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Full text of "Englishmen's eyes open'd, or, All made to see, who are not resolv'd to be blind: being the excise controversy set in a new light, completely discuss'd upon the just principles of reasoning, and brought to a fair and demonstrative conclusion: between a landholder and a merchant."

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EngliflimenV  Eyes  opened; 

o  R, 

All  made  to  SEE,  who  are  not  re- 
folv'd  to  be  BLIND. 

{Price  One  Shilling 

Englifllmen^f  Eyes  open'd; 

O   R, 

All  made  to  SEE,  who  are  not  re- 
folv'd  to  be  BLIND: 


Excife  Controverfy 

Set  in  a  new  Light ;  completely  dif- 
cufs'd  upon  the  juft  Principles  of 
REASONING,  and  brought  toafair 
and  demonftrative  Conclufion: 


Landholder ?  and  a  Merchant. 

May  TRADE  and  L IB E RTT flourijh  in 
Great  Britain,  and  their  true  Advo- 
cates be  held  in  Efieem  by  the  People ! 



Printed  for  J.  WILFORD  behind  the  Chapter- 
Houfe  in  St-  Paul's  Church-Tard.     1734. 

EnglifhmenV  Eyes  opened: 

o    R, 

All  made  to  fee,  who  are  not  refolv'd 
to  be  blind. 

Mer  chant. 'WT^^  RAY  Sir  John,  how  do  the 
■   /M    Country   Gentlemen   in  your 
Neighbourhood     relifh     the 
M  Excife-Sche?ne?    It   has  bit- 

terly enrag'd  all  Ranks  and 
Degrees  of  Traders  at  London,  and  left  fuch 
a  Sting  at  the  Tail  of  it,  as  I  conceive  will 
not  eafily   be  pluck' d  out. 

Landholder.  Truly  Sir,  that  Project  takes  a 
quite  different  Turn  with  us  Country  Gentlemen. 
Indeed  when  the  Scheme  was  firft  reprefented 
to  us,  and  delineated  in  all  the  horrid  Colours 
that  a  frighted  Imagination  could  fugged,  and 
London  vomited  out  her  Squibs  of  Terror  among 
us,  we  began  to  ftand  aghaft,  and  in  fome  Degree 
fell  in  with  the  common  Cry.  We  have  fince 
recover'd  ourfelves  ;  we  difclaim  our  Conduct  ; 
we  think  ourfelves  impos'd  upon,  find  we  have 
difcarded  the  proper  Means  of  our  own  Relief, 
and  have  been  acting  fubfervient  to  the  Interefts 
of  fome  few  Men,  no  Well-wilhers  to  us,  nor 
the  common  Intereft  of  the  Nation  in  general. 
Mer.  How !  Can  you,  Sir  John,  entertain 
a  favourable  Opinion  of  fo  execrable  a  Scheme? 

A  Calcu- 

(  q 

calculated  to  enflave  the  Trading  Part  of  the 
Nation,  and  deftructive  ot  the  Liberties  of  the 
whole  Kingdom?  Landed  Men  mould  always 
have  the  Intereft  of  Trade  at  Heart  ;  becaufe 
as  Trade  flourifhes  their  Eltates  advance,  The 
srreat  Hardships  and  Inconveniencies  of  Excifes 
to  the  Trading  Part  of  the  Nation  are  fo  glaring 
and  unqueftionable,  that  I  am  not  a  little  fur- 
priz'd  to  hear  a  Gentleman  of  your  diftinguifhM 
Abilities,  Impartiality,  and  difinterefted  Views 
utter  a  ftngle  Sentence  in  Vindication  of  fuch 
a  Project. 

Landb.  That  there  is  a  mutual  Dependence 
and  Conne&ion  of  Interefts  betwixt  trade  and 
Land  mud  be  allow'd,  and  that  the  one  cannot 
advance  or  decline,  but  the  other  mud  be  pro- 
fortionably  affected.  However,  the  Confequence 
that  has  been  drawn  from  thence,  is  partial, 
unfair,  and  ungenerous.  Muft  Landed  Men  be 
confider'd  only  confequentially  and  fubordinately 
to  the  Traders  ?  Muft  there  be  no  publick  Ait 
which  primarily  and  originally  regards  the  Eafe 
of  the  Freeholders  ?  If  our  great  Fund  is  Land, 
as  Mr.  Lock  infinuates,  muft  it  have  no  Weight 
and  Influence  in  the  Determinations  of  a  Senate? 
Sure  our  Conduct  does  not  merit  fuch  Beha- 
viour and  Treatment.  sTis  true  our  Interefts 
cannot  be  diametrically  oppofite  to  thofe  of  the 
mercantile  World  in  general,  but  yet  they  are 
diitinct  and  feparate.  Nay,  the  Seeds  of  our 
Deftruclion  have  been  imported  by  many  Tra- 
ders, out  of  their  great  Affection  for  us  I  fup- 
pofe.  Merchants,  fays  Mr.  Lock,  may  grow  rich 
by  a  Trade  that  makes  the  Kingdom  poor. 
[  am  apt  to  think,  Sir,  few  of  them  extend 
their  Views   of  Profit   and  Lofs  beyond   their 


(  3  ) 

own  Connting-Houfes.  Muft  Chance  then 
and  Accident  determine  our  Fate,  while  whole 
Species  of  Merchants,  falfly  fo  calPd  (for  thai 
Appellation  is  due  only  to  the  honeft  ufeful 
Importers  and  Exporters)  are  licentioufly  revel- 
ling in  unlawful  Gains  ?  With  what  Contempt 
and  Indignation  have  I  feen  fome  fmugling  In- 
fects fvvell  upon  this  Occafion  into  Creatures 
of  Importance,  and  publickly  "Vaunt  themlelves 
the  Fountains  of  Riches,  and  Barriers  of  Liberty, 
while  they  have  been  making  life  of  all  the 
little  tricking  Arts  in  their  Power  to  dry  up 
the  one,  and  pull  down  the  other? 

I  have  been  fhock'd,  Sir,  to  hear  the  well- 
meaning  Freeholder  told,  with  an  infblent  Air, 
in  a  publick  Coffee-Houfe,  that  he  did  not  un  - 
derftand  his  own  Interefl,  when  he  has  dcclar'd 
that  he  has  feverely  felt  the  Effects  of  a  four, 
milling  Land-Tax,  and  mould  heartily  rejoice 
to  fee  the  whole  remov'd. 

The  bed  Conviction  that  Traders  can  give  us 
that  they  have  any  Regard  for  our  Intereft  i?, 
by  chearfully  fubmitting  to  fome  little  Incon- 
veniencies  to  unfaddle  us  ;  which,  by  that  very 
Scheme  you  are  pleas'd  to  decry,  was  purpos'd 
to  be  done  by  diverting  clandestine  and  difho- 
nourable  Gains  into  more  proper  Channels. 
Inconveniencies,  Sir,  attend  all  Methods  of  col- 
lecting Taxes  ;  at  leaft  thofe  who  would  pay 
nothing  to  the  general  Support  of  the  State, 
will  ever  urge  thofe  fpecious  Pretences.  The 
grand  Queftion  with  me  is,  whether,  in  Regard 
to  the  Benefit  of  the  whole  Community,  thefe 
Inconveniencies,  tho"  they  have  been  fo  highly 
magnified  and  exaggerated,  ought  in  right  Rea- 
son and  good  Policy  to  have  any  Weight  in 
A   2  Conv 


Companion  with  the  national  Advantages  that 
would  arife  from  earing  the  Landholders,  who 
have  fo  long  bore  the  heavy  Burthen,  and  paid 
upwards  of  threefcore  Millions  for  the  Prefer- 
vation  of  the  general  Liberties.  I  confefs  in- 
genuoufly  to  you,  Sir,  I  am  convinced  by  Rea- 
fon  and  Demonftration,  that  there  never  was  a 
Scheme  offer'd  to  a  Britijh  Senate,  that  had 
more  apparent  and  inconteftable  Advantages 
attending  it,  and  fewer  Inconveniencies  when 
put  in  Competition  therewith. 

Mer.  For  fuch  an  Afiertion  to  come  from  you, 
Sir  John,  who  have  been  fo  many  Years  en- 
gag'd  in  Trade  yourfelf,  is  fomething  extraor- 
dinary. I  doubt  not  but  you  found  your  Judg- 
ment upon  a  rational  and  fevere  Examination. 
To  go  thro'  with  a  Subject  of  fo  extenfive  a 
Nature  at  prefent  may  be  difagreeable  to  us 
both.  To  Morrow  in  the  Evening,  if  you  are 
difengag'd,  it  will  be  a  peculiar  Pleafure  to  me 
to  reafon  the  Point  with  you  ;  for  I  begin  to 
be  diffident  of  my  own  Opinion,  when  a  Gen- 
tleman  of  your  cool  Way  of  Thinking,  exempt 
from  every  Tincture  of  Prejudice  or  Partiality, 
differs  from  me. 

Landh.  The  Defign  having  occafion'd  much 
Scribbling  and  Clamor,  I  was  excited,  from 
meer  Curiofity,  to  examine  into  the  Merits  of 
it.  As  I  have  no  Turn  to  ferve  by  it,  I  am 
not  tenacious  of  adhering  to'  the  Refult  of  my 
own  Enquiry  :  I  am  ever  fufceptible  of  Con- 
viction, Sir,  always  leaving  my  Underftanding 
free,  open,  and  unbiafs'd  for  the  Reception  of 
all  Species  of  Truths.  I  fhall  be  glad  to  fee 
you  to  Morrow,  and  then  we  will  deliberately 
and  with  good  Humour  diffect  this  Excife~ 
Monjier.  The 


The  Subje&  being  reium'd  at  the  appointed 
Time,  Sir  John  thus  opened. 

Landb.  The  Platform  and  Groundwork  of 
the  Excife -Scheme  was  laid  upon  thefe  two  Prin- 
ciples •,  the  Eafe  of  the  Landed- Inter  eft  at  home, 
and  the  diftrefs'd  Britijh  Planters  abroad  :  Both 
which  were  fchem'd  to  be  effectuated  without 
the  laying  of  any  new  Tax,  by  the  Converfion 
only  of  the  two  fimple  Duties  upon  Wine  and 
Tobacco?  from  a  Cuftomhoufe  to  an  Excife-fVay 
of  Collection. 

You'll  pleafe  to  remark,  Sir,  that  no  new 
Duty  was  ever  intended  ;  the  Commodities  were 
only  to  have  the  fame  Duty  continued  upon 
them.  So  that  the  Money  to  eafe  the  Land 
and  the  Planters  was  to  be  wifely  and  juftly 
drawn  out  of  the  Coffers  of  fuch  Traders,  who 
do  not  act  upon  a  Level  with  the  reft  of  their 
Brethren,  but,  by  impioufly  evading  the  Pay- 
ment cf  Cuftomhoufe  Duties?  are  enabled  to  ruin 
their  fellow  Traders  in  the  fame  Branches  of 
Commerce,  opprefs  the  aggrieved  Planters?  and 
rivet  the  Tax   for  ever  upon  the  Landholders. 

In  Difputes  of  this  Kind,  Sir,  if  we  would 
judge  honeftly,  the  Eafe  and  Intereft  of  any 
particular  Set  of  Men,  is  not  to  be  confulted 
meerly  and  fimply  without  Regard  to  the  whole 
Mafs  of  the  People.  The  general  Good  of  the 
Community  is  the  only  true  Touchftone  where- 
by we  can  make  a  juft  Judgment  of  the  Project. 
The  more  national  Emoluments  accompany  any 
Defign  of  this  Sort,  the  more  deep  Wifdom  and 
Policy,  as  well  as  Honour  and  Honefty  do  the 
Schemifts  difplay.  Tho'  one  or  two  particular 
Points  may  be  the  Bafis  of  the  Scheme,  yet  if 
yarious  -other  definable  Ends  are  the  infeparable 


(  6  ) 

Concomitants  thereof,  with  Reafon  may  they 
be  urg'd  in  Support  of  it. 

Nor  mould  we  too  precipitately,  as  many 
are  wont,  conclude  we  fee  fome  lurking  Mif- 
chief  a  hatching  under  every  new  and  fpecious 
Project,  merely  from  the  Confideration  of  fome 
vifible  Advantage  to  the  Propofed,  exdufive  of 
any  to  the  Propofers.  Not  t!iat  I  will  be  fo 
fanguine  as  to  fay  the  latter  had  no  Intereft 
in  the  Succefs  of  it,  fince  I  have  great  Reafon 
to  think,  it  would  have  fix'd  them  fo  firm 
in  the  Hearts  and  Affections'  of  the  former,  and 
fo  ftrongly  attach'd  them  to  their  Caufe,  as 
would  have  quite  blafted  the  bloffoming  Hopes 
of  fome  fnarling  Anti-Projectors  •,  and  put  the 
finifhing  Stroke  to  all  their  chimerical  Caftle- 
Building ;  and  thus  the  Life  of  one  Scheme 
would  have  been    the  Death  of  another. 

It  is  in  the  political,  as  it  is  in  the  natural 
Body.  The  Court,  which  may  be  properly  e- 
fleem'd  the  Stomach  of  the  Nation,  employs 
itfelf  differently,  according  to  the  different  Cir- 
cumflances  and  Temperament  of  the  Body.  It 
is  not  aiways  well-digefted,  concocted  Food  will 
preferve  the  Mafs  of  Blood  pure  and  untainted. 
Recourfe  muft  be  had  fometimes  to  ftrong  con- 
vulfive  Purges  to  revive  and  exhilarate  its  dying 
Flame.  It  would  ill  perform  its  Miniftration, 
mould  it  always  confult  its  own  prefent  Eafe 
and  Benefit,  and  refufe  to  fubmit  to  fome  few 
Gripings  and  UneafinefTes,  which  will  at  length 
terminate  in  its  own  private  Good,  as  well  as  the 
Happinefs  of  the  whole  Body  in  general.  The 
Miniftry,  it  may  be  prefum'd,  faw  the  Cloud 
of  Oppofition  gathering  •,  but  it  was  never  ima- 
gin'd  it  would  have  dirrus'd  itfelf  fo  extenfively, 

an  d 

(  7  ) 

and  envelop'd  the  Senfes  of  any  but  the  incon- 
fiderate  Mob. 

By  earing  the  Land,  the  Price  of  all  the  com- 
mon Neceffaries  and  Conveniencies  of  Life  be- 
come cheaper  •,  Beef,  Mutton,  Bread,  Butter, 
Flax,  and  Wool,  &c.  would  all  in  Time  feel 
the  good  Effects  of  it.  While  a  Land-Tax  is 
continued,  the  Rents  of  the  Tenants  will  be  kept 
up  ;  when  taken  Oa,  Landlords  may  afford  to 
eafe  their  Tenants,  and  they  of  courfe  will  eafe 
the  Poor  in  the  Price  of  the  Production  of  their 
Lands.  The  Poor,  when  they  can  live  cheaper, 
will  work  cheaper ;  and  our  Manufactures  will 
confequently  be  exported  cheaper.  sTis  a  ge- 
neral Complaint  among  all  the  Exporters  of  our 
Woolen  Manufacture,  that  we  are  underfold  at 
moft  of  the  foreign  Markets  of  Europe  in  this 
Staple  Commodity  of  our  own  Country, 

It  has  been  in  a  great  Meafure  owing  to  the 
Dearnefs  of  our  Woolen  Manufacture,  that  both 
Holland  and  France  have  thought  it  worth  their 
Care  to  fet  up  Looms  of  their  own,  to  our  great, 
if  not  irreparable  Detriment  ;  and  France  has 
fo  far  fucceeded,  that  fhe  feems  to  have  no 
farther  Occafion  for  our   Cloths  at  all. 

And    Holland  has  found    out   this  Secret  of 

Trade,  to  buy  up  our  raw  Cloths,  and  dye  and 

nap  them  fo  much  cheaper  than  we,  that  they 

are  able  to  underfel  us  in   Goods  of  our   own 

-  Produce. 

Nor  is  it  impoflible  that  Spain  herfelf  may, 

tin  fome  Time,  fet  up    a  Woolen  Manufacture 

oi  her  own  ;    fo  that  if  we  are  cut  out  of  this 

Trade  from  Holland,  France  and  Spain,    in  all 

probability,  they,  inftead  of  England',  may ,   in 

:me,     fuppiy    Denmark,     Norway,      Sweden* 


(  8  ) 

Rujfia,  and  Germany ,  &c.  with  what  they  want. 
It  therefore  highly  behoves  a  wile  Government 
to  think  of  Ways  and  Means  to  fink  the  do- 
meftick  Expence  of  our  home-bred  Commodities. 
There  is  no  other  Way  of  effecting  this  but  by 
eafing  the  Land,  the  Source  of  our  native  Pro- 
ductions ;  for  fince  that  Tax  has  been  laid,  all 
the  common  NecefTaries  of  Life,  and  the  Ingre- 
dients which  go  to  the  Compofition  of  our  Ma- 
nufactures, have  been  rais'd  almoft  one  Fifth  in 
their  Value,  and  the  Price  of  Labour  has  en- 
creas'd  in  Proportion.  Our  Manufactures  there- 
fore muft  inevitably  be  almoft  one  Fifth  dearer 
than  before  we  had  any-  fuch  Tax. 

That  a  little  Trouble  to  Traders  in  the  Vend- 
ing of  foreign  Commodities,    by  fubmitting  to 
a  more  fevere  Infpedtion  of  Officers,   to  compel 
all    to  pay   their  juft    Duty,    is  deftructive  of 
Trade,  I  apprehend  to  be  a  mere  Farce.     The 
true  Caufe  of  the  Decay  of  Trade,  is  the  Clogs 
upon  its  firft  Springs  :    Let  us   work    up  our 
Manufactures  cheaper,  by  the  firft  Hands,  than 
other  Countries,  and  we  mall  never  want  Mer- 
chants and  other  intermediate  Traders  to  export 
them,  who  will  never  have  Occafion   to  repine 
at  the  Minutenefs  of  their  Profit.     Let  us  cleanfe 
the  Fountain-Head,  and  the  whole  Current  will 
foon  purify  itfelf  -,    but  'till  that  be  done,    we 
may  in  vain  complain  of  Diforders   in  the  ex- 
panded Channels.     There  is  no  Way,  Sir,    to 
eafe  our  own  Manufactures,    but  by  eafing  the 
Land,    the  original  Spring  of  them.     Thus  do 
Traders,    while    they  are    for  perpetuating    the 
Land-Tax,   unavoidably  injure  their  own  Trade, 
and  the  beft  Part  of  it  too,  and  then  cry  out 
that  thofe  who  would  eafe  the  Land  have  a  Defign 
to  prejudice  Trade,  Who 


Whoever  knows  any  thing  of  'Trade  cannot 
be  ignorant  how  highly  beneficial  our  Plantation- 
Trade  is  to  this  I/land.  Their  Produce  procures 
us  the  Balance  with  thofe  Countries,  which 
otherwife  would  receive  the  Balance  of  us  ;  con- 
fequently  if  our  Plantations  Decay,  the  general 
Balance  of  Trade  would  annually  go  againft 
us  •,  and  thus  would  the  Nation  be  daily  drain'd 
inftead  of  being  enrich'd,  as  it  is  at  pre- 
fent.  The  Planters  have  complain'd  to  Parlia- 
ment for  Redrefs  ;  they  think  themfelves  ag- 
griev'd ;  their  mortgag'd  Eftates  is  an  indis- 
putable Conviction  that  their  Complaints  are  not 
groundlefs.  Should  we  be  deaf  to  their  Plaints, 
we  know  not  what  Temptations  they  may  have 
to  forfake  our  Br itijh Plantations,  and  to  take  up 
their  Refidence  in  the  French  \  and  then  we  rifque 
out  Tobacco-Trade  as  we  have  already  done  our 
Sugar.  We  can't  have  too  vigilant  an  Eye  on 
France,  who' has  made  fuch  great  Encroachments 
fince  our  firft  Settlements  there,  and  watches 
an  Opportunity  to  diveft  us  of  our  Properties 
in  that  Part  of  the  World.  The  Excife- Scheme 
in  its  Confequences  therefore  was  moll  wifely  and 
politically  contriv'd  for  the  general  Benefit  of 
our  Trade.  'Tis  true,  it  was  not  calculated  for 
the  particular  Intereft  of  the  Tobacco- Faclors  or 
Wine -Coopers,  but,  as  all  Parliamentary  Schemes 
fhould  be,  for  the  publick  Good. 

Mer.  Were  thefe  the  real  Motives  to  this 
Scheme,  your  Arguments  might  be  plaufible 
enough,  though  not  of  Weight  lufficient  to  efta- 
blifh  the  Defign,  as  I  mall  mew  hereafter,  if 
there  be  Occafion  for  it ;  but  it  is  to  be  fear'-J 
that  this  Project  was  fet  on  Foot  to  augment  the 
Pow#r  of  the  Crown,  by  multiplying  Excife- 
B   '  Officers, 

(  io) 

Officers,  who  fiave  an  unbounded  Liberty  to 
harafs  and  annoy  Traders,  and  by  that  Means 
in  Time  to  enflave  the  whole  Nation.  For  it 
is  in  the  'Power  of  thefe  Men  to  tamper  with  Vo- 
ters, fo  as  to  obftruct  the  Freedom  of  Elections, 
and  thereby  to  deftroy  that  Authority  and  law- 
ful Refpedt  for  Parliaments,  indifpenfably  ne- 
cefTary  to  be  preferv'd  for  the  Safeguard  of  our 
Liberties.  The  Benefit  of  Trade,  like  the  Be- 
nefit of  the  Land,  is  a  delicious  Bait  to  allure  us 
to  Slavery,  and  therefore  we  mould  always  dif- 
truft  the  Views  of  Minijlers  of  State.  One  Ex- 
clfe  is  introductory  to  another  ;  and  if  once  a 
general  Excife  prevails,  farewell  Liberty,  and 
every  Incentive  to  TrafRck. 

Landh.  'Tis  true,  Sir,  the  Benefit  of  Trade 
may  fometimes  be  made  a  Min\{\cna.l  Decoy -Duck 
to  delude  Traders  into  their  Schemes  ;  and  fo 
may  groundlefs  Clamours  of  the  Ruin  of  Trade 
be  a  more  ufeful  Piece  of  factious  and  antimini- 
flerial  Quackery  to  irritate  the  Multitude  againft. 
the  nobleft  Defigns.  What  Reafon  there  can  be  to 
doubt  whether  the  general  Advantage  of  Trade 
was  not  an  eflential,  -though  not  the  only  Motive 
to  this  Scheme,  is  what  I  cannot  conceive. 
Though  Trade,  Sir,  was  only  fecondarily,  inci- 
dentally, and  collaterally  confidered,  and  the 
grand  Defign  was  the  Eafe  of  the  landed  Inter  eft  ^ 
I  hope  it  would  be  no  Objection.  In  Times  of 
War,  the  Land  muft  bear  the  expenfive  Burthen 
in  Protection  of  Trade :  The  lealt  therefore  that 
can  be  done,  in  Times  of  Peace,  is  to  difbur- 
then  it.  A  wife  and  judicious  Miniftry  will 
labour  to  fhift  the  Taxes,  fo  as  equitably  to  pro- 
portion 'em  amongu:  all  Gaffes  of  the  Commu- 
nity, that  each  might,  at  feafonable  Conjunc- 

(  « ) 

tures,  when  the  beft  able,  give  reciprocal  Eafe 
to  the  other.  To  the  everlafting  Honour  of  the 
prdent  Administration,  the  Land-Tax  has  been 
reduced  lower  than  ever  fince  firft  impos'd  •,  and 
we  ilill  hope  that  the  fame  Minijlry,  who  have 
done  fuch  great  Things  for  us,  will,  in  time,  ab- 
folutely  eafe  us,  though  the  Popularity  of  the 
Defign  will  adminifcer  perpetual  Fuel  to  male- 
content  Fire. 

I  think  I  may  with  equal  Reafon  itifift,  that 
your  Argument  about  the  Augmentation  of 
Power  to  the  Crown,  from  an  Encreafe  of  Of- 
ficers, is  a  meer  Pretence.  For  what  Power  to 
the  Crown  can  about  two  or  three  Excifemen 
in  a  County  add,  which  is  the  Extent  of  the 
Encreafe  propos'd  ?  To  anfwer  this  great  En- 
creafe, there  would  have  been  a  counterpart  Di- 
minution -,  at  leaft  equal,  if  not  fuperior  to  the 
pretended  Augmentation.  Had  the  Scheme  fuc- 
ceeded,  fome  of  the  Cujjtom-Houfe  Officers  would 
of  courfe  have  been  difcharged,  or  metamor- 
phoffd  into  Excife-ones  ;  and  the  Crown  been 
ilrip'd  of  all  the  Receivers  of  the  Land-Tax 
over  the  Kingdom :  Men  of  Fortune,  Repute, 
and  great  Influence  in  their  refpective  Counties 
and  Boroughs ;  which  united  Powers  would  have 
considerably  turn'd  the  Scale  in  Prejudice  to  the 

And  to  fuppofe  Men  of  their  Rank  and  Cha- 
racter mould  receive  Inftructions  to  be  particu- 
larly troublefome  to  fuch  Traders,  who  may  not 
fee  Wifdom  in  the  Conduct:  of  a  Court,  fmells 
two  much  of  Romance  to  be  credited.  F'or 
how  can  a  Man,  without  being  ripe  to  fwallow 
any  idle  AiTertion,  imagine  Men,  who  are  not 
peculiarly  exempt  from  fuch  Vices  as  tend  to  the 
B  2  Difcovery 

( «*■} 

Difcovery  of  Secrets,  fhould  be  entrufted  with 
any  fuch  Inftructions  ?  As  they  are  daily  turn'd 
out  of  their  Offices  for  the  leaft  Trifle,  and  there- 
by become  enraged  with  the  Government  ; 
ihould  we  not  have  heard  of  fome  Stories  of 
this  Sort  ?  Throughout  this  warm  Difpute,  the 
active  and  ingenious  Malecontents  have  not  been 
able  to  produce  one  fingle  Inftance  of  this  Na- 
ture. With  the  utmoft  Confidence  therefore,  may 
any  one  affirm  that  there  is  not  the  lead  Pro- 
bability, that  any  Excifeman  ever  received  In- 
ductions, directly  or  indirectly,  from  the  Commif- 
fioners  to  tamper  with  any  voting  Trader  what- 
foever.  No  Man,  I  think,  but  an  Enthufiaft  can 
imagine  that  Officers  out  of  meer  Wantonnefs, 
Spleen,  and  Ill-nature  fhould  be  more  trouble- 
ibme,  6r  open  to  themfdves  more  Scenes  of  Tur- 
moil and  Fatigue,  than  what  the  Nature  of  their 
Office  makes  abfolutely  and  legally  neceffary. 
Much  Art  and  Declamation  indeed  have  been 
exercifed,  to  infufe  a  molt  horrid  and  frightful 
Idea  of  harmlefs  Excifemen,  into  the  Minds  of 
the  Scum  and  Dregs  of  the  People  ;  nor  is  it  to 
be  doubted  but  fuch  florid  Rhodomontades  have 
had  their  defired  Effect  upon  narrow  and  jejune 
Minds.  This  Fate  indeed  they  mare,  in  common 
with  the  Clergy  and  others, upon  certain  Occafions  : 
But  give  me  leave  to  lay,  Sir,  this  Way  of 
Talking  only  ferves  to  .give  Men  of  Senfe  an  ill 
Opinion  ,of  the  Carafe.  To  convince  them,  you 
fhould  mew  fomething  in  Nature,  that  prompts 
thefe  Men  to  be  lefs  human  than  others  *,  or  the 
Prefumption  will  be  they  are  not  fo.  They  are 
all  equally  reproached  in  their  Duty,  though  for- 
tuitoufly  derived  from  the  general  Body  of  the 
People,  and  become  deftin'd  to  their  different 


(  13  ) 

Profefiions  by  the  fame  Providence  that  thofe 
Men  are,  who  thus  exclaim  againft  them.  How 
it  mould  fall  out  that  they  at  all  times  are  more 
degenerate  than  the  reft  of  Mankind,  will  be  ad- 
mitted by  none  but  fuch  who  are  credulous  enough 
to  believe,  that  Man  is  form'd  from  fenfelefs  A- 
toms,  by  the  continued  Operations  of  blind 
Chance  and  Fortune. 

By  the  great  Degree  of  Power,  faid  to  arife  to 
the  Crown  from  a  few  Excife?nen  being  fcatter'd 
over  the  Nation,  and  the  Havock  they  have  been 
pompoufly  defcrib'd  to  make,  fome  giddy-head- 
ed and  fuperficial  Creatures  imagine  that  the 
Dealers  in  Tobacco  and  Wine  are  a  very  confider- 
able  Body  of  the  Kingdom ;  when,  if  a  Calcu- 
lation was  made,  it  is  very  much  to  be  question- 
ed whether  they  are  above  one  five  thoufandth 
Part  thereof:  And  it  is  equally  to  be  doubted 
whether  one  Third  of  that  Number  have  Votes  ; 
or  if  they  have,  whether  one  half  of  them  are 
not  vifited  by  Officers  already.  To  fuppofe, 
therefore,  that  the  intended  Augmentation 
could  affect  the  Liberties  of  the  whole  Na- 
tion, when  fo  [mall  a  Part  only  could  poffibly 
have  been  concerned,  is  what  can  never  enter  in^ 
to  the  Thoughts  of  a  clear-headed  Man  ;  efpe- 
cially  when  the  Crown,  in  confequence,  thereof, 
would  have  been  oblig'd  to  have  given  up  a 
greater  Power  for  a  lefs,  as  was  before  remark'd. 

However,  left  Etiglijhmen  fhould  be  jealous  of 
their  Liberties  upon  this  Account,  or  that  fome 
imperious  and  arrogant  Fellows  among  them  (as 
is  not  impofiiblej  mould  prefume  to  have  the 
leaft  Degree  of  Power  or  Influence  over  Traders 
in  the  Choice  of  their  Reprefentatives,  the  Laws 
of  the  Land  have  made  full  Provifion  for  pre- 

(  H) 

venting  any  fuch  Attempts.  For-  in  the  Act 
Anno  5  (^  6  G»/*V/.  &*  Maria  ^  it  is  laid,  "That 
"  if  any  Excifcmau  fhall  by  Word,  Melfage, 
cc  or  Writing,,  or  any  other  IVfanncr  whatfo- 
"  ever,  endeavour  to  perfuade  any  Elector  to 
"  give,  or  diftuade  any  Elector  from  giving  his 
«  Vote  for  the  Choice  of  any  Perfon  to  be  a 
"  Representative  in  Parliament,  fhall  forfeit  the 
"  Sum  of  one  hundred  Pounds,  one  Moiety  to 
"  the  Poor  of  the  Parifh  where  fuch  Offences 
"  mall  be  committed,  to  be  recovered  by  any 
"  Perfon  that  fhall  fue  for  the  fame  in  the 
"  Courts  of  Common  Law.  And  every  Of- 
"  ficer,  convict  on  any  fuch  Suit  of.  the  faid 
tc  Offerice,  mall  thereby  become  diiabled  and 
"  incapable  of  ever  bearing  or  executing  any 
"  Office  or  Place  of  Truft  whatfoever  under 
*'  their  Majefties,  their  Heirs  or  SucceJJbrs." 

Befides,  Sjr;  has  not  this  very  Parliament  at 
prefent  exifting,  that  has  been  fo  licentioufiy 
charg'd  with  Corruption,  made  the  ftrongeft  Act 
that  ever  was  made  to  prevent  Corruption  at 
Elections  from. all  Quarters,  as  well  againft  the 
Crown  as  for  it  ?  Ah  Act  that  has  met  with  the 
higheft  Encomium  from  tjiofe  very  Gentlemen, 
Wi;o  have  treated  the  Parliament  that  mace  it 
with  urfparaHe'JM  Scurrility  !  A  certain  Writer, 
I  remember,  jays,  "  T.o  the  immortal  Honour 
"  of  a  Britijh  Parliament,  an  Act  is  now  palled, 
"  whicn,  it  is  to  be  hoped,  will  prove  fully  ef- 
c;  ficaciOus  to  this  great  End  [the  Prevention  of 
"'  Corruption  at  Elections.]  The  Penalties,  at 
'-  leaff,  are  lo  fevere,  and  the  Provilion  fo  wifely 
<k  made,  as  well  as  clearly  exprefs'd,  that  I 
lil  think  it  ifhpoffibTe  for  ail  the  Inventions  of 
<"  thhf  arid  lll-deflgningMeni  totally,  to  elude 
"•  tnem.  "  Can 

(  *5  ) 

Can  any  Man  then,  with  the  leaft  Glimmering 
of  Reafon,  furmife  that  Excife-Ojjicers  can  have 
any  Influence  at  Elections,  when  nothing  is  more 
vifible  than  that  they  are  never  of  Considera- 
tion enough  to  fway  any  one  ?  But  if  they  were, 
and  fhould  attempt  to  influence  any  Vtter,  it  is 
in  the  Power  of  any  Man  to  profecute  and  ruin 
them;  the  Offence  being  to  be  try'd  before  a. 
Jury,  who  are  very  far  from  being  prejudic'd. 
in  Favour  of  a  poor  Excifcman. 

Mer.  Sir,  you  have  made  no  Manner  of  Re- 
ply to  what  I  urg'd,  of  one  Excife  tending  to 
a  general  Excife,  and  the  Swarms  of  Officers 
that:  would  over-run  the  Nation,  was  that  to 
take  Place.  If  the  People  do  not  make  Head 
againft  fuch  Attempts  at  their  firft  Breaking 
out,  'twill  be  impoffible  to  flop  their  Career 
when  they  have  got  too  great  Footing. 

Landh.  You'll  pleafe  to  remember,  Sir,  that 
we  are  always  to  keep  Sight  of  the  grand  and 
fundamental  Motive  to  this  Attempt ;  the 
Eafe  of  the  Land.  From  what  I  before  ob- 
ferv'd  it  appears  that  a  Land-Tax,  which  af- 
feds  all  the  common  NecefTaries  of  Life  of 
our  own  Production,  is  an  actual  general  Ex* 
cife,  in  the  ftrict  Senfe  of  the  Words.  What 
is  meant  by  a  general  Excife  is  a  new  Tax 
upon  all  fuch  common  Conveniences  of  Life, 
as  the  Poor  and  laborious  Part  of  the  Nation 
cannot  fubfift  without.  A  particular  Excife 
upon  foreign  Superfluities  and  Luxuries,  without 
the  lead  Addition  of  any  new  Tax,  with  a  View 
to  take  off  a  general  Excife  from  the  common 
Necejfaries,  is  fo  far  from  having  a  Tendency 
to  what  the  Judicious  underftand  by  a  general 
Excife,    that,    on  the  contrary,  no  Step  could 


(  16  ) 

pofllbly  be  taken  more  effectually  to  free  us 
From  a  general  Excife :  Nor  is  it  in  the  Power 
of  any  Miniirry  to  indicate  their  Deteftation 
and  Abhorrence  of  any  fuch  Project  more  than 
by  bravely  and  refolutely  encountering  fuch  an 
headftrong  Oppofuion,  that  a  Tax  upon  Land 
might  not   be  eterniz'd. 

It  may  be  urg'd  with  much  more  Reafon, 
that  the  laying  of  one  Shilling  in  the  Pound 
upon  Land  has  a  Tendency  to  the  laying  on 
of  twenty.  Nay,  Sir,  as  you  are  a  Dijfcnter, 
I  may  as  well  fay  that  granting  you  any  fmall 
Privilege  to  deviatefrom  the  Church  of  England, 
and  to  worfhip  in  your  own  Way,  has  a  Ten- 
dency to  the  total  DeftrucTion  of  the  Eftablifli'd 
Religion  of  the  State  •■>  than  which  Nothing  is 
more  ridiculous.  In  fhort,  Sir,  I  might  with 
equal  Reafon  infift  that  a  Man  mull  neither  eat 
or  drink,  becaufe  it  has  a  Tendency  to  Glut- 
tony or  Drunkennefs  ;  or  that  a  Man  mud  not 
be  fo  prudent  as  yearly  to  lay  by  a  fingle  Penny, 
becaufe  it  has  a  Tendency  to  Avarice.  In  a 
Nation  like  ours,  where  the  Crown  has  no  Farms 
or  Freeholds  to  fupply  the  publick  Exigencies 
of  the  State,  fome  Sort  of  Taxes  are  as  ef- 
fentially  necefiary  to  the  Prefervation  of  the 
Body  politick,  as  Eating  and  Drinking  to  the 
Support  of  the  natural  Body :  And  fuch  a 
Converfion  only  of  the  Duties  paid  already,  to, 
be  collected  under  the  Mode  of  an  Excife,  in 
fuch  a  Manner  that  the  Smuggler  can't  efcape 
Paving,  and  thereby  raifing  a  Sum  fufficient  to 
difburthen  the  Land,  and  to  redrefs  the  Grievan- 
ces our  Plantations  labour  under,  is  the  only 
Excife  we  contend  for  ;  and  nothing  further 
was  propos'd  by  the  Scheme. 


(   i7  ) 


The   infallible  Way,  Sir,  for  England  to  en- 
creafe    in   Riches    and    Power,     is    ro   embrace 
every  Opportunity  to  render   our   native   Ma- 
nufactures  cheaper  both  abroad    and  at   home, 
and    foreign    Superfluities    dearer    to    the  Con- 
fumer  •,    that    the   Price,    as  well    as  Quality, 
of  our  Commodities  may  tempt  other  Nations 
to  confume  'em.     Was  not   this '  Maxim    mod 
fteddily  adher'd  to,  our  own  Inhabitants  would  be 
confuming  the  Produce  of  other  Nations,  whilfl 
we    were    unable    to  export    our    own.     Thus 
would  every  one,  who  confum'd  any  Thing  of 
foreign  Production,    give  away  fo  much   of  the 
Riches  of  the  Nation.     To   prevent  this,    no- 
thing  can  be  more   conducive    than  an  Excife 
upon  all  foreign  Superfluities  ;    becaufe   it   muft 
either  eafe  our  own   native  Produce   from   the 
Burthen  of  the  publick  Revenue,  or  in  will  pre- 
vent the  Confumption  of  foreign  Commodities, 
and   the  Produce  of  our  own  Country    would 
be  confum'd    in  their  ftead.      Every  Thing  of 
foreign  Growth  confum'd  here,   without   paying 
the  Duty,  is  an  Advantage  to  the  Proprietors  of 
the  Lands  of  thofe  Countries,  and  a  Detriment 
to  our  own  Land-Owners,  when  a  Tax  upon  them 
is  purpos'd  to  be  taken  off,  only  by  a  juft  Col- 
lection  of  the  Duty  upon  foreign,  Commodities. 
Who  then,  that  is  a  true  Friend  to  his  Country, 
can   oppofe   fuch   a  brave  Defign  ?    A   Defigrn 
for  which    future  Ages    will  have  its  Oppofers 
in  Derifion,    and   its  Advocates   in   the  higheft 
Admiration  ! 

Foreign  Nations  are  fo  very  active  and  vigilant, 
that  nothing  of  our  Production  fhall  efcape  pay- 
ing the  Duty  they  impofe  thereupon,  'that,  were 
we  not  to  be  fteer'd  by  the  fame  political  Rud- 

C  der„ 


(  18  ) 

der,  our  Englijh  Merchants  would  acquire  more 
by  importing  of  foreign  Commodities,  which 
would  be  cheaper,  into  our  Country,  than  they 
would  by  exporting  our  own  Commodities  into 
other  Countries,  where  the  higher  Duties  would 
render  the  Confumption  fmall,  and  the  Mer- 
chant's Profit  lefs.  Thus  would  Traders,  inftead 
of  being  an  Advantage  to  the  Nation,  drain  all 
the  Wealth  out  of  it,  difcourage  our  People 
from  Working,  by  leaving  their  Manufactures 
on  their  Hands,  and  render  them  idle,*1  poor, 
and  effeminate  by  an  Inundation  of  foreign  Su- 
perfluities. This,  Sir,  I  only  remark,  en  paffant, 
to  Ihew  that  an  Excife  upon  all  foreign  Luxuries 
mu'ft  be  of  manifeft  and  undoubted  Advantage 
to  the  Nation  ;  not  that  I  would  inflnuate  any 
fuch  Thing  was  ever  intended  by  the  Miniftry 
to  be  put  in  Execution  ;  but  this  is  to  remove 
your  Prejudice  againft  Excifes  upon  Superfluities 
of  foreign  Growth  and  Manufacture. 

Mer.  The  great  Inconveniencies  of  Excife- 
Officers,  by  ranlacking  Traders  Shops  and  Ware- 
houfes,  at  all  Times,  and  at  all  Hours  in  the 
Night ;  the  extraordinary  Trouble  of  fending 
for  Permits ;  the  expofing  a  Man's  Stock  to 
thofe  Inquifitors  when  they  pleafe,  are  very  great 
Hardfhips  upon  Traders,  and  what  they  cannot 
bear  the  Thoughts  of  fubmitting  to.  A  Trader, 
under  thefe  Reftraints,  cannot  be  faid  to  enjoy 
that  Liberty  every  Englifhman  by  his  Birth  is 
entitled  to. 

Landh.  In  the  Senfe  that  the  Word  Liberty 
in  this  Controverfy  has  been  ufed,  every  Law 
whatfoever  againft  Felons  or  Houfe- breakers  is 
a  Reifcraint  upon  Liberty.  The  late  Scheme, 
Sir?  was  defign'd,  'tis  true,  as  a  lawful  Reftraint 


(  19  ) 

upon  Smugglings  Cheating  and  Perjury  -,  not  upon 
Honefty  and  upright  Trading.  By  the Scbeme^Ex- 
cifemen  would  have  had  the  Power  of  entring  Shops, 
JVareboufes,  and  Cellars  no  otherwife  than  as  the 
Cuftomers  and  Servants  of  thefe  Traders  hourly 
have.  They  would  have  had  no  Power  to 
enter  them  but  in  the  Day-Time,  when  they 
are  open  to  every  Body  ;  not  to  enter  any  pri- 
vate Room,  or  Houfe,  or  other  Place,  not  en- 
ter'd  as  a  publick  Shop  or  fVarehoufe  of  Dealers 
in  thofe  Commodities,  not  even  a  private  Room 
in  the  fame  Houfe  wherein  a  publick  Shop  is 
kept,  unlefs  they  obtain'd  a  fpecial  Warrant 
for  that  Purpofe  from  fome  Juftice  or  Juftices 
of-  the  Peace,  and  then,  if  by  Night,  but  in  the 
Prefence  of  a  Conftable. 

In  this  Cafe,  the  Juftices  of  the  Peace  have  a 
difcretionary  Power  of  judging  what  Circum- 
ftances  are  a  fufficient  Ground  for  Sufpicion, 
that  any  of  their  Neighbours  have  conceal'd 
Contraband  Goods,  or  ufed  any  Arts  to  defraud 
the  Publick.  They  have  likewife  the  Power 
of  disbelieving  what  an  Excifeman  fhall  fwear 
in  order  to  obtain  fuch  Warrant,  and  may  re- 
fute fuch  Warrant  in  any  Cafe  whatfoever  at 
their  own  Pleafure.  So  that  thefe  Men  could 
give  no  more  Uneafinefs  to  Traders,  upon 
any  private  Pique,  or  perfonal  Refentment, 
than  any  other  Man  may  do  to  his  Neigh- 
bour by  a  Warrant  to  fearch  for  flolen 
Goods.  The  ftrong  and  clear  Teftimony  that 
Officers  mult  give  of  the  Truth  of  their  Sug- 
gestions, to  obtain  fuch  Warrants,  would  always 
deter  'em  from  applying  for  them,  but  when 
Goods  really  were  conceal'd,  which  had  not  paid 
the  lawful  Duty :  And  in  fuch  a  Cafe,  no  Man, 

C    2  I 

(    20    ) 

I  prefume,    will  fay,   Houfes   ought  not  to  be 

Hence  it  appears  that  Officers,  as  fuch,  would 
have  had  no  Power  whatfoever  to  enter  any  pri- 
vate Hov.fe,  Rcvm,  or  any  other  Place  befides  com- 
mon Steps,  &c.  previously  regifter'd  as  fuch,  and 
thefe  in  the  Day-Time  only.  The  Power  of  en- 
tering private  Houfes  is  veiled  in  thzjujlicesof  the 
Peace,  who  always  have  exercis'd  the  fame 
Power  of  granting  Warrants  to  fearch  Houfes, 
on  innumerable  other  Accounts,  before  this  Bill 
was  propos'd.  This  Clamour  therefore  of  entring 
Houfes  in  the  Night  is  meer  Bugbear  or  Spright, 
wherewith  to  terrify  the  weak   and  credulous. 

What  additional  Trouble  Merchants  would 
receive  is  a  M.yftery  to  me;  for  they  would 
land  their  Goods  as,  they  now  do,  at-  the  Cuftom- 
houfe  ;  and,  as  they  vend  by  the  Grofs  only, 
the  Trouble  of  procuring  Permits  would  be 
very  inednfiderab'le  :  They  coft  nothing  ;  Offices 
for  that  Purpofe  would  be  near  their  Ware- 

As  to  the  intermediate  Dealers,  I  am  at  an 
equal  Lofs  to  conceive  their  Grievances  in  this 
Refpecr.  There  is  no  more  Trouble  and  Em- 
baraffiTient  in  an  Officer's  vi filing  the  Shops  of 
Retailers  falmoft  all  of  whom  fdl  various  other 
Commodities  already  excifed)  than  there  is 
in  having  two  or  three  more  Cultomers  extra- 
ordinary :  And  I  never  heard  Traders  complain 
of  any  Fatigue  in  that,  or  being  cblig'd  to 
keep  more  Servants  upon  that  Account.  As 
Profit  attends  Cuftomers,  fo  it  does  the  In- 
flection of  Officers.  Fair  Dealers  would  be 
made  an  ample  Recompense  for  their  Incon- 
veniences, because,   as  it  keeps  others  upon   an 

.     Equali- 

(    21    ) 

Equality  with  them,  they  muft  inevitably  en- 
creafe  their  Trade.  A  Defign  to  prevent  Smug- 
glers, Hawkers i  and  Robbers  of  the  national 
Revenue,  when  I  was  in  Trade,  was  accounted 
laudable,  and  would  have  met  with  univerfal 
Approbation  from  the  Body  of  Traders  \  but 
at  this  Time  of  Day,  I  know  not  what  to  think 
of  the  Trading  World. 

Mer.  That  an  Excife  would  help  the  fair 
Trader,  is  fo  ftale  an  Argument  at  London  that 
no  Body  regards  it.  'Tis  a  meer  Jeft,  a  Court 
Pretence  only  •,  and  if  you  confider  that  all 
Merchants  and  Traders  in  Tobacco  and  Wine 
unanimoufly  oppos'd  the  Scheme,  you  will  not 
think  your  Argument  of  any  Weight,  or  that 
Men  would  be  fo  weak  as  to  oppofe  their  own 

Landh.  Truly,  Sir,  this  is  an  Argument  that 
moil  of  all  furprifes  me.  There  is  nothing 
more  undeniable  in  Nature  than  this ;  that  if 
the  Smuggler  pays  no  Duty,  he  will  underfel 
the  fair  Dealer  who  does  ;  and  fo  much  the 
more  where  the  Duties  are  high,  as  on  Wine 
and  Tobacco.  How  much  foever  the  Smuggler 
ft  lis,  by  having  it  cheaper,  fo  much  the  fair 
Trader  lofes  the  Vending  of.  This  is  fo  obvious 
and  felf-evident,that  the  late  univerfal  Oppofition, 
you  mention,  in  no  ways  deftroys  the  Conclu- 
fivenefs  of  my  Argument;  but  the  natural  and 
juft  Inference  is,  That  all  are  Smugglers,  and 
there  are  no  fair  Traders,  or,  That  fair  Traders 
are  all  bewitch'd  and  infatuated.  To  illuftrate 
this,  let  us  imagine,  inftead  of  converting  thefe 
Duties  to  an  Excife- Way  of  Collection,  it  had 
been  proposed  to  double  the  Cuftomhoufe  Du- 
ties;   no  fair  Trader  in  his  Senfes  could  have 


(    2  2 

prefer' d  the  latter,  becaufe  the  Profit  or  Smug- 
j       g    would  then  have  been  fo  extraordinary, 
would  have  enabled  the  Smuggler  fo  greatly 
to    underfel  the  fair  Trader,    that  it  would   be 
i  npoffibde  for  him  to  fubfift.     So  that  you  your- 
f(  if,   by  urging  this  popular  Oppofition,  prove 
no  more  by  it  than  a  univerfal  Depravity   and 
Corruption   among    the    whole  Body    of    Mer- 
chants and  Traders,  and,  in  efi eel,  that  they  are 
better    than    a  Band  ot   Smugglers    or 

Mer.  Pardon  me,  Sir,  The  Merchants  are  a 
Body  of  Men  worthy  the  higheft  Regard  of 
the  Government,  the  Fountains  of  all  the  Wealth 
m  the  Natron,  and  are,  for  the  Generality,  Men 
of  the  gfeateft  Honour  and  Reputation.  I  re- 
member the  Time,  Sir  John,  when  you  would 
nor  have  beftow'd  fueh  Epithets  on  Merchants, 
as  Smugglers  and  publick  Robbers.  Your  old 
Friend  ]  ifon   treated  fehem   in   a  different 

Manner,  beftow'd  great  Eulogiums  upon  them, 
as  well  in  private  Converfation  as  in  his  pub- 
lick  Cooipofitions. 

Landh.  Yosir  Warmth,  Sir,  li3S  betray'd  you 
into  feme  iVl'ftake  -,  you  mifunderftand  me.  I 
did  not  call  the  Merchants  and  Traders,  Smug- 
r.  There  are  undoubtedly  (and  indeed  I 
have  heard  many  worthy  Gentlemen  among 
iorne  clandestine  and  dif- 
honourabie  Dealers,  who  inciter  themfelves  un- 
der that  worthy  Denomination  ;  and  I  very 
carefully  diftinguifh'd  between  them  and  ho- 
r\ow;-\Az  fair  Traders -,  and  fhew'd  the  apparent 
Advantages  that  mull  neceflariiy  accrue  to  the 
latter,  had  the  Scheme  fucceeded.  But  you,  to 
obviate  my  Concl.ufion,  confound  my  Diflincfion, 



and  make  all  Traders  alike.  If  then  it  be 
certain  that  there  are  clandeftfrre  Traders 
amongft  the  Body  of  Merchants  and  Traders, 
and  all  are  alike  without  Diftin&ion,  all  moft 
of  Confequence  be  clarideftihe  Dealers.  This 
is  a  juft  Inference  from  your  Logick,  not 
mine.  Thus  you  urge  Arguments  tnat  tend 
to  prove  all  Merchants  and  Trader;,  Smugglers, 
and  then  complain  that  1  cail  them  fo.  This 
Strain  runs  thro*  fome  common  News-Papers, 
and  Pamphlets  that  don't  enter  into  the  Me- 
rits of  the  Difpute  ■,  but  I  could  not  have 
imagin'd  they  were  fo  contagious,  as  to  taint  a 
Gentleman  of  your  Underftanding.  Tho'  the  Ex- 
cife  has  been  drefs'd  out  as  a  very  hideous  Mon- 
fter,  yet,  like  a  good  and  righteous  Magiftrate, 
it  is  only  a  Terror  to  Evil-Doers. 

The  violent  Oppofition  of  fome  Merchants, 
and  warm-headed  difarrected  Senators,  is  not  an 
infallible  Chara&eriftick  that  the  Scheme  was 
bad.  The  fhort  Queftioh,  Sir,  is,  whether  fo- 
reign Commodities  ought  to  be  tax'd,  or  not ; 
if  they  ought,  then  the  Tax  fhould  be  collected 
in  fuch  a  Manner  as  that  all  fhould  pay,  and 
none  efcape.  We  already  pay  a  Duty  on  Wine 
and  Tobacco  ;  and  if,  on  a  Companion  between 
the  Quantity  paying,  and  the  Quantity  confum'd, 
it  appears,  that  not  above  one  Half  pays,  no 
one  will  fay  the  other  Half  ought  not  to  pay. 
What  Method  then  can  be  taken  to  oblige 
them?  If  thefe  Oppofers  would  be  fo  juft  as  to 
offer  to  the  World  a  Scheme  more  effectually 
calculated  to  anfwer  that  End,  and  eafe  the 
Land,  with  lefs  Inconveniency  to  the  Subject, 
and  lefs  liable  to  Objection,  why  do  they  not 
propofe  it  to  the  Publick  ?    if  they  are  able  and 


'(   24  ) 

not  willing,  they  difplay  their  Patriotifm ;  if 
they  cannot  propofe  a  better  .in  its  (lead,  to 
anfwer  fuch  a  Concatenation  of  wife  Purpofes, 
we  may  conclude  it  is  becaufe  they  are  not  able. 

Mer.  It  muft  be  confefs'd,  Sir,  that  the  fe- 
veral  Ends  you  mention  are  very  defireable, 
and  what  every  good  Man  muft  rejoice  to  fee 
brought  about.  But  that  Excifes  are  the  beft 
Mediums  to  thefe  Ends,  is  what  I  cannot  yet 
bring  my  Understanding  to  bend  to.  The  Laws 
of  Excife  are  very  arbitrary  and  tyrannical ; 
the  Deprivation  of  Tryals  by  Juries,  contrary  to 
Magna  Cbarta,  and  the  Conflitution,  and  the  known 
Rights  of  Englijhmen,  is  what  in  Time  might 
be  attended  with  very  fatal  Confequences.  The 
Commijjioners  are  Profecutors,  Evidence,  Judges 
and  Executioners  ;  have  an  unlimited  Power  of 
determining  the  Property  of  the  Subject  accord- 
ing to  their  own  Will  ;  which  is  giving  up  too 
much  Power  to  the  Crown,  and  may  in  Time 
deftroy  our  Liberties. 

Landh.  This,  Sir,  has  been  fet  forth  as  a  very 
formidable  Objection,  and  therefore  I  don't  mar- 
vel that  it  mould  be  infilled  upon  with  fo  much 
Warmth  and  Acrimony.  Magna  Cbarta  and 
Excife,  the  Antiquity  of  the  former  and  Etymo- 
logy of  the  latter,  are  brought  as  Proofs  that 
the  one  mould  not  be  admitted,  nor  the  other 
in  one  Tittle  deviated  from.  This  Way  of 
Talking  is  admirably  well  fuited  to  work  upon 
a  Mob,  but  can  never  be  relifh'd  by  fuch  who 
feparate  and  diftinguifh  what  others  afficluoufly 
labour  to  perplex  and  confound. 

Magna  Cbarta  is  but  an  Act  of  Parliament, 
and  indeed  a  very  valuable  one,  but  is  no  more 
the  Conllitution  than  any  other  Act.     The  pre- 


(.25    ) 

fent  Conftitution  is  framed  and  erected  upon  all 
thcfe  Acts  which  have  parTed  fince  Magna  Chart  a, 
as  well  as  upon  fome  Part  of  that.  Was  it  a 
furRcient  Reafon  for  the  Excife- Bill's  not  palling, 
if  it  was  in  fome  Degree  contrary  to  MagnU 
Charta,  it  would  alio  follow,  that  the  whole 
Conltitution,  as  at  prefent  eftabli'Vd,  muft  be 
unhing'd,  becaufe  many  of  thofe  Acts  of  Par- 
liament, whereon  it  is  now  founded,  are  in  Op- 
pofition  to  Magna  Charta:  But  to  come  clofer 
to  your  Objection. 

AH  Schemes  for  railing  the  publick  Revenue 
may  juftly  be  denominated  better  or  worfe,  as 
they  are  more  or  lets  practicable  in  collecting 
the  Money  propofed  by  Parliament-  If  a  Scheme 
be  propos'd,  where  the  Community  is  liable  to 
fuch  Expences  in  recovering  their  Rights  from 
Individual.",  that  the  one  Part  is  expended  to  col- 
lect and  obtain  the  other,  fuch  a  Scheme  is  ra- 
ther a  Burthen  and  Vexation  to  the  Subject,  in 
their  individual  as  well  as  collective  Capacity, 
and  no  Benefit  whatfoever. 

Juries  muft  be  allow'd  an  ineftimable  Bleffing, 
when  confider'd  (as  fignified  and  intended  by 
Magna  Charta)  a  Security  againft  any  Encroach- 
ments of  the  Crown  -,  yet  they  are  liable  to 
many  juft  Objections  and  great  Inconveniencies, 
if  there  mould  be  no  other  Way  to  determine 
Difputes  m  the  Collection  ■  of  the  publick  Re- 
venue. Where  the  Claim  is  made  by  Virtue  of 
any  Prerogative  inherent  in  the  Crown,  Juries 
could  not  be  difpens'd  with,  without  endanger- 
ing our  Liberties.  For  when  the  Conteft  is  be- 
tween the  King  and  Subject,  and  the  Extent  of 
his  Prerogative  is  in  IfTue,  it  equally  affects 
every  Subject ;  and  therefore  Tryals  by  Juries 

D  in 


in  fuch  a  Cafe  conftitute  the  People  Judges  of 
their  own  Caufe  •,  which  is  a  moff  invaluable 
Barrier  to  our  Liberties,  and  upon  no  Account 
whatfoever  fhould  be  fufFered  to  be  broke  in 

When  a  Controverfy  lies  between  Subject  and 
Subject  either,  Juries  then  muft  be  judg'd  impar- 
tial ;  and  as  they  are  fuppos'd  to  live  in 
'viceneto,  they  are  prefum'd  to  be  acquainted 
with  the  Characters  of  the  contending  Parties, 
their  Witnefies  and  Circumftances,  and  thereby 
the  better  capacitated  to  determine  where  Cre- 
dit ought  to  be  given,  when  any  Contrail  arifes 
in  their  Evidence. 

But  it  will  be  difficult  for  Gentlemen  to  fhew 
that  the  fame  Advantages  are  to  be  expected 
from  a  Jury  ex  vieeneto,  when  the  Conteft  is  not 
between  the  Prince  and  the  People,  or  Subjecl: 
and  Subjecl:,  but  between  the  Subjecl:  and  the 
whole  Republick.  When  the  Conteft  lies  be- 
tween a  Subject  and  the  whole  Community, 
Juries  cannot  be  fuppos'd  to  have  any  Know- 
ledge but  of  one  Party  ;  viz.  the  individual 
Subject  under  Profecution  :  And  knowing  him 
only,  will  naturally  be  under  a  ftrong  Bias  to 
favour  their  Acquaintance.  A  fmall  Experience 
in  human  Nature  will  thoroughly  convince  us, 
that  no  Men  are  equally  anxious  for  the  Pub- 
lick  in  general,  as  they  are  for  their  Friends, 
and  thole  they  have  fome  perfonal  Knowledge 
of :  Juries  therefore  cannot  be  fuppos'd  fo  im- 
partial and  unprejudiced,  in  judging  between  their 
Friends  or  Acquaintance,  and  the  Publick,  as 
between  one  Friend  or  Acquaintance,  and  ano- 
ther. In  ronfirmation  of  this,  it  is  obfervable 
that  in  all  thofe  particular  Places  of  the  King 


(    27    ) 

dom,  where  the  Practice  of  {defrauding  the  Pub- 
lick  prevails,  and  is  become  cuftomary  and  fafhi- 
onable,    the    whole  Neighbourhood    in  general 
is  prejudic'd    in  Favour   of  thofe  Practices,  and 
judge    'em    inoffenfive    without    the    leaft   Re- 
morfe  •,    and    therefore    Juries    being    viceneto, 
renders   them  more  liable  to  Sufpicion  of  Pre- 
judice and  Partiality.     Where  Deer-ftealing  and 
Running  of  Brandy  are  daily  practis'd,  the  whole 
Neighbourhood  look  on  them  as  harmlefs   and 
molten  five  as  Vapfts  do  pious  Frauds  ;  and  the 
Laws  to  reftrain  and  obftruct  them,  as  fo  many 
ievere  Encroachments   on  their  Liberties. 

Had  the  Excife-Bill  pafs'd,  the  Subject  could 
not  poflibly  have  received  any  Injury  from  the 
Crown,  though  they  had  been  depriv'd  of  Try- 
als  by  Juries  •,  becaufe  every  Motive  to  Injury 
and  Oppreffion  was  abfolutely  taken  away. 
For  that  Part  of  the  Duty  upon  Wine  and  To- 
bacco, which  is  appropriated  to  his  Majeftfs 
Civil  Lift -Revenue,  for  the  Support  of  his  Royal 
Houfhold,  was,  by  the  Scheme,  to  have  been 
collected  at  the  Cuftomhoufe,  under  thofe  Laws 
as  it  always  has  been.  So  that  the  Whole, 
fchem'd  to  have  been  raifed  by  this  Mutation, 
would  have  went  into  the  publick  Treafure  of 
the  Nation,  and  not  one  fingle  Penny  into  the 
' private  Coffers  of  his  Majefty,  as  has  been  dif- 
honourably  and  invidioufly  infmuated. 

All  Contefts   therefore  arifing  from  the  Ex- 
cife,  and  friable  by   their  Laws,  would  not  have 
been   between  the  Crown  and  Subjefl,    bin;  be- 
tween the  Publick  and  every  Delinquent.    What 
Interelt  then,  Sir,  can  it  be  to  the  Crown,  whe- 
ther any  Conteft  between  Subject    and  Subject, 
^or  between  one  Subject  and  the  whole  Body,  be 
D  2  decided 

(  28  ) 

decided  by  a  Jury  or  not  ?  Let  the  Event  turn 
out  as  it  will,  the  Crown  cannot  pofiibly  be 
any  ways  intereftcd  in  it. 

To  furmife  that  iheCommiJ[ioqers,  when  it  is 
abfokitely  out  of  their  Power  to  recommend 
themfe'ves  to  a  Prince  or  a  prime  Minijler^ 
fhould,  meeriy  from  a  Spirit  of  publick  Op- 
prefficn,  tyrannize  over  the  fair  Trader,  is  fuch 
a  wild  and  romantick  Suggeihon,  that  cannot 
enter  the  Heart  of  any  Man,  but  fuch  who 
take  all  Men's  Souls  to  be  as  corrupt,  bafe, 
and   vitiated  as  their  own. 

But  further;  a  Jury  can  only  determine  Facts. 
Now  all  exciieable  Commodities  are  legally  feiz- 
able,  when  they  are  catch'd  without  the  proper 
Certificate,  a  Permit.  The  Negative  therefore 
in  this  IiTue  is  felf-evident  and  incontestable  \ 
for  a  Jury  cannot  find  that  a  Trader  has  a 
Permit,  when  the  fame  cannot  be  produced  •,  or 
that  he  had  regiiter'd'  his  Houfe  as  a  Trader, 
when  the  Registry -Books  manifeft  the  Reverfe. 
Was  every  Con  reft  of  this  Sort  arifmg  in  the 
Excife  to  be  deter min'd  by  Juries  and  Forms 
of  Law,  there  muft  be  all  the  neceiTary  and  ex- 
penfive  Pleadings  previous  to  fuch  Tryal  •,  and 
as  the  Decision  would  chiefly  hinge  upon  fome 
finglq  Fact  in  Queition,  which  in  its  Nature  is 
apparent  a  Jury  cannot  find  a  Verdict  of  the 
'i  ruth  of  a  Fact  upon  their  Oaths,  contrary  to 
common  Senfe,  and  the  Evidence  before  them. 
Tn:y  cai  t  find  a  Man  has  a  Permit  when 
.  he  n   a  Jury  hns  found  fuch 

a  Fact,   by   •'  .   the  Judge  muft 

gjve  Judgmer,:,  according  to  the  Letter  of  the 
Law,  for  all  Forfeitures  and  Penalties  ineurr'd 
fuch  cittermin'd  Fact,    without  any  Power 


(   29  ) 

.of  Mitigation  whatfoever  :  So  that  every  Mif- 
take  or  Inadvertency  might  prove  as  fatal  to 
an  innocent  and  honourable  'Trader  in  Weftminfter- 
Hall,  as  a  corrupt  defigning  Fraud  in  a  Smuggler. 
In  fhort,  Sir,  they  who  infift  upon  the  great  Ne- 
ceffity  of  a  Jury  to  try  Fads  fo ,  felf-evidenr, 
or  are  weak,  or  wicked  enough  to  lay  this  De- 
privation of  Tryals  by  Juries  is  contrary  to 
Magna  Cbarta,  may  with  equal  Reafon  affirm 
that  Euclid's  Elements  are  contrary  to  Magna 
Cbarta,  becaufe  they  are  arbitrarily  determined 
by  Demonfi  ration  only,  and  not  by  a  Jury  : 
Nor,  according  to  thefe  Men,  can  any  Law 
whatfoever  be  enacted  without,  in  fome  Mea- 
fure,  infringing  upon    Magna  Cbarta. 

The  Comjnijp.  oners  of  Excife,  Sir,  confider'd 
in  their  juft  Pofition  and  Attitude,  between  the 
Publick  and  every  private  Offender  againft  the 
Publick,  will  rather  appear  as  Mitigators  and 
Mediators  of  the  Law,  than  as  Judges  or  Pro- 
fecutors,  as  has  been  infamoully  aifei  ted  by  Men 
who  will  dare  to  fay  any  Thing.  For,  by  the 
Letter  of  the  Law,  there  are  few  Things  chal- 
leng'd  before  them,  but  what  are  feizable :  But 
when  any  Circumitances  arife  upon  Evidence, 
in  the  leaft  Appearance  fubftantial  ;  as  that  the 
Goods  have  become  feizable  by  Accident,  Over- 
fight, or  Inadvertency, they  are  redeliver'd  to  the 
Proprietor,  and  all  Fines,  Forfeitures  and  Pe- 
nalties remitted :  Which  is  fuch  an  Eafe  to  the 
Trader,  that  Courts  of  Law,  where  Juries  are 
a'low'd,  cannot  give. 

This,  Sir,  is  the  well  known  Conduct  of  thofe 
Gentlemen,  whofe  Characters  have,  notwithstand- 
ing, been  fo  infamoufly  tradue'd  :  Nay,  fuch 
favourable  Conceffions  have    they   been  known 


(  3°  ) 

to  make  to  the  Trader,  that  when  Goods  have 
been  regularly  feiz'd  and  lawfully  condemn'd  ; 
yet  if  afterwards  there  was  room  to  fufpect  any 
Partiality  in  the  Evidence,  the  Commijjioners 
have  upon  all  fuch  Occafions  advis'd  the  Trader 
to  petition  ;  thereupon  granted  a  Re-hearing, 
and  revers'd  their  former  Judgment. 

Nor  can  we  have  any  reafonable  Apprehen- 
flons  of  their  ever  Acting  otherwife  ;  fince  the 
■  Crown  would  have  been  totally  difinterefted  in 
committing  any  Opprefiion  or  Hardfhip  upon 
the  Trading  Subject.  The  Crown  would  have 
been  meerly  mimfierial  in  the  Collection  of  this 
Part  of  the  Revenue,  and  acted  by  Virtue  of  its 
executive  Power  only.  Whether  there  be  more 
or  Ids  arifing  from  the  Excife,  it  cannot  affect 
the  Prerogative  \  fo  that  all  this  Clamor  and 
iham  Zeal  for  Liberty,  is  palpably  defign'd  to 
mifguide  and  difaffect  the  People.  Throughout 
this  Controverfy,  Ge?itlemen  purpofely  con- 
found and  unite  Ideas,  that  Reafon  points  out 
to  be  clearly  feparated  and  diftinguifh'd.  Thus 
have  they  renrefented  Magna  Charta  and  the 
vjhele  Cor.ftiiution,  as  one  and  the  fame  Thing  ; 
the  Prerogative,  or  Power  inherent  in  the  Perfon 
of  the  King  independent  of  the  Legijlature,  and 
the  executive  Power,  or  that  Power  entrufted 
in  the  King  by  the  Legijlature,  as  fynonymous  •, 
the  publick  Revenue  of  the  Kingdom,  as  the 
private  Income  and  Riches  of  the  King  himfelf ; 
than  all  which  nothing  can  be  more  wicked, 
thus  to  imDofe  upon  the  weak  Underftandings 
of  the  Commonalty,  who,  they  know,  cannot 
eafily  make   thefe   proper   Diftinctions. 

What  I  am  not  a  little  furpriz'd  at,  is,  that 
Traders,,  of  a  fudden,   mould  grow  fo   fond  of 


(  3*  ) 

Wejlminfter-llall  Procefies.  In  the  CourCe  of 
my  Experience,  Sir,  I  never  heard  of  a  Trader, 
unlefs  a  very  litigious  one  indeed,  that  p refer' d 
their  Determinations  to  thofe  of  the  CommiJJio- 
ners of  Excife  ;  and  therefore  we  may  fufpedt 
thefe  Gentlemen  are  either  not  in  earned,  or 
don't  underftand  what  they  talk  about.  A  Sum- 
mary Way  will  moft  expedite  Trade,  and  is 
confonant  with  their  own  fpontaneous  Practices 
of  having  Recourfe  to  Arbitration  rather  than 
Law  ;  and  as  every  Motive  to  Partiality  was 
taken  away  from  the  CommiJJioners,  they  may 
be  juftly  confider'd  in  that  Light. 

Had  this  Deprivation  of  Juries  beenjudg'd 
areal  Hardfhip  to  Traders,  when  cooly  and 
difpaffionately  difcufs'd  by  Parliament,  and  not 
made  a*  warm  Party- Affair  of,  it  is  not  to  be 
doubted  but  Juries  would  have  been  granted. 
Hut,  if  Traders  had  their  Option,  we  mould 
foon  fee  whether  they  would  not  rather  vifit 
the  CommiJJioners  than  Weft  minjier -Hail ;  rather 
have  the  Privilege  of  pleading  their  own  Caufe, 
and  giving  a  Narrative  of  their  own  Evidence, 
in  a  concife  and  unexpenfive  Manner,  than  to 
be  oblig'd  to  tedious  Attendancies,  and  feeing 
Council,  Attorney  and  Solicitor. 

If  the  CommiJJioners  of  the  Excife  are  fuch 
Oppreffors  as  we  have  been  told  they  are,  I 
think  thofe  Traders,  who  at  prefent  are  under 
the  Excife-Laws,  have  no  (mall  Reafon  to  be 
angry  with  the  Oppofers  of  this  Scheme  ;  be- 
caufe  it  propos'd  the  Juftices  of  the  Courts  of 
Kings- Bench,  and  Common-Pleas,  and  Barons  of 
the  Coif  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer  as  Checks 
upon  them  :  All  Appeals  being  Jrom  the  Com- 
miffioncrs  to  the  Judges  ;  and  to  be  carried  on 


(    32) 

in  the  Tame  plain,  eafy  and  unexpenfive  Way 
as'is  daily  done  before  the  Commiffioners.  Does 
fuch  a  Propofition  as  this  look  like  a  Defign 
upon  our  Liberties?  What  can  be  more  con- 
defcending  to  the  Humour  of  Traders  ?  What 
indicate  more  Tendernefs  and  Regard  to  the 
Eafe  of  the  Subject,  than  to  change  the  Laws, 
that  have  been  fo  many  Years  eftablifh'd,  and 
never  'till  now  judg'd  oppreffive,  in  Compliance 
to  a  Spirit  that  has  been  rais'd  meerly  by  Art 
and  Mif-reprefentation  ? 

This  propofed  Alteration,  indeed,  has  been  fet 
forth  in  a  very  low  Light,  and  as  no  extra- 
ordinary Grant ;  but,  I  cannot  but  think  dif- 
ferently of  it  •,  and  fo  mull  all  Traders  too,  un- 
lefs  the  fcurrilous  Invectives  that  have  been  call 
upon  the  Commiffioners  are  groundlefs. 

Judges  of  the  Common-Law,  who  are  plac'd 
in  the  mod  confpicuous  Point  of  Light,  and 
whofe  Determinations  are  facredly  recorded  a- 
midfl  the  pureft  Syftem  of  Reafoning  and  Juftice, 
that  human  Nature  is  capable  of,  can  hardly 
be  fuppos'd  to  forfeit  their  Honour  and  Repu- 
tation upon  account  of  a  paultry  Seizure;  which, 
as  I  have  before  fhewn,  is  a  Conteft  between 
the  Pubiick  and  Individuals,  and  therefore  can 
admit  of  no  Incitement  to  Injultice. 

'Tis  true  they  are  put  in  by  the  Crown,  but 
it  is  for  Life  ;  and  can  it  be  fuggefted,  that, 
three  of  thofe  Sages  mould  be  Confederates  in 
Opprefiion ;  Men  diftinguifh'd  in  all  Ages  for 
their  great  Wifdom  and  Integrity,  and  among 
whom  there  is  generally  an  Emulation  to  excel 
in  Wifdom  and  Uprightnefs  ? 

Mer.  You  pafs  by,  Sir,  unanfwer'd  the  grand 
Objection,   viz.    that  Officers  who  have  a  Share 


f  33  ) 

of  the  Forfeiture  are  allow'd  to  be  Evidence 
again  ft  the  Subject,  and  are  therefore  under  a 
very  ftrong  Temptation  to  be  partial  in  their 
Evidence  in  Prejudice  to  the  Trader  :  Which  is 
vifibly  repugnant  to  the  Conftitution,  and  all 
known  Rules  of  Law  and  Equity. 

Lanclh.  You  do  well,  Sir,  to  remind  me-, 
that  Particular  had  flip'd  my  Notice.  Thefe 
Objectors  make  no  Difference  between  Offences 
committed  by  one  Individual  againft  another, 
and  Oifences  committed  by  Individuals  agiinft 
die  whole  Community  ;  whereas  nothing  is  more 
diftinct,  nor  requires  more  different  Methods 
in  their  Dccifion. 

It  is  true,  in  determining  Contefts  between 
Individuals,  no  Perfon  is  allow'd  to  be  a  Wit- 
nefs  who  has  an  Intereft  in  the  Event;  but 
why  ?  Becaufe  perfonal  Intereft  is  judg'd  an 
Excitement  fufRcient  to  profecute  Offences  com- 
mitted againft  themfelves.  Difinterefted  Perfons 
upon  fuch  Occafions  are  always  ready  to  give 
their  Teftimony  •,  but  Offences  of  a  publick  Na- 
ture are  attended  with  a  Lukewarmnefs  and  In- 
differency.  Experience  puts  it  beyond  difpute 
that  Men  never  have  it  fo  much  at  Heart  to  de- 
tect, profecute,or  bear  witnefs  againft  publick  Of- 
fenders, as  againft  the  perfonal  Injurers  of  them- 
felves, Friends,  Relations  or  Neighbours.  Now, 
as  it  is  of  the  higheft  Moment  and  Concern  to  So- 
ciety, that  Offences  of  a  publick  Nature  fhould 
becxemplarily  punifh'd,  there  muft  of  Neceflity 
be  fome  political  Means  ufed  to  encourage  Men 
to  publick  Profecutions.  Upon  this  Confidera- 
tion  it  is  that  the  Legislature,  and  the  greateft 
Sages  in  the  Laws,  have  alway  wifely  admitted 
Men  to  be  good  Witneffes,  who  had  an  Ad- 
E  vantage 

(  34  ) 

vantage  in  convicting  the  Offender ;  even  in 
Cafes  where  the  Offence  is  capital.  Not  only 
the  Laws  of  Great  Britain  admit  of  this,  but 
thofe  of  all  civiliz'd  and  well-policy'd  States 
abound  with  Inftances  of  this   Sort. 

This  Privilege  however  is  not  only  allow'd 
to  Excife-Officers  ;  but  every  common  Subject, 
who  has  no  Place  under  the  Government,  has 
equal  Right  to  give  Information  •,  and  upon 
Conviction  of  the  Offender  is  entitl'd  by  Law 
to  the  Reward.  If  your  Objection,  Sir,  be  an 
Argument  againft  paffing  the  late  Excife-Bill, 
then,  by  Parity  of  Reafon,  all  Laws  for  de- 
tecting Highway-Men  and  Robbers  ought  to  be 
repeal'd,  and  none  fhould  be  puniih'd  for  Of- 
fences committed  againft  the  Publick,  'till  we 
can  find  fuch  God-mortals  among  us,  as  to  put 
them fe Ives  to  the  Expence  and  Trouble  of  pro- 
fecuting  publick  Offenders,  meerly  and  only 
from  a  pure  Spirit  of  Patriotifm  and  publick 
Good.  The  Reluctancy  in  Men  to  bring  pub- 
lick Offenders  to  Juftice,  appears  in  jnothing 
more  confpicuous  and  unqueftionable,  than  by 
the  Law  that  is  made  to  prevent  the  Compound- 
ing of  Felony.  The  admitting  Evidence,  there- 
fore, who  have  an  Intereft  in  the  Event,  is  an 
Exigency  of  all  States,  and  Exeifemen  are  as 
much  Neceflitudvies  Reipublic<z,  as  any  other 
Friends  to  Society. 

Mer.  You  feem  to  have  thought  clofely  about 
the  Subject,  Sir  John,  indeed  ;  but  there  are 
divers  other  Objections,  which  with  me  are  of 
no  inconfiderable  Weight ;  and  may  put  you 
pretty  much  upon  the  Stretch  to  get  over.  Trade, 
Sir,  you  are  fenfible,  cannot  be  fupported  but 
by   a  mutual  Confidence  among    the    Trading 


(  35  ) 

World,  his  in  the  Power  of  Excifemen  often- 
times to  deftroy  a  Man's  Credit,  by  reprefent- 
ing  of  his  Circumftances,  by  prying  into  the  Se- 
crets of  Trades,  fetting  them  up  without  hav- 
ing duly  been  brought  up  to  'em,  and  by  giv- 
ing Information  of  the  State  and  Currency  of 
a  Man's  Bufinefs  :  So  that  Traders  may  be  in- 
fenfibly  ruin'd,  and  remain  totally  ignorant  of 
the  Caufes  of  their  Misfortune. 

Landh.  This  Objection  has  been  warmly  band- 
ed about,  as  well  by  the  antiminifierial  Mer- 
cenaries, as  by  fome  prating  Demagogues ;  but, 
with  all  the  Reafon  I  am  Matter  of,  I  could  never 
difcern  that  Strength  in  it,  that  fome  have  pre- 
tended to  difcover. 

From  the  Reafons  I  urg'd  before,  why  Officers 
cannot  be  worfe  than  other  Men,  may  be  in- 
ferr'd  they  are  no  better.  But  the  great  Impro- 
bability, or  rather  Impofllbility,  of  their  ever 
doing  Injury  to  Traders  by  any  fuch  Meafures, 
will  render  this  Objection  very  frivolous.  For 
Officers  have  no  Power  to  learn  the  Myftcries 
pf  their  Trades  •,  the  Time  they  have  to  dif- 
patch  their  Bufinefs,  will  nor  allow 'em  to  make 
Enquiry  or  Obfervation  fufhcient  for  any  fuch 
Purpofe.  The  utmoft  they  can  pofTibly  learn 
is,  whether  a  Trader  be  a  confiderable,  a  fmall, 
or  a  trifling  Dealer;  and  this  is  no  more  than 
what  any  one  may  know,  if  they  have  Curi- 
ofity  to  be  inquifitive  into  others  Affairs.  The 
Trader  is  only  to  enter  what  he  fells  for  pub- 
lick  Infpection,  not  what  Credit  he  gives  or 
takes,  or  the  honed  Secrets  and  Myfteries  in 
manufacturing   his  Commodities. 

Let  it  be  admitted,  as  I  imagine  it  will  fcarce 

be  controverted,  that  in  all  the  Shops  furvey'd 

E  2  by 

(  36  ) 

by  a  fingle  Excifeman,  there  are  an  hundred  Ser- 
vants, either  with  Clerks  and  Book-Keepers,  or 
f  Xenial,  alway  refident  in  their  Mailer's  Bufinefs, 
and  more  privy  to  their  Secrets  than  it  ispoffible 
ior,  Excifemen  to  be  by  tranfient  Surveys:  Thefe 
Servants  alfo  are  generally  pretty  converfant  with* 
one  another,  change  their  Places,  compare  Notes, 
and  communicate  their  Knowlege  of  their  Maf- 
ter's  Secrets  thro*  an  hundred  of  them.     Now, 
if  we  admit  a  Common  Officer  to  collect  as  much 
Knowledge  of  the  Privacies  of  the  feveral  Trad- 
ers they  furvey,  as  the  whole  hundred  Sevants, 
("which,  by  the  way,  is  not  very  poffible),    of 
what  Detriment  to  Traders   can    the  additional 
Knowledge  of  a  poor   Officer   be,  "when    their 
Myfteries  are    knowable    by  fo  many  be  fides? 
What  may  be  known  to  fo  many  can  never  be 
a  Secret  long  ;    and  therefore   this  Rumour   of 
the  Difcovery  of    Traders  Secrets  is  meer   Gri- 
mace,   and  only    to  be  laugh'd   at  by  Men  of 
Senfe,  who  fee  thro'  fuch  Cobv/eb  Traih. 

Should  it  be  faid,  that  there  is  not  fo  much 
Danger  of  a  Servant's  betraying  his  M after,  as 
there  is  of  an  Excifcman,  becaufe  the  Servant  is 
liable  to  an  immediate  Difcharge,  upon  the  fir  ft 
Detection  of  his  Infidelity,  I  anfwer  •,  that  every 
M  after  has  the  fame  Power  of  difchargirg  an 
Of.cer  as  well  as  a  common  Servant,  provided 
he  can  prove  that  he  has  prejudic'cl  him  m  his 
Trade-,  and  that  before  the  Cofnmtfji  oners,  by 
reprefenting  the  Cafe  with  fuch  Circumftances 
or  Truth,  as  may  give  full  Conviction  or  the 
Charge  againit  him.  And  I  may  deiy  the  Pub- 
lick  to  produce  even  one  Iriftance  where  any 
Complaint  of  that  Sort  was  ever  made,  with 
/    leaft  Colour  of  Truth   to  fupport  it,    and 


(  37  )  • 

that  the  Officer  was  not  immediately  dif- 

The  next  Part  of  your  Argument,  Sir,  I  think 
very  trivial  indeed  ;  but  as  many  have  not  been 
afham'd  to' urge  it,  I  fee  no  Reafon  why  I  mould 
fcruple  to  aniwer  it.  It  is  this  •,  That  Officers 
have  fometimes  prefum'd  to  fet  up  a  Bufmefs 
they  furvey,  without  being  regularly  bred  to  it. 
It  is  not  impoffible  but,  at  fome  Time  or  other, 
fome  of  thefe  poor  Slaves  may  have  had  the 
Ambition  to  fet  up  a  Publick  Houfe,  or  a 
Chandler's  Shop,  as  thoufands  of  Footmen  have 
done  ;  but  I  never  heard  that  their  deep  Know- 
ledge by  Inflection,  ever  made  them  fo  wife 
as  to  venture  upon  a  Tallow-Chandler,  Brewer, 
or  Diftiller,  &c.  A  thouland  Objeciions  of  this 
Sort  will  fcarce  weigh  clown,  in  the  Scale  of 
juit  Argument,  a  thoufandth  Part  of  one  of  the 
publick  Advantages  that  would  accompany  the 
pefign,  was  it  put  in  Execution.  Sometimes 
thefe  poor  Fellows  are  painted  in  the  black' ft 
Colours  \  as  ignorant,  indolent  and  imperious 
Creatures,  unfit  for  any  Thing  but  Excijemrp : 
At  other  Times  they  are  the  moil  penetrating, 
fagacious,  diligent  and  well-behav'd  Enquirers 
into  the   great  Myiteries  of  Mankind! 

For  an  Exciseman  to  know  the  Circumfcances. 
of  a  Merchant,  any  otherwife  than  the  Publick 
does  by  his  Exports  and  Imports,  is  very  im- 
probable -,  nor  can  it  enter  into  my  Head  liow  Re- 
tailers can  furfer  in  this  Refpect.  Country  Shop- 
Keepers  deal  in  thirty  or  forty  different  Commo- 
dities, and  perhaps  half-a-dozen  of  'em  only  ex- 
cited ones  ;  how  a  Knowledge  of  one  fifth  or 
fixth  Part  of  their  Bufmefs  fhould  enable  an  Officer 
to  fpread  the  Whole  of  a  Trader's  Circumflances, 


(  3«  ) 

or  make  any  Report  thereof  that  would  be  cre- 
dited, is  to  me  an   inexplicable  Paradox. 

However,  Sir,  fuppofing  all  the  Secrets,  and 
all  the  Circumftances  of  Traders  in  general 
were  laid  fairly  and  nakedly  open  to  the  World, 
it  might  prove  a  national  Biefiing,  for  ought 
I  know.  This,  I  prefume  to  affirm,  would  be 
one  happy  Confequence  •,  that  Bankrupts,  and 
Cheats  would  not  be  fo  numerous  :  Traders 
would  be  more  upon  their  Guard,  live  fui table 
to  their  Fortune  and  Condition,  and  drive  to 
fupport  their  Credit  by  Honour  and  Honefty, 
not  by  Craft  and  Knavery. 

But,,  Sir,  if  you  will  permit  me  to  appeal  to  that 
infallible  Touchltone,  Experience,  the  Objection 
will  appear  to  be  of  no  Weight  at  all.  For  fo 
far  have  Excifes  prov'd  from  being  any  real  Pre- 
judice to  Traders,  that  as  many  confiderable 
Eftates  have  been  acquir'd  by  the  Sale  of  ex~ 
cifed  Commodities,  as  by  any  that  are  not  .fo. 
To  fupport  me  in  this  Affertion,  I  need  only 
mention  the  reputable  Names  of  Braver,  Dif- 
tiller,  Leather 'feller,  Soap-boiler,  Druggiji,  &c. 
which  are  univerfally  efteem'd  fome  of  the  mod 
profitable  Trades  in  the  Nation  ;  and  therefore 
the  Excife  is  very  far  from  making  Beggars  of 
thofe  who  are  under  its  Laws. 

Mer.  The  Objections  I  have  hitherto  made, 
Sir,  are  of  little  Weight  in  comparifon  with 
what  I  have  to  offer.  There  is  a  Pamphlet  lately 
publihYd,  Sir,  entitled,  a  Letter  from  a  Member 
of  Parliament,  giving  Reafons  for  his  oppofing  the 
Excife- Scheme,  Jhewing  that  had  the  late  Attempt 
fucceeded,  it  had  been  deflrnclive  of  Parliaments, 
and  fatal  to  the  Conjlitntion.  As  but  a  few  Days 
are  pafs'd  fince  I  read  it,  the  Subftance  is  freih 


(  39  ) 

in  my  Memory.  The  grand  Argument  by 
which  he  has  prov'd  his  AiTertion,  feems  to  me 
the  moil  cogent  that  has  ever  yet  been  urg'd 
againft  the  Bill  :  It  runs  thus,  viz.  cw  That 
'*  this  Scheme  would  have  fettled  all  the  Re- 
il  venue  arifing  from  it  in  Perpetuity  upon  the 
"  Crown,  which  would  deftroy  that  mutual 
"  Dependency  between  Princes  and  Parlia- 
"  ments."  For  thus  the  Author  argues ;  "  His 
"  Majefty  is  necefiary  to  us  for  the  End  of 
"  Government,  Protection.  We  are  necefiary 
"to  him  for  the  Means,  Money.  Now, 
"  whatever  tends  to  weaken  or  deftroy  this 
<c  mutual  Neceffity,  muft  of  Courfe  deftroy 
"  that  Harmony,  by  taking  away  the  funda- 
"  mental  Caufe  of  it.  That  this  would  have 
<c  been  the  Cafe,  had  the  late  Attempt  fuc- 
"  ceeded,  will  be  evident,  if  you  confkier  that 
*\  thofe  Duties  were  to  have  been  given  in  Per- 
"  fetuity  inftead  of  a  Land-Tax  granted  an- 
"  nuatty,  and  appropriated  to  the  current  Ser- 
*'  vice  of  the  Year  as  the  Wifdom  of  Parlia- 
"  ment  judg'd  neceifary." 

Landb.  The  Pamphlet  you  mention,  Sir,  was 
fent  me  down  laft  Week  :  Which  I  muft  allow 
to  be  drawn  up  in  a  very  artful  and  elaborate 
Manner.  The  Argument  you  have  pitch'd  upon, 
indeed,  is  the  chief  in  the  Performance  •,  and 
becaufe  its  Authors  are  very  fond  of  it,  have 
retail'd  in  again  in  the  Craft fman.  But  if  this, 
Sir,  be  all  they  have  left  to  fay  for  themfelves, 
I  hope  foon  to  undeceive  you. 

As  the  Law  ftands  at  prefent,  all  Wine  and 
Tobacco  ought  to  pay  fully  flich  certain  Duties, 
as  by  Ad  of  Parliament  are  legally  impos'd 
upon  them.  The  whole  Sum  which  mould  arife  as 

(  4°  ) 

a  Duty  upon  every  Pound  of  Tobacco,  and  every 
Pint  of  Wine  imported  into,  and  confumed  in 
this  Kingdom,  is  already  charged,  granted,  ap- 
propriated and  limited  in  as  full  a  Manner 
as  by  the  intended  Bill  was  propofed :  By 
which  there  was  to  have  been  no  new  Charge 
laid,  or  any  Thing  granted,  appropriated  or 
perpetuated,  but  what  was  actually  fo  before  ; 
and  has  been  for  many  Years.  Your  Author's 
Insinuation  therefore  of  the  intended  Excife  be- 
ing a  perpetual  Fund,  in  Oppofition  to  the 
Cujloms  not  being  fo,  is  an  Inftance  of  the 
greateif.  Difingenuity  ■,  and  (hews  to  what  con- 
temptible Shifts  thefe  Gentlemen  are  reduc'd,  to 
keep  up  the  Spirit  they  are  fo  indefatigable  to 

If  it  be  faid,  they  oppofe  the  Perpetuity  of  the 
Cufloms  to  the  annual  Duration of  the  Land- Tax 
to  be  taken  off,  yet  the  Confequence  they  draw 
of  the  Danger  to  Parliaments  is  remote  from 
the  Point ;  becaufd  whether  the  Land-Tax  be 
continued  or  difcontinued,  thofe  Duties  wi'l  ne- 
verthelefs  remain  an  appropriated  Fund  for  the 
Support  of  the  State.  For  our  Anceftors  have 
very  wifely  judg'd  not  to  make  the  Land-Tax 
a  perpetual  Fund,  as  thefe  Gentlemen  contend 
for,  but  only  have  appropriated  Taxes  upon 
foreign  Luxuries  and  Superfluities. 

Thefe  Gentlemen  therefore,  Sir,  are  now  re- 
duced to  this  plain  Qjeftion  •,  whether  the  Pre- 
vention of  Frauds  in  the  Collection  cf  thefe 
Duties,  in  order  to  eafe  the  Land,  can  have 
any  fuch  Effect  as  to  defcroy  that  mutual  De- 
pendency necefiary  to  be  preferv'd  between 
Princes  and  Parliaments,  and  thereby  to  render 
their  Meetings  lefs  frequent  ?  If  they  fay  it  can  -, 


(;M    ) 

then  it  will  follow,  from  their  own  Way  of 
Reafoning,  that  the  more  Frauds  that  are  com- 
mitted in  the  Collection  of  any  Branch  of  the 
Revenue,  the  greater  Prefervation  will  it  be  to 
the  Conftitution  %  becaufe  it  is  certain  that  it 
will  be  neceffary  for  the  Parliament  to  meet 
the  oftner  to  raife  Money  to  fupply  thefe  frau- 
dulent Deficiencies*  Nay,  fo  far  may  this  ad- 
mirable  Argument  of  theirs  be  carried,  that 
thole  who  were  guilty  of  Burglary,  and  actually 
robbed  the  Exchequer,  or  ihall  ever  hereafter 
rob  it,  are  the  moil  eminent  Patriots,  and  con- 
tribute by  fuch  Robberies  to  the  Prefervation  of 
the  Conftitution:  For  thereby  it  is  certain  that  lefs 
will  come  into  the  Exchequer,  Princes  will  have 
lefs  to  mifapply,  and  there  will  be  more  frequent 
Occafions  for  the  calling  of  Parliaments,  to  lay 
new  Taxes  to  makeup  for  thefe  Loffes  occafion'd 
by  Smuggling  and  Robbery.  Thus,  Sir,  have  thefe 
penetrating  Politicians  made  a  moft  notable  Dif- 
covery;  which  they  may  regifler  in  their  politi- 
cal Canon  ;  viz.  That  Robbers  of  the  publick 
Revenue,  and  Plunderers  of  the  Exchequer  are 
fome  of  the  great efl  Benefactors  to  the  State. 

From  that  Author's  Way  cf  Arguing,  one 
would  be  apt  to  imagine  the  Sum,  purpos'd  to 
be  rais'd  by  the  Excife-Scheme,  was  immenfly 
great,  that,  as  he  fays,  it  would  put  a  Stop 
to  the  Affembling  of  Parliaments  to  raife  more. 
The  utmoft  that  the  Surplus  has  ever  been 
fuppos'd  to  arife  to,  is  but  500,000  /.  a  Year, 
juit  a  Sufficiency  to  eafe  the  Land  ;  which  is 
not  above  one  eleventh  Part  of  the  whole  na- 
tional Revenue  •,  and  yet,  according  to  their 
new  Way  of  Reafoning,  the  Meeting  of  Par- 
liaments would  not  have  been  neceffary  to  raife 

F  the 

'  (    42    ) 

the  other  Part.  Tho'  fome  Part  of  the  other 
ten  Elevenths  may  be  afcertain'd  to  the  Publick, 
yet  if  the  Parliament  always  takes  Care-  of  a 
confiderable  annual  Referve  in  their  own  Breaft, 
there  can  be  no  Danger  of  the  Deftruction  of 
that  mutual  Neceffity  and  Harmony  between 
Princes  and  Parliaments,  becaufe  the  fundamen- 
tal Cauie  thereof  will  ftill   fubfift. 

When  thefe  Gentlemen  think  to  fhew,  that 
the  Scheme  might  have  prejudic'd  the  Confti- 
tution,  they  magnify  the  Sum  it  would  have 
rais'd  to  an  enormous  Size  •,  even  to  fo  great  a 
Degree,  that  it  would  have  render'd  Parliaments 
unneceflary,  and  been  deftrucYrve  of  their  very 
Being :  But  when  they  are  in  a  Strain  for  ex- 
ploding the  Scheme,  and  (hewing  its  Ineffici- 
ency to  anfwer  the  End  propos'd  ;  (viz.  the 
Eaie  of  the  Land),  then  they  fink  the  Sum  to 
a  very  diminutive  Degree  :  So  that  thefe  two  con- 
tradictory Arguments  deftroy  the  Force  of  each 
other.  By  the  firft  they  tacitly  acknowledge 
the  Extenfivenefs  of  the  Frauds  at  the  Cufio?ns, 
becaufe  the  Prevention  of  'em  would  have  pro- 
duc'd  fo  confiderable  a  Surplus  ;  by  the  latter 
they  reprefent  the  Surplus  to  be  fo  minute  and 
inconfiderable,  that  it  is  impoffible  it  mould 
have  any  fuch  Effect  upon  Parliaments :  By 
their  pretended  anticonftitution  Argument,  they 
confers  the  Necefiity  of  a  Scheme  to  prevent 
the  Frauds ;  by  the  other,  the  Impoffibility  of 
fuch  a  Scheme  being  of  any  Prejudice  to  the 
Conftitution.  How  natural  you  fee,  Sir,  is  it 
for  Truth  to  break  out,  tho'  ever  fo  much  dif* 
guis'd  and  invelop'd   with  Error  ! 

But  I   have  not,    yet,    done    with  this   Ar- 
gument of  theirs ;    for  it  may  very  dextroufly 


(43  ) 

be  applied,    by    thefe  firft-rate   Politicians,    a* 
well  againft  the  Encreafe  of  our  Trade,  as  a- 
gainft   the  Excife-BilL     For  if  his  Majejly,  by 
any  wife  Scheme,  Treaty,  or  Negotiation  mould 
augment  our  Commerce  in  general,  and  thereby 
our  Exports  and  Imports  to   double   what   they 
are   at   prefent,    it   is   certain,    in   Confequence 
thereof,  the  Cuftojns  would  be  double  what  they 
are  at  prefent:    But  was   there  any    Truth    in 
what  your    favorite   Writer  urges,    (from    the 
Danger   of  encreafing    the    Duties,)    fuch    wife 
Conduct  in  his  Majeity,    would  be  equally  dan- 
gerous to  our  Liberties,  with    the  Excife-Bill  ; 
becaufe,  it  is  certain,  the  more  Money  was  rais'd 
from  thofe  Fountains  of  the  publick  Revenue, 
the  lefs   would   be  necefTary    to    be  rais'd  from 
the  Land,    Soap  and    Candles,    &c.     But  your 
Author,    Sir,    cannot   relifh  taking    off  Taxes 
upon  the  common   Nece Maries  of  Life,    if  the 
fame  Sums  are  to  be  rais'd  uponforeign  Super- 
fluities ;  no  :    That  is  a  Doctrine   that  favours 
too  much  of  arbitrary  Power,  and  the  Deftrutlion 
of  Parliaments.     But  who  will  believe  him  ?    He 
had   better  fpeak    what    he  thinks,    viz.    That 
fuch  a  Scheme  would  only  draw  the  Affections 
of   the  People  too  much   to  its  Propofers  ;   and 
therefore  it  is,    fuch  Gentlemen  fo  violently  op- 
pofe  it.     Whoever  Reads  the  Bill  will  find,  that 
Part  of  the  Cuftoms  intended  to  have  been  con- 
verted into  an  In- land  Duty,   was  to  have  been 
granted  to  the  Crown,  only  during  the  Life  of  his 
Majefty  and  appropriated  to  the  Ufes  of  the  Pub- 
lick,  as  by  other  Acts,  and  that  Bill,  were  duly 
appropriated.     And  therefore  all  that  Author's 
Reflections  on  what  future  wicked  Princes  pofii  - 
bly  may  do,    are  very  low,    and  for  wan:  of 
F  2  fomething 

('44  ) 

fomcthinp;  better  to  fay  •,  fince  the  Parliament 
on  the  Dcmile  of  every  Prince  have  it  in  their 
Power  to  grant  thefe  Taxes  annually,  if  the 
Qualifications  of  tiie  SuccciTor  do  not  recom- 
mend him  to  the  Confidence  of  Parliament  for 
fo  great  a  'Fruit. 

If  then  thefc  Duties  are  not  perpetuated  to  his 
Ma  jelly's  Succefibr,'  but  to  his  Majejly  only  for 
Life  i  how  the  Danger  of  Mifapplication  of 
publick  Money  by  wicked  Princes,  fee  forth 
by  that  Wr.:ter  in  fiich  hideous  Colours,  is  re- 
concilable with  the  Encomiums  beilow'd  on 
his  Majefty  in  other  Parts  of  his  Book,  I  am 
at  a  Lojs  to  comprehend.  In  fhort,  Sir,  the 
natural  Confequence  of  that  Writer's  Suggeftion, 
is  limply  this ;  that  thofe  large  Sums  of  Money, 
which  at  prefent  run  into  the  Hands  of  national 
Robbers  and  Smugglers,  are  more  likely  to  be 
applied  to  the  Good  of  the  Publick,  than  if 
the  fame  Sums  had  been  legally  depofited  into 
the  Exchequer,  and  under  his  Majeiiy's  Royal 
Care,  5till  the  fame  had  been  duly  appropriated 
by  Parliament;  to  the  Eafe  of  the  Landed 
Jnterejl,  as  intended,  An  admirable  C  pli- 
ment  on  his  Majefty,  truly  !  Bleftow'd  on  him 
without  doubt  to  encreafe  tl  £iions  of  his 

People  tpWaxds  him.  Thefq  <SV;-  ..  n  have 
hitherto  chofe    to  v  racier  of  his 

efty   thro'    tl  ' his    j\itntftfy\    but 

;  'V  of  the  Mail:. 

jVur.  That  has  another  Argu- 

:  is  new  'too  ;  it  is,  that  tho* 
the  .  //    his   been    reprefented   as  laying 

no  new.  D  ::y,  yet  it  is  as  great  a  Fallacy  as 
ever  'd  to  a  Houfe  of  Commons.    "   For 

«*  «o  tiQw  i Lands,  fays  he,    it  charges 

'*  t:\c.y 

(  45  ) 

cc  every  Hogfhead  of  Wine  with  fuch  a  Cuftom 
"  upon  Importation  -,  which  once  paid,  I  may 
*c  mix,  adulterate  and  compound   my  Wines  as 
"  I  pleafe,    without  defrauding    the  Revenue  •, 
"  fince   having   paid  all  the  Law  requires,    the 
"  Revenue  has  no  farther  Demand   upon  me  ; 
"  it  is   to  all  Intents  my  own,  and  the  Puhlick 
**  has    no  more  to  do  with  it,    tho'   I   make* 
"  ufe  of  it  as  an  Ingredient  in   twenty    Hogf- 
"  heads  of  Liquor,    which  I  felf  by   the  Name 
'.'  of  Wine.     It  is  true,   I  defraud  the  Publick, 
"  that  is  my  Cuftomer,   if  I  fell  ihern  for  PVine, 
"  what  is  not  both  as  pleaiaqt  and   wholfome 
"  as  Wine  \  and  io  does  a  Cyder-  Mercba;;;,  who 
"  mixes  Turnip- Juice  with  his  Cyder  ;  fo  does 
"  a  Goldjmiih,  who  mixes   his   Gold,    or  Silver 
"  with  too  much  Alloy,  &V.    This,  he  fays  too, 
.  "  gives  a  Sanction  to  fuch  Mixtures,   by  taxing 
"  them  towards  the   Revenue  •,    which    befides 
."  the  Immorality  oi"  ir,  would  be  as  certainly 
"  anew  Tax,  as  taxing  a  whole  Manufacture, 
tc  inftead  of  one  Material  ufed  in  compounding 
"  it;  which  Wine  only  is  fuppos'd   to  be." 

Landh.  It  is  obfcrvable,  Sir,  as  I  have  made 
appear  in  divers  Inftances,  thefe  Objectors  con- 
found the  jufteft  Diftin&ions,  on  purpofe  to  mif- 
lead  and  perplex  their  Readers  ;  and  now  they 
play  the  common  fophiifical  Cheat  upou  us,  by 
making  abfurd  Diftin£tions  without  a  Difference. 
If,  fay  they,  iC  a  Vintner  pays  all  the  Law 
"  requires,  he  does  not  rob  the  Publick  :"  But 
theft?  Men  will  not  confider  that  tho*  the  Vintner 
has  paid  fuch  a  Duty  as  the  Law  requires,  yc  r. 
if  he  does  not  fell  Wine,  but 'any  Quantity  of 
Mixture  amongft  it  (we  will  fuppole  one  Half) 
he  Itill  defrauds   the  Publick  ;  lince  it  will  not 


(46  ) 

be  deny'd,  that  every  Man  who  drinks  a  Pint 
of  Wine,  and  a  Pint  of  poifonous  Liquors  with 
it,   thinking  them  a  Bottle  of  Wine,  would  drink 
no  lefs  if  his  Bottle  had  been  all  Wine :  From 
whence  it  follows,    that  the   Vintner   mud   buy 
double    the  Quantity    of  real    Wine,    and   the 
Merchant   import  proportionably.  •,    and    confe- 
quenrly  double    the  Profit  would  come    to  the 
general  Revenue,  to  the  Eafe  of  other  Taxes  : 
But  by  felling  one  Half  for  Wine,  which  is  not 
fo,   the  Vintner  deprives  the  Publick  of  one  Half 
of  the  Revenue,    the  Cuflomer  of  one  Half  of  he  buys,  and  the  Merchant  of  one  Half  of 
his  Importation  ;   which  is  fufficient  to  fhew,  that 
the  Wine-Scheme  would    have  been  an   Advan- 
tage to  all,    and   a   Fountain  of  Eafe  to  other 
Taxes ;  and  therefore  what  may  be  fuppos'd  to 
be  loft  in  the  general  Balance,  by  encreafing  our 
Importation    from    Portugal,    would  be   amply 
made  up   to  us,   could  we  Once  lower  the   do- 
meftick  Expence  of  our  Woolen  Goods,  fo  as 
to  iiriderfel  thofe  Nations,    which  are  fo  much 
ftrivlng  to  rival  us  in   that  invaluable  Branch  of 
our  Britifh  Commerce. 

This  Argument,  indeed,  is  founded  upon  the 
Suppofi  tibia',  that  as  great  a  Quantity  of  real 
Wine  would  be  confum'd,  as  there  is  now  of 
their  poifonous  Compounds.  But  thefe  Gentlemen, 
I  imagine,  will  deny  this,  and  fay,  that  the  Vintner 
will  raife  his  Price,  he  not  being  able  to  get  fo 
much  by  the  Sale  of  neat,  as  adulterated  Wines  ; 
and'  therefore  the  Confumption  would  be  di- 
ininifn'd.  Let  this  for  Argument  fake  be  grant- 
ed ;  and  let  us  fuppofe  with  them,  that  they 
will  raife  their  Wine  Six-Pence,  nay,  one  Shil- 
ling  in    the  Bottle  j    yet  it   mud   be  obferv'd, 


(  47  ) 

that  the  Encreafe  or  Decreafe  of  the  Price  of 
what  is  confum'd,  would  only  affect  the  Con- 
fumption  in  the  Proportion  „as  the  Rife  or  Fall 
of  the  Price  happens  to  be  ;  fo  that  if  we  fup- 
pofe  it  raifed  in  Price  one  Shilling  per  Bottle, 
one  Third  lefs  only  would  be  confum'd,  and 
the  confumed  two  Thirds,  being  all  Wine,  would 
be  one  fixth  Part  more  than  the  whole  Quantity 
now  confum'd,  one  Half  whereof  only  being 
fuppos'd  Wine.  If  the  Price  was  rais'd  only  Six- 
Pence  in  the  Bottle,  as  would  be  more  proba- 
ble, then  one  Fifth  lefs  only  would  be  confum'd, 
and  the  confum'd  four  Fifths,  being  all  Wine* 
would  be  three  Tenths  more  than  the  whole 
Quantity  at  pfefent  confum'd.  This  Reafoning, 
which  is  mathematically  true,  will  hold  good, 
let  the  Quantity  adulterated  be  more  or  lefs. 
But  how  would  obliging  the  Vintner  to  pay  Duty 
for  every  Bottle  he  fells  as  a  Bottle  of  Wine> 
give  any  Sanction  to  his  Adulteration,  as  that 
Author  afferts  ?  Does  it  take  away  the  Power 
of  any  Law  in  Force  againft  him  for  fuch  Practi- 
ces ?  There  is  at  prefent  an  In-land  Duty  on  Can- 
dles ;  and  if  a  fallow -Chandler  ufes  falfe  Weights, 
and  fells  three  Quarters  of  a  Pound  for  a  Pound, 
would  it  be  any  Exemption  from  Punimment, 
or  could  he  elude  the  Laws  againft  fuch  Trick- 
flers,  by  pleading  he  had  paid  Duty  for  a  Pound, 
when  he  had  actually  defrauded  the  Buyer  of  a 
Quarter-Part  of  what  he  contracted  for  ? 

The  pitiful  Sophiftry  of  thofe  Writers,  Sir, 
is  ftill  farther  remarkable  in  that  PafTage  you 
allude  to.  «  The  Term  Pttblick,  fay  they 
"  (fpeaking  of  Robbing  thePublickJ  in  one  Senfe 
"  fignifies  the  Revenue  ;  in  another  Place  the 
"  Cuftomers  of  the  Vintner  only  ;  and  a  High- 

"  way  man 

(  48  ) 

"  way  man  or  Pickpocket  may  as  well  be  faid 
"  to  rob  the  Revenue  as  a  Vintner,  who  fells 
"  compound  Liquors."  Behold  thefe  Advocates 
for  Sophiftication  !  By  the  Revenue,  Sir,  is  al-. 
ways  underftood,  by  Men  who  have  no  Intent 
to  deceive,  the  whole  publick- Treafure,  levy'd 
for  the  Support  of  the  State ;  and  by  the  Term 
Publick  is  plainly  meant  the  whole  Community, 
or  collective  Body  of  the  People  •,  but  if  the 
Publick  be  confin'd,  as  that  Author  would  have 
it,  only  to  fignify  the  Cuftomers  of  the  Vintner, 
then  indeed  every  Vintner  has  a  Republick  to 
himfelf,  and  by  cheating  them,  he  only  cheats 
his  own  Republick,  and  not  the  general  Com- 
munity. Wonderful  Reafoning  truly  !  A  High- 
wayman, a  Pickpocket,  or  Trickfter  by  falfe 
Weights,  may  as  well  be  faid  not  to  rob  the 
Publick,  but  only  thofe  Perfons  who  fall  in  their 
Way,  as  a  Vintner  may,  who  only  defrauds 
his  Cuftomers.  From  this  impofitious  Diftin6tion 
of  your  admir'd  Writer,  it  will  appear,  that,  ex- 
clufive  of  the  Revenue,  no  Man  can  do  an  Act 
agalnft  the  Publick,  but  where  all  the  Indivi- 
duals are  immediately  injur'd.  If  fuch  Reafon- 
ing holds  g;ood,  then  all  our  Laws  and  Profe- 
cutions  againft  Highwaymen,  which  have  been 
founded  on  a  Suppofition,  that  he  who  robs  one 
Man,  robs  and  injures  the  whole  Community, 
are  fallacious  in  the  very  firft  Principles  ;  all  the 
celebrated  Lawgivers  of  Greece  and  Rome  are, 
by  thefe  Gentlemen,  Blockheads ;  and  all  fuf- 
fering  Highwaymen  have  been  put  to  Death  un- 
juttly.  In  fhort,  Sir,  this  Argument  of  theirs, 
if  it  proves  any  Thing,  proves,  that  no  Man 
merits  the  Gallows,  but  fuch  Authors  who  in- 
jure the  Bulk  of  the  Nation,  by  wantonly  fport- 
ing  with  their  Weaknefa  and  Credulity.         Mer. 

f  49  ) 

Mer.  As  to  the  Point  of  Brewing  and 'Adul- 
teration of  Wines,  I  confefs  I  am  not  fharp-fighted 
enough  to  fee  how  the  Scheme  would  have  put 
a  Stop  to  thefe  Practices,  For  if  Malt-Spirits, 
Cyder,  Perry,  &c.  are  the  Particulars  where- 
with this  Sophiftication  is  carried  on,  the  Wine- 
Coopers  and  Vintners,  whilft  the  Duty  upon 
Wines  continues  fo  much  higher  than  upon  thofe 
adulterating  Ingredients,  will  dill  have  ftrong 
Motives,  notwithftanding  all  the  Rigour  and 
Severity  of  an  Excife-Infpeffion,  to  Brewing, 
and  Adulteration,  &c.  becaufe  thofe  Mixtures, 
when  they  are  made  to  pay  the  Duty  of  Wine, 
miy  certainly  be  afforded  cheaper  than  neat 
Wines  can  be  imported. 

Landb.  The  Ingredients,  Sir,  wherewith  you 
fuppoie  this  Adulteration  carried  on,  are  already 
taxed  \  fo  that  the  Tax  would  be  double  to 
fuch  Cheats  who  mifapplied  them,  but  Jingle  to 
Traders  who  apply'd  them  honeftly.  Buc  what 
you  contend  for  is  to  invert  the  Cafe  -,  that  ho- 
neft  Men  may  pay  a  double  Tax,  and  Rogues 
a  fingle  one  -,  which  Policy,  I  think,  none  can 
approve,  but  they  who  live  by  Trick  and  Cheat, 
Pillage,  and  Plunder.  Suppofing  an  Excife  did 
not  abfolutely  (tho'  it  would  in  a  great  Mea- 
fure)  put  a  Stop  to  thofe  pernicious  Practices, 
yet  no  Man  lure  can  hefitate  a  Moment  in  de- 
termining which  is  moft  for  the  publick  Good ; 
a  Tax  upon  Roguery,  or  a  Tax  upon  the  common 
Neceflaries  of  Life,  and  the  Staple  Commodities 
of  our  Country.  To  make  fuch  Objections  as 
thefe,  Sir,  is  only  hanging  upon  the  Skirts  of 
the  Controverfy  •,  nibbling  at  a  few  Inconve- 
niencies  to  Traders ;  and  to  fuch  only,  who  deferve 
no  favourable  Treatment  from  the  Community. 
G  'Tis 

(  5°  ) 

'Tis  of  little  Significancy  to  difpute  about  the 
Scheme  propos'd,  'till  this  fundamental  Point  be 
fettled  j  which  is  the  moft  eligible  ;  the  Con- 
Uerfion  of  a  Duty  upon  two  foreign  Superfluities 
from  Cuftoms  to  Excifis,  or  the  perpetuating 
the  Land-Tax  ?  Had  this  Proportion  been  with 
Temper  difcufs'd  by  a  Parliamentary  Inquifiti- 
on,  I  have  Reafon  to  believe,  that  a  Land-Tax 
would  have  appear' d  rather  prejudicial  to  Trade, 
and  the  other  a  general  Benefit  to  it :  Nay,  had 
the  Surpluses  not  been  propofed  to  have  been 
appropriated  to  the  Eafe  of  the  Landed- Intereji, 
but  to  the  taking  off  any  other  Tax  •,  as 
that  upon  Soap  and  Candles,  or  the  like  ;  the 
Defign  would  have  merited  the  higheft  Ap- 
plaufe.  For  the  Eafe  of  the  Planters,  and  keep- 
ing all  Traders  upon  a  Level,  were  of  them- 
felves  fufficient  to  recommend  it.  But  inftead 
of  entring  into  the  Bottom  of  the  grand  and 
eflential  Point,  Menaces  of  an  Infurre&ion  were 
fulminated  againft  the  Senate;  intimidating 
Mobs,  Infults,  and  Cavalcades  were  rais'd  ;  and 
every  kind  of  Spright  that  tended  to  pervert 
and  mifguide  Men's  Judgments. 

If  Senates  are  to  be  thus  treated,  and  the 
Freedom  of  Debate  obftru&ed,  the  Throw  of  a 
Die  may  as  well  determine  what  is  for  the 
publick  Good,  and  what  not ;  and  fo,  meer 
Chance  and  Accident,  inftead  of  Senatorial  Wif- 
dom,  and  Sterling  Policy,  are  to  give  Laws  to 
Old  England.  Thus,  Sir,  we  find  Men  who 
blufter  the  moft  about  Liberty  of  Debate,  and 
the  Freedom  of  Parliaments,  have  done  the  moft 
to  deftroy  both  -,  and  they  who  cry  out  fo  loudly 
for  the  Liberty  of  the  Prefs,  and  the  Indepen- 
dency of  Parliaments,  would  have  none  write  or 


(5i  ) 

fpeak  but  themfelves,  and  the  Parliament  de- 
pendent on  the  Humours  of  the  Multitude. 

Mer.  I  mall  not  take  upon  me,  Sir,  to  juftify 
the  Conduct  of  any  Men,  but  confine  myfelf  clofe- 
]y  to  the  Merits  of  the  Caufe  *,  and  therefore  I  join 
Iffue  with  you,  Sir,  and  recur  to  the  effential 
Point,  of  Eafing  the  Land,  and  its  neceflary  Ef- 
fects, which  you  have  fo  much  infifted  on.  At 
firft,  I  waved  this,  thinking,  indeed,  I  fhouJd 
have  been  able  to  have  filenc'd  you,  without 
entring  upon  this  Branch  of  the  Argument. 

Landed- Men  are  always  for  fhifting  the  Taxes 
upon  Commodities,  and  they  imagine  themfelves 
very  politick  in  fo  doing,  becaufe  they  give 
themfelves,  feemingly,  an  immediate  Eafe ;  but 
they  are  only  amus'd  and  deceiv'd.  For  tho* 
they  do  not  pay  the  Tax  feelingly,  when  it  is 
upon  Commodities  j  yet,  they  will  find  their 
Purfes  at  the  Year's  End  as  much  emptied : 
Their  Money,  then  indeed,  goes  from  'em  by 
Dribblets,  and  imperceptibly,  yet  at  long  Run 
they  pay  the  fame. 

Sir,  Agreeable  to  this,  argues  that  Great 
Man  Mr.  Lock,  whofe  Authority  you  have  cited 
upon  other  Occafions,  and  therefore  'tis  not  to 
be  queftion'd  but  you  will  pay  as  high  a  Re- 
gard to  his  Opinion  upon  this.  u  Taxes,  fays 
"  he,  however  contriv'd,  and  out  of  whofe 
"  Hands  foever  immediately  taken,  do  in  a 
"  Country  where  their  great  Fund  is  in  Land, 
**  for  the  moft  Part  terminate  upon  Land. 
tc  Whatfoever  the  People  is  chiefly  maintained 
"  by,  that  the  Government  fupports  itfelf  on :" 
And  in  another  Place  he  fays,  ««  A  Tax  laid 
"  upon  Land  feems  hard  to  the  Landholder, 
«<  becaufe  it  is  fo  much  Money  going  vifibly 
G  2  "  out 

'  (52) 

li  out  of  his  Pocket  ;  and  therefore  as  an  Eafe 
<c  to  himfelf,  the  Landholder  is  always  forward 
"  to  lay  it  upon  Commodities :  But  if  he  will 
"  throughly  confider  it,  and  examine  the  Ef- 
"  feels,  he  will  find  he  buys  this  feeming  Eafe 
"  at  a  very  dear  Rate,  and  tho'  he  pays  not 
u  this  Tax  immediately  out  of  his  own  Purfe, 
ec  yet  there  will  be  more  wanting  there,  at  the 
«'  End  of  the  Year,  than  that  comes  to,  &c." 

Befides,  Sir,  I  can't  conceive  how  a  Land-Tax 
has  that  Effect  upon  Trade,  you  have  taken  all 
along  for  granted  •,  and  therefore  I  can't  fee  how 
Trade  would  be  advantag'd  by  it,  was  it  taken 
quite  off.  A  Land-Tax,  fo  far  from  being  any  De- 
triment to  Trade,  appears  to  me  a  great  Eafe  to 
it,    by  keeping  Taxes  off   from   Commodities. 

Landb.  'Tis  true1,  Sir,  throughout  the  whole 
Debate  I  have  endeavoured  to  fhew  how  detri- 
mental a  Land-Tax  is  to  Trade  ;  and  therefore 
how  beneficial  Taking  it  off  mud  neceffarily  be. 
And  fmce  you  feem  not  to  be  fatisfied  with  what 
I  have  already  communicated  to  yon  upon  that 
Head,  I  mail  take  a  different  way  to  iiluftrate 
this  Point. 

To  prove  that  the  Taking  off  a  Land-Tax 
would  have  thdfe  good  Effects  upon  Trcde  I 
have  infilled  on,  by  lowering  the  Prices  of  our 
Woden  Mamijatlure,  it  is  fufneient  to  mew  that 
the  laying  on  a  Tax  upon  Land  will  raife  them. 
To  which  End,  let  us  fu'ppofe  that  the  whole 
Revenue  of  the  State  was  t6  be  raifed  from  the 
Lands,  (which  indeed  our  modern  Malecontents 
have  frequently  contended  for,)  it  would  a 
mount  to  about  Eleven  Shillings  in  the  Pound. 
This  Step  would  at  ence  (trip  all  the  Freeholders 
of  half  their  Eftr.tes.  Now,  if:  we  take  a  Sur- 


vey  of  all  the"  Freeholders  in  the  Kingdom,  we 
fhall  find  at  leaft  one  half  of  them  who  can 
but  barely  fubfift  upon  the  annual  Rent  of  their 
Lands :  So  that  the  firft  thing  that  fuch  Land- 
holders would  be  neceffitated  to  do,  would  be 
immediately  to  enter  upon'their  own  Eftates,  and 
by  their  own  Labour  and  Cultivation  add  to 
the  original  Rent  the  Profits  that  now  fall  to 
their  Tenants.  Such  who  would  become  Occu- 
piers of  their  own  Lands  we  may  fuppofe  to  be 
one  Fourth  Part  of  the  Landholders  ;  which 
would  neceffarily  turn  one  Fourth  of  all  the 
Tenants  in  England  out  of  their  Farms.  And 
for  the  Refidue  of  the  Lands  to  be  Lett,  there 
would  be  more  Tenants  than  Farms  ;  who,  be- 
ing bred  to  Husbandry  and  Agriculture,  and  in- 
capable of  providing  for  their  Families  any  o- 
ther  Way,  would  bid  one  above  the  other  for  the 
Farms-,  and  thereby,  as  Mr.  Lock  fays,  raife  the 
Rents,  as  much  as  the  Price  of  any  Commodity  is 
raifed  in  a  Market  where  there  are  more  Buyers 
than  Sellers.  This  muft  inevitably  raife  the 
Prices  of  all  the  Commodities  produced  by  the 
Lands,  to  enable  the  Tenants  to  pay  their  extra- 
ordinary Rents  •,  and  thofe,  who  held  their  own 
Lands,  would  of  courfe  raife  their  Produce  to  the 
Market  Price.  Thus  the  NecefTaries  of  Life  being 
raifed  by  the  great  Land-Tax,  the  Labourers,  and 
Artificers  who  fubfift  upon  thofe  NecefTaries 
muft  raife  their  Labour  in  Proportion.  Hence, 
not  only  the  Price  of  every  Ingredient  ufed  in 
the  Staple  Commodity,  Cloth,  muft  be  enhanced, 
but  the  Labour  of  the  firft  Manufacturers,  and 
every  labouring  intermediate  Carrier  and  Dealer 
muft  be  likewife  encreafed,  till  it  comes  to  the 
Hands  of  the  Merchant.  Whether  thefe  Pro- 


portions  I  have  pitched  upon  be  juft  or  not,  is 
immaterial:  It  is  fufficient  to  my  Purpofe  that  they 
mew  what  muft  be  the  natural  Effects  of  fuch 
a  Land-Tax.  And  whatever  Tax  be  laid  upon 
Land,  the  Rents  and  Produce  thereof  will  be 
in  a  continual  Flux  of  Raifing,  till  the  Landlord 
finds  his  Gains  to  be  as  great  after  the  Deduction 
of  that  Tax,  as  before  it  was  impofed.  Expe- 
rience confirms  the  Truth  of  this  Reafoning,  and 
mews  that  the  Land  itfelf,  and  from  thence  all 
the  Neceffaries  of  Life,  as  well  as  our  home 
made  Manufactures,  have  been  raifed  in  their 
Price  one  Fifth  Part  fince  the  Land-Tax  has  been 

Mr.  Lock  indeed  has  been  frequently  cited  in 
this  Controverfy,to  fhew  that  he  was  of  Opinion, 
that  a  Land-Tax  was  preferable  Taxes  upon  Com- 
modities ;  and  from  his  Authority  fome  have  in- 
sinuated the  Reafonablenefs  of  laying  all  Taxes 
upon  Land  at  once  j  but  this,  Sir,  is  {training 
and  perverting  the  Senfe  of  that  great  Man  in 
order  to  epprefs  the  Landholders.  "  Taxes,  fays 
<c  he,  however  contrived,  and  out  of  whofe  Hands 
"  foever  immediately  taken,  do,  in  a  Country 
ec  where  the  Great  Fund  is  in  Land,  for  the  moft 
"  part  terminate  upon  Land."  And  I  remember 
in  another  Part  of  that  fame  Piece  of  Reafoning, 
he  fays,  in  Anfwer  to  Holland's  being  brought 
as  an  Inftance  of  laying  the  Expence  of  the 
State  upon  Trade,  "  Lay  the  Taxes,  fays  he, 
"  where  vou  will,  the  Land  every  where  in 
«'  Proportion  bears  the  greater  Share.  "  Thefe 
PafTages,  Sir,  with  many  other  T  could  produce, 
may  fuflice  to  fhew,  that  the  true  Meaning  of 
Mr.  Lock,  is,  That  if  the  Taxes  on  Commodi- 
ties are  more  than  the  Proportion  of  their  Value 


(  55  ) 

bears  to  the  Value  of  Land,  fuch  iuper-propor- 
tionable  Charge  will  not  ultimately  reft  on  thofe 
Commodities,  but  continually  fluctuate  till  it 
comes  and  fettles  upon  the  Land,  where  there 
would  be,  in  fuch  a  Cafe,  the  greateft  Room 
to  receive  it. 

Mr.  Lock  can  never  mean  that  Landed  Men, 
any  more  than  Merchants,  pay  Taxes  upon 
Commodities  any  otherwife  than  as  Confumers 
of  thofe  Commodities.  Whilft  there  is  a  Tax 
upon  Commodities,  and  none  upon  Land,  the 
Landed  Man  pays  no  Tax  as  a  Landed  Man  ; 
how  then  can  a  Tax  upon  Commodities  afreet 
his  Land,  as  fuch,  any  more  than  a  Land-Tax 
can  affect  the  Capital  of  a  Money 'd  Man  which 
he  keeps  in  the  Funds  ? 

But  Gentlemen  have  wrefted  the  Senfe  of  this 
great  Author,  and  made  him  fpeak  their  Sen- 
timents, not  his  own  ;  they  have  labour'd  to 
mew  that  he  was  an  Oppreffor  of  the  Landed- 
Men  ;  and  would  have  all  Taxes  laid  upon  them, 
and  not  upon  foreign  Commodities  ;  than 
which  Policy,  nothing  can  be  more  fatal.  In- 
deed was  our  Ifland  fo  circumftantiated,  as  to 
be  independent  of  all  foreign  Trade,  and  con- 
fum'd  no  foreign  Superfluities ;  and  were  we  to 
fubfift  on  the  natural  Produce  and  Labour  of  its 
Inhabitants  only  ;  then,  as  the  whole  Mafs  of 
Property  refted  and  depended  upon  the  Land,  the 
Land  alone  muft  fupport   the  State. 

•  But  when  the  Circumftances  of  England  are 
chang'd  •,  when  our  foreign  Trade  is  more  ex- 
tenfive  than  ever  yet  was  known  in  this  I/land, 
and  the  whole  Nation  fo  greatly  encreas'd  in 
Riches  and  People,  and  confequently  the  Ex- 
pence  of  the  State  proportionably  augment- 
ed : 

'(  5H 

ed .-  If  in  thefe  Circ  urn  fiances,  when  England 
has  fo  prodigioufly  encreafed  in  Foreign  Trade, 
and  the  Land-owrner  is  itill  to  maintain  the 
whole  Expence  of  the  State  out  of  the  natural 
Produce  of  his  Land,  the  Land-owner's  Inte- 
reft  will  become  diametrically  oppofite  to  that 
of  the  Nation  ;  becaufe  as  the  Nation  encreafed 
in  Riches  and  Grandeur,  the  Land-owner  mud 
be  proportionably  impoverished.  Nor  would 
the  Effects  of  fuch  Conduct  terminate  only  in 
the  diftrefs'd  Landholders,  but  muft  end  in  the 
Total  Destruction  ^ind  Subverfion  of  fuch  a  Con- 
ftitution.  For,  if  the  whole  Revenue  of  the 
Kingdom  mould  be  levied  upon  the  Land,  in  a 
State  conftituted  with  fmall  Territories,  the 
State  might  become  fo  great  by  its  Trade,  that 
the  whole  Rents  of  all  the  Lands  would  be  fwal- 
lowed  up  in  the  pubjick  Expence.  The  Land 
would  be  reduced  to  the  Value  of  Nothing  ;  and 
the  Crown  having  a  Right  to  feize  every  Man's 
Land  for  its  Debts,  would  inevitably  be- 
come the  Proprietor  of  all  the  Lands  in  the 
Kingdom,  and  be  again  reinftated  in  the  Capa- 
city of  the  Conqueror.  Who,  Sir,  in  fuch  Cir- 
cumftancs,  could  reft  his  Goods,  or  Hand  fecure 
on  Englijh  Ground,  without  Permiffion  from  the 
Crown  ?  Where  then  would  be  our  Britifb  Free- 
holders to  elect  a  Parliament,  when  the  Lands 
are  annexed  to  the  Crown  ?  No  Friend  to  his 
Country  can  think  of  fuch  a  State  without  Trem- 
bling,and  yet  it  is  the  natural  Effects  of  their  Po- 
liticks, who  are  for  continuing  a  Land-Tax,  and 
perfwading  us  that  laying  all  Taxes  in  general 
upon  the  Land  is  the  greateft  Advantage  to  Trade. 
Mr.  Lock  fays,  Sir,  in  the  fame  Treatife  you 
have  quoted,    "  That  a  Tax  upon  Wheat,  or 

"  any 

(57  ) 

"  any  native  Commodity,  would  make  it  cheaper 
"  to  the  firft  Seller,  as  the  Tax  making  it 
<c  dearer  to  the  Confumer,  it  will  be  more  fpa- 
'*  ringly  confumed."  But  then  it  muft  be  con- 
sidered, that  if  our  native  Commodities  were  ex- 
cijed,  and  that  Part  which  is  exported  to  go  free 
from  that  Tax,  it  would  be  an  Encouragement 
to  Exportation  ;  for  that  Tax  leftens  their  Price, 
and  makes  them  yield  lefs  to  the  firft  Seller. 
Now,  if  the  Merchant  who  exports,  only  pays 
to  the  firft  Seller,  he  will  confequently  export 
the  cheaper.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the  laying 
a  Tax  on  our  Native  Commodities  makes  them 
cheaper  to  the  firft  Seller,  the  taking  that  Tax 
off,  and  laying  it  upon  Land  muft  make  the 
Wool,  Flax,  &V.  dearer  to  the  firft  Seller.  So  that 
this  Reafoning  of  Mr.  Lock,  though  he  has  been 
frequently  cited  as  an  Authority  for  laying  the 
Burthen  of  the  Revenue  upon  Land,  exactly  qua- 
drates with  the  whole  Chain  of  my  Argument 
in  Oppofition  to  it. 

I  agree  with  Mr.  Lock,  that  where  the  Produce 
of  the  Land  is  charged,  it  would  affect  the  Land, 
by  caufing  a  leffer  Confumption,  and  rendring 
the  Price  lefs  to  the  Tenant ;  and  if,  by  a 
Sparingnefs  in  the  Confumption,  the  Produce 
mould  be  render'd  one  Fourth  cheaper,  it  would 
be  equally  the  fame  as  if  the  Landlord  pay'd  it 
out  of  his  Pocket,  by  a  Land-fax-  But  then  I 
muft  infift  that  the  Lofs,  which  terminates  in  the 
Landholder,  by  the  Tax  upon  any  Species  of 
Commodities  produc'd  from  the  Land,  termi- 
nates in  that  Land  only  which  produc'd  thofe 
Commodities ;  and  confequently  the  Lofs  by  a 
Duty  on  Portugal  Wines ,  French  Wines  or 
Brandy,  or  any  Foreign  Production,  muft  ter- 

H  minate 


ruinate  in  the  Proprietors  in  Foreign  Lands,  not 
in  the  Briti/h  Landholder,  as  Mr.  Lock  has  been 
unjuftly  made  to  fay. 

To  render  this  Argument  indifputable,  I  will 
purfue  it  a  Step  farther  *,  and  in  the  very  fame 
Path  of  Reafoning  that  Mr.  Lock  himfelf  has 
ftruck  out.  Let  us  fuppofe  a  great  Tract  of 
Land,  capable  of  bearing  nothing  but  Wheat, 
and  all  the  Wheat  in  England  ;  and  a  Tax  was 
laid  upon  Wheat  only,  and  all  other  Commodi- 
ties were  free  from  a  Tax  :  Was  this  the  Cafe, 
according  to  Mr.  Lock,  every  one  would  be- 
come fparing  in  the  Ufe  of  Wheat ;  there  would 
be  fewer  Buyers,  and  yet  the  fame  Number  of 
Sellers,  and  the  fame  Quantity  of  Wheat  to  fell. 
The  Price  therefore  to  the  Tenant  muft  be  lefs, 
and  thereupon  he  will  pay  his  Landlord  lefs 
Rent.  Now,  will  not  this  fame  way  of  Reafon- 
ing hold  equally  good,  when  apply'd  to  Foreign 
Commodities,  and  Foreign  Land  ?  If  it  will, 
then  let  us  fuppofe  a  certain  Tract  of  Ground 
in  France,  produc'd  all  the  Wine  we  confum'd 
in  England,  when  that  Commodity  was  import- 
ed Duty  free  -,  and  afterwards  we  impos'd  a  high 
Duty  thereupon  ;  would  not  this  leiTen  its  Con- 
fumption  here  ?  For  there  would,  agreeable  to 
Mr.  Lock,  be  fewer  Buyers,  and  therefore  the  Te- 
nants of  the  Vineyard  muft  fell  at  fuch  Prices 
as  they  are  able.  And  as  their  Prices  muft  fall 
to  a  low  Ebb  with  the  firft  Seller,  fo  confequent- 
ly  muft  the  Rents  of  their  Lands.  From  whence 
it  moft  plainly  and  evidently  follows,  that  in 
any  Tax  upon  Foreign  Commodities,  that  Part 
which  terminates  upon  Land,  muft  terminate  upon 
the  Land  of  Foreign  Countries,  and  their  Occupi- 
ers only ;    and  confenuently   the  Money  railed 


(59  ) 

by  'Taxes  upon  Foreign  Commodities  is  raifed  out 
of  other  Countries,  to  fupply  the  publick  Exi- 
gencies of  our  own. 

Should  it  be  objected  that  our  own  Subjects 
will  confume  the  lame  Quantity  of  Foreign  Su- 
perfluities when  dear,  as  cheap,  thro'  their  Va- 
nity or  Luxurioufnefs ;  I  anfwer  abfolutely,  they 
will  not ;    and  for  the  Truth  of  this,    I  would 
only   refer  to  thofe  Counties  in  England,  where 
French  Wine    is  notorioufly   imported    without 
paying  the  Duty.      I  think  I  may   fafely  fay, 
without  any  Hyperbole,  that  there  is  more  French 
Wine  confum'd  in   one  of  thofe  Counties,  than 
there  is  in    any  other  ten   over   the  Kingdom, 
of  the  fame  Number  of  Inhabitants,  where  the 
Duty  is  legally   and  duly  paid.     But  fuppofing 
Vanity    and    Affectation    of    Grandeur    mould 
prompt  Men  to  drink  French  Wine,  as  plenti- 
fully when  dear,  as  cheap,  and  without  a  Tax  ; 
yet  thefe  muft  be  money'd  Men,  and  Men  of 
large  Fortunes,  who  are  capable  of  doing  fo  ; 
and  then   the  publick  Expence  would  be  rais'd 
from  the  wealthy  Subjects  in  our  own  Country  ; 
and  the  Land  of  our  own  Country,  and  the  Ar- 
tificers and  Manufacturers  necefiarily  be  eafed  ; 
and  thereby  enabled  to  export  our  own  Manu- 
factures the  cheaper:    And  no  Man  can  repine 
at  the  Impofition  of  any  Tax,  when  it  is  at  his 
Option  whether  he  will  oblige  himfelf  to   the 
Payment  of  it,  or  no. 

Thus,  Sir,  I  think  I  have  fully  and  impar- 
tially made  it  appear,  that  a  Tax  upon  our  own 
Land  is  very  prejudicial  to  Trade,  and  therefote 
a  Scheme  to  take  it  off,  and  lay  it  upon  foreign 
Land,  muft  be  a  great  Advantage  to  it.  Wh,  t 
then  have  Traders  been  doing  of,  by  their  Ru- 

H  2  mours 

(  6°  ) 

mours  and  Invectives  againfl  the  Ex cife- Scheme  ; 
which  was  mod  apparently  calculated  for  their 
Benefit  in  general ;  that  they  might  not  be 
underfold  by  Foreigners  at  all  the  Markets  in 
Europe,  in  the  prime  Commodity  of  our  Na- 
tion ?  Tho'  Wine-Coopers,  Vintners,  and  Tobacco- 
Fatlors  have  decry'd  the  Defign,  fare,  the  Mer- 
chants, Exporters  of  our  Woolen  Manufactory 
could  not  do  fo  :  All  the  Clothiers,  their  Factors, 
all  the  Tenants,  and  Freeholders,  and  every  one 
any  ways  concern'd  in  the  Eafement  of  the  Land, 
muft  applaud  it.  The  Wine  Merchants  alfo,  if 
they  know  their  own  Intereft,  muft  commend 
the  Defign,  becauie  it  would  turn  the  Wine- 
Trade  into  its  proper  and  natural  Channel  ;  their 
own  Hands  :  It  would  wreft  it  from  the  Hands 
or  Wine-Coopers,  and  Adulterators,  who  have 
engrofs'd  that  Trade  to  themfelves,  underiel 
the  honeft  Importers,  tyrannize  over  the  Ma- 
jority 01  Vintners,  whom  by  every  Artifice  they 
make  dependent  upon 'em,  monopolize  the  whole 
Trade  into  their  own  Hands,  and  ferve  the 
Vintners  and  the  whole  Nation  with  any  Sort 
of  fophifticated  Mixtures,  that  will  bring  the 
mofl  exorbitant  Gains  into  their  own  Coffers. 

Mer.  Another  Point  throughout  this  Con- 
troverfy,  Sir,  that  you  have  all  along  taken  for 
granted,  is,  that  the  Planters  in  Maryland  and 
Virginia  would  be  highly  advantag'd  by  this 
Scheme  ;  that  they  thinking  themfelves  grievoufly 
oppref-'d  by  their  Factors,  voluntarily  foliated 
the  Mini/try  to  eafe  them  from  their  Tyranny. 
E'-t  I  cannot  conceive,  Sir,  of  what  Beneiir.  tins 
Scheme  could  poftibly  be  to  the  Planters  ;  nor 
can  I  think  but  it  was  a  mimjlerial  Artifice  to 
draw  them  into  -it.     Whether  the  whole  Duties 


(  6i  ) 

be  paid  immediately,  bonded,  or  paid  by  Piece- 
Meals,  as  the  Goods  are  difpos'd  of,  what  fig- 
nifies  it  to  the  Planter?  If  the  Factor  can  make 
any  little  Advantages  by  the  Allowance  at  the 
Cujtomhoufe  for  Prompt  Payment,  how  can  this 
prejudice  the  Planters  ?  Their  Commiffions,  Sir, 
are  extremely  fatigueing  to  a  Fatlor  ;  they  con- 
fift  of  innumerable  Particulars,  and  therefore 
require  feme  Profit  extraordinary  to  execute 

Landb.  I  find,    Sir,    you  fuflfer  nothing  ma- 
terial to  efcape  your  Notice,  tho'  it  renders  the 
Difpute  pretty  tedious.     But  fince  you   are  not 
tired    with   objecting,    I   muft  not  be  fo    with 
anfwering.     What  moft  furprizes  me,  is   to  hear 
an  Objection  of  this  Kind,  from  a  Gentleman  fo 
well   vers'd   in  Trade  as  yourfelf.     I  would,  to 
fet  this  Point  in  as  clear  a  Light  as  I  am  able, 
compare  it  with  your  own  Trade  to  Spain  and 
Portugal  in  the  Woolen  Way.     For  as  you  ex- 
port our  Manufactures  to  be  fold  in  thofe  King- 
doms by  your  Fatlor s  there,  to  whom  you  allow 
Commiflion  for  fo  doing  ;  fo  do  our  Planters  in 
America  fend  over  to  their  Factors  in  England, 
Tobacco  to  be  fold  here,    or  exported  to  other 
Parts  of  Europe.     Now,  Sir,  there  is   a  Duty 
in  Spain  and  Portugal  upon  our  Woolen  Goods  ; 
of  which,  if  your  Factors  clandeftinely  avoid  the 
Payment,  would  it  not  be  of  great  Prejudice  to 
the  whole  Body  of  Britijh  Exporters  ?    Would 
not   the  Frequency  of  fuch  Practices  fink    the 
Price  of  our  Woolen  Goods,  by  impowering  one 
Factor  to  underfel  another  ?  But  the  Planters  in 
America  are  affected  in  a  much  greater  Degree  ; 
becaufe  the  Circumftances  of  the  Trades  differ. 
For  whilft  FacJors,  by  the  Connivance  and  Cor- 

(  62  ) 

ruption  of  Cujlomhoufe-Officers,  are  capable  of 
clandestinely  evading  the  Duty  of  fo  confiderable 
a  Part  of  the  Tobacco  that  is  imported,  they  not 
only  prejudice  their  Brethren  the  reputable  Fatlor  s, 
but  molt  grievoufly  opprefs  the  Planter.  For 
Experience  puts  it  beyond  Difpute,  that  a  Fatlor 
who  has  a  Quantity  of  any  Commodity,  which 
by  Law  ought  to  pay  an  high  Duty,  and  yet 
pays  none,  will  fell  at  any  Rate,  in  order  to  be 
preferred  to  others,  who  do  not  take  the  fame 
Meafures  ;  and  by  the  continued  Frequency  of 
fuch  Bargains,  every  Body  is  at  laft  reduc'd  to 
fuch  a  Price,  as  muft  difgrace  their  Manage- 
ment with  their  Correfpondents  ;  whilft  the  frau- 
dulent Fatlor s  can  afford  to  allow  thofe  that 
confign  to  them  fomething  out  of  their  Frauds, 
fo  as  to  make  their  Accounts  appear  much  bet- 
ter, and  thereby  raife  a  great  Reputation  abroad, 
for  out-doing  their  Brethren,  which  ftill  enables 
them  to  do  the  greater  Mifchief. 

From  the  Method  of  Bonding,  Factors  are  un- 
der a  great  Temptation  to  fell  for  Exportation 
the  Tobaccos  entrusted  to  their  Care,  without  any 
Regard  to  the  Price  •,  and  merely  to  difcharge 
their  Bonds  •,  by  which  means,  not  only  the 
Balance  of  this  profitable  Branch  of  Trade  is 
confiderably  leffen'd,  by  clogging  and  over- 
loading the  Markets  in  Foreign  Countries,  but 
the  Commodity  is  depreciated  to  a  very  great 
Degree.  Thus  is  it  apparent  how  greatly  the 
Planter  is  injur'd  in  the  Sale,  and  even  ibme- 
times  brought  in  Debt,  while  the  Fatlor  re- 
ceives his  full  Commiiiions,  even  for  the  Duty 
bonded,  and  drawn-back  by  fuch  hafty  Expor- 
tation, which  in  this  Cafe  feems  to  be  his  prin- 
cioal  View. 


(  63  ) 

Was  the  Tobacco  excifed,  Merchants,  having 
no  Temptation  to  do  otherwife,  would  keep  the 
Tobacco  here,  'till  it  was  wanted  abroad  ;  the 
Buyers  there  would,  in  Regard  to  their  own 
Intereft,  not  exceed  the  prelent  Exigencies  of 
the  Market,  and  yet  perhaps  there  would  not 
be  a  Scarcity  of  Buyers  in  feveral  Parts  of  Eu- 
rope, for  the  whole  Quantity  imported,  above 
what  may  ferve  the  Home-Confumption. 

I  nec?d  not  mention  to  you,  Sir,  who  are  fo 
well  acquainted  with  Affairs  of  this  Kind,  how 
grievous  and  injurious  to  the  Sureties  bound 
with  the  Merchant  to  the  Crown,  this  Practice 
is  ;  fince  by  this  means  they  continue  fubjecl: 
to  the  Debt,  Jong  after  the  Tobacco  for  the  Du- 
ties of  which  they  were  bound,  has  been  either  . 
exported,  or  fold  for  Home-Confumption ; 
which  has  been  the  unfortunate  Cafe  of  almoit 
all  thofe  who  were  Security  for  fuch  Merchants  as" 
died,  or  broke  indebted  to  the  Crown,  many 
of  whom  have  been  undone  thereby. 

The  Method  of  difcharging  old  Bonds  by 
new  Importations,  contrary  to  Law,  and  even 
contrary  to  the  Oath  taken  by  the  Importer,  is 
attended  with  other  ill  Confequences.  By  this 
means  the  Factor  is  enabled  to  get  into  his 
Hands  a  confiderable  Sum  of  Money,  to  be 
employ 'd/ in  Trade,  at  Intereft,  or  in  any  other 
Manner  that  he  thinks  proper,  to  the  Hazard  of 
the  Revenue.  And  if  he  is  a  bold  unfuccefsful 
Adventurer,  the  more  Bondfmen  are  in  Danger 
of  being  involved  in  his  Misfortunes:  This  be- 
ing confidered,  makes  it  no  Wonder  to  fee  bold 
Attempts  for  Frauds,  either  Inwards  or  Out- 
wards, to  extricate  themfelves  out  of  fuch  Dif- 
ficulties.    And  whilft  thefe  Temptations  remain, 


(  64) 

Frauds  will  go  on,  and  the  Planters  muft 

The  cuftomary  Allowance  to  the  Factor  is  ge- 
nerally three  per  Cent.  Two  and  a  Half  for  Sale, 
and  the  other  Half  for  infuring  Debts  ;  and  who- 
ever defires  to  be  infur*d,  muft  fubmit  to  pay  fo 
much  upon  the  whole  Duties,  not  only  for  the 
Tobacco  fold  for  Home-Confumption,  where  there 
is  a  Hazard,  but  for  that  which  is  exported  to 
Foreign  Markets,  where  there  is  no  Duty  at  all ; 
which  is  an  intolerable  Burthen  to  the  Planters. 
But  if  Factors  were  difcharged  from  giving 
Bonds,  they  could  have  no  Pretence  to  charge 
Commiffion  upon  the  no?ninal  Duty  on  exported 
Tobacco,  which  would  eafe  the  Planters  of  many 
Thoufinds  a  Year,  in  this  {ingle  Article  only. 
Had  the  Excife  taken  Place,  all  thefe  Hardfhip.s 
would  have  been  effectually  prevented  ;  the  Gre- 
vances  of  Planters  would  have  been  redrefs'd  ; 
Bonding  would  have  ceafed,  and  therefore  all  its 
fatal  Confequences  to  Sureties,  Faclors,  and 
Planters  ;  Factors  would  have  been  upon  an  E- 
quality,  and  young  Gentlemen  of  fmall  Fortunes 
and  fair  Characters  might  partake  of  a  Share  of 
the  Commiffion  Bufinefs  from  our  Plantations ; 
who  would  do  it  cheaper  for  the  Planters  than 
what  it  is  at  prefent,  and  acquire  handfome  For- 
tunes by  it  too.  For  as  this  Branch  of  Trade 
then  would  not  require  large  Sums  to  be  ad- 
vanced for  Duties,  nor  require  Bondfmen  to 
the  Crown,  Which  is  very  difficult  to  obtain  ; 
fo  nothing  would  be  necefTary  in  a  Faflor,  but 
a  good  Underftanding,  good  Acquaintance,  and 

Commiffion  Bufinefs,  Sir,  you  know  has  been 
always  efteem'd  the   bed,  becaufe  the  fecureft 


(65  ) 

Branch  of  Bufinefs.  There  is  Money  enough  to 
be  got  by  it,  without  the  exorbitant  Gains  by 
Frauds,  and  Difcount  for  Prompt  Payment  of 
the  Duties.  Factors  when  they  buy  large  Quan- 
tities of  our  Manufactures  together  for  feveral 
Planters,  they  buy  them  at  cheap  Rates,  but 
they  take  Care  generally  to  charge  the  full 
Market  Price  -,  which  is  another  Fountain  of 
Gain  ;  and  may  ferve  as  an  Anfwer  to  the  extra- 
ordinary Fatigue,  you  hinted  at,  they  have  in  buy- 
ing fuch  Variety  of  Particulars  ;  in  which  mere 
is  little  Trouble,  when  a  Man  has  his  Tradcfmen 
ready  to  furnifh  him. 

The  Article  of  ten  per  Cent,  allow'd  for 
Prompt  Payment  of  thefe  Duties,  was  intended 
by  Parliament  as  an  Advantage  to  the  Planter  ; 
but  this  is  turn'd  into  the  Fatlor\  Channel  of 
Gain.  Tho'  the  Fatlors  account  this  the  moft 
beneficial  Perquifit  to  themfelves,  yet  it  proves 
the  Reverfe  to  the  Planter,  if  he  can  afford  to 
depofit  Money  in  his  Faclor\  Hands  for  that 
Purpofe.  For  one  hundred  Hogfheads  of  To- 
bacco he  muft  lodge  eighteen  hundred  Pounds 
in  his  Factor's  Hands  ,  when  this  is  done,  ano- 
ther hundred  Hogmeads  is  fent  the  nest  Year  ; 
but  the  former  Confignment  is  either  not  fold, 
or  no'  Money  received  upon  it,  which  makes 
it  necefifary  for  the  Planter  to  provide  the  fame 
Sum  again :  So  that  in  the  Courfe  of  very  flow 
Payments  (which,  upon  fuch  an  Oecafjon,  is  very 
much  complain'd  of  by  the  Fatlor)  a  Planter  muft 
keep  three  thoufand  fix  hundred  Pounds  employ- 
ed conftantly  for  the  fake  of  the  Difcount  upon 
one  hundred  Hogfheads,  which  red  ices  then  to 
a  very  fmall  Intereft  ;  and  that  which  the  Fallor 
makes  ten  per  Cent,  of,  the  Planter  does  not 
I  make 

(  66) 

make  above  three  •,  and  for  the  fake  of  this  fmall 
Intereft,  he  muft  truft  without  Security,  and 
has  no  Objection  to  make  againft  the  Factor's 
charging  him  with  the  Lofs  of  the  whole. 

This,  Sir,  I  think,  muft  be  allow'd,  by  every 
confcientious  Man,  to  be  a  very  great  Hardfhip 
upon  our  Britijh  Plantations  ;  and  as  the  Plant- 
ers are  fo  ready  to  give  up  this  intended  Ad- 
vantage, it  is  an  indifputable  Proof  that  they 
never  received  any  Benefit  by  it.  The  Quefti- 
on,  Sir,  that  next  naturally  arifes,  is,  Whether 
it  be  more  for  the  Publick  Good  that  the 
Faffors  mould  be  allow'd  to  extract  fo  many 
Thoufands  a  Year  out  of  the  Publick  Revenue, 
or  be  oblig'd,  inftead  thereof,  to  trade  with  that 
Money,  and  thereby  augment  the  Riches  of  the 
Nation,  and  not  be  fufFer'd  to  fqueeze  their  Gains 
out  of  the  Vitals  of  their  own  Country  ?  And 
fure  no  Patriot  can  determine  this  Queftion  in 
Favour  of  the  FaStor. 

And  here,  Sir,  I  cannot  but  take  Occafion  to 
obferve  to  you,  the  Conduct  of  thofe  Gentlemen 
who  have  fo  hotly  oppofed  the  Scheme.  In  the 
Courfe  of  their  late  Writings,  they  have  frequent- 
ly recommended  to  the  Miniftry  Frugality  of  the 
publick  Money  •,  and  not  long  before  this  Con- 
troverfy  was  fet  a  Foot,  I  remember,  they  repre- 
iented,  in  a  very  pompous  Manner,  the  great  Ne- 
ceffity  of  the  Government's  encouraging  our 
Colonies  and  Plantations  in  America  ;  and  ihew'd 
how  beneficial  thofe  Branches  of  Trade  were  to 
their  Mother  Country,  from  the  Share  they  have 
in  balancing  the  Trade  with  Foreign  Nations  ; 
from  the  great  Number  of  Ships  and  Seamen  which 
are  employ'd  in  them,  and  the  Confumption 
they  occafion  of  the  Manufactures  of  this  Kingdom . 


(  6?  ) 

No  fooner  was  a  Project  thought  of  by  the 
Miniftry  to  anfwer  both  thefe  Ends  at  once ; 
'viz.  the  Saving  of  the  publick  Money,  from  the 
Prevention  of  Frauds,  by  retracing  the  ten 
per  Cent,  allow'd  at  the  Cuiloms,  and  Redreffing 
the  Grievances  our  Plantations  labour  under, 
but  thefe  very  Men,  who  thought  to  raife  their 
own  Characters  by  fuch  Prefcri  prion,  think  ft  ill 
to  raife  them  by  oppofing,  at  one  Time,  what 
they  have  ftrenuouily  recommended  at  another. 
In  fhort,  Sir,  the  Factors  appear  to  me  to  have 
a  Defign  upon  monopolizing  all  the  Lands  in  the 
Plantations  to  themielves.  One  Part  is  already 
mortgag'd  •,  and  as  the  Faclors,  by  their  unjufti- 
fiable  Practices,  daily  bring  the  Planters  indebted 
to  them,  and  they  make  their  Lands  fubject  to 
the  Payment  of  their  Book-Debts,  they  muft 
inevitably,  in  Time,  get  PorTcfJion  of  all  our 
Colonies  and  Plantations ;  and  then  they  will 
engrofs  that  whole  Trade  to  themfelves,  and  the 
poor  Planters  muft  become  white  Engli/h  Slaves 
to  thofe  very  Men,  whofe  Eftates  are  owing 
to  their  Planting  Labour,  and  Induftry.  Thus, 
Sir,  they  who  are  indefatigable  to  make  Slaves 
of  others,  cry  out  Liberty  !  Liberty  !  for  them- 
felves, to  cloak  their  own  Defigns  ;  and  they 
who  are  for  making  Freemen  of  Slaves,  are  faid 
to  be  Opprefibrs  of  People  !  The  Oppofers  of 
this  Scheme  have  often  exprefs'd  themielves 
againft  Monopolies  of  all  Kinds  *,  but  in  the  pre- 
fent  Cafe  they  are  Advocates  for  them  :  They 
are  Advocates  for  fuch  who  are  for  engroffing 
one  whole  Branch  of  Trade  to  themfelves ;  and 
for  the  Continuance  of  thofe  fraudulent  Practi- 
ces, which  will  enable  them  to  exclude  all  o- 
ther  Englijb  Merchants  from  Trading  to  our 
I  2  Plan- 

(68  ) 

Plantations.  For  Confirmation  of  this  Charge 
againft  them,  they  begin  to  talk  of  a  Combina- 
tion to  raife  their  Com  million  upon  Khz  Planters 
from  three  per  Cent,  to  tour  and  a  half,  becaufe 
they  know  it  is  impofllble  to  employ  any  in 
the  Trade,  but  thofe  who  are  bred  up  to  it, 
and  have  a  well  eftabliftVd  Credit.  Thus  do 
they  defign  to  tyrannize  it,  fince  they  have 
carried  their  Point !  And  now,  Sir,  can  any 
Gentleman,  who  will  liften  to  the  ftill  Voice  of 
Reafon,  believe  that  the  Sufferings  of  the  Plan- 
ters are  no:  of  themfelves,full  fufficient  to  prompt 
them  to  fend  over  a  Gentleman  to  the 
Parliament  in  their  Behalf?  Can  any  one  be  fo 
weak,  as  to  imagine  the  Planters  requir'd  m%- 
nifierial  Spurs  and  Artifices,  to  excite  them  to 
what  muft  fo  manifeftly  and  glaringly  tend  to 
their  general  Intereft  ? 

Mer.  I  confrfs,  Sir  John,  you   have   hitherto 
given  me  the  higheft  Ttion  in  this  Difpute, 

becaufe  you  have  built  all  your  Reafoning  upon 
the  general  Benefit  of  Trade,  and  Traders  ;  a 
Fo::  .   upon  which,  I  never  fufpected  the 

Scheme  was  rationally  defenfible.  However, 
Sir,  there  is  ftjli  -one  grand  Objection  behind, 
which,-  if  you  can  fairly  and  clearly  get  over, 
I  muft  ihgentioufly  acknowledge,  in  Honour  to 
that  Great  Perfon's  Char  hich  a  few  Hours 

ago  I  v  ily   prep-  againft,  that   no 

MiHtfter  of  State  in  the  World  was  ever  fj 
wickedly  ii  or  any  People  fo  generally 

illy  impos'd  upon  as  we  have 
ion,  Sir,   is  this,  viz.  That  if 
the  Frauds  and-Abufes  at  the  Cvfioms,  are  not 
confiderable  enough  to  produce  a  Surplus  fuffi- 
cient to  eafe  the  Land;  then,  ftill  all  your  Ar- 


(  69  ) 

guments  drawn  from  that  Suppofition  are  of  no 
Weight  in  this  Controverfy.  And  that  they  are 
not  fo,  appears  to  me  very  plain.  For  by  the 
Report  of  the  Committee  (which,  doubt] efs 
contains  moft  Frauds  poflible  to  come  to 
the  Knowledge  of)  there  are  but  few  de- 
tected ;  far  from  being  fufficient  to  eafe  the 
Land,  as  propos'd.  And  many  of  thofe  Frauds, 
which  have  come  to  Light,  are  attefted  by  no 
better  Witneffes  than  fuch  as  have  been  taken 
out  of  Prifon  for  that  Purpofe,  whofe  Evi- 
dence does  not  give  any  great  Sanction  to  the 

Landh.  By  the  Account  you  are  pleas'd  to 
give  of  the  Report  of  the  Committee,  I  fuppofe 
you  form  you»*  Judgment  from  the  Craft/man's 
Reprefentation  of  it,  not  from  the  Report  itfelf. 
I  have  read  the  Report,  Sir,  and  with  all  poffible 
Attention  ;  and  fo  far  am  I  from  thinking  that 
the  Gentlemen  of  the  Committee  have  difcover'd 
but  few  Frauds,  that  I  am  not  a  little  furpriz'd 
thtfy  were  able  to  difcover  fo  many.  And  if  I 
may  be  allow'd  to  judge  of  the  Quantity  con- 
ceal'd,  by  that  which  has  been  difcover'd,  you 
will  eafily  believe,  that  the  Surplujfes\  upon  Winey 
and  'Tobacco,  would  not  have  difappointed  the 
Mini/fry,  but  have  actually  produc'd  a  Suffi- 
ciency to  have  eas'd  the  Land.  \ 

According  to  the  exacted  Computation  the 
Planters  themfelves  in  Maryland  and  Virginia 
have  been  able  to  make,  there  is  annually  im- 
ported into  Great  Britain,  between  fixty  and 
fcventy  thoufand  Hogfheads  of  Tobacco :  I'll 
fuppofe  fixty  fix  thoufand  Hogfheads ;  two 
Thirds  of  which,  according  to  the  nearefl  Cal- 
culation of  the  belt  Writers  upon  Trade,    are 


(  70) 

re-exported  to  France,  Germany,  Holland,  &c. 
So  there  would  remain  for  Home- Confum prion 
twenty  two  thoufand  Hogfheads  ;  the  Duties 
whereof,  reckon'd  at  fifteen  Pound  per  Hogf- 
head  (at  which  in  moft  Cafes  they  may  be 
computed)  will  amount  to  330,000/.  Now, 
at  prefent,  there  is  not  much  above  one  Half  of 
that  Sum,  which  comes  annually  into  the  Ex- 
chequer ;  fo  that  there  is  manifeftly  loft  to 
the  publick  Revenue,  about  165,000/.  by  the 
Frauds  at  Importation,  Exportation,  and  by 

This  is  upon  Suppofition  no  Part  of  the 
44,000  Hogfheads,  which  are  exported,  was 
run  or  re-la?ided  from  Dunkirk,  and  the  Ifles 
of  Guemfey,  Jerfey,  and  Man,  into  England, 
Scotland,  and  Ireland,  as  evidently  appears  to  be 
done  by  the  Report.  But  if  to  this,  we  add  only 
one  eighth  Part  of  what  is  exported  to  be  re- 
landed  or  run  (as  that,  at  leaft,  from  the  Face  of 
the  Report  may  be  very  well  juftifiedj  then  there 
is  an  additional  Lois  to  the  Revenue  of  75,000/. 
which  together  make  240,000/.  And  as  we 
fhould  fave  the  whole  Expence  of  Collecting  the 
Land-Tax  -,  which  reckon'd  only  at  Six-Pence 
in  the  Pound,  tho'  there  is  Three- Pence  more 
ailow'd  upon  extraordinary  Occafions,  there 
would  be  added  12,500/.  more  at  leaft  ;  fo  that 
the  Total  Encreafe  that  may  be  fuppos'd  to  be 
brought  into  the  Exchequer,  would  be  252, 500/. 
This,  tho'  according  to  the  lowed  Calculation, 
is  more  by  50,000  /.  than  was  purpos'd  to  be 
f  rais'd  by  the  Tobacco. 

Tho'  the  Expence  of  150  Officers  would 
come  to  between  fix  and  feven  thoufand  Pounds, 
yet  as  there  would  be  a  proportionate  Difcharge 


(  7*  ) 

in  the  Cufloms,  this  Expence  would  be  balanced 
by  an  equivalent  Saving. 

As   to  the   Frauds   in   the  Wine-Trade,    they 
are  very  extenfive  indeed.     For  the  CotnmiJJtoners 
of  the  Cu ft 07ns  received  Information  upon  Oath 
in  the  Year  1725,  that  there  had  been  run  only 
in   the  three  Counties  of  Hamfjhire,  Dorfeipire, 
and  Devon/hire,  from  Ghriftmas  1723,  to  Chrlfi- 
mas  1725,  no  lefs  than  4738   Hogfheads,    and 
moftly  French  Wine.     And  akho'   fuch  prodigi- 
gious   Frauds   have  been    difcover'd,    yet   it   is 
obfervable,  that  of  the  Quantity  feized,  and  of 
the  Running   of  which    the  Commijft  oners  have 
been    informed,'  no  mere   was  condenm'd   fince 
Chrijhnas  1723,  than  2208   Hogfheads,    which 
mews    to  Demonftration,    how  ineffectual    the 
pre  fen  t   Method  of  collecting  the  Duties   upon 
this  Commodity  is,  and  what  a  Neceflky  there  is 
for  altering  it.     And  now,  Sir,  can  you,  or  any 
Gentleman  whatfoever,  be  of  Opinion  that  the 
Scheme  would  not  have  anfwer'd  the  End   pro- 
pos'd,    when  there  is    the   greateft   moral  Cer- 
tainty (the  on-ly  Kind  of  Evidence  the  Subject 
'  is  capable  of)  that  it  would  ? 

Tho'  you  have  reprefehted  the  Frauds,  as 
difcover'd  by  the  Committee,  fo  trifling,  yet,  by  a 
flight  Calculation  I  made  of  them  t'other  Day, 
for  my  own  private  Satisfaction,  they  amount 
to  above  one  Million  and  an  Half  Pounds- 
Weight  of  Tobacco  -,  the  Duties  of  which  come 
to  between  80  and  90  thouiand  Pounds  ;  and 
therefore  the  Duties  upon  what  remains  undil- 
cover'd,  will  not  prove  to  be  lo  inconfiderable 
a  Sum  as  has  been  infinuated. 

Amongft  the  meaner!,  and  moir.  ignorant 
Clafs  of  Pilferers  and  fraudulent' Dealers  j  fuch 


(    72.) 

who  have  not  the  minuteft  Forefight  into    the 
Courfe  of  human  Tranfa£tions,  or  any  Appre- 
henfions  of  the  Sagacity  and  Penetration  of  others 
who  overlook  them,  there  are  not  difcover'd  one 
tenth  Part  of  the  Frauds  they   carry  on  ;  nay, 
perhaps   I  mould  come  nearer  Truth,   if  I  faid 
not    one     in    an    hundred ;    and   have    to   fup- 
port  me  in  this  Affertion,  the  concurrent  Opi- 
nion of  all   who  are  well  acquainted    with  the 
"World,     and   are  ingenuous  enough  to  declare 
their  real  Sentiments.     And  if  we  compare  the 
Difability     and    Incapacity    of   thefe    narrow- 
fighted   Creatures ,    with  the  Cunning  and  Ex- 
perience of  thofe  Gentlemen,  who  have  been  found 
to  be  the    prime  Agents,    and    principal  Con- 
ductors of  thofe  Frauds    which   have   been   dif- 
cover'd  by   the  Committee  ;  no  Man  can  doubt, 
but   where  one  of  thofe  Men  have  been  detected 
in  their  fraudulent  Practices,  there  are  at  leaft, 
ten  of   the    petty    Clafs.      If  then,     fo   many 
Frauds  may    very   reafonably    be  prefum'd    to 
be  committed    by    Perfons    in    low  Life,    it   is 
a  very   natural   Conclufion,    that  there  are  an 
hundred  committed  to  one  difcover'd  amongft 
thefe    Gentlemen,     who    are    concern'd     in    the 
Frauds    at    the  Cufiomhoufe  \    and  confequently 
we    have    the    ftrongeft    moral    Demonftration 
that  there  are  an  hundred    Times  more  Frauds 
have  been   carried  on,  than   the  Committee  have 
been   able    to    difcover:    So    that   if   we    were 
to  reduce    the   Pounds  of  Tobacco  into  Pounds 
Sterling,  and  even  reckon  from  the  Fraud  given 
in  Evidence  by  Thomas  Parr  Efq-,  of  Datchet, 
in  the  Year  1705,    we  mould  find    the  annual 
Lofs    to  be  pretty    confident  with  my   preced- 
ing Calculation. 
0  But 

(   73   ) 

But  this  Conclusion  cf  the  Extcnfiver.efi  of 
the  Frauds  will  ft  ill  appear  more  juft,  if  we 
confider  the  great  Difadvantages  the  Committee 
laboured  under  in  detefting  them.  The  Mem- 
bers of  that  Committee,  could  not  be  lup- 
pos'd  to  be  acquainted  with  the  Nature  of 
thofe  Frauds*  and  therefore  the  chief  Part  of 
their  Tim-  was  empfoy'd  in  examining  into  the 
various  Species  of  Frauds*  and  not  into  the  Quan- 
tity of  them.     Moreover, 

Every  Fraud  difcover'd  at  the  Cujlomhcufe, 
brought  an  odious  Imputation  upon  the  Con- 
duct, Honour,  and  Vigilance  of  all  concerned 
in  the  Collection  of  the  Cujloms  ;  whim  moil: 
certainly  mud  be  a  Motive  to  all  the  Cuftom- 
houfe  People,  rather  to  obilrucl  all  Kinds  ot 
Evidence,  and  to  fupprefs  the  Difcovery  of  every 
Fraud*  than  to  be  heartily  and  in  good  earneft 
inquifitive  into  them  ;  left  the  Sufpicion  of  their 
having  been  wanting  in  their  Duty*  fhould  give 
their  Superiours  too  ill  an  Opinion  of  their  Con- 
duct, to  continue  them  in  their  Places. 

If  then  the  Committee  could  not,  from  the  Na- 
ture of  the  Thing,  be  expected  to  receive  that 
Information  from  tiie  Officers  of  the  Cuftoms  ('the 
chief  Perlons  on  whom  they  could  depend  for 
fuch  Information,)  from  whom  could  they  hope 
to  receive  any  Affi (lance  in  their  Enquiry  ?  Tne 
Body  of  Merchants*  fair  and  unfair,-  all  united 
in  their  Oppofition  to  the  Bill's  Faffing  ;  and  as 
the  Reafofis  for  Pafling  of  ic,  were  grounded 
upon  the  Extenjivenefs  of  the  Frauds  commit- 
ted, we  muft  naturally  be  led  to  think,  they 
ufed  all  poffible  Means  in  their  Power  to  ftifls 
and  fupprefs  every  Fraud. 

K  And 

(  74) 

And  here,  in  Confirmation  of  the  Greatnefs  of 
the  Frauds 1 1  might  take  notice  of  the  large  Gra- 
tuities Traders  have  made  Officers,  who  are 
their  Confederates,  out  of  their  unjuft  Gains  from 
the  Revenue  ;  which  they  would  not  be  able  fure- 
]y  to  do,  were  not  their  Gains  by  fuch  Frauds 
very  confiderable.  This  notorious  Confederacy 
between  Traders  and  Officers,  muft  render  it  ex- 
tremely difficult  for  the  Committee  to  make  any 
thorough  Examination.  But  the  Difadvantages 
the  Committee  laboured  under,  we  mall  flill 
find  to  be  much  greater,  if  we  reflect  upon  the 
Shortnefs  of  the  Time  they  had  to  make  the  En- 
quiry in.  For  thefe  Reafons,  and  under  fuch 
Circumftances,  it  was  impoffible  for  them  to 
make  many  new  Difcoveries  of  Fraud. 

And  fince  it  was  fo  difficult  in  a  Cafe  of  this 
Nature,  to  bring  clear  Evidence  of  many  In- 
ftances  of  thefe  Abufes,  becaufe  People,  who 
combine  together  to  carry  on  fraudulent  Practi- 
ces, are  under  very  ftrong  Ties  of  Intereft  not  to 
difcover  one  another  •,  what  could  the  Committee 
do  in  fuch  Circumftances? 

Though  two  Perfons  in  Goals  were  admitted 
as  Witneffes,  yet  their  Evidence  is  fo  well  cor- 
roborated by  others,  that  no  one  can  poffibly 
doubt  the  Veracity  of  it  •,  and  therefore  to  what 
End  fuch  an  Objection  is  made,  I  am  at  a  Lofs 
to  difcover! 

When  the  Duties  upon  Coffee  and  'Tea  were  con- 
verted into  Excifes, it  was  never  imagined  the  Frauds 
committed  in  thole  Branches  were  fo  extenfive, 
as  afterwards  they  appear'd  to  be,  from  the  great 
Annual  Surplus  they  have  ever  fince  produced. 
But  when  the  Frauds  in  the  Articles  of  Wine  and 
Tobacco  appear  to  be  fo  very  confiderable,  under 



the  greateft  Difadvantages  of  Examination,  is 
there  not  the  ftrongeft  Prefumption  ;  founded  up- 
on what  has  prov'd  experimentally  true,  that  the 
Surplujfes,  arifing  from  thefe  Commodities,  would 
have  raifed  the  Sum  propofed  ? 

Few  Men,  I  believe,  entertain  fo  dishonour- 
able and  undue  an  Opinion  of  the  Abilities  of  the 
Prime-Minijler  of  Great -Britain,  as  to  think,  had 
He  not  all  defireable  AfTurances ;  nay  the  ftrong- 
eft Conviction,  even  fuch  as  was  very  near 
a-kin  to  Certainty  and  Demonftration  itfelf,  the 
Scheme  would  have  anfwer'd  his  End,  he  would 
ever  have  propofed  it ;  efpecially  at  a  Time  when 
he  was  allured  it  would  meet  with  the  moft  vi- 
rulent Oppofition.  Were  the  Oppofers  of  it  more 
certain,  as  they  pretend  to  be,  that  it  would  have 
fail'd  in  its  End,  than  its  Propofers  were  that 
it  would  have  fully  anfwer'd  it,  they  would  never 
have  ufed  fuch  low  Arts  of  Mifreprefentation,  to 
prejudice  the  People  againft  it.  The  Mifcar- 
riage  of  it  now  will  redound  to  the  eternal  Ho- 
nour of  a  certain  Gentleman  \  but  had  it  been  in- 
effectual and  mifcarried,  when  it  had  been  put 
in  Execution ,  how  his  Enemies  would  have 
triumph'd !  But  its  Oppofers,  Sir,  were  too 
fenfible  it  would  have  anfwer'd  the  Defign  pro- 
pofed, and  therefore  it  would  have  put  an  End  to 
their  Projects  for  the  Deftruction  of  the  trueft 
Friend  to  Great-Britain,  whofe  Abilities  and  In- 
tegrity, hitherto,  have  only  been  more  confpicu- 
oufly  exalted  by  their  violent  Oppofition  to  all 
his  Meafures. 

Amongft  the  various  little  Tricks  ufed  by  the 
Enemies  of  the  Adminiftration  to  decry  this 
Scheme,  there  is  one  which  calls  for  the  higheft 
Indignation  of  every  Englijhman  \  and  that  is, 

K  2  their 

I  7<> 

their  Attempt  to  fet  the  Landed  and  Trading  In- 
terest ar  Variance.  But  this  Scheme,  Sir,  I  have 
demonftrated  to  you  to  be  for  the  mutual  Intereft 
of  both  ;  what  tends  to  the  Benefit  of  Trade, 
does  to  the  Eafe  of  the  Land  •,  and  what  to  the 
Eafe  of  the  Land,  does  to  the  Benefit  of  Trade, 
Here  are  both  the  great  Intere'fts  of  the  Nation 
reconciled  ;  than  which,  it  is  out  of  the  Power 
of  human  Wifdom  and  Policy  to  do  more  for 
the  general  Advantage  of  the  Nation. 

And  how  after,  all,  Sir,  can  you,  or  any  Gen- 
tleman  living,  who  will  not  naffer  his  Underftand- 
ing  to  be  drow  ned  in  popular  Clamor,  be  of  O- 
pinion  that  this  Project  was  calculated  to  be  of 
any  Detriment  to  'Trade  or  Liberty  ?  The  Eafe 
of  the  Briiijh  Freeholders,  and  the  diftrefled 
Planters,  by  keeping  all  Traders  upon  an  Equa- 
lity at  Home,  were  the  ftrong  Incentives  to  carry 
the  Defign  fo  far  as  it  was  carried  •,  Incentives 
powerful  enough  to  infpife  every  true  Patriot  to 
Jay  down  his  Life  to  accomplifh  it.  And  can 
any  Mali,  any  j  u  licious  and  confeientious  Man, 
lay  his  Hand  upon  his  Heart,  and  fay  that 
thefe  are  rot  the  mofi;  invaluable  and  ineffable 
Bleffings  chat  can  be  enjoy 'd  by  a  Trading  King- 
dom? Sure  no  fVIan  can  fo  much  violate  his 
Reafo  i  aricl  pon'fejence,  as  to  fay  that  an  Encreafe 
of  one  hundred  and  fifty  Excife  Officers1,  about 
three  to  a  County,  can  be  of  fo  much  danger 
to  rive  Starr,  as  to  overbalance  all  the  national 
Advantages  1  have  proved  would  accompany 
the  Qefign,?  Ivlave  1  not  fhewn,  I  was  a  going 
to  fay  the  ImrofTibility  oj'Officefs  being  able  to 
have  any  Influence  over  Electors?  This,  at  leaft, 
I  have  mace  appear,  that  if  they  attempt  any 
fuii  Thin^,   tne'}  run  the  rifque  of  Ruin  and  De- 

flruclion  ; 


ftruction ;  and  is  it  poffible  for  human  Laws  to 
do  more?  The  Point  of  Juries  I  have  fet  in  a 
clear,  and  a  faithful  Light,  and  fhew'd  that  his 
Majejty  could  not  any  ways  be  interefted  in  the 
Determination  of  Contefts  between  the  Publick 
and  Delinquents ;  and  that  the  Commijfioners 
could  no  ways  recommend  themfelves  to  a 
'Prince ,  or  a  Prime- Minifter ,  by  haraffing 
the  Trader.  The  Fallacy  of  one  Excife  tending 
to  a  general  one,  I  have  expofed  in  its  true  Co- 
lours, and  fhew'd  how  abfurd  it  is  to  argue  from 
Particulars  to  Generals. 

I  have  laid  open  the  bare-fae'd  Sophiftry  of 
the  anticonjlitution  Argument,  and  the  pretend- 
ed Danger  or  the  Ceflation  of  Parliaments  drawn 
from  the  Duration  of  the  Excife.  But  Things 
that  are  temporary  thefe  Men  mzkt  perpetual ;  what 
is  particular  they  make  general ;  what  is  to  pre- 
vent Roguery  they  conftrue  to  encourage  it ;  what 
is  to  eafe  the  Subject  and  promote  Trade,  they 
fay  is  to  en  (lave  them,  and  deftroy  it :  And  thus 
is  England  daily  pefler'd  with  what  tends  to  mif- 
guide  the  Bulk  of  the  People,  to  create  Di- 
visions and  DifaiTeclion  at  Home,  and  bring  up- 
on us  Ridicule  and  Contempt  from  abroad,  by 
liftening  to  jefuitical  Fallacies  of  wicked  and  ill— 
defining  Men. 



