
schools  oxB  involved,  the 
Indiana  State  Poultry 
Association  Is  making  these 
presentations.     Mrs.     Susan 

Owen  received  a  letter  about  _ 

the     gift,     but     was     surprised  "^•"''ort  of  the  home  ec  department  put  their  new  Iroien  turfcey 

'hen  the  poultry  products  """^  '"  ""*  '*''^"'  ^''""  '*'*  *"  '"'s'"  *^^  ""''•  «^«  «'»  Shoron 
rrived  along  wi  Ih  an  ^L**'','^'  ""'■'''  °'''*80".  ond  Cherle  Wlttwer 
Thonksg.ving  and  Christmas 
times.  This  frozen  turkey  will 
be  used  for  that  purpose.  The 
eggs  will  be  bought  at  Rogers' 
when  needed  and  paid  for  by 
the  poultry  association. 

The  purpose  of  the  program 
'S  to  get  people  interested  \r\ 
new  ways  of  preparing  eggs 
and  to  promote  the  proper 
cooking  methods  of  frozen 

arrived      along       with 
advertising   representative 
Sept,  17, 

Throughout   the  yeor   home 
ec  students  take  lurns  fixing  a 
..^...^.,.^,u.  turkey,         usually         around      the  poultry  associal-on.  turkeys"  ""     "     " 

and  during  lunch.  wilchcraft,  and  sports  interest 

Ml.-,  t  teenogers- 

Magazines  most  popular 

The        newspapers        and         """^    "f''^"   ^^"   °    '"'   "' 
„  requests  for  books  on  the  best 

n,ogaz,nes  ore  very  popular,    selleHisls  ond  those  that  were 
The  locol  popers  and  the  news    ,h.  k         j  , 

magozines    ore    ,eod     Z,     '*'^_^''°='= '- '^'^-^-n  shows 

°flen       The      Indlonopolls  ,   ""'"'°''     '^"^     ^''='"'" 

Star  ond  sports  ond  women',     "°'^'  ""^  °  *°"'  <^°"=' 

niagozines  ore  next,    . 

Non-fiction  books  ore  token 

out  generally  because  of  doss 

ossignments,    but    non-fiction 

the  most  popular  book's 
Elmhursl's  library  ore  fiction 
books  dealing  with  modern 
day  problems.  "Whot  we 
thought  that  you  had  to 
provide  on  the  shelves  just 
gathers  dust  now  -  the  clossics. 
Dickens  and  Poe,  just  aren't 
read  anymore,"  exploined 
Mrs,  Hibben 

Most  of  Ihe  time  the  library 
'S  filled  with  students  that 
come  down  with  their  dosses 
bul   students    also    come    in 

student  budget.  This  budget 
allows  not  only  for  new  books 
bul  periodicals  and  audio 
visual  supplies.  So  she  can't 
olwoys       get      ,he       foo^^ 


Though  Mrs,  Hibben  cannot 
fill  every  request,  she  does 
send  in  two  big  orders  for  new 
books  every  year.  She  also 
ottempts  to  remedy  the 
problem  herself,  "When  I 
know  o  book  is  popular  I  will 
go  ond  buy  the  paperback 
myself  Sometimes  I'll  read  it 
before  I  put  it  on  Ihe  shelves, 
sometimes  I'll  just  buy  il 
because  I  know  Ihe  students 
wonl  il," 

Girls  volleyball 



By  JimTheye 

An  outstanding  showing  of  61  girls 
were  present  ot  the  girls  volleyboll 
orgonizotionol  meeting  Tuesdoy, 
September  10,  Tryout  practices  began 
the  following  Thursdoy  and  ore  lo 
continue  for  a  two  week  period  before 
ony  eliminations  will  be  mode. 

During  these  proclice  sessions  the 
girls  work  the  first  half  hour  on  worm 
up  exercises  and  condilioning.  They 
then  pradice  skill  drills.  The  girls' 
cooch,  Mrs.  Catherine  Russell, 
commented  thot  the  girls  reolly  don't 
enjoy  Ihe  drills,  but  she  feels  that  if  the 
skills  involved  in  volleyboll  aren't 
developed,  then  the  girls  won't  know 

how  to  use  them  properly  when  they 
ore  required  during  a  gome. 

The  first  volleyball  gome  for  the 
team  will  be  October  10,  The  girls  will 
hove  five  other  games  during  the 
month  of  October, 

When  asked  how  she  thought  the 
girls  looked  for  this  year's  season,  Mrs. 
Russell  commented,  "Fantosticl  We 
hove  only  lost  one  girl  ond  a  lot  of  Ihe 
talent  from  lost  year  is  back  again,  I 
have  olso  seen  excellent  talent  by  the 
girls  from  the  junior  highs  if  these 
girls  stoy  OS  good  as  they  ore  now,  the 
decision  of  who  is  to  ploy  during  the 
gomes  will  be  difficult," 


Sonlor.   Oeors,    Hubo,   ond    Lynn 
Ilmhunf.  laiond  doubl.. 

I   eomblne    thoir    talenli   at 

"Inlerscholostic  tennis  this  yeor  is 
very  different  from  previous  yeors," 
commented  Elmburst's  new  tennis 
cooch,  Mr.  Robert  Horn. 

"We  hove  to  ploy  by  many  new 
rules  this  year  in  SAC  ploy,"  he 
explained,  "First  of  all,  each  player 
con  compete  in  only  singles  or 
doubles,  whereas  lost  year,  it  was 
possible  to  ploy  both  in  the  some 

The  "no  od"  system  of  scoring  is 
onother  new  ruling.  Here,  when  Ihe 
score  of  40-40  or  deuce  is  reached,  the 
winner  of  the  next  point  is  the  winner 
of  the  gome.  Under  Ihe  old  system, 
two  points  were  needed  to  win,  "We 
olso  ploy  2  out  of  3  sets.  This  contrasts 
With  the  pro-set  to  8  played  in  previous 
years,"  he  odded, 

Cooch  Horn  continued  in  stating 
thot,  in  sectionol  ploy,  once  o  team  is 
elim, noted  from  competition  due  lo 
points,  oil  ployers  ore  also  eliminated. 
This  means  Ihot  even  if  o  single  or 
doubles  teom  wins  ond  the  loom  is 
eliminated,  the  players  ore  out  of  the 
running.  This  new  rule  is  to  promote 
the  idea  of  tennis  being  a  team  sport, 

"Each  of  these  new  rules  has  its 
odvontoges  ond  disadvantages,"  he 

Hershberger  only  letterman 

Elmhurst's  only  returning  letterman, 
and  he'll  fill  the  first  singles  position 
Sophomore  Tod  Huntley  ond  seniui 
Jim  Theye  will  be  playing  the  second 
and  third  spots  respectively. 

The  fourth  singles  ond  all  doublet 
positions  are  relatively  undecided. 
Recently,  junior  Ston  Sorgen  has  been 
ploying  number  four  position.  As  0 
junior,  Kevin  Lee  hos  loomed  up  wit^ 
sophomore  Ted  Ornos  as  the  firsi 
doubles  teom.  Seniors  George  Hubei 
ond  Lynn  Brown  compose  Ihe  second 
doubles  squod,  and  juniors  Greg 
Nowok  and  Terry  Sims  combine  to  ploy 
as  number  3  doubles. 

This  is  Mr,  Horn's  first  yeor  at  Ihe 
helm  of  the  squad.  "We  expect  to  do 
pretty  well,"  he  cited,  "but  as  a  whole, 
this  will  be  a  rebuilding  year," 


Greg       Hershberger 


All  in  one  year 

iunior  learns  Enqlish  and  makes  honor  roll 

fUlllVI        '^""'^      '■"V''.^  „h,„A„g;,,i„,„m..<,Etah.,>,,  .he  spoke      o.d  he.  ™..-e 


For  on/  student  ol  ony  high  school,  moking  rhe 
Honor  Roll  or  Prmcipol's  list  is  qv.ite  on 
oecomplishmenl.  But  for  iunior  Angie  Gioimo, 
ihe  Honor  Roll  wos  the  ultimate  chollenge. 

Lost  year,  Angie  o"d  ^^'  fomlly  come  to 
Americo  from  Itoly.  Angle's  fother  hod  come  to 
Americo  eotlier.  but  other  than  his  visit,  this  wos 
,he  Gioimos'  first  experience  in  the  United 

"1  love  the  United  States,"  Angie  soys,  "I 
never  imogined  thot  Americo  would  be  like  this, 
ll's  so  different  from  Itoly." 

Storting  the  yeor  oH  speoking  obsololely 

English,  Angie  finished  the  year  by  making  the 

EHS  Honor  Roll. 

School*  eomporod  ,    .        l     i    i,» 

When  comporing  Elmhurst  wtlh  the  school  she 

oltended  in  Itoly,  Angie  remarked.  "In  Americo 
the  teochofs  repeat  o  lot  so  thoi  everybody  in  the 
doss  con  understand."  In  Italy,  the  students  carry 
o  16  subieci  load.  Angie  fownd  ihe  lighter  load 
at  EHS  enjoyable. 

At  home,  Angie  speoks  both  English  and 
Italian  Which,  she  says,  con  be  kind  of  confusing, 
Hef  brother  speoks  English,  but  does  not  reod  or 
write  it.  Mrs,  Gioimo  speaks  limited  English  and 
mmunicotes  mainly  in  Itolion 

When  Angie  first 
olmost  no  English, 

■|  used  a  dictionary  the  first  few  months," 
H.igie  confessed,  "And  every  lime  I  heord  a  new 
word,  I  looked  it  up  ond  procliced  until  I  was 
sure  I  knew  the  word," 

Angie  olso  hod  on  English  tutor  who  come  to 
her  home  two  nights  o  week  for  three  months. 

"When  I  firsi  come  here  I  didn't  think  I'd  ever 
learn  English,"  odmilted  Angle.  "It  was  so 
diff  icull.  but  ofter  o  few  weeks  1  storied  lo  learn 
how  to  enunciate.  1  didn't  know  how  lo  move  my 

Other   thon   mostering   the  English   language 

and  he.  noUve  Italian.  Angie  hos  olso  token 
.losses  >n  Spanish  and  French,  This  post  summer 
Angie  attended  summer  school  lo  further  her 

"I  noticed  thot  Americans  ore  nicer  than 
Itolions."  Angie  philosophized.  "Moybe  I  just 
found  nice  friends,  bul  from  my  experience, 
American  people  hove  been  nice. 

Not  everyone  could  Accomplish  whol  Angie 
did  in  one  year.  She  sums  it  up  in  one  stolemenl: 
-\  hove  even  started  to  think  in  English,  Not 
many  foreign  longuoge  students  get  to  thai 
point  so  fosl." 

I,.„c,di«.ren.froml.oly/-  communicol.s  moinly  m  liohon,  O.h.r   .hon   mos.erihg   m.  t.g.isn   ,„.„».„. 

EHS  student  lives  semester  in  Europe 

.,  .„_.n,Hoa   as  the  most  popular  food.  w,th      as     Pons.     Rome    ond     Florence,     Holy,     and 


"Mochtest  du  Deulschlond  besuchenr'  If 
you  would  like  to  visit  Germany,  your  onswer  to 
this  question  would  be  "jowohl,"  which  means 
yes,  very  much. 

When  Nancy  Roney's  sister  and  brolher-in- 
low  (who  was  stationed  with  the  Army  in 
Germany)  offered  her  this  opportunity  she 
occepled  ond  began  preporing  for  her 

Nancy  left  m  Jonuory  of  her  junior  year, 
flying  to  Germany  where  she  landed  at 
Frankfort  and  traveled  by  Volkswagen  to 
Bomberg,  neor  the  army  bose  where  her 
brother-in-law  was  stationed 

Beer  Is  popular 

According  to  Noncy,  Bomberg  is  o  small 
lown,  locoted  in  northern  Bovano,  which  just 
last  year  celebrated  its  thousandth  anniversary. 
In  the  morning,  beer  trucks  come  to  the  houses 
instead  of  milk  trucks,  ond  people  hove  lo  buy 

their  waler,  which  comes  bottled 

"There aren't  many  cars  in  Bomberg,"  Nancy 

observed,  "and  we  hod  the  only  tondem  bicycle 

in  town.  For  iransportolion,  most  people  ride 




Factories  ore  oullowed  and  iheref 
main  occupation  of  the  people  is  forming.  The 
nearest  American  school  is  35  miles  away  in 
Nuremberg,  where  Noncy  attended  the 
Nuremberg  Americon  H  igh  School 

5:30  mornlngi 

"Every  morning,"  Nancy  remembered,  "1  hod 
to  get  up  at  5;30  and  fide  o  bicycle 
army  post  where  1  coughl  the  bus  to  s 
spent  on  hour  on  the  bus  going  t 
onolherhourcomingbock  " 

"However."  Nancy  continued,  "the  school 
work  was  eosier  because  there  were  kids 
coming  and  going  all  the  lime,  whose  porents 
were  being  tronsferred." 

Noncy  cited  brolwursl,  which  is  comporoble 

e  to  Ihe 

school,  I 

lol  ond 

dog.  OS  the  most  popular  food, 
or   breoded   pork   chop,   as  a   close 
he  also  observed  ihot   Coke  is  very 

returning  lo  Americo  lost  June,  Noncy 
some  time  sight-seeing  in  such  places 


OS  Paris 
olzberg,  Austria, 
Noncy  remork 
nee  I  got  used  I 

is  southern 
,  "1  really  liked 
I,  and  best  of  all 


I  Germany. 
I  liked  the 

Raney  itands 
MkhelonBslo  Plow 
In  Florence.  Italy. 
Nancy  ipen*  ^^^ 
lecortd  •emoiter  o( 
last  year  abroad. 

Reserves  fall  to 
Luers  in  20-0  show 

Elmhurst  reserves  invaided  Bishop 
Luers  stadium  Monday,  September  9, 
where  the  Trojans  were  plagued  with 
fumbles  and  interceptions  in  a 
disappointing  20-0  loss. 

Bishop  Luers  threw  a  very  tough  and 

rugged  defense  against  Ihe  relatively 
inexperienced  offense.  It  was  the  red 
and  gray's  small  yardage  production 
which  eventually  led  to  their  second 
consecutive  defeat. 

Elmhurst  is  0-2  in  season  ploy.  The 
reserves'  next  match  is  a  home  affair 
against  Northrop  at  4  p.m.  tomorrow 
on  the  Elmhurst  field.  Coach  Jim 
Lambert  comments  that  a  good  turnout 
of  Trojan  rooters  will  be  a  help  in 
providing  team  spirit. 

Other  games  on  ihe  sophomore 
schedule  include:   Sept.   26  at  Bishop 

Dwenger;  and  Oct,  3  at  Snider. 

Reterues  try  desperately  but  fall  to  Luers. 

The  name  of  the  game  Is  strotegy. 


Mike's  Side 

by  Mike  Landrtgan 

One  of  the  major  bonds  between 
students  and  their  school  is  their 
athletic  teams.  In  fact,  if  it  were  not  for 
athletics,  a  school  would  serve  no 
purpose  for  some  students. 

Winning  teams  really  boost  school 
spirit.  Northrop,  as  an  example,  has 
the  necessary  attitude.  They  think  as 
winners;  all  of  their  male  sports,  with 
the  exception  of  tennis,  were  winners. 

Elmhurst  has  o  chance  for  this 
attitude.  The  baseball  team  got  off  on 
the  right  foot  by  beating  Northrop  in 
the  regionals,  then  finishing  the 
season  as  runners-up  in  the  semi-stale. 
Now.  it  is  up  to  the  coaches,  athletes 
and  student  body  to  continue  with  the 
Positive  AAentol  Attitude  our  new  head 
football  coach,  Tom  Herman,  talks 

Lei's  start  off  with  cross  country. 
Already  this  teom  has  hod  a  better 
season.  With  the  return  of  Paul 
Stevens,  who's  one  of  the  finest 
runners  in  the  slote,  and  the  additions 
of  severol  outstanding  sophomores. 
this  could  be  our  most  improved  sport. 
Next,  our  football  team,  now  under 
the  direction  of  on  outstanding  cooch, 
Tom  Herman.  Already  he  has  molded 
our  football  players  into  a  unit  that 
believes  they  can  compete  with 
anyone.    This    year's    team    can't    do 

anything  but  improve  on  last  year's 
record.  If  the  students  give  jhem  some 
support  they  should  win  at  least  half  of 
their  games. 

Now,  let's  look  at  the  third  of  our 
fall  sports,  tennis.  Last  year's 
graduotion  moy  have  hurt  this  team 
more  than  any  other.  Greg 
Hershberger  is  our  only  returning 
letterman.  The  team  locks  experience; 
they  are  looking  toward  next  year. 

That  leaves  us  with  the  only  team 
which  had  a  winning  attitude  during 
the  season  and  kept  that  altitude 
during  the  stale  tournament: 
baseball.  The  baseball  teom  lost  five 
starters  but  there  are  eight  returning 
lettermen  in  addition  to  several  other 
excellent  prospects.  The  members  of 
the  teann  believe  they  ore  the  best  in 
the  city  and  hope  to  improve  on  lost 
year's  record. 

That's  a  summary  of  some  of  the 
sports  that  hove  been  around  at  least  a 
year.  To  win  a  team  needs  to  hove 
talent,  the  correct  attitude  and  the 
support  of  the  students.  The  talent  is 
there,  the  attitude  is  up  to  the  athletes 
and  the  cooches,  but  in  the  post,  the 
support  was  lacking.  All  of  our  coaches 
agree  that  o  lorge  group  yelling  for 
you  can  really  help  your  incentive,  so 
the  rest  is  up  lo  you. 

Reason  for   tradifion   sought 

by  the  flril  period  |ournal 
lim  clou 

With  foil  dosses  under  woy, 
(he  first  period  jOurnolism 
closs  began  to  wonder  what 
ihe  purpose  of  homecoming 
is.  They  found  out  and  then  sel 
out  to  determine  who  else  in 
the  school  knew  the  onswer. 

So,  with  pencils  ond  poll 
sheets  in  hand,  the  fifteen 
budding  iournolists  posed  the 
question,  "Why  do  we  hove 
homecoming?"  They  got 
answers  from  1 17  Trojans. 
Thirfy   six   were   sophomores, 

53  were  juniors,  22  were 
seniors  and  six  were  leochers. 
In  all.  only  23  percent  were 
aware  of  the  true  meaning  of 

Most  responses  fell  under 
three  categories:  "I  don't 
know,"  "ll's  a  tradition,"  and 
"To  have  some  fun."  The 
highest  rate  of  incorrect 
onswers  came  from  the 
sophomores  and  on  up 
according  to  seniority  through 
'he  teachers.  Eighty  three  per 
cent  of  the  sophomores  were 
wrong,    75    per    cent    of    the 

the  seniors  were  incorrect, 
and  the  teochers  hod  o  23 
percent  rate  of  miscalculation. 
(Only  six  were  polled). 

With  all  the  percentages 
totaled,  a  figure  of  23  per  cent 
was  reoched  in  relation  lo  the 
number  of  Elmhurst's  people 
that  were  correctly  informed. 
They  were  the  ones  that  come 
up  wrih  the  answer, 
"Homecoming  was  designed 
so  thai  alumni  can  come  bock 
and  show  their  school  spirit  at 
a  foolboll  gome." 



Th«  AFS  concentrates  on  Ideas  from 
Switiertond  for  the  construction  of  their 
homecoming  float. 


S!ud.„,.  pr.p„,.  lo,  ,h„  h=ll-,ime  ho,n.coml„9  „.,|.|,|.,.  ,„  ,h,  „  ,..„d  lo.t 
V"..  ,.,..„,  Quay  Howoil.  ..ud.„,  <oon<ll  ...►p„,ld.„t  MIW,  .mold  ond  T.rry 
«r„„„„.  To  th.  ,l8hl,  Mr.  John  Coohron  „ol..  ,„  p,...„,  ,„phlo.  (or  th.  Hoot.  In  Iho 












jean  jackets 
dress  slacks 
knit  tops 
baggie  tops 




OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00.  SUNDAYS  1 2:00  TO  5:00 

The  luolor  ffoat  takes  shape  in  Cloudla 
Johnson'*  gorage.  As  Indicated  by 
Claudlai  frequent  morning 

announcements,  the  Ideo  behind  the  float 
was  to  "flush  Luers  down  the  sewers.  " 

Paul  Stevens  grosps  the  finish  line  after  breaking  the  school  record  against  Wayne. 

Stevens  beats  former  record; 
team    possesses  skills 

The  cross  country  team  started  the 
year  off  very  well  by  beating 
Homestead,  but  lost  o  close  one  to  a 
tough  Harding  team.  On  Sept,  10,  the 
Elmhurst  harriers  tied  Goshen,  and 
beot  their  close  rivals,  Wayne.  In  their 
third  meet,  a  dual  meet,  the  harriers 
trounced  Tipton  with  a  near  perfect 
score  of  17  to  their  opponents'  40, 

In  Ihe  first  two  meets  senior  Paul 
Stevens  broke  the  school  record,  which 
he  originally  sel  last  year,  Paul  hos  the 
best  time  in  ihe  cily  and  second  best  in 
the  area.  Tim  Hughes  of  Huntington 
runs  a  12.27,  just  six  seconds  better 
than  Paul, 

This   year   the   team    is   Ihe   biggest 

team  in  four  years,  with  four  seniors, 
seven  juniors,  and  five  sophomores,  o 
total  of  sixteen  men.  So  far  they  have 
proved  a  good  leam  ond  they  look  like 
a  possible  city  contender.  All  home 
meets  ore  at  Swinney  Park  at  4  p.m. 

Harriers  Roster 

Paul  Stevens* 
Vernon  Torres* 
Randy  Smith 
Lorry  Raber' 
Bob  Levy 
Bill  Brown 
Denny  Kirkland* 

Tom  Kiermaier 
John  Nowlin 
Chad  Cline 
Tim  Lee 
Jim  Freygang 
Mike  Ausderon 

'  denotes  returning  letlermen 


Some  of  the  mple  member,  of  ihe  .enlor  <la«  go  all  out  for  tt,e  50'. 
.plHt  day..  PUtored  In  their  greeted  hoir  ond  T  .hirt.  o.  well  o<  other 
50'.  remnant,  ore  from  left  to  right:  .enlor.  Lynn  Brown.  Keith 
Bradtmlller.  George  Hober.  Dave  Campbell.  Dan  Avery.  Dave  RInehort. 
and  Mike  Kleater. 

Swlis  OKthango 
(tudent.  Corlnne 
Buecher.  >)t>  In  front 
of  the  •onlor  float. 
The  paper  flowori 
provide  a 

background    for    hsr 

Tho  homecoming  tourt  and  lt« 
letterman  eicorts  wolf  on  the 
Wayne  track  for  the 

announcement  of  Sors 

Hooplngorner  ai  the  '74  queen. 
From  left  to  right  at  topi  Tracy 
Conkllng  with  Keith  Bradtmlller, 
Cindy  Lude  with  George  Huber, 
Bonnie  Bunn  with  Mike 
Landrlgon.  Mottle  Cole  with 
Raymond  Reete,  Ann  Oiwald  with 
Don  Meeki  and  Sherll  Hornfaerger 
with  Paul  Steveni.  Bottom  from 
left  to  righti  Carmetta  Walker 
with  Larry  Reeie.  Kelly  Auer  with 
Don  Georgl.  Lorl  Rletdorf  with 
Greg  Horihberger,  Soro 

Hooplngorner  with  Vernon 
Torres,  and  Linda  Panyord  with 
Lynn  Brown. 



^%      I- eimnurst 


Octobar  16,  1974 

Fort  Wayne  students  enjoy  curfew  relaxation 

"Do    you    know    where    your  /IrrOtn    <   llP.fA-   Our 

teen-ager  \%  tonlghf  7' 

This  once  familiar  onnouncemenl 
isn't  shown  much  on  TV  anymore. 
The  reoson;  the  curfew  low  isn't 
enforced  as  it  once  wos  This  is  one 
of  the  good  things  the  police 
deportment  has  done,  but  the 
curfew  ordinance  was  not  reloxed 
out  of  the  goodness  of  the  polices' 
heorts;  there  just  isn't  enough 
personnel  to  enforce  it  as  it  was 
meant  to  be  enforced. 

The  city  has  no  ordinance 
restricting  minors  from  the  age  of 
sixteen  to  eighleeri  from  being  out 
post  ihe  hour  of  1 1 :00,  but  the  stole 

The  city  law  covers  minors  under 
Ihe  age'    of  16,  but  the  slate  covers 

the  curfewing  of  older  teens  under 
the  Children,  Delinquent  (defined) 

Delinquency  defined 

This  in  essence  slates,  "The  words 
'Delinquent  Child'  shall  include  any 
boy  under  the  full  age  of  eighteen, 
or  any  girl  under  the  full  age  of 
eighteen'  who:  Wanders  about  the 
sireets  of  any  city  or  in  (on)  or 
obout  ony  public  ploce  between  the 
hours  of  UiOO  p.m.  and  5:00  a.m. 
without     being     on     any      lawful 

Subject  loots    li>;e';'o-Txy  '^^V^"^^   ^^    'I  o'cVocK 
otWcr  Elmhurit  Stuotev^t^ 


a    boAc^«n     c^o-^^^oo 

business  or  occupation  except 
returning  home  offer  attending  a 
religious  or  educational  meeting  or 
social  function  sponsored  by  o 
church  or  school." 

This  means  that  if  a  person  under 
18  is  out  past  11:00  and  not 
returning  from  on  educational 
gathering,  he  is  defined  as  a 
delinqueni  and  sholl  be  irealed  as 

Penalty  proves  minor 

The  penalty  for  violating  curfew 
is  a  fine  of  nol  more  than  25  dollars. 

but  every  policeman  handles  the 
curfew  as  he  sees  fit.  Some  may 
fake  violoters  in,  others  may  just 
score  them  a  liltle  and  send  them 

This  means  that  there  could  be  as 
mony  inferpretalions  of  the  statute 
as  thtre  ore  policemen.  This 
shouldn't  be  allowed  to  happen  for 
the  law  should  be  interpreted,  in 
general  terms,  alike  by  all 
policemen.  This  is  the  only  way  lo 
be  fair  lo  everyone. 

Why  is  there  this  statute?  Partly 

for  the  teen-agers'  benefit,  ana 
portly  for  the  publics'  protection,  for 
at  the  stroke  of  1 1 :00  all  teen-agers 
turn  into  ....  delinquents. 

This  obviously  isn't  true,  and  the 
curfew  low  does  serve  some 
purpose.  Most  crimes  are  more  apt 
to  be  committed  later  in  the  night. 
But  the  majority  of  teen-agers  do 
stay  out  past  11:00  and  are  not 
riminols,  or  vandals,  or 

I  Curfew  law  obeyed 

The  police  deportment  crocked 
down  on  curfew  violators  o  few 
yeors  ago  when  Fort  Wayne's  youth 
was  involved  in  several  riotous 
events.  But  today,  becouse  of  the 
lock  of  man  power,  the  police 
department  has  relaxed  on  curfew 
violators.  For  how  long,  no  one  con 
soy,  but  OS  long  as  the  youth  is  not 
causing  trouble,  the  low  will  remain 

Teen-agers  wont  fo  be  treated  as 
responsible  citizens  of  the 
community,  and  as  long  as  rhey 
remain  out  of  trouble,  they  con,  and 
should,  be  treated  this  way.  Until, 
one  day,  possibly,  when  the  curfew 
law  will  be  abolished  entirely,  and 
no  longer  are  the  sireets  from  1  1 :00 
to  5:00  restricted  lo  those  persons 
over  eighteen.. 



J.A.  makes  It  happen 

As  componies  form  for  this  yeor's 
J-^nio,  Achievement  program 
oulstending  resuhs  ore  oppeoring  ,„ 
Ihe  number  of  EHS  students  getting 
involved  in  the  V^-VS  J.A.  progrom 
Mr.  Robert  Wells,  director  for  the  Allen 
Counv  J.A.  Center,  recently  stoted 
Ihot  o  lotol  of  239  Elmhurst  students 
hove  lOined  the  orgonizotion  this  yeor 

ANO  represenlGtlve  In  cafe 

Sgt.  Rumsey  from  the  Air  Notionol 
Guord  will  be  in  the  cofoterio  during 
'he  lunch  mods  lo  exploin  the 
workings  of  the  Air  Notionol  Guord  on 
Wednesdoy,  Oct.  23, 

Lettermen  elect 

Officers  for  this  year's  Leitermen's 
Club  were  elected  in  o  general 
meeting  held  Oct.  10  before  school. 
Chosen  os  1974-75  officers  were: 
Seniors  Ed  Peters,  president;  Mork 
Spears,  vice  president;  Dove  Boyer, 
sergeont-ot.orms;  and  Denise  Stem, 

Three  debaters  place 

EHS  debaters  plocing  m  o  debate 
workshop  and  practice  Student 
Congress  held  Saturday,  Sept.  28,  at 
the  Fort  Wayne  Indiono-Purdue 
extension  were  senior  Liz  Kerns,  first  in 
Senote;  iunior  Bev  Free,  second  in  the 
House  of  Representotives;  and  junior 
Mike  Engle,  fourth  in  Junior  Congress. 

Sophomores  to  undergo  tests 

Sophomores  will  be  taking  the  Lorge 
Thorndike  tests  first  and  second 
periods  the  mornings  of  Oct.  29  and  30. 
The  first  half  of  the  sophomore  class 
will  undergo  this  group  testing  the  29 
and  the  rest  of  the  class  on  the  30. 

Candy,  candle  sales  begin 

Afro  American  Club  members 
began  selling  candy  and  candles 
Mondoy,  Oct.  M  and  will  continue 
Iheir  soles  through  the  last  week  of  this 
month.  Candy  will  be  sold  for  $1.25 
ond  candles  for  $2.50.  Profits  will  help 
finance  the  group's  future  activities. 

Cheerleaders  sell  jackets 

During  all  lunch  mods  October  14 
through  17,  both  the  varsity  and 
reserve  cheerleaders  will  be  taking 
orders  from  those  wishing  to  purchase 
red  nylon  jackets  wilh  the  Trojan 
insignia  on  the  back,  A  $2.00  deposit 
is  required  at  the  lime  each  student 
orders  o  lockel  and  the  remaining 
amount  for  the  jacket,  $7.95,  will  be 
paid  of  the  time  of  delivery,  four  to  five 
weeks  later.  All  profits  from  this  sale 
will  go  to  the  cheerleading  fund. 

PSAT  tests  to  be  given 

PSAT  tests  will  be  administered  to  oil 
juniors  Tuesday  morning,  Oct.  22.  The 
PSAT's  are  preliminary  tests  lo  the 
SAT's  and  ore  given  with  the  purpose 
that  juniors  may  gel  an  idea  of  what 
the  SAT  tests  involve  os  to  the 
mechanics  of  these  tests  ond  the  types 
of  questions  asked. 

Pennies,  nickels 
ANYTHING  collected 

This  morning  members  of  AFS  will 
be  collecting  any  loose  change 
students  wish  to  donate.  The  profits  of 
this  newly  formed  "penny  day"  will 
be  used  to  finance  the  foreign 
exchange  program.  The  group  will 
continue  this  collection  on  a  bi-weekly 
basis  in  homerooms  in  on  attempt  to 
get  students  into  the  habit  of  giving  a 
few  cents  every  olher  week  to  the 
group's  cause. 



16  -  Sophomore  mothers'  breakfast 
16.  17,  18  -  Senior  and  faculty 
make-up  pictures 
22 -PSAT  tests  for  oil  juniors 
23  -  C.O.E.  parents  night 

24,  25 -Students  out  for 

Teacher's  Convention 

28  -  American  Education  Week 

Lorge  Thorndike  tests 
administered  10  all  sophomores 

29  -  PTA  Board  meeting  7:30 

•  I  Ad.i 



sleeping  bags 
prove  fb   be 




What  should  I  consider 
when  buying  a  sleeping 

Since  comping, 

bockpacking  and  partying  are 
three  of  Ihe  most  popular 
sports  in  America,  this  is  o 
pretty  good  question.  And 
because  you  can  expect  to 
spend  from  eight  to  250 
dollars,  you  could  probably 
consider  it  o  major  purchose, 
and  any  major  purchase  is 
worth  looking  into. 

The  question  you  hove  to 
ask  yourself  first  is  what 
you're  going  to  use  your 
sleeping  bag  for. 

Suppose  you  were  going 
comping.  If  you  were 
planning  some  serious  long- 
term  trips  you  would  probably 
wont  a  down  filled  bag.  These 
are  the  best  kind  made,  but 
they  are  also  the  most 

One  warning:  don't  pay  any 
attention  to  labels  or 
salesmen  who  tell  you  that  a 
certain  bag  will  keep  you 
warm  down  to  a  certain 
number  of  degrees.  The 
warmth  factor  of  your  body  is 
what's  important  here.  Also, 
the  chill  factor  is  often  much 
lower  than  a  thermometer 
may  read;  it  may  say  twenty 
degrees,  but  it  might  feel  like 

Generally,        the       same 
temperature    rules    hold    for 
bock-pocking;     however,     an 
important  thing  that  needs  to 
be    considered    here    is    the 
shape  of  the  bog.  Since  every 
ounce    of    weight    hos    to    be 
counted    for.    any    bog    that's 
going  to  cut  down  on  excess 
weight  and  space  is  going  to 
work     best.     Therefore,     you 
should  probably  think  about  a 
streamlined,  or  mummy  bag. 
Finally,    the    lost    category: 
partying.    If    you    like    to    gel 
away  for   the   weekend   with 
some  of  your  friends,  do  some 
not-so-serious      camping,      or 
just  want  something  to  throw 
in  the  back  of  your  von,  you 
can  probably  buy  yourself  on 
eight  dollar   fiber  filled   bog 
and  be   happy.  Of  course,    if 
you  wont  the  best  of  the  fiber 
filled  you  can  get  a  dacron 
bag  which  sells  for  around  35 
dollors.     Otherwise,     don't 
worry  too  much  unless  it  starts 
to  get  terribly  cold.   If  you're 
this     kind     of     camper     you 
probably     won't     get     much 
sleep  anyway. 

The  Advance  staff 
invites  students  to  request 
products  for  articles  or  ask 
questions  about  products 
relevant  to  them.  Requests 
and/or  questions  should  be 
brought  Into  the 

journalism  room  (108). 



Studenfs  name  outstanding  leaders; 
class  officers  given  responsibilities 

by  Kathy  Weber 

Class    elections    have    once    again      June  Willioms  and  Rolondo  Williams, 
taken   place.   This  year's  senior  class      Mott  Tyler  was  the  only  person  seeking 
officers    are    Keith    Bradtmiller    as     the  post  of  social  chairman, 
president   and    Cindy   Krouse   as   vice  Now  serving  as  the  sophomore  class 

president.  Claiming  the  post  of  president  is  Troi  Lee  with  the  help  of 
secretory-treasurer  is  Mark  Spears  and  Stephanie  Wolever  as  vice  president. 
Angela  Gensic  is  the  new  social  June  Williams  overcame  the 
chairman.  competition  for  secretary-treasurer     5^,^,0^  joEMORKfNANOSOPHOMORf  DfNN/SRAfJEYwe.eomongfhesfudenJjoisisting  in  fhe  AFS 

Juniors  held  their  campaign  and  Matt  Tyler  easily  won  the  election  poperdriveOct.  5.  The  toioi  profit  reached  Sl77.80forihe  entire  days  work. 
speeches  Oct.  8.  Running  for  president  for  social  choirmon. 
were  Mike  Engle,  Melissa  Hunter,  Les 
Novitsky,  and  Tom  Sonday,  The  only 
one  competing  for  secretory-treasurer 
was  Carole  Stanley  and  battling  for  the 
title  of  social  chairman  were  Claudia 
Johnson  and  Allen  Shaw. 

The  outcome  of  this  annual 
campaigning  competition  gave  the 
juniors  Melissa  Hunter  as  president 
with  Tom  Sonday  serving  as  vice 
president.  Carole  Stanley  was  elected 
to  the  office  of  secretary-treasurer  and 
the  title  of  social  chairman  was  won  by 
Cloudio  Johnson, 

Sophomores  elect 

Sophomores  also  are  in  the 
campaigning  mood.  Competing  for  the 
presidency  were  Scott  Bernhart,  Tod 
Huntley,  Troi  Lee,  Angela  Rhodus,  and 
Stephanie  Wolever.  In  competition  for 
the    role    of   secretary-treasurer   were 

Morgan  to    attend  Rotary   Club  luncheons 

Each    month   of   the   school    year  a  On    Oct.     14,    Ihe    ossemblage    of 

senior  is  picked  to  represent  Elmhurst  business            men,            executives, 

at  Ihe  Rotary  Club  as  a  junior  Rotorian.  professional    people,   politicians,   and 

The  junior  Rotarian  is  a  member  of  the  1^"'°''    Rotorians    heord    senatorial 

senior    doss    who     has    academic  candidate     Richard     Lugar.     Other 

interests    in   charitable   functions   and  scheduled  guests  include  Senator  Birch 

civic  leadership.  He  is  picked  by  Mr,  Bayh    on    Oct.    21    and    congressional 

Spencer,     the    senior    counselor    and  hopeful  Walter  Helmke  on  Oct.  28. 

holds  the  position  for  one  month.  "I'm  looking  forward  to  hearing  the 

This  year's  first  junior  Rotation  for  ^iews    of    Senator     Bayh    and    Stote 

October  is  Steve  Morgan.  Steve,  who  Senator  Helmke   in  addition   to   those 

was  vice  president  of  Student  Council  already  expressed   by  Mayor  Lugar," 

lost    year,   -attended    his    first    Rotary  said       Steve       about       his       Rotary 

meeting  on  Oct.  7.  He  said  Ihe  meeting  experience.    "This    alone    makes    the 

was   very    interesting   and    had   some  meetings  worthwhile." 

fine  speakers.  Steve  will  be  attending  Rotary  Club  was  started  in   1905  by 

meetings    of    the    club,    held    in    the  businessmen   ond   political   figures.    It 

Chamber  of  Commerce  building,  each  got  its  name^because,  when  the  club 

Monday  of  this  month.  was  first  established,  meeting  places 

had  to  be  rotated  omong  the  business 
places  of  members  because  they 
didn't  have  a  regular  meeting  place. 

One  of  the  interesting  rules  of  the 
club  is  that  there  is  no  member  of  ony 
club  chapter  in  competition  with  each 
other.  This  means  that  two  men  m  the 
some  line  of  business,  who  are  in 
competition  with  eoch  other,  cannot  be 
in  the  some  branch  of  the  club. 

The  Rotary  Club  is  very  active  in 
helping  fund  raising  or  chori table 
organizations,  such  as  the  United  Way. 
They  publicize  and  donate  to  many 
worthwhile  causes. 

Steve  adds  an  interesting  note  -  the 
Rotary  Club's  theme  song  is  sung  to  the 
same  tune  as  Elmhursfs  fight  song, 
"Anchors  Awoy." 

12  -  Edllorlol 


Wonder*!  new  album  shows  optimism 

by  Rick  Rrf  krn 

If  osked  to  describe  the  music  of 
Sfevie  Wonder's  new  album  in  one 
word,  the  word  would  hove  to  be 

Fulfritrngness'    Frrit    Finale    >s 

Stevie   Wonder's    lotest    optimistic 

offering,  II  is  the  culminotion  of  post 

albums  with  a  somewhat  new  theme, 

"Music  of  the  Mind"  was  on  extension 

of       Slevie's       own       personality, 

"Innervisrons"   took    a    long   look   ol 

humanity    and    society,    and    finally      show  his  piano  and  singing  abilities. 

"Fulfillingness'    First     Finale"    offers 

Life,  deof  h  and  God 

The  hope  theme  comes  out  clearly 
in  many  songs,  but  in  at  least  two 
there  ore  questions  obout  life,  death, 
and  God.  There  ore  only  two  songs  in 
which  Stevie  seems  to  have  his  old 
familiar  sound  of  "Superstition"  or 
"Living  in  the  City."  They  ore  "Boogie 
on  Reggae  Woman"  and  his  current 
single,  "You  Hoven't  Done  Nothin"', 
on  which  the  Jackson  5  also  sing.  The 
rest  of  the  album  is  devoted  to  more 
mellow  pieces  which  allow  Stevie  to 

faith  and  hope. 

The  music  on  this  album  is  very 
similar  to  other  Stevie  Wonder 
olbums  (they  almost  all  have  the 
same  sound),  but  it  is  o  little  less 
funky  and  a  bit  slower.  Stevie  seems 
to  be  able  (o  get  all  of  his  songs  to  be 
either  soft  and  melodic  or  fast  and 
funky.  His  voice  is  excellent  and  his 
musical  talent  is  tremendous  ...  it's 
just  that  each  new  olbum  seems  to  be 
a  continuation  of  previous  work. 
"Fulfillingness"  is  not  on  exception  to 
this,  but  the  similarity  is  insignificont. 
The  album  offers  a  message  which 
makes  it  different  from  any  other 
album.  It  is  Stevie  Wonder's  "First 

Stevie  Wonder  is  well  established. 
This  album  signifies  the  end  of  on  eta 

but  also  the  beginning  of  one. 
Hopefully  Stevie  will  broaden  his 
style  a  little  to  get  himself  out  of  that 
two-sound  song  rut.  If  he  does  not, 
then  the  next  album  will  sound  like 
this  one,  and  "I  nnervisions"  and 
"Music  of  My  Mind"  and  "Tolking 

"Fulfillingness'  First  Finale"  is 
really  a  good  album.  Stevie  Wonder 
has  reached  his  first  plateau.  It  is  a 
great  First  Fmole,  but  no  doubt  the 
best  is  yet  to  come. 

You  ask  for  one  word  to  describe 
Fulfillingness'  First  Finale? 

I  Groove  flick  excites 


Watch  out  Americal  This  film  may 
embarrass  you;  if  may  moke  you  sick. 
But  if  you  have  a  sense  of  humor, 
you'll  end  up  laughing  harder  than 
you  can  ever  remember. 

The  film,  "The  Groove  Tube,"  is  a 
collection  of  satirical  shorts  based  on 
TV  shows  everything  from  kiddie 

show      clowns      to      Gerifol      folks 
gallivanting  across  the  screen. 

The     film 
audiences;    v 

is     aimed     at     younger 
ith    most    of    the    jokes 

referring    to    drugs    or    sex    for    their 

The  film  is  technically  excellent.  The 
dialogue,  music,  film  technique,  and 
lighting  are  exact  copies  of  the  actual 
shows.  The  acting  is  good  and  very 
humorous.  The  stories  ore  imoginative 
ond  well  written. 

All  in  all  the  only  criticism  that  can 
be  made  is  that  it  is  made  exclusively 
for  teen-age  audiences.  So  get  your 
friends  together  and  catch  this  one 
It'll  do  great  things  to  your  head! 

^afren,  fmocCucecC 

AAoking  its  debut  here  at  Elmhurst 
yesterday  was  the  advanced  Spanish 
classes'  project  "De  Todo  un  Poco." 
Using  their  spare  time  to  produce  the 
newspaper,  the  dosses  feel  as  though 
they  hove  significantly  contributed  to 
the  cultural  educotion  of  ENS  students. 

The  poper  whose  name  means 
appropriately  "A  Little  of  Everything," 
will  be  issued  to  interested  members 
of  the  student  body  for  a  small 

"The  newspapers  will  be  completely 
in  Sponish,  informed  staff  member  Bev 
Free,  "and  will  include  editorials. 
news  items,  cultural  information, 
cortoons.  and  gossip." 

The  paper  will  be  distributed  on  the 
15th  of  each  month,  ond  members  of 
the  staff  will  rotate  several  of  the 
various  positions  so  everyone  will 
have  the  opportunity  to  experience 
several  newspaper  jobs. 

The  permanent  positions  include 
editors,  Nino  Morchese  and  Deonno 
Whitman,  artist.  Cathy  Cory  ond  Nancy 
Raney,  head  reporters  Bev  Free,  Paul 
Fronkewich  and  Juon  Vosquez; 
circu lotion  editor  Brendo  Ginder, 
reporters,  Juonito  Vasquez,  Morilynn 
Scherer,  Melito  Krieger,  Victoria 
Yborra,  Joe  Morken,  Cothy  Alexander, 
and  Sarah  Stewart. 

All  of  the  work  will  be  supervised  by 
Mrs.  Ofelio  Herrero,  and  profits  will  be 
donated  for  use  by  the  AFS  foreign 
exchonge  fund. 

r  PEfif  ORWfR  TED  HUNT  ENTERTAINS  Trojons  with  a  variefy  of  routines  from  an  impression  of  Lou<i  Armstrong  to  the  philosophical  'crossing  <> 

I  puddle  of  /ife'  of  the  Oct,  3  assembly 

Ted  Hunt  brings  performance  to  EHS  gym 

by  Leslie  Raymer 

A  song,  o  one-mon  skii,  o  poelic  recitolio 
impression,  ond  o  positive  oullook  on  life  -  ■ 
ore  ihe  ihings  ihol  moke  up  onlerloinef 

f^<.   Hut 

who  e 

entertained  Ihe  Trojon  ranks 
Thursdoy,  Ocl.  2,  woi  born  ond  raised  in  De'roit, 
Michigan,  ond  attributes  his  success  in  l.fe  solely 
to  whoi  Cooch  Herman  referred  to  os  PAW.  Mr 
Hunt  believes  in  himself.  He  believes  ihoi  when 
he  wos  introduced  lo  positive  thinking  30  yeors 
ago,  he  wos  exposed  to  one  of  the  greolesl  life 

"You  can't  go  onywhere  if  you  don'l  think 
you  con  do  ii"  he  stated  immediotely  after 
demonslroting  three  vofied  approoches  lo 
crossing  "the  mud  puddle  of  life",' 


Mr  Hum  has  appeared  on  Tti»  Ed  Sullivan 
Show,  Tha  Stave  Allan  Show,  before  iareign 
kings  and  queens,  and  former  President  Harry  S. 
Ttumon,     He    claims    lo    hove    been    lo    every 

country  on  eorlh  and  con  therefore  testify  ihol 
he  knows  America  is  ihe  greolest  country  of  oil. 

Prior  lo  his  decision  in  1970  to  lour  the  country 
OS  o  high  school  assembly  performer.  Mr.  Hunt 
hod  served  os  on  officer  in  the  Air  Force  ond 
held  various  other  jobs,  including  working  for  a 
period  OS  o  very  successful  insurance  salesman  - 
ihot  success  he  also  credits  to  PMA. 

Speaker  award  claimed 

In  1970  Mr.  Hunt  won  ihe  Worldwide 
tnlernationol  Speaker  Aword  which  was 
presented  to  him  in  Woshington,  D.C, 

Because  of  his  work  m  high  schools,  Mr,  Hunt 
hos  become  acquainted  with  a  very  large 
number  of  young  adults.  "Bosicolly  I  like  young 
people  very  much,"  he  stoles,  soying  further 
thai  "mony  older  people  hove  developed  fear 
of  Ihe  youth  ofound  them.  But  enjoying  each 
other,  well,  thofswhol  it's  all  oboul," 

With  teenoge  children  of  his  own,  Mr.  Hunt 
feels  especially  blessed  by  the  opporlunily  lo 

mare  fully  underslond  exactly  whot  goi 
ihe  minds  of  teenogers. 

Reollzing  potential 

Speoking  singularly  of  Elmhurst.  Mr.  Hunt  is 
impressed  by  the  enihus'osm  of  the  student 
body,  bul  reodily  sees  the  need  for  o  unified 
'winners  spirit'.  "Spirit  isn't  high  enough"  he 
emphasizes.  "When  I  walk  into  o  gymnosium,  I 
con  usually  estimate  pretly  closely  the  ratio  of 
wins  lo  tosses  in  ihe  school  athletic  situolion," 
He  thinks  every  school  can  develop  o  'winners 
spirit'  which  will  produce  team  victories. 

Although  he  has  been  offered  severol  oltier 
jobs,  contracts,  and  odvonced  commissions,  Ted 
Hunl  prefers  to  remoin  louring  as  a  youlh 
entertoiner  until  he  retires  permoner^lly, 

"We're  o  very  yOung  country  ■  only  200  yeors 
old,"  he  noted,  adding  "but  a  ver7  strong 
country,  I  would  like  to  conlribule  lo  making  the 
future  stronger  by  helping  our  young  people 
realize  their  potential," 

by  Betsy  Barber 

Robin  Hood  is  alive  and 
well  and  stealing  every 
archery  prize  around. 
Elmhurst's  expert  bowman, 
senior  Kanda  AAiller,  made  a 
trip  to  North  Vernon, 
Indiana,  on  Sept.  I ,  and 
returned  with  the  first  prize 
state  championship.  Finally, 
ofter  many  semi-finalist 
titles,  she  won  the  biggie. 

Kando  was  among  160 
participants  who  stuck 
through  three  days  of  sun  and 
rain  to  shoot  arrows  at 
various  targets  and  chalk  up 
points  towards  o  medal, 
patch  and  two-foot-toH 

If  you  haven't  figured  it 
out  by  now,  Kanda  is  very 
much  involved  in  archery.  A 
member  of  the  Allen  County 
Archers,  she  was  last  year's 
v/inner  of  the  NFAA  (National 

Paul  Stevens  sets 
new  harrier  record 

Kando  Mlllei 

Freestyle  Archery 

Association).  She  doesn't 
mess  around  with  any  bent 
slick  and  string.  The  bow  she 
uses  is  adorned  with 
measuring  gadgets, 
equalizing  poles  end  cost  her 
a  total  of  about  $1,0001  And 
if  that  doesn't  prove  she's 
into  archery,  how  many 
people  spend  three  to  four 
days  a  week  practicing  their 
shooting  skills  in  archery 
season  and  walk  around 
wearing  a  patch  that  says, 
"I'm  on  archery  nut?" 

Kondo's  dedication  led  her 
to  the  state  finals,  and 
ultimately  to  her  gool  of 

Paul  Stevens  set  a  new 
course  record  ot  Swinney 
Park  Sept.  19  with  a  iuf)»fb 
time  of  12  minutes,  19.8 
seconds  to  lead  the  harriers 
to  yel  another  win.  {The 
record  was  formerly  held  by 
Marshall  Grate  from  DeKolb 
who  ran  the  course  in  12:21.) 

Also  placing  in  the  meet 
wereTim  Lee,  3rd;  Bob  Levy, 
8th;  Rick  Knuth,  11th;  and 
Larry  Raber,  I4th. 

A  very  important  meet  on 
Sept.  26  should  have  decided 
who  will  take  City,  either 
Northrop  or  Elmhurst.  On 
Thursday,  Oct.  3,  at 
McMillen  Park,  the  harriers 
run  against  South  Side, 
Bishop  Luers,  and  Bishop 
Dwenger.  Saturday,  Oct.  5, 
they  travel  to  Manchester  for 
the  Manchester  Invitational. 
They  run  their  last  home 
meet  on  Oct.  10 


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Temporory  home  while  completing  new  building. 

lUPU  hosts  debate 

Recently  the  Indiana  -  Purdue 
University  extension  here  in  Fort 
Wayne  sponsored  a  debate  workshop 
for  debate  teams  in  Northern  Indiana. 

The  workshop  begon  with  a 
demonstrative  panel  discussion.  The 
panel,  consisting  of  four  community 
members,  discussed  this  year's  debate 
topic,  whether  federal  campaigns 
should  be  financed  by  the  public. 

The  panel  members  represented 
such  organizations  as  Common  Cause 
and  The  League  of  Women  Voters. 
Each  of  the  representatives  tried  to 
give  not  necessarily  their  own  opinion 
but  that  view  held  by  their  respective 
organization.  Afterward,  the  students 
had  the  opportunity  to  ask  questions. 

Next  on  the  agenda  was  a 
discussion  by  a  panel  consisting  of  3 
debate  coaches.  Each  coach  gave  a 
lecture  on  one  of  the  basic  three 
elements  in  debate:  research,  arguing 
the  affirmative,  and  arguing  the 

After  an  hour  long  break  for  lunch, 
'he  students  returned  for  a 
demonstration  debate  between  two 
different  varsity  teams.  After  the 
debate,  a  panel  of  three  judges  gave 
critiques  on  the  debate. 

"I  think  it  was  a  worthwhile 
experience  for  someone  who  has 
never  deboted  before."  stoted  one 
Elmhurst  attendant. 

NATIONAL  MERIT  COMMENDED  SCHOLARS  wilh  pnnc'pol  fiichord  Horstmeyer  ore  Cathy  Cory, 

John    Seobo/d,  and  Kevin  Young. 

Scholars  named  by  National  Merit    progrom 

Cast  progresses 

The  Elmtiursl  cosf  of  "My  Ttiree  Angels"  tios 
been  working  diligently  every  week  night  from 
6  to  9  p.m. 

With  four  weeks  remoining  before  the  Nov.  B 
opening  show,  the  cost  and  crew  ore 
progressing  ot  o  fovoroble  speed.  "The  cost  hos 
improved  o  lot,"  remarked  junior  Saroh  Stewart. 
"We  still  hove  some  growing  to  do,  bui  at  ihe 
fate  everything  is  going,  it  should  be  o  good 

In  the  normol  show  process,  ihe  Stoge  sets  ore 
usuolly  completed  one  week  before  opening 
night.  The  EHS  sioge  crew  has  been  working 
sleodily  ond  with  four  weeks  lo  go,  the  sets  ore 

Three  Elmhurst  seniors  were  recently 
recognized  as  Commended  Scholars 
by  the  National  Merit  Scholarship 

Principal  Richard  Horstmeyer 
announced  that  Cathy  Cory,  John 
Seabold  and  Kevin  Young  received 
letters  of  commendation. 

Explaining  the  commendation, 
guidance  counselor  Mr.  Douglass 
Spencer  said  that  "the  commendation 
simply  recognizes  the  fact  that  these 
students  did  outstandingly  well  but  not 
sufficient  to  qualify  for  the  semi- 

"However,"  he  added,  "it  should 
not  be  mistaken  thot  these  students 
necessarily     had     inferior     scores     to 

previous  Elmhurst  scholars.  Their 
scores  might  have  qualified  lost  year 
or  could  next  year,  Ifs  oil  a  matter  of 
national  competition  smce  Ihe  scores 
are  always  comparative." 

The  commendation  will  enhance  the 
student  probabilities  of  college 
acceptance  and  shows  that  they  will  be 
more  likely  to  be  sought  after  by 
colleges.  The  scores  will  be  sent  to  the 
schools  of  their  choices. 

Cathy,  John  and  Kevin  were  three  of 
38  thousand  recognized  scholars.  The 
38  thousand  were  port  of  over  I 
million  high  school  students  who  took 
their  PSAT  tests  last  October.  That 
seems  to  be  quite  on  achievement  for 
the  three  as  well  as  something  for 
Elmhurst  to  be  proud  of. 

"I'm  surprised  ol  how  for  olong  we  ore,  and 
we  still  hove  o  month  of  reheorsols  lefll"  sloted 
Nancy  Beodie.  "I  om  olso  hoppy  that  the  set  was 
put  upsoquickly." 

Ploy  ctioractets  ore  gerting  their  costumes 
stofted,  ond  ore  still  looking  for  props,  Oufing 
reheorsols,  they're  trying  lo  run  through  the  ploy 
without  scripts. 

As  o  publicity  venture,  the  cost  ond  crew  hove 
printed  up  T-shirls  odverlising  ihe  ploy.  Director 
Mr.  Don  Goss  porlicipoled  'n  ihis  siunl  by 
weoring  one  of  these  shirts  and  ceoled 
somewhal  of  o  misunderstanding,  Mr,  Goss's 
odverlisemeni  brought  wonder  in  the  foculty 
lounge  recently  when  somebody  asked  him  if 
"My  Three  Angels"  wos  o  bowling  teom. 

Reserve  grid  loses 

The       reserve       football       team       McCombs  ond  Nelson  Almond. 

Sophomore  John  Strfflerloon*  bi 

iacl(  lo  pais  for  the  Elmhurct  Reserve*. 


start  at 
North  Side 

Drawings  for  ihe  Fort  Wayne  tennis 
sectionals  were  held  on  Sept,  30  foi 
ihe  meet  taking  piece  at  North  Side 
beginning  this  evening. 

Coach  Robert  Horn  of  the  tennis 
team  says  that  Elmhurst  has  a  50-50 
chance,  depending  on  the  luck  of  the 
draw.  The  team's  record  so  for  is  2-8 
and  the  biggest  problem  that  faces 
Coach  Horn  is  inexperience. 

The  coach  also  explained  that 
Elmhurst's  own  courts  ore  not  likely 
to  be  ready  by  the  end  of  the  tennis 
season.  He  does  expect  them  lo  be 
completed  for  the  girls'  tennis  season 
next  spring,  and  for  use  by  the 
student  body. 

consisting      of       22       juniors      and 

sophomores  is  expecting  much 
improvement  during  the  four 
remaining  games  this  season. 

With  key  players  junior  Bill 
McCombs  and  sophomore  Doug  Pelz 
on  the  line,  plus  sophomore  running 
backs  John  Stiffler.  Nelson  Almond, 
and  Pot  Payton  there  could  be  much 
offensive  punch.  After  losses  to 
Northrop  22-0,  Luers  20-0,  and 
Harding  14-0,  Coach  Lambert 
expressed  much  hope  and  confidence 
in  his  offense. 

"Inexperience  is  our  big  problem 
now,"  said  Cooch  Lambert.  Only  (wo 
players   have  varsity  experience,    Bill 

Senior     Greg      Henhberger     returni      an 
importont  volley.  ■  photo  by  Mike  Duroy 

No  Injuries  so  far 

So  for  this  year  the  reserve  team 
has  been  injury  free.  Much  credii 
should  go  to  the  conditioning 
program  that  most  of  the  players 
participated  in  two  hours  daily  this 
summer,  soys  Coach  Lambert, 

The  reserve  team  has  hod  litllg 
backing  by  the  students  this  yeor, 
Porents  of  the  players  have  been  the 
backbone  of  the  rooting  section  so 

The  next  gome  will  be  Thursday 
Oct.  3,  when  they  will  take  on  Snider. 
T  he  game  will  be  awoy. 

Remaining  games  this  season  will 
be  against  Concordia  at  home,.Ocl. 
17,  South  Side  Oct  2^1,  and  at  home 
■t  Wayne  O 

Americans  Abroad  program  explained 

The  ideo  of  iperiding  □  yeor  or  o 
summer  in  the  home  ot  o  fomiiy  in  o 
foreign  counlry  con  seem  -  both 
foscinoling  ond  ffighlening.  And 
indeed,  ihe  Americon  Field  Service 
handles  ihe  pfojeci  seriously. 

Nearly  oil  ihe  octiviiies  of  ihe 
American  field  Service  center  oround 
the  necessities  of  the  AA,  Americans 
Abrood.  AA  is  on  orgonizolion 
monoging  a  progrorn  whereby 
Students  live  .n  other  counlries. 
Americon  Field  Service  chapters  musi 
meet  cerioin  cnlerio  before  o  student 
in  ihei'  oreo  may  loke  port  in  this 

Roqulromants  noceitory 

Firsi  of  oil.  no  member  of  ony  AFS 
chopter  moy  even  opply  unless  Ihoi 
chapter  housed  o  member  (rom 
onolher  country  the  previous  yeor. 
This  involves  noi  only  finding  o  home 
lo  loke  him  in,  but  picking  up  ihe  lob 
for  some  expenses  and  plonning 
various  ocliviliei  during  iheif  sioy. 

Second  of  oil,  on  AFS  chapter  hos  lo 
bo  pfepored  lo  raise  ond  poy  any 
omounl  of  the  tee  for  iheir  Americon 
Abrood  ihoi  connot  be  poid  (or  by 
himself  or  his  parents. 

Assuming  these  requiremenis  ore 
met,  Ihe  local  selection  commiitee 
begins  ihe  process  of  choosing  two 
oppliconis  from  their  chopter  lo  be 
considered  m  New  York  lo  help  fill 
the  1600  United  Stoles  plocemenis. 
The  commitlee  colls  o  meeting  for 
inleresled  students  ond  iheir  porenis. 




expe'tencesore  exploined. 

There  ore  two  moin  opportunities 
for  o  student  who  wishes  to 
porlicipole  in  AA.  There  is  a  summer 
program  Ihoi  losts  len  weeks,  and  a 
winier  program  which  involves  a 
yeor.  Within  these  two  groups  ore  two 
colegories  of  plocemeni  --  the 
northern  hemisphere  ond  ihe 
southern  hemisphere.  The  sludenl 
moy  choose  which  of  the  Iwo 
plocements  ond  which  of  the  Iwo 
progroms  he  prefers.  But  he  moy  nol 
indicate  which  of  the  50  possible 
countries  he  will  be  considered  for. 
He  must  be  reody  lo  occepi  any 
language  and  culture. 

Forms  prove  trying 

Then  the  students  who  hove  talked 
Over  Ihe  ideo  with  their  porents  ond 
ore  serious  oppliconis  contoct  Iheir 
AFS  sponsor.  This  begins  the  trying 
procedure  of  elimmoiion,  for  only  two 
opplicoirons  may  be  sent  lo  New 
York.  The  selection  commitlee 
conducts  interviews  wilh  ihe  sludenis 
and  goes  to  the  homes  o|  the  f  inolisls. 
With  difficulty,  they  moke  iheir 

The  two  sludenis  now  left  must  fill 
many  requirements.  They  must  be  o 
|unior  or  senior  ond  must  not  howe 
any  medicol  problems  Ihot 
necessitole  periodical  medicol 
oltenlion.  They  must  be  worm, 
flexible,    curious,    and    imoginoiiwe, 

to  go,  ihe  odvontoges  ore  mony. 
Countries  such  as  England,  Belgium. 
Nofwoy,  Chile,  Swilzerlond,  Germony 
and  Indonesia  ore  involved.  Itoly  hos 
on  orcheologicol  dig  and  Finlond  has 
outdoor  summer  schools.  Mony  ot  the 
countries  hove  work  comps  for 
community  protects.  Some  students 
otiend     overseas     boarding     ond     on 

The  tees  ore  S975  tor  the  summer 
program  ond  $1550  for  the  winier 
progrom.  The  money  includes  things 
such     OS     shelfer,     food,     round     'rip 

ond  hove  humor  ond  perseveronce. 
They  olso  must  be  willing  lo  fill  oul 
the  numerous  opplicotion  forms. 

Last  yeor  opplicont  Holly  Miller 
lamented  "I  couldn't  believe  oil  the 
forms  I  had  lo  fill  oul."  There  ore 
finonciol  reports,  forms  for  friends  lo 
fill  Oul,  forms  for  porents  to  fill  out, 
forms  for  leochers  lo  fjll  oul  and  forms 
for  Ihe  studeni  concerned  lo  fill  oul 
Holly  colled  the  process 
"nerve  wracking" 

Definite  advantages 

Bui  should  on  opplicont  be  chosen 

inlernotionol  oir  travel,  enrichmenl 
progroms,  tuiliort,  longuoge  progrom. 
counseling,  supervision,  medicol 
otiention,  ond  o  monthly  allowonce. 

According  to  o  pamphlet  put  out 
oboul  AFS,  "AFS  promotes 
understanding  on  self,  heightened 
sensitivity  lo  ihose  who  ore  differeni 
ond  increased  oworeness  of  Ihe 
forces  thai  shape  people  differenlly. 
Bui  most  of  all.  it  gives  on 
overwhelming  reolizotion  of  the 
oneness  of  mankind,  enriching  and 
|Oyous  ond  demc  .ding." 

Rain  fails  on  uialhers; 
causes  small  turn-out 

"Bui  there  are  only  170  people  here"  mooned  Mrs. 
Sherry  Poslich,  Execuiive  Director  of  the  Norlheosiern 
Indiana  Chapter  Nolionol  Foundation  -  March  of  Dimes, 

A  very  light  but  nonetheless  dreofy  roin  fell  outside 
St.  Albon's  Episcopal  church  losl  Saturday.  Oct.  12.  as  o 
trickle  of  ihe  Ft.  Woyne  populotion  begon  to  register  for 
o  chollenging  20  mile  walk  through  ihe  city's  northeost 

As  Ihe  sun  brightened  ihe  sky.  il  also  seemed  lo 
brighten  the  chances  for  o  successful  Wolk-A-Thon.  By 
on  hour  loter,  o  lotol  of  over  600  citizens  were  wolking 
the  Ft.  Woyne  route  for  ihe  Morch  of  Dimes,  The  money 
foiled  will  be  opplied  lo  birth  defect  prevention 
reseorch  ond  potieni  oid. 

Junior  Julie  Ross,  one  ot  severol  porliciponis  from 
Elmhutst,  commented  that  she  fell  greol  about  whot  she 

wos  doing,  but  "rollen  from  the  onkle  down," 

A  few  Elmhursl  students  who  were  unoble  to  walk 
ossisted  ot  the  checkpoints,  They  morked  walker 
mileoge  cords  ond  encouraged  those  who  needed  il 

AlmosI  every  wolker  finished  the  route,  including 
another  Elmhurst  junior,  Rebecca  Kreig.  Rebecca, 
whose  sisler  Barbie  Is  the  local  March  of  Dimes  poster 
chil(^  found   Ihe  20  miles  a  chollenging  but  reolistic 

Senior  Barb  Bowen,  who  provided  80  of  Ihe  total 
15,741  dollars  worth  of  pledges,  sold  "I  walked 
becouse  I  knew  I  was  doing  something  worlh  my  time. 
A  do/s  worth  of  energy  isn'l  much  to  give," 

Perhaps  the  involvement  of  iheseond  Ihe  mony  other 
porticipaling  Elmhursl  students  will  moke  definite  mark 
in  the  prevention  of  Birth  Defects, 

Gridders  face  defeat 
in  homecoming  game 

-1.      ■     _    \i :t.    ( il II  rtni/a    Iho    lfninht<t    the    h 

The  Trojan  Varsity  foolball         gave  the  Knights  the  ball  on 

team  met  the  Knights  of 
Bishop  Luers  in  the  finale  of 
ihe  1974  Homecoming 
festivities  last  Saturday  ond 
were  forced  to  accept  their 
fourth  straight  defeat  of  the 

Things     didn't     look     too 
promising  from  the  beginning 
OS  the  Knights  ran  the  opening 
kick-off  72  yards  and  the  only 
ihing   that  saved   the  Trojans 
wos  o   Bishop   Luers   clipping 
penalty  that  brought  the  play 
back.  The  Trojans  forced   the 
Knights  to  punt  which  they  did 
very   effectively.   The   Trojans 
had   to   start   on   their   own   3 
yard  line.  The  next  play  they 
were    pushed    bock    to   the    1 
yard  line  by  on  illegal  motion 
penalty.    Then    on    the    next 
ploy  junior  Tony  Green   took 
Ihe  hand  off  from  sophomore 
quarter    back    Brian    Russell 
and   was   caught   in    the   end 
zone  for  a   safety  and  a   2-0 
lead  for  the  Knights. 

Despite  the  safety  the 
Trojan  defense  dug  in  and 
held  the  Knights  from  any 
further  scoring  until  a  bod 
snap   on   on   attempted   punt 

the  Trojan  11  with  only 
seconds  remaining.  On  the 
next  ploy  the  Luers  offense 
capitalized  for  7  points  with 

Except        for        a        Luers 
touchdown    pass    the    second  * 
quarter  was  scoreless  and  the| 
contest  ended  15-0. 

The  next  opponent  for  Ihe 
Trojans  will  be  AAuncie  North 
otMuncie,  this  Friday. 


Bishop  Luers    Elmhurst 

First  Downs  W  6 

Rushing  yardage  176  58 

Passing  yardage  84  33 

Passes  5-B-O  3-9-0 

Fumbles  lost  2  1 

Punts  5-44  7-35 

Penalties  3-35  7-57 

o  Lueri  quortorboek. 




66T5  Blufflon  Rd. 

B&B  Ceramics 

2512    KroEmER    road 

FOBT    WftTNE.      INDIANA     AG0OB 

Phone   d32-2«l30 

ond  'hen  toward  fhe  camera  for  a  picture. 

Mofk  Hershberger's  molorcycle 

THE  SPEEDING  PACK  of  motorcycles  rounds  a  curve. 

Mark   enters 
cycle   races 

Bright  and  early  Sunday 
morning  junior  Mark 

Hershberger  is  usually  on  his 
way  to  another  motorcycle 

Mark  races  in  nearby  cities 
such  as  Avilla,  Cycle  Valley, 
Ohio,  and  other  Ohio  and 
Michigan  cities.  He  rides  a 
Hondo  Elsnore  125cc  and  has 
been  interested  in  racing  for 
about  two  years,  olthough 
Mark  noted,  "This  is  the  first 
year  I've  really  been  serious 
about  if.  Before  it  was  just  for 

There  are  two  kinds  of 
courses,  a  flat  or  dirt  track  and 
Mark's  favorite,  motocross, 
which  consists  of  jumps,  sharp 
corners,  mudholes,  bumps, 
and  basically  natural  terrain. 

To  prepare  for  a  race,  Mark 
cleans  his  equipment, 
changes  the  spork  plugs  and 
oil  after  each  race. 

An  average  of  thirty  people 
enter  a  race,  and  even  against 
so  much  competition,  Mark 
has  won  oboul  16  trophies. 

In  summing  up  his  feelings 
about  this  exciting  hobby  and 
his  competition,  Mark 
concluded,  "Everybody  has 
something  they  like  to  do  and 
I  guess  this  is  what  I  like." 

MAHICS  NUArtBfR  83  motes  o  (ump  during  a  race. 

AND  THEY'RE  OEFI  Pari  of  the  competing  fleet  is  pictured  breaking  away. 

^■!»..        .- 




by  Mlk«  Landrlgan 

The  last  two  years  our  cross  country  teoms  hove 

"bombed  out"  ...   the  teoms   just   couldn't   gel   it 

together.  T  here  were  one  or  two  excellent  runners, 

but    as    0    team    they    couldn't    and    didn't    beot 

Cross  country  is  a  sport  that  can  change  from 
year  to  yeor  and  our  team  has  mode  o  miraculous 
change.  Af  present  the  Trojan  runners  ore  serious 
contenders  for  the  city  championship. 

At  our  first  pep  session,  the  baseball,  footboll 
and  tennis  teom  members  were  oil  recognized  but 
it  seemed  as  though  the  cross  country  team  was 
left  out.  Moybe  it  was  just  an  oversight,  but  they  do 

deserve    something    for     the    pain,     hard     work.     Besides  Poul  Stevens,  the  only  seniors  ore  John  Cline 
diligence,  and  sweat  it  takes  to  be  successful.  and  Randy  Smith,  so  the  team  looks  strong  next  yeor 

The  team  is  led  by  senior  Paul  Stevens.  Paul  has 
run  2'/j  miles  in  12:19.8,  which  is  the  second  fastest 
time  in  the  slate.  He's  the  kind  of  runner  you  better 
remember  to  see  ot  the  starting  line,  because  once 
the  race  starts  all  you'll  see  again  is  his  heels. 

Sophomore  Tim  Lee  has  stepped  into  the  number 
two  slot.  Tim  had  on  outstanding  year  in  ninth  grade 
running  both  cross  country  and  track.  His  best  time  of 
12:55  is  on  outstanding  time  for  a  sophomore. 

The  rest  of  the  team  consists  of  juniors  Rick 
Knulh,  Lorry  Raber,  Denny  Kirklond,  Tom 
Kiermaier,  John  Nowlin,  Bill  Brown,  and  Bob  Levy. 

Mike's  Side 

loo,  T  he  sophomores  ore  Jim  Freygong,  Bob  Curls 
Chad  Cline,  ond  Mike  Ausderan, 

Cross  country  is  demanding,  not  only  on  Ihe  legs, 
lungs,  and  mind  of  the  runner,  but  olso  requires 
determination,  desire,  and  dedicotion.  The  teom 
started  practice  Aug,  12  at  Chain-O-Lokes  Stole 
Pork.  T  hey  ron  four  hours  a  day  for  o  weekl 

The  runners  hove  been  through  some  tough 
practices  so  they  could  represent  our  school.  There 
ore  people  who  haven't  seen  a  meet  or  been 
involved  in  a  meet  don't  know  what  the  runners  go 
through  and  can't  appreciate  the  hard  work  and 
agony  of  cross  country.  The  team  needs  these 
people's  Support  and  all  our  support,  so  go  and 
cheer  them  on  al  their  meets. 



Director  of  AdmUiloni 
Northwood  Institute 
Weit  Baden,  Ind.  47469 

Name  _ 


(First)  (Middle)  (Last) 

(Street)  (City) 

Full  Time 

One  or  Two 

Years  of 

.  Culinary  Arts 

(Stale)  ZIP  Hotel  and  Restaurant 


(Area  Code-Number)  Automotive 

School Grad.  Yr. Business  Management 

I  would  like  the  following  Information: 


After   school    activities   a 

Jazz  band 

ttieElmhufst  JdzzBand#l  hos  been 
on  integral  port  of  Elmtiursfs  music 
progrom  for  severol  yeors.  It  was 
originolly  formed  under  the  litie  of 
donee  bond,  ond  wos  designed  10 
give  students  on  opportunity  lo 
experience  onolher  medium  of  musk 

NEWLY  £L£CTED  OFFICERS  Of  tfTTEfi/MEN  gel  fogeiher  for  the  first  lime  following 
an  early  morning  meeting,  from  left  lo  righi:  preiideni  £d  Peiers,  sece'ory- 
Ireoiure'  Oen;se  Siein.  vice-president  Mark  Speors,  ond  seorgeoni-o'-orms  Dove 


OECA  wos  founded  in  1947  with  the 
purpose  of  developing  future  leoders 
in  the  fields  of  morketing, 
merctiondising  ond  dislribulion. 

DECA  ij  a  port  of  ihe  Distributive 
Educolion  program,  ond  ihe  club 
meets  about  once  every  two  weeks 
during  class  lime. 

The  DECA  sponsor.  Mr  Jomes 
Sctiroeder.  plans  to  hove  a  productive 
yeor  ihis  yeor  with  condy  soles  ond  a 
bonquel  ot  ihe  end  of  the  yeor. 

On  Oct,  e,  Ihe  DECA  Oiiliict  Three 
ond  Six  elections  were  held  ot  the 
Soulhlown  AAoll  Commumry  Hoil. 
juniors  Tom  Sondoy  and  Koiie  Royse 
ran  for  vice-preiideni  ond  secrelory 
respectively.  Boih  were  defeoled  by 
close  morgins- 


Y-Teens,  on  offiliote  of  the  YWCA, 
is  open  lo  ony  inieresled  girl  at 

The  moin  purpose  of  the  Y'Teens 
club  is  lo  provide  fun  ociivities  in 
community  service. 

Some  ot  the  mojof  pro|ects  ihoi  Ihe 
Y-Teens  undertake  onnuolly  ore  o 
Holloween  potty  lor  o  children's 
home,  the  Miss  Virginio  piOject  ol 
Christmas,  ond  o  porly  ol  ihe  Allen 
Counly  Heollh  Center  ol  Chrislmos. 

Many  sludenls  join  ihe  club 
because  they  ore  inieresled  in 
meeting  other  students  ond  helping 
other  people  Anyone  interesled  in  Y- 
Teens  should  meet  in  Miss  Highfill's 
room,  158,  the  firsi  and  ihird  Tuesday 
of  the  month. 


rs    of    \az2    band, 
!  concert   bond   is 

For     the     rr 

required.  These  musicions  ossume  o 
double  load,  practicing  both  concert 
ond  \azz  literature,  some  students 
leorning  and  ploying  two  or  more 

The  jazz  bond  meets  every  doy 
after  school  until  4:00  in  the  bond 
room.  Under  the  guidonce  ond 
direction  of  Mr.  Rondy  Brugh,  ihe 
bond  prepores  for  several  concerts 
ond  jozz  feslivols  during  the  yeor. 

This  yeor,  the  bond  will  perform  ot 
the  Foil  Pops  Concert  Nov.  13,  the 
Hobori  Jozz  Festivol  Nov.  30,  the 
NISBOVA  sloge  bond  ond  swing  choir 
contest,  Ihe  Elmhursl  Winter  Jozz 
Concert  Jon,  22,  the  All-Americon 
Jozz  Festivol  ol  Crown  Point  Feb.  22. 
the  EHS  Jozz  Feslivol  in  the  spring, 
ond  the  Notre  Dome  Jazz  Feslivol 
April  12. 

Why  oil  this  work  by  22  EHS 
Students?  They  like  JAZZI 

daily  afternoon  rehearsal. 

Tro|an  singers 

In  room  159  ofter  school  every  doy, 
you  con  heor  the  siroins  of  the  Troton 
Singers,  memorizing  music  to  sing  ot 
mony  different  places.  Before  school 
storied,  ihey  rehearsed  ol  o  summer 
bond  comp  in  Kenlucky  for  about 
eight  hours  o  day  for  six  days. 

The  Trojan  Singers  ore  a  select 
group  of  singers,  and  must  audition  lo 
get  in.  They  sing  mostly  jozz  and  some 
rock      mysic* 

One  of  Ihe  reosons  ihol  some  of  the 
Trojon  Singers  en|oy  being  in  the 
group  is  thai  it  gives  them  o  ehonce  to 
sing  with  some  of  the  more  lolenled 
music-makers  of  the  school.  They 
hove  sung  four  concerts  this  month 
ond  have  mony  more  lined  up  for  ihe 
next  month. 


The   Leitermen's   Club   is   o 
select  group.  Only  students  who  ho'^ 
received  iheir  letter  in  sports  moy  I* 

The  mo|or  projects  of  the  group  o" 
giving  the  Homecoming  Coui 
corsoges  and  the  Homecoming  Que£ 
roses,  A  second  function  is  presenii" 
corsages  to  the  cheerleoders  dW. 
Sectionals.  Since  oil  these  flowers  CO 
money,  the  club  also  has  o  moiej 
making  project  loter  in  ihe  year. 

During  iheir  first  meeting  on 
10,   officers  were  elected.  Senio 
Peters  was  elected  president,  seni^ 
Mork  Speors  wos  voted  vice  preside'' 
and  sergeonl-ol-orms  is  senio 
Boyer.   Senior   Denise   Stein   beca'^^ 
secretory- treasurer 


5CENt  PESICN    , 
"MY    TW.EE  ^N6ELS 



ct   wide   range    of  interest 



ost     people     thinli 

■neon  Field  Service  begon   as  o 
lo  enchonge  sludenis  between 

gn  countries.  Nopel 
the  AFS  begon  during  WWII  when  a 
nch  of  men  gol  together  to  form  on 
ifii  who  would  go  into  the  field  lo 
\p  the  wounded,  no  motler  what 
le  they  were  on.  The  club's  main 
rpose  todoy  is  lo  promote  world 

■ng    money    for    its    exchange 



n  ond  bringing  a  little 

'eign  culture  lo  Elmhorsl  ore  two 
imoryreosons  for  the  EHS  chapter  ; 
Tfiere  ofe  mony  reasons  why 
'dents  might  be  in  AFS.  They  might 
'0  be  exchonge  students  or 
°Vbe  they  want  to  be  in  on  the  fund 
l^ing  or  moybe  they  just  want  lo 


One  of  the  many  clubs-which  meets 
weekly  ol  Elmhursl  is  the  GAA  (Girl's 
Athletic   Associotion). 

The  GAA,  unlike  many  of  the  other 
ciubs  here  ol  Elmhurst,  has  no  closed 
membership.  Girls  may  join  anytime 
in  the  yeor,  but  the  dues  of  $1.00  ore 
olwoys  the  some,  regardless  of  when 
they  join.  The  money-moking  project 
"of  this  organizotion  is  the  selling  of 
Elmhurst  pennants  for  $1  00. 

Many  of  the  girls  who've  joined  this 
club  hove  joined  for  various  reosons, 
such  OS  participating  in  recreotionol 
sports  ond  the  enjoyment  of  informal 

Every  year  ihe  GAA  has  ot  least  four 
sports  parties.  Some  of  Ihe  sports 
parlies  m  post  years  hove  been 
bowhng,  horseback  riding,  miniolure 
golf     and     splash     parlies. 



The  Afro-American  club  is  bock  into 
Ihe  swing  of  things.  Starling  off  with 
the  coromel  apple  soles,  the  club  is 
now  planning  to  sell  condy,  and  is  (n 
the  process  of  planning  o  newspaper 

The  club  siorted  bock  in  1969  here 
ot  Elmhurst,  ond  is  supervised  by  Mrs, 
Sharon  Bonks.  The  Afro  Club  wos 
formed  to  broaden  students' 
knowledge  of  block  history  and  lo 
instill  o  personal  pride  in  the  students, 
and  help  them  reolize  block  roles  and 

To  reach  ibeir  goals,  the  Afro- 
Americon  Club  porlicipoles  in 
numerous  programs  and  oclivities 
through  Ihe  year.  They  sociolize  wilh 
other  clubs  in  locol  high  schools.  They 
travel  lo  higher  educolionol 
inslilulions  in  surrounding  oreos  in 
order  lo  understand  ond  enperience 
life  on  o  college  campus. 

The  club  members  receive  job 
coreer  enposure  through  discussions 
with  block  adults,  college  students, 
guidonce  personnel  ond  local  block 
sororities  ond  fraternities. 

Meetings  of  the  club  ore  on  the 
second  and  fourlh  Tuesdays  of  every 
monlh,  ol  2:45  in  room  130.  Dues  for 
the  year  ore  $2,00. 

MR.  At,  SCHMUTZ  DIRECTS  members  of 

Trojan   Singers   in   their  after  school 


CATHY  WHITE,  SEATED  CENTER,  lelh  parents  and  m 
group  oboui  her  experience  /iving  in  Belgium  las 
gathered  after  a  meeting  for  s'udenls  inferesfed  i 
program  af  AFS. 

jmbers  of  Ihe  adult  AFS 
year.  The  people  were 
Ihe  Americans  Abroad 


The  OEA  Club,  sponsored  by  Mrs. 
Nancy  Kelley.  is  o  foirly  young  club, 
founded  about  six  years  ago.  It  goes 
along  wilh  the  Co-operative  Office 
Education  progrom,  and  everyone  in 
COE  is  automatically  a  member. 

The  purpose  of  the  OEA  is  to  help 
develop  leadership  and  social  poise 
in  the  students.  The  club  sponsors 
social  ond  professionol  octivilies,  ond 
often  invites  professional  speokers. 

In  Ihe  spring,  contests  will  be  held 
on  the  regionol.  Slate,  and  nationol 
levels.  The  contests  will  be  in  typing, 
bookkeeping,  accounting,  and  other 
business-related  skills. 

This  year  the  club  plans  lo  attend 
the  notional  compelilion  in  Chicago. 

Forum  plub 

With  Ihe  job  of  promoling 
competitive  speech  in  Ihe  school  and 
helping  students  improve  their  poise 
and  speaking  obility,  the  Forum  Club 

Although    the    two    sections    meet 

together,    ihey    compete    separalely. 

Mr.  Robert  Stookey  sponsors 

the  solo  section  ond  Mr.  Robert  Slorey 

sponsors  the  debote  section. 

They  both  look  forward  lo  o 
prosperous  finonciol  year,  as  they 
hove  already  completed  o  condy  sole, 
ond  plan  to  sell  stationery,  hove  a  cor 
wash,  and  anything  else  they  can 
lo  moke  money.  Students   join  for 

many  reosons;  among  them  ore  to 
meet  people  from  other  schools, 
porental  influence,  and  to  win  owords 
and  recognition. 






GAA  elects  officers 

The  girls'  Athletic  association 
elected  their  1974-75  officers  Oct. 
10.  Serving  as  president  is  Teddy 
Stefanski.  Elected  vice  president 
was  Mary  Ludwig;  Secretary - 
Treasurer,  Lisa  KJosterman;  point 
keeper,  Deanna  Martin;  assistant 
point  keeper.  Anita  Boyer.  All 
except  Teddy  are  sophomores, 
Teddy  is  a  senior. 

Hearing  tests  administered 

Sophomores  will  undergo  hearing 
tests  Wednesday,  Thursday  and 
Friday,  Nov.  13,  14  and  15,  during 
their  English  classes. 

Nov.  1  -  Football  at  Wayne 

Student  Council  Spirit  Day 
Nov.  4-  PTA  Back-to-schooi  night 
Nov.  8  -  End  of  first  grade  period 

Play,  8  PM 

Underclass  make-up 

Nov.  9 -Play,  8  PM 
Nov.  11  -  Veterans  Day  -  No  School 

Club  releases  total  figure 

The  EHS  Forum  Club  announced 
today  that  sales  from  their  mid- 
October  candy  sales  totaled 
approximately  $150  with  still  a 
small  outstanding  amount  to  come 

Cheerleaders  announced  .that 
sales  totaled  40  jackets  for  their 
campaign.  Those  students  still 
wanting  to  order  a  jacket  should 
contact  Miss  Dietrich.  Jacket 
orders  need  to  be  placed  in  packages 
of  fifteen. 

ROTO  offers  aid 

CoUege  bound  seniors  still  looking 
for  sources  of  financial  aid  are 
reminded  by  the  guidance  office  to 
look  into  college  ROTC  programs. 
Over  1.000  ROTC  scholarships  will 
be  awarded  this  year,  applicable  in 
more  than  280  colleges  and 
universities  across  the  nation. 
Interested  students  are  encouraged 
to  see  their  guidance  counselor  for 
further  information. 

Band  plays  at  Kings 

The  EHS  jazz  band  entertained 
for  a  short  period  of  time  at  King's 
discount  store  in  Quimby  Village 
Wednesday,  Oct.  23.  The  group 
played  a  variety  of  their  selections 
and  looks  upon  the  venture  as  an 
easy  fund  raising  event.  Future 
public  engagements  are  not  yet 

Four  attend  meeting 

Seniors  Derek  Paris.  Mike 
Arnold.  Sandy  Demaree  and 
junior  Cindy  Ross  attended  the  first 
all-city  Student  Coxmcil  meeting 
Tuesday.  Oct.  15,  at  North  Side.  The 
council's  purpose  is  to  compare 
activities  and  share  constructive 
ideas  for  use  within  their  respective 
schools.  Mr.  J.  Webb  Horton  spoke 
to  the  group,  which  will  be  meeting 
on  a  monthly  basis  throughout  the 

Retakes  scheduled 

Senior  retakes  have  been 
rescheduled  for  November  20,  21, 
and  22.  Underclass  pictures  will  be 
taken  Nov.  8  for  those  juniors  and 
sophomores  who  were  absent  at  the 
earlier  dates. 

Clothing  band  drive  scheduled 

The  PTA  has  announced  its  plans 
for  the  annual  clothing  bank  drive- 
Beginning  Nov.  4,  the  drive  will  run 
through  the  15th.  Any  students 
wishing  to  contribute  to  the  drive 
will  find  receptacles  placed 
throughout  the  school. 

Gal  gridders  to  perform 

An  added  attraction  to  the  regular 
Ehnhurst  sports  season  will  be  the 
powderpuff  football  game.  The 
senior  girls  have  challenged  the 
junior  girls  to  a  game  of  flag  football 
to  be  played  on  the  Ehnhurst  field. 
Mike  Landrigan  is  coaching  the 
seniors;  Marty  Petit  and  Domingo 
Alvarez ,  the  juniors. 


.•  Advene. 

Publlihad  bl-HHklv  during 
Wsyna,  Indiana,  46B(I«.  In  eii 
TruilHi  ol  (»>•  Fort  Wayn*  Com 

h»  Khool  v*ar  by  tha  ■ 
ordanc*  «lth  Ih.  pollcl. 

and  guldallns 

rtl  High  School. 
tor  high  ichoa 

3ei9  Sandpalnl  Road.  Fori 
opp.oirod   by   ,ho   B«,rd  of 

SubHrlpllon  prl«  1,  HJOp,r,B( 


Sacsnd  clou  po 

Adve„„l-,o  ,io 

lag*  paid  o(  Fort 

Woyn*.  Indiana,  MSOl. 



Nancy  Beodio 




,      Mor,l,roSthe..-; 

Koth,  Webo..   MoityWille, 

9oHy5o'ba.   MoryRoop 





StovBM&^n   PhilGulmor 

Moriy  Petii  Hovin  Stephonon 

-Mil    JonoHoflmon 


Photo  editor 

10    Editorial 

Assigned  assembly  seats  rejected  by  student  body 

by  Marliynn  Scherer 

Lost  Ocl.  3  marked  the  date  of  what 
could  be  classified  as  a  failure.  Mr.  Ted 
Hunt  come  as  o  special  guest  to  the 
Elmhurst  gym  and  gave  on  excellent 

Unforlonalely.  the  response  of  the 
student  body  wos  lousy.  Attribute  it  to 
apathy  or  other  over-used,  classic 
arguments,  but  what  resulted  was  a 
wasted  hour  for  both  the  audience  and 
the  performer, 

"I  don't  think  we  should  have  to  sit 
in  Our  homerooms  during  assemblies," 
stated   junior  Cris  Evans,  "because   if 

it's  like  a  pep  session,  you  don't  feel 
like  yelling  if  you're  not  with  your 

Cris,  along  with  many  other 
Elmhurst  studenis,  feels  that  the  reason 
the  audience  response  is  so  low  at 
assemblies  is  simply  because  of 
homeroom  seating. 

Alphabetical  friends 

If  your  name  is  Joe  Smith,  and  your 
friends  happen  to  be  Carl  Smin  and 
Bob  Smiser  -  then  you're  m  luck  But 
friends  do  not  generally  congregate  m 
alphabetical  order. 

"i  don't  Ihink  it's  necessary  to  have 

'California  Split'  analyzes  gamblers 

by  Dave  Sllletto 

Gambling  -  have  you  ever 
wondered  whot  it  would  be  like  to 
win,  and  win  big?  Maybe,  at  4  a.m.,  as 
you  sal  half-dozed,  throwing  cords  off 
the  euchre  table?  If  you  have,  then  go 
see  Elliot  Gould  and  George  Segal  in 
"California  Split." 

Elliot  Gould  is  impressive  as  the  high 
spirited,  non-conformist,  professional 
gambler,  Segal  plays  the  more-or-less 
straight  man,  os  the  two  get 
themselves  in  and  out  of  tight 
situations.  The  two  actors  compliment 
each  other  very  well.  Their  friendship 
off-stage  shows  up  as  the  scenes 
between  them  come  to  life.  The  film 
hos  depth  because  of  the  creditable 

performonces  of  the  supporting  cast. 

The  plot  is  o  low-keyed  study  of  the 
relationship  of  two  gamblers  os  they 
deal  with  Lady  Luck.  The  pair  meet  at  a 
poker  table  and  have  quite  a  few 
drinks  afterwords.  This  begins  their 
friendship.  They  suddenly  begin  a 
winning  streak  which  eventually  nets 
them  over  eighty  thousand  dollars. 

The  movie  is  mainly  to  make  you 
lough,  but  there  is  a  little  more  meal  to 
chew  than  in  recent  successes  such  as 
"Blazing  Saddles."  Much  of  the  movie 
is  shot  on  locotion  at  racetracks  and 
casinos  featuring  large  crowds. 

If  you  want  a  lough,  and  to  see 
some  good  choracterizotions,  this 
movie  is  for  you!  Get  out  and  enjoy  it! 

assembly  seating,  "    remarked  junior  homerooms,  there  would  be  no  way  of 

Julie  Morken    "because  convocations  knowing    who    was    there    and    who 

are  like  a  break  from  everyday  school  wasn't     there,"     said     Miss     Sharon 

boredom   -   you   don't  really   relax    if  Dietrich. 

you're  not  with  your  friends." 

Of     course,     the     reason     for     the  ^^®    homeroom    seating    rule    may 

homeroom      seating      is      so      that  ^°''^  ^^^'^  °  90od   idea  -  but  in  the 

attendance  can  easily  be  token.  opinion    of   some,    it    has   resulted    in 

"If       ^,,     Ai^r^'t      u«.,=      (U»™       „  boring,  unresponsive  assemblies. 
It     you     didn  t     hove     ttiem     in 



Treat  yourself of 

J3235  Nof thJVnthonv   483-3213 
n  Lliiijiian        S^-^AT^TiW 
Getz  Road  43; 

speech    opens 

The  EHS  Solo  Speech  team 
competed  in  their  first  speech  meet 
of  the  season  Saturday,  Oct.  19, 
when  they  traveled  to  Southwood 
High  School  in  Wabash  for  a  meet 
sponsored  by  Howe  Military 

Ribbon  winners  from  this  day's 
efforts  were;  Karyn  Heiney,  second 
in  oratorical  declamation;  Tod 
Huntley,  second  in  boys'  extemp; 
Barb  Harman,  third  in  humor; 
Sheli  Winans,  fourth  in  poetry; 
Tom  Sonday.  fifth  in  boys'  extemp; 
and  Stephanie  Wolever,  fifth  in 
poetry.  All  of  these  winners  are 
members  of  the  EHS  Novice  team, 
who  received  a  fourth  place  trophy 
at  the  meet. 

Varsity  winners  at  this  meet 
were  Jira  McCleneghen.  a  fourth 
place  ribbon  for  his  humor  event; 
and  Mary  Freygang,  seventh  place 
in  oratorical  declamation. 

On  Saturday,  Oct,  25,  the 
Elmhurst  solo  speakers  attended 
their  second  meet  of  the  season. 
The  EHS  speakers  teamed 
together  to  win  sweepstakes 
trophies  in  both  the  varsity  and  the 
novice  division. 

Novice  speakers  ranking  in  the 
top  five  of  their  categories  were 
sophomores  Karyn  Heiney,  Scott 
Bemhart,  Susan  Taylor,  and  Jan 
Dowling.  Junior  Tom  Sonday  also 
tallied  for  the  novice. 

Varsity  speakers  placing  were 
seniors  Bev  Free  and  Mary 
Freygang.  and  junior  Nancy 

Williams    awarded 
citizenship   honor 

Pomm   Williams   wos   selecred   for  'f  Pomn 

thB     Doughrers     of     the     American  will    bo   e 

Revoluiiof.  (DAR)  Besr  Citizen  Co.MeM  "^^'d    All  exomino.i 
by  Ihe  EHS  faculty  and  senior  e 

does  well  on  iKis  test  she 
igible   tor    Ihe   Slate    OAR 

Oct.  9. 

intern  worthwhile  and  rewarding.  Here.  Phil  is  busy  handling  a  phone 
inquiry  at  the  City-County  Building.  As  a  senior.  Phil  was  chosen  over  all 
other  Trojan  candidates  for  this  position. 

Phil  Rockstroh  serves 
as  government  intern 

a  first-hand  experience.  " 

Phil's  job  is  to  read  books  on  how 
the  committee  meetings  should  be 
run,  and  observe  Owen  Donnelly 
and  several  other  board  members 
at  the  meetings. 

"I  think  it's  a  lot  of  fun,"  said 
Phil.  "It's  worthwhile  because  I'm 
learning  while  the  ideas  become 
results.  I  can  see  the  action." 

After  observation.  Phil  will  be 
required  to  write  up  a  report  on 
what  he  has  learned. 

"I'm  really  interested  in 
government  and  plan  to  become 
involved  with  it  later  on  in  life," 
elaborated  Phil. 

This  year,  senior  Phil  Rockstroh 
adds  to  his  extra-curricular 
activities  by  working  as  « 
government  intern. 

Phil  was  chosen  over  several 
other  Elmhurst  students  for  this 
position  by  Mr  Bunnell.  He 
represents  the  Trojans  at  regular 
meetings  of  the  Community 
Planning  and  Development  Board. 
The  committee  meets  on  the  eighth 
floor  of  the  City-County  Building. 

"I  think  the  purpose  behind 
these  internships,"  commented 
Phil,  'is  to  educate  the  students  on 
how  our  city  is  run  ■  and  give  them 

by  o  ponel  of  (udges  appointed  by  the 
Stale  Good  Citizens  cholrmon.  The 
Siote  Good  Citizen  then  enters  the 
notional  compolilion  for  a  $1,000 

■■When  1  look  ol  ihe  criteria  that  we 
were  giwen  to  consider  when  voting, 
and  realize  thai  people  associole  my 
nome  wilh  those  qualities,  it  mokes 
me  really  feel  proud,"  This  is  how 
Pamm  felt  about  being  iho  D.A.R. 
representative  from  Elmhurst, 

She  is  a  member  of  o  Junior 
AchievemenI  group  called  Amsco, 
sponsored  by  ihe  Muluol  Security  life 
Insuronce  Co,  They  moke  ond  sell 
sand  condles. 

She  hos  worked  ot  Rogers  in 
Oependobilily,  courlesy,  leadership  Woynedol©  for  one  year  and  hos 
ond  patriotism  were  the  four  quolilies  begun  loking  bollel  lessons, 
voters  were  asked  la  consider  in  Pomm  is  interested  in  o  career  as 
picking  the  one  senior  girl  for  the  gjiher  on  orchitecluol  droftswomen  or 
DAR.  on  occouniont.  After  her  senior  yeor 

The  Good  Citizen  Contest  is  limited  she  will  hove  hod  five  semesters  of 
lo  senior  girls  in  public  or  privole  drafting.  She  sold  she  would  like  lo 
accredited  high 

chools.  Pomm  will  be 
lolling  o  written  exominotion  nenf 
month  in  Mrs.  Anderson's  office  in  the 
presence  of  two  witnesses.  The  exom 
will  lake  approximately  three  hours 
ond  will  cover  American  history  ond 
civics  on  three  levels  -  locol,  stole, 
ond  national  --  and  will  require 
knowledge  of  current  evenis 

nd  either  Indiana  University  here 
in  Fort  Woyne  or  D.I. GTS. 

Besides  noming  o  first  plocB 
winner,  which  gets  a  $100 
Government  Bond,  ihe  judges  select 
2nd  ond  3rd  ploce  winners  who 
receive  cosh  owords.  Pomm  will 
receive  a  Good  Citizen  Certificate  of 
Award  at  the  Awards  Bonquel. 



This  week  I've  decided  to  bring 
some  jozi  olbums  to  light.  II  was 
suggested  thot  I  should  cover  more 
ihon  one  album  per  issue  and  I 
wanted  to  review  at  leost  one  or  two 
lozz  albums.  I  om  toking  this 
suggestion  and  >n  this  issue  t  hove 
picked  oul  three  new  or  recent  jazz 
Ip's  ihol  I  think  ore  noteworthy. 

CROSSWINDS  -  Billy  Cobham 

Since  the  break-up  of  ihe 
Mahovishnu  Orchestra  in  1973,  Billy 
Cobham  has  emerged  os  one  of  the 
finest,  fastest  drummers  ever. 
Everybody  knew  he  wos  good,  but  no 
one  enpected  the  music  that  come  out 
on  "Spectrum,"  his  firsi  olbum.  It  wos 
o  tremendous  success  and  it  gave  Billy 
Cobhom  the  sureness  he  needed  lo  go 
ahead  with  solo  work. 

Even  on  first  listening  "Crosswinds" 
is  unbelievable.  It  is  on  album  that 
constantly  moves.  II  changes  from 
slow,  eosy  melodies  to  pure  funk  to 
trumpet  and  trombone  solos,  orid 
finally  lo  ihe  incredible  drumming  of 
Billy  Cobham. 

The  musicianship  throughout  the 
album  is  extraordinary.  One  of  the 
best  tracks  on  the  record  is  "Flosh 
Flood."  It  contains  fiery  solos  by 
guitarist  John  Abercrombie  ond 
trumpet  player  Randy  Brecker. 
"Sovonnoh  the  Serene"  is  o  litlle 
mellower  ond  features  George  Duke 
on  keyboards.  Billy  Cobham, 
however,  is  the  reol  stot  of  ihe  album. 

.  The  drums  ore  fast  and  alwoys 
changing  and  the  liming  is  perfect. 

"Crosswinds"  has  no  flows.  It  is  o 
great  album  and  anyone  Inio  any  kind 
of  music  will  enjoy  it,  II  is  joiz  at  its 

BEFORE  ■  Return  lo  Forever 
featuring  Chkk  Corea 

The  long-awaited  follow  up  to 
"Hymn  of  the  Seventh  GoloKy"  hos 
arrived.  Chick  Corea  hos  long  been 
famous  OS  on  e»ceptionol  pianist. 
With  ihe  forming  of  Return  to  Forever 
ond  the  success  of  "71h  Galaxy"  he 
hos  become  one  of  ihe  most 
prominent  figures  on  ihe  jozz-rock 
scene.  The  only  personnel  change  in 
Return  to  Forever  is  Al  DiMeolo 
replacing  former  guitarist  Bill 

"Wfiere  hove  I  Known  You  Before" 
is  similar  lo  "Hymn  of  the  Seventh 
Goloxy"  in  mony  woys  but  it  Is  also 
more  diversified  and  improved. 
Return  to  forever  has  broadened  their 
style  o  little  and  the  music  is  now  less 
repetitious  ond  more  musical,  ' 

Corea  and  Dimeolo  provide  most  of 
Ihe  leads  but  the  bond  is  corried  b^ 
bossisi  Stanley  Clorke  and  drummer 
Lenny  White,  Clarke  solos  also,  but 
olong  wilh  While  they  Creole  the  • 
punch  thai  keeps  the  album  from 
turning  into  repeating  solos  that  go  on 
too  long, 
'       "Where  Hove  I  Known  You  Before" 

is  on  impressive  album.  It  shows  great 
group  loleni  and  great  individual 
talent.  It  seems  that  Chick  Corea  has 
finolly  formed  o  bond  thot  will  stoy  on 
top  for  o  long  lime.  Hopefully  Return 
to  Forever  will  continue  this  way  and 
produce  new  and  increosingly  better 
olbums  in  Ihe  future. 


After  listening  to  olbums  ihot 
feature  o  drummer  or  o  piano  player, 
you  may  wont  lo  heor  a  good  jazz 
album  featuring  everybody. 
"Mysterious  Traveller,"  Weolher 
Report's  lolesi  olbum  is  the  one  you 

Weather  Report  is  mode  up  of  six 
exceptionally  tolented  and  creolive 
musicions.  Almost  all  ore  groduotes 
of  the  Miles  Davis  bond  and  they  ore 
knownfor  their  obilily  to  improvise. 

The  album  hos  many  changes  ond 
covers  o  brood  range  of  sound  and 
style.  Much  ot  it  follows  Lotin  and 
African  rhythm  based  on  the  endless 
percussion  of  Dom  Um  Romoo.  Many 
of  the  songs  ore  highlighted  by 
Wayne  Shorler's  sok  solos  or  Josef 
Zowinul's  poino. 

"Mysterious  Traveller"  is  o 
complete  album.  To  quote  "Rolling 
Stone"  it  is  "a  triumph  of  feeling  over 
technology."  You  will  wont  lo  heor  il 
over  and  overogoin. 

Letter  to 
the  editor 

To  the  editor: 

There  seems  to  have  been  a 
receni  uproar  among  students 
about  ihe  issue  of  abortion.  It 
is  becoming  practically 
impossible  to  voice  an  opinion 
on  the  subject  v^ithout  being 
instantly  condemned  as  o 
murderer,  ultra-conservative, 
or  staunch  moralist. 

After  all  the  arguments,  the 
question  seems  to  boil  down 
to:  when  does  life  begin?  The 
pro-lifers  seem  to  agree  on 
the  moment  of  conception  as 
the  lime  when  life  begins.  The 
pro-obortionists  seem  to  hove 
varying  opiniorts,  among 
them,  at  three  months,  of 
birth,  or  when  the  brain  and 
heart  first  function. 

It  seems  that  the  pro-lifers 
try  to  make  a  scientific 
argument  out  of  a  basically 
philosophical  question.  It  also 
seems  rather  presumptuous 
that  they  should  moke  up  the 
rest  of  society's  mind. 
Certainly,  no  one  woman  has 
to  have  on  abortion,  but  by 
the-  some  right,  no  woman 
should  be  denied  one.  The 
question  should  remain  up  to 
the  individual. 


HOME  OF  THE  $5.00  PANT. 



Fire   Extinguishers     REFILLED 


is    Elmhurst    play;    cast 



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you've  got  ' 

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In  the  midst  of  Fort  Wayne's 
cold  November  weather,  a  tropical 
temperature  of  105  degrees  will 
register  on  the  Elmhm-st  stage. 

The  heat  will  be  reflected  in  the 
bamboo  set  pieces,  sandals  and 
lines  of  the  school  play,  "My  Three 

This  years  production  takes 
place  in  French  Guiana  in  1912.  It's 
Christmas  and  a  variety  of  visitors 
to  the  Ducotels'  shop  caiise  a 
commotion.  Snakes,  convicts  and 
wealthy  barons  make  arrivals. 

The  action  is  directed  by  Mr. 
Don  Goss  who  is  assisted  in  this 
job  by  Mrs,  Shelly  Wellington  and 
Miss  Jennifer  Manth.  Set 
construction  involved  the 
stagecraft  class  and  cast  members 
as  well  as  Mr.  Goss. 

Rehearsals  started  when 
auditions  ended  Sept-  15. 
Weekdays  from  6-9,  the  ten 
characters,  along  with  stage 
manager  Cindy  Roas  and  cuer  Julie 

Ross,  meet  on  the  stage.  Moj 
the  time  the  whole  play  ig , 
through.  Occasionally,  with  s[ 

and  repeats,  there  is  time  only 
two  of  the  three  acts. 

The  title  of  the  show  refers  to 
three  main  characters 
convicts.  Two  of  them 
murderers  and  one,  the  lead  i 
general  swindler.  Dave 
plays  this  part  of  Joseph.  Altha 
this  is  Dave's  first  experiencei 
acting,  it  is  certainly  not  hisfi 
involvement  with  theater.  He  I 
worked  light  and  backstage  q, 
for  shows  at  First  Presbyta 
Theater,  The  Little  Theater  t 
Purdue- Indiana  Theater  as  well 
at  Elmhurst,  These  have  incluj 
productions  such  as  "Delia 
Balance."  "Li'l  Abner," 
■'Gypsy.  ' 

Dave  decided  to  try  oiit  becae 
"I've  been  in  theater  for  a  yeari 
and  I  feit  I  was  ready  to  go 
stage.-    Dave    has    made    ot 


Morning  Madness'  brings  life  to  daily  announcements 

by  Sarah  Stowart 

Every  morning  ol  9:00,  "WerrY  Melodiei".  the 
tovofile  ending  sone  ftofn  "Looney  Tunes" 
corroons,  blosts  over  Snider's  lolefcom  ond  the 
siudenis  ond  foculiy  .eolize  pi's  lime  ro  si!  bock 
and  lislen  lo  ihe  onnouncemenls. 

Every  morning  ol  8:00.  Elmhurst  siudenis  drog 
ihemselves  inlq  firsi  pefiod  and  morning 
onnouncemenis,  which  ore  imporionl  lo  bolh  ihe 
srudenis  ond  rhe  focolry,  begin.  Bur  does  onyone 
really  lislen  lowbai  is  being  soid? 

This  is  o  problem  ihol  every  school  hos,  bui 
Snidef  hos  found  o  way  lo  moke  morning 
announcements  informing,  enteftaining.  ond 
mosi  of  oil ...  fun. 

Morning  onnouncemenis  ol  Snider,  known  os 
"Morning  Modness"  ore  done  by  five  students 
who  hove  donoled  iheit  first  period  lo  working 

on  this  five-mfnule  (ond  sometimes  len-mmu'e) 
morning  program. 

The  ideo  ot  "Morning  Madness"  wos 
developed  lost  April  by  Keith  Sluhlman  who  is 
now  a  senior  and  direciof  of  the  program.  Since 
lost  year,  "Morning  Madness"  has  gotten  bigger 
and  better.  Other  onnouncers  include:  Jeff 
Shurr,  Susan  Vonce,  Kevin  Johnson,  ond  Norman 
lindohl,  (Lindohl  will  take  o-4st  the  progrom 
when  Stuhlmon  groduoles.)  In  addition  to  'he 
announcers,  mony  other  students  hove  donoted 
iheif  first  periods  to  help  with  production. 

Reel-t&-reel  onnouncementi 

In  the  morning,  Stuhlmon  gets  ihe 
onnouncemenis  from  the  office,  sorts  them  out. 
and  ossigns  them  to  his  onnouncers.  Earlier,  they 
hove  taped  their  features.  They  dub  the 
onnouncemenis  and   the   features   all   on   one 



ed     over 

"MORNING  MADNESS"  STAFF  FROM  SNIDER  is  shown  pceporing  one  or  \t^tir  shows  for  tne  mc 
announcemenj.  teff  fo  right  oce  senior  Suson  Vonce.  junior  Kevin  Johnson,  seniors  Jeff  Shur 
Keith  S'uh/mon,  and  junior  Norman  tindohl.  Photo  by  Bruce  Hetrick/Smder. 


They  operate  from  o  room  thol  wasn't  used  for 
anything  last  year  and  has  since  been  converted 
into  o  studio.  Their  equipment  consists  of  record 
ployers.  lope  recorders,  videotape  machines, 
etc.  and  they  hove  recently  installed  a  sound 
board.  They  get  most  of  their  equipment  from 
the  audio  visual  dept.  They  hove  o  record  and 
sound  effects  librory  which  they  built  up 

After  the  formol  onnouncemenis  ore  over, 
they  reolly  hove  fun  with  the  feotures,  which 
could  be  anything  from  hamming  up  the  lunch 
lo  a  tour  of  the  school  for  the  sophomores 
{which  they  did  Ot  the  beginnmg  of  the  year,) 
Some  of  their  regulor  features  include  oll-Stor 
interviews  with  the  cooches  or  directors  of  the 
school's  sports  teams  or  clubs,  and  idiot 
interviews,  where  ihey  get  comments  on  a 
sub|ect  from  different  students  and  teachers. 

The  group  hos  received  very  few  complaints 
becouse  they  try  lo  interest  the  mojority;  as 
Stuhlmon  sloted,  "We've  got  to  pleose  75%  of 
the  people  every  doy," 

Local!  help  out 

The  TV  and  radio  stations  hove  proved  lo  be  o 
voluoble  source  ot  sound  effects  ond  features, 
ond  they  have  cobperoied  with  Snider  o  lot, 
"Morning  Madness"  gets  o  lot  ot  cartoon  music 
ond  commerciols  (like  ihe  "Nesbilt" 
commercial)  from  them, 

"Morning  Madness"  isn't  oil  tun;  it  tokes  a  lot 
of  work  and  o  couple  ot  troined  people, 
Stuhlmon  hos  his  DJ  license  and  hos  experience 
in  rodio-  and  television;  next  year's  director, 
Norman  Lindohl,  is  going  for  his  DJ  license  also. 

Snider's  program  seems  to  be  a  sound  one; 
both  the  students  and  the  foculty  enioy  this  little 

done  fay  seniors  Derek  Poi-is  ond  Mike  Arnola 
Photo      by     N\,ike    Duroy/Elmhurst. 

bit  of  whockiness  at  9:00. 

"Morning  Madness"  hos  helped  boost  school 
spirit  and  Stuhlmon  admits  that  Snider's 
adminislrolion  has  become  more  lenient.  A 
common  bond  has  developed  between  students 
ond  teachers  and  the  students  have  found 
something  to  pride  themselves  in. 


Smder's  morning 
other  schools  adop' 
Stuhlmon  comm. 
becouse  we  con  olw 

Elmhurst  hos  pie 
something  like  t 
department  wouldn 

classes  such  as  mos 
like  lo  try.  Providir 
with  a  program  like 
spirit,  pride,  eniertoi 
lot  of  fun. 

onnouncers  don't  object  to 
ing  a  program  such  as  theirs. 
•  nted,  "We  don't  objecl 
^ays  soy  we  hod  II  first." 
enfy  of  opportunity  lo  do 
this.  If  Ihe  audio-visuql 
'I  wont  lo  take  il  on,  moybe 
s  medio  or  slogecrott  might 
ig  Ihe  students  and  faculty 
this  also  provides  them  wllh 
inment,  good  feelings,  and  o 

at  Uncle  Henry  and  Paul,  played  by 
Juniors  Jeff  Sills  and  Dave  Archer. 
The  convict  doesn't  approve  of  the 
wealth  and  manners  of  the  two  men. 


played  by  Juniors  Tom  Young  and  Sarah 
Stewart,  put  some  warmth  Into  the  show 
Below:  "1  beg  your  pardon"  says  the 
lieutenant,  right  center,  acted  by  Junloi 
Kent  Gaskill.    The  three  convicts  cause 
more  confusion 

Left:  Marie 
Louise  places 
a  three  angels 
atop  the  fam- 
ily Christmas 
tree .    Junior 
Melissa  Hun- 
ter plays  the 
part.  Right: 
Marie  Louise 
faints  and  is 
assisted  by 
the  three 

Tennis  team 


by  Kevin  Lee 

The  Trojan  tennis  team  was 
defeated  4-1  by  Northrop 
Saturday,  Oct.  5,  in  the  annual 
tennis  sectional  tournament  at 
Harding  High  School. 

The  sectional  was  changed 
this  year  with  more  emphasis 
put  on  team  ploy.  The  team  as 
0  whole  had  to  win  or 
everyone  on  ihe  team  was  out 
of  the  sectionals.  This  is  what 
happened  to  the  Elmhurst 
tennis  team:  senior  Greg 
Hershberger,  the  number  one 
player  on  Ihe  team,  beat  his 
opponent,  but  even  though  he 
won,  he  could  not  go  on  in 
sectionals  becouse  the  team 

Individual  results  of  the 
tennis  sectional  were  Greg 
Hershberger  6-4,  6-4  over  Tim 
Burke;  Jim  Theye  was 
defeated  by  Brad  Oren  6-4,  6- 
1-  Stan  Sorgen  was  defeated 
■by  Mike  Beer  6-0,  6-1;  Ted 
Ornas  and  Tod  Huntley  were 
defeated  by  Tom  Sleckbeck 
and  Greg  Volliman  6-3,  6-1; 
George  Huber  and  Lynn 
Brown  were  defeated  by  Tim 
Speshyock  and  Dale  Trainer  6- 
0,  6-4. 

Coach  Horn  emphasized 
that  a  lack  of  experience  was 
the  main  reason  for  the  4-1 
setback  by  Northrop.  Of  the 
seven  players  only  Greg 
Hershberger,  Jim  Theye  and 
George  Huber  had  any 
playing  experience  before  the 
season  started  and 

Hershberger    was    the    only 
returning  letterman. 

Coach  Horn,  who  will  be 
returning  as  tennis  coach  next 
year,  said  that  he  enjoyed 
coaching  tennis.  He  felt  that 
his  own  inexperience  as  a 
coach  hurt  the  team  along 
with  having  no  tennis  courts. 
Looking  forward  to  next 
year,  Coach  Horn  stated, 
"With  eight  people  hoving 
experience  back  and  a 
change  of  strategy  concen- 
trating on  doubles,  we  are 
looking  forward  to  next 
season."  After  a  2-1 1  rebuild- 
ing season  with  wins  only 
against  South  Side  and 
Woyne,  the  Trojan  tennis  team 
wilt  have  all  winter  and 
summer  to  aim  toward  that 
third  week  in  August  when 
practice  will  stort  again. 

ABOVf       SOPHOMORES  TOD  HUNTLSY  AND  TED  ORNAS  leom  up  (o  form  fhe 
umber  one  doubles 
LEFT     KEVIN  LEE  TRIES  desperately  lo  refurn  o  volley. 
BELOW   -    GREG   HERSHBeRGEfi   RETURNS   a   volley   on   his   way   fo   winning 


■  ir'-'r-'mmp 

V-.(    *    t  *■-*-*■  ■*■ 


Dave  SlUettoi 
Joseph  is  re- 
proachful of 
Junior  Nancy 
Beadie's  com- 
ments and  act- 
ions as  Madaif; 

the  set.     Upper  left:  Junior  Larry  Daugherty  as  Jules 
lounges  in  a  chair  with  a  look  of  disbelief.     Upper 
right:  Joseph,  played  by  senior  Dave  Silletto,  speaks 
with  a  pompous  posture.    lower  left:  With  a  casual 
air,  senior  Jeff  Green,  playing  Alfred,  converses 
with  other  cast  members.    lower  right:  The  three 
convicts  prepare  to  exit  through  the  roof. 

All  photos  by 
Mike  Duray. 

Show  dates,   November  8,9,15,16. 
Curtain  at  8:00  PM    Price  $1  .50 

Daugherty  as  Jules  "pad  up". 

is  fourth 

continues  to  show  his  obihty 
as  Q  ^ross-country  champion. 
When  he  ran  a  12:05  on  the 
McMilten  Park  course,  he  set 
the  mark  for  the  fourth  best 
time  in  the  state. 

Stevens,  on  Sept.  26,  was 
the  individual  winner  at 
Shoaff  Pork.  Sophomore  Tim 
Lee  also  placed  seventh,  but 
in  a  losing  cause  to  Northrop, 
In  the  some  meet  the  horrjers 
beat  Dwenger  and  South  Side. 

On  Oct.  3,  Concordio 
slipped  by  the  Elmhurst 
runners  by  a  close  score  of  26- 
29.  But  Elmhurst  showed  their 
strength  by  decisively  beating 
Bishop  Luers,  North  Side,  New 
Haven  and  South  Side,  in  this 
meet,  Paul  Stevens  broke 
course     and     school     records 

with  his  amazing  12:05.  Tim 
Lee  placed  4th,  Bob  Levy  8th, 
and  Larry  Raber  1 4th, 

At  the  Monchesler 

invitational  the  team  finished 
tenth  out  of  seventeen  teams, 
but  did  so  without  the  help  of 
Stevens.  Paul  pulled  out  of  the 
race  with  minor  leg  injuries. 

;4%t  Cettten 

Cusfom    P/cfure    Framing 

411  WillsolSupghof 



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Mystery  prizes  redeemable  for  big  discounrs;  «iso  receive  ^ 

for  $  I  off  on  every  purchase.  Good  through  Halloween  and  following  weekend. 

N      SALE 

273 1  Gateway  Plaza,  Goshen  Road 
4922  South  Calhoun  Street 

ibers     vary   in    experience 

dilutions  to  "My  Three 
pgeL*'  besides  his  acting.  He 
(de  the  color  scheme,  helped 
gjgn  and  build  the  set,  and 
gned  the  illustration  being 
ited  on  play  posters,  shirts,  and 

Xhe  other  two  convicts  are  Jules. 
jayed  by  Larry  Dougherty,  and 
Mired,  portrayed  by  Jeff  Green. 
Larn'  appeared  in  a  performance  of 

A  Christmas  Carol'-  three  years 
^go  but  really  got  interested  in 
Ibeflter  this  year  because  this  play 
is  ■versatile"  and  "you  can  do  a  lot 
„th  it  Jeff  has  not  been  in  a  play 
,re  but  did  go  to  Europe  this 
summer  *ith  a  choral  group. 

e  three  convicts  spend 
tmas  at  the  home  of  the 
Ducotels'  who  consist  of  father  and 
shop  o^-ner  Felix,  played  by  Tom 
Ynurm.  mother  Emilie,  done  by 
Stewart;  and  daughter 
,-W,ri.  Louise,  acted  by  Melissa 

Tom  participated  in  a  9th  grade  ■ 
play  at  Kekionga.  Last  year  he  saw 
Elmhurst's  "The  Effects  of 
Gamma  Rays  on  Man  in  The  Moon 
Marigolds"  and  thought  it  might 
be  an  interesting  and^n  thing  to 
do,  Tom  predicts  the  play  will  go 
over  well. 

Sarah  played  the  lead  role  of 
Tillie  in  last  year's  play.  She  was 
also  in  "J.  B.  "  at  First 
Presbyterian  Theater.  Backstage 
she  has  worked  shows  at  Civic. 
First  Presbyterian  and  The  Little 
Theater,  such  as  "The  Typist  and 
the  Tiger,"  "King  and  I"  and  "L'il 

Melissa  was  another  player  in 
last  year's  play.  She  likes  "My 
Three  Angels"  better  however, 
because  'It's  funny  and  has  more 
people  in  it."  She  would  like  to  go 
into  other  theater  groups  when  she 
has  more  time. 

The  romance  in  the  play  comes 
between  Melissa  as  Marie  Louise 

and  Dave  Archer  as  Paul  Trochard. 
Paul  arrives  in  French  Guiana  with 
his  rich  Uncle  Henri  played  by  Jeff 
Sills.  Dave  was  in  his  ninth  grade 
play.  He  sees  theater  as  time 
consuming  but  he  likes  it.  Jeff 
appeared  in  some  plays  at  his 
church  and  says  he  generaUy  gets  a 
"Scrooge"  type  part.  As  for  other 
theaters  in  town,  Jeff  admires  the 
work  of  Purdue-Indiana  Theater. 

Two  other  characters  make  visits 
to  the  Ducotel  shop  --  Madame 
Parole,  played  by  Nancy  Beadie, 
and  a  lieutenant,  played  by  Kent 
GaskUl.  Nancy  worked  crew  on 
"You're  a  Good  Man  Charlie 
Brown"  at  First  Presbyterian 
Theater  and  has  attended  lots  of 
plays.  Kent  got  involved  in  the  play 
because  he  has  a  general  interest  in 

"My  Three  Angels"  unfolds  its 
story  to  the  pubbc  November  8,  9. 
15,  and  16.  Curtain  goes  up  at  8  for 
the  presale  price  of  SI  and  the  door 
price  of  $1.60. 

Watch  for  our  Grand  Opening 

'Be  ttie  best  dressed  in  your  class" 

Come  to 

Juniors  3-15 
Missey  6-16 

Open  Mon.-Thurs.  10-6       -J 

Friday  10-9 
Saturday  9-5 

Wayne  Plaza 
6011  BluftfonRood 

Temporary  home  while  completing  new  building. 

15 -Sport! 


Mike's  Side 

by  Mike  Landrlgan 

At  the  start  of  every  sports 
season,  teams  are  drilled  on 
basic  fundamentals  of  that 
sport.  Fundamentals  are 
stressed  right  on  up  to  the  pro 
ranks.  George  Allen,  Paul 
Brown.  Don  Shulo  and  Tom 
Landry  ore  four  well-knov^'n 
successful  pro  coaches  who 
hove  stressed  fundamentals  in 

Coach  Herman  has  stressed 
football  basics  but  there  have 
been  some  problems.  Usually, 
'he  older,  experienced 
players  have  been  taught  the 
different  techniques  of 
blocking,  tackling,  passing 
and  catching.  I  have  been  told 
thai  some  of  our  experienced 
people  are  now  being  taught 

FLOWERS  ...for 

the  basics  of  football- 
Looking  down  the  rosier, 
you  see  names  of  new 
sophomores,  juniors  and  a 
few  seniors.  In  reality,  this 
inexperienced  team  has  only 
been  "creamed"  by  Muncie 
North.  In  that  game  some  of 
the  players  were  seeing  their 
first  varsity  action. 

Injuries  have  really  plagued 
Elmhurst  this  year.  The  Trojans 
lost  a  valuable  lineman 
before  the  season  started  in 
senior  Jeff  Allen.  Jeff  was 
supposed  to  hove  a  real  shot 
at  All-City  honors.  Instead  Jeff 
has  been  watching  from  the 
side  lines. 

Sophomore  Doug  Peters 
was  injured  early  in  the  year. 
He  is  just  now  returning  to  the 

team  after  a  five-week  layoff. 
Doug  is  big  and  quick  and  a 

real  help  lo  the  defense. 

Sophomore  Tim  Beck  and 
senior  Lyie  Howard  were  hurt 
during  the  Luers  game  but  it  is 
hoped  they'll  be  able  to  return 
quickly.  In  the  same  gome, 
senior  Dove  Campbell 
sustained  a  leg  injury  and  he's 
out  for  the  rest  of  the  season. 

Mark  Spears  has  a  neck 
injury  that  will  affect  at  least 
one  other  sport.  Not  only  was 
Mark  valuable  to  our  football 
team  but  also  he  is  an 
excellent  wrestler.  During  the 
rumble  with  Luers,  Mark 
chipped  a  vertebrae.  He  won't 
play  football  any  more  this 
year.  The  doctor  also  said  he 
won't  be  able  to  wrestle. 

The  Trojan  team  has  had  an 
uphill  fight.  Support  their 
efforts.  It's  a  lot  easier  to  give 
100%  when  you're  playing  in 
front  of  stands  full  of 
screaming  backers.  The 
players  really  appreciate  your 
support.  Try  lo  be  in  ihe 
stadium  at  their  remaining 
ball  games. 


every   occasion... 



VISIT         OUR 



May  Stone  & 
Sand   Inc. 



10%     off    on    a 
dbten      rolls 
with     this     ad 

Expiration  date  Nou   3 

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7  DAYS  A  WEfK! 

Movie  ratings  discussed,  abortion  rebuked 

To  the  editor: 

I  feel  that  the  movie 
rating  system  is  outdated 
and  unfair.  These  are  the 
reasons  I  give  for  changing 
the  system. 

1.  The  ratings  are 
unreliable.  For  example, 
violent  movies  such  as 
"Bonnie,and  Clyde"  get  a 
"GP"  rating,  while, 
ironically,  underage  skinny 
dippers  in  "Woodstock" 
receive  an  "R"  rating. 

2.  A  distant  rating 
committee  decides  what  I 
should  see,  they  deprive  me 
of  my  individual  decision. 

3.  The  movie  raters  legally 
can  prevent  anyone  under  18 
from  seeing  certain  movies 
that  they  have  rated  "R" 

4.  I  am  mature  enough  to 
know  what  I  view  as 
acceptable;  I  have  my  own 
morals.  What  I  see  should 
be  an  individual  decision, 
not  one  that  others  make  for 

to  what  can  be  expected  in 
the  film.  My  main  point  is 
that  viewing  regulations 
regarding  age  be  dropped. 
This  would  allow  free, 
informed,  individual 
decisions,  without  forcing 
previous  judgments  on  the 

Dave  SiUetto 

To  the  editor: 

I  am  writing  in  response 
to  the  letter  to  the  editor  in 
the  last  issue.  The  young 
lady  seemed  to  think  that 
solid  facts  are  not  good  to 
use  as  evidence,  that 
philosophical  or  unprovable 
arguments  are  better  when 
talking  on  abortion.  I  was 
quite  surprised  by  this 
because  generally  we  pro- 
lifers  are  charged  with  not 
having  enough  facts. 

In  C.R.  's  letter  she  stated, 
"The       question       should 
remain        up        to        the 
individual."  We  all  can  kill 
5.  Movie  rating  laws  are     ^l  "^  ^^"^^^  ^^^^\'  PrO'lifers 
sporadically  enforced,  which 

points  toward  their  failure. 

In  conclusion,  I  would 
suggest  that  movie  ratings 
be  given  in  regard  to  sex  and 
violence.  I  feel  then,  that  the 

believe    that    abortion 
killing  a  beautiful,  innocent 


Most  people  aren't  aware 
of  the  types  of  abortions  and 
how  cruel  they  really  are.  In 

D   and   C,   the   fetus   is 

the  skin  of  the  fetus  is 
slowly  and  cruelly  burned 
off,  killing  the  infant.  The 
suction  abortion  sucks  the 
fetus  through  a  tube  tearing 
it  to  bits,  In  a  caesarian 
section  the  baby  is 
surgically  removed  from  the 
mother  and  thrown  into  a 
waste  basket  to  die. 

We  cannot  tell  the  future 
and  decide  if  a  person's  hfe 
will  be  too  miserable  to  live. 
We  can't  see  the  future, 

I  was  born  with  an 
exposed  bladder  and  several 
other   minor   abnormalities. 

My  parents  were  told  I 
wouldn't  live  long  and 
wouldn't  walk.  Today,  I  live 
a  norma]  life;  we  can't  tell 
what  is  in  the  future  and 
what  science  will  bring. 
Abortions  are  murder. 

Mike  Landrigan 

The  Advance  staff  invitet, 
students  and  teachers  to  exprefi>^ 
their  opinions  on  any  subject 
through  the  newspaper.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  (o 
review  all  material  before 
publication.  All  letters  should  bt 
brought    to    the   journalism    room 


letter  ratings  be  retained  to     chopped  to  shreds.  The  salt 
mform  mterested  parties  as    poisoning  abortion  is  when 




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n^nee-Uf^  tee  ^io4Ac6U  •■■ 

Troians  upset  South  in  overtime  tiiriiler 

by  Jim  McCleneghen 

After  a  startling  Trojan  upset 
Over  heavily  favored  South 
Side  the  Elmhurst  football 
team,  which  w/os  thought  by 
many  to  be  a  repeat  of  last 
year's  team,  now  has  an 
excellent  chance  at  the  SAC 
south  crown. 

The  Trojans,  now  1-1  in  the 
SAC,  are  tied  with  Bishop 
Luers   for    second    place    ond 

one  game  behind  South, 
which  now  sports  a  2-1  record. 
However,  there  is  still  one 
more  wrinkle  in  this  sudden 
race.  South  Side  has  no  more 
SAC  gomes  this  season  while 
the  Trojans  and  Bishop  Luers 
both  play  Wayne.  Luers  plays 
,the  Generals  on  Oct.  25  and 
then  on  Nov,  I.  Elmhurst  will 
meet  the  Generals  to  try  and 
boost  their  record  to  2-1 . 

"Be  th»  b«sr  drtuW  in  your 

CfpM^MOnr.-TB&rs.  10-6 
Friday  10-9 

Saturday  9-5 

Wayne,  Plazo 
^__[»ff'Pgrc^  honi«  whJl»  complaffng  n»w  huWdlr 

team's  321  yards,  could  not  be 
slopped.  Ed  averaged  111 
yards  per  try  as  he  supplied 
the  power  for  the  first  half, 
scoring  twice,  Tony  then  took 
over  the  second  half,  helped 
greatly  by  the  front  line  who 
opened  holes  like  they  never 
had  before.  Tony  scored  twice 
including  an  overtime 
touchdown  and  the  two  point 
conversion  which  won  the 
game  for  the  Trojans  and  put 
the  South  Side  grasp  on   the 

If  only  one  of  the  teams 
defeats  Wayne  putting  the 
division  into  a  two-way  tie, 
then  the  team  that  won  when 
those  two  teams  played  will 
be  the  south  representative  in 
the  SAC  playoff.  However  if 
both  teams  manage  to  get  by 
Wayne,  all  the  athletic 
directors  will  meet  and  vote 
on  which  of  the  three  teams 
will  represent  the  south  Nov. 
8.  Still  another  option  would 
be  if  neither  Luers  or  Elmhurst 

South  SAC  Race 


South  Side 2-1  3-; 

Elmhurs. 1-1  1-; 

hopLvers 1-1  4-: 

Wayne 0-1  2-^ 

beat  Woyne,  then  the 
Generols  would  be  2-1  and 
tied  with  the  Archers.  In  other 
words  a  two  way  tie  is 

Yet  after  lost  weekend's 
results  no  team  con  count  on  a 
sure  victory.  In  the  Trojans 
cose  the  brillant  running  of 
senior    Ed    Peters    and    junior 

Tony   Green,    which    with    the    rONV  GREEN  RRES  ACROSS  for  one  of  his  two  TD'i 
help  of  a  fired   up  front  line   boob  block.  Photo/ Alike Ouro/ 
combined  for  305  yards  of  the 

south  title  intoo  tailspin. 

The  Trojans'  remaining 
gomes  are  with  Homestead, 
North  Side,  and  Wayne,  But 
the  Elmhurst  hopes  of  winning 
a  division  title  also  depend  on 
the  result  of  the  Luers-Wayne 
contest  this  coming  week.  If 
the  Generals  can  defeat  Luers 
Oct.  25  and  the  Trojans  con 
defeat  Wayne,  the  Trojans  will 
hove  clinched  the  Southern 
division  because  of  their  upset 
of  South  Side  last  weekend. 

EdPelers  ihrtiv^ 


Wayne  game  for  all  the  marbles 

The  Trojan  football  team 
boosted  its  SAC  record  to  1- 
1  going  into  their  final  and 
most  important  game 
against  the  Wayne  Generals 
ihis  Friday  at  Wayne 

The  Generals,  beaten  last 
weekend  by  Luers,  are  now 
out  of  contention  for  the 
south  division  crown,  while 
South  Side  and  Bishop 
Luers  are  both  2-1  and 
waiting  for  the  results  of  the 
Elmhurst-Wayne  game  to 
see  who  will  represent  the 
south  part  of  the  city. 

The  Trojans  are  coming 
into  Friday's  game  after  a 
21-17  last  minute  thriller  at 
North  Side.  Senior  Reggie 
Hill  ran  for  touchdowns  in 
both  halves  to  lead  the 
Elmhurst  running   game. 

and  a  tough  defense  held 
North  to  only  7  points  in  the 
first  half. 

However,  the  second  half 
was  dominated  by  North 
Side.  Scoring  once  and 
adding  the  two  point 
conversion  brought  the 
score  to  21-15.  The  Trojan 
offense  failed  to  mount  a 
drive  and  were  forced  to  give 
up  the  ball.  North  Side  then 
marched  down  the  field  to 
the  Elmhurst  1-foot  line 
where  the  sticky  defense 
held  for  2  plays  in  a  row.  The 
offense  was  again  held  to 
little  or  no  yardage  and  on 
fourth  down  Brian  Russell 
intentionally  fell  in  the  end 
zone  for  a  safety,  thus 
giving  up  two  points  but 
also  giving  the  Trojans  a 
chance  to  kick  off  and  put 

the  ball  at  the  other  end  of 
the  field  with  Uttle  time 

All  in  all  the  whole  season 
comes  down  to  the  final 
game  with  Wayne.  If  the 
Generals  win  then  South 
Side  will  be  the  south 
champion  by  virtue  of 
beating  Luers  in  the  regular 
season.  If  Elmhurst  wins  all 
the  athletic  directors  will 
vnt^  for  the  champion. 


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REGGIE  HILL  IS  OFF  AND  RUNNING  against  North  . 
Trojans  win  21-17.       ^ 




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— Read— 

(Ehe  Justus - 

to  keep 


Trojans  are  Tri-SAC  eimnurst 

South  division  PHx/nnriP 

CH  All/1  PS  a  nuVK^l  l^C 

Vol.  35,  No.  6 

November  13, 1974 

The  girls'  voUeybal]  team,  coached  by  Mrs. 
Cathy  Russell,  has  been  practicing  diligently 
for  the  past  five  weeks  in  preparation  for  the 
upcoming  sectionals  Nov.  5,  6,  and  7  at  Wayne. 

The  team's  been  having  a  bit  of  bad  luck  and 
they've  been  up  against  some  of  the  top  teams 
in  the.^city.  Coach  Russell  is  hopeful  for  their 
remaining  games  though.  She  states  that  the 
potential  is  there  but  it's  hard  to  find  just  the 
right  combination  of  six  girls  who  will  work 
well  together. 

Right  combo  shows  up  at  Adams  CcDtral 

They  had  the  right  combo  Oct.  21  against 
Adams  Central,  whom  they  beat  easily  13-8 
and  15-6.  Unfortunately  they  lost  to 
Homestead  the  same  night  in  a  close  game. 
Still  Coach  Russell  says  the  team  knows  its 
skills  well  and  the  girls  are  really  "up"  for 
every  game.  Yet  the  team  experiences 
difficulty  when  up  against  strongly  aggressive 
teams  as  they  have  been  so  far. 

The  team  rallied  itself  several  times  as  seen 
by  the  Northrop  game.  Trojan  girls  suffered  a 
close  loss  after  playing  three  games.  Elmhurst 
lost  the  first  game  9-15.  rallied  to  win  the 
second  18-16.  and  then  lost  the  final  game  IS- 

Four  Trojan  starters  are  seniors 

The  six  starters  for  the  Trojans  are  seniors 
Sally  Hinton,  Marty  Kelly,  Bonnie  Carrion. 
and  Dede  Whitman,  with  juniors  Betty 
Carrion  and  Carol  Quance.  Coach  Russell  says 
the  seven  on  the  bench  are  of  equal  ability  but 
lack  of  experience  keeps  them  from  starting. 
She  is  really  enthusiastic  about  the 
sophomores  on  the  team  and  feels  that  it's 
going  to  be  a  solid  team  for  Elmhurst  in  the 





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New  procedure  tried 

Programming  for  next  semester 
and  credit  evaluations  began  in 
homerooms  Nov.  7  and  will  continue 
through  Nov.  20.  In  past  years  this 
task  has  been  completed  by 
guidance  counselors,  but  will  now  be 
the  responsibility  of  homeroom 
teachers.  Commenting  on  this  new 
procedure,  Mrs.  Anderson 
suggested,  "This  new  procedure  will 
hopefully  eliminate  all  of  the 
confusion  in  the  guidance 

Musicians  to  perform 

Elmhurst's  Concert  Band,  Jazz 
Band,  and  Trojan  Singers  will 
perform  at  this  year's  Pops  Concert. 
This  performance,  open  to  the 
public,  will  be  at  7:30  p.m.,  Nov.  20. 
in  the  gymnasium.  A  small  charge 
will  be  collected  with  all  proceeds 
going  to  the  music  department. 

Officers  elected 

Y-Teen  officers  for  this  year  were 
elected  during  a  general  meeting 
Monday,  Oct.  27.  Chosen  were: 
Holly  Miller,  president;  Barb 
Bowen,  vice  president;  Beth  Hams, 
secretary-treasurer;  and  Debbie 
Janson,  devotions  leader. 

Jazzers  play  at  PJH 

Elmhurst's  busy  Jazz  Band 
entertained  the  students  of  Portage 
Junior  High  sixth  period, 
Wednesday.  Oct.  30. 

FREE  program  open  to  the  public 

Career  planning  was  the  purpose 
of  a  program  last  night  at  Wayne 
High  School.  Sponsored  by  FWCS, 
representatives  from  colleges, 
technical  schools,  and  several 
professions  were  at  the  high  school 
discussing  careers  and  what  their 
background  has  to  offer  high  school 
students  after  graduation.  Tonight, 
this  program  will  be  presented,  free, 
to  the  public  at  Snider  High  School. 

Counselor  serves  sixth 

In  the  local  elections  Nov.  5, 
guidance  counselor  John  Sinks  was 
re-elected  tp  his  sixth  consecutive 
term  as  state  representative  from 
the  tenth  district.  The  Republican 
politiciaui  was  first  elected  in  1964. 
Mr.  Sinks  won  one  of  three 
representative  posts. 

Pennants  on  sale 

Pennants  with  the  letters 
Elmhurst  £md  the  Trojan  insignia 
are  now  on  sale  and  may  be 
purchased  from  any  GAA  member 
or  Mrs.  Doswell,  the  club's  sponsor. 
The  pennants  cost  only  one  dollar,  a 
price  that  has  not  increased  in  three 

Jr.  Rotarian  announced 

Senior  Reggie  Hill  has  been 
chosen  by  Mr.  William  Geyer.  dean 
of  boys,  as  Junior  Rotarian  for  the 
month  of  November.  Reggie  will 
attend  luncheons  each  Monday  of 
this  month  at  the  Rotary  Club. 



14     Grade  cards  issued 
15,16     "My  Three  Angels" 
18     Book  Fair  begins 

Pops  Concert  7: 30  p.m. 
Activity  pictures  taken 
Book  Fair  ends 
Student  Council  Arcade 

Seminar  conducted 

Mr.  Don  Price  from  New  York 
City  was  featured  in  front  of  ten 
English  classes  at  a  third  period 
seminar  Nov.  5.  The  cast  from  "My 
Three  Angels"  presented  cuts  from 
the  play,  and  afterward  discussed 
their  acting  parts  with  Mr.  Price. 

Ccmdy  again  sold 

DECA  Club  is  now  selling  the 
famous  M  &  M's  and  Crunch  Bars 
sure  to  cure  everyone's  munchies. 
The  M  &  M  's  are  fifty  cents  and  the 
Super  Crunch  and  Heath  bars  are 
sixty  cents.  The  candy  may  be 
bought  from  any  DECA  member  or 
in  Room  217. 





irdaiK*  wUh  •!>•  P* 

yMr,  3SCp»rilr>gl* 

h  tchool.  SI3*  % 

strikes  at  Penny 


AFS  announces  choices  for 
international  study  program 

StueCe*a  CMttcd  fr()!^*t«u*t^  ea^Mwai 

Seniors  Pat  Prader  and  Lesbe  Raymer 
were  chosen  by  a  committee  of  nine,  as 
possible  exchange  students  through  the 
Americans  Abroad  Program  (A. A).  The 
committee  consisted  of  members  of  the  adult 
AFS  club  and  one  from  the  student  club. 

The  A.A.  program  is  designed  to  enable 
students  to  spend  either  a  three  or  a  nine- 
month  period  in  a  foreign  country-  The 
students  live  as  members  of  a  family  and 
community,  participating  in  that  country's 
culture.  They  have  responsibilities,  friends, 
and  family  life. 

Both  girls  will  have  their  names  and  their 
many  forms  sent  to  New  York,  After  further 
examination,  the  Americans  Abroad 
program  will  advise  them  whether  or  not 
their  applications  have  been  accepted. 

Pat  and  Leslie  are  not  competing  with  each 
other.  They  are  among  a  group  of  students 
from  the  entire  United  States  who  are 
applying  for  a  place  in  the  program. 

Both  agree  on  toughest  question 

The  question  asked  by  the  committee 
which  both  Pat  and  Leslie  agreed  was  the 
toughest  was,  "Why  should  we  pick  you 
instead  of  the  others?  Why  do  you  feel  you're 
more  qualified?  " 

"I  waa  extremely  nervoua-I  was  thinking 

that  my  whole  future  depended  on  this 
interview,"  commented  Pat.  She  also  said 
that  she  really  couldn't  bebeve  she  was 
chosen  adding  she  was  afraid  that  any 
minute  they  would  say  they  were  "just 
kidding.  " 

When  asked  where  she  would  like  to  go, 
Leslie  said.  "Anywhere  they  send  me  will  be 
fine-  I  don't  really  think  the  specific  country 
will  make  much  difference  in  the  experience 
from  an  overall  view." 

Family  and  friends  interviewed 

Both  of  their  families  were  interviewed  on 
Nov.  6  by  members  of  the  committee.  In 
addition,  both  girls  must  have  personal 
relationship  applications  completed  by 
family  and  friends. 

Pat.  who  is  president  of  the  Elmhurst 
chapter  of  AFS,  plans  to  attend  LU.Fort 
Wayne,  majoring  in  accounting.  She  would 
like  to  remain  active  in  AFS  through  the 
adult  chapter. 

Leslie,  also  planning  to  attend  college,  is  in 
hopes  of  attending  Purdue  University  in 
Lafayette.  "I  want  to  major  in  biological 
sciences  and  get  into  genetics.  I  have  the  job 
I  want  all  figured  out.  Now  all  I  have  to  do  is 
learn  how  to  do  it  and  find  someplace  that 
wants  me,"  she  commented. 

■It'll  really  be  a  great  thing  to  do 
with  your  Saturday,"  commented 
student  council  president  senior 
Derek  Paris  about  the  upcoming 
"Elmhurst  first  annual  post-football 
season,  pre-basketball  season,  city- 
wide,  everybody  welcome,  Vail 
come  carnival." 

"I  hope  to  involve  the  entire 
student  body,"  Derek  began, 
continuing,  "Although  Elmhurst 
students  are  putting  it  together, 
many  other  area  student  councils 
will  be  making  booths  and  hopefully 
attendance  will  include  many 
students    other    than    those    from 


Aside  from  the  area  student 
councils,  many  Elmhurst 

organizations  are  planning  booths. 
The  ideas  range  in  activities  from 
Dart  Throws  and  Duck  Ponds  to  the 
Dunking  Tank  and  pie  throw  (which 
will  provide  targets  such  as  none 
other  than  Principal  Horstmeyer 
and  Mr.  Miller). 

' 'The  object  of  the  carnival. ' ' 
stated  Derek,  "is  really  to  provide  a 
good  time."  The  student  council  is 
merely  acting  as  the  organizing 
force  behind  the  groups  which  will 
be  trying  to  make  some  money 
through  the  carnival. 

"I  think  it's  going  to  go  vary 
well,"  commented  senior  Greg 
Hershberger.  "The  Quill  and  Scroll 
spook  house  will  probably  be  one  of 
the  more  exciting  events." 

The  jazz  band,"  informed  Bob 
Cross,  "will  be  playing  for  two  half- 
hour  periods  throughout  the 

Tickets  will  be  sold  at  a  set  price 
presale  and  at  the  door.  There  will 
also  be  a  small  door  fee  collected. 
Booths  will  be  set  up  in  the  English 
hall,  cafeteria  and  the  publications 

"Prizes  will  be  things  that  are 
worth  winning,"  reported  president 
Paris.  Plans  now  include  prizes 
varying  from  32-oz.  coke  to  stuffed 

In  addition  to  all  the  other 
activities,  the  night  of  the  carnival 
will  see  the  crowning  of  the  "Queen 
of  the  carnival."  The  girl  with  the 
most  pennies  will  be  entitled  to 
claim  this  title  and  will  be  crowned 
late  in  the  evening.  Girls  are 
welcome  to  start  collecting  pennies 
any  time  and  are  reminded  that 
student  council  will  receive  the 
benefits  from  the  contest. 

"It's  really  hoped  the  clubs  are  as 
enthusiastic  about  this  as  student 
council  is,"  commented  junior 
Marty  Miller.  "Time  is  really  at  a 
premium  and  the  amount  of  work 
that  goes  into  this  will  be  reflected 
in  the  success  of  the  evening. 

Doors    will    open    at    7:30    on . 
Saturday    evening,    Nov.    23,    and 
activities      will      conclude      at 
approximately  11  p.m. 

The  girls'  volleyball  team,  coached  by  Mrs. 
Cathy  Russell,  has  been  practicing  diligently 
for  the  past  five  weeks  in  preparation  for  the 
upcoming  sectionals  Nov.  5.  6,  and  7  at  Wavne.     I 

The  team's  been  having  a  bii 
they've  been  up  against  some 
in  the  city.  Coach  Russell  is  1 
remaining  games  though.  She 
potential  is  there  but  it's  hard 
right  combination  of  six  girls 
well  together. 

Right  combo  shows  up  at  Adan 

They  had  the  right  combo 
Adams  Central,  whom  they  I 
and  15-6.  Unfortunately 
Homestead  the  same  night  ir 
Still  Coach  Russell  says  the  I 
skills  well  and  the  girls  are  i 
every  game.  Yet  the  teai 
difficulty  when  up  against  stro. 
teams  as  they  have  been  so  far. 
The  team  raUied  itself  seven 
by  the  Northrop  game.  Trojan 
close  loss  after  playing  three  g£ 
lost  the  first  game  9-16,  ralL 
second  18-16,  and  then  lost  the 

Four  Trojan  starters  are  seoiori 
The  six  starters  for  the  Troj 
Sally  Hinton,  Marty  Kelly,  I 
and    Dede    Whitman,    with 
Carrion  and  Carol  Quance.  Coa 
the  seven  on  the  bench  are  of  e< 
lack  of  experience  keeps  them 
She     is     really     enthusiastic     aoouc     cne 
sophomores  on  the  team  and  feels  that  it's 
going  to  be  a  solid  team  for  Elmhurst  in  the 









New  procedure  tried 

Programming  for  next  semester 
and  credit  evaluations  began  in 
homerooms  Nov.  7  and  will  continue 
through  Nov.  20.  In  past  years  this 
task  has  been  completed  by 
guidance  counselors,  but  will  now  be 
the  responsibility  of  homeroom 
teachers,  Commenting  on  this  new 
procedure,  Mrs.  Anderson 
suggested.  "This  new  procedure  will 
hopefully  eliminate  all  of  the 
confusion  in  the  guidance 

Musicians  to  perform 

Elmhurst's  Concert  Band,  Jazz 
Band,  and  Trojan  Singers  will 
perform  at  this  year's  Pops  Concert. 
This  performance,  open  to  the 
public,  will  be  at  7:30  p.m.,  Nov,  20, 
in  the  gymnasium.  A  small  charge 
will  be  collected  with  all  proceeds 
going  to  the  music  department. 

Seminar  conducted 

Mr.  Don  Price  from  New  York 
City  was  featured  in  front  of  ten 
EngUsh  classes  at  a  third  period 
seminar  Nov.  5.  The  cast  from  "My 
Three  Angels"  presented  cuts  from 
the  play,  and  afterward  discussed 
their  acting  parts  with  Mr.  Price. 

Officers  elected 

Y-Teen  officers  for  this  year  were 
elected  during  a  general  meeting 
Monday,  Oct.  27.  Chosen  were: 
Holly  Miller,  president;  Barb 
Bowen,  vice  president;  Beth  Harris, 
secretary-treasurer;  and  Debbie 
Janson,  devotions  leader. 

Jazzers  play  at  PJH 

Elmhurst's  busy  Jazz  Band 
entertained  the  students  of  Portage 
Junior  High  sixth  period, 
Wednesday,  Oct.  30. 

FREE  program  open  to  the  public 

Career  planning  was  the  purpose 
of  a  program  last  night  at  Wayne 
High  School.  Sponsored  by  FWCS. 
representatives  from  colleges, 
technical  schools,  and  several 
professions  were  at  the  high  school 
discussing  careers  and  what  their 
background  has  to  offer  high  school 
students  after  graduation.  Tonight, 
this  program  will  be  presented,  free, 
to  the  public  at  Snider  High  School. 

Pennants  on  sale 

Pennants  with  the  letters 
Elmhurst  and  the  Trojan  insignia 
are  now  on  sale  and  may  be 
purchased  from  any  GAA  member 
or  Mrs.  Doswell,  the  club's  sponsor. 
The  pennants  cost  only  one  dollar,  a 
price  that  has  not  increased  in  three 

Jr.  Rotarian  announced 

Senior  Reggie  Hill  has  been 
chosen  by  Mr.  WilUam  Geyer,  dean 
of  boys,  as  Junior  Rotarian  for  the 
month  of  November.  Reggie  will 
attend  luncheons  each  Monday  of 
this  month  at  the  Rotary  Club. 

Counselor  serves  sixth 

In  the  local  elections  Nov.  5, 
guidance  counselor  John  Sinks  was 
re-elected  to  his  sixth  consecutive 
term  as  state  representative  from 
the  tenth  district.  The  Republican 
politician  was  first  elected  in  1964. 
Mr.  Sinks  won  one  of  three 
representative  posts. 




Grade  cards  issued 

15,16     "My  Three  Angels" 


Book  Fair  begins 


Pops  Concert  7 :  30  p.m. 


Activity  pictures  taken 

Book  Fair  ends 


Student  Council  Arcade 

7:30  p.m. 

Candy  again  sold 

DECA  Club  is  now  selling  the 
famous  M  &  M's  and  Crunch  Bars 
sure  to  cure  everyone's  munchies. 
The  M  &  M's  are  fifty  cents  and  the 
Super  Crunch  and  Heath  bars  are 
sixty  cents.  The  candy  may  be 
bought  from  any  DECA  member  or 
in  Room  217. 


ng  lh« 

on**  « 

(Bar  by  th»  itudand  of  llmhur 

■t  High  Ich 
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3M9  landpalnl  Road,  Forf 
appro>ad  by  tha  Board  ol 

IruttMt  of  Iha  fort  WafrM 




luburlpilon  p'tf  li  il.SO  par  y 


par  ilngla  wpy.  %ion4  dau  pot 



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Wibe  Arnold        Ad.«fi'il''S  no 


Nbw.  ediio' 



(•mtuft  »d■^o• 

Mo.ilrnr- Stha,.. 


Koih»Wab«F,   Mo'lyMiilo' 

Sown  .di  to. 

Bo>bMo'mon       Phoioa'ophan 

Be'iy  Borbs'.  Mory  Boop  ^ 


Sw.oWio'OO''   PhilGjifo" 

SuaMo'iJult       „.,„, 


^■. . .  - 

strikes  at  Penny 



0  0 




Vol.  35,  No.  7 
Nov.  27. 1974 

AFS  announces  choices  for 
international  study  program 

SUdeUut  cotM/cd  fr()iitM£»tc^  canttwal 

Seniors  Pat  Prader  and  LesUe  Raymer 
were  chosen  by  a  committee  of  nine,  as 
possible  exchange  students  through  the 
Americans  Abroad  Program  (A.A.I.  The 
committee  consisted  of  members  of  the  adult 
AFS  club  and  one  from  the  student  club. 

The  A.A,  program  is  designed  to  enable 
students  to  spend  either  a  three  or  a  nine- 
month  period  in  a  foreign  country.  The 
students  live  as  members  of  a  family  and 
community,  participating  in  that  country  s 
culture.  They  have  responsibilities,  friends, 
and  family  life. 

Both  girls  will  have  their  names  and  their 
many  forms  sent  to  New  York.  After  further 
examination,  the  Americans  Abroad 
program  will  advise  them  whether  or  not 
their  applications  have  been  accepted. 

Pat  and  Leslie  are  not  competing  with  each 
other.  They  are  among  a  group  of  students 
from  the  entire  United  States  who  are 
applying  for  a  place  in  the  program. 

Both  agree  on  toughest  question 

The  question  asked  by  the  committee 
which  both  Pat  and  LesUe  agreed  was  the 
toughest  was,  "Why  should  we  pick  you 
instead  of  the  others?  Why  do  you  feel  you're 
more  qualified?" 

"1  was  extremely  r.ervous--I  was  thinking 

that  my  whole  future  depended  on  this 
interview."  commented  Pat.  She  also  said 
that  she  reaUy  couldn't  believe  she  was 
chosen  adding  she  was  afraid  that  any 
minute  they  would  say  they  were  "just 

When  asked  where  she  would  like  to  go, 
Leslie  said.  "Anywhere  they  send  me  will  be 
fine,  I  don't  really  think  the  specific  country 
wiU  make  much  difference  in  the  experience 
from  an  overall  view." 

Family  and  friends  interviewed 

Both  of  their  families  were  interviewed  on 
Nov.  6  by  members  of  the  committee.  In 
addition,  both  girls  must  have  personal 
relationship  applications  completed  by 
family  and  friends. 

Pat.  who  is  president  of  the  Elmhurst 
chapter  of  AFS.  plans  to  attend  I. U, -Fort 
Wayne,  majoring  in  accounting.  She  would 
like  to  remain  active  in  AFS  through  the 
adult  chapter. 

Leslie,  also  planning  to  attend  college,  is  in 
hopes  of  attending  Purdue  University  in 
Lafayette.  "I  want  to  major  in  biological 
sciences  and  get  into  genetics.  I  have  the  job 
I  want  all  figured  out.  Now  all  1  have  to  do  is 
learn  how  to  do  it  and  find  someplace  that 
wants  me,"  she  commented. 

"It'll  really  be  a  great  thing  to  do 
with  your  Saturday."  commented 
student  council  president  senior 
Derek  Paris  about  the  upcoming 
"Elmhurst  first  annual  post-football 
season,  pre-basketball  season,  city- 
wide,  everybody  welcome,  Y'all 
come  carnival." 

"I  hope  to  involve  the  entire 
student  body,"  Derek  began, 
continuing,  "Although  Ehnhurst 
students  are  putting  it  together, 
many  other  area  student  councils 
will  be  making  booths  and  hopefully 
attendance  will  include  many 
students    other    than    those    from 

EHS.  ^     ^ 

Aside    from    the    area    student 

councils,  many  Elmhurst 

organizations  are  plaiming  booths. 
The  ideas  range  in  activities  from 
Dart  Throws  and  Duck  Ponds  to  the 
Dunking  Tank  and  pie  throw  (which 
will  provide  targets  such  as  none 
other  than  Principal  Horstmeyer 
and  Mr.  Miller). 

"The  object  of  the  carnival," 
stated  Derek,  "is  really  to  provide  a 
good  time."  The  student  council  is 
merely  acting  as  the  organizing 
force  behind  the  groups  which  will 
be  trying  to  make  some  money 
through  the  carnival. 

"I  think  ifs  going  to  go  vary 
well,"  commented  senior  Greg 
Hershberger.  "The  Quill  and  Scroll 
spook  house  will  probably  be  one  of 
the  more  exciting  events." 

"The  jazz  band,"  informed  Bob 
Cross,  "will  be  playing  for  two  half- 
hour  periods  throughout  the 

Tickets  will  be  sold  at  a  set  price 
presale  and  at  the  door.  There  will 
also  be  a  small  door  fee  collected. 
Booths  will  be  set  up  in  the  English 
hall,  cafeteria  and  the  publications 

"Prizes  will  be  things  that  are 
worth  winning,"  reported  president 
Paris.  Plans  now  include  prizes 
varying  from  32-oz.  coke  to  stuffed 

In  addition  to  all  the  other 
activities,  the  night  of  the  carnival 
will  see  the  crowning  of  the  "Queen 
of  the  carnival."  The  girl  with  the 
most  pennies  will  be  entitled  to 
claim  this  title  and  will  be  crowned 
late  in  the  evening.  Girls  are 
welcome  to  start  collecting  pennies 
any  time  and  are  reminded  that 
student  councU  will  receive  the 
benefits  from  the  contest. 

"It's  really  hoped  the  clubs  are  as 
enthusiastic  about  this  as  student 
council  is,"  commented  junior 
Marty  Miller.  "Time  is  really  at  a 
premium  and  the  amount  of  work 
that  goes  into  this  will  be  reflected 
in  the  success  of  the  evening. " 

Doors    will    open    at    7:30    on. 
Saturday    evening,    Nov.    23,    and 
activities      will      conclude      at 
approximately  11  p.m. 




2  Dlgasl  and  calendar 

3  Penny  ArcadB 

4  Pops  concert  reviewed 
SC.  dance  upcoming 

5  Honor  achievers 


B     Review  of  Zappa  concert  ■ 
7    Human  relations  committee 
10    Girls  basketball 
T  r     Lunchroom  equipment 


J  2     Letters  to  the  editor 

1 3  Spirit  atiects  attendance 

14  S.C.  oftectlveness 


8-9  Basltetball preview 

1 5  Gymnastics 

16  Mike's  side 

Potential  Durses  invited 

St.  Joseph's  School  of  Nursing  invites  all 
interested  girls  to  open  house  Sunday.  Dec. 
1,  from  2  to  4  p.m.  at  the  school  on  West 

Hobart  to  host  mueidens 

Elmhurst's  active  Jazz  Band  will  be 
traveling  to  Hobart  High  School  in  Hobart, 
Indiana,  Saturday.  Nov.  30  to  help  with 
dedication  ceremonies  for  the  school's  new 
auditorium  by  performing  at  an  afternoon 

Exchange  student  speaks 

Tonight  AFS  will  sponsor  a  slide  and  oral 
presentation  by  EHS  graduate  Cathy  White, 
a  former  exchange  student  to  Belgium  Any 
interested  members  or  faculty  members  are 

Seniors  order  'senior  stuff 

Seniors  will  be  measured  for  their 
graduation  caps  and  gowns  Thursday,  Dec. 
12,  Mr,  Muncie.  a  representative  from 
Jost«n's,  will  be  on  hand  to  take  orders  This 
year  the  gowns  will  be  disposable,  and  cost 
$7,00.  Mrs,  Susan  Anderson  asks  that 
seniors  liring  their  money  and  pay  when 
ordering  their  caps  and  gowns. 

Ballet  to  be  presented 

"Noel  '74".  a  hobday  ballet  concert 
consisting  of  three  original  ballets,  will  be 
presented  in  the  Scottish  Rite  Auditorium  on 
Saturday,  Dec.  7  and  Sunday,  Dec,  8  at  2 
p.m.  There  will  be  matinee  performances 
only.  A  limited  number  of  reserved  seats  for 
S3,50  are  available  for  each  performance, 
with  the  remainder  of  the  seats  being  sold  at 
the  general  admission  price  of  S2.50  (SI, 25 
for  senior  citizens,  children  and  students  up 
to  age  21),  Ticket  information  may  be 
obtained  by  calling  the  Ballet  School  office  at 

Journalists  tour  WLYV 
The  first  year  journahsm  class  traveled  to 

Radio  Station  WLYV  Nov,  14.  The  students 
were  guided  through  the  various 
departments  and  were  able  to  meet,  among 
others,  disc  jockeys  Dan  Thomas  and  Jim 
Brady,  Most  of  the  students  enjoyed  their 
field  trip  and  felt  the  experience  was  well 
worth  their  time. 

Pair  obtain  offices 

Two  Y-Teen  girls,  seniors  Mary  Oswalt 
and  L.eslie  Raymer,  have  been  elected 
president  and  devotions  leader,  respectively, 
of  the  Inter-Club  Council  ( ICC)  at  the  central 
YWCA.  The  council,  comprised  of 
representatives  from  area  Y-Teen  clubs, 
meets  at  the  YWCA  to  discuss  events  and 
exchange  ideas  for  events  at  the  individual 
high  school  clubs. 

Seniors  order  announcements 

Mrs.  Susan  Anderson  reminds  seniors  that 
Tim  Breshahan.  a  representative  from  Herff 
Jones  Company,  will  be  taking  orders  Dec.  U 
for  graduation  announcements  after  his 
presentation  Dec.  4. 

Fan  bus  to  travel 

During  aU  lunch  mods  today  will  be  youi 
last  chance  to  buy  tickets  for  the  Muncif 
Southside  -  Elmhurst  basketball  game  and 
fan  bus  at  a  comhined  price  of  S2.75.  Two 
buses  for  this  game  Saturday,  Nov.  30,  will 
be  leaving  Elmhursfs  parking  lot  at  5  p.m. 

Calenda  r 

Nov.  27-  Pep  session 

AFS  reveals  totals 

Nov.  28 

Elmhurst's     AFS     recently     revealed 

29  ■  Thanksgiving  vacation, 
no  school 
Dec,  3  •     Betty  Crocker  tests 

proceeds  of  their  two  latest  money-making 
projects.    The    club    raised    approximately 

^0-00  from  the  Powdti  Puff  footbaU  game 

cafeteria  9  am. 

Nov,     12,    and    S20.98    from    their    penny 

Dec.  5  -     Activity  pictures  for 

collection  during  lunch  mods  Nov.  8.  AFS 


will  continue  the  penny  collection  on  a  bi- 

Dec. 6  -     Spirit  Day  sponsored  by 
Student  Council 

weekly  basis  durmg  Friday  lunch  mods. 

Dee.  10 

11-  Announcement  orders  in 
all  lunch  mods 



^bllU»d  b).«Hblt.  during  th.  .chool  Y*«r  by  th,  ilu 

dan.,  ol 

Wayn*,  tndlarw,  MSO*.  In  aoorterxa  «llh  Ih*  pefkl*. 


rn.>l*M  al  tha  fori  Wayi*  Communltv  tcho«l>. 

tuburlplton  prk.  It  11  JO  par  yaat.  39(  par  ilngl*  capy. 


at  p«)a|a  p«ld  a)  rort  Wayna.  Indiana,  MS03. 

■duo.  in  jfi.el                                                                               Mlfc»A/-ioM 



WonogrroBdilO'      MorLS  Zo(hi)' 


Oo.a  Bl^aKorF 

" Mofil^Bn  Sthare,,    Morty  Mills. 

Batiy  Borbgr.  Wory  fiooc 

P'-*"                                                                ScoilSond... 

Spo-wl.PW                             ...                  JimMcCI.".gh.n 
Cop,  .d.'w                                                                      BotbHo-mon 

SiaxMeroci  Ph.lGuiman 

Mo.-yPeipi  iB.inSPophBn.on 

f»ioio»'                                                                        MikaOuro, 

,                   ,                               .                  M.1    Jo".Ho,lmol^ 

Teacher   Ambassador    e:(plains    uieuis 

by  Sue  Marquis 

"I  am  still  adapting  to  American 
cultures  and  it  is  quite  a  learning 
experience,"  stated  Miss  Francoise 
Reybet,  who  is  spending  six  weeks 
at  Elmhurst  with  French  and 
government  classes. 

As  a  foreign  exchange  teacher 
from  France.  Mile.  Reybet  is  here 
with  the  Experiment  in 
International  Living  Program.  This 
is  an  organization  that  tries  to 
promote  better  understanding  with 
the  people  and  cultures  of  other 

"Even  though  I  have  studied 
English  12  years,  I  am  still  learning 
the  language,"  said  Mile.  Reybet. 

School  days  differ 

French  school  days  are  somewhat 
different  from  American .  Their 
school  week  lets  the  students  have 
Wednesday  off  but  to  make  up  for 
Wednesday,  they  go  half  days  on 
Saturday.  In  the  class  room  before 
school  starts,  all  the  students  must 
stand  until  the  teacher  arrives  and 
gives  permission  to  be  seated.  "Also 
the  students  seem  to  have  more 
respect  in  speaking  out  their 
opinions  in  France  than 
Americans,"  compared  Mile. 

Dating  in  France  usually  starts 
after  graduation  from  high  school. 
Twenty  is  usually  the  average  age 
for  marriage.  Things  in  general  are 

taken  more  seriously. 
Family  life  very  meaningful 

Family  life  is  much  more 
meaningful  to  families  in  France. 
The  evening  meal  is  the  most 
important  part  of  the  day.  Many 
things  are  discussed  and  this  is  the 
time  most  decisions  are  made.  Also 
the  whole  family  is  usually  in  on  all 
the  decisions  made.  The  whole 
family  unit  is  much  stronger- 
There  aren't  as  memy  cars  on  the 
streets  since  the  legal  driving  age  in 
France  is  18.  This  really  helps  the 
traffic  jams  that  are  sometimes 
experienced  here  in  America. 
The  only  office  in  the  government 

that  the  people  vote  on  is  the 
presidency.  The  president  then 
appoints  the  rest  of  the  cabinet  and 
representatives  as  we  know  them. 
Also  the  term  of  office  is  7  years. 

The  candidates  are  allowed  to 
make  speeches  but  the  cut-downs 
aren't  brought  out  and  made  into 
big  issues. 

America  is  nice  country 

In  conclusion,  Mile.  Reybet  said, 
"America  is  a  nice  country  but  it 
will  take  awhile  for  me  to  feel 
completely  safe  about  being  able  to 
speak  out." 

Soloists  compete 
in  speech  meets 


MLLE.    REYBET  DESCRIBES  French  geography  and  exhibits   French   currency   while 
taiking  to  Mr  Bunnell's  government  class. 

by  Mariljrnn  Scherer 

The  solo  speech  team  competed 
last  Saturday  at  both  Carroll  High 
School  and  Whitko  High  School  in 
Whitley  Coimty. 

The  varsity  speakers  went  to  the 
Carroll  meet,  and  the  novices 
competed  at  Whitko.  A  rather 
dismal  afternoon  followed,  with 
both  teams  failing  to  earn 
sweepstakes  trophies. 

Varsity  speakers  placing  were 
senior  Mary  Freygang,  2nd  in 
oratorical  interpretation,  and  junior 
Marilyrm  Scherer,  2nd  in  Congress. 

Novices  place  also 

Novice  speakers  placing  were 
sophomores  Karyn  Heiney,  2nd  in 
oratorical  interpretation;  Troi  Lee, 
4th  in  oratorical  interpretation; 
Shelj  Winans,  8th  in  poetry;  Tod 
Huntley,  1st  in  boys'  extemp;  Jan 
Dowling,  5th  in  girls'  extemp; 
Nancy  McAfee,  7th  in  discussion; 
Katy  Yoimg,  7th  in  poetry;  junior 
Dave  Beutler,  7th  in  impromptu. 

The  teams  will  travel  to  New 
Haven  High  School  on  Nov.  16. 

"For  the  first  time  in  several 
years,  the  speech  team  is  going  to 
sponsor  a  solo  tournament,"  Mr. 
Robert  Stookey  declared.  "The 
tournament  will  be  held  in  February, 
also  the  solo  team  will  be  hosting  the 
speech  sectionals  in  March." 

TWO  '•CLOWNS'  OF  ELMHURST,  seniors  Nancy  Raney  and  Co 
Bucher.  compare  their  sales  success  ofAFS  Grab  Bags. 

A  LITTLE  PIE  IN  THE  EYE  never  hurt  anybody,  as 
Tyler  proves  with  a  direct  hit  on  junior  Roberta  Cohen. 

rf  ■ 

;ophomore  Matt 

At  7;  30  the  money  began  rolling 
in.  Long  before  the  doors  dosed  at 
10:30,  the  tickets  ran  out  and  were 
replaced  with  pieces  of  cardboard 
labeled  10?. 

Elmhursfs  First  Annual  Penny 
Arcade  was  successful  in  providing 
a  way  for  the  school's  clubs  and 
organizations  to  make  money.  A 
50e  general  admission  was  charged 
to  pay  for  prizes,  policemen,  and  as 
a  contribution  to  the  jazz  band. 

The  Jazz  Band,  dressed  in 
powder-blue  sliirts  and  blue  jeans, 
made  two  half-hour  appearances; 
from  7:30  -  8:30  and  from  10:00  ■ 
10:30.  During  these  times,  the 
listeners  took  breaks  from 
spending  money  and  relaxed  in  the 

Another  one-time  event 
Saturday  evening,  was  the  Pie- 
Eating  Contest  sponsored  by  the 
Junior  Class.  The  contestants,  in 

teams  of  two,  challenged  the 
science  and  math  departments'  Mr. 
Byron  Carrier.  It  was  a  race  to  see 
who  could  eat  one  pie  in  the 
shortest  amount  of  time.  Mr. 
Carrier  won! 

The  other  activities  were  spread 
out  in  the  cafeteria  and  the  halls 
surrounding  it.  They  included  pie- 
throwing  from  the  Forum  Club, 
picture-taking  on  a  paper  moon  by 
AFS.  musical  chairs  from  Afro- 
American  Club,  spin-art  from 
student  council,  a  cake-walk  from 
COE.  and  a  Haunted  House  in  the 
tunnels  by  Quill  and  Scroll. 

Other  student  councils  from  the 
city  attended.  Northrop  had  a  ping- 
pong  table  set  up  where  students 
could  ''paddle  a  Brujn". 
Homestead.  Bishop  Luers,  and 
North  Side  also  had  booths. 

The  work  on  the  Penny  Arcade 
started    in    student    c^^ncil    with 

planning.  Comnuttees  were  formed 
to  advertise  and  organize  and  Mr. 
Horstmeyer  was  consulted  often. 
Then  it  was  up  to  the  various  clubs 
to  design  and  build  their  booths. 

When  Friday  came,  some 
organizations  moved  their  things 
in  while  student  council  members 
and  student  volunteers  moved 
desks  and  tables  out, 

Saturday  there  was  a  six  hour 
period  of  draping  crepe  paper, 
setting  up  booths  and  general 
decorating.  At  6:00  everyone  was 
back  for  last  minute  preparations. 

The  work  did  not  end  with  the 
last  note  of  the  jazz  band  at  10:30. 
Everything  that  had  been  done  had 
to  be  undone.  Tickets  were 
counted,  desks  and  tables  were 
moved  back  into  place,  signs  and 
trimmings  were  taken  down,  floors 
swept,  and  finally,  at  about  12:30. 
it  was  all  over  and  the  workers  left. 

Class    visits    courf;    hosfs     speaker 

Prior  to  attending  an  actual 
courtroom  session,  Mrs.  Banks' 
Business  Law  class  studied  civil 
crimes,  felonies,  and  role  playing  of 
rape,  narcotic,  and  murder  trials. 
Each  student  acted  as  a  prosecuting 
attorney,  defendant,  the  accused, 
and  a  member  of  the  jury  while 
studying  the  procedures  of  a  fair 

Sixteen  students  of  the  class  were 
able  to  witness  a  real  trial 
Wednesday,  Nov.  6,  in  the  old 
County  Court  House.  Court  began 
session  at  9: 30  a.m.  with  a  rape  case. 

Charges  were  drawn  on  two 
counts  of  sexual  as  suit  on  two 
twelve  year  old  girls  by  the  State  of 
Indiana  against  the  accused.  The 
law  declares  any  female  under  the 
age  of  16  sexually  assaulted,  a 
victim  of  rape. 

The  first  process  of  the  trial  was 
the  selection  of  the  jury.  After  two 
hours  of  elimination,  twelve  people 
were  chosen  as  members  of  the  jury- 
It  is  the  jury's  responsibility  to  not 
only  determine  the  fate  of  the 
accused,  but  also  to  set  the  term  of 
sentence  if  he  is  found  guilty.  The 
sentence  for  a  crime  such  as  this  is 
no  less  than  two  years  and  no  more 
than  21  years. 

The  actual  questioning  of  the  trial 
viewed  by  the  class  involved  the 
prosecuting  attorney  questioning 
one  of  the  victims.  The  court  then 
recessed  for  lunch. 

Guest  speaker  in  Mrs.  Banks'  Business 
Law  class  recently  was  Mr.  Richard  Sive,  an 
insurance  dealer  for  the  Horace  Mann 
Company,  an  insurance  agency  that  protects 
school  teachers. 

Mr.  Sive  spoke  to  the  fifth  period  class 
about  car  insurance  and  its  necessity  among 
teenagers.  He  stated  that  in  a  time  when 
there  are  so  many  high  school  students 
buying  new  and  used  automobiles,  much 
knowledge  must  be  passed  on  to  teenagers, 
so  that  wise  decisions  may  be  made  when 
buying  and  insuring  their  cars. 

Some  of  the  other  subjects  touched  upon 
by  Mr-  Sive  were:  UMC  (Uninsured 
Motorists'  Coverage),  good  drivers 
discount,  drunk  driving,  collision  coverage, 
motorcycle  coverage,  accidents  in  parking 
lots  and  how  to  collect  when  you  become 
involved  in  one. 

Election  utilizes  skills  of  a  hundred  Trojans 

November  5  once  again  held 
special  meaning  to  all  patriotic 
Americans.  Voting  day  extracted 
one  hundred  students  from 
Elmhurst  alone  to  serve  as  pollsters. 
Approximately  three-fourths  of 
those  helping  worked  for  the 
Democratic  party. 

Senior  Barb  Bowen  pointed  out, 
"I  learned  quite  a  bit  about  how 
each  precinct  is  run  and  what  goes 
on  behind  the  scenes.  My  job 
working  for  the  Democratic  party 
was  to  get  the  Democrats  to  go  out 
and  vote  even  if  it  meant  taking 
them  myself.  I  really  enjoyed  doing 

Junior  Diane  Knox  commented. 
"My  job  working  for  the  Democrats 
was  holding  the  poll  books  here  at 

E Unburst.  This  involved  getting 
people's  names  and  addresses  when 
they  come  in  and  checking  them  off 
in  the  precinct  poll  book.  I  enjoyed  it 
very  much.  I  met  a  lot  of  people  and 
also  learned  how  to  use  a  voting 

Other  Trojans  commented  that 
"they  wouldn't  have  missed  it  for 
the  world." 

Junior  Tina  Hinton  expressed 
that  she  really  enjoyed  the 
opportunity  of  working  the  polls  and 
it  was  a  great  educational 
experience  for  her. 

Another  job  held  by  one  of 
Elmhursfs  volunteer  workers 
included  vote  sohciting,  going  from 
door  to  door  asking  if  the  people  in 
residence  needed  help  in  getting  to 

the  polls  to  vote  or  even  if  baby- 
sitting was  necessary. 

Still  another  job  consisted  of 
standing  outside  the  polls  and 
trying  to  persuade  the  voters.  This 
was  done  by  handing  out  pamphlets 
and  t^e  like. 

One  discontented  comment  was, 
"The  job  I  did  was  very  boring  but 
necessary.  I  would  never  do  it 

Most  jobs  consisted  of  pushing 
propaganda  for  whatever  party  the 
workers  supported. 

All  in  all,  it  seems  to  have  been  a 
very  educational  and  enjoyable 
experience  for  those  one  hundred 
Elmhurst  students  involved  in 
"Election '74."  " 

Driver's     ed    still   available 

Annual    pops  concert    draws  500 

Approximately  500  people  assembled  in 
the  gymnasium  for  the  annual  Pops  Concert 
last  Wednesday.  The  participating  groups 
consisted  of  the  concert  band,  the  Trojan 
Singers,  and  the  two  jazz  bands. 

According  to  Mr.  Randy  Brugh,  director  of 
the  bands,  "the  music  that  the  bands  played 
was  appealing  to  both  adults  and  kids.  It  was 
music  they  know  and  enjoy."  He  also 
commented  that  they  had  been  preparing  for 
this  concert  for  three  weeks. 

The  Concert  Band  led  off  the  program  with 
an  arrangement  of  "Barnum  &  Bailey's 
Favorites  "  by  K.  L.  King,  and  another. 
"Themes  from  Italian  Movies." 

Pop-corn  seeds 

The  Trojan  Singers  were  next,  directed  by 
Mr.  AJ  Schmutz,  The  group  sang  six  pieces, 
concluding  with  "Spinning  Wheel"  by 
Thomas.  When  announcing  the  piece.  Mr. 
Schmutz  told  the  audience  that  one  of  the 
groups'  instruments  was  an  empty  coffee 
can,  half  full  of  pop-corn  seeds. 
The  two  jazz  bands  dispbyed  their  group 

talent  and  individual  talents.  Both  played 
selections  of  Thad  Jones,  who  is  one  of  the 
leading  jazz  composers. 

"The  sophomores  are  good  workers,"  said 
Mr.  Brugh.  The  Pops  Concert  was  the  first 
time,  off  the  football  field,  that  many 
sophomores  had  a  chance  to  perform  as 

Any  students  still  wishing  to  participate  in 
driver's  ed  this  year  may  be  interested  in  the 
upcoming  remaining  sessions. 

The  deadline  for  signup  for  the  session 
beginning  Jan.  14  is  today.  However,  there 
are  two  remaining  sessions  for  which  those 
interested  are  still  eligible. 

Session  IV,  (wginning  March  26,  has  a 
sign  up  deadline  of  Feb.  3,  1975.  Applicants 
are  encouraged  to  sign  up  early  to  insure 
placement  in  a  class  because  openings  are 

Session  V,  beginning  April  14,  has  an 
application  deadline  of  March  3. 

Both  sessions  will  be  held  on  Tuesdays, 
Wednesdays  and  Thursdays  from  4  to  6  p.m. 

at  the  Regional  Vocational  Center  on 
Douglas  at  Clinton.  The  fifth  session  also 
includes  Saturday  classes  for  those 

The  behind-the -wheel  training  will  cost 
S55,  Any  tenth  grader  receiving  a  grade  of  C 
or  better  in  the  ninth  grade  book  training  is 
not  required  to  repeat  this  part  of  the 
training.  However,  any  eleventh  or  twelfth 
grader  or  any  sophomore  receiving  a  grade 
lower  than  C  will  be  required  to  repeat  the 
class,  at  the  additional  cost  of  $12. 

Any  student  desiring  further  information 
or  application  forms  should  see  Mr,  Douglass 
Spencer  in  the  guidance  office. 

Council  announces    plans  for  dance 

Proceeds  for  tour 

"You  Are  the  Sunshine  of  My  Life"  wBs 
arranged  for  the  concert  band  by  a  former 
member  of  EHS.  Van  Hunter.  The  selection 
"An  American  In  Paris"  by  Gershwin,  was 
one  of  the  first  jazz  pieces  ever  accepted  by 
classical  musica  fans. 

The  two  jazz  bands  were  caUed  Jazz  Band 
8:00  and  Jazz  Band  3:00  because  these  are 
the  times  they  meet. 

After  the  concert,  many  students 
commented  on  their  fine  performances. 

The  proceeds  from  the  concert  will  be  used 
to  help  finance  an  upcoming  concert  band 

A  semi-forma]  Christmas  (iance  is 
being  planneti  for  Elmhurst 
students.  The  student  council 
announced  this  week  that  plans  are 
under  way  for  the  holiday  festivity, 
to  take  place  Dec.  21  at  the 
Waynedale  Community  Center 
behind  the  fire  station. 

Although  details  are  still  being 
worked  out  by  student  council 
officers,  tentative  plans  feature  a 
"modern,  semi-slow  band," 
decorations  that  include  a 
Christmas  tree,  red  and  green 
festoons,  and  refreshments. 
According  to  student  council  vice 

president  Mike  Arnold,  "Right  now 
we're  getting  through  the  Penny 
Arcade  and  then  we'll  have  time  to 
focus  on  the  Christmas  dan'-e." 

Added  president  Derel'  Paris, 
"Right  now  Renee  Harter,  who 
brought  the  idea  to  us,  has  been 
lining  up  the  band  and  planning  the 
decorations  along  with  student 
council  members  Cindy  Lude  and 
Sandy  Demaree." 

Council  members  have  hopes  that 
interest  will  be  high  for  this  event, 
and  conclude  that  anyone  wishing  to 
help  the  planning  committee  should 
talk  to  officers  or  members  of  the 

Children's   liferature    explored 

by  Marie  Zacher 

Can  you  imagine  high  school 
juniors  and  seniors  reading  Aesop's 
Fables  or  Alice  in  Wonderland?  An 
addition  to  the  elective  English 
system  this  year  is  a  course  in 
children's  literature. 

Taught  by  Mrs.  Shelley 
Wellington  and  Miss  Jennifer 
Manth,  the  course  has  attracted 
enough  students  to  make  five 

Material  used  in  the  class  includes 
such  masterpieces  as  AndersoD's 
Fairy  Tales,  Grimm's  Fairy  Tales. 
and  a  book  entitled  ...  And  Now 
Miguel.  The  students  are  also 
required  to  do  written  and  oral  book 
reviews  on  children's  books. 

Students  create  stories 

Another  project  the  students 
have  or  will  undertake  is  writing 
their  own  fairy  tales  and  fables.  In 
Mrs.  Wellington's  class  special 
semester  projects  such  as  bulletin 
boards,  scene  construction,  and  an 
illustrated  story  book  will  be  done. 

Both  teachers  are  working 
together  on  a  project  where  their 
classes  will  be  going  to  area 
elementary  schools  for  an  hour, 
having  story  time  with  children  in 
grades  kindergarten  through  three. 
The  main  purpose  of  this  is  to  use 
the  experience  as  an  evaluation 
device  for  children's  literature,  to 
see  the  children's  reactions  to  the 

books.  Each  student  must  choose  a 
book  that  may  stimulate  a  child's 
curiosity  or  teach  him  a  lesson  in 
some  way. 

Class  takes  closer  look 

Members  of  the  class  take  a  close 
look  at  the  books  they  are  reading. 
Examples  are  the  illustrations  -  are 
they  realistic  to  the  story  or  do  they 
let  the  child's  mind  wander?  Some 
books  have  no  words  and  let  the 
child  create  a  story  in  his  own  mind. 
"Little"  things  like  color  schemes 
in  a  picture  or  expressions  in  the 
characters'  faces  all  go  into  creating 
a  children's  book. 

In  the  fables  and  fairy  tales  there 
are  stories  using  animals  with 
human  qualities.  This  is  to  teach  the 
reader  mistakes  or  wrong  doings  of 
humans  without  actually  coming 
out  and  saying  so. 

The  main  objective  of  the  course 
is  to  look  at  children's  literature 
from  an  adult  viewpoint,  to  be 
aware  of  cultural  morals  and  how  to 
apply  them  to  modern  day 
happenings.  Children's  literatiu-e 
helps  adults  to  understand  the  needs 
of  children  and  how  it  can  fulfill  the 

If  students  didn't  get  to  read 
Alice  in  Wonderland  or  Grimm's 
Fairy  Tales  when  they  were 
childien,  now  is  their  chance.  And 
even  if  they  did,  maybe  they  should 
try  it  a  second  time  and  compare 
their  views. 

Students  learn    to    be   consumers  ; 
taught    money    management 

"/  want  to  know  why  you  and 
your  teachers  did  not  tell  and  teach 
about  life  and  the  hard,  critically 
practical  world. " 

This  letter  from  a  man  in  his  early 
thirties  to  his  high  school  principal 
reflects  the  views  of  many  persons 
once  they  leave  school.  The  man  was 
frustrated  because  he  did  not  learn 
the  things  that  truly  applied  later  in 
life  ■-  how  to  budget,  get  a  job  or  a 
loan,  or  how  to  resist  high  pressure 

Now  Elmhurst  students  have  an 
opportunity  to  learn  these  and  other 
related  things  they  could  not 
otherwise  learn  except  through 
experience.  The  new  consumer's 
education  class  is  designed  to  give 
students  knowledge  that  will  apply 
to  their  post-academic  lives. 

Class  covers  various  topics 

The  class,  taught  by  both  Mrs. 
Roma  Jean  Bradburn  and  Mr. 
Arland  Reinhard,  covers  such  topics 
as  credit,  budgeting,  spending, 
insurance,  and  buying  cars.  The 
class  is  taught  by  both  teachers 
because  of  the  wide  range  of 
subjects  included  under  the  heading 
"consumer's  education."  The  course 
is  not  only  business  but  home 
economics     and     socially     related. 

Therefore,  the  teaching  is  divided 
between  Mr.  Reinhard  of  the 
business  department  and  Mrs. 
Bradburn  of  the  home  economics 

Since  the  class  is  set  up  this  way, 
students  can  add  their  credits  in 
either  of  these  two  areas  to  apply  to 
their  major  or  minor. 

The  classes  usually  meet  in  small 
groups,  but  occasionally  meet 
together  for  special  projects  and 
also  to  hear  speakers  such  as  Mr. 
Gary  Cox  from  People's  Trust  Bank, 
Mr.  Joe  Beck  from  the  Magnavox 
Credit  Union,  and  Mr.  George 
Beaudway,  a  credit  counselor,  talk 
about  money  and  credit. 

Importance  stressed 

The  class,  open  to  juniors  and 
seniors,  is  one  semester  long  and  is 
scheduled  for  second  period.  There 
are  still  openings  for  students 
wishing  to  takethe  course. 

Mrs.  Bradburn  urges  the 
importance  of  the  course  and  cites 
Mr.  Beck,  who  said,  "Consumerism 
will  never  reach  half  of  its  potential 
until  it  stresses  consumer  education. 
An  enlightened,  concerned, 
educated,  and  resourceful  consumer 
can  only  come  from  our  educational 

38  Trojans  make  Principal's   A"  list 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

The  ultimate  challenge  for 
Elmhurst  students  is  to  achieve  the 
goal  of  making  the  Principal's  List 
or  the  Honor  Roll,  The 
requirements  for  achieving  these 
goals  are  simply  (1|  to  make  the 
Principal's  List,  you  have  to 
achieve  straight  A's,  and  12)  to 
make  the  Honor  Roll  you  must 
achieve  a  B  plus  average. 

Last  year  at  the  end  of  the  first 
quarter,  13  seniors,  out  of  the  395 
in  attendance,  made  the  Principal's 
List-  This  year,  out  of  the  388 
seniors  enrolled  at  Elmhurst,  14 
have  accomplished  the  straight  A 
goal.  Those  seniors  are:  Jack 
Briegel,  Mike  Duray,  Beverly  Free, 
Maureen  Magers.  Linda  Maldeney. 
Steve  Morgan.  Linda  Panyard, 
Don  Pinnick.  Pat  Prader  and  Dave 
Silletto.  along  with  Debbie  Stinson, 
Cheryl  Taylor,  Lmda  Whitton,  and 
Pamela  Williams. 

Last  year,  47  seniors  achieved 
the  goal  of  the  Honor  RoU;  this 
year  a  total  of  53  senior  students 
accomplished  the  B  plus  average. 

Four  juniors  were  honored  with    =fter    the    first    quarter    of    high 

the     school  resulted  with  this:  a  class  of 

395  seniors  produced  60  students 

with  a  B  plus  or  better  average.  In 

recognition  in  making 
Principal's  List  last  year.  This 
year's  junior  class  produced  15 
straight  A  students.  They  are: 
Nancy  Beadie,  Dave  Beutler, 
Karen  Crippen,  Betty  Carrion,  Jay 
Fox.  Patricia  Koehl,  and  Melodie 
Kuhnke.  Also  Dan  Landrigan, 
Andrea  Marchese,  Yvette  Morrill, 
Verne  Myers,  Cindy  Ross,  Allen 
Shaw,  Tamara  Syndram.  and 
Deborah  Temple.  60  Juniors  made 

this  year's  senior  class  of  388.  67 
students  achieved  a  B  plus  or 
better  average. 

Last  year's  junior  class  of  445, 
produced  60  students  with  B  plus, 
or  better,  average.  This  year's 
junior  class  of  407  produced  75 
honor  students. 

The  previous  sophomore  class  of 

the  Honor  Roll  this  year,  compared  431^  produced  53  honor  students; 
this  year's  class  numbering  408, 
had  32  achieving  the  honors  goal. 

to  the  56  from  last  vear. 
Statistics  up 

Out  of  a  class  of  481  students 
last  year,  42  sophomores  made  the 
Honor  Roll,  and  11  sophomores 
made  the  Principal's  List.  This 
year,  out  of  the  408  students.  23 
made  the  Honor  Roll,  and  9 
students  made  the  Principal's  List. 
Those  students  were:  Michelle 
Armstrong.  Robert  Bracht,  Janet 
Dowling,  Susan  Frankewich, 
Randall  Girod.  Karyn  Heiney,  Tod 
Huntley,  Theresa  McCombs,  and 
Matt  Tyler. 

Recapping,  last  year's  statistics, 

SENIOR  MIKE  DURA  Y  IS  CA  UGHT  in  a  momen  t  of  anguish  during  his 
cheerteading  rale  at  the  girls' powder  puff  (ootbaU  game. 

IN AiJ/nn: WORLD. . . 

Thcn's  No  riacv  tike  Rooi's  !  !  ! 

'   Mam-  lop  ski  lme% 

•  tiamtm  wax.  Snrdua  tiki  B<Hit% 

•  /  iHtth  of  hrauiiful  .\ki  >\ear 

•  Downhill  and  Crou  Cuuntrv  hquiffmcnt 

•  Sales        Reniah 

•  Skicr\  to  help  vou  Hiih  your  needs 

•  Ij"!  ux  pamper  1  <iu  *Mih  coffee  hy  the  fireplatr 



Fire   Extinguishers     REFILLED 



^^iiT%  <'-r-^^-  W--:':::^ 




Club    pursues   careers 

It  is  not  often  that  high  school 
students  have  the  chance  to  witness 
an  operation  or  a  trial.  However, 
through  an  organization  called  the 
Explorer's  Club,  these  and  many 
other  experiences  are  available  to 

The  Explorer's  Club  originally 
started  out  as  a  Boy  Scout  program ; 
the  step  after  an  Eagle  Scout.  It 
then  branched  out  to  include  high 
school  students  of  outstanding 
service  in  the  community  or  school  - 
male  and  female. 

There  are  many  other  Elmhurst 
students  participating  in  the  Law 
branch  of  the  Explorer's  Club. 
Although  there  has  only  been  a 
couple  of  meetings,  the  members  are 
becoming  aware  of  what  the  club 
will  be  doing  this  year.  PossibiUties 
such  as  watching  some  trials,  taking 
trips  to  colleges  and  prisons  and 
Ustening  to  area  lawyers  speak  were 
discussed.  Some  would  like  to 
organize  a  trip  to  view  the  National 
Congress.  The  group  will  be 
deciding' which  segment  of  law  they 
would  Uke  to  study  this  year  at  one 
of  the  future  meetings  at  the  Fort 
Wayne  Courthouse. 

Explorer's  Clubs  are  sponsored 
and  advised  by  local  authorities  on 
the  various  professions.  They  have 
elected  officials  from  their  ranks  and 
finance  their  own  field  trips. 
Information     can     be     obtained 

through  the  central  Boy  Scout  office 
in  Fort  Wayne. 

The  purpose  behind  the  club  is  to 
acquaint  students  with  the  different 
aspects  of  the  careers  they  are 
interested  in  by  directly  involving 
them  in  some  of  the  professional 
responsibilities  and  by  letting  them 
listen  to  and  talk  with  members  of 
that  profession. 

The  Explorer's  Club  has 
separated  itself  into  a  variety  of 
groups  according  to  different  career 




QIhe  HtuiB 

to  keep 



Where  your  favorite  request 

is  just  a  phone  call  away 


Frank  Zappa  does  concert  ....badly 

by  Barb  Harman 

Sitting  through  the  Frank  Zappa 
concert  last  Friday,  1  couldn't  help 
wondering  whether  I  had  been  bom 
five  years  too  late  or  whether  the 
concert  was  just  plain  bad. 

The  more  I  thought  about  it 
thatfgh,  the  more  convinced  I  was 
that  it  had  to  be  a  combination  of 

"Rock  'n  roll" 

The  entire  evening  started  off 
badly  when  the  back-up  band  spent 
30  minutes  playing  solid  "rock  'n 
roll"  and  "boogie".  That  was  great 
for  "rock  'n  rollers/'  (who 
incidentally,  turned  out  in  fuU  force  - 
a  derogatory  comment  in  itself),  and 
older  people  who  saw  hard  rock 
through  its  musical  prime.  But  for 
those  into  more  progressively  styled 
music,  a  more  enjoyable  evening 
could  have  been  spent  listening  to 
old  Bobby  Vinton  tunes  played  on 
the  spoons. 

When  it  came  time  for  Zappa  to 
perform,  it  was  the  rock  n  roll 
freaks  who  held  things  up  by 
refusing  to  sit  down.  "This  isn't 
Bachman  Turner  Overdrive."  said 
the  man  representing  the  Mothers  of 
Invention.  "Frank  Zappa  wants  this 
to  be  a  comfortable  concert.  Please 
sit  down." 

The   Bachman   Turner   comment 

raised  my  hopes  a  little.  Good,  I 
thought,  now  may  be  we  can  have  a 
little  entertainment,  Unfortunately, 
as  the  concert  progressed,  I  wasn't 
so  sure  that  it  wasn't  Bachman 
Turner  and  they  had  just  sold  us  the 
tickets  under  a  pretense. 

The  concert  started  with  an  old 
favorite,  "Stinkfoot",  but  the  words 
were  indecipherable  and  the  hard 
rock  of  the  Mothers  seemed  as  out  of 
place  as  had  the  first  bands.  On  the 
whole,  the  entire  show  followed  the 
pattern  of  the  first  number.  The 
group  rambled  through  long 
monotonous,  repetitious  strains, 
and  the  few  vocals  there  were  had  to 
be  translated  as  if  listening  to  a 
foreign  language.  None  of  the  satiric 
wit  of  Zappa  came  through  and  I 
found  myself  wishing  the  concert 
would  end  1 5  minutes  after  it 

So.  I  concluded.  Frank  Zappa  has 
become  an  anachronism.  His  brand 
of  hard  rock  can  never  compete  with 
today's  fourth  stream  rock  which  is 
closer  to  Bartok  than  to  the  Beatles. 
His  intellectual  prowess  is  really  all 
he  can  offer  to  those  who  were 
brought  up  on  the  avant  garde  King 
Crimson,  the  melodious  Yes  and  the 
intricate  jazz  of  Chick  Corea  and 
Keith  Jarrett.  Perhaps  the  next  time 
Zappa  comes,  it  should  be  on  the 
lecture  circuit. 


fWomen  are  equal 

^^H^SMdtc  _. 

imlBtlKaQBb^  for  to?  to 

that  proponents  of  ihfi 

Equal  Bif^ats  Amesdioeiit  sfaould 
nave  to  omvjnce  .tmf(»ie  that 
women  are  eqiai  to  men.  that 
«tiial  pay  is  daaer^'ed  for  equal 
work,  that  a  qualified  person 
Ibould  not  be  deniecl  a  job 
because  of  sex.  I  autmoaticariy 
form  my  '  attitudes  and 
lihUoeophies  «riih  the  basis  that 
romes  have  the  same  intellecmal 
C^ttdtiee  a«  men,  that  they 
AoiM  therefore  have  the  same 
opportunities  to 
themselvee  as  individuals,  to  take 
active  parte  in  their  commuuiiy 
Be*  only  on  the  local  level,  out 
aationany  and  intsTiationally  as 

goaoiie  to  argue  with- 

i  psofiB  wixo  are  not  of  ihetsi. 

t  beliefs.  Until  they  rea:igni7.£^ 

aa    fuU-fledged    human 

,  they  can  be  no  reason  for 

coimis'    the    Equal 

hte  Amendment.  I  am  merely 

ng  Biy  support  for  the 

as  a  step  toward  mectiu^f 

pnnnknsly   stated  goals  o( 

s  necsesary  to  repeat, 

/  what  is  specified  in  th« 

idment.  lor  too  many  tbin^ 

generally    thought    to    be 

'•duded  which  aresi't,  Tljere  arei 

-'ee  sectioBs  in  the  ZH.K.  Th- 

,iirst   aaya  "Equality   ol 

'  r  die  Uw  shall  not  be 

or  by  any  State  onTacemuit  of 
saj."  tie  second  gives  Confess 
the  powar  to  enforce  the  first 
section  and  the  third  section  calls 
for  the  amendment  to  take  eSsA 
two  years  after  the  date  of 

file  rati&aSon  of  theEEA  will 
not  instantaneousiy  strike  down 
seiual  injustice.  Nothing  has  that 
power.  When  we  ay  "All  or 
nothing"  in  a  society  that  woriss 
steadily  and  gradnaliy,  we  are 
sinking  our  own  ship. 

Knr  those  who  see  the  adoption 
of  the  ERA  aa  an  agreement  with 
the  moat  wild  and  frantic 
"women's  lib"  proposals,  there 
mupi  he  some  other  fear. 
aomething  subconscious  and 
blinding  behind  their 

assumptions.  The  EEA  is 
pr<a:ieoiy  the  (^posite,  for  it 
encourages  change  within  the 
system,  tt  i«  a  foundation  on 
which  popular  and  reasonable 
laws  can  be  jhirly  formed.  It 
repressits  and  precedes  more  of 
the    great   oomproralsee   this 

5aBMsit«^_ . 

The  Indiana  Legislature 
the  oppratunity  to  make  _ 
acknowledgement  of  the  present 
and  to  prepare  for  the  future.  TMa 
opportunity  to  be^  and  to  make 
fmnoe  realizations  shooW  not  be 
faglected.  It  lies  in  the  chance  to 
'iitify  the  Equal  Bights 
3t  to  the  United  States 


EARLY  ON  THE  DAY  OF  A  ROCK  CONCERT  .,a,.  ho„d.  kp„  ,ke  la.k  ofsetn^g  up  ,1,, 
equipment  Top.  the  stage  .s  near  readmesi  while  workers  hurry  to  fimsh  and  check  up  on 
things  for  the  Frank  Zappa  concert  at  the  Memorial  Coliseum  Friday  night  Bottom:  The 
synthesiser  and  organ  are  in  position. 

ERA  wins  national  organizati 

1  Equality  of  rights  under  the  law 
shall  Dot  be  abridged  by  the 
United  States  or  by  any  state  on 
account  of  sex. 

2  The  CoDgre§6  shall  have  the 
power  to  enforce  by  appropriate 
legislation  the  provisions  of  thie 

3  This  amendment  shall  tahe 
effect  two  years  after  the  date  of 

The  Equal  Rights  Amendment  was 
first  presented  to  the  National  Congress 
in  1923-  In  1972. 49  years  after  it  was  first 
introduced  to  Congress,  it  was  ready  for 
the  states  to  ratify. 

Thirty-six  states  have  ratified  the 
ERA,  with  only  two  more  states' 
approval  needed  for  the  ERA  to  become 
law,  Indiana  is  one  of  the  few  states  lef^ 
which  hasn't  ratified  it.  and  chances  are  it 
won't  ratify  it  next  year. 

Parties  offer  support 

In  1972,  the  Democratic  Party 
supported  the  ERA  and  stated  in  its 
platform:  "Women  historically  have  been 
denied  a  full  voice  in  the  evolution  of  the 
political  and  social  institutions  of  this 
country,  and  are  therefore  allied  with  all 
under-represented  groups  in  a  common 
desire  to  form  a  more  humane  and 
compassionate  society." 


The  Republican  Party,  too,  encouraged 
the  ERA  and  stated  in  its  platform:  "The 
Republican  Party  recognizes  the  great 
contributions  women  have  made  to  our 
society  as  homemakers  and  mothers,  as 
contributors  to  the  community  through 

Sfudenfs   and,  staff   affempi    better   relations     through    committee 

OrUUCmo      VJMU,    Jl^-lII  r-  j„_...,:_. u„,     „.Vp,     doine.     the     student  imput. 

Ten  members  of  the 
jdministration  and  eight 
iamhurst  students  have 
formed  the  school's  first 
Human  Relations 
Committee,  set  up  to  meet 
the  first  and  third  Thursday 
of  every  month. 

This  committee  was 
organized  under  the 
direction  of  the 

Superintendent's  office  and 
its  members  chosen  by 
recommendation  of  the 
student  council.  The  main 
thrust  of  the  committee 
shall   be   to  emphasize   the 

positive  aspects  of  school 
life  and  improve 

relationships  between 
students,  teachers,  parents, 
and  administration. 

Student  members  of  the 
committee  include  seniors 
Linda  Panyard  and  Pat 
Prader;  juniors  Mark 
DeGrandchamp,  Tina 
Hinton  and  Sarah  Stewart, 
and  sophomores  Ernie 
Starks.  Ron  Culpepper  and 
Brian  Russell. 

Looking  for  goals 

"Our  purpose  is  to  aim  at 

not  only  understanding  one  what  we're  doing,  the 
another,  but  improving  the  committee  will  serve  an 
relationships,  where  important  purpose.  But 
necessary,"  stated  right  now  we  don't  really 
committee  member  Sarah  know  what  to  do  or  what  we 
Stewart.  can    do."    explained    one 

The    Human    Relations    member  of  the  committee. 
Committee  is  attempting  to        The      group       is      not 
find  some  goals  to  reach  for    expecting     ■  to       achieve 
in  the  coming  year.  These     earthshattering  results  this 
could  include  such  things  as    year.  One  important  aspect 

homeroom  programs,  and     of    this    year's    conunittee,      

S  a  way  to  show  Back  though,  is  to  lay  the  ground  or  to  Mr.  Douglass  Spencer, 
to  School  Night  to  the  rules  for  committees  in  the  committee  s  sponsor, 
majority  of  parents  who    future  years.  W^as  can  be  put  to  some 

■uaj>,      y  K  constructive    use    for    the 

don  t  come.  Input  needed  students  and  the  school. 

"As  soon   as  we  decide 

student  imput.  "It's  sort  of 
hard  to  do  something  when 
the  student's  don't  know 
who  we  are.  If  the  students 
could  give  us  some  ideas,  the 
committee  could  move 
ahead  faster,"  explained 
senior  Pat  Prader. 

The  new  group  welcomes 
and  hopes  for  student  ideas. 
By  talking  to  one  of  the 
student  committee  members 

Input  needed 

But  the  committee  needs 

uppendectomy  for  ex,ra  cr-dit  in  Mr,  Ho/if  r's  second  period  advanced 
i.oJoey  cl^s.  Body  par,,  Irorr,  varioa,  animah  a,ere  u,ed  lo  simulate  the 

%  On  a  dozen  rolls  with  this  ad  % 

t  Waynedale 

C„...  la.,  class  presented  ker  ™i/,  a  large  .ki.e  cake  u,M  pink  .c.r,.    | 
Her  birthday  i»os  election  day,  Nop.  5.  4l"J'i 


EiolroUondBleOec   i 

SIIj]  ERA-.myth,not  reality 

support,  but  no  ratification 

Volunteer  work,  and  as  members  of  the 
labor  force  in  careers  outside  the  home, 
"«  fully  endorse  the  principle  of  equal 
^hts,  equal  opportunities,  and  equal 
responsibilities  for  women,  and  believe 
that  progress  in  these  areas  is  needed  to 

achieve  the  full  realization  of  the  potential 
of  American  women  both  in  the  home  and 
outside  the  home," 

Clarify  status 

The  purpose  of  the  ERA  is  to  clarify  the 
legal  status  of  women,  which  has  never 
been  defined  by  the  CoDstitudon.  The 
only  rights  guaranteed  to  women  by  the 
Constitution  are  the  right  to  vote  and 
hold  office. 

The  Democratic  and  Republican  parties 
are  not  the  only  ones  supporting  the 
ERA:  approximately  70  national 
organizations  Including  the  American  Bar 
Association,  the  American  Psychological 
Association,  and  the  NAACP  support  it, 
compared  to  approximately  10  national 
organizations  such  as  the  Communist 
party,  the  John  Birch  Society,  and  HOT 
DOG  (Humanitarians  Opposed  to 
Degrading  Our'  Girls)  which  openly 
opposed  it  in  1972. 

It  seems  ironical  that  when  so  many 
organizations  support  the  ERA  it  has  not 
been  able  to  make  the  required  38-state 
ratification.  The  ERA  has  until  1979  to  be 
ratified.  Women  are  People,  and  do  make 
important  contributions  to  society  .  One 
can  only  hope  that  before  1979  the 
American  people  and  its  legislators  will 
realize  this  and  extend  equal  right  to 

by  Bev  Pree 

The  EB  A  is  such  a  sfesple.  jusfc- 
soimding  pr<q>osal  that  jsany 
peraoBs  are  fooled  into  believing 
the  njyths  ita  pjoponests  want  us 
to  belief's.  My  piupose  is  to  set 
straight  aome  of  these  tales,  and 
to  show  the  ERA  is  a  farce  axtd 
can  only  harm  Am&riesi's  women. 

the  most  endorsed 
issue  of  women's  lib  is  equal  pay 
Jot  ecpiajl  work-  Prop©oents  of  the 
ERA  asstnre  us  aft*r  its  passage' 
all  wBU  be  equal  They  overlook 
the  fact  that  equal  pay  for  the 
sacie  work  is  already  taw.  The 
Equal  Pay  Act  of  1963  guarantees 
this,  if  a  woman  feels  Uns  law  has 
been  violated,  she  can  sue  for 
back  pay.  She  doesn't  used  a  new 
law;  past  laws  are  eaffiejent. 

RightB  denied 

Discriminatitm  in  education  is, 
another  hot  spot  to  Ubbara,  The 
Civil  Rights  Act  of  1964  along 
with  the  Edu<^tton  Amendments: 
of  1972  come  to  my  mmd  in  this 
case,  Th^e  law^  protect  all* 
Americana  and  offer  equal : 
education  opportunities  to 
every<Hie-  This  is  another  "goal" 
of  the  ERA  that  has  already  been 
afi^ained.  ' 

It  wUI  take  away  a  woman's 
rigfht  to  privacy.  Public 
irestrooms,  prisozx  t^ls,  and  army 

barracks  will  all  become  unisex 
unless  the  "separate  but  equal" 
doctrme  is  revived.  This  doctrine 
has  not  worked  in  the  past  history 
of  the  United  States,  eo  there'e  no 
rfiftson  to  b^ve  it  wiil  work  jwm^ 
With  the  passa^  of  the  ERA." 
prf\'&cy  in  pabHc  buildings  wiM  be 
a  thing  of  t!:^  past. 

Unffillil^d  9j{iD^ 

A  few  other  benefite  women 
may  reap  from  the  passage  of  this  | 
amendment  are: 

1.  Eai>e  laws  will  be  declare*; ' 
.unconstitationai  as  they  protect^ 
fonly  women,  therefore  they ' 
r'diecriminate  " . 

j  2.  Her  right  to  have  a  family 
\an<i  expect  to  be  supported  by  her 
thuaband  wiS  be  citrtaiied.  A 
ihuaband  will  be  able  to  kave  his 
jwife  and  children  at  any  time  and 
jnot  be  liable  for  suppOTt.  j 

;  3.  She  will  have  the  rigM  to  be  ^' 
.^dra^;ed  and  room  in  the  same< 
place  as  males  without  regard  for 
her  sex- 
Do  the  women  of  America  wast , 
all  these  rig^its?  Seventy-ffight ! 
f^:  cent  said  os,  GCtonikig  to  ttf- 
Harris  Poll. 

Can  we  let  the  asijOTity  of  ' 
America'e  lemalea  stiver  at  the 
bands    of    a    few    unhappy, 
unfulfilled  women?  fbe 

S^u^iet&ali  6e^m^  dea4<M.: 

by  Jim  McCIeneghen 

In  past  years  Elmhurst 
basketbaU  fans  have  grown 
accusti^ed  to  having  tali 
teams.  Well,  all  that  is  about 
to  change  this  year  as  the 
Elmhurst  team  is  one  of  the 
smallest  in  the  city. 

However,  the  Trojans 
have    one    thing   going    for 

them,  and  that  is  quickness. 
As  head  coach  Ken 
Eytcheson  commented, 
"We're  small,  young,  and 
inexperienced  but  we  will  be 
quick  and  we  have  a  lot  of 

Only  three  return 

Of    course    last    year's 
graduation    did    hurt    the 

Trojans  as  they  have  only 
three  lettermen  returning 
with  varsity  experience, 
seniors  Keith  Bradtmiller, 
Raymond  Reese  and  Larry 
Reese.  The  rest  of  the  team 
consists  of  29 

underclassmen  and  2  more 
seniors.  This  supports  the 
belief  that  like  the  footbalf 

KENNY  EYTCHESON  DISPLA  YS  the  many  emotions  of  a  headu, 
easy,  there  will  be  no  pushovers. 

THE  ELMHURST  BASKETBALL  TEAM  PLA  YS  o  scrimmage  during  one  of  their  pmctices. 

PRACTICES  jump  shots. 


*  Bradtmiller,  Keith 

Brewer,  Mike 

Coker,  Ken 

Green,  Anthony  . . . . 
Harrison,  Roosevelt , 

Howard,  Lyle 

Paschal,  Curtis 

Peters.  Doug  

*Reese,  Larry 

♦Reese,  Raymond  . . 

Russell,  Brian  

Smith,  Terry    

Starks,  Ernie   

Underwood,  Fred  . . , 
Walker,  Raymond  . 
White,  Johnnie   . . . . 

Assistant  coaches: 

John  Bunnell,  Phill 
*  Denotes  letterman 

10    Editorial 

rorlol  _ 


I  of  view^ 

'A/ly  Three  Angels"  cost  suuessi\i\ 

by  Marilynn  Soberer 

The  Elmhurst  school  play, 
"My  Three  Angels,"  opened 
last  Friday  evening  in  the 
Elmhurst  gym.  The 
receptive  crowd  assembled 
at  8  p.m. 

The  cast  and  crew 
working  on  the  play  spent 
approximately  two  months 
rehearsing  and  preparing 
the  set  for  the  three-act,  two 
and  a  half  hour  performance. 
The  play  takes  place  in 
French  Guiana  where  the 
temperature  has  dropped  to 
104  degrees  in  expectation  of 
Christmas  Day, 

Set  stands  out 

The  attractive  set.  built 
by  stagecraft  class 
members,  cast  members  and 
Mr.  Goss.  is  a  small  village 
store  resting  right  in  the 
middle  of  a  prison  society 
Felix  and  Erailie  Ducotel, 
portrayed  by  juniors  Tom 
Young  and  Sarah  Stewart, 
own  the  store,  which  on 
Christmas  Eve  is  plagued  by 

financial  burdens. 

Their  daughter.  Marie 
Louise,  played  by  junior 
Melissa  Hunter,  is  in  love 
with  the  villain  Uncle  Henri 
Trochard's  nephew,  Paul. 
Juniors  Jeff  Sills  and  Dave 
Archer  play  Uncle  Henri  and 

The  plot  begins  when  the 
three  "angels,"  seniors  Jeff 
Green,  Dave  Silletto.  who  is 
the  lead  "angel",  and  junior 
Larry  Daugherty  decide  to 
help  Felix  save  his  store 
from  the  Grasp  of  rich  Uncle 
Henri,  and  at  the  same  time 
help  Marie  Louise  win  Paul. 

Angels  epark  plot 

The  "angels"  spend 
Christmas  Eve  with  the 
Ducotels  and  their  sarcastic 
personalities  are  well- 
played,  amusing,  and  add  a 
great  deal  to  the  show. 

Madame  Parole,  a  comical 
character  played  credibly  by 
junior  Nancy  Beadie, 
provides  for  two  very  funny 
scenes,  one  in  act  one  and 

ther  other  in  act  three. 

Junior  Kent  Gaskill  also 
performs  as  the  lieutenant 
who  enters  the  plot  towards 
the  end  of  the  third  act.  His 
character  enters  just  in  time 
to  end  the  show  on  a  happy 

The  set  for  the  play 
consists  of  the  Ducotels' 
home,  with  exits  to  the 
store,  the  kitchen,  the 
garden,  and  the  roof. 

Play  recommended 

The  performance  given  by 
the  entire  cast  is  both 
amusmg  and  in  some  parts 
heart-warming.  It's  well 
worth  the  time  of  any  talent- 
appreciating  person. 

Directed  by  Mr.  Don  Goss 
with  assistants  Miss- 
Jennifer  Manth  and  Mrs. 
Shelley  Wellington,  the  play 
runs  next  Friday  and 
Saturday  at  8  p.m.  The 
performances  and  the  crew 
effort  add  to  the  entire 
production  of  the  1974  play. 

To  the  editor: 

There  appears  to  be  an 
amazing  apathy  in  the 
student  body  toward  the 
student  council.  This 
apathy,  I  feel,  stems  from 
the  lack  of  information 
concerning  the  student 
council  provided  to  the 
student  body. 

It  seems  to  me  that  tne 
publications  department 
could  provide  more  adequate 
coverage  of  student  council 
activities.  When  the  council 
has  a  meeting,  why  couldn't 
a  brief  account  of  the 
minutes  be  pub'dshed  in  the 
■'digest  of  news"?  It  seems 
to  me  that  student  council 
activities  directly  affect  the 
student  body. 

Another  major  problem  is 
student  involvement.  People 
who  are  not  directly 
involved  in  student  council 
iknow  little  or  nothing  of  the 
'  way  the  student  council  is 
run.  They  have  no  idea  how 
to  relay  their  ideas  to  the 
student  council,  or  what 
action,  if  any,  will  be  taken  if 
they  do.  Why  couldn't 
suggestion  boxes  be  placed 
throughout  the  school?  if 
the    student    body    could 

handle  the  responsibility, 
there  is  no  reason  why  this 
couldn't  be  just  as  effective 
at  Elmhurst  as  it  is  at 
several  other  Ft.  Wayne 
high  schools.  The  other 
thing  that  the  student  body 
can  do  is  merely  talk  to  any 
student  council 


Student  Council,  although 
it  has  plenty  of  money  and 
time  to  donate  directly  to 
students  and  student 
activities,  and  although  it 
directly  affects  student  life 
throughout  the  year,  is  one 
of  the  least  publicized  and 
least  known  organizations  in 
the  school.  I  believe  this  is  a 
great  oversight  not  only  on 
the  part  of  the  publications 
department,  but  of  the 
student  body,  faculty, 
administration  and  the 
council  itself. 


The  Advance  fltaff  iDvites 
students  and  teachers  to  eipreefl 
their  opinions  on  aoy  subject 
through  the  newspaper.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to 
review  all  material  before 
publication.  All  letters  should  be 
brought  to  the  joumaliem  room 


zxfiefucticcct  ^AMtMtwi 


itpmetices.  Mr-  Eylclieson  feels  that  no  game  will  b 

































team,  the  basketball  team 
will  improve  as  the  season 

Coach  Eytcheson  is 
hoping  that  what  his  team 
lacks  in  size  will  be  made  up 
in  a  lot  of  hustle  and  desire. 
"Well  be  quick  and  we  will 
press,  this  is  our  game.  The 
big      question      will      be 

rebounding.  Can  we  get 
more  than  one  or  two  shots 
at  the  basket?  We  have  been 
working  on  boxing  out.  We 
just  have  to  get  position." 

Running  team 

Offensively  Coach 
Eytcheson  beUeves  that  the 
Trojans  will  have  to  be  more 
organized  "Bradtmiller  and 

the  Reeses  will  have  to  be 
the  main  scorers,"  he  says. 

Looking  at  the  team 
overall.  Coach  Eytcheson 
has  high  hopes  for  the  future 
with  29  sophomores  getting 
better  every  day.  "We'll  be  a 
running  team  mainly,  trying 
to  take  advantage  of  the  fast 
breaks  that  we  can  get. 


COACH  EYTCHESON  WATCHES  HITENTLYastkeicrimmngc  continues.  AUphotcs  by  Mike  Duray. 


by  MarilynD  Scherer 

Seen  a  professional 
football  game  lately?  Maybe 
you  saw  the  Buffalo  Bills  vs. 
New  England  Patriots 
game.  Even  if  you  did  see 
that  game.  I'm  sure  that  it 
did  not  compare  with  the 
November  12  Powerpuff 
football  game. 

Let's  compare  the  two 
games.  In  the  Buffalo-New 
England  game,  the  starting 
quarterbacks  were  Joe 
Ferguson  and  Jim  Plunkett, 
respectively.  Both  offensive 
leaders  probably  weigh  in  at 
about  180  pounds. 

The  starting  quarterbacks 

puff   teams   organized 

1 1  •  r»alur* 

for  the  junior-senior  girls 
football  game  were  Selma 
Vaughn,  and  Barb  Bowen. 
These  QB's  probably  weigh 
130  pounds,  at  the  most. 

The  professionals  could 
throw  the  ball  eighty  yards, 
if  necessary  -  the  Elmhurst 
girls  couldn't  throw  a 
football  that  far  if  their  lives 
depended  on  it! 

In  the  professional  game, 
the  uniforms  are  so  complete 
that  one  couldn't  tell  where 
padding  stopped  and  bodies 
began.  With  the  Trojan  gals, 
nothing  resembled  a  uniform 
except  the  sexy  jerseys,  that 
were  ten  sizes  too  big. 

The  gal  gridders  not  only 
stunned  the  crowd  with  odd 
unprofessional  plays  -  but 
they  were  encored  by 
respective  class 
cheerleaders.  How  could 
O.J.  Simpson  top  that? 

Practices  were  held  when 
the  weather  was  nice,  or 
whenever  two  or  more 
persons  from  the  same  team 
got  together.  Professionals 
undergo  gruelling  practices 
for  the  entire  regular  season 
of  play. 


5AvC>(.F/aD    m    f^t>>\ON*i 

The  pros  played 
game  with  only  one  thing  in 
mind  -  winning.  They  knew 
that  winning  was  money  in 
their  pocket.  The  girls 
played  merely  for  fun.  to 
give  fellow  Trojans  a  chance 
to  see  a  change  of  pace  in 
sports.  The  only  thing  they 
had  to  gain  was  recognition 
and  a  few  broken  bones. 

Maybe  you  saw  both 
games.  If  so,  then  your  mind 
was  probably  sports- 
broadened,  in  both  senses  of 
^the  word, 

Powderpuff  football  may 
'not  be  annual  at  EHS,  but 
rumors  are  around  --  the 
class  of  '76  has  a  challenge  . . 

the  difficult  fundamentals  of  football  Members  of  the  team  practiced  two 

times  a  week  for  three  weeks. 

JVeuf  sport  open  to  females 

by  Marilyn- Scherer  "    '^"^    delayed    in    forming    a 

basketball  team,  then  in  a  few  years 

With   the   first  girls'   basketbaU     when   it  finally  did   start  a   team. 

game  less  than  a  month  and  a  half    other    Fort   Wayne   schools    would 

away  Coach  Lucy  Doswell  called  the     have      the     experienced      player 

first   organizational    meeting   on     advantage.  Elmhurst  would  only  be 

"  "       "'       "  beginners.  What  would  the  team's 

chances  be  then? 



Nearly  sixty  girls  were 
anticipated  to  turn  out  for  the  first 
meeting,  but  a  dismal  number  of 
only  20  were  in  attendance. 

Girls  have  rights 

Those  at  the  meeting  were  simply 
advised  of  their  rights  as  female 
athletes  attending  Elmhurst  High 
School.  Some  of  those  rights  are:  ( 1 ) 
the  girls'  team  will  be  granted  the 
use  of  the  boys'  regulation-size 
gymnasium  after  the  dinner  hour 
(unless,  of  course,  there  is  an 
interscholastic  meet  taking  place); 
(2)  any  other  practice  will  be  in  the 
girls'  gym,  or  maybe  the  weight 
room;  (3)  the  evenings  that  the  team 
does  use  the  boys'  gym  (granted  the 
athletic  department  gives  the  team 
a  key)  will  be  the  only  practice  the 
girls'  will  know  in  a  regulation-size 

Waiting  won't  work 

Some  people  have  suggested  that 

Every  school  at  one  time  or 
another  goes  through  that  awesome 
season  with  beginners.  This  year  the 
girls  will  be  no  more  beginners  than 
any  other  team  in  Fort  Wayne. 
Where  is  there  a  rule  that  says 
beginners  have  to  be  losers? 

Sophomores  gain  experience 

Hard  work,  practice,  and 
determination  can  easily  overcome 
the  facility  dilemma,  Several  of  the 
players  out  for  the  team  are 
sophomores.  This  means 

experienced  players  in  the  next  two 
years  -  the  problem  of  begiimers, 

The  other  advantage  that  a  team 
can  have  is  school  backing,  spirit, 
and  support.  When  a  stadium  or 
bleachers  are  filled  with  fans,  a  team 
usually  gets  the  incentive  to  play 
hard  £md  win. 
The  girls  have  their  first  match-up 
waiting  for  Ehnhurst  to  build  a  new  on  Jan.  7.  The  game  will  be  held  in 
gymnasium  would  be  a  better  idea  ...  the  Elmhurst  gym,  with  the  Trojans 
that  starting  a  team  in  a  few  years  facing  Concordia, 
would  probably  result  in  a  different  Can  giris  play  basketball?  The 
season.  This  would  be  a  definite  only  way  to  find  out  is  for  fans  to 
struggle  for  the  ftjture  girls'  teams,     attend  the  games  and  see. 











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In  past  few  years  the  Fort 
Wayne  Conmnmity  Schools  have 
recognized  the  equal  rights  of 
females  in  athletics  by  giving  them 
their  own  sports  to  participate  in, 
or  letting  them  compete  in  male- 
dominated,  non-contact  sports. 

The  girls  have  actively 
participated  in  the  sports  started 
for  them,  like  tennis,  volleyball, 
gymnastics,  and  track.  But  they 
have  not  shown  as  much  interest  in 
the  male  non-contact  sports  such 
as  cross  country  and  goli 

Well,  thia  may  be  the  year  all  of 
that  changes.  In  a  sport  which  has 
been  unofRcially  added  to  the  EHS 
curriculum,  both  girls  and  guys 
have  teamed  to  make  e  huge 
success.  This  new  aport  ia  called 

Although  teepeeing  has  been 
done  for  as  long  as  anyone  can 
remember,  this  has  been  the  first 
year  at  Elmhurst  that  it  has  been 
done  on  a  mass  scale.  It  all  started 
when  a  group  of  seniors  (Cindy 
Bradtmiller.  Denise  Stein,  Dan 
Avery,  George  Huber,  Cathy 
Brock,  and  Donna  BelUs I  conspired 
to  _di8play  their  talents  on  the 
lawns  of  Mike  Landrigan's,  Terry 
Brutton's    and    Mike    Arnold's 

homes.  Well,  of  course  the  parties 
who  were  the  victims  quickly  found 
out  who  had  given  them  the  gifts 
and  decided  to  retaliate. 

So  around  4:30  one  moming  the 
victims  dragged  themselves  out  of 
bed  and  hastily  displayed  their  own 
similar  talents  on  the  lawns  of 
Cindy  Bradtmiller's,  Denise  Stein's 
and  Donna  Bellis's  houses.  This 
was  all  fun.  but  the  guys  couldn't 
pass  up  the  opportunity  to  do  a 
good  job  on  the  Huber  residence. 
So,  at  1  30  the  next  moming  two  of 
them  took  25  rolls  of  toilet  paper.  2 
trash  can  liners  of  shredded  paper 
and  a  package  of  paper  towels  and 
distributed  them  in  trees  and 
shrubs  and  on  the  lawn  of  Mr. 
Huber's  estate. 

All  of  this  activity  of  course 
made  quick  news  in  the  halls  of 
EHS.  So  from  then  on  it  has  been 
very  chaotic  trying  to  figure  out 
who  has  teepeed  who,  and  who  has 
been  teepeed.  Especially  the  night 
last  week  when  approximately 
eleven  houses  were  caught  off 
guard  on  the  same  night. 

So  if  your  house  has  been  teepeed 
lately  we  can't  tell  you  who  has 
done  it  for  sure.  But  we  can  give 
you  a  list  of  known  artists  who 

have  been  active  lately.  The  list 
includes  Terry  Brutton,  Lynn 
Brown.  Mike  Arnold,  Mike 
Landrigan,  Donna  Bellis,  Denise 
Stein,  Cindy  Bradtmiller,  Dave 
Campbell,  Keith  Bradtmiller,  Dan 
Avery,  CrysUl  Cary,  Cathy  Cary. 
Mike  Duray,  Terry  Emmons,  Greg 
Hershberger,  Jim  Theye,  Melissa 
Hunter,  Carol  Quance.  Jim 
McCleneghen.  Derek  Paris,  Lyle 
Howard,  Kevin  Stephenson,  Jim 
Norton.  Dan  Landrigan,  Dave 
Boyer,  Debbie  Janson.  George 
Huber.  Joe  Morken,  Paul 
Frankewich,  Angle  Gensic,  Mark 
Spears,  and  others  who  have 
managed  to  keep  their  names  and 
facesout  of  sight. 

With  all  of  this  experience  in  our 
own  school  we  collected  some  tips 
for  beginners, 

1.  Don't  buy  the  cheapest  stuff 
possible.  Go  for  broke  and  get  the 
most  expensive  paper.  You'll  find  it 
easier  to  unroU. 

2.  Shredded  paper  looks  best  on 
shrubs  and  bushes,  but  it  is  kind  of 
hard  to  get  cleaned  up  (right 
George?)  so  don't  go  overboard 
when  scattering  it. 

3.  When  the  rolls  land  on  the 
ground  break  them  off  just  a  foot 
or  two  above  the  grass.  This  causes 
a  pretty  swaying  motion  when 
caught  by  a  breeze. 

4.  Make  sure  the  house  of  your 
victim  doesn't  have  a  dog  who  will 
bite  you  or  alert  the  house. 

5.  Remember  the  art  of  teepeeing 
is  all  in  fun  and  if  you  are  an  artist 
one  night,  you  might  be  the  victim 
the  next.  So  keep  up  the  good  work 
and  try  to  have  a  photographer 
with  you  on  your  next  job. 

THE  REMAINS  OF  A  HEAVY  TEEPEEING  JOB  on  the  trees  lining 
junior  Melissa  Hunter's  driveway  are  shown.  Senior  Lynn  Brown  drove 
through  pulling  down  some  pieces  that  were  draped  from  one  side  to 

EARLY.  VERY  EAHLY  ONE  FRIDAY  MORNING,  two  senior  guys 
took  out  their  frustrations  on  senior  George  Huber's  front  lawn.  Besides 
the  usual  toilet  paper,  paper  napkins  and  shredded  paper  decked  shrub'^, 
trees  and  grass. 

Milkshakes   served   at 

by  Roberta  Cohen 

A  milkshake  machine  here 

,t  Elmhurst?  This  is  a  real 
jossibility  for  the  near 
jiture  if  all  continues  to  go 
jell  with  the  milkshake 
„achine  now  being  used  at 
(Vayne  High  School. 

According  to  Miss 
Catharine  Feustel, 
supervisor  of  food  services 
for  Fort  Wayne  Community 
Schools,  this  machine  comes 
in  many  different  sizes, 
icpending  on  what  is 
needed.  The  machine  at 
ffayne  has  a  capacity  for 
acre  than  two  hundred  10- 
ounce  milkshakes,  which  are 
sold  for  35«  each. 

In  experimenting  with 
this  machine,  the  food 
department  is  trying  to  find 
out  exactly  what  the 
advantages  and 
disadvantages  are. 

One  ot  the  biggest 
problems  anticipated  was 
that  the  machine  would  not 
be  able  to  keep  up  with  the 
demand.  If  the  problem  had 
occurred,  the  solution  would 
have  been  to  bring  in  a 
larger  machine. 

Another  possible  problem 
would  have  been  that  the 
machine  could  not  freeze  the 
milkshakes  fast  enough.  To 
solve  that  problem,  a  larger 
motor  would  have  been  used 
in  order  to  increase  freezing 

A  third  possibility  is  that 
the  milkshakes  would  be  too 
expensive  to  make  and  serve 
without  increasing  the  price 
of  the  regular  lunch.  The 
answer  to  that  is  to  serve  the 
milkshakes  only  in  an  a  la 
carte  line. 

The  milkshake  machine 
does  have  advantages  other 


than  just     .     making 

milkshakes,  according  to 
Miss  Feustel,  It  can  be  used 
tor  frozen  desserts  such  as 
orange  sherbet  made  from 
real  orange  juice.  It  can  also 
be  used  to  make  soft  ice 
cream  in  different  flavors. 

Although  Wayne  is  the 
only  school  in  the  system 
using  a  milkshake  machine 
at  present,  chances  are 
pretty  good  that  other 
schools  will  soon  have  one  if 
the  machine  at  Wayne 
continues  to  be  a  success 


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Lee  ninth  in  sectionals  Netmen  inexperienced 

The  Elmhurst  cross 
country  team  recently 
participated  in  the  Fort 
Wayne  Cross  Country 
Sectionals  held  at  Shoaff 
Park.  Led  by  senior  Paul 
Stevens  and  sophomore  Tim 
Lee.  the  Trojans  placed 
seventh  out  of  21  area  teams 
with  a  203  point  team  total. 

Northrop  took  first  place, 
paced  by  Bob  Davis  and  Ron 
Ruick  who  placed  second 
and  third  respectively.  Brad 
Jacobson  captured  first 
place  for  individual  honors. 

In  this  year's  sectional  the 
top  four  teams  and  the  first 
five  individual  finishers 
went  on  to  run  in  the  Cross 
Country  Regionals  also  held 
■It  Shoaff  Park. 

The  following  are  the 
frojan  harriers  and  their 
time  for  the  2'/2  mile  event: 
sophomore       Tim       Lee, 



May  Sfone  & 
Sand   Inc. 

12:39;  senior  Paul  Stevens, 
12:48;  junior  Bob  Levy, 
13:29;  junior  Larry  Raber 
13:40;  sophomore  Jim 
Freygang,  13: 54 ;  junior 
Rich  Knuth  13:56:  and 
sophomore  Chad  Cline 

Placing  in  the  top  twenty 
were  Tim  Lee  tenth  and  Paul 
Stevens  fourteenth.  Lee  who 
still  has  two  years  at 
Elmhurst  will  be  back  to 
lead  the  cross  country  team 
on  to  two  hopefully 
successful  seasons  and 
possibly  to  a  state  title 
which  with  the  team's 
previous  record  may  not  be 
as  impossible  as  it  seems. 

In  preparation  for  their 
season  the  cross  country 
team  began  running  in  the 
last  part  of  August.  They 
ran  between  six  and  nine 
miles    a    day    until    their 

season  began.  Each 
individual  has  run  between 
350  and  400  miles  since  the 
season  began. 

This  year's  cross  country 
season  was  a  complete  turn 
around  from  last  year  when 
the  Trojans  boasted  only 
one  victory.  This  year's 
record  was  an  impressive  16- 
5.  As  Tim  Lee  put  it,  "With 
eight  lettermen  back  next 
year,  we  should  go  to  the 

Sophomore  Tim  Lee 


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Use  your  Ayres'  Charge 

In  just  a  little  over  three 
weeks,  Elmhurst's 
basketball  squad  will  see 
action  against  Muncie 
Southside,  at  Mxmcie  South 
on  Saturday.  Nov.  30.  Coach 
Ken  Eytcheson  says  as  of 
now  it's  a  little  early  to  tell 
exactly  what  kind  of  team 
Elmhurst  will  have. 

With  only  three  returning 
lettermen,  seniors  Keith 
Bradtmiller,  Larry  and 
Raymond  Reese,  Coach 
Eytcheson    explained    that 

inexperience  plagues  the 
team,  but  will  not  be  a 
problem  as  the  season 

The  coach  anticipates  a 
smaller  than  average  team 
this  year,  but  feels  the  team 
will  be  scrappy  and  make  up 
for  it  in  hustle.  Coach 
Eytcheson  said  it  was  too 
early  to  tell  what  his  game 
strategy  would  be  like,  but 
he  will  put  a  press  on 
opponents  80%  of  the  time 
during  a  game. 



Books    incite 

by  Verne  Myers 


Controversy  in  the  news  is 
not  so  far  away  as  one  might 
think,     The     contemporary 
Man  book  series,  subject  of 
much  violence  and  debate, 
may    be    found    here    at 
Elmhurst      and      nearby 
■•jWhitko  School  Corporation. 
The    center    of    ail    this 
national       attention       is 
whether  or  not  these  books 
contain    profanity,    anti- 
religious     material,     and 
genera]    literature    "unfit" 
for  us,  the  students.  These 
books    have    not,    as    yet, 
stirred    such    violence    and 
protest  here  as  they  have  in 
Charleston,  West  Virginia; 
and  in   the   Whitko  School 

If  you  have  read  these 
books,  however,  you  might 
wonder  what  all  the  fuss  is 
about.  Indeed.  their 
language  and  content  seem 
hardly  severe  enough  to 
provoke  mass  picketing, 
large  scale  .  strikes, 
shootings,  and /or 
dynamiting  and  firebombing 

Most  students  seem  to 
think  "so  what?"  about  the 
material     found     in     these 

books.  More  profanity  and 
radicalism  are  found  in  daily 
television  on  the  hour,  by 
the  hour,  every  hour.  Most 
students  have  read  or  heard 
twice  as  bad  at  home,  on  the 
streets,  or  on  the  news.  In 
addition,  the  Man  book 
series  is  supervised  by  a 
teacher  for  the  students. 

Another  question  is 
student  voice  on  the  issue, 
which  seems  to  say,  "keep 

But,  in  presenting  this 
material  to  younger 
students  and  those  that  are 
offended,  however  few,  there 
may  lie  a  problem.  Also,  in 
view  of  the  storms  of 
protest,  right  or  wrong, 
compromise  seems  the  only 

We  suggest  that  the 
textbooks  be  retained  for 
the  older  students  in  elective 
courses,  and  be  available  to 
others  under  supervised  use, 
but  not  to  require  them. 
Such  a  compromise  has  been 
reached  by  the  Whitko 
School  Corporation,  and  it 
would  seem  the  likely 
answer  to  please  the  parents 
and  halt  their  unnecessarily 
violent  protest. 

Readers  discuss  paper;  abortion 


Among  other  comments,  I 
heard  someone  say  that  the 
Advance  devotes  too  much 
space  to  unimportant  things 
such  as  the  school  play.  In 
my  opinion,  after  almost 
two  months  of  hard  work, 
the  cast  and  crew  of  "My 
Three  Angels"  deserve  a  big 
spread  in  the  paper.  The 
school  play  is  as  relevant  to 
Elmhurst  students  as 
Homecoming,  and  just  as 
important!  Homecoming,  if 
you'll  recall,  had  sections  in 
two  issues  devoted  to  it.  The 
school  play  is  a  big  deal,  and 
a  big  deal  should  be  made  of 

To  the  editor: 

Sitting  in  a  class  recently 
I  heard  many  comments  on 
the  Advance,  and  almost 
none  of  them  were  favorable. 
This  caused  me  to  start 
thinking,  "What  should  a 
high  school  newspaper  have 
in  it?" 

A  school  newspaper 
should  consist  of  news, 
features,  and  editorials 
relevant  to  that  school. 
These  could  include  articles 
about  school  events,  or 
articles  pertaining  to  the 
interests  of  high  school 
students  today,  such  as 
abortion,  marijuana, 
alcohol,  etc.  I  do  not  expect 
an  article  on  the  hottest 
game  in  the  NFL  to  appear 
in  a  high  school  newspaper! 
It  wouldn't  be  of  direct 
interest  to  the  students.  If 
the  people  complaining 
about  the  Advance  would 
stop  and  read  the  articles 
again,  they  would  see  that 
ARTICLE  in  the  newspaper 
is  relevant  to  Ehnhurst 
High  School  students.  The 
Advance  is  truly  a  paper  "of 
the  students,  by  the 
students,     and     for     the 

All  in  all,  I  feel  that  the 
Elmhurst  High  School 
Advance  is  doing  a  terrific 
job  covering  the  news,  and 
my  only  hope  is  that  they 
will  keep  up  the  good  work. 

To  the  editor: 

I  find  myself,  as  many 
other  students  may,  right  in 
the  middle.  On  the  issue  of 
abortion,  I  find  it  extremely 
hard   to   agree   or   disagree 

with     either     side    of    the 

We  live  in  America.  Thf 
land  of  the  free,  so  why  do 
some  people  want  to  let  the 
government  decide  what  a 
women  does  with  her  child? 
But  on  the  other  hand,  as 
an  American-to-be,  the 
rights  of  the  unborn  child 
must  be  protected. 

Granted  the  pictures  of 
abortions  are  not  pleasant, 
but  neither  are  the  pictures 
of  starving  children  --  or 
victims  of  child -beaters. 

To  give  a  cut  and  dried 
yes  or  no  answer  is 
impossible.  To  permit  the 
disposal  of  an  innocent  fetus 
is  wrong:  but  to  deny  a 
woman  the  right  to  do  what 
she  wants  to  with  her  body 
is  unconstitutional! 

Each  individual  must  be 
granted  the  choice;  both  the 
mother  and  the  child  must 
be  taken  into  consideration. 
Whether  or  not  the  pubhc 
agrees  with  the  decision  is 
not  the  mother  "s  problem. 

In  this  day  and  age  of 
advanced  birth  control  and 
family  planning,  abortion 
should  not  be  necessary,  but 


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Girls  sports.. 

Mike's  Side 

by  Mike  Landrigan 

Last  year,  girls 
participated  in  sports  for  the 
first  time  in  Elmhurst 
history.  The  female  teams 
sludged  through  losing 
seasons.  They  lacked 
experience,  good  equipment 
and  a  decent  gym. 

This  year  the  girls' 
volleyball  team  has  used  the 
boys'  gym  after  school  for 
practice.    This    leaves    the 


U.S.     24    West 
432  -6m 

Complete     Aufo 

boys'  basketball  team 
without  any  place  to 
practice.  Everyone  realizes 
this  was  not  a  good  situ- 

Former  principal  of 
Elmhurst  High  School 
Charles  Eickhoff  did  not 
support  the  expansion  of 
girls'  sports  during  the  last 
years  of  his  tenure.  He 
beUeved  Elmhurst  did  not 
have  the  facilities  to  handle 
girls'  athletics.  During  the 
72-73  season,  all  other 
FWCS  high  schools 
participated  in  female 
competition.  Due  to  this,  the 
seniors  on  Elmhurst's 
present  teams  gained  no 
experience  as  sophomores. 

Facilities  in  poor  shape 

The  volleyball  team  was 
not  in  a  position  of  total 
inexperience  because  several 
of  the  girls  played  on 
parochial  school  teams.  The 
tennis  and  gymnastics 
teams,  however,  had  no 
previous  experience. 

The  girls'  gym  is  far  too 
small  for  volleyball, 
gymnastics,  or  any  other 
sport.  All  other  schools  in 
the  system  have  good 
practice    facilities    in    their 

physical  ed  departments. 

The  gymnastics  team  has 
the  poorest  equipment.  The 
moat  needed  piece  of 
equipment  is  the  uneven 
bars.  Nearly  every  girl  who 
uses  them  states  they 
should  be  replaced. 

Student  support  needed 

One  final  obstacle  in  the 
girls'  way  is  the  lack  of 
student  support.  People  do 
not  attend  their  events.  To 
get  the  badly  needed 
equipment,  the  teams  need 
money.  Unless  they  run 
special  money-making 
campaigns,  fans  are  the  only 
means  of  support.  Football 
and  basketball  have  enough 
trouble  supporting  the  other 
male  sports.  The  addition  of 
girls'  sports  would  be  too  ; 
much  of  a  load. 

For  our  female  athletics  to 
be  real  wirmers,  the  girls 
need  school  backing,  more 
experience,  new  equipment 
and  ...  a  new  gym.  Only 
student  backing  can  be 
received  quickly- 
Experience,  equipment  and 
a  gym  can  only  come  with 
time.  The  girls  have  to 
remain  patient  and  continue 
to  give  their  best. 

Sludent  interest,  attendance  in  school  actioities  rises 

School  spirit,  believe  it  or 
not,  appears  to  on  the 
upsurge  at  Elmhurst. 
Despite  repeated  calls  for 
more  enthusiasm,  the 
figures  seem  to  indicate  that 
EHS  students  do  take  an 
interest  in  the  activities  the 
school  offers  them. 

For  example,  at  the  recent 
Pops  Concert,  500  people 
attended  this  year  as 
compared  to  300  the  year 
before  and  only  200  the  year 
before  that  -■  a  definite 

The  play  this  year  also 
drew  larger  crowds.  While 
600  people  attended  "My 
Three  Angels,"  only  350  saw 
"The  Effect  of  Gamma  Rays 
on  Man-In-the-Moon 
Marigolds"  last  year. 

And  according  to  the 
office,  records  were  even 
broken  on  Back  to  School 

So  why  all  the  hassle 
about  enthusiasm?  Well, 
unfortunately  not  all 
activities  have  been  getthig 
this  much  response,  but  it 

does  seem  reassuring  to 
know  that  interest  is 
beginning  to  pick  up. 

Hopefully  this  is  a  good 
sign  that  future  activities  at 

Elmhurst  will  not  meet  the 
same  apathy  that  past 
events  have. 

Many  students  agree  that 
Fort  Wayne  is  not  the  most 


CusfOfn     Picfure    Framing 


411  Willi  StrMt 

exciting  town,  but  if 
students  continue  to  take 
advantage  of  what 
Elmhurst  has  to  offer, 
things  may  not  seem  so  bad. 

I      ^twiaU  I 

I  FLOWERS  ..for     I 

%  every   occasion...  J 

IsOOJ    ARDMORE         % 
%  ..7.'^7^?]57| 

Volleyballers  defeated  in  sectionals 
10-5, 13-15  by  Homestead  females 

by  Karyn  Heiney 

The  Elmhurst  volleyball 
team  played  then  last  game 
of  the  season  Oct.  31  at 
Bishop  Luers.  It  was  then 
final  game  before  sectionals, 
which  were  held  Nov.  5-7  at 
Wayne  High  School. 

At  the  Luers-Dwenger 
match,  the  girls  played 
excellent  volleyball.  But  due 
to  a  bad  start,  combined 
with  a  bad  break,  they  failed 
to  beat  Luers  as  time  ran  out 
with  the  score  10-12. 

The  first  game  was  rough, 
losing  1-15  to  Luers.  But  the 
second  game  found  new 
strength  as  Elmhurst  rallied 
to  win  a  15-8  victory.  Forced 
to  play  a  third  game,  a 
scoring  difficulty  among  the 
official  scorers  cost 
Elmhurst  2  points.  As  time 
ran  out  the  Trojans  saw 
those  two  points  were  what 
they  needed  as  the  match 
ended  10-12,  Luers  the 
Dwenger  takes  match 

That  same  night  the 
volleyball  team  played 
Dwenger.  After  a  close  third 
game,  the  Trojan  team  was 
forced    to    face    another 


The  first  game  saw 
Elmhurst  win  handily,  a  15- 
4  victory.  But  Dwenger 
came  back  fighting,  winning 
the  second  game  15-10.  The 
third  game  was  agonizingly 
close  but  the  Trojan  girls 
just  couldn't  get  it  together 
and  were  defeated  13-15. 

EHS  out  of  sectionals 

On  Tuesday  evening, 
Nov.  5.  the  Elmhurst  team 
met  Homestead  at  Wayne 
High  School  for  sectional 
play.  After  two  games, 
Elmhurst  was  eliminated 
from  the  competition.  , 

The  first  match  saw 
Wayne  win  over  their 
opponent,  HeriUge.  Then 
Elmhurst  went  against 
Homestead  only  to  lose  the 
first  game  10-15.  The  second 
game  ended  with  Elmhurst 
on  the  short  end  of  a  13-15 

When  asked  about  their 
performance  that  night. 
Coach  Cathy  Russell  stated, 
"They  were  mentally 
psyched  up  for  the  game  but 
got      rattled      and      lost 

confidence  in  each  other." 
She  added,  "Then  they 
stopped  setting  up  but 
concentrated  on  defense 
instead  of  being 

aggressive."  Finally  she 
concluded  that  if  the  team 
had  played  as  well  against 
Homestead  as  they  had 
against  South  Side  and 
Luers,    they'd    have    won. 





— Read— 


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I  of  view. 

Council  in  need  of  order 

Carney  headlines   new   flick 

by  Sarah  Stewart 

In  this  day  of  fast-paced,  usually 
violent  adventure  films,  it's  nice  to 
know  that  there  is  a  slower-moving, 
non-violent,  and  very  entertaining 
adventure  film. 

"Harry  and  Tonto"  is  such  a  film, 
and  Art  Carney's  performance  as 
the  lead  character,  Harry,  should 
win  him  his  first  Oscar. 

"Harry  and  Tonto"  is  the  story  of 
an  elderly  man  and  his  cat,  Tonto, 
who  reside  in  New  York  City.  When 
Harry  is  forcibly  removed  from  his 
apartment,  he  and  Tonto  take  an 
impromptu  cross-country  excursion. 
On  the  way  across  country,  he 
picks  up  two  hitchhikers,  a  guy  and 
a  girl.  The  girl  stays  with  him  most 
of  the  trip.  He  stops  in  to  see  an  old 
sweetheart  in  Fort  Wayne.  Indiana. 
Later,  he  meets  up  with  his  faddish 
grandson,  gets  picked  up  by  a  high- 
class  hooker,  lands  in  jail  in  Las 
Vegas,  and  finally  ends  up  in 

Some  of  the  things  that  happen  to 
Harry  are  a  little  far-fetched,  but  the 
character  is  so  real  he  makes  up  for 

it.  Besides,  this  movie  was  made 
that  way  for  entertainment.  It  puts 
real  people  in  situations  everyone 
only  dreams  about. 

But  "Harry  and  Tonto"  is  more 
than  an  entertaining  movie; 
underneath  there  is  a  good  long  look 
at  the  life  of  the  elderly.  It's 
sometimes  sentimentally  sad, 
sometimes  humorous,  and  always 
very  touching. 

The  supporting  cast,  which 
includes  Harry's  family,  friends, 
and  the  people  he  meets  on  his  trip, 
is  a  good  one.  The  relationships  are 
true  and  honest,  especially  the 
family's  relationships. 

There  are  a  lot  of  monologues  in 
the  film,  but  they  never  drag  or 
become  boring.  Although  there  are 
some  sad  and  painful  parts  in  this 
movie,  you  leave  the  theatre  feeling 
good.  It  is  well  worth  the  two  hours 
spent  viewing  it,  especially  on  a 
nothing-to-do  Sunday  afternoon 
when  matinee  prices  are  a  dollar ;  if 
you  have  time  to  see  any,  movie, 
see  this  one. 

Ever  since  the  reinstatement  of 
the  student  council  at  Elmhurst,  its 
meetings  have  been  spotted  with 
turtaoil  and  confusion.  Occasionally, 
when  a  controversial  subject  is 
presented,  its  merits  are  not 
discussed,  but  are  argued  and  the 
members  do  not  speak  but  shout. 
These  disputes  cause  students  to 
begin  questioning  the  purpose  and 
effectiveness  of  student  council. 

Especially  in  the  Fort  Wayne 
Community  School  system,  the 
effectiveness  of  student  council 
depends  primarily  on  the  attitudes 
of  the  administration.  Since  the 
arrival  of  Mr.  Horstmeyer, 
Elmhurst  has  been  given  many  new 
and  fair  chances.  The  principal  is 
wilhng  to  give  us  as  much  freedom 
as  he  can,  without  letting  things  get 
out  of  hand.  In  this  atmosphere, 
student  council  has  the  power  to 
initiate  student  interest,  ideas  and 
activities.  Although  Mr. 

Horstmeyer  does  have  final  say,  he 
is  open  to  suggestions  and  will 
consider  everything  fairly. 

There  will  always  be  limits. 
(Elmhurst  will  never  have  a 
smoking  lounge  unless  the  Fort 
Wayne  Community  Schools  changes 
its  policy.)  But  student  council  has 
another  purpose  besides 

representing  the  students  in  school 

policies  and  activities.  Just  as  tht 
pubhcations  department  and  Junior 
Achievement  attract  potential 
journalists  and  businessmen 
student  council  is  a  learning 
experience  for  those  who  ^ 
involved.  It  tutors  students 
planning  and  organization,  debtLt 
and  compromise.  At  times  the  group 
may  have  a  little  trouble  with  its 
lesson.  It  may  be  difficult  for  the 
members  to  be  comfortable  using 
the  concepts.  But  they  are  trying 
and  they  are  learning. 

Perhaps  one  thing  student  council 
has  learned  is  that  parliamentarj' 
procedure,  an  old  estabHshment 
custom,  has  its  values  and  that  at 
least  many  of  its  basic  ideas  can  help 
conserve  time  and  temper.  With  the 
application  of  some  of  "Roberts 
Rules",  the  organization  can  get 
back  to  its  dances,  bus  rides,  fund 
raisings,  and  penny  arcade  -  al] 
programs  for  the  students  that  the 
council  is  now  concerned  with. 

The  Advaoce  staff  invites 
Btudeats  and  teachers  to  express 
their  opinione  on  any  subject 
through  the  newspaper.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to 
review  all  material  before 
publication.  All  letters  should  be 
brought  to  the  journalism  room 

^Tia^OfU  6eat7iJcufKe  2f-J;  io4^  ototc  ta 

The  Elmhurst  varsity 
football  team  defeated  the 
Wayne  Generals  Nov.  1  to 
boost  its  SAC  record  to  2-1 
and  tie  for  the 
championship.       However, 

South  Side  won  over  the  fans  yet  the  tact  is  it  would  have  been  picked, 
athletic  directors  and  will  be  couldn't  be  avoided.  If  Luers  then  Luers  would  complain 
representing     the     South    had  been  picked.  South  Side    because   they   defeated   the 

division  against  Dwenger. 

This    decision    was    very 
unpopular    among   Trojan 

would  have  complained,  for    Trojans    in    the    regulai" 

they  defeated  Luers  early  in    season. 

the  season.  If  Elmhurst  Even  though  the  Trojans 
didn't  quite  make  it  into  the 
championship  game,  a  lot  of 
credit  must  go  to  Coach 
Herman  and  the  entire  team. 
They  took  a  teKiu  that  was 
loser  in  past  years  and 
almost  won  their  division  m 
a  matter  of  one  year.  Ihe 
only  thing  th^it  held  the 
Trojans  back  this  season 
was  the  inexperience  of 
many  of  the  players  at  the 

beginning  of  the  season.  It 
was  quite  noticeable  that  as 
the  team  played  more  the 
better  they  became  and  the 
more  the  offense  picked  up. 

Ehnhurst  won  their  last 
contest  against  Wayne  21-7, 
as  sophomore  Brian  Russell 
teamed  up  with  junior  Tim 
Chaney  who  made  two 
spectacular  catches  in  the 
comer  of  the  end  zone  for 
touchdowns.  An 
exceptionally  strong  defense, 
held  the  generals  to  only  7 
points  in  the  first  half  and 
shut  them  out  in  the  second. 

CURTIS  PASCHALL  STOPS  a  Wayne  baU  carrier  dead  in  his  tracks  as  Dav 
theplay.  Photo/ Mike Duray. 

Boyer  and  company  converge  on        TONY  GREEN  RUNS  for  one  of  three  Elmhurst  touchdoi 

Tro/ning  begins  for  girls'  gymnostics  season 

by  Barb  Harman 

This  marks  the  second 
year  of  the  girls'  gymnastic 
team  here,  and  according  to 
much  of  the  team,  it  appears 
to  be  a  year  of  great 

The  team  consists  of 
rougUy  25  girls  this  year,  as 
compared  to  about  20  last 
year.  Most  of  these  girls  will 
compete  on  the  beginning  or 

intermediate  levels  and  only 
five  or  six  on  the  optional 

Although  the  girls'  first 
meet  is  not  until  January, 
the  gymnastics  coach.  Mrs. 
Marty  Burns.  started 
practices  some  time  ago. 
The  two  hours  a  day  that  the 
team  puts  in  begin  by  a  half 
hour  of  running  and 
exercising,  and  the  last  hour 
and  a  half  on  the  routines 
they  will  use  in  competition. 

Routines  vary 

The  routines  themselves 
vary  with  the  level  of  the 
girls.  All  beginners  and 
intermediates  have  the  same 
routines  although  the 
difficulty  of  the 

intermediate  routine  is 
greater.  Each  competes  only 
on  her  own  level. 

Optional  competition  is 
the  most  advanced  of  the 
three  groups.  Girls  in  this 
division  must  create  theu- 

own  routines.  Each  routine 
must  have  two  superior 
moves  (for  example,  aerials 
on  a  floor  routine  or  kips  on 
the  unevens)  and  four 
medium  difficulty  moves. 

Said  team  manager, 
senior  Marie  Zacher.  "I 
think  we  reaUy  have  a  lot  of 
good  potential.  With  a  lot  of 
sophomores  coming  in  and 
with  all  the  people  we  had 
last  year,  it  should  be  a  good 






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Mike's  Side 


Yesterday,  Elmhurst  fans 
ha^  a  chance  to  see  the 
basketball  and  wrestling 
teams  in  competition.  Not 
much  could  be  seen  from  the 
basketball  scrimmage 
because  of  the  lack  of  real 
crowd  support.  So  the  first 
real  chance  to  see  the  team 
play  will  be  this  Saturday. 

Of  our  male  winter  sports, 
wrestling  seems  to  have  the 
best  attitude  for  an 
outstanding  season.  A  city 
championship  and  sectional 
championship  are  easily 
within  reach  for  Trojan 
wrestlers.  There  are  many 
excellent  returning 
wrestlers.  When  you  add 
them  to  the  fine  reserve  and 
sophomore  matmen,  the 
resulting  team  will  have  to 
be  outstanding. 

Tough  season  for  hardcourt 

The  basketball  team  may 
have  a  tougher  season. 
They'll  lack  height  and 
experience  but  not  potential. 
Along  with  our  returning 
lettermen,  sophomores  will 
see      plenty      of      action. 

Portage,  one  of  our  feeder 
schools,  has  sent  many  fine 
players  who  were  not  beaten 
once  in  three  years  of  junior 
high  play.  The  team  will 
undergo  a  rebuilding  year 
but  Elmhurst  will  have 
outstanding  teams  in  the 

The  basketball  coaches 
must  keep  the  team 
disciplined,  but  with  the 
ability  to  fast-break  at  every 
opportunity,  taking 
advantage  of  their  speed  if 
they  hope  to  have  a  good 

At  the  sports  preview  the 
other  two  winter  sports 
didn't  perform.  The  girls' 
sports  don't  begin  until 
January,  so  they're  just 
getting  started. 

Girls  sports  face  problems 

Girls'  gymnastics  will 
probably  experience  a  year 
much  like  last  season.  Quite 
a  few  of  the  girls  gained 
experience  but  all  of  the 
grace,  coordination,  proper 
techniques  and  routines 
can't  be  learned  or  gained  in 
one   year.    Like    any    other 

sport,  those  who  start  at  an 
early  age  have  an 
advantage.  Several  of  the 
girls  have  had  other 
gymnastics  experience  in 
clubs  outside  of  school,  but 
don't  be  surprised  if  a 
sophomore  is  Elmhurst's 
best  gymnast. 

New  to  Elmhurst  is  the 
girls'   basketball   team.   All 

other  schools  in  the  FWCS 
system  have  had  at  least  one 
year  of  girls'  basketball.  The 
Trojan  team  will  lack  badly 
needed  experience.  Because 
the  girls  have  never  played, 
a  judgment  on  their  ability 
to  rebound,  score  and  stay  in 
games  wouldn't  be  fair. 
However,  continued  practice 
in  the  inadequate  girls'  gym 

will  hurt  their  record  andtt; 
gymnastics  record. 

The  overall  Trojan  sporti 
scene  for  the  winter  ^^ 
have  a  rebuilding  theinf 
Wrestlers  will  be  tough  aaj 
basketball  will  be  able  i( 
compete  but  lack  oi 
experience  will  be  the  majoi 
problem  for  the  girls'  sport- 


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432  -6101 


Complete     Auto 


Holly  Hobble  Creations 
American  Greeting  Cards 
Gifts  For  All  Occasions 

9-9  Weekdays  9-5  Saturday 

Wayne  Plaza 




2  Digest  and  calendar 

3  Student  teachers 
Penny  Arcade  totals 

4  Miss  Virginia  in  depth 

$  Groups  Program 

6-9  find  your  greeting! 

10-11  RickS  records 

12  Sophomore  basketball 

13  Wrestling 

14  Basketball 
16 Mike's  Side 

16  Ads  and  Christmas  tie-ups 

Test  administered 

Fifteen  trojan  seniors  participated  in  the 
2l9t  annual  state  Betty  Crocker  Scholarship 
test.  Winners  of  the  test  will  be  announced 
sometime  in  late  January  to  early  February. 
One  outstanding  "leader  of  tomorrow"  will 
be  chosen  from  each  state  of  the  U.S.. 
Ethos  to  play 

Lead  guitar  player  Bill  Sharp  revealed 
plans  for  an  Ethos  concert  at  the  I,U,-P.U 
extension,  Friday  evening,  Dec.  21.  The 
concert  is  open  to  the  pubLc  with  tickets 
available  now  at  Slatewood  Records  for  S2.  or 
at  the  door  the  evening  of  the  concert  for 

The  concert  will  begin  at  9  p.m.  in  the 
Marines  offer  test 

How  would  you  like  to  spend  two  days  in 
Indianapolis  with  all  of  your  expenses  free? 
The  Marine  Corps  Recruiting  Station  in 
Indianapolis  will  be  conductihg  a  special 
testing  program  Dec.  27  and  28.  that  will  give 
high  school  seniors  and  graduates  an 
opportunity  to  find  out  if  they  are  eligible  for 
enlistment  in  the  Armed  Forces.  Those 
interested  in  this  program  are  asked  to  see 
Mr.  John  Sinks  for  further  information. 
Trojans  host  debate 

EHS  will  be  hosting  the  Invitational 
Congress  and  Debate  meet  January  A. 
Schools  from  all  over  the  state  will  be 
attending.  Awards  will  be  given  to  varsity 
and  sub-  varsity  debaters,  and  the  top  eight 
winners  in  congress. 

OEA  continued  sales 

Because  OEA  candy  sales  have  been 
outstandingly  profitable  thus  far,  the 
organization  has  planned  to  reorder. 
Campaign  chairman,  senior  Sandy  Elkins, 
revealed  the  total  to  date  neared  the  S430 
mark.  The  money  raised  will  be  used  Lo  pay 
for  the  employee-employer  banquet  in  the 
spring.  The  bill  for  this  event  will  near  S700. 

New  classes  for  semester 

Today  is  the  last  chance  for  interested 
Trojans  to  sign  up  for  the  various  new  second 
semester  classes, 

"Change!"  is  a  class  of  indepth  study  of 
the  revolution  and  reforms  that  have 
influenced  the  development  of  man. 
Available  to  all  3  grades,  the  class  instructor 
is  slated  to  be  Mr.  Coahran. 

Mrs.    Wellington    will    instruct    Literary 
Exploration,   and   Mr.   Miller,   Psychology, 
both  new  classes. 
Girls'  team  announced 

Mrs.  DosweL  has  announced  the  names  of 
the  girls  varsity  basketball  team  members. 
They  are  seniors  Sally  Hinton  and  Marty 
Kelly:  juniors  Marilynn  Soberer,  Carol 
Quance.  Ethel  Fowlkes,  Hollie  Dafforn  and 
Sehna  Vaughn;  and  sophomores  Emma 
Bostic,  June  Gordy,  Carmetta  Walker,  Kelly 
Auer,  and  Evelyn  Fowlkes.  Managing  the 
team  is  sophomore  Laura  Bowen. 
Class  visits  funeral  parlor 

Mrs.  Bradburn  led  her  consumer  education 
students  at  the  Elzey  Funeral  Home 
December  3.  The  students  observed  the  three 
viewing  chapels,  the  coffin  storage  room, 
where  prices  were  displayed,  the  makeup 
room,  and  even  the  embalming  room  and 
equipment.  The  purpose  of  the  tour  was  to 
educate  the  students  as  to  the  duties  of  a 
funeral  director. 

Hobart  trip  brings  award 

Three  members  of  the  EHS  jazz  band 
attained  musicianship  awards  from  their 
tour  to  Hobart,  Junior  Benjie  Berry  received 
an  award  for  outstanding  trumpet  section 
leadership.  Senior  Bob  Cross  and  junior 
Verne  Myers  received  awards  for 
outstanding  piano  and  saxophone  solos 
Coliseum  dance  planned 
CoUseum;  Sunday  Dec,  22,  8  -U:30  .  Tickets 
are  S2.50  presale  at  Chess  King  or  S3  at  the 
door.  Featuring  Gas  Food  and  Lodging  and 
many  other  groups,  all  proceeds  will  go  the 
the  Muscular  Distrophy  Foundation  and  the 
WOWO  Penny  Pitch. 

C  alendar 

Dec.  18-Christmas  assembly 

Dec.  19-Afro-American  Christmas  party 

Dec.  20-Christmas  vacation  begins 

BasketbaL  at  Northrop 
Dee,  21-Student  Council  Christmas  dance 
Jan.  4-Basketball  at  Homestead 

Debate  tournament 
Jan.  6-School  re-opens 
Jan.  10-Basketball  at  Valparaiso 

Afro-American  sock  hop 
Jan.  11 -Basketball -South  at  home 
Jan.  13-IOWA  tests  administered 
Jan.  17-Basketboll  at  DeKalb 
Jan.  18-Basketball-Anderson  at  home 

(Imhurit  AdvBiH* 

rubll(h«d  h|.w*«kly  during  Iha  Hhool  f*at  ky  tha 
rayna.  Indiana.  MSOt.  In  .(cardaMa  -Ith  Iba  ^lr< 
ruHeaiQf  Ihafarl  WavnaCommunllr  »<hsal>. 

>4«nt>  ot  limhurU  Ml|h  Khaol,  JM*  »anJpo1nl  toad,  f 
an4  guMallnwi  (or  high  Hhool  apptooad  hy  tha  ■oard 

ir   Hnhn.riHo,.lm«.Bj 



Vol  35  No.  9 

Jan.  22, 1975 

Miss  Virginia   lives  Ciiristmas  daily 

by  Marty  Miller 

As  that  time  of  the  year 
approaches  when  people  get  the 
spark  of  Christmas  spirit  within 
themselves,  there  is  a  very  special 
lady  who  somehow  has  the  gift  of 
giving  and  love  throughout  the 
entire  year.  But  unfortunately,  few 
people  take  notice  of  her  and  her 
services  to  those  in  need,  except 
during  the  holiday  season. 

This  morning  Elmhurst  was 
introduced  to  this  special  lady.  Miss 
Virginia  Schrantz,  during  an 
assembley  sponsored  by  Y-teens,  as 
she  accepted  the  donations  collected 
by  the  club.  Her  program  has  been 
in  Fort  Wayne  for  23  years,  and  this 
is  Elmhursfs  ninth  year  of  service 
to  her. 

Love  and  understanding 

Miss  Virginia  opens  her  home  on 
Hanna  St.  24  hours  a  day.  seven 
days  a  week,  to  anyone  who  is 
hungry  or  cold,  in  need  of  clothing, 
or  just  wanting  to  talk  to  someone. 
She  has  no  steady  source  of  income, 
but  depends  upon  charities,  local 
organizations  and  generous 

Some  people  go  to  her  house  and 
stay  for  a  few  days  or  months  until 
they  are  able  to  get  back  out  on  their 
own.  They  pay  no  rent,  but  receive 
so  much  during  their  stay-  including 
much  love  and  understanding.  At 
present,  four  people  live  in  the 
upstairs  rooms  of  the  home.  In  her 
years  of  service  to  the  Fort  Wayne 
area,  a  total  of  75  people  have  been 
sheltered  there. 

Inner-city  residents  know  Miss 
Virginia  well.  She  always  finds  her 
home  quite  busy  during  the  day. 
People  come  to  use  the  phone  or  to 
have  things  read  to  them.  Illiteracy 
is  much  more  common  in  the  inner- 
city  than  most  realize. 

A  big  pot  of  food  is  kept  warm  at 
all  times  for  those  who  come  for  a 
warm    meal.    The    money    used    to 


else,  the  heat  and  electricity  is  shut 
off  whenever  the  bills  are  not  paid. 

Miss  Virginia  was  born  here,  grew 
up  in  Marion,  and  then  returned  to 
Fort  Wayne  as  a  registered  nurse  for 
20  years.  She  feels  that  this 
background  was  a  good  foundation 
for  her  present  line  of  service  to 
Spirit  ufdly  rich 

Miss  Virginia's  home  is  the  center 
of  many  occurrences.  For  example 
one  day  the  owner  of  a  barber  shop 
next  door  came  over  for  change  for  a 
five    dollar    bill.    While    looking 

Some  people  in  the  past  have 
come  to  Miss  Virginia  with  the  idea 
that  she  should  charge  a  minimum 
price  for  the  food  and  clothing  that 
she  "gives  away".  These  people  felt 
that  this  would  restore  some  dignity 
within  those  who  depend  upon  Miss 
Virginia's  services.  She  felt 
differently  though,  and  talking 
about  the  people  she  gives  to,  she 
explained.  "Your  pride  is  not  taken 
away  by  accepting  charity,  but 
rather  retained  by  those  who  give  in 
their  own  special  way.  Love 
dignifies  the  giving  away  of  things." 
Miss  Virginia  feels  that  the  most 
important  gain  she  has  made 
through  her  experience  in  this 
service  has  been  the  privilege  of 
serving  those  in  need  and  the  strong 
friendships  acquired. 

buy  all  of  this  food  comes  from  the    through    her    purse,    it    became 
charities  previously 

Paying  bills  is  not  any  easy  thing, 
but  it  is  something  that  Miss 
Virginia  is  faced  with  constantly. 
She  depends  on  the  money  that 
people  give  her.   Just  like  anyone 

apparent  that  Miss  Virginia  didn't 
even  have  five  dollars  to  give  the 
man.  She  probably  has  less  than 
most  of  us  material  wise,  yet  she  is 
rich  with  the  love  that  she  has  for 
others  and  that  others  have  for  her. 

Miss  Virginia  exhibits 

Miss  Virginia  tries  to  find 





Assembly  features  guitarist  Sex  programs  open  to  all 

Next  Monday,  Jan.  27,  EHS  will  Every  Friday  evening  during 
host  guitarist  Cliff  Cozzuli  for  a  9  January,  programs  on  topics  involv- 
ing sexuality  and  morality  are 
presented  by  the  Theatre  for  Ideas, 
a  community  discussion  program,  in 
the  First  Wayne  Street  Methodist 
Church  Fellowship  HaU,  300  E. 
Wayne  St.  at  8  p.m.  Topics  for  these 
audience-panel  discussions  include 
sex  crimes,  VD,  abortion,  divorce, 
homosexualtiy,  and  prostitution. 

On  Jan.  24,  the  TFI  will  present 
"Screwed  Up;  A  Road  Show  on 
Sexual  Disfunctions. ' '  The  final 
program  of  this  month  will  be  Jan. 
31,  entitled  "From  Myths  to  Ms." 

a.m.  assembly. 

This  convocation  is  designed  to 
entertain  and  at  the  same  time 
educate  students  on  the  various 
kinds  of  guitars  that  belong  to  our 
musical  heritage  such  as  the  folk, 
country-western,  acoustic,  and  rock 

Knepple  practices  teaching 

Student  teaching  under  the 
guidance  of  sociology  instructor, 
Mr.  Glenn  Miller  is  Mr.  Don 
Knepple.  A  Fort  Wayne  native  and 
student  at  the  l.U.  campus  here,  Mr. 
Knepple  will  spend  eight  weeks  at 
EHS  before  returning  to  the 
university  where  he  is  majoring  in 
psychology  and  sociology.  Upon 
graduation  in  May.  Mr.  Knepple 
hopes  for  a  job. as  a  parole  or 
probation  officer. 

Debator  places 

Senior  Bev  Free  was  the  presiding 
officer,  an  office  similar  to  being 
President  of  the  Senate,  in  the 
IHSFA  student  congress  held  at 
EHS  Jan.  4.  Junior  Tom  Young 
placed  eighth  acting  as  a  legislator. 

DECA  reveals  large  profits 

Elmhurst's  DECA  organization 
has  revealed  profits  of 
approximately  $600  from  their 
recent  candy  sales.  At  the  present 
time  the  club  is  selling  soft  drinks 
during  home  basketball  games,  but 
has  no  definite  plans  for  upcoming 
money  making  projects. 

Annual  art  contest  to  take  place 

One  hundred  twenty  one  pieces  of 
art  from  EHS  have  been  entered 
into  the  Scholastic  Publishing 
Company's  annual  art  contest,  80  of 
which  are  photographic  entries  and 
the  remaining  41  in  acrylic  painting. 

Elmhurst,  along  with  junior  and 
senior  high  schools  from  eleven 
Northern  Indiana  counties,  has  sent 
its  entries  to  L.S.  Ayres  downtown 
where  they  will  be  on  display  Feb. 
15,  immediately  following  the 
announcement  of  the  winners, 
through  March  1.  The  winning 
entries  will  then  be  sent  to  New 
York  City  for  national  judging. 

Sales  reopen 

Advance  and  Anlibrum  sales  have 
re-opened  for  the  remainder  of  this 
week  through  Monday.  Jan.  27.  A 
second  semester  newspaper 
subscription  is  being  taken  for 
S2.00.  The  ■74-75  yearbook  wiU  cost 
$9.00  and  the  package  deal  is 
available  for  $10.00,  All  purchases 
may  be  made  in  the  cafeteria. 

Finalist  announced 

Senior  Bev  Free  has  been  named 
Elmhurst's  '74-'75  Betty  Crocker 
Family  Leader  of  Tomorrow.  Bev 
won  this  honor  by  competing  with 
seniors  in  a  written  examination 
Dec.  3.  She  is  now  eligible  for  state 
and  national  honors  and  will  receive 
a  specifically  designed  award  from 
General  Mills,  Inc.,  sponsor  of  the 
annual  educational  scholarship 

State  Family  Leaders  of 
Tomorrow  receive  a  $1,500  college 
scholarship  while  state  second-place 
winners  receive  a  grant  of  $500. 

Calenda  r 

Jan.  22  -  Jazz  Concert,  7:30  p.m. 
Jan.  24 -No  School 

End  of  first  semester 
End  of  second  grade  period 
Jan-  25  ■  NISBOVA  contest  -  Portage 

Jan.  27  ■  Second  semester  begins 

Cliff  Cozzuli  Assembly  9:00  a.m 
Jan.  30  -  Grade  cards  distributed 
JaD.  31  -  Student  Council  dance  -  Cafeteria 
Feb.  1  -  NISBOVA  Contest  -  Snider 

I.  Ill*  land^lnl  tcMd,  Fd 


7(H!a^  (ud  2uM  <i*td  ScnuM  fmofCU  ^ic^^ 

ss  Diffendarfer  in  Mr  Welbom's  root. 

The  first  annual  Elmhurst  Penny 
Arcade  proved  profitable  with  the 
help  of  several  area  high  schools  as 
well  as  clubs,  student  council,  the 
Jazz  Band  and  student  body 
participation.  In  all,  over  S725  was 

Admission  fee  of  50  cents  for  the 
5Krt  who  attended,  came  to  a  grand 
total  of  S294.  This  money  was  spbt, 
Sl47  each,  between  the  student 
council  who  organized  the  arcade 
and  Jazz  Band  I  who  supplied  the 
live  entertainment. 
Q  &  S  Scares  up  funds 

Receiving  the  most  money  for  a 
single  booth  was  the  Quill  &  ScroU 

Pair  learns    to    teach 

Two  student  teachers  are 
currently  studying  at  Elmhurst. 
Miss  Dianna  Mankey  is  assisting  in 
the  physical  education  department 
under  the  direction  of  Mrs.  Lucy 
Doswell,  while  Miss  Paula 
Diffendarfer  teaches  Mr.  Jim 
Welborn's  earth  science  classes. 

"I  find  myself  very  pleased  with 
the  students  here,"  comments  Miss 
Mankey.  a  native  of  Decatur,  In., 
and  a  graduate  of  Bellmont  High 
School  there,  the  smiling  blonde 
enjoys  various  forms  of  physical 
exercise  including  gymnastics, 
dance,  swimming  and  lacrosse. 

Miss  Mankey's  major  at  Ball 
State  University.  physical 
education,  involved  her  in  many 
athletics  and  she  enjoyed  her 
membership  on  the  BSU  gymnastic 

team  for  three  years.  Now  a  senior, 
Miss  Mankey  will  be  staying  at 
Elmhurst  through  mid-February. 

Miss  Delfendarfer.  who  is 
leaving  Elmhurst  this  Friday,  has 
enjoyed  her  short  stay  with  the 
Trojans,  She  is  a  native  of  Fort 
Wayne  and  a  graduate  of  North 
Side,  and  is  a  senior  at  l.U, 
Regional  campus.  Her  area  major  is 
life  science. 

Although  she  has  enjoyed  taking 
over  all  but  one  of  Mr,  Welborn's 
classes.  Miss  Diffendarfer  really 
enjoys  the  outside  activities.  High 
school  basketball  games  make 
teaching  even  more  enjoyable  for 
her.  Her  favorite  out-of -school 
activities  include  reading  and 

who  sponsored  the  Spook  House. 
located  throughout  the  tunnels, 
which  pulled  in  S105, 

Other  Elmhurst  clubs  actively 
participating  included  the  booth 
sponsored  by  COE  grossing 
5102,40,  followed  by  the  Forum 
Club  concession  stand  collecting 
S43,57.  The  Afro-American  Club 
brought  in  S38,-10  preceeding  329 
that  the  Lettermen's  Club  gathered 
with  their  coke  ring  toss  game, 

GAA  net  earnings  for  their 
efforts  came  to  S17  alongside  the 
North  Eastern  Radio  Tape 
Collector?'  tn"and  total  of  S16,80  for 










PHONE  747-0551 

the  Putt  Putt  game  stationed  in  the 

choir  room. 

Student  Council  booths 
consisted  of  the  putt-putt,  grossing 
S7.60,  followed  razor  close  by  the 
balloon  shave  with  $7.50. 

Of  the  five  surrounding  high 
schools  participating  with 
Elmhurst,  Homestead  came  in  first 
place  with  SIS. 20  with  the  Sucker 
Booth.  Bishop  Luers  with  its 
balloon  squeeze  activity  came  in 
second  with  S11.50  followed  by  S9  10 
for  the  Wayne  sponsored  bootli 
North  Side's  "Shove  It"  clearto 
S8.50  alongside  Northrop's  ping 
pong  game. 

Sandpoint  Greenhouse 

lor  a  Variety  of  Flowers 
That  Say  What  You  Feel! 

Select  from  our 

assortment  of: 

Dried  flowers 
Potted  plants 
Holiday  decorations 

4322  DeForrst  Ave. 



to  Hall 

Elmhurst  Athletic  Director  Paul  Bienz  was 
presented  an  award  for  outstanding  athletic 
achievement  Saturday,  Jan.  18.  at  Warren  Central 
High  School  in  Indianapolis. 

Nominated  and  then  voted  in  by  a  committee  of 


coaches  from  throughout  the  state,  Mr.  Bienz  was 
one  of  eleven  elected  to  the  Indiana  Track  and  Field 
Hall  of  Fame,  The  award,  a  silver  plaque,  will  be 
added  to  the  growing  collection  of  awards  on  Mr. 

"This  is  only  the  second  year  for  the  program 
informed  Mr,  Bienz,  adding  that  the  recipients  "are 
selected  according  to  their  previous  achievement. 
What  I'm  doing  now  has  nothing  to  do  with  the 

Mr.  Bienz,  a  Fort  Wayne  Central  graduate,  was 
state  champion  in  both  the  100  and  220  yard  dashes 
and  anchored  the  880  relay  team  to  victory  his 
senior  year. 

Attending  Tulane  University,  Mr.  Bienz  later 
established  himself  as  a  winner  in  the  100  and  220 
yard  dashes  in  the  Englewood  Invitational, 
Southeastern  Conference,  the  Central  CoUegitate 
Conference,  and  the  Compton  Invitational  He  also 
captured  Drake  and  Southern  Relay  and  Sugar 
Bowl  victories  in  th  100  yard  dash  only. 

Probably  most  impressive  are  Mr.  Bienz's  All- 
American  honors  in  1948.  1949,  and  1950,  and  fifth 
placement  in  the  1948  200-meter  dash  in  U.S 
Olympic  trials. 

69  seniors    take  leave    tomorrow;  300   stay  behind 

A  record  number  of  EHS  seniors  will 
attend  classes  for  the  last  time  this  week.  A 
grand  total  of  69  January  grads  will  take 
their  leave  tomorrow. 

In  an  assembly  on  January  14,  the 
graduating  students  were  encouraged  to 
take  care  of  unfinished  business  by  tomorrow 
afternoon.  Library  fines,  material  rental  fees. 
cap  and  gown  measurements  and 
announcement  orders  were  among  the  things 
those  leaving  were  asked  to  see  to. 

Among  those  leaving  are  Jana  Barker. 
Patti  Barlow,  Cynthia  Bauragartner.  Carol 
Barve,  Frank  Bishop  and  Shelley  Boester, 
Also  graduating  are  Janie  Bowden,  Vicky 
Boyles,  Walt  Brown,  Mike  Bryan.  Janet 
BueD,  Rhonda  Bunn  and  Cathy  Clark.  Kevin 
Depue,  Paul  Diehm,  Sandy  Elkins,  Ilene 
Frankenstein,  Dyke  Goss,  Jeff  Hayden,  Sue 
Hewitt,  and  Debbie  Hill  are  also  among  the 

Reggie  Hill.  Ron  Hilty.  Carla  Hoppel,  Kris 
Holley,  Janet  Howe,  Val  Humbarger,  Vic 
Humbarger.  and  Theodore  Jenkins  as  well  as 
Denise  Jones,  Hugh  Jones,  William 
Kennedy.  Linda  Kelley,  Jeanette  Knott  and 
James  Koch  have  also  met  the  necessary 

StiU  others  are  Gerald  Kruse,  Jennifer 
Langmeyer,  Maria  Lopez,  Cindy  Lude,  Pat 
Lyons,  Pam  Mabee,  Maureen  Magers.  Bette 
Maksl,  Kathy  Mays  and  Bryce  McAUister. 
The  list  also  includes  Kanda  Miller,  Belinda 
Nowlin.  Susan  Parker,  Theresa  Pine.  Penny 
Ress,  Warren  Roberts.  John  Sanders,  and 
Tom  Shively. 

Continuing,  Yulanda  Singleton.  Tim 
Smith,  Ron  Stevenson,  Michelle  Stokes  and 
Mark  Surine  will  also  graduate  with  Joy 
Tindall.  Tim  Travis.  Vernon  Torres,  Mike 
Underwood,  Curtis  Underwood,  and  Debbie 
Whiteman  also  on  the  list. 

Donald  Williams,  Deanna  Wirick,  Tara 
Wolf.  Carolyn  Woods,  and  Paula  Worman 
finish  off  the  list. 

Many  of  the  grads  will  continue  or  begin 
employment.  Several  plan  to  begin  college 
on  the  regional  campus  before  moving  on  to 
some  other  coUege. 

The  guidance  department  also  asks  that 
the  approximately  300  remaining  senior 
students  work  closely  with  the  staff  to  insure 
a  minimum  amount  of  pre-graduation 
confusion.  All  seniors  are  greatly  encouraged 
to  attend  Wednesday  homeroom  periods  as 
that  will  be  the  place  where  information 
pertaining  to  the  final  semester  and 
graduation  will  be  disseminated. 

Any  student  planning  to  attend  coLege  is 
reminded  to  get  college  and  financial  aid 
applications  filled  out  and  mailed 




2  -  Digest  and  Calendar 
3-  Bienz  named  to  Hall 

January  grads 
4  -AFSnews 

Review  of  assembly  concert 

3  -  Student  Council  plans 

Sinks  serves  6th  term 


6  ■  Public  funded  television 

7  -Skiing 

10  -Si udent  feature:  Kevin  Lee 
Junior  Rotariuii 

11  .  Student  feature .  Jon  Russo 


12  -  Letters  to  the  editor 

13  -  Student  files 
14 -Channel  39 


8-9-  Girls'Sports 

15  -  Mike's  Side  . . .  sports  coverage 

16  -  Varsity  basketball 

Sophomore  basketball 

Groups  Program  participants  receive 
extra  counseling  wiiile  attending  III 


The  Groups  Program,  sponsored 
by  Indiana  University,  helps 
minority  students  who  would  like 
to  attend  college  but  who  might  not 
otherwise  have  the  chance,  Four 
students  from  Elmhurst  will  be 
participating  next  year. 

Seniors  Curtis  Underwood,  Pam 
Lflpsley,  Reggie  Hill,  and  Jeff 
Hayden  expressed  interest  in  the 
program  and,  after  being 
interviewed,  were  chosen  as 
Elmhurst's   representatives,    Mrs. 

Dinah  Cashman  and  Mr.  Waymoi 
Brown  questioned  the  applicants. 

Must  meet  demands 

Some  of  the  13  seniors  who  first 
spoke  to  Mrs.  Cashman  lost 
interest  because  there  are 
requirements  that  those  who  are 
selected  must  live  up  to.  They  must 
go  to  summer  school  after 
graduation  and  stay  out  of 
fraternities,  sororities  and  athletics 
for  their  first  year.  The  authorities 

sure  the  applicants  are 
continuing     their 

want  to 

Groups  Program  participants, 
who  include  underprivileged  whites 
as  weU  as  member  of  ethnic  groups, 
receive  special  counseling  and 
testing  to  put  them  in  appropriate 
classes  and  to  point  out  their 
strengths  and  weaknesses  so  they 
can  be  worked  on.  They  also  get 
financial  aid  and  live  during 
summer  school  with  the  rest  of  the 

250  state  members.  Although  the 
service  is  available  to  the  students 
throughout  their  four  years  at 
college,  nothing  binds  them  after 
their  freshman  year. 

"Get  it  together" 

Other  Fort  Wayne  Community 
Schools  are  involved.  Some  have 
more  "slots"  open  to  them  than 
Elmhurst  does,  due  to  bigger 
student  bodies  and  more  interest  in 
past  years.  For  the  last  two  years. 

Elmhurst  has  not  sent  anyone. 

The  Groups  Program  demands  a 
lot  of  time  from  its  sponsors.  There 
is  plenty  of  paper  work  and 
information,  Mrs.  Cashman  spent  a 
few  days  during  Teacher's 
Convention  down  in  Btoomington 
learning  about  the  program  and 
how  to  handle  it.  She  thinks  the 
program  is  worth  it.  however,  She 
says.  "1  will  spend  twice  as  much 
time  if  it  will  help  the  kids  get  it 

MANAGEMENT"  concert:  left,  soloist 
Cindy  Burr  murmurs  Che  lyrics  of  "1 
Honestly  Love  You"  to  (overly?/  enthusi- 
astic Principal  Horstmeyer;  right,  lead 
singer  Michael  Bryant  gets  into  his  rendition 
of  "Nothin'  from  Nothin'  Leaves  Nolhin"' 
as  the  rest  of  the  group  follows. 

^ta^  ^ncKO^  ^fo(vt& 

Campus  Life  presented  probably  the  mos 
well  received  assembly  this  year  to  the  EHS 
student  body  Friday. 

Under  New  Management,  b  group 
financialJy  and  promotionalJy  sponsored  by 
Campus  Life  and  Youth  for  Christ,  presented 
a  50  minute  program.  Musical  selections 
included  medleys  from  the  September  1974 
top  -10,  Three  Dog  Night  compositions  and 
1950  rock,  as  well  as  several  more  foUcsy 
spirituals  including  "Oh  Happy  Day.  " 

Happy  family 

"It  sounds  really  trite."  admitted  the 
group's  keyboard  artist  Lynn  Keesecker. 
"but  we  really  are  one  big  happy  family.  The 
only  time  we  see  our  family  is  at  Christmas  - 
our  whole  life  for  a  year  is  each  other  and  the 
people  we  meet." 

The  group  played  for  several  area  schools 
throughout  the  week,  and  played  a  free 
concert  at  the  LU.-P.U.  Student  Union 
Building  for  anyone  interested  in  hearing 

more  of  their  music  or  ministry. 

Each  of  the  members  claims  that  their 
main  purpose  in  the  high  school  assembly 
program  is  to  entertain  the  students  and 
explain  the  Campus  Life  program.  For  this 
reason  they  take  out  a  year  from  their 
studies  orjobs  and  go  on  tour. 

Although  the  group  has  only  been  together 
since  August,  they  have  performed  about 
150  concerts. 

"Everybody  enthusiastic" 

"The  most  unique  thing  about  the 
Elmhurst  assembly  was  that  there  seemed  to 
be  a  greater  black-white  bond  than  at  other 
schools.  Sometimes  different  parts  of  the 
program  seem  to  get  through  to  a  very 
specific  part  of  the  student  body.*' 
philosophized  Lynn,  concluding.  "At  the 
Elmhurst  concert  it  seemed  as  though 
almost  everybody  was  enthusiastic  about  the 
whole  concert." 


The  AFS  Penny  Collection  is  stUl 
in  full  swing.  The  student  body's 
generous  donations  have  made  this 
new  project  successful  but  the 
amount  being  collected  is  beginning 
to  dwindle. 

The  club,  involved  in  foreign 
exchange,  is  half-way  in  the  race  to 
reach  the  goal  needed  to  send  a 
student  of  Elmhurst  to  another 
country  and  to  receive  a  foreign 
student  for  next  year 
Club  sponsors  paper  drive 

On  Feb.  22.  the  club  will  have  its 
second  paper  drive  for  this  school 
year.  The  club  is  hoping  to  do  as  well 
as  the  first  one  on  Oct.  5.  when  they 
reached  a  total  profit  of  $177.80. 

The  areas  they  will  be  covermg 
are  Westmoor,  Indian  Village  and 
Wildwood  Park.  Those  who  would 
like  to  contribute  but  don't  live  in 
this  area  may  bring  their  papers  to 
the  foreign  language  rooms  on  Feb. 

Faculty-TV  game  scheduled 

Also  coming  up  in  the  near  future 
is  the  "Faculty  vs  Television  Team" 
basketball  game.  Some  of  the  TV 
celebrities  are  Channel  21  s 
Christine  Zak  and  Mack  Berry  and 
Channel  15's  Steve  Corona.  Also 
included  in  the  big  evening  is  the 
faculty  band  and  faculty  cheer- 
leaders plus  a  surprise  half-time. 

This  event  all  takes  place  in 
Elmhurst's  gym  Friday,  March  14. 

Club  president  Pat  Prader  stated 
"We  really  need  a  spirited  crowd  at 
this  game.  It's  probably  our  biggest 
money  making  event  of  the  year,  so 
it  has  to  be  a  success. ' ' 

AFS  is  also  involved  in  some  non- 
profit activities,  beginning  with  the 
International  Dinner  which  takes 
place  March  4  in  Elmhurst's 
cafeteria.  The  dinner  involves  not 
only  foreign  foods  but  also  dances  of 
other  countries  besides  our  own.  The 
purpose  of  this  dinner  is  to  get  the 
Elmhurst  student  acquainted  with 
what  AFS  is  generally  all  about. 

"Housing"  week-end  planned 

Beginning  April  25  through  30, 
the  Housing  for  a  Week-end  takes 
place.  This  is  when  the  foreign 
exchange  students  from  the 
northern  part  of  Indiana  will  come 
to  spend  time  in  Fort  Wayne.  Any 
interested  Ehnhurst  students  may 
have  a  foreign  student  at  their 

The  purpose  of  this  weekend  is  to 
give  the  student  a  chance  to 
experience  another  family  life  style 
and  to  see  more  of  the  state  and 
meet  new  people.  This  is  also  an 
opportunity  for  any  Elmhurst 
student  to  gain  not  only  the  cultural 
experience  but  to  be  involved  in 
week-end  activities  planned  for  all 
the  exchange  students  and  their 
"brothers"  or  "sisters"  from 


Merry  diristmas  Linda  ■  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  to  "Mary  Abce," 
from  Pooh  Bear. 

Kent-Merry  Christmas  to  my 
favorite  Thork-Love.  Betsy. 
Merry  Christmas  to  Jim  and 
Cheryl,  Dave.  Rob.  Roxane.  Ann. 
Sarah,  Marie.  Nancy.  Andy.  Cindy. 
Mrs.  Herero,  Mrs.  Hoylman.M.P. 
Tim  says  Merry  Christmas  to 

To  our  favorite  Hot  Dog.  may  you 
have  a  Merry  Christmas  from  a 
couple  of  wieners. 

Merry  Christmas  NUBS  from  the 
Elmhurst  speech  team. 
Mr.    Stookey    wishes    the    Forum 
Club  a  Merry  Christmas. 
Merry  Christmas  to  everyone. 
Merry  Christmas  Jeff.  Love  Ann. 
Merry  Christmas  Terry.. .Junior. 
Merry  Christmas  to  the  Student 
Body     of    Elmhurst     from     Rob 

Merry  Christmas  from  your  small 
but  big-hearted  friend,  Jenni. 
To  all  those   I  loved  and  kissed. 

Merry  Christmas 

Ada/  Sfone  & 
Sand   /nc. 

mo  J  AH 

A  la  Senora  Herrero.  deseamos 
un  Feliz  Navidad  y  un  Buen  ano 
Nuevo  ■  Kellie.  Lynn  y  Donna. 

Debby,  Merry  Christmas  from 


Merry  Christmas.  Everybody. 

Gay  New  Year.  Nellie. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Mr. 

Have  some  happy  Holidays. 

Have  a  happy  holiday,  girls  p.e. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Reggie  Hill 
and  all  the  rest  of  my  students. 
from  High  Tide. 


Merry  Christmas,  Steve, 

Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Lohr 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  gang, 
from  Squeak. 

Debbie,  Merry  Christmas,  Love. 
Jeff.  PS.  Holland. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Dan  Schory. 
someone  I  really  truly  admire. 
Love.  DC. W, 

Good  luck  to  the  Trojans  in  the 
HoLday  Basketball  Tourney.  Santa 

Candy  Krouse  -  Oh  gosh! !!  SCPP 

Ann,  Merry  Christmas.  May  it 
last  a  long  time.  I  sure  hope  it  does. 
Love,  Jeff. 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  Blue 

Merry  Christmas  to  anyone 
whoTl  buy  my  car!  Put  an  Olds  in 
your  stocking  -  see  Mr.  Mattix  for 

Merry  Christmas  to  Paul  Abbott 
from  your  secret  admirer, 

Elena.  Merry  Christmas  and 
Happy  Birthday.  Love.  T.J. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Gary  Imel. 
You're  super!  Love,  Mickie. 

Happy  Hanukkah,  Jill. 

To  Kenny  Williamson,  Merry 
Christmas  to  one  of  the  best  guys  1 
know.  Take  care  of  Joseph,  Love, 

Dan  Landrigan  -  Merry 
Christmas  from  a  secret  admirer. 

To  our  lunch  table ;  Merry 
Christmas!  Me. 

Merry  Christmas  Pat  E.  Hake.  I 
love  you,  Love,  Carol. 

Merry  Christmas,  Jody,  1  love 
you.  Doug. 

Candy  &  Kristy  -  doesn't  Brian 
look  neat  today?  T.K.  &  J.H. 

Merry  Christmas.  Steve  Vaughn 
from  Dawn  E. 

Merry  Christmas  "Jamie"  from 
"YOUR  "Dave  Pressler. 

To  "my  kids'"  -  happy  holidays 
and  a  bright  future.  You're  great! 

Elsie  Raymer  -  May  you  find  a 
"Cooney"'  critter  in  your  stocking. 

Our  Christmas  is  a  little  merrier 
thanks  to  the  Senior  P.P.F.B. 
practices  and  our  coaches.  Hubba- 
Hubba.  Kathy,  Leslie  &  Mary. 

Merry  Christmas,  Holly  Miller. 
Love  ya  -  friends. 

Merry  Christmas  Mrs.  Oberlin 
and  Miss  Moritz.  Love,  Carol. 

Merry  Christmas  Carol,  Jody. 
and  Sandy.  Love,  the  Guys. 

Merry  Christmas  B.J.  Thanks. 
Love.  Carol, 

Merry  Christmas  Patsy.  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  to  Mark  and 
Linda,  from  Jeff  and  Mary. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Jeff  and 
Mary,  from  Mark  and  Linda. 

Merry  Christmas  Kathy 
Dawson.  Love,  Mark. 

Merry  Christmas  L.P.  Signed, 
Secret  Lover. 

Merry  Christmas  Kathy 
Jackson,  Love,  Dan. 

Greetings  to  Porthos  and 
Aramus.  All  for  one  and  one  for  ell! 

Merry  Christmas  to  everyone  at 
Elmhurst.  from  June. 
Merry    Christmas   OBOES!    (And 
even  Bass  CL ARAnets  I 
Merry  Christmas  to  Dave  -  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  my  lovers  - 

Happy  Holidays  to  the  faculty  and 
all  my  students  -  Mrs.  Goble 
Bruce,  Merry  Christmas  and  I  love 
you  -  Debbie 

Buddy  - 1  love  you!  Crazy  Horse 
Merry    Christmas,    Dale!    All   my 
love,  Wendy 

Merry   Christmas,    Ann,    Monster 
too!  Love,  Mike 

Merry  Christmas  to  J.N.  from  a 
not-so-secret  admiere. 
Merry  Christmas  Jan  from  Allen. 
Merry    Christmas    Tim    -    Love, 

Y.M.  -  May  your  Christmas  tree  go 
up  with  ease -Who. 
Merry  Christmas,  Sue,  Jim, 
Claudia,  Betsy,  Kent.  Linda.  Doug. 
Berg,  Geoff,  Tom  Maroni,  Tammy, 
Patty,  Jim  and  Dan.  Love,  Carols' 
Merry  Christmas.  Maria. 

I        10%  OFF 

'X  On  a  dozen  rolls  with  ihis  ad   % 

%  Waynedale 


.-.          Expirolion  Dole  Jon.  8,  1974 

fAony  SC  actrvities  upcoming 

^,J,  Mary  Roop 

The  Christmas  semi-formal  dance 
jnay  not  have  been  successful 
nioneywise,  but  as  student  council 
president  Derek  Paris  put  it,  "The 
student  council  wasn't  worried 
gbout  making  money.  We  just 
wanted  everyone  to  have  a  good 
tune.  So  I  think  it  was  a  success. 

Because  of  the  success  of  the 
jetni-formal,  student  council  has 
planned  a  dance  after  the  Snider 
basketball  game,  here,  on  Jan.  31. 
Tickets  will  go  on  sale  Jan.  22,  for 
one  dollar.  Snider  has  also  been 
invited  to  join  EHS  students  in  the 
cafeteria,  This  dance  will  feature  the 
Whispers,  as  did  the  Christmas 
fun  planned  for  break 

Along  with  helping  out  with  both 
Black  History  and  Brotherhood 
weeks,  the  council  will  be 
sponsoring  a  Spring  Break  Day.  On 
this  day  students  will  be  dismissed 
from  classes  early  to  participate  in 
outdoors  activities,  such  as  a  water 
balloon  toss,  a  football  pass  and 
Softball  throw. 

A  new  secretary  has  taken  office 
for  the  second  semester.  Sandy 
Demaree.  who  was  elected  last  year, 
resigned  her  position  so  that  she 
could  devote  more  time  to  her 
classes.  The  new  officer  is  Denise 

Money  is  no  problem  to  the 
council  this  year.  The  Cash  Box, 
which  is  council  funded,  receives 
$1000  a  year  for  supplies  and 
materials.  The  Cash  Box  then  puts 
75  percent  of  its  profit  into  a  student 
council  fund. 

The  other  25  percent  is 
transferred  into  a  student  aid  fund. 
This  fund  supplies  EHS  clubs  and 
organizations  with  money  if  they 
need  it  for  a  good  reason.  The  fund 
also  pays  for  many  of  the  expenses 
of  exchange  students  here.  It 
provides  them  with  a  yearbook  and 
newspaper  subscription  and  pays 
for  all  sports  tickets. 
City  councils  meet 

Each  month  a  city-wide  student 
council  meeting  is  held  at  different 
schools  around  Fort  Wayne.  About 
five  members  attend  each  of  these 

They  provide  for  a  time  of  sharing 
ideas  and  for  organizing  city-wide 
events.  Snider  is  planning  a  Penny 
Arcade,  similar  to  the  one  EHS  had. 
Elmhurst  will  be  having  a  booth  at 
the  Snider  arcade. 

Derek  also  said,  "Since  student 
council  is  organized  for  the  benefit 
of  the  students  themselves,  we  feel 
that  the  students  should  have  an 
active  input  in  what  the  student 
council  does. 

IOWA  TESTS  WERE  ADMINISTERED  to  all  EHS  seniors  on  Jan.  13   The 
given   by   the   Fort    Wayne  Community  Schools  in  order  to  get  a  picture  of  the  general 

educaHonal  development  of  FWCS  students-  — "  v™-b- 


OFFICER    RIEMAN    OF    THE    FORT    FOOTWORK    as    EHS   graduate    Steve 
WAYNE  POLICE  DEPARTMENT  speaks    jjansom  looks  on  in  admiration.  The  couple 
to  consumer  ed.  government  and  sociology     ^j^^  among  those   who  attended  the  Afro- 
students  on  shoplifting  Jan.  7.  American  Club  dance  Jan.  10. 

Mr.    Derby:    May   the   Bird   of 

Paradise  fly  over  your  Christmas 
cookie!    Merry    Christmas.    First 
Merry  Christmas.  Peggy! 


1  -Greetings 

Happy  Holidays,  Mr.  Gwaltney! 
from  your  Customers  in  the 
Chemistry  Candy  Shop. 

Joyeux  Noel  a  tous  les 

A  "romantic  Christmas 
greeting"  to  Greg  BY  Lori, 

A  very  merry  Christmas  to  "the 
locker  gang!",  from  Linda. 

Merry  Christmas  Jan  -  Love, 

Merry  Christmas,  Tony  -  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  Dan  from  M,0, 

Merry  Christmas  Dave 
Anderson  -  Love,  B.S, 

Merry  Christmas  Mr.  Lohr  - 
Kathy,  Sue,  and  Sue. 

Merry  Christmas,  CurtisI 
Peace  and  contentment  always. 

Future  years,  "Daddy-0," 
Merry.  Christmas!  Love,  K, 

Merry  Christmas  to  some, 
Happy  Hanukah  to  others,  best 
wishes  to  all!  Penny  Ress. 

Merry  Christmas  and  love  to 
Mike,  PhiJ.  Tim,  Doug  and  Doug, 

Merry  Christmas,  Chip!  Love, 

Merry  Christmas,  C.S.  from  an 
"anonymous"  person. 

Merry  Christmas.  Mr.  Lohr! 

GO.  Basketball  Team! 

Merry  Christmas,  Doug.  Love, 

Merry  Christmas.  Carolyn. 

Ching!  Ching!  Ching!  Merry, 
merry  Christmas,  Michael! 

Have  a  Merry  Christmas,  Babe, 
Loveya,  "Cakers." 

To  Greg  -  Love  from  me  Always. 

Happy  Birthday,  Jesus  -  Tammy 

B.B.  -  Merry  Christmas.  May 
your  Blonde  Bombshell  explode 
with  the  joys  of  the  season!  Clara. 

Merry  Christmas,  Skyn.  1  love 
you.  Love.  Snake. 

Happy  Holidays  to  the  Junior 
Class  from  Mel. 

Merry  Christmas  Jan!  From  a 
semi- secret  admirer. 

Seasons  Greetings  to  Andrea, 
Nina,  Sarah,  Nancy  and  Barb,  Glad 
to  have  you  here.  Love,  Cindy. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Mel,  Lynn, 
Derek,  Mike,  Donna,  Jim,  Dan. 
JuUe,  Linda.  Dave,  Piggy,  jjim. 
Jeff,  Jim,  Mark.  Stan,  Steve, 
Linda,  Tammy,  Mike;  Sandy. 
Gary,  Terry.  Gayl,  Dennis, 
Shannon;  Lynn,  Phil.  Jim,  Chris, 
Diane,  etc.;  Kevin,  Curtis,  Tom, 
Leslie,  Roberta,  Dave,  Tom,  Marty, 
Mary,  Mike,  Mark,  Karen,  Kathy, 
Joe,  Betty,  Matt.  Selma,  Maria, 
Melodie,  Robin,  Gary,  Tom,  Marie, 
Diane.  Phil,  and  everybody  in 
Trojan  Singers.  Love,  Cindy. 

Merry  Christmas  Sunshine  and 
Marty.  Love,  S.V. 

Feliz  Navidad  J.M.  Loveya.  S.V. 

Freuliche  Weihnachten  Don 
Shepherd.  We  all  miss  you. 

1  hope  you  all  have  a  Merry 
Christmas  and  Happy  New  Year. 

Merry  Christmas  Shag! 

Lawry  owes  Eva  R.  a  Christmas 

Season's  Greetings!  Fight 

Merry  Christmas  Wus  -  from 

Merry  Christmas  Mommie  ■  from 
"Ohm"  Tom. 

Merry  Christmas,  D.P.,  D.K.. 
and  P.M.  -  Love,  your  secret 

Christmas  Greetings  to  W.H., 
and  F.F.  and  Kathy.  "The 

Tree  greetings  to  Karen,  Kathy 
and  Ansa.  Kathy. 

Merry  Christmas,  from  Joe  and 

Dear  Ansa,  I  love  you.  Merry 
Christmas,  T.B. 

Merry  Christmas  Dave  Kissell 
from  St.  Francis,  from  Debbie 

Merry  Christmas  Selma,  Cathy, 
Keith.  Debbie,  and  Dave  from  ? 

Merry  Christmas  Mike.  You're  a 
nice  guy.  Cathy. 

Merry  Christmas  Cooch.  Love 
ya'  -Deb. 

Merry  Christmas  Dave  Ray! 
Marty  and  Cassie. 

Little  gymnastics  girl,  I  love 
you.  Daddy, 

Merry  Christmas  Elmhurst, 

A  blue-eyed  dog  needs  a  friend! 

Merry  Christmas  Marga,  your 

Merry  Christmas  Joe.  1  love  you. 

Merry  Christmas  to  everyone 
who  keeps  the  upstairs  wall  from 

Merry  Christmas  to  Tom  Smith. 
Loveya',  Marie. 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year. 

Merry  Christmas  to  everyone. 

Merry     Christmas     "Randy" 
Love,  Susie. 

Merry  Christmas,  Deb  Szink, 

To  Mike  Johnson,  Have  a  Merry 
Christmas  and  a  Happy  New  Year. 
Signed.    Athos,     Porthos,    and 

Merry  Christmas  and  a  Ho!  Ho! 
Ho!  to  everybody.  From  Randy 

June  Taylor,  Merry  Christmas. 
Remember  the  fairy  eggs!  Karen 

Karen  Crippen,  Merry 

Christmas!  The  Pearl. 

Happy  Holidays  to  all  you 
Trojans!  M.A. 

To  Reggie  -  Merry  Christmas 
from  an  admirer. 

Merry  Christmas  Everett,  With 
love,  Ann. 

Merry  Christmas,  Barb  Bowen, 
from  your  little  elf. 

Merry  Christmas  from  Mary, 
Driver  #53. 

Merry  Christmas,  Tammy. 

Merry  Christmas,  Mass  Media 
and  sophomore  English  classes. 

Merry  Christmas,  Elmhurst. 

Go  athletic  teams!  Win! 

Season's  Greetings.  B.C. 

Merry  Christmas  Patty,  from 

WBGU-T^,  Channel  39,  Public     was  received  very  well.  Fort  Wayne 
Television.  PBS  ■  aU  names  for  the    could  eventually  set  up  a  full  pubLc 

new  non-commercial  programs 
Fort  Wayne  residents  are  now  able 
to  view. 

This  does  not  mean  Fort  Wayne 
is  the  headquarters  of  a  new 
station,  only  of  a  new  transmitter, 
which  telecasts  the  signals  from 
WBGU-TV  in  Bowling  Green. 
Ohio.  This  city  receives  it  on 
Channel  39. 

Annual  costs  high 

As        Wallace 

Fosnight   who  has 

been  involved  with 

PBS  from  its  start 

in    Fort    Wayne, 

explained,        the 

Iransmittonce      of 

WBGU  propramm- 

ing  is  a  kind  of  a 

[rial        situation. 

When         Public 

Television        was 

first'  being 
discussed  for  Fort  Woyne,  the 
ideas  was  thot  a  full  station  would 
be  set  up  here.  However  it  was 
generally  considered  unfair  and 
unwise  to  attempt  to  raise  the  large 
sum  that  would  be  involved  with 
such  a  construction  and  the  annual 
operating  cost  of  '5300,000  before 
the  community  Icnew  what  to 
expect  from  the  system,  Mr. 
Fosnight  commented  that  some 
local  citizens  might  be 
disappointed  in  the  quality  of  the 



television  station. 

WBGU-TV  has  the  facilities  to 
film  its  own  local  programs  just  os 
Fort  Wayne  channels  do  local  news 
and  talk  shows,  but  the  station  also 
has  its  choice  of  nationally 
telecasted  programs  through  the 
Public  Broadcasting  System  ( PBS] 
which  is  like  NBC,  CBS,  and  ABC, 

Commercials  missing 

One  of   the  biggest  features  of 
PBS  is  the  lack  of 
commercials.    This 
•  brings      up      the 

question  of  how 
the  operation  is 
financed.  The 
funds  for  the 
transmitter.  the 
Bowling  Green 
station  and  the 
national  system  all 
have  basically  the 
same  origins.  The 
i    contributed    bv 


individuals,  corporate   grant: 

the  government 



The  channel  offers  classrbom 
instruction  from  8:30  to  •1:00  and 
later  programs  include  theatrical 
productions.  Black  Perspective  on 
the  News,  Book  Beat,  and 
Consumer  Survival  Kit,  A  full 
viewing  schedule  is  printed  in  the 
local    newspapers    under    local 

Trojan    Singers  entertain  wide 
variety  of  audiences 

signal,  but  thot  if  the  programming     stations  as  WBGU-39. 

Every  day  after  school, 
the  Trojan  Singers  work  at 
memorizing  music  to  sing  at 
various  places. 

They  are  a  select  group  of 
20,  and  must  audition  for 
positions  in  the  soprano, 
alto,  tenor,  and  bass 

Directed  by  Mr.  Al 
Schmutz,  the  singers  have 
given  over  15  concerts  this 
year,  singing  for  Lions  Club 
meetings,  tennis  banquets, 
women's  clubs  ■-  almost 
anywhere.  They  have  sung 
concerts  at  school  as  well. 
They  participated  in  the 
NISBOVA  contest  thispast 

Songs  vary 

The  group  sings  a  variety 
of  things.  In  the  jazz 
department  there  are 
arrangements  by  Anita 
Kerr,  George  Gershwin,  and 
Burt  Bacharach.  Rockier 
pieces  include  the  well 
known  "Spinning  Wheel ' * 
and  a  song  from  the  musical 
"Jesus  Christ  Superstar." 
Also,  a  number  that  Barbra 
Streisand  made  popular, 
"What  Are  You  Doing  the 
Rest     Of     Your     Life?" 

Included  in  their  program 
are  contemporary 
arrangements  of  music  by 
Bach  and  Mozart. 

Before  school  started,  the 
group  went  to  a  band  camp 
in  Kentucky  with  the 
marching  band,  and 
practiced  all  day  for  a  week. 
The  main  purpose  of  this 
was  to  get  through  the  time 
consuming  process  of 
learning  the  notes,  so  that 
by  the  time  school  started, 
they  would  be  ready  to  work 
on  the  other  musical  aspects 
of  the  tunes,  such  as 
dynamics,  phrases,  diction, 
and  tone  quality. 



Iloista  Joulua!  To  all  in 
Elmhurst.  Ansa. 

Merry  Christmas,  Eugene 
Parker  -  n  -  June  Richards.  What  a 
lovely  couple! 

Happy  Holidays  to  the  Finnish 
Flash,  W.H, 

Happy  Ho,  Ho,  Ho  day,  Herr 
Rothe.  Remember:  Auf  los  geht 
los,  Aber  nicht  d'has.  The  Silent 

To  Betsy  Barber.  I  still  don't 
know  what  you  want  for 
Christmas,  but  I  know  what  I'd  like 
to  get  you!  Merry  Christmas,  Kent. 

To  J.M.  and  C.S.,  To  the  two 
nuttiest  gals  I  know.  Some  day 
you're  going  to  get  caught.  Merry 
Christmas,  Mike  F. 


US^    24    West 
432  -6)01 


Complete     Auto 

Merry  Christmas  Trojans.  May 
the  joy  of  Jesus  Christ  remain  with 
you  long  past  Christmas. 

Very  Merry  Christmas  Kathy 
Weber  -  your  elf, 

Scott,  Merry  Christmas  to  you. 
my  brother  and  dear  friend.  Little 

Rosebud-Well  toots,  Merry 
Christmas!  Pup. 

Mrs.  Herrero,  Miss  Perego,  Mr. 
Rothe,  and  Mr.  Sinks  -  Merry 
Christmas  and  Thanks!  The 
American  Field  Service. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Steve,  with 
Love  from  Maria. 

Merry  Christmas  to  those  who 
make  my  days  worthwhile,  my 
friends!  Nancy  R. 

Mr.  M,  Berry.  Merry  Christmas. 
Much  love,  Miss  "1957". 

To  my  friends  ■  thank  you  for 
being  there  when  1  need  you.  Good 
luck  in  75.  I'D  miss  you  when 
you 're  gone.  Roopie, 

Deputy  Matt,  a  man  who  has  no 
friends  -  Merry  Christmas.  A 

Merry  Christmas  to  alt  my 
friends.  Love,  Holly. 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  junior 
class  from  Mike  Arnold.  And  watch 
out  during  Christmas  vacation! 

Merry  Christmas  Dan  and  Jim! 
Guess  where  we  were  Nov,  23!  J.L. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Sarah 
Stewart  from  R.H, 

Have  a  Florida  boogie 
Christmas.  Jack. 

Have  a  Merry  Christmas  Lori. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  Trojans 
and  a  Healthy.  Happy  New  Year. 
Mrs.  Tsiguloff . 


Jeff  ■  Merry  Christmas.  Love, 

To  Kenny  Coker,  Merry 
Christmas  from  a  secret  admirer 
and  future  girlfriend.  1  hope. 

To  Willie  -  Merry  Christmas  from 

Merry  Christmas  Jake,  from 

Cindy  Vest  wishes  everyone  a 
Merry  Christmas. 

Merry  Christmas  Kerry  Mills. 

Merry  Christmas  Leggs,  from 

Merry  Christmas  B.B.,  from 
Leggs  and  Chester. 

Merry  Christmas  Dave,  from 

Mr.  Reinhard,  Merry  Christmas 
end  Happy  New  Year.  Sherri. 

Merry  Christmas.  Bobol 

Merry  Christmas  Leggs  and 

Merry  Christmas  Dave  K.  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  T.S.  and  S.P, 

Merry  Christmas  Steve,  Larry 
and  Carter. 

Mrs.  Banks  wishes  everyone  a 
Merry  Christmas 

Kerry  Mills  says  Merry 
Christmas  to  Susan  D. 

Merry  Christmas  Skinny  Minny 
from  B.B,  and  Chester. 

Hey,  everyone,  guess  why  Cindy 
Vest  is  called  Chest«r.  Oh  well, 
Merry  Christmas  anyway,  Chester. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Sally,  from 
John.  When  are  you  gonna  get  your 

Merry  Christmas  Nedra  Elston. 
Love,  M.F, 

Merry  Christmas  and  good  luck 
to  all  Elmhurst  wrestlers.  S.V. 

Merry  Christmas  Mark.  Love 
you,  Linda. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Sam 
Perrine.  from  Charlie. 

Merry  Christmas  Debbie,  Beth, 
Cathy,  Keith.  Martha,  Mike,  Jeff, 

L.K.  -  I  hope  you  and  your  little 
red  light  have  a  Merry  Christmas. 

Mr.  Storey,  We  hope  you  and 
Julius  Caesar  have  a  very  Merry 
Christmas!  Mods  lO-U. 

D.L.  and  T.M.,  we  know  you'll 
have  a  very  Merry  Christmas  Eve. 
Merry  Christmas! 

Merry  Christmas  to  Mary 
Hudelson  from  Tim  Lee. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Doris  and 
the  bridge  club. 

Merry  Christmas  Annesta.  A 

Merry  Christmas  Helen,  from 

Merry  Christmas  Afro  Club. 

Merry  Christmas  Mrs.  Banks. 

Merry  Christmas,  Student 

To  Lewis  Allen  -  Merry 
Christmas,  Love.  Kelly  Breidert, 

WLYV  is  proud  to  present  the 
words  "Merry  Christmas"  to  all 
the  wonderful  students  of 
Elmhurst.  From  us  to  Elmhurst. 

Merry  Christmas,  Danny,  Amy 
loves  you. 

Merry  Christmas,  Ronnie.  Love, 

To  Tom,  Merry  Christmas  from 

FLOWERS  ...for 

every  occasion... 

500?    ARDMORE 
747. 9157 


were  made  of  wood  and  very 

long,  boots  were  leather  and 

laced  up,   in  contrast  with 

today's  equipment  trending 

to  shorter  skis,  now  made  of 

metal,  and    plastic    buckle 

boots  that  are  easier  to  get 

on  and  off. 

.    ,  ^,  Slopes,  too,  have  come  a 

■I  feel  free.  I  can  feel  the  ^^^   ^^^   ^^^,_j 

speed  and  the  temperature   ^  ^    ^^    ^    ^,^p^^ 

™  my  face."  These  are  the    ^j;^  _^^^    ^^   ^^^^^ 

words  of  one  Elmhurst  skier  ^^^  ^.^^  ^^  ^^^^^  JJ^  ^.^^  ^^ 
that  could  pretty  much  sum  ^^^  consisting  of  10  to  30 
„p  the  feeUng  of  all  skiers.        ^^^^^^  ^_.  ^^^^ 

Snow  skiing  has  become  a  ^^^^^    .^    ^   ,^^g^ 

rapidly      growing     sport  ^.^j^y      f„,      those 

attracting  people  of  all  sizes.  .^^^^^^^^  ;„  j^^^^g  t„  3^ 
ages,  and  areas  of  the  world;  ^  ^^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^ 
for  some  it  is  a  method  of  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^.^^^^^  investing 
transportation,  but  for  ^  ^^^^^^^  .^  something  they 
others  it  is  freedom, 
enjoyment  and  competition 

of.    The    local 

aren't    sure 

Y.M.C.A.    sponsors   day 

When  skiing  first  began.  ^^..^^  ^^  Saturdays  to  a  ski 
years  ago,  equipment  didn't  ^^^^^^  -^^  Southern 
look  as  it  does  today.  Skis   Mi(.ijigaii.  The  fee  includes 

lesson.    With    a    group    of 
friends    along    this    trip 
proves  to  be  very  enjoyable. 
There   are   many    smaller 
areas  in  Northern  Indiana, 
Ohio,  and  Michigan  that  one 
could    escape    to    for    a 
weekend    at     a     minimum 
expense,  while  for  a  longer 
period    of    time    there    are 
excellent  areas  in  Northern 
Michigan    and    Wisconsin. 
These    prove    to    be    quite 
expensive        but        also 

Along  with  everything 
else,  the  price  of  skiing  has 
gone  up  in  Northern 
Michigan.  Lift  tickets  for  all 
day  are  now  $10,  and  in 
Southern  Michigan  cost 
from  three  to  five  dollars. 

Cross  country  skiing  is 
also  gaining  popularity. 
Many  may  think  it's  not  as 
challenging  or  it's  easier, 
when  actually  one  seems  to 
put  more  effort  into  one's 
work.  Cross  country  is 
primarily  done  on  gently 
rolling  land  and  in  a  swift 
striding  motion.  Equipment 
also  differs;  the  skis  are 
very  long  and  narrow,  and 
boots  are  a  shoe  that  ties. 

Cross  country  has  a  big 
advantage  over  down  hill 
skiing  if  one  has   his  own 

it's  not  uncommon  to  see 
someone  in  an  open  field  or  a 
golf  course.  Cross  country 
may  prove  a  little  bit  less 
expensive  due  to  the  fact 
that  you  don't  need  Uft 

A  new  "style"  of  skiing 
which  proves  fun  is  "Hot 
Dog"  skiing.  Its  name 
almost  tells  you  it's 
composed  of  flips,  turns, 
tumbling  of  all  sorts,  and 
yes,  even  a  baUet.  This  is  a 
fun  thing  to  learn  with  a 
group  of  friends. 

The    atmosphere    at    ski 

everyone  is  tnere  to  ski  anu 
they  are  all  having  a  good 
time  and  happy.  Most 
people  will  talk  to  you  and 
ask  you  about  your  skiing  or 
where  you  are  from. 

Many  Elmhurst  students 
are  already  ski-buffs  and 
have  found  the  freedom, 
challenge,  and  excitement  of 
thrill  that  skiing  brings.  But 
also  many  of  the  Elmhurst 
students  who  haven't 
discovered  the  beauty  of 
skiing  may  feel  the  urge  to 
try  it. 


Dan  Shorey.  Merry  Christmas. 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year  to  staff,  faculty,  and 
student  body. 

To  Jeff,  have  a  very  Merry 
Christmas  from  Lori. 

Have  a  Merry  Christmas  from 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  McCleneghen. 

Merry  Christmas  to  everyone 
from  Sue  Frankewich, 

Merry  Christmas  Randy,  Love 

Merry  Christmas  to  T.H,  and 
friends  so  true;  plus  all  Italians, 
including  you  -  Tony  M. 

Merry  Christmas  June  Richard!! 
From  your  volleyball  partner. 

Mr.  Habegger  ■  May  your 
Wolverines  rest  in  peace  as  the 
Buckeyes  reign  on. 

Morsches  ■  Snow  Snow  Snow! 

Merry  Christmas  Jeffort,  "Little 
Richard,"  Greg,  Allen,  Dayton,  and 
Mark.  From  "Mom," 

OPEN  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS  A  WEfK! 

To  Dan,  Merry  Christmas  and  all 
my  love.  Tammy, 

Merry  Christmas  Elmhurst  High 

Feliz  Navidad  y  prospero  ano 
nuevo  a  todo  el  mundo. 

Have  a  very  Merry  Christmas 
Mike.  Love,  Patsy. 

Robin  ■  Merry  Christmas 
Soprano!  Maria. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Denise  and 
David  Stein.  See  ya  Christmas 
morning.  Ann. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Andrea 
Marchese,  from  Sam. 

Merry  Christmas  J.B.,  from 

Merry  Christmas  Sebna  from  an 
ex -rookie. 

Merry  Christmas! 

Merry  Christmas  to  I*uggy  Poo 
Heller.  (Bet  you  didn't  think  I'd  do 

Merry  Christmas  Liver,  from 
your  secret  admirer. 

Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Habegger. 
May  your  classes  solve  all  your 

Avez-une  bon  Noel.  M.  Rothe. 

Merry  Christmas  to  second 
period  Journalism  class  from 

Hoffentlich  bringt  euch  der 
Weihnachtsmann  alles  was  ihr 
wunscht!  Herr  Rothe. 

Merry  Christmas  Debbie,  Sandy. 
Cathy,  Lindy,  and  Pat!  Kathy. 

Cathy,  Merry  Christmas.  I  love 
you. Joe. 

Nancy  Campbell  -  I  hope  you  get 
more  of  those  red  things  on  your 
neck  for  Xmas! 

DYN-0-MITE  Christmas  Mr. 
Spears!  Love,  Toad. 

Joyeux  Noel,  Monsieur  Rothe! 

Many        happy        Christmas 
workouts,  gymnasts! 
Happy  New  Year! 

Merry  Christmas.  Terry  Sheriff, 
from  a  secret  admirer. 

Merry  Christmas,  Sheril.  Love. 

Karyn,  Amoeba  just  love 
Bacteria.  Merry  Christmas.  Jan. 

Merry  Christmas  D.L.,  from  D.S. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all.  Miss 

Merry  Christmas  to  Sybil,  from 

EJB  wants  $15,000  from  Santa. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  the  nuts 
at  the  ninth  mod  lunch.  Jeanne. 

Merry  Christmas  to  everybody. 

Joyeux  Noel  et  Bonne  Annee  a 
tout  le  monde.  Mile.  Perego. 

To  all  my  friends,  have  a  Merry 
Christmas  and  a  good  New  Year. 
Your  friend.  Eva  Rinehold. 

To  Greg,  Merry  Christmas  and 
God  bless.  From  Denise. 

Merry  Christmas  and  a  Happy 
New  Year  to  Corinne,  from  Laura. 
Merry  Christmas  Jeff,  from  Lori. 
Merry   Christmas   Becky.   Love 

Maria,  don't  eat  too  much 
vegetable  soup  on  Christmas! 

Merry  Christmas,  Fonzie!  From 
your  little  sister. 

Merry  Christmas  Poe,  Love 
Cheryl  and  Cathy. 

Merry  Christmas  Mom  and  Dad, 
Love  Keith. 

Gene,  I  know  what  Cal  is  getting 
you  for  Christmas.  Boy,  are  you 
going  to  be  surprised.  Debi  Welch. 

Sheli,  it's  Christmas,  now  just 
what  are  you  getting  me?  Debi 

C,B.  -  Wishing  you  a  Merry 
Christmas!  K.L. 

Merry  Christmas  everybody! 

Bah  -  humbug! 

Merry  Christmas  to  Chocolate 
and  Sheril. 

Merry  Christmas  to  B.B.  Love, 

Cathy  -  Merry  Christmas  and 
thanks  for  encouraging  me  at  lunch 
to  keep  on  "it."M. 

Amy  -  Merry  Christmas!  Maria. 
Happy  Hanukkah!!! 
Merry  Christmas!!! 
Season's  Greetings!!! 


Best  Christmas  wishes  to:  Willie. 
Reggie,  Curtis,  Johnny,  Terry, 
Brian,  Domingo,  Fred,  Junebug, 
Jaybird,  Jeffery,  Anthony.  Three 

Merry  Xmas  to  Mike  Smith. 
Love,  Skintight. 

Merry  Christmas,  Theron 
Overman,  from  Donna  Jauregui. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  physical 
education  and  basketball  team 
girls!!!  Mrs.  Doswell. 

Bean:  BEWARE!  Dont  leave 
books  in  study  hall,  things  may 
happen!  G.S.  and  G.C. 

To  certain  Seniors:  May  Santa's 
reindeer  fertilize  your  lawn  and 
leave  toilet  paper  in  your  trees! 
Framed  sophomores. 


©IDS  I 

TO  KEEP  : 


1  : 

—Read—  \ 

THE  1 

Journal-  : 

Gazette  : 



l«   .^ 

EHS  girls  particip 

by  Karyn  Heiney 

The  1974-75  sports  program  at  Elmhurst  brought  not' 
only  some  new  faces,  but  also  a  few  new  sports  as  well.  One 
of  these  ia  the  girls  basketball  team  coached  by  Mrs. 

The  team,  consisting  of  two  seniors,  five  juniors  and  ten 
sophomores,  now  sports  a  0-3  record  for  the  first  third  of 
their  9-game  season.  Although  the  girls  have  lost  their  first 
three  games,  Mrs.  Doswell  commented  that  they  are 
improving  all  the  time  and  that  Elmhurst  will  have  a  win! 
before  too  long. 

The  Trojans'  first  three  losses  came  at  the  hands  of 
Concordia,  17-50;  Harding,  35-46;  and  Bishop  Luers,  24-34. 
One  of  the  main  problems  that  Coach   Doswell  feels  is 
keeping    the    team    out    of    the    winning   column    is    the," 
inconsistency  in  the  overall  team  scoring. 

At  the  start  of  the  season  the  girls'  basketball  team  was' 
just  like  a  lot  of  the  Trojan  teams,  inexperienced  and  young. 
^However,  they  are  growing  more  confident  as  they  play. 
With  the  help  of  student  teacher  Miss  Diana  Mankey 
from  Ball  State,  Coach  Doswell  has  held  practices  since 
November  18  and  now  says  that  though  the  gym  they 
practice  in  is  very  inadequate,  the  team  is  starting  to  work 
on  different  base  line  plays  and  things  should  be  looking  up  ' 
in  the  future. 

Elmhurst  74-75  Girls  Basketball 


Kelly  Auer 
Emma  Bostic 
Hollie  Daffom 
Ethel  Fowlkes 
Sue  Frankewich 
Sally  Hinton.  captain 
Lynn  Hollowell 
Kathy  Jackson 
Sue  Taylor,  Manager 

Marty  Kelly 
Sharon  Perrine 
Carol  Quance 
Marilynn  Scherer 
Kellie  Slate 
Carmetta  Walker 
Venecia  Warfield 
Evelyn  Fowlkes 
Sehna  Vaughn 


-j^«i^."->^  ■-*Sv''^.''-^--<l..-"^.-^>.--^.iiv  .-'^-.^,>-i^-'^H-^..-v^,  .•■5v*'^"-^---^-^v.-Cs  -^-'■^yf^--si--'-'^''^-^ 

GALS  &-GUYS       \  King  Crimson  disbands. 






by  Rick  Rifkin 





cuffs,  i 

bells,  \ 

straights  ^^ 

jean  jackets  ^ 
tops  ^ 
dress  slacks  \ 
knit  tops  b 
baggie  tops  | 






9  OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  1 2  00  TO  5:00  ^ 

On  the  eve  of  the  release  of  their 
latest  Edbum.  "Red",  rock  legend 
Robert  Fripp,  guitarist  in  King 
Crimson,  made  an  anDOuDcement. 
He  said  that  King  Crimson  was  now 
officially  dissolved.  To  many  people 
this  was  unexpected  and 
disheartening  news.  Others 
accepted  it  as  part  of  the  never 
ending  metamorphosis  of  King 

The  news  was  surprising  because 
King  Crimson  seemed  to  be  very 
stable  with  a  bright  future.  Sax 
players  Mel  Collins  and  Ian 
McDonald  from  the  early  King 
Crimson  had  recently  rejoined  the 
band  on  a  permanent  basis.  Another 
reason  the  announcement  was 
unexpected  is  because  "Red"  is  a 
very  good  album.  It  is  very 
powerful,  in  the  tradition  of  King 
Crimson  .  Much  of  the  music 
however  is  very  similar  to  the  last 
K.C.  album.  "Starless  and  Bible 
Black."  Fripp  realized  the  lack  of 
progress  (not  in  the  tradition  of 
King  Crimson)  and  simply  decided 
that  it  was  over. 

Album  holds  up 

As  expected,  though  ,  the  album 
is  good  and  very  well  performed. 
The  first  side  holds  the  best  materia! 

with  "Red".  "Fallen  Angel",  and 
"One  More  Red  Nightmare."  Collins 
and  McDonald  get  in  their  Ucks  or 
outstanding  sax  solos  and  good 
back-up.  Robert  Fripp  plays  well 
and,  as  always,  with  a  lot  of  class. 
Bassist  John  Wetton  and 
percussionist  Bill  Bruford  have 
gotten  very  clos&  musically  since 
Bruford  joined  Crimson  after 
leaving  Yes  in  late  1972. 

The  only  real  drawback  of  the 
album  is  the  similarity.  King 
Crimson  has  always  been  unique 
and  their  last  three  albums  have  all 
been  very  good,  but  unfortunately, 
they  all  have  basically  the  same 
sound.  The  band  seems  to  have 
fallen  into  a  rut  and  had  trouble 
getting  out. 

King  Crimson  had  too  much 
talent  to  simply  be  written  off  as 
over.  Fripp  will  probably  pursue 
other  musical  interests  for  a  while  as 
he  has  in  the  past  (a  la  Vander  Graff, 
Eno,  and  Robin  Trower)  but  his  ties 
with  King  Crimson  are  strong. 
Don't  be  too  surprised  if  there  is  a 
new  King  Crimson  in  the  offing 
soon,  but  on  the  other  hand,  don't  be 
too  surprised  if  there  isn't. 


e  in  winter  sports 

lusde,  toUow  the  gymnast  from  the  low  bar  to  the 
■  she  mounts  until  she 

Ever  since  Olga  Korbut  startled  the  world  at  the  72  Olympics,  women  s 
gynmastics  has  enjoyed  an  upsurge  in  popularity.  This  holds  true  tor 
Elmhurst  also,  as  the  second  year  in  competition  for  the  girls'  gymnastic 
team  is  about  to  begin. 

The  team,  coached  by  Mrs.  Marty  Burns,  consists  of  seven  seniors,  five 
juniors,  and  six  sophomores.  It  will  hove  four  returning  lettetmen  this 
year  They  are  seniors  Cindy  BradtmiUer,  Denise  Stein,  Bonnie  Carr.on, 
and  junior  Linda  Smyser.  These  four  will  be  backed  by  a  much  stronger  ^ 
team  than  previously  seen. 

There  ore  lour  events  in  the  area  of  gymnastics:  The  floor  exercise. 
jneven  parallel  bars,  vaulting,  and  balance  beam.  Floor  routines  combine 
dance,  grace,  and  tumbling  ability,  putting  it  to  music.  The  unevens, 
requiring  the  most 

high.   She  should  have  no  definite  stops  once 

dismounts.  Vaulting  is  when  a  girl  does  a  specific  maneuver  over  a  48 
high  "horse,"  such  as  straddle,  stoop,  or  handspring  vault.  Balance  beam, 
the  most  dangerous  of  the  four,  is  performed  on  a  4.inch  piece  of  wood 
approximately  three  and  a  half  feet  from  the  floor.  Height  on  leaps, 
suteness  of  execution  of  moves,  and  originality  are  what  the  judge  looks 
for  in  the  routine. 

A  gymnast  may  compete  in  aU  four  events  lor  "aU  around"),  or  she  may 
Icompete  in  only  one.  A  girl  who  goes  aU  around  works  doubly  hard  as 
iothers  to  complete  aU  tour  routines  perfectly.  She  has  only  the  Sam.' 
amount  of  time  as  a  girl  who  specializes  in  one  event  solely. 

Sophomore  gymnast  Katy  Young  comments  that  the  team  looks  good, 
,speciaUy  the  seniors  and  a  few  others.  "But,"  she  said,  "there  needs  to  b< 
jmore  dedication  ~  gymnastics  should  be  more  of  a  serious  business.  "  She, 
iwent  on  to  say  school  support  is  almost  nonexistent.  "Then  again, 
gymnastics  is  a  baby  at  Elmhurst  plus  being  a  girls'  sport.  This  affects 
how  people  view  it,"  stated  Katy, 

So  women's  gymnastics  is  on  the  upswing  at  Elmhurst.  This  year  the    <^^ 
team  is  looking  forward  to  better  things  as  they  prepare  for  the  upcommg 

The  team's  first  meet  is  Jan.  23,  at  South  Adams.  Thek  first  home  meet 
is  Jan.  27,  against  Wayne.  The  team  is  hopeful  for  a  much  better  season 
than  last  year's.  Unfortunately,  support  from  school,  lack  of  money,  and 
old  equipment  seriously  affect  this  hope. 

...Genesis  releases  milestone' 



For  those  who  follow  Genesis, 
their  new  double-album  "The  Lamb 
Lies  Down  On  Broadway"  is 
somewhat  of  a  milestone.  Since  their 
first  album,  five  years  ago,  Genesis 
has  continually  sought  artistry  and 
perfection  in  all  of  their  music.  This. 
their  seventh  release,  goes  beyond 
all  expectations  and  is  by  far  one  of 
the  best  albums  of  1974. 

"The  Lamb  Lies  Down  On 
Broadway"  is  a  concept  album, 
similar  to  the  Who's 

Quadrophenia"  in  format  and 
story  line.  It  is  the  story  of  Rael,  a 
young  New  York  City  street  punk, 
searching  ( for  himself? )  in  and  under 
the  city.  VocaHst  Peter  Gabriel 
If'ads  the  listener  through  the 
various  bizarre  happenings  that 
'jefall  Rael  throughout  the  story. 
The  music,  however,  is  the  most 
•outstanding  trait  of  the  album. 

Listener  wafts  away 
Only  a  few  bands  have  the  ability  to 
let  the  listener  get  carried  away  in 
their  music.  Genesis  has  been  doing 
this  for  a  long  time,  most  notably  on 
their  two  previous  albums, 
■'Foxtrot"  and  "Selling  England  by 
the  Pound".  Tony  Bank's  keyboards 
are  the  uniting  force  of  this  album. 
He    has    many    intricate    solos    on 

piano  and  synthesizer  but  often  he 
uses  organ  or  mellotron  to  make 
very  smooth  transitions  between 

Guitarist,  Steve  Hackett,  is 
another  dimension  of  Genesis.  He 
uses  many  devices  to  change  and 
add  to  the  sound  of  his  guitars. 
Often  the  effects  he  gets  are 
mistaken  for  other  instruments. 
Most  important,  though,  is  that  the 
music  flows.  The  band  is  very  tight 
and  it  shows  in  both  their  style  and 

"The  Lamb  Lies  Down  on 
Broadway"  is  strong'in  all  respects. 
The  story  is  excellent  and  the  music 
is  fantastic.  Genesis  has  done  it 
again.  As  Peter  Gabriel  says,  "It's 
only  knock  and  knowall,  but  I  like 

The  Advance  staff  invites 
students  and  teachers  to  express 
their  opinions  on  any  subject 
through  the  oewspoper  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to 
review  all  material  before 
publication.  All  letters  should  be 
brought  to  the  journalism  room 
1 108 1- 

Bowling    occupies   majority   of  Kevin    Lee's   time 

in  roller  skating  and  figure  skating. 

FOR  A  PASTIME,  a  bowler  for  a  hobby. 
works  at  a  bowling  alley  and  would  like  to 
become  a  professional  bowler. 

At  Smitty's  Lanes,  where  junior  Kevin  Lee 
works,  he  does  more  than  play  the  pinball 
machine;  he  howls.  He  not  only  bowls,  but  he 
bowls  consistently  in  the  160-200  range. 
Kevin  practices  bowling  to  the  tune  of  35-40 
games  a  week.  This  often  frustrating  game 
has  become  a  refined  hobby  of  Kevin's  and 
may  become  a  career. 

Kevin  usually  bowls  at  Smitty's  Lanes 
about  16  hours  a  week.  At  Smitty's  he 
participates  in  two  men's  leagues 
maintaining  a  -170  .and  180  average, 
respectively.  Last  year  he  achieved  a  158 
average  in  league  play, 

Kevin's  highest  series  (three  games)  was  a 
675  which  he  estabUshed  this  Christmas 
vacation,  He  hos  also  chalked  up  an 
impressive  244  mark  for  a  single  game.  Kevin 
pointed  out,  "As  you  can  see,  practice  pays 
off  ■■ 

Bowling  starts  young 

Kevin  first  began  bowling  at  age  nine, 
when  he  knocked  over  a  total  of  26  pins.  He 
bowled  his  first  200  game  at  12  and  his  first 
dOO  series  at  14.  At  13  he  and  four  others 
entered  a  VFW  (Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars) 
tournament  at  Dehnert's  in  the  senior 
division.  His  team  won  it.  Many 
tournaments  offer  money  prizes.  However. 
Kevin  hasn't  participated  in  these  because 
this  would  make  him  ineligible  for  high 
school  baseball. 

As  a  result,  Kevin  has  restricted  himself  to 
participating  in  a  variety  of  leagues.  This  is 
his  first  year  in  a  men's  league  and  his  team 
won  the  first  half  of  the  Monday  night 
championship.  This  year  in  league  bowling  he 
has  rolled  a  619  series. 

Kevin's  outstanding  scores  are  based  on  a 

conventional  4-step  style.  In  this  style  the 
fingers  are  placed  all  the  way  in  the  holes. 
causing  the  ball  to  hook  less  than  other 
styles.  He  throws  more  of  a  curve,  which  is 
different  from  a  hook.  A  curve  rolls  down  the 
right  side  of  the  alley  then  breaks  into  the 
pocket,  whereas  the  hook  is  thrown  from  the 
left  side  of  the  alley,  goes  to  the  right  side 
and  then  it  breaks  left  into  the  pocket. 

He  prefers  spot  bowUng  which  is  the 
method  of  picking  out  an  arrow  on  the  lane 
and  bowhng  over  it.  He  also  finds  it 
beneficial  to  bowl  at  different  alleys,  and 
says  much  con  be  learned  by  observing 
professional  bowlers.  When  asked  how  far  he 
plans  to  go  in  bowling,  Kevin  replied,  "I 
would  like  to  make  a  career  out  of  it.  ■ 

Kevin  uses  a  14'/i  pound  ball,  a  Brunswick 
Black  Beauty.  He  suggests  that  a  person 
should  obtain  a  good  ball  such  as  a 
Brunswick,  Ebonite,  or  AMF  and  have  it 

drilled  properly  in  a  pro  shop.  The  ball  should 
not  be  too  light;  if  anything  it  should  be 
slightly  heavy.  Otherwise,  the  ball  might  be 
thrown  too  hard. 

Spot  bowling  preferred 

Kevin  recommends  spot  bowUng  for 
beginners,  using  4  steps.  Standing  at  the  end 
of  the  alley  is  not  recommended,  but  instead, 
the  bowler  should  be  about  '.-i  the  distance 
from  the  foul  line  to  the  end  of  the  aUey.  Also, 
swinging  the  ball  above  the  shoulders  can 
lead  to  serious  control  problems  as  well  as 
embarrassment  if  the  ball  is  dropped  on  the 
backswing.  The  follow  through  should  end 
with  the  hand  about  eye  level. 

As  a  lesson  to  those  who  allow  themselves 
to  put  holes  in  restroom  walls  with  their  fists 
as  one  man  recently  did  at  Smitty's,  Kevin 
said  that  one  should  "control  himself  while 
bowling  because  it  can  become  fnistroting." 

Howard,    Campbell    are   Rotarians 

Senior  Lyle  Howard,  as  Junior  Rotarian 
attended  weekly  Rotary  club  luncheons  for 
the  month  of  December.  Taking  over  the 
position  for  the  month  of  January  is  senior 

Dave  Campbell. 

A  k 

Dave  Campbell 

"!  really  enjoyed  last  month's  meetings", 
commented  Lyle,  who  confessed  he  originally 
thought  being  selected  Junior  Rotarian  was 
"littlemore  than  an  ego  trip.  '  he  now  says  he 
realized  the  point  of  the  program.  "I  got  to 
meet  a  lot  of  interesting  people,  and  I  really 
think  I  learned  a  lot  of  new  things  about  our 
city  through  the  speakers  and  the  gentlemen 

Lyle  expressed  special  enjoyment  of  the 
last  meeting  he  attended  where  Mayor 
Lebamoff  discussed  many  of  his  plans  for  the 
city's  growth.  AFS  exchange  student 
Corinne  Bucher  also  attended  this  meeting 
and  found  it  very  informative. 

Dave  will  represent  the  school  through  the 
end  of  the  month. 


Sophomore  Trojans  ihalk  up  win  n  ing  s  tart 

by  Kevin  Lee 

With  the  varsity  and 
reserve  teams  showing  them 
the  winning  way,  the 
sophomore  basketball  team 
has  compiled  a  4-1  record. 
North  Side,  Northrop, 
Homestead,  and  Harding  all 
fell  to  the  Trojans, 

Portage,  along  with 
Kekionga,  produced  many 
basketball  players  for 
Ehnhurst  this  year.  Portage 
boasted  the  ninth  grade  city 
champions  last  year  while 
Kekionga  had  a  good  year 
too.  Five  sophomores  made 
the  varsity  squad  this  year, 
with  Ernie  Starks  as 
starting  center.  Curtis 
Paschall,  Doug  Peters. 
Brian  Russell,  and  Mike 
Brewer  will  also  play  some 
reserve  ball.  In  addition 
Brewer   and    Paschall   have 

seen   limited   action   in   the 
sophomore  games. 
Passes  test 

The  first  test  for  the 
sophomores  came  from 
North  Side  with  the  Trojans 
coming  away  with  a  44-35 
win.  The  Trojans  then  went 
on  to  beat  Northrop,  36-28, 
before  losing  to  the  Generals 
of  Wayne. 

At  the  end  of  the  first 
quarter,  Elmhurst  and 
Wayne  were  tied  but  the 
second  quarter  saw  Wayne 
pull  away  gradually.  At  the 
end  of  the  third  stanza, 
Wayne  still  held  the  lead 
with  each  team  keeping  the 
other  in  check.  Elmhurst 
came  surging  back  during 
the  fourth  quarter  but  could 
not  top  Wayne.  At  the  end, 
the  final  score  was  44-42  in 
favor  of  Wayne. 

Team  of  the  future 

The  sophomore  team  went 
on  to  post  easy  wins  against 
Homestead  and  Harding, 
beating  Harding  47-36  and 
killing  Homestead  56-40. 
After  last  night's  game  at 
Concordia,  the  sophomore 
team  has  three  games  left 
including  a  rematch  against 
Wayne.  They  are  as  follows: 
Wayne  at  Elmhurst,  5  p.m., 
Jan  6;  Elmhurst  at  Snider,  5 
p.m.,  Jan.  9,  South  Side  at 
Elmhurst,  5  p.m.,  Jan.  15. 

Following  is  the  roster  of  the 
sophomore  team: 


Cusfom     Picfure    Framing 

Height    Weight 

Amos  Belcher  5'9"  145 

TomBrower  5'7"  140 

Kenny  Coker  5'6"  140 

Don  Culpepper  6'1"  155 

Rick  Hamilton  5'H"  135 

Wilfred  Harris  62"  147 

RandyJanson  5'H"  155 

Dale  Pine  5'10"  145 

JohnStiffler  5'10"  150 

Johnnie  White  5'7"  160 

RonWhitson  6'  160 

As  a  team,  the  Trojans  are 
shooting  at  a  36  per  cent 
clip  from  the  field  while 
making  48  percent  of  their 
foul  shots.   Scoring  leaders 

are  Ron  Whitson.  9.2  points 
per  game,  followed  by 
Johnnie  White  and  Kenny 
Coker.  7.2  and  5.8  points  per 
game  respectively.  Whitson 
has  played  18  quarters  out 
of  a  possible  20  while  White 
and  Coker  have  played 
about  half  as  much  since 
they  play  reserve  ball  also. 

With  five  sophomores  on 
the  varsity  now  and  three 
others  playing  reserve  ball. 
Elmhurst  appears  to  be  a 
team  of  the  future.  And  that 
future  may  come  sooner 
than  some  people  expect. 

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Russo  participates  in  si<ating  contests 

"I  was  happy  to  place 

For  some  students  a  trip  to  the 
Roller  Dome  or  an  afternoon  of  ice 
skating  is  simply  time  filling 
enjoyment  -■  but  to  junior  Jon 
Russo,  skating  means  a  lot  more. 

When  Jon  was  7  years  old,  he  and 
his  family  lived  in  California.  "I  saw 
my  older  cousin  skate  so  I  just 
decided  to  skate."  Jon  recalled.  At 
this  time  Jon  was  roller  skating. 

Later  in  his  skating  career,  when 
Jon  was  12  years  old,  he  took  first 

On    the  ice,  junior  Jc 

i  Russo   strikes 

place  in  the  Southwest  Pacific 
Regional  Championship,  which 
includes  participants  from  the 
California,  Nevada,  and  Arizona 

From  that  championship,  he  went 
to  national  competition  in  the 
juvenile  boy's  figure  skating.  Out  of 
all  the  participants  from  different 
areas  in  the  United  States,  Jon 
placed  18th. 

In  1971,  Jon  reached  the  national 
level  once  again,  this  time  in  the 
men's  figure  skating  event. 
Capturing  second  place,  Russo 
succeeded  in  defeating  thirty  other 
regional  winners. 

Ice  more  appealing 

After  moving  to  Fort  Wayne,  and 
after  a  time  of  decision,  Jon  decided 
to  change  from  roller  skating  to  ice 

"I  switched  to  ice  because  I  think  - 
there  is  more  recognition."  Jon 
illustrated  this  by  saying,  "Ice 
skating  has  been  an  Olympic  event 
for  some  time,  whereas  roller 
skating  was  just  recently  accepted 
for  the  Olympics." 

After  his  change  from  hard  wood 

to  ice,  Jon  reflected  on  some  of  the 

,     differences.  "On  the  ice  there  is  a  lot 

nore  flow,   you  can  express  more 

feeling   and   emotion,   you   simply 

have  more  fluency.* 

To  attain  the  fluency  and 
experience  needed  to  become  a 
competitive  ice  skater,  Jon  has 
spent  his  last  three  months 
practicing  as  a  '•beginner." 
"Practice  usually  starts  at  3;  we  do 
figure  skating  for  about  two  hours, 
free-style  skating  for  an  hour,  and 
then  an  hour  of  dance  practice,  all 
together  being  about  four  hours  of 
practice  per  day." 

Jon  belongs  to  the  Fort  Wayne 
Ice  Skating  Club  that  practices  at 
the  McMillen  Ice  Rink. 
Places  fifth  in  meet 

The  weekend  of  Dec.  8,  Jon  and 
the  rest  of  the  ice  team  competed  in 
Lansing.    Michigan    in    the    Great 

Lalires      Regional     Ice     Skating 

Tournament.  Jon  placed  5th  in  his 


■"I  was  happy  to  place  in  my  first 
ice  tournament,"  stated  Jon,  "but  I 
was  upset  because  the  guy  that  won 
first  place  fell  on  his  jumps." 

As  every  aspiring  athlete  has  a 
dream,  Jon  hopes  to  someday 
compete  in  the  Olympics. 

"I  went  to  the  World  Ice  Skating 
Meet  to  watch."  Jon  remembered, 
"talked  to  the  different  world  teams, 
some  even  showed  me  some 
different  skating  techniques  ■■  I 
went  to  learn  and  that  really  made 
me  decide  ice  is  forme." 

The  Advance  would  like  to  continu* 
printing  features  about  students  in  Elmhurat 
who  have  made  outstandinR  achievementa  in 
the  fields  of  sports  or  academics  and  of 
students  who  are  engaged  in  interesting  or 
unusual  activities.  Anyone  who  tits  this 
description  or  knows  of  someone  who  does, 
please  notify  the  Advance  by  leaving  a 
message  with  someone  in  room  108  or  by 
talking  to  Nancy  Beadie 


Where  your  favorite  request 

is  just  a  phone  call  away 



•  Holly  Hobble  Creations 

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•  Gifts  For  Anyone  On  Your 
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Wayne  Plaza 

EHS  Trojan  grapplers  ]'2 


by  Mike  Freygang 

Although  the  Elmhurst 
wrestling  team  receives 
about  the  least  publicity  at 
Elmhurst,  it  usually  turns 
out  to  be  one  of  the  most 
successful  sports.  Thif 
year's  team  consists  of  nine 
seniors,  eight  juniors,  and  17 
rookies,  Lettermen 
retioming  to  the  team  are 
'seniors  Chuck  Parent,  Terry 
Emmons,  Tim  Freeman,  Jim 
Norton,  and  Dave  Boyer. 

So  far,  the  varsity  team 
has  wrestled  for  a  2-2  record. 
Head  Coach  Jim  Welborn 
stated  that  the  team  is 
"bigger  than  last  year."  and 
that  the  schedule  is  "the 
toughest  around". 

The  school  support  that 
wrestling  receives  is  not  all 
that  good.  Coach  Welborn 
explained  that  last  year 
there  were  800  fans 
attending  the  wrestling 
match  at  Wayne,  but  this 
year's  number  has  dwindled 
to  approximately  250. 

The  two  varsity  setbacks, 
to  South  Side  33-24  and  to 
Concordia  29-26,  were 
redeemed  by  the  Trojan 
trouncing  of  Norwell  54-8 
and  Wayne  36-30.  According 
to    Coach    Welborn,     this 

year's  team  has  more 
potential  than  any  in  the 
past  seven  years  he  has  been 
coaching  here  at  Elmhurst. 

The  job  of  coaching  is  not 
left  to  Mr.  Welborn  alone; 
he  is  assisted  by  Mr.  Jim 
Lambert,  and  Mr.  Bob 
Horn,    both   coaching    for 

their  second  year. 

The  team  has  practiced 
every  day  except  Sunday 
since  Oct.  15,  and  will  be 
practicing  over  Christmas 
vacation.  The  team  has 
received  a  new  building,  new 
mat  and  new  uniforms  for 
the  year's  season. 

Sfudent  Council  reviews 

Team  solicits  support 

by  Derek  Paris 
ftnd  Mike  Arnold 

This  year  the  Elmhurst 
Student  Council  set  its 
major  goals  on  making  the 
1)97d-75  year  a  memorable 
and  enjoyable  one  for  all 
students  in  the  school.  And 
in  order  to  do  this,  the 
council  should  sponsor 
activities  which  will  bring 
the  whole  school  together. 

So  far  this  year,  we  feel  we 
have  enjoyed  moderate 
success  as  far  as  getting 
students  to  participate  in 
student  council  sponsored 
activities  is  concerned.  We 
feel  that  this  year's 
Homecoming  Parade  was 
successful  for  the  second 
time,  that  the  Penny  Arcade 
was  a  large  hit,  and  that  the 
semi -formal  Christmas 
dance  was  also  well  received. 
But  there  is  still  a  lot  of 
room  for  improvement  in 
participation.  We  realize 
that  this  is  probably  due  to 
the  fact  that  in  the  past 
Student  Council  activities 
have  not  been  for  everyone 
who  wants  to  come,  but 
rather  for  the  same  group  of 
people  who  organized  the 
activities.  And  this  image 
may  be  a  little  tough  to  get 

rid  of,  but  we  are  trying  to 
make  our  activities  for 
everyone.  If  anyone  feels 
there  is  something  that  the 
student  council  could  do  for 
the  people  of  the  school  you 
are  welcome  to  talk  to  any 
student  council  member 
any  time.  We  would  be  more 
than  happy  to  discuss  any 
activities  with  you. 

We  feel  that  this  year  will 
leave  quite  a  bit  for  future 
Student  Councils  to  work 
with.  We  hope  that  the 
activities  we  have  started 
will  become  traditional  to 
Elmhurst  and  they  will 
become  increasingly  more 
profitable  and  enjoyable  to 
both  the  students  and 
faculty  as  the  tradition 

With  the  continued  help 
of  the  administration  and 
school  body  we  would  Uke  to 
continue  to  have  activities 
which  all  of  Elmhurst  will 
enjoy.  Some  of  our  planned 
activities  for  the  rest  of  this 
year  are  more  dances  if  we 
can  find  good  groups,  more 
entertaining  assembUes.  a 
Spring  Break  Fun  Day  and 
whatever  else  we  can  do  to 
promote  school  spirit. 

To  the  Editor: 

I  would  like  to  take  this 
opportunity  to  ask  a  very 
special  favor  of  the  EHS 
student  body.  I  am  only  a 
part  of  the  girl's  basketball 
team  but  I  think  I  am 
speaking  for  the  entire  team 
in  this  letter. 

On  Jan.  23,  Thursday 
evening,  at  approximately 
7:30.  the  Girl's  Basketball 
team  will  take  on  the  team 
from  Bishop  Luers  In  the 
EHS  gym.  Though  we  have 
had  a  disappointing  season 
so  far,  the  team  has  a  very 
optimistic  outlook  towards 
the  Luer'sgarae. 

The  favor  we  would  like  to 
ask  the  student  body  is 
simply  this:  please,  we  need 
your  support.  I  can't  think 
of  anything  that  would  be 
more  inspiring  than  seeing 
true  Elmhurst  fans  backing 
the  girls  to  a  victory.  We  are 
not  asking  you  to  travel  to 
an  away  game,  but  simply  to 
support  us  at  our  next  home 

Thank  you  very  much. 


To  the  Editor: 

I  would  like  to  express  my 
views  on  "busy  work."  I 
beheve  that  some  homework 
is  definitely  needed,  but 
when  teachers  assign 
homework  just  to  assign 
homework,  this  is 

unnecessary.  There  are 
many  teachers  at  EHS  that 
are  guilty  of  this.  Students 
who  are  active  in 
extracurricular  activities  are 
hurt.  Students  who  carry 
Dart-time  jobs  to  help 
themselves  financially 
are  hurt. 

They  are  hurt  because  to 
do  all  the  busy  work 
teachers  have  assigned,  and 
carry  a  job  or  activity  at  the 
same  time,  means  giving  up 
one  or  the  other,  or  keeping 


Corner   of 
Bluffton  &  Engle  Rds, 
Phone  747-9962 

late  hours  and  not  getting 
enough  sleep  and  being 
constantly  tired. 

It  also  won't  help  school 
spirit,  for  no  one  wants  to 
come  to  a  game  after  being 
at  school  (even  when  they 
are  not  at  "school".)  This 
may  not  change  any 
teachers,  but  at  least  it  has 
let  some  see  a  new 

FLOWERS  ...lor 

every    occasion... 

5001    ARDMORE 


^}t(^ja(i^(4K»t^^<Mnt^^tn^U^^;  tee  ^%  S/4^(ead 

The  Elmhurst  Trojans 
captured  their  fourth 
straight  victory  last 
weekend  by  crushing  Bishop 
Dwenger  77-64  and 
defeating  Norwell  91-88  in 
the  second  overtime. 

The  Trojans'  victory  over 
Dwenger  boosted  the 
Ehnhurst  SAC  record  to  2-0 
and  put  them  in  a  tie  for  the 
conference  lead  with  Snider 

and  North  Side. 

The  Trojans  literally  ran 
the  Saints  into  the  ground 
with  the  fast-break  oriented 
offense  and  by  the  time  the 
starters  were  pulled  by 
Coach  Eytcheson,  the  score 
was  71-45.  Larry  and 
Raymond  Reese  combined 
for  41  of  Elmhurst's  total 
points  to  lead  the  scoring  for 
the  Trojans. 

Sophomore  Curtis  PaschatI  reaches  for  a  jump  ball.  All  photos  by  Mike 

Norwell  scares  EHS 

The  following  night  the 
Elmhurst  team  traveled  to 
Norwell  for  an  attempt  to 
boost  their  overall  record  to 
4-1.  However  things  didn't 
seem  too  hopeful  at  the  start 
of  the  game  as  the  Knights 
could  do  no  wrong  and  the 
Elmhurst  offense  couldn't 
seem  to  find  the  basket. 
Then  the  Elmhurst  guards 
started  to  pop  in  some  two 
pointers  and  the  Trojans 
managed  to  keep  with-in  two 
points  at  35-33  at  halftime. 
The  game  was  close  from  the 
start  of  the  second  half  on 
and  it  looked  like  the 
Trojans  had  it  all  wrapped 
up  with  a  3  point  lead  with 
just  6  seconds  left  to  play  in 
regulation  when  Norwell 
forward  Jeff  Foughty 
converted  a  3-point  play  and 
sent  the  game  into  overtime. 

Victory  id  sight 

The  Trojans  had  an 
apparent  victory  when  an 
Elmhurst  turn-over  led  to 
another  last  second  shot  by 
the  Knights.  However  3  of 
the  5  starters  had  fouled  out 

of  the  game  during  the  first 
overtime.  The  second 
overtime  saw  the  Trojans 
fast-break  style  of  play  start 
to  click  and  with  just 
seconds  remaming  m  the 
period,  the  Trojans  left  the 

« .I'M 

Norwell  guards  go  down  the 
court  and  score  unhindered 
and  run  out  the  clock. 

The  Trojans'  next  game 
will  be  with  Northrop  at  the 
Bruins'    gym    this    Friday. 

Senior  Raymond  Reese  lays  up  a  two-pointer. 

-p^-SS-SS  -sS-f^^--"^ 


New  law  "overprotects 

The  "Family  Educational  Rights  and 
Privacy  Act  of  1974"  supposedly  was 
enacted  to  solve  the  conflict  over  students 
rights  regarding  the  personal  files  kept  by 

No  one  can  argue  a  law  that  protects,  but 
I  he  "Family  Educational  Rights  and  Privacy 
Act  of  1974"  crosses  the  line  between  "just 
'ight"and  "too  much." 

Red  Tape 

In  simple  words  (if  that  can  be  achieved). 
(he  act  states  that  a  student  18  or  over  has 
.  nnCrol  over  his  school  file,  and  his  teachers 
■jod  parents  need  a  written  ship  of  permission 
10  see  his  file.  He  also  has  to  sign  a  form 
giving  the  school  permission  to  send  a 
transcript  of  his  grades  to  colleges  and 
interested  employers.  If  the  student  is  under 
18  his  parents  have  the  control  of  his  file. 
More  than  this,  however,  is  the  amount  of 

red  tape  involved  in  the  process  of  seeing 
files  and  sending  transcripts.  There  are  30 
day  waiting  periods  and  45  day  waiting 
periods,  forms  to  send,  and  even  more  to 
sign.  The  amount  of  time  spent  on  all  of  this 
adds  up  to  a  significant  Increase  in  man 
hours  for  the  office  staff  -  hours  taken  away 
from  counseling. 

Isn't  worth  it 

The  "Family  Educational  Rights  and 
Privacy  Act"  does  more  for  the  minority 
than  the  majority.  This  legislation  could  very 
well  convince  most  counselors  that  it  just 
isn't  worth  it  to  write  recommendations  for 

Fortunately,  though,  the  "Privacy  Act"  is 
being  reviewed  on  the  federal  level  and  could 
very  well  be  amended.  Hopefully  any 
amendments  added  would  help  get  some  of 
the  red  tape  out,  and  help  clarify  the  bill. 







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dress  slacks 
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OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  1  2:00  TO  5:00  ? 


by  Mike  LandrigfiD 

During  the  first  quarter  of  the  Luers 
game,  Elmhurst  played  fantastic  ball.  The 
Trojans  found  the  open  man,  rebounded  and 
fast-breaked.  They  just  out-  hustled  Luers. 

Keith  Bradtmiller  and  Ernie  Starks 
grabbed  some  big  rebounds.  Forward  Dave 
Campbell  came  up  with  some  big  hoops, 
while  the  Reese  brothers  did  a  great  job  of 
hitting  the  open  man  or  scoring  the  needed 

Elmhurst  fans  couldn't  believe  it!  It  was 
great.  But  could  a  Trojan  team  play  that 
Way  for  the  whole  game? 
I^un  and  fun 

Almost  everyone  who  has  watched 
Elmhurst  in  the  past  realizes  the  offense  is 
based  on  the  run  and  fun-fast-break  off  of 
any  rebound  any  time,  anywhere,  which  is 
i-'^rt^at.  The  only  problem  was  when  a  fast- 
lireak  was  impossible.  What  do  you  do  then? 
I  wo  years  ago  the  answer  was  to  pass  to 
Baylor.  The  guards  weren't  super  shooters, 
^'Jget  it  to  Don. 

Taylor  was  an  outstanding  shooter. 
Trojan  backers  got  use  to  seeing  him  catch 
t^he  pass,  shoot,  and  swish  two  points. 
Everybody  expected  him  to  be  the  high 
scorer.  Kevin  Howell  and  Steve  Ransom 
Would  be  in  double  figures,  but  Taylor  was 
the  guy  to  stop. 
Taking  up  slack 

Last  year,  the  Reese  brothers  were  the 
guards.  Both  Larry  and  Ray  could  shoot 

Mike's  Side 

and  after  the  first  games  everybody  knew  it. 
But  Taylor  was  still  the  man  to  contain. 
Then  about  Christmas  time,  Taylor  stopped 
hitting.  Nobody  understood  it.  Nobody 
believed  it,  especially  Don.  He  continued  to 
shoot. ..and    miss. 

The  other  Elmhurst  starters,  the  Reeses, 
Bradtmiller  and  Howell  were  forced  to  take 
up  the  scoring  slack.  For  the  most  part  they 
did.  But  constantly  during  the  games,  the 
Trojans  would  build  up  a  big  lead,  only  to 
lose  it  and  have  to  stop  the  opponent's  last 
minute  charge. 
Getting  ulcers 

I  had  to  pity  Coach  Ken  Eytecheson.  He 
must  have'  gotten  an  ulcer  with  all  those 
close  games.  But  he  had  to  take  some  of  the 
responsibility.  If  he  would  have  disciplined 
the  team  better  and  had  better  control  of  the 
players,  many  of  the  close  games  could  have 
been  avoided.  Time  and  time  again 
Elmhurst  lost  the  ball  because  of  turnovers 
when  the  player  lost  control  of  his  body. 

This  year  I  had  hoped  the  Trojans  would 
make  fewer  errors.  But  during  the  first 
game,  Elmhurst  made  the  same  old  stupid 
mistakes.  Several  times,  when  play  got 
ragged.  Elmhurst  would  give  up  the  ball. 

This  year  Elmhurst  has  enjoyed  relatively 
balanced  scoring.  For  one  quarter  of  the 
Luers  game  they  played  good  team  ball.  If 
the  coach  can  keep  the  players  under 
control,  they  will  play  together  and  we  can 
have  a  great  year. 





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pbs  offeas    sapeaioa  paogaams 

Someone  once  said  that  no  one  ever  lost 
money  under-estimating  the  taste  of  the 
American  public,  and  until  the  arrival  of  PBS, 
it  seemed  that  television  was  one  of  the  prime 
examples  of  that  statement. 

Public  Television  has  been  broadcasting 
superior  programming  for  more  than  ten  years. 
While  commercial  networks  were  broadcasting 
soap  operas  and  game  shows.  PBS  was 
producing  some  top-rate  educational 
programs.  Instead  of  the  usual  detective 
shows,  the  System  presented  the  tales  of 
famous  literary  sleuths  such  as  Lord  Peter 
Whimsey,  the  creation  of  authoress  Emma 

The  advantages  of  PBS  are  enormous.  It 
offers  both  cultural  and  academic  exposure.  Its 
cultural  programming  covers  such  events  as 

major  jazz  concerts,  ballets  and  operas,  dance 
and  symphonies,  theatre  and  documentaries. 
Lectures  and  television  classes  are  great  aids 
to  learning. 

As  an  added  bonus.  PBS  lacks  conunerciaJs. 
Along  the  same  lines,  PBS  aims  for  a  higher 
level  of  audience,  and  unlike  other  networks, 
does  not  assume  that  the  average  viewer  has 
the  mind  of  a  12  year  old. 

Commercial  networks  have,  of  course, 
produced  some  outstanding  shows,  and 
certainly  not  everything  on  Public  Television 
will  be  of  interest  to  everyone.  However,  PBS 
is  offering  new  and  excellent  opportunities  to 
the  Fort  Wayne  area.  Hopefully  people  will 
become  aware  of  what  is  being  made  available 
through  the  new  station  and  take  advantage  of  . 



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In  Our  New  Location 

flf^   dress 
Juniors  3-15    AjUt^.   J^^^Cl^K^H 

"Look  your  besf  fhis  ho'iday  seoso 
Come  fo 


Missey  6-16 

Open  Mon.Thurs.  10-6 
Friday  10-9 

Saturday  9-6 

I  Woyne  Plazo 

5905  B/ufflon  Rood 

Wliere  can  you  find 
$5.00 pants  and  a 
wide  selection  of  shirts? 

Riviera  Plaza 

4922  South  Caltloun 

2731  Gatevuav  Ptaza 

Pants  Potlatch 

10-9  Mon. -Sat. 
12-5  Sunday 

Trojan  grapplcrs  4-4 

The  Elmhurst  wrestling  team  has  a  4-4  record  so  far  this 
year.  One  of  the  main  reasons  for  this  may  be  the  lack  of 
experience  and  injuries.  The  experience  is  building,  but  the 
injury  list  gets  longer. 

Despite  these  injuries,  however,  there  are  some  bright 
spots  in  the  wrestlers'  accounting.  Senior  Dave  Boyer 
remains  undefeated  in  regular  season  competition.  And 
senior  Tim  Freeman  has  defeated  a  grappler  who  won  in  the 
Bloomington  meet.  (Bloomington  has  won  most  of  the  state 
championships  in  the  past  five  years. ) 

The  reserves  remain  undefeated  with  a  record  of  6-0-1. 
They  have  defeated  every  opponent  except  Northrop,  whom 
they  tied.  The  reserves  will  wrestle  in  the  reserve 
tournament  Jem.  25. 

In  Our  New  Location  ^ 

30%  Off  On  All  Winter  Stock 

Mike's  Side 

Juniors  3-15 
Missey  6-16 

I   Wed.  and  Fri.  10  -  9 
Saturday  9  -  6 

fi/^   dress  sh 


pins  his  Nortkrup opponent. 


Wayne  Plaza 
5905  Bluffton  Rood  __ 





Complete  Motor  Tune-up 


6801  Old  Trail  Road 

CALL  747-4665 

by  Mike  Landrigan 

During  the  present  school 
year,  Elmhurst 's  teams 
have  been  poorly  covered  by 
almost  everybody.  The 
major  culprits  are  the 
newspapers  and  Channels  15 
and  33. 

In  particular,  sportscaster 
Pete  Torrey  (Channel  15) 
has  done  a  good  job  of 
playing  down  the  Trojans 
with  words  like  "young, 
short,  small,  inexperienced, 
surprising,"  or  any  other 
adjective  that  portrays 
some  sort  of  weakness. 

For  those  who  don't  watch 
his  show,  Torrey  predicts 
who  will  win  the  high  school 
games  during  the  week. 
Continually  he  has  foretold 
impending  doom  for  the 
Trojans  only  to  have  to  eat 

OPEN  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS  A  WEEK! 

his  words  later  in  the  week. 
He  usually  starts  with  a 
statement  something  Uke, 
"The  amazing  Trojans  did  it 
again  --  (he  then  pauses  with 
a  sheepish  grin)  they  came 
through  and  sneaked  by," 
and  continues  to  tell  of  the 
Elmhurst  victory.  While 
telling  about  the  game  he 
may  stress  the  fact  that  the 
top  scorer  for  the  opposition 
only  hit  one  field  goal  during 
the  first  half  but  he  won't 
give  the  Trojan  defense  any 

The  newspapers  were  very 
kind  to  our  football  team  but 
they  don't  seem  to  realize 
that  the  basketball  team  is 
for  real.  The  papers  have 
given  North  Side,  Northrop, 
and  Snider  much  bigger  and 
better  articles.  Elmhurst 
deserves  better. 

Channel  21  seems  to  be 
the  only  member  of  the 
media  to  respect  the  Trojan 
teams.  This  TV  station  has 
done  a  fine  job  of  reporting 
Elmhurst  games. 

It  is  time  that  Elmhurst 
gets  recognition  from 


Trojans  are  No.1  in  SAC  !! 

...also   see    spread    for    wrestling     coverage 


The  Elmhurst  varsity  basketbaU  team 
extended  their  winning  streak  to  three 
games  by  defeating  Valparaiso  and  South 
Side  on  Jan.  10  and  II. 

The  Trojans  traveled  to  Valparaiso  on 
Friday  to  meet  a  substantially  taller  team 
Vonsisting  of  players  ranging  from  a  7  foot 
center  to  guards  of  6-1  and  6-2.  The  Trojan 
fast  break  style  of  offense  and  stingy 
defense  led  to  40  Valparaiso  turnovers  and  a 
final    78-67    Elmhurst    victory. 

The  following  evening  found  the  Trojans 
home  facing  the  South  Side  Archers  and 
capturing  a  68-65  victory  in  front  of  rare 
near-capacity  crowd.  The  game  began  with 
neither  team  being  able  to  control  the  ball 
long  enough  to  go  down  the  court  and  score. 
Things  started  to  pick  up  in  the  middle  of 
the  first  quarter,  however,  with  senior  guard 
Raymond  Reese  putting  a  little  consistency 
in  the  Trojan  scoring  with  the  rest  of  the 
team  right  behind.  The  Elmhurst  team  was 
apparently  set  to  take  a  one  point  lead  into 
the  dressing  room  at  half  time,  but  a  last 
second  desperation  shot  from  half  court 
gave  South  the  advantage. 

The  second  half  started  with  the  Trojan 
shooting  not  being  too  effective  and  both 
teams  just  pacing  with  each  other  as  neither 
could  build  a  substantial  lead.  It  was  not 
until  the  last  few  minutes  of  the  game  when 
senior  Dave  Campbell  and  sophomore  Ernie 
Starks  supphed  the  needed  burst  for  the 
Trojan  victory. 

The   Elmhurst   Trojans   improved    their 
overall    record    last    weekend    to    11-2    b\ 
defeating  DeKalb.  87-81  on  Friday  and  the 
previously  14th  ranked  team  in  the  staU 
Anderson  Indians.  79-74  on  Saturday. 

The  Trojans  played  DeKalb  at  th< 
Barons'  own  gym,  which  is  a  defimte 
handicap,  and  had  to  come  back  from  a  13- 
polnt  deficit  to  win.  The  Trojans  were  led  by 
seniors  Keith  Bradtmiller  and  Raymond 
Reese,  who  both  scored  personal  highs  in  the 

The  big  game  for  Elmhurst  however  came 
'  on  Saturday  when  the  Trojans  met 
Anderson.  The  game  was  close  throughout 
the  first  half  as  neither  team  could  build  any 
kind  of  a  lead.  The  score  was  tied  at  the  first 
stop  with  both  teams  shooting  very  well. 
There  was  no  real  difference  into  the  second 
period.  Although  Elmhurst  did  have  a  small 
lead,  late  in  the  half  the  Indians  came  back 
and  Elmhurst  led  by  only  one  at  37-36. 

Elmhurst  started  the  second  half  hot  and 
built  up  a  small  lead  which  they  never  lost, 
but  could  not  put  the  game  away  until  late 
and  even  then  it  was  not  100%  sure  until  the 
game  was  over, 

Ehnhurst  took  its  biggest  lead  of  the 
night  with  about  3  minutes  to  go  in  the 
game  at  70-59,  when  Ray  Reese  took  a  pass 
from  Dave  Campbell  for  an  easy  two.  The 
Anderson  team  didn't  give  up  however,  and 
cut  the  lead  to  74-68.  but  Elmhurst  kept  its 
distance  at  the  free-throw  line  hitting  on  5  of 

SOPHOMORE  ERNIE  STARKS  SCORES  TWO  of  his  game  high  of 
23as  the  Trojans  defeat  fourteenth  ranked  Anderson  79-74. 

Sophs    7-2 

"Three  points,  two  games 
lost"  has  been  the 
sophomore  basketball 
team's  story  this  year. 
Earlier  this  season  they 
were  defeated  by  Wayne  44- 
42,  a  two  point  difference, 
while  South  beat  them  by 
one  point,  41-40  in  the 
season  finale.  These  were 
the  only  setbacks  for  the 
tough  sophomore  team 
which  compiled  a  7-2  record. 

The  lead  volleyed  back 
and  fourth  during  the  fourth 
quarter,  but  South  hit  a 
basket  to  take  the  lead  for 
good.  The  game  ended  at  41- 




2  ■  Digest  and  Calendar 

3  -  Semester  scheduling  complete 

Sinks  serves  sixth 
Mock  legislature  set 
4 'Choir  news 

Band  participates  in  NISBOVA 

5  •  Changes  to  be  made  in  faculty  lineup 

6  ■  Fantastic  Planet 

7-Letters  to  theeditor 
Junior  Rotarian 

10- Advance  40 years  ago 
U  - Elmhurst's  beginnings 

Aptitude  tests 
12 -Evans  scholars  announced 

Emergency  procedure  information 

13-  Terrarium  and  plant  life 



14-  Girls'  sports 
Reserve  basketball 

15-  Varsity  basketball 

AFS  echedules  paper  drive 

Students  are  reminded  of  AFS's  second 
paper  drive  for  this  school  year,  Feb.  22.  The 
organization  will  be  collecting  newspapers  in 

the  areas  of  Westmoor,  Indian  Village,  and 
Wildwood   Park.  Those  who  don't   live  in 
these  areas  but  would  like  to  contribute  may  ' 
bring  their  papers  to  the  foreign  language 
rooms  on  Feb.  21, 

Students  to  visit  reservation 

EHS  students  Cathy  Alexander,  Cris 
Gary.  Debbie  Janson,  Randy  Moake,  Rick 
Moake,  Donna  Monroe,  and  Carol  Quance  are 
planning  a  work  trip  to  an  Indian  reservation 
near  Kingfisher,  Oklahoma,  during  spring 
break,  March  28  thru  April  5. 

They  are  Elmhurst  members  of  the 
Waynedale  United  Methodist  Youth  Group 
that  will  spend  a  week  repairing  the 
community's  church  during  the  day  and 
associating  with  the  youth  of  this 
reservation  at  night. 

In  order  to  make  possible  this  trip,  the 
youth  group  is  now  selling  frisbees  for  S1.25 
and  pens  at  50e  each  Also  on  their  schedule 
of  money-making  projects  is  a  noon 
Conscience  Dinner  Feb.  9,  at  the  church. 

Donations  may  be  made  by  contacting  any 
of  the  EHS  members  of  the  youth  group. 

Pram  being  organized 

Committees  are  now  forming  to  prepare 
for  this  year's  Junior  Prom.  The  prom  will  be 
May  17  at  the  Sheraton  Hot«l  penthouse. 
Junior  class  president  Melissa  Hunter  asks 
that  anyone  interested  in  helping  on 
publicity  or  decoration  committees  contact 
her.  When  asked  about  this  year's  affair,  she 
commented  "We  are  very  hopeful  and  we 
want  to  have  something  different  this  year," 

Quance  to  return 

Mrs.  Virginia  Quance.  Elmhurst's  school 
aide,  wiD  be  returning  to  work  Feb,  17  after  a 
month's    absence    recovering    from    minor 


Art  instructor  in  play 

Art  instructor  Donald  Goss  will  direct  and 
act  in  the  documentary  play  "In  White 
America,"  in  the  EHS  gym  Feb,  22, 

The  play,  written  by  Martin  B.  Doberman, 
concerns  the  life  of  a  black  American  in  a 
white  society.  Along  with  Mr.  Goss  will  be 
five  area  adult  actors  playing  20  characters. 

The  play  will  be  part  of  the  Ehnhurst 
Brotherhood  Week  activities.  Tickets  will  be 
sold  by  the  Ehnhurst  Afro-American  club  to 
students  for  S 1  and  adults  for  S2. 

Ferguson  to  appear 

Maynard  Ferguson  and  his  Orchestra  have 
signed  the  contract  and  will  V.e  the  highlight 
of  Elmhurst's  sixth  annual  Jazz  Festival 
March  21-22  He  will  appear  the  evening  of 
March  22.  Members  of  his  band  will  be 
conducting  clinics  for  area  high  school  bands 
the  afternoon  of  that  same  day. 

PTA  spODBors  breakfast 

Elmhurst  PTA  will  be  sponsoring  a 
pancake  breakfast  Sunday,  Feb,  16,  from  9 
a.m.  to  2  p.m.  in  the  cafeteria.  Pancakes, 
sausage,  orange  juice,  milk,  and  coffee  will  be 
served.  Tickets  for  this  event  will  be  sold  the 
week  of  Feb.  10  in  the  cafeteria.  The  price  is 
S2  a  person. 

Guitar  program  presented 

Elmhurst  met  Cliff  CozzuU  as  he  presented 
"The  Guitar  -  Its  Aspects  and  Appreciation" 
during  a  morning  assembly  Jan.  27. 

Mr.  Cozzuli,  who  has  studied  and  played 
guitar  since  the  age  of  12,  introduced 
demonstrations  and  explanations  of  the 
different  culture  and  background  of  various 
guitars  that  belong  to  our  musical  heritage. 
He  performed  on  such  instruments  as  the 
classical  Iflamenco),  the  flat-top,  the  12- 
string  and  the  electric  guitars. 


Feb.    7  -  Student  Council  Spirit  Day 

Feb.    9 -Honor  Choir  Concert, 

Jester  Hairston 
Feb.  10  ■  Beginning  of  Black  History  Week 
Feb.  13  -  Winter  Band  Concert 
Feb.  17  -  Brotherhood  Week  begins 
Feb,  19  -  No  School  ■  faculty  workshop  in 


1  retatio 



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^\      I elmhufst 


Vol.35,  No.  11 

Feb.  20.  1975 


YMCA  holds  mock  legislature 

3  -  News 

Elmhurst  students,  along  with 
other  Indiana  high  school  students, 
are  eligible  for  the  YMCA  Youth  in 
Government  program. 

This  program  enables  students 
interested  in  government  to 
reaUstically  and  meaningfully  get 
involved  in  the  legislative  process  of 
state  government. 

The  program  has  two  parts.  First 
is  the  Pre-legislative  Assembly  Feb. 
15  at  Manchester  College.  This  is  to 
help  students  become  more  familiar 
with  procedures  and  to  give  them 
information  on  where  to  get  ideas 
and  how  to  write  legislative  bills. 

Members  of  the  General 
Assembly,  along  with  people  in 
areas  such  as  law  enforcement, 
health  and  welfare,  highway  safety, 
taxes  and  governmental  operations, 
etc.,  assist  them  in  the  composition 
of  these  bills. 

The  second  and  most  important 
part  of  the  program  takes  place  May 
2,  3,  and  4,  at  the  State  Capitol 
Building  in  Indianapolis.  Here 
students  participate  in  a  legislative 

Everyone  at  the  Model 
Legislature  will  submit  a  bill  to  the 
House  and  possifc'y  to  the  Senate 
chambers  of  the  state  government. 
The  bills  the  students  enter  will  be 
of  their  own  creation. 

Since  the  beginning  of  this 
program,  in  1936,  many  of  the  bills 

which  the  students  have  proposed 
have  been  passed  by  the  adult  state 

Don  Shepherd,  who  graduated 
from  EHS  last  year,  attended  the 
program  and  submitted  a  bill  that 
didn't  make  it.  His  bill  was  for  the 
legalization  of  marijuana. 

Mr.  Richard  Mattix,  who  is  in 
charge  of  the  mock  legislature,  said, 
'■If  anyone  is  interested  in  the 
program,  please  get  in  contact  with 

The  regulation  deadline  for 
submitting  your  name  and  a  $6 
registration  fee  is  Feb.  12.  The  fee 
covers  both  the  pre-legislative 
assembly  and  the  three  days  at  the 

Confused  about  taxes?  Here's  a 
program  that  will  help. 

A  tax  seminar,  begun  two  days 
ago  and  continuing  until  Feb.  11,  is 
being  held  in  Room  166  mods  1-6 
and  12-13. 

On  the  first  day,  Monday,  the 
regional  director  of  Social  Security 
was  at  Elmhurst,  and  on  Tuesday 
students  saw  films  about  taxes. 

Today  and  tomorrow  a 
representative  from  the  IRS  will 
discuss  the  1040  form,  and  Friday  a 
member  of  the  State  Department  of 
Revenue  will  lecture. 

On    Feb.    10   and    11,   short   tax 

-'t^aea^cdU  fren^t^nm- 

Bishop  Luers  High  School  was 
the  scene  of  outstanding  Trojan 
musicianship  last  Saturday,  Feb.  1 

Elmhurst  prepared  twelve  vocal 
and  string  entries  for  the  annual 
NISBOVA  contests.  Receiving 
firsts  for  piano  solos  were  Donna 
Munroe  and  Andrea  Marchese. 
Claudia  Brock.  Kellie  Slate.  Cathy 
Tonn  and  Melissa  Hunter  received 
seconds  in  the  same  category. 

Both  Donna  and  Andrea  will 
participate  in  the  state  contest 
Feb.  15  at  Butler  University. 
Indianapolis.     So     will     Nancy 

Poland,  who  received  a  first  as 
Elmhurst's  only  violin  entry. 

Also  eligible  for  state 
competition  is  Pat  Tyson  for  her 
girl's  low  voice  performance,  and 
the  well-known  girls'  barbershop 
quartet  consisting  of  Yvette 
Morrill,  Linda  Morsches,  Claudia 
Johnson  and  Pat  Tyson. 

In  addition  to  these  Jan  ToUiver 
received  a  first  in  girl's  high  voice, 
a  first  was  won  by  the  duet  of 
Tammy  Syndram  and  Dan 
Isenbarger,  and  Tina  Hinton 
placed  second  in  girls'  low  voice. 

er  serves  for  Rep.  Sinks 

For  the  past  several  years,  EHS 
administrator  John  Sinks  has  served  as  both 
a  guidance  counselor  and  a  representative  of 
the  fourteenth  district  in  the  Indiana  General 
Assembly  at  Indianapolis. 

Again,  after  the  1974  election  results,  Mr. 
Sinks  is  spending  another  assembly  session 
in  the  legislature. 

Each  session  Elmhurst  faces  a  problem: 
Who  will  serve  as  junior  guidance  counselor 

forms  ( 1040-A)  wiU  be  discussed  and 
students  will  be  able  to  get  help  with 
individual  tax  problems. 

Business  classes,  some  math  and 
government  and  one  home 
economics  class  are  participating  in 
the  program.  Other  students  will 
need  passes. 

in  Mr.  Sink's  absence?  Last  year  the  answer 
was  Mrs.  Cashman;  this  year's  selection  is 
Mr.  Joe  Miller, 

"They  were  aware  downtown  that  I  was 
interested  in  administration;  Mr. 
Horstmeyer  knew,  too,"  stated  Mr.  Miller, 
'"so  Mr.  Horstmeyer  asked  if  I  would  like  to 
fill  in  for  Sinks  ..." 

While  Mr.  Miller  is  working  as  guidance 
counselor,  Mrs.  Susan  Boesch  is  taking  over 
in  the  reading  lab. 

Mr.  Sinks  will  be  in  session  until  sometime 
after  spring  vacation,  but  students  have  a 
chance  to  visit  him  beforehand. 

Anyone  who  would  like  to  serve  as  a  page 
for  Mr.  Sinks  should  write  to; 
Mr.  John  Sinks 
State  Office  Building 
State  House 
Indianapolis,  Indiana  46206 


SophomorrN  progrnmmt^d 

Four  hundred  and  fout.y  incoming 
sophomores  from  ElmhursLs  [wo  feeder 
schools  have  been  programmed  into  classes 
for  the  '76-'76  school  year.  Recently,  Mr, 
Robert  Miller  and  Mrs.  Dinah  Coshman  went 
to  Kekionga  and  Portage  Junior  Highs  and 
introduced  the  ninth  graders  to  the  academic 
programs  offered  here. 

Homes  needod 

Elmhurst's  American  Field  Service  will  iie 
sponsoring  an  AFS  Weekend  April  15. 16  and 
17,  Approximately  20  exchange  students 
staying  in  Northern  Indiana  along  with  their 
American  brothers  and  sisters  will  be  coming 
as  guests  of  Elmhurst.  In  order  to  m;  r^ 
possible  this  weekend,  close  to  40  homes  iwll 
be  needed  to  house  these  students  for  two 
days  and  two  nights.  Anyone  willing  to  help 
is  asked  to  contact  Mrs.  Ofelia  Herrero. 

Pour  serve  as  pages 

Four  EHS  students  recently  refrained 
from  their  daily  class  routine  and  trave'  'o 
Indianapolis  where  they  served  as  pag  ^o 
Ehnhurst's  own  John  Sinks  in  the  State 
House  of  Representatives.  Feb.  6.  jmior 
Mike  Engle  and  senior  Mary  Read  ran 
errands  for  the  legislator,  followed  by  j'liiiors 
Vickie  Olson  and  Judy  Wright  who 
performed  similar  duties  Feb.  13. 

Tests  to  be  administered 

Deadline  date  to  sign  up  for  the  next  SAT 
testing  session  is  Feb,  27,  For  those  missing 
this  deadline,  the  second  and  final  cut-off 
date  (or  signing  up  through  Mr,  Douglass 
Spencer  is  March  14. 

Juniors  who  wish  to  apply  for  an  Indiana 
Le  Scholarship  will  need  to  take  the  SAT 

1  .0  be  administered  by  April  5. 

Committee  makes  preparations 

Brotherhood  Week,  originally  scheduled 
for  Feb.  17-2',  has  been  postponed  until  the 
week  of  IVIerch  3,  in  order  to  give  more  time 
for  careful  planning  of  the  week's  activities. 
A  committee  is  now  forming  and  will  l-ild  a 
meeting  Feb.  20  for  this  purpose. 

Those  with  ideas  for  Brotherhood  Week 
activities  are  encouraged  to  contact  anyone 
of  the  committee  which  includes  Ron 
Culpepper,  Mark  DeGrandchamp,  Tina 
Hinton,  Linda  Panyard,  Pat  Prader,  Brian 
Russell,  Sarah  Stewart,  and  Mr.  Joe  Miller. 

Hats  on  sale 

The  varsity  and  reserve  cheerleaders  are 
again  sponsoring  a  money-making  project. 
Derby  hat  sales  will  begin  the  week  of  Feb.  24 
in  the  cafeteria  during  all  lunch  mods. 

Volunteers  asked  for 

Participants  in  the  first  annual  March  of 
Dimes  Telethon,  to  be  televised  April  5  and  6 
on  WPTA.  TV  21.  are  needed  to  help  answer 
telephones  and  collect  donations  door-to- 
door  and  in  the  station's  parking  lot  booth 

The  telethon,  which  will  air  for  18'/i  hours, 
will  display  many  area  talent  groups  and 
celebrities.  It  is  also  hoped  that  "Potsie  ' 
from  the  ABC-TV  hit  "Happy  Days",  Anson 
Williams,  will  appear  as  a  guest  star. 

Anyone  interested  is  encouraged  'O'  '  'he 
March  of  Dimes  office  at  484-0622. 

Test  to  be  administered 

Another  Armed  Forces  vocation.  I 
aptitude  test  will  be  administered  March  . ' 
to  any  junior  or  senior  wishing  to  take  it. 
This  test,  given  earlier  this  year,  measures 
aptitude  in  the  areas  of  electronics,  motor 
mechanized,  general  mechanical,  clerical 
administrative    and    general    technical 

Tests  to  be  returned 

Iowa  Test  results  have  been  returned  to 
the  guidance  department  and  will  be  passed 
out  in  senior  homerooms  soon. 

Rotorian  attends  luncheons 

Dean  of  Boys  Mr,  Bill  Geyer  has  selected 
senior  Raymond  Reese  as  this  month's 
Junior  Rotarian.  Attending  luncheons  at  the 
Rotary  Club  every  Monday  of  February,  Ray 
will  be  surrounded  by  area  businessmen  and 
will  have  the  chance  to  learn  about  their 
professions,  and  at  the  same  time  discuss  his 
future  plans  for  a  career  with  them. 

Fan  buses  provided 

Student  Council  is  sponsoring  two  fan 
buses  to  the  last  basketball  game  of  the 
season  at  Mississinewa,  Feb.  22,  The  .Mst 
will  be  S2.50  and  includes  the  bus  ride  and 
admission  to  the  game. 

C  alenda  r 

Feb.  22-AFS  paper  drive 

Feb.  23-  Orchestra  concert  2:30p.m. 

Feb.  24  -  Sectional  week 

Derby  Hat  Sales  begin 
March  2  Choral  festival  - 

Choirand  Trojan  Singers 




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Kathy  Webei.MoirrMille'. 

Mo'v  Boop. 





M.   ftKho'dKorjImByer 


4  -News 

Instrumentalists   extiibit  talent  locally 

by  Sue  Marquis 

Six  members  of  the  Concert  Band 
recently  participated  in  the  tryouts 
held  for  all-state  band  at  Columbia 
City  Joint  High  School. 

Senior  Linda  Whitton  tried  out  on 
E  flat  clarinet;  juniors  Diane  Lupke, 

flute;  Wes  Byrne,  clarinet;  Verne 
Myers,  clarinet;  Doug  Munk, 
trumpet;  and  sophomore  Greg 
Livengood,  trumpet.  All  played 
solos  and  sight-read  before  a  judge. 

The  purpose  of  the  band  is  to  give 
musicians  from  all  over  the  state  a 
chance    to    play    with    other    good 


musicians.  The  band  will  get 
together  early  in  the  morning  and 
practice  all  day  Saturday  and 
Sunday  morning.  Their  only  concert 
is  on  Sunday  afternoon  before  a  very 
large  audience, 

"The  band  will  probably  be  great 
and  I  think  the  tryouts  are  a  good 
thing  since  they  give  everyone  a 
chance  to  be  in  the  band," 
commented  sophomore  Greg 

The  results  from  the  tryouts  will 
be  announced  sometime  in  the 
following  week. 

Jazz  Bands  and  Trojan  Singers 
Receive  I 

Jazz  Bands  I  and  II  and  Trojan 
Singers  all  participated  in  the  stage 
band  and  swing  choir  division  of  the 
annual  NISBOVA  contest  held  Jan. 
18.  at  Snider. 

Jazz  Band  I  played  "Dedication" 
and  "Blues  from  Poland,"  while 
Jazz  Band  II  performed  "Ask  the 
Count"  and  "Hank's  Opener."  All 
three  groups  received  a  I  which 
means  a  superior  performance  was 

Solos  and  Ensembles 

The  solo  and  ensemble  division  of 
NISBOVA    was   held   Jan.    25,    at 

Portage  Junior  High.  For  the  first 
time  all  participating  ensembles 
from  Elmhurst  received  a  superior 

Seniors  Gary  Baker,  Linda 
Markey,  Steve  Mueller,  and  junior 
Doug  Munk  played  a  trumpet 
quartet  while  a  woodwind  quartet 
with  juniors  Wes  Byrne,  Tammy 
Hughes,  Claudia  Johnson,  and  Sue 
Marquis  performed.  As  a  clarinet 
quartet,  sophomores  Terri 
McCombs,  Jill  Marx,  Kellie  Slate, 
and  Cathy  Goshorn  also 

The  most  popular  ensembles  were 
trios.  The  flutes  were  represented  by 
juniors  Diane  Lupke,  Sue  Marquis, 
and  Yvette  Morrill;  sophomores 
Kelly  Auer,  Lynn  Hollowell,  and 
Linda  Newhart.  Performing  clarinet 
trios  were  sophomores  Scott 
Bernhart,  Cathy  Goshorn.  and 
Sandi  Winebrenner ;  senior  Linda 
Whitton,  with  juniors  Wes  Byrne 
and  Verne  Myers.  The  woodwinds 
were  composed  of  sophomores  Kellie 
Slate,  Terri  McCombs,  and  Lynn 

Soloists  receiving  a  superior 
rating  were  juniors  Wes  Byrne, 
Tammy  Hughes,  Diane  Lupke. 
Doug  Munk,  Verne  Myers,  and 
senior  Linda  Whitton.  Sophomort- 
Sue  Taylor  received  a  II  for  an 
excellent  performance. 

Cn4^'^U^  ^nadeA  oMtn^ut^  ot^^n^ 

Juniors  again  achieved  greater  scholastic 
excellence  than  the  other  two  classes  this 
semester.  Twenty-six  members  of  that  class 
placed  on  the  semester  principal's  list  and 
fifty-seven  on  the  semester  honor  roll. 

Those  juniors  with  straight  A's  were 
Betsy  Barber,  Nancy  Beadie.  Irene  Byrd. 
Wes  Byrne,  Betty  Carrion,  Karen  Crippen, 
and  Jay  Fox.  Also  ranked  were  Janet  Gaff, 
Barb  Harman,  Marti  Gross,  Tammy  Hughes, 
Pat  Koehl,  and  Melodie  Kuhnke.  Completing 
the  list  are  Dan  Landrigan,  Lorena  Mabe, 
Morrill,  Verne  Myers,  as  well  as  Linda 
Picillo,  Allen  Shaw,  Tom  Sonday,  Tammy 
Syndram.  Debbie  Temple,  Don  Wenger.  and 
Tom  Young. 

Seniors  place 

The  17  seniors  plus  the  nine  sophomore 
placers  are  equal  to  the  junior  class  total. 
Those  seniors  placing  were  Jack  Briegei, 
Lynn  Brown,  Mike  Duray.  Beverly  Free,  Dan 
Isenbarger,  Maureen  Magers.  and  Linda 
Maldeney,  Also  qualifying  for  the  honor  were 
Steve  Morgan,  Don  Pinnick,  and  Linda 
Panyard,  Pat  Prader,  Dave  Silletto,  Debbie 
Stinson,  Cheryl  Taylor,  Linda  Whitton. 
Pamm  Williams,  and  Kevin  Young.  In 
addition,  42  seniors  placed  on  the  semester 
honor  roll. 

Nine  week  list  honored 

From  the  sophomore  class,  Michelle 
Armstrong,  Robert  Bracht,  Chad  Cline,  Jan 
Dowling.   Sue   Frankewich,   Karyn   Heiney. 

Tod  Huntley,  Theresa  McCombs,  and  Donna 
Munroe  received  all  A's  for  the  semester.  An 
additional  27  sophs  had  a  B  plus  average  for 
the  18  week  period. 

An  additional  16  students    placed  on  the 
honor  roll  for  the  second  nine  week  period 

only.  Those  on  the  principal's  list  for  the 
quarter  were  seniors  Debra  Essex,  George 
Huber,  and  Liz  Kerns,  juniors  Dayton  Frey, 
Melissa  Hunter,  Janet  Rediger,  Lori  Rietdorf 
and  Cathy  Tonn, 

\.m    1/egas    \n^    memorable 

by  Marilynn  Scberer 

"One  of  the  things  that  I  will 
remember  about  the  trip...  was  that 
Kojak  (Telly  Savalas)  kissed  Mr. 
Duff's  wife."  reminisced  Mrs.  Susan 
Anderson,  assistant  to  .-he  principal 
here  at  Elmhurst. 

Mrs.  Anderson  was  speaking 
about  her  recent  trip  to  Las  Vegas, 
Nevada,  to  attend  the  National 
Association  of  Secondary  School 
Principals  convention. 
Accompanied  by  her  husband,  Mr. 
Flip  Anderson,  and  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Richard  Horstmeyer.  Mrs. 
Anderson's  "vacation"  was  filled 
with  several  "memorable  learning 

At  the  convention.  such 
personalities  as  Terrencc  Bell.  Dan 
Rather  (CBS  News  Correspondent), 
and  George  Gallup  (of  the  Gallup 
Polls )  were  among  the  featured 

"There        were        about        25 

administrators  (along  with  their 
spouses)  in  attendance  from  the 
Fort  Wayne  area,"  said  Mrs. 

This  included  Mr.  Tom  Duff, 
whose  lucky  wife  won  a  kiss  from 
the  irresistible  Telly  Savalas.  Mr. 
Duff  is  the  assistant  principal  at 
Kekionga  Junior  High  School. 

"Just  before  leaving  the  airport  in 
Las  Vegas,"  recalled  Mrs. 
Anderson,  "a  man  was  playing  a 
slot  machine  -  he  ended  up  winning 
approximately  $60  in  quarters. 

Mrs.  Anderson  was  almost  as 
lucky  as  that  man  -  but  no  quite  as 
profitable.  She  played  a  quarter  slot 
machine  for  Mrs.  Bonnie  Gran,  and 
won  $5;  Mr  Dick  Poor's  nickel  did 
almost  as  well,  collecting  $2. 

Unfortunately  for  this  reporter, 
Mrs.  Anderson's  lucky  streak  did 
not  last  -  and  the  machine  ate  my 
quarter.  Which  only  goes  to  prove 
.  hat  the  best  don't  always  win. 

3 -News 

^Inside  ^ 


2  ■  Digest  and  Calendar 
3-  Honors  students 

Horstmeyer  and  Anderson 
visit  Vegas 
4 -Morgan  wins  contest 
Music  Department  news 
Exchange  decision  divulged 
''■  A  nlibrum  receives  award 

Forum  Club  news 
6  -  Starks  participates  in  annual 

Society  assembly 

Scholastic  art  winners 


7-  Student  feature:  Mary  Read 

Opportunity  room  photo 
8-9 -Fine Arts  Festival 

Student  feature: 

Kerry  Haggard 

11  -  Absence  cauv  ■.'  failure 
12-  Genesis  and 

Philharmonic  reviews 
Foreign  language  quei'tion 

13  -  Reserve  basketball 
Mike's  side 
\    14-  Wrestling 
\  15  ■  Varsity  basketball 
16  ■  Gymnastics 

Hairs  ton    to    guest    conduct 

5  -  News 

All-city  Honors  Choir  is  an 
organization  which  meets  several 
weeks  a  year  to  practice  for  one 
special  performance.  Members  of 
this  select  group  are  chosen  through 
try-outs  from  all  choral  groups  in 
the  FWCS  senior  highs. 

Every  year  a  guest  conductor  is 
invited  to  come-and  direct  the  group 
for  its  performance.  This  year, 
multi-talented  composer  Jester 
Hairston  has  agreed  to  fulfill  the 

Hairston.  who  can  be  seen  in 
cameo  roles  in  the  popular  television 

series,  "That's  My  Mamma,"  has 
written  such  songs  as  "Amen"  and 
"Christmas  Gift,"  the  latter  sung 
by  the  Elmhurst  Chorale  during  the 
Christmas  concert. 

In  addition  to  the  Honors  Choir 
this     year,     there     will     be     a 

performance  by  the  massed  choir,  a 

combination    of    the    performing 

concert  choirs  in  the  city. 

This  year's  concert  is  to  be  held  at 

2:30  p.m.   Sunday,   Feb.   9,   in   the 

Wayne    High    School    auditorium. 

Pre-sale  tickets,  now  being  sold  by 

choir  members,  are  $1. 

Seuen  faculty  may  tahe  tx\\ 

Due  to  a  reduction  in  projected 
fall  enrollment,  seven  EHS  faculty 
will  be  transferred  to  other  Fort 
Wayne  community  schools. 

"Of  course  nothing  is  really 
certain,"  explained  Principal 
Horstmeyer,  referring  to  the  usual 
last-minute  switch-around  which 
occurs  in  the  fall  faculty  line  up, 
"but  at  present  it  looks  as  though 
seven  teachers  will  be  transferred." 

Attributing  the  reduction  in 
enrollment  to  various  causes  such  as 
the  lowered  national  population 
growth  rate  and  a  greater  number  of 
housing  facihties  in  other  Fort 
Wayne  school  districts  (causing  a 
migration  of  Fort  Wayne  residents 
to  other   areas),   Mr.    Horstmeyer 

explained     the     piuitiple 
necessity  of  the  transfers. 

'  'The  projected  enrollment  for 
September  of  1974  was  1307 
students.  Only  1223  actually  started 
the  year,  enrollment  now  stands  at 
1081  and  projected  enrollment  for 
next  year  is  1150."  By  these 
standards,  he  explained,  the 
downtown  office  requires  the  release 
of  the  calculated  number  of 

At  the  ratio  of  25  students  per 
teacher,  this  reduction  would 
properly  balance  the  Elmhurst 

The  transferred  faculty  members 
will  be  guaranteed  jobs  within  the 



OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  12:00  TO  5:00 

IIHuaccicitt^^  M^ttcUfiaU  U  c<Mte4^ 

The  annual  state  NISBOVA 
contest  was  held  Saturday,  Feb.  15, 
at  Butler  University  in 

Representing  Elmhurst  were 
eight  solos  and  four  ensembles- 
Soloists  receiving  a  I  for  superior 
'>  performances  were  juniors  Wes 
Byrne,  clarinet;  Verne  Myers. 
clarinet;  Andrea  Marchese,  piano; 
Doug  Munk,  trumpet;  and  Pat 
Tyson,  voice,  Receiving  a  II  were 
sophomore  Donna  Munroe,  piano, 
and  junior  Diane  Lupke,  flute. 

Juniors  Wes  Byrne  and  Verne 
Myers  and  senior  Linda  Whitton 
played  a  clarinet  trio  while  juniors 
Diane  Lupke.  Sue  Marquis  and 
Yvette  Morrill  performed  on  flute. 
Both  trios  received  a  superior 

Juniors  Claudia  Johnson,  Linda 
Morsches,  Yvette  Morrill,  and  Pat 
Tyson  sang  a  harmonized 
barbershop  quartet  and  received  an 
excellent  rating.  A  trumpet  quartet 
performed  by  seniors  Gary  Baker, 
Linda  Markey.  Steve  Mueller,  and 
junior  Doug  Munk  also  received  an 
excellent  rating. 

Three  Trojans  were  recently 
chosen  to  represent  Elmhurst  in 
Indiana's  All-State  Band.  Juniors 
Wes  Byrne  and  Verne  Myers  will  be 
playing  clarinet  while  senior  Linda 
Whitton  will  perform  on  E-flat 

"All-State    Band    is    a    way    ot 

rewarding  students  who  have 
excelled  in  music.  U  shows  them 
what  high  quality  music  can  be 
produced  by  high  school  students.  It 
also  informs  the  parents  what  their 
children  are  capable  of 
accomplishing,  as  well  as 
entertaining  the  public,"  explained 

"Also  it  will  be  a  great  experience 
to  meet  and  perform  with  other  high 
school  students."  added  Linda. 

Guest  conductor  for  the  band  will 
be  Lt.  Colonel  Dale  Harpham  of  the 
United  States  Marines. 

-Morgan  Wins- 

/*  Senior  Steve  Morgan  received  a 
$50  United  States  Savings  Bond  for 
winning  the  district  level  of  the 
American  Legion  Oratorical 
Contest.  Steve  is  a  member  of  the 
varsity  debate  team.  He  is  the 
winner  of  three  levels  of  debate: 
local  or  high  school  level,  county 
level,  and  the  fourth  district  level, 

"I  will  compete  in  the  zone 
contest  and  if  I  win  there.  I'll  go  on 
to  the  state  finals"  added  Steve. 

The  topic  for  his  speech  was  the 
American     Constitution     and     our 

rights  and  responsibilities  under  the 
Constitution.  "My  speech  discusses 
three  major  crises  in  our  nation's 
history  and  the  three  constitutional 
provisions  enabling  our  continued 
existence  as  a  union,"  Steve 

In  the  zone  contest,  Steve  is 
expected  to  give  an  extemporaneous 
speech.  He  will  be  given  a  topic  and 
then  five  minutes  in  which  to 
prepare.  The  topics  are  based  on 
Articles  of  the  Constitution  and 
Amendments.  There  are  six  possible 
subjects  that  he  could  get.  ^  ' 

EHS    students    chosen   to  travel    abroad 

LesUe  Raymer,  Elmhurst  senior, 
has  been  accepted  and  given 
guaranteed  placement  in  the  AFS 
International's  American  Abroad 
program,  and  will  be  spending  10 
weeks  next  summer  in  one  of  50 
countries  that  will  be  decided  upon 
later  by  the  AFS  organization. 

Senior  Pat  Prader  also  has  been 
accepted,  in  her  case  to  the  school 
year  AFS  program,  and  will  go 
abroad  if  a  home  can  be  found  before 
July  15  in  one  of  twenty  countries 
that  fit  her  personal  needs.  If  Pat 
receives  a  guarenteed  placement, 
she  will  then  depart  the  latter  part 
of  next  summer  to  spend  between  11 
and     13     months     in    a     northern 

hemisphere  country,  in  reality  she  is 
one  of  many  on  a  waiting  list  for 
homes  to  be  located  abroad. 

If  this  is  made  possible,  Pat  will 
be  staying  in  a  home  situation  with 
a  "foreign  family.'"  Leslie,  who  is 
definitely  going,  will  not 
neccessarily  be  living  with  a  family 
or  going  to  a  school,  but  has  other 
possibilities  as  to  what  situation  she 
will  be  placed  in.  Not  very  often,  but 
experimentally,  applicants  are 
placed  with  a  group  of  students  in  a 
camp  atmosphere.  Several  years  ago 
a  group  similar  to  this  participated 
in  an  archeological  dig  in  Greece. 

Neither  girl  has  been  told  to  what 
country  she  will  go  but  this  could  be 
learned  as  early  as  April  or  as  late  as 

mid-June  by  Leshe.  and  in  Pat's 
case  up  to  2  weeks  before  the  time 
she  would  be  leaving. 

Often  there  is  a  misconception 
that  Pat  and  Leslie  were  competing 
against  each  other.  They  weren't.  It 
is  also  seldom  that  two  people  from 
the  same  school  are  granted 
placement  in  the  first  round  of 

When  asked  how  she  felt  about 
her  acceptance  Pat  commented, 
"It's  really  exciting  and  was  a  shock 
that  I  had  been  chosen.  I  think  the 
AFS  program  is  great  because  it 
gives  people  maybe  their  only 
chance  to  travel  abroad  and  to  learn 
about  another  culture  and  its 

6  -  Editorial 

Carfoon  movie  TBy\Q'^Q<' 

Viet  Nam  MIA  promise  overdue 

No  matter  how  high 
anyone  is,  he  is  not  going  to 
enjoy  "The  Fantastic 

The  animation  and  the 
fictional  creatures 
advertised  in  the 

newspapers  attracted  the 
attention  of  many  'stonies' 
but  they  soon  found  out  that 
the  Pink  Panther  cartoon 
was  the  best  part  of  the 
evening.  Likewise  the 
"new"  sound  system 
(surround  sound)  could  have 
easily  been  surpassed  if  the 
movie-goer  had  stayed  home 
and  listened  to  a  mediocre 
record  on  a  m*^''^cre  stereo. 

Plot 'forme' 

The  animation  was,  at 
first  at  least- in terestmg,  but 
it  eventually  lost  its 
character     as      the     plot 

\/\S\l  OUR 


May  Stone  & 
Bond   Inc. 

"formed,"  The  sparse  story 
line  evolved  around  a  race  of 
huge  beings  from  the  future 
and  their  pet  '0ms'.  which 
resembled  human  beings, 
only  in  a  much  smaller  form. 
These  0ms  were  treated 
much  like  we  treat  our 
domestic  dogs. 

The  action  consisted  of 
the  battles  between  the 
ruling  race  with  their 
strange  weapons  and  the 
rebelling  0ms.  Any 
suspense  there  might  have 
been  was  killed  by  the 
ridiculousness  of  the  other 
forms  of  Ufe  found  on  the 
planet.  Weird  animals  and 
plant  life  had  asinine 
functions  and  killed  in 
absurd  ways. 

The  overall  impression  ol 
the  show  was  that  the 
screen-writer  finally  decided 
that  the  monotony  had 
continued  long  enough  and 
so  tacked  on  a  five-second 
conclusion.  From  what  was 
shown,  the  viewer  could  only 
infer  that  out  of  thin  blue  air 
the  rulers  and  the  0ms 
suddenly  decided  to  stop 

by  Leslie  Reymer 

Last  Monday.  Jan.  27,  marked 
the  second  anniversary  of  the 
signing  of  the  Vietnam  peace 
treaty.  On  several  days  this  month 
and  next.  aU  of  the  562  returned 
American  ex-POWs  will  celebrate 
the  beginning  of  their  third  year 
home  in  the  United  States. 

Three  years  ago,  there  was 
probably  not  one  American  who 
was  not  aware  of  the  POW  MIA 
situation.  It  is  somehow  doubtful 
that  those  same  "informed" 
Americans  are  aware  that  over 
1300  men  are  still  not  accounted 

Half  truths 

One  of  the  major  provisions  of 
the  Vietnamese  peace  treaty  was  a 
complete  release  of  all  prisoners  of 
war  held  in  Southeast  Asia,  and  a 
"list  of  all  men  held  captive  to  be 
released  upon  signing  the 
agreement."  This  list  was  given  to 
us  ...  with  several  mistakes  and 
untruths  The  major  discrepancy  in 
this  inaccurate  and  incomplete  list 
is  the  absence  of  the  names  of  53 
men  who  at  one  time  were  known  to 
have  been  captured.  These  men. 
through  news  clips,  photographs, 
or  letters  home  have  been  proven 
beyond  any  reasonable  doubt  to 
have  been  held  prisoner  by  the 
North  Vietnamese  at  one  time. 

Turning     back     the     pages     of 
history,  we  fmd  a  similar  situation 

resulted  from  the  Korean  War 
treaty.  Several  of  the  confirmed 
POW's  were  not  ever  returned  to 
U.S.  soil.  According  to  the  State 
Department,  the  U.S.  government 
is  still  negotiating  with  the  North 
Koreans  to  obtain  information  on 
the  fate  of  these  men. 

"Who  cares?" 

The  futility  of  this  situation  is 
obvious  -  with  the  majority  of  the 
American  public  not  being 
informed,  or  interested,  it's  almost 
inevitable  that  a  "who  cares" 
attitude  will  soon  prevail. 

According  to  the  provisions  of 
the  Geneva  Convention,  after  the 
signing  of  the  Vietnam  peace 
treaty,  some  international,  non- 
political  organization  should  have 
been  allowed  to  make  a  full 
inspection  of  all  prison  camps.  This 
was  not  the  case. 

Mentally  and  or  physically 
broken  men  are  very  hkely  still  in 
Southeast  Asia  waiting,  hoping  to 
be  released  -  hoping  that  someone 
"back  home"  is  still  working  to 
secure  their  freedom. 

Status  changed 

The  entire  list  released  by  the 
North  Vietnamese  in  January  of 
1973  included  555  returning 
POW's,  30  returning  civilians,  as 
well  as  55  servicemen  and  13 
civilians  who  died  in  captivity. 

The  status  of  the  remaining  men. 
in   virtually   every   case,   whether 

originally  Prisoner  of  War  or 
Missing  in  Action  has  been 
changed  to  PFOD,  Presumptive 
Finding  of  Death-  We  must  not  let 
this  be  an  admission  of  defeat!  Of 
course  we  cannot,  expect  an 
account  be  made  of  every  single 
missing  soldier  -  but  what  about 
the  53  known,  living  POW's  that 
were  not  even  mentioned  on  the 
"complete"  list  given  to  us  by  the 
North  Vietnamese?  We  owe  it  to 
those  men  and  an  unknown 
additional  number  to  educate 
ourselves  to  the  situation  and  make 
a  point  of  learning  their  exact 

This  is  no  longer  a  political  issue! 
We  must  all  understand  the 
gravity  of  the  situation  and  not 
repeat  our  mistakes  which  followed 
the  Korean  War.  Morally;  we 
cannot  let  the  lives  of  these  men 
remain  a  matter  of  question.  We  as 
Americans  and  as  human  beings 
must  influence  each  other  and  our 
legislators  to  act  now,  before  these 
men  are  totally  forgotten 

OPEN  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS  A  WEEK! 

5-  News 

Anlibrum    given   1st    rating 

The  1973-74  Anlibrum  has  received  a  first 
place  rating  from  the  Columbia  Scholastic 
Press  Association.  Out  of  1000  possible 
points,  the  yearbook  received  862,  to  earn  the 
I  rating. 

This  book  was  rated  in  three  categories: 
structure,  theme  and  each  individual  section. 
Each  book  is  rated  on  an  individual  basis. 
The  people  who  critiqued  the  yearbook  added 
constructive  criticisms  on  how  the  book 
could  be  improved,  and  also  mentioned 
things  they  liked  in  it. 

There  are  14,617  yearbooks  from  across  the 
nation  rated  each  year.  Yearbooks  do  not 

automatically  receive  a  rating  from  the 
C.S.P.A.  A  school  must  pay  S8.50  to  have  its 
book  entered  into  the  judging. 

Ten  per  cent  of  all  first  place  winners 
qualify  for  the  Medalist  rating.  This  is  given 
to  yearbooks  that  show  personality,  spirit,  or 
creative  excellence, 

"We  survived;  I  was  proud  of  the  kids," 
commented  Mrs.  Jane  Hoylman, 
publications  advisor.  "They  had  to  put  up 
with  a  lot  of  obstacles.  Money  was  a  big 
problem.  They  had  a  low  budget  and  still 
came     out     with     a     first     place     rating." 

Soloists,  debaters  prove  worth 

Senior  Linda  Whitton  paced  the  Trojan 
solo  speech  team  with  a  first  place  in  girls' 
extemporaneous,  and  a  third  place  in 
impromptu,  leading  the  team  to  a  fourth 
place  trophy  Feb.  1. 

Other  ribbon  winners  for  the  North  Side- 
DeKalb  sponsored  meet  were  juniors  Nancy 
Beadie,  fifth  in  drama,  and  Marilynn  Scherer, 
sixth  in  impromptu.  Senior  Bev  Free  finished 
third  in  girls'  extemporaneous,  while 
sophomores  Tod  Huntley  and  Karyn  Heiney 
placed  fifth  and  seventh  respectively  in 

The  first  annual  Northrop  High  solo 
speech  meet,  held  Feb,  8,  proved  profitable 
for  the  Trojan  team.  Losing  by  only  eight 
points  to  the  South  Side  team,  the  Trojans 
were  awarded  a  second  place  team  trophy. 

Senior  Linda  Whitton  won  first  place 
trophies  in  both  girls'  extemp  and 
impromptu;  senior  Bev  Free  took  second  in 
girls'  extemp,  and  senior  Mary  Freygang 
placed  fifth  in  oratorical.  Junior  Tom  Sonday 

captured  first  place  m  boys*  extemp.  and 
sixth  place  in  impromptu.  Junior  Nancy 
Beadie  won  third  place  ribbons  in  both 
original  and  drama;  junior  Marilynn  Scherer 
was  awarded  fifth  place  in  impromptu. 

Sophomore  Troi  Lee  placed  fourth  in 
original,  and  seventh  in  oratorical,  while 
sophomore  Tod  Huntely  took  second  in  boys' 
extempt  and  third  in  impromptu. 
Sophomores  Nancy  McAfee  and  Matt  Tyler 
placed  sixth  and  eighth  in  discussion 
respectively.  Sophomore  Shell  Winans 
captured  fifth  place  in  poetry,  and 
sophomore  Jan  Dowling  won  seventh  place  in 
girls' extempt. 

Seniors  Brenda  Ginder.  Steve  Morgan, 
and  Liz  Kerns  qualified  for  the  State  Debate 
and  Congress  Tournament  on  Feb.  8,  along 
with  juniors  Les  Novitsky,  and  Diane  Lupke, 
Les,  Brenda.  and  Diane  will  compete  in 
congress;  Steve  and  Liz  will  compete  as  a 
two-man  debate  team. 


who  participated  in  the  Trade  Fair  last  weekend.  Total  sales  for  the  week-end  neared  SI  1.000. 




SENIOR  CHEERLEAOER  .ARC, A       -«^  ™^   ^^^  Z::^-::!. 

STARKS  gets  doi^-n  on  the  Student  body       ^peaners  i  j 

^  ^  ,  .He  will  join  the  orchestra  m  a  presentation  on. 

.  for  lack  of  spirit  at  the  Feb.  /  pep  session. 

7  ■  Editorial 


Audiences  need 

To  the  Editor; 

On  Monday,  Jan.  27,  Elmhurst 
students  had  the  pleasure  of 
■■listening"  to  Cliff  Cozzuli,  in  an 
assembly  about  the  guitar. 

If  Mr.  Cozzuli's  performance 
would  have  been  better,  (maybe  he 
should  have  stuck  to 
tnstrumentals),  the  students  might 
have  behaved  better.  But  Mr. 
Cozzuli's  performance  was  no 
excuse  for  the  way  the  student  body 

Personally,  I  was  embarrassed  for 
both  Mr.  Cozzuli,  who  was  down 
there  alone,  and  for  the  student 
body,  who  once  again  showed  their 
knack  for  not  acting  like  adults. 

The  program  was  selected  last 
year  from  a  brochure  sent  to 
Elmhurst.  It  was  a  hit  and  miss 
attempt.  Unfortunately  this  one 
missed,  but  it  wasn't  the  first  time 
Ehnhurst  audiences  have  acted  rude 
to  people  who  have  come  here. 

These  programs  are  supposed  to 
end  some  of  the  monotony  of  the 
school  day,  by  entertaining  and  at 
the  same  time  being  somewhat 
educational;  however,  if  the 
students  can't  show  some  restraint 
these  programs  might  be  better  off 
being  cancelled. 

On  the  other  hand,  the 
administration  could  look  into  the 


progrEuns  a  Httle  more  carefully  to 
be  sure  to  get  a  program  that 
interests  and  keeps  the  attention  of 
the  majority  of  the  students. 

Rotorions:  Con  girls  fill  fhe  role? 

To  the  Editor: 

As  a  senior  here  at  Elmhurst  I 
have  been  here  to  see  a  large  change 
in  Elmhurst.  I  feel  most  of  the  credit 
for  Elmhurst's  change  goes  to  Mr. 
Horstmeyer.  Whether  Elmhurst 
students  realize  it  or  not  Mr. 
Horstmeyer 's  coming  to  Elmhurst 
has  made  a  huge  mark  in  Elmhurst 
history.  Last  year  it  was  as  if  the 
school  came  alive,  spirit  sparked 
every  student.  '73  grads  were 
surprised  to  see  his  spirit. 

In  our  pep  session  a  few  weeks 
ago,  Mr.  Horstmeyer  spoke  on 
school  spirit.  This  topic  seemed  to 
be  a  Httle  worn  out  and  hard  to  find 
something  new  to  talk  about,  yet 
Mr.  Horstmeyer  came  up  with  a  new 
idea  and  did  a  good  job  of  it. 

Many  times  a  principal  does  so 
much  for  a  school  and  receives  no 
recognition  for  this  good  work.  I  am 
sure  many  other  Elmhurst  students 
are  with  me  in  support  for  Mr. 

Marie  Zacher 

Once  a  month,  each  city  high 
school  chooses  a  member  of  the 
senior  class  to  represent  it  as  Junior 
Rotarian.  But  what  is  a  Junior 
Rotarian?  And  for  that  matter,  what 
is  the  Rotary  Club? 

The  Rotary  Club  is  a  civic-minded 
organization  made  up  of  Fort 
Wayne  business  and  professional 
men.  They  sponsor  a  program  which 
invites  students  to  meet  and  eat 
lunch  with  them  every  Monday 
during  the  school  year.  These 
students  are  known  as  Student  (or 
Junior)  Rotarians,  and  are  usually 
chosen  by  the  principal,  but  in 
Elmhurst's  case,  Mr.  William 
Geyer,  dean  of  boys,  handles  the  job 
of  choosing  each  month's  Rotarian. 

No  girls  allowed 

For  close  to  twenty  years,  Mr, 
Geyer  has  been  choosing  the 
students  to  represent  Elmhurst  at 
these  luncheons.  And  he,  following 
the  pattern  of  every  other  city  high 
school,  has  never  chosen  a  girl. 

The  consensus  over  the  years  has 
been  that  a  girl  would  feel  out  of 
place  among  200  men.  That  is  all 
well  and  good,  but  it  is  the  opinion 
of  men  ■-  not  women. 

But  now  for  the  first  time,  the 
female  of  the  species  has  broken 
through    the    previously    all-male 

barrier  and  has  been  sent  as  Junior 
Rotarian.  Two  of  the  schools  that 
have  sent  female  representatives  are 
South  Side  and  Wayne. 

No  objections 

The  Junior  Rotarian  program 
offers  high  school  students  a  chance 
to  meet  businessmen  in  a 
professional  field  that  interests 
them,  make  business  contacts  which 
may  lead  to  summer  employment, 
and  to  see  if  they  really  like  their 
chosen  field. 

The  Rotary  Club  has  no 
objections  to  female  Junior 
Rotarians.  With  all  the  changing 
views  and  roles,  high  school  girls 
could  benefit  from  this  program 
also.  Women  are  becoming  more  and 
more  involved  in  business. 

The  owner  of  Fort  Wayne 
Newspapers,  Inc.,  Helene  Follinger, 
is  a  woman.  She  is  also  a  member  of 
the  board  of  General  Telephone  of 
Indiana  and  has  been  named  as  one 
of  the  ten  most  powerful  women  in 

Elmhurst  should  be  one  of  the 
schools  that  help  bring  on 
constructive  change  in  Fort  Wayne. 
By  sending  female  representatives, 
Elmhurst  could  be  helping  its 
female  students,  the  Rotary  Club, 
and  the  future  of  Fort  Wayne 

6 -News 

Marcia  congenial 

Elmhurst  senior  Marcia  Starks 
was  a  contestant  in  the  Miss  Black 
Fort  Wayne  pageant,  Sat  ndry, 
Feb.  15.  She  had  the  honor  of  being 
noted  Miss  Congeniality  and 
recef^eda  standing  ovation. 

Marcia  first  became  involved  in 
the  pageant  when  T.V,  215  Fran 
Walker,  who  was  scouting  for 
participants  in  the  contest,  asked 
her  if  she  would  be  interested  in 
entering.  To  enter  Marcia  had  to  fill 
out  an  application,  turn  in  a  picture 
of  herself,  give  her  birth  certificate, 
and  present  a  statement  from 
Principal  Horstmeyer  saying  she 
would  graduate  in  June  of  1975. 

"All  I  can  really  say  is  that  I'm  a 
happy  black  woman.  Being  a 
contestant  in  Miss  Black  Fort 
Wayne  Pageant  was  a  great  honor 
and  something  to  be  proud  of," 
commented  Marcia, 

Many  hours  of  time  went  into  the 
pageant.  Practice  began  Jan.  12  to 
prepare  for  the  parade  which  was  an 
introduction  of  all  eleven  girls,  a 
routine  that  everyone  was  involved 
in,  bathing  suit  competition,  the 
individual  talent  segment  of  the 
pageant,  the  evening  gowns,  and  the 
projection  questions. 

Each  contestant  had  a  sponsor. 
Marcia  was  sponsored  by 
Magnovox,  who  contributed  S50 
t(ward  the  first  place  scholarship. 




^ludfntbody  during  Wednesday'<:  hour-long  conrprt  1 

Group  brings  unique  reaction 

In  probably  the  most  unique  presentation 
lo  atudenls  this  year,  Society  Inc. 
enlertflined  at  an  assembly  second  hour  last 

The  group  has  played  at  various  city 
schools  including  Northrop  and  Bishop 
Luera  as  weL  as  concerts  in  Michigan, 
Tennessee  and  throughout  the  state  of 
Indiana.  They  have  been  together  for  a  little 
over  one  and  a  half  years  and  have  released 
two  LP's  and  one  single. 

Inspiring  movement,  the  nine  man  group 
played  a  variety  of  songs  including  "Skin 
Tight"  and  "Sanctified,"  and  their  own 
"Society"  theme  song.  While  Trojans 
boogied  around  the  gym  near  the  end  of  the 
concert,  the  group  tossed  copies  of  their 
record  i>i to  the  crowd, 

"I  really  like  Elmhurst."  stated  trumpet 

player  Franklin  Powers,  "There  was  really 
good  crowd  action,  I  wouldn't  mind  playing 
here  again  sometime  soon." 

The  group,  known  especially  well  by  the 
black  community,  frequently  plays  at  Link's 
Arena  or  tht?  General  Electric  Hall  here  in 
Fort  Wayne, 

Set-Up  man  for  the  group,  Fred  Stevens,  is 
ai  Elmhurst  graduate.  Several  of  the  other 
group  members  are  known  by  Elmhurst 
students,  including  Marvin  "Chucky" 
Rogers,  lead  guitar  player,  who  attended 

"1  really  enjoyed  it."  commented  one  of 
the  many  students  greatly  in  favor  of  the 
group's  return.  "It  was  different,  from  any 
assembly  we've  ever  had.  It  was  really  neat 
the  way  everyone  felt  free  to  get  up  and  move 

Artists  honored 

Proving  their  talent  in  the  field  of  art.  two 
Elmhurst  students  have  been  given  Gold 
Key  Awards  in  the  Scholastic  Publishing 
Company's  annual  art  contest.  Senior  John 
Seaboid  and  junior  Marty  Petit  both  won  in 
the  field  of  photography. 

Junior  Seaboid  entered  6  photographs,  five 
of  which  won  honorable  mention  awards,  the 
other  given  the  Gold  Key,  The  winning 
picture  was  in  the  category  of  experimental 
creative  design  in  black  and  white.  It  was 
double  exposure  titled  "The  Photograph," 
As  John  described  it,  "It  is  a  picture  of  a 
photographer  taking  a  picture, " 

Although  he  has  only  been  in  photography 
since  the  beginning  of  the  school  year,  Marty 
Petit  entered  two  pieces  of  work.  The  Gold 
Key  winner  was  a  picture  taken  in  Shades 
State  Park  of  Sugar  Creek,  The  entry  was  in 
the  category  of  straight  black  and  white, 
Marty  explained,  "The  reason  the  picture 
won  was  because  of  its  highlights  ...  the 
contrast  between  black  and  white  "  He  went 
on  to  say,  "I  didn't  think  anything  would  win 
and  when  I  found  out  one  did  win  I  thought  it 
was  the  other  photograph,  not  the  river 

The  photography,  categories  included 
slides,  experimental  creative  design  in  black 
and  white  and  experimental  creative  design 
tolor.  straight  black  and  white  and  straight 
color.  The  photograph  itself  needed  to  be  no 
'  jrger  than  30  square  inches. 

Both  of  the  winning  entries  will  be  sent  to 
New  York  to  compete  in  the  national  contest 
in  March.  Now  and  until  March  1,  the  public 

able  to  view  the  displays  on  the  fourth 
loor  of  the  L.S.  Ayres  building  downtown. 

8  ■  Sports 

T^e^ent/^  cmde^eated m  te^oatiH^ 

by  Mike  Freygang 

The  Elmhurst  reserve  wrestling  team 
remains  undefeated  after  trouncing 
Homestead  15-9.  The  reserve  team  is  now  10-0- 
1  for  the  year. 

The  team  recently  participated  in  the 
reserve  tournament  at  North  Side.  In  all  there 
were  eight  teams  participating,  First  place 
winners  were  sophomore  Dave  Kessel,  126 
pounds;  sophomore  Nelson  Almond.  145;  and 
senior  Gary  Imel,  heavyweight. 

Mr.  Jim  Welbom,  head  wrestling  coach, 
states.  "The  reserve  team  has  good  potential 
and  has  improved  a  lot."  One  factor  that  has 
played    an    important    role   in    the    reserves' 

success  is  the  sophomores.  Team  standouts  are 
Nelson  Almond  11-0,  Dan  Heckley  9-1.  Pat 
Patten  6-1.  Dave  Kessel  7-1,  and  Jeff  Shifflett 
7-1.  Jeff  also  placed  first  in  the  Elmhurst  take- 
down tournament. 

Need  wrestlers 

Coach  Welbom  stated  also  that  the  reserve 
team  needs  wrestlers  in  the  weight  class  from 
98  to  1 19  pounds.  This  has  turned  out  to  be  one 
of  the  main  handicaps  for  this  years  team. 

Other  wrestlers  on  the  reserve  team  are  as 
follows:  Mike  Darby,  119;  Bruce  Marks,  132; 
Dave  Pressler,  138;  Bill  McCombs,  167;  and 
TroiLee,  167. 

The  reserves  practice  with  the  varsity  in  the 
new  athletic  building.  This  has  definitely 
helped  the  reserves  because  they  learn  new 
holds  and  tips  from  the  varsity  men  as  well  as 
Coaches  Welborn,  Horn,  and  Lambert. 
They  will  continue  to  practice  until  sectionals 
(Feb.  6-8).  This  also  enables  the  varsity  squad 
to  have  a  variety  of  opponents  to  "practice" 

Keep  in  condition 

The  reserve  record  of  10-0-1  comes  close  to  a 
previous  years  high  of  13-0.  Approximately 
six  reserves  have  seen  varsity  action  and  have 
come  through  fairly  well.  Reasons  for  the 
substitutions  vary  from  the  varsity  man  being 
overweight  to  one  being  injured.  A  large 
percentage  of  the  reserves  will  become 
permanent  varsity  members  next  year.  Until 
then,  weight-lifting,  dieting,  and  the  summer 
P.E.  course  should  keep  the  reserve  squad  in 
good  condition 

Senior    goes   to    Wash. 

by  Verne  Myers 

Politics  may  be  an  unpopular  topic  to 
some  people,  but  to  senior  Mary  R  id,  it 
offers  an  interesting  experience  witl.  the 
compUcated  workings  of  government-  Mary 
is  taking  part  in  a  one-week  government 
seminar  titled  "A  Presidential  Class  Room 
for  Young  Americans"'  March  15-22  in 
Washington  .DC. 

While  attending  this  seminar,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Mr  and  Mrs.  Clarence  W.  Read. 
3821  West  State  Blvd..  will  have  a  cliance  to 
liear  several  government  officials  and 
question  them.  She  will  be  concerned  with 
the  three  main  branches  of  government, 
ivhich  are  Ifor  those  who  haven't  had  the 
benefits  of  Mr.  Werling's  history  classl  the 
.-xecotive.  judicial  and  legislative  branches 

Help  comes  to  Mary 

This  program  does  cost  money,  and 
tuition  for  one  week  runs  about  S2I0. 
excluding  transportation.  Luckily.  Mary  has 
had  help  from  several  directions,  which  is 
gratefully  accepted.  She  received  S105  from  a 
student  aid  fund,  half  of  the  tuition 
tee  The  other  half  is  being  supplied  by  her 
parents.  In  addition.  Mary  has  gained  the 
sponsorship  of  the  Kekionga  Business  and 
Professional  Women's  Club,  which  is  paying 
for  Mary's  air  fare  to  the  seminar. 

Mary  became  interested  in  government  on 
a  4-H  Club  trip  last  summer.  caUed 
Citizenship  Short  Course.  This  was  basically 
a  tour  of  Washington.  DC.  and  was  not  as 
extensive  as  her  upcoming  seminar.  Mary 
remarked.  "1  was  interested  in  being 
mvolved  with  senators,  congressmen,  and 
other     national    officials."     However,     she 

doesn't    think   she   will   actively   pursue   a 
political  career. 

Mary  was  a  page  three  years  for  Mr-  John 
Sinks,  and  her  government  teacher.  Mr. 
Richard  Mattix.  has  encouraged  her  by 
supplying  useful  government  books  and 
Supreme  Court  information.  She  originally 
came  in  contact  with  the  program  through 
Mr.  Sinks. 

The  week  includes  many  meetings  and 
discussions  with  administration  officials, 
foreign  dignitaries,  and  representatives  of 

Mary  will  arrive  Saturday.  March  15.  in 
Washington,  Among  the  many  activites  will 
be  a  rehgious  significance  tour  on  Sunday, 
which  will  include  a  visit  to  a  Moslem  temple. 
Ahnost  every  day  will  involve  her  in 
discussion  groups,  and  several  tours  are 

THE  OPPORTUNITY  BOOM.  IN  130.  is  mating  a  ne»  Imnge  for  Uself.  "  I"""  ">"\ 

Topics  of  speeches  will  include  "The 
Presidency.  "  "The  Senate.'  "The 
Judiciary."  "Government  and  the 
Economy."  and  many  others.  Wednesday 
will  involve  an  evening  at  the  theatre,  and 
Saturday  marks  the  end  of  her  long  stay. 

In  applying  for  this  seminar,  a  reservation 
for  a  place  in  the  program  was  necessary,  and 
then  a  general  application  contai'ing 
personal  information  was  sent  in.  in  add  tion 
to  a  S25  registration  fee. 

Mary  concluded.  "I  would  Uke  to  extend  a 
special  thanks  for  Mr.  Mattix  ae  1  Mr.  Sinks 
for  informing  me  of  the  cla  .room  and 
preparing  me  lor  it.  to  Mr,  Horstmeyer. 
Kekionga  Business  and  professional 
Women's  Club,  and  to  my  parents  for  their 
moral  and  financial  support." 

^an^jCttp  mten4.^ectc(M€iU  5-5-t 

9  ■  Sports 

by  Mike  Freygang 

The  Elmhurst  varsity 
grapplers  tied  Homestead 
27-27  on  Jan.  28,  making  the 
Trojan  record  5-5-1. 
According  to  Coach  Jim 
Welborn,  the  team  has 
improved  greatly  since  the 
start  of  the  season.  Items  to 
keep  in  mind  are:  l)Twenty 
different  wrestlers  have  seen 
varsity  action  as  compared 
to  13  on  most  teams;  21 
Injuries  have  kept  approx- 
imately six  wrestlers  from 
completing  the  season ; 
3)  Sickness  has  played  its 
part  also  by  keeping 
different  grapplers  from 
Sectionals  begin 

The  Trojans  will  travel  to 
New  Haven  tomorrow  and 
Saturday  to  compete  in 
sectionals.  According  to 
team  members,  the  team 
goal  at  the  beginning  of  the 
year  was  to  win  them.  One  of 
the  most  important  things 
needed  to  win  sectionals  is 
to  have  individual  sectional 
champions,  which  Elmhurst 
could  have.  Seniors  Dave 
Beyer,  Tim  Freeman.  Jim 
Norton  and  Terry  Emmons 
evidently  have  the  potential 

to  win.  as  three  of  the  four 
have  won  in  the  Carmel 
tournament.  The  other  one 
placed  fourth  against  stiff 
competition.  Last  year's 
sectional  saw  Elmhurst 
leading  the  first  round,  but 
Snider  and  Wayne  ended  up 
tying  the  second. 

"Best  sport" 

Coach  Welborn  regards 
wrestling  as,  "By  far  the 
best  sport."'  Coach  Welborn 
wrestled  in  high  school  and 
college,  then  came  to 
Elmhurst  to  coach  seven 
years  ago.  Since  then  he  has 

helped  Elmhurst  turn  out 
successful  wrestles  and 
successful  wrestling  teams. 
Some  of  the  records  set 
under  Coach  Welborn  are: 
fastest  pin,  11  seconds; 
most  career  pins.  29;  career 
victories .  48 ;  and  highest 
finish  at  state,  second. 

Assisting  Mr.  Welborn 
this  year  are  Mr.  Jim 
Lambert  and  Mr.  Bob  Horn, 
both  of  whom  worked  with 
him  last  year.  Mr.  Horn  is 
also  coaching  at  Kekionga 
Junior  High  in  order  to  keep 
a  steady  flow  of  rookies 
coming  in. 

Elmhurst  senior  Dave 
Boyer  is  one  of  two  wrestlers 
in  the  city  who  still  remain 

Dave  has  been  wrestling 
since  the  ninth  grade,  and 
according  to  Coach 
Welborn,  he  has  improved 
"a  lot". 

Last  year  he  came  in  third 
in  sectionals.  So  far  this  year 
Dave  has  compiled  a  13-0 
record.  If  his  plans  of  going 
for  an  undefeated  season 
and  state  championship 
come  through,  they  would 
give  him  an  overall  record  of 
23-0,  just  three  wins  short  of 
the  school  record  of  26-0. 


8  ■  Feature 

introduction:     entertainment: 


Monday  l)egan  a  six  da,v 
series  of  -^activities  at 
Elmhurst  in 
acknowledgement  of  Blaclt 
History  Week.  The 
background  was  set  by 
posters  and  bulletin  boards 
in  the  halls  and 
announcements  over  the 
P.A.  system. 

Afro-American       Club 
members  and  other  students 
worked  to  make  the  student 
body  aware  of  Black  History 
Week.  Drawings  of  famous 
black  people  were  made  and 
hung  to  give  information  on 
the    historical    figures    the 
week  honors:  Richard  Allen, 
religious    leader;     Robert 
Abbott,     journalist:     Ira 
Aldridge,      actor;      Mary 
Bethune,  educator;  Scott 
Joplin,  jazz  composer  and 
musician;      and      Charles 
Spaulding,  business  pioneer, 
were      depicted      on      the 
cafeteria  windows. 

The  usually  blank  bulletin 
boards  throughout  the 
building  took  on  color  and 
meaning  when  dedicated  to 
various  subjects  related  to 
black  history.  There  were 
tributes   to   Martin    Luther 

King  and  Duke  Ellington, 
collages  of  nationally  known 
sports  figures  and  models, 
and  brief  listings  of 
accomplishments  by  black 
people  of  history  such  as 
Booker  T.  Washington, 
Marian  Anderson,  and  Roy 

Elmhurst  continued  its 
education  on  black  history 
every  morning  when  a  black 
figure  in  history  was  talked 
about  over  the  P.A. 
Abolitionists  Harriet 
Tubman  and  Frederick 
Douglass,  inventor  Lewis 
Latimer,  and  business 
executive  Maggie  Lena 
Walker  were  reported  on 
during  the  week. 


HISTOR  Y  WEEK  was  in  the  social 
studies    hall. 

History  Week  brought 
entertainment  to 
Elmhurst  during  an 
hour-long  morning 

The  program  began 
with  a  modern  dance 
routine  to  the  song 
"Mr,  Bojangles"  done 
by  Andrea  Williams. 

Then      the      group 
"Society"  came  on.  For 
the  first  few  pieces,  the 
gym  was  nearly  silent 
as        the        audience 
concentrated         on 
listening.  By  about  the 
fourth  number  "I  Feel 
Sanctified",     however, 
many     of     the     black 
students   on   the   floor 
stood     up     to     dance. 
Eventually,        during 
'"Skin    Tight",    they 
were  joined  by  just  as 
many   white  students. 
The  dancing   went  on 
through       the       last 
number  at  the  end  of 
which  a  chant  went  up 
for  more. 

Saturday  -  February 
22,  the  play,  "In  White 
America"      will      be 

presented  in  the 
Elmhurst  gym.  The 
production  is  being 
directed  by  Mr.  Don 
Goss  who  also  has  a 
part  in  the  play.  The 
rest  of  the  cast  is  made 
up  of  members  of  the 
community.  Tom 
Schafer,  Lee  W.  Butler 
Jr.,  Phillip 

Stubblefield,  Patty 
Martone,  Bernice  Irby 
and  Beth  Miller  form 
the  remainder  of  the 
seven  person  team. 

The*  play  traces  the 
black  man's 

development  in 
America's  white 
society.  The  actors 
move  from  scene  to 
scene  in  history, 
changing  from 
important  political 
figures  to  the  coutry's 
common  people. 
Slaves,  rebels,  yanks 
and  presidents  are  all 

Throughout  the 
drama,  Beth  Miller 
accompanies  bits  of 
songs  reflecting  the 
attitudes  of  different 

ERS  WORKS  to  entertain  the  audience  ar| 
an  Elmhurst  assembly. 

THE       GROUP      PLA YED       U  /  /  /  { 
ENOUGH  to  bring  part  of  the  student  ■ 
onto  the  gym  floor  for  some  dancing. 


10-  Feature 

^\      I elmhurst 


ears  q 


nit«un  -,-'-  ""f-T 

1  '-'t^k 

a  lot  different  from  the  one  of 
today.  The  changes  do  not  appear 
only  in  format  end  style,  but  in 
content,  the  Elmhurst  the 
reporters  were  writing  about  then 
bears  little  resemblance  to  the 
Elmhurst  four  decades  later. 

Clubs  abounded 

-  The   population    was   smaller    - 

Jicklers   published   in   a   January  ««!„  971    »   -i     .          j 

,    ,                            uojiuory  onjy  27]  Students  -  and  so  was  the 

issue  of  the  Elmhurst  Advance  K„iM:-„   n        . 

.    ,„„,,  building.  One  story  concerned  the 

in  1935.  .,  .  . 

pupds   mterest  in  having  a  school 

Thev4d(;an«  forty  yearsago  was  Ubrary.  There  was  a  large  number 

;«weet  Young  Thing:  Ups  that 
touch  liquor  will  never  touch  mine. 

Ditto:  Your  lips? 

Sweet  Young  Thing;  No,  my 

This  joke  was  one  of  the  Trojan 

of  clubs  and  each  sponsored  a 
larger  number  of  activities.  The 
Glee  Club  performed  a  contata.  The 
Girls'  Athletic  Association  had  a 
Sports  Rumba  The  art  club.  The 
Palette  and  Brush,  decorated  and 
held  a  holiday  dance,  the  Industrial 
Arts  Club  members  participated  in 
an  eating  contest  and  the  Sewing 
Club  took  a  field  trip  to  the  General 
Hosiery  Mill.  There  were  physics, 
chemistry,  government  and  speech 
clubs.  A  1935  club  named 
Photoplay  reviewed  movies  such  as 
"David  Copperfield"  and  "Grand 
Old  Girl"  which  were  shown  at  the 
Bmboydand  Paramount  theaters. 

The  sports  department  included 
Softball  and  riflery  teams,  and 
girls'  basketball  was  not  new; 
Elmhurst  had  the  Trojanettes. 
Both  the  male  and  female 
basketball  teams  played  a  little 
different  kind  of  game.  Scores 
frequented  the  range  of  12-13  and 
28-23,  And,  of  course,  the  rivals 
were  not  in  Fort  Wayne.  Most 
baskets  were  made  in  the  gyms  of 
Hoagland,  Harlan,  Huntertown, 
New  Haven.  Areola,  Leo,  and 
Monroe  ville. 

Gossip  columns  popular 

The  Advance  pages  of  1935  were 
covered  with  regular  columns.  "T- 
R-l-D"  (try  reading  it  backwards! 
was  a  gossip-type  column  in  letter 
form  which  was  usually  forwarded 
with  the  greeting,  'Hi  Gang". 
"Alumni  News"         printed 

paragraphs  on  Elmhurst  graduates 
-  who  got  married,  who  moved  out 
of  town,  who  went  to  college,  and 
who^ot  jobs.  "The  Book  Comer" 

reviewed  novels  such  as  The  Young 
Revolutionist  by  Pearl  S.  Buck. 

Long  fiction  stories  involving 
Elmhurst  students  took  up  much 
of  the  inside  pages.  One  column 
gave  the  high  scores  from  the 
typing  classes  and  another,  "Quote 
and  Unquote",  gave  detailed 
accounts  of  the  debate  team's 
activities  and  its  members'  actions. 
"Bella's  Box"  printed  fabricated 
questions  and  answers  such  as.  "1 
bumped  my  crazy  bone,  what 
should  I  do?"  "Part  your  hair  on 
the  other  side  and  the  bump  won't 

Correct  skirt  lengths 

Boys  dress  was  treated  in  "Pants 
Parade"  while  feminine  attire  got 
attention  in  "Favorite  Fashions", 
The  writer  of  this  column  offered 
gift  ideas.  A  girlfriend  then  appar- 

ently received  black  and  red  com- 
pacts and  initialed  handkerchiefs. 
The  boyfriend  "would  love  to  re- 
ceive one  of  those  beautiful  white 
silk  handkerchiefs,  a  scarf,  or  a  pair 
of  leather  gloves."  Girls'  fashions 
consisted  of  Angora  and  rabbit  hair 
dresses  and  tarns  adorned  with 
fluffed  rabbit  tails.  The  correct 
length  for  skirts  was  II  or  12 
inches  from  the  floor. 

A  column  entitled  "Society" 
carried  all  the  latest  on  where  the 
popular  people  spent  their 
vacations,  what  their  parties  wers 
like,  and  who  attended  them  A 
sample  New  Year's  Party,  given  b\ 
two  girls,  was  quite  a  long  affoii 
There  was  card  playing,  bunco,  and 
dancing  foLowed  by  a  midnight 
lunch.  At  four  in  the  morning,  the 
party-goers  motored  to  another 
household  for  a  breakfast. 

THE  BASKETBALL  PLA  YERS  OF  1935  were  different  in  appearand 

and  in  game  from  the  Trojans  of  1975  The  scores  from  interscholastic  com- 
petition were  like  12-13  and  28-25. 

9  ■  Feature 

BETH    MILLER  p'a\^   f'"   fiuitar  i; 
^jiammeit  to  Tom  Schafcr  s  and  Do. 


THl      CAST     OF        IN      WHITE 

,l£liitA   .  tnes  out  the  tune  of  one  of  tfie 

i  songs. 


f    *^ 


n'EH  THE  PARTS  during  one  of  the 
ijy  night  practices. 

Tuesday  Elmhurst  opened  its 
doors  to  black  members  of  the 
community  engaged  in  various 
professions.  Nineteen  of  these 
people  came  in  and  spoke  to 
classes  during  the  first  three 
periods  of  the  day- 
Visiting  art  classes  was  Mr. 
Willie  Welch,  an  artist  in 
Magnavox's  illustration 
department.  In  his  specific  field, 
Mr.  Welch  draws  machinery  for 
a  government  paid  job.  He  has 
been  offered  different  art- 
related  positions,  most  of  them 

Mr.  Welch  has  been  deeply 
interested  in  art  since  he  was 
about  16  or  17,  He  went  to  a  two- 
year  commercial  art  school,  but 
is  basically  a  self-taught  artist. 
Outside  of  his  work,  Mr.  Welch 
paints  approximately  three 
hours  a  day  and  is  now 
preparing  for  a  possible  one- 
man  show  in  Fort  Wayne. 

Beautician  speaks 

Toting  her  suitcase  filled  with 
hairbrushes,  combs,  curlers, 
creams  and  rinses,  Ms.  Linda 
Davis  came  before  a  group  of 
girls  from  Mr.  Robert  Horn's, 
Mrs.  Roma  Jean  Bradburn's, 
Miss  Sharon  Dietrich's,  and 
Mrs,  Susan  Owen's  classes.  Ms. 
Davis  is  a  beautician  with  the 

Redwood  Salon  and  answered 
questions  on  hair  care,  from 
split  ends  to  home  permanents. 

Junior  Holly  Greeno,  a 
member  of  the  audience, 
volunteered  to  have  her  hair 
styled.  Ms.  Davis  decided  to  do 
a  cut.  She  stuck  to  the  same 
basic  style  but  shortened  the 
length  a  bit,  thinned  the  hair, 
and  gave  Holly  bangs.  Holly 
commented  later.  "I  like  it.  It's 
all  right." 
Ms.  Walker  talks  to  journalists 

Ms.  Fran  Walker,  from 
television  station  WPTA,  gave 
some  of  her  time  to  journaUsm 
students.  She  told  about  her 
past  jobs  and  the  work  she  is 
now  doing.  Ms.  Walker 
described  her  involvement  in 
television  as  accidental. 

She  started  out  as  just  a 
receptionist         and  then 

progressed  through  different 
local  television  jobs.  She  at  one 
time  did  five  minute  spots  on 
■'Community  Calendar  '  and 
then  co-hosted  a  show  with 
Dann  Nolan.  From  there,  she 
got  her  own  program,  "The 
Fran  Walker  Show".  She  has 
been  branching  out  into 
reporting  and  has  done  a  five 
part  feature  on  unsolved  crimes 

in  the  inner  city  concerning 
child  molesting  and  murder.  She 
enjoys  doing  features  and  would 
like  to  do  another  five-part  on 


Many  other  subjects  and 
careers  were  touched  upon 
during  the   seminars  Tuesday. 

/  editorial: 

Going  by  the  attitudes 
expressed  by  some 
Elmhurst  students  in 
regard  to  Black  History 
Week,  the  reason  behind 
its  establishment  has 
either  been  lost  or 

Since,  until  recently, 
most  history  books  and 
history  classes  have  been 
oriented  toward  white 
America's     development. 

a  need  to 
them  with 
on  black 
the     United 

there  was 
history  in 

So  the  idea  behind 
Black  History  Week  is  to 
educate-to  educate  both 
blacks  and  whites. 
Organizations  such  as  the 
Afro-American  Club  take 
the  initiative  in 

scheduling   activities   for 

Black  History  Week,  not 
a?  a  social  event  for 
themselves,  but  as 
something  for  all 
students  to  participate  in. 
And  there  is  some  white 
involvement  from  a  very 
few  student  volunteers, 
members  of  the 

administration,  and 
student  council  officers. 

Career  day  brought  in 
speakers  representing 
careers  that  any  student 
might  be  interested  in. 
They  talked  to  classes 
made  up  of  blacks  and 
whites.  This  was  certainly 
a  good  effort  to  get  whites 
involved.  Hopefully 
they  ve  accepted  it  as 
such  and  will  go  beyond 
accepting  and  open 
themselves  up  to  learning 
about  the  history  and 
backgrounds  of  races 
other  than  their  own 

giues  warning 

Did  you  ever  wonder  what  would 
happen  if  there  ever  were  to  be  an 
emergency  in  or  around  Elmhurst 
High  School?  How  would  anyone 
know  if  a  tornado  was  in  the  area? 

The  answer  lies  in  a  little  box-like 
object  behind  Mr.  Douglass 
Spencer's  desk.  This  machine  is  kept 
running  to  receive  any  signals  sent 
from  a  central  office.  The  signal 
would  inform  the  listener  of  any 
danger  -  from  a  tornado  to  a  broken 
water  main.  It  doesn't  come  through 
in  code,  but  in  English,  and  it  only 
takes  a  few  seconds  to  receive. 

After  the  signal  is  received,  one  of 
several  things  might  take  place.  If 
there  is  enough  time,  the  buses 
would  be  dispatched  and  students 
would  be  sent  home. 

If  there  isn't  enough  time, 
students  and  faculty  would  be 
directed  to  the  'tunnels'  under  the 
building.  In  these  basement 
■corridors  exist  emergency  supplies 
to  last  for  many  days.  Included  are 
Candy  bars,  blankets,  water,  dried 
biscuits,  dried  foods,  and  first  aid 
''its.  Of  course,  if  the  disaster  were 
to  keep  people  underground  for  a 
gi'eat  amount  of  time,  these  supplies 
"'ould  be  rationed  according  to  the 
"^eed  and  the  number  of  persons 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

What  do  you  suppose 
$285,000  would  buy  you 
today?  A  child's  sandbox  ... 
a  shopping  spree  for  3  whole 
bags  of  groceries  ...  or 
maybe  a  place  in  former 
President  Nixon's  heart? 

Though  these  are  all 
timely  answers,  in  1931, 
good  ol'  Elmhurst  High  was 
built  for  $285,000  (less 
interest  and  tax,  of  course). 

Forty-four  years  ago, 
Elmhurst  High  School 
became  both  a  reality  and 
the  alma  mater  for  28 
seniors.  A  total  of  11 
teachers  and  one  principal 
were  hired  to  work  in  the 
building  which  housed  10 
classrooms  and  what  is 
today  the  girls'  gym. 

The  original  building  was 
quite  small;  it  included  the 
southeast  portion  of  the 
present  structure,  rooms 
101-106  and  upstairs  rooms 
202-212.  Lunches  were 
served  through  a  window, 
where  the  recognition  case 
now  stands.  Prices  for  such 
items  as  soup,  sandwiches  or 
pie  ran  at  5  cents  apiece. 
Elmhurst  boasts  two  teams 

Even  as  a  new  school, 
Ehnhurst  offered  all  of  the 
courses  and  extra-curricular 

activities  that  were  common 
to  schools  at  that  time. 
Basketball  was  the  only 
inter  scholastic  varsity  sport 
-  EHS  had  both  a  boys'  and 
a  girls' team. 

Because  the  small  gym 
(now  upstairs  girls')  was  too 
small  to  accommodate  for 
regulation  games,  Elmhurst 
used  the  gym  at  Central 
High  School. 

The  girls'  team,  at  that 
time,  played  the  prelirairdry 
games.  The  price  of  tickets 
for  interscholastic  sport  was 
25  cents  for  adults,  and  15 
cents  for  students.  The  price 
for  student  tickets  today 
has  only  moved  one  decimal 
point  to  the  right. 
Growth  begins 

In  1941,  Ehnhurst  added 
eight  classrooms,  a  kitchen, 
and  a  dining  room.  This 
addition  was  to 

accommodate  the  rapid 
growth  in  the  student 

The  plans  for  Elmhurst 
included  a  gym  -  larger  than 
that  of  North  Side. 
Unfortunately  the  ideas  for 
the  gym  were  canceled  by 
the  federal  government ; 
World  War  II  began 
simultaneously . 

In  1957,  a  major  addition 
gave    Elmhurst    new    shop  "■ 




facilities,  a  band  room,  three 
new  classrooms,  an  office 
suite,  and  a  modern 

Before  this  addition,  the 
band  practiced  in  rooms  228 
and  230,  the  shop  room  had 
been  what  is  now  the 
Journalism  room,  and  Mr. 
Horstmeyer's  present  office 
was  at  one  time  a  record 
keeping  room.  -r  I 

Approximately  where  the   '  '  '  ^ 
study  hall  is  now  (room  166) 
was  at  one  time  the  location 
for  dirt  termis  courts.  .        . 

Recent    expansions   include     f  |  ppj  H  U  f  S  t 

Football  came  to 
Elmhurst  in  1957;  the 
team's  first  coach  was  Mr. 
Eldon  Stoops.  The  coach  for 
the  basketball  team,  before 
Mr.  Ken  Eytcheson,  was 
Mr.  BUI  Geyer. 

In  1965,  a  1.75  million 
dollar  addition  provided  13 
more  classrooms,  a  new 
dining  room  and  kitchen, 
and  enlargement  of  the 
library,  home  economics 
facilities,  a  vocal  music 
room,  and  a  reading  lab. 

These  additions,  plus  the 
sport  facility  additions 
recently,  have  made  the 
Elmhurst  school  -  the 
building  Trojans  attend 

10-  Feature 

Fine  Arts  Festiual  returns 


The  Fort  Wayne  Fine  Arts 
Festival,  which  disappeared  last 
year  to  make  way  for  the  dedication 
ceremonies  of  the  Performing  Arts 
Center,  is  back  again  this  year. 
Scheduled  for  Memorial  Day  Week, 
the  program  promises  many 
opportunities  for  cultural  exposure 
in  the  area. 

Along  with  the  concerts,  plays, 
exhibits  and  children's  activities 
that  have  been  presented  in  the 
past,  this  year  a  special  two-day 
writer's  workshop  will  be  presented. 
Another  change  is  the  location  of  the 
Festival,  which  will  be  downtown  in 
Freimann  Square  and  the 
Performing    Arts    Center.    Franke 





Complete  Motor  Tuneup 


(>l(()l  (llil'lniil  Itiiiiil.  n,iMi.-<l>.l. 

CALL  747   4665 

Park  was  previously  the  site  of  the 

Events  annouDced 

Most  of  the  events  have  been 
announced,  the  majority  being 
musical.  The  Philharmonic  and  the 
Fort  Wayne  Ragtime  Band  will  give 
performances  and  the  Fort  Wayne 
Ballet  will  perform  "Peter  and  the 
Wolf"  and  two  other  ballets. 
Numerous  area  high  schools  will  be 
giving  shows.  This  includes  Elm- 
hurst,  which  will  feature  the  Trojan 
Singers  and  the  Jazz  Band. 

The  previously  mentioned 
writer's  workshop  will  include 
several  prominent  writers  and  univ- 
ersity people  with  experience  in  the 
field  of  writing.  The  program  is 
designed  to  help  those  interested  in 
creative  writing. 

Plays  to  be  given 

Other  scheduled  events  are  plays 
by  the  Civic  Theatre  and  Civic 
You  theatre,  Purdue- Indiana 
Theatre  and  the  First  Presbyterian 
Theatre,  art  exhibits  in  the 
Performing  Arts  Center  and  an  art 
auction,  puppet  shows  for  children 
and  a  painting  tent  for  the  children 

All  in  all,  the  week  should  give  the 
Fort  Wayne  area  an  opportunity  to 
enjoy  themselves  and  also  increase 
their  cultural  awareness. 

Haggard    joins    Long    Rifles 

"Laws  like  the  gun  control,  if 
passed,  would  simply  end  our  club 
all  together,"  stated  sophomore 
Kerry  Haggard.  Kerry's  family, 
along  with  approximately  fifty  other 
families,  belong  to  a  club-like  group 
called  the  Kekionga  Long  Rifles. 

The  Long  Rifles  meet  the  first 
Saturday  of  every  month  at  the 
Broadway  Christian  Church  in  Fort 
Wayne.  The  club's  main  purpose  for 
its  members  is  "hobby  or 
enjoyment,"  but  for  an  interested 
public,  the  club  provides  a  lot  more. 

Give  demonstrations 
"We  spend  some  of  our  time 
giving  demonstrations  for  the 
public,  like  the  Girl  Scouts,  or  the 
Boy  Scouts :  recently  we  held  a 
demonstration  out  at  Southtown 
Mall,"  Kerry  explained. 

The  ari  oup  demonstrates  the  art  of 
shooting  rifles,  mostly  muzzle  rifles, 
using  black  powder  onlv.  The 
members  shoot  the  different  types 
of  guns  at  targets  usually  100  yards 
away:  targets  range  from  paper  to 
the  typical  pigeon  targets. 

Dad  is  President 
"My  dad  has  been  in  this  club  for 
about    seven    years;    now    he    is 

president "    said    Kerry,    "that, 

plus  my  interest  in  guns,  is  how  I 

got  involved  with  this  club." 

On  an  average,  each  member  of 
the  club  practices  shooting  about 
once  a  week;  those  members  under 
18  years  of  age  must  have  signed 
permission  slips  from  their  parents. 
Anyone  with  a  particular  interest 
in  the  shoo^mg  of  guns,  who  would 
be  interested  in  joining  the 
Kekionga  Long  Rifles,  can  contact 
Kerry  any  time  during  school. 


Corner   of 
Bluftton  &  Engle  Rds. 
Phone  747-9962 

12  ■  Feature 

Aptitude  tests 
strengths  and 

Every  year  a  large  number  of 
young  people  leave  behind  them  12 
years  of  education,  only  to  find  out 
they  really  don't  know  where  they're 
going.  Many,  perhaps,  are  finding 
that  if  they  had  learned  something 
about  their  strengths  in  high  school, 
leaving  the  institutional  shelter 
wouldn't  have  been  so  difficult. 

Learning  one's  strengths  and 
weaknesses  can  be  an  important 
factor  in  finding  success,  and 
educating  high  school  students  to 
those  points  is  the  idea  behind  a 
special  testing  program  offered  by 
the  Fort  Wayne  Community 
Schools.  The  tests,  given 
individually,  are  designed  to  give  a 
better  understanding  of  a  person's 
abilities  and  to  help  guide  him  after 
he  has  discovered  them. 

Takiog  the  W  AIS 

The  test  most  frequently  given  is 
the  WAIS  (Weschler  Adult 
Intelligence  Scale).  This  is  an  IQ 
test  and  must  be  given  by  a  trained 
psychologist.  The  test  is 
administered  at  Elmhurst  by  Mr. 
John  Walmsley,  who  is  a  firm 
believer  in  the  program.  The  WAIS 
is  divided  into  two  sections:  verbal 
and  performance.  Each  section  is 
broken  down  into  several  sub-tests: 

point  out 

the  verbal  includes  a  memory 
section,  an  arithmetic  section, 
vocabulary,  and  others,  while  the 
performance  involves  such  things  as 
puzzles,  block  arrangement, 
drawing,  and  copying  digit  symbols. 
The  WAIS  lasts  about  two  hours 
and  is  only  given  on  Tuesdays, 
which  is  the  day  Mr.  Walmsley  is  at 
Elmhurst.  The  only  requirement  for 
taking  it  is  to  have  a  parental 
permission  slip  which  must  be 
signed  to  comply  with  the  school 
record  privacy  act. 

Finding  interests 

A  second  offering  is  the  WRIOT 
(Wide  Range  Interest  Orientation 
Test).  The  WRIOT  differs  from  the 
WAIS  in  that  most  questions  are 
related  to  interests,  rather  than  to 
intelligence.  The  WRIOT  also 
specifies  professions  which  a 
student,  although  he  might  not  have 
a  strength  in,  might  be  happy  in. 
The  questions  on  this  test  generally 
follow  the  pattern  of  "Which  of  the 
following  would  you  most  like  or  not 
like  to  do?" 

These  tests  are  available  through 
the  guidance  department.  Students 
wishing  to  know  more  about  them 
should  contact  the  counselors. 
Perhaps  taking  either  of  them  could 
make  the  future  a  little  brighter. 

Two  seniors  get  scholarship 

^    f% 

Kevin  Young  Mike  Arnold 

A  little  hard  work  never  hurt 
anybody,  right?  Apparently,  a  lot  of 
hard  work  hasn't  either,  in  the  case 
of  two  Elmhurst  seniors.  Mike 
Arnold  and  Kevin  Young,  and 
Mike's  older  sister  Pam  Arnold. 
Each  has  earned  an  Evans  caddy 
scholarship  to  Purdue  University, 
establishing  a  national  first. 

When  the  decision  was  finally 
made  official.  Mike  and  Pam  became 
the  first  brother-sister  team  to 
receive  caddy  scholarships  in  the 
nation.  In  addition,  Pam  is  the  first 
female  in  Indiana  to  receive  the 
award.  They  are  entitled  to  a  four- 
year  S4000  scholarship  if  they  make 
good  grades. 

Must  meet  requirements 

In  applying  for  the  scholarship, 
the  applicant  must  be  a  caddy  for 
two  years,  place  in  the  upper  25  per 
cent  of  his  or  her  class,  and  score 
well  on  the  College  Standard 
Aptitude  Test.  Also,  the  applicant 
must  be  in  a  certain  family  financial 
income  bracket,  and  must  have 
recommendations  from  the  club's 
caddy  committee  chairman,  caddy 

supervisor,    golf    pro    and    club 

Interviews  were  conducted  by  the 
Indiana  Golf  Association  in 
Indianapolis  last  week  for  the  final 
"judgement."  Though  not 
establishing  any  precedents,  Kevin 
Young  also  earned  the  scholarship. 
He  caddied  at  the  Fort  Wayne 
Country  Club  for  two  years.  He  has 
been  outstanding  in  audio-visual 
work,  band  programs,  contests.  Boy 
Scouts,  and  in  his  church  youth 
group.  At  Purdue  he  plans  to  major 
in  electrical  engineering. 

Keep  totin'! 

Mike  Arnold  toted  bags  for  five 
years  at  the  Fort  Wayne  Country 
Club.  He  is  now  vice  president  of  the 
EHS  student  body,  newspaper 
editor,  and  is  on  the  varsity  golf 
team.  He  plans  to  study  industrial 
management  at  Purdue. 

Pam  Arnold,  who  graduated  last 
year  from  Elmhurst,  is  now  working 
her  way  through  Purdue,  and  hopes 
to  attain  a  pre-med  or  nursing 
degree.  With  the  help  of  Mike,  she 
caddied  last  summer  at  the  FWCC 
after  working  three  years  in  the  pro 
shop.  In  just  one  summer  she  was 
given  the  distinction  of  caddying  in 
the  Mad  Anthony  tournament. 

Even  though  not  all  hard  work 
would  result  in  national  recognition, 
a  word  to  the  wise  might  be:  Keep 
totin'  those  clubs! 

1 1  -  Editorial 

raised  on 


There  are  no  longer  little 
pink  signs  hung  on  the  wall 
in  every  classroom 
Ti'minding  students  and 
teachers  how  important 
coming  to  school  is.  Those 
bold  face  Absence  Causes 
Failure  posters  are  gone,  but 
the  policy  is  still  in  effect. 

True.  Absence  Causes 
Failure  is  merely  a 
suggestion  or  guideline 
given  to  the  teachers  from 
the  school  administration, 
but  there  has  been  no 
definite  interpretation  of  the 
policy  and  every  teacher  is 
free  to  interpret  it  as  he  or 
she  pleases. 

The  real  trouble  here  is 
that  no  one  is  sure, 
especially  the  students 
(whom  the  policy  affects!,  of 
how  the  administration  and 
the  teachers  enforce  it. 

Some  teachers  count  only 
U'lexcused  absences  when 
totaling  how  many  days  out 

of  the  ten-day  allotment  a 
student  has  missed,  but 
others  count  both  excused 
and  unexcused  absences. 
Possibly  one  clear 

interpretation  of  the  policy 
should  be  used  by  all 

True,  one  class  is  different 
from  another,  and  some 
depend  on  regular 

attendance,  but  a  student 
should  not  be  penalized  as 
heavily  as  he  is  for  missing 
school  because  of  illness  or 
religious  beliefs. 

The  Absence  Causes 
Failure  policy  was 

01  iginated  to  discourage 
some  of  the  students  who 
miii-:e  missing  class  a 
frequent  happening. 
Sometimes  a  student  Uke 
t^is  will  not  only  fail  but  will 
be  expelled  from  school.  Sort 

of  hypocritical  isn't  it?  To 
punish  a  student  for  not 
coming  to  school,  he  will  not 
'ie  rUowed  to  come  to  school. 

Although  the  policy  has 
aide'^  in  the  correction  of 
this  "problem"'  somewhat,  it 
'  js,  in  some  instances,  hurt 
students  who  have,  in  the 
past,  gotten  above-average 
grades,  but  because  of 
illness  or  injury,  have 
missed  more  than  ten  days 
of  a  class. 

If  a   student   misses   ten 

days  in  a  class  and  can'tl 
keep  up  with  nis  work,  he 
will  receive  a  lower  grade  or 
possibly  flunk.  Why  make  it 
mandatory?  For  if  a  student 
can  keep  up  with  his  class  he 
should  be  allowed  to  get  the 
grade  he  earned. 


and   teachers  to  express 

their    op 

nioDS    on    any    subject 


the     newspaper       The 


reserves    the    right    lo 


all       materiBl       before 


ID.  All  letters  should  be 


to    the    journalism    room 



Fire    Extinguishers      REFILLED 

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6615      Bfufffon     Rd. 





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10%  OFF 

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%    Expiration  dote  Morch  5,  1975  '}^, 

13  -  Feature 

People  who  formerly  thought  they 
were  doomed  never  to  have  a  gfreen 
thumb  can  now  find  comfort  in  the 
newest  craze  in  the  plant  world 
terrarium  gardening. 

Actually,  the  "new"  fad  dates 
back  all  the  way  back  to  the  1800's, 
but  the  terrarium  remains  popular, 
mainly  because  it  allows  anyone  to 
become  a  gardener.  Taking  care  of 
one  is  a  simple  task  since,  once  the 
creative  work  is  out  of  the  way, 
nature  does  virtually  everything 

Three  steps  to  consider 

The  three  steps  that  a  prospective 
gardener  must  first  consider, 
however,  are  the  planning,  design 
and  planting  that  he  must  do.  These 
are  essential  to  the  success  of  the 

The  first,  planning,  includes  the 
choosing  of  plants  and  the  selection 
of  the  bowl  or  dome  that  the  garden 
will  go  in.  It  is  generally  wise  to 
decide  one  with  the  other  in  mind, 
because  otherwise  the  plants  might 
be  too  large  for  the  container  or  vice 

The  second  step,  design,  presents 
almost  no  restrictions.  Simply  draw 
a  small  map  of  how  you  want  the 
plants  and  decorations  placed,  and 

Green  thumbs 
cultivate  terrariums 

then  move  on  to  the  planting  stage. 

To  plant  a  terrarium  is  relatively 
easy.  All  that's  needed  is  house 
plant  soil,  charcoal,  which  is  used  to 
keep  the  soil  sweet  and  the 
environment  healthy,  and  gravel, 
used  for  preventing  water-logged 
soil  -  and  the  plants,  of  course,  which 
follow  the  tastes  of  the  gardener. 

Smftll  jobs  remain 

After  these  three  are 
accomplished,  the  only  remaining 
job  is  the  occasional  removal  of 
twigs  and  dead  blossoms  to  prevent 
disease  or  insect  invasion.  To 
prevent  moisture  build-up,  the  lid 
needs  to  be  checked  from  time  to 
time  for  condensation  and  removed 
for  a  few  days  if  any  is  found. 

Terrarium  gardening  is  becoming 
more  and  more  popular  and  more 
and  more  information  is  being  put 

people's    home    terrariums.    but    they    also 

thrive  in  Mr  Holler's  room. 

out  about  them.  For  those  who 
previously  lacked  talent  with  plants, 
and  for  those  who  didn't,  it  could  be 
an  interesting  and  enjoyable 
opportunity  and  a  chance  to  boast  a 
green  thumb. 

Wm^B  >:«<•• 

Where  your  favorite  request 

IS  just  a  phone  call  away 



Genesis,  Hollander  perform  different  but 


classic  works 


Although  "The  Lamb  Lies  Down  on 
Broadway"  by  Genesis  ond  Rachmaninoff's 
"Piano  Conceruj  No,  2  in  C  Minor"  have  little 
in  common,  except  being  exceptionally  fine 
works  in  their  rcspeclivo  musical  fields,  it 
could  easily  be  said  that  the  performances  of 
both,  given  in  separate  concerts  a  week  and  a 
half  ago,  were  probably  two  of  the  best 
musical  events  in  Fort  Woyno  this  past  year. 

Genesis  outdoes  itself 

Surrealism  and  fantasy  combined  to  make 
the  Genesis  concert,  on  Feb.  3.  a  truly  unique 
experience  and  undoubtedly  the  best  rock 
performance  here  of  the  year.  The  group 
managed  to  outdo  even  themselves,  sur- 
passing their  old  show--a  very  difficult  feat  to 

The  surrealistic  idea  was  conveyed  not 
only  through  the  music  and  story  of  Rael,  a 
young  Puerto  Rican  in  New  York  City,  but 
also  through  the  slides,  many  of  which  were 
paintings  by  surrealistic  artists  Salvadore 
Dali  and  Max  Ernst.  The  slide  show  itself 
contained  well  over  a  thousand  pictures  and 
deserves  special  recognition  for  having  been 
put  together  so  well. 

Fewer  costume  changes  were  made,  hut 
were  not  missed  as  Peter  Gabriel,  lead 
vocalist  and  floutist,  dominated  the  stage 
with  his  antics  as  Rael,  the  Imperial  Aerosol 
Kid.  Numerous  other  devices  were  used  in 
the  show  which  included  onstage  explosions 
and  shadow  effects. 
Minor  difficulties 

The  performance  of  the  group  was 
excellent.  Gabriel's  voice  held  out 
surprisingly  well  throughout  the  two  hour 
concert.  Tony  Banks,  on  keyboards,  and  Phil 
Collins,    on    drums    and    percussives,    are 

undoubtedly  two  of  the  top  musicians  in 
their  fields  and  Michael  Rutherford  on  bass 
and  Steve  Hackett  on  guitar,  also  excellent 
musicians,  were  outstanding. 

There  were,  unfortunately,  a  few  minor 
difficulties  with  the  show,  as  is  generally  the 
case.  The  acoustics  of  the  Coliseum  are  bad, 
and  many  times  the  words  of  "The  Lamb, 
etc.  ■  were  garbled.  There  were  also  many 
complaints  about  the  "festival  seating  " 
arrangement;  sitting  on  the  floor  for  two 
hours  is  hard  on  the  back.  In  any  case,  it  was 
a  definite  improvement  over  the  Armory, 
where  the  Genesis  concert  last   April  was 


Hollander  talks,  performs 

Mr  Hollander's  artistry  was  revealed  in 
his  performance  ond  through  a  program  in 
which  he  was  featured  on  Saturday,  Feb.  8, 
entitled  "A  Conversation  with  Young 
People".  In  this  "Conversation"  and 
performance,  the  pianist  showed  himself  to 
be  a  true  communicator  of  the  arts  and  also 
sincerely  involved  in  the  work  he  was  doing. 

He  is  also  concerned  about  young  people 
and  their  search  for  enjoyment  and  meaning 
in  life,  and  stated  his  belief  in  the  importance 
of  the  arts  in  general  and  in  education.  Mr. 

Hollander,  whose  hfe  has  been  the  concep 
hall  for  the  past  18  years  (he  is  now  30), 
who  began  playing  and  composing  at  theap, 
of  three  and  a  half,  has  done  extensi\^ 
work,  much  of  it  on  a  voluntary  basis,  to  heir 
educate  young  people  in  music  appreciation 
Speaking  Saturday,  the  pianist  stress^ 
the  use  of  music  to  find  insights  into  th. 
personal  lives  of  listeners. 

Although  Mr.  Hollander's  concert  i\,-^.. 
time  was  not  volunteer  work,  it  was  certain]., 
a  lesson  in  music  appreciation,  and  brougb; 
to  a  close  an  enjoyable  week  of  music. 

Languages  offer  more  if  started  earlier 

At  the  end  of  eighth  grade,  junior 
high  students  have  to  decide 
whether  or  not  they  should  take  a 
foreign  language.  Many  of  these 
students  decide  to  take  one  of  the 
two  languages  offered.  Because  they 
start  a  language  in  the  ninth  grade, 
they  should  be  able  to  test  out  of  the 
language  in  college,  but  some  who 
take  even  four  years  of  that 
language  in  high  school  cannot  test 
out  of  even  one  year  in  college. 

There  are  however,  a  number  of 
possible  solutions.  One  would  be  to 
move  at  a  faster  rate  in  high  school, 
but  many  students  now,  who  are  in 
classes  that  move  at  a  slower  pace, 
cannot  or  will  not  take  the  time  to 
learn  a  new  language  with  new 
grammatical  patterns,  vocabulary 
words  and  spelling,  especially  after 

they've  spent  the  last  ten  years 
trying  to  grasp  the  English 

Portage  Junior  High  has 
attempted  to  aid  the  students  in 
foreign  languages  by  offering  a  class 
for  seventh  and  eighth  graders  in 
French  culture.  The  language  itself 
is  not  taught,  though  a  few  words 
are  learned.  The  class  deals  mainly 
with  the  customs  and  history  of 

But  that  is  the  only  class  offered. 
Prospective  Spanish  students  are 
out  of  luck.  It  would  be  beneficial  for 
schools  to  offer  culture  classes  about 
countries  such  as  Spain  and 
Germany.  But  better  still  would  be 
if  junior  highs  could  actually  start 
seventh  and  eighth  graders  in  the 
language   itself.    More   students 

language  in  college  and  more 
importantly.  have  a  better 
understanding  of  the  language  of 
another  people. 

After  all,  taking  a  foreign 
language  should  be  more  than  just  a 
grade  in  a  class  that  is  required  for 
most  colleges.  It  should  bring  one 
group  of  people  close  to  another.  It 
should  lead  us  to  understand 
another  nation  of  people  that  Uve  on 
the  same  planet. 

Possibly,  when  Americans  realize 
that  education  is  one  of  the  most 
important  programs  that  tax  dollars 
can  finance,  foreign  languages  could 
be  offered  in  elementary  school, 
where  the  students  could  learn  the 
language  while  at  the  same  time 
mastering  the  basics  of  English. 

14  -Sports 

Girl  gymnasts  defeated  b\i   M/oyne/ 
Basketball  team  takes  Northrop  27-16 

Reserves  9-5 

by  Karyn  Heiney 

The  girls'  gymnastic  team 
failed  to  knock  off  Wayne 
gymnasts  Jan.  29.  But  the 
meet,  held  in  the  Elmhurst 
gym.  showed  a  much  more 
promising  Trojan  team  than 

Elmhurst  led  after  the 
first  event,  vaulting,  by 
taking  three  seconds,  a 
third,  and  one  first.  Then 
Wayne  pulled  ahead  after 
the  uneven  parallel  bars  and 
still  maintained  a  narrow 
lead  after  the  balance  beam. 
Elmhurst  failed  to  place  in 
floor  exercise  except  for  one 
first  in  the  optional  level. 
This  proved  to  be  the 
determining  factor  as 
Wayne  ended  up  on  top  by  a 
considerable  score. 

The  team  was  led  by 
sophomore  Karyn  Heiney. 
She  won  both  vault  and  floor 
exercise,  placing  second  in 
bars  and  beam  for  the 
optional  level. 

The  girls'  basketball  team 
won  Jan.  25  against  a  tall 
Northrop  team,  27-16,  at 

Starters  were  Sally 
Hinton,  Kelly  Auer,  Kellie 
Slate,  Ethel  Fowlkes,  and 
Marilynn  Scherer.  The  team 
was  ahead  11-8  at  the  half. 
The  short  Trojan  ball  club 
continued  to  pull  away  and 
beat  the  Bruins  soundly. 

"They  are  playing  more 
team  ball  now,"  stated  the 
coach.  Mrs.  Lucy  Doswell. 
"The  Northrop  game  shows 
this  true." 

The  Trojan  team  suffered 
a  loss  Jan.  30,  to  a  tough 
Wayne  team.  The  game, 
held  at  Wayne,  ended  with  a 
score  of  21-31.  The  team 
kept  within  1-3  points  of 
Wayne  up  until  the  third 
quarter.  Then  the  Generals 
slowly  pulled  away  to  defeat 
Elmhurst  by  ten  points. 

Music  Explosion 

5958  U.S.  24  West 


Ooentng  Soon  at  Time  Corners 

The  Elmhurst  reserve 
basketball  team  has  recently 
met  sudden  victory  and 
sudden  defeat.  The  Trojans 
beat  Valparaiso  by  one  point 
while  falling  at  the  hands  of 
Wayne,  also  by  one  point. 

The  reserves  held  an 
eight-point  lead  early  in  the 
fourth  quarter  of  the  Wayne 
game  before  a  sudden  surge 
by  the  Generals  crushed  the 
hopes  of  a  Trojan  victory. 

The  reserves'  record  now 










PHONE  747-0551 

stands  at  9-5,  which  is  a  ven 
respectable  mark 
considering  that  most 
players  can  play  at  the  most 
only  three  quarters.  This 
situation  is  brought  about 
because  six  players  on  the 
reserve  team  dress  for 

The  Trojans  vie  against 
North  Side  and  Huntington 
respectively  this  weekeni) 
both  are  home  games  and 
both  should  be  exciting. 

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Missey  6-16 

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Wed.  and  Fri.  10  -  9 
Saturday  9  -  5 

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I3 .  Sports 

deserve  team 
trounces  New  Haven 

^he  reserve  basketball 
m  was  defeated  two 
'eeks  ago  by  both  North 
!,je  and  Huntington,  but 
„„e  back  last  weekend  to 
;„umph  over  the  New 
Ujven  BuUdogs. 

On   Feb.    7   the  Trojans 
jent  against  the  North  Side 
(edsliins   in   the    Elmhurst 
,j.n,nasium.    Both    teams 
^^ere  pretty  evenly  matched 
the   first   quarter   as    it 
ided  in  a  10-10  tie.  But  as 
,1,8  second  segment  c^me  to 
close    the    Trojans    were 
j„n    eight    points,    26-18. 
[luring  the  last  two  stanzas 
of  the    game    the    Trojans 
(ought  to  regain  the  lead  but 
never  quite  made  it.  as  the 
game    ended    50-39.    High 
scorers  for  the  match  were 
Mike  Brewer ,12,  and  Kenny 

Same  sad  story 

The  next  day,  Elmhurst 
was  the  site  of  another 
match,  this  time  between 
the  Trojans  and  the 
Huntington  Vikings.  The 
reserves  stayed  within  close 
range  of  the  Vikes  for  the 
first  two  quarters,  and  as 
the  half-time  buzzer 
sounded  the  Trojans  were 
down  only  four  points,  23-19. 

However  the  last  two 
segments  proved  to  be 
tough  ones  for  the  reserves 
as  they  could  not  seem  to 
find  the  basket.  The  game 
came  to  a  conclusion  with  a 
score  of  47-34.  High  point 
men  were  Kenny  Coker  with 
U  and  Mike  Brewer  with  7 

New  Haven  bows 

The  reserves  vied  against 
New     Haven     last     Friday 
evening  and  came  out  on  top 
by    a    score   of    49-43.    The 
Trojans   jumped   off   to   an 
early  lead  of  8-7  and  ended 
the  half  with  a  17-all  tie.  As 
the      third      stanza      got 
underway  the  Trojans  puUed 
out    in    front    where    they 
would  remain  for  the  rest  of 
the  match.  At  the  close  of 
the  third  quarter  Elmhurst 
was  ahead  31-21.  They  then 
went    on     to    defeat    New 
Haven  by  16  points,  49-33. 
Brian    Russell    and    Ron 
Whitson  were  high  scorers 
with     12     and     11     points 

Next  weekend  the  Trojans 
will  go  up  against  Concordia 
at  home,  and  then  travel  to 
Mississinewa  High  School 
for  their  final  game  of  the 

Mike's  Side 

by  Mike  Landrigan 

The  weekend  of  Feb.  7 
and  8  saw  many  surprises  in 
Indiana  high  school 
basketball.  Muncie  North 
was  beaten  Friday.  Dwenger 
surprised  everybody  and 
beat  Snider.  Then  Snider 
turned  around  the  next 
night  and  beat  the  Marion 

Mixed  in  during  this 
hectic  weekend,  Elmhurst 
was  beaten  in  a  slight  upset 
Friday,  and  Saturday 
managed  to  scare  everybody 
until  Dave  Campbell's  free 
throws  put  Huntington 
Bright  spot 

Admittedly,  the  loss  to 
North  Side  was 

disappointing,  but  it  is 
possible  to  find  a  bright  spot 
resulting  from  this  gloomy 

During  past  years, 
Ehnhurst  has  consistently 
had  strong  basketball 
teams.  With  so  many 
excellent  teams  it  seems 
ironical  that  the  Trojans 
have  only  won  a  single 
sectional  title. 

During  the  past  two 
years,  1  beheve  the  losses 
were  due  to  overconfidence. 
The  loss  to  Snider  two  years 
ago  came  after  Elmhurst 
had  beaten  Snider  just 
weeks  before.  Last  year,  the 
Trojans  had  beaten  North 
Side  during  the  regular 
season;  however,  the 
Trojan's  hopes  for  a  second 
sectional  title  were 
shattered  by  the  Redskins. 

This  year  Elmhurst  has 
run  up  an  impressive  record 
and  winning  skein.  The 
Trojans  were  sailing  along 
on  a  long  winning  streak. 
After  such  a  long  stretch 
without  a  loss,  it  is  easy  to 
lose  the  concentration 
necessary  before  a  game.  In 
other  words,  the  team  gets 

Try  harder 

The  loss  to  North  Side 
will  make  the  Trojans  try 
harder  during  the  upcoming 
Sectionals.  The  members  of 
the  team  once  again  reaUze 
they  are  not  unbeatable. 

The  Trojans  should  carry 
the  best  record  into 
Sectionals.  Also,  they  will 
be  the  SAC  champs  so  all 
the  other  schools  will  be 
shooting  at  them.  With  the 
loss  to  North  Side,  the 
Trojans  should  be  more 
aggressive  and  determined. 
If  we  keep  our  concentration 
and  dont  run  into  injuries  or 
foul  trouble,  Elmhurst 
should  win  its  second 
sectional  title. 

Cusfom     Picfure    Framing 

41 1  WalU  $tr.t1 Uim\ 

16  -  Sports 

Trojans  first  in  SAC;  defeat  Snider 

by  Jim  McCleneghen 

For  a  basketball  team 
that  was  inexperienced. 
small  and  not  intended  to  be 
any  kind  of  real  contender 
for  the  SAC  crown,  the 
Elmhurst  Trojans  are  not 
having  a  bad  season.  Not 
only  are  the  Trojans  13-2 
overall,  but  by  virtue  of 
smashing  Snider  88-72  last 
Friday  they  hold  a  very 
strong  grip  on  first  place. 

The  game  started  out 
looking  pretty  good  for  the 
Panthers  as  they  put  the 
game's  first  four  points  on 
the  board.  However,  things 
were  not  to  go  so  all  night. 
The  Trojans  ran  off  an 
exhibition  that  was  a  joy  for 
the  Elmhurst  half  of  a 
capacity  crowd  to  see. 
Before  Snider  knew  what  hit 
them  they  were  13  points 
behind  and  the  first  quarter 
had  just  ended. 

Panthers  close  gap 

The  second  quarter  was 
much  more  evenly  played  as 
the  Panthers  were  able  to  go 
into  the  dressing  room  at  the 
short  end  of  a  40-28  half.  The 
first  half  lead  was  mainly 
contributed  by  Raymond 
and  Larry  Reese,  who  scored 

32  and  17  points 
respectively,  a  combmation 
of  49  of  the  Trojans'  88  total 
points.  Sophomore  Ernie 
Starks  also  recorded  17 
points,  while  senior  Keith 
Bradtmiller  scored  12, 

The  third  quarter  was  the 
only  time  the  Trojans  had 
any  trouble  with  the 
Panthers  as  the  Snider  fiiil 
court  press  resulted  in  eight 
Elmhurst  turnovers  and 
Snider  outscoring  the 
Trojans  26-18  in  the  quarter. 

As  the  foiirth  segment  got 
under  way,  Snider  cut  the 
Trojans'  lead  to  4.  But  that 
was  as  close  as  the  Panthers 
would    come;    the    Reese 

brothers  exploded  for  17 
points  to  lead  a  fourth 
quarter  spurt  of  30  points. 

Elmhurst  stands  alone 

The  Trojans  .  now  6-0  in 
the  SAC,  have  only  two 
more  conference  games. 
This  Friday  s  game  finds 
Elmhurst  hosting  North 
Side.  The  Trojans  need  win 
only  one  of  their  two 
remaining  SAC  games  to 
claim  first  place;  by  virtue 

of  beating  Snider,  the 
Trojans  will  be  champs  if  it 
should  come  down  to  a  tie 
between  the  two  teams. 

Elmhurst  did  have  its 
trouble  with  the  Wayne 
Generals  Jan.  24,  however, 
as  the  Trojans  saw  a  17 
point  lead  dwindle  away. 
Elmhurst  just  managed  to 
squeak  by  79-80  in  order  to 
hold  on  to  a  fourteenth 
ranking  in  the  UPI  polls. 

MILLER AWAITS  a  Snider  re- 


I  FLOWERS  ...for 

j-  every   occasion,, 

15001    ARDMORE 





14  -Sports 

Boyer  1st  at  regionals 

Senior  Dave  Boyer  took  another  step  to  state    emerge  victorious  Saturday  at  state.  Boyer  will  be 
competition    when    he    defeated    his    opponents    the  first  state  champion  Elmhurst  has  ever  had.  The 
Saturday.  Senior  Tim  Freeman  will  also  go  to  the    previous  top  is  second  place  by  Willie  Smith  in  1972 
state  tournament  this  Saturday  as  an  alternate  in 
case  the  regional  winner  can't  wrestle. 

As  a  team  F'mhurst  took  fourth  place  in 
regionals.  The  team  goes  to  state  competition  in  the 
person  of  Boyer.  Fifth  place  is  the  highest  the 
Elmhurst  team  has  ever  placed  in  state. 


Boyer  takes  regionals 

Boyer  won  sectionals  Feb.  8.  then  started 
regionals  off  right  by  defeating  Graber  8-2.  After 
eliminating  Stone  7-0  in  the  semi-finals,  he  went  to 
the  finals.  In  the  finals  Saturday  night  at  North 
Side.  Dave  had  Uttle  trouble  defeating  his  last 
opponent  6-2.  After  this  feat  Boyer  was  180-pound 
regional  champ  and  had  taken  another  leap  toward 
his  goal  of  being  the  best  in  the  state.  If  he  does 



recapturing    n  tncr-uu  spa  at  North  Side. 

second-seeded  Pat  Zursio  and  pinned  Bih  Bridges  m 

the  sectionals,  then  beat  John  Meirs  5-4  in  overtin,, 

^  at   regionals.    Meirs'   record   was   20-1    before  th^ 

-*    -      -  "^"^^  '      '^^^'^^'  ^^""^  gabbed  fourth  place  in  regionals  i, 

^  -"^m^  end  his  high  school  wresting  career 

''"ZllZl",?''  Tt"'  "'°'"'^-'^'>      B^"-""'  '~k  first  with  three  regional  winne,. 
'      '  "''"""'  '"'  "»"  of  "'horn  will  go  to  state.  Coming  in  a  distanl 

.  second  was  Marion,  followed  by  Manchester  and 

Another  secfonal  champion    T,m  Freeman,  still   then  Elmhurst.  The  Trojans  did  beat  Northrop  a 
has  a  chance  to  walk  away  the  championship  if   Snider,  who  placed  first  and  second  respectively  „ 
the  grappler  who  defeated  him  can't  wrestle.  Tim  sectionals, 
started   out  regionals   by   beating  his   first   two       AlfV,™,»l,   n,„  . 

opponents  by  pins.  He  then  advanced  to  the  finals     Elmh,,rT        H  "  T"   '"   ™''  "'  * 

where  he  received  a  16-7  setback,  but  wound  up  in   ?  T' m^    1"    w^eTr"  "f"",^™"™'  ""  ^^''  » 
second  place  in  regionals.  Tim  has  lost  25  pounds   wrestline  meeT  i^  h    h  ""  T"""" 

this  year  Just  so  he  could  wrestle  at  the  132^ound  Tav    never  "'  tT.  K  f    '™''''°"''  '™"  ""'''  "'" 

C—       class.  ^^"  wrestled  before,  may  compete.  It  wiU  be 

^^'  every  Wednesday  after  school  until  approximately  4 

^  Emmons  ends  career  p.m.  One  of  the  reasons  intramurals  is  being  formed 

Senior  Terry  Emmons  placed  second  in  sectionals   '^  '°  '^^'P  '^'"""e  that  don't  know  how  to  wrestle  and 
/o.^T^^f™'"^'"'""^'*''''"'"''''"^''''"""""   '''^'  Saturday  when  he  wrestled  Howard   Savage   '"  help  those  who  do  to  get  more  experience. 
'  "  "ho  placed  fourth  in  state  last  year.  Terry  beat 



16  -  Sports 

by  Mike  Landrigan 

In  previous  articles  I  have 
referred  to  some  of  the 
shortcomings  in  the  physical 
education  and  major  athletic 
facilities  at  Elmhurst .  In 
this  article  I  will  be  con- 
cerned with  identifying 
these  shortcomings  and  the 
likelihood  of  major  facility 

The  six  major  P.E.  and 

'  athletic    program    concerns 

caused  by  facility 

shortcomings   at   Elmhurst 

are  as  follows: 

1.  Lack  of  a  facility  to 
conduct  an  intra- 
mural program. 

2.  Lack  of  sufficient 
physical  education 
stations  (P.E.  classes 
are  "crowded.") 

3.  Lack  of  adequate  P.E. 
storage  areas. 

3.  Lack  of  adequate 
locker  room  faciUties. 

5.  Lack  of  adequate  fa- 
cilities to  practice 
major  indoor  sports 
for  all  teams. 

6.  And.  some  would  add, 
lack  of  a  complete 
basketball  hall. 

Shortcomings  discussed 
I  will  touch  briefly  on  each 

of  these  shortcomings. 

Intramurals  offer  physical 
development  and  recreation 
to  all  who  participate. 

P.E.  classes  are  crowded 
because  of  the  numbers  who 
elect  P.E.  as  compared  to 
the  number  of  availab'e 
class  periods.  Handicapped 
students  have  little 
opportunity  until  more  P.E. 
space  is  provided. 

The  new  outdoor  physical 
education  buildmg  added 
much  needed  locker  space 
for  football,  track  and 
baseball,  but  more  space  is 
needed  near  the  gym  areas. 
The  "visitors"  locker  room 
is  "embarrassing." 

Also  it  takes  a  lot  of  space 
to  store  gymnastics  and 
P.E.  equipment.  It  should 
be  stored  close  to  where  it 
normally  is  used. 

There  is  tremendous 
competition  for  the  gym 
station.  The  sophomore, 
junior  varsity,  varsity  boys 
teams  and  the  girls  varsity 
team  need  to  practice  daily. 
But  how  many  people  can 
practice  at  one  time? 

Elmhurst  High  School 
was  originally  constructed 
in  1931.  At  that  time,  this 

beautiful  structure  was  a 
"schoolman's  dream"  and  a 
student  delight.  Over  the 
years,  it  became  obsolete. 
As  with  all  buildings  in  the 
Fort  Wayne  Community 
Schools,  the  superintendent 
of  schools,  Lester  Grile,  has 
scheduled  improvements. 
Plans  are  being  formulated. 
Future  graduating  classes 
will  have  no  need  to 
complain.  The  students, 
faculty,  and  administration 
can  only  wait  and  see  what 
the  school  board  can  decide. 

ju^  Scce-Wn 

;4%t  Centet 

Cusfom     Picfure    Framing 

411W.lliStr««t  743-8M1 








It's  the 
real  thing. 

15 -Sports 

SimUiat  demented  ^  %int^Side,;  ^W^a%4 

Winning  two  out  of  their 
last  three  basketball  games, 
[de  Elmhurst  Trojans  closed 
put  their  home  basketball 
reason  with  an  8-1  record. 
fheir  only  defeat  came  at 
the  hands  of  a  tough  North 
_^ide  team,  67-61.  The 
lYojans  revenged  the  loss  by 
beating  Huntington  67-63 
and  trouncing  New  Haven 

The  nineteenth-ranked 
Trojans  travel  to  Concordia 
[[lis  coming  Friday  and 
finish  out  the  season  at 
Mississinewa  Saturday 
night,  A  win  at  Concordia 
would  give  Elmhurst  the 
SAC  title  with  a  7-1 
conference  record,  while  a 
loss  would  create  a  three- 
way  tie  between  Elmhurst, 
North  Side,  and  Snider. 

North  controls  quarter 

The  first  quarter  of  the 
North  Side  game  opened 
with  the  Redskins 

controlling  the  tip  and 
scoring  the  first  basket. 
Keith  Bradtmiller  quickly 
countered  with  a  bucket  for 
ttie  Trojans.  An  aggressive 
zone  defense  used  by  North 
shut  off  the  outside  shooting 

of  Elmhurst  s  Ray  and 
Larry  Reese  during  the  first 
quarter  and  for  most  of  the 
game.  The  first  period  ended 
with  the  Redskins  on  top  13- 

Sloppy  defense  on  the 
part  of  the  Trojans  let  the 
North  Side  lead  rise  to  27-22 
before  Larry  Reese  hit  a  25- 
foot   desperation-bank   shot 

with  one  second  left  in  the 
period.  Larry  then  sank  a 
foul  shot  closing  the  score  to 
27-25  in  favor  of  North 
before  both  teams  entered 
their  respective  dressing 

Trojans  trail 

The  third  stanza  saw 
North  Side  draw  away  to  a 
44-38     lead     in     a     very 

before  an  unenthusiastic 
crowd.  The  Trojans 
threatened  to  make  the 
game  a  runaway,  leading  62- 
42  with  5:30  left  in  the 
game,  before  New  Haven 
narrowed  the  gap  to  71-57  as 
the  game  ended. 

^'       J 

for  the  rebound. 

Ernie  Starks  positions  himself 

physically  played  quarter. 
Both  teams'  offense  was 
ragged  with  many  turnovers 
forced  by  both  clubs'  good 

North  Side  bulged  its  lead 
to  58-48  with  3:51  left  in  the 
game  before  Elmhurst  came 
cruising  back,  scoring  seven 
unanswered  points.  The 
Trojans  narrowed  North's 
lead  to  62-60  with  about  one 
minute  left.  That  was  as 
close  as  the  Trojans  could 
get      as      the      Redskins 

outscored    Elmhurst    5-1   in 

the  last  minute  of  play  and 

the  game  ended  at  67-61  in 

favor  of  North  Side. 

Things  look  up 

The  Trojans  took  out  their 
frustration  the  following 
evening  on  Huntington, 
beating  them  67-63 
Sophomore  Ernie  Starks 
kept  the  slow  starting 
Trojans  in  the  game  during 
the  first  period  scoring 
seven  straight  points  and  | 
I  ine  of  Elmhurst's  13, 
before  his  teammates  picked 
up  the  scoring  slack. 

Elmhurst  raised  its  record  SOPHOMORE  ERNIE  STARKS 
to    15-3    by    trouncing    Nevi  GOES  UP  for  two  over  North  Side's 
Haven  last  Friday  evening  Dwisht  Thomas. 

6S-67  M  Aectio*iid  fri^ 


9  nee 


March  5.  1975 

by  Kevin  Lee 

The  sectional  "jinx" 
struck  Elmhurst  again  as 
the  Trojans  fell  to  the 
Homestead  Spartans  in 
overtime  last  Wednesday 

A  desperation  shot  made 
by  Philip  Keipper  just  as  the 
buzzer  sounded  gave 
Homestead  the  victory  and 
ousted  Elmhurst  in  its  first 
sectional  game.  Only  the 
1  970-7  1  Elmhurst 
basketball  team  has  won  a 
sectional  title  in  the  past  44 
years  of  the  high  school's 

A  combination  of  good 
man-to-man  press,  led  by 
senior  Keith  Bradtmiller 
and  sophomore  Ernie 
Starks.  along  with  the  super 
shooting  of  Ray  Reese  were 
the  main  reasons  for  the 
Trojans  jumping  out  to  a 
quick  20-10  lead  by  the  end 
of  the  first  quarter. 

Momentum  shifted  to  the 
Homestead  side  as  the 
Spartans  outscored 
Elmhurst  22-14. 

(cont.  on  p.  3) 

by  Verne  Meyers 

Senior  Raymond  Reese 
helped  his  team  win  the  SAC 
championship,  was  one  of 
four  teammates  to  have  an 
average  in  double  figures, 
was  supposedly  too  short  for 
basketball  and  chased  John 
Dormans  of  Concordia  all 
year  for  the  SAC  point 

Team  effort,  however, 
proved  this  year  to  be  the 
day,  as  was  evidenced  by  the 
team's  record.  Such  was 
Ray's  concentration  in  this 
area,  he  didn't  realize  he  had 
a  chance  for  the  city  point 
championship.. .until  one 
week  before  the  Concordia- 
Elmhurst  game.  Elmhurst 
won  that  one  and  the  next 
game  at  Mississinewa— and 
so  did  Ray  Reese  win  his 

In  regard  to  his  total 
performance.  Ray  gives 
credit  to  his  teammates. 
"They're  the  ones  who  really 
did  it.  They  gave  me  the  ball 
and  let  me  shoot."  During 
the  whole  season,  Ray  didn't 
(cont.  on  p.  2) 

16-  Sports 

Elmhurst  gymnasts  lose  to  Snider;  defeat  North  Side 

The  Elmhurst  girl' 
gymnastic  team  was  foiled 
by  Snider,  Feb.  5,  in  the 
Trojan  gymnasium. 

The  Trojan  gymnasts 
faced  the  toughest  team  in 
the  city  and  did  rather  well 
considering  Snider 's 
previous  records.  Elmhurst 
trailed  slightly  after 
vaulting  and  unevens  in  all 
three  levels  of  competition. 
The  optional  level 
experienced  a  disadvantage 
in  the  uneven  bars  as  EHS 

had  only  one  girl's  score  for 
the  total.  Thus  Snider 
garnered  many  points  by 
having  a  fuU  event  with 
three  gymnasts. 

The  Trojans  narrowed  the 
lead  down  after  balance 
beam,  scoring  well  in  this 
area.  But  the  floor  exercise 
once  again  was  dominated 
by  the  Panthers.  After  a 
tough  battle  Elmhurst  faced 
defeat  but  with  a  very  good 

The    Trojan    gymnasts 

proved  victorious,  however, 
over  the  North  Side 
Redskins  Feb.  12  at  a  home 
meet.  The  gymnasts  really 
put  on  a  fine  show  as  they 
racked  up  a  considerable 
score  over  North. 

The  team  swept  vaulting. 
They  took  all  three  places  in 
beginning,   allowing  onlj 

two  North  Side  gymnasts  to 
place  in  intermediate  and 
optional.  Jan  Dowling 
placed  first  in  beginning  and 
Karyn  Heiney  won  the 

Balance  successful 

The    balance    beam    was 
captured  by  Denise  Stein  in 

In  Our  New  Location 

"Be  the  best  dressed 
Come  to 

Juniors  3-15 
Missey  616 

Mon. -ThurslO-6 
Wed.  and  Fri.  10-9 
Saturdi:y  9  -  5 

Wayne  Ploio 
5905  BluffJon  Rood 

ed  in  your  doss"       .tJiff/ 

intermediate  and  Katy 
Young  in  beginning.  EHS 
took  several  other  places 
also.  The  floor  exercise  cartip 
through  in  fine  shape  this 
time.  Beginners  took  at] 
three  places  again,  jg^ 
Farris  scoring  high  to  take 
first  place.  Karyn  Heiney 
,  won  the  optional  floor  by  a 
considerable  margin  again 
Other  gymnasts  placed  also 
in  floor  exercise.  Uneven 
bars  saw  Katy  Young 
capture  the  blue  in 
beginning  and  Denise  Stein 
in  intermediate.  Several 
Trojans  took  seconds  and 

The  EHS  gymnastics 
team,  in  only  its  second 
year,  is  doing  quite  well  so 
far.  They  plan  to  keep  it  up 
for    the   remainder    of   the 

5959  as,  24  \Nesl 

\  FLOWERS  ...for     I 

every   occasion... 

15001    ARDMORE         | 

2 -Sports 




gives  you  something 
you  can  really  use 
for  your 

.     SAVIKJGS.' 

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aeecite  i>«o*i  pore- 

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^  I  0    neee  uKf 





•  Corapleie  in  Slock  Srrvife  • 

South-351 8  ftroadwoy  ~  Ph.:  744-5100 
North-1 935 1.  Stat*  -  Ph.:  484-51 1 7 

(cont.  from  p.  1) 
feel    that    pressure    would 
affect  his  performance  "if  I 
played  my  regular  game." 

The  game  at  Mississlnewa 
was  really  the  clincher, 

Coach  Eytcheson  said  that  if 
they  had  at  least  a  20-point 
lead  late  in  the  game,  they 
would  go  almost  exclusively 
to  Ray,  With  six  minutes 
left  in  the  contest,  Ray  got 
his  chance,  and  in  five 
minutes  he  was  taken  out 
after  achieving  his  goal. 

There  was  a  chance  that 
the  varsity  would  not  play, 
if  they  would  have  had  to 
play  a  Monday  night 
sectional.   However,  as  the 

luck  of  the  draw  would  have 
it,  combined  with  Ray 
Reese's  skill,  Elmhurst 
came  out  with  a  deserved 

\hSAA  sefs  regu/afions 

The  IHSAA  would  Lke  to  inform 
all  students  about  the  rules  per- 
taining to  eLgibility  and  when  a 
student  must  stop  playing  basket- 

1.     No  student  is  to  participate 

in  organized  or  formal  boys' 

basketball    games    between 

the  close  of  1 HS  A  A  Section- 



In  Our  New  Location 

"Sp  fhe  besf  dressed  m  your  class 
Come  fo 

Juniors  3-15 
Mi88ey6-16      M/lf 

Men.  -Thurs  10-6 
Wed,  and  Fri.  10-9 
Saturdt-y  9  •  5 

Woyne  Ploza 
5905  Bluffton  Rood 

dress  shop 

al  Basketball  Tournament 
and  Nov.  15  of  the  following 

There  is  to  be  no  organized 
or  formal  practice  between 
the  dat«  of  the  State  Finab 
and  Oct-  15  of  the  following: 
fall,  except  for  14  days  in  an 
approved  summer  basket- 
ball camp  or  approved 
coaches  clinic. 

Awards  may  be  accepted 
from  local  service  clubs,  pa- 
triotic organizations,  etc., 
provided  no  advertisement, 
commercial  or  business  in- 
terest is  involved.  Such 
awards  must  be  of  symbolic 
value  and  have  the  consent 
of  the  principal  Principals 
should  review  entire  rules, 
questions  and  answers. 
Awards  to  coaches  should 

Before  participating  in 
All-Star  contest,  check 
first  with  the  Principal. 
Students  planning  to  repre- 
sent  their  school  in  athletics 
may  not  participate 
athletic  contest  on  any  other 
similar  team  during  the 
same  season.  Season  in  each 
sport  begins  12  calendar 
days  before  the  first  IHSAA 
authorized  school  contest. 




Vol.  36  No.  13 

March    17. 1975 



by  Nancy  Beadie 

The  work  begins  in  September  and  lasts  through 
March.  Colleges  must  be  contacted  repeatedly,  posters 
must  be  made  and  distributed,  programs  must  be 
designed  and  printed,  and  technicalities  must  be  worked 
out  and  carried  out.  The  responsibility  for  all  these  roles 
falls  to  the  music  department. 

The  annual  Ehnhurst  High  School  Jazz  Festival  which 
brings  in  approximately  200  participants  and  4,000 
spectators,  is  the  result  of  seven  months  of  work.  Three 
student  chairmen  coordinate  the  committees  which  will 
work  before  and  during  the  festival.  The  chairmen  of  the 
1975  festival  are  senior  Linda  Markey.  junior  Jim 
Yarborough,  and  sophomore  Sue  Taylor. 

The  participating  jazz  bands  need  to  be  informed  of  the 
program  and  the  date.  The  special  guest  and  his  band 



need  to  be  contracted,  and  then  comes  the  colleges  and 
high  schools.  This  involves  a  lot  of  paper  work,  Typing  is 
done  by  junior  Dave  Knox,  junior  Kim  Markey,  and  senior 
Linda  Markey. 
Publicity  major  undertaking 

The  project  of  putting  out  a  program  listing  the 
participating  bands  and  their  members  was  done  this  year 
by  senior  Linda  Whitton  and  junior  Sue  Marquis, 
members  of  the  Elmhurst  journalism  department  is  well 
as  the  band.  Senior  Dave  Rinehart  contracted 
advertisements  from  local  merchants.  This  year  the 
program  will  be  slightly  longer-28  pages  total.  There  will 
be  a  map  on  the  inside  of  the  back  cover  pointing  out  such 
things  as  restaurants  near  the  school.  The  front  cover  of 
the  program  is  a  trumpet  and  was  designed  by  Mrs, 
Randy  Brugh. 

(cont.  from  p.  1) 
the  quarter  before  Ray 
Reese  hit  a  pair  of  free 
throws  giving  the  Trojans 
the  lead  34-32  upon  entering 
the  dressing  room. 

The  third  period  opened 
with  Homestead  getting  its 
third  straight  jump-ball  tip. 
The  Spartans  trimmed 
Elmhurst's  lead  to  one  point 
by  the  end  of  the  period,  42- 
41,  setting  the  stage  for  an 
exciting  fourth  quarter. 

Elmhurst  gained  the  tip 
and  held  the  upper  hand 
until  about  the  2:00  mark  of 
the  fourth  period.  Leading 
58-53,  Elmhurst  made  the 
terrible  mistake  of  fouling 
Homestead  guard  Jim 
Haifley,  who  in  turn  sank 
two  free  throws,  narrowing 
the  Trojan  lead  to  58-55. 
Two  more  free  throws  made 
by  Homestead  narrowed  the 
lead  further  to  58-57  with 
1:09  left  before  senior  Dave 
Campbell  hit  a  free  throw. 
The  Spartans  came  right 
back  and  were  fouled  again. 
They  connected  on  both 
ends  of  a  very  crucial  one- 
and-one  shot  tying  the  score 
at  59-59  with  0i28  seconds 

The  Trojans  had  some 
trouble  getting  the  ball 
down  the  floor,  but  finally 
manged  to  get  it  across  the 
10-second  line  before  calling 

time  out  with  (D:07  seconds 
left  in  the  game.  Following 
the  time  out,  the  ball  came 
in  to  Ray  Reese,  who  was 
boxed  in  the  corner  and  took 
a  30-foot  desperation  shot  as 
the  buzzer  sounded.  The 
quarter  ended  at  59-59 
sending  the  game  into  a  3:00 
overtime  period. 

The  two  teams  traded 
baskets  for  the  first  minute 
and  a  half  until  Homestead's 
free  throw  shooting  put 
them  into  the  lead  66-63 
with  1:24  to  go  in  the  game. 
The  Trojans  came  right  back 
down  the  floor  with  Ray 
Walker  getting  fouled.  Ray 
hit  his  first  free  throw,  then 
Homestead  called  time  out. 
After  the  timeout.  Ray 
Walker  came  back  and 
under  great  pressure  hit  his 
second  free  throw,' 

narrowing  the  Spartan  lead 
to  66-65  with  less  than  a 
minute  left.  The  Elmhurst 
defense  then  came  to  life 
with  the  Reese  brothers 
stealing  the  ball.  Again  Ray 
Walker  played  the  main  role 
when  he  hit  an  8-foot  base- 
line jump  shot  to  give 
Elmhurst  the  lead  67-66 
with  0:29  seconds  left.  The 
Trojan  defense  again 
prevailed  when  Ernie  Starks 
intercepted  a  Homestead 
pass.  He  then  passed  the 
ball  to  Ray  Reese  who  was 

then  fouled  with  0:16  left. 
Ray  missed  his  first  shot 
and  Homestead  grabbed  the 
rebound  calling  time  out. 
Homestead  had  much 
trouble  getting  the  ball  up 
court  when  it  appeared  that 
a  Spartan  guard  was 
trapped  at  the  ten-second 
line.  The  Spartan  guard  got 
his  pass  off  to  a  teammate 
just  in  time.  Homestead  got 
two  shots  off,  missing  both 
but  grabbing  the  rebounds. 
The  third  shot  taken  by 
Homestead's  reserve  center 
Philip  Keipper,  with 
practically  no  time  left,  went 
in  as  the  buzzer  sounded, 
giving  Homestead  the 
victory  68-67. 

Elmhurst  fans  could  not 
believe  what  had  happened. 
Some  showed  their  anger 
after  the  game,  others  cried, 
and  still  others  just  stared 
in  utter  disbelief  at  the 
suddenness  with  which  the 
game  ended. 

When  interviewed  the 
next  day,  Coach  Kenny 
Eytcheson  declared.  "Our 
kids  took  it  like  men. 
Remember  this  group  for 
what  they  did  during  the 
year. "  The  only  thing  for  the 
Trojans  to  do,  according  to 
Coach  Eytcheson,  is,  "Close 
the  chapter,  close  the  book, 
and  start  a  new  chapter  next 

3-  Sports 


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II  you  are  15  or  ovef.  learn  lo  drive 
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Elmhurat  boeta  dty  SC'a 

Thursday,  March  6.  Elmhurst 
hosted  o  City  Wide  Student 
Council  meeting  in  the  teachers' 
cafeteria.  Every  school  within  the 
Fort  Wayne  Community  School 
System  was  invited. 

StIVdflnt  Council  President, 
senior  Derek  Paris,  presided  over 
the  meeting.  Coordinator  of  human 
development  for  the  FWCS,  J. 
Webb  Morton  and  representatives 
from  North  Side,  Northrop.  South 
Side  and  Snider  attended. 

The  main  topics  of  discussion 
were  Black  History  week  and 
Brotherhood  week,  and  how  to 
improve  them  in  the  various 
schools  in  the  future. 

Honors  program  in  planning 

Plans  are  now  being  completed 
for  the  1975  honors  program.  On 
April  16.  116  outstanding  juniors 
and  sophomores  will  be  recognized 
for  scholastic  achievement. 

Principal's  list  students  will 
receive  pins  and  certificates  and 
honor  roll  students  will  receive 
certificates.  Approximately  260 
parents  are  expected. 

Fourteen  days  later,  on  April  30, 
seniors  with  equivalent  honorary 
status  will  be  recognized  at  the 
third     annual     Senior     Honors 

Banquet.  Mrs.  Dinah  Cashman  will 
act  as  mistress  of  ceremonies. 
Along  with  the  senior  semester 
honors,  high  school  career  honor 
and  cumulative  GPA  honor 
presentations  will  be  made. 

Approximately  56  seniors  wilt  be 
honored   with   the  free   meal  and 
parents  and  other  guests  will  be 
included  for  a  small  price. 
Fair  understudy  in  English  dept. 

Mr.  Kenny  Eytcheson  has  a 
student  teacher  this  year,  Mrs. 
Diane  Stone  claims  as  her  alma 
mater  Purdue  University,  and  is  a 
native  of  Virginia,  Mrs.  Stone  is 
the  mother  of  two  little  girls.  Holly 

and  Heather 

Mrs.  Stone  intends  to  follow  a 
career  in  high  school  English, 

Mr.  Robey  Taylor  will  be  student 
teaching  through  May  9  under  Mr. 
Robert  Storey  of  the  EngLsh 
department.  Mr,  Taylor  is  a  senior 
at  Purdue  University  at  West 
Lafayette,      where      he      is      a 


communications  major, 

Communications  of  speech  is 
classified  as  EngUsh  at  EHS.  but 
at  Purdue  it  is  classified  as  part  of 
humanities,   Mr,   Taylor   attended 


Southern  Wells  High  School. 
Because  speech  was  not  available 
for  him  in  high  school,  he  didn't 
take  his  first  class  in  it  until  his 
freshman  year  in  college, 

Mr.  Taylor  arrived  March  10  at 

Chamber  honors  top  5% 

Mayor  Ivan  Lebamoff  was  the 
honored  guest  and  main  speaker  at 
the  second  annual  Chamber  of 
Commerce  Honors  Student 
luncheon  March  11. 

Part  of  the  top  6  per  cent  of  the 
senior  class  from  all  Allen  County 
schools  attended,  along  with  their 
sponsors,  members  of  the  area 
business  community.  Those  seniors 
representing  Elmhurst  were  Lynn 
Brown,  Mike  Duray,  Greg 
Hershberger,  Linda  Maldeney, 
Steve  Morgan,  Nancy  Raney  and 

Pamm  Williams. 

Tomorrow  and  March  25  will  be 
dates  for  additional  luncheons  to 
include  additional  members  of  the 
top  percentage. 

Tomorrow  the  Chamber  of 
Commerce  will  host  Terry  Brutton, 
Bev  Free,  Vicki  Humbarger,  Linda 
Markey.  Linda  Panyard  and  Dave 
Rinehart  On  the  Tuesday  guest 
list  will  be  Cris  Cary,  Don  Georgi. 
Liz  Kerns,  HoUy  Miller,  Don 
Pinnick  and  Cheryl  Taylor. 
EHS  evaluation  begins 

For  those  students  who  are 
interested,  the  purpose  in  the 
recent  series  of  North  Central 
Evaluation  questionnaires  is  to 
give  the  committees  that  are 
summarizing  student  information 
a  basis  for  their  studies. 

All      students. 


seniors,  have  been  participating  jq 
the  questionnaires  during  the  past 
several  homeroom  periods. 

The  actual  evaluation,  done 
periodically  in  all  area  schools,  wi]] 
be  done  by  the  committee  next 
January  on  the  basis  of  the  survey 
material  and  actual  school 

I        10%  OFF     1 

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38»      S*i>dpaiDI  Read.  Fori  Wijut.  Ind 

u*  48809.  h 

■  cnnUiin  «ltli  U>e  pcUdH  aiid  RnUtUiiH  fu  hl(h  tbo 

ol  ippniVHl  b)  Ihr  Boanl  ot  TruilH 

at  Ihr  Fori  Wtyor  Otmaaoily  SchooU 

MHTlplk.  pric  U  UM  p«  ,«,.  a-  p«  ^al> 

«p»    S«o>d  dM  ffo*Ul.  pM  • 

Custom     Picture    Framing 

411  Web  Stract  743-U4I 


New  and  Used  Government  Surplus 
Sock  Pocks  -  Comping  Supplies  -  Boots  -  Field  Jockeis 

4  -  Feature 

Teens  buy  used  cars  l-^r-] 

Many     of     America's     youth     windows,    and    lock    and    seat  ^tVlJ 

Many  of  America's  youth 
between  the  ages  of  16  and  19  own 
cars.  It  is  reasonable  to  assume 
that  the  majority  of  these 
teenagers  could  not  afford  to 
purchase  new  cars  and  so  resorted 
to  shopping  for  used  automobiles. 

Consumer  Reports  magazine  and 
authorities  on  automobiles 
generally  agree  that  the 
advantages  of  buying  at  a  new  car 
dealership  usually  outweigh  those 
of  buying  from  a  private  party  or 
those  businesses  engaged  solely  in 
dealing  with  second-hand 

After  a  shopper  has  seen  a  car 
that  appeals  to  him.  there  are  many 
things  he  may  do  to  determine  if  it 
is  a  good  buy.  He  can  get  a  general 
idea  of  whether  it  b  reasonably 
good  by  examining  the  conditions 
of  the  paint,  upholstery,  floor,  and 
tires  ■  aU  basic  signs  of  how  well  the 
car  has  been  cared  for. 

But,  in  addition  to  this,  the 
consumer  is  well  off  to  make  some 
tests  in  its  working  order.  Before 
starting  the  engine,  brake  pressure. 

indows,  and  lock  and  seat 
adjustments  can  be  checked.  After 
operating  ignition,  smoothness  of 
start,  steering  stability,  and 
gauges  and  warning  Lights  should 
be  examined. 

The  prospective  purchase  should 
always  be  taken  for  a  drive  prior  to 
any  payment.  The  car  should  be 
driven  in  both  forward  and  reverse. 
and  if  the  transmission  is  manual, 
all  gears  should  be  tested.  At  this. 
the  driver  should  not  find  any 
jerking  or  grabbing.  For  an 
indication  of  what  condition  the 
engine  is  in  the  purchaser  can 
accelerate  quickly  and  look  for  a 
fast,  smooth  pick-up.  Likewise,  the 
brakes  should  respond  quickly 
without  swerving  or  scraping  or 
grinding  sounds. 

A  used  car  buyer  should  expect 
to  spend  some  money  after  the 
purchase,  but  he  should  also  be 
aware  of  the  above-mentioned 
things,  because  they  can  be  costly 
to  repair  and  are  important  in 
deciding  whether  the  car  will  be  a 
'lemon'  or  not. 


How  to 

Three  of  the  most  common 
sudden  problems  encountered  by 
drivers  today  are  flat  tires,  battery 
failure  and  radiator  malfunction. 

A  flat  tire  victim  should 
remember  to  put  the  transmission 
in  park  (or  gear  if  it  is  manual), 
engage  the  emergency  brake,  and 
begin  loosening  the  nuts  which 
hold  the  wheel  in  place(lug  nuts). 
These  are  much  easier  to  loosen  if 
an  X-shaped  'ug  wrench  is  used 
instead  of  the  "L  "  shaped  tire  iron 
supplied  by  the  manufacturer. 

The  jack  base  should  be 
anchored  on  firm  flat  ground  or 
pavement.  The  diagram  posted  by 
the  spare  tire  should  tell  where  on 
the  bumper  to  place  the  jack  hook. 
The  bumper  can  also  be  examined 
for  an  indentation  for  this  purpose. 

Process  completed 

Once  the  jack  is  in  place,   the 

JOHN    BOICE    DRIVES    to 
school  in  his  dark  green  Chevrolet 

Malibu  which  is  pictured  here. 

direction  switch,  located  on  the 
jack,  should  be  moved  to  the  UP 
position.  By  pumping  the  jack 
handle  slowly  |the"'L"  shaped  lug 
wrench  doubles  as  the  jack  handle), 
the  car  can  be  Lfted  enough  off  the 
ground  to  get  the  spare  tire  into 
place.  The  flat  tire  can  now  be 
removed  and  the  spare  tire  fitted 
over  the  exposed  bolts.  The  lug 
nuts  then  must  be  screwed  on  and 
slightly  tightened.  With  the 
direction  switch  on  the  jack  turned 
back  to  the  DOWN  position,  the 
car  can  be  lowered  to  one  or  two 
inches  from  the  ground  where,  with 
lug  wrench  and  the  weight  of  the 
body,  the  nuts  are  securely 
tightened.  Finally,  the  car  can  be 
lowered  completely.  During  the 
whole  process,  everyone  should  be 
kept  away  from  the  car. 

Coping  with  a  bad  battery 

A  car  suffering  from  a  dead 
battery  can  be  temporarily  charged 
or  jumped  from  the  battery  of 
another   car.    For    this,    a    pair   of 

.^  ^   ^     5< 

lunior  trio  chosen  as  EHS  delegates  /., ,,.  .^„_3^  c. 

u=.n  chosen  as  1975  delegates  to     ^^^^^^W     /T  ^     . ,      , '^'^^.^^^^        ,      ,.„      ^orkinn     .*%  if  CV^C  mRM  Al.  WEAR 

Juniors  Betsy  Barber.  Claudia 
Johnson  and  Melissa  Hunter  have 
,^n  chosen  as  1975  delegates  to 
Hoosier  Girls'  State. 

The  three,  chosen  by  Mrs. 
Anderson  through 

lecommendations  from  social 
studies  teachers,  will  be  attending 
the  seminar  on  the  Indiana  State 
University  campus  in  Terre  Haute. 

Leadership,  character,  honesty 
and  scholarship  were  among  the 
quaUties  the  girls  concerned  were 
to  possess.  Mrs,  Anderson  sUrted 
with  near  20  names  and  narrowed  it 
down  to  the  three  chosen  delegates 
with,  as  she  stated,  "a  great 
amount  of  difficulty.-  Alternates 
for  the  girls,  also  chosen  from  that 
outstanding  junior  class,  were  Lori 
Rietdorf.  Linda  BeU.  and  Tammy 

Begimiing  June  15,  the  girls  wUl 
be  exposed  to  the  functions  of  state 
government  through  party. 
county,  state  and  city  offices.  Each 
girl  will  be  expected  to  compete  on 
any  of  the  various  levels  and  in  the 
capacity  of  the  office  she  attains, 

■Tm  really  looking  forward  to 
going."  stated  Claudia,  renecting 
the  attitudes  of  the  two  other  girls 

Staying  on  campus  through  June 
20,  the  delegates  will  be  put  in 
touch  with  the  duties,  rights,  and 
responsibilities  of  American 

Summing  it  aU  up.  Betsy  said 
she  saw  the  workshop  as  a  great 
opportunity  to  increasi 
knowledge  of  the  working 
government  in  case  she  grows  up  to 
be  ''president  or  something." 

Financial  sponsoring  of  the 
program  is  through  the  American 
Legion  Auxiliary  and  EHS  faculty 

TATIVES, from  left  to  right. 
Betsy  Barber.  Claudia  Johnson, 
and  Melissa  Hunter. 



%  Off  on  All  Winter  Stock 

"B**  the  best  dressi 
Come  fo 

Juniors  3-15 

Mieaey  6-16 

sed  in  your  doss"      itgAlr 

dress  shop 

Mon.  -  Fri.  10-9 
Saturday  9  ■  5 


gives  you  something  ^ 

vou  can  really  use 
£   fopyoup 

%     SAyiKJGSj 


A    UJKi 

Fou<.  Pi«i<:e 

^2.0  «"' 


.  Complete  in  Stock  Scivice  • 

South-351 8  Broadwoy  -  Ph.!  '**-?  J™ 
North-1935I.St<it«-Ph.!  484-51 17 


FLOAT!  This  car  is 
commonly  called  a  boat  by 
young  drivers. 

Drivers  need 
car  insurance 

.  a  troubled  car 

jumper  cables  are  necessary.  With 
these  the  positive  poles  of  both  cars 
con  be  connected  while  the  car  with 
the  good  battery  is  still  running. 
The  engine  of  the  bad  car  should 
then  be  turned  over  while  the 
person  owning  the  operating  car 
races  his  engine.  When  the  car  is 
started,  the  cables  should  be 
removed  one  at  a  time.  While  a 
battery  is  being  jumped,  no  one 
should  be  smoking  near  by  and  no 
one  should  peer  into  or  grab  a 
charging  battery.  If  the  battery  has 
been  jumped  often,  it's  probably 
time  for  a  new  battery. 

The  radiator  is  responsible  for 
drawing  off  the  great  amount  of 
heat  a  running  engine  generates.  It 
is  located  just  behind  the  grill  and 
should    always    be    filled    with 

unsoftened  water  or  the 
appropriate  mixture  of  antifreeze 
for  winter.  The  hoses  that  lead  to 
and  from  the  radiator  should  be 
replaced  if  they  are  musty  or 
cracked   and   brittle.    Small   leaks 

directly  from  the  radiator  can  often 
be  stopped  with  a  leak-seaUng 
mixture  on  sale  at  most  service 
stations.  If  a  radiator  leak  is 
naglected.  it  will  enlarge  and 
require  expensive  soldering. 

Precautions  to  be  taken 

The  engine  of  a  car  should  never 
be  run  if  the  radiator  is  empty  The 
heat  produced  by  an  uncooled 
engine  can  hterally  fuse  the  moving 
parts  of  a  motor.  Very  important  is 
the  rule  that  a  radiator  cap  should 
not  be  removed  if  the  engine  is  even 
warm.  The  car  should  be  shut  off 
and  have  cooled  for  at  least  ten 
minutes  before  the  cap  is 
cautiously  loosened.  Severe  burns 
can  result  from  contact  with  the 
high  pressure  steam  of  a  hot 


ITS  PLACE  on   the  parking  lot. 

This     Volksiranen     is     owned     by 

Once  home  from  the  car 
insurance  company  with  folders, 
pamphlets  and  the  salesman's 
voice  still  ringing  in  the  ears,  one 
may  begin  to  wonder  what  the  man 

First  of  all.  Indiana  state  law 
does  not  require  that  a  person  be 
insured,  only  that  he  be  able  to  post 
bond  should  he  be  arrested. 
Nevertheless,  a  license  can  be 
revoked  and  money  deducted  from 
wages  if  there  is  a  suit  against  an 
uninsured  driver,  so  it's  a  good  idea 
for  one  to  carry  at  least  minimal  car 

The  minimum  policy  most 
companies  sell  is  liability  coverage 
of  S15.000  per  person.  S30.000  per 
accident  and  510.000  for  property 
damage.  Liability  covers  only 
injury  and  damage  to  other  people 
and  their  property,  not  that  of  the 
insured.  For  a  17  year-old  male  who 
passed  driver's  education,  it  costs 

between  S130  and  S160  per  year. 
For  females,  the  cost  per  year  is 
between  S70  and  S90, 

Medical  insurance  covers  the 
insured  in  case  of  injury.  It  comes 
in  many  different  values  from 
SI, 000  up.  This  will  cover  any 
medical  bills  incurred  from  a 

Tape  players 

To  cover  himself  and  his  car,  an 
insurance  buyer  needf 

comprehensive  and  medica 
insurance,  Comprehensivt 
insurance  covers  the  insured  car 
against  natural  disaster  and 
vandahsm,  A  tape  player,  however, 
may  not  be  included  in  the 
coverage.  Most  clauses  ol 
vandalism  comprehensive  policies 
apply  only  to  factory  installed 
players.  For  some  buyers,  stereo- 
tape  player  coverage  is  necessary 
and  runs  about  SIO  per  year. 







jean  jackets 


dress  slacks 

knit  tops 

baggie  tops 



OPEN  EVENINGSTILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  12:00  70  5:00 

To  the  Editor: 

Having  just  read  an  editorial  in 
the  Feb.  20  issue  of  the  Advance, 
and  personally  being  aware  of  the 
consequences  of  the  policy 
mentioned.  I  must  wholeheartedly 
concur  with  the  editorial 
concerning  the  questioning  of  the 
attendance  policies  of  this  school. 
Although  regular  attendance  is 
admittedly  desirable  for  students, 
when  a  person  is  unable  to  attend 
for  Q  reason  that  is  beyond  his 
control  (i.e.,  accident,  illness,  etc.), 
it   is   unfair  and   unreasonable   to 

Attendance  issue  recapped 


penalize   him   scholastically   for  a 
physical  handicap. 

One  would  think  that  the 
ridiculousness  of  the  circumstances 
mentioned  would  banish  the 
possibility  of  these  situations  from 
happening.  Unfortunately,  this  is 
not  always  the  case.  Instances 
have  happened  this  year  where 
students'  grades  have  been 
sustantially  dropped;  in  one 
particular  case  a  student  was  kept 
off  the  honor  roll  because  of  this 
type  of  thinking,  even  though  he 
had    superior    average    in    grade 



The  time  has  come  to  bring  our 
attendance  ratings  system  (and  the 
sequential  effect  on  the  grade)  out 
of  the  Dark  Ages  and  at  least  gel  it 
into  this  century.  In  a  time  when 
our  school  drives  us  harder,  and 
pounds  into  us  the  concept  of 
achieving,  of  doing  better,  isn't  it 
about  time  to  ask  the 
administration  to  practice  what  it 

Tom  Young 

To  The  Editor: 

This  may  seem  trivial  to  many 
people  in  the  school,  but  there  are 
enough  people  in  the  school  in 
agreement  with  me  to  warrant 
writing  this  letter. 

Every  time  I  try  to  use  a 
restroom  between  classes  (or 
during  lunchl  I  find  wall-to-wall 
people  in  a  room  so  thick  with 
smoke  that  it  is  virtually 
impossible  for  a  non-smoker  to 
breathe.  This  is  due,  in  part,  to  the 
lack  of  a  more  suitable  place  to 
smoke,  and  in  a  larger  part,  an 
unspoken  policy  on  the  part  of  the 

I  believe  that  if  the 
administration  continues  to  allow 
this  situation  to  ejust,  they  should 
at  least  take  into  consideration  the 
non-smokers  and  their  rights.  I  feel 
that  one  (I  don't  want  much) 
bathroom  somewhere  in  the  school 
should  be  thoroughly  policed  so 
that  non-smokers  could  use  a 
restroom  without  a  gas  mask. 


6 -New 


NEED  A  NEW    I 






Sectionals  to  begin 

EHS  solo  speech  team  will  begin 
sectional  competition  March  9, 
Those  placing  in  the  top  eight  of 
this  contest  in  each  event  will 
advance  to  regtonals  to  be  held  at 

Career  clinic  at  YWCA 

"How  do  I  find  a  job?"  is  a 
question  facing  almost  everyone 
nowadays,  but  especially  young 

On  Saturday,  March  22,  from  9 
a.m.  to  12:30  p.m.,  the  answers  to 
this  question  and  many  others 
concerning      job      possibilities 

available  to  the  young  females  of 
Fort  Wayne  and  Allen  County  will 
be  explored. 

The  Young  Women's  Christian 
Association  of  Fort  Wayne  is 
sponsoring  this  clinic  to  be  held  at 
the  YWCA,  located  at  325  W. 

To  register  for  the  clinic,  those 
interested  are  requested  to  send  SI 
for  YWCA  members  or  S1.50  for 
non-members  to  Jane  Kruse, 
YWCA.  325  W.Wayne  St.,  Fort 
Wayne,  Also  included  should  be 
name,  address,  phone  number  and 
school.  Deadline  for  registration  is 
March  20. 

Relations  discussed 

While  the  greater  part  of  the 
student  body  was  sleeping  in, 
cleaning  house,  running  errands  or 
otherwise  enjoying  the  day  off, 
Elmhurst  faculty  administration 
and  staff  participated  in  the  second 
of  Elmhurst's  Human  Relations 
Days.  On  Feb.  12,  the  faculty 
assembled  for  the  workshop  geared 
toward  improving  interpersonal 
staff  relationships.  Mr.  Dick 
Hendricks,  director  of  the  South 
Bend  Human  Relations 

Department,  was  the  guest  speaker 
for  what  the  majority  of  the  faculty 
felt  was  a  worthwhile  session. 

Dean  s 

jctfi  Rotarian 

Every  month  throughout  the 
year,  a  student  is  chosen  from  the 
senior  class  as  Junior  Rotarian, 
This  month  Derek  Paris  holds  the 

Derek  will  attend  a  luncheon 
each  Monday  afternoon  where  he 
will  meet  and  discuss  business 
matters  with  men  from  Fori 
Wayne's  occupational  districts. 

Derek  was  interviewed  for  the 
honor  along  with  other  EHS 
students  by  Mr.  William  Geyer, 
and  was  chosen  on  the  basis  ol 
leadership,  gratJes.  neatness  and 
good  representation  of  Elmhurst- 




HI!  I'm  All 

And  I'd  like  to  invite  you 
Trojans  to  try  one  of 
our  famous  breakfasts   ., 
lunches  ..  or  dinners 



Al's  Restaurant 

2519  L,  Huntington  Road  747-902'1 

Festival  features 

5  -  Feature 

Ferguson  , , . 

and  his  trumpet 

Publicity  is  a  major  part  of  the 
work  involved  before  the  night  of 
the  event.  Posters  displaying  a 
picture  of  Maynard  Ferguson,  the 
featured  guest  this  year,  are 
circulated  through  the  Fort  Wayne 
area.  The  line  design  of  the  poster 
was  done  by  Mrs.  Randy  Brugh. 
Sophomore  Matt  Tyler  and  senior 
Cathy  Gary  also  worked  on  the 
posters  along  with  Mr.  Don  Goss  of 
the  art  department.  To  further  the 
publicity,  members  of  the  Elmhurst 
Jazz  Band  traveled  to  surrounding 

high  schools  and  talked  to  their 
music  groups  encouraging  them  to 

Junior  Diane  Lupke  is  in  charge  of 
ticket  sales.  Proceeds  help  pay  off 
sununer  band  camp  and  the  band 
tour.  An  aU  session  ticket  costs 
$7.50,  college  night  $3,  high  school 
day  $2  and  the  ticket  for  Saturday 
night  when  Maynard  Ferguson 
plays  costs  $5.  Seats  can  be  reserved 
every  day  except  Saturday,  high 
school  day,  for  an  extra  charge  of  $1. 

A    large    group    of    people    is 

necessary  to  make  the  festival  run 
smoothly  Friday  night  and  all 
Saturday.  There  will  be  guides, 
ushers,  set-up  crews,  and  secretaries 
to  aid  the  judges  working  all  the 
time.  Senior  Jim  Theye  will  be 
managing  the  lighting  and  senior 
Dave  Silletto  will  be  the  M.C. 
announcing  the  bands. 

The  feature  of  the  1975  festival  is 
Maynard  Ferguson  who  plays  the 
trumpet.  The  drummer  from  his 
accompanying  orchestra,  John  Von 
Ohlan,  will  play  with  the  Elmhurst 
Jazz  Band  on  Friday  night. 

Saturday  afternoon,  Ferguson's 
orchestra  members  will  stage  clinics 
for  the  participants.  They  will  be 
divided  into  groups  according  to  the 

instruments  they  play. 

The  festival  opens  Friday,  March 
21,  at  7:30  for  "College  Night". 
Entertaining  will  be  the  Elmhurst 
Jazz  Band,  Ball  State  Jazz 
Ensemble,  Indiana  State  Jazz 
Ensemble,  lU-Purdue  of  Fort 
Wayne  Jazz  Ensemble,  University 
of  Michigan  Jazz  Ensemble  and 
Synergy  -  a  combo  including  Ken 
Rarick,  a  '74  graduate  of  Elmhurst. 

Saturday,  March  22,  from  9  to  4, 
20  midwest  high  school  jazz 
ensembles  will  play.  7:30  that  night, 
the  winner  of  the  day  in  high  school 
competition  will  play  followed  by 
the  Ebnhurst  Jazz  Band.  Then 
Maynard  Ferguson  will  complete 
the  week-end  of  music. 



WHITTON  cencantTVtai 
on  tti*  diiisn  far  Ida 
fatHvol  program. 

MARQUIS  WORKS  on  th* 
program  for  tho 
Eimhunt  Jm  Foithol. 


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Production  successful  for  many 

Junior  Sarah  Stewart  and  senior 
John  Seabold  recently  assisted  in 
the  production  of  "In  White 
America"  in  the  EHS  gym,  While 
Sarah  controlled  lighting  (and 
sound)  and  John  exhibited  about 
80  of  his  own  slides  as  background, 
arl,  teacher  Don  Goss  directed  and 
acted  in  the  play.  EHS  grads  Beth 
Miller  and  Lee  Butler  also 

According  to  Mr.  Goss,  the 
turnout  was  surprisingly  great, 
especially  from  the  black 
community,  and  almost  everyone 
involved  has  received  fan  mail  for 
their  efforts. 

Four  Elmhurst  students  won 
t>ECA  contests  in  district 
competition  and  will  advance  to  the 

state  meet  March  16-18  in  French 
Lick.  They  are  Tom  Sonday.  first  in 
public  speaking;  Sue  Eloph,  second 
"1  business   letter  writing;    Doug 


OPBM  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS   A    WEEK 

Bowman,  third  in  radio  commercial 
writing:  and  Pam  Reyburn,  third  in 
advertising  layout.  Also  placing 
with  honorable  mention  in  the 
district  were  Jackie  Fowlkes,  Patty 
Miller.  Tom  Gaham,  and  Roy 
Artists  compete 

Receiving  honorable  mention  for 
their  outstanding  artistic 
endeavors  in  the  annual  scholastic 
Art  Contest  were  juniors  Greg 
Allen,  Dawn  AUes  and  Paula  Doty, 
and  seniors  Cathy  Gary,  John 
Seabold  and  Jim  Theye.  Receiving 
gold  keys  were  junior  Anne 
Cummings  and  seniors  Marty  Kelly 
and  Dave  Silletto.  However,  only 
gold  key  finalists  junior  Marty 
Petit  and  senior  John  Seabold's 
works  will  be  sent  to  New  York  for 
further  competition.  AH  of  the 
works  were  on  display  through 
March  1,  at  L.  S.  Ayres  (down- 
town), Ayres,  along  with  the  Fort 
Wayne  News  Sentinel  is  one  of  the 
local  sponsors  of  the  contest. 



A/lay  Sfone  & 
Sand   \r\c. 

Results  (^nnounced 

The  Elmhurst  AFS  raised  near 
S120  on  their  Feb.  22  paper  drive. 

The  effort  was  the  club's  second 
for  theyear  with  about  20  members 
participating.  Residents  in 
Westgate.  Indian  Village, 
Westmoor  and  Wildwood  donated 
papers  and  Allen  County  Motors 
and  Hertz  donated  the  use  of  their 

Festival  tickets  available 

Members  of  Elmhurst's  music 
department  are  now  selling  tickets 
to  the  sixth  annual  EHS  Jazz 
Festival  g,cheduled  for  March  2 1-22. 

Prices  for  tickets  have  been 
listed  at  S3  for  the  Friday,  March 
21,  performance,  S2  for  Saturday. 
March  22,  high  school  competition 
during  the  day.  and  for  the  evening 
show  featuring  Maynard  Ferguson, 
tickets  are  on  sale  for  S5.  All- 
session  tickets  are  also  being  sold 

Charity  concert  Friday 

A  rock  concert  featuring 
"Again"  will  begin  at  8  p.m.  this 
Friday  night  in  Southside  High 
School's  auditorium,  Doors  will 
open  at  7: 15  with  tickets  selling  for 
52  per  person. 

Mike  Manning,  leader  of  the 
■'Again"  rock  group,  has 
announced  that  a  portion  of  the 
proceeds  from  the  concert  will  go  to 
the  Alien  County  Cancer  Society  to 
assist  the  agency  in  fighting  cancer 
in  our  community. 
Musicians  kept  busy 

Elmhurst's  music  department 
has  been  kept  busy  performing 
here  and  also  out  of  town. 

Saturday.  Feb.  22,  the  EHS  Jazz 
bands  competed  in  an  all  day  jazz 
festival  at  Crown  Point.  While  at 
this  festival,  junior  Verne  Myers 
was  awarded  a  first  for  his  solo  sax 

An  afternoon  orchestra  concert 
was  presented  Sunday.  Feb,  23,  in 
the  EHS  gym.   Micheal  WeUs,   a 

Custom     Picfure    Framing 

411  WtlflStrMt  743>flB4l 

member  of  the  Fort  Wayne 
Philharmonic,  was  a  featured  guest 

A  choral  festival  has  been 
scheduled  for  April  13  at  2r30  p.m. 
in  the  gym.  Feeder  schools  will  be 
joining  the  Elmhurst  choir  in  a 
small  music  program. 

Committee  forms 

Juniors  Carol  Quance  and  Lori 
Rietdorf  were  recently  chosen  co- 
chairmen  of  the  prom  committee  to 
head  plans  for  the  1975  affair.  The 
committee  met  for  an  organiza- 
tional meeting  after  schooi  Feb.  25. 








Baseball  preview 
looks  favorable 

Mike's  Side 

by  Mike  LaDdrigan 

With  only  three  starters 
back  from  last  year's 
sectional  and  regional 
championship  team,  some 
might  say  that  this  would  be 
a  rebuilding  year  for  the 
mighty  Elmhurst  baseball 
team.  To  some  extent  this  is 
true,  but  when  you  see  that 
there    are    eight    returning 



May  Sfone  & 
Sand   inc. 

lettermen,       you       might 
reverse  the  decision. 

After  having  four  weeks 
of  indoor  practice  behind 
them,  the  players  are 
anxious  to  get  out  into  the 
open  air  where  their 
practices  will  be  less 
confined.  The  next  two 
weeks  hopefully  spent 
outside  will  let  the  players 
put  into  action  much  of  what 
they  learned  in  the  indoor 

The  Trojans'  first  games 
will  be  a  doubleheader 
against  Fairview  at 
Fairview,  Ohio,  Saturday, 
April  5. 

The    team's    key    players 
cited       by       Coach       Bill 
-:•■>***•:•  ■:■&•>■>•:■  .:• 

Derbyshire  are  senior  Lynn 
Brown  and  All-State 
candidate  junior  Terry 
Smith.  Both  are  left-handed 
pitchers  who  started  last 
year.  Smith  posted  12 
victories  while  Brown  was 
the  team's  second  leading 

When  asked  if  this  team 
can  go  as  far  as  last  year's, 
Coach  Derbyshire  replied. 
"Yes,  it  depends.. .the  whole 
key  will  be  our  hitting. " 

Coach  Derbyshire  also 
added  that  he  needs 
managers  for  this  year's 
baseball  season.  Anyone 
interested  can  contact  him 
in  room  202. 

can         overcome         their 
inconsistency,     they    could 
Elmhurst  will  now  enter    have  a  successful  season, 
the    third    phase    of    its        The     track     team     will 
athletic  program.  The  spring    probably    have    a    tough 
sports  end  our  school  year-    season.    Individuals    may 
hopefully  on  a  winning  note,     have  a  good  track  year,  but 
For   the    third   year,    the    the   team    lacks    the   depth 
girls'     tennis     team     will    that   is    needed.    The    team 
compete      against      other    lacks    adequate    hurdlers, 
schools.  Last  year,  the  girls    Overall   there  just   aren't 
had  a  pretty  rough  schedule    enough  people  out  for  the 
and     lost     most     of     their    team, 
matches.  The  addition  of  the    Baseball  hopeful 
new    tennis    courts    should 

During  the  baseball 
season  last  year,  the  Trojans 
were  sectional  and  regional 

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help  this  spring. 

Girls     track     has    just 

started    this    year.    They     ,  ,  ^.     ,. 

„-^u  UT  11    u        Li      /  champions  and  finally  were 

probably    vnll    be    able    to  .      ^       .     ,,       ,  r      , 

^^ .  .  ^  beaten  in  the  championship 

compete  in  running  events,  ^         .  f  f 

h.,t  ir,  th^  f  ij  *     ^u  game  of  senu-state  at  South 

but  in  the  field  events  the  r.     j     rr^L 

^»-io  ,„„     1       u  u-   J     4.1.  oend.    Ihe    team   lost   five 

girls  may  lag  behind  other  ^,.„_^ ^   ^     ^.n  u. 

Golfers  return 

starters  but  still  has  eight 
lettermen  ready  to  play. 
Terry  Smith  and  Lynn 
Last  year's  golf  team  Brown  will  be  two  of  the 
went  through  one  of  the  three  starting  pitchers  with 
worst  seasons  in  Elmhurst's  any  one  of  three  other  young 
history.  This  year,  all  the  prospects  filling  in  the  other 
members  of  that  team  will  pitching  spot, 
be  returning  except  All-City  So  far  the  basebaU  team 
golfer  Dave  Huffman.  Jim  has  had  to  practice  inside 
Norton  and  Mike  Arnold  Hopefully  the  baseball 
should  be  team  leaders  with  diamond  will  be  in  shape 
a  sophomore  possibly  soon  and  the  players  will  be 
helpmg  out.   If  this  group   ableto  go  outside. 

7Uc^c6i4^ fuuHcd  nefi^t&  ^ao^ceft  Sacf4.Stcite 

Chosen  for  leadership, 
scholastic  achievement,  and 
outstanding     interest     in 

governmental  affairs,  junior 
Les  Novitsky  has  been 
chosen  as  Elmhurst's  1975 
candidate  to  Hoosier  Boys 


"Of  course  I'm  very 
pleased      and      honored," 

stated  Les,  adding,  "I  think 

it  will  be  a  very  worthwhile 
week  in  my  life." 

Inspires  "100%" 

Sponsored  by  the  Ameri- 
can Legion,  the  annual 
eight  day  workshop  will 
be  held  on  the  Indiana  State 
University  campus  in  Terre 

Haute  beginning  June  7. 

The  goal  of  the  week, 
according  to  the  Legion,  is 
to  "inspire  100% 

Americanism"  and  look 
upon    the    week    with    the 

young  men  from  all  over  the 
state  as  "a  week  to  shape  a 

Les  is  very  well  known  for 

Team  names  Jim  Norton  captain 

"I  felt  like  I  was  on  cloud 
nine,"  remarked  Jim  Norton 
after  being  chosen  as 
captain  of  the  wrestling 

Leadership,  attitude,  and 
the  desire  to  win  were  the 
qualities  that  each  of  the 
wrestlers  were  asked  to 
consider  when  they  voted  for 
captain.  The  coaches  also 
have  to  approve  the  choice. 

"I  kind  of  expected  it 
because  a  lot  of  my  friends 
had  told  me  1  got  it,  but  I 

didn't  know  whether  I 
should  behevethem,"  stated 

Jim's  record  for  the  1974- 
75    season    was     13-8.    He 


received   a   fouTth   place  in 
sectionals.  Jim  said  that  he 

will  be  able  to  continue 
wrestling  in  college,  though 
he  isn't  sure  exactly  where 
he's  going. 

There  will  be  two  other 
awards  given  to  wrestlers. 
The  wrestler  with  the  best 
attitude  and  the  most 
improved  player  will  receive 
awards  also,  but  the  names 
have  not  been  announced 
yet.  All  three  wrestling 
awards  will  be  presented  at 
the  Awards  Banquet  in 

PobUibrd  bl'onkly  daring  Uie  Hboo 
«ltb  thf  poUdea  lad  ^idtlioi 

Elmburil  ^ 




b;  lb(  iludniu  of  Elmh 

u«.  HiRb  Sch>»l 




jgfa     «hMl  .ppro.od  b,  1 





f  Conmuoll}.  Sthool 

•ioK^  ropy    S«oad  du 

»  POll*R(   piid   ■ 



ll(.  iDd 

■D.,  46802. 

his  beUefs  in  these  ideals.  An 
ardent  fan  of  Brian  Bex, 
Less  'fight  communism"  Hfe 
philosophy  is  known  to  be 
clear  by  those  close  to  him. 

Plans  law  career 

"I'm  sure  I  will  achieve  a 
greater  understanding  of  the 
government  and  I'm  really 
proud    to   be   representing 

Elmhurst."  noted  Les, 
continuing  that  he  hopes  to 
go  into  the  law  and 
government  area  as  an 

Junior  Mike  Maurer  was 
chosen  as  an  alternate  in  the 
case  that  Les  is  unable  to 
attend  as  planned. 

Next  issue:  Girl's  State 



One  Hour  Service 

Hours  7-6 
Wed.  &  Fri.  7-6 

Alterations  &  Repairs 

6702  Old  Trail 

7  -  Sports 

Tracksters   set  goals 
for  upcoming  season 

Girls  f rack  opens  Isf  season 

Spring  sports  have  started,  and  one  of  them  is  track  and 
field.  The  turnout  is  small,  but  above  average  for  Elmhurst, 
according  to  eleven-year  coach,  Mr.  Donald  Kemp. 

Mr.  Kemp  states,  "This  year  we  have  a  possible  12  to  14 
kids  who  could  go  to  state  competition.  Senior  Paul  Stevens 
has  a  good  chance  to  set  a  new  school  record  in  the  two  mile- 
-he  ran  a  9:49  which  is  exceptionally  good  this  early  in  the 

This  year's  squad  will  attempt  to  outdo  Harding  March 
27,  at  the  Elmhurst  track.  Coach  Kemp's  squad  is  strongest 
in   the   sprint  and   distance  heats   where  competition  is 

Nineteen  seventy  five  is 
the  first  year  that  Fort 
Wayne  city  schools  will  see 
any  competition  in  the  area 
of  girls'  track  and  field. 

The  EHS  girls'  track  team 
recently  began  their 
conditioning  to  prepare  for 
their  first  meet  against 
Snider  and  Northside  on 
April  16. 

Each  day  at  2:45,  they 
meet  in  the  girls'  gym  to 
exercise  and  warm-up  with 
the  boys  track  team.  Since 

cold  weather  keeps  them 
from  running  outside  they 
usually  work  out  in  the 
weight  room,  or  practice 
sprints  in  the  halls.  Mrs. 
Cathy  Russell,  coach  of  the 
team,  explains,  "The  boys' 
coaches  have  aided  greatly 
in  helping  the  girls  with 
their  techniques  and  style. 

There  will  be  nine  running 
events  the  girls  can 
participate  in.  The  field 
events  include  the  shot  put 
(8  lbs.),  the  high  jump,  the 

"I  think  records  will  be 
set  if  the  weather  is  good," 
states  Coach  Kemp,  "and  it 
should  be  a  good  meet 
because  Harding  has 
improved  and  we  can  see 
what  the  team  does  in  live 

In  past  years  Coach 
Kemp's  team  has  had 
success  but  as  yet  no  first 
place  ribbons  have  come 
home  with  the  team.  The  co- 
holder  of  the  1:27.8  state 
record  in  880-yard  relay  is 
the  best  place  yet  attained 
by  an  Elmhurst  squad.  This 
record  was  set  in  1972  by  the 
880-year  relay  team  of  Nate 
Brown,  Ron  Talley,  Fred 
Jackson,  and  Willie  Knox. 

f  Imhursf  g/rl$  bcg/n  ^m 

The  girls'  tennis  team  is  at  it  again  for  the  third  straight 
year.  The  team  has  been  practicing  since  March  3,  from  2:45 
to  4:00  in  the  girls'  gym  on  conditioning  and  getting  down 
the  basic  strokes.  Any  girl  who  is  interested  may  still  come 
out,  according  to  Coach  Lucy  Doswell. 

Mrs.  Doswell  is  very  happy  with  the  turnout  of  this  year's 
team.  A  total  of  25  girls,  12  upperclassmen  and  13 
sophomores,  have  turned  out.  However,  only  four  girls  are 
returning  from  last  year's  team  --  Sally  Hinton,  Janet  Gillie, 
Cheryl  Norton  and  Marty  Kelly. 

"We  are  hoping  to  be  able  to  use  the  tennis  courts  this 
spring,  if  they  ever  get  the  posts  right,"  stated  Mrs. 
Doswell.  It  seems  that  the  posts  which  support  the  tennis 
nets  are  three  inches  too  short,  and  it  wouldn't  do  the  girls 
any  good  to  start  playing  with  the  nets  at  that  height. 

In  past  years  at  Elmhurst  the  girls  tennis  teams  haven't 
done  too  well,  but  with  all  the  talent  and  experience  they 
have  this  year,  it  should  be  a  promising  season. 

Softball    throw,    and    the 
running  long  jump. 

Coach  Russell  was  very 
pleased  at  the  turnout  for 
track  and  feels  that 
Elmhurst  will  have  a  lot  of 
good  talent  for  the  oncoming 






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'--"•'  '"•■ 

» -"Sports 

Heiney  makes  regionals 

For  most  of  the  gymnastics  team 
the  season  has  ended,  but 
sophomore  Karyn  Heiney  has 
advanced  to  Regionals. 

This  year's  gymnastic  sectionals 
were  held  at  Northrop  on  March  10- 
11.  Elmhurst  took  a  full  t«am  of  12 
members  hoping  to  improve 
standing  over  last  year's  showing. 
Of  the  twelve  team  members,  only 
Karyn  Heiney  placed  second  on  her 
optional  vaulting,  and  will  move  on 

I      1 

to  regionals  on  March  21.  at 
Blackford  High  School  in 
IndianapoUs.  Karyn  also  managed 
to  place  third  all  around. 

In  overall  competition,  twelve 
teams  entered,  South  Side, 
Northrop,  Snider,  and  Wayne 
dominated  the  n^eet  by  taking  all 
but  one  of  the  first  four  places. 

One  Elmhurat  team  member 
stated  "The  team  is  good  but  when 
you  actually  get  out  to  do  your 

routirte  you  just  fall  apart. "  Another 
added  "Karyn  Heiney  showed  great 
potential  at  sectionals.  If  she  does 
as  well  at  regionals,  she  could  place 
instate.  We  are  hopeful. " 

The  team  has  been  practicing 
hard  since  November.  Each  girl  set  a 
goal  for  herself  to  achieve  by  the  end 
of  the  season.  For  some,  it  was  a 
particular  stunt,  for  others  winning 
sectionals.  Now,  for  the  team  as  a 
whole  it's  a  hope  for  Karyn  to 
advance  on  and  place  in  state. 






WMUg  .:..... 

Where  your  favorite  request 

is  just  a  plione  call  away 



2  ■  News 




2-3       Digest  and  Calendar 

4  Forum  news 
Y-teens  Dance 

Bradbum  awarded  Lamplighter 
Math  exam  results  disclosed 

5  AFS  news 
Banquets  upcoming 
Harman.  Kerns  in  FWWB 

6  Prom  plans  made 
SC  actiuities 


7  Hunger  walk 

Summer  government  credit  alternative 
8-9      Welcome  Sweet  Springtime!!!! 

10  Photos  -Jaxz  Festival 

11  Scholarships:  financial  need  vs. 
academic  ability 

12  Letters  to  the  editor 

13  Girl's  track 
Girl's  tennis 

14  Baseball 

15  Boy  s  Track 


16  Golf 

Afro-American  announces  fashion  show  '— 
Senior    Frances    Walker    will    serve    as 
commentator  at  this  Friday's  Afro-American 
Talent  and  Fashion  Show, 

Chairpeople  of  the  event,  juniors  Pam 
Belcher  and  Priscilb  Crooms.  have  organized 
an  evening  of  fashion,  fun  and  music. 

Beginning  with  the  fashion  show  at  7  p.m., 
the  evening  will  also  include  talent 
presentations  from  24  different  groups, 
Sound.  Inc.,  a  musical  group  including  senior 
Willie  Cole,  will  wind  up  the  talent  show  and 
remain  for  a  dance  until  1 1  ;30  p.m. 

Tickets  may  be  purchased  from  any 
member  of  the  Afro-American  Club  or  in  the 
lunch  mods  for  SI, 75  in  advance  or  for  S2  at 
the  door.  Refreshments  will  be  served. 

Miinroe  goes  to  finals 

Sophomore  Donna  Munroe  was  chosen  as 
one  of  the  three  finalists  in  the  piano  division 
of  the  Indiana  Concerto  Competition  April 
12.  Playing  the  Mendelssohn  Piano  Concerto 
in  G  Minor,  Donna  will  advance  to  the  finals 
which  are  to  be  held  April  26  at  Butler 
Univeraity,  Indianapolis.  Winners  will 
perform  with  the  Indianapolis  Symphony. 

Hart  to  atudy  in  Mexico 

Junior  Sue  Hart  was  recently  chosen  as 
recipient  of  an  Indiana  University  high 
school  scholarship. 

Sue  will  be  leaving  from  Bloomington  with 


29  other  high  school  students  on  June  14. 
They  will  stay  and  study  in  San  Louis  Potisi, 
Mexico,  through  Aug.  15. 

The  group  plans  to  travel  via  bus  and, 
according  to  Sue,  will  speak  only  Spanish 
from  the  moment  they  board  the  bus  until 
they  return  Aug.  18. 

Sue  sees  the  occasion  as  an  opportunity  to 
master  the  Spanish  language  and  solidify  her 
plans  for  majoring  in  Spanish  in  college.  She 
will  be  staying  with  a  native  family  and 
hopes  to  be  exposed  to  the  true  Mexican 

Students  to  attend  minority  program 

Kathy  Allen,  Amos  Belcher,  CarmetU 
Walker,  and  Ken  Young  are  the  four 
sophomores  that  will  be  participating  in  this 
month's  Top  5  Sophomore  Program 
sponsored  by  Purdue  University  in 

Open  to  minority  honors  students  in  the 
upper  \0%  of  their  class,  the  program  is 
designed  to  expose  the  students  interested  in 
science-oriented  careers  to  various  facets  of 
college  life.  The  students  will  meet  with 
campus  financial  aid  representatives, 
counselors  and  enrolled  students. 

Applications  accepted  for  '75-6  publications 
The  publications  department  has 
announced  staff  positions  are  available  io' 
the  1975-76  school  year  and  is  accepting 

Various  positions  on  both  the  yearbook 
and  newspaper  staffs  will  be  available  to 
those  qualified.  Applications  are  available  to 
any  student  in  room  108,  and  must  be 
completed  and  turned  in  to  Mrs.  Janf 
Hoylman,  publications  advisor,  by  April  23. 

Afro  Club  donates  check  - 

Recently,  a  S180  check  was  presented  to 
Mr.  Earl  Wells,  Fort  Wayne  Children's  Zoo 
curator  by  the  Afro-American  club.  The 
money,  which  was  donat«d  to  the  zoo  to  help 
cover  costs  of  the  upcoming  African  Veldt 
addition,  was  the  total  of  the  proceeds  for  the 
recent  club-sponsored  "In  White  America." 
The  play  involved  Mr.  Don  Goss.  EHS 
graduate  Lee  Butler,  and  various  other 
Trojans  as  production  assistants  in  the 
successful  community  involvement  project. 

Hhsol  r«'  >>r  '>>•  xudantt  el  llmhuril  High  Sihool.  313V  (andpolnt  Rood,  '«'' 
•  -lih  Iha  pollcl*!  ond  gul<l«lln"  'of  hlflh  ichool  oppra»<l  by  Ih*  Boord  el  UMf* 

r  ilngU  lopy.  S*(and  iloii 



Anne  Watters  Jan  Paniss  Ansa  Kunnari  Lori  Rietdorf 

Kim  Yarman  MelisBa  Hunter  Bonnie  Bunn 


^\      I elmhufst 


Vol.  35,  No.  15 

April  30, 1975 

Cover  photo  by  Marty  Petit 

DEC  A  members  attend  conference 

Elmhurst  Distributive  Education  Club  sent 

two   competing   and    three    non-competing 

representatives  to  the  twenty  ninth  annual 
state  DECA  conference  at  French  Lick, 
March  16,  17  and  18, 

Juniors  Tom  Sonday  and  Sue  Eloph  both 
competed  for  awards  after  placing  in 
regionals  earlier  in  the  month,  Tom's  event 
was  public  speaking  and  Sue's  business 
letter  writing.  Tom  also  ran  for  regional 
president.  Sue  served  as  a  voting  delegate  on 
conference  matters  as  did  junior  Katie 

Seniors  Patty  Miller  and  Pam  Reyburn 
served  on  the  Courtesy  Corps  and  were 
involved  with  the  VIP  hospitality, 

Elrahurst  was  recognized  for  100  per  cent 
membership  and  received  a  certificate. 

Pionick  selected  as  Rotarian 

Serving  as  Junior  Rotarian  for  the  month 
of  April  is  senior  Don  Pinnick,  the  seventh  to 
serve  in  that  capacity,  Don  was  selected  by 
Dean  of  Boys  Bill  Geyer  for  outstanding 
scholarship  and  leadership.  He  will  be 
attending  meetings  downtown  each  Monday 

ib]  tour  — 

United  Way  sponsors  awareness  program^^ 

United  Way  of  Allen  County  has  begun 
annual  sessions  of  a  15-year-old  program 
involving  a  grand  total  of  nine  Trojans, 
Selected  by  their  social  studies  teachers,  the 
students  will  be  participating  in  various 
tours,  oral  and  slide  lectures  and  other 
presentations  of  the  Citizen  Apprenticeship 

The  program  is  co-aponsored  by  the 
Central  Labor  Council  of  Allen  County  and 
the  AFL-CIO.  as  well  as  United  Way  of  Allen 
County,  The  program  is  designed  to  acquaint 
students  with  the  community's  social  welfare 
Attending  the  six  sessions,  which  will  last 
through  April  22,  are  Genie  Marcum,  Mary 
Oswalt,  Leslie  Raymer,  Deborah  Giddens. 
Robin  Penrose,  Jennifer  Harris,  Jeff  Green, 
Mary  Roop  and  Denise  Stein. 

EsLerline  trains  teacher  ^ 

Ball  State  senior  Marsha  Smith  is  student 

teaching  under  Mr.   Dave  Esterline  in  the 

social  studies  department  through  May  21 . 

Miss  Smith,  a  native  of  Fort  Wayne  and  a 

Band  makes  a 

Elmhurst  concert  band  will  be  going  on 
their  annual  tour  this  weekend,  April  17,  18, 
and  19. 

The  group,  traveling  via  bus,  will  be 
touring  southern  Indiana  as  well  as 
Louisville,  Kentucky.  They  will  play  several 
concerts  at  various  high  schools  and  house 
with  host  bands'  famiUes. 

Bikethon  slated  for  May  3 

May  3  is  a  tentative  date  for  the  fifth 
annual  March  of  Dimes  Bikethon,  The  route 
for  the  ride  will  begin  and  end  at  Rockhill 
Park  on  US,  Highway  24,  and  go  as  far  as 
Roanoke  Lanes,  a  total  of  30  miles  in  all. 
Pledge  cards  are  available  at  various  area 
restaurants  and  supermarkets.  For  further 
information,  students  are  encouraged  to  call 
the  March  of  Dimes  office  at  484-0622. 

ConcorJia  High  School  graduate,  is  majoring 
in  world  history  and  government  and 
minoring  in  U,S,  history  at  BSU.  She 
compares  EHS  to  high  school  four  years  ago 
and  appreciates  the  more  relaxed  atmosphere 
of  today, 

A  collector  of  recipes  and  a  cooking  fan. 
Miss  Smith  considers  herself  "far  from  shy.  " 
She  will  be  applying  for  a  job  within  the  Fort 
Wayne  Community  School  system  as  well  as 
in  other  systems  in  various  states,  including 
Ohio  and  Georgia  for  the  75-76  school  year. 

Read  returns  from  Washington— i 

Wabash  tests  Frankewich  — 

Senior  Paul  Frankewich  was  recently 
honored  by  being  allowed  to  participate  in  a 
Wabash  College  S3000  scholarship  test. 
Although  Paul  will  not  be  one  of  the 
recipients  of  any  scholarship,  his 
participation  indicates  outstanding 
scholastic  ability.  He  was  one  of  300  seniors 
involved  in  the  test,  only  three  of  whom  are 
Fort  Wayne  residents. 

Inconung  sophomores  introduced  to  EHS^^- 

Wednesday,  April  9,  an  incoming  class  of 
300  sophomores  was  invited  to  attend  an 
orientation  with  parents.  Principal  Richard 
Horstmeyer  spoke  to  the  group  and  slides 
prepared  by  Mr,  Don  Goss  and  the 
photography  students  were  shown.  Parents 
as  well  as  faculty  introduced  themselves 
around  as  student  council  members  toured 
EHS  facihties  with  the  Trojans-to-be. 

Senior  Mary  Read  has  returned  from  her 
week  long  'Presidential  Classroom  for 
Young  Americans"  seminar  in  Washington, 

Staying  at  the  Sheraton  Park  Hotel  with 
over  340  other  seminar  students,  Mary 
attended  various  classes  on  government 
functions  and  toured  the  district  by  bus. 

Mary  said  that  the  seminar  was  very  much 
worth  her  time  and  feels  that  although 
Elmhurst  has  never  sent  anyone  before,  they 
should  think  towards  sending  an  annual 
delegate.  Each  of  the  50  states  and  Panama 
and  Puerto  Rico  were  represented. 


April  16 

Underclass  reception 

April  18 

Afro  American  fashion 

and  talent  show 

April  25 

AFS  weekend 

Y-teens  dance 

Student  Council  activity  day 

April  27 

Choir  Concert 

April  30 

Grandparents*  Day 

Senior  Honors  Banquet 

Cheerleading  try-outs 



2  -  Digest  and  Calendar 

3  ■  Quill  and  Scroll  initiates  announced 
Steve  Morgan  wins  slate  contest 
Prom  candidates  named 

4-  SC elections  upcoming 
Afro  American  fashion  show 
Band  news 

6-  Trojans  dine  in  banquets 

6  -  Quarter  honors 
Tri  Kappa  scholars 

7-  March  of  Dimes  Bihe-A-Thon 
Speakers  visit  senior  classes 


10  •  Spring  Sports 

1 1  ■  Camping 

12  •  Alternative  Government  credit 


^3-  Attendance  in  class: 
j^.  Letters  to  (he  editor 


8 -Baseball 

9 -Golf 
15 -Girls' track 
16 -Boys' truck 

Caps  and  gowas  distributed 

Mr,  Gary  Muncy  will  be  on  hand  to 
distribute  caps  and  gowns  to  seniors  today 
between  9:30  a.m.  and  1  p.m.  Seniors  may 
pick  them  up  at  the  concessions  stand  across 
from  the  main  office. 

Fitneae  eoDvocatlon  plsnaed 

The  Hendersons,  o  gymnastic  duo  from 
Europe,  will  present  a  9  a.m.  convocation 
May  G.  The  couple  will  display  a  physical 
fitness  program  including  routines  on  a 

The  Hendersons  have  traveled  extensively 
throughout  the  United  States  and  Europe, 
and  have  appeared  on  television  and 
performed  in  hundreds  of  schools. 

Sophe  plan  Chicago  trip 

Tickets  are  now  being  sold  for  the 
sophomore  class  sponsored  trip  to  Chicago 
May  31.  While  in  Chicago,  a  tour  of  the 
Museum  of  Science  and  Industry  is 

The  tickets  are  $10  and  may  be  purchased 
in  Mrs.  Susan  OweiA  room. 

SAT  deadUne  May  29 

Juniors  and  seniors  interested  in  taking 
the  SAT  test  are  reminded  the  next  testing 
date  is  scheduled  for  June  28.  The  last  day 
for  registration  in  Mr.  Douglass  Spencer's 
office  is  May  29. 

Ecology  classes  view  water  treatment 

Mr.  Carter  Lohr's  ecology  classes  toured 
the  Fort  Wayne  Water  Treatment  Plant 
April  16.  The  students  toured  the  local  facil- 
ity as  part  of  their  water  pollution  studies. 
Students  learned  Chat  the  water  is  taken  the 
beautiful  (7)  Saint  Joe  River  and  distributed 
throughout  the  city's  system. 

Students  receive  J  A  honors 

At  the  annual  Junior  Achievement  JAFE 
banquet  April  15,  four  Elmhurst  students 
received  several  of  the  top  honors. 

Senior  Betsy  Hart  was  awarded  SlOO  for 
Vice  President  of  Personnel  of  the  year, 
senior  Phil  Rockstroh  was  presented  SlOO  for 
Treasurer  of  the  year  and  senior  Pamm 
Williams  won  the  Safety  Director  of  the  year 
award  with  a  check  for  the  same  amount. 

The  dinner  and  awards  presentation  held 
at  the  Coliseum  featured  guest  speaker 
Governor  Otis  Bowen,  followed  by  a  dance 
with  The  Whispers  providing  the 

EHS  chooses  first  female  Rotarion 

Every  month  throughout  the  year,  one 
senior  is  chosen  to  represent  Elmhurst  as 
Junior  RoLarian.  This  month,  Linda  Whitton 
holds  the  honor  as  the  first  female  student 
from  Elmhurst  to  assume  this  position. 

Linda  is  attending  luncheons  each  Monday 
afternoon  this  month,  where  she  meets  with 
men  from  Fort  Wayne's  occupational 

Interviewed  by  Mr,  Wilham  Geyer,  Linda 
was  selected  on  the  basis  of  leadership, 
grades,  neatness  and  good  representation  of 


3  to  attend  Air  Force  Sem 

C  alenda  r 

Mrs.  Dinah  Cashman  will  be  in  Colorado 
Springs  May  8  and  9  attending  a  seminar  at 
the  Air  Force  Academy.  After  returning 
from  the  conference,  the  purpose  of  which  is 
to  inform  high  school  representatives  of  the 
Academy's  program,  Mrs.  Cashman  hopes  to 
be  able  to  pass  on  what  information  she 
gathers  to  interested  students  considering 
enroUme&t  in  the  Academy. 

April  30  -  Senior  honors  banquet 

May  1  -  Varsity-Reserve  Cfaeerleading  try- 
outs;  Coffee  concert  -  cafeteria  7:30 

May  6  ■  9  a.m.  assembly  ~  The  Hendersone 

May  8  -  Spring  concert  •  7:30  p.m.;  Student 
Council  officers  campaigns  begin 

May  9  -  Fourth  interim  reports  sent  home 

May  13  ■  Music  awards  banquet 




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4  -  News 

Cashman  selects  two  for  FWWB 

Two  Elmhurst  girls,  senior  Liz  Kerns  and 
junior  Barb  Harman,  were  recently 
appointed  by  guidance  counselor  Mrs.  Dinah 
Cashman  to  the  newly  formed  High  School 
Women's  Advisory  Committee  to  the  Fort 
Wayne  Women's  Bureau  (FWWB  I, 

The  two  will  meet  periodically  with  two 
girls  representing  every  city  high  school  and 
members  of  the  Fort  Wayne  Women's 
Bureau.  Through  these  meetings,  the  group 
hopes  to  achieve  an  improvement  in  the  ■ 
status  of  women  both  economically  and 
educationally,  and  to  be  able  to  come  back  to 
their  respective  schools  ofter  meeting  with 
other  high  school  girls  and  the  FWWB.  and 
encourage  female  classmates  to  meet  and 
discuss  the  purpose  of  the  advisory 
committee  and  how  it  can  help  them. 

The  first  such  meeting  was  Monday 
evening.  April  7  Botn  Barb  ond  Liz  attended 

this  organizational  meeting  in  which  the 
group  discussed  forms  of  discrimination 
against  women  and  how  they  can  be 
eliminated.  One  topic  of  discrimination 
against  women  the  group  discussed  was  the 
selection  of  junior  Rotarians  chosen  to 
represent  high  schools  monthly  at  the 
Rotary  Club  luncheons.  In  the  past  only 
senior  male  students  were  chosen,  but 
recently  a  few  schools  have  included  female 
students  in  the  Rotary  Club's  list  of  luncheon 

Commenting  on  her  appointment  to  the 
Bureau  Liz  explained.  "I  think  that  it's 
really  great:  things  are  finally  moving  in  the 
right  direction  for  women.  1  really  wish  that  1 
was  a  sophomore  or  junior  instead  of  a  senior 
so  that  I  could  have  been  introduced  to  this 
sooner  and  would  have  more  time  involved  in 

PAT  KOEHL,  NINA  MARCHESE.  ANf)  TOM  YOUNC  are  shotvr  at  a  dre 
Billie  Boy  .prior  to  ihe  cboir's  Sunday  concert 

-TrDlini  tib  mitb  tttt- 

Students  who  have  achieved  highly  in 
math  were  eligible  to  enter  the  National 
High  School  Mathematics  Contest  on 
March  11.  The  contest  consisted  of  150 
possible  points  on  a  test. 

The  test  is  given  to  high  school 
students  all  over  the  United  States  and 
the  top  three  scores  from  each  school  are 
added  together  to  get  a  team  score.  This 
year  EHS  made  a  Learn  score  of  167. 

The  top  three  scorers  were,  first  place, 
junior  Wes  Byrne,  second  place,  junior 
Ton  Sonday,  and  third  place,  senior  Terry 
Brutton.  Other  high  scorers  were 
sophomore.  Scott  Bemhart  and  senior, 
Mike   Duray   tied   for  fourth   place  and 

junior  Barb  Harman,  sixth. 

"It's  not  an  easy  test,"  stated  Mr. 
Raymond  Garrett,  who  gave  the  test  to 
these  students.  Mr.  Garrett  remarked 
that  this  year  Elmhurst  students  had 
more  scores  in  the  middle  range  than  in 
other  years.  He  also  mentioned  that  Wes 
had  one  of  the  highest  scores  in  the  city 
and  in  Elmhurst's  history. 

Those  students  who  get  a  score  of  80  or 
better,  or  are  high  scorers  at  their  school, 
will  receive  a  math  pin  at  the  Honors 
Bonquet.  The  top  ten  scores  statewide 
will  attend  a  banquet  in  Indianapolis 
where  they  will  receive  a  plaque. 

1973  prom  noiv  in  production 

"I  found  the  volunteer  students  very 
cooperative  and  very  much  interested  in 
having  a  wonderful  1975  Prom,  well  worth 
the  while  and  the  lovely  memory,"  stated 
junior  sponsor  and  prom  head  Mrs.  Prue 

Juniors  Carol  Quance  and  Lori  Rietdorf 

are  serving  as  co-chairpersons  of  the  junior 
prom  committee.  Assisting  on  the  committee 
are  juniors  Betsy  Barber,  Lisa  Langmeyer, 
Claudia  Johnson,  and  Jim  Varbrough,  along 
with  seniors  Cindy  Bradtmiller,  Angie 
Gensic.  George  Huber,  Derek  Paris,  Dave 
Silletto  and  special  representative  Corinne 

Mrs.  Oberhn  explained  that  she  sent 
letters  to  the  homerooms  asking  for 
volunteers  to  serve  on  the  various 
committees  for  the  prom.  The  letters  also 

asked  for  student  suggestions   on  exactly 
what  kind  of  prom  EHS  students  wanted. 

The  1975  Prom  will  be  held  on  May  17,  in 
the  Sheraton  Penthouse,  which  is  on  the 
fourteenth  floor  of  the  downtown  Sheraton 
Hotel.  The  dinner  will  be  served  at  7:30  p.m. 
and  the  dance  will  follow  at  9:00  p.m. 

"Magical  Moments"  will  be  the  theme  for 
this  year's  prom,  and  the  Teardrops  will 
provide  the  background  melodic  tunes.  The 
cost  for  the  occasion  wiU  be  SIO  for  the  dance 
alone,  and  $16  for  both  the  dinner  and  the 

Senior  Dave  Silletto  is  in  charge  of 
decorations  which  will  include  yellow 
tablecloths  and  white  candles.  Dave  is 
looking  for  volunteers  to  help  on  the 
decorating  committee.  Serving  as  sponsors 
for  the  prom  are  Mr.  Byron  Carrier,  Mrs. 
Shelley  Wellington  and  Mrs,  Nancy  Kelley. 

Morgan  wins  in  stale 

Senior  Steve  Morgan  was  recognized  in 
speech    recently     when     he    succeeded    in 

winning  the  American  Legion  State 
Oratorical  Contest,  which  enabled  him  to 
compet«  at  the  National  Regionals  on  April 
14,  in  Louisville.  Ky. 

Steve  won  the  local,  county,  district,  and 
2  one  contests  before  he  was  able  to  compete 
in  the  atate  contest.  Steve  was  awarded  a 
lotal  of  S600  ( SlOO  in  bonds,  $500  in  cash),  in 
his  victories. 

Society    chooses 
members  -to-be 

Lighteen  students  have  been  invited  to 
loin  the  Quill  and  Scroll,  an  honorary  society 
for  high  school  journalists. 

Seniors  Wendy  Keim,  Pam  Reyburn,  Mike 
riuray.  Dave  Rinehart  and  Dave  Silletto 
were  extended  invitations  and  will  be  able  to 
wear  gold  cords  at  graduation. 

Juniors  Yvette  Morrill,  Marilynn  Scherer, 
Leslie  Novitsky,  Nancy  Beadie,  Barb 
Harman.  Sarah  Stewart,  Phil  Gutman,  Sue 
Marquis,  Marty  Petit,  Anne  Cummings  and 
Jim  McCleneghen  will  also  become  members 
of  Elrahurst's  only  honor  society. 

Two  graduating  juniors  will  also  be 
admitted  to  the  society  and  will  abo  wear  the 
gold  cords  at  graduation.  They  are  Jan 
Tolliver  and  Linda  Whitton, 

To  qualify  for  the  Quill  and  Scroll,  a 
student  must  be  a  junior  or  a  senior  in  the 
upper  one-third  of  his  class  and  must  have 
worked  in  publications  for  at  least  one  year. 

The  new  members  will  go  through  a  special 
ceremony  at  the  Quill  and  Scroll  banquet 
May  15,  when  they  will  receive  a  Q.  &  S.  pin 
or  charm. 

Senior  Liz  Kerns  won  the  Knights  of 
Pythias  award  and  SIOO.  This  qualifies  her  to 
enter  the  national  contest  to  be  held  this 
June  in  Iowa. 

Coach  Robert  Stookey's  Solo  Speech  Team 
succeeded  in  placing  17  contestants  in  the 
area  regional  Speech  Contest,  From  the  17 
contestants,  six  Trojans  went  on  to  compete 
in  the  Indiana  State  Solo  Speech  Meet. 

Those  placing  to  compete  in  Regionals 
were  seniors  Liz  Kerns  and  Bev  Free  in  girls' 
extemporaneous,  Steve  Morgan  in  boys' 
extemporaneous,  Mary  Freygang,  oratorical 
declamation,  along  with  juniors  Marilynn 
Scherer,  impromptu,  Sarah  Stewart, 
oratorical  declamation,  Melissa  Hunter, 
humor,  Tom  Sonday.  boys'  extemporaneous, 
Nancy  Beadie,  drama,  Les  Novitsky,  radio, 
and  Diane  Lupke,  discussion. 

Sophomores  placing  for  the  first  time  in 
sectional  competition  were  Karyn  Heiney  in 
oratorical  declamation.  Tod  Huntley. 
original,  Troi  Lee,  original,  Jan  Dowling, 
girls'  extemporaneous,  Scott  Bernhart, 
radio,  and  Nancy  McAfee,  discussion. 

Those  placing  to  compete  in  the  state  meet 
were  seniors  Bev  Free  and  Liz  Kerns  in  girls' 
extemporaneous  and  Steve  Morgan  in  boys' 
extemporaneous,  junior  Marilynn  Scherer  in 
impromptu,  and  sophomores  Karyn  Heiney 
and  Tod  Huntley  in  oratorical  declamation 
and  original,  respectively. 

Senior  Liz  Kerns  was  the  only  EHS  Trojan 
to  succeed  in  placing  at  the  State  meet,  Liz 
placed  third,  receiving  the  highest  placing  of 
any  Fort  Wavne  contestant. 

The  Speech  Team  will  be  traveling  to  the 
Wapahani  High  School  "You  Ain't  Seen 
Nothin'  Yet"  Tournament,  Sat,,  Apri{  26. 

Seven  junior  girls  have  been 
chosen  as  finaUsts  for  the  1975 
prom  queen  and  court.  In 
alphabetical  order  they  are 
Bonnie  Bunn,  Jan  Farriss, 
Melissa  Hunter,  Ansa  Kunnari, 
Lori  Rietdorf,  Anne  Watters,  and 
Kim  Yarman. 

Usually  twelve  girls  are 
chosen  from  the  entire  junior 
class  for  the  preliminary  ballot. 
This  year,  out  of  182  junior  girls, 
there  were  20  on  the  ballot  be- 
cause   of    ties    in   voting.    From 

those  20,  the  seven  finalists  were 

Voting  for  prom  court 
candidates  took  place  in 
homeroom,  and  voting  for  queen 
will  take  place  on  May  7.  The 
queen's  identity  will  be  a  secret 
until  the  night  of  the  prom,  May 
17.  According  to  Mr.  Byron 
Carrier,  faculty  advisor,  the 
queen  will  be  crowned  by  last 
year's  queen.  Sue  Male.  Other 
finahsts  become  part  of  the 
queen's  court. 

SENIORS  LYNN  BROWN  AND  LYLE  HOWARD  are  among  those  attending  the  1978 
annual  Mayor's  prayer  breakfast.  Ten  Trojans  attended,  chosen  by  the  administration  for  a 
variety  of  services   to  Elmhurst    Thofe  attending  represented  academic,   athletic,    extra- 
curricular, and  leadership  aspects  of  high  school  life. 
I -J 

Bradburn   named    recipient 

5  -  News 

by  Marty  Miller 

Home  Economics  instructor  Mrs.  Roma 
Jean  Bradburn  was  recently  announced  as 
the  fifth  recipient  of  the  Lamplighter  Award. 
a  statewide  honor,  presented  by  the  Indiana 
Home  Economics  Association  (IHEAI.  This 
organization  made  up  of  1 ,700  college 
students  and  graduates  recognized  a  home 
economist  yearly  who  has  made  a  major 
contribution  to  the  profession. 

Mrs.  Bradburn.  along  with  many  local  and 
state  home  economists,  will  attend  a 
conference  this  weekend  at  French  Lick. 
Friday  evening  at  a  dinner  and  reception, 
Mrs.  Bradburn  will  be  presented  with  the 
Lamplighter  Award. 
Helps  develop  programs 

Mrs.  Bradburn  has  had  much  experience  in 
the  home  economics  field.  She  received  both 
her  B.S.  and  M.S.  degrees  from  Purdue 
University  and  has  been  teaching  home 
economics  for  ten  years.  Before  coming  to 
EHS.  Mrs.  Bradburn  taught  at  Kekionga 
Junior  High  for  five  years  and  also  was  a 
kindergarten  teacher  for  1  year  in  Fort 
Benning,  Ga. 

Aside  from  her  teaching  career.  Mrs. 
Bradburn  has  been  recognized  with  this 
honor  for  her  outstanding  state  and  local 
contributions  in  the  home  economics 
profession.  One  major  contribution  was  her 
initial  involvement  with  the  Interpersonal 
Relationships  curriculum  development 
during  a  1971  summer  workshop  at  Purdue 
Efforts  rewarded 

Mrs.     Bradburn     has     also     had     many 

opportunities  for  professional  contribution 
through  her  active  participation  in  IHEA  ; 

since  being  elected  as  District !  I  President  in 

Commenting  on  her  reaction  to  the  IHEA 
selection  of  this  year's  Lamplighter  award, 
Mrs,  Bradburn  stated.  "1  was  very  much 
overwhelmed!  1  feel  that  this  is  a  once  in  a 
lifetime  award  and  it's  not  very  often  that 
one's  efforts  and  hardwork  are  pubUcly 
recognized."  She  went  on  to  declare,  "This 
award  confirms  to  me  that  it  has  been  worth 
it  and  I'll  do  my  best  to  continue  my  efforts." 

Club  plans  dance 

Yes,  a  dance  is  coming!  The  Y- 
Teens  club  will  be  sponsoring  a 
Sadie  Hawkins  Day  Dance  on  April 
25  from  7:30  to  10:30  in  the  evening. 

Tickets  will  be  on  sale  in  the 
cafeteria  for  $1  per  person  a  week 
before  the  dance. 

The  purpose  of  the  Sadie  Hawkins 
Day  Dance  is  to  raise  money  for  the 
Y-Teens,  a  club  working  for  a  civic 
cause  Another  purpose  is  to  give 
each  girl  a  chance  to  ask  that  special 
guy  to  be  her  date  for  the  dance. 
Music  will  be  provided  by  the 

Club  president  Holly  Miller 
commented,  "With  all  the  spirit 
that  the  students  have  shown  this 
year,  we're  all  hoping  that  they'll 
get  really  involved  with  this.  Also 
that  day  is  the  Student  Council  Fun 
Day  and  everyone  should  be  in  a 
good  mood.  I'm  sure  anyone  that 
comes  will  have  a  fantastic  time." 

jumps  with  faculty  player  Phil  Habegger  as     through  the  Star  Spangled  Banner. 
•feree  senior  Dave  Campbell  looks  on. 

The  American  Field  Service,  one 
of  the  most  active  clubs  at  school, 
has  been  and  will  be  busy  with 
several  projects. 

Because  the  organization  needs  to 
raise  over  $2000  to  help  sponsor 
exchange  students,  the  past  three 
activities  have  been  money-raising. 
A  paper  drive  in  February,  a 
basketball  game  March  25,  and  a 
volleyball  night  April  10  all  brought 
good  profits.  Also  to  help  earn 
money  the  club  has  been  conducting 
a  penny  collection  in  homerooms. 
According  to  treasurer  Mary  Roop, 
these  small  donations  by  the 
students,  faculty  and 

administration  have  helped 
considerably.  A  final  paper  drive  is 
tentatively  scheduled  for  May. 

Coming  up  April  25-27,  Elmhurst 
is  sponsoring  an  AFS  Weekend. 
Twenty  exchange  students  and  their 
American  brothers  and  sisters  from 
around  this  part  of  Indiana  will  be 
staying  with  Elmhurst  families.  The 
group  is  invited  to  attend  a  dance 
sponsored  by  Y-Teens  that  Friday 
evening.  On  Saturday,  the  students 
and  their  hosts  will  take  a  trip  to 
Fox  Island  in  the  afternoon  and  be 
guests  at  a  party  for  them  in  the 


f4^-;4menic(suti  wencotne  weat^ 

Even  though  a  violent  storm  beset  Fort 
Wayne  on  Friday,  April  18,  the  first  annuel 
Ebnhurst  Afro-American  Club  Fashion  and 
Talent  Show  was  far  from  under  the  weather. 

Drawing  a  crowd  of  approximately  300 
people,  the  evening  began  with  the  fashion 
portion  of  the  program.  Host  and  hostess 
Domingo  Alvarez  and  Frances  Walker 
provided  commentaries  for  models  wearing 
varying  fashion  styles.  Among  the  different 
styles  modeled  were  swim  wear,  formal  wear, 
and  sleep  wear. 

May  1  officially  opens  the  campaigning 
period  for  those  students  interested  in 
running  for  a  student  council  office. 
Elections  will  be  held  in  homeroom  May  14 
(tentative)  and  the  results  would  be 
announced  by  May  16. 

The  procedure  for  running  is  to  decide  the 
office  desired  and  then  to  pick  up  a  petition 
sheet  from  Mr.  John  Coahran  after  the  first 
of  May.  The  petition  requires  five  signatures 
from  the  faculty  and  60  signatures  from  the 
student  body. 

Some  requirements  for  the  offices  are  that 
the  president  of  the  student  councU  shall 
come  from  the  junior  class;  the  vice- 
president  and  the  secretary -tree  surer  may 
come  from  either  the  junior  or  the  sophomore 
classes.  Passing  grades  in  every  class  are 
also  a  requirement,  elthough  special 
exceptions  may  be  granted  by  the  principal, 
according  to  Article  III,  Section  2.  of  the 
Student  Council  Constitution.  January  grads 
are  not  allowed  to  run  for  the  above- 
mentioned  offices  but  they  can  still  hold  the 
position  of  representative. 

Models,  who  consisted  of  Afro-American 
Club  members,  also  included  several 
members  of  the  EHS  teaching  staff;  Mr 
John  Bunnell,  Mrs,  Shelley  Wellington,  Mr, 
Richard  Mattix,  Miss  Sharon  Dietrich,  and 
Mrs.  Noncy  Kelley. 

Following  the  fashion  show,  senior  Sarah 
Underwood  presented  Afro-American  Club 
Sponsor  Mrs,  Sharon  Banks  with  a  bouquet 
of  flowers  and  presented  art  director  Mr  Don 
Goss  with  a  gift,  for  their  help  and 
cooperation  in  organizing  the  program. 

After  a  16-minut«  intermission,  the  talent 
portion  of  the  show,  which  was  to  be  judged, 

Judges  were  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mark 
Wellington,  Mr.  John  Bunnell,  Miss  Delores 
Moore,  Mrs.  Linda  Davis  and  Miss  Sharon 
Dietrich.  Participants  were  judged  in  six 
categories:  best  vocalist,  best  modern  dance, 
best  dance  steps,  best  vocal  group,  best 
musical  singing  and  accompanying  and  best 
female  vocalist. 

Taking  first  place  for  the  vocalist  award 
was  Mike  Bowen.  while  Greg  Woods  from 
Snider  placed  second.  In  the  category  of 
modern  dance.  '"Summer  Madness"  won  first 
place,  with  "Pocahontas  "  winning  second. 
The  Funky  Presidents  danced  their  way  to 
first  place  in  the  dance  steps  category  and 
the  Kegionga  dance  group  ran  a  close  second. 
Best  vocal  group  was  taken  by  Pat 
Thomas  and  Company.  Best  musical  singing 
and  accompanying  was  won  by  Claudia 
Brock,  and  second  taken  by  the  Kekionga 
Bongo  Group.  The  last  category,  best  female 
vocalist,  was  won  by  Joyce  Brown  of 
Northside,  first  place,  and  Anita  Abemathy. 
second  place. 

High  School  in  southern  Indiana. 

?  concert  for  music  students  at  Jennings  County 

Band    tours   lnd< 

A  tour  of  southern  Indiana  was  the 
highlight  of  activities  for  the  Concert  Band 
in  April. 

Starting  out  at  7  a.m.  April  17,  the  band 
loaded  two  charter  buses  and  headed  for  the 
first  concert  at  Wapahani  High  School. 
Along  with  the  concert  band,  the  jazz  band 
also  performed  a  few  numbers. 

Another  concert  was  played  in  the 
afternoon  at  Center  Grove  High  School. 
After  the  concert,  the  band  met  their  hosts 
for  the  evening.  An  evening  concert  was 
performed  at  Greenwood  High  School  near 
Center  Grove 

Louisville  highlights  trip 

On  Friday,  the  band  played  two  concerts, 
one  at  Jennings  County  High  School  and 
another  at  Scottsburg  Junior  High. 
Following  the  last  concert,  the  band  headed 
for  Louisville,  Kentucky, 

As  the  highlight  of  the  trip,  the  band  went 

to  see  a  performance  of  the  Louisville 
Symphony  Orchestra.  The  guest  conductor 
was  Jorge  Mester.  The  band  then  returned 
home  on  Saturday,  April  19. 

Future  activities  of  the  Concert  Bar 
include  the  Spring  Concert  on  May  8,  Those 
groups  that  will  perform  will  be  the  Concert 
Band,  Choir,  and  Orchestra. 

There  will  also  be  a  jazz  concert  in  May 
featuring  both  jazz  bands. 

Cross  receives  award 

Jazz  bands  8:00  and  3:00  recently 
participated  in  the  Notre  Dame  Jazz  Festival 
on  April  12.  Senior  Bob  Cross  received  the 
piano  soloist  award. 

On  April  20,  the3:00  jazz  band  and  Trojan 
Singers  performed  at  the  opening  ceremonies 
of  the  Fine  Arts  Festival. 

The  jazz  bands  will  also  be  performing  at 
Ball  State's  Jazz  Festival  on  May  3, 

6  -  News 

Council  organizes  spring  actiuities 

Student  Council  is  busy 
planning  Elmhurst's  first 
annual  Spring  Fling  Day 
scheduled  for  April  25. 

During  the  last  part  of 
this  day  students  will  be 
excused  from  classes  to 
meet  out  on  the  football  field 
and  join  in  the  numerous 
activities  the  Council  is  now 

Committees  are  being 
formed  to  plan  games  and 










PHONE  747-0551 

activities  for  this  afternoon 
of  fun  such  as  water  balloon 
battles,  egg  toss,  tug  of  war, 
obstacle  courses,  and  frisbee 
throws.  Organized  games  of 
football,  Softball  and  tennis 
are  also  being  considered. 

On  the  28th  the  Council  is 
sponsoring  a  Grandparents 
Day.  Interested  students 
are  invited  to  join  council 
members  at  a  local 
retirement  home  for  a  spring 

party.  Those  wanting  to 
participate  should  speak  to  a 
student  council  member 

The  Council  has  also  been 
busy  planning  for  the 
election  of  next  year's 
Council  officer.s  in  May. 
They  are  considering 
different  methods  of  electing 
to  make  the  elections  run 
more  smoothly  than  it  has  in 
past  years. 

Want  Something 
Really  New? 
The  Newport 

student  discount 


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It's  the 
real  thing. 

May  is  Trojan  banquet  month 

The  remainder  of  the  school  year 
vvill  be  filled  with  banquets 
recognizing  various  members  of 
Eimhurst  High  School's  clubs  and 

A  coaches  banquet  and  the  junior 
and  sophomore  honors  reception 
have  already  taken  place.  This 
evening,  the  cafeteria  will  be  the 
scene  for  the  third  annual  Senior 
Honors  Banquet  ■-  seniors  and  their 
guests  will  attend  the  function. 
Junior  honor  girls  will  serve  the 
meal.  Principal  Horstmeyer  will 
speak  and  the  Trojan  Singers  will 
provide  entertainment. 

Senior  honors  May  28 

The  final  recognition  function  will 
be  on  May  28.  The  senior  honors 
recognition  night  will  be  attended 
by  all  those  graduating  and  will  take 
place  in  the  EHS  gymnasium. 
Dressed  in  their  caps  and  gowns,  the 
graduates-to-be  will  once  again  be 
congratulated  and  thanked  for  their 
many  contributions  to  Eimhurst. 
Outstanding  juniors  and 

sophomores  will  be  mentioned  for 
honors  in  subject  areas. 

On  Thursday,  May  15,  the 
Eimhurst  Quill  and  Scroll  Society 
will  wine  and  dine  at  the  Big  Wheel 
beginning    at    7    p.m.    All    those 

students  involved  in  joumaUsm  as 
well  as  their  parents  and  other 
invited  guests  will  attend.  The  price 
is  $6  per  person.  One  of  the  present 
members  will  serve  as  Master  of 
Ceremonies  for  the  evening  which 
will  be  highlighted  by  initiation  of 
new  members. 

Athletes,  DE  banquets  announced 

The  annual  Athletic  Recognition 
Banquet  will  be  held  on  Sunday, 
May  20,  this  year.  According  to 
Athletic  Director  Mr.  Paul  Bienz, 
the  banquet  is  meant  to  "honor  any 
athlete  that  has  won  an  award  in 
any  sport  this  year."  May  14  is  the 
reservation  deadline  for  the  diimer 
which  is  open  to  anyone  purchasing 
the  $4  tickets.  Dan  Streeter  of  WGL 
Radio  will  emcee  starting  at  6:30  in 
the  cafeteria. 

The  Heritage  House  Restaurant 
will  be  the  scene  for  the  armual 
Distributive  Education  banquet. 
DE  students  and  their  employers 
(those  who  are  to  be  recognized), 
will  attend.  Senior  DE  president, 
Cindy  Krouse,  will  serve  as  emcee  at 
the  dinner  which  will  begin  at  7  p.m. 
on  May  21. 

The  Forum  Club  will  have  a 
banquet  May  23,  for  which  details 
will  be  worked  out  and  pubUcized 

LEFT,  CARMEN  MESSINl  FROM  ITALY  and  Fatima  Tigmi  from  Morocco  tour  the 
Lincoln  Life  Museum.  Later,  at  right,  Giancarlo  Ferrari  frx>m  Italy  entertains  the  group  as  part 
ofAFS  weekend's  activities  April  25-27, 


SPRING  DAY.  APRIL  25,  /"eatured  m-c*  /i.»  for 
tug  of  war. 

aU  as  shown  above  in  one 

of  the  events,  • 


Feet  walk  against 

Once  again  there  will  be  a  walk  in 
Fort  Wayne  to  raise  money  for  the 
hungry  of  the  world  —  this  time  it  will 
be  run  under  a  new  name. 

Last  year  there  was  no  walk  and 
young  people  from  around  the  city 
inquired  what  had  happened  to  the 
endeavor.  Well,  this  year  these  veteran 
walkers'  inquiries  will  be  answered 
with  the  Hunger  Walk  organized  by 
Friends  of  the  Third  World. 

Name  changes,  goals  continue 

Walk  participants  from  previous 
years  may  be  puzzled  over  the  name 
and  remember  the  days  of  the  Walk  for 
Development  sponsored  by  Youth  for 
Development.  The  name  change  came 
after  the  national  organization,  Youth 
for  Development,  died  out  and  Fort 
Wayne  members,  desiring  to  continue 
the  work,  set  up  the  local  Friends  of 
the  Third  World.  The  goals  have 
remained  intact. 

Proceeds  from  this  year's  walk  will 
be  divided  in  three  categories  for 
distribution.  Forty-five  percent  of  the 
money  will  go  toward  building  food 
storage  bins  to  protect  stored  crops, 
and  plows  in  Ghana,  Africa.  This  part 
of  Africa  is  expected  to  increase  its 


Local  groups  split  profits 

Locally,  two  groups  will  split 
another  45%.  Half  will  go  to  the  Benito 
Juarez  Center.  The  Benito  Juarez 
Center  will  use  their  money  to  help 
people  to  get  jobs,  counseUng,  and 

The  Martin  Luther  King  Center  will 
use  their  money  to  provide  help  to  the 
elderly,  educational  services, 
emergency  food,  and  recreation  to 
people  of  Fort  Wayne's  East  Central 
Neighborhood.  The  emergency  help  is 
given  until  the  families  become  self- 

The  remaining  10%  of  the  walk 
proceeds  will  help  sustain  the  Third 
World  Center  and  expand  its  inventory 
of  handicrafts  and  books.  The  profits 
from  these  sales  go  to  needy  people  in 
Fort  Wayne. 

The  Hunger  Walk  covers  twenty-six 
miles  starting  and  ending  in  Franke 
Park  on  April  19.  Much  the  same  route 
will  be  followed  as  in  1971,  the  most 
successful  year  for  the  walk  in  this 
city.  Registration  cards  are  available 
at  the  Third  World  Center,  428  E. 
Berry  and  in  the  Eimhurst  cafeteria 

food    supply    by    50%    with    these        during  lunch  mods. 

hunger;  April   19 



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36  EHS  seniors  place  on' A'  list 

w^nm .:..... 

Where  your  favorite  request 

is  just  a  phone  call  away 



The  senior  class  proved  its 
intellectual  ability  by  having  the 
highest  number  of  students  on  the 
third  quarter  principal's  hst.  The 
following  are  those  who  obtained  the 
position:  L>iin  Brown,  Jack  Briegel, 
Mike  Duray,  William  Frank,  Greg 
Hershberger,  Jody  Hornberger. 
Linda  Maldeney,  Pat  Prader,  Linda 
Panyard,  Cheryl  Taylor,  Terry 
Tracy.  Linda  Whitton,  Pamela 
Wilhams,  Kevin  Young  and  Donald 
Pinnick.  Making  honor  roll  for  the 
third  quarter  in  the  senior  class 
involved  19  girls  and  17  boys. 

Juniors  making  the  principal's 
list  are;  Sue  Adams,  Nancy  Beadle, 
Betty  Carrion,  Dayton  Frey,  Kent 

Gaskill,  Barbara  Harman,  Tammy 
Hughes,  Andrea  Marchese,  Kim 
Markey,  Yvette  Morrill,  Verne 
Myers,  J.  Allen  Shaw  and  Don 
Wenger.  The  junior  class  had  35 
girls  and  21  boys  on  the  honor  roll. 

Principal's  list  for  the  sophomores 
includes:  Susan  Anderson,  Michelle 
Armstrong,  Robert  Bracht,  Chad 
Cline,  Janet  Dowling,  Sue 
Frankewich,  Randall  Girod,  Karyn 
Heiney,  Tod  Huntley  and  Douglas 
Peters.  Sophomores  on  the  honor 
roll  number  13  girls  and  10  boys. 

To  be  eligible  for  the  principal's 
list  students  must  have  straight  A's 
and  to  be  eligible  for  honor  roll 
students  need  a  B  plus  average. 

Top  1%  receive  annual  award 

Each  year  the  top  one  per  cent  of 
the  junior  class  is  honored  with  the 
Tri  Kappa  Award.  It  is  given  by  the 
local  chapter  of  Tri  Kappa  Sorority 
and  is  defined  as  an  incentive  award. 
It  urges  the  honored  juniors  to 
strive  for  scholastic  achievement  in 
their  senior  year. 

The  winners  of  the  award  from 
Elmhurst  this  year  are  Don  Wenger, 
Yvette  Morrill,  David  Beutler.  and 
Wes  Byrne.  These  students  were 
chosen  on  past  scholastic 
achievement  only. 

A  pin  and  a  certificate  were  given 
to    the    deserving   juniors    at    the 

annual  Underclass  Reception,  April 
16.  Recognition  of  this  award  will 
also  be  given  at  the  Senior 
Recognition  Program  May  28. 

Wenger,  David  B< 

'f(e  Morrill.    Don 
■  d  Wes  Byrne. 

back  to 

When  hyperactivity  is 
normal  order  of  things  •■  that 
spring.  Whether  it  be  a  game  of 
frisbee,  a  day  of  bicycling,  going  to 
a  playground,  or  the  annual 
pilgrimage  to  Foster  Park,  tfif 
general  mood  of  the  masses  is  < 
of  getting  up  and  doing  things,  i 
of  course,  the  best  place  to  pursue 
any  spring  activity  is  out-of-doors 

And  the  out-of-doors  is  definite^ 
the  place  to  be.  People  begin  doing 
anything  to  get  out  in  the  fresh  air 
-  even  wash  their  cc-  (only  to  havf 
it  rain  the  next  dayl.  Students 
begin  contemplating  break-outs  o 
soon  as  a  few  flowers  come  up  anC 
the  sun  begins  to  shine    -  w 


^^^4    ■ 

:!r<v       f.i' 


Sc^/4-'^i^  ^  ^  Sat 

Many  Trojans  wilJ  be  helping  out 
in  various  phases  of  the  upcoming 
third  annual  March  of  Dimes  Bike- 

Mr.  Jim  Welborn  will  be 
organizing  checkpoint  workers, 
utilizing  the  skills  of  various 
[oembers  of  the  faculty  and  the 
student  body.  This  is  Mr. 
Welborn's  second  year  assisting 
this  event. 

Youth  participation  sought 

Many  students  plan  on  riding  in 

the  Bike-A-Thon.  According  to 
March  of  Dimes  executive  director 
Mrs.  Sherry  Postich,  participation 
from  area  youth  in  the  project  is 
fundamental  to  its  success.  Last 
year,  a  total  of  220  cyclists  brought 
in  $4,000.  Mrs.  Postich  hopes  that 
increased  enthusiasm  within  the 
young  adult  age  bracket  will 
greatly  increase  the  event's 

The  Bike-A-Thon  will  start  at 
Rockhill  Park  on  U.S.  24  West, 
Sat.,    May    3.    Riders    who    have 

Seniors  hear  speahers 

Ms.  Sonya  Modesitt  and  Mrs. 
Phyllis  Morken  have  basically  a  lot 
in  common.  They  are  both  female, 
both  have  children  and  they  both 
have  strong  feelings  on  two 
controversial  issues. 

Ms.  Modesitt,  former 

broadcaster  for  WGL,  spoke  to  Mr. 
Glenn  Miller's  sociology  classes  on 
Thursday,  April  19.  Ms.  Modesitt 
talked  on  women's  rights  and  the 
Equal  Rights  Amendment. 
Speaking  from  a  very  non-militant 
viewpoint,  Ms.  Modesitt  promoted 
the  passage  of  the  age-old  sex 
equality  act. 

■■I  thought  the  program  was  very 
pertinent  to  women's  role  in 
\merica  today,"  said  senior 
Wendy  Keim.  "She  was  weU  versed 

and  interesting." 

Mrs.  Morken  and  Mrs,  Phyllis 
Alvia  spoke  to  Mr.  John  Bunnell's 
classes  on  the  following  Friday 
about  abortion.  These  women  were 
from  Nurses  Concerned  for  Life, 
and  both  are  registered  nurses. 
After  a  number  of  slides,  the  nurses 
answered  questions  posed  to  them 
by  the  audience. 

"I  thought  their  program  was 
very  worthwhile,  though  I  can't 
say  1  agreed  with  all  their  views," 
stated  senior  Pam  Reyburn.  "Some 
of  their  views  yes  ....  others  no." 

All  of  the  ladies  took  time  from 
their  work  days  to  speak  to  the 
various  classes.  Both  programs 
were  well  put  together  and  many 
students  felt  they  were  worthwhile. 

secured  pledges  per  mile  will 
register  and  set  out  on  their  30  mile 
trek  between  7 ;  30  and  9 :  00  a.m. 

Sigil,  a  local  rock  group,  will  play 
some  morning  "wake-up"  music  to 
get  bikers  started  out  on  the  right 
foot  (pedal?). 

Official  registration  forms  are 
available  to  students  in  the  main 
office  or  from  Mr.  Welbom.  They 
can  also  be  found  at  local  Burger 
Chefs,  both  malls,  and  all  Rogers' 

Safest  route  posaible 

The  entire  ride  area  will  be 
patrolled  for  safety  by  the  sheriff's 
mounted  posse,  vehicle  patrol  and 
helicopter.  Sheriff  Bud  Meeks  is 
convinced  that  the  route  for  the 
ride  is  the  safest  possible  one. 

All  money  raised  will  help  the 
March  of  Dimes  combat  the 
number  one  child  killer  in  the 
United  States:  birth  defects.  One 
in  every  fourteen  children  and  one 
in  every  ten  families  are  affected  by 
any  of  many  birth  defects.  The 
Bike-A-Thon  serves  as  a  means  for 
young  adults  to  actively  protest 
the  fact  that  the  U.S.  ranks  only 
17th  in  world  national  infant 
survival  statistics.  The  infant 
mortahty  ratio  of  the  U.S.  is 
approximately  equal  to  that  of 
Hong  Kong. 

Anyone  desiring  further 
information  is  welcome  to  call  the 
March  of  Dimes  office  at  484-0622. 


...for    the     prom 

5001    Ardmore 

See  Our  New  Prom   Formats 
And  Matching  Accessories 

Juniors  3-15 
MisMy  6-16 

Open  Mon..  Friday  10-9 
Saturday  9-6 


Woyne  Ploza 
5905  Slufflon  Rood 




8 -Sports 

The    Elmhurst    baseball    team 
(stretched  its  record  to  7-3  with  two 
victories    over    the    New    Haven 
Bulldogs  last  Saturday, 

In  the  first  game  senior  Dave 
Campbell  pitched  himself  out  of 
jams  with  the  potential  tying  and 
wimiing  runs  at  third  base  and 
second  respectively.  The  final  tally. 
2-1  Elmhurst. 

A  five  run  fifth  inning  sparked  by 

Campbell's  bases  loaded  double 

paved  the  way  for  the  Big  Red's 

i  •*"'    X,    second    victory    over    New    Haven 

J  -^    Saturday.       A       fine       pitching 

f'£;^  -    performance    from    Lynns;'    Brown 

^ /■'      held  the  BuUdogs  to  one  unearned 

VTjn.    The    Trojans    suffered    their 

'  ^ps^sm^^smmL- 

when  third  baseman  Dan  Landrigan 
was  hit  on  the  ear  by  a  hard  hit 
ground  ball.  Dan  was  taken  to 
Lutheran  Hospital  where  he 
received  several  stitches. 

Earlier  in  the  week  the  Trojans 
defeated  the  Northrop  Bruins  7-1 
behind  junior  Terry  Smith's  three- 
hit  pitching.  The  victory  boosted  the 
Trojans'  SAC  record  to  3-0  which 
makes  them  high  men  on  the  totem 

Tomorrow    the    Big    Red    face 
Dwenger  in  a  very  important  SAC 
contest.    The   weekend    sees   the 
Trojans  traveling  to  Homestead 
take     on     the     Spartans 

»■  Snorts 


With  the  season  barely 
under  way,  Elmhurst's  golf 
team  has  been  struggling 
against  their  early 
opponents.  Last  Thursday, 
April  24,  Elmhurst  dropped 
all  of  their  matches  against 
Snider,  North  Side,  and 
Bishop  Luers  at  Riverbend 
to  sink  to  a  record  of  one 
win,  five  losses.  A  total  of 
184  was  posted  by 
Elmhurst,  which  wasn't 
nearly  enough  to  defeat  the 

three  foes. 

Junior  Jim  McCleneghen 
stroked  a  42  for  the  best 
Elmhurst  score  of  the  day, 
followed  by  junior  Mark 
Newell  with  a  46,  Senior  Jim 
Norton  had  a  47  while 
seniors  George  Huber  and 
Mike  Arnold  ended  with  a  49 
and  50  respectively. 

At  the  April  22  golf 
match,  Elmhurst  gained  its 
only  victory  as  a  result  of  a 
forfeit  by  Harding.  At  that 

same    meet, 

slightly  better,  as 

McCleneghen  scored  42, 
Arnold  46,  Norton  45,  and 
Newell  46. 

Even  though  Elmhurst 
hasn't  come  very  close  yet, 
Mr.  Nick  Werling,  golf 
coach,  commented,  "When 
our  boys  begin  playing  like 
they  should,  things  will  be 

S)i^ ' 


11 -Editorial 

^ent  over  need-x  ^Financial  status^ 

Lk      by  Cindy  Ro8B  '        hv  LesUe  Collier  ^J0 

g\^      by  Cindy  Ross 

>A  person  who  has  financial  need 
can  certainly  go  to  college  if  he  so 
^^V       desires.  How?  Loans,  grants,  and 
^y       scholarships.   But  what  about  an 
^pgp       only  child  who  shows  outstanding 
^^^g       academic     achievement     in     high 

O       school,  but  whose  parents  make  a 
gross  annual  income  of  $18,000  to 
^^^"       822,000?  He  has  very  little  chance 
^^       of  financial  help. 

Although  the  only  child's  family 
- -^  doesn't  have  pressing  financial 
^^w       problems  at  the  moment,  if  they 

a    attempt  to  put  their  child  through 
college,  they  will  have  difficulties 

^^B  making  ends  meet  if  they  receive  no 
outside  financial  help.  There  should 
'be  some  means  of  financial  aid  for 
families  in  this  situation  and 
scholarships  should  be  that  means. 

At  present,  scholarships  are 
awarded  for  about  anything.  At 
Indiana  University,  there  are  216 
different  scholarships  ranging  from 
S25  to  S2.000.  most  of  which  have 
little  or  no  academic  requirements. 
Many  require  graduation  from  a 
certain  high  school,  a  promise  to 
major  in  a  certain  field,  or  simply 
being  of  a  certain  race  or  creed.  It  is 
not  necessary  for  a  person  to  prove 
that  he  has  what  it  takes  to  make  it 
in  college,  namely  ambition  and 
academic  achievement. 
Scholarships  should  be  given  to 
people  that  have  already  shown 
these  characteristics  during  high 




What  about  people  who  have  a 
desperate  financial  need  and  a 
strong  desire  for  college,  but  whose 
records  may  not  qualify  them  for  a 
purely  academic  scholarship? 
There  are  thousands  of  different 
loans  available,  up  to  S7,500 
annually  for  under-graduates,  at  as 
low  as  3  per  cent  interest  repayable 
over  a  ten-year  period.  Local,  state 
and  federal  grants  are  also  easily 
obtainable  up  to  SIO.OOO,  and  these 
require  no  repayment.  In  1974, 
5658.7  million  worth  of  federal 
grants  were  awarded  nationwide. 

Awarding  scholarships  to 
scholars  and  using  loans  for  those 
with  real  financial  need  and  not 
meeting  the  grant  standards  would 
help  insure  that  scholarship  money 
would  not  be  wasted.  If  a 
scholarship  were  given  based  solely 
on  financial  need,  and  after  one 
year  of  college  the  person 
discovered  that  he  couldn't  make 
it,  that  money  was  totaUy  wasted. 
Taking  out  a  loan  and  knowing  that 
it  has  to  be  repaid  provides  added 
incentive  for  study  and  completion 
of  college. 

With  so  many  people  who  want 
higher  education  and  so  little 
money  to  go  around,  what  money 
there  is  should  be  put  to  its  most 
constructive  use. 

by  Leslie  Collier 

During  this  time  of  what  seems 
to  be  non-stop  inflation,  the 
thought  of  paying  for  a  college 
education  may  end  up  to  be  no 
more  than  a  thought  ...  a  wish  ..,  a 
dream .,  ora  hope. 

The  fact  is  that  there  are  many 
high  school  students  throughout 
the  country  who  are  being  deprived 
of  desperately  wanted  college 
educations,  WHY?  Because  they 
are  financially  unable  to  receive 

It  is  the  dream  of  many  young 
people  to  get  a  college  degree. 
Many  work  twelve  long,  hard  years 
to  prepare  for  college  and  upon 
graduation  from  high  school  are 
suddenly  confronted  with  the 
realization  that  they  can't  afford  a 
college  degree.  Should  that  end 
their  dream,  simply  because  they 
cannot  pay  for  college  expenses? 
Should  the  academically  superior 
student  settle  for  a  high  school 
diploma  when  he  is  capable  of 
obtaining  a  college  degree  with 
financial  assistance?  These 
questions  and  many  others  are 
confronting  high  school  students 
considering  college.  The  answers  to 
them  are  not  as  obvious  as  they 
may  appear. 

One  important  factor  is  the  type 
of  counseling  a  student  receives 
during  his  high  school  years. 
Although    no   student    should    be 

pushed  towards  a  higher  education 
which  he  doesn't  want,  those  who 
do  desire  further  education  should 
receive  encouragement.  Many 
students  do  not  receive  any 
encouragement  whatsoever  at 
home,  so  it  is  up  to  the  school  to 
provide  it  for  them.  Providing  this 
encouragement  may  fall  into  many 
different  forms,  such  as  counseling 
on  what  college  to  attend  or  how  to 
qualify  for  various  scholarships, 
grants,  and  loans  or  tuition,  cost  of 
materials,  etc. 
Putting  the  mone>  to  use 

Many  students  are  left  with  the 
impression  that  if  they  don't  have  a 
99,9%  grade  average  they  can  kiss 
a  scholarship  goodbye.  Well,  not 
too  long  ago  this  was  true,  but 
scholarships  are  now  becomming 
available  to  students  more  on  the 
basis  of  their  financial  need. 
Universities  such  as  Western 
Kentucky,  Harvard,  University  of 
Chicago,  New  York  University  and 
many  others  are  now  offering  these 
types  of  scholarships.  Just  because 
a  student  was  not  on  the  honor  roll 
for  four  straight  years  does  not 
mean  that  he  has  no  potential. 
Given  the  chance  (which  is  what 
these  types  of  scholarships  do|, 
many  students  who  would  have 
stopped  with  a  high  school  diploma 
continue  their  educations  and 
become  very  useful  to  society. 








10 • Feature 

Time  for 

A  great  sport  for  getting  a  lot  of 
people  together  is  softball.  A  group 
of  about  10  or  15  people  (preferably 
those  who  know  how  to  play,  but  not 
necessarily  needed)  is  all  it  takes  to 
start  a  game.  Although  knowing 
how  to  play  helps,  not  knowing  how 
can  often  provide  some  comic  relief 
to  the  afternoon. 

Contrary  to  popular  belief,  some 
of  the  best  softball  players  in  the 
city  are  female.  Many  churches  and 
groups  have  organized  girls'  softball 
teams  and  they  have  subsequently 
become  some  of  the  top  area  players. 

Diamonds  are  available  all  over 
the  city.  All  the  city  parks  and 
almost  all  the  schools  have  them,  so 
access  is  unlimited.  Even  if  these  are 
full,  a  diamond  can  easily  be  mapped 
out  on  any  large  area. 

Softball,  therefore,  is  a  sport  for 
everyone  and  for  an  enjoyable 


P  Bicycling  is  invariably  one  of  the 
most  popular  choices  for  spending  a 
spring  or  summer  day.  The  sport 
offers  something  for  practically 
everyone  --■  from  sightseers  to 
exercise  fanatics  to  ecologists. 

Fort  Wayne  has  in  recent  years 
designed  several  bike  paths.  The 
closest  of  these  is  the  one  that  starts 
and  ends  at  Foster  Park  making  a 
circle  through  the  downtown  area. 
The  north  end  of  town  has  a  similar 
path  system. 

Those  really  involved  in  the  sport 
may  choose  to  take  cross  country 
trips  or  may  even  choose  to 
compete.  These  two  events  are 
continually  gaining  in  popularity 
and  many  clubs  have  been  started, 
both  locally  and  nationally  for  those 
interested  in  both.  One  of  these. 
Taylor  University's  "Wandering 
Wheels",  has  a  sizeable  membership 
in  this  area. 

All  in  all,  bicycling  is  basically  a 
sport  for  everyone,  whether  it  be  a 
simple  hobby  or  a  strongly 
competitive  sport. 

Kite  flying 

One  of  the  most  enjoyable 
diversions  of  spring  is  kite  flying  — 
particularly  on  those  days  when  the 
weather  is  near  perfect,  but  with 
enough  wind  to  keep  most  other 
activities  from  being  fun. 

Interesting  kites  serve  to  make 
the  sport  not  only  fun,  but  beautiful 
to  watch.  Lately,  many  new  designs 
have  been  developed  such  as  the  25 
and  47  foot  long  metaUic  snake 
kites.  Others  come  in  various 
geometrical  shapes  such  as  cones, 
pyramids  and  cylinders  as 
variations  on  the  well-known  box 
kite.  Last,  but  certainly  most 
popular,  is  the  standard  diamond 
shape  kite. 

Since  kites  are  relatively 
inexpensive  and  can  be  obtained  at 
toy  stores  and  many  dime  stores, 
they  make  for  a  good  opportunity  to 
get  outside  and  enjoy  spring.  All 
thafs  needed  is  a  lot  of  string,  a 
good  solid  kite,  and  a  Uttle  energy  to 
make  an  afternoon  exciting. 

.  spring  fun 


Several  years  ago  (and  it's  been  a 
few),  no  one  knew  what  a  frisbee 
was.  Today,  everyone  knows,  and 
thousands  of  people  play  -■  so  many 
in  fact,  that  it  is  popular  enough  to 
have  world  championship 


Frisbee,  unfortunately,  is  one  of 
those  games  that  can't  be  played  on 
a  windy  day  —  unless  of  course  a 
person  wants  to  play  alone,  that  is, 
since  the  wind  usually  causes  the 
frisbee  to  boomerang  back  to  the 
player.  However,  on  any  normal 
day,  the  game  can  usually  prove 
exciting  or  relaxing,  depending  on 
the  energy  of  the  players. 

Frisbee  does  offer  a  lot  of 
advantages  over  other  sports.  For 
example,  it  doesn't  need  either  a 
playing  field  or  a  whole  lot  of  area.  It 
also  doesn't  require  a  whole  lot  of 
skill    and    is    a    fairly    inexpensive 


12 -Editorial 

To  the  Editor: 

I  know  this  is  a  top  c  that 
has  been  talked  about 
before,  but  it  still  seens  that 
nothing  has  been  done  about 
it.  I'm  talking  about  the 
girls'  equipment  in  the  gym. 
Not  just  the  gymnastics 
equipment,  but  all  the  girls' 
equipment.  To  start  out.  the 
gym  itself  is  inadequate,  It 
is  too  small  to  really  do 
anything  in. 

The         gymnastics 

Oirls'  athletic  equipment  needs  improving 

equipment  is  ready  to  fall 
apart  any  moment.  The  girls 
have  to  keep  tightening  the 
bars  every  time  they  use 
them,  so  they  can  just  sit  on 
them  without  falling  off. 
The  mats  they  use  under  the 
beam  are  terrible,  the  covers 
are  all  ripped  so  that  the 
foam  is  falling  out  all  over. 
The  beam  is  really  wiggly 
and  sticky.  The  least  they 
could  do  is  get  something  to 
clean  it  off. 



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Hours  7-6 

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Wed.  &  Fri.  7-8 


The  rest  of  the  girls' 
equipment  is  just  as  bad. 
The  nets  they  use  for 
badminton,  tennis  and 
volleyball  are  falling  apart. 
All  together  the  equipment 
is  really  bad  and  needs 
replacing  I  know  the  school 
doesn't  have  that  much 
money,  but  the  money  they 
do  have  is  spent  almost 
always  on  the  boys.  The 
boys'  sports  need  more 
equipment,   but  they   don't 

FLOWERS  ...for 

every   occasion... 

5001     ARDMORE 

OPEN  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS  A  WEfKi 

need  two  and  three  uniforms 
when  you  only  wear  one  at  a 

The  point  I'm  trying  to 
make  is  that  they  should 
spend  a  little  money  on  the 
girls  instead  of  the  boys  all 
the    time.    We    would    find 










e     eta 




s  and  I 




their    t 


OD    a 



b      the 



r       T 



New  ond  Used  Government  Surplus 
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11 -F*! 

parks  attract  campers 

Since  the  days  of 
urbanized  society,  camping 
has  been  an  escape  from  the 
city  life.  The  youth  are 
among  those  people  that 
resort  to  the  country  ude  for 
relief  from  the  routine. 

Among  those  parks  with 
large  numbers  of  campsites 
are  Chain  O'  Lakes  near 
Albion,  Dunes  at 

Chesterton,  Pokagon  of 
Angola,  Turkey  Run  near 
Marshall,  and  Salamonie 
Reservoir  by  Huntington. 
All  of  these  places  except 
Salamonie  have  tenting 
areas  for  young  people. 

Chain  O'  Lakes  is  a  group 
of  nine  connecting  natural 
lakes.  It  has  a  pubhc  beach 
and  a  modem  campground. 
Boats  are  available  for 
rental  and  fishing  is 

Indiana  Dunes  State  Park 
is  further  from  Fort  Wayne 
than  Chain  O'  Lakes  --  about 
a  three  hour  drive.  Its  main 
attraction  is  the  sand  which 
makes  for  three  miles  of 
beach.  There  is  some  dense 
forest  within  the  park  which 
attracts  nature  lovers. 

Pokagon  brings  in  quite  a 
few  campers  and 

recreationists  from  Fort 
Wayne.  Almost  any 
camping  activity  can  be 
accommodated  there.  People 
bring  in  horses  to  ride  the 
trails  and  horses  can  also  be 
rented.  Pokagon  is  also  a 
place  for  the  winter  sports  of 
skating,  toboganing  and  ice- 

Sugar  Creek  lies  at  the 
bottom  of  canyons  and 
gorges  at  Turkey  Run  and 

contains  many  species  of 
fish.  The  park  has  bridle  and 
hiking  paths  through  its 
thick  woods. 

Salamonie  Reservoir  is 
the  center  of  a  large  park. 
Boating  is  very  popular 
there  and  boats  can  be 
launched  or  rented. 
Hunting,  not  allowed  in 
many  Indiana  parks,  can  be 
found  at  Salamonie  as  well 
as  swimming,  fishing  and 











5909  BLUFFTON  RD   747-4070 

3322N.  ANTHONY 484^824 

217    W.  WASHINGTON 743-9816 

Fl.  Wayna 

Tracksters  have  meet 




THE  direction  of  coach  Lucy  Doswell  the  girls  tenn, 
daily  preparing  for  their  upcoming  season. 

After  practicing  and 
working  out  for  the  past 
month,  the  girls  track  team 
is  ready  to  take  on  Snider 
and  North  Side  tonight  in 
their  first  meet  of  the 

Coach  Cathy  Russell  feels 
that  there  was  a  good 
turnout  at  the  beginning  of 
the  season,  but  because  of 
work  and  transportation 
problems  many  of  the  girls 

have  had  to  quit.  This  left 
only  14  girls,  not  near  as 
many  as  are  needed  to  make 
a  strong  team. 

The  girls  practiced  all 
through  spring  vacation, 
but  unfortunately,  weather 
conditions  did  not  favor 
them.  Mrs.  Russell  stated 
that  most  of  the  girls  are 
"fair  weather  runners",  and 
so  when  it  is  cold  and  damp 
outside  they  lack  the 
enthusiasm  and  spirit  to  do 

a  good  job. 

With  girls  track  still  in  its 
first  year  in  Fort  Wayne 
Community  Schools,  Mrs. 
Russell  does  not  know  what 
kind  of  competition  they  will 
be  up  against.  However,  she 
stated  the  girls  who  are  out 
look  very  promising. 

Their  next  meet  will  take 
place  on  April  21,  against 
Concordia  and  South  Side  at 

Tennis  team  prepares  for  season 

For  the  past  six  weeks  the 
girls'  tennis  team  has  been 
hitting  the  courts  diligently 
in  preparation  for  the 
Upcoming  season. 

Coach  Lucy  Doswell 
stresses  self  apphcation  in 
practice,  stating,  "You 
don't  go  out  for  a  sport 
unless  you  enjoy  it."  She 
gives  pointers  here  and  there 
to  the  members  who  are  still 
getting  the  basics  of  the 
game  down,  but  leaves  it  up 
to  the  individual  as  to  what 
needs  practice. 

Bad  weather  has  cost 
Tiany  valuable  days  on  the 

courts  though,  as  snow, 
rain,  and  icy  wind  have  kept 
the  team  confined  indoors. 
Their  space  is  limited 
because  of  the  many  other 
sports  going  on. 
Essentials  explained 

Practice  includes  a  variety 
of  skills.  A  strong, 
consistent  serve  is  especially 
important  in  a  singles  game. 
Doubles  takes  two  people 
who  have  played  together 
enough  so  they  know  just 
when  and  where  their 
partner  will  be.  Net  play  is 
important  here,  since  the 
area  being  covered  is  much 
less  per  person  than  in 
singles.    Shots    are    shorter 

and  the  girls  practice 
playing  the  net  in 
preparation  for  this.  But  a 
smooth,  consistent,  and  well 
followed  through  shot  is 
essential  to  both  games. 
Just  practicing  strokes 
against  the  board  improves 
one's  game  so  both  boards 
are  used  a  lot. 

It's  only  the  third  year  of 
competition  for  the  tennis 
team,  so  it  lacks  experience. 
Nevertheless,  when  the 
players  go  against  Dwenger 
on  April  23,  at  Elmhurst, 
they  will  have  weeks  of 
training  behind  them. 
They're  looking  forward  to  a 
good  season. 

HllI'm  Al! 

And  I'd  like  to  invite  you 
Trojans  to  try  one  of 
our  famous  breakfasts  ... 
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Tell  'em  Al  sent  ya 

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mv  '^m 


IZ  -  i"  eature 

School    system   offers    seniors 
government   class    alternatives 

Recently,  the  social 
studies  department  of 
Elmhurst  has  added  some 
sociology  alternatives  to  its 
curriculum,  and  now,  during 
the  summer,  senior  students 
of  the  Fort  Wayne 
Community  Schools  will  be 
able  to  take  advantage  of 
alternatives  to  the 
traditional  government 

iDtems  learn,  observe 

One  of  these  alternatives 
is  the  Local  Government 
Intern  Program.  It  is  a  four 
week  summer  school  course 
which  will  meet  throughout 
the  city  in  places  such  as  in 
the  library  and  city-county 
building.  The  idea  behind 
the  program  is  to  give  the 
participants  the  chance  to 
leam  about  the  government 
through  first-hand 
experience.  Trials  and 
hearings  will  be  observed, 
speakers  heard  and  research 
will  be  done  in  the  library. 
Daily  logs  of  activities  and 
library  research  will  be 

Reading    and    discusaion 

will  still  be  included  in  this 
variation  of  the  government 
class  but  personal 

observation  will  allow  the 
students  to  see  how  the 
government  works  and 
relate  local  issues  to 
national  ones. 
Students  to  visit  D.C. 

The  Government-Lab 
?9minar  will  provide  Fort 
Wayne  seniors  with  the 
opportunity  to  have  a 
special  experience  as  well  as 
a  change  in  the  traditional 
class.  Three  weeks  of  the 
four  will  be  spent  doing 
reading  and  researching  in  a 
North  Side  classroom.  One 
of  the  weeks  however,  the 
group  will  be  observing  the 
Federal  Government  in 
Washington,  D.C. 

The  trip  will  get  underway 
on  Monday  morning,  July 
28,  on  a  plane  at  Baer  Field. 
From  there,  the  participants 
will  begin  five  days  filled 
with  activities  and  class 
meetings.  Sightseeing  will 
center  around  the  three 
branches  of  government; 
legislative,    iudicial    and 

executive,  as  well  as  the 
historical  and  cultural 
sights  of  Mount  Vernon, 
Kennedy  Memorial  Center 
and  the  Smithsonian 

Congressmen  visited 

The  offices  of  Senator 
Birch  Bayh  and 

Representative  J.  Edward 
Roush  will  be  visited  when 
the  students  explore  the 
Senate  Office  Building  and 
the  Rayburn  House  of 
Representatives  Office 
Building.  The  two 

legislative  houses  will  be  in 
session,  so  the  group  will  see 
them  in  action.  Visits  to  the 
Supreme  Court,  U.S. 
Treasury,  Department  of 
State,  Australian  Embassy, 
Department  of  Justice,  and 
Federal  Bureau  of 
Investigation  will  help  to  fill 
out  the  itinerary. 

When  the  class  returns  on 
Friday,  Aug.  1,  they  will 
resume  meeting  for  a  week 
with  their  teacher,  Mrs. 
Rose  Marie  Otte,  to  discuss 
and  analyze  what  was 
learned  in  Washington. 


with  flowers  from 

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^?^  W^       Really  New? 
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student  discount 

man  & 

Calhoun  at    Lewisj 

14    Sports 

mond  men  drop 
big  doubleheader 

^^  Onlv     two    hit<5    R'i    rn^rh     norhvohirf 

The  previously  twelfth-ranked  Elmhurst 
Trojan  baseball  team  fell  to  defeat  at  the 
hands  of  the  DeKalb  Barons  twice  last 
Saturday.  A  lack  of  offense  along  with 
defensive  and  mental  errors  led  to  the 
Trojans'  downfall. 

Senior  Dave  Campbell  was  the  starting 
pitcher  in  the  first  game  and  was  greeted 
with  a  two-run  homer  in  the  first  inning. 
After  the  first.  Dave  settled  down  fairly 
well,  giving  up  only  two  runs  during  the  rest 
of  the  game,  one  of  which  was  unearned. 
Although  Ebnhurst  managed  nine  hits  they 
scored  only  one  run.  The  final  tally  was  4-1 

In  the  second  game  Elmhurst  managed 

only  two  hits  as  Coach  Derbyshire  gave 
some  of  the  regulars  a  rest  allowing  most  of 
the  other  players  a  chance  for  action.  This 
game  also  ended  with  DeKalb  in  front.  7-1. 

Elmhurst  opened  its  season  with  an  away 
game  at  Columbia  City,  where  backed  by 
the  Diamond  Devils  they  trounced  the 
Columbia  City  Eagles  10-0  in  six  innings. 
Sophomore  Brian  Russell  delivered  the  Big 
Red's  first  run  of  the  season  with  a  run- 
scoring  triple  in  the  first  inning.  But  Brian 
was  outshone  by  junior  Terry  Smith  who 
pitched  a  one-hit  shutout  while  fanning  12 
batters.  Terry's  comment  on  the  game  was 
that  "it  was  a  team  effort  "  and  no  special 
person  was  really  responsible  for  the 


inaalved  in  coaching  are  exhibited  by  Bill  Derbyshi. 

Last  Thursday,  Elmhurst 
vied  against  the  Belmont 
Braves  at  McMillen  Park  in 
very  nippy  weather. 
Although  the  weather  was 
cold  there  was  a  very  good 
turnout  of  Elmhurst  fans. 
They  were  not  to  be  denied  a 
victory  as  senior  Lynn 
Brown  hurled  7  innings  of 
three-hit  shutout  ball  while 
the  Trojans  scratched  out  a 
couple  of  runs. 

Fans  who  haven't  yet 
attended  a  Trojan  game  this 
year  will  find  a  new  face  on 
the  Ebnhurst  coaching  staff. 
Complementing  Coach  Bill 
Derbyshire  this  year  is  John 
Campbell,  Dave's  older 
brother.  John  is  student 
teaching  at  Homestead 
High  School  and  will  be 
helping  Coach  Derbyshire 
throughout   the   Big    Red's 

"'  irwnnn^ 

season.  The  vacancy  he  is 
filling  was  occupied  last 
year  by  Mr.  Warren 
Bistline,  who  was  since  gone 
into  the  business  world. 

Elmhurst  has  a  pair  of 
SAC  contests  this  week  as 
they  took  on  Snider  Tuesday 
and  challenge  North  Side 
tonight  at  Shoaff  Park.  The 
weekend  sees  the  Trojans 
traveling  to  East  Noble  for  a 
pair  of  games.  Next  week 
they  have  a  pair  of  crucial 
games  against  Northrop  and 

Even  though  the  Big  Red 
has  a  .500  record  as  of  now, 
the  outlook  is  bright.  The 
team  is  very  well  balanced 
with  a  combination  of  speed, 
good  hitting,  power,  good 
defense,  depth  in  pitching, 
and  fine  coaching. 

13  -  Eilitorial 

MON..nU.  10-9  SAT.  10-6 

FT.WAYNE,  INDUNA  219^32^156 

Actiuities  cause  absences 

In  the  past  few  months,  there 
have  been  an  increasing  number  of 
complaints  aired  in  the  halls  and 
classrooms  of  EHS.  No,  it  is  not 
those  easily  disturbed,  opinionated 
students,  but  it  is  the  teachers  who 
have  been  displaying  their  views. 
Ironically,  it  appears  that  we,  the 
students,  have  heard  more  about  it 
than  anybody  else,  and  we  would 
ikp  to  present  our  side  of  the  coin. 

Restricting  time 

The  root  of  the  problem  is  the 
number  of  classroom  interruptions 
and    absences    caused    by    other 

activities  during  the  school  day. 
Many  a  time  have  teachers 
commented  on  homeroom  messing 
up  morning  classes,  or  yet  another 
pep  session  that  disrupts  the 
classroom  atmosphere.  There  have 
been  times  when  one  activity,  such 
as  band  or  student  council,  has 
talien  students  and  time  out  of 
other  classes,  and  teachers 
resented,  perhaps  rightfully  so,  the 
intrusion  of  their  specialty. 

However,  we,  the  students,  are  in 
one  of  the  busiest  times  of  our  lives. 
Our  hectic  schedules,  evidenced  by 





1    1^*     ' 


31  RasicUi'  Tuxedo  Renlal 

4322  DeForcst  Ave. 


the  many  vacant  bodies  staggering 
around  Elmhurst  before  spring 
break,  don't  allow  us  to  restrict 
each  absorbing  interest  to  a 
specific  amount  of  time.  Certain 
activities  simply  require  extra 
time,  and  we.  of  course,  take  the 
opportunity  to  use  it.  If  time 
during  the  day  wasn't  given  to 
those  few  that  are  involved  in 
Elmhurst  activities,  they  would 
simply  not  have  time  at  all,  and 
student  interest  would  drop. 

Not  students'  fault 

In  addition,  why  should  we  be 
the  ones  to  receive  criticism  and 
penalty  for  missing  class,  or  for 
attending  an  activity  offered  by  the 
school?  We  have  nothing  to  do  with 
whether  or  not  we  will  have  a  pep 
session,  or  when  a  concert  is  to  be 
given.  Maybe  there  is  a  student 
council,  but  we  are  not  responsible 
for  these  "interruptions",  and  can 
do  nothing  about  them. 

If  teachers  have  a  bone  to  pick, 
please  don't  throw  us  the  bone, 
because  we  do  not  decide  when 
something  is  going  to  be.  There 
must  be  a  more  effective  way  of 
making  known  one's  grievances, 
but  through  the  students  is  not  one 
of  them. 

The     Adv«D< 

■  ff     invitea 

etud«nte  and  teachers  to  rxprc** 
their  opiniooe  on  any  aubjeci 
through  the  newspaper  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to 
review  all  material  before 

Tracksters  lack  depth 

Although  lacking  depth, 
this  year's  track  team  does 
have  possibilities.  Coached 
by  Mr.  Don  Kemp,  the  track 
men  have  only  participated 
in  three  outdoor  meets  thus 
far  because  of  bad  weather. 

On  April  8,  Elmhurst  ran 
against  Snider  and  lost  in 
overall    team    points.    But 

sophomore  Tim  Lee,  who 
won  the  half  mile  with  an 
excellent  time  of  1:58,  and 
juniors  Johnny  Bright  and 
Brad  Smith,  who  placed  in 
the  100-yard  dash,  will  give 
Elmhurst  a  chance. 

In  the  North  Side  Relays 
on  April  12,  Elmhurst 
placed  7th  out  of  16  teams 

standouts  such  as     with  20  overall  team  points. 

Students  enjoy  wrestling 

For  some  people,  Wednesday  after  school  is  a  time  to  let 
loose  their  day's  frustration.  Wrestling  has  been  their 
activity  for  the  past  four  weeks  and  it's  evident  they  enjoy 
it  by  the  fact  that  they  keep  coming  back. 

WrestUng  intramurals  are  open  to  all  students  at 
Elmhurst,  including  those  who  never  wrestled  on  a  team 
before.  The  program  is  backed  by  wrestling  Coaches  Jim 
Welborn  and  Robert  Horn.  Before  "engaging  in  combat," 
the  grapplers  must  have  a  brief  ten-minute  warm  up.  After 
that  the  wrestlers  may  challenge  anyone  to  a  match, 
including  the  undefeated  130-pound  and  the  undefeated  250- 
pound  coaches. 

The  turnout  so  far  has  been  about  25  wrestlers  per  night, 
which  is  on  the  average  about  ten  more  than  last  year.  The 
program  lasts  until  4  p.m.  each  night  and  will  continue  until 
the  end  of  the  semester. 

For  those  wishing  to  continue  to  keep  in  shape  and 
participate  in  wrestling  and  other  sports,  a  program  is 
available  this  summer.  The  year  old  program  will  include 
running  and  weightUfting  and  will  meet  for  two  hours  every 
day.  Cost  of  the  program  will  be  75  cents  per  student. 

The  sprint  relay  team 
consisting  of  senior  Darryl 
Jackson  and  juniors  Johnny 
Bright,  Bill  MazeUn  ,  and 
Brad  Smith  took  first  place 
with  a  time  of  44  seconds 
flat.  The  distance  medley 
relay  with  seniors  Paul 
Stevens  and  Rod  McDonald, 
junior  Larry  Raber,  and 
sophomore  Tim  Lee  came  in 
second  with  a  time  of  7: 52.9. 
In  the  pole  vault  junior  Jeff 
Heller  placed  fourth  with  a 
vault  of  13  feet. 

Returning  letter  men  this 
year  are  seniors  Derek  Paris, 
Dave  Boyer,  Darryl 
Jackson,  and  Paul  Stevens 
as  well  as  juniors  Dave 
Chrzan,  Jeff  Heller,  Bill 
Mazelin,  and  Larry  Raber. 



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OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  1 2:00  TO  5  00 ._ 

14  -  Editorial 

To  The  Editor: 

Every  year  about  this 
time,  it  becomes  a  problem 
keeping  students  inside  the 
cafeteria  and  the  building 
during  lunch  mods.  We 
aren't  allowed  to  go  out  into 
the  court  yard  because  it's 
too  noisy  for  the  class  rooms 
around  there.  Whenever 
anyone  goes  out  there,  they 
are  told  to  get  out.  They 
can't  even  go  outside  during 
their  lunch  mod  either.  Why 
can't  there  be  a  part  of  the 
yard  where  students  could 
go  outside  to  eat  or  just  to 
relax?  There  is  a  smaU  park 
next  to  the  school.  Far 
enough  away  from  class 
rooms  where  classes  won't 
be  disturbed,  and  close 
enough  where  there  could  be 

Why  couldn't  there  be 
some  place  set  aside  for 
students  to  go  where  they 
can  get  outside  on  nice  days 

Why  not  eat  out  ? 

that  every  activity  is  limited 
to  just  specific  groups. 

Sure,  there  was  a 
basketball  game  between 
the  Elmhurst  faculty  and 
the  Fort  Wayne 

newscasters.  That's  great  if 

think  I'd  ever  have  made  it 

this  far  without  you. 

I  would  also  Uke  to  thank 
you  for  requiring  people  to 
wear  helmets  when  riding  a 
motorcycle.  Just  think  of  all 
the  Uves  it  has  saved.  And 

you're      a      sportsminded  think  of  the  thousands  more 

person.  And  there's  plenty  that  wiU  be  saved  if  there  is 

of   jazz    concerts,    too,    for  a  mandatory  seat-belt  law. 

those  students  who  are  into  Speaking  of  cars.   I  just 

jazz.  There  are  also  many  can't  forget  to  thank  the  car 

other  activities  that  require  manufacturers    for    putting 

a  lot  of  time,  money  and  just  all  those  buzzers  on  the  car. 

plain  hard  work.  There's  a  buzzer  so  I  don't 

The    basketball     party,  forget  my  keys,  a  buzzer  if 

given  on  March  12.  was  fun  ^'^  low  on  gas,  and  one  if 

for   everybody.    There    was  I'™  low  on  oil  and  one  for 

music,  dancing  and  a  lot  of  when  I  forget  to  fasten  my 

laughing  and  talking. '- seat  belt.  Some  cars  won't 

I  think  that  more  dances  ^^^"  ^^'^  '^  ^^^  ^''^"^  ''^^ 

should  be  given  here  at 
Elmhurst.  They're 
inexpensive,  yet  a  good 
source    of   entertainment. 

seat  belts  aren't  fastened. 

I  just  want  to  say 
'thanks"  once  again  to  our 
government  for  taking  such 

and  enjoy  lunch? 

fancy  footwork 



To  The  Editor: 

To  The  Editor: 

I'd  like  to  comment  on  the 
entertainment  provided  for 
students  at  EHS.  It  seems 

Dances  can  prove  just  how  good  care  of  me.  They  sure 
much  fun  one  can  have  with  have  quite  a  job,  watching 
just  a  few  records  and  some  out  for  ail  the  people  and 
making  sure  they  don't  get 
into  any  trouble.  Now  if 
there  were  some  way  you 
could  get  me  to  remember 
my  umbrella  when  it  rains. 
I'll  be  all  set. 

I  would  like  to  thank  the 
government  for  taking  such 
good   care   of   me.    I   don't 




gives  you  something 
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16-  Sports 

S^S  ^loi^efU  ^e^  fiftaetcce  %acutcC<i 

"Better  season  than  last 
year"  is  the  prediction  from 
Mr.  Nick  WerUng,  Elmhurst 
golf  coach  and  history 
teacher.  In  comparison  to 
last  year,  the  team  should 
fare  quite  well,  since  last 
year's  season  brought  only 
one  victory.  While  this 
year's  team  is  hampered  by 
inexperience,  it  still  stacks 

up       better       than       the 
inexperience  of  last  year. 

Coach  Werling  began 
practice  sessions  last  week, 
and  among  the  22  golfers 
who  showed  up,  five  are 
returning  from  last  year's 
team.  Senior  letterman  Mike 
Arnold,  seniors  Jim  Norton 
and  George  Huber,  and 
juniors  Jim  McCleneghen 
and  Greg  Smith  return  to 
offer  their  skills. 

Bennett^s  Introduces  Formal  Wear  Rental 

iat  considerable  savings,  of  course) 

"After  Six"  Formal  wear  and  accessories,  the  most 
celebrated  nome  in  men's  fashions,  has  joined  the  Bennett 
Collection.  Contemporary  and  traditional  styles  in  a  voriety 
of  Fobrics  and  colors  ore  available  for  rental.  Prices  from 
SIS  to  $30.  Unlimited  quantities  and  sizes.  Last  minute 
service  available  (3-day  service).  Stop  and  see  them  soon  at 

Bennett  Clothes 

407  E.  Coliseum  in  the  Comer  Shops 

Across  from  Glenbrook 


Out  of  the  22  proopects, 
many  sophomores  are 
included.  Until  Mr.  WerUng 
becomes  better  acquainted 
with  each  individual's  skills, 
no  cuts  will  be  made,  and 
even  then,  Mr.  Werling  adds 
that  he  will  "keep  the  boys 
who  have  potential. " 

In  relation  to  past  years, 
this  year  may  turn  out  to  be 
about  average  considering 
the  fact  that  in  past  years 
Elmhurst  has  gone  three 
years  with  only  three  losses. 


:  TIME  i 

I  ©ooS  j 

i  TO  KEEP  : 


I  '  : 

:  -Read-  • 

i  THE  1 

:  Journal-  : 

:  Gazette  : 

Elmhurst's  home  course 
is  the  Brookwood  course, 
and  16  matches  are  on  the 
schedule.  A  season  will 
usually  consist  of  at  least  20 

Elmhurst  travels  to  a 
variety  of  sites,  the  farthest 
being  Warsaw,  where  its 
first  match  will  take  place 
Thursday,  April  17. 

See  Our  New  Prom  Formais 
And  Matching  Accessories 

my   sisCerzs 

Juniors  3-15 

Open  Mon..  Friday  10-9 
Saturday  9-5 

Wayne  Ploza 
5905  Bluffion  Rood 

15  -  Sports 

Girls  place 

In  their  first  two  matches 
of  the  season  the  girls'  track 
team  did  a  fine  job  by  taking 
third  place  in  both  meets. 

The  girls'  coach,  Mrs. 
Cathy  Russell,  states,  "We 
may  have  a  very,  very  small 
team,  but  the  girls  who  are 
competing  are  doing  a  super 
job."  She  goes  on  to  explain 
that  there  have  been  many 
situations  where  someone 
has  taken  first  place,  but 
that  there  are  just  not 
enough  girls  in  each  event  to 
take  2nd,  3rd,  and  4th 
places,  which  will  give  the 
team  the  strength  and  depth 
needed  to  win. 

So  far  this  season  there 
have  been  many  individual 
winners.  Sophomore  Angle, 
Hayden  has  come  up  with 

the  440  relay  team, 
consisting  of  Betty  and 
Bonnie  Carrion.  Evelyn 
Fowlkes  and  Angle  Hayden 
has  also  shown  two  firsts. 

The  field  events  are  also  a 
strong  part  of  the  team. 
Sophomore  shot  puter  Sue 
Frankewich  has  achieved 
both  first  and  second  places, 
whereas  long  jumper  Emma 
Bostic  has  received  a  first  in 
this  event. 

Though  the  880  medley 
team  has  not  yet  received  a 
first  place,  they  are  shaping 
up  very  nicely.  This  team 
consists  of  anchorman 
Bonnie  Carrion,  Betty 
Carrion,  Evelyn  Fowlkes, 
and  Ethel  Fowlkes. 

The  girls'  next  meet  will 
take  place  this  afternoon  at 
Paul  Harding  High  School. 
byline  Jan  DowUng 





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Sand   Inc. 

Valedictorian  and  Salutatorian  •• 

Cheryl,   Pamm  honored 

r— Dave  named  "super  jock-^ 

Highlighting  the  1975  Senior 
Honors  Banquet  April  30,  in  the 
EHS  cafeteria,  was  the 
announcement  of  this  year's 
valedictorian  and  salutatorian. 

Cheryl  Taylor  has  been  named 
ELmhurst  valedictorian  for  1975. 
The   daughter   of   Mr.    and    Mrs, 

Robert  C.  Taylor,  6711  Pernwood 
Ave.,  Cheryl  has  a  grade  point 
average  of  11.56  out  of  a  possible 

During  her  junior  year  at 
Elmhurst,  Cheryl  was  presented 
the  Tri-Kappa  Award  for  being  in 
the  top  one  per  cent  of  her  class  and 

has  also  received  certificates  in 
Gngbsh,  mathematics,  science  and 
home  economics. 

Cheryl  spends  much  of  her  free 
time  working  as  a  cashier  at  Rogers 
in  Waynedale  and  enjoys  playing 
the  piann. 

Upon  graduation  Cheryl  plans  to 
enroll  at  the  I.U.-P.U.  regional 
campus  and  major  in  mathem^atics. 
She  hopes  to  someday  become  an 
actuary,  that  is.  an  insurance 
person  who  works  with  probabiUty 
and  statistics  to  figure  risk  rates. 
They  also  work  with  premium  rates 
and  insurance  benefits. 

WilUams  named  sal 

Pamm  Williams,  daughter  of  Mr 
and  Mrs,  Dick  Williams,  5022 
Fernwood  Ave.,  has  been 
announced  as  salutatorian  of  the 
1975  graduating  class.  Pamm  has  a 
grade  point  average  of  11.25. 

In  her  three  years  at  Elmhurst;' 
Pamm  has  been  active  in  Y-Teens, 
Forum  Club,  Student  Council  and 
last  year  was  president  of  the 

Pamm,  like  Cheryl,  was 
recognized  with  the  Tri-Kappa 
Award  for  being  in  the  top  one 
percent  of  her  junior  class. 

She  works  for  Deister  Machine 
Company  in  drafting  and  plans  to 
continue  her  studies  in  drafting  at 
I.U.  here  in  the  General  and 
Technical  Studies  Division. 

Senior  Dave  Boyer  has  been 
chosen  as  the  1975  Sertoma 
winner.  Dave  was  one  of  the 
three  nominated  by  his 
classmates  for  this  award.  A 
committee  of  school  officials 
and  one  student  voted  on  the 
three  choices 

First,  seniors  received  a  ballot 
on  which  they  were  to  nominate 
one  person  whom  they  felt 
should  receive  the  award. 
Seniors  based  their  decision  on 
ten  characteristics:  athletic 
participation.  leadership, 
sportsmanship,  personality, 
character,  scholastic  ability, 
citizenship,  cooperation,  extra- 
curricular activities  and  good 
"It's  really  great  to  know  thnt 
your  classmates  voted  for  you," 
said  Dave  after  he  had  learned 
he  won. Sertoma  means  SERvice 
TO  .  MAn. 

^\      I elmhurst 


Vol.  35,  No.  16 

May  14,  1975 

■Ron  wins  state  contest — i 

Junior  Ron  Coe  is  this  year's 
State  Sheet  Metal  Award 
winner.  Ron  captured  this  honor 
at  the  State  competition  level 
May  3  in  Indianapolis,  after 
having  taken  the  regional  Skill 
Olympics  at  the  Regional 
Vocational  Center  here  April  12. 

Ron  will  now  advance  to 
Nationals  to  be  held  in 
Washington,  D.C.  June  21.  He 
will  spend  three  days  at  the 
convention  with  all  expenses 
paid    for   by    his    winnings    at 


The  award,  a  gold  medal,  was 
won  by  Ron  for  his  speed, 
abihty,  neatness  and  accuracy 
in  making  a  product  of  sheet 
metal  at  the  contest  while  the 
judges  looked  on. 

Ron  is  a  morning  RVC 
student  and  is  enrolled  in  the 
sheet  metal  class  there,  under 
the  instruction  of  Mr.  Jack 
Fyfe.  He  then  comes  to  EHS  for 
afternoon  classes. 


16 -Sports 

75*  ^eci0t^o4teft 


Dave  Boyer 


Shot  put 

John  Bright 


100-220-880  Relay 

AJ  Charlton 


Long  jump 

Chad  CUne 



Jim  Freygang 





Pole  Vault 

Gary  Imel 


Shot  put 

Darryl  Jackson 


220  or  440.  880  Relay 

Don  KeUy 


High  Jump 

Denny  KirkJand 


Pole  Vault 

Rick  Knuth 


MUe  &  MUe  Relay 

Tim  Lee 



Bob  Levy 



Dave  Lewis 



Rod  McDonald 


100-220-880  Relay 

Bill  MazeUn 


220-880  Relay 

John  Nowlin 


440-mile  Relay 

Derek  Paris 


Shot  put  -  Discus 

Doug  Peters 


Shot  put 

Larry  Raber 


440- mUe  Relay 

Brad  Smith 


100-440-880  Relay 

Paul  Stevens 


2  MUe  Relay 

John  Stitner 


Pole  Vault 

Titus  Underwood 


Long  Jump 


Fire   Extinguishers     REFILLED 

Dii  at  MbN  *  WMMII  S#A  C* .  kt 

42  2-66 1 2  *«  *•»'  «upnio«  •  foil  watni 

Trackmen,   not  getting  it  together' 

"Just  not  getting  things 
together,"  states  track 
coach  Mr.  Don  Kemp.  Coach 
Kemp  was  referring  to  this 
year's  team  and  its  16-14 
record.  Although  the  record 
doesn't  show  it.  this  year's 
team  has  some  record- 
breakers  and  some  sectional 

The  record  breakers  of 
this  year's  team  are  senior 
Derek  Paris  and  sophomore 
Tim  Lee.  Paris  broke  the 
record  Saturday,  April  26,  in 
the  discus  throw  while  Lee 
broke  the  school  record  in 
the  880-yard  run  and  also 
has  the  city's  best  time  thus 

Other  city  placers  are  Jeff 
Heller  and  John  Stiffler  in 
the  pole  vault,  tied  for 
fourth;  John  Bright  in  the 


6675     B/ufffon     Rd. 


100-yard  dash,  fifth;  and  the 
mile  relay  team,  seventh  in 
Fort  Wayne. 

Coach  Kemp  states  that 
"the  team  should  be  ready 
to  go  at  sectionals."  He 
expects  the  events  that 
Elmhurst  will  go  the 
farthest  in  are  the  pole 
vault,  220.  half-mile  and 

One  of  the  problems  for 
this    year's    track    team    is 

depth.  The  team  has  had  a 
hard  time  finding  more 
depth  to  improve  both  the 
varsity  and  the  reserve 
squads.  Sickness  and  injury 
have  taken  their  toll  on  this 
year's  team  but  haven't  hit 
as  severely  as  other  years. 

The  team  is  also  coached 
by  former  state  champion 
runner  Mr.  Dave  Easterline 
and  Mr.  Carter  Lohr. 

Bennett's  Introduces  Formal  Wear  Rental 

(at  considerable  savings,  ofcoutse^ 

"After  Six"  Formal  weor  and  accessories,  the  most 
celebrated  name  in  men's  fashions,  has  joined  the  Bennett 
Collection.  Contemporary  end  traditional  styles  in  a  variety 
of  Fabrics  and  colors  ore  avoilable  for  rental.  Prices  from 
$18  to  $30-  Unlimited  quantities  and  sizes.  Last  minute 
service  available  {3-day  service).  Stop  and  see  them  soon  at 

Bennett  Clothes 

407  E.  Coliseum  in  the  Comer  Shops 

Across  from  Glenbrook 


2  ■  News 



1     Valedictorian  and  Salutatorian 

Ron  Coe  wins  state  award 
2-3    Digest  &  Calendar 

4-5    Student  council  candidate's 

6  Golf 

7  Baseball 
Girls'  tennis 

Red  Cross  uses  Trojao  blood 

Twenty-two  Trojans  assisted  in  the  annual 
Red  Cross  Spring  Donor  Drive.  The  students 
were  excused  from  classes  Friday.  May  9.  to 
donat*  at  Maplecrest  Elementary  School. 

Trojans  view  stars 

Several  of  Elmhurst's  chemistry,  physics 
and  ecology  classes  recently  took  advantage 
of  the  Wayne  High  School  Planetarium 
facilities.  Over  a  three  day  period  last  week, 
more  than  200  EHS  students  participated  in 
group  presentations  at  the  planetarium. 

Honor  date  changed 

The  date  for  senior  recognition  night  has 
been  changed  from  Wednesday.  May  28.  to 
Thursday,  May  29.  Those  graduating  will  be 
recognized  for  career  academic  achievement. 
Members  of  the  junior  and  sophomore 
classes  will  be  recognized  for  achievement  in 
subject  areas. 
Forum  elects,  eats 

Forum  Club  officers  for  the  1975-76  year 
were  elected  at  the  club  meeting  last 
Wednesday-  Juniors  Les  Novitsky,  Nancy 
Beadie.  and  Marilynn  Scherer  will  serve  as 
president,  vice-president  and  treasurer 
respectively,  while  sophomore  Karyn  Heiney 
will  be  treasurer. 
The  new  officers  will  be  installed  at  the 
j  club's  annual  banquet  in  the  Elmhurst 
cafeteria  on  Thursday.  May  22.  "Come 
Saturday  Morning"  will  be  the  theme  of  the 
I  event  which  will  start  at  7  p.m.  Both  coaches 
Robert  Stookey  and  Robert  Storey  wUl 
speak.  All  awards  and  ribbons  will  be 
presented  at  that  time. 
Annual  concert  presented 

At  the  spring  concert  last  Thursday 
evening,  the  concert  orchestra,  choir  and 
^  band  enterUined  a  large  audience. 

The  concert  orchestra  played  "March 
Sbv"  and  "Festique  '  directed  by  Mr,  John 
Morse.  The  concert  choir  sang  "Amazing 
Grace"  and  "Elijah  Rock '"  directed  by  Mr.  Al 
Schmutz.  Ehnhurst's  concert  band  played 
"The  Seventh  Seal"  and  "Stars  and  Stripes 
Forever,"  Mr.  Don  Parlette  from  Portage 
was  the  guest  conductor  who  directed  "Stars 
and  Stripes  Forever." 

The   music  department  awards   banquet 
was  held  May  13.  At  the  pot-luck  dinner, 
music  students  received  their  letters,  pins 
and  pinguards 
Masterson  presents  stars 
Mr.    Randy   Masterson.    father   of   EHS 

graduate  Robin  Masterson.  presented  shows 
to  the  ecology  classes  on  the  ecology  of  the 
Earth  as  a  whole,  and.  as  he  put  it.  a  "star 
show"  to  the  physics  and  chemistry 
students.  The  physics  classes  are  now 
beginning  their  study  of  astrology. 
Resource  utilized 

The  city  once  again  pulled  from  Trojan 
ranks  for  election  assistance.  Over  30 
Elmhurst  students  assisted  in  the  various 
phases  of  the  May  6  election.  Most  served  as 
representatives  for  candidates  and 
distributed  campaign  materials  in  the  voting 
area.  Three  members  of  both  the  senior  and 
sophomore  classes  participated.  Twenty-six 
juniors  served,  making  the  total  work  force 
equal  to  3  per  cent  of  the  Elmhurst  Student 
Elmhurst  takes  top  legislature  honors 

Two  Elmhurst  seniors  received  mention  at 
the  eleventh  annual  Model  Legislature  Youth 
in  Government  in  Indianapolis  last  month. 
Senior  Greg  Hershberger  was  elected 
outstanding  statesman  in  the  mock  Senate 
and  senior  Rick  Rifkin  outstanding  stateman 
in  the  House  of  Representatives. 

Sophomores  Jan  Dowling  and  Karyn 
Heiney  also  attended  the  session  day  with 
six  other  Fort  Wayne  high  school  students. 

Orchestra  receives  first 

On  Saturday,  April  26,  the  Elmhurst 
Concert  Orchestra  participated  in  the  annual 
NISBOVA  contest  for  bands  and  orchestras, 
vhich  was  held  at  New  Haven  High  School, 
For  the  fifth  consecutive  year,  the  orchestra 
won  a  First  Division  award.  This  award  is 
given  to  bands  and  orchestras  whose 
performance  is  judged  superior  by  a  panel  of 
four  judges. 

The  judges  proclaimed  the  EHS  Orchestra 
"well  controlled  and  dynamic"  with  a 

Five  attend  health  workshops 

Five  Trojans  attended  a  health  careers 
conference     on     the     regional     campus 


Guidance  counselor  Mrs.  Dinah  Cashman 
accompanied  juniors  Priscilla  Crooms. 
Cheryl  Cowdrey.  Cathy  Deam,  Linda 
Smyser,  and  Pam  Belcher,  who  were  excused 
from  their  classes  to  attend  their  choices  of 
two  out  of  five  possible  workshops.  All  of  the 
students  participating  are  interested  in  one 
or  more  of  the  various  phases  of  health 
careers.  They  were  also  able  to  receive 
financial  aid  counseling  as  part  of  the 
conference's  activities. 

lliKad  hl-naaVIr  during  Ihi 
t,  Inrilana  MM*.  In  Qiiairfa 
for.  Wayn*  Communlfy  »(h 

•  hy  iha  (turianli  al  Ilmhurd  High  liheal.  Jiat  tandpel 
vallilaianrfgulriallnattorhlBhuhoalapprevadby  ihialaa 

■n|ta  (opy.  SMond  dau  pi 

■  ■•paldatfoft  Way 


h  Siawori     Arilii  

High  school  ends 
Junes  with 


^\      I eimnufst 


Vol.  35,  No.  17      May  30, 1975 

Reminder:  baDquet  money  due! 

Trojans  are  reminded  to  have  reservations 
for  any  of  the  upcoming  banquets  in.  Specific 
dates  can  be  obtained  by  the  respective 
group  sponsors  and  it  should"  be  noted  that 
reservations  are  due,  in  general,  five  to  seven 
days  before  the  banquet. 

Baker  goes  to  national 

Three  seniors  participated  in  a  recent 
state-wide  Vocational  Industrial  Clubs  of 
America  contest  in  Indianapolis.  Sophomore 
Kelly  Robinson  participated  in  a  job 
interview  competition  and  senior  Pamm 
Williams  in  drafting.  Receiving  a  first  in 
state  in  the  category  of  construction  senior 
Don  Baker  will  compete  in  a  national  contest 
in  Washington  on  June  1 5 , 

Cheerleaders  chosen 

Varsity  and  reserve  cheerleaders  have 
been  selected  by  a  panel  consisting  of 
Elmhurst  student  representatives,  faculty 
and  area  cheerleaders. 

Serving  on  the  Varsity  squad  are  juniors 
Robin  Browning,  Bonnie  Bunn,  Mehssa 
Hunter,  and  Marty  Miller,  and  sophomores 
Karyn  Heiney  and  Carmetta  Walker. 

Leading  cheers  for  the  reserve  teams  will 
be  sophomore  Jan  Dowling  and  freshmen 
Jana  Beauchet,  Lise  Duemling.  Lisa  Lapsley. 
Kari  Rietdorf  and  Jeanine  RusseU. 

The  30  girls  trying  out  were  required  to  do 
individual  and  group  cheers  as  well  as 
various  stunts.  A  personal  interview  was  also 
required  this  year  because  of  the  extremely 
stiff  competition. 

Juniors  encouraged  to  apply 

Up  to  300  Army  ROTO  scholarships  will  be 
awarded  to  high  school  students  through  an 
early  selection  cycle.  Applications  are 
reviewed  with  College  Entrance  Examination 
Board  scores,  grades  and  rank  in  class 
considered.  Through  the  process,  those 
submitting  applications  before  August  31 
will  be  informed  of  their  status  by  October  15 
of  their  senior  year. 

ROTC  scholarships  are  applicable  to  any 
of  over  280  colleges  and  universities 
throughout  the  nation.  Forms  for  application 
are  obtainable  through  Army  ROTC,  P.O. 
Box  12703,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  19134. 

A  Trojan  Misa  America?!??? 

One  miUion  dollars  in  scholarship  monies 
will  be  awarded  this  year  in  the  annual  Miss 
America  beauty  contest.  Any  young  woman 
between  17  and  28  is  eligible  to  compete 
beginning  with  the  local  contest.  Further 
information  can  be  obtained  from  Mrs.  Dinah 
Cashman  in  the  guidance  office, 


May  14  -  Student  Council  Officer  Elections 
May  15  -  Quill  and  Scroll  banquet 
May  17-Junior-SeniorProm 
May  20  -  Athletic  banquet 

May  21 -COE  banquet 
May  22 -DE  banquet 
May  23  -  Forum  banquet 
May  26  -  No  school 
May  29  ■  Recognition  Night 










PHONE  747-0551 

THE  MALE  HALF  OF  'The  Hendersons',  a  pair  of  European  gymnasts,  demonstrates 
the  wheel'  at  the  couple's  May  6  show  at  Elmhurst. 


o'j?.  F/-,::3'j3 

ROAST  r.-.-lE  EID  OF  DEEP.  Av.  Ju-\%'^ .^2 

Call  -'.35-oi;!; 






2  Digest  and  calendar 

3  Faculty  changes 
Athletic  banquet 
Fashion  show 

4-5       Recognition  night 

6  Exchange  students 
New  publications  staffs 
Doswell  recognized 

7  On  to  college 
On  to  careers 


8-9      Student  council  officers 

10       Prom  Queen 


n         Record  review 

Editorial  -  graduating  juniors 
12        Editorial  -  Student  Council  elections 


13-14  Girls  sports 

15        Baseball 

Afro-American  goes  to  Cednr  PoinI 

Forty  membera  of  the  Elmhurst  Afro- 
American  Club  recently  went  to  Cedar  Point 
The  members  had  raised  the  money 
necessary  for  the  excursion  by  their  recent 
fnshion/t^lenl  show  09  well  as  other  fund- 
raising  activitiea  Departing  from  the  Old 
Fort  YMCA.  the  group  traveled  via  bus  for 
their  day  long  trip  May  24. 
Gredes  mailed  soon 

Grades  will  be  distributed  through  the 
mail.  Students  should  receive  their  final 
grodeson  June  12, 

Faculty  dines  at  Goeglein'e 

faculty,  administration  and  staff 
members,  will  picnic  at  Goeglein's  Born 
Wednesday.  June  4, 

They  will  dine  on  roast  hog.  vegetables  and 
participate  in  various  group  activities  such 
as  volleyball,  horseshoes  and  croquet. 
Chairmen  of  the  program,  Mr,  Richard 
Mattix.  Mrs,  Marcella  Goble.  Mr,  Joe  Miller, 
Mr,  Byron  Carrier,  and  Mr.  Carter  Lohr  have 
arranged  for  presentation  of  "special 
awards"  and  special  entertainment  to  follow 
the  dinner. 

French  class  attends  dinner 

Mr,  Michael  Rothe  and  Miss  Jean  Perego's 
french  classes  attended  an  evening  dinner  at 
Cafe  Johnell  last  Wednesday. 

Starting  with  quiche  lorraine  as 
appetizers,  the  main  dish  was  roast  beef  au 
jus.  (that's  with  juice!) 

August  date  for  Anlibrums 

Copies  of  the  1974-75  Anlibrum  are  due  to 
arrive  at  EHS  by  the  end  of  August.  Any 
students  who  are  receiving  books  will  be  able 
to  pick  them  up  at  school  then.  There  will  be 
no  private  mailing  and  all  those  graduating 
are  to  pick  up  their  books  or  have  someone  do 
it  for  them  with  receipts  in  hand. 

Council  sponsors  picnic 

Wednesday.    June    4.    Student    Council 
members  and  their  guests  will  picnic  at  Psi 
Ote  Park  in  Indian  Village.  The  activity  will 
be  a  pot  luck  affair  beginning  at  5:00. 
Two  receive  trophies 

Derek  Paris  was  presented  with  the 
Presidents  Cup,  a  trophy  given  by  student 
council  to  its  president,  at  the  last  council 
meeting  of  the  year.  Mike  Arnold  was  also 
presented  a  trophy  for  the  outstanding 
senior  representative  of  the  year. 

The  new  officers  led  a  discussion  over  a 
proposed  bill  on  a  new  way  of  electing 
representatives.  The  discussion  will  be 
continued  at  the  first  council  meeting  next 
Session  open  toi 

Class  uncovers  total 

Over  SlOO  has  been  raised  over  the  year  in 
sales  of  the  Spanish  newspaper,  published  by 
Mrs.  Herrero's  classes,  called  the  De  Todo 
Poco.  It  sold  for  a  10'  donation. 

The  paper  was  produced  to  raise  money  for 
AFS.  Nina  Marchese  and  Deanna  Whitman 
were  editors. 

The  fourth  year  students  did  most  of  the 
production  aided  by  second  and  third  year 

Club  honors  nine 

One  of  nine  high  school  senior  women 
honored  May  20  at  a  special  banquet 
sponsored  by  the  Fort  Wayne  Zonta  Club 
was  senior  Linda  Moldeney. 

The  Zonta  Club,  in  cooperation  with  the 

High  School  Advisory   Board  of  the   Fort 

Wayne  Women's  Bureau,  selected  the  nine 

The  High  School  Board  of  the  Fort  Wayne    women  on  the  basis  of  scholastic  records, 

Women's  Bureau  is  sponsoring  a  self-worth     involvement     in     school     and     community 

rap    session    for    high    school    women    on     activities  and  initiative, 

Saturday,  June  14,  to  promote  appreciation  .  . 

Calenda  r 

June  4  -  Faculty  Party 

Student  Council  picnic 

June  5  -  Commencement 

June  6  -  Last  day  for  underclassmen!! ! 
Afro-American  Club  picnic 
End  of  second  semester 

June  12  -  Grade  cards  distributed 

and  awareness  of  oneself.  Facilitating  the 
session  will  be  Ms.  Betty  Knox,  a  therapist 
at  the  mental  health  center.  The  session  will 
be  held  from  1  to  3  p.m.  in  the  City-County 
Building.  Room  128.  If  interested  students 
are  encouraged  to  contact  Liz  Kerns,  Barb 
Harman  or  Mrs,  Cashman  in  the  guidance 
office  to  make  reservations  by  June  3, 




bti.h,d  b 

■wwhlj-  duriog  Ihc  nchool  y»Br  b>  lh(  sg/dm 

is4f  Elmhi:r^l  High  Sch(H 

,  3S29  S 

ndpoiol  Rood.  Fort 



DC.  India 
Fori  W 

a  46^09 

D  actordflBC*  vilb  Ibc  poUdt.  bA  gu 
nunity  Schools. 

deliDCB  loi  hiflb  XboO 



dr  Board  of  TruslMi 




S.1.S0  p*'  )»r.  25'  per  Hloglc  copy.  S«x 

nd  class  poaiagc  paid  a 



ndlans.  46S02 



Sarah  Slf»«i 

Copy  odilo. 

Michelle  ArmstroDg 



Marty  MillM 

Pholo  editor 




Nnocy  McAfH.  MarilyoD  Sehtttr. 


Marly  Pet  11 
Ann*  CummlDgs 



Barb  HarmaD 

Ad  sales 

Tom  Soodav 


A  edilof 



Sue  Marquis 


Is  wrilrrs 

Ktvin  L«,  Mik*  Frevgang 


Kalhy  Sharpia 



Naocj  Bcadlf 


Mrs.  Jane  HoylmoD 

"  ""'" 

Vernf  Myers,  Kathy  ShuTpio 



Richard  Horslmej.r 


Don  Wenger  has  served  as  a 
representative  in  the  Civil  Air 
Patrol  Cadet  Advisory  Council,  a 
state-wide  organization,  for  two 
years,  and  works  as  an  AV 
assistant  here  at  Elmhurst.  He 
hopes  to  increase  student  interest 
through  activities.  "I  want  to 
change  the  council  from  a  self- 
contained  social  group  into  a 
planning  body  that  reflects  the 
opinions  of  the  students." 

Nancy  Beadle  has  been  a  student 
council  representative  and  a 
journalism  staff  member  for  two 
years.  She  is  a  member  of  Forum 
Club  and  will  serve  as  vice- 
president  of  the  club  next  year.  Her 
platform  stands  for  more  council 
support  of  clubs,  the  pubhshing  of 
issues  brought  before  the  council 
and  the  decisions  made,  better  use 
of      the      council's       standing 

Student  body  votes 

committees,  and  more  support  of 
academic  programs. 

A  Student  Council 

representative  in  his  sophomore 
year,  and  junior  class  Vice- 
President.  Tom  Sonday  is  also 
president  of  his  JA  company  and  a 
member  of  DECA  and  Forum  Club, 

"I  would  like  to  make  Student 
Council  an  organization  that  is  not 
considered  a  farce  by  the  student 
body."  He  plans  to  continue  with 
the  programs  already  set  up  and 
hopes  to  expand  them.  He  would 
like  to  see  stronger  leadership  from 
the  council  and  believes  that 
representatives,  right  now,  are  not 
representing  anyone  but 


rilynn  Scherer  was  a  letter 
the  girts'  basketball 
team  and  also  on  the  EHS  speech 
team.  A  reporter  on  the  Advance. 
she  has  been  active  in  student 
affairs  at  Elmhurst.  Her  main 
interest  is  to  get  more  students     than  making 

involved  in  activities,  instead  of  a     announcements.  " 
hmited  number  of  people  at  each 
event.  She  was  elected  secretary  of 
the  Forum  Club  for  next  year. 

Larry  Daugherty  would  like  to 
see  the  student  council  have  more 
say  in  the  activities  at  Elmhurst. 

He  has  no  experience  in  politics  but 
has  participated  in  several  school 
functions  including  the  school  play, 
assemblies,  morning 
announcements  and  one  year  of 
attempted  wrestling. 

'The  council  has  more  potential 

Mike  Maurer's  slogan  for  this 
year's  campaign  has  been  "Get 
involved  for  a  unity  in  the  school 
that  starts  in  the  council."  He  was 
sophomore  class  president  and 
served  this  year  as  a  representative 


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May  Sfone  & 
Sand   Inc. 

Drafting  contest  decided    Three  receiue  blanhet  award 

*^  Hicrhliphhne    the    1975    Athletic    Brown,  baseball;  and  Sally  Hinton 

Twelve  EHS  students  were 
recognized  May  18  by  Tri-State 
College  of  Angola  for  their  winning 
entries  in  the  eighth  annual  drafting 
and  design  competition  sponsored 
by  the  college  last  February. 

In  addition  to  the  twelve  honored, 
Elmhurst  was  cited  as  the  second 
place  winning  high  school  in  Allen 
County  in  this  competition,  the  first 
being  Homestead. 

Winning  as  the  school's  highest 
entry  was  senior  Jeff  Allen. 

Receiving  high  honorable  mention 
were  sophomores  Laura  Bowen, 
Kevin  Koehl,  Paul  Meredith,  Mark 
Miller.    Greg    Roth,    junior    Mark 

Hershberger,  and  senior  Ken 

High  favorable  consideration 
went  to  sophomore  Carey  Marks, 
juniors  Bryan  Jones.  Kevin 
Kirkpatrick,  and  senior  Bill  Frank. 

Commenting  on  Elmhurst's 
outstanding  showing  in  the 
competition,  drafting  instructor  Mr. 
James  Lambert  explained,  "We  had 
16  entries  and  12  winners;  I  think 
this  is  a  fine  showing.  Besides 
receiving  certificates  for  their 
entries,  these  students  were 
introduced  to  the  Tri-State  College 
and  what  it  has  to  offer  them  in  the 
area  of  drafting  and  design. 

Highlighting  the  1975  Athletic 
Banquet  in  the  EHS  cafeteria  May 
20  was  the  presentation  of  the 
coveted  blanket  award. 

This  year  the  blanket  was 
awarded  to  three  seniors  as 
outstanding  athletes  during  their 
careers  at  Elmhurst.  The  three  are 
Dave  Boyer,  Dave  Campbell,  and 
Bonnie  Carrion.  Bonnie  is  the  first 
female  in  Elmhursfs  history  to  earn 
the  blanket. 

Teachers'   jobs   changed 

Due  to  a  decrease  in  the  number  of 
enrollments  for  the  1975-76  school 
year,  the  Fort  Wayne  School  Board 
has  been  forced  to  make  many 
cutbacks  in  teaching  staffs 
throughout  the  entire  city. 

These  cutbacks,  affecting  many 
teachers  in  Fort  Wayne,  will  also 
affect  six  teachers  here  at  Elmhurst 
High  School.  These  will  include  Mr. 
Charles  Beck,  mathematics,  and  Mr. 
Dave  Esterline  and  Mr.  Richard 
Mattix  from  the  social  studies 
department.  Also,  Mr.  Allen  Haller, 
science.  Miss  Susan  Highfill, 
English,  and  Mr.  James  Schroeder 

from  the  DE  and  business 
department  will  be  departing.  These 
teachers  will  then  be  assigned  to 
other  secondary  schools  in  the  Fort 
Wayne  area  that  are  in  need  of  new 
I  teachers.  However,  as  of  yet,  none  of 
'these  people  know  where  they  will  be 
transferred  to  next  year,  but  are 
expecting  to  find  out  what  new 
destination  will  be  theirs  sometime 
in  August. 

According  to  Assistant  Principal 
Mr.  Robert  Miller,  Elmhurst  will  be 
receiving  no  new  teachers  for  next 
year  and  will  lose  none  through 

Besides  the  blanket  award 
athletes  were  recognized  with 
awards  for  outstanding  performance 
in  the  individual  sports  events. 

Recognized  as  the  most 
outstanding  athletes  were:  Paul 
Stevens,  cross  country;  Greg 
Hershberger,  boys'  temiis;  Dave 
Boyer,  wrestling;  Raymond  Reese, 
basketball;  Bonnie  Carrion,  gu-ls 
volleyball;  Sally  Hinton.  girls 
basketball;  Karyn  Heiney, 
gymnastics;  Angie  Hayden,  girls 
track;  Tim  Lee,  boys  track;  Lynn 

Brown,  baseball;  and  Sally  Hinton, 
girls  tennis. 

This  year  a  new  award  was 
presented  for  outstanding  athletes 
in  football.  The  Big  Red  Award  was 
presented  to  Dave  Boyer.  defensive 
and  offensive  lineman;  Curtis 
Underwood,  defensive  back;  and  Ed 
Peters,  offensive  back. 

The  athletes  with  the  best  mental 
attitudes  were:  Derek  Paris, 
football;  Bill  Frank,  wrestling  and 
Keith  Bradtmiller,  basketball. 

Home  ec.  students 
model  fashions 

The  annual  home  economics  fashion  show 
took  pliice  in  the  cafeteria  after  school 
Thursday.  May  22.  The  girls  from  the  sewing 
classes  modeled  a  variety  of  outfits  including 
skirts,  jackets,  pant  suits,  prom  dresses, 
shorts,  and  halters.  All  the  girls  participated 
by  modeling  a  garment  that  they  made  in 
class  or  working  on  the  decorations. 

■'The  purposes  of  the  fashion  show  were  to 
promote  public  relations  to  show  parents  and 
students  what  the  classes  do,  and  to  create 
an  interest  in  the  home  economics 
department,"  stated  Mrs,  Roma  Jean 
Bradburn.  home  ec  teacher  and  sponsor  of 
the  show. 

Families  and  the  student  body  of 
Elmhurst  were  invited  to  watch  the  show. 
Many  good  ideas  were  gained  by  those  who 
attended  to  brighten  their  summer  wardrobe. 
Refreshments,  furnished  by  the  foods 
classes,  were  served  afterwards, 

on  council   officers 

OPB^   700  AM. 

7  DAYS   A    WEEK 

for  the  junior  class.  He  worked 
closely  with  the  council  two  years 
ago  and  "saw  the  faults  and 
aspirations  of  a  first-year  council." 
His  main  objective  as  vice- 
president,  if  elected,  would  be  to 
act    as   a    mediator   between    the 

i,^  president  and  the  council. 

Jeffery  KiDiiie  was  a  sophomore 
representative  this  year  and  has 
served  on  councils  at  both  Portage 
and  Kekionga  Junior  High  Schools. 
He  is  a  member  of  Afro-American 
Club  and  his  main  goal  of  the  1975- 
76  school  year,  if  elected,  is  "to  see 
that  the  student  body  be  brought 

jl  together      in      the      spirit      of 


Kevin  Christy  (presidential 
[candidate)  and  Tom  Campbell 
'|vice-pres..candidate|  would  like  to 
jsee    some    sort    of    facility    to 

accomodate  people  who  smoke 
Kevin  is  a  member  of  8:00  Jazz 
Band  and  Tom  is  a  member  of  3:00 
Jazz  Band.  Other  goals  include 
open  lunch  periods,  installation  of 
Coke  machines  and  the  opening  of 
the  court  yard  to  student  use 
during  lunch  mods  and  before 
school.  Tom  also  participates  in 
swimming,  tennis,  golf,  concert 
band  and  stage  band.  They  would 
like  to  see  the  council  gain  more 
voice  in  matters  which  concern  the 
student  body. 

Dave  ChrzBD  and  Bill  McCombs 
are  running  on  the  same  ticket  for 
president  and  vice-president, 
respectively.  They  feel  they  are  as 
quaUfied  as  any  to  serve  in  the 
offices  of  student  council 
"We  have  been  involved  in  school 
athletics  since  seventh  grade:  we 
beheve   this   qualifies   us   for  our 

Student  Council  candidates  from  left  to  right  are:  Bill  McCombs,  La, 
Daugherty,    Dave   Chrzan.    Marilynn   Scherer.    Claudia  Johnson,    Kevin 
Christy.  Mike  Maurer.  Don  Wenger.  Jeffrey  Kinnie  and  Nancy  Beadie.  Not 
shown  are  Tom  Sonday  and  Tom  Campbell. 

Cusfom     ?\z\\irQ    Framing 

411  Wtb  strait  743-U41 

leadership  abilities.  We  are 
concerned  with  doing  things  right. 
We  want  to  see  to  it  that  the 
student  council  is  not  permitted  to 
die  out  as  in  the  past  We  represent 
the  common  people  here  at  EHS 
and  could  generate  student  interest 
back  in  the  council." 


Claudia  Johnson  was  social 
chairperson  of  Che  junior  class.  "1 
wasn't  in  student  council  in  junior 
high,  but  as  social  chairperson  this 
year  I  realized  how  much  I  was 
missing.  She  is  an  active  member  in 
Elmhurst's  music  department,  and 

is  representing  Elmhurst  this  year 
at  Indiana  Girls'  State,  a  workshop 
conducted  to  give  high  school 
students  a  learning  experience  in 
how  government  is  run. 


At  the  time  the  paper  went  to 
press,  two  candidates  had 
withdrawn;  Tom  Campbell  and 
Jeffrey  Kinnie 




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4  -  News 


The  business  department  recognized 
seniors  Pat  Proder,  Pomm  WUIiema,  Not* 
Johnson,  Lindo  Maldeney;  juniors  Lori 
Rietdorf,  Jay  Foi,  Bonnie  Bunn.  Irene 
Byrd,  Cheryl  Norton;  and  sophomores 
June  Williams  and  Sheril  Hornberger. 

This  year  the  Ural  Edwards  Business 
Award  was  presented  to  Anne  Shadle. 
Also  included  in  the  business  department 
was  an  award  presented  to  senior  Debbie 
Essex  an  outstanding  C.O.E.  student. 
Seniors  Tom  Graham  and  Debbie  Stinson 
were  recognized  as  outstanding  DE  boy 
and  girl. 


Recognized  from  the  art  department 
were  sophomore  Robin  Browning,  juniors 
Debbie  Redman,  Mark  Hershberger, 
Marty  Petit,  Anne  Watters.  and  Nancy 

The  Turnley  Award  for  Decisive 
PhotographV  was  awarded  to  Steve 
Taylor,  John  Seabold  received  the 
Stephen  M.  Perfect  Award  for  Creative 

The  Pat  Bir  Award  for  outstanding 
performance  in  the  art  department  went 
to  senior  Patti  Gay. 

This  year  Jane  Helberg  was  presented 
with  the  Tom  Sellers  Art  Award. 

Major  industrial  art  awards  were  given 
to  Pamm  Williams,  outstanding  drafting 
student;  and  seniors  David  Edsall  and 
Bill  Frank,  outstanding  woods  students. 

Industrial  art  certificates  went  to: 
Willie  Coie,  Bill  Munroe.  Nate  Johnson, 

Tony  Hofmann,  Robin  McDonald,  Kevin 
Keller,  Stan  Brock,  Dale  Pine,  and  Bob 
Tolliver.  metals.  Drafting  students  were: 
Dave  Edsall.  Bill  Prank,  Mark 
Hershberger,  Mark  Spears,  Pamm 
Williams  and  Kevin  Young.  Outstanding 
performance  certificates  in  woods  went 
to:  Dave  Edsall,  Bill  Frank,  Bill  Harding, 
Stan  Sorgen,  Bill  Munroe,  Mark  Nuttle. 
Terry  Sims,  Mark  DeGrandchamp,  and 
Dennis  Raney. 


From  the  foreign  language  department, 
certificates  were  given  in  French  to 
sophomore  Tod  Huntley  and  junior  Barb 
Herman.  A  German  certificate  was 
awarded  to  junior  Don  Wenger,  and  for 
their  outstanding  performance  in 
Spanish,     awards     were     presented     to 

juniors  Nancy  Beadie  and  Angela  Giaimo. 

and  senior  Bev  Free. 

Major    awards    from    the    foreign 

language  department  were  given  to  Linda 

Whitton.    German;    Nancy    Raney    and 

y  vette  Morrill,  Spanish. 


English  certificates  were  awarded  by 
■iepartment  head  Mr,  Robert  Storey  to 
seniors  Cheryl  Taylor,  Jan  ToUiver,  Leslie 
Raymer,  Tina  Foster,  Pat  Prader,  John 
Seabold,  Steve  Morgan,  and  Liz  Kerns. 
Juniors  receiving  certificates  were  Nancy 
Beadie,  Verne  Myers.  Andrea  Marchese, 
Betty  Carrion,  Cathy  Tonn,  Yvette 
Morrill,  Allen  Shaw,  and  Les  Novitsky, 
Outstanding  sophomores  in  English  were 
Karyn  Heiney.  Tod  Huntley,  Jan 
Dowling,  Michelle  Armstrong.  Bob 
Bracht,  Cfiad  Cline,  and  Sue  Frankewich. 
Senior  Cherj'l  Taylor  was  presented  the 
Juanita  Decker  English  plaque  for  her 
high  performance  in  English.  This  year's 

Forum   Club   trophy   was   presented   to 
senior  Bev  Free  by  Mr.  Storey. 

Home  E)conomic8 

Certificates  from  the  home  economics 
department  were  awarded  to  Clara 
Williams,  Brenda  Roberts.  Sue  Quinn, 
Irene  Byrd,  Annette  Bostic.  and  Lisa 

Special  awards  to  senior  Linda 
Penyard,  the  Sterling  Silver  Award; 
senior  Bev  Free,  the  Betty  Crocker 
Award ;  sophomore  Carmetta  Walker, 
Silver  Thimble  Award;  junior  Jacqueline 
Harris,  American  Home  Economics  in 
Business;  and  the  Crisco  Award  to  senior 
Betty  Edsall. 

Social  Studies 

The  social  studies  department  awarded 
many  Trojans  certiflcates  for  outstanding 

Senior  recipients  were  Paul 
Frankewich,  Holly  Miller,  Steve  Morgan, 
Pat  Prader,  Don  Pinnick,  Rick  Rifkin, 
Linda  Whitton,  and  Jan  Tolliver. 

Outstanding  juniors  were  Nancy 
Beadie.  Dave  Beutler,  Wes  Byrne,  Karen 
Crippen,  Mike  Engle,  Dayton  Frey.  Janet 
Gaff,  Kent  Gaskill.  Barb  Harman,  Pat 
Koehl,  Dan  Landrigan,  Verne  Myers.  Les 
Novitsky,  Carole  Stanley,  Debbie  Temple, 
Mike  Welling,  Don  Wenger,  and  Tom 

Certificate  winning  sophomores  were 
Bob  Bracht  and  Sue  Frankewich, 

Seniors  Linda  Whitton  and  Steve 
Morgan  were  presented  the  highest  girl 
and  boy  trophy  in  the  social  studies 
department.  All  department  awards  were 
presented  by  Mr.  Glenn  Miller, 


Mathematics  certificates  were 
abundantly  awarded  to  Jim  Freygang, 
Jane  Helberg,  and  Kevin  Logan  for 
fundamentals  of  algrebra;  Michelle 
Armstrong.  Scott  Bemhart,  Bob  Bracht, 
Chad  Cline,  and  Tod  Huntley,  geometry; 
Dave  Beutler  and  Yvette  Morrill, 
advanced  algebra;  Lynn  Brown,  Mike 
Duray,  and  Linda  Maldeney, 

Special  awards  went  to  junior  Wes 
Byrne,  math  pin.  and  seniors  Linda 
Whitton  and  Cheryl  Taylor,  math  plaque. 


Ecology  certificates  were  given  to 
seniors  Teddie  Stefanski  and  Paul 
Stevens,  junior  Lisa  Langmeyer,  and 
sophomore  Michelle  Armstrong. 
Sophomore  Sue  Anderson  was  given  an 
award  in  life  science,  while  sophomores 
Richard  Sutorius  and  Chad  Cline  received 
recognition  in  advanced  biology. 

Earth  science  awards  were  presented  to 
sophomores  Bob  Bracht  and  Jay  Bartels. 
Chemistry  students  acknowledged  were 
Kevin  Young  and  Don  Wenger.  Senior 
Cheryl  Taylor  was  the  outstanding 
physics  student. 

Phi-Chem  scholarships  were  awarded  to 
seniors  Mary  Read,  Clyde  Simerman, 
Kevin  Young,  and  Don  Pinnick. 

Receiving  special  certificates  in  various 
science  courses  were:  senior  Don  Pinnick, 
physics;  senior  Jack  Briegel,  advanced 
chemistry;  sophomore  Richard  Sutorius, 
advanced  biology;  sophomore  Matt 
Tyler,  life  science;  senior  Nancy  Poland, 
ecology;  junior  Mike  Myers,  earth 
science;  and  junior  Dave  Beutler, 


H'vibeA^tenA  ftiaee,  2ttd 

On  May  6.  Elmhurst 
placed  second  in  a  triangular 
track  meet  with  Harding 
and    Homestead. 

Individual  winners  were: 
senior  Paul  Stevens,  first  in 
the  880  run  and  third  in  the 
mile  run;  sophomore  John 
Stiffler.  first  in  pole  vault; 
junior  Brad  Smith,  first  in 
the  440  run;  junior  Dave 
Lewis,  second  in  the  two 
mile  run;  senior  Derek 
Paris,  second  in  shot  put 
and    discus;    and    junior 

pole  vault. 

Other  winners  were:  Rick 
Knuth,  third  in  the  two  mile 
run;  senior  Ed  Peters,  third 
in  shot  put  and  fourth  in 
discus;  junior  Jeff  Heller, 
third  in  pole  vault;  junior 
Bill  Mazelin,  fourth  in  the 
100  yard  dash;  sophomore 
Chad  Cline,  fourth  in  the 
880;  sophomore  Jim 
Freygang,  fourth  in  the 
mile;  junior  Larry  Raber. 
fourth  in  the  two  mile  run; 
and  sophomore  Ernie 
Starks,   fourth  in   the  high 

rro/an  diamondm  en  12-5; 
ionfrol  first  place  in  SAC 

Denny  Kirkland,  second  in      hurdles  and  high  jump. 

EHS  Netiuomen  drop  3 

by  KaryD  Heiney 

Through  rain  and  icy 
winds  the  EHS  girls'  tennis 
team  played  their  first 
match  against  Harding  on 
April  28.  Although 
Elmhurst  lost  its  first  home 
match  with  no  individual 
wins,  potential  is  showing, 
aa  several  girls  played  close 

The  next  match,  played  at 
home  on  May  1,  found 
Ebnhurst  battUng  the  New 
Haven  Bulldogs.  Once  again 
the  Trojans  were  defeated 
but  garnered  two  individual 

wins.  The  singles  fifth  seed, 
sophomore  Leslie  Collier, 
won  6-4.  5-7,  and  5-1 
( tiebreaker).  Sophomores 
Robin  Nebergall  and  Elena 
Perez,  doubles  second  seeds, 
captured  their  victory  6-3,  6- 

EHS  was  beaten  by 
Dwenger,  May  2  on  home 
courts.  The  Dwenger  team, 
being  more  experienced,  won 
six  of  the  seven  matches. 
The  only  Trojan  win  was 
claimed  by  junior  Cheryl 
Norton,  the  singles  second 


by  Mike  Freygang 

Last  week  the  Elmhurst 
baseball  team  strengthened 
its  record  to  12  wins  against 
5  losses,  with  victories  over 
Harding,  Concordia,  Wayne 
and  Paulding.  The  Trojans 
defeated  Harding  2-1, 
Concordia  2-0.  Wayne  7-3, 
and  spUt  a  double-header 
against  Paulding  8-2,  then  2- 
0  in  Paulding's  favor. 

As  a  team  the  Trojans  are 
in  control  of  first  place  in  the 
Summit  Athletic 
Conference.  The  team  was 
scheduled  to  face  South  Side 
at  Elmhurst  yesterday  and 
then  take  on  Bishop  Luers 
today  also  at  Elmhurst, 
starting  at  4:15  p.m.  If  and 
when  they  defeat  either 
South  Side  or  Bishop  Luers. 
they  will  be  tied  for  the  SAC 
championship  with  the 
Northrop  Bruins.  In  case  of 
this  tie  the  officials  must  go 
back  into  the  season  when 
the  two  teams  met.  When 
this  is  done  they  will  find 
that  Elmhurst  defeated 
Northrop  in  the  regular 

Junior  Terry  Smith  tossed 
a  two- hitter  against 
Harding  and  kept  them  to 
only  one  run,  to  maintain 
first  place  as  the  city's 
lowest  earned   run   pitcher, 

,50  per  game 
strengthened  his  record  to  5- 
0.  Also  Lynn  Brown  drilled  a 
single  against  Paulding  to 
enlarge  his  consecutive 
hitting  streak  to  12. 

It's  the 
real  thing. 

f  Imhurst  honors  outstanding  students  with  awards       \ 

Students  with  outstanding  attendance 
for  this  year  were  honored  at  Recognition 
Night,  last  evening  in  the  EHS 

Receiving  recognition  for  six  years  of 
100  per  cent  perfect  attendance  were 
seniors  Tom  Gaham,  Lowell  Loomis,  Don 
Pinnick,  Ann  Stefanski,  and  Teddie 
Stefanski,  Four  years  of  perfect 
attendance  was  awarded  to  senior  James 
Clark,  junior  Don  Wenger,  and 
sophomore  Lori  Loomis.  An  award  for 
three  years  of  flawless  attendance  was 
presented  to  seniors  Doug  Bowman  and 
Dan  Meeks,  junior  Mike  WeUing,  and 
sophomore  Bruce  FuUer. 

Twelve  students  were  recognized  for 
two  years  of  not  missing  a  day  of  school. 
They  are:  seniors  Jay  Koontz,  Paula 
Miller,  Mark  Spears,  and  Dan  Wright; 
juniors  Ron  Coe,  Ed  Cummings.  Lorena 
Mabe,  and  Kim  Markey;  and  sophomores 
Carolyn  Lee,  Debbie  Martin,  Cheryl 
Mundt,  and  June  Williams 

Seniors  honored  for  attending  school 
everyday  for  one  year  were:  Dave 
Cutigni,  Bev  Free.  Roy  Jordan,  Linda 
Maldeney,  John  Seabold,  Terry  Tracy, 
and  John  Vasquez, 

Receiving  certificates  in  the  junior 
class  for  1  year  attendance  are:  Ruth 
Bauman,  Dave  Beutler,  Kathy  Chapman, 
Mark  DeGrandchamp,  Nedra  Elston, 
Ethel  Fowlkes,  Dayton  Frey.  Tammy 
Gasvoda,  John  Gouty,  Marti  Gross, 
Gregg  Heckley,  Dan  Landrigan,  Mary 
LeFever,  Yvette  Morrill,  Verne  Myers, 
Greg  Nowak,  AUen  Shaw,  and  Jim 

Those  in  the  sophomore  class  receivmg 
honors  for  one  year  of  1 00  per  cent  perfect 
attendance  were;  Nelson  Almond, 
Claudia  Bolinger.  Dennis  Dawkms. 
Shirley  Giesser.  Karyn  Heiney,  Dan  Jehl, 
Laura  Kelley,  Kevin  Koehl,  Victor 
Koshurin,  Greg  Livengood,  Beth  Mays. 
Antonio  Medsker.  Tom  Osborne  ,  Steve 
Sims,  Kellie  Slate.  Matt  Tyler,  Sandy 
Winebrenner,  and  Cheryl  Van  Zile 

Campbell  named  Crawford  recipient 

Senior  Dave  Campbell  has  been 
announced  as  this  year's  recipient  of  the 
Gordon  Crawford  Competitive  Spirit 
Award.  This  honor  is  given  in  the  name  of 
Gordon  Crawford,  who  was  killed  in 
Vietnam  The  award  is  presented 
annually  to  an  athlete  who  possesses  good 
sportsmanship,  outstanding  citizenship, 
courage  and  competitive  spirit.  Aside 
from  receiving  this  award,  which  is  one  of 
the  most  coveted  athletics-citizenship 
honors.  Dave  won  one  of  the  blanket 
awards  given  this  year. 

Girls  athletics  was  very  much  present 
in  the  EHS  sports  scene  this  year,  and 
several  awards  were  given  for 
outstanding  participation  in  this  area. 
Senior  Teddie  Stefanski  has  been  awarded 
the  Jeanette  McClure  trophy  and  also  a 
wall  plaque  from  the  Indiana  G.A.A. 
League.  Teddie  has  been  an  active 
member  in  G.A.A,  in  her  three  years  here 
at  Elmhurst 

Senior  Bonnie  Carrion  was  recognized 
with  the  varsity  cheerleading  captain 
award  by  the  squad's  sponsor  Miss 
Sharon  Dietrich. 

This  year's  recipient  of  the  Arion 
Award,  given  to  one  who  has  shown 
outstanding  performance  as  an 
instrumentalist,  is  senior  Gary  Baker. 
Gary  has  been  active  in  Elmhursfs  Jazz 
Junior  Verne  Myers  has  been  named  as 
recipient  of  the  Juan  Miller  Award.  This 
honor  is  given  annually  in  remembrance 
of  Juan  Miller,  who  gave  his  life  in  South 
Vietnam  in  1967,  Verne  was  given  this 
award  as  an  outsUnding  junior  jazz  band 

Mr.  John  Morse  presented  seniors  Don 
Pinnick  and  Nancy  Foland  best 
leadership  and  musicianship, 

respectively,  for  their  participation  in  the 
orchestra.  The  top  jazzman  of  Elmhurst 
was  presented  to  jazz  band  member. 
junior  Benjamin  Berry. 

The  major  vocal  music  award,  the 
American  Choral  Award,  based  on 
musical  ability  and  leadership  has  been 
awarded  to  senior  Nina  Marchese,  She 
has  been  an  active  member  of  the  choir 
and  Trojan  Singers  for  three  years. 

Service  to  school  recognized 

Three  service  awards  were  given  for 
participation  in  journalism  to  yearbook 
co-editors  Cathy  Gary  and  Holly  Miller, 
Mike  Arnold,  editor-in-chief  of  the 
newspaper,  and  Mike  Duray  for 
outstanding  photography. 

A  library  service  plaque  was  presented 
to  senior  Jan  Tolliver. 

The  American  Field  Service  presented 
two    outstanding    service    contribution 

awards  to  seniors  Mary  Roop  and  Holly 
Miller.  Senior  Pat  Prader  was  also 
recognized  as  the  organization^ 

One  final  service  to  school  award  was 
presented  to  this  year's  Y-Toen's  Club 
president  Holly  Miller,  by  the  clubs 
sponsor  Miss  Susan  Highfill. 

This  year's  recipients  of  the  Danforth 
"I  Dare  You"  awards  are  seniors  Dave 
Campbell  and  Linda  Whitton.  These  two 
outstanding  students  received  the  honor 
on  the  basis  of  service,  honor,  courage  and 

Senior  Dave  Boyer  was  recognized  the 
Sertoma  Citizenship  winner  for  this  year 
by  the  Downtown  Sertoma  Club. 

The  winner  of  the  Kiwonis  Good  Citizen 
award  is  senior  Dave  Campbell.  Given  on 
the  basis  of  leadership  as  well  as 
I  citizenship,  the  Fort  Wayne  Kiwanis  Club 
I  presented  the  honor. 

This  years  DAR  Best  Citizen  award 
was  presented  to  senior  Pamm  Williams, 

Drama  earns  hooore 

The  Al  Rutledge  Award,  given  in 
memory  of  Al  Rutledge  kiUed  two  years 
ago  when  he  was  a  senior  at  EHS,  was 
presented  to  senior  Dave  Silletto,  The 
award  is  based  on  drama  participation. 
Another  drams  award,  the  Suzy  Wirick, 
was  given  to  junior  Larry  Daugherty. 

The  student  Council  President's  Cup 
was  awarded  to  senior  Derek  Paris  and 
senior  Mike  Arnold  received  the  award  for 
the  student  council's  outstanding  senior 
I  representative. 


Inconsistency  hurts  Elmhurst  golfers 

by  Barb  Harman 

Elmhurst's  golf  team 
started  off  on  the  wrong  foot 
this  season  and 

unfortunately  has  been 
continuing  in  the  same 

On  Monday,  May  5,  the 
team  was  defeated  by 
Huntington  Team 

medalist  for  the  contest  was 
senior  George  Huber  with  a 
^0>  Other  scorers  for 
Elmhurst  were:  junior  Mark 
'"Jewell,  45;  junior  Jim 
McCIeneghen,    47;    senior 







Mike  Arnold,  48;  and  senior 
Jim  Norton,  48. 

The  following  day  saw 
EHS  in  a  four  way  meet  at 
Riverbend  against 
Concordia,  Bishop  Dwenger 
and  South  Side.  Again  the 
golfers  were  the  high 
scorers.  At  this  meet. 
Newell  was  the  team 
medalist  with  a  42.  Other 
scorers  were;  Arnold,  43; 
Norton,  45;  McCleneghen, 
47;Huh'^r.  52. 
Scores    for    the    May    7 

match  against  New  Haven 
at  Havenhurst  were  as 
follows:  Norton,  41;  Arnold. 
43;  McCleneghen,  44; 
Newell,  45;  Huber,  48. 

In  a  three  way  meet 
against  Northrop  and 
Wayne,  the  team  lost  again 
at  the  Elks  Country  Club. 
McCleneghen  was  team  low 
scorer  with  a  41,  followed  by 
Arnold  with  a  43,  Norton 
with  a  45.  Newell  with  a  51, 
and  junior  Greg  Smith  with 
a  52. 


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Ansa  and  Corinne  leave 

"Of  course  the  greatest  thing  my 
stay  has  brought  me  is  a  fuller 
understanding    of    people."    states 

Staffs  named 

At  the  annual  Quill  and  Scroll  banquet. 
Thursday,  May  15,  Mrs,  Jane  Hoylman 
announced  the  new  staff  for  the  Advance  and 
the  Anlibrum, 

Those  students  appointed  to  the  Advance 
staff  and  positions  are  Sarah  Stewart,  editor- 
in-chief;  Marty  Miller,  news  editor;  Nancy 
McAfee.  Marilynn  Scherer,  Jan  Dowling. 
news  writers;  Barb  Harman,  editorial  editor; 
and  Michelle  Armstrong,  copy  editor.  Others 
gaining  positions  were  Jim  McCleneghcn, 
sports  editor;  Kevin  Lee,  Mike  Freygang. 
sports  writers;  Nancy  Beadie,  feature  editor; 
Verne  Myers,  Kathy  Sharpin,  feature 
writers;  Anne  Cummings,  ad  manager;  and 
Tom  Sonday,  ad  sales.  Completing  the  list 
are  Phil  Gutman.  photo  editor;  Marty  Petit, 
chief  photographer;  Sue  Marquis,  business 
manager;  and  Kathy  Sharpin, 

Marking  the  list  for  the  Anlibrum  staff 
next  year  are  Yvette  Morrill,  editor  in-chief; 
Leslie  Novitsky,  copy  editor;  Betsy  Barber, 
student  life  editor;  Karyn  Heiney,  academics 
editor;  Lori  McCleneghen,  activities  editor; 
Dave  Chrzan,  sports  editor  with  assistants 
Kevin  Lee  and  Anita  Boyer.  Included  with 
positions  are  Scott  Bemhart,  senior  editor; 
Becky  Adams,  underclass  editor;  and  Barry 
Cohen,  faculty  editor.  Finishing  the  list  are 
Putter  Frebel  and  Leslie  Collier,  advertising; 
Helen  DeRose,  index;  and  Sue  Marquis  and 
Diane  Lupke,  business  managers. 

AFS  exchange  student  Corinne 
Bucher.  "There  have  been  so  many 
friends  all  year  long." 

Corinne.  whose  native  land  is 
Switzerland,  and  Ansa  Kunnari,  of 
Finland,  will  return  home  this 
summer  as  their  year  of  foreign 
exchange  at  Elmhurst  draws  to  an 
end.  Ansa  will  head  home  the  end  of 
July  and  Corinne  will  leave  the  city 
June  27  for  a  two-week  bus  tour 
before  returning  home. 

As  a  highlight  to  International 
Women's  Year,  The  Fort  Wayne 
Women's  Bureau  recently  honored 
women  in  sports.  Head  basketball  and 
tennis  coach  for  the  girls  teams,  Mrs, 
Lucy  Doswell,  was  duly  honored  at  the 
festivity  that  took  place  at  the 
Hospitality  Inn,  April  26. 

When  Mrs.  Doswell  was  attending 
college  at  Hanover  College,  women's 
sports  were  not  acknowledged  on  the 
in  torse  hola  Stic  level.  On  the  intermural 
level,  however,  Mrs,  Doswell  was  honored 

as  attaining  the  title  of  singles  tennis 
champion  (all  four  years),  and  for  two 
years,  she  also  held  the  doubles  trophy.  In 
her  senior  year,  Mrs.  Doswell  was 
awarded  the  Best  Ail-Around  Senior 

The  Women's  Bureau  is  headed  by  Ms. 
Harriett  Miller,  and  is  in  the  first  year  of 
existence  here  in  Fort  Wayne.  The 
winners  of  plaques  at  the  sports  banquet 
will  go  on  record  in  the  Athletic  Hall  of 

St^i^  ^oH^^ft^  ^miona. 

Foreign  exchange  studcnls  are.  left.  Corini 
Bucher;  and  right.  Ansa  Kunnari 

Both  hope  to  return  to  the  state; 
sometime  in  the  near  future  and  also 
look  forward  to  visits  from  friend.s 
and  family  members. 

"I  feel  sort  of  torn  between  tw( 
places,"  stated  Corinne.  "I'm  surt 
when  I  get  home,  everything  will  be 
clear.  Right  now  I  feel  Uke  I  belong 
in  two  places  •  I  have  two  homes.  It 
will  be  very  hard  to  say  good-bye. ' ' 

Forty-four  seniors  have  been 
awarded  Indiana  State 

Scholarships.  Based  on  academic 
achievement,  as  shown  by  class 
rank,  and  Scholastic  Aptitude 
Test  scores,  these  scholarships  are 
awarded  on  these  bases  as  well  as 
that  of  financial  need. 

A  total  of  $15,000  has  been 
awarded  to  the  17  financial 
recipients.  The  remaining  27 
scholars  were  awarded  honorary 
scholarships.  Financial  recipients 
received  a  stipend  up  to  $1,400. 

Included  in  the  list  are  Mike 
Arnold,  Barb  Bowen,  Dave  Boyer, 
Cindy  Bradtmiller,  Keith 
Bradtmiller,  Terry  Brutton,  Cathy 
Cary,  Crystal  Gary,  Bob  Doherty, 
Mike    Duray,    Nancy    Foland,    Bill 

Frank,     Ilene    Frankenstein,    Paul 
Frankewich,  and  Bev  Free. 

Also  receiving  scholarships  were 
Don  Georgi.  Brenda  Ginder,  Renee 
Harter,  Greg  Hershberger,  Reggie 
Hill,  Val  Humbarger,  Vic 
Humbarger,  Darryl  Jackson,  and 
Wendy  Keim.  Liz  Kerns,  Mike 
Kiester,  Debbie  Klosterman,  Linda 
Maldeney  and  Hollis  Miller  were 
also  recognized. 

Finishing  the  list  are  Steve 
Morgan,  Joe  Morken,  Derek  Paris, 
Ed  Peters,  Don  Pinnick,  Pat  Prader, 
Nancy  Raney,  Leshe  Raymer,  Mary 
Read  and  Richard  Rifkin,  John 
Seabold,  Cheryl  Taylor,  Linda 
Whitton,  Pamm  Williams,  and 
Kevin  Young. 








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On  to  college 

Attending  Indiana  University  at 
Bloomington  will  be  Cindy  Lude,  Phil 
Rockstroh.  Dan  Meeks,  Randy  Smith. 
Wendy  Keim.  Trena  Jones,  Tracey  Conkling, 
i(acie  Clarke,  Cathy  Cary,  Terry  Emmons. 

Karen  Kleber.  Pam  Lap9ley.  Luretia  Kitz, 
Roy  Jorden,  Dan  Avery.  Gary  Hornberger, 
Maggie  Nuhfer.  Jim  Kellogg,  Mindy  Boose. 
Cathy    Brock,    Kathy    Boling,    and    Jackie 

On  to  careers 

Graduates  who  plan  to  begin  or  continue 
work  are:  Donna  Bellis,  Willis  Mayes. 
Sandra  Conway,  Mike  Birt.  Doug  Magner, 
Richard  Francies.  Debbie  Myhre.  Bob 
Doherty,  Dan  laenbarger,  Sandy  Beltz. 
Debbie  Munson,  and  Eric  Gebhard. 

Kevin  Keller  will  continue  his  line  of  work 
as  a  truck  driver  for  Ranch  Eggs,  while  Don 
Baker  will  become  a  carpenter  for  Gerald  R, 
Baker.  Inc.  Steve  AUes  is  a  sheet  metal 
apprentice  at  J  and  W  Plumbing  and 

Many  plan  office  jobs 

Anne  Shadle,  Brenda  Cox,  Pam  Ryan,  and 
Sandy  Elkins  all  plan  on  beconiing 
secretaries  in  the  offices  of  local  businesses. 
Betsy  Hart  will  issue  out  policies  at  Mutual 
Security  Life  Insurance  Co.  while  Laura 
Robinson  is  a  receptionist  at  NicMahan. 
McClead  Veterinary  Clinic. 

Other  office  workers  are:  Liz  Walker. 
Janet     HoUenbacher.     Patty     Saylor,     and 


Those  planning  to  attend  Purdue 
University  at  Lafayette  are:  Mark  Spears, 
Mike  Arnold.  Don  Pinnick.  Bill  Frank,  Kevin 
Young,  Paul  Prankewich.  and  Dave 

Enrolling  at  Indiana-Purdue  Regional 
Campus  will  be;  Teddie  Stefanski,  Jeff 
Green,  Jim  Norton.   Randy   Moake,  Cindy 

Bradtmiller,  Janet  Ford.  Dave  Cutigni. 
Clyde  Simerman,  Mary  Read,  Dee  Dee 
Krieger,  Linda  Maldeney,  Cheryl  Taylor, 
Paula  Miller,  Denise  Stein,  Debbie  Janson, 
Jack  Briegel.  Linda  Panyard,  Kathryn 
Miller,  Dale  Roesner.  Vicki  Holmes.  Mike 
Kiester,  Lyle  Howard,  Mike  Landrigan,  Barb 
Bowen,  Mary  Roop,  Pat  Prader,  Jennifer 
Harris,  Tom  Gaham,  Gary  Imel,  Tina  Foster. 
Mary  Oswalt.  Mike  Duray,  Steve  Morgan, 

Debbie  Stinson. 

Marlene  Nagel  is  a  media  clerk  at  the 
Regional  Vocation  Center.  June  Bowers  is  a 
dietician  trainee  at  the  V  A  Hospital 

Penguin  Point  Systems  will  employ 
Norman  Robinson  in  management,  while 
Ann  Stefanski  is  an  assistant  manager  at  the 
Docktor  Pel  Center 

Mike  Clark  plans  on  joining  the  US  Army 
Reserve  in  the  fall  as  a  military  policeman. 
Christine  Fox  will  be  going  to  resident 
training  in  Miami  for  an  airLne. 

Many  students  will  be  continuing  their 
work  in  sales.  They  are:  James  Bulmahn 
Bakers  Shoes;  Mary  McBride,  Maloley's; 
Juanita  Vasquez,  Ayrway,  Both  Debbie 
Isenbarger  and  Pam  Sallee  are  employed  at 
G  C  Murphy's,  Other  working  in  sales  at  Mr 
Wiggs  are:  Marlene  Richardson,  Judy 
Jenkins,  Maureen  Kunkel.  Michelle  Moore. 
Cindy  Krouse.  and  Cathy  Thompson. 

Five  seniors  are  planning  to  attend  Ivy 

Tech;  Jeff  Allen.  Dave  Edsall,  Ernest  Hoy, 
Sue  Quinn,  and  Lowell  Loomis. 

Indiana  State  will  enroll  three  from  EHS. 
They  are:  Ed  Peters,  Gary  Baker,  and  Bob 

Pam  Reyburn  and  Bonnie  Carrion  will 
attend  Ball  State  University,  while  Bob 
Sanders  and  John  Seabold  are  enrolled  at  the 
Fort  Wayne  Art  Institute  here. 

The  Columbus  College  of  Art  and  Design 
in  Columbus,  Ohio  has  accepted  Patti  Gay 
and  Larry  Gonzalez. 

Both  Jim  Theye  and  Lynn  Brown  will 
attend  DePauw  University.  Keith 
Bradtmiller  and  Linda  Whitton  will  be  off  to 
Valparaiso  University  in  the  fall.  Don  Georgi 
and  Dan  Wright  wiU  be  educated  at  ITT  Tech 

Fort  Wayne  Bible  College  will  enroll  Nancy 
Raney  and  Bev  Free  in  the  fall. 

Attending  International  Business  CoUege 
wUl  be  Steve  Mueller.  Nate  Johnson,  Sara 


Jan  Tolliver,  Mark  Winans,  Scott  Sanders, 
Annette  Bostic,  and  Derek  Paris. 
Hoopingarner,  Marga  O'Keefe,   Michael 
Webb,  and  Patrick  Clark, 

Seven  choose  nursing 

Enrolling  in  schools  to  train  for  nursing 
careers  are:  Diane  Schulien,  Jonny  Nash, 
Mary  Freygang.  Regional  Vocational 
Nursing  School;  Vicki  Rosenbaum,  Lutheran 
Hospital  School  of  Nursing;  Linda  Markey, 
Michelle  Hollins,  Debbie  Klosterman, 
Parkview  Methodist  School  of  Nursing, 

On  to  the  Parisian  Beauty  College  in  June 
will  be  Paula  Van  Pelt,  while  Patty  Miller 
attends  Ravenscroft  and  Joe  Langmeyer  will 
attend  an  apprentice  school  in  the  fall, 
Varioue  coUegea  appeal 

Other  graduates  attending  a  variety  of 
schools  are:  Jennifer  Sellers,  Simpson 
College.  San  Francisco;  Liz  Kerns,  Schiller 
College,  London;  Marie  Zacher,  Stephens 
College,  Columbia,  Missouri;  Holly  Miller. 
College  of  Wooster;  Michelle  Swick,  Stevens 
College,  Wisconsin;  Dave  Silletto,  Denison 
University;  and  Nina  Marchese,  University 
of  Oregon. 

Paul  Stevens  will  attend  the  University  of 
Kentucky,  Brenda  Cinder  will  study  at 
Bluffton  College,  Greg  Hershberger  will  go 
to  Colorado  College  and  George  Huber  is 
planning  to  attend  Vanderbilt  University. 

Keith  Ridenour  will  attend  UCLA  next 
fall.  Sherry  Kennedy  will  enroll  at  Graceland 
College  and  Beth  Ann  Harris  will  be 
studying  at  the  University  of  Missouri,  Rick 
Rifkin  will  attend  Washington  University  in 
St,  Louis, 

Football  opens 

with  Jamboree 

Pasehall  stars 
with  82-ymtl  run 

. .  .  See  pages  4  and  5 

Vol.  36  No.  1 

o  •  r  eacure 

O       ^Johnson 



'•  •-'-• 

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1       1 

1      1 


1     1 

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1     1 


MIKE  MA  URER  WON  hin  bid  (or  the  vice-pKsidency. 

The  student  council  officers  for 
next  year  have  been  elected  and 
their  work  has  already  begun  for 
the  75-76  school  year, 

The  winners  are  Tom  Sonday  as 
president,  Mike  Maurer  as  vice- 
president,  and  Claudia  Johnson  as 
secretary -treasurer.  So  far  their 
ideas  and  objectives  seem 
compatible,  and  they  are  able  to 
start  working  together  on  them. 
Council  plans  to  change 

The  new  officers  also  have  some 
constitutional  and  structural 
changes  in  mind  which  they're 
starting  on.  They  want  to  get 
students  running  for 

representatives  that  are  really 
serious  about  being  involved  in 
student  council.  Tom  has 
suggested  having  each  candidate 
write  down  why  he  is  running  and 
is  thinking  about  going  as  far  as 
having  a  screening  committee. 
Mike    wants    the   constitution   to  I 

clarify  who  should  vote  for  officers. 
He  is  confident  that  if  they  can  get 
going  now.  the  council  should  be  off 
to  a  great  year. 

Tom  Sonday  is  now  a  junior.  He 
has  been  in  student  council  the  last 
two  years  and  is  vice-president  of 
the  junior  class.  He  ran  for  the 
office  because  he  felt  he  was 
qualified,  and  he  thought  it  would 
be  something  he'd  like  to  do.  There 
were  things  he  wanted  to  see 
changed  that  no  one  else  had  talked 
about.  He  was  not  overly  surprised 
that  he  won,  Tom  felt  that  he  went 
into  the  campaign  having  as  good  a 
chance  as  anyone  else  and  he  was 
pleased  that  the  campaign  was 
clean  and  there  were  no  hard 

Sonday  will  strengthen  council 

Tom  does  not  envision  his 
presidential  duties  to  be  quite  the 
same  as  those  assumed  by  past 
presidents.  He  doesn't  want  to 
make  all  the  proposals  himself,  but 
he  wants  the  representatives  to 
bring  up  bills  and  be  more  active 
themselves.  He  will  keep  the 
student  council  running,  make  sure 
the  representatives  are  doing  their 
job,  and  reinstate  parliamentary 
procedure.  He  might  even  have  a 
parliamentarian  installed  who 
would  make  sure  the  council 
members  follow  parliamentary 

Tom  is  directing  his  energy 
toward  all  sorts  of  plans:  more 
dances,  more  social  events,  a  dance 
marathon,  spring  day,  penny 
arcade,  mini-courses,  open  lunch 
mods,      and       a       fund-raising 

competition  between  the  city 
schools.  These  are  all  things  he 
expects  will  strengthen  student 
council  and  put  it  on  an  even  keel 
with  the  councils  in  other  high 
schools.  When  asked  how  Elmhurst 
compares  to  other  schools,  Tom 
said,  "Elmhurst  is  basically  the 
same  as  any  other  school.  We  have 
the  same  material  to  work  with,  but 
maybe  not  as  much  motivation  as, 
say,  Snider.  But  we're  getting 

Overall.  Tom  beheves  next  year 
will  be  8  really  great  year  with  a 



Subscriptions  still  available 

The  first  publication  of  the  Elmhurst 
Advance  will  be  distributed  to  all  students 
attending  EHS  and  will  be  available  during 
homeroom  period  this  morning. 

The  following  issues  of  the  Advance  will  be 
sold  at  the  regular  price.  Subscriptions  to  the 
newspaper  and  yearbook  will  continue  to  be 
taken  during  lunch  mods  this  week  in  the 
cafeteria.  The  package  deal  may  be 
purchased  for  SU  with  S3.50  for  the 
newspaper  and  89  for  the  year  book. 

By  subscribing  to  the  Advance  students 
will  also  have  a  chance  to  win  one  of  five  all- 
season  athletic  tickets  or  1975-76  yearbooks. 
Drawings  will  be  made  in  homerooms  with 
the  highest  number  of  student  subscriptions 
to  the  Advance  later  in  the  monjh. 

The  pubLcations  department  wishes  to 
thank  the  athletic  department  for  the 
donation  of  the  five  aU-season  athletic 

Rah-Rahs  have  buny  summer 

Aside  from  their  school  year  duties  both 
varsity  and  reserve  cheerleaders  were  kept 
busy  with  fund  raising  and  cheerleading 
camp  activities  this  past  summer. 

Members  of  both  squads  traveled  to 
Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Aug.  4  for 
a  five  day  cheerleading  cLnic,  Sponsored  by 
the  Universal  Cheerleaders  Association,  the 
nine  girls  were  part  of  450  girls  participating 
in  the  workshop.  Daily  classes  during  the 
UCA  clinic  included  cheers,  pom  pom 
routines,  gymnastics,  private  coaching  and 
squad  evaluations.  Both  squads  received 
superior  ratings  during  daily  evaluations. 

Money-making  projects  were  another  time- 
consuming  activity  this  summer  for  the  EHS 
cheerleaders.  The  squads  helped  to  construct 
a  float  sponsored  by  May  Stone  and  Sand. 
Inc..  for  the  Three  Rivers  Festival,  and  in 
turn  raised  S200  for  their  fund.  The  group 
also  sponsored  a  car  wash  and  garage  sale  in 
mid-July  that  brought  in  approximately  SlOO 
to  be  used  towards  letter  jackets  and 
cheerleading  supplies  for  the  squads  this 

Northside  sponsors  first  dance 

A  successful  dance  sponsored  by  the 
senior  class  of  North  Side  attracted  many 
Trojans  to  join  in  after  the  first  football 
game  of  the  season  Aug.  29.  The  dance,  in  the 
North  Side  cafeteria,  featured  "Society" 
providing  the  tunes. 

Yearbooks  to  be  here  soon 

The  '74-'75  edition  of  the  Anlibrum  is  due 
to  arrive  at  Elmhurst  Sept.  15.  Distribution 
to  students  receiving  a  yearbook  will  be 
made  immediately  upon  receipt. 

Four  study  government  procedures 

This  past  summer,  four  seniors 
represented  Elmhurst  at  Girls'  and 
Boys'  State.  Melissa  Hunter, 
Claudia  Johnson,  Betsy  Barber  and 
Les  Novitsky  were  the  Trojan 

"It  was  really  fun.  When  I  got 
there  at  first,  I  didn't  think  I'd  like 
it,"  commented  Melissa,  '"but  once  I 
got  to  know  some  of  the  different 
people,  and  what  was  going  on  -  I 
loved  it!" 

Girls'  and  Boys'  State  takes  place 
at  two  different  times,  but  uses  the 
same  major  idea.  A  mock 
government  with  the  participants 
running  for  government  offices  ■ 
State,  local,  etc. 

If  the  participant  decides  to  run 
for  a  State  office,  they  are  given  a 

party,  such  as  Federalist 
Nationalist,  and  are  required  to  give 
speeches  with  audiences  of  up  to 

All  participants  used  "rea 
voting  machines.  Only  one  of  the 
three  female  participants  from 
Elmhurst  was  elected  into  office. 
Betsy  Barber  served  as  a 
Representative  in  the  House,  but 
both  Melissa  and  Claudia  failed  in 
their  attempts  to  capture  Secretary 
of  State  and  Senate,  respectively. 

Senior  Les  Novitsky  was  the  only 
male  representative  from  Elmhurst 
at  State.  Les  described  Boys'  State 
as  being  "a  lot  of  fun,  very 
worthwhile,  and  a  real  lesson  in  how 
our  government  works. ' ' 

Elmhurst  Advance 

ling  the  school  year  by  the  students  of  Elmhurst  High  School. 

?ekly  di        _ 

ad,   Fort  Wayne,   Indiana  46809.  in  accordance  with  the  policies  una 

chool  approved  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Fort  Wayne  Communit) 

Published  bi-w 
3829  Sandpoinl  R< 
elines  for  high 

Subscription  price  is  S3. 50  per  year,  25*  per  single  copy.  Second  close  postage  paid  at  Fori 
Wayne.  Indiana  46802. 

Editor  in  Chief Sarah  Stewart 

News  editor Marty  Miller 

Editorial  editor Barb  Herman 

Sports  editor Jim  McCleneghen 

Feature  editor Nancy  Beadie 

Copy  editor Michelle  Armstrong 

Photo  editor Phil  Gutman 

Chief  photographer Marty  Petit 

Photographer Laura  Bowcn 

Ad  manager Anne  Gumming- 

Ad  Staff Tom  Sonday.  Cindy  Ros^ 

Business  manager Diane  Lupi^' 

Exchange/circulation Kathy  Sarpin 

Reporters:  Jon  Dowling,  Mike  Freyganii. 
Kevin  Lee,  Sue  Marquis,  Nancy  McAfee. 
Verne  Myers,  Marilynn  Scherer. 

^^  team  of  student  council 
fficers-  He  anticipates  advantages 
n  Claudia's  good  ideas  and  Mike's 
iperience  and  knack  for  getting 
things  across  to  people. 
Maurer  queatione  role  of  council 

Mike  Maurer  has  been  a  member 
gi  student  council  for  the  last  two 
..jars  and  was  president  of  his 
sophomore  class.  He  became 
interested  in  running  for  student 
council  vice-president  because  he 
(eels  he  gets  along  with  all  sorts  of 
pj,ople    and    thinks    he    could    be 

of  next  year  s  sti 

helpful  by   presenting  the  varied 
opinions  of  the  students  and  by 
acting  as  a  mediator  between  the 
student    body,    the    council,    the 
representatives   and   the   officers. 
Mike  has  a  theory  about  next 
year.    He   calculates    that    '75-'7G 
should  be  the  best  year   for  the 
student  council  because  "Last  year 
was  a  building  year.  This  year  used 
last   years   ideas   and   knowledge 
and  worked  on  them,  and  next  year 
we     should    be    able    to    get    it 
together."    The    hard    working 
representatives        and        their 
determination  not  to  back  down 
when  things  are  going  badly  should 
help  according  to  Mike.  He  also  has 
confidence    in    Tom    as    president 
because    "Tom  is  a  thinker  and  a 
speaker.  He  thinks  ahead,  thinks 
fast.       is       good       with       the 
administration,  and  has  the  ability 
to  do  an  above  average  job.  " 

Mike  has  noted  some 
uncertainty  concerning  the  role  of 
the  council.  He  asks  whether 
student  council  is  supposed  to  get 
into  the  school  board  and  work  on 
big  projects  or  concentrate  on  the 
little  things  within  the  school. 
Mike  has  decided  that  there  should 
be  a  compromise.  The  council 
should  get  involved  with  the 
school's  curriculum,  and  things 
that  would  please  the  students 
such  as  the  opening  of  the 
courtyard.  As  for  his  own  job.  Mike 
will  work  to  keep  personality 
conflicts  out  of  the  council,  guide 
the  council,  help  set  policy,  and 
find  out  what  the  students  want. 

Johnson  conrident  of  new  officers 

Claudia  Johnson  wasn't  in 
student  council  in  junior  high 
because  it  was  the  popular  people 
she  felt  who  then  were  involved. 
This  year  she  decided  she  wanted 

to  get  r 

;  involved  in  the  school 

and  so  she  became  social  chairman 
of  the  junior  class.  She  found  that 
she  enjoyed  having  some 
responsibility  for  what  happens  in 
the  school,  knowing  what  was 
going  on  and  having  some  fun.  So 
now  she'll  be  secretary- treasurer  of 
the  student  council  which,  besides 
taking  attendance  and  the  minutes, 
will  require  her  to  mediate  between 
the  officers  and  the  student  body 
and  contribute  her  suggestions  to 
council  decisions  and  policies. 

Claudia  feels  Tom's  main  asset  is 
that  he  has  a  lot  of  interest  in  the 
student  body.  In  addition  she 
appreciates  his  good  ideas,  his  skill 
at  organizing  and  his  ability  to 
keep  from  letting  things  get  him 
down.  Claudia  is  confident  that  the 
three  officers  will  be  able  to  work 
closely  together,  which  she  says  is 
something  valuable  to  the  student 
council.  She  is  impressed  with  the 
amount  of  planning  that  they've 
already  done  and  pointed  this  out 
with  the  fact  that,  even  at  the 
prom.  Tom  was  taking  time  out  to 
discuss  with  her  the  project  of 
boosting  faculty  interest  in  a  day  of 
mini-courses  nest  year. 

9  -  Feature 

^^  t^y      '^ 

CLA  UDIA  JOHNSON  IS  TO  BE  the  75-76  student  council  secretary- 

Mvtc4e^  catend  6<utcC  ouh^    Exchangc  students  arriuc 

During  the  week  of  August  17-23, 
Imhursfs  marching  band, 
orchestra,  twirlers,  and  pom  pom 
girls  spent  six  days  at  Camp 
LuLendy  in  the  mountains  near  Clay 
City.  Kentucky.  The  camp  .  was 
recently  converted  from  a  resort 
motel  into  a  camp  for  musical 

The  purpose  of  the  expedition  was 
to   perfect    the    group's    skills    at 

marching  and  performing  together. 

Practicing  approximately  eight 
hours  each  day,  the  students  had 
morning,  afternoon,  and  evening 
practice  sessions  with  free  time  for 

Returning  by  chartered  bus.  the 
group  arrived  back  in  Fort  Wayne 
August  23  to  begin  preparing  for 
their  first  performance  at  Wayne 
Stadium  Sept.  19. 

Trojans  register  smoothly 

Elmhurst  adds  two  foreign 
exchange  students  to  the  enrollment 
count  this  year.  They  are  Maria 
Elena  Arguello  Sibaja  and  Andrea 

Eighteen-year-old  Maria  comes  to 
EHS  from  Alajuela,  Costa  Rica  in 
Central  America.  She  arrived  in  Fort 
Wayne  August  7,  and  is  making  her 
new  home  with  senior  Tammy 
Hughes  and  her  family.  Maria  will 
be  a  member  of  the  senior  class. 

Elmhurst's  other  exchange 
student,  junior  Andrea  Janser,  who 
arrived  six  weeks  ago,   is   staying 

The  payment  of  book  fees  and 
class  dues,  program  changes,  and 
the  sale  of  the  Advance  and  the 
Anlibrum  were  only  a  few  of  the 
activities  that  took  place  August  19- 
22  and  Monday,  August  25,  during 

With  the  aid  of  student  helpers 
and  a  few  wilUng  parents,  the 
administrative  staff  of  Elmhurst 
High  School  succeeded  in 
""egistering  many  of  the  incoming 
sophomores,  juniors,  and  seniors  for 
the  1975-76  school  year.  It  is 
expected  that  there  will  be  very 
close  to  1200  students  enrolled  at 
EHS  this  year. 

According  to  Principal  Richard 
Horstmeyer,  the  pre-registration 
Went  very  smoothly.   However,   he 

with  senior  Kim  Cross.  Andrea  is 
from  Lauterbrunner,  Switzerland, 
where  the  native  language  spoken  is 
Swiss  German. 

Maria's  stay  at  Elmhurst  is 
sponsored  by  the  American  Field 
Service.  AFS  is  also  sponsoring  Pat 
Prader's  year  visit  to  France.  Pat 
was  a  1975  graduate  of  EHS. 

Andrea's  visit  has  been  made 
possible  through  the  International 
Christian  Youth  Exchange  in 
cooperation  with  the  Lincolnshire 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

had  hoped  to  have  85-90  per  cent  of 
the  students  registered  before  the 
start  of  school,  but  was  unable  to 
achieve  this  goal.  Mr.  Horstmeyer 
also  stated  that  there  were  fewer 
scheduling  problems  this  year  than 
in  the  previous  school  year.  He 
explained  that  because  of  the  many 
complex  schedules,  the  computer 
cannot  always  program  students 
into  the  classes  they  selected  and 
this  is  where  the  problem  begins. 

Journalism    adviser    Mrs.    Jane 
Hoylman  reported  that 

subscriptions  to  the  Advance  and 
Anlibrum  are  up  from  last  year, 
while  EHS  athletic  director  Mr. 
Paul  Bienz  stated  that  athletic 
ticket  sales  were  not  nearly  as  good 
as  anticipated. 

STUDENTS,  who  arrived  this  month  for  a 
year's  stay,  are  at  left.  Maria  Elena 
Arguello  Sibaja  from  Costa  Rica,  and  at 
right,  A  ndrea  Janser  from  Switzerland. 




/T(t^^  eitjo(f^fin(MtctA^ue€K 

ANSA  KUNNARI.  NEWLY  CROWNED  prom  queen,  talks  with  he. 
prom  date,  GregNowak 

school  situatioi 

by  Verne  Myers  , 

Highlighting  a  very  successful 
'7.5  prom,  Ansa  Kunnari,  escorted 
by  Greg  Nowak.  was  crowned  this 
year's  prom  queen  by  last  year's 
queen,  Sue  Male,  Saturday,  May 

With  around  100  couples  in 
attendance  for  the  dance,  Ansa  was 
honored  by  her  feUow  students 
atop  the  Sheraton  hotel  as  queen, 
to  which  Ansa  responded  that  it 
felt  "very  great  that  so  many 
people  like  me.  " 

has  had  to  adapt  lo  a  t 




Midway  through  the  dance  and 
music  of  the  Teardrops,  the 
decision  was  announced  by  Tom 
Sonday  to  the  final  seven  girls. 

Ansa  meetfl  "biggys" 

Ansa  is  Elmhurst's  foreign 
exchange  student  from  Finland, 
and  was  eventually  introduced  to 
the  "biggy"  events  at  Elmhurat. 
including  the  prom.  In  reaction  to 
the  prom,  Ansa  felt  it  was  perhaps 
"too  expensive,  but  very  nice  that 
once  a  year  guys  can  ask  somebody 
out.  " 

After  dinner,  the  couples  were 
greeted  with  a  variety  of  slow  and 
fast  music  by  the  Teardrops.  Ansa 
loves  to  dance,  as  it  is  her  favorite 
thing  to  do,  It  struck  Ansa  as 
amusing  that  older  people  in  the 
U.S.  dance  more  often  than  the 
younger,  which  is  opposite  of 
Finland.  In  Finland,  teenagers 
generally  find  time  to  dance  every 
weekend,  rather  than  a  movie  or 
party.  Ansa  likes  to  waltz,  but 
prefers  fast  dances.  However,  she 
finds  American  fast  dancing  rather 
"boring,  "not  quite  like  the  tango. 

"Who  really  knew  me?" 

Ansa's  first  reaction  when  she 
discovered  she  was  one  of  the  prom 
court  was  one  of  surprise.  "Who 
really  knew  me?"  she  wondered. 
After  the  homeroom  vote  for  the 
queen,  it  was  evident  much  of 
Elmhurst  knew  of  her. 

There  is  nothing  really  like  the 
prom  in  Finland,  The  only  thing 
close  to  it  is  the  last  day  as  a  senior 
This  is  an  important  occasion,  and 
seniors  take  the  time  to  dress  up 
and  recognize  their  last  day- 
Queen  comments  on  prom 

Ansa  wondered  if  maybe  the 
prom  should  be  held  at  school,  as  it 
once  was  at  Elmhurst.  She  also 
commented  on  the  lack  of  any 
organized  after-prom,  which  manj 
people  were  asking  about. 

Tradition  maintains  that  the 
reigning  queen  crown  the  new 
queen  each  year.  However.  Ansa 
didn't  think  she  could  make  it  back 
to  watch  her  successor  be  named 
The  expense  to  travel  back  to  Fort 
Wayne  would  be  too  great,  and 
someone  else  will  have  to  do  the 

The  new  queen  feels  very 
honored  and  happy  that  she  was 
chosen.  Ansa  remarked  that  each 
day  she  realizes  the  importance  of 
the  prom  more  and  more.  Ansa 
pointed  out  that  to  her,  "It  isn't 
the  most  important  thing.  It 
doesn't  mean  I  am  any  better  than 
anyone  else."  After  the  year  is 
over,  however.  Ansa  will  have  yet 
another  event  and  experience  to 
take  back  with  her  to  Finland, 
where  she  will  remember  it  for  a 
long  time  to  come. 


Oirls  atheletks  get  results 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

After  a  dismal  year  of 
girls'  sports  seasons, 
sectional  highlights  began 
to  occur  as  the  tennis  anc 
track  teams  have  qualified 
girls  for  higher  competition. 

After  making  the 
qualification  through  track 
sectionals.  sophomores 
Emma  Bostic  and  Angela 
Hayden  put  on  quite  a  show 
in  the  Regional  meet  to 
qualify  for  the  State  meet. 

Emma  jumped  16'  SVi"  to 
win  the  long  jump,  also 
breaking  the  Regional 
record.  Emma  is  expected  to 
place  well  in  the  State  meet 
on  May  30  in  Indianapolis. 

Angela  Hayden  placed 
second  in  the  hurdles,  losing 
only  to  a  hurdler  from 
Northrop.  Angle's  time  was 
14.2  for  the  total  run;  she 
will    also    be    traveUng    to 


The  doubles  team  of 
senior  Sally  Hinton  and 
junior  Cheri  Norton 
succeeded  in  qualifying  for 
the  Regional  tennis  match, 
to  be  held  in  Muncie  on  May 
31.  Sally  and  Cheri  defeated 
the  South  Adams  team  of 
Rhoades  and  Sauder  by 
scores  of  6-0,  6-3.  They 
continued  their  victory 
streak  by  defeating  the 
Homestead  team  of  Mutton 
and  Christoff,  by  scores  of  7- 

The  semi-final  game  was 
between  the  Elmhurst  duo 
and  the  duo  from  Luers, 
Greeley  and  Schafer. 
Elmhurst  won  by  scores  of 
0-6,  7-5,  7-6.  The  final  game 
was  played  against  another 
Luers  team;  Elmhurst  lost 
to  Galpern  and  Fitzwilliam 
I  by  scores  of  6-4,  5-7,  6-0. 

^y     Free  Game 

Before  6  P.M. 

OR  3-Games  for  $1  AnyTime 

4400  SIgfhon  RMd 
Halt  to  Barftr  ChatindMr.CotM, 





Complete  Motor  Tune-up 


6801  Old  Trail  Rd 

CALL  747  ■  4665 


i         10%  OFF       i 

^I  On  a  dozen  rolls  with  ihis  ad  % 

i  Waynedale  % 

t  Bakery  | 

%    Expiration  date  % 

%  June  14,  1975  % 

i  * 



May  Sfone  & 
Sand   Inc. 


Time  Corners  Shopping  Or. 

U.S.  24  West  at  Covington  Rd. 

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana 

'Buck  Night- 

Tuesday  &  Friday  Nights  7:00  -  9:00  p.m. 
All  Albums  and  Recorded  Tapes  $1 .00  OFF! 

dress  shop 

See  Our  New  Summer  Merchandise 
swimsuits  -  handbags  -  summer  apparel 
Cor^e.0  /'l/^m^ 

Juniors  3-15 

Open  Moo.-  FlrliUy  10-9 
SatunUy  9-5 

Woyne  Plozo 
5905  Blufffon  Rood 




to  Bruins  21-6 


The  Elmhurst  Trojans 
dropped  their  first  loss  of 
the  season  to  Northrop  in 
the  annual  jamboree  on 
August  23,  as  the  Bruins 
scored  2 1  points  to  the 
Trojans  6.  Elmhurst  was  one 
of  five  teams  that  combined 
to  form  the  visitors  team 
which  held  on  to  win  50-47. 

The  jamboree  was 
comprised  of  five  games, 
each  of  which  consisted  of 

two  12  minute  quarters. 

The  first  Elmhurst 
possession  resulted  in  the 
only  bright  spot  for  the 
Trojans  as  junior  Curtis 
Paschall  slipped  around  the 
right  side  of  the  Une  and  out 
ran  all  defenders  on  an  82 
yard  race  to  the  pnd  zone 
and  gave  Elmhurst  a  6-0 
lead.  The  lead  was  short 
lived  however,  as  Northrop 
took  the  following  kickoff 
and  traveled  52  yards  for  the 
first  Northrop  score. 
Elmhurst  was  unable  to 
move  the  ball  against  the 
tough  Northrop  defense,  and 

couldn't  seem  to  stop  the 
.  Bruins.  The  Bruins'  Leroy 
iMcGraw  who  scored  all 
three  of  the  Northrop  TD's 
scored  his  second  on  a  75 
'  yard  run  around  the  left  side 
and  his  third  on  a  13  yard 
run  to  cap  off  a  60  yard 

The  Trojans  next  game 
will  be  against  Norwell  at 
Norwell  on  September  5,  at 

Taylor  album  bridges     ^ 
jazz,  neO'Classicism 

by  Barb  Hnmian 

Tale  Spinnin'  is  yet  another  Gxtonsion 
of  Wejither  Roport'fi  unique  and  int«nse 
talent.  Characteristically,  the  album 
relies  heavily  on  rhythms,  but  never  loses 
its  intricate  and  highly  emotional  essence. 
Most  of  the  music  was  composed  to 
reflect  the  high  energy  and  strong  spirit 
of  street  celebrations  and  festivals.  The 
song  and  dance  atmosphere  is  captured 
well  in  such  pieces  as  "Man  in  the  Green 
Shirt"and  "Badia". 

Although  the  use  of  rhythms  is 
extensive,  the  album  is  at  the  same  time 
melodious,  particularly  in  the  case  of 
many  of  saxophonist  Wayne  Shorter's 
solos.  In  general,  the  performance  on  the 
record  is  exceptional  ond  the  composition 
is  equally  fine. 

Listening  to  Tale  Spinnin '  is  an 
experience  for  both  the  intellect  and  the 
emotions.  Keyboardist-composer  Josef 
Zawinul  says,  "Our  music  is  the  reflection 
of  the  state  where  you  arrive  as  a  human 


Live  at  Montreoux    '74 

Silent  Tongues  is  Cecil  Taylor's  first 
release  in  16  years,  and  had  ex-Columbia 

Records  executive  Olive  Davis  not  bought 
out  the  British  Arista-Freedom  label, 
even  this  album  might  have  been  kept 
from  the  pubhc.  Fortunately,  however,  it 
wasn't  and  pianist  Taylor  presents  on  the 
record  one  of  the  most  complex  and 
powerful  solo  keyboard  efforts  in  that  15 
year  span, 

Taylor  regards  the  piano  as  a 
percussion,  as  opposed  to  a  stringed, 
instrument.  Consequently  the  music  is 
oggressive  and  often  atonal.  In  this 
regard,  the  music  draws  a  fine  Lne 
between  jozz  and  modernist  classical:  the 
composition  is  at  times  reminiscent  of 
Chick  Coreo's  improvisations,  at  others, 
the  works  of  composer  Charles  Ives. 

Silent  Tongues  is  a  five  movement 
piece,  followed  by  two  variations  on 
themes  from  the  movements.  The  first, 
"Abyss  "  is  a  powerful  composition,  built 
on  scale  runs  and  tone  clusters,  and 
resolving  itself  to  more  soothing  tones  in 
the  second  movement  '"Petals  and 

Taylors  album,  is  to  be  sure,  a  truly 
artistic  achievement;  however,  those 
accustomed  to  more  conventional 
melodies  may  find  the  record  hard 
listening.  But.  those  who  are  used  to  a 
more  avant-garde  form  of  music  or  those 
looking  tor  something  new  and  exciting 
will  find  Silent  Tongues  well  worth  their 

Jinior  grads  forfeit  honors 

There  are  ten  students  at 
Elmhurst  who  at  the  end  of  this  year 
are  graduating  after  attending  only 
six  semesters  of  high  school.  The 
question  has  been  raised  as  to 
whether  those  students  should  be 
considered  juniors  or  seniors. 

This  is  an  important  question,  for 
it  seems  that  this  year  those  early- 
graduation  students  are  not 
considered  either  one.  They  have 
completed  their  last  year  of  high 
school  not  knowing  to  which  class 
they  belong. 

But  is  seems  that  there  already 
has  been  a  decision  made;  only 
nobody  knew  about  it.  Principal 
Horstmeyer,  at  least,  considers 
these  students  juniors  who  are 
simply  graduating  at  the  end  of 
their  junior  year.  The  error  has  been 
made  already  though,  and  the 
students  did  miss  out  on  some  of  the 
benefits  juniors  have.  For  instance, 
none  of  the  junior  girls  who  are 
graduating  were  included  in  the  list 
of  prospective  prom  queens. 

It  is  a  shame  that  these  students 
cannot  he  considered  seniors,  for 
they  have  worked  as  hard  to 
graduate  as  four  year  students  have. 

But  Indiana  state  law  requires 
that  to  graduate  a  senior,  the 
student  must  attend  eight 
semesters  of  high  school.  So,  in 
order  to  reap  the  benefits,  one  must 

I  just  follow  the  rules. 

Junior  graduates  are  a  speciaj 
group  of  students.  They  have 
received  permission  to  graduate 
with  only  six  semesters.  This  is 
achieved  by  filling  out  a  form  which 
has  to  be  okayed  by  the  stau 
department  of  education. 

There  are  many  good  reasons  for 
students  to  graduate  early.  One,  a 
student  may  be  one  or  two  years 
older  than  his  classmates  and  may 
wish  to  graduate  with  those  his  own 
age.  Two,  the  student  may  need  to 
get  into  college  early.  And  thre^the 
student  may  be  more  mature  and 
held  back  in  high  school.  But  junior 
graduation  is  not  for  everybody  .„ 
primarily  because  the  senior  year  is 

But  the  decision  is,  and  should  be, 
left  up  to  the  student  and  his  family 
They  should  know  all  the 
advantages  and  disadvantages,  and 
then  decide.  If  they  choose  to 
graduate  early,  then  they  are 
excluded  from  some  of  the  big 
awards,  namely  valedictorian  and 
salutatorian,  no  matter  whether 
their  grade  point  average  is  higher 
than  anyone  else's  or  not. 

But  the  point  is,  hopefully,  if 
early  grads  are  considered  juniors 
in  theory,  they  will  be  considered 
juniors  in  practice. 

Bihe  routes 

If  those  same  feet  that 
met  the  challenge  of  the 
Hunger  Walk  and  the 
March  of  Dimes 
Bikeathon  are  yearning 
for  a  new  and  patriotic 
experience,  they  can 
consider  this  idea:  as  part 
of  the  Bicentennial 
observance,  a  group 
referring  to  itself  as  the 
Bikecentennial  is 
sponsoring  a  4100-mile 
Trans-America  Bicycle 

The  trip  from  Astoria. 
Oregon,  to  Williamsburg, 
Virginia,  is  expected  to 
take  approximately  70  or 
80  days.  Cyclists  will 
travel  in  groups  of  eight, 
and  will  be  accompanied 
by  a  trained  leader. 

The  entire  trip  should 
cost  about  S400.  This 
includes  meals,  overnight 
lodging,  repairs,  insur- 
ance, and  more. 
Traffic  should  not  pose 

a  problem  on  this  cross- 
country ride  since  cyclists 
will  be  traveUng  on  back 
roads  that  usually  carry 
less  than  ten  cars  per 
hour.  Each  cyclist  will 
cover  40  to  60  miles  a  day 
through  the  countryside. 

Fort  Wayne  builds  trail 

Fort  Wayne  cyclers 
who  do  a  lot  of  pedaling 
through  the  city  and  into 
the  north  part  of  town 
may  be  glad  to  learn  that 
a  three-mile  bike  trail  is 
being  laid  from  Freimann 
Square  to  City  Utilities 

After  finding  through  a 
survey  that  bicycling  was 
Fort  Wayne's  most 
popular  activity,  the  city 
government  started  work 
on  a  local  version  of  the 
bike  routes  in  other  cities. 
Plans  for  trails  along  all 
of  the  three  rivers  are 
under  consideration  for 
eventual  construction. 

Work  on  the  present 
cycle  project  is  already 
underway,  but  the  trail 
will  not  be  absolutely 
complete  until  next 
summer.  Part  of  it  will  be 
along  roadways.  The  rest, 
for  instance  near  the 
bypass,  will  be  asphalted 
off street. 

Bicycles  more  popular, 
ten-speeds  available 

Bicycling  has  ceased  to  be  an  activity 
just  for  youngsters.  The  two-wheel  sport 
has  found  a  place  among  older 
generations.  In  fact,  more  bikes  are  being 
sold  to  adults  these  days  than  to  children. 

People  everywhere 
are  taking  note  of  the 
bike  craze  as  bikeways 
are  constructed  along 
highways  on  the  west 
coast,  on  old  railroad 
beds  in  Wisconsin,  and 
on  downtown  streets  in 
Boston  and  Chicago. 
But  probably  the  most 
attention  on  the  bicycle 
boom   is   from   the   bi- 

cycle manufacturers  and  dealers. 

Ten-speed  bicycles  are  in  great 
demand,  and  in  Fort  Wayne 
twelve  stores  sell  a  combined 
variety  of  brands. 

"Consumer  Reports"  and  a 
salesman  at  Fort  Wayne  Bicycle 
agree  that  Fuji  is  among  the  best 
of  the  ten-speeds  whether  for 
riding  cross-country  or  through 
town.  Lightness  accompanied  by 
ruggedness  is  a  sign  of  a  quality 
bike  and  a  top  model  Fuji  weighs 
in  at  25  pounds.  But  a  top  model 
Fuji  also  costs  from  $320  up.  Fuji 
bikes  a  couple  of  notches  down  in 
price  at  around  $200  weigh 
around  30  pounds,  which  is  still 
judged  as  a  good  weight. 

Motobecane  makes  bikes  on  a 
par  with  Fuji  and  with  most  of 
the  same  qualifications.  Quick 
release  wheels,  auxiliary  brake 
levers,  frame  pumps,  and  brake- 
release  devices  are  some  things 
that  real  bike  fans  look  for  when 
buying.  Peugoit,  Browning, 
Nashiki.  Ross,  and  Crystal  are 
other  names  in  ten-speeds 
available  in  Fort  Wayne.  And 
Schwinn,  which  is  sold  just  about 
everywhere,  makes  the  Le  Tours 
and  the  Voyager  II  as  two  better 
examples  of  its  ten-speeds. 



t,y  Mike  Freygang 

Sophomore  Tim  Lee  did  it 
again  by  breaking  another 
school  record  of  1:55.3  in  the 
ogO.  The  old  record  was  set 
by  Tim  in  the  Sectional  meet 
j^^ay  15.  Tim  broke  his  own 
record  with  a  1:54.2  at 
[Northrop  May  22  in  the 
Hegional  meet.  By  winning 
the  880-yard  run,  Tim 
travels  to  the  state  finals  in 
Indianapolis  on  May  31. 

Coach  Don  Kemp  stated 
that  he  is  hoping  Tim  can 
cut  another  one  and  a  half 
seconds  off  his  new  record 
when  he  travels  to  State. 
The  reason  for  this  is  that 
two  juniors  will  go  to  State 
from  other  schools,  and  both 
have  run  faster  than  1:54.2. 
Coach  Kemp  beUeves  that  if 
and  when  Tim  runs  a  1:52 
next  week,  he  could  have  a 
\^ry  good  chance  of  coming 

home  with  the  first  gold 
medal  in  Elmhurst's 

Another  runner  went  to 
Regionals  last  week  and 
represented  Elmhurst.  Brad 
Smith  participated  in  the 
100-yard  dash. 
Unfortunately,  Brad  was 
forced  to  run  with  one  ankle 
taped,  and  Coach  Kemp 
stated,  "It  definitely  slowed 
him  down  with  a  bad  start 
from  the  blocks."  Brad 
placed  seventh  in  the  finals 

and  only  the  top  five  go  into 
state  competition. 

Next  year's  track  and 
field  team  will  be  aided  by  14 
returning  lettermen  and 
incoming  sophomores  from 
Portage  and  Kekionga. 
Among  these  fifteen 
returning  lettermen  are  Lee 
and  Smith,  along  with  Jeff 
Heller,  Chad  Cline,  Jim 
Freygang,  John  Stiffler, 
Doug  Peters.  Rick  Knuth, 
Bob  Levy,  Dave  Lewis,  and 
Ernie  Starks 


Cosfom    Picfure    Froming 

4nWibStiM«  74J-M41 


New  end  Used  Government  Surplus 
eock  Pocks  ■  Comping  Supplies  -  Boots  ■  Field  Jookels 


Going   to 



The  Interf raternity  Council 
Uox  236,  Student  Center 
Ball  State  University 
Muncie,  Indiana   47306 

7  •  Editorial 

Principal  welcomes  students 

I  would  like  to  take  this 
opportunity  to  welcome 
each  of  you  to  Elmhurst.  As 
this  new  school  year  starts  I 
would  like  to  wish  each  of 
you  a  most  productive  and 
enjoyable  school  year. 

Elmhurst  is  a  school  of 
rich  tradition.  It  has  always 
stressed  scholarship  as  well 
as  the  extra-curricular. 
There  is  something  here  for 
everyone.  I  challenge  you  to 

make  this  a  most  profitable 
school  year.  Involve 
yourself  in  your  studies. 
Take  part  in  extra-curricular 
activities.  Help  yourself  to 
gain  the  knowledge  and 
experiences  that  will  make 
your  life  rich  and  full. 

We  are  a  proud  school.  We 
are  proud  of  our  athletic 
teams,  our  newspaper,  our 
yearbook,  our  music  and  fine 
arts  programs,  and  all  the 


fine  greeting  cards  for  every  occasion 

Indian  Village  Pharmacy  hos  Hallmoric  birthdoy  •  get  well  • 
sympathy  •  onniyersory  •  special  occosion  •  and  mony 
other  beautiful  cards  thot  will  express  your  feelings. 

Indian  Village 


4220  Bluff  ton  Road 

Other  things  that  students 
do  as  they  pass  through  the 
halls  of  Elmhurst.  Each  of 
us  has  a  responsibility  to  get 
as  much  from  our  high 
school  experiences  as 
possible.  Become  a  part  of 
your  school.  Be  a  Trojan. 

I  can  assure  you  that  your 
teachers,  the  office  staff, 
and  your  principal  will  do  all 
that  they  can  to  make  your 
high  school  experience  a 
profitable  one.  If  you  need 
help,  be  sure  to  see  one  of  us. 
May  the  1975-76  school 
year  be  a  great  one  for  each 
of  you. 


Richard  H.  Horstmeyer 



and  te 



to  express 

their    op 




y    subject 





per       The 





right    to 





1       before 


D.    All 


should  be 


to   the 



lism    room 


by  Barbara  Harman 



What  happens  when 
rock's  two  biggest 
"intellectuals"  get  together 
to  make  an  album? 
Apparently  not  much,  if  No 
Pussyfooting  is  any 
indication.  Although  Fripp 
and  Eno  have  managed 
previously  to  do  justice  to 
their  immense  talents, 
(Fripp's  King  Crimson 
episodes  in  particular),  this 
album  comes  off  as  a  farce. 

The  first  side  of  the 
album,  as  the  second  side,  is 
only  one  number.  "The 
Heavenly  Music 

Corporation"  opens  with  an 
Eastern  sounding,  sitarish 
type  melody.  However,  if 
the  music  is  supposed  to 
remind  us  of  heaven,  it  only 
succeeds  in  conjuring  up 
visions  of  a  B-grade  sci-fi 
movie.  Secondly,  the  song, 
as  in  "Swastika  Girls"  on 
side  two.  lacks  percussion, 
progression  and  depth. 
Granted  that  percussion  is 

not  always  a  necessary 
element  of  music,  in  this 
record  the  Gibson  Les  Paul, 
the  Fripp  Pedalboard  and 
two  modified  Revox  A77 
tape  recorders  are  not 
enough,  therefore  causing 
the  lack  of  depth.  The  lack  of 
progression  further 
complicates  things.  What 
may  only  be  a  thirteen  or 
fourteen  minute  song 
becomes  interminable  due  to 
the  monotony  of  the 

No  Pussyfooting  is,  to  say 
the  least,  a  bizarre  album, 
and  to  some  people  it  may  be 
extraordinarily  interesting  --  || 
some  people  have  even 
found  it  relaxing,  but  as  a 
piece  of  music,  the  album 
simply  doesn't  make  it  and 
is  not  worth  paying  the 
import  price  for. 

Pepsi-Colo  Bottling  Co. 

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana 

Answer  no  to  senior  uotes 

by  MarilyDD  Scherer 

This  past  Student  CouncU 
election  brought  about 
somewhat  of  a  controversy. 
The  seniors  at  Elmhurst 
were  permitted  to  vote  for 
president,  vice-president, 
and  secretary  of  the  student 
council.  The  council  officers 
elected  will  preside  in  the  '75 
-'76  year.  _, 

The  seniors  argue,  "We 
know  the  juniors  as  well  as, 
(if  not  better  than,)  the 
sophomores."  The  seniors 
are  also  staunch  on  the  idea 
that  "we  know  what  is  best 
for  the  Student  Council, " 

Who  are  the  seniors 
trying  to  kid?  Next  year's 
student  council  will  serve 
the  students  attending 
school  next  year.  The  '76 
graduates  are  not  involved. 


Corner   of 
Bluffton  &   Engle  Rds 
Phone  747-9962 

will  not  be  represented,  and 
therefore,  should  not  be 
granted  voting  privileges. 

The  decision  of  senior 
votes  is  far  from  a  small 
decision.  Three-hundred  and 
seventy-eight  students  can 
easily  sway  a  vote  from  one 
candidate  to  another.  Is  it 
fair  to  the  candidates  to  let  a 
group  of  uninvolved  people 

To  make  things  worse, 
only  part  of  the  senior  body 
voted,  a  result  of  mass 
confusion  on  a  Wednesday 
"homeroom"  session. 

Next  year  the  demand  will 
most  probably  be:  no  senior 
vote.  Hopefully,  next  year's 
seniors  will  see  the  issue  in 
the  same  light  as  they  did  in 
their  junior  year. 


6615     Bluffton     /?d. 


Do  you  have  a 




•  We  Service 

All  Engines 
■   Precision  Sharpening 

Service  Center 

3 1 25  Homestead  Rood. 

Future  locotion  '/i  mile 
east  of  1-69  on  Hwy.  \4 



Have  a  good  vacation 
this  summer! 

Tops  of  all  kinds 

(tanks  -  shorts  -  etc.) 

OPEN  EVENINGS  TILL  9:00,  SUNDAYS  1  2:00  TO  5:00 

tennis  and  cross  country  begin 
practice  luith  optimistic  uieiu 

With  the  new  school  year 
comes  new  seasons  for  our 
tennis  and  cross  country 
teams.  With  these  new 
seasons  comes  great 
optimism  from  both  of  their 

Last  year  was  Coach 
Robert  Horn's  first  year  as 
tennis  coach.  He  led  the 
netmen    to    a    dismal    2-12 

mark  with  Wayne  and 
Southside  as  Elmhurst's 
only  victims.  The  75-76  year 
will  be  a  rebuilding  year 
with  a  near  even  number  of 
sophomores,  juniors,  and 
seniors.  Even  though  this 
year  will  be  a  rebuilding 
season,  a  .500  record  is 
within  the  netmen's  grasp. 
The  members  of  this  year's 

cross  country  team  will  have 
their  work  cut  out  for  them 
this  season  if  they  hope  to 
improve  on  last  year's  16-5-1 
record.  Coach  Carter  Lohr 
cited  seniors  Dave  Lewis 
and  Rick  Knuth  along  with 
juniors  Jim  Freygang  and 
Tim  Lee  as  the  mainstays  of 
his  lineup.  The  cross  country 
team  will  lose  just  one 
varsity  runner  from  last 
year's  team  which  will  be 
very  helpful  in  their  bid  for 
the  SAC  title. 

The  outlooks  for  this 
year's  tennis  and  cross 
country  teams  are 

promising.  An  SAC  title  is 
very  possible  for  the  harriers 
while  the  netmen  have  an 
outside  shot  at  winning  the 
SAC  title  in  tennis. 


demonstrate  the  power  serve. 


New  ond  Used  Government  Surplus 
Bock  Pocks  -  Comping  Supplies  ■  8ools  -  Field  Jockels  - 

Crushed  Limestone 

Sand  -  Gravel 




l^offeybafl  to  start  Sept  8 

With  the  beginning  of  the 
school  year  also  comes  the 
beginning  of  the  sports 
season,  and  not  only  boys' 
sports,  but  girls'  athletics. 

This  year  the  girls'  var- 
sity sports  program  opens 
with  volleyball.  An 
organizational  meeting  for 
any  interested  sophomore, 
junior  or  senior  girls  will  be 
held  after  school  on 
Monday.  Sept.  8.  in  the 
girls'     gym.     Practice    will 

then  begin  on  Wednesday, 
Sept.  10.  immediately  fol- 
lowing school  in  the  boys 
gym,     lasting    until    4:30, 

For  the  first  week, 
practice  will  consist  mainly 
of  drills  and  running  which 
later  on  will  develop  into  a 
game  situation.  The  first  cut 
will  be  made  soon  after  the 
first  full  week  of  practice. 

The  team's  first  mat^h 
will  take  place  on  Tuesday, 
Sept.  23.  at  Dwenger  High 




10%  off  on  your  favorite  doughnuts. 

Choose  from  jelly  filled,submannes, 

and  sugar  just  to  name  a  few. 

Waynedale  Bakery, 

i         10%  OFF 

located  at  *  On  a  dozen  rolls  with  this  ad  ? 

26  10  Lower  Huntington  Rood    *• 

t  Waynedale 

Bakery  ? 

Trojans  aduance  in  sectionals 


Behind  the  brilliant  pitching  of 
junior  Terry  Smith  and  the  slugging 
of  Brian  Russell,  the  EHS  baseball 
team  posted  a  2-0  victory  over 
Homestead  in  first  round  sectional 
action  at  Columbia  City. 

Smith  pitched  three-hit  ball  while 
striking  out  14  batters  which  tied 
senior  Lynn  Brown's  record  for 
most  strike-outs  in  a  game.  Terry 
still  has  not  lost  a  game  this  year 
and  owns  a  9-0  record  thus  far. 

The  Big  Red  broke  the  scoreless 
tie  when  Brian  Russell  unleashed  a 
350  ft.  drive  over  the  right  field 
fence  which  gave  the  Trojans  all  the 
runs  they  needed.  It  appeared  that 
the  Trojans  were  in  trouble  in  the 
bottom  of  the  sixth  when 
Homestead  loaded  the  bases  with 
nobody  out.  Smith  then  struck  the 
next  batter  and  Elmhurst  came  up 
with  an  inning  ending  doubleplay  to 
preserve  Terry's  shutout. 

BrowD  taken  to  hospital 

Lynn  Brown  was  taken  to  the 
hospital  for  X-rays  of  his  left  thumb, 
playing  first  base,  Brown  was 
fielding  a  low  throw  when  the  ball 
skidded  in  the  dirt  and  hit  his 
thumb.  He  was  immediately  taken 
to  Fort  Wayne  and  is  a  doubtful 
starter  for  todays  game. 
Smith  shuts  out  Norwell 

A    trio    of    Elmhurst    pitchers 

get  it        Where  your  favorite  request 
on !  is  just  a  phone  call  away 


checked  the  Knights  offense  by 
giving  up  only  two  hits.  Junior 
Terry  Smith  shutout  Norwell  for  the 
first  three  innings  while  senior  Lynn 
Brown  shutout  the  Knights  during 
the  fourth  and  fifth  innings. 
Norwell's  only  run  came  off  senior 
Dave  Campbell.  The  Trojans 
offensive  punch  was  a  long  double 
hit  over  the  head  of  Norwell's  left 
fielder  by  junior  Stan  Sorgen. 

One  week  ago  last  Saturday,  the 
Big  Red  travelled  to  Woodlan  to 
take  on  the  Warriors  at  their  home 
diamond.  Under  a  blazing  hot  sun, 
Terry  Smith  threw  a  one-hit  shutout 
while  striking  out  14  batters. 

A  single  up  the  middle  by  Phil 
Gutman  with  runners  on  first  and 
second  scored  the  tie  breaking  and 
winning  run  as  the  Big  Red  went  on 
to  post  a  3-2  extra  winning  victory. 





^  Senior  class  elects  officers; 
Londrigan-iVlcCienegiien  wirTI 

New  senior  class  officers  left  to  right  are  Dan  Landrigan.  president.  Linrin  Mnr^i  hea.  secretary- treasurer;  Carole  Stanley, 
social  chairmen;  and  Jim  McCleneghen,  vice-president. 

-   ..  ^-Y-   fVf/Jf-T't. 

"jt'"-^",  -"^y^JT.  ffi,-"  s\  ''j(r*<'r\.'i*'H'/^'y'K.  i*^(rt' 



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Bob 's  Hair  Barn 

6510  Bluffton  Road 


"Three  barbers  to  serve  you" 

Indland  Oils,  Inc. 

3204  Lower  Huntington  Road 


"Generator  for  a  fast-moving  America" 

Indian  Village  Pharmacy      Plaza  Apothecary  Jim  Nusbaum  Auto  Sales 

4220  Bluffton  Road 
j  "Free prescription  delivery" 

Broadview  Lumber 

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"Serving  northeast  Indiana  ' 

3610 Brooklyn  Avenue 
We  fill  all  your  needs ' ' 

May  Stone  &  Sand 

6100  Ardmore  Avenue 

6610  Bluffton  Road 


"Used  cars  with  many  unused  miles  " 

Mister  Coney 

4420  Bluffton  Road 

"We  salute  you,  Trojans  "      "Coney  is  the  name;  hot  dogs  are  our  game" 


/A/S/DE  This  ISSUE 


GM  Assembly 
Play  practice 
Student  teacher 
Band  concerts 

4  Alphabetical  seating 
Letters  to  the  editor 

5  Teachers' strike 

6  Exchange  student 
Student  finds  ROTC  bad  deal 


7  Sports  briefs 
Kaleidoscope  of  Sports 

8  Varsity  footbaU 

Wcnger  attends  luncheons 

Senior  Don  WenRer  is  October's  Junior 
Hotarian.  Selected  by  Dean  of  Boys,  William 
Geyer.  Don  will  attend  luncheons  at  the 
downtown  Rotary  Club  each  Monday  of  thc- 
month  starting  October  6. 
Classes  hold  elections 

The  senior  C.O.E.  (Cooperative  Office 
EducalionI  class,  under  the  guidance  of  Mr 
Arland  Reinhard.  has  elected  its  club  officers 
for  the  school  year. 

The  president  of  C.O.E.  is  Irene  Byrd,  vice- 
president  is  Tom  Sonday,  Matlie  Cole 
presides  as  secretary,  and  treasurer  of  the 
organization  is  Connie  Bolinger 

This  year's  DECA  club  has  also  organized 
and  elected  officers  The  seniors  are:  Jerry 
Amsden,  president;  Chris  Evans,  vice- 
president;  Vicki  Olson,  secretary;  and  Mike 
McCutcheon.  treasurer. 

Driver  training  classes  offered 

Those  who  missed  the  summer  drivers' 
training  course  and  would  now  like  to  are  in 
luck!  The  driving  classes  are  being  offered 
again  this  fall  and  winter. 

The  first  session  begins  October  2!  and 
runs  through  November  18,  with  classes 
meeting  on  Tuesday.  Wednesday,  and 
Thursday  after  school  from  4  to  6  p.m. 

A  second  time  the  class  wdl  be  conducted 
is  scheduled  for  Saturdays  from  8  to  12  noon 
and  again  from  1  to  5  p.m.,  November  I 
through  December  13. 

The  cost  for  this  training  is  S55,  which 
should  be  turned  in  to  Mrs  Cashman  in  the 
guidance  department.  The  final  date  to  sign 
up  for  the  first  session  is  October  9. 

Y-teens  wants  YOUl 

Ebnhurst's  Y-teens  are  now  planning  club 
activities  for  the  year.  New  members  with  an 
mterest  in  this  service  organization  are 
encouraged  to  contact  the  club's  sponsor. 
Miss  Jennifer  Manth,  for  detaUs  concerning 

Representing  the  General  Motors  Corp.,  Mr.  Tom  Klipenstine  spoke  to 
the  student  body  Sept.  23,  during  the  first  school  assembly  of  the  year. 
The  program,  entitled  "Previews  of  Progress"  displayed  technology  of 
today  that  can  be  used  for  tomorrow. 

Shown  here  demonstrating  the  effects  of  a  gyroscope  that  is  inside  the 
suitcase  is  "strong  man"  senior  Dave  Chrzan.  To  the  left  is  Mr.  Tom 

Photo/  Marty  Petit 

dflore  wiih  ihr  policir 

Elmhurit  Advance 

»f  by  Ihir  sludvnls  ot  Elmhutsl  High  School,  JM9  Sandpoini  Road, 
n  and  ftuidntinra  for  high  school  apprtufd  hy  ihe  Board  ot  TnjM«i 

Editorial  editor 

Copy  Fditor 
Chi»l  phoioKrapher 

Marly  Pel 

pv.  NichSmiil 

mid  III  fori  W  ovne,  Indiana  4fiWW 

Tom  Sonday  Cindy  «"" 
Tab  Home.  LindyLw"'-' 
If  r  Dinnf  Luf*- 

ilalliin  KalhyShitp* 

icrifl  Coh^n,  Jan  Dowling.  Mlhf  ftcf^ 
f    Marquii,    Vonry   McArpf,   \fior   "   "' 



takes  on 

long  look 

See   page  8 

photo  by  Marty  Petit 


K,!iW^i:':-- . 

Lesh  assists 
mal  program 

Bnghiening  up  the  halJs  with  her 
2i!s  is  Mrs.  Jane  Lesh,  student 
«her  under  Mr.  Al  Schmutz , 

Sirs  Lesh  is  attending  Ball  Stat« 
'diversity  in  Muncie.  She  is  a 
twal  major  and  her  minor  is  in 
"heslral  instruction.  When  she 
fJiluates,  she  will  be  able  to  teach 

Cast  named   to   comedy,  'See  How  They  Run' 

"iy grade  between  first  and  twelfth 
either     the     choral     or     the 
^inimental  field. 

^Ifs.  Lesh  is  originally  from 
"luffton.    Indiana,    where    she 

"ended  Bluffton  High  School. 
*ns stated  that  she  really  likes  it  at 
''"ihurst  and  that  the  high  school 
''■fl  is  the  best  age  to  teach.  She 
'^nt  on  to  say  that  most  of  the 

'udenis  are  nice,  but  some  are 

^'fs.  Lesh  can  be  found  teaching 
'  room  159.  She  will  be  at 
^Imhurst  until  November  15. 

At  the  beginning  of  the 
school  year  at  Elmhurst,  it 
is  not  uncommon  to  hear 
announcements  all  day  long 
letting  students  know  when 
and  where  try-outs  for  the 
school  play  will  be  held. 
Soon  these  little  P. A. 
tidbits  stop,  and  no  one 
thinks  about  the  play  again 
until  tickets  go  on  sale. 
Right?  There  is  a  certain 
group  of  people  at  EHS  who 
would  heartily  disagree  with 

Every  night  at  6  p.m.,  a 
small  group  gathers  in  the 
school  gym  to  practice  for 
■■See  How  They  Run."  This 
three-act  comedy  is, 
according  to  Mr.  Don  Goss, 
"a  delightful  romp  through 
an  English  vicarage 
involving  an  American 
actress  (Nancy  Beadie)  who 
is  married  to  Reverend  Toop 
(John  Silletto),  an  English 
minister,  when  she  happens 
to  meet  an  actor  friend  (Tom 
Young)  who  is  now  in  the 
Air  Force  stationed  in 
England.  While  the  actor 
and  actress  are  renewing 
their    friendship    at    the 

theatre,  the  vicar  is  held  up 
by  a  Russian  spy  (Larry 
Daugherty)  who  takes  his 
clothes  and  assumes  the 
disguise  of  the  Reverend. 
The  real  Reverend  is  left 
unconscious  in  the  closet.  A 
search  is  on  for  the  spy. 

"Miss  Skillon  (Melissa 
Hunter  1  passes  out  during 
all  the  excitement  because 
she  is  totally  intoxicated 
and  is  shuttled  off  to  the 
closet  by  the  cockney  maid 
Ida  ( Leslie  Collier  1,  not 
knowing  the  preseiit 

■'The  bishop  (Allen  Shaw) 
arrives  to  find  his  niece,  the 
actress,  is  not  sure  who  she 
is  married  to,  and  two  men 
are  both  calling  themselves 
Reverend  Humphrey  (Goeff 
Sills).  The  English  cop  (Mat 
Tyler)  bobs  in  to  look  for  the 
minister  who  is  disguised  as 
the  spy  and  begins  to  bicker 
with  the  vicars.  The  running 
is,  continuous 

and  so  are  the  laughs  in  this 
who-dun-it  comedy." 

When  asked  how  she  felt 
about     the     play,     senior 

Melissa  Hunter  said,  "I  love 
it!  The  cast  and  crew  get 
along  really  well  so  practice 
never  gets  to  be  a  drag. 
There  are  always  new  things 
to  add  to  the  characters 
which  helps  to  make  the 
three  and  a  half  hours  a 
night  practice  more  fun. 

The  directors  for  "See 
How  They  Run*'  are  Mr. 
Goss,         Mrs.         Shelley 

Wellington,     and     senior 
Sarah  Stewart. 

The  stage  manager  is  Pat 
Koehl,  and  Claudia  Johnson 
is  in  charge  of  props.  The 
stagecraft  class  will  design 
the  set  which  will  consist  of 
a  staircase,  fireplace,  French 
doors,  and  various  other 
things.  The  play  will  be 
presented  Nov.  7,  8,  14.  and 

for  the  ''chocolate  connoisseur' 

candies  for  the 
most  discriminating 



^    Pharmacy 

4220  Bluffton  Road 






2  Digest  and  calendar 

3  Higher  education 

Kotio  Royse  and  Sue  Adams 
Student ttacher 
1  National  Merit  Schi  larships 
Class  officer  elections 

5  Cheerleader's  float 
Alaskan  trip 


6  Student  features 

7  Student  features 

8  Longer  fashions  ■  photo  essay 

9  Student  council 

10  Reviews 

1 1  School  vandaliar.i 

12  Tennis 

13  Cross  country 
H  Reserve  football 

15  Sports  editorials 

16  Varsity  football 

CounKFlurR  offer  services 

The  guidance  department  suggests  to 
students  that  they  itnow  who  they  wish  to 
see  when  they  come  to  the  office.  Any  visit 
requires  a  pass  A  yellow  slip  should  be  filled 
out  and  sent  with  the  first  period  attendance 

Senior  class  counselor  is  Mr.  Douglass 
Spencer,  who  takes  care  of  the  scholarship 
informotion  and  the  group  tests 
administered  throughout  the  year.  He  also 
handles  job  recommendations  for  seniors, 

Mr.  John  Sinks  helps  juniors  in  need  of 
work  permits,  provides  armed  forces 
information,  and  also  oversees  students 
attending  the  Regional  Vocationol  Center, 

Sophomores  who  visit  the  guidance 
department  should  see  Mrs.  Dinah  Cashman, 
sophomore  class  counselor.  Mrs.  Cashman  is 
in  charge  of  sophomore  job 
recommendations,  career  education,  and 
driver's  training  information. 

Tardies.  absences,  and  eligibility  for 
athletics  are  handled  by  Mr.  Waymon 
Brown,  Elmhurst'a  counselor  aide. 

JA  forms  companies 

Companies  for  this  year's  Junior 
Achievement  program  will  be  organizing  the 
week  of  Sept.  29. 

For  those  interested  in  joining,  the  J. A. 
center  will  be  open  Monday  through 
Thursday  of  that  week  from  7  to  9  p.m. 

To  get  further  information,  listen  to  local 
radio  stations. 

College  info  available  outside  office 

Guidance  counselor  Mr.  Douglass  Spei 
reminds  students  of  the  bulletin  board  ■ 

Deans'  fathers-in-law  die 

■er  Both  of   Elmhurst's   deans.   Mrs.  Su; 

th  Anderson    and    Mr,    William    Geyer,   wtj, 

college    information    and    scholarship    and  absent    from    school    duties    the    week 

grant  material  that  is  located  in  the  haUway  Sept.  1  attending  the  funerals  of  their  fath^ 

by   the  office  across   from   the  treasurer  s  in-laws, 

window.Seniorsshouldcheck  this  weekly  for  f^^    Horstmeyer  received  word  ironical], 

the  updated  information  available.  within  a  half  hour's  time  of  the  two  death; 

MOD  plans  Walk-A-Thon 

The  Fort  Wayne  Chapter  of  the  National 
Foundation  of  the  March  of  Dimes  is 
planning  its  fifth  annual  Walk-a-Thon. 
Saturday.  Oct,  4. 

WMEE  is  co-sponsoring  the  Walk-a-Thon, 
which  will  begin  with  registration  from  7:30 
to  9  a.m.  at  Conklin  PaviLon,  Shoaff  Park. 
This  year's  route  for  walking  is  set  at  20 

In  case  of  rain  the  morning  of  the  walk, 
five  miles  credit  Will  be  given  for  every  mile 
walked  in  the  rain. 

Students  are  encouraged  to  walk  in  the 
fight  against  birth  defects.  Walk  forms  are 
available  to  students  at  area  Burger  Chefs  or 
by  calling  the  March  of  Dimes  office  at  484- 

C  alenda  r 

Sept  17  Senior    class    officer  elec 

Sept   19  Pep  session 
Sept  24  Sophomore   orientation  ji 


Sophomore  class  offjci 

Sept  26  Higher   education    fair  i, 

Oct       1   Student  council   represen 

tative  elections 

Elmhurst  Advance 

hool  y«ar  by  the  students  of  Elmhurst  High  School,  3S29  Sandpoint  Road.  Fort  Vi, 
It  policiti  and  guidelinei  lor  high  school  approved  by  ihe  Board  of  Trust«i  of  ilv 

Publiihwl  bi'weekly  during  Ihe 
Indinnii  -16809,  in  nccordancc  witli 
Wnync  Community  Schools, 

Subscription  pries  is  S3.i0  per  ye»r,  2B'  per  single  copy.  Second  class  postage  poid  at  Fort  Wayi 

Editor  in  Chief. Sarah  Stewart 

News  editor    . Morly  Miller 

Editorial  editor Barb  Harman 

Sports  editor, JimMcCleneghen 


, ,  Mid 


Photo  pdilor PhilGulman 

Chief  pholographer Marty  Petit 

PholDRTOpherii I jiura  flowen. Tim  Chaney.  Nick  Smith. 

Steve  Vaughn 

Ad  Staff TomSonday.CindyBi 

Staff  Artists Tab  Home.  Lindy  U. 

Business  manager ...,..,  Diane  U 

E» change/circulation Kathy  ShiTj 

Reporters:  Roberta  Cohen.  Jan  Dowling,  Mike  Frtjp: 
Kovin  Lee.  Sue  Marquis.  Nancy  McAfee,  Ver 

t  i  it  timpk  — 
mi  Mt^umng —  it  ilt 

by  Nancy  Beadie 

It's  been  quite  a  summer.  You  really  enjoyed  the  free 
time,  the  parties,  the  trips,  and  the  sun.  Of  course,  now  i 
time  for  school  again.  (What's  this,  the  thirteenth  time?) 
The  only  good  thing  about  stepping  back  through  those 
classroom  doors  is  the  chance  to  see  how  people  have 
changed,  what  they're  like  now,  and  how  they  are,  "So"  it's 
one  of  those  first  few  days  and  you're  e-xcitedly  listening  to 
a  rehash  of  a  trip  to  CaUfornia.  laughing  when  it  coincides 
with  your  own  trip  to  Florida  or  wondering  why  the  girl 
down  the  aisle  dresses  like  that.  1 1  mean  she  always  seemed 
normal  before!)  or  you're  talking  to  someone  you  haven't 
talked  to  since  grade  school,  when  the  teacher  gets  out  some 
papers  which  are  the  signal  for  that  dreaded  thing,  a  seating 

Assigned  seats.  Yech!  Nothing  makes  me  madder.  No 
offense  to  my  other  A  and  B  last  name  friends,  but  I'm 
really  getting  tired  of  seeing  you.  I  mean,  since  grade 
school,  I've  sat  next  to  you,  been  in  line  next  to  you,  had 
homeroom  with  you,  and  gone  to  assemblies  with  you.  I'm 
just  not  that  fond  of  the  idea  of  seeing  you  and  your  same 
old  nervous  habits  for  another  whole  year.  Ah,  you  may 
think  this  a  minor  complaint,  but  think  of  it  this  way.  The 
teachers  and  the  administration  are  trying  to  structure  our 
social  background.  Our  horizons  are  being  Umited  because 
we're  restricted  to  the  A's  and  the  B's. 

Now.  alphabetical  order  seating  is  definitely  revoltmg, 
but  assigned  seating  of  any  kind  upsets  me.  I  remember  in 
junior  high  we  had  assigned  seats  in  the  lunchroom.  Now 
that  was  too  much.  It's  bad  enough  to  go  to  the  same 
building,  have  the  same  classes,  same  schedule,  same 
rooms,  and  same  things  to  do  every  day,  but  to  see  and  talli 
to  the  exact  same  people  all  day  every  day  is  monotony  ai 
its  worst.  So  come  on,  give  me  some  elbow  room.  Let  me 
make  my  own  associates.  Leave  my  seat  alone! ! 

Euthanasia,  studeng 

To  the  editor: 

Often  during  the  last  few 
months,  the  topic  of 
euthanasia  has  come  up  in 
the  news  and  in  classroom 
discussions.  There  are  many 
ways  of  looking  at  the 
situation,  and  I'd  like  to 
present  one  side  of  the  story. 

Euthanasia,  which  is 
defined  as  "an  easy  death  or 
means  of  inducing  one"'  may 
be  one  of  the  best  things 
that  can  happen  to  the 
terminally  ill  patient. 
Unfortunately,  turning  off  a 
respirator  or  stopping  life- 
prolonging  medication  is 
still  considered  homicide. 
So.  a  person  is  left  on  a 
machine  that  is  taking  care 
of  his  or  her  body  functions 
indefinitely  or  until  even  the 
machine  can  no  longer  help. 

Crushed  Limestone 

Sand  -  Gravel 


Is  it  fair  to  prolong  a  life 
that  would  end  if  it  weren't 
for  the  help  of  man-made 
machines?  Is  it  right  to  keep 
a  person  physically  alive 
when  there  is  absolutely  NO 
hope  for  survival?  I  don't 
think  it  is.  I  feel  that  if  a 
doctor  is  requested  to  turn 
off  a  machine,  he  should  be 
legally  able  to  do  so.  I  think 
that  there  should  be  other 
uninvolved  persons  in  on  the 
decision  making,  though. 
Perhaps  the  way  to  do  it 
would  be  for  the  family  of 
the  patient  involved  to  go  to 
the  doctor  handling  the  case. 
Then  he  should  take  the  case 
to  a  committee  of  doctors 
who  would  then  go  over 
everything  concerned  with 
him  or  her.  This  committee 
then  should  present  the 
report  to  the  family  with  the 

final  decision,  whether  or 
not  to  disconnect  the 
machine,  included.  This 
way,  it  could  be  made  sure 
that  any  family  with  a 
suffering  member  in  it  could 
simply  say  "stop"  and  end 
someone's  life.  But  it  would 
help  families  that  cannot 
afford  to  keep  someone  with 
no  hope  of  ever  regaining 
consciousness  on  a  machine. 
(Continued  on  next  page) 

Pepsl-Coki  Bottling  Co. 

Higher    Education 
offers  information 

[f  a  junior  or  senior  wanted  to  get 

look  at  all  the  different  career 
opportunities,  including  the 
jjfferent  college  choices  or  military 
gaining,  he  could  do  one  of  two 
[liings:  jump  in  his  car  and  spend 
jffO  weeks  on  the  road  visiting  the 
jbove  mentioned,  or  attend  the 
jjiiiual  Elmhurst  Higher  Education 
pay  in  the  cafeteria. 

On  Friday,  September  26,  Trojan 
iipperctassmen  will  have  the 
opportunity  to  talk  with 
representatives  from  such  colleges 
3S  Indiana  University 

iBloomington ) ,  Ball  State,  and 
Purdue.  Officials  from  the  Army 
jnd  the  Navy  will  also  be  on  the 
scene  to  answer  any  and  all 

Approximately  60-65  higher 
education  institutions  will  be 
represented  at  the  event  which  will 
begin  at  8  and  end  at  approximately 

Students  wishing  to  attend 
Higher  Education  Day  (held  in  the 
cafeteria)  may  do  so  by  obtaining  a 
pass  from  their  teacher.  Some 
teachers  in  the  past  have  permitted 
[heir  entire  class  to  attend. 

Information  regarding  a  list  of  the 
colleges  participating  will  be  avail- 
able in  homeroom  on  Wednesday, 
Sept.  24. 

J^nn  iiidifi  §iimu§i  iiS 

Often  the  beginning  to  one  of  the 
most  widely  read  columns  written, 
become  as  much  a  part  of  the  early 
morning  routine  as  breakfast.  But 
no  longer  will  Elmhurst  students 
confess  only  knowing  Ann  Landers 
in  print,  because  on  Monday.  Sept. 
22,  the  famed  advice  columnist  will 
be  addressing  Trojans  in  a  9  a.m. 

This  being  Miss  Landers'  second 
visit  to  Fort  Wayne  high  schools, 
she  is  speaking  at  Elmhurst 
courtesy  of  The  Fort  Wayne 
Journal-Gazette.  Miss  Landers  will 
be   in   Fort   Wayne   by    request   of 

Hardware  Wholesalers,  Inc.  She  will 
be  delivering  two  speeches  to  the 
hardware  dealers,  one  on  Sunday 
evening  Sept  21,  and  one  the 
following  night. 

Last  year  Miss  Landers  was  a 
guest  of  the  South  Side  Archers.  If 
she  follows  the  same  format  as  that 
appearance,  Trojans  can  expect  a 
speech  centering  around  timely 
topics  such  as  the  advice  she  offers 
in  her  daily  column. 

Our  quest  speaker  is  a  staff 
member  of  the  Chicago  Sun-Times,  a 
syndicated  columnist,  and  is 
featured  in  newspapers  all  over  the 
United  States.* 

tcojans  stad^y  isa  compateps 

Seniors  Katy  Royse  and  Sue 
Adams  attended  Indiana  State 
University  this  summer  for  a 
business  Honors  Seminar  that 
taught  them  to  work  with 

The  two  girls  learned  of  the 
seminar  from  business  teacher  Mrs. 
Marcella  Goble.  and  after  discussing 
it  with  Mr.  Robert  Miller  and  Mr. 
John  Sinks,  they  sent  in  their 
applications.  After  being  accepted 
into  the  seminar,  they  traveled  to 
Terre  Haute  for  the  weeks  of  June 

During  their  stay  at  I.S.U..  the 
girls  attended  classes  and  lectures 
during  the  morning  and  afternoon, 
in  order  to  learn  about  the  different 
types  of  computers  and  their  uses. 
They  were  also  allowed  to  use  the 
terminal  and  key  punchers. 

Aside  from  their  classes  they 
visited  Eli  Lilly  and  Columbia 
Records  Corporations,  touring  their 
computer  set-ups. 

Both  girls  had  a  good  time,  met 
many  new  people  from  different 
states,  and  felt  they  had  learned  a 
lot  from  this  seminar. 

Millard  joins  staff 

One  of  the  new  faces  around 
Elmhurst  is  Miss  Betty  Jane 
Millard,  student  teaching  under  Mr. 
Ken  Eytcheson. 

Miss  Millard  is  a  senior  at  Ball 
State  University  in  Muncie.  She  is 
majoring  in  English  and  minoring  in 
multi-culture  to  learn  to  teach  in  an 
inner  city  situation. 

The  24-year-old  blond  is  originally 
from  Cleveland,  Tennessee,  where 
she  attended  Bradley  High  School. 

She  said  she  was  very  pleased  to 
be  here  at  Elmhurst  and  is  anxious 
to  get  to  know  the  students  and  to 
sit  down  and  have  a  conversation 
with  them.  She  is  eager  to  get  star- 
ted teaching. 

Miss  Millard  will  be  teaching 
sophomore  English  in  room  160.  She 
will  be  here  at  Elmhurst  until  Nov. 
7,  when  she  graduates  from  Ball 

5-  editorial 

»urt  draw  reactions 

It  would  help  end  the  grief 
that  people  suffer  for 
months  at  a  time  because  of 
inventions  made  by  man 
presumably  to  help  man. 


To  the  editor: 

I  am  writing  this  letter  in 
reply  to  Tom  Sonday's 
article  on  the  proposed 
student  court.  I  have  never 
known  Tom  to  be  a  beUe\ 





in  pipe  dreams  and  fantasy 
worlds,  or  as  a  person  who 
chases  imaginary  butterflies 
through  mountain  pastures. 
He  has  always  appeared  to 
be  a  realist  --  or  should  I  say 
he  was  a  realist.  It  looks  as  if 
ol"  Tom  has  finally  gone  off 
the  deep  end. 

A  student  court  here  at 
Elmhurst?  Heaven  forbid! 
Pity  the  poor  judges  who  are 
are  selected.  Hiding  from 
everyone,  never  speaking, 
never  appearing,  always 
staying  hidden  out  of  fear 
for  their  lives.  Who  knows 
when  a  three  time  loser  on  a 
first  degree  smoking  charge 
is  liable  to  come  up  to  one 
and  destroy  this  poor 
judge's  vision  by  stickmg 
two  ignited  Kool  filters  in 
his  eyes.  I  really  don't  think 
the     school     has     enoueh 



OPEN  7:00  A.M. 


money  to  hire  three 
bodyguards  to  protect  the 
Hves  of  these  poor  judges. 

I  do  not  beUeve  that  we 
(the  student  body)  are 
collectively  mature  enough 
to  handle  a  student  court 
without  turning  it  into  a 
bloody  vendetta. 


To  The  Editor: 

And  everyone  is  wonder- 
ing why  there  was  a 
teachers'  strike? 

The  word  discipline  is  a 
total  joke  in  this  school 
system.  Even  self-defense  is 
no  longer  an  excuse  for  a 
teacher  striking  a  student. 
What  is  there  that  a  teacher 
can  do  if  there  should  be  real 
trouble  in  the  school? 
Absolutely  nothing. 

It  is  about  time  that  the 
school  board  stepped  into 
classrooms  and  saw  what  it 
is  like  to  teach  and/or  learn 
in  the  class  of  today.  They 
will  probably  be  in  for  a  big 

A  student 

Cusfom     Picture    Framing 

IIIWabStTMl  74J-W4I 


Seven  enter  Merit  semifinals 

by  Marty  Miller 

Principal  Richard  Horstmeyer 
has  announced  that  seven  Elmhurst 
students  are  semifinalists  in  this 
year's  National  Merit  Scholarship 
program.  The  seven  are  Dave 
Beutler,  Wes  Byrne,  Matt  Gary, 
Yvette  Morrill,  Verne  Myers,  Tom 
Sunday,  and  Don  Wenger. 

These  seniors  are  among  15,000 
who  will  continue  in  the  competition 
for  about  3800  merit  scholarships  to 

be  awarded  next  spring. 

The  semifinaUsts  were  among 
over  one  million  students  who 
entered  the  Merit  Program  by 
taking  the  PSAT  (Preliminary 
Scholastic  Aptitude  Test)  last  year. 

They  are  the  highest-scoring 
students  in  each  state,  and 
represent  the  top  half  of  one  percent 
of  the  nation's  most  academic 

Members  of  the  1975  NoUonol  Merit  Scholarship  Program  finalists  are  (I  to  r  )  front 
row:  Dave  Beutler  Yvette  Morrill,  Tom  Sonday,  Back  row:  Matt  Cary,  Wes  Byrne,  Don 
Wenger.  and  Verne  Myers, 

To  continue  in  the  competition, 
semifinaUsts  may  advance  to  the 
finalist  position  by  receiving 
recommendations  from  Mr. 
Horstmeyer,  presenting  school 
records  that  show  high  academic 
standing,  and  confirming  their  high 
PSAT  scores  with  equally  high 
scores  on  their  SAT  (Scholastic 
Aptitude  Test).  Over  90%  of  the 
semifinalists  are  expected  to  qualify 
a9  finalists  and  to  receive 
certificates  of  merit  next  February. 

Every  finalist  competes  for  one  of 
the  1000  National  Merit  scholar- 
ships, valued  at  $1000.  These 
scholarships  are  one-time  awards 
sponsored  by  national  businesses 
and  industries. 

Some  finalists  may  qualify  for  one 
of  the  2800  4-year  Merit  Scholar- 
ships which  offer  the  wirmers  up  to 
$1500  during  each  of  the  four  years 
of  college. 

The  1976  competition  is  the 
twenty-first  that  the  National  Merit 
Scholarship  Corporation  has 
conducted  since  1956.  In  the  20 
Merit  Programs  completed  to  date, 
over  41,800  students  have  won 
scholarships  valued  at  more  than 
$113  million. 

Senior  class  | 
elect  officer 

Senior  class  officer  elections 
be   held   today  during  home 
period  while  junior  and  sopho;, 
class  elections  are  scheduled 
home  room  period  Sept.  24. 

Each  class  officer  candidati 
required  to  file  a  petition  with  hi 
her  respective  class  spoj 
containing  three  faculty  signati 
and  thirty  student  signatures.  E 
of  the  three  classes  will  elt? 
president,  vice-president,  secret) 
treasurer,  and  social  chairperson 

Student  Council  representa 
elections  for  the  sophomore,  jut 
and  senior  classes  will  be  condui 
Oct.  1  in  homerooms.  £ 
representative  candidate  is  reqn 
to  have  two  faculty  sigrnatures 
25  student  signatures  on  a  petiiij 

Student  council  president,  se 
Tom  Sonday,  has  announced  t 
the  first  meeting  of  the  school] 
is  planned  for  Oct.  7. 

Commenting  on  the  elections! 
stated.  "Class  officer  elections 
earlier  this  year  than  they  have  I 
in  orevious  years  because  we 
trying  to  get  the  council  toge 
and  moving.  By  Oct.  17,  which  is 
date  of  our  Homecoming, 
should  be  really  well  organized  ' 


(i-  ffoliire 

by  Vernt  Myers 

'I'n  most  Anu'r-ic;ins  (Iir  luinic 
Swilzorlund  l)rings  to  iniiu!  I  hi' 
lowering  Alps,  expensJv*.'  walchos. 
nr  ilio  taniouH  Swiss  banks  wlicrc 
si'cretivf  millionaires  keep  llu'ir 
Tnillions.  While  Switzerland  ni;iy  hi' 
.lil  r»l  llu'se.  il  certainly  repri's('iil>-  a 
Inl  more  as  exchange  sludi-nl 
.\iuirfii    .lansi'r    would    gladl.\'    I  ell 



Andrea  expresses  desire  to  learn 

Andrea  came  to  the  United  States 
through  the  International  Christian 
Youth  Exchange  in  cooperation 
with  the  Lincolnshire  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  She  brings  with  her  not 
only  her  own  culture  and  ideas,  but 
the  desire  to  learn  about  the  United 
States.  She  has  been  in  the  United 
States  since  July  18  and  so  has  had 

a  chann'  In  become  a  lillle  lainilar 
Willi  llie  country 

Andrea  is  17  years  old  and  is  from 
Lauterbrunnen,  Switzerland. 
Andrea,  a  senior  at  Elmhurst.  is 
staying  with  senior  Kim  Cross. 
Andrea  speaks  Swiss-German,  but 
also  speaks  rather  good  English  and 
is  studying  French  and  Spanish  at 
Elmhurst.  Her  other  subjects  in- 
clude art,  advanced  reading.  U.S. 
history,  and  advanced  physical  edu- 
U  S.   ■alldifferenl" 

When  comparing  the  United 
States  and  Switzerland,  Andrea 
commenled  thai  the  United  Slates 
IS  ■■all  (liflerent,  Ihe  food,  cars  .  . 
School  in  Switzerland  is  a  totally 
different  atmosphere  from  Elm- 
hurst, Students  have  no  choice 
as  to  what  subjects  they  will  take. 
The  school  week  varies  between  high 
schools:  some  go  four  days,  other 
five  or  six.  Some  students  take  up  to 
13  subjects,  as  Andrea  did  last  year. 
Students  stay  in  the  same  room  all 
day,  the  teachers  do,  the  walking  be- 
tween classes. 

Andrea  enjoys  swimming  and 
sports,  including  volleyball.  She  has 
studied  judo  for  half  a  year  and 
plays  the  guitar.  Having  studied 
four  languages,  Andrea  would  like 
to  become  involved  in  them  as  a 

What  is  the  most  interesting 
thing  to  her  about  the  United 
States?  Eating  ice  cream! 

Ft.    Knox   trip  reveals 
'truth'   about  ROTC 


He  was  interested  in  the  program, 
but  after  getting  a  glimpse  of  it  up 
close,  he  changed  his  mind,  because 
he  says,  "they  treat  those  guys  like 
animals  there." 

Senior  Tom  Sonday  used  to  be 
interested  in  what  the  ROTC 
program  could  do  for  him.  So,  when 
ROTC  announced  a  competition  for 
participation  in  a  "Student  Leader- 
ship Week"  in  Fort  Knox, 
Kentucky,  he  decided  to  apply. 
First,  he  had  to  be  chosen  by  his 
school,  but  since  no  one  else  applied 
at  Elmhurst,  that  step  of  the 
apphcation  was  easy.  Then  Tom  had 
to  write  a  letter  explaining  why  he 
wanted  to  participate  in  the  four- 
day  program.  Getting  past  that 
stage,  Tom  was  ready  to  learn  about 
officers'  careers,  along  with  68  other 
high  school  students. 

Instead  of  being  pleased  by  what 
he  saw  during  his  stay  in  Fort  Knox 
and  becoming  anxious  to  enter 
ROTC,  Tom  was  presented  with 
enough  information  to  make  him 
decide  dead  against  getting  involved 
with  ROTC.  Tom  said  he  learned  the 
truth  about  the  program  and  wasn't 
pleased  with  it.  Tom  went  around 
with  a  colonel,  and  since  this  colonel 
was  an  important  man  on  the  base, 
he    had    a    chauffeur.    When    Tom 

asked  the  driver  about  his  feelings 
concerning  ROTC,  the  driver 
answered  that  he  had  it  all  right 
because  he  was  a  driver,  but  on  the 
whole  it  was  a  bad  deal.  Tom  said 
the  driver  "really  cut  down  ROTC." 
Graduates  of  ROTC  are 
automatically  second  lieutenants 
and,  according  to  the  driver,  expect 
other  men  to  snap  at  their 
command,  Tom  left  with  the 
impression  that  ROTC  officers  were 
not  looked  upon  favorably  by  the 
enlisted  men. 

Another  incident  which  had  an 
unfavorable  effect  on  Tom  was  when 
the  group  was  watching  a  target 
practice  and  the  drill  sergeant,  if  he 
saw  a  shooter  miss  the  target, 
kicked  the  man.  Tom  went  on  to  say, 
"They  treat  those  guys  bke  animals 

However,  Tom  and  the  other 
members  of  the  group  were  treated 
very  well.  They  stayed  in  nice  air- 
conditioned  rooms  and  ate  in  the 
officers'  mess  hall.  They  watched 
tankguns  being  fired  and  also  were 
shown  inside  the  tanks,  which  was 
almost  Tom's  roommate's  downfall 
Thinking  that  everything  was 
turned  off,  Tom's  roommate  started 
the  tank  and  almost  got  kicked  out 
of  the  program! 

wo  spend  summer  in  Alaska 

fBoEHS  seniors  Sue  Marquis  and  Jim 
iibrough  who  moved  to  Alaska  at  the 
of  the  school  year  last  June,  have 
.^tly  returned  to  finish  their  high 
^jjil  education  here  at  Elmhurst  with 
^pg  short  of  many  stories  about  the 
.  ^ey  conformed  to  during  their  two 

jiie  two.  who  incidentally  are  cousins, 

?n  the  opportunity  to  s[)end  time 

Alaska,    as    both    students'    fathers 

;rtp[«<i  jobs  that  involved  construction 

[he   Trans-Alaskan    Pipeline.    Jim's 

19  a   plant   supervisor   at   Flour- 

jjsliB,  Inc.  while  Sue's  father  tests  all  of 

jconcrete  that  goes  into  the  pipeline. 

[lugh  both  families  have  returned  to 

Wayne,  both  of  the  fathers   have 

gained  there,  where  they  have  to  stay 

least    one    more    year    until    their 

airacts  are  over. 

bbpay  big 

ffie  town  Sue  and  Jim  lived  in  was 
iijdez,   Alaska,    located   approximately 

I  miles  west  of  Anchorage.  Veldez  has 
, population  of  1200  citizens,  but  with  a 
taV  force  continually  arriving  it  is 
pjckly  increasing. 

The  housing  for  both  was  set  up  and 
mvided  by  the  tompany  their  fathers 
rfrt  staff  members  at.  as  was  their 
•insportation    and     moving    costs     to 


The  two  spent  much  of  their  s 
Alaska  working.  Sue,  who  had  a  job  in 
Valdez's  one  and  only  drugstore, 
averaged  40  to  50  hours  a  week  working. 
She  earned  S3. 00  an  hour  as  a  sales  clerk. 
Jim  on  the  other  hand,  was  one  of 
Valdez's  many  construcCten  workers.  He 
earned  $10,35  an  hour  and  worked  10 
hours  8  day.  six  days  a  week 

Milkahakes  over  SI 

The  main  difference  Sue  and  Jim  found 
between  the  life  in  Alaska  and  here  were 
the  much  higher  prices.  Jim  commented 

that  groceries  cost  quite  a  bit  more.  For 
example,  he  stated  that  a  roast  that 
would  feed  four  people  cost 
approximately  $15  there.  Milkshakes  in 
Alaska  are  $1.35  and  to  eat  out 
inexpensively  in  one  of  Valdez's 
restaurants  it  would  cost  about  t«n 
dollars  per  person  for  a  dinner. 

When  asked  how  she  felt  about  what 
she  had  experienced  during  the  summer, 
Sue  concluded,  "The  town  was  very 
different.  It  was  very  difficult  to  meet 
people  at  first,  but  once  you've  lived  there 
for  awhile  you  get  close  to  people. ' ' 

TWO  ELMHURST  STUDENTS.  Sue  Marquis  and  Jim  Yarborough,  recently 
returned  to  Fort  Wayne  after  a  two-month  stay  in  Voider,  Alaska.  The  two 
returned  to  complete  their  senior  year  at  Elmhurst,  although  both  their  fathers 
remained  in  Valdez  for  another  year  and  a  half  They  will  return  when  their  con- 
tracts are  up. 

Float  earns  $200 

Members  of  the  varsity  and 
reserve  cheerleading  squads 
undertook  a  money-making  project 
during  summer  vacation  that  earned 
them  $200,  which  will  help  defray 
the  cost  of  new  letter  jackets  needed 
for  this  year's  athletic  season. 

Under  the  guidance  of  Neil 
Heister  of  Erie  Haven  Company,  the 
cheerleaders  helped  to  build  a  float 
sponsored  by  May  Stone  and  Sand, 
Inc.  The  float  was  entered  into 
competition  in  the  Three  Rivers 
Festival  parade  July  5,  and  a  week 
later  in  the  New  Haven  Canal  Days 
parade.  In  the  TRF  parade  the  float 
placed  fourth  out  of  approximately 
60  float  participants. 

The  theme  of  the  float,  which 
when  completed  cost  about  $700  to 
construct,  was  styled  in  pre-historic 
times.  The  cheerleaders  were 
dressed  in  cave  women  costumes 
and  carried  mallets  to  break  up  the 
rocks  on   the  float. 

in  brief 

The  Elmhurst  reserve 
football  team  suffered  its 
third  consecutive  loss  last 
Sept.  22  to  a  good  Bishop 
Dwenger  squad.  Ehnhurst 
faced  the  Saints  on 
Elmhurst  turf  and  was 
blanked  22-0.  For  the  third 
time,  a  game  went  without 

Although  the  score  might 
not  indicate  it,  the  Elmhurst 
squad  improved  its  play 
from  the  previous  two 
contests.  The  offense 
penetrated  inside  Dwenger's 
20  yard-line  twice  in  the  first 
half  but  couldn't  put  the 
points  on  the  board. 

The  Elmhurst  girls  volley- 
ball team  was  defeated  by 
two  strong  Northrop  and 
Bishop  Dwenger  teams  last 
Tuesday  night  at  Bishop 
Dwenger  High  School. 

In  the  first  match, 
Elmhurst  faced  the 
Northrop  Bruins  in  a  tough 
match  but  was  defeated  15-6, 
12-15, 15-4. 

In  the  second  game  of  the 
evening,  the  Trojans  went 
up  against  Bishop  Dwenger 
but  fell  to  the  Saints  in  a 
close  game  with  scores  of  15- 
9,8-15,  15-2. 

^aieidc^co^  0^  4.ftent4.  -  te^mc^ 

by  Kevin  Lee 

In  the  beginning,  there 
were  14  young  men.  In  the 
end,  there  was  a  team.  A 
team  that  was  one.  One  that 
was  joyful  when  there  was 
cause  to  be  joyful  and  one 
that  was  sad  when  there  was 
cause  to  be  sad.  But  they  are 

When  the  year  began 
there  wasn't  a  single  coach 
in  Fort  Wayne  that  took  the 
tennis  team  as  being  for  real. 
Elmhurst  was  just  supposed 
to  be  another  cellar  dwelling 
patsy  against  whom  you 
could  bolster  your  record. 
Well,  now  that  the  season  is 
near  its  end  and  if  you  would 
take  a  poll  about  who's  the 
team  in  the  city  with  the 
best  chance  to  succeed  in 
sectionals,  Elmhurst  would 
be  there  at  the  top  along 
with  Dwenger. 

The  following  are  some 
possible  excerpts  from  city 
coaches  in  mythical 
interviews  about  the  Trojan 
tennis  team.  For  instance, 
an  episode  in  the  interview 
with  Wayne's  coach  Everett 

Roving   Reporter;    Coach 
I  Havens,  now  that  the  season 

is  almost  over,  what  do  you 
think  of  the  Elmhurst  tennis 

Coach  Havens:  Well, 
when  you  think  of  the  odds 
at  the  beginning  of  the 
season  and  the  oddballs  that 
were  on  the  team,  their 
chances  were  as  slim  as  a 
thin  dime  that  had  been  run 
over  by  an  army  of 

Roving  Reporter;  One 
more  question  before  you 
pass  away,  Coach  Havens. 
If  you  had  been  Elmhurst's 
tennis  coach,  what  things 
different  would  you  have 
done  with  the  team 

Coach  Havens:  Well,  in 
the  beginning  I  would  have 
cut  all  seniors  and 
considered  this  year  a 
rebuilding  year.  Secondly,  I 
would  have  put  all  the 
members'  names  in  a  hat 
and  drawn  them  out  of  it 
and  placed  them  accord- 

The  next  interview  was 
with  Father  Xavier.  coach  of 
Bishop  Luers  Knights,  who 
were  by  a  "miracle"  upset 
by  the  unbelievable 
Elmhurst     netmen     by     a 

score  of  4-3. 

Roving  Reporter:  Father 
Coach  Xavier,  can  you 
believe  what  great  feats  the 
Elmhurst  tennis  team  has 
accomplished  this  season? 

Father  Xavier;  My  son, 
before  the  season  started  1 
wouldn't  have  given  them  a 
martyr's  chance. 

Roving  Reporter:  Father 
Coach  Xavier,  how  do  you 
plan  to  beat  Elmhurst  in 

Father    Xavier:    With 
stick,    with   a   hoe,   or   with 
anything  I  can  find. 

And  so  the  conversation, 
or  should  we  say 
conflagration,  ended.  Father 
Coach  Xavier  was  the 
highlight  of  the  coaches 
interviewed,  but  Northrop's 
coach,  Mr.  Jim  Keim,  was 
the  most  frank. 

Roving  Reporter:  Coach 
Keim,  how  did  your  boys 
play  tonight? 
Coach  Keim:  Like  boys. 
Roving  Reporter:  Coach 
Keim,  what  do  you  think  of 
Elmhurst's  tennis  team? 

Coach  Keim:  I  think  I  am 
going  to  check  up  on  their 
ages.     One     guy     had     a 


Roving  Reporter:  Well,  if 
you  don't  believe  that  their 
ages  are  correct  and  that 
they  are  eligible  to 
participate  in  high  school 
tennis,  then  maybe  you  had 
better  take  your  chances  and 
go  talk  it  over  with  Mr, 

As  you  can  see,  our  roving 
reporter  has  a  mind  of  hi; 
own  and  speaks  it. 



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H-  feature 

There  is  no  place  to  buy  ham- 
burgers in  Maria's  home  town  of 
Alajueia,  but  thirty  miles  away  in 
the  capital  city  of  San  Jose,  there 
are  two  McDonald's  and  a  Pizza 

Hamburgers  just  aren't  eaten  too 
often  in  Costa  Rica,  whert 
Elmhurst's  AFS  exchange  student 
is  from,  Maria  Elena  Arguello 
Sibaja  and  her  friends  would  more 
likely  go  out  for  tacos  p'ter  a  movie 
or  maybe  to  a  Swiss  baktry.  Just  as 
American  teen-agers  might  find  a 
life  without  hamburgers  a  bit 
different  from  what  they're  used  to. 
Maria  has  found  it  different  to  eat  so 
many  American-style  sandwiches 
and  other  foods  which  she  says 
"aren't  really  cuoktu  (plain  baked, 
fried,  or  broiled  pieces  of  meat  dent 
count).  But  Maria  claims  she  likes 
just  about  anything,  so  the  food  is 
causing  her  "no  problems." 

Differences  aren't  just  in  food 

The  United  States  isn't  wholly 
new  to  Maria,  Some  aspects  of  it  she 
has  heard  about  before.  Costa  Rican 
youths  listen  to  rock  music  from 
many  different  countries,  but 
mostly  from  the  U.S.  Maria  says  she 
doesn't  understand  why  that  is  so. 
Commonly  heard  U.S.  groups  are 
Chicago  and  America.  They  differ 
from  typical  Costa  Rican  rock 
groups  in  that  they  use  a  lot  of 
electric  guitars  and  don't  use  the 






marimba.  Maria,  of  course,  heard 
many  things  about  the  U.S.  before 
she  left,  but  she  refuses  to  repeat 
what  they  were. 

Living  in  Fort  Wayne  is  a  lot 
different  from  a  life  in  Alajueia 
according  to  Maria,  and  the 
differences  aren't  just  in  the  food. 
Although  Alajueia  is  the  second 
largest  city  in  Costa  Rica,  it's  one  of 
the  'old  cities'  as  Maria  puts  it,  and 

not    much    over    20,000    in    There's 

cultures,  everyone  eats  his  lunch 
home.  A  school  day  lasts  from  J 
12.  But  then  there  are  six  schoA 
days  a  week,  not  five.  Costa  Ri;, 
students  have  more  require 
classes:  religion,  music,  gy„ 
Spanish,  three  years  of  Frencl, 
three  years  of  Enghsh,  and  then  t«' 
more  years  of  either  French  o 
EngUsh.  Each  student  takes  eleve, 
subjects  a  year. 
Maria's    school 

Her  school 
a  variety  of  girls'  sports.  She 

snow      and      th, 

population.  Fort  Wayne  IS  mdustrial  temperatures  are  moderate,  so  th, 
while  Alajueia  is  a  vaUey  town  halls  between  classes  have  ceiling," 
surrounded  by  mountains  and  has  but  no  walls.  Maria  likes  that  Sh 
no  factories.  It  subsists  on  the  coffee  explains,  "Then  you  can  see  the  ski' 
plantations  around  it.  The  people  and  the  sun  and  the  mountains.  You 
are  able  to  get  just  about  anywhere  know  what's  going 
they    want    to   go    by    walking,    so    h; 

there's  not  much  use  for  cars  or  has  participated  on  the  javeUn'team 
bicycles.  Some  of  the  male  youths  Bowling,  basketball,  and  disc  ar. 
own  automobiles,  but  the  minimum  also  offered  for  females  Tennis  is 
age  for  getting  a  driver's  license  is  favorite  outside  sport  of  Maria  ° 
18.  Maria  says,  "There's  nothing  to  She  thinks  she  will  be  able  to  pla, 
do  there.  Sometimes  I  go  to  a  movie,  more  here,  because  there  are  morf 
but  there  s  not  always  a  good  one  to  courts  in  Fort  Wayne.  Tennis  courl> 
see."  Probably  that  same  comment  are  about  as  hard  to  find  in  Alajuel. 
could  be  heard  from  students  as  hamburgers  are, 
anywhere  in  the  world. 

Costa  Rican  school  open-style 

Apparently  the  schools  are  much 
different  here  from  those  in  Costa 
Rica,  Some  of  the  changes  please 
Maria  while  others  she's  rather  do 
without.  The  first  difference  she 
mentioned  was  that  in  Costa  Rica, 
as     in     most     Spanish-speaking 


OPEN  7:00  A.M. 

7  DAYS  A  WEEK! 

^  sports 

EHS  loses  to  Saints,  routs  Hawks 

The  Elmhurst  Trojans 
added  a  game  to  both  the 
win  and  loss  columns  in  the 
past  two  weeks  by  losing  a 
close  game  to  Dwenger  7-0, 
Sept.  19  and  by  defeating 
Harding  28-8  the  following 

There  was  a  great  sigh  of 
relief  from  Dwenger  fans 
after  the  game  between  the 
Trojans  and  the  Saints  as 
Dwenger  pushed  across  the 
only  score  of  the  game 
during  the  second  quarter. 

The  score  by  the  Saints  was 
the  only  sign  of  offensive 
strength  by  either  team  as 
the  contest  turned  into  a 
classic  defensive  battle. 

Although  the  Trojans 
didn't  score,  they  did  have  a 
couple  of  golden 

opportunities.  At  one  time 
the  Trojans  moved  the  ball 
down  to  the  Dwenger  14 
only  to  lose  the  ball  by  way 
of  a  fumble.  Dwenger  then 
took  over  and  on  the  next 
play  fumbled  the  ball  and 

r^elson  Almond  struggles  for  a  first  down  ^s  Kenny  Young.  M,ke 
H>.^tt.  and  Dot  P  Chr^an  rush  in  to  block  the  Saints.  Photo/Phil  Gutman. 

the  Trojans  recovered  on  the 
Saints'  23.  This  time  the 
Elmhurst  offense  could  not 
move  the  ball  and  a  field 
goal  attempt  of  45  yards 

Coach  pleased 

Even  with  the  loss.  Coach 
Herman  feels  that  his  team 
played  very  well.  As  a 
matter  of  fact  he  described 
the  game  as  the  best 
defensive  effort  the  Trojans 
have  put  forth  in  his  two 
years  of  coaching  them. 
Coach  Herman  feels  that  the 
defensive  unit  has  improved 
considerably  since  the  start 
of  the  year  (only  15  points 
have  been  scored  against  the 
Trojans  since  their  opener 
against  North  Side),  and  one 
of  the  biggest  reasons  for 
the  improvement  was  the 
addition  of  junior  Dave 
Stein  at  the  inside  safety 

"He  had  a  key 
interception  in  the  Dwenger 
game  that  stopped  a  drive, 
and  also  is  one  of  the  team's 
leading  tacklers. ' ' 
commented  Coach  Herman. 
Coach        Herman        also 

commented  that  the 
addition  of  sophomore  guard 
Domingo  Garcia  has  helped 
add  to  the  strength  of  the 
Elmhurst  offensive  line. 

Football  or  track 

The  Elmhurst-Harding 
contest  last  Friday  evening 
almost  turned  into  a  track 
meet  during  the  first  half  as 
junior  Curtis  PaschalJ  raced 
for  208  yards  and  three 
touchdowns.  Paschall's  first 
6  pointer  came  after  the 
Hawks  fumbled  on  the  first 
play  of  the  game  to  give  the 
Trojans  the  ball  on  the 
Harding  28.  The  touchdown 
came  on  a  12-yard  spurt  for 
the  score.  The  next  time  the 
Trojan  offense  got  the  ball, 
the  Elmhurst  front  Hne 
opened  a  huge  hole  and 
Paschall  darted  through  and 
past  the  Hawks'  secondary 
for  a  61  yard  score. 
Paschall's  third  score  came 
in  the  second  period  on  a  28 

yarder  around  the  right  side 
The  fourth  Elmhurs 
touchdown  came  when 
senior  Dave  Chrzan  picked 
up  a  blocked  punt  and  ran  22 
yards  down  the  side  lines  for 
the  score  which  sent  the 
Trojan  fans  into  hysteria 

The  only  other  Troj  an 
score  came  in  the  third 
period  when  junior  Moe 
Fink  broke  the  monotony 
with  a  30-yard  field  goal  that 
made  the  final  score  28-8. 

The  Trojans  are  now  in 
tie  for  second  place  in  the 
SAC  South  Division  with 
Bishop  Luers,  who  defeated 
Dwenger  22-8.  Elmhurst's 
next  contest  will  be  against 
South  Side  this  Friday.  The 
Archers  lead  the  South 
Division  with  a  2-0  record 
Both  Luers  and  the  Trojans 
have  2-1  records. 


New  and  Used  Government  Surplus 

Bock  Pocks  ■  Camping  Supplies    Boof  s    Field  Jockeis 




by  Sarah  Stewart  I   \ 

America,     land     of     the     free.  ^  ^^ 
Freedom    is    a    very    important  |    J^ 
concept  to  two  of  Elmhurst's  new 
students.  Quang  Nguyen,  and   his 
female  cousin,  Loan. 

Last  April.  Quang  and  Loan 
(pronounced  L'wan)  along  with  their 
families,  boarded  a  plane  in  Saigon, 
Viet  Nam,  that  carried  them  away 
from  their  friends,  their  home,  and 
their  country.  The  Nguyens  left  Viet 
Nam  in  order  to  avoid  the  Viet 
Cong.  As  Quang  explains,  "I  am 
free.  I  have  to  leave  Saigon  before 
the  Viet  Cong  come."  And  with  Viet 
Cong  comes  communism,  something  |ft,. 

7- feature 
to  singers  Uke  Elton  John,  Olivia 
Newton-John,  and  Lobo.  There  are 
also  American,  French,  Chinese,  and 
Italian  restaurants  to  go  to. 

Students  in  Viet  Nam  want  to 
come  to  the  United  States  after  they 
graduate  from  high  school  to  attend 
college.  Loan  and  Quang  also 
wanted  to  come  to  the  U.S.  for 
college,  but  now  American  is  their 
permanent  home.  Neither  one 
expects  to  be  able  to  return  to  Viet 
Nam.  The  only  way  they  would 
return  is  if  the  government  changed, 
and  that  is  something  no  one  can 

Quang  and  Loan  fear  very  much. 
Before  reaching  the  United  States, 
the  Nguyen  familes,  with  other 
Vietnamese  refugees,  lived  in  the 
Philippines,  becoming  accoustomed 
to  their  new  environment.  From  the 
Phillipines,  they  traveled  to  Eglin 
Air  Force  Base  in  Florida,  and 
finally  to  Fort  Wayne. 

Both  families  reside  in  Colony 
Bay  Apartments.  Quang,  who  just 
turned  18  Sept.  9,  lives  with  his 
mother  and  father,  one  sister  and 
one  brother.  Fifteen-year-old  Loan 
shares  a  rather  crowded  apartment 
with  her  parents,  one  brother  and 
six  sisters. 

They  both  like  Elmhurst,  but  find 
the  differences  between  American 
schools    and    Vietnamese    schools 

numerous.  In  Viet  Nam  classes  are 
not  co-ed.  Students  attend  school 
from  either  8-12  or  1-5,  and  classes 
such  as  physics,  chemistry,  and 
foreign  languages  begin  in  the  sixth 

Loan  commented  on  the  student- 
teacher  relationship  in  the  United 
States  saying,  "There  is  no  respect 
for  the  teachers  here.  In  Viet  Nam 
respect  is  very  important." 

Recreation  in  Saigon  is  very 
similar  to  recreation  common  to 
Americans.  But  according  to  Loan 
living  is  cheap  in  Saigon,  something 
most  Americans  would  welcome 
right  now.  Loan  and  Quang 
attended  American  and  French 
movies.  American  music  is  very 
popular  In  Saigon  teenagers  listen 


for  every  occasion 



5001  ARDMORE 

Tennis  team  stopped  at  sectionals 

Doubles  victorious,  not  enough  to  pull  team  tlirough 

See  pages  8-9 




Members  of  the  tennis  team  from  left  to  right:  bottom  row,  Tod  Nichols,  Gregg  Heekley,  Todd  Huntley,  Stan 
Sorgen,  and  Kevin  Lee.  2nd  row,  Marty  Rifkin,  Tim  Springer,  Ted  Ornas,  Marshall  Beatty,  Stan  Prince,  and  Terry 
Sims.  Back  row,  Dave  Murray,  Greg  Nowak,  Coach  Horn,  Jim  McCleneghen,  and  Allen  Lahrman. 


Robin  PeDfose 


Nugi  Tubbs 


"Styles  come  and  go,  but  one 
that  never  seems  to  disappear 
is  the  long  skirt."'  stated  one 
female  fashion  follower. 

Long  skirts  and  dresses  can 
be  found  today  in  almost  every 
clothing  and  department  store, 
and  several  discount  stores  in 
the  Fort  Wayne  area. 

According  to  women's 
clothing  salespeople,  girls  are 
buying  long  fashions  because 
they  are  comfortable, 
economical,  and  good  looking. 
They  cover  up  not-so-perfect 
legs  and  several  other  body 

With  below-the-knee  but 
above-the-ankle  dresses, 
platform  shoes  are  often  \vorn. 
Also,  boots  are  said  to  go  well 
with  them. 

For     ankle     lencth     skirts, 


Carole  Stanley 

Sue  Marquis 

platform  shoes  or  flat  sandals 
are  used. 

What  styles  do  these  long 
fashions  come  in?  There  are 
dresses  that  can  be  compared 
to  potato  sacks,  and  there  are 
dresses  that  tie  and  emphasize 
the  waist.  There  are  knee- 
length,  calf-length,  undefin- 
able-length,  and  ankle-length 

The  price?  Anyone  shopping 
at  the  local  malls  can  find 
dresses  and  skirts  priced 

For  winter  comfort,  there  are 
even  long  coats  available.  They 
can  be  found  at  department 
stores  and  boutiques  anywhere 
and  are  priced  from 
approximately  $40  up. 

Fashion  experts  are 
predicting  a  long  life  for  long 
sytles.  Maybe  now  is  the  time 
to  go  out  and  buy  a  long  war- 



Jazz  band  attends  IMEA 

WhUe  Elmhurat  students  are  making  the 
most  of  their  two  day  vacation  during 
teachers'  convention.  Oct.  23-24.  the  Jazz 
Band  will  be  entertaining  and  performing  for 
those  teachers  who  attend  the  meetings  in 
Fort  Wayne  and  Indianapolis, 

For  their  first  major  performance  this 
year,  the  jazzers  will  be  on  hand  at  8  a.m. 
Thursday  to  perform  for  the  first  teacher 
meeting  at  the  Scottish  Rite  Auditorium  and 
again  for  the  afternoon  sessional  12:30. 

Friday,  the  jazz  band  will  travel  to 
IndianapoLs  to  give  a  concert/clinic  for  the 
Indiana  Music  Educators  Association.  The 
clinic,  titled  "Making  the  Jazz  Band  Swing," 
wiU  begin  at  2:30  p.m.  and  will  feature  guest 
clinician  Father  Wiskerchen,  a  renowned 
jazz  instructor  in  the  area. 

AFS  holds  elections 

American  Field  Service  members  recently 
elected  club  officers  for  the  year.  Senior  Matt 
Cory  was  voted  president,  while  vice- 
president  is  senior  Angela  Giaimo,  The  joint 
secretary-treasurer  position  is  filled  this  year 
by  senior  Tammy  Hughes.  Publicity 
chairman    for    the    group    is    senior    Sue 

AFS  is  busy  planning  some  of  the  money- 
making  projects  they  conduct  yearly.  A 
donkey  basketball  game  is  tentatively  set  for 
December,  while  presently  the  group  is 
constructing  a  float  for  this  Friday's  home- 
coming parade 

Scholarship  info  offered 

Information  concerning  college 
scholarships  and  grant  opportunities  open  to 
minority  students  will  be  offered  at  a  pre- 
registration  program  this  Sunday  afternoon. 
Oct,  19,  at  3  p.m.  in  the  Old  Fort  WMCA. 

Representatives  of  the  Office  of 
Admissions  from  Ball  State  University  will 
be  on  hand  to  talk  with  any  minority 
students  interested. 

Oct.  15 
Advance  changes  style 

The  Advance  is  in  the  process  of  changing 
its   layout   format.   The   next   issue   to   be     ^'^^-  ^^ 
distributed  Oct.  29  wiU  replace  the  previous 
magazine-style  paper  with  an  8-page  tabloid     Oct.  17 
type  on  newsprint. 

Candy  sale  begins 

C  alenda  r 

Bicentennial  day 

Powderpuff  football 


Dress  up  day 

Trojan  day 


Parade-football  field  2pm 

Tramp  day 

PSAT  tests  for  juniors 

Oct.  21 
Both  COE  and  DECA  clubs  surted  their     Oct.  23-24  Teachers  convention 
candy  sales  last  week.  Members  are  selling  No  school! 

chocolate  crunch  bars,  which  cost  50",  Profits     Oct  28 
from  this  sale  will  help  fund  the  budgeU  for 
the  clubs'  banquet  at  the  end  of  the  school^ 

Lorge-Thorndike  tests 



2  Digest  and  Calendar 

3  Class  officers 
Campus  life 
PSAT  tests 

4  Homecoming  activities 
Commended  students 

5  Speech  meets 


6 Play  rehearsal 

7 Ethos  cuts  a  record 

10  Soys  in  home  ec 


11  Editorials 

National  Newspaper  Week 

12  Letters  to  the  editor 

1 3  Reviews 


8-9  Tennis  sectionals 

14  Football 
Cross  country 

15  Girls '  Volleyball 
From  Che  sidelines 
Kaleidoscope  of  sports 



Class  elects  year's  officers 

The  junior  DECA  class  has  elected 
officers  for  the  year. 

Chosen  as  president  was  Mark  Fritz,  while 
Tab  Home  was  selected  vice-president 
DECA  secretary  is  Linda  Newhart  and  Pam 
Buckmaater  is  this  year's  treasurer. 
Reporter  for  the  junior  dub  is  Dawn  Ebnit. 

Elmhurft  Advance 

ir  by  ihf  flud«nl<  iif  Klnihur<>l  Hi^h  St'hiMi 
'9ind  icuidflinrf  (or  hiith  »rh>Hil  appnui-d 

•inKlficpi    Svnnd  clii)  putiaKt-paitl  Ji  V 

rturi  phoiographrt 


l.iv,  Sur  Marquis.  \an 

9-  editorial 


[,y  Tom  Sonday 

Student  Council  President 

There  has  been  a  great  deal  of 
planning  done  for  the  coming  year 
Ijv  this  year's  student  council 
officers  and  already  a  small  but 
growing  controversy  has  begun. 

This  controversy  revolves  around 
[he  idea  of  a  student  court  designed 
10  judge  truancy  and  smoking,  and 
other  disciplinary  cases.  Although 
the  possibility  of  a  student  court  has 
been  kept  in  relative  secrecy  up  to 
this  point,  those  close  to  the  council 
officers  have  been  aware  of  it  for 
some  time.  Basically,  the  two  fields 
of  thought  are  as  follows:  first,  that 
it  would  be  a  good  thing,  and 
second,  that  it  wouldn't  have  a 
chance  of  working. 

Court  idea  successful 
Id  other  schools 

There  are  many  good  arguments 
for  both  cases.  There  can  be  no 
denying  the  fact,  however,  that  the 
student  court  idea  has  worked  in 
other  high  schools  in  Indiana, 
although  none  of  these  schools  are  in 
the  Fort  Wayne  Community  school 
district.  If  the  court  works  it  will 
establish  Elmhurst's  student 
government  leadership  within  the 
city   and    will    add   enormously    to 

Elmhurst.  If  it  fails,  it  will  serve  as  a 
warning  to  other  high  schools  and 
perhaps,  even  give  a  future  student 
council  a  model  to  work  from  in 
order  to  design  a  student  court  that 
wouldn't  fail.  At  any  rate,  in  case  of 
failure,  we  lose  nothing. 

Set  pattern  guarded  against 

At  this  time,  an  official 
presentation  of  the  idea  fias  not  been 
made  to  Mr.  Horstmeyer,  but  this  is 
how  the  court  will  work  if  it  become 
a  reality.  There  will  be  three  judges 
all  with  equal  authority.  One  will 
serve  for  an  entire  year,  while  the 
other  two  will  serve  only  one 
semester.  This  will  keep  the  courts 
from  getting  too  set  in  a  certain 
pattern.  Those  against  the  court 
argue  that  the  courts  will  become 
just  that-set  in  a  pattern  that  would 
see  it  become  too  strict  or  too 
lenient.  Obviously  this  possibility  is 
guarded  against.  Besides  this 
guard,  if  a  student  feels  that  his  case 
has  been  tried  unfairly,  he  may 
appeal  it  to  the  principal. 

There  is  also  a  fear  that  the 
student  council,  being  the  originator 
of  the  court,  would  also  control  it. 
The  constitution  for  the  court 
would,  however,  block  this  by 
keeping  any  judge  from   being   a 

member  of  the  student  council. 
Therefore,  the  student  council  and 
the  student  court  would  be 
completely  separate  aspects  of 
Elmhurst's  student  government, 
except  for  the  nominations  of  the 
judges,  which  would  be  made  by  the 
council,  but  would  also  be  approved 
by  the  principals. 

Student  court:  a  radical  change 

It  is  true  that  the  idea  of  a  court 
run  by  students  for  students  would 
be  a  radical  change  in  our  high 
school,  but  the  officers  feel  that  it 
would  be  an  excellecnt  and  probably 
the  best  way  to  get  more  student 
input  into  the  disciplinary  code* 
that  are  set  up  for  us  by  the 
administration.  Unfortunately, 
because  of  the  many  things  about 
the  idea  that  must  be  worked  out, 
there  is  little  chance  that  the  court 
can  be  organized  before  January  of 
the  school  year.  In  the  meantime, 
the  schedule  for  the  first  semester  of 
student  council  sponsored  events  as 
it  stands  now  is  as  follows: 
Sept.  17  -  Senior  class  elections 
Sept.  24  -  junior  fmd  sophomore 
class  elections 

Oct.     1  Representative     and 

alternate  elections 

Oct.  7-First  student  council  meeting 
Oct.       17       -Homecoming       and 
homecoming  dance 
Oct.  27  -  Fund  raising  competition 
with  all  area  high  schools  begins 
Nov,  15  ■  Penny  arcade 
Dec.  20  -  emiformal  dance 
Jan.  24  -  Dance  marathon 

Besides  this,  there  will  be  a 
method  of  reporting  student  council 
activities  to  the  student  body.  This' 
may  be  done  either  by  releases  to  the 
newspaper  by  use  of  a  specific 
bulletin  board  where  meeting 
agenda  would  be  posted,  or  possibly 
by  assigning  each  representative  a 
homeroom  to  report  to. 

We  are  looking  forward  to  the 
best  student  council  year  yet,  and 
we  hope  you  will  give  us  your 
support  in  all  of  our  various 

Reactions  to  this  article  and  the 
idea  of  a  student  court  would  be 
appreciated.  Letters  should  be  taken 
to  room  108.  All  letters  will  be  con- 
sidered for  publication  unless  other- 
wise indicated  by  the  writer. 

Trofans  elect 
Council  reps 

Room  162  seemed  incredibly  like 
election  headquarters  on  October  8 
as  the  Student  Council 
representative  ballots  were 
tabulated.  Amid  the  rustUng  of 
what  often  appeared  to  be  millions 
of  votes  and  the  occasional  cursing 
that  always  accompanies  an 
endeavor  of  this  type,  eight 
representatives  and  two  alternates 
were  chosen  from  each  class. 

Stan  Sorgen  got  the  most  votes  in 
the  senior  class  while  Nancy  Beadie. 
Yvette  Morrill,  and  Phil  Gutman 
returned  to  the  Student  Council  for 
the  third  consecutive  year.  Other 
representatives  are  Kevin  Lee. 
Andrea  Marchese,  Ann  Momper, 
and  Linda  Morsches.  Alternates  are 
Betsy  Barber  and  Matt  Cary. 

The  juniors  gave  Dave  Stein  the 
most  votes  with  others  being  Jan 
Dowling,  Tom  Cross,  Sue 
Frankewich,  Kellie  Slate,  Leslie 
Collier,  Tod  Huntley,  and  Sue 
Taylor.  Alternates  are  Terri 
McCombs  and  Matt  Tyler. 

Ron  Hill  collected  the  most  votes 
with  Derrick  DeBruce  close  behind 
for  the  sophomores.  Others  are  Joan 
Landrigan,  Kim  Burry,  Cheryl 
Hobbs,  Liz  Macias,  Sandy  Ross, 
and  Barb  Dixon.  Alternates  are 
Cindy  Lemaster  and  Kim  Perry. 

SPONSORED  BY  CAMPUS  LIFE,  a  Burst,  Bash  was  held  October  1  a,  ,e„iar  Cathy 
Tonn;  home.  Parttcipartt,  brohe  eati„g  records,  grapc-stornprng  contest  rales,  aad  had  last 
plain  fu  n. 

One  of  the  many  privileges  (?)  of 
being  a  Trojan  is  going  to  the 
assemblies.  On  September  30, 
Campus  Life  presented  a  concert  for 
the  benefit  of  Elmhurst  by  Lindy 
Hearne  and  his  wife  Linda. 

Lasting  approximately  30 
minutes,  the  concert  consisted 
mostly  of  Lindy's  own  country 
songs  along  with  some  popular 

Campus  Life  also  sponsored  a 
Burger  Bash  which  was  held  on 
Cathy  Tonn's  front  lawn  Oct.  1. 
The  event  drew  over  100  Trojans 
with  around  600  hamburgers  being 

The  cost  of  the  Burger  Bash,  only 
$1  per  person,  entitled  that  person 
to  as  many  hamburgers  as  he  or  she 

wanted  to  eat. 

The  record  previously  set  was  29 
hamburgers  eaten  by  one  person. 
Bill  Campbell,  affectionately  known 
as  "Bubbles"  around  E.H.S.,  ate  a 
record-setting  31  hamburgers. 

Mike  Mullen  and  Mike  Maurer 
also  added  some  entertainment  by 
challenging  each  other  to  a  grape- 
stomping  contest.  Mike  Maurer 
came  out  on  top. 

The  philosophy  of  Campus  Life  is 
to  help  students  develop  mentally, 
physically,  socially,  and  spiritually. 
In  Fort  Wayne,  Campus  Life  is  a 
division  of  Youth  for  Christ. 


9SM  administered 

Preliminary  Scholastic  Aptitude  (PSAT) 
tests  are  scheduled  to  he  administered  next 
Tuesday.  Oct.  21 ,  to  juniors,  according  to  the 
junior  class  guidance  counselor.  John  Sinks. 

The  PSAT  test  is  a  preliminary  test  to  the 
SAT  It  is  administered  so  that  juniors  may 
get  an  idea  of  what  the  SAT  test  involves  as 
to  the  mechanics  of  these  tests  and  the  types 
of  questions  asked. 

The  PSAT  tests  measure  verbal  and 
mathematical  aptitude,  two  abilities  impor- 
Unt  in  doing  college  work. 

Co-sponsored  by  the  College  Board  and 
National  Merit  Scholarship  Corporation,  the 
test  enables  those  taking  it  to  have  a  chance 
of  qualifying  for  scholarships  offered  by  the 
National  Merit  Scholarship  Corporation  and 
at  the  same  time  get  a  good  idea  of  what  the 
SAT  test  involves. 


Sales  and  Service  I 

3203  Covington  Rd.  ^32-3548 



ur  J^ 

10- editorial 

onchestuated  sonanzehizauae^tfut  good 

oy  Barb  Harman 


There  seems  to  be  a  lot  of 
people  who  are  either  bored 
stymied  by  the 
complexity  of  most 
progressive  English  bands, 
and  despite  the  fact  that 
Gentle  Giant's  Free  Hand  is 
undoubtedly  one  of  the  best 
albums  in  this  area  and  in 
■ock  music  as  a  whole,  it 
unfortunately  probably 
won't  convince  these  people 
into  liking  it. 

The  album  consists  of 
seven  songs,  only  two  of 
which  ("Time  to  Kill"  and 
"His  Last  Voyage")  are 
typical  Gentle  Giant.  These 
two  unfortunately  lack  the 
originality  of  the  others.  The 
five  remaining  songs  are 
also  distinctly  Gentle  Giant, 
but  with  rhythmic  twists  as 
in  "Just  the  Same"  and 
madrigal  effects  in  "On 
Reflection."  These  are 
possibly  the  two  best  songs 
on  the  record.  "Free  Hand" 
is  a  bit  more  rough  than  the 
rest  of  the  songs,  but 
"Talybont"  slips  into  the 

classical  genre   to  compen- 

On  the  whole,  the  album  is 
a  piece  of  rock  artistry  (if 
artistry  in  rock  is  possible), 
but   it   may    indeed   prove 
rough  listening  for  those  not 
used  to  the  music  form. 

This  week's  import  is  an 
Italian  release  which  is 
somewhat  reminiscent  of  the 
Fripp/Eno  album  reviewed 
earlier.  However  for  some 
odd  reason,  Sonanze  has  an 
appeal  which  No 

Pussyfooting  was   totally 
lacking  in. 

Even  though  the  album 
tends  to  give  one  the  same 
sci-fi  feeling.  Cacciapaglia 
has,  by  orchestrating  the 
record,  given  it  a  depth  that 
the  other  did  not  have. 
Sonanze  also  consists  of 
many  compositions,  instead 
of  just  the  two  on 
Pussyfooting.  The  pieces 
also,  for  the  most  part,  do 
have  some  melodic  line,  even 
though  the  vehicle  used  to 
present  them  is  at  times 

All  told,  one  gets  the 
feeling  that  there  is  more  to 
Cacciapaglia  than  to  his 
electrified  counterparts.  The 
album  is  strange,  but  good, 
and  it  may  prove  both  an 
extra  ordinary  and  interest- 
ing experience  for  the 


Canned  Funk  may  be 
extremely  funky,  but  it's 
anything  but  canned.  Joe 
Farrell  has  produced  some  of 
the  most  alive  jazz  and  one 
of  the  brightest  albums 

The  great  thing  about  the 
record  is  that  it  never  lets 
the  listener  down.  From  the 
opening  number  on  side  one, 
"Canned  Funk,"  even  to  the 
comparatively  softer  and 
less  funky  "Spoken 
Silence,"  the  driving  pace  of 
the  album  is  maintained,  yet 
with  no  real  wear  on  the 

The  personnel  on  the 
album  include  Joe  Beck  on 
guitar.  Jim  Madison  on 
drums,  Ray  Mantilla  on 
congas  and  percussion,  Herb 
Bushier  on  bass  and  Farrell 

New  Allen  movie 
points  up  artistry 

There  reaches  a  point  when  it 
becomes  necessary  to  stop 
speaking  about  an  artist  in  terms 
of  being  one  of  the  best  and  start 
talking  about  him  as  the  best,  Fc 
Woody  Allen  that  point  has  come 
with  the  release  of  his  new  movie 
Love  and  Death. 

Allen  has  played  humorist  and 
satirist  in  a  succession  of  movie; 
which,  without  exception,  havn 
proved  themselves  classic  pieces  of 
humor.  In  Sleeper,  Play  it  Again, 
Sam,  Bananas,  and  now  Love  end 
Death,  he  maintains  consistently 
brilliant  standards,  not  only  in 
writing,  but  in  diiection  and 
performance  as  well. 

The  story  line  of  the  film  centers 
around  themes  in  Russian 
literature,     particularly     Tolstoy's 

War  and  Peace.  As  a  parody.  Love 
and  Death  succeeds  by  playing 
upon  all  the  ominous  and 
overpowering  aspects  of  the  form, 
and  in  the  end.  making  them 
totalJy  absurd.  For  example,  in  the 
war  scenes,  the  battles  are 
accomppnied  by  cheerleaders  and  a 
man  who  sells  Blinis  (hot  dogsl  for 
one  ruble,  Allen's  treatment  of  the 
"deep  "  conversations  found  in  this 
type  of  literature  translates  itself 
into  psuedo-intellectual  cocktail 

All  in  all.  Love  and  Death  is  a 
film  definately  worth  seeing  ■■  even 
seeing  several  times.  For  Allen,  the 
film  is  par  for  the  course,  for  the 
audience  it  is  par  excellence  and  for 
comedy  in  general,  it  is  yet  another 
.\llen  classic. 

himself  on  tenor,  soprano, 
and  baritone  saxes  and  flute. 
Farrell "s  solos  are  high 
points  on  the  album,  but  the 
rest  of  the  band's 
performances  are  superb 

Farrell's  compositions  are 
truly  amazing.  "Suite 
Martinique"  manages  to 
combine  strong  blues/funk 
rhythms  with  an  occasional 
lilting  melodic  theme  from 
classical  composer  Rimsky- 

"Scheherazade".  "Spoken 
Silence"  is  probably  one  of 
the  few  jazz  pieces  ever 
written  capable  of  balancing 
the  emotions  of  the  listener 

Altogether,  the  album 
puts  itself  together  by  being 
both  driving,  funky  and 
bhght,  without  managing  to 
be  obnoxious.  A  great 
album,  especially  for  a 
party.  Canned  Funk  rates  an 


Homecoming  under  way  Sgnjfff  j^g^^  SCholOfS  reCOgnized 

inv  more  Snirif.        homppnminrr  .tq,t.o  O YTitT^     •^ 

Many  more  spirit 
arousing  activities  are 
planned  as  the  half  way 
marli  approaches  in  this 
year's  Homecoming  week 

Today  is  Student  Council 
sponsored  Bicentennial 
Wednesday.  Students  are  to 
have  come  to  school  today 
decked  out  in  the  all- 
American  red,  white,  and 

Tomorrow  is  dress  up  day. 
Students  are  reminded  to 
wear  their  Sunday  best, 
while  Friday  will  be  just  the 
opposite,  dress  down  day. 
Students  should  choose 
their  worst  closet  selections. 
Winding  up  the  week's 
activities,  classes  will 
assemble  for  the  annual 
homecoming  parade  and  pre- 
game  pep  session. 
Competing  classes,  clubs, 
and  organizations  will 
present  their  floats  to  the 
panel  of  judges  made  up  of, 
several  city  celebrities. 
Awards  will  be  presented  for 
the  best  efforts  in  each  of 
the  designated  categories. 

Festivities  will  climax 
with  the  crowning  of  the 
queen   at   halftime   of   the 

homecoming  game. 

The  highlight  of  today's 
activities  will  be  the 
powderpuff  football  game. 

Starting  quarterbacks  for 
the  seniors  and  the  juniors, 
Selma  Vaughn  and  Lynn 
HoUoweD,  respectively,  will 
be  facing  off  this  afternoon 
at  4:30  on  the  Elmhurst 

Powerpuff  football  is 
where  "all  those  nice  things 
your  mother  taught  you  " 
are  pushed  aside,  and 
replaced  with  "the  rough 
and  tough  legal  tactics"  that 
coaches  Jim  McCleneghen 
and  Tim  Beck  have  been 
quietly  drilling. 

In  the  past,  the  game  has 
been  nothing  less  than  an 
all-out  brawl;  this  year, 
however,  wiU  be  different. 
Both  the  juniors  and  the 
seniors  have  decided  that 
Powderpuff  is  a  game,  and  it 
will  be  treated  hke  a  game. 

"We've  just  decided  that 
there's  a  lot  at  stake  when 
you  play  this  kind  of  game," 
senior  Selma  Vaughn 
commented.  "We  are  all 
good  friends  and  are  just 
out  to  have  a  lot  of  fun," 

Seven  EHS  seniors  were 
recently  recognized  as 
commended  scholars  by  the 
National  Merit  Scholarship 

Principal  Richard 
Horstmeyer  announced  that 
Nancy  Beadie,  Roberta 
Cohen,  Karen  Crippen,  Barb 
Harman,  Mike  Mullen,  Les 
Novitsky,  and  Cindy  Ross 
received  letters  of 


These  students  are  seven 
of  38,000  nationally 
recognized  scholars,  part  of 
a  million  high  school 
students  who  took  their 
PSAT  tests  in  1974. 
The  commended  students 

represent  less  than  two  per 
cent  of  those  high  school 
seniors  expected  to  graduate 
next  June. 

Although  the  seven 
ranked  high  on  the  PSAT 
tests,  they  do  not  go  further 
in  the  Merit  Scholarship 
competition  because  their 
scores  were  just  below  those 
of  the  16,000  semifinalists 
recognized  at  the  beginning 
of  the  school  year.  Elmhurst 
has  seven  Merit 

semifinaUsts  this  year.  They 
are  Dave  Beutler,  Wes 
Byrne,  Matt  Cary,  Yvette 
Morrill,  Verne  Myers,  Tom 
Sonday,  and  Don  Wenger. 
These  students  will  compete 

for  about  3800  Merit 
Scholarships  to  be  awarded 
next  spring. 

The  commendation  will 
increase  the  students' 
chances  of  college 

acceptance  and  means  that 
they  will  very  likely  be 
sought  after  by  colleges  and 
universities.  The  test  scores 
will  be  sent  to  the  schools 
they  chose  when  taking  the 


Karen  Cnppen.  Le,  Nooiuky.  and  Roberta  Cohen.  Slandine  are  Nancy 
Beadie,  Barb  Harmon.  Mike  MoUen,  and  Cindy  Ross. 



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School  plagued  by  vandaWsm; 
students,  parents  pay  costs 

Elmhurst  High  School  is 
the  building  where  each  and 
every  Trojan  attends 
classes,  day  in  and  day  out. 
1 1  is  where  friends  meet, 
talk,  and  hang  out  together 
for  seven  hours  a  day.  Clubs, 
studies,  and  social  activities 
originate  in  and  around  the 
school,  providing  a  center  of 
activity  which  for  many,  if 
not  most,  students  is  the 
only  one  in  their  lives. 
Elmhurst  is  a  school  of  the 
student  body,  but 
unfortunately  to  others  is  a 
piece  of  property  to  be  used, 
misused,  and  taken  for 

Vandalism,  that  is, 
misuse  or  unreasoned 
destruction  of  property,  has 
been  a  regular  part  of 
Elmhurst  is  recent  years.  It 
results  in  costing  taxpayers 
(you  and  your  parents) 
money-money  to  buy  new 
fixtures  in  restrooms,  or  new 
desks,  or  the  cost  of  cleaning 
up.  If  only  for  that  simple 
reason,  vandalism  is  useless, 
costly,  and  creates  an 
inconvenience     to     fellow 

students.  It  is  simply 
carelessness,  maliciousness, 
or  disrespect.  But  more  than 
that,  people  are  destroying 
property  which  does  not 
belong  to  them,  and  which 
certainly  affects  others.  One 
should  have  a  basic  respect 
for  his  own  and  others' 

Clearly  this  type  of 
destruction  is  done  by  a  very 
few.  However,  perhaps  of 
more  importance  is  the 
attitude  of  the  entire 
student  body.  Probably 
everyone  has  been  guilty  of 
one  thing  or  another,  from 
leaving  paper  on  the  floor  to 
writing  on  the  backs  of 
desks.  True,  they  are  little 
things,  but  they  make  up  a 
large  portion  of  cleaning 
work  and  represent  a 
careless  attitude  we  all  seem 
to  have  not  only  for  school 
property  but  for  things  in 
general.  Perhaps  it  is  time 
we  took  a  closer  look  at 
ourselves  and  our  property. 
After  all.  we  are  going  to 
have  to  live  with  each  other 
for  the  rest  of  our  lives. 

5  ■  News 

NYAP  holds  forum      FoFum  Club  looks  good 

by  Marilynn'Scherer 

The  National  Youth 
Alternatives  Project 
(NYAP)  is  a  program 
operating  out  of 

Washington,  D.C.  that  gives 
technical  assistance  to  forty 
cities  east  of  the 
Mississippi.  Their 
assistance  centers  around 
the  development  of  runaway 
clinics  and  various  other 
youth  serving  agencies. 

On  Thursday,  Oct.  2. 
NYAP,  in  co-operation  with 
Switchboard,  held  a  public 
forum  to  discuss  the 
runaway  problem. 

Members  representing 
South  Central  Outreach, 
Street  Outreach,  Inter 
Agency  Drug  Abuse  Council 
IIADAC),  the  Probation 
Department,  Switchboard, 
and  several  area  school 
guidance  counselors  were  on 
hand  to  discuss  what  their 
Various  programs  were 
•loing  in  the  youth  situation. 

The  meeting  was  held  at 
the  First  Wayne  Street 
United  Methodist  Church 
3nd    followed    a    format   of 

panel  discussion  where  each 
organization  revealed  its 
past  commitments  and 
future  plans  in  relation  to 
the  youth  runaway  problem. 

Ken  Watson  of  the 
Probation  Department 
explained.  "We  don't  want 
them  (runaways).  I, 
personally,  would  rather 
deal  with  an  armed  robbery 
case.  The  runaway  is  usually 
a  very  emotional,  explosive 

Mr.  Watson  went  on  to 
discuss  the  problems  with 
the  runaway  and  the  law. 
He  stated,  "Parents  and 
social  agencies  do  not  belong 
in  a  court  of  law." 

One  of  the  runaway  homes 
is  located  at  316  W. 
Creighton.  The  new 
Switchboard  home  is  a 
result  of  an  HEW  (Health 
Education  &  Welfare)  grant 
of  $30,000.  The  new  phone 
number  is  456-4561. 

A  complete  up-dated 
story  on  the  runaway 
dilemma  and  Fort  Wayne 
laws  will  be  featured  in  an 
upcoming  issue  of  the 

In  their  first  meet  of  the 
school  year,  members  of  the 
Elmhurst  Forum  Club 
received  outstanding  honors 
at  the  Student  Congress  at 
the  Indiana-Purdue 
University  Campus  on  Sept. 

The  Student  Congress 
consisted  of  three  houses  - 
Senate,  House  A,  and  House 
B  —  with  25  members  each. 
Leslie  Novitsky  won  honors 
in  the  Senate  as  the 
outstanding  senator  which 
also  means  Leslie  received 
honors  as  top  participant  in 
the  Congress  as  a  whole. 
Also  receiving  awards  were 
Mike  Engle  who  placed 
fourth  in  the  Senate.  Sue 
Frankewich  who  took  fourth 
place  in  House  A,  and  Sheli 
Winans  who  took  fifth  place 
in  House  B. 

Reflecting  on  the 
prospects  for  this  year, 
Forum  Club  sponsors  Mr. 
Robert  Stookey  and  Mr. 
Robert  Storey  are  looking 
forward  to  a  promising 

Mr.  Stookey  commented, 
"Presently,  we  have  about 

30  members,  but  we  could 
have  more.  New  members 
are  still  welcome  to  join." 

The  Debate  Team  also 
participated  in  a  debate 
meet  last  Saturday,  Oct.  11. 
at  Chesterton  High  School 

in  Chesterton.  Indiana,  east 
of  Gary.  Both  the  Debate 
and  the  Solo  Speech  teams 
will  take  part  in  a 
tournament  in  Wabash  at 
Southwood  High  School  this 
coming  Saturday,  Oct.  18. 

It's  the 
real  thing. 


wr  jur- 

12- sports 

Tennis  team  /ends 
SAC  with  3-0 

After  capturing  their  last 
three  tennis  matches  the 
city-surprising  Elmhurst 
netmen  have  claimed  sole 
possession  of  first  place  in 
the  SAC  race. 

After  spotting 
Huntington  a  6-0  victory  in 
the  first  match  of  the  year, 
the  Big  Red  Tennis  Machine 
got  its  wheels  rolling  by 
posting  three  consectuive  4- 
3  decisions  over  Snider, 
Wayne,  and  Bishop  Luers, 
all  SAC  rivals. 

Individual  credit  for  these 
three  victories  goes  to  the 
doubles  teams  of  senior 
Gregg  Heckley  and 
sophomore  Marty  Rifkin, 
along  with  seniors  Terry 
Sims  and  Greg  Nowak.  Both 
of  these  teams  are 
undefeated  in  conference 
play  and  sport  3-1  records 

Juniors  Ted  Omas  and 
Tim  Springer  have  held 
together  the  singles 
department  by  posting  two 
victories  each  in  conference 


Typifying  the  students' 
view  of  the  boys  tennis  team 
was  senior  Diane  Lupke 
when  she  exclaimed 
"Teriffic!  I  didn't  think  they 
were  that  good!"  after  she 
had  heard  of  their 

Coach  Robert  Horn  has 
expressed  much  surprise  in 
his  team.  He  believes  that 
they  can  attain  the  .550 
plateau  that  they  have 
worked  so  hard  for. 

Upcoming  matches  pit  the 
Big  Red  against  Concordia 
this  evening  at  home  and 
South  Side  tomorrow  night, 
an  away  game. 

JUNIOR  TOD  HUNTLEY  STARES  ahead  as  sophomore  Marshall  Beaty  serves  against  Bishop  Luers.  Huntley 
and  Beat y  teamed  up  as  the  number  one  doubles  for  the  Trojans.  Photo/Phil  Gutman. 


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Before  each  rehearsal,  the  nine-member 
cast,  the  student  stage-manager,  and  the 
student-director  of  the  school  play.  "See 
How  They  Run,"  have  a  voluntary  warm-up 

Chances  are,  at  six  o'clock,  the  supposed 
starting  time  for  rehearsal,  the  cast  could 
not  be  found  on  stage,  but  rather  on  the  gym 
floor  or  flying  through  the  air.  Frisbees 
whisk  through  the  gym  and  people  dodge 
them.  Voices  sing  snatches  of  "Some  Day 
1  '11  Find  You"  a  song  in  the  play. 
Occasionally,  a  person  will  scream  as  he 
lands  after  being  swung  by  the  legs  or  after 
landing  awkwardly  from  a  flip,  cartwheel,  or 
practice-faint.  Most  conversations  contain 
random  lines  from  the  play  which  always 
manage  to  fit  in  somewhere.  On  real  wild 
nights  someone  might  even  do  a  strip  show! 
The  warm-up  usually  winds  up  with  some 
loud  communal  singing,  some  amateur  tap- 
dancing,  a  swing  of  the  hips,  and  a  shout. 

Then  the  director,  whoever  th^  director 
might  be  that  night  -  Mrs.  Wellington,  Mr. 
Goss,  or  senior  Sarah  Stewart,  will  finally 
get  teed-off  and  shout  "Everyone  into 
positions! "  After  a  few  minutes  of  laughter, 
Pat  Koehl,  stage-manager,  will  say  "Curtain 
up"  and  the  rehearsal  will  begin.  So  far  the 
cast  has  gotten  through  one  or  maybe  two 
acts  during  a  three  and  a  half  hour  rehearsal 
period.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  until  a 
week  or  so  ago,  everyone  was  still  using  a 
script.  Reading  and  consulting  the  script  for 
stage  directions  while  being  stopped  to 
figure  out  blocking  (movement  and 
positioning  of  character  on  stage)  takes  a 
much  longer  time  than  saying  lines  and 
performing  actions  known  by  heart.  The 
cast  members  are  encouraged  to  memorize 

See  how  they  run 

their  lines  as  quickly  as  possible  by  bemg 
charged  money  for  each  line  missed  ■  a 
penny  per  line  for  main  characters  and  a 
nickel  per  line  for  minor  characters.  The 
proceeds  from  this  collection  go  toward 
buying  refreshments  for  a  cast  party. 

A  rehearsal  seldom  goes  smoothly.  Often 
a  cast  member  will  not  be  in  the  gym  when 
he's  supposed  to  be  on  stage,  and  a  search 
will  go  out  for  the  man  with  the  missing  cue. 
Members  get  sick  or  have  urgent  things 
they  must  go  to  instead  of  rehearsal  and  so 
substitutes  are  needed.  During  a  faint  or  a 
fight  someone  may  get  hurt  or  a  character 
may  keep  babbling  on  when  he  really  has  no 
idea  of  what  his  actual  lines  are  and  thus 
confuses  the  rest  of  the  cast.  All  in  all.  a 
rehearsal  for  the  school  play  is  a  three-and-a- 
half  hour  period  of  confusion,  fun,  and  lots 
of  work  with  Tom  Young,  John  Silletto, 
Leslie  Collier,  Geoff  Sills,  Nancy  Beadie, 
Larry  Daugherty,  Matt  Tyler,  Melissa 
Hunter,  Allen  Shaw,  Pat  Koehl,  and  Sarah 

Cross  country  team 
2-2  .  20th  in  state 

13- sports 

As  of  this  writing,  the 
cross  country  team  record 
stands  at  2-2  and  is  ranked 
twentieth  in  the  state.  They 
held  their  first  meet  on  Sept. 
2  and  came  away  with  two 
victories,  defeating  a  tough 
Harding  team  25-30  and  also 
defeating  Homestead  23-32 
(low  score  wins  in  cross 
country).  Elmhurst  had  four 
men  in  the  top  ten  as  Dave 
Lewis  led  the  way  with  a 
second  place  finish.  Tim  Lee 
finished  fourth,  Jim 
Freygang  sixth  and  Bob 
Levy  eighth  to  round  out  a 
strong  field. 

A  week  later  the  team 
traveled  to  Goshen  to  take 
on  Goshen  and  Wayne.  The 
team  wasn't  as  fortunate 
this  time  out  as  they  were 
handed  two  defeats  by  very 
tough  competition. 
Elmhurst  ran  well,  but  was 
closely  defeated  28-32  by 
Goshen  and  27-28  by 
Wayne.  Tim  Lee  and  Dave 

Lewis  led  the  way  for  the 
Elmhurst  runners  as  they 
finished  second  and  third 

Elmhurst  traveled  to 
Elkhart  last  Saturday  but 
results  were  not  in  in  time 
for  printing.  Tomorrow, 
Thursday,  the  team  has  its 
first  home  meet  at  Swinney 
Park.  The  meet  will  start  at 
4  p.m.  They  run  against 
Bishop  Luers  and  Norwell 
but  their  strongest 
challenge  will  be  from 
Dekalb,  the  tenth  rated 
team  in  state. 

To  prepare  for  this  season 
most  of  the  runners  put  in 
many  miles  over  the 
summer,  running  mostly  on 
their  own  to  be  in  top  shape 
for  that  first  meet.  Then  the 
week  of  Aug.  11,  the  team 
started  practice  at  Chain-0- 
Lakes  State  Park.  During 
the  week  the  team  put  in 
many  tough  and  grueling 
miles  but  most  members 
said  they  had  a  great  time. 

This  has  become  an  annual 
event  started  last  year  by 
Coach  Lohr. 

This  year's  team  has 
seven  returning  lettermen 
and  is  made  up  of  six 
seniors,  seven  juniors  and 
five  sophomores.  The 
members  are  Mike 
Ausderan,  Bill  Brown,  Chad 
Cline,  Bob  Curts,  Rich 
Ewell,  Jim  Freygang,  Mike 
GetE,  Denny  Kirkland, 
Brett  Knuth,  Rick  Knuth, 
Tim  Lee,  Bob  Levy,  Dave 
Lewis,  Kevin  Morgan,  Dave 
Nelson,  Larry  Raber,  Ron 
Scheiber  and  Brian 




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OPEN  EVENINGS  TIU  9:00,  SUNDAYS  12:00  TO  5:00 

First  known  as  The  Herd,  then  as 
Atlantis,  and  now  known  as  Ethos, 
the  group  well-known  to  older  teen- 
agers of  the  area  is  now  cutting  an 
album  with  Capitol  Records.  Ethos 
was  always  the  local  band  to  hear. 
At  Lantern  concerts,  at  the  Country 
Club,  anywhere  a  large  crowd  of 
youth  comes  for  music.  Ethos  has 
played.  For  several  years,  the  group 
has  been  trying  to  'make  it'.  They've 
worked  on  other  contracts  but 
wanting  to  break  into  the  business 
'right',  they  waited  to  record  until 
they  got  one  of  the  biggest  recording 
companies  in  the  world  -  Capitol 

Right  now  the  group's  members 
are  in  New  York  City  finishing  up 
the  last  step  of  the  recording 
process.  Home  in  Fort  Wayne  are 
the  roadies  like  Martin  Luther 
Precise  (M.L.)  who  is  in  charge  of 
setting  up  the  stage  and  the 
equipment,  and  Thom  Hansen  who 
does  all  the  lighting  for  concerts  and 
sets  up  the  drurti  and  percussion 
instruments.  Thom  and  Martin  were 
in  New  York  for  a  week  or  so  at  the 
outset  of  the  album's  recording, 
When  they  were  there,  the  nine 
group  members  and  associates 
stayed  together  in  an  ocean-side 
house  which  they  have  for  use 
during  the  five-week  recording 
period.  There  they  ate  communal 
nieals.  slept,  and  relaxed  when  they 
Weren't  in  the  city. 

Thom  and  Martin  are  of  course 
excited  about  the  turn  of  events  that 
brought  them  to  New  York  City. 
They  describe  the  group  members  as 
dedicated  and  determined  to  bring 

the  group  to  success.  The  eight  song 
album  which  will  be  released 
sometime  within  the  next  threi 
months  is  certainly  a  big  step  in  the" 
right  direction,  it  is  only  the  first  of 
the  four  albums  the  group 
contracted  to  release  within  the  next 
four  years.  Recorded  on  this  first 
album  are  the  songs  'Atlantea.ns" 
"Long  Dancer",  "Intrepid  Travel- 
er", "Dimension  Man",  "Every 
Man",  "Space         Brothers", 

"Emotions",  and  "Spirit  of  Music". 
Martin  explained  that  this  album 
will  mark  some  changes  in  the 
group.  First  of  all,  two  new 
members  have  been  added.  The 
original  three  instrumentalists:  Bill 


'.  ■ 

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Sharpe  who  plays  all  guitars 
-  acoustic,  electric,  and 
mandolin  and  who  Thom 
described  as  the  man  with 
the  business  sense,  Mark 
Richards  who  does  drums, 
percussion,  and  vocals,  and 
Mike  Ponczek  who  plays  the 
Hammond  B-3,  Moog 
Model  D,  electric  12-string 
guitar,  the  mellotron,  the 
electric  piano,  and  the 
Chamberlain,  have  been 
joined  by  two  new 
instrumentalists.  Brad 
Stephenson  who  was  in  the 
group  "Security"  will  now 
play  the  Rickenbacker  Bass, 
Fender,  Jazz  Bass,  and  the 
Moog  Bass  Pedals  for 
Ethos.  And  L. 

Duncanhammond.  a 
graduate  of  the  University 
of  Michigan  School  of 
Music,  plays  the  Moog  12. 
the  Moog  Model  D, 
the  mellotron,  Clavinet  D6, 
Yamaha  Organ,  Rhodes  88, 
and  the  bagpipes.  Greg 
Riker  is  the  group's  sound 

The  music  the  group  ie 
playing  is  also  changing 
according  to  Martin.  A 
couple  of  the  tunes  on  the 
album  have  never  been 
played  in  concert,  and  the 
music  as  a  whole  is  getting 
"funkier"  as  Martin  put  it. 
He  qualified  this  statement 
a  little  by  saying  this  does 
not  mean  it  is  getting  more 
commercialized,  just  more 
'fimky'  in  a  fast  jazz  style. 

1-  Feature 
Recording  an  album  has 
brought  the  group  and  its 
associates  in  contact  with 
some  important  people  — 
people  who  have  worked 
with  such  big  names  as 
James  Taylor,  Carly  Simon, 
Joni  Mitchell.  Gentle  Giant, 
Genesis,  Jethro  TuU,  Black 
Sheba,  J.  Giles,  and  Stevie 
Wonder.  Speaking  of  the 
group's  agent,  Vincent 
Romeo  who  once  was  Paul 
McCartney's  agent,  Martin 
said,  "Just  sitting  in  his 
office  sends  chills  up  your 
spine.  After  all,  we're  just 
Midwestern  boys." 

At  a  fee  of  $150  an  hour, 
the  group  has  been 
recording  up  to  nine  hours  a 
night  from  7  p.m.  to  4  a.m. 
at  the  Hit  Factory  in  New 
York  City.  They  are  very 
happy  with  their  contract 
and  with  the  feedback  which 
they  have  gotten  from 
"higher-ups"  in  the 
recording  business. 

In  examining  the  roadie 
team's  role  in  Ethos'  recent 
accomplishments,  Martin 
said,  "Well,  you  know 
behind  every  good  group  is  a 
great  roadie  team."  Besides 
Martin  and  Thom,  the 
roadie  team  consists  of 
Biker  who  shares  duties 
with  Martin,  Mark  Briggs 
who  is  a  business  man, 
agent,  and  college  professor, 
and  a  "special  guest  roadie" 
D.  W.  Morale. 

14-  sports 

By  Jan  Dowling 

The  Elmhurst  High 
School  reserve  football  team 
got  off  to  a  slow  start  this 
year  by  losing  their  first 
two  games  of  the  season  to 
Harding  and  Bishop  Luers. 

The  Harding  Hawks 
handed  Elmhurst  its  first 
defeat  on  Sept.  2.  by  a  score 
of  8-0.  However,  the  Trojans 
almost  made  a  touchdown 
near  the  end  of  the  game, 
but  the  football  landed  just 
inches  from  the  goal  line, 

A  week  later,  on  Sept.  8. 
the  Reserves  met  the  Bishop 
Luers  Saints  on  the  Trojan 
home  turf,  but  again  were 

defeated  40-0. 

Mr.  Jim  Lambert,  the 
reserve  football  coach, 
commented.  "They  just  did 
not  execute  well." 

The  reserves  also  have  a 
new  coach  this  year  in  the 
person  of  Mr.  Al  Burns. 
Aside  from  coaching  the 
Trojans.  Mr.-  Burns  also 
teaches  at  Hoagland  and 
Washington  Elementary 

Bishop  Dwenger  will  be 
the  next  opponent  for  the 
Trojan  reserves,  at  4  p.m. 
Monday,  Sept.  22,  on  the 
Elmhurst  home  field. 


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S  -  Sports 



Tennis  team  stc 

by  Verne  Myers 

The  Elmhurst  tennis  team  was  defeated  in  sectional  play 
by  Snider  in  a  close  match,  3-2.  The  sectionals  were  held 
Saturday.  Oct.  4.  at  Huntington. 

Elmhurst  also  lost  last  year  in  first  round  sectional  play 
to  Northrop.  The  difference?  This  year,  the  surging  Trojans 
piled  up  a  10-4  record.  Last  year  they  picked  up  a  2-12 
record.  Last  year,  Elmhurst  was  near  the  bottom  of  the 
SAC.  This  year  they  finished  second  to  an  undefeated 
Bishop  Dwenger  squad.  In  one  year,  Elmhurst  came 
through  with  the  second  best  record  in  its  tennis  history, 
surprising  SAC  rivals,  coaches,  students,  and  players. 

The  big  turn-around  came  as  a  pleasant  surprise  to 
everyone,  and  several  factors  contributed  to  it.  Mr.  Horn 
commented.  "We  had  more  depth  than  I  though  t  we  would 
need. "  The  depth  of  the  team  was  their  strong  point  in  many 
of  the  matches   throughout  the  year.  Lots  of  improvement 

by  MarilyDD  Scfaerer 

After  choosing  the  title 
for  my  column,  I  figured 
that  it  would  be  ideal  to 
devote  my  first  article  to 
girls'  sports.  Namely  the 
program  at  Elmhurst,  its 
achievements,  its  goals,  and 
hopes  for  success  this 

But  a  freak  airplane 
accident  has  altered  my 
plans.  This  column  is  going 
to  center  around  one  female 
athlete,  her  outstanding 
abiUty,  her  sportsmanship, 
etc.,  because  for  Sue 
Fitzwilliam  there  is  no  hope 
for  success  this  season. 

A  freshman  at  Bishop 
Luers  last  year,  Sue  and  her 
doubles  partner  Ann 
Galpein  succeeded  in 
defeating  the  Elmhurst  duo 
of  Sally  Hinton  and  Cheri 
Norton  for  the  number  one 
position  in  the  regional 
tennis  tournament. 

Senior  Cheri  Norton 
described  Sue  as  being  a 
"real  relaxed  player  -  she 
always  stayed  calm."  Cheri 
explained  that  the  Luers  duo 
success  was  due  not  only  to 

their  abiUty  in  the  game,  but 
to  their  consistency  ... 
playing  every 
shot  as  if  it  were  the  last. 

Sue  ,her  father  Jack,  her 
sisters  Jackie  and  Jennifer, 
and  a  neighbor,  Jennifer 
Bonn,  were  all  victims  of  a 
fatal  plane  crash  in  a  field 
near  Wayne  Trace  on 
August  16.  Sue's  pilot- 
father  was  heading  towards 
Baer  Field  for  a  landing 
when  the  plane  ran  out  of 

No  doubt  Sue  learned 
most  of  her  tennis  talents 
from  her  mother,  tennis 
instructor  Carol 
Fitzwilliam.  Mrs. 

Fitzwilliam  has  been  into 
tennis  for  a  number  of  years 
and  gives  lessons  at  the 
Marriott  Inn.  She  usually 
places  high  in  the  city 
tennis  tournament. 

The  Fitzwilliams  were  a 
family  of  athletes-sister 
Jackie  placed  fourth  in  her 
division  of  the  City  Diving 
Meet,  and  was  a  member  of 
the  Pocahontas  Diving 

^iad^idc^^cofic  0^  ^fionU 

b>  Kevin  Lee 

Editor's  Note:  This  is  the  [irat  in  a 
series  of  periodical  articles 
covering  the  2lBt  Olympiad  to  be 
held  this  upcoming  winter  and 
Bummer  in  Denver,  Colorado  and 
Montreal.  Canada,  respectively. 
These  articles  will  also  touch  upon 
the  20th  Olympiad  and  previous 
Olympics.  The  following  article 
will  take  us  back  to  the 
controversial  20th  Olympiad  held 
during  the  summer  of  1972  in 
Alunich,  Germany. 

The  20th  Olympiad  began  with 
much  pomp  and  circumstance. 
Thousands  of  doves  were  released 
as  little  children  danced  around  the 
Olympic  Stadium  depicting  an 
unimaginable  floral  arrangement 
as  they  held  their  floral  wreaths 
about  their  heads.  The  easy-going 
spirit  of  opening  day  was 
intentionally  construed  so  that  the 
20th  Olympiad  would  be  a  complete 
turn-about  from  the  13th  Olympiad 
held  in  Berlin,  Germany,  during  the 
summer  of  1936. 

At  that  time  in  history,  a  black 
man  from  the  United  States.  Jesse 
Owens,  captured  gold  medals  in  the 
100  meter  dash,  200  meter  dash. 
and  running  broad  jump. 
Coinciden tally,  during  this  same 
period.  Adolph  Hitler  had  come  in- 
to power  in  Germany,  One  of 
Hitler's  major  projects  during  his 
^dictatorship  of  Germany  was  the 

development  of  his  master  race  of 
Aryans.  Aryans  were  supposed  to 
have  blonde  hair,  blue  eyes,  and  a 
very  healthy  physical  build.  Hitler 
considered  anyone  who  did  not  fit 
this  description  as  a  member  of  an 
inferior  race  of  people.  Such  was 
the  case  of  Jesse  Owens  when  he 
won  his  three  gold  medals.  Hitler, 
believing  that  the  Negroid  race  was 
as  low  on  the  totem  pole  as  a  race 
could  get.  would  not  even  recognize 
the  accomplishments  of  the  black 
Jesse  Owens,  So  the  1936  Olympics 
went  down  in  the  history  book  as  a 
political  Olympics  and  not  a 
sporting  Olympics. 

The  1972  Olympics  were  to  be 
the  greatest  01',mpics  in  history, 
especially  those  In  the  summer 
There  was  no  reason  why  thf»y 
shouldn't  have  been.  The  Olympic 
village  was  designed  to  be  a 
melting  pot  for  the  athletes  where 
they  might  congregate  during  the 
course  of  the  day  and  converse 
freely  among  themselves.  A 
beautiful  boxing  hall  that  seated 
6200  people  had  been  built  and  was 
affectionately  called  by  the  people 
of  Munich,  Der  Boxhalle  mitt  der 
Gloves.  But  the  main  attraction 
the  Olympics  was  to  be  the  Germor 
people.  They  wanted  so  much  tn 
please  the  visitors  from  countries 
all  around  the  world  and  most  o(  all 
they   wanted   to   make   the  world 

forget  about  the  1936  Olympics  by 
displaying  the  1972  Olympics  as 
the  most  spectacular  ever  held.  By 
the  final  day  they  had  only 
imbedded  in  the  memory  of  thi 
world  that  the  1972  Olympic  g£  m. 
were  the  bloodiest  ever  held. 

In  my  next  article  covering  ih 
upcoming  Olympics.  1  will  discuss 
the  aspects  that  made  the  1972 
'^'vripics  the  most  dramatic  i 
'  ■■;■(  ry  of  thognmea. 


keep  up  with 




and  lots  of  etc.! 




ed  at  sectionals 

was  noted  among  most  of  the  players  since  last  year,  and 
the  addition  of  two  fine  first-year  players  strengthened  the 
team.  Another  important  factor  was  the  addition  of  new 
tennis  courts  at  Elmhurst  which  helped  to  organize  and 
solidify  the  team  into  a  strong  unit. 

Several  records  were  broken  this  year,  and  Mr.  Horn  is 
accumulating  them  into  a  record  book.  Some  outstanding 
individual  performances  are  worth  noting  in  this  year's 
team.  The  best  overall  record  for  the  year  is  held  by  the 
doubles  team  of  Terry  Sims  and  Greg  Nowak.  9-1.  Other 
high  records  are  7-1  by  Marshall  Beatty  (singles),  Tim 
Springer  9-2  in  singles  and  doubles,  and  6-3  by  Ted  Ornas. 
This  year's  team  record  was  bettered  only  in  1970,  when  the 
team  was  9-1  for  the  year. 

Next  year  looks  promising  as  seven  lettermen  will  be 
back,  and  the  experience  will  be  there.  After  11  years,  tennis 
has  extablished  itself  at  Elmhurst. 


]  6- sports 

Trojans  victorious  *!;:  "^.-xTr^ . 

The  Elmhurst  Trojans  dropped 
their  first  game  of  the  season  to 
North  Side  as  the  Bruins  obligiated 
the  Trojans  34-0.  The  Trojans 
bounced  back  quicWy,  however,  as 
they  defeated  Norwell  19-0  and 
Concordia  14-7. 

There  were  few  bright  spots  in  the 
North  Side  •  Elmhurst  contest  on 
Aug.  31  at  the  Bruins  offense  racked 
up  34  while  the  Trojans  were 
stopped  cold. 

Elmhurst  got  off  to  a  great  start 
as  junior  Curtis  Paschal  fumbled  the 
ball  on  the  first  play  of  the  game. 
North  Side  recovered  on  the  Trojan 
30  yard  line  and  drove  down  to  the 
one  where  the  Elmhurst  defense 
came  to  life  on  a  fourth  down  play 
and  stopped  the  Bruins  for  one  of 
the  few  times  that  night.  Elmhurst 
was  unable  to  move  the  ball  and  was 
forced  to  punt.  The  Bruins  took  the 
short  punt  on  the  Elmhurst  31  and 
this  time  wasted  little  time  in 
finding  the  end-zone  for  six  points. 
Afterwards,  it  was  all  North  Side  as 
the  Bruins  scored  28  additional 
points  for  a  final  score  of  34-0. 

The  next  Friday  found  the 
Trojans  at  Norwell  to  face  the 
Knights.  Exactly  one  week  after  the 
Trojans  had  been  defeated  by  North 

Side,  Coach  Herman  had  his  players    junior  Dave  Stein  jumped  on  m  the     only  one  tield  goal  but  two,  one  of  35 
fired  up  and  ready  to  win.  Although    end-zone  for  six  points.   Although     yards   and   the   second   of  over  4(1 
the  Trojans  threatened  many  times    the     defense     was     very      much     yards,  a  new  Trojan  record.  As 
during  the  first  half,  they  failed  to    improved    over    the    week    before     gun  sounded  to  end  the  game  the 
score  as  costly  turnovers  kept  the    Coach  Herman  made  no  significant     score  board  showed  Elmhurst  a  19^j 


Elmhurst's  second  victory  cams 
last  Friday  as  the  Trojans  defeated 
Concordia  14-0.  The  contest  was 
pretty  evenly  played  as  both  teams 
could  really  move  the  ball  except  for 
a  couple  of  occasions.  The  deciding 
factor  was  that  the  Trojans  had 
more  of  these  occasions  than  thj 

Concordia  scored  first  as  the 
Cadets  took  a  Trojan  punt  on  theli 
own  46  and  drove  the  total  yardage 
for  six  points.  The  kick  was  good 
and  the  Cadets  led  7-0. 

Elmhurst  came  back  on  the  first 
play  of  the  second  period  as  junior 
quarterback  Brian  Russell  found 
junior  Ron  Culpepper  all  alone 
behind  the  Concordia  secondary  for 
a  57  yard  touchdown. 

The  final  Trojan  score  came  as  the 
Trojans  recovered  a  Concordia 
fumble  on  the  Cadet  39  and  junior 
Curtis  Paschal  broke  away  for  36 
yards  and  a  TD.  The  score  didn't 
change  and  the  Trojans  won  14-7. 

JUNIOR  BRIAN  RUSSELL  TAKES  THE  SNAP  from  center  and  hand,  off  ti' junior  Curtis 
PaschaU,  who  promptly  takes  the  ball  the  total  distance  for  the  touchdown  against  Norwell. 
The  Trojans  won  thv  game  19-0.  The  Trojan  gridders  also  defeated  Concordia  14-7,  but  were 
soundly  trounced  by  North  Side  34-0.  Photo/Kevin  Stephenson. 

half  scoreless.   This  soon  changed  changes  in  the  lineup.  As  assistant 

however  as  the  second  half  opened  coach    Welbom    put    it,    "We   just 

with   a    much   improved   Elmhurst  started  playing  football." 

defense  held  back  the  Knights  and  One    significant    factor    however 

blocked   the   ensuing   punt   which  was  iunior  Moe  Fink  who  kicked  not 

Guys   cook 

by  Roberta  Cohen 
■'Mmmmmm!  Delicious!  Wow,  am 
1  ever  hungry!"  Usually,  when  a 
person  hears  these  strange  "noises" 
coming  from  the  home  economics 
rooms,  he  expects  the  voices  to  be 
slightly  high,  squeaky,  and  with  a 
few  giggles  added  in  for  the  heck  of 
it.  But  in  the  past  two  years  there 
have  been  changes  in  the  home  ec 
department.  Because  of  these 
changes,  the  voices  heard  making 
these  remarks  are  often  very  low- 
pitched  and  definitely  male. 

At  Elmhurst  High  School  this 
year,  there  are  approximately 
eighteen  male  students  enrolled  in 
the  beginning  foods  classes. 
According  to  Miss  Sharon  Dietrich, 
instructor  of  the  foods  classes, 
having  males  in  the  class  has  not 
changed  her  method  of  teaching 
drastically,  but  she  does  have  to  be  a 
little  more  careful  that  things  are 
explained  thoroughly,  "Most  girls," 
she  said,  "know  when  to  use  a 
wooden  spoon  just  from  being  in  the 
kitchen  around  mothers,  while  most 
of  the  guys  haven't  the  vaguest  idea 
of  what  utensil  is  used  to  do  certain 

When  asked  why  he  decided  to 
take  home  economics,  senior 
Raymond  Walker  said,  "I  took  it  for 
two  reasons.  First  of  all,  I  cook  at  a 
local   restaurant.    Secondly,    if   I 

should  decide  to  live  by  myself  for  a 
while  after  I  get  out  of  school,  1  dc 
want  to  know  how  to  cook  for 

Senior  Guy  Washington  is  not 
planning  to  get  married  right  awa> 
and  "can't  stand  cold  cuts!" 

One  of  the  more  predictable 
reasons  for  a  guy  to  take  home  ec. 
according  to  several  people,  is  for  ar 
easy  credit.  "Not  so!"  said  the  malt 
members  of  the  class.  "The  class  is 
not  exceptionally  easy,  nor  is  it  ver> 

"It's  a  decent  class,"  commented 

What  do  girls  think  of  having 
"men"  invade  what  was  once  their 
own  domain?  Stated  one,  "I  can't 
really  see  any  reason  why  they 
shouldn't  be  allowed  to  take  the 
class.  After  all.  we're  always  after 
equality,  so  why  shouldn't  the  guys 


the     Trojans 

JC  Penney's 
Fashion  Board 

Lori,  a  senior  at  Elmhurst,  participates  in  class 
activities.  As  a  JC  Penney  Fashion  Board 
member,  Lori  works  in  the  junior  shop  and 
will  be  in  a  holiday  show  on  Nov.  1 4. 


11 -Editorial 


K  5 

10  o 
>  'S 

<  e 

by  Michelle  Armstroog 

An  important  part  of  any  high  school  is  its  newspapei 
Some  people  ask  what  is  the  point  ol  having  a  newspaper?  Is 
it  really  worth  the  time  and  the  money?  If  you  look  around, 
you  can  find  many  people  who  feel  a  school  newspaper 
certainly  worth  the  time  and  the  money. 

A  school  newspaper  provides  a  means  by  which  a  member 
of  the  faculty,  the  administration,  and  the  student  body  can 
voice  his  opinions.  It's  unlikely  that  a  student  who  has 
certain  views  he  wishes  to  voice  to  the  student  body  would 
like  to  go  around  to  each  person  at  Elmhurst  and  tell  them 
his  views.  It  would  certainly  take  too  long  to  reach  everyone 
and  it's  improbable  that  he  would  be  able  to  reach  everyone, 
A  simple  solution  would  be  for  that  person  to  go  to  the 
newspaper  staff  and  ask  them  to  print  his  views  in  the 
newspaper.  This  would  save  time  and  would  effectively 
express  that  person's  opinions. 

Another  advantage  of  having  a  school  newspaper  is  it 
informs  its  readers.  Plans  for  an  upcoming  dance  or 
proposed  plans  of  the  student  council  could  easily  be  printed 
in  the  paper,  and  thus,  would  quickly  and  accurately  inform 
the  people. 

Besides  voicing  the  people's  opinions  and  informing  thi 
student  body,  a  newspaper  is  also  essential  in  entertaining 
and  educating  its  readers.  Features,  editorials,  news  stories, 
sports  stories,  ads,  and  cartoons  are  instrumental 
accomplishing  this.  They  can  tell  what  records  are  new  on 
the  music  scene,  who  won  last  week's  football  game,  what 
stores  are  having  sales,  what  it's  like  to  live  in  a  foreign 
country,  along  with  a  number  of  other  things  interesting  to 
Elmhurst  students. 

As  you  can  see,  a  school  newspaper  is  an  important  part 
of  a  high  school  —  that  is,  if  the  students  make  it 
important.  It's  the  actions  and  opinions  of  the  student  body 
that  make  a  newspaper  what  it  is.  Besides  a  newspapei 
staff,  you  need  the  support  and  suggestions  of  the  studentsf 
to  make  the  newspaper  a  publication  that  they  can  be  a  part] 
of  and  proud  of^ 

Saiicrs  examine  h'gher  schook 

About  this  time  of  year, 
things  begin  to  pile  up  for 
many  seniors  -  mainly  piles 
of  paper  and  mail  from 
colleges  seeking  them  as 
future  students,  memos 
from  the  guidance 

department  along  with  the 
hundreds  of  other  brochures 
and  catalogues  they  might 
have  picked  up  at  higher 
education  fairs  or 

thoughtful  relatives. 

For  many  students,  the 
paper  is  welcome  junk.  For 
them,  college  is  the  next 
logical  step  and  the  stacks  of 
information  they've 
accumulated  only  serves  as 
a  joyful  reminder  that  high 
school  is  about  to  end  and 
that  next  year  at  this  time... 
But  not  everyone  is  this 
lucky.  For  some  persons, 
college  is  not  a  part  of  the 
logical  sequence  of  events, 
but  is  instead  an  option 
that  will  require  an 
extremely  crucial  decision 
"Is  college  best  for  me?"  -■ 
as  a  matter  of  money,  it 
could  prove  difficult,  and,  is 
the  fact  that  most  of 
student's  friends  are  leaving 
enough  to  send  him  away  for 
four  years?  Many  have  faced 

this  question,  but  few  have 
really  known  how  to  cope 
with  it.  Part  of  the  answer 
comes  from  guidance  --  an 
objective  party  can  some- 
times find  a  person's 
strengths  and  weaknesses 
better  than  the  person 
himself.  Also,  finding  out 
what  the  college  will  expect 
of  the  student  can  help. 
College  pressures  can  be 
heavy  -  it  is  estimated  that 
ai.iost  50  percent  of  all 
college  freshmen  nationwide 
drop  out  or  flunk  out  before 
their  sophomore  year.  This 
is  not  to  say  that  all  of  these 
students  were  indecisive 
about  higher  education, 
simply  it  takes  a  dedicated 
person  to  succeed  in  an 
academic  environment. 

The  most  important 
answer,  though,  comes  from 
the  student  himself.  If  he  is 
willing  to  put  time  and 
effort  into  examining  his 
reasons  for  wanting  to  go  to 
college,  realize  that  peer  or 
parental  pressure  is  not  the 
reason  for  schooling,  then  he 
may  be  able  to  discover 
what  may  be  the  best  next 
step  for  him,  and  be  excited, 
because  next  year  at  this 

16- sports 

Trojans  victorious  |.«..»»«.^>-  _ 

The  Elmhurat  Trojans  dropped 
their  first  game  of  the  season  to 
North  Side  as  the  Bruins  obligiated 
the  Trojans  34-0,  The  Trojans 
bounced  back  quickly,  however,  as 
they  defeated  NorweU  19-0  and 
Concordia  14-7. 

There  were  few  bright  spots  in  the 
North  Side  -  Elmhurst  contast  on 
Aug.  31  at  the  Bruins  offense  racked 
up  34  while  the  Trojans  were 
stopped  cold. 

Ehnhurst  got  off  to  a  great  sUrt 
as  junior  Curtis  Paschal  fumbled  the 
ball  on  the  first  play  of  the  game. 
North  Side  recovered  on  the  Trojan 
30  yard  line  and  drove  down  to  the 
one  where  the  Elmhurst  defense 
came  to  life  on  a  fourth  down  play 
and  stopped  the  Bruins  for  one  of 
the  few  times  that  night.  Elmhurst 
was  unable  to  move  the  ball  and  was 
forced  to  punt.  The  Bruins  took  the 
short  punt  on  the  Elmhurst  31  and 
this  time  wasted  little  time  in 
finding  the  end-zone  for  six  points. 
Afterwards,  it  was  all  North  Side  as 
the  Bruins  scored  28  additional 
points  for  a  final  score  of  34-0. 

The  next  Friday  found  the 
Trojans  at  Norwell  to  face  the 
Knights.  Exactly  one  week  after  the 
Trojans  had  been  defeated  by  North 

Side  Coach  Herman  had  his  players  junior  Dave  Stein  jumped  on  m  the 

firedupandready  to  win.  Although  end-zone  for  six  points.   Although 

the  Trojans  threatened  many  times  the     defense     was     very      much 

during  the  first  half,  they  failed  to  improved    over    the    week    before 

score  as  costly  turnovers  kept  the  Coach  Herman  made  no  significant 

JUNIOR  BRIAN  RUSSELL  TAKES  THE  SNAP  from  center  and  hands  off  to  junior  Curtis 
PaschaU.  who  promptly  takes  the  bail  the  total  distance  for  the  touchdown  against  NorwelL 
The  Trvjans  won  the  game  19-0.  The  Trojan  gndders  also  defeated  Concordia  14-7.  but  were 
soundly  trounced  by  North  Side  34-0.  Photo/Kevin  Stephenson. 

half  scoreless.   This  soon   changed  changes  in  the  lineup.  As  assistant 

however  as  the  second  half  opened  coach   Welbom   put   it.    "We   just 

with   a   much   improved    Elmhurst  started  playing  football." 

defense  held  back  the  Knights  and  One    significant    factor    however 

blocked    the   ensuing   punt   which  was  iunior  Moe  Fink  who  kicked  not 

only  one  field  goal  but  two,  one  of  3; 
yards  and  the  second  of  over  ^jj 
yards,  a  new  Trojan  record.  As  th; 
gun  sounded  to  end  the  game  thf 
score  board  showed  Elmhurst  a  19.(i 

Elmhurst's  second  victory  catiif 
last  Friday  as  the  Trojans  defeatai 
Concordia  14-0.  The  contest  was 
pretty  evenly  played  as  both  team; 
could  really  move  the  ball  except  for 
a  couple  of  occasions.  The  deciding 
factor  was  that  the  Trojans  had 
more  of  these  occasions  than  thj 

Concordia  scored  first  as  thf 
Cadets  took  a  Trojan  punt  on  theu 
own  46  and  drove  the  total  yardagt 
for  six  points.  The  kick  was 
and  the  Cadets  led  7-0. 

Elmhurst  came  back  on  the  first 
play  of  the  second  period  as  junior 
quarterback  Brian  Russell  found 
junior  Ron  Culpepper  all  alons 
behind  the  Concordia  secondary  for 
a  57  yard  touchdown. 

The  final  Trojan  score  came  as  the 
Trojans  recovered  a  Concordia 
fumble  on  the  Cadet  39  and  junior 
Curtis  Paschal  broke  away  for 
yards  and  a  TD.  The  score  didn't 
change  and  the  Trojans  won  14-7, 

12  -  Editorial 

Jeachersophomore  actions  criticized      Montv  takcs  .. 

To  the  editor: 

It  is  my  desire  at  this  time 
to  express  concern  over  the 
ways  that  some  of  the 
teachers  handled  themselves 
during  the  strike  last  month. 

Over  all.  I  would  Uke  Jto 
commend  the  faculty  of 
EHS  for  the  respectful  way 
that  they  operated  their 
picket  lines.  Now.  don't  get 
me  wrong,  I  was  all  for  you 
during  the  strike.  The 
School  Board  along  with 
their  faithful  leader  have 
been  a  little  too  stubborn  on 
many  issues  involving 
contract  negotiations  for  too 
long  of  a  time.  However,  I 
think  that  it  is  a  severe 
shame  the  way  that  some  of 
the  teachers  acted  Uke  a 
bunch  of  little  third  graders 
toward  a  few  of  the  students 
who  wished  to  come  to 
school  for  a  few  hours  a  day 
for  various  reasons.  While 
they  were  in  the  building, 
they  were  in  constant  fear 
that  one  or  more  of  their 
tires  may  be  slashed.  And 
some  of  the  smart-alecky 
looks  that  teachers  gave  to 
the  students  as  they  entered 
and  exited  the  parking  lot's 

north  entrance  were  a  little 
uncalled  for  --  case  in  point: 
when  this  student  entered 
the  parking  lot  one 
afternoon,  several  teachers 
were  standing  around  the 
entrance,  and  they  all  gave 
me  the  look  as  I  entered. 
While  waiting  in  the  parking 
lot  before  entering  the 
building,  I  noticed  that  they 
did  this  to  everyone  who 
entered.  Upon  my  attempt 
to  exit,  I  was  willfully 
blocked  from  leaving  by 
several  teachers  standing 
around  talking  to  people  in 
cars  that  had  the  entire 
drive  blocked  except  for  one 
small  path  along  the  side.  In 
anticipation  that  the 
teachers  would  move,  I 
waited  for  several  minutes. 
However,  they  just  stood 
there.  After  getting  tired  of 
waiting.  I  slowly  pulled  out 
around  them,  and  one  of  the 
teachers  that  was  standing 
there  commented  to  me. 
"Oh,  I'm  sorry  that  we  were 
in  your  way."  I  just  minded 
my  own  business  and  went 
on  my  way. 

Teachers  are  supposed  to 
teach,  and  by  that  standard, 
they  should  be  setting  good 

examples  for  students  to 
follow  in  their  daily  lives. 
Now,  come  on,  what  is  a 
student  supposed  to  think 
when  a  few  of  the  teachers 
start  acting  like  third- 
graders?  They  are  supposed 
to  act  Hke  mature  adults. 
Frankly,  I  think  most  of  the 
student  body  here  at  EHS 
handled  themselves  in  a 
more  mature  way  than  did 
some,  not  all.  of  the  striking 

A  Disappointed  Student 

To  the  editor: 

We.  as  members  of  the 
senior  class,  would  like  to 
call  attention  to  a  few 
problems  that  occur  during 

The  underclassmen, 
mainly  sophomores,  seem  to 
have  no  respect  for 
presentations  being  given. 
These  assemblies  are  given 
for  our  benefit  and  should  be 
attended  and  listeDcd  to. 
These  people  may  only  be 
here  once  and  that  will  be 
their  lasting  impression  of 
Elmhurst  students. 
Sophomores    seem    to   find 

by  Verne  Myers 

Monty  Python  strikes 
again!  Out  of  the  realm  of 
outrageous,  ridiculous,  and 
hilarious  British  humor  has 
come  the  one  and  only 
Monty  Python,  this  time 
with  the  Holy  Grail.  The 
latest  achievement  of  the 
British  comedy  series, 
Monty  Python's  Flying 
Circus,  this  movie  has 
succeeded  in  thrilling  Monty 
Python  addicts,  while 
boring  some  of  those  who 
don't  dig  Monty. 

As  ridiculous  as  the  name 

seems,  "Monty  Python  and 

the   Holy  Grail,   the  movie 

comes    on    as    even    sillier. 

Nonfollowers     of     Monty 

Python  need  to  be  informed 

that    Monty    refers    to    not 

one,  ■  but    approximately 

1  seven        young       British 

I  creatorjS  who  never  seem  to 

'  run  out  of  humor  or  ideas. 

Too  numerous   to  mention, 

these  actors  starred  in  and 

helped  produce  the  movie,  as 

'  well  as  the  series.  Nothing  is 

(cont.  on  p.  131 

that  assemblies  are  their 
opportunity  to  talk  loudly, 
especially  during  the 
presentation.  Many  seniors 
find  this  disturbing,  seeing 
as  there  is  a  low  roar  coming 
from  the  east  side  of  the 
gym.  Quite  a  few  find  it  hard 
to  hear  the  speakers.  Come 
on  and  show  your  Trojan 
spirit  by  paying  attention 
and  giving  them  the 
courtesy  they  deserve. 

We  feel  that  this  is  our 
last  year  to  enjoy  the 
assemblies.  We  also  agree 
that  we  have  the  right  to  the 
floor    bleachers,    without 

juniors  and  sophomores,  a-'^ 
has  happened  during  the  pep 
sessions.  Juniors  and 
sophomores,  please  wait. 
Your  turn  is  coming! 

Silent  Seniors 

The      AdvBD 

ce    Starr 


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review       all 





13-  Editorial 

-.  lo  the  screen 

lost  in  the  screen 
production  as  the  movie 
makes  the  most  out  of  the 
Monty  Python  techniques  of 
cartoons,  special  effects,  and 
fast,  insane  humor. 

Ending  stops  movie 

The  basis  for  this  whole 
escapade  centers  on  the 
legendary  King  Arthur  and 
his  Round  Table  of  knights. 
Their  endless,  hopeless 
search  for  the  last  cup  used 
by  Christ,  the  Holy  Grail, 
dooms  all  of  the  knights  to 
fall  prey  to  their  own 
inisfortune  and  tricks.  The 
Monty  Python  approach 
literally  shows  no  respect  to 
the  noble  knight  and  his 
bravery,  even  down  to  the 
damsel  in  distress,  who 
turns  out  to  be  a  weak 
Sallow  son  of  a  castle  owner, 
"'hile  showing  the  blind 
bravery  of  a  foolish  knight, 
is  demonstrated,  quite 
°ften,  that  even  knights 
)  sense  enough  to  be 

To  the  observer,  the 
"^folding  movie  scenes  are 
^iftiply  outrageous,  and  yet 
'"fty  may  be  very  logical. 
'Vould  you  be  scared  of  a 
*bite  rabbit?  Not  until  it  bit 

your  head  off!  The  expected 
turns  into  the  unexpected, 
then  off  again  into  a  totally 
different  idei.  However, 
because  of  the  muvie  length, 
ideas  aren't  thrown  at  you 
left  and  right,  and  the 
moviegoer  has  a  chance  to 
catch  his  breath  between 
scenes.  Unlike  the  series,  the 
movie  does  not  overwhelm 
the  viewer  with  slapstick. 

The  funny  stuff  is  given  to 
you  right  from  the 
beginning  to  the  very  end, 
from  the  subtitles  to  the 
"movie  stopping"'  ending. 
The  unpredictable  format  of 
the  movie  set  against  the 
seriousness  of  the  dramatic 
music  and  scenery  combine 
to  keep  the  audience  alert 
and  laughing  all  movie  long. 
Each  knight,  from  the 
"courageous"  to  the  "not  so 
courageous,"  meets  his  fate, 
whether  it  be  at  the  hands  of 
a  vicious  rabbit  or  through 
arrest  by  a  twentieth 
century  London  cop. 

For  those  who  don't  like 
the  Monty  Python  series,  or 
far  out  humor,  this  movie 
might  turn  out  to  be  a 
waste.  For  all  others,  it's  a 
movie  that  can't  be  missed. 

by  Barb  Herman  Other  numbers  included  "Foolish  GtI".  also 

Brian  Auger's  Oblivion  Express  is  one  of  from  the  album  and  Wes  Montgomery's 
those  great  English  jazz  bands  that  "Bumpin'  on  Sunset".  During 
seemingly  has  everything;  talent,  good  '"Happiness",  the  main  fuse  in  the  mike 
material,  and  last  Monday.  Oct.  6,  they  also  blew,  but  the  group  continued  playing  while 
had  the  benefit  of  the  great  acoustics  of  the  lead  singer  Alex  Ligertwood  comically 
Embassy,  which,  all  told,  produced  one  of  mouthed  the  words, 
the  tightest  and  best  concerts  I've  ever       Auger's    keyboard    antics.    Jack    Mills, 


It  really  is  too  bad  that  most  people  in 
Fort  Wayne  don't  even  know  who  Brian 
Auger  is,  let  alone  that  he  and  his  band  were 
in  town  last  week.  The  Oblivion  Express  has 
a  fantastic  blend  of  jazz  and  rock  which 
would  please  anyone  with  most  any  kind  of 

guitar,  and  Clive  Chaman's  bass  playing 
were  the  highlights  of  the  evening. 
Excellent  performances  from  Alex 
Ligertwood  on  vocals,  Dave  Dowle  on 
drums,  and  Lennox  Langton  on  congas 
brought  the  entire  concert  together. 

If  no  one  has  heard  of  Brian  Auger's 

taste  (except  maybe  those  hooked  on  radio  Oblivion  Express,  it's  about  time  they  did. 
rock).  If  the  band  ever  comes  back  (hopefully  to 

The  concert  began  with  "Brain  Damage"  the  Embassey  again)  no  one  should  miss 
from  the  bands  new  album  Reinforcements,    that  concert. 

Jazz/bRian  ougen  concecf/Jazz/bRi'a 


Every    September,    the    TV    viewing  why  a  person  would  stay  awake  througn  tm 

audience  is  subjected  to  a  barrage  of  new  whole    thing.    The    only    thing    that    car 

half-hour  programs.  One  of  the  main  ones  to  possibly  save  "Phyllis"  from  certain  doorr 

begin  this  season  is  "Phyllis."  One  would  would  be  to  change  the  character  from 

think    that    MTM    (Mary    Tyler    Moore)  rather  stupid  woman  to  one  that  is  mucl 

Productions  would  wear  itself  out  coming  more  intelligent  and  like  Miss  Leachmar 

up  with  a  new  series  for  every  season,  but  it  herself.  Of  course,  that  would  mean  that  tht 

looks  like  it  hasn't  yet.  "Phyllis"  just  may  scripts  being  used  now  would  have  to  makt 

be  the  last  straw.  For  thirty  minutes  each  a  short  cut  to  the  nearest  cemetery. 

Monday    evening,    people    are    forced,    if  The  only  redeeming  feature  of  the  show  as 

they're  too  lazy  to  get  up  and  change  the  it  stands  now  is  the  time  slot  it  is  in.  How 

channels,    to   listen   to    the   whining   and  could  any  show  lose  when  it  airs  right  in 

babbling    of    one    Cloris     Leachman,     a  between  Rhoda  and  All  in  the  Family?  MTM 

reputedly    great    actress.    The    one-liners  and  its  six  shows  may  win  after  all.  But.  .  . 

scatcered  liberally  through  each  segment  they  will  have  to  work  on  "Phyllis"  a  lot 

and  the  plots  in  general  are  so  completely  more  and  to  make  it  less  of  a  money  making 

predictable  that  it  is  hard  to  understand  scheme  for  the  company. 


16-  sports 

Trojans  victorious  *::- 


The  Elmhurat  Trojans  dropped 
their  first  game  of  the  season  to 
North  Side  as  the  Bruins  obligiated 
the  Trojans  34-0.  The  Trojans 
bounced  back  quickly,  however,  as 
they  defeated  NorweU  19-0  and 
Concordia  14-7, 

There  were  few  bright  spots  in  the 
North  Side  •  Elmhurst  contest  on 
Aug.  31  at  the  Bruins  offense  racked 
up  34  while  the  Trojans  were 
stopped  cold. 

Elmhurst  got  off  to  a  great  start 
as  junior  Curtis  Paschal  fumbled  the 
ball  on  the  first  play  of  the  game. 
North  Side  recovered  on  the  Trojan 
30  yard  line  and  drove  down  to  the 
one  where  the  Elmhurst  defense 
came  to  life  on  a  fourth  down  play 
and  stopped  the  Bruins  for  one  of 
the  few  times  that  night.  Elmhurst 
was  unable  to  move  the  ball  and  was 
forced  to  punt.  The  Bruins  took  the 
short  punt  on  the  Elmhurst  31  and 
this  time  wasted  little  time  in 
finding  the  end-zone  for  six  points. 
Afterwards,  it  was  all  North  Side  as 
the  Bruins  scored  28  additional 
points  for  a  final  score  of  34-0. 

The  next  Friday  found  the 
Trojans  at  Norwell  to  face  the 
Knights.  Exactly  one  week  after  the 
Trojans  had  been  defeated  by  North 

Side  Coach  Herman  had  his  players  junior  Dave  Stein  jumped  on  m  the 

fired' up  and  ready  to  win.  Although  end-zone  for  six  points.   Although 

the  Trojans  threatened  many  times  the     defense     was     very      much 

during  the  first  half,  they  failed  to  improved    over    the    week    before 

score  as  costly  turnovers  kept  the  Coach  Herman  made  no  significant 

JUNIOR  BRIAN  RUSSELL  TAKES  THE  SNAP  from  center  and  hands  off  to  junior  Curtis 
Paschall.  who  promptly  takes  the  ball  the  total  distance  for  the  touchdown  against  Norwell 
The  Trojans  won  the  game  19-0.  The  Trojan  gridders  also  defeated  Concordia  14-7,  but  were 
soundly  trounced  by  North  Side  34-0.  Photo/Kevin  Stephenson. 

half  scoreless.   This   soon  changed  changes  in  the  lineup.  As  assistant 

however  as  the  second  half  opened  coach   Welbom   put   it,    "We   just 

with   a   much   improved   Ehnhurst  started  playing  football." 

defense  held  back  the  Knights  and  One    significant    factor    however 

blocked    the   ensuing   punt   which  was  iunior  Moe  Fink  who  kicked  not 

only  one  held  goal  but  two.  one  of  3J 
yards  and  the  second  of  over  4(| 
yards,  a  new  Trojan  record.  As  thj 
gun  sounded  to  end  the  game  th{ 
score  board  showed  Elmhurst  a  l^ 

Elmhurst's  second  victory  camj 
last  Friday  as  the  Trojans  defeated 
Concordia  14-0.  The  contest 
pretty  evenly  played  as  both  teams 
could  really  move  the  ball  except  for 
a  couple  of  occasions.  The  deciding 
factor  was  that  the  Trojans  had 
more  of  these  occasions  than  the 

Concordia  scored  first  as  the 
Cadets  took  a  Trojan  punt  on  theij 
own  46  and  drove  the  total  yardage 
for  six  points.  The  kick  was  good 
and  the  Cadets  led  7-0. 

Elmhurst  came  back  on  the  first 
play  of  the  second  period  as  junior 
quarterback  Brian  Russell  found 
junior  Ron  Culpepper  all  alone 
behind  the  Concordia  secondary  for 
a  57  yard  touchdown. 

The  final  Trojan  score  came  as  the 
Trojans  recovered  a  Concordia 
fumble  on  the  Cadet  39  and  junior 
Curtis  Paschal  broke  away  for  36 
yards  and  a  TD.  The  score  didn't 
change  and  the  Trojans  won  14-7, 

)4  -Sports 


The  Elmhurst  Trojans  lost  their  Brian  Russell  went  around  the  left 
second  game  in  a  row  to  drop  their  end  to  score  the  only  points  of  the 
SAC  record  to  2-3.  The  Trojans  game  for  the  Trojans, 
latest  loss  came  at  the  hands  of  the  Elmhurst's  main  problem  with 
Wayne  Generals  who  defeated  the  tj^g  Archers  was  senior  halfback 
Trojans  13-0  last  Saturday.  Karl  Geesaman.  Time  and  again 
Elmhurst  also  lost  to  South  Side  25-  Trojan  defenders  would  hit  but  not 
6  on  Oct.  3.  bring    down    the    Archer    running 

Elmhurst  got  off  to  a  fast  start  back,  who  would  than  proceed  to 
against  South  Side  as  junior  Curtis  pick  up  the  extra  yardage  needed  in 
Paschall  went  up  the  middle  from  the  third  down  and  long  situations, 
deep  inside  Trojan  territory  and  Elmhurst  continued  having 
raced  down  the  sidelines  until  he  trouble  defensing  the  big  running 
was  pushed  out  of  bounds  inside  the  back  as  Wayne's  Roosevelt  Barnes 
lOyardline.  On  the  next  play,  junior  ran     for     108     yards     and     two 

touchdowns   to   compile   12   of   the  '"'<'^«P''=^ ''"T^^"!  .'"j^ /^h 
^  !■    Id  „„ir,ts  to  the  Trojans    remamed  Wayne  6,  Ehnhurst  0.  IM 

General  s  13  pomts  to  ITO,  ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^  ^^^^^ 

°The  only  Trojan  threat  came  to  score  the  second  touchdown  t. 
m.dway  in  the  final  stanza  when  the  put  the  game  out  of  reach. 
Trojans  started  on  their  25  and  The  Trojans  are  now  3-4  over 
marched  aU  the  way  down  to  the  and  play  Homsetead  thrs  Fnday  .» 
General  10  yard  line.  With  a  first  the  annual  Elmhurst  Homecoming 
and  goal  from  the  10,  the  Elmhurst  game.  The  Spartans  have  woi.  their 
offense  staUed  and  on  a  fourth  down  last  four  games  in  a  row  after  losing 
play  junior  Brain  Russell's  pass  was  their  first  three  and  are  4-3  overaU. 

Harriers  finish  strong 

The  cross  country  team  finished    Elkhart   Invitational.   The  Trojans 
second  in  the  city  this  year  with  an    finished  second  out  of  19  teams.  W 

Lee  won  the  junior  race  with  Itf 
Freygang  placing  third  and  Da« 
Lewis  fifth.  All  three  receivi"' 
trophies  for  their  effort. 

In  the  Manchester  Invitational 
Oct.  4,  the  team  finished  sevenl* 
out  of  16  teams.  The  field  was  ver!' 

Junior  John  Stifflcr  stiff  legs  the  ball  over  the  opponents  heads  against 
South  Side.  Photo  by  Phil  Gutman. 

impressive  8-1  record. 

In  the  first  city  meet  held  on  Sept. 
25,  Elmhurst  defeated  Luers, 
Concordia  and  Dwenger,  losing  only 
to  state-rated  second  Northrop. 
Junior    Tim    Lee    placed    first    to 

represent  the  Trojans.  In  the  second    oui,  ui  lu  oc.....=. -  j 

city  meet,  the  team  outran  Snider,    strong  as   all   six   teams   aheao 
Harding,  and  Wayne  for  a  6-1  mark.    EHS  were  all  rated  m  the  top  i« 
Tim  Lee  captured  third  place  while    the  state.  The  harriers  «"«  "*"   ;, 
Dave    Lewis    and    Jim    Freygang    Tim  Lee,  who  placed  fifth,  and  u 
placed       sixth       and       twelfth    Lewis,  nineteenth, 

In  the  final  city  meet,  the  team 
outran  South  Side  and  North  Side  to 
finish  the  season  with  a  fine  8  wins 
against  only  1  loss. 

Sept.  13  the  team  competed  at  the 

The  team's  Sectionals  are  tl* 
Saturday,  Oct.  18.  at  Shoaff  F»* 
The  Trojans  have  stroni 
possibilities  of  going  on  " 
Regionals  and  placing  high  in  ' 
state  meet. 

^UMt  t^  Aide^MM 

f)^    i-IarilynD  Scherer 

I  heard  something  most  disturbing  the  other  day.  The 
sports  writers  for  the  ADVANCE  were  arguing  among 
themselves,  "Who's  going  to  write  reserve  football?"  The 

apathetic  response  was  "What  can  you  say they 


Sports  writers  are  not,  by  far,  the  only  guilty  parties. 
Team  players,  coaches,  the  student  body,  faculty,  and 
administration  are  just  as  much  to  blame.  It  seems  that 
everyone  is  so  intent  on  winning  that  the  purpose  of 
sports  has  vanished. ..that  purpose  being  inter  scholastic 
competition  to  achieve  a  basic  education  in 
sportsmanship  and  team  spirit.  Whoever  said  our  teams 
tiad  to  play  like  professionals  and  beat  the  arch  rivals? 

The  score  of  the  game  does  not  always  prove  the 
winners.  The  winners  are  the  people  who  come  from  the 
game  with  an  attitude  that  they  have  learned  something. 
Winners  are  the  people  that  can  leave  the  game  behind, 
accepting  mistakes  without  placing  blame. 

Losers,  on  the  other  hand,  are  the  people  that  become 

'ernight  geniuses  on  sport  evaluation.  They  are  the  ones 
that  say  things  like  "We  would  have  won  if..."  Losers 
lever  stop  to  appreciate  the  time  and  effort  that  every 
er  has  contributed.  They  never  even  take  time  to 

Winners  will  congratulate  Curtis  Paschall  on  a 
^i&atutful  40-yard  run,  while  losers  will  have  the  guts  to 
3sk  him  why  he  trippped  and  fell. 

Sports  is  not  a  profession,  not  on  the  high  school  level. 
So  why  are  players  permitted  to  skip  classes  in  order  to 
Use  a  whirlpool?  It  seems  like  sports  has  been  rated  with 
^capital  "S"  while  Elmhurst  and  Education  are  left  with 
small  "e"  's.  It's  going  to  take  a  few  brick  walls  to  fall  on 
*  few  heads  before  anyone  bothers  to  See. 

u  ball  team 

The  Elmhurst  girls' 
varsity  volleyball  team 
came  home  with  their 
first  victory  last  week 
over  the  Adams  Central 
Jets  in  a  dual  meet 
against  Adams  Central 
and  Northrop.  This 
victory  gave  the  girls  a  1- 
3  overall  record. 

The  clock  ran  out  on 
Elmhurst  in  the  first 
game,  and  they  were 
defeated  12-14.  The 
Trojans  bounced  back  to 
take  the  next  two  games 
15-12  and  16-14. 

However,  in  the  second 
match,  the  Trojans  faced 
a  very  strong  Northrop 
team  and  were  up-ended 
by  the  Bruins  with  scores 
of  1-15  and  3-15. 

Prior  to  this  match, 
Elmhurst  squared  off 
with  the  Norwell  Knights 
on  Sept.  30  in  a  home 
game  for  the  Knights. 
The  varsity  squad  was 
routed  by  Norwell  10-15 
and  8-15,  while  the 
reserves  came  home  with 
a  16-14  and  15-11  victory. 


by  Kevin  Lee 

It's  World  Series  time  again,  sports  fans,  and  time  for 
me  to  stick  my  neck  out  by  making  the  Cincinnati  Reds  a 
7-2  favorite  over  the  Boston  Red  Sox. 

Let's  take  a  look  at  the  Reds  who  won  the  National 
League  West  Division  with  108  games  against  54  losses. 

Leading  off  is  Charlie  Hustle,  better  known  as  Pete 
Rose.  Pete  batted  .317.  Batting  second  and  my  choice  for 
the  National  League's  Most  Valuable  Player  Award  is 
Joe  Morgan.  Joe  did  everything  this  year  except  sell 
peanuts,  popcorn,  and  Cracker  Jack.  Joe's  credentials  are 
17  home  runs,  94  RBI's,  107  runs  scored,  60  stolen  bases, 
and  hit  .327.  Not  bad  for  5'8"  and  175  lbs.  Johnny  Bench, 
the  finest  catcher  in  the  business,  bats  third.  J.B. 
knocked  in  110  runs  and  hit  .283.  The  cleanup  spot  is 
owned  by  Tony  Perez  who  batted  .283  with  109  RBI's. 
Maybe  the  biggest  surprise  for  the  Reds  this  year  was 
George  Foster,  who  will  bat  in  the  fifth  position.  George 
hit  .300,  23  home  runs,  and  knocked  in  78  runs.  Dave 
Concepcion,  a  super  fielder  and  a  good  hitting  shortstop, 
bats  sixth.  The  Reds  have  a  super  fast  speed  demon 
batting  in  the  seventh  position  is  Ken  Griffey.  To  give 
you  readers  an  idea  of  this  man's  speed.  Ken  beat  out  37 
infield  hits  this  season  on  his  way  to  an  impressive  .305 
batting  average.  Batting  eighth  is  Cesar  Geronimo, 
better  known  for  his  cannon-like  arm.  Cesar  hit  .257  this 
past  season. 

To  compare  Boston  with  Cincinnati  is  like  comparing  a 
colt  with  a  full  grown  horse.  Boston  is  still  growing  with 
such  young  players  as  Carlton  Fisk,  Jim  Rice,  Fred  Lynn, 
Cecil  Cooper,  Juan  Beniquez,  and  Tim  Blackwell. 
It  should  be  the  Reds  in  five  games  at  the  most,  a  fast 
World  Series,  but  no  doubt  a  very  interesting  one  with 
power,  speed,  good  pitching,  and  great  defense.  Don't  be 
surprised  if  Boston  gets  blasted  in  four  games  straight 
because  nothing  is  going  to  stop  the  Big  Red  Machine. 

]  6-  sports 

Trojans  victorious  'i.  - 


The  Elmhurst  Trojans  dropped 
their  first  game  of  the  season  to 
North  Side  as  the  Bruins  obUgiated 
the  Trojans  34-0.  The  Trojans 
bounced  back  quickly,  however,  as 
they  defeated  NorweU  19-0  and 
Concordia  14-7. 

There  were  few  bright  spots  in  the 
North  Side  •  Elmhurst  contest  on 
Aug.  31  at  the  Bruins  offense  racked 
up  34  while  the  Trojans  were 
stopped  cold. 

Elmhurst  got  off  to  a  great  start 
as  junior  Curtis  Paschal  fumbled  the 
ball  on  the  first  play  of  the  game. 
North  Side  recovered  on  the  Trojan 
30  yard  line  and  drove  down  to  the 
one  where  the  Elmhurst  defense 
came  to  life  on  a  fourth  down  play 
and  stopped  the  Bruins  for  one  of 
the  few  times  that  night.  Elmhurst 
was  unable  to  move  the  ball  and  was 
forced  to  punt.  The  Bruins  took  the 
short  punt  on  the  Elmhurst  31  and 
this  time  wasted  little  time  in 
finding  the  end-zone  for  six  points. 
Afterwards,  it  was  all  North  Side  as 
the  Bruins  scored  28  additional 
points  for  a  final  score  of  34-0. 

The  next  Friday  found  the 
Trojans  at  Norwell  to  face  the 
Knights.  Exactly  one  week  after  the 
Trojans  had  been  defeated  by  North 

Side,  Coach  Herman  had  his  players  junior  Dave  Stein  jumped  on  in  the 

fired  up  and  ready  to  win.  Although  end-zone  for  six  points.   Although 

the  Trojans  threatened  many  times  the     defense     was     very     much 

during  the  first  half,  they  failed  to  improved    over    the    week    before 

score  as  costly  turnovers  kept  the  Coach  Herman  made  no  significant 

JUNIOR  BRIAN  HUSSELL  JAKI-.S  n-H;  S\M'  from  center  and  haid.  .>if  to  junu,r  Cunif. 
Paschall,  who  promptly  takes  the  bail  the  total  distance  for  the  touchdown  against  Noni'elL 
The  Trojans  won  the  game  J9-0.  The  Trojan  gridders  also  defeated  Concordia  14-7.  but  were 
soundly  trounced  by  North  Side  34-0.  Photo/Kevin  Stephenson. 

half  scoreless.   This  soon  changed  changes  in  the  lineup.  As  assistant 

however  as  the  second  half  opened  coach    Welbom   put   it,    "We  just 

with   a   much   improved    Elmhurst  started  playing  football," 

defense  held  back  the  Knights  and  One    significant    factor    however 

blocked   the   ensuing   punt   which  was  junior  Moe  Fink  who  kicked  not 

only  one  field  goal  but  two,  one  of  3; 
yards  and  the  second  of  over  45 
yards,  a  new  Trojan  record.  As  th( 
gfun  sounded  to  end  the  game  the 
score  board  showed  Elmhurst  a  19.^ 

Elmhurat's  second  victory  came 
last  Friday  as  the  Trojans  defeatfti 
Concordia  14-0.  The  contest  was 
pretty  evenly  played  as  both  teams 
could  really  move  the  ball  except  foi 
a  couple  of  occasions.  The  decidini 
factor  was  that  the  Trojans  had 
more  of  these  occasions  than  the 

Concordia  scored  first  as  the 
Cadets  took  a  Trojan  punt  on  their 
own  46  and  drove  the  total  yardage 
for  six  points.  The  kick  was  good 
and  the  Cadets  led  7-0. 

Elmhurst  came  back  on  the  first 
play  of  the  second  period  as  junior 
quarterback  Brian  Russell  found 
junior  Ron  Culpepper  all  alone 
behind  the  Concordia  secondary  for 
a  57  yard  touchdown. 

The  final  Trojan  score  came  as  the 
Trojans  recovered  a  Concordia 
fumble  on  the  Cadet  39  and  junior 
Curtis  Paschal  broke  away  for  36 
yards  and  a  TD.  The  score  didn't 
change  and  the  Trojans  won  14-7. 



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/%      I -eimnursi 


Vol.  36,  No.  5 

Oct.  29, 1975 

Cover    photo    by   Marty    Petit 

Old  Fort  Woyne 

See  page   8 







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.Ml ,.,'. 

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nd  cin«  pii'isKi'  pHiiI  ,ii  h'i>ri  ^^ 





Morn  Millff 



Slall  Arii-i. 





Nanr.  Ili-adu- 

npi  rdiloi 

Mifhpllr  -Vrm-lfonK 

HrpoK.r-     ll.'h.'iin  r.ihrn 

■hi».  ptiolo(tr»ph»r 

M.'.«  Pflil 

'holoKuplwri            fjiu 

a  Hkhc 

Slrvr  VnuKhn 

Morrill  wins  DAR  honor 

It  was  recently  announced  by  Mrs.  Susan  Anderson,  Assistant  to  the 
ifincipal,  that  senior  Yvette  Morrill  has  been  chosen  the  DAR  (Daugh- 
jrs  of  the  American  Revolution)  Best  Citizen  Award  for  Elmhurst 
(igh  School. 

The  DAR  award  is  given  annually  to  a  senior  girl  chosen  by  Mrs. 
tnderson  from  a  list  of  nominees  collected  from  the  senior  homerooms. 

There  is  one  girl  chosen  from  each  school  in  the  area.  These  girls  all 
ompete  against  each  other  in  a  written  test  over  the  United  States 
jovernment  and  political  systems.  The  District  (area)  winners  win 
icholarships  or  cash  prizes.  They  also  become  eligible  to  go  on  to  national 
ompetition  where  they  can  win  a  £1000  scholarship  and  a  silver  cup. 

Yvette  will  also  be  attending  a 
ja  in    March    with    representa-  K": 

jves  from  the  other  schools  and 
heir  respective  deans. 

Debate  team 
places  first 

Elmhurst's  novice  debate  team 
received  the  first  place  trophy 
Oct.  18  at  the  Southwood  High 
School  tournament  in  Wabash. 
Along  with  outstanding 
performances  by  the  debate  team, 
members  of  the  solo  speech  team 
also  received  honors. 

Sue  Taylor  and  Andy  Kettler  of 
the  debate  team  were  awarded 
blue  ribbons  for  their  perfect 
records  of  4-0.  Joan  Landrigan 
won  third  place  for  novice  original 
oratory,  and  Troi  Lee  won  fifth 
place  for  varsity  oratorical  decla- 
mation in  the  solo  speech  di- 

The  debate  tournament  was 
divided  into  two  teams, 
affirmative  and  negative.  Forty 
participants  from  10  different 
schools  took  part  in  the  debate 

Contest  attracts  1100 

Eighteen  students  from 
Elmhurst  along  with  1100  other 
contestants  from  37  different 
schools  were  involved  in  the  solo 
speech  division. 


•and  so  on 

Yvette  Morrill 

Mr.  Robert  Storey,  the  debate 
team  sponsor,  was  pleased  with 
the  debate  participants  from 
Elmhurst.  The  solo  speech  team 
sponsor,  Mr.  Robert  Stookey, 
commented,  "The  solo  speech 
team  still  needs  more  members. 
Solo  speech  provides  an  excellent 
opportunity  for  students  to 
improve  themselves  in  public 
speaking.  New  members  are  still 

Three  meets  on  agenda 

Last  Saturday,  the  debate 
team  traveled  to  Richmond  to 
participate  in  the  Richmond  High 
School  debate  tournament. 
Debate  club  members  will  also 
take  part  in  debate  meets  on  Nov. 
1  at  Columbia  City  High  School 
and  on  Nov.  8  at  New  Haven 
High  School. 

On  Nov.  8.  solo  speech  team 
members  will  participate  in  a 
major  city  speech  meet  at 
Northrop  High  School. 

[Play  debuts  Rov.  7 

Things  have  gone  really 
smooth  despite  a  few  minor  crises 
such  as  illness  and  memorizing 
lines,"  commented  Mr.  Don  Goss, 
director  of  Elmhurst's  upcoming 
play.  "See  How  They  Run." 

The  opening  night  is  Friday, 
November  7,  at  8  p.m.  The  play  is 
described  as  being  a  "farce"  or  an 
event  that  wouldn't  normally 
take  place  in  real  life.  Other 
performances  of  the  comedy  are 
on  November  8. 14,  and  15. 

Most  of  the  set  shows  a  wood 
finish.  A  fireplace  and  a  set  of 
double  doors  are  a  few  added 

Since  the  setting  of  the  play  is 

in  England,  the  costumes  that 
will  be  used  include  a  bobbie 
uniform  and  some  priest  collars. 

"It's  hard  to  say  exactly  how 
long  the  play  will  last  because  we 
are  still  adding  new  ideas  to  the 
script."  said  Mr.  Goss.  "We  do 
expect  it  to  turn  out  well 

As  for  the  final  week  of 
rehearsals,  the  cast  will  be  trying 
to  perfect  their  accents  and 
finalize  their  onstage  movements. 

Tickets  are  being  sold  by  cast 
members  and  the  stagecraft  class 
for  $1.50.  Tickets  will  also  be 
available  at  the  door 

Sonday  November  Rotarian 

November's  representative  to  the  Rotary  Club  is  senior  Tom  Sonday. 
Tom  is  the  son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ross  Sonday,  4020  Enola  Court. 

President  of  the  Student  Council,  Tom  is  a  member  of  the  Forum  Club 
and  serves  as  vice-president  of  the  Office  Education  Association  (OEA). 

Tom  will  be  attending  luncheons  at  the  downtown  Rotary  Club  by  the 
appointment  of  Mr.  William  Geyer. 

Business  clubs  meet 

On  Oct.  21,  the  "Combined  Youth  Leadership  Conference"  was  held 
at  Northrop  High  School.  Involved  in  this  were  both  the  Office  Edu- 
cation Association  (OEA)  and  the  Distributive  Education  Clubs  of 
America  (DECA)  chapters  from  Elmhurst.  Other  clubs  having  repre- 
sentation from  various  schools  in  the  area  include  VICA.  FHA/HERO, 
FFA.  and  Health  Occupations. 

There  were  several  hundred  students  attending  the  conference,  hoping 
to  acquire  leadership  skills  and  ideas  for  improving  their  chapters. 

Representing  the  Elmhurst  DECA  chapter  were  seniors  Gerri  Davis. 
Cris  Evans,  Guy  Washington,  Princilla  Grooms,  Andrea  Padgett,  and 
Mike  McCutcheon. 

Elmhurst  OEA's  members  Tom  Sonday.  Irene  Byrd.  and  Mattie  Cole 
also  participated. 

Underclass  pictures  scheduled 

Underclass  pictures  are  scheduled  to  be  taken  on  Wednesday.  Nov.  5. 
Sophomores  will  be  released  from  their  English  classes  and  juniors  from 
their  history  classes.  Pictures  were  originally  scheduled  for  Sept.  18. 
but  were  altered  because  of  the  teachers'  strike. 

Back  to  School  Night  Nov.  3 

Monday.  Nov.  3,  could  be  proclaimed  the  worst  night  for  many  of 
Elmhurst's  students.  Also  known  as  Back  to  School  Night,  parents  are 
invited  to  take  part  in  this  affair  at  7  p.m.  The  program  will  last  until 
approximately  9: 15  p.m. 

Student  council  representatives  will  be  acting  as  guides  placed 
throughout  the  school  for  the  parents'  convenience  if  help  is  needed  in 
finding  a  particular  room. 

Students  were  asked  to  fill  out  their  daily  schedule  on  forms  provided 
in  homeroom  last  Wednesday.  These  will  be  given  to  parents  who  come, 
for  a  guide  showing  them  what  rooms  to  go  to.  They  will  follow  their 
child's  schedule  with  10  minutes  in  each  class  and  5  minutes  passing 
AFS  announces  officer,  activities 

Diana  Bautista  was  unanimously  elected  Historian  of  the  American 
Field  Service  at  their  last  meeting.  Plans  were  made  for  the  Nov.  8  paper 
drive  and  Oct.  31  was  announced  as  the  date  of  the  Holloween  party. 

Costumed  AFS  members  will  begin  their  festivities  at  7:00  in  Colony 
Bay's  Party  Room,  while  the  upcoming  paper  drive  is  scheduled  for  8 
a.m.  in  the  Wildwood,  Westmore.  and  Indian  Village  additions. 

Whot's  hoppening? 

LU     i 

^^^  |B                                            L^  ^^H           Underclassmen's 

cn    1 


^V  ^1                                         2  ^^T          pictures    will    be 

^    ■      Happy                           >V^          taken  during  the 

o  ' 

^0    1      Halloween!!!                O^M         school  day. 


Cross        Country 


^B                   state     champion-      g^    ^^^^            ^^^ 



^H                    ships.      Elmhurst       ^    H^V            ^^^k 


H                    junior     Tim     Lee      uj        ^M    ^m  ^B^F 



H                    will  be  competing      ^      ^      ^*  ^^H 

in  the  contest.             -7    ^f               ^^^^ 


^^               Back    to    School                             The  first  weekend 


^(^              Night.    Student's                              presentation       of 


^V               parents    are    in-                                the    school    play. 




^^^             vited     to     EHS                              "See    How    They 

^0              from    7;30    to    9                                Run,"  in  the  EHS 

p-m.                                                    gymnasium. 

LU  ^_  ^_             Students   will  be 

2  ^^  ^H             excused        from 

^    H    H             classes  for  all  day 

0    H    H             for  observance  of 

Z    H    H              Veterans  Day. 

AWARDED  a  plaque  for  best  float 
entered  in  the  Homecoming  Day 
parade.  At  left  is  the  entry  that  won  it 
for  the  seniors. 


GEISLEMAN  playing  his  guitar  in 
front  of  the  Spanish  class  float.  Ken 
and  several  other  members  of  the  class 
dressed  in  Spanish  attire  and  rode  on 
the  "Fiesta" Poat 




Claudia  reigi 


GAME  FOR  A  DANCE  SPONSORED  BY  THE  Student  Council,  and  feat^^ring- Ashes- 
Two  students  "get  down"  with  The  Bump. 

Highlighting  every  year's 
Homecoming  week  activities  is 
the  crowning  of  the  Homecoming 
queen.  Eimhurst's  1975 
Homecoming  was  brightened  by 
the  announcement  of  its  queen, 
senior  Claudia  Johnson,  at 
halftime  of  the  October  17  game 
with  Homestead.  Doing  the 
honors  of  crowing  Claudia  was 
last  years  queen,  Sara 

Thirteen  other  girls  chosen  by 
their  respective  classes  presided 
as  members  of  the  court.  The  four 
girls  making  up  the  senior  court 
were  Bonnie  Bunn,  Mattie  Cole, 
Lori  Rietdorf.  and  Kim  Yarman. 
Five  were  selected  from  the  junior 
class.  They  were  Kelly  Auer. 
Karyn  Heiney,  Sheril 

Hornberger.  Ann  Oswalt,  and 
Carmetta  Walker.  The 

sophomores  chose  Kim  Burry, 
Grace  Cole,  Mary  Hudleson.  and 
Liz  Macias  as  members  of  the 
sophomore  court. 

The  senior  class  came  out  on 
top  as  they  were  awarded  plaques 
for  both  the  best  float  and  best 
hall  decorations.  Both  were 
presented  after  the  crowning  of 
the  queen. 

The  theme  of  this  year's 
Homecoming  was  "A  Vision  of 
Freedom."  With  this  in  mind 
clubs,  homerooms,  classes,  and 
other  willing  groups  built  floats 
that  were  displayed  the  afternoon 
of  Homecoming  day  during  a 
parade  around  the  EHS  football 



It's  not  painful,  it  doesn't  take 
a  lot  of  time,  it's  good 
preventative  medicine,  and  yet 
there  are  still  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  people  who  don't 
want  any  part  of  it  --  and  then 
they  complain  when  the  sickness 
finally  happens. 

Well,  the  time  has  come  again 
when  Americans  are  asked  to 
take  to  the  polls  --  apparently  a 
fate  worse  than  death  (at  least  as 
bad  as  the  black  plague)  --  and 
vote.  In  this  year  before  the 
celebration  of  the  bicentennial,  it 
truly  seems  a  poor  sign. 

The  truth  has  always  been  that 

a  substantially  large  portion  of 
American  voters  have  neglected 
making  the  decisions.  Recently 
added  to  that  statistic  is  the 
unusually  large  number  of  voters 
aged  18-21  who  don't  vote.  How 
much  of  this  is  unconcern,  how 
much  of  it  is  anger  and  how  much 
of  it  is  lack  of  information? 

Apathy  seems  to  be  a  sickness 
no  one  can  cure.  It  takes  an 
extraordinarily  strong 
personality  or  issue  to  get  an 
apathetic  person  to  the  poles. 

The  angry  have  a  point.  They 
often  view  bureaucracy  as  the 
enemy   of   the  people,   but   they 

should  know  by  not  voting  they 
are  only  increasing  their 
problems.  Making  a  choice,  one 
that  comes  closest  to  the 
individuals  values  can  make  a 

And  finally,  the  uninformed. 
Half  the  time  young  voters  have 
no  idea  where  they  can  be 
registered.  Registration  can  be 
done  by  any  of  the  parties  and  can 
also  be  done  at  the  courthouse. 

All  in  all,  voting  is  an 
important  part  of  the  democratic 
process.  It's  a  learning  experience 
and  it's  a  medicine  that  can't 
afford  to  be  passed  by. 

Every  year,  while  student 
council  elections  and  campaigns 
are  worked  on  and  sweated  out, 
another  group  of  students  works 
for  the  parties  and  campaigns  of 
city.  state,  and  national 
governments.  While  acting 
mainly  as  errand  runners  and 
helpers  for  higher  party  officials, 
these  young  men  and  women 
comprise  much  of  the  backbone  of 
the  party  and  its  work  during 
election  years. 

Most  of  the  student  workers 
help    out    on    election    day    by 

handing  out  literature  at  the 
polls,  checking  those  who  have 
and  have  not  voted,  and  offering 
rides  and  babysitting  chores  so 
that  people  may  get  to  the  polls. 
Students  18  or  over  may  serve  on 
the  election  board  managing  the 
poll  books  or  acting  as  officials. 
Work  starts  bright  and  early  at  6 
a.m.  and  continues  most  of  the 
day.  These  are  the  basic  services 
that  gain  winning  votes. 

Junior  Anita  Boyer  has  been 
working  year  round  for  the 
Democratic  party  since  the  ninth 
grade.  Her  duties  have  included 

polling  voters  as  to  what  party 
they  belong  to,  if  they  are 
registered,  and  other  general 

Working  for  the  Republicans, 
junior  Randy  Girod  has  been 
mailing  letters,  sponsoring 
rallies,  and  walking  precincts 
with  Bob  Armstrong.  On  the 
value  of  student  involvement, 
Randy  commented,  "We,  the 
students,  learn  a  lot,  and  it  gets 
everybody  interested  in 
government"  ...which  is  what  it  is 
all  about! 

senior  Claudia  Johnson,  smites  min- 
utes after  receiving  her  crown  and 
bouquet  of  red  roses.  To  the  left  of 
Claudia  stands  Sara  Hoopingarner, 
last  year's  homecoming  queen. 

rarsity     cheerleader,     senior     Bonnie 

over  Homecoming 

Monday.  October  13,  the  first 
day  of  Homecoming  week  was 
balloon  day.  The  cheerleaders 
sold  helium  balloons  to  all  spirit 
minded  students,  who  were  al- 
lowed to  carry  the  balloons  along 
with  them  to  all  classes. 

Tuesday,  October  14,  was  both 
sock  and  hat  day.  Students  wore 
their  most  absurd  combinations 
of  the  two. 

Wednesday,  October  15, 
marked  the  Student  Council 
sponsored  Bicentennial 
Wednesday.  Trojans  were  asked 
to  wear  their  all-American  red, 
white,  and  blue.  Remarkably  the 
cafeteria  staff  participated  in  this 
spirit  day  by  wearing  old 
fashioned  bonnets  and  long 

The  next  day,  October  16, 
students  came  to  school  decked 
out  in  their  "Sunday  best"  to 
take  part  in  the  success  of  Dress 
Up  day. 

The  final  day  of  Homecoming 
week,  the  day  of  the  game,  was 
Dress  Down  day  or  Tramp  day. 
Many  students  dressed  in  their 
worst  closet  combinations. 

Following  the  Homecoming 
came,  the  activities  of  the  week 
were  far  from  concluded.  The  first 
dance  of  the  year,  sponsored  by 
the  Student  Council,  proved  to  be 
successful.  Present  students  of 
Elmhurst,  as  well  as  alumni,  were 
invited  back  to  Elmhurst  for  the 
event.  Many  turned  out  to  listen 
to  the  tunes  of  "Ashes"  providing 
the  entertainment. 

A  HAPPY  HOMECOMING  QUEEN,  senior  Claudia  Johnson,  receives  a  hug  fro 
Melissa  Hunter  and  good  wishes  from  enthusiastic  onlookers. 

by  Barb  Harman 

David  Crosby  and  Graham  Nash  are  still 
painting  ■■  word  pictures  that  is  —  and  their 
latest  work,  Wind  on  the  Water  testifies  to  it 

Although  many  of  the  melodies  give  the 
listener  a  feeling  of  deja  vu  (not  the  album,  the 
concept),  the  album  still  gives  a  strong  effect 
because  of  its  lyrics.  One  exception  to  the  rule 
about  the  melodies  comes  in  Part  A,  Critical 
Mass  of  the  song  To  the  Last  Whale.  This 
short  introduction  to  the  song  is  purely  a 
harmonic,  acappella  study  and  is  one  of  the 
most  beautiful  parts  of  the  record. 

Wind  on  the  Water  is  a  mood  album.  I 
reacted  differently  to  the  song  Mama  Lion 
every  time  I  heard  it;  sometimes  I  loved  it, 
sometimes  it  bored  me.  However,  it  only 
seemed  to  underscore  the  fact  that  Crosby  and 
Nash  are  writing  poetically. 

Some  of  the  best  songs  on  the  album  are 
Carry  Me,  Naked  in  the  Rain,  Bittersweet,  and 
Homeward  Through  the  Haze.  Two  excellent 
songs  on  the  record  are  songs  of  protest.  The 
first,  Fieldworker  is  about  migrant  workers. 
To  the  Last  Whale  is  a  plea  to  save  the  whales 
which  are  being  hunted  to  extinction. 

The  two  songwriters  also  have  the  aid  of 
James  Taylor  and  Carole  King  providing  back- 
up vocals,  and  members  of  King's  band  play 
many  of  the  instrumental  parts. 

If  you're  looking  for  new  melodies  and  ex- 
treme variations  in  style  forget  this  album, 
but  if  you  want  a  portrait  in  words,  this  album 
will  provide  some  of  the  best  enjoyment. 

Mr.  Brugh  gets 

what  he  deserves 

To  the  editor: 

1  would  like  to  express  my 
views  on  a  subject  that  is  rarely 
delved  into  in  letters  to  the  editor. 
It's  about  a  particular  teacher 
who  deserves  much  praise. 

I'm  proud  to  be  a  student  under 
this  man,  I  feel  he  really  cares 
about  me  and  my  classmates  in 
our  learning  and  progressing. 

This  teacher  would  be  defined 
by  all  his  students  as  most 
definitely  the  finest  teacher  in  his 
field  in  the  Midwest.  He  is  very 

much  respected  by  his  pupils.  His 
knowledge  is  great,  and  the 
rapport  with  his  students  is 

I'm  truly  honored  to  be  a 
student  here  at  Elmhurst  and  he 
and  his  organization  are  one  of 
the  reasons  why. 

I'm  sure  every  band  member 
would  join  with  me  in  saying  - 
Thank  you,   Mr.   Randy   Brugh, 
I'm  proud  to  be  directed  by  you. 
A  Very  Proud  Band  Member 

To  the  Editor: 

I  usually  don't  go  around 
knocking  schools,  and  I  don't 
mean  to  put  this  one  down,  but  I 
think  that  teachers  don't  do 
enough  to  stop  a  fight.  They  act 
like  they  are  afraid  to  stop  it.  I 
see  this  every  damn  time!  I  don't 
know  how  to  stop  this,  but  I  think 
teachers  should  go  right  up  to  a 
fight  and  stop  it  instead  of  yelling 
for  help  from  the  office. 


dvaocc      etarr 
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through      the 

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JUNIOR  MOE  FINK  ATTEMPTS  a  long  field  goal  against  Homestead. 

Trojans  miss  upset  by  4  points 

The  Elmhurat  Trojans  came  up 
four  points  short  of  ending  the 
1975  football  campaign  with  the 
biggest  upset  of  the  season  last 
Friday  as  the  Trojans  were 
outscored  by  Bishop  Luers  34-30. 
The  Trojans  came  out  on  the 
better  end  against  Homestead 
defeating  the  Spartans  6-0  in  a 
rain  drenched,  wind  blown  home- 
coming game,  Oct.  17. 

Elmhurst  went  into  the  Luers 
contest  as  a  100-1  long  shot 
according  to  Fort  Wayne's 
"prognostic  predictors",  and  as 
the  dust  cleared  only  four  points 
saved  them  from  eating  their 

As  the  first  quarter  got  under 

&^aieiclo^c(^pc  0^  ^^toftU 

There  is  a  major  conflict  that 
faces  many  high  school  athletes 
.oday.  It  is  the  acceptance  of 
money  for  participating  in 
sporting  events. 

According  to  the  IHSAA  rules, 
no  athlete  can  accept  any  item  of 
intrinsic"  value  without  losing 
his  amateur  status.  In  other 
words,  if  a  player  from  the  Elm- 
hurst basketball  team  was  shoot- 
ing foul  shots  for  money  with  a 
friend  and  won  50  cents,  he  would 
technically  become  a  professional 
athlete  and  could  not  play 
basketball  or  participate  in  any 
high  school  sport  again.  That  is 
utterly  ridiculous.  I  cannot  see 
why  it  would  disqualify  him  from 
playing  any  other  sport  in  high 
school,  and  for  that  matter.  I 
cannot  see  why  it  should 
disqualify  him  from  basketball. 

Professional"  defined 

The  Webster  International 
Dictionary  states  that  a 
professional  is  one  who  engages 
for  a  livelihood  or  gain  in  an 
activity  pursued  ...  The  key  word 
is  "gain."  How  much  money  or 
material  goods  should  gain 
constitute?  Where  is  the  point 
where  an  amateur  high  school 
athlete  becomes  a  professional 
athlete?  If  a  high  school  athlete 
accepts  money  for  participating 
in,  say,  basketball  then  why  is  he 
considered  a  professional  in  all 
other  sports?  He  may  never  have 
played  ping-pong  in  his  whole  life. 
but      he      is      considered      a 

professional  ping-pong  player  and 
is  excluded  from  amateur  ping- 
pong  events. 

I  beUeve  that  the  term  "gain" 
should  be  given  some  monetary 
Standards  should  be  specified 

There  should  be  standards 
specifying  the  amounts  of  money 
and  other  royalties  a  high  school 
athlete  should  be  allowed  to 
legally  accept  before  he  becomes  a 
professional  in  his  own  personal 
sport.  Below  are  some  standards 
1  would  set. 

1-  Any  high  school  athlete 
who    receives    $1000    or 

more  a  year  will  be  con- 
sidered a  professional 
athlete  in  that  sport  only. 

2-  Any  high  school  athlete 
who  receives  $1000  or  more 
a  year  for  any  services 
connected  with  his  sport 
will  be  considered  a  pro- 
fessional athlete  in  that 
sport  only. 

3-  Any  high  school  athlete 
who  receives  SIOOO  or  more 
a  year  for  endorsing 
commercial  products  will 
be  considered  a  profes- 
sional athlete  in  that  sport 
which  he  represents  only. 

4-  Any  high  school  athlete 
who  in  any  of  the  above 
three  ways  reaches  a  com- 
bined total  of  SIOOO  dollars 
a  year  will  be  considered  a 
professional  athlete  in  the 
specific    sport    or    sports 


way,  both  teams  had  a  little 
trouble  moving  the  ball  the  first 
time  they  got  their  hands  on  it. 
This  trend  didn't  last  long 
however,  as  Luers  got  on  the 
score  board  with  a  58  yard  run 
around  the  right  side  of  the  line. 
Instead  of  being  demorilized,  the 
Trojans  came  back  rather  quickly 
as  junior  Curtis  Paschall  took  the 
ball  on  the  next  play  from 
scrimmage  and  went  81  yards  to 
put  the  Trojans  within  a  point  of 
Luers.  The  game  then  turned  into 
a  see-saw  battle  with  the  Trojans 
taking  the  lead  late  in  the  first 
half  on  a  four  yard  run  by 
Paschall  which  made  the  score  14- 
13.  Luers  moved  into  a  15-14  half- 
time  lead  when  junior  John 
Stiffler  was  caught  in  the  end- 
zone  trying  to  punt. 

Threat  Subsides 

Luers  put  the  first  points  of  the 
second  half  on  the  board  and  took 
a  28-14  lead  as  it  looked  like  the 
Elmhurst  threat  was  gone. 
Elmhurst  came  back  however  as 
junior  quarterback  Brian  Russell 
took  to  the  air  and  hit  Ken  Coker 
on  a  37  yard  pass  for  one  score 
and  then  unleashed  a  52  yard 
bomb  to  junior  Ernie  Starks  that 
set  up  Paschall's  third  and  final 
TD.  However,  the  Knights  slip- 
ped over  for  another  score  which 
was  enough  to  hold  off  the  Elm- 
hurst attack. 

Oct.  17  found  the  Trojans 
playing  their  annual  homecoming 
game  against  the  Homestaed 
Spartans  in  the  worst  conditions 

of  the  year.  The  weather  took  its 
toll  early  as  the  Spartans 
fumbled  four  times  in  the  first 
half.  However,  the  Trojans  could 
only  capitalize  once  out  of  the 
four  recoveries.  The  fourth  fum- 
ble proved  fatal  to  the  Spartans 
as  junior  Brian  Russell  took  the 
ball  over  from  the  five  for  the 
games  only  score. 
"The  weather  played  a  big 
factor,"  commented  Coach 
Herman.  "The  wind  was  so 
strong  that  we  couldn't  pass  with 
any  accuracy,  and  the  rain,  of 
course,  didn't  help  the  running 

Mental  Atittude  Down 

Coach  Herman  also  made  the 
comment  that  although  the 
Trojans  were  not  over  confident 
against  Wayne  or  Homestead,  or 
psyched  out  by  South  Side,  the 
team  didn't  quite  have  their  usual 
mental  attitude.  "We  weren't 
outplayed  by  South  or  Wayne;  we 
beat  ourselves."  remarked  Coach 
Herman,  "On  almost  every  play 
there  was  mental  mistake,  a 
missed  block  or  a  fake  that  was 
not  carried  out." 

The  Trojans  did  lose  their  last 
game,  but  there  were  some  people 
on  the  team  that  Coach  Herman 
feels  did  an  exceptional  job. 
*  'Doraingo  Garcia  at  offensive 
guard  did  well  and  he's  only  a 
sophomore,"  said  Herman.  "On 
defense.  Randy  Jansen  at  end  and 
Jeff  Heller  at  middle  guard  also 
did  a  good  job  during  the  last  few 


Bishop  Luers. 

long  bomb  to  junior  Ernie  Slarhs  against 

Lee  captures  Sectional  crown,  advances  to  state 

by  Rick  Knuth 

Junior  Tim  Lee  placed  fourth  in 
the  Fort  Wayne  Cross  Country 
Regional  to  lead  the  Ehnhurst 
Trojans  to  a  seventh  place  finish. 
It  also  enabled  him  to  advance  to 
the  state  meet  this  Saturday  at 
the  South  Grove  Golf  Course  in 

Tim  covered  the  2'/%  mile  course 
in  a  time  of  12;  19,  only  10  seconds 
behind  the  winner.  Tim  suffered 
from  the  flu  in  the  early  part  of 

tne  week  preceding  tne  regional 
and  he  felt  this  hurt  him  a  lot  in 
the  quest  for  the  individual 

The  other  Trojan  runners 
leading  the  way  for  Elmhurst  in 
the  regionals  were  Dave  Lewis, 
Bob  Levy,  Bob  Curts,  Jim 
Freygang,  Chad  Cline,  and  Larry 

Elkhart  Central,  the  number 
one  team  in  state,  won  the 
regional  meet  and  also  had  the 

individual  winner  in  Mark  Harris. 

Three  other  teams  will  also  go 
to  the  state  meet  representing 
Fort  Wayne.  They  are  DeKalb, 
Northrop,  and  Goshen  who 
placed  second,  third,  and  fourth, 

The  Trojan  harriers  advanced 
to  the  regional  by  placing  third  in 
the  Fort  Wayne  Sectional  a  week 
earlier  at  Shoaff  Park.  In  this 
meet  Tim  Lee  outran  a  large 
number    of     highly     regarded 

runners  from  the  area  to  claim  the 
individual  championship. 
Following  Tim  across  the  line  for 
the  Trojans  were  Jim  Freygang, 
Dave  Lewis,  Bob  Levy,  Bob 
Curts.  Larry  Raber,  and  Rick 

As  a  team  the  Trojan  Harriers 
have  completed  the  best  season 
for  Elmhurst  since  1971.  The  final 
record  was  10-3  overall  and  8-1  in 
SAC  competition. 

SECTIONAL  CHAMPION  JUNIOR  TIM  LEE  rounds  a  flag  dunng  the  . 
Shoaff  Park.  Tim  was  individual  winner  with  a  time  of  12:29.6.  Photo/  Phil  Gutman 

running  cross  c 

5  same  win  skein   raises  giris  VB  record  to6-6 

by  Jan  Dowling 

By  bringing  home  five  straight 
victories,  the  girls'  volleyball 
team  has  boosted  its  overall 
standing  to  6-6  and  its  SAC 
record  to  four  wins  against  five 

The  Trojans'  first  SAC  win 
came  over  the  North  Side 
Redskins  on  Oct.  14  in 
Elmhurst's  first  home  match.  The 
Trojans  took  the  first  game  15-7, 
then  lost  5-13,  but  fought  back  to 
win  the  third  game  and  the  match 

Trojans  defeat  Cadets,  Hawks 

A  few  days  later  on  Oct.  16,  the 
Trojan  team  swept  in  two  more 
victories  over  Concordia  and 
Harding  in  the  first  match  and 

easily  defeated  the  Hawks  16-14 
and  15-7. 

In  the  second  match  of  the 
evening  against  Concordia,  the 
Trojans,  still  fired  up  from  the 
previous  win,  battled  the  Cadets 
to  win  the  first  game  17-15. 
However,  the  second  game 
proved  not  as  lucky  as  the  team 
fell  12-15.  The  final  game  of  the 
evening  clinched  the  win  for 
Elmhurst  as  they  routed  the 
Cadets  in  another  close  17-15 
game.  The  tired  Trojan  team  had 
pulled  it  off  again. 

The  Trojans'  fourth  victory 
came  on  Oct.  20  over  the 
Homestead  Spartans.  Playing  on 
their  own  home  territory,  the 
Elmhurst  voUeyballers  trounced 

Homestead  15-9, 10-14,  and  14-12. 
The  final  Elmhurst  win  was  over 
the  South  Side  Archers  on 
Tuesday,  Oct.  21.  It  took  the 
team  a  while  to  get  it  all  together 
as  they  lost  their  first  game  10-15. 
However,  this  team's  strong 
desire  to  win  pulled  them  through 
the  next  two  games  with  scores  of 
15-3  and  15-8. 

Elmhurst  falls  to  Wayne 

In  the  last  game  of  the  regular 
season,  Elmhurst  went  up 
against  a  very  strong  Wayne 
team  and  fell  to  the  Generals  13- 
10,  0-15.  and  9-15.  Even  though 
the  scores  may  not  show  it, 
Elmhurst  gave  the  the  Generals  a 
good  run  for  their  money.  The 
Trojans  took  the  first  game  just 

as  the  clock  ran  out,  but  the  very 
hard  spikes  from  Wayne  were  too 
much  for  the  Trojans  as  they  lost 
their  final  games  of  the  season  to 
the  Generals. 

Coach  Cathy  Russell  com- 
mented on  the  team's  winning 
streak,  "All  of  a  sudden  the 
girls  realized  they  needed  to  get 
in  there  and  work  together  as  a 
team."  Apparently,  this  is  the 
secret  to  the  Trojan  success. 

The  1975  volleyball  sectionals 
will  be  held  at  Wayne  High 
School  Oct.  28,  29,  and  30.  Four 
teams  will  play  on  Tuesday  night, 
four  will  play  on  Wednesday 
night,  and  the  winners  of  those 
games  will  play  on  Thursday, 
Oct.  30. 

SENIOR  BETTY  CARRION  RETURNS  THE  BALL  as  a  Dwenger  Saint  attempts  to  block. 

SENIOR  CINDY  YBARRA  SETS  the  ball  high  for  a  possible  spike  from  juniors  Jun, 
and  Carmetta  Walker. 

The  Landing  is  located  on  Weat  Columbia  Street, 
but  is  only  one  of  the  original  five  business  blocks  of 
Fort  Wayne.  Here  was  the  first  commercial  area  of 
Fort  Wayne,  thriving  on  the  Wabash  and  Erie  Canals, 
and  later,  on  the  railroad.  What  is  now  known  as  the 
Landing  was  located  on  the  Orbison  Basin  turnaround 
where  boats  brought  grain  and  goods  right  to  the 
storefront  docks  and  then  turned  around  to  head  back 
down  the  canal. 

At  first,  in  the  early  1800's,  the  area  was  basically  a 
mill  district,  containing  saloons,  hardware,  leather 
shops,  and  leading  hotels.  Later  on,  in  response  to  the 
changing  times,  it  became  basically  a  wholesale  and 
warehouse  district.  Stores  were  originally  made  to  face 
mainly  the  docks,  not  the  street.  Of  the  2S00 
businesses  to  inhabit  the  area,  only  about  150  left 
permanent  records. 
Area  features  firsts  for  area 

Firsts  for  the  Landing  include  the  first  Fort  Wayne 
drug  store.  Masonic  lodge,  and  newspaper.  Hotels 
were  always  found  on  the  Landing. 

However,  after  extensive  restoration  in  the  1960's, 
fire  destroyed  the  major  remnant  of  Fort  Wayne,  the 
Rosemarie  Hotel.  Also,  Old  Fort  Drapery  and  various 
other  businesses,  totahng  27,  were  burned  out  last 
February.  Presently,  there  are  six  businesses  left  on 
the  Landing,  but  there  is  still  hope  for  this  historic 

Landing  owners  optimistic 

Mr.  Ken  Feeley,  husband  of  Mrs.  Nedra  Feeiey  who 
is  president  of  the  Landing  Association  and  owner  of 
the  Mole  Hole,  indicated  several  options  for  the 
Landing.  Presently,  several  parties  are  interested  in 
the  Rosemarie,  owned  by  People's  Trust  Bank.  It 
might  possibly  be  preserved  and  used  for  office  space, 
a  bank,  or  even  a  restuarant.  If  not,  it  and  the  Old  Fort 
Drapery  shop  would  be  torn  down.  Mr.  Feeley  warned 
that  such  action  "would  hurt  the  Landing.  One  third  of 
the  frontage  of  the  Landing  is  in  these  structures." 

Some  of  the  businesses  left  on  the  Landing  inlude 
the  Mole  Hole.  The  Spectator,  the  Pickle,  the  Big 
Wheel,  and  Ma  and  Pa's  Country  Candy  Store. 
However,  Mr.  Feeley  doesn't  feel  it  will  close,  due  to 
the   good   safe   location. 



The  Spectator,  owned  and  operated  by  Greg  Jacobs 
and  Joe  Wood,  was  previously  known  as  the  Silver 
Screen.  It  is  small,  it  seats  only  93  people,  but  it's  also 
small  on  the  wallet.  Standard  admission  costs  only 
$1.50,  less  than  half  the  money  it  costs  to  see  a  film  at 
a  larger  theatre. 

Ore,,'  had  wanted  to  buy  the  theatre  ever  since  he 
converted  the  building,  which  dates  back  to  1915,  into 
a  theatre  for  the  previous  owners.  It  has  been  The 
Spectator  for  ten  months  now.  Greg  and  Joe  are 
worried  about  The  Landing,  but  plan  to  hold  on  as  long 
as  possible. 

The  Spectator  has  shown  films  such  as  "Citizen 
Kane",  "W.C.  Fields",  "Freaks",  the  original  "King 
Kong",  and  "Harold  and  Maude",  which  is  coming 
back  in  late  November  due  to  popular  demand. 
According  to  Joe  Wood,  the  theatre  was  opened  "to 
show  pictures  the  other  commerical  theatres  don't 

Major  motion  pictures  are  shown  for  one  week. 
Foreign  films  and  lesser  known  films  are  shown  for  two 
nights  in  the  middle  of  the  week,  usually  on 
Wednesday  and  Thursday,  due  to  the  limited  audience. 
The  Spectator  shows  both  GP  and  R-rated  films;  the 
ratio  is  about  half  and  half.  It  also  runs  a  series  of 
experimental  films.  "The  films,"  explains  Steve 
Brown,  film  coordinator,  "are  done  by  independent 
artists.  They  are  very  personal,  bke  a  poem  or  a  piece 
of  art." 

This  year's  film  schedule  includes  such  shows  as 
"Cries  and  Whispers",  "Macbeth",  "Straw  Dogs". 
"No  Man  of  Her  Own",  starring  former  Fort  Wayne 
resident  Carole  Lombard,  "Trash",  and  "The  Gold 


;lA/0/VG  THE  LEADERS  coming  over  the  hilt  is  junior  Tim  Lee. 

Tim  Lee  strides  to  5th 
place  in  Indy  state  finals 

by  Verne  Myers 

Cross  country  at  Elmhurst  has 
produced  a  great  runner  and 
competitor  in  junior  Tim  Lee, 
who  placed  fifth  Saturday,  Nov. 
1  at  the  state  cross  country  meet. 
Tim  outclassed  most  of  the  field 
with  an  impressive  time  of 
[2:14.2  for  the  2 '/2-mile  run  at  the 
SouLh  Grove  Golf  Course  in 

Competing  in  a  field  of  123 
runners  from  across  the  state, 
Tini  took  advantage  of  the  fine 
ireather  conditions  to'  not  only 
attain  a  very  high  fifth  place,  but 
[0  achieve  the  highest  underclass 
placement  in  this  year's 
championship.  In  his  second  year 
stElmhurst,  he  has  accompUshed 
more  than  most  runners 
accomplish  throughout  high 
school.  No  other  rumier  in  EHS 
history  has  performed  this  well  at 

Personal  sacrifice  involved 

It  is  an  effort  that  required 
much  personal  sacrifice  and 
stamina.  Tim  advanced  to  the 
state  finals  as  an  individual 
winner  rather  than  as  a  member 
of  an  advancing  team.  He  was  one 
of  eleven  individual  runners  at 
itate  as  compared  to  16  teams  of 
seven      runners      each. 

Leading  up  to  sectionals,  Tim 
consistently  kept  his  times  in  the 
low  12  minutes,  a  consistency 
which  finally  paid  off.  He 
possesses  the  school  record  of 
12:04,  a  record  which  could  well 
broken  by  Tim  himself  next 

Coach  recognizes  talent 

After  a  slow  first  meet,  Tim 
igan  to  run  well  and  get  into 
good  physical  shape.  Cross 
country  coach  Carter  Lohr  felt 
Tim  had  something  going  for  him 
3fter  the  second  meet.  Although 
Tim  might  have  surpassed  even 
own  expectations,  Mr.  Lohr 
Wasn't  unaware  of  Tim's  ability. 
Mr.  Lohr  recalled,  "Tim  had 
shown  good  potential  last  year  in 
track.  I'm  not  surprised." 

Even  though  Tim  considers 
'litnself  basically  a  team  man,  Mr. 
Lohr  felt  it  was  his  greatness  as 
^f  individual  that  helped  the 
•^am  and  that  he  deserves  the 

Personal  sacrifice  is  reflected  in 
'he  many  miles  run  per  week.  A 

regular  week  might  involve  35-40 
miles  of  running  for  Tim,  22  of  it 
with  the  team.  The  team  began  its 
practice  August  11,  working  out 
twice  a  day.  Since  school  started, 
the  harriers  have  been  out  every 
day  after  school,  running  and 
keeping  in  shape. 

Sectional  win  'encouraging' 

At  the  beginning  of  the  year, 
Tim  figiired  the  only  way  he  could 
make  it  to  state  would  be  with  the 
team.  However,  during  the  year, 
he  performed  strongly  and  after 
he  won  at  sectionals,  Tim  felt 
very  "encouraged." 

Over  the  summer,  Tim  bdgan 
working  out  in  July,  going  out 
whenever  he  found  the  time  or  felt 
like  it.  He  participated  in  North 
Side  summer  track  meets  which 
were  open  to  anyone  who  wanted 
to  participate.  Tim  also  involved 
himself  in  the  Junior  Olympics 
sponsored  by  the  AAU,  a  series  of 
meets  beginning  at  the  sectional 
level  and  ending  at  the  national 

Strategy  pays  off 

Strategy  plays  an  important 
part  in  cross  country,  and  Tim 
was  evidently  successful  at  it.  At 
state,  a  quick  pace  was  es- 
tablished, and  as  a  result,  Tim 
hung  back  to  wait  his  turn.  Bad 
weather    isn't    necessarily    bad 




i, , 




^L;U  jl 

















BhSm    ^I^dtHk.ftiiLtflL. 

f  1^  '^^ 

[Vim  I'bU    IF  MPEH  '\TURE  IN  THE  4Q's  and  gusts  of  wind  up  to35mph,  I 

TIM  HANGS  IN  with  the  leaders  during  regionals  . 

AND  THEY'RE  OFF!  This  herd  of  runners  tahes  offi 

either  as  Tim  figures  it  is  a  "good 
chance  to  take  advantage  of  the 
other  runners  who  are  bothered 
by  it." 

Tim  has  been  running  for  four 
years  and  hopes  to  keep  running 
in  college,  and  then  possibly  go 
into  professional  track.  Right 
now,  however,  he  is  running  with 
the  Elmhurst  team  and  as  Tim 
put  it,  "I  am  very  satisfied.  I  had 
wanted  to  make  the  top  five." 

at  the  Regional  meet  held  recently  at  Shoaff  Park. 

Photos  by  Todd  Nichols 

^\      I elmhurst 


Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36  No.  6 
Nov.  12, 1975 


keep  up  with 




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5001  ARDMORE 


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on !    Where  your  favorite  request 
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Elmhurst    Advance 

Published  bi'HMkly  during  Ihe  school  yeu  by  the  students  of  Ehnhunt  High  School.  3Qj9  Sandpoint  Hoail,  t'o'* 
Wayne,  [Qdiiiu,  46B09.  in  sccordaace  with  the  policies  and  guideline!)  lor  highichoolapprovod  by  the  Board  of  Tru9l<<' 
ol  the  Fort  Woyne  Community  SihooU. 

Subscription  priceia  $3.50  pw  year,  25*  pec  lingle  copy.  Second  class  poBtagcpaid  at  Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  4680^ 

Editor  in  Chiel Sarah  Slewarl  Todd  Nichols,  Nicholas  Smith. 

Newseditor Marly  MlUec  Kevin  SUphenson,  Steve  Vaughn 

Editorial  editor Barb  Karman     Ad  manager Anne  Cummiogs 

Sports  editor Jim  McCleneghen     Ad  stall Cindy  Ross 

Featurreditor Nancy  Bea die     Business  maoager Diane  LuphP 

Copy  editor MicbcUa  Armstrong     Eiehanga/drculation ,.,...  Kathy  Sharpin 

Pholoeditor        .. PhaCuUnan     lUporters:.  , BobertaCohen,  Jan  Dowling. 

Chief  photographer Marty  P«tit  ■  Mike  Ftcygang.  Kevin  Lee,  Sue  Marquis, 

Photographers    .  >. ;J.uin  Boven, Tim  Chancy,  Nancy  McAlec,  Verne  Myers,  MarilynnScherer 

Organizing  club 
not  impossibility 

Tired  of  the  same  old  classes?  Mad  that  there  aren't  any  activities 
for  you?  Well,  it  doesn't  have  to  be  that  way.  Not  that  we  mean 
dropping  out  of  school  is  the  answer,  but  if  you  want  improvements, 
the  best  thing  to  do  is  ask  for  them. 

Getting  a  new  course  or  club  started  is  no>  an  Impossibility.  Take 
for  example  the  new  consciousness  raising  group  which  was  sUrted 
when  a  few  young  women  decided  that  somebody  needed  to  get 
people's  heads  together  on  the  issue  of  feminine  equality.  The  girls 
took  their  idea  to  an  administration  member  w'ho  they  knew  would 
help  them  get  the  idea  off  the  ground.  Getting  the  idea  was  the  most 
important  step  and  then  finding  a  faculty  sponsor  brought  the 
whole  project  together.  _  > 

Getting  a  new  course  started  may  take  a  bit  more  effort,  but  it 
can  be  well  worth  the  time.  It  can  be  very  hard  to  do.  but,  if  enough 
students  want  it,  they  just  might  get  it.  This  year  there  is  a 
curriculum  committee  studying  Elmhurst  courses.  Input  into  that 
group  could  prove  extremely  helpful.  Of  course,  there  are 
Umitations  concerning  teachers  and  what  they  are  legally  quaUfied 
to  teach,  but  if  that  is  not  a  problem,  getting  the  class  might  not  be 

Finally,  one  word  to  the  wise  ■-  be  tactful.  Protesting  loudly  and 
threatening  will  get  you  nowhere.  Constructive  bargaining  of  ideas 
could  lead  to  an  even  better  club  or  class  than  you  expected. 

So  if  you  want  it,  don't  think  you  can't  get  it  (constructively,  of 
course),  if  you  just  tell  someone  your  ideas.  Communication  break- 
^_^___^^.^_       downs  don't  have  to  exist  •-  they're  only  there  if  you  let  them  be. 

Cost  gets  it  together 

for  ^'See  How  They  Ruri'' 

by  Barb  Harman 

Every  year  we  are  amazed  at  how  well  the 
annual  play  comes  off,  and  this  year,  despite 
a  weak  play,  we  are  amazed  again,  especially 
at  the  superlative  performances  by  many  of 
the  cast  members. 

See  How  They  Run  is  a  comedy  with  some 
clever  lines~and  interspersed  doses  of 
slapstick.  The  plot  centers  aroupd  character 
mix-ups  involving  a  Russian  spy,  a  bishop, 
English  vicars,  and  a  soldier.  The  story  it- 
self does  not  really  bring  itself  together,  but 
the  acting  manages  to  pull  off  the  farce. 

The  best  performance  of  the  evening 
undoubtedly  came  from  senior  Melissa 
Hunter  as  the  prim  Miss  Skillon  who  ends 
up  drunk.  The  part  itself  is  probably  the 
best  as  far  as  character  development  goes, 
but  Melissa  manages  to  bring  off  the  role  to 
its  height. 

Another  job  of  good  acting  comes  from 
senior  Nancy  Beadie  as  Penelope  Toop,  the 
vicar's  wife.  Despite  the  fact  that  her  part  is 
at  times  (particularly  in  the  first  act)  an 
unlikable  one,  she  too  hits  home  some  good 
lines  and  enhances  the  performance. 

Other  excellent  character  performances 
were  those  of  Clive,  portrayed  by  senior 
Tom  Young;  Ida,  portrayed  by  junior  Leslie 
Collier;  and  the  vicar,  played  by  sophomore 
John  Silletto. 

The  technical  aspects  of  the  play  were 
sound  and,  all  told,  the  production  went 
well.  The  lighting  and  sets  came  off  without 
a  hitch. 

Although  the  play  develops  rather 
chaotically  and  ends  with  an  anti-climax, 
the  players  have  still  managed  to  bring  the 
play  off  and  amaze  us  once  again. 

Tardy  policy  conf  uses# 
cafe  collisions  hurt 

To  the  Editor: 

I  would  Uke  to  talk  about  a 
school  policy  that  doesn't  make 
much  sense.  That  policy  is  the  one 
that  says  that  if  a  person  has 
three  tardies,  he  can  be 
suspended  from  school.  I  can 
understand  that  the  school  would 
like  to  cut  down  on  tardies,  but 
under  this  rule,  it  seems  that  the 
student  would  be  wiser  not  to 
come  to  school  -  at  least  he  has 
ten  absences. 

It  seems  that  if  the  school 
wants  to  cut  down  both  absences 
and  tardies,  suspending  someone 
after  three  tardies  may  help  one, 
but  not  the  other.  I  don't  know 
«]vhat  to  suggest,  perhaps  giving 
•Ive  tardies  or  using  another  form 
t/  punishment,  but  at  the 
njoment,  I  think  moat  students 

would  rather  and  could  afford 
better  to  lose  three  days  of  school 
for  legal  reasons  instead  of 

A  confused  student 

To  the  editor: 

Colliding  with  others  while 
either  entering  or  exiting  is  a 
problem  most  of  us  face  when  we 
confront  the  cafeteria  duriiig 
lunch.  What  do  we  do  about  it? 

One  way  of  alleviating  this 
problem  might  be  to  designate 
certain  doors  for  entering  and 
exiting.  Well,  I'm  no  genius  but 
with  the  help  of  all  you  guys,  your 
suggestions  and/or  solutions 
could  eliminate  mass  confusion. 

Beach  Boys  reach 
two  generations 

by  Roberta  Cohen 

"The  'older  generation'  hates  the  thought  of  those 
awful  rock  concerts."  ';The  only  reason  young  kids  like 
the  concerts  held  at  the  Coliseum  is  because  then  they 
can  smoke  dope  without  getting  caught."  "Those 
concerts  arejust  a  bunch  of  noise." 

These  quotes  are  often  heard  around  concert  time. 
Recently,  however,  a  concert  was  held  at  the  Memorial 
Coliseum  that  would  make  these  quotes  look  illogical 
and  backward.  * 

The  group?  Try  the  Beach  Boys  on  for  size.  And 
with  them?  None  other  than  Ambrosia. 

Age  groups  amaze 

The  assortment  of  age  groups  present  at  the  concert 
was  amazing  to  the  regular  concert-goer.  There  were 
little  kids,  teenagers,  the  usual  hard-rock  hippies,  and 
shock  of  all  shocks,  adults. 

Now,  you  ask  yourself,  why  on  earth  were  there 
adults?  The  Beach  Boys  have  been  around  for 
approximately  two  decades,  which  means  that,  since 
they  were  popular  from  the  very  beginning,  our 
parents  would  have  had  to  be  their  fans.  Although  ^ 
their  music  has  changed  somewhat,  they  still  are  the 
talented,  creative  group  that  they  were  twenty  years 
Twenty  more  years? 

There  really  isn't  much  that  can  be  said  about 
Ambrosia.  One  almost  felt  like  he  was  seeing  a  version 
of  "Now  ya  see  it,  now  ya  don't".  Ambrogia  played  six 
songs  and  then  disappeared  from  the  stage  for  good. 
Sixty  minutes  later,  the  star  group,  the  BEACH 
BOYS,  appeared  and  in  most  people's  opinion,  more 
than  made  up  for  Ambrosia.  Two  decades  from  now. 
maybe  our  children  will  be  reviewing  the  same  group 
we're  looking  at  today. 

i  Id  11 
lut  mm  n^g  li  %m%^ 

by  Verne  Myers 

Once  again,  another  movie,  "Let's  Do  It  Again," 
has  come  up  with  a  top  billing.  Bill  Cosby  and  Sidney 
Poitier,  to  attract  moviegoers,  and  this  time,  the  movie 
doesn't  stop  there  in  its  interest  or  entertainment. 
While  not  a  blockbuster  like  so  many  recent  movies, 
"Let's  Do  It  Again"  comes  off  as  a  funny  farce  of 
amateur  versus  professional,  and  of  the  successful 
little  man  knocHing  off  orgaruzed  crime  in  its  own  ring. 
Evidently,  crime  doesn't  pay  unless  you're  the  good 
guy  reaping  the  profits. 

The  interest  centers  on  the  talents  of  Cosby  and 
Poitier  who  carry  the  merely  so-so  storyline  and 
fashion  it  into  a  movie  worth  watching.  The  plot 
centers  on  the  efforts  of  Cosby  and  Poitier  to  obtain 
money,  legally  or  illegally,  for  their  denomination  to 
construct  a  new  church  and  social  center. 

Con  artist  tactics,  luck,  and  hypnotism  are  used  to 
set  the  scene  for  the  middleweight  championship  fight 
of  the  world.  With  Sidney  Poitier  the  hypnotist  and 
Bill  Cosby  the  con  artist,  the  two  from  Atlanta  set 
about  influencing  the  outcome  of  the  fight.  In  the 
realistic  sense,  the  movie  is  a  bit  hard  to  swallow,  but 
this  contributed  to  the  overall  farce.  Between  two 
organized  gangs,  Cosby  and  Poitier  bet  against  the 
odds  and  came  out  ahead. 

Poitier  conjures  up  his  hypnotism  from  years  back, 
saving  our  heroes  from  certain  disaster,  and  finally 
convincing  the  underdog  middleweight  challenger, 
played  by  Jimmy  Walker,  that  he  can  win.  Walker 
wins  the  fight,  and  Cosby  and  Poitier  win  the  money. 
Unfortunately,  they  also  gain  the  attention  of  the  rival 
street  gangs,  and  the  remainder  of  the  movie  is  spent 
in  a  cat  and  mouse  game  of  who  hypnotized  whom. 

In  the  end,  true  to  form,  the  bad  guys  lose  out,  the 
church  gets  its  money,  and  everybody  is  happy. 
Nothing  is  left  to  chance  as  even  the  fighters  knock 
each  other  out  in  the  first  round.  It  is  not  the  best  of 
movies,  but  it  comes  out  as  good  entertainment. 

Audience  gai 



TRIES  to  look  innocent  asske 
hides  an  unoccupied  soldier^s 
uniform  from  her  employer. 

LISTENS  and  Penelope  looks 
disgusted  as  a  disheveled  Miss 
Skillon  talks  to  Mr.  Toop.  LEFT: 
Clive  pushes  the  timid  Mr. 
Humphrey  toward  the  door. 
ABOVE:  Clive  and  Penelope  ignore 
an  unconscious  Mr.  Humphrey. 

Friday  and  S 
Elmhurst's  play 
the  eight  weeks  i 
finding  props,  ai 
Friday,  opening 
Don  Goss  andSht 
back  and  watch  th 

The  last  week 
work  and  proved 
manager  Pat  Ka 
curtains,  and  res* 
work  during  pei 
members  realize* 
audience  in  only 
funny  or  accepta 

No  longer  wasi 
Nancy  Beadiet  rip 
(senior  Tom  Youn 
was  undone,   if 
Silletto)  tripped 
(senior  MeUssa  H 
instead   of   the 
Instead,  it  was 
Leslie  Collier)  coi 
in  the  chest,  whei 
Daugherty)  broke 
(junior  Matt  Tyle 
general  uproar 

After  the  last 
these  problems, 
the  show  on 
nervousness.  R*' 
over,  and  the  m& 
success.  They  ^ 
weekend  on  Frids 

rs  to  .... 


CLIVE'keep  their  eyes  on  one  of  the 
strange  events  of  the  play.  RIGHT: 
Penelope  reluctantly  listens  to 
Humphrey's  rambling.  LOWER 
RIGHT:  The  Russian  spy  disguised 
as  a  parson  threatens  the  Toop 
housefiold  with  his  revolver. 

te  How  They  Run^ 

ghts  the  cast  of 
ey  Run"  put  to  use 
|,  building  the  set, 
rostumes  together. 
urs  Sarah  Stewa/t, 
were  able  to  sit 

iquired  the  hardest 
St  hectic  as  stage 
i  how  the  lights, 
fops  were  going  to 
and    as    the    cast 

I  would    have    an 
It  was  no  longer 

i-up  over  jokes  or 

oelopieToop  (senior 
^  on  stage,  if  Clive 
it  his  clerical  collar 

(sophomore  John 
^.orif  MissSkillon 
slapped  in  the  arm 
\  the   fight   scene. 

when  Ida  (junior 
^  soldier's  uniform 

II  spy  (senior  Larry 
''when  the  sergeant 
k  the  cast  to  make  a 

"'king  to  eliminate  ■ 
I  its  co-workers  put 
'snce  but  a  little 
f'er  the  show  was 
5dy  to  celebrate  its 
'fniing  again  next 
•Jay,  Nov.  14  and  15. 


i^^2>  jH 

^^E^Nr^  ^^M 


^Kr      H 

pbotos/  Marty  Petit 

INTERROGATES       Penelope's 
uncle,   the  bishop.  RIGHT:   The 
sergeant  attempts   to  determine 
who  the  Russian  spy  is. 


Arcade    slated   Nov.  22 

The    Student     Council     has 

decided    to    sponsor    the    After- 


Football  Season,   Pr^Basketball 

Season    Penny    Arcade    for    the 

second    consecutive    year.    The 


Arcade  is  scheduled  for  Saturday, 


Nov.  22.  The  festivities  will  begin 


at  7:00  p.m.  sharp  and  will  end  at 

10:00  p.m. 


Periodically'  throughout  the 


night,   musical  entertainment  of 

some  sort  will  be  provided  in  the 


Elmhurst  gym.  but  at  all  times 


there  will  be  approximately  forty 


different  activities  ranging  from 

pinbaU     machines    to    a    dance 

marathon  for  those  in  attendance 

to  enjoy. 

Other  scheduled  activities 
include  a  ring  toss  for  cokes,  a 
spin  art  booth,  a  cupcake  world,  a 
cake  walk,  a  "shave  the  balloon" 
and  a  pie-eating  contest.  Another 
activity  is  the  Quill  &  Scroll 
sponsored  "Spookhouse"  which 
will  be  located  in  the  tunnels 
underneath  the  school.  The 
Spookhouse  was  the  most  popular 
activity  in  iast  year's  Arcade,  and 
indications  are  that  it  will  be  one 
of  the  better  ones  this  year. 

Besides  the  activities 
sponsored  by  Elmhurst's  clubs 
and  classes,  fifteen  other  schools 
have  also  been  invited  to  bring 

their  ideas  to  Elmhurst.  These 
schools  are  Snider,  South  Side, 
Concordia.  Bishop  Luers.  Bishop 
Dwenger,  North  Side,  Northrop, 
Homestead,  Wayne,  Harding. 
Heritage,Carroll,and  New  Haven 
high  schools  and  also  Kekionga 
and  Portage  Junior  High  Schools. 
Attendance  last  year  was 
estimated  at  about  600,  and  it  is 
likely  that  this  figure  will  be 
matched  or  bettered  this  year. 
Cost  of  admittance  is  fifty  cents, 
and  tickets  to  activities  will  be 
sold  for  a  dime.  Most  activities 
will  cost  only  one  ticket  although 
some  will  be  two  or  three,  but 
none  will  be  more  than  three. 

NFS  selects  Gary,  Ueale  for  abroad 

foreign  exchange  program,  junior  Vance  Veale 
and  senior  Matt  Cary,  hope  for  acceptance  by  the 
screening  committee. 

Every  year,  the  American  Field  Service  Club 
at  Elmhurst  picks  two  candidates  to  be  ex- 
change students  to  foreign  countries.  This  year 
the  club  has  chosen  senior  Matt  Cary  and 
junior  Vance  Veale  to  fill  these  positions. 

Matt  and  Vance  were  selected  from  a  total  of 
eight  foreign  language  students.  They  filled 
out  an  application  and  then  were  interviewed 
by  a  selection  committee  made  up  of  teachers, 
adult  AFS  members,  and  one  student.  On  the 
basis  of  how  welP-they  answered  the  selection 
committee's  questions,  the  two  were  chosen. 

Personality  judged  closely 

Both  of  the  recipients  have  elected  to  be 
abroad  during  the  next  school  year.  Whether 
they  will  be  chosen  for  this  program  will 
depend  upon  how  many  other  students  from 
around  the  country  want  to  be  abroad  at  that 
time  and  how  many  positions  are  available. 
Their  other  choice  is  to  go  to  a  country  during 
the  summer  for  three  months. 

The  cost  for  one  person  going  abroad  for  the 
school  year  is  $1800.  For  the  summer,  the  cost 
is  SHOO.  A  large  share  of  both  amounts  goes 
toward  transportation. 

One  of  the   major   requirements  of  being 

chosen  to  visit  a  foreign  country  is  good 
health.  The  applicants  were  not  judged  on  their 
grades  in  school.  The  judging  consisted  mostly 
of  personality  questions  and  how  they 
,  answered  them. 

Interviews,  interviews,  and  more  interviews 

For  both  Matt  and  Vance,  the  next  step  is 
another  mterview  at  their  homes.  The 
interviewers  will  ask  them  more  questions  and 
at  the  same  time  talk  to  their  parents  to  get  to 
know  them. 

After  completing  that  interview,  they  fill  out 
yet  another  form  which  is  actually 
interview,  just  on  paper.  When  they  have 
answered  all  those  questions,  they  send  it  to 
New  York  to  the  American  Field  Service  office 
there.  After  that,  they  wait  to  see  what 

On  the  financial  side,  both  families  will  be 
expected  to  pay  as  much  of  the  money  as  they 
are  able  to.  The  AFS  will  supply  the  balance. 

If  selected  for  the  school  year  program,  both 
Vance  and  Matt  will  be  gone  froin 
approximately  August  of  1976  to  July  of  1977. 

Pro  ject:  Awareness 
gets  started  at  ehs 

Newell  places  in 
FFA  competiHon 

When  asked  about  Project: 
Awareness,  the  newly  founded 
consciousness-raising  group.  Ms. 
Dinah  Cashman  stated,  "There  is 
a  definite  need  for  young  women 
at  EHS  to  form  a  cohesive  group 
and  become  aware  of  the  issues 
that  confront  all  people, 
especially  women,  today, 
realizing  that  alternative  choices 
DO  exist  for  all." 

Project:  Awareness  got  started 
when  juniors  June  Gordy  and 
Leslie  Collier  approached  Ms. 
Cashman  with  the  idea.  Seniors 
Marilynn  Scherer  and  Barb 
Harman  joined  in,  and  since  then 
the  force  has  grown. 

After  two  meetings,  the  group 
has  approximately  ten  members, 
not    including     sponsor     Dinah 

Cashman.  The  goals  and 
determinations  of  the  young 
ladies  involved,  however,  are 
twice  the  size  of  the  group. 

Upcoming  projects  are 
attending  a  feminist  meeting, 
and  setting  up  a  "Women's  Day" 
in  celebration  of  International 
Women's  Year. 

The  meetings  are  rap  sessions 
where  members  discuss  issues, 
viewpoints,  and  solutions.  There 
is  no  president  or  vice-president  - 
just  a  group  of  equally  interested 
young  women. 

If  the  enthusiasm  continues, 
Elmhurst  can  expect  to  hear  a  lot 
more  from  Project:  Awareness. 

Marty  Miller 

Elmhurst's  senior  Mark  Newell 
recently  returned  from  Biloxi, 
Miss,  where  he  along  with  Cris 
Cary,  a  1975  EHS  graduate,  and 
Scott  Hyndman,  a  senior  at 
Northrop,  participated  in  the 
National  Junior  Horticulture 
Association  championships.  The 
three  advanced  to  the  national 
level  after  taking  state  honors  at 
the  Indiana  State  Fair  last  July. 

Mark,  Cris,  and  Scott 
competed  in  the  FFA  (Future 
Farmers  of  America)  division  in 
both  the  state  and  national 
contests.  Other  divisions  of 
competition  included  4-H  honors 
and  open.  The  team  placed  third 
in  the  national  FFA  contest 
directly  below  Ohio  and  Kansas, 
who  won  first  and  second 
respectively.  Third  place  winners 
were  awarded  both  a  certificate 

and  an  emblem. 

While  in  Mississippi,  the  trio 
also  attended  workshops  aside 
from  the  competition.  Several  of 
the  horticulture  seminars 
involved  corsage  construction, 
plant  materials,  and  tropical 

The  three  were  among  35  other 
horticulture  students  who  won 
the  all  expenses  paid  trip.  The 
group  met  in  Indianapolis 
October  31  and  traveled  via  bus 
to  Biloj '.. 

Mark  became  aware  of  the 
NJHA  and  its  contests  through 
his  teacher  at  morning  RVC,  Mr. 
Reynaldo  Rodriguez.  Mr. 
Rodriguez  also  accompanied  the 
group  to  Mississippi, 

While  at  RVC,  Mark  studies 
horticulture  which  includes 
land. leaping  and  greenskeeping. 

TROJAN  PARENTS  Mrs.  Helen  Heckley  (background)  and  Mrs. 
Shirley  Cary  /foreground)  discovered  at  Bach-to-School  Night,  Nov.  3, 
fhat  they  never  "learned"  during  their  high  school  days.  Above  they  are 
being  introduced  to  the  "Byron  Carrier  Method"  of  teaching  chemistry. 

Kids  sleep  in 

Ma,  Pa  to  sub  in  class 

Friday,  Nov.  21,  is  not  going  to 
be  your  ordinary  day.  For  on  that 
day,  the  Elmhurst  PTA  has  or- 
ganized the  first  Student-Parent 
Exchange  Day.  On  this  day, 
parents  will  be  able  to  follow  their 
offsprings  classroom  schedule. 
Students  do  not  need  to  be  in 

Winter  sports 
schedule  show 
todisplaii  shiW 

The  Ehnhurst  basketball  and 
wrestling  teams  will  have  a 
chance  to  exhibit  their  skills  to 
the  students  and  faculty  during 
the  Basketball  Preview  at  6  p.m. 
on  Wednesday,  Nov.  19. 

The  preview  will  involve  basic 
fundamental  skill  demonstrations 
by  the  basketball  and  wrestling 
teams.  About  the  top  sixteen 
players  from  the  basketball  team 
will  take  part  in  an  inter-squad 
game  while  the  wrestUng  team 
will  participate' in  four  matches, 
each  of  different  weight  classes. 
The  wrestling  matches  will  begin 
at  6  p.m.,  and  the  basketball 
game  will  start  about  7:30  T).m. 
The  preview  is  to  end  at  9: 30  p.m. 

Students  are  urged  to  come  to 
give  them  an  opportunity  to  see 
some  of  the  teams'  abilities  and  to 
help  the  students  to  understand 
the  basketball  games  and 
wrestling    matches.    Mr.    Jim 

school  that  day  if  a  parent  is 

On  Friday,  parents  may  ride 
the  school  bus  if  they  wish  and 
upon  arrival,  they  should  register 
in  the  cafeteria.  At  8  p.m.,  Mr. 
Horstmeyer  is  planning  a  15- 
minute  orientation.  Afterwards, 
the  parents  will  go  to-  student 
lockers  for  books  and  proceed  to 
first  period.  The  rest  of  the  day 
will  proceed  as  usual,  except  for 
last  period.  Parents  will  report  to 
sixth  period  as  usual,  but  will  be 
dismissed  at  1:50  and  go  to  the 
cafeteria  where  Mr.  Brugh  and 
tRe  Jazz  Band  will  perform  until 
the  end  of  school. 

While  a  majority  of  teachers 
bebeve  it  will  be  an  interesting 
experience  and  are  looking 
forward  to  it,  many  do  not  know 
what,  to  expect.  A  few  teachers 
plan  to  have  a  special  lesson  for 
that  day,  but  many  are  expecting 
to  have  a  normal  day. 

Lambert,  wrestling  coach,  stated 
that  a  wrestling  highlights 
pamphlet  will  be  given  to  people 
who  attend  the  preview. 

An  admission  fee  of  $1  will  be 
charged  at  the  door.  The  sponsor 
of  the  Basketball  Preview,  the 
Lettermen's  Club,  will  use  the 
money  to  finance  various  events 
to  be  held  during  the  year  by  the 

Sarah  K.  Stewart 

•  • 

•and  so  ori 

Annual  Pops  Concert  Nov.  20 

The  Music  Department  wiU  be  presenting  its  annual  fall  "Pops- 
Concert  on  Thursday,  Nov.  20. 

'  This  wiU  be  the  first  concert  of  the  season  performed  by  the  concert 
band.  "Victory  at  Sea"  and  "Vaquero"  are  two  selections  that  will  be 
conducted  by  Director  Randy  Brugh. 

Also  making  its  first  appearance  at  the  concert  wiU  be  the  orchestra. 
Tunes  such  as  "Jesus  Christ  SuperstAr"  and  "Porgy  and  Bess"  will 
highUght  the  program.  The  orchestra  is  directed  by  Mr.  John  Morse. 

Tickets  are  available  from  band  and  orchestra  members  for  only  SI. 
There  will  also  be  tickets  sold  at  the  door. 

DECA  club  sells  books 

The  junior  DECA  club  is  selling  "The  Night  Before  Christmas"  and 
"Scrooge  and  the  Ghosts  of  Christmas"  story  and  coloring  books. 
Each  sells  for  $3.  Orders  can  be  taken  by  any  member  of  DECA. 
A.F.  Academy  accepts  applications  • 

The  U  S.  Air  Force  Academy  is  now  accepting  appUcations  for  next 
year's  Academy  freshman  class  of  young  women.  Any  junior  or  senior 
girl  interested  should  act  immediately  so  their  applications  wiU  arrive 
at  the  Academy  early  before  entering  next  June. 

Basic  quahfications  for  acceptance  wiU  be  the  same  for  both  women 
and  men.  One  must  be  between  17  and  22  years  of  age,  a  U.S.  citizen, 
have  a  good  moral  character,  and  be  unmarried. 

Academic  selection  standards  wiU  be  judged  for  leadership  potential 
based  on  extracurricular  activities,  school  leadership  positions, 
women's  sports,  and  membership  in  civic  and  commumty 

Mr.  Sinks  in  the  guidance  office  has  further  information. 

Noel  '75  to  be  presented  by  ballet  school 

Noel  '75,  a  hoUday  ballet  concert,  wiU  be  staged  in  the  Performing 
Arts  Center  Dec.  5,  6,  7,  12,  13,  and  14. 

Sponsored  by  the  Ballet  Angels,  members  of  the  Fort  Wayne  BaUet 
School  wiU  be  featured  in  this  concert  consisting  of  one  classical  baUet 
and  three  original  works. 

Ticket  reservations  for  this  event  can  be  made  by  calling  the  ballet 
school  office,  484-9646.  Ticket  prices  for  adults  are  $3,  while  tickets  for 
senior  citizens,  children,  and  students  up  to  age  21  are  $1.50. 
AFS  collects  six  tons  in  drive 

The  American  Field  Service  held  its  first  paper  drive  of  the  year  last 
Saturday,  Nov.  8. 

"It  was  fairly  well  organized,  and  we  seemed  to  get  quite  a  few 
papers,"  commented  Mr.  Michael  Rothe,  club  sponsor. 
■     Papers  were  collected  in  excess  of  six  tons  from  the  Wildwood. 
Westmoor,  Reckeweg,  Indian  'Village,  and  Tower  Heights  areas. 
The  money  raised  will  go  towards  next  year's  exchange  program. 

Whot's  happening? 


Grade  cards  (!!!)  will 
be  distributed  to  all 
students  during  a  shor- 
tened homeroom  per- 


An  exhibition  basket- 
ball game  will  be  play- 
ed at  Basketball  Pre- 
view Night.  The  wrest- 
ling team  will  also 
demonstrate  wrestUng 


The,  annual  Pops  Con- 
cert will  be  held  at  7:30 
p.m.  in  the  gym. 

The  PTA  sponsored 
Student-Parent  Ex- 
change Day.  Parents 
are  encouraged  to  trade 
places  with  their  stu- 
dents and  attend  clas- 
ses at  EHS. 


Student  Council  will 
sponsor  the  second 
annual  Penny  Arcade 
from  7-11  p.m. 



@        jQ   Winners  named  for  tennis  awards 

Due  to  the  fact  that  the  Trojan 
tennis  team  ended  their  season  in 
high  fashion  with  an  excellent  10- 
4  record,  Coach  Horn  commented 
"More  people  deserved 
recognition  than  just  one  player,'* 
as  he  explained  the  reasons  for 
three  tennis  awards  that  are  new 
to  Elmhurst  this  year. 

In  its  first  year,  the  "Most 
Valuable  Tennis  Player"  award 
goes  to  junior  Tim  Springer.  Tim 
played  both  singles  and  doubles 
throughout  the  season  and 
played  also  in  sectional  action. 

The  "Most  Valuable   Doubles 

Team"  award  will  be  given  this 
year  to  the  very  successful  team 
of  seniors  Greg  Nowak  and  Terry 
Sims.  This  team  boasted  an 
excellent  9-1  record  and  the  best 
in  Elmhurst  tennis  history. 

The  first  recipient  of  the 
"Match  Point  Award"  is  senior 
Stan  Sorgan.  This  award  is 
presented  to  the  senior  tennis 
player  who  contributes  most  to 
the  team,  his  coach,  and  himself, 
by  displaying  ability, 

sportsmanship,  leadership,  and 
an  outstanding  attitude. 

The     "Outstanding    Tennis 

Player  Award"  which  is  given 
every  year  will  go  to  seniors 
Kevin  Lee  and  Stan  Sorgen  as  the 
best  overall  players. 

Coach  Horn  is  looking  forward 
to  next  year  and  a  great  season. 
He  feels  that  with  the  experience 
of  the  six  returning  lettermen, 
and  some  new^  talent  in  from  the 
junior  highs,  next  year's  team 
will  have  a  lot  of  depth  and  could 
even  improve  over  this  year's 

The  Elmhurst  wrestling  team 
will  begin  the  75-76  season  Dec.  2 
when  it  faces  Bellmont  here  at 
home.  Forty  potential  wrestlers 
showed  up  this  year  for  the  team 
which  has  been  practicing  two 
hours  a  day.  including  Saturdays, 
since  Oct.  15. 

Carrion  and  junior 

\rlla  Walker  look  on 

With  four  weeks  of  basketball 
practice  under  their  belts,  the 
basketball  team  and  coach  Ken 
Eytcheson  are  looking  forward  to 
this  season  with  much  optimism. 
Coach  Eytcheson  stated  that  this 
year's  team  will  be  bigger  but  still 
one  of  the  smaller  teams  in  the 
city  which  seemingly  is  fast 
becoming  an  Elmhurst  tradition. 

^a£ee^Co4ca/ie  Off  d^^scnU 

l>y  Kevin  Lee 

Have  you  ever  heard  that 
saying,  "The  bigger  the  better?" 
Well,  it's  all  wrong.  It  should  be 
changed  to  "The  smaller  the 
better."  At  least  in  the  case  of  the 
girls'  volleyball  team.  We  can 
confidently  say  that  not  one  girl 
on  the  starting  six  towered  over 
5'6"  and  they  still  compiled  an 
jnpressive  6-6  record.  In  our  eyes 
these  girls  are  giants  ...  well,  at 
least  small  people  with  giant 
hearts  who  gave  it  everything 
they  had.  For  those  of  you  who 
denied  yourselves  the  chance  to 
see  the  girls'  volleyball  team  in 
action,  we  can  only  say.  "Go  see 
them  next  year."    , 

You  might  wonder  how  a 
volleyball  match  can  be  exciting. 
Don't  worry  ...  you're  normal; 
that  is  the  very  question  we  asked 
last  year.  It  was  answered  at  the 
first  volleyball  match  we 
attended  last  year  and  again  this 
year.  This  year's  team  was  unique 
because  of  its  height,  but  they 
showed  a  team  spirit  unmatched 
by  any  other  Ehnhurst  team  that 
we  have  observed  including  the 
football  team. 

Dedication  is  the  one  word  that 
best  describes  the  girls  who 
participated  in  volleyball  this 
year.  Just  seeing  one  of  the  girls 
throwing  herself  onto  the  floor 
playing  the  ball  out  of  the  net  and 
entually  wiiming  the  point,  or 
ie*^g  her  dive  into  the  floor  to 
an_impos3ible  shot  just 


makes  us  wonder  what  makes  her 
take  this  sport  so  seriously. 
Dedication  is  the  answer.  What 
made  ten  girls  who  hardly  ever 
got  to  play  sit  through  1 2 
matches  plus  sectionals  and  keep 
cheering  them  on  with  the 
enthusiasm  of  opening  night? 
Again,  the  answer  is  dedication. 

During  the  teachers'  strike,  we 
happened  to  be  at  school  while  the 
gu-ls  were  practicing  volleyball. 
At  that  time,  we  envisioned  a 
perfect  record  for  the  girls,  0-12. 
They  were  small,  uncoordinated, 
and  had  little  experience.  When 
we  looked  at  their  6-6  record,  we 
just  couldn't  believe  our  eyes. 
Much  credit  should  go  to  Coach 
Catherine  Russell  who  molded 
these  girls  into  a  working  team, 
but  most  of  the  credit  should  go 
to  the  girls  who  had  to  be  the 
smallest  team  in  the  city  and 
possibly  in  the  state  of  Indiana. 

Next  year  should  be  a  very 
good  yeai'  if  one  can  look  at  the 
improvement  made  over  the  last 
two  years.  The  girls  have  really 
gotten  it  together  and  should  be  a 
real  contender  next  year. , 

Although  they  were  small, 
young,  and  hghtly  taken,  the 
girls'  volleyball  team  was  a  very 
big  surprise  and  we  just  want 
them  to  know  that  we  were 
"impressed".  We  would  also  like 
to  congratulate  these  girls  who 
showed  fine  sportsmanship  in 
some  very  trying  times  and 
believe  me  there  were  many. 

jftOfH  t4e  ^detUeA 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

Season  after  season,  people 
hear  the  same  excuses.  This  year, 
instead  of  passing  off  these 
complaints  as  "cheap  excuses  to 
compensate  failure,"  I'd  like  to 
give  you  some  of  the  common 
examples  -  evidence  proving  that 
girls'  sports  at  Elmhurst  has 
indeed  been  shortchanged. 

1.  The  uniform  dilemma. 
Everyone  seems  to  be  able  to 
afford  new  uniforms.  While  the 
teams  that  receive  them  are  well 
deserving  -  the  fact  is:  Girls' 
volleyball,  basketball,  and  teniuB 
all  used  the  same  uniforms. 
Would  any  other  team  put  up 
with  something  like  that? 

2.  Warm-up  jackets  were 
purchased  last  year  --  not  the 
pants,  mind  you,  just  the  jackets. 
The  basketball  and  gymnastic 
teams  (who  have  simultaneous 
seasons)  both  used  them;  the 
problem  here  was  that  there  were 
not  enough  jackets  for  both 
teams.  The  schools  that  Elmhurst 
competes  against  do  not  seem  to 
have  this  problem. 

3.  Several  area  high  schools 
served  oranges  during  the  half- 
time  of  their  respective  home 
basketball  games.  Elmhurst, 
however,  could  not  afford  to 
return  the  favor. 

4.  The  gym,  which  is  in 
constant  use  from  2:35  until  9  in 

the  evening,  is  allotted  to  the 
girls'  basketball  team  from  7  to  9. 
However,  one  particular  night 
last  year,  the  girls  were  forced  to 
practice  upstairs,  because  the 
track  team  needed  to  practice 
pole-vaulting.  This  practice,  by 
the  way,  was  on  an  evening  before 
a  game.  Could  any  other  team  be 
pushed  out  just  for  a  practice? 

These  are  just  a  few;  the  point 
is  simply  that  the  girls  always  get 
the  shaft.  The  treatment  they 
receive  would  never  be  dished  out 
to  the  boys'  teams.  Why  should 
the  girls  bave  to  put  up  with  it? 

To  economize,  we  could  have 
bought  just  the  jerseys  for  the 
football  team  -  but  Elmhurst 
didn't,  and  should  not.  Sport 
teams  deserve  the  respect  of 
being  dressed  in  good  uniforms. 

The  shafting  and 

shortchanging  of  girls  sports  has 
got  to  stop  -  any  athlete  putting 
out  the  effort  deserves  the  best.  It 
is  possible  to  divide  use  of  the 
gym  equally  without  exception. 
Equality  is  the  only  fair  way. 

Elmhurst  and  the  programs 
within  are  supported  mainly  by 
our  tax-paying  parents.  It  is  only 
fair  that  every  student, 
regardless  of  sex,  be  allowed  to 
reap  the  benefits  of  education  and 
extra-curricular  activities.  After 
all,  isn't  that  what  school  is  all 


Elmhurst  High  School 

3829  Sandpoint  Road 

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  8 
Dec.  10, 1975 






DECH  sponsors  season  dance 

Each  year  the  Christmas 
holiday  is  filled  with  gift-giving, 
decorations,  and  various  social 
gatherings,  such  as  open  houses, 
parties,  and  dances.  This  year 
proves  to  be  of  the  same  nature  as 
the  DECA  (Distributive 
Education  Clubs  of  America) 
Clubs  of  Fort  Wayne  are 
sponsoring  a  Christmas  dance. 

Featuring  a  live  band  by  the 
name  of  Choice,  the  dance  will  be 
held  on  Sunday,  December  21  at 
the  I.  U. -Purdue  Ballroom. 
Festivities  will  begin  at  9:00  p.m. 

and  end  at  1:00  a.m. 

Tickets  for  the  serai-formal 
holiday  occasion  can  be  obtained 
from  any  DECA  member  or  in 
Room  217  at  $3.50. 

The  DECA  program  wras 
organized  to  promote  on-the-job 
training  for  students  still  in  high 
school.  The  program  is  based  on 
the  idea  that  experience  is  one  of 
the  key  qualities  in  landing  a  job 
in  today's  market. 

Profits  from  the  dance  will  be 
used  in  one  of  two  upcoming 
projects.  The  money  will  either 
help     fund    a     national     DECA 

center  or  pay  for  a  bus  to  the 
annual  DE  state  contest. 

Last  year  a  Christmas  dance 
was  sponsored  by  the  EHS 
Student  Council,  also  a  semi- 
formal  occasion.  The  74  dance 
was,  indeed,  a  success.  This 
year's  dance  is  sponsored  by  aU 
area  high  school  DECA  clubs, 
which  should  bring  in  not  only 
more  people,  but  a  wider  variety. 

So,  dry  clean  your  good  suit 
and  bring  that  good  dress  out  of 
the  moth  balls,  Christmas  is  here, 
celebrate  by  attending  the  DECA 
sponsored  dance. 

Trojans  rock    to   Ethos 

The  Elmhurst  Student 
Council  sponsored  a  concert  by 
Ethos  (Ardour)  in  the 
Elmhurst  gymnasium  after  the 
Dec.  5  basketball  game. 
Attendance  was  somewhat 
disappointing^  but  the  event 
still  broke  even  financially.  The 
attendance  was  somewhat  cut 
into  because  of  SAT's  for  many 
seniors  the  next  morning. 

The  group  was  very  well 
received  by  the  approximately 
300  people  who  came  to  hear 

Xo  present 

what  will  probably  be  Ethos' 
last  appearance  in  a  high 
school.  Said  senior  Tim 
Chaney,  "It  was  really  good.  I 
liked  it.  The  keyboards  really 
'got  down'." 

Senior  Dave  Chrzan 
commented,  "I  enjoyed  their 
progressive  style.  They  sound 
similar  to  Yes." 

"I  thought  it  was  outasite," 
added  custodian  Neil  Hoffman. 
"Terrific!  They  really  did  well. 
The  lighting  effects  were 

The  annual  Elmhurst 
Christmas  concert  will  be  staged 
Sunday,  Dec.  21,  in  the  boys' 
gym.  The  presentation,  by  the 
vocal  music  department,  will 
start  at  2:30, 

Featured  at  the  concert  will  be 
Mrs.  Jane  Lesh  and  Mrs.  Nancy 
Morse.  Mrs.  Lesh,  who  student 
taught  this  fall  with  Mr.  Al 
Schmutz,  will  direct  the  choir  in 
two  numbers.  Mrs.  Morse,  wife  of 
orchestra  director  John  Morse, 
will  perform  a  harp  solo. 

The  cost  of  admission  will  be 

And  presenting  the 
consensus  of  those  attending, 
senior  Mike  Maurer  said,  "I 
was  impressed." 

There  were  some  problems 
with  people  breaking  rules  at 
the  concert,  and  the  possibility 
of  another  performance  of  this 
type  seems  rather  remote,  at 
least  as  far  as  this  year  is 
concerned.  According  to 
student  council  president  Tom 
Sonday,  "It's  too  bad  that  a 
few  rowdies  have  to  ruin  it  for 
the  rest." 

$1.  Tickets  are  available  through 
any  vocal  music  student  or  at  the 

Elmhurst's  concert  choir  also 
performed  last  Sunday  at  the 
Christ  Child's  Festival  in  the 
Memorial  Coliseum.  The  half- 
hour  performance  featured  Allen 
Shaw  soloing  in  "The  Shepherds' 
Chorus"  from  "Amahl  and  the 
Night  Visitors."  Also  featured 
was  Carole  Stanley,  flutist,  in 
"Flute  Gloria." 

Students  ride  with  cops 

junior  Kelly  Auer  tries  her  hand  at  working  the 
speedgun.  This  was  one  of  the  many  adventures  in 
the  police  ride  along,  experienced  by  business  law 
students.  Kojak,  eat  your  heart  out  I 

Photo/Janet  Gillie 

Any  business  law  student  can  probably  tell  you 
that  riding  in  a  police  car  and  seeing  the  action  is 
nothing  hke  Adam-12,  Dragnet,  or  any  of  those 
other  TV  dramas.  There's  a  big  difference. 

Recently,  a  program  initiated  by  Mrs.  Sharon 
Banks,  in  cooperation  with  the  Fort  Wayne  Police 
Department,  enabled  business  law  students  to  learn 
law  enforcement  first  hand. 

On  the  appointed  day,  the  students  met  near  the 
office,  and  three  students  were  assigned  to  each 
police  car.  From  then  on,  the  experience  and 
education  of  law  took  over. 

One  car  met  up  with  some  odd  incidents.  First  of 
all,  an  elderly  man  went  the  wrong  way  down  a  one 
way  street,  thus  causing  an  accident.  This  was 
followed  by  a  slight  accident  involving  two  cars. 
These  incidents  all  happened  in  the  short  time  that 
the  students  rode  along. 

On  the  criminal  side,  this  same  car  was  involved 

in  investigating  an  incident  where  a  man  drove 
away  without  paying  a  gas  attendant. 

The  students  had  the  opportunity  to  learn  the  ins 
and  outs  of  law  enforcement.  They  also  participated 
in  such  maneuvers  as  frisking,  learning  how  to  use 
some  of  the  equipment,  and  reading  the  code 
numbers  used  on  the  police  band  stations.  Police 
representatives  plan  to  visit  EHS  to  demonstrate 
the  use  of  some  of  the  other  equipment,  such  as  the 
speed  guns. 

The  ride  along  program  is  still  experimental.  The 
danger  involved  could  cause  the  poUce  department 
to  discontinue  the  program.  Incidents  involving 
shooting  could  cause  legal  and  moral  complications. 

Hopefully,  the  program  will  be  successful  and  be 
able  to  continue  to  give  people  a  better 
understanding  of  law  enforcement  and  our  city 


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Life  dangerous 
for  girl  symnasts 

by  Tom  Sonday 

Girls'  athletics  are  growing  bigger  and  better  every  year  in 
Indiana  and  for  that  matter,  across  the  nation.  Unfortunately, 
it  now  appears  as  though  Elmhurst  will  be  behind  in  this 
Gymnastics  equipment  dangerous  to  users 

Every  girls"  team  has  had  a  few  injustices  done,  but 
probably  the  team  with  the  best  and  most  obvious  complaints 
is  the  gymnastics  team.  The  things  that  these  girls  have  to  put 
up  with  are  really  unbelievable.  For  example:  Last  year  every 
school,  (with  the  possible  exception  of  South  Side),  that  the 
team  visited  had  better  equipment  than  Elmhurst.  Wayne,  for 
example,  has  two  of  just  about  every  piece  of  equipment  that 
Elmhurst  has  one  of.  And  Elmhurst's  equipment  is  in 
wretched  shape.  The  large  balance  beam  is  wobbly  and  some- 
what "exciting"  to  work  on  to  say  the  least,  and  the  unevens 
are  really  dangerous.  They  have  to  be  tightened  after  each  use 
to  prevent  them  from  slipping,  and  injury  could  easily  result  if 
a  girl  forgot  to  tighten  them. 

School  cooperation  needed 

What's  more,  cooperation  within  the  school  is  almost  nil. 
The  team  must  put  their  mats  down  in  the  cafeteria,  because 
they  can't  be  lifted  to  move  them  upstairs.  All  tables  in  the 
mat  area,  of  course,  have  to  be  moved  and  then  put  back.  This 
is  no  problem,  but  the  custodial  staff  insists  that  the  tables  be 
put  back  exactly  six  tile  squares  apart,  and  the  chairs  must 
also  be  put  exactly  in  line.  There  is  no  obviously  good  reason 
for  this. 

Money  is  being  spent  by  the  athletic  department  on  boys- 
sports.  The  football  team  got  new  helmets  and  new  home 
uniforms  this  year.  It  seems  kind  of  funny  that  these  can  be 
afforded  with  almost  no  hassle,  while  gymnastics  equipment 
can't  be.  The  prejudice  is  obvious,  and  it's  time  that  the  entire 
school,  (not  just  the  girls),  stood  up  for  girls'  athletics. 



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on !    Where  your  favorite  request 
is  just  a  phone  call  away 

Elmhurst    Advance 

Publiahtd  bi-wokly  during  Ott  Khool  year  by  thi  itudints  ol  Elmhurst  Hi^fa  School,  3639  Sindpoint  Road,  Fort 
Wayne,  Indiana,  46609,  inaccordiiu:*  with  the  polidu  and  guldeUnes  lot  high  school  approved  by  tha  Board  of  Tnist«9 
ol  the  Furl  Wayne  Community  Schoola. 

SnbKriptJonpriaiaU.Mpcr  year.  2G'p«r  single  copy.  Second  daa*p09tagT  paid  at  Fort  Wayne,  India oa  16802. 

Editor  in  Chief Sarah  Stewart  Todd  Nichols,  Niiholaa  Smith, 

News  editor Marty  Miller  Kevin  Supbenaon.  Steve  Vaughn 

EdlUirial  editor .    Barb  Hannan     Ad  iikanager Anoe  Cummjnga 

Sporlaedllor J.m  McClenegben     Ai  stall Cindy  Roea 

Featuraedltor Naocy  Bsadie      Buainese  manigtr Diine  Lupk* 

Copyediun- Michelle  Armstrong     E>  change /drculation KathySharpin 

Photoedllor PhitGutman     Rsporbrrs: , Robexta  Cohen,  Jan  DowlJn«, 

Chief  photographer Many  Petit  Mike  Freygang.  Kevin  Lee,  Sue  MorquiS. 

Photographers  .  . . ,      . Laura  Bowen. Tim  Chancy,  Nsncy  KsAfoe,  Verne  Myera.lHorilynn  Scherer 

Trojans  fall  twice 
over  weekend 

JUNIOR  CURTIS  PASCHALL  LEAPS  HIGH  off  the  hardwood. 
taking  a  shot  against  Muncie  South  in  Elmkurst's  basketball  season 

jCFrom  both    sicies% 

by  Marilyon  Scherer 

We  thought  it  would  be 
interesting  if  Coach  Kenny 
Eytcheson  and  Coach  Lucy 
Doswell  would  switch 
positions  with  Coach 
Eytcheson  taking  over  the 
girls'  basketball  team  and 
Coach  Doswell,  the  varsity 
team  for  a  practice.  Scene 
opens  with  Coach  Doswell 
taking  roll  

DOSWELL:  (Sharp 

whistle  blown  followed  by 
shrilling  scream)  "O.K., 
hold  the  balls.  Do  we  have 
enough  people  for  a 
scrimmage?  (No  answer) 
Well,  last  night  we  had . 
nine  girls  here  and  had  to 
play  the  starting  five 
against  four  of  our 
sophomores,  and  the 
sophomores  won." 

PASCHALL:  "Lucy,  I 
don't  remember  that." 

DOSWELL:  "Well 
that's  because  you  weren't 
there  Curtis." 

STARKS:  "Then  why 
ya  tellin'  us  about  itV" 

DOSWELL:  "I'm  trying 
to  give  you  an  example  so 
that  win  or  lose  no  matter 
what,  I  want  you  to  act 
like  ladies." 

while, upstairs  in  the  girls' 
gym,  Coach  Eytcheson  is 
having  his  problems  with 
the  girls. 

right,    let's    take    a    head 

and  Kevin  Lee 

count,  2,4.7,8,9-  NINE!!! 
We  don't  even  have 
enough  for  a  scrimmage. 
Where's  the  tall  one  with 
the  cute  long  legs:" 

QUANCE:  "KeUy's  got 
a  date  tonight.  She  went 
home  early  to  wash  and 
set  her  hair." 

you  can  tell  Kelly  that  she 
can  go  on  a  date  any 
night  she  wants  to  from 
now  on,  because  she  won't 
be  practicing  with  us  any 

DOWLING:  "That's  aU 
right  with  me.  That  leaves 
the  center  position  open. " 

but  we  don't  have  a 

QUANCE:  "You  need  a 
lot  more  than  a  stepladder 
-  you're  so  short  that  you 
can  play  hand  ball  on 
street  curbs!" 

Let's  go  four  on  four  — 
Gordy,  you  sit  out.  — 
What  was  that  you  said?" 

NARRATOR:  As  you 
can  see  changing  coaching 
positions  would  create  a 
little  havoc.  But  then 
havoc  is  created  by  people, 
and  it's  people  that  make 
things  pretty  interesting. 
More  interest  will  be 
aroused  in  the  next  issue 
of  the  Advance  as  "FROM 
BOTH  SIDES"  continues. 

by  Verne  Myers 

Inconsistency  and  tack  of 
experience  have  hampered  a  quick 
Elmhurst  basketball  team  as  it 
dropped  two  games  last  weekend 
after  an  opening  victory  here  at 
Elmhurst  over  Muncie  South,  59- 
51.  Coming  off  of  a  hard  fought 
68-66  loss  to  Bishop  Luers  Friday 
night,  the  Trojans  couldn't 
recover  at  Harding  the  next  night 
as  the  Hawks  pulled  away  with  a 
58-48  victory. 

Junior  Ernie  Starks  led 
Elmhurst  scoring  with  18  points, 
but  it  wasn't  enough  as  Elmhurst 
didn't  show  much  offensive 
consistency  the  second  half. 
Elmhurst  now  owns  a  0-2  record 
in  the  SAC  and  a  1-2  record 

Coach  Kenny  Eytcheson 
remarked,  "The  team  needs  to 
gain    experience.    Starks    is    the 

only  returning  starter."  Not  only 
does  the  team  lack  experience, 
but  it  faces  a  city  which  is  classi- 
fied as  "very  tough"  this  year. 

At  Luers,  Elmhurst  led 
throughout  the  first  three  periods 
only  to  succumb  to  a  ferocious 
Luers  comeback  in  the  fourth 
quarter.  Again  Starks  led  the 
Elmhurst  scoring  with  22  points 
followed  by  Johnnie  White  with 
10  points.  A  big  Bishop  Luers 
team  outscored  Elmhurst  24-12  in 
the  final  stanza  to  erase  a  10  point 

Two  weeks  ago,  the  Trojans 
pulled  off  a  59-51  victory  over 
Muncie  South  despite  the  large 
number  of  turnovers.  ElmhUrst 
looked  impressive  the  first 
quarter  as  they  built  a  17-12  lead. 
Raymond  Walker  and  Mike 
Brewer  led  Elmhurst  scoring  with 
18  and  17  points  respectively. 

LOOKING  HIGH  TO  WARDS  THE  BASKET,  senior  Fred  Underwood  hopes  i, 
he  watches  the  futile  attempt  for  two  sorely-needed  points. 

'JHatHt€K  defeat 

by  Jan  Dowling 

The  Elmhurst  varsity  wrest- 
ling team  has  brought  home 
both  a  win  and  a  loss.  The  victory 
for  the  Trojans  came  over  the 
South  Side  Archers,  36-27,  and 
their  defeat  in  the  first  match  of 
the  75-76  season  came  by  the 
hand  of  Belmont  High  School. 

However,  this  first  match  of 
the  season  did  show  five  winners. 
Competing  in  the  138  lb.  class, 
returning  lettermen  Paul 
Freeman  wrestled  his  opponent  to 
a  9-4  victory.  Likewise  junior 
Nelson  Almond  ,  wrestling  145, 
out  maneuvered  his  Belmont  man 
with  a  9-3  decision.  Wrestling  in 
the  155  and  185  classes 
respectively,  senior  Bill  Monroe 

Sout^  SceU; 

and  junior  Mike  Rush  also  matted 
their  Belmont  contenders.  The 
only  pin  of  the  evening  by  an 
Elmhurst  man  came  from  junior 
Kenny  Young. 

On  Dec.  4,  South  Side  met  with 
defeat  as  the  Trojans  up-ended 
the  Archers  36-27.  The  victors  for 
Elmhurst  in  this  match  were. 
Steve  Esterline,  forfeit,  Paul 
Freeman,  10-7,  and  Nelson 
Ahnond  16-1.  Senior  Bill  Monroe 
also  beat  the  South  opponent  6-2, 
and  Mike  Rush  also  won  his 
match  with  a  7-6  decision. 

The  next  wrestling  match  for 
the  Trojans  will  be  tomorrow 
night  at  7  p.m.  against  Wajnie 
High  School,  followed  five  days 
later  with  a  match  at  Dwenger. 




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ElmhuFBt  High  School 

3829  Sandpoint  Road 

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  9 
Dec.  17, 1975 

Iowa  tests  to  be  administered 

AU  seniors  will  be  taking  Iowa 
Tests  the  week  after  returning 
from  Christmas  vacation.  On 
Thursday,  Jan.  8,  seniors  with  a 
last  name  beginning  with  A 
through  Quick  will  be  taking  the 
test.  The  following  day,  seniors 
with  a  name  beginning  with  Q 

through  Z  will  be  administered 
the  test.  All  RVC  students  will  be 
excused  from  their  classes  at  the 
center  of  the  appropriate  day. 

The  Iowa  test  is  comparable  to 
the  Iowa  tests  administered  to 
students  in  their  freshman  year. 
The  results  of  both  tests  are 

Nouitshy  wins  VFW  contest 

Elmhurst  senior  Les  Novitsky 
was  recently  named  city  winner  in 
the  annual  Voice  of  Democracy 
Broadcast  Contest,  sponsored  by 
the  Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars. 

This  year's  topic  for  the 
speeches  was  "What  our 
bicentennial  heritage  means  to 
me."  Participants  in  the  contest 
wrote  their  speeches  on  this  topic, 
tape  recorded  them,  and  then  sent 
them  to  the  local  VFW  post. 
There  the  speeches  were  heard  by 
a  panel  of  three  judges. 

The  speeches  were  judged  on 
content,  creativity,  originality, 
and  on  the  speech  quality  and 
voice  delivery  of  the  speaker  since 
the  judges  had  no  visual  contact 
with  contestants. 

Les,  the  son  of  Mrs.  Al 
Novitsky,  3443  North 

Washington  Road,  entitled  his 
speech  "Created  by  Man-Inspired 
by  God."  His  speech  stressed  the 
themes  of  pride  in  our  country 
and  responsibility  with  which  Les 
identifies  very  strongly. 

Les  commented,  "When  they 
called  and  told  me  I  had  won,  I 
felt  extremely  honored  and  proud. 
I  hope  to  represent  Fort  Wayne 
well  at  the  district  contest." 

Les  was  awarded  a  $50  savings 
bond  and  will  be  a  guest  at  a 
banquet  where  he  will  deliver  his 
speech  to  VFW  members.  Les 
now  has  the  chance  to  compete  in 
the  district  contest  at 
Kendallville  on  Jan.  16.  If  he  wins 

compared  in  the  areas  of 
improvement  and  decline  of 

The  guidance  department, 
according  to  guidance  counselor 
Mr.  Douglass  Spencer,  is  making 
an  effort  to  stress  the  importance 
of  this  test  to  all  students. 
Explaining  this  importance,  Mr. 
Spencer  stated,^  "The  Iowa  tests 
are  valuable  in  different  ways  to 
both  the  student  and  school.  The 
results  of  the  tests  are  a  type  of 
self-evaluation  to  the  student  and 
to  the  school,  a  showing  of  its 
accomplishments  and  failures  in 
the  type  of  knowledge  retained  by 
the  students  on  the  tests." 

Other  ways  in  which  the  test  is 
helpful  to  students  taking  it,  Mr. 
Spencer  explained  is  that  it  helps 
the  students  see  the  kinds  of  tests 
given  in  college  and  also  is  of 
assistance  in  job  placement. 

the  district  contest  and  goes  on  to 
win  the  state  contest,  he  will 
travel  to  Washington,  D.C.  to 
participate  in  the  national 
competition  for  a  grand  prize  of 

Mr.  Traster  joins  office  staff 

A  new  addition  to  Elmhurst's  administrative  staff 
has  been  found  in  Mr.  Robert  Traster.  Mr.  Traster  will 
assist  the  faculty  during  the  absences  of  some  of  its 

Presently,  Mr.  Traster  is  assuming  the  position  of 
Mrs.  Dinah  Cashman,  the  sophomore  counselor,  who 
has  gone  to  England  to  spend  the  holidays  with  her 
husband,  an  exchange  professor  at  one  of  the 
■  universities  in  London.  Mr.  Traster  will  also  be 
assisting  Mr.  Bienz  and  Mr.  Geyer.  While  Mr.  Sinks  is 
serving  at  the  state  legislature,  Mr.  Traster  will  take 
over  his  counseling  responsibilities. 

Mr.  Traster  is  a  native  of  Garrett.  He  took  courses 
at  Manchester  College,  Ball  State  University,  Indiana 
University,  and  St.  Francis  College.  He  majored  in 
business  and  school  administration.  Before  coming  to 
Elmhurst,  Mr.  Traster  served  as  the  football  coach  at 
Hartford  City  High  School  and  as  athletic  director  at 
North  Side  for  11  years. 

When  asked  what  he  thought  about  Elmhurst,  Mr. 
Traster  replied,  "I  think  the  students  are  similar  to 
most  high  school  students.  I've  gotten  along  well  with 
them.  I  have  known  some  members  of  the  faculty  for 
many  years.  I  feel  that  Elmhurst  has  a  strong  and  very 
dedicated  faculty.  I  hope  to  help  whoever  I  can." 

Robert  Traster 




The  music  depart- 
ment will  present 
the  annual  Christ- 
mas assembly. 

A  pep  session 
building  spirit  for 
the  Northrop 
game  will  be  at 
8:55   a.m.    in   the 


From    fhe 

Elmhurst's  Tro- 
jans will  play  in 
the  Holiday  Tour- 
ney at  the  Coli- 



Back  to  school  for 
all  EHS  students! 

Mr.  Douglass  Spencer, 
guidance  counselor,  has 
announced  a  mass  registration  for 
the  draft  on  March  31,  1976  here 
at  Elmhurst.  Male  students  who 
were  bom  in  1957  or  earlier  are 
required  to  register.  Those  who 
plan  to  sign  up  with  the  Selective 
Service  can  do  so  at  this  time. 

Elmhurst    Advance 

Publnh«d  bl  wMkly  during  Um  Khool  ymi  by  th«  ttudtnU  o(  Etohurtt  Hl«b  School.  M29  Sindpolot  Road.  Fort 

W«yn*  Indiani 


46809.  in  lOcardaDa  with  th*  poUdM  4i>d  ■uidalluM  for  bl(li  Kbool  approvad  by  tb*  Sotrd  ol 

F  Commuoity  School*. 

prica  it  U.N)  p«r  ymr.  36'  par  tinf  lecopj  SKond  GUMpa«U«i  paki  at  Fon  Wiyna.  lodlau  4tmt- 

Merry  Chrifltmaa  Boom-Boom, 
from  somebody. 

Merry  ChriatmBB  Gua  from 

Merry  CKristmas. 

Since  his  nose  is  in  the  air,  It 
must  smell  better  up  there.  Ask 
"Pete"  about  it. 

Marc,  hope  next  year  brings 
more  happiness  to  you,  Merry 
ChristmBB  anyway.  Marilyn, 

To  My  Car:  Many  happy  oil 
changes,  A.  Maier. 

Merry  Christmas  Darcy,  from 

Merry  Christmas  Gina,  from 

Merry  Christmas  Rose,  from 

Merry  Christmas  Pat, 

D.  W,  soya  Merry  Christmas  to 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year  to  Allen  from  J.G. 

Merry  Christmas  Janice, 

Merry  Christmas  Dave,  Love 

Merry  Christmas  Markl 

Merry  Christmas  to  aU  Jazz 
Band  Members  and  J, H.B, 

To  J.C.T  Remember  KG,  in  her 
sexy  army  boots?  Wowl  Have  o 
Merry  Chriatmos  and  a  Happy 
New  Year,  Keoponsmilin'.  M.R.A, 

Lewis  Allen,  Meny  Christmas! 
Love  always,  Kelly. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Susan  Eloph 
from  Bvd, 

Nancy.  Merry  Christmas!  Good- 
luck  in  '76  with  140.  Tam-Tam. 

Shirley,  Well,  our  Luck's  still 
holding  out!  Good-luck  in  '76  and 
have  a  Merry  Christmas, 

Tim,  Merry  Christmas  &  Happy 
New  Year!  T.S. 

Rerry  Rhristmas  Ralph.  Ruess 

Merry  Christmas  Andy  M.  ■ 

Merry  Christmas  Lisa  and  Frank 
-  Mabel. 

Love  ya,  J.G. 

Merry  Christmas.  G.G.  Loveya, 

Smoke!  Greatest  "Lover"  huh? 
Let's  find  out.  Merry  Christmas  ■ 

Merry  Christmas  Jim  W.  -  Luv, 

Herman  G,  Haffner,  M,D. 

202  E.  Jefferson 
Practice  limited  to  diseases  of  the  skin 

mo  J  AM 

MOLn>A  y 


Loveya,  Kyle] 

J,B.  -  Have  a  very  Merry  Weil- 
Born  Christmas  -  M,Q.  Har!  Har! 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  my 
friends  at  Ebnhurat.  Luv,  Mabel. 

Scoot:  Merry  ChrietmasI 

Kathy  ■  Merry  Christmaat  Love, 

Merry  Chriatmas  Shelly  and 
Barb.  Mabel. 

Have  a  very  Merry  ChriBtmas, 
Gary -Short stuff. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Dayton, 
Mike,  Sam,  Gregg,  Allen,  Dave, 
Mark^nd  Matt  from  "Mom". 

A  Cool  Yule  to  All  from  Campus 

Merry  Christmas,  Jesus. 

Vivou  eu  Paz  eu  esta  Navldadll 

Merry  Christmas  Joe!  Kelly. 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year  to  the  staff  and  all 
Trojans!  Mrs.  Banks, 

Merry  Christmas,  Jerry  ■  Love 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  of  the 
pubUcations  staff.  LB. 

May  the  Spirit  of  the  Season 
Bless  you  All.  Mrs.  Owen. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  Trojans, 

Merry  Christinas  to  all  my 
friends -Gregg. 

A  very  iperry  Christmas  to  Patty 
York  from  your  friend,  Gregg. 

J.R.  -  Merry  Christmas  to  the 
one  I  love  and  care  for  very  much  - 

Merry  Christmas,  Kathy 
Chapman  -  Love,  your  favorite 

Merry  Christmas,  Cindy  Cade. 
Love,  Chuck  Bunn. 

Joyeuz   Noel,   Monsieur   Rothe. 

Froeliche  Weihnachten  und  ein 
glueckliches  Neus  Jahr  Bob!  Beate 

Meny  ChristmaB  to  PRM  and 

Love  to  all  Corporation 
stockholders,  Messiah. 

Merry  Christmas  Joe,  Love  Sue. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Elmhurst 
Trojans  from  Spectrum  Band, 

Merry  Christmas  to  Elmhurst 
Hockey  Team,  Tom  0. 

Merry  Chriatmas  to  Santa  Claus, 
John  G. 

Ms.  Hoyl  -  Six  years  ain't  long 
enough.  N.B. 

Merry  Christmas  Darla  from 

Merry  Christmas  to  Randy  U. 
from  Willa. 

Cathy,  Good  Luck  with  your 
"Nerd"  too.  Merry  Christmas, 
Your  Agent. 

Merry  Christmas  Ann,  Doug. 

And  1  say.  let  there  be  RMG  and 
there  will  be,  and  we  shall  travel  in 
the  valley  of  the  Corporation 
freedom,  and  our  candle  shall  burn 
for  the  happiness  of  Erg,  Captain, 
H.  R.,  and  Rocky  Mountain  Girl. 
We  shall  always  overcome.  Love, 
Messiah  I  Wilco). 

Merry  Christmas  turkey.  I  love 
you.  Chuck 

Merry  Christmas,  Debi  and 
Bruce  |  the  punk )  -  Shell 

Someone  foxy  as  you  Shouldn't 
be  blu^  Gonna  party  with  friends. 
Wanna  get  thru  to  you!- T.K.T, 

Merry  Christmas  to  Ted,  Bent, 
Fred,  Wus,  Sissy,  Round-m-up, 
Sorry.  Sean,  C.A.P.,  the  Pope,  and 
Sheila  -  Love,  Dora. 

Goodbye  E.H.S.  Sorry,  but  I 
can't  miss  you.  D.E.H. 

Merry  Christmas  Mr. 

Horstmeyer  ■  members  of  Who 
Called  for  Venus  -  D.H.,  C.R., 

Rick  Euell  -  Merry  ChristmaB 
Admirer  in  Mod  9  Lunch. 
To     my     snow     boy,     Merry 
Christmas,  Kevin.  Luv  from  Linda. 
Jamie,    have    a    very    Merry 
Christmas!  All  ray  love,  Ann. 

Merry     Christmas,     Chuckie 
Wuckie.  Love,  Cindy. 

"Breaker     10     for     that     there 
Happy  birthday,  Martha.  Love,    „^      ■  -    r^     i  -    .. .,  , 

_    "  '  Streakin  Deakin.    Mercy  sakes  you 

better  have  a  Merry  Christmas!  lO- 

the  Advance  staff. 

Joy  and  peace  to  the  messiah 
(Wilco),  H.R.  and  Rocky  Mountain 
girl.  Long  live  the  corporation!  The 

Kiss  me  P.J. 

All/right,  Robby  Storey;  We 
hopes  yoo  is  gunna  hav  uh 

Merry  Christmas  to  Laura  and 
Dave.  R.T. 

California  greetings  from 

Merry     Christmas     to     Nancy. 
Love,  Mike. 
HeUo.  Elena  P.  from  S.V. 

IMerry    Langston! 
Christmas    to    aU    my    friends    ■        j^^^^    Christi 

Merry    Christmas    to    all    my 
friends- J. B. 

Merry  Christmas  and  a  Happy 
New  Year  to  Dave  Murray  from 

Merry      Christmas      to      Mr. 

Merry     Christmas     to     Mike 
Maurer,  Peanut^and  Freckles. 

Merry     Christmas     to    all    the 
terrific  Turds. 

Merry  Christmas 


Merry        Christmas        Mikie 

"Moon"  Mullen. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Oskar, 
Eberhard,  and  Wolfgang.  Beware 
over  Christmas  vacation. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Lori  from 

Elmhurst  first  Jazz  Band  sax 
section  wishes  the  world  and  all 
those  connected  with  it  a  Merry 

A  verry  Meiy  Crismass  to  Y* 
and  Toffee.  Sincearley,  J. 
Merry  Christmas  to  half  of  POT, 
from  the  other  half. 

Merry  Christmas  Mrs,  Banks, 
from  3rd  period, 

Feliz  Navidad  Maria. 

Merry  Christinas  Susie,  Claude, 
Pit-Pat,  Muahle  &  Tam,  Carolie. 

Happy  Birthday,  Merry 
Christmas,  and  Happy  New  Year, 
Carole.  (Anything elae?)  Verne. 

Merry  Christmas,  Sis. 

Frohelichen  Weinachtsten, 
Betsy -Love,  Kent. 

To  all  zealous  foUowers  of  the 

Arms    from 

Merry  Christmas  N.K.  from  D.S, 
To  Donna  -  Love,  Yogi. 

Happy     Christmas     S.     from 

Merry     New    Year     K.     from 

A  very  Merry  Christmas  to  Jana 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  my 
friends  at  E.H.S.  -  A.R.,  S.G.,  S.F., 
J.D.  and  R.J.,  K.H.  and  D.H.,  T.S, 
and  E.P.,  T.L.  and  D.D.,  T.C.  and 
B.M.,  V.V.  and  L.D.,  K.J.  and 
Wade,  T.  Mc.  and  Liver,  S.T.  a 
Jim,  N.  Mc,  J.B.,  Mel  and  Stan, 
Kevin  and  Linda,  Patti  and  Alan 
;?),  and  of  course  Keith  and  Lis; 
And  also  to  my  friends  who  I  know 
will  have  a  Merry  (Burpll 
Christmas,  Phil  J.,  Paul  M.,  Doug 
P.  and  Doug  P.,  Tim  B.  and  Steve 
S.  I  forgot.  Merry  Christmas 
Lynn  and  Mike,  and  Kelly  s 

Merry     Christmas     Pam     from 
Kathy.     Merry    Christmas     Beib 

true  religion,  WG  thru  PP:  Do  not    Stall.  Merry  Christmas  to  French 
falter  from  your  practices  in  our    IIL 

holy    crusade    for    uninhibited        jjave  -  Merry  Christmas  Babe. 
reUgion.  M.C.  ^ay     we     have     many     more 

Felicidad,  Amiclasedeespanoly    Christmases      together.      Love 
always,  Mabel. 

Season 's 

rom  Root's 
Camp  'n  Ski  Haus 

For  all  your  camping, 
tennis,  and  skiing  needs. 

6844  N.Clinton 



Have  a  Merry  ChriBtmaa! 

Merry  ChristEoas  toikeyt  Joik. 
Get  blasted,  AodcfiQ  -^amj 
"Meny  Christmas,  Bernie^' 
Merry  .Khriatmas    Barb    -    DH. 
Bob  P.  - 1  get  your  rest)  and 
bave  a  fantastic  Christmas  ■  Jeff. 
Merry  Christmas  and  have  a 
happy    New    Year    Jill. 

Merry  Christmas  frOm  JB 
to  MQ,  DP.  and  JR. 

Merry  Christmaa  Elmhurstl 
IJeff  - 
Hope  it  snows  1000  inches  for  you. 
Merry  Christmas,  Melissa 
Hatlif  -  >.E. 

Merry    Christmas    to    Lise 
from    Matt. 

iHope  there's  no  coal  in  your 
stMking!  SLW. 

CWL  -  How's  your  Oara?  The  guysl 
Have   a  umongous  hoUday, 
Nancee  •  Jeff. 

(Frohliche  Weihnachten. 
Herr  Rothe. 

(Merry  Christmas  Cathyl 
II  bet  you  didn't  write    me   one!) 

Lucky  Steer 

People  really  count 

at  Lucky  Steer 
2912  Getz  Road 

Merry  Chrittrnqil 

Merry  Christmas  to  CHAMP 
from  Lise. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Matt 
Vorndran.  Hope  to  see  you  soon! 
Sally  from  Homestead. 

To  Kari,  Shelley,  Jana,  Lise,  Syd, 
Betsy,  and  Mary  -  Merry 
Christmas!  Sally  from  Homestead. 

Joyeux  Noel  to  the  SUent  One. 

Merry  Christmas,  Hoover,  from 

Viola  May  -  my  cup  runneth  over 
(!  think  I'd  better  get  a  new  bra! )  - 
Joe  Schmoe  and  BiU  Pill. 

Merry  Christmas  Elmhurst 
students  -  Mr.  Spencer. 

Merry  Christmas  Corky  from 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  silent 
Eiunority  who  ride  in  my  horsie. 

Feliz  Navidad  Senora  Herrero  ■ 
SheU  W. 

Merry  Christmas  Bros.  -  Love, 

Merry  Christmas,  Kathy,  and 
jood  luck  ■  Pam. 

Merry  Christmas,  Kathy,  Robin, 
Jan,  Lori,  Pam,  Gerri,  Kim,  Jeanne, 
Billy,  Mark,  Bill,  Mr.  Herman,  and 

e  Gymnastics  team!  Love,  Cindy 

Kari,  wishing  you  a  very  Merry 
Christmas,  and  good  luck  and 
future  in  the  coming  year.  Love, 
Kathy  and  Steve. 

Merry  Christmas  "Blue  Eyes", 
Love  ya  -  Smiles. 

Joe -Take  me,  -S. 

Ralph,  Be  caiiefull  Don't  let  your 
love  life  go  up  in  smoke!  Nozzles. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Jun  and 
Pross.  Love  Prom. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  my 
friends.  LoveSapo. 

Merry  Christmas  "Jeans",  from 
"Tennis  Shoes". 

Who- Are  you  ready  to  put  up  the 
Christmas  tree?  Y. 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  Blue 
Sofa  -  the  Yellow  Rose. 

Merry  Christmas  Frank,  Love 

A  very  happy  &  fulfilled 
Christmas  to:  Deanna  D.,  Bemie 
P.,  Becky  C,  Thea  L.,  Cindy  L., 
Cindy  V.,  Kim  B..  Jenny  L.,  Diana 
H.,  Cheryl  M.,  Liz  M..  KeUy  H., 
Chris  E.,  Mercia  M..  Lisa  S.,  Ann 
C,  -  N.S. 

Feliz  Navidad  para  todas  —  Ms. 

M.Q.  digs  on  witches  brew. 
Happy  Chanuka,  L.D. 
Merry  Christmas  to  all!  J.W. 
Merry  Christmas  to  the  staff  of 
E.H.S.  -  B.R.S. 

Merry  Christmas  to  my  future 
high  school  and  M.H.  —  K.S. 

Regina  LoCastro  eyes  are 
watching  you:  R&S. 

Merry  Christmas,  Punkin.  LL,Y. 

M.M.  •  Merry  Christmas  lifting 
those  bedpans!  B.S. 

Underspoken  Coach  Merry 
Christmas  and  may  your 
Christmas  tree  have  a  tennis  ball 
on  top!  S  and  K  plus  team. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Tammy,  the 
greatest  STUDENT  BODY  and 
"Friends",  T.U.R.D.S.,  chief 
executive^  and  the  rowdy 
benevolent!  Mike  i  the 


Merry  Christmas  Kim  Beade  — 

Merry  Christmas  Verne!  Love, 

Danny,  I  love  you,  I  love  you,  I 
love  you!!!  Tigger 

John  ■  Many  happy  returns  of 
the  New  Year!  Always,  CLR. 

Captain,  Wilco  (alias  the 
Messiah),  Erg  and  RMG  -  We're  all 
on  the  bus  toward  a  decent, 
delicious,  delightful  future.  It's  a 
long,  hard  wait,  but  if  we  help  each 
other  through,  I  know  we  can  make 
it  to  where  we're  going.  All  my 
love  and  a  very  Merry  Christmas! 

Feliz  Navidad  a  los  alumnos  de 

Merry  Christmaa  Liver,  from  a 

Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Habegger. 
Signed,  "The  Hairy  Bear". 

Good  luck  to  the  school  Hockey 

Merry  Christmas,  Sue  Free  - 
"Laughing  Hyena". 

Merry     Christmas,      Amy 
Lunchmate  M.O. 

Merry  Christmas,  Pam  ■  Typing 
Expert  M.O. 

Broadview  Florists 

To  Athos,  Remember  the  Venus 
flytrap?  Joyeux  Noel  et  Bonne 
Annoe.  Wheeeeeputt-putt-putt-pu- 
ttl  PorthoB. 

To  the  Elmhurst  Trojans  -  Have 
a  very  Merry  Christmas  and  a 
Happy  New  Year.  Remember,  all 
for  one  and  one  for  all!  -  Athos, 
Porthos,  and  Aramis  -  The  Three 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  future 
Italifn  Pope.  Love,  your 

Merry  Christmas  to  Tony 

To  Athos  and  Porthos: 
Remember  the  fairy  egg!  Aramis. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  the 
people  in  the  7th  lunch  mod. 
Merry  Christmas  to  the  band. 
Merry  Christmas  and  a  happy 
new  year  to  Pam,  Roxi,  Gena, 
Sandy,  Penny,  Vicki.  Bemie. 
Melinda,  Debbie,  Connie,  Tammy^ 
and  Terrie.  From  Kenny. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Carolyn  and 
Tom,  Kathy  and  Steve.  From 

Melinda  ■  Wishing  you  a  very 
merry  Christmas  and  a  happy  new 
year.  Love,  Kathy  and  Steve. 

Feliz  Navidad  para  Senora 

Merry  Christmaa,  Peace  and  Joy 
to  all  my  friends  at  E.H.S. 

Merry  Christmas  Terri.  How's 
your  liver? 

Merry  Christmas  to  All  ■  Terri 

Paul  -  Merry  Christmas!  Don't 
worry,  I'll  never  drive  to  school! 
Love,  Sharon. 

Skip  -  Happy  New  Year!!!  Hey,  I 
want  to  go  to  Chicago  again.  How 
about  it?  Love,  Jill. 

Malcolm  -  Happy  New  Year! 
Just  think  a  whole  week!  I  love 
yoQ.  Always,  Jill. 

Hey,  Hey,  Hey,  it's  Ken  Robs 
here,  wishing  everybody  I  know  a 
Happy  New  Year!! 

Merry  Christmas  Cheri.  R.F. 

Merry  Christmas  Benedict, 
undecidously  Lee. 

Merry  Christmas  Carolyn. 

Season  greetings  to  everyone. 

Merry  Christmas  Bruce. 

Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Raymer. 

Greetings  Porthos  and  Aramis. 
Remember  the  fairy  eggs  and  F  of 
L  forever.  Wheeeee-putt-putt-putt. 

Merry  Christmas,  foxy  lady  in 
upper  Mongolia.  E.B. 


Merry  Christmas,  Miko  -  Love, 
Hips,  Raisin^and  Crackers. 

Tree  Greetings  to  Tim  Smith 
from  one  of  your  many  lovers. 

Paul  Edsall  -  Think  of  Erving  at 

Mr.  Rothe  -  Auf  loa  gehts  los, 
aber  nicht  in  den  Hos!  Remember? 
The  Silent  Minority. 


You  are  my  Sunshine.  -  Merry 
Christmas.  Love,  Short  Stuff. 

iJ409  Winchester  Road 

Make  someone 

you  love 


For  any  special  occasion 
or  just  a  thoughtful 
gesture,  flowers 
,,,,,,  make  a  beautiful 
}l\i  way  to  express  your 
deepest  emotions. 

REMEMBER  ...  Deanna  •  food, 
diets,  tennis,  biking.  Kathy  -  C,P., 
mudslides,  roses,  blue. 

REMEMBER  ..,  Wart,  saqapo, 
rainbows,  swings,  9:00  Mouse, 
skiing,  biking,  walking  home. 
REMEMBER  ...  Darcy  -  moths, 
Atz.  daisies.  A.R.S.A.  -  Meda, 
camping,  teepeeing,  our  song. 
REMEMBER  ...  Pipsqueak  & 
Colleen  ■  Meese,  Joan  &  Cheryl  -  A 
beginning.  Merry  Christmas,  may 
this  be  the  start  of  a  thousand  more 
great  tiroes.  Kim. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Claudia 
from  Bird.  .  — 

Merry  Christmas  to  Kent.  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  to  Darla.  Love, 

J.D.  May  you  find  a  hunk  under 
your  tree.  A  hunk  of  what?  T.H. 

Merry  Christmas,  D.D.  Have  a 
happy  holiday!  No.  7. 

Melsa-Mae  -  May  you  be  well  by 
Christmas.  Putt-Putt. 

Squirt  -  Remember?  Orange 
glow,  Avalon,  foreign  languages, 
the  Penny  Arcade,  Filchak  for 
King!,  Constitution,  "oh,  she  do,  do 
she?",  Merry  Christmas  and 
grunches  and  grunchea  of  love.  - 

Merry  Christmas  to  Elena  and 
Sheril.  Great  friends,  great  times. 

Pizza  Gut  ■  Christmas  and  you 
are  my  favorite  times  of  the  year. 
Love,  Miss  America, 

Announcing:  That  her  royal 
Majesty,  the  King,  wishes  all 
members  of  the  Executive  Branch 
a  Merry  Christmas. 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  Oaf. 
Thou  doth  pleaseth  us.  W.W.  and 

Merry  Christmas  to  the  only  frog 
I've  ever  loved.  Grunches  and 
grunches  of  love.  Squirt. 

Merry  Christmas34-16-32  and  40- 
44-42  from  15-17-5. 

Mike,  Merry  Christmas  to  a 
super  football  player  and  wrestler. 
Love,  Lynn. 

Nelson,  Merry  Christmas  to  a 
super  athlete.  Love,  Lori. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Puppy  Perez 
from  Dan  Henderson. 

R.H.  wishes  C,W,  a  Merry 

Meny  Christmas  to  Shirley  from 

Merry  Christmas  to  Michael 
Getz.  Love,  Mary. 

Merry  Christmas  to  J.W. 
Have  a  lovely  Christmas,  dear 

Merry  Christmas,  Barb.  Love, 

No  Biggyl 

Susan  Momingstar  wishes  Bob 
Hart  a  Merry  Christmas  with  love. 
Merry  Christmas  to  the  Creative 
Writing  gang,  from  Pam. 

Merry  Christmas  Lance,  from 

Merry  Christmas,  Mr.  Lohr, 
from  Kathy  D.,  Sue  M.,  Kari  M., 
and  Sue  F. 

Merry  Christmas,  Lee.  All  my 
love,  Sue. 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year! 

Merry  Christmas  Cathy,  Barb, 
and  Tom  —  Love  Beth 

Merry  Christmas,  Maria  and 
Penny.  And  Maria,  try  to  stay 
away  from  Bob  &  Jeff  during 
vacation.  Amy 

Merry  Christmas  to  Costa 
Ricalll  Love  from  the  United 

Love  you,  Gina.  Your  secret 

Feliz  Navidad,  Domingo 

Merry  Christmas  CM.  from  a 

Merry     Christous    S.M.     from 
Merry  Christmas  Beth! 
Merry  Christmas   David!    Love 
Merry  Christmas  Reenal 
R.T.  wishes  M.M.  a  very  Merry 
Christmas!  Love  Always,  Ruth 
Merry  Christmas  Jackl  Liz. 
To  the  nweetest  little  squirt  in 
the  world  --  please  make  sure  that 
I'maprincel  Love, Frog. 

Merry  Christmas  to  Slugger, 
from  Kev. 

Merry  Christmas  Coach 
Herman.  B.K. 

Merry,  Christmas  Claudia,  Dawn, 
Marilyn,  Sherry,  and  Deanna. 
Merry  ChrlstmaSi  Marty. 
Merry  Christmas,  Becky. 
Merry   Christmas,    Linda,   from 
the  Slugger. 

Doug  -  Do  you  have  my 
Christmas  present  yet?  June. 

Merry  Christmas  from  one 
rowdy  table  to  another  in  mod  8. 
From  Kellie,  Lynn,  Squirt,  Lori, 
Elena,  and  Nita. 

Merry  Christmas  to  our  beloved 
cabinet.  Love,  SOK. 

Bob  -  I'm  wishing  US  a  merry 
Christmas  and  a  happy  New  Year, 
for  always.  Your  Baby. 

Hag  and  Nag  wish  each  other 
Merry  Christmas. 

Meny  Christmas  Nan! 
Kent  -  Frohliche  Weihnachten  to 
you,  babe.  Why  don't  you  just  gift- 
wrap  yourself?!  Love,  Betsy. 

Tom  Hues  -  Merry  Chrietmas 
Sweetie!  It's  Friday!  Bets. 

To  Ester  Ruth  and  Mama  -  I 
made  you  a  brand-new  useful 
potholderl  Merry  Christmas!  Your 
loving  Viola  May. 

Merry  Christmas  Mom  and  Dad. 

Merry  Christmas  to  my 
stndents.  E.  Gwaltney. 

Merry  Christmas  to  my  family. 

Merry  Christmas  to  everyone.  L. 

Merry  Christmas  to  my  sister 
Patty  -  Jackie 

Merry  Christmas  and  Happy 
New  Year  to  all  my  kids  on  lOS. 

J. P.  says  Merry  Christmas  and 
Happy  New  Year  to  P.G. 

Denny  H.  -  Merry  Christmas! 
Love,  Cindy. 

ThU  is  fltiO  AM  ftp  FoK-'^B^fc,  51,^^1': 
Mi-ij  HAfM  t^'"  Sl-.t^iOfii  •' 

i^i>i-f  IWD   JXB'/UHI'lOilC  , 
Wit  ffflifS    IMT»UJM,       ^ 

Trojans  edge  over  SaintS;  Knights 

by  Jim  McCleneghen 

The  Elmhurst  Trojans  had  to  come 
from  behind  twice  in  order  to  beat 
Dwenger  and  NonveU  over  the  weekend. 
The  Trojans  downed  Dwenger  in  the  last 
30  seconds,  64-61.  and  had  to  stage  a  last 
quarter  rally  to  surpass  the  Knights  53- 

Elmhurst  fought  back  from  an  eight 
point  deficit  at  55-47  with  less  than  5 
minutes  to  go  to  defeat  Dwenger.  The 
Trojan  charge  was  led  by  senior  Fred 
Underwood  and  junior  Ernie  Starks. 
Elmhurst  was  not  able  to  put  the  game 
out  of  reach,  however,  due  to  36  per  cent 
shooting  from  the  free  throw  line.  It  was 
not  until  junior  Johnnie  White  stole  the 
ball  with  less  than  10  seconds  to  go  and 
went  in  for  a  layup  to  give  the  Trojans  a  3 
point  lead  that  the  victory  was  assured. 
The  Trojans'  ace  in  the  hole  turned  out  to 
be  its  substitutes  as  the  Elmhurst 
backup's  tallied  11  crucial  points  in  the 
fourth  period  to  keep  the  Trojans  in  the 

Elmhurst  was  led  by  senior  Raymond 
Walker  who  contributed  21  points  to  the 
cause,  most  of  them  coming  from 
rebounds  and  follow-up  shots.  Also  in 
double  figures  for  the  Trojans  were 
juniors  Ernie  Starks  and  Johnnie  White 
who  threw  in  14  and  12  points 
respectively.  The  victory  was  the  second 

for  the  Trojans  in  four  games  and  their 
first  in  the  SAC. 

Height  advantage  (finally) 

The  following  evening  found  the 
Trojans  in  action  once  again,  this  time 
entertaining  the  Norwell  Knights  here  at 

The  Trojans  enjoyed  a  rare  advantage 
against  Norwell  as  far  as  recent  Elmhurst 
teams  go.  With  the  exception  of  the 
Norwell  centei)  the  Trojans  walked  out  on 
the  floor  with  a  slight  height  advantage. 
This  asset  proved  to  be  very  valuable  as 
time  and  again  the  Trojans  received  two 
and  three  shots  instead  of  just  one. 

The  first  16  minutes  of  the  game  were 
played  quite  closely  with  the  Knights 
finding  the  range  a  little  sooner  than  the 
Trojans  and  taking  a  17-12  lead  at  the  end 
of  the  first  quarter.  Elmhurst  came  right 



j^From  both   sldes^ 

What  would  happen  if  Coach 
Eytcheson  and  Coach  Doswell 
switched  coaching  positions 
for  a  regularly  scheduled  game 
against  Northrop?  That  is  the 
question  we  ask  ourselves.  The 
following  are  some  possible 
excerpts  if  this  situation  would 

EXTCHESON:  O.K..  we're 
going  to  play  a  1-3-1  defense 
and  a  1-2-2  offense.  Well  play  a 
1-2-2  only  if  they  start  in  a  2-3 
zone.  If  they  play  a  man-to- 
man defense  then  we'll  play  a 
man-to-man  offense.  All  right, 
go  get  'em  guys.  Oops!  Excuse 
me!  Go  get  'em  girls. 

DOWLING:  Wait  a  minute, 
coach,  what  was  that  number 
bit?  It  sounded  Uke  a  bunch  of 
lottery  number^and  I  thought 
gambling  isn't  allowed  in  high 
school  sports.  Plus  I  flunked 
algebra  last  quarter,  but  I  had 
Uncle  Phil  for  a  babysitter. 

EYTCHESON:  I'll  forget 
that  last  remark,  Janet,  since  I 
have  no  comment  on  that 
situation.  Those  so-called 
numbers  are  not  lottery 
numbers  -  they  are  our  defense 
and  offensive  game  plans. 

SLATE:  Why  do  we  have  to 
have  a  game  plan,  coach?  We 
can  play  run  and  gun  too! 

NARRATOR:  By  the  way, 
the  girls  beat  Northrop  that 
night  72-12.  Now  let's  take  a 
peek  in  on  Coach  Doswell  and 
see  how  the  varsity  team  is 

ANNOUNCER:  HeUo  again 

sports  fans,  it's  45-23  in  favor 
of  the  Northrop  Bruins  here  at 
halftime.  The  Bruins  have 
tamed  Coach  Lucy  Doswell's 
Trojans,and  the  game  has  the 
makings  of  a  real  farce. 

NARRATOR:  Meanwhile, 
down  in  the  boys  locker  room, 
Coach  Doswell  is  giving  one  of 
her  famous  halftime  speeches. 

DOSWELL:  Men,  there  is 
an  old  saying  -  'Horses  sweat, 
men  per3pire,and  women  glow' 
-  you  guys  are  definitely 

second  that!" 

DOSWELL;  What  seems  to 
be  the  problem  is  bur  offense. 
In  other  words,  when  you  guys 
throw  the  ball  up  there,  it 
doesn't  go  through  the  hoop. 
Twenty-three  points  in  sixteen 
minutes  -  that  means  that 
we've  made  less  than  one 
basket  a  minute. 

STARKS:  So,  what's  our 
strategy  for  the  second  half? 

DOSWELL:  Same  as  the 
first  half,  only  this  time  - 

NARRATOR:  Well,  the 
result  of  this  game  -  we'll  leave 
up  to  you.  It  looks  as  though 
someone  knew  what  he  was 
doing  when  he  decided  who  was 
going  to  coach  who.  But  with 
the  world  being  the  way  it  is, 
the  women's  movement 
creating  changes  every  day, 
who  knows,  maybe  this  article 
is  not  quite  as  fictional  as  it 

Merry  Christmas,  fellow  Trojan 
Singer  sopranos  Pat,  Vinnie.  Lisa, 
and  Vetti.  Cathy. 

Toni.  we  still  won't  let  you  walk! 
Pit-Pat,  Morshy,  Claude,  Vetti.  and 
Cathy  -  Merry  Christmas! 

To  all  my  friends,  have  a  Merry 
Christmas  and  happy  partying, 
John-Boy,  | 

Merry  Christmas  Foxy  TKT.         j 

Merry  Christmas  to  Puggy  Poo! 

Thelma  -  I  hope  your  Christmas 
is  wonderful  -  who  cares  what  Doris 
says -Clara. 

Melissa  -  goUy  gee  you're  a  swell 
friend.  Love,  Claudia 

Pit,  Mush.  Carole  Lee,  Susie, 
Annie,  Cathie  -  it  sure  is  great 
having  friends  like  you!!!  Claude 

Thomas  &  Mikie  -  Hope  your 
Christmases  are  wonderful  ■  hope 
Santa  brings  ya  both  your  own 
personal  wastebaskets  --  and  paper 
wads!!  Respectfully  submitted. 

Betsy:  Remember  •  9th  grade  - 
sign  rental  -  codes  -  notes  -  phone 
calls  at  11  p.m,  -  secrets  -  Horny 
Borny  -  fill  nife  at  band  camp  -  relief 
at  feeling  the  same  way  in  Terre 
Haute  ■  ya  know  ■  I  think  we've 
grownupalittle  through  all  that!!! 
Merry  Christmas.  Love,  Claudia.      | 

To  my  Alaskan  interest:  Hope 
your  hohday  season  is  tingly!  Love, 

Merry  Christmas  OBJ  ■  from 

Fish  wishes  C,S.  and  M.F.  a 
merry  Christmas. 

Merry  Christmas.  Mr.  Lohr. 
from  a  "Fishy"  admirer.  Carol 

Merry  Christmas  to  cool  Stevie  - 

Merry  Christmas  to  J.  T.  and  L. 

Merry  Christmas  to  All  AFS 

OK.  Tim  Roop,  1  bought  one! 

Merry  Christmas.  Everybody, 

Merry  Christmas  to  Kari  and 
Robin  from  "Fuzz  Face." 

Sher,  have  a  very  Merry 
Christmas  and  a  happy  New  Year 
too!  Love,  Jeff. 

Jeff,  have  a  Merry  Christmas 
and  God  Bless,  Love.  Kari. 

Merry  Christmas  to  all  my 
bestest  friends,  Cindy,  Lori.  Robin, 
Jan,  Jeannie.  Love,  K.M. 

back,  however,  outscoring  the  Knights 
15-12  in  the  second  quarter  as  junior 
Johnnie  White  and  senior  Fred 
Underwood  began  to  find  the  open  land 
and  move  toward  the  basket  for  the 
layup.  The  Knights,  however,  displayed 
some  fine  outside  shooting  to  hang  on  to  a 
two  point  lead  at  the  half,  29-27. 

The  second  half  opened  up  and  so  did 
the  Trojan  defense  which  held  the 
Norwell  team  without  a  field  goal  for 
almost  the  entire  third  quarter.  Mean- 
while, juniors  Ernie  Starks  and  Johnnie 
White  provided  the  offense  for  the  Tro- 
jans, scoring  all  but  one  of  the  Trojans' 
field  goals  in  the  second  half.  Johnnie 
Whiteled  all  scoring  with  20  points  while 
Ernie  Starks  added  15  for  the  Trojans, 
who  are  now  3-2. 

The  next  action  for  the  Trojans  will  be 
against  Northrop  oh  Dec.  19  at  Elmhurst, 
followed  by  the  Elmhurst-Merillville 
game  the  following  night,  also  at  the 
Trojan  gym.  All  games  start  at  8  p.m. 
with  reserve  matches  preceding  the 

Junior  Johnnie  White  jumps  high  for  two  against 
the  Dwenger  Saints 


Congratulations  are  in  order  to 
junior  Johnny  White,  not  as  a 
basketball  player  (yet),  but  as  a 
football  player.  Johnny  was  the 
only  member  of  the  Trojan  team 
to  be  picked  to  the  All-SAC  team 
for  1975.  Johnny  was  the 
defensive  back  for  the  Trojans 
and  as  the  coaches  around  the 
SAC  saw  it,  he  was  one  of  the 

Coach  Tom  Herman  was 
awarded  a  watch  by  the  10  seniors 
on  the  1975  football  team  in 
appreciation  for  all  that  Mr. 
Herman  has  done  for  athletics  at 
Elmhurst,  in  particular^  the 
football  program.  Coach  Herman 
was  the  first  coach  to  stqrt  a 
summer  fitness  program  for 
athletes,  and,  as  one  of  the 
seniors  put  it,  "I  only  wish  he  had 
been  here  when  we  were 


^\       I elmhurs( 


Ehnhurst  High  School 
3829  Saodpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  39.  No.  10 
Jan. 14, 1976 



The  new  year  starts  out  with  a 
bang  for  Elmhurst  musicians  as 
they  prepare  themselves  for 
various  contests  throughout  the 
next  month.  The  annual 
MISBOVA  contests,  which 
involve  members  of  the  band, 
orchestra,  choir,  jazz  bands,  and 
Trojan  Singers,  will  be  coming  up 
in -the  next  few  weeks  where  solos 
and  ensembles  will  be  judged  and 
commented  on.  Designed  to  im- 
prove musical  talent  and  partici- 
pation, contestants  are  given  use- 
ful criticism  and  experience  which 
many  find  very  rewarding. 

Participation  up  from  last  year 

The  first  contest  will  be  Jan.  24 
when  the  two  jazz  bands  and  the 
Trojan  Singers  perform  at  Snider 
High  School  for  the  jazz  band  and 
swing         choir  NISBOVA 

competition.  Last  year  all  three 
ensembles  received  a  first  rating 
as  these  groups  regularly  rate 
well  at  the  contest. 

The  next  week  on  Jan.  31,  the 
piano,  vocal,  and  string  contest 
will  take  place  at  Bishop  Luers 
High  School  where  solos  and 
small  ensembles  will  be  judged. 
This  year  Elmhurst  will  be 
sending  approximately  15  solos 
and  ensembles  which  vocal 
teacher  Mr.  Al  Schmutz  says  is 
"up  from  last  year. " 

Many  players  work 
hard  for  NISBOVA 

The  next  week  they  go  at  it 
again  when  on  Feb.  7  Elmhurst 
wind  and  percussion  players  will 
display  their  work  at  Woodlan 
High  School.  Consisting  of  many 
of  the  same  members  as  those  in 
choir  and  orchestra,  these  wind 
and  percussion  players  make  up 
about  20  groups  and  individuals 
who  are  all  working  hard  for 

For  those  who  do  exceptionally 
well  in  these  district  contests, 
they  may  go  on  to  perform  at  the 
state  contest  in  Indianapolis 
where  musicians  from  all  over 
Indiana  will  participate  on  Feb. 
28.  Senior  flutist  Carole  Stanley 
remarked,  "In  the  end,  it  gives 
you  a  sense  of  accomplishment. " 

north  Central  uisits  Elmhurst 

If  you  have  been  seeing  new 
faces  roaming  the  haUs  of  EHS 
the  past  two  days  and  thought  to 
yourself,  "I  wonder,  who  are 
those  new  people?",  wonder  no 

This  group  of  17  educators 
from  throughout  Indiana  are  at 
Elmhurst  representing  the  North 
Central  Evaluating  Association. 
They  arrived  at  Elmhurst  Jan.  13 
and  will  be  in  the  building  until 
Jan.  16. 

Elmhurst,  as  a  member  of  this 
association,  is  evaluated  every 
sfeven  years.  We  go  through  a  self- 
evaluation  within  the  school,  and 
the  evaluating  team  spends  four 
days  at  Elmhurst  looking  at  our 

Earlier  this  fall,  the  initial  self- 

evaluations  began  with  the  school 
staff  being  divided  into  sub- 
committees. They  evaluated  all 
phases  of  our  school  operation. 
Many  students  were  also 
arranged  in  committees.  The 
different  sections  of  the 
evaluation  criteria  contain 
sections  dealing  with  organiza- 
tion, nature  of  offerings,  physical 
facilities,  and  direction  of  learn- 
ing. These  evaluations  are  then 
reviewed  at  our  state  office  and 
later  at  the  Spring  North  Central 
Conference  in  Chicago. 

The  next  step  of  the  North 
Central  evaluating  process  is  the 
visit  by  the  representatives.  The 
North  Central  team,  while  at 
Elmhurst,  will  observe  exactly 
what  goes  on  in  school  and  the 

Teachers  assist   faculty 

Joyce  Kingsley.  Photo  by  Tim  Chaney. 

J  student  teachers  Miss  Kim  Schmidt  and  Mis: 

Elmhurst  now  has  under  its 
roof  two  student  teachers  who 
will  be  here  until  the  end  of 
February.  Miss  Joyce  Kingsley, 
student  teaching  with  Mr.  Don 
Goss,  is  a  senior  at  Ball  State 
University  in  Muncie.  Miss 
Kingsley,  originally  from 
Auburn,  graduated  from  DeKalb 
High  School  and  is  now  living  in 
Fort  Wayne.  She  is  teaching 
advanced  art,  photography,  and 
stage  craft  classes  here  at 
Elmhurst.  She  majored  in  art 
education  and  minored  in 
multiculture  education  i  n  college. 
Miss  Kingsley  feels  that  she  is 
learning  a  lot  here  and  that  the 
experience  she  is  gaining  is  good. 
She  can  be  found  in  room  230. 

The  other  student  teacher  here 
is  Miss  Kim  Schmidt,  student 
teaching  with  Mrs.  Lucy  Doswell. 
Miss  Schmidt,  also  a  senior  at 

Ball  State,  graduated  from  North 
Side  High  School  here  in  Fort 
Wayne.  Her  major  is  physical 
education  and  her  minor  is 
psychology.  Right  now  at 
Elmhurst  she  is  teaching  modern 
dance,  tumbling,  and  gymnastics. 

Miss  Schmidt  says  that  she  has 
learned  a  lot  and  is  gaining  good 
experience.  She  finds  the  work 
challenging  and  likes  Elmhurst 
"real  well."  She  also  commented 
that  the  classes  are  full  of  typical 
high  school  students.  Miss 
Schmidt  remarked,  "Most  of 
them  (students)  try  even  if  they 
don't  show  it." 

Neither  one  of  the  ladies  know 
where  they  will  be  working  when 
they  graduate.  Miss  Kingsley 
thinks  she  will  be  a  substitute 
teacher  for  a  while  to  gain  even 
more   experience. 

classrooms.  They  will  also  talk 
with  teachers  and  students, 
review  the  self-study  materials, 
and  make  recommendations  for 

The  chairman  of  the  team 
visiting  Elmhurst  is  Donald 
Slauter,  superintendent  of  the 
Muncie  Community  Schools. 
Members  of  the  committee 
include  Donald  Moretton  and 
Robert  Day,  both  Indiana  high 
school  principals;  Elisabeth 
Good,  an  administrative 
assistant;  Dr.  Carolyn 

Whitenack,  from  Purdue 
University;  and  Don  WooUs,  also 
an  administrative  assistant. 

The  North  Central  team  also 
consists  of  Everett  Holmgcen  and 
Frances  Dodd,  both  high  school 
guidance  counselors;  David 
Thayer,  a  principal's  assistant; 
Malcolm  Julian,  department 
supervisor;  Lloyd  Harrell,  a 
superintendent  of  a  school 
corporation;  and  Gilbert  Dehne 
and  Clifford  Barbour,  both 
chairmen  of  high  school  science 
departments.  Also,  there  are 
chairmen  of  high  school  English 
departments,  Douglas 
Cartwright  and  Ruth  Bertsch; 
and  high  school  teachers,  Susan 
Brooks  and  Barbara  Stauch. 

Stewart  fills 
Rotary  spot 

The  Junior  Rotarian  for  the 
month  of  January  is  senior  Sarah 

Sarah  is  the  first  female  this 
year  to  be  named  for  the  honor 
and  only  the  second  in  the  history 
of  Elmhurst  to  be  Junior 
Rotarian.  Last  year.  Linda 
Whitton  became  Elmhurst's  first 
female  Rotarian. 

Sarah  is  one  of  two  females 
representing  all  the  city  and 
county  schools  at  the  weekly 
luncheons  in  the  Chamber  of 
Commerce  Building.  Bishop 
Luers  High  School  will  send 
senior  Anita  Still  to  represent 
them.  She  will  serve  as  the  only 
other  female  representative. 

Mr.  Bill  Geyer,  assistant  to  the 
principal,  bases  his  monthly 
selections  for  this  post  on  above 
average  grades  and  good 
attitude.  His  January  choice, 
Sarah,  is  the  daughter  of  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  E.  E.  Stewart,  4201  Taylor 

mmw  mMwm  mwo^w  mMwmswsmw 

by  Barb  Hannaa 

Several  weeks  ago,  television 
viewers  across  the  country  turned 
on  their  sets  late  one  Saturday 
night  to  be  bombarded  with  some 
of  the  most  bombastic 
commercials  ever  to  hit  the 
screen.  One  of  these  commercials 
advertised  home  training  to 
become  a  U.S.  Ambassador 
("You  too,  can  learn  how  to  say 
yea  to  the  Secretary  of  State.") 
Another  showed  a  group  of 
patients  on  pacemakers  in  a  spot 
that  closely  resembled  that  of  a 
Sears  Diehard  battery 

commercial:  the  patients  were 
left  turned  "on"  and  in  the 
morning  it  was  shown  that  the 
only  ones  left  alive  had  been  using 
the  prescribed  pacemakers. 
Tasteless?  Well,  yes,  but  more 
to  the  point,  contrived.  These  ads 
were  all  part  of  a  new  program 
being  aired  on  NBC-TV  which, 
despite  its  late  time  slot  (11:30 
p.m.)  is  cleaning  up  in  the  rating 
game.  The  reason  for  the  show's 
popularity  is  the  insanity  of  much 
of  what  happens  on  "Saturday 
Night  Live"  (not  the  one  with 
Howard  Cosell).  The  show  boasts 

writers  from  the  humour 
magazine  National  Lampoon,  a 
changing  host/hostess  spot 
which  has  been  held  by  such 
comedians  as  Richard  Pryor  and 
Lily  Tomlin,  singer  Paul  Simor^ 
and  actress  Candice  Bergen, 
comedian  Albert  Brooks  as  a 
regular,  and  the  fantastic 

Humor  abounds 

Rarely  does  a  show  occur  where 
humor  is  not  the  focal  point.  One 
exception  to  this  happened  on  the 
show  which  Paul  Simon  hosted 
wherein  comedy  gave  way  to 
music.  For  the  most  part,  though, 
from  the  opening  announcements 
to  the  end  of  the  program,  the 
show  produces  hilarity  and 

One  of  the  weekly  spots  has 
Chevy  Chase,  a  member  of  the 
"Not  Ready  for  Prime  Time 
Players"  --  more  show  regulars  - 
appearing  as  a  bumbling 
President  Ford,  forgetting 
names,  tripping  over  anything  in 
sight,  and  starting  television 
speeches  before  he  is  on  camera. 

Chase  is  also  featured  in  a  news 
"update"  spot  which  always 
begins  with  "Hello.  I'm  Chevy 
Chase  ■-  and  you're  not."  During 
the  assassination  attempts  on 
President  Ford,  Chase  reported 
that  the  chief  executive  has 
accidentally  poked  himself  in  the 
eye  with  his  thumb.  "Alert 
security  men,"  Chase  assured  us, 
"wrestled  the  thumb  to  the 
ground  and  disarmed  it." 

Movies  featured  in  satires 

Skits  also  abound  on  the  series, 
including  one  hilarious  take-off  on 
"Jaws"  which  featured  a  land 
shark  that  knocked  on  the  doors 

of  its  victims,  and  Saturday 
Night's  version  of  "The 
Exorcist"  which  ended  up  with 
priest  Richard  Pryor  strangling 
the  "possessed"  young  girl 
because  of  a  remark  she  made 
about  his  mother. 

All  said,  the  show  is  thriving, 
and  if  the  scriptwriters  can  keep 
up  the  insanity,  it  should 
continue  to  do  so.  So,  if  you're  up 
late  one  weekend  and  Jerry  Rubin 
appears  on  your  screen  to  sell  you 
60's  nostalgia  graffiti  wall- 
paper, don't  leave  in  disguist  --  sit 
down  in  disgust  and  enjoy 
yourself.  It's  Saturday  Night 

Title  IX  slatemeni  issued 


The  FWCS  has  issued  the 
following  statement  concerning 
Title  IX,  the  ordinance  which 
requires  equal  funding  for  all 
sports  regardless  of  the  sex  of  the 

Title  IX  Compliance 

The  Fort  Wayne  Community 
Schools  does  not  discriminate  on 
the  basis  of  sex  in  the  educational 
programs  or  activities  which  it 
operates,  and  it  is  required  by 
Title  IX  not  to  discriminate  in 

such  a  manner.  The  requirement 
not  to  discrimmate  in  educational 
programs  and  activities  extends 
to  employment  therein  and 
through  admission  thereto  where 
required  by  Title  IX. 

Dr.  Robert  Cowan  has  been 
appointed  coordinator  of  Title  IX 
compliance,  and  any  inquiries 
concerning  application  of  Title  IX 
should  be  directed  to  him  at  1230 
South  Clinton  Street,  Fort 
Wayne,  Indiana  46802,  telephone 
number  422-3575. 

"You  learn  very  quickly  what  your  capacity  for 
beer  is  in  Germany,'*  stated  senior  Greg  Nowak 
when  asked  about  his  trip  there  this  past  summer 
"You  have  to  bo  eighteen  to  buy  it,  but  you  car  be 
any  age  to  drink  it." 

Greg  spent  last  summer  with  the  Hentchell 
family  in  Lubeck,  West  Germany.  The  family 
consisted  of  the  father.  Wilhelm,  who  is  a  teacher  for 
the  border-patrol  pohce,  the  mother  Elfi,  and  two 
boys,  Jochen,  age  11,  and  Jorg.  who  is  15.  Greg 
spent  most  of  his  time  with  Jorg  since  there  was  less 
of  an  age  difference. 

Typical  German  day  much  like  that  in  United  States 
Most  people  would  be  curious  about  how  people 
spend  a  typical  day  in  another  country.  Greg  woke 
up  on  most  days  around  nine  o'clock.  At  breakfast 
(out  in  the  back  yard),  he  and  Jorg  would  talk  about 
morning  activities  which  might  include  a  tennis 
game  or  a  walk  in  the  city  with  their  friends.  At  one 
o'clock,  they  returned  home  for  lunch.  After  lunch 
there  was  usually  something  planned  for  them  by 
the  American  and  German  group  leaders.  For 
example,  Greg,  Jorg,  and  their  groups  were  guests 
at  the  city  hall.  They  took  a  tour  of  the  Luck 
Brewery,  and  they  also  took  a  boat  ride  on  the 
canals  in  Lubeck. 

After  the  formal  meetings  of  the  group,  they 
would  go  home  and  have  coffee  and  cake  with  Jorg's 
parents.  They  would  discuss  what  was  done  during 
the  afternoon.  (Greg  mostly  nodded  his  head  and 
said  "Ja".)  Afterwards,  they  would  call  on  friends 
to  meet  them  in  the  city  after  dinner. 

^  Movies,  dances,  cafes  provide  recreation  abroad 
.Once  in  the  city,  they  would  decide  what  to  do, 

obrood  for 

Summer   of 
German  life 

with  movies  and  dancing  being  the  main  choices. 
Afterwards,  everyone  would  go  to  a  restaurant  or  f 
cafe  to  get  something  to  drink.  Greg  and  Jorg 
usually  returned  home  around  11:30  and  got  to  bed 
at  midnight. 

One  of  the  liighlights  of  the  trip,  according  to 
Greg,  was  the  informal  tour.  The  American 
participants,  together  with  their  German  brothers 
and  sisters  and  the  group  leaders,  traveled  around 
the  country  in  a  thirty-seater  bus.  They  visited  such 
places  as  Munich,  Central  Germany,  Rottenberg, 
and  in  general,  took  an  all-around  sight-seeing  tour. 

Germans  friendly  on  foot,  demons  behind  the  wheel 

Greg  found  the  people  of  Germany  to  be  very 
friendly  except  on  the  highways.  The  Germans  treat 
their  guests  Uke  "royalty".  He  also  noted  that  it  is 
safe  to  walk  the  streets  there  at  night. 

One  main  American  holiday  took  place  while  Greg 
was  in  Germany  -  the  Fourth  of  July.  The 
Americans  in  his  group  had  dinner  together  and  just 
spent  the  evening  talking. 

In  closing,  Greg  had  a  bit  of  advice  for  people 
considering  the  trip  for  next  year.  "Pack  Ughtly, 
because  a  lot  of  traveling  is  done  by  train  and  bus 
and  you  have  to  carry  your  own  luggage.  There  are 
no  bellboys  in  train  and  bus  stations!" 

The  trip  to  Germany  that  Greg  took  was 
sponsored  by  the  EXPERIMENT  IN  INTER- 
NATIONAL LIVING.  The  trips  are  financed  by  the 
participants,  but  scholarships  are  available. 
Students  who  are  interested  in  the  program  may 
contact  Mr.  Rothe  in  room  256  for  further 

Back  in  the  days  when  ihey  made  Ihetr  own  fun,  ihoy 
were  lormlnfl  the  Iradilions  ihal  developed  Into  Ihe 
game  ot  today.  It  was  like  Ihal  in  aviation,  loo  when 
practical  living  was  new.  strange,  and  wonderful.  It  atlll 
IS  -  the  pay  Is  much  better,  ihe  training  is  free,  and  the 
horizons  are  a  lot  wider.  But  even  ihough  we're  (lying 
the  most  sophisticated  altcrali  m  the  world  loday.  we 
still  keep  a  liltle  ot  yesterday's  ideals. 

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tions, trade  unions,  professional  associations,  fraternal  organizations, 
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5001  ARDMORE 






Across  from 
Concordia  H.S. 
On  St.  Joe  River  Drive 


New  ond  Used  Government  Surplus 
6otk  Pocks    Compmg  Suppliei    Booii    field  Jockfti 

Elmhurst    Advance 

PubUshed  bi-weekly  during  the  school  year  by  the  etudenW  o(  Elmhunt  High  School,  3829  Sendpoinl  Road.  Fort 
Wayne.  Indiana,  46809,  in  aaordtnce  with  the  poydes  and,  guideline*  (or  high  school  approved  by  the  Board  ol  TrustMS 
of  the  Fori  Wayne  Community  Schools. 

SubacripUoD  price  ii  »3  U  per  year.  25'  par  single  copy  Second  daas  poaug*  paid  at  Fori  Wayne.  Indiana  46802. 

EdilorlnChief SarabSlawwt  ToddNichols,  Nicholas  Smith. 

News  editor Marly  MOIer  Kevin  Slapbenson.  SMve  Vaughn 

Editorial  editor Barti  Harman     Ad  nunager Adh  Cummings 

Sportsedit«r Jim McCUneghen     Ad  staff Cindy  Hou 

Faalureedilor.. Nancy  Baadie     Buainess manager Diane  Lupka 

'^y  «'"<"■ Mlch«lW  Armstrong     Eichange/drcutation KsthyShaipin 

Photoeditor  .    PhUGutman     Reporters: RtberU  Cohan.  Jen  Dowting. 

Chief  photographer Marty  PeUt  Mike  Freygang.  Kevin  Lee,  Sue  Marquis. 

PhotogTaphara Laura  Bovea.Tlm  Chaney.  Nancy  McAfee.  Vitfne  Myers,  Marilynn  Seberer 

Trojans  lose 
last  2  games 

.lUNiniiEHNIESTARKS  fries  for 

Wrestlers  capture    5    wins 

The  Elmhurst  varsity 
wrestling  team  has  captured 
five  wins  over  Concordia, 
Wayne.  South  Side,  New 
Haven,  and  in  the  Woodlan 
Invitational  tournament  to 
boost  their  record  to  5-2. 

The  two  losses,  being 
their  only  ones  so  far  this 
season,  came  from  Bellmont 
and  Bishop  Dwenger, 

On  Dec.  4.  South  Side  met 
with  defeat  as  the  Trojans 
up-ended  the  Archers  36-27. 
The  victors  for  Elmhurst  in 
this  match  were  Steve 
Esterson  and  Stuart  Norton 
by  forfeit,  Paul  Freeman  10- 
7,  and  Nelson  Almond  16-1. 
Senior  Bill  Monroe  also  beat 
the  South  opponent  6-2.  and 
Mike  Rush  won  his  match 
with  a  7-6  decision. 

The  wrestlers'  next  match 
also  proved  to  be  victorious 
with  four  Elmhurst  men 
pinning  their  Cadet 
opponents.  These  pins  came 
from  Jim  and  Nelson 
\Almond,  Kenny  Young;  and 
Bill  Munroe.  Mike  Rush  and 
Mike  Freygang  also  raatt«d 
their  Concordia  contenders 
with  5-3  and  13-2  scores 

On  Dec.  11,  Elmhurst 
defeated  the  Wayne 
Generals  in  the  Trojan 
gymnasium.  Winning  with  a 
fall  for  Elmhurst  were  Jim 
Almond,  Nelson  Almond, 
Mike  Freygang.  Bill  Munroe^ 
and  Mike  Rush.  Returning 
letterman    Paul    Freeman 

ATTEMPTS  a  pass  to  junior  KetUe  Slate 
m  a  game  against  Wayne  The  girls  have 
\et  Id  win  a  game. 

wrestled  his  opponent  to  a  6- 
1  victory,  while  Kenny 
Young  out-maneuvered  his 
Wayne  man  with  a  6-3 

The  Trojans'  nest  victory 
came  over  the  New  Haven 
Bulldogs  33-24.  The  only 
pins  of  the  evening  came 
from  Paul  Freeman  and 
Mike  Rush.  However,  Jim 
Almond,  Nelson  Almond, 
and  Mike  Freygang  all  out- 
wrestled  their  men  to  4-2 
decisions  while  Kenny 
Young  won  5-0  and  Bill 
Munroe  4-1. 

Elmhurst  also  won  the 
Woodlan  Invitational 
Wrestling  Tournament. 
Capturing  first  place  for  the 
Trojans  were  Nelson 
Almond,  Mike  Freygang, 
and  Mike  Rush.  There  were 
also  five  Trojans  placing 
second  in  this  meet:  Tom 
Smith,  Jim  Almond.  Paul 
Freeman.  Ken  Young,  and 
Bill  Munroe. 

by  Verne  Myers 

Elmhurst  had  it  and  then  lost  it 
ab  the  South  Side  Archers 
deprived  the  Trojans  of  a 
basketball  victory  Friday  night 
at  the  Archers'  gym.  Playing 
even  with  the  Archers  for  part  of 
the  game,  Elmhurst  could  not 
apply  it  long  enough  to  hold  off  a 
late  surge  and  succumbed  to 
South  Side  71-66. 

In  the  first  quarter.  South  Side 
began  to  slip  away  from 
Elmhurst  to  establish  an  11-point 
lead,  but  then  the  Trojans  came 
alive  and  behind  the  24-point 
performance  of  junior  Ernie 
Starks,  pulled  up  with  the 
Archers  to  trail  36-32  at  the  half. 

Third  quarter  strong 

Elmhurst  continued  consistent 
play  into  the  third  quarter  to  lead 
49-44,  but  couldn't  battle  to  the 
end  to  gain  another  SAC  victory. 
Raymond  Walker  contributed  12 
points,  and  Mike  Brewer  added  10 
more  for  the  game. 

Twenty-five  turnovers  and 
scoring  lapses  in  the  first  and 
fourth  quarters  hampered 
Elmhurst  on  the  court.  Before  the 
contest  Coach  Kenny  Eytcheson 

Twenty-five    turnovers    and 

scoring  lapses  in  the  first  and 
fourth  quarters  hampered 
Elmhurst  on  the  court.  Before  the 
contest  Coach  Kenny  Eytcheson 
pointed  out,  "Consistency  in  our 
game  and  periods  of  mental 
lapses  are  areas  where  we  need 
improvement."  Defense  so  far 
this  year  had  been  a  strong  point, 
allowing  57.6  points  a  game. 

Reserves  fare  poorly 

In  the  reserve  game,  Elmhurst 
didn't  stay  as  close,  becoming 
South's  seventh  victim  in  a  row 
48-35.  Ron  WhJtson  led  the 
Trojan  reserves  with  12  points. 

Elmhurst  won  two  games 
before  the  Christmas  break  but 
lost  a  tight  overtime  game  in  a 
rematch  with  Northrop  in  the 
holiday  tournament. 

Friday,  Dec.  20,  Ehnhurst 
easily  handled  Northrop  pulling 
away  to  victory  in  front  of  a 
Trojan  home  crowd.  The  next 
night,  Elmhurst  fought  down  to 
the  wire  with  a  visiting 
Mississinewa  team,  but  prevailed 
once  again  at  home. 

Monday,  Dec.  30,  however, 
Elmhurst  was  defeated  in  a  tense 
overtime  rematch  against 
Northrop  70-61  after  rallying  late 
in  the  game  to  tie  it  up. 

Girls   lose  opening  games 

For  the  Elmhurst  girls' 
basketball  team,  so  far  the 
season  has  been  dismal. 
Pounding  defeats  by  Snider, 
South  Side,  and  Concordia 
overshadow  the  1  point  loss 
to  Bishop  Dwenger  with  a 
final  score  of  36-35. 

Coaches  Lucy  Doswell 
and  Kim  Schmidt  do, 
however,  seem  to  forecast 
some  victories  as  the  season 

"Sure  the  scores  look  bad, 
but  I  really  think  that  with 
each  game  we  get  better  and 
better."  a  team  member 
explained.  '  'Most  of  the 
teams  we've  lined  up  against 

this  year  have  had  a  height 
advantage  over  us.  We  just 
have  to  work  harder  and 
jump  higher." 

The  team  sees  a  lot  of 
action  from  basically  seven 
players  --  seniors  Ethel 
Fowlkes,  Carol  Quance, 
June  Gordy.  and  Marilynn 
Scherer,  and  juniors 
Carmetta  Walker,  Kellie 
Slat^and  Kelly  Auer. 

Slate  has  been  the 
consistent  leading  scorer 
with  an  approximately  10 
point  average.  Rebounding 
honors  have  been  shared  by 
Quance,  Auer,  and  Walker. 


Jan  Dow  ling 
Carmetta  Walker 
Lynn  HoUowell 
KeUie  Slate 
Kelly  Auer 
Constance  Shaw 
Cheryl  Perry 
June  Gordy 
Ethel  Fowlkes 
Rhoda  Freeman 
Cheri  Waggoner 
Marilynn  Scherer 
Shirley  Pine 
Sharon  Perrine 
Carol  Quance 
Shelly  Bradtmiller 
Elena  Perez 
Sue  FrankeWich 

^\       I elmhurst 


Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  39,  No.  10      ^^ 
Jan.  26, 1976         ^^^ 

Course  offers    SQQ 

on    job 


January  grads  total  66 

by  Roberta  Cohen 

"The  gain  is  mostly  what  is 
learned  on  the  job,"  stated  Mr. 
Joe  Miller  when  discussing  the 
Community  Involvement 
Program.  "Very  few  of  the  jobs 
are  paying  jobs." 

The  Community  Involvement 
Program  is  a  pilot  program  which 
is  in  its  second  semester  in  the 
Fort  Wayne  Community  Schools. 
Right  now,  students  from 
Elmhurst,  South  Side,  and 
W'ayne  are  involved  in  the  single 
semester  pass-fail  course. 

There  are  two  segments  to  the 
program  —  the  Pre-professional 
Intern  Career  Experience  and  the 
Community  Service  Experience. 
The  Pre-professional  Intern 
segment  is  specifically  for  college- 
bound  seniors  to  provide  them 
with  some  work  experience  in  at 
least  one  career  area  that  they  are 
thinking  about  preparing  for  at 
the  college  level.  To  qualify,  a 
student  must  be  a  senior  in  good 
standing  with  the  school,  have 
parent  and  school  approval,  be 
approved  by  the  prospective 
employer,  and  be  able  to  prove 
his/her  intent  to  attend  a 

The  Community  Service 
Experience  segment's  purpose  is 
to  enable  students  to  understand 
the  value  of  community  service  as 
well  as  help  them  relate  classroom 
learnings  to  community  action. 
The  people  involved  this  semester 
will  be  working  with  the 
Voluntary  Action  Center  in  the 
Foellinger         Building. 

Students  participating  in  the 
program  are  at  all  times 
considered  part  of  their  regular 
schools  and  are  subject  to  their 
school's  rules  and  regulations.  , 
They  also  must  provide  their  own 

When  asked  if  there  would  be  a 
class  regularly  meeting,  Mr. 
Miller  said,  "Ideally  speaking,  I'd 
want  the  students  to  meet.  And 
next  semester  if  schedules  can  be 
fixed,  they  will  meet  periodically 
in  informal  discussion  groups. ' ' 

Participating  this  semester 
from  Elmhurst  are  seniors 
Claudia  Johnson,  Nancy  Beadie, 
and  Sarah  Stewart.  Other 
possible  participants  include 
seniors  Lea  Novitsky,  Kevin  Lee, 
Andrea  Janser,  Marti  Gross, 
Julie  Morken,  Lindy  Loomis,  and 
Barb  Harman. 

Annually,  the  senior  class 
losses  some  of  its  population. 
This  year  is  no  exception  as  66 
January  grads  of  the  total  366 
upperclass  men  and  women  will 
be  leaving  their  post  as  students 
of  Elmhurst. 

A  few  of  the  66  will  be  starting 
college,  but  the  reasons  of  the 
majority  of  those  leaving  EHS 

are  jobs,  the  military  service, 
marriage,  or  j  ust  because  they  are 
sick  of  school. 

Mr.  Douglass  Spencer,  senior 
guidance  counselor,  suggested 
that  all  other  seniors  should  have 
taken  care  of  arrangements  for 
their  cap  and  gown,  completed 
their  graduation  check  Ust,  and  a 

Assembly  (oobserue 
Bkentenniol  Feb.  2 

Elmhurst  will  take  part  in  the 
■  observance  of  this  country's 
200th  birthday  as  a  Bicentennial 
program  is  slated  for  next 
Tuesday,  Feb.  2  in  the  EHS 

Students  and  faculty  will  be 
able  to  see  this  performance 
presented  by  a  number  of 
Ehnhurst  students  at  1:40  p.m. 
Later  that  evening,  a  7:30  p.m. 
program  is  scheduled  for  parents 
and  friends  of  Elmhurst  students. 

Nationalities  to  be 
represented  in  speeches 

The  program  will  get  under 
way  with  the  concert  band 
performing  "Liberty  Bell"  and 
"The  Stars  and  Stripes  Forever," 
a  medley  of  American  folk  songs. 
Members  of  the  group  will  dress 
in  costumes  depicting  periods  of 
U.S.  history. 

From  the  speech  department, 
junior  Tod  Huntley  will  present  a 
brief    speech.     "Two     Hundred 

Years  Ago  Today."  Following 
this,  five  foreign  language 
students  are  to  speak  several 
minutes  about  immigrants  in  the 
American  heritage.  Those 
participating  and  the  nationaUty 
they  will  represent  are  Yvette 
Morrill,  Spanish;  Nancy  Beadie, 
Polish;  Sarah  Stewart.  Irish; 
Steve  Duray.  German;  and  Jan 
Dowling,  French. 

Comedy  ekit  to 
highlight  program 

On  a  lighter  side,  the  program 
will  also  include  a  historical  skit, 
"Dan  Rather  Meets  Ben 
Franklin,"  characterized  by 
senior  Larry  Daugherty  and 
junior  Dave  Stein. 

Concluding  the  Bicentennial 
presentation,  the  concert  band 
and  chorus  will  join  for  "America 
the  Beautiful." 

Heading  the  group  is  Mr.  John 
Coahran.  faculty  chairman  of  the 
Bicentennial  committee. 

baccalaureate  information  sheet. 

Among  those  leaving  are  Cathy 
Adams,  Maria  Aguirre,  Greg 
Allen,  Michael  Birch,  Connie 
Black,  Christine  Bowers,  and 
James  Brandyberry.  Also  on  the 
list  are  Herman  Brown,  Sandra 
Burley,  Barb  Byers.  Roberta 
Cohen,  Anne  Cummings,  Scott 
DeWolfe,  and  Katherine  Dixon. 

Therese  Doak,  Rhonda  Doepke, 
Paula  Doty.  Nedra  Elston,  Betty 
Free.  Gregory  Gordon.  Bill 
Harding,  and  Dan  Hermes  as  well 
as  David  Holland.  Jamie  Hoy, 
Stan  Johnson,  Marie  Jones,  Kent 
Keuneke,  Allen  Lahrman,  and 
Donald  Lee  have  also  met  the 

Continuing,  Mike  McCoy,  Dan 
McGarity.  Lorena  Mabe.  Pamela 
Meeks,  Judy  Miller,  Susan 
Morningstar,  Kari  Myers,  and 
Charles  Nowlin.  Still  others  are 
John  Nowlin,  Mark  Nuttle, 
Michele  Parnin,  Greg  Parrish, 
Shirley  Perrine,  Pam  Peterson, 
Kathy  Petgen,  Sheryl  Phelps, 
Linda  Picillo,and  Marty  Petit. 

The  list  also  includes  Carol 
Quickery.  Janet  Rediger,  Karen 
Richard,  Kathleen  Royse.  David 
Seale,  Kimberly  Shell,  Carrie 
Stackhouse,  Debra  Stevenson^ 
and  Terry  Taylor. 

Finally,  Amanda  Teufel. 
Patricia  Thomas.  Christy 
Todoran,  Lonnie  Van  Dyne,  Guy 
Washington,  Diane  Whipp,  Clara 
Williams,  Cindy  Ybarra,  and 
Victoria  Ybarra  finish  off  the  Ust. 

Workshop  develops  unity 

"I've  heard  him  speak  before  - 
he  is  fantastic.  I  Ustened  to  him 
for  several  hours  - 1  was  not  bored 
for  a  minute,"  explained  Principal 
Richard  Horstmeyer. 

Mr.  Horstmeyer  was 

describing  Dr.  Zacharie 
Clements,  who  wiU  be  conducting 
Human  Relations  Day,  Feb.  5. 
The  staff  from  Elmhurst  and  its 
feeder  schools,  which  include 
Kekionga,  Portage,  Anthony 
Wayne,  Hoagland,  Indian 
Village,  Lindley,  Study  and 
Waynedale,  wiU  be  attending  a 
Human  Relations  workshop  at 
Wayne  High  School. 

Workshops  help  teachers 
look  at  themselves 

The    various    teachers    will 

gather  in  the  auditorium  and 
conference  rooms  at  Wayne  to 
learn  from  Dr.  Clements  and  Dr. 
WilUam  Marchant  who  will  be 
assisting  Dr.  Clements. 

When  asked  for  his  thoughts  on 
the  workshop,  Mr.  Horstmeyer 
responded,  "Any  Human 
Relations  workshop  is  simply  set 
up  to  help  teachers  look  at 
themselves  and  the  people  they 
work  with  in  order  to  develop  an 
understanding  towards  various 

Workshops  will  be  conducted 
on  different  dates  and  wiU  involve 
different  schools  in  the  Fort 
Wayne  area.  Mr.  J.  Webb 
Horton,  co-ordinator  of  Human 
Development  for  the  Fort  Wayne 

Community  Schools,  is 
responsible  for  most  of  the 
ground  work  on  the  workshop 

Cooperation  -  the  only  answer 

On  the  evening  of  the  fifth, 
parents  and  students  are  invited 
to  Elmhurst  at  7:30  p.m.  for  a 
conference  with  Dr.  Clements. 

"When  every  person  can  accept 
one  another  for  what  we  are  -  then 
we  won't  need  a  human  relations 
day  -  but  this  may  never  happen," 
said  Horstmeyer. 

Cooperation  on  the  part  of  the 
students,  parents,  and  staff  at 
Elmhurst  may  be  the  only 


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Elmhurst    Advance 

Publiihid  bi'WMkJy  during  Ihc  school  yur  by  ihe  students  of  Elmhurst  High  School.  3829  Sandpoint  Road.  Fort 
Wiyne,  IndUna.  46809,  inaccordancc  with  the  polidMsnd.guidtliws  lor  high  school  approved  by  the  Board  of  Trust 
o[  cha  Fort  Wayne  Communlly  School* 

Subaeriptlon  price  Li»3.50p»r  year.  ZS'pmalngto copy.  S«cond  daas  postage  paid  at  Fort  Wayne,  lndlaru*6802 

Editor  in  Chlaf Sarah  St««art  Todd  Nichola,  Nicholas  Smith, 

Ne».edilof Muty  MUkr  KtvinSHphanaon,  Steve  Vaughn 

Editorial  ■dltor  - .  - Barb  Mannui     Ad  manager Anne  Cumminga 

Sports  editor Jim  HcClanagben     Ad  atafi Cindy  Ross 

Fealursodltor, NancyBaadie     Buainaaa  nuDager DianeLupkc 

Copy  editor.. Mlchalla  Annationg     Eichangi/dimlallon. Kathy  Sharp  in 

PholoedltoT '. PhilGutman     Repot lers : ,    R*b«rt«  Cohen,  Jau  Dowling. 

Chief  photagraphcr Marty  PeUt  Mike  Freyging.  Kevin  L«e,  Sue  MarquU, 

Photographara Laura  Bowan,TimCtiancy,  Nancy  hUAIee,  Verne  Myers,  Marilynn  Scherer 

by  Nancy  Beadie 

"It  all  started  with  some  of  the 
traveling  players  who  were  not 
getting  the  recognition  at  their 
schools  that  a  basketball  player 
would  get.  And  of  course,  there  is 
a  lot  of  competitiveness  between 
the  schools.  Gunnar  Elliot  and  I 
decided  there  was  a  need  for  high 
school  hockey,  so  representatives 
from  the  schools  were  contacted." 

Mr.  Stew  Block  explained  how 
Fort  Wayne  area  high  school 
hockey  began  last  year.  Mr.  Block 
is  part  of  the  Park  Board  and  has 
a  traveUng  team  of  Midget 
players  (sophomores  and  juniors 
in  high  school).  He  became  aware 
of  the  interest  of  students  playing 
on  Park  Board  and  traveling 
teams  in  playing  in  a  high  school 
league  and  so,  with  Gunnar  Elliot 
ice  arena,  worked  on  the  idea  of 
interscholastic  competition  in  a 
club-type  organization. 

Team  representatives  do  work 

The  teams'  affiliation  with 
their  schools  is  limited  to  the  use 
of  the  schools'  names  and  the 
recruitment  of  players  for  each 
team  from  the  student  bodies  of 
the  respective  schools,  The 
organizational  work  is  done 
through  representatives  of  the 
high  schools,  most  of  whom  are 
players,  such  as  Elmhurst's 
seniors  Andy  Norton,  Mark 
Hershberger,  Greg  Ryder,  and 
junior  Bob  Kratzert.  Some 
schools  have  found  it  tough  to  get 
enough  players  out  for  the  weekly 
games,  however^  Elmhurst  has 
not  had  much  of  a  problem.  Greg 
Ryder  says  that  he  and  other 
organizers  knew  who  played 
hockey  and  who  would  be 
interested  in  playing  a  high 
school  league,  so  they  were  able 
to  recruit  about  18  players. 

Schools  pot 

HERSHBERGER  skates  for  the  puck  during  an  Elm- 
hurst-Homestead  game  which  Elmhurst  won,  6-4. 
Right:  Players  face-off  in  a  Park  Board  game  last 
Tuesday.  Several  Elmhurst  players  are  members  of 
Park  Board  teams  as  well. 

The  league  has  two  divisions^ 
and  each  team  plays  a  fifteen 
game  schedule.  There  will  be  a 
round  robin  play-off  in  March. 
They  play  by  the  same  rules  and 
regulations  as  the  traveling 
teams  and  Park  Board  teams 
under  the  direction  of  the 
Amateur  Hockey  Association. 
,  The  coaches  come  from  the 
Park  Board,  but  the  teams  do  not 
have  practices  because  of  the 
difficulty  in  getting  ice  and  the 
cost  involved,  and  the  problem  of 
getting  the  players  at  one  place  at 
one  time.  The  players  themselves 
must  pay  for  the  ice  time  for  the 
games  which  amounts  to  $32  a 
team  per  game.  However,  the 
Columbia  City  team  has  been  able 
to  find  sponsors  from  businesses 

and  individuals  to  defray  its 
costs.  Mr.  Block  hopes  the 
players  in  the  rest  of  the  league 
will  also  be  able  to  get  sponsors. 
He  thinks  that  the  cost  may  be  a 
deterrent  to  some  interested 

Need  for  fans 

Mr.  Block  says  there  are  still 
some  organizational  problems, 
but  he  is  pleased  with  the  way  the 
league  is  working  overall.  As 
Elmhurst  player  Andy  Norton 
states,  "What  we  really  need  is 
spectators.  We  have  everything 
else  going  for  us."  Mr.  Block 
believes  that  the  games  could 
draw  large  audiences.  He  notes 
that  high  school  teams  in 
Michigan,  Wisconsin,  Ohio,  and 

Minnesota  are  having  much 
success.  He  can  see  the 
possibilities  in  the  good  turnouts 
his  Midget  team  has  had. 

Mr.  Block  hopes  that  when  the 
teams  prove  they  can  draw  fans, 
they  will  eventually  be  sanctioned 
by  the  schools.  He  admits  it  will 
take  time  and  a  more  common 
knowledge  about  hockey  as  a 
sport,  but  he  sees  the  league  now 
as  a  good  outlet  for  students 
interested  in  hockey.  He  says, 
"Most  of  the  players  have  had 
some  experience  playing  hockey, 
but  that's  not  the  important 
thing.  If  a  team  has  one  good  Une 
and  some  supporting  players  who 
really  want  to  play,  it  can  make 

Homeroom  teacher  merits  praise 

To  the  editor; 

Many  students  and  teachers  feel  that 
homeroom  is  the  most  wasted  period  of 
the  week.  Students  have  nothing  to 
occupy  their  time,,  and  teachers  are 
unprepared  for  questions  that  students 
ask  about  credits,  programming,  etc.  On 
the  contrary,  we  feel  that  our  homeroom 
teacher,  Mr.  Glenn  Miller,  really  cares 
about  us  and  dislikes  wasting  time  as 
much  as  we  do. 

Mr.  Miller  has  realized  that  homeroom 
teachers  are  expected  to  take  place  of 
guidance  counselors  to  reduce  scheduling 
confusion  and  has  done  everything 
possible  to  become  well  informed  about 
the  courses  offered  at  Elmhurst.  He  takes 
the  time  to  talk  to  other  teachers  and 
counselors  to  find  answers  to  the 
students'  questions.  He  keeps  personal 
records  of  each  students'  classes  and 
constantly  checks  them  to  make  sure  that 
everyone  has  enough  credits  in  the  right 
areas  to  graduate. 

One'  student  was  very  upset  over  a  low 
grade  that  she  felt  she  didn't  deserve. 
When  she  went  to.  the  office  to  talk  with  a 

counselor,  she  learned  that  Mr.  Miller  had 
abeady  discussed  the  low  grade  with  him. 
He  had  pointed  out  that  all  her  other 
grades  were  A's  and  B's,  giving  the 
counselor  even  more  reason  to  reconsider 
her  grade. 

This  is  just  one  example  of  the  time  and 
effort  that  Gleim  Miller  spends  on  behalf 
of  his  students.  As  sophomores  and 
juniors,  we  never  really  appreciated  his 
actions,  considering  most  of  it  just  trivial 
paper  work.  But  now,  as  graduation  nears 
(especially  for  all  of  our  January  grads), 
we  realize  what  a  great  job  Mr.  Miller  has 
done  for  us  in  the  past  and  how  hard  he's 
working  right  now  to  make  sure  we'll  all 
be  holding  diplomas  come  June  2. 
Thanks,  Mr.  Miller.  It's  a  good  feeling  to 
know  somebody  cares! 

Students  from  homeroom  105 

We're  tfie  independeni  university 
thai  sons  with  yau.  your  interests 
and  your  goals  to  help  you  shape 
a  college  program  that's  as 
individual  as  you  are  .   .      one 
that's  the  way  you've  always 
thought  college  should  be. 

Wb  oiler  you  quality  academic 
training  through  the  College  of 
Arts  and  Sciences.  School  ot 
Business  Administration,  School 
ol  Education,  School  ol      r 
Engineering,  College  of  Fine  Arts 

and  School  of  Nursing.  And,  al 
UE  you'll  have  (he  opportunity  lor 
Inlernaiional  study  at  our 
Karlaxton  College  near 
Grantham,   England 

Tell  us  what  it  takes  to  make 
your  life  and  your  career  happen 
the  way  you  want    We'll  listen.  In 
(act,  we're  listening  now. 

Al  the  University  of  Evanivllle, 
we  alan  with  you. 

You're  the 
only  one 


The  Advance  staff  invites  students 
and  teachers  to  express  their  opinions  on 
any  subject  through  the  newspaper.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to  review  all 
material  before  publication. 

Unlvertlly  ot  Evanivllte 
PO    80.  329 
Evansville,  Indiana  47702 
(8121  479-2463 

matmendrop  to  4-4 
plagued  by  injuries 


After  losing  their  last  two 
meets,  things  aren't  looking  too 
bright  for  the  Elmhurst  wrestlers 
as  three  of  their  top  men  are  out 
with  injuries. 

Not  until  just  recently  has  the 
team  experienced  any  serious 
injuries,  but  now  two  undefeated 
grapplers.  Nelson  Almond  and 
Mike  Rush,  are  out  with  knee 
\  injuries,  and  junior  Kenny  Young 
is  out  with  B  shoulder  injury. 

Season  stands  at  4-4 

The  varsity  team  now  sports  a 
4-4  record  with  their  latest 
defeats  coming  from  Northrop 
and  Warsaw.  On  Jan.  13,  the 
Trojans  were  downed  by  the 
Bruins  44-17.  However  there  were 
five  victories  for  Elmhurst  from 
Paul  Meredith,  Paul  Freeman, 
Nelson  Almond,  Kenny  Young 
and  Mike  Rush.  Two  days  later, 
the  Trojans  were  defeated  by  the 
Warsaw  wrestlers  39-18.  The 
winners  in  this  meet  were  Paul 
Freeman,  Nelson  Almond.  Bill 
Munroe,  and  Mike  Rush. 

Elmhurst  also  participated  in 
the  Carmel  Tourney  on  Jan.  17 
and  finished  in  sixth  place.  The 
only  first  place  winner  for 
Elmhurst  was  junior  Mike  Rush; 
however,  sophomore  Matt 
Branning  took  second,  and 
seniors  Mike  Freygang  and  Paul 
Freeman  both  captured  third 
place  titles. 

Trojans  will  take  part  in 
sectional  action  Feb.  5-7  joined  by 
Homestead,  Harding,  and 
Wayne.  Varsity  wrestlers  going 
into  sectionals  with  outstanding 
records  are  Paul  Freeman,  Mike 
Freygang,  Kenny  Young,  Bill 
Munroe  and  Mike  Rush. 



Almond.  Jim 
Almond.  Nelson 
Branning,  Matt 
Booker,  Dennis 
Brooks,  Joe 
Esterson,  Steve 
Freygang.  Jim 
Freeman,  Paul 
Marks,  Bruce 
Marks.  Leonard 
Meredith,  Paul 
Mudrack,  Bill 
Moore,  Cave 
Morrison,  Randy 
Munroe,  Bill 
Norton,  Stuart 
Outlaw,  Jerry 
Panyard,  Bill 
Payton,  Pat 

Rush,  Mike 
Smith,  Tom 
Sutton.  Wayne 
Vaughn,  Steve 
Wittwer,  Kevin 
Young,  Ken 



4a£ee^^(f4ca^  0^  d^SmU 

by  Kevin  Lee 

If  I  were  to  ask  the  student 
body  of  Ehnhurst  what  they 
think  of  Howard  Cosell^I  would 
probably  get  booed  right  out  of 
the  Senior  Doors.  For  this 
reason,  I  am  taking  a  sand  on 
behalf  of  the  "Humble 
Howard."  I  have  news  for  you 
readers,  Howard  Cosell  is 
human  and  most  important  of 
all  he  has  feelings. 

Before  I  defend  Howard 
Cosell 's  rights  as  a  human 
being  and  an  American  citizen^ 
I  have  a  few  items  I  v/ant  to  set 
straight.  Howard  Cosell  is  an 
egomaniac  on  the  world's 
biggest  ego  trip.  This  was  very 
evident  in  his  book  entitled 
Cosell  by  Cosell.  He  is 
"arrogant,  pompous, 
obnoxious,  vain,  cruel,  verbose 
and  a  show  off,"  as  he  himself 
willingly  admits.  Even  though 
these  are  trademarks  of  his 
professionalism,  I  still  can't 
stand  him. 

Cosell  really  unique 

Every  announcer  has 
something  unusual  and  unique 
about  his  broadcasting  style. 
It  may  be  his  voice,  it  may  be 
his  looks,  it  may  be  how  he  gets 
his  point  across  or  even  trivial 

Trojons  defecked  by 
Indians;  defeat  Barons 

by  Verne  Myers 

The  Elmhurst  basketball  team  bounced  from  one  extreme  to  the  other 
as  the  Trojans  experienced  both  sides  of  the  phenomenon  called 
"winning"  last  weekend.  Coming  out  strong  against  DeKalb  here  at 
home  Friday  night  and  holding  for  a  72-66  victory,  Elmhurst  hit  the 
opposition's  court  and  the  other  end  of  the  score,  Saturday  night  against 
Anderson,  losing  96-80. 

Friday  night  Elmhurst  was  in  complete  command  over  DeKalb  for  the 
first  three  quarters  running  up  leads  of  15  points  or  better.  After  trailing 
1-0  at  the  start,  the  Trojans  began  moving  and  hitting  and  led  from  then 

In  the  last  quarter,  DeKalb  applied  a  full  court  press,  and  several  Elm- 
hurst niissed  free  throws  and 
turnovers  made  the  score  closer 
than  it  might  have  been. 

Elmhurst  scoring  was 
balanced  with  senior  Raymond 
Walker  scoring  18  points, 
followed  by  junior  Ernie  Starks 
with  16.  senior  Fred  Underwood 
with  14,  and  junior  Mike  Brewer 
with  13. 

Saturday,  however,  the 
Anderson  Indians  spoiled  the 
weekend  with  a  convincing  win. 
The  Trojans  couldn't  keep  up 
with  the  home  team  and  were  out- 
distanced in  the  second  half  by 
tough  Anderson. 

Raymond  Walker  again  led  ail 
Trojans  with  29  points,  while 
Ernie  Starks  followed  with  24, 
and  Mike  Brewer  had  14. 

The  Trojans  are  away  for  two 
games  this  weekend,  Friday  night 
at  Snider  in  SAC  play  and 
Saturday  night  in  Delphos.  Ohio 
against  St.  John's. 

his  New  Haven  opponent  on  bis  way  Co  a 
victory.  Mike  is  one  of  two  undefeated 
Elmhurst  wrestlers  tki  s  season. 

anecdotes  he  may  tell.  With 
Howard  Cosell^it  is  all  of  these 
in  addition  to  the  directness  of 
his  questions  and  the 
frankness  of  his  statements. 

Howard  Cosell  does  not  care 
who  he  cuts  down  because  that 
is  his  job,  to  tell  it  like  it  is, 
even  if  it  is  a  cutdown. 
Play  by  play  bores 

If  you  have  ever  Ustened  to  a 
Sunday  afternoon  broadcast  of 
the  Chicago  Bears  football 
games,  you  know  how  boring  a 
play  by  play  announcer  can  be. 
You  also  know  how  boring  the 
Chicago  Bears  are  to  watch. 
But  Howard  Cosell  along  with 
Don  Meredith  and  Keith 
Jackson  and  later  Frank 
G  if  ford  brought  a  totally  new 
view  to  football  .  .  .  Jackson, 
and  a  year  later  Gifford,  doing 
the  play  by  play,  while 
Meredith  and  Cosell  added 
color  to  the  game  by  telling 
amusing  stories. 

Cosell  does  have  his  own 
style,  that's  for  sure.  He 
insults,  he  cuts  people  down, 
he  destroys  reputations,  and 
his  knack  of  asking  questions 
that  no  one  else  will  ask  has 
made  him  the  controversial 
sports  commentator  he  is. 

The  Elmhurst  girl's  baskeball 
team  suffered  their  sixth  defeat  of 
the  season  losing  to  the  Redskins 
of  North  Side  by  a  score  of  34-26. 
The  game  was  played  on  the 
Trojans'  home  floor  on  Tuesday, 
Jan.  13. 

Senior  Carol  Quance  took  the 
rebounding  honors,  while  senior 
Marilynn  Scherer  led  the  losing 
team's  scorers  with  10  points. 
The  Redskins  were  led  by  senior 
Jan  Ackenbach  in  both  scoring 
and  rebounding,  Achenbach  had 
17  points. 

The  girls  have  yet  to  meet  with 
Bishop         Luers,  Wayne, 

Homestead,  pnd.  Northrop. 
Coaches  Lucy  Doswell  and  Kim 
Schmidt  have  instituted  a 
different  offensive  set-up  to  help 
the  Trojans. 

Even  though  the  Elmhurst 
reserve  squad  bowed  to  the 
Anderson  Indians  Saturday,  they 
added  a  victory  to  their  record  by 
defeating  the  DeKalb  Barons  the 
preceding  night. 

Coach  Phil  Habegger  led  the 
reserve  Trojans  to  a  10  point 
victory  over  DeKalb.  Although  a 
spirited  crowd  backed  the 
Barons,  Elmhurst  could  not  be 
stopped.  Leading  at  the  half  the 
Trojans  battled  on  to  a  53-43  final 
and  another  win. 

Anderson  proved  to  be  more 
than  a  match  for  the  reserves,  and 
despite  the  Trojans'  efforts  the 
Indians  led  the  way  to  a  52-47 
final.  ^ 

Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  SandpoiDt  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Ice  answers 


no  school 
Jan.  26 

Cover    photo    by  Marty    Petit 

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Elmhurst  Advance 

PuBlaftea  0...\^klv  durmg 
Infl^ana,  46809,  in  accoidance 
Communily  Schools 

Iho  school  year  by  irie  sludenis  ot  Eimhursi  Higti  ScHooI, 
vim  ihepolicieiand  Quidelmm  lot  higtiactiooldppioved  by  Ihe 

3B29  Sandpoinl  Road,  Fori  WaV^H 
Boaid  of  Tiustees  ol  ihe  fori  Wav'^ 


'  vear,  25' jwr  sngle  coov  Secon 

dais  oMiage  paid  ai  Fori  Wavna,  Indiana  ^6802 

Editor  in  CtiBi  .    .    .,: 

Ad  Manager     .     . 
Ad  StatI          .     . 

Marty  Miller 

.  MBtt  Tyler 

Editorial  Editor 

Barb  Harman 

Business  Manage! 

.     .         Diane  Lupte 

Sports  Editor 

Jim  McCleneghen 


.    KaihyShatpin 

Feature  Editor 

.     NBncvBeadie 


Jan  DtPwIing.  Kevin  Lee. 

Copy  Editor 

Micheiie  Armstrong 

Nancy  McAfee,  Verne  Myers. 

Phoio  Ediio' 

Phil  Guiman 

Maritynn  Scheier 


Laura  Bowen,IimChaney, 

Todd  Nichols,  Nicholas  Smiih, 
Keym  Stephenson,  Steve  Vaughn 


The  Trojan  Singers  have  had  about  a 
year  to  prepare  for  their  trip  to  Europe, 
but  as  accompanjest  Andrea  Marchese 
says,  "When  the  idea  was  first  formed, 
we  wondered  if  maybe  it  wouldn't  ever 
happen.  It  was  vague  and  far  off.  Now 
it's  gradually  beginning  to  hit  that  we 
are  going." 

During  the  spring  vacation,  the 
group  will  do  a  series  of  four  concerts 
in  Germany,  Austria,  and  Switzerland. 
Mr.  Al  Schmutz,  choral  director  began 
work  on  the  idea  because  he  says, 
"This  is  the  best  group  I've  ever  had." 
Since  then  the  group  has  geared  much 
of  its  time  toward  making  the  trip 

contemplates  the 
sound  and  expression 
coming  from  the  mem- 
bers of  Trojan  Singers. 
Left:  Andrea 
Marchese,  who  has  a 
serious  interest  in 
vocal  and  piano  mu- 
sic, accompanies  a 
Trojan  Singer  rehear- 

First  it  was  necessary  to  contact  the 
type  of  person  who  handles  this  kind  of 
touring.  Witte  Associates  from  Grand 
Rapids,  Michigan,  was  decided  on 
because  it  offered  the  best  prices  and 
management.  The  Trojan  Singers  have 
had  tour  meetings  with  the 
representative  from  Witte  to  learn 
about  the  concerts,  the  transportation, 
the  facilities,  passports,  and  packing. 

Next^  the  group  had  to  face  the 
problem  of  where  the  necessary  money 
would  be  obtained.  Some  parents  were 
able  to  pay  all  or  part  of  the  fees. 
Several  members  got  jobs  to  help  with 
the  costs.  The  group  worked  as  a  whole 
to  raise  the  rest  of  the  money.  A  paper 
drive,  the  Penny  Arcade,  and  the 
Elmhurst  student  council  were  three 
sources  of  income.  The  money  has 
come  in  small  amounts. 

To  get  musically  prepared  for  the 
tour,  the  group  has  had  to  develop  a 
longer  program  than  it  is  used  to 
giving.  Concerts  usually  last  about  a 
half  hour,  but  for  the  tour,  they  will 
need  to  be  an  hour  longer.  Building  on 
familiar  pieces,  the  troup  has  formed  a 
program  which  includes  some  German 
songsj  and  some  sacred  music  to  be 
sung  at  a  church  service.  Mr.  Schmutz 
stresses  that  the  Trojan  Singers 
provide  variety  entertainment.  He 
says,  "We  do  jazz,  pop,  show  tunes, 
folk.. ..we  do  everything.  We  are  a 
variety  group."  Female  vocalists  have 
sonie  songs  of  their  own  as  do  the 

A  lot  of  time  is  put  into  the  music  by 
members  of  the  group.  In  addition  to 


the  regular  hour  after  school,  time 
before  school  ia  spent  on  practicing  in 
sections.  Different  rhythm  instru- 
ments, such  as  drums,  a  pizza  pan,  a 
coffee  can  filled  with  popcorn, 
cow  bells,  and  a  tambourine  are  used, 
and  a  drummer  from  an  area  band 
comes  to  occasional  rehearsals  to  aid 
the  members  with  the  rhythm.  Andrea 
Marchese,  who  plays  the  piano  for  the 
group,  and  Dave  Archer^  who 
accompanies  on  bass,  spend  time 
learning  their  instrumental  parts. 

Many  of  the  singers  are  involved 
with  music  outside  of  the  Trojan 
Singers.  Church  choirs,  the  Elmhurat 
concert  choir,  and  the  Elmhurst  band 
and  orchestra  are  common  musical 
activities.  Members  Yvette  Morrill, 
Claudia  Johnson,  Pat  York,  and  Linda 
Morsches  make-up  their  own  quartet, 
and  they  do  concerts.  Pat  and  Gregg 
Heckley  are  members  of  all-state  choir, 
and  they  join  others  in  participating  in 
all-city  choir.  Andrea  has  sung  in  the 
Philharmonic  presentation  of  the 
Messiah  and  has  played  for  a  musical 
done  at  Norwell  High  School,  "A 
Funny  Thing  Happened  on  the  Way  to 
the  Forum."  NISBOVA  and  other 
contests  are  entered  by  the  singers, 
both  in  the  vocal  and  instrumental 
areas.  Then,  of  course,  the  group  has 
been  doing  close  to  an  average  of  a 
concert  a  week,  so  time  must  be 
allowed  for  those.  As  singer  Matt  Tyler 
said,  "Everyone  in  Trojan  Singers  is 
really  involved  in  school  and  other 
activities  as  well  as  jobs,  so  we've 
made  a  lot  of  sacrifices." 

by  Veroe  Myers 

Out  of  some  remote  dungeon  within  the  confines  of 
this  learning  institution  called  Elmhurst,  concealed  by 
the  many  years  of  reworked,  redesigned  brick  of  this 
ever-present  building,  come  many  varied  musical 
sounds.  Filtering  out  from  their  place  of  origin,  these 
musical  lines  serve  to  move  and  motivate  many  young 
followers  of  this  cultural  art.  Classical,  pop,  rock,  jazz, 
contemporary  —  each  may  be  found  somewhere  down 
in  room  141. 

Self-fulfillment  sparks  devotion 

What  causes  this  devotion  and  sacrifice?  What  is  the 
allure  of  this  occult?  Enjoyment,  the  drive  to 
accomplish,  and  self-fulfillment  are  several  factors 
behind  the  work, 

Everthing  from  individual  practice  to  helping  set  up 
a  stage  goes  into  this  process  of  preparation. 
Individually,  students  better  themselves  with  solo  and 
ensemble  groups  in  which  they  compete  at  the  annual 
NISBOVA  contests.  Junior  Donna  Munroe,  clarinet 
and  piano  player,  is  currently  accompanying  eight 
soloists  for  vocal  and  instrumental  NISBOVA.  She 
has  been  at  school  about  every  morning  for  the  past 
few  weeks  working  with  the  soloists  for  perfection. 
When  asked  why,  Donna  responded,  "For  the 

Students  devote  time  to  music 

Many  students  work  hard  on  their  instruments  in 
private  lessons  each  week,  receiving  expert  criticism 
and  instruction.  Ten  Elmhurst  musicians  are  currently 
involved  in  a  Wednesday  night  class  with  Mr.  Ron 
Barber,  father  of  senior  Betsy  Barber.  In  that  class, 
ear  training,  improvisation,  and  theory  are  studied. 

Many  concerts  fill  the  year,  and  organizations  such 
as  all-state  band,  all-city  orchestra,  and  even  small 
"get-together"  groups  perform  each  year.  Some 
students    teach    privately,    arrange    work    around 

PIANIST  BETSY  BARBER  POLISHES  her  jazz  technique 
during  a  rehearsal  of  the  highly-ranked  3:00  Jazz  Band.  Band  Director 
Mr.  Randy  Brugh  monitors  the  Elmhurst  Jazi  Band's  music. 

performances,     and    participate    in    other    outside 

As  a  group  effort,  all  the  music  organizations  work 
daily,  such  as  the  jazz  band  for  the  upcoming  Jazz 
Festival.  The  festival  is  just  getting  under  way  with 
parent  and  student  committees  getting  of  the  ground. 
The  real  work  is  just  beginning. 

Cashman  returns  to  EHS 

What  could  be  more  fun  than 
spending  New  Year's  Eve  in  Fort 
Wayne?  Most  likely,  the  list 
would  be  long,  but  for  sophomore 
guidance  counselor  Mrs.  Dinah 

teams  busy 

Tne  solo  speech  team  recently 
placed  second  and  fifth 
respectively  at  the  Whitko  and 
Columbia  City  meets. 

Out  of  the  21  schools 
competing  at  Whitko  on  Jan.  17, 
ribbon  winners  from  Elmhurst 
include  Melissa  Hunter  and  Dave 
Stein,  first  in  dramatic  duo;  Tom 
Sonday,  third  in  boy's  extemp; 
Troi  Lee,  first  in  oratorical; 
Karyn  Heiney,  second  in 
oratorical;  and  Sheli  Winans, 
third  in  original.  Terry  Newsome 
and  Syd  Hutner  also  made  it  to 
the  final  round,  but  they  did  not 
receives  ribbon. 

At  the  Columbia  City  meet  on 
Jan.  27,  the  team  was  led  by 
Karyn  Heiney.  first  in  oratorical; 
Troi  Lee,  third  in  original  and 
fifth  in  oratorical;  Sheli  Winans, 
fourth  in  original;  and  Jim 
Nelson,  sixth  in  humor. 

The  speech  team's  next  meet  is 
at  North  Side  on  Feb.  7. 

The  debate  team  has  a  busy 
schedule  also.  On  Jan.  17,  the 
team  traveled  to  Munster  for  a 
meet.  The  twosome  of  Sue  Taylor 
and  Diane  Lupke  captured  second 
plac^in  their  division. 

The  team  has  on  its  agenda  for 
Feb.  7,  Kokomo,  which  is  the 
regional  debate  meet.  Those  who 
do  well  at  Kokomo  will  advance  to 
the  State  finals. 

Cashman,  New  Year's  Eve  was 
something  special. 

Athens,  Greece  was  the  site. 
Mrs.  Cashman,  her  husband, 
Dan,  and  son.  Matt  were  the 
characters,  and  to  quote  Mrs. 
Cashman,  "A  good  time  was  had 
by  all!" 

"We  spent  three  weeks  in 
England  and  two  weeks  in 
Greece,"  Mrs.  Cashman 
explained.  "We  enjoyed  a  very 
traditional  Christmas  with 
friends  in  England  —  we  cut  the 
Christmas  tree  from  their 

Mrs.  Cashman  also  explained 
some  of  the  differences  between 
British  and  American  school 
systems.  "In  some  respects^our 
school  system  is  superior;  for 
instance,  we  ( American  school 
systems)  have  developed  more 
acceptance  of  emotional  problems 

—  such  as  high  school  counseUng. 
The  British  have  a  'stiff  upper  lip 

—  don't  admit  your  weakness' 
attitude.  We  are  much  more 

Mrs.  Cashman's  husband  is 
living  in  England  as  an  exchange 
professor  sponsored  by  the 
British  government  and  HEW 
(Health,  Education  and  Welfare). 
British  college  professor  John 
Carbury  is  living  in  Fort  Wayne 
in  Dr.  Cashman's  place. 

She  related  an  interesting  story 
about  squid  eyes.  It  seems  her 
husband  ordered  squid,  while 
dining  out  one  evening,  and  her 
son.  Matt,  was  so  appalled  by  the 
fact  that  his  father  ate  squid  eyes 
that  he  decided  to  announce  it  to 
the  entire  restaurant. 

All  in  all,  Mrs.  Cashman  had  a 
nice  time,  but  is  "glad  to  be 

EDUCATION  WEEK.  Elmhurst  is  represented  by  well  over  100 
students  at  the  RVC  (Regional  Vocational  Center)  downtown  in  the  old 
Central  High  School  building.  Students  of  RVC  attend  half  of  their  school 
day  at  the  center  and  the  other  half  in  classes  here  at  Elmhurst.  Shown  in 
photos  above  are  students  learning  various  vocations.  Above  left,  junior 
John  Stiffler  squares  a  comer.  Top  right,  senior  Jacques  Perry  and  junior 
Mike  Berry  take  a  look  under  the  hood  of  a  car.  Senior  Steve  Cook,  below 
right,  locates  and  repairs  a  problem  in  the  carburetor.  Photos/Tim 

Azevedo ,  Furtodo 
noUves  of  Brazil 

Attending  classes  at  Elmhurst  this  semester  are  two  foreign 
exchange  students,  both  girls,  from  Brazil.  The  two,  who  arrived  in 
Fort  Wayne  just  three  weeks  ago,  are  Telma  Azevedo,  who  is  from 
Araraquara,  Brazil,  and  Sydia  Furtado,  a  native  of  the  northern 
Brazil  city  of  Campina  Granda. 

U.S.  lifestyle  exciting,  different 

The  girls  are  here  in  cooperation  with  the  Youth  for 
Understanding  program,  an  American  organization  for  exchange 
students.  They  arrived  in  Fort  Wayne  by  way  of  Miami  and  Detroit 
and  will  remain  in  the  city  through  July,  when  they  return  to  their 

For  Telma  and  Sydia,  they  find  Fort  Wayne  a  warm  and  friendly 
city,  but  also  one  with  a  life  style  much  different  from  their  own. 
Describing  her  feelings 
concenting  her  new  experience, 
Telma  commented,  "Fort  Wayne 
is  twice  as  large  as  my  own  city  so 
there  is  quite  a  lot  more  to  do 
here.  It's  very  exciting.  All  of  the 
people  I  have  met  are  very  kind 
and  always  help  me  with  finding 
my  classes." 

It  wasn't  until  last  November 
that  the  girls  found  out  about 
their  being  selected  as  exchange 
students.  Previous  to  this,  each 
was  required  to  go  through 
numerous  examinations  and 
interviews.  Because  Telma  and 
Sydia  are  from  different  parts  of 
Brazil,  they  did  not  know  each 
other  until  they  arrived  in  Fort 
Wayne.  It  is  extremely  rare  that 
two  exchange  students  with  the 
same  program  are  placed  in  the 
same  school. 

Cost  of  living  higher  here 

When  asked  to  relate  some  of 
their  activities  in  their  country 
with  those  here,  Telma  spoke  up 
with  a  comment  on  the  cost  of 
living  differences.  In  Brazil, 
things  are  much  less  expensive.  A 
movie  would  cost  close  to  60'  in 
Brazil,  while  a  ticket  to  a 
basketball  game  would  be 
approximately  30'. 

The  American  food  was 
another  topic  of  discussion.  It 
seems  Sydia  very  much  enjoys 
some  of  the  foods  here  in  the  U.S., 

Elmhurst's  three  foreign  exchange  stu 
Schulpen  from  Belgium.  To  the  right 
who  both  come  to  Elmhurst  from  Braz 

especially  French  fries  and  ice 
cream,  while  Tebna  would  prefer 
Brazilian  food  to  American.  She 
stated  that  there  are  many  more 
fresh  fruits  and  vegetables  back 

Both  Telma  and  Sydia  are 
living  about  two  miles  from 
Elmhurst,  although  no  one  else  in 
their  host  family  is  an  EHS 
student.  Telma's  host  parents  are 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  David  Fulkerson, 
and  Sydia  is  staying  with  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Terry  Sheron. 

Aniibrum  receives 
top  CSPA  roting 

Recently,  the  Elmhurst 
yearbook,  the  Anlibnim,  received 
high  honors  by  winning  a  first 
place  certificate  in  the  forty-first 
annual  yearbook  critique  and 
contest  sponsored  by  the 
Columbia  Scholastic  Press 

Yearbooks  participating  in  the 
contest  were  rated  according  to 
the  classification  listing  on  the 
entry  form  which  was  submitted 
with  the  book.  There  were  also 
self-analysis  questions  on  the 
entry  form  which  helped  to  give 
the  Board  of  Judges  an 
understanding  of  the  school  and 
the  circumstances  pertaining  to 
the  publishing  of  the  book.  Each 
yearbook  was  judged  on  its  own 
I  merits. 

The  highest  amount  of  points 
that  could  be  obtained  was  1000 
points.  The  Anlibrum 

accumulated  882  points  which 
put  it  into  the  first  place  rating 
category.  Those  yearbooks  who 
placed  in  this  category  were 
selected  for  their  special  qualities, 
personality,  spirit,  and  creative 

When  asked  about  her  reaction 
to  the  honor  awarded  to  the 
Anlibrum,  publications  advisor, 
Mrs.  Jane  Hoylman  stated,  "I 
wasn't  surprised.  I  felt  we  had  a 
good  book  last  year.  The  staff  was 
very  experienced,  creative,  and 
conscientious.  I  enjoyed  having 
them.  It  couldn't  have  happened 
to  a  nicer  book." 

Sihulpen  here 

from  Belgium 

Eighteen-year-old  Luc  Schulpen  comes  to  Fort  Wayne  from 
Antwerp,  Belgium.  Luc  has  been  in  the  U.S.  since  last  August. 
Unlike  Tebna  and  Sydia's  situation,  Luc  is  here  in  the  U.S.  for  an 
entire  year.  Before  coming  to  Elmhurst  for  the  second  semester  Luc 
attended  high  school  in  Columbia  City,  where  his  host  family  lived. 
Since  then  his  family  has  moved  to  Fort  Wayne.  Luc's  host  parents 
are  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  DeLanielle. 

Luc  seems  to  like  Fort  Wayne  much  better  than  Columbia  City 
because  of  the  size  differences.  Pointing  this  out,  Luc  explained, 
"Antwerp,  the  city  I  come  from,  is  much  larger  than  Columbia  City, 
so  it  was  difficult  to  adjust  to  the  change.  While  in  Columbia  City^ 
we  would  often  come  to  Fort  Wayne  to  see  a  movie,  so  I  am  a  bit 
familiar  with  this  city." 

Luc  became  aware  of  his 
selection  as  an  exchange  student 
to  the  U.S.  last  June  when  he 
received  a  letter  from  his  host 
family  welcoming  him  to  the 
United  States. 

While  being  interviewed  along 
with  Telma  and  Sydia,  Luc  also 
spoke  about  the  huge  difference 
in  American  foods  as  compared  to 
his  country's.  In  Belgium,  as  well 
as  Brazil,  food  preparation  takes 
approximately  two  hours  for  each 
meal,  quite  a  difference  from  the 
McDonald's  style  meal  so  many 
Americans  are  familiar  with.  For 
LuCjhis  largest  meal  of  the  day  is 
in  the  evening. 

The  school  systems  of  the  U.S. 
and  Belgium  are  dissimilar  in 
several  aspects.  In  Luc's  country, 
as  well  as  in  Brazil,  the  subjects 
that  each  student  takes  are  not 
decided  by  them,  but  by  the 
school  systems.  The  subjects  are 
also  much  more  difficult.  The 
individual  grades,  however,  are 
similar.  There  is  both  a  grade 
school  and  a  high  school. 

The  only  immediate  problem 
cited  by  Luc  as  a  disadvantage  is 
the  difficulty  in  finding  a  job.  All 
exchange  students  with  the 
Youth  for  Understanding  can 
only  work  a  total  of  ten  hours  a 
week  and  no  more.  As  of  this 
time,  Luc  has  been  unsuccessful 
in  finding  employment. 

)^S  FOE  THE  ADV  AN  CE, 
'second  semester.  In  center  is  Luc 
Ima  Azevedo  and  Sydia  Furtado, 
\ca.  Photo/ Phil  Gutman. 

Byrne    named 
family  leader' 

It  was  recently  announced  by 
Ms.  Dinah  Cashman,  guidance 
counselor,  that  senior  Wes  Byrne 
this  year's  Betty  Crocker 
Family  Leader  of  Tomorrow.  Wes 
the  first  male  recipient  in 
Elmhurst's  history  of  this  chance 
at  an  educational  scholarship. 

Wes  won  the  honor  by 
competing  with  other  EHS 
seniors  in  the  written  knowledge 
and  attitude  on  family  living  test 
last  Dec.  2  here  at  Elmhurst. 
From  this,  Wes  will  receive  a 
certificate  award  from  the 
General  Mills  Company,  which 
sponsors  the  annual  educational 
scholarship  program. 

The  school  winners  become 
eligible  for  state  and  national 
honors.  State  Family  Leaders  of 
Tomorrow  receive  a  $1,500  college 
Scholarship  while  second  place 
winners  at  state  competition 
receive  a  grant  of  $500. 

If  Wes  should  go  on  to  become 
a  state  winner,  he  and  a  faculty 
member  of  Elmhurst  will  take  an 
educational  tour  of  Washington, 
D.C.  Highlighting  this  trip  is  the 
announcement  of  the  AU- 
American  Betty  Crocker  contest 
winner  whose  scholarship  will  be 
increased  to  $5,000, 

Dance  planned 

The  Elmhurst  student  council 
will  be  sponsoring  a  St. 
Valentine's  Day  dance  as 
announced  by  its  designated 
social  chairperson,  senior  Melissa 
Hunter.  The  semi-formal  dance  is 
slated  for  the  evening  of 
Valentine's  Day,  Saturday  Feb. 
14.  from  8  p.m.  to  11  p.m. 

"The  event  is  still  in  the 
planning  stages,  but  we  are 
hoping  to  reserve  the  First 
Presbeterian  Church's  ballroom 
on  Wayne  Street,"  stated 

The  social  committee  has  also 
contacted  several  bands  to  play 
at  the  dance,  although  the  group 
that  will  provide  the 
entertainment  hasn't  been 
announced  yet. 

Tickets  to  the  dance  wil  go  on 
sale  next  Monday  during  all  lunch 
mods  in  the  cafeteria. 


•and  so  on 

Grant  Forms  available 

Basic  Grant  applications  are  now  available  in  the  guidance  office 
for  seniors.  The  department  is  encouraging  all  upper  classmen  who 
plan  to  further  their  schooling  to  apply  for  this  excellent  federal 
grant  program.  ' 

PTA  sponsors  A  La  Carte  night 

On  Friday,  Feb.  13,  the  Elmhurst  PTA  will  be  sponsoring  an  A  La 
Carte  night.  From  5  p.m.  to  7:30  p.m.,  Audrey  Swihart,  Ruth 
Loomis,  and  Hellen  Wiebke  will  be  serving  chili  for  35*,  pizza  for 
50',  hot  dogs  for  30",  potato  chips  and  cake  for  25',  and  coffee  and 
Pepsi  for  15'. 

The  varsity  basketball  game  against  the  Wayne  Generals  will 
follow  this  starting  at  8  p.m.  in  Elmhurst's  gym. 

Today  last  chance  for  seniors 

Seniors  will  have  their  last  chance  to  order  graduation 
announcements  today.  Mr.  Bresnahan  of  Herff  Jones  will  be  in  the 
cafeteria  during  the  lunch  mods  for  orders.  He  would  like  to  see  the 
members  of  the  announcement  committee  at  that  time. 

Horn  IB  Associate  Director 

Mr.  Robert  Horn,  work-study  teacher  here  at  EHS,  has  been 
named  Associate  Director  of  Lavengro  Foundation,  Inc.,  a  non- 
profit organization  serving  the  handicapped  in  Fort  Wayne  and 
Allen  County. 

The  foundation,  founded  in  1972  by  Bernita  L.  Oberholtzer, 
exists  to  provide  employment  and  services  to  any  type  or  degree  of 
handicapped  person  in  need.  They  currently  operate  from  a  building 
at  419  E.  Wayne  St.,  but  are  seeking  funding  and  space  to  greatly 
expand  prograiusjpr  the  handicapped. 

Lavengro,  being  a  non-profit  organization,  operates  through 
donation,  grants,  and  fund-raising  events.  They  accept  volunteers 
of  all  sorts.  Any  person  who  is  interested  in  donating  time,  services, 
equipment,  or  tax-deductible  dollars  is  encouraged  to  contact  Mr. 
Horn  or  Lavengro  at  422-3926. 

Yearbook,  newspaper  go  on  sale 

Starting  Monday,  Feb.  9,  and  for  the  next  two  days, 
representatives  from  the  journalism  department  will  be  in  the 
cafeteria  during  all  lunch  mods. 

The  students  will  be  selling  subscriptions  to  the  school 
newspaper.  Advance,  and  the  yearbook,  Anlibrum. 

For  only  $2,  students  may  purchase  the  newspaper  for  the 
semester.  A  minimal  $9  will  buy  the  yearbook,  or  for  only  $10,  one 
may  buy  both,  thus  saving  $1. 

Whot's  happening? 



Seniors  -  This  is 

the    last    day    to 

First    round    of 

order    graduation 


V     state  competition 


-^  k 

W      for        Elmhurst's 

Order  them  in  the 

S.  M 

f        debate        team 

cafeteria  today. 


No  school!!  EHS 

faculty    will    be 



participating      in 



the        Human 

(U    ■ 


Relations  Works- 

u-   ■ 


hop    at    Wayne 

.  ^n  will  sponsor 



a  dinner  in  the 
EHS  cafeteria 
from  5-7:30  p.m. 


A  pep  session  is 

£.  ■ 


scheduled  for  8:50 

Student     Council 


St.  Valentine's 
Day    semi-formal 






Have  you  got  $200  lying  around  the  home  doing  nothing? 
Maybe  buried  in  the  backyard  or  under  a  mattress?  WeU.  if 
you  don't,  then  you  had  better  start  scrounging  -  because 
if  you  expect  to  be  able  to  pay  for  aU  of  the  senior  necessities 
without  going  bankrupt,  you're  going  to  need  it. 

There  are  class  rings,  class  keys,  graduation 
announcements,  senior  pictures,  banquets,  test  fees,  class 
dues,  coUege  appUcation  fees,  and  the  ever  important  cap 
and  gown.  Chances  are  something  has  been  left  out,  because 
year  after  year  the  Ust  gets  longer  and  longer.  The  last  year 
of  your  "free  education"  is  liable  to  set  you  back  quite  a 
Graduation  —  a  money-making  project 

It  seems  graduation  has  become  more  of  a  money-making 
project  rather  than  the  simple  recognition  ceremony  it  was 
conceived  as.  With  this  being  the  bicentennial  year,  you  can 
only  expect  the  commercialism  and  profit-making  to 

Picture,  if  you  will,  the  bicentennial  graduation 
ceremony,  beginning  with  a  21-gun  salute  (funds  for  which 
came  from  the  class  dues  treasury),  then,  after  the  singing 
of  the  national  anthem  -  a  glee  club  dancing  out  to  sing 
"We  love  baseball,  hot  dogs,  apple  pie,  and  Chevrolet." 

Don't  bother  with  the  traditional  garb  —  this  year  each 
graduate  will  be  required  to  dress  as  a  historical  character  . . 
.  telling  a  short  story  about  how  it  was  THEN.  And  if  you 
miss  it  —  record  albums  remembering  the  whole  evening 
will  be  on  sale  in  the  cafeteria! 

Necessities  not  that  necessary 

The  question,  somewhere  in  this  satire,  is  why  must  all  of 
these  expenses  be  necessities?  What  happens  if  the  student 
cannot  come  up  with  the  money?  Should  he  be  denied  all  of 
the  "luxuries"  of  a  respectable  graduation? 

Colleges  require  an  appUcation  fee  before  the  senior  will 
even  be  considered.  Imagine  if  you  haven't  decided  upon  a 
coUege,  the  bill  for  applying  at  several  colleges  could  very 
well  limit  your  choices  for  consideration. 

What  may  be  happening  is  that  money-making 
organizations  are  taking  advantage  of  seniors  in  high 
schools  all  over  the  United  States.  Surely  it  must  be 
possible  to  make  caps  and  gowns  for  cheaper  than  $7.50  per 
person.  The  type  of  material  is  hardly  of  expensive  quality 
—  so  the  profits  on  this  sort  of  project  must  be  more  than 

Where  is  the  choice? 

Perhaps  a  little  competitive  spirit  between  companies 
could  bring  the  price  down.  Isn't  that  the  basis  of  our 
economy?  The  free  enterprise  system  that  encourages 
competitive  prices?  Where  is  the  choice? 

It  looks  as  though  students  are  going  to  have  to  maintain 
a  full  time  job  just  so  they  can  afford  the  last  year  of  high 
school.  That  is,  unless  people  wise  up  to  the  fact  that  all  of 
these  senior  graduation  necessities  are  not  all  that 

Winter  and  DarBng  share  their  creativity 

by  Barb  Hannan 

After  hundreds  of  years  of 
musical  development,  both  in  the 
classical  and  popular  areas,  it 
sometimes  seems  as  if  the  art  has 
very  few  more  places  to  go  within 
structural  bounds.  The  only 
apparent  direction  would  appear 
to  be  chaos  and  ambiguity. 
Philharmonic  artists-in-residence 
Paul  Winter  and  David  Darling, 
however,  have  proved  that 
assumption  false  with  not  only 
their  musical  performances  and 
compositions,  but  their  whole 
approach  towards  sharing  the 
excitement  of  making  music. 

Bringing  the  two  to  Fort 
Wayne  was  a  stroke  of  genius  on 
the  part  of  Philharmonic 
conductor  Thomas  Briccetti. 
Saxophonist  Winter  and  cellist 
DarUng  not  only  played  solo 
concerts  and  pieces  with  the 
Philharmonic,  but  also  gave 
climes  at  the  Fine  Arts  center  and 
at  area  high  schools,  including 
Ehnhurst.  Last  Saturday,  they 
were  joined  by  the  other  three 
members  of  The  Winter  Consort 
for  a  performance  at  the 

Clinics  moat  important 

If  anything  that  the  artists  did 
during  their  stay  could  be 
considered  more  important  than 
anything  else,  the  free  clinics 
would  have  to  be  it.  The  purpose 

of  these  was  to  prove  that  music 
—  good  music  —  could  be  played 
and  created  with  minimal 
technical  skill  by  channeling 
emotions  into  musical 


At  the  Elmhurst  cUnic,  given 
for  members  of  the  music 
departments,  David  Darling 
began  by  explaining  that  some  of 
the  things  he  was  about  to 
present  might  seem  "silly",  but 
that  the  space  they  were  all  in 
was  "safe"  and  that  they  could 
feel  secure  doing  them  there.  He 
then  led  the  group  in  a  series  of 
vocal  exercises  which  some 
described  as  "weird"  and  others 
advocated  as  "group  therapy." 
One  of  these  exercises  was  a  duet 
called  "Me?  You!"  in  which  the 
first  person  began  by  saying 
"Me!"  or  "Me?"  to  which  the 
second  person  could  answer 
likewise  or  similarly  with  "You." 

The  students  finally  broke  up 
into  ensembles  of  three  and  four 
people  and  were  each  given  the 
opportunity  for  a  short 
improvisation.  Most  of  the 
sounds  created  were  so  complex 
that  they  might  not  have  been 
told  from  music  played  on  a 
professional  level. 

Consort  performs 

In  addition  to  sharing  their 
ideas  on  music  in  the  classroom, 
the  two  gave  various  concerts, 

the  most  impressive  of  which  was 
undoubtedly  the  one  given 
Saturday  with  The  Winter 
Consort.  The  group's  music  is  so 
intricate  as  to  defy 
categorization;  it  is  neither  jazz, 
rock,  nor  classical,  yet  it  is  all 

All  of  the  members  of  the  group 
are  extraordinarily  talented,  and 
many  times  almost  stunned  the 
audience  with  the  intensity  of 
their  playing.  A  case  in  point  is 
the  ten-minute  percussion  solo 
which  two  members  of  the  group 
produced.  One  of  these 
percussionists,  Tigger  Bentley, 
was  a  student  of  Ravi  Shankar's 
percussionist,  who  is  reputed  to 
be  the  best  tabla  player  in  the 

Another  number  which  quickly 
brought  the  audience  to  their  feet 
was  "Minuit"  which  began 
quietly,  built  into  a  percussion 
solo  by  the  entire  group,  and 
finally  into  a  crescendo  of 
extremely  high  intensity  for  all 

the  instruments. 

In  the  final  analysis,  one  can 
only  understate  the  great  value  of 
having  Paul  Winter  and  David 
Darling  in  Fort  Wayne.  Their  art 
may  help  to  guide  the  course  of 
music,  and  their  classroom 
techniques  may  lead  to  greater 
interest  in  all  of  the  arts.  Paul 
Winter  and  David  Darling  truly 
deserve  the  title  artiats-in- 

Blacks  ignored 
by  program 

To  whom  it  may 
or  may  not  concern : 

I  was  totally  appalled  at  the 
apparent  apathetic  attitude 
toward  Black  existence,  let 
alone  participation  in  the 
Bicentennial  celebration  here 
at  Elmhurst.  Spanish,  Polish, 
Irish,  German  and  French  were 
included,  but  not  Blacks.  I 
wish  to  extend  my  sincere 
apology  to  all  the  Black 
students  and  to  any  other 
ethnic  group  that  was 
blatantly  overlooked.  Be  aware 
that  I  am  not  apologizing  for 
myself,  but  for  whoever  was 
responsible  for  such  an 
outrageous  oversight. 

Waymon  Brown  III 

ReSerUeS  downed     OamnoslsdefeQlCodels 

Facing  two  very  tough  teams 
last  weekend,  the  Elmhurst 
reserve  squad  was  unable  to  add  a 
victory  to  their  record.  Snider, 
now  12-2  for  the  season,  won  57- 
35,  and  the  Delphos  St.  John's 
outscored  the  Trojans  62-54. 

Friday  night  against  the 
Panthers,  Elmhurst  was  limited 
to  14  out  of  42  field  goal  attempts 
and  could  not  seem  to  break 
Snider's  tight  hold. 

Trojans  get 
plowed  under 

The  Elmhurst  girls'  basketball 
team  travels  to  Churubusco 
tomorrow  to  play  the  first  round 
of  the  Sectionals  against  the  girls' 
team  from  Columbia  City  Joint 
High  School.  Columbia  City  is 
now  undefeated. 

The  girls  lost  their  final  regular 
season  game  to  the  Wayne 
Generals  on  Thursday,  Jan.  29, 
by  a  score  of  44-29.  Senior  Carol 
Quance  was  injured  and  unable  to 
play  the  game.  The  remainder  of 
the  Trojan  squad  saw  action. 

The  Trojans  were  also  ousted 
by  the  Bruins  of  Northrop  on 
Saturday,  Jan.  24.  The  Trojans 
remained  close  for  the  first  three 
quarters,  but  fell  to  a  rowdy 
group  of  fourth  quarter  Bruins. 

High  scorer  in  the  Bruin  game 
was  junior  Kelly  Auer  with  11 
pomts.  Kellie  Slate  and  Ethel 
Fowlkes  had  ten  and  nine, 

Coaches  Lucy  Doswell  and  Kim 
Schmidt  are  hoping  to  see  a  more 
aggressive  Trojan  ball  club 
tomorrow.  One  team  member 
explained,  "Chances  are  that 
Columbia  City  will  be 
overconfident.  If  we  can  come  out 
playing  mean  and  aggressive  and 
make  it  last  for  four  quarters,  I 
think  we  have  a  good  chance  of 

The  game  begins  tomorrow 
evening  at  approximately  7:30. 

Rob  Meyers  took  rebounding 
honors  and,  along  with  Dan 
Henderson,  led  the  team  in 

Saturday  night  was  somewhat 
brighter  for  the  Trojans  as  they 
battled  the  Blue  Jays  of  Delphos 
St.  John's  in  Ohio. 

Trailing  at  the  half  37-20, 
Elmhurst  opened  the  third 
quarter  with  three  consecutive 
baskets.  The  Blue  Jays  remained 
ahead,  however,  and  the  game 
ended  62-54. 

Ricky  Hamilton,  playing  for 
only  two  quarters,  led  in 
individual  scoring  with  19  points, 
and  Melvin  Cobb  was  second  with 

Culpepper  and  Henderson  were 
high  with  11  rebounds  each,  and 
Hamilton  was  close  behind  with 

Every  year  in  the  United  States  and  throughout  the  world,  the  sport 
of  gymnastics  grows  larger  and  larger,  and  during  the  past  three  years  it 
has  become  a  major  event  in  the  girls'  athletic  program  at  EUnhurst. 

Gymnastics  competition  is  divided  into  three  main  levels  —  beginning, 
intermediate,  and  optional  with  each  girl  working  at  the  level  of  her  own 
ability.  There  are  also  four  areas  the  girls  can  compete  in  —  floor 
exercise,  vault,  uneven  parallel  bars,  and  the  balance  beam. 

In  their  first  meet  of  the  season        Katy       Young       and        Lori 

against  Wayne,  the  beginning 
squad  was  edged  out  by  the 
Generals  63.05  -  65.55,  while  the 
intermediates  fell  46.95  -  49.05 
and  the  optional  13.7  -  70.70. 
Winners  in  the  beginning  division 
were  Becky  Cummings,  second  in 
the  unevens  and  beam;  Terry 
Whittenberger,  first  in  unevens; 
Darla  Taper,  third  in  unevens; 
Kari  Rietdorf,  third  on  the 
balance  beam. 

At  the  intermediate  level, 
Jeanine  Russell  took  first  place  jn 
vault,  second  in  floor  exercise, 
and  third  on  the  balance  beam. 

McCleneghen  tied  for  a  /second 
place  in  the  unevens  while  Cindy 
Kratzert  got  a  second  place 
ribbon  for  vaulting  and  Sheril 
Hornberger  a  first  for  the  balance 

Elmhurst's  only  optional 
competitor  at  this  time,  Linda 
Smyser,  placed  third  in  vaulting. 

Coach  Marty  Burns 

commented,  "I  was  very,  very 
pleased  with  the  team's 

The  next  night  Elmhurst  met 
Concordia  and  brought  home  its 
first  victory.  In  the  beginning 
competition,  Becky  Cununings 
placed  first  in  vaulting  and 
unevens  and  third  in  floor 
exercise,  while  Terry 

Whittenberger  took  third  place  in 
vaulting  and  second  in  unevens. 
Kari  Rietdorf  won  the  beam 
competition  and  took  a  red  ribbon 
for  floor  exercise,  and  Pam  Reicke 
captured  third  place  in  beam  and 
first  place  in  floor. 

Since  Concordia  has  no 
intermediate  squad,  Elmhurst 
won  all  the  ribbons  in  this 

ATTEMPTS  a  horizontal  straddle  vault. 
Photo/Laura  Bowen. 

Trojans  drop  last  two 

Elmhurst  exhibited  many  of 
the  problems  that  have  plagued 
them  all  year  last  weekend  as  the 
Trojans  dropped  a  pair  of 
frustrating  basketball  games  on 
the  road.  Things  never  seemed  to 

fall  into  place,  including  the  bas- 
ketball at  Snider  Friday  night. 
Elmhurst  struggled  and  fought 
all  night  only  to  let  it  sUde  away 
in  the  final  minutes,  68-66.  The 
next  night,  Elmhurst  squared  off 
against  Delphos  St.  John  in  Ohio, 
but  couldn't  overpower  the  highly 
ranked  Blue  Jays,  succumbing 
Elmhurst  cold  at  freethrow  line 

Against  the  Panthers, 
Elmhurst  had  trouble  finding  the 
handle  on  the  ball  and  at  tiroes. 
Snider  and  Elmhurst  took  turns 
giving  the  ball  to  each  other. 
The  Trojans  stayed  close 
throughout  the  contest,  and  while 
Elmhurst  was  cold  at  the 
freethrow  line,  hitting  12  of  25, 
Snider  was  worse  canning  only  8 
of  21. 

Going  into  the  last  stanza, 
Elmhurst  trailed  51-43,  as  Coach 
Kenny  Eytcheson  substituted 
freely  in  an  attempt  to  find  the 
right   combination.    Finally,    the 

a  rebound  in  a  crowd  of  Snider  players 
as  senior  Raymond  Walker  looks  on. 

Trojans  showed  some  spark  and 
pulled  ahead  65-62  with  1:39  left. 
However,  turnovers  again 
became  the  rule,  and  Snider 
cashed  in  for  the  winning  free 
throws  with  eight  seconds  left. 

Junior  Ernie  Starks  paced  the 
Trojans  with  18  points  while 
junior  Mike  Brewer  and  senior 
Fred  Underwood  added  12  each. 

Blue  Jays  retaliate  against 
Trojan  rally 

Against  powerful  Delphos, 
Elmhurst  fell  behind  early  but 
rallied  from  an  11-point  deficit  in 
the  third  period  trailing  only  54- 
51.  The  Blue  Jays  retaliated  with 
another  strong  spml  leading  62- 
55,  and  the  Trojans  couldn't 
recover.  Ernie  Starks  again  led  all 
Elmhurst  scorers  with  28,  while 
sophomore  Tim  Green  had  14. 

The  week  before,  Elmhurst 
outlasted  Homestead  56-41  at 
home,  RajTuond  Walker  and 
Mike  Brewer  tallied  17  points 
apiece.  Next  weekend  the  Trojans 
have  two  away  games,  at  North 
Side  and  Huntington. 


Grapplen  e  ven  at  6' 6 

The  Elmhurst  matmen  were 
victorious  last  Tuesday  and 
Thursday  with  wins  over 
Homestead  and  Snider.  The  week 
before,  the  Trojans  were  defeated 
by  North  Side  in  a  close  match, 
and  were  also  downed  by 
Harding,  the  SAC  wrestling 

The  Trojans  were  too  powerful 
for  the  Spartans  as  they  threw 
their  opponents  all  over  the  mat 
for  a  35-20  victory.  Winning  by 
pins  were  seniors  Paul  Freeman 
and  Mike  Freygang  along  with 
junior  Mike  Rush  and  sophomore 
Stu  Norton.  Winning  with 
decisions  were  juniors  Ken 
Young,  Tom  Smith,  and  Paul 
Meredith,  while  two  sophomores 
got  in  on  the  action  with  Steve 
Esterson  and  Matt  Branning 
defeating  their  opponents  17-6 
and  6-2  respectively. 

Trojans  tame  Panthers 

Two  nights  later  Snider  proved 
to  be  too  little  competition  for 
Elmhurst  as  the  Trojans  wrestled 
to  a  smashing  40-26  win  over  the 
Panthers.  Giving  the  Trojans 
their  40  points  this  time  were 
Mike  Freygang.  Jim  Almond, 
Matt  Branning,  and  Paul 
Meredith,  who  all  won  by  pins, 
and  decision-takers  Paul 
Freeman,  Ken  Young.  Mike  Rush,, 
and    Stu    Norton.     Senior    BUI 

Munroe  tied  his  opponent  5-5. 

The  matmen's  record  now 
stands  at  6  wins  and  6  losses 
overall  and  3-4  in  SAC  action. 
Even  though  this  year  was  an 
improvement  over  last  season, 
the  Trojans  did  not  contain 
enough  depth  on  the  team.  The 
lower  weight  classes  are  mostly 
all  sophomores,  which  is  good 
because  the  Trojans  ought  to 
have  even  a  better  season  next 
year  with  more  experienced 

Junior  Mike  Rush  is  the  only 
man  for  the  Trojans  who  hasn't 
yet  been  defeated.  Mike,  whose 
spectacular  record  this  year  is  15 
wins  and  zip  losses,  was  not  seen 
in  action  for  a  couple  of  matches 
due  to  an  injury  he  received 
during  a  match.  It  only  took  Mike 
a  couple  of  days  to  recover  as  he 
was  back  on  the  mat  to  boost  his 
15-0  record  a  little  higher. 

Sectionals  get  under  way 
Thursday,  Feb.  5,  and  the  final 
day  will  be  Saturday,  Feb.  7.  The 
Trojans  look  strong  and  ready  to 
blow  their  opponents  right  off  the 
mat.  Mike  Rush  commented  on 
the  team's  status,  "We  will  be 
ready  for  sectionals."  He  added, 
"I  think  a  pep  session  would  help 
the  team  a  lot." 

STRUGGLES  with  his  New  HaL-cn  op- 
ponent. Below:  senior  Mike  Freygang 

Dear  Reader, 

Gone  are  Moose,  Pork,  and 
Turd,  but  back  to  take  their 
place  are  Moon,  Stinky,  and 
Murph  the  Surf.  Translated, 
that  means  Steve  Mueller 
(Moose).  Dave  Campbell. 
(Pork),  and  Lynn  Brown 
{Turd)  have  left  Elmhurst 
along  with  their  colorful 
nicknames  but  taking  their 
place  are  Stan  Prince  (Moon). 
Kevin  Stephenson  (Stinky), 
and  Gordon  Murphy  (Murph 
the  Surf)  with  their  most 
interesting  nicknames. 

During  my  investigation  of 
nicknames,  I  have  found  that 
there  are  three  ways  of  getting 
a  nickname.  The  first  and 
perhaps  funniest  way  is  by 
something  a  person  does.  Stan 
Prince  was  a  fine  example  of 
this  one  day  last  spring.  Stan 
and  a  few  of  the  guys  on  the 
baseball  team  were  coming 
back  from  a  game  out  at 
Woodlan  when  things 
apparently  got  a  little  hot  for 
Stan  who  was  sitting  in  the 
back  seat.  Since  that  day  Stan 
has  come  to  be  known  as  "the 
Moon"  Prince.  If  you  get  a 
chance  this  spring  when 
baseball  season  rolls  around, 
ask  assistant  baseball  coach 
John  Campbell,  who  was 
foUowing  the  car  that  Stan  was 
in,     for     a     play     by     play 

description  of  what  happened 
that  afternoon.  I'm  sure  you'll 
die  laughing.  I  did! 

The  second  way  to  get  a 
nickname  is  by  the  way  you 
happen  to  look  or  act.  Those 
that  can  be  sometimes  heard 
around  the  halls  here  at  school 
are  Gmmp  (Tim  Green),  Magic 
Man  (Ray  Walker),  Super 
Brewer  (Mike  Brewer),  Abe 
(Ernie  Starks),  Buck  (Melvin 
Cobb).  Bull  (Mike  Rush), 
Stump  (Domingo  Garcia),  Bird 
Legs  (Bob  Kratzert),  Senator 
(Phil  Gutman),  Little  One  (Jan 
Dowling),  and  Gunner 

The  final  way  is  getting  a 
nickname  for  no  reason  at  all. 
The  following  are  some  of  the 
more  amusing  —  Bruiser  (Fred 
Underwood),  Geech  (Ron 
Whitson),  Doc  (Johnny 
White),  Dandy  Dan  Deroo 
(Dan  Landrigan),  CuUdraggers 
(Don  and  Ron  Culpepper), 
Shazam  (Dave  Chrzan), 
DeGroinchump  (Mark  De 
GrandchampI,  Charbo  (Bill 
McCombs),  and  the  only 
nickname  I  have  given 
anybody.  Smite  (Terry  Smith). 
I  hope  you  have  enjoyed 
reading  this  article  as  much  as 
I  have  enjoyed  writing  it. 


(n<Mi  t^  dCcCe^Ued 

by  MarilyoD  Seherer 

If  you  were  to  vote  on  the 
"Most  Disgusting  Person 
Award,"  who  do  you  suppose 
would  be  the  likely  winner? 
Several  votes  would  probably 
be  awarded  to  ex-President 
Richard  Nixon  .  ,  .  and  there 
might  be  a  few  votes  here  and 
there  for  ex-Vice-President 
Spiro  Agnew  .  .  .  but  one 
person  that  would  probably 
receive  quite  a  few  votes  would 

be  the  Howard 


On  a  recent  Monday  Night 
Football  telecast  at  the  home 
stadium  of  the  Denver 
Broncos,  a  large  sign  was 
posted  for  television  viewers 
reading,  "The  Mile  High 
Stadium  welcomes  the  Mile 
Wide  Mouth  —  Howard 

Cosell  —  an  almost  comedian 

Whoever  created  the  sign 
ha'd  it  right.  Howard  Cosell  has 
the  knack  of  taking  a  normal, 
well-played,  professional 
football  game  and  turning  it 
into  a  Monday  night  profile  of 
each  and  every  player. 

Cosell  seems  to  have  an 
"interesting  story"  about  each 
player's  personal  life.  He  even 
tries  to  persuade  television 
viewers  that  the  information 
comes  off  the  top  of  his  head. 

Now  teaming  up  with  Alex 
Karras,  after  seemingly 
driving  "Dandy"  Don 
Meredith    out    of    his    mind, 

1  almost 
comedian,  delivering  such  lines 
as  "Your  grandmother  could 
have  run  through  that  block. " 

Ex-professional  linebacker 
Karras  always  comes  back 
with  a  cute  line  regarding  the 
whereabouts  of  his 

grandmother,   and  the  play 
goes  on  . . .  almost  unnoticed. 
Gimmick  attracts  fans 

Frank  Gifford  serves  as  the 
resident  straight-liner.  His  new 
job,  to  go  along  with 
sometimes  sportscasting,  is 
reading  the  plugs  for  Cosell 's 
new  show  "Saturday  Night 
Live  With  Howard  Cosell." 
Cosell  silenced  by  Casals 

Remember  the  Battle  of  the 
Sexes  when  Billie  Jean  King 
pounded  Bobby  Riggs  in  two 
sets  of  tennis?  Howard  Cosell 
was  in  the  press  box, 
somewhere  in  between  the 
slanderous  sentences  delivered 
by  tennis  pro  Rosemary 
Casals.  If  you  don't  remember 
Cosell's  voice  in  that  particular 
broadcast,  it  only  proves  that 
he  can  be  quieted  —  provided 
you  just  get  someone  with  a 
bigger  mouth.  Casals  was,  in 
that  case,  the  person. 

So,  if  you  have  $1.95  lying 
around  the  house  doing 
nothing,  go  on  out  and  buy  the 
paperback  Cosell  by  Howard 
Cosell.  I'm  sure  that  it  will 
only  go  to  prove  that  there's 
nothing  to  be  said  about 
Howard  Cosell  that  he  hasn't 
already  said  himself. 

New    building    plans   revealed   on  page   4-5 

Week  displays  Negro  heritage 

Career  Day  of  Feb.  9  exposed  the  many  aspects  of  many  different  ca- 
reers. Upper  Right:  Officer  Mosley  of  the  Fort  Wayne  Police  Depart- 
ment talks  to  Mr.  Don  Kemp's  tobacco,  alcohol,  and  narcotics  class. 
Upper  Left:  Senior  saxophonist  Jim  Yarbrough  adds  his  creativity  in 
a  tribute  to  black  history  while  other  members  of  the  Jazz  Band  look 

Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  U 
Feb. 18, 1976 

Black  History  Week,  sponsored  by  Elmhurst's  Afro-American 
Club,  was  conducted  last  week  here  at  Elmhurst.  Activities  to 
acquaint  the  student  body  with  the  Negro  heritage  were  presented 
throughout  the  week. 

Monday,  the  first  day  of  the  week's  activities,  was  Career  Day.  Forty 
people  from  the  community  visited  classrooms  to  speak  on  their  various 

The  evening  of  Wednesday,  Feb.  11,  a  play,  "A  Raisin  in  the 
Sun,"  was  performed  in  the  round  in  the  EHS  cafeteria.  Under  the 
direction  of  Mr.  Robert  Stookey  and  Miss  Jennifer  Manth,  the  cast 
included  Angle  Hayden,  Fred  DeBruce,  Troi  Lee,  Carmetta  V/alker, 
Claudia  Brock,  Kenny  Young,  Larry  Daugherty,  Terry  Newsome, 
Ronald  Hill,  and  Derrick  DeBruce.  Following  the  performance,  gifts 
were  presented  by  the  cast  to  the  two 'directors. 

A  tribute  to  black  jazz  musicians  concluded  the  week"s  activities 
on  Thursday,  Feb.  12.  The  Elmhurst  Jazz  Band,  directed  by  Mr. 
Randy  Brugh,  played  for  a  school-wide  convocation.  An  attentive 
audience  heard  musical  arrangements  by  Thad  Jones,  Bill  Holman, 
Bill  Cowbng,  and  Alan  Downey  featuring  the  sax  section  playing 




Afro- American  Club  contributed  to  Black  History  week  by  presenting  "A  Raisin  in  the  Sun."  Ruth  Younger, 
Walter  Lee  Younger,  and  Lena  Younger  were  portrayed  by  juniors   Angie  Hayden,  Troi  Le^and  Claudia 

IHSFA  meet  ^^A^^  cards  qualify  Art  finalists 

works  to  be 
sent  to  NYC 

favors  two  sixty  to  Honor  List 

Senior      Les      Novitsky 
junior    Sean    Vessey    were 


favorites  at  the  Indiana  State 
High  School  Forensic 

Association  (IHSFA)  at 
Kokomo  High  School    Feb.  7. 

According  to  the  judges,  Les 
is  one  of  the  six  top  contenders 
in  the  state  competition  while 
Sean  made  the  top  twelve. 
State  competition  will  take 
place  on  Feb.  14  in  Indianapolis 
North  Central  High  School. 

The  solo  speech  club  went  to 
North  Side  High  School  on 
Feb.  7.  Placing  were  Troi  Lee, 
first  in  oratorical  interpretation; 
Tod  Huntley,  second  in  boy's 
extemp;  and  Don  Wenger,  fifth 
place  in  impromptu.  The  solo 
speech  team  will  have  a  meet 
on  Saturday,  Feb.  2],  at 

Sixty  Elmhurst  students 
attained  straight  "A"  averages 
to  make  them  eligible  for  the 
Principal's  List  last  semester. 

Students'  hard  work  pays  off 

Seniors  on  the  Principal's 
List  are  Nancy  Beadie,  David 
Beutler,  Irene  Byrd,  Wesley 
Byrne,  Betty  Carrion,  Kathryn 
Chapman.  Karen  Crippen,  Jay 
Fox,  Janet  Gaff,  Patricia 
Koehl,  Daniel  Landrigan,  and 
Lisa  Langmeyer.  Also,  Andrea 
Marchese,  Jay  Merz.  Ann 
Momper,  Yvette  Morrill,  Verne 
Myers,  Leslie  Novitsky,  Janet 
Rediger,  Cynthia  Ross,  James 
Allen  Shaw.  Deborah  Temple. 
Catherine  Tonn,  Donald 
Wenger,  and  Thomas  Young. 

The    junior     Principal's     List 


•and  so  on 

Honor  choir  performs  at  Wayne 

This  year  in  the  FWCS  Honors  Choir  concert,  16  Elmhurst  Concert 
Choir  members  participated.  The  concert  took  place  Sunday,  February 
15.  in  the  Wayne  High  School  auditorium  with  Mr.  Walter  Rodby  of 
Chicago  as  guest  conductor. 

Elmhurst  participants  were  Cathy  Alexander,  Claudia  Johnson, 
Andrea  Marchese,  Carole  Stanley,  Debbie  Temple,  Cathy  Tonn. 
Dayton  Frey,  and  Pat  Koehl.  Others  included  Linda  Morsches. 
Richard  Sutorium,  Pat  York.  Gregg  Heckley.  Lisa  Langmeyer.  Allen 
Shaw,  Tammy  Syndram.  and  Tom  Young. 

DECA  students  awarded  honors  at  district  contest 

Seven  Elmhurst  students  received  honors  in  the  Distributive 
Education  Clubs  of  America  District  Contest  on  Feb,  7  at  Northrop 
High  School, 

Senior  Sue  Eloph  placed  second  in  sales  demonstration  while  senior 
Kevin  Lee  finished  second  in  advertising  layout.  Sue  and  Kevin  have 
now  quaUfied  for  state  competition.  This  contest  will  be  held  at  French 
Lick  on  March  19,  20,  and  21. 

Placing  fifth  in  radio  commercial  writing  was  senior  Andrea 
Padgett.  Juniors  Dave  Pressler.  Richard  Olson,  and  Dawn  Ebnit  took 
fifth  place  in  human  relations  decision  making. 

Elmhurst  junior  Pam  Buckmaster  was  able  to  participate  in  the 
Miss  Indiana  DECA  Contest.  Pam  placed  sixth  in  the  pageant. 

The  Junior  Class  DECA  Club  held  their  elections  recently.  Dawn 
Ebnit  was  voted  in  as  president. 

Four  O.E. A.  members  compete  for  state  honors 

Four  seniors  from  the  Elmhurst  chapter  of  the  Office  Education 
Association  (O.E.A.)  will  be  competing  in  the  State  O.E. A.  contest  in 
Indianapolis  on  March  12  and  13. 

Connie  Bolinger,  Diane  Knox,  Marilynn  Scherer  and  Tom  Sonday  all 
succeeded  in  placing  in  the  top  three  of  their  category  at  the  District 
O.E.A.  Contest  held  at  South  Side. 

Bolinger  captured  second  in  stencils  and  duplication,  Knox  won  first 
in    information    and     communications,     Scherer    placed    first    in 
extemporaneous  and  second  in  verbal  communication,  while  Sonday 
was  second  in  extemporaneous  and  first  in  business  math. 
Manuiog  named  February  Rotarian 

Senior  Steve  Manning  will  be  Junior  Rotarian  for  the  month  of 

Steve  is  the  son  of  Etta  Manning,  441  East  Taber.  His  outside 
interests  include  Junior  Achievement  and  playing  the  trumpet  in  both 
band  and  orchestra. 

He  wiU  attend  weekly  meetings  at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce 
Building  along  with  other  city  and  county  school  Rotarians.  These 
Rotarians  are  selected  on  the  basis  of  above  average  grades  and  good 

consists  of  Michelle  Armstrong, 
Scott  Bernhart,  Robert  Bracht, 
Chad  Cline,  Janet  Dowling,  Sue 
Frankewich,  Shirley  Gieser, 
Randall  Girod,  Karyn  Heiney, 
Tod  Huntley,  Dan  Jehl,  James 
Mabe,  Theresa  McCombs, 
Donna  Munroe,  Dennis  Raney, 
Richard  Sutorius,  Susan  Taylor, 
John  Thompson,  and  Brian 

On  the  sophomore  "All  A " 
List  are  Jana  Beauchot,  Lise 
Duemling,  Mark  Eitman,  James 
Emmons.  Carole  Johnson,  Joan 
Landrigan,  Cynthia  Lemaster, 
Thea  Levine,  Roxann  Myers, 
William  Panyard,  Martin 
Rifkin,  Marta  Slagle,  Kathryn 
Stanley,  and  Colleen  Tonn. 

(Honor  Roll  on  p.  3) 

Fiue  chosen  for 
All-State  Band 

Last  week,  it  was  officially 
reported  that  five  members  of 
Elmhurst's  music  department 
have  been  named  to  the 
Indiana  All-State  Band,  an 
annual  weekend  event  that 
involves  only  the  best  of 
musicians  in  the  state.  Wes 
Byrne,  Claudia  Johnson,  Yvette 
Morrill.  Doug  Munk,  and  Verne 
Myers  all  were  successful  in 
tryouts  for  the  select  group. 

Players  from  all  over  the 
state  compete  in  various 
centers  and  then  are  chosen  for 
each  individual  section.  Exact 
placement  in  the  sections  will 
be  determined  at  Butler 
University  the  weekend  of  the 
performance  which  will  be 
March  20-21. 

Elmhurst  is  the  only  high 
school  in  Indiana  to  have  five 
members  this  year  in  the  band. 
Two  of  them,  Byrne  and 
Myers,  have  the  added 
distinction  of  having  been 
chosen    last    year    as    weD. 

Art  students  of  Elmhurst 
made  a  fine  showing  at  the 
Northeastern  Indiana  Regional 
Exhibition.  Their  work  was 
j udged  by  many  professionals , 
teachers,  and  photographers. 

Sponsored  by  L.S.  Ayres  and 
the  Fort  Wayne  News'Sentinel, 
the  art  show  was  held  at  Ayres 
store  downtown. 

Junior  Marc  Yeiter  displayed 
three  photos,  one  of  which  was 
nominated  for  the  Kodak 
Medallion  Award.  This  award  is 
for  the  best  overall  photo.  It  is 
presented  to  one  out  of  only 
three  nominations.  The  photo 
will  be  sent  to  New  York  for 
final  judging.  Of  the  other  two 
photos  Marc  submitted,  one 
was  given  honorable  mention 
and  the  other  a  gold  key 

Senior  Debbie  Redman  also 
was  nominated  for  a  special 
award.  Her  portfolio  won  a 
possible  scholarship.  Debbie's 
portfolio  will  also  go  to  New 

All  gold  key  finalists'  works 
are  sent  to  New  York  for  final 
judging.  Among  them  are 
Robin  Browning,  textile;  Marty 
Petit,  photo;  and  John  Walls, 

Students  receiving  gold  keys, 
but  not  finalists,  are  Betsy 
Barber,  graphic;  Mark 

McNamara,  ink;  and  John 
Walls,  photo. 

Trojans  who  received 
honorable  mention  include 
Dennis  Dawkins,  photo;  Paula 
Doty,  photo;  Mark 

Hershberger,  pottery,  oils,  and 
photo;  Jeff  Nowels,  oils;  Jeff 
Patterson,  photo;  Kathy 
Sharpin,  photo;  and  John 
Wails,  photo. 

On  Saturday,  Feb.  14,  all 
Gold  Key  winners  were  honored 
at  the  awards  presentation 

Whot's  happening? 


The  solo  speech 
team  will  be  tra- 
veling to  DeKalb 
for  a  meet. 



EHS  music  de- 
partment will  pre- 
sent the  armual 
concerto  concert 
at  2:30  p.m.  in  the 
gymnasium.  Tic- 
kets will  be  avail- 
able at  the  door 


Mothers  of  Elm- 
hurst wrestlers 
are  organizing  a 
banquet  for  ail 
wrestlers,  take- 
downs, and  their 
families  in  the  ca- 
feteria at  6:30 

As  the  Varsity 
Basketball  team 
goes  into  section- 
al action;  a  pep 
session  is  schedul- 

Council  stagnates, 

more  on  Bicentennial  program 

To  the  editor: 

What  is  our  student  council  doing?  It  seems 
that  they're  around  just  to  take  up  space. 
Since  they  were  first  elected  they  have  done 
nothing  for  us.  Campaign  promises  w^re 
forgotten,  and  all  that  is  accompUshed  at 
council  meetings  is  a  lot  of  arguing. 

The  students'  votes  put  them  into  office  to 
work  for  the  school  and  students.  What  is  it 
going  to  take  to  get  them  going?  If  they  can't 
come  up  with  something  to  do,  they  should 
find  out  what  the  students  want.  Maybe  there 
could  be  an  open  session  where  the  students 
and  the  student  council  can  throw  ideas  back 
and  forth.  We  are  all  tired  of  hearing 
announcements  for  student  council  meetings 
and  then  knowing  that  they  accomplished 
nothing.  What  are  they  doing  at  those 
meetings,  having  a  social  hour?  What  good  is  it 
to  elect  officers  when  they  do  nothing  for  the 
students  in  return? 

The  only  way  for  Elmhurst  to  improve  its 
standards  is  for  the  student  council  to  get 

themselves  in  gear  and  do  something  for  the 


To  the  editor: 

In  "Blacks  ignored  by  program,"  an  article 
that  appeared  in  the  Elmhurst  ADVANCE, 
Waymon  Brown  must  have  been  slightly 
misled.  In  the  Feb.  4  issue,  Mr.  Brown  felt  that 
the  Blacks  suffered  a  grave  injustice  when 
they  were  "blatantly  overlooked." 

If  he  was  a  Uttle  more  aware  of  what  was 
going  on  around  the  school,  maybe  he  would 
reaUze  that  no  plans  had  been  made  to  include 
the  Blacks.  I  agree  that  here  there  is  an 
injustice.  As  for  Mr.  Brown,  he  certainly 
should  have  known  what  was  planned  for  the 
Bicentennial  Program,  as  many  students  did. 

I  am  referring  to  several  written  articles  that 
had  the  program  listed.  First  of  all,  in  the  Jan. 
26    issue    of    the    ADVANCE,    there   was    a 

rundown  of  the  program.  It's  possible  that  Mr. 
Brown  could  have  missed  this  article^but  then 
there  was  also  the  PTA  bulletin  that  had  the 
program  listed.  Certainly,  if  Mr.  Brown  was  all 
that  concerned  about  the  program  he  could 
have  considered  looking  into  it,  maybe  even 
help  organize  it. 

Mr.  Brown  complained  that  the  Spanish, 
Polish,  Irish,  German,  and  French  were 
included,  but  not  Blacks.  Breaking  this  down 
we  find  five  nationalities  being  represented, 
this  being  in  the  form  of^when  the  massive 
immigrations  took  place  and  why.  What  Mr. 
Brown  wants  is  a  whole  race  to  be  represented 
with  nothing  wrong  with  that.  However,  since 
the  rest  of  the  program  was  individual 
countries,  their  own  accomplishments^  and 
their  gifts  to  our  American  heritage,  we 
suggest  Mr.  Brown  look  into  a  predominately 
black  country  and  its  accomplishments  to  the 
United  States.  I'm  sure  that  all  Elmhurst 
students  would  be  more  than  willing  to  Usten. 


The  words  to  most  of  the  songs  often 
produce  feelings  of  melancholy.  Only  one,  In 
France  They  Kiss  On  Main  Street,  leaves 
this  mood  behind  enough  to  raise  the  spirit 
of  the  listener: 
In  the  pinball  arcade 
With  his  head  full  of  pool  hall  pitches 

by  Barb  Harman 

I  1  Joni  Mitchell's  new  album,  The  Hissing 
...  of  Summer  Lawns  is  a  wonder.  For  Mitchell, 
4J  it  represents  her  first  concept  album  and  by 
(fi  far  her  most  developed  work,  but  moreover, 
J^  for  rock,  it  represents  a  near  first  in  the 
M  fusion  of  poetry  —  true  poetry  that  can  hold 
M  up  without  music  —  into  popular  music. 

Like  many  of  her  more  recent  albums, 
.  .  Summer  Lawns  features  more  elaborate 
,pll   arrangements  and  more  studio  musicians 

iJ  than  earlier  works.  Among  the  musicians  Job  hunt  in  Fort  Wayne?  Pure  unadulterated 
CU  are  saxophonist  Tom  Scott  and  several  nightmare  is  a  good  way  to  describe  it!  Have  pity 
0  other  members  of  the  L.A.  Express,  on  the  kid  that  needs  one  in  order  to  pay  for 
Cl,  Mitchell,  herself,  has  learned  how  to  play  college.  Sympathize  with  the  man  or  woman  who 
more  instruments  including  an  Arp-Farfisa  needs  a  job  to  guarantee  that  he  won't  starve. 
P    organ  and  Moog  synthesizer.  Finding  work  in  this  city  is  harder  than  finding  a 

2        Many  of  the  album's  special  effects  add  to  pahn  tree  north  of  Tennessee. 

-.    the  record.  On  The  Jungle  Line,  the  warrior  j^^  „„„„„; .  u 

Ci  ,             ,  ,     T^          ...        ,    ,          1          No  experience,  no  job 

)  drums  of  the  Burundi  are  played  throughout 

n  the  song.   Choral  effects  and  jazz   pieces       "^ry   the   restaurants,"   people   say.    Ha!    If 

inserted  into  pieces  make  the  total  effect  you're  not  twenty-one,  forget  it!  If  you  haven't 

-J  even  more  interesting.                                          ^"^  experience,  there's  no  way.  (That's  a  good 

"qj  Many    of    the    songs    are    very    close    one-how     can     one     get     experience     without 

n  melodicaUy,  but  this  only  furthers  the  idea  beginning  somewhere?) 

(  1  of   the   concept    album.    Mitchell's    album       How  about  the  discount  stores?  After  taking 

jj  details  a  world  trapped  between  suburban  fifteen    or    twenty    minutes    to    fill    out    an 

.p«  boredom  and  the  desire  to  unleash  jungle  application,   a  person  can  get  a  good  case  of 

Q  instincts,  yet,  always  paralleling  citv  life  indigestion  when  he/she  sees  it  get  thrown  into 

•  ith  the  jungle. 

And  songs  from  the  hitparade 
He'd  be  singing,  ''Bye,  Bye,  hue" 
While  he's  racking  up  his  free  play 
Let  those  rock  'n  roll  choir  boys 
Come  and  Carry  us  away 

Mitchell  has  undoubtedly  created  an 
artistic  work.  Even  those  who  detest 
popular  music  could  find  merit  in  The 
Hissing  of  Summer  Lawns. 

^ob  dream  becomes  nightmare 

the  circular  file  (wastebasket)  before  he/she  even 
gets  out  the  front  door. 

Discrimination  -  a  major  obstacle 

Gas  stations  and  car  washes?  The  manager's 
typical  answer  for  any  female  applying  is  "We've 
hired  girls  before,  but...",  or  "Aren't  you  afraid  of 
working  nights  and  getting  mugged?"  Has 
anyone  ever  told  them  that  every  time  someone 
leaves  home  they're  risking  getting  mugged? 

Finally,  there  are  department  stores  and 
secretarial  jobs.  What  if  you  don't  have  a 
wardrobe  for  a  queen  or  king,  or  if  you  can  only 
type  forty-eight  words  per  minute  accurately? 
You're  doomed! 

Job  hunters  of  Fort  Wayne  ■  here's  a  sniffle, 
choke,  and  tear  for  you.  You'll  need  it. 

High  grades  make  171  eligible  for  Honor  Roll    recognition 

Numerous  seniors  receive  honors 

Achieving  a  B  plus  average  or  better 
were  seniors  Susan  Adams,  Maria 
Arguello,  Betsy  Barber.  Benjamin  Berry, 
William  C.  Browft,  Matthew  Gary.  Dave 
Chrzan,  Holtie  Dafforn,  Mark 
DeGrandchamp,  Michael  Dennis,  Michael 
Engle,  Warren  Frebel.  Dayton  Frey.  Kent 
Gaskill.  Angela  Giaimo,  Janet  Gillie. 
Buddy  Groggans.  Marti  Gross,  Phillip 
Gutman,  Michael  Harris,  Gregg  Heckley, 
Tina  Hinton.  Tamar  Hughes,  Melissa 
Hunter,  Claudia  Johnson,  Jeffrey 
Johnson,  Rick  Knuth,  Darlene  Lane. 
Kathleen  Langston,  Kevin  Lee,  and 
Robert  Levy.  Continuing,  Diane  Lupke, 
Lorena  Mabe.  Kim  Markey,  Susan 
Marquis.  Michael  Maurer,  James 
McCleneghen,  William  McCombs.  Martha 
Miller.  William  Moring,  Doublas  Munk, 

Mark  Newell.  Gail  Nichols.  Gregory 
Nowak,  Robin  Penrose.  Pamela  Peterson, 
Linda  Picillo.  Carol  Quance,  Lori 
Rietdorf,  Julie  Ross,  Kathleen  Royse, 
Lisa  Ryan,  Marilynn  Scherer,  Kimberley 
Shell,  Glenna  Shepherd,  Geoffrey  Sills, 
Terry  Sims,  Terry  Smith,  Linda  Smyser, 
Thomas  Sonday,  Stan  Sorgen,  Carole 
Stanley.  Sandra  Thompkins,  Lisa  Vinson, 
Michael  Welling^and  Patricia  York. 

Many  juniors  achieve  high  grades 

The  junior  honor  roll  list  is  made  up  of 
Catherine  Alexander,  Nelson  Almond. 
Michael  Ausderan.  Mark  Brewster, 
Claudia  Brock, .  Stanley  Brock,  Laura 
Brown,  Nancy  Campbell,  Barry  CoWn, 
Steve  Duray,  James  Freygang,  Jack 
Gensic.  Catherine  Goshorn,  Angela 
Hayden,  and  Daniel  Heckley.  Also 
making  the  list  are  Lynn  HoUowell,  Sheril 

Hornberger,  Andrea  J  a  riser.  Randy 
Janson,  Mike  Johnson,  Laura  Kelley. 
Kristy  Kennell.  Kevin  Koehl,  Gregory 
Livengood,  Chris  Martin,  JiL  Marx, 
William  Mudrack.  William  Nichols, 
Kathleen  O'Connor,  Maria  Obregon, 
Elena  Perez,  Clara  Perjak,  Douglas 
Peters.  Brian  Schinbeckler,  Kellie  Slate, 
Timothy  Springer,  Robert  Stanley.  John 
Stiffler,  Kevin  Swihart,  Matthew  Tyler. 
Sheryl  Van  Zile,  Theresa  Vasquez.  Vance 
Veale.  Sean  Vessey,  Carmetta  Walker. 
June  Williams,  Shell  Winans.  Sandra 
Winebrenner,  Mark  Wolfe,  Catherine 
Young,  and  Kenneth  Young. 

Sophomores  accomplish  high  goal 

The  sophomore  honor  roll  consists  of 
Paul  Arnold,  Darcy  Autenrieth.  Brian 
Barber,  Barbara  Bracht.  Shelley 
Bradtmiller.    Matthew    Branmng,    Greg 

Brown.  Kim  Burry,  Michael  Denman. 
Nancy  Dennie,  DeUlah  Duck.  Judy 
Duemig,  Bernadine  Finken,  Judith 
Goshorn,  Lori  Hilty,  and  Cheryl  Hobbs. 
Continuing.  Mary  Hudelson,  Millard 
Hunter,  Sydney  Hutner,  William  Kettler. 
Kathy  Kowalenko,  Patricia  Lee,  Steven 
Lehman.  Penny  Lipp,  Leonard  Marks. 
Anita  Martin,  Mary  McCombs,  Cheryl 
Medsker.  James  Merrill.  Michael  Moran, 
Mark  Mullen,  Mark  Muri.  Katherine 
Murray.  William  Murray.  David  Nelson, 
Mark  Newton,  David  Patrick.  Sylvia 
Perez,  Cheryl  Perry,  and  Carolyn  Quinn. 
Completing  the  list  are  Pamela  Riecke. 
John  Silletto,  Carla  Slagle.  Vickie 
Syndram.  Darla  Taper,  Mary  Thompson. 
Nancy  Van  Gheluwe,  Priscilla  Watson. 
■  Theresa  Wittenberger.  Judy  Whitton. 
Jeffrey  Wiegner.  Gregory  Williams,  Janet 
Wilson,  and  Bruce  Wolfe. 


1  space 

The  theater  and  physical  education 
departments  will  not  be  the  only  ones  to 
benefit  from  the  construction  project  soon  to 
begin    at    Elmhurst. 

By  taking  some  space  from  the  study  hall 
and  the  small  audio-visual  area  which  now 
exists  in  the  library,  the  media  center  will  be 
jg  able  to  provide  new  services  to  Elmhurst 
5  students.  In  the  additional  area,  wet  carrels 
p^  are  to  be  installed,  which  are  individual  units 
g  much  like  those  in  the  language  lab,  enabling 
"X.  students  to  see  slides  and  filmstrips  and  to 
listen  to  and  do  their  own  recording. 

Carpeting,  informality  invite  visitors 

Although  nothing  has  really  been  made 
final.  Mrs.  Mildred  Hibben,  head  librarian, 
expects  the  new  L-shaped  media  center  to  be 
fully   carpeted   and   more   informal   in   style 

Mrs.  Hibben  concedes,  "Even  though  we're 
not  going  to  have  as  much  space  as  we  wanted, 
we  will  be  in  better  shape  as  to  what  we  can 
offer."  She  is  referring  to  the  new  equipment  to 
be  bought  for  the  center.  Besides  the  wet 
carrels,  T.V.  and  radio  broadcasting 
equipment  will  be  added  services.  There  will  be 
facilities  to  make  transparencies  and  more 
projectors,  recorders,  and  other  machines  now 
existing  only  in  limited  supply.  Conference 
rooms  are  in  the  plans  as  well  as  additional 
storage  space  which,  Mrs.  Hibben  states,  is 
what  the  library  really  needs. 
Power  mechanics,  electricity  new 

Three  new  rooms  will  be  included  in  the 
refurbished  industrial  arts  department.  Areas 
for  planning,  casting  metals,  drafting,  storage, 
staff  offices,  power  mechanics  work,  and 
electricity  work  are  to  be  added.  The  power 
mechanics  and  electricity  room  will  open  up  a 
whole  new  field  of  study  for  Elmhurst 
students.  Their  walls  will  be  sound-proofed 
and  wood  floors  will  be  laid.  Mr.  Richard 
Rian,  the  department  head,  observes 
"What  we  have  now  is  too  small  for  the 
classes.  We  have  more  kids,  a  smaller  shop  and 
more  equipment  than  Wayne  or  Northrop. 
Although  this  has  been  a  safe  year  so  far,  the 
existing  situation  does  make  a  safety  hazard 
and  doesn't  give  as  good  an  atmosphere  for 
learning  as  the  new  area  will." 

EUirth  science  lab  coming 

By  getting  some  walls  torn  down,  the 
science  department  will  gain  an  earth  science 
lab.  The  new  room  will  have  gas,  electricity, 
and  water  and  will  be  useful  to  chemistry  and 
physics  students  as  well  as  to  earth  science 
students.  A  demonstration  table,  display  cases 
for  minerals  and  rocks,  and  32  lab  stations  will 
be  available  there.  There  will  also  be  access  to  a 
needed  storage  room. 

'The  little  room  we're  now  crammed  into 
will  become  a  lecture  room,"  says  Mr.  Jim 
Welbom  of  the  science  department.  "Class 
presentation  will  be  more  lab  oriented  . . .  what 
they  call  the  'hands  on'  approach.  I'm 
enthused  about  it." 

by  Verne  Myers 

In  the  fall  of  1977,  Elmhurst  students  will 
no  longei-  need  be  envious  of  other  high 
schools  or  the  students  in  them.  If  plans 
follow  through,  Elmhurst  will  achieve  equal 
status  with  any  high  school  in  Fort  Wayne, 
as  students  wUl  be  greeted  with  extensive 
new  facilities  amounting  to  a  total  cost  of 
about  2.2  million  dollars. 

With  the  plans  basically  complete  and 
approval  for  construction  just  given  by  the 
School  Board,  the  first  shovel  should  be 
turned  sometime  this  spring  or  early 
sunmier.  This  will  take  place  after  bids  by 
various  construction  companies  are  received 
and  considered.  The  main  construction  will 
take  place  on  the  west  side  of  the  building 
where  the  "parking  lot"  is  now  located. 

School  Board  says  "Go" 

Where  is  this  phenomenal  sum  of  money 
coming  from?  Basically  from  parents'  tax 
money,  part  of  which  is  held  in  a  cumulative 
building  fund  for  pubHc  school  use. 
Approval  by  the  school  board  is  mandatory 
before  the  funds  can  be  used.  Dr.  Lavon  E. 
Miller,  director  of  buUding  and  grounds, 
supervises  the  particulars. 

The  actual  design  of  the  blueprint  was 
handled  by  architect  John  W.  Dickerson  of 
Strauss  Associates.  How  long  Elmhurst  has 
needed  these  improvements    is  a  matter  of 

debate,  but  now,  much  needed  physical 
education,  auditorium,  industrial  arts, 
science,  and  library  facilities  are  planned. 

First  plans  include  a  revamping  of  the 
industrial  arts  area  where  walls  will  be 
moved,  rooms  added,  and  meted  and  wood 
shops  modernized.  A  finishing  and  drying 
room  will  be  added,  and  a  separate 
industrial  arts  office  will  be  provided.  A 
special  engine  testing  room  is  planned  in 
addition  to  a  drafting  and  power  mechanics 

More  room  for  gals 

Perhaps  the  largest  wing  is  the  physical 
education  area.  An  auxiliary  gymnasium 
with  seating  for  800  will  alleviate  crowded 
gym  classes  and  provide  sorely  needed 
practice  space.  Varsity  girls'  basketball  will 
make  use  of  this  gym  and  the  varsity  girls' 
shower  and  locker  room.  A  multi-use  area 
will  be  adjacent  to  it,  designed  for  various 
uses  including  girls'  gymnastics  or  even 
dancing,  for  which  mirrors  are  provided. 

A  therapy  room  is  included  to  care  for  any 

needs  that  athletes  may  encounter.  Much 
storage  space  will  be  available,  and 
additional  showers  and  lockers  for  gym 
classes  have  been  worked  in. 

Physical  education  facilities  have  been  a 


J    L 

PAfiKtr^O    LOT    £y\/rRA/\KS. 



akes    £ 

ern  of  principal  Richard 
Most  high  schools  have  at 
or  four  areas  for  physical 
isses,  compared  to  almost  two 
t.  These  plans  provide  those 
isses  running  simultaneously, 
programs  and  extra-curricular 
^e  been  a  major  consideration, 
will  benefit.  Mr.  Horstmeyer 
"I  am  more  interested  in  the 

idds  class 

lajor  step  forward  is  the  650- 
um.  It  includes  a  full  working 
•ch  and  drama  room  will  also  be 

:1  receiving  room  for  any 
at  come  to  Elmhurst  has  been 
if  as  well  as  a  fuUy  equipped 
which  will  replace  Mr.  Robert 
m.  The  study  hall  will  be 
make  room  for  an  audio-visual, 
id  production  area.  Finally,  the 
1  undergo  recarpeting  and 
of  wet  carrels,  outlets  for 
lione  uses. 

(k  of  Elmhurst,  a  fully  paved 
^  parking  lot  will  add  a  classy 
ihurst's  present  juniors  and 
loot  be  present  to  see  these 
ithe  sophomores  will. 

;iimjj!iLUJi/=r>i  -'  * '  'J 

0:1  'CC 

This         artist 
nception        of 


completed  building  is 
done  from  an  overhead 
uiew  of  the  present  school 
combined  with  the 
planned  auditorium  and 
gyni  area. 

Theater  provides 


Urvi      &     AUOITORIUM 

"When  Northrop  and  Wayne  got  their 
new  theaters,  their  theater  classes 
jumped  in  size.  This  indicates  that 
students  Uke  to  perform  and  if  the 
opportunity  is  provided,  there  will  be 
people  ready  to  participate,"  commented 
Mr,  Don  Goss  regarding  the  new 
auditorium  which  will  be  built  when 
construction  begins  on  Elmhurst. 

Mr.  Goss  is  the  head  of  the  art  and 
theater  departments  and,  as  he  says,  "I 
don't  know  whether  to  be  excited  or  not, 
I've  been  waiting  for  this  for  so  long.  The 
big  improvement  will  be  that  we  won't  be 
performing  in  the  gym."  Acoustically,  an 
auditorium  will  be  an  advantage.  An 
orchestra  pit  will  be  built  so  that  live 
music  can  be  provided  without  blocking 
performers  or  drowning  out  their  voices. 
Padded  seats  and  air-conditioning  will 
make  performances  more  enjoyable  for 
the  audience. 

Plans  include  extra  storage 

New  light  and  sound  boards  will  be 
installed  in  the  back  of  the  house,  which 
will  make  proper  audio  and  visual 
adjustments  much  easier  than  with  the 
present  controls  which  are  now  behind 
stage,  where  technicians  cannot  see  the 
performers,  A  fly  loft  will  allow  curtains, 
scene  changes,  and  lighting  to  drop  from 
the  ceiling. 

An  important  improvement  will  be  the 
added  space.  There  will  be  room  for  the 
storage  of  more  props,  building 
equipment,  and  costumes.  Behind  the 
stage/  a  scene  shop  wiU  be  built  where 
building  and  painting  can  be  done. 
Increases  in  onstage  space  will  amount  to 
about  eight  feet  in  width  and  five  feet  in 
depth.  An  additional  20-25  feet  will  exist 
on  either  side,  offstage. 

So  long,  senior  door 

Entrances  to  the  new  construction  will 
be  by  way  of  what  are  now  the  senior  and 
band  room  doors,  Nearbyj  a  drama 
classroom  will  accommodate  about  sixty 
people  for  rehearsals,  small  audiences, 
dressing  facilities^  and  of  couraet  classes. 

The  room  will  have  a  small  stage,  and  is 
planned  mostly  for  the  use  of  the  English 

Mr.  Goss  is  looking  forward  to  the  new 
building  as  a  means  of  opening  up  classes    : 
for  theater-minded  people.  He  says  that  it 
is  time  to  realize  that  people  with  an 
artistic  sensitivity  have  a  right  to  pursue 
their  interests  in  an  academic  situation,    I 
instead    of   just    as    an    extracurricular    , 
activity.  He  hopes  many  other  groups 
will  make  use  of  the  auditorium  in  the 
areas  of  music,  speech,  guest  speakers, 
and  outside  organizations. 

The  theater  will  hold  about  600 
spectators  which  is  approximately  half 
the  student  body.  This  means  that  the 
whole  school  will  not  be  able  to  assemble 
there  at  once,  but  Mr.  Goss  doesn't  mind 
at  all.  Although  two  presentations  will  be 
necessary,  he  feels  the  situation  will 
insure  that  everyone  will  be  able  to 
comfortably  hear  and  see  what  happens 
on  stage. 

Elmhurst  matches  other  schools 

The  other  Fort  Wayne  Community 
High  Schools  ahready  have  auditoriums. 
Plans  for  the  construction  of  Elmhurst's 
are  expected  to  equalize  the  schools  in  the 
facilities  offered.  The  new  theater  will  not 
be  a  duplicate  of  those  at  other  schools;  in 
fact,  Elmhurst  will  be  the  first  to  have  an 
orchestra  pit,  but  the  opportunities 
afforded  by  the  facilities  should  now  be 
the  same. 

The  concept  of  an  Elmhurst  auditorium 
began  in  1965,  but  those  plans  were 
scrapped  and  are  completely  different 
from  the  ones  adopted  by  the  school 
board  last  week.  Eleven  years  ago  it  was 
proposed  that  the  building  be  erected  off 
the  office  area  and  now  it  will  be  near  the 
English  department.  Mr.  Goss  states 
that  this  makes  a  little  more  sense. 

Pleased  that  the  changes  are  finally  to 
come  about,  Mr.  Goss  says,  "We've  never 
really  done  anything  for  the  arts  in  terms 
of  making  new  improvements,  but 
they've  been  talking  about  it  a  long  time, 
and  I've  been  waiting  for  twenty  years." 

3  wrestlers 
advance  to 


Surviving  both  sectionals  and 
regionals,  three  Elmhurst 
wrestlers,  Matt  Branning,  Kenny 
Young,  and  Mike  Freygang,  will 
now  journey  on  to  semi -state 
competition  to  be  held  this 
Saturday,  Feb.  21,  at  North  Side 
High  School. 

Six  Trojans  qualify  for  regionals 

In  earlier  sectional  action  held 
at  Wayne  High  School,  Elmhurst 
placed  third  after  teams  from 
Harding  and  Wayne,  and  also 
qualified  six  men  for  regional 
competition.  Winning  the 
sectional  title  were  Matt 
Branning  -  145  pound  class,  Mike 
Freygang  ■  155,  and  Kenny 
Young  •  167,  and  Mike  Rush  - 185. 

Trojans  third  in  sectionals 

In  earlier  sectional  action  held 
at  Wayne  High  School,  Elmhurst 
placed  third  after  t«ams  from 
Harding  and  Wayne,  and  also 
qualified  six  men  for  regional 
competition.  Winning  the 
sectional  title  were  Matt 
Branning-145  pound  class,  Mike 
Freygang-165,  Kenny  Young-167, 
and  Mike  Rush-185.  Seniors  Paul 
Freeman  and  Bill  Munroe  also 
captured  second  place  for  the 

In  first  round  regional  action 
held  last  Saturday  at  North  Side 
High  School.  Matt  Branning, 
Mike  Freygang,  and  Mike  Rush 
all  pinned  their  opponents,  while 
Kenny  Young  chipped  in  with  a 
14-7  decision  over  his  man. 
Facing  a  tough  opponent,  Bill 
Munroe    was    knocked    out    of 

SENIOR  BILL  MUNROE  STRUGGLES  with  his  New  Haven  opponent 

competition  by  an  11-0  decision. 
Senior  Paul  Freeman  was  also 
unable  to  participate  in  any 
regional  action  due  to  an  injury. 

Wrestlers  achieve  second  place 

In  second  round  competition, 
Branning,  Freygang,  and  Young 
emerged  the  only  Elmhurst 
victors  as  Mike  Rush  list  in  a 
hard  fought  match  7-4. 

In  the  championship  matches. 
Matt  Branning  was  downed  2-1 
by  his  cousin  from  Carroll  High 
School  4-2,  while  Mike  Freygang 
also  fell  to  a  Carroll  contender  4-2. 
Kenny  Young  was  defeated  6-1  by 
a  Central  Noble  opponent. 
Though  losing  their  matches,  all 
these  wrestlers  achieved  second 
place,  thus  entitling  them  to 
participate  in  semi-state  action. 

Semi-state  action  will  begin  at 
North  Side  High  School  this 
Saturday  at  9:30  a.m.  with  the 
state  championships  held  the 
following  weekend. 

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Camper's  Country 

(formerly  Army-Navy  Store* 


The  Elmhurst  hockey  team 
blasted  away  Colimibia  City  14-1 
and  also  checked  Homestead  to  a 
7-0  defeat  over  the  last  two 

Columbia  City  was  downed  by 
the  Trojans  with  the  strong 
efforts  of  Greg  Ryder  and  Bob 
Woodruff  who  each  slapped  the 
puck  through  the  net  six  times. 
Andy  Norton  and  Stan  Prince 
also  contributed  to  the  team's  win 
by  scoring  one  goal  each. 

One  week  later  on  Feb.  6,  the 
Trojan  skaters  defeated  the 
Homestead  Spartans.  This  time 
Elmhurst  was  led  in  scoring  by 
senior  Jeff  Heller.  Jeff  was  able  to 
get  the  puck  in  the  goal  four 

The  Trojans  are  leading  their 
division  with  a  record  of  6-2-2. 

Track  season  begins 

by  Rick  Knuth 

Competing  with  nine  other 
SAC  schools,  the  Elmhurst 
trackmen  traveled  to  Tri-State 
University  in  Angola  for  an 
indoor  track  meet  on  Feb.  7. 

Track  team  lacks  depth 

Tim  Lee  led  the  way  for  the 
Trojans  establishing  a  new 
Hershey  Field  House  record  in 
the  960-yard  run.  He  ran  a  fine 
time  of  2:23.4  in  his  first  meet  of 
the  season.  Other  tracksters 
placing  high  for  Elmhurst  were 
Dave  Lewis,  second  in  the  1800- 
yard  run  and  third  in  the  960-yaid 
run;  and  John  Stiffler,  Denny 
Kirkland,  and  Jeff  Heller,  second, 
third^and  fifth  respectively  in  the 
pole  vault. 

When  asked  about  the  first 
meet  of  the  season,  Coach  Don 

Kemp  stated,  "The  performances 
at  Tri-State  were  an  indication  of 
a  strong  nucleus.  We  proved  to  be 
strong  in  the  pole  vault  and 
distance  runs,  but  our  main 
weakness  all  season  will  be  depth. 
Many  of  the  guys  out  for  the  team 
didn't  run  at  Tri-State  and  this 
also  hurt." 

Indoor  meets  beneficial  to 

The  indoor  track  meets  are  also 
commonly  called  conditioning 
meets.  They  give  the  runners  a 
chance  to  compete  and  get  into 
better    shape    for    the    outdoor 

.^t-^^    . 



OPEN  7:00  A.M. 



Tri'State  University,  in 
cooperation  with  the  SAC 
schools,  has  let  the  Fort  Wayne 
teams  use  its  indoor  track 
facilities  to  have  an  indoor  track 
program.  The  track  is  a  120-yard 
-  oval  around  the  perimeter  of  the 
gym  floor.  Many  events  are  held 
here  from  the  40-yard  dash  to  the 
3480-yard  run  and  field  events. 

Other  indoor  meets  that  are 
tentatively  scheduled  are  the  final 
SAC  meet  at  Tri-State  on  Feb.  28, 
Muncie  Indoor  Relays  on  March 
1,  and  Hoosier  Relay  Trials  at 

Indiana  University  on  March  18. 


AT  RIGHT:  JUNIOR  JOHNIE  WHITE  PUTS  UP  a  jump  shot  from  the  comer  against  the  Wayne 
Generals  at  the  Trojans'  gym.  The  Trojans  have  had  a  little  trouble  keeping  up  with  their  last  three 
opponents,  losing  them  all  by  large  margins.  Photo  by  Tim  Chaney. 

4a£ec^(o4ca^  o^^pont^ 

by  Kevin  Lee 

With  the  rising  of  the  temperature 
here  in  the  middle  of  February  also 
comes  the  rising  of  high  school 
basketball  spirit.  This  spirit  is  called 
"Hoosier  Hysteria. ' '  It  is  a 
gymnasium  filled  with  screaming, 
yelling  fans  waiting  for  that  final 
moment  when  the  buzzer  goes  off  with 
one  team  walking  away  the  victor  and 
as  always,  the  other  team  trudging 
away  the  loser. 

Many  of  you  will  remember  last  year 
to  the  Homestead  game  when  a  last 
second  desperation  shot  sank 
Elmhurst's  hopes  for  a  sectional 
crown.  Last  year's  team  may  have 
been  the  best  basketball  team  in 
Elmhurst  history.  It  sported  a  very 
fine  17-4  record,  an  SAC 
championship  and  city  scoring 
champion  Ray  Reese.  It  was  a  fine 
season  until  Sectionals.  This  year's 
team  seems  to  be  going  in  reverse 
order.  A  very  drab  and  unexciting  7-9 
record  at  press  time,  no  SAC 
championship,  and  no  scoring  champ. 
What  does  it  all  add  up  to?  Many 
things.  If  you  would  like  to  be 
superstitious,  you  might  say  that  the 
sequence  of  events  is  leading  up  to  a 
Sectional  crown.  But  if  you  are  a 
practical  person,  you  would  say  that 
these  things  reinforce  Elmhurst's 
impossible  chances  of  winning 
Sectionals.  Let's  face  it,  there  are  just 
too  many  so  called  "mental  lapses"  out 
there  on  the  court. 

The  Sectional  Tourney  begins  March 
1,  and  I  would  have  to  pick  North  Side, 
Northrop,  Wayne,  and  South  Side  as 
the  top  four  teams  to  beat. 

North  Side's  tough  schedule  always 

readies  them  for  tourney  time  at  the 
end  of  the  year.  They  play  very  few 
patsies  during  the  season.  They  by  far 
have  the  toughest  schedule  in  the  city, 
and  it  shows.  Coach  By  Hey  is 
probably  the  finest  coach  in  this  area. 
His  team  has  been  in  the  top  twenty 
for  most  of  this  basketball  season. 
They  are  a  solid,  well-coached  team 
with  much  scoring  punch.  I  believe 
that  they  have  a  very  good  chance  of 
going  to  state  and  an  outside  chance  of 
winning  the  title. 

Northrop  has  to  be  the  surprise  of 
the  year.  When  the  season  started,  aU 
they  appeared  to  be  was  big  and 
clumsy.  As  the  season  progressed  so 
did  Northrop,  notching  up  victories 
against  North  Side  in  the  Holiday 
Tourney  and  just  last  Wednesday 
night  against  Wayne.  Both  teams  are 
considered  state  power  houses. 

Wayne,  once  ranked  in  the  top  ten, 
has  slid  down  the  top  twenty  and  past 
honorable  mention  as  the  season  has 
advanced  into  its  latter  phase.  Wayne 
seemed  to  have  peaked  in  the  HoUday 
Tourney  with  its  narrow  victory  over 
Northrop  and  ever  since  has  been 
coasting  the  rest  of  the  way.  I  believe 
they  may  loom  as  the  dark  horse  in  the 

South  Side  in  the  last  few  years  has 
been  a  slow  starter,  but  they  have 
always  finished  strong  come  Sectional 
time.  Their  main  scoring  punch  comes 
from  senior  guard  Peter  Irwin  and 
junior  Tim  Jensen.  Depending  on  the 
Sectional  draw.  South  could  come  out 
of  the  Sectionals  a  victor. 

The  time  is  drawing  nearer  when  we 
will  see  who  is  "King  of  the  Hill"  for 


for  the  ''chocolate  connoisseur'' 


candies  for  the 

most  discriminating 



4220  Bluffton  Road 



Reserves  devostated 

Two  weeks  ago,  Elmhurst's  reserve  squad  faced  North 
Side  and  Huntington,  both  on  the  road.  Friday,  against  the 
Redskins,  the  Trojans  fell  71-35,  and  the  Vikings  ran  ahead 
to  a  52-31  final  the  following  night. 

Sophomore  Mike  Starks  led  the  team  in  scoring  against 
North  Side  with  10,  and  Rick  Hamilton  also  had  10  at 

Reserves  restricted  to  few  field  goals 

Last  week's  action  was  at  home  as  the  Wayne  Generals 
held  the  reserves  to  a  56-37  outcome. 

During  first  quarter  play,  the  Trojans  were  prevented 
from  scoring  and  could  not  seem  to  recover.  The  Generals 
maintained  a  substantial  lead  throughout  the  game,  thus 
forcing  another  defeat  on  the  Elmhurst  team. 

On  the  list  of  high  scorers  for  the  night,  sophomore 
Melvin  Cobb  placed  second  with  17. 

•  • 

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Please  rush  me  copies  of  GUIDE  TO  MONEY  FOR  HIGHER  EDUCA- 
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©  Copyright  1976  Bennett  Publishing  Co. 


carry  team 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

The  Elmhurst-North  Side  girls' 
gymnastic  meet  held  on  Feb.  11  at 
the  Redskins'  gym  can  easily  be 
referred  to  as  Sophomore  Night  with 
the  Trojans  as  the  sophomore  class 
carried  the  load,  leading  the  Trojans 
to  a  very  respectable  showing. 
Gymnasts  place  well  in  all  divisions 

The  star  of  the  show,  though  the 
cast  included  many,  was  sophomore 
Becky  Cummings  as  she  swished 
and  swayed  her  way  to  first  place 
victories  in  beginning  vaulting, 
unevens,  and  floor  exercise. 
However,  Cummings  was  required 
to  share  the  limelight  with 
teammates  Terri  Whittenberger, 
Kari  Rietdorf,  and  Jeanine  Russell. 
Whittenberger  scored  second  and 
third  place  victories  in  beginning 
vault  and  unevens  respectively,  and 
Rietdorf's  first  in  beginning  beam 
and  second  in  floor  exercise  provided 
even  more  points  toward  the  final 
Trojan  score. 

Sophomore  Jeanine  Russell 
captured  all  of  her  awards  in  the 
intermediate  level  of  competition  as 


ATTEMPTS  a  vault  at  the  Wayne  High 
\  School  gym. 

she  placed  second  in  vault,  third  on 
beam,  and  first  in  floor  exercise. 
Also  competing  in  the  intermediate 
level  of  competition,  juniors  Katy 
Young  and  Lori  McCleneghen 
succeeded  in  placing  second  and 
third  respectively  on  the  unevens. 
Team  improving  with  each  meet 

Senior  Betty  Carrion  also 
achieved  points  by  placing  third  in 
intermediate  vault.  The  only  other 
gymnast  to  place  was  senior  Linda 
Srayser,  the  only  participant  on  the 
optional  level.  Smyser  captured 
third  in  vault,  second  in  beam,  and 
second  in  floor  exercise  to  carry  the 
Trojans  closet  to  the  Redskins  who 

won  the  match  by  a  score  of  133.4- 

"We  seem  to  be  improving  with 
each  meet,  but  we  still  have  a  certain 
nervousness  about  each 

competitor,"  explained  junior  Anita 
Boyer.  "The  total  performance  of 
each  person  on  the  team  simply  gets 
better  and  better  as  we  go." 

Junior  Karyn  Heiney  was 
expected  to  be  one  of  the  top 
gymnasts  in  the  city,  but  a  pre- 
season injury  temporarily  dampen- 
ed those  hopes.  With  Karyn  back  on 
the  team,  Coach  Marty  Bums  ex- 
pects the  gymnasts'  1-2  record  to 

The  gymnastics  team's  next  meet 
will  be  at  home  against  South  Side 
on  Wednesday,  Feb.  18,  beginning 
at  6:30  p.m. 


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221  W.MAIN  743-5327 

AFS  and  EIL  ombassadors 

Elmhurst  High  School 

3829  Sudpoint  Road 

Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

March  10, 1976      ^^ 
Vol.  36,  No.  13         ^^^ 




Foreign  programs  name  three 

For  juniors  Susan  Taylor  and 
Vance  Veale  and  senior  Matt 
Cary  the  summer  of  1976  is  bound 
to  be  a  lot  more  than  just  a  break 
from  school. 

Taylor  to  spend  time  in  Germany 

Susan,  who  is  completing  her 
second  year  of  German,  will  be 
spending  two  weeks  in  a  language 
camp  in  Vermont  and  then  she 
will  travel  on  to  a  small  city  in 
Germany  to  spend  six  weeks  of 
cultural  experience. 

"I  think  that.  Germany  will 
probably  make  me  more  mature," 
stated  Susan.  '  'You  know,  I  '11 
have  to  make  decisions  on  my 

Susan  is  sponsored  by  the  EIL 
(Experiment  in  International 
Living!  Ambassador  Program. 
The  program  represents  the 
community.  Four  ambassadors 
and  two  alternates  were  selected 
from  23  applicants. 

Susan  will  not  only  receive  the 
cultural  experience  but  will  also 
receive  a  $750  scholarship  to  as- 
sist in  her  German  program. 

Students  judged 
on  many  qualities 

The  ambassadors  and  the 
alternates  were  judged  on 
schnlarsh'n^  hfalth.  foreign 
language.  .  ability,  interests, 
travel  experiences,  references, 
speech,  ambassador  qualities, 
application  letter,  and  interviews. 

"1  think  I  have  a  lot  to  gain  by 
visiting  Germany."  commented 
Susan,  "I  think  I'll  be  more  sure 

of  myself  and  probably  appreciate 
America  more." 

However,  Susan  is  not  the  only 
Trojan  to  represent  Elmhurst  in 
foreign  countries.  Vance  Veale 
and  Matt  Cary  will  be  traveling 
abroad  on  the  AFS  (American 
Field  Service)  program. 

through  participation 

Matt  and  Vance  do  not  know, 
as  yet,  where  they  will  be  staying. 
The  program,  however,  will  last 
quite  a  bit  longer  than  Sue's.  The 
two  AFS  representatives  will  be 
spending  between  ten  months  and 
one  year  in  their  respective 
foreign  countries. 

Matt  is  completing  his  fourth 
year  of  Spanish,  while  Vance  is 

completing  his  third  year  of 

"I'm  expecting  to  experience 
the  culture  and  develop  a  better 
understanding  of  the  language," 
stated  Matt.  "I  expect  to  gain  a 
different  viewpoint  after 
spending  some  time  away  from 
the  United  States. " 

Vance  is  expecting  relatively 
the  same  thing.  "Just  a  learning 
experience  and  a  better 
understanding  of  a  foreign 

Programs,  such  as  AFS  and 
EIL,  are  united  in  the  belief  that 
one  understands  other  nations 
and  his  own  better  through 
participation  in  programs  like 

I  his  summer  are  senior  Matt  Cary,  juniors  Sue  Taylor  and  Vance  Veale. 

Senior  Merit  finalists  listed 

Seven  Elmhurst  seniors  who 
were  formerly  announced  as 
semifinalists  in  the  1976  National 
Merit  Scholarship  Program  have 
now    advanced    to    the    finalist 

Sinks  vies  for  Senate 

Republican  State 

Representative  John  R.  Sinks, 
13308  W.  Hamilton  Lane,  has 
announced  his  candidacy  for 
nomination  as  State  Senator  from 
the  16th  District. 

The  present  holder  of  that  seat, 
Senate  President  Pro  Tern  Phillip 
Gutman,  R-Fort  Wayne,  has 
announced  that  he  will  not  run  for 
re-election  to  the  position. 

Sinks  has  served  six  terms  in 
the  Indiana  House  of 
Representatives,  having  been 
appointed  to  a  majority  of  the 
standing  committees  in  his 
tenure.  Presently,  he  is  the 
ranking  minority  member  on  the 
Education       and       Interstate 

Cooperation  committees  which  is 
reserved  for  those  in  leadership 

In  announcing  his  candidacy 
Sinks  said,  "I  feel  I  have  served 
my  constituents  well  in  my  12 
years  as  State  Representative. 
My  experience  and  dedication 
awards  me  the  opportunity  and 
challenge  to  seek  the  nomination 
as  State  Senator  from  the 
sixteenth  district. " 

Sinks  is  a  guidance  counselor 
here  at  Elmhurst  High  School. 
He  attended  Wabash  College  and 
has  a  bachelor's  degree  from 
Indiana  University  and  a 
master's  degree  from  Ball  State 

standing  in  the  national 
competition.  Those  chosen  are 
determined  by  the  National  Merit 
Scholarship  Corporation. 

Those  earning  the  finalist 
status  from  EHS  were  Dave 
Beutler,  Wes  Byrne,  Matt  Cary. 
Yvette  Morrill,  Verne  Myers, 
Tom  Sonday^and  Don  Wenger. 

All  of  the  finalists  received 
Certificates  of  Merit  for  their 
advancements  and  are  now 
eligible  for  Merit  Scholarships. 

This  year,  there  are  well  over 
14,000  high  school  students 
throughout  the  nation  competing 
on  the  finalist  level  in  the 
National  Merit  Program.  They 
are  all  being  considered  for  lOOO 
National  Merit  $1000 

Scholarships,  and  some  are  also 
being  chosen  for  2800  four-year 
Merit  Scholarships  to  be 

The  selection  of  the  Merit 
Scholars  is  now  in  progress  and 
will  be  announced  during  the 
month  of  April.  At  this  time. 
Elmhurst  finalists,  along  with 
Principal  Richard  Horstmeyer, 
will  be  notified  as  to  their 
placements  in  the  program. 

EHS   Winter 

Band  Concert 

slated   for 

March  19 

The  Concert  Band  will  present 
its  annual  Winter  Band  Concert 
Friday,  March  19,  at  7:30  p.m.  in 
the  Elmhurst  gymnasium. 

Performing  their  last  concert 
before  going  on  tour  later  this 
semester,  the  group  has  slated  a 
unique  program.  "Music  for 
Progue"  is  scheduled  to  highlight 
the  concert.  A  special  slide 
presentation  has  been  formed 
under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Don 

"This  concert  has  got  to  be  the 
most  ambitious  effort  made  by 
the  band  this  year,"  declared 
senior  band  member  Verne  Myers 
about  the  up  coming  event. 

Tickets  for  the  concert  may  be 
obtained  from  any  concert  band 
member  or  at  the  door  the 
evening  of  the  performance. 

2  news 

•••and  so  en 

AFS  reveals  profit 

Elmhurst's  American  Field  Service  has  revealed  profits  from  a 
paper  drive  the  club  sponsored  Saturday.  Feb.  21 .  The  total  gam  for 
thedrive  was$131. 
Movie  star  visits  E.H.S. 

Co-stnr  of  Wild  Kingdom,  Mr.  Stan  Brock,  paid  a  visit  to 
Elmhurst  Wednesday.  Feb.  2.5. 

Speaking  to  students  of  Mr.  Carter  Lohrs  advanced' biology 
classes,  the  television  personality  discussed  the  topic  "Endangered 
Species."  A  few  of  the  species  that  are  in  danger  of  becoming 
extinct  are  the  manitee  (sea  cowl,  the  tiger,  the  cheetah,  the  jaguar, 
and  the  leopard. 

"The  Forgotten  Wilderness."  a  motion  picture  featuring  Stan 
Brock,  is  scheduled  to  open  March  26  at  the  Georgetown  Square 
Driver's  ed  fees  due 

Students  interested  in  enrolling  for  the  spring  driver's  education 
sessions  have  until  March  26  to  sign  up  in  Ms.  Cashman's  office. 

The  Saturday  classes  are  held  from  April  17  to  May  22.  The 
Tuesday.  Wednesday,  Thursday  classes  are  held  from  April  13  to 
May  6.  The  session  cost  is  $65.  For  further  information  students  are 
requested  to  fill  out  a  yellow  slip  to  see  Ms.  Cashman  in  the 
guidance  department. 
German  students  invade  Heidelburg 

On  Friday,  Feb.  27.  Mr.  Michael  Rothe's  German  classes  feasted 
in  an  evening  of  German  food  and  musical  entertainment  at  the 
Heidelburg  Restaurant  in  Huntington. 

Model  Congress  slated 

Sponsored  by  the  Fort  Wayne  Bicentennial  Commission,  the 
Bicentennial  Model  Congress  is  slated  for  April  8-11  at  Concordia 
Senior  College.  Fort  Wayne. 

The  Model  Congress  has  been  designed  to  familiarize  students 
with  all  aspects  of  the  U.S.  Congress,  to  provide  a  forum  where 
students  can  express  their  opinions,  and  to  give  a  greater 
understanding  of  politics  and  politicians  to  students. 

Feature  speakers  at  the  mock  congress  will  include  J.  Edward 
Roush.  Richard  Lugar.  Birch  Bayh.  E.  Ross  Adair,  and  Phil 

To  be  a  part  of  the  Bicentennial  Model  Congress  any  interested 
student  should  send  name,  address,  and  zip  code  to  Bicentennial 
Model  Congress.  P.O.  Box  1776.  Fort  Wayne.  Indiana.  A  fee  of 
S17.50  is  also  required  of  Elmhurst  delegates  at  the  time  of 
registration  which  will  pay  for  all  meals  from  Thursday  through 
Sunday  and  basic  operating  costs. 

Whot's  happening? 

Alan  Severs,  principal  trumpeter  with  the  Fort  Wayne 
Philharmonic,  performs  Trumpet  Concerto  by  Haydn  with  the 
Elmhurst  Orchestra  at  the  fourth  annual  Concerto  Concert  Sunday. 
Feb.  22.  Elmhurst  junior  Donna  Munroe  also  appeared  as  a  soloist, 
performing  the  first  movement  of  Mendelssohn's  Piano  Concerto  No.  1 
in  G  Minor  accompanied  by  the  orchestra  under  the  direction  of  Mr. 
.John  Morse. 

Herman  to  MghBght 
BHS  Jasx 

Known  throughout  the  city  as 
possibly  the  biggest  event  of  the 
year  for  Elmhurst,  the  seventh 
annual  Elmhurst  Jazz  Festival  is 
scheduled  for  the  weekend  of 
April  9-10. 

Friday  night,  designated  as 
College  Night,  will  feature  bands 
from  Indiana  State,  Notre  Dame, 
[ndiana-Purdue,  Case  Western 
Reserve,  and  Ball  State 

Saturday  afternoon.  20  high 
school  bands  from  around  the 
state  will  be  competing  for  top 
honors.  Elmhursfs  11:00  and 
2:00  jazz  bands  will  be 
participating  in  this.  ' 

Saturday  night,  the  highlight 
of  the  festival.  Woody  Herman 
and    his    orchestra    will    be    the 

performing  artists.  Elmhurst's 
3:00  jazz  band  will  also  be 
playing  at  this  time. 

Woody  Herman.  63  years  old, 
plays  both  clarinet  and 
saxophone.  He  and  his  18-piece 
band  will  be  conducting  clinics 
Saturday  afternoon  for  all 
participating  jazz  band  members. 

The  prices  of  tickets  for  the 
Friday  night  performance  are  $3, 
S3. 50;  and  $4.  Saturday 
afternoon's  admission  is  $2,  and 
Saturday  evening's  ticket  prices 
are  $5.  S5.50jand  $6.  All-session 
tickets  cost  $7.50,  $8.  or  $8.50. 

Tickets  are  on  sale  now  and  will 
be  until  the  festival  weekend. 
They  are  available  through  any 
band,  orchestra,  or  choir  member. 


Sectionals  begin 
for  the  solo 
speech  team  at 
Carroll  High 


Girls'  Gymnas- 
tics team  goes 
into  sectional 
competition  to- 


St.  Patricks  Dav! 

10        DECA^OEA  compete  in  Indy 

Elmhurst's  Con- 
cert Band  pre- 
sents the  annual 
Winter  Band 
Concert  at  7.30 
p.m.  in  the  gym. 

Representing  Elmhurst  at  their 
respective  state  conventions  will 
be  seniors  Sue  Eloph,  Kevin  Lee, 
Diane  Knox,  Connie  Bolinger.and 
Marilynn  Scherer, 

Kevin  and  Sue  achieved  their 
state   opportunity    by    placing 

Elmhurst  Advance 


,. , . ,,- ,  ,,...  (.  „,,.  „„,,,^, 

M  n-v.uiil  ii.qli  SC'CXJ' 

3819  SanopoJil  Bead.  Fd-i  wayne 


Bu'd  or  'fusiees  ot  ine  ft.'-.  Waynp 

?...      ■.    ■..  r-:.   . 

J'-Jct-i-^'  jywfV^'esCO*   S*;"' 

.  rndona  '!e802 


Sarah  SiewMt 

All  Manager 

Sue  Marquis 

Npas  Efliiw 

tivn  Miller 


Man  Tyler 



Busnesi  Manager 

Oiane  luoke 

spwB  (fluiy 



Kaihy  Sharpm 

fiiwe  Efliiot 

NancY  Beadle 

Rep  or  rets 

Jan  OoMng.  Kevin  lee 

Co(h  tdnoi 


fJancv  McAlee,  Verne  Myeti. 

P'.o(0  EdiTor 

m  Guimsn 

Watilynn  Scherer 


Uufa  Bowsn,  I.m  Ctaney. 

TodONicfics,  NiciiolssSmtri. 


JiDt  Koylm*!) 

Kev.i>  SiepWnson  1<M  V3a9^fl 


second  in  advertising  and  sales 
demonstration^  respectively. 
They  will  be  traveUng  to  French 
Lick  to  the  state  D.E.C.A. 
[Distributive  Education  Clubs  of 
America)  convention  on  March 

Marilynn,  Connie  and  Diane 
achieved  their  state  placement  by 
winning  first  and  second  in  verbal 
communication  and 
extemporaneous,  second  in 
stencil  duplication,  and  first  in 
information  and  communications, 

They  are  members  of  the 
Elmhurst  chapter  of  O.E.A. 
and  will  bfc  traveling  to 
IndianapoHs  March  12,  13,  and 

EHS  musicians 
display  talent 

Ten  Elmhurst  musicians 
received  first  division  awards  at 
tlie  Indiana  State  NISBOVA 
contest  along  with  five  Trojans 
who  earned  second  division 
ratings.  These  15  participants, 
winners  of  first  ratings  in  the 
district  contest,  traveled  to 
Indianapolis  on  Feb.  21  to 
compete  in  the  state  finals. 

Seniors  receiving  first  place 
awards  in  the  solo  competition 
were  seniors  Verne  Myers, 
clarinet;  Pat  York,  voice;  and 
Andrea  Marchese.  Melissa 
Hunter,  and  junior  Donna 
Munroe  on  piano. 

Ranking  second  with  their  solo 
performances  were  seniors 
Tammy  Hughes,  oboe;  Benjie 
Berry,  trumpet;  Kim  Markey. 
trombone;  Allen  Shaw,  voice; 
and  sophomore  Andrew  Conrad, 

In  the  ensemble  division,  the 
barbershop  quartet  of  seniors 
Yvette  Morrill,  Linda  Morsches, 
Claudia  Johnson,  and  Pat  York 
received  a  first,  while  the  flute 
trio  of  seniors  Oiane  Lupke, 
Carole  Stanley,  and  Yvette 
Morrill  also  clinched  a  first 

Dowling,  Frankewich,    Heiney  

Juniors  named  (o  Hoosier  Girrs  Stole 

Elmhurst  has  chosen  three 
representatives  for  Hoosier  Girls' 
State  at  Indiana  State 

The  threesome  which  will  be 
representing  Elmhurst  is  Jan 
DowHng.  Sue  Frankewich,  and 
Karyn  Heiney. 

Jan,  Sue,  and  Karyn  will  be 
traveling  to  Terre  Haute  to  stay 

there  for  the  week  of  June  13-20. 

Mrs.  Susan  Anderson 
explained  what  will  be  going  on 
during  the  week.  "A  mock 
government  is  held  with  the 
participants  running  for  a 
government  office.  Each  girl  is 
assigned  a  party  like  the 
Federalist  or  Nationalist  party. 
The  purpose  is  to  educate  young 

Mark  Newell 

Tomorrow  morning  senior  Les  Novitsky  will  be 
participating  in  state  finals  of  the  American 
Legion  Oratorical  Contest.  Les  was  sent  to  the 
state  level  of  the  contest  after  capturing  county, 
district,  and  zone  titles  during  the  different  races 
held  in  the  month  of  February. 

At  each  contest  level,  Les  was  required  to 
present  an  8-10  minute  speech  concerning  the 
U.S.  Constitution  and  also  had  to  speak  for  five 
minutes  about  a  topic  provided  by  the  Legion. 

Les 's  speech  was  entitled  '  'The  Road  Back. ' ' 

Les  Novitsky 

KARYN  HEINBY.  SUB  FHANKBWICH.ANDJAN  DOWLING.  all  juniors  hjve  been 
cltosen  to  represent  Elmhurst  at  Hoosier  Cirh' Slate  in  Terre  Haute  Ms  J  line. 

Mark  Newell,  a  senior  at  Elmhurst  and  enrolled 
in  horticulture  through  the  R.V.C.  program,  was 
on  T.  V.  twice  recently. 

First,  Mark  was  with  the  horticulture  group  on 
Channel  15  to  present  two  certificates,  one  to  the 
Fort  Wayne  Park  Department  for  outstanding 
participation  in  beautifying  this  city,  and  the 
second  to  WANE-TV  for  its  publicity  of  the 
-ceremony.  Mr.  Ralph  Mudrack,  Forestry 
Division,  and  Channel  15's  Rog  Wellman 
accepted  the  awards  on  this  Jan.  14  show. 

The  second  time,  Mark  appeared  on  Channel 
33's  Wayne  Rothgeb  show.  Mark  and  Diane 
Lonesbury  of  Northrop  demonstrated  greenhouse 
crop  production  of  Easter  liUes  and  culture 
requirement  (watering,  fertilizing,  and  care)  and 
how  to  time  the  plants  so  they  are  on  time  for 
Easter.  This  show  was  on  Friday,  Feb.  20. 

Senior  Dave  Archer  has  been  chosen  as  Junior 
Rotarian  for  the  month  of  March.  Representing 
Elmhurst,  Dave  will  attend  regular  Monday 
luncheons  at  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  along 
with  businessmen  from  the  area. 

All  students  selected  are  initiated  into  the 
Rotary  Club  for  the  month  they  serve,  receiving 
an  honorary  membership  card. 

The  Rotarian  program  is  designed  to  acquaint 
students  with  businessmen  in  the  community  and 
the  issues  they  face  through  the  various  speakers 
at  the  meetings. 

Dave  Archer 

women  in  the  duties,  privileges, 
rights,  and  responsibilities  of 
American  citizenship,"  continued. 
Mrs.  Anderson. 

Sponsored  by  the  American 
Legion,  the  three  girls  were 
chosen  by  first  being  nominated 
by  their  respective  history 
teachers.  The  names  were  then 
given  to  the  Dean  of  Girls.  Mrs. 
Anderson,  and  Principal  Richard 
Horstmeyer.  Together,  these  two 
people  made  the  final  choice. 

Three  alternates  were  also 
chosen.  If  for  any  reason  Jan.  Su^ 
or  Karyn  could  not  make  the  trip, 
these  girls  will  be  going  in  their 
place.  The  alternates  are  Nancy 
McAfee,  Sue  Anderson;  and 
Carmetta  Walker. 

The  three  girls  will  also  be 
ehgible  to  win  a  number  of 

The  Eve  Davidson  Scholarship 
will  be  presented  along  with  the 
outstanding  girl  being  selected. 
Two  girls  will  also  be  sent  to 
Washington,  D.C.  to  attend 
Girls'  Nation. 

The  cost  for  the  week  is  $55  per 
girl.  It  will  be  paid  by  the 
American  Legion  for  two  of  the 
girls.  Elmhursfs  Student  Council 
will  be  paying  for  the  other  giri. 

A/f[  honors 
Mr,  Storey 

"I  feel  that  I've  reached  a 
milestone  as  far  as  coaching  is 
concerned."  stated  Mr.  Robert 
Storey  who  was  recently  named  a 
National  Forensic  Double 
Diamond  Coach  by  the  National 
Forensic  League. 

This  honor  is  awarded  to 
Forum  Club  sponsors  and  NFL 
members  who  have  devoted  their 
time  and  effort  to  teaching 
students  how  to  speak  effectively. 
For  each  point  that  Forum  Club 
members  earn  at  speech  contests, 
one-tenth  of  that  point  is  also 
awarded  to  their  sponsor.  When  a 
sponsor  has  accumulated  1500 
points,  he  is  awarded  a  pin 
containing  one  diamond.  Mr. 
Storey  has  already  earned  his  pin 
and  has  now  attained  3000  points 
which  entitles  him  to  have 
another  diamond  mounted  in  the 

Mr.  Storey  commented  that  he 
wasn't  surprised  he  received  the 
honor.  He  was  aware  of  the  points 
that  he  and  his  former  students 
have  accumulated  since  he 
became  a  Forum  Club  sponsor 
and  an  NFL  member  in  1964.  Mr. 
Storey  concluded,  "The  many 
excellent  students  I've  had  in  the 
past  are  the  ones  who  have  helped 
to  make  this  honor  possible. ' ' 

^  edUofJQl  Attitude  of  team,  fans  destroys  dream  - 
Student  Council  member  fights  bach 

To  the  editor: 

A  young  girl  sat  high  in  the  pimhurst 
bleachers,  watching  the  basketball  team  fight  its 
way  to  a  victory,  urged  on  by  shrieking  fans.  Yet 
the  eyes  were  continually  drawn  in  fascination 
and  awe  to  the  cheerleaders  on  the  floor,  shouting 
and  chanting,  leading  such  enthusiasm.  It  was 
the  beginning  of  a  dream.. .a  dream  which  would 
someday  grow  into  a  reality.  It  was.  and  still  is,  a 
goal  shared  by  many  young  girls-the  honor  of 
being  a  cheerleader.  I  noticed  it  just  last  week  at 
a  game  as  the  small  girls  imitated  our  every 
move.  I  was  that  young  girl  with  the  dream,  and  I 
am  a  varsity  cheerleader. 

Reality  destroys  dream 

The  dream  is  cracked  and  choked  now.  The 
honor  of  being  a  cheerleader?  What  a  laugh!  I 
always  thought  we  led  others  in  cheering-not 
ourselvesi  But  I  guess  i  was  misled,  considering 
the  only  people  I  see  cheering  at  the  games  are  us. 
People  practice  their  accuracy  in  aiming  by 
throwing  paper,  popcorn,  and  airplanes  at  us. 
Speaking  for  myself,  I  certainly  didn't  spend 
hours  perfecting  cheers  and  mounts  to  become 
target  practice  for  some  smart  aleck.  Students 
complain  they  can't  hear  the  cheerleaders.  There 
are  only  six  of  us,  why  don't  they  move  down 
closer  instead  of  sitting  two  rows  from  the 
ceiling?  We  obstruct  the  view  of  those  sitting 
before  us  so  they  proceed  to  mouth  off  about  it. 
Hey.  that's  our  space  for  cheering,  the  only  spot 
we've  got.  If  they  can't  see-move. 

Cheerleaders  object  of  criticism 

We're  great  for  criticism,  too.  Rotten  pep 
sessions?  We're  the  first  to  get  the  blame.  But  a 
pep  session  is  only  as  good  as  the  student  body 
makes  it.  I  If  the  people  are  rowdy,  it's  great!  But 
if  they  aren't,  we  find  ourselves  putting  on  a  show 
as  mute  mouths  sit  and  watch  instead  of  cheering 

But  the  real  clincher  comes  when  I  hear 
remarks  from  the  team  members  themselves!  If 
the  teams  don't  even  care  if  they  have 
cheerleaders,    then    I    must    sadly    draw    the 

conclusion  that  our  purpose  has  vanished  and 
with  it  the  dream.  It  seems  we  are  no  longer 
needed.  No  more  bolstering  the  team,  when 
they're  down  by  two  touchdowns.. .no  more 
urging  them  on  in  a  comeback  to  win  by  four.. .no 
more  congratulating  them  for  a  weil-played  game 
even  if  we  did  lose.  Just  no  more  anything.  But, 
after  all.  it  was  just  a  dream  in  the  first 
place. ..perhaps  it  should've  stayed  that  way. 

Karyn  Heiney 

To  the  editor: 

Concerning  the  most  astute  commentary  on 
Student  Council  activities  as  was  authored  by 
"JR"  in  Feb.  18  edition  of  the  Advance: 

Let  me  preface  by  letting  you  know  that  I  am 
an  extremely  biased  individual  being  in  the  non- 
heroic  position  of  Student  Council  Vice- 
President.  I  would  Uke  to  answer  for  the  many 
nervous  and  extreme  hours  of  "socializing"  as 
you  have  so  bluntly  put  it! 
Council's  intentions  made  known 

In  the  course  of  last  year's  statements  of 
campaign  goals,  not  promises  as  you  have  so 
interpreted,  your  officers  made  known  their 
intentions  for  a  council  that  involves  a  wider  area 
of  people  as  compared  to  single  cliques  of  people. 
To  this  end.  two  after-game  dances  (which  were 
poorly  attended  ),  a  long  endeavored  Ethos 
concert  (with  practically  no  audience  present), 
and  the  Penny  Arcade  {a  reasonable  success 
crowd-wise)  have  been  sponsored  by  the  council. 
These  are  things  that  a  great  majority  of 
students  specifically  requested.  All  of  these 
activities  have  one  common  denominator-total 
enjoyment  by  most  participants. 

Another  successful  point  of  involvement  was 
our  Homecoming;  even  through  the  rain  and  cold, 
the  gimmick  days,  parade,  and  crowning  moved 
Meetings  definitely  not  "social  hours" 

On  the  everyday  side  of  school  life,  your 
officers  have  for  three  years  endeavored  to  bring 
soft  drink  machines  back  to  Elmhurst.  Strictly 

forbidden  by  the  School  Board,  the  way  is  still 
open  for  at  least  attainment  of  these  machines 
before  and  after  school.  Its  major  block-the 
cooperation  of  students  in  keeping  the  facilities 
clean  and  in  neat  order!  Even  so  the  malted  milk 
machine  can  be  considered  a  compromise  here. 

Student  Council  has  and  is  trying  to  donate 
council  money  for  worthy  activity  groups,  during 
and  after  school,  represented  at  Elmhurst.  Your 
representatives  have  spent  many  a  tiring 
morning  (at  7:15  a.m.)  at  meetings  trying  to 
allot  money  fairly  and  in  your  interest  "JR". 
Council  meetings  are  definitely  not  "social 

Election  confusion  removed 

Your  council  has  taken  the  confusion  out  of 
class  and  student  council  elections  which  will  be 
seen  at  the  year's  end  for  next  year's  officers  and 

Future  Student  Council  plans  include  a  dinner 
theater,  Spring  Day,  and  an  open  courtyard 
during  lunch  mods  when  the  weather  clears. 
These  are  not  "promises,"  but  goals  we  are  trying 
to  attain.  But  they  can  only  be  achieved  with  the 
student  body's  cooperation. 

Officers  hold  up  to  "promises" 

I  hope  that  I  have  shed  a  little  light  on  this 
year's  council,  and  the  way  you  view  us  "JR".  If 
you  would  like  to  debate  the  question  further, 
please  come  and  talk  to  me  personally.  This  is 
another  one  of  my  campaign  statements,  and  1 
can't  achieve  this  without  YOU!!! 

Finally  "JR",  I  would  suggest  to  you  that  the 
officers  and  representatives  have  held  up  to 
campaign  "promises"  as  you  have  so  adeptly  put 
it.  Before  you  write  another  derogatory  editorial 
on  the  council,  speak  to  someone  on  the  other 
side.  Otherwise,  your  commentary  will  draw 
similarity  to  the  representation  of  your  initials, 
JR-junior -for  an  uninformed  and  childish 

Mike  Maurer 


EHS  Student  Council 












by  Jim  Nelson 

"One  Flew  Over  the  Cuckoo's  Nest",  playing  at  the  South  27 
Cinema,  is  a  milestone  in  cinema  history.  Its  power  and  impact  will 
make  it  an  unforgettable  experience  for  the  viewer. 

The  plot  is  an  original  one.  Based  on  a  novel  by  Ken  Kesey,  the 
setting  is  a  mental  institution.  Jack  Nicholson  excellently  portrays 
Randall  P.  McMurphy,  a  convict  who  believes  if  he  can  be  declared 
psychotic  he  can  beat  the  penal  system  and  easily  escape  from  thc^ 
hospital.  Inside,  he  finds  the  lifeless  patients  who  have  little  hope  — 
for  anything. 

Louise  Fletcher  is  outstanding  in  her  role  of  the  cold-hearted 
Nurse  Ratchett,  who  soon  gets  hers. 

Everything  is  just  right . . .  the  mood,  the  impact,  and  the  acting. 
It  all  pieces  together  under  the  artful  direction  of  Milos  Foreman  to 
make  "One  Flew  Over  the  Cuckoo's  Nest"  a  film  masterpiece. 
Missing  it  would  be  passing  up  a  once-in-a-lifetime  opportunity  to 

see  perfection 

plays  J 
bcjbcicb's  ''  l;yr2don^  bombs 

by  Sarah  Stewart 

Stanley  Kubrick's  newest  film,  "Barry  Lyndon,"  promises  to  be  a 
box  office  hit,  due  mostly  to  the  fine  advertising  campaign. 

"Barry  Lyndon"  is  the  story  of  a  young  Irish  rogue,  played  by 
Ryan  O'Neal,  who  falls  in  love  with  his  cousin.  He  is  sent  away  from 
his  home  and  his  family  after  he  shoots  his  cousin's  prominent 
English  suitor.  From  this  day  on  he  vows  to  elevate  himself  into  the 
upper  class. 

The  movie,  which  took  two  and  a  half  years  to  complete,  was 
filmed  in  Ireland.  This  is  perhaps  the  movie's  strongest  feature.  The 
scenery  is  beautiful.  But  the  Irish  landscape  cannot  make  up  for  the 
rest  of  the  movie. 

"Barry  Lyndon"  has  been  called  an  "adventure  film,"  but  the 
pace  is  much  too  slow  (Kubrick  concentrates  on  small  details,  i.e.  a 
prolonged  close-up  of  a  face,  the  twitch  of  a  muscle)jand  the  events 
are  much  too  dull. 

Admittedly,  the  movie  holds  one's  attention  until  an  hour  and  a 
half  has  gone  by,  and  you  realize  you've  only  seen  half  of  it.  But  the 
last  half  hour  is  the  most  unbearable.  By  this  time  it  doesn't  matter 
what  happens  to  who,  as  long  as  the  movie  ends,  so  you  can  leave 
without  making  the  people  sitting  next  to  you  move  for  the  fourth 

As  usual,  when  the  critics  get  hold  of  a  movie,  especially  a 
Kubrick  movie,  everybody  has  to  make  an  analysis.  Some  have  said 
"Barry  Lyndon"  provides  an  answer  to  why  the  colonies  went  to 
war  for  independence.  (A  bicentennial  movie!)  It  exposes  the 
corruption  in  the  European  upper  class.  Well,  all  the  corruption  is 
there,  but  the  movie  is  only  a  surface  movie.  It  doesn't  answer 
anything,  it  doesn't  even  raise  a  question.  So,  "Barry  Lyndon" 
really  has  nothing  important  to  sta*^e,  nor  can  it  serve  as  hvely 

This  year  has  not  been  a  year  for  good  movies  (box-office  hits, 
yes;  good  movies,  no).  Which  explains  why  "Barry  Lyndon"  has 
been  nominated  for  seven  academy  awards.  If  you  must  see  it,  go  to 
a  matinee,  you'll  only  be  out  a  dollar  and  a  quarter. 


Saraii  Stei.arl 
talks  to  Cham- 
ber of  Com. 
Cindy  Ku.sler. 
Sarah  works  at 
from  s::m 
11:30  ('('.TV 
murmng.  Koing 
to  cummiflev 
meetings  ami 
foflouing  rhi- 
iau-s  through 
the  legislature. 
Below:  Claudia 
Johnson  tries 
her  hand  iil  the 
A.M.        Traffiv 

Seniors  receive  credit 
trying  professional  jobs 

The  Community  Involvement 
Program  is  being  tested  out  by 
students  at  Wayne.  Snider^  and 
Elmhurst.  For  a  semester  a  student 
can  work  with  such  professionals  as 
a  lawyer,  a  journalist,  a  doctor,  an 
accountant,  a  government  official^or 
a  community  service  worker  in  order 
to  help  him  decide  whether  he  wants 
to  pursue  such  a  career. 

Participants  usually  spend  two  or 
three  hours  a  day  in  the  offices  of 
their  sponsors  observing  and 
performing  some  jobs.  They  receive 
high  school  credit  for  their  work  and 
are  chosen  to  participate  according 
to  school  performance  and  interest 
in  further  education  and 
professional  careers. 

Temple  tries  medicine 

Senior  Debbie  Temple  was  the 
only  Elmhurst  student  to  be  in  the 
program  the  first  semester.  Debbie, 
who  is  interested  in  the  field  of 
medicine,  worked  with  several 
medical  personnel  in  the  city.  For 
six  weeks  she  moved  from 
department  to  department  in 
Parkview  Hospital.  The  lab 
interested  her  the  most  and  she  says 
she  would  probably  go  into  that  field 
if  she  didn't  go  into  nursing.  She 
observed  a  surgeon,  doctors  in  a  free 
health  clinic,  and  EMS  personnel  in 
the  other  weeks. 

Julie  Morken  has  been  placed 
with  the  area  Headstart  program 
Recently  she  worked  with  two  other 
girls  fixing  up  a  library  at  St. 
Andrews.  School  on  New  Haven 
Avenue.  Later  she  will  be  tutoring 
young  children  in  the  room  she  has 

incy  Htadiv  types  tier  slorv 
tlw  /irogressire  rock  group  Eriios  (or 
the  iVeifs  Sentinel  us  Ernie  iVilliam.s. 
editor,  speaks  to  her  about  her  work  ul 
the  newspaper.  Lower  left  and  righl: 
Andrea  Jan.spr.  Elmhurst  exchung,- 
student,  teaches  children  at  ihr 
■lohnn  V  Appleseed  School  how  to  bowl. 

painted  and  stacked  with  book?,. 
It's  law  for  Novitsky 

At  the  General  Telephont 
Training  and  Development  Centei 
on  Tecumseh  Street,  Les  Novitsky 
goes  over  supervisor's  reports  to 
make  sure  the  company  is  not  liable 
for  any  inaccurate  statements  made 
by  supervisors,  since  employees  can 
be  dismissed  on  the  basis  of  such 
reports.  Les  definitely  will  be 
pursuing  a  law  career  and  hopes  to 
eventually  become  a  judge.  He 
could  not  be  placed  in  a  law  office 
due  to  the  confidentiality  of  the  law 
practice.  However,  his  present  job  is 
expected  to  give  him  exposure  to 
labor  relations. 

Through  working  at  the  Fort 
Wayne  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Sarah  Stewart  is  learning  about  the 
different  levels  of  government.  Her 
sponsor  is  Chamber  lobbyist  Cindy 
Kuster,  who  works  with  laws  and 
the  legal  aspects  of  the  Chamber  as 
as  well  as  lobbying  in  Indianapolis 
when  the  state  legislature  is  in 
session.  Sarah  describes  the 
Charhber  as  "a  big  committee. ' '  She 
observes  meetings,  follows  proposed 
bills,  and  performs  some  clerical 

Beadie  wants  journalism 

Receiving  journalism  experience 
at  the  Fort  Wayne  News  Sentinel  is 
Nancy  Beadie.  Her  work  varies  as 
she  spends  weeks  with  different 
members  of  the  newspaper's 
editorial  staff.  She  has  done  layout 
work  for  the  "Weekender"  sampled 
photo  editing,  tried  editing  wire 
copy,  and  done  a  story  on  the 
progressive  rock  group  Ethos. 

Exchange  student  Andrea  Janser 
has  been  working  with  children  at 
the  Johnny  Appleseed  School.  She  is 
a  class  assistant  who  tries  to  teach 
the  students  simple  things.  She 
finds  the  work  "very  rewarding" 
though  she  is  not  sure  she  will  make 
a  career  in  that  field  once  she 
returns  to  Switzerland. 

Greg  Nowak  finds  his  job  in  the 
accounting  department  at  Mutual 
Security  Life  Insurance  Corporation 
sometimes  tedious  but  says  it's 
"good  experience."  He  works 
keeping  records  and  figuring 

Broadcasting  has  appeal 

Every  two  weeks  Claudia  Johnson 
moves  to  a  different  department  at 
WMEE.  She  finds  the  news 
department  the  most  exciting  with 
two  police  radios,  tapes,  and 
equipment.  Soon  she  will  move  to 
the  area  which  writes  and  produces 
commercials,  and  she  hopes  to  write 
some  there.  Claudia  plans  a  career  in 
telecommunications  and  believes 
the  experience  at  WMEE  will  be 
helpful.  She  says.  "For  one  thing,  I 
learned  how  expensive  it  is  to 
advertise  on  the  radio  and  how  much 
money  stations  can  make." 

lio*H   t^  <UcCe(ctie4 

by  Marilyon  Scherer 

"The  trouble  wiLh  Elmhurst 
is  apathy  —  but  who  cares?" 
That  is  simple  enough  to 
understand,  but  curing  the 
problem  of  apathy  is  a  job  that 
takes  more  than  just  a 
paraphrase  of  a  bumper 
sticker.  Day  in  and  day  out. 
both  scholastically  and 
athletically,  Trojan  students 
are  excelling  to  levels-  that 
deserve  substantial 
recognition.  But  to  stop 
someone  in  the  hall  and  tell  him 
about  it  only  receives  the  great 
Trojan  response,  "Whocares?" 

The   following   is   a    list   of 

things  that  this  reporter  feels 
should  bs  recognized;  if  you 
care  to  follow  each  of  these 
phrases,  by  hollering  "Who 
cares!"  be  my  guest,  it  will 
only  prove  my  point. 

(1)  Every  athletic  team  at 
Elmhurst,  whether  they  had  a 
winning  or  a  losing  season, 
spent  hours  of  conditioning 
and  practice  in  order  to 
represent  their  school  as  well 
as  they  could. 

( 2 )  After  a  long  time  waiting, 
while  practicing  on  "adequate" 
equipment,  the  gymnastics 
team  has  finally  been  rewarded 
for    their    efforts    with     new 

iicU€idiM<^  <^  ^^^^ 

by  Kevin  Lee 

Now  that  sectionals  have 
begun,  and  the  SAC  title 
belongs  to  North  Side.  1  have 
put  aside  some  time  to  choose 
my  All-City  Team.  Those  of 
you  who  have  followed  city 
high  school  basketball  will  not 
be  surprised  at  my  selection. 
Listed  below  are  my  choices 
with  Lheir  latest  scoring 

Although  some  people  I  have 
talked    to    disagree    with    mv 

scoring  except  for  Gooden  who 
ranks  second  with  a  17. .5 
average  to  Barnes  who  is 
shooting  al  a  20. 1  clip  per 
game,  Gooden  has  the 
distinction  of  being  the  top 
shooter  though,  hitting  well 
over  50  per  cent  of  his  shots 
while  teammate  Barnes  is 
piercing  the  nets  right  at  50  per 
cent  for  the  Wayne  Generals. 
Together,  they  have  bolstered 
Wayne's  team  field  goal 
percentage  to  52  per  cent,  an 


Greg  Howard  Forward 

Al  Gooden  Forward 

Frank  Thomas  Center 

Roosevelt  Barnes       Guard 
Peter  Irvin  Guard 

Average  Per  Game 







North  Side 




South  Side 

selections  and  especially  the 
positions  which  1  placed 
Thomas  and  Barnes,  1  believe 
this  to  be  the  best  five  man 
team  the  city  of  Fort  Wayne 
can  produce.  It  is  a  quick  team 
with  every  player  having  the 
ability  to  hit  20foot  jump 

The  rebounding  strength  lies 
with  Thomas.  Gooden,  and 
Barnes  who  are  all  great 
leapers,  Shooting  has  to  be  this 
team's  strong  point.  Every 
player  listed  leads  his  team  in 

amazing  feat  for  a  high  school 
ball  club. 

Although  my  All-City  Team 
is  fairly  small  compared  to 
other  possible  all-city  teams,  I 
believe  its  quickness  and  great 
shooting  ability  would  enable 
it  to  compete  with  any  other 
all-city  team  in  Indiana. 

If  you  can  make  it  out  to  the 
Coliseum  for  the  Sectionals, 
keep  an  eye  open  for  these 
players,  and  I  believe  you  too 
would  make  these  selections. 






'<:  i 

Across  from  i 

Concordia  H.S.  | 

On  St.  Joe  River  Drive        ] 

gymnastics  equipment. 

(31  The  Elmhurst  solo  speech 
and  debate  teams  are  self- 
supporting  organizations  that 
spend  almost  every  Saturday 
for  five  months  representing 
Elmhurst  at  area  speech 
meets.  This  is  time  spent 
towards  the  reputation  of  the 
Trojan  name  —  time  that  could 
be  used  on  a  lot  of  different 

( 4 )  The  golf  team  plays  every 

Reserves  win 

The  season  concluded  with  a 
fantastic  weekend  for  the 
Elmhurst  reserves.  The  team 
conquered  Concordia  51-46 
Friday  and  gave  Mississinewa  a 
scare  in  an  exciting  overtime 
which  ended  66-63  unfortunately 
in  the  Indians'  favor. 

The  squad  did  well  as  a  team 
and  also  had  several  outstanding 
individual  contributions.  Against 
the  Cadets,  junior  Don  Culpepper 
racked  up  14  points,  Rob  Meyers, 
also  a  junior,  was  right  behind 
him  with  12,  and  sophomore 
MelvinCobbhitfor  11. 

Rob  grabbed  12  rebounds,  and 
sophomore  Mike  Starks  had  10. 
Don  finished  the  night  with  nine. 

In  Saturday's  contest,  the 
Trojans  fought  to  a  59-59 
stalemate  against  Mississinewa. 
and  the  game  went  into  a  three- 
minute  overtime  battle.  The  score 
remained  close  throughout  the 
period,  but  the  Indians  edged 
around  to  win  66-63  when 
Elmhurst  ran  into  "technical 

Coach  Phil         Habegger 

commented,  "We  played  our  best 
game  of  the  year  against  a  good 

As  evidence  of  the  statement. 
junior  Rick  Hamilton  scored  a 
high  of  16,  followed  by  Rob 
Meyers  with  1 4 .  and  Melvin  Cobb 
with  10.  Don  Culpepper  took  all 
credit  in  the  rebounding  division 
with  12. 

Present  this  coupon  for 


upon  purchase  of  a 
large  pizza  from 


2+:t  Pearl  Si. 

422-01.,-,:      Expires  April  1, 1976 

year  with  little  student 
recognition,  not  to  mention  the 
support  that  our  hockey  team 
got  this  year. 

(5)  Ehnhurst  teachers  are 
requested  to  give  up  their  time 
to  take  tickets,  and  other  such 
fun  jobs,  at  our  home  sports 
events.  They  don't  get  paid  for 
this  extra-curricular  activity, 
nor  do  the  teachers  that  spend 
their  time  sponsoring  clubs. 

These  are  just  to  name  a 
few.  This  reporter  is  as  guilty 
as  every  other  Trojan  that 
walks  the  floors  of  this  school. 
But  why  should  we  care  about 
all  this  trivia?  Life  will  surely 
go  on  at  Elmhurst  without  all 
these  items  of  interest. 

Loyalty  does  not  come  easy 
—  it  takes  time,  effort  and 
patience  .  .  .  virtues  that  many 
of  us  do  not  have  the 
willingness  to  achieve. 

So  much  of  our  time  is  taken 
up  by  participating  in  the  red 
tape  and  paperwork  that 
officials  seem  to  think  is 
necessary.  By  the  time  you 
muddle  through  all  of  the 
insignificance  and  get  to  the 
heart  of  whatever  the  problem 
may  be  -  frustration  has  hit .  .  . 
and  it's  very  difficult  to 
convince  yourself  that  you  love 
this  school  and  are  proud  to  be 
a  part  of  it. 

All  the  cheerleaders  in  the 
world  banding  together  to 
fight  apathy  cannot  solve  the 
sad  school  spirit  disease  that 
has  afflicted  our  school. 

Don't  love  Elmhurst  or  leave 
it  —  stick  around  and  do 
something  about  what's 
wrong.  One  or  two  voices  can 
easily  be  ignored  —  but  one  or 
two  hundred  voices  will 
definitely  cause  changes. 

The  trouble  with  Elmhurst  is 
apathy  -  but  some  people  care. 


:  TIME    j 

I  ©IBS        I 

i  TO  KEEP      : 

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:  THE          i 

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:  Gazette    : 

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mm^ ,:.,.. 

Where  your  favorite  request 

is  just  a  phone  call  away 



Sectionals  thwart  Trojans' effort 

Fort  Wayne  sectional  one 
threw  a  stiff  challenge  to  the 
Elmhurst  Trojans  in  the  form  of 
the  Wayne  Generals.  And  once 
again  this  year,  Wayne's  size, 
speed.and  accuracy  were  a  bit  too 

much  for  the  Trojan  five  to 
handle.  Elmhurst  took  it  on  the 
chin,  71-62,  in  the  first  game 
March  2  at  the  Memorial 

Elmhurst  had  nothing  to  lose  in 

JUNIOR  RA  YMOND  WALKER  PUTS  IN  tu!o  points  for  the  Elmhur 
named  to  the  all  Sectional  One  team  at  the  forward  position. 


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3820  Coldwater  Road 

Across  from  Ayr-Way  North 
Next  to  the  new  Sambo's 


SUNDAY  12-5 

their  first  match,  coming  off  two 
straight  home  victories  to  carry 
some  momentum  into  the  contest. 
The  Trojans  attacked  Wayne 
with  a  controlled  offense  and 
attempted  to  remain  within 
striking  distance  in  the  early 
going.  Earlier  this  year,  Wayne's 
quickness  and  size  put  the  game 
out  of  reach  in  a  hurry,  and  Coach 
Kenny  Eytcheson  directed  his 
troops  to  counteract  that 
advantage  with  control  and 

The  pace  of  the  game  began 
very  slowly  with  Wayne  building 
a  10-2  lead  in  the  first  quarter. 
However,  Elmhurst  remained 
within  striking  distance,  down 
only  four  or  five  points  in  the 
second  half  for  a  while.  At  one 
point  the  Trojans  looked  like  they 
might  even  overtake  the 
Generals  after  scoring  six 
straight  points.  However,  free 
throws  hurt  Elmhurst  as  they 
missed  opportunities  to  gain 

Wayne's  deadly  shooting  and 
defense  held  Elmhurst  off  as  the 
Generals  led  28-16  at  the  half. 

In  the  second  half.  Elmhurst  • 
stayed^  within  10-15  points'  of 
Wayne,  matching  Wayne's  hot 
shooting,  but  missing  several  free 
throws.  The  Trojans  collected 
only  12  of  22  charity  tosses,  a 
problem  all  year  for  Elmhurst. 

Near  the  end  of  the  fourth 
quarter,  junior  Ernie  Starks 
began  pouring  in  the  points,  but  a 
little  too  late  as  the  Generals 
relied  on  their  lead  in  the  final 
minutes  to  carry  them  over. 

Elmhurst  had  44  per  cent 
accuracy  from  the  field,  which 
was  not  bad.  But  Wayne  shot  a 
smooth  52  per  cent.  Accuracy  was 
a  weak  point  during  the  entire 




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26WLower  Huntin, 

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season,  according  to  Coach 
Eytcheson.  in  addition  to  floor 
errors.  Elmhurst  actually  scored 
one  more  basket  than  Wayne. 
However,  the  Trojans  still 
contributed  to  a  total  of  46  fouls 
called  between  both  teams. 

Eight  different  players  scored 
for  Elmhurst  with  Starks 
collecting  22  to  lead  the  way. 
followed  by  senior  Raymond 
Walker  with  19.  Elmhurst  lost 
two  players  on  fouls,  senior 
Johnnie  White  and  junior  Mike 

Elmhurst  has  faced  a  tough 
schedule  since  the  beginning  of 
the  year  and  ended  the  season 
with  a  9-11  record.  Elmhurst 
showed  maturity  and 

improvement,  but  not  enough 
against  Wayne. 

an  easy  two  points. 

A  bear  does  whai  c 

1  comes  natufally  — fie  sleeps 
mi  ■rtiiimr.  He  doesn't  have  to  team  or  be  con- 
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and  curled  up.  Itial's  il  (or  a  long  lime.  But  lew 
people  can  sleep  iheir  lives  away  and  still  be  a 

Ttie  Air  Force  knows  that  you,  unlike  the  bears, 
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A  bear's  lite  is  okay  (for  a  bear),  but  you  have  a 
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Contact  TSgl.  Wayne  Kerlin 
USAF  Recruiting  OHIce        343  W.  Wayne  SIreel 
He'//  give  you  (/re  bear  lacts.      Foil  Wayne,  Ind.  46802 
We  ttiink  you'll  like  what  you  see.       Phone:  743-1 371 


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8       Branning  places  third  .      *    - 

EHS  uirestlers  defeated  at  semi- state 

by  Jao  Dowling 

The  1975-76  wrestling  season 
was  quite  a  successful  one,  ending 
with  a  6-6  mark  for  the  season 
plus  a  first  place  in  the  Woodlan 
Tourney,  a  third  in  sectionals, 
and  fourth  in  regionals,  not  to 
mention  a  third  place  finish  at 
semi-state  by  sophomore  Matt 

Elmhurst  qualified  three 
wrestlers.  Kenny  Young,  Mike 
Freygang,  and  Matt  Branning  for 
semi-state  competition  held  on 
Feb.  21,  but  only  one  emerged 
victorious.  Kenny  Young, 
wrestling  167.,  was  defeated  the 
first    round    9-3;    likewise    Mike 

Freygang.  155,  fell  to  his 
opponent         8-2.  However 

sophomore  Matt  Branning, 
wrestling  in  the  145  lb.  class, 
survived  his  first  round  match 
with  a  6-4  decision,  but  was  then 
beaten'in  the  semi-final  round  12- 
2.  In  a  consolation  match,  Matt 
wrestled  his  cousin  from  Carroll 
High  School,  whom  he  defeated  8- 
4  to  capture  third  place. 

At  the  close  of  the  season,  there 
is  always  a  wrestUng  banquet  to 
honor  the  wrestlers,  their 
parents,  and  the  Trojan 
Takedowns.  This  year,  the 
banquet,  sponsored  by  the 
Takedowns,  was  held  Feb.  23  in 

the  Elmhurst  cafeteria.  The 
program,  emceed  by  junior 
Nelson  Almond,  featured  such 
people  as  Mrs.  Richard  Norton, 
speaking  on  behalf  of  the  parents, 
and  Sue  Frankewich  on  behalf  of 
the  Trojan  Takedowns.  Nelson 
Almond  and  Mike  Rush  also 
spoke  on  "What  wrestling  means 
to  me,'"  and  Coach  Lambert 
talked  about  discipline,  respect, 
and  sportsmanship. 

Seven  awards  were  also  given, 

to  be  a  little  tangled 
as  his  opponent  takes 
the  upper  hand. 
Young  was  defeated 
in  the  first  round  at 

three  of  which  went  to  Mike 
Rush,  for  the  most  victories,  pins, 
and  near  falls.  Paul  Freeman  won 
the  award  for  the  quickest  pin, 
:47  seconds,  and  Paul  Meredith 
won  the  most  reversals  award. 
Mike  Freygang  was  honored  for 
the  most  escapes,  and  Kenny 
Young  for  the  most  takedowns. 
Kenny  broke  the  school  record  for 
career  takedowns  with  45. 
moment  to  ponder  events  of  the  day, 
Branning  placed  third  at  the  State  meet. 


Trojan  gymnasts  produce '  balamed '  results 

It  was  a  strenuous  week  for  the 
Elmhurst  girls'  gymnastic  team 
as  they  came  up  against  four 
different       teams       on       four 

consecutive  nights.  However, 
through  all  the  work  and 
continuous  effort,  the  Trojans 
fared  well,  balancing  the  week  by 
winning  two  and  losing  two. 

Feb.  23  saw  the  Trojans  placed 
against  the  Patriots  of  Heritage 


Sales  and  Service 

3203  Covington  Bd.  432-3548 

on  the  Trojans'  home  court.  The 
Patriots  edged  out  the  Trojans  by 
a  score  of  119.50-112.85. 

Snider    served    as    competitor 
aumber  two  on  Feb.  24  as  the 
Trojans  fell  short  of  victory   , 
losing  to  the  Panthers  by  a  209.55 
- 135.1  score. 

The  third  night  out  was  the 
"charm."  The  Trojans,  led  by 
junior  Karyn  Heiney  and 
sophomores  Becky  Cummings 
and  Jeanine  Russell,  succeeded  in 
defeating  Bluffton  by  a 
substantial  margin,  final  score  of 
the  match  170.45-62.40. 

On  the  beginning  level, 
sophomore  Becky  Cummings 
outscored  all  other  competitors, 
taking  first  place  in  floor,  vault 
and  beam,, while  also  placing  third 
on  the  uneven  bars. 

Sophomore         Terry 

TnnriroTirnnroTTTOTrTnro' s  B  a  einnrB  a  B"B"BTrtfHHBBiTfinr 

« 11 0  S  a  i'fi  B  0  OTTBT- 



Camper's  Country 

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Whittenberger  chalked  up  points 
by  taking  second  place  on  the 
vault  and  tying  for  first  with 
teammate  Darla  Taper  on  the 
bars.  Sophomores  Pam  Riecke, 
Mary  McCombs;  and  Kathy 
Murray  succeeded  in  placing 
second  on  the  floor,  third  on  the 
vault;  and  second  on  the  beam 

On  the  intermediate  level, 
sophomore  Jeanine  Russell 
received  first  place  on  the  floor 
and  beam  and  second  place  on  the 
vault.  Junior  Katy  Young  placed 
second  on  the  floor  and  bars  while 
her  teammate  Lori  McCleneghen 
was  awarded  first  on  the  bars, 
second  on  the  beam^  and  third  on 
the  vault.  Senior  Betty  Carrion 
placed  first  in  vault,  third  on  floor 
and  bars.  Junior  Sheril 
Hornberger  also  tallied  points  by 
placing  third  on  the  beam. 

The  optional  level  found  junior 
Karyn  Heiney  placing  first  in  all 
four  events  with  senior  Linda 
Smyser  placing  second  on  the 
floor,  vault,and  beam. 

The  "finale"  of  the  four  day 
competition  ended  in  a  Trojan 
victory  against  Huntington 
North,  score  of  99.80  -  69.50. 


^\       I elmhurst 


Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  15 
Mar.  24,  1976 

Depart  on   9  day  frip 

Singers  take  off  to  tour  abroad 

by  Nancy  McAfee 

For  over  1  Vi  years,  people 
around  Elmhurst  have  been 
hearing  about  the  European  tour 
that  the  Trojan  Singers  were 
planning  to  take. 

According  to  senior  Lisa 
Langmeyer,  "Last  year  when  Mr. 
Schmutz  told  us  about  it,  I  didn't 
believe  it  could  happen." 

The  trip,  now  a  reality,  will  be 
taken  during  spring  vacation. 

The  party  of  42,  21  singers  and 
21     adults,     will    visit     three 

countries,  Germany,  Austria,  and 

Their  tour  in  Germany  will 
include  Frankfurt,  Heidelburg, 
and  Freiburg  along  with  Munich, 
the  site  of  the  1972  Summer 
Olympics.  They  will  also  be 
visiting  Lucerne,  Switzerland, 
and  Innsbruck  Austria,  the  city 
of  the  1976  Winter  Olympics. 

Allen  Shaw  stated,  "I  was 
more  excited  a  month  ago.  It  was 
more  like  a  dream  a  month  ago, 
now  it's  more  of  a  reality." 

The   Trojan    Singers   will   fly 

from  O'Hare  Field  in  Chicago 
directly  to  Amsterdam,  Holland. 
They  will  then  fly  to  Frankfurt, 
pick  up  their  bus  and  tour  guide 
there  and  proceed  t»  Heidelburg. 
The  singers  will  be  performing 
three"  concerts  in  Innsbruck,  in 
'  Jona,  Switzerland,  and  in 
Aschaffenburg,  Germany. 

In  order  to  make  the  trip,  the 
singers  had  to  make  some  money. 
Their  projects  included  selling 
Jazz  Festival  tickets  last  year, 
singing  at  banquets,  paper 
drives,  Penny  Arcade,  and  a 
benefit  dance  held  in  their  behalf. 

Student  teachers  assist  staff 

Students  will  be  seeing  some 
new  faces  around  Elmhurst  as 
three  student  teachers  arrived 
recently  to  assume  teaching 

French  classes 
receive  new  assistant 

Miss  Bobbie  Scott,  a  native  of 
Butler,  Indiana,  will  be  assisting 
Mr.  Michael  Rothe  with  his 
French  classes  until  the  end  of 
April.  A  student  of  Bowling 
Green  State  University,  Miss 
Scott  has  earned  her  bachelor's 
degree  and  master's  degree  in 
French.  Miss  Scott  has  also  done 
some  teaching  in  college  as  a 
graduate  assistant. 

"Elmhurst  seems  like  a  nice 
school,  and  everyone  is  friendly," 
remarked  Miss  Scott.  "I  hope  to 
become  familiar  with  high  school 
students  and  with  the 
maintenance  of  high  school  teach- 
ing which  is  much  different  from 
college  teaching. " 

After  she  finishes  her  student 
teaching.  Miss  Scott  hopes  to 
obtain  a  teaching  position  or  she 
may  possibly  make  a  fourth  trip 
to  France. 

Mansbach  "very  much 

Aiding  Mrs.  Hoylman  with  her 
journalism  and  composition 
classes  until  May  7  is  Mrs. 
Geraldine  Mansbach,  whose 
student  teaching  is  done  through 
the  Purdue  University  Extension 
at  Fort  Wayne.  She  obtained  her 
Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in 
journalism  from  the  University  of 
Illinois  and  is  presently  working 
for  her  master's  degree  in 

When   asked   about   her  first 

impressions  of  Elmhurst,  the 
Rockford,  Illinois,  native  replied, 
' '  I  felt  very  much  at  home, 
because  I  knew  many  of  the 
students.  I  hope  to  teach  my 
composition  students  to  become 
comfortable  with  writing  and  to 
look  on  it  not  as  a  chore,  but  as  a 
way  to  organize  their  ideas.  I  also 
want  to  become  familiar  with  the 
workings  of  the  publications 

After  she  leaves,  Mrs. 
Mansbach  hopes  to  find  a 
position  as  a  publications  adviser 
or  as  a  teacher  in  journalism  or 

Hageman  becoming 
more  "Trojafaized" 

Also  among  the  many  new 
faces  at  EHS  is  Mr.  Mark 
Hageman,  who  is  working  with 
Mr.  Tom  Herman's  gym  classes. 
Mr.  Hageman,  who  was  bom  in 

Fort  Wayne  and  was  graduated 
from  Bishop  Luers  High  School, 
will  also  be  helping  Mr.  Don 
Kemp  with  the  track  team, 
especially  in  the  pole  vault 

The  Ball  State  University 
student  commented,  "Even 
though  I'm  still  a  Luers  Knight, 
I'm  slowly  becoming  Trojanized. 
While  I'm  here  I  hope  to  gain 
more  confidence  as  a  teacher  and' 
learn  more  about  students  in 

Mr.  Hageman  wiU  earn  his 
Bachelor  of  Scienece  degree  in 
physical  education  upon 
completion  of  his  student 
teaching  in  May.  He  also  stated 
that  even  though  he  doesn't  know 
for  sure  what  he'll  do  after  he 
leaves,  Mr.  Hageman  plans  to 
search  for  a  teaching  or  coaching 
position  in  football  or  track. 

Three  new  student  teachers  at  Elmhurst  are  Miss  Bobbie  Scott,  Mrs. 
Gerrie  Mansbach,  and  Mr.  Mark  Hageman.  They  will  be  teaching  foreign 
language,  journalism,  aad  physical  education,  respectively. 

The  program  they  will  be 
singing  will  include  three  German 
songs  and  the  rest  in  English. 

The  party  will  be  staying  in 
hotels  during  their  stay  in  the 
European  countries. 

Mr.  Al  Schmutz,  choral 
director,  will  accompany  the 
singers  along  with  Miss  Sharon 
Dietrich  and  Miss  Pam  Hamm 
from  Elmhurst. 

"I'm  not  allowing  myself  to  get 
excited  .  .  .  When  I  get  on  the 
plane  and  I'm  sure  we're  going, 
then  I  might  get  a  little  excited," 
concluded  Mr.  Schmutz. 

Speech  soloists 
going  on  to  state 

.  Elmhurst's  solo  speech  team 
attended  sectionals  at  Carroll 
High  School  on  Saturday,  March 
13,  and  followed  up  by  holding 
regional  competition  at  Elmhurst 
on  March  20. 

Speech  soloists  who  made  it 
from  sectionals  to  regionals  but 
didn't  place  were:  Nancy  Beadie, 
Tom  Sonday,  Sue  Frankewich , 
Jan  DowUng,  Randy  Girod,  Scott 
Bernhart,  Andy  Kettler  and 
Diane  Lupke. 

People  who  placed  at  both 
sectional  and         regional 

competition  were:  Melissa 
Hunter,  sixth  in  humorous 
interpretation  at  sectionals  and 
first  at  regionals;  Troi  Lee,  first 
at  sectionals  in  oratorical 
interpretation  and  fourth  at 
regionals.  Troi  also  received  fifth 
in  original  oratory  at  sectionals 
and  third  at  regionals.  Karyn 
Heiney  placed  second  at  both 
sectionals  and  regionals  in 
oratorical.  Placing  fourth  in 
impromptu  at  sectionals  and 
regionals  was  Dwenger.  Tod 
Huntley  received  second  at 
sectionals  in  boys'  extemp  and 
came  out  in  first  place  at 
regionals.  Terry  Newsome  placed 
fourth  in  poetry  at  sectionals  and 
fifth  at  regionals;  Les  Novitsky 
qualified  as  an  alternate  in  boys* 
extemp.  All  qualify  to  go  on  to 
state  competition. 

Elmhurst  received  second  place 
at  sectionals,  only  the  second 
time  in  seven  years  they  haven't 
placed  first,  and  received  fourth 
at  regionals. 

The  qualifying  Trojans  will  go 
to  Lafayette-Jefferson  High 
School  in  Lafayette  for  the  state 
speech  contest  on  March  27. 

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Nielsen  fills  spot 

news  3 

Mrs.  Joyce  Nielsen,  a 
newcomer  at  Elmhurst,  will  be 
replacing  Mrs.  Roma  Jean 
Bradburn  for  the  rest  of  the 
school  year,  while  Mrs.  Bradburn 
is  taking  time  off  to  have  a  baby. 

Mrs.  Nielsen,  a  native  of  Fort 
Wayne,  is  a  graduate  of  Purdue 
University  and  has  received  her 
master's  degree  from  St.  Francis 
College.  Besides  doing  some 
substitute  teaching,  Mrs.  Nielsen 
taught  for  ten  years  at  Adams 
Central  High  School  in  Monroe, 
Indiana,  and  for  two  years  at 
West  Union  High  School  in 
Huntington  County. 

"I  like  Elmhurst  very  well. 
Everyone  is  friendly  and  warm," 
commented  Mrs.  Nielsen.  "I  hope 
I  can  keep  up  the  high  standards 
set  by  Mrs.  Bradburn."  Upon 
completion    of    her    teaching 

Hurrells  sing 

Direct  from  England,  Steve 
and  Anni  Hurrell  will  perform  at 
Elmhurst's  assembly  at  9  a.m. 
March  25.  The  Hurrells,  known  as 
Simplicity,  plan  to  present  a 
musical  program  on  the  American 

During  the  last  five  years 
Steve,  who  plays  12-string  guitar, 
and  Anni,  who  plays  bass,  have 
worked  extensively  in  clubs  and 
cabarets  throughout  Britain, 
particularly  in  the  London  area. 
They  have  also  toured  Germany, 
Spain,  and  Italy,  where  they 
spent  some  months  entertaining 
the  United  States  Navy.  Working 
on  tour  in  America,  they  are 
receiving  fine  response. 

Simplicity  is  an  extremely 
versatile  group,  presenting  a 
varied  program  ranging  from 
traditional  English  folk  to 
modern  country  music. 
Dedicating  this  program  to 
America's  200th  Birthday 
celebration,  they  interweave  their 
material  in  a  manner  that 
produces  a  great  performance. 

assignment,  Mrs.  Nielsen  hopes 
to  do  some  more  substitute  teach- 
ing or  attain  a  permanent  teach- 
ing position. 

Mrs.  Bradburn,  whose  baby  is 
expected  some  time  next  month, 
will  return  to  her  position  at  EHS 
next  fall. 

Trojan  wins 
State  OEA 

"I  owe  all  of  my  success  to  my 
speech  coach  Mr.  Robert 
Stookey,  but  also,  I  owe  Mr. 
Reinhard  a  lot  for  giving  me  the 
opportunity  to  compete.  Also,  all 
of  the  members  of  OEA  for  their 
support, ' '  commented  senior 
Marilynn  Scherer  after  winning 
the  Office  Education  Association 
of  Indiana  State  Contest  held 
Mar.  12,  13,  and  14  in  Indiana- 

Marilynn  will  now  advance  to 
the  National  Office  Education 
Association  contest  to  be  held  in 
Topeka,  Kansas  on  May  1-5. 

Marilynn  placed  second  in  the 
verbal  communications  category 
and  also  won  a  second  place 
standing  in  the  extemp  speaking 
division  of  competition  at  the  con- 
test. Of  the 
a  p  p  r  o  X  i  - 
mately  twen- 
ty events 
open  to  com- 
petition, the 
top  three 
OEA  stu- 
dents are  ^ 
chosen  as  state  winners. 

Other  Elmhurst  OEA  students 
participating  in  the  contest  were 
senior  Diane  Knox  in  the 
information  and  communications 
event  and  senior  Connie  Bolinger 
in  office-  duplication.  Neither  of 
these  girls  placed  high  enough  to 
be  going  to  the  national  contest. 

Departing  from  Indianapolis 
on  a  chartered  plane,  Marilynn 
will  be  accompanied  by  Ms. 
Carolyn  Glossenger,  the  OEA 
director  from  New  Haven  High 
School.  Seventy  other  OEA 
students  will  be  traveling  to 
Topeka  from  Indiana. 

What's  happening? 










An  assembly  is 
scheduled  for  8: 55 
a.m.  Trojan 
Singers  also  de- 
part today  on  a 
nine-day  Euro- 
pean tour. 


Spring  Vacation 
begins  at  the  close 
of  the  school  day. 

All  students  re- 
turn to  school 
from  Spring  Va- 



A  sophomore 
orientation  pro- 
gram is  planned 
for  7:30  p.m.  in 
the  EHS  cafe- 

Elmhurst's  Jazz 
Festival  will  dom- 
inate the  weekend 
with  the  annual 
event,  this  year 
featuring  Woody 

•••and  so  on 

Annual  Math  Contest  held  Mar.  9 

Many  of  Elmhurst's  top  math  students  participated  in  the  twenty- 
seventh  Annual  High  School  Mathematics  Contest  held  Mar.  9  during 
the  school  day. 

Competing  sophomores,  juniors,  and  seniors  worked  for  80  minutes 
on  some  thirty  problems. 

Elmhurst  is  competing  to  have  one  of  the  top  team  scores 
(Ehnhurst's  3  top  scores)  in  the  state.  Last  year's  winners  included 
seniors  Wes  Byrne,  first,  and  Tom  Sonday,  second. 

Results  to  the  contest  will  be  made  available  later  this  spring  after 
the  scores  are  returned  to  Elmhurst. 

Students  plan  trip  to  Cafe  Johnell 

The  French  classes  of  Miss  Jean  Perego  and  Mr.  Michael  Rothe  are 
planning  a  trip  to  Cafe  Johnell  where  they  will  sample  French  cuisine. 
Student  teacher  Miss  Bobbie  Scott  will  also  be  attending.  The  date  is 
tentatively  set  for  Apr.  8. 

Orientation  program  scheduled  for  incoming  sophomores 

An  orientation  program  is  planned  for  incoming  sophomores  of  next 
year  for  Wednesday,  Apr.  7  at  7 :  30  p.m.  in  the  cafeteria. 

Senior  Tom  Sonday,  President  of  the  Student  Council,  is  scheduled 
to  introduce  Mr.  Paul  Bienz,  Mr.  Robert  Miller,  and  Mr.  Randy 
Brugh,  who  will  discuss  the  athletic,  academic,  and  music  programs 
open  to  students  of  EHS.  Junior  Todd  Nichols  will  present  a  slide 
show  of  Elmhurst  and  tours  of  the  building  will  be  conducted  by 
Student  Council  members. 

RVC  students  attain  contest  honors 

A  team  of  horticulture  students  from  RVC  took  second  place  in  the 
Area  Forestry  Contest  presented  by  the  County  Extension  Service. 

The  team  included  senior  Mark  Newell  and  junior  Patsy  Riecke  of 
Elmhurst,  and  Tina  Ross  and  Marilynn  Tompkins  of  North  Side.  All 
four  studied  publications  on  forestry  and  then  were  tested  on  them. 
Another  test  was  to  identify  20  kinds  of  trees  and  five  types  of  tree 

In  individual  highs,  Patsy  placed  third  while  Marilynn  received 
fourth  place  honors.  Mark  and  Tina  both  took  sixth  place.  The  winning 
teams  will  advance  to  the  district  contest  scheduled  for  Apr.  24. 

Hilton  chosen  as  site  for  prom 

The  Junior-Senior  Prom,  possibly  the  most  popular  annual  affair  for 
Ehnhurst  students,  has  been  scheduled  for  Saturday,  May  15,  at  the 
Baer  Field  Hilton  Hotel. 

According  to  Mrs.  Susan  Owen,  junior  class  sponsor,  a  dinner  is 
being  planned  again  this  year  before  the  dance.  The  cost  for  the  dinner 
and  the  dance  is  $16  per  couple.  For  those  who  wish  to  attend  only  the 
dance,  the  price  is  $10  per  couple. 

The  preliminary  voting  for  the  prom  queen  and  court  was  Mar.  18. 
The  final  selection  of  the  queen  will  be  announced  the  night  of  the 

The  possibility  of  an  after -prom  is  being  worked  on  by  junior  Lori 

Lee  receives  Eagle  Award 

"I  felt  elated!  I  got  a  sense  of  accomplishment,"  stated  junior  Mark 
Lee  upon  receiving  scouting's  highest  honor,  the  Eagle  Award. 

Twenty-four  merit  badges  along  with  a  service  project  were  required 
for  the  award.  Mark  worked  on  an  improvement  program  at  Fox 
Island  to  complete  his  service  project.  He  also  maintained  the 
leadership  position  of  assistant  scoutmaster. 

Mark  will  be  able  to  assume  the  responsibilities  of  a  scoutmaster  as 
soon  as  he  becomes  18  years  of  age.  He  is  a  member  of  Troop  56  which 
meets  at  Indian  Village  School  and  is  headed  by  Scoutqiaster  Craig 

Stein  adds  input 
as  Cnuncil  member 

Girod  named  Boys'  State  rep 

A  27-member  Citizen  Advisory 
Council  to  tlie  Port  Wayne  School 
Board  has  been  created  by  the 
Board  of  School  Trustees  to  the 
Fort  Wayne  Community  Schools 

Council     to    monitor,     aesess 

The  new  council  consists  of  21 
Fort  Wayne  citizens  and  six 
students,  one  from  each  of  the 
system's  six  senior  high  schools. 
Representing  Ehnhurst  is  junior 
Dave  Stein.  Dave  was  chosen  to 
represent  EHS  by  Principal 
Richard  Horstraeyer  and  the 
executivce  committee  of  the 
Student  Council.  The  other  high 
schools  represented  are  Wayne, 
Northrop,  South  Side,  North 
Side,  and  Snyder. 

The  purpose  of  the  Advisory 
Council's  creation  was  to  gather 
and  share  local  and  public  input 
into  the  decision-making  process 
of  the  School  Board.  In  addition 
to  this,  another  aim  of  the  Council 

is  to  act  as  a  channel  for  the 
concerns  of  the  individual 
schools.  The  Council  will  also 
monitor  and  assess  programs  and 
suggest  pohcy  advancement  to 
the  School  Board. 
Stein  named  to  constitution 

The  members  of  the  Council 
were  named  and  introduced  at  the 
School  Board  meeting.  Mar.  8.  At 
this  time,  the  newly  appointed 
members  were  formed  into 
committees.  Dave  is  a  member  of 
the  constitution  committee  of 
which  Ivan  A.  Lebamoff,  the 
former  mayor  of  Fort  Wayne,  is 
also  a  member. 

Dave's  term  of  office  was  also 
decided  at  this  School  Board 
meeting.  It  will  be  from  March, 
1976  to  July,  1977.  Also  decided 
at  the  meeting  was  the  date  for 
the  election  of  the  Council's 
officers.  The  president,  vice- 
president,  and  secretary  positions 
will  be  filled  before  June  1. 

Though  poUtics  may  seem  to  be 
a  boring  subject  to  some,  tor 
others  it  is  not  only  interesting 
but  worth  the  time  to  spend 
learning  about  all  kinds  of 
governmental  endeavors.  Junior 
Randy  Girod  is  one  of  those 
people  who  take  government 
seriously;  this  year  he  wiU  be 
representing  Ehnhurst  at  Boys' 

Girod  active  in  several  campaigns 
"I'm  really  excited  about  going 
to  Boys'  State,  mostly  because 
I'm  interested  in  pobtics  as  either 
an  extra-curricular  activity  or 
maybe  even  a  career,"  Randy 

However,  Randy  is  more  than 
just  interested  in  politics.  He  has 
been  active  in  several 
campaigns,  especially  in  Robert 
Armstrong's  campaign  for  mayor 
last  fall.  Randy  is  a  member  of 
the  Young  Republicans  Club  of 

Fort  Wayne,  and  he  spends  quite 
a  bit  of  time  educating  himself  on 
the  different  candidates. 

"I  think  if  people  would  get  rid 
of  their  cynical  attitude  towards 
politics,"  Randy  added,  "the 
political  system  in  America  would 
be  in  a  lot  better  shape. " 

Ford  foreseen  election  winner 
Randy  predicts  the  '76  Presi- 
dential race  to  be  between  Gerald 
Ford  and  Hubert  Humphrey.  He 
also  foresees  Ford  as  the  winner. 

On  a  local  level,  Girod  is  hoping 
that  Dan  Quayle  will  win  the 
proper  amount  of  votes  in  the 
Fourth  District  and  go  on  to 
defeat  his  Democratic  counter- 

"I  hope  to  learn  a  lot  about  our 
political  system  at  Boys'  State," 
said  Girod.  The  knowledge  of 
politics  would  probably  help  in 
Randy's  chosen  career  —  law. 



Seiors  Jim  Yarbrough  and  Geoff  SiUs  present  Mayor  Robert  Armstrong 
with  a  compUmentary  ticket  to  the  Elmhurst  Jazz  Festival.  Dates  for  the 
festival  are  Friday  and  Saturday,  April  9  and  10.  Friday  night  is  designated 
as  CoUege  Night.  Bands  from  Indiana  State,  Notre  Dame,  Case  Western 
Reserve,  Ball  State  and  lU-PU  will  be  performing  then.  Saturday 
afternoon,  20  high  school  bands  from  around  the  state  will  compete  for  top 
honors.  HighUghting  the  festival  on  Saturday  night.  Woody  Herman  and 
his  orchestra  will  be  the  guest  artists.  Tickets  for  the  festival  are  available 
through  band  members  and  the  school  office.     Photo/Tim  Chaney 

Senior  Dave  Chrzan  serves  the  ball  for  Mr.  Byron  Carrier's  homeroom  at  Senior  Mike  Meyers  experiments  with  the  electro-stat.c  generator  m  a 
the  senior  voUeyball  tournament.  Mr.  Carriers  homeroom,  250,  defeated  demonstration  for  the  PTA  Achieverama.  During  this  program  on 
Mr.  John  Coahran's  homeroom  102  by  a  score  of  15-8.  Photo/Tim  Chaney        Wednesday,  March  3,  PTA  members  had  a  chance  to  observe  achievementa 

of  Elmhurst  claesea  during  the  year.     Photo/Phil  Gutman 

feature  5 




by  Verne  Myers 

The  CB,  Citizen's  Band  Radio,  has  long  been  a 
useful  tool  of  the  long-haul  truck  driver.  It  fulfills 
many  purposes  for  the  trucker,  providing  him  with  a 
constant  companion  and  lookout  for  the  law. 

Recently,  however,  CB  radios  have  been  showing  up 
in  cars,  homes  or  anyplace  where  they  are  useful  and 
entertaining.  While  it  is  perhaps  a  "toy,"  CB's  have 
been  aiding  in  emergencies  and  providing  valuable 
information  to  thousands  of  people  across  the  country. 
Today,  CB  radios  affect  the  lives  of  over  four  million 
people,  and  license  applications  have  more  than  tripled 
this  year. 

A  passing  fad?  Maybe,  but  all  the  jargon, 
techniques,  and  reasons  for  using  them  have  always 
been  serious,  and  even  the  non-serious  users  have  been 
finding  them  useful  in  daily  communication. 

Reasons  range  from  fun  to  service 

CB  radios  vary  as  much  as  the  reasons  for  using 
them.  Many  rural  families  and  communities  set  them 
up  at  home  for  easy  communication.  These  immobile 
units,  or  "bay  stations,"  may  have  up  to  25  miles 
range,  depending  upon  the  size  and  height  of  the 
antenna.  In  the  car,  the  radios  have  an  average  range 
of  15  miles,  depending  upon  the  terrain  and  weather. 

Coach  Tom  Herman  has  been  turning  in  with  a  CB 
for  a  month  and  is  thinking  ahead  for  the  summer 
months.  "I  plan  to  use  it  this  summer  to  help  locate 

camp  sites  and  avoid  heavy  traffic.  It's  an  interesting 
thing  to  have."  Mr.  Herman  has  it  on  going  and 
coming  to  school,  exhibiting  the  friendliness  and 
openness  of  theCB'ers. 

Senior  Phil  Gutman  commented,  "You  don't  have  to 
know  anyone,  everybody  talks  to  anybody."  CB'ers 
might  not  even  know  each  other's  names,  but  only 
their  "handle,"  such  as  Silver  Bullet  (Phil  Gutman)  or 
Peter  Dragon  (Andy  Norton).  Every  set  must  be 
registered  with  the  FCC  which  involves  filling  out  a 
simple  card  and  mailing  it.  After  6-8  weeks,  a 
registration  and  call  letters,  which  everyone  must 
have,  are  sent  back. 
Any  price  -  any  style  -  they're  popular 

CB's  themselves  come  in  all  price  ranges  and  styles. 
What  a  person  likes  and  how  much  he  wants  to  pay  are 
the  determining  factors.  The  maximum  wattage  is  5 
watts,  and  the  number  of  channels  may  vary  from  23 
on  A.M.  set,  to  69  on  a  set  with  special  side  bands. 
Prices  range  from  100  to  450  dollars. 

With  the  popularity  of  the  CB,  one  must  be  careful 
of  thieves,  as  CB 's  are  being  stolen  now  instead  of  tape 
players.  With  their  growing  popularity,  there  are  those 
who  misuse  and  abuse  their  sets,  though  it  isn't  too 

As  more  and  more  people  use  them,  perhaps  a  more 
relaxed  and  friendly  atmosphere  will  develop,  and 
along  with  it,  increased  safety  on  the  roads. 

photos  by  Tim  Chaney 

Coat^IeriiiBD,  below,  and  fieoior  Phil  Gutman,  left,  talk  over 
their  Cffadios. 

students  suggest    juke  box  « 
condemn  discrimination 

To  the  editor: 

Elmhurst  High  School  has  a  discipUne 
problem.  It's  a  problem  that  could  become 

Case  in  point:  If  a  white  student  is 
reprimanded  by  one  of  his  teachers  and  the 
student  becomes  angry  enough  to  leave  or 
threaten  the  teacher,  his  punishment  becomes 
more  severe.  He  is  expeUed,  flunked  in  the 
course,  or  transferred,  more  than  likely,  to 
study  hall.  Put  a  black  student  in  the  same 
situation  and  he  is,  perhaps,  sent  to  the  office. 
The  next  day  he  is  back  in  class  because  he 
deserves  "another  chance."  Could  it  be  that 
the  teacher  and  faculty  are  afraid  of  the  black 
kids?  Why  should  they  be?  Whites  and  blacks 
are  people.  There  should  be  no  reason  to  show 
favoritism  toward  a  student  who  because  of  his 
cultural  background  deserves  a  second  chance. 
There  are  a  lot  of  white  kids  who  come  from 
broken  homes  and  are  really  messed  up.  Don't 
they  deserve  the  same  benefits  as  black  kids? 

To  the  teachers,  faculty,  and  students: 
Everyone  is  entitled  to  equal  benefits  as  weU 
as  punishment.  If  you're  going  to  punish  a 
white  person  by  kicking  him  out  of  class,  then 
a  black  person  should  have  the  same  sentence 
if  the  crime  is  the  same.  If  you're  going  to  give 
the  black  person  a  second  chance  then  the 
same  should  be  for  the  white  student,  but  let's 

get  it  straight  one  way  or  the  other.  Everyoni 
needs  to  be  treated  equally. 


To  the  editor: 

It  seems  to  me  that  the  student  council  is 
always  needing  money  for  some  project  (so 
they  say).  But  the  thing  is  they  never  seem  to 
do  anything  about  it.  Most  of  the  time  (I've 
seen  them),  they  get  together  for  a  good  laugh. 
If  money  is  the  problem,  why  not  do  what 
Luers  and  Dwengcr  do?  Answer:  Put  a  juke 
box  in  the  cafeteria!  Why  not?  It  would  cost 
less  to  lease  one  than  half  the  profit  would  be 
made.  With  the  top  40  available,  it  would  be 
running  before  school  and  aU  four  lunch  mods. 
I'm  sure  the  student  body  would  really  enjoy 
the  music  as  I'm  sure  the  student  council 
would  enjoy  the  profit.  So  why  not  give  it  a 


The  Advance  staff  invites  students  and 
teachers  to  express  their  opinions  on  any 
subject  through  the  newspaper.  Letters  should 
be  no  longer  than  300  words  In  length.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to  review  all 
material  before  publication. 


Teachers  joke  about  smoke 
but  don't  find  it  funny 

"Cut  off  all  their  heads!"  Mr.  Stookey  jokingly 
commented  in  the  recent  survey  conducted  by  the 
first  year  journalism  class.  The  object  of  the  survey 
was  to  find  out  what  the  teachers'  opimons  were 
concerning  the  problem  of  smoking  m  the 
restrooms.  Twenty-eight  staff  members  were 
Smoking  offensive  to  many 

When  asked  whether  they  thought  smoking  was 
offensive  to  them  personaUy,  71  percent  said  "yes' , 
21  percent  said  "no",  and  8  percent  were  undecided. 
Mr  Morse  answered,  "I  think  it  is  hypocrisy  for 
teachers  and  administrators  to  allow  themselves 
places  in  the  building  to  smoke  and  then  deny  that 
right  to  students."  Mrs.  Hibben  added," It  is  offen- 
sive especially  when  there  is  so  much  of  it. " 

The  next  question  concerned  the  idea  of  having  a 
smokmg  lounge  for  students  to  reUeve  the  problem. 
Thirty-nine  percent  said  "yes",  and  61  percent  said 
"no"  "Yes,  and  we  could  call  it  'the  Uttle  Jbrown 
shack  out  back', "  agreed  Mr.  Brugh.  Mrs.  BrIHburn 
argued,  "I'm  not  in  favor  of  it,  and  we  could  have 
other  problems  as  a  result."  Several  teachers 
claimed  that  they  thought  it  was  iUegal  to  have  a 
smoking  lounge  in  a  pubUc  building. 
Lounge  not  answer  to  problem 

When  asked  if  the  student  would  still  use  the 
restrooms  for  smoking  if  such  a  room  were  provided, 
86  percent  said  "yes"  and  14  percent  said  "no."  Mr. 
Lohr  insisted,  "A  lounge  would  not  stop  the  use  of 
smoking  in  the  restrooms." 

Solutions  to  the  problem  received  responses  such 
as  these:  "We  should  expel  the  student  on  the  first 
catch,"  advised  Mr.  Garrett  and  Mr.  Eager.  Mrs. 
Capin  pointed  out,  "Eliminate  the  encouragement 
of  smoking."  Mr.  MiUer  and  Mr.  StiU  proposed, 
"We  could  have  an  area  outside  and  time  to  use  it." 
Mr.  Derbyshire  emphasized  "There  is  no  need  to 
smoke.  Period."  Mr.  Storey  humorously  suggested, 
"Stop  manufacturing  cigarettes."  Mr.  Brugh 
grinned,  "Hide  all  the  matches!" 

monty  python  boob 
belongs  on  small  scceen 

by  Ed  Beck 

Monty  Python's  Big  Red  Book  is  beyond  a  disappointment  for  the 
regular  fans  of  Monty  Python  TV  shows.  This  is  where  the  crew  of 
Monty  Python  should  have  stuck  to  TV.  Their  latest  venture  into  the 
book  writing  field  has  failed. 
Cover  provides  ineffective  advertising 

The  book  is  set  up  in  Python  poetry  -  the  title  fails  to  describe  the 
real  color  of  the  cover  which  is  blue,  not  red,  and  the  Uttle  yeUow  blot 
which  claims  "Now  in  hardback  cover"  can  hardly  persuade  anyone  to 
buy  it  —  freakie  or  not.  No  wonder  there  wasn't  any  advertising 
campaign  on  the  book. 

Then  the  real  adventure  comes  when  anyone  opens  the  cover.  The 
eye  catches  the  folded  up  sheet  of  paper  with  a  photograph, 
supposedly  of  the  guy  who  wrote  it,  attached  with  a  paper  clip  still  on 
and  footnotes  handwritten  on  the  bottom.  Thereafter,  a  series  of 
letter  complaining  about  the  choice  of  the  man  who  wrote  the 
Material  mostly  suited  for  TV 

The  book  continues  with  a  page  of  ads  such  as:  "NEW  MEMBERS 
urgently  required  for  suicide  club,  Watford  Area."  With  this  sickness 
comes  running  along  the  end  of  the  Big  Brown  Book  with  a  series  of 
pictures  (obviously  taken  from  the  TV  set)  entitled  "Juliette,"  a  very 
low  love  story. 

This  set-up  continues  through  the  book  and  luckily  you  may  find  a 
page  talking  about  the  same  subject  when  you  finish  reading  the  page. 
The  book  material  is  mostly  suited  for  TV  and  can  get  very  boring;  I 
failed  to  laugh.  Maybe  I'U  never  understand  British  humor:  anyway, 
it's  certainly  not  worth  the  85.95. ^^^^^^^ 


places  in 
track  meet 

by  Rick  Knuth 

The  Elmhurst  Trojan  track 
team,  along  with  25  other  teams, 
competed  in  the  Hoosier  Relay 
Trials  last  Saturday  at 
Bloomington.  The  meet,  held  at 
I.U.'s  Field  House,  was  one  of  the 
four  trial  meets  held  on 
Thursday,  Friday,  and  Saturday. 

Junior  Doug  Peters,  placing 
second  in  the  shot  put,  was  the 
only  Trojan  trackman  to  qualify 
for  the  Hoosier  Relay  Finals  on 
March  26.  Doug  had  a  fine  throw 
of  52'5yz",  just  three  inches 
behind  the  winner. 

Placing  fifth  in  the  880  was 
senior  Dave  Lewis  who  ran  a 
time  of  2:06  but  failed  to  qualify 
for  the  finals. 

Two-mile  relay  team  7th 

The  two-mile  relay  team 
consisting  of  seniors  Rick  Knuth, 
Bob  Levy,  and  Dave  Lewis  and 
junior  Mike  Ausderan  placed 
seventh  in  the  trials,  failing  to 
qualify  for  the  finals.  In  the  two- 

Tennis  -Golf -Baseball  briefs  spofts  7 

Although  we  may  not  have  any 
Billie  Jean  Kings  or  Chris  Everts, 
this  year's  girls  tennis  team 
should  have  plenty  of  depth  to 
improve  on  last  year's  0-11  mark. 
With  only  one  senior  on  last 
year's  team,  many  sophomores 
and  juniors  were  given  the  chance 
to  play  and  therefore  can  return 
this  season  to  battle  for  the 
Trojans,  backed  by  a  year  of 

The  girls  practice  every 
evening  after  school  from  2:45  to 
4:30  and  due  to  the  good  weather 
have  been  able  to  hit  the  courts 
fairly  early  this  season.  The  team 
now  has  just  under  a  month  left 
to  practice  before  their  first  meet 
against  Wayne  on  April  14. 

The  Elmhurst  golf  team  will 
begin  its  1976  season  with  its  first 
match  scheduled  on  April  15 
against  Warsaw.  The  first 
practice  for  the  linksmen  will  be 
held  on  March  29  at  the  Bobick's 
Driving  Range. 

Winning  only  one  match  last 
year,  Elmhurst  will  try  to 
improve  that  old  record  with  the 
help  of  two  returning  lettermen, 
seniors  Jim  McCleneghen  and 
Mark  Newell. 

Coach  Nick  Werling 

conunented  on  this  year's  team, 
"We'll  have  a  lot  of  fun.  There  are 
a  few  juniors  that  got  their  feet 
wet  last  year  as  sophomores."  He 
added,  "We  should  have  a  better 
season       than       last       year." 

The  Elmhurst  baseball  team 
will  begin  its  quest  for  its  third 
consecutive  sectional  crown  on 
April  6  when  they  meet  Columbia 
City  here  at  4  p.m. 

Trojan  diamondmen  started 
practice  on  March  1  with  nearly 
35  players  trying  to  make  the  20- 
man  roster. 

The  Trojans  look  strong  again 
this  year  with  eight  returning 
lettermen  to  lead  the  way.  Seniors 
Phil  Gutman,  Dan  Landrigan, 
Stan  Sorgen,  Terry  Smith,  and 
Stan  Price  all  will  return  in 
addition  to  juniors  Ron 
Culpepper,  Brian  Russell,  and 
Nelson  Almond. 

mile  relay  each  man  runs  an  880. 
Rick  Knuth  led  off  with  a  2:04 
followed  by  Mike  Ausderan  who 
ran  a  2: 18.  Bob  Levy  ran  third  leg 
with  a  2:07  split  and  Dave  Lewis 
anchored  with  2:12.  This  gave 
them  an  8: 41  overall  time. 

Running  the  880  relay  for  the 
Trojans  were  Fred  Underwood, 
Mike  Starks,  Kenny  Young,  and 
Brad  Smith.  The  team  ran  a  good 
time  of  1:34. 

The  mile  relay  team  finished 

/t<Mt   t^  didedUe-i. 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

What  can  you  say  about  a 
group  of  girls  that  put  out 
100%  effort  and  won  the 
beginning  and  intermediate 
levels  of  our  Sectionals?  You 
can  say  all  the  synonomous 
words  for  terrific  or  you  can 
just  sum  it  all  up  by  saying 
that  it's  a  |well-deserved  honor 
for  a  team  that  surpassed  all 
obstacles  and  became  the  only 
Trojan  team  this  year  to 
achieve  so  much. 

Determined  gymnasts 
face  many  obstacles 

What's  behind  all  of  this 
success?  The  answer  is  easy. 
One  great  coach  by  the  name  of 
Marty  Bums  -  and  a  group  of 
young  women  who  have 
strived  to  achieve  the  ultimate 
in  their  respective  events. 
People  that  have  given  up  a  lot 
of  time  (most  of  those  hours 
inconvenient  due  to  facilities 
and  the  number  of  various 
teams),  were  willing  to  practice 
on  equipment  that  would 
probably  have  been  condemned 
by  the  Board  of  Health  and  put 
out  the  effort  needed  to 
develop  an  all-round  versatile 
gymnastics  team. 

There  aren't  too  many 
people  who  would  be  willing  to 
put  up  with  hands  torn  and 
blistered  from  work  on  the 
uneven  bars  or  pulled 
ligaments  from  trying  too  hard 

for  too  long  a  time. 

Dedicated  teammates 
cheer  participants  on 

Though  they  always  fit  into 
the  limelight,  the  women  who 
participate  in  gymnastics 
meets  every  week  are  only  half 
of  the  team.  The  other  half 
consists  of  dedicated 
teammates  who  sit  on  the 
benches  every  meet  and  cheer 
on  the  participants  for  all  of 
their  effort. 

People  like  Karyn  Heiney 
and  Kari  Rietdorf  stuck  with 
the  team,  even  though  they 
spent  a  great  deal  of  their  time 
nursing  their  own  injuries  and 
helping  others  cope  with  their 

Great  applause  should  also 
go  to  sophomores  Jeanine 
Russell  and  Becky  Cummings 
who  were  instrumental  in 
defeating  all  other  competitors 
for  the  Sectional  crown. 

Thrill  continues  on 

The  real  thrill  of  gymnastics 
started  with  the  exceptional 
talent  of  Russian  competitor 
Olga  Korbut  —  and  it 
continues  on,  now,  in  the 
hearts  of  Trojan  fans. 

Congratulations,  once  more, 
to  every  member  of  the 
Elmhurst  Girls'  gymnastics 
team,  you  are  someone  to  be 
proud  of,  and  the  fans  are 
definitely  proud  of  you. 

with  a  time  of  3:51.  Running  for 
Elmhurst  in  this  event  were  Rick 
Knuth,  Terry  Kirtz,  Dale  Pine, 
and  Bob  Levy. 

Other  Trojans  compete 

Other  participants  competing 
for  EHS  individually  were  Brad 
Smith  and  Terry  Kirtz  in  the  60- 
yard  dash.  Dale  Pine  in  the  70- 
yard  high  hurdles  and  300-yard 

dash,  Titus  Underwood  in  the 
long  jump,  and  Dan  Henderson  in 
the  shot  put. 

Other  members  of  Elmhurst's 
track  team  not  competing  in  the 
Hoosier  Relays  are  Chad  CUne, 
Mike  Forkert,  Jim  Freygang, 
Mike  Getz,  Tony  Green,  Jeff  and 
Scott  Heller,  and  Ron  Hill.  Also 
running  for  the  Trojans  are  Brett 
Knuth,  Denny  Kirkland,  Tim  Lee, 
Mark  Muri,  Mike  Rush,  Kevin 
Shelly,  John  Stiffler,  and  Brian 

The  Cindermen  have  finished 
their  indoor  season  and  the 
outdoor  schedule  is  as  follows: 

Date         Opponent 


April  8     Huntington  - 



April  13   Snider 


April  17   North  Side  ReUys  North  Side 

April  20   South-Northrop 


April  22   Norwell 


April  27   Dwenger 


May  1       Kokomo  Relays 


May  4       S.A.C.TtUIb 

May  6      S.A.C.  Finals 


May  8       Elkhart  Relays 


May  13     Marion-Wayne 


May  20     Sectional 

May  27     Regional 

June  6      State 

HURST TWO-MILE  RELA  Y  from  left  to 
right  are  seniors  Rick  Knuth,  Bob  Levy, 
junior  Mike  Ausderan,  and  senior  Dave 
Lewis.  Left:  Senior  Dave  Lewis  runs  his 
leg  of  the  two-mile  relay. 


lead  ^/to^fcui  ^^«fma€i4t^ 

by  Kari  Rietdorf 

All  of  the  girls  were  practicing 
hard  on  floor,  on  vault,  uneveos,  and 

Their  oervee  were  racked  to  the 
point  of  exhaustion,  but  they  were 
dedicated  to  their  team. 

The  gymnastB,  now  ready,  braced 
themselves  for  the  meet- 
the  sectional  test  was  yet  to  come... 

and  then  they  came  home  with 
tears  in  their  eyes,  and  a  beautiful 
trophy  that  said, 

Yes,  the  Trojans  ARE  number 
one!  On  Tuesday,  March  16,  the 
beginning  Elmhurst  gymnasts,  led 
by  sophomores  Becky  Cummings, 
Terry  Whittenberger,  Darla  Taper, 
Pam  Riecke,  and  Kathy  Murray, 
snatched  Sectional  victory  from  the 
hands  of  Wayne  by  .15  of  a  point, 
Wayne  with  61.5  and  Elmhurst  with 

For  the  first  time  in  the  three-year 
history  of  the  Elmhurst  gymnastics 
team,  the  Trojans  brought  home  the 
1976  I.H.S.A.A.  Girls  Gymnastic 
Sectional  Trophy! 

Placing  number  one  in  all-around 
competition  was  Becky  Cummings 
with  a  total  score  of  23.15. 

Girls  taking  first  or  second  in  the 
sectional  meets  will  be  eligible  for 
the  regional  tournament  on  March 
26  at  Wes  Del  High  School.  From 
Elmhurst,  Becky,  along  with  Terry 
and  Darla,  will  be  competing  in  the 
regional  tourney. 
Intermediates  first  too 

"We  won!"  was  the  scream  from 
the  Trojans  Wednesday  night  after 
the  nerve-racking  wait.for  the  team 
scores  to  be  announced.  The 
question  was  whether  Elmhurst  or 
Wayne  won  the  13-school 
competition.  And  the  answer  was 

The  intermediate  Elmhurst 
gymnasts,  Katy  Young,  Jeanine 
Russell,  Betty  Carrion,  Lori 
McCleneghen.  and  Sheril 

Hornberger,  also  snatched  the 
sectional  victory  from  the  Wayne 
Generals,  this  time  by  a  2.15  margin, 
Ehnhurst  57.25  and  Wayne  55.10. 
Coming  in  third  was  South  Adams 
with  48.40. 

Elmhurst's  coach,  Marty  Bums, 
was  heard  to  have  said  on  the  way 
home  from  Bellmont,  "You  guys  are 
all  something  else;  1  think  I'll  keep 
ya!  " 

Although  tired  from  a  two-night 
sectional  meet,  the  Trojans  could  be 
heard  screaming  out  the  windows  of 
the  bus,  "We're  No.  1,  second  to 
NONE!!!"  with  a  trophy  in  hand  to 
back  up  their  statement. 

The  girls  going  to  regionals  from 
the  intermediate  team  are  as 
follows:  sophomore  Jeanine  Russell, 
senior  Betty  Carrion,  and  juniors 
Lori  McCleneghen,  Katy  Young,  and 
Sheril  Hornberger. 

Junior  Karyn  Heiney  and  senior 
Linda  Smyser  competed  for  the 
optional  level.  Karyn  placed  first  in 
ail-around  with  a  score  of  28.70. 
Linda  took  fourth  on  the  flooor  with 
a  6.20  score. 


Balance  Beam 

Karyn  Heiney 
Floor  Exercise 
Karyn  Heiney 
Linda  Smyser 
Uneven  Bars 
Karyn  Heiney 

Karyn  Heiney 
Linda  Smyser 
Balance  Beam 
Becky  Cummings 
Pam  Riecke 
Kathy  Murray 
Floor  Exercise 
Becky  Cummings 
Pam  Riecke 
Terry  Whittenberger 
Uneven  Bars 
Darla  Taper 
Becky  Cummings 
Terry  Whittenberger 
Becky  Cummings 
Terry  Whittenberger 
Pam  Riecke 
Balance  Beam 
Jeanine  Russell 
Lori  McCleneghen 
Sheril  Hornberger 
Floor  Exercise 
Katy  Young 
Jeanine  Russell 
Betty  Carrion 
Uneven  Bars 
Katy  Young 
Lori  McCleneghen 
Betty  Carrion 
Betty  Carrion 
Lori  McCleneghen 
Jeanine  Russell 

Score     Place 
6.45  1st 

7.70  1st 
6.20  6th 

6.60  2nd 

7.95  1st 
3.60  17th 

5.95  4th 
5.90  5th 
3.35  21st 

5.70  3rd 
5.20  6th 
3.85  34th 

5.80  2nd 
5.55  4th 
5.15  7th 

5.95  1st 
5.75  2nd 
3.50  20th 

6.40  2nd 

6.56  4th 





5.35  8th 

4.10  23rd 







6.26  2nd 

6.05  3rd 











2.  Kansas  City 

2.  Philadelphia 

2.  Los  Angeles 

3.  Minnesota 

3.  New  York 

3.  San  Francisco 

4.  Texas 

4.  St.  Louis 

4.  San  Diego 

5.  California 

5.  Chicago 

5.  Houston 

6.  Chicago 

6.  Montreal 

6.  Atlanta 

by  Kevin  Lee 

As  the  last  of  February  and  the  first  of  March  approach,  the 
baseball  freak  is  unleashed  from  his  winter  cocoon.  I  am  no 
different.  I  rushed  down  to  the  Waynedale  Pharmacy,  bought  a 
"Street  and  Smith's"  baseball  magazine,  borrowed  a  "Popular 
Sports"  magazine  from  a  friend,  and  got  out  my  March  and  April 
editions  of  "Baseball  Digest. " 

After  reading  all  this  baseball  material,  I'm  going  to  make  my 
pennant  predictions. 


1 .  Boston 

2.  New  York 

3.  Baltimore 

4.  Cleveland 

5.  Detroit 

6.  Milwaukee 
In  the  American  League  East,  I  see  Boston  running  away  with 

the  East  Division  title.  They  have  the  best  hitting  in  the  majors  in 
"MVP"  and  "Rookie  of  the  Year"  Fred  Lynn  along  with  Jim  Rice 
and  Carlton  Fisk.  In  addition  to  their  great  hitting,  Boston  picked 
up  Fergie  Jenkins  117-18)  from  Texas  to  bolster  an  already  very 
good  pitching  staff  of  Rick  Wise  (19-12),  Luis  Tiant  (18-14)  and  Bill 
Lee  (17-9).  Barring  injuries  and  assuming  that  Lynn  and  Rice  will 
live  up  to  last  year's  potential.  New  York  and  Baltimore  will  not 
come  close  to  touching  Boston. 

The  American  League  West  could  be  a  very  interesting  division 
to  watch  as  the  year  progresses.  Going  against  all  the  baseball 
writers  from  whom  I've  seen  forecasts,  I  am  picking  the  Oakland 
A's  to  repeat  as  Western  Division  titlist.  All  the  baseall  experts  are 
picking  the  Kansas  City  Royals  to  replace  the  A's  as  "King  of  the 
Hill"  in  the  West,  but  then  again  I  picked  Oakland  last  year  over 
the  Toyals  and  was  correct.  Even  with  only  two  major  league 
caliber  pitchers.  Ken  Holtzman  and  Vida  Blue,  Oakland  still 
managed  to  win  98  games,  seven  more  than  K.C. 

Turning  to  the  National  League  East,  I  see  Pittsburgh's  Pirates 
just  edging  out  the  Philadelphia  Phillies.  Pittsburgh  has  a  well- 
balanced  team  where  five  of  the  first  six  men  in  their  batting  order 
will  more  than  likely  hit  20  or  more  home  runs.  Philadelphia,  on  the 
other  hand,  counts  on  three  men,  Greg  Luzinski  (34  HR's),  Mike 
Schmidt  (38  HR's),  and  Dick  AUen  (12  HR's)  in  119  games.  I  can 
see  Dick  Allen  hitting  a  few  more  HR's  but  I  can't  visualize 
Luzinski  and  Schmidt  matching  their  HR  outputs  from  last  year. 

It's  Cincinnati  and  Los  Angeles  in  the  West  again.  L.A. 
strengthened  itself  in  the  field  but  hurt  itself  depthwise  by  trading 
away  its  bench  strength.  L.  A.'s  team  comeback  will  be  riding  on  the 
comeback  of  ace  pitcher  Tommy  John  who  has  had  elbow  problems 
the  last  two  seasons.  Cincinnati,  on  the  other  hand,  has  proven 
pitching  along  with  its  great  hitting  and  fielding.  It's  going  to  be 
hard  for  L.A.  to  overcome  the  Joe  Morgans,  Tony  Perezes.  Johnny 
Benches,  and  Pete  Roses  that  the  Reds  boast,  but  they  should 
narrow  the  20-game  edge  Cincinnati  held  over  them  last  year. 


^^       l_ elmhursc 


Elmhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiani  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  IS 
April  14, 1976 

Club  showcases  talent,  fashion  Program  honors 


The  Afro- American  Club 
recently  completed  plans  for  their 
annual  talent  show  which  is 
scheduled  for  Friday,  Apr.  23,  at 
7:30  p.m. 

Show  entitled  'Soulville  U.S.A.' 

The  talent  show  entitled  "Soul- 
ville U.S.A.  "  will  include 
speeches  by  two  members  of  the 
Forum  Club,  an  excerpt  from  the 
play  ' '  A  Raisin  in  the  Sun, ' ' 
modem  dancing,  a  magic  act,  and 
a  fashion  show.  The  fashion  show 
will  consist  of  about  50  models 
including  faculty  members  such 

as  Mrs.  Sharon  Banks,  Mr. 
Waymon  Brown,  Mr.  John 
Bunnell,  Miss  Sharon  Dietrich, 
Miss  Jennifer  Manth,  and  Mrs. 
Shelley  Wellington. 

After  the  talent  and  fashion 
shows,  the  Afro-AmerJcan  Club 
has  scheduled  ^  dance  to  be  held 
in  the  cafeteria.  Records  will  be 
used  to  supply  the  music. 

Teachers  to  judge  entries 

Any  Elmhurst  student  is 
eligible  to  participate  in  the  show. 
Those  who  are  interested  are 
asked  to  sign  up  with  Mr.  Brown 

or    Mrs.     Banks,     the    Afro- 
American  Club  sponsor,  as  soon 

Lee  aduances  to  Nationals 

Senior  Kevin  Lee  will  be 
competing  in  the  National  DECA 
(Distributive  Education  Clubs  of 
America)  conference  from  May  8- 
13  in  Chicago. 

Kevin  has  advanced  to  the 
national  level  of  competition 
through  his  previous  winnings  at 
the  regional  and  state  contests. 
After  placing  second  at  regionals, 
Kevin  then  went  on  to  win  a  third 
place  standing  at  the  State 
DECA  conference  at  French  Lick, 
Ind.,  last  month. 

In  order  for  participants  to  be 
eligible  for  the  national 
contest,  they 
must  win  a 
first  or 
second  place 
state  rating. 

The     second     .,v  ^   ^>!w 
place  winner  ' .     ''        -'      ^ 
in  the  adver-         Kevin  Lee 
tising     layout     division     has 
cancelled,  advancing  Kevin  from 
third    to    second    place.    The 
advertising    division    is    one    of 

about  40  such  events  open  for 
competition  in  all  levels  of  the 

At  the  Chicago  conference, 
5000  high  school  DECA  students 
from  throughout  the  United 
States  will  compete. 

Approximately  100  Indiana 
DECA  winners  and  officers  will 
go  on  to  national  competition. 

In  Kevin's  division  of 
competition,  advertising  layout, 
he  will  have  to  take  a  test,  and 
then  he  will  be  required  to  do  an 
ad  layout.  This  takes  on  the 
average  between  2'/j  and  3  hours 
to  complete. 

Elmhurst's  only  participant  in 
the  National  DECA  conference 
will  be  accompanied  by  Mr.  Tim 
Matthias,  a  teacher  at  Northrop 
High  School  and  also  DECA 
coordinator  in  Fort  Wayne.  Mrs. 
Nancy  Kelley,  Elmhurst's  DECA 
sponsor,  is  also  scheduled  to 
travel  to  the  Nationals  with 

Each  individual  or  group  act 
will  be  judged  by  a  panel  of 
teachers  who  will  select  the  best 
act.  That  act  will  receive  the  first 
place  award.  Each  entry  will 
receive  either  a  plaque  or  a 

Proceeds  to  finance  Chicago  trip 

Tickets  for  the  talent  show 
went  on  sale  Apr.  9,  and  they  will 
also  be  sold  at  the  door.  The 
advance  sale  tickets  will  cost 
$1.25,  while  the  tickets  sold  at  the 
door  will  cost  $1.50. 

Proceeds  from  the  ticket  sales 
will  go  toward  financing  the  Afro- 
American  Club's  overnight  trip  to 
Chicago.  They  are  planning  to  see 
a  stage  play  at  the  Shubert 
Theatre  on  the  weekend  of  May 
22-23.  Seats  on  the  bus  will  be 
available  to  anyone  who  wants  to 
go  along.  Mrs.  Banks,  Mr. 
Brown,  and  Mrs.  Prue  Oberlin 
will  act  as  chaperones. 

Mrs.  Banks  reflected,  "We 
promise  'Soulville  U.S.A.'  wiU  be 
a  memorable  event.  Come  and  see 
your  fellow  students  perform. ' ' 

AFS  holds  ear  wash 

The  American  Field  Service  is 
an  organization  set  up  to  provide 
an  opportunity  for  interested 
students  to  travel  abroad  to  a 
foreign  country. 

This  opportunity  is  made 
possible  through  many  money- 
making  projects.  Such  projects 
held  at  Elmhurst  so  far  this  year 
include  three  paper  drives  and  a 
donkey  basketball  game. 

On  Saturday,  Apr.  17,  the  club 
will  be  trying  their  hands  at 
something  different,  however. 
They  will  be  holding  a  car  wash 
from  10  a.m.  to  4  p.m.  at  the 
Rogers    Market    in    Waynedale. 

The  cost  is  SI  per  car. 

Two  other  events  are  being 
planned  to  help  make  money  for 
the  club.  Dates  and  times  for  one 
last  paper  drive  and  an 
international  discotheque  dance 
are  to  be  announced  soon.  The 
dance  will  incude  a  contest  where 
prizes  will  be  awarded  to  the 

"Anyone  who  wants  to  help  out 
at  the  car  wash  is  more  than 
welcome.  Bring  rags  and  a 
bucket.  The  more  the  merrier," 
assured  Mr.  Michael  Rothe, 
sponsor  of  the  AFS  club. 

A  cast  of  187  Trojan 
underclassmen  will  be  honored  at 
the  aimual  Underclass  Honor 
Reception  to  be  held  in  the 
Elmhurst  cafeteria  tonight. 

Beginning  at  7  p.m.,  the 
reception  will  include  a  short 
summary  by  Principal  Richard 
Hostmeyer  and  an  awards 
ceremony  with  junior  and 
sophomore  class  sponsors 
emceeing  the  event.  The  program 
will  conclude  with  refreshments 
of  punch  and  cookies. 

Underclassmen  to  be  honored 
received  invitations  in  the  mail. 
Parents  were  also  invited  to  the 

The  senior  honor  program,  to 
be  held  Apr.  28,  has  in  the  past 
been  a  banquet  event,  but  will 
this  year  be  a  reception.  Senior 
students  who  have  remained  on 
either  the  Principal's  List  or  the 
Honor  Roll  for  the  first  semester 
will  be  honored.  Senior  class 
sponsor  Prue  Oberlin  will  be  on 
hand  to  award  senior  certificates 
and  pins. 

MOD  sets  'Super  Ride' 

In  continuing  their  fight  to 
overcome  Birth  Defects,  the 
Northeastern  Indiana  Chapter  of 
the  March  of  Dimes  has  set 
Saturday,  May  1,  for  their  1976 
"Super  Ride"  Bike-A-Thon. 

From  now  until  the  Bike-A- 
Thon,  participating  bikers  are  to 
secure  pledges  per  mile  from 
friends,  neighbors,  and  relatives. 
On  the  day  of  the  event,  riders 
will  gather  at  Rockhill  Park  on 
U.S.  Highway  24  West  for 
registration  from  7:30  to  9  a.m. 
and  then  begin  their  30-mile  trek. 

Last  year's  200  bike 
enthusiasts  brought  in  nearly 
$4000.  It  is  hoped,  with  increased 
participation,  this  year's  Bike-A- 
Thon  will  bring  in  nearly  $5000  in 
collected  pledges. 

Participation  from  students 
and  school  clubs  as  bike  riders  or 
bike  supporters  is  being  much 
encouraged  for  this  event  by  its 
sponsor.  '  *  Super  Ride"  pledge 
forms  can  be  obtained  from  many 
area  merchants,  such  as  all  Fort 
Wayne  Burger  Chefs  who  have 
these  forms  available. 

Senior  Linda  Smyser  and 
junior  Dave  Stein  are  two  of  the 
many  Elmhurst  "Super  Riders." 

Contact  either  Dave  or  Linda  if 
you  would  like  to  support  the 
March  of  Dimes  drive. 

Anyone  desiring  registration 
forms  or  further  information  is 
encouraged  to  call  the 
Northeaster  Indiana  Chapter  of 
the  March  of  Dimes  office  at  484- 

Troi    Lee   wins 
6th    at   state 

Junior  Troi  Lee  was  the  only 
representative  of  Elmhurst  High 
School  who  received  a  ribbon  at 
the  state  speech  competition,  Troi 
received  sixth  place  in  oratorical 
interpretation  at  the  tournament 
held  on  Mar.  27  at  Lafayette- 
Jefferson  High  School  in 
Lafayette,  Ind. 

In  other  competition  involving 
Elmhurst  participants,  Troi  went 
two  rounds  in  original  oratory 
and  was  defeated;  Melissa 
Hunter,  three  rounds  in 
humorous  interpretation;  Karyn 
Heiney,  three  rounds  in  oratorical 
interpretation;  Don  Wenger, 
three  rounds  in  impromptu;  Tod 
Huntley,  three  rounds  in  boys' 
extemp;  and  Terry  Newsome, 
three  rounds  in  poetry. 


10%  OFF 

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Camper's  Country 

Unnnerly  Army-Nnvy  Slorel 



Souihgale  Plaia 



on '.    Where  your  favorite  request 
is  just  a  phone  call  away 


Ediloi  m  Chief 
News  Edna 
Ediioiial  Editor 
Spot  IS  Ediiof 
f eaiute  Ednix 
Photo  Editor 

Elmhurst  Advance 

i'.25'ceisingiecopy  Second  class  posisgeoa 

.    Sarah  Slewatt 

MaiiY  Millet 

Bath  Haiinsn 


Nancy  Seadie 

Michelle  Armstiong 

Phil  Guiman 

Lauta  Bowen,  Iim  Chaney, 

lodd  Nicfiols.  Nicholas  Smnh, 

Kewin  SieptiefKon,  Sieve  Vaughn 

Ad  Manage!  . 

Business  Manager 

Sue  Marquis 

Man  Tyler 

Diane  Lupke 


Jan  Oowhng,  Kevin  Lee, 

Nancy  UcAlee,  Vetne  Myers, 

Matilynn  Scherei 

Visit  will  be  long  remembered 

news  3 

Trojan  Singers  tour  Europe 

Spring  Vacation  of  1976  will  be 
long  remembered  in  the  minds  of 
Elmhurat's  Trojan  Singers  choral 
group  for  they  boast  of  an  eight 
day  singing  tour  of  Germany, 
Switzerland,  and  Austria. 

Germany  first  stop  on  tour 

Leaving  from  Chicago's 
O'Hare  Airport  on  Thursday, 
Mar.  26,  the  group  of  21  singers 
and  21  adults  flew  directly  to 
Amsterdam,  Holland.  From  there 
they  went  on  to  Frankfurt, 
Germany,  where  they  met  their 
guide  for  the  entire  tour,  Clemens 
Bolwerk,  a  native  of  Amsterdam. 
During  the  tour,  the  group 
traveled  in  a  motorcar. 

The  singing,  group  was 
accompanied  by  choral  director 
Mr.  Al  Schmutz  and  his  wife. 
Also  going  from  Elmhurst  were 
Miss  Pamm  Hamm,  Miss  Sharon 
Dietrich,  and  1975  Elmhurst 
graduate  Dan  Isenbarger. 

The  first  stop  was  in 
Heidelburg,  Germany.  While  in 
that  country  the  singers  visited 
Dachau  Concentration  Camp 
which  was  the  final  stopping 
place  for  many  Jews. 

Group  receives  standing  ovations 

Performing  three  shows  while 
abroad,  their  first  show  was  in 
Jona,  Switzerland.  In  Austria, 
Trojan  Singers  sang  in  Mils,  a 
suburb  of  Innsbruck,  the  site  of 
this  year's  Winter  Olympics. 
Their  third  performance  was  in 

Aschflffenburg,  Germany . 

The  three  presentations 
included  songs  sung  in  German  as 
well  as  English.  The  group 
received  standing  ovations  in  all 
countries,  a  very  rare  action  by 
the  citizens  of  Europe.  During 
many  of  their  songs,  the 
audiences  also  clapped  along. 

At  the  first  show  in  Jona  was 
last  year's  Swiss  AFS  exchange 
student  to  EHS,  Corinne  Bucher. 
Corinne's  home  is  located  a  few 
miles  from  Jona. 

Switzerland  enjoyed  most 

When  they  weren't  performing, 
the  tour  group  spent  free  hours 
shopping  during  the  day  and 
dancing  in  discoteques  at  night. 
Many  had  the  opportunity  to 
sample  German  beer  and  wine 
while  there. 

Of  the  three  countries  visited, 
the  country  enjoyed  most  of  all 
was  Switzerland.  Conmienting  on 
this,  senior  Linda  Morsches  said, 
"The  mountains  were  absolutely 
unbelieveable."  The  average 
temperature  was  in  the  low  70's. 

On  Apr.  2,  after  eight  days  of 
on-the-go  touring,  the  group 
boarded  a  747  in  Amsterdam  for 
their  return  flight  to  the  United 
States.  With  them,  the  Trojan 
Singers  brought  the  souvenirs 
they  bought  as  well  as  the  many 
exciting  memories  of  their 
European  tour. 

and  so  on 


BSU  to  sponsor  open  house 

Ball  State  University  will  open  its  Muncie  campus  to  Hoosier  high 
school  students  for  the  university's  third  annual  open  house  to  be  held 
Sunday  afternoon,  Apr.  25. 

High  school  students  are  invited  to  observe  more  than  60 
departments  and  areas  at  BaU  State  that  wiU  be  open  for  visitation. 

The  program,  sponsored  by  Ball  State's  admissions  office,  will  begin 
at  12:30  p.m.  on  Apr.  25  in  the  university's  Emens  Auditorium.  From 
there,  visitors  to  Ball  State  may  take  self-guided  tours  of  the  campus 
or  they  may  choose  to  be  taken  on  guided  tours. 
Seniors  selected  for  Prayer  Breakfast 

Nine  seniors  have  been  selected  by  William  Geyer,  dean  of  boys,  to 
attend  the  thirteenth  annual  Leadership  Prayer  Breakfast,  Apr.  29,  at 
the  Scottish  Rite  Banquet  Hall. 

Representing  Ebnhurst  at  the  Breakfast  will  be:  Betty  Carrion, 
Ethel  Fowlkes,  Phil  Gutman,  Melissa  Hunter,  Dan  Landrigan,  Les 
Novitsky,  Tom  Sonday,  Sarah  Stewart,  and  Don  Wenger. 

The  leadership  Prayer  Breakfast  is  a  localized  version  of  the 
National  Prayer  Breakfast  held  each  year  in  Washington,  D.C. 

Charles  W.  Colson,  Counsel  to  former  President  Richard  Nixon,  is 
scheduled  to  deUver  the  message  at  the  Breakfast.  Fort  Wayne  mayor 
Robert  Armstrong  will  also  speak. 
Gutman  chosen  as  April  Rotarian 
Junior  Rotarian  for  the  month  of  April  is  senior  Phil  Gutman. 
Chosen  each  month  by  William  Geyer,  dean  of  boys,  the  Junior 
Rotarian  attends  a  weekly  luncheon  sponsored  by  the  Fort  Wayne 
Rotary  Club.  This  organization  is  comprised  of  area  business  men  and 

While  at  the  Monday  luncheons,  Phil  will  hear  various  speakers 
discuss  their  professions  and  the  opportunities  open  in  the  Fort  Wayne 

Trojan  Singers  viewed  this  site  overlooking  Innsbruck,  Austria,  from 
an  Olympic  ski  jump  used  in  the  1976  Winter  Olympics. 



Stopping  in  St.  Christof f ,  Austria,  four  singers  have  a  snowball  fight 
at  the  foot  of  the  Alps.  Left  to  right  are  seniors  Lisa  Vinson,  Lisa 
Langmeyer,  Claudia  Johnson,  and  Patty  York. 

Whot's  happening? 




Underclass  hon- 
ors Reception  is 
tonight  at  7:30 
p.m.  in  the  EHS 


Elmhurst' 3  Con- 
cert and  Jazz 
Bands  depart  on  a 
three  day  tour  of 
northern  Indiana. 


Classes     will     be 

dismissed  at 
10:50  a.m.  for 
Good  Friday  ob- 

American  Field 
Service  will  spon- 
sor a  car  wash 
from  lO.a.m.  to  4 
p.m.  at  Roger^ 
Market  in  Wayne- 



Club  members 
will  present  a  tal- 
ent/fashion show 
in  gym  beginning 
at  7:30  p.m. 


feotufe  ^] 

Above:  Indiana  State  University  trombonist  Fred  Joynes  impresses  the  Fri- 
day night  crowd  with  his  technique  and  range.  Upper  left:  Woody  leads  his  stel- 
lar sax  section  through  one  of  many  seemingly  impossible  ensemble  sections. 

as  if  you've  had  two  full  days 
Vith  those  simple  words,  the 
)dy  Herman  summed  up  the 
success  of  this,  the  seventh 
hurst  Jazz  Festival.  Herman 
undering  Herd  roared  their 
ugh  Saturday  evening, 
le  endless  hours  of  work  and 
produced  a  smooth-running 
weekend  of  jazz. 
;  7:30  Friday  night,  the 
within  the  gymnasium  and 
the  halls  hardly  ceased  as 
1  high  school  ensembles 
for  appreciative  crowds  all 


t  swings 

night  began  with  emcee 
ohnson  introducing  the 
OO  Jazz  Band,  which  started 
lling.  The  audience  was  not 
i  as  the  music  was  superb  to 
;hord.  Five  coUege  bands 
those  being  Notre  Dame, 
te,  Ball  State,  Case  Western 
ilU-PU  of  Fort  Wayne. 

band    finished    at    around 
which    left    nine    hours    to 

the   day-long   high   school 
ie  festival.  Twenty  ensembles 

appeared  onstage  as  a  good-sized  crowd 
filtered  in  and  out  all  day. 

Three  judges  were  present  all  day  to 
comment  on  the  ensembles  .  .  .  Dave 
Sporny,  trombone;  Dave  Pavolka, 
trombone;  and  Jim  Edison,  trumpet.  The 
cafeteria  provided  food  and  snacks  to  the 
bands  all  day,  while  various  Elmhurst 
students  could  be  seen  peddling 
programs  everywhen  except  on  stage. 
Regular  Saturday  da  '  tickets  were  sold 
out,  and  hasty  sub  titutes  had  to  be 

Morse  heads  set-up  crew 

Backstage,  a  fine  set-up  crew, 
orchestrated  by  Mr.  John  Morse,  kept  the 
festival  on  schedule.  Lots  of  hard  work 
was  required  every  time  a  band  would  go 
on.  Student  guides  pushed  and  pulled 
various  bands  through  the  halls  to  warm 
up,  and  then  on  stage. 

At  the  end  of  competition,  North  Side 
High  School  became  the  sweepstakes 
band  that  would  play  that  night.  The 
honor  bands  were  Northrop,  Lawrence 
Central  of  IndianapoUs,  Bloomington 
North,  and  University  Middle  School  of 

That  night,  Mayor  Robert  Armstrong 
presented  the  sweepstakes  award  to 
North  Side,  and  then  was  followed  by 

Woody  Herman.  A  capacity  Saturday 
night  crowd  heard  North  Side,  Elmhurst, 
and  Thundering  Herd  present  three  hours 
of  jazz. 

Clinics  highlight  day 

During  the  day,  members  of  Woody's 
band  conducted  various  clinics  to 
members  of  competing  bands.  Musicians 
received  help  on  arranging, 
improvisation,  and  general  information 
on  individual  instruments.  They  were 
informal  sessions  in  which  many  areas  of 
music  were  discussed. 

The  weekend  also  presented  a  tribute  of 
thanks  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Randy  Brugh. 
Friday  night,  the  Elmhurst  Jazz  Band 
presented  a  plaque  of  appreciation  to  Mr. 
Brugh  for  his  dedication  and  a  bouquet 
of  roses  to  Mrs.  Brugh.  A  few  minutes 
were  taken  to  express  this  thanks  and 

Soloists  of  all  kinds  were  recognized 
during  the  day,  and  awards  were 
presented  along  with  the  huge  honor  band 
trophies.  In  total,  the  success  of  the 
festival  was  evidenced  by  the  reactions 
and  sizes  of  the  crowds  all  during  the 
festival.  Everything  from  programs  to 
ticket  sales  worked  out  well,  and  EJF  '76 
became  a  successful  part  of  history. 





dcT  rhythm  section  members  pause  as 
oloist  drummer,  creates  a  driving  solo 
lany  high  school  bands  fills  the  gym- 
[oyment  of  a  large  audience  on  Saturday 

Herman  defies 


'by  Laura  Bowen  and  Nicholas  Smith. 

by  Barb  Harman 

At  62,  Woody  Herman  seems  to  defy 
all  the  stereotj^es  that  his  age 
conjectures;  he  is  not  mellowing  out  or 
slowing  down.  On  the  contrary,  the 
great  jazz  clarinetist  continues  to 
maintain  an  extremely  high  level  of 
both  energy  and  artistry  as  he  and  his 
young  band,  "The  Thundering  Herd" 
proved  Saturday  night  at  Elmhurst's 
Seventh  Annual  Jazz  Festival. 

One  of  the  most  famous  quotes 
about  Herman  comes  from  a  West 
Coast  writer  who  said,  "Woody  has 
that  marvelous  ability  to  turn  on  the 
kids  of  the  kids  he  turned  on  25  years 
ago.*'  By  the  looks  of  Saturday's  audi- 
ence, he  turned  on  not  only  the  kids  of 
the  kids,  but  some  of  the  kids  them- 
Band  varies  styles 

The  performance  began  with  a 
number  called  "The  Four  Brothers" 
which  featured  the  band's  sax  section. 
Although  this  number  and  a  few  others 
were  in  "swing"  style,  others  ranged 
from  jazz-rock  (Joe  Farrell's "Penny 
Arcade")  to  a  fusion  of  jazz  and 
classical  (Foray's  "Pavane").  By 
playing  everything  from  Coltrane  to 
Miles  Davis  to  Chick  Corea,  Herman 
manages  to  appeal  to  all  kinds  of  jazz 
lovers. . 

Finding  a  band  capable  of  handling^ 
so  many  styles  would  seem  a  difficult 

task  indeed,  but  the  band  that  Herman 
has  assembled  takes  care  of  the  need 
and  more.  Lead  trumpeter  Jeff  Davis 
has  a  range  that  would  make  even 
Maynard  envious  and  tenor  sax  player 
Gary  Anderson  also  plays  flute  and 
arranges  for  the  band.  Trombonist  Jim 
Pew  is  probably  among  the  best  in  the 
world,  and  Herman's  playing  by  itself 
is  probably  hot  enough  to  melt  the 

One  of  the  funniest  numbers  the 
band  played  was  "Caldonia,  What 
Makes  Your  Big  Head  So  Hard?"  in 
which  Herman  sang  (not  at  all  badly) 
some  of  the  most  insane  lyrics  in  jazz. 
It  was  a  song  typical  of  earlier  brands 
of  jazz,  but  the  audience  reaction  was 
just  as  strong  to  it  as  its  reaction  was 
to  Chick  Corea's  "La  Fiesta",  a  much 
newer  chart. 

Saturday  night's  performance 
testified  not  only  to  the  stajang  power 
of  jazz,  not  only  to  the  talent  and 
virtuosity  of  jazz,  but  also  to  the  great 
influence  of  one  man:  Woody  Herman. 
He  has  managed  to  stay  a  major  figure 
in  music  for  almost  40  years  by  staying 
in  the  mainstream  of  jazz,  searching 
out  and  finding  great  talent,  arid  by 
maintaining  his  own  sense  of  discipUne 
to  lead  his  band  well  and  to  play  with 
as  much  style,  fluidity  and  out  and  out 
joy  as  he  undoubtedly  did  ^t  the  age  of 


Editorials  are  generally 
critical,  however,  this  time,  the 
ADVANCE  would  like 'to  turn 
the  tables  and  hand  out  a  great 
deal  of  well  deserved  praise  to  the 
music  department  at  Elmhurst. 
After  seven  fantastic  jazz 
festivals  (and  the  monetary 
proceeds  therefrom},  the  music 
department  is  alive  and  kicking 
while  in  many  other  schools  it  is 
left  to  dwindle  out  and  take  the 
financial  burden  away  from  the 
school  system. 

Elmhurst's  jazz  festival  pays 
for       new       uniforms,        new 

iBstruments,  new  music,  band 
^  tours,  buses  and  programs. 
^Without  the  festival,  the  choir 
might  be  singing  the  same  tunea 
they  sang  ten  years  ago  and  the 
band  might  be  wearing  moldy 
jackets  with  moth  holes. 

So,  to  the  directors  of  this 
year's  festival,  to  all  the  parents 
and  students,  trophy  sponsors 
and  patrons,  the  ADVAN^XE 
thanks  you  for  giving  Elmhurst  a 
boost  and  a  great  high  from  the 
fantastic  jazz  you've  given  time 
and  money  to  bring  us. 

Gymnasts  win  praise, 
pa  system  fails 

To  the  editor: 

In  the  last  issue  of  the  ADVANCE  Marilynn 
Scherer's  article  "From  the  Sidelines",  she 
commended  both  Karyn  Heiney  and  Kari  Rietdorf 
for  bouncing  back  off  injuries.  Well,  Marilynn  failed 
to  mention  a  certain  girl  who  suffered  through  a 
very  aggrav|ating  season.  During  a  basketball  gajne, 
she  put  her  wrist  through  a  window  and  cut  it  up. 
She  knew  after  this  she  was  really  out  for  the 
season,  but  she  still  hung  in  there  and  in  the  final 
gymnastics'  meet,  she  competed  and,  though  she 
didn't  place,  she  showed  plenty  of  guts  in  going  out 
there  and  doing  this.  I  think  it  was  overlooked,  and 
I  thought  she  should  be  recognized.  She's  Mary 


To  the  editor: 

How  can  the  student  body  be  expected  to  behave 
when  at  assembhes  we  can't  hear  the  speaker  or 
singers?  Two  examples  out  of  many  ai^e:  at  the 
Christmas  assembly,  the  choir  was  unheard  or  heard 
at  a  minimal  (the  speakers  were  on,  meaning  that 
anywhere  in  the  gym  you  should  have  heard  them). 
To  verify  that  something  was  wrong,  at  the  end  the 
choir  sang  a  song  where  the  director  himself  sang, 
we  heard  him  loud  and  clear,  but  then  we  couldn't 
hear  the  choir. 

Another  example  is  the  recent  assembly  on  the 
twenty-fifth  of  March.  Mr.  Goss  took  three-fourths 
of  the  assembly  just  getting  a  way  to  hear  the 

As  I  said,  these  two  examples  were  from  a  list  of 
many.  I  would  like  to  see  an  improvement  or  at  least 
a  good  explanation. 

To  the  editor; 

I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  thank 
both  the  girls'  gymnastics  team  and  the 
administration  for  the  great  assembly  they  g&ve  the 
student  body  on  Friday,  March  26.  I  don't  think 
I've  ever  seen  Ehnhurst  react  so  positively  to  a 
convocation  and  despite  the  few  proverbial  bad 
apples,  I've  yet  to  see  as  much  respect  shown  to  a 
group  of  our  students. 

I  must  admit  that  at  first  I  underestimated  our 
administration  —  I  expected  to  see  not  only  the 
gymnastics  team  but  the  golf  and  baseball  teams  as 
well.  I  was  really  pleased  that  an  enture  program 
was  given  to  a  girls'  sports  team  —  a  team  that 
really  deserved  it,  too.  I  really  feel  that  I  should 
apologize  for  expecting  the  worst  considering  the 
program  was  one  of  the  best  we've  had. 

So,  thanks  again  to '  the  girls  and  to  the 
administration  for  a  really  great  assembly.  Well 

Senior  gymnasticB  fan 

The  Advance  staff  invites  students  and 
teachers  to  express  their  opinions  on  any 
subject  through  the  newspaper.  Letters  should 
be  no  longer  than  300  words  in  length.  The 
Advance  reserves  the  right  to  review  all 
material  before  publication. 

7  sports 

Trojan  dianiondmen  uiin2;  I 
split  uiith   Hdams  Central 

SMACKS  a  grounder  during  a  double- 
header  with  Adams  Central.  Below: 
Senior  Phil  Gutman  runs  over  the  Adams 
Central  catcher  to  score.  Junior  Ron 
Culpepper  watches  as  Phil  crosses  the 

The  Trojan  baseball  team 
opened  its  seasbn  on  Tuesday, 
Apr.  6,  with  a  very  convincing  10- 
0  win  over  the  visiting  Columbia 
City.  Phil  Gutman  and  Brian 
Russell  collected  two  hits  apiece 
to  lead  the  attack  while  pitcher 
Dan  Landrigan  hurled  a  one-hit 
shut-out  for  the  victory.  The 
game  lasted  less  than  5  of  the 
regulation  7  innings  because  of 





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Telephone:  432-3894 

the  high  school  lO-run  rule. 

Landrigan's  performance  on 
the  mound  prompted  second 
baserAan  Phil  Gutman  to 
comment,  "I  think  that  Elmhurst 
could  have  a  much  better  pitching 
staff  than  most  expected." 
Elmhurst  ace  pitcher  Terry  Smith 
( with  a  combined  record  of  23- 1  in 
his  first  two  years)  also  observed 
that  he  felt  senior  catcher  Stan 
Sorgen  had  called  pitches  well 
and  that  "we  played  a  good  solid 
all-around  game. ' ' 

Two  days  later,  however,  the 
Trojans  didn't  look  so  good.  They 
traveled  to  Decatur  to  play  the 
Bellmont  Braves.  Although  the 
Trojans  finally  did  escape  with  a 
hard-earned  6-5  victory,  it 
eventually  took  a  super-game- 
ending  defensive  play  by  senior 
first  baseman  Stan  Prince  to  lock 
up  the  victory.  Prince's  shovel- 
like catch  of  a  throw  from  third 
saved  the  Trojans  from  what 
could  have  been  a  fatal  inning. 

Senior  Terry  Smith,  pitching 
his  first  game  of  the  season,  was 
hampered  by  sub-freezing 
weather  in  allowing  an  unusual  5 

runs  m  one  game. 

On  Saturday  the  Trojans 
visited  Adams  Central  for  a 
double  header.  They  came  away 
with  a  split,  winning  the  first  11- 
4,  but  losing  the  second  10-5. 

The  opener  was  really  much 
closer  than  it  appeared.  Going 
into  the  final  inning  the  score  was 
only  6-4,  but  a  five-run  seventh, 
including  a  homenin  by  shortstop 
junior  Kenny  Geisleman,  put  the 
game  away.  Junior  Ron 
Culpepper  also  contributed  a  two- 
run  homer  earlier  in  the  game. 
The  winning  pitcher  was  junior 
Brian  Russell,  but  he  got  help  in 
the  sixth  and  seventh  innings 
from  senior  Dan  Landrigan. 

The  second  half  of  the  double 
header  was  really  a  one-inning 
game.  Both  teams  scored  all 
except  one  of  their  nms  in  the 
wild  fourth  inning  that  saw 
Elnlhurst  take  a  4-0  lead  only  to 
be  blitzed  with  9  runs.  Brian 
Russell  followed  up  with 
Elmhurst's  only  other  run  in  the 
game,  a  home  nm  in  the  late 
stages  of  the  game. 

4ajtec^($4c^  ^  d^Sio^ 

by  Kevin  Lee 

Elmhurst  baseball  could  be 
the  surprise  of  the  year.  Coach 
Bill  Derbyshire  surprised 
many  people  last  Wednesday 
by  starting  his  No.  2  pitcher, 
senior  Dan  Landrigan,  instead 
of  ace  pitcher  senior  Terry 
Smith.  (Terry,  who  sports  an 
outstanding  23-1  record  over 
the  past  two  years,  is  the  best 
pitcher  in  northern  Indiana, 
and  has  had  baseball  scouts 
looking  him  over  for  the  past 
two  years.)  Dan,  who  pitched 
sparsely  last  year,  came  out 
and  threw  a  blazing  fastball  for 
a  strike,  starting  the  1976 
Elmhurst  baseball  campaign 
out  on  a  positive  note. 

The  game  progressed 
uneventfully  for  Columbia  City 
as  the  Trojan  bats  showed  no 
mercy.  By  the  bottom  of  the 
fifth  inning,  Elmhurst  scored 
their  tenth  run  and  Tom 
(Pinky)  Norwalt,  the 
homeplate  umpire,  invoked  the 
ten-run  rule  giving  Elmhurst  a 
10-0  victory. 

The  bright  spot  of  the  game 
for  Coach  Derbyshire  had  to  be 
the  brilliant  pitching  of 
Landrigan.  In  five  innings  Dan 
struck  out  six,  walked  three, 
and  gave  up  only  one  hit,  a 
third-inning  two-out  grounder, 
between  short  and  third.  The 

zip  on  Dan's  fastball  was 
exceptional  and  surprised  me 
very  much  since  watching  him 
pitch  last  year.  Junior  Brian 
Russell  and  senior  Phil 
Gutman  led  the  eight-hit 
attack  with  two  hits  apiece. 
Brian,  a  power-hitting  right- 
fielder,  boomed  two  doubles, 
one  a  long  towering  drive  over 
the  center  fielder's  head. 

This  year  looks  like  another 
winning  season  for  Coach 
Derbyshire,  but  the  key  to 
another  sectional 
championship  may  prove  to  be 
his  bench  strength.  Some 
managerial  mistakes  cost 
Coach  Derbyshire  two  would- 
be  starters,  who  would  have 
beefed  up  the  already  potent 
Trojan  hitting  attack,  and  a 
fine  reserve  catcher.  In  my 
opinion,  Coach  Derbyshire  is 
still  growing  as  a  baseball 
coach.  He  is  still  learning  when 
it  comes  to  handling  young 
men.  He  has  been  blessed  the 
last  three  years  with  a  good 
crop  of  young  baseball  players 
but  still  can  miss  a  lot  of 
potential  talent.  This  comes 
with  experience,  and  I  believe, 
as  an  avid  student  of  the  game, 
that  Coach  Derbyshire  will 
mature  into  one  of  the  finest 
coaches  in  the  area  in  the  next 
five  years. 



Heiney,  Cummings 
reach  state  meet 


Representing  Eimhurst  in 
the  I.H.S.A.A.  Gymnastics 
Regional  Tourney  for  the 
beginning  level  were 
sophomore  Becky  Cummings, 
Darla  Taper,  and  Terry 
Wh  i  t  ten  berger .  The 
competition  took  place  on  Mar. 
26  at  Was  DeU  High  School. 

Competing  in  the 

intermediate  level  were 
sophomore  Jeanine  RusseU, 
juniors  Lori   McCleneghen, 

Kary  Young,  Sheril 

Homberger,  and  senior  Betty 
Carion.  Junior  Karyn  Heiney 
performed  in  the  optional  level 
in  all  four  events. 

Becky,  with  a  second  on  the 
uneven  bars,  and  Karyn,  a 
second  on  the  vault,  went  to 
state  and  came  home  with 
Becky  receiving  tenth  place  on 
the  bars  and  Karyn  with 
fourteenth  place  on  the  vault. 


SOPHOMORE  BECKY  CUMMINGS.    number   tuo   bh,ck.    middle, 
■eceives  her  second  place  award  for  uneven  bars  in  the  beginning  level 

Kraft  and  Heinrich 

presents  all  the  new  styles 
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We  have  an  unlimited 
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Kraft  &  Heinrich 
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clcod'j  c\  re  recU^  S'^^'CS 

(Tlv-J.t    C\£-^ 

into  her  uneven 
parallel  bar 
routine  at  the 
Regional  Tour^ 
ney  in  the  op- 
tional level 

^tom    t^e  ^dcdne-i' 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

Last  Thursday  evening, 
Barbara  Walters  hosted  a 
"Women  of  the  Year"  telecast 
on  the  NBC  network.  Though 
there  were  several  women 
honored,  Billie  Jean  King 
stands  out  in  this  reporter's 
mind  as  truly  a  woman  of  the 
year— every  year, 


controversial  toumameDt 

In  1971-,  the  Virginia  Slims 
Circuit,  which  is  a  tennis 
tournament  for  professional 
women  tennis  players,  was 
conceived  by  the  producers  of 
Virginia  Slims  and  a  group  of 
tennis  players  headed  by  Ms. 

Six  years  ago,  the  total  prize 
money  awarded  was  $365,000 
and  the  programs  involved  22 
events.  This  year,  the  VSC 
awarded  $900,000  for 
participants  in  11  events.  Quite 
a  long  way  to  come  -  whether 
you  talk  about  men  or  women 
in  sports. 

To  start  a  new  tournament 
such  as  this,  an  athlete  spends 
several  hours  in  preparation, 
puts  her  career  on  the  line  by 
supporting  such  a  venture,  and 
takes  the  final  criticism  when 
the  program  is  viewed  by  the 
television  audience. 

King  continues 
fight  for  equality 

When    the    Virginia    Slims 

(".  "^ 

'^'"b^   Ctr  Vks  r\\^  not 

Circuit  was  conceived,  several 
of  the  outstanding  players  did 
not  play,  refusing  to  venture 
into  something  that  was  not 
100  percent  sure  thing.  In 
1971,  Chris  Evert,  Margaret 
Court,  and  Yvonne  Goolagong 
did  not  play,  but  the  last  few 
years,  the  VS  circuit  has  meant 
money  to  every  one  of  the 
above  athletes. 

Ms.  King,  however,  did  not 
stop  at  helping  to  win  the 
financial  end  for  equality  in 
professional  sports.  She  also 
put  out  the  effort  for  pride  in 
walloping  Bobby  Riggs  in  the 
controversial  challenge  match. 
People  now  are  saying," Well, 
sure  she  could  beat  him  -  she's 
a  professional,  and  she's  a  lot 
younger,  etc."  losing  sight  of 
the  fact  that  it  was  Bobby 
Riggs  who  challenged  Billie 
Jean  King,  not  the  other  way 

Ms.  King  has  also  ventured 
into  the  world  of  broadcasting 
as  many  retired  athletes  do. 

Magazine  recognizes 
women  athletes 

Women  Sports  Magazine 
has  also  hit  the  world  of  Billie 
Jean  King.  Serving  as 
pubUsher,  Ms.  King  has  been 
responsible  for  one  of  the  few 
magazines  that  deal  solely 
with  the  lives  of  women 
athletes  -  recognizing  them  for 
the  effort  and  time  they  take  to 
please  the  almost  always 
absent  public.  Names  like  Lucy 
Harris,  Karen  Logan  .  .  .  and 
more  popular  stars  like  Olga 
Korbut  and  Sandra  Palmer. 
Ms.  King  not  only  plays  the 
game  to  win,  but  she  invests 
her  wiimings  right  back  into 
the  kind  of  life  that  made  her  a 

Controversial,  yes  -  strong, 
yes.  But  the  kind  of  woman 
that  it  takes  to  get  things 
done.  Billie  Jean  King  is  the 
woman  of  the  year  ,  every 
year  -  at  least  in  the  heart  of 
one  reporter. 



ElmhuTst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  17 
April  29, 1976 

Val,  Sal,   featured 

Reception  honors  66  top  seniors 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

Year  in  and  year  out,  people  are 
awarded  for  their  particular  skills 
or  abilities  in  all  walks  of  life,  and 
1976  at  Elmhurst  High  School 
proves  to  be  no  different  as  66 
seniors  were  awarded  for 
scholastic  achievement  last 

Reception  to  feature  val,  sal 

Mrs.  Prue  Oberlin  served  as  the 
Mistress  of  Ceremonies  at  the 
hour-long  reception  featuring  the 
valedictorian,  Wesley  Byrne,  and 
salutatorian,  David  Beutler. 

The  seniors  were  placed  and 
awarded  in  three  separate 
categories.  First,  those  students 
earning  a  career  average  between 
9.0  -  9.4  were  awarded 
certificates.  Seniors  with 
averages  between  9.5  -  10.4 
received  certificates  and  pins,  and 
those  students  earning  a  10.5  and 
over  average  were  honored  with 
certificates,  pins,  and  short 

Grile  awards  val  trophy 

Seniors  Betsy  Barber,  Nancy 
Beadie,  David  Beutler,  Wesley 
Byrne,  Karen  Crippen,  Jay  Fox, 
Barbara  Harman,  Tamar 
Hughes,  Patricia  Koehl,  Andrea 
Marchese,  Jay  Merz ,  Y  vette 
Morrill,    Verne    Myers,    Tamara 

Syndram,  Deborah  Temple, 
Catherine  Tonn,  Donald  Wenger, 
and  Thomas  Young  were  awarded 
in  the  top  category. 

Superintendent  of  the  Fort 
Wayne  Community  School 
System,  Lester  Grile  awarded  the 
Horstmeyer  trophy  to  the 
valedictorian,  and  Mr. 
Horstmeyer       awarded       the 

Pennington  trophy  to  the 

Elmhurst's  underclassmen 
were  also  honored  in  a  reception 
held  Apr.  14  in  the  EHS  cafeteria. 

Highlighting  the  awards 
ceremony  was  the  presentation  of 
this  year's  Tri  Kappa  Award  to 
Elmhurst's  four  recipients. 
Presented  by  Mr.  John  Sinks,  the 

certificate  and  pin  awturds  went  to 
juniors  Michelle  Armstrong,  Bob 
Bracht,  Chad  Cline,  and  Tod 

This  recognition,  sponsored  by 
the  Tri  Kappa  Chapter  of  Fort 
Wayne,  is  presented  annually  to 
the  top  juniors  with  grade  point 
averages  scoring  in  the  top  1%  of 
their  class. 

HIGHLIGHTING  THE  SENIOR  HONORS  RECEPTION  last  evening  was  the  announcement  of  Valedic- 
torian and  Salutatorian  of  the  1976  graduation  chss.  At  top  left  is  Valedictorian  Wes  Byrne.  Below  Wes  is  the 
1976  Salutatorian  Dave  Beutler.  Shown  at  right  are  three  of  the  four  recipients  of  this  year's  Tri-Kappa  Award. 
They  are  from  the  left,  juniors  Tod  Huntley,  Chad  Cline,  and  Bob  Bracht.  Absent  from  the  picture  is  Michelle 

Two    awarded   Merit 

The  National  Merit 

Scholarship  Program  has 
awarded  senior  Matt  Gary  a  four 
year  corporate  sponsored  scholar- 
ship. Matt's  is  being  sponsored 
by  the  Phelps  Dodge  Corpora- 

Myers  also  granted  scholarship 

The  scholarship  will  be 
provided  over  a  four  year  period 
of  schooling.  A  maximum  of 
$1  500  will  be  presented  each 
year,  the  exact  amount  depending 
on  what  the  college  costs'  range 

Matt  will  be  using  his  award 
when  he  enrolls  at  Purdue 
University  in  Lafayette  next  fall. 

Senior  Verne  Myers  also  has 
been  presented  a  four  year  college 
sponsored  scholarship  from  the 
National  Merit  Scholarship 
Program.  Verne  is  one  of  1,500 
students  throughout  the  U.S. 
receiving  this  monetary  award^ 

He  will  be  granted  the  same 
amount  of  money  in  the 
scholarship  form  of  the  four  year 
college  period  as  Matt  will  get. 

Finalists  await  decision 

Verne  will  become  a  freshman 
next  semester  at  Indiana 
University  in  Bloomington.  His 
award  was  announced  last 
evening  at  the  Senior  Honors 

Both  Matt  and  Verne  met  the 
requirements  set  by  the  NMSC 
by  rating  with  high  scores  on  the 
PSAT  and  SAT  tests. 

Aside  from  the  two  scholarship 
winners,  seniors  Wes  Byrne, 
Yvette  Morrill,  Dave  Beutler, 
Tom  Sonday,  and  Don  Wenger 
are  finalists  in  the  program. 
These  five  are  still  waiting  to  hear 
whether  or  not  they  have  received 
scholarships.  From         the 

approximately  50,000  finalists, 
3800  receive  awards. 

Bands  tour  Indiana 

The  concert  and  jazz  bands  will 
be  departing  this  morning,  via 
bus,  for  a  three-day  performing 
tour  in  northwestern  Indiana. 

A  chartered  bus  will  take 
approximately  100  band  students 
to  four  northwestern  Indiana 
high  schools  where  a  musical 
performance  will  be  presented  at 

Rensselaer  first  stop  on  tour 

The  first  stop  by  the  group  will 
be  on  Thursday  afternoon  for  a 
concert  at  Rensselaer  High 
School.  That  evening,  the  band 
members  will  spend  the  night  in 
homes  of  the  high  school's  band 

The  following  morning  the 
bands  will  venture  on  to  two  more 
high  schools,  McCutcheson  and 
Newton,    for   a   performance   at 

each.  "Elsa's  Procession  to  the 
Qathedral"  by  Richard  Wagner 
and  "Stars  and  Stripes  Forever" 
by  John  Philip  Sousa  are  two 
selections  the  band  will  play.  Also 
a  tribute  to  Glenn  Miller  is 
scheduled  to  be  presented. 

Group  to  attend  opera 

The  tour  group  plans  to  stay  in 
Chicago  Friday  evening.  While 
there  they  will  see  the  D'Oyly 
Carte  Opera  Company  in  Gilbert 
and  Sullivan's  "HMS  Pinafore" 
at  the  Arte  Crown  Theatre.  The 
next  morning,  Saturday,  the 
concert  and  jazz  bands  will  return 
to  Fort  Wayne. 

Mr.  Randy  Brugh,  the  band's 
director  will  accompany  the 
group  on  their  third  annual  tour. 
Other  chaperones  will  also  go 


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^£^^5  Ediicn 
EdilOfial  Editor 
Sdd'U  Ediioi 
Feaiure  Editor 
Piioio  EdilO' 
Phoiog  lap  nets 

Sarah  Siewati 


Barb  Hatman 

Jim  McCleneghen 

Nancy  Beadie 

Michelle  Arms  (long 


Laura  Boweo,  Iim  Chaney. 

TodO  Nichols,  Nicfiolas  Smnh, 

Kbvio  Siephenson.  Sieve  Vaughn 

Ad  Manager 

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ftep  Driers 

Sue  Marquis 

Man  Tyter 

Diane  Luplie 

Kjrhy  Sharpin 

Jan  Oowling.  Kevin  Lee, 

Nancy  McAfee,  Verne  Myers, 

Marilynn  Schere' 

AdvilDT j^^^ 

^'*"^fi RJchird  HontL^n 

Ticket  sales  brisk 

Kenton  returns  for  show 

The  legendary  musician,  Stan 
Kenton,  featured  in  the  1974 
Elmhurst  Jazz  Festival,  will 
make  a  reappearance  here  on  the 
evening  of  May  20.  Tickets  for 
this  single  performance  are  on 
sale  now  from  any  band  or  choir 
member.  The  cost  of  the  tickets 
are  $4.00  -  general  admission,  and 
$5.00  for  reserved  seats. 

Kenton  widely  acclaimed 

Stan  Kenton  and  his  orchestra 
offered  to  appear  for  one  night 
due  to  an  opening  in  his  schedule 

in  the  Elmhurst  auditorium.  They 
are  greatly  admired  by  all  for 
winning  wide  acclaim  from  the 
public  and  press.  Stan  Kenton 
alone  was  the  third  person  elected 
to  Downbeat  Magazine's  Hall  of 
Fame  following  Louis  Armstrong 
and  Duke  Ellington. 

Young  people  discover  jazz 

As  one  of  America's  most 
famous  musician  and  orchestra 
leaders,  his  reputation  has  always 
been  somewhat  controversial.  He 
says,  "I've  been  called  a  pioneer, 
but  I've  also  been  called  a  fool  for 
tampering  with  the  familiar."  In 
his  work  with  the  music  students 
in  high  school  and  universities,  he 
hopes  to  bring  about  a  new 
direction  to  music  education.  Mr. 
Kenton  feels  that  the  younger 
people  should  be  exposed  to  all 
musical  forms  and  the  challenge 
of  change.  "Our  audiences  are 
changing,  too,"  Kenton  says,  "we 
have  always  had  an  enthusiastic 
following  of  the  over-forty  group 
who  remember  the  band  from  its 
early  days.  Now  we  are  seeing 
more  teens  and  twenties  who  are 
discovering  jazz  for  themselves 
and  who  like  it.  The  rock-oriented 
younger  people  are  changing; 
they  are  finding  that  there  is 
more  excitement  than  they 
realized  in  music  of  substance 
such  as  ours." 

Leaders  try  out  tonight 

After  school  today  in  the  boys' 
gym  will  be  the  final  round  of  try- 
outs  for  the  varsity  and  reserve 
cheerleading  squads  for  next 
year's  sports  program.  The  first 
round  of  judging  was  yesterday 
afternoon  in  the  gym. 

The  competition  is  open  to 
sophomores  and  juniors  as  well  as 
interested  ninth  graders  from 
Elmhurst's  two  feeder  schools, 
_Kekionga  and  Portage. 

At  the  end  of  today's  tryouts, 
six  varsity  and  six  reserve  cheer- 
leaders will  be  selected  from  those 
receiving  the  highest  scores  on 
the  tabulated  ballots. 

During  the  two  judging 
sessions,  the  prospective  cheer- 
leaders are  required  to  do  a  cheer 
in  a  group  of  two  or  three  other 
participants,  an  individual  cheer, 
a  gymnastics  stunt,  the  splits, 
and  three  jumps. 

The  qualities  the  panel  of 
judges  will  be  looking  for  in  each 
of  those  trying  out  are  skills, 
poise,    personality,    enthusiasm. 

and  leadership. 

The  results  of  the  cheerleading 
tryouts  will  be  announced 
sometime  during  the  school  day 


On  May  4,  the  Gilbertos  will  be 
presenting  their  act  at  a  morning 

The  Gilbertos,  a  family  of 
three,  are  the  third  and  fourth 
generation  of  an  acrobatic  family 
from  Belgium. 

Gilbert,  the  husband  and  father 
of  the  threesome,  is  an  acrobat, 
bicyclist,  and  a  specialist  in 
physical  fitness. 

Benigna,  his  wife,  is  also  a  top 
notch  acrobat.  Nancy,  their 
daughter,  has  performed  well  at 
other  convocations  and  is  said  to 
show  great  potential. 

The  family's  act  will  include 
jumping  and  balancing  exercises, 
stunts  with  the  use  of  ropes, 
chairs  and  tables  ,  and  finally,  a 
comical  bicycle  routine. 

news  3 

•••and  so  on 

Accouoting  classes  witness  dispatcher  unit 

Two  accounting  classes  of  Mrs.  Marcella  Coble  toured  the  Fort 
Wayne  National  Bank  Apr.  22.  They  also  saw  the  ticker-tape  board  at 
Merrill.  Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner,  &  Smith,  Inc.  and  the  Allen  County 
police  dispatcher  system  in  the  City-County  Building. 

Members  of  the  class  went  inside  a  bank  vault  and  saw  packages  of 
bills  worth  $10,000.  Students  were  able  to  see  calls  received  and 
answered  by  the  police  dispatcher  units.  Senior  Greg  Nowak  even  had 
his  license  "checked"  out.  When  the  afternoon  was  over,  sophomore 
Nancy  VanGheluwe  remarked,  "I  had  a  good  time  and  it  was  very 

SAT  scheduled  for  June  5 

The  next  SAT  test  date  for  college  admissions  is  Saturday,  June  5. 
Forms  are  available  to  interested  juniors  and  seniors  in  the  guidance 
office,  and  they  must  be  filled  out  and  mailed  by  the  Apr.  30  deadline. 
Any  junior  who  plans  to  apply  for  a  state  scholarship  should  take  the 
SAT  on  June  5. 

AFS  car  wash  provides  profits 

Elmhurst's  American  Field  Service  has  announced  the  results  of  the 
Apr.  17  car  wash  at  Roger's  Market  in  Waynedale.  The  organization 
collected  $57  in  their  recent  effort.  This  money  goes  to  the  student 
exchange  program  for  next  year. 

Armstrong  awarded  scholarship 

Junior  Michelle  Armstrong  has  been  chosen  as  EHS  recipient  of  the 
1976  News-Sentinei  Journalism  Summer  Workshop  Scholarship. 

Michelle  will  spend  two  weeks  this  summer  at  the  high  school 
journalism  workshop  on  the  Blooniington  campus  of  Indiana 
University.  All  of  Michelle's  expenses  for  the  two  week  stay  will  be 
paid  for  by  the  News-Sentinel. 

Bicyclists  to  pedal  for  MOD 

The  Northeastern  Indiana  Chapter  of  the  March  of  Dimes  will 
conduct  their  1976  "Super  Ride"  Bike-A-Thon  this  Saturday,  May  1. 

The  event  will  begin  with  participating  riders  registering  at  Rockhill 
Park  on  U.S.  Highway  24  West  from  7:30  -  9:00  a.m.  From  there,  the 
bikers  will  begin  their  30-mile  trek. 

The  riders  are  sponsored  per  mile  with  the  pledges  they  have 
gathered.  The  money  raised  by  the  local  MOD  chapter  will  help  in  their 
continuing  fight  to  overcome  birth  defects. 
EHS  students  participate  in  'Godspell' 

Five  Elmhurst  students  are  currently  involved  in  the  I.U.-P.U. 
Campus  Ministries'  production  of  "Godspell."  Senior  Carol  Quance 
and  junior  Dave  Stein  serve  as  members  of  the  11-charactercast,  while 
junior  Donna  Munroe  and  sophomore  Dave  Nelson  and  Tim  Gaskill 
play  in  the  music  section. 

The  musical  opened  with  a  sellout  crowd  and  has  had  continued 
success  throughout  its  run.  It  has  already  played  at  the  Unitarian 
Church  and  at  the  PIT  Theater.  Coming  performances  will  be  on  May  9 
at  Aldersgate  Methodist  Church  and  on  May  16  at  the  Waynedale 
United  Methodist  Church. 

What's  happening? 






Jazz  and  Concert 
band  members  de- 
part today  on  a 
three  day  tour  of 

A  morning  assem- 
bly will  feature 
the  acrobatic 
team,  The  Gil- 
bertos, at  8:55 
a.m.  in  the  boys' 


The  annual  spring 
concert,  featuring 
Elmhurst's  band, 
orchestra,  and 
choir,  will  be  at 
7:30  p.m.  in  the 





The  music  depart- 
ment will  hold  its 
music  Awards 
Banquet  in  the 
cafeteria.  Awards 
will  be  given  to 
members  of  the 
band,  orchestra, 
and  choir. 

The  Quill  and 
Scroll  Society  will 
have  its  banquet 
at  the  Baer  Field 
Hilton  Inn.  An 
initiation  of  new 
members  will 
highlight  the 

Trojan  linhsmen 
outsuiing  Redskins 

by  Tim  Springer 

The  Elmhurst  golf  team 
achieved  its  first  victory  this  year 
with     a     seven     stroke     win 


PRACTICES  his  golf  swing  on  a  rainy 

day  in  the  Elmhurst  gym. 

over  the  North  Side  Redskins  on 
Thursday,  April  11,  at  Colonial 
Oaks  Country  Club.  In  the  same 
meet  the  linksmen  were  defeated 
by  Bishop  Luers  and  the  Snider 

On  April  15,  the  Trojans  were 
outhit  by  a  strong  Warsaw  team. 
The  match  was  played  at 
Brookwood  with  the  final  score 
Warsaw.  160  and  Elmhurst,  173. 
Senior  Mark  Newell  led  the 
Trojan  scoring  with  a  40. 
Following  Mark  were  juniors  Tim 
Springer  and  Steve  Sims  with  42 
and  47  respectively.  One 
sophomore.  Marty  Rifkin,  has 
made  the  starting  five.  Marty 
turned  in  a  fine  score  of  44  for  the 

Five  days  later  the  Trojans 
found  themselves  at  Foster  Park. 
Bishop  Dwenger  and  Harding 
outs  hot  Elmhurst  by  a  long 
margin,  Dwenger  with  156, 
Harding  163,  and  Elmhurst,  a 
second  consecutive  173.  Springer 

Junior  Tim  Springer 

was  medalist  for  the  Trojans  with 
41.  followed  by  Rifkin  42,  Newell 
44,  and  sophomore  Matt 
Vonderan  46. 

After  three  straight  defeats, 
the  Trojans  were  ready  for  at 
least  one  win.  And  their  wish 
came  true.  Two  days  after  they 
were  bombarded  by  Dwenger  and 
Harding,  the  Men  of  Troy  finally 
found  themselves  in  the  winning 
column   for   the   first   time   this 

Diamondmen  win  over  Snider; 
surge  toward  sectional  crown 

year.  Struggling  through  the 
round  with  rain  falling  at  times 
and  "hurricane"  like  winds,  the 
Trojans  defeated  North  Side  172 
to  179.  But  despite  the  victory, 
the  Trojans  had  consequences  to 
suffer  also.  They  were  beaten  by 
Bishop  Luers  Emd  Snider  the 
same  match.  Leading  again  for 
Elmhurst  was  Springer  at  42, 
followed  by  Rifkin  and  Sims  at  43 
and  Newell  44. 

by  Kevin  Lee 

Opening  with  a  5-4  win  over  the 
Snider  Panthers,  the  baseball 
team  got  off  on  the  right  foot 
tpwards  an  SAC  championship. 
Last  season  both  Elmhurst  and 
Bishop  Dwenger  finished  with  a 
6-2  SAC  record.  Dwenger.  via  a  6- 
5  win  over  the  Trojans  earlier  in 
the  season,  claimed  possession  of 
the  SAC  crown,  leaving  Elmhurst 
in  a  lonely  second  place. 

Expected  to  give  the  Trojans  a 
battle   for   the   SAC   crown   are 

Wayne,  Bishop  Luers,  Northrop 
and  South  Side.  Luers  is  the  only 
area  team  ranked  in  the  high 
school  coaches'  pre-season  poll. 

Bishop  Luers  had  the  Trojans 
number  last  year  beating  them 
twice,  both  being  very  crucial 
games.  The  first  was  a  7-3 
drubbing  which  figured  heavily  in 
Elmhurst's  second  place  SAC 
finish.  The  most  critical  defeat 
came  during  the  final  game  of 
regionals  which  saw  the  Knights 
again  defeat  Elmhurst 

convincingly,  9-5. 

Last  Tuesday's  game  against 
Snider  saw  the  Panthers  hit 
senior  Terry  Smith  hard.  Al- 
though their  two  hits  in  the  first 
inning  accounted  for  only  one  run. 
Snider  batters  sent  a  couple  of 
hard  hit  fly  balls  to  the  outfield. 
The  Trojans  countered  with  two 
runs,  both  driven  in  by  Terry. 
Ron  Culpepper  and  Stan  Prince 
had  previously  walked,  advancing 
to  second  and  third  before  Terry's 
sharp  single  drove  both  of  them 

Good  fielding  in  the  second  and 
third  innings  kept  the  Panthers 
shut  out.  The  next  inning,  the 
fourth,  almost  proved  disastrous 
for  the  Trojans  as  Snider  loaded 
the  bases  with  a  hit  and  two 
walks.  Terry  really  bore  down  and 
struck  out  the  first  batter,  much 
to  the  pleasure  of  the  fans.  Taking 
a  little  pressure  off  the  infield 
with  his  first  strike  out,  all  Terry 
needed  was  a  ground  ball  for  a 
double  play  to  get  out  of  the 
inning.  Instead.  Terry  showing 
his  great  pitching  potential 
struck  out  the  next  two  batters. 
Three  batters  in  a  row  struck  out, 
saving  the  Trojans'  2-1  lead. 

The  fifth  passed  uneventfully, 
with  both  sides  going  down  fairly 
easily.  The  sixth  inning  saw  some 
excellent  fielding  with  Elmhurst 

Senior  Pt\H  Gutman 


senior  Stan  Prince's  diving  catch 
of  a  Panther  foul  ball  highhghting 
the  Trojan's  fielding  play. 

In  the  bottom  of  the  sixth 
Elmhurst  struck  for  three  runs. 
Don  Culpepper's  run,  the  fifth 
and  final  run  for  the  Trojans, 
proved  to  be  the  winning  margin 
as  Snider  launched  a  three  run 
rally  in  the  top  of  the  seventh. 
Senior  Dan  Landrigan  reUeved 
Terry  with  two  out  in  the  top  of 
the  seventh  and  promptly  struck 
out  the  last  batter. 

The  Trojans  next  game  will  pit 
them  against  none  other  than 
Bishop  Luers  at  McMillen  Park 
today.  Saturday,  Elmhurst 
invites  Homestead  to  the  Trojan 
diamond  for  a  double-header  and 
a  hopeful  sweep. 

PhoKts  by  Tim  Chaney,  Todd  Nichols, 
and  Nick  Smith.  Special  Effects  by 
Tim  Chaney. 

EHS  Cindermen  defect 
Wih  ranked  Snider 

If  anyone  had  driven  past 
Elmhurst's  athletic  field  around  6 
p.m.  on  April  13,  he  would  have 
seen  one  Elmhurst  track  team 
going  wild  shouting,  "We're 
number  one!"  No,  they  hadn't 
won  the  state  meet,  but  they  had 
beaten  archrival  Snider,  rated 
fourteenth  in  the  state.  The 
Trojans  ran  up  70'/2  points  to  67'/! 
for  Snider  and  Woodlan's  21. 

The  Trojans,  along  with  the 
victory,  accumulated  six  first 
places.  Senior  Tony  Green 
breezed  through  the  100  in  10.2 
seconds,  while  senior  Brad  Smith 
won  the  220  in  22.8.  In  the  440, 
senior  Rick  Knuth  ran  the 
distance  in  51.6  seconds  and 
junior  Tim  Lee  outdistanced  his 
opponents  in  the  880  by  running  a 
1:56.7.  Senior  Dave  Lewis  strode 
through  the  mile  in  4:35.0  and 
junior  Doug  Peters  threw  the 
shot  a  distance  of  52  feet  10 

On  April  20,  the  Trojans 
competed  in  their  second  home 
meet  of  the  season.  The  Elmhurst 

\'  CULPEPPER  SLIDES  hard  into 
of  second  against  East  Noble  played 
^hurst's  win.  Below:  Sophomore  Syliai^, 
the  starting  blocks  toward  a  hopeful  first 

trackmen  finished  second  in  a 
three-way  meet  with  Northrop 
and  South,  both  ranked  in  the 
state's  top  twenty.  Northrop 
tallied  76  points  to  44  for 
Ehnhurst  and  39  for  South. 

The  highlights  of  the  meet  were 
Green's  double  victory  in  the  100 
and  220  and  Lee's  victory  in  the 
mile.  Green  nailed  the  100  in 
10.1  seconds  and  the  220  in  23.1 
seconds.  Lee  won  the  mile  in  a 
time  of  4:20.1.  Peters  was  a  victor 
for  Elmhurst,  winning  the 
shotput  with  52'6". 

Relay  teams  fare  well 

North  Side  hosted  the  24th 
annual  North  Side  Relays  on 
April  17.  With  19  local  and  area 
teams  competing,  Elmhurst 
finished  a  respectable  eighth. 

The  distance  medley  relay  team 
consisted  of  Lewis  (mile).  Smith 
{220),  Knuth  (440),  and  Lee  (880). 
They  combined  for  a  time  of  7:50 
and  secolid  olace. 
Cindermen  wiot  lose 

In  a  three-way  meet  at 
Elmhurst's  own  track  last 
Thursday,  the  Trojans  dropped 
one  to  a  tough  Norwell  team  but 
beat  Bishop  Luers.  Norwell's 
19th-ranked  Knights  rolled  up  74 
points  to  59  for  Elmhurst  and 
Luers' 26. 

The  bright  spot  of  the  meet  was 
Lee's  double  victory  in  the  mile 
and  880  runs. 

On  Saturday  the  tracksters  will 
be  at  Kokomo  and  next  Tuesday 
and  Thursday  at  Wayne  for  SAC 
trials  and  finals. 

ABOVE-  Junior  Tim  Lee 

MIDDLE:    Sophomore   Kevin  Shelly  grits  his   teeth  as  he  explodes  out  of  the  starting 

blocks  in  the  reserve  sprint  event  which  he  won. 
BOTTOM:  Junior  Jan  Dowling 

Girls  open  season 


by  Jan  Dowling 

Both  the  girls'  tennis  and  track 
seasons  opened  recently  with  the 
tennis  team  losing  a  close  4-3 
match  with  Wayne  and  the 
tracksters  coming  in  second  in  a 
three-way  meet  against  Harding 
and  Dwenger. 

On  April  14,  the  Elmhurst 
tennis  squad  squared  off  with  the 
Wayne  Generals,  winning  three 
matches  out  of  seven.  Playing  in 
the  number  four  singles  spot, 
junior  Carmetta  Walker  won  an 
easy  6-2,  6-2  match.  Likewise  in 
the  number  five  position,  Elena 
Perez  walked  over  her  General 
opponent,  7-6,  6-2.  However,  in 
the  doubles  competition,  Rhoda 
Freeman  and  Priscilla  Watson 
had  a  bit  more  trouble,  but  finally 
won  a  tough  victory,  6-4,  6-3. 

In  the  first  girls'  track  meet, 
Elmhurst  came  home  with  four 
first  places.  Angle  Hayden  won  a 
blue  ribbon  for  the  80  yard 
hurdles,  while  Emma  Bostic  took 
two  firsts  for  both  the  long  jump 
and  the  high  jump.  The  EHS  440 
relay  team  was  also  victorious. 

winning  in  52.7  seconds. 
Members  of  the  winning  relay 
team  were  Angle  Hayden.  Berry 
Carrion,  Ethel  Fowlkes.  and 
Evelyn  Fowlkes.  Second  places 
also  came  from  June  Gordy,  Val 
Shrock,  and  Sue  Frankewich. 

Dwenger  High  School  won  the 
meet  with  66  points,  Elmhurst 
finished  second  with  43,  and 
Harding  was  last  with  30. 

Both  tennis  and  track  will  have 
meets  tonight  at  Bishop  Luers 
High  School,  starting  at  4  p.m. 


Forty  make 
straight  As 

By  attaining  a  straight  "A" 
average  on  their  third  grade 
period  report  cards,  39  EHS 
students  became  eligible  for  the 
Principal's  List. 

Numerous  students 
attain  straight  A's 

Making  the  Principal's  List 
from  the  senior  class  are  Dave 
Beutler,  Wes  Byrne,  Betty 
Carrion,  Janet  Gaff,  Kent 
Gaskill,  Dan  Landrigan,  Andrea 
Marchese,  Ann  Momper,  Yvette 
Morrill.  Verne  Myers.  Leslie 
Novitsky.  Debbie  Temple,  and 
Don  Wenger. 

The  junior  class  had  the  largest 
number  of  "A"  students  on  the 
List  with  16.  They  are  Michelle 
Armstrong,  Scott  Bernhart,  Bob 
Bracht.  Chad  Cline,  Sue 
Frankewich,  Randy  Girod,  Karyn 
Heiney,  Tod  Huntley,  Dan  Jehl, 
Mike  Johnson,  Maria  Obregon. 
Kathy  O'Connor,  John 

Thompson.    Mark    Wolfe.    Brian 
Wyneken,  and  Katy  Young. 

Sophomores  on  the  Principal's 
List  are  Jana  Beauchot,  Lise 
Duemling,  Mark  Eitman.  James 
Emmons,  Joan  Landrigan,  Anita 
Martin,  Carla  Slagle,  Marta 
Slagle,  Kathy  Stanley,  and  Marty 




Student  Council  is  now 
sponsoring  an  Essay  Contest 
open  to  any  Elmhurst  student 
who  turns  in  his  writing  before 
the  Tuesday,  May  18  deadline. 

The  four  categories  of 
competition  are  poetry,  short 
story,  non-fiction,  essays  or 
articles,  and  poster  work.  On 
the  posters,  there  must  be 
some  form  of  original  writing. 

The  entries  will  be  judged  by 
Mr.  John  Sinks  and  several 
English  teachers.  A  five  dollar 
cash  prize  will  be  awarded  fo  r 
the  highest  entry  in  each  of  the 

After  the  winners  are 
announced,  the  awarded 
writings  will  be  published  in 
either  the  Advance,  the  school 
newspaper,  or  the  Aniibrum, 
the  school  yearbook. 

To  submit  writings, 
students  should  turn  them  in 
to  senior  Tom  Sonday. 
president  of  the  Student 
Council,  or  take  them  to  room 
108.  All  entries  should  include 
name,  grade,  and  also  a 
homeroom  number  if  possible. 

'  Midnight  Rainbows'  court  chosen 

"Midnight  Rainbows"  is  the 
theme  chosen  for  the  1976  Junior- 
Senior  Prom  to  be  held  May  15. 

The  place  for  the  affair  will  be 
the  Baer  Field  Hilton  Inn.  It  will 
begin  with  dinner  at  7  p.m.  with 
the  prom  following  from  9  to  12 

After-prom  scheduled 

Unlike  last  year  however,  this 
year  the  student  council  is 
sponsoring  an  organized  after- 
prom.  It  will  be  held  at  the 
Goeglein's  Barn  on  the  Maysville 
Road.  To  buy  tickets  for  the  after- 
prom,  everyone  must  show  their 
prom  ticket.  The  cost  is  S2  per 
couple.  This  cost  includes 
admission  and  the  refreshments 
that  will  be  served.  The  after- 
prom  will  last  from  1  to  3  a.m. 

Tickets  for  the  prom  went  on 
sale  last  week.  They  will  be 
available  in  the  cafeteria  in  all 
lunch  mods  until  May  12,  The 
price  for  both  the  dinner  and  the 
dance  is  $16  per  couple.  For  just 
the  dance,  tickets  will  cost  $10 
per  couple. 

The  menu  for  the  prom-dinner 
will  include  an  appetizer,  salad, 
steak  with  mushroom  sauce,  a 
baked  potato,  and  a  vegetable. 
And  for  those  attending  with  a 
sweet  tooth,  dessert  will  also  be 

From  court  selected 
Voting  for  the  prom  queen  and 

her  court  was  held  in  homerooms 
Apr.  21.  The  student  body  elected 
for  the  1976  prom  court  juniors 
Kelly  Auer,  Ann  Oswalt, 
Stephanie  Wolever.  Karyn 
Heiney,  Elena  Perez,  Sheril 
Hornberger,  and  Carmetta 
Walkei .  The  evening  of  the  prom, 
one  of  these  seven  girls  will  be 
crowned  the  prom  queen. 

Root's  photographers  will 
again  be  at  the  prom  to  take 
pictures  of  those  couples  desiring 
them.  Couples,  will  have  a  choice 
of  $3  to  $15  packages. 

To  provide  the  musical 
entertainment,    playing    at    the 

prom  will  be  the  J.  Branam  Band. 
Variety  of  music  to  be  played 

"Considering  the  cost  of  the 
dinner  and  the  prom  for  the  guys, 
it  might  be  a  good  idea  for  the 
girls  to  suggest  that  they  buy  the 
after-prom  tickets.  It  would 
relieve  a  little  of  the  pressure  off 
the  guy  anyway,"  advised  Mrs. 
Susan  Anderson,  dean  of  girls. 

The  band  chosen  for  the  after- 
prom  can  play  a  variety  of  music. 
Depending  upon  what  the 
majority  of  the  crowd  wants,  the 
band  will  play  fast,  slow,  and 
square  dance  music. 

THE  1976  PROM  COURT  is,  from  left  to  right,  juniors  Sheril 
Hornberger,  Elena  Perez,  Carmetta  Walker,  Kelly  Auer,  Ann  Oswalt, 
Stephanie  Wolever,  and  Karyn  Heiney.   One  of  these  girls  will  be 
crowned  queen  during  "Midnight Rainbows" May  15.  Photo  T/C 

Banquets,  banquets,   banquets! 

Clubs  honor  outstanding  students 

Numerous  awards  banquets  are 
scheduled  for  the  month  of  May 
as  the  end  of  the  school  year 

DECA,         music         banquets 

First  on  the  agenda  is  the  Dis- 
tributive Education  Clubs  of 
America  I  DECA)  Awards 
Banquet  on  Tuesday,  May  4,  at 
Lester's  Party  Room.  During  the 
banquet,  appreciation  awards  will 
be  presented  to  employers  of  DE 
students,  and  an  award  will  also 
be  given  to  the  outstanding  DE 
student.  Also,  the  Trojan  Singers 
will  provide  entertainment  at  the 

On  Tuesday,  May  11.  at  6:30 
p.m.  in  the  Elmhurst  cafeteria, 
the  Music  Awards  Banquet  will 
take  place.  The  music  awards  are 
presented  to  students  for  their 
excellence  in  the  band,  orchestra, 
or  choir.  Letters,  pins,  pinguards, 
individual  awards,  and  senior 
certificates  are  among  the  honors 
to  be  presented.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Richard  Horstmeyer  and  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Robert  Miller  are  to  attend 
the  potluck  banquet  along  with 

the  students  and  their  families. 

Publications  staffs 
to  be  announced 

Next  year's  yearbook  and 
newspaper  staffs  will  be 
announced  at  the  annual  Quill 
and  Scroll  Banquet  to  be  held  on 
Wednesday,  May  12,  at  the  Baer 
Field  Hilton  Inn.  Primarily, 
awards  for  the  members  of  this 
year's  yearbook  and  newspaper 
staffs  will  be  presented,  and  new 
Quill  and  Scroll  members  will  be 

The  next  night  at  the  Sands 
Supper  Club,  the  Cooperative 
Office  Education  {COE) 
participants  will  be  honored.  As 
at  the  DECA  Banquet  ,  appreci- 
ation awards  will  be  given  to  the 
employers  of  COE  students,  and 
a  special  award  for  the 
outstanding  COE  student  will  be 
presented.  A  special  skit  will  be 
acted  out  by  seniors  Tom  Sonday 
and  Marilynn  Scherer  concerning 
COE  students. 

Campbell  to  act  as  emcee 

Tentative  plans  have  been 
made  for  the  Forum  Club  Honors 

Reception.  At  this  time,  the 
reception  is  set  for  Tuesday,  May 
18.  There  may  or  may  «ot  be  an 
admission  fee  charged.  Awards, 
trophies,  and  ribbons  won  by 
Forum  Club  members  during  the 
year  will  be  presented.  Further 
information  about  the  reception 
will  be  announced  at  a  later  date. 

On  Thursday,  May  19,  in  the 
EHS  cafeteria  at  6:30  p.m.,  the 
Athletic  Banquet  will  be  held.  All 
athletic  awards  will  be  presented 
at  this  banquet.  Special  guest 
Tom  Campbell,  sports  director  for 
Channel  21,  will  act  as  emcee. 

Repetition  to  be  eliminated 

The  Annual  Recognition  Night 
will  be  held  at  Elmhurst  on 
Wednesday,  May  26.  Awards  and 
certificates  will  be  given  in  each 
academic  category,  along  with 
other  categories  such  as 
citizenship,  attendance,  etc.,  to 
students  who  have  excelled  in 
their  studies  during  the  year. 
Plans  for  Recognition  Night  have 
not  yet  been  completed,  but  it's 
hoped  that  the  repetition  of 
certain  awards  can  be  eliminated 
from  this  year's  program. 

by  Nancy  Beadie 

Supposedly,  a  show  on  the  Beatles  which  is 
"one  of  the  largest  and  most  sophisticated 
multi-media  productions  in  the  world,"  was  in 
town  on  April  16,  17,  and  18,  but  in  reality, 
nothing  more  than  a  huge  rip-off  was 
performed  at  the  Embassy  that  week  end. 

Certainly  the  era  of  Beatle  mania  is  an 
■interesting  subject.  Few  events  or  people  in 
history  incited  as  much  excitement  as  the 
Beatles.  If  the  presentation  "Away  With 
Words"  would  have  shown  in  any  way  what  it 
was  Uke  to  be  one  of  those  screaming,  fainting, 
fans  or  to  be  a  star  of  John,  Paul,  George  and 
Ringo  proportions,  or  what  made  the  Beatles 
so  overwhelmingly  popular  with  the 
generation,  I  would  have  been  happy.  If  the 
show  would  merely  have  given  an  hour  and  a 
half  of  impressive  visual  effects  and  good 
sound,  I  would  have  been  satisfied.  As  it  was,  I 
left  the  theater  outraged  at  the  way  the 
audiences  had  been  cheated. 

With  29  projectors,  I'd  think  some  stunning 
stoney  visual  effects  could  be  produced  which 
would  be  capable  of  blowing  some  minds,  but 
the  visuals  were  boring.  A  meager  collection  of 
magazine  and  album  photos  were 
supplemented  by  a  group  of  miscellaneous, 
irrelevant  snapshots,  all  of  which  were  shown 
too  often  and  too  long.  The  only  thing  on  the 
screen  worth  my  time  was  a  short  cut  from 
"Yellow  Submarine." 

What  really  burned  was  the  way  the 
approach  of  the  show  degraded  the  Beatles 
themselves  and  their  music.  If  I  wer^  putting 

together  a  similar  show.  I  would  definitely  not 
play  "Eleanor  Rigby"  while  flashing  a  stream 
of  pictures  of  a  young,  beautiful,  well-tanned, 
and  well-proportioned  woman  posed 
seductively  in  a  glamorous  white  satin  gown. 
Eleanor  Rigby  was  one  of  the  "lonely  people" 
and  in  my  imagination,  an  ugly  old  maid. 

Many  of  the  photos  were  pornographic. 
They  were  not  pornographic  because  they  were 
unbeUevably  shocking  but  because  they  were 
sex  for  the  sake  of  sex  and  had  no  point  or 
purpose  in  the  show.  As  a  woman,  I  was 
insulted.  (Of  course  there  weren't  any  nude  or 
suggestive  men  in  the  show. ) 

As  for  the  music,  I  wish  I'd  stayed  home  and 
listened  to  some  albums.  Everytime  I'd  at 
least  get  into  a  song,  it  would  abruptly  be 
broken  into  with  something  else. 

"Away  With  Words"  ranks  with  those  old- 
fashioned  scandals,  somewhere  between  the 
small-time  of  "Paper  Moon"  and  the  big-time 
of  "The  Sting."  Obviously  it  was  a  one  week- 
end deal  for  a  reason. 

I  was  a  sucker  for  going.  I  should  have 
heeded  the  warning  I  got  when  I  read  the  back 
of  one  of  the  show's  advertising  flyers.  It  said: 
*  'As  Elvis  wonders  'Are  You  Lonesome 
Tonight',  a  youthful  president  winds  through 
the  streets  of  Dallas  to  meet  his  fate  and  an 
assassin's  bullet.  When  the  screen  goes  dark 
we're  allowed  a  moment  to  reflect  on  the  odd 
coincidence  that  it  was  ten  days  later  the 
Beatles  first  recording  was  released  in  the 
United  States  (or  was  it  coincidence? )" 

A  comment  on  that  is  impossible. 




Teachers  name 
popular  books 

National  magazines  and  members  of  academia  have 
been  noting  in  recent  years  the  decline  in  reading  by 
Americans  and  especially  by  students. 

Mrs.  Mildred  Hibben,  Elmhurst  librarian^  and 
Elmhurst  English  teachers  seem  to  agree  that  interest 
in  rftading  has  gone  down,  specifically  for  the  average 
student.  Television  has  been  cited  repeatedly  as  a 
partial  explanation. 

Mrs.  Shelly  Wellington  noted  that  a  frequent 
response  from  students  when  assigned  a  novel  to  read 
is  "I  don't  want  to  read  it.  I've  already  seen  it."  She 
suggested  that  video  tapes  and  rnovies  could  be 
utilized  better  than  they  are  now. 

Books  which  are  popular  at  Elmhurst  often  are 
those  which  have  been  made  into  movies.  Jaws,  Rich 
Man,  Poor  Man,  The  Great  Gatsby,  The  Exorcist, 
Airport,  and  Love  Story  are  well-circulated  in  the 

Both  Mrs.  Wellington  and  Mrs.  Jane  Hoylman 
mention  the  decline  in  the  reading  of  Kurt  Vonnegut 
stories.  Mrs.  Hoylman  notes  that  psychiatric  novels 
such  as  Sybil  and  Helter  Skelter  are  popular.  Helter 
Skelter  seems  to  be  read  the  most  of  any  book  right 

Nearly  all  teachers  said  that  boys  are  still  reading 
sports  stories  and  girls  the  Gothic  romances  such  as 
Victoria  Holt  books.  Stories  about  pregnant  teen- 
agers are  also  popular  with  females.  Science  fiction  and 
mystery  stories  are  being  read  less,  while  biographies 
are  popular  with  younger  students.  And  Mrs. 
Wellington  has  noticed  that  students  enjoy  poetry 
when  it  is  accompanied  by  pictures  as  in  illustrated 
books  and  on  posters. 

Mrs.  Hibben  explained  that  paperbacks  and 
magazines  are  read  the  most  by  students  in  the 
library,  and  she  commented  that  she  thought  students 
used  the  Ubrary  less  than  they  used  to  because  of  the 
difficulty  it  has  in  obtaining  current  books  and  the  fact 
that  only  books  on  an  approved  list  may  be  purchased. 
She  says,  "It  used  to  be  you  couldn't  have  a  Ubrary 
without  the  classics.  Now  students  don't  use  them 
much.  I  think  it  reflects  a  change  in  attitudes.  People 
are  looking  for  something  new  because  they  think  new 
means  better.  This  is  not  always  true.  Television 
provides  pure  entertainment  and  people  don't  want  to 
go  through  the  language  of  a  book,  they  just  want  the 

editorial  8 

An  issue 
yet  fo  be 

During  the  past  week,  the  editorial  department 
of  the  Elmhurst  Advance  conducted  a  small 
survey  of  general  student  opinion  on  busing 
students  across  town  to  go  to  school.  This  survey 
is  not  necessarily  on  the  local  level,  but  is  about 
busing  in  any  city  around  the  nation.  A  cross- 
section  of  the  student  population  was  taken  and 
only  two  questions  were  asked. 

1.  What  is  your  opinion  on  the  busing  of  students 
across  town?  Of  the  students  asked  this 
question,  17  per  cent  thought  that  busing  was 
a  good  idea  and  should  not  be  discontinued,  66 
per  cent  were  against  the  idea  of  busing,  most 
feeling  it  served  no  purpose,  and  17  per  cent 
had  no  particular  feeling  or  didn't  know 
enough  about  the  issue  to  state  an  opinion. 

2.  Do  your  parents  have  an  opinion? 

Of  the  students  responding  to  this  question, 
those  answering  thought  a  lot  about  it  with  40 
per  cent  saying  yes,  their  parents  were  against 
it.  Sixty  per  cent  didn't  know  whether  or  not 
their  parents  had  an  opinion. 

Students  voice  opinions 

Some  students  went  farther  and  stated  why 
they  took  on  their  negative  viewpoints; 

"I  think  it's  stupid  for  students  to  be  bused 
across  town,  when  they  have  a  high  school  in 
their  own  neighborhood. ' ' 

Another  said,   "They've  tried,   it,   it  doesn't 
work,  so  why  push  people  together?  If  people 
want  to  get  together,  they  will! ' ' 
School  board  pressured  at  first 

On  the  administrative  level,  one  of  the  office 
staff  members  commented  that  when  busing  in 
Fort  Wayne  Community  Schools  began  five  years 
ago,  the  people  on  the  school  board  downtown 
were  pressured,  mainly  because  parents  had 
complained  that  their  children  had  become  so 
familiar  with  their  schools  that  it  would  be  a 
grave  mistake  to  bus  them  to  a  new  school  in  a 
new  district.  But  now,  the  staff  member 
commented  that  the  students  and  parents  know 
clear  back  in  junior  high  what  high  school  they 
are  going  to.  Now  there  are  not  nearly  as  many 
complaints  to  the  school  board  about  busing,  and 
the  staff  member  feels  that  the  whole  plan  has 
worked  out  very  well.  ' 

The  busing  issue  here  in  Fort  Wayne  five  years 
ago  was  not  as  complicated  as  in  such  cities  as 
Boston,  Mass.  and  Detroit,  Mich.  In  these  cities, 
it  was  a  whole  different  plan  and  a  very  complex 
plan  to  follow. 

All  art  work  by  Betsy  Barber  ■ 

Tomily  Plot'  chills 
without  violence 

by  Jim  Nelson 

Alfred  Hitchcock  has  scored  yet  another  success  with 
his  new  flick  "Family  Plot."  Playing  at  the  Holiday 
Theater,  "Family  Plot"  follows  in  the  footsteps  of  such 
Hitchcock  classics  as  "Rear  Window"  and  "The  Birds." 

It  all  begins  when  a  rich  old  lady  (Catherine  Nesbittl 
seeks  help  from  a  "clairvoyant"  named  Blanche 
(wonderfully  played  by  Barbara  Harris)  to  find  the 
illegitimate  nephew  she  banished  from  her  midst  35  years 
before.  With  Blanche's  clairvoyancy  and  the  help  of  her 
boyfriend,  George  (Bruce  Dern),  the  couple  set  out  to  find 
this  mysterious  man.  The  long-lost  nephew  (William 
Devane)  just  happens  to  be  a  professional  kidnapper  and 
when  he  discovers  the  twosome  are  snooping  into  his 
past,  he,  along  with  his  partner  in  crime  (Karen  Black), 
plots  their  murder. 

One  of  the  highlights  is  a  scene 
in  which  a  hired  man  leaks  the 
brake  fluid  out  of  Blanche's  car. 
As  George  is  driving  down  a' 
mountain  he  realizes  he  has  no 
brakes.  From  then  on  a  state  of 
panic  overtakes  the  couple  as 
they  speed  around  curves,  avoid 
on-coming  cars,  and  barely  miss 
going  over  a  rail  to  certain  death.  The  viewer  lives  every 
moment  of  this  episode  as  Blanche  chokes  George  with 
his  necktie  and  is  fearful  of  a  car  around  the  next  curve. 

The  film  builds  suspensefully  to  a  climatic  scene  as 
Blanche  and  George  meet  their  would-be  murderers  and 
match  wits  to  stay  alive. 

"Family  Plot"  is  a  film  with  great  acting  and  suspense 
to  match  and  a  must  for  Alfred  Hitchcock  fans.  It's  so 
nice  to  see  a  murder  mystery  film  with  very  little  violence 
or  blood. 

Mhat  happens  when  the 
graduate  can^l  read  ? 


Custom     Picture    Framing 

411W»b$tr«tt  743-IM1 

by  Verne  Myers 

Every  year,  from  elementary  school  to 
senior  high,  students  are  rewarded  for 
their  faithful  attendance.  A  fine  attribute 
for  anyone  involved  in  some  activity  is 
attendance,  and  students  are  annually 
recognized  for  their  unblemished  school 

Diploma  given  for  attendance 

Of  late,  however,  various  school 
officials  across  the  country  (hopefully  a 
minority)  have  made  the  suggestion  that 
in  return  for  "regular"  attendance  at 
school,  students  should  be  rewarded  with 
some  kind  of  high  school  diploma.  The 
"pupil"  need  not  read,  write,  add  or  make 
any  other  indications  that  he  or  she  is 
functioning  mentally  in  order  to  make 
that  final  walk  down  the  aisle  come 
commencement  night. 

At  graduation,  students  who  fulfill  the 
attendance  requirement  would  receive  a 
separate  diploma  from  those  who  passed 
high  school  academically.  A  student 
would  have  two  options:  work  for  an 
academic  diploma,  or  receive  due  "credit" 
for  participation  in  high  school. 
Concern  voiced  on  test  scores 

Perhaps  there  are  a  number  of  students 
today  sliding  through  high  school,  and 
much  concern  has  been  voiced  over  lower 
test  scores  and  performance.  This  type  of 
program,    however,    simply   provides 

justification  for  this  type  of  development, 
and  certainly  would  not  add  any  incentive 
for  those  students.  It  would  seem  that  the 
best  way  to  help  and  improve  them  would 
be  to  raise  their  performance,  not  lower 
the  standards  to  match  the  students. 

The  purpose  of  the  whole  educational 
system  is  to  educate  and  much  of  the 
taxpayers'  money  is  used  for  this  vast 
system  of  schools.  It  would  be  an 
injustice  to  the  public  as.  well  as  the 
student  to  practically  remove  all  barriers 
to  a  high  school  diploma,  defeating:  its 
whole  purpose. 

Reading,  writing  -  fundamental  need 

But  perhaps  even  more  basic  is  the  fact 
that  being  able  to  read  and  write  is  a 
fundamental  need  of  American  society.  It 
is  not  the  actual  survival  of  a  person  that 
is  at  stake,  but  the  ability  to  get  along  in 
society  and  contribute  as  a  20th  century 
human  being. 

Reading  and  writing  are  very  basic  to 
communication  between  people.  Man 
used  them  to  move  out  of  the  Stone  Age, 
and  now  is  certainly  not  the  time  to 
regress.  Reading  opens  up  most  avenues 
of  information  and  could  be  considered 
necessary  to  retain  a  working  democracy. 

Is  education  necessary?  Without  a 
doubt,  it  is.  But  even  more  important,  the 
system  by  which  students  gain  this 
knowledge  must  not  be  diluted  to  the 
point  where  there  areno  effective  results 
and  no  reasonable  alternatives. 



Ehnhurst  High  School 
3829  Sandpoint  Road 
Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  46809 

Vol.  36,  No.  18 
May  12. 1976 

Top  Council  seats  to  be  chosen  today 

This  morning  during  the 
homeroom  period,  next  year's 
Student  Council  officers  will  be 
chosen  by  the  student  body. 
The  elections  bring  an  end  to 
two  weeks  of  campaigning  for 
the  seven  candidates  running 
for  the  offices  of  president, 
vice-president,  and  secretary- 

This  year's  election  will  be 
conducted  in  a  manner 
designed  by  the  present 
Student  Council  officers.  The 
candidates  have  been 
permitted  to  endorse  other 
candidates  as  they  have  done 
by  choosing  what  appears  to  be 
running  mates.  However,  all  of 
the  votes  cast  this  morning  will 
be  counted  up  separately. 

A  great  amoimt  of  confusion 
has  arisen  within  the  Council 
concerning  this  procedure. 
Candidates  who  appear  to  be 
running  with  partners  for  the 
president  and  vice-president 
position  have  endorsed  another 
candidate,  not  as  it  appears 
chosen  a  running  mate. 

Junior  Bob  Bracht  has  been 
campaigning  for  the  president 
position.  Bob's  primary  goal,  if 
elected,  is  to  terminate  the 
feeling  of  indifference  he  has 
observed  that  exists  in  the 
present  Council.  In  order  to 
accomphsh  this,  Bob  believes 
that  subcommittees  should  be 
set  up  through  the  Student 
Council  that  would  allow  more 
involvement  by  non-members. 
Bob  would  also  like  to  see  more 
Stu4ent  Council  support  of 
clubs  and  organizations  within 
the  school. 

Also  running  for  the  spot  is 
junior  Tod  Huntley.  Tod's 
primary  objective,  if  elected, 
would  be  to  remove  the  "sqcial 
club"   stigma  of  the  Council 


and  make  the  club  more 
responsive  to  the  students  by 
keeping  them  informed  of  the 
Council's  activities  and  give 
them  a  greater  input  in  the 
poHcy-making  of  the  group.  . 

In  order  to  accomplish  this. 
Tod  suggests  that  Council 
meetings  should  be  open  to  any 
student  with  a  free  period  when 
the  Council  meets,  and  at  the 
end  of  each  meeting,  non- 
members  may  participate  in  a 
short    feedback   session. 

The  third  candidate  for 
Student  Council  president  is 
junior  Dave  Stein, 

Dave  has  tried  to  base  his 
campaign  on  principles,  not 
specific  ideas  or  promises.  He 
believes  in  a  president  for  all 
students,  not  just  a  certain 
group  within  the  student  body 
at  Elmhurst. 

In  expressing  his  viewpoints 
in  this  race,  Dave  explained, 
"Hard  work  and  dedication, 
that's  what  I  stand  on,  but 
most  of  all  I  stand  on  my  own 
two  feet,  to  work  for  the  way 
that  things  should  be  in  the 
Student  Council." 

Running  in  the  vice 
president  race  is  junior  Jan 
Dowling.  Fresh  new  ideas  that 
can  be  incorporated  to  get 
something  rolling  is  what  Jan 
stands  behind.  She  would  like 
to  see  students  get  involved  in 
the  Student  Council  who  are 
really  excited  about  working 
with  the  group. 

Another  V-P  candidate  is 
junior  Kent  Hermann.  One  of 
Kent's  main  objectives  for 
next  year's  student 

government  is  that  the  student 
body  must  come  together  in 
unity  as  one.  Kent  will  then 
represent  the  students  equally. 

Junior  Troi  Lee  is  seeking 
election  to  the  vice-presidential 
position.  In  his  many 
campaign  beliefs,  Troi  would 
most  like  to  see  the  social  club 
atmosphere  of  the  Council  done 
away  with.  Secondly,  Troi 
would  like  to  see  much  more 
representation  from  all  ethnic 
groups  at  Eimhurst. 

Running  unopposed  for  the 
secretary-treasurer's  office  is 
junior  Sue  Frankewich.  Sue 
has  been  a  member  of 
Elmhurst's  Council  for  two 
years  and  would  now  like  the 
chance  to  use  her  abilities  in  a 
major  position.  Sue  believes 
that  there  has  to  be  one  main 
organization  in  the  school  that 
everyone  can  be  a  part  of,  and 
Sue  believes  that  Student 
Council  is  that  group  that  can 
involve  and  benefit  all. 

vice  president  candidates  are  above,. left  to 
right:  Tod  Huntley.  Troi  Lee.  Kent 
Hermann,  Bob  Brachi,  Jan  Dowling,  and 
Dave  Stein.  Below  is  Sue  Frankewich,  the 
unopposed  candidate  for  the  secretary- 
treasurer  office.  Photos/ Phil  Gutman. 

Smith  awarded  Sertoma 

The  recipient  of  this  year's 
Sertoma  Award  for  Elmhurst  has 
been  named.  The  honor  goes  to 
senior  Terry  Smith. 

Terry  received  his  trophy 
during  a  banquet  at  Hall's  Gas 
House  on  Monday,  May  10.  The 
reception  was  held  to  honor  all 
winners,  one  from  each  of  the  10 
high  schools  in  Fort  Wayne. 
Hiliard  Gates,  WKJG  sports- 
caster,  presented  the  awards. 

Terry  was  chosen  mainly  on 
athletic  participation.  Other 
factors  contributing  to  his 
winning  were  leadership,  sports- 
manship, personaUty,  character, 
scholastic  ability,  citizenship, 
cooperation,  extra-curricular 
activities,  and  good  morals. 

The  senior  class  was  asked  to 

nominate  candidates  that  they 
felt  were  worthy  of  the  award. 
The  top  three  nominees'  names 
were  then  given  to  a  committee. 
The  committee  then  reviewed  the 
record  of  the  student  who 
received  the  most  votes  to  see  if 
that  person  was  actually  the  best 
candidate.  If  the  answer  was 
'yes',  then  the  award  would  go  to 
him.  Otherwise,  it  would  go  to 
one  of  the  next  two. 

Elmhurst  has  participated  in 
the  program  for  14  years  out  of 
the  21  years  that  the  Sertoma 
Club  has  been  sponsoring  this 

The  Sertoma  Club,  SERvice 
TO  M  Ankind,  is  actively  involved 
in  helping  organizations  and 
recognizing  outstanding  citizens 
of  the  city. 


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flew  a  Jenny,  Ah  yes,  the  nostalgic  days  of  aviation! 
Bui  ihal'sall  changed  now,  and  some  other  things  have 
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Camper's  Country 

Ifomierly  Army-Navy  Smrel 

Elmhurst  Advance 

.«Bi  !S'o«''.iM)tecopv  SccDfiu(iasso«iogEBi 

News  tijiior 
EftlO.iil  Editor 
Sdq'Ls  Ediiw 
Feaiure  EditO' 
Phoio  Ediiw 

Saiah  Siewari 

Many  Millei 


Jirr  McCtenegfien 

Nancy  eeadiE 

Michelle  Aimjirong 

Pfiil  Guiman 

laura  Bowen.  Tirrr  Chaney, 

TiMd  N.cWs.  fJicTiolas  Smuo, 

Ketrin  Siepltenson,  Sfeue  Vsughd 

Ad  Stall 

Business  Manage i 

Sue  Marquis 



Kaitiy  Stisipin 

Jen  Oovy ling,  Kevin  Lee, 

Nancy  McAlee,  Verne  Myers. 

Uaiitynn  Scherer 


Busiest  spot  at  EHS 


Before  school  each  morning 
during  the  school  week,  within 
about  twenty  minutes,  students 
spend  from  $15  to  $25  daily  in 
Elmhurst's  busiest  spot,  the 
"Cash  Box." 

Funds  fiDanced  by  profits 

In  that  small  room,  never 
designed  for  retail  operation, 
approximately  150  sales  are  made 
every  morning.  Candy  is  the  most 
popular  item  sold  according  to 
Mr.  John  Coahran.  faculty 
advisor.  The  "Cash  Box"  also 
sells  pencils,  paper,  stenographic 
pads,  note  cards,  folders,  erasers, 
pens,  and  combs,  to  list  a  few 

The  "Cash  Box"  is  a  Student 
Council  operation  with  all  profits 
going  itito  three  funds  at 
Elmhurst.  The  three  funds  are  the 
Student  Council  fund,  the 
Student  Aid  fund,  and  the 
Educational  Resource  fund. 

To  date,  Elmhurst's  general 
store  has  grossed  well  over  $3,500 
for  this  school  year.  The  Student 
Aid  Fund,  which  receives  25%  of 
the  "Cash  Box"  profits,  helps  to 


news  3 

Ktnlon    returns  for  concert 

finance  the  fees  for  foreign 
exchange  students  and  to  help 
pay  the  expenses  for  the  forensic 

Students  devote  time 
to 'Cash  Box' 

Senior  Mike  Engle  has  been  a 
service  worker  in  the  "Cash  Box" 
for  the  past  two  years.  Sally 
Engle,  Mike's  younger  sister,  also 
gives  up  much  of  her  free  time  to 
help  out  between  7:30  and  7:55 
a.m.  each  morning  during  the 
week.  Also  contributing  much 
time  to  the  operation  of  the  "Cash 
Box"  this  semester  were  Marcia 
Miller  and  Buddy  Goggans. 

During  the  morning  rush,  these 
four  student  workers,  along  with 
Mr.  Coahran,  are  busy  handing 
out  candy,  selling  notebooks,  and 
making  change.  More  than  $1.00 
a  minute  is  spent  during  this 
time.  When  the  warning  bell  rings 
at  7:55  a.m.,  the  students  move 
on  to  their  first  period  classes, 
and  in  a  minute  or  so,  the  room  is 
cleared.  Once  again,  money  has 
been  spent  that  is  in  turn  used  for 
the  students  of  Elmhurst, 

Stan  Kenton,  featured  at  the 
1974  Elmhurst  Jazz  Festival,  will 
again  be  presenting  a  concert 
here.  Kenton  contacted  Mr. 
Randy  Brugh,  EHS  band 
director,  wanting  to  know  if  he 
would  hke  to  fill  a  vacancy  in  his 
program  schedule.  Kenton  will  be 
on  his  way  to  Detroit  when  he 
stops  here. 

On  Thursday,  May  20,  Kenton 
and  his  19-piece  band  will  start 
playing  jazz  music  at  8  p.m.  and 
continue  for  approximately  two 
hours.  The  doors  will  open  one 
hour  before  the  program  begins. 

Tickets  for  the  performance  are 
oriced  at  $4  for  general  admission 

and  $5  for  reserved  seats.  They 
can  be  purchased  in  the  music 
department  or  from  any  band  or 
choir  member. 

Kenton's  music  appeals  to  both 
young  and  old.  In  fact,  many 
charts  that  Elmhurst's  jazz 
bands  play  are  written  by 

According  to  Mr.  Brugh, 
"Kenton  has  done  more  for 
student  musicians  than  any  other 
big  band  director."  This  is 
especially  true  for  Elmhurst.  Two 
EHS  musicians  have  been 
awarded  a  scholarship  in  the  past. 
Those  two  were  Dave  Berry  and 
Ken  Rarick. 




AMERICAN  FIELD  SERVICE  SPONSORED  its  first  annual  Inter- 
national Discotheque  last  Friday  evening,  May  7,  in  the  EHS  cafeteria. 

Those  in  attendance  learned  the  basic  steps  to  several  international 
dances.  Demonstrated  were  Jewish,  Israeli,  Flemish,  Cuban,  and  Costa 
Rican  dances.  The  square  dance  was  also  featured. 

Elmhurst's  orchestra  performs  at  the  annual  Spring  Concert  May  7  in 
the  EHS  gymnasium.  At  the  musical  performance,  the  concert  band  and 
choir  also  presented  entertainment.  Elmhurst's  orchestra  is  directed  by 
Mr.  John  Morse.  The  concert  band  is  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Randy 
Brugh.  and  Mr.  Al  Schmutz  leads  the  choir. 

In  a  May  4  convocation,  the  GUbertos,  along  with  their  son  and 
daughter.  Sammy  and  Nancy,  displayed  their  outstanding  acrobatic 

■The  couple  from  Belgium  demonstrate  their  rewards  from  being 
physically  fit.  Gilbert  is  held  in  mid-air  by  his  wife,  Benigna. 

Tri'State  awards  students 

•••and  so  on 

Nowak  named  May  Rotarion 

Junior  Rotarian  for  the  final  month  of  the  school  year  is  senior  Greg 

Greg  has  been  chosen  by  Mr.  William  Geyer,  dean  of  boys,  to  attend 
the  weekJy  luncheons  at  the  Rotary  Club. 

May's  Rotarian  will  meet  every  Monday  with  the  Rotary  Club  to  eat 
lunch   with  local  businessmen  and  professionals,  and  to  listen   to 
presentations  of  their  occupations  and  careers. 
Afro-American  Club  to  see  Chicago  play 

Members  of  the  Afro-American  Club  of  Elmhurst.  sponsored  by 
Mrs.  Sharon  Banks,  will  be  traveling  to  Chicago  the  weekend  of  May 
22.  The  group  is  planning  to  see  the  theatrical  play  "My  Arms  Are  Too 
Short  to  Box  with  God."  The  club  will  travel  by  chartered  bus. 

AFS  paper  drive  scheduled  for  May  22 

American  Field  Service  is  sponsoring  once  again  a  paper  drive  on 
Saturday,  May  22. 

Members  of  the  organization  will  be  collecting  newspapers  and 
magazines  in  the  Westmoor,  Wildwood,  and  Indian  Village 

The  money  earned  from  the  papers  gathered  will  be  added  to  the 
AFS  fund  for  next  year's  foreign  exchange  program. 

Pom-pom  workshops,  tryouts  to  be  held 

Workshops  will  be  conducted  after  school  May  17,  19  and  24  for  the 
girls  interested  in  tryout  out  for  next  year's  pom-pom  squad.  The 
tryouts  will  be  May  25. 

At  the  practice  sessions,  basic  marching  steps  will  be  taught  along 
with  basic  hand  motions. 

The  group's  faculty  instructor.  Mrs.  Cathy  Russell,  and  marching 
band  director,  Mr.  Randy  Brugh,  will  head  the  panel  of  judges  in  the 
selection  of  next  year's  pom-pom  squad. 

Mayor  Hatcher  to  be  featured  speaker  at  banquet 

Richard  Hatcher,  mayor  of  Gary,  Indiana,  will  be  the  featured 
speaker  at  the  spring  banquet  sponsored  by  the  Afro-Heritage  Club  of 
Snider  High  School.  The  banquet  will  be  held  Sunday,  May  23.  at  2 
p.m.  in  the  school  cafeteria. 

Tickets  for  the  banquet  and  Mayor  Hatcher's  speech  are  on  sale  at 
Snider  High  School.  The  cost  is  $5  per  person.  The  public  is  invited. 

Media  Center  to  close  May  28 

Materials  checked  out  from  the  Media  Center  will  be  due  in  on  May 
21.  The  Center  will  remain  open  through  May  28  for  individual  and 
small  group  use  of  its  materials;  however,  no  materials  will  be  allowed 
to  be  checked  out. 

Moles,  females  chosen 
to    help  build  spirit 

In  addition  to  the  six  varsity 
and  six  reserve  cheerleaders 
chosen  at  tryouts  after  school 
Apr.  28  and  29,  three  male 
cheerleaders  were  selected  to  help 
create  enthusiasm  at  events 
during  the  1976-77  sports  season. 

Next  year's  varsity 

cheerleading  squad  is  comprised 
of  sophomores  Jana  Beauchot, 
Lise  DuemUng,  Kari  Rietdorf, 
Jeanine  Russell,  and  juniors 
Anita  Boyer  and  Carmetta 
Walker.  The  three  male  additions 
to  the  squad  are  sophomores 
Brian  Coyle,  Jesse  Galvan.  and 
BUI  Panyard. 

Making  the  reserve  squad  for 
next  year  are  Ann  Arend.  Kim 
Huntley,    Lisa    Richards,    Kelly 

Schoeph,  Laurie  Stephan,  and 
Lisa  Williams.  All  of  these  girls 
are  now  in  one  of  Elmhurst's  two 
feeder  schools,  either  Kekionga  or 
Portage  Junior  High. 

During  the  two  judging 
sessions,  prospective 
cheerleaders  were  required  to  do  a 
cheer  in  a  group  with  two  or  three 
other  participants,  an  individual 
cheer,  a  gymnastic  stunt,  the 
sphts.  and  three  jumps. 

Qualities  the  panel  of  judges 
looked  for  primarily  included 
skills,  poise,  personality, 
enthusiasm,  and  leadership. 

The  new  guy  yell  leaders  will 
basically  help  in  building  the 
mounts  and  executing  gymnastic 

Thirty-five  EHS  drafting 
students  will  be  recognized  this 
Saturday  afternoon,  May  15,  by 
Tri-State  University  of  Angola 
for  their  winning  entries  in  the 
ninth  annual  Tri-State  high 
school  drafting  competition. 
Awards  will  be  presented  by  the 
university  at  a  3  p.m.  assembly 
on  the  Angola  campus.  High 
schools  in  counties  located  in 
northeastern      Indiana      were 

Sinks  wins 
over  Arter 

John  Sinks.  Elmhurst  guidance 
counselor,  chalked  up  another  big 
victory  in  last  Tuesday's  primary 
elections,  winning  his  bid  to 
return  to  the  state  General 

Mr.  Sinks  easily  defeated  Dixie 
Arter  for  the  Republican 
nomination  for  16th  District  state 
senator.  This  position  is  presently 
held  by  Senate  President  Pro- 
Tem  Phillip  Gutman,  who  did  not 
seek  to  run  again  for  the  office. 

Having  served  the  past  12 
years  in  the  state  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, Mr.  Sinks  benefited 
from  his  well-known  political 
name  as  he  earned  a  better  than  2 
to  1  majority  margin  over  Mrs. 

Mr.  Sinks'  opponent  in  the 
Republican  state  Senate  race, 
Mrs.  Arter.  has  been  active  in  the 
Citizens'  Energy  Coalition. 

In  the  November  elections.  Mr. 
Sinks  will  face  Democratic 
contender  Ronald  W.  Rice,  a 
farmer    from    Yoder. 

eligible  to  enter  the  annual 
drafting  competition. 

Duguid  awarded 
fourth  place  honor 

Winning  as  Elmhurst's  highest 
entry  was  junior  Mike  Duguid, 
Mike  placed  fourth  overall  and 
will  be  presented  a  S300  grant-in- 
aid  to  Tri-State  University. 

The  next  highest  award, 
besides  placing  from  first  to 
fourth  place,  is  very  high 
honorable  mention.  Those 
students  receiving  this  rating  are 
sophomores  Brian  Coyle.  Mark 
Muri,  Bill  Panyard;  juniors  Steve 
Houser,  Dan  Jehl,  Kevin  Koehl, 
Gregg  Roth,  Bob  Stanley,  Kevin 
Swihart;  and  seniors  Bryan  Jones 
and  Dan  Surine. 

Many  students  to  receive  awards 

High  honorable  mention 
awards  will  be  presented  to 
sophomores  Warren  Howard, 
Dave  Patrick,  Jeff  Roby,  Tom 
Sperone,  Bruce  Wolfe;  juniors 
Nelson  Almond,  Jim  Freygang, 
Kent  Hermann,  Ted  Ornas,  Cindy 
Rodriguez;  and  seniors  Mark 
Hershberger  and  Jeff 


Receiving  honorable  mention 
awards  will  be  sophomores  John 
Didier,  Michael  Forkert,  John 
McDonald,  Kenny  Roberts, 
Denise  Smith;  juniors  Paul 
Abbott,  Alan  Maier,  Carey 
Marks;  and  senior  Steven 

Very  high  favorable 

consideration  awards  will  go  to 
sophomore  Tom  Johnson  and 
senior  Michael  Darby. 

In  all,  Elmhurst  had  48  entries 
and  35  of  these  received  the  above 

Whot's  hoppening? 



The  Quill  and 
Scroll  Journalism 
Honorary  Society 
will  hold  its  ban- 
quet tonight  at 
the  Baer  Field 
Hilton  Inn. 





Elmhurst's     Jun-  ^ 
ior-Senior       Ban-  .^ 
quet     and     Prom  -^ 
will  beat  the  Baer 
Field  Hilton  Inn. 
The  after  prom  is 
at       Goeglein's     ^" 
Barn     from     1-3     -^ 


EHS  Athletic 
Banquet  will  be- 
gin at  6:30  p.m.  in 
the  cafeteria.  T.V. 
2rs  Tom  Camp- 
bell will  emcee 
this  event. 

Stan  Kenton  will 
appear  in  concert 
in  the  Elmhurst 
gymnasium  start- 
ing at  7:30  p.m. 

All  materials  are 
due  in  the  Media 


W  Forum  Club  re-  «^  ^^^  ^^_ 
ception  will  be  at  ^3  ^^^^  ^^^ 
7:30  p.m.  in  EHS   '^^M^    ^^ 

'  Pom-pom  tryouts 
will  be  conducted 
in  the  gymnasium 
after  school. 



This  year's  student  council,  headed  by  Tom  Sonday,  Vice- 
President  Mike  Maurer  and  Secretary  Claudia  Johnson,  has 
managed  to  produce  some  effective  results,  despite  a  lot  of 
confusion,  petty  disagreements,  and  arguments  over 
procedure.  Over  the  past  seven  months,  the  council  has 
sponsored  eleven  events,  in  addition  to  funding  several  school 
organizations  and  individuals  who  are  representatives  of  the 

Penny  Arcade  provides  largest  profits 

The  council  began  the  year  in  October  with  Homecoming 
and  a  Homecoming  dance.  October  was  also  the  month  of 
representative  and  class  officer  elections,  and  the  group  was 
responsible  for  this  also. 

The  November  Penny  Arcade  was  perhaps  the  largest 
grosser  of  income  for  the  council  of  the  year.  Other  area 
schools  participated  in  the  Arcade.  The  Arcade  was  considered 
a  huge  success  because  of  the  large  crowd  and  the  profits  made 
by  each  booth.  ' 

December  brought  Ethos  to  Elmhurst  with  a  90-minute 
concert  that  grossed  about  three  dollars.  Although  attendahce 
was  low,  the  council  felt  the  program  was  a  success  because  it 
managed  to  break  even.  December  also  was  the  month  of  the 
Miss  Virginia  project,  the  annual  Christmas  project  designed 
to  help  needy  families  in  Fort  Wayne  through  Miss  Virginia, 
who  works  to  help  the  inner  city  poor. 

Council  attains  successful  record 

The  annual  semi-formal  dance,  held  in  February,  proved  an 
extreme  disappointment,  since  it  put  the  council  $300  into  the 

This  month,  the  council  is  paying  for  the  after-prom  at 
Goeglein's  Barn,  sponsoring  an  essay  contest,  and  running  the 
elections  for  next  year's  offices. 

All  told,  the  council  has  met  15  times  this  year  and 
sponsored  11  activities,  a  record  they  feel  is  successful.  The 
council  has  one  meeting  left  this  year. 

Seniors  discuss  vole  preferences 

Whatever  happened  to  the  liberated  youth  of 
America?  The  youth  who  rebel  against 
standard  values  and  represent  a  very  liberal 
segment  of  the  country?  At  Elmhurst,  it 
appears,  the  influence  of  conservatism  has 
made  itself  felt  where  students  reflect  the 
political  climate  of  a  state  well-known  for  its 
conservative  Republican  base.  In  a  year  of 
presidential  and  congressional  elections, 
Elmhurst  students  have  seen  fit  to  follow  a 
more  traditional  line,  a  line  which  has  been 
typically  Hoosier  for  years. 

In  Tuesday's  May  4  primary  election,  most 
seniors  had  a  chance  to  exercise  their  right  to 
vote  for  the  first  time.  On  Thursday,  those 
seniors  in  Mr.  Glenn  Miller's  psychology  and 
sociology  classes  responded  to  a  poll  of  the 
candidates  which  confronted  them  on  Tuesday. 
They  were  also  presented  with  a  variety  of 
presidential  and  congressional  opponents  for 
the  November  elections.  A  totalof  about  110 
seniors  responded  to  the  survey,  which  is 
approximately  a  third  of  the  senior  class. 

Roughly  70  percent  of  the  votes  cast  were 
Republican,  though  many  students  didn't  vote 
a  "straight  ticket"  by  any  means.  In  the 
Republican  presidential  contest.  President 
Ford  captured  58  per  cent  of  the  vote,  as 
compared  to  42  per  cent  for  Ronald  Reagan. 
This  is  an  almost  exact  reflection  of  city-wide 
voting  which  granted  Ford  a  57  to  43  per  cent 

On  the  Democratic  side,  Jimmy  Carter 
captured  65  per  cent  of  the  vote,  as  compared 
to  67  per  cent  in  this  area.  George  Wallace  and 
Ellen  McCormack  each  gathered  in  12  per  cent 
of  the  vote,  while  in  Allen  County,  they  tallied 
10  and  9  per  cent  respectively.  Sen.  Henry 
Jackson  followed  with  11  per  cent,  while  he  ran 

with  14  per  cent  in  the  county.  Again,  voting 
followed  very  similar  lines  between  the 
students  and  the  major  public. 

For  the  U.S.  Senate,  RepubUcan  Richard 
Lugar  received  79  per  cent  of  the  vote,  in 
contrast  to  17  per  cent  for  Edgar  Whitcomb 
and  4  per  cent  for  William  Costas.  In  Allen 
County,  Lugar  had  68  per  cent,  Whitcomb  29 
per  cent,  and  Costas  3  per  cent.  For  the 
Democrats,  Vance  Hartke  pulled  in  59  per  cent 
to  Philip  Hayes'  41  per  cent.  In  the  county,  it 
was  a  much  closer  51  to  49. 

For  state  senate,  the  familiarity  of  John 
Sinks'  name  brought  in  95  per  cent  of  the 
Elmhurst  vote  against  5  per  cent  for  Dixie 
Arter.  In  the  county.  Sinks  still  captured  72 
per  cent.  Democrat  Ronald  Rice  defeated 
opponent  Robert  Ries  76  to  24  per  cent.  It  was 
a  narrower  55  to  45  in  the  county. 

In  the  fall  elections,  students  were  given 
several  presidential  possibilities.  In  a  match- 
up of  Ford  ^gainst  Humphrey,  Ford  easily  won 
with  79,  per  cent  of  the  vote.  However,  the 
margin  closed  a  bit  when  Ford  opposed  Jimmy 
Carter,  winning  67  to  33  per  cent.  Reagan  ran 
weaker  against  Humphrey  than  did  Ford, 
though  easily  winning  67  to  33  per  cent. 
Against  Carter,  Reagan  lost  more  votes, 
coming  through  with  62  per  cent  of  the  vote.  In 
this  match-up,  Reagan  ran  weaker  than  Ford 
against  all  Democrats,  which  agrees  with  the 
primary  voting  between  Ford  and  Reagan. 
Carter  was  the  strongest  Democrat. 

Richard  Lugar  bettered  Vance  Hartke  by 
only  60  to  40  per  cent,  which  indicates  some 
degree  of  crossover  voting.  Again  John  Sinks, 
.bettered  Ronald  Rice  with  89  per  cent  of  the 
vote,  indicating  the  immeasurabl  e  importance 
of  familiarity  and  personal  contact. 

tiie  vote  the  vote  tiie  vote  tiie  vl 

^ds— lays.*- 

'Bad  News  Bears' 
not  bad,  but... 

by  Jim  Nelson 

"The  Bad  News  Bears,"  playing  at 
Southtown  Cinema  and  HoUday  Theatre,  is 
pretty  funny  —  in  spots.  Sometimes  the 
overall  film  gets  too  average  —  again,  only 
in  spots. 
Matthau  out  of  character 

It's  all  done  for  fun,  of  course,  and  the 
plot  could  have  been  really  good  if  it  had 
been  pursued.  Instead  it  goes  out  in  all 
directions,  even  staging  unnecessEU-y  serious 
overtones.  It  begins  with  the  promise  of 
being  a  funny,  entertaining  film.  Then, 
somewhere  between  the  middle  and  the  end, 
it  takes  on  a  dismal  atmosphere.  For 
example,  why  would  a  Little  League 
baseball  coach  storm  out  to  the  mound  in  a 
rage  and  smack  the  pitcher  off  his  feet?  If  it 
was  a  joke,  it  desperately  needed  a  shot  of 
humor.  If  it  was  serious,  then  what  is  the 
motive  for  portraying  these  adults  as  rotten, 
cruel  baseball  coaches.  The  serious  events 
just  don't  make  any  sense. 

Walter  Matthau  is  the  Bears'  beer- 
drinking  coach  who  begins  the  film  being 
very  amusing,  but  viewers  end  up  pitying 
such  a  boozer.  Matthau  is  out  of  his 
element.  He's  an  excellent  actor,  but  he 
doesn't  even  act  in  this  one.  He  just  walks 
through  the  film  swearing  at  the  kids. 
Tatum  O'Neal's  billing  doesn't  equal  her 
part.  She  wasn't  bad,  but  she  had  a  hard 
time  keeping  her  characterization  intact. 

Young  actors  steal  show 

The  other  kids  stole  the  show.  They  were 
bright,  funny,  and  great  actors  except  for 
one  thing.  Nine  and  eleven-year  olds,  most 
of  them  at  least,  do  not  have  mouths  that 
were  filled  with  such  language  that  would 
make  a  sailor  blush.  It  was  funny,  but 
people  get  sick  of  hearing  smart  aleck  kids 
with  crummy  mouths.  This,  of  course,  can 
be  blamed  on  a  poor  script.  Whoever  wrote 
it  thinks  crude  is  humorous. 

All  in  all,  "The  Bad  News  Bears"  has  poor 
acting  by  the  billed  stars  and  a  rotten  script. 
The  only  worthwhile  thing  were  those 
bright,  talented  kids  who  stole  the  show  — 
at  least  what's  left  to  be  stolen. 

Letter  praises 
baseball  coach 

To  the  editor: 

I  disagree  with  Kevin  Lee  on  what  he  said 
about  Mr.  Derbyshire  not  being  a  good 
coach.  No  team  can  be  great  just  because  it 
has  good  players.  If  you  have  a  bad  coach, 
you  have  one  losing  season  after  another, 
but  Elmhurst  has  not  had  this.  Elmhurst 
has  good  pitchers  and  catchers,  but  it's  the 
coach  who  decides  who  plays.  Elmhurst  is 
one  of  the  best  teams  in  the  city,  and  we 
should  be  glad  we  have  good  coaches  in 
every  sport,  including  baseball.  I  am  not  on 
the  baseball  team. 

A  Fan 


by  Mark  DeGrandchamp 

Eighteen  young  men  from  around 
the  area  will  soon  be  playing  m  the 
Big  Leagues.  No.  not  the  American 
or  National  Leagues.  A  new  baseball 
league  is  being  formed  at  Elmhurst 
this  summer,  which  will  be  known  as 
the  Big  League,  which  is  a  spmoff 
from  the  Little  League  Programs. 

Big  League  — 
both  good  and  bad 

Mr   Charles  Weaver,  manager  of 

joiii  big  league 

the  team  that  will  represent 
Elmhurst,  commented.  "It  should 
lie  a  pretty  good  league.  Quite  a  few 
M.ung  men  that  play  for  Wayne. 
Elmhurst,  and  Luers  will  be  trying 
out  for  the  team." 

Sophomore  Joel  Flotow  stated, 
"This  new  league  should  be  a  lot  of 
fun.  1  didn't  think  that  I  would  be 
able  to  play  any  ball  this  year 
because  nothing  was  available." 

Senior  Dan  Landrigan  takes 
another  point  of  view.  He  feels  that 
this  league  will  drain  the  Connie 
Mack  program,  but  it  will  give  more 
people  a  chance  to  play.  Therefore,  it 
will  be  both  good  and  bad. 
league  to  offer  maay  opportunities 

The  League,  which  is  an 
equivalent  to  the  Connie  Mack 
Program,  is  for  young  men  ages  IB- 
IS. It  is  being  sponsored  by  the 
Prime  Construction  Corporation. 
Several  other  sites  will  be  included; 
St.  Joe  Center,  Times  Corners,  and 

About  30  people  are  expected  to 
try  out  for  the  program.  Tryout 
times  are  to  be  announced  at  a  later 
date.  Weaver  commented  that  a  lot 
of  good  ball  players  were  not  given 
the  chance  to  play  and  that  this 
league  will  offer  a  lot  more 
opportunities  to  these  players 

Students  cast  in  'Godspeir 

by  Colleen  Tonn 

"I  didn't  think  it  would  get  going,  but 
when  everyone  started  to  really  work,  .t 
turned  out  okay.  I  was  pleased  with  the 
production,"  smiled  junior  Donna  Munroe. 
Donna  played  the  piano  for  the 
"Godspell"  put  on  by  Campus  Ministries  of 
I  U  -P  U  "Godspell"  is  a  musical  based 
upon  the  gospel  according  to  St.  Matthew 
and  was  originally  produced  on  the  New 
York  stage. 
News  of  play  passed  by  word  of  mouth 

The  local  production  of  the  musical  began 
as  the  idea  of  Janine  Johnson.  Janine,  an 
l.U.-P.U.  student  doing  her  internship  in 
Campus  Ministries,  enjoys  drama  and  felt 
"Godspell"  would  draw  much  attention. 
Miss  Johnson  enUsted  the  help  of  Ruth 
Gilland  as  assistant  and  that's  where 
Elmhurst  became  involved. 

Ruth  told  her  friend  senior  Carol  Quance 
about  the  play  and  Carol,  in  turn,  told  junior 
Dave  Stein,  The  two  tried  out  and  made  it  as 
members  of  the  1 1-character  cast.  Carol  also 
asked  junior  Donna  Munroe  to  audition  for 
th  e  piano  part,  which  she  easily  won.  Donna 
told  sophomores  Dave  Nelson,  who  plays 
bass,  and  Tim  GaskiU,  who  plays  drums  and 
they  became  involved. 
•Godspell'  -  a  moving  experience 

Then  the  work  began,  practice  upon 
practice,  hours  upon  hours.  Lines,  music, 
and  choreography  -  all  the  little  things 
that  make  a  stage  show  "just  right.'  After 
all  this,  was  the  finished  product  worth  it? 
Most  definitely  yes. 

The  play  was  simple,  moving,  and  very 
touching,  it  showed  the  complete  love  Jesus 
Christ's  foUowers  had  for  Him.  Very  fast- 
moving,  yet  sometimes  slow  enough  to  let 
you  think.  The  audience  was  heard  to 
murmur,  "Fantastic,"  "I  love  it,"  and 
"Neat."  And  when  it  was  over,  there  was 
not  one  person  who  didn't  have  a  smile  on 

Drawing  by  Betsy  Barber 

his  face. 

•Godspell'  -  a  very  special  musical 

The  audience  was  not  alone  in  its 
enthusiasm.  Actress  Carol  Quance  grinned, 
"I  really,  really  enjoyed  it.  So  many  things 
the  play  says,  I  feel  inside  of  me."  Donna 
Munroe  agreed.  "It  was  warm  and  conveyed 
a  good  message."  She  was  also  very  proud 
of  the  fine  job  these  first  and  second  time 
actors  and  actresses  did. 

The  musical  will  be  performed  at  least 
three  more  times.  It  will  be  at  Aldersgate 
Methodist  Church  May  9.  Waynedale 
United  Methodist  May  16.  and  at  Freiman 
Square  in  the  near  future.  '•Godspell"  is  a 
totally  new  experience  and  a  very  special 

Weight-lifters  given  P.E.  cr 

^^  ^^        must  then  be  resisted,  or  "brought  down,    by  th 

by  Lise  Duemling 
Negative  lifting'!  "P.M.A.?"  "Free  weight?"  These  are  only 
a  few  elements  involved  in  the  weight-lifting  program  at 
Elmhurst.  Organized  in  1974.  the  number  of  participants  has 
grown  from  11  to  nearly  100  with  over  130  in  the  summer 
conditioning  program  used  mainly  by  athletes  competing  in 
fall  and  winter  sports. 
Program  to  improve  students'  skills 

Elmhurst  is  the  only  school  in  the  city  to  have  a  weight-" 
Ufting  program  available  as  a  class.  Students  receive  P.E. 
credit  along  with  the  benefits  of  having  class  time  to  improve 
their  skills.  "I've  been  through  the  program  and  I  know  it 
works!"  emphatically  stated  supervisor.  Coach  Tom  Herman. 

Coach  Herman  and  Coach  Mark  Hageman  from  Ball  State 
University  say  "body  strength,  increased  muscle  size, 
cardiovascular  endurance,  and  overall  body  building"  are  the 
goals  of  the  program. 

To  achieve  these,  weight-lifting  and  other  activities,  which 
usually  include  running  (for  cardiovascular  improvement!,  are 
completed  on  an  every-other-day  basis.  Also,  "Shoot  for  the 
P.M. A.."  encourages  Coach  Herman.  "If  you're  going  to 
succeed  in  anything,  you  must  have  a  positive  mental 
Free  Ufting  harder  than  Universal 

The  actual  weight-lifting  itself  can  be  accomplished  in 
several  ways.  One  aspect  of  exercise  is  negative  lifting.  Done 
in  groups  of  three,  an  amount  of  weight  is  Ufted  by  two  and 

must  then  be  resisted,  or  "brought  down,"  by  the  remaining 
person.  In  this  process,  greater  poundage  can  be  used,  and  one 
can  gain  the  fullest  muscle  extension.  Coach  Herman  observes, 
••An  increase  anywhere  from  60-100  lbs.  can  be  attained  by 
regular  use  of  the  ben  ch  press  alone." 

Not  as  common  as  other  forms  here  is  the  free  weight 
system  of  lifting.  Equipment  such  as  barbells  is  used  for  this. 
••We'd  like  to  get  some  moi-e  free  weight  down  here  to 
complement  the  Universal  (weight  machinel,"  commented 
Coach  Hageman.  He  continued  to  explain  that  free  lifting  is 
usually  harder  —  because  more  muscles  are  iised  at  one  time 
than  in  working  on  the  Universal. 
Girls  develop  stamina  through  weight-lifting 

Although  girls  do  not  yet  take  weight-lifting  as  a  class, 
many  are  involved  in  it  through  other  sports.  However,  goals 
such  as  increased  muscle  size  and  overall  body  building  are  not 

Mrs,  Cathy  Russell  explains,  "Rather  than  develop  strength 
by  lifting  heavy  weights,  they  lift  lighter  weights  over  a  longer 
period  of  time.  It  helps  to  develop  stamina  and  endurance. 

Some  future  hopes  in  the  program  include:  1)"  another 
machine  -  costing  approximately  $4,000;  21  a  chance  to  open 
the  opportunity  of  weight-lifting  to  the  public;  3)  more  space 
in  which  to  operate  (hopefully  this  will  occur  with  the  school 
expansion);  and  4)  further  involvement  for  girls. 

But,  presently,  both  Coach  Herman  and  Coach  Hageman 
urge  everyone  to  take  part  in  the  weight-lifting  program  and 
*  agree  that  "You  only  get  out  of  it  what  you  put  into  it! " 

EHS  diamondmen  downed  by  Woodlam 
sport  5-1  record  in  SAC  race 

by  Mark  Mullen 

With  more  than  half  the  season 
over,  the  Elmhurst  baseball  team 
looks  stronger  than  ever.  It 
currently  holds  an  impressive  5-1 
win-loss  record  in  the  SAC  and  an 
11-7  overall  record. 
Trojans  edge  out  Bruins 

On  Apr.  30,  the  Trojans  met 
the  Northrop  Bruins  at  Elmhurst. 
The  Trojans  ended  up  on  top  by 
edging  the  previously  unbeater 
Bruins,  2-1.  Junior  Brian  RusseL 
pitched  superbly.  In  the  top  of  th( 
fourth,  the  Bruins  had  the  base; 
loaded  with  only  one  out.  Tht 
situation  looked  hopeless,  but  th( 
next  two  outs  came  easy  as  there 
was  an  infield  pop  and  a  fly  ball  to 
left  field,  which  were  both  caught. 
The  Homestead  Spartans 
traveled  to  Elmhurst  the  next 
day  for  a  doubleheader. 
Ehnhurst,  lead  by  sophomore  Jim 

Almond's  pitching,  came  out  the 
victor  by  overrunning  the 
Spartans,  6-4. 

The  tables  turned,  however,  in 
the  second  match  and  Elmhurst 
was  intimidated  by  the  Spartans 
by  a  score  of  6-1, 

Coach  Bill  Derbyshire 
commented,  "We  just  couldn't 
get  the  hits." 

Diamondmen  explode 
against  Dwenger 

The  next  game  saw  the  Trojans 
pitted  against  the  Harding 
Hawks  at  Elmhurst  on  Tuesday, 
May  4. 

Elmhurst  exploded  with  four 
runs  in  the  third  inning  as  the 
result  of  juniors  Ron  and  Don 
Culpepper's  base  stealing,  a  base 
hit  by  Brian  Russell,  and  a  two 
smash  by  Terry  Smith.  The 
Trojans  went  on  to  win  it  with  a 
convincing  5-3  score. 

Aciieido4ce^  (^^^fiontA 

by  Kevin  Lee 

Are  today's  basebaU  super- 
stars overpaid?  My  answer  is 
no.  They  can  be  compared  to 
Johnny  Carson,  Paul  Lynde,  or 
Dinah  Shore.  They  are 
showmen  with  a  special  type  of 
ability,  the  ability  to  play 
baseball.  What  does  agitate  me 
is  the  way  a  $150,000  super- 
star bawls  out  an  umpire  on  a 
call  that  is  more  than  likely 
correct.  The  fact  is  that  the  call 
makes  the  big  impressive 
superstar  look  bad  so  he  takes 
his  only  avenue  of  saving  his 
reputation,  that  of  telling  the 
umpire  off.  All  I  have  to  say  is 
superstars,  be  men  and  take 
your  medicine,  and  try  growing 
up  a  bit. 

Announcer:  And  he  slides 
into  third,  it's  going  to  be  close 
sports  fans. 

Umpire:  Yerout! 

Announcer:  He  called  him 
out.  Watch  out  now  sports  fans 
Johnny  Jock's  going  to  give 
the  umpire  a  piece  of  his  mind. 
Not  too  much  though.  He's 
given  every  umpire  in  the 
league  a  piece  of  his  mind  and 
there's  not  much  left. 

Johnny  Jock:  Out?  Out! 
Where's  your  eyes  Alfred?  In 
your  ears,  or  is  it  your  toes 
today?  Well  they  sure  aren't  in 
your  head. 

Umpire:  Now  calm  down 
Jonathan  this  is  going  to 
happen  to  you  very  often  if  you 
keep  running  the  base  paths 
like  you  have  been. 

Johiiny  Jock:  I  was  wrong. 
They're    not    in    your    toes! 

They're  in  your  heels,  you  heel. 

Umpire:  Johnathan,  you 
know  if  you  keep  getting  on  we 
umpire's  cases  you  aren't 
going  to  be  getting  a  fair 
shake.  I  was  fair  to  you  on  that 
call  because  I  like  you 

Announcer:  Johnny  Jock  is 
really  getting  heated  now 
sports  fans.  If  you  were  here 
now  you  could  tell.  It  starts  in 
his  left  index  toe  nail  and  has 
climbed  very  rapidly  to  his 
45th  hair  cuticle.  He's  beet  red. 
I  wouldn't  want  to  be  in 
umpire  Alfred  0.  Nearsight's 
shoes  at  this  moment. 

Johnny  Jock:  What  do  you 
mean  being  fair  tome!  I 
touched  the  base  four  seconds 
before  the  ball  touched  the 
infield  grass. 

Umpire:  Now  Johnathan 
you're  exaggerating  again.  I 
know  you  stretch  the  truth. 
Last  night  your  wife  told  me 
that  you  caught  a  10,  inch  fish 
on  vacation  last  winter  and  by 
the  time  spring  training 
started  it  had  grown  3  feet. 

Johnny  Jock:  What  were 
you  and  my  wife  doing 
together  last  night.  You  old 
geiser,  so  help  me,  if  I  ever 
catch  you  and  her  together  . . . 

Umpire:  Yer  out  of  the 
game!!!,  league,  and  the 
Playball  Club. 

Narrator:  And  so  ends 
another  heated  argument 
between  a  spoiled  baseball 
superstar  and  a  poor 
unprotected,  underpaid 

The  following  Friday,  May  7, 
Elmhurst  hosted  the  Bishop 
Dwenger  Saints.  In  the  second 
inning,  the  Saints  scored  five 
runs  to  take  a  5-0  lead. 

However,  this  did  not  stop  the 
Trojans.  The  Trojans  creeped 
back  Uttle  by  little,  and  by  the 
end  of  the  sixth  inning,  the 
Trojans  had  narrowed  the  Saints' 
overwhelming  lead  to  only  one. 
The  Trojans  exploded  in  the 
seventh  inning.  With  two  outs, 
Terry  Smith  smashed  a  base  hit 
and  made  it  to  first.  Then,  senior 
Stan  Sorgen  got  walked.  Stan  and 
Terry  advanced  to  second  and 
third  base  respectively  when  the 
Saints  pitcher  threw  a  "wild 
one."  Senior  Stan  Prince  then 
smacked  a  base  hit  that  brought 
in  Terry  for  the  5-5  tie.  Ron 
Culpepper  then  hit  in  Stan  for  a 
run  and  the  6-5  victory. 
Three  SAC  games  on  agenda 

The  next  day,  Elmhurst  hosted 
the  Woodlan  Warriors.  Nothing 
seemed  to  happen  right  for  the 
Trojans  as  they  made  twelve 
errors  and  went  through  three 
pitchers.  Consequently,  Elmhurst 

lost  by  a  disappointing  U-7  score. 

Elmhurst  has  eight  more 
regular  season  games  left  in 
which  three  are  SAC.  The  SAC 
games  include  Concordia,  on 
Tuesday,  May  11,  at  Concordia; 
Wayne,  two  days  later  at 
Elmhurst;  and  South  Side,  away, 
on  Tuesday,  May  18.  If  Elmhurst 
wins  all  three,  they  have  a  chance 
at  the  SAC  championship. 

According  to  Coach 

Derbyshire,  "They're  all  tough, 
but  if  we  can  get  on  base  and  run, 
we'll  win.  We  like  to  run." 

To  back  up  that  statement, 
Ron  and  Don  Culpepper, 
together,  have  attempted  36 
stolen  bases  and  have  been 
thrown  out  only  five  times. 

Elmhurst  has  competed  in  the 
Columbia  City  Sectionals  in  past 
years,  but  this  year,  will 
participate  in  the  Huntington 
Sectionals.  It  will  start  on  May 
31,  Memorial  Day. 

Coach  Derbyshire  feels  that  the 
Huntington      Sectionals      are 
tougher.     It     includes     EHS,  < 
Wayne,  Norwell,  Huntington, 
and  Huntington  Catholic, 

ABOVE.  SOPHOMORE  TIM  STACKHOUSE  SLIDES  for  the  base,  toppling  the 

opposing  base  defender.  EHS  diamondmen  are  currently  lied  for  first  place  in  the  SAC 

BELOW:  JUNIOR  DON  CULPEPPER  ROUNDS  the  bases  in  an  attempt  to  score 
for  the  Trojans.  Culpepper  is  one  of  the  lending  base  runners  for  Elmhurst  and  holds  a 
regular  starting  position  in  the  outfield. 


Trojans  compete  in  championship 

I  ....       X.    .,     __-..     _         t:- n«oHr  Ipd  the  tracksters. 

by  Rick  Knuth 

It  was  another  first  in  SAC 
history.  The  Elmhurat  boys  and 
girls  track  teams  participated  in 
the  rain-delayed  SAC  track  and 
field  finals  on  Friday.  May  7.  at 
Wayne  Stadium.  It  marked  the 
first  time  in  Fort  Wayne  that  a 
boys  and  girls  track'meet  was  run 
simultaneously  at  the  same  site. 
The  finals  were  scheduled  for 
Thursday,  May  6,  but  heavy  rains 
made  it  impossible  to  hold  the 

The  boys  team  finished  sixth 
out  of  the  ten  SAC  teams.  The 
highlight  of  the  meet  for 
Elmhurst  was  junior  Tim  Lee 
who  successfully  defended  his 
city  title  in  the  880  with  a  time  of 
1:59.5.  Junior  Chad  Cline  placed 
third  in  the  880  with  a  time  of 
2:01.9.  Junior  Doug  Peters  was 
the  only  member  of  the  boys  team 
to  place  in  two  events.  Peters  was 
third  in  the  discus  with  a  throw  of 
143  feet  and  second  in  the  shot 
with  a  put  of  52  feet  4  inches. 

Also  placing  in  the  shot  put 

was  junior  Mike  Rush  with  a 
throw  of  45  feet  9  inches.  Junior 
Ernie  Starks  was  sixth  in  the  120 
yard  high  hurdles  running  the 
distance  in  15.6  seconds.  In  the 
pole  vault,  junior  John  Stiffler 
was  sixth  with  a  height  of  12  feet 
6  inches-  The  mile  relay  team, 
consisting  of  seniors  Rick  Knuth 
and  Brad  Smith  and  juniors  Tim 
Lee  and  Chad  Cline,  was  sixth 
witha  time  of  3:45. 

Girls  take  seventh 

The  girls  team  placed  seventh 
in    the    final    standings.    Junior 

Girls'season  still  'love' 

Two  weeks  ago,  the  Elmhurst 
girls'  tennis  team  traveled  to 
Harding,  Bishop  Luers.  New 
Haven,  and  faced  Bishop 
Dwenger  at  home.  Last  week 
brought  Concordia  and  Snider  to 
the  Trojans'  courts,  and  although 
the  Elmhurst  players  could  not 
snatch  a  victory  from  these 
competitors,  three  out  of  the  six 
meets  were  given  away  by  only 
one  match. 
Team  loses  to  tough  competitors 

On  Apr.  26.  the  Harding 
Hawks  came  out  ahead  by  four 
matches  to  Elmhurst's  three.  In 
the  number  one  singles  slot, 
senior  Cheryl  Norton  outvolleyed 
her  opponent  6-2 .  6-4 ;  junior 
Karyn  Heiney  (number  two 
position)  was  victorious  6-1,  6-4; 
and  the  number  one  doubles  team 
of  juniors  Lori  McCleneghen  and 
Elena  Perez  won  7-6.  6-4. 

The  following  two  days  didn't 
prove  to  hold  much  good  luck  for 

the  Trojans.  First,  against  the 
Dwenger  Saints.  KelUe  Slate  and 
Lynn  Hollowell.  playing  in  the 
number  one  doubles  spot  that 
afternoon,  outscored  their 
competition    6-3,    1-6,    6-4. 

Team  faces  high  winds 

New  Haven  was  the  site  of 
another  four-matches-to-three 
event  the  next  day.  Cheryl  was 
still  number  one  with  a  6-4,  6-4 
score  and,  having  a  little  more 
trouble,  Karyn  gained  a  4-6,  6-1, 
6-3  victory.  Elena  also  talhed  up  a 
6-7,  6-3,  6-0  performance  in  the 
number  four  singles  position. 

In  the  more  recent  contest 
against  Snider,  things  looked  a 
bit  brighter  with  yet  another  four 
to  three  final.  Playing  in  very 
high  winds  and  blowing  sand, 
Cheryl  fought  to  a  6-2.  6-2 
decision;  Karyn  handed  her 
"rival"  a  6-4,  6-3  loss;  and  the 
number  one  doubles  team  of 
juniors  Carmetta  Walker  and  Jan 

Dowling    battled    to    a    7-5,    6-2 

Sectionals  to  become 
main  focal  point 

After  matches  with  Northrop 
(Monday),  South  Side  (today), 
and  Homestead  (Friday)  have 
been  completed,  sectionals 
become  the  team's  focal  point. 
The  first  and  second  rounds  will 
be  held  Tuesday,  May  18.  at  9:30 
a.m.  Final  rounds  will  take  place 
May  20  at  1  p.m. 

Scheduled  players  are  as 

No.  1  —  Cheryl  Norton 
No.  2  -  Karyn  Heiney 
Alternates  -  Leslie  Collier 
June  Wilhams 


No.  1  ■  Lori  McCleneghen  & 

Elena  Perez 
No.  2  -  Carmetta  Walker 

&  Jan  Dowling 

Emma  Bostic  led  the  tracksters. 
winning  the  long  jump  with  a 
distance  of  16  feet  V.  inches,  and 
was  third  in  the  high  jump  with  a 
height  of  4  feet  10  inches.  In  the 
80  yard  hurdles  junior  Angle 
Hayden  was  second  with  a  time  of 
10.8  seconds. 

Junior  Sue  Frankewich  was 
sixth  in  the  shot  put  with  a 
distance  of  15  feet  4'/2  inches  and 
senior  Ethel  Fowlkes  placed  fifth 
in  the  long  jump.  The  440-yard 
and  880-yard  medley  relays 
teams,  consisting  of  seniors 
Betty  Carrion  and  Ethel  Fowlkes 
and  juniors  Evelyn  Fowlkes  and 
Angle  Hayden  were  third  and 
sixth  respectively. 

The  SAC  Trials  were  held  on 
Tuesday,  May  6,  at  Wayne 
Stadium.  The  boys  team  qualified 
five  individuals  for  the  finals.  In 
the  440  Smith  ran  a  49.7  to  place 
first.  Knuth  was  sixth  in  the  440 
with  a  time  of  51.4.  Lee  was  first 
in  the  880  with  a  time  of  1:57.0 
and  Cline  was  sixth  with  a  time  of 

Girls  qualify  relay  teams 

The  girls  team  qualified  one 
individual  and  two  relays  for  the 
finals.  Hayden  was  third  in  the 
80-yard  hurdles.  The  440  and  880 
medley  relays  also  qualified  for 
the  finals  by  placing  third  and 
fourth  respectively. 

In  a  home  meet  against 
Dwenger  on  April  27,  the  boys 
team  won  13  events  and  went  on 
to  beat  the  Saints,  93-34. 

The  girls  track  sectionals  will 

be  May  18  at  Carroll  High  School. 

On  May  20  the  boys  sectional 

track  meet  will  be  held  at  Wayne 

High  School. 

Iiinksmen  win  fourth;  players  Improve 

by  Tim  Springer 

During  the  past  two  weeks,  the 
Elmhurst  golf  team  has  been 
victorious  three  times  and  been 
defeated  six  times  to  boost  the 
Trojan  record  to  four  wins  and 
ten  losses. 

Bad  weather  hinders  linksmen 

On  Monday,  Apr.  26,  the 
linksmen    met    Garrett    on    the 

Trojan  home  ground.  Brookwood. 
Elmhurst  managed  to  out  hit 
Garrett  for  a  final  score  of  174- 
181.  Dave  Murray  and  Mark 
Newell  were  low  for  Elmhurst 
with  43"s,  followed  by  Tim 
Springer  and  Marty  Rifkin  with 
44's.  and  the  37"  weather  with 
freezing  winds  allowed  Steve 
Sims  to  come  in  with  a  55. 

The  next  day,  the  Trojans  faced 
South  Side  and  Northrop  again  at 
Brookwood.  Elmhurst,  again 
playing  in  freezing  temperatures 
and  windy  conditions,  ousted 
South  Side  165-172,  but  were 
downed  by  Northrop  161-165.  The 
Trojan  score  of  165  was  the 
lowest  total  by  Elmhurst  in  two 
years.  Jim  McCleneghen  was 
medalist  with  a  fine  round  of  39. 
Jim  was  followed  by  Newell,  41; 
Rifkin,  42;  Springer,  43;  and 
Murray,  45. 

Trojans  hit  worst  showing  of  year 
On  Apr.  29,  the  Elmhurst  links- 
men  traveled  to  Riverbend  to 
meet  two  SAC  teams.  Concordia 
and  Wayne.  The  Trojans  were 
defeated  by  both  teams  with  only 
one  decent  score,  a  43  by  Newell. 
The  final  score  was  Concordia 
171,  Wayne  174,  and  Ehnhurst 
188  -  their  worst  showing  of  the 

The  Huntington  match  that 
was  to  be  played  on  May  3  was 
TEES  OFF  as  team  members  Dave  Mur- 
ray and  Jim  McCleneghen  await  their 
turns.  The  Trojans  were  hindered  by  bad 
weather  and  high  winds  throughout  last 

cancelled  because  of  rain,  but  the 
next  day,  the  weather  shaped  up 
as  the  Trojans  again  defeated 
South  Side,  but  again  were  outhit 
by  Concordia  and  Bishop 
Dwenger.  Again,  McCleneghen 
was  medalist  for  the  Trojans  with 
a  42,  followed  by  Springer  44, 
Newell  45,  Murray  47,  and  Rifkin 
48.  The  final  team  scores  were 
Dwenger  154,  Concordia  163, 
Elmhurst  178,  and,  last  but  not 
least.  South  Side  181. 

McCleneghen  shoots  best  round 

On  Wednesday,  the  Trojans 
drove  to  a  very  windy  New  Haven 
to  give  the  Havenhurst  course  a 
try.  Elmhurst  was  defeated  by 
New  Haven,  but  one  very  good 
round  was  turned  in  by 
McCleneghen.  He  now  has  the 
best  round  turned  in  during  the 
past  two  years.  His  round  was  a 
38.  The  team  score  was  161-170. 

Coach  Nick  Werling  has  kept 
averages  on  the  starting  five 
players.  They  are  as  follows: 
McCleneghen  41.2,  Springer  42.8, 
Newell  42.9,  Rifkin  44.3,  and 
Murray  44.6. 

Oswalf    crowned    as  queen 

Prom  filled  with  mogicol  moments 

1976  Prom  queen,  junior  Ann  Oswalt,  is  seated  in  front  of  members  of  her  court.  Four  of 
the  six  girls  on  the  prom  court  are  shown  with  their  escorts.  They  are  juniors  Sheril 
Homberger,  Karyn  Heiney,  Kelly  Auer,  and  Elena  Perez.  Right  —  Students  enjoy  the 
after  prom. 

"Midnight  Rainbows,"  the  1976 
Ehnhurst  prom,  was  indeed  filled 
with  magical  moments  for  100 
couples  who  attended  the  event 
Saturday,  May  15. 

The  Baer  Field  Hilton  Inn 
housed  the  prom  and  dinner.  The 
affair  began  with  dinner  at  7  p.m. 
and  concluded  with  the  actual 
prom  from  9  p.m.  to  midnight. 

Oswalt  reigns  over  pirom 

Highlighting  the  evening  was 
the  crowning  of  junior  Ann 
Oswalt  as  prom  queen.  The  queen 
was  backed  by  her  court 
consisting  of  juniors  Kelly  Auer, 
Karyn  Heiney,  Sheril 

Homberger,       Elena       Perez, 


The  J.  Branam  Trio  provided 
musical  entertainment  at  the 
prom.  The  three-piece  band 
played  a  variety  of  music, 
focusing  mainly  on  slow  dances. 

This  year,  however,  the  night 
did  not  end  at  midnight  when  the 
band  stopped  playing.  Scheduled 
from  1  to  3  a.m.  was  an 
afterprom,  which  was  held  at 
Goeglein's  Bam.  Due  to  lack  of 
interest  during  the  last  few  years, 
Elmhurst  has  not  had  an 
organized  afterprom. 

The  band  which  played  at 
Goeglein's  centered  primarily  on 

Carmetta  Walker,  and  Stephanie  square  dancing. 

Five  teachers  take 
leave  of  Elmhurst 

Mr.   Bill   Geyer 

"Kids  used  to  listen,  but  when 
you're  old,  they  just  tune  you 
out,"  cited  Mr.  Bill  Geyer, 
stating  what  significant  changes 
he  has  seen  in  the  school  system 
in  the  past  30  years  of  teaching. 
Mr.  Geyer  came  to  Elmhurst 
High  School  in  1950.  He  taught 
here  for  five  years  until  1955,  then 
,  he  went  to  South  Side  xmtil  1959. 
Upon  returning  to  Elmhurst  in 
the  fall  of  1959,  he  saw  quite  a  few 
changes  in  students,  ranging 
from  the  size  of  attendance  (350  - 
1,600  at  one  time)  to  the  inde- 
pendence of  the  students. 

Soon  to  reach  the  age  of  60,  Mr. 
Geyer  will  be  retiring  from  his 
position  as  assistant  to  the 
principal  after  this  school  year  is 
hAr.   Robert   Sfookey 

"I'm  not  leaving  because  I 
don't  like  Elmhurst.  I  do!" 
explained  Mr.  Robert  Stookey, 
Enghsh  teacher  at  EHS.  "I'm 
leaving  because  I  want  to  start  a 
speech  program  of  my  own  and 
get  the  opportunity  to  teach 
speech,  which  T  have  not  been 
able  to  do  here." 

Mr.  Stookey  will  be  leaving 
Elmhurst  to  head  the  speech 
department  at  Wayne  High 
School   next   year.    He    will   be 

teaching  speech  and  plans  to  have 
a  better  Forum  Club  at  Wayne. 
No  replacement  has  been  selected 
to  fill  his  position  at  Elmhurst. 

Mr    Richard   Rian 

Mr.  Richard  Rian,  woods 
teacher  and  industrial  arts 
department  chairman  at  EHS,  is 
leaving  next  year  to  teach  at 
Snider  High  School. 

"Leaving  Elmhurst  gives  me 
mixed  emotions,"  stated  Mr. 
Rian.  "Snider  is  closer  to  my 
home  and  my  children  go  there, 
but  EUnhurst  is  special  to  me. 
The  people  here  eire  nice  and 
friendly.  If  Ehnhurst  was  any 
closer  I  would  not  be  leaving. 

Taking  Mr.  Rian's  place  next 
year  is  Mr.  Don  Buzzard.  Mr. 
Buzzard  taught  at  Ehnhurst  two 
years  ago  and  left  to  become  the 
industrial  arts  consultaut  for  the 
Fort  Wayne  Community  Schools. 
Mr.    Randy   Brugh 

"He's  a  lizard."  A.11  remember 
the  shouts  of  this  band  members 
at  the  basketball  games.  There 
are  a  lot  o*  things  that  will  be 
remembered  about  the  band  in 
years  to  come,  but  one  subject 
stands  out  among  the  rest  —  the 
band  diipctor,  Mr.  Randy  Brugh. 
He  did  for  Ehnhurst  something 
that  can  never  be  appreciated 

School  recognizes 
outstanding  students 

Major  awards  were  presented 
to  outstanding  Elmhurst 
students  at  the  annual 
Recognition  Night  Wednesday, 
May  26.  Members  of  the 
graduating  class  participated  in 
the  traditional  senior  ritual  at  the 
end  of  the  program,  led  by  class 
officers  and  honor  students. 

Danforth  "I  Dare  You"  awards 
were  presented  to  Don  Wenger 
and  Nancy  Beadie.  Yvette  Morrill 
and  Verne  Myers  received  medals 
as  DAR  Best  Citizens.  Also 
acknowledged  were  previously- 
announced  winners  of  the 
Kiwanis  and  Sertoma  awards, 
Debbie  Temple  and  Terry  Smith. 

Top  awards  in  journalism,  for 
service  to  the  school,  went  to 
Marty  Miller  for  the  Advance, 
Yvette  Morrill  for  the  ADtibnuDt 
and  Tim  Chaney  for  photography. 
In  addition,  editors'  trophies  were 
presented  to  Yvette,  Advance 
editor-in-chief  Sarah  Stewart,  and 
photography  editor  Phil  Gutman. 

The  Juanita  Decker  English 
plaque  was  inscribed  with  the 
name  of  Andrea  Marchese,  and 
Les    Novitsky    was    named    for 

enough,    according   to    most   of 
those  who  worked  with  him. 

Mr.  Brugh  will  be  leavmg 
Elmhurst  at  the  end  of  this  school 
year,  after  accepting  a  position  at 
Haworth  High  School  in  Kokomo. 

Mr.    John   Bunnell 

The  School  of  Public  iJid  En- 
vironmental Affairs  on  the  lU- 
Purdue  Regional  Campus  will 
become  a  "second  home"  for  Mr. 
John  Bunnell  next  year.  He  will 
be  taking  clasjes  concerned 
mainly  with  criminal  justice  to 
expand  his  knowledge  and  under- 
standing of  government,  among 
other  reasons. 

Mr.  Bunnell,  who  has  taught 
government  for  eight  years  at 
Elmhurst,  will  receive  his  M.P.A. 
Degree  (Master  of  Public  Affairs) 
upon  completion  of  the  courses. 

outstanding  achievement  in  the 
Forum  Club. 

The  home  economics  award  of 
Silver  Thimble  went  to  Martha 

In  the  science  field,  individual 
awards  were  presented  to  James 
Emmons,  earth  science;  Lise 
Duemling,  advanced  biology; 
Robert  Levy,  ecology;  Chad 
Cline,  chemistry;  David  Beutler, 
physics;  and  Karen  Crippen, 
advanced  chemistry. 

Trophies  for  outstanding 
achievement  in  social  studies 
went  to  seniors  LesUe  Novitsky 
and  Marilynn  Scherer. 

In  the  field  of  art,  the  Tom 
Sellers  award  went  to  Darcy 
Autenrieth;  the  Pat  Bir  award  for 
outstanding  achievement  to 
Betsy  Barber;  Tumley  award  for 
Decisive  Photography  to  John 
Walls;  and  Stephen  M.  Perfect 
award  for  Creative  Photography 
to  Dennis  Dawkins. 

For  drama,  Allen  Shaw 
received  the  Suzy  Wirick  award 
for  outstanding  contributions  to 
fine  arts,  and  Melissa  Hunter  the 
I  Al  Rutledge  Award  for 
outstanding  contributions  in 

The  Ural  Edwards  Business 
Education  award  was  bestowed 
upon  graduating  senior  Irene 

Also  during  the  program, 
recognition  was  given  to  the  top 
ten  scholars  in  the  sophomore  and 
junior  classes.  At  the  top  of  the 
sophomore  class  are  Marta 
Slagle,  Lise  Duemling,  James 
Emmons,  Joan  Landrigan,  and 
Martin  Rifkin.  Completing  the 
top  ten  are  Jana  Beauchot,  Mark 
Eitman,  Cynthia  LeMaster,  Mark 
Muri,  and  WiUiam  Panyard. 

The  top  ten  juniors  are  Tod 
Huntley,  Michelle  Armstrong, 
Chad  Cline,  Robert  Bracht, 
Karyn  Heiney,  Scott  Bernhart, 
Susan  Frankewich,  Randall 
Girod,  Janet  Dowling,  and 
Richard  Sutorius. 

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^Imhurst  Advance 

Published  bi-woekly  dunng  the  school  year  by  thi 
.,  46809,  in  accordancswith  the  policii 

students  ol  Elmhurst  Hi^  School.  3829  SandpoiDt  H«ad.  Fort 
and  guidelines  tor  high  schcml  approved  by  the  Board  of  Timtees 

o(  the  Fort  Wayne  Conununity  Schools. 

Subscription  price  is  13.50  per  yeai,  25'  per  single  copy.  Second  class  postage  paid  at  Fort  Wayne,  Indiana  «6802. 

Editor-in-Chief Michelle  Armstrong 

News  Editor Nancy  McAfee 

Editorial  Editor Jim  Nelson 

Sports  Editor Jan  Dowling 

Feature  Editor Jeff  Roby 

Copy  Editor Liae  Duemling 

Photo  Editor Laura  Bowen 

Photographers Susan  Anderson, 

Steve  Ehiray.  Todd  Nichols, 
I  Nicholas  Smith 

Ad  Manager Matt  Tyler 

Ad  Staff BiU  Stewart 

Business  Manager Sue  Frankewich 

Exchange/Circulation  . .  Kathy  O'Connor 

Reporters Ed  Beck,  Barry  Cohen, 

Helen  DeRose,  Casey  Miller, 
Mark  Mullen,  Michelle  Quinn 

Advisor Jane  Hoyhnan 

Principal. . ., Richard  Horatmeyer 

Honorable  Mention 
by  Ann  Filchak 

I  truly  am. 
It's  not  just  an  illusion, 

I  exist. 
I  am  unique 

Z  can  be  the  bold,  outgoing  one 

I  can  be  quiet  and  moody. 
I  can  be  the  friend  you  need, 

when  you're  down 
Or  I  can  be  the  one  who  needs 

the  comforting  shoulder. 
I  can  be  exciting,  adventurous, 

elusive  and  mystifjang. 
But  what  good  does  that  do  me 

if  you  refuse  to  notice? 
I  am  alive! 

I  cannot  go  on  being  simply 
a  body  that  takes  up  space. 

I  beg  you  -  recognize  me. 
Tell  me  I'm  something 
Tell  me  you  care. 

Go  on,  it  won't  hurt. 

It  may  even  make  you  feel  good 
and  when  you  see  the  treasures 
you  have  discovered  through 

When  you  find  the  happiness 
that's  bound  to  come  with 
being  alive, 

maybe . . . 

Writers  Win  Money 

Nancy  Beadie,  Angela  Hayden,  Cathy  Johnson,  and  Betsy  Barber 
have  been  chosen  as  the  winners  in  the  recent  Essay  Contest  sponsored 
by  the  Student  Council.  Poetry,  non-fiction  essay,  short  story  and  poster 
work  make  up  the  foiu:  categories. 

"The  Price  of  Freedom,"  by  Nancy  Beadie,  is  the  winner  in  the  poetry 
category.  But  because  of  the  many  entries,  five  honorable  mention  award 
winners  were  chosen.  They  were  Angela  Hayden,  Clara  Perjak,  Robin 
Penrose,  Ann  Filchak,  and  Jeff  Roby. 

Angela  Hayden  won  in  the  non-fiction  essay  category.  In  the  short 
story  category  Cathy  Johnson  won  with  her  story  entitled  "A  Fall  in 
Shadestop."  A  poster  advertising  the  Woody  Herman  concert  at  the 
I  Jazz  Festival,  drawn  by  Betsy  Barber,  was  chosen  as  the  best  in  poster 
—  ""J^^work.  A  $10  award  will  be  presented 




by  Angela  Hayden  Non-Fiction  Essay 

Nobody  likes  to  get  beat-  Least  of  all  myself.  I  know,  I  know.  You 
can't  win  'em  all,  into  every  life  some  rain  must  fall  and  all  that 
other  jazz,  but  that's  not  much  consolation  when  yoii  cross  the 
finish  line  second,  third,  or  (heaven  forbid!}  dead  last. 

You  see,  first  is  everything.  After  first,  nothing  counts. 
Historians  and  record  keepers  do  not  list  the  poor  unfortunates  who 
happen  to  come  in  with  a  second-place  finish  imder  the  record  time. 
Only  the  first  place  winner  gets  that  recognition.  Now  I'm  not 
complaining;  that's  the  way  it  should  be.  However,  that  doesn't 
make  it  any  easier  to  swallow  when  you're  standing  on  that  podium 
just  one  step  lower  than  the  lucky  wirmer  who  is  grinning  like  an 
ape  and  you're  almost  on  a  level  with  the  chump  that  got  third  and 
you're  wishing  you  could  just  snatch  that  blue  ribbon  away  and 
take  it  somewhere  and  pin  it  up  and  your  whole  family  would  stay 
up  late  just  to  see  your  own  grinning  face  on  the  10:00  p.m.  news. 

I  think  this  is  true  of  all  sports,  not  only  track.  Nobody  wants  to 
be  second  best. 

One  of  the  worst  things  that  can  happen  to  an  athlete  is  to  come 
in  second  or  third  against  somebody  you  really  wanted  to  beat  and 
then  some  sympathetic  bleeding  heart  comes  up  and  burbles,  "So? 
You  got  second.  That's  still  good!",  and  you  feel  like  knocking  that 
person  out  but  you  can't  because  your  Aiint  Zelda  is  just  trying  to 
make  you  feel  good  and  you  know  it  wouldn't  be  good  manners  for 
you  to  knock  her  two  front  teeth  out  because  they're  false  and 
they'd  cost  a  fortune  to  repair  so  you  just  kind  of  grit  your  teeth 
into  some  sort  of  a  semblance  of  a  smile  and  fight  back  the  tears 
that  come  out  anyway  and  they  say,  "They'll  be  other  races,"  and 
you're  silently  screaming  "Shut  upl  Shut  up!"  then  finally  they  let 
you  go  and  you  escape  to  the  bathroom  where  you  try  to  pull 
yourself  together  for  the  next  event  in  front  of  a  mirror  that  keeps 
blurring  in  spite  of  yourself.  I  hate  that.  And  the  funny  thin  g  is,  I 
do  it  to  other  people  all  the  time.  You'd  think  I  would  know  better, 
but  when  you  see  somebody  who's  just  lost  a  race  and  they're 
looking  so  down  you  just  have  to  say  something  and  what 
proverbial  words  should  happen  to  pop  out  of  my  mouth  but,  "Well, 
you  still  did  good,"  and  me  being  a  terrible  actress,  my  words  come 
out  so  half-heartedly  that  I'm  sure  they  don't  believe  a  word  I'm 

But  that's  the  price  you  have  to  pay  when  you  don't  win,  which  is 
one  of  the  reasons  why  I  always  am  working  £|r  that  extra  stride 
that  will  put  me  over  the  finish  line  one  step  iBiead  of  the  rest  of 
those  monkeys.  I  simply  will  not  be  satisfierf"with  being  second 
best.  Second  is  nothing.  Second  is  a  cheap  red  ribbon  that  loudly 
announces  to  the  world  that  there  is  someone  out  there  faster  and 
better  than  you  are.  And  nobody  likes  that  cause  nobody  likes  to  get 

Everybody  is  after  the  big  blue  and  I  know  right  now  I'm  not  the 
fastest  or  the  best,  but  I'm  going  to  strive  my  hardest  to  keep  up 
with  the  pack.  I  don't  intend  to  get  left  behind^ 

to  the  four  first  place  winners. 

Acting  as  judges  were  Mi*.  John 
Sinks,  Mr.  Robert  Stookey,  Miss 
Jennifer  Manth,  Mrs.  Jane  Hoylman 
and  Mrs.  Prue  Oberlin. 

;ory    I 

by  Cathy  Johnson  -  Short  Story 

(ED.  NOTE}:  The  winning  short  story  has 
been  synopsized  by  its  author  for  purposes  of 
printing  in  this  issue  of  the  paper  In  its 
entirety,  it  was  too  long  to  reproduce.) 

In  a  somewhat  isolated  western 
town,  there  were  many  ambitious 
business  people  who  wanted  the 
town  to  prosper.  The  town  sheriff. 
Brock  Cody,  was  young  and  strong 
and  even  well-liked,  but  nobody 
Ustened  when  he  warned  the  town 
council  not  to  pay  experts  from  the 
East  to  come  and  get  the  little  town 
of  Shadestop  started  in  big 

Six  men  came,  and  in  a  month's 
time,  changed  the  entire  town. 
Everyone  did  what  he  was  told,  or 
suffered  the  consequences.  All  the 
town's  money  was  controlled  by  the 
Big  Six  who  had  agreed  to  send  it 
back  east  where  it  would  triple  over 
and  over  through  investments. 

Cody  stayed  out  of  the  picture.^ 
The  people,  in  a  way,  had  asked  for 
what  they  were  getting.  But,  when 
Cody  learned  that  the  Six  were 
planning  on  skipping  town  with  over 
$80,000  which  belonged  to  the 
"decent"  citizens  of  Shadestop,  he 
felt  obligated  to  step  in. 

Cody  stopped  the  six  men  as  they 
were  leaving  Shadestop  and  asked 
for  the  money  back.  One  at  a  time, 
he  shot  three  of  them,  leaving  three 
still  to  deal  with.  Being  really  quick 
with  a  gun,  Cody  knew  he  could  take 
care  of  two  of  them,  but  the  third 
cost  him  his  Ufe.  As  the  life 
dwindled  from  his  masculine  form, 
the  pebple  stood  watching;  still  not 
quite  aware  of  what  had  taken  place 
in  their  town. 

Feature- 31 

Winning  Poem 
by  Nancy  Beadie 
I  have  been  a  bird 

with  a  broken  wing, 
found  by  a  child  and  taken  in, 

fed  health 
with  a  dropper 

and  the  box  I  stayed  in. 
Perhaps  you  once 

nurtured  that  creature, 
looked  up  what  to  feed  it 

in  the  encyclopedia, 
read  sugar  water, 

and  from  some  adult 
heard  the  warning  that  the 

injured  bird  might  not  live. 
and  when  it  did,  decided  you  had 

learned  how  nature  worked. 
You  came  and  peeked  In  the  box 

before  opening,  in  the  morning 
and  after  school,  and  there  it  was, 

the  broken  bird, 
still  moving  and 

pleading  insanity,  incapability. 

You  stayed  firm  in  believing 

that  everytime  you  came 

the  invalid  knew  it  was  for  a 

feeding  in  the  steady  cup 

of  your  hand.  It  lay  there, 

stayed  there,  and  made  you 
believe,  and  became  healthy. 

You,  the  new  doctor 
were  advised  by  an  adult 

and  juvenile  novels 
on  children  and  animals, 
that  a  bird  was  made 
to  be  wild  and  ought  to  fly 
and  be  freed,  and  you, 
still  respectful  of  nature 

and  sure  its  ways 
were  imchallengeable, 

gave  in  one  afternoon, 
expecting  it  somehow  to  retiu*n, 
perched  on  a  human  tie 
I  It  couldn't  have;  being  a  bird. 
I      and  so  perhaps 


j  you  know  how  deep  the  dusk  got 
{      in  the  yard  that  day 
I  when  I  didn't  come  back 
and  didn't  come  back. 

I       an 

Honorable  Mention 
by  Jeff  Roby 

He  meant  well,  I'm  sure; 
But  things  sort  of  got 

out  of  hand. 
He  wanted  beauty, 
But  his  creation  destroyed 

He  wanted  a  state  of 

But  his  creation  wasn't 

He  wanted  all  his  creation 

of  the  same  inner  being. 
But  his  creation  was  blind 

and  divided  itself  by  the 

unimportant  outer  being. 
He  gave  his  creation  part  of 

his  own  broken  knowledge 

and  a  plan; 
But  it  didn't  understand  and 

went  in  a  different  direction. 
He  tryed  to  tiu-n  his  creation 

back  on  the  right  path, 
But  it  didn't  want  to  follow. 
He  gave  his  creation  all  he  had, 
But  it  was  selfish 

and  wanted  more. 
All  he  had  wanted  was  a  paradise, 
But  his  creation  turned  it  into 

He  now  must  wonder  if  he  failed, 
For  he  created  a  monster . . . 

. . .  roan 

@  Ouill  and  Scroll  initiates  new  members 

Jviimalism  students  are  shown  being  initiated  into  the  Quill  and  Scroll  Honorary  , 
Socivrv  at  the  annual  Q&S  banquet  May  12  at  the  Bacr  Field  Milton.   The  ceremony. 
conducted    by    society    members,    initiated    fourteen    students    from    the   publications 
department  Photo 'Steve  Duray. 

'Terrific'    Campbell   emcees 

Banquet  honors  athletes 

Fourteen  members  of  the  publi- 
cations department  were  initiated 
into  the  Quill  and  Scroll 
Honorary  Society  at  the  group's 
annual  banquet  May  12  at  the 
Baer  Field  Hilton. 

The  ceremony,  conducted  by 
members  of  the  society,  initiated 
juniors  Michelle  Armstrong, 
Scott  Bemhart.  Laura  Bowen, 
Anita  Boyer,  Jan  Bowling,  Karyn 
Heiney,  Lori  McCleneghen, 
Nancy  McAfee,  and  seniors  Betsy 
Barber,  Dave  Chrzan,  Kevin  Lee, 
Diane  Lupke,  Verne  Myers,  and 
Kathy  Sharpin. 

New  staffs  announced 

Also  highlighting  the  evening's 
events  was  the  announcement  of 
new  staffs  for  next  year's 
Advance  and  Anlibrum  by  this 
year's  editors  of  the  two 
publications,  seniors  Sarah 
Stewart  and  Yvette  Morrill 

Members  of  the  new  Advance 
staff  include  editor  in  chief, 
Michelle  Armstrong;  editorial 
editor,  Jim  Nelson;  and  copy 
editor,  Lise  Duemling.  Next 
year's  news  editor  position  will  be 
filled  by  Nancy  McAfee,  who  will 

Master  of  ceiemonies  Tom 
Campbell,  from  WPTA  Channel 
21,  led  off  the  program  with  an 
old  faithful  North  Side  joke  — 
and  so  began  the  annual  Athletic 
Banquet  held  in  the  EHS 
cafeteria  May  19. 

Coach  Tom  Herman  honored 
senior  Dave  Chrzan  as  the  out- 
standing football  athlete,  along 
with  senior  Tim  Chaney,  best 
mental  attitude,  and  senior  Bill 
McCombs,  the  most  improved 

The  sectional  champion  gym- 
nasts honored  sophomore  Becky 
Cummings  as  the  most  outstand- 
ing athlete  and  senior  Linda 
Smyser  with  the  best  mental  at- 
titude award. 

In  boys  track,  junior  Tim  Lee 
was  awarded  outstanding  athlete, 
senior  Brad  Smith  cUnched  the 
mental  attitude  honor,  and  junior 
Doug  Peters  was  announced  the 
most  improved. 

Girls  track  awards  went  to 
junior  Angela  Hayden,  out- 
standing athlete;  junior  Sue 
Frankewich,  best  mental 
attitude;  and  sophomore  Valerie 
Shrock,  most  improved. 

Cross  country  awards  went  to 
junior  Tim  Lee,  outstanding 
athlete;  senior  Rick  Knuth.  best 
mental  attitude;  and  senior  Dave 
Lewis,  most  improved. 

Senior  Cindi  Ybarra  was 
awarded  both  the  outstanding 
athlete  and  best  mental  attitude 
awards  in  volleyball.  Junior  Jan 
Dowling  merited  most  improved. 
Wrestlers  awarded  junior  Mike 
Rush  the  outstanding  athlete; 
junior   Nelson   Almond,    mental 

attitude;  and  senior  Mike 
Freygang  and  junior  Ken  Young, 
most  improved  athletes. 

In  tennis,  senior  Cheryl  Norton 
was  honored  with  the  outstand- 
ing athlete  award  while  junior 
June  Williams  received  the  most 
improved  player  award. 

Golf  honored  senior  Jim 
McCleneghen  as  the  outstanding 

Basketball  awards,  both  boys 
and  girls,  went  to  Ernie  Starks 
and  Ethel  Fowlkes,  outstanding 
athletes;  Doug  Peters  and  Sue 
Frankewich,  best  mental 
attitudes;  Mike  Brewer  and 
Elena  Perez,  most  improved  ath- 

The  Gordon  Crawford  award 
went  to  senior  Dan  Landrigan, 
and  senior  Ethel  Fowlkes  won  the 
Blanket  award. 

receive  assistance  from  Michelle 
Quinn  and  Ed  Beck.  Feature 
editor,  Jeff  Roby,  will  be  helped 
out  by  Barry  Cohen  and  Helen 
DeRose.  The  incoming  sports 
editor  will  be  Jan  Dowling,  who 
will  be  aided  by  Mark  Mullen  and 
Casey  Miller. 

Other  positions  filled  on  the 
Advance  staff  include  those  of 
photo  editor,  Laura  Bowen; 
photographers,  Todd  Nichols, 
Nicholas  Smith,  Susan  Anderson, 
Steve  Duray;  advertising.  Matt 
Tyler  and  Bill  Stewart; 
exchange/circulation,  Kathy 
O'Connor;  and  business  manager. 
Sue  Fremkewich. 

Heiney  selected  editor  in  chief 

The  1976-77  Anlibi-um  staff  will 
be  comprised  of  editor  in  chief, 
Karyn  Heiney;  student  life,  Lori 
McCleneghen ;  academics,  Joan 
Landrigan,  Ann  Lehner; 
activities,  Sydney  Hutner; 
sports.  Anita  Boyer,  assistants. 
Tim  Springer,  Ann  Filchak; 
faculty,  Scott  Bemhart;  senior 
section.  Colleen  Tonn;  underclass 
section,  Kari  Rietdorf;  copy 
editor,  Carol  Lockwood;  index, 
Vicki  Hamm;  and  advertising, 
Leslie  Collier,  Brian  Coyle. 

65   EHS  seniors  awarded 
Hoosier  state  scholarships 

Sixty-five  seniors  have  been 
awarded  Indiana  State  Scholar- 
ships. They  are  based  on 
academic  achievement,  as  shown 
in  their  class  rank  and  Scholastic 
Aptitude  Test  scores  and  finan- 
cial need. 

The  two-  types  of  scholarships 
are  monetary,  which  provides 
financial  aid,  and  honorary,  which 
could  be  used  if  any  financial 
assistance  should  become 
necessary.  From  EHS,  a  total  of 
90  students  applied  for 
scholarships.  The  remaining  25 
students  not  awarded  are  now 
being  considered  for  Indiana 
State  Grants. 
Included  on  the  list  of  recipients 

SENIOR  ETHEL  FOWLKES  POSES  proudly  after  receiving  the  Blanket  Award  at  the 
Athletic  Banquet  held  in  the  EHS  cafeteria.  Ethel  was  among  many  athletes  who  were 
honored  that  night.  Photo/Laura  Bowen. 

are  Dave  Archer,  Jantina  Baade, 
Betsy  Barber,  Benjie  Berry,  Dave 
Beutler,  Irene  Byrd,  Wes  Byrne, 
Betty  Carrion,  Matt  Gary,  Kathy 
Chapman,  Dave  Chrzan,  Karen 
Crippen,  Anne  Cummings,  and 

Also  receiving  scholarships  are 
Mark  DeGrandchamp,  Mike 
Engle,  Jan  Farriss,  Mike  Finken, 
Dayton  Frey,  Mike  Freygang, 
Randy  Georgi,  Janet  Gillie,  Marti 
Gross,  Barb  Harman,  Sue  Hart, 
Gregg  Heckley,  Tammy  Hughes, 
Claudia  Johnson,  Bryan  Jones, 
Rick  Knuth,  Patty.  Koehl, 
Rebecca  Krieg,  Keith 

Krumwiede,    Dan    Landrigan, 
Kevin  Lee  and  Scott  Lockwood. 

Other  seniors  awarded  are  Kim 
Markey,  Mike  Maurer,  Jim 
McCleneghen,  Bill  McCombs,  Jay 
Merz,  Ann  Momper,  Bill  Moring, 
Julie  Morken,  Mike  Mullen,  Doug 
Munk,  Gordon  Murphy,  Mike 
Myers,  Verne  Myers,  Linda 
Picello,  Janet  Rediger,  Lori 
Rietdorf,  Cindy  Ross,  and  Allen 

Finishing  the  list  are  Geoff 
Sills,  Tom  Sonday,  Stan  Sorgen, 
Carole  Stanley,  Sarah  Stewart, 
Tammy  Syndram,  Debbie 
Temple,  Christy  Todoran,  Sandy 
Tompkins ,  Don  Wenger,  and 
Patty  York. 

Grads  plan  future 

For  many  seniors,  possibly  the 
biggest  decision  of  their  lives  has 
been  made.  For  others,  it  is  still 
to  come. 

The  decision  is  whether  or  not 
to  attend  college,  when  to  enroll, 
and  which  school  is  to  receive 
their  efforts. 

Seniors  choose 
out-of-state  colleges 

Approximately  25  of  the  EHS 
upper  classmen  have  chosen  to 
attend  college  in  another  state  or 
country.  Those  leaving  Indiana 
next  year  are  Telma  Azevedo, 
University  of  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil; 
Nancy  Beadie,  Wellesley  College, 
Mass.;  David  Beutler,  University 
of  Illinois;  Kevin  Christy,  Florida 
State;  and  Cheryl  Cowdrey, 
Marshall  University,  W.  Va. 

Continuing,  Gerri  Davis  and 
Jan  Farris,  Findley  College,  Oh.; 
Warren  Frebel,  Eastern  Michigan 
University;  Barbara  Harman, 
Yale  University,  Conn.;  Steve 
Johnson,  Spartan  School  of  Aero- 
nautics, Okla.;  and  Kent  Kelsey, 
Nashville,  Tenn. 

Still  others  are  Rick  Kniith, 
North  Dakota  State  University; 
Diane  Lupke,  Boston  University, 
Mass. ;  Andrea  Marchese,  Smith 
College,  Mass. ;  Bruce  Marks, 
Ohio  Institute  of  Technology; 
Mike    Maurer,    St.    Gregories 

Seminary,  Oh.;  Yvette  Morrill, 
Middlebury  College,  Vt.;  and  Les 
Novitsky,  Georgetown 
University,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Finishing  the  list  are  Gregory 
Nowak,  University  of  Colorado; 
Martha  Renner.  Milligan  College, 
Tenn. ;  John  Russo,  San 
Francisco  State  University,  Ca.; 
Maria  Arguello  Sibaja, 
University  of  Costa  Rica;  Lonna 
Slatton,  Olivet  Nazarene  College, 
111.;  and  Sarah  Stewart,  Colorado 
Area  universities  to  be  attended 

The  majority  of  other  seniors 
polled  will  be  spending  the  up- 
coming year  in  Indiana.  Twenty- 
six  Trojans  will  be  enrolled  at 
I.  U. -Purdue,  Fort  Wayne. 
Twenty-two  will  be  enrolled  at 
Indiana  University  in 

Bloomington,  eight  at  Purdue 
University  in  Lafayette,  and  four 
will  attend  Ball  State  University 
in  Muncie.  Remaining  graduates 
will  be  going  to  various  colleges 
around  Indiana. 

Various  occupations 
involve  graduates 

Three  girls  have  decided  to  go 
into  some  phase  of  medicine. 
Debbie  Temple  will  be  enrolling 
at  Parkview  Hospital  School  of 
Nursing,  and  Julie  Ross  and 
Catherine  Tomi  will  be  entering 

Visit  ends  for       |S] 
foreign  students 

Top  musUtans  named 

The  Elmhurst  Music 
department  held  its  annual  Music 
Awards  Banquet  Tuesday,  May 
11;  concluding  one  of  the  busiest 
years  ever  for  the  sttidents. 
Individuals  from  aU  music  areas 
were  recognized  for  their 
achievements  and  records  over 
the  past  three  years.  Preceding 
the  formal  part  of  the  program, 
parents  and  students  enjoyed  an 
informal  pot-luck  dinner,  and, 
after  the  presentations,  were 
entertained  by  the  traditional 
senior  skits. 
Livengood  named 
'Best  Musician' 

Mr.  John  Morse,  orchestra 
director,  announced  the  recipients 
of  four  orchestral  awards.  The 
Most  Improved  Player  Award 
was  given  to  junior  Ralonda 
Williams,  violinist.  The  Spirit 
Award  was  received  by  two 
players,  as  were  several  other 
awards.  Senior  oboist  Tammy 
Hughes,  and  junior  oboist  Sue 
Taylor  were  honored  with  this 
distinction.  Junior  Brian 
Schinbeckler,  drummer,  was 
given  the  Leadership  Award  for 
his  performance  and  junior  Greg 
Livengood  was  named  Best 
-  Musician  for  his  talent  as  a 

Band  director,  Mr.  Randy 
Brugh,  presented  the  three  major 
instrumental  and  jazz«  band 
awards.  The  Ivan  Miller 
Memorial   Award,   presented   to 

the  best  junior  jazz  player,  was 
given  to  trumpeter  Greg 
Livengood.  The  Best  Jazz 
Musician  Award,  voted  on  by 
members  of  all  three  jazz 
ensembles,  was  awarded  to  senior 
Bill  Moring,  bass  player  in  the 
3:00  jazz  band.  Finally,  the  Arion 
Award,  given  to  the  top  band 
musician{s},  was  presented  to 
seniors  Wes  Byrne  and  Verne 
Myers,  both  of  whom  are  clarinet 
and  saxophone  players. 

Johnson  and  Shaw  receive 
'American  Choral  Award' 

The  choral  awards  were  pre- 
sented by  Mr.  Al  Schmutz.  Senior 
Andrea  Marchese  was  the 
recipient  of  the  Chopin  Piano 
Award  for  her  fine 
accompaniment  of  the  choir. 
Seniors  Claudia  Johnson  and 
Allen  Shaw  received  the 
American  Choral  Award,  the 
equivalent  of  the  Arion  Award. 
Claudia  and  Allen  sing  tenor  and 
bass,  respectively. 

Twirlers,  pom-poms 
receive  recognition 

Finally,  Mrs.  Catherine  Russell 
presented  letters  and  pins  to 
members  of  the  twirler  and  pom- 
pom squads.  All  students  were 
eligible  for  a  letter,  pin,  or  pin- 
guard,  based  on  total  points.  The 
program  closed  with  the  choir  and 
band  skits,  as  seniors  took  a 
humorous  look  at  their  past  three 

The  school  year  is  coming  to  an 
end  and  it's  time  for  the  foreign 
exchange  students  to  return  to 
their  homelands.  The  Trojans 
enjoyed  having  these  people  and 
are  sorry  they  are  leaving.  Most 
of  them  will  be  going  home  to 
spend  additional  years  in  school. 

Pep  sessions  enjoyed  by  Telma 

Telma  Azevedo  commented 
she's  a  little  homesick  but  wants 
■io  stay  and  learn  more  about 
America.  At  home  she  will  attend 
another  semester  of  school  and 
then  graduate.  Telma  enjoyed 
most  of  the  activities  at  Elmhurst 
throughout  the  year.  "I  enjoyed 
very  much  the  pep  sessions, 
basketball  games,  and  all  the 
activities,"       stated      Telma. 

Lutheran  Hospital  School  of 

The  United  States  government 
will  be  receiving  the  services  of 
four  other  seniors.  Terry  Sims  has 
entered  the  National  Guard; 
Raymond  Walker,  Army;  and 
both  Judy  Wright  and  Vickie 
Worman,  Navy. 

As  for  the  employed  Trojans, 
Tim  Bangert  will  be  spending  his 
time  as  a  drafting  trainee  at 
Lawton  Park;  Connie  Bamett,  a 
nurse's  aid  at  St.  Anne's  Nursing 
Home;  and  Sue  Marquis,  a 
secretary  for  Fluor  Alaska,  Inc. 

All  in  all,  the  upperclassmen 
will  be  going  their  own  separate 
ways,  but  will  probably  always 
remember  their  days  at  EHS. 

Referring  to  the  beginning  of  the 
year,  she  said,  "The  teachers  and 
friends  helped  me  very  much  in 
the  beginning,  and  helped  me  to 
enjoy  it  more." 

Sydia  Furtado  wants  to  become 
a  dentist,  but  first,  she  has  two 
years  of  school  to  complete  in 
Brazil.  She  commented,  "I  didn't 
know  any  English  when  I  first 
came  to  the  United  States  and 
everybody  has  been  so  helpful  to 
me.  Everybody  here  at  Elmhurst 
is  my  friend." 

Luc  Schulpen's  first  impression 
of  Elmhurst  was  one  he  thinks  is 
true  for  almost  all  American 
schools  —  "Schools  here  are 
much  easier  than  in  Belgium; 
although  we  have  some  schools 
similar  to  the  American  type,  the 
majority  of  our  schools  are  much 
harder  and  more  disciplined." 
'  Luc  liked  the  idea  of  having  a 
wide  variety  of  subjects.  In 
Belgium,  you  go  to  a  special 
school  or  participate  in  activities 
after  school.  Luc  noticed  the 
negative  rules  of  Elmhurst  first 
from  non-existent  spirit  to  the 
tendency  to  form  cliques.  The 
people  always  hang  out  together 
and  it  is  hard  to  break  through 
this.  Concerning  the  future,  Luc 
said,  "I  graduated  last  year  from 
high  school,  so  now  I  have  to 
make  another  choice. " 

Andrea  Janser,  as  Luc, 
commented  on  how  much  easier 
the  work  is  in  the  U.S.A.  She  said 
she  really  hasn't  done  anything 
all  yearl  She'll  be  returning  to 
attend  gymnastic  classes  in 

Top  award  recipients  from  the  Music  Department's  Awards  Banquet  are  shown 
receiving  their  awards.  Junior  Greg  Livengood,  above,  was  named  Best  Musician  for  his 
talent  as  a  trumpeter  Seniors  Claudia  Johnson  and  Allen  Shaw  received  the  American 
Choral  Award.  Below,  Claudia  is  presented  with  this  honor.  Photos/John  Wall 



T€t\CH€RS  spe:iM 

To  the  editor: 

We,  the  solo  speech  team  at 
Ehnhurst,  are  tired  of  the  lack  of 
recognition  Mr.  Stookey  has 
gotten  for  his  work  with  the  team, 
speech  program  and  the  Forum 
Club  at  Elmhurst. 

Mr.  Stookey  goes  above  and 
beyond  the  call  of  duty  in  the 
amount  of  time  he  spends  before 
and  after  school,  during  lunch 
hours  and  on  Saturdays  coaching 
and  organizing.  He  has  no  class 
time  to  use  for  forensics. 

Elmhursfs  speech  program  is 
made  up  of  two  teams  — 
debate  and  solo.  Both  are  very 
successful.  In  the  past,  nearly  all 
credit  has  gone  to  Mr.  Storey  and 
it's  not  fair. 

Without  the  guidance  and  dedi- 
cation of  Mr.  Stookey,  speech 
here  would  not  be  nearly  as  good 
as  it  is.  The  solo  speech  team  is 
proud  of  its  coach  and  we  know 
that  with  him.  we  will  be  better 
next  year  than  we  have  ever  been. 

Thank  you,  Mr.  Stookey.  We're 
afraid  we  haven't  shown  you  how 

grateful  we  are.  We  don't  want 
anyone  to  ever  underestimate  the 
importance  of  your  work.  You're 
a  great  coach. 

The  Solo  Speech  Team 

To  the  editor: 

As  a  student  of  Mr. 
Derbyshire's  second  period 
geometry  class,  I  must  agree  with 
"A  Fan."  After  all,  how  could  a 
poor  coach  take  us  to  a  sectional 
victory  and  to  the  semi-state  level 
'  last  year?  Besides  being  a  great 
baseball  coach,  he  is  also  a  great 
teacher.  Mr.  Derbyshire,  1  think 
you're  O.K.!  More  power  to  you. 
A  Junior  from  Period  Two 

To  the  editor: 

In  reference  to  the  departure  of 
Mr.  Brugh,  1,  who  am  not  a 
member  of  the  band,  will  be  very 
sorry  to  see  him  go.  He  helped 
build  the  bands  to  their  number 
one  position,  and  he  and  his  wife 
are  two  wonderful  people.  I,  for 
one,  will  miss  Mr.  Brugh.  I  am 
very  sorry  to  see  him  go. 

A  Band  Fan 

Principal  bids 
seniors  farewdl 

Members  of  the  class  of  1976 

Three  years  ago.  I  came  to  Elmhurst  as  its  principal,  and  three  years 
ago  you  came  to  Elmhurst  as  new  sophomores.  These  past  three  years 
have  gone  rapidly  for  me  and  they  have  been  three  very  rewarding 
years  I  realize,  too,  that  you  must  have  mixed  feeUngs  about 
graduation.  You  are  happy  to  leave,  but  at  the  same  time,  you  are 
going  to  leave  friends  and  a  routine  that  has  been  with  you  for  three 

You  are  capable,  enthusiastic.  skiUful.  and  knowledgeable  young 
men  and  women  and  I  would  encourage  you  to  continue  to  be  what  you 
are  -  concerned,  courageous  people,  dedicated  to  make  a  better  world 
for  aU  You  are  entering  a  world  with  problems,  but  problems  make 
chaUenges.  and  chaUenges  are  what  it's  aU  about.  I  am  optimistic  m 
believing  you  will  make  the  most  of  the  challenges  that  are  here  for 

We  have  Uttle  to  offer  this  world  but  service  to  others,  and  I  would 
hope  that  if  nothing  else  has  been  learned  in  the  past  three  years,  that 
you  will  look  to  give  of  yourself  as  you  step  into  this  adult  world  of 
ours.  We  need  your  help. 

I  personaUy  would  like  to  thank  each  of  you  for  the  courtesies  and 
help  extended  to  me  during  my  past  three  years.  I  have  come  to  know 
many  of  you  very  weU  and  I  hope  I  have  gained  friendships  that  will  be 
lasting  friendships.  May  God  bless  you  as  you  leave  the  halls  of 
Elmhurst,  and  may  your  lives  be  filled  with  joy  and  satisfaction. 

Your  Principal. 
Richard  H.  Horetmeyer 

Self-improvement  in  student  clubs 

As  another  school  year  draws 
to  a  close,  some  students  may 
ask,  "What  have  I  accomplished 
this  past  year  at  Elmhurst  that 
has  meaning  to  me? 

It's  a  simple  question,  yet  some 
may  find  it  difficult  to  answer.  If 
the  question  hits  home  with  some 
students  and  they  realize  they 
want  to  do  something  about  it. 

then  perhaps  they  should  take  a 
look  around  school  and  see  the 
many  worthwhile  clubs  and 

Clubs  offer  'everything' 

To  begin  with,  the  American 
Field  Service  (AFS)  gives 
students  an  opportunity  to  travel 
and  study  in  foreign  lands.  DECA 
and  COE  relate  the  workings  of 

business  management  and  sales- 
manship. Afro-American  Club 
presents  black  culture  and 
heritage,  plus  many  social  events 
on  their  calendar. 

Forum  Club,  or  the  speech 
team,  gives  students  a  chance  to 
test  their  versatility  in  presenting 
many  kinds  of  oratories.  It  also 
helps  develop  poise  and  self- 
confidence  when  speaking  in  front 
of  people. 

Publications  means  hard  work 

Then    there    is    publications, 

where  creative  and  willing  people 
are  needed  to  put  together  the 

newspaper  and  yearbook.  The 
staffs  work  very  hard  to  put  out 
these  publications  which  have 
received  high  acclaim  on  state 
and  national  levels. 

So,  Trojans,  look  around. 
Think  about  joining  these 
organizations  when  planning 
next  year.  There  must  be 
something  around  Elmhurst  that 
will  bring  on  a  worthwhile  feeling. 
Come  on!  Get  involved! 

lipstick'  displays    justice? 

by  Marilynn  Scherer 

What  do  you  do  if  you're  a  gor- 
geous model,  irresistible  to  47  per 
cent  of  the  population,  and  one 
man  decides  to  rape  you?  Why, 
the  logical  answer  is  let  the  great 
American  justice  reign  . .  .  take  it 
to  court!  But,  what  if  the  jury 
finds  the  rapist  not  guilty?  What 
do  you  do  then?  You  retreat  to  the 

traditions  of  the  Old  West,  take 
law  into  your  own  hands,  and  let 
American  justice  sputter  from 
the  open  end  of  your  rifle. 

Hemingway  sisters 
star  in  "Lipstick" 

At  least  that's  the  logical  con- 
.  elusion     conceived     by      the 

producers  of  "Lipstick."  Starring 
Margaux  Hemingway  and 
featuring  her  younger  sister, 
Mariel,  the  movie  brings  to  life 
the  horror  and  frustration  of  a 
woman  fighting  for  her  life  -  in 

Chris  Sarandon  plays  the  torrid 
part  of  the  demented  music 
teacher  who  inevitably  rapes  the 
beautiful  model.  Sarandon  was 
earlier  featured  as  a  homosexual 
in  the  Oscar  award  nominee  for 
Best  Picture  of  the  Year  r  "Dog 
Day  Afternoon."  Sarandon's 
ability  to  act,  which  merited  him 
an  Oscar  nomination,  reigned  in 
"Lipstick"  as  he  vividly  painted 
the  character  of  a  sick  human 

Novices  and  professionals 
shape  film 

The  Hemingway  sisters  were 
both  beginners  in  the  movie  field, 
but  their  novice  ideals  made  for 
better  emotions  and  more  clear- 
cut  character  actions. 

With  the  experience  of  a  superb 
actress,  Anne  Bancroft,  who 
played  the  defense  attorney, 
' ' Lipstick"  rounded  out  to  a 
smooth-moving  and  exciting 
picture  of  human  emotion. 

It's  a  Dino  DeLaurentiis 
release,  a  film  we  feel  well  worth 
the  time  and  money.  "Lipstick" 
is  an  old  story  with  a  dangerous 

Diamondmen  drop  out  of  SRC  race 

The  Elmhurst  baseball  team 
mtinues  to  show  its  strength  on 

.e  lii-^mcnd,   ts  they  have  won 

or  out  o'  '.heir  last  six  games. 

On  May  11,  the  Trojans 
traveled  to  Concordia  for  what 
,  roved  to  be  a  tight  battle.  The 
Trojans  scored  one  nm  each  in  the 
second,  fourth,  and  fifth  innings 
to  take  a  3-1  lead.  The  Cadets 
didn't  quit,  however,  and 
whacked  a  two-run  homer  in  the 
sixth  inning  to  even  the  score,  3-3. 

The  seventh  inning  showed 
some  hope  for  Elmhurst  as  they 
had  two  runners  on  base  with  no 
outs.  The  next  three  outs  came 
easily  for  Concordia,  though,  as 
the  Trojans  popped  up,  grounded 
out,  and  got  a  force  out. 

The  Cadets  scored  their  fourth 
(and  winning)  run  in  the  bottom 
of  the  seventh  inning.  The  final 
score  was  4-3. 

Two  days  later,  the  Wayne 
Generals  met  Elmh\u-st  on  the 
Trojan  diamond.  By  the  end  of 
the  second  inning,  the  situation 
looked  hopeless  for  the  Trojans  as 
they  were  behind  by  a  bruismg  4- 
0  score.  Nevertheless,  the  game 

was  not  over  for  Elmhurst.  In  the 
third  inning,  Elmhurst  tallied  five 
runs  which  proved  to  be  the 
winning  margin. 

The  five  runs  came  as  a  result 
of  senior  Terry  Smith's  scoring  on 
a  Wayne  error.  Senior  Stan 
Sorgen  was  walked  in,  senior  Dan 
Landrigan  smacked  a  single  and 
drove  in  two  runs,  and  senior 
John  Flotow  popped  a  sacrifice 
fly  to  drive  in  the  winning  run. 

On  May  18,  Elmhurst  and  the 
South  Side  Archers  met  at 
McMillen  Park.  Elmhurst 
dropped  this  important  SAC 
game  by  a  disappointing  tally  of 
10-3.  The  only  runs  for  the 
Trojans  came  in  the  first  and 
sixth  innings. 

In  the  first,  senior  Don 
Culpepper  stole  second  and  third 
base  and  then  scored  on  a  fielders 
choice.  The  other  two  runs  came 
as  a  result  of  junior  Brian 
Russell's  two-run  homer. 

Coach  Bill  Derbyshire 
commented,  "Our  defense  was 
poor  and  we  made  many  mental 
errors.  Mental  errors  have  killed 
us  this  year." 

On  Wednesday,  May  19.  the 
Trojans  traveled  to  Norwell  to  be 
pitted  against  the  Knights.  This 
game  was  nothing  but  an  ego 
booster  for  Elmhurst.  The 
Trojans  totally  annihilated  the 
Knights  by  a  score  of  14-7.  The 
Trojans  scored  five  nms  in  the 
first  inning,  four  runs  in  the 
second,  three  in  the  third,  and  the 
last  two  runs  in  the  fourth  inning. 
Everybody  on  the  Trojan  team 
played  in  the  game  and  it  was 
never  close.  Elmhurst  also  set  a 
new  school  record  for  the  most 
hits  in  a  game  —  19. 

Coach  Derbyshire  jokingly 
commented  about  the  game,  "We 
would  have  liked  to  have  about 
ten  of  those  runs  in  the  South 
Side  game!" 

Last  Saturday,  Elmhurst 
found  themselves  at  New  Haven 
to  take  on  Che  Bulldogs  in  a 
double  -  header.  The  Trojans 
defeated  the  Bulldogs  by  a  score 
of  3-2  in  the  first  match. 
Elmhurst  also  secured  a  victory 
in  the  second  game  by  a  score  of 

/torn    t^e  didefcHd 

by  Marilynn  Soberer 

Well,  this  is  the  last  column. 
"From  the  Sidelines"  will,  after 
this  issue,  be  buried  alongside 
"Tom's  Topics"  by  Tom  Jarjour, 
"Mike's  Side,"  the  1974-75  sports 
column  by  Mike  Landrigan,  and 
"Kaleidoscope  of  Sports,"  this 
year's  contributions  from 
columnist  Kevin  Lee.  Maybe 
buried  is  a  good  word,  because 
oftentimes  this  reporter  Uterally 
dug  to  find  many  of  the  facts  in 
sports  —  facts  that  some  people 
Need  for  apology  not  felt 

So  relax,  Mr.  Bienz,  because 
quite  a  few  things  unearthed  in 
this  column  will  be  buried  along 
with  it.  My  column  was  strictly 
opinion.  I  haven't  felt  the  need  to 
apologize  for  anything  said. 
Maybe  people  didn't  like  what 
"Sidelines"  said,  but  evidently  it 
was  accepted,  because  the  letters 
to  the  editor  never  got  too  tough 
with  us. 

At  the  Quill  and  Scroll  banquet 
this  year,  I  was  presented  the 
"Alienation  Award;"  basically 
because  my  column  alienated  the 
entire  athletic  department  at 
Elmhurst.  It  was  in  fun,  of 
course,  but  alienate?  Just  because 
I  put  down  in  print  what  others 
were  saying  in  th  e  halls? 
'People  are  sports' 

Statistics,  win-loss  records, 
equipment,  and  the  like  are  insig- 
nificant. Sports  should  deal  first 
and  foremost  with  people. 
Coaches,    our    athletic    director. 

and  our  athletes  are  people  . . .  not 
to  mention  the  parents  in  the 
stands  . . .  people  who  feel  things  . 
.  .  people  who  cannot  understand 
the  apathy  of  their  supporters. 
Competition  in  any  sport  is  tight, 
and  forcing  the  idea  of  numbers 
and  issues,  instead  of  a  person's 
feelings,  is  detrimental.  People 
are  sports.  The  game  could  not  go 
on  without  the  strength, 
perseverance,  and  determination 
of  the  people  involved. 

Winning  is  not  the  only  thing 
concerned  in  an  athletic  event. 
Sure,  it's  nice  to  win.  People  have 
a  certain  amount  of  pride  for  a 
team  that  has  a  successful 
winning  record.  When  winning 
becomes  the  main  force  behind 
the  game  —  when  people  are  only 
playing  to  win  and  willing  to  use 
any  tactics  —  that's  when  we  lose 
sight  of  the  main  cog  in  the  wheel 
of  sports. 

Maybe  things  will  change, 
though,  because  every  year  we 
have  different  athletes,  and 
people  change  as  the  years  go  on. 

Sportsmanship  — 
Trojan  tradition 

Elmhurst  has  been,  in  the  past, 
highly  honored  with 

sportsmanship  awards,  and  there 
is  no  reason  why  we  cannot  hold 
the  tradition  through  our  next 
hundred  years. 

Good  luck  and  best  wishes  to 
all  seniors  graduating,  and  may 
the  sophomores  and  juniors  of 
EHS  find  the  loyalty  and  inner 
pride  it  takes  to  build  a  great 

The  score  was  2-1  at  the  end  of 
the  first  iiming,  but  didn't  stay 
that  way  very  long.  Elmhurst 
exploded  for  five  nms  in  the 
second  inning  to  have  the 
advantage  for  the  rest  of  the 

The  road  for  Elmhurst  has  not 
been  a  smooth  one  this  year,  as 
Coach  Derbyshire  stated,  "Seven 
out  of  nine  starters  were  injured 
at  one  time.  Four  of  them  still 
aren't  100  per  cent." 

He  also  added,  "Team  wise, 
I'm  surprised  we  haven't  hit  the 
ball  very  well."  Coach  Derbyshire 
feels  their  base-running  abiUties 
make  up  for  it  though.  They  have 
been  thrown  out  only  five  times 
this  year  while  attempting  to 

Last  year,  Elmhurst  competed 
in  the  Columbia  City  Sectionals 
and  won.  This  year,  however, 
they  will  participate  in  the 
Huntington  Sectionals  on 
Memorial  Day.  The  contest 
includes  EHS,  Wayne,  Norwell, 
Huntington,  and  Huntington 


SENIOR  ETHEL  POWLKES  DEMONSTRATES  the  form  that  won  her  numerous 
track  awards  throughout  the  year.  Ethel  also  competed  on  the  440;  and  880-yard  relay 

Tmksters  rated  7th 

by  Casey  Miller 

Tuesday,  May  18,  the  girls' 
track  team  rated  seventh  out  of 
21  schools  with  junior  Angle 
Hayden  placing  second  in  the 
hurdles  and  junior  Emma  Bostic 
third  in  the  long  jxmip  in  sectional 
competition.  The  440-  and  880- 
yard  relay  team  ,of  seniors  Betty 
Carrion  and  Ethel  Fowlkes, 
juniors  Evelyn  Fowlkes  and 
Angle  Hayden  placed  third  in 
both  events. 

"Due  to  a  lack  of  participants, 
we  can't  enter  all  of  the  activities 
in  a  meet,"  explained  coach 
Catherine  Russell.  Many  minor 
injuries  that  occurred  during 
practice  also  made  it  difficult  for 
the  group.  Coach  Russell  stated, 
"Sixty  girls  signed  up,  but  we  are 
now  left  with  only  14  to  compete. 

Out  of  these  girls,  runners  in  the 
100-  and  220-yard  dashes,  80-yard 
hurdles,  440  relay,  and  880 
medley  qualified  for  the 
sectionals.  Other  qualifiers  were 
in  the  field  events  of  long  jump, 
high  jump,  and  shot  put." 

Regionals  were  held  yesterday, 
and  Emma  Bostic  and  Angle 
Hayden  qualified  to  represent  the 
Trojans  in  the  competition.  They 
will  be  entered  in  the  events  of 
long  jimip  and  100-yard  dash 
(Emma),  and  the  hurdles  (Angle). 

Coach  Russell  looks  optimistic 
about  next  year's  team,  as  only 
two  seniors  will  be  leaving.  With 
most  of  the  members  having  two 
years  of  experience  by  next 
season,  she  plans  on  giving  the 
opposition  a  very  tough  time. 

Biennis   team  snokhes  vickofy   from  Norkhfop 
j_.,ui«„  *«=«,  nf  Pion«  anH  T^ri.         secoiid    match,    smashed    her 

The  Elmhurst  girls  tennis 
equad  pulled  out  their  first  vic- 
tory over  Northrop  to  wind  up 
their  season  with  an  SAC  record 


This  year,  the  girls  have  had  a 
tradition  of  bringing  their  meets 
right  down  to  the  wire,  and  then 
losing  in  close,  hard-fought,  3-4 
matches.  However,  thia  was  not 
the  case  as  Elmhurst  walked  off 
the  courts  with  a  smashing  5-2 
defeat  over  the  Bruins. 
Playing    in    the    number    one 

singles  position,  senior  Cheryl 
Norton  outmaneuvered  her 
opponent  to  an  easy  6-2,  6-4 
victory.  Then,  junior  Karyn 
Heiney,  number  two  singles, 
raked  in  another  Trojan  victory  4- 
6,  7-6,  6-3,  and  was  followed  by 
still  another  Bruin  defeat  by 
junior  June  Williams  6-4,  7-5. 

That's  not  all!  Both  EHS 
doubles  teams  were  victorious, 
also.  The  number  one  team  of 
juniors  Lori  McCleneghen  and 
Elena  Perez  won  6-4,  7-6,  6-4, 
while  juniors  Jan  Dowling  and 
Carmetta  Walker  won  in  a  three- 
set  match  2-6,  6-3,  7-6. 

Two  days  later,  the  Trojans 
met  South  Side,  but  didn't  come 
out  as  well,  as  Elmhurst  was 
downed  2-5.  However,  the  two 
victors  for  Ebnhurst  were  Karyn 
3-6,  7-6,  6-4,  and  June  6-1,  3-6.  7-6. 

In  their  last  meet  of  the  season, 
EHS  squared  off  with  Homestead 
and  again  came  home  with  two 
victories.  Karjm  won  an  easy 
match  against  her  Spartan 
contender  6-0,  7-5,  and  likewise, 
Leslie  Collier  won  6-4,  6-2. 

This  meet  ended  the  regular 
season,  but  the  sectional 
tournament  began  the  next 
morning.  Playing  number  one, 
Cheryl  won  her  first  match  6-3,  6- 
4,  but  was  later  defeated  in  the 
second  round. 

This  was  also  true  for  the  first 


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doubles  team  of  Elena  and  Lori, 
who  won  their  first  match  in 
straight  sets  6-2,  6-4,  but  were 
forced  out  of  competition  later 
that  day. 

The  only  person  to  reach  the 
semi-finals  was  Karyn.  Karyn 
defeated  Kathy  Krzyminski  from 
Luers,  seeded  second  in  the  tour- 
nament, 4-6,  7-5,  6-3;  and  in  the 

second    match,    smashed    her 
Huntington  North  rival  6-4,  6-4. 

On  Thursday.  Karyn  was 
defeated  in  semi-finals  1-6,  7-5,  1- 
6,  and  finished  in  fourth  place. 
Karyn  won  eight  straight 
matches  before  being  defeated  in 
sectionals,  and  ended  the  season 
with  an  impressive  9-6  record. 

Linhsmen  swing  to  uictory 

by  Tim  Springer 

During  the  past  two  weeks,  the 
Elmhurst  golf  team  has  been 
victorious  once  and  defeated  five 
times.  However,  three  out  of  the 
five  losses  have  been  very  close 

On  Monday,  May  10,  the 
Trojans  were  outhit  by  a  strong 
Homestead  team  at  Foster  Park. 
With  warm  temperatures  and 
clear  skies,  the  Trojans  linksmen 
just  couldn't  get  started  as  the 
Spartans  beat  the  visiting  team 
161-173.  Sophomore  Marty  Rifkin 
was  low  man  for  Elmhurst  with  a 
42,  followed  by  Mark  Newell  43, 
Tim  Springer  and  Jim 
McCleneghen  44,  and  Matt 
Vondran  turned  in  a  48. 

The  following  afternoon,  the 
Trojans  met  the  Harding  Hawks 
and  Bishop  Luers  Knights. 
Playing  on  home  territory,  the 
Men  of  Troy  defeated  Luers,  but 
were  blasted  by  Harding.  The 
final  score  showed  Harding  on 
top  with  a  total  of  159;  Elmhurst 
was  second  with  a  166,  and  last 
but  not  least,  Luers  total  added 
up  to  172. 

Once  again  Rifkin  was  medalist 
for  Elmhurst  with  a  score  of  39. 
Right  behind  Rifkin  was  Springer 
with  a  40,  McCleneghen  turned  in 

a  43,  and  a  44  was  turned  in  by 
Newell.  Dave  Murray  played  fifth 
man  and  came  in  with  a  47. 

Two  days  later,  the  Trojan 
linksmen  traveled  to  Colonial 
Oaks  Golf  Course.  North  Side  and 
Snider  were  to  be  close 
competitors  for  Elmhurst  and 
they  proved  their  point.  The 
Trojans  were  downed  by  three 
strokes  from  each  team.  North 
Side  and  Snider  tied  at  166  and 
Elmhurst  tallied  a  169.  Low  for 
Elmhurst  was  Springer  with  a  38, 
followed  by  Newell  42,  Rifkin  43, 
McCleneghen  46,  and  Sims  47. 

The  next  afternoon,  Friday, 
May  14,  the  Trojans  took  another 
trip.  This  time  to  Parlor  City  Golf 
Course  in  Bluffton  to  confront 
Norwell.  With  the  best  team  score 
of  the  year  ( or  the  last  three  years 
for  that  matter),  a  160,  the 
Trojans  were  still  defeated  by  two 
shots.  Although  the  visiting  team 
was  defeated,  McCleneghen  took 
advantage  of  the  warm  weather 
and  turned  in  a  super  round  of  35. 
Rifkin  was  three  behind  with  a  38, 
followed  by  Springer  41,  Newell 
46,  and  Sims  49. 

With  two  more  matches  for  the 
Trojans,  their  record  now  stands 
at  6-17  overall  and  5-17  in  the 

Successfully  defending  his  880 
crown,  junior  Tim  Lee  led  the 
Elmhurst  Trojans  to  a  seventh 
place  finish  in  the  Fort  Wayne 
track  sectionals  which  consisted 
of  21  teams. 

Lee,  who  is  the  defending 
regional  champion  in  Fort 
Wayne,  won  his  specialty  with  a 
time  of  1:54.7.  Tim  had  ten  of  the 
Trojans'  26  points.  Snider  won 
the  meet  with  84  points. 

Relay  team  captures  fourth 

Senior  Bradford  Smith, 
running  the  440  yard  dash,  placed 
third  with  a  time  of  50.6  seconds. 

The  mile  relay  team,  which 
consisted  of  seniors  Rick  Knuth 
and  Bob  Levy,  junior  Tim  Lee, 
and  sophomore  Mike  Starks, 
placed  fourth  with  a  time  of 
3:25.7.  According  to  Coach  Don 
Kemp,  "That's  the  fastest  mile 

880  crown  to  Lee 

relay  team  we've  had  in  a  couple 
of  years."  Starks  led  off  with  a 
51.0  second  split.  Lee  ran  the 
second  leg  is  51.3,  followed  in  the 
third  leg  by  Levy  with  a  split  of 
63.3.  Anchorman  Knuth  ran  a 
split  of  60.1.  This  totaled  up  to 
3:26.7  and  fourth  place. 

Troians  advance  to  regionals 

Junior  Doug  Peters  was  fourth 
in  the  shot  put  with  a  throw  of  53 
feet  2'/i  inches. 

Also  placing  for  Elmhurst  were 
junior  John  Stiffler  in  the  pole 
vault  with  a  height  of  13'0"  and 
senior  Tony  Green  in  the  220  with 
a  time  of  22.9  seconds. 

Three  Trojans  will  advance  in 
the  regionals  at  Wayne  Stadium 
tonight  with  the  finals  starting  at 
7  p.m.  TTiey  are  Tim  Lee  in  the 
880,  Brad  Smith  in  the  440,  and 
Doug  Peters  in  shot  put. 

Honorable  r.ention 
by  Clara  Perjak 

Rising  through  the  levels  of  tine 
I  pass  fron  one  life  to  another 
tasting  nany  experiences 
Anc  I've  net  so  many  people. 
The  poets ^  the  scholars, 

the  revolutionaries... 
The  ones  \7ith  the  rules 

tight  in  their  fists 
As  if  thoy  rn.ade  thoT->  up 

in  the  first  place, 
...those  v'ho  know  no  rules, 
But  only  of  su3rvival... 
the  scared  little  puppets... 
Dancing.  Teaching.  Telling. 

Through  py  lives... 
This  cat  must  have  already 

lived  100  years  I 
Sone  are  f righteningly  prophetic; 
Runnina  into  the  other  levels  for 
Special  people  to  enjoy  or 

suffer  with. . . 
But  I  like  being  a  part  of  these 
Conplcx  levels . . . 
Rising  fron  one  to  another 
never  'Tearying. 

Honorable  iention 
by  Angola  Hay den 

I  wish  I  were  a  'oubble, 

ill  light  and  colors  s"irlino, 

and  dogs  would  chrsc  ne 


what  kind  of  thing  I  was 

to  be  floating  up  so  high 

out  of  the  reach  of  their 

inquiring  dogm'  noses... 

and  kids  would  love  me  and 

delight  in  blowing  big  streams 

of  F-.e  all  over  the  place, 

ind  the  VTorld  viould  be 


if  you  could  see  everything 

fron  inside  a  safe,  shiny 


Honorable  ''ention 
bv  Robin  ?ei  r  "se 

I  am  solitude, 

I  an  '^03S0ssed; 

no  ties  or  bonds . . . 

a  prisoner  "ithin  n"  nind. 

From  unkno'/n  caverns 
nisgivinas  spill  forth; 
uncalled  upon, 
shriek  loudnr. 

Fron  ^'ithin, 
a  haraering, 
anxietv  increased 

Conflict  inviting  turmoil, 
a  frightening  loveliness 
settles  unon  pie. 

Remenbranco  of  a 
ncvr  found  friend; 
a  risinf  strength. 
Tension  uplifted, 
a  peaceful  calmness 
distant  mountains  nortray 
freedom  within. 

The  Prisoner  transformed; 
burdens  overcome, 
I  discover  with  av;o, 
nv  contentm.ent, 
undefinable  cratitude. 



Biennis   team  snatches  viclofa   from  Norlhfop 
j_..Li J. »f  c«i»»a  artA  T^«  eprnnH    smashed    her 

The  Elmhurat  girls  tennis 
equad  pulled  out  their  first  vic- 
tory over  Northrop  to  wind  up 
their  season  with  an  SAC  record 

This  year,  the  girls  have  had  a 
tradition  of  bringing  their  meets 
right  down  to  the  wire,  and  then 
losing  in  close,  hard-fought, 
matches.  However,  this  was 
the  case  as  Elmhurst  walket 
the  courts  with  a  smashing 
defeat  over  the  Bruins. 
Playing    in    the    number 

The  Marine  Corf 
service  Whatrric 

If  you're 
about  tti 





singles  position,  senior  Cheryl 
Norton  outmaneuvered  her 
opponent  to  an  easy  6-2,  6-4 
victory.  Then,  junior  Karyn 
Heiney,  number  two  singles, 
raked  in  another  Trojan  victory  4- 
6,  7-6,  6-3,  and  was  followed  by 
still    another    Bruin    defeat    by 

doubles  team  of  Elena  and  Lori, 
who  won  their  first  match  in 
straight  seta  6-2,  6-4,  but  were 
forced  out  of  competition  later 
that  day. 

The  only  person  to  reach  the 
semi-finals  was  Karyn.  Karyn 
defeated  Kathy  Krzyminski  fi-om 

The  Marines 

We're  Looking  For  a  Few  Good  Men 

For  the  nearest  Marme  Corps  representative. 

343  W.Wayne  422-1942 

second    match,    smashed    her 
Huntington  North  rival  6-4, 6-4. 

On  Thursday,  Karyn  was 
defeated  in  semi-finals  1-6,  7-5,  1- 
6,  and  finished  in  fourth  place. 
Karyn  won  eight  straight 
matches  before  being  defeated  in 
sectionals,  and  ended  the  season 

Trojans'  26  points.  Snider  won 
the  meet  with  84  points. 

Relay  team  captures  fourth 

Senior  Bradford  Smith, 
running  the  440  yard  dash,  placed 
third  with  a  time  of  50.6  seconds. 

The  mile  relay  team,  which 
consisted  of  seniors  Rick  Knuth 
and  Bob  Levy,  junior  Tim  Lee, 
and  sophomore  Mike  Starks, 
placed  fourth  with  a  time  of 
3:25.7.  According  to  Coach  Don 
Kemp,  "That's  the  fastest  mile 

in  the  shot  put  with  a  throw  of  53 
feet2'/4  inches. 

Also  placing  for  Elmhurst  were 
junior  John  Stiffler  in  the  pole 
vault  with  a  height  of  13'0"  and 
senior  Tony  Green  in  the  220  with 
a  time  of  22.9  seconds. 

Three  Trojans  will  advance  in 
the  regionals  at  Wajme  Stadium 
tonight  with  the  finals  starting  at 
7  p.m.  liiey  are  Tim  Lee  in  the 
880,  Brad  Smith  in  the  440,  and 
Doug  Peters  in  shot  put.