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I      HiWWWwW        '  '    I 


















sa:.'Uei.  rittekhouse, 






PART   I, 





The  material  for  this  research  was  secured,  and  the 
observations  on  the  living  forn^s  were  made,  during  the  sum- 
mers of  1903  and  It 04  while  I  was  occupying  a  table  at  the 
United  States  Fisheries  Laboratory  at  Beaufort,  i.orth  Caro- 
lina.  Sto^otoca  is  not  very  abundant  in  the  harbor  at  Beau- 
fort,  I  found  it,  there  as  early  as  the  -riddle  of  June.   It 
is  niost  Plentiful  during  July  and  early  in  August.   A  few 
specimens  may  also  be  taken  until  early  in  September,   The 
eggs  were  obtained  from  medusae  captured  between  July  10 
and  August  5.   The  adult  a- imals  rould  not  be  secured  in 
large  numbers;  and,  owing  to  the  fact  that  each  female  lays 
only  a  few  eggs  the  material  for  embryological  study  was 
limited.   Therefore  the  greater  part  of  the  worlc  the  resuitc 
of  which  are  embodied  in  tis  paper  was  done  with  living 
material.   All  the  drawings,  with  the  excention  of  those 
of  sections  were  -ade  from  camera  sketches  of  the  living 


forms,   iilastulap  and  Dlanulae  ranpjinR  in  aRe  froT  five  to 
twenty-seven  hours  v/ero  prese.ved  and  sectioned  for  *.ho 
study  of  the  various  stages  in  t.ho  formation  of  the  enXoderm 
and  the  other  features  of  develOT:ment  which  tna]:e  thoir  ap- 
Dearanci  dUx-infC  this  period, 

I  v.'ish  to  acknowledge  my  obligations  to  ohe  Honorable 
George  M.  Bov/ers,  Commissioner  of  Fisheries  for  the  privoleges 
afiorded  me  at  the  Fisheries  Laboratory;  and  also  to  thank 
Dr.  Caswell  Grave,  Director  of  the  Laboratory  for  helo  and 
sug^:estions.  The  v.'ork  -vas  finished  in  .he  Biological  Lab- 
oratory of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University.  For  the  interest 
shovm  and  for  kind  suggestions  offered  during  my  work  I  am 
very  grateful  to  Professor  V;.  K.  Brooks. 

The  eg 's  are  discharge^.!  at  about  five  o'clock  in  the 
morning.   The  ectod^:r;:ial  eDitholiun  of  the  ovaries  becomes 
ruptured,  in  fac*.  broken  down;  and  by  the  movements  due  to 
the  muscular  contractions  of  ihc    nanubrium  the  egrs  are  sot 
free  into  the  cavity  of  the  sub-u.nbrella.  Then  by  the  rhyth- 
mic contractions  of  the  bell  they  arc-  forced  out  of  the  bell 
cavity  into  the  v/ater  outside.   V/hile  the  eg^s  ai?o  being 


Icid  the  rnodusr.  ron;ains  at  ono  soot,  unless  disturbed  .a-^d 
Izeens   \xv^   a  continuous  and  rhyth:'io  contraction  and  expan- 
sion of  the  bell  and  oroboscis.   Thuo  as  the-  eprrs  are  liber- 
ated, one,  tv/o,  or  three  at  a  time,  they  arc-  alnost  iri-iediate- 
ly  pass;:d  out  with  the  ..iection  of  ".he  water  from  the  bell 
cavity.   Thin  process  of  dehiscence  lasts  for  a  few  ninutes 
durin.c^  which  the  iri^dusa  remains  at  t-he  bot^O"  of  .he  aquar- 
iun.   All  the  nature  eg£^s  are  discharged  without  inter- 
niission  in  the  process,  unless  the  medusa  is  disturbed.   In 
that  case  it  frecuently  swins  to  another  oart  of  the  aquar- 
ium and  in  a  short  tine  comrences  to  discharge  the  egqs  again, 
The  eggs  i  .  the  ovaries  of  Stomotoca  anicata  are  usually 
all  der^osited  at  one  time.   Occasionally  a  fe;;  inmaturo/ones 
are  left  in  ohc^  ovaries  after  i-he  process  of  dehiscence, 
y/hether  these  nature  and  are  laid  r.t  a  later  tine,  or  -.vhether 
they  are  reabsorbed  I  a:.:  not  able  zo   decide. 

As  stated  above,  the  egjTS  are  laid  at  about  five  A.  iJ. 
On  several  occasions  I  observed  the  ■ rocess  of  dehiscence  and 
found  that  the  tine  was  always  Dractically  the  sane,   Sone 
nedusae  wore  watched  all  night,  July  14.   At  five  o'clock 
in  the  norning  they  began  to  lay  their  eggs.   They  all  began 


at  about  the  same  ti-ne  and  all  the  e^c^s  were  discharged  v/ithin 
fifteen  or  twenty  minutes.   The  time  when  the  -nedusae  are  can- 
tured  and  Dut  i!ito  aaua^iuTi  does  not  seen  to  have  any.i-- 
fluence  or,  the  oeriod  of  dehiscence,   I  have  taken  them  in 
the  tov.'  at  nearly  all  hours  of  day  and  nif^ht,  and  never  had 
them  to  denosit  their  egejs  excecL  at  5  o'clock  in  the  rooming, 


The  egg  of  Storotoca  ar>icata  is  soherical  and  noasures 
« 14  of  a  millir.eter  in  dia-etcr.   It  is  devoid  of  a  -rerbrane 
and  the  cytoolasn  is  rather  dense  and  only  sc-r.i-transoarent; 
however  iL  is  not  ac  ;ense  as  the  egc:  of  Stornotoca  rugosa, 
which  is  extreniely  o:  aaue  and  of  a  challcy-whiLe  color,  and 
also  slightly  larger.   The  color  of  the  eg-^  of  Stpinotpca 
apicata  is  a  bluish--./niLe. 

A  point  of  interest  may  be  mentioned  in  this  connection. 
On  one  occasion,  having  taken  a  nu-'ber  of  Sto^pLoca  in  the 
tow  at  night,  they  w. re  picked  out  and  out  into  a  dish  of 
clean  sea-wate:-  with  ohe  intention  of  allowing  them  to  lay^ 
and  using  the  eg.'^s  for  study  the  next  morning.   It  han  :ened 
that  both  S'-ecies  of  Stornotoca  that  are  found  at  Beaufort 

were  ronresented.   There  v/ere  mature  females  of  both  soecies 
that  deDOsited  their  eg'-2  thr  next  morninr  at  tie  re.eular 
Deriod;  Stofr.gtoca  rugcsa  has  the  same  time  for  dehiscence 
as  StgmpLOca  apicata.   Only  tho  egps  of  ihe  latttr  sDecies 
develo  ed;  there  being;  no  jialea  of  Stpr-otoca  ruggsa.  The 
next  day  when  the  lwo  soecies  wer.^  in  Ihe   sa;ne  dish,  and  both 
discharged  their  egps ,  only  the  eggs  of  Stgrr-otoca  rijgosa. 
segmented  and  develced.   In  this  case  there  were  no  mature 
males  of  Stpmptpca  apicata.   These  facts  aroused  my  interest 
and  on  several  later  occasions  I  ola^a  the  two  species  to- 
gether with  the  intention  of  vetoing  them  to  interbreed, 
but  did  not  succeed  and  therefore  I  am  led  to  the  conclusion 
that,  they  will  :;ct  cross  even  though  they  are  soecies  of  the 
same  genus.   To  my  icnowledge  no  other  exDoriments  have  been 
made  in  attemoting  to  cross  different  s.:ecies  of  this  group 
of  animals,  and  I  did  not  have  the  onrcr. unity  to  try  v/ith 
any  other  s^'ccies  than  the  above  named  after  my  attention 
had  been  called  to  the  fact  that  they  did  not/cross  when  ac- 
cidentaly  placed  in  a  dish  together, 


Soon  after  the  egg  is  denosited  tl.e  first  pclor  body 


is  f;ivon  off.  A  few  iniiiutes  later  the  second  Dolar  body  is 
forrnt^d.   They  remain  near  the  egg  for  some  tiihO;  frequently 
until  after  the  second  or  third  segirientatior; .   The  oolar 
bodies  are  not  held  by  a  merribrane,  as  the  egp  is  devoid  of 
such  a  structure;  neither  are  there  any  pi'Otorlasmic  con- 
nections visible  vath  a  inagnif ication  of  212  diarreters.   Yet 
for  a  tine  they  seem  to  be  held  near  the  egg  by  so^e  r.eans 
of  attr^tction.   The  first  oolar  body  -ay  segment  once  or 
twice.   Usually  about  the  time  of  the  second  cleavage  the 
polar  bodies  eiiher  disintegrate  or  pass  out  into  the  water 
and  are  lost. 


Very  little  concerning  fertilization  could  be  -.Tiade  out 
on  account  of  the  character  of  the  eg?.   The  ova  and  spcrn^aia- 
zoa  are  discharged  irto  the  water  and  there  fertilization 
takes  Place.   It  is  i-::ossible  to  folio.,  the  nuclear  changes 
which  take  olace  during  iiaturation;  or  the  union  of  the  rr;ale 
and  fen,ale  proruclei  in  the  living  ege  because  oi  the  Jensity 
of  the  cytorlas.T,  and  material  could  not  be  secured  in  suf- 

'       A 

ficient  abundance  in  the  various  phases  for  the  preservation 


of  the  different  stages  for  sections.   There  is  no  visible 
fertilization-ir.eiTibrane  Riven  off  after  i-he  Denetration  of  the 


Cleavage  is  total,  equal  and  nearly  regular,  esnecial- 
ly  in  the  early  stages.   The  divisions  occu:-  at  short  inter- 
vals, and  the  blastorr.eres  soon  move  away  fro:r;  the  center 
of  -he  egg,  thus  foriTii-^g  a  gradually  enlarging  segmentation 
cavity.   The  cells  continue  to  divide  and  arrange  themselves 
into  a  single  layer  around  the  blastocoele  to  forin  a  true 


tative  oole  as  the  deutor  laclm  and  Dfotoolasp  are  distributed 
evenly  in  all  carts.   But  as  is  custcxary  and  for  convenience 
of  descriDtion  I  v/ill  call  the  oart  of  the  ovum  froin  which 
the  GOlar  bodies  are  given  off  the  unoer  oote,  and  the  Dart 
of  ohc  egg  OD  osite  che  lov;er  Dole, 

The  first  cleavage  occurs  a  short  tirr.e  after  the  oolar 
bodies  are  e.iected.   The  Diane  of  division  is  vertical;  the 
segmentation-furro'iv  begins  at  the  upoer  pole  and  gradually 
deepens  ur.til  the  egg  is  cut  into  two  equal  parts.   The  egg. 


vipvfed  frcni  above,  at  first  shows  a  nenrly  circular  de- 
nression  v/hich  vpry  soon  sTDreads  laterally  and  begins  to 
grow  down.   This  first  furrow  is  wide  and  leaves  the  blasto- 
n^eres  se^^arated  s^-^e  distance  frcr  each  other  as  it  rrc- 
gresses  downward,  as  is  seen  by  loo'/ing  at  the  egg  frop 
the  side  (Figs.  4  and  5).  This  furrov  retrains  oren  u-^til 
the  egg^is  alnost  senara'feed  into  tv,-o  narts:  the  blastoTeres 
being  connected  sirrnly  by  a  narro-^  orotoolas'nic  fil-  at 
the  lower  "Dole.   Prctonlas^iic  currents  can  freauently  be 
seen  in  this  connecting  thread.   Bu'^ting  ('93)  describes 
and  figures  in  Hydractinia  a  Drctoolas-ic  thread  in  the  two 
cell  stage  in  whi^h  she  also  notes  ^rctonlas'-i'^  roveTents. 
The  con-^ecting  fil'^  in  StOTOtpca  anicata  is  not  as  clear 
and  definite  in  outline  as  she  shows  it  in  her  figure  of 
Hydractinia.   The  two  cells  gradually  -O'^e  in  close  nrox- 
i-ity  and  in  a  short  time  the  con-ection  of  orotonlas'n  at 
the  lower  oole  is  broken  and  the  ccrnlete  two-celled  stage 
is  forn-ed  (Fig.  6). 


The  second  -^lanr  of  divisior^  id  also  n^oridional  and 
at  riPht  anp:ler;  to  the  first.   This  '^leavafjr  takfis  nlaco 
about  fifteen  -inuter-  after  the  first  divisio-.   Those 
secor^d  soFT-entation  furrows  start  ^t  the  centre  ?.no  -ove 
out  toward/the  periphery.  Durin,?  their  progress  outward 
there  are  to  be  seen  globular  or  oval  snaces  at  their  cuter 
extrcTities.  These  spaces  are  large  enough  to  cause  open- 
ings that  exterd  through  the  egg  as  shov/n  in  Firure  7. 
During  this  cleavage  there  is  a  shifti-g  or  rctatio-  of  the 
blastor-errs  fro^  right  to  left.   The  second  seg-^entaior.  fur- 
rcr.'s  usually  start  op'-osite  each  other  at  a  point  in  the 
centre  of  the  first  cleevage  furrow,  and  then  arc  carried 
apart  by  the  rotatio":.   Or  the  rotation  Ty  heve  started 
before  the  second  segTentatior  began;  in  that  case  the  second 
cleavage  '•lares  are  soT.e  distance  apart  -s  soon  as  they 
make  their  appearance.   Figure  7  shov.'s  on  egr  in  the  '^re- 
cess of  divisir^  in  which  rotation  has  taken  Place,  During 
the  progress  of  the  second  seg-entation ,  the  ep.f^   hns  fre- 


oup'^tlv  a  flattened^parnce  as  Boen  i^i  tho  fif^urr  iust  men- 

In  this  staR'^  -nroto^las-^ic  filps  or  bridge?,  also, 
frequertly  exist  for  a  tirr^e   after  the  seg^entatior  is  practi- 
cally complete.   They  finally  are  absorbed  by  the  blasto- 

'Teres   v/hich  rcmd  ur>  for-ing  the  co-rleted   four-j^lled   "tage 


as  shown  i-i  Figure  8. 

The  third  cleavage  r>lane  is  equatorial  and  divides  the 
egg  irto  eight  ecual  blastOTeres ;  four  of  which  are  situated 
at  the  ufner  riole  and  four  at  the  Icvrer  role  of  the  e^!?   as 
seen  in  Figure  P.   This  is  the  condition  when  the  c^nditixsp- 
is  regular,  and  rnirht  be  described  r.c  two  four-celled  stages 
of  half  size  sunerir^osed  one  unor  the  other,  an'^  '  then  the 
uooer  set  rotated  to  the  left.   V/hile  the  fcr^^aticn  of  the 
eight-celled  stage  was  always  nearly  the  sa^-e  in  the  eggs 
that  I  followed,  after  the  divisio-^  was  comnleted,  the 
blasto^eres  did  not  always  retain  the  s-'ttc  relative  posit- 
ions  Sometires  there  occured  a  senaration  of  the  cells  at 
one  sidr  of  the  eouatorial  furrow  and  the  blastcreres  rolled 


apart  jr  zuch   a  -r.rner  an  to  forin  a  curvec  sheet.   In  others 
this  separaticr  ard  virrcllirp:  of  the  hlastomeres  was  lers 
defiritehr'd  the  final  arrangement  v/ac  such  as  shorn  ir  Fip- 
ure  IC. 

The  irreriilarity  ir  the  relative  "ositior  of  the  blasto- 
rereslberins  rith  the  eight  cel'rd  stare  ard  is  r-rre  or  less 
charaeteristic  of  all  later  stages  ur  to  the  f creation  of 
the  blastula.   But,  while  there  is  diversity  of  arrargerent 
of  the  bi astc-eres ,  reverthrless  I  ar  led  tc  believe 
that  the  civisior  of  the  individual  cells  is  regular  and 
takes  .iust  ar  though  the  blastcreres  alv;ays  held  the  same 


relative  nosition. 

The  fourth.  segTentation  foHcvs  after  a  short  ner^od 
of  tine.   Figure  li  Ehov;s  a  sixteen-celled  stage  v-hich  is 
nearly  regulrr,  but  the  cleavage  cavity  has  already  been  form- 
ed v,'lthin  the  rassjof  blastcreres  a-d  they  are  thus  nushed 
av/ay  fror  the  centre  of  the  epp.      In  this  stage  the  cell 
lineage  can  still  be  traced  even  i^  the  forrrs  that  are  scre- 
v-hat  irregular.   But  in  -.hejblder  stages  the  arrange-^ent  of 


the  cpllc-  is  iTore  irropulrr  r.rd  ovhtif:  to  the-  cracity  of  the 
egg  it  is  difficult  to  follov;  with  accuracy  the  derccrt  of 
the  cells.   Frgure  IT.  rhcv/c  a  ]atcr  stare  in  v.'hich  the  ar- 
ranperert  of  the  cells  is  mere  regular  than  is  frecuently 
TTiet  with  ir  eggs  of  the  sane  age. 

As  strtod  before,  the  divisiors  follov/  each  other  at 
short  intervals.   \Vith:n  tv;o  hours  after  the  eggs  vrere  laid 
they  had  undergone  the  ^rocess  of  laturatior  a-d  fer- 
tilization, a-d  had  "passed  beyc^d  the  sixty-four  celled 
stage,   ;he  cells  continue  to  divide  with  the  sa-e  raridity, 
while  within  the^  ihe  cleavage  cavity  is  alsr  gradually  en- 
larging. Finare  1."  shows  a  stage  in  v.'hich  the  cells  are 
more  or  less  definitely  nlaced  around  the  segmentrtion  cavity. 
The  blastoreres  fi^^aHy  beccT^e  very  numerous  ard  srali, 
ard  arrange  the-selves  around  the  blastoccele  in  a  single 
celled  layer  for'^ing  a  true  blastula. 


'he  blastula  ir  oval  in  share,  and  is  but  slightly 

Ir.rpor  thar  the  ursepFPrtcci  err.   The  avfra^e  r.i2c   c.r   several 
blactulpe  that  were  reacurec'  war  .19  nr.  ii"  lenpth  a-^d  .15 
mr.  ir  their  larre?t  transverse  diareter.   The  epr  before 
cleavage  '-easured ,  as  stated  before,  ,14  tt.  ir  di^areter. 
The  blastoreres  i'^  the  blastula  r^tape  have  berr-e  very 
-unerous  a^d  ?~all,  ard  are  arrarf^ed  ir  a  zi^.f.'e   layer  of 
epithelial  cells,   V.hen  the  larva  ir.  about  eif^ht  or  ten 
hcur2  eld,  these  "oerirheral  cell?  '■''evelOT-  cilia;  nrcbably 
each  cell  has  one  ciliuir.   Vith  the  develorrert  of  the  cilia 
roverert  cctr-e'-ces .   At  first  the  nrtic  is  sllrbt;  b',:t 
as  the  cilia  beccre  -"-ore  ru-erous,  the  blartula  is  er?-bled 

by  the  ciliary  rrvererts  tc  leave  the  bctto-  rf  the  aauariur 

urer rhich  it  vas  heretofore  lyirp  a-d^svir  a'-cut  1-  the 

v.-ater  with  s  sriral  cr  ccrk-r^crew  motior  v^Mch  is  charac- 
teristic of  hydrod  blastulae  ard  rlrrulre.   Ihe  larpe  erd 
of  thp  blastula  is  r'irtcted  forwrrd  a-d  therefore  rray  be 
called  the  a'terior  e-d.   'hether  .hr  rnterior  rart  of  the 
larva  ccrresrcnds  c  the  ur  er  or  Icv/er  role  of  the  egg  was 


ir'-ossible  tr  drternine.      It   ir   rear.onable ,    hov/ever,    tc   infpr 
that   thPTP  iray  be   no   fixed   rolarity   ir   the-    Irrva   of   Hydrr- 
rredusae,    for   it    is   v.-ell   Irnown   that   ncrral    prbrycs   of   sr^all 
sizp   vrill   dpvel cpe  frcr,   fra^repts   of   eggs. 


The  blastula  Frar'ually  elonpatf?,  ard  beccires  narrovrer 
fer'-irp  ?  larvr  which  if  urually  about  three  tirer  as  long 
as  bread  ard  krowr  as  a  rlarula.  'Fvor,   reasurererts  tal-en 
of  livinp;  rla'-ailae  the  average  rize  is  about  .25  mm.  in 
length  a-id  .OC  tttt,  ir  the  short  dia-etrr.   These  rearure- 
rer-ts  are  not  constant,  the  larva  beccTi'^ig  sojev/hat  longer 
at  an  older  age.   The  anterior  end  rerains  slightly  larger 
than  -he  rosterior,  but  the  difference  is  net  as  great  ar 
in  the  blastula.   During  the  bias  tula  stage  the  larva  sra: 
near  the  bottor  of  the  dish;  v/hen  it  attains  the  rOarula 
stage  it  rises  a-d  svdrs  st   er  near  the  surface  ef  the 
vater  for  a  shorter  or  Icnger  tire.   Ihis  phenorrenon  occurs 
about  tverty-fcur  hours  after  the  ergs  are  fertilized. 


Aftrr  spvotri  hcurs  the  rlnrula  pradunlly  npttlpr,  toward 
the  bettor  apain  ard  f orally  the  ?r"ira3  rover entr  ceare, 
due  tc  the  loss  cf  the  oilia.   lor  a  time  of  vr.ryi-p;  lo-pth 
after  the  P-iral  -otior  stors  thr  rlanula  glider  alorr  or 
the  botton  of  the  araariur.   About  forty-e:ipht  hours  after 
the  egjTS  are  laid  the  larva  reaches  the  stage  of  develo-- 
ir.ert  ir  v;hirh  attrchrerit  takes  -lace.   In  rre-aratior  for  at- 
tachrrrt  the  plarula  rettles  to  the  bettor,  loses  its  cilia 
ard  ceases  ite-  rovererts. 


The  forratio-  of  the  ectoderr  in  Stcrrctcca  a^icata  is 
siir-le  ir  ccr^rariso^  rith  these  species  i'-  v.'hich  the  segrer- 
tatior  of  the  egp  is  ur.eoual,  rivirp  rise  to  racroreres 
ard  ricrcmeres;  ard  i'^  which  the  ectoder^  is  forr^ed  by  a 
ra^id  i'-'crease  of  the  nicroreres  a:xl  overgrov;irr  of  the  nacrc- 
ireres  by  the  rrrcess  rf  eribole.   Ir  Stoirotrca  or  the  ether 
hard  the  oleavare  is  equal  and  at  the  ccrrt^leticr.  cf  seg- 
i^ertaticr  the  blastOT-eres  have  divided  irtr  cells  of  uri- 


fcrr  size  ard  are  situated  i^   a  rinf^le  erithelirl  Ir.yer 
r.rour.d  the  :-eriT:'hery  of  thr  blartula  (fi.rures  16  and  IV 
shcv;  ?.pctic?s  of  blastulae  five  and  eipht  ard  ere  half 
hours  eld  resreetively) ,   Thur ,  frc:-  their  resitirr,  all 
the  cells  v.'hich  result  fron  the  sep^entatic  of  the  epp  di- 
rectly ray  rrcrerly  be  refjarded  as  ferrying  ectoderm;  and 
indeed  "alreac  y  at  this  stage  cf  develonrent  be  desirnated 
as  such,  v-ere  it  -rc-er  to  use  the  ter:-  ectoderm  before 
the  ar-nearance  cf  an  inner  gerr  layer.   The  cells  of  the 
blastosrhere  are  cclurnar  in  share  a-'C  at  first  all  are  cor- 
T^aratively  of  the  srre  height;  but  finally  those  cells  rt 
the  nosterirr  e:-d  become  screv;hat  taller  than  the  rer-t. 
This  is  the  region  v/here  the  endcder^i-  vail  be  budded  off. 

for;.:  AT  I  ci:  of  the  ekdcder;-. 

In  Stomctoca  the  fopT^atio'  of  the  endoderr  tal:es  nlace 
by  unipolar  ingression,  or  ":he  "hynctrone"  method.   The 
latter  ter~  was  use:  by  i-.:etschnil:off  in  contradistinctien 


tc  ir.ultiDnlar  mif^rcitirT^.  l>^   the  rultirc\ir  fcrratior  of 
the  rr^doderr  he  distinruiEhec  four  different  nodes,  nare- 
ly:   1.  A  rri-ary  delarrinatior  v,-hich  takes  rlace  by  a  trars- 
verse  diviricr  of  the  blasted  err  cells,  and  occurs  ir  the 
Geryoridae  ard  Eudepdriuir .  ?.,    A   irultv-clar  inpression 
;vhich  takes  ci  all  sides  ( Aepinc-sis) .   3.  /.  secondary  de- 
la-inatio"  -vhich  occurs  v/here  a  rrrula  structure  exists,  as  in 
;^£lliyra,  i'hcralcrera  ard  in  irort  of  the  hydro  id  rolyns. 
4.  A  irixed  delairiraticr  i'  vhich  the  endodernal  cells  orig^ir- 
ate  ir  rart  throuph  transverse  divisicr  or  i'^Fressior;  ard, 
also,  thrcuFh  subsecuent  differer tlaticr  as  a  secondary 
dela-iration.   This  last  rode  of  the  fcrTratio-  of  the  eelc- 
drr-r,  accordinp  to  :  etschrlkoff ,  occurs  in  Fplyxenia;  and 
is  the  transitional  ^^ethod  between  Triultinolar  nitration 
a:^d  enibole.   In  the  urirclar  ingression,  cr  "hynctrone"  nrc- 
ccss  the  for~atio"  of  the  endoderr  is  confined  tc  a  rc- 
naratively  snail  arer  at  the  nrstrrior  end  of  -he  blastula. 
This  is  the  irethod  that  is  follov-od  ir  the  species  under 



About  the  tirrr  the  blactula  becore?.  ciliated  ard  be- 
gins to  sv;ir,  usually  eight  to  ten  hourn  after  f  ertilir:atior. , 
the  cellr.  at  the  ^'octerior  end  of  the  larva  becore  so-e- 
what  tal'er  thar^  those  i-^  the  other  regions;  and  fro'T^ 
these  cells  relatively  few  in   nunber,  the  endoderr^  arises. 
The  for'-atior  of  the  endoderr  in  Stprot'oca  is,  in  a  general 
way,  siriilar  to  that  dereribed  by  letschrilcff  in  his 
"E- bryolcgische  Studien  an  t-'edusen  "  for  Clytia  f  l^'Vicl"!^., 
Clytia  virid leans  and  Cctorchis  Gepexbauri .   The  endoder- 
nal  cellr  are  river^  off  frcF  he  Icv-er  end  of  the  blastula 
and  are  Dushed  into  the  blastoccele.   At  first  a  single  cell 
ray  be  budce^'  off.  Gradually  more  cells  are  given  off, 
and  those  first  set  free  divide;  sr  that  byjthf  crntinuation 
of  this  nrocers  for  an  indefinite  ti^^e,  the  blastoccele  be- 
ccTes  filled  solidly  fror  the  a-terior  to  the  nostericr 
end.   Pictures  If,  1£  and  20  are  frcrr  sections  of  blastulae 
in  Vi'hich  thr  fcrration  of  the  endoderr  ir  ir  different 


stapen  of  rropress;  a-d  ir  Figure  21  the  endoderi?al  tisnue 
has  filled  'he  entire  cavity. 

/.ccordinp  to  ;  etschnilrrff ,  i-  his  descrirticr  of  uni- 
rclar  injures  si  en  or  "hyrctro-e, "  the  erdoder^-al  tissue 
arise?  as  a  rule  by  bodily  ■■iFroticn  of  endoderral  cellr  irtn 
the  blastocreie,  and  net  by  a  transverse  division  of  the 
ectodermal  cells —  the  inner  rarts  pcinp  to  fcr^  erdoderr 
and  the  outer  narts  re-aininp  as  ectoderral  cells.   In 
Figure  2C,  Plate  2  ;.'etschnil:off  shows  a  cell  in  -,he  nrc- 
cess  of  tra-^sverso  division";  ar^r  in  Finure  21  of  ihe   sa^e 
Plate  tv/c  cell;?  are  so  situate("  that  one  can  easily  i-^fer 
that  they  riay  have  a'.'^isen  hy  transverse  division  of  a  sinple 
ectoderT-a"  cell,   Thene  flpurer-  are  of  Clytia  a'-d  i'^  his 
descrintir"  of  the  saTe  sr.ecies  he  rro'-tli^ns  the  '^ell  in  Fig- 
ure 20  as  the  O'^ly  one  that  he  r'ound  in  which  transverse 
division-  occured.   This  he  seers  to  regard  as  an  exception , 
and  claims  that  as  a  rule  the  ectoder'^al  cells  increas-  by 
longitudinal  division  and  rrigrate  i^-to  the  interior. 

?.'y  Traterirrf  for  the   foi^rrtior   of  the   endodprr   in 


Storotoca  vas  scarce  and  it  in  rot  inrcssi  ble  to  have  -ris- 
intrrrrpto'^  tho  ':'ho?^0'^ona,   Hov.'ovcr,!  a"^  ir^clined  to  thinl: 
that  the  c^doder-a"  cells  arise  by  a  trarsverse  divisior  of 
the  ectodernal  cells,  as  Vetschril-'off  sho'vs  ir  the  ex'^ert- 
ioral  case  of  Clytia  viridlcr^s.  Fipure  IB  is  drav.T  frcr 
the  c-l}'  secticr  I  ^-as  able  to  seciire  frc  rreserved  "cterial 
showing  the  bp,?ir,rirp;  of  the  for-rtior  of  the  e-doderr,  and 
that^ras  cut  rlirhtly  ^blioue,  causirr  ?.C'-e  doubt.   A 
sectior  of  a  little  older  stap-e  a^d  drawn  rith  hipher  r^agni- 
ficatio"  is  shOT/n  i"  Fipure  19.   Here  there  are  three  cells 
that  an-e-r  to  have  lust  divided  by  trarsversr  division, 
/.nother  reason  which  causes  ire  to  thinl:  that  the  e^^doder'-al 
cells  arise  by  transverse  divisic^  of  the  criminal  ecto- 
derF  cells  is  "he  fact  that  thr  ectcrerrrl  cells  in  this 
repicn  are  practical ly  as  ride  as  those  i^^  other  rarts  of 
The  blastula.   This  v^uld  liot  be  the  case  if  the  lonri- 
tudiral  division  cccured:  for  necessrrily  cell  division 


is  rorf  ranic  ir  the  rr.pior  v.-here  the  pr^dndorir  is  river 
off,  ard  ccnsecuently  the  cells  v.Tuld  be  ^arrovjor.  U^- 
fortnrr.tely ,  because  of  scarcltj^  cT   raterial,  the  exact 
cellulrr  details  cf  the  for-atio-  of  the  e-doderr  v;ill 
have  tr  be  left  for  future  study. 

The  ripration  of  the  erco'er''  ccrtirues  frr   scFe 
hcurf^ ,  ard  firally  the  blastccrel(\brcr'-es  sclidl^'-  filled 
v;ith  this  nev/ly  developed  tissue.   At  first  the  cells  are 
crowded  tof^ether,  frecue'^tlv  q-dte  dersely,  without  any 
definite  arrarpe-^er.t  except  that  due  to  rressure.   Ther 

those  cells  that  are  situate'"  next  to  the  e'^tc-ler'^al  layer 


cha-fTc  i*  sha'^e,  beco"-«=wF  colu-nnr  a-d  assu^^e  the  a^'-earance 

of  a  "ore  or  less  cistinot  layer.   Such  an  arranf^ene-^t  is 
shov/n  i--  Figure  22.      Later  a  seriaration  talces  rlace  in 
the  centre  of  the  en^derrral  -ass.   This  is  the  first  be- 
pin-'inr  cf  the  coelenteric  cavity,  v'hjch  Pra-Uially  in- 
creases in  si:?e;  and  finally  the  c-dcderral  cells  oecoTe 
arranped  in  a  sinrle  layer  around  this  cavity. 



I'her  the  Irrvr.  is  ab'^iit  tv/enty-f^our  hourr  old  r.rd 
about  the  sr.'^e  tl-e  that  the  PTiclrderrnl  tissue  hoFins  tr 
arrar.rp  itself  into  the  definite  irir'er  rerir  layer,  a  d:f- 
fere'^tiaticr  corr^PTice?,  ir  the  ectcderral  tissue.   The  inter- 
stitial ce]ls  row  ra!-e  their  arrearance  here  a-d  there  by 
crcv'dirp  ir  betveer  the  base?  of  the  ectcderral  ce!ls. 
These  latter  cells  v;hich  heretofore  r/ere  straij^ht  cylin- 
drical structures  v;ith  their  sides  parallel  to  each  other, 
now  becc^e  ^-cre  irre.pular;  sone  aspu'^e  '^cnical  f crTrs ,  others 


s'^i^dle  shaiies  avordinp  to  the  rressure  of  the  neiphbor- 
inp  cel?.s.   Also,  about  this  ti-e,  or  a  little  later,  STiall 
oval  refractive  ^odles  ''al'e  their  a'^-^eara-ce  urually  ir 
the  i'^terstitial  cells,  occasio-ally  i?"  the  ectoderra"  cells 
also.   These  srall  cvcid  structures  rrarually  ^-ush  their 
ccy   tov;ard  the  exterior,  ard  finally  cop  to  be  situated 
i-.  or  betv.-eer  the  ectoderr?!  cells  rt  the  surface.   They 
are  develored  irt^  -pratocysts . 

Vhrr  thp  larvr  is  rbout  forty-eipht  to  fifty  hours 
eld  it  sPttlPE  tc  the  bettor,  loses  its  cili?.  ?r>d  thus  its 
ncveTer:ts  eesse.   It  is  vor   rerdy  to  hercr-e   cttacher' . 
Tho  -ethod  of  r.ttrohrert  ir.  Sto-otcoa  differs  fro-  th?t  usu- 
ally described  r.-d  rhi.:!.  -1"-  rrrarded  as  tyrlcal  for  the 
hydrold  larvr;  in  v,-hich  ease  they  settle  dowri  on  the  bread 
a'-tericr  e-d,  frcr  rhieh  the  hydrorhiza  are  piver  off, 
v.'hile  the  c^rosite  end  forrs  the  hydrarth  a-d  develors 
the  -outh  and  tentacles.   The  rlrrula  of  Sto^otppa  instead 
of  settlinr  down  o^  the  anterior  end,  beceres  attached  by 
the  vhole  le^^.rth  of  the  larva.   That  ir,  the  rlanula  does 
net  becoTe  trarsfrrred  into  a  hydrarth  but  fcr'-s  the  root; 
arc  the  first  hydrrrth  is  piven  off  frcr.  the  root  ar  a  bud. 
The  nla-ula  chnnpes  its  sha^e  about  the  ti-e  it  is  readi  f or 
attachrfrt.   The  e'larfred  anterior  end  is  reduced  in  sir.e 
a-^d  the  ^  arva  becer-pc  snindle  shaned.   Then  usually  about 
the  tir-p  tho  bud  vhich  will  forr  the  hydra'^th  annears,  the 


'^rirar;^  rc't   bra-^r^hes,  rivinrr  c,ff:   one  or  '.'.vc  seccr^dary 
roots;  so  that  v.-hen  the  hydra-^th  is  develcrpd  it  rfiay  have 
tvc,  thrpp  or  four  hydrcrhiza,  e?  shew-"  in  Firurer.  27  -  Z2, 
The  settlirp-  drvr  a-d  attach-iert  of  the  ^lanula  of  Storno- 
toca  aricata  is  vnry  much  liVr-  that  ivhich  takes  -^.lace  in 
Turrito-'sis,  the  develo-rrTit  of  v/hich  v.'ill  be 
described  ir  a- other  rearer. 

Frcfe::scr  Brccls  ir  his  v/crl"  or  "The  Life-History  of 
Eutira"  (I'c^)   has  shcwr  that  the  rlarulae  of  Eutira, 
Tuilii-Prsis  and  Hj/dractiria  fcrr  rccts  a-d  that  the  hydranths 
arise  as  buds  fror  the  roots. 


Zfter  the  larva  han  becore  attached  it  very  s'on  ce- 
velc'S  a  bud,  f^ererally  at  about  the  ce-tre  of  the  root, 
v/hich  is  the  bepin-inr  of  the  hydrarth.  A  circle  of  srall 
prelections  irake  their  anwearance  very  enrlv  around  the  dis- 
tal end  of  the  hycranth  bud;  ther^e  are  the  rudinents  of 
the  trntacles  a-d  are  usually  fivr  i-  r-u'^'ber.  Cicasio'-ally 


a  hydranth  bud  is  -et  with  v.'hich  has  six  tnntncular  rrr- 
.-iecticps  ard  thus  rives  rise  to  six  rri'-'ary  trntrrles. 
The  -^outh  is  '^ov,'  devplcred,  as  r.  slit  breaking  thrcurh  the 
two  ger-^  layers,  at  the  a-pex  of  the  yourr  hydra-th  i-^  the 
centre  of  the  '.vhorl  of  tertacular  buds.   About  a  day  later 
T-ore  tentacles  a^^r^ear.   These  secondary  tentacles  alter- 
nate v/ith  the  '-'ri-ary  ones.  The  secondary  tentccular  buds 
do  not  all  arsnear  si-^ultaneously;  but  are  usually  added  one 
or  tv.'C  at  a  tire  u"'til  the  second  cycle  of  tentacles  is  rorr-- 
rleted  and  the  hydra-th  has  ten  te-tacles  in  all.   :hus 
we  ray  have  ycu-^F  hycranths  vnth   six,  seven,  elrht,  n:ne  or 
te-  tentacles  acccrdinp  to  the  stape  cf  revelcrrent. 
Ten  seerrs   to  be  the  nuTber  cf  tentacles  in  the  fully 
develc^ed  hydi;!/^  rclyn.  The  oldest  nolyps  thst  I  reared 
five  days  old  ha;'  this  number;  and  Professor  Brcol's  described 
the  hydr,3/0d,  yhich  he  found  or  the  Icrer  surface  of  the 
shell  of  the  livinr  li'ulus,  arid  which  had  -edusr  buds, 
develcned,  as  hcving  only  ten  tentrcles.   The  hydra-^ths 

thnt  I  re.Ted  i-  the  laborr.tory  rorrer.r)ond  ^^ith  those  found 
by  Professor  Brc^l-s  a-d  I  pc  doubt  that  they  are  the 
sp."-e  s'^ecies.  The  '^rirrary  and  jccoMdary  tentacles  arise 
frc"  the  ca-e  level  so  that  they  rray  be  said  to  ecrstitute 
one  -hcrl.   The  five  rrlrary  tentacles,  ho'.vever,  are  lenper 
and  Drc.iect  forward;  v/hile  the  secondary  ot-cs  a.^e  shorter 
a-d  extend  backvard.   The  tentacles  are  veil  ar-ed  with  thread 
cells  v.'hich  are  arranged  around  the  tentacles  in  clusters 
at  short  distances  frcr  each  other,  frc"  one  end  of  the  ten- 
tacle to  r.he  other.   These  f^rouns  of  thread  cells\becore 
closer  topether  as  the  distal  end  of  the  tentacle  is  an- 

A  thin  delicate  ^erisarc  is  secrete^  early  i?'  the  devel- 
crTrent  of  the  hycra'-th.   It  adheres  closelv  t^  the  root  and 
ster.   It  deer  not  extend  the  e^^tire  lenpth  of  the  ster; 
but  stons  a  little  distance  below  the  'ircle  of  tentacles. 
In  Flpure  31  a  nrlyn  is  ^r\\-    i"  v.-hich  the  ccencsarc  has  re- 
tracted for  some  distance  in  one  of  the  hydrorhlra  and 


left,   the  delicpte   tubo   of  r^erinarc   PT'ity. 


1.  Tho  effps  are  Inid  at  a  rfir:ular  ti-e,  about  fivp 
o'clrck  ir  the  rorni'p.   They  are  set  free  by  the  brealrinp 
down  of  the  cithelial  layer  of  the  ovaries. 

2.  The  pgff  is  s-^herical  ard  -easures  .14  Tn".  in  diaineter. 
It  is  destitute  of  a  -e'^brane  v;hen  laid,  ard  nore  is  subse- 
cuertly  develrred.   The  oytorlasr  is  dense  a•^d  oraoue, 

3.  iVaturation  takes  T)lace  after  the  epps  are  laid;  ard 
fertil izatior  takes  nlace  very  soon.  Eetails  of  fertilization 
could  not  be  Tade  out  because  of  opacity  of  pg?s . 

4.  Cleavage  is  total,  ecual  ard  '^early  repular,  es-r^ecial- 
ly  ir  the  e?rly  stapes.   Frctclasric  threads  or  bridges ,  ccr- 
'-ectirp  the  differert  blastoneres  durir.p  the  early  cleavapes, 
are  frecuently  encountered.   The  sepTe^tinp  cells  arranpe 
themselves  arcurd  a  coi^tirually  enlarpinp  cleavape  cavity. 

B.  At  the  co^rletio'  of  the  sep-^entatior  a  true  blastula 
is  forred,  v/hich  develcrs  cilia  a-d  sv/irs  with  a  spiral 
rotion.   'Ihe  oval  blastula  elrnpates  and  is  transferred  into 

6.  Thr  ectocerr  r.rirrn  dirrrtiy  frcr-  tho  npr^f'Ptr.tior 
cells  v'hirh  prrr.rped  ir  r.  rrrirherrl  layer  arcurd  the 
Mast"ccrl  p. 

?.  Jhe   frrraticT  cf  the  e^-rccerr-  is  by  u'i^clar  i^- 
rressior.   The  Cfllr.  at  the  r-csterior  end  of  the  blar,tula 
hud  off  the  T:ri:^it-'VP  rT^doder"-  ti^isur  v.'hioh  riprater.  into 
the  blastoooele;  a^d  later  is  arranged  irto  the  inrer  perir: 

f.  ler-atccysts  arise  chiefly  in  thf  Interstitial  rells, 
soretires  in  the  erdoderr,  and  riprate  to  the  surface. 

G.  The  larva  beccies  attached  by  its  side  and  is  trans- 
for-^ed  irtc  the  hydr'^rh^za.   The  root  frecuently  branches 
s^cr  after  attaohnent. 

10.  The  develor.s  frcT  a  bud,  v;hich  is  piv^n  off 
frcr  about  the  centre  of  the  hydrorhisa. 

11.  The  tentacles  arnear  (^arly  r."  ---^i'  -:-^  ^^^■^_ir'^,s   at 
the  distal  '^art  of  the  hydranth  bud. 

12.  A  thin  delicate  nerisarc  is  :^ecreted  '^r-'^-r-'^  the 
hydrcrhiza  a-^d  ste'^  un  to  near  the  tentacles. 








This  v/orl:  on  the  enbryolopy  of  Turrjito^sin  nutricnla 
',vas  bPguT!  at  the  suggestior  of  Profonr.or  Brooks.   The  rate- 
rial  vms  collected  and  the  observations  on  the  livinp;  s-^eci- 
mens  v/ere  made  durinfT  the  surTi-^ers  of  1903  and  1904,  v/hlle 
I  occ'.iT)ied  a  table  at  the  United  States  Fisheries  Laboratory 
at  Beaufort,  h'orth  Carolina,   TurritoT>sis  is  one  of  the  -^ost 
common  TDedusse  in  the  harbor  during  the  sunder.   In  the  two 
years  that  I  v/as  there  they  became  abundant  in  the  begin- 
ni'-g  of  JuJ-y  and  rsTained  -or?  or  less  Plentiful  until  I 
left  Beaufort  Se-!^tenber  13.   "Ahile  the  medusao  could  be  col- 
lected in  fairly  large  nu'^bers,  many  of  them  were  irr-aturey 
"^hey  lay  only  a  lini.ted  ^umber  of   However  the  'material 
wan  r)reserved  and  sectioned  for  the  study  of  such  facts  as 
could  not  be  made  out  froT  the  living  fcrrs.   The  w^rk  v/as 
finished  in  the  Biological  Laboratory  of  the  Johns  Hopkins 



DEVEL0PME:;T  of  the  CVAPJAri  EGG. 

The  ova  develo-  in  the  ectodermal  layer  of  the  Tianu- 
brdum.   The  erithelium  becoites  very  ruoh  thickened  i^   four 
regions;  these  enlarf^ed  areas  for-  the  ovaries.   The  oriin- 
itive  ovarian  cells  when  first  differentiated  are  larger 
than  the  ectoderiral  cells  of  other  -oarts.   Their  nrotcplasm  hoirogeneous  and  of  a  finely  granular  character. 
The  nuclei  are  less  hyaline  in  aDnearaiice j  and  the  nucleo- 
lus stains  deenly.   The  -ri-itive  ova  are  first  distinguish- 
ed fro":  the  rest  of  the  ovarian  cells  by  the  increase  in  the 
density  of  the  cytoplasm  and  the  enlarging  of  the  nucleus. 
The  latter  becoiies  very  large  in  nronortion  to  the  size  of  the 
cell;  and  acquire.:  a  vescicular  character.   The  nucleolus  is 
cons"icuous,  and  a  network  of  chromatin  is  scattered  through 
the  ger-inal  vesicle. 

The  nri'itive  ova  gro^.v  by  the  absorntior  of  the  ovarian 
cells  around  the-.   As  gro;vth  takes  nlace  there  is  a  change 


in  the  characterpf  the  cy^orlasT,   It  loses  its  horrogene- 

ous  and  finely  f^ranular  nature  and  develo::3  a  suT^nly  of  deut^o- 

clasTn  in  the  fort  of  yolk  granules.   These  are  large  and  stain 

very  darkly.   They  first  aorear  around  the  gerrinal  vesicle. 

As  they  be3o;r:e  more  nuinerous  by  the  continual  formation  of 

new  ones,  they  are  oushed  out  through  the  cytC'lasr  toward 

the  ^.eri-hery.   The  formation  of  the  yolk  ST)heres  goes  on  until 

the  ovum  is  densely  crowded  v/ith  thea  exceot  for  a  narrow 

Derioherl  zone,  in  v/hich  the  proto'^las"  retains  its  honno- 

geneous  and  finely  granular  character  and  forTS  the  ectonlasn^ 

of  the  -rature  egg.   Figures  1  tc  6  inclusive  show  different 

stages  in  the  develCTent  of  the  ovarian  egg  and  the  forn^ation 

and  'Tiigration  of  the  yolk  granules.   Soine  idea  of  the  extent 

to  which  the  ijrotoolas'n  becoTies  crowded  with  s'oheres  of 

deutonlas"  can  be  forned  fron  Figure  3,  which  is  drawn  fron 

a  nearly  nature  ovum.   In  the  fully  develoned  egg  the  layfr 

of  ectonlasT  is  narrower  than  is  ronresented  in  this  figure. 

The  yolk  granules  first  arj:";ear  around  the  nucleus  of  the 


ovum;  and  it  is  not  in')robabl*^  that  they  are,  in  nart  at 
least,  the  result  of  nuclear  activity.   During  the  formation 
of  these  bodies,  the  nucleolus  shows  signs  of  being  in  an 
active  condition  and  ^ay  also  be  connected  with  their  manu- 


facture.   In  sorr.e  stages  the  -'urleolus  is  a-d  horno- 
geneous;  in  others  iz   has  one  or  tv;o  clearer  globules  in 
its  interior.  These  facts  see-i  to  show  that  it  is  not  in  a 
dormant  state;  and  it  is  DXossibe  that  it  -ay  be  associated 
in  some  way  with  the  transformation  of  the  absorbe ;  nroto- 
nlasT  into  deut^cnlas"^  At  least  that  the  yoll:  spheres  arise 
directly  through  the  activity  of  the  cytonlasr;,  indepen- 
dently of  any  nuclear  or  nucleolar  function,  is  doubtful. 
£er  If  aa^  were  the  case  we  wou.ld  exnect  the  yolk  bodies  to 
arise  in  other  parts  of  the  cvu~  than  around  the  germinal 
vesicle.   Thai  this  orcurs  there  is  no  evidence  from  the  studj 
of  rrany  eggs,  The  primitive  ovarian  cells  are  all,  or  nearly 
all,  absorbed  and  used  in  the  ranufacturo  of  the  yolk  gran- 
ules by  the  growing  ova,  except  a  layer  at  the  outside  v;hich 
is  transforTed  into  the  emithelium  of  the  ovary.  The  cells 


of  the  ovariar  v.-all  are  s::iall  and  soinev/hat  flattened.   Their 
nuclei  are  about  the  same  size  as  the  nuclei  of  the  nriiitive 
ger-  cells,  but  are  less  dense.   The  nucleoli  rre   con- 
spicuous and  stain  d.eply.   In  genera'  the  cells  of  the  er)i- 
thflium  of  the  ovary  are  sin^ilar,  excent  they  are  not  as 
much  flattened,)  to  the  cells  in  other  narts  of  they^ctoderral 
layer  of  the  subu^brella.   The  eggs  in  the  ovary  lie  next 
to  the  rr.esogloea,  that  is,  there  is  no  tissue 
betv;een  theT  and  the  supr)orting  layer.   The  ovarian  eggs  are 
irregular  in  shar^e  due  to  their  being  crowded  together;  but 
v;hen  liberated£hey  becoire  spherical. 


The  eggs  are  imbedded  in  the  ectoderr-al  layer  of  the 
manubriuT:,  As  the  ova  grov;  and  increase  ir  size  the  epithel- 
iuiT'  of  the  ovary  becomes  -ore  and  more  distended,   when  they 
have  reached  aturity  the  outer  ectodermal  tissue  of  the  ovary 
is  under  r-onsiderable  tension.   Finally  v/hen  the  time  for  de- 
hiscence arrives,  the  outer  wall  of  the  ovary  is  runtured 
by  the  aid  of  the  ruscular  contractions  of  the  manubrium 


and  bell  and  the  ej^gs  eccare  into  the  acvity  of  the-  urbrella. 

The  rrocess  of  epp  laying  is  very  nimilar  to  that  described 

for  Sto^^.otpca. 

The  number  of  egfs  denosited  by  a  single  feT^ale  medusa 

varies  considerably.   Jt  is  usually  betweer  twerty  ar^  i  thirty 

five,   Cn  c-^e   occasion  an  excenticnally  large  feiiale  was  tal:en 

in  the  tow;  her  ovaries  were  seen  to  be  cro-.^ded  with  eg?:s. 

She  v/as  nut  into  a  ser^arate  dish  of  sea  v/ater  for  the  purpose 

of  counting  the  nu;rber  of  eggs  thrt  she  v;ould  lay.   The 

next  morninp;  at  ^he  hour  the  eggs  were  deposited;  and  the  nu^- 

ber  was  found  to  be  fifty-six,  v/hich  is/unusually  large, 
I  made  ^  any  other  counts  but  this  was  the  only  ti'-ie  that 
the  number  exceeded  fifty,  As  a  rule  it  is  fro-  tv/enty  to 
thirty-five,  only  rarely  is  it  as  high  as  fifty,  fhese  num- 
bers seen  reriarkably  small  when  we  consider  the  enormous 
cuantit^f  of  eggs  that  are  laid  by  many  of  the  other  ani- 
mals of  the  ocean^  the  number  often  reaching  many  millions, 
as  among  so-^e  of  the  Echirodermata  and  ;.iollusca. 

It  is  a  rather  curious  fact  that  these  animals  are 


always  so  very  regular  in  the  ti-;e  for  leoositing  their  egJTS , 
v/hich  is  from  fivo  to  six  A.  ;:.   During  the  two  sujixers  that 
I  studied  Turritoosis  at  the  sea-shore,  great  nurrbers  were 
collected  and  ke'it  in  acuaria.   On  T-any  occasions  larose 
early  in  the  "orning  to  observe  the  act  of  spawning,-  one 
ti"ie  they  were  watched  through  the  en  .ire  night,-  and  always 
the  act  of  egg  layincr  was  seen  to  oomnence  at  about  five 
o'cloc::  or  a  few  minutes  after.   Very  rarely  did  it  take 
olace  as  late  as  six  o'clock;  and  on  no  occasion  was  the  nhe- 
noTenon  observed  more  than  a  few  minutes  before  5  A,  ivl. 

Ihis  Drecise  periodicity  is  rot  O'-l-ji  confined  to  Tur- 
ritorsis,  but  seeTs  to  be  cuit^e  prevalent  arong  the  cedusae 
in  general.   In  Stcrr.otoca  a  icata.  Stonotoca  rugpsa  and  a 
species  of  Ei|cheilpta  I  find  that  the  eggs  are  deposited 
also  at  a  fixed  hour,  nar^ely,  5  to  5.30  A.  I'.     Professor 
Broo::s  found  that  Lirope  and  Eutina  sr>awn  at  about  S  P.  .M. 
In  Gonionema  Perkins  found  the  time  to  be  fron  7  to  G  P.  i.'.. 
Bunting  found  the  neriod  of  dehiscence  for  Hydractinia  to  be 
about  10  P.  :...   While  ;..ere.ikowsky  says  that  the  eggs  of 


Obelia  are  laid  early  in  the  norning,   etschnikoff  also 
Rives  the  tirr.e  of  snawninf;  of  14  species. 

Regular  breeding  habits  have  alsc  been  found  to  exist 
among  other  r.arine  anirr.als,  and  may  be  more  general  than 
has  been  suspected.   '';ilson  in  his  v/orl:  on  the  develcr-ent 
of  Renilla  fo^nd  that  the  eggs  of  that  form  were  always 
laid  at  about  6  A,  M.  In  a  single  case  only,  he  says,  the 
spawning  took  Place  as  early  as  5,30  a-^d  it  was  never  oi)ser- 
ved  tc  occur  later  then  seven  o'clock.   The  relagic  Crustaceaij, 
Lucifer  Professor  Brocks  observed  to  denosit  its  eggs  at  9  t: 
10  F.  M. 

Bunting  lound  that  by  packing  Hydractinia  in  ice  and 
keeping  therr  at  a  lower  tenPBrature  she  v;as  able  to  delay 
the  ti'-e  of  egg  lading.   On  restoring  the  animals  to  the  nor- 
aial  temperature,  the  eggs  were  laid  after  ?.  short  period 
of  time.   Perkins  fcund  that  the  -'ieriodicity  of  spawning  in 
Gonionema  is  definitely  ^ffected  by  charges  of  light.   By 
placing  his  --edusae  in  a  dark  place  for  an  hour  and  then  put- 
ting the-T:  in  the  daylight  apparently  normal  egg  lajring 
again  too'-  place. 


'..hile  I  did  not  try  ex::eriments  on  Turrito^sis  olther 
with  regard  to  temnerature  or  light,  yet  the  changes  of  tem- 
oprature  from  day  to  day  had  no  noticeable  effect  on  the  time 
at  which  they  discharged  their  eggs,  that  ic,  it  occured  at 
thf  sare  hour  or.  warr  days  and  cool, days.   I^""  H^'b   ^anner 
the  fact  that  the  aquarium  in  v/hich  the  niedusae  were  contain- 
ed was  keDt  before  a  lighted  lamn  all  night  had  no  effect, 
on  the  tir.e  of  srav;ning  the  next  r.orning,  which  took  -nlace 
at  the  fixed  oeriod, 


The  egg  of  Turritonsis  is  spherical  and  *»  devoid  of 
a  -ex.brane  when  first  laid  and  none  is  subsecuently  forned. 
In  size  it  is  auito  sn^all  and  can  easily  he   oyorlool;ed.   If 
the  water  is  free  fro:^  sodirent  and  the  dish  containing  the 
eggs  is  placed  upon  a  n)ace  d)f  black  paner  the  eggs  are  vis- 
ible to  the  naked  eye.   They  -reasure  .116  of  a  ir.illiTetPT 
in  diameter.   They  are  aiiong  the  smaller  of  the  medusae  eggs. 
:.ietschrikoff  gives  the  measurements  of  the  ova  of  nineteen 


snecies  of  -ledusac;  the  sizes  of  which  range  from  ,024  tti'^. 
to  1,5   Cunina  orobosr.idea  ha>ada^  the  smallest  a'ld 
Polyxenia  albescens  the  lartrest  egg  of  the  species  included 
in  his  lot.  The  egg  of  Turri1;o"sis  is  ,iust  slightly  than 
that  of  Rathkea  fasciculata  according  to  the  ■^easurcent  of 
i.;etschril:off . 

In  the  substance  of  the  egg  tv;c  parts  are  distinguish- 
able; an  outer  layer  of  cleareiY^ctoplasrr  which  consists 
of  viscid  formative  yolk  conposed  of  protoplasm  with  veri 
fine  granules;  and  a  central  mass  of  e'^dorlas"'  which  is  dense 
and  oraque  end  filled  v/iih  large,  dark  granules  of  nutri- 
tive yolk.  Fro-  the  fact  thatfthe  e-dorlasT  is  crowded  with 
these  coarse  dense  granu^ies  of  nutritive  naterial  the  egg 
is  very  opaque  and  the  ger-inal  vesicle  is  not  to  be  seen 
frorr  the  exterior.   Tlius  the  changes  which  take  place  dur- 
ing maturation  and  fertilization,  and  the  nuclear  Phenom- 
ena of  segmentation,  as  well  as  the  formation  of  the  endo- 
derm  ca-Tiot  be  followed  imhe  living  egg.   For  thislreason 

the  egfj  of  Turritonsis  in  not  as  nuitablp  for  study  during 
lifp  as  these  beautinilly  transnarpnt  o.f^.f^s  of  Lirione  and 
Eutina  for  instancp,  which  allov;  all  the  changes  that  take 
place  '.vithin  Lhe  egg   during  develoi-neri?  to  be  follovved  easily. 

The  soecific  gravity  of  the  eggs  is  greater  than  that 
of  sea-water  and  consequently  they  sink  to  the  bottox  of 
the  aquariuT,  as  soon  as  they  are  discharged  froir,  the  cavity 
of  the  urrbrella.   In  onacity  Lhe  egg  of  Turritc_sis  is  inter- 
T-.ediate  betv^een  the  egf^  oflStpniptoca  rugpsa,  which  is  extre~e- 
ly  dense  and  of  aiohalky  white  color,  and  the  egg  of  Stono- 
toca  an  i  cat  a  which  is  seni-transnarent  and  an^ears  bluish- 
white  by  reflected  li^ht.   In  color  the  egg  of  Turritpnsis 
is  yellowish  v.'hite. 


Because  of  the  opacity  of  the  egg  satisfactory  obser- 
va^ions  on  the  nhenc-ena  of  rraturation  and  fertilization 
are  ir-'Ossible  during  life,  excent  for  those  changes  v/hich 

take  Place  on  the  outside.  A   few  rinutes  after  the  eg.^r  is 
laid  the  first  Dolar  body  is  niven  off  at  the  upper  pole 
of  the  egg.  The  second  polar  globule  follov/s  after  a  very- 
short  intervr.l.   Thece  structures  are  of  an  ephemeral  nature 
and  soon  disintegrate  or  pass  out  into  ;-he  water  and  are 
lost.   othing  can  be  made  out  of  their  internal  structure  or 
"fti^  of  the  arrangeTe^t  of  the  chroiratin  v«ith  the  lev/  nagni- 
fication  v;hioh  one  is  obliged,  to  use  in  the  study  of  :he  livig 
egg.   However  I  was  fortunate  enough  to  get  sectons  of 
the  early  stage.-  of  r)reserved  eggs  v/hich  show  the  nolar  bodies 
in  the  ^rocess  of  being  extruded.   The  ger-inal  vesicle  icves 
to  the  periphery  of  thaegg,  then  a  part  ci  its  substance 
is  divided  off  and  extruded  as  the  first  polar  bcdy.   In 
Figure  7,  whch  is  a  section  of  an  egg  that  was  preserved 
a  few  "inutes  after  it  hai  beer  laid,  the  second  nolar  body 
is  iust  being  given  off.   It  contains  several  granules  of 
chro:T;at,in  scattered  :.hrough  its  Glc^.w.r  hy>iline  .:ub.;t...:-cr . 
Ir,  oho  '  ,   .  little  distance 

fro"  the  pp,'^,  but  i:^  sti'l  held  in  connL^ction  •.;ith  it  by 
so-^e  -pans  of  attachnent,  the  "hro^iatin  ha."  co^ie   topether 

and  for  n  :•  single  mass  in  the  centre  of  the  ^olar  j^lob- 

^  o 

ule.   The  'neans  of  attacr.ent  of  the  r^lar  bodies  to  the 
^  'N 

Gurface  of  the  egp   is  -^ot  cuite  clear,  as  the  ep.^^  is  desti- 
tute of  a  •^e•■br^ne.   It  is  r^ossible  that  so'-ie  of  the  clear 
liquid  -^art  of  the  ^roto^^lasr  ray  exude  fro--  the  substa'ice 
of  the  egr   as  the  rc'ar  bodies  are  extruded  ap.d  be  the  "-eans 
of  holding  the?r  to  the  surface  of  the  egg  even  during  fixation, 

As  can  be  seen  in  the  figure,  the  ger-^inal  vesicle 
during  the  extrusio"  of  the  -polar  bodies  is  i^ituate-i  at  the 
very  of  the  egf^j   even,  about  hal:"  of  its  bulk  extends 
beyond  the  general  contour  of  the  egg's  surface.   The  yolk 
granules  are  crov;ded  around  the  nucleus  with  the  s-^-e  density 
as  in  other  narts  of  the  e^p.     After  the  second  nolar  body 
has  been  given  off,  the  ferale  ^rcnucleus  -eves  back  froT 
the  neriphery  so-re  distance.   Here  it  is  -let  by  the  snern 
nucleus  a^d  fusion  of  the  two  '^lace.   V.hether  there  is 

any  definite  snot  for  the  entrance  of  the  snerr-.atosoon  or 
not  could  not  be  decided.   But  I  a-  inclined  to  think  thrt 
the  Tale  ele-'^ent  i.c  capable  of  nenetratinp;  the  egp:  at  any 
T^art;  and  that  when  it  har  once  entered  the  substance  of 
the  egp,  the  -ale  and  fe-ale  pronuclei  are  brought  to{?ethc.r 
by  the  attraction  existin.n;  .tetwee-'  the  tv;o. 

It  was  i-^nossible  to  see  the  discharge  of  the  sriernato- 
zoa  fro-  the  nales;  neither  did  I  see  then  enter  the  egps. 
And,  as  stated  before,  the  eggs  are  so  onaoue  that  the  inter- 
nal nhenoTiena  of  fertilization  could  not  be  followed  i-i  the 
living  snecimens.   s**4  The -^e  is  reason  to  believe  that  the 
sner~s  are  discharged  at  about  the  sa-^.e  tire  that  the  ferales 
lay  -uheir  eggs.   Fertilization  talces  nlace  in  the  v/ater  ir.- 
r?ediatoly  follov;ing  '-aturation,  and  segr^entn.tio-  begins  in 
a  ver  ^   short  ti-e. 


Segmentation  is  total  and  an-'-roxinately  equal.  V.hile 
there  is  a  slight  difference  in  the  size  of  the  blasto-reres 

at  tiner. ,  yet  this  Siffero^ce  is  not  const-rit  and  th'-y  ?.ll   the  zc.^e   valu^  in  develoT-enlj;  that  is,  thoy  are  -not 
divided  in  to  macromeres  and  -nicroTeres,  As**  There  is  no 
evidence  either  fro"^  observations  of  the  livin,!7  egc^s,  or 
fro-  the  ntudy  of  sections  of  rreservpd  Tiaterial  that  any 
of  :he  blastomeres  can  be  localised  as  forninp  distinct 
oarts  of  the  future  errbryo.   During  the  first  t-70  or  three 
cleavages  the  -rocess  is  usually  cui$c regular ,  but  beyond 
the  '"Ight  cell  stage  the  segnentatio^^  berores  very  irregular 
and  erratic;  almost  if  not  fully  as  ren^arhable  as  that  de- 
scribed and  figured  by  Harritt  for  Pen]2?'li§  M^rlPlli^  and 
of  ;;hich  he  says;  "Between  the  rxtremes  of  the  en^bryoric 
history  fro"-  the  early  cleavage  to  the  forration  of  the 
-orula  are  to  be  found  the  '^ost  erratic  and  ancalous  exhi- 
bitions of  develo-  mental  nhenoTe-a  v;hioh  have  ever  cone  to 
Tiy  knovrledgo,  if  indeed  its  countermart  has  hitherto -"been 
known.   It  is  not  strange  that  v;ith  the  -ic-tal  Tnctures  of 
such  sfady-going  exhibitions  as  are  found  in  the  develon- 
ment  of  annelids,  -.olluscs,  etc.,  one  should  regard  such 

Tonstrcsi ties  as  are  very  inr.decuo.tely  rer^resented  in  the 
various  fi^urer:  illustrating  this  ^j&^er   as  ab-^  to  the 
degree  of  beinp  Dathalogi" !   And  thus  it  seorredfto  r?e  vhen 
first  obs?rved;  and  as  rointed  out  in  the  earlier  raner, 
the  first  batch  of  egfs  v/ere  discarded  as  having  'gone  bad.'  " 

jVhen  I  first  began  the  study  of  the  develor.rnent  of  Turri- 
tonisis .  the  irregularities  of  segmentation  strucl:  '-e  as 
very  neculiar  and  I  v/as  at  first  inclined  to  thinl-  that 
they  v;ere   After  I  allov/ed  the  eggs  tine  to  pro- 
gress I  discovered  that  they  develored  into  nor-al  r^lanulao 
and  thus  was  forced  to  conclude  that  this  strange  and  irregu- 
lar cleavage  trust  after  all  be  normal  for  ihe  snecies.   On 
several  occasions  the  attention  of  a  number  of  other  obser- 
vers ^7ho  v/ere  r/orking  in  the  same  Tiarine  laboratory  vas  called 
to  "^.his  nhenonenon,  and  they  also  exriresse''  surnriso  a'ld  re- 
marked that  thev  had  never  seen  segmentation  nresentinf"  such 
a-^omalous  and  irregular  features. 

Iietschnikoff  describes  and  gives  a  fev;  figures  of 
a  very  si:'ilar  condition  of  segmentation  in  Oceania  armata. 

He   says:    "Wenn   bei   dcr    beschrieberien   Weduser   vr-rschiedene 
Ab'.veichur.gen   in  der   Zustandekcrren  des   viertp:^  i' 
sx.adium  ccnstatirt   v/erderi  riiusster, ,   so   konnte  mar.  doch  bei 
aller   eine  pev/isse  r.egelmfts^ipkeit  aufiirdfrj.   Gaviz  abv.-eich- 
end   in  dieser  Beziehung  verhElt   "i:?h  Oceania  armata,   da 
bei   dieser   ;;eduse   die   kattm  ~dt   einander  vereinigter   Blasto- 
neren  durchaus  unregel-ftssig  und   ordnur.gslos  nebeneinander 

liegen. Das   Abv;eichende   in   der   .'.nbryonalentwickelung 

der  Oceania  arxata  hftrt  roch  richt   so  bald   auf.      Die  Furchung 
setzt   sich  in  unregel'-;assigster   V.'oise  fort   und   fiihrt   zuv 
Bildung   unfttr^licher   Zellenhauf  en ,    in  derrn    Innern  inar    eine 
Furchungshtihle  durchshii^mern   sieht.      Oft   nehmen   seiche 
Embryonen    eine  ganz   abenteurliche  Gectalt  an,    deren   Ursache 
zum   Theil   darin    liegt,    dass    sie   sich  durch   Theilung  ve.r:nehren, 
Diesen   Process  habe   ich  an   mehreren   isolirten  Blastula- 
Stadie-    beobachtet,   so  dass   ich  an  dessen   i-.xistenr  nicht 
zweifle."      In   Turritpisis,    likev/ise,    the    latrr   cleavages 
take  nlace   in   ::  ront   irregular  -nanner  and   leac  to  the  for- 

mr.tior  of  r  sharelpss  ar.d  grotesaue  riass  of  blastOTores  in 
v/hich  the  cells  are  frequently  held  together  very  lO'-noly. 
Tlie  accorpanyinr  drav.'ings  unfortunately  rer)re3ent  only  the 
nost  regular  forms.   This  is  due  in  part  to  the  fact  that 
the  very  irregular  forns  v.-ere  at  first  thought,  as  stated 
before,  to  be  abnornal;  a-id  partly  because  it  v/as  diffir.ult 
to  rake  accurate  carera  sketches  of  these  shapeless  rasses 
during  life  v/hile  cleavages  v/ere  fciS^  r lace  rather  raridly. 

'..hether  these  enbryos  "ultinly  by  division,  as  .:etschni- 
koff  stated  to  be  the  case  with  Oceania  ar^nata  and  to  ;hich 
he  attributed  in  part  Lhe  caus:  of  their  peculiar  shapes, 
I  have  no  direct  evidence;  but  thirk  that  it  is  very  prob- 
able that  such  may  be  the  care,  ts^  frecuer.tly  the  blasto- 
mercs  are  separated  into  tv;o  distinct  masses  t  eld  together 
by  a  small  isthmus  of  cells}  even  if  they  do  not  divide  by 
an  internal  activity,  they  must,  occasionally  at  least,  be 
broken  ar)ar^  by  ^he  action  of  the  tides  v/hen  in  the  open  ocean, 
Several  tires  the  experiment  of  dividing  the  egg  during  the 

comparatively  early  cleavages  v/as  tried  a^d  the  parts  were 
four.d  to  cc'tirue  their  develorment   ithout  a;"y  hindrance. 
These  experiirents  v/ill')be  described  -ore  in  detail  later. 

Another  -noint  in  v;hich  the  segmenting  egg  of  Turriton- 
sis  differs  fro;r  thrt  of  Oceania  arMJif-  is  that  it  does  not 
for:",  a  triie  cleavage  cavity.   The  blastomeres  forn  a 
nore  or  less  rolid  enbryo,  as  shov.'n  in  "he  sections  of  hese 
stages.   Occasionally  there  are  sr:all  spaces  left  between 
the  rells;  but  a  true  segmentation  cavity  that  later  ferns 
a  blactocccle  is  'ever  for-"ed.   In  this  respect  also  it  is 
siTilar  to  the  develOTtraent  of  Pennaria  tiarella  as  describe, 
by  Hargitt.   As  the  coT.nletion  of  segmentation  anrroaches, 
these  irregular  masres  of  cells  gradually  trke  .n  a  -rove 
sy"-r:etrical  fori;!  and  finally  there  is  formed  an  oval  enbryo 
co-^pcsed  of  e  solid  nass  of  cells  constituting  a  rrorula. 

The  first  cleavage  takes  nlace  about  twenty  to  thirty 
TTiinutes  after  the  rclar  bodies  have  been  given  of i  .  It 
begins  at  the  upner  pole  of  the  egg  and  passed  down  to  ihe 

Icv/rr  rcle.   Thus  the  e^,^,   ir.  divided  reridionally  into  t;o 
colic  of  arproxinatoly  oGual  size,   When  the  division  is  com- 
plete '.he  blastomeres  do  not  remain  in  close  union,  but 
rove  ar)art  so  that  the  tv.-o  spheres  are  connected  by  only 
sr^all  arcs  of  their  cirourr.ference.   The  nrotcrlas-^ic  bridge, 
v;hich  frecuently  occurs  in  hydroid  egf^s  at  the  lower  pole 
.iust  previous  to  the  ccpletion  of  the  tv/o-cnlled  stage, 
is  usually  to  be  seen  in  the  egg  of  this  species;  but,  i^  is 
much  less  conspicuous  than  is  the  case  in  Sto-Totoca.   And 
viher    it  occurs  is  less  definite  and  clearly  defined  than  is 
the  condition  i'_Hydractiriia,  as  described  and  figured  by 
Bunting.   Metschnikoff  also  figures  a  very  beautiful  ex- 
ample of  this  prcto-las~ic  ccni^ectio"  in  the  egg  of  fausi,- 
thoe  marginata.   In  Turrito_;;^sis  thepondition  is  nuch  lilce 
that  of  Rathkea  fasciculata,  as  sh-v^n  by  the  last  -entioned 
observer,  in  v/hich  the  con'^ections  instead  of  becoming  a 
very  definite  bridge  re-ain  for  a  tine  as  a  less  clearly 
outlined  portion  of  the  ectosarcal  naterial.   Proto- las-iic 

currents  nay  be  seei^.  at  tinos  in  these  ':'onnectinp  fila- 
nentn.   Their  function  does  not  seem  to  be  clearly  knov/n; 
but  it  very  nrcbably  is  conecte.:  v/ith  a  read  I'ust-ient  of 
the  cytO'-las"i  and  the  establish^-ent  of  an  equilibrium^  be- 
tween the  different  blasto-^eres. 

Hargitt  in  his  naoer  on  "The  Early  Develo'-^ent  of 
i^n.'ili^  tiarella"  disoussos  the  occure-^ce  of  na-illae, 
threads,  a-^d  bridges;  c.r^cl   reviev.'S  briefly  the  observations 
of  a  nuirber  of  other  investigators  in  regard  to  these  Phenom- 
ena, and  the  ryto^lartic  activities  v;hich  they  have  seen  to 
tal:e  nlace  in  the  eggs  of  a  number  of  animals  widely  separ- 
ated nornhol-gically.   I:o  definite  conclusions  are  rea-hed 
as  to  the  functions  of  these  various  Phenomena,  but  it  is 
generally  -.bought  that  ^.hey  are  concerne.i  with  fundamental 
intrinsic  changes  within  the  cytonlasm. 

These  nrotonlasTiic  connections  are  usually comnosed  of 
the  ectosarc  only.   They  are  nresent  -^ot  only  in  the  two- 
celled  stage,  but.  in  several  of  the  followintr  stages  as  well 
As  the  number  of  cells  increases  the  :^cnnecting  fil-s  be- 

coine  less  easily  recoFj-iized. 

The  second  cle:nvage  occurs  r.bout  tv/e'^ty-i'ive  or  "thirty 
rai-iut?s  after  the  first.  The  -lane  of  division  is  also 
meridional  and  at  right  angles  to  the  first  seg-.entation. 
It  begins  =^*  to  the  centre  of  the  egg  next  to  the  furrow  of 
the  first  cleavage  and  slowly  extends  out  toward  the  neri- 
phery.   "hen  the  division  the  four  blastoireres 
u-dergc  a  slight  rotation  froT  righ'u  to  left;  a^d  i'^  the 
centre  of  the  egg  betv/een  the  cells  there  is^  at^  to  be 
seen  a  srr.all  onen  s-  ace  or  seg-.entation  cavity  v/hich  -^.ay 
extend  through  the  entire  egg  as  shov;n  in  Figure  12. 

After  a  lanse  of  tine  ecual  to  that  v.-hah  occurs  between 
the  first  and  second  divisions,  the  third  cleavage  furrov; 
arrears.   This  nlano  of  division  is  equatorial  and  divides 
the  egg  into  eight  blasto-eres.   ihen  the  sf:gnentation  is 
first  coTT^nleted  t-he  two  ouartets  of  cells  are'  situated  one 
upon  the  other  and  forr  a  ''ore  or  less  s'^herical  v/hole, 
as  is  the  usual  arrangement  in  eggs  in  which  segi^u-ntatioh 

is  equal  and  rr.f^iilar.   This  arranpe^e-^t  of  the  blastoT^pres , 

hov/ever,  is  of  very  short  duration,  for  soon  a  separation 

takes  nla*  betv/een  the  cells  of  the  lov;er  quartet  and 

two  of  therr,  roll  away  fro  the  olan^^  of  separation  in  one 
direction;  the  other  two  Tovinc^  out  in  the  onoosite  direc- 
tion.  In  this  -i^ration  the  blastorreres  "ove  throuPh  an 
angle  of  45  dep:rpes  or  ^ore,  and  finally  co-e  to  lie  in 
such  a  -position  as  to  forii;  a  semicircular  nlate  as  shov/n 
in  Figures  13  and  14.   The  ser^aration  and  rotation  of  the 
cells  of  one  quartet  seeTis  to  be  constant  in  its  occurence; 
but  the  final  arrangement  of  the  blastomeres  is  not  always 
as  rep:ular  and  definite  as  that  shov/n  ii  the  figures.   At 
tiS'es  they  are  rr.ore  loosely  a-^d  irregularly  connected,  and 
may  assume  rela'ive  "ositions  si'-ilar  to  that  shown  by 
Lletschnilroff  for  Oceania  armata  in  Figure  34,  Plate  1,  of 
his  "Embryologische  Studinn."   In  the  case  referre'  to  the 
blastomeres  are  ?.o   srtroa.'  out  that  the  individuals,  with 
three  exceptions,  touch  only  one  of  their  fellows,  thus 


resenblin.rr  a  r>trinp  If  beads  soTewhat  coiled, 

V.ith  this  seraration  a-d  rollinp  ar-art,  the  rrp:ularity 
of  arranger-pnt  of  the  cells  in  the  seg^entinfT  egg  is  lost,  and 
the  stager,  frc"  this  noint  on  become  '^ore  and  more  irregular 
v/ith  each  successive  division  u^  to  the  time  when  the  re- 
ad.iustinent  tal;es  -ilace  v;hich  is  the  beginning  of  the  fnr- 
nation  of  the  free-sv/irr?ing  e-:  bryo. 

It  is  possible  t--  distinguish,  during  these  early 
cleavage  stages,  a  layer  of  ectosarc  around  each  individual 
blastomere.  Later  as  the  cells  increase  iri  nuTber  and  be- 
come smaller,  the  ectcsarc  covering  beco-r-es  less  "O'^soicu- 
ous  and  finally  is  lost  frcr  sight  entirely. 

After  a""  interval  of  about  one  half  an  hour,  the  fourth 
segmentation  begins.   The  divisions  of  the  different  cells 
no  longer  tahe  nlace  sirultaneously;  sere  occur  a  few  minutes 
before  others,  but  all  are  cornle'ued  within  a  coTDaratively 
short  tin:e.  So&'ar  a-  the  cleavage  itself  is  concerned,  it 
is  ntill  ecual  and  regular,  but  the  arrangement  of  the  blasto- 
Tieres  is  no  longer  regular  or  definite.   They  annarertl> 


follov;  no  lav;  of  syrrnrtry,  and  T,ay  coT:e.  to  lie  in  any  nosit- 
io-i.   Figures  IS,  16  and  17  shov;  throe  diffe:-ent  forms 
which  the  cells  of  the  sixteen  cell  sta^e  accuire,  and 
various  other  arran.c^e^ie-ts  of  the  blastOTieres  v;ere  seen  v/hile 
studyi"?  the  livinp:  eggs  v/hich  could  not  be  figured  for 
wa-^t  of  snace.  However  the  three  figures  are  sufficient 
to  sho',7  that  the  general  forrr,  of  the  egg  in  this  stage  T.ay  be 
very  different.   In  Figure  15  it  is  nossible  to  i-iagine  a 
direct  relationshin  to  a  nreceding  for^-  ,iust  a  little  -lore 
irrec^ular  than  is  sho'.?^  in  Figure  14.   In  a  for-'  as  represen- 
ted in  Figure  16  the  descent  of  the  different  cells  frorii 
the  individual  bla3t:"'eres  of  the  eight  cell  stage  is  less 
easily  rccogrized.   Firure  17  sht)Y,'S  an  egg  in  v.-hich  all  six- 
teen blastomeres  are  spread  out  to  frrir.  a  flat  plate  one 
cell  thiol;  in  the  forr  of  a  quadrangle,   Cne  can  easily 
conceive  hov;  this  arrangement  can  have  resulted  frcni  a 
regular  eight  cell  ::tage  in  vhich  the  rotation  of  the  cells 
of  the  one  quartet  vas  greater  thar  that  shcvn  in  Figure 

15.   The  flat,  ST^rend  out  -osition  of  the  cells  nt  once 
suggests  the  idea  thit  the  eg?^  "lay  have  been  subjected  to 
nressure,  -ted  This  r^ight  have  been  the  case  if  the  eggs 
had  been  studied  on  a  slide  under  a  cover  glassj  but  there 
is  no  evidence  that  pressure  was  the  cause  of  this  nlate- 
lil:e  arrange'-ent ,  for  these  forrs  v/ere  occasionally  found 
arcng  a  variety  of  othe-  forir.s  '.vhile  studying  the  living  eggs 
in  a  sr-all  preraratior  dish  in  sea-vater  with  a  two-thirds 
ob.iective.  As  the  eggs  nresent  a  number  of  different  forms 
when  subjected  to  the  same  external  ■onditions,  it  see-s 
that  the  cause  of  these  differences  rust  be  sought  in  the 
nature  of  the  egg  itself  rather  than  in  any  surrounding 
influences . 

The  later  cleavages  follov;  at  intervals  of  about  the 
saT:e  duration  as  in  the  ^receding  stagjes.   The  irregularities 
of  arrangement  of  the  blastoreres  increase  as  the  cells  be- 
cone  riore  numerous.   On  account  of  the  smallness  of  the 
blastomeres  and  the  extreme  ODacity  of  the  oPf,,    it  becomes 
imnossible  to  follow  the  segmentation  in  detail  a-^y  further. 


Figures  18  -  21  sho;v  a  few  of  the  latnr  stages  of  co^nDar- 
ativoly  very  regular  for:iis.  Figure  20  reriresents  an  egg  in 
which  the  blastomeres  are  arranged  in  tv/o  ^rain  grouris  held 
together  by  ajnarrow  isthmus  of  only  one  cell  in  thickness. 
Some  eggs  were  separated  into  three  or  four  thickened  clus- 
ters that  vrere  .I'oined  tbgether  by  small  nasses  of  conner-t- 
ing  cells.   In  others  there  were  smaller  grou'DS  of  blasto- 
meres nrojecting  out  fro-  the  general  r.ass  of  cells,  thus 
giving  the  './hole  sonev/hat  of  an  a'neboid  ar»r)earance.   The 
tern;  amoeba-like  seens  to  lost  clearly  represent  the  shane 
which  soTe  of  these  late  segmentation  stages  assume,  for 
if  a  simDle  outline  of  these  remarkable  a^^d  grotesque  forms 
is  drawn  it  has  a  general  resemblance  to  an  a-^oeba  with  thic!: 
blunt  nseudonods,   V.'hether  these  irregularities  in  the  sbape 
of  the  egg  during  late  segmentation,  and  tie  tendency  of 
the  cells  to  arrange  the-^selves  into  '-ore  or  less  distinct 
lobes  is  'lue  to  an  amoeboid  proT^erty  of  the  cytonlasr  of 
the  egg,  or  to  a  tondoncy  to  multiply  by  division  during 
cleavage,  as  was  suggested  by  iMetschnikoff  fcr  Oceania  ar- 


mata.  there  is  not  sufficient  evidence  to  decide.   It  may 
be  r'ossible  that  both  of  these  factors  act  ir,  deterr-inin^  the 
shar^e  of  the  segienting  -lass  of  cells.   And  doubtless  the 
metibraneless  character  of  the  ejy.c^  nlays  a  -art  in  thene 


V/hen  segmentation  is  coTdete  a  solid  efrbryo  is  forr.ed 
v^hich  r.ay  at  first  be  called  a  ncrula.   Small  snaoes  occur 
soroeti'-es  between  the  blastcneres  during  the  di^fferent 
cleavage  stages,  but  they  are  sooner  or  later  obliterated 
by  the  crov/ding  together  of  the  cells,  A  central  cleavage 
cavity  v/hich  is  later  transformed  into  a  blastocoele  is  not 
forred;  consequently  a  true  blastula  does  not  exist  in 
the  development  of  Turritcnsis,  In  this  resnect  it  differs 
very  "-arl^edly  from  Stor^otoca  and  the  majority  of  hydro- 
medusae  of  which  the  develonment  has  been  studied,  in 
which  a  definite  blastocoele  is  formed  that  becomes  filled 


finally  v/ith  the  -ri^ratinr  endodprrr  cells.  Wher  the  develOD- 
in.r  Pf^g  is  r.bout  six  tc  eight  hours  old, the  very  irreg- 
ular sharDe,  which  the  seg:renting  rass  has  assumed,  becomes 
less  marked.  Gradually  the  cells  becore  rearranged;  the 
lobes  a-^d  processes  which  rreviously  were  so  conspicuous 
are  now  drav/n  into  the  nain  mass  of  cells,  and  the  egg  is 
transformed  into  an  oval  e-bryo.   This  ^Fccecs  of  rounding 
uri  lasts  fro--  two  to  four  hours.   The  cells  of  the  erbryo 
now  develori  cilia,  and  the  larva  begins  to  rove.   At  first 
the  riovements  are  feeble,  but  soon  the  larva  is  able  to 
leave  the  bottor.  of  the  aquariun  and  svar,  free  in  the  water. 
Eggs  that  are  laid  at  five  to  six  o'clock  in  the  norning 
develop  to  the  free-swir.r,ing  stage  by  four  in  the  afternoon. 
The  larva  sv/ins  with  its  broad  end  forv/ard!  and  has  v. 
snaal  or  cork-screw  notion,  which  proreis  it  onv/ard. 
This  "lethod  of  swinning  is  con^on  tc  hydroid  larvae.   When 
the  embryo  reaches  this  stage  the  cells  become  very 
o~us  and  snail.   And  before  the  cilia  are  developed  and 


T.ovement  begins  it  rese'-bles  an  unsegr.entod  egg  vory  nuoh, 
except  that  instead  of  being  snherical  it  is  nov/  oval. 
In  si.";e  it  is  about  the  sa~e  as  the  unsegr.ented  egg,  if 
anything  rather  sr.aller.   The  decrease  in  size  "ust  be  ac- 
counted for  by  the  fact  that  scrr^e  of  the  yelk  has  been  di- 
gested; and  the  larva  evidently  has  -  ot  yet  acouired  any 
means  of  receiving  food  .fro::i  the  external  world. 

The  larva  rer.ains  i-  this  oval  conditio:-  for  soine 
hours,  after  v;hich  it  elongates  to  form  a  tyoical  "lanula. 
I'/hen  the  embryo  is  twenty-four  hours  old  it  lengthens  out  and 
becomes  more  slender  and  assumes  a  general  aDpearance  as  shovm 
in  Figure  23,  As  it  becomes  older  it  grows  still  longer, 
figure  24  shows  a  larva  of  thirty  hours.   It  has  now  the 
power  of  c^ntra-tion;  and  is  sensitive  to  stiuli.   When 
the  cilia  a.e  first  developed  and  for  some  time  during  the 
oval  condition  of  the  larva  it  swims  near  the  botto-  of 
the  aquarium.   But  as  it  grows  longer  and  elongates  it  rises 
in  the  water  and  s'.vi:,s  at  or  near  the  surface.   The  length 

of  tme  durinc:  which  the  evbryo  remains  in  the  free-swim- 
niing  planula  stage  is  variable;  but  as  a  rule  by  the  ti-:Te  it 
is  about  forty-eight  hours  old,  it  begins  to  sink  tov;ard 
the  botto.-  of  the  aquariun^,  and  to  svini  less  rapidly.   After 
the  sniral  sv;iir,  rriovements  are  lost,  zhc    wlanula  is 
capable  of  gliding  along  the  bcttoir.  of  the  dish  for  some 
time.   Finally  the  notion  ceases  altogether  and  the  larva  loses 
its  cilia  and  is  ready  for  ::ttach:ient.   This  stage  of  de- 
velopment is  reached  under  favorable  conditions  about  forty- 
eight  to  fifty  hours  after  the  eggs  have  been  laid. 

The  rlanula  is  very  opaque,  and  thus  it  is  i-mossible 
to  rriake  out  anything  about  its  internal  structure  in  study- 
ing the  living  forr^.s.   Specimens  in  various  stages  oi  de- 
velonr.ent  were  preserved  and  sectioned  for  the  study  of 
cellular  structure.   The  descriDton  of  this  structure  v;ill 
be  given  in  connection  with  the  forration  of  the  ger-  layers. 

Brooks  describes  and  figures  an  invagination 


at  the   posterior-  end  of  the  planula,  lie   :;ays:  "In  :i  living 
olanula  it  is  easy  to  :nake  out  the  posterior  end,  an  ecto- 
dernial  invap^ination ,  which  looks  vory  T.uch  like  the  :Toiith 
of  an  invagiiiation  gastrula,  but  this  resemblance  is  mislead- 
ing, for  the  careful  study  of  a  sirdlar  structure  in  the 
planula  of  Eutina  shows  that  the  invagination  has  no  con- 
nection vath  the  digestive  cavity,  but  is  an  ectoderteal 

gland  for  the  attachment  of  the  planula."  From  my  observatioa 


I  am  forced  to  regard  this  struture,  which  he  describes, 

as  a  variatior;  rather  thar  a  normal  feature.  It  seems  to  be 
an  abnormal  occurence  v/hich  is  found  only  rarely.  Among 
the  many  specimens  wh''ch  I  studied  both  in  life  and  from 
preserved  material,  such  an  invagination  was  met  ■.ith  only 
on  one  occasion.   Then  it  v/as  at  the  anterior  end  of  .the 
Planula  instead  of  the  posterior.   These  f ej-turas  nre  clear- 
ly abnormal  features  of  the  developing  Turritorsis 


The  very  irrogular  character  of  the  segmenting  egg  and 
the  loose  connecLio'-  of  the  blastomeres;  and  their  ten- 
dency to  separate  irto  nore  or  less  definite  lobes  and  nro- 
tuberancfs,  as  has  been  described  in  the  section  on  segmen- 
tation suggested  the  nrobleT:  What  would  be  ohejeffect  of 
dividing  the  eggs  during  the  ccn-.Darativoly  early  stages  of 
cleavage?   V.ith  chis  questior  in  mind  a  few  experiments  were 
tried.   The  eggs  v;ere  divided  during  several  stages  of  seg- 
mentation.  The  best  method  for  separating  the  cells  was 
3'cund  to  be  by  placing  their,  or  a  clean  glass  olate  moist- 
ened with  sea-water.   Then  with  a  finely  ':ointed£eedle 
or  -viuh  a  very  delicate  scalrel  the  blastOmeres  cculd  be  cut 
or  torn  ai;art  without  being  crushed.   After  they  were  divided, 
they  were  flooded  frox  the  glass  nlate  by  water  from  a 
pi-iette  into  a  dish  of  sea-water  and  watched  in  Lheir  develc-^- 
ment.   The  advantage  of  separating  the  e.ggs  on  a  glass  nlate 
is  that  they  are  held  slightly  by  surface  tensio- ,  ^.-■'^.    :o 


r.ot  rotate  as  readily  v/hile  br-inf{  cut  avart,   i.ggs  v/ere  di- 
vided during  different  sta?;es  of  cleavage  from  tv.-o  lo  six 
hours  old.   They  were  then  olaced  under  conditions  as  near- 
ly like  those  under  which  the  eggs  noo  divided  developed  as 
possible.   Jniortunately ,  as  these  experinients  were  inci- 
dental and  inccirplete,  no  eggs  were  divided  during  the 
two-cell  stage  and  their  cleavage  followed  in  detail, 
So;:.e  eggs  that  were  laid  between  five  and  six  in  the  if^orn- 
ing  were  divided  at  10,46  A«  ii,   iiore  than  one  half  of  the 
frag.T-ents  continued  Lo  cevelon  and  by  six  o'clocl:  in  the 
evening  had  reached  the  free-swimiting  stage.   They  were  re- 
tarded a  little  in  their  development;  whole  eggs  usually 
arrive  at  this  stage  at  about  four  to  four-thirty.   They 
were  slightly  smaller  than  einbryos  frori  whole  eggs,  but 
annarently  lust  as  active  and  norir^al.  except  in  size.  By 
the  next  -corning  .hey  had  reached  Lhe  elongated  planula 
stage  and  were  in  good  condition,  at  the  surface 
of  the  water. 


At  another  time  3o::e  younger  eggs  were  divided.   These 
shov;e^',  practically  the  sar-.e  results  in  develornent.   The 
opacity  of  these  embryos  vrade  the  study  of  their  ir.inute 
structure  ir-ossible  during  life;  and  because  of  scarcity  of 
material  none  rculd  be  r-reserved  to  study  their  histology 
fro~  sections.   Hov.-ever  these  few  inco-ii^lete  experiments 
shov/  that  fra-p.ients  of  the  egg  of  Turritorsis  are  canable 
of  developing  into  ao::arently  entire  and  normal  embryos  of 
slightly  smaller  size, 

Hargit-.  artificially  divided  some  Pennaria  eggs  dur- 
ing the  first  cleavage  and  figures  a  number  of  resulting 
segmentation  stages,  v/hich  «  very  similar  to  th«l*of  whole 
eggs.  He  cays:  "As  v/ill  be  seen,  each  of  the  resulting 
halves  behaved  In  a  manner  indistinguishable  from  thai  of 
normal  eggs.   These  half  e- bryos  were  followed  through  the 
entire  orocess  of  cleavage  and  Lhrcugh  the  later  reta- 
morphoses  into  planula  and  olyp,  and  in  every  resT^ect, 


size  alone  oxcepted,  the  i^rocess  was  nerfectly  normal." 

To  my  krcwledge  Haeckol  was  the  first  lc  rublish  the 
statement  that  halves  of  hydro-,edusa  egps  would  develop)  into  eiribryos.   For  sor.e  time  naturalists  in  general  v/ere 
inclined  lo  doubt  the  fact^   but  since  the  work  of  Boveri, 
Hertwir  brothers,  Roux,  Driesch,  Viilscn,  Korgan,  Loeb  and 
others  on  the  fragments  of  eggs,  the  development  of  ei^ibryos , 
abnormal  and  normal,  from  the  portions  of  eggs  is  a  question 
no  longer  to  be  doubted. 


In  ihe   develCvH-.e-it  of  the  egg  of  Turr  iter  sis  the  ger- 
minal layers  are  not  differentiated  by  process  of  eribole, 
delamination  or  cellular  ingression.  During  segmentation 
the  blastoreres  do  nrt  separate  and  arrange  themselves  around 
a  segmentation  cavity  which  later  is  transformed  into  a 
b^a-stocoele.   Thus  instead  of  having  fcr-ed  a  coeloblastula, 
we  find  that  cleavage  results  in  the  formation  of  a  solid 


cvr.l  embryo  destitiito  of  n  Mr.stocoelr ,  v-hi<"h  rc.y   be  cr.llPd 
r.  noriila  strpr.   The  cells  of  the  sep-'-ertinp  epr  are  all 
alike  ir^  ctriicture  and  nearly  equal  in  size;  so  that  they  are 
not  disti- ruishable  into  r^ri'itive  ectoder-  and  Tinitive 
endoder:-,  vrhich  ir.  the  car.e  in  fcrrs  v;hero  a  definite  de- 
lariration  takes  rlace,  as  is  so  beautifully  shov/n  in 
Liriore  and  Gerypnia,  and  in  sneeios  where  cellular  inf^res- 
sion  occurs  as  in  Stprctcca  and  Clytia  for  exa-nle.  Fir- 
ure?  ?5  to  50  illustrate  the  u-ifor-ity  of  the  cells,  ard 
the  solid  character  of  the  efP.   curinp  seprentatio:- .   In 
I'ipure  27  a  sDace  exists  between  the  blastcreres  near  ere 
end  of  the  epp ,  but  this  is  not  to  be  regarded  ar  a  true 
cleavage  cavity.   The  next  figure  shows  three  of  these  false 
cleavage  cavities.   They  occur  only  cccasiorally.   As 
stated  before  rost  of  the  epps  are  entirely  rclid. 

About  the  tire  the  irregular  rass  of  seg^entinp  blasto- 
neres  is  retarcrnhcsed  into  the  oval  rrrbryc,  the  cell  boun- 
daries are  lest  for  a  short  tire  and  a  syncytiur  is  f erred. 
This  syncytial  structure  ir  crowded  with  yolk  pranules  and 


a  ruirber  of  nuclei  are  scattered  through  the  protrrlac::.   The 
•nuclei  soon  brcoine  rove   nimorous  near  the  periphery;  ard 
ther  cell  v/alls  bepin  tc  arrear  ar  rhovn  ir  Fif:ure  33.   Tliese 
cells  are  tc  becor^e  the  ectodern,  v.OiichjiE  socr  separated 
fro^  the  inner  structureless  rass  by  the  development  of  the 
iresof^lcea.  Vo\;   the  ectodern^  forrs  a  distinct  layer,  ccr- 
pcsed  cf  cclur^nar  cells  all  of  which  are  at  first  sir-ilar 
i-^  structure  and  lie  parallel  to  each  other  as  shewn  in 
Figure  34.   The  differentiation  of  the  ectodern  cells  takes 
Place  later. 

The  forraticn  of  the  ^er^inal  layers  i^   I^rj'ij-f^r^is 
is  different  fro---  that  which  has  penerally  been  described 
for  the  developrent  of  Hydromedusaf ,   Ir  the  na.iority  of 
forr-s  previously  studied  the  differentiation  took  place  either 
by  delarinat:  on  cr  by  cellular  inpressicn,  unipolar  or  rult--* 
pclcr.   These  rethcds  hove  been  well  described  and  figured 
by  I/etsch^il'Off  for  a  nuirber  of  species. 

Ir  Aplaura  ard  rhcpalcnera  there  is  found,  accordinr  to 
letschril'off ,  a  solid  so-called  rcrula  staf^e  destitute 

of  clor.vnf.c   cavity,  thr  r.ur.erf icial  crlln  of  which  nro  con- 
vrrtrd  irto  thr  ectodrrral  layer,  vrhilr  those  within  re- 
present the  endodern.   Here  thf  t;\'0  layers  ere  forred  direct- 
ly v.-ithout  the  fcrratior  of  a  syncytial  structure, 

Ir  Eudendriur  and  Fenrar.ia  acccrdirp  tr  Harritt's 
descri-^-tior  a  condition  screwhat  si'-ilar  tc  thnt  of  Turri- 
t  ops  is  is  found.  He  says:  "Indeed  ir  both  FudendriuTr  and 
Perraria,  not  tc  rention  other  cases,  cleavage  v^ould 
seer  to  result  primarily  in  the  fcr-ation  of  a  rcre  or  less 
characteristic  syncytiun^,  the  subsecuent  develerrert  of  the 
perr  layers  tr.l:inf  r]ace  by  a  gradual  differentiation  of  the 
syncytial  elererts,  first  ard  naturally  the  ectcderr,  and 
later,  often  very  '■'uch  later,  the  enuoder-." 

The  syncytia ijcharacter  in  Turritc-sis  is  acquired 
under  favorable  conditions,  whe-  the  cnbryo  is  about  six 
hours  old;  at  the  •'.  i"-e  that  the  irrcf^ular  rass  of  ser- 
rfntinn  cells  is  retaromhosed  in  to  the  oval  embryo.   And 
I  a-  inclined  to  thin'-  that  the  for-ation  of  the  syncytium 


ard  the  '^harP'e  of  shn-^e  of  the  dovplrrinr  r'-bryc  rre  -^on- 
rertcd   •hcnorcna.   The  length  of  tire  diirirp  v;hirh  thit:  con- 
dition IrvEtr  ir>  evidently  cr^rr,ratively  r.hort,  for  noon 
cilia  develor  and  the  larva  be.Pinr;  to  r.rvir.  ^Stft  Mean'"hilo 
the  rerirheral  refTion  of  the  cyncytiiin  has  been  trancforred 
into  a  distinct  layer  of  ectoderral  cells,  se^arrted  frc"  the 
inner  rass  cf  tissue,  etill  rtrMrtin-eless  ir  character,  by 
the  develorrent  of  the  i^esoplcea. 

Frc-  the  fact  that  a  syncytiu'^^  or  rlas'-Ddiuit-lil'e 
stmicture  in  for-ed,  it  is  irrorsible  to  localize  a-y  of 
the  blastcreres  cf  the  segr^ertinr  ppr-  ^vhich  will  for^-  snecial 
narts  of  the  future  embryo.   Ever  those  cells  v.-hich  are  at 
the  surface  at  the  cr-rletion  of  serre^tatior  car'-ot  be 
reparded  as  ^riritive  ectoderm-,  for  i*'  the  brea--inp  dov;n  of 
the  cell  boundaries,  the  forrration  of  the  syncytiun,  and  the 
recastinr  of  the  cells  it  is  quite  ir^'^ossible  to  say  '"hat 
charpe  cf   the  -protc-lasr  ray  take  ■^lace. 


The  forT.tior  of  the  p-^dor'err-  ir  Turritorsis  carrot 
be  -dsTted  to   any  of  the  sche-es  of  the  develo'i^cr.t  of  the 
Hydro-edusae  rhich  have  "beer  sketched  by  '■'cff , 
He  dint  irruishes  three  Tinciral  rp+hcds  for  the  develor-r 
rent  cf  the  inner  rerr  layer:  First,  delarination ,  a 
rrccers:  ir  rhich  the  i^e.cfert^'np  blastc-eres  divide  in  a 
plane  nearly  parallel  to  the  rurface;  and  the  inner  rarts 
or  cells  be'^ore  -^ri-itive  erdoderr^,  vhile  the  outer  rarts 
rerain  as  rriritive  ectoder-.   Second,  '-iilti'^'r^lar  inpres- 
sior,  i-"  "hich  cells  riprate  i^to  the  blastoccele  fro"  dif- 
ferent regions  of  the  rerinheral  cell  layer,  a-d  ere  trans- 
ferred irtr  e'doder^al  tissue  directlv.   Of  this  '-ode  he 
describes  seve-^al  subordinate  types.   Third^  u'^inolar  "i- 
pration,  similar  to  the  '-■recedinp  exce-nt  that  the  ':ri'^i- 
tive  endoderr  cells  are  piven  off  at  one  pole  only;  at 
the  'posterior  end  oT   the  larva. 

In  Tiirri-opsir  the  e'-dodern  is  derived  fro-^  the  syn- 

oytial  nasr  of  tissue  left  i'^  the  re^-tre  r^f  i]-xe   e-hryo 
after  the  eetoderr  has  been  forred  ard  nerarated  off  by 
the  develo-nert  of  the  -pGr^loea.   The  irrer  perr  layer 
as  a  rule  is  for~ed  -uch  later  thar,  the  ectcderr.   Soon 
after  the  simcrtinp  '-e'^brrre  is  developed  cell  bourdaries 
be.fin  to  a-^r^ear  in  the  syneytiun  in  the  i-^terior  of  the  larva. 
The  cells  thus  forned  are  ririritive  endcderral  cells,  and 
are  crowded  together  without  any  defirite  arranre^ent  for 
a  nurber  of  hours.   Stares  ir.  -hich  the  cell  vrallr.  are  rean- 
r>earinp  are  shown  ir  Figures  34  to  36,   V.hen  the  enbryo 
is  about  forty-eirht  to  sixty  he\jrc  old,  the  tlr-e  at  which 
attachment  takes  nlace,  a  fissure  a^'^ears  i"  the  -^iddle 
of  the  ^ass  of  endoder'-al  tissue.   This  is  the  befinninp 
of  the  ccelenteric  cavity.  This  separation  begins  near 
the  anterior  nart  and  rrcws  toward  the  rosterior  end.   The 
coelenteron  f^rndually  increases  in  size,  and  at  the  sane 
tine  the  e'-doderrai  cells  b'-pin  tc  be  rearranged;  and  fin- 
ally becore  situated  narallel  to  each  other  with  their  baser 


oprinst  the  -osoplopa  nnrl  forin  a  dofinito  innrr  prrr  l^ypr. 

Gerr!  has  obsorver''  ir>  Roiifnirivillia  that  (hirinp  the 
course  of  cell  niltir-lication  the  cell  hourdaries  br— 
core  ir.distinct  a?d  thc-t  the  -^eri-heral  r.rd  certral  ruclel 
are  nltrrether  identical.   But  this  s'-ecies  differs  frcr 
Turritcrsis.  rcccrdirp  to  his  descrlTtior  ir  the  fornation 
of  the  corract  roriila  stare,  ir  that  it  is  brcuf^ht  abrut 
by  r;  nultirolar  ripraticr  of  cells  into  the  interior  of  the 
coeloblastula;  v:hile  ir  Turritprsis  the  rorula  stape  results 
directly  frcr  se.c:nertation  \;itho\it  any  reco.rnirable  rigration 
of  cells. 

The  fcr'^aticr  of  the  erdoderr  ir  Turritcrsis  there- 
fore differs  fro-  nearly  all  the  -'Cthods  v-hich  have  nrevious- 
ly  beer  dercribed;  ard  v,'hich  in  the  rain  conforr  to  one  or 
another  of  the  sterertyred  rethodr  as  established  by  i.'etschnl- 
koff.   The  nearest  arrrcach  is  that^described  by 
Harritt  for  Zuderdriun  ard  Pennaria,  in  vhich  there  is  also 
rore  or  less  of  a  syncytium  for"-ed  nrior  to  the  differertj- 


ation  of  the  gerr   layerr. 


DurinfT  the  er.rly  rhasec  1  ho  crlls  rultir-ly 
entirely  by  the   procosE  of  ritosic.   But  i"  the  later  rhasec, 
esT^ecially  vhen  the  egE   is  a-;:'ircachirg  that  r.tape  in  ';;hich 
the  cell  l^cunclaries  are  lost,  there  is  f^ord  evidence  that 
direct  cell  divisicr  ic  aire  ef  freciient  occurence.   In  this 
reriod  of  develorrent  ritosis  and  aritcsic  take  rlace  sirul- 
tanecusly  i^  the  different  cells  of  the  sep^-entinn  cf,F.»      -"icr- 
iire  31a  shov.'S  a  karyol-inetic  s-:irdle  in  the  •,ietar)ha:-  ; 
jij-;ure  31^  one  ir\   the  a-^a-r-'hase.   The  chrorcscr^es  are  larne 
ard  nroni-ert;  but  are  toe  closely  rrrrded  topether  to  be 
cour-tfd  •  ith  accurrcy. 

The  nuclei  v.'h^ch  divide  aritoticelly  vary  in  si:!;e  con- 
siderably, ar^d  havp  a  reticular  a^'^earance.   Fifur^  3?a 
shows  a  larr^  rucleur  of  this  reticular  chrracter  vnth  the 
chroratin  scattered  rbcut  in  the  lirin  nrrhrorl:.   Firures 

Sfb  to  72e   il?.u?  riirirl  in  vn.rionc  rtr-rop  of  a'"itntic 
division,   rrerue'-tly  ir    oollr.  vhere^'^itorAz   takes  ■^'^r.ce 
nr'^y  of  the  yell-  frro-^ules  hove   been  ripester!  end  r-onse- 
ciiertly  are  ferer  thar^  in  cells  v.-here  dir:eEtio-  is  less 
active.   It  ray  be  that  the  r.orr  active  functions  of  dipes- 
tior  and  the  rhenc-era  of  direct  cell  divisic^  are  associated 
v.'ith  each  other.   Tr  it  ray  be  that  the  vie-  of  Flerrinp  and 
Ziep:ler,  that  amitosis  is  connected  viiVn   a  hiph  S'^ecial- 
ir.ation  of  the  cell  or  is  the  foreriin'^er  of  dep:eneration,  ar- 
nlies  i-"  this  case.   This  latter  conception  sec-s  nlaus- 
able,  fcr  v;e  find  aritosis  to  be  r^ost  abundant  shortly 
before  the  cell  bou!"dariesrJsar»'^ear  a^d  'he  enbryo  is 
transformed  into  the  syncytiur. 

For  a  nurber  of  years  it  has  been  lrnor;n  that  anitosis 
is  cordon  i-  follicle  cells,  digestive  epithelial  cells, 
su'D^ortinr'  cells,  etc.:  but  generally  it  was  -ot  su'r^'^csed 
to  take  riace  in  early  e-bryonic  develor>-ent,   V.'ithi-  the  last 
fe'v  years  however  a  number  of  observers  have  discovered  this 


phepcmenop  ir  the  devplorrental  stares  nf  various  for'-s, 


Ur^der  favorable  ror^ditiors  vrhen  the  larva  is  about 
fifty  hours  ''Id  it  rracher  that  starre  of  develor'-ert  nt 
v;hich  attaohrert  tnkec  •nlace.   In  -".re^^aration  for  this  pro- 
cess the  rilanula  settles  to  the  botto",  loses  its  oilia 
and  consecue'^tly  its  rovere'':ts  cease.   The  "-anper  of  attach- 
inent  in  Turrjtorsis  lil'e  that  of  Stp-iotoca  differs  frcr 
that  usually  described  in  hydroid  develcr-nent.   Instead  of 
settlinr  de:7n  o'-   the  rnterior  end  of  the  '^lanula  accord 
to  the  rethod  which  occurs  in  Eude^driur ,  and  which  has 
bee'-  repardec  as  tyical  and  used  in  descriT'tions  of  the 
e-bryolcpy  of  the  Hydrcedusae  in  text-bcclTS ,  the  rlanula 
becomes  attached  on  its  side  by  nearly  its  wh'^le  lenfth^ 
and  is  transformed  into  a  root.   The  hydranth  instead  of 
rrowinp  u-^  fro-  th'^  -^osterior  e-d  of  the  nlanula  as  in 
fcrTS  V'hich  attach  th^rselves  by  the  anterior  end,  de- 

li nr 

vpIods  frci^  apud  tho.t  is  pivF*'  off  frr^^  thp  rft,  'irurl  ly 
nbcut  thF  '-iddlp. 

T-Tcfer:SCT   Brcckr,  observed  the  fr-ct  *h?.t  the  ■^larula 
is  transferred  intr  a  ro^t  in  Turritor^sis ,  Futira  a-d 
Hydraftinia;  and  pives  a  brief  acccTt  of  the  sar^e  ir  his 
raT}er  cr  "The  llfe-Histcry  of  Eutira"  doc''- ) .  l'etschnil;off 
describes  P'^d  fipures  fcr  I'itrojccra  the  fact  that  the  larva 
beconies  attached  by  its  side  and  is  almost  v.'helly  c-lcyed 
ir  the  fcrratirn  of  the  hydrcrhiza,  v:hile  the  first  hydranth 
prrev;s  out  of  it  by  a  kind  of  buddin?'  (Erbryclorische 
Stndien,  lf^86). 

In  general  the  attachrent  of  the  Dlanula  is  sirilar 
in  Tyrriic^sis  to  the  rethod  vhich  is  followed  by  StOTCtpca, 
but  the  fcr'^er  does  rot  t?orrorly  produce  secondary  hydrc- 
rhiza.  In  Stojotpca  about  the  tine  the  hydranth  bud  a^^'^eers, 
cr  ever-   be^>re,  the  rcct  branches  rr'vlrr  rise  usually  to  one 
or  tv'o  secondary  roots;  In  Turritonsis  this  branchirr  rarely  nlace,  at  least  r'urinp  the  first  fev;  days  of  the  de- 

vplornert  of  the  hydrcrth. 

Professor  BrcclT.  ciosrribcs  r.nd  fif^uroc  i^  tho  rlr.rnla 
of  Eutira  an  octodornal  adhesive  flared.   It  oocurs  after 
the  endoderr.  a'^d  the  digestive  cavity  are  f  or'^ed ,  ard  l^efore 
the  a-n-earance  of  the  ^outh,  as  ap  ectoderra"  inva.Pinati  on 
at  the  sDall  e-d  of  the  -tlanula.   In  Tiirritojsis  no  such 
special  ojtan  of  attachrert  in  found.   The  larva  rrrbably 
beco'^es  fixed  by  a  secretior  extruded  frc^  the  eetoderr. 
cells  alonp  the  v;hole  lenj^th  of  itr,  body. 


Shortly  after  the  Ir.rva  attached  a  bud  re\o'[o^'!>, 
usually  at  about  the  co'-tre  of  the  root,  rhich  is  the  begir- 
^inF   of  the  first  hydra'^th.   Four  si-all  nrc.iectirris  ar-^ear 
early  arourd  the  distal  '-art  of  th*-'  bud;  these  rin  later 
forr  the  first  circle  of  te-tacles.   At  this  ti-e  nc  -outh 
has  yet  developed.   /Jyourr  rolyr  i-  this  stape  of  develon- 
Fert  is  rhov"-  i'^  Tirme   37.   The  hydra-th  bud  rertirues  to 
pre-  tallrr  arc  aftfr  a  fe-  hours  r  seccrd  rhorl  of  ter- 

taculrr  budc^  is  forrod  pcpp  dirtanop  holov;  the  flrr=t  circlo 
of  tentacles.   Vhe^  the  rolyr  ir  frc  tworty  to  tvp^ty-four 
hoiirr.  old,  or  about  -t^werty-ti-o  hourr  ai'ter  thp  opp  ic  laid, 
it  iE  roady  to  devolor  thPXhird  vhorl  of  trptaclpr:.   Thus 
thp  tpntaclpc  r.earPEt  thP  ariox  of  tho  hydrarth  arp  thp  oldprt 
ard  larppst.   Thr  circloc  arp  irdofirito,  that  ir,  tho  ton- 
taclpr  of  a  v/horl  do  rot  all  aris;  frcr  the  srrp  ]pvp1;  so 
that  ir  tho  advarcrd  hydr^/^  thry  havp  rathor  tho  ajjppararop 
of  hpinr  scattorpd  thar  arrarprd  ir  rlrclpr.   Thp  tortaolps 
v/hpr  fully  dovplcrod  arp  stout  a'^d  filiforr;  a^d  aro  carable 
of  'uch  Pxtr?ision  and  ccntractior .   Firurps  37  to  ''^1  illustrafe 
varlour  staror  i'-'  tho  parly  dovplorrrrrt  cf  tho  hydrarth;  thP 
you'^FPst  bfirr  about  fifty  hours  ard  tho  '^cst  raturpd  scr-p 
sevp-'ty  hours  old,  Fif!urp  3?  shcv.'s  a  forr  irfvhich  tho  ^rlyr 
arises  frc-  rear  tho  prd  of  tho  hydrorhira.   This  is  oxc-pt-   A  hydra-^th  •.vith  thp  third  rirclp  ci   tortaclrs  is 
shorr  ir  Fifurp  41;  the  tprtaclps  of  tho  first  v.-horl  havp 
bpco-^e  corsidorably  Plonpatpd,   The  hydrooaulus  row  boccrps 
Irnppr  ard  Tcrr-  slprdpr;  ard  thp  hydra-^th  assuTPs  a  fusi- 


fcrr  body. 

The  ^r'yrs  that  I  rrrrod  fron  PKrs  r-.t  the  af^r  of  throe 
days  rere  ir  the  '^ain  features  like  the  hydrarths  of  the 
adult  rrlory  found  and  fipurrd  by  Profecr,or  Brooks,  ex- 
cert  that  they  had  rot  yet  c'^volored  as  rary  trrtaoles.   In 
his  desrrirtio-^  he  f^nys:   "The  u^ri.r'ht  stems  of  "-he  hydra, 
fron  8  nn,  to  12  if^.  high,  bore  large  terninal  hy''ranths , 
as  v,-ell  ar  <^^aller  oner  v;hich  v/ere  scattered  irregularly 
along  the  ster  nn  short  stalks.   The  Irng  fusifrrr  bcdy  of 
the  hydranth  carries  frc^  eightee-^  to  twe-ity  thic"',  short, 
filiforr  tentacles,  which  are  arranged  in  three  or  rore 
indefi-itr  rhorls.   The  redusa  buds  originate  around  the 
ster  .iust  belov.'  the  hydra'^ths ,  and  they  are  themselves  car- 
ried 0-  short  rters.   The  nerisarc  is  rot  annulated,  and 
it  forrs  a  loose  cylirdrival  sheath  around  the  i-ain  sto^-, 
and  the  short  branches  v;hich  carry  the  lateral  hydranths 
and  the  younf  r-edusae,  v/hile  the  latter  are  invested  by  a 

ruoh  thinnrr  fi.nd  rorr  trrrf-rarrrt  crpcule  of  rierirr.rc.   The 
f^hrath  C"  thr  pte"  is  thirl-  rnd  crurtrd  vath  fcrripr  rattrr. 
It  trrr^'rr.trE  f.brnrtly  by  r.  rharn  cr]]ar  ,1u?t  bflcv;  each 
hydranth.   The  younr  hycranthr  ard  the  f^rducae  are  biidded  off 
above  the  collar,  but  they  soon  becce  entirely  sheathed 
ir  rerisarc  by  the  prcvth  of  the  ?ten-.   The  vs-lc   yellcv.-ish- 
red  hydranths  are  very  sirilar  to  those  of  Tubvj.aria  (All- 
nan)  and  the  hydr^^jdd  is  so  sirilar  to  Dendrcclava  Dchrn:". i 
recently  described  by  Veisnam),  that  they  nndoubtedly  be- 
lonr  to  the  srre  prnus." 


1.  The  ova  of  Turritrr sis  arise  ir  the  ectoderr-  of  the 
Faniibriur,   They'  prcv;  by  the  absorrtion  of  the  rriritive 
ovaria:-  cells;  and  vhen  "ature  are  densely  crov/ded  with 
larf:e  yell:  rranules. 

2.  Dehiscence  takes  ^^lace  at  a  definite  tire,  frcr 
five  to  six  c'clrcl:  i'-  the  r-orninf;. 

3.  The  epp  is  srhericcl  and  -e'~branel"ess .   It  is  cor- 

rospd  of  r.'"  outer  Ir.yor   of  riearor  pctorlasn  arcl  a  rrrtral 
narp  of  ordorlas-  v;hich  is  d' nso  and  0"naqup  and  fillrd  ivith 
larne,  darl:  yo].',-  r' heron. 

4.:NfatTiratior'  and  f ertiliration  talre  rlace  in  the  viator 
after  the  epps  are  de-nosited.   It  ir.    i'-rrj-r-lble  to  r-ake 
out  cetailn  in  the  livinr  eppc  because  of  their  o-^aoity. 

5.  Cleavage  is  total  and  rearly  ecual.   Ihe  first  thrcr 
divisions  are  fairly  regular;  hut  during  the  later 
spgrentatior  the  arrargerent  of  the  blastcreres  very 
irregular  and  erratic.   At  the  ccr-nlet\tion  .cf  .segmentation  a 
solid  rrrula  rtage  is  f erred,  i?^  rhich  the  cell  boundaries 
are  lost  for  a  tine  giving  rise  to  a  syncytiur. 

6.  Farts  of  eggs  whirh  are  d-ivtd^  during  the  cleavage 
stages  continue  to  develor  ard  from  larvae  which  are  ncrral 
in  every  respect  except  size, 

7.  The  ectc(''err  is  forred  by  the  rean^earance  of  cell 
walls  in  the  perinhery  of  the  syrcytiu"  '-ass;  and  is  seppratec 
fro-  the  interior  nart  by  the  fcrTation  of  the   Tesogloea. 


8.  The  forr-atior  of  the  epdoderm  follows  rore  of  the 
tjT'icrl  rethcds  described  by  etschr^Koff.   It  arises  late 
in  the  larval  life  fror  thr  r.ynrytial  T^ass  of  tissue  left 
i-  the  interi'^r  of  the  e-bryc  after  the  ser.aration  of  the 
ectoderr  by  resc^lcea.   Vhen  the  cells  first  reai^rear 

they  are  crcv;ded  together  without  any  '-"efi^ite  arrangerert ; 
finally  hey  con-e  to  forir  the  distinct  endcder-al  layer, 

9.  During  the  late  segrentaticn  there  is  evidence 
that  soTC  of  the  nuclei  divide  aTitctically. 

10.  The  rianula  beccres  attached  on  the  side  by  nearly 
its  entire  length,  ard  is  transfer'^ ed  into  a  roct. 

11.  Ihe  first  hydranth  develops  fro--  a  bud  which  is  given 
off  at  about  the  riddle  of  the  root  socr  after  attachre^t. 

12.  The  tentacles  develop  ir^  indefinite  whcrls.   Fach 
whrrl  has  four  tentacles.   The  oldest  are  nerrest  the  distal 
end.   In  the  fully  developed  hydra- th  they  have  the  ar-ear- 
a-'ce  of  being  scattered  rather  tha-  being  arranged  in  circles. 

1862.  Af^assiz,  Louis.   Cort^ibutiors  to  the  I'atural  Hintory 

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1833.  Brooks,  'A.  K.  liotes  on  the  >dusae  of  Beaufort,  K.  C. 

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1878.  Ciamician,  J.  Zur  rrage  tiber  die  Entstehun.p;  der  Ge- 
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1879.  Cianiician,  J.  Uber  die  feineren  Bau  und  die  Ent- 
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1[:G1,  Ferkes,  J.  V,   Studies  of  the  Jelly-f  i  shcs  of  rarra- 

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1G48.  Forbes,  Edv;ard.  A   ■■'c^cprarh  rf  the   British  I  aked- 

eypd  i>dusar,  Ray  See.  Londor. 
1892.  Gerd,  W,  Zxir   Frapo  fiber  die  Kel'^blftttrrbildunp  bei  den 

Hydroreduse- .   Zcol.  Arzeifer.  XV. 
1G97.   Gr^rberp,  G.  i:eitrar;p  ^ur  Ke- ntnis  der  Gattunp 

Tubitlaria.   Eool.  Jahrb  Bd .  XI. 
1G92.  Hftcker,  V.  Die  Fcrschurr  des  Fis  vcr  Aecucria 

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1900.  Harritt,  C.  \'i,      :-arly  Dovelorrent  of  Pennaria. 

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1904.  Harpitt,  C.  ".  ,   The  Karly  Develonnent  of  Pennaria  tia- 

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190!?,    Perkins,   H.    F,    The   Eevelcr^ent   cf  Gcricnera   furbachii, 

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18f:9.    Sir.allv.'crd,    ;  .    lerraria  tiarella.   Arerica'-   latiirali  ft , 

ICfS.    \'eisrar  ,    A,    Die   Fntstehnnf:  dfr   Srxual^ellen   bei   de^- 

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1902.  V/ulfert,  J.  Die  ETr.brycnalertvdc' e "iinr  vor  Gcnr- 
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Saruel  ?ittenhoiisp  var  brrr  at  Fryersford,  Perrsyl- 
varia  or  love-ber  second  1873.   He  receiver"  his  early 
ediicatvo-  in  the  District  Public  Schcols.   Later  he  attended 
the  "v.ashirrton  Hall  Collef;iatP  Inr.titutr  a'~d  Ursirus  Acader^y, 
In  the  fall  of  1697  he  ertere','  Ursirus  Collef^ej  and  received 
the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Arts  i-  13"1.   In  the  auturn  of 
the  sare  year  he  entered  the  Joh-'S  HorVins  University  as  a 
graduate  student;  his  subjects  being  Zoology,  Physiology 
a-d  Botany, 






















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