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English  Synonyms 

and  Antonyms 

,  ty  ZVNK  <f  WA.GNA.Lt8  QOUPAMt 










After  being  for  eighteen  years  before  the  public,  during 
which  time  it  has  been  received  with  wide  and  constantly  in- 
creasing favor,  this  work  has  now  been  carefully  revised  by 
the  original  author,  with  the  addition  of  more  than  50  new 
dissertations  and  upward  of  660  new  synonyms,  bringing  the 
total  number  of  synonyms  treated  up  to  more  than  8,000,  with 
an  increase  of  154  pages  in  the  size  of  the  volume. 

At  numerous  points  within  the  paragraphs  originally  given 
new  discriminations  have  been  inserted  or  those  already  exist- 
ing newly  stated.  The  principle,  which  has  been  found  so  help- 
ful, of  referring  all  discriminations  in  every  group  to  some 
lixed  point  as  a  standard  has  been  steadily  maintained  through- 
out this  revision. 

Increasing  study  of  the  subject  produces  only  increasing 
wonder  at  the  richness,  fulness,  and  variety  of  English  syno- 
nyms gathered  from  all  ages  and  all  lands,  which  the  vigorous 
practical  genius  of  the  language  has,  by  fine  distinction,  so 
delicately  differentiated  as  to  make  possible  the  accurate  de- 
limitation of  almost  all  shades  of  human  thought. 

Not  only  for  the  highest  reach  of  oratory  and  the  perfection 
of  literary  style,  but  for  accuracy  and  explicitness  joined  with 
luminous  brevity  in  business  communications,  or  for  spright- 
Hness,  forc«,  and  union  of  ease  and  grace  with  effectiveness  in 
conversation,  the  careful  study  of  synonyms  will  be  found  one 
of  the  moat  profitable  to  which  any  speaker  or  writer  can  de- 
vote himself.  Such  study  leads  the  mind  to  an  ever-increasing 
perception  of  the  fine  shades  of  thought  expressed  by  the  dif- 
ference in  meaning  of  words  which  are  in  essence  closely  allied 
and  BO  conduces  to  accuracy  and  clarity  in  thinking,  while  at 
the  same  time  the  scope  and  range  of  thought  itself  are 
widened,  as  the  student  comes  to  see  and  feel  in  the  very  words 
of  the  language  the  over-varying  ideas  which,  those  words  have 
been  so  fitly  assigned  to  express. 

T    f1    "F* 

Montclair,  N.  J.,  Feb.  11.  1914. 


The  English  language  is  peculiarly  rich  in  synonyms,  as, 
with  such  a  history,  it  could  not  fail  to  be.  From  the  time 
of  Julius  Caesar,  Britons,  Romans,  Northmen,  Saxons,  Danes, 
and  Normans  fighting,  fortifying,  and  settling  upon  the  HOI! 
of  England,  with  Scotch  and  Irish  contending1  for  mastery  or 
existence  across  the  mountain  border  and  the  Channel,  and 
all  fenced  in  together  by  the  sea,  could  not  but  influence  one 
another's  speech.  English  merchants,  Bailors,  soldiers,  and 
travelers,  trading,  warring,  and  exploring  in  every  clime,  of 
necessity  brought  back  new  terms  of  sea  and  shore,  of  shop 
and  camp  and  battle-Held.  English  scholars  have  studied 
Greek  and  Latin  for  a  thousand  years,  and  the  languages 
of  the  Continent  and  of  the  Orient  in  more  recent  times, 
English  churchmen  have  introduced  worda  from  Hebrew, 
Greek,  and  Latin,  through  Bible  and  prayer-book,  sermon 
and  tract.  Prom  all  this  it  results  that  there  is  scarcely  A 
language  ever  spoken  among  men  that  has  not  «omo  repre- 
sentative in  English  speech.  The  spirit  of  the  Anglo-Saxon 
race,  masterful  in  language  as  in  war  and  commerce,  han  sub- 
jugated all  these  various  elements  to  one  idiom,  making  not  a 
patchwork,  but  a  composite  language.  An^lo-Saxon  thrift, 
finding  often  several  words  that  originally  expressed  the  same, 
idea,  has  detailed  them  to  different  parts  of  the  common  ter- 
ritory or  to  different  service,  so  that  we  have  an  almont 
unexampled  variety  of  words,  kindred  in  meaning  but  dis- 
tinct in  usage,  for  expressing  almost  every  shade  of  human 

Scarcely  any  two  of  such  words,  wmmonly  known  an 
synonyms,  are  identical  at  once  in  signification  and  in  use. 
They  have  certain  common  ground  within  which  they  are 
interchangeable;  but  outside  of  that  each  has  its  own  special 
province,  within  which  any  other  word  come«  as  an  intruder. 
Prom  these  two  qualities  arisen  the  great  value  of  synonym* 
as  contributing  to  beauty  and  effectiveness  of  expression.  As 
interchangeable,  they  make  possible  thai  freedom  and  variety 



by  which  the  diction  of  an  accomplished  writer  or  speaker 
differs  from  the  wooden  uniformity  of  a  legal  document.  As 
distinct  and  specific,  they  enable  a  master  of  style  to  choose 
in  every  instance  the  one  term  that  is  the  most  perfect  mirror 
of  his  thought.  To  write  or  speak  to  the  best  purpose,  one 
should  know  in  the  first  place  all  the  words  from  which  he 
may  choose,  and  then  the  exact  reason  why  in  any  case  any 
particular  word  should  be  chosen.  To  give  such  knowledge 
in  these  two  directions  is  the  office  of  a  book  of  synonyms. 
Of  Milton's  diction  Macaulay  writes: 

"His  poetry  acts  like  an  incantation.  Its  merit  lies  less  in  its 
obvious  meaning  than  in  its  occult  power.  There  would  seem,  at 
first  sight,  to  be  no  more  in  his  words  than  in  other  words.  But 
they  are  words  of  enchantment.  No  sooner  are  they  pronounced, 
than  the  past  is  present  and  the  distant  near.  New  forms  of 
beauty  start  at  once  into  existence,  and  all  the  burial  places  of  the 
memory  give  up  their  dead.  Change  the  structure  of  the  sentence ; 
substitute  one  synonym  for  another,  and  the  whole  effect  is  de- 
stroyed. The  spell  loses  its  power;  and  he  who  should  then  hope 
to  conjure  with  it  would  find  himself  as  much  mistaken  as  Cassim 
in  the  Arabian  tale,  when  he  stood  crying,  'Open  Wheat,'  'Open 
Barley/  to  the  door  which  obeyed  no  sound  but  'Open  Sesame.' 
The  miserable  failure  of  Dryden  in  his  attempt  to  translate  into 
his  own  diction  some  parts  of  the  '  Paradise  Lost '  is  a  remarkable 
instance  of  this. ' ' 

Macaulay's  own  writings  abound  in  examples  of  that  ex- 
quisite precision  in  the  choice  of  words,  which  never  seems 
to  be  precise,  but  has  all  the  aspect  of  absolute  freedom. 
Through  his  language  his  thought  bursts  upon  the  mind  as  a 
landscape  is  seen  instantly,  perfectly,  and  beautifully  from  a 
mountain  height.  A  little  vagueness  of  thought,  a  slight  in- 
felicity in  the  choice  of  words  would  be  like  a  cloud  upon  the 
mountain,  obscuring  the  scene  with  a  damp  and  chilling  mist. 
Let  anyone  try  the  experiment  with  a  poem  like  Gray's 
"Elegy,"  or  Goldsmith's  "Traveler"  or  "Deserted  Village," 
of  substituting  other  words  for  those  the  poet  has  chosen, 
and  he  will  readily  perceive  how  much  of  the  charm  of  the 
lines  depends  upon  their  fine  exactitude  of  expression. 

In  our  own  day,  when  so  many  are  eager  to  write,  and  con- 
fident that  they  can  write,  and  when  the  press  is  sending 
forth  by  the  ton  that  which  is  called  literature,  but  which 


somehow  lacks  the  imprint  of  immortality,  it  is  of  the  first 
importance  to  revive  the  study  of  synonyms  as  a  distinct 
branch  of  rhetorical  culture.  Prevalent  errors  need  at  time& 
to  be  noted  and  corrected,  but  the  teaching  of  pure  Knglish 
speech  is  the  best  defense  against  all  that  is  inferior,  un- 
suitable, or  repulsive.  The  most  effective  condemnation  of 
an  objectionable  word  or  phrase  is  that  it  is  not  found  in 
scholarly  works,  and  a  student  who  has  once  learned  the  rich 
stores  of  vigorous,  beautiful,  exact,  and  expressive  wordy  that 
make  up  our  noble  language,  is  by  that  very  tact  put  be- 
yond the  reach  of  all  temptation  to  linguistic  corruption. 

Special  instruction  in  the  use  of  synonyms  is  necessary,  for 
the  reason  that  few  students  possess  the  analytical  power  and 
habit  of  mind  required  to  hold  a  succession  of  separate  defini- 
tions in  thought  at  once,  compare  them  with  each  other,  and 
determine  just  where  and  how  they  part  company;  and  the 
persons  least  able  to  do  this  are  the  very  ones  most  in  need  of 
the  information.  The  distinctions  between  word«  similar  in 
meaning  are  often  so  fine  and  elusive  as  to  tax  the  ingenuity  of 
the  accomplished  scholar;  yet  when  clearly  apprehended  they 
are  as  important  for  the  purposes  of  language  as  the  minute 
differences  between  similar  substances  are  for  the  purpose  of 
chemistry.  Often  definition  itself  is  best  secured  by  the  com- 
parison of  kindred  terms  and  the  pointing  out  where  each 
differs  from  the  other.  We  perceive  more  clearly  and  remem- 
ber better  what  each  word  is,  by  perceiving  where  each  divides, 
from  another  of  kindred  meaning;  just  a«  we  see  and  re- 
member  better  the  situation  and  contour  of  adjacent  countries 
by  considering1  them  as  boundaries  of  each  other,  rather  than 
by  an  exact  statement  of  the  latitude  and  longitude  of  each* 
as  a  separate  portion  of  the  earth's  surface. 

The  great  mass  of  untrained  speakers  and  writers  need  to* 
be  reminded,  in  the  first  place,  that  there  arc,  synonyms — a 
suggestion  which  they  would  not  gain  from  any  precision  of 
separate  definitions  in  a  dictionary.  The  deplorable  repetition 
with  which  many  slightly  educated  persons  uae  «»ch  worete  at* 
"elegant,"  "splendid,"  "clever,"  "awful,"  "horrid,"  etc.,  to  in- 
dicate (for  they  can  not  be  said  to  express)  almost  any  shade* 
of  certain  approved  or  objectionable  qualities,  shows  a  limited 
vocabulary,  a  poverty  of  language,  which  it  is  of  the  first  im- 
portance to  correct.  Many  who  are  not  given  to  such  gross* 


nisnse  would  yet  be  surprised  to  learn  how  often  they  employ 
a  very  limited  number  of  words  in  the  attempt  to  give  utter- 
ance to  thoughts  and  feelings  so  unlike,  that  what  is  the  right 
word  on  one  occasion  must  of  necessity  be  the  wrong  word  at 
many  other  times.  Such  persons  are  simply  unconscious  of 
the  fact  that  there  are  other  words  of  kindred  meaning  from 
which  they  might  choose;  as  the  United  States  surveyors  of 
Alaska  found  "the  shuddering  tenant  of  the  frigid  zone" 
wrapping  himself  in  furs  and  cowering  over  a  fire  of  sticks 
with  untouched  coal-mines  beneath  his  feet. 

Such  poverty  of  -  language  is  always  accompanied  by 
poverty  of  thought.  One  who  is  content  to  use  the  same  word 
for  widely  different  ideas  has  either  never  observed  or  soon 
comes  to  forget  that  there  is  any  difference  between  the  ideas; 
or  perhaps  he  retains  a  vague  notion  of  a  difference  which  he 
never  attempts  to  define  to  himself,  and  dimly  hints  to  others 
by  adding  to  his  inadequate  word  some  such  phrase  as  "you 
see"  or  "you  know/'  in  the  helpless  attempt  to  inject  into 
another  mind  by  suggestion  what  adequate  words  would  enable 
him  simply  and  distinctly  to  say.  Such  a  mind  resembles  the 
old  maps  of  Africa  in  which  the  interior  was  filled  with  cloudy 
spaces,  where  modem  discovery  has  revealed  great  lakes,  fertile 
plains,  and  mighty  rivers.  One  main  office  of  a  book  of 
synonyms  is  to  reveal  to  such  persons  the  unsuspected  riches 
o£  their  own  language;  and  when  a  series  of  words  is  given 
them  from  which  they  may  choose,  then,  with  intelligent  choice 
of  words  there  comes  of  necessity  a  clearer  perception  of  the 
difference  of  the  ideas  that  are  to  be  expressed  by  those  differ- 
ent words.  Thus,  copiousness  and  clearness  of  language  tend 
directly  to  affluence  and  precision  of  thought. 

Hence  there  is  an  important  use  for  mere  lists  of  classified 
synonyms,  like  Roget's  Thesaurus  and  the  works  of  Soule  and 
Fallows.  Not  one  in  a  thousand  of  average  students  would 
ever  discover,  by  independent  study  ,of  the  dictionary,  that 
there  are  fifteen  synonyms  for  beautiful,  twenty-one  for  be- 
ginn&ng,  fifteen  for  benevolence,  twenty  for  friendly,  and 
thirty-seven  for  pure.  The  mere  mention  of  such  numbers 
opens  vistas  of  possible  fulness,  freedom,  and  variety  of  ut- 
terance, which  will  have  for  many  persons  the  effect  of  a 

But  it  is  equally  important  to  teach  that  synonyms  we  not 


identical  and  to  explain  why  and  how  they  differ.  A  person  of 
extensive  reading  and  study,  with  a  fine  natural  sense  of  lan- 
guage, will  often  find  all  that  ho  wants  in  the  mere  lust,  which 
recalls  to  his  memory  the  appropriate  word.  Hut  for  the  vast 
majority  there  is  needed  some  work  that  compares  or  contrasts 
synonymous  words,  explains  their  differences  of  moaning  or 
usage,  and  shows  in  what  connections  one  or  the  other  may  be 
most  fitly  used.  This  is  the  purpose  of  tho  present  work,  to 
be  a  guide  to  selection  from  the  varied  treasures  of  English 

This  work  treats  within  375  pages  more  than  7,500  synonyms. 
It  has  been  the  study  of  the  author  to  give  every  definition  or 
distinction  in  the  fewest  passible  words  consistent  with  clear- 
ness of  statement,  and  this  not  merely  for  economy  of  space, 
but  because  such  condensed  statements  are  most  easily  appre- 
hended and  remembered. 

The  method  followed  has  been  to  select  from  every  group 
of  synonyms  one  word,  or  two  contrasted  wortbi,  tho  moaning 
of  which  may  be  settled  by  clear  definitive  statements,  thus 
securing  some  fixed  point  or  points  to  which  all  tho  other  words 
of  the  group  may  be  referred.  The  great  source  of  vagueness, 
error,  and  perplexity  in  many  discussions  of  synonyms  ia,  that 
the  writer  merely  associates  stray  ideas  loosely  connected  with 
the  different  words,  sliding  from  synonym  to  synonym  with 
no  definite  point  of  departure  or  return,  so-  that  a  smooth  and 
at  first  sight  pleasing  statement  really  gives  the  mind  no 
definite  resting-place  and  no  sure  conclusion*  A  true  discus- 
sion of  Rynonyms  is  definition  by  comparison,  and  for  thin 
there  must  be  something  definite  with  which  to  compare.  When 
the  standard  is  settled,  approximation  or  differentiation  can 
be  determined  with  clearness  and  certainty.  It  i»  not  enough 
to  tell  something  about  each  word*  The  thing  to  tell  IK  how 
each  word  is  related  to  others  of  that  particular  group.  When 
a  word  has  more  than  one  prominent  moaning,  the  nynonyma 
for  one  signification  are  treated  in  one  group  and  a  reference 
is  made  to  some  other  group  in  which  the  synonyms  for  another 
signification  are  treated,  as  may  be  seen  by  noting  the  aynonym* 
given  under  APPARENT,  and  following-  the  reference  to  KVIDBNT, 

It  has  been  impossible  within  the  limits  of  thin  volume  to 
treat  in  full  all  the  words  of  each  group  of  synonyms.  Some- 
times it  has  been  necessary  to  restrict  the  statement  to  a  mere 

PREFACE  xiii 

•suggestion  of  the  correct  use;  in  some  cases  only  the  chief 
words  of  a  group  could  be  considered,  giving  the  key  to  the 
discussion,  and  leaving  the  student  to  follow  out  the  principle 
in  the  case  of  other  words  by  reference  to  the  definitive  state- 
ments of  the  dictionary.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  at  some  time  a 
dictionary  of  synonyms  may  be  prepared,  giving  as  full  a  list 
a3  that  of  Eoget  or  of  Soule,  with  discriminating  remarks  upon 
every  word.  Such  a  work  would  be  of  the  greatest  value,  but 
obviously  beyond  the  scope  of  a  text-book  for  the  class-room. 

The  author  has  here  incorporated,  by  permission  of  the  pub- 
lishers of  the  Standard  Dictionary,  much  of  the  synonym 
matter  prepared  by  him  for  that  work.  All  has  been  thoroughly 
revised  or  reconstructed,  and  much  wholly  new  matter  has 
been  added. 

The  book  contains  also  more  than  3,700  antonyms.  These 
are  valuable  as  supplying  definition  by  contrast  or  by  negation, 
one  of  the  most  elective  methods  of  defining  being  in  many 
oases  to  tell  what  a  thing  is  not.  To  speakers  and  writers 
antonyms  are  useful  as  furnishing  oftentimes  effective 

Young  writers  will  find  much  help  from  tho  indication  of 
the  correct  use  of  prepositions,  the  misuse  of  which  is  one  of 
the  most  common  of  errors,  and  one  of  the  most  difficult  to 
avoid,  while  their  right  use  gives  to  style  cohesion,  firmness, 
and  compactness,  and  is  an  important  aid  to  perspicuity.  To 
the  text  of  the  synonyms  is  appended  a  set  of  Questions  and 
Examples  to  adapt  the  work  for  use  as  a  text-book.  Aside 
from  tho  purposes  of  the  class-room,  this  portion  will  be  found 
of  value  to  the  individual  student.  Excepting  those  who  have 
made  a  thorough  study  of  language  most  persons  will  discover 
with  surprise  how  difficult  it  is  to  answer  any  set  of  the  Ques- 
tions or  to  fill  the  blanks  in  the  Examples  without  referring  to 
the  synonym  treatment  in  Part  I.,  or  to  a  dictionary,  and  how 
rarely  they  can  give  any  intelligent  reason  for  preference  even 
among  familiar  words.  There  are  few  who  can  study  such  a 
work  without  finding  occasion  to  correct  some  errors  into  which 
they  have  unconsciously  fallen,  and  without  coming  to  a  new 
delight  in  the  use  of  language  from  a  fuller  knowledge  of  its 
resources  and  a  clearer  sense  of  its  various  capabilities. 

West  New  Brighton,  N.  T.,  Sept,  4, 1896, 



Many  persons  fail  to  find  the  words  they  are  seeking  in  this 
"book,  because  they  look  only  at  the  key -word  at  the  head  of 
4ach  article.  These  key-words  are  given  in  alphabetical  order, 
so  that  if  one  wishes  to  find  the  word  "beautiful,"  for  instance, 
that  will  be  found  in  the  regular  alphabetical  order  on  page  115. 

But  under  the  word  "beautiful"  there  are  16  synonyms.  It 
is  obvious  that  not  every  one  of  these  can  be  made  the  head  of 
a  group  in  alphabetical  order. 

How  can  any  word  within  the  group  be  found?  By  turning 
to  the  Index  at  the  back  of  the  volume.  Suppose  you  wish 
synonyms  for  the  word  "pretty*"  You  will  not  find  that  under 
Pj  but  by  turning  to  the  Index  you  will  find : 

"pretty,  beautiful 115" 

That  is,  "pretty"  is  to  be  found  under  the  key-word, 
"beautiful,"  on  page  115. 

Often  one  word  is  referred  to  several  groups,  thus : 

cultivation,    agriculture 43 

education    209 

refinement 406 

some  different  aspect  or  meaning  of  the  word  being  treated 
under  each  of  the  different  groups. 



.  &  S.I 

Orahb'fi  "English  Synonyms  Explained."     Ill  | 
Houle'w  "Dictionary  of  Kntfhhh  HymmyniN  "      [  L.I 
Smith's  "ttyxumyniH  DiHcnminutod  "      [  ft  KM*  ] 
Graham's  "Kiitflu»h  fcJynonymH,"      f  A  1 
Whatoley's  "Kn^huh  Synonyms  Discriminated,"      [ 
"Handbook  of  Hynonymh  "      |  Ij    &  H.I 
fl*  "Oomplete  Dictionary  of  SyiuinyittH  an<l  AntnnymM."      (P.  H.  Il,| 

"Thchamus  of  Mnirtiflh  WoidH."      1  1'1.  &  W,  Co.  | 
Trcnch'B  "fcSludy  of  WnfiliBh  Words"      (  W.  ,1.  VV  I 
Kichavd  (haul  White,  "WordH  and  their  Uhoh,"  mill  "Kvory  Day  KnKlii*ti.M 

[IT.  K   &  Oo  I 

Qoo.    P.   Marsh,    "Lrd-uros   on    tlio    MnicliHh    LiingunKts"    and    "Origin    und 
ITiHtory  of  iho  Knglthh  IjuiiKua^1-"      f^J 
Hall,  "P^nlw  Philology  "     fH  | 

Clrammar,"  tr.  by  (jr(*c<*.     M,  M.I 

The  Synonyms  of  the  (V.ntury  and   Intornational  Did  ion- 

havo  also  boon  consuIUul  and  compared. 
Tho  Funk  &  Wa^nalls  Siarulard  Dictionary  lian  b<*«n 
the  authority  throughout. 


A  ............    !>.  Applnton  &  Oo. 

AH  ..............  *  .  ,    Aui(lo«{Huxon 

,  &  S  .........  Holl  &  HonH 

*».  II.  R  .........  Homing  M.  HovoU 

P.  Si  W.  Co..  .Punk  &  WftKttuIlH  Oo. 
(J>  ......  .  .........  .*,...   Gorman 

Or  .......................  <im-k 

H  ...............  Harper  A  BroH. 

H.  M,  &  Oo..iroughton,  Mifflin  &  do. 
Tfc  ....................  .  .  -  Italian 

J.  M.  .  ,  .  ,  ........  *  .  .John  Murray 

K.*!'1  ............    Krauth-Mwnlnjt 

"V<»caliulary  of  IMiitoimphy/' 
1^  .........  Latin;  Uwlnroti  &  Oo. 

li.  &  H  ............  Lee  A  Hhcpard 

M  .Murray'wKew  KnglUlt  Dldlonary 

H  ...........  ChnK.  Hcrilm.'r'N  Hmu 

Hi>  .....................    HpitnUh 

T,  &  K1  .........  ,  .Tii-knor  ft  t-'Md* 

T,  &  II  .........  Trout  man  A  Hay«»n 

T.  &  M,.  Taylor,  WalU>n  A  MubfrU-y 
W,  J.  W  ..........  W,  J.  Widdl«too 





abdicate  desert  leave  resign 

abjure  discontinue  quit  retire  from 

oast  off  forego  recant  retract 

cease  forsake  relinquish  surrender 

cede  forswear  renounce  vacate 

depart  from  give  up  repudiate  withdraw  front 

Abandon  is  a  word  of  wide  signification,  applying  to  persons 
or  things  of  any  kind;  abdicate  and  resign  apply  to  office, 
authority,  or  power;  cede  to  territorial  possessions;  surrender 
especially  to  military  force,  and  more  generally  to  any  demand, 
claim,  passion,  etc.  Quit  carries  an  idea  of  suddenness  or  ab- 
ruptness not  necessarily  implied  in  abandon,  and  may  not  have 
the  same  suggestion  of  finality.  The  king  abdicates  Ins  throne, 
cedes  his  territory,  deserts  his  followers,  renounces  his  religion, 
relinquishes  his  titles,  abandons  his  designs.  A  cowardly  of- 
ficer deserts  his  ship;  tho  helpless  passengers  abandon  it.  We 
guit  business,  give  up  property,  resign  office,  abandon  a  habit 
or  a  trust.  Eelinquish  commonly  implies  reluctance;  the  faint- 
ing hand  relinquishes  its  grasp;  tho  creditor  relinquishes  his 
claim*  Abandon  implies  previous  association  with  responsi- 
bility for  or  control  of;  forsake  implies  previous  association 
with  inclination  or  attachment,  real  or  assumed;  a  man  may 
abandon  or  forsake  house  or  friends;  he  abandons  an  enter- 
prise; forsakes  God.  Abandon  is  applied  to  both  good  and 
evil  action;  a  thief  abandons  his  designs;  a  man,  his  prin- 
ciples. Forsake,  like  abandon,  may  be  used  cither  in  the 
favorable,  or  unfavorable  sense;  desert  is  always  unfavorable, 


involving  a  breach  of  duty,  except  when  used  of  more  locali- 
ties; as,  "The  Deserted  Village."  While  a  monarch  abdicate,**, 
a  president  or  other  elected  or  appointed  officer  rcMtpw.  It. 
was  held  that  James  IL  abdicated  his  throne  by  departing  it. 


adopt  defend,  occupy  He«»k 

advocate  favor  proHccutn  support 

a&oeit  haunt  protect  nndot'tuku 

cherish  hold  pursues  uphold 

claim  keep  retain  vindicate 

court  maintain 



bring  low  depress  dishonor  lowar 

oast  down  discredit  tumble  reduce 

debase  disgrace  humiliate  gink 


Abuse,  3*0 Tors  only  to  outward  conditions.  "Exalt,  him  that  IB 
low,  and  abase  him  that  is  high."  Ksek.  xxi,  'JKi.  DehQM  ap- 
plies to  quality  or  character.  The  coinage  In  de.lmwd  by  OXWKH 
of  alloy;  the  man,  by  vice.  Humble,  iu  pixwcml  \\m  ivfVrn  chief- 
ly  to  feeling  of  heart;  humiliate  io  outward  comlitionH;  «vf»n 
when  one  is  said  to  Invmbte  himself,  he  c»ilh<»r  IIUH  or  nff«<*t«  to 
have  humility  of  heart.  To  dtttfjwt*  may  IK*  to  briu^  or  inflict 
odium  xipon  others,  but  the  word  i«  chiefly  and  iticroamntfly 
applied  to  such  moral  odium  n«  one  by  his  own  a<*(s  brin^H  upon 
himself;  the  noun  Awgracc.  rotaitiM  more  of  ilm  passive  KCWHA 
than  ihe  verb;  ho  disgraced  himself  by  las  conduct ;  ho  brought 
disgrace  \i\nm  his  family.  To  dishonor  a  pcrnon  in  to  deprive 
him  of  honor  that  should  or  might  bo  given.  To  tlinrrcdit  ono 
is  to  injure  his  reputation,  as  for  voracity  or  Holvcwy*  A  nenne 
of  unworthinoss  humbles;  a  «hamcful  insult  //umtV/a^/r;  im- 
prisonment for  crime  ditiyraws.  Degrade  may  n»i'«r  to  cither 
station  or  cliaractor.  An  oflicer  IH  degraded  by  l)(»iu 
to  the  ranks,  disgraced  by  cowardice;  vilo  practuum 
drunkenness  is  a  degrading  vice.  Misfortune  or  injuHtwo  may 
abaao  the  good;  nothing  but  their  own  ill-doing  can  debase  or 
disgrace  them. 


advance  elevate  honor  m{H« 

aggrandize  t»xalt  promote  \»plift 





bewilder  daunt  embarrass  mortify 

chagrin  di»  compose  humble  overawe 

confound  disconcert  humiliate  shame 

confuse  dishearten. 

Any  sense  of  inferiority  abashes,  with  or  without  the  sense 
of  wrong-.  The  poor  are  abashed  at  the  splendor  of  wealth;  the 
ignorant,  at  the  learning  of  the  wise.  "I  might  have  been 
abashed  by  their  authority."  GLADSTONE  Homeric  Synchron, 
p.  72.  [IT.  1876.]  To  confuse  is  to  bring  into  a  state  of  mental 
bewilderment;  to  confound  is  to  overwhelm  the  mental  facul- 
ties; to  daunl  is  to  subject  to  a  certain  degree  of  fear.  Em- 
barrass is  a  strong  word,  signifying  primarily  hamper,  hinder, 
impede.  A  solitary  thinker  may  be  confused  by  some  difficulty 
in  a  subject,  or  some  mental  defect;  one  is  embarrassed  in  the 
presence  of  others,  and  because  of  their  presence.  Confusion 
is  of  the  intellect,  embarrassment  of  the  feelings.  A  witness 
may  be  embarrassed  by  annoying  personalities,  so  as  to  become 
confused  in  statements.  To  mortify  a  person  is  to  bring  upon 
him  a  painful  sense  of  humiliation,  whether  because  of  his 
own  or  another's  fault  or  failure.  A  pupil  is  confused  by  a 
perplexing  question,  a  general  confounded  by  overwhelming 
defeat.  A  hostess  is  discomposed  by  tho  tardiness  of  guests, 
a  speaker  disconcerted  by  a  failure  of  memory.  The  criminal 
who  is  not  abashed  at  detection  may  be  daunted  by  the  officer's 
weapon.  Sudden  joy  may  bewilder,  but  will  not  abash.  The 
true  worshipper  is  humbled  rather  than  abashed  before  God. 
The  parent  in  mortified  by  the  child's  rudeness,  the  child 
abashed  at  the  parent's  reproof.  Tho  embarrassed  speaker 
jfinds  it  difficult  to  proceed.  The  mob  is  overawed  by  the  mili- 
tary, the  hypocrite  shamed  by  exposure.  "A  man  whom  no 
denial,  no  scorn  could  abash."  FIELDING  Amelia  bk»  iii,  eh.  9, 
j>.  300.  [B.  &s  s.  1871.]  Compare  OHAGEIIT;  HINDER. 


animate  cheer  encourage  rally 

buoy  embolden  inspirit  uphold 




decline  dwindle  lower  reduce 

decrease  ebb  mitigate  subside 

diminish.  lessen.  moderate 

The  storm,  the  fever,  the  pain  abater.  Interest 
Misfortunes  may  bo  mifayalvd,  dcssiras  moderated,  nitcnwo  anger 
abated,  population  decreatted,  taws  reduced.  An  ill  -managed 
fortune  dwindles;  a  flood  ttulMideH.  We  ah  air  si  nuisance,  frr- 
minatc  a  controversy,  supprctta  a  rebellion.  Soo 

aggravate  enhance  foment 

amplify  onlarfto  inert  uuw  nilw 

continue  extend  miiffnify  r«vlv«» 



Abate  in  i'uryj    abated  /;//  law. 


abridgment        contraction 

An  abbreviation  is  a  .shortening  by  any  nwtliod;  a  contraction 
is  a  reduction  o£  sisso  by  Iho  drawing  together  of  the*  pails,  A 
contraction  of  a  word  is  made*  by  omitting  coriain  l«tttu*H  or 
Kyllablen  and  bringing  toother  tho  iirHt  nnd  hmt  loltorw  or  <>!*'- 
inents;  an  abbreviation  may  bo  niado  either  by  omitting  certain 
])ortioiiH  from  tho  interior  or  by  cutting1  off  a  pnrt  ;  a  contraction 
is  an  abbreviation*  but  an  abbreviation  in  not  nocensarily  a  con- 
traction; rcc't  for  roceif)t,  mdw*  for  nierchandiw^  and  />r.  for 
debtor  arc  aontravtionu;  they  arc  alno  abbrwiatitmN  ;  Am.  for 
American  iw  an  abbreviation,  but  not  a  c.ontrtttition.  Abbrftvia* 
tion  and  cow*ra^^'r?w  are  used  of  word«  and  phmHOM,  abridgment 
of  books,  pamgrapliH,  «enton<>cs,  etc,  domparo 



advocate            countenance            Incite  *anotion 

aid                       embolden                  instigate  ittpport 

asfllct                   encourage                 promote  upixold 

Abet  and  instigate  arc  now  used  almost  without  (tfcccvpfion  !n 
a  bad  sense  j  one  may  indie  wither  t<>  good  or  i»vil.    ()m» 


or  instigates  to  the  doing  of  something  not  yet  done,  or  to  in- 
creased activity  or  further  advance  in  the  doing  of  it ;  one  abets 
by  giving  sympathy,  countenance,  or  substantial  aid  to  the  do- 
ing of  that  which  is  already  projected  or  in  process  of  com- 
mission. Abet  and  instigate  apply  either  to  persons  or  ac- 
tions, incite  to  persons  only;  one  incites  a  person  to  an  action. 
A  clergyman  will  advocate  the  claims  of  justice,  aid  the  poor, 
encourage  the  despondent,  support  the  weak,  uphold  the  con- 
stituted authorities;  but  he  will  not  incite  to  a  quarrel,  instigate 
a  riot,  or  abet  a  crime.  The  originator  of  a  crime  often  insti- 
gates or  incites  others  to  abet  him  in  it,  or  one  may  instigate 
or  incite  others  to  a  crime  in  the  commission  of  winch  ,he  him- 
self takes  no  active  part.  Compare  HELP. 


baffle  denounce  disconcert          expose  impede 

confound  deter  discourage         irustrato         obstruct 

counteract        disapprove        dissuade  hinder 



adjournment  expectancy  intermission  reservation 

discontinuance  expectation  interruption  suspense 

dormancy  inaction.  quiescence  suspension. 

Discontinuance  may  ho  final  or  temporary;  all  other  words 
in  this  list  denote  ce&sation  oC  activity  with  expectation  or  pos- 
sibility of  resumption.  A  title  to  properly,  when  in  abeyance, 
JM  likoly  at  any  time  to  l>o  revived  on  the  appearance  ol!  a  law- 
ful owner;  a  claim  or  a  measure  is  hold  in  abeyance  with  dis- 
tinct purpose  of  proving  it  if  occasion  shall  arise.  Expectancy 
or  expectation,  in  this  connection,  is  abeyance  viewed  from  the 
standpoint  of  one  who  expects  to  attain  possession;  an,  an 
ostate  in  expectancy.  Dormancy  denotes  a  state  of  suspended 
animation  like  that  of  a  hibernating  animal;  a  law  which  i? 
in  dormancy  may  be  again  enforced,  but  always  with  a  preju- 
dice against  it,  because  custom  has  held  its  non-enforcement  to 
be  tantamount  to  an  unwritten  repeal.  Inaction  may  bo 
habitual;  as,  the  slothful  man  wastes  his  life  in  inaction;  or 
it  may  be  temporary;  as,  the  inacMon  of  an  nrmy  while  await- 
ing the  moment  to  strike,  or  the  inaction  of!  a  volcano  which  is 
not  extinct.  Intermission  points  to  expected,  or  perhaps  cal- 
culated, resumption,  and  may  be  frequently  or  regularly  re- 

abhor  8 

ablution  _  ^^^-.^^^^^^^-—^ 

peated;  as,  the  intermissions  of  remittent  fever,  the  intermis- 
sion of  artillery  fire,  or  the  intermission  between  sessions  of  a 
school  or  ol!  a  deliberative  assembly.  Intermission  IH  from 
within;  interruption  from  without;  intcnni^ion  may  bo  nat- 
ural or  voluntary;  interruption  is  enforced  by  some  disturbing 
cause;  as,  the  interruption  of  a  religious  service  by  rioters, 
Quiescence  is  closely  allied  to  inaction;  but  while  inaction  do- 
notes  lack  oC  activity,  quiescence  denotes  lack  of  disturbing 
symptoms  of  activity,  as  agitation,  excitement,  or  commotion. 
The  reservation  of  a  right  or  daim  maintains  it  in  full  force1, 
entitling  the  party  so  reserving  to  press  it  at  any  time;  mental 
reservation  consists  in  holding  unspoken  some  condition  or 
qualification  which,  if  uttered,  would  seem  to  change  the 
whole  character  of  some  statement  or  promise*;  aw,  an  oath  to 
tell  the  truth,  with  the  mental  reservation,  except  as  to  one'n 
church,  party,  friends,  or  the  like,.  /Sywtf/^mvV>«  is  ordinarily  by 
authority,  as  the  smpen^lon  of  an  officer  from  command,  under 
charges,  or  tho  suspension  of  a  student  from  college;  unupcn* 
aion  of  payment  is  in  theory  temporary,  but  is  in  Fact  so  often 
final  as  to  be  closely  allied  to  bankruptcy;  mttf^mtiott  of 
sentence,  pending  good  behavior,  is  now  frequently  allowed  on 
conviction  of  minor  offenses.  (Jompare 


action  oxorclHo 

enjoyment  force  ronowal  revival 

enforcement          operalloxi 



abominate  dislike  loathe  *oorn 

despise  hate  nauseate  *lmn 


Abhor  IB  fttrongor  than  faapitie,  implying  a  nhmldorintf 
especially  a  moral  recoil.  "How  many  nhun  evil  an  inaonvanirnt 
who  do  not  abhor  it  as  hateful."  TKMNOH  Hcrm.  in 
Abbey  xxvi,  297.  [M.]  Detent  expresses  indignation,  with 
thing  of  coiitompL  Loathe  implien  diHgu«tt  phyniwil  or  inorul. 
We  abhor  a  traitor,  d(wpi$<>,  a  coward,  detent  a  liar.  Wfl  dinlikf 
an  uncivil  person.  We  abhor  ernolty,  hate  tyranny.  We  loathe 
a  reptile  or  a  flatterer.  Wo  abhor  Milton'n  heroic  Satan,  but 
we  can  not  dcttpifut  him. 



admire  crave 

approve  desiie 

covet  enjoy 






















To  abide  is  to  remain  continuously  without  limit  of  time 
unless  expressed  by  the  context:  "to-day  I  must  abide  at  thy 
house,1'  Luke  xix,  5;  "a  settled  place  for  thee  to  abide  in  for- 
ever," 1  Kings  viii,  13;  "Abide  with  me!  fast  falls  the  even- 
tide," LYTE  Hymn.  Lodge,  sojourn,  slay,  tarry,  and  wait  al- 
ways imply  a  limited  time;  lodge,  to  pass  the  night;  sojourn, 
to  remain  temporarily;  live,  dwell,  reside,  to  have  a  permanent 
home.  Slop,  in  the  sense  of  stay  or  sojourn,  is  colloquial,  and 
not  in  approved  use.  Compare  ENDURE;  BEST. 













Abide  in  a  place,  for  a  time,  with  a  person,  by  a  statement. 






Washing,  bathing,  laving,  or  ablution  is  effected  by  tho  use 
of  water  or  some  other  liquid.  The  Anglo-Saxon  word  washing 
is  most  general  in  meaning,  denoting  the  application  of  water 
or  other  liquid  to  cleanse  any  substance  by  any  process;  as, 
the  washing  of  clothes,  the  washing  of  a  roof  by  the  rain,  or 
the  washing  of  gases  in  the  laboratory  by  pa-swing  them  through 
water,  the  washing  of  ores  in  mining,  or  the  like.  In  such  use 
we  do  not  employ  bathing.  Washing  is  also  used  of  the  sweep 
of  water  over  a  substance,  with  no  reference  to  cleansing;  as, 
the  washing  of  waves  upon  the  shore,  Bath  and  batUng  (also 

ablution  1() 

abolish J_ 

Anglo-Saxon)  apply  primarily  to  tho  w(whhifj  of  the  liiunnn 
body  in  whole  or  iu  part;  a  bftlh,  if  unlimited,  means  a  IM*//- 
%ng  of  iho  whole  body;  as  wlicn  one,  asks,  Ha\e,  I  tnwj  to  lake, 
a  bath?  Tho  word  may  also  denote  (ho  plan*  where,  or  the 
apparatus  by  which,  simh  complete  ballnntj  may  be  performed; 
we  do  not  speak  of  a  wash-basin  as  a  balh;  the  tuttlm  of  Clara- 
calla  had  extensive  facilities  lor  complete  immersion.  In  com- 
-pounds  bath  is  often  limited  to  some  specific,  application;  as  a 
sponge-baM,  fooW>«//4,  Kitft-fra£/*,  Hhowttr-frrrf/*,  etc.  In  science 
and  the  arts  bath  (usually  in  some  compound)  is  employed  to 
denote  the  partial  or  complete  immersion  of1  an  object,  in  wmio 
liquid  or  other  substance  for  any  one,  of  various  purposes,  or 
the  object  by  which  this  is  effected;  as,  an  mi-hut h,  a  sand- 
bath,  etc.  JBatkiny  is  used  of  (ho  free,  application  o!'  water  or 
other  liquid  either  io  tho  whole  body  or  to  a  part.  Without 
some  limitation,  lathi t^j  is  understood  to  bo  comploie;  as, 
frequent  balking  is  essential  to  health;  \vo  speak  of  halhhig 
the  face,  head,  or  hands,  though  never  of  a  fa<Ww///.  hend- 
bath,  or  li&nd-halh.  In  sei<'ii<jo  and  the  arts,  though  olijects 
may  be  cleansed  in  various  halliK  tho  proc<»ss  is  spoken  of,  not 
as  bathing,  but  as  waxhint/.  Land  fan  and  IttHntf  (like  the 
vorb  "lave")  ai*e  literacy  or  pootic*  words  denoting  lh«  {lowing 
or  pouring  oC  waler  over  a  substance,.  Ablufitiu  is  an  (»leva<ed 
word,  not  fro<pient  in  common  speech,  denoting  a  wvw///#//, 
partial  or  complete,  or  in  many  cases  ceremonial;  as  the 
ablution  required  of  Mohammedans  before  each  of  the  fl\o 
daily  prayers;  in  ordinary  lite  to  say  that  one  who  is  washing 
his  face  and  ImiidH  is  "performing  his  <thlnli<tHa"  would  be 
viewed  as  affectation.  6'/0aw#/>///  and  j>nri /trillion  are  more 
extensive  in  meaning  than  any  of  tho,  above  mentioned  words; 
they  may  bo  effected  by  wmMny,  ublutton,  ete,t  but  also  by 
many  other  meana,  a«,  the  clMtwhw  of  Urn  system  by  medica- 
tion, the  puri/ivation  of  the  air  by  ventilation,  tho  pur iflra lion 
of  society  by  moral  influoncoB,  Iho  pwrifl(>(Ufa»  oP  the  church 
by  discipline,  the  clcamlng  of  tho  plague-nitnttun  portion  of 
London  by  the  Great  Firo,  or  tho  liko.  CbuMinfl  may  b«  by 
sweeping,  dunting,  etc.,  as  well  a»  by  wcwftinf/;  vacutuu-<j^)«ni'n/7 
is  for  many  purponoa  pj'oforred  to  any  othor  proccwn.  (Hwntt- 
ing  is  ft  strong  An^lo-Saxon  term,  implying  «onm  dcfil<»«iont  to 
to  removed,  which  may  not  be  noticeably  tho  caw  in  wcttthinff, 

11  ablution 


bathing,  or  ablution;   a  guest  washes  his  Lands  before  dinnei 
with  no  conscious  thought  of  cleansing,  but  a  surgeon  would 
not  think  that  ordinary  washing  of  his  hands  was  sufficient 
cleansing  after  an  operation.     Compare  CLEANSE. 

befouling  deWement  smirching  stain 

besmearing  defiling  soil  staining 

besmirching  polluting  soiling  taint 

contaminating  pollution  eoiluie  tainting 

contamination  smoanng 



abjuration       denial  rejection  sacrifice 

abstinence        disallowance      renunciation       surrender 

Abnegation  in  the  older  use  often  meant  denial;  as,  the  abne- 
gation of  a  heretical  doctrine;  it  is  now  oftenest  used  of  denial 
to  oneself,  a  putting  away  from  thought  and  will,  and,  in  its 
fullest  readi,  from  desire.  Renunciation  may  be  external;  as, 
renunciation  oi!  dower;  abnegation  is  internal,  an  act  of  the 

Difficulty,  abn&oa&on,  martyrdom,  doatli,  arc  the  alluremontB  that  act  on 
tno  heart  of  man. 

GARLYLK    Ucrve«  and  n&rosWor8hwr  lect.   n. 

Surrender  imiy  bo  forced;   renunciation,  reluctant;   abnega- 
tion, is  free  and  willing.    Sec  ABHTWKNOK;  SK 

demand  enjoyment  Insistence 

<blaim  onforcomont  indulgence  license 



abate  eradicate  prohibit  stamp  out 

abrogate  exterminate  remove  subvert 

annihilate  extirpate  repeal  supplant 

annul  nullify  reverse  suppress 

destroy  obliterate  revoke  terminate 

end  overthrow  set  aside 

Abolish,  to  do  away  with,  bring  absolutely  to  an  end,  especial- 
ly aa  Bomethirig  hostile,  hindoring,  or  harmful,  was  formerly 
used  of  persons  and  material  objects,  a  usage  now  obsolete  ex- 
cept in  poetry  or  highly  figurative  speech.  Abolish  is  now  used 
of  institutions,  cuwtoms,  and  conditions,  especially  those 

abomination                                                                                 12 
abridgment ^ 

spread  and  long  existing;  as,  to  abolish  slavery,  ignorunc'ts 
intemperance,  poverty.  A  building  that  ib  burned  to  tho  ground 
is  said  to  be  destroyed  by  tiro.  Annihilate;  as  a  philosophical 
term,  signifies  to  put  absolutely  out  oi*  oxistouco.  Aw  far  us 
our  knowledge  goes,  matter  is  novor  aniiitnlatMt,  but  only 
changes  its  form.  Some  believe  that  the  wicked  will  \w  anni- 
hilated. Abolish  is  not  said  of  laws'.  There  we  use  rc.^al, 
abrogate,  nullify,  etc.;  repeal  by  the  enacting  body,  nullify  by 
revolutionary  proceedings;  a  later  statute  abroyatw,  without 
formally  repealing,  any  earlier  law  with  which  it  conflicts.  An 
appellate  court  may  reverse  or  set  ani'da  the  d<k,c-ision  of  an  in- 
ferior court.  Overthrow  may  be  used  in  either  a  good  or  a 
bad  sense;  suppress  is  commonly  in  a  good,  subvert  always  in 
a  bad,  sense;  as,  to  subvert  our  liberties;  to  ««/>/ww  a  re- 
bellion. The  law  prohibits  what  may  novor  have  existed;  it 
abolishes  an  existing  evil  We  abate  a  nuisance,  terminate  a 
controversy.  Compare  CANCEL;  uuMOLitfii;  EXTKKMINATK. 


authorize  establish  ruinxtato  rt»viv<* 

cherish  inHtltute  ronow  «<»t   uj> 

confirm  introduce  repair  tmpport 

continue  legallsso  rorttoro  «n.'*tahi 

*  enact  promote 



abhorrence  curie  hatred  pc*t 

abuse  detestation  horror  pla^uo 

anxxoyance  dlvffust  iniquity  sKan&e 

avenion  evil  nuiflanoe  villainy 

crime  execration  o£en»e  wickedn.ei» 

Abomination  (from  the  L.  ab  oman,  a  thinp;  of  ill  mm»n)  wan 
oripjinally  applied  to  anything  hold  in  roljgiouw  or  ceremonial 
aversion  or  abhorrence;  as,  "The  thinga  whicii  aro 
eHteemed  aiuon^  men  are  abomination  in  the  mght  of 
Luke  xvi,  15.  The  word  is  oftener  applied  ta  the  objtwf,  of 
aversion  or  abhorrence  than  to  the  Htato  of  mind  that  HO  n»* 
^ards  it;  in  common  use  abomination  aignifieB  uomcthin^  very 
much  disliked  or  loathed,  or  that  deserves  to  be.  Choice  f<x>rf 
may  be  an  object  of  aversion  and  dfogwt  to  a  wick  porwon;  vile 
food  would  be  an  abomination.  A  toad  in  to  many  an  object  of 
t;  a  foul  sewer  is  an  abomination.  AH  appliml  to  Crimea, 

13                                                                          abomination 
„ ..  abridgment 

abomination  is  used  of  such  as  are  especially  brutal,  shameful, 
or  revolting;  theft  is  an  offense;  infanticide  is  an  abomination* 


affection  blessing  enjoyment  307 

appreciation  delight  esteem  satisfaction 

approval  desire  gratification  treat 



fiouriah  overflow  stream  swell 

flow  prevail  swarm  teem 

luxuriate  revel 

To  abound  (from  L.  abundo,  from  ab,  from,  and  unda, 
wave)  signifies  to  overflow,  to  exist,  possess,  or  produce  in  gen- 
erous surplus  beyond  demand  or  need;  to  be  abundant;  luxuri- 
ant, numerous,  plenteous,  or  plentiful,  or  to  possess,  produce, 
or  furnish  in  profusion.  See  PLENTIFUL. 


)>o  <l<»fl«lont   *  be  lacking  fail  need 

bo  destitute  be  wanting  lack  want 



abbreviation         oompend  epitome         summary 

abstract  compendium  outline  synopsis 

analysis  digest 

An  abridgment  gives  the  most  important  portions  of  a  work 
Hubstantially  as  they  stand.  An  outline  or  synopsis  is  a  kind  of 
nketch  closely  following  the  plan.  An  abstract  or  digest  is  an 
independent  statement  of  what  the  book  contains.  An  analysis 
draws  out  the  chief  thoughts  or  arguments,  whether  expressed  or 
implied.  A  summary  is  the  most  condensed  statement  of  re- 
Hiilts  or  conclusions.  An  epilome,  compend,  or  compendium  is  a 
condensed  view  of  a  subject,  whether  derived  from  a  previous 
publication  or  not.  Wo  may  have  an  abridgment  of  a  diction- 
ary, but  not  an  analysis,  abstract,  digest,  or  summary.  We  may 
have  an  epitome  of  religion,  a  compendium  of  English  liter- 
ature, but  not  an  abridgment.  Compare  ABBREVIATION*. 

abscond  14 

absolute  _  ^ 



bolt  hide  slip  away 

conceal  oneself  leave  steal  away 

decamp  retire  steal  off 

depart  retreat  take  oneself  off 

disappear  run  away  withdraw 

nee  run  off 

To  abscond  is  to  flee,  mid  hide  oneself  for  some*  discreditable 
reason.  To  decamp,  literally  to  "break  camp,"  march  on", 
usually  signifies  to  depart  suddenly,  sot*  roily,  or  unceremonious 
ly,  implying  danger  of  ut.tnck,  discovery,  restraint,  or  pursuit  ; 
u  traveler  might  decamp  in  fear  of  lurking  robbers  or  enemies, 
or  soldiers  on  the  discovery  of  a,  superior  force;  hut,  us  good 
reasons  for  such  withdrawal  seldom  arise,  decamp  has,  on  the 
whole,  an  unfavorable  implication.  All  the  other  words  of  the 
list  may  have  favorable  meaning  the  context  alone  determining 
whether  the  act  is  worthy  or  unworthy.  To  holt  is  to  start  off 
suddenly  at  full  speed  in  deliance  of  restraint,  like  a  frightened 
or  vicious  horse,  as  a  "bolt"  is  shot  from  a  bow  or  a  gun.  A 
student  lectvas  home  for  college;  a  traveler  deparli*  on  bis 
journey;  a  passor-by  disappear**  in  the  crowd  (as  a  hunted 
thief  may  also  do)  ;  a,  prisoner  of  war  may  knit  from  bis 
guards;  one  may  flee  for  good  or  bad  reason, 

"When  thi»y  poi'Hocuto  you  *u>  thin  niy,  flc?  y<*  into 

A  slave  may  run  away  from  his  master,  run  o/f  from  n  planta  ' 
tion;  a  public  man  may  hide  from  reporters,  or  u  criminal 
from  the  police;  one  may  retire,  or  withdraw  from  observation 
for  good  reasons  or  bad;  an  army  retiren  or  Mm//*  from  an 
untenable  position  or  before  a  superior  force*;  one  may 
away  from  a  company  lie  does  not  wish  to  break  up,  ttllp 
or  steal  away  i'rom  a  sleeping  invalid,  whom  he  would  not  dis- 
turb, slip  away  denoting  moroly  quiet  HOHH,  xteul 
the  idea  of  something  furtive. 


appear  hold  orus'n  ground 

arrive  hold  ono'n  placn  r»>uuiln 

be  present  prommi  onowotf  wtnnd  <m«'H  around 

«ome  into  vlow  put  in  an  upptuu*  wtny 

emerge  anco 

1<?  abscond 

.. absolute 



arbitrary  compulsory  haughty  positive 

arrogant  controlling  imperative  supreme 

authoritative  despotic  imperious  tyrannical 

autocratic  dictatorial  irresponsible  unconditional 

coercive  dogmatic  lordly  unconditioned 

commanding  domineering  overbearing  unequivocal 

compulsive  exacting  peremptory  unlimited 

Fn  the  si  net  sense,  absolute,  free  from  all  limitation  or  con- 
trol, and  MWwiHti,  superior  to  all,  can  not  properly  be  said  o£ 
any  being  except,  the  divine.  Both  words  are  used,  however,  in 
a  modi  lied  sense,  of  human  authorities;  absolute  then  signify- 
ing free-  iVoni  limitation  by  other  authority,  and  supreme  ex- 
alto<l  over  all  other;  as,  an  absolute  monarch,  the  supreme  court. 
AbMilitlt',  in  iliis  use,  does  not  necessarily  carry  any  imfavorablo 
sense,  but  as  absolute  power  in  human  hands  is  always  abused, 
the,  unfavorable  moaning  predominates.  Autocratic  power 
knows  no  limits  outside  the  ruler's  self;  arbitrary  power,  none 
outsido  Urn  ruler's  will  or  judgment,  arbitrary  carrying  the  im- 
plication of  wilfulnoss  and  capriciousness.  Despotic  is  com- 
monly applied  to  a  master I'ul  or  severe  use  of  power,  which 
is  expressed  more  decidedly  by  tyrannical.  Arbitrary  may  be 
used  in  a  good  sense,;  as,  the  pronunciation  of  proper  names 
is  arbitrary;  but  the  bad  sense,  is  the  prevailing  one;  as,  an 
arbitrary  proceeding.  Frresponftiblfi  power  is  not  necessarily 
bad,  but  eminently  dangerous;  an  exocutor  or  trustee  should 
not  be  wrwfwnnibfo;  an  irriwpontnble  ruler  is  likely  to  be 
tyrannical.  A  perfect  ruler  might  be  irresponsible  and  not 
tyrannical.  Authoritative  is  used  always  in  a  good  sense,  im- 
plying the  right  to  claim  authority;  imperative,  peremptory, 
and  positive  arc  used  ordinarily  in  the  good  sense;  as  an 
authoritative  definition;  an  imperative  demand;  a  peremptory 
command;  positive  instructions;  imperious  signifies  assuming 
and  determined  to  command,  rigorously  requiring  obedience. 
At»  mperiom  demand  or  requirement  may  have  in  it  nothing 
offensive;  it  IH  simply  one  that  resolutely  insists  upon  compli- 
ance, and  will  not  brook  refusal ;  an  arrogant  demand  is  off  en- 
Hive  by  itn  tone,  of  superiority,  an  arbitrary  demand  by  its  un- 
roaHonablcmoKK;  an  imperious  disposition  is  liable  to  become 
arbitrary  and  arrogant.  A  person  of  an  independent  spirit  ii 
inclined  to  rosent  an  imperious  manner  in  any  one,  especially  in 

absolve  1  (> 

abstinence  p  __  i 

ono  whoso  superiority  is  not  clearly  rccognixod* 

is  always  used  iu  a  good  sense;  as,  a  commmttintj  appearance; 

a  commanding  eminence.    Compare  DOGMATIC;  INFINITE;  PHU- 



accountable  contingent  lenient  inilri 

complaisant  'docile  limit  <ld  r<*HpwiHlMf» 

compliant  ductile  lowly  wilmilHMlv<» 

coiulUiotial  ffoutle  meek  yielding 

constitutional  numblo 



acquit  exculpate  forgive  pardon 

clear  exempt  free  rolcano 

discharge  exonerate  liberate  sot  free 

To  absolve,  in  the  strict  souse,  is  to  ftrt  free  from  any  bond. 
One  may  bo  absolved  from  a  promise  by  a  broach  of  Faith  on 
the  part  of  one  to  whom  tho  promise  wa«  mado.  To  atwtlw 
from  sins  is  formally  to  remit  their  condemnation  and  penalty, 
regarded  us  a  bond  upon  tho  soul.  "Almighty  Clod  .  .  . 
pardonalh  and  alwdwth  all  thoso  who  truly  rcpontT  and  wi- 
foi^uedly  believe  his  holy  flcwpol."  Miwk  of  Common  7'm///T, 
Dedar.  of  Abxol.  To  wtquil,  of  win  or  crinut  in  to  free  from  tb«» 
aecusation  of  it,  pronouncing  on«  ^niltloKs  tho  innowmt  nro 
rightfully  acquitted;  tho  guilty  may  bo  uusrci fully 
Compare  PAIIDON. 


accuse  compol  Impoarh 

bind  condemn  IncuJpato 

charge  convict 


One  is  absolved  from  (rarely  of)  a  pronuwc,  a  «in,  etc. 



ooniuxae  eng^ois  cttok  up  take  in 

drink  in  exhaust  iwallow  take  up 

drink  up  imbibe  «wallow  up 

A  fluid  that  is  absorbed  is  taken  tip  into  the  mftftH  of  the  «/;- 
sorbing  body,  with  whi«li  it  may  or  may  not  pwmawntly  (torn- 
bine.  Wood  oxpandw  wlwm  it  ahnorbu  moistuns  iron  whoxt  it 

17  absolve 
^^___ abstinence 

absorbs  heat,  the  substance  remaining  perhaps  otherwise  sub- 
stantially unchanged;  quicklime,  when  it  absorbs  water,  be- 
comes a  new  substance  with  different  qualities,  hydrated  or 
slaked  lime.  A  substance  is  consumed  which  is  destructively 
appropriated  by  some  other  substance,  being,  or  agency,  so 
that  it  ceases  to  exist  or  to  be  recognized  as  existing  in  its 
original  condition;  fuel  is  consumed  in  the  fire,  food  in  the 
body;  consume  is  also  applied  to  whatever  is  removed  from 
the  market  for  individual  use;  as,  silk  and  woolen  goods  are 
consumed.  A  great  talker  engrosses  the  conversation.  A  cred- 
ulous person  swallows  the  most  preposterous  statement.  A  busy 
student  imbibes  or  dnnks  in  knowledge;  he  is  absorbed  in  a 
subject  that  takes  his  whole  attention.  "I  only  postponed  it 
been  use  I  happened  to  get  absorbed  in  a  book."  KANE  Grinnell 
JExped.  eh.  43,  page  403.  [H.  1854.] 


cast  out  distract  give  up  shoot  forth 

(itagorgo  eject  put  forth  throw  off 

cliHporso  emit  radiate  vomit 

dissipate  exudo  send  out 


Plants  absorb  moisture  from  the  air;  the  student  is  absorbed 
in  thought;  nutriment  may  be  absorbed  into  the  system  through 
the  skin. 


SYNONYMS:  continence  moderation,  self-restraint 

abstaining  fasting  self-control  sobriety 

abstention.  frugality  •  elf = denial  temperance 

Abstinence,  from  food  commonly  signifies  going  without;  ab- 
stfimiouftncHft,  partaking1  moderately;  abstinence  may  be  for  a 
single  occasion,  abstemiousness  is  habitual  moderation.  Self- 
denial  i«  giving  up  what  one  WIHUOH;  abstinence  may  be  refrain- 
ing from  what  one  does  not  desire.  Fasting  is  abstinence  i'rom 
food  for  a  liimtod  time,  and  generally  for  religious  roasona. 
Nohrialy  and  IfimporancG  signify  maintaining  a  quiet,  oven 
temper  by  moderate  indulgence  in  some  thingH,  complete  ab- 
Htinence  from  otliom.  Wo  speak  of  temperance  in  eating,  but 
of  abstinanw  from  vice.  Tolal  abstinence  has  come  to  signify 
the  entire  attaining  from  intoxicating  liquors* 




abstract  18 

absurd     ^ . 


drunkenness  greed  rovolinff  scnsmnhfy 

excess  intpniparauw  revelry  waritomuw* 

gluttony  intoxication  .soJf-indulgem'o 


The  negative  side  of  virtue  is  ubstintmoe  from  vice. 



take  away 

Tim  mitral  idea  of  withdrawing  makos  abstract  in  common 
speech  a  euphemism  i'or  appropriate  (unlawfully),  purloin, 
it  teal.  In  mental  processes  wo  ditwriminatfi  botworn  objwls  by 
dfWtingwNhing  their  dilTorciuvKj  we  separate  som<*  ow»  element 
j'rotn  all  that  dor»s  not  nodosnarily  bolou^;  to  it,  atMtrant  it,  and 
view  it  alone.  We  may  tteparate,  two  idean,  and  hold  both  in 
mind  in  comparison  or  contrast;  hut  wht»ti  w<*  abstract  <m<»  of 
them,  we  drop  the  oilier  out  of  thought.  Tho  mind  is  (ilwtraett'd 
when  it  i«  withdrawn  IVom  all  oilier  subjoin  and  (»,onc(kntrat(»d 
upon  one,  diverted  when  it  is  drawn  away  from  what  it  would 
or  should  attend  to  by  some  other  infotWf,  detracted  wlum  flic 
aliontion  is  divided  amoritf  difTer(»nt  nubjcctHi  so  ihat  it  can  not 
bo  given  properly  to  any.  Tho  trouble  with  the  dwtrat'ted 
person  is  that  he  is  not  atwtratttML  (Compare  DIHCJKKN. 


add  conjoin  im-mimi  ntt^ngthon 

combine  1111  up  rcntoro  mil  to 



The  purse  may  bo  abstracted  from  the  pocket;  tho  substance 
from,  the  accidents;  a  book  into  a  «omp<md. 



absent  hoodies*  lirfclen           prooooupied 

absent-minded  inattentive  negligent       thoughtless 

absorbed  indifferent  oblivions 

As  regards  inental  action,  alworbcdi  attraction,  and 
pied  refer  to  the  cause,  ahxent  or  ahMnl-minded  to  tlu* 

19  abstract 

_ — «««„ ___. absurd 

The  man  absorbed  in  one  thing  will  appear  absent  in  others.  A 
preoccupied  person  may  seem  listless  and  thoughtless,  but  the 
really  IMcss  and  thoughtless  have  not  mental  energy  to  be  pre- 
oGttupitid.  The  abxe.nt-minded  luan  is  oblivious  of  ordinary  mat- 
ters, because  his  thoughts  are  elsewhere.  One  who  is  preoccu- 
pied is  intensely  busy  in  thought ;  one  may  be  absent-minded 
dither  through  intense  concentration  or  simply  through  inatten- 
tion, with  fitful  and  aimless  wandering  of  thought.  Compare 



al<*rt  on  hand  ready  wide-awake 

ai  (.unlive  prompt  thoughtful 



anomalous  ill-considered  ludicrous  ridiculous 

chimerical  ill-judged  mistaken.  senseless 

erroneous  inconclusive  monstrouf  stupid 

false  incorrect  nonsensical  unreasonable 

foolish  infatuated  paradoxical  wild 

ill-advised  irrational  preposterous 

That  is  absurd  which  is  contrary  to  the  first  principles  of  rea- 
soning; as,  that  a  part  should  be  greater  than  the  whole  is  ab- 
surd. A  paradoxical  statement  appears  at  first  thought  contra- 
dictory or  absurd,  while  it  may  be  really  true.  Anything  is  ir- 
rational when  clearly  contrary  io  sound  reason,  foolish  when 
contrary  to  practical  good,  sense,  silly  when  petty  and  eon- 
torn  ptiblo  in  its  folly,  erroneous  when  containing  error  that 
vitiates  the  result,  unreasonable  when  there  scorns  a  perverse 
bias  or  an  intent  to  go  wrong.  Monstrous  and  preposterous  re- 
Tor  to  what  is  overwhelmingly  absurd;  as,  "0  monstrous  ! 
eleven  buckram  men  grown  out  of  two,"  SIIAKHSPEARB  1  King 
Ifenry  IV,  act  ii,  sc.  4.  The  ridiculous  or  the  nonsensical  is 
worthy  only  to  bo  laughed  at.  The  lunatic's  claim  to  be  a  king 
is  ridiculous;  the  Mother  Goose  rhymes  are  nonsensical.  Com- 


certain  Incontrovertible    rational  substantial 

aon&lHtcmt  indisputable  reasonable  true 

demonstrable  indubitable  sagacious  undeniable 

demonstrated  infallible  sensible  unquestionable 

e&tabllahod  logical  sound  wise 





impose  on  or 





















rail  at 










ill  use 

Abuse  covers  all  unreasonable  or  improper  use  or  treatment 
by  word  or  act.  A  tenant  docs  not  abme,  rented  properly  by 
"reasonable  wear,"  though  Unit  may  damage  I  ho  property  and 
injure  its  sale;  lie  may  abuse,  it  by  noedlo,ss  defacement  or 
neglect.  It  is  possible  to  abuse  a  man  without  hunniny  him,  as 
when  the  criminal  vituperate  the  judge;  or  to  harm  a  man 
without  abusing  him,  as  whan  tho  witness  tolls  the  truth  about 
the  criminal.  De.fame,  wait  (/it,  rail  <//,  wotte,  slander,  wV////, 
and  vituperate  are  used  always  in  a  bad  sense.  One*  may  be 
justly  reproached.  To  impose  on  or  to  victimize  one  is  to  injure 
him  by  abusing  his  confidence*.  To  persecute  one  is  to  ill-treat 
barn  for  opinion's  sake,  commonly  for  religious  belief;  to  op- 
press is  generally  lor  political  or  pecuniary  motives,  "Thou 
shall  not,  oppress  an  hired  servant  that  is  poor  and  needy/1 
J)cut.  xxiv,  14.  Miwmploii,  wmwc,  and  pcrwrl  are  commonly 
applied  to  objects  rather  than  to  persons.  A  dissolute  youth 
misemploys  his  time,  WWMHW  his  money  and  opportmiilicH, 
harms  his  associates,  parser  tit  his  talents,  wrtwtfit  his  pnrt^ntn, 
ruim  himself,  abuses  every  good  gift  of  Uod. 


applaud  con«erv«  favor  protwt  Htt»tii(n 

benefit  oon«id(»r  laud  rfkK»nl  t*»tnl 

care  for  aulo#iao  pnn«»f(yHsso  rMp^et  uphold 

choriifh  extol  praino  Hhi^Ut  vlndicat<i 



aby«m  deep  j?tilf'  void 

batliof  depth  pit 

A  gulf  (from  (Jr.  kolphou,  bay)  is  primarily  a  wide*  expanse  of 
water,  partially  enclosed,  and  defined  as  between  a  bay  and  n 
sea  in  extent,  but  used  with  a  wide  range  of  meaning;  anf  the 
Gulf  of  Venice,  the  Gulf  of  Mexico-  Tho  word  is  thon  applied 

21  abuse 


to  any  vast  and  deep  depression  on  the  earth's  surface  that 
seems  impassable  like  a  sea. 

A  ffulf  profound  as  that  Scrbonian  bog,          .     . 
Whore  arnnos  whole  have  sunk, 

MILTON  Paradise  tost  bk.  n,  1.  592. 

In  figurative  or  poetic  use  gulf  is  variously  applied  as  to  that 
which  engulfs  or  overwhelms,  as  a  whirlpool  or  vast  ocean 
depth,  or  to  anything  that  widely  and  deeply  separates,  as  in 
thought,  feeling,  character,  or  relations. 

Between  us  and  you  there  is  a  great  gulf  fixed. 

Lulce    xvi,  26* 

An  abyss  (from  Or.  a-,  without,  byssos,  bottom)  is  primarily 
a  bottomless  gulf!,  immeasurable  and  unfathomable;  it  has  also 
come  to  denote  any  vast  or  immeasurable  extent,  as  of  inter- 
stellar space,  without  reference  to  direction. 

And  in  the  abyss  of  brightness  dares  to  span 
The  &un's  broad  circle. 

BRYANT    The  Ages,  St.  8. 

The  pillared  firmament  and  all  the  spheres 
May  taik,  perchance,  in  the  long  lapse   of  years, 
Swallowed  in  night's  abyss. 

ABRAHAM  OOLBS  The  Microcosm. 

The  lowest  depths  of  ocean  are  called  "abyssal"  or  "abys- 
enal,"  "abyssal"  being  the  preferred  scientific  term;  as, 
"abyssal"  life,  or  "abyssal"  forms.  Abyss  is  figuratively  used 
to  denote  what  is  profound  and  seemingly  unfathomable  in 
thought;  as,  an  abyss  of  metaphysical  disputation;  an  abyss 
of  ignorance,  degradation,  or  infamy.  The  limitless  spaee 
anciently  supposed  to  be  empty  or  full  of  formless  matter  in 
a  state  of  chaos  was  known  as  the  abyss  or  the  void,  void  sig- 
nifying empty  space. 

Who  shall  tempt  with  wandering  feet, 
The  dark,  unbottomed,  infinite  abyss. 

MILTON   Paradise  Lost  bk.  h,  1.  404. 

Abysm  is  an  archaic  or  poetic  equivalent  of  abyss. 
Tn  the  storm-hid  abysm  of  ghostly  darkness. 

JOAQUIN  MlLLEB     Ina    BC.  2,   fit.  4. 

Pit  is  used  with  the  definite  article  to  signify  the  grave,  the 
"bottomless  pit,"  hades,  gehenna,  inferno,  or  hell,  and  in  this 
#ensc  only  is  a  synonym  of  abyss. 

Wo  saw  also  there  the  Hobgoblins,  Satyrs,  and  Dragons  of  the  pit. 

BUNYAN    Pilgrim's  Proffress,  p.  181, 

academic                                                                                     22 

Bathos  (from  Or.  bathos,  depth )  has  in  Knglish  use  an  op- 
probrious sense,  denoting  especially  a  sudden  descent  from  the 
elevated  or  the  sublime  to  the  commonplace  or  ridiculous;  HO 
we  speak  of  a  bathos  of  stupidity  or  insipidity;  Urn  word  is 
similarly  applied  to  sharp  descent  in  position  or  fortune. 

Hew  meanly  has  ho  closed  his  inflated  career  I  What  a  sample  of  tho 
bathos  will  his  hititory  present! 

TllOMAH   JtttfFEItBON      W fitinffi     IV,    '<M(> 

A  "bathos  is  not  worthy  of  tho  dignity  of  being  called  an 
abyss.  Compare  on  ASM, 


canopy  of  hoavon  ompyroan  hill  Muimnlt 

dome  of  heaven    ilrmament  mount  vault  of  hwivon 

elevation  height  mountain  ssaulth 







Academic  or  academical,  collegiate,  literary,  learned,  scholar- 
ly, and  theoretic  or  Uworetical,  all  have  good  uw«  an  demoting 
what  pertains  to  an  academy  or  a  college,  to  learning  liicra- 
ttire,  sound  scholaivhip,  or  well conmdctnul  theory.  As  uppluul 
to  a  college  or  Ttnivemty,  the  academical  (Utpartmatit  IK  tech- 
nically that  wbiflh  in  «onconi(Ml  with  daasical,  iriathornatiwil,  or 
general  literary  Htudien  a«  diHtin^uished  from  tho  p 
and  scientific  departmentB.  In  literary  two.  Academic  IH 
o£  the  Academy  of  IMato  at  Athens,  hence  of  Plato  or  hi«  fol- 
lowers, or  of  the  Platonic  phihwophy,  Formal,  foot  ha8  ex- 
cellont  une,  ckmotinpj  that  which  IK  done  in  ac*cordnn<*e  with 
proper  and  usual  forms,  carrying  the  weight  and  authority  of 
what  is  established  and  recognm»d;  as,  a  formal  Idtcr  (<Uw- 
tinp;ui«lied  from  a  memorandum  or  from  an  offhand  or  familint* 
note),  a  formal  notification  or  Htimmons.  (hHwtntlwMl  may 
denote  a  proper  and  desirable  conformity  with  conwntionft  or 
usagea,  aa  of  good  society.  But  academic  or  aradMwicalt  Mtn~ 
ventional,  formal*  and  theoretic  or  theoretical  may  hav«  distinct- 
ly unfavorable  une,  implying  tho  Hacriflce  of  more  important 
considerations  to  those  thus  designated.  A  question  or  dfacua- 

23  academic 

__,«« accessory 

sion  whi«h  is  wholly  or  merely  academical  is  one  which  the 
schools  may  consider,  but  which  has  no  bearing  upon  direct 
practical  work  or  results.  Conventional  politeness  may  go  no 
deeper  than  compliance  with  accepted  usages.  A  formal  com- 
pliment or  prayer  lacks  heartiness  or  sincerity.  A  theoretical  or 
speculative  scheme  is  one  that  has  not  been  sufficiently  checked 
or  tested  by  practise.  Scholarly  has  only  a  good  sense,  as  de- 
noting that  which  pertains  to  or  befits  one  worthy  to  be  called 
a  scholar;  scholastic  may  have  similar  use,  but  oftener  refers 
to  the  intricate  and  unprofitable  disputations  of  the  medieval 
schoolmen;  as,  scholastic  subtleties  or  technicalities.  Pedantic, 
making  a  needless  or  concerted  parade  of  learning,  is  always 
unfavorable  in  meaning,  while  bobbish  is  somewhat  deprecia- 
tory, implying  more  connection  with  books  than  with  men  or 
with  practical  affairs. 


commonplace  mattorsofs  course  plain  uninstructed 

common-senso  mattersof-facl  practical  unreasoned 

everyday  obvious  simple  unstudied 

Ignorant  ordinary  straightforward  untaught 



abettor  or  abettor  associate  companion  henchman 

accomplice  attendant  confederate  participator 

ally  coadjutor  follower  partner 

assistant  colleague  Helper  retainer 

Colleague  is  used  always  in  a  good  sense,  associate  and  oo- 
adjulor  generally  so;  ally,  assistant,  associate,  attendant,  com- 
panion, helper,  either  in  a  good  or  a  bad  sense;  abetter,  ac- 
cessory, accomplice,  confederate,  almost  always  in  a  bad  sense, 
Ally  is  of  tones!  used  of  national  and  military  matters,  or  of 
Home  other  connection  regarded  as  great  and  important;  as, 
allies  of  despotism.  Colleague  is  applied  to  civil  and  ecclesi- 
astical connections;  members  of  Congress  from  the  same  State 
are  colleagues,  oven  though  they  may  be  bitter  opponents  polit- 
ically and  personally.  An  Associate  Justice  of  the  Supremo 
Court  is  near  in  rank  to  the  Chief  Justice.  A  surgeon's  assist- 
ant i«  a  physician  or  medical  student  who  shares  in  the  treat- 
ment and  care  of  patients;"  a  surgeon's  attendant  is  one  who 
rolls  bandages  and  the  like.  Follower,  henchman,  retainer  are 
persons  especially  devoted  to  a  chief,  and  generally  bound  to 

accident  24 

acquaintance  _  _  _  ^       __ 

him  by  necessity,  foo,  or  rovvard.  Partner  has  come  to  donoto 
almost  exclusively  a  business  conned  ion.  In  law,  an  abettor 
(tho  general  legal  spoiling)  is  always  proHwil,  citliiT  adivoly 
or  constructively,  at  tho  c.onnmssion  of  Urn  crime;  an  wvrww/v/, 
never.  An  accomplice,  is  usually  ti  principal;  an  wtvwwr//, 
never.  1C  presoni,  though  only  to  stand  oulside  and  keep 
watch  against  surprise,  one  is  an  abettor,  and  not.  mi  aceewnrij, 
At  common  law,  an  wvjm-or//  implies  a  principal,  and  can  not 
be  convicted  until  after  the  conviction  oi'  the  principal;  the 
accomplice  or  abettor  can  be  convicted  as  a  principal.  ACCOM- 
plice  and  abettor  have  nearly  the  same  meaning,  but  the  former 
is  the  popular,  tho  latter  more  distinctly  the  legal  term.  Com- 


adversary  commander  InHtlwUor  opi»<««»r 


enemy  loader  principal 

betrayer  foe  opponent  rival 

chief  htndurer 


An  accessory  to  iho  crime;  before  or  after  tho  fact  ;  tho  nc» 
cessorios  of  a  figure  in  a  painting. 



adventure  contingency  napi>enin# 

calamity  disaster  Hazard 

casualty  fortuity  incident  po*»ibllHy 

chance  nap  miiadvonture 

An  accident  is  that  which  happenn  without  any  one?K  diwt 
intention;  a  chance  that  which  happotm  without  any  known 
cause.  If  the  direct  caiwo  of  a  railroad  aac.idtM  m  known,  we 
can  not  call  it  a  rJianw*  To  tho  thoint  there,  int  in  strieinowH,  nr> 
chanac,  all  things  boinp;  by  divine  causation  and  aonfrol;  but 
chance  is  Kpoken  of  whom  no  Hptwial  <*.atiH(i  is  nianifewt;  MHy 
chance  thoro  «amo  down  a  certain  priewt  that  way/*  /,wAr  xf  III. 
We  can  speak  of  a  ^aino  oi*  Ghana?,  but  not  of  a  puric  of  «rv*/" 
<icn^.  An  intid&nl  is  viewed  an  occurring  in  tho  regular  rourw* 
of  tilings,  but  Hubordinato  to  tho  main  purpow,  or  a«id«  from 
the  main  design.  Fortma  i«  (he  rawlt  ol1  inH<*nit«bl« 
forces.  Fortune  and  chance  aro  nearly  oquivalwifr,  but 
can  bo  used  of  human  cftoil  arid  endwivor  an  fortww  can  not 

25  accident 

be;  we  say  "he  has  a  chance  of  success,"  or  "there  is  one 
chance  in  a  thousand,"  where  we  could  not  substitute  fortune; 
as  personified,  Fortune  is  regarded  as  having  a  fitful  purpose, 
Chance  as  purposeless;  we  speak  of  fickle  Fortune,  blind 
Chance;  "Fortune  favors  the  brave."  The  slaughter  of  men 
is  an  incident  of  battle;  unexpected  defeat,  the  fortune  of 
war.  Since  the  unintended  is  often  the  undesirable,  accident 
tends  to  signify  some  calamity  or  disaster,  unless  the  contrary 
is  expressed,  as  when  we  say  a  fortunate  or  happy  accident. 
An  adventure  is  that  which  may  turn  out  ill,  a  misadventure 
that  which  does  turn  out  ill.  A  slight  disturbing  accident  is  a 
mishap.  Compare  EVEITT;  HAZARD. 


appointment     decree        .         intention    ordamment     preparation 
calculation       fate  law  ordinance       provision 

certainty          foreordination    necessity    plan  purpose 


The  accident  of  birth;  an  accident  to  the  machinery. 



association,  experience       fellowship       intimacy 

companionship       familiarity      friendship       knowledge 

Acquaintance  between  persons  supposes  that  each  knows  the 
other;  we  may  know  a  public  man  by  his  writings  or  speeches, 
and  by  sight,  but  can  not  claim  acquaintance  unless  he  person- 
ally knows  us.  There  may  be  pleasant  acquaintance  with  little 
companionship;  and  conversely,  much  companionship  with  lit- 
tle acquaintance,  as  between  busy  clerks  at  adjoining  desks.  So 
there  may  be  ansociation  in  business  without  intimacy  or  friend- 
ship. Acquaintance  admits  of  many  degrees,  from  a  slight  or 
pawning  to  a  familiar  or  intimate  acqtiaintance;  but  acquain- 
tance unmodified  commonly  signifies  less  than  familiarity  or 
intimacy.  As  regards  persons,  familiarity  is  becoming  re- 
stricted to  tho  undesirable  wcnse,  as  in  the  proverb,  "Familiar- 
ity broods  contempt;"  hen  GO,  in  personal  relations,  the  word 
intimacy,  which  refers  1o  mutual  knowledge  of  thought  and 
fooling,  is  now  uniformly  preferred.  Friendship  includes  ac- 
quaintance with  some  degree  of  intimacy,  and  ordinarily  com- 
panionnhip,  though  in  a  wider  sense  friendship  mav  exist  be- 

acrimony                                                                                       26 

tween  those  who  have  never  met,  but  know  each  other  only  by 
word  and  deed.  Acquaintance  does  not  involve  -friendship,  for 
one  may  be  well  acquainted  with  an  enemy.  Fellowship  in- 
volves not  merely  acquaintance  and  companionship,  but  sym- 
pathy as  well.  There  may  be  much  friendship  without  much 
fellowship,  as  between  those  whose  homes  or  pursuits  are  far 
apart.  There  may  be  pleasant  fellowship  which  does  not  reach 
the  fulness  of  friendship.  Compare  ATTACHMENT;  FRIEND- 
SHIP; LOVE.  As  regards  studies,  pursuits,  etc.,  acquaintance 
is  less  than  familiarity,  which  supposes  minute  knowledge  of 
particulars,  arising  often  from  long  experience  or  association. 


ignorance  ignoring  inexperience  unfamiliarity 


Acquaintance  with  a  subject;  of  one  person  with  another; 
between  persons. 



acerbity  harshness  severity  tartness 

asperity  malignity  sharpness  nnkindness 

bitterness        moroseness         sourness  virulence 


Acerbity  is  a  sharpness,  with  a  touch  of  "bitterness,  which 
may  arise  from  momentary  annoyance  or  habitual  impatience; 
asperity  is  keener  and  more  pronounced,  denoting  distinct  irri- 
tation or  vexation ;  in  speech  asperity  is  often  manifested  by  the 
tone  of  voice  rather  than  by  the  words  that  are  spoken.  Acri- 
mony in  speech  or  temper  is  like  a  corrosive  acid;  it  springs 
from  settled  character  or  deeply  rooted  feeling  of  aversion  or 
unkindness.  One  might  speak  with  momentary  asperity  to  his 
child,  but  not  with  acrimony,  unless  estrangement  had  begun. 
Malignity  is  the  extreme  of  settled  ill  intent;  virulence  is  an 
envenomed  hostility.  Virulence  of  speech  is  a  quality  in  lan- 
guage that  makes  the  language  seem  as  if  exuding  poison. 
Virulence  is  outspoken;  malignity  may  be  covered  with  smooth 
and  courteous  phrase.  We  say  intense  virulence,  deep  malig~ 
nity.  Severity  is  always  painful,  and  may  be  terrible,  but 
carries  ordinarily  the  implication,  true  or  false,  of  justice, 

27  acrimony 

, , -  act 


amiability  gentleness  kindness  smoothness 

courtesy  good  nature  mildness  sweetness 

ACT,  ». 


accomplishment  doing  exploit  performance 

achievement  effect  feat  proceeding 

action  execution  motion  transaction 

consummation  exercise  movement  work 

deed  exertion  operation 

An  act  is  strictly  and  originally  something  accomplished  by 
an  exercise  of  power,  in  which  sense  it  is  synonymous  with  deed 
or  effect.  Action  is  a  doing.  Act  is,  therefore,  single,  individual, 
momentary;  action  a  complex  of  acts,  or  a  process,  state,  or 
habit  of  exerting  power.  We  say  a  virtuous  act,  but  rather  a 
virtuous  course  of  action.  We  speak  of  action  of  an  acid  upon 
a  metal,  not  of  its  act.  Act  is  used,  also,  for  the  simple  exer- 
tion of  power;  as,  an  act  of  will.  In  this  sense  an  act  does  not 
necessarily  imply  an  external  effect,  while  an  action  does. 
Morally,  the  act  of  murder  is  in  the  determination  to  kill; 
legally,  the  act  is  not  complete  without  the  striking  of  the  fatal 
blow.  Act  and  deed  axe  both  used  for  the  thing  done,  but  act 
refers  to  the  power  put  forth,  deed  to  the  result  accomplished ; 
as,  a  voluntary  act,  a  bad  deed.  In  connection  with  other  words 
act  is  more  usually  qualified  by  the  use  of  another  noun,  action 
by  an  adjective  preceding;  we  may  say  a  kind  act,  though 
oftener  an  act  of  kindness,  but  only  a  kind  action,  not  an 
action  of  kindness.  As  between  act  and  deed,  deed  is  common- 
ly used  of  great,  notable,  and  impressive  acts,  as  are  achieve- 
ment, exploit,  and  feat. 

Festuff:  We  live  in  deeds,  not  years;  in  thoughts,  not  breaths. 

BAILBY  Festus,  A.  Country  Town,  so.  7. 

A  feat  exhibits  strength,  skill,  personal  power,  whether  mental 
or  physical,  especially  the  latter;  as,  a  feat  of  arms,  a  feat  of 
memory.  An  exploit  is  a  conspicuous  or  glorious  deed,  involv- 
ing valor  or  heroism,  usually  combined  with  strength,  skill, 
loftiness  of  thought,  and  readiness  of  resource ;  an  achievement 
is  the  doing  of  something  great  and  noteworthy;  an  exploit  is 
brilliant,  but  its  effect  may  be  transient;  an  achievement  is 
solid,  and  its  effect  enduring.  Act  and  action  are  both  in  con- 

active  28 


trast  to  all  that  is  merely  passive  and  receptive.    The  intensest 
action  is  easier  than  passive  endurance. 


cessation  immobility  inertia  quiet          suffering 

deliberation        inaction  passion  *  repose        suspension 

endurance  inactivity  quiescence  rest 

*  In  philosophic  sense. 



agile  energetic  officious  sprightly 

alert  expeditions  prompt  spry 

brisk^  industrious  quick  supple 

*    bustling  lively  ready  vigorous 

busy  mobile  restless  wide  awake 

diligent  nimble 

Active  refers  to  both  quickness  and  constancy  of  action;  in 
the  former  sense  it  is  allied  with  agile,  alert,  brisk,  etc.;  in  the 
latter,  with  "busy,  diligent,  industrious.  The  active  love  em- 
ployment, the  busy  are  actually  employed,  the  diligent  and  the 
industrious  are  habitually  busy.  The  restless  are  active  from 
inability  to  keep  quiet ;  their  activity  may  be  without  purpose, 
or  out  of  all  proportion  to  the  purpose  contemplated.  The 
officious  are  undesirably  active  in  the  affairs  of  others.  Com- 


dull  inactive  lazy  slow 

heavy  indolent  quiescent  sluggish 

idle  inert  quiet  stupid 


Active  in  work,  in  a  cause;  for  an  object,  as  for  justice; 
with  persons  or  instrumentalities;  about  something,  as  about 
other  people's  business. 



acuteness  insight  perspicacity      sharpness 

cleverness  keenness  sagacity  shrewdness 

discernment  penetration 

Sharpness,  acuteness,  and  insight,  however  keen,  and  pene- 
tration, however  deep,  fall  short  of  the  meaning  of  acumen, 
which  implies  also  ability  to  use  these  qualities  to  Advantage. 
There  are  persons  of  keen  insight  and  great  penetration  ta 

29                                                                                          active 

whom  these  powers  are  practically  useless.  Acumen  is  sharp- 
ness to  some  purpose,  and  belongs  to  a  mind  that  is  compre- 
hensive as  well  as  keen.  Cleverness  is  a  practical  aptitude  for 
study  or  learning.  Insight  and  discernment  are  applied  often- 
est  to  the  judgment  of  character;  penetration  and  perspicacity 
to  other  subjects  of  knowledge.  Sagacity  is  an  uncultured  skill 
in  using  quick  perceptions  for  a  desired  end,  generally  in  prac- 
tical affairs;  acumen  may  increase  with  study,  and  applies  to 
the  most  erudite  matters.  Shrewdness  is  keenness  or  sagacity, 
often,  with  a  somewhat  evil  bias,  as  ready  to  take  advantage 
of  duller  intellects.  Perspicacity  is  the  power  to  see  clearly 
through  that  which  is  difficult  or  involved.  We  speak  of  the 
acuteness  of  an  observer  or  a  reasoner,  the  insight  and  discern- 
ment of  a  student,  a  clergymar,  or  a  merchant,  the  sagacity 
of  a  hound,  the  keenness  of  a  debater,  the  shrewdness  of  a 
usurer,  the  penetration,  perspicacity,  and  acumen  of  a 


bluntness  dulness  obtuseness  stupidity 



accommodate   conform.  put  in  place     set  right 

adjust  fit  (fix)  put  right  set  to  rights 

apply  put  in  order    put  to  rights  suit 


To  fit  is,  in  this  connection,  to  make  one  thing  or  part  cor- 
respond to  some  other,  generally  with  the  idea  of  antecedent 
shaping;  as,  to  fit  a  garment  to  the  form;  to  fit  a  key  to  a 
lock;  in  its  application  to  persons  it  signifies  to  give  the 
knowledge  or  training  or  develop  the  qualities  needed  to  meet 
certain  requirements;  as,  to  fit  a  student  for  college.  Conform 
(from  L.  con-,  with,  together,  +  forma,  form)  is  originally  to 
make  like  in  form ;  in  physical  use  it  often  denotes  an  extensive 
and  gradual  process;  as,  the  glacier  conforms  itself  to  the 
shape  of  ground  on  which  it  rests  or  over  which  it  passes;  in 
its  more  frequent  figurative  use  it  signifies  commonly  to  accord 
an  external  agreement  without  reference  to  one's  personal  views 
or  feelings;  as,  to  conform  one's  conduct  to  the  customs  of 
society;  James  I.  said  of  the  Puritans: 

^   *  30 


I  will  make  them  conform,  or  I  will  harry  them  out  of  the  land. 
GEEBN  History  of  the  English  People  vol.  vi,  bk.  vn,  ch    3,  p   250 

[F.  &  w.  CO.] 

To  adjust  (originally,  to  make  right)  is  to  place  one  thing 
or  part  in  suitable  relation  to  some  other  or  others,  as  for 
stability,  suitable  or  harmonious  action,  or  the  like ;  the  parts 
of  a  watch,  fitted  to  each  other  by  their  original  construction, 
must  be  adjusted  by  the  watchmaker  who  assembles  them;  the 
mechanism  of  a  typewriter  must  be  adjusted  for  alignment; 
if  the  parts  were  not  originally  properly  fitted,  it  will  be  found 
impossible  to  adjust  them ;  adjust  always  implies  some  inherent 
fitness;  this  is  true  even  in  metaphorical  use;  differences  or 
disputes  between  persons  are  adjusted  when  both  parties  agree 
to  waive  negligible  matters ;  if  the  differences  are  fundamental, 
no  adjustment  is  possible;  Charles  Y.  vainly  tried  to  adjust 
the  dispute  between  the  Catholics  who  held  to  an  infallible 
church  and  the  Reformers  who  claimed  the  right  of  private 
judgment.  (See  COMPROMISE.)  Adapt  has  less  reference  to 
original  structure  than  fit,  and  more  suggestion  of  change  than 
adjust;  we  adjust  the  parts  of  a  machine  without  the  slightest 
alteration  of  their  structure;  we  adapt  the  machine  to  a  new 
use  by  some  minor  changes;  the  eye  adapts  itself  to  differences 
of  light  or  vision  by  spontaneous  and  unconscious  changes  of 
convexity  or  the  dilation  or  contraction  of  the  pupil;  the 
human  constitution  adapts  itself  to  a  new  climate,  or  the  mind 
to  a  new  problem.  Adapt  and  adjust  in  such  use  are  often 
closely  synonymous,  yet  with  a  subtle  difference,  adjust  re- 
ferring more  to  the  mechanism,  adapt  to  the  result;  we  adjust 
a  microscope  or  an  opera-glass,  in  older  to  adapt  it  to  different 
eyes.  We  dramatize  a  novel  in  order  to  adapt  it  for  the  stage ; 
we  adjust  a  play  for  new  use  by  minor  changes;  the  play- 
wright adapts  an  English  play  for  the  American  stage.  To 
suit  (from  F.  suile,  ult.  from  L.  sequor,  follow)  is  to  make  or 
io  be  conformable  or  appropriate  to,  accord  with,  befit;  as,  his 
figure  suits  the  part;  in  a  secondary  sense,  to  suit  is  to  meet  the 
news,  wishes,  or  tastes  of,  please,  satisfy;  as,  the  plan  suits 
me.  Suit  is  often  nearly  equivalent  to  fit  or  adapt,  but  seldom 
exactly  corresponds  to  them;  "The  pen  fits  my  hand"  might 
imply  that  the  size  and  shape  of  the  pen  exactly  fill  my  natural 
grasp;  "the  pen  is  adapted  to  my  hand"  would  indicate  that 
its  construction  and  general  qualities  are  such  as  my  hand  re- 

__ adapt 

quires;  "the  pen  suits  my  hand"  is  more  comprehensive,  de- 
claring that  the  qualities  of  the  pen  in  all  respects  meet  the 
demands  of  my  hand. 

Suit  the   action  to  the  word,  the  word  to  the   action 

SHAKESPEARE    Hamlet    act  m,  sc.  2. 

Here  neither  fit  nor  adapt  could  be  substituted  without  loss, 
while  adjust  would  be  intolerable.  The  idea  of  a  pleasing  or 
satisfactory  result  largely  underlies  the  use  of  suit.  Accom- 
modate (ult.  from  L.  commodus,  fit/  suitable,  convenient)  is  in 
some  uses  nearly  synonymous  with  adapt,  adjust,  conform,  or 
fit,  but  generally  implies  some  concession,  yielding,  or  sacrifice; 
as,  to  accommodate  oneself  to  circumstances,  i.e.,  by  giving  up 
some  things  one  might  desire. 

Christ  will  never  accommodate  his  morality  to  the  times. 

ADAM  OLABE,  Christian,  Theology  p   US.  [P.  &  H.] 

A  metallic  structure  must  be  able  to  accommodate  itself  to 
expansion  or  contraction  of  the  material;  the  devise  by  which 
the  eye  adapts  itself  to  distance  is  called  the  Accommodating 
apparatus.  In  the  secondary  uses,  the  idea  of  convenience  or  of 
concession  or  of  both,  usually  appears;  we  accommodate  a 
friend  with  a  loan  or  a  traveler  with  lodgings;  an  accommodat- 
ing person  seeks  others'  comfort  or  convenience,  often  at  more 
or  less  sacrifice  of  his  own;  a  dispute  is  accommodated  by  mu- 
tual concessions.  (See  COMPROMISE).  Fix  (originally  to  fas- 
ten, make  firm;  see  ATTACH)  :  is  used  colloquially  in  the  sense 
of  adapt,  adjust,  fit,  accommodate,  repair,  regulate,  put  in 
shape  or  in  order,  fit  out,  equip,  or  in  any  way  put  in  suitable 
or  satisfactory  condition.  This  usage,  which  has  been  termed 
an  Americanism,  has  been  shown  to  have  existed  in  England 
from  early  times.  The  very  indefiniteness  of  the  expression,  as 
including  all  that  may  need  to  be  done,  in  whatever  way,  has 
rendered  it  widely  popular  in  America,  as  expressing,  with 
exceeding  convenience,  what  can  be  said  by  no  other  single 
word.  See  ARRANGE. 


confound  disjoin  disorder  misapply 

confuse  disjoint  displace  misfit 

derange  dislocate  disturb  misjoin 

disarrange  dismember  jumble  misplace 

add                                                                                                32 



adjoin  append  enlarge  make  up 

affix  attach  extend  subjoin 

amplify  augment  increase  sum  up 

annex  cast  up  join  on 

To  add  is?to  increase  by  adjoining  or  uniting;  in  distinction 
from  multiply,  which,  is  to  increase  by  repeating  To  augment, 
a  thing  is  to  increase  it  by  any  means,  but  this  word  is  seldom 
used  directly  of  material  objects;  we  do  not  augment  a  house, 
a  farm,  a  nation,  etc.  We  may  enlarge  a  house,  a  farm,  or  an 
empire,  extend  influence  or  dominion,  augment  riches,  power  or 
influence,  attach  or  annex  a  building  to  one  that  it  adjoins  or 
papers  to  the  document  they  refer  to,  annex  a  clause  or  a 
codicil,  affix  a  seal  or  a  signature,  annex  a  territory,  attach 
a  condition  to  a  promise.  A  speaker  may  amplify  a  discourse 
by  a  fuller  treatment  throughout  than  was  originally  planned, 
or  he  may  append  or  subjoin  certain  remarks  without  change 
of  what  has  gone  before.  We  cast  up  or  sum  up  an  account, 
though  add  up  and  make  up  are  now  more  usual  expressions. 
Compare  ATTACH. 


abstract  dissever  reduce  subtract 

deduct  lessen  leraove  withdraw 



Other  items  are  to  be  added  to  the  account. 



abandoned  devoted  given  over  inclined 

accustomed  disposed  given  np  prone 

attached  given  habituated  wedded 

One  is  addicted  to  that  which  he  has  allowed  to  gain  a  strong, 
habitual,  and  enduring  hold  upon  action,  inclination,  or  in- 
voluntary tendency,  as  to  a  habit  or  indulgence.  A  man  may  bo 
accustomed  to  labor,  attached  to  his  profession,  devoted  to  his 
religion,  given  to  study  or  to  gluttony  (in  the  bad  sense,  given 
over}  or  given  up,  is  a  stronger  and  more  hopeless  expression, 
as  is  abandoned).  One  inclined  to  luxury  may  become  habit- 
uated to  poverty.  One  is  wedded  to  that  which  has  become  a 
second  nature ;  as,  one  is  wedded  to  science  or  to  art.  Prone  is 

m  _  address 

used  only  in  a  bad  sense,  and  generally  of  natural  tendencies; 
as,  our  hearts  are  prone  to  evil.  Abandoned  tells  of  the  ac- 
quired viciousness  of  one  who  has  given  himself  up  to  wicked- 
ness. Addicted  may  be  used  in  a  good,  but  more  frequently  a 
bad  sense;  as,  addicted  to  study;  addicted  to  drink.  Devoted 
is  used  chiefly  in  the  good  sense;  as,  a  mother's  devoted  affec- 


averse  disinclined  indisposed  unaccustomed 


Addicted  to  vice. 



accost  apply  to  greet  speak  to 

apostrophize  approach  hail  woo 

appeal  to  court  salute 

To  accost  is  to  speak  first,  to  friend  or  stranger,  generally 
with  a  view  to  opening  conversation;  greet  is  not  so  distinctly 
limited,  since  one  may  return  another's  greeting;  greet  and  hail 
may  imply  but  a  passing  word;  greeting  may  be  altogether 
silent;  to  Jiail  is  to  greet  in  a  loud-voiced  and  commonly  hearty 
and  joyous  way,  as  appears  in  the  expression  "hail  fellow, 
well  met."  To  salute  is  to  greet  with  special  token  of  respect, 
as  a  soldier  his  commander.  To  apostrophize  is  to  solemnly 
address  some  person  or  personified  attribute  apart  from  the 
audience  to  whom  one  is  speaking;  as,  a  preacher  may  apos- 
trophize virtue,  the  saints  of  old,  or  even  the  Deity.  To  appeal 
or  apply  to  in  this  sense  is  to  address  formally  for  some  special 
purpose,  appeal  being  the  more  urgent  word.  Address  is 
slightly  more  formal  than  accost  or  greet,  though  it  may  often 
be  interchanged  with  them.  One  may  address  another  at  con- 
siderable length  or  in  writing;  he  accosts  orally  and  briefly. 
Compare  APPEAL. 


avoid  elude  overlook  pass  by 

cut  ignore  pass  shun 


Address  the  memorial  to  the  legislature;  the  president  ad- 
dressed the  people  in  an  eloquent  speech;  he  addressed  an  in- 
truder with  indignation. 

address                                                                                        34 
adherent .  ^ 



adroitness  discretion  manners  readiness 

courtesy  ingenuity  politeness  tact 


Address  is  that  indefinable  something  which  enables  a  man  to 
gain  his  object  without  seeming  exertion  or  contest,  and  gener- 
ally with  the  favor  and  approval  of  those  with  whom  he  deals. 
It  is  a  general  power  to  direct  to  the  matter  in  hand  whatever 
qualities  are  most  needed  for  it  at  the  moment.  It  includes 
adroitness  and  discretion  to  know  what  to  do  or  say  and  what 
to  avoid;  ingenuity  to  devise;  readiness  to  speak  or  act;  the 
dexterity  that  comes  of  practise;  and  tact,  which  is  the  power 
of  fine  touch  as  applied  to  human  character  and  feeling. 
Courtesy  and  politeness  are  indispensable  elements  of  good 
address.  Compare  POLITE;  SPEECH. 


awkwardness  clumsiness  ilUbreoding  stupidity 

boorishness  fatuity  ill  manners  unmannerliness 

clownishness  folly  rudeness  unwisdom 


Address  in  dealing  with  opponents;  the  address  of  an  ac- 
complished intriguer;  an  address  to  the  audience. 



able  competent        fitting  sufficient 

adapted  equal  qualified  suitable 

capable  fit  satisfactory          suited 

commensurate  fitted 

Adequate,  commensurate,  and  sufficient  signify  equal  to  some 
given  occasion  or  work;  as,  a  sum  sufficient  to  meet  expenses; 
an  adequate  remedy  for  the  disease.  Commensurate  is  the  more 
precise  and  learned  word,  signifying  that  which  exactly  meas- 
ures the  matter  in  question.  Adapted,  fit,  fitted,  suited,  and 
qualified  refer  to  the  qualities  which  match  or  suit  the  occasion. 
A  clergyman  may  have  strength  adequate  to  the  work  of  a  por- 
ter; but  that  would  not  be  a  fit  or  suitable  occupation  for  him. 
Work  is  satisfactory  if  it  satisfies  those  for  whom  it  is  done, 
though  it  may  be  very  poor  work  judged  by  some  higher 
standard.  Qualified  refers  to  acquired  abilities;  competent  to 

35  address 
««^ adherent 

both  natural  and  acquired;  a  qualified  teacher  may  be  no 
longer  competent,  by  reason  of  ill  health.  Able  and  capable 
suggest  general  ability  and  reserved  power,  able  being  the 
higher  word  of  the  two.  An  able  man  will  do  something  well 
in  any  position.  A  capable  man  will  come  up  to  any  ordinary 
demand.  We  say  an  able  orator,  a  capable  accountant.  Com- 
pare ADAPT;  FIT. 


disqualified  insufficient  unfit  unsuitable 

inadequate  poor  unqualified  useless 

incompetent  unequal  unsatisfactory  worthless 


Adequate  to  the  demand;  for  the  purpose. 



aid  ally  disciple  partisan 

aider  backer  follower  supporter 

An  adherent  is  one  who  is  devoted  or  attached  to  a  person, 
party,  principle,  cause,  creed,  or  the  like.  One  may  be  an  aider 
and  supporter  of  a  party  or  church,  while  not  an  adherent  to  all 
its  doctrines  or  claims.  An  ally  is  more  independent  still,  as 
he  may  differ  on  every  point  except  the  specific  ground  of 
union.  The  Allies  who  overthrew  Napoleon  were  united  only 
against  him.  Allies  are  regarded  as  equals;  adherents  and 
disciples  are  followers.  The  adherent  depends  more  on  his 
individual  judgment,  the  disciple  is  more  subject  to  command 
and  instruction;  thus  we  say  the  disciples  rather  than  the 
adherents  of  Christ.  Partisan  has  the  narrow  and  odious  sense 
of  adhesion  to  a  party,  right  or  wrong.  One  may  be  an  ad- 
herent or  supporter  of  a  party  and  not  a  partisan.  Backer  is 
a  sporting  and  theatrical  word,  personal  in  its  application, 
and  not  in  the  best  usage.  Compare  ACCESSORY. 


adversary  deserter  hater  renegade 

antagonist  enemy  opponent  traitor 



Adherents  to  principle;  adherents  of  Luther. 

adhesive                                                                                         36 



cohesive  gummy  sticky  viscous 

glutinous  sticking  m  viscid 

Adhesive  is  the  scientific,  sticking  or  sticky  the  popular  word. 
That  which  is  adhesive  tends  to  join  itself  to  the  surface  of  any 
other  body  with  which  it  is  placed  in  contact;  cohesive  ex- 
presses the  tendency  of  particles  of  the  same  substance  to  hold 
together.  Polished  plate  glass  is  not  adhesivey  but  such  plates 
packed  together  are  intensely  cohesive.  An  adhesive  plaster 
is  in  popular  language  a  sticking-plB.sier.  Sticky  expresses 
a  more  limited,  and  generally  annoying,  degree  of  the  same 
quality.  Glutinous,  gummy,  viscid,  and  viscous  are  applied 
to  semi-fluid  substances,  as  pitch  or  tar. 


free  inadhesive  loose  separable 


The  stiff,  wet  clay,  adhesive  to  the  foot,  impeded  progress. 



abutting  "bordering  contiguous          neighboring 

adjoining         close  coterminous       next 

attached  conterminous    near  nigh 


Adjacent  farms  may  not  be  connected;  if  adjoining,  they 
meet  at  the  boundary-line.  Conterminous  would  imply  that 
their  dimensions  were  exactly  equal  on  the  side  where  they 
adjoin.  Contiguous  may  be  used  for  either  adjacent  or  adjoin- 
ing.  Abutting  refers  rather  to  the  end  of  one  building  or 
estate  than  to  the  neighborhood  of  another.  Buildings  may 
be  adjacent  or  adjoining  that  are  not  attached.  Near  is  a 
relative  word,  places  being  called  near  upon  the  railroad  which 
would  elsewhere  be  deemed  remote.  Neighboring  always  im- 
plies such  proximity  that  the  inhabitants  may  be  neighbors. 
Next  views  some  object  as  the  nearest  of  several  or  many; 
next  neighbor  implies  a  neighborhood. 


detached     disconnected    disjoined     distant      remote      separate 

The  farm  was  adjacent  to  the  village. 

37  adhesive 
^_ | admissible   _ 



adore  delight  in.  extol  respect        venerate 

applaud          enjoy  honor         revere  wonder 

approve         esteem  love 

In  the  old  sense  of  wonder,  admire  is  practically  obsolete; 
the  word  now  expresses  a  delight  and  approval,  in  which  the 
element  of  wonder  unconsciously  mingles.  We  admire  beauty 
in  nature  and  art,  delight  in  the  innocent  happiness  of  chil- 
dren, enjoy  books  or  society,  a  walk  or  a  dinner.  We  ap- 
prove what  is  excellent,  applaud,  heroic  deeds,  esteem  the 
good,  love  our  friends.  We  honor  and  respect  noble  character 
wherever  found;  we  revere  and  venerate  it  in  the  aged.  We 
extol  the  goodness  and  adore  the  majesty  and  power  of  God. 


abhor  contemn  detest  execrate  ridicule 

abominate         despise  dislike  ha<.e  scorn 


Admire  at  may  still  very  rarely  be  found  in  the  old  sense  of 
wonder  at. 



allowable  passable  probable  right 

fair  permissible  proper  suitable 

just  possible  reasonable  tolerable 

Allowable  and  permissible  are  distinguished  on  the  same- 
basis  as  allow  and  permit.  See  ALLOW.  As  between  allowable 
and  admissible,  that  is  allowable  which  may  be  considered  or 
done  without  active  objections,  opposition,  or  protest;  that  is 
admissible  which  may  be  fairly  or  reasonably  entertained  or 
considered;  admissible  is  the  stronger  term;  as,  an  allowable 
suggestion;  an  admissible  hypothesis.  Admissible  and  permis- 
sible divide  along  the  line  of  theory  and  action;  that  is  admis- 
sible which  may  properly  be  considered;  that  is  permissible 
which  may  properly  be  done;  certain  evidence  in  a  ease  may 
be  admissible;  a  postponement  of  trial  may  be  permissible; 
admissible  has  more  of  the  passive,  permissible  of  the  active 
element;  a  statement  or  an  excuse  may  be  permissible  as  the 
act  of  one  who  makes  it,  admissible  if  its  qualities  are  such 
that  it  may  be  received  or  considered.  Tolerable  is  the  weak- 

adorn  38 


est  word  of  the  series,  denoting  that  which  may  be  accepted 
or  passed  over  by  a  certain  degree  of  forbearance;  as,  a 
tolerable  explanation;  in  common  phrase,  tolerable  signifies 
moderately  good  or  agreeable,  and  no  more,  denoting  that 
which  just  misses  of  being  intolerable. 


absurd  impertinent  irrelevant  unfair 

alien  inadmissible  out  of  place  unsuitable 

foreign  inapposite  unallowable  unwarrantable 

illegitimate  inapplicable  unconnected  unwarranted 



beautify  decorate  garnigli  illustrate 

bedeck  embellish.  gild  ornament 


To  embellish  is  to  brighten  and  enliven  by  adding  something 
*Jhat  is  not  necessarily  or  very  closely  connected  with  that  to 
tfhich  it  is  added;  to  illustrate  is  to  add  something  so  far  like 
In  kind  as  to  east  a  side-light  upon  the  principal  matter.  An 
author  embellishes  his  narrative  with  fine  descriptions,  the 
artist  illustrates  it  with  beautiful  engravings,  the  binder  gilds 
and  decorates  the  volume.  Garnish  is  on  a  lower  plane;  as, 
the  feast  was  garnished  with  flowers.  Deck  and  bedeck  are 
commonly  said  of  apparel;  as,  a  mother  bedecks  her  daughter 
with  silk  and  jewels.  To  adorn  and  to  ornament  alike  signify 
to  add  that  which  makes  anything  beautiful  and  attractive, 
but  ornament  is  more  exclusively  on  the  material  plane;  as, 
the  gateway  was  ornamented  with  delicate  carving.  Adorn 
is  more  lofty  and  spiritual,  referring  to  a  beauty  which  is 
not  material,  and  can  not  be  put  on  by  ornaments  or  dec- 
orations, but  seems  in  perfect  harmony  and  unity  with  that 
to  which  it  adds  a  grace;  if  we  say,  the  gateway  was  adorned 
with  beautiful  carving,  we  imply  a  unity  and  loftiness  of 
design  such  as  ornamented  can  not  express.  We  say  of  some 
admirable  scholar  or  statesman,  "he  touched  nothing  that  he 
did  not  adorn." 

At  church,  with  meek  and  unaffected  grace, 
His  looks  adorned  the  venerable  place. 

GOLDSMITH    Deserted  Village,  1.   178, 
deface  deform  disfigure  mar  spoil 

39  adorn 

_  H affront 


Adorn  his  temples  with  a  coronet. 



antagonistic    incompatible     opposing  unlucky 

conflicting;        inimical  opposite  unpropitions 

contrary  opposed  unfavorable    untoward 


Adverse  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  verto,  turn)  signifies  turned 
toward  in  opposition;  as,  adverse  winds  that  blow  against  the 
mariner's  course;  adverse  circumstances  that  oppose  one's  desire 
or  intent.  Adverse  is  rarely,  if  ever,  used  of  persons,  but 
of  facts,  opinions,  influences,  tendencies,  etc.  We  may  speak 
of  an  adverse  party,  contemplated  as  an  impersonal  organiza- 
tion opposite  or  antagonistic  to  some  other.  Accordingly  ad- 
verse  carries  no  idea  of  feeling;  in  this  it  differs  from  hostile 
or  inimical,  and  is  allied  with  conflicting,  contrary,  opposed, 
opposing,  opposite.  Antagonistic  may  or  may  not  involve 
hostile  feeling;  two  opposing  lawyers  may  be  strenuous  an- 
tagonists during  a  trial,  but  warm  friends  outside  of  court. 
Compare  ENEMY.  Adverse  is  to  be  sharply  distinguished  from 
averse,  which  primarily  indicates  opposition  of  feeling,  how- 
ever much  sustained  by  reason.  See  AVERSE  under  REDUCTASTT. 
That  which  is  adverse  may  prove  to  be  afflictive,  calamitous, 
fatal,  hurtful,  injurious,  or  unfortunate,  and  such  words  are 
sometimes  given  as  synonyms  of  adverse,  but  no  such  elements 
inhere  in  the  meaning  of  the  word;  the  world's  greatest  ex- 
ploits and  careers  have  been  triumphs  over  adverse  circum- 
stances, influences,  or  tendencies. 


advantageous  benign  favorable  prosperous 

aiding  cooperating  helpful  supporting 

.assisting  cooperative  propitious  sustaining 

auspicious  contributory 



aggravate  exasperate  offend  vex 

annoy  insnlt  provoke  wound 

displease  irritate  tease 

One  may  be  annoyed  by  the  well-meaning  awkwardness  of 
a  servant,  irritated  by  a  tight  shoe  or  a  thoughtless  remark, 

afraid  40 


vexed  at  some  careless  neglect  or  needless  misfortune,  wounded 
by  the  ingratitude  of  child  or  f  riend.  To  tease  is  to  give  some 
slight  and  perhaps  playful  annoyance.  Aggravate  in  the  sense 
of  offend  is  colloquial.  To  provoke,  literally  to  call  out  or 
challenge,  is  to  begin  a  contest;  one  provokes  another  to  vio- 
lence. To  affront  is  to  offer  some  defiant  offense  or  indignity, 
as  it  were,  to  one's  face;  it  is  somewhat  less  than  to  msult. 
Compare  PIQUE. 


conciliate  content  gratify  honor  please 



alarmed  cowardly  frightened  terror-stricken 

anxious  fainthearted   scared  timid 

apprehensive   fearful  terrified        timorous 


Afraid  is  a  word  of  wide  range  of  meaning;  it  is  used  to 
indicate  a  slight  degree  of  apprehension  or  anxiety,  where 
nothing  worthy  the  name  of  fear  is  involved;  as,  I  am  afraid 
we  shall  be  late;  I  am  afraid  you  will  be  disappointed;  I  am 
afraid  the  proof  has  not  been  read;  in  many  such  cases  I 
fear  would  be  more  elegant  and  expressive  than  1  ara  afraid; 
as,  I  fear  appeal  will  be  vain;  I  fear  there  may  be  a  flaw  in 
the  title.  On  the  other  hand,  afraid  may  indicate  being  under 
the  power  of  deep,  persuasive  fear,  due  to  real  or  imaginary 
cause;  as,  many  a  child  is  afraid  in  the  dark;  the  superstitious 
are  afraid  of  ghosts  and  goblins;  the  sailor  is  more  afraid 
of  fog  than  of  storm.  A  cautious  person  foresees  possibilities 
of  danger,  and  moves  warily  or  seeks  safeguard  or  protection 
accordingly;  the  timid  or  timorous  are  constitutionally  and 
readily  subject  to  fear,  even  on  slight  occasions,  as  of  criticism 
or  publicity;  yet  the  cautious,  timid,  or  timorous  may  evince 
dauntless  courage  under  the  influence  of  some  strong  affec- 
tion, as  of  a  mother  for  her  child,  or  when  moved  by  some 
high  moral  motive,  as  religion  or  patriotism;  the  cowardly 
are  incapable  of  any  high  motive  that  can  overcome  the  mere 
brute  instinct  of  self-preservation.  Fearful  is  used  in  a  double 
sense;  objectively  it  signifies  causing  or  adapted  to  cause 
fear;  as,  a  fearful  storm;  subjectively  (in  the  sense  here  con- 
sidered) it  signifies  subject  to  or  experiencing  some  degree 


of  fear;  in  this  sense  it  is  nearly  synonymous  with  afraid, 
but  is  a  stronger  and  higher  word;  it  would  be  unworthy  of 
a  military  officer  to  say  that  he  was  afiaid  of  defeat;  to 
say  that  he  was  fearful  of  defeat,  as  in  an  untenable  posi- 
tion, would  involve  no  discredit;  fearful  in  the  sense  of  timid 
or  timorous  is  now  rarely,  if  ever,  used,  a  fearful  disposition 
would  be  understood  as  a  disposition  to  cause  fear,  rather 
than  one  readily  subject  to  fear.  Compare  ALARM;  ANXIETY; 


adventurous  composed  fearless  undaunted 

audacious  confident  gallant  undismayed 

bold  cool  heroic  valiant 

brave  courageous  intrepid  valorous 

calm  daring  reckless  venturesome 

collected  dauntless 



actor  instrument  mover  performer 

doer  means  operator  promoter 


In  strict  philosophical  usage,  the  prime  mover  or  doer  of 
an  act  is  the  agent.  Thus  we  speak  of  man  as  a  voluntary 
agent,  a  free  agent.  But  in  common  usage,  especially  in  busi- 
ness, an  agent  is  not  the  prime  actor,  but  only  an  instrument 
or  faetory  acting  under  orders  or  instructions.  Compare 



chief  inventor  originator  principal 


An  agent  of  the  company  for  selling,  etc. 



advance  elevate  enrich  magnify 

augment  ennoble  exalt  promote 


To  aggrandize  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  grandis,  great)  is  to  make 
great  or  greater  in  honor,  wealth,  influence,  or  power.  To 
exalt  (from  L.  ex,  out,  +  altus,  high)  is  to  raise  to  a  height,  aa 
in  position,  condition,  rank,  or  honor.  Both  words  have  & 

agree                                                                                          42 

certain  absoluteness;  the  greatness  or  the  height  must  be  real 
and  impressive;  in  this  they  differ  from  advance  or  promote, 
whieJb.  are  merely  relative;  a  sergeant  may  be  advanced  or 
promot&d  to  the  grade  of  second  lieutenant,  but  we  should 
not  speak  of  him  as  being  aggrandized  or  exalted. 

The  first  act  of  Herod,  after  Augustus  had  aggrandized 
him  so  greatly,  was  to  build  a  temple  of  white  marble  to  his 
patron  at  Panias. 

G-EIKIE  Life  of  Christ  vol.  i,  ch.  4,  p.  51. 



abase  disgrace  humble  lower 

debase  dishonor  humiliate  reduce 

degrade  enfeeble  impoverish  shame 




accede  admit  combine  Harmonize 

accept  approve  comply  join 

accord  assent  concur  unite 

acquiesce  coincide  consent 

Agree  is  the  most  general  term  of  this  group,  signifying 
to  have  like  qualities,  proportions,  views,  or  inclinations,  so 
as  to  be  free  from  jar,  conflict,  or  contradiction  in  a  given 
relation.  To  concur  is  to  agree  in  general;  to  coincide  is  to 
agree  in  every  particular.  Whether  in  application  to  per- 
sons or  things,  concur  tends  to  expression  in  action  more  than 
coincide;  we  may  either  concur  or  coincide  in  an  opinion,  but 
concur  in  a  decision;  views  coincide,  causes  concur.  One 
accepts  another's  terms,  complies  with  his  wishes,  admits  his 
statement,  approves  his  plan,  conforms  to  his  views  of  doc- 
trine or  duty,  accedes  or  consents  to  his  proposal.  Accede  ex- 
presses the  more  formal  agreement,  consent  the  more  com- 
plete. To  assent  is  an  act  of  the  understanding;  to  consent, 
of  the  will.  We  may  concur  or  agree  with  others,  either  in 
opinion  or  decision.  Two  or  more  persons  combine,  join,  or 
unite  in  an  undertaking.  One  may  silently  acquiesce  in  that 
which  does  not  meet  his  views,  but  which  he  does  not  care 
to  contest.  He  admits  the  charge  brought,  or  the  statement 
made,  by  another— admit  always  carrying  a  suggestion  of  re- 
luctance. Assent  is  sometimes  used  for  a  mild  form  of  cow- 

43  agree 

sent,  as  if  agreement  in  the  opinion  assured  approval  of  the 


contend  decline          deny          disagree        dissent        protest 

contradict          demur  differ         dispute          oppose         refuse 


I  agree  in  opinion  with  the  speaker;  to  the  terms  proposed; 
persons  agree  on  or  upon  a  statement  of  principles,  rules,  etc. ; 
we  must  agree  among  ourselves. 



cultivation  gardening  kitchen-gardening 

culture  horticulture  market-gardening 

farming  husbandry  tillage 


Agriculture  is  the  generic  term,  including  at  once  the  sci- 
ence, the  art,  and  the  process  of  supplying  human  wants  by 
raising  the  products  of  the  soil,  and  by  the  associated  indus- 
tries; farming  is  the  practise  of  agriculture  as  a  business; 
there  may  be  theoretical  agriculture,  but  not  theoretical  farm- 
ing; we  speak  of  the  science  of  agriculture,  the  business  of 
farming;  scientific  agriculture  may  be  wholly  in  books;  scien- 
tific farming  is  practised  upon  the  land;  we  say  an  agricultural 
college  rather  than  a  college  of  farming.  "Farming  refers  to 
the  cultivation  of  considerable  portions  of  land,  and  the  rais- 
ing of  the  coarser  crops;  gardening  is  the  close  cultivation 
of  a  small  area  for  small  fruits,  flowers,  vegetables,  etc.,  and 
while  it  may  be  done  upon  a  farm  is  yet  a  distinct  industry. 
Gardening  in  general,  kitchen-gardening  (the  cultivation  of 
vegetables,  etc.,  for  the  household),  market-gardening  (the rais- 
ing of  the  same  for  sale),  floriculture  (the  culture  of  flowers), 
and  horticulture  (the  culture  of  fruits,  flowers,  or  vegetables), 
are  all  departments  of  agriculture,  but  not  strictly  nor  ordi- 
narily of  farming;  farming  is  itself  one  department  of  agri- 
culture. Husbandry  is  a  general  word  for  any  form  of  prac- 
tical agriculture,  but  is  now  chiefly  poetical.  Tillage  refers 
directly  to  the  work  bestowed  upon  the  land,  as  plowing, 
manuring,  etc.;  cultivation  refers  especially  to  the  processes 
that  bring  forward  the  crop;  we  speak  of  the  tillage  of  the 
soil,  the  cultivation  of  corn;  we  also  speak  of  land  as  in  a 


state  of  cultivation,  under  cultivation,  etc.  Culture  is  now 
applied  to  the  careful  development  of  any  product  to  a  state 
of  perfection,  especially  by  care  through  successive  generations  ; 
the  choice  varieties  of  the  strawberry  have  been  produced  by 
wise  and  patient  culture;  a  good  crop  in  any  year  is  the  re- 
sult of  good  cultivation. 



aspiration  endeavor  intent  object 

design  goal  intention          purpose 

determination          inclination         mark  tendency 


The  aim  is  the  direction  in  which  one  shoots,  or  sometimes 
that  which  is  aimed  at.  The  mark  is  that  at  which  one 
shoots;  the  goal,  that  toward  which  one  runs.  All  alike  indi- 
cate the  direction  of  endeavor.  The  end  is  the  point  at  which 
one  expects  or  hopes  to  close  his  labors;  the  object,  that  which 
he  would  grasp  as  the  reward  of  his  labors.  Aspiration,  de- 
sign, endeavor,  purpose,  referring  to  the  mental  acts  by  which 
the  aim  is  attained,  are  often  used  as  interchangeable  with 
aim.  Aspiration  applies  to  what  are  viewed  as  noble  aims; 
endeavor,  design,  intention,  purpose,  indifferently  to  the  best 
or  worst.  Aspiration  has  less  of  decision  than  the  other 
terms;  one  may  aspire  to  an  object,  and  yet  lack  the  fixedness 
of  purpose  by  which  alone  it  can  be  attained.  Purpose  is 
stronger  than  intention.  Design  especially  denotes  the  adapta- 
tion of  means  to  an  end;  endeavor  refers  to  the  exertions  by 
which  it  is  to  be  attained.  One  whose  aims  are  worthy,  whose 
aspirations  are  high,  whose  designs  are  wise,  and  whose  pur- 
poses are  steadfast,  may  hope  to  reach  the  goal  of  his  am- 
bition, and  will  surely  win  some  object  worthy  of  a  life's 
endeavor.  Compare  AMBITION;  DESIGN. 

aimlessness  heedlessness  negligence         purposelessness 

avoidance  neglect  oversight          thoughtlessness 




appearance  carriage  fashion  mien.         style 

bearing  demeanor  look  port  way 

behavior  expression  manner  sort 

Air  is  that  combination  of  qualities  which  makes  the  entire 


impression  we  receive  in  a  person's  presence;  as,  we  say 
he  has  the  air  of  a  scholar,  or  the  air  of  a  villain.  Appear- 
ance refers  more  to  the  dress  and  other  externals.  We  might 
say  of  a  travel-soiled  pedestrian,  he  has  the  appearance  of 
a  tramp,  but  the  air  of  a  gentleman.  Expression  and  look 
especially  refer  to  the  face.  Expression  is  oftenest  applied  to 
that  which  is  habitual;  as,  he  has  a  pleasant  expression  of 
countenance;  look  may  be  momentary;  as,  a  look  of  dismay 
passed  over  his  face.  We  may,  however,  speak  of  the  look 
or  looks  as  indicating  all  that  we  look  at;  as,  he  had  the  look 
of  an  adventurer;  I  did  not  like  his  looks.  Bearing  is  rather 
a  lofty  word;  as,  he  has  a  noble  beating;  port  is  practically 
identical  in  meaning  with  bearing,  "but  is  more  exclusively  a 
literary  word.  Carriage,  too,  is  generally  used  in  a  good  sense; 
as,  that  lady  has  a  good  carriage.  Mien  is  closely  synonymous 
with  air  but  less  often  used  in  a  bad  sense.  We  say  a  rakish 
air  rather  than  a  rakish  mien.  Hien  may  be  used  to  express 
some  prevailing  feeling;  as,  "an  indignant  mien"  Demeanor 
goes  beyond  appearance,  including  conduct,  behavior;  as,  a 
modest  demeanor.  Manner  and  style  are,  in  large  part  at 
least,  acquired.  Compare  BEHAVIOR. 



aerial  fairylike  joyous  lively 

animated  frolicsome  light  sprightly 

ethereal  gay 

Aerial  and  airy  both  signify  of  or  belonging  to  the  air, 
but  airy  also  describes  that  which  seems  as  if  made  of  air; 
we  speak  of  airy  shapes,  airy  nothings,  where  we  could  not 
well  say  aerial;  ethereal  describes  its  object  as  belonging  to 
the  upper  air,  the  pure  ether,  and  so,  often,  heavenly. 
Sprightly,  spiritlike,  refers  to  light,  free,  cheerful  activity 
of  mind  and  body.  That  which  is  lively,  or  animated  may 
be  agreeable  or  the  reverse;  as,  an  animated  discussion;  a 
lively  company. 


clumsy  inert  slow  stony 

dull  ponderous  sluggish  wooden 





activity  briskness  promptitude  speed 

agility  celerity  promptness  sprightliness 

alertness  eagerness  quickness  swiftness 

animation  liveliness  readiness  vivacity 

Alertness  may  be  without  action,  as  of  the  waiting  hunter 
or  sentinel;  readiness  is  more  calm  and  less  vivid  than  alert- 
ness. Agility,  quickness,  celerity,  speed,  swiftness,  may  be 
without  agreeable  motive,  as  tinder  stress  of  terror;  activity 
may  be  vigorous  but  unwilling,  as  when  one  works  fiercely 
under  compulsion.  See  ACTIVE.  Agility  is  light  and  dexter- 
ous quickness  without  reference  to  motive;  one  may  climb 
a  tree  with  agility  when  pursued  by  a  mad  bull;  agility  is 
near  in  meaning  to  nimbleness,  but  is  more  purposeful;  it 
is  lightness  and  quickness  of  movement  dexterously  adapted 
to  a  definite  end;  we  speak  of  the  agility  of  an  athlete,  the 
nimbleness  of  a  dancer;  agility  commonly  involves  the  whole 
body,  while  nimbleness  may  be  limited  to  some  portion,  as 
the  feet  or  the  fingers.  Compare  NIMBLE. 

Promptness  is  strictly  timeliness  in  meeting  occasion  or 
demand,  and  may  be  eager  and  hearty  or  forced  and  ungra- 
cious; as,  the  surly  promptness  of  employees  in  punching 
the  time-clock;  the  tendency  is,  however,  to  think  of  prompt- 
ness as  involving  ready  response  of  mind  and  disposition  to 
the  demand;  this  is  still  more  fully  expressed  in  promptitude, 
the  state  or  condition  from  which  the  fact  of  promptness 
springs;  promptness  usually,  and  promptitude  always,  de- 
notes ample  or  generous  punctuality.  Alacrity,  primarily  de- 
noting quickness,  has  come  to  denote  that  cheerful  and  hearty 
willingness  from  which  quickness  and  promptness  naturally 
result;  yet  the  idea  of  quickness  is  never  absent;  we  could 
not  speak  of  one  as  sawing  a  cord  of  wood  with  alacrity, 
though  we  might  speak  of  him  as  starting  with  alacrity  to 
''begin  the  task.  To  obey  with  alacrity  is  to  render  obedience 
that  is  quick,  cheerful,  willing,  and  immediate.  Alacrity 
is  in  response  to  some  demand  from  without  ;  eagerness  is  spon- 
taneous, springing  from  within  ;  eagerness  to  act  may  produce 
alacrity  in  responding  to  the  call  for  action.  Compare  EAGER. 

apathy  dislike  indolence    reluctance     sluggishness 

aversion  dulness  inertness     repugnance    stupidity 

disinclination    indifference    laziness       slowness        unwillingness 

4:7                                                                                      alacrity 



affright  disquietude          fright  solicitude 

apprehension       dread  misgiving         terror 

consternation      fear  panic  timidity 


Alarm,  according  to  its  derivation  all'arme,  "to  arms,"  is 
an  arousing  to  meet  and  repel  danger,  and  may  be  quite  con- 
sistent with  true  courage.  Affright  and  fright  express  sudden 
fear  which,  for  the  time  at  least,  overwhelms  courage.  The 
sentinel  discovers  with  alarm  the  sudden  approach  of  the 
enemy;  the  unarmed  villagers  view  it  with  affright.  Appre- 
hension, disquietude,  dread,  misgiving,  and  solicitude  are  in 
anticipation  of  danger;  consternation,  dismay,  and  terror  are 
overwhelming  fear,  generally  in  the  actual  presence  of  that 
which  is  terrible,  though  these  words  also  may  have  an  antici- 
pative  force.  Timidity  is  a  quality,  habit,  or  condition,  a 
readiness  to  be  affected  with  fear.  A  person  of  great  timidity 
is  constantly  liable  to  needless  alarm  and  even  terror.  Com- 
pare FEAR. 


assurance          calmness  confidence         repose  security 


Alarm  was  felt  in  the  camp,  among  the  soldiers,  at  the  news. 



active  lively  prepared  vigilant 

brisk  nimble  prompt  watchful 

bustling  on  the  watch  ready  wide-awake 

Alert,  rea&y,  and  wide-awake  refer  to  a  watchful  prompt- 
ness for  action.  Eeady  suggests  thoughtful  preparation;  the 
wandering  Indian  is  alert,  the  trained  soldier  is  ready.  Eeady 
expresses  more  life  and  vigor  than  prepared.  The  gun  is 
prepared;  the  man  is  ready.  Prompt  expresses  readiness  for 
appointment  or  demand  at  the  required  moment.  The  good 
general  is  ready  for  emergencies,  alert  to  perceive  opportunity 
or  peril,  prompt  to  seize  occasion.  The  sense  of  bnsk,  nimble 
is  the  secondary  and  now  less  common  signification  of  alert. 


drowsy       dull        heavy       Inactive       slow       sluggish         stupid 

alien                                                                                                48 

ALIEN,  a. 


conflicting  distant  inapplicable     remote 

contradictory  foreign  inappropriate  strange 

contrary  tortile  irrelevant          unconnected 

contrasted  impertinent  opposed  unlike 

Foreign  refers  to  difference  of  birth,  alien  to  difference  of 
allegiance.  In  their  figurative  use,  that  is  foreign  which  is 
remote,  unlike,  or  unconnected;  that  is  alien  which  is  con- 
flicting, hostile,  or  opposed.  That  is  impertinent  (from  L.  in, 
not,  +  perttneo,  pertain)  which  does  not  pertain  to  the  matter 
in  hand,  in  which  use  it  is  closely  synonymous  with  irrelevant, 
having  no  relation  or  application.  (For  impertinent  as  ap- 
plied to  persons  compare  IMPERTINENCE;  MEDDLESOME.)  Im- 
pertinent and  irrelevant  matters  can  not  claim  consideration 
in  a  certain  connection;  inappropriate  matters  it  would  be 
unsuitable  to  consider.  Compare  ALIEN,  n.;  CONTRAST,  v. 

akin  apropos  germane  proper 

appropriate  essential  pertinent  relevant 


Such  a  purpose  was  alien  to  (or  from)  my  thought;  to  pref- 

ALIEN,  n. 


foreigner  stranger 

A  naturalized  citizen  is  not  an  alien,  though  a  foreigner  by 
birth,  and  perhaps  a  stranger  in  the  place  where  he  resides. 
A  person  of  foreign  birth  not  naturalized  is  an  alien,  though 
he  may  have  been  a  resident  in  the  country  a  large  part  of 
a  lifetime,  and  ceased  to  be  a  stranger  to  its  people  or  insti- 
tutions. He  is  an  alien  in  one  country  if  his  allegiance  is 
to  another.  The  people  of  any  country  still  residing  in  their 
own  land  are,  strictly  speaking,  foreigners  to  the  people  o£ 
all  other  countries,  rather  than  aliens;  but  alien  and  foreigner 
are  often  used  synonymously. 


citizen  fellowscountrymau  nativesborn  inhabitant 

countryman  native  naturalized  person 


Aliens  to  (more  rarely  from)  our  nation  and  laws;  aliens 
in  our  land,  among  our  people. 




akin  equivalent  kindred  same 

analogous  homogeneous  like  similar 

equal  identical  resembling  uniform 

Alike  is  a  comprehensive  word,  signifying  as  applied  to 
two  or  more  objects  that  some  or  all  qualities  of  one  are  the 
same  as  those  of  the  other  or  others;  by  modifiers  alike  may 
be  made  to  express  more  or  less  resemblance;  as,  these  houses 
are  somewhat  (i.  e.,  partially)  alike;  or,  these  houses  are  ex- 
actly (L  e.,  in  all  respects)  alike.  Cotton  and  wool  are  alike 
in  this,  that  they  can  both  be  woven  into  cloth.  Substances 
are  homogeneous  which  are  made  up  of  elements  of  the  same 
kind,  or  which  are  the  same  in  structure.  Two  pieces  of  iron 
may  be  homogeneous  in  material,  while  not  alike  in  size  or 
shape.  In  geometry,  two  triangles  are  equal  when  they  can 
be  laid  over  one  another,  and  fit,  line  for  line  and  angle  for 
angle;  they  are  equivalent  when  they  simply  contain  the  same 
amount  of  space.  An  identical  proposition  is  one  that  says 
the  same  thing  precisely  in  subject  and  predicate.  Similar 
refers  to  close  resemblance,  which  yet  leaves  room  for  ques- 
tion or  denial  of  complete  likeness  or  identity.  To  say  "this 
is  the  identical  man,"  is  to  say  not  merely  that  he  is  similar 
to  the  one  I  have  in  mind,  but  that  he  is  the  very  same  per- 
son. Things  are  analogous  when  they  are  similar  in  idea,  plan, 
use,  or  character,  though  perhaps  quite  unlike  in  appearance  ;  as, 
the  gills  of  fishes  are  said  to  be  analogous  to  the  lungs  in  ter- 
restrial animals. 


different         dissimilar        distinct  heterogeneous          unlike 


The  specimens  are  alike  in  kind;  they  are  all  alike  to  me. 



active            animated  existent  lively        subsisting 

alert               breathing,  existing  living       vivacious 

animate        brisk  live  quick 

Alive  applies  to  all  degrees  of  life,  from  that  which  shows 
one  to  be  barely  existing  or  existent  as  a  living  thing,  as  when 
we  say  he  is  just  alive,  to  that  which  implies  the  very  utmost 

allay                                                                                           50 
allegiance ^ 

of  vitality  and  power,  as  in  the  words  "he  is  all  alive,"  "thor- 
oughly alive."  So  the  word  quick,  which  began  by  signifying 
"having  life,"  is  now  mostly  applied  to  energy  of  life  as  shown 
in  swiftness  of  action.  Breathing  is  capable  of  like  contrast. 
We  say  of  a  dying  man,  he  is  still  breathing;  or  we  speak 
of  a  breathing  statue,  or  "breathing  and  sounding,  beauteous 
battle,"  TENNYSON  Princess  can.  v,  1.  155,  where  it  means  hav- 
ing, or  seeming  to  have,  full  and  vigorous  health,  abundant 
life.  Compare  ACTIVE;  ALERT;  NIMBLE. 


dead  defunct  dull  lifeless 

deceased  dispirited  inanimate  spiritless 


Alive  in  every  nerve;  alive  to  every  noble  impulse;  alive 
with  fervor,  hope,  resolve;  alive  through  all  his  being. 



alleviate  compose  quiet  still 

appease  mollify  soothe  tranqnilize 

calm  pacify 

Allay  and  alleviate  are  closely  kindred  in  signification,  and 
have  been  often  interchanged  in  usage.  But,  in  strictness, 
to  allay  is  to  lay  to  rest,  quiet  or  soothe  that  which  is  excited; 
to  alleviate,  on  the  other  hand,  is  to  lighten  a  burden.  We 
allay  suffering  by  using  means  to  soothe  and  tranquihze  the 
sufferer;  we  alleviate  suffering  by  doing  something  toward  re- 
moval of  the  cause,  so  that  there  is  less  to  suffer;  where  the 
trouble  is  wholly  or  chiefly  in  the  excitement,  to  allay  the  ex- 
citement is  virtually  to  remove  the  trouble;  as,  to  allay  rage 
or  panic;  we  alleviate  poverty,  but  do  not  allay  it.  Pacify, 
directly  from  the  Latin,  and  appease,  from  the  Latin  through 
the  French,  signify  to  bring  to  peace;  to  mollify  is  to  soften; 
to  calm,  quiet,  or  tranquilize  is  to  make  still ;  compose,  to  place 
together,  unite,  adjust  to  a  calm  and  settled  condition ;  to  soothe 
(originally  to  assent  to,  humor)  is  to  bring  to  pleased  quietude. 
We  allay  excitement,  appease  a  tumult,  calm  agitation,  com- 
po»e  our  feelings  or  countenance,  pacify  the  quarrelsome, 
qwiet  the  boisterous  or  clamorous,  soothe  grief  or  distress. 
Compare  ALLEVIATE. 

51  allay 


agitate  excite  kindle  rouse  stir  up 

arouse  fan  provoke  stir 



adduce         asseverate       claim  maintain      produce 

advance       assign  declare  offer  say 

affirm  aver  introduce      plead  state 

assert  cite 

To  allege  is  formally  to  state  as  true  or  capable  of  proof, 
but  without  proving.  To  adduce,  literally  to  lead  to,  is  to 
bring  the  evidence  up  to  what  has  been  alleged.  Adduce  is 
a  secondary  word;  nothing  can  be  adduced  in  evidence  till 
something  has  been  stated  or  alleged,  which  the  evidence  is  to 
sustain.  An  alleged  fact  stands  open  to  question  or  doubt. 
To  speak  of  an  alleged  document,  an  alleged  will,  an  alleged 
crime,  is  either  to  question,  or  at  least  very  carefully  to  refrain 
from  admitting,  that  the  document  exists,  that  the  will  is 
genuine,  or  that  the  crime  has  been  committed.  Alleged  is, 
however,  respectful;  to  speak  of  the  "so-called"  will  or  deed, 
etc.,  would  be  to  cast  discredit  upon  the  document,  and  imply 
that  the  speaker  was  ready  to  brand  it  as  unquestionably 
spurious;  alleged  simply  concedes  nothing  and  leaves  the  ques- 
tion open.  To  produce  is  to  bring  forward,  as,  for  instance, 
papers  or  persons.  Adduce  is  not  used  of  persons;  of  them 
we  say  introduce  or  produce.  When  an  alleged  criminal  is 
brought  to  trial,  the  counsel  on  either  side  are  accustomed  to 
advance  a  theory,  and  adduce  the  strongest  possible  evidence  in 
its  support;  they  will  produce  documents  and  witnesses,  cite 
precedents,  assign  reasons,  introduce  suggestions,  offer  pleas. 
The  accused  will  usually  assert  his  innocence.  Compare  STATE. 



devotion  fealty  loyalty  subjection 

faithfulness          homage  obedience 

Allegiance  is  the  obligation  of  fidelity  and  obedience  that  an 
individual  owes  to  his  government  or  sovereign,  in  return  for 
the  protection  he  receives.  The  feudal  uses  of  these  words 
have  mostly  passed  away  with  the  state  of  society  that  gave 

allegory  52 


them  birth;  but  their  origin  still  colors  their  present  mean- 
ing. A  patriotic  American  feels  an  enthusiastic  loyalty  to  the 
republic;  he  takes,  on  occasion,  an  oath  of  allegiance  to  the 
government,  but  his  loyalty  will  lead  him  to  do  more  than  were 
allegiance  could  demand;  he  pays  homage  to  God  alone,  as 
the  only  king  and  lord,  or  to  those  principles  of  right  that 
ate  spiritually  supreme;  he  acknowledges  the  duty  of  obedience 
to  all  rightful  authority;  he  resents  the  idea  of  subjection. 
Fealty  is  becoming  somewhat  rare,  except  in  elevated  or  poetic 
style.  We  prefer  to  speak  of  the  faithfulness  rather  than  the 
fealty  of  citizen,  wife,  or  friend. 


disaffection         disloyalty         rebellion  sedition          treason 


We  honor  the  allegiance  of  the  citizen  to  the  government; 
the  government  has  a  right  to  allegiance  from  the  citizen. 



faille  illustration  parable  simile 

fiction  metaphor 

In  modern  usage  we  may  say  that  an  allegory  is  an  extended 
simile,  while  a  metaphor  is  an  abbreviated  simile  contained 
often  in  a  phrase,  perhaps  in  a  word.  The  simile  carries  its 
comparison  on  the  surface,  in  the  words  as,  like,  or  similar 
expressions;  the  metaphor  is  given  directly  without  any  note 
of  comparison.  The  allegory,  parable,  or  fable  tells  its  story  as 
if  true,  leaving  the  reader  or  hearer  to  discover  its  fictitious 
character  and  learn  its  lesson.  All  these  are,  in  strict  defini- 
tion, fictions;  but  the  word  fiction  is  now  applied  almost  ex- 
clusively to  novels  or  romances.  An  allegory  is  a  moral  or 
religious  tale,  of  which  the  moral  lesson  is  the  substance,  and 
all  descriptions  and  incidents  but  accessories,  as  in  "The  Pil- 
grim's Progress."  A  fable  is  generally  briefer,  representing 
animals  as  the  speakers  and  actors,  and  commonly  conveying 
some  lesson  of  practical  wisdom  or  shrewdness,  as  "The  Fables 
of  .ZEsop."  A  parable  is  exclusively  moral  or  religious, 
briefer  and  less  adorned  than  an  allegory,  with  its  lesson  more 
immediately  discernible,  given,  as  it  were,  at  a  stroke.  Any 
comparison,  analogy,  instance,  example,  tale,  anecdote,  or  the 

53                                                                                        allegory 

like  which  serves  to  let  in  light  upon  a  subject  may  be  called 
an  illustration,  this  word  in  its  widest  use  including  all  the 
rest.  Compare  FICTION;  STORY. 


chronicle  fact  history  narrative  record 



abate  lighten.  reduce  remove 

assuage  mitigate  relieve  soften, 

lessen.  moderate 

Etymologieally,  to  alleviate  is  to  lift  a  burden  toward  one- 
self, and  so  lighten  it  for  the  bearer ;  to  relieve  is  to  lift  it  back 
from  the  bearer,  nearly  or  quite  away;  to  remove  is  to  take  it 
away  altogether.  Alienate  is  thus  less  than  relieve;  relieve, 
ordinarily,  less  than  remove.  We  alleviate,  relieve,  or  remove 
the  trouble;  we  relieve,  not  alleviate,  the  sufferer.  Assuage 
is,  by  derivation,  to  sweeten;  mitigate,  to  make  mild;  mod- 
erate, to  bring  within  measure;  abate,  to  beat  down,  and  so 
make  less.  We  abate  a  fever;  lessen  anxiety;  moderate  pas- 
sions or  desires;  lighten  burdens;  mitigate  or  alleviate  pain; 
reduce  inflammation;  soften,  assuage,  or  moderate  grief;  we 
lighten  or  mitigate  punishments;  we  relieve  any  suffering  of 
body  or  mind  that  admits  of  help,  comfort,  or  remedy.  Alle- 
viate has  been  often  confused  with  allay.  Compare  ALLAY. 


aggravate  enhance  increase  magnify 

augment  heighten  intensify  make  worse 




coalition  confederation          fusion          partnership 

compact  federation  leagne          union 


Alliance  is  in  its  most  common  use  a  connection  formed 
by  treaty  between  sovereign  states  as  for  mutual  aid  in  war. 
Partnership  is  a  mercantile  word;  alliance  chiefly  political  or 
matrimonial.  Coalition  is  oftenest  used  of  political  parties; 
fusion  is  now  the  more  common  word  in  this  sense.  In  an 
alliance  between  nations  there  is  no  surrender  of  sovereignty, 
and  no  union,  except  for  a  specified  time  and  purpose.  League 

allot                                                                                           54 

and  alliance  are  used  with  scarcely  perceptible  difference  of 
meaning.  In  a  confederacy  or  confederation  there  is  an  at- 
tempt to  unite  separate  states  in  a  general  government  with- 
out surrender  of  sovereignty.  Union  implies  so  much  con- 
cession as  to  make  the  separate  states  substantially  one.  Fed- 
eration  is  mainly  a  poetic  and  rhetorical  word  expressing 
something  of  the  same  thought,  as  in  Tennyson's  "federation 
of  the  world/7  Locksley  Hall,  1.  128.  The  United  States  is 
not  a  confederacy  nor  an  alliance;  the  nation  might  be  called 
a  federation,  but  prefers  to  be  styled  a  federal  union. 


antagonism  divorce  schism  separation 

discord  enmity  seces&ion  war 

disunion  hostility 


Alliance  with  a  neighboring  people;  against  the  common 
enemy;  for  offense  and  defense;  alliance  of,  between,  or 
among  nations. 



apply  award  give  portion  out 

appoint  destine  grant  select 

apportion  distribute         mete  out  set  apart 

assign  divide 

Allot,  originally  to  assign  by  lot,  applies  to  the  giving  of 
a  definite  thing  to  a  certain  person.  A  portion  or  extent  of 
time  is  allotted;  as,  I  expect  to  live  out  my  allotted  time. 
A  definite  period  is  appointed;  as,  the  audience  assembled  at 
the  appointed  hour.  Allot  may  also  refer  to  space;  as,  to 
allot  a  plot  of  ground  for  a  cemetery;  but  we  now  oftcner 
use  select,  set  apart,  or  assign.  Allot  is  not  now  used  of 
persons.  Appoint  may  be  used  of  time,  space,  or  person;  as, 
the  appointed  day;  the  appointed  place;  an  officer  was  ap- 
pointed to  this  station.  Destine  may  also  refer  to  time,  place, 
or  person,  but  it  always  has  reference  to  what  is  considerably 
in  the  future;  a  man  appoints  to  meet  his  friend  in  five 
minutes;  he  destines  his  son  to  follow  his  own  profession.  As- 
sign is  rarely  used  of  time,  but  rather  of  places,  persons,  or 
things.  We  assign  a  work  to  be  done  and  assign  a  man  to  do 
it,  who,  if  he  fails,  must  assign  a  reason  for  not  doing  it.  That 
which  is  allotted,  appointed,  or  assigned  is  more  or  less  arbi- 

55  allot 

trary,  that  which  is  awarded  is  the  due  requital  of  something  the 
receiver  has  done,  and  he  has  right  and  claim  to  it;  as,  the 
medal  was  awarded  for  valor.  Compare  APPLY;  APPORTION; 


appropriate  deny  resume  seize 

confiscate  refuse  retain  withhold 


Allot  to  a  company  for  a  purpose. 



admit  consent  to        let  sanction        tolerate 

concede        grant  permit         suffer  yield 

We  allow  that  which  we  do  not  attempt  to  hinder;  we  per- 
mit that  to  which  we  give  some  express  authorization.  When 
this  is  given  verbally  it  is  called  permission;  when  in  writing 
it  is  commonly  called  a  permit.  There  are  establishments 
that  any  one  will  be  allowed  to  visit  without  challenge  or 
hindrance;  there  are  others  that  no  one  is  allowed  to  visit 
without  a  permit  from  the  manager;  there  are  others  to  which 
visitors  are  admitted  at  specified  times,  without  a  formal  per- 
mit. We  allow  a  child's  innocent  intrusion;  we  concede  a 
right;  grant  a  request;  consent  to  a  sale  of  property;  permit 
an  inspection  of  accounts;  sanction  a  marriage;  tolerate  the 
rudeness  of  a  well-meaning  servant;  submit  to  a  surgical 
operation;  yield  to  a  demand  or  necessity  against  our  wish  or 
will,  or  yield  something  under  compulsion;  as,  the  sheriff 
yielded  the  keys  at  the  muzzle  of  a  revolver,  and  allowed 
the  mob  to  enter.  Suffer,  in  the  sense  of  mild  concession,  is 
now  becoming  rare,  its  place  being  taken  by  allow,  permit,  or 
tolerate.  Compare  PERMISSION". 


deny  disapprove  protest          reject  withstand 

disallow  forbid  refuse  resist 

See  also  synonyms  for  PROHIBIT. 

To  allow  of  (in  best  recent  usage,  simply  to  allow)  such 
an  action;  allow  one  in  such  a  course;  allow  for  spending- 

alloy  5(5 

also  ( 


admixture      adulteration    debasement     deterioration 

Alloy  may  be  either  some  admixture  of  baser  with  precious 
metal,  as  for  giving  hardness  to  coin  or  the  like,  or  it  may 
be  a  compound  or  mixture  of  two  or  more  metals.  Adultera- 
tion, debasement,  and  deterioration  are  always  used  in  the 
bad  sense;  admixture  is  neutral,  and  may  be  good  or  bad; 
alloy  is  commonly  good  in  the  literal  sense.  An  excess  of 
alloy  virtually  amounts  to  adulteration;  but  adulteration  is 
mostly  restricted  to  articles  used  for  food,  drink,  medicine, 
and  kindred  uses.  In  the  figurative  sense,  as  applied  to 
character,  etc.,  alloy  is  unfavorable,  because  there  the  only 
standard  is  perfection. 



advert  indicate  mention  refer 

hint  insinuate  name  signify 

Imply  intimate  point  suggest 

Advert,  mention }  and  refer  are  used  of  language  that  dis- 
tinctly and  expressly  points  to  a  certain  person  or  thing;  the 
other  words  of  language  from  which  it  may  be  iul'orrcd. 
We  allude  to  a  matter  slightly,  perhaps  by  a  word  or  phrase, 
as  it  were  in  byplay;  we  advert  to  it  when  we  turn  from  our 
path  to  treat  it;  we  refer  to  it  by  any  clear  utterance  that 
distinctly  turns  the  mind  or  attention  to  it;  as,  marginal 
figures  refer  to  a  parallel  passage;  we  mention  a  thing  by 
explicit  word,  as  by  naming  it.  One  may  allude  to  a  person 
or  thing  that  he  does  not  mention  or  name,  the  speaker  ad- 
verted to  the  recent  disturbances  and  the  remisanoss  of  cer- 
tain public  officers;  though  he  mentioned  no  name,  it  waw  easy 
to  see  to  whom  he  alluded.  Cowper  alluded  to  Bunyan  as  the 
"ingenious  dreamer,"  but  added: 

I  name  thee  not,  lest  so  despised  a  name 
Should  move  a  smile  at  thy  deserved  fame. 

One  may  hint  at  a  thing  in  a  friendly  way,  but  what  is 
insinuated  is  always  unfavorable,  generally  both  hostile  and 
cowardly.  One  may  indicate  his  wishes,  intimate  his  plans, 
imply  his  opinion,  signify  his  will,  suggest  a  course  of  action. 
Compare  SUGGESTION-. 




The  passage  evidently  alludes  to  the  Jewish  Passover. 



attract      captivate       decoy       entice          Inre  tempt 

cajole        coax  draw        inveigle      seduce      win 

To  allure  is  to  draw  as  with  a  lure  by  some  charm  or  some 
prospect  of  pleasure  or  advantage.  We  may  attract  others 
to  a  certain  thing  without  intent;  as,  the  good  unconsciously 
attract  others  to  virtue.  We  may  allure  either  to  that  which 
is  evil  or  to  that  which  is  good  and  noble,  by  purpose  and 
endeavor,  as  in  the  familiar  line,  "Allured  to  brighter  worlds, 
and  led  the  way,"  GOLDSMITH  Deserted  Village,  1.  170.  Lure 
is  rather  more  akin  to  the  physical  nature.  It  is  the  -word 
we  would  use  of  drawing  on  an  animal.  Coax  expresses  the 
attraction  of  the  person,  not  of  the  thing.  A  man  may  be 
coaxed  to  that  which  is  by  no  means  alluring.  Cajole  and 
decoy  carry  the  idea  of  deceiving  and  ensnaring.  To  inveigle 
is  to  lead  one  blLadly  in.  To  tempt  is  to  endeavor  to  lead 
one  wrong;  to  seduce  is  to  succeed  in  winning  one  from  good 
to  ill.  Win  may  be  used  in  either  a  bad  or  a  good  sense, 
in  which  latter  it  surpasses  the  highest  sense  of  allure,  because 
it  succeeds  in  that  which  allure  attempts;  as,  '4He  that  win- 
neth  souls  is  wise,"  Prov.  si,  30. 


chill        damp       deter       dissuade       drive  away       repel       warn 

Allure  to  a  course;  allure  &?/  hopes;  allure  from  evil  to 



as  well  in  addition  likewise  too 

as  well  as          in  like  manner  similarly  withal 


While  some  distinctions  between  these  words  and  phrases 
will  appear  to  the  careful  student,  yet  in  practise  the  choice 
between  them  is  largely  to  secure  euphony  and  avoid  repeti- 
tion. The  words  fall  into  two  groups;  as  well  as,  besides,  in 
addition,  too,  withal  simply  add  a  fact  or  thought;  also  (all 



so),  in  like  manner,  likewise,  similarly  affirm  that  what  is 
added  is  like  that  to  which  it  is  added.  As  well  follows  the 
word  or  phrase  to  which  it  is  joined.  We  can  say  the  singers 
as  well  as  the  players,  or  the  players,  and  the  singers  as  well. 


but  nevertheless  on  the  contrary  yet 

in  spite  of  notwithstanding  on  the  other  hand 



argument  debate  dissension  scene 

brawl  discord  disturbance  scrap 

broil  discussion  fracas  strife 

contention  disputation  quarrel  wrangle 

controversy  dispute  row  wrangling 

An  argument  is  primarily  a  statement  of  fact  tending  to 
produce  belief  concerning  a  matter  in  doubt,  something  al- 
leged as  a  reason  or  proof  or  a  series  of  such  reasons  or 
proofs;  in  this  sense  an  argument  is  wholly  on  one  side.  A 
debate  is  a  presentation  of  opposing  arguments,  as  by  two 
or  more  contestants,  in  an  orderly  and  somewhat  formal  man- 
ner. Argument  may  be  also  used  for  the  setting  forth  of 
opposing  reasons  or  proofs  on  both  sides  of  a  subject,  in  which 
case  it  becomes  practically  synonymous  with  debate.  (Com- 
pare REASONING.)  A  dispute  (from  L.  dis,  apart,  and  pulo, 
think)  is  an  intense  debate,  commonly  involving  sharpness  of 
feeling,  and  sometimes  acrimony  or  anger,  and  being  usually 
less  methodical  and  orderly  than  a  debate.  A  discussion  is  a  con- 
sideration or  sifting  of  arguments  on  both  sides  of  a  matter, 
and  is  in  its  best  use  entirely  calm  and  fair;  discussion  involves 
less  suggestion  of  opposing  sides  or  parties  than  debate,  and 
may  be  wholly  conducted  by  a  single  thinker,  speaker,  or 
writer,  with  no  recognized  opponent;  as,  an  investigator's  dis- 
cussion of  a  scientific  problem.  Argumentation  and  disputa- 
tion refer  to  processes  of  argument  or  dispute,  usually  pro- 
longed. All  these  words  may  be  intensified  by  adjectives,  so 
as  to  express  excited  or  hostile  feeling;  as,  a  heated  argu- 
ment or  debate,  a  sharp,  hot,  or  bitter  dispute.  A  controversy 
always  implies  two  parties,  and  generally  strenuous  opposi- 
tion with  excited  feeling;  controversy  is  often  applied  to  dis- 
putation of  such  a  character  carried  on  in  writing.  Dissen- 



sion  (from  L.  dis,  apart,  +  sentis,  feel)  is  angry  or  violent  dif- 
ference of  opinion,  which  may  involve  many  persons,  and  on 
many  sides  of  a  matter.  Contention  (from  L.  con,  together,  + 
tends,  stretch)  is  a  strenuous  effort  to  obtain  something  or 
to  resist  opposing  force.  In  argumentative  use  a  contention 
may  be  a  statement  or  opinion  which  one  is  ready  to  defend 
strenuously  and  to  the  uttermost,  but  without  anger  or  bit- 

My  contention  is  that  knowledge  does  not  take  its  rise  in  general  con- 

C.  H   LEWES  Pioblems  of  Life  and  Mind,  vol.  li,  ch.  4,  §  25. 

In  common  use,  however,  contention  signifies  hot  or  angry 
disputation  or  controversy,  in  which  the  personal  opposition 
and  acrimony  are  more  noticeable  than  the  matter  in  dispute: 

Whoever  keeps  an  open  ear 

For  tattlers  will  be  sure  to  hear 

The  trumpet  of  contention 

COWPEB    Friendship,  st.  IT. 

An  altercation  is  a  sharp  contention  in  words,  angry  con- 
trover  sy,  generally  personal,  petty,  fierce,  and  bitter.  Alter- 
cation, affray,  brawl,  broil,  fracas,  quarrel,  row,  wrangle, 
and  wrangling  are  all  words  without  dignity  and  of  odious 
signification.  When  the  altercation  passes  from  words  to 
blows,  it  becomes  an  affray.  A  row  is  a  noisy  quarrel,  always 
on  the  verge  of  physical  violence,  which  it  may  at  any  time 
involve.  Scrap  is  a  slang  term,  with  the  usual  loose  mean- 
ing of  such  words,  denoting  any  sort  of  hostile  encounter 
by  word  or  act.  Wrangle  or  wrangling  denotes  a  dispute 
that  is  at  once  angry,  noisy,  and  undignified.  A  brawl  or 
broil  is  a  rude  quarrel  by  word  or  act  or  both.  Disturbance, 
a  word  of  more  dignity,  may  likewise  be  by  word  or  act; 
as  a  disturbance  about  paying  one's  bill;  a  disturbance  of  the 
peace.  A  scene  is  less  vigorous  and  pronounced  than  a  dis- 
turbance, being  any  display  of  excited  feeling  that  offends 
social  proprieties,  including  any  altercation,  argument,  con- 
troversy,  debate,  discussion,  or  dispute  that  has  such  effect. 
Compare  FEUD. 


agreement  conformity  harmony  -union 

concord  consonance  unanimity  unity 


alternative  60 



choice     election      option     pick     preference     resource 

A  choice  may  be  among  many  things;  an  alternative  is  in 
the  strictest  sense  a  choice  between  two  things ;  of tener  it  is  one 
o£  two  things  between  which  a  choice  is  to  be  made,  and  either 
of  which  is  the  alternative  of  the  other;  as,  the  alternative 
of  surrender  is  death;  or  the  two  things  between  which  there 
is  a  choice  may  be  called  the  alternatives;  both  Mill  and 
Gladstone  are  quoted  as  extending  the  meaning  oi'  alternative 
to  include  several  particulars,  Gladstone  even  speaking  of 
"the  fourth  and  last  of  these  alternatives.3'  Option  is  the 
right  or  privilege  of  choosing;  choice  may  be  either  the  right 
to  choose,  the  act  of  choosing,  or  the  thing  chosen.  A  per- 
son of  ability  and  readiness  will  commonly  have  many  re- 
sources. Picky  from  the  Saxon,  and  election,  from  the  Latin, 
picture  the  objects  before  one,  with  freedom  and  power  to 
choose  which  he  will;  as,  there  were  twelve  horses,  among 
which  I  could  take  my  pick.  A  choice,  pick,  election,  or 
preference  is  that  which  suits  one  best;  an  alternative  is  that 
to  which  one  is  restricted;  a'  resource,  that  to  which  one  is 
glad  to  betake  oneself. 


compulsion  necessity 



accumulate  gather  hoard  pile  up 

aggregate  heap  up  hoard,  up  store  up 


To  amass  is  to  bring  together  materials  that  make  a  mass, 
a  great  bulk  or  quantity.  With  some  occasional  exceptions, 
accumulate  is  applied  to  the  more  gradual,  amass  to  the 
more  rapid  g-athering  of  money  or  materials,  amass  referring 
to  the  general  result  or  bulk,  accumulate  to  the  particular  proc- 
ess or  rate  of  gain.  We  say  interest  is  accumulated  (or  ac~ 
cumulates)  rather  than  is  amassed;  he  accumulated  a  fortune 
in  the  course  of  years;  he  rapidly  amassed  a  fortune  by 
shrewd  speculations.  Goods  or  money  for  immediate  dis- 
tribution are  said  to  be  collected  rather  than  amassed.  They 

61  alternative 

_____________ amazement 

may  be  stored  up  for  a  longer  or  shorter  time;  but  a  hoard 
is  always  with  a  view  of  permanent  retention,  generally  selfish. 
Aggregate  is  now  most  commonly  used  of  numbers  and 
amounts;  as,  the  expenses  will  aggregate  a  round  million, 


disperse  divide  portion  spend  waste 

dissipate  parcel  scatter  squander 


Amass  for  oneself;  for  a  purpose;  from  a  distance;  with 
great  labor;  ~by  industry. 



connoisseur          critic          dilettante          novice          tyre 

Etymologically,  the  amateur  is  one  who  loves,  the  connois- 
seur one  who  knows.  In  usage,  the  term  amateur  is  applied 
to  one  who  pursues  any  study  or  art  simply  from  the  love 
of  it;  the  word  carries  a  natural  implication  of  superficialnessy 
though  marked  excellence  is  at  times  attained  by  amateurs.  A 
connoisseur  is  supposed  to  be  so  thoroughly  informed  regard- 
ing any  art  or  work  as  to  be  able  to  criticize  or  select  intelli- 
gently and  authoritatively;  there  are  many  incompetent 
critics,  but  there  can  not,  in  the  true  sense,  be  an  incompetent 
connoisseur.  The  amateur  practises  to  some  extent  that  in 
regard  to  which  he  may  not  be  well  informed;  the  connoisseur 
is  well  informed  in  regard  to  that  which  he  may  not  practise 
at  all.  A  novice  or  tyro  may  be  a  professional;  an  amateur 
never  is;  the  amateur  may  be  skilled  and  experienced  as  the 
novice  or  tyro  never  is.  Dilettante,  which  had  originally  the 
sense  of  amateur,  has  to  some  extent  come  to  denote  one  who 
is  superficial,  pretentious^  and  affected,  whether  in  theory  or 

An  amateur  in  art. 



admiration  awe  confusion          surprise 

astonishment        bewilderment      perplexity        wonder 

Amazement  and  astonishment  both  express  the  momentary 
overwhelming  of  the  mind  by  that  which  is  beyond  expecta- 

ambition  62 


tion.  Astonishment  especially  affects  the  emotions,  amaze- 
ment the  intellect.  Awe  is  the  yielding  of  the  mind  to  some- 
thing supremely  grand  m  character  or  formidable  in  power, 
and  ranges  from  apprehension  or  dread  to  reverent  worship. 
Admiration  includes  delight  and  regard.  Surprise  lies  midway 
between  astonishment  and  amazement,  and  usually  respects 
matters  of  lighter  consequence  or  such  as  are  less  startling 
in  character.  Amazement  may  be  either  pleasing  or  painful, 
as  when  induced  by  the  grandeur  of  the  mountains,  or  by  the 
fury  of  the  storm.  We  can  say  pleased  surprise,  but  scarcely 
pleased  astonishment.  Amazement*  has  in  it  something  of 
confusion  or  bewilderment;  but  eon-fusion  and  bewilderment 
may  occur  without  amazement,  as  when  a  multitude  of  de- 
tails require  instant  attention.  Astonishment  may  be  without 
"bewilderment  or  confusion.  Wonder  is  often  pleasing,  and 
may  be  continuous  in  view  of  that  which  surpasses  our  com- 
prehension; as,  the  magnitude,  order,  and  beauty  of  the 
heavens  fill  us  with  increasing  wonder.  Compare  PERPLEXITY. 


anticipation    composure     expectation    preparation          steadiness 
calmness         coolness        indifference    self-possession    stoicism 


I  was  filled  with  amazement  at  such  reckless  daring. 



aspiration    competition    emulation    opposition   rivalry 

Aspiration  is  the  desire  for  excellence,  pure  and  simple. 
Ambition,,  literally  a  going  around  to  solicit  votes,  has  primary 
reference  to  the  award  or  approval  of  others,  and  is  the  eager 
desire  of  power,  fame,  or  something  deemed  great  and  emi- 
nent. The  prizes  of  aspiration  are  always  virtue,  nobihty, 
skill,  or  other  high  qualities.  The  prizes  of  .ambition  aro 
commonly  advancement,  fame,  honor,  and  the  like.  In  our 
older  literature  this  word  is  chiefly  applied  to  inordinate  and 
selfish  desire  of  supremacy: 

Cromwell,  I  charge,  fling  away  ambition. 
By  that  sin  fell  the  angels 

SHAKBSPBAKB  Senry  VIII,  act  iii,  BO*.  2,  1.  4.37. 

But  ambition  is  now  largely  used  of  an  eager  and  steadfast 

63  ambition 


purpose  to  obtain  something  commendable  in  itself,  viewed 
as  a  worthy  prize. 

The  most  effectual  method  that  has  been  devised  for  diverting  men  from 
vice  is  to  give  free  scope  to  a  higher  ambition. 

LECKY  Hut.  Eur.  Morals,  vol.  i,  p.  261. 

There  is  a  noble  and  wise  or  an  ignoble,  selfish,  and  harmful 
ambition.  Emulation  is  not  so  much  to  win  any  excellence 
or  success  for  itself  as  to  equal  or  surpass  other  persons. 
There  is  such  a  thing  as  a  noble  emulation,  when  those  we 
would  equal  or  surpass  are  noble,  and  the  means  we  would 
use  worthy.  But,  at  the  highest,  emulation  is  inferior  as  a 
motive  to  aspiration,  which  seeks  the  high  quality  or  char- 
acter for  its  own  sake,  not  with  reference  to  another.  Com- 
petition is  the  striving  for  something  that  is  sought  by  another 
at  the  same  time.  Emulation  regards  the  abstract,  competi- 
tion the  concrete;  rivalry  is  the  same  in  essential  meaning 
with  competition,  but  differs  in  the  nature  of  the  objects 
contested  for,  which,  in  the  case  of  rivalry,  are  usually  of  the 
nobler  sort  and  less  subject  to  direct  gaging,  measurement, 
and  rule.  We  speak  of  competition  in  business,  emulation  in 
scholarship,  rivalry  in  love,  politics,  etc.;  emulation  of  ex- 
cellence, success,  achievement;  competition  for  a  prize;  rivalry 
between  persons  or  nations.  Competition  may  be  friendly, 
rivalry  is  commonly  hostile.  Opposition  is  becoming  a  fre- 
quent substitute  for  competition  in  business  language;  it  im- 
plies that  the  competitor  is  an  opponent  and  hinderer. 


carelessness      contentment     humility      indifference      satisfaction 



advance  correct  meliorate  rectify 

ameliorate  emend  mend  reform 

better  improve  mitigate  repair 

cleanse  make  better  purify 

To  amend  is  to  change  for  the  better  by  removing  faults, 
errors,  or  defects,  ajad  always  refers  to  that  which  at  some 
point  falls  short  of  a  standard  of  excellence.  Advance,  'bet- 
ter, and  improve  may  refer  either  to  what  is  quite  imperfect 
or  to  what  has  reached  a  high  degree  of  excellence;  we  ad- 
vance to  the  kingdom  of  God,  improve  the  minds  of  our  chil- 

amiable                                                                                        64 

dren,  better  the  morals  of  the  people.  But  for  matters  below 
the  point  of  ordinary  approval  we  seldom  use  these  words; 
we  do  not  speak  of  bettering  a  wretched  alley,  or  improvnuj 
a  foul  sewer.  There  we  use  cleanse,  punfy,  or  similar  words 
We  correct  evil's,  reform  abuses,  rectify  incidental  conditions 
of  evil  or  error;  we  ameliorate  poverty  and  misery,  which 
we  can  not  wholly  remove.  We  mend  a  tool,  repair  a  build- 
ing, correct  proof;  we  amend  character  or  conduct  that  is 
faulty,  or  a  statement  or  law  that  is  defective.  A  text, 
writing,  or  statement  is  amended  by  the  author  or  some  ade- 
quate authority;  it  is  often  emended  by  conjecture.  A  mo- 
tion is  amended  by  the  mover  or  by  the  assembly;  a  consti- 
tution is  amended  by  the  people;  an  ancient  text  is  emended 
by  a  critic  who  believes  that  what  seems  to  him  the  better 
reading  is  what  the  author  wrote.  Compare  ALLEVIATE. 


aggravate  debase  harm  mar  tarnisli 

blemish  depress  impair  spoil  vitiate 

corrupt  deteriorate  injure 



agreeable  engaging  lovable  pleasing 

attractive  gentle  lovely  sweet 

benignant  good-natured  loving  winning 

charming  kind  pleasant  winsome 

Amiable  combines  the  senses  of  lovable  and  loving;  the 
amiable  character  has  ready  affection  and  kindliness  for  others, 
with  the  qualities  that  are  adapted  to  win  their  love;  amiable 
is  a  higher  and  stronger  word  than  good-natured  or  agree- 
able-. Lovely  is  often  applied  to  externals;  as,  a  lovely  face. 
Amiable  denotes  a  disposition  desirous  to  eheor,  please,  and 
make  happy.  A  selfish  man  of  the  world  may  have  the  art 
to  be  agreeable;  a  handsome,  brilliant,  and  witty  person  may 
be  charming  or  even  attractive,  while  by  no  means  amiable.. 
The  engaging,  winning,  and  winsome  add  to  amiability  some- 
thing of  beauty,  accomplishments,  and  grace.  The  benignant 
are  calmly  kind,  as  from  a  height  and  a  distance.  Kind, 
good-natured  people  may  be  coarse  and  rude,  and  so  fail  to 
be  agreeable  or  pleasing;  the  really  amiable  are  likely  to  avoid 
such  faults  by  their  earnest  desire  to  please.  The  good- 
natured  have  an  easy  disposition  to  get  along  comfortably  with 

65                                                                                           amiable 

every  one  in  all  circumstances.  A  sweet  disposition  is  very 
sure  to  be  amiable,  the  loving  heart  bringing  out  all  that  is 
lovable  and  lovely  in  character. 


acrimonious    crusty  hateful  ill = tempered    surly 

churlish  disagreeable  ill= conditioned  morose  unamiable 

crabbed  dogged  illshumored  sour  unlovely 

cruel  gruff  illsnatured  sullen 



amidst        amongst       betwixt  mingled  with 

among        between       in  the  midst  of        surrounded  by 

Amid*  Q?  amidst  denotes  surrounded  by;  among  or  amongst 
denotes  mingled  with.  Between  (archaic  or  poetic,  'betwixt] 
is  said  of  two  persons  or  objects,  or  of  two  groups  of  per- 
sons or  objects.  "Let  there  be  no  strife,  I  pray  thee,  between 
me  and  thee,  and  between  my  herdmen  and  thy  herdmen/' 
Gen.  xiii,  9;  the  reference  being  to  two  bodies  of  herdmen. 
Amid  denotes  mere  position;  among,  some  active  relation,  as 
of  companionship,  hostility,  etc.  Lowell's  "Among  my  Books" 
regards  the  books  as  companions;  amid  my  books  would  sug- 
gest packing,  storing,  or  some  other  incidental  circumstance. 
We  say  among  friends,  or  among  enemies,  amidst  the  woods, 
amid  the  shadows.  In  the  midst  of  may  have  merely  the  local 
meaning;  as,  I  found  myself  in  the  midst  of  a  crowd;  or  it 
may  express  even  closer  association  than  among;  as,  "I  found 
myself  in  the  midst  of  friends"  suggests  their  pressing  up  on 
every  side,  oneself  the  central  object;  so,  "where  two  or  three 
are  met  together  in  my  name,  there  am  I  in  the  midst  of  them," 
Matt,  xviii,  20;  in  which  case  it  would  be  feebler  to  say 
"among  them,"  impossible  to  say  "amid  them,"  not  so  well 
to  say  "amidst  them." 

afar  from     away  from      beyond       far  from       outside      without 



augment         dilate  expand  extend     •       unfold 

develop  enlarge         expatiate         increase         -widen 

Amplify  is  now  rarely  used  in  the  sense  of  increase,  to 
add  material  substance,  bulk,  volume,  or  the  like;  it  is  now 

analogy                                                                                      66 
anger 4 

almost  wholly  applied  to  discourse  or  writing,  signifying  to 
make  fuller  in  statement,  whether  with  or  without  adding  mat* 
ter  of  importance,  as  by  stating  fully  what  was  before  only 
implied,  or  by  adding  illustrations  to  make  the  meaning  more 
readily  apprehended,  etc.  The  chief  difficulty  of  very  young 
writers  is  to  amplify,  to  get  beyond  the  bare  curt  statement 
by  developing,  expanding,  unfolding  the  thought.  The  chief 
difficulty  of  those  who  have  more  material  and  experience  is  to 
condense  sufficiently.  So,  in  the  early  days  of  our  literature 
amplify  was  used  in  the  favorable  sense;  but  at  present  this 
word  and  most  kindred  words  are  coming  to  share  the  deroga- 
tory meaning  that  has  long  attached  to  expatiate.  We  may 
develop  a  thought,  expand  an  illustration,  extend  a  discussion, 
expatiate  on  a  hobby,  dilate  on  something  joyous  or  sad,  en- 
large a  volume,  unfold  a  scheme,  widen  the  range  of  treat- 


abbreviate  "boil  down"  cut  down  retrench 

abridge  condense  epitomize  summarize 

amputate  curtail  reduce  sum  up 


To  amplify  on  or  upon  the  subject  is  needless.    Amplify 
this  matter  by  illustrations. 



affinity  likeness  relation  similarity 

coincidence  parity  resemblance  simile 

comparison  proportion  semblance  similitude 

Analogy  is  specifically  a  resemblance  of  relations;  a  resem- 
blance that  may  be  reasoned  from,  so  that  from  the  likeness 
in  certain  respects  we  may  infer  that  other  and  perhaps 
deeper  relations  exist.  Affinity  is  a  mutual  attraction  with 
or  without  seeming  likeness;  as,  the  affinity  of  iron  for  oxygen, 
(Compare  ATTACHMENT.)  Coincidence  is  complete  agreement 
in  some  one  or  more  respects;  there  may  be  a  coincidence  in 
time  of  most  dissimilar  events.  Parity  of  reasoning  is  said 
of  an  argument  equally  conclusive  on  subjects  not  strictly 
analogous.  Similitude  is  a  rhetorical  comparison  of  one  thing 
to  another  with  which  it  has  some  points  in  common.  Re- 
semblance and  similarity  are  external  or  superficial,  and  may 

67                                                                                           analogy 
^_ _^ ( anger 

involve  no  deeper  relation;  as,  the  resemblance  of  a  cloud 
to  a  distant  mountain.    Compare  ALLEGORY. 


disagreement         dissimilarity         incongruity  unhkeness 



The  analogy  between  (or  of)  nature  and  revelation;  the 
analogy  of  sound  to  light;  a  family  has  some  analogy  with 
(or  to)  a  state. 



animosity  fury  offense  rage 

choler  impatience  passion.  resentment 

displeasure  indignation  peevishness  temper 

exasperation  ire  pettishness  vexation 

fretfulness  irritation  petulance  wrath, 

Displeasure  is  the  mildest  and  most  general  word.  Choler 
and  ire,  now  rare  except  in  poetic  or  highly  rhetorical  lan- 
guage, denote  a  still,  and  the  latter  a  persistent,  anger.  Temper 
used  alone  in  the  sense  of  anger  is  colloquial,  though  we  may 
correctly  say  a  hot  temper,  a  fiery  temper,  etc.  Passion,  though 
a  word  of  far  wider  application,  may,  in  the  singular,  he 
employed  to  denote  anger;  "did  put  me  in  a  towering  pas- 
sion/' SHAKESPEARE  Hamlet,  act  v,  sc.  2.  Anger  is  violent 
and  vindictive  emotion,  which  is  sharp,  sudden,  and,  like  all 
violent  passions,  necessarily  brief.  Resentment  (a  feeling 
back  or  feeling  over  again)  is  persistent,  the  bitter  brooding 
over  injuries.  Exasperation,  a  roughening,  is  a  hot,  super- 
ficial intensity  of  anger,  demanding  instant  expression.  Rage 
drives  one  beyond  the  bounds  of  prudence  or  discretion; 
fury  is  stronger  yet,  and  sweeps  one  away  into  uncontrollable 
violence.  Anger  is  personal  and  usually  selfish,  aroused  by 
real  or  supposed  wrong  to  oneself,  and  directed  specifically 
and  intensely  against  the  person  who  is  viewed  as  blame- 
worthy. Indignation  is  impersonal  and  unselfish  displeasure 
at  unworthy  acts  (from  L.  indigna)  i.  e.,  at  wrong  as  wrong. 
Pure  indignation  is  not  followed  by  regret,  and  needs  no  re- 
pentance; it  is  also  more  self -controlled  than  anger.  Anger 
is  commonly  a  sin;  indignation  is  often  a  duty.  Wrath  is 
deep  and  perhaps  vengeful  displeasure,  as  when  the  people  of 

animal  68 


Nazareth  were  "filled  with  wrath"  at  the  plain  words  of  Je- 
sus (Luke  iv}  28) ;  it  may,  however,  simply  express  the  cul- 
mination of  righteous  indignation  without  malice  in  a  pure 
being;  as,  the  wrath  of  Grod.  Impatience)  fret  fulness,  irrita- 
tion, peevishness,  pettishness,  petulance,  and  vexation  are  tem- 
porary and  for  immediate  cause.  Fretfulness,  petlishnesSj  and 
peevishness  are  chronic  states  finding  in  any  petty  matter 
an  occasion  for  their  exercise.  Compare  ACRIMONY;  ENMITY; 



amiability  leniency  mildness  peacefulness 

charity  lenity  patience  selfscontrol 

forbearance  longssuffering  peace  self-restraint 

gentleness  love  p-eaceabloncss 


Anger  at  the  insult  prompted  the  reply.     Anger  toward 
the  offender  exaggerates  the  offense. 



beast          living  being  living  organism         fauna 

brute         living  creature        sentient  being 

An  animal  is  a  sentient  being,  distinct  from  inanimate  mat- 
ter and  from  vegetable  life  on  the  one  side  and  from  mental 
and  spiritual  existence  on  the  other.  Thus  man  is  properly 
classified  as  an  animal.  But  because  the  animal  life  is  the 
lowest  and  rudest  part  of  his  being  and  that  which  he  shares 
with  inferior  creatures,  to  call  any  individual  man  an  animal 
is  to  imply  that  the  animal  nature  has  undue  supremacy, 
and  so  is  deep  condemnation  or  utter  insult.  The  brute  in 
the  animal  viewed  as  dull  to  all  finer  feeling;  the  beast  is 
looked  upon  as  a  being  of  appetites.  To  call  a  man  a  brute 
is  to  imply  that  he  is  unfeeling  and  cruel;  to  call  him  a 
beast  is  to  indicate  that  he  is  vilely  sensual.  Wo  speak  of  the 
cruel  father  as  a  brute  to  his  children;  of  the  drunkard  as 
making  a  beast  of  himself.  So  firmly  are  these  figurative 
senses  established  that  we  now  incline  to  avoid  applying  brute 
or  beast  to  any  creature,  as  a  horse  or  dog,  for  which  we 
have  any  affection;  we  prefer  in  such  cases  the  word  animal. 
Creature  is  a  word  of  wide  signification,  including  all  the 
things  that  Q-od  has  created,  whether  inanimate  objects, 

69  animal 

plants,  animals,  angels,  or  men.  A  living  being,  creature, 
or  organism  may  be,  in  strictness  either  a  plant  or  an  animal, 
since  plants  have  life  —  vegetable  life;  but  in  popular  use  a 
living  being  or  living  creature  is  understood  to  mean  an 

And  God  created  great  whales,   and  every  living  creature  that  moveth, 
which  the  waters  brought  forth  abundantly,   after  their  kind. 

Gen.    i,   21. 

In  scientific  use  a  living  organism  is  indeterminately  either 
plant  or  animal,  and  in  the  lower  forms  of  life  it  is  often 
difficult  to  decide  in  a  given  ease  which  it  is.  The  animals  of 
a  region  are  collectively  called  its  fauna. 


angel  matter  soul  substance  (material) 

inanimate  object  mind  spirit         vegetable 

man  mineral 



advertise  give  notice  (of)  proclaim        reveal 

blazon.  give  out  promulgate  say 

circulate  herald  propound       spread  abroad 

communicate  make  known     publish.  state 

declare  notify  report  tell 


To  announce  is  to  give  intelligence  of  in  some  formal  or 
public  way.  We  may  announce  that  which  has  occurred  or 
that  which  is  to  occur,  though  the  word  is  chiefly  used  in  the 
anticipative  sense;  we  announce  a  book  when  it  is  in  press, 
a  guest  when  he  arrives.  To  blazon  is  to  make  widely  known; 
announce  publicly;  publish  far  and  wide.  We  advertise  our 
business,  communicate  our  intentions,  enunciate  our  views; 
we  notify  an  individual,  give  notice  to  the  public.  Declare 
has  often  an  authoritative  force;  to  declare  war  is  to  cause 
war  to  be,  where  before  there  may  have  been  only  hostilities; 
we  say  declare  war,  proclaim  peace.  We  propound  a  ques- 
tion or  an  argument,  promulgate  the  views  of  a  sect  or  party, 
or  the  decision  of  a  court,  etc.  We  report  an  interview, 
reveal  a  secret,  herald  the  coming  of  some  distinguished  per- 
son or  great  event.  Publish,  in  popular  usage,  is  becoming 
closely  restricted  to  the  sense  of  issuing  through  the  press; 
we  announce  a  book  that  is  to  be  published. 

answer                                                                                         70 
anticipation  _^ 


bury  hide  keep  scciet  suppress 

conceal  hush  secrete  withhold 

cover   (up)  keep  back 


The  event  was  announced  to  the  family  by  telegraph. 


rejoinder       repartee        reply  response  retort 

A  verbal  answer  is  a  return  of  words  to  something  that  seems 
to  call  for  them,  and  is  made  to  a  charge  as  well  as  to  a  ques- 
tion; an  answer  may  be  even  made  to  an  unspoken  implica- 
tion or  manifestation;  see  Luke  v,  22.  In  a  wider  sense, 
anything  said  or  done  in  return  for  some  word,  action,  or 
suggestion  of  another  may  be  called  an  answer.  The  blow 
of  an  enraged  man,  the  whinny  of  a  horse,  the  howling  of 
the  wind,  the  movement  of  a  bolt  in  a  lock,  an  echo,  etc., 
may  each  be  an  answer  to  some  word  or  movement.  A  reply 
is  an  unfolding,  and  ordinarily  implies  thought  and  intelli- 
gence. A  rejoinder  is  strictly  an  answer  to  a  reply,  though 
often  used  in  the  general  sense  of  answer,  but  always  with  tho 
implication  of  something  more  or  less  controversial  or  opposed, 
though  lacking  the  conclusiveness  implied  in  answer;  an  answer, 
in  the  full  sense,  to  a  charge,  an  argument,  or  an  objection 
is  adequate,  and  finally  refutes  and  disposes  of  it;  a  reply 
or  rejoinder  may  be  quite  inadequate,  so  that  one  may  say, 
"This  reply  is  not  an  answer ;"  "I  am  ready  with  an  answer" 
means  far  more  than  "I  am  ready  with  a  reply."  A  response- 
is  accordant  or  harmonious,  designed  or  adapted  to  carry  on 
the  thought  of  the  words  that  called  it  forth,  as  the  responses 
in  a  liturgical  service,  or  to  meet  the  wish  of  him  who  seeks 
it;  as,  the  appeal  for  aid  met  a  prompt  and  hearty  response. 
Repartee  is  a  prompt,  witty,  and  commonly  good-natured 
answer  to  some  argument  or  attack;  a  retort  may  also  be 
witty,  but  is  severe  and  may  be  even  savage  in  Its  intensity. 


An  answer  in  writing,  or  ty  word  of  mouth,  to  the  ques- 

71  answer 




apprehend  forecast  hope 

expect  foretaste  look  forward  to 

To  anticipate  may  be  either  to  take  before  in  fact  or  to 
take  before  in  thought;  in  the  former  sense  it  is  allied  with 
prevent;  in  the  latter,  with  the  synonyms  above  given.  This 
is  coming  to  be  the  prevalent  and  favorite  use.  We  expect 
that  which  we  have  good  reason  to  believe  will  happen;  as, 
a  boy  expects  to  grow  to  manhood.  We  hope  for  that  which 
we  much  desire  and  somewhat  expect.  We  apprehend  what 
we  both  expect  and  fear.  Anticipate  is  commonly  used  now, 
like  foretaste,  of  that  which  we  expect  both  with  confidence 
and  pleasure.  In  this  use  it  is  a  stronger  word  than  hope, 
where  often  "the  wish  is  father  to  the  thought.7'  I  hope  for 
a  visit  from  my  friend,  though  I  have  no  word  from  him;  I 
expect  it  when  he  writes  that  he  is  coming;  and  as  the  time 
draws  near  I  anticipate  it  with  pleasure.  Compare  ABIDE; 



despair  of  doubt  fear  recollect 

distrust  dread  recall  remember 



antepast  foreboding  forethought 

apprehension  forecast  hope 

expectancy  foresight  presentiment 

expectation  foretaste  prevision 

Expectation  may  be  either  of  good  or  evil;  presentiment 
almost  always,  apprehension  and  foreboding  always,  of  evil; 
anticipation  and  antepast,  commonly  of  good.  Thus,  we  speak 
of  the  pleasures  of  anticipation.  A  foretaste  may  be  of  good 
or  evil,  and  is  more  than  imaginary;  it  is  a  part  actually 
received  in  advance.  Foresight  and  forethought  prevent  fu- 
ture evil  and  secure  future  good  by  timely  looking  forward, 
and  acting  upon  what  is  foreseen.  Compare  ANTIOIPATB. 


astonishment  dread  7-  realization 

consummation  enjoyment  surprise 

despair  fear  wonder 


antipathy  72 

anxiety .  .       .   . 







Antipathy,  repugnance,  and  uncongeniality  are  instinctive; 
other  forms  of  dislike  may  be  acquired  or  cherished  for  cause. 
Uncongeniality  is  negative,  a  want  of  touch  or  sympathy.  An 
antipathy  to  a  person  or  thing  is  an  instinctive  recoil  from 
connection  or  association  with  that  person  or  tiling,  and  may 
be  physical  or  mental,  or  both.  Antagonism  may  result  from 
the  necessity  of  circumstances;  opposition  may  spring  from 
conflicting  views  or  interests;  abhorrence  and  detestation  may 
be  the  result  of  religious  and  moral  training;  distaste  and  dis- 
gust may  be  acquired;  aversion  is  a  deep  and  permanent  dis- 
like. A  natural  antipathy  may  give  rise  to  opposition  which 
may  result  in  hatred  and  hostility.  Compare  ACRIMONY; 


affinity  attraction          fellow*feoling     kindliness      sympathy 

agreement      congeniality      harmony  regard 


Antipathy  to  (less  frequently  for  or  against)  a  person  or 
thing;  antipathy  between  or  betwixt  two  persons  or  things. 



ancient  old'fashioned       quaint       superannuated 


Antique  refers  to  an  ancient,  antiquated  io  a  discarded 
style.  Antique  is  that  which  is  either  ancient  in  fact  or 
ancient  in  style.  The  reference  is  to  the  stylo  rather  than  to 
the  age.  We  can  speak  of  the  antique  architecture  oi*  a  church 
just  built.  The  difference  between  antiquated  and  antique  is 
not  in  the  age,  for  a  Puritan  style  may  be  jscoruwl  aw  anti- 
quated, while  a  Roman  or  Renaissance  style  may  be  prized 
as  antique.  The  antiquated  is  not  so  much  out  of  date  as 
out  of  vogue.  Old-fashioned  may  be  used  approvingly  or 
contemptuously.  In  the  latter  case  it  becomes  a  synonym 
for  antiquated;  in  the  good  sense  it  approaches  the  moaning 

73                                                                                  antipathy    l 

of  antique,  but  indicates  less  duration.  We  call  a  wide 
New  England  fireplace  old- fashioned;  a  coin  of  the  Cassars, 
antique.  Quaint  combines  the  idea  of  age  with  a  pleasing 
oddity;  as,  a  quaint  gambrel-roofed  house.  Antiquated  is 
sometimes  used  of  persons  in  a  sense  akin  to  superannuated. 
The  antiquated  person  is  out  of  style  and  out  of  sympathy 
with  the  present  generation  by  reason  of  age;  the  super- 
annuated person  is  incapacitated  for  present  activities  by 
reason  of  age.  Compare  OLD. 


fashionable      fresh      modern      modish       new:      recent       stylish 



anguish  disquiet  foreboding  perplexity 

apprehension  disturbance  fretfulness  solicitude 

care  dread  fretting  trouble 

concern  fear  misgiving  worry 

Anxiety  is,  according  to  its  derivation,  a  choking  disquiet? 
akin  to  anguish;  anxiety  is  mental;  anguish  may  be  mental  or 
physical;  anguish  is  in  regard  to  the  known,  anxiety  in  re- 
gard to  the  unknown;  anguish  is  because  of  what  has  hap- 
pened, anxiety  because  of  what  may  happen.  Anxiety  refers 
to  some  future  event,  always  suggesting  hopeful  possibility, 
and  thus  differing  from  apprehension,  fear,  dread,  forebod- 
ing, terror,  all  of  which  may  be  quite  despairing.  In  mat- 
ters within  our  reach,  anxiety  always  stirs  the  question 
whether  something  can  not  be  done,  and  is  thus  a  valuable  spur 
to  doing;  in  this  respect  it  is  allied  to  care.  Foreboding, 
dread,  etc.,  commonly  incapacitate  for  all  helpful  thought 
or  endeavor.  Worry  is  a  more  petty,  restless,  and  manifest 
anxiety;  anxiety  may  be  quiet  and  silent;  worn/  is  com- 
municated to  all  around.  Solicitude  is  a  milder  anxiety. 
Fretting  or  fret  fulness  is  a  weak  complaining  without  thought 
of  accomplishing  or  changing  anything,  but  merely  as  a  relief 
to  one's  own  disquiet.  Perplexity  often  involves  anxiety ,  but 
may  be  quite  free  from  it.  A  student  may  be  perplexed 
regarding  a  translation,  yet,  if  he  has  time  enough,  not  at 
all  anxious  regarding  it. 

apathy                                                                                          74 


apathy         calmness         confidence   light sheartedness   satisfaction 
assurance    carelessness   ease  nonchalance  tranquility 


Anxiety  for  a  friend's  return;  anxiety  about,  in  regard  to, 
or  concerning  the  future. 



calmness  insensibility    quietness  stoicism 

composure  lethargy  quietude  tranquillity 

immobility  passiveness      sluggishness  unconcern 

impassibility  phlegm  stillness  unfeelingness 


Apathy,  according  to  its  Greek  derivation,  is  a  simple 
absence  of  feeling  or  emotion.  There  are  persons  to  whom 
a  certain  degree  of  apathy  is  natural,  an  innate  sluggishness 
of  the  emotional  nature.  In  the  apathy  of  despair,  a  person 
gives  up,  without  resistance  or  sensibility,  to  what  he  has 
fiercely  struggled  to  avoid.  While  apathy  is  want  of  feeling, 
calmness  is  feeling  without  agitation.  Calmness  is  the  result 
of  strength,  courage,  or  trust;  apathy  is  the  result  o£  dulness 
or  weakness.  Composure  is  freedom  from  agitation  or  dis- 
turbance, resulting  ordinarily  from  force  of  will,  or  from 
perfect  confidence  in  one's  own  resources.  Impassibility  is 
a  philosophical  term  applied  to  the  Deity,  as  infinitely  exalted 
above  all  stir  of  passion  or  emotion.  Unfeelingncss,  the 
Saxon  word  that  should  be  the  exact  equivalent  of  apathy, 
really  means  more,  a  lack  of  the  feeling  one  ought  to  have, 
a  censurable  hardness  of  heart.  Indifference  and  insensibility 
designate  the  absence  of  feeling  toward  certain  persons  or 
things;  apathy,  entire  absence  of  feeling.  Indifference  is 
a  want  of  interest;  insensibility  is  a  want  of  feeling;  uncon- 
cern has  reference  to  consequences.  We  speak  of  insensibility 
of  heart,  immobility  of  countenance.  Stoicism  is  an  inten- 
tional suppression  of  feeling  and  deadening  of  sensibilities, 
while  apathy  is  involuntary.  Compare  CALM;  BEST;  STCJPOR. 


agitation  eagerness  fury  susceptibility 

alarm  emotion  passion  sympathy 

anxiety  excitement  sensibility  turbulence 

care  feeling  sensitiveness  vehemence 

distress  frenzy  storm  violence 

75  apathy 


The  apathy  of  monastic  life;  apathy  toward  good. 



distributively    each  individually    separately    severally 

There  is  no  discernible  difference  in  sense  between  so  much 
apiece  and  so  much  each;  the  former  is  the  more  common 
and  popular,  the  latter  the  more  elegant  expression.  Dis- 
tributively is  generally  used  of  numbers  and  abstract  rela- 
tions. Individually  emphasizes  the  independence  of  the  in- 
dividuals; separately  and  severally  still  more  emphatically 
hold  them  apart.  The  signers  of  a  note  may  become  jointly 
and  severally  responsible,  that  is,  each  liable  for  the  entire 
amount,  as  if  he  had  signed  it  alone.  "Witnesses  are  often 
brought  separately  into  court,  in  order  that  no  one  may  be 
influenced  by  the  testimony  of  another.  If  a  company  of 
laborers  demand  a  dollar  apiece}  that  is  a  demand  that  each 
shall  receive  that  sum;  if  they  individually  demand  a  dollar, 
each  individual  makes  the  deman 


accumulatively         confusedly          indiscriminately  together 

collectively  en  masse  synthetically  unitedly 



acknowledgment  defense  excuse  plea 

confession  exculpation   justification  vindication 

All  these  words  express  one's  answer  to  a  charge  of  wrong 
or  error  that  is  or  might  be  made.  Apology  has  undergone 
a  remarkable  change  from  its  old  sense  of  valiant  defense — 
as  in  Justin  Martyr's  Apologies  for  the  Christian  faith— to 
its  present  meaning  of  humble  confession  and  concession.  He 
who  offers  an  apology  admits  himself,  at  least  technically  and 
seemingly,  in  the  wrong.  An  apology  is  for  what  one  has 
done  or  left  undone;  an  excuse  may  be  for  what  one  proposes 
to  do  or  leave  undone  as  well;  as,  one  sends  beforehand  his 
excuse  for  not  accepting  an  invitation;  if  he  should  fail  either 
to  be  present  or  to  excuse  himself,  an  apology  would  fee  in 
order.  An  excuse  for  a  fault  is  an  attempt  at  partial  justifi- 

apparent                                                                                   76 
appeal . t 

cation;  as,  one  alleges  haste  as  an  excuse  for  carelessness. 
Confession  is  a  full  acknowledgment  of  wrong,  generally  of 
a  grave  wrong,  with  or  without  apology  or  excuse.  Pica 
ranges  in  sense  from  a  prayer  for  favor  or  pardon  to  an 
attempt  at  full  vindication.  Defense,  exculpation,  justifica- 
tion, and  vindication  are  more  properly  antonyms  than 
synonyms  of  apology  in  its  modern  sense,  and  should  be  so 
given,  but  for  their  connection  with  its  historic  usage.  Com- 


accusation         charge  condemnation         injury  wrong 

censure  complaint         imputation  insult  offense 


An  apology  to  the  guest  for  the  oversight  would  be  fitting. 



likely  presumable  probable  seeming 

The  apparent  is  that  which  appears ;  the  word  has  two  con- 
trasted senses,  either  of  that  which  is  manifest,  visible,  cer- 
tain, or  of  that  which  merely  seems  to  be  and  may  be  very 
different  from  what  is;  as,  the  apparent  motion  of  the  sun 
around  the  earth.  Apparent  kindness  casts  a  doubt  on  the 
reality  of  the  kindness;  apparent  neglect  implies  that  more 
care  and  pains  may  have  been  bestowed  than  we  are  aware  of* 
Presumable  implies  that  a  thing  may  bo  reasonably  Hiipponed 
beforehand  without  any  full  knowledge  of  the  facts.  Prob- 
able implies  that  we  know  facts  enough  to  make  UK  moderately 
confident  of  it.  Seeming  expresses  great  doubt  of  the  reality; 
seeming  innocence  comes  very  near  in  meaning  to  probable 
guilt.  Apparent  indicates  less  assurance  than  probable,,  aim 
more  than  seeming.  A  man's  probable  intent  wo  bolieve  will 
prove  to  be  his  real  intent;  his  seeming  intent  wo  bolievo  to 
be  a  sham ;  his  apparent  intent  may  be  the  true  0110,  though  wo 
have  not  yet  evidence  on  which  to  pronounce  with  certainty 
or  even  with  confidence.  Likely  is  a  word  with  a  wide  range 
of  usage,  but  always  implying  the  belief  that  the  thing  is, 
or  will  be,  true;  it  is  often  used  with  the  infinitive,  as  the 
other  words  of  this  list  can  not  be;  as,  it  is  lilcely  to  happen, 
Compare  EVIDENT. 

77                                                                                           apparent 
,  appeal 


doubtful  dubious          improbable       unimaginable      unlikely 


(When  apparent  is  used  in  the  sense  of  evident) :    His  guilt 
is  apparent  in  every  act  to  all  observers. 



address  call  (upon)         invoke  request 

apply  entreat  refer  (to)  resort  (to) 

To  appeal  (from  L.  appello}  appellare,  to  address,  call  upon, 
entreat,  etc.)  closely  follows  in  English  the  Latin  sense. 
Anciently,  one  who  felt  himself  wronged  would  seize  an  op- 
portunity, if  possible,  to  call  out  to  the  king  for  redress, 
thus  often  securing  reversal  of  the  judgment  of  a  subordinate 
officer : 

And  as  the  King  of  Israel  was  passing  by  upon  the  wall,  there  cried  a 
woman  unto  him,  saying,  Help,  my  lord,  0,  King.  2  Kings  vi,  26. 

Hence  comes  the  modern  legal  sense,  to  appeal  (a  ease)  from 
a  lower  authority  to  a  higher: 

I  appeal  unto  Caesar.  A.cts  xxv,  11. 

Figuratively,  one  may  appeal  to  any  authority  believed 
to  be  decisive;  as,  to  appeal  to  facts,  statistics,  history,  arms, 
force,  reason,  or  posterity. 

Greatness  appeals  to  the  future.  EaOJBSON"  Essays,  Self-Reliance, 

In  personal  use,  to  appeal  is  more  than  to  ask;  it  is  to  ask 
with  special  earnestness,  and  is  akin  to  beseech  or  entreat; 
one  appeals  to  another  for  some  form  of  help,  support,  favor, 
or  benefit;  an  offender  may  appeal  for  mercy  or  forgive- 
ness. By  extension  to  inanimate  things  and  abstractions, 
to  ideas,  activities,  emotions,  etc.,  to  appeal  is  to  awaken 
response  or  sympathy;  courage,  sincerity,  and  tenderness  ap- 
peal to  some  of  our  noblest  instincts;  sensationalism  does 
not  appeal  to  me: 

Man  is  not  a  creature  of  pure  reason;, he  must  have  his  senses  de- 
lightfully appealed  to.  TIAVB  Essay  $  of  Elia,  p.  53.  Ew  L  &  co  ] 

To  apply  is  more  formal  than  to  appeal;  one  may  apply  to 
an  appointing  officer  for  an  appointment;  apply  to  the  treas- 
urer for  funds;  apply  at  the  bureau  of  information  for  par- 
Oculars.  Compare  ADDRESS;  APPLY;  ASK;  PLEAD;  PRAT. 

appear  78 


abjure       defy       deny      disavow      disclaim      refuse       lepucUate 


have  the  appearance  or  semblance  look          seem 

Appear  and  look  refer  to  what  manifests  itself  to  the 
senses;  to  a  semblance  or  probability  presented  directly  to  the 
mind.  Seem  applies  to  what  is  manifest  to  the  mind  on  re- 
flection. It  suddenly  appears  to  me  that  there  is  smoke  in  the 
distance;  as  I  watch,  it  looks  like  a  fire;  from  my  knowledge 
of  the  locality  and  observation  of  particulars,  it  seems  to  me 
a  farmhouse  must  be  burning. 


be  be  certain,  real,  or  true  be  the  fact  oxlst 


Appear  at  the  front;  among  the  first;  on  or  upon  the  sur- 
face; to  the  eye;  in  evidence,  in  print;  from  reports;  near 
the  harbor;  before  the  public;  in  appropriate  dress;  mth 
the  insignia  of  his  rank;  above  the  clouds;  below  the  surface*, 
under  the  lee;  over  the  sea;  through  the  mist;  appear  for, 
in  behalf  of,  or  against  one  in  court. 


add         affix        annex        attach       subjoin        subscribe 

To  append  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  pcndo,  hang)  is  literally  to 
hang  to,  as  a  seal  (formerly,  and  in  some  cases  still,  held  to  the 
document  by  a  strip  of  parchment,  ribbon,  or  the  like) ; 
hence  to  add  (see  ADD)  or  attach  as  something  accessory, 
subordinate,  or  supplemental;  as,  to  append  a  codicil  to  a  will. 
To  affix  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  figo,  fasten)  is  to  fix,  fasten,  or 
attach)  to,  on,  or  upon  something  already  existing,  oJC  which  it 
may  or  may  not  become  an  integral  part;  as,  to  affix  a  placard 
to  a  wall  or  a  superscription  to  a  letter;  to  affix  a  syllable  at 
the  beginning  or  end  of  a  word  (either  a  prefix  or  a  suffix 
being  called  an  "affix").  To  annex  (from  L,  ad,  to,  -f  necto, 
bind,  tie)  is  to  add  at  the  end,  with  less  idea  of  subordination 
and  dependence,  and  more  of  combination  or  union  than  is 
conveyed  by  append;  as,  to  annex  a  suburb  to  a  city,  or  a  prov- 

79  appear 
appendage  _ 

ince  to  an  empire.  A  codicil  or  a  signature  may  be  affixed, 
annexed,  appended,  or  attached;  the  signature  or  name  may 
also  be  said  to  be  subscribed;  a  title  or  a  superscription  is 
affixed  (not  annexed  or  appended,  though  in  some  cases  we  may 
speak  of  it  as  attached)  to  a  volume  or  a  treatise;  a  penalty 
may  be  affixed,  annexed,  or  attached  to  a  prohibition;  a  con- 
dition may  be  affixed,  annexed,  or  attached  to  a  promise ;  notes 
or  indexes  are  not  affixed,  but  added  or  appended  to  a  volume; 
an  appendix  is  something  appended. 


detach  disconnect  disengage  separate 



accessory  addition,  appurtenance  concomitant 

accompaniment  adjunct  attachment  extension 

addendum  appendix  auxiliary  supplement 

An  adjunct  (something  joined  to)  constitutes  no  real  part 
of  the  thing  or  system  to  which  it  is  joined,  though  perhaps  a 
valuable  addition;  an  appendage  is  commonly  a  real,  though 
not  an  essential  or  necessary  part  of  that  with  which  it  is  con- 
nected; an  appurtenance  belongs  subordinately  to  something 
by  which  it  is  employed,  especially  as  an  instrument  to  ac- 
complish some  purpose.  A  horse's  tail  is  at  once  an  orna- 
mental appendage  and  a  useful  appurtenance;  we  could  not 
call  it  an  adjunct,  though  we  might  use  that  word  of  his  iron 
shoes.  Attachment,  primarily  the  act  of  attaching  or  the  state 
of  being  attached,  is  extended  to  denote  the  means  of  attach- 
ing, as  a  nexus,  band,  or  tie;  as,  the  attachments  of  a  muscle; 
also,  to  denote  something  appended  or  attached,  as  an  adjunct; 
in  machinery  an  attachment  is  some  mechanism  that  can  be 
brought  into  optional  connection  with  the  principal  move- 
ment; as,  a  spiral  turning  attachment  to  a  lathe;  an  eolian 
attachment  to  a  piano;  a  hemmer  is  a  valuable  attachment 
of  a  sewing-machine.  An  extension,  as  of  a  railroad  or  of 
a  franchise,  carries  out  further  something  already  existing. 
We  add  an  appendix  to  a  book,  to  contain  names,  dates,  lists, 
etc.,  which  would  encumber  the  text;  we  add  a  supplement 
to  supply  omissions,  as,  for  instance,  to  bring  it  up  to  date. 
An  appendix  may  be  called  an  addendum;  but  addendum  may 
be  used  of  a  brief  note,  which  would  not  be  dignified  by  tte 

appetite                                                                                     80 
apply ^ ^ 

name  of  appendix;  such  notes  arc  often  grouped  as  addenda. 
An  addition  might  be  matter  interwoven  in  the  body  of  the 
work,  an  index,  plates,  editorial  notes,  etc.,  which  might  bo 
valuable  additions,  but  not  within  the  meaning  of  appendix 
or  supplement.  Compare  ACCESSORY;  AUXILIARY. 


main  body  original  total  whole 


That  which  is  thought  of  as  added  we  oall  an  appendage 
to;  that  which  is  looked  upon  as  an  integral  part  is  called 
an  appendage  of. 



appetency  impulse  lust  propensity 

craving  inclination  passion  relish 

desire  liking  proclivity  thirst 

disposition  longing  proneness  zest 

Appetite  is  used  only  of  the  demands  o£  the  physical  sys- 
tem, unless  otherwise  expressly  stated,  as  when  we  say  an 
appetite  for  knowledge;  passion  includes  all  excitable  im- 
pulses of  our  nature,  as  anger,  fear,  love,  hatred,  etc.  Appe- 
tite is  thus  more  animal  than  passion;  and  when  we  speak  of 
passions  and  appetites  as  conjoined  or  contrasted,  we  think 
of  the  appetites  as  wholly  physical  and  of  the  passions  as,  in 
part  at  least,  mental  or  spiritual.  We  way  an  appetite  for 
food,  a  passion  for  fame.  Compare  DESIRE. 


antipathy  detestation  dislike      distaste    indifference  repugnance 
aversion     disgust          disrelish   hatred      loathing         repulsion 

Compare  AOTIPATHY. 


He  had  an  insatiable  appetite  for  the  marvelous. 



allot  associate  connect  employ  nx 

appropriate  attach  dedicate  exercise         use 

assign  conjoin  devote  fit 

To  apply  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  plico,  fold),  literally  to  fold  to 
or  upon,  signifies  to  lay,  place,  or  put  upon  for  somo  special 

81  appetite 


purpose;  to  bring  into  contact  with,  according  to  some  idea 
of  purpose,  fitness,  or  relationship;  as,  to  apply  the  finger 
to  the  pulse;  to  apply  a  poultice  to  a  bruise  or  a  bandage 
to  a  wound;  apply  oil  to  a  machine;  in  figurative  use  we 
apply  a  principle,  law,  or  rule  to  a  particular  case;  we 
apply  steam  to  navigation;  apply  the  mind  or  apply  oneself 
to  study  or  to  a  problem;  apply  a  fund  to  a  special  use;  ap- 
ply &  test  to  a  metal,  or  to  evidence,  professions,  or  char- 
acter; apply  an  epithet  or  a  nickname. 

The  words  above  given  as  synonyms  for  apply  must  be 
regarded  as  suggestions  rather  than  substitutes,  except  within 
very  narrow  limits.  While  apply  may,  in  some  special  use, 
be  substituted  for  any  one  of  these,  or  of  a  variety  of  other 
words,  it  is  rarely  interchangeable  with  any  one  of  them,  so 
that  it  may  almost  be  said  to  be  a  word  without  a  synonym, 
"fallen  we  seem  to  have  found  a  synonym,  examination  quickly 
shows  that  the  differences  are  more  striking,  the  resemblances 
between  the  words  so  compared  Thus,  a  sticking-plaster 
which  is  applied  to  a  surface  is  of  necessity  attached,  but 
the  latter  word  is  rarely  used  in  that  connection;  a  poultice 
which  is  applied  is  often  especially  so  prepared  that  it  shall 
not  become  attached;  a  postage-stamp,  which  is  attached  or 
affixed  to  a  letter,  is  not  said  to  be  applied;  a  measuring-rule 
is  applied  to  a  surface,  and  is  useful  for  that  purpose  be- 
cause it  is  not  attached;  a  whip  is  applied  to  a  horse,  but 
if  it  were  attached  to  the  horse  it  could  not  well  be  applied; 
a  placard  is  affixed  to  a  post,  but  it  is  not  said  to  be  applied; 
a  sum  of  money  may  be  allotted,  applied,  appropriated,  dedi- 
cated, or  devoted  to  a  particular  use;  but  allot  carries  too 
much  of  its  original  meaning  of  chance,  and  dedicate  or  de- 
vote too  much  of  sacredness  for  business  use;  appropriate  has 
a  sense  of  official  designation  which  is  not  in  apply;  money 
may  be  applied  to  a  use  for  which  it  was  not  appropriated; 
that  which  is  applied  may  be  sometimes  said  to  be  wed,  emr- 
ployed,  or  exercised;  but  to  employ,  exercise,  or  use  the  mind 
on  a  problem  would  mean  much  less  than  to  apply  the  mind 
to  the  problem;  a  remedy  is  said  to  be  used,  but  not  applied, 
internally;  we  apply,  adapt,  adjust,  or  fit  a  theory  to  the 
facts  (but  not  the  facts  to  the  theory) — apply  to  test  its 
correctness,  adapt,  adjust,  or  fit  by  any  change  in  the  theory 

apportion                                                                                    82 

that  the  facts  may  require;  a  rule,  law,  or  principle  fits  a 
case  to  which  it  exactly  corresponds;  it  applies  to  a  ease 
with  which  it  has  some  inherent  connection;  the  proposition 
that  the  three  angles  of  a  triangle  are  equal  to  two  right 
angles  does  not  apply  to  the  segment  of  a  circle;  the  law 
against  burglary  does  not  apply  to  highway  robbery;  apply 
and  refer  view  the  same  fact  from  opposite  directions;  we 
apply  a  rule  to  a  ease,  refer  (never  apply)  the  case  to  the 
rule.  Apply  thus  stands  singularly  alone;  its  true  meanings 
and  connections  can  be  learned  only  by  study  of  the  dic- 
tionary and  of  approved  usage,  not  by  any  substitution  of 
other  words. 


See  synonyms  for  ATTACH. 



allot  assign  distribute  grant 

appoint  deal  divide  snare 

appropriate  dispense 

To  allot  or  assign  may  be  to  make  an  arbitrary  division; 
the  same  is  true  of  distribute  or  divide.  That  which  is  ap- 
portioned is  given  by  some  fixed  rule,  which  is  meant  to  be 
uniform  and  fair;  as,  representatives  are  apportioned  among 
the  States  according  to  population.  To  dispense  is  to  give 
out  freely;  as,  the  sun  dispenses  light  and  heat.  A  thing  is 
appropriated  to  or  for  a  specific  purpose  (to  which  it  thus 
becomes  proper,  in  the  original  sense  of  being  its  own) ; 
money  appropriated  by  Congress  for  one  purpose  can  not 
be  expended  for  any  other.  One  may  apportion  what  ho 
only  holds  in  trust;  he  snares  what  is  his  own.  Comparo 



cling  to  consolidate  gather  together         receive 

collect  divide  arbitrarily          keep  together  retain 


Apportion  to  each  a  fair  amount;  apportion  the  property 
among  the  heirs,  between  two  claimants;  apportion  accord- 
ing  to  numbers,  etc. 

83  apportion 



approach.  likeness          neighborhood      resemblance 

contiguity        nearness         propinquity          similarity 

In  mathematics,  approximation  is  not  guesswork,  not  loose- 
ness, and  not  error.  The  process  of  approximation  is  as  exact 
and  correct  at  every  point  as  that  by  which  an  absolute  result 
is  secured;  the  result  only  fails  of  exactness  because  of  some 
inherent  difficulty  in  the  problem.  The  attempt  to  "square 
the  circle"  gives  only  an  approximate  result,  because  of  the 
impossibility  of  expressing  the  circumference  in  terms  of  the 
radius.  But  the  limits  of  error  on  either  side  are  known, 
and  the  approximation  has  practical  value.  Outside  of  mathe- 
matics, the  correct  use  of  approximation  (and  the  kindred 
words  approximate  and  approximately)  is  to  express  as  near 
an  approach  to  accuracy  and  certainty  as  the  conditions  of 
human  thought  or  action  in  any  given  case  make  possible. 
Resemblance  and  similarity  may  be  but  superficial  and  ap- 
parent; approximation  is  real.  Approach  is  a  relative  term, 
indicating  that  one  has  come  nearer  than  before,  though  the 
distance  may  yet  be  considerable;  an  approximation  brings 
one  really  near.  Nearness,  neighborhood,  and  propinquity  are 
commonly  used  of  place;  approximation ,  of  mathematical 
calculations  and  abstract  reasoning;  we  speak  of  approach 
to  the  shore,  nearness  to  the  town,  approximation  to  the 


difference     distance     error     remoteness      unlikeness      variation 


The  approximation  of  the  vegetable  to  the  animal  type. 



accouterments        armor        harness        mail        weapons 

Arms  are  implements  of  attack;  armor  is  a  defensive  cov- 
ering. The  knight  put  on  his  armor;  he  grasped  his  arms. 
With  the  disuse  of  defensive  armor  the  word  has  practically 
gone  out  of  military  use,  but  it  is  still  employed  in  the  navy, 
where  the  distinction  is  clearly  preserved;  any  vessel  provided 
with  cannon  is  an  armed  vessel;  an  armored  ship  is  an  iron- 


iy  84 

clad.  Anything  that  can  be  wielded  in  a  fight  may  become 
a  weapon,  as  a  pitchfork  or  a  paving-stone;  arms  are  espe- 
cially made  and  designed  for  conflict. 



armament  forces  military  soldiers 

array  host  multitude  soldiery 

force  legions  phalanx  troops 

An  army  is  an  organized  body  of  men  armed  for  war,  ordi- 
narily considerable  in  numbers,  always  independent  in  organi- 
zation so  far  as  not  to  be  a  constituent  part  oi.'  any  other 
command.  Organization,  unity,  and  independence,  rather  than 
numbers  are  the  essentials  of  an  army.  We  speak  of  the  in- 
vading army  of  Cortes  or  Pizarro,  though  either  body  was  con- 
temptible in  numbers  from  a  modern  military  standpoint. 
We  may  have  a  little  a/rmy,  a  large  army,  or  a  vast  army. 
Host  is  used  for  any  vast  and  orderly  assemblage;  as,  the 
stars  are  called  the  heavenly  host.  Multitude  expresses  num- 
ber without  order  or  organization;-  a  multitude  ol'  armed  men 
is  not  an  army,  but  a  mob.  Legion  (from  the  Latin)  and 
phalanx  (from  the  Greek)  are  applied  by  a  kind  of  poetic 
license  to  modern  forces;  the  plural  legions  is  preferred,  iu 
most  uses,  to  the  singular.  Military  is  a  general  word  for 
land-/0rc<3$/  the  military  may  include  all  the  armed  soldiery 
of  a  nation,  or  the  term  may  be  applied  to  any  small  de- 
tached company,  as  at  a  fort,  in  distinction  from  civilians. 
Any  organized  body  of  men  by  whom  the  law  or  will  of  a 
people  is  executed  is  a  force;  the  word  is  a  usual  term  tor 
the  police  of  any  locality. 



accuse  charge  impeach.  prosecute 

censure  cite  indict  summon. 

Arraign  is  an  official  word,  a  person  accused  of  crime  is 
arraigned  when  he  is  formally  called  into  court,  the  indict- 
ment read  to  him,  and  the  demand  made  of  him  to  plead  guilty 
or  not  guilty;  in  more  extended  use,  to  arraign  is  to  flail  iu 
question  for  fault  in  any  formal,  public,  or  official  way. 


One  may  charge  another  -with  any  fault,  great  or  trifling,  pri- 
vately or  publicly,  formally  or  informally.  Accuse  is  stronger 
than  charge,  suggesting  more  of  the  formal  and  criminal; 
a  person  may  charge  a  friend  with  unkindness  or  neglect; 
he  may  accuse  a  tramp  of  stealing.  Censure  carries  the  idea 
of  fault,  but  not  of  crime;  it  may  be  private  and  individual, 
or  public  and  official.  A  judge,  a  president,  or  other  officer 
of  high  rank  may  be  impeached  before  the  appropriate  tri- 
bunal for  high  crimes;  the  veracity  of  a  witness  may  be 
impeached  by  damaging  evidence.  A  person  of  the  highest 
character  may  be  summoned  as  defendant  in  a  civil  suit;  or 
he  may  be  cited  to  answer  as  administrator,  etc.  Indict  and 
arraign  apply  strictly  to  criminal  proceedings,  and  only  an 
alleged  criminal  is  indicted  or  arraigned.  One  is  indicted  by 
the  grand  jury,  and  arraigned  before  the  appropriate  court. 


acquit  discharge          exonerate          overlook  release 

condone  excuse  forgive  pardon  set  free 


Arraign  at  the  bar,  before  the  tribunal,  of  or  for  a  crime; 
on  or  upon  an  indictment. 


adjust             compose 
array               dispose 
assort             form 
classify          group 
colligate        harmonize 
collocate        marshal 

place  in  order 
put  in  order 

set  in  order 
set  up 
sort  out 
sort  OTer 

To  arrange  is  to  place  in  definite  order,  in  accordance  with 
some  plan  or  design;  the  basis  of  arrangement  may  greatly 
vary;  we  may  arrange  objects  according  to  size  or  character, 
as  books  upon  shelves;  according  to  convenience  or  readi- 
ness for  use,  as  a  mechanic's  tools;  according  to  taste  or 
artistic  effect,  as  the  pictures  or  furniture  of  a  room,  the 
flowers  in  a  vase,  etc.;  or  according  to  rhetorical  effect  or 
logical  connection,  as  words  in  a  sentence,  sentences  in  a  para- 
graph, or  arguments  in  a  discourse.  The  same  objects  may 
be  differently  arranged  according  to  the  purpose  in  view; 
articles  of  apparel  are  arranged  in  a  wardrobe  according  to 
space,  convenience,  or  readiness  for;  they  ar§  arranged 

arrange  86 

array  _  _  B 

upon  the  person  according  to  their  effect  as  parts  of  a  cos- 
tume. To  assort  or  classify  is  to  arrange  according  to  sorts 
or  classes;  ready-made  clothing  is  placed  for  sale  in  as- 
sorted sizes;  books  are  classified  in  a  public  library.  Assort 
generally  has  reference  to  material  qualities,  as  of  size,  color, 
weight,  or  the  like;  classify  to  some  mental  basis  oi:  connec- 
tion or  sequence;  goods  are  assorted;  plants  and  animals  aro 
classified  according  to  genera,  species,  etc.;  to  assort  the  spcei^ 
mens  in  a  museum  according  to  size,  color,  or  appearance 
would  spoil  the  classification;  furnituie  is  assorted  in  a  ware- 
house, arranged  in  a  parlor.  Studies  or  students  are  not 
assorted,  but  arranged  or  classified  To  sort,  sort  over,  or 
sort  out,  is  viewed  as  a  ruder  and  more  general  process,  lestf 
definite  and  exact  than  to  assort,  and  quite  lacking  the  orderly 
basis  of  arrange.  To  harmonise  is  to  arrange  hi  such  onlei1 
or  relation  as  to  produce  a  harmonious  effect,  musical  or 
other  To  range,  to  place  in  a  row  or  rows,  is  used  primarily 
of  large  objects  or  those  covering  considerable  spaeo,  as, 
m  the  use  of  the  noun,  we  speak  of  a  "range"  of  columns  or 
of  mountains,  as  used  of  troops  range  has  IOHH  reference 
than  arrange  to  minor  matters  of  order  and  alignment,  and 
more  to  the  extended  distribution  oi!  the  whole  as  an  effective 
fighting  force. 

At  midnight,  in  the  forest   shados, 
Bozzans  ranged  his  Suhoto  ID  and 

HALT/BCTE:    Zfarro   Rozzaria,  st    2, 

Here  arranged  would  be  insufferably  feeble.  To  array  is  to 
draw  up  or  Arrange  in  order  for  battle,  as  an  army;  array 
expresses  more  of  readiness  for  action  on  a  largo  scale  than 
arrange,  and  more  of  spectacular  and  cohesive  formation  than 
range;  scouts  or  skirmishers  may  be  ranged  along  the  front; 
the  main  army  'is  arrayed  in  line  of  battle.  Marshal  IK  more 
preparatory,  and  may  have  reference  merely  to  the  enrol- 
ment and  assemblage  of  a  force. 

False  wizard,  avaunt!     I  have  marshalled  my  clan. 


As  modern  projectiles  discourage  spectacular  formations  the 
word  array  is  falling  out  of  military  use,  but  still,  both  as 
noun  and  verb,  has  extensive  literary  employment  with  splen- 
did descriptive  force. 

87  arrange 


By  torch,  and  trumpet  fast  arrayed, 
Each  warrior  drew  his  battle  blade. 

CAMPBELL    Eohenlinden. 

The    midnight   brought   the    signal-sound   of    strife, 
The  morn,  the  marshalinff  in  arms, 
The   day,   battle's  magnificently  stern   array. 

BYBON    Childe  Harold,  st.  28. 
As  apphed  to  dress,  array  carries  the  same  idea  of  splendor. 

Solomon,   in  all  his  glory,  was  not  arrayed  like  one  of  these. 

Matt,    vi,  29. 

To  form,  in  this  connection,  is  to  arrange  parts  or  units 
so  that  they  assume  a  certain  form  or  shape;  as,  to  form 
a  procession;  to  form  troops  in  line  or  column;  to  form 
a  regiment  in  a  square;  to  dispose  is  to  place  parts  or  units 
in  relative  position  for  mutual  cooperation  or  support  on  an 
extended  scale;  a  modern  army  is  disposed  over  so  large  an 
area  that  the  different  parts  can  not  see  one  another,  and 
no  "form"  of  the  entire  force  is  visible  from  any  point; 
hence  we  naturally  speak  of  the  disposition  rather  than  of 
the  formation  of  the  force.  To  compose  is  to  put  together 
things,  thoughts,  parts,  or  elements  so  as  to  form  an  orderly 
whole;  to  compose  may  include  arranging,  but  commonly  in- 
volves much  more;  in  compose,  the  thought  of  unity  prevails; 
in  dispose,  the  thought  of  distribution.  In  printing,  to  com- 
pose is  to  arrange  (type)  in  proper  order,  as  in  the  com- 
posing-stick— in  this  sense  rarely  used,  set  or  set  up  being 
the  technical  terms;  yet  a  type-setter  is  regularly  called  a 
"compositor,"  and  the  process  "composition."  See  ADJUST; 


confuse  disorder  disturb  pi  or  pie  (print) 

derange  disperse  jumble  scatter 




army  collection  line  of  battle  parade 

arrangement  disposition  order  show 

battle  array  exhibition  order  of  battle  sight 

The  phrase  battle  array  or  array  of  battle  is  archaic  and 
poetic;  we  now  say  in  line  or  order  of  battle.  The  parade 
is  for  exhibition  and  oversight,  and  partial  rehearsal  of  mili- 
tary manual  and  maneuvers.  Array  refers  to  a  continuous 

arrest                                                                                         88 

arrangement  of  men,  so  that  all  may  be  seen  or  reviewed 
at  once.  This  is  practically  impossible  with  the  vast  aimics 
of  our  day.  We  say  rather  the  disposition  of  troops,  which 
expresses  their  location  so  as  to  sustain  and  support,  though 
unable  to  see  or  readily  communicate  with  each  other.  Com- 
pare DRESS. 



apprehend    detain  restrain  stop 

capture          hold  secure  take  into  custody 

catch  make  prisoner  seize  take  prisoner 

The  legal  term  arrest  carries  always  the  implication  of  a 
legal  offense;  this  is  true  even  of  arresting  for  debt.  But 
one  may  be  detained  by  process  of  law  when  no  oflonsc  is 
alleged  against  him,  as  in  the  case  of  a  witness  who  is  held 
in  a  house  of  detention  till  a  case  comes  to  trial.  One  may 
be  restrained  of  his  liberty  without  arroHl,  as  in  an  insane 
asylum;  an  individual  or  corporation  may  be  restrained  by 
injunction  from  selling  certain  property.  In  case  of  an  arrest, 
an  officer  may  secure  his  prisoner  by  fetters,  by  a  locked 
door,  or  other  means  effectually  to  prevent  escape.  Capture 
is  commonly  used  of  seizure  by  armed  force;  as,  to  capture 
a  ship,  a  fort,  etc.  Compare  HINDER;  OBSTRUCT. 


discharge         dismiss         free         libcxato         release         sot  free 


Arrested  for  crime,  on  suspicion,  by  the  sheriff;  on,  upon, 
or  "by  virtue  of  a  warrant;  on  final  process;  in  execution. 



art  cunning:  guile  ruse 

"blind  device  imposture  stratagem 

cheat  dodge  invention  subterfuge 

contrivance  finesse  machination.  trick 

craft  fraud  maneuver  wile 

A  contrivance  or  device  may  be  either  good  or  bad.  A  cheat 
is  a  mean  advantage  in  a  bargain;  a  fraud,  any  form  of 
covert  robbery  or  injury.  Imposture  5s  a  deceitful  contrivance 
for  securing  charity,  credit,  or  consideration.  A  stratagem  or 
maneuver  may  be  of  the  good  against  the  bad,  as  it  were  a 

89  arrest 

_ artist 

skilful  movement  of  war.    A  wile  is  usually  but  not  necessarily 

E'en  children  followed  with,  endearing  wile. 

GOLDSMITH   Deserted  Village,  1.  184, 

A  trick  is  often  low,  injurious,  and  malicious ;  we  say  a  mean 
trick;  the  word  is  sometimes  used  playfully  with  less  than  its 
full  meaning.  A  ruse  or  a  blind  may  be  quite  innocent  and 
harmless.  An  artifice  is  a  carefully  and  delicately  prepared 
contrivance  for  doing  indirectly  what  one  could  not  well  do 
directly.  A  device  is  something  studied  out  for  promoting 
an  end,  as  in  a  mechanism;  the  word  is  used  of  indirect  action, 
often,  but  not  necessarily  directed  to  an  evil,  selfish,  or  in- 
jurious end.  Finesse  is  especially  subtle  contrivance,  delicate 
artifice,  whether  for  good  or  evil.  Compare  FRAUD. 


artlessness  frankness  ingenuousness  simplicity 

candor  gnilelessness  innocence  sincerity 

fairness  honesty  openness  truth 



artificer        artisan          mechanic     operative     workman 

Artist,  artificer,  and  artisan  are  all  from  the  root  of  art, 
but  artist  holds  to  the  esthetic  sense,  while  artificer  and  artisan 
follow  the  mechanical  or  industrial  sense  of  the  word  (see 
ART  under  SCIENCE).  Artist  thus  comes  only  into  accidental 
association  with  the  other  words  of  this  group,  not  being  a 
synonym  of  any  one  of  them  and  having  practically  no 
synonym  of  its  own.  The  work  of  the  artist  is  creative;  that 
of  the  artisan  mechanical.  The  man  who  paints  a  beautiful 
picture  is  an  artist;  the  man  who  makes  pin-heads  all  day  is 
an  artisan.  The  artificer  is  between  the  two,  putting  more 
thought,  intelligence,  and  taste  into  his  work  than  the  artisan, 
but  less  of  the  idealizing,  creative  power  than  the  artist.  The 
sculptor,  shaping  his  model  in  clay,  is  artificer  as  well  as 
artist;  patient  artisans,  working  simply  by  rule  and  scale, 
chisel  and  polish  the  stone.  The  man  who  constructs  any- 
thing by  mere  routine  is  a  mechanic.  The  man  whose  work 
involves  thought,  skill,  and  constructive  power  is  an  artificer. 
The  hod-carrier  is  a  laborer;  the  bricklayer  is  a  mechanic; 

ask                                                                                              90 
associate .__»_ ^ 

the  master  mason  is  an  artificer.     Those  who  operate  ma- 
chinery nearly  self-acting  are  operatives. 



appeal  beseech  implore  require 

apply  for  crave  petition.  solicit 

apply  to  demand  pray  supplicate 

beg  entreat  request 

One  asks  what  he  feels  that  he  may  fairly  claim  and  reason- 
ably expect  ;  "if  a  son  shall  ask  bread  of  any  of  you  that  is  a 
father,"  Luke  xi,  11;  he  begs  for  that  to  which  he  advances 
no  claim  but  pity.  Demand  is  a  determined  and  often  an 
arrogant  word;  one  may  rightfully  demand  what  is  his  own 
or  his  due,  when  it  is  withheld  or  denied;  or  he  may  wrong- 
fully demand  that  to  which  he  has  no  claim  but  power.  Re- 
quire is  less  arrogant  and  obtrusive  than  demand/ but  is  ex- 
ceedingly strenuous;  as,  the  court  requires  the  attendance  of 
witnesses.  Entreat  implies  a  special  earnestness  of  asking, 
and  beseech,  a  still  added  and  more  humble  intensity;  beseech 
was  formerly  often  used  as  a  polite  intensive  tor  leg  or 
pray;  as,  1  beseech  you  to  tell  me.  To  implore  is  to  askf 
with  weeping  and  lamentation;  to  supplicate  is  to  ask,  as  it 
were,  on  bended  knees.  Crave  and  request  are  somewhat  for- 
mal terms;  crave  has  almost  disappeared  from  conversation; 
request  would  seem  distant  between  parent  and  child.  Pray 
is  now  used  chiefly  of  address  to  the  Supreme  Being;  petition 
is  used  of  written  request  to  persons  in  authority;  as,  to 
petition  the  legislature  to  pass  an  act,  or  the  governor  to 
pardon  an  offender.  Compare  APPEAL;  PLEAD;  PRAY. 

claim    command  deny   enforce  exact   extort  insist  refuse   reject 

Ask  a  person  for  a  thing ;  ask  a  thing  of  or  from  a  person ; 
ask  after  or  about  one's  health,  welfare,  friends,  etc. 



affiliate     attach.        confederate    connect     j«ln        link 
ally  combine    conjoin  couple       league    unite 

To  associate  (from  L.  a&,  to,  +  socius,  a  companion,  ally)  is 



to  put,  bring,  or  coins  together  with  something  else  in  com- 
panionship of  fact  or  thought;  feelings,  speech,  manners,  and 
morals  will  be  influenced  by  the  persons  with  whom  one 
associates;  things  are  associated  in  thought  when  for  any 
reason  the  thought  of  one  calls  up  that  of  the  other;  we 
associate  a  certain  meaning  with  a  word,  with  or  without 
reason,  rightly  or  wrongly  (for  association  is  far  from  defini- 
tion) ;  if  we  attach  a  certain  meaning  to  a  word,  we  have  (or 
believe  ourselves  to  have)  definite  reason  for  so  doing;  we 
associate  a  song  with  some  scene  where  it  was  heard,  or  the 
perfume  of  a  flower  with  a  friend  who  loved  it;  the  asso- 
ciation of  ideas  is  one  of  the  most  important  topics  in 
psychology.  To  ally  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  ligo,  bind)  is  to  unite 
by  treaty,  league,  or  agreement,  as  sovereign  states  (compare 
ALLY,  n ,  under  ADHERENT)  ;  hence,  to  connect  by  any  rela- 
tionship, as  by  marriage,  likeness,  origin,  etc.;  persons  or 
families  of  prominence  may  be  said  to  be  allied  by  marriage. 
To  affiliate  (from  L.  ad,  to,  -f-  filius,  son),  primarily  to  adopt  or 
receive  into  a  family,  as  a  son  or  daughter,  is  commonly  used 
as  signifying  to  receive  or  associate  with  on  friendly  terms 
(followed  by  with  or  to — or,  in  a  certain  legal  or  scientific 
use,  by  on  or  upon) ;  as,  to  affiliate  oneself  with  (or  to)  a 
political  party;  a  person's  character  may  be  judged  by  the 
character  of  those  with  whom  he  is  affiliated;  virtue  affiliates 
with  virtue;  we  speak  of  affiliated  sciences,  studies,  colleges, 
or  schools.  Compare  ATTACH. 


avoid  disrupt  diverge  estrange          sever 

disconnect  dissociate  divide  part  sunder 

disjoin  disunite  divorce  separate 



accomplice  colleague  consort  mate 

ally  companion  fellow  partner 

chum  comrade  friend  peer 

coadjutor  confederate  helpmate 

Associate  is  popularly  used  of  mere  friendly  relations,  but 
oftener  implies  some  work,  enterprise,  or  pursuit  in  which 
the  associated  persons  unite.  An  associate  as  used  officially 
implies  a  chief,  leader,  or  principal,  to  whom  the  associate  is 
not  fully  equal  in  rank;  as,  an  associate  editor.  We  rarely 

association                                                                                 92 
assurance ^ 

speak  of  assoeiates  in  crime  or  wrong,  usuig  confederates  or 
accomplices  instead.  Companion  gives  itself  with  equal  readi- 
ness to  the  good  or  evil  sense,  as  also  does  comrade.  One  may 
be  a  companion  in  travel  who  would  not  readily  become  an 
associate  at  home.  A  lady  advertises  for  a  companion;  she 
would  not  advertise  for  an  associate.  Peer  implies  equality 
rather  than  companionship;  as,  a  jury  of  his  peers.  Comrade 
expresses  more  fellowship  and  good  feeling  than  companion. 
Fellow  has  almost  gone  out  of  use  in  this  connection,  except 
in  an  inferior  or  patronizing  sense.  Consort  is  a  word  of 
equality  and  dignity,  as  applied  especially  to  the  marriage  re- 


antagonist  foe  opponent  rival 

enemy  hinderer  opposer  stranger 


These  were  the  associates  of  the  leader  in  the  enterprise. 



alliance  confederacy  familiarity  lodge 

club  confederation  federation    participation 

comnmnity          conjunction  fellowship    partnership 

companionship  connection  fraternity    society 

company  corporation  friendship    union 

We  speak  of  an  alliance  of  nations,  a  club  of  pleasure- 
seekers,  a  community  of  Shakers,  a  company  of  soldiers  or 
of  friends,  a  confederacy,  confederation,  federation,  or  union 
of  separate  states  under  one  general  government,  a  partner- 
ship  or  company  of  business  men,  a  conjunction  of  planets. 
The  whole  body  of  Freemasons  constitute  a  fraternity;  one  of! 
their  local  organizations  is  called  a  lodge.  A  corporation  or 
company  is  formed  for  purposes  of  business;  an  association 
or  society  (though  also  incorporated)  is  for  learning,  literature, 
benevolence,  religion,  etc.  Compare  ASSOCIATE  ;  ACQUAINTANCE  ; 



disintegration      independence       isolation       separation       solitude 


An  association  of  scholars  for  the  advancement  of  knowl- 
edge; association  with  the  good  is  ennobling. 

93  association 

^ __________ assurance 



accept  arrogate  postulate  put  on 

affect  claim  presume  take 

appropriate  feign  pretend  usurp 

The  distinctive  idea  of  assume  is  to  take  by  one's  own  inde- 
pendent volition,  whether  well  or  ill,  rightfully  or  wrongfully. 
One  may  accept  an  obligation  or  assume  an  authority  that 
properly  belongs  to  him,  or  he  may  assume  an  obligation  or 
indebtedness  that  could  not  be  required  of  him.  He  may 
assume  authority  or  office  that  is  his  right;  if  he  assumes 
what  does  not  belong  to  him,  he  is  said  to  arrogate  or  usurp 
it.  A  man  may  usurp  the  substance  of  power  in  the  most 
unpretending  way;  what  he  arrogates  to  himself  he  assumes 
with  a  haughty  and  overbearing  manner.  One  assumes  the 
robes  or  insignia  of  office  by  putting  them  on,  with  or  with- 
out right.  If  he  takes  to  himself  the  credit  and  appearance 
of  qualities  he  does  not  possess,  he  is  said  to  affect  or  feign, 
or  to  pretend  to,  the  character  he  thus  assumes.  What  a  de- 
bater postulates  he  openly  states  and  takes  for  granted  with- 
out proof;  what  he  assumes  he  may  take  for  granted  without 
mention.  A  favorite  trick  of  the  sophist  is  quietly  to  assume 
as  true  what  would  at  once  be  challenged  if  expressly  stated. 
What  a  man  claims  he  asserts  Ms  right  to  take;  what  he 
assumes  he  takes. 



arrogance       Boldness         impudence  s  elf  =  confidence 

assertion         confidence      presumption       self  ^reliance 
assumption    effrontery      self-assertion     trust 

Assurance  may  have  the  good  sense  of  a  high,  sustained 
confidence  and  trust;  as,  the  saint's  assurance  of  heaven. 
Confidence  is  founded  upon  reasons;  assurance  is  largely  a 
matter  of  feeling.  In  the  bad  sense,  assurance  is  a  vicious 
courage,  with  belief  of  one's  ability  to  outwit  or  defy  others; 
the  hardened  criminal  is  remarkable  for  habitual  assurance. 
For  the  calm  conviction  of  one's  own  rectitude  and  ability, 
self-confidence  is  a  better  word  than  assurance;  self-reliance 
expresses  confidence  in  one's  own  resources,  independently  of 
others'  aid.  In  the  bad  sense  assurance  is  less  gross  thaii  im- 

astute  94 


pudence,  which  is  (according  to  its  etymology)  a  shameless 
boldness.  Assurance  is  in  act  or  manner;  impudence  may  be 
in  speech.  Effrontery  is  impudence  defiantly  displayed.  Com- 
pare PAITH;  PRIDE. 


bashfulness        consternation        distrust         hesitancy        shyness 
confusion  dismay  doubt  misgiving       timidity 



acute  discerning;  penetrating  sharp 

artful  discriminating  penetrative  shrewd 

clear-sighted  keen  perspicacious  subtile 

crafty  knowing  sagacious  subtle 

Acute,  from  the  Latin,  suggests  the  sharpness  of  the 
needle's  point;  keen,  from  the  Saxon,  the  sharpness  of  the 
cutting  edge.  Astute,  from  the  Latin,  with  the  original  sense 
of  cunning  has  come  to  have  a  meaning  that  combines  the 
sense  of  acute  or  keen  with  that  of  sagacious.  The  astute 
mind  adds  to  acuteness  and  keenness  an  element  of  cunning 
or  finesse.  The  astute  debater  leads  his  opponents  into  a  snare 
by  getting  them  to  make  admissions,  or  urge  arguments,  of 
which  he  sees  a  result  that  they  do  not  perceive.  The  acute, 
keen  intellect  may  take  no  special  advantage  of  these  quali- 
ties; the  astute  mind  has  always  a  point  to  make  for  itself, 
and  seldom  fails  to  make  it.  A  knowing  look,  air,  etc.,  in 
general  indicates  practical  knowledge  with  a  touch  of  shrewd- 
ness, and  perhaps  of  cunning;  in  regard  to  some  special  mat- 
ter, it  indicates  the  possession  of  reserved  knowledge  which 
the  person  could  impart  if  he  chose.  Knowing  has  often  a 
slightly  invidious  sense.  "We  speak  of  a  knowing  rascal,  mean- 
ing cunning  or  shrewd  within  a  narrow  range,  but  of 'a  know- 
ing  horse  or  dog,  in  the  sense  of  sagacious,  implying  that 
he  knows  more  than  could  be  expected  of  such  an  animal. 
A  knowing  child  has  more  knowledge  than  would  be  looked 
for  at  his  years,  perhaps  more  than  is  quite  desirable,  while 
to  speak  of  a  child  as  intelligent  is  altogether  complimentary. 


blind  imbecile  stolid  undiscerning 

dull  shallow  stupid  unintelligent 

Idiotic  shortssighted 

95  astute 




add  append  conjoin  hitch  stick 

adjoin  apply  connect  join  unite 

affix  associate  fasten  secure 

annex  combine  fix 

To  attach  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  Bret,  tacli,  nail)  is  primarily  to 
cause  one  thing  to  hold  securely  to  another  as  by  a  nail; 
thence  the  meaning  is  extended  to  include  any  other  means 
of  secure  connection,  as  by  a  cord,  etc.;  a  handle  is  attached 
to  a  valise,  a  hook  to  a  fishing-line,  a  bayonet  to  a  gun;  a 
plant  is  attached  to  the  ground  by  its  roots.  We  commonly 
speak  of  attaching  the  less  to  the  greater,  the  subordinate  to 
the  principal,  the  final  to  the  preliminary,  the  particular  to 
the  general,  the  movable  to  the  permanent,  etc.;  we  attach 
a  nozle  to  a  hose,  a  hose  to  a  faucet  or  a  hydrant ;  a  barnacle 
attaches  itself  to  a  ship.  In  some  eases  we  may  speak  of 
either  of  two  objects  as  attached  to  the  other,  according  to  our 
point  of  view;  we  may  say  that  the  hilt  of  the  sword  is  attached 
to  the  blade  or  the  blade  to  the  hilt;  or,  two  or  more  objects 
may  be  spoken  of  as  attached  to  each  other  or  to  one  another. 
In  official  relations  an  officer  is  said  to  be  attached  to  a  regi- 
ment, a  ship,  an  expedition,  or  the  like,  a  secretary  to  an 
embassy,  etc.  In  legal  use  a  person  or  property  that  is  at- 
tached is  viewed  as  "bound  and  held  by  the  bond  of  the  law. 
In  mental,  moral,  and  spiritual  relations  we  attach  a  certain 
meaning  to  a  word,  or  significance  to  an  action;  we  attach 
importance  to  a  discovery;  one  may  be  attached  to  a  party  by 
custom,  association,  or  self-interest,  or  by  sympathy,  principle, 
or  patriotism;  a  person  is  attached  to  another  or  to  others  by 
affection.  To  fasten  (from  AS.  fastnian,  fasten)  is  to  make 
fast,  as  one  object  to  another;  as,  to  fasten  a  door  by  a  bolt;  to 
fasten  a  glove  by  a  button;  to  fasten  boards  together  with 
nails  or  screws;  figuratively,  to  cause  to  adhere  by  any  means 
or  agency;  as,  to  fasten  a  quarrel,  a  reproach,  a  nickname, 
etc.,  upon  any  one.  In  the  physical  sense,  attach  and  fasten 
are  close  synonyms,  and  often  used  interchangeably;  that 
which  is  attached  or  fastened  may  have  considerable  freedom 
of  movement,  provided  the  connection  be  secure;  as,  a  boat 
is  attached  or  fastened  to  the  wharf  by  a  mooring-line;  yet, 
even  here,  there  are  differences  of  usage;  we  say  that  a  muscle 


is  attached  (rather  than  fastened)  to  a  bone  by  a  tendon; 
a  horse  is  fastened  to  a  post  by  a  strap  or  rope;  he  is  at- 
tached  to  the  vehicle  by  the  harness;  in  either  case  we  may 
use  the  plain  Old  English  verb  hitch,  which  is  applied  espe- 
cially to  a  temporary  fastening;  we  may  also  speak  of  the 
horse  as  tied  to  the  post,  but  not  to  the  load;  a  door  is  at- 
tached to  the  door-post  by  hinges;  it  is  fastened  at  the  oppo- 
site side  by  a  bolt  or  lock;  we  attach  or  fasten  papers  to  each 
other  by  paste,  mucilage,  or  the  like  (in  which  case  we  may  be 
said  to  stick  them  together  —  compare  ADHESIVE),  or  by  clips 
or  by  other  metallic  devices  known  as  "paper-fasteners,"  or 
by  rubber  bands,  etc.;  yet  here  appears  a  difference  of  usage; 
we  may  fasten  the  papers  together  temporarily,  simply  to 
keep  them  from  being  scattered,  but  those  which  are  attached 
are  viewed  as  having  some  definite  relation  to  each  other; 
as,  "See  depositions  attached"  We  may  fasten  or  attach 
objects  by  binding  or  tying.  See  BIND.  To  join  is  to  bring 
together,  bring  into  close  contact,  adhesion,  conjunction,  or 
cooperation;  as,  to  join  hands,  fortunes,  forces,  estates,  etc.; 
if  one  building  is  joined  to  another  the  two  are  built  against 
or  into  each  other;  unite  is  a  close  synonym  for  join,  but  of 
fuller  meaning;  in  the  physical  sense  things  are  united  which 
are  joined  so  as  to  form  one  concordant  whole,  to  adhere 
closely  together,  to  exist  or  act  as  one;  figuratively,  things 
are  united  which  are  joined  in  close  and  harmonious  relation, 
as  by  legal,  marital,  social,  or  other  tie,  by  interest,  affection, 
fellowship,  or  the  like;  as,  to  unite  nations  by  treaty,  to 
unite  hearts  in  love,  to  unite  courage  with  fortitude;  persons 
are  joined  or  united  in  marriage,  unite  having  the  fuller  and 
nobler  meaning.  To  connect  (from  L.  con,  together,  +  necto, 
bind,  tie)  is  to  join  as  by  links  or  fastenings;  to  bring  into  close 
relation,  especially  by  some  intervening  means  or  agency;  as, 
two  buildings  are  connected  by  a  subway,  or  two  oceans  by  a 
strait;  thence  connect  is  extended  in  meaning  to  denote  nu- 
merous forms  of  close  relationship,  as  by  origin,  derivation, 
significance,  association  of  ideas,  classification,  causation,  con- 
sequence, etc.;  in  the  scheme  of  the  solar  system,  the  moon  is 
connected  with  the  earth,  though  it  is  not  attached,  fastened, 
or  joined  to,  or  united  with  it;  a  word  is  connected  with  an- 
other by  derivation  from  the  same  root;  two  words  are  con- 

97  attack 

_ attachment 

nected  in  meaning  where  each  expresses  some  part  of  the 
meaning  conveyed  by  the  other;  two  thoughts,  feelings,  or 
ideas  are  connected  when  the  one  suggests  the  other,  or  when 
both  are  suggested  by  the  same  object;  as  the  idea  of  food  is 
connected  with  the  sensation  of  hunger,  the  sound  of  a  crash 
with  the  idea  of  a  falling  object,  etc.;  two  wires  that  merely 
touch  are  mechanically  disconnected,  as  either  may  be  freely 
drawn  away  from  the  other;  but  they  are  electrically  con- 
nected (forming  what  is  called  a  "loose  connection"),  as 
affording  a  means  by  which  an  electric  current  may  pass 
from  one  to  another.  Connect  is  a  word  of  looser,  less  vig- 
orous and  intimate  meaning  than  attach,  join,  or  unite;  husband 
and  wife  are  joined  or  united  (not  connected]  in  marriage: 
their  two  families,  or  any  members  of  either  are  connected 
by  that  marriage;  attached  could  not  be  used  in  either  sense; 
so  we  speak  of  persons  as  distantly  connected  (or  related), 
or  of  one  as  a  distant  connection  (or  relation,  relative,  or 
kinsman)  of  another.  Compare  ADD;  APPEND;  APPLY;  ASSO- 
CIATE; BIND;  ns. 


alienate      discard  disjoin  disunite       divorce      separate 

detach        disconnect     dissociate      divert         remove      sever 


Attach  to  the  document  at  the  bottom  with  mucilage;  at- 
tached 'by  ligaments,  by  a  cord,  a  halter,  or  the  like;  in 
legal  usage,  attach  for  a  debt,  etc.  (anciently  of  high  treason) ; 
loss  or  blame  may  attach  on  or  upon. 



adherence          devotion  friendship  regard 

adhesion  esteem  inclination          tenderness 

affection  estimation          love  union 


Attachment,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  a  feeling  that 
binds  a  person  by  ties  of  heart  to  another  person  or  thing; 
we  speak  of  a  man's  adherence  to  his  purpose,  his  adhesion 
to  his  party,  or  to  anything  to  which  he  clings  tenaciously, 
though  with  no  special  tenderness;  of  his  attachment  to  his 
church,  to  the  old  homestead,  or  to  any  persons  or  obj/ects  that  hf 
may  hold  dear.  Affection  expresses  more  warmth  of  feeling;  we 

attack                                                                                            98 

should  not  speak  of  a  mother's  attachment  to  her  babe,  but  of 
her  affection  or  of  her  devotion  Inclination  expresses  simply 
a  tendency,  which  may  be  good  or  bad,  yielded  to  or  overcome ; 
as,  an  inclination  to  study;  an  inclination  to  drink.  Affinity  is 
an  instinctive  drawing,  inclination,  liking,  or  friendliness 
founded  upon  some  correspondence  of  nature ;  as  in  chemistry, 
affinity  does  not  involve  likeness,  so,  in  spiritual  relations, 
affinity  may  be  between  opposite  natures  or  qualities,  between 
which  there  is  no  inherent  contradiction,  each  supplying  some 
lack  in  the  other;  there  may  be  affinity  between  the  brave  and 
the  timid,  between  the  martial  courage  of  the  soldier  and  the 
moral  courage  of  the  statesman,  but  not  between  courage  and 
cowardice,  nor  between  virtue  and  vice;  the  brave,  true,  and 
good  of  to-day  have  affinity  with  the  brave,  true,  and  good  of 
all  the  ages  past;  affinity,  which  is  capable  of  the  highest 
meaning,  is  now  often  popularly  used,  in  a  degraded  sense,  of 
a  supposedly  irresistible  attraction  between  two  persons  of 
opposite  sex,  outside  the  bounds  of  marriage  or  propriety; 
by  a  usage  little  removed  from  slang,  either  of  such  persons 
is  said  to  be  the 'other's  affinity.  Regard  is  more  distant  than 
affection  or  attachment,  but  closer  and  warmer  than  esteem; 
we  speak  of  high  esteem,  kind  regard.  Compare  ACQUAINTANCE  ; 


alienation        aversion  distance  estrangement  repugrnance 

animosity        coolness  divorce  indifference  separation 

antipathy        dislike  enmity  opposition  severance 


Attachment  of  a  true  man  to  his  friends;  attachment  to  a 
leader  for  his  nobility  of  character;  the  attachments  between 
two  persons  or  things;  attachment  by  muscular  fibers,  or  by 
a  rope,  etc. 

ATTACK,  *. 


assail  beset  combat  Invade 

assault  besiege  encounter  set  upon 

beleaguer  charge  fall  upon  storm 

To  attack  is  to  begin  hostilities  of  any  kind.  A  general  in* 
vades  a  country  by  marching  in  troops;  he  attacks  a  city  by 
drawing  up  an  army  against  it;  he  assaults  it  by  hurling  hif 
troops  directly  upon  its  defenses.  Assail  and  assault,  though  ol 

99                                                                                          attack 

the  same  original  etymology,  have  diverged  in  meaning,  so  that 
assault  alone  retains  the  meaning  of  direct  personal  violence. 
One  may  assail  another  with  reproaches;  he  assaults  him  with 
a  blow,  a  brandished  weapon,  etc.  Armies  or  squadrons  charge; 
combat  and  encounter  may  be  said  of  individual  contests.  To 
beset  is  to  set  around,  or,  so  to  speak,  to  stud  one's  path,  with 
menaces,  attacks,  or  persuasions.  To  besiege  and  beleaguer  are 
the  acts  of  armies.  To  encounter  is  to  meet  face  to  face,  and 
may  be  said  either  of  the  attacking  or  of  the  resisting  force 
or  person,  or  of  both. 


aid  cover  protect        shelter         support        uphold 

befriend        defend        resist          shield          sustain        withstand 


We  were  attacked  by  the  enemy  with  cannon  and  musketry. 

ATTACK,  ». 


aggression  incursion  invasion          onslaught 

assault  infringement       onset  trespass 

encroachment  intrusion 

'An  attack  may  be  by  word;  an  aggression  is  always  by 
deed.  An  assault  may  be  upon  the  person,  an  aggression  is 
upon  rights,  possessions,  etc.  An  invasion  of  a  nation's  terri- 
tories is  an  act  of  aggression;  an  intrusion  upon  a  neighboring 
estate  is  a  trespass.  Onslaught  signifies  intensely  violent  as- 
sault, as  by  an  army  or  a  desperado,  though  it  is  sometimes 
used  of  violent  speech. 


defense     repulsion     resistance      retreat     submission     surrender 


The  enemy  made  an  attack  upon  (or  on)  our  works. 



accomplish  arrive  at  gain  master  reach 

achieve  compass  get  obtain  secure 

acquire  earn  grasp  procure  win 

A  person  may  obtain  a  situation  by  the  intercession  of 
friends,  he  procures  a  dinner  by  paying  for  it.  Attain  is  a 
lofty  word,  pointing  to(  some  high  or  desirable  result;  a  man 

attitude                                                                                     100 
attribute .      

attains  the  mountain  summit,  he  attains  honor  or  learning  as 
the  result  of  strenuous  and  earnest  labor.  Even  that  usage 
of  attain  which  has  been  thought  to  refer  to  mere  progress 
of  tune  carries  the  thought  of  a  result  desired;  as,  to  attain 
to  old  age ;  the  man  desires  to  live  to  a  good  old  age ;  we  should 
not  speak  of  his  attaining  his  dotage.  One  may  attain  an 
object  that  will  prove  not  worth  his  labor,  but  what  he  achieves 
is  in  itself  great  and  splendid;  as,  the  Greeks  at  Marathon 
achieved  a  glorious  victory.  Compare  DO;  GET;  REACH. 


abandon        fail          forfeit         give  up       let  go         lose         miss 


pose  position  posture 

Position  as  applied  to  the  arrangement  or  situation  of  the 
human  body  or  limbs  may  denote  that  which  is  conscious  or 
unconscious,  of  the  living  or  the  dead;  but  we  do  not  speak 
of  the  attitude,  pose,  or  posture  of  a  corpse;  unless,  in  some 
rare  ease,  we  might  say  the  body  was  found  in  a  sitting 
posture,  where  the  posture  is  thought  of  as  assumed  in  lifeT 
or  as,  at  first  glance,  suggesting  life.  A  posture  is  assumed 
without  any  special  reference  to  expression  of  feeling;  as, 
an  erect  posture,  a  reclining  posture;  attitude  is  the  position 
appropriate  to  the  expression  of  some  feeling;  the  attitude 
may  be  unconsciously  taken  through  the  strength  of  the  feel- 
ing; as,  an  attitude  of  defiance;  or  it  may  be  consciously  as- 
sumed in  the  attempt  to  express  the  feeling;  as,  he  assumed 
an  attitude  of  humility.  A  pose  is  a  position  studied  for 
artistic  effect,  or  considered  with  reference  to  such  effect;  the 
unconscious  posture  of  a  spectator  or  listener  may  be  an 
admirable  pose  from  an  artist's  standpoint. 



ascribe  associate  connect  refer 

assign  charge  impute 

We  may  attribute  to  a  person  either  that  which  belongs  to 
him  or  that  which  we  merely  suppose  to  be  his.  We  attribute 
to  God  infinite  power.  We  may  attribute  a  wrong  intent  to  an 

101  attitude 
_ attribute 

innocent  person.  We  may  attribute  a  result,  rightly  or  wrong- 
ly, to  a  certain  cause;  in  such  case,  however,  attribute  carries 
always  a  concession  of  uncertainty  or  possible  error.  Where 
we  are  quite  sure,  we  simply  refer  a  matter  to  the  cause  or 
class  to  which  it  belongs  or  ascribe  to  one  what  is  surely  his, 
etc.  Many  diseases  formerly  attributed  to  witchcraft  are  now 
referred  to  the  action  of  micro-organisms.  We  may  attribute 
a  matter  in  silent  thought;  we  ascribe  anything  openly  in 
speech  or  writing;  King  Saul  said  of  the  singing  women, 
"They  have  ascribed  unto  David  ten  thousands,  and  to  me 
they  have  ascribed  but  thousands."  We  associate  things  which 
may  have  no  necessary  or  causal  relation;  as,  we  may  associate 
the  striking  of  a  clock  with  the  serving  of  dinner,  though  the 
two  are  not  necessarily  connected.  We  charge  a  person  with 
what  we  deem  blameworthy.  We  may  impute  good  or  evil,  but 
more  commonly  evil. 


deny  disconnect  dissociate  separate  sever  sunder 

It  is  uncharitable  to  attribute  evil  motives  to  (archaic  unto) 


property  quality 

A  quality  (from  L.  qualis,  such) — the  "suchness"  of  anything, 
according  to  the  German  idiom — denotes  what  a  thing  really  is 
in  some  respect ;  an  attribute  is  what  we  conceive  a  thing  to  be 
in  some  one  respect;  thus,  while  attribute  may,  quality  must, 
express  something  of  the  real  nature  of  that  to  which  it  is 
ascribed;  we  speak  of  the  attributes  of  God,  the  qualities  of  mat- 
ter. "Originally  'the  attributes  of  God7  was  preferred,  probably, 
because  men  assumed  no  knowledge  of  the  actual  qualities  of  the 
Deity,  but  only  of  those  more  or  less  fitly  attributed  to  him."  J. 
A.  H.  MURRAY.  [M.]  Holiness  is  an  attribute  of  God;  the  at- 
tributes of  many  heathen  deities  have  been  only  the  qualities  of 
wicked  men  joined  to  superhuman  power.  A  property  (from  L. 
propriusy  one's  own)  is  what  belongs  especially  to  one  thing  as 
its  own  peculiar  possession,  in  distinction  from  all  other  things ; 
when  we  speak  of  the  qualities  or  the  properties  of  matter, 
quality  is  the  more  general,  property  the  more  limited  term.  A 


quality  is  inherent;  a  property  may  be  transient;  physicists 
now,  however,  prefer  to  term  those  qualities  manifested  by 
all  bodies  (such  as  impenetrability,  extension,  etc.)?  general 
properties  of  matter,  while  those  peculiar  to  certain  substances 
or  to  certain  states  of  those  substances  (as  fluidity,  malleability, 
etc.)  are  termed  specific  properties,  in  this  wider  use  of  the 
word  property,  it  becomes  strictly  synonymous  with  quality. 


being  essence  nature  substance 



betoken  forebode  predict  prognosticate 

bode  foretell  presage  prophesy 

divine  portend 

"Persons  or  things  augur;  persons  only  forebode  or  presage; 
things  only  betoken  or  portend."  CRABB  EngUsh  Synonymes. 
We  augur  well  for  a  voyage  from  past  good  fortune  and  a 
good  start;  we  presage  success  from  the  staunchness  of  the  ship 
and  the  skill  of  the  captain.  We  forebode  misfortune  either 
from  circumstances  that  betoken  failure,  or  from  gloomy 
fancies  for  which  we  could  not  give  a  reason.  Portend  is 
unfavorable  in  meaning  (as  appears  also  in  the  noun  "portent" 
and  the  adjective  "portentous") ;  dissipation  among  the  officers 
and  mutiny  among  the  crew  portend  disaster.  Divine  has 
reference  to  the  ancient  soothsayers5  arts  (as  in  Gen.  xliv,  5, 
15),  and  refers  rather  to  reading  hearts  than  to  reading  the 
future.  We  say,  I  could  not  divine  his  motive,  or  his  intention. 
Compare  SIGN". 


assure  determine  jnake  sure  settle 

calculate  establish  prove  warrant 

demonstrate  insure 


I  augur  from  all  circumstances  a  prosperous  result;  I  augur 
ill  of  the  enterprise;  "augurs  ill  to  the  rights  of  the  people," 
THOMAS  JEFFERSON  Writings,  vol.  ii,  p.  506.  [T.  &  M.  1853.]  I 
augur  well,  or  this  augurs  well,  for  your  cause. 

103  angur 






That  is  authentic  which  is  true  to  the  facts;  that  is  genuine 
which  is  true  to  its  own  claims;  as,  authentic  history;  genuine 

"A  'genuine'  work  is  one  written  by  the  author  whose  name  it  bears;  an 
'authentic'  work  is  -one  which  relates  truthfully  the  matters  of  which  it 
treats  For  example,  the  apocryphal  Gospel  of  St.  Thomas  is  neither 
'genuine1  nor  'authentic.'  It  is  not  'genuine'  for  St.  Thomas  did  not  write 
it,  it  is  not  'authentic,'  for  its  contents  are  mainly  fables  and  lies." 

TRENCH  On  tfo  Study  of  Words.    Lect.  vi,  p.  189.  [w  J.  w.] 

Authentic  is,  however,  used  by  reputable  writers  as  synony- 
mous with  genuine,  though  usually  where  genuineness  carries  a 
certain  authority.  We  speak  of  accepted  conclusions,  certain 
evidence,  current  money,  genuine  letters,  a  legitimate  conclu- 
sion or  legitimate  authority,  original  manuscripts,  real  value, 
received  interpretation,  sure  proof,  a  true  statement,  a  trust- 
worthy witness,  a  veritable  discovery. 


apocryphal       counterfeit       exploded       false  spurious 

baseless  disputed  fabulous        fictitious        unauthorized 



accessory  assistant  helper  promoter 

aid  coadjutor  mercenary          subordinate 

ally  confederate 

An  auxiliary  is  a  person  or  thing  that  helps  in  a  subordinate 
capacity.  Allies  unite  as  equals;  auxiliaries  are,  at  least  tech- 
nically, inferiors  or  subordinates.  Yet  the  auxiliary  is  more 
than  a  mere  assistant.  The  word  is  oftenest  found  in  the 
plural,  and  in  the  military  sense;  auxiliaries  are  troops  of  one 
nation  uniting  with  the  armies,  and  acting  under  the  orders,  of 
another.  Mercenaries  serve  only  for  pay;  auxiliaries  often  for 
reasons  of  state,  policy,  or  patriotism  as  well.  Compare  AC- 


antagonist  hinderer  opponent  opposer 

avaricious  104 

avow  H 


The  auxiliaries  of  the  Romans ;  an  auxiliary  in  a  good  cause ; 
an  auxiliary  to  learning. 



close  miserly  penurious  sordid 

covetous  niggardly  rapacious  stingy 

greedy  parsimonious 

Avaricious  and  covetous  refer  especially  to  acquisition, 
miserly,  niggardly,  parsimonious  and  penurious  to  expenditure. 
The  avaricious  man  has  an  eager  craving  for  money,  and 
ordinarily  desires  both  to  get  and  to  keep,  the  covetous  man  to 
get  something  away  from  its  possessor;  though  one  may  be 
made  avaricious  by  the  pressure  of  great  expenditures.  Miserly 
and  niggardly  persons  seek  to  gain  by  mean  and  petty  savings ; 
the  miserly  by  stinting  themselves,  the  niggardly  by  stinting 
others.  Parsimonious  and  penurious  may  apply  to  one's  out- 
lay either  for  himself  or  for  others ;  in  the  latter  use,  they  are 
somewhat  less  harsh  and  reproachful  terms  than  niggardly. 
The  close  man  holds  like  a  vise  all  that  he  gets.  Near  and  nigh 
are  provincial  words  of  similar  import.  The  rapacious  have 
the  robber  instinct,  and  put  it  in  practise  in  some  form,  as 
far  as  they  dare.  The  avaricious  and  rapacious  are  ready  to 
reach  out  for  gain;  the  parsimonious,  miserly,  and  niggardly 
prefer  the  safer  and  less  adventurous  way  of  avoiding  expendi- 
ture. Greedy  and  stingy  are  used  not  only  of  money,  but 
often  of  other  things,  as  food,  etc.  The  greedy  child  wishes 
to  enjoy  everything  himself;  the  stingy  child,  to  keep  others 
from  getting  it. 


bountiful  free  generous  liberal  munificent  prodigal  wasteful 

The  monarch  was  avaricious  of  power. 


punish         retaliate  revenge       vindicate  visit 

Avenge  and  revenge,  once  close  synonyms,  are  now  far  apart 
in  meaning.    To  avenge  is  to  visit  some  offense  with  punish- 

105                                                                                      avaricious 

ment,  in  order  to  vindicate  the  righteous,  or  to  uphold  and  il- 
lustrate the  right  by  the  suffering  or  destruction  of  the  wicked. 
"And  seeing  one  of  them  suffer  wrong,  he  avenged  him  that 
was  oppressed,  and  smote  the  Egyptian/'  Acts  vii,  24.  To 
revenge  is  to  inflict  harm  or  suffering  upon  another  through 
personal  anger  and  resentment  at  something  done  to  ourselves. 
Avenge  is  unselfish;  revenge  is  selfish.  Revenge,  according 
to  present  usage,  could  not  be  said  of  God.  To  retaliate  may 
be  necessary  for  self-defense,  without  the  idea  of  revenge. 
Compare  REVENGE. 

Avenge  on  or  upon  (rarely,  avenge  oneself  o/)  a  wrong-doer. 



acknowledge  avouch  own.  protest 

admit  confess  proclaim  testify 

aver  declare  profess  witness 

Acknowledge,  admit,  and  declare  refer  either  to  oneself  or 
to  others;  all  the  other  words  refer  only  to  one's  own  knowl- 
edge or  action.  To  avow  is  to  declare  boldly  and  openly, 
commonly  as  something  one  is  ready  to  justify,  maintain,  or 
defend.  A  man  acknowledges  another's  claim  or  his  own 
promise;  he  admits  an  opponent's  advantage  or  his  own  error; 
he  declares  either  what  he  has  seen  or  experienced  or  what  he  has 
received  from  another;  he  avers  what  he  is  sure  of  from  his  own 
knowledge  or  coneiousness ;  he  gives  his  assurance  as  the  voucher 
for  what  he  avouches;  he  avows  openly  a  belief  or  intention  that 
he  has  silently  held.  AVOID  and  avouch  take  a  direct  object;  aver 
is  followed  by  a  conjunction:  a  man  avows  his  faith,  avouches 
a  deed,  avers  that  he  was  present.  Avow  has  usually  a  good 
sense;  what  a  person  avows  he  at  least  does  not  treat  as  blame- 
worthy, criminal,  or  shameful;  if  hie  did,  he  would  be  said  to 
confess  it;  yet  there  is  always  the  suggestion  that  some  will 
be  ready  to  challenge  or  censure  what  one  avows;  as,  the 
clergyman  avowed  his  dissent  from  the  doctrine  of  his  church. 
Own  applies  to  all  things,  good  or  bad,  great  or  small,  which 
one  takes  as  his  own.  Compare  CONFESS;  STATE. 


contradict  disavow  disown  repudiate 

deny  disclaim  ignore 

awful  106 

^babble __„ 


alarming  dread  horrible  shocking 

appalling  dreadful  imposing  solemn 

august  fearful  majestic  stately 

dire  frightful  noble  terrible 

direful  grand  portentous  terrific 

Awful  should  not  be  used  of  things  which  are  merely  dis- 
agreeable or  annoying,  nor  of  all  that  are  alarming  and  terrible, 
but  only  of  such  as  bring  a  solemn  awe  upon  the  soul,  as  in  the 
presence  of  a  superior  power;  as,  the  awful  hush  before  the 
battle.  That  which  is  awful  arouses  an  oppressive,  that  which 
is  august  an  admiring  reverence;  we  speak  of  the  august 
presence  of  a  mighty  monarch,  the  awful  presence  of  death. 
We  speak  of  an  exalted  station,  a  grand  mountain,  an  im- 
posing presence,  a  majestic  cathedral,  a  noble  mien,  a  solemn 
litany,  a  stately  march,  an  august  assembly,  the  awful  scene 
of  the  Judgment  Day. 


base  commonplace    despicable     inferior    mean     undignified 

beggarly     contemptible      humble          lowly        paltry    vulgar 



boorish  clumsy  rough.  unhandy 

bungling  gawky  uncouth  unskilful 

clownish  maladroit  ungainly 

Awkward,  from  awk  (kindred  with  off,  from  the  Norwegian), 
is  off -ward,  turned  the  wrong  way;  it  was  anciently  used  of 
a  back-handed  or  left-handed  blow  in  battle,  of  squinting 
eyes,  etc.  Clumsy,  on  the  other  hand  (from  clumse,  also 
through  the  Norwegian),  signifies  benumbed,  stiffened  with 
cold;  this  is  the  original  meaning  of  clumsy  fingers,  clumsy 
limbs.  Thus,  awkward  primarily  refers  to  action,  clumsy  to 
condition.  A  tool,  a  vehicle,  or  the  human  frame  may  be 
clumsy  in  shape  or  build,  awkward  in  motion.  The  clumsy 
man  is  almost  of  necessity  awkward,  but  the  awkward  man  may 
not  be  naturally  clumsy.  The  finest  untrained  colt  is  awkward 
in  harness ;  a  horse  that  is  clumsy  in  build  can  never  be  trained 
out  of  awkwardness.  An  awkward  statement  has  an  un- 
comfortable, and  perhaps  recoiling  force;  a  statement  that 
contains  ill-assorted  and  incongruous  material  in  ill-chosen 

107  awfnl 


language  is  clumsy.  We  speak  of  an  awkuard  predicament, 
an  awkward  scrape.  An  awkward  excuse  commonly  reflects 
on  the  one  who  offers  it.  We  say  the  admitted  facts  have  an 
awkward  appearance.  In  none  of  these  cases  could  clumsy 
be  used.  Clumsy  is,  however,  applied  to  movements  that  seem 
as  unsuitable  as  those  of  benumbed  and  stiffened  limbs.  A 
dancing  bear  is  both  clumsy  and  awkward. 

adroit  clever  dexterous  handy  skilful 


The  raw  recruit  is  awkward  in  action;  at  the  business. 




Both  the  axiom  and  the  truism  are  instantly  seen  to  be  true, 
and  need  no  proof;  but  in  an  axiom  there  is  progress  of 
thought,  while  the  truism  simply  says  the  same  thing  over 
again,  or  says  what  is  too  manifest  to  need  saying*  The  axiom 
that  "things  which  are  equal  to  the  same  thing  are  equal  to 
one  another"  unfolds  in  the  latter  part  of  the  sentence  the 
truth  implied  in  the  first  part,  which  might  have  been  over- 
looked if  not  stated.  In  the  truism  that  "  a  man  can  do  all  he 
is  capable  of,"  the  former  and  the  latter  part  of  the  sentence 
are  simply  identical,  and  the  mind  is  left  just  where  it  started. 
Hence  the  axiom  is  valuable  and  useful,  while  the  truism  is 
weak  and  flat,  unless  the  form  of  statement  makes  it  striking 
or  racy,  as  "all  fools  are  out  of  their  wits."  Compare 



absurdity  demonstration          paradox  so&hism 

contradiction  nonsense 



blab  cKat  jabber  prattle 

blurt  chatter  murmur  tattle 

blurt  out  gabble  palaver  twaddle 

cackle  gossip  prate 

Most  of  these  words  are  onomatopoetic.    The  cackle  of  a  hen, 
the  gablle  of  a  goose,  the  chatter  of  a  magpie,  the  labile  of  a 

baffle  , 

running  stream,  as  applied  to  human  speech,  indicate  a  rapid 
succession  of  what  are  to  the  listener  meaningless  sounds. 
Blab  and  blurt  (commonly  blurt  out)  refer  to  the  letting  out 
of  what  the  lips  can  no  longer  keep  in;  blab,  of  a  secret;  blurt 
out,  of  passionate  feeling.  To  chat  is  to  talk  in  an  easy, 
pleasant  way,  not  without  sense,  but  without  special  purpose. 
Chatting  is  the  practise  of  adults,  prattling  that  of  children. 
To  prate  is  to  talk  idly,  presumptuously,  or  foolishly,  but  not 
necessarily  incoherently.  To  jabber  is  to  utter  a  rapid  suc- 
cession of  unintelligible  sounds,  generally  more  noisy  than 
chattering.  To  gossip  is  to  talk  of  petty  personal  matters,  as 
for  pastime  or  mischief.  To  twaddle  is  to  talk  feeble  nonsense. 
To  murmur  is  to  utter  suppressed  or  even  inarticulate  sounds, 
suggesting  the  notes  of  a  dove,  or  the  sound  of  a  running 
stream,  and  is  used  figuratively  of  the  half  suppressed  utter- 
ances of  affection  or  pity,  or  of  complaint,  resentment,  etc. 
Compare  SPEAK. 


Babies  babble  for  the  moon;  the  crowd  babbles  of  a  hero;  the 
sick  man  babbles  of  home. 



balk  counteract  frustrate  thwart 

circumvent  foil  outwit 

To  baffle  a  scheme,  plan  or  the  like  is  to  render  it  in- 
effectual by  any  action  or  want  of  action,  however  slight,  that 
is  sufficient  to  spoil  it  for  the  moment,  as  a  foz  or  hare  may 
baffle  dogs  by  sudden  doublings  or  turnings; 

By  -wily  turns,  by  desperate  bounds, 
Had  baffled  Percy's  best  bloodhounds. 

SCOTT  Lay  of  the  Last  Minstrel   can.  1,  st.  21,  I.  5. 

So  a  person  may  be  said  to  be  baffled  in  a  scheme  or  plan; 
a  shrewd  witness  may  baffle  a  lawyer  by  cunning  evasions, 
Baffle  is  especially  applied  to  a  continuous  series  of  acts  or 
omissions,  each  seemingly  slight,  yet  sufficient  for  the  im- 
mediate purpose. 

He  who  baffles  does  so  by  stall,  forethought,  address  The  baffled  finds 
that  the  baffler  has  been  before  him,  and  has  taken  just  so  much  out  of 
his  arrangements  as  to  make  his  plan  ineffectual.  Hence,  "baffling  commonly 
implies  versatility  in  the  baffler,  and  repeated  little  counteractions  Saffliny 


. .  "baffle 

winds  seem  te  shift  -with  the  ship's  ccurge  .  ,  ,  An  obstinate  disease 
may  oaffle  the  skill  of  the  physician 

C.  J.  SMITH,  Synonyms  Discriminated,  p.  142. 
To  foil  is  to  make  an  attempt  nugatory  by  craft  or  skill, 
as  an  agile  wrestler  may  foil  the  attempt  of  a  heavier  op- 
ponent to  close  with  him,  by  slipping  away  from  his  grasp. 

The  foe,  invulnerable  still, 

Foiled  his  wild  rage  by  steady  skill. 

SCOTT  Lady  of  the*  Lake   can.  v,  st.  15,  I.  19. 

An  attack  is  foiled  which  is  made  to  miss  its  mark.  A  scheme, 
plan,  or  attempt  may  fail  because  of  inherent  defect  or  weak- 
ness; it  is  foiled  by  a  skilful  antagonist.  A  person  is  also 
said  to  be  foiled  in  an  undertaking  which  is  thus  rendered 
abortive.  One  may  be  distinctly  aware  how  and  how  far  he  is 
foiled;  one  who  is  baffled  is  left  at  a  loss — with  a  sense 
of  uncertainty  whether  any  possible  new  turn  may  not  be 
as  effectually  met.  The  verb  balk  derives  its  meaning  from 
the  noun  "balk,"  signifying  a  ridge  of  land  left  unplowed, 
as  between  adjoining  unfenced  farms  or  separate  divisions  of 
the  same  farm — a  line  at  which  tillage  stops.  A  plan,  proj- 
ect, or  movement  is  balked  when  rendered  impossible  of 
accomplishment;  by  some  insuperable  obstacle  or  hindrance 
less  conspicuous  than  a  block  or  bar;  as,  the  advance  was 
balked  by  a  morass;  the  enterprise  was  balked  by  the  apathy 
of  those  expected  to  engage  in  it. 

The  sturdy  cavalier  was  not  to  be  "balked,  m  his  purpose. 

PEESCOTT  Philip  II.  vol.  i,  pt.  ii,  ch.  13,  p   292. 
Time  after  time  our  hopes  are  balked. 

SPENOEB  Study  of  Sociology    ch.  7,  p.  161. 

Balk  is  applied  either  to  persons  or  to  acts,  movements,  etc. 
Frustrate  and  thwart  are  more  absolute  than  baffle  or  foil} 
coming  close  to  the  meaning  of  defeat.  To  frustrate  (from 
L.  frustra,  in  vain)  is  to  bring  to  complete  and  final  failure; 
that  which  is  often  baffled  or  foiled  may  yet  succeed;  that 
which  is  frustrated  is  definitely  prevented  from  succeeding. 
To  thwart  (from  Ice.  thvert,  across)  is  to  defeat  as  by  some 
force  or  action  coming  across  the  path;  action  may  be 
thwarted  by  counter-action,  as  an  intended  movement  by  a 
counter-attack;  an  attempt  to  pass  a  measure  in  an  assembly 
may  be  thwarted  by  filibustering  (in  which  case  it  may  also 
be  said  to  be  frustrated).  Thwart  always  implies  an  opposer, 

banish                                                                                        110 
bankruptcy ^ t 

while  frustrate  may  not;  a  plan,  scheme,  or  the  like  may  be 
frustrated  (not  thwarted)  by  an  accident;  as,  an  attempted 
surprise  may  be  frustrated  by  the  accidental  discharge  of  a 
gun,  or  thwarted  by  the  vigilance  of  the  enemy's  sentinels. 
A  person  is  also  said  to  be  frustrated  or  thwarted  in  his 
hope,  plan,  design,  or  the  like.  Outwit  is  allied  in  meaning 
with  baffle  and  foil,  as  are  outgeneral  and  outmaneuver,  but 
the  two  latter  words  9  are  applied  to  more  extensive  move- 
ments and  on  a  grander  scale;  Napoleon  outgeneralled  and 
outmaneuvered  the  Allies  at  Austerlitz;  it  would  be  a  very 
inadequate  statement  to  say  that  he  baffled  or  foiled  them. 
To  circumvent  (from  L.  circum,  around,  +  venio,  come)  is 
to  defeat  by  passing  around,  and,  as  it  were,  attacking  in 
flank — in  common  phrase  "to  get  round"  an  opponent  or 
opposition.  To  contravene  (from  L.  contra,  against,  +  venio, 
come)  is  to  meet  by  direct  opposition;  to  counteract  is  to 
meet  by  some  direct  force  adequate  to  overcome  the  thing 
opposed;  as,  a  remedy  counteracts  a  disease;  a  false  impres- 
sion may  be  counteracted  by  argument,  explanation,  or  the 


abet      advance      aid      assist       encourage       promote       prosper 
Compare  synonyms  for  HELP, 



"ban  dismiss  evict  expel 

discharge  drive  out  exile  ostracize 

dislodge  eject  expatriate  oust 

Banish,  primarily  to  put  under  ban,  to  compel  by  authority 
to  leave  a  place  or  country,  perhaps  with  restriction  to  some 
other  place  or  country.  From  a  country,  a  person  may  be 
banished,  exiled,  or  expatriated;  banished  from  any  country 
where  he  may  happen  to  be,  but  expatriated  or  exiled  only  from 
Ms  own.  One  may  expatriate  or  exile  himself,  he  is  banished 
by  others.  Banish  is  a  word  of  wide  import;  one  may  banish 
disturbing  thoughts;  care  may  banish  sleep.  To  expel  is  to 
drive  out  with  violence  or  rudeness,  and  so  often  with  disgrace. 

Catiline  was  banished  from  Borne;  John  the  Apostle  was 
banished  to  Patmos. 

Ill  banish. 



beach.         bound        brink          edge  margin       shore 

border       brim          coast  marge         rim  strand 

Bank  is  a  general  term  for  the  land  along  the  edge  of  a  water* 
course;  it  may  also  denote  a  raised  portion  of  the  bed  of  a 
river,  lake,  or  ocean;  as,  the  Banks  of  Newfoundland.  A  beach 
is  a  strip  or  expanse  of  incoherent  wave-worn  sand,  which  is 
often  pebbly  or  full  of  boulders;  we  speak  of  the  beach  of  a 
lake  or  ocean;  a  beach  is  sometimes  found  in  the  bed  of  a 
river.  Strand  is  a  more  poetic  term  for  a  wave-washed  shore, 
especially  as  a  place  for  landing  or  embarking;  as,  the  keel 
grates  on  the  strand.  The  whole  line  of  a  country  or  continent 
that  borders  the  sea  is  a  coast.  Shore  is  any  land,  whether 
cliff,  or  sand,  or  marsh,  bordering  water.  We  do  not  speak 
of  the  coast  of  a  river,  nor  of  the  banks  of  the  ocean,  though 
there  may  be  banks  by  or  under  the  sea.  Edge  is  the  line 
where  land  and  water  meet;  as,  the  water's  edge.  Brink  is 
the  place  from  which  one  may  fall;  as,  the  river's  brink;  the 
"brink  of  a  precipice;  the  brink  of  ruin. 


failure  insolvency  suspension  of  payment 

These  terms  are  all  applied  in  a  general  way  to  the  condi- 
tion of  one  who  is  indebted  to  an  amount  greater  than  can  be 
paid  from  his  available  assets.  Failure  is  the  popular  term 
for  an  insolvent  condition  culminating  in  assignment  of 
property  or  suspension  of  payment  with  or  without  judicial 
proceedings.  Insolvency  denotes  the  condition,  which  may  be 
known  to  the  debtor  before  his  creditors  are  aware  of  it,  or 
any  legal  proceedings  have  been  taken.  Insolvency  has 
limited  legal  use,  but  the  leading  word  in  law,  both  in  England 
and  the  United  States  is  bankruptcy.  The  Constitution  of  the 
United  States  (Art.  I,  Sect.  8)  authorizes  Congress  "to 
establish  ....  uniform  laws  on  the  subject  of  bankruptcies 
throughout  the  United  States."  Bankruptcy  may  be  voluntary 
(on  the  petition  of  the  debtor)  or  involuntary  (by  legal 
proceedings  instituted  by  his  creditors) ;  in  either  case  the 
intent  of  modern  laws  in  bankruptcy,  in  contrast  witk  the 

banter  112 


harsh  debtor-statutes  of  former  times,  is  to  provide  a  humane 
and  equitable  method  of  distributing  the  property  of  the 
debtor  pro  rata  among  his  creditors,  and  setting  him  free  (by 
discharge  in  bankruptcy)  from  further  proceedings,  so  that  he 
may  have  the  opportunity  again  to  engage  in  business  and,  if 
possible,  to  recover  himself.  Though  no  legal  obligation  rests 
upon  him  to  repay  the  debts  so  adjudged,  an  honorable  man, 
on  attaining  new  success,  will  recognize  the  moral  obligation, 
and  of  such  action  many  conspicuous  cases  are  on  record.  A 
similar  result  is  often  reached  by  an  arrangement  of  an  in- 
solvent debtor  with  his  creditors,  without  official  recognition 
of  bankruptcy. 


credit  solvency  soundness  standing 




Badinage  irony  raillery  sarcasm, 

chaff  jeering  ridicule  catire 

derision  mockery 

Banter  is  the  touching  upon  some  fault,  weakness,  or  fancied 
secret  of  another  in  a  way  half  to  pique  and  half  to  please: 
badinage  is  delicate,  refined  banter.  Raillery  has  more  sharp- 
ness, but  is  usually  good-humored  and  well  meant.  Irony,  the 
saying  one  thing  that  the  reverse  may  be  understood,  may 
be  either  mild  or  bitter.  All  the  other  words  have  a  hostile 
intent.  Ridicule  mates  a  person  or  thing  the  subject  of  con- 
temptuous merriment;  derision  seeks  to  make  the  object  de- 
rided seem  utterly  despicable — to  laugh  it  to  scorn.  Chaff  is  the 
coarse  witticism  of  the  streets,  perhaps  merry,  oftener 
malicious;  jeering  is  loud,  rude  ridicule,  as  of  a  hostile  crowd 
or  mob.  Mockery  is  more  studied,  and  many  include  mimicry 
and  personal  violence,  as  well  as  scornful  speech.  A  satire 
is  a  formal  composition;  a  sarcasm  may  be  an  impromptu 
sentence,  Tke  satire  shows  up  follies  to  keep  people  from  them ; 
the  sarcasm  hits  them  because  they  are  foolish,  without  inquir- 
ing whether  it  will  do  good  or  harm;  the  satire  is  plainly 
uttered;  the  sarcasm  is  covert. 

113  "banter 
— _ barrier 



atrocious  cruel  pitiless  uncivilized 

barbarian  inhuman  rude  uncouth 

barbaric  merciless  savage  untamed 


Whatever  is  not  civilized  is  barbarian;  barbaric  indicates 
rude  magnificence,  uncultured  richness;  as,  barbaric  splendor 
a  barbaric  melody.  Barbarous  refers  to  the  worst  side  of  bar- 
barian  life,  and  to  revolting  acts,  especially  of  cruelty,  such 
as  a  civilized  man  would  not  be  expected  to  do;  as,  a  bar- 
barous deed.  We  may,  however,  say  barbarous  nations,  bar- 
barous tribes,  without  implying  anything  more  than  want  of 
civilization  and  culture.  Savage  is  more  distinctly  bloodthirsty 
than  barbarous.  In  this  sense  we  speak  of  a  savage  beast  and 
of  barbarous  usage. 


civilized  delicate  humane  refined 

courtly  elegant  nice  tender 

cultured  graceful  polite  urbane 



bar  "bulwark  obstruction        rampart 

barricade  hindrance  parapet  restraint 

block  obstacle  prohibition        restriction 


A  bar  is  something  that  is  or  may  be  firmly  fixed,  ordinarily 
with  intent  to  prevent  entrance  or  egress;  as,  the  bars  of  a 
prison  cell;  the  bars  of  a  wood-lot.  A  barrier  obstructs,  but 
is  not  necessarily  impassable.  Barrier  is  used  of  objects  more 
extensive  than  those  to  which  bar  is  ordinarily  applied.  A 
mountain  range  may  be  a  barrier  to  exploration;  but  a  mass 
of  sand  across  the  entrance  to  a  harbor  is  called  a  bar.  Dis- 
covered falsehood  is  a  bar  to  confidence.  Barricade  has  be- 
come practically  a  technical  name  for  an  improvised  street 
fortification,  and,  unless  in  some  way  modified,  is  usually  so 
understood.  A  parapet  is  a  low  or  breast-high  wall,  as  about 
the  edge  of  a  roof,  terrace,  etc.,  especially,  in  military  use, 
such  a  wall  for  the  protection  of  troops;  a  rampart  is  the 
embankment  surrounding  a  fort,  on  which  the  parapet  is  raised; 
the  word  rampart  is  often  used  as  including  the  parapet. 


Bulwark  is  a  general  word  for  any  defensive  wall  or  ram- 
part; its  only  technical  use  at  present  is  in  nautical  language, 
where  it  signifies  the  raised  side  of  a  ship  above  the  upper 
deck,  topped  by  the  rail.  Compare  BOUNDARY  5  IMPEDIMENT. 


admittance  opening  road  transit 

entrance  passage  thoroughfare  way 


A  barrier  to  progress,  against  invasion;  a  barrier  between 



action  '  combat  encounter  passage  of  arms 

affair  conflict  engagement  skirmish. 

bout  contest  fight  strife 

Conflict  is  a  general  word  which  describes  opponents,  whether 
individuals  or  hosts,  as  dashed  together.  One  continuous  con- 
flict between  entire  armies  is  a  battle.  Another  battle  may  be 
fought  upon  the  same  field  after  a  considerable  interval  j  or  a 
new  battle  may  follow  immediately,  the  armies  meeting  upon 
a  new  field.  An  action  is  brief  and  partial;  a  battle  may  last 
for  days.  Engagement  is  a  somewhat  formal  expression  for 
battle;  as,  it  was  the  commander's  purpose  to  avoid  a  general 
engagement.  A  protracted  war,  including  many  battles, 
may  be  a  stubborn  contest.  Combat,  originally  a  hostile  en- 
counter between  individuals,  is  now  used  for  extensive  en- 
gagements. A  skirmish  is  between  small  detachments  or  scat- 
tered troops.  An  encounter  may  be  either  purposed  or  ac- 
cidental, between  individuals  or  armed  forces.  Fight  is  a 
word  of  less  dignity  than  battle;  we  should  not  ordinarily 
speak  of  Waterloo  as  a  fight,  unless  where  the  word  is  used 
in  the  sense  of  fighting;  as,  I  was  in  the  thick  of  the  fight. 


armistice       concord       peace       suspension  of  hostilities       truce 


A  battle  of  giants;  battle  between  armies;  a  battle  for  life, 
against  invaders;  a  battle  to  the  death;  the  battle  of  (more 
rarely  at)  Marathon 

115  battle 



bastinado  chastise  hit  smite  thrash 

batter  conquer  overcome  spank  vanquish 

belabor  cudgel  pommel  strike  whip 

bruise  defeat  pound  surpass  worst 

castigate  flog  scourge  switch 

Strike  or  hit  is  the  word  for  a  single  blow — forcible,  sudden 
contact  or  impact,  intentional  or  unintentional.  To  beat  is  to 
sttike  or  hit  repeatedly;  as,  a  bird  beats  the  air  with  its  wings. 
Others  of  the  above  words  describe  the  manner  of  beating,  as 
bastinado,  to  beat  on  the  soles  of  the  feet;  belabor ?  to  inflict 
a  comprehensive  and  exhaustive  beating;  cudgel,  to  beat  with 
a  stick;  thrash,  as  wheat  was  beaten  out  with  the  old  hand-flail; 
to  pound  (akin  to  L.  pondus,  a  weight)  is  to  beat  with  a 
heavy,  and  pommel  with  a  blunt,  instrument.  To  batter  and  to 
bruise  refer  to  the  results  of  beating;  that  is  battered  which 
is  broken  or  defaced  by  repeated  blows  on  the  surface;  that 
is  bruised  which  has  suffered  even  one  severe  contusion. 
The  metaphorical  sense  of  beat,  however,  so  far  preponderates 
that  one  may  be  very  badly  bruised  and  battered,  and  yet  not 
be  said  to  be  beaten,  unless  he  has  got  the  worst  of  the  beating. 
To  beat  a  combatant  is  to  disable  or  dishearten  him  for  further 
fighting.  Hence  beat  becomes  the  synonym  for  every  word 
which  implies  getting  the  advantage  of  another.  Compare 


fail       fall      get  the  worst  of     go  down       go  under     surrender 
Almost  all  antonyms  in  this  class  are  passive,  and  can  be 

formed  indefinitely  from  the  conquering  words  by  the  use  of 

the  auxiliary  be;  as,  be  beaten,  be  defeated,  be  conquered,  etc. 

Beat  with  a  stick  over  the  head;  beat  by  a  trick;  out  of 

town;  beat  to  the  ground;  into  submission. 



attractive  '  charming  exquisite  handsome 

beauteous  comely  fair  lovely 

bewitching  delightful  fine  picturesque 

blooming  elegant  graceful  pretty 
The  definition  of  beauty,  "perfection  of  form,"  is  a  good  key 


to  the  meaning  of  beautiful,  if  we  understand  "form"  in  its 
widest  sense.  There  must  also  be  harmony  and  unity,  and 
in  human  beings  spiritual  loveliness,  to  constitute  an  object 
or  a  person  really  beautiful.  Thus,  we  speak  of  a  beautiful 
landscape,  a  beautiful  poem.  But  beautiful  implies  also,  in 
concrete  objects,  softness  of  outline  and  delicacy  of  mold; 
it  is  opposed  to  all  that  is  hard  and  rugged,  hence  we  say  a 
beautiful  woman,  but  not  a  beautiful  man.  Beautiful  has  the 
further  limit  of  not  transcending  our  powers  of  appreciation. 
Pretty  expresses  in  a  far  less  degree  that  which  is  pleasing 
to  a  refined  taste  in  objects  comparatively  small,  slight,  and 
dainty;  as,  a  pretty  bonnet;  a  pretty  girl.  That  is  handsome 
which  is  'not  only  superficially  pleasing,  but  well  and  har- 
moniously proportioned,  with  usually  the  added  idea  that  it 
is  made  so  by  art,  breeding,  or  training;  as,  a  handsome  horse; 
a  handsome  house.  Handsome  is  a  term  far  inferior  to  beauti- 
ful; we  may  even  say  a  handsome  villain.  Fair  denotes  what 
is  bright,  smooth,  clear,  and  without  blemish;  as,  a  fair  face. 
The  word  applies  wholly  to  what  is  superficial;  we  can  say 
"fair,  yet  false."  In  a  specific  sense,  fair  has  the  sense  of 
blond,  as  opposed  to  dark  or  brunette.  One  who  possesses 
vivacity,  wit,  good  nature,  or  other  pleasing  qualities  may 
be  attractive  without  beauty.  Comely  denotes  an  aspect  that 
is  smooth,  genial,  and  wholesome,  with  a  certain  fulness  of 
contour  and  pleasing  symmetry,  though  falling  short  of  the 
beautiful;  as,  a  comely  matron.  That  is  picturesque  which 
would  make  a  striking  picture. 


awkward  ghastly  horrid  unattractive 

clumsy  gnm  odious  uncouth 

deformed  grisly  repulsive  ungainly 

disgusting  grotesque  shocking  unlovely 

frightful  hideous  ugly  unpleasant 


Beautiful  to  the  eye;  beautiful  in  appearance,  in  spirit; 
'^beautiful  for  situation,"  Ps.  xlviii,  2;  beautiful  of  aspect,  of 
its  kind. 


as  for  inasmuch,  as  since 

Because,  literally  ?J2/-cause,  is  the  most  direct  and  complete 

117  because 
„ .            becoming 

word  for  giving  the  reason  of  a  thing.  Since,  originally  de- 
noting succession  in  time,  signifies  a  succession  in  a  chain  of 
reasoning,  a  natural  inference  or  result.  J_s  indicates  some- 
thing like,  coordinate,  parallel.  Since  is  weaker  than  because; 
as  is  weaker  than  since;  either  may  introduce  the  reason  be- 
fore the  main  statement;  thus,  since  or  as  you  are  going, 
I  will  accompany  you.  Often  the  weaker  word  is  the  more 
courteous,  implying  less  constraint;  for  example,  as  you  re- 
quest it,  I  will  come,  rather  than  I  will  come  because  you 
request  it.  Inasmuch  as  is  a  formal  and  qualified  expression, 
implying  by  just  so  much,  and  no  more:  thus,  inasmuch  as 
the  debtor  has  no  property,  I  abandon  the  claim.  For  is  a 
loose  connective,  giving  often  mere  suggestion  or  indication 
rather  than  reason  or  cause;  as,  it  is  morning,  for  (not  'be- 
cause) the  birds  are  singing. 


although         however         nevertheless         notwfthstancling         yet 

Compare  synonyms  for  BUT;  NOTWITHSTANDING. 


befitting  congruous  fit  meet  seemly 

beseeming  decent  fitting  neat  suitable 

comely  decorons  graceful  proper  worthy 

That  is  becoming  in  dress  which  suits  the  complexion,  figure, 
aad  other  qualities  of  the  wearer,  so  as  to  produce  on  the  whole 
a  pleasing  effect.  That  is  decent  which  does  not  offend  modesty 
or  propriety.  That  is  suitable  which  is  adapted  to  the  age, 
station,  situation,  and  other  circumstances  of  the  wearer; 
coarse,  heavy  boots  are  suitable  for  farm-work;  a  juvenile  style 
of  dress  is  not  suitable  for  an  old  lady.  In  conduct  much  the 
same  rules  apply.  The  dignity  and  gravity  of  a  patriarch 
would  not  be  becoming  to  a  child;  at  a  funeral  lively,  cheery 
sociability  would  not  be  decorous,  while  noisy  hilarity  would 
not  be  decent;  sumptuous  display  would  not  be  suitable  for  a 
poor  person.  Fit  is  a  compendious  term  for  whatever  fits  the 
person,  time,  place,  occasion,  etc.;  as,  a  fit  person;  a  fit  abode; 
a  fit  place.  Fitting,  or  befitting,  is  somewhat  more  elegant, 
implying  a  nicer  adaptation.  Meet,  a  somewhat  archaic  word, 
expresses  a  moral  fitness;  as,  meet  for  heaven.  Compare 


beginning  118 

bend ____ _ 


awkward  Unfitting-       indecent  unbecoming       unseemly 

Unbecoming      improper      indecorous       unfit  unsuitable 


The  dress  was  becoming  to  the  wearer.     Such  conduct  was 
becoming  in  him. 



arising  fountain  initiation  ontset    spring 

commencement   inauguration  opening       rise         start 

fount  inception  origin  source 

The  Latin  commencement  is  more  formal  than  the  Saxon 
beginning,  as  the  verb  commence,  is  more  formal  than  begin. 
Commeiicement  is  for  the  most  part  restricted  to  some  form  of 
action,  while  beginning  has  no  restriction,  but  may  be  applied 
to  action,  state,  material,  extent,  enumeration,  or  to  whatever 
else  may  be  conceived  of  as  having  a  first  part,  point,  degree, 
etc.  The  letter  A  is  at  the  beginning  (not  the  commencement) 
of  every  alphabet.  If  we  were  to  speak  of  the  commencement 
of  the  Pacific  Railroad,  we  should  be  understood  to  refer  to 
the  enterprise  and  its  initiatory  act;  if  we  were  to  refer  to 
the  roadway  we  should  say  "Here  is  the  beginning  of  the 
Pacific  Railroad."  In  the  great  majority  of  cases  begin  and 
beginning  are  preferable  to  commence  and  commencement  as 
the  simple,  idiomatic  English  words,  always  accurate  and  ex- 
pressive. "In  the  beginning  was  the  word,"  John  i,  1.  An 
origin  is  the  point  from  which  something  starts  or  sets  out, 
often  involving,  and  always  suggesting  causal  connection;  as, 
the  origin  of  evil;  the  origin  of  a  nation,  a  government,  or  a 
family.  A  source  is  that  which  furnishes  a  first  and  con- 
tinuous supply,  that  which  flows  forth  freely  or  may  be  readily 
recurred  to;  as,  the  source  of  a  river;  a  source  of  knowledge; 
a  source  of  inspiration;  fertile  land  is  a  source  (not  an 
origin)  of  wealth.  A  rise  is  thought  of  as  in  an  action; 
we  say  that  a  lake  is  the  source  of  a  certain  river,  or  that 
the  river  takes  its  rise  from  the  lake.  Motley  wrote  of  "The 
"Rise  of  the  Dutch  Republic."  Fount,  fountain,  and  spring, 
in  their  figurative  senses,  keep  close  to  their  literal  mean- 
ing. Compare  CAUSE. 

See  synonyms  for  END. 

119  beginning 

, .  bend 



action  carriage  deportment          manner 

bearing  conduct  life  manners 

breeding  demeanor 

Behavior  is  our  action  in  the  presence  of  others;  conduct  in- 
cludes also  that  which  is  known  only  to  ourselves  and  our 
Maker.  Carnage  expresses  simply  the  manner  of  holding  the 
body,  especially  in  sitting  or  walking,  as  when  it  is  said  of 
a  lady  "she  has  a  fine  carriage."  Bearing  refers  to  the  bodily 
expression  of  feeling  or  disposition;  as,  a  haughty  bearing;  a 
noble  bearing.  Demeanor  is  the  bodily  expression,  not  only 
of  feelings,  but  of  moral  states;  as,  a  devout  demeanor.  Bieed- 
ing,  unless  with  some  adverse  limitation,  denotes  that  manner 
and  conduct  which  result  from  good  birth  and  training.  De- 
portment is  behavior  as  related  to  a  set  of  rules;  as,  the 
pupil's  deportment  was  faultless.  A  person's  manner  may 
be  that  of  a  moment,  or  toward  a  single  person;  his  manners 
are  his  habitual  style  of  behavior  toward  or  before  others, 
especially  in  matters  of  etiquette  and  politeness;  as,  good 
manners  are  always  pleasing. 

The  behavior  of  the  pastor  to  or  toward  his  people,  on  or 
upon  the  streets,  before  the  multitude,  or  in  the  church,  with 
the  godly,  or  with  the  worldly,  was  alike  faultless. 



bias  deflect  influence  submit          warp 

bow  deviate  mold  torn  yield 

crook  diverge  persuade  twine 

curve  incline  stoop  twist 

In  some  cases  a  thing  is  spoken  of  as  bent  where  the  parts 
make  an  angle;  but  oftener  to  bend  is  understood  to  be  to  draw 
to  or  through  a  curve;  as,  to  bend  a  bow.  To  submit  or  yield 
is  to  bend  the  mind  humbly  to  another's  wishes.  To  incline  or 
influence  is  to  bend  another's  wishes  toward  our  own;  to 
persuade  is  to  draw  them  quite  over.  To  warp  is  to  bend 
slightly  through  the  whole  fiber,  as  a  board  in  the  sun.  To 
crook  is  to  bend  irregularly,  as  a  crooked  stick.  Deflect, 
deviate,  and  diverge  are  said  of  any  turning  away;  deviate 

benevolence  120 


commonly  of  a  slight  and  gradual  movement,  diverge  of  a 
more  sharp  and  decided  one.  To  bias  is  to  cut  across  the 
texture,  or  incline  to  one  side;  in  figurative  use  always  with 
an  unfavorable  import.  Mold  is  a  stronger  word  than  bend; 
we  may  bend  by  a  superior  force  that  which  still  resists  the 
constraint;  as,  a  bent  bow;  we  mold  something  plastic  entirely 
to  some  desired  form. 



almsgiving    charity  kind*heartedness  munificence 

beneficence    generosity  kindliness  philanthropy 

benignity       good-will  kindness  sympathy 

bounty  humanity  liberality  unselfishness 

According  to  the  etymology  and  original  usage,  beneficence  is 
the  doing  well,  benevolence  the  wishing  or  willing  well  to  others; 
but  benevolence  has  come  to  ir elude  beneficence,  and  to  dis- 
place it.  We  should  not  now  speak  of  benevolence  which  did 
not  help,  unless  where  there  was  no  power  to  help ;  even  then 
we  should  rather  say  good-will  or  sympathy.  Charity,  which 
originally  meant  the  purest  love  for  God  and  man  (as  in 
1  Cor.  xiii),  is  now  almost  universally  applied  to  some  form 
of  almsgiving,  and  is  much  more  limited  in  meaning  than 
benevolence.  Benignity  suggests  some  occult  power  of  bless- 
ing, such  as  was  formerly  ascribed  to  the  stars;  we  may  say 
a  good  man  has  an  air  of  benignity.  Kindness  and  tenderness 
are  personal;  benevolence  and  charity  are  general.  Kindness 
extends  to  all  sentient  beings,  whether  men  or  animals,  in 
prosperity  or  in  distress.  Tenderness  especially  goes  out 
toward  the  young,  feeble,  and  needy,  or  even  to  the  dead. 
Humanity  is  so  much  kindness  and  tenderness  toward  man  or 
beast  as  it  would  be  inhuman  not  to  have;  we  say  of  some 
act  of  care  or  kindness,  "common  humanity  requires  it." 
Generosity  is  self -forgetful  kindness  in  disposition  or  action; 
it  includes  much  besides  giving;  as,  the  generosity  of  forgive- 
ness. Bounty  applies  to  ample  giving,  which  on  a  larger  scale 
is  expressed  by  munificence.  Liberality  indicates  broad,  genial 
kindly  views,  whether  manifested  in  gifts  or  otherwise.  We 
speak  of  the  bounty  of  a  generous  host,  the  liberality  or 
munificence  of  the  founder  of  a  college,  or  of  the  liberality 
of  a  theologian  toward  the  holders  of  conflicting  beliefs, 

121  benevolence 

_  bind 

Philanthropy  applies  to  wide  schemes  for  human  welfare, 
often,  but  not  always,  involving  large  expenditures  in  charity 
or  benevolence.  Compare  MERCY. 


barbarity  harshness  malevolence  selfsseeMng 

brutality  illiberally  malignity  stinginess 

churlishness  illswill  niggardliness          unklndness 


Benevolence  of,  on  the  part  of,  or  from  the  wealthy,  to  or 
toward  the  poor. 



bind  up       fasten  Hitch  restrain       shackle    tie 

compel          fetter  moor  restrict        tether      tie  up 

engage          fix  oblige  secure 

Binding  is  primarily  by  something  flexible,  as  a  cord  or 
bandage  drawn  elosely  around  an  object  or  group  of  objects. 
We  bind  up  an  object  to  close,  cover,  or  protect  it;  as  to  bind 
up  a  wound,  a  person  is  said  to  be  bound  up  in  that  which 
engrosses  his  thoughts  or  feelings.  Anything  flexible  may  be 
tied  by  having  the  ends  interlaced  and  drawn  together  so 
as  to  form  a  knot  or  bow;  or  any  object  may  be  tied  by  a 
flexible  bond  so  interlaced;  to  tie  up  is  to  fasten  by  such  a 
bond  so  as  to  prevent  free  movement  or  separation  of  parts; 
as,  to  tie  up  a  dog;  to  tie  up  a  package  or  an  estate.  An 
animal  is  tethered,  as  to  a  stake,  by  a  rope  or  chain  long 
enough  to  allow  much  freedom  of  motion,  as  for  grazing;  a 
vessel  is  moored  by  a  line  or  cable  to  some  fixed  object.  We 
bind  a  sheaf  of  wheat  with  a  cord;  we  tie  the  cord  in  a 
knot;  we  fasten  by  any  means  that  will  make  things  hold 
together,  as  a  board  by  nails,  or  a  door  by  a  lock.  The  verbs 
tie  and  fasten  are  scarcely  used  in  the  figurative  sense,  though 
using  the  noun,  we  speak  of  the  ties  of  affection.  Bind 
has  an  extensive  figurative  use.  One  is  bound  by  conscience 
or  honor;  he  is  obliged  by  some  imperious  necessity;  engaged 
by  his  own  promise;  compelled  by  physical  force  or  its  moral 
equivalent.  Compare  ATTACH. 

free       loose      set  free      unbind       unfasten       unloose        untie 

Bind  to  a  pillar;  unto  an  altar;  to  a  service;  bind  one  with 

bitter  122 


chains  or  m  chains;  one  is  bound  by  a  contract;  a  splint  is 
bound  upon  a  limb;  the  arms  may  be  bound  to  the  sides  or 
behind  the  back;  bind  a  wreath  about,  around,  or  round  the 
head;  twigs  are  bound  in  or  into  fagots;  for  military  purposes, 
they  are  bound  at  both  ends  and  in  the  middle;  one  is  bound 
"by  a  contract,  or  bound  under  a  penalty  to  fulfil  a  contract. 



acerb  acrid  harsh  sour 

acetous  acrimonious  irate  stinging 

acid  biting  pungent  tart 

acidulated  canstic  savage  vinegarish. 

acidulous  cutting  sharp  virulent 

Add,  sour,  and  bitter  agree  in  being  contrasted  with  s^joeet, 
but  the  two  former  are  sharply  distinguished  from  the  latter. 
Acid  or  sour  is  the  taste  of  vinegar  or  lemon- juice;  bitter 
that  of  quassia,  quinin,  or  strychnin.  Acrid  is  nearly  allied  to 
bitter.  Pungent  suggests  the  effect  of  pepper  or  snuff  on  the 
organs  of  taste  or  smell ;  as,  a  pungent  odor.  Caustic  indicates 
the  corroding  effect  of  some  strong  chemical,  as  nitrate  of 
silver.  In  a  figurative  sense,  as  applied  to  language  or  char- 
acter, these  words  are  very  closely  allied.  We  say  a  sour 
face,  sharp  words,  bitter  complaints,  caustic  wit,  cutting  irony, 
biting  sarcasm,  a  stinging  taunt,  harsh  judgment,  a  tart  reply. 
Harsh  carries  the  idea  of  intentional  and  severe  unkindness, 
bitter  of  a  severity  that  arises  from  real  or  supposed  ill 
treatment.  The  bitter  speech  springs  from  the  sore  heart. 
Tart  and  sharp  utterances  may  not  proceed  from  an  intention 
to  wound,  but  merely  from  a  wit  recklessly  keen;  cutting, 
stinging,  and  biting  speech  indicates  more  o?  less  of  hostile 
intent,  the  latter  being  the  more  deeply  malicious.  The  caustic 
utterance  is  meant  to  burn,  perhaps  wholesomely,  as  in  the 
satire  of  Juvenal  or  Cervantes.  Compare  MOBOSB. 

dulcet         honeyed       luscious        nectared       saccharine      sweet 

BLEACH,  «. 


blanch  make  white          whiten  whitewash 

To  whiten  is  to  make  white  in  general,  but  commonly  it 

123                                                                                          bitter 
9 __ bleak 

means  to  overspread  with  white  coloring-matter.  Bleach  and 
'blanch  both  signify  to  whiten  by  depriving  of  color,  the 
former  permanently,  as  linen;  the  latter  either  permanently 
(as,  to  blanch  celery)  or  temporarily  (as,  to  blanch  the  cheek 
with  fear).  To  whitewash  is  to  whiten  superficially,  especially 
by  false  approval. 

blacken  color  darken  dye  soil  stain 



bare  chilling  desolate  exposed  unsheltered 

blank  chilly  dismal  gloomy  waste 

cheerless        cold  dreary  piercing  wild 

chill  cutting  dull  stormy  windy 

The  idea  of  cold  or  chilliness  is  always  found  in  Weak;  a 
bleak  situation  is  one  open  to  chilling  wind  and  storm;  in 
the  northern  climate  a  rock,  island,  moor,  prairie,  or  moun- 
tainside, which  is  bare,  blank,  desolate,  exposed,  unsheltered, 
waste,  or  wild  is  sure  to  be  cold  and  bleak;  but  in  the  tropics 
this  would  not  be  true;  the  Sahara  is  a  desolate  waste  of  sand, 
unsheltered  from  the  burning  sun,  and  swept  by  fierce  winds, 
but  it  is  not  bleak;  bleak  is  also  applied  to  seasons,  winds, 
etc.,  which  are  characterized  by  mingled  chill  and  desolateness ; 
in  this  use  it  is  allied  with  such  words  as  chill,  chilling,  chilly, 
cold,  cutting,  piercing,  stormy,  windy. 

So  lleak  these  shores,  wind-swept,  and  all  the  year 
Washed  by  the  wild  Atlantic's  restless  tide. 

CELIA  THAXTEB,  Rods  Weeds,  st.  1. 

Ah!  distinctly  I  remember  I     It  was  in  the  Weak  December. 

FOB  Raven,  st.  2. 
!Khe  night  was  bleak;  the  rain  fell,  the  wind  roared. 

MACATILAY  History  of  England,  ch.  ix. 

Dreary  is  independent  of  temperature;  that  which  is  bleaTc 
is  commonly  also  dreary,  but  that  which  is  dreary  may  not  be 
bleak,  as  a  tropical  jungle  in  the  rainy  season;  that  which  is 
lonely,  dismal,  gloomy,  cheerless,  is  dreary  in  any  elimatej 
at  any  season;  so  a  conversation,  speech,  poem,  or  the  like, 
may  be  dreary  by  dulness,  monotony,  and  cheerlessness. 

The  day  is  cold  and  dark  and  dreary, 
It  rams  and  the  wind  is  never  weary. 

LONGFELLOW  The  Rainy  Day,  st.  1. 

blemish  124 

body ...          . 


balmy  cheery  mild  sunny 

bright  genial  sheltered  warm 

cheerful  homelike 



blot  deformity  flaw  speck 

blur  dent  imperfection        spot 

brand  disfigurement      injury  stain 

crack  disgrace  reproach.  stigma 

daub  dishonor  smirch.  taint 

defacement  fault  soil  tarnish, 

Whatever  mars  the  beauty  of  completeness  of  an  object  is  a 
blemish,  whether  original,  as  squinting  eyes,  or  the  result  of 
accident  or  disease,  etc.,  as  the  pits  of  smallpox.  A  blemish  is 
superficial ;  a  flaw  or  taint  is  in  structure  or  substance.  In  the 
moral  sense,  we  speak  of  a  blot  or  stain  upon  reputation;  a 
flaw  or  taint  in  character.  A  defect  is  the  want  or  lack  of 
something;  faulty  primarily  a  failing,  is  something  that  fails 
of  an  apparent  intent  or  disappoints  a  natural  expectation; 
thus  a  sudden  dislocation  or  displacement  of  geological  strata 
is  called  a  fault.  Figuratively  a  blemish  comes  from  one's 
own  ill-doing;  a  brand  or  stigma  is  inflicted  by  others;  as,  the 
brand  of  infamy. 



box  cuff  knock  shock 

buffet  cut  lash  stripe 

calamity  disaster  misfortune  stroke 

concussion  hit  rap  thump 

A  blow  is  a  sudden  impact,  as  of  a  fist  or  a  club;  a  stroke  is 
a  sweeping  movement;  as,  the  stroke  of  a  sword,  of  an  oar,  of 
the  arm  in  swimming.  A  shock  is  the  sudden  encounter  with 
some  heavy  body;  as,  colliding  railway-trains  meet  with  a 
shock;  the  shock  of  battle.  A  slap  is  given  with  the  open  hand, 
a  lash  with  a  whip,  thong,  or  the  like;  we  speak  also  of  the 
cut  of  a  whip.  A  buffet  or  cuff  is  given  only  with  the  hand ;  a 
blow  either  with  hand  or  weapon.  A  cuff  is  a  somewhat  side- 
long blow,  generally  with  the  open  hand;  as,  a  cuff  or  box 
on  the  ear;  a  hit  is  any  sudden  forcible  contact,  intended  or 
unintended.  A  stripe  is  the  effect  or  mark  of  a  stroke.  In 

125  blemish 


the  metaphorical  sense,  blow  is  used  for  sudden,  stunning, 
staggering  calamity  or  sorrow;  stroke  for  sweeping  disaster, 
and  also  for  sweeping  achievement  and  success.  We  say  a 
stroke  of  paralysis,  or  a  stroke  of  genius.  We  speak  of 
the  buffets  of  adverse  fortune.  Shock  is  used  of  that  which  is 
at  once  sudden,  violent,  and  prostrating;  we  speak  of  a  shock 
of  electricity,  the  shock  of  an  amputation,  a  shock  of  surprise. 
A  hit  is  something  sudden  and  successful,  whether  by  intention 
or  accident,  as  a  well-directed  witticism,  sarcasm,  or  repartee, 
an  apt  or  happy  remark,  or  a  fortunate  achievement;  as,  a 
capital  hit;  a  lucky  hit;  the  play  or  the  player  made  a  hit. 
Compare  BEAT. 



abrupt  brnsk  impolite  rougn 

blunt  coarse  inconsiderate  rude 

blustering  discourteous  open  uncivil 

bold  frank  plain2  spoken  unmannerly 

Bluff  is  a  word  of  good  meaning,  as  are  frank  and  open.  The 
bluff  man  talks  and  laughs  loudly  and  freely,  says  and  does 
whatever  he  pleases  with  fearless  good  nature,  and  with  no 
thought  of  annoying  or  giving  pain  to  others.  The  blunt  man 
says  things  which  he  is  perfectly  a^are  are  disagreeable,  either 
from  a  defiant  indifference  to  other's  feelings,  or  from  the 
pleasure  of  tormenting. 

bland  courteous   genial  polished   polite   refined    reserved  urbane 



ashes  clay  dust  frame  system 

carcass  corpse  form  remains  trunk 

Body  denotes  the  entire  physical  structure,  considered  as  a 
whole,  of  man  or  animal;  form  looks  upon  it  as  a  thing  of  shape 
and  outline,  perhaps  of  beauty;  frame  regards  it  as  supported 
by  its  bony  framework;  system  views  it  as  an  assemblage  of 
many  related  and  harmonious  organs.  Body,  formy  frame,  and 
system  may  be  either  dead  or  living;  clay  and  dust  are  some- 
times so  used  in  religious  or  poetic  style,  though  ordinarily 
these  words  are  used  onlv  of  the  dead.  Corpse  and  remains  are 
used  only  of  the  dead.  6  ->rpse  is  the  plain  technical  word  for 

a  dead  body  still  retaining  its  unity;  remains  may  be  used 
after  any  lapse  of  time;  the  latter  is  also  the  more  refined  and 
less  ghastly  term;  as,  friends  are  invited  to  view  the  remains. 
Carcass  applies  only  to  the  body  of  an  animal,  or  of  a  human 
being  regarded  with  contempt  and  loathing.  Compare  COM- 


intellect  intelligence  mind  soul  spirit 



twain  two 

Both  refers  to  two  objects  previously  mentioned,  or  had  in 
mind,  viewed  or  acting  in  connection;  as,  both  men  fired  at 
once;  "two  men  fired"  might  mean  any  two,  out  of  any 
number,  and  without  reference  to  any  previous  thought  or 
mention.  Twain  is  a  nearly  obsolete  form  of  two.  The  two, 
or  the  twain,  is  practically  equivalent  to  both;  both,  however, 
expresses  a  closer  unity.  We  would  say  both  men  rushed 
against  the  enemy;  the  two  men  flew  at  each  other.  Compare 



each         either       every       neither         none        no  one       not  any 



barrier  confines  limit  margin 

border  edge  line  term 

bound  enclosure  marches  termination 

bourn  frontier  marge  verge 

bourne  landmark 

The  boundary  was  originally  the  landmark,  that  which 
marked  off  one  piece  of  territory  from  another.  The  bound  is 
the  limit,  marked  or  unmarked.  Now,  however,  the  difference 
between  the  two  words  has  come  to  be  simply  one  of  usage. 
As  regards  territory,  we  speak  of  the  boundaries  of  a  nation 
or  of  an  estate;  the  bounds  of  a  college,  a  ball-ground,  etc. 
Bounds  may  be  used  for  all  within  the  limits,  boundary  for  the 
limiting  line  only.  Boundary  looks  to  that  which  is  without; 
bound  only  to  that  which  is  within.  Hence  we  speak  of  the 
bounds,  not  the  boundaries^  of  a  subject,  of  the  universe,  etc. ; 

127  .both 


we  say  the  students  were  forbidden  to  go  beyond  the  bounds. 
A  barrier  is  something  that  bars  ingress  or  egress.  A  barrier 
may  be  a  boundary,  as  was  the  Great  Wall  of  China.  Bourn, 
or  bourne,  is  a  poetical  expression  for  bound  or  boundary.  A 
border  is  a  strip  of  land  along  the  boundary.  Edge  is  a 
sharp  terminal  line,  as  where  river  or  ocean  meets  the  land. 
Limit  is  now  used  almost  wholly  in  the  figurative  sense;  as,  the 
limit  of  discussion,  of  time,  of  jurisdiction.  Line  is  a  military 
term;  as,  within  the  lines,  or  through  the  lines ,  of  an  army. 
Compare  BARRIER;  END. 


center     citadel     estate     inside    interior     land     region     territory 


The  boundaries  of  an  estate;  the  boundary  between  neighbor- 
ing territories. 



adventurous  daring  fearless  undaunted 

bold  dasliing  gallant  undismayed 

chivalric  dauntless  heroic  valiant 

chivalrous  doughty  intrepid  venturesome 

The  adventurous  man  goes  in  quest  of  danger;  the  bold  man 
stands  out  and  faces  danger  or  censure;  the  brave  man  com- 
bines confidence  with  resolution  in  presence  of  danger;  the 
chivalrous  man  puts  himself  in  peril  for  others'  protection, 
The  daring  step  out  to  defy  danger;  the  dauntless  will  not 
flinch  before  anything  that  may  come  to  them;  the  doughty 
will  give  and  take  limitless  hard  knocks.  The  adventurous 
find  something  romantic  in  dangerous  enterprises;  the  venture- 
some may  be  simply  heedless,  reckless,  or  ignorant.  All  great 
explorers  have  been  adventurous;  children,  fools,  and  criminals 
are  venturesome.  The  fearless  and  intrepid  possess  unshaken 
nerves  in  any  place  of  danger.  Courageous  is  more  than 
brave,  adding  a  moral  element;  the  courageous  man  steadily 
encounters  perils  to  which  he  may  be  keenly  sensitive,  at  the 
call  of  duty;  the  gallant  are  brave  in  a  dashing,  showy,  and 
splendid  way;  the  valiant  not  only  flare  great  dangers,  but 
achieve  great  results;  the  heroic  are  nobly  daring  and  daunt- 
less, truly  chivalrous,  sublimely  courageous.  Compare  K>ETI- 


break                                                                                                128 


afraid  cringing  fearful  pusillanimous      timid 

cowardly       faint-hearted      frightened     shrinking  timorous 



bankrupt  demolish  rupture  smash, 

burst  destroy  sever  split 

cashier  fracture  shatter  sunder 

crack  rend  shiver  transgress 

crush  rive 

To  break  is  to  divide  sharply,  with  severance  of  particles,  as 
by  a  blow  or  strain.  To  burst  is  to  break  by  pressure  from 
within,  as  a  bombshell,  but  it  is  used  also  for  the  result  of 
violent  force  otherwise  exerted;  as,  to  burst  in  a  door,  where 
the  door  yields  as  if  to  an  explosion.  To  crush  is  to  break  by 
pressure  from  without,  as  an  egg-shell.  To  crack  is  to  break 
without  complete  severance  of  parts;  a  cracked  cup  or  mirror 
may  still  hold  together.  Fracture  has  a  somewhat  similar 
sense.  In  a  fractured  limb,  the  ends  of  the  broken  bone  may 
be  separated,  though  both  portions  are  still  retained  within  the 
common  muscular  tissue.  A  shattered  object  is  broken  sud- 
denly and  in  numerous  directions;  as,  a  vase  is  shattered  by  a 
blow,  a  building  by  an  earthquake.  A  shivered  glass  is 
broken  into  numerous  minute,  needle-like  fragments.  To 
smash  is  to  break  thoroughly  to  pieces  with  a  crashing  sound 
by  some  sudden  act  of  violence;  a  watch  once  smashed  will 
scarcely  be  worth  repair.  To  split  is  to  cause  wood  to  crack 
or  part  in  the  way  of  the  grain,  and  is  applied  to  any  other 
case  where  a  natural  tendency  to  separation  is  enforced  by  an 
external  cause;  as,  to  split  a  convention  or  a  party.  To  de- 
molish is  to  beat  down,  as  a  mound,  building,  fortress,  etc.;  to 
destroy  is  to  put  by  any  process  beyond  restoration  physically, 
mentally,  or  morally;  to  destroy  an  army  is  to  shatter  and 
scatter  it  that  it  can  not  be  rallied  or  reassembled  as  a  fighting 
force.  Compare  BEND. 


attach  bind  fasten  join  mend  secure  solder  unite  weld 

Break  to  pieces,  or  in  pieces,  into  several  pieces  (when  the 
object  is  thought  of  as  divided  rather  than  shattered),  break 
with  a  friend;  from  or  away  from  a  suppliant;  break  into 



a  house;  out  of  prison;  break  across  one's  knee;  break  through 
a  hedge;  break  in  upon  one's  retirement;  break  over  the  rules; 
break  on  or  upon  the  shore,  against  the  rockb. 







An  object  is  bright  that  shines  with  either  original  or  re- 
flected light;  thus  the  sun,  the  moon,  and  the  stars  are  bright; 
that  is  brilliant  which  shines  with  unusual  or  distinctive 
brightness;  as,  one  star  in  a  constellation  may  be  especially 
brilliant;  all  the  stars  are  strikingly  brilliant  on  a  cleai 
moonless  night  by  contrast  with  the  deep  blue-black  of  the 
sky;  a  diamond  cut  so  as  to  throw  out  the  maximum  of  light 
is  called  a  "brilliant."  That  is  radiant  from  which  light 
seems  to  pour  forth  in  rays: 

The  glorious  lamp  of  heaven,  the  radiant  sun. 

DKTDEN  Story  of  Acts,  L  165 

An  object  which  is  radiant  sends  forth  a  steady  light, 
while  that  of  a  brilliant  object  may  be  fitful.  Beaming  is 
applied  to  light  which  seems  to  be  sent  forth  in  beams,  and 
is  a  milder  word  than  radiant.  Gleaming  is  applied  to  that 
which  sends  forth  or  reflects  light  in  sudden  flashes,  as  the 
warrior's  gleaming  sword.  Glowing  is  applied  to  a  light  like 
that  from  molten  metal;  dazzling  is  said  of  the  effect  on  the 
eye  of  the  beholder,  and  may  apply  to  the  full  splendor  of 
the  sun  or  to  intense  reflected  light  as,  from  a  gem,  etc.; 
any  light  which  the  eye  cannot  well  bear  is  dazzling;  glaring 
is  a  kindred  word,  but  denotes  a  powerful,  persistent  light  that 
affects  the  beholder  disagreeably;  that  which  is  dazzling  may 
be  admired,  while  that  which  is  glaring  is  repellant.  Effulgent 
and  refulgent  are  used,  with  little  difference  of  meaning,  of 
light  at  once  intense  and  pervading;  refulgent  (from  L.  re, 
back,  +  fulgeSy  shine)  applies  especially  to  reflected  light, 
shining  far  and  wide;  resplendent  is  similar  to  refulgent,  but 




more  superficial,   and  near  to  the  meaning  of  gorgeous   or 
magnificent : 

Child   of  the  sun,   lefulyent  summer  comes. 

THOMSON  Seasons,  Summer,  1.   966. 

There  all  within  full  rich  arrayd  he  found  * 

With  royall  arras  and  resplendent  gold 

SPENSER  Faerie  Queene  bk.  i,  can.  8,  st    35,  1.  1. 

An  object  is  splendid  which  gives  out  or  reflects  light  of 
especial  abundance  and  power,  and  often  of  varied  hues,  im- 
pressing the  beholder  with  mingled  wonder  and  admiration; 
as,  a  splendid  sunrise.  That  which  is  luminous  sends  forth 
distinct  light,  which  may  be  greater  or  less  in  degree,  emitted 
or  reflected,  though  the  tendency  is  now  to  use  the  word  of  light 
sent  forth  from  within;  a  luminous  object  is  thought  of  as 
self -luminous;  the  sun  is  a  luminous  body;  the  faint  phos- 
phorescence of  the  glow-worm  makes  it  luminous  in  the  dark. 
Lustrous  is  applied  to  that  which  sends  forth  a  soft  but  vivid 
light  as  from  a  polished  surface;  as,  lustrous  silks.  That 
which  is  illuminated  or  illumined  is  lit  up  by  light  from  some 
source  apart  from  itself,  often  by  light  supplied  from  within; 
we  speak  of  a  building  or  a  city  as  illuminated,  when  light 
shines  out  from  every  window  on  some  joyous  occasion; 
illumined  is  poetic,  and  oftenest  used  in  a  spiritual  sense. 
Sparkling  is  said  of  light  thrown  out  as  by  sparks  from 
many  points;  scintillating,  of  such  light  in  intermittent 
flashes.  Glistening  applies  to  the  shining  from  a  wet,  glitter- 
ing to  that  from  a  dry,  surface;  Coleridge  finely  chooses 
glittering,  not  glistening  to  describe  the  eye  of  the  wasted 
old  man  in  his  great  poem : 

By  thy  long  gray  "beard  and  glittering  eye, 
Now,   wherefore   stopp'st  thou  me' 

Ancient  Manner,  pt.  i,  st.  1. 

Glimmering  and  shimmering  refer  to  faint,  wavering,  and 
unsteady  light,  that  which  is  shimmering,  being  tremulous,  as 
from  rippling  waves;  we  speak  of  shimmering  silks,  that 
seem  to  change  shade  or  hue  with  motion.  Compare  the  nouns 
corresponding  to  these  adjectives  tinder  LIGHT. 

The  figurative  meaning  of  these  words  is  largely  controlled 
by  the  literal.  So  used,  bright  is  inferior  to  'brilliant;  we 
speak  of  a  bright  boy,  a  brilliant  genius;  of  a  bright  idea  in 
common  matters,  a  brilliant  idea  in  philosophy,  literature,  or 

131  bright 

statesmanship;  of  a  brilliant  (not  a  bright)  achievement;  of 
a  dazzling  success;  of  sparkling  or  scintillating  wit,  of  a 
luminous  style,  exposition,  production,  or  sentence,  of  a  glar- 
ing inconsistency  or  contradiction,  of  a  beaming  or  radiant 
countenance  (where  radiant  is  the  more  vivid,  beaming  the 
gentler  word;  as,  beaming  with  love,  radiant  with  delight); 
a  bright,  sunny,  or  sunshiny  face  has  an  effect  like  that  of  a 
landscape  lit  up  by  pleasant  sunlight,  so  that  these  words  are 
akin  to  cheerful,  cheering,  and  cheery.  We  speak  of  eyes 
sparkling  with  pleasure,  gleaming  with  excitement,  rage,  or 
fury,  glowing  with  some  strong  suppressed  feeling  as  of 
devotion  or  ambition,  lighting  them  up  as  by  an  internal  fire. 
Splendid  applies  to  that  which  has  splendor  (see  under  LIGHT), 
and  is  akin  to  grand,  glorious,  magnificent,  honorable,  illustri- 
ous, heroic,  etc.;  as,  a  splendid  palace,  pageant,  or  banquet, 
a  splendid  achievement,  career,  or  victory  (in  which  latter 
uses  it  far  transcends  the  meaning  of  brilliant}.  The  col- 
loquial use  of  splendid  to  denote  anything  that  is  excellent, 
useful,  agreeable,  or  the  like,  is  a  perversion  and  degradation 
of  a  noble  word;  it  is  a  cheap  misuse  of  language  to  speak 
of  splendid  weather,  splendid  hunting  or  fishing,  a  splendid 
bargain  or  picnic,  of  a  splendid  salesman  or  accountant,  a 
splendid  batter,  pitcher,  or  umpire,  a  splendid  walker,  swim- 
mer, or  musician;  an  oration  may  be  splendid,  but  it  is  not 
suitable  to  call  the  man  who  utters  it  a  splendid  orator; 
it  is  monstrous  to  speak  of  the  splendid  fit  of  a  garment  or  of 
a  splendid  beefsteak. 

See  synonyms  for  DARK. 



animal  brute  insensible  stnpid 

base  carnal  lascivious  swinish 

beastly  coarse  sensnal  tmintellectnal 

bestial  ignorant  sottish  unspiritnal 

brutal  imbmted  stolid  vile 

A  brutish  man  simply  follows  his  animal  instincts,  without 
special  inclination  to  do  harm;  the  brutal  have  always  a  spirit 
of  malice  and  cruelty.  Brute  has  no  special  character,  except 
as  indicating  what  a  brute  might  possess;  much  the  same  is 

bnni  132 


true  of  animal,  except  that  animal  leans  more  to  the  side  of 
sensuality,  brute  to  that  of  force,  as  appears  in  the  familiar 
phrase  "brute  force."  Hunger  is  an  animal  appetite;  a  brute 
impulse  suddenly  prompts  one  to  strike  a  blow  in  anger. 
Bestial,  in  modern  usage,  implies  an  intensified  and  degrading 
animalism.  Any  supremacy  of  the  animal  or  brute  instincts 
over  the  intellectual  and  spiritual  in  man  is  base  and  vile. 
Beastly  refers  largely  to  the  outward  and  visible  consequences 
of  excess;  as,  beastly  drunkenness.  Compare  ANIMAL. 


elevated  grand  intellectual  noble 

enlightened  great  intelligent  refined 

exalted  humane 



blaze  consume  ignite  set  fire  to 

brand  cremate  incinerate  set  on  fire 

cauterize  name  kindle  singe 

char  flash  scorch 

To  burn  is  to  subject  to  the  action  of  fire,  or  of  intense  heat 
so  as  to  effect  either  partial  change  or  complete  combustion ;  as, 
to  burn  wood  in  the  fire;  to  burn  one's  hand  on  a  hot  stove; 
the  sun  burns  the  face.  One  brands  with  a  hot  iron,  but 
cauterizes  with  some  corrosive  substance,  as  silver  nitrate. 
Cremate  is  now  used  specifically  for  consuming  a  dead  body 
by  intense  heat.  To  incinerate  is  to  reduce  to  ashes;  the  sense 
differs  little  from  that  of  cremate,  but  it  is  in  less  popular 
use.  To  kindle  is  to  set  on  fire,  as  if  with  a  candle;  ignite  is 
the  more  learned  and  scientific  word  for  the  same  thing,  ex- 
tending even  to  the  heating  of  metals  to  a  state  of  in- 
candescence without  burning.  To  scorch  and  to  singe  are 
superficial,  and  to  char  usually  so.  Both  kindle  and  burn 
have  an  extensive  figurative  use;  as,  to  kindle  strife:  to  burn 
with  wrath,  love,  devotion,  curiosity.  Compare  LIGHT. 


cool  extinguish  put  out  smother  stifle  subdue 

To  burn  in  the  fire;  burn  with  firej  burn  to  the  ground; 
burn  to  ashes;  burn  through  the  skin,  or  the  roof;  bum  into 
the  soil,  etc. 

t , business 



affair  concern  job  trading 

art  craft  occupation  traffic 

avocation  duty  pursuit  transaction 

barter  employment  profession  -vocation 

calling  handicraft  trade  work 

A  business  is  what  one  follows  regularly;  an  occupation  is 
what  he  happens  at  any  time  to  be  engaged  in;  trout-fishing 
may  be  one's  occupation  for  a  time,  as  a  relief  from  business; 
business  is  ordinarily  for  profit,  while  the  occupation  may  be 
a  matter  of  learning,  philanthropy,  or  religion.  A  profession 
implies  scholarship;  as,  the  learned  professions.  Pursuit  is  an 
occupation  which  one  follows  with  ardor.  An  avocation,  is 
what  c.alls  one  away  from  other  work;  a  vocation  or  calling, 
that  to  which  one  is  called  by  some  special  fitness  or  sense  of 
duty;  thus,  we  speak  of  the  gospel  ministry  as  a  vocation  or 
calling,  rather  than  a  business.  Trade  or  trading  is,  in  general, 
the  exchanging  of  one  thing  for  another;  in  the  special  sense, 
a  trade  is  an  occupation  involving  manual  training  and  skilled 
labor;  as,  the  ancient  Jews  held  that  every  boy  should  learn 
a  trade.  A  transaction  is  a  single  action,  whether  in  business, 
diplomacy,  or  otherwise ;  aff air  has  a  similar,  but  lighter  mean- 
ing; as,  this  little  affair;  an  important  transaction.  The  plural 
affairs  has  a  distinctive  meaning,  including  all  activities  where 
men  deal  with  one  another  on  any  considerable  scale;  as,  a 
man  of  affairs.  A  job  is  a  piece  of  work  viewed  as  a  single 
undertaking,  and  ordinarily  paid  for  as  such.  Trade  and 
commerce  may  be  used  as  equivalents,  but  trade  is  capable  of 
a  more  limited  application ;  we  speak  of  the  trade  of  a  village, 
the  commerce  of  a  nation.  Barter  is  the  direct  exchange  of 
commodities;  business,  trade,  and  commerce  are  chiefly  trans- 
acted by  means  of  money,  bills  of  exchange,  etc.  Business, 
occupation,  etc.,  may  be  what  one  does  independently;  em- 
ployment may  be  in  the  service  of  another.  Work  is  any  ap- 
plication of  energy  to  secure  a  result,  or  the  result  thus 
secured;  thus,  we  speak  of  the  work  of  God.  Art  in  the  in- 
dustrial sense  is  a  system  of  rules  and  accepted  methods  for 
the  accomplishment  of  some  practical  result;  as,  the  art  of 
printing;  collectively,  the  arts.  A  craft  is  some  occupation 
requiring  technical  skill  or  manual  dexterity,  or  the  persons, 
collectively,  engaged  in  its  exercise;  as,  the  weaver's  craft. 

,  134 



The  business  of  a  druggist;  in  business  with  his  father; 
doing  business  for  his  father;  have  you  business  with  me? 
business  in  New  York;  business  about,  concerning,  or  in 
regard  to  certain  property. 



and  however  notwithstanding  that 

barely  just  only  though 

besides  merely  provided  unless 

except  moreover  save  yet 

further  nevertheless  still 

But  ranges  from  the  faintest  contrast  to  absolute  negation; 
as,  I  am  willing  to  go,  but  (on  the  other  hand)  content  to 
stay;  he  is  not  an  honest  man,  but  (on  the  contrary)  a  villain. 
The  contrast  may  be  with  a  silent  thought;  as,  but  let  us  go 
(it  being  understood  that  we  might  stay  longer).  In  re- 
strictive use,  except  and  excepting  are  slightly  more  emphatic 
than  but;  we  say,  no  injury  but  a  scratch;  or,  no  injury 
except  some  painful  bruises.  Such  expressions  as  "words  are 
but  breath"  (nothing  but)  may  be  referred  to  the  restrictive 
use  by  ellipsis.  So  may  the  use  of  but  in  the  sense  of  unless; 
as,  "it  never  rains  but  it  pours."  To  the  same  head  must 
be  referred  the  conditional  use;  as,  "you  may  go,  but  with 
your  father's  consent"  (i.  e.,  "provided  you  have,"  "except 
that  you  must  have,"  etc.).  "Doubt  but"  is  now  less  used 
than  the  more  logical  "doubt  that."  But  never  becomes  a  full 
synonym  for  and;  and  adds  something  like,  but  adds  some- 
thing different;  "brave  and  tender"  implies  that  tenderness  is 
natural  to  the  brave;  "brave  but  tender"  implies  that  bravery 
and  tenderness  are  rarely  combined.  For  the  concessive  use, 



by  dint   of  by  means  of  through  with 

By  refers  to  the  agent;  through,  to  the  means,  cause,  or  con- 
dition; with,  to  the  instrument.  By  commonly  refers  to  per- 
sons; with,  to  things;  through  may  refer  to  either.  The  road 
having  become  impassable  through  long  disuse,  a  way  was 

135  but 
_ ... cabal 

opened  by  pioneers  with  axes.  By  may,  however,  be  applied  to 
any  object  which  is  viewed  as  partaking  of  action  and  agency; 
as,  the  metal  was  corroded  by  the  acid;  skill  is  gained  by 
practise.  We  speak  of  communicating  with  a  person  by 
letter.  Through  implies  a  more  distant  connection  than  by 
or  with,  and  more  intervening  elements.  Material  objects  are 
perceived  by  the  mind  through  the  senses. 



combination  confederacy  crew  gang 

conclave  conspiracy  faction  junto 

Cabal  (from  Heb.  gabbalah,  a  mystic  system  of  theosophy 
among  the  Hebrews)  originally  denoted  something  secret  or 
occult,  then  a  secret  meeting  or  association  of  a  few  persons 
for  private  ends,  and  thence  a  small  band  or  company  of 
persons  secretly  associated  to  promote  designs  of  their  own, 
independent  of  or  opposed  to  the  public  welfare;  the  word, 
already  in  use,  received  a  specially  opprobrious  meaning  as 
applied  to  a  ministry  of  Charles  II.  of  England,  partly  from 
their  own  faults,  and  largely  from  those  of  their  sovereign, 
which  were  laid  upon  them,  since  "the  King  could  do  no 
wrong,"  and  the  easy-going  "merry  monarch"  was  supposed  in- 
capable of  wishing  to. 

It  happened  by  a  whimsical  coincidence  that,  in  1671,  the  cabinet 
consisted  of  five  persons,  the  initial  letters  of  -whose  names  made  up  the 
word  Cabal — Clifford,  Arlington,  Buckingham,  Ashley,  and  Lauderdale. 
These  ministers  were  therefore  emphatically  called  the  Cabal;  and  they  soon 
made  that  appellation  so  infamous  that  it  has  never  since  their  time  been 
used  except  as  a  term  of  reproach 

MACAtTLAY  History  of  England,  voL  i,  ch.  2. 

Hence  cabal  has  come  to  mean  a  combination  or  conspiracy 
of  leaders  for  some  secret  purpose  viewed  as  unpatriotic  or 
unworthy.  The  word  junto,  once  current  in  a  similar  sense, 
has  fallen  almost  completely  out  of  use. 

A  conspiracy  is  a  combination  of  persons  for  an  evil  purpose, 
or  the  act  of  so  combining.  Conspiracy  is  a  distinct  crime 
under  common,  and  generally  under  statutory,  law.  A  faction 
is  more  extensive  than  a  conspiracy,  less  formal  in  organization, 
less  definite  in  plan.  Faction  and  its  adjective,  factious,  have 
always  an  unfavorable  sense.  A  gang  is  a  company  of  work- 

calculate  136 

calm  _ 

men  all  doing  the  same  work  under  one  leader;  the  word 
is  used  figuratively  only  of  combinations  which  it  is  meant  to 
stigmatize  as  rude  and  mercenary;  crew  is  used  in  a  closely 
similar  sense.  A  conclave  is  secret,  but  of  larger  numbers, 
ordinarily,  than  a  cabal,  and  may  have  honorable  use;  as,  the 
conclave  of  cardinals.  Compare  COMPANY. 



account     compnte    count     enumerate    number    reckon. 
cast  -consider    deem      estimate        rate  sum  up 

Number  is  the  generic  term.  To  count  is  to  number  one  by 
one.  To  calculate  is  to  use  more  complicated  processes,  as 
multiplication,  division,  etc.,  more  rapid  but  not  less  exact. 
Compute  allows  more  of  the  element  of  probability,  which  is 
still  more  strongly  expressed  by  estimate.  We  compute  the 
slain  in  a  great  war  from  the  number  known  to  have  fallen  in 
certain  great  battles  ;  compute  refers  to  the  present  or  the  past, 
estimate  more  frequently  to  the  future;  as,  to  estimate  the 
cost  of  a  proposed  building.  To  enumerate  is  to  mention 
item  by  item;  as,  to  enumerate  one's  grievances.  To  rate  is  to 
estimate  by  comparison,  as  if  the  object  were  one  of  a  series. 
We  count  upon  a  desired  future;  we  do  not  count  upon  the 
undesired.  As  applied  to  the  present,  we  reckon  or  count 
a  thing  precious  or  worthless.  Compare  ESTEEM. 

It  is  vain  to  calculate  on  or  upon  an  uncertain  result. 

CALL,  v. 


bawl  cry  (out)  roar  shriek 

bellow  ejaculate  scream  vociferate 

clamor  exclaim  shout  yell 

To  call  is  to  send  out  the  voice  in  order  to  attract  another's 
attention,  either  by  word  or  by  inarticulate  utterance.  Animals 
call  their  mates,  or  their  young;  a  man  calls  his  dog,  his  horse, 
etc.  The  sense  is  extended  to  include  summons  by  bell,  or  any 
signal.  To  shout  is  to  call  or  exclaim  with  the  fullest  volume 
of  sustained  voice;  to  scream  is  to  utter  a  shriller  cry;  to 
shriek  or  to  yell  refers  to  that  which  is  louder  and  wilder  still 

137  calculate 

.      calm. 

We  shout  words;  in  set  earning,  shrieking,  or  yelling  there  is 
often  no  attempt  at  articulation.  To  bawl  is  to  utter  senseless, 
noisy  cries,  as  of  a  child  in  pain  or  anger.  Bellow  and  roar 
are  applied  to  the  utterances  of  animals,  and  only  con- 
temptuously to  those  of  persons.  To  clamoi  is  to  utter  with 
noisy  iteration;  it  applies  also  to  the  confused  cries  of  a  multi- 
tude. To  vociferate  is  commonly  applied  to  loud  and  excited 
speech  where  there  is  little  besides  the  exertion  of  voice.  In 
exclaiming,  the  utterance  may  not  be  strikingly,  though  some- 
what, above  the  ordinary  tone  and  pitch;  we  may  exclaim  by 
mere  interjections,  or  by  connected  words,  but  always  by  some 
articulate  utterance.  To  ejaculate  is  to  throw  out  brief,  dis- 
connected, but  coherent  utterances  of  joy,  regret,  and  especial- 
ly of  appeal,  petition,  prayer;  the  use  of  such  devotional 
utterances  has  received  the  special  name  of  "ejaculatory 
prayer."  To  cry  out  is  to  give  forth  a  louder  and  more 
excited  utterance  than  in  exclaimhig  or  callwfj;  one  often 
exclaims  with  sudden  joy  as  well  as  sorrow;  if  he  cries  out., 
it  is  oftener  in  grief  or  agony.  In  the  most  common  colloquial 
usage,  to  cry  is  to  express  grief  or  pain  by  weeping  or  sob- 
bing. One  may  exclaim,  cry  out,  or  ejaculate  with  no  thought 
of  others'  presence;  when  he  calls,  it  is  to  attract  another's 


be  silent        be  still        hark        hearken        hush        list        listen 



balmy  imperturbable  self = possessed 

bland  mild  serene 

collected  pacific  smooth 

composed  peaceful  still 

cool  placid  tranquil 

dispassionate  quiet  undisturbed 

gentle  sedate  unruffled 

That  is  calm  which  is  free  from  disturbance  or  agitation;  in 
the  physical  sense,  free  from  violent  motion  or  action;  in  the 
mental  or  spiritual  realm,  free  from  excited  or  disturbing 
emotion  or  passion.  We  speak  of  a  calm  sea,  a  placid  lake,  a 
serene  sky,  a  still  night,  a  quiet  day,  a  quiet  home.  We  speak, 
also,  of  "still  waters,"  "smooth  sailing,"  which  are  different 
modes  of  expressing  freedom  from  manifest  agitation. 

cancel  138 


Salmi/  is  said  of  that  which  is  fragrant,  refreshing,  or  heal- 
ing like  balm,  soothing,  mild;  bland  of  that  which  is  mild, 
soft,  genial,  and  agreeable;  thus  the  air  or  the  breeze  may  be 
described  as  balmy  or  bland;  bland  is  also  applied  to  smooth 
and  soothing  manner,  speech,  or  the  like,  in  the  sense  of 
gentle,  genial,  soft-spoken,  or  agreeable.  Of  mental  condi- 
tions, one  is  calm  who  triumphs  over  a  tendency  to  excite- 
ment; cool,  if  he  scarcely  feels  the  tendency.  One  may  be 
calm  by  the  very  reaction  from  excitement,  or  by  the  op- 
pression of  overpowering  emotion,  as  we  speak  of  the  calmness 
of  despair.  One  is  composed  who  has  subdued  excited  feeling ; 
he  is  collected  when  he  has  every  thought,  feeling,  or  percep- 
tion awake  and  at  command.  Tranquil  refers  to  a  present 
state;  placid,  to  a  prevailing  tendency.  We  speak  of  a  tranquil 
mind,  a  placid  disposition.  The  serene  spirit  dwells  as  if  in 
the  clear  upper  air,  above  all  storm  and  shadow. 

The  star  of  the  unconquered  will, 

He  rises  in  my  breast, 
Serene  and  resolute  and  still, 
And  calm,   and  self-possessed 

LONGFELLOW  Light  of  Stars,  st    7. 

agitated         excited      frenzied     passionate     ruffled          violent 
boisterous      fierce         furious       raging  stormy         wild 

disturbed       frantic      heated       loused  turbulent     wrathful 



abolish  discharge  nullify  rescind 

abrogate  efface  obliterate  revoke 

annul  erase  quash  rub  off  or  out 

blot  out  expunge  remove  scratch  out 

cross  off  or  out  make  void  repeal  vacate 

Cancel,  efface,  erase,  expunge,  and  obliterate  have  as  their 
first  meaning  the  removal  of  written  characters  or  other  forms  of 
record.  To  cancel  is,  literally,  to  make  a  lattice  by  cross-lines, 
exactly  our  English  cross  out;  to  efface  is  to  rub  off,  smooth 
away  the  face,  as  of  an  inscription,-  to  erase  is  to  scratch  out, 
commonly  for  the  purpose  of  writing  something  else  in  the 
same  space;  to  expunge,  is  to  punch  out  with  some  sharp  in- 
strument, so  as  to  show  that  the  words  are  no  longer  part 
of  the  writing;  to  obliterate  is  to  cover  over  or  remove,  as  was 
done  by  reversing  the  Roman  stylus,  and  rubbing  out  with  the 

139  cancel 


rounded  end  what  had  been  written  with  the  point  on  the 
waxen  tablet.  What  has  been  canceled,  erased,  expunged 
may  perhaps  still  be  traced;  what  is  obliterated  is  gone  for- 
ever, as  if  it  had  never  been.  In  many  establishments,  when 
a  debt  is  discharged  by  payment,  the  record  is  cancelled.  The 
figurative  use  of  the  words  keeps  close  to  the  primary  sense. 
Compare  ABOLISH. 


approve      enact  establish      perpetuate       reenact         uphold 

confirm       enforce        maintain      record  sustain         write 



abovelioard  Honest          open.  trnthfnl 

artless  impartial    simple  unbiased 

fair  ingenuous  sincere        *  unprejudiced 

frank  innocent     straightforward  unreserved 

guileless        naive  transparent  unsophisticated 

A.  candid  statement  is  meant  to  be  true  to  the  real  facts  and 
just  to  all  parties;  a  fair  statement  is  really  so.  Fair  is  applied 
to  the  conduct;  candid  is  not;  as,  fair  treatment,  "a  fair  field, 
and  no  favor."  One  who  is  frank  has  a  fearless  and  uncon- 
strained truthfulness.  Honest  and  ingenuous  unite  in  ex- 
pressing contempt  for  deceit.  On  the  other  hand,  artless, 
guileless,  naive,  simple,  and  unsophisticated  express  the  good- 
ness which  conies  from  want  of  the  knowledge  or  thought  of 
evil.  As  truth  is  not  always  agreeable  or  timely,  candid  and 
frank  have  often  an  objectionable  sense;  "to  be  candid  with 
you,"  "to  be  perfectly  frank,"  are  regarded  as  sure  preludes 
to  something  disagreeable.  Open  and  unreserved  may  imply 
unstudied  truthfulness  or  defiant  recklessness;  as  open  admira- 
tion, open  robbery.  There  may  be  transparent  integrity  or 
transparent  fraud.  Sincere  applies  to  the  feelings,  as  being 
all  that  one's  words  would  imply. 


adroit      cunning  diplomatic  intriguing  sharp  subtle 

artful      deceitful  foxy  knowing  shrewd  tricky 

crafty      designing  insincere  maneuvering  sly  wily 


Candid  in  debate;  candid  to  or  toward  opponents;  candid 
with  friend  or  foe;  to  be  candid  about  or  in  regard  to  the 

caparison  140 




accouterments        harness  housings  trappings 

Harness  was  formerly  used  of  the  armor  of  a  knight  as  well 
as  of  a  horse;  it  is  now  used  almost  exclusively  of  the  straps 
and  appurtenances  worn  by  a  horse  when  attached  to  a  vehicle; 
the  animal  is  said  to  be  "kind  in  harness."  The  other 
words  apply  to  the  ornamental  outfit  of  a  horse,  especially 
under  saddle.  We  speak  also  of  the  accouterments  of  a 
soldier.  Caparison  is  used  rarely  and  somewhat  slightingly, 
and  trappings  quite  contemptuously,  for  showy  human  apparel. 
Compare  ARMS;  DEESS. 


chief  city  metropolis  seat  of  government 

The  metropolis  is  the  chief  city  in  the  commercial,  the 
capital  in  the  political  sense.  The  capital  of  an  American 
State  is  rarely  its  metropolis. 



carping         critical  fretful  peevish      testy 

caviling        cynical  hypercritical  petulant    touchy 

censorious   faultfinding  irritable  splenetic 

Critical,  though  often  used  invidiously,  is  a  word  of  high 
and  good  meaning;  as,  a  critical  study  of  Shakespeare  is 
worthy  of  respect  and  consideration;  no  important  matter, 
as  a  deed,  the  specifications  for  a  building,  a  contract,  a  legis- 
lative act,  or  the  like,  should  be  passed  without  critical  ex- 
amination. Captious  denotes  a  tendency  to  untimely,  un- 
called for,  or  unreasonable  criticism,  especially  in  small  mat- 
ters, or  on  petty  grounds;  captiousness  is  a  fault  of  the 
spirit  and  disposition,  and  is  closely  synonymous  with  fault- 
finding; the  captious  spirit  catches  at  every  chance  to  find 
fault,  and  is  on  the  watch  for  it;  hence,  captious  approaches 
the  meaning  of  fretful,  irritable,  peevish,  petulant,  etc.  Cen- 
sorious denotes  a  tendency  to  censure  for  the  sake  of  censur- 
ing; censoriousness  is  less  petty  and  more  severe  than  cap- 
tiousness ;  one  may  be  censorious  from  high  ideals  or  principles 
of  right  and  duty  joined  with  lack  of  appreciation,  charity, 

141  caparison 

.  care 

tenderness,  and  sympathy  for  others;  censoriousness  goes  -with 
self -righteousness.  Hypercritical  signifies  critical  beyond  the 
bounds  of  sound  reason  or  common  sense,  which  recognizes 
the  necessity  of  a  certain  amount  of  tolerated  imperfection  in 
all  practical  matters;  a  hypercntical  person  would  reject  a 
noble  stanza  for  a  superfluous  syllable  or  an  imperfect  rime, 
or  fix  attention  so  strongly  on  the  flaw  as  to  overshadow  the 
excellence  of  the  whole;  the  hypercritical  person  may  not  be 
captious  or  ill-tempered,  but  merely  actuated  by  a  wire- 
drawn minuteness  and  petty  exactness  of  criticism.  Caviling 
is  of  the  intellect;  a  cavil  is  not  an  argument,  but  an  attack 
upon  an  argument,  statement,  or  truth,  always  petty  and 
sneering,  and  often  disingenuous;  a  caviling  spirit  never  ar- 
rives, nor  seeks  to  arrive,  at  essential  truth.  Carping  is  less 
serious  and  ill-tempered  than  captious,  though  quite  as  petty, 
and  commonly  more  scornful;  a  carping  critic  stands  aloof 
and  flings  a  censure  or  a  sneer  at  what  the  captious  person 
hotly  blames.  A  cynical  person  is  coldly  contemptuous  of 
most  things  that  others  admire  or  believe  in,  especially  of 
disinterestedness  or  moral  worth;  he  does  not  become  angry 
like  the  captious,  nor  severe  like  the  censorious,  not  thinking 
anger  or  severity  worth  while;  the  cynical  man  keeps  his 
own  temper,  but  often  seriously  tries  that  of  others. 


appreciative  considerate  fair  laudatory 

approving  easy  flattering  negligent 

careless  ea^sysgoing  genial  reasonable 

commendatory  encouraging  goodsnatured  thoughtful 

complimentary  eulogistic 



anxiety'  concern  oversight  trouble 

attention  direction  perplexity  vigilance  * 

bother  forethought  precaution  -wariness 

caution  heed  prudence  watchfulness 

charge  management  solicitude  -worry 

Core  concerns  what  we  possess;  anxiety,  often,  what  we  do 
not;  riches  bring  many  cares;  poverty  brings  many  anxieties. 
Care  also  signifies  watchful  attention,  in  view  of  possible  harm ; 
as,  "This  side  np  with  care;"  "Take  care  of  yourself;"  or,  as  a 
sharp  warning,  "Take  care!"  Caution  has  a  sense  of  possible 


harm  and  risk  only  to  be  escaped,  if  at  all,  by  careful  delibera- 
tion and  observation.  Care  inclines  to  the  positive,  caution  to 
the  negative;  care  is  shown  in  doing,  caution  largely  in  not 
doing.  Precaution  is  allied  with  care,  prudence  with  caution; 
a  man  rides  a  dangerous  horse  with  care;  caution  will  keep  him 
from  mounting  the  horse;  precaution  looks  to  the  saddle-girths, 
bit,  and  bridle,  and  all  that  may  make  the  rider  secure.  Cir- 
cumspection is  watchful  observation  and  calculation,  but  with- 
out the  timidity  implied  in  caution.  Bother  is  disagreeable  care, 
disliked  or  resented  by  the  person  compelled  to  exercise  it. 
Concern  denotes  a  serious  interest,  milder  than  anxiety;  as, 
concern  for  the  safety  of  a  ship  at  sea.  Heed  implies  atten- 
tion without  disquiet;  it  is  now  largely  displaced  by  attention 
and  care.  Solicitude  involves  especially  the  element  of  desire, 
not  expressed  in  anxiety,  and  of  hopefulness,  not  implied  in 
care.  A  parent  feels  constant  solicitude  for  his  children's 
welfare,  anxiety  as  to  dangers  that  threaten  it,  with  care  to 
guard  against  them.  Watchfulness  recognizes  the  possibility 
of  danger,  wariness  the  probability.  A  man  who  is  not  in- 
fluenced by  caution  to  keep  out  of  danger  may  display  great 
wanness  in  the  midst  of  it.  Gare  has  also  the  sense  of  responsi- 
bility, with  possible  control,  as  expressed  in  charge,  manage- 
ment -,  oversight;  as,  these  children  are  under  my  care;  send 
the  money  to  me  in  care  of  the  firm.  Compare  ALARM; 


carelessness  inattention  negligence  recklessness 

disregard  indifference  omission  remissness 

heedlessness  negrlect  oversight  slight 


Take  care  of  the  house;  for  the  future;  about  the  matter. 



charge  flight  passage  race 

course  line  of  achievement    public  lif  e  rush 

A  career  was  originally  the  ground  for  a  race,  or,  especially, 
for  a  knight's  charge  in  tournament  or  battle;  whence  career 
was  early  applied  to  the  charge  itself. 

If  you  will  use  the  lance,  take  ground  for  your  career  .  .  .  The 
four  horsemen  met  in  full  career. 

SCOTT  Quentiu  Durwurd  ch.  14,  p.  194     [B   F.  &  CO  1 

143  career 

In  its  figurative  use  career  signifies  some  continuous  and 
conspicuous  work,  usually  a  life-work,  and  most  frequently 
one  of  honorable  achievement.  Compare  BUSINESS. 



coddle  embrace  fondle  pamper 

court  flatter  kiss  pet 

To  caress  is  less  than  to  embrace;  more  dignified  and  less 
familiar  than  to  fondle.  A  visitor  caresses  a  friend's  child;  a 
mother  fondles  her  babe.  Fondling  is  always  by  touch ;  caress- 
ing  may  be  also  by  words,  or  other  tender  and  pleasing  at- 


See  synonyms  for  AFFRONT. 


Caressed  by  or  with  the  hand;  caressed  by  edmirers,  at 



"burlesque  extravaganza         mimicry          tafce=off 

exaggeration         imitation  parody  travesty 

A  caricature  is  a  grotesque  exaggeration  of  striking  features 
or  peculiarities,  generally  of  a  person;  a  burlesque  treats  any 
subject  in  an  absurd  or  incongruous  manner.  A  burlesque  is 
written  or  acted;  a  caricature  is  more  commonly  in  sketch  or 
picture.  A  parody  changes  the  subject,  but  keeps  the  style;  a 
travesty  keeps  the  subject,  but  changes  the  style;  a  burlesque 
does  not  hold  itself  to  either  subject  or  style;  but  is  content 
with  a  general  resemblance  to  what  it  may  imitate.  A  carica- 
ture, parody,  or  travesty  must  have  an  original,  a  burlesque 
may  be  an  independent  composition.  An  account  of  a  school- 
boys'  quarrel  after  the  general  manner  of  Homer's  Iliad  would 
be  a  burlesque;  the  real  story  of  the  Iliad  told  in  newspaper 
style  would  be  a  travesty.  An  extravaganza  is  a  fantastic 
composition,  musical,  dramatic,  or  narrative.  Imitation  is 
serious;  mimicry  is  either  intentionally  or  unintentionally 




carnival  drinking-bout  revel  saturnalia 

carouse  jollification  revelry  spree 

debauch  orgy  rout  wassail 

These  words  all  denote  wild  and  careless  merrymaking,  in 
which  all  restraint  is  thrown  aside.  All  are  forms  of  letting  go, 
with  differences  in  the  degree  of  self-abandonment.  The 
carnival,  the  final  festival  before  the  long  privation  of  Lent, 
includes  much  harmless,  but  somewhat  riotous,  fun,  and  thence 
reaches  all  degrees  of  unrestrained  license;  we  may  speak  of 
a  skating  carnival,  a  carnival  of  debauchery,  a  carnival  of 
slaughter.  The  revel  and  revelry  may  include  much  that  is 
elegant  and  sumptuous,  with  enjoyment  that  is  merely  care- 
less and  unrestrained,  thence  extending  to  the  wildest  excess; 
in  its  best  use,  either  revel  or  revelry  is  of  a  higher  grade 
than  carnival: 

There  was  a  sound  of  reveby  by  night, 
And  Belgium's  capital  had  gathered  then 
Her  beauty  and  her  chivalry 

BYRON  Ohilde  Harold. 

Carousal,  carouse,  debauch,  orgy,  etc.,  all  denote  unrestrained 
indulgence  in  drunkenness  or  other  vicious  pleasure,  with  the 
accompanying  degradation.  Compare  FEAST. 


abstemiousness        austerity  privation  temperance 

abstinence  fast  sobriety 



bear  convey  move  sustain  transmit 

bring  lift  remove         take  transport 

A  person  may  "bear  a  load  either  when  in  motion  or  at  rest  ; 
he  carries  it  only  when  in  motion.  The  stooping  Atlas  bears 
the  world  on  his  shoulders;  swiftly  moving  Time  carries  the 
hour-glass  and  scythe;  a  person  may  "be  said  either  to  bear  or 
to  carry  a  scar,  since  it  is  upon  him  whether  in  motion  or  at 
rest.  If  an  object  is  to  be  moved  from  the  place  we  occupy, 
we  say  carry;  if  to  the  place  we  occupy,  we  say  bring.  A 
messenger  carries  a  letter  to  a  correspondent,  and  brings  an 
answer.  Take  is  often  used  in  this  sense  in  place  of  carry; 
as,  take  that  letter  to  the  office.  Carry  often  signifies  ^to 

145  carousal 

g .         catastrophe 

transport  by  personal  strength,  without  reference  to  the  di- 
rection; as,  that  is  more  than  he  can  carry;  yet,  even  so,  it 
would  not  be  admissible  to  say  carry  it  to  me,  or  carry  it  here; 
in  such  case  we  must  say  bring.  To  hft  is  simply  to  raise 
from  the  ground,  though  but  for  an  instant,  with  no  reference 
to  holding  or  moving;  one  may  be  able  to  lift  what  he  could 
not  carry.  The  figurative  uses  of  carry  are  very  numerous ;  as, 
to  carry  an  election,  carry  the  eomitry,  carry  (in  the  sense  of 
capture)  a  fort,  carry  an  audience,  carry  a  stock  of  goods,  etc. 


drop  give  up  shake  off  throw  off 

fall  under  let  go  throw  down 


To  carry  coals  to  Newcastle;  carry  nothing  fromy  or  out  of, 
this  house;  he  carried  these  qualities  into  all  he  did;  carry 
across  the  street,  over  the  bridge,  through  the  woods,  around 
or  round  the  corner;  beyond  the  river;  the  cable  was  carried 
under  the  sea. 



calamity  denouement          mischance  misHap 

cataclysm  disaster  misfortune  segue! 

A  cataclysm  or  catastrophe  is  some  great  convulsion  or 
momentous  event  that  may  or  may  not  be  a  cause  of  misery  fr* 
man.  In  calamity,  or  disaster,  the  thought  of  human  suffering 
is  always  present.  It  has  been  held  by  many  geologists  that 
numerous  catastrophes  or  cataclysms  antedated  the  existence 
of  man.  In  literature,  the  final  event  of  a  drama  is  the 
catastrophef  or  denouement.  Misfortune  ordinarily  suggests 
less  of  suddenness  and  violence  than  calamity  or  disaster, 
and  is  especially  applied  to  that  which  is  lingering  or  enduring 
in  its  effects.  In  history,  the  end  of  every  great  war  or  the  fall 
of  a  nation  is  a  catastrophe,  though  it  may  not  be  a  calamity. 
Yet  such  an  event,  if  not  a  calamity  to  the  race,  will  always 
involve  much  individual  disaster  and  misfortune.  Pestilence  is 
a  calamity;  a  defeat  in  battle,  a  shipwreck,  or  a  failure  in 
business  is  a  disaster;  sickness  or  loss  of  property  is  a  mis- 
fortune; failure  to  meet  a  friend  is  a  mischance;  the  breaking 
of  a  teacup  is  a  mishap. 

catch                                                                                           146 


benefit  boon  favor  pleasure  prosperity 

blessing  comfort  help  privilege  success 


The  catastrophe  of  a  play;  of  a  siege;  rarely,  to  a  person, 



apprehend  ensnare  overtake 

capture  entrap  secure 

elasp  grasp  seize 

clutch.  grip  snatch, 

comprehend  gripe  take 

discover  lay  hold  of  (on,  upon)     take  hold  of 

To  catch  is  to  come  up  with  or  take  possession  of  something 
departing,  fugitive,  or  illusive.  We  catch  a  runaway  horse,  a 
flying  ball,  a  mouse  in  a  trap.  We  clutch  with  a  swift,  tena- 
cious movement  of  the  fingers;1  we  grasp  with  a  firm  but 
moderate  closure  of  the  whole  hand;  we  grip  or  gripe  with 
the  strongest  muscular  closure  of  the  whole  hand  possible  to 
exert.  We  clasp  in  the  arms  We  snatch  with  a  quick,  sud- 
den, and  usually  a  surprising  motion.  In  the  figurative  sense, 
catch  is  used  of  any  act  that  brings  a  person  or  thing 
into  our  power  or  possession;  as,  to  catch  a  criminal  in  the 
act;  to  catch  an  idea,  in  the  sense  of  apprehend  or  compre- 
hend. Compare  ABEEST. 


fail  of  give  up         lose  release  throw  aside 

fall  short  of          let  go  miss  restore          throw  away 


To  catch  at  a  straw;  to  catch  a  fugitive  by  the  collar;  to 
catch  a  ball  with  the  left  hand;  he  caught  the  disease  from 
the  patient;  the  thief  was  caught  in  the  act;  the  bird  in  the 



actor  causation  fountain  power 

agent  condition  motive  precedent 

antecedent  creator  occasion  reason 

author  designer  origin  source 

casuality  former  originator  spring 

The  efficient  cause,  that  which  makes  anything  to  be  or  be 
done,  is  the  common  meaning  of  the  word,  as  in  the  saying 

147  catch 

, cavity 

"There  is  no  effect  without  a  cause"  Every  man  instinctively 
recognizes  himself  acting  through  will  as  the  cause  of  his  own 
actions.  The  Creator  is  the  Great  First  Game  of  all  things.  A 
condition  is  something  that  necessarily  precedes  a  result,  but 
does  not  produce  it.  An  antecedent  simply  precedes  a  result, 
with  or  without  any  agency  in  producing  it;  as,  Monday  is 
the  invariable  antecedent  of  Tuesday,  but  not  the  cause  of  it. 
The  direct  antonym  of  cause  is  effect,  while  that  of  antecedent 
is  consequent.  An  occasion  is  some  event  which  brings  a 
cause  into  action  at  a  particular  moment;  gravitation  and 
heat  are  the  causes  of  an  avalanche;  the  steep  incline  of  the 
mountain-side  is  a  necessary  condition,  and  the  shout  of  the 
traveler  may  be  the  occasion  of  its  fall.  Causality  is  the 
doctrine  or  principle  of  causes,  causation  the  action  or  work- 
ing of  causes.  Compare  DESIGN;  REASON. 


consequence       development     end         fruit      outcome         product 
creation  effect  event     issue      outgrowth      result 


The  cause  of  the  disaster;  cause  for  interference. 



aperture  crack  gap  perforation 

bore  crater  gorge  pipe 

breach.  defile  hold  pore 

burrow  dell  hole  ravine 

cave  den  hollow  rent 

cavern  dent  indentation       slit 

cell  depression  mine  tnbe 

chasm  depth.  notch  tunnel 

cleft  excavation  opening  vale 

concavity  fissure  orifice  valley 

A  cavity  is  a  hollow  space  within  a  body,  which  may  be 
open  externally  or  completely  enclosed;  as,  the  cavity  of  the 
mouth;  the  cavity  of  the  skull;  concavity  usually  denotes  the 
state  of  being  concave,  but  may  denote  a  concave  surface  or 
cavity.  A  hole  is  an  opening  in  a  solid  body  or  compact 
substance;  it  may  extend  entirely  through  the  body,  or  only 
partly  through  it,  forming  a  cavity,  and  may  be  of  any  shape, 
provided  the  transverse  axes  are  not  greatly  unequal,  as  il- 
lustrated in  the  proverb  of  "fitting  round  men  into  square 
boles."  A  hole  is  generally  thought  of  as  open  at  one  or 

eavity  148 


both  surfaces  of  the  body  containing  it,  though  we  speak  of  the 
holes  in  a  cheese,  or  the  holes  in  worm-eaten  wood,  which 
extend  at  random  within  the  substance;  a  hole  in  the  ground, 
in  the  trunk  or  branch  of  a  tree,  or  the  like,  either  found 
existing  or  purposely  excavated,  is  often  used  for  the  home 
or  hiding-place  of  an  animal,  and  may  be  a  burrow  or  den; 
from  the  use  of  such  resorts  by  the  inferior  animals  as  foxes, 
rats,  or  the  like,  the  word  hole  has  an  opprobrious  meaning 
as  applied  to  human  habitations  or  resorts;  as,  the  Black  Hole 
of  Calcutta;  a  rum-hole.  An  opening  very  long  in  propor- 
tion to  its  width  is  more  commonly  called  a  cracky  fissure, 
slit,  or  the  like,  or  on  the  surface  of  the  earth  such  an  open- 
ing is  designated  as  a  chasm,  gorge,  or  ravine.  A.  defile  is  a 
long  mountain-pass  so  narrow  that  it  can  be  marched  through 
only  in  file,  as  in  single  file.  A  rent  in  a  garment  is  made 
by  tearing;  a  slit,  by  cutting.  A  small  space  wholly  enclosed 
is  called  a  cell;  a  biological  cell  is  commonly  filled  with 
protoplasm.  A  tub e  is  a  long,  hollow,  cylindrical  body,  as  of 
wood,  rubber,  metal,  or  glass,  for  the  passage  of  liquids  or 
gases;  a  similar  formation  in  the  body  of  a  plant  or  animal 
is  likewise  called  a  tube;  as,  the  bronchial  tubes;  a  pipe  is  a 
long  conducting  passage,  commonly,  but  not  necessarily 
cylindrical;  as,  a  drain-pipe;  a  pipe-line  for  oil,  etc.;  the 
metallic  tubes  of  a  wind-instrument  are  called  pipes;  as, 
the  pipes  of  an  organ;  the  lo&gpipe  is  known  collectively  as 
the  pipes: 

Pipes  of  the  misty  moorlands, 

Voice  of  the  vales  and  hills, 
The  droning  of  the  torrents. 

The  treble  of  the  rills. 

WHITTIBB  The  Pipes  at  LucTcnow,  st    1. 

For  the  most  part  the  difference  between  tube  and  pipe  is 
simply  a  matter  of  usage.  The  minute  orifices  or  perforations 
of  the  sweat-glands  through  the  skin  are  called  pores.  An 
orifice  is  an  opening  into  a  cavity,  as  the  mouth  of  a  hole, 
tube,  or  pipe.  In  nautical  use,  the  hold  is  the  cavity  of  a 
ship  below  the  deck,  used  for  storage  of  cargo.  A  crater 
is  an  opening  of  a  volcano,  at  or  near  the  summit,  through 
which  eruptions  occur.  A  bore,  excavation,  mine,  perforation, 
or  tunnel  is  artificially  made;  as,  the  bore  of  a  cannon,  the 
excavation  for  the  foundation  of  a  new  building;  a  mine  run 


by  an  enemy  under  a  fortress;  the  tunnel  under  the  Simplon; 
a  perforation  may  be  extensive,  as  of  a  shot  through  armor, 
or  minute,  as  of  a  needle-point  through  paper,  rubber,  or  the 
like.  A  dent  or  indentation  is  a  depression  on  the  surface 
of  a  solid,  as  if  beaten  in.  A  notch  is  sharply  cut,  as  with 
a  knife  or  saw,  generally  in  the  edge  or  convex  surface  of  an 
object;  a  notch  in  a  mountain-chain  is  named  from  its  shape 
as  viewed  from  a  distance,  when  it  seems  to  be  sharply  cut 
into  the  contour  of  the  range.  Aperture  is  a  very  general 
word,  applying  to  an  opening  of  almost  any  shape  or  size 
through  the  surface  of  a  solid  body,  affording  ingress  or 
egress,  or  permitting  the  passage  of  light,  sound,  etc.;  aperture 
is  much  used  in  science  of  a  measurable  opening  or  interval; 
as,  the  aperture  of  a  lens;  the  aperture  of  a  microscope  or 
of  a  telescope.  The  noun  hollow  denotes  a  shallow  concavity 
or  sunken  space,  usually  round  or  oval,  on  the  outer  surface 
of  a  solid,  as  of  the  earth.  A  cleft  is  an  opening  or  separa- 
tion made,  or  seeming  as  if  made,  by  splitting  or  cleaving.  A 
breach  is  an  opening  roughly  broken,  generally  from  the  top 
or  edge  down  through  a  wall  or  other  object,  as  by  a  bat- 
tering-ram or  cannon;  a  gap  may  be  between  portions  that 
never  were  joined;  as,  a  gap  in  a  mountain  range.  Compare 


convexity  hill  mount  protuberance 

elevation  hillock  mountain  rampart 

eminence  knoll  peak  rising- 

excrescence  lump  projection  swelling 

height  mound  prominence 



abstain  desist  give  over  grdt 

bring  to  an  end  discontinue  intermit  refrain 

come  to  an  end  end  leave  off  stop 

conclude  finish  panse  terminate 

Strains  of  music  may  gradually  or  suddenly  cease.  A  man 
quits  work  on  the  instant;  he  may  discontinue  a  practise  grad- 
ually; he  quits  suddenly  and  completely;  he  stops  short  in 
what  he  may  or  may  not  resume;  he  pauses  in  what  he  will 
probably  resume.  What  intermits  or  is  intermitted  returns 
again,  as  a  fever  that  intermits.  Compare  ^BAOTQN;  PIE; 
END;  &EST. 

celebrate                                                                                      150 


begin  inaugurate  originate  set  in  operation 

commence  initiate  set  about  set  on  foot 

enter  upon  institute  set  going  start 


Cease  from  anger. 


commemorate  keep  observe  solemnize 

To  celebrate  any  event  or  occasion  is  to  make  some  demon- 
stration of  respect  or  rejoicing  because  of  or  in  memory  of  it, 
or  to  perform  such  public  rites  or  ceremonies  as  it  properly 
demands.  We  celebrate  the  birth,  commemorate  the  death  of 
one  beloved  or  honored.  We  celebrate  a  national  anniversary 
with  music  and  song,  with  firing  of  guns  and  ringing  of  bells; 
we  commemorate  by  any  solemn  and  thoughtful  service,  or  by 
a  monument  or  other  enduring  memorial.  We  keep  the  Sab- 
bath, solemnize  a  marriage,  observe  an  anniversary;  we  cele- 
brate or  observe  the  Lord's  Supper  in  which  believers  com- 
memorate the  sufferings  and  death  of  Christ. 


contemn  dishonor  forget  neglect  profane 

despise  disregard  ignore  overlook  violate 


We  celebrate  the  day  with  appropriate  ceremonies;  the 
victory  was  celebrated  by  the  people,  with  rejoicing. 


middle  midst 

We  speak  of  the  center  of  a  circle,  the  middle  of  a  room, 
the  middle  of  the  street,  the  midst  of  a  forest.  The  center 
is  equally  distant  from  every  point  of  the  circumference  of 
a  circle,  or  from  the  opposite  boundaries  on  each  axis  of  a 
parallelogram,  etc. ;  the  middle  is  more  general  and  less  definite. 
The  center  is  a  point;  the  middle  may  be  a  line  or  a  space. 
We  say  at  the  center;  in  the  middle.  Midst  commonly  implies  a 
group  or  multitude  of  surrounding  objects.  Compare  AMID* 


boun$  boundary  circumference          perimeter  rim 

151  celebrate 




confusion  discomposure    humiliation       shame 

disappointment    dismay  mortification    vexation 

Chagrin  unites  disappointment  with  some  degree  of  hu- 
miliation. A  rainy  day  may  bring  disappointment;  needless 
failure  in  some  enterpnse  brings  chagrin.  Shame  involves  the 
consciousness  of  fault,  guilt,  or  impropriety;  chagrin  of 
failure  of  judgment,  or  harm  to  reputation.  A  consciousness 
that  one  has  displayed  his  own  ignorance  will  cause  him 
mortification,  however  worthy  his  intent;  if  there  was  a 
design  to  deceive,  the  exposure  will  cover  him  with  shame. 


delight  exultation  glory  rejoicing  triumph. 


He  felt  deep  chagrin  at  (because  of,  on  account  of)  failure. 

CHANGE,  v. 


alter  exchange  shift  transmute 

commute  metamorphose  substitute  turn 

convert  modify  transfigure  vary 

diversify  qualify  transform  veer 

To  change  is  distinctively  to  make  a  thing  other  than  it  has 
been,  in  some  respect  at  least;  to  exchange  to  put  or  take  some- 
thing else  in  its  place;  to  alter  is  ordinarily  to  change  partially, 
to  make  different  in  one  or  more  particulars.  To  exchange 
is  often  to  transfer  ownership ;  as,  to  exchange  city  for  country 
property.  Change  is  often  used  in  the  sense  of  exchange; 
as,  to  change  horses.  To  transmute  is  to  change  the  qualities 
while  the  substance  remains  the  same;  as,  to  transmute  the 
baser  metals  into  gold.  To  transform  is  to  change  form  or  ap- 
pearance, with  or  without  deeper  and  more  essential  change ;  it 
is  less  absolute  than  transmute,  though  sometimes  used  for  that 
word,  and  is  often  used  in  a  spiritual  sense  as  transmute  could 
not  be;  "Be  ye  transformed  by  the  renewing  of  your  mind," 
Rom.  xii,  2.  Transfigure  is,  as  in  its  Scriptural  use,  to  change 
in  an  exalted  and  glorious  spiritual  way;  "Jesus  .  .  *  was 
transfigured  before  them,  and  his  face  id  shine  as  the  sun, 
and  his  raiment  was  white  as  the  light,"  Matt*  xvii,  1,  2.  To 
metamorphose  is  to  make  some  remarkable  change,  ordinarily 

change                                                                                        152 

in  external  qualities,  but  often  in  structure,  use,  or  chemical 
constitution,  as  of  a  caterpillar  into  a  butterfly,  of  the  sta- 
mens of  a  plant  into  petals,  or  of  the  crystalline  structmc 
of  rocks,  hence  called  "metamorphie  roeks,"  as  when  a  lime- 
stone is  metamorphosed  into  a  marble.  To  vary  is  to  change 
from  tune  to  time,  often  capriciously.  To  commute  is  to  put 
something  easier,  lighter,  milder,  or  in  some  way  more  favor- 
able in  place  of  that  which  is  commuted;  as,  to  commute 
capital  punishment  to  imprisonment  for  life;  to  commute  daily 
fares  on  a  railway  to  a  monthly  payment.  To  convert  (from 
L.  con,  with,  and  verto,  turn)  is  to  primarily  turn  about,  and 
signifies  to  change  in  form,  character,  use,  etc,,  through  a  wide 
range  of  relations;  iron  is  converted  into  steel,  joy  into  grief, 
a  sinner  into  a  saint.  To  turn  is  a  popular  word  for  change 
in  any  sense  short  of  the  meaning  of  exchange,  being  often 
equivalent  to  alter,  convert,  transform,  transmute,  etc.  We 
modify  or  qualify  a  statement  which  might  seem  too  strong; 
we  modify  it  by  some  limitation,  qualify  it  by  some  addition. 


abide  continue  hold  persist  retain 

bide  endure  keep  remain  stay 


To  change  a  home  toilet  for  a  street  dress;  to  change  from  a 
caterpillar  to  or  into  a  butterfly;  to  change  clothes  with  a 

CHANGE,  n. 


alteration    mutation          renewing  transmutation 

conversion  novelty  revolution  variation 

diversity       regeneration  transformation  variety 
innovation  renewal  transition  vicissitude 

A  change  is  a  passing  from  one  state  or  form  to  another,  any 
act  or  process  by  which  a  thing  becomes  unhke  what  it  was 
before,  or  the  unlikeness  so  produced;  we  say  a  change  was  place,  or  the  change  that  had  taken  place  was  manifest. 
Mutation  is  a  more  formal  word  for  change,  often  suggesting 
repeated  or  continual  change;  as,  the  mutations  of  fortune. 
Novelty  is  a  change  to  what  is  new,  or  the  newness  of  that  to 
which  a  change  is  made;  as,  he  was  perpetually  desirous  of 
novelty.  Revolution  is  specifically  and  most  commonly  a 
change  of  government.  Variation  is  a  partial  change  in  form, 


qualities,  etc.,  but  especially  in  position  or  action;  as,  the 
variation  of  the  magnetic  needle  or  of  the  pulse.  Variety 
is  a  succession  of  changes  or  an  intermixture  of  different 
things,  and  is  always  thought  of  as  agreeable.  Vicissitude  is 
sharp,  sudden,  or  violent  change,  always  thought  of  as  sur- 
prising and  often  as  disturbing  or  distressing;  as,  the  vicissi- 
tudes of  politics.  Transition  is  change  by  passing  from  one 
place  or  state  to  another,  especially  in  a  natural,  regular,  or 
orderly  way ;  as,  the  transition  from  spring  to  summer,  or  from 
youth  to  manhood.  An  innovation  is  a  change  that  breaks 
in  upon  an  established  order  or  custom;  as,  an  innovation 
in  religion  or  politics.  For  the  distinctions  between  the  other 
words  compare  the  synonyms  for  CHANGE,  v.  In  the  religious 
sense  regeneration  is  the  vital  renewing  of  the  soul  by  the 
power  of  the  divine  Spirit;  conversion  is  the  conscious  and 
manifest  change  from  evil  to  good,  or  from  a  lower  to  a  higher 
spiritual  state;  as,  in  Luke  xxii,  32.  "when  thou  art  converted, 
strengthen  thy  brethren."  In  popular  use  conversion  is  the 
most  common  word  to  express  the  idea  of  regeneration. 


constancy  fixedness  invariability  steadiness 

continuance  fixity  permanence  unchangeableness 

firmness  identity  persistence  uniformity 


We  have  made  a  change  for  the  better;  the  change  from 
winter  to  spring;  the  change  of  a  liquid  to  or  into  a  gas;  a 
change  in  quality;  a  change  by  absorption  or  oxidation. 



constitution  nature  reputation       temper 

disposition  personality       spirit  temperament 

genius  '  record 

Character  is  what  one  is;  reputation.,  what  he  is  thought  to 
be;  his  record  is  the  total  of  his  known  action  or  inaction.  As  a 
rule,  a  man's  record  will  substantially  express  his  character;  his 
reputation  may  be  higher  or  lower  than  his  character  or  record 
will  justify.  Repute  is  a  somewhat  formal  word,  with  the  same 
general  sense  as  reputation.  One's  nature  includes  all  his  origi- 
nal endowments  or  propensities;  character  includes  both 
natural  and  acquired  traits.  We  speak  of  one's  physical  con- 




stitution  as  strong  or  weak,  etc.,  and  figuratively,  always  with 
the  adjective,  of  his  mental  or  moral  constitution.    Compare 


The  witness  has  a  character  fot  veracity;  his  character  is 
above  suspicion ;  the  character  of  the  applicant. 





A  characteristic  "belongs  to  the  nature  or  character  of  the 
person,  thing,  or  class,  and  serves  to  identify  an  object;  as,  a 
copper-colored  skin,  high  cheek-bones,  and  straight,  black  hair 
are  characteristics  of  the  American  Indian.  A  sign  is  manifest 
to  an  observer;  a  mark  or  a  characteristic  may  be  more  diffi- 
cult to  discover;  an  insensible  person  may  show  signs  of  life, 
while  sometimes  only  close  examination  will  disclose  marks  of 
violence.  Pallor  is  ordinarily  a  mark  of  fear;  but  in  some 
brave  natures  it  is  simply  a  characteristic  of  intense  earnest- 
ness. Mark  is  sometimes  used  in  a  good,  but  often  in  a  bad 
sense;  we  speak  of  the  characteristic  of  a  gentleman,  the  mark 
of  a  villain.  Compare  ATTRIBUTE;  CHARACTER. 



bewitching        delightful          enrapturing       fascinating 
captivating       enchanting       entrancing          winning 

That  is  charming  or  bewitching  which  is  adapted  to  win 
others  as  by  a  magic  spell.  Enchanting,  enrapturing,  entrancing 
represent  the  influence  as  not  only  supernatural,  but  irresistible 
and  delightful.  That  which  is  fascinating  may  win  without 
delighting,  drawing  by  some  unseen  power,  as  a  serpent  its 
prey;  we  can  speak  of  horrible  fascination.  Charming  applies 
only  to  what  is  external  to  oneself;  delightful  may  apply  to 
personal  experiences  or  emotions  as  well;  we  speak  of  a 
charming  manner,  a  charming  dress,  but  of  deUghtful  anticipa- 
tions. Compare  AMIABLE;  BEAUTIFUL. 

155                                                                            characteristic 



afflict  chastise     discipline     punish    refine       subdue 

castigate    correct      humble          purify     soften     try 

Castigate  and  chastise  refer  strictly  to  corporal  punishment, 
though  both  are  somewhat  archaic ;  correct  and  punish  are 
often  used  as  euphemisms  in  preference  to  either.  Pumsh  is 
distinctly  retributive  in  sense;  chastise,  partly  retributive,  and 
partly  corrective;  chasten,  wholly  corrective.  Chasten  is  used 
exclusively  in  the  spiritual  sense,  and  chiefly  of  the  visitation 
of  God. 


"We  are  chastened  of  the  Lord,"  1  Cor.  xi,  32;  "they  .  .  . 
chastened  us  after  their  own  pleasure,  but  He  for  our  profit," 
Hel.  xii,  10;  "  chasten  in  thy  hot  displeasure,"  Ps.  iv,  7; 
chasten  with  pain;  ly  trials  and  sorrows. 



bridle  curb  inhibit  reduce  slacken 

checkmate  hinder  moderate  repress  stay 

counteract  impede  obstruct  restrain  stop 

To  check  is  to  restrain^  movement  (see  RESTRAIN)  suddenly, 
and  partially  or  temporarily;  as,  to  check  the  speed  of  a 
horse  or  of  a  railway  train;  to  check  the  advance  of  an 
enemy;  to  check  progress.  Check  has  none  of  the  suggestion 
of  art,  cunning,  or  superior  skill  that  is  in  baffle  and  foil 
(see  BAWLE)  ;  an  enemy's  advance  may  be  checked  by  march- 
ing up  an  effective  force  or  planting  cannon  squarely  in  his 
front.  The  words  check  and  checkmate  are  to  be  discriminated 
as  partial  and  total;  in  the  game  of  chess,  in  which  both 
originated,  a  "check"  is  any  attack  upon  the  king;  a  player's 
first  business  is  to  get  his  king  "out  of  check";  until  that  is 
done  he  can  make  no  other  move;  if  he  cannot  do  that,  he 
is  beaten,  and  is  technically  said  to  be  checkmated;  checkmate 
(from  Pers.  shah  mat,  the  king  is  dead)  is  never  to  be  used 
figuratively  of  anything  less  than  final  and  irremediable  de- 
feat. (Compare  DEFEAT  under  CONQUER.)  A  person  or  move- 
ment is  checked  if  in  any  way  restrained;  checkmated  if  de- 
feated beyond  recovery.  Compare  HINDER;  OBSTRUCT;  RE- 

eherish  156 
circumlocution  _  ^_«___ 


abet                    expedite  indulge  license  rush 

accelerate          free  instigate  loose  speed 

allow                 hasten  let  go  loosen  urge  forward 

encourage          hurry  liberate  quicken  urge  on 



cheer  encourage  harbor  nurse  shelter 

cling  to         entertain  hold  dear  nurture  treasure 

comfort         foster  nourish  protect  value 

To  cherish  is  both  to  hold  dear  and  to  treat  as  dear.  Mere 
unexpressed  esteem  would  not  be  cherishing.  In  the  marriage 
vow,  "to  love,  honor,  and  cherish/'  the  word  cherish  implies  all 
that  each  can  do  by  love  and  tenderness  for  the  welfare  and 
happiness  of  the  other,  as  by  support,  protection,  care  in 
sickness,  comfort  m  sorrow,  sympathy,  and  help  of  every  kind. 
To  nurse  is  to  tend  the  helpless  or  feeble,  as  infants,  or  the 
sick  or  wounded.  To  nourish  is  strictly  to  sustain  and  build 
up  by  food;  to  nurture  includes  careful  mental  and  spiritual 
training,  with  something  of  love  and  tenderness;  to  foster  is 
simply  to  maintain  and  care  for,  to  bring  up,  a  /osier-child 
will  be  nourished,  but  may  not  be  as  tenderly  nurtured  or  as 
lovingly  cherished  as  if  one's  own.  In  the  figurative  sense, 
the  opinion  one  cherishes  he  holds,  *not  with  mere  cold  con- 
viction, but  with  loving  devotion, 

See  synonyms  for  ABANDON  ;  CHASTEN. 

CHIEF,  n. 


captain       commander  ting       master  principal   sachem 
chieftain  head  leader  prince    ruler 

A  chief  is  either  the  ruler  of  a  tribe  or  the  head  of  some 
department  of  established  government;  as,  the  chief  of  police; 
the  word  is  rarely,  and  for  the  most  part  colloquially,  applied 
to  one  holding  some  analogous  position  in  literary  or 
mercantile  life,  etc.  Chieftain  is  now  mainly  employed  in 
literary,  and  chiefly  poetic,  use;  it  has  special  historic  ap- 
plication to  the  head  of  a  Scottish  clan.  A  leader  is  one  who 
is  voluntarily  followed,  because  of  ability  to  guide  or  control, 
or  as  the  choice  of  a  party.  A  master  is  one  who  can  enforce 

157  m 


obedience.  The  highest  officer  of  any  considerable  military 
force  is  called  the  commander;  of  all  the  forces  of  a  nation, 
etc.,  the  commander-m-chief.  Principal,  which  is  also  an 
adjective,  has  important  use  as  a  noun,  in  the  sense  of  a 
leader;  as,  the  principal  in  a  debate,  a  duel,  or  a  crime,  the 
principal  of  a  school,  etc.;  also,  of  property,  capital,  or  the 
like  on  which  interest  accrues;  as,  the  principal  of  a  loan. 
Principal  is  to  be  sharply  distinguished  from  principle,  which 
is  never  an  adjective,  and  as  a  noun  is  wholly  different  in 
sense.  Compare  PRINCIPAL,,  a. 


adherent       follower      retainer       servant         subordinate    vassal 
attendant      minion        satellite       subaltern      underling 


cull  elect          pick  pick  out        prefer         select 

Prefer  indicates  a  state  of  desire  and  approval;  choose,  an 
act  of  will.  Prudence  or  generosity  may  lead  one  to  choose 
what  he  does  not  prefer.  Select  implies  a  careful  consideration 
of  the  reasons  for  preference  and  choice.  Among  objects  so 
nearly  alike  that  we  have  no  reason  to  prefer  any  one  to  an- 
other we  may  simply  clioose  the  nearest,  but  we  could  not  be 
said  to  select  it.  Aside  from  theology,  elect  is  popularly  con- 
fined to  the  political  sense;  as,  a  free  people  elect  their  own 
rulers.  Cull}  from  the  Latin  colligere,  commonly  means  to  col- 
lect, as  well  as  to  select.  In  a  garden  we  cull  the  choicest 

cast  away         decline  dismiss  refuse  repudiate 

cast  out  disclaim         leave  i  eject  throw  aside 


Choose  from  or  from  among  the  number;  choose  out  of  the 
army;  choose  between  (or  betwixt)  two;  among  many;  choose 
for  the  purpose. 


SYNONYMS:>  prolixity  surplusage  verbiage 

periphrasis  redundance  tautology  verbosity 

pleonasm  redundancy  tedionsness  -wordiness 

Circumlocution  and  periphrasis  are  roundabout  ways  of  ex- 


pressing  thought;  circumlocution  is  the  more  common,  peri- 
phrasis the  more  technical  word.  Constant  circumlocution  pro- 
duces an  affected  and  heavy  style;  occasionally,  skilful  peri- 
phrasis conduces  both  to  beauty  and  to  simplicity.  Etymolog- 
ieally,  diffuseness  is  a  scattering,  both  of  words  and  thought; 
redundancy  is  an  overflow.  Prolixity  goes  into  endless  petty 
details,  without  selection  or  perspective.  Pleonasm  is  the 
expression  of  an  idea  already  plainly  implied;  tautology  is  the 
restatement  in  other  words  of  an  idea  already  stated,  or  a  , 
useless  repetition  of  a  word  or  words.  Pleonasm  may  add 
emphasis;  tautology  is  always  a  fault.  "I  saw  it  with  my 
eyes"  is  a  pleonasm;  "all  the  members  agreed  unanimously"  is 
tautology.  Verbiage  is  the  use  of  mere  words  without  thought. 
Verbosity  and  wordiness  denote  an  excess  of  words  in  pro- 
portion to  the  thought.  Tediousness  is  the  sure  result  of  any 
of  these  faults  of  style. 


brevity  conciseness  plainness  succinctness 

compactness  condensation  shortness  terseness 

compression  directness 



accompaniment    fact  item  point 

concomitSSt  feature  occurrence          position 

detail  incident  particular          situation 


A  circumstance  (from  L.  circum,  around,  and  sto,  stand)  is 
something  existing  or  occurring  in  connection  with  or  relation 
to  some  other  fact  or  event,  modifying  or  throwing  light  upon 
•the  principal  matter  without  affecting  its  essential  character; 
an  accompaniment  is  something  that  unites  with  the  principal 
matter,  though  not  necessary  to  it;  as,  the  piano  accompaniment 
to  a  song;  a  concomitant  goes  with  a  thing  in  natural  connec- 
tion, but  in  a  subordinate  capacity,  or  perhaps  in  contrast;  as, 
cheerfulness  is  a  concomitant  of  virtue.  A  circumstance  is 
not  strictly,  nor  usually,  an  occasion,  condition,  effect,  or  re- 
sult. (See  these  words  under  CAUSE.)  Nor  is  the  circum- 
stance properly  an  incident.  (See  under  ACCIDENT.)  We  say, 
"My  decision  will  depend  upon  circumstances"  —  not  "upon 
incidents."  That  a  man  wore  a  blue  necktie  would  not  prob- 
ably be  the  cause,  occasion,  condition,  or  concomitant  of  his 

159                                                                             circumstance 
. class 

committing  murder;  but  it  might  be  a  very  important  cir- 
cumstance in  identifying  him  as  the  murderer.  All  the  cir- 
cumstances make  up  the  situation.  A  certain  disease  is  the 
cause  of  a  man's  death,  his  suffering  is  an  incident;  that  he 
is  in  his  own  home,  that  he  has  good  medical  attendance, 
careful  nursing,  etc.,  are  consolatory  circumstances.  With  the 
same  idea  of  subordination,  we  often  say,  fctThis  is  not  a  cir- 
cumstance to  that."  So  a  person  is  said  to  be  in  easy  cir- 
cumstmces.  Compare  EVENT. 


"Mere  situation  is  expressed  by  'in  the  circumstances' ;  action 
affected  is  performed  f under  the  circumstances/  "    [M.] 



association    circle    clique     company    degree    order    get 
caste  clam       clnb        coterie        grade      rank 

A  class  is  a  number  or  body  of  persons  or  objects  having 
common  pursuits,  purposes,  attributes,  or  characteristics.  A 
caste  is  hereditary;  a  class  may  be  independent  of  lineage  or 
descent;  membership  in  a  caste  is  supposed  to  be  for  life; 
membership  in  a  class  may  be  very  transient;  a  religious  and 
ceremonial  sacredness  attaches  to  the  caste,  as  not  to  the  class. 
The  rich  and  the  poor  form  separate  classes;  yet  individuals  are 
constantly  passing  from  each  to  the  other;  the  classes  in  a 
college  remain  the  same,  but  their  membership  changes  every 
year.  We  speak  of  rank  among  hereditary  nobility  or  military 
officers ;  of  various  orders  of  the  priesthood ;  by  accommodation, 
we  may  refer  in  a  general  way  to  the  higher  ranks}  the  lower 
orders  of  any  society.  Grade  implies  some  regular  scale  of 
valuation,  and  some  inherent  qualities  for  which  a  person  or 
thing  is  placed  higher  or  lower  in  the  scale;  as,  the  coarser 
and  finer  grades  of  wool;  a  man  of  an  inferior  grade.  A 
coterie  is  a  small  company  of  persons  of  similar  tastes,  who 
meet  frequently  in  an  informal  way,  rather  for  social  enjoy- 
ment than  for  any  serious  purpose.  Clique  has  always  an 
unfavorable  meaning  A  clique  is  always  fractional,  implying 
some  greater  gathering  of  which  it  is  a  part;  the  association 
breaks  up  into  cliques.  Persons  unite  in  a  coterie  through 
simple  liking  for  one  another;  they  withdraw  into  a 

cleanse  160 


largely  through  aversion  to  outsiders.  A  set,  while  exclusive, 
is  more  extensive  than  a  cliquey  and  chiefly  of  persons  who 
are  united  by  common  social  station,  etc.  Circle  is  similar  in 
meaning  to  set,  but  of  wider  application;  •ure  speak  of  scien- 
tific and  religious  as  well  as  of  social  circles. 


A  class  of  merchants;  the  senior  class  at   (sometimes  of) 
Harvard;  the  classes  in  college. 



brush  lave  scour  sweep 

clean  mop  scrub  wash 

disinfect  purify  sponge  wipe 

dust  rinse 

To  clean  is  to  make  clean  by  removing  dirt,  impurities,  or 
soil  of  any  kind.  Cleanse  implies  a  worse  condition  to  start 
from,  and  more  to  do,  than  clean.  Hercules  cleansed  the 
Augean  stables.  Cleanse  is  especially  applied  to  purifying 
processes  where  liquid  is  used,  as  in  the  flushing  of  a  street, 
etc.  "We  brush  clothing  if  dusty,  sponge  it,  or  sponge  it  off, 
if  soiled;  or  sponge  on?  a  spot.  Furniture,  books,  etc.,  are 
dusted;  floors  are  mopped  or  scrubbed;  metallic  utensils  are 
scoured;  a  room  is  swept;  soiled  garments  are  washed;  foul 
air  or  water  is  purified.  Cleanse  and  purify  are  used  ex- 
tensively in  a  moral  sense;  wash  in  that  sense  is  archaic. 

Cleanse  your  hands,  ye  sinners,  and  purify  your  hearts,  ye  double- 

James,  ir,  8. 



befoul  contaminate  deprave  stain 

besmear  corrupt  pollute  sully 

besmirch  debase  soil  taint 

bespatter  defile  spoil  vitiate 


Cleanse  of  or  from  physical  or  moral  defilement;  cleanse 
with  an.  instrument;  "by  an  agent;  the  room  was  cleaned  by 
the  attendants  with  soap  and  water. 

161  cleanse 

__  clear 



apparent        intelligible  pellucid  transparent 

definite  limpid  perspicuous  unadorned 

diaphanous  lucid  plain  unambiguous 

distinct          manifest  straightforward  unequivocal 

evident  obvious  translucent  unmistakable 


Clear  (from  L.  clarus,  bright,  brilliant)  primarily  refers  to 
that  which  shines,  and  impresses  the  xnind  through  the  eye 
with  a  sense  of  luster  or  splendor.  A  substance  is  said  to  be 
clear  that  offers  no  impediment  to  vision — is  not  dim,  dark,  or 
obscure.  Transparent  refers  to  the  medium  through  which  a 
substance  is  seen,  clear  to  the  substance  itself,  without  refer- 
ence to  anything  to  be  seen  through  it;  we  speak  of  a  stream 
as  clear  when  we  think  of  the  water  itself;  we  speak  of  it  as 
transparent  with  reference  to  the  ease  with  which  we  see  the 
pebbles  at  the  bottom.  Clear  is  also  said  of  that  which  comes 
to  the  sense  without  dimness,  dulness,  obstruction,  or  ob- 
scurity, so  that  there  is  no  uncertainty  as  to  its  exact  form, 
character,  or  meaning,  with  something  of  the  brightness  or 
brilliancy  implied  in  the  primary  meaning  of  the  word  clear; 
as,  the  outlines  of  the  ship  were  clear  against  the  sky;  a 
clear  view;  a  clear  note;  "clear  as  a  bell;"  a  clear ,  frosty 
air;  a  clear  sky;  a  clear  statement;  hence,  the  word  is  used 
for  that  which  is  free  from  any  kind  of  obstruction;  as,  a 
clear  field.  Lucid,  and  pellucid  refer  to  a  shining  clearness, 
as  of  crystal.  A  transparent  body  allows  the  forms  and  colors 
of  objects  beyond  to  be  seen  through  it;  a  translucent  body 
allows  light  to  pass  through,  but  may  not  permit  forms  and 
colors  to  be  distinguished;  plate  glass  is  transparent,  ground 
glass  is  translucent.  Limpid  refers  to  a  liquid  clearness,  or 
that  which  suggests  it;  as,  limpid  streams.  That  which  is 
distinct  is  well  defined,  especially  in  outline,  each  part  or 
object  standing  or  seeming  apart  from  any  other,  not  con- 
fused, indefinite,  or  blurred;  distinct  enunciation  enables  the 
hearer  to  catch  every  word  or  vocal  sound  without  perplexity 
or  confusion;  a  distinct  statement  is  free  from  indefiniteness 
or  ambiguity;  a  distinct  apprehension  of  a  thought  leaves  the 
mind  in  no  doubt  or  uncertainty  regarding  it.  That  is  plain , 
in  the  sense  here  considered,  which  is,  as  it  were,  level  to  the 
t bought,  'so  that  one  goes  straight  on  without  difficulty  or 

clever  162 

comfortable         ____ 

hindrance;  as,  plain  language;  a  plain  statement;  a  clear  ex- 
planation. Perspicuous  is  often  equivalent  to  plain,  but  plain 
never  wholly  loses  the  meaning  of  unadorned,  so  that  we  could 
not  call  it  at  once  ornate  and  plain.  Compare  EVIDENT. 


ambiguous  dubious  mysterious  turbid 

cloudy  foggy  obscure  unintelligible 

dim  indistinct  opaque  vague 


Clear  to  the  mind;   clear  in  argument;   clear  of  or  from 






Clever,  as  used  in  England,  especially  implies  an  aptitude 
for  study  or  learning,  and  for  excellent  though  not  preeminent 
mental  achievement.  The  early  New  England  usage  as  im- 
plying simple  and  weak  good  nature  has  largely  affected  the 
use  of  the  word  throughout  the  United  States,  where  it  has 
never  been  much  in  favor.  Smart,  indicating  dashing  ability, 
is  now  coming  to  have  a  suggestion  of  unscrupulousness, 
similar  to  that  of  the  word  sharp,  which  makes  its  use  a  doubt- 
ful compliment.  The  discriminating  use  of  such  words  as 
able,  gifted,  talented,  etc.,  is  greatly  preferable  to  an  exces- 
sive use  of  the  word  clever.  Compare  ACUMEN  ;  ASTUTE; 



awkward  dull  ignorant  stupid 

bungling  foolish  senseless  thickheaded 

clumsy  idiotic  slow  witless 



clash  conflict  impact  opposition 

clashing  contact  .  meeting  shock 

concussion  encounter 

Collision,  the  act  or  fact  of  striking  violently  together,  is 
fche  result  of  motion  or  action,  and  is  sudden  and  momentary; 

163  clever 


contact  may  be  a  condition  of  rest,  and  be  continuous  and 
permanent;  collision  is  sudden  and  violent  contact.  Concus- 
sion is  often  by  transmitted  force  rather  than  by  direct  im- 
pact; two  railway-trains  come  into  collision;  an  explosion  of 
dynamite  shatters  neighboring  windows  by  concussion.  Impact 
is  the  blow  given  by  the  striking  body;  as,  the  impact  of  the 
cannon-shot  upon  the  target.  An  encounter  is  a  sudden  meet- 
ing, friendly  or  hostile;  as,  an  encounter  with  friends  or  with 
foes;  an  encounter  of  wits  or  of  combatants;  the  hostile  mean- 
ing is  becoming  predominant.  Meeting  is  neutral,  and  may 
be  of  the  dearest  friends  or  of  the  bitterest  foes;  of  objects, 
of  persons,  or  of  opinions;  of  two  or  of  a  multitude.  Shock 
is  the  result  of  collision.  In  the  figurative  use,  we  speak  of 
clashing  of  views,  collision  of  persons.  Opposition  is  used 
chiefly  of  persons,  more  rarely  of  opinions  or  interests;  con- 
flict is  used  indifferently  of  all. 


agreement  concert  conformity  unison 

amity  concord  harmony  unity 

coincidence  concurrence 


Collision  of  one  object  with  another;  of  or  between  opposing 



agreeable      cheery  genial  snug 

at  ease  commodious  pleasant  "well = off 

at  rest  contented  satisfactory  -well-provided 

cheerful         convenient  satisfied  well=to=do 

A  person  is  comfortable  in  mind  when  contented  and  measur- 
ably satisfied.  A  little  additional  brightness  makes  him  cheer- 
ful. He  is  comfortable  in  body  when  free  from  pain,  quiet, 
at  ease,  at  rest.  He  is  comfortable  in  circumstances,  or  in 
comfortable  circumstances,  when  things  about  him  are  gener- 
ally agreeable  and  satisfactory,  usually  with  the  suggestion  of 
sufficient  means  to  secure  that  result. 


cheerless  dissatisfied  forlorn  uncomfortable 

disagreeable  distressed  miserable  wretched 

discontented  dreary 



assign       confide       consign      entrust      relegate      trust 

Commit,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  to  give  in  charge, 
put  into  care  or  keeping  ;  to  confide  or  intrust  is  to  commit 
especially  to  one;s  fidelity,  confide  being  used  chiefly  of  men- 
tal or  spiritual,  intrust  also  of  material  things;  we  assign  a 
duty,  confide  a  secret,  intrust  a  treasure;  we  commit  thoughts 
to  writing;  commit  a  paper  to  the  flames,  a  body  to  the 
earth;  a  prisoner  is  committed  to  jail.  Consign  is  a  formal 
word  in  mercantile  use;  as,  to  consign  goods  to  an  agent. 
Religiously,  we  consign  the  body  to  the  grave,  commit  the  soul 
to  God.  Compare  DO. 

Commit  to  a  friend  for  safe-keeping;  in  law,  commit  to 
prison  for  trial;  without  bail;  in  default  of  bail;  on  suspicion. 



assemblage  concourse  convocation  host 

assembly  conference  crowd  meeting 

band  congregation  gathering  multitude 

collection  convention  group  throng 

Company  (from  L.  cum,  with,  and  panis,  bread)  de- 
notes primarily  the  association  of  those  who  eat  at  a  common 
table,  or  the  persons  so  associated,  table-companions,  mess- 
mates, friends,  and  hence  is  widely  extended  to  include  any 
association  of  those  united  permanently  or  temporarily,  for 
business,  pleasure,  festivity,  travel,  etc.,  or  by  sorrow,  mis- 
fortune, or  wrong;  company  may  denote  an  indefinite  num- 
ber (ordinarily  more  than  two),  but  less  than  a  multitude;  in 
the  military  sense  a  company  is  a  limited  and  definite  num- 
ber of  men;  company  implies  more  unity  of  feeling  and 
purpose  than  crowd,  and  is  a  less  formal  and  more  familiar 
word  than  assemblage  or  assembly.  An  assemblage  may  be  of 
persons  or  of  objects;  an  assembly  is  always  of  persons.  An 
assemblage  is  promiscuous  and  unorganized;  an  assembly  is 
organized  and  united  in  some  common  purpose.  A  conclave 
is  a  secret  assembly.  A  convocation  is  an  assembly  called  by 
authority  for  a  special  purpose;  the  term  convention  suggests 

165  commit 

. complain 

less  dependence  upon  any  superior  authority  or  summons. 
A  group  is  small  in  number  and  distinct  in  outline,  clearly 
marked  off  from  all  else  in  space  or  time.  Collection,  crowd, 
gathering,  group,  and  multitude  have  the  unorganized  and 
promiscuous  character  of  the  assemblage;  the  other  terms 
come  under  the  general  idea  of  assembly.  Congregation  is  now 
almost  exclusively  religious;  meeting  is  often  so  used,  but  is 
less  restricted,  as  we  may  speak  of  a  meeting  of  armed  men. 
Gathering  refers  to  a  coming  together,  commonly  of  numbers, 
from  far  and  near;  as,  the  gathering  of  the  Scottish  elans. 
Compare  CABAL. 


dispersion      loneliness     privacy     retirement     seclusion     solitude 



coerce    constrain    drive   force   make  necessitate   oblige 

To  compel  one  to  an  act  is  to  secure  its  performance  by  the 
use  of  irresistible  physical  or  moral  force.  Force  implies 
primarily  an  actual  physical  process,  absolutely  subduing  all 
resistance.  Coerce  implies  the  actual  or  potential  use  of  so 
much  force  as  may  be  necessary  to  secure  the  surrender  of 
the  will;  the  American  secessionists  contended  that  the  Fed- 
eral government  had  no  right  to  coerce  a  State.  Constrain 
implies  the  yielding  of  judgment  and  will,  and  in  some  eases  of 
inclination  or  affection,  to  an  overmastering  power;  as,  "the 
love  of  Christ  constraineth  us,"  2  Cor.  v.  14.  Compare  DRIVE; 


See  synonyms  for  HIKDBR. 

The  soldiers  were  compelled  to  desertion;  preferably  with 
the  infinitive,  compelled  to  desert. 



croak  growl  grunt  remonstrate 

find  f  anlt  grumble  murmur  repine 

To  complain  is  to  give  utterance  to  dissatisfaction  or  objec- 
tion, express  a  sense  of  wrong  or  ill  treatment.  One  com- 


plains  of  a  real  or  assumed  grievance  ;  he  may  murmur  through 
mere  peevishness  or  ill  temper;  he  repines,  with  vain  distress, 
at  the  irrevocable  or  the  inevitable.  Complaining  is  by  speech 
or  writing;  murmuring  is  commonly  said  of  half  -repressed 
utterance;  repining  of  the  mental  act  alone.  One  may  com- 
plain of  an  offense  to  the  offender  or  to  others;  he  remon- 
strates with  the  offender  only.  Complain  has  a  formal  and 
legal  meaning,  which  the  other  words  have  not,  signifying  to 
make  a  formal  accusation,  present  a  specific  charge;  the  same 
is  true  of  the  noun  comykamt. 


applaud         approve         commend         eulogize         laud         praise 

Complain  of  a  thing  to  a  person;  of  one  person  to  another, 
of  or  against  a  person  for  an  act;  to  an  officer;  before  the 
court;  about  a  thing. 



abstruse  confused  intricate  mixed 

complicated  conglomerate  involved  multiform 

composite  entangled  manifold  obscure 

compound  heterogeneous  mingled  tangled 

That  is  complex  which  is  made  up  of  several  connected  parts. 
That  is  compound  in  which  the  parts  are  not  merely  connected, 
but  fused,  or  otherwise  combined  into  a  single  substance.  In  a 
composite  object  the  different  parts  have  less  of  unity  than  in 
that  which  is  complex  or  compound,  but  maintain  their  distinct 
individuality.  In  a  heterogeneous  body  unlike  parts  or  parti- 
cles are  intermingled,  often  without  apparent  order  or  plan. 
Conglomerate  (literally,  globed  together)  is  said  of  a  confused 
mingling  of  masses  or  lumps  of  various  substances.  The  ]STew 
England  pudding-stone  is  a  conglomerate  rock.  In  a  complex 
object  the  arrangement  and  relation  of  parts  may  be  perfectly 
clear;  in  a  complicated  mechanism  the  parts  are  so  numerous, 
or  so  combined,  that  the  mind  can  not  readily  grasp  their 
mutual  relations;  in  an  intricate  arrangement  the  parts  are 
so  intertwined  that  it  is  difficult  to  follow  their  windings; 
things  are  involved  which  are  rolled  together  so  as  not  to  be 
easily  separated,  either  in  thought  or  in  fact;  things  which  are 
tangled  or  entangled  mutually  hold  and  draw  upon  each  other, 

167  complex 

The  conception  of  a  material  object  is  usually  complex,  in- 
volving form,  less  color,  size,  and  other  elements;  a  clock  is  a 
complicated  mechanism;  the  Gordian  knot  was  intricate;  the 
twining  serpents  of  the  Laocoon  are  involved.  "We  speak  of  an 
abstruse  statement,  a  complex  conception,  a  confused  heap,  a 
heterogeneous  mass,  a  tangled  skein,  an  intricate  problem;  of 
composite  architecture,  an  involved  sentence;  of  the  complicated 
or  intricate  accounts  of  a  great  business,  the  entangled  ac- 
counts of  an  incompetent  or  dishonest  bookkeeper. 


clear  homogeneous         plain  uncombmed  uniform 

direct         obvious  simple        uncompounded       unraveled 



accommodation  arbitration      compounding  conciliation 
adjustment  arrangement  concession         settlement 

agreement  composition 

Agreement  expresses  the  act  or  fact  of  agreeing,  and  may 
be  free  and  hearty  or  secured  with  labor  and  difficulty.  Con- 
cession is  a  yielding  to  another  of  that  which  one  would  like 
to  retain;  concession  may  be  voluntary  and  generous,  calculat- 
ing and  crafty,  or  forced  and  unwilling.  Compromise  is 
mutual  concession  by  those  of  opposing  views  and  interests, 
each  yielding  something  to  the  other  or  others;  the  expression 
"mutual  compromise"  sometimes  heard,  is  tautological,  for 
compromise  is  by  its  very  nature  "mutual";  where  all  the 
concession  is  on  one  side,  there  is  no  compromise.  Adjust- 
ment of  differences  is  largely  by  treatment  or  explanation  of 
matters  of  fact  on  some  basis  that  can  be  mutually  accepted, 
and  may  or  may  not  involve  concession  or  compromise;  as, 
the  adjustment  of  a  loss  under  an  insurance  policy.  Accom- 
modation is  a  fitting  or  adapting  of  the  views  or  wishes  of 
one  to  those  of  another;  arrangement  is  similar  in  meaning; 
either  accommodation  or  arrangement  partakes  of  the  nature 
of  compromisey  but  is  less  formal  and  comprehensive  in  mean- 
ing; as,  his  creditors  granted  him  an  accommodation;  or, 
he  made  an  arrangement  with  his  creditors;  the  decision  to 
admit  Missouri  as  a  slave  State  on  condition  of  freedom 
for  all  other  territory  north  of  the  parallel  of  35  degrees 
30  minutes  might  be  termed  an  agreement,  accommodation, 


adjustment,  or  arrangement;  it  is  historically  known  as  the 
"Missouri  Compromise."  Composition  and  compounding  in 
this  sense  are  now  somewhat  rare  and  technical  terms;  the 
latter  is  chiefly  used  in  an  opprobrious  sense;  as,  the  com- 
pounding of  a  felony,  by  refraining,  for  a  consideration,  from 
bringing  the  guilty  party  to  justice.  Conciliation  is  a  gen- 
eral term,  signifying  the  overcoming  of  enmity  or  opposi- 
tion by  some  pleasing  method,  action,  or  influence,  perhaps, 
though  not  necessarily,  involving  concession  or  compromise,  — 
conciliation  often  precedes  any  formal  action,  and  is  the 
basis  that  makes  agreement  possible.  Settlement  is  the  con- 
clusion of  any  matter,  whether  in  dispute  or  not,  by  some 
act  that  is  final;  as,  the  settlement  of  an  account  by  pay- 
ment of  the  amount  due.  Arbitration  is  the  most  formal  of 
these  terms,  signifying  the  reference  of  a  disputed  matter  or 
matters,  by  law,  treaty,  or  mutual  agreement,  to  some  outside 
person  or  persons  (an  "arbitrator"  or  "arbitrators"),  whose  de- 
cision shall  be  binding  upon  both  the  contending  parties;  as, 
the  Court  of  Arbitration  at  the  Hague.  Since  the  readiest 
method  of  compromise  is  often  by  the  yielding  of  principle 
for  expediency,  the  word  has  come  to  have  an  opprobrious 
sense  which  is  not  part  of  its  original  meaning. 

They  enslave  their  children's  children  who  make  compromise  with  sin. 

LOWELL   Present   Crisis,   st.   9. 

When  compromise  broadens,  intellect  and  conscience  are  thrust  into 
narrower  room.  GEORGE  ELIOT  Felix  Holt,  ch.  16. 

Temporizing  (from  L.  tempus,  time)  is  not  settlement;  it 
has  no  more  virtue  than  compromise,  and  less  stability,  being  a 
mere  momentary  adjustment,  to  meet  the  suppressed  needs 
of  the  time  for  the  time. 


altercation       contest  discussion        dissension      war 

battle  controversy      disputation      quarrel  wrangle 

contention       debate  dispute  strife  wrangling 



blame  convict  doom  reprove 

censure  denounce  reprobate  sentence 

To  condemn  is  to  pass  judicial  sentence  or  render  judgment 
or  decision  against.     We  may  censure  silently;  we  condemn 

169  condemn. 

^        >____»___ condign 

ordinarily  by  open  and  formal  utterance.  Condemn  is  more 
final  than  blame  or  censure;  a  condemned  criminal  has  had 
his  trial;  a  condemned  building  can  not  stand;  a  condemned 
ship  can  not  sail.  A  person  is  convicted  when  his  guilt  is 
made  clearly  manifest  to  others;  in  somewhat  archaic  use,  a 
person  is  said  to  be  convicted  when  guilt  is  brought  clearly 
home  to  his  own  conscience  (convict  in  this  sense  being  allied 
with  convince,  which  we  see  under  PERSUADE)  ;  in  legal  usage 
one  is  said  to  be  convicted  only  by  the  verdict  of  a  jury.  In 
stating  the  penalty  of  an  offense,  the  legal  word  sentence  is 
now  more  common  than  condemn;  as,  he  was  sentenced  to 
imprisonment;  but  it  is  good  usage  to  say,  he  was  condemned 
to  imprisonment.  To  denounce  is  to  make  public  or  official 
declaration  against,  especially  in  a  violent  and  threatening 

From  the  pulpits  in  the  northern  States  Burr  was  denounced  as  an 
assassin.  COFFIN  Building  the  Nation  ch.  10,  p.  137  [H.  1883.] 

To  doom  is  to  condemn  solemnly  and  consign  to  evil  or 
destruction  or  to  predetermine  to  an  evil  destiny;  an  inferior 
race  in  presence  of  a  superior  is  doomed  to  subjugation  or 
extinction.  Compare  ARRAIGN;  REPROVE. 


absolve  applaud  exonerate  pardon 

acquit  approve  justify  praise 


The  bandit  was  condemned  to  death  for  his  crime. 



adequate         exemplary        just  merited          severe 

deserved         fit  meet         rigorous          suitable 

9 Condign  and  exemplary  are  both  used  of  severe  punishment, 
viewed  from  different  points;  condign  (from  L.  con,  in- 
tensive, +  dignus,  worthy)  is  held  to  be  "worthy"  of  the 
fault  or  crime  punished,  viewing  punishment  as  vindictive, 
or  demanded  by  the  nature  of  the  offense;  exemplary  (from 
L.  exemplumt  example)  views  the  punishment  (which  may, 
perhaps,  be  the  same  in  fact)  as  furnishing  a  warning  "ex- 
ample" to  deter  others  from  committing  a  like  offense;  so  a 
court  may  award  exemplary  damages,  beyond  the  amount  of 

confess                                                                                       170 

actual  injury  done,  as  a  public  warning  against  similar  acts,  as 
of  malicious  misehief.  As  the  judgment  of  the  gravity  of  an 
offense  depends  largely  upon  the  view  and  temper  of  the 
one  inflicting  the  penalty,  condign  has  become  a  somewhat 
reproachful  word,  having  been  often  used  to  disguise  punish- 
ments unnecessarily  or  unjustly  harsh  or  severe,  or  inflicted 
in  anger  or  revenge.  Compare  SEVERE. 


gentle  lenient         moderate        scant          slight          trivial 

inadequate     mild  petty  scanty        trifling 



accept  allow  concede  grant 

acknowledge  avow  disclose  own 

admit  certify  endorse  recognize 

We  accept  another's  statement ;  admit  any  point  made  against 
as;  acknowledge  what  we  have  said  or  done,  good  or  bad; 
avow  our  individual  beliefs  or  feelings;  certify  to  facts  within 
our  knowledge;  confess  our  own  faults;  endorse  a  friend's  note 
or  statement;  grant  a  request;  own  our  faults  or  obligations; 
recognize  lawful  authority;  concede  a  claim.  Confess  has  a 
high  and  sacred  use  in  the  religious  sense ;  as,  to  confess  Christ 
before  men.  It  may  have  also  a  playful  sense  (often  with  to) ; 
as,  one  confesses  to  a  weakness  for  confectionery.  The  chief 
present  use  of  the  word,  however,  is  in  the  sense  of  making 
known  to  others  one's  own  wrong-doing;  in  this  sense  confess 
is  stronger  than  acknowledge  or  admit,  and  more  specific  than 
own;  a  person  admits  a  mistake;  acknowledges  a  fault;  con- 
fesses sin  or  crime.  Compare  APOLOGY;  AVOW. 


cloak  deny  disown  hide  screen 

conceal  disavow  dissemble  mask  secrete 

cover  disguise  dissimulate  repudiate  veil 



assure  fix  sanction  substantiate 

corroborate  prore  settle  sustain 

establish  ratify  strengthen  uphold 

Confirm  (from  L.  con,  together,  and  firmus,  firm)  is  to  add 
firmness  or  give  stability  to.  Both  confirm  and  corroborate  pre* 

171  confess 


suppose  something  already  existing  to  which  the  confirmation 
or  corroboration  is  added.  Testimony  is  corroborated  by 
concurrent  testimony  or  by  circumstances ;  confirmed  by 
established  facts.  That  which  is  thoroughly  proved  is  said  to 
be  established;  so  is  that  which  is  official  and  has  adequate 
power  behind  it;  as,  the  established  government;  the  established 
church.  The  continents  are  fixed.  A  treaty  is  ratified;  an 
appointment  confirmed.  An  act  is  sanctioned  by  any  person  or 
authority  that  passes  upon  it  approvingly.  A  statement  is 
substantiated;  a  report  confirmed;  a  controversy  settled;  the 
decision  of  a  lower  court  sustained  by  a  higher.  Just  govern- 
ment should  be  upheld.  The  beneficent  results  of  Christianity 
confirm  our  faith  in  it  as  a  divine  revelation. 


abrogate  cancel  overthrow         shatter  upset 

annul  destroy  shake  unsettle  weaken 


Confirm  a  statement  by  testimony;  confirm  a  person  in  a 




To  felicitate  is  to  pronounce  one  happy  or  -wish  one  joy; 
to  congratulate  is  to  express  hearty  sympathy  in  his  joys  or 
hopes.  Felicitate  is  cold  and  formal.  We  say  one  felicitates 
himself;  though  to  congratulate  oneself,  which  is  less  natural, 
is  becoming  prevalent. 


condole  with  console 


Congratulate  one  on  or  upon  his  success. 



adjoin  attach.  concatenate  join 

affix  combine  connect  unite 


An  object  that  adjoins  another  touches  that  other  at  one 
or  more  points  or  at  one  side  or  edge;  a  garden  adjoins  a 
house  when  lying  beside  or  behind  it;  if  we  were  to  say  that 

conquer                                                                                        172 

the  garden  is  connected  with  the  house,  we  should  think  of 
some  path  or  passageway  by  which  the  one  might  be  reached 
from  the  other.  To  conjoin  is  to  join  with  much  completeness 
and  permanence,  as  by  adhesion,  intergrowing,  or  fusing  to- 
gether at  a  point,  edge,  or  surface;  paint  is  at  once  con- 
joined with  the  surface  to  which  it  is  applied;  things  that  are 
joined  may  not  be  conjoined;  friendly  hands  or  meeting  roads 
or  streams  are  joined,  but  not  conjoined.  Conjoin  is  often  in- 
terchangeable with  mite,  but  conjoin  directs  attention  to  the 
original  separateness,  unite  to  the  final  unity.  To  subjoin  is 
to  add  at  the  end,  to  attach  or  affix  as  something  additional,  to 
append.  Concatenate  (a  somewhat  rare  or  technical  word) 
signifies  to  join  in  a  chain  or  series,  all  the  parts  of  which 
have  neutral  relations;  as,  in  nature  causes  and  effects  are 
concatenated.  Compare  ADD;  APPEND;  APPLY;  ATTACH;  UNITE. 

See  the  antonyms  for  the  words  above  referred  to. 




prevail  over 
put  down 


To  defeat  an  enemy  is  to  gain  an  advantage  for  the  time; 
to  vanquish  is  to  win  a  signal  victory;  to  conquer  is  to  over- 
come so  effectually  that  the  victory  is  regarded  as  final.  Aa 
army  is  defeated  when  it  is  driven  back  or  compelled  to  re- 
tire disastrously,  with  loss  of  position,  military  equipment,  and 
men.  A  "defeat"  is  final  for  a  battle,  but  not  necessarily  for 
a  campaign.  Conquer,  in  many  cases,  carries  the  idea  of 
possession;  as,  to  conquer  respect,  affection,  peace,  etc.  A 
country  is  conquered  when  its  armies  are  defeated  and  its 
territory  is  occupied  by  the  enemy;  it  may  be  subjected  to  in- 
demnity or  to  various  disabilities;  it  is  subjugated  when  it 
is  held  helplessly  and  continuously  under  military  control ;  it  is 
subdued  when  all  resistance  has  died  out.  An  army  is  routed 
when  it  is  converted  into  a  mob  of  fugitives.  Compare  BEAT, 




capitulate  fly  retire  succumb 

cede  forfeit  fetreat  surrender 

fail  lose  submit  yield 

fall  resign 



advised  aware  cognizant  sensible 

apprised  certain  informed  sure 

assured  certified 

One  is  aware  of  that  which  exists  without  him;  he  is  con- 
scious of  the  inner  workings  of  his  own  mind.  Sensible  may  be 
used  in  the  exact  sense  of  conscious,  or  it  may  partake  of  both 
the  senses  mentioned  above.  One  may  be  sensible  of  his  own 
or  another's  error;  he  is  conscious  only  of  his  own.  A  person 
may  feel  assured  or  sure  of  something  false  or  non-existent; 
what  he  is  aware  of,  still  more  what  he  is  conscious  of,  must 
be  fact.  Sensible  has  often  a  reference  to  the  emotions  where 
conscious  might  apply  only  to  the  intellect;  to  say  a  culprit  is 
sensible  of  his  degradation  is  more  forcible  than  to  say  he  is 
conscious  of  it. 


cold     dead     deaf     ignorant     insensible     unaware      unconscious 

On  the  stormy  sea,  man  is  conscious  of  the  limitation  of 
human  power. 



consequent  event  outgrowth.  sequel 

effect  issue  result  upshot 

end  outcome 

Effect  is  the  strongest  of  these  words;  it  is  that  which  is  di- 
rectly produced  by  the  action  of  an  efficient  cause;  we  say, 
"Every  effect  must  have  an  adequate  cause"  (compare  CAUSE). 
In  regard  to  human  actions,  effect  commonly  relates  to  inten- 
tion; as,  the  shot  took  effect,  i.  e.,  the  effect  intended.  A  con- 
sequence is  that  which  follows  an  act  naturally,  but  less  di- 
rectly than  the  effect.  The  motion  of  the  piston  is  the  effect, 
and  the  agitation  of  the  water  under  the  paddle-wheels  a  con- 
sequence of  the  expansion  of  steam  in  the  cylinder.  The 
result  is,  literally,  the  rebound  of  an  act,  depending  on  many 


elements;  the  issue  is  that  which  flows  forth  directly;  we  say 
the  tssue  of  a  battle,  the  result  of  a  campaign.  A  consequent 
commonly  is  that  which  follows  simply  in  order  of  time,  or 
by  logical  inference.  The  end  is  the  actual  outcome  without 
determination  of  its  relation  to  what  has  gone  before;  it  is 
ordinarily  viewed  as  either  the  necessary,  natural,  or  logical 
outcome,  any  effect,  consequence,  or  result  being1  termed  an 
end;  as,  the  end  of  such  a  course  must  be  ruin.  The  event 
(from  L.  e,  out,  and  venio,  come)  is  primarily  exactly  the  same 
in  meaning  as  outcome;  but  in  use  it  is  more  nearly  equivalent 
to  upshot,  signifying  the  sum  and  substance  of  all  effects,  con- 
sequences, and  results  of  a  course  of  action.  Compare  AC- 


comfort       condole  with      encourage       sympathize  -with. 

One  condoles  with  another  by  the  expression  of  kindly  sym- 
pathy in  his  trouble;  he  consoles  him  by  considerations  adapted 
to  soothe  and  sustain  the  spirit,  as  by  the  assurances  and 
promises  of  the  gospel;  he  encourages  him  by  the  hope  of 
some  relief  or  deliverance ;  he  comforts  him  by  whatever  act  or 
word  tends  to  bring  mind  or  body  to  a  state  of  rest  and  cheer. 
We  sympathize  with  others,  not  only  in  sorrow,  but  in  joy. 


annoy     distress     disturb     grieve    hurt    sadden     trouble     woun$ 



Infection  is  frequently  confused  with  contagion,  even  by 
medical  men.  The  best  usage  now  limits  contagion  to  diseases 
that  are  transmitted  by  contact  with  the  diseased  person, 
either  directly  by  touch  or  indirectly  by  use  of  the  same  articles, 
by  breath,  effluvia,  etc.  Infection  is  applied  to  diseases  pro- 
duced by  no  known  or  definable  influence  of  one  person  upon 
another,  but  where  common  climatic,  malarious,  or  other  wide- 
spread conditions  are  believed  to  be  chiefly  instrumental. 

175  console 



ceaseless  incessant  regular  uninterrupted 

constant  invariable  unbroken  unremitting 

continuous  perpetual  unceasing  unvarying 

Continuous  describes  that  which  is  absolutely  without  pause 
or  break;  continual,  that  which  often  intermits,  but  as  regu- 
larly begins  again.  A  continuous  beach  is  exposed  to  the 
continual  beating  of  the  waves.  A  similar  distinction  is  made 
between  incessant  and  ceaseless.  The  incessant  discharge  of 
firearms  makes  the  ceaseless  roar  of  battle.  Constant  is  some- 
times used  in  the  sense  of  continual;  but  its  chief  uses  are 
mental  and  moral. 



agreement          cartel  engagement       pledge 

arrangement      compact  obligation  promise 

bargain  covenant  pact  stipulation 

All  these  words  involve  at  least  two  parties,  though  an  engage- 
ment or  promise  may  be  the  act  of  but  one.  A  contract  is  a 
formal  agreement  between  two  or  more  parties  for  the  doing 
or  leaving  undone  some  specified  act  or  acts,  and  is  ordinarily 
in  writing.  Mutual  promises  may  have  the  force  of  a  con- 
tract. A  consideration,  or  compensation,  is  essential  to  con- 
vert an  agreement  into  a  contract.  A  contract  may  be  oral 
or  written.  A  covenant  in  law  is  a  written  contract  under  seal. 
Covenant  is  frequent  in  religious  usage,  as  contract  is  in  law 
and  business.  Compact  is  essentially  the  same  as  contract, 
but  is  applied  to  international  agreements,  treaties,  etc.  A 
bargain  is  a  mutual  agreement  for  an  exchange  of  values,  with- 
out the  formality  of  a  contract.  A  stipulation  is  a  single  item 
in  an  agreement  or  contract.  A  cartel  is  a  military  agreement 
for  the  exchange  of  prisoners  or  the  like. 



compare  differentiate          discriminate          oppose 

To  compare  (from  L.  con,  together,  and  par,  equal)  is  to 
place  together  in  order  to  show  likeness  or  unlikeness;  to-  con- 
trast (from  L.  contra,  against,  and  sto,  stand)  is  to  set  in  op- 

conversation.                                                                            176 

position  in  order  to  show  unJikeness.  We  contrast  objects  that 
have  been  already  compared.  We  must  compare  them,  at 
least  momentarily,  even  to  know  that  they  are  different*  We 
contrast  them  when  we  observe  their  unHkeness  ucb  a  general 
way ;  we  differentiate  them  when  we  note  the  difference  exactly 
and  point  by  point.  We  distinguish  objects  when  we  note  a 
difference  that  may  fall  short  of  contrast;  we  discriminate 
them  when  we  classify  or  place  them  according  to  their  differ- 


"We  contrast  one  object  with  another. 



ehat  communion  converse  intercourse 

colloquy  confabulation  dialogue  parley 

communication  conference  discourse  talk 

Conversation  (from  L.  con,  with)  is,  etymologieally,  an  inter- 
change of  ideas  with  some  other  person  or  persons.  Talk  may 
be  wholly  one-sided.  Many  brilliant  talkers  have  been  in- 
capable of  conversation.  There  may  be  intercourse  without 
conversation,  as  by  looks,  signs,  etc.;  communion  is  of  hearts, 
with  or  without  words;  communication  is  often  by  writing, 
and  may  be  uninvited  and  unreciprocated.  Talk  may  denote 
the  mere  utterance  of  words  with  little  thought;  thus,  we  say 
idle  talk,  empty  talk,  rather  than  idle  or  empty  conversation. 
Discourse  is  now  applied  chiefly  to  public  addresses.  A  con- 
ference is  more  formal  than  a  conversation.  Dialogue  denotes 
ordinarily  an  artificial  or  imaginary  conversation,  generally 
of  two  persons,  but  sometimes  of  more.  A  colloquy  is  indefinite 
as  to  number,  and  generally  somewhat  informal.  Compare 

Conversation  with  friends;  "between  or  among  tlie  guests; 
about  a  matter. 


disciple  neophyte  proselyte 

The  name  disciple  is  given  to  the  follower  of  a  certain  faith, 
without  reference  to  any  previous  belief  or  allegiance;  a  con- 

177  conversation 


vert  is  a  person  who  has  come  to  one  faith  from  a  different 
belief  or  from  unbelief  A  proselyte  is  one  who  has  been 
led  to  accept  a  religious  system,  whether  with  or  without 
true  faith;  a  convert  is  always  understood  to  be  a  believer. 
A  neophyte  is  a  new  convert,  not  yet  fully  indoctrinated,  or 
not  admitted  to  full  privileges.  The  antonyms  apostate,  pervert, 
and  renegade  are  condemnatory  names  applied  to  the  convert 
by  those  whose  faith  he  forsakes. 



carry  move  sMft  transmit 

change  remove  transfer  transport 

give  sell 

Convey,  transmit,  and  transport  all  imply  delivery  at  a 
destination;  as,  I  will  convey  the  information  to  your  friend; 
air  conveys  sound  (to  a  listener) ;  carry  does  not  necessarily 
imply  delivery,  and  often  does  not  admit  of  it.  A  man  car- 
ries  an  appearance,  conveys  an  impression,  the  appearance 
remaining  his  own,  the  impression  beiug  given  to  another; 
I  will  transmit  the  letter;  transport  the  goods.  A  horse  car- 
ries his  mane  and  tail,  but  does  not  convey  them.  Transfer 
may  or  may  not  imply  delivery  to  another  person;  as,  items 
may  be  transferred  from  one  account  to  another  or  a  word 
transferred  to  the  following  line.  In  law,  real  estate,  which 
can  not  be  moved,  is  conveyed  by  simply  transferring  title 
and  possession.  Transport  usually  refers  to  material,  trans- 
fer, transmit,  and  convey  may  refer  to  immaterial  objects; 
we  transfer  possession,  transmit  intelligence,  convey  ideas, 
but  do  not  transport  them.  In  the  case  of  convey  the  figura- 
tive sense  now  predominates.  Compare  CAEET. 


cling  to           hold  keep  possess          preserve  retain 


Convey  to  a  friend,  a  purchaser,  etc.;  convey  from  the  house 
to  the  station;  convey  by  express,  "by  hand,  etc. 




assemble  call  together  convene  muster 

call  collect  gather  summon 

A  convention  is  called  by  some  officer  or  officers,  as  by  its 
president,  its  executive  committee,  or  some  eminent  leaders; 
the  delegates  are  assembled  or  convened  in  a  certain  place, 
at  a  certain  hour.  Convoke  implies  an  organized  body  and  a 
superior  authority;  assemble  and  convene  express  more  in- 
dependent action;  Parliament  is  convoked;  Congress  assembles. 
Troops  are  mustered;  witnesses  and  jurymen  are  summoned. 


adjourn  disband  dismiss  dissolve  scatter 

break  up  discharge          disperse  piorogue  separate 



abominable  guilty  nefarious  vile 

culpable  'illegal  sinful  wicked 

felonious  immoral  unlawful  wrong 

flagitious  iniquitous  vicious 

Every  criminal  act  is  illegal  or  unlawful,  but  illegal  or  un- 
lawful acts  may  not  be  criminal.  Offenses  against  public  law  are 
criminal;  offenses  against  private  rights  are  merely  illegal  or 
unlawful.  As  a  general  rule,  all  acts  punishable  by  fine  or 
imprisonment  or  both,  are  criminal  in  view  of  the  law.  It  is 
illegal  for  a  man  to  trespass  on  another's  land,  but  it  is  not 
criminal;  the  trespasser  is  liable  to  a  civil  suit  for  damages, 
but  not  to  indictment,  fine,  or  imprisonment.  A  felonious  act 
is  a  criminal  act  of  an  aggravated  kind,  which  is  punishable 
by  imprisonment  in  the  penitentiary  or  by  death.  A  -flagitious 
crime  is  one  that  brings  public  odium.  Vicious  refers  to  the 
indulgence  of  evil  appetites,  habits,  or  passions;  vicious  a<Jts 
are  not  necessarily  criminal,  or  even  illegal;  we  speak  of  a 
vicious  horse.  That  which  is  iniquitous,  i.  e.,  contrary  to 
equity,  may  sometimes  be  done  under  the  forms  of  law.  In- 
gratitude is  s&nful,  hypocrisy  is  wicked,  but  neither  is  punish- 
able by  hum  an  law;  hence,  neither  is  criminal  or  illegal.  Com- 
pare snsr. 


innocent  lawful  meritorious  right 

just  legal  moral  virtuous 

179  convoke 

.  daily 



measure  rule  test  touchstone 

proof  standard 

A  standard  is  a  measure  of  quantity,  quality,  or  value 
established  by  law  or  general  consent;  it  is  general  recogni- 
tion and  acceptance  that  makes  a  standard.  A  criterion  (from 
Gr.  krmoy  judge)  is  a  standard  believed  to  have  special  ac- 
curacy or  certainty,  so  that  other  things  ma}'  be  "judged"  by 
it;  the  meaning  is  often  strengthened  by  adjectives;  as,  a 
sure  or  an  infallible  criterion;  any  fact,  truth,  or  principle, 
regarded  as  established,  may  be  a  cnterion.  A  test  views 
a  person  or  thing  as  put  upon  trial  under  fixed  and  approved 
conditions;  as,  a  test  for  the  purity  or  fineness  of  gold,  for 
the  tensile  strength  of  a  rope  or  wire;  a  chemical  test  to 
determine  the  existence  or  the  quantity  of  any  ingredient  in 
a  mixture;  certain  oaths  have  been  at  various  times  used  as 
tests  of  loyalty,  and  known  as  test-oaths.  Touchstone,  former- 
ly denoting  a  stone  supposed  to  indicate  the  fineness  of  gold, 
is  now  only  used  figuratively  in  the  general  sense  of  test. 


chance  fancy  imagination  possibility 

conjecture  guess  probability  supposition 




Daily  is  the  Saxon  and  popular,  diurnal  the  Latin  and  scien- 
tific term.  In  strict  usage,  daily  is  the  antonym  of  niglitly  as 
diurnal  is  of  nocturnal.  Daily  is  not,  however,  held  strictly  to 
this  use ;  a  physician  makes  daily  visits  if  he  calls  at  some  time 
within  each  period  of  twenty-four  hours.  Diurnal  is  more  exact 
in  all  its  uses ;  a  diurnal  flower  opens  or  blooms  only  in  daylight ; 
a  diurnal  bird  or  animal  flies  or  ranges  only  by  day ;  in  contra- 
distinction to  nocturnal  flowers,  birds,  etc.  A  diurnal  motion 
exactly  fills  an  astronomical  day  or  the  time  of  one  rotation  of 
a  planet  on  its  axis,  while  a  daily  motion  is  much  less  definite. 


nightly  nocturnal 

cUngei*  180 



hazard         insecurity          jeopardy  peril  risk 

Danger  is  exposure  to  possible  evil,  -which  may  be  either  near 
and  probable  or  remote  and  doubtful;  peril  is  exposure  to  im- 
minent and  sharply  threatening  evil,  especially  to  such  as  results 
from  violence.  An  invalid  may  be  in  danger  of  consumption ;  a 
disarmed  soldier  is  in  peril  of  death.  Jeopardy  is  nearly  the 
same  as  peril,  but  involves,  like  risk,  more  of  the  element  of 
chance  or  uncertainty;  a  man  tried  upon  a  capital  charge  is 
said  to  be  put  in  jeopardy  of  life.  Insecurity  is  a  feeble  word, 
but  exceedingly  broad,  applying  to  the  placing  of  a  dish,  or 
the  possibilities  of  a  life,  a  fortune,  or  a  government.  Com- 
pare HAZARD. 


defense   immunity   protection   safeguard   safety   security   shelter 



black  gloomy  opaque  somber 

dim  murky  sable  swart 

dismal  mysterious  shadowy  swarthy 

dusky  obscure  shady 

Strictly,  that  which  is  black  is  absolutely  destitute  of  color; 
that  which  is  dark  is  absolutely  destitute  of  light.  In  common 
speech,  however,  a  coat  is  black,  though  not  optically  colorless; 
the  night  is  dark,  though  the  stars  shine.  That  is  obscure, 
shadowy,  or  shady  from  which  the  light  is  more  or  less  cut  off. 
Dusky  is  applied  to  objects  which  appear  as  if  viewed  in  fading 
light;  the  word  is  often  used,  as  are  swart  and  swarthy,  of  the 
human  skin  when  quite  dark,  or  even  verging  toward  black.  Dim 
refers  to  imperfection  of  outline,  from  distance,  darkness,  mist, 
etc.,  or  from  some  defect  of  vision.  Opaque  objects,  as  smoked 
glass,  are  impervious  to  light.  Murky  is  said  of  that  which 
is  at  once  dark,  obscure,  and  gloomy;  as,  a  murky  den;  a 
murky  sky.  Figuratively,  dark  is  emblematic  of  sadness, 
agreeing  with  somber,  dismal,  gloomy,  also  of  moral  evil;  as, 
a  dark  deed.  Of  intellectual  matter,  dark  is  now  rarely  used 
in  the  old  sense  of  a  dark  saying,  etc.  See  MYSTERIOUS; 

1S1  danger 


bright  crystalline         glowing  lucid  shining 

brilliant          dazzling  illumined  luminous         transparer 

clear  gleaming  light  radiant  white 

Compare  synonyms  for  LIGHT. 



corrupt      decompose        molder       putrefy       rot       spoil 

Bot  is  a  strong  word,  ordinarily  esteemed  coarse,  but  on  oc- 
casion capable  of  approved  emphatic  use;  as,  "the  name  of  the 
wicked  shall  rot"  Prov.  x,  7;  decay  and  decompose  are  now 
common  euphemisms.  A  substance  is  decomposed  when  re- 
solved into  its  original  elements  by  any  process;  it  is  decayed 
when  resolved  into  its  original  elements  by  natural  processes; 
it  decays  gradually,  but  may  be  instantly  decomposed,  as  water 
into  oxygen  and  hydrogen;  to  say  that  a  thing  is  decayed  may 
denote  only  a  partial  result,  but  to  say  it  is  decomposed 
ordinarily  implies  that  the  change  is  complete  or  nearly  so. 
Putrefy  and  the  adjectives  putrid  and  putrescent,  and  the 
nouns  putridity  and  putrescence,  are  used  almost  exclusively 
of  animal  matter  in  a  state  of  decomposition,  the  more  gen- 
eral word  decay  being  used  of  either  animal  or  vegetable 



craft  dcm"ble= dealing  finesse  lie 

cunning  duplicity  fraud  lying 

deceit  equivocation.  guile  prevarication 

deceitf  ulness  fabrication  hypocrisy  trickery 

delusion  falsehood  imposition  untruth 

Deceit  is  the  habit,  deception  the  act;  guile  applies  to  the 
disposition  out  of  which  deceit  and  deception  grow,  and  also  to 
their  actual  practise.  A  lie,  tying,  or  falsehood,  is  the  uttering 
of  what  one  knows  to  be  false  with  intent  to  deceive.  The 
novel  or  drama  is  not  a  lie,  because  not  meant  to  deceive;  the 
ancient  teaching  that  the  earth  was  flat  was  not  a  lie,  because 
not  t3ien  known  to  be  false.  Untruth  is  more  than  lack  of  ac- 
curacy, implying  always  lack  of  veracity;  but  it  is  a  somewhat 
milder  and  more  dignified  word  than  lie.  Falsehood  and  lying 
are  im  utterance ;  deceit  and  deception  may  be  merely  in  act  or 

defense  182 


implication.  Deception  may  be  innocent,  and  even  uninten- 
tional, as  in  the  ease  of  an  optical  illusion;  deceit  always  in- 
volves injurious  intent.  Craft  and  cunning  have  not  necessa- 
rily any  moral  quality;  they  are  common  traits  of  animals,  but 
stand  rather  low  in  the  human  scale.  Duplicity  is  the  habitual 
speaking  or  acting  with  intent  to  appear  to  mean  what  one 
does  not.  Dissimulation  is  rather  a  concealing  of  what  is  than 
a  pretense  of  what  is  not.  Equivocation  is  the  saying  or  stat- 
ing of  one  thing  in  order  that  something  other  and  different 
may  be  understood.  Finesse  is  simply  an  adroit  and  delicate 
management  of  a  matter  for  one's  own  side,  not  necessarily 
involving  deceit.  Compare  ARTIFICE;  FALLACY;  FICTION;  FRAUD; 



candor  frankness  honesty          simplicity        truth 

fair  dealing        guilelessness        openness       sincerity         veracity 



apology  guard  rampart  shelter 

bulwark  justification  resistance  shield 

fortress  protection  safeguard  vindication 

The  weak  may  speak  or  act  in  defense  of  the  strong;  none 
but  the  powerful  can  assure  others  of  protection.  A  defense 
is  ordinarily  against  actual  attack;  protection  is  against  pos- 
sible as  well  as  actual  dangers.  We  speak  of  defense  against 
an  assault,  protection  from  the  cold.  Vindication  is  a  tri- 
umphant defense  of  character  and  conduct  against  charges  of 
error  or  wrong.  Compare  APOLOGY. 


abandonment    betrayal    capitulation    desertion    flight    surrender 

Defense  against  assault  or  assailants;  in  law,  defense  to  an 
action,  from  the  testimony. 



adjourn  delay  procrastinate  put  off 

break  off  dissolve  prorogue  suspend 

break  up  postpone  protract 

Adjourn  (through  P.  from  L.   ad,  to,  +  diurnus,  daily,  from 

183  defense 

dies,  day)  signifies  literally  to  put  oil1  to  another  day,  hence, 
by  extension,  to  put  ofl:  to  any  future  time.  Prorogue  (from 
L.  pioiogo,  extend,  defer)  is  a  bpeual  legal  or  legislative  term, 
applying  only  to  the  British  Parliament  or  to  similar  colonial 
assemblies.  A  voluntary  assembly  may  adjourn  it&elf  ;  Parlia- 
ment is  prorogued  by  order  of  the  lung. 

By  the  king's  authority  alone,  and  by  Ms  wiits  are  they  (the  two  houses 
of  peers  and  commons)  assembled,  and  by  him  alone  are  they  prorogued 
and  dissolved,  bat  each  house  may  adjouin  itself.  BACON. 

A  parliament  which  is  prorogued  still  exists,  and  may  be  sum- 
moned by  the  sovereign  at  any  time  to  meet  again  without  a  new 
election;  a  parliament  which  is  dissolved  ceases  to  exist:  all  its 
unfinished  business  is  dead;  there  can  be  no  parliament  until  a 
general  election  is  held,  resulting  in  a  new  parliament,  which 
must  take  up  all  business  de  novo;  an  "adjournment"  is  simply 
a  voluntary  intermission  at  the  discretion  of  either  or  botn 
houses.  The  congress  of  the  United  States  and  the  various 
State  legislatures  terminate  their  sessions  only  by  adjournment, 
either  to  a  day  fixed  by  vote  or  to  the  time  of  compulsory  re- 
assembling provided  by  the  constitution.  If  a  deliberative 
body  adjourns  with  no  day  fixed  either  by  vote  or  law  for 
reassembling,  it  thereby  terminates  its  existence;  hence  the 
phrase  to  adjourn  sine  die,  or  without  day  (which  is  etymolog- 
ically  a  contradiction  in  terms)  is  used  to  denote  the  final 
breaking  up  or  dissolution  of  an  assembly;  to  adjourn  without 
day  is  to  terminate  the  existence  of  the  body  and,  of  course,  any 
future  consideration  by  that  body  of  its  unfinished  business; 
the  existence  of  an  American  congress  would  terminate  ipso 
facto,  even  if  there  were  no  formal  adjournment,  by  the  ar- 
rival of  the  day  fixed  by  the  constitution  for  the  assembly  of 
a  new  congress,  and  by  the  expiration  of  the  term  for  'which 
the  representatives  and  many  of  the  senators  were  elected. 
In  common  usage,  to  adjourn  a  matter  is  to  hold  it  in  abey- 
ance (see  ABEYANCE)  until  it  may  be  more  conveniently  or 
suitably  considered  —  to  defer,  or  postpone  it;  in  such  nse  defer 
and  postpone  are  closely  equivalent  to  adjourn;  to  defer  is 
simply  to  lay  by  or  put  aside  temporarily  ;  to  postpone  (from  L. 
post,  after,  +  pono,  place)  is  strictly  to  put  aside  until  "after" 
something  else  is  done,  known,  obtained,  or  the  like;  as,  to 
postpone  the  attack  until  daylight  ;  but  postpone  is  often  used 
without  such  limitation;  both  defer  and  postpone  imply  ex- 

defile  184 

deliberate _____ 

pectation  of  later  consideration,  or  action;  procrastinate  is  less 
definite  than  adjourn,  defer,  or  delay;  procrastination  is  pur- 
poseless; one  who  procrastinates  gives  no  assurance  that  he 
will  ever  act.  Compare  HINDER. 


act  despatch        hasten  quicken          urge  on 

act  on  expedite         hurry  take  up          urge  forward 



befoul  corrupt     pollute      spoil      sully      tarnish 

contaminate     infect        soil  stain     taint     vitiate 

The  hand  may  be  defiled  by  a  touch  of  pitch;  swine  that  have 
been  wallowing  in  the  mud  are  befouled.  Contaminate  and  in- 
fect refer  to  something  evil  that  deeply  pervades  and  per- 
meates, as  the  human  body  or  mind.  Pollute  is  used  chiefly  of 
liquids;  as,  water  polluted  with  sewage.  Tainted  meat  is  re- 
pulsive; infected  meat  contains  germs  of  disease.  A  soiled 
garment  may  be  cleansed  by  washing;  a  spoiled  garment  is 
beyond  cleansing  or  repair.  Bright  metal  is  tarnished  by 
exposure ;  a  fair  sheet  is  sullied  by  a  dirty  hand.  In  figurative 
use,  defile  may  be  used  merely  in  the  ceremonial  sense;  "they 
themselves  went  not  into  the  judgment  hall,  lest  they  should 
be  defiled/'  John  xviii,  28 ;  contaminate  refers  to  deep  spiritual 
injury.  Pollute  has  also  a  reference  to  sacrilege ;  as,  to  pollute 
a  sanctuary,  an  altar,  or  an  ordinance.  The  innocent  are 
often  contaminated  by  association  with  the  wicked;  the  vicious 
are  more  and  more  corrupted  by  their  own  excesses.  We  speak 
of  a  mtiated  taste  or  style;  fraud  vitiates  a  title  or  a  contract 


clean       cleanse       disinfect      hallow      purify       sanctify      wash 

The  temple  was  defiled  with  blood;  defiled  by  sacrilegious 



comment  description      exposition  rendering 

commentary     explanation    interpretation     translation 

A  definition  is  exact,  an  explanation  general;  a  definition  is 
formal,  a  description  pictorial.    A  definition  must  include  all 

185  defile 

_^__^_ deliberate 

that  belongs  to  the  object  defined,  and  exclude  all  that  does  not; 
a  description  may  include  only  some  general  features;  an  ex- 
planation  may  simply  throw  light  upon  some  point  of  special 
difficulty.  An  exposition  undertakes  to  state  more  fully  what 
is  compactly  given  or  only  implied  in  the  test ;  as,  an  exposition 
of  Scripture.  Interpretation  is  ordinanly  from  one  language 
into  another,  or  from  the  language  of  one  period  into  that  of 
another;  it  may  also  be  a  statement  giving  the  doubtful  or 
hidden  meaning  of  that  which  is  recondite  or  perplexing;  as, 
the  interpretation  of  a  dream,  a  riddle,  or  of  some  difficult  pas- 
sage. Definition,  explanation,  exposition,  and  interpretation 
are  ordinarily  blended  in  a  commentary,  which  may  also  in- 
clude description.  A  comment  is  upon  a  single  passage;  a 
commentary  may  be  the  same,  but  is  usually  understood  to  be 
a  volume  of  comments. 


deputy        legate       proxy       representative       siibstitnte 

These  words  agree  in  designating  one  who  acts  in  the  place 
of  some  other  or  others.  The  legate  is  an  ecclesiastical  officer 
representing  the  Pope.  In  strict  usage  the  deputy  or  delegate 
is  more  limited  in  functions  and  more  closely  bound  by  instruc- 
tions than  a  representative.  A  single  officer  may  have  a 
deputy;  many  persons  combine  to  choose  a  delegate  or  repre- 
sentative. In  the  United  States  informal  assemblies  send 
delegates  to  nominating  conventions  with  no  legislative  author- 
ity; representatives  are  legally  elected  to  Congress  and  the 
various  legislatures,  with  lawmaking  power. 



confer  consult  meditate  reflect 

consider  debate  .  ponder  weigh. 

An  individual  considers,  meditates,  ponders,  reflects,  by  him- 
self; he  weighs  a  matter  in  his  own  mind,  and  is  sometimes 
said  even  to  debate  with  himself.  Consult  and  confer  always 
imply  two  or  more  persons,  as  does  debate,  unless  expressly 
limited  as  above.  Confer  suggests  the  interchange  of  counsel, 
advice,  or  information;  consult  indicates  almost  exclusively  the 

delicious  186 


receiving  of  it.  A  man  confers  with  his  associates  about  a 
new  investment;  he  consults  his  physician  about  his  health; 
he  may  confer  with  him  on  matters  of  general  interest.  He 
consults  a  dictionary,  but  does  not  confer  with  it.  Deliberate, 
which  can  be  applied  to  a  single  individual,  is  also  the  word 
for  a  great  number,  while  consult  is  ordinarily  limited  to  a  few ; 
a  committee  consults;  an  assembly  deliberates.  Deliberating 
always  carries  the  idea  of  slowness;  consulting  is  compatible 
with  haste;  we  can  speak  of  a  hasty  consulation,  not  of  a 
hasty  deliberation.  Debate  implies  opposing  views;  deliberate, 
simply  a  gathering  and  balancing  of  all  facts  and  reasons.  We 
consider  or  deliberate  with  a  view  to  action,  while  meditation 
may  be  quite  purposeless. 

We  deliberate  on  or  upon,  also  about  or  concerning  a  matter : 
the  first  two  are  preferable. 


dainty  delightful        exquisite       luscious       savory 

That  is  delicious  which  affords  a  gratification  at  once  vivid 
and  delicate  to  the  senses,  especially  to  those  of  taste  and 
smell;  as  delicious  fruit;  a  delicious  odor;  lucious  has  a  kindred 
but  more  fulsome  meaning,  inclining  toward  a  cloying  excess 
of  sweetness  or  richness.  Savory  is  applied  chiefly  to  cooked 
food  made  palatable  by  spices  and  condiments.  Delightful 
may  be  applied  to  the  higher  gratifications  of  sense,  as  delight- 
ful music,  but  is  chiefly  used  for  that  which  is  mental  and 
spiritual.  Delicious  has  a  limited  use  in  this  way;  as,  a 
delicious  bit  of  poetry;  the  word  is  sometimes  used  ironically 
for  some  pleasing  absurdity;  as,  this  is  delicious!  Compare 


acrid  bitter  loathsome  nauseous  repulsive  unpalatable  unsavory 



acceptable  delicious  pleasant  refreshing 

agreeable  grateful  pleasing  satisfying 

congenial  gratifying  pleasurable  welcome 

Agreeable  refers  to  whatever  gives  a  mild  degree  of  pleasure; 

187  delicious 

as,  an  agreeable  perfume.  Acceptable  indicates  a  thing:  to  be 
worthy  of  acceptance;  as,  an  acceptable  offering.  Grateful  i* 
stronger  than  agreeable  or  gratifying,  indicating  whatever 
awakens  a  feeling  akin  to  gratitude.  A  pleasant  face  and 
pleasing  manners  arouse  pleasurable  sensations,  and  make  the 
possessor  an  agreeable  companion;  if  possessed  of  intelligence, 
vivacity,  and  goodness,  such  a  person's  society  will  be  delight- 
ful. Criminals  may  find  each  other's  company  congenial,  but 
scarcely  delightful.  Satisfying  denotes  anything  that  is  re- 
ceived with  calm  acquiescence,  as  substantial  food,  or  estab- 
lished truth.  That  is  welcome  which  is  received  with  joyful 
heartiness;  as,  welcome  tidings.  Compare  BEAUTIFUL;  CHAKH- 


depressing  hateful  miserable  saddening 

disappointing  horrible  mournful  woful 

distressing  melancholy  painful  wretched 



error        fallacy      hallucination       illusion       phantasm 

•  A  delusion  is  a  mistaken  conviction,  an  illusion  is  a  mistaken 
perception  or  inference.  An  illusion  may  be  wholly  of  the 
•senses;  a  delusion  always  involves  some  mental  error.  In  an 
optical  illusion  the  observer  sees  either  what  does  not  exist,  or 
what  exists  otherwise  than  as  he  sees  it,  as  when  in  a  mirage 
distant  springs  and  trees  appear  close  at  hand.  We  speak 
of  the  illusions  of  fancy  or  of  hope,  but  of  the  delusions  of  the 
insane.  A  hallucination  is  a  false  image  or  belief  which  has 
nothing,  outside  of  the  disordered  mind,  to  suggest  it;  as, 
the  hallucinations  of  delirium  tremens.  Compare  DECEPTION; 



actuality  certainty         fact  reality          truth         verity 


destroy  overthrow        overturn          raze  rain 

A  building,  monument,  or  other  structure  is  demolished  when 
reduced  to  a  shapeless  mass;  it  is  razed  when  leveled  with  the 


ground;  it  is  destroyed  when  its  structural  unity  is  gone, 
whether  or  not  its  component  parts  remain.  An  edifice  is 
destroyed  by  fire  or  earthquake;  it  is  demolished  by  bombard- 
ment; it  is  ruined  when,  by  violence  or  neglect,  it  has  become 
unfit  for  human  habitation.  Compare  ABOLISH;  BREAK. 


build  create  lepair  restore 

construct  make 



certainty  consequence        evidence  inference 

conclusion  deduction  induction  proof 

Demonstration,  in  the  strict  and  proper  sense,  is  the  highest 
form  of  proof,  and  gives  the  most  absolute  certainty;  but  can 
not  be  applied  outside  of  pure  mathematics  or  other  strictly 
deductive  reasoning;  there  can  be  proof  and  certainty,  how- 
ever, in  matters  that  do  not  admit  of  demonstration.  A  con- 
clusion is  the  absolute  and  necessary  result  of  the  admission 
of  certain  premises;  an  infetence  is  a  probable  conclusion 
toward  which  known  facts,  statements,  or  admissions  point, 
but  which  they  do  not  absolutely  establish;  sound  premises, 
together  with  their  necessary  conclusion,  constitute  a  demon- 
stration. Evidence  is  that  which  tends  to  show  a  thing  to 
be  true;  in  the  widest  sense,  as  including  seli-evidence  or 
consciousness,  it  is  the  basis  of  all  knowledge.  Proof  in  the 
strict  sense  is  complete,  irresistible  evidence;  as,  there  was 
much  evidence  against  the  accused,  but  not  amounting  to 
proof  of  guilt.  Moral  certainty  is  a  conviction  resting  on 
such  evidence  as  puts  a  matter  beyond  reasonable  doubt,  while 
not  so  irresistible  as  demonstration.  Compare  HYPOTHESIS; 



defective  degenerate  delinquent 

These  terms  are  used  somewhat  vaguely  to  indicate  classes 
of  persons  who  fall  below  average  social  requirements,  and 
ordinarily  demand  support  or  restraint,  or  both,  by  organ- 
ized society.  Defectives  are  those  who  lack  some  natural  fac- 
ulty of  power,  ordinarily  essential  to  self-support,  including 

189  demonstration 

_____ dependent 

the  deaf,  blind,  crippled,  idiotic,  etc.  Degenerates  are  those 
who  naturally  tend  to  revert  to  a  lower  mental  or  moral  grade, 
ordinanly  in  some  way  harmful  or  dangerous  to  the  com- 
munity, as  certain  persons  who  from  childhood  show  a 
tendency  to  arson,  setting  fire  to  anything  that  can  burn,  with- 
out regard  to  consequences  to  property  or  life,  and  without 
the  ordinary  motives  of  the  criminal  incendiary;  such  tenden- 
cies may  manifest  themselves  in  numerous  ways;  many  alco- 
holics are  now  classed  as  degenerates.  Delinquents  are  those 
who  have  committed  some  overt  act  against  law  and  order, 
requiring  to  be  dealt  with  by  legal  action;  this  class  would 
strictly  include  all  criminals,  but  the  term  is  ordinarily  used 
to  describe  those  guilty  of  minor  offenses,  as  the  juvenile 
offenders  who  are  at  once  eared  for,  restrained,  and  educated 
in  reform  schools;  there  is  an  increasing  tendency  to  separate 
criminals  who  commit  crime  with  distinctly  criminal  purpose, 
as  the  professional  burglar,  from  those  who  drift  into  criminal 
acts  with  no  fixed  criminal  intent,  as  boys  break  into  base- 
ments to  steal  chains,  gas-fittings,  etc.;  the  dividing  line  is 
vague  and  often  difficult  to  draw,  depending  upon  clear  anal- 
ysis of  each  individual  case,  which  is  largely  the  work  of 
the  judges  of  the  modern  juvenile  courts.  Defectives  and 
degenerates  may  not  be  dependents,  as  they  may  belong  to 
families  able  to  support  them,  or  may  be  even  inheritors  of 
wealth,  while  committing  an  act  requiring  legal  interference. 
Dependents  are  all  those  for  any  reason  unable  to  support 
themselves,  including  children  without  parents  or  guardians 
able  to  provide  for  them;  dependent  children  may  be  neither 
defectives  nor  degenerates,  but  in  every  way  normal;  in 
natural  life  dependents  are  ordinarily  made  such  by  some 
mental  or  physical  defect,  and  include  the  imbecile,  those  of 
unsound  mind  not  classed  as  positively  insane,  cripples,  par- 
alytics, consumptives,  those  enfeebled  by  advanced  age,  etc.; 
in  strictness  the  insane  are  in  the  highest  degree  dependents, 
but  are  not  usually  referred  to  under  that  classification.  There 
is  an  increasing  tendency  in  modem  legal  and  social  administra- 
tion to  a  higher  humanity,  which  separates  those  who  need  care 
or  restraint  because  of  defect,  weakness,  heredity,  etc.,  from 
those  knowingly  and  determinedly  vicious  or  criminal. 

design  190 




aim  final  cause  object  proposal 

device  intent  plan  purpose 

end  intention  project  scheme 

Design  refers  to  the  adaptation  of  means  to  an  end,  the  cor- 
respondence and  coordination  of  parts,  or  of  separate  acts,  to 
produce  a  result;  intent  and  purpose  overleap  all  particulars; 
and  fasten  on  the  end  itself.  Intention  is  simply  the  more 
familiar  form  of  the  legal  and  philosophical  intent.  Plan  re- 
lates to  details  of  form,  structure,  and  action,  in  themselves; 
design  considers  these  same  details  all  as  a  means  to  an  end. 
The  plan  of  a  campaign  may  be  for  a  series  of  sharp  at- 
tacks, with  the  design  of  thus  surprising  and  overpowering 
the  enemy.  A  man  comes  to  a  fixed  intention  to  kill  his 
enemy;  he  forms  a  plan  to  entrap  him  into  his  power,  with 
the  design  of  then  compassing  his  death;  as  the  law  can  not 
read  the  heart,  it  can  only  infer  the  intent  from  the  evidences  of 
design.  Intent  denotes  a  straining,  stretching  forth  toward  an 
object;  purpose  simply  the  placing  it  before  oneself;  hence,  we 
speak  of  the  purpose  rather  than  the  intent  or  intention  of  God. 
We  hold  that  the  marks  of  design  in  nature  prove  it  the  work 
of  a  great  Designer.  Intention  contemplates  the  possibility  of 
failure;  purpose  looks  to  assured  success;  intent  or  intention  re- 
fers especially  to  the  state  of  mind  of  the  actor ;  purpose  to  the 
result  of  the  action.  Compare  AIM;  CAUSE;  IDEA;  MODEL. 

The  design  of  defrauding;  the  design  of  a  building;  a  de- 
sign for  a  statue. 



appetence  concupiscence  hankering  proclivity 

appetite  coveting  inclination  propensity 

aspiration  craving  longing  wish 

Inclination  is  the  mildest  of  these  terms ;  it  is  a  quiet,  or  even 
a  vague  or  unconscious,  tendency.  Even  when  we  speak  of  a 
strong  or  decided  inclination  we  do  not  express  the  intensity  of 
desire.  Desire  has  a  wide  range,  from  the  highest  objects  to 
the  lowest;  desire  is  for  an  object  near  at  hand,  or  near  in 
thought,  and  viewed  as  attainable;  a  wish  may  be  for  what  is 

191  design 


remote  or  uncertain,  or  even  for  what  is  recognized  as  impos- 
sible. Craving  is  stronger  than  hankering;  hankering  may  be 
the  result  of  a  fitful  and  capricious  appetite;  craving  may  be 
the  imperious  and  reasonable  demand  of  the  whole  nature. 
Longing  is  a  reaching  out  with  deep  and  persistent  demand 
for  that  which  is  viewed  as  now  distant  but  at  some  time  at- 
tainable; as,  the  captive's  longing  for  release.  Coveting 
ordinarily  denotes  wrong  desire  for  that  which  is  another's. 
Compare  APPETITE. 


See  synonyms  for  ANTIPATHY. 

The  desire  of  fame;  a  desire  for  excellence. 


desperation   despondency   discouragement  Hopelessness 

Discouragement  is  the  result  of  so  much  repulse  or  failure  as 
wears  out  courage.  Discouragements  too  frequent  and  long 
continued  may  produce  a  settled  hopelessness.  Hopelessness  is 
negative,  and  may  result  from  simple  apathy;  despondency  and 
despair  are  more  emphatic  and  decided.  Despondency  is  an  in- 
capacity for  the  present  exercise  of  hope;  despair  is  the  -»iiter 
abandonment  of  hope.  Despondency  relaxes  energy  and  effort 
and  is  always  attended  with  sadness  or  distress;  despair  may 
produce  a  stony  calmness,  or  it  may  lead  to  desperation. 
Desperation  is  energized  despair,  vigorous  in  action,  reckless 
of  consequences. 


anticipation  confidence  encouragement  hope 

assurance  courage  expectancy  hopefulness 

cheer  elation  expectation  trust 



allot       apportion         assign  dedicate     hallow 

apply      appropriate      consecrate      destine        set  apart 

Consecrate,  dedicate,  devote,  and  IwUow  are  all  originally 
words  of  sacred  meaning;  as,  to  consecrate  ground  for  a  cem- 
etery; to  dedicate  a  church  to  divine  worship;  to  devote  one- 

dexterity  192 

die  _ 

self  to  prayer;  to  "hallow  the  Sabbath  day.  Consecrate  and 
hallow  retain  their  original  sacredness,  but  dedicate  and  de- 
vote have  drifted  far  away.  Thus,  to  dedicate  a  book  is  for 
the  author  to  preface  it  with  a  complimentary  inscription 
bearing  the  name  of  a  friend  or  patron.  Devote  (from  L.  de, 
from,  +  voveoj  from  votum,  vow)  was  originally  to  set  apart 
from  oneself,  or  from  ordinary  use  to  some  sacred  purpose, 
which  might  be  destructive;  thus  Jericho,  with  all  that  it  con- 
tained, was  devoted  by  Joshua  to  destruction  (Josh,  vi,  17; 
vii,  1;  where  the  American  Revision  has  wisely  preferred 
the  word  "devoted"  to  the  word  "accursed"  of  the  Author- 
ized Version)  ;  thus  it  is  still  possible  to  speak  of  per- 
sons or  things  as  devoted  to  death,  destruction,  or  ruin;  in 
common  use,  however,  to  devote  is  to  set  apart  with  a 
sacred  or  earnest  purpose  to  some  desirable  object;  as, 
a  young  man  devotes  himself  to  the  ministry;  a  sum  of 
money  is  devoted  to  charity;  this  portion  of  the  book  is 
devoted  to  the  study  of  evolution.  It  is  chiefly  by  the  linger- 
ing touch  of  saeredness  that  devote  differs  from  apply  when 
the  two  words  are  used  as  synonyms;  a  person  applies  himself 
to  study  as  a  matter  of  fact;  he  devotes  himself  to  study 
from  some  earnest  purpose  behind  the  fact.  Compare  ALLOT  ; 

abuse  misapply  misuse  squander 

alienate  misappropriate  pervert  waste 




adroitness  cleverness  readiness 

aptitude  expertness  skill 

Adroitness  (from  F.  a,  to,  and  droit,  right)  and  dexterity 
(from  L.  dexter,  right,  right-hand)  might  each  be  rendered 
"right-handedness";  but  adroitness  carries  more  of  the  idea  of 
eluding,  parrying,  or  checking  some  hostile  movement,  or  taking 
advantage  of  another  in  controversy  ;  dexterity  conveys  the  idea 
of  doing,  accomplishing  something  readily  and  well,  withont 
reference  to  any  action  of  others.  We  speak  of  adroitness  in 
fencing,  boxing,  or  debate,  of  dexterity  in  horsemanship,  in  the 
use  of  tools,  weapons,  etc.  Aptitude  (from  L.  aptus,  fit,  fitted) 
is  a  natural  readiness,  which  by  practise  may  be  developed  into 

193                                                                                      dexterity 

dexterity.  Skill  is  more  exact  to  line,  rule,  and  method  than 
dexterity.  Dexterity  can  not  be  communicated,  and,  often- 
times can  not  even  be  explained  by  its  possessor;  skill  to  a 
very  great  extent  can  be  imparted;  {f skilled  workmen"  in 
various  trades  are  numbered  by  thousands.  Compare  AD- 


Dexterity  of  hand,  of  movement,  of  management;  with  the 
pen;  in  action,  in  manipulating  men;  at  cards. 



expression  phrase  style  vocabulary 

language  phraseology         verbiage  wording 

An  author's  diction  is  strictly  his  choice  and  use  of  words, 
with  no  special  reference  to  thought;  expression  regards  the 
words  simply  as  the  vehicle  of  the  thought.  Phrase  and  phrase- 
ology apply  to  words  or  combinations  of  words  which  are 
somewhat  technical;  as,  in  legal  phraseology;  in  military 
phrase.  Diction  is  general;  wording  is  limited;  we  speak  of 
the  diction  of  an  author  or  of  a  work,  the  wording  of  a  prop- 
osition, of  a  resolution,  etc.  Verbiage  never  bears  this  sense 
(see  CIKCUMLOOUTION).  The  language  of  a  writer  or  speaker 
may  be  the  national  speech  he  employs;  as,  the  English  or 
French  language;  or  the  word  may  denote  his  use  of  that 
language;  as,  the  author's  language  is  well  (or  ill)  chosen. 
Style  includes  diction,  expression,  rhetorical  figures  such  as 
metaphor  and  simile,  the  effect  of  an  author's  prevailing  tone 
of  thought,  of  his  personal  traits — in  short,  all  that  makes  up 
the  clothing  of  thought  in  words;  thus,  we  speak  of  a  figura- 
tive style,  a  frigid  or  an  argumentative  style,  etc.,  or  of  the 
style  of  Macaulay,  Prescott,  or  others.  An  author's  vocab- 
ulary is  the  range  of  words  which  he  brings  into  his  use.  Com- 



cease  decline  expire  perish, 

decease  depart  fade  wither 

Die,  to  go  out  of  life,  become  destitute  of  vital  power  and 


action,  is  figuratively  applied  to  anything  which  has  the  ap- 
pearance of  life. 

Where  the  dyuiff  nighl-lamp  flickers. 

TENNYSON    Lockaley  Hall,  st.  40. 

An  echo,  a  strain  of  music,  a  tempest,  a  topic,  an  issue,  dies. 
Expire  (literally,  to  breathe  out)  is  a  softer  word  for  die;  it  is 
used  figuratively  of  things  that  cease  to  exist  by  reaching  a 
natural  limit;  as,  a  lease  expires;  the  time  has  expired.  To 
perish  (literally,  in  Latin,  to  go  through,  as  in  English  we  say, 
"the  fire  goes  out")  is  oftenest  used  of  death  by  privation  or 
exposure;  as,  "I  perish  with  hunger/'  Luke  xv,  17;  sometimes, 
of  death  by  violence.  Knowledge  and  fame,  art  and  empires, 
may  be  said  to  perish;  the  word  denotes  utter  destruction  and 


be  born  come  into  being  flourish  rise  again 

begin  come  to  life  grow  rise  from  the  dead 

be.  immortal  exist  live  survive 


To  die  of  fever;  l>y  violence;  rarely,  with  the  sword,  famine, 
etc.  (Ezek*  vii,  15)  ;  to  die  for  one's  country;  to  die  ab  sea;  in 
one's  bed;  in  agony;  die  to  the  world. 



contrariety  discrimination   distinction  inequality 

contrast  disparity  divergence  unlikeness 

disagreement  dissimilarity       diversity  variation 

discrepancy  dissimilitude       inconsistency  variety 

Difference  is  the  state  or  quality  of  being  unlike  or  the 
amount  of  such  unlikeness.  A  difference  is  in  the  things  com- 
pared; a  discrimination  is  in  our  judgment  of  them;  a  dis- 
tinction is  in  our  definition  or  description  or  mental  image  of 
them.  Careful  discrimination  of  real  differences  results  in 
clear  distinctions.  Disparity  is  stronger  than  inequality,  im- 
plying that  one  thing  falls  far  below  another;  as,  the  dis- 
parity of  our  achievements  when  compared  with  our  ideals. 
Dissimilarity  is  between  things  sharply  contrasted;  there  may 
be  a  difference  between  those  almost  alike.  There  is  a  dis- 
crepancy in  accounts  that  fail  to  balance.  Variety  involves 
more  than  two  objects;  so,  in  general,  does  diversity;  varia* 

195                                                                                    difference 
•*" difficult 

tion  is  a  difference  in  the  condition  or  action  of  the  same  ob- 
ject at  different  times.  Disagreement  is  not  merely  the  lack, 
but  the  opposite,  of  agreement;  it  is  a  mild  word  for  opposi- 
tion and  conflict;  difference  is  sometimes  used  in  the  same 


agreement         harmony        likeness  sameness       uniformity 

consonance        identity          resemblance       similarity      unity 


Difference  between  the  old  and  the  new;  differences  among 
men;  a  difference  in  character;  of  action;  of  style;  (less  fre- 
quently) a  difference  (controversy)  with  a  person;  a  difference 
of  one  thing  from  (incorrectly  to)  another. 



arduous  hard  onerous  toilsome 

exhausting  laborious  severe  trying 

Arduous  (from  L.  arduus,  steep)  signifies  primarily  so  steep 
and  lofty  as  to  be  difficult  of  ascent,  and  hence  applies  to  that 
which  involves  great  and  sustained  exertion  and  ordinarily  for 
a  lofty  aim;  great  learning  can  only  be  won  by  arduous  toil. 
Hard  applies  to  anything  that  resists  our  endeavors  as  a 
scarcely  penetrable  mass  resists  our  physical  force.  Anything 
is  hard  that  involves  tax  and  strain  whether  of  the  physical 
or  mental  powers.  Difficult  is  not  used  of  that  which  merely 
taxes  physical  force;  a  dead  lift  is  called  hard  rather  than 
difficult;  breaking  stone  on  the  road  would  be  called  hard 
rather  than  difficult  work;  that  is  difficult  which  involves  skill, 
sagacity,  or  address,  with  or  without  a  considerable  expendi- 
ture of  physical  force;  a  geometrical  problem  may  be  difficult 
to  solve,  a  tangled  skein  to  unravel;  a  mountain  difficult  to 
ascend.  Hard  may  be  active  or  passive;  a  thing  may  be  hard 
to  do  or  hard  to  bear.  Arduous  is  always  active.  That  which 
is  laborious  or  toilsome  simply  requires  the  steady  application 
of  labor  or  toil  till  accomplished ;  toilsome  is  the  stronger  word. 
That  which  is  onerous  (from  L.  onus,  a  burden)  is  mentally  bur- 
densome or  oppressive.  Responsibility  may  be  onerous  even 
when  it  involves  no  special  exertion. 

easy        facile        light        pleasant        slight        trifling        trivial 

direction  196 

disease  ___«« 


aim       bearing      course      inclination      tendency      way 

The  direction  of  an  object  is  the  line  of  motion  or  of  vision 
toward  it,  or  the  line  in  which  the  object  is  moving,  considered 
from  our  own  actual  or  mental  standpoint.  Way,  literally  the 
road  or  path,  comes  naturally  to  mean  the  direction  of  the 
road  or  path,  conversationally,  way  is  almost  a  perfect  syn- 
onym of  direction;  as,  which  way  did  he  go,?  or,  in  which 
direction?  Bearing  is  the  direction  in  which  an  object  is  seen 
with  reference  to  another,  and  especially  with  reference  to 
the  points  of  the  compass.  Course  is  the  direction  of  a  moving 
object;  inclination,  that  toward  which  a  stationary  object  leans; 
tendency,  the  direction  toward  which  anything  stretches  or 
reaches  out;  tendency  is  stronger  and  more  active  than  in- 
clination. Compare  AIM;  CAEE;  ORDER;  OVERSIGHT. 



behold  discriminate         observe  recognize 

descry  distinguish.  perceive  see 

What  we  discern  we  see  apart  from  all  other  objects;  what 
we  discriminate  we  judge  apart;  what  we  distinguish  we  mark 
apart,  or  recognize  by  some  special  mark  or  manifest  difference. 
We  discriminate  by  real  differences ;  we  distinguish  by  outward 
signs ;  an  officer  is  readily  distinguished  from  a  common  soldier 
by  his  uniform.  Objects  may  be  dimly  discerned  at  twilight, 
when  yet  we  can  not  clearly  distinguish  one  from  another.  We 
descry  (originally  espy)  what  is  difficult  to  discover.  Compare 



ascertain        detect          disclose        ferret  out       find  out 
descry  discern        expose          find  invent 

Of  human  actions  or  character,  detect  is  used,  almost  without 
exception,  in  a  bad  sense;  discover  may  be  used  in  either  the 
good  or  the  bad  sense,  oftener  in  the  good;  he  was  detected  in 
a  fraud;  real  merit  is  sure  to  be  discovered.  In  scientific  lan- 
guage, detect  is  used  of  delicate  indications  that  appear  in  course 


of  careful  watching;  as,  a  slight  fluttering  of  the  pulse  could  be 
detected.  We  discover  what  has  existed  but  has  not  been  known  to 
us;  we  invent  combinations  or  arrangements  not  before  in  use; 
Columbus  discovered  America;  Morse  invented  the  electric  tele- 
graph. Find  is  the  most  general  word  for  every-  means  of 
coming  to  know  what  was  not  before  certainly  known.  A  man 
finds  in  the  road  some  stranger's  purse,  or  finds  his  own  which 
he  is  searching  for.  The  expert  discovers  or  detects  an  error  in 
an  account;  the  auditor  finds  the  account  to  be  correct.  Com- 
pare DISCERN. 


See  synonyms  for  HIDE. 



affection  disorder  indisposition  sickness 

ailment  distemper  infirmity  T1""^  fralt^1' 

complaint  illness  malady  nnsonndness 

Disease  is  the  general  term  for  any  deviation  from  health;  in 
a  imore  limited  sense  it  denotes  some  definite  morbid  condition ; 
disorder  and  affection  are  rather  partial  and  limited;  as,  a 
nervous  affection;  a  disorder  of  the  digestive  system.  Sickness 
was  generally  used  in  English  speech  and  literature,  till  the 
close  of  the  eighteenth  century  at  least,  for  every  form  of 
physical  disorder,  as  abundantly  appears  in  the  English  Bible : 
"Jesus  went  about  .  .  .  healing  all  manner  of  sickness  and 
all  manner  of  disease  among  the  people,"  Matt,  iv,  23 ;  ''Elisha 
was  fallen  sick  of  his  sickness  whereof  he  died,'7  2  Kings  xiii, 
14.  There  is  now,  in  England,  a  tendency  to  restrict  the 
words  sick  and  sickness  to  nausea,  or  "sickness  at  the 
stomach,"  and  to  hold  ill  and  illness  as  the  only  proper 
words  to  use  in  a  general  sense.  This  distinction  has  re- 
ceived but  a  very  limited  acceptance  in  the  United  States, 
where  sick  and  sickness  have  the  earlier  and  wider  usage. 
We  speak  of  trifling  ailments,  a  slight  indisposition,  a  serious 
or  a  deadly  disease;  a  slight  or  severe  illness;  a  painful  sick- 
ness. Complaint  is  a  popular  term,  which  may  be  applied  to 
any  degree  of  ill  health,  slight  or  severe.  Infirmity  denotes 
a  chronic  or  lingering  weakness  or  disability,  as  blindness  or 




health       robustness       soundness       stiength       sturdiness       vigor 



belittle         depreciate  discredit  underestimate 

carp   at        derogate  from  dishonor  underrate 

decry  detract  from.  lower  undervalue 

To  decry  is  to  cry  clown,  in  some  noisy,  public,  or  conspicuous 
manner.  A  witness  or  a  statement  is  discredited;  the  currency  is 
depreciated;  a  good  name  is  dishonored  by  unworthy  conduct; 
we  underestimate  m  our  own  minds ;  we  may  underrate  or  under- 
value in  statement  to  others.  These  words  are  used,  with  few 
exceptions,  of  things  such  as  qualities,  merits,  attainments,  etc. 
To  disparage  is  to  belittle  by  damaging  comparison  or  sug- 
gestion; it  is  used  only  of  things.  A  man's  achievements  are 
disparaged,  his  motives  depreciated}  his  professions  discredited; 
he  himself  is  calumniated,  slandered,  etc.  Compare  SLANDER. 


See  synonyms  for  PBAISE. 

crowd  out 






Objects  are  displaced  when  moved  out  of  the  place  they  have 
occupied;  they  are  misplaced  when  put  into  a  place  where  they 
should  not  be.  One  may  know  where  to  find  what  he  has  mis- 
placed;  what  he  has  mislaid  he  can  not  locate.  Compare  KIX. 


adjust      assort         dispose       order 
array       classify      group          place 

put  in  order 
put  in  place 

set  in  order 



bring  about 
bring  to  pass 

carry  out 
carry  through 
c  onsuxnmat  e 


•work  out 

Do  is  the  one  comprehensive  word  which  includes  this  whole 
class.    We  may  say  of  the  least  item  of  daily  work,  "It  is  done/' 

199  dispar 

and  of  the  grandest  human  achievement,  "Well  done!"  Finish 
and  complete  signify  to  bring  to  an  end  what  was  previously 
begun;  there  is  frequently  the  difference  in  usage  that  finish  is 
applied  to  the  fine  details  and  is  superficial,  while  complete  is 
comprehensive,  being  applied  to  the  whole  ideal,  plan,  and  ex- 
ecution; as,  to  finish  a  statue;  to  complete  a  scheme  of  phi- 
losophy. To  discharge  is  to  do  what  is  given  in  charge,  ex- 
pected, or  required ;  as,  to  discharge  the  duties  of  the  office.  To 
fulfil  is  to  do  or  to  be  what  has  been  promised,  expected,  hoped, 
or  desired;  as,  a  sou  fulfils  a  father's  hopes.  Realize,  effect, 
execute,  and  consummate  all  signify  to  embody  in  fact  what 
was  before  in  thought.  One  may  realize  that  which  he  has 
done  nothing  to  bring  about;  he  may  realise  the  dreams  of 
youth  by  inheriting  a  fortune;  but  he  can  not  effect  his  early 
designs  except  by  doing  the  utmost  that  is  necessary  to  make 
them  fact.  Effect  includes  all  that  is  done  to  accomplish  the 
intent;  execute  refers  rather  to  the  final  steps;  consummate 
is  limited  quite  sharply  to  the  concluding  act.  An  officer  ex- 
ecutes the  law  when  he  proceeds  against  its  violators;  a  pur- 
chase is  consummated  when  the  money  is  paid  and  the  property 
delivered.  Execute  refers  more  commonly  to  the  commands  of 
another,  effect  and  consummate  to  one's  own  designs;  as.  the 
commander  effected  the  capture  of  the  fort,  because  his  officers 
and  men  promptly  executed  his  commands.  Achieve — to  do 
something  worthy  of  a  chief — signifies  always  to  perform  some 
great  and  generally  some  worthy  exploit.  Perform  and  ac- 
complish both  imply  working  toward  the  end;  but  perform 
always  allows  a  possibility  of  not  attaining,  while  accomplish 
carries  the  thought  of  full  completion.  In  Longfellow's  lines, 
"Patience;  accomplish  thy  labor,"  etc.,  perform  could  not  be 
substituted  without  great  loss.  As  between  complete  and  ac- 
complish, complete  considers  rather  the  thing  as  done;  ac- 
complish, the  whole  process  of  doing  it.  Commit,  as  applied 
to  actions,  is  used  only  of  those  that  are  bad,  whether  grave  or 
trivial;  perpetrate  is  used  chiefly  of  aggravated  crimes  or, 
somewhat  humorously,  of  blunders.  A  man  may  commit  a  sin, 
a  trespass,  or  a  murder;  perpetrate  an  outrage  or  a  felony. 
We  finish  a  garment  or  a  letter,  complete  an  edifice  or  a  life- 
work,  consummate  a  bargain  or  a  crime,  discharge  a  duty,  effect 
a  purpose,  execute  a  command,  fulfil  a  promise,  perform  our 
daily  tasks,  realize  an  ideal,  accomplish  a  design,  achieve 

docile                                                                                200 

a  victory.      Compare  ACT;   MAKE;   TRANSACT;   TRANSACTION. 


baffle  defeat          fail  mar  miss  ruin 

come  short        destroy        frustrate       miscarry        neglect        spoil 



amenable  manageable  pliant  teachable 

compliant  obedient  submissive  tractable 

gentle  pliable  tame  yielding 

One  who  is  docile  is  easily  taught;  one  who  is  tractable  is 
easily  led;  one  who  is  pliant  is  easily  bent  in  any  direction; 
compliant  represents  one  as  inclined  or  persuaded  to  agree- 
ment with  another's  will.  Compare  DUTY. 


determined  inflexible  opinionated  stubborn 

dogged  intractable  resolute  wilful 

firm  obstinate  selfswilled  unyielding 



article  of  belief  belief  precept  teaching 

article  of  faith.  dogma  principle          tenet 

Doctrine  primarily  signifies  that  which  is  taught;  principle, 
the  fundamental  basis  on  which  the  teaching  rests.  A  doctrine 
is  reasoned  out,  and  may  be  defended  by  reasoning;  a  dogma 
rests  on  authority,  as  of  direct  revelation,  the  decision  of  the 
church,  etc.  A  doctrine  or  dogma  is  a  statement  of  some  one 
item  of  belief;  a  creed  is  a  summary  of  doctrines  or  dogmas. 
Dogma  has  commonly,  at  the  present  day,  an  offensive  significa- 
tion, as  of  a  belief  arrogantly  asserted.  Tenet  is  simply  that 
which  is  held,  and  is  applied  to  a  single  item  of  belief;  it  is  a 
neutral  word,  neither  approving  nor  condemning;  we  speak 
of  the  doctrines  of  our  own  church;  of  the  tenets  of  others.  A 
precept  relates  not  to  belief,  but  to  conduct.  Compare  FAITH; 



arrogant  doctrinal         magisterial   positive 

authoritative  domineering  opinionated  s elf = opinionated 
dictatorial        imperious        overbearing  systematic 

Dogmatic  is  technically  applied  in  a  good  sense  to  that  which 

201  docile 

^ doubt 

is  formally  enunciated  by  adequate  authority;  doctrinal  to  that 
which  is  stated  in  the  form  of  doctrine  to  be  taught  or  defended. 
Dogmatic  theology,  called  also  "dogmatics,"  gives  definite 
propositions,  which  it  holds  to  be  delivered  by  authority;  sys- 
tematic theology  considers  the  same  propositions  in  their 
logical  connection  and  order  as  parts  of  a  system;  a 
doctrinal  statement  is  less  absolute  in  its  claim  than  a  dogmatic 
treatise,  and  may  be  more  partial  than  the  term  systematic 
would  imply.  Outside  of  theology,  dogmatic  has  generally  an 
offensive  sense;  a  dogmatic  statement  is  one  for  which  the 
author  does  not  trouble  himself  to  give  a  reason,  either  be- 
cause of  the  strength  of  his  convictions,  or  because  of  his  eon- 
tempt  for  those  whom  he  addresses;  thus  dogmatic  is,  in  com- 
mon use,  allied  with  arrogant  and  kindred  words. 

DOUBT,  * 


distrust  mistrust  surmise  suspect 

To  doubt  is  to  lack  conviction.  Incompleteness  of  evidence 
may  compel  one  to  doubt,  or  some  perverse  bias  of  mind  may 
incline  ^™  to.  Distrust  may  express  simply  a  lack  of  con- 
fidence; as,  I  distrust  my  own  judgment;  or  it  may  be  nearly 
equivalent  to  suspect;  as,  I  distrusted  that  man  from  the  start. 
Mistrust  and  suspect  imply  that  one  is  almost  assured  of 
positive  evil;  one  may  distrust  himself  or  others;  he  suspects 
others.  Mistrust  is  now  rarely,  if  ever,  used  of  persons,  but 
only  of  motives,  intentions,  etc.  Distrust  is  always  serious ;  mis- 
trust is  often  used  playfully.  Compare  FLUCTUATE;  SUPPOSE. 
Compare  synonyms  for  DOUBT,  «. 


believe  depend  on  rely  on  trust 

confide  in  depend  upon  rely  upon 

DOUBT,  * 


disbelief  incredulity  perplexity 

distrust  indecision  question  suspicion 

hesitancy  irresolution  scruple  unbelief 

hesitation  misgiving  skepticism         uncertainty 

Doubt  is  a  lack  of  conviction  that  may  refer  either  to  matters 

draw  202 


of  belief  or  to  matters  of  practise.  As  regards  belief,  while 
doubt  is  lack  of  conviction,  disbelief  is  conviction  to  the  con- 
trary; unbelief  refers  to  a  settled  state  of  mind,  generally  ac- 
companied with  opposition  of  heart.  Perplexity  is  active  and 
painful;  doubt  may  be  quiescent.  Perplexity  presses  toward  a 
solution;  doubt  may  be  content  to  linger  unresolved.  Any  im- 
probable statement  awakens  incredulity.  In  theological  usage 
unbelief  and  skepticism  have  a  condemnatory  f  orce,  as  implying 
wilful  rejection  of  manifest  truth.  As  regards  practical  mat- 
ters, uncertainty  applies  to  the  unknown  or  undecided;  doubt 
implies  some  negative  evidence.  Suspense  regards  the  future, 
and  is  eager  and  anxious ;  uncertainty  may  relate  to  any  period, 
and  be  quite  indifferent.  Jlisgiving  is  ordinarily  in  regard  to 
the  outcome  of  something  already  done  or  decided;  hesitation, 
indecision,  and  irresolution  have  reference  to  something  that 
remains  to  be  Decided  or  done,  and  are  due  of  tener  to  infirmity 
of  will  than  to  lack  of  knowledge.  Distrust  and  suspicion  ap- 
ply especially  to  the  motives,  character,  etc.,  of  others,  and  are 
more  decidedly  adverse  than  doubt.  Scruple  relates  to  matters 
of  conscience  and  duty.  Compare  DOUBT,  v.;  PERPLEXITY. 


assurance        certainty        conviction       determination       resolution 
belief  confidence      decision  persuasion  resolve 



allure  drag  Haul  induce          lure  tow 

attract         entice          incline         lead  pull  tug 

One  object  draws  another  when  it  moves  it  toward  itself  or  in 
the  direction  of  its  own  motion  by  the  exertion  of  adequate 
force,  whether  slight  or  powerful.  To  attract  is  to  exert  a  force 
that  tends  to  draw*  though  it  may  produce  no  actual  motion;  all 
objects  are  attracted  toward  the  earth,  though  they  may  be  sus- 
tained from  falling.  To  drag  is  to  draw  against  strong  re- 
sistance; as,  to  drag  a  sled  over  bare  ground,  or  a  carriage  up 
a  steep  hill-  To  pull  is  to  exert  a  drawing  force,  whether 
adequate  or  inadequate ;  as,  the  fish  pulls  on  the  line ;  a  dentist 
puEs  a  tooth.  To  tug  is  to  draw,  or  try  to  draw,  a  resisting 
object  with  a  continuous  straining  motion;  as  to  tug  at  the 
oar.  To  haul  is  to  draw  somewhat  slowly  a  heavy  object;  as. 

203  draw 

_  dream 

to  haul  a  seine;  to  haul  logs.  One  vessel  tows  another.  In 
the  figurative  sense,  attract  is  more  nearly  akin  to  incline, 
draw  to  induce.  "We  are  attracted  by  one's  appearance,  drawn 
to  his  side.  Compare  ALLURE;  ARRAY;  INFLUENCE. 

alienate  estiange         rebuff  reject  repel          repulse 

See  synonyms  for  DRIVE. 


To  draw  water  from  or  out  of  the  well;  draw  the  boat 
through  the  water,  to  the  shore;  draw  air  into  the  Inngs;  draw 
with  cords  of  love;  the  wagon  is  drawn  by  horses,  along  the 
road,  across  the  field,  over  the  stones,  through  the  woods,  to 
the  barn. 



day -dream  fantasy  reverie  trance 

fancy  hallucination  romance  vision 

A  dream  is  strictly  a  train  of  thoughts,  fantasies,  and  images 
passing  through  the  mind  during  sleep;  a  vision  may  occur 
when  one  is  awake,  and  in  clear  exercise  of  the  senses  and 
mental  powers;  vision  is  often  applied  to  something  seen  by 
the  mind  through  supernatural  agency,  whether  in  sleep  or 
wakefulness,  conceived  as  more  real  and  authoritative  than  a 
dream;  a  trance  is  an  abnormal  state,  which  is  different  from 
normal  sleep  or  wakefulness.  A  reverie  is  a  purposeless  drift- 
ing of  the  mind  when  awake,  under  the  influence  of  mental 
images;  a  day-dream  that  which  passes  before  the  mind  in 
such  condition.  A  fancy  is  some  image  presented  to  the  mind, 
often  in  the  fullest  exercise  of  its  powers.  Hallucination  is 
the  seeming  perception  of  non-existent  objects,  as  in  insanity  or 
delirium.  In  the  figurative  sense,  we  speak  of  dreams  of 
fortune,  visions  of  glory,  with  little  difference  of  meaning 
except  that  the  vision  is  thought  of  as  fuller  and  more  vivid. 
We  speak  of  a  trance  of  delight  when  the  emotion  almost 
sweeps  one  away  from  the  normal  exercise  of  the  faculties. 


certainty         fact        reality        realization       substance        verity 

drew  204: 



apparel     clothes         garb  habit  uniform 

array          clothing      garments  raiment     vestments 

attire         costume       habiliments      robes  vesture 

Clothing  denotes  the  entire  covering  of  the  body,  taken  as  a 
whole;  clothes  and  garments  view  it  as  composed  of  separate 
parts.  Clothes,  clothing,  and  garments  may  be  used  of  inner 
or  outer  covering;  all  the  other  words  in  the  list  (with  possible 
rare  exceptions  in  the  case  of  raiment)  refer  to  the  outer 
garments.  Array,  raiment,  and  vesture  are  archaic  or  poetic; 
so,  too,  is  habit,  except  in  technical  use  to  denote  a  lady's  rid- 
ing-dress.  The  word  vestments  is  now  rare,  except  in  ec- 
clesiastical use.  Apparel  and  attire  are  most  frequently  used 
of  somewhat  complete  and  elegant  outer  clothing,  though  Shake- 
speare speaks  of  "poor  and  mean  attire."  Dress  may  be  used, 
specifically,  for  a  woman's  gown,  and  in  that  sense  may  be 
either  rich  or  shabby ;  but  in  the  general  sense  it  denotes  outer 
clothing  which  is  meant  to  be  elegant,  complete,  and  appropri- 
ate to  some  social  or  public  occasion;  as,  full  dress,  court 
dress,  evening  dress,  etc.  Dress  has  now  largely  displaced 
apparel  and  attire.  Garb  denotes  the  clothing  characteristic 
of  some  class,  profession,  or  the  like;  as,  the  garb  of  a  priest. 
Costume  is  chiefly  used  for  that  which  befits  an  assumed  char- 
acter; as,  a  theatrical  costume;  we  sometimes  speak  of  a 
national  costume,  etc. 


bareness  dishabille  nakedness  undress 

disarray  exposure  nudity 



compel  propel  repel  resist  thrust 

impel  push  repulse  ride  urge  on 

To  drive  is  to  move  an  object  with  some  force  or  violence  be- 
fore or  away  from  oneself;  it  is  the  direct  reverse  of  draw, 
lead,  etc.  A  man  leads  a  horse  by  the  halter,  drives  him  with 
whip  and  rein.  One  may  be  driven  to  a  thing  or  from  it; 
hence,  drive  is  a  synonym  equally  for  compel  or  for  repel  or 
repulse.  Repulse  is  stronger  and  more  conclusive  than  repel; 


one  may  be  repelled  by  the  very  aspect  of  the  person  whose 
favor  he  seeks,  but  is  not  repulsed  except  by  the  direct  refusal 
or  ignoring  of  his  suit.  A  certain  conventional  modern  usage, 
especially  in  England,  requires  us  to  say  that  we  drive  in  a 
carriage,  ride  upon  a  horse;  though  in  Scripture  we  read  of 
riding  in  a  chariot  (2  Kings  ix,  16;  Jer.  xvii,  15,  etc.)  ;  good 
examples  of  the  same  usage  may  be  found  abundantly  in  the 
older  English.  Many  good  authorities  prefer  to  use  ride  in  the 
older  and  broader  sense  as  signifying  to  be  supported  and 
borne  along  by  any  means  of  conveyance,  as  in  a  railway  car. 


See  synonyms  for  DRAW. 


Drive  to  market;  to  despair;  drive  into  exile  from  one's 
presence;  out  of  the  city;  drive  by,  with,  or  under  the  lash; 
drive  by  or  past  beautiful  estates;  along  the  beach;  beside 
the  river;  through  the  park;  across  the  field;  around  the  square; 
to  the  door;  into  the  barn;  out  of  the  sunshine. 

DRUNK,  a. 


boozy  half= seas- over  sottish, 

drunken.  inebriated  the  -worse  for  liquor 

elevated  intoxicated  tipsy 

exhilarated  maudlin  under  the  influence  of 

fuddled  muddled  liquor 

full  overcome 

Numerous  colloquial  and  slang  expressions  might  be  added 
to  the  list  above  given.  Drunken  may  immediately  precede  the 
norm  which  it  qualifies,  while  drunk  cannot;  thus,  the  man 
was  drunk;  he  made  hirn  drunk;  a  drunken  man.  Drunk,  in- 
ebriated, intoxicated,  etc.,  denote  actual  condition  at  some  one 
time;  drunken  may  denote  habitual  condition  or  character,  or 
whatever  is  caused  or  characterized  by  drunkenness;  as,  an 
idle,  drunken  wretch;  a  drunken  sleep,  speech,  quarrel,  brawl, 
or  riot.  Sottish  always  refers  to  established  habit  or  character* 
Intoxicated  is  the  more  scientific  and  elegant  term  to  denote 
the  condition  roughly  indicated  by  drunk  or  drunken.  Figura- 
tively, we  may  speak  of  a  persecutor  as  drunk  with  blood; 

duplicate  206 


or  of  a  person  as  intoxicated  with  success,  ambition,  glory,  or 
the  like. 

The  fact  that  **drunk,"  the  past  participle  of  the  verb 
''drink,'3  is  the  same  in  form  as  the  adjective  drunk  causes 
confusion  in  many  minds;  persons  feel  it  incorrect  to  say, 
"he  had  drunk  a  glass  of  water" ;  yet  this  is  perfectly  correct, 
and  grammatically  the  only  correct  form. 

The  stag  at  eve  had  drunk  his  fill, 
Where  danced  the  moon  on  Monan's  rill. 

SCOTT  Lady  of  the  Lake,  can.  i,  st.  1. 

"I  have  drank/'  cch&  had  drank"  etc.,  are  inadmissible;  if 
the  use  of  the  participle  drunk  causes  undesirable  suggestion 
in  any  case,  the  confusion  is  best  avoided  by  some  change  of 
expression;  as,  *4he  had  been  drinking  a  glass  of  water";  "he 
had  had — or  had  taken — a  glass  of  water,"  etc. 


abstemious        abstinent  ascetic  sober  temperate 



copy  facsimile          likeness  reproduction 

counterpart          imitation          replica  transcript 

A  copy  is  as  nearly  like  the  original  as  the  copyist  has 
power  to  make  it;  a  duplicate  is  exactly  like  the  original;  a 
carbon  copy  of  a  typewritten  document  must  be  a  duplicate; 
we  may  have  an  inaccurate  copy,  but  never  an  inaccurate 
duplicate.  A  facsimile  is  like  the  original  in  appearance;  a 
duplicate  is  the  same  as  the  original  in  substance  and  effect;  a 
facsimile  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence  is  not  a  duplicate. 
A  facsimile  of  a  key  might  be  quite  useless;  a  duplicate  wHl 
open  the  lock.  A  counterpart  exactly  corresponds  to  another 
object,  but  perhaps  without  design,  while  a  copy  is  intentional 
An  imitation  is  always  thought  of  as  inferior  to  the  original; 
as,  an  imitation  of  Milton.  A  replica  is  a  copy  of  a  work  of 
art  by  the  maker  of  the  original.  In  law,  a  copy  of  an  instru- 
ment has  in  itself  no  authority ;  the  signatures,  as  well  as  other 
matters,  may  be  copied;  a  duplicate  is  really  an  original,  con- 
taining the  same  provisions  and  signed  by  the  same  persons, 
so  that  it  may  have  in  all  respects  the  same  force  and  effect; 

207  duplicate 

a  transcript  is  an  official  copy,  authenticated  by  the  signature 
of  the  proper  officer,  and  by  the  seal  of  the  appropriate  court. 
While  strictly  there  could  be  but  one  duplicate,  the  word  is 
now  extended  to  an  indefinite  number  of  exact  copies.  Re- 
production is  chiefly  applied  to  living  organisms. 


archetype          model  original  pattern  prototype 



accountability  function        office  right 

business  obligation    responsibility  righteousness 

Etymologieally,  duty  is  that  -which  is  owed  or  due ;  obligationy 
that  to  or  by  which  one  is  bound;  right,  that  which  is  correct, 
straight,  or  in  the  direct  line  of  truth  and  goodness;  responsi- 
bility, that  for  which  one  must  answer.  Duty  and  responsibility 
are  thought  of  as  to  some  person  or  persons;  right  is  imper- 
sonal. One's  ditty  may  be  to  others  or  to  himself;  his  obliga- 
tions and  responsibilities  are  to  others.  Duty  arises  from  the 
nature  of  things;  obligation  and  responsibility  may  be  created 
by  circumstances,  as  by  one's  own  promise,  or  by  the  acceptance 
of  a  trust,  etc.  We  speak  of  a  parent's  duty,  a  debtor's  obliga- 
tion; or  of  a  child's  duty  of  obedience,  and  a  parent's  re- 
sponsibility for  the  child's  welfare.  Eight  is  that  which 
accords  with  the  moral  system  of  the  universe.  Righteousness 
is  right  incarnated  in  action.  In  a  more  limited  sense,  right 
may  be  used  of  what  one  may  rightly  claim,  and  so  be  the  coil- 
verse  of  duty.  It  is  the  creditor's  right  to  demand  payment, 
and  the  debtor's  duty  to  pay.  Compare  BUSINESS. 



animated  earnest  impatient  keen 

anxious  enthusiastic  impetuous  longing 

ardent  fervent  importunate  vehement 

burning  glowing  intense  yearning 

desirous  hot  intent  zealous 

One  is  eager  who  impatiently  desires  to  accomplish  some  end ; 
one  is  earnest  with  a  desire  that  is  less  impatient,  but  more 
deep,  resolute,  and  constant;  one  is  anxious  with  a  desire  that 

ease  208 


foresees  rather  the  pain  of  disappointment  than  the  delight 
of  attainment.  One  is  eager  for  the  gratification  of  any  ap- 
petite or  passion;  he  is  earnest  in  conviction,  purpose,  or 
character.  Eager  usually  refers  to  some  specific  and  immediate 
satisfaction,  earnest  to  something  permanent  and  enduring; 
the  patriotic  soldier  is  earnest  in  his  devotion  to  his  country, 
eager  for  a  decisive  battle. 


apathetic  cool  indifferent  regardless  unconcerned 

calm  dispassionate  negligent  stolid  uninterested 

careless  frigid  phlegmatic  stony  unmindful 

cold  heedless  purposeless  stupid  unmoved 


Eager  for  .(more  rarely  after)  favor,  honor,  etc.;  eager  in 



easiness        expertness        facility        knack         readiness 

Ease  in  the  sense  here  considered  denotes  freedom  from  con- 
scious or  apparent  effort,  tax,  or  strain.  Ease  may  be  either  of 
condition  or  of  action ;  facility  is  always  of  action ;  readiness  is 
of  action  or  of  expected  action.  One  lives  at  ease,  who  has  no 
pressing  cares;  one  stands  at  ease,  moves  or  speaks  with  ease} 
when  wholly  without  constraint.  Facility  is  always  active; 
readiness  may  be  active  or  passive;  the  speaker  has  facility  of 
expression,  readiness  of  wit;  any  appliance  is  in  readiness  for 
ose.  Ease  of  action  may  imply  merely  the  possession  of  ample 
power;  facility  always  implies  practise  and  skill;  any  one  can 
press  down  the  keys  of  a  typewriter  with  ease;  only  the  skilled 
operator  works  the  machine  with  facility.  Readiness  in  the 
active  sense  includes  much  of  the  meaning  of  ease  with  the 
added  idea  of  promptness  or  alertness.  Easiness  applies  to 
the  thing  done,  rather  than  to  the  doer.  Expertness  applies 
to  the  more  mechanical  processes  of  body  and  mind;  we  speak 
of  the  readiness  of  an  orator,  but  of  the  expertness  of  a  gym- 


annoyance  difficulty  irritation  uneasiness 

awkwardness  discomfort  perplexity  vexation 

constraint  disquiet  trouble  worry 





breeding  discipline  learning  study 

cultivation  information  nurture  teaching 

culture  instruction  reading  training 

development  knowledge  schooling  tuition 

Education  (from  L,  educere,  to  lead  or  draw  out)  is  the  system- 
atic development  and  cultivation  of  the  mind  and  other  natural 
powers.  "Education  is  the  harmonious  development  of  all  our 
faculties.  It  begins  in  the  nursery,  and  goes  on  at  school,  but 
does  not  end  there.  It  continues  through  life,  whether  we  will 
or  not.  .  .  .  'Every  person/  says  Gibbon,  *has  two  educa- 
tions, one  which  he  receives  from  others,  and  one  more  im- 
portant, which  he  gives  himself.5 "  JOHST  LUBBOCK  The  Use 
of  Life  ch.  vii,  p.  111.  [Maem.  1894.]  Instruction,  the  im- 
partation  of  knowledge  by  others  (from  L.  instruere,  to  build 
in  or  into)  is  but  a  part  of  education,  often  the  smallest  part 
Teaching  is  the  more  familiar  and  less  formal  word  for  instruc- 
tion. Training  refers  not  merely  to  the  impartation  of 
knowledge,  but  to  the  exercising  of  one  in  actions  with  the  de- 
sign to  form  habits.  Discipline  is  systematic  and  rigorous 
training,  with  the  idea  of  subjection  to  authority  and  per- 
haps of  punishment.  Tuition  is  the  technical  term  for  teach- 
ing as  the  business  of  an  instructor  or  as  in  the  routine  of  a 
school;  tuition  is  narrower  than  teaching,  not,  like  the  latter 
word,  including  training.  Study  is  emphatically  what  one  does 
for  himself.  We  speak  of  the  teaching,  training,  or  discipline, 
but  not  of  the  education  or  tuition  of  a  dog  or  a  horse. 
Breeding  and  nurture  include  teaching  and  training,  especially 
as  directed  by  and  dependent  upon  home  life  and  personal  as- 
sociation; breeding  having  reference  largely  to  manners  with 
such  qualities  as  are  deemed  distinctively  characteristic  of 
high  birth;  nurture  (literally  nourishing)  having  more  direct 
reference  to  moral  qualities,  not  overlooking  the  physical  and 
mental.  Knowledge  and  learning  tell  nothing  of  mental  de- 
velopment apart  from  the  capacity  to  acquire  and  remember, 
and  nothing  whatever  of  that  moral  development  which  is 
included  in  education  in  its  fullest  and  noblest  sense ;  learning, 
too,  may  be  acquired  by  one's  unaided  industry,  but  any  full 
education  must  be  the  result  in  great  part  of  instruction,  train- 
ing, and  personal  association.  Study  is  emphatically  what 

effrontery                                                                                 210 

one  does  for  himself,  and  in  which  instruction  and  tuition 
can  only  point  the  way,  encourage  the  student  to  advance,  and 
remove  obstacles;  -vigorous,  preserving  study  is  one  of  the 
best  elements  of  training.  Study  is  also  used  in  the  sense  of 
the  thing  studied,  a  subject  to  be  mastered  by  study,  a  studious 


ignorance  illiteracy 

Compare  synonyms  for  IGXORACT. 



assurance  "boldness          hardihood          insolence 

audacity  "brass  impudence         shamelessness 

Audacity,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  a  reckless  defiance 
of  law,  decency,  public  opinion,  or  personal  rights,  claims,  or 
views,  approaching  the  meaning  of  impudence  or  shamelessness, 
but  always  carrying  the  thought  of  the  personal  risk  that  one 
disregards  in  such  defiance;  the  merely  impudent  or  shameless 
person  may  take  no  thought  of  consequences,  the  audacious 
person  recognizes  and  recklessly  braves  them.  Hardihood  de- 
fies and  disregards  the  rational  judgment  of  men.  Effrontery 
(from  L.  effrons,  barefaced,  shameless)  adds  to  audacity  and 
hardihood  the  special  element  of  defiance  of  considerations  of 
property,  duty,  and  respect  for  others,  yet  not  to  the  extent 
implied  in  impudence  or  shamelessness.  Impudence  disregards 
what  is  due  to  superiors:  shamelessness  defies  decency.  Bold- 
ness is  forward-stepping  courage,  spoken  of  with  reference 
to  the  presence  and  observation  of  others ;  boldness,  in  the  good 
sense,  is  courage  viewed  from  the  outside;  but  the  word  is 
frequently  used  in  an  unfavorable  sense  to  indicate  a  lack  of 
proper  sensitiveness  and  modesty.  Compare  ASSUEAKCE;  BRAVE. 


bashfulness  diffidence  sensitiveness  shyness 

coyness  modesty  shrinking  timidity 



conceit      self-assertion     self-confidence  self-esteem 

egoism       self-conceit         sel&conscionsness      vanity 

Egoism  is  giving  the  "I"  undue  supremacy  in  thought;  ego- 

211  effrontery 


tism  is  giving  the  "I"  undue  prominence  in  speech.  Egotism  is 
sometimes  used  in  the  sense  of  egoism,  or  supreme  regard  for 
oneself.  Self -assertion  is  the  claim  by  word,  act,  or  manner  of 
what  one  believes  to  be  his  due;  self-conceit  is  an  overestimate 
of  one's  own  powers  or  deserts.  Conceit  is  a  briefer  ex- 
pression for  self -conceit y  with  always  an  offensive  implication; 
self-conceit  is  ridiculous  or  pitiable;  conceit  arouses  resent- 
ment. There  is  a  worthy  self-confidence  which  springs  from 
consciousness  of  rectitude  and  of  power  equal  to  demands. 
Self-assertion  at  times  becomes  a  duty;  but  self-conceit  is 
always  a  weakness.  Self -consciousness  is  the  keeping  of  one's 
thoughts  upon  oneself,  with  the  constant  anxious  question  of 
what  others  will  think.  Vanity  is  an  overweening  admiration 
of  self,  craving  equal  admiration  from  others;  self-conscious- 
ness  is  commonly  painful  to  its  possessor,  vanity  always  a 
source  of  satisfaction,  except  as  it  fails  to  receive  its  supposed 
due.  Self-esteem  is  more  solid  and  better  founded  than  self- 
conceit;  but  is  ordinarily  a  weakness,  and  never  has  the  worthy 
sense  of  self -confidence.  Compare  ASSUBANCE;  PRIDE. 


bashfulness     humility  self=forgetfulness     unobtrusiveness 

deference         modesty  shyness  unostentatiousness 

diffidence         selfsdistrust 


attribute    figure      image      symbol    token      sign      type 

Emblem  is  the  English  form  of  eynblema,  a  Latin  word  of 
Greek  origin,  signifying  a  figure  beaten  out  on  a  metallic  ves- 
sel by  blows  from  within;  also,  a  figure  inlaid  in  wood,  stone, 
or  other  material  as  a  copy  of  some,  natural  object.  The 
Greek  word  symbolon  denoted  a  victor's  wreath,  a  check,  or 
any  object  that  might  be  compared  with,  or  found  to  cor- 
respond with  another,  whether  there  was  or  was  not  anything 
in  the  objects  compared  to  suggest  the  comparison.  Thus  an 
emblem  resembles,  a  symbol  represents.  An  emblem  has  some 
natural  fitness  to  suggest  that  for  which  it  stands;  a  symbol 
has  been  chosen  or  agreed  upon  to  suggest  something  else, 
with  or  without  natural  fitness;  a  sign  does  actually  suggest 
the  thing  with  or  without  reason,  and  with  or  without  in- 
tention or  choice.  A  symbol  may  be  also  an  emblem;  thus  the 

emigrate  212 

end  _  t  _  ..  . 

elements  of  bread  and  wine  in  the  Lord's  Supper  are  both  ap- 
propriate emblems  and  his  own  chosen  symbols  of  suffering 
and  death.  A  statement  of  doctrine  is  often  called  a  symbol 
of  faith;  but  it  is  not  an  emblem.  On  the  other  hand,  the  same 
thing  may  be  both  a  sign  and  a  symbol;  a  letter  of  the  alphabet 
is  a  sign  which  indicates  a  sound  ;  but  letters  are  often  used  as 
mathematical,  chemical,  or  astronomical  symbols.  A  token  is 
something  given  or  done  as  a  pledge  or  expression  of  feeling 
or  intent;  while  the  sign  may  be  unintentional,  the  token  is 
voluntary  ;  kind  looks  may  be  signs  of  regard  ;  a  gift  is  a  token; 
a  ring,  which  is  a  natural  emblem  of  eternity,  and  also  its 
accepted  symbol,  is  frequently  given  as  a  token  of  friendship 
or  love.  A  figure  in  the  sense  here  considered  is  something 
that  represents  an  idea  to  the  mind  somewhat  as  a  form  is  rep- 
resented to  the  eye,  as  in  drawing,  painting,  or  sculpture;  as 
representing  a  future  reality,  a  -figure  may  be  practically  the 
same  as  a  type.  An  image  is  a  visible  representation,  especially 
in  sculpture,  having  or  supposed  to  have  a  close  resemblance 
to  that  which  it  represents.  A  type  is  in  religion  a  repre- 
sentation of  a  greater  reality  to  come;  we  speak  of  one  object 
as  the  type  of  the  class  whose  characteristics  it  exhibits,  as  in 
the  ease  of  animal  or  vegetable  types.  An  attribute  in  art  is 
some  accessory  used  to  characterize  a  -figure  or  scene;  the  at- 
tribute is  often  an  emblem  or  symbol;  thus  the  eagle  is  the 
attribute  of  St.  John  as  an  emblem  of  lofty  spiritual  vision. 



immigrate  migrate 

To  migrate  is  to  change  one's  dwelling-place,  usually  with 
the  idea  of  repeated  change,  or  of  periodical  return;  it  applies 
to  wandering  tribes  of  men,  and  to  many  birds  and  animals. 
Emigrate  and  immigrate  carry  the  idea  of  a  permanent  change 
of  residence  to  some  other  country  or  some  distant  region  ;  the 
two  words  are  used  distinctively  of  human  beings,  and  apply  to 
the  same  person  and  the  same  act,  according  to  the  side  from 
which  the  action  is  viewed. 


A  person  emigrates  from  the  land  he  leaves,  and  immigrates 
to  the  land  where  he  takes  up  his  abode. 

213  emigrate 




call     engage     engross     hire     makenseof     use     use  up 

In  general  terms  it  may  be  said  that  to  employ  is  to  devote 
to  one's  purpose,  to  use  is  to  render  subservient  to  one's  pur- 
pose; what  is  used  is  viewed  as  more  absolutely  an  instrument 
than  what  is  employed;  a  merchant  employs  a  clerk;  he  uses 
pen  and  paper;  as  a  rule,  use  is  not  said  of  persons,  except 
in  a  degrading  sense;  as,  the  conspirators  used  him  as  a  go-be- 
tween. Hence  the  expression  common  in  some  religious  circles 
"that  God  would  use  me"  is  not  to  be  commended ;  it  has  also 
the  fault  of  representing  the  human  worker  as  absolutely  a 
passive  and  helpless  instrument;  the  phrase  is  altogether  un- 
scriptural;  the  Scripture  says,  "We  are  laborers  together  with 
(co-workers  with)  God."  That  which  is  used  is  often  con- 
sumed in  the  using,  or  in  familiar  phrase  used  up;  as,  we  used 
twenty  tons  of  coal  last  winter;  in  such  cases  we  could  not  sub- 
stitute employ.  A  person  may  be  employed  in  his  own  work 
or  in  that  of  another;  in  the  latter  case  the  service  is  always 
understood  to  be  for  pay.  In  this  connection  employ  is  a  word 
of  more  dignity  than  hire;  a  general  is  employed  in  his  coun- 
try's service;  a  mercenary  adventurer  is  hired  to  fight  a  tyrant's 
battles.  It  is  unsuitable,  according  to  present  usage,  to  speak 
of  hiring  a  pastor ;  the  Scripture,  indeed,  says  of  the  preacher, 
"The  laborer  is  worthy  of  his  hire";  but  this  sense  is  archaic, 
and  hire  now  implies  that  the  one  hired  works  directly  and 
primarily  for  the  pay,  as  expressed  in  the  noun  "hireling"; 
a  pastor  is  properly  said  to  be  called)  or  when  the  business  side 
of  the  transaction  is  referred  to,  engaged,  or  possibly  em- 
ployedy  at  a  certain  salary. 

Employ  in,  on,  upon,  or  about  a  work,  business,  etc.,  for  a 
purpose;  at  a  stipulated  salary. 

END,  v. 


break  off     close  conclude    expire     quit     terminate 

cease  complete    desist          finish      stop     wind  up 

That  ends,  or  is  ended,  of  which  there  is  no  more,  whether  or 
not  more  was  intended  or  needed;  that  is  closed,  completed, 


concluded,  or  finished  which  has  come  to  an  expected  or  ap- 
propriate end.  A  speech  may  be  ended  almost  as  soon  as  be- 
gun, because  of  the  speaker's  illness,  or  of  tumult  in  the  audi- 
ence; in  such  a  case,  the  speech  is  neither  closed,  completed, 
nor  finished,  nor,  in  the  strict  sense,  concluded.  An  argument 
may  be  closed  with  nothing  proved;  when  an  argument  is 
concluded  all  that  is  deemed  necessary  to  prove  the  point  has 
been  stated.  To  finish  is  to  do  the  last  thing  there  is  to  do;  as, 
al  have  finished  my  course,"  2  Tim.  iv,  7.  Fimsh  has  come 
to  mean,  not  merely  to  complete  in  the  essentials,  but  to  per- 
fect in  all  the  minute  details,  as  in  the  expression  :tto  ^add  the 
finishing  touches."  The  enumeration  is  completed;  the  poem, 
the  picture,  the  statue  is  finished.  To  terminate  may  be  either 
to  bring  to  an  arbitrary  or  to  an  appropriate  end;  as,  he 
terminated  his  remarks  abruptly;  the  spire  terminates  in  a 
cross.  A  thing  stops  that  comes  to  rest  from  motion;  or  the 
motion  stops  or  ceases  when  the  object  comes  to  rest;  stop 
frequently  signifies  to  bring  or  come  to  a  sudden  and  decided 
cessation  of  motion,  progress,  or  action  of  any  kind.  Compare 



begin  embark  in  launch 

commence  enter  upon  originate 

conceive  initiate  start 

END,  n. 


accomplishment  effect  limit 

achievement  expiration  outcome 

"bound  extent  period 

"boundary  extremity  point 

cessation  finale  purpose 

close  finis  result 

completion  finish  termination 

conclusion  fulfilment  terminus 

consequence  goal  tip 

consummation  intent  utmost 

design  issue  uttermost 

The  end  is  the  terminal  part  of  a  material  object  that  has 
length;  the  extremity  is  distinctively  the  terminal  point,  and 
may  thus  be  but  part  of  the  end  in  the  general  sense  of  that 
word;  the  extremity  is  viewed  as  that  which  is  most  remote 
from  some  center,  or  some  mean  or  standard  position;  the 
Southern  end  oi  South  America  includes  all  Patagonia, 
the  southern  extremity  or  point  is  Cape  Horn.  Tip  has 

215  _ 


nearly  the  same  meaning  as  extremity,  but  is  said  of  small 
or  slight  and  tapering  objects;  as,  the  tip  of  the  finger; 
point  in  such  connections  is  said  of  that  which  is  drawn 
out  to  exceeding  fineness  or  bharpuess,  ab  the  point  of  a 
needle,  a  fork,  or  a  sword ;  extremity  is  said  of  something  con- 
siderable; we  io  not  speak  of  the  extremity  of  a  needle. 
Terminus  is  chiefly  used  to  designate  the  end  of  a  line  of 
travel  or  transportation:  specifically,  the  furthermost  station 
in  any  direction  on  a  railway,  or  by  extension  the  town  or 
village  where  it  is  situated.  Termination  is  the  Latin  and 
more  formal  word  for  the  Saxon  end,  but  is  chiefly  used  of 
time,  words,  undertakings,  or  abstractions  of  any  kind.  Ex- 
piration signifies  the  coming  to  an  end  in  the  natural  course  of 
things ;  as,  the  expiration  of  a  year,  or  of  a  lease ;  it  is  used  of 
things  of  some  consequence;  we  do  not  ordinarily  speak  of  the 
expiration  of  an  hour  or  of  a  day.  Limit  implies  some  check 
to  or  restraint  upon  further  advance,  right,  or  privilege;  as, 
the  limits  of  an  estate  (compare  BOUNDARY).  A  goal  is  an 
end  sought  or  striven  for,  as  in  a  race.  For  the  figurative 
senses  of  end  and  its  associated  words,  compare  the  synonyms 
for  the  verb  END;  also  for  AIM;  CONSEQUENCE;  DESIGN. 


See  synonyms  for  BEGINNING. 



attempt  essay  strive  try  undertake 

To  attempt  is  to  take  action  somewhat  experimentally  with 
the  hope  and  purpose  of  accomplishing  a  certain  result;  to 
endeavor  is  to  attempt  strenuously  and  with  firm  and  enduring 
purpose.  To  attempt  expresses  a  single  act;  to  endeavor,  a 
continuous  exertion;  we  say  I  will  endeavor  (not  I  will 
attempt)  while  I  live.  To  attempt  is  with  the  view  of  ac- 
complishing; to  essay,  with  a  view  of  testing  our  own  powers. 
To  undertake  is  to  accept  or  take  upon  oneself  as  an  obligation, 
as  some  business,  labor,  or  trust ;  the  word  often  implies  complete 
assurance  of  success;  as,  I  will  undertake  to  produce  the  witness. 
To  strive  suggests  little  of  the  result,  much  of  toil,  strain, 
and  contest,  in  seeking  it;  I  will  strive  to  fulfil  your  wishes,  *.  e., 

endeavor                                                                                    216 
enemy •  . 

I  -will  spare  no  labor  and  exertion  to  do  it.  Try  is  the  most 
comprehensive  of  these  words.  The  original  idea  of  testing 
or  experimenting  is  not  thought  of  when  a  man  says  "I  will 
try.33  To  attempt  suggests  giving  up,  if  the  thing  is  not  ac- 
complished at  a  stroke;  to  try  implies  using  other  means  and 
studying  out  other  ways  if  not  at  first  successful.  Endeavor  is 
more  mild  and  formal;  the  pilot  in  the  burning  pilot-house 
does  not  say  "I  will  endeavor"  or  "I  will  attempt  to  hold  the 
ship  to  her  course,"  but  "PH  try,  sir!" 


abandon  give  up  omit  throw  away 

dismiss  let  go  overlook  throw  over 

drop  neglect  pass  by  throw  up 


attempt       effort       essay       exertion       struggle       trial 

Effort  denotes  the  voluntary  putting  forth  of  power  to  attain 
or  accomplish  some  specific  titling;  it  reaches  toward  a  definite 
end;  exertion  is  a  putting  forth  of  power  without  special  refer- 
ence to  an  object.  Every  effort  is  an  exertion,  but  not  every 
exertion  is  an  effort.  Attempt  is  more  experimental  than  effort, 
endeavor  less  strenuous  but  more  continuous.  An  effort  is  a 
single  act,  an  endeavor  a  continued  series  of  acts;  an  endeavor 
is  sustained  and  enduring,  and  may  be  lifelong ;  we  do  not  have 
a  society  of  Christian  Attempt,  or  of  Christian  Effort,  but  of 
Christian  Endeavor.  A  struggle  is  a  violent  effort  or  strenuous 
exertion.  An  essay  is  an  attempt,  effort,  or  endeavor  made  as 
a  test  of  the  powers  of  the  one  who  makes  it.  Compare  EN- 



abide  bear  up  under  put  up  with.          sustain 

afford  bear  with.  submit  to  tolerate 

allow  brook  suffer  undergo 

bear  permit  support 

Sear  is  the  most  general  of  these  words ;  it  is  metaphorically 
to  hold  up  or  keep  up  a  burden  of  care,  pain,  grief,  annoyance, 
or  the  like,  without  sinking,  lamenting,  or  repining.  Allow 
and  permit  involve  large  concession  of  the  will;  put  up  with 
and  tolerate  imply  decided  aversion  and  reluctant  withholding 

217  endeavor 


of  opposition  or  interference;  whispering  is  allowed  by  the 
school-teacher  who  does  not  forbid  nor  censure  it;  one  puts  up 
with  the  presence  of  a  disagreeable  visitor;  a  state  tolerates  a 
religion  which  it  would  be  glad  to  suppress.  To  endure  is  to 
bear  with  strain  and  resistance,  but  with  conscious  power; 
endure  conveys  a  fuller  suggestion  of  contest  and  conquest  than 
bear.  One  may  choose  to  endure  the  pain  of  a  surgical  opera- 
tion rather  than  take  anesthetics;  he  permits  the  thing  to  come 
which  he  must  brace  himself  to  endure  when  it  comes.  To 
afford  is  to  be  equal  to  a  pecuniary  demand,  i.  e.,  to  be  able  to 
bear  it.  To  brook  is  quietly  to  put  up  with  provocation  or 
insult.  Abide  combines  the  senses  of  await  and  endure;  as,  I 
will  abide  the  result.  Compare  ABIDE;  ETERNAL;  PEE3IANENT; 



break  despair  fail      fall        give  out    sink  surrender 

break  down    droop      faint    falter    give  up      succumb    yield 

ENEMY     . 


»  adversary    antagonist    competitor    foe   opponent  rival 

An  enemy  in  private  life  is  one  who  is  moved  by  hostile 
feeling  with  active  disposition  to  injure;  but  in  military 
language  all  who  fight  on  the  opposite  side  are  called  enemies 
or  collectively  "the  enemy/'  where  no  personal  animosity  may 
be  implied;  foe,  which  is  rather  a  poetical  and  literary  word, 
implies  intensely  hostile  spirit  and  purpose.  An  antagonist  is 
one  who  opposes  and  is  opposed  actively  and  with  intensity 
of  effort;  an  opponent,  one  in  whom  the  attitude  of  resistance 
is  the  more  prominent;  a  competitor,  one  who  seeks  the  same 
object  for  which  another  is  striving;  antagonists  in  wrestling, 
competitors  in  business,  opponents  in  debate  may  contend  with 
no  personal  ill  will;  rivals  in  love,  ambition,  etc.,  rarely  avoid 
inimical  feeling.  Adversary  was  formerly  much  used  in  the 
general  sense  of  antagonist  or  opponent,  but  is  now  less  com- 
mon, and  largely  restricted  to  the  hostile  sense;  an  adversary 
is  ordinarily  one  who  not  only  opposes  another  in  fact,  but  does 
so  with  hostile  spirit,  or  perhaps  out  of  pure  malignity;  as, 
the  great  Adversary.  Compare  synonyms  for  AMBITION. 


abettor     accomplice     accessory     ally     friend     helper     supporter 

enmity  218 



He  was  the  enemy  of  my  friend  in  the  contest. 



acrimony  bitterness  ill  will  malignity 

animosity  hatred  malevolence  rancor 

antagonism  hostility  malice  spite 

Enmity  is  the  state  of  being  an  enemy  or  the  feeling 
and  disposition  characterizing  an  enemy  (compare  ENEMY). 
Animosity  denotes  a  feeling  more  active  and  vehement,  but 
often  less  enduring  and  determined,  than  enmity.  Enmity 
distinctly  recognizes  its  object  as  an  enemy,  to  be  met  or  dealt 
with  accordingly.  Hostility  is  enmity  in  action;  the  term 
hostilities  between  nations  denotes  actual  armed  collision.  Bit- 
terness is  a  resentful  feeling  arising  from  a  belief  that  one 
has  been  wronged;  acnmony  is  a  kindred  feeling,  but  deeper 
and  more  persistent,  and  may  arise  from  the  crossing  of  one's 
wishes  or  plans  by  another,  where  no  injustice  or  wrong  is  felt. 
Antagonism,  as  between  two  competing  authors  or  merchants, 
does  not  necessarily  imply  enmity,  but  ordinarily  suggests  £ 
shade,  at  least,  of  hostile  feeling.  Malice  is  a  disposition  or 
intent  to  injure  others,  for  the  gratification  of  some  evil  pas- 
sion; malignity  is  intense  and  violent  enmity }  hatred,  or 
malice.  Compare  synonyms  for  ACRIMONY;  ANGER;  HATRED. 


agreement        amity  friendship          kindliness         regard 

alliance  concord          harmony  kindness  sympathy 



amuse        cheer         disport     enliven     interest     please 
fcegnile     delight     divert       gratify     occupy        recreate 

To  entertain,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  to  engage  and 
pleasantly  occupy  the  attention ;  to  amuse  is  to  occupy  the  at- 
tention in  an  especially  bright  and  cheerful  way,  often  with 
that  which  excites  merriment  or  laughter;  as,  he  entertained 
us  with  an  amusing  story.  To  divert  is  to  turn  from  serious 
thoughts  or  laborious  pursuits  to  something  that  lightly  and 
agreeably  occupies  the  mind ;  one  may  be  entertained  or  amused 

219  enmity 


who  has  nothing  serious  or  laborious  from  which  to  be  diverted. 
To  recreate,  literally  to  re-create,  is  to  engage  mind  or  body 
in  some  pleasing  activity  that  restores  strength  and  energy 
for  serious  work.  To  beguile  is,  as  it  were,  to  cheat  into 
cheer  and  comfort  by  something  that  insensibly  draws  thought 
or  feeling  away  from  pain  or  disquiet.  We  beguile  a  weary 
hour,  cheer  the  despondent,  divert  the  preoccupied,  enliven 
a  dull  evening  or  company,  gratify  our  friends'  wishes,  en- 
tertain, interest,  please  a  listening  audience,  occupy  idle  time, 
disport  ourselves  when  merry,  recreate  when  worn  with  toil; 
we  amuse  ourselves  or  others  with  whatever  pleasantly  passes 
the  time  without  special  exertion,  each  according  to  Ms  taste. 


annoy     bore      busy     disquiet     distract      disturb      tire      weary 



amusement  diversion  fun  pleasure 

cheer  enjoyment  merriment  recreation 

delight  frolic  pastime  sport 

Entertainment  and  recreation  imply  thought  and  mental  oc- 
cupation, though  in  an  agreeable,  refreshing  way;  they  are 
therefore  words  of  a  high  order.  Entertainment,  apart  from  its 
special  senses  of  a  public  performance  or  a  social  party,  and 
predominantly  even  there,  is  used  of  somewhat  mirthful  men- 
tal delight ;  recreation  may,  and  usually  does,  combine  the  men- 
tal with  the  physical.  Amusement  and  pastime  are  nearly 
equivalent,  the  latter  probably  the  lighter  word;  many  slight 
things  may  be  pastimes  which  we  should  hardly  dignify  by 
the  name  of  amusements.  Sports  are  almost  wholly  on  the 
physical  plane,  though  involving  a  certain  grade  of  mental  ac- 
tion ;  fox-hunting,  horse-racing,  and  baseball  are  sports.  Certain 
sports  may  afford  entertainment  or  recreation  to  certain  per- 
sons, according  to  their  individual  tastes;  but  entertain- 
ment and  recreation  are  capable  of  a  meaning  so  high,  as 
never  to  be  approached  by  any  meaning  of  sport.  Cheer  may 
be  very  quiet,  as  the  cheer  of  a  bright  fire  to  an  aged  traveler; 
merriment  is  with  liveliness  and  laughter;  fun  and  frolic 
are  apt  to  be  boisterous.  Amusement  is  a  form  of  enjoyment, 
hut  enjoyment  may  be  too  keen  to  be  called  amusement. 
Compare  ENTERTAIN  ;  FEAST. 

enthusiasm  220 


ennui      fatigue       labor        lassitude        toil        weariness      work 



ardor  excitement  frenzy  transport 

devotion  extravagance  inspiration  vehemence 

eagerness  fanaticism  intensity  -warmth, 

earnestness  fervency  passion  zeal 

ecstaoy  fervor  rapture 

The  old  meaning  of  enthusiasm  implies  a  pseudo  inspiration, 
an  almost  frantic  extravagance  in  behalf  of  something  sup- 
posed to  be  an  expression  of  the  divine  will.  This  sense  re- 
mains as  the  controlling  one  in  the  kindred  noun  enthusiast. 
Enthusiasm  has  now  chiefly  the  meaning  of  an  earnest  and  com- 
mendable devotion,  an  intense  and  eager  interest.  Against 
the  hindrances  of  the  world,  nothing  great  and  good  can  be 
carried  without  a  certain  fervor,  intensity,  and  vehemence; 
these  joined  with  faith,  courage,  and  hopefulness  make  en- 
thusiasm. Zeal  is  burning  earnestness,  always  tending  to  vig- 
orous action  with  all  the  devotion  or  enthusiasm,  though  often 
without  its  hopefulness.  Compare  EAGER. 


calculation    caution     deadness  indifference        policy         timidity 
calmness       coldness   dulness      lukewarmness   prudence  wariness 



access  approach  gate  introduction 

accession  door  gateway  opening 

adit  doorway  ingress  penetration 

admission  entree  inlet  portal 

admittance  entry 

Entrance,  the  act  of  entering,  refers  merely  to  the  fact  of 
passing  from  without  to  within  some  enclosure;  admission  and 
admittance  refer  to  entering  by  or  with  some  one's  consent,  or 
at  least  to  opportunity  afforded  by  some  one's  act  or  neglect. 
"We  may  effect  or  force  an  entrance,  but  not  admittance  or 
admission;  those  we  gain,  procure,  obtain,  secure,  win.  Admit- 
tance refers  to  place,  admission  refers  also  to  position,  priv- 
ilege, favor,  friendship,  etc.  An  intruder  may  gain  admittance 
to  the  hall  of  a  society  who  would  not  be  allowed  admission 

221  enthusiasm 

^ envious   < 

to  its  membership.  Approach  is  a  movement  toward  another; 
access  is  coming  all  the  way  to  his  presence,  recognition,  and 
consideration.  An  unworthy  favorite  may  prevent  even  those 
who  gain  admittance  to  a  king's  audience  from  obtaining  any 
real  access  to  the  king.  Accession,  in  this  connection,  signifies 
the  com  ing  into  possession,  as  of  dignity,  office,  or  authority, 
the  entrance  into  a  position  to  which  one  has  a  rightful  or  rec- 
ognized claim;  as,  the  accession  of  the  heir  to  the  throne  on 
the  death  of  the  king;  the  beginning  of  a  king's  reign  is  regu- 
larly spoken  of  as  his  accession.  Entrance  is  also  used  fig- 
uratively for  setting  out  upon  some  career,  or  becoming  a 
member  of  some  organization;  as,  we  speak  of  one's  entrance 
upon  college  life,  or  of  entrance  into  xhe  ministry. 


departure        ejection          exit  refusal  withdrawal 

egress  exclusion       expulsion       rejection 


Entrance  into  a  place;  on  or  upon  a  work  or  course  of 
action;  into  or  upon  office;  into  battle;  by  or  through  the  door; 
within  the  gates;  into  or  among  the  company. 


jealous  suspicions 

One  is  envious  who  cherishes  selfish  ill  will  toward  another 
oecause  of  his  superior  success,  endowments,  possessions,  or  the 
like.  A  person  is  envious  of  that  which  is  another's  and  to 
which  he  himself  has  no  right  or  claim;  he  is  jealous  of  in- 
trusion upon  that  which  is  his  own,  or  to  which  he  maintains 
a  right  or  claim.  An  envious  spirit  is  always  bad;  a  jealous 
spirit  may  be  good  or  bad,  according  to  its  object  and  tendency. 
A  free  people  must  be  jealous  of  their  liberties  if  they  would 
retain  them.  One  is  suspicious  of  another  from  unfavorable 
indication  or  from  a  knowledge  of  wrong  in  his  previous  con- 
duct, or  even  without  reason.  Compare  DOUBT. 


contented     friendly     kindly       satisfied    trustful      well=disposed 


Envious  of  (formerly  at  or  against)  a  person;  envious  of  his 

equivocal  222 

esteem. _ 

wealth  or  power;  envious  of  him  for,  because  of,  on  account 
of  his  wealth  or  power. 



ambiguous      enigmatical  indistinct        questionable 

doubtful          indefinite  obscure  suspicions 

dnbions  indeterminate      perplexing      uncertain 


Equivocal  (from  L.  (zquus,  equal,  and  vox,  voice,  word)clenotes 
that  which  may  equally  well  be  understood  in  either  of  two  or 
more  ways.  Ambiguous  (from  L.  ambi,  around,  and  ago,  drive, 
lead)  signifies  lacking-  in  distinctness  of  certainty,  obscure  or 
doubtful  through  indefiniteness  of  expression.  Ambiguous  is 
applied  only  to  spoken  or  written  statements;  equivocal  has 
other  applications.  A  statement  is  ambiguous  when  it  leaves 
the  mind  of  the  reader  or  hearer  to  fluctuate  between  two 
meanings,  which  would  fit  the  language  equally  well;  it  is 
equivocal  when  it  would  naturally  be  understood  in  one  way, 
but  is  capable  of  a  different  interpretation;  an  equivocal  ex- 
pression ist  as  a  rule,  intentionally  deceptive,  while  an  am- 
biguous utterance  may  be  simply  the  result  of  a  want  either 
of  clear  thought  or  of  adequate  expression.  That  which  is 
enigmatical  must  be  guessed  like  a  riddle;  a  statement  may 
be  purposely  made  enigmatical  in  order  to  provoke  thought 
and  study.  That  is  doubtful  which  is  fairly  open  to  doubt; 
that  is  dubious  which  has  become  the  subject  of  doubts  so 
grave  as  scarcely  to  fall  short  of  condemnation;  as,  a  dubious 
reputation.  Questionable  may  be  used  nearly  in  the  sense 
either  of  dubious  or  of  doubtful;  a  questionable  statement 
is  one  that  must  be  proved  before  it  can  be  accepted.  To  say 
that  one's  honesty  is  questionable  is  a  mild  way  of  saying 
that  in  the  opinion  of  the  speaker  he  is  likely  to  prove  dis- 
honest. Equivocal  is  sometimes,  though  more  rarely,  used  in 
this  sense.  A  suspicious  character  gives  manifest  reason  to  be 
suspected;  a  suspicious  temper  is  inclined  to  suspect  the 
motives  and  intentions  of  others,  with  or  without  reason.  Com- 
pare CLEAR. 


certain       evident  lucid  perspicuous  unequivocal 

clear  indisputable  manifest  plain  unquestionable 

distinct      Indubitable  obvious  unambiguous  unquestioned 

223  equivocal 


ESTEEM,  r. 


'    appreciate         consider         estimate          prize  ttink 

calculate  deem  h.old  regard         value 

Esteem  and  estimate  alike  imply  to  set  a  certain  mental  value 
upon,  but  esteem  is  less  precise  and  mercantile  than  calculate 
or  estimate.  We  esteem  a  jewel  precious;  we  estimate  it  to  be 
worth'  so  much  money.  This  sense  of  esteem  is  now  chiefly 
found  in  literary  or  oratorical  style,  and  in  certain  conven- 
tional phrases;  as,  I  esteem  it  an  honor,  a  favor.  In  popular 
usage  esteem,  as  said  of  persons,  denotes  a  union  of  respect 
and  kindly  feeling  and,  in  the  highest  sense,  of  moral  appro- 
bation; as,  one  whom  I  highly  esteem;  the  word  may  be  used 
in  a  similar  sense  of  material  things  or  abstractions;  as, 
one  whose  friendship  I  esteem;  a  shell  greatly  esteemed  for 
inlaid  work.  To  appreciate  anything  is  to  be  deeply  or  keenly 
sensible  of  or  sensitive  to  its  qualities  or  influence,  to  see  its 
full  import,  be  alive  to  its  value,  importance,  or  worth;  as,  to 
appreciate  beauty  or  harmony ;  to  appreciate  one's  services  in  a 
cause ;  the  word  is  similarly,  though  rarely,  used  of  persons.  To 
prize  is  to  set  a  high  value  on  for  something  more  than  merely 
commercial  reasons.  One  may  value  some  object,  as  a  picture, 
beyond  all  price,  as  a  family  heirloom,  or  may  prize  it  as  the 
gift  of  an  esteemed  friend;  without  at  all  appreciating  its 
artistic  merit  or  commercial  value.  To  regard  (from  F.  regarder* 
look  at,  observe)  is  to  have  a  certain  mental  view  favorable 
or  unfavorable;  as,  I  regard  him  as  a  friend;  or,  I  regard  hrm 
as  a  villain;  regard  has  a  distinctively  favorable  sense  as  ap- 
plied to  institutions,  proprieties,  duties,  etc.,  but  does  not 
share  the  use  of  the  noun  "regard"  as  applied  to  persons;  we 
regard  the  Sabbath;  we  regard  a  person's  feelings 5  we  have  a 
"regard"  for  the  person.  Compare  ESTEEM,  n. 

ESTEEM,  n. 

deference     estimate    estimation    favor    regard   respect 

Esteem  for  a  person  is  a  favorable  opinion  on  the  basis  of 
worth,  especially  of  moral  worth,  joined  with  a  feeling  of  in- 
terest in  and  attraction  toward  the  person.  JRegard  for  a  per- 
son is  the  mental  view  or  feeling  that  springs  from  a  sense 

eternal  224 

every  . 

of  Ms  value,  excellence,  or  superiority,  with  a  cordial  and 
hearty  friendliness.  Regard  is  more  personal  and  less  distant 
than  esteem,  and  adds  a  special  kindliness;  respect  is  a  more 
distant  word  than  esteem.  Respect  may  be  wholly  on  one  side, 
while  regard  is  more  often  mutual;  respect  in  the  fullest  sense 
is  given  to  what  is  lofty,  worthy,  and  honorable,  or  to  a  person 
of  such  qualities;  we  may  pay  an  external  respect  to  one  of 
lofty  station,  regardless  of  personal  qualities,  showing  respect 
for  the  office.  Deference,  signifying  respectful  submission, 
may  be  wholly  formal,  as  yielded  to  age,  authority,  or  position, 
or  it  may  be  founded  upon  deepest  regard  and  esteem.  Esti- 
mate has  more  of  calculation;  as,  my  estimate  of  the  man, 
or  of  his  abilities,  is  very  high.  Estimation  involves  the 
idea  of  calculation  or  appraisal  with  that  of  esteem  or  regard, 
and  is  especially  used  of  the  feeling  entertained  by  numbers  of 
people;  as,  he  stood  high  in  public  estimation.  Compare 


abhorrence  aversion  dislike  loathing 

antipathy  contempt  hatred  repugnance 



deathless  fadeless  never=failing  undying: 

endless  immortal  perennial  unending 

eonian  imperishable  perpetual  unfading 

everlasting  interminable  timeless  unfailing 

ever*living  never-ending  unceasing  without  end 

Eternal  strictly  signifies  without  beginning  or  end,  in  which 
sense  it  applies  to  God  alone;  everlasting  applies  to  that  which 
may  or  may  not  have  beginning,  but  will  never  cease;  eternal 
is  also  used  in  this  more  limited  sense;  endless,  without  end,  in 
its  utmost  reach,  is  not  distinguishable  from  everlasting;  but 
endless  is  constantly  used  in  inferior  senses,  especially  in 
mechanics,  as  in  the  phrases  an  endless  screw,  an  endless  chain. 
Everlasting  and  endless  are  both  used  in  a  limited  sense  of 
protracted,  indefinite,  but  not  infinite  duration;  as,  the  ever- 
lasting hills;  endless  debates;  so  we  speak  of  interminable 
quarrels.  Eternal  holds  quite  strictly  to  the  vast  and  sacred 
meaning  in  which  it  is -applied  to  the  Divine  Being  and  the 
future  state.  Everlasting,  endless,  and  eternal  may  be  applied 

225                                                                                       eternal 

to  that  which  has  no  life;  as,  everlasting  chains,  endless  night, 
eternal  death;  immortal  applies  to  that  which  now  has  life, 
and  is  forever  exempt  from  death.  Timeless  carries,  per- 
haps, the  fullest  idea  of  eternal,  as  above  and  beyond  time, 
and  not  to  be  measured  by  it. 



ease  contingency  fortune  outcome 

chance  end  incident  possibility 

circumstance  episode  issne  result 

consequence  fact  occurrence  sequel 

Etymologieally,  the  incident  is  that  which  falls  in,  the  event 
that  which  comes  out;  event  is  thus  greater  and  more  signal 
than  incident;  we  speak  of  trifling  incidents,  great  events;  £w- 
cidents  of  daily  life,  events  in  history.  Circumstance  agrees 
with  incident  in  denoting  a  matter  of  relatively  slight  im- 
portance, but  implies  a  more  direct  connection  with  the  princi- 
pal matter;  "circumstantial  evidence"  is  evidence  from  seem- 
ingly minor  matters  directly  connected  with  a  case ;  ''incidental 
evidence"  would  be  some  evidence  that  happened  unexpectedly 
to  touch  it.  An  occurrence  is,  etymologieally,  that  which  we 
run  against,  without  thought  of  its  origin  or  tendency.  An 
episode  is  connected  with  the  main  course  of  events,  like  an 
incident  or  circumstance,  but  is  of  more  independent  interest 
and  importance.  Outcome  is  the  Saxon  and  event  the  Latin 
for  expressing  the  same  original  idea.  Consequence  or  result 
would  express  more  of  logical  connection,  and  be  more  com- 
prehensive. The  end  may  be  simple  cessation;  the  event  is 
what  has  been  accomplished;  the  event  of  a  war  is  victory  or 
defeat ;  the  end  of  the  war  is  reached  when  a  treaty  of  peace 
is  signed.  Since  the  future  is  contingent,  event  comes  to  have 
the  meaning  of  a  contingency;  as,  in  the  event  of  his  death, 
the  policy  will  at  once  fall  due.  Compare  CIBCUMSTANCE; 



all  any  both  each  either 

All  and  both  are  collective;  any,  each  and  every  are  distribu- 
tive. Any  makes  no  selection  and  may  not  reach  to  the  full 

evident  226 


limits  of  all;  each  and  every  make  no  exception  or  omission, 
and  must  extend  to  all;  all  sweeps  in  the  units  as  part  of  a 
total,  each  and  every  proceed  through  the  units  to  the  total. 
A  promise  made  to  all  omits  none;  a  promise  made  to  any  may 
not  reach  all;  a  promise  made  to  every  one  is  so  made  that  no  in- 
dividual shall  fail  to  be  aware  of  it;  a  promise  made  to  each  is 
made  to  the  individuals  personally,  one  by  one.  Each  is  thus 
more  individual  and  specific  than  every;  every  classifies,  each  in- 
dividualizes. Each  divides,  'both  unites;  if  a  certain  sum  is 
given  to  each  of  two  persons,  both  (together)  must  receive 
twice  the  amount;  both  must  be  aware  of  what  has  been  sep- 
arately communicated  to  each;  a  man  may  fire  both  barrels  of 
a  gun  by  a  single  movement;  if  he  fires  each  barrel,  he  dis- 
charges them  separately.  Either  properly  denotes  one  of  two, 
indefinitely,  to  the  exclusion  of  the  other.  The  use  of  either  in 
the  sense  of  each  or  both,  though  sustained  by  good  authority, 
is  objectionable  because  ambiguous.  His  friends  sat  on  either 
side  of  the  room  would  naturally  mean  on  one  side  or  the 
other;  if  the  meaning  is  on  both  sides,  it  would  be  better  to 
say  so. 



apparent  glaring  overt  tangible 

clear  «  indubitable  palpable  transparent 

conspicuous  manifest  patent  unmistakable 

discernible  obvious  perceptible  visible 

distinct  open  plain 

That  is  apparent  which  clearly  appears  to  the  senses  or  to 
the  mind  as  soon  as  the  attention  is  directed  toward  it;  that  is 
evident  of  which  the  mind  is  made  sure  by  some  inference  that 
supplements  the  facts  of  perception;  the  marks  of  a  struggle 
were  apparent  in  broken  shrubbery  and  trampled  ground,  and 
the  finding  of  a  mutilated  body  and  a  rifled  purse  made  it 
evident  that  robbery  and  murder  had  been  committed.  That  is 
manifest  which  we  can  lay  the  hand  upon;  manifest  is  thus 
stronger  than  evident,  as  touch  is  more  absolute  than  sight; 
that  the  picture  was  a  modern  copy  of  an  ancient  work  was 
evidenty  and  on  comparison  with  the  original  its  inferiority 
was  manifest.  That  is  obvious  which  is  directly  in  the  way 
so  that  it  can  not  be  missed ;  as,  the  application  of  the  remark 
was  obvious.  Visible  applies  to  all  that  can  be  perceived  by 

227  evident 


the  sense  of  sight,  whether  the  noonday  sun,  a  ship  on  the 
horizon,  or  a  microscopic  object.  Discernible  applies  to  that 
which  is  dimly  or  faintly  visible,  requiring  strain  and  effort 
in  order  to  be  seen;  as,  the  ship  was  discernible  through  the 
mist.  That  is  conspicuous  which  stands  out  as  necessarily  or 
strikingly  to  attract  the  attention.  Palpable  and  tangible  ex- 
press more  emphatically  the  thought  of  manifest. 


concealed    impalpable          latent         secret  unknown 

covert  impenetrable      obscure      undiscovered     unseen 

dark  imperceptible     occult         unimagmed       unthought  of 

hidden          invisible 



archetype  ideal  prototype          standard 

ensample  model  sample  type 

exemplar  pattern  specimen  -warning 

exemplification,  precedent 

From  its  original  sense  of  sample  or  specimen  (from  L.  ex- 
emplum)  example  derives  the  seemingly  contradictory  mean- 
ings, on  the  one  hand  of  a  pattern  or  model,  and  on  the 
other  hand  of  a  warning — a  sample  or  specimen  of  what  is  to 
be  followed,  or  of  what  is  to  be  shunned.  An  example,  how- 
ever, may  be  more  than  a  sample  or  specimen  of  any  class; 
it  may  be  the  very  archetype  or  prototype  to  which  the  whole 
class  must  conform,  as  when  Christ  is  spoken  of  as  being  an 
example  or  leaving  an  example  for  his  disciples.  Example 
comes  nearer  to  the  possible  freedom  of  the  model  than  to  the 
necessary  exactness  of  the  pattern;  often  we  can  not,  in  a 
given  case,  exactly  imitate  the  best  example,  but  only  adapt 
its  teachings  to  altered  circumstances.  In  its  application  to 
a  person  or  thing,  exemplar  can  scarcely  be  distinguished  from 
example;  but  example  is  most  frequently  used  for  an  act,  or 
course  of  action,  for  which  exemplar  is  not  used;  as,  one  sets 
a  good  (or  a  bad)  example.  An  exemplification  is  an  illustra- 
tive working  out  in  action  of  a  principle  or  law,  without  any 
reference  to  its  being  copied  or  repeated;  an  example  guides, 
an  exemplification  illustrates  or  explains.  Ensample  is  the 
same  as  example,  but  is  practically  obsolete  outside  of  Scrip- 
tural or  theological  language.  Compare  MODEL;  SAMPLE. 

excess  228 




dissipation        lavishness     profusion  superfluity 

exorbitance      luxuriance    redundance  surplus 

extravagance   overplus        redundancy  waste 

intemperance  prodigality  superabundance  wastefulness 

'Excess  is  more  than  enough  of  anything,  and,  since  this  in 
very  many  cases  indicates  a  lack  either  of  judgment  or  of  self- 
control,  the  word  is  used  frequently  in  an  unfavorable  sense. 
Careless  expenditure  in  excess  of  income  is  extravagance;  we 
may  have  also  extravagance  of  language,  professions,  etc.  As 
extravagance  is  excess  in  outlay,  exorbitance  is  excess  in  de- 
mands, and  especially  in  pecuniary  demands  upon  others. 
Overplus  and  superabundance  denote  in  the  main  a  satisfac- 
tory, and  superfluity  an  undesirable,  excess;  lavislmess  and 
profusion,  a  generous,  bountiful,  or  amiable  excess;  as,  a 
profusion-  of  fair  hair;  lavislmess  of  hospitality.  Surplus 
is  neutral,  having  none  of  the  unfavorable  meaning  that  often 
attaches  to  excess;  a  surplus  is  that  which  remains  over  after 
all  demands  are  met.  Redundance  or  redundancy  refer  chiefly 
to  literary  style,  denoting  an  excess  of  words  or  matter.  Excess 
in  the  moral  sense  is  expressed  by  dissipation,  prodigality ~,  in- 
temperance, etc. 


dearth  destitution  frugality  lack  scantiness 

defect  economy  inadequacy  need  shortcoming 

deficiency       failure  insufficiency  poverty  want 


administer        carry  out          do  enforce         perform 

To  execute  is  to  follow  through  to  the  end,  put  into  absolute 
and  final  effect  in  action;  to  administer  is  to  conduct  as  one 
holding  a  trust,  as  a  minister  and  not  an  originator;  the  sheriff 
executes  a  "writ;  the  trustee  administers  an  estate,  a  charity, 
etc.;  to  enforce  is  to  put  into  effect  by  force,  actual  or  po- 
tential. To  administer  the  laws  is  the  province  of  a  court  of 
justice;  to  execute  the  laws  is  the  province  of  a  sheriff, 
marshal,  constable,  or  other  executive  officer;  to  administer 
the  law  is  to  declare  or  apply  it;  to  execute  the  law  is  to  put 
it  in  force;  for  this  enforce  is  the  more  general  word,  execute 
the  more  specific.  From  signifying  to  superintend  officially 

229  excess 

^__^_-____—^__^ expense 

some  application  or  infliction,  administer  passes  by  a  natural 
transition  to  signify  inflict,  mete  out,  dispense,  and  blows, 
medicine,  etc.,  are  said  to  be  administered:  a  usage  thoroughly 
established  and  reputable  in  spite  of  pedantic  objections. 
Enforce  signifies  also  to  be  present  and  urge  home  by  in- 
tellectual and  moral  force;  as,  to  enforce  a  precept  or  a  duty. 
Compare  DO;  KILL; 



act  application  exertion  performance 

action  drill  occupation  practise 

activity          employment  operation  nse 

Exercise,  in  the  ordinary  sense,  is  the  easy  natural  action  of 
any  power;  exertion  is  the  putting  of  any  power  to  strain  and 
tax.  An  exercise-drive  for  a  horse  is  so  much  as  will  develop 
strength  and  health  and  not  appreciably  weary.  But  by 
qualifying  adjectives  we  may  bring  exercise  up  to  the  full  sense 
of  exertion;  as  violent  exercise.  Exercise  is  action  taken  at  any 
time  with  a  view  to  employing,  maintaining,  or  increasing 
power,  or  merely  for  enjoyment;  practise  is  systematic  ex- 
ercise with  a  view  to  the  acquirement  of  facility  and  skill  in 
some  pursuit;  a  person  takes  a  walk  for  exercise,  or  takes  time 
for  practise  on  the  piano.  Practise  is  also  used  of  putting  into 
action  and  effect  what  one  has  learned  or  holds  as  a  theory; 
as,  the  practise  of  law  or  medicine :  a  profession  of  religion  is 
good,  but  the  practise  of  it  is  better.  Drill  is  systematic, 
rigorous,  and  commonly  enforced  practise  under  a  teacher  or 
commander.  Compare  HABIT. 


idleness  inaction  inactivity  relaxation  rest 


cost  expenditure  ontgo  outlay 

The  cost  of  a  thing  is  whatever  one  surrenders  or  gives  up 
for  it,  intentionally  or  unintentionally,  or  even  unconsciously; 
expense  is  what  is  laid  out  by  calculation  or  intention.  We 
say :  "He  won  Ms  fame  at  the  cost  of  his  life,"  "I  know  it  to 
my  cost?'  we  speak  of  a  joke  at  another's  expense;  at  another's 

explicit                                                                         230 

coat  would  seem  to  make  it  a  more  serious  matter.  There  is  a 
tendency  to  use  cost  of  what  we  pay  for  a  possession,  expense 
of  what  we  pay  for  a  service;  we  speak  of  the  cost  of  goods, 
the  expense  of  making  up.  Outlay  is  used  of  some  definite 
expenditure,  as  for  the  purchase  of  supplies  j  outgo  of  a  steady 
drain  or  of  incidental  expenses.  See  PRICE. 


gain  proceeds  profit  receipt  return 

income  product  profits  receipts  returns 




Both  explicit  and  express  are  opposed  to  what  is  merely  im- 
plicit or  implied.  That  which  is  explicit  is  unfolded,  so  that  it 
may  not  be  obscure,  doubtful,  or  ambiguous;  that  which  is 
express  is  uttered  or  stated  so  decidedly  that  it  may  not  be 
forgotten  nor  overlooked.  An  explicit  statement  is  too  clear 
to  be  misunderstood;  an  express  command  is  too  emphatic  to 
be  disregarded.  Compare  CLEAR. 


ambiguous  implicit  indefinite  uncertain 

doubtful  implied  indeterminate  vague 



extemporary  impromptu  offhand 

extempore  improvised  unpremeditated 

Extemporaneous)  originally  signifying  of  or  from  the  time 
or  occasion,  has  come  to  mean  done  or  made  with  but  little  (if 
any)  preparation,  is  now  chiefly  applied  to  addresses  of  which 
the  thought  has  been  prepared,  and  only  the  language  and  in- 
cidental treatment  left  to  the  suggestion  of  the  moment,  so  that 
an  extemporaneous  speech  is  understood  to  be  any  one  that  is 
not  read  or  recited ;  impromptu  keeps  its  original  sense,  denot- 
ing something  that  springs  from  the  instant;  the  impromptu 
utterance  is  generally  brief,  direct,  and  vigorous;  the  ex- 
temporaneous speech  may  chance  to  be  prosy.  Offhand  is  still 
more  emphatic  as  to  the  readiness  and  freedom  of  the  utter- 
ance. Unpremeditated  is  graver  and  more  formal,  denoting 

absolute  want  of  preparation,  but  is  rather  too  heavy  a  word 
to  be  applied  to  such  apt,  ready  utterances  as  is  generally  desig- 
nated by  impromptu. 


elaborated   premeditated  prepared    read    recited  studied  written 



annihilate  eradicate  overthrow  uproot 

banish  expel  remove  wipe  out 

destroy  extirpate  root  out 

Exterminate  (from.  L.  ex,  out,  and  terminus,  a  boundary) 
signified  primarily  to  drive  beyont}  the  bounds  or  limits  of  a 
country;  the  word  is  applied  to  races  of  men  or  animals,  and 
is  now  almost  exclusively  used  for  removal  by  death;  indi- 
viduals are  now  said  to  be  banished  or  expelled.  Eradicate 
(from  L.  e,  out,  and  radix,  root)  is  primarily  applied  to 
numbers  or  groups  of  plants  which  it  is  desired  to  remove 
effectually  from  the  soil;  a  single  tree  may  be  uprooted* 
but  it  is  not  said  to  be  eradicated;  we  labor  to  eradicate 
or  root  out  noxious  weeds.  To  extirpate  (from  L.  ex, 
out,  and  stirps,  stem,  stock)  is  not  only  to  destroy  the  in- 
dividuals of  any  race  of  plants  or  animals,  but  the  very 
stock,  so  that  the  race  can  never  be  restored;  we  speak  of 
eradicating  a  disease,  of  extirpating  a  cancer,  exterminating 
wild  beasts  or  hostile  tribes;  we  seek  to  eradicate  or  extirpate 
all  vices  and  evils.  Compare  ABOLISH. 


augment  breed        cherish    develop  increase  populate     replenish 
beget         build  up  colonize  foster      plant         propagate  settle 



dim  fatigued  irresolute  weak 

exhausted  feeble  languid  -wearied 

faded  half-hearted  listless  -worn, 

faint-hearted  ill-defined  purposeless  worn  down, 

faltering  indistinct  timid  worn  out 

Painty  with  the  general  sense  of  lacking  strength  or  effective- 
ness, covers  a  wide  range  of  meaning,  signifying  overcome  with 
physical  weakness  or  exhaustion,  or  lacking  in  purpose,  cour- 
age, or  energy,  as  said  of  persons;  or  lacking  definiteness  or 

faitt                                                                                              232 

distinctness  of  color  or  sound,  as  said  of  written  characters, 
voices,  or  musical  notes.  A  person  may  be  faint  when  physi- 
cally wearied,  or  when  overcome  with  fear;  he  may  be  a  faint 
adherent  because  naturally  feeble  or  purposeless,  or  because 
Jialf-hearted  in  the  cause;  he  may  be  a  faltering  supporter  be- 
cause naturally  irresolute  or  because  famt-lieaited  and  timid  in 
view  of  perils  that  threaten,  a  listless  worker,  through  want  of 
mental  energy  and  purpose.  "Written  characters  may  be  faint 
or  dim,  either  because  originally  written  with  poor  ink,  or  be- 
cause they  have  become  faded  by  time  and  exposure. 


bright          clear  daring  fresh        resolute      sturdy 

brilliant       conspicuous      energetic      hearty      strong        vigorous 


Faint  with  hunger;  faint  in  color. 



assent  confidence  credit  opinion 

assurance  conviction  creed  reliance 

belief  credence  doctrine  trust 

Belief,  as  an  intellectual  process,  is  the  acceptance  of  some 
thing  as  true  on  other  grounds  than  personal  observation'  and 
experience.  "We  give  credence  to  a  report,  assent  to  a  proposi- 
tion or  to  a  proposal.  Belief  is  stronger  than  credence; 
credence  might  be  described  as  a  prima  facie  belief;  credence 
is  a  more  formal  word  than  belief,  and  seems  to  imply  some- 
what more  of  volition  j  we  speak  of  giving  credence  to  a  report, 
but  not  of  giving  belief.  Goods  are  sold  on  credit;  we  give  one 
credit  for  good  intentions.  Conviction  is  a  belief  established 
by  argument  or  evidence;  assurance  is  belief  beyond  the  reach 
of  argument;  as,  the  Christian's  assurance  of  salvation.  An 
opinion  is  a  general  conclusion  held  as  probable,  though  with- 
out full  certainty;  a  persuasion  is  a  more  confident  opinion, 
involving  the  heart  as  well  as  the  intellect.  In  religion,  a 
doctrine  is  a  statement  of  belief  regarding  a  single  point; 
a  creed  is  a  summary  statement  of  doctrines.  Confidence  is  a 
firm  dependence  upon  a  statement  as  true,  or  upon  a  person  as 
worthy.  Reliance  is  confidence  on  which  we  act  or  are  ready  to 
act  nnquestioningly;  we  have  a  calm  reliance  upon  the  uni- 
formity of  nature.  Trust  is  a  practical  and  tranquil  resting 

233  , 


of  tlie  mind  upon  the  integrity,  kindness,  friendship,  or  prom- 
ises of  a  person;  we  have  trust  in  God.  Faith  is  a  union  of 
belief  and  trust.  Faith  is  chiefly  personal;  belief  may  be  quite 
impersonal;  we  speak  of  &eZz0/  of  a  proposition,  /azf/a  in  a 
promise,  because  the  promise  emanates  from  a  person.  But 
belief  in  a  person  is  often  used  with  no  appreciable  difference 
from  faith.  In  religion  it  is  common  to  distinguish  between 
intellectual  belief  of  religious  truth,  as  any  other  truth  might 
be  believed,  and  belief  of  the  heart,  or  saving  faitli. 


denial        dissent      doubt  infidelity        i  ejection        suspicion 

disbelief    distrust     incredulity    misgiving      skepticism    unbelief 


Have  faith  271  God;  the  faith  of  the  gospel. 



devoted  loyal  true  trusty 

firm  stanch.          trustworthy          unwavering 

incorruptible       sure 

A  person  is  faithful  who  will  keep  faith,  whether  with  or 
without  power  to  aid  or  serve;  a  person  or  thing  is  trusty  that 
possesses  such  qualities  as  to  justify  the  fullest  confidence  and 
dependence.  We  may  speak  of  a  faithful  but  feeble  friend; 
we  say  a  trusty  agent,  a  trusty  steed,  a  trusty  sword. 


capricious  false  unfaithful  untrustworthy 

faithless  fickle  untrue  wavering 


Faithful  in  service;  to  duty;  to  cdmrade  or  commander; 
faithful  among  the  faithless. 



casuistry  quibble  shift  sophistry 

equivocation       quibbling        shifting       special  pleading 
evasion  refinement      sophism       subterfuge 


A  fallacy  in  logic  is  a  piece  of  misleading  reasoning,  such 
that  the  conclusion  does  not  follow  from  the  premises;  the 
fallacy  has  strictly  nothing  to  do  with  the  truth  or  falsehood 

fallacy                                                                                  234 
fame _ 

of  the  conclusion;  the  conclusion  may  be  true,  though  the 
reasoning  be  fallacious ;  thus : 

All  planets  are  inhabited; 
The  earth  is  a  planet, 
Therefore,  the  earth  is  inhabited 

This  argument  is  a  fallacy  by  fault  of  the  major  premise; 
that  "all  planets  are  inhabited"  has  never  been  proved,  and  that 
statement  can  not,  therefore,  be  used  to  prove  anything  else; 
nevertheless,  the  conclusion,  "The  earth  is  inhabited,"  happens 
to  be  true,  though  the  argument  does  not  prove  it.  Or,  again : 

Time  is  endless, 

This  hour  is  a  portion  of  time; 

Theiefore,   this  hour  is  endless. 

Here  the  fallacy  is  in  the  unexpressed  assumption  that 
"What  is  true  of  time  as  a  whole  is  true  of  every  portion  of 
time,"  which  is  impossible  to  maintain,  and  which  leads  to  the 
manifestly  false  conclusion,  "This  hour  is  endless."  Thus,  fallacy 
is  not  a  matter  of  truth  or  falsehood,  but  of  the  soundness  or  un- 
soundness  of  our  reasoning;  but  in  common  use  a  fallacy  is 
understood  to  be  false  reasoning  from  apparently  true  premises 
to  a  false  conclusion.  In  a  wider  sense,  fallacy  is  used  of 
anything  false,  deceptive,  or  misleading,  or  some  misleading 
quality  or  appearance  in  that  with  which  we  deal;  as,  the 
fallacy  of  the  senses  (where  the  error  has  been  shown  to 
be,  not  in  the  action  of  the  senses,  but  in  our  mental  infer- 
ences from  what  they  present).  Compare  DELUSION*.  Sophistry 
is  the  skilful  use  of  fallacies  in  a  chain  of  reasoning — subtly 
fallacious  disputation,  according  to  the  methods  of  the  ancient 
Greek  Sophists,  who  "acquired  great  and  pernicious  skill  in 
disputation  under  logical  forms,  especially  in  the  use  of 
specious  and  fallacious  modes  of  thought  designed  to  'make 
the  worse  appear  the  better  cause/  "  A  sophism  is  a  special 
instance  of  sophistry;  it  is  a  fallacy  designed  to  deceive. 
Casuistry  (from  L.  casus,  ease)  is  strictly  the  application  of 
the  general  rules  of  morality  to  particular  cases;  in  this 
strict  sense  casuistry  would  include  all  practical  morality,  where 
the  application  of  rules  to  cases  is  the  very  basis  of  right 
living;  but  casuistry  was  soon  perverted  by  shrewd  schoolmen 
into  a  system  by  which  the  general  principles  or  rules  of  morality 
were  quite  lost  in  the  supposedly  exceptional  features  of 

235  fallacy 

»__»___«___* fame 

particular  eases,  until  the  most  atrocious  acts  could  be  main- 
tained to  be  morally  right;  hence,  casuistry  has  become  gener- 
ally a  word  of  reproach  denoting  sophistry  applied  to  practical 
matters  of 'right  and  wrong.  In  law  special  pleading  has  come 
to  denote  legal  casuistry.  An  evasion  is  some  artifice  to  avoid 
or  turn  aside  the  force  of  an  argument  that  can  not  be  fairly 
met.  A  quibble  is  a  petty  evasion,  a  trivial  distinction  or 
objection.  A  subterfuge  is  a  false  excuse  or  pretense,  an 
evasion  involving  inherent  and  conscious  falsity;  a  subterfuge 
is  more  directly  concerned  with  practical  matters  than  a 
sophism.  Equivocation  is  the  use  of  words  in  one  sense  that 
may  naturally  be  understood  in  another  (compare  EQUIVOCAL)  ; 
logically  an  equivocation  may  be  unintentional  or  unconscious, 
deceiving  even  hirp  who  employs  it,  and  is  thus  a  form  of 
fallacy;  but  in  common  use  equivocation  is  understood  as  the 
conscious  use  of  misleading  language  with  express  intent  to 
deceive,  and  is  thus  simply  a  disguised  falsehood.  Refinement 
in  this  sense  is  the  drawing  of  elaborate  and  subtle  distinctions; 
as,  the  refinements  of  logic  or  metaphysics; 

He  was  in  Logic  a  great  critic, 

Profoundly  skilled  in  Analytic; 

He   could  distinguish,  and  divide 

A  hair  'twist  south  and  southwest  side. 

BITTLEB  Hudibras    pt.  i,  can.  i,  L  65. 

Because  in  such  excessively  fine  distinctions  the  mind  is  apt 
to  lose  its  bearings,  refinement  has  become  a  word  of  reproach, 
suggesting  shrewd  and  elaborate  perversion  of  truth  under 
logical  forms.  Compare  DECEPTION;  EQUIVOCAL. 


arirument  evidence  proof  surety 

axiom  fact  soundness  truth 

certainty  logic  sureness  verity 




celebrity  eminence  laurels  reputation 

credit  glory  notoriety  regnte 

distinction.  honor  renown 

Fame  is  the  widely  disseminated  report  of  a  person's  char- 
acter, deeds,  or  abilities,  and  is  oftenesj;  used  in  the  favorable 
sense.  Reputation  and  repute  are  more  limited  than  fame, 
and  may  be  either  good  or  bad.  Notoriety  is  evil  repute,  or 

'   fanaticism                                                                                236 

a  dishonorable  counterfeit  of  fame.  Eminence  and  distinction 
may  result  from  rank,  station,  or  character.  Celebrity  is 
limited  in  range;  we  speak  of  local  celebrity,  or  world- wide 
fame.  Fame  in  its  best  sense  may  be  defined  as  the  applause 
of  numbers;  renoiin,  as  such  applause  worthily  won;  we  speak 
of  the  conqueror's  fame,  the  patriot's  renown.  Glory  and  honor 
are  of  good  import;  "honor  may  be  given  for  qualities  or  acts 
that  should  not  win  it,  but  it  is  always  given  as  something 
good  and  worthy;  we  can  speak  of  an  evil  fame,  but  not  of 
evil  Jionor;  glory  has  a  more  exalted  and  often  a  sacred  sense. 


contempt       discredit     dishonor     humiliation    infamy      obscurity 
contumely     disgrace      disrepute    ignominy        oblivion     shame 


bigotry  credulity          intolerance  superstition. 

Fanaticism  is  extravagant  or  even  frenzied  zeal;  "bigotry  is 
obstinate  and  unreasoning  attachment  to  a  cause  or  creed; 
fanaticism  and  bigotry  usually  include  intolerance,  which  is 
unwillingness  to  tolerate  beliefs  or  opinions  contrary  to  one's 
own;  superstition  is  ignorant  and  irrational  religious  belief. 
Credulity  is  not  distinctively  religious,  but  is  a  general  readi- 
ness to  believe  without  sufficient  evidence,  with  a  proneness 
to  accept  the  marvelous.  Bigotry  is  narrow,  fanaticism  is 
fierce,  superstition  is  ignorant,  credulity  is  weak,  intolerance  is 
severe.  Bigotry  has  not  the  capacity  to  reason  fairly,  fanati- 
cism has  not  the  patience,  superstition  has  not  the  knowledge 
and  mental  discipline,  intolerance  has  not  the  disposition. 
Bigotry,  fanaticism  and  superstition  are  perversions  of  the  re- 
ligious sentiment;  credulity  and  intolerance  often  accompany 
skepticism  or  atheism. 


cynicism          free=thinking         indifference  latitudinarianisna 


chimerical    fantastic    grotesque   imaginative    visionary 

That  is  fanciful  whici  is  dedicated  or  suggested  by  fancy 
independently  of  more  serious  considerations;  the  fantastic  is 


the  fanciful  with  the  added  elements  of  whimsiealness  and 
extravagance  The  fanciful  swings  away  from  the  real  or  the 
ordinary  lightly  and  pleasantly,  the  fantastic  extravagantly, 
the  grotesque  ridiculously.  A  fanciful  arrangement  of  ob- 
jects is  commonly  pleasing,  a  fantastic  arrangement  i* 
striking,  a  grotesque  arrangement  is  laughable.  A  fanciful 
theory  or  suggestion  may  be  clearly  recognized  as  such;  a 
visionary  scheme  is  erroneously  supposed  to  have  a  basis  in 
fact.  Compare  synonyms  for  DREAM;  IDEA;  IMAGINATION. 


accurate  commonplace  prosaic  regular  sound 

calculable  literal  real  sensible  sure 

calculated  ordinary  reasonable  solid  true 



belief  desire  imagination  predilection, 

caprice  humor  inclination  supposition 

conceit  idea  liking  vagary 

conception  image  mood  whim 

An  intellectual  fancy  is  a  mental  image  or  picture  founded 
upon  slight  or  whimsical  association  or  resemblance;  a  conceit 
has  less  of  the  picturesque  and  more  of  the  theoretic  than  a 
fancy;  a  conceit  is  somewhat  aside  from  the  common  laws 
of  reasoning,  as  a  fancy  is  lighter  ahd  more  airy  than  the 
common  mode  of  thought.  A  conceit  or  fancy  may  be  wholly 
unfounded,  while  a  conception  always  has,  or  is  believed  to 
have,  some  answering  reality.  (Compare  REASON.)  An  in- 
tellectual fancy  or  conceit  may  be  pleasing  or  amusing,  but  is 
never  worth  serious  discussion;  we  speak  of  a  mere  fancy, 
a  droll  or  odd  conceit.  An  emotional  or  personal  fancy  is  a 
capricious  liking  formed  with  slight  reason  and  no  exercise  of 
judgment,  and  liable  to  fade  as  lightly  as  it  was  formed.  In 
a  broader  sense,  the  fancy  signifies  the  faculty  by  which 
fancies  or  mental  images  are  formed,  associated,  or  combined. 
Compare  synonyms  for  DREAM;  IDEA;  IMAGINATION. 

actuality          certainty  fact  reality  truth          verity 


To  have  a  fancy  for  or  take  a  fancy  to  a  person  or  thing. 

farewell  238 




adieu        ^ood-by  parting  salutation     valedictory 

cong£       leave-taking      valediction 

Good-by  is  the  homely  and  hearty,  farewell  the  formal  Eng- 
lish, word  at  parting.  Adieu,  from  the  French,  is  still  more 
ceremonious  than  farewell;  conge,  also  from  the  French,  is 
commonly  contemptuous  or  supercilious,  and  equivalent  to 
dismissal.  Valediction  is  a  learned  word  never  in  popular  use. 
A  valedictory  is  a  public  farewell  to  a  company  or  assembly. 


I  bade  farewell  to  my  comrades,  or  (without  preposition) 
I  bade  my  comrades  farewell;  I  took  a  sad  farewell  of  my 



affright  disquietude  misgiving  timidity 

apprehension  dread  panic  trembling 

awe  fright  scare  tremor 

consternation  horror  terror  trepidation 

Fear  is  the  generic  term  denoting  an  emotion  excited  by 
threatening  evil  with  a  desire  to  avoid  or  escape  it;  fear  may 
be  sudden  or  lingering,  in  view  of  present,  or  imminent,  or  of 
distant  and  only  possible  danger;  in  the  latter  sense  dread 
is  oftener  used.  Horror  (etymologically  a  shivering  or  shud- 
dering) denotes  a  shuddering  fear  accompanied  with  abhor- 
rence or  such  a  shock  to  the  feelings  and  sensibilities  as  may 
exist  without  fear,  as  when  one  suddenly  encounters  some 
ghastly  spectacle;  we  say  of  a  desperate  but  fettered  criminal, 
"I  looked  upon  him  with  horror"  Where  horror  includes 
fear,  it  is  fear  mingled  with  abhorrence.  (See  ABHOK.) 
Affright,  fright,  and  terror  are  always  sudden,  and  in  actual 
presence  of  that  which  is  terrible.  Fear  may  overwhelm,  or 
may  nerve  one  to  desperate  defense;  fright  and  terror  render 
one  incapable  of  defense;  fear  may  be  controlled  by  force  of 
will;  fright  and  terror  overwhelm  the  will;  terror  paralyzes; 
fright  may  cause  one  to  fly,  to  scream,  or  to  swoon.  Fright 
is  largely  a  matter  of  the  nerves;  fear  of  the  intellect  and  the 
imagination;  terror  of  all  the  faculties,  bodily  and  mental.  A 
scare  is  sudden  fright,  especially  as  due  to  a  slight  or  imaginary 

239                                                                                        farewell 

cause ;  scarce  is  a  word  of  less  dignity  than  fear,  fright,  terror, 
etc.  Panic  is  a  sudden  fear  or  fright,  affecting  numbers  at 
once  5  vast  armies  or  crowded  audiences  are  liable  to  panic 
upon  slight  occasion.  In  a  like  sense  we  speak  of  a  financial 
panic.  Dismay  is  a  helpless  sinking  of  heart  in  view  of  some 
overwhelming  peril  or  sorrow.  Dismay  is  more  reflective,  en- 
during, and  despairing  than  fright;  a  horse  is  subject  to 
scare,  fright,  or  terror,  but  not  to  dismay.  Awe  is  a  reverential 
fear.  Compare  AFRAID;  AT.ARTJ, 


See  synonyms  for  FORTITUDE. 


SYNONYMS:   entertainment  festival  festivity  repast  treat 

A  feast  is  an  occasion  of  abundant,  social,  and  enjoyable 
eating  and  drinking;  at  the  feasts  of  the  Homeric  heroes 
and  the  Anglo-Saxon  warriors  there  would  be  song  and  story 
and  other  pleasures,  but  enormous  abundance  of  rich  food 
and  drink  was  the  basic  feature;  any  abundant  consumption 
of  food,  however  coarse,  if  enjoyable  to  those  partaking  of 
it,  may  be  called  a  feast;  as  we  may  speak  of  vultures  having 
a  feast  upon  carrion.  A  repast  is  a  partaking  of  food  or 
the  food  to  be  partaken  of,  without  reference  to  quantity;  we 
may  have  a  slight,  a  hasty,  a  hearty,  or  a  rich  repast;  the 
repast  is  thought  of  as  satisfying  need;  the  feast  as  affording 
pleasure  without  reference  to,  and  far  in  excess  of,  need. 
An  entertainment  is  a  joyous  social  occasion  or  gathering  or 
the  means  of  giving  joy  and  pleasure  at  such  a  gathering;  an 
entertainment  may  or  may  not  involve  the  partaking  of  food; 
as,  a  convivial  entertainment;  a  musical,  or  a  literary,  enter- 
tainment. A  festival  or  festivity  is  an  occasion  or  season 
of  public  rejoicing,  of  which  feasting  ordinarily  forms  a 
part;  the  Jewish  religious  festivals,  as  of  Passover  and  Pente- 
cost, were  expressly  called  feasts,  as  are  many  festivals  of 
ritualistic  Christian  churches,  as  Christmas  and  Easter.  A 
banquet  is  a  sumptuous  feast,  always  elegant,  and  com- 
monly stately  and  splendid;  the  banquet  was  originally  a  light 
refection  accompanied  by  wine-drinking,  with  music  or  other 
entertainment,  following  a  feast,  and  often  in  a  separate  room. 

feminine                                                                                       240 

Banquet  (0  P.  banquet,  cp.  It.  banchetto,  a  small  bench,  or  table)  used 
generally  to  be  restrained  toa  slighter  repast,  to  the  lighter  and  orna- 
mental dessert  or  refection,  or  the  'banquet  of  wine'  (Esth  vii,  2),  which 
followed  and  crowned  the  more  substantial  repast 

TEEXCH  Select   Glossary,   p.   24. 

Hence,  banquet  properly  carries  the  idea  of  grace  and  elegance, 
as  feast  does  that  of  abundance,  which  may  be  either  rude 
or  splendid.  A  treat  is  some  form  of  entertainment  especially 
provided  to  meet  the  tastes  of  the  recipient;  as,  to  give  the 
children  a  treat;  hence,  anything  that  gives  especial  or  un- 
usual pleasure  is  called  a  treat;  as,  the  music  was  a  treat. 
In  figurative  use  anything  that  affords  satisfaction  or  delight 
to  the  intellect  or  the  emotions  may  be  called  a  feast;  "banquet 
does  not  lend  itself  so  readily  to  figurative  use.  Compare 


abstinence  destitution    famine    fast   fasting   need  privation  want 



effeminate  female  womanish.  womanly 

TTe  apply  female  to  the  sex,  feminine  to  the  qualities, 
especially  the  finer  physical  or  mental  qualities  that  distinguish 
the  female  sex  in  the  human  family,  or  to  the  objects  ap- 
propriate for  or  especially  employed  by  them.  A  female 
voice  is  the  voice  of  a  woman;  a  feminine  voice  may  belong  to 
a  man.  Womanish  denotes  the  undesirable,  womanly  the  ad- 
mirable or  lovely  qualities  of  woman.  Womanly  tears  would 
suggest  respect  and  sympathy,  womanish  tears  a  touch  of  con- 
tempt. The  word  effeminate  is  always  used  reproachfully,  and 
only  of  men  as  possessing  womanly  traits  such  as  are  incon- 
sistent with  true  manliness. 

See  synonyms  for  MASCULINE. 



Bondage  custody  gyves  irons 

bonds  dnrance  Handcuffs  manacles 

chains  dnress  imprisonment  shackles 

"Bonds  may  be  of  cord,  leather,  or  any  other  substance  that, 

24:1  feminine 


can  bind;  chains  are  of  linked  metal.  Manacles  and  handcuffs 
are  for  the  hands,  fetters  are  primarily  chains  or  jointed  iron 
fastenings  for  the  feet;  gyves  may  be  for  either.  A  shackle 
is  a  metallic  ring,  clasp,  or  bracelet-like  fastening  for  en- 
circling and  restraining  a  limb;  commonly  one  of  a  pair, 
used  either  for  hands  or  feet.  Bonds,  fetters,  and  chains 
are  used  in  a  general  way  for  almost  any  form  of  restraint. 
Gyves  is  now  wholly  poetic,  and  the  other  words  are  mostly 
restricted  to  the  literary  style;  handcuffs  is  the  specific  and 
irons  the  general  term  in  popular  usage;  as.  the  prisoner  was 
put  in  irons.  Bonds,  chains,  and  shackles  are  frequently  used 
in  the  metaphorical  sense. 

FEUD  > 


affray  contention  enmity  quarrel 

animosity  contest  fracas  riot 

"bitterness  controversy  fray  row 

brawl  dispute  hostility  strife 

broil  dissension 

A  feud  is  enmity  between  families,  clans,  or  parties,  with  acts 
of  hostility  mutually  retaliated  and  avenged;  fend  is  rarely 
used  of  individuals,  never  of  nations.  While  all  the  other 
words  of  the  group  may  refer  to  that  which  is  transient,  a 
feud  is  long-enduring,  and  often  hereditary.  Dissension  is 
used  of  a  number  of  persons,  of  a  party  or  other  organization. 
Bitterness  is  in  feeling  only;  enmity  and  hostility  involve  will 
and  purpose  to  oppose  or  injure.  A  quarrel  is  in  word  or 
act,  or  both ;  it  may  be,  and  commonly  is.  slight  and  transient, 
as  we  speak  of  childish  quatrels;  it  may  be  fierce,  noisy,  an<3 
violent,  or  quiet,  courteous,  and  deadly.  Contention  and  strife 
may  be  in  word  or  deed;  contest  ordinarily  involves  some  form 
of  action.  Contest  is  often  used  in  a  good  sense,  contention 
and  strife  very  rarely  so.  Controversy  is  commonly  in  words: 
strife  extends  from  verbal  controversy  to  the  contents  of  armies. 
Affray,  brawl,  broil,  and  row,  like  quarrely  are  words  of  in- 
ferior dignity;  the  affray  always  involves  physical  force;  the 
brawl,  broil,  or  rorw  may  be  confined  to  violent  language. 
Fray,  an  irregular  conflict,  commonly  of  armed  opponents,  is 
a  word  that  holds  place  in  literature,  but  is  not  now  in  common 
use,  except  in  the  familiar  phrase,  "the  thick  of  the  /ra*/.v  A 
fracas  is  a  disorderly  and  indiscriminate  fight,  usually  in- 

fickle                                                                                                  242 
fiction  _ 

volving  a  number  of  combatants.  A  riot  is  a  serious  distur- 
bance of  the  peace,  which  may  reach  the  wildest  extremes  of 
mob  violence,  and  of  which  the  law  takes  special  cognizance. 



capricious  inconstant  spasmodic  unsteady 

changeable  irresolute  uncertain  vacillating 

changeful  mutable  unfixed  variable 

crotchety  purposeless  unreliable  versatile 

fanciful  restless  unsettled  wavering 

fitful  shifting  unstable  whimsical 

The  words  of  the  list  above  given,  naturally  divide  them- 
selves into  three  groups:  First — words  denoting  mere  facility 
of  change*  with  no  reference  to  any  known  or  suggested 
reason;  as,  changeable,  changeful,  fluctuating,  mutable,  rest- 
less, shifting,  vacillating,  variable,  varying,  versatile,  waver- 
ing. Compare  FLUCTUATE.  Versatile  lifts  itself  out  of  this 
group  as  implying  not  mere  facility  of  change,  but  of  profit- 
able and  effective  change — denoting  abundance  of  power 
combined  with  wide  adaptability;  a  versatile  mind,  a  ver- 
satile genius  may,  indeed,  change  its  activities  from  mere 
fickleness  or  inconstancy  of  purpose,  but  oftener  changes  by 
distinct  choice  and  purpose  in  recognition  of  some  new  de- 
mand of  circumstances  or  some  new  opening  of  opportunity; 
such  a  mind  seems  able  to  use  its  full  power  with  almost 
equal  readiness  in  any  field  in  which  it  chooses  to  act,  and 
may  be  as  far  as  possible  from  inconstant  or  fickle,  but  de- 
cided and  resolute  when  choice  is  made;  Second — Words  that 
denote  the  mere  negation  of  fixity,  the  lack  of  steadiness  of 
feeling,  disposition,  desire,  purpose,  character,  or  will;  as 
inconstant,  irresolute,  purposeless,  uncertain,  unfixed,  un- 
reliable, unsettled,  unstable,  unsteady.  Persons  marked  by 
such  qualities  are  liable  to  be  -fickle  for  want  of  any  reason  to 
keep  them  from  unexpected  and  incalculable  change.  Third — 
Words  denoting  a  tendency  to  change  founded  upon  some 
quality  or  element  of  disposition,  intellect,  or  character;  as, 
capricious,  crotchety,  fanciful,  fickle,  freakish,  spasmodic, 
whimsical.  Fickle  (from  AS.  ficol,  deceitful,  crafty)  originally 
denoted  changing  with  intent  to  deceive  or  betray;  the  word 

243  fickle 

has  now  become  softened  in  meaning:,  signifying  unduly 
changeable  in  feeling,  judgment,  or  purpose. 

Fickle  ....  denotes  that  specific  changeableness  which  exhibits 
itself  m  matteis  of  taste,  puipose,  and  attachment — the  changeablene&s  of 
easily  transferred  hkes  and  dislikes. 

C,  J.  SiUTH  Synonyms  Discriminated*  p.   512. 

Fickleness  commonly  involves  a  lack  of  appreciation  of  relative 
values;  the  fickle  person  may  put  the  momentary  enjoyment 
of  an  entertainment  before  the  satisfaction  of  an  enduring 
friendship;  fickle  characters  are  of  short  range,  with  little  or 
no  perspective,  and  commonly  with  slight  appreciation  of 
what  their  changefulness  may  involve  to  others.  The  other 
words  of  this  group  explain  themselves  by  reference  to  the 
meaning  of  the  nouns  caprice,  crotchet f  fancy,  fit,  freal.,  spasm, 
whim.  The  crotchety  person  is  fickle  only  in  so  far  as  his 
eccentric  notions  come  into  conflict  with  what  seemed  a  well- 
considered  plan;  as  his  "crotchets"  are  commonly  quite  as 
much  matters  of  feeling  as  of  opinion,  he  is  likely  to  be  pet- 
tish and  ill-tempered  toward  all  who  do  not  appreciate  them  at 
his  estimate  of  their  worth. 


changeless       firm  resolute  steady  uniform 

constant  fixed  settled  sure  unwavering 

decided  immutable  stable  unalterable 

determined       invariable  steadfast  unchanging 



allegory  fabrication  invention  novel 

apologue  falsehood  legend  romance 

fable  figment  myth  story 

Fiction  is  now  chiefly  used  of  a  prose  work  in  narrative  form 
in  which  the  characters  are  partly  or  wholly  imaginary,  and 
which  is  designed  to  portray  human  life,  with  or  without  a  prac- 
tical lesson;  a  romance  portrays  what  is  picturesque  or  strik- 
ing, as  a  mere  -fiction  may  not  do;  novel  is  a  general  name  for 
any  continuous  fictitious  narrative,  especially  a  love-story; 
•fiction  and  novel  are  used  with  little  difference  of  meaning, 
except  that  novel  characterizes  a  work  in  which  the  emotional 
element  is  especially  prominent.  The  moral  of  the  fable  is 
expressed  formally;  the  lesson  of  the  -fiction,  if  any,  is  in- 
wrought. A  -fiction  is  studied;  a  myth  grows  up  without  in- 


tent.  A  legend  may  be  true,  but  can  not  be  historically  veri- 
fied ;  a  my  tli  has  been  received  as  true  at  some  time,  but  is  now 
known  to  be  false.  A  fabrication  is  designed  to  deceive;  it 
is  a  less  odious  word  than  falsehood,  but  is  really  stronger,  as 
a  falsehood  may  be  a  sudden  unpremeditated  statement  while 
a  fabrication  is  a  series  of  statements  carefully  studied  and 
fitted  together  in  order  to  deceive;  the  falsehood  is  all  false; 
the  fabrication  may  mingle  the  true  with  the  false.  A  figment 
is  something  imaginary  which  the  one  who  utters  it  may  or 
may  not  believe  to  be  true;  we  say,  "That  statement  is  a  fig- 
ment of  his  imagination."  The  story  may  be  either  true  or 
false,  and  covers  the  various  senses  of  all  the  words  in  the 
group.  Apologue,  a  word  simply  transferred  from  Greek  into 
English,  is  the  same  as  fable.  Compare  ALLEGORY. 


certainty      fact      history       literalness       reality       truth     verity 



ferocious      furious  raging     uncultivated       violent 

fiery  impetuous     savage     untrained  wild 

Fierce  signifies  having  a  furious  and  cruel  nature,  or  being 
in  a  furious  and  cruel  mood,  more  commonly  the  latter.  It 
applies  to  that  which  is  now  intensely  excited,  or  liable  to  in- 
tense and  sudden  excitement.  Ferocious  refers  to  a  state  or 
disposition  ;  that  which  is  fierce  flashes  or  blazes  ;  that  which  is 
ferocious  steadily  burns;  we  speak  of  a  ferocious  animal,  a 
fierce  passion.  A  fiery  spirit  with  a  good  disposition  is 
quickly  excitable  in  a  good  cause,  but  may  not  be  fierce  or 
ferocious.  Savage  signifies  untrained,  uncultivated.  Ferocious 
always  denotes  a  tendency  to  violence;  it  is  more  distinctly- 
bloodthirsty  than  the  other  words;  a  person  may  be  deeply, 
intensely  cruel,  and  not  at  all  ferocious;  a  ferocious  coun- 
tenance expresses  habitual  ferocity;  a  fierce  countenance 
may  express  habitual  fierceness,  or  only  the  sudden  anger  of 
the  moment.  That  which  is  wild  is  simply  unrestrained;  the 
word  may  imply  no  anger  or  harshness;  as,  wild  delight, 
wild  alarm. 


affectionate       gentle  kind      patient        submissive      tame 

docile  harmless       mild       peaceful       sweet  tender 

245  fierce 




fiscal  monetary  pecuniary 

These  words  all  relate  to  money,  receipts,  or  expenditures. 
Monetary  relates  to  actual  money,  coin,  currency;  as,  the  mone- 
tary system  j  a  monetary  transaction  is  one  in  which  money  is 
transferred.  Pecuniary  refers  to  that  in  which  money  is  in- 
volved, but  less  directly;  we  speak  of  one's  pecuniary  affairs 
or  interests,  with  no  special  reference  to  the  handling  of  cash. 
Financial  applies  especially  to  governmental  revenues  or  ex- 
penditures, or  to  private  transactions  of  considerable  moment; 
we  speak  of  a  pecuniary  reward,  a  -financial  enterprise:  we 
give  a  needy  person  pecuniary  (not  financial)  assistance.  It 
is  common  to  speak  of  the  fiscal  rather  than  the  financial  yeai 



admirable  elegant  polished  small 

"beautiful  excellent  pure  smootn 

clarified  exquisite  refined  splendid 

clear  liandsome  sensitive  subtile 

comminuted  keen  sharp  subtle 

dainty  minute  slender  tenuous 

delicate  nice  slight  tMis 

Fine  (from  L.  finis,  end)  denotes  that  which  has  been  biought 
to  a  full  end,  finished.  From  this  root-sense  many  derived  mean- 
ings branch  out,  causing  words  quite  remote  from  each  other  to 
be  alike  synonyms  of  fine.  That  which  is  truly  finished,  brought 
to  an  ideal  end,  is  excellent  of  its  kind,  and  beautiful,  if  a 
thing  that  admits  of  beauty;  as,  a  fine  house,  fine  trees,  a  fine 
woman,  a  fine  morning;  if  a  thing  that  admits  of  the  re- 
moval of  impurities,  it  is  not  finished  till  these  are  removed, 
and  hence  fine  signifies  clarified,  clear,  pure,  refined;  as,  fine 
gold.  That  winch  is  finished  is  apt  to  be  polished,  smooth  to 
the  touch,  minutely  exact  in  outline;  hence  fine  comes  to  be 
a  synonym  for  all  words  like  dainty,  delicate,  exquisite;  as, 
fine  manners,  a  fine  touch,  fine  perceptions.  As  that  which  is 
delicate  is  apt  to  be  small,  by  an  easy  extension  of  meaning  fine 
becomes  a  synonym  for  slender,  slight,  minute,  comminuted; 
as,  a  fine  thread,  fine  sand;  or  for  filmy,  tenuous,  thin;  as,  a 
fine  lace,  fine  wire;  and  as  a  thin  edge  is  keen,  sharp,  fine  be- 
comes also  a  synonym  for  these  words;  as*  a  fine  point,  a  fine 
edge.  Compare  BEAUTIFUI*;  MINUTE. 


big  clu 

blunt  coarse          heavy  immense        rude  thick 

big  clumsy         great  huge  large  stout 




blaze       burning        combustion       conflagration       name 

Combustion  is  the  essential  fact  -which  is  at  the  basis  of  that 
assemblage  of  visible  phenomenon  which  we  call  -fire;  com- 
bustion  being  the  continuous  chemical  combination  of  a  sub- 
stance with  some  element,  as  oxygen,  evolving  heat,  and  extend- 
ing from  slow  processes,  such  as  those  by  which  the  heat  of 
the  human  body  is  maintained,  to  the  processes  producing 
the  most  intense  light  also,  as  in  a  blast-furnace,  or  on  the 
surface  of  the  sun.  Fire  is  always  attended  with  light,  as  well 
as  heat;  blaze,  flame,  etc.,  designate  the  mingled  light  and  heat 
of  a  -fire.  Combustion  is  the  scientific,  -fire  the  popular  term.  A 
conflagration  is  an  extensive  fire.  Compare  LIGHT. 



adapted  befitting  fitted  proper 

adequate  calculated  fitting  qualified 

apposite  congruous  meet  seemly 

appropriate  contrived  pertinent  suitable 

apt  decent  prepared  suited 

becoming  decorous 

Fit  (from  ME.  fit,  fitte,  from  t?.  fitten,  from  Ice.  fitja,  knit 
together)  signifies  having  qualities  to  meet  some  demand,  and 
is  a  word  of  widest  range  of  meaning;  we  may  say  of  a  states- 
man, he  is  thoroughly  fit  for  some  high  task,  or  of  a  menial, 
he  is  fit  to  clean  stables;  fit  has  a  double  depreciatory  use, 
according  as  it  is  positive  or  negative;  we  may  say,  he  is  fit 
to  feed  swine  (meaning  "just  fit"),  or,  he  is  not  fit  to  feed 
swine  (meaning  "not  even  fit"  for  that  task).  A  person  or 
thing  is  adapted  for  a  work  or  purpose,  when  possessing 
natural  or  acquired  qualities  such  as  the  work  or  purpose  de- 
mands. Adequate  (from  L.  ad,  to,  +  aquus,  equal)  has  a 
more  definite  idea  of  measuring  up  to  a  demand;  as,  an 
adequate  supply  of  food  or  money;  the  strength  of  a  machine 
may  be  adequate  to  a  task,  but  the  machine  itself  not  adapted 
to  deal  with  the  material.  /Suited  is  less  definite  and  more 

247                                                                                                  fire 

general  than  adapted,  implying  natural  capacity,  tendency,  or 
taste ;  one  who  is  suited  to  a  work  will  find  the  work  congenial, 
and  be  able  and  ready  to  acquire  any  qualifications  he  yet  may 
lack;  conversely  we  speak  of  a  work  as  suited  to  one's  char- 
acter, tastes,  or  abilities.  Fitted  refers  more  especially  to 
acquired  qualifications ;  we  might  say  that  a  student  is  fitted 
for  college,  but  not  fit  for  college  life  and  work.  One  is  quali- 
fied who  measures  up  to  some  fixed  standard  of  ability  or  of 
official  or,legal  requirements;  in  the  latter  sense  we  speak  of 
"qualified  voters."  Apt,  aside  from  its  meaning  of  liable  or 
likely  (compare  LIKELY),  signifies,  when  applied  to  persons, 
naturally  gifted,  readily  meeting  certain  work  or  requirements ; 
as,  an  apt  pupil.  As  applied  to  remarks,  illustrations,  or  the 
like,  apt,  apposite,  pertinent,  appropriate  are  close  synonyms; 
apt  denotes  more  of  keen,  instant,  and  ready  fitness;  ap- 
posite more  of  close  and  nice  adjustment;  pertinent  more  of 
exact,  comprehensive,  and  substantial  accuracy:  appropriate 
applies  not  only  to  the  subject  dealt  with,  but  to  the  timet 
place,  and  circumstances  in  which  the  comparison  is  used;  an 
illustration  or  remark  may  be  apt,  apposite,  or  pertinent,  and 
yet  not  appropriate  on  a  certain  occasion.  Compare  ADEQUATE. 


amiss  illssuited  misapplied  unfit 

awkward  lllstimed  miscalculated  ungainly 

improper  inadequate  miscontrived  unseemly 

illscontnved  inappropriate  misfitted  unsuitable 

Unfitted  inexpedient  misfitting  untimely 



apply  decide  locate  secure 

attach.  determine  place  set 

bind  establish  plant  settle 

consolidate  fasten  root  tie 

To  fix  (ult.  from  L.  figo,  fix)  is  to  make  firm  or  secure 
against  movement  or  displacement;  as,  to  fix  a  post  in  the 
ground;  to  fix  a  statue  upon  a  pedestal;  figuratively,  to  direct 
or  hold  intently;  as  to  fix  the  gaze  upon  an  object;  to  fix 
the  attention  upon  a  subject;  also,  to  decide  definitely,  make 
sure,  settle,  determine;  as  to  fix  the  meaning  of  a  word;  to 
fix  a  date  for  adjournment;  to  fix  rules  of  procedure,  or  the 
terms  of  a  contract,  etc.  Either  attach  or  fasten  is  less  absolute 
and  substantial  in  meaning  than  fix.  Fasten  lias  more  refer- 

enee  to  the  means  of  connection ;  if  we  were  to  say,  The  statue 
is  fastened  to  the  pedestal,  we  should  at  once  think  of  the  bolts 
or  cement  by  which  it  is  held  in  place;  "They  fasten  it 
[the  idol]  with  nails  and  hammer  that  it  move  not." — Jer.  z,  4. 
Fix  has  more  reference  than  fasten  to  the  firmness  and  sta- 
bility of  the  whole;  broken  bones  are  fxed  (not  fastened) 
in  position  by  splints. 

But    this    is   fixed, 
As  are  the  roots  of  earth  and  base  of  all. 

TENNYSON  Princess    can.  v,   st    25,   1    8. 

To  fasten  the  eyes  or  the  attention  refers  more  to  the  original 
act;  to  fix  them,  more  to  settled  and  persistent  action;  so  we 
speak  of  a  -fixed  gaze,  or  of  fixed  ideas — where  fastened  or 
attached  could  not  be  employed.  To  set  (from  AS.  settan} 
causative  of  sittan,  sit)  is  to  cause  to  sit,  stand,  or  rest,  as 
on  a  seat  or  support,  and  is  said  properly  of  things  as  having 
some  power  of  self-support  (thus  opposed  to  lay; — we  lay  a 
book,  but  set  a  dish  on  the  table).  Set  has  reference  to  some 
specific  end  for  which  an  object  is  put  into  a  certain  place, 
position,  or  relation ;  as,  to  set  a  glass  of  water  on  the  speaker's 
desk;  a  post  may  be  fixed  in  the  ground  anywhere,  but  is  set 
with  reference  to  some  definite  purpose  of  demarcation,  sup- 
port, etc.;  stakes  are  set  at  measured  distances  to  mark  the 
lines  of  a  new  building,  a  roadway,  or  the  like;  by  this  idea 
of  relative  position,  set  comes  close  to  the  meaning  of  adjust 
(see  ADJUST)  ;  as  to  set  a  clock  or  watch,  a  saw,  etc.  So  in  a 
vast  variety  of  other  uses.  That  which  is  set  may  or  may  not 
be  attached,  fastened,  or  fixed;  the  dish  which  is  set  in  the 
center  of  the  table  may  be  removed  to  the  side;  a  screw  Is  set 
when  firmly  fixed  in  place.  To  secure  (from  L.  se,  without,  + 
cura,  eaxe)  is  to  fasten  effectually,  so  that  the  person  secur- 
ing may  be  without  care  or  anxiety  as  to  the  object  secured; 
a  door  may  be  fastened  by  a  light  catch,  easily  forced  open; 
it  is  secured  by  a  strong  lock,  bolt,  or  bar;  a  surgeon  secures 
an  artery,  as  by  a  ligature,  against  hemorrhage;  an  object 
may  be  slightly  attached  to  another;  it  is  firmly  secured.  The 
bones  of  a  fractured  limb  are  set  when  brought  into  place, 
where  they  must  then  be  fixed  or  secured,  as  by  splints  or 
a  plaster  cast;  a  prisoner  is  secured,  as  by  fetters,  against 
escape;  a  commander  secures  a  position  for  attack  upon  the 
enemy,  or  against  attack  by  the  enemy;  one  secures  a  loan, 

249  *  *_^ 


an  inheritance,  a  possession,  property,  etc*.;  a  debt,  a  mortgage, 
or  the  like,  is  secured  by  a  legal  claim  upon  property  adequate 
for  its  payment,  or  when  a  person  of  adequate  means  becomes 
legally  responsible  for  the  required  amount.  Compare  SE- 
CURITY. To  settle  is  to  fix  firmly;  as,  to  settle  oneself  in  a 
chair;  so,  to  establish,  to  free  from  agitation  or  disturbance, 
to  put  in  order,  to  bring  to  a  conclusion  or  settlement:  also, 
to  adjust  differences  (compare  COMPROMISE)  ;  terms  may 
be  fixed  by  the  party  in  control;  they  are  settled  by  mutual 
agreement  between  the  parties  concerned.  Compare  ADAPT; 


change  displace       loose  shake  unfix  unsettle 

detach  disturb        loosen          unbolt          unlatch      weaken 

disarrange       free  set  free       unfasten      unlock 



bevy  covey         group         herd  lot  set 

brood          drove         hatch          litter          pack  swarm 

Group  is  the  general  word  for  any  gathering  of  a  small 
number  of  objects,  whether  of  persons,  animals,  or  inanimate 
things.  The  individuals  in  a  brood  or  Utter  are  related  to  each 
other;  those  in  the  other  groups  may  not  be.  Brood  is  used 
chiefly  of  fowls  and  birds,  litter  of  certain  quadrupeds  which 
bring  forth  many  young  at  a  birth;  we  speak  of  a  brood  of 
chickens,  a  litter  of  puppies;  brood  is  sometimes  applied  to 
a  family  of  young  children.  Bevy  is  used  of  birds,  and  fig- 
uratively of  any  bright  and  lively  group  of  women  or 
children,  but  rarely  of  men.  Flock  is  applied  to  birds  and  to 
some  of  the  smaller  animals;  herd  is  confined  to  the  larger 
animals;  we  speak  of  a  bevy  of  quail,  a  covey  of  partridges, 
a  flock  of  blackbirds,  or  a  flock  of  sheep,  a  herd  of  cattle, 
horses,  buffaloes,  or  elephants,  a  peck  of  wolves,  a  pack  of 
hounds,  a  swarm  of  bees.  A  collection  of  animals  driven 
or  gathered  for  driving  is  called  a  drove. 



hesitate  swerve  vacillate  veer 

oscillate  undulate  vary  waver 

To  fluctuate  (from  L.  fluctus,  a  wave)  is  to  move  like  a  wave 

fluid  250 


with  alternate  rise  and  fall.  A  pendulum  oscillates;  waves 
fluctuate  or  undulate;  a  light  or  a  flame  wavers;  a  frightened 
steed  swerves  from  his  course;  a  tool  or  weapon  swerves  from 
the  mark  or  line;  the  temperature  varies;  the  wind  veers  when 
it  suddenly  changes  its  direction.  That  which  veers  may  steadily 
hold  the  new  direction;  that  which  oscillates,  fluctuates,  un- 
dulates, or  wavers  returns  upon  its  way.  As  regards  mental 
states,  he  who  hesitates  sticks  (from  L.  licerere)  on  the  verge  of 
decision;  he  who  wavers  does  not  stick  to  a  decision;  he  who 
vacillates  decides  now  one  way,  and  now  another;  one  vacil- 
lates between  contrasted  decisions  or  actions;  he  may  waver 
between  decision  and  indecision,  or  between  action  and  in- 
action. Persons  hesitate,  vacillate,  waver;  feelings  fluctuate 
or  vary.  Compare  SHAKE. 


abide      adhere       hold  fast      persist      stand  fast       stay       stick 


gas  liquid 

A  fluid  is  a  substance  that,  like  air  or  water,  yields  to  any 
force  that  tends  to  change  its  form;  a  liquid  is  a  body  in  that 
state  in  which  the  particles  move  freely  among  themselves,  but 
remain  in  one  mass,  keeping  the  same  volume,  but  taking  always 
the  form  of  the  containing  vessel;  a  liquid  is  an  inelastic  fluid; 
a  gas  is  an  elastic  fluid  that  tends  to  expand  to  the  utmost  limits 
of  the  containing  space.  All  liquids  are  fluids,  but  not  all  fluids 
are  liquids;  air  and  all  the  gases  are  fluids,  but  they  are  not 
liquids  under  ordinary  circumstances,  though  capable  of  being 
reduced  to  a  liquid  form  by  special  means,  as  by  cold  and  pres- 
sure. Water  at  the  ordinary  temperature  is  at  once  a  fluid 
and  a  liquid, 



accompany  come  after  go  after  obey  pursue 

attend  copy  need  observe     ~  result 

chase  ensue  imitate  practise     succeed 

Anything  that  comes  after  or  goes  after  another,  either  in 
space  or  in  time,  is  said  to  follow  it.  A  servant  follows  or 
attends  his  master;  a  victorious  general  may  follow  the  re- 

251                                                                                          fluid 

tiring  enemy  merely  to  watch  and  hold  him  in  check;  he 
chases  or  pursues  with  intent  to  overtake  and  attack;  the 
chase  is  closer  and  hotter  than  the  pursuit.  (Compare  syno- 
nyms for  HUNT.)  One  event  may  follow  another  either  with 
or  without  special  connection;  if  it  ensues,  there  is  some 
orderly  connection;  as,  the  ensuing  year;  if  it  results  from 
another,  there  is  some  relation  of  effect,  consequence,  or  in- 
ference. A  clerk  observes  his  employer's  directions.  A  child 
obeys  his  parent's  commands,  follows  or  copies  his  example, 
imitates  his  speech  and  manners.  The  compositor  follows 
copy;  the  incoming  succeeds  the  outgoing  official. 



aliment     feed  nourishment  pabulum  sustenance 

diet  fodder  nutriment  provender  viands 

fare  forage  nutrition  regimen  victuals 

Food  is,  in  the  popular  sense,  whatever  one  eats  in  contradis- 
tinction to  what  one  drinks.  Thus,  we  speak  of  food  and  drink, 
of  wholesome,  unwholesome,  or  indigestible  food;  but  in  a 
more  scientific  sense  whatever,  when  taken  into  the  digestive 
organs,  serves  to  build  up  structure  or  supply  waste  may  be 
termed  food;  the  word  is  extended  to  plants  to  signify  what- 
ever taken  in  any  way  into  the  organism  serves  similar  pur- 
poses; thus,  we  speak  of  liquid  food,  plant  food,  etc.;  in  this 
wider  sense  food  is  closely  synonymous  with  nutriment,  nour- 
ishment, and  sustenance.  Diet  refers  to  the  quantity  and 
quality  of  food  habitually  taken,  with  reference  to  preserva- 
tion of  health.  Victuals  is  a  plain,  homely  word  for  what- 
ever may  be  eaten;  we  speak  of  choice  viands,  cold  victuals. 
Nourishment  and  sustenance  apply  to  whatever  can  be  intro- 
duced into  the  system  as  a  means  of  sustaining  life;  we  say 
of  a  convalescent,  he  is  taking  nourishment.  Nutriment  and 
nutrition  have  more  of  scientific  reference  to  the  vitalizing 
principles  of  various  foods;  thus,  wheat  is  said  to  contain  a 
great  amount  of  nutriment.  Eegimen  considers  food  as  taken 
by  strict  rule,  but  applies  more  widely  to  the  whole  ordering 
of  life.  Fare  is  a  general  word  for  all  table-supplies,  good  or 
bad;  as,  sumptuous  fare;  wretched  fare.  Feed,  fodder,  and 
provender  are  used  only  of  the  food  of  the  lower  animals,  feed 
denoting  anything  consumed,  but  more  commonly  grain,  fodder 

formidable                                                                                  252 
fortunate  | | _____ 

denoting  hay,  corn-stalks,  or  the  like,  sometimes  called  "long 
feed";  provender  is  dry  feed}  whether  grain  or  hay,  straw, 
etc.  Forage  denotes  any  kind  of  food  suitable  for  horses  and 
cattle,  primarily  as  obtained  by  a  military  force  in  scouring 
the  country,  especially  an  enemy's  country. 



dangerous  indomitable       redoubted        tremendous 

impregnable       invincible  terrible 

That  which  is  formidable  is  worthy  of  fear  if  encountered  or 
opposed;  as,  a  formidable  array  of  troops,  or  of  evidence. 
Formidable  is  a  word  of  more  dignity  than  dangerous,  and 
suggests  more  calm  and  collected  power  than  terrible;  for- 
midable is  less  overwhelming  than  tremendous.  A  loaded  gun  is 
dangerous;  a  park  of  artillery  is  formidable;  a  charge  of 
cavalry  is  terrible;  the  full  shock  of  great  armies  is  tre- 
'mendous.  A  dangerous  man  is  likely  to  do  mischief,  and 
needs  watching;  a  formidable  man  may  not  be  dangerous  if 
not  attacked;  an  enraged  maniac  is  terrible;  the  force  of 
ocean  waves  in  a  storm,  and  the  silent  pressure  in  the  ocean 
depths,  are  tremendous. 


contemptible      feeble      harmless      helpless      powerless      weak 


Formidable  by  or  in  numbers ;  in  strength ;  formidable  to  the 



breastwork  entrenchment    fortress  stronghold 

castle  fastness  intrenchment     trenches 

citadel  field-works          rifle-pit  works 

defenses  fort 

Fortification  is  the  general  word  for  any  artificial  defensive 
work;  a  fortress  is  a  fortification  of  especial  size  and  strength; 
a  fortress  is  regarded  as  permanent,  and  is  ordinarily  an  inde- 
pendent work;  a  fort  or  fortification  may  be  temporary;  a 
fortification  may  be  but  part  of  a  defensive  system;  we  speak 
of  the  fortifications  of  a  city.  A  citadel  is  a  fortification 
within  a  city,  or  the  fortified  inner  part  of  a  city  or  fortress^ 

253  formidable 


within  which  a  garrison  may  be  placed  to  overawe  the  citizens, 
or  to  which  the  defenders  may  retire  if  the  outer  works  are 
captured;  the  medieval  castle  was  the  fortified  residence  of  a 
king  or  baron.  Fort  is  the  common  military  term  for  a  de- 
tached fortified  building  or  enclosure  of  moderate  size  occupied 
or  designed  to  be  occupied  by  troops.  The  fortifications  of  a 
modern  city  usually  consist  of  a  chain  of  forts.  Any  defensible 
place,  whether  made  so  by  nature  or  by  art,  is  a  fastness  or 
stronghold.  Entrenchments  (in  military  use  more  commonly 
intrenchments)  is  a  very  general  term,  which  may  apply  to 
the  simplest  and  most  hastily  constructed  breastu.oi'ks,  rifle- 
pits,  or  the  like,  or  to  a  complicated  system  of  defensive  works, 
generally  less  substantial  and  permanent  than  fortifications. 


courage  endurance  heroism  resolution 

Fortitude  (from  L.  fortis,  strong)  is  the  strength  or  firmness 
of  mind  or  soul  to  endure  pain  or  adversity  patiently  and  de- 
terminedly. Fortitude  has  been  defined  as  "passive  courage/" 
which  is  a  good  definition,  but  not  complete.  Fortitude  might 
be  termed  "still  courage,"  or  "enduring  courage";  it  is  that 
quality  which  is  able  not  merely  to  endure  pain  or  trial,  but 
steadily  to  confront  dangers  that  can  not  be  actively  opposed, 
or  against  which  one  has  no  adequate  defense ;  it  takes  courage 
to  charge  a  battery,  fortitude  to  stand  still  under  an  enemy's 
fire.  Besolution  is  of  the  mind;  endurance  is  partly  physical; 
it  requires  resolution  to  resist  temptation,  endurance  to  resist 
hunger  and  cold.  Compare  BEAVE;  PATIENCE. 



favored       lucky       prospered       prosperous      successful 

A  man  is  successful  in  any  case  if  he  achieves  or  gains  what 
he  seeks;  he  is  known  as  a  successful  man  if  he  has  achieved  or 
gained  worthy  objects  of  endeavor ;  he  is  fortunate  or  lucky  if 
advantages  have  come  to  him  without  or  beyond  his  direct 
planning  or  achieving.  Lucky  is  the  more  common  and  col- 
loquial, fortunate  the  more  elegant  word;  fortunate  is  more 


naturally  applied  to  the  graver  matters,  as  we  speak  of  the 
fortunate,  rather  than  the  lucky,  issue  of  a  great  battle; 
lucky  more  strongly  emphasizes  the  element  of  chance,  as 
when  we  speak  of  a  lucky  hit,  a  lucky  guess,  or  of  one 
as  "born  under  a  lucky  star."  Favored  is  used  in  a  re- 
ligious sense,  implying  that  one  is  the  object  of  divine  favor. 
Happy,  in  this  connection,  signifies  possessed  of  the  means  of 
happiness.  One  is  said  to  be  "happy  or  prosperous  whether 
his  prosperity  be  the  result  of  fortune  or  of  achievement; 
prospered  rather  denotes  the  action  of  a  superintending  Provi- 


broken  illsstarred  unhappy  woful 

crushed  miserable  unlucky  wretched 

fallen  unfortunate 



base  establishment    groundwork    root 

basis  foot  institution.       substratum 

bottom.  ground  origin  substructure 


A  substratum  (from  L.  sub,  under,  +  sterno,  spread)  is 
something  that  underlies,  as  a  natural  deposit;  as,  a  substratum 
of  clay  or  of  rock.  A  substructure  (from  L.  sub,  under  + 
struo,  build)  is  something  built  under — perhaps  forming  a 
basement,  or  perhaps  constructed  merely  for  support  of  the 
building  above  (the  superstructure) ;  a  foundation  is  a  sub- 
structure  in  the  latter  sense ;  a  foundation  is  never  a  basement, 
but  a  substantial  supporting  mass  on  which  the  entire  super- 
structure rests;  in  the  finished  building  the  foundation  is 
below  the  surface  of  the  ground  and  out  of  sight.  Base  and 
basis  differ  from  foundation,  as  denoting  something  archi- 
tecturally of  less  extent;  we  speak  of  the  foundation  rather 
than  the  base  or  basis  of  a  "sky-scraper";  in  reference  to 
natural  objects,  we  speak  of  the  base  of  a  rock,  cliff,  or 
mountain : 

Come  one,  come  all!     This  rock  shall  fly 
From  its  firm   base   as  soon   as  I 

SCOTT  Lady  of  the  Lake    can.  v,  st.  10. 

We  might  speak  of  a  bed  of  rock  as  forming  a  good  base 
for  the  foundation  of  a  building: 

255  .       .  .. 


A  man  which  built  an  house,  and  digged  deep,  and  laid  the  foundation 
on  a  rock.  LUKE  vi,  48. 

In  figurative  and  poetic  use,  the  foundation  is  commonly  re- 
garded as  something  laid  or  built — as  part  of  a  building: 
Of  old  has  thou  laid  the  foundation  of  the  earth.  Ps.  cii,  25. 

.     .     .     .    the  mortal  made 

Of  such  quicksilver  clay  that  in  his  breast 

No  permanent  foundation  can  be  laid. 

BYBOX  Don  Juan    can.  ii,  st.  209, 

Base  and  basis,  though  both  ultimately  derived  from  the 
same  Greek  word  (basis)  differ  from  each  other  in  use;  the 
base  of  a  column  is  architecturally  a  part  of  the  column,  the 
lowest  part  supporting  the  rest.  Base  has  wide  use  as  ap- 
plied to  material  objects;  we  speak  of  the  base  of  a  pyramid, 
the  base  of  a  triangle,  the  base  or  base-line  of  a  survey,  the 
base  of  the  skull,  a  base  of  operations,  a  base  of  supply,  etc. 
Basis  is  now  rarely  used  literally,  but  has  extensive  figura- 
tive use,  while  base  is  rarely  used  figuratively;  we  speak  of 
the  basis  of  an  opinion,  argument,  report,  story,  hypothesis, 
etc.  Ground  (from  AS.  grund)  is,  in  figurative  use,  akin,  to 
basis,  but  (as  is  usual  with  Anglo-Saxon  words)  more  allied 
to  practical  matters  than  its  Greek  correlative;  we  speak  of 
ground  for  suspicion,  action,  or  interference,  where  basis 
would  seem  more  abstract  and  theoretical ;  the  groundwork  may 
be  the  basis  or  foundation  of  anything,  but  is  oftener  viewed 
as  a  fundamental  and  essential  part: 

History  could  not  teach  by  examples  .  .  .  unless  the  groundwork 
of  character  were  in  all  ages  the  same. 

E    H.  CHAPIN  Characters  in  the  Gospels,  ch.  i,  p.  9. 

A  corner-stone  is  not  properly  a  part  of  the  foundation,  but 
of  the  superstructure,  and  is  commonly  laid  above  the  ground; 
its  importance  is  now  mainly  traditional,  since  it  contributes  no 
more  than  any  one  of  many  other  elements  to  the  support  of 
a  modern  building.  An  endowment,  as  a  fund  permanently  in- 
vested for  the  use  of  a  college,  a  professorship,  a  hospital,  or 
the  like,  is  often  called  a  foundation,  as  being  the  firm  and 
permanent  support  of  the  work;  the  work  or  institution  so 
mdowed  is  also  itself  called  a  foundation. 

fraud                                                                                          256 
friendship ^; 



artifice         deceit  duplicity  swindle          treason 

cheat  deception  imposition  swindling     trick 

cheating     dishonesty  imposture  treachery 

A  fraud  is  an  act  of  deliberate  deception  with  the  design  of 
securing  something  by  taking  unfair  advantage  of  another.  A 
deceit  or  deception  may  be  designed  merely  to  gam  some  end 
of  one's  own,  with  no  intent  of  harming  another;  an  imposition, 
to  take  some  small  advantage  of  another,  or  simply  to  make 
another  ridiculous.  An  imposture  is  designed  to  obtain  money, 
credit,  or  position  to  which  one  is  not  entitled,  and  may  be 
practised  by  a  street  beggar  or  by  the  pretender  to  a  throne. 
All  action  that  is  not  honest  is  dishonest,  but  the  term  dis- 
honesty is  generally  applied  in  business,  politics,  etc.,  to  de- 
ceitful practises  which  are  not  directly  criminal.  Fraud  in- 
cludes deceit,  but  deceit  may  not  reach  the  gravity  of  fraud; 
a  cheat  is  of  the  nature  of  fraud,  but  of  a  petty  sort;  a  swindle 
is  more  serious  than  a  cheat,  involving  larger  values  and  more 
flagrant  dishonesty.  Fraud  is  commonly  actionable  at  law; 
cheating  and  swindling  are  for  the  most  part  out  of  the  reach 
of  legal  proceedings.  Treachery  is  chiefly  used  of  dishonesty 
in  matters  of  friendship,  social  relations,  government,  or 
war;  treachery  may  be  more  harmful  than  fraud,  but  is  not 
so  gross,  and  is  not  ordinarily  open  to  legal  redress.  Treason 
is  a  specific  form  of  treachery  of  a  subject  to  the  government 
to  which  he  owes  allegiance,  and  is  definable  and  punishable 
at  law.  Compare  ARTIFICE;  DECEPTION. 


fairness     good  faith       honesty      integrity       truth       uprightness 







Friendly,  as  said  of  persons,  signifies  having  the  disposition 
of  a  friend;  as  said  of  acts,  it  signifies  befitting  or  worthy  of 
a  friend.  The  adjective  friendly  does  not  reach  the  full  sig- 
nificance of  the  nouns  "friend"  and  "friendship";  one  may 

257  fraud 

m friendship 

be  friendly  to  those  who  are  not  his  friends,  and  to  be  in 
fncndly  relations  often  signifies  little  more  than  not  to  be 
hostile.  In  its  application  to  persons,  accessible  is  used  of 
public  and  eminent  persons,  who  might,  if  disposed,  hold 
themselves  at  a  distance  from  others.  Companionable  and 
sociable  refer  to  manner  and  behavior,  cordial  and  genial  ex- 
press genuine  kindliness  of  heart.  We  speak  of  a  cordial 
greeting,  a  favorable  reception,  a  neighborly  call,  a  sociable 
visitor,  an  amicable  settlement,  a  kind  interest,  a  friendly 
regard,  a  hearty  welcome.  The  Saxon  friendly  is  stronger 
than  the  Latin  amicable;  the  amicable  may  be  merely  formal; 
the  friendly  is  from  the  heart.  Fond  is  commonly  applied  to  an 
affection  that  becomes,  or  at  least  appears,  excessive.  Affec- 
tionate, devoted,  and  tender  are  almost  always  used  in  a  high 
and  good  sense;  as,  an  affectionate  son;  a  devoted  friend;  "the 
tender  mercy  of  our  God,"  Luke  i,  78.  Compare  FRIENDSHIP. 


adverse  belligerent  distant  ill=disposed       unkind 

alienated  cold  estranged  indifferent        warlike 

antagonistic  contentious  frigid  inimical 

bellicose  disaffected  hostile  unfriendly 



affection  comity  esteem.  good  will 

amity  consideration  favor  love 

attachment  devotion  friendliness  regard 

Friendship  is  a  deep,  quiet,  enduring  affection,  founded  upon 
mutual  respect  and  esteem.  Friendship  is  always  mutual;  there 
may  be  unreciprocated  affection  or  attachment,  unrequited  love, 
or  even  unrecognized  and  unappreciated  devotion,  but  never 
unreciprocated  or  unrequited  friendship;  one  may  have  friendly 
feelings  toward  an  enemy,  but  while  there  is  hostility  or  cold- 
ness on  one  side  there  can  not  be  friendship  between  the  two. 
Friendliness  is  a  quality  of  friendly  feeling,  without  the  deep 
and  settled  attachment  implied  in  the  state  of  friendship. 
Comity  is  mutual  kindly  courtesy,  with  care  of  each  other's 
right,  and  amity  a  friendly  feeling  and  relation,  not  necessarily 
implying  special  friendliness;  as,  the  comity  of  nations,  or 
amity  between  neighboring  countries.  Affection  may  be  purely 
natural;  friendship  is  a  growth.  Friendship  is  more  intel- 
lectual and  less  emotional  than  love;  it  is  easier  to  give 

frighten  258 


reasons  for  friendship  than  for  love;  friendship  is  more 
calm  and  quiet,  love  more  fervent;  love  often  rises  to  in- 
tensest  passion;  we  can  not  speak  of  the  passion  of  friend- 
ship. Friendship  implies  some  degree  of  equality,  while 
love  does  not;  we  can  speak  of  man's  love  toward  God,  not 
of  his  friendship  for  God.  (There  is  more  latitude  in  the 
use  of  the  concrete  noun  friend;  Abraham  was  called  "the 
friend  of  God";  Christ  was  called  "the  friend  of  sinners.") 
See  synonyms  for  BATTLE;  ENMITY;  FEUD;  HATRED. 


The  friendship  of  one  person  for  or  toward  another,  or  the 
friendship  between  them. 



affright        appal  cow  dismay  scare 

alarm  browbeat        daunt         intimidate        terrify 

One  is  frightened  by  a  cause  of  fear  addressed  directly  and 
suddenly  to  the  senses;  he  is  intimidated  by  an  apprehension 
of  contingent  consequences  dependent  on  some  act  of  Ms 
own  to  be  done  or  forborne;  the  means  of  intimidation  may 
act  through  the  senses,  or  may  appeal  only  to  the  intellect 
or  the  sensibilities.  The  sudden  rush  of  an  armed  madman 
may  frighten;  the  quiet  leveling  of  a  highwayman's  pistol 
intimidates.  A.  savage  beast  is  intimidated  by  the  keeper's 
whip.  Employers  may  intimidate  their  employees  from 
voting  contrary  to  their  will  by  threat  of  discharge;  a 
mother  may  be  intimidated  through  fear  for  her  child.  To 
browbeat  or  cow  is  to  bring  into  a  state  of  submissive  fear; 
to  daunt  is  to  give  pause  or  check  to  a  violent,  threatening, 
or  even  a  brave  spirit.  To  scare  is  to  cause  sudden,  un- 
nerving fear;  to  zernfy  is  to  awaken  fear  that  is  over- 
whelming. To  appal  (from  L.  ad,  to  +  paleo}  be  pale)  is 
to  strike  with  sudden  fear,  dismay,  and  horror;  one  may 
be  appalled  at  the  sufferings  or  peril  of  others;  he  is  ter- 
rified by  danger  to  himself.  Compare  ALARM;  PEAR. 

259  frigate* 

r. r .     gamxloun 



economy  parsimony        saving  sparing 

miserliness  providence       scrimping       thrift 

parsimoniousness  prudence 

Economy  is  a  wise  and  careful  administration  of  the  means 
a*  one's  disposal;  frugality  is  a  withholding  of  expenditure, 
or  sparing  of  supplies  or  provision,  to  a  noticeable  and 
often  to  a  painful  degree;  parsimony  is  excessive  and  un- 
reasonable saving  for  the  sake  of  saving.  Frugality  exalted 
into  a  virtue  to  be  practised  for  its  own  sake,  instead  of  as 
a  means  to  an  end,  becomes  the  vice  of  parsimony.  Miser- 
liness is  the  denying  oneself  and  others  the  ordinary  comforts 
or  even  necessaries  of  life,  for  the  mere  sake  of  hoarding 
money.  Prudence  and  providence  look  far  ahead,  and  sac- 
rifice the  present  to  the  future,  saving  as  much  as  may 
be  necessary  for  that  end.  (SEE  PRUDENCE.)  Thrift  seeks 
not  merely  to  save,  but  to  earn.  Economy  manages,  frugality 
saves,  providence  plans,  thrift  at  once  earns  and  saves, 
with  a  view  to  wholesome  and  profitable  expenditure  at  a 
fitting  time.  See  ABSTINENCE. 


abundance        bounty  liberality  opulence         waste 

affluence  extravagance      luxury  ricnes  wealth 



chattering  loquacious  talkative  verbofte 

Garrulous  signifies  given  to  constant  trivial  talking.  Chat- 
tering signifies  uttering  rapid,  noisy,  and  unintelligible,  or 
scarcely  intelligible,  sounds,  whether  articulate  words  or 
such  as  resemble  them;  chattering  is  often  used  of  vocal 
sounds  that  may  be  intelligible  by  themselves  but  are  ill  un- 
derstood, owing  to  confusion  of  many  voices  or  other  cause. 
The  talkative  person  has  a  strong  disposition  to  talk,  with 
or  without  an  abundance  of  words,  or  many  ideas;  the 
loquacious  person  has  an  abundant  flow  of  language  and  much 
to  say  on  any  subject  suggested;  either  may  be  lively  and  for 
a  time  entertaining;  the  garrulous  person  is  tedious,  repeti- 
tious, petty,  and  self-absorbed.  Verbose  is  applied  to  utter- 
ances more  formal  than  conversation,  as  to  writings  or  public 

gender                                                                                        260 

addresses.  We  speak  of  a  chattering  monkey  or  a  chattering 
idiot,  a  talkative  child,  a  talkative  or  loquacious  woman,  a 
garrulous  old  man,  a  verbose  writer.  Compare  CIRCUMLOCU- 


laconic         reserved       reticent         silent        speechless      taciturn 



Sex  is  a  distinction  among  living  beings;  it  is  also  the  charac- 
teristic by  which  most  living  beings  are  distinguished  from 
inanimate  things,  which  are  of  no  sex;  gender  is  a  distinction 
in  language  partially  corresponding  to  this  distinction  in 
nature;  while  there  are  but  two  sexes,  there  are  in  some  lan- 
guages, as  in  English  and  German,  three  genders.  The  French 
language  has  but  two  gendets  and  makes  the  names  of  all 
inanimate  objects  either  masculine  or  feminine ;  some  languages 
are  without  the  distinction  of  gender,  and  those  that  maintain 
it  are  often  quite  arbitrary  in  its  application.  We  speak  of 
the  masculine  or  feminine  gender,  the  male  or  female  sex. 



common  familiar  ordinary  universal 

commonplace  frequent  popular  usual 

customary  habitual  prevalent 

everyday  normal  public 

Common  signifies  frequently  occurring,  not  out  of  the  regular 
course,  not  exceptional;  hence,  not  above  the  average,  not  ex- 
cellent or  distinguished,  inferior,  or  even  low;  common  also 
signifies  pertaining  to  or  participated  in  by  two  or  more  per- 
sons or  things;  as,  sorrow  is  common  to  the  race.  General  may 
signify  pertaining  equally  to  all  of  a  class,  race,  etc.,  but 
very  commonly  signifies  pertaining  to  the  greater  number,  but 
not  necessarily  to  all.  Universal  applies  to  all  without  ex- 
ception; general  applies  to  all  with  possible  or  comparatively 
slight  exceptions;  common  applies  to  very  many  without  de- 
ciding whether  they  are  even  a  majority.  A  common  remark 

261  gender 
_     generous 

is  one  we  often  hear;  a  general  experience  is  one  that 
conies  to  the  majority  of  people;  a  universal  experience  is 
one  from  which  no  human  being  is  exempt.  It  is  dangerous 
for  a  debater  to  affirm  a  universal  proposition,  since  that  can 
be  negatived  by  a  single  exception,  while  a  general  statement 
is  not  invalidated  even  by  adducing  many  exceptions.  We  pay 
a  common  opinion,  common  experience,  a  general  rule,  gen- 
eral truth,  a  universal  law.  Compare  synonyms  for  NORMAL; 



exceptional      rare      singular      uncommon      unknown      unusual 



bountiful  free  liberal  noble 

chivalrous         free-handed    magnanimous  open-handed 

disinterested    free-hearted  munificent  open-hearted 

Generous  (from  L.  genus ,  a  race)  primarily  signifies  having 
the  qualities  worthy  of  noble  or  honorable  birth;  hence,  free 
and  abundant  in  giving,  giving  freely,  heartily,  and  self-sacrific- 
ingly.  As  regards  giving,  generous  refers  rather  to  the  self- 
sacrificing  heartiness  of  the  giver,  liberal  to  the  amount  of  the 
gift;  a  child  may  show  himself  generous  in  the  gift  of  an 
apple,  a  millionaire  makes  a  liberal  donation;  a  generous  gift, 
however,  is  commonly  thought  of  as  both  ample  and  hearty. 
A  munificent  gift  is  vast  in  amount,  whatever  the  motive  of 
its  bestowal.  One  may  be  free  with  another's  money;  he  can 
be  generous  only  with  his  own.  Disinterested  suggests  rather 
the  thought  of  one's  own  self-denial;  generous f  of  one's  hearty 
interest  in  another's  welfare  or  happiness.  One  is  magnanimous 
by  a  greatness  of  soul  (from  L.  magnus,  great,  and  animus,  soul) 
that  rises  above  all  that  is  poor,  mean,  or  weak,  especially 
above  every  petty  or  ignoble  motive  or  feeling  pertaining  to 
one's  self,  and  thus  above  resentment  of  injury  or  insult; 
one  is  generous  by  a  kindness  of  heart  that  would  rejoice  in 
the  welfare  rather  than  in  the  punishment  of  the  offender. 


avaricious        greedy  mean  parsimonious        rapacious 

close  ignoble  miserly  penurious  stingy 

covetous  illiberal  niggardly  petty 



talent  talents 

Genius  is  exalted  intellectual  power  capable  of  operating  in- 
dependently of  tuition  and  training,  and  marked  by  an  extra- 
ordinary faculty  for  original  creation,  invention,  discovery, 
expression,  etc.  Talent  is  marked  mental  ability,  and  in  a 
special  sense,  a  particular  and  uncommon  aptitude  for  some 
special  mental  work  or  attainment.  Genius  is  higher  than 
•talent,  more  spontaneous,  less  dependent  upon  instruction,  less 
amenable  to  training}  talent  is  largely  the  capacity  to  learn, 
acquire,  appropriate,  adapt  oneself  to  demand.  Yet  the  genius 
that  has  won  the  largest  and  most  enduring  success  has  been 
joined  with  tireless  industry  and  painstaking.  Compare  syno- 
nyms for  MIKD;  POWER. 


dulness     folly     imbecility     obtuseness     senselessness     stupidity 



achieve  attain  gain  procure          secure 

acquire  earn  obtain  receive  win 

Get  is  a  most  comprehensive  word.  A  person  gets  whatever 
he  comes  to  possess  or  experience,  whether  with  or  without  en- 
deavor, expectation,  or  desire;  he  gets  a  bargain,  a  blow,  a  fall, 
a  fever;  he  gains  what  he  comes  to  by  effort  or  striving;  the 
swimmer  gains  the  shore ;  a  man  acquires  by  continuous  and  or- 
dinarily by  slow  process;  as,  one  acquires  a  foreign  language. 
A  person  is  sometimes  said  to  gain  and  often  to  acquire  what 
has  not  been  an  object  of  direct  endeavor;  in  the  pursuits  of 
trade,  he  incidentally  gains  some  knowledge  of  foreign  coun- 
tries; he  acquires  by  association  with  others  a  correct  or  in- 
correct accent;  he  acquires  a  bronzed  complexion  by  exposure 
to  a  tropical  sun;  in  such  use,  what  he  gains  is  viewed  as  de- 
sirable, what  he  acquires  as  slowly  and  gradually  resulting.  A 
person  earns  what  he  gives  an  equivalent  of  labor  for,  though 
he  may  not  get  it.  On  the  other  hand,  he  may  get  what  he 
has  not  earned;  the  temptation  to  all  dishonesty  is  the  desire 
to  get  a  living  or  a  fortune  without  earning  it.  When  one 
gets  the  object  of  his  desire,  he  is  said  to  obtain  it,  whether 

263                                                                                         genius 
___^_ gift 

he  has  gained  or  earned  it  or  not.  Win  denotes  contest,  with 
a  suggestion  of  chance  or  hazard;  in  popular  language,  a 
person  is  often  said  to  win  a  lawsuit,  or  to  win  in  a  suit  at 
law,  but  in  legal  phrase  he  is  said  to  gain  his  suit,  case,  or 
cause.  In  receiving,  one  is  strictly  passive;  he  may  get  an 
estate  by  liia  own  exertions  or  by  inheritance;  in  the  latter 
case  he  is  said  to  receive  it.  One  obtains  a  thing  commonly  by 
some  direct  effort  of  his  own ;  he  procures  it  commonly  by  the 
intervention  of  some  one  else;  he  procures  a  dinner  or  an 
interview;  lie  secures  what  has  seemed  uncertain  or  elusive, 
when  he  gets  it  firmly  into  his  possession  or  under  his  con- 
trol. Compare  synonyms  for  ATTAIN;  MAKE;  BEACH. 

See  synonyms  for  ABANDON". 



"benefaction       boon  "bribe  grant  largess 

bequest  bounty       donation       gratuity       present 

A  gift  is  in  the  popular,  and  also  in  the  legal  sense  that  which 
is  voluntarily  bestowed  without  expectation  of  return  or  com- 
pensation. Gift  is  now  almost  always  used  in  the  good  sense, 
bribe  always  in  the  evil  sense  to  signify  payment  for  a  dis- 
honorable service  under  the  semblance  of  a  gift.  In  Scriptural 
language  gift  is  often  used  for  bribe.  "The  king  by  judgment 
established  the  land;  but  he  that  receiveth  gifts  overthroweth 
it."  Prov.  xxix,  4,  A  benefaction  is  a  charitable  gift,  generally 
of  large  amount,  and  viewed  as  of  enduring  value,  as  an  en- 
dowment for  a  college.  A  donation  is  something,  perhaps  of 
great,  never  of  trivial  value,  given  usually  on  some  public 
ground,  as  to  a  cause  or  to  a  person  representing  a  cause,  but 
not  necessarily  of  value  beyond  the  immediate  present;  as,  a 
donation  to  a  pastor.  A  gratuity  is  usually  something  of  mod- 
erate value  and  is  always  given  as  to  an  inferior,  and  as  of 
favor,  not  of  right;  as,  a  gratuity  to  a  waiter.  Largess  is 
archaic  for  a  bountiful  gratuity,  usually  to  be  distributed 
among  many,  as  among  the  heralds  at  ancient  tournaments.  A 
present  is  a  gift  of  friendship,  or  conciliation,  and  given  as  to 
an  equal  or  a  superior;  no  one's  pride  is  hurt  by  accepting 
what  is  viewed  as  strictly  a  present.  A  loon  is  a  gift  that  has 

give                                                                                                26-i 

been  desired  or  craved  or  perhaps  asked,  or  something  freely 
given  that  meets  some  great  desire.  A  grant  is  commonly 
considerable  in  amount  and  given  by  public  authority ;  as,  a 
grant  of  public  lands  for  a  college. 

compensation    earnings     guerdon    penalty    remuneration    wages 



"bestow         communicate       deliver         grant          present 
cede  confer  furnish        impart       supply 

To  give  is  primarily  to  transfer  to  another's  possession  or 
ownership  without  compensation;  in  its  secondary  sense  in 
popular  use,  it  is  to  put  into  another's  possession  by  any 
means  and  on  any  terms  whatever;  a  buyer  may  say  "Give  me 
the  goods,  and  I  will  give  you  the  money" ;  we  speak  of  giving 
answers,  information,  etc.,  and  often  of  giving  what  is  not 
agreeable  to  the  recipient,  as  blows,  medicine,  reproof;  but 
when  there  is  nothing  in  the  context  to  indicate  the  contrary, 
give  is  always  understood  in  its  primary  sense;  as,  this  book 
was  given  me.  Give  thus  becomes,  like  get,  a  term  of  such 
general  import  as  to  be  a  synonym  for  a  wide  variety  of  words. 
To  grant  is  to  put  into  one's  possession  in  some  formal  way, 
or  by  authoritative  act;  as,  Congress  grants  lands  to  a  rail- 
road corporation.  To  speak  of  granting  a  favor  carries  a 
claim  or  concession  of  superiority  on  the  part  of  the  one  by 
whom  the  grant  may  be  made;  to  confer  has  a  similar  sense; 
as,  to  confer  a  degree  or  an  honor;  we  grant  a  request  or 
petition,  but  do  not  confer  it.  To,  impart  is  to  give  of  that 
which  one  still,  to  a  greater  or  less  degree,  retains;  the  teacher 
imparts  instruction.  To  bestow  is  to  give  that  of  which  the  re- 
ceiver stands  in  especial  need;  we  bestow  alms. 


We  give  money  to  a  person  for  a  thing,'  for  a  purpose,  etc. 
(or  without  proposition,  give  a  person  a  sum  of  money) ; 
we  give  a  thing  to  or  into  one's  care  or  keeping;  the  weary 
fugitive  gave  himself  up  to  his  pursuers. 

265  give 




command    curb       influence     mold        reign   over     rule 
control        direct    manage       reign       restrain  sway 

Govern  carries  the  idea  of  authoritative  administration  or 
some  exercise  of  authority  that  is  at  once  effective  and  con- 
tinuous; control  is  effective,  but  may  be  momentary  or  oc- 
casional. One  controls  what  he  holds  or  can  hold  at  will 
absolutely  in  check;  as,  a  skilful  horseman  controls  a  spirited 
horse;  a  person  controls  his  temper;  we  say  to  one  who  is  ex- 
cited, ^control  yourself."  A  person  commands  another  when 
he  has,  or  claims,  the  right  to  make  that  other  do  his  will,  with 
power  of  inflicting  penalty  if  not  obeyed;  he  controls  another 
whom  he  can  effectually  prevent  from  doing  anything  con- 
trary to  his  will;  he  governs  one  whom  he  actually  does  cause, 
regularly  or  constantly,  to  obey  his  will;  a  parent  may  com- 
mand a  child  whom  he  can  not  govern  or  control.  The  best 
teachers  are  not  greatly  prone  to  command,  but  govern  or 
control  their  pupils  largely  by  other  means.  Command,  is, 
however,  often  used  in  the  sense  of  securing,  as  well  as  requir- 
ing, submission  or  obedience,  as  when  we  speak  of  a  command- 
ing influence;  a  man  commands  the  situation  when  he  can 
shape  events  as  he  pleases;  a  fortress  commands  the  region 
when  no  enemy  can  pass  against  its  resistance.  Govern  im- 
plies the  exercise  of  knowledge  and  judgment  as  well  as  power. 
To  rule  is  more  absolute  and  autocratic  than  to  govern;  to 
sway  is  to  move  by  quiet  but  effectual  influence;  to  mold 
is  not  only  to  influence  feeling  and  action,  but  to  shape 
character;  to  manage  is  to  secure  by  skilful  contrivance  the 
doing  of  one's  will  by  those  whom  one  can  not  directly  control; 
a  wise  mother,  by  gentle  means,  sways  the  feelings  and  molds 
the  lives  of  her  children;  to  be  able  to  manage  servants  is 
an  important  element  of  good  housekeeping.  The  word  reign, 
once  so  absolute,  now  simply  denotes  that  one  holds  the  offi- 
cial station  of  sovereign  in  a  monarchy,  with  or  without  ef- 
fective power;  the  King  of  England  reigns;  the  Czar  of 
Russia  both  reigns  and  rules. 


be  m  subjection      be  subject      comply       obey       submit       yield 

graceful  266 





That  which  is  graceful  is  marked  by  elegance  and  harmony, 
with  ease  of  action,  attitude,  or  posture,  or  delicacy  of  form. 
Graceful  commonly  suggests  motion  or  the  possibility  of  mo- 
tion; beautiful  may  apply  to  absolute  fixity  ;  a  landscape  or  a 
blue  sky  is  beautiful,  but  neither  is  graceful.  Graceful  com- 
monly applies  to  beauty  as  addressed  to  the  eye,  though  we 
often  speak  of  a  graceful  poem  or  a  graceful  compliment 
Graceful  applies  to  the  perfection  of  motion,  especially  of  the 
lighter  motions,  which  convey  no  suggestion  of  stress  or 
strain,  and  are  in  harmonious  curves.  Apart  from  the  thought 
of  motion,  graceful  denotes  a  pleasing  harmony  of  outline, 
proportion,  etc.,  with  a  certain  degree  of  delicacy;  a  Hercules 
is  massive,  an  Apollo  is  graceful.  We  speak  of  a  graceful 
attitude,  graceful  drapery.  Compare  BEAUTIFUL;  BECOMING. 


See  synonyms  for  AWKWARD, 



affliction,     melancholy     regret         sorrow  trouble 

distress        mourning         sadness      tribulation     woe 

Grief  is  acute  mental  pain  resulting  from  loss,  misfortune, 
or  deep  disappointment.  Gnef  is  more  acute  and  less  enduring 
than  sorrow.  Sorrow  and  grief  are  for  definite  cause;  sadness 
and  melancholy  may  arise  from  a  vague  sense  of  want  or  loss, 
from  a  low  state  of  health,  or  other  ill-defined  cause;  sadness 
may  be  momentary;  melancholy  is  more  enduring,  and  may 
become  chronic.  Affliction  expresses  a  deep  heart-sorrow  and 
is  applied  also  to  the  misfortune  producing  such  sorrow; 
mourning  most  frequently  denotes  sorrow  publicly  expressed, 
or  the  public  expression  of  such  sorrow  as  may  reasonably  be 
expected;  as,  it  is  common  to  observe  thirty  days  of  mourn- 
ing on  the  death  of  an  officer  of  state. 


See  synonyms  for  HAPPINESS. 

Grief  at  a  loss;  for  a  friend. 

267  graceful 




custom  habitude  routine  system  use 

fashion  practise  rule  usage  -wont 

Habit  is  a  tendency  or  inclination  toward  an  action  or  con- 
dition, which  by  repetition  has  become  easy,  spontaneous,  or 
even  unconscious,  or  an  action  or  regular  series  of  actions, 
or  a  condition  so  induced.  Custom  is  the  uniform  doing  of  the 
same  act  in  the  same  circumstance  for  a  definite  reason; 
routine  is  the  doing  of  customary  acts  in  a  regular  and  uni- 
form sequence  and  is  more  mechanical  than  custom.  It  is  the 
custom  of  tradesmen  to  open  at  a  uniform  hour,  and  to  follow 
a  regular  routine  of  business  until  closing-time.  Habit  always 
includes  an  involuntary  tendency,  natural  or  acquired,  greatly 
strengthened  by  frequent  repetition  of  the  act,  and  may  be 
uncontrollable,  or  even  unconscious.  Habitude  is  habitual  re- 
lation or  association.  Custom  is  chiefly  used  of  the  action 
of  many;  habit  of  the  action  of  one;  we  speak  of  the 
customs  of  society,  the  habits  of  an  individual.  Fashion 
is  the  generally  recognized  custom  in  the  smaller  matters, 
especially  in  dress.  A  rule  is  prescribed  either  by  some 
external  authority  or  by  one's  own  will;  as,  it  is  the  rule 
of  the  house;  or,  I  make  it  my  invariable  rule.  System 
is  the  coordination  of  many  acts  or  things  into  a  unity, 
and  is  more  and  better  than  routine.  Use  and  usage  denote 
the  manner  of  using  something;  we  speak  of  one  person's  use 
of  language,  but  of  the  usage  of  many;  a  use  or  usage  is 
almost  always  a  habit.  Practise  is  the  active  doing  of  some- 
thing in  a  systematic  way;  we  do  not  speak  of  the  practise, 
but  of  the  habit  of  going  to  sleep;  we  speak  of  a  tradesman's 
custom,  a  lawyer's  or  a  physician's  practise.  Educationally, 
practise  is  the  voluntary  and  persistent  attempt  to  make  skill 
a  habit;  as,  practise  in  penmanship.  Wont  is  blind  and  in- 
stinctive habit  like  that  which  attaches  an  animal  to  a  locality; 
the  word  is  now  almost  wholly  poetic.  Compare  DRESS. 



bechance    betide      come  to  pass       fall  out      supervene 
befall  chance     fall  occur  take  place 

A  thing  is  said  to  happen  when  no  design  is  manifest,  or 

.        .  268 


none  especially  thought  of ;  it  is  said  to  chance  when  it  appears 
to  be  the  result  of  accident  (compare  synonyms  for  ACCIDENT). 
An  incident  happens  or  occurs;  something  external  or  actual 
happens  to  one;  a  thought  or  fancy  occurs  to  him.  Befall 
and  betide  are  transitive;  happen  is  intransitive;  something 
befalls  or  betides  a  person  or  happens  to  him.  Betide  is 
especially  used  for  anticipated  evil,  thought  of  as  waiting 
and  coming  at  its  appointed  time;  as  woe  betide  him!  One 
event  supervenes  upon  another  event,  one  disease  upon  an- 
other, etc.  ["Transpire,"  in  the  sense  of  happen 3  is  not 
authorized  by  good  usage ;  a  thing  that  has  happened  is  prop- 
erly said  to  transpire  when  it  becomes  known.] 


An  event  happens  to  a  person;  a  person  happens  on  or  upon 
a  fact,  discovery,  etc* 



blessedness  delight  gladness  pleasure 

bliss  ecstasy  gratification  rapture 

cheer  enjoyment  joy  rejoicing 

comfort  felicity  merriment  satisfaction 

contentment  gaiety  mirth  triumph 

Gratification  is  the  giving  any  mental  or  physical  desire 
something  that  it  craves;  satisfaction  is  the  giving  such  a  de- 
sire all  that  it  craves.  Happiness  is  the  positively  agreeable 
experience  that  springs  from  the  possession  of  good,  the  gratifi- 
cation or  satisfaction  of  the  desires  or  the  relief  from  pain  and 
evil.  Comfort  may  be  almost  wholly  negative,  being  found  in 
security  or  relief  from  that  which  pains  or  annoys;  there  is 
comfort  by  a  warm  fireside  on  a  wintry  night;  the  sympathy 
of  a  true  friend  affords  comfort  in  sorrow.  Enjoyment  is 
more  positive,  always  implying  something  to  be  definitely 
and  consciously  delighted  in;  a  sick  person  finds  comfort  in 
relief  from  pain,  while  he  may  be  far  from  a  state  of  enjoy- 
ment. Pleasure  is  still  more  vivid,  being  an  arousing  of 
the  faculties  to  an  intensely  agreeable  activity;  satisfaction 

269  ^    , 


is  more  tranquil  than  pleasure,  being  the  agreeable  conscious- 
ness of  having  all  that  our  faculties  demand  or  crave;  when 
a  worthy  pleasure  is  past,  a  worthy  satisfaction  remains.  A.s 
referring  to  a  mental  state,  (/ratification  is  used  to  denote  a 
mild  form  of  Jta2)pines8  resulting  from  some  incident  not  of 
very  great  importance;  satisfaction  should  properly  express  a 
happiness  deeper,  more  complete,  and  more  abiding,  but  as 
intellect  or  sensibilities  of  a  low  order  may  find  satisfaction 
in  that  which  is  very  poor  or  unworthy,  the  word  has  come 
to  be  feeble  and  tame  in  ordinary  use.  Happiness  is  more 
positive  than  comfort,  enjoyment,  or  satisfaction^  more  serene 
and  rational  than  pleasure;  pleasure  is  of  necessity  transient; 
happiness  is  abiding,  and  may  be  eternal;  thus,  we  speak 
of  pleasures,  but  the  plural  of  happiness  is  scarcely  used. 
Happiness,  in  the  full  sense,  is  mental  or  spiritual  or  both, 
and  is  viewed  as  resulting  from  some  worthy  gratification  or 
satisfaction;  we  may  speak  of  a  brute  as  experiencing  com- 
fort or  pleasure,  but  scarcely  as  in  possession  of  happiness; 
we  speak  of  vicious  pleasure,  delight,  or  joy,  but  not  of 
vicious  happiness.  Felicity  is  a  philosophical  term,  colder  and 
more  formal  than  happiness.  Gladness  is  happiness  that  over- 
flows, expressing  itself  in  countenance,  voice,  manner,  and  ac- 
tion. Joy  is  more  intense  than  happiness,  deeper  than  glad- 
ness, to  which  it  is  akin,  nobler  and  more  enduring  than 
pleasure.  Gaiety  is  more  superficial  than  joy,  more  demon- 
strative than  gladness.  Rejoicing  is  happiness  or  joy  that 
finds  utterance  in  word,  song,  festivity,  etc.  Delight  is  vivid, 
overflowing  happiness  of  a  somewhat  transient  kind;  ecstasy 
**  a  state  of  extreme  or  extravagant  delight  so  that  the  one  af- 
fected by  it  seems  almost  beside  himself  with  joy;  rapture  is 
closely  allied  to  ecstasy,  but  is  more  serene,  exalted,  and  en- 
during. Triumph  is  such  joy  as  results  from  victory,  success, 
achievement.  Blessedness  is  at  once  the  state  and  the  sense  of 
being  divinely  blessed;  as,  the  blessedness  of  the  righteous. 
Bliss  is  ecstatic,  perfected  happiness;  as,  the  bliss  of  heaven. 
Compare  COMFORT. 

See  synonyms  for  GRIEF. 






cheering       i 
cheery            £ 
delighted      ; 
delightful    ( 
dexterous     ; 
felicitous     ; 
fortunate     ; 





Happy  primarily  refers  to  something  that  comes  "by  good 
hap/'  a  chance  that  brings  prosperity,  benefit,  or  success. 

And  grasps  the  skirts  of  happy  chance. 

TENNYSON      In  Metnonam,  st   2. 

In  this  sense  happy  is  closely  allied  to  fortunate  and  lucky. 
(See  FORTUNATE.)  Sappy  has,  however,  so  far  diverged  from 
this  original  sense  as  to  apply  to  advantages  where  chance  is 
not  recognized,  or  is  even  excluded  by  direct  reference  to  the 
divine  will,  when  it  becomes  almost  equivalent  to  blessed. 

Behold,  happy  is  the  man  whom  G-od  correcteth 

Job  v,  17. 

Happy  is  also  applied  to  the  ready  dexterity  or  skill  by  which 
favorable  results  (usually  in  minor  matters)  are  secured,  when 
it  becomes  a  synonym  for  dexterous,  felicitous,  and  the  as- 
sociated words;  as,  he  has  a  happy  wit;  happy  at  retort  (com- 
pare CLEVER).  In  its  most  frequent  present  use,  happy  is 
applied  to  the  state  of  one  enjoying  happiness,  or  to  that  by 
which  happiness  is  expressed;  as,  a  happy  heart;  a  happy 
face;  happy  laughter;  happy  tears  (compare  synonyms  for 
HAPPINESS.)  Cheerful  applies  to  the  possession  or  expression 
of  a  moderate  and  tranquil  happiness.  A  cheery  word  spon- 
taneously gives  cheer  to  others;  a  cheering  word  is  more  dis- 
tinctly planned  to  cheer  and  encourage.  Gay  applies  to  an 
effusive  and  superficial  happiness  (often  not  really  worthy  of 
that  name)  perhaps  resulting  largely  from  abundant  animal 
spirits;  we  speak  of  gay  revelers  or  a  gay  horse.  A  jovial 
person  is  one  brimming  over  with  easy  merriment,  ignoring 
the  possibility  of  care,  anxiety,  or  sorrow,  and  finding  expres- 
sion in  smiles,  laughter,  and  even  boisterous  merriment;  jovial 
is  often,  but  not  necessarily  associated  with  convivial  gaiety. 

And  there  is  no  jovial  companionship  equal  to  that  where  the  jokes  are 
rather  small  and  the  laughter  abundant. 

Sketch  Book  p.  281, 

271  . 


A  buoyant  spirit  is,  as  it  were,  borne  up  by  joy  and  hope. 
A  sunny  disposition  has  a  constant  tranquil  brightness  that 
irradiates  all  who  come  within  its  influence. 

Compare  synonyms  for  GRIEF. 

A  happy  event  for  him;  happy  at  a  reply;  happy  in  his 
home,  with  his  friends,  among  his  children;  happy  at  the  dis- 
covery, over  his  success. 



accord  concord  consistency  uniformity 

accordance  concurrence  consonance  union 

agreement  conformity  symmetry  unison 

amity  congruity  unanimity  unity 

concert  consent 

When  tones,  thoughts,  or  feelings,  individually  different,  com- 
bine to  form  a  consistent  and  pleasing  whole,  there  is  harmony. 
Harmony  is  deeper  and  more  essential  than  agreement;  we  may 
have  a  superficial,  forced,  or  patched-up  agreement,  but  never 
a  superficial,  forced,  or  patched-up  harmony.  Concord  is  less 
full  and  spiritual  than  harmony.  Concord  implies  more  voli- 
tion than  accord;  as,  their  views  were  found  to  be  in  perfect 
accord;  or,  by  conference  concord  was  secured;  we  do  not 
secure  accord,  but  discover  it.  We  may  speak  of  being  in 
accord  with  a  person  on  one  point,  but  harmony  is  wider  in 
range.  Concert  is  agreement,  as  by  mutual  understanding, 
resulting  in  action  toward  a  single  purpose;  as,  concert  of 
views;  concert  of  action  or  "concerted"  action.  Conformity 
is  correspondence  in  form,  manner,  or  use;  the  word  often 
signifies  submission  to  authority  or  necessity,  and  may  be  as 
far  as  possible  from  harmony;  as,  the  attempt  to  secure 
conformity  to  an  established  religion.  Congruity  involves 
the  element  of  suitableness;  consistency  implies  the  absence 
of  conflict  or  contradiction  in  views,  statements,  or  acts  which 
axe  brought  into  comparison,  as  in  the  different  statements  of 
the  same  person  or  the  different  periods  of  one  man's  life; 
unanimity  is  the  complete  hearty  agreement  of  many;  consent 
and  concurrence  refer  to  decision  or  action,  but  consent  is 



more  passive  than  concurrence;  one  speaks  by  general  con- 
sent when  no  one  in  the  assembly  cares  to  make  formal  ob- 
jection; a  decision  of  the  Supreme  Court  depends  upon  the 
concurrence  of  a  majority  of  the  judges.  Compare  AGREE; 

























harvestrfestival     increase 

ingathering  reaping 

proceeds  result 

produce  return 

product  yield 

Harvest,  from  the  Anglo-Saxon,  signified  originally  "au- 
tumn/' and  as  that  is  the  usual  season  of  gathering  ripened 
crops  in  Northern  lands,  the  word  came  to  its  present  mean- 
ing of  the  season  of  gathering  ripened  grain  or  fruits,  whether 
summer  or  autumn,  and  hence  a  crop  gathered  or  ready  for 
gathering;  also,  the  act  or  process  of  gathering  a  crop  or 
crops.  "The  harvest  truly  is  great,  but  the  laborers  are  few," 
Luke  x,  2.  "Lift  up  your  eyes  and  look  on  the  fields,  for  they 
are  white  already  to  harvest"  John  iv,  35.  Harvest  is  the 
elegant  and  literary  word;  crop  is  the  common  and  com- 
mercial expression;  we  say  a  man  sells  his  crop,  but  we  should 
not  speak  of  his  selling  his  harvest;  we  speak  of  an  ample  or 
abundant  harvest,  a  good  crop.  Harvest  is  applied  almost 
wholly  to  grain;  crop  applies  to  almost  anything  that  is 
gathered  in;  we  speak  of  the  potato-crop,  not  the  potato- 
harvest;  we  may  .say  either  the  wheat-crop  or  the  wheat- 
harvest.  Produce  is  a  collective  word  for  all  that  is  pro- 
duced in  farming  or  gardening,  and  is,  in  modern  usage, 
almost  wholly  restricted  to  this  sense;  we  speak  of  produce 
collectively,  but  of  a  product  or  various  products;  vegetables, 
fruits,  eggs,  butter,  etc.,  may  be  termed  i&rm-produce,  or  the 
products  of  the  farm.  Product  is  a  word  of  wider  applica- 
tion than  produce;  we  speak  of  the  products  of  manufacturing, 
the  products  of  thought,  or  the  product  obtained  by  multiply- 

273                                                                                       harvest 
r_ hatred 

ing  one  number  by  another.  The  word  proceeds  is  chiefly  used 
of  the  return  from  aii  investment;  we  speak  of  the  produce 
of  a  farm,  but  of  the  proceeds  of  the  money  invested  in  farm- 
ing. The  yield  is  what  the  land  gives  up  to  the  farmer's  de- 
mand; we  speak  of  the  return  from  an  expenditure  of  money 
or  labor,  but  of  the  yield  of  corn  or  oats.  Harvest  has  also 
a  figurative  use,  such  as  crop  more  rarely  permits;  we  term 
a  religious  revival  a  harvest  of  souls;  the  result  of  lax  en- 
forcement of  law  is  a  harvest  of  crime.  As  regards  timet 
harvest,  harvest-tide,  and  harvest-time  alike  denote  the  period 
or  season  when  the  crops  are  or  should  be  gathered  (tide  being 
simply  the  old  Saxon  word  for  time).  Harvest-home  ordina- 
rily denotes  the  festival  of  harvest,  and  when  used  to  denote 
simply  the  season  always  gives  a  suggestion  of  festivity  and 
rejoicing,  such  as  harvest  and  harvest-time  by  themselves  do 
not  express. 



abhorrence  detestation.  hostility  rancor 

anger  dislike  ill    "will  repugnance 

animosity  enmity  malevolence  resentment 

antipathy  grudge  malice  revenge 

aversion  hate  malignity  spite 

Repugnance  applies  to  that  which  one  feels  himself  sum- 
moned or  impelled  to  do  or  to  endure,  and  from  which  he 
instinctively  draws  back.  Aversion  is  the  turning  away  of 
the  mind  or  feelings  from  some  person  or  thing,  or  from  some 
course  of  action,  etc.  Hate,  or  hatred,  as  applied  to  persons, 
is  intense  and  continued  aversion,  usually  with  disposition  to 
injure;  anger  is  sudden  and  brief,  hatred  is  lingering  and  en- 
during; "Her  wrath  became  a  hate,"  TENNYSON  Pelleas  and 
Ettarre  st.  16.  As  applied  to  things,  hatred  is  intense  aversion, 
with  desire  to  destroy  or  remove;  hatred  of  evil  is  a  righteous 
passion,  akin  to  abhorrence,  but  more  vehement.  Malice  in- 
volves the  active  intent  to  injure;  in  the  legal  sense,  malice 
is  the  intent  to  injure,  even  though  with  no  personal  ill  will; 
as,  a  highwayman  would  be  said  to  entertain  malice  toward  the 
unknown  traveler  whom  he  attacks.  Malice  is  direct,  pressing 
toward  a  result;  malignity  is  deep,  lingering,  and  venomous, 
though  often  impotent  to  act;  rancor  (akin  to  rancid)is  cherished 
malignity  that  has  soured  and  festered  and  is  virulent  and 

have                                                                                             274 

implacable.  Spite  is  petty  malice  that  delights  to  inflict  sting- 
ing pain;  grudge  is  deeper  than  spite;  it  is  sinister  and  bitter; 
grudge,  resentment,  and  revenge  are  all  retaliatory,  grudge 
being  the  disposition,  revenge  the  determination  to  repay  real 
or  supposed  offense  with  injury;  revenge  may  denote  also  the 
retaliatory  act;  resentment,  the  best  word  of  the  three,  always 
holds  itself  to  be  justifiable,  but  looks  less  certainly  to  action 
than  grudge  or  revenge.  Simple  goodness  may  arouse  the 
hatred  of  the  wicked;  they  will  be  moved  to  revenge  only  by 
what  they  deem  an  injury  or  affront.  Compare  ABOMINATION; 


See  synonyms  for  FRIENDSHIP;  LOVE. 



be   in.   possession    of  hold  own 

be  possessed  of  occupy  possess 

Have  is  the  most  general  word,  and  is  applied  to  whatever 
belongs  to  or  is  connected  with  one;  a  man  has  a  head  or  a 
headache,  a  fortune  or  an  opinion,  a  friend  or  an  enemy;  he 
has  time,  or  has  need;  he  may  be  said  to  have  what  is  his  own, 
what  he  has  borrowed,  what  has  been  entrusted  to  him,  or 
what  he  has  stolen.  To  $>ossess  a  thing  is  to  have  the  owner- 
ship with  control  and  enjoyment  of  it.  To  hold  is  to  have 
in  one's  hand,  or  securely  in  one's  control;  a  man  holds  his 
friend's  coat  for  a  moment,  or  he  holds  a  struggling  horse ;  he 
holds  a  promissory  note,  or  holds  an  office.  To  own  is  to  have 
the  right  of  property  in;  to  possess  is*  to  have  that  right  in 
actual  ezercise;  to  occupy  is  to  have  possession  and  use,  with 
some  degree  of  permanency,  with  or  without  ownership.  A 
man  occupies  his  own  house  or  a  room  in  a  hotel;  a  man  may 
own  a  farm  of  which  he  is  not  in  possession  because  a  tenant 
occupies  it  and  is  determined  to  hold  it;  the  proprietor  owns 
the  property,  but  the  tenant  is  in  possession.  To  be  in 
possession  differs  from  possess  in  that  to  possess  denotes  both 
right  and  fact,  while  to  be  in  possession  denotes  simply  the 
fact  with  no  affirmation  as  to  the  right.  To  have  reason  is 
to  be  endowed  with  the  faculty;  to  be  in  possession  of  one's 
reason  denotes  that  the  faculty  is  in  actual  present  exercise. 

275  tare 



accident       chance  danger          jeopardy       risk 

casualty       contingency    fortuity        peril  venture 

Hazard  is  the  incurring  the  possibility  of  loss  or  harm  for 
the  possibility  of  benefit;  danger  may  have  no  compensating 
alternative.  In  hazard  the  possibilities  of  gain  or  loss  are 
nearly  balanced;  in  risk  the  possibility  of  loss  is  the  chief 
thought;  the  fool-hardy  take  great  risks  in  mere  wantonness; 
in  chance  and  venture  the  hope  of  good  predominates;  we 
speak  of  a  merchant's  venture,  but  of  an  insurance  company's 
nsk;  one  may  be  driven  by  circumstances  to  run  a  riskj  he 
freely  seeks  a  venture;  we  speak  of  the  chance  of  winning,  the 
hazard  or  risk  of  losing.  Accidents  are  incalculable;  casualties 
may  be  to  a  certain  extent  anticipated;  death  and  wounds  are 
casualties  of  battle,  certain  to  happen  to  some,  but  uncertain 
as  to  whom  or  how  many.  A  contingency  is  simply  an  inde- 
terminable future  event,  which  may  or  may  not  be  attended 
with  danger  or  risk.  See  ACCIDEN^;  DANGER. 


assurance          necessity  protection  safety  surety 

certainty  plan  safeguard  secunty 



hale  hygienic  sanitary  vigorous 

healthful  salubrious  sound  well 

hearty  salutary  strong  wholesome 

Healthy  is  most  correctly  used  to  signify  possessing  or  en- 
joying health  or  its  results;  as,  a  healthy  person;  a  healthy 
condition.  Healthful  signifies  promotive  of  health,  tending 
or  adapted  to  confer,  preserve,  or  promote  health;  as  a 
healthful  climate.  Wholesome  food  in  a  healthful  climate 
makes  a  healthy  man.  With  healthful  are  ranged  the  words 
hygienic,  salubrious,  salutary,  sanitary,  and  wholesome,  while 
the  other  words  are  associated  with  healthy.  Salubrious  is 
always  used  in  the  physical  sense,  and  is  chiefly  applied  to 
air  or  climate.  Salutary  is  now  chiefly  used  in  the  morali 
sense;  as,  a  salutary  lesson. 


delicate        exhausted  fragile  sick  wasted       worn  down| 

diseased       failing  frail  unhealthy  weak          Worn  out 

emaciated    fainting  ill  unsound  worn 

heterogeneous -..,-•• 



abet  befriend  foster  succor  sustain 

aid      •         cooperate  second  support          uphold 

assist'         encourage  stand  by 

Help  expresses  greater  dependence  and  deeper  need  than 
aid.  In  extremity  \ve  say  "God  help  me!"  rather  than  "God 
aid  me!"  In  time  of  danger  we  cry  "help!  help!"  rather 
than  "aid!  aid!"  To  aid  is  to  second  another's  own  exertions. 
We  can  speak  of  helping  the  helpless,  but  not  of  aiding  them. 
Help  includes  aidy  but  aid  may  fall  short  of  the  meaning  of 
help.  In  law  to  aid  or  abet  makes  one  a  principal.  (Com- 
pare synonyms  for  ACCESSORY.)  To  cooperate  is  to  aid  as  an 
equal;  to  assist  implies  a  subordinate  and  secondary  relation. 
One  assists  a  fallen  friend  to  rise;  he  cooperates  with  him 
in  helping  others.  Encourage  refers  to  mental  aid,  as  uphold 
now  usually  does;  succor  and  support,  oftenest  to  material  as- 
sistance. We  encourage  the  timid  or  despondent,  succor  the 
endangered,  support  the  weak,  uphold  those  who  else  might 
be  shaken  or  cast  down.  Compare  ABET;  PROMOTE. 

counteract      discourage      oppose       resist      thwart       withstand 


Help  in  an  enterprise  with  money;  help  to  success;  against 
the  enemy. 



apostate    dissenter      nonconformist    renegade       traitor 
deserter    heresiarch.    pervert  schismatic 

Etymologically,  a  heretic  is  one  who  takes  or  chooses  his 
own  belief,  instead  of  the  belief  of  his  church;  hence,  a 
heretic  is  one  who  denies  commonly  accepted  views,  or  who 
holds  opinions  contrary  to  the  recognized  standard  or  tenets 
of  any  established  religious,  philosophical,  or  other  system, 
school,  or  party;  the  religious  sense  of  the  word  is  the  pre- 
dominant one;  a  schismatic  is  primarily  one  who  produces 
a  split  or  rent  in  the  church.  A  heretic  differs  in  doctrine 
from  the  religious  body  with  which  he  is  connected;  a  schis* 
malic  differs  in  doctrine  or  practise,  or  in  both.  A  heretic  may 
be  reticent,  or  even  silent;  a  schismatic  introduces  divisions.  A 

277  Help 


heresiarch  is  the  author  of  a  heresy  or  the  leader  of  a  heretical 
party,  and  is  thus  at  once  a  heretic  and  a  schismatic.  An 
apostate  is  one  who  forsakes  a  faith  that  he  formerly  pro- 

He  [the  Roman  emperor  Julian]  had  been  a  professed  Christian,  but 
he  fell  from  Christianity,  and  turned  Pagan;  and,  therefore,  is  called  the 
apostate.  EDWARDS  Hist.  Redemption,  per.  iii,  ch.  3,  p.  321. 

A  pervert  is  one  who  is  regarded  as  "perverted"  from  a  true 
to  a  false  faith;  the  same  person  is  often  called  a  pervert  by 
those  whom  he  leaves  and  a  "convert"  by  those  whom  he 
joins.  With  advancing  ideas  of  religious  liberty,  the  odious 
sense  once  attached  to  these  words  is  largely  modified,  and 
heretic  is  often  used  playfully.  Dissenter  and  nonconformist 
are  terms  specifically  applied  to  English  subjects  who  hold 
themselves  aloof  from  the  Church  of  England;  the  former 
term  is  extended  to  non-adherents  of  the  established  church 
in  some  other  countries,  as  Russia.  A  deserter  is  one  who 
forsakes  duty  or  allegiance;  a  soldier  who  becomes  a  de- 
serter may  simply  abscond,  or  he  may  "desert  to  the  enemy," 
— one  of  the  most  unpardonable  of  military  offenses;  a  rene- 
gade may  be  a  deserter  in  either  sense,  though  the  latter  is 
the  prevailing  one;  in  the  ancient  struggles  against  the  Mo- 
hammedan powers  a  Christian  who  joined  the  Turks  or 
Moors  was  distinctively  called  a  renegade.  A  traitor  is  one 
who  basely  betrays  his  associates  either  in  religious,  civil, 
or  military  life  (compare  TREASON  under  FRAUD). 

Judas   Iscariot,   which   also   was  the  traitor.  Luke  vi,  16. 



confused  mingled  unnomogeneous 

conglomerate  miscellaneous  unlike 

discordant  mixed  variant 

dissimilar  non-homogeneous  various 

Substances  quite  unlike  are  "heterogeneous  as  regards  each 
other.  A  heterogeneous  mixture  is  one  whose  constituents  are 
not  only  unlike  in  kind,  but  unevenly  distributed;  cement  is 
composed  of  substances  such  as  lime,  sand,  and  clay,  which 
are  "heterogeneous  as  regards  each  other,  but  the  cement  is 
said  to  be  homogeneous  if  the  different  constituents  are  evenly 
mixed  throughout,  so  that  any  one  portion,  of  the  mixture  i§ 

high ( 

exactly  like  any  other.  A  substance  may  fail  of  being  homo- 
geneous and  yet  not  be  heterogeneous,  in  which  case  it  is  said 
to  be  non-homogeneous  or  unhomogeneous;  a  bar  of  iron  that 
contains  flaws,  air-bubbles,  etc.,  or  for  any  other  reason  is  not 
of  uniform  structure  and  density  throughout,  though  no  foreign 
substance  be  mixed  with  the  iron,  is  said  to  be  non-homo- 
geneous.  A  miscellaneous  mixture  may  or  may  not  be  hetero- 
geneous; if  the  objects  are  alike  in  kind,  but  different  in 
size,  form,  quality,  use,  etc.,  and  without  special  order  or 
relation,  the  collection  is  miscellaneous;  if  the  objects  differ  in 
kind,  such  a  mixture  is  also,  and  more  strictly,  heterogeneous; 
a  pile  of  unassorted  lumber  is  miscellaneous;  the  contents 
of  a  school-boy's  pocket  are  commonly  miscellaneous  and 
might  usually  be  termed  heterogeneous  as  well.  See  COMPLEX. 


alike  identical  pure  similar 

homogeneous  like  same  uniform 



bury  cover  entomb  overwhelm      suppress 

cloak  disguise  inter  screen  veil 

conceal       dissemble  mask  secrete 

Hide  is  the  general  term,  including  all  the  rest,  signifying  to 
put  out  of  sight  or  beyond  ready  observation  or  approach;  a 
thing  may  be  hidden  by  intention,  by  accident,  or  by  the  im- 
perfection of  the  faculties  of  the  one  from  whom  it  is  hidden; 
in  their  games,  children  hide  the  slipper,  or  hide  themselves 
from  each  other;  a  man  unconsciously  hides  a  picture  from 
another  by  standing  before  it,  or  hides  a  thing  from  himself 
by  laying  something  else  over  it.  Even  an  unconscious  object 
may  hide  another;  as,  a  cloud  hides  the  sun,  or  a  building 
hides  some  part  of  the  prospect  by  intervening  between  it 
and  the  observer's  position.  As  an  act  of  persons,  to  conceal 
is  always  intentional;  one  may  hide  his  face  in  anger,  grief, 
or  abstraction;  he  conceals  his  face  when  he  fears  reeogni* 
tion.  A  house  is  hidden  by  foliage;  the  bird's  nest  is  art- 
fully concealed.  Secrete  is  a  stronger  word  than  conceal, 
and  is  used  chiefly  of  such  material  objects  as  may  be  sep- 
arated from  the  person,  or  from  their  ordinary  surroundings, 
and  put  in  unlooked-for  places;  a  man  conceals  a  scar  on  his 



face,  but  'does  not  secrete  it;  a  thief  secretes  stolen  goods;  an 
officer  may  also  be  said  to  sectete  himself  to  watch  the  thief.  A 
thing  is  covered  by  putting  something  over  or  around  it,  whether 
by  accident  or  design;  it  is  screened  by  putting  something  be- 
fore it,  always  with  some  purpose  of  protection  from  observa- 
tion, inconvenience,  attack,  censure,  etc.  In  the  figurative  use,  a 
person  may  hide  honorable  feelings;  he  conceals  an  evil  or  hos- 
tile intent.  Anything  which  is  effectually  covered  and  hidden 
under  any  mass  or  accumulation  is  buried.  Money  is  buried  in 
the  ground;  a  body  is  buned  in  the  sea;  a  paper  is  buried  under 
other  documents.  Whatever  is  buried  is  hidden  or  concealed; 
but  there  are  many  ways  of  hiding  or  concealing  a  thing  without 
burying  it.  So  a  person  may  be  covered  with  wraps,  and  not 
buried  under  them.  Bury  may  be  used  of  any  object,  entomb 
and  mter  only  of  a  dead  body.  Figuratively,  one  may  be  said  to 
be  buried  in  business,  in  study,  etc.  Compare  IMMERSE;  PAL- 


admit  disclose 

advertise         discover 
avow  disinter 

betray  divulge 

confess  exhibit 

lay  bare 
lay  open 
make  known 

manifest  show 

promulgate  tell 

publish  uncover 

raise  unmask 

reveal  unveil 



elevated          exalted  noble 

eminent          lofty  proud 



Deep,  while  an  antonym  of  high  in  usage,  may  apply  to  the 
very  same  distance  simply  measured  in  an  opposite  direction, 
high  applying  to  vertical  distance  measured  from  below  up- 
ward, and  deep  to  vertical  distance  measured  from  above  down- 
ward ;  as,  a  deep  valley  nestling  between  high  mountains.  High 
is  a  relative  term  signifying  greatly  raised  above  any  object, 
base,  or  surface,  in  comparison  with  what  is  usual,  or  with 
some  standard;  a  table  is  high  if  it  exceeds  thirty  inches;  a 
hill  is  not  high  at  a  hundred  feet.  That  is  tall  whose  height  is 
greatly  in  excess  of  its  breadth  or  diameter,  and  whose  actual 
height  is  great  for  an  object  of  its  kind;  as,  a  tall  tree;  a  tall 
man;  tall  grass.  That  is  lofty  which  is  imposing  or  majestic 
in  height;  we  term  a  spire  tall  with  reference  to  its  altitude,  or 
lofty  with  reference  to  its  majestic  appearance.  That  is 

lender  280 

history u 

elevated  which  is  raised  somewhat  above  its  surroundings;  that 
is  eminent  which  is  far  above  them;  as,  an  elevated  platform, 
an  eminent  promontory.  In  the  figurative  sense,  elevated  is  less 
than  eminent,  and  this  less  than  exalted;  we  speak  of  high, 
lofty j  or  elevated  thoughts,  aims,  etc.,  in  the  good  sense,  but 
sometimes  of  high  feelings,  looks,  words,  etc.,  in  the  invidious 
sense  of  haughty  or  arrogant.  A  high  ambition  may  be  merely 
selfish;  a  lofty  ambition  is  worthy  and  noble.  Towering,  in 
the  literal  sense  compares  with  lofty  and  majestic;  but  in  the 
figurative  sense,  its  use  is  almost  invidious;  as  a  towering 
passion ;  a  towering  ambition  disregards  and  crushes  all  oppos- 
ing considerations,  however  rational,  lovely,  or  holy.  Compare 


base  degraded  dwarfed  low  short 

deep  depressed  inferior  mean  stunted 



baffle  counteract  foil  obstruct  resist 

balk  defer  frustrate  oppose  retard 

bar  delay  hamper  postpone  stay 

block  deter  impede  prevent  stop 

check  embarrass  interrupt  prolong  thwart 

clog  encumber 

To  hinder  is  to  keep  from  action,  progress,  motion,  or  growth, 
or  to  make  such  action,  progress,  motion,  or  growth  later  in 
beginning  or  completion  than  it  would  otherwise  have  been. 
An  action  is  prevented  by  anything  that  comes  in  before  it  to 
make  it  impossible;  it  is  hindered  by  anything  that  keeps  it 
from  either  beginning  or  ending  so  soon  as  it  otherwise  would, 
or  as  expected  or  intended.  It  is  more  common,  however,  to 
say  that  the  start  is  delayed,  the  progress  hindered.  An  action 
that  is  hindered  does  not  take  place  at  the  appointed  or  appro- 
priate time;  that  which  is  prevented  does  not  take  place  at  all; 
to  hinder  a  thing  long  enough  may  amount  to  preventing  it.  A 
railroad-train  may  be  hindered  by  a  snow-storm  from  arriving 
on  time;  it  may  by  special  order  be  prevented  from  starting. 
To  retard  is  simply  to  make  slow  by  any  means  whatever.  To 
obstruct  is  to  hinder,  or  possibly  to  prevent  advance  or  passage 
by  putting  something  in  the  way;  to  oppose  or  resist  is  to  hinder • 
or  possibly  to  prevent  by  directly  contrary  or  hostile  action, 

281  hinder 

: history 

resist  being  the  stronger  term  and  having  more  suggestion  of 
physical  force;  obstructed  roads  hinder  the  march  of  an  enemy, 
though  there  may  be  no  force  strong  enough  to  oppose  it;  one 
opposes  a  measure,  a  motion,  an  amendment,  or  the  like;  it  is  a 
criminal  offense  to  resist  an  officer  in  the  discharge  of  his 
duty;  the  physical  system  may  resist  the  attack  of  disease  or 
the  action  of  a  remedy.  Compare  CONQUER;  DEFER;  IMPEDI- 


See  synonyms  for  QUICKEN. 

Hinder  one  in  his  progress;  from  acting  promptly;  by 



account  biography  muniment          record 

annals  chronicle  narration  register 

archives  memoir  narrative  story 

autobiography  memorial  recital 

"History  is  a  systematic  record  of  past  events.  Annals  and 
chronicles  relate  events  with  little  regard  to  their  relative 
importance,  and  with  complete  subserviency  to  their  succession 
in  time.  Annals  are  yearly  records ;  chronicles  follow  the  order 
of  time.  Both  necessarily  lack  emphasis,  selection,  and  per- 
spective. Archives  are  public  records,  which  may  be  annals, 
or  chronicles,  or  deeds  of  property,  etc.  Memoirs  generally 
record  the  lives  of  individuals  or  facts  pertaining  to  individual 
lives.  A  biography  is  distinctly  a  written  account  of  one  per- 
son's life  and  actions;  an  autobiography  is  a  biography  written 
by  the  person  whose  life  it  records.  Annals,  archives,  chroni- 
cles, biographies,  and  memoirs  and  other  records  furnish  the 
materials  of  history.  History  recounts  events  with  careful 
attention  to  their  importance,  their  mutual  relations,  their 
causes  and  consequences,  selecting  and  grouping  events  on  the 
ground  of  interest  or  importance.  History  is  usually  applied 
to  such  an  account  of  events  affecting  communities  and  nations, 
though  sometimes  we  speak  of  the  history  of  a  single  eminent 
life.  Compare  RECORD. 


See  synonyms  for  FICTION. 





blessed  devoted  hallowed  saintly 

consecrated  divine  sacred  set   apart 

Sacred  is  applied  to  that  -which  is  to  be  regarded  as  inviolable 
on  any  account,  and  so  is  not  restricted  to  divine  things;  there- 
fore in  its  lower  applications  it  is  less  than  holy.  That  which 
is  sacred  may  be  made  so  by  institution,  decree,  or  association; 
that  which  is  holy  is  so  by  its  own  nature,  possessing  intrinsic 
moral  purity,  and,  in  the  highest  sense,  absolute  moral  perfec- 
tion. God  is  holy;  his  commands  are  sacred.  Holy  may  be 
applied  also  to  that  which  is  hallowed;  as,  "the  place  whereon 
thou  standest  is  holy  ground,"  Ex.  in,  5.  In  such  use  holy  is 
more  than  sacied,  as  if  the  very  qualities  of  a  spiritual  or 
divine  presence  were  imparted  to  the  place  or  object.  Divine 
has  been  used  with  great  looseness,  as  applying  to  anything 
eminent  or  admirable,  in  the  line  either  of  goodness  or  of  mere 
power,  as  to  eloquence,  music,  etc.,  but  there  is  a  commendable 
tendency  to  restrict  the  word  to  its  higher  sense,  as  designating 
that  which  belongs  to  or  is  worthy  of  the  Divine  Being.  Com- 


abominable  impure  unconsecrated  unsanctifled 

common  polluted  unhallowed  wicked 

cursed  secular  unholy  worldly 



abode        dwelling     habitation     Hearthstone     ingleside 
domicil     fireside        hearth.  house  residence 

Abode,  dwelling,  and  habitation  are  used  with  little  difference 
of  meaning  to  denote  the  place  where  one  habitually  lives; 
abode  and  habitation  belong  to  the  poetic  or  elevated  style. 
Even  dwelling  is  not  used  in  familiar  speech;  a  person  says 
"my  house"  "my  home"  or  more  formally  "my  residence" 
Home,  from  the  Anglo-Saxon,  denoting  originally  a  dwelling, 
came  to  mean  an  endeared  dwelling  as  the  scene  of  domestic 
love  and  happy  and  cherished  family  life,  a  sense  to  which 
there  is  an  increasing  tendency  to  restrict  the  word — desirably 
so,  since  we  have  other  words  to  denote  the  mere  dwelling-place ; 
we  say  "The  wretched  tenement  could  not  be  called  home,"  or 


"The  humble  cabin  was  dear  to  him  as  the  home  of  his  child- 

Home'b  not  ineiely  foui  &quaie  walls, 

Though  -with  pi  etui  es  hung   and  gilded; 

Home  is  whoie   affection  calls — 

Where  its  shime  the  heart  has  builded. 

Thus  the  word  comes  to  signify  any  place  of  rest  and  peace, 
and  especially  heaven,  as  the  souFs  peaceful  and  eternal  dwell- 



candid  frank  ingenuous  true 

equitable       genuine  just  trustworthy 

fair  good  sincere  trusty 

faithful         honorable  straightforward  upright 

One  who  is  honest  in  the  ordinary  sense  acts  or  is  always 
disposed  to  act  with  careful  regard  for  the  rights  of  others, 
especially  in  matters  of  business  or  property;  one  who  is 
honorable  scrupulously  observes  the  dictates  of  a  personal  honor 
that  is  higher  than  any  demands  of  mercantile  law  or  public 
opinion,  and  will  do  nothing  unworthy  of  his  own  inherent 
nobility  of  soul.  The  honest  man  does  not  steal,  cheat,  or 
defraud;  the  honorable  man  will  not  take  an  unfair  advantage 
that  would  be  allowed  him;  he  will  make  a  sacrifice  which  no 
one  could  require  of  him,  when  his  own  sense  of  right  demands 
it.  One  who  is  honest  in  the  highest  and  fullest  sense  is  scrupu- 
lously careful  to  adhere  to  all  known  truth  and  right  even  in 
thought.  In  this  sense  honest  differs  from  honorable  as  having 
regard  rather  to  absolute  truth  and  right  than  to  even  the 
highest  personal  honor.  Compare  CANDID;  JUSTICE. 


deceitful  faithless  hypocritical  perfidious  unfaithful 

dishonest          false  lying  traitorous  unscrupulous 

disingenuous  fraudulent  mendacious  treacherous  untrue 


even  flat  level  plain  plane 

Horizontal  signifies  in  the  direction  of  or  parallel  to  the 
horizon.  For  practical  purposes  level  and  horizontal  are  identi- 
cal, though  level,  as  the  more  popular  word,  is  more  loosely 
used  of  that  which  has  no  especially  noticeable  elevations  or 

humane                                                                                      284 

inequalities ;  as,  a  level  road.  Flat,  according  to  its  derivation 
from  the  Anglo-Saxon  flet,  a  floor,  applies  to  a  surface  only, 
and,  in  the  first  and  most  usual  sense,  to  a  surface  that  is 
horizontal  or  level  m  all  directions;  a  line  may  be  level,  a  floor 
is  flat;  flat  is  also  applied  in  a  derived  sense  to  any  plane  sur- 
face without  irregularities  or  elevations,  as  a  picture  may  be 
painted  on  the  flat  surface  of  a  perpendicular  wall.  Plane 
applies  only  to  a  surface,  and  is  used  with  more  mathematical 
exactness  than  flat.  The  adjective  plain,  originally  the  same 
word  as  plane,  is  now  rarely  used  except  in  the  figurative 
senses,  but  the  original  sense  appears  in  the  noun,  as  we  speak 
of  "a  wide  plain."  AVe  speak  of  a  horizontal  line,  a  flat  morass, 
a  level  road,  a  plain  country,  a  plane  surface  (especially  in  the 
scientific  sense) .  That  which  is  level  may  not  be  even,  and  that 
which  is  even  may  not  be  level;  a  level  road  may  be  very  rough; 
a  slope  may  be  even. 


broken  inclined  rolling  rugged  sloping 

hilly  irregular  rough  slanting  uneven 



benevolent   compassionate  human  pitying 

"benignant     forgiving  kind  sympathetic 

charitable    gentle  kind-hearted  tender 

clement          gracious  merciful  tender-hearted 

Human  denotes  what  pertains  to  mankind,  with  no  suggestion 
as  to  its  being  good  or  evil;  as,  the  human  race;  human  quali- 
ties; we  speak  of  human  achievements,  virtues,  or  excellences, 
human  follies,  vices,  or  crimes.  Humane  denotes  what  may 
rightly  be  expected  of  mankind  at  its  best  in  the  treatment  of 
sentient  beings;  a  humane  enterprise  or  endeavor  is  one  that 
is  intended  to  prevent  or  relieve  suffering.  The  humane  man 
will  not  needlessly  inflict  pain  upon  the  meanest  thing  that 
lives;  a  merciful  man  is  disposed  to  withhold  or  mitigate  the 
suffering  even  of  the  guilty.  The  compassionate  man  sym- 
pathizes with  and  desires  to  relieve  actual  suffering1,  while  one 
who  is  humane  would  forestall  and  prevent  the  suffering  which 
he  sees  to  be  possible.  Compare  MERCY;  PITIFUL;  PITY. 


See  synonyms  for  BARBAROUS. 

2S5  humane 

__       ____ hypocrisy 


chase          hunting         inquisition          pursuit          search 

A  hunt  may  be  either  the  act  of  pursuing  or  the  act  of  seek- 
ing, or  a  combination  of  the  two.  A  chase  or  pursuit  is  after 
that  which  is  fleeing  or  departing ;  a  search  is  for  that  which  is 
hidden;  a  hunt  may  be  for  that  which  is  either  hidden  or  flee- 
ing; a  search  is  a  minute  and  careful  seeking,  and  is  especially 
applied  to  a  locality;  we  make  a  search  of  or  through  a  house, 
for  an  object,  in  which  connection  it  would  be  colloquial  to  say 
a  hunt.  Hunt  never  quite  loses  its  association  with  field-sports, 
where  it  includes  both  search  and  chase;  the  search  till  the 
game  is  hunted  out,  and  the  chase  till  it  is  hunted  down.  Figu- 
ratively, we  speak  of  literary  pursuits,  or  of  the  pursuit  of 
knowledge;  a  search  for  reasons;  the  chase  of  fame  or  honor; 
hunt,  in  figurative  use,  inclines  to  the  unfavorable  sense  of 
inquisition ,  but  with  more  of  dash  and  aggressiveness;  as,  a 
"hunt  for  heresy. 



affectation  formalism  pretense  sham 

cant  pharisaism  sanctimoniousness 

dissimulation  pietism  sanctimony 

Pretense  (from  L.  prcetendo)  primarily  signifies  the  holding 
something  forward  as  having  certain  rights  or  claims,  whether 
truly  or  falsely;  in  the  good  sense,  it  is  now  rarely  used  except 
with  a  negative;  as,  there  can  be  no  pretense  that  this  is  due; 
a  false  pretense  implies  the  possibility  of  a  true  pretense;  but, 
alone  and  unlimited,  pretense  commonly  signifies  the  offering 
of  something  for  what  it  is  not.  Hypocrisy  is  the  false  pretense 
of  moral  excellence,  either  as  a  cover  for  actual  wrong,  or  for 
the  sake  of  the  credit  and  advantage  attaching  to  virtue.  Cant 
(from  L.  cantusj  a  song),  primarily  the  singsong  iteration  of 
the  language  of  any  party,  school,  or  sect,  denotes  the  mechani- 
cal and  pretentious  use  of  religious  phraseology,  without  cor- 
responding feeling  or  character;  sanctimoniousness  is  the 
assumption  of  a  saintly  manner  without  a  saintly  character.  As 
cant  is  hypocrisy  in  utterance,  so  sanctimoniousness  is  hypocrisy 
in  appearance,  as  in  looks,  tones,  etc.  Pietism,  originally  a 
word  of  good  import,  is  now  chiefly  used  for  an  unregulated 

Hypocrite                                                                                   286 

emotionalism;  formalism  is  an  exaggerated  devotion  to  forms, 
rites,  and  ceremonies,  without  corresponding  earnestness  of 
heart;  sham  (identical  in  origin  with  shame)  is  a  trick  or  de- 
vice that  puts  one  to  shame,  or  that  shamefully  disappoints 
expectation  or  falsifies  appearance.  Affectation  is  in  matters  of 
intellect,  taste,  etc.,  much  what  hypocrisy  is  in  morals  and 
religion;  affectation  might  be  termed  petty  hypocnsy.  Com- 


candor         genuineness   ingenuousness   sincerity  truth 

frankness    Honesty  openness  transparency   truthfulness 


cheat       deceiver        dissembler       impostor        pretender 

A  hypocrite  (from  Gr.  hypokrites,  one  who  answers  on  the 
stage,  an  aetor,  especially  a  mimic  actor)  is  one  who  acts  a 
false  part,  or  assumes  a  character  other  than  the  real.  Deceiver 
is  the  most  comprehensive  term,  including  all  the  other  words 
of  the  group.  The  deceiver  seeks  to  give  false  impressions  of 
any  matter  where  he  has  an  end  to  gain;  the  dissembler  or 
hypocrite  seeks  to  give  false  impressions  in  regard  to  himself. 
The  dissembler  is  content  if  he  can  keep  some  base  conduct  or 
evil  purpose  from  being  discovered;  the  hypocrite  seeks  not 
merely  to  cover  his  vices,  but  to  gain  credit  for  virtue.  The 
cheat  and  impostor  endeavor  to  make  something  out  of  those 
they  may  deceive.  The  cheat  is  the  inferior  and  more  merce- 
nary, as  the  thimble-rig  gambler;  the  impostor  may  aspire  to  a 
fortune  or  a  throne.  Compare  HYPOCRISY. 

The  antonyms  of  hypocrite  are  to  be  found  only  in  phrases 
embodying  the  adjectives  candid,  honest,  ingenuous,  sincere, 
true,  etc. 



conjecture  scheme  supposition.  system 

guess  speculation  surmise  theory 

A  hypothesis  is  a  statement  of  what  is  deemed  possibly  true, 
assumed,  and  reasoned  upon  as  if  certainly  true,  with  a  view  of 

287  hypocrite 


reaching  truth  not  yet  surely  known ;  especially,  in  the  sciences, 
a  hypothesis  is  a  comprehensive  tentative  explanation  of  certain 
phenomena,  which  is  meant  to  include  all  other  facts  of  the 
same  class,  and  which  is  assumed  as  true  till  there  has  been 
opportunity  to  bring  all  related  facts  into  comparison;  if  the 
hypothesis  explains  all  the  facts,  it  is  regarded  as  verified; 
till  then  it  is  regarded  as  a  working  hypothesis,  that  is,  one 
that  may  answer  for  present  practical  purposes.  A  hypothesis 
may  be  termed  a  comprehensive  guess.  A  guess  is  a  swift  con- 
clusion from  data  directly  at  hand,  and  held  as  probable  or 
tentative,  while  one  confessedly  lacks  material  for  absolute 
certainty.  A  conjecture  is  more  methodical  than  a  guess,  while 
a  supposition  is  still  slower  and  more  settled ;  a  conjecture,  like 
a  guess,  is  preliminary  and  tentative;  a  supposition  is  more 
nearly  final ;  a  surmise  is  more  floating  and  visionary,  and  often 
sinister;  as,  a  surmise  that  a  stranger  may  be  a  pickpocket. 
Theory  is  used  of  the  mental  coordination  of  facts  and  prin- 
ciples, that  may  or  may  not  prove  correct;  a  machine  may  be 
perfect  in  theory,  but  useless  in  fact.  Scheme  may  be  used  as 
nearly  equivalent  to  theory,  but  is  more  frequently  applied  to 
proposed  action,  and  in  the  sense  of  a  somewhat  visionary  plan. 
A  speculation  may  be  wholly  of  the  brain,  resting  upon  no  facts 
worthy  of  consideration;  system  is  the  highest  of  these  terms, 
having  most  of  assurance  and  fixity;  a  system  unites  many 
facts,  phenomena,  or  doctrines  into  an  orderly  and  consistent 
whole;  we  speak  of  a  system  of  theology,  of  the  Copernican 
system  of  the  universe.  Compare  SYSTEM. 


certainty      demonstration      discovery      evidence       fact      proof 






snpp  osition 

Idea  is  in  Greek  a  form  or  an  image.  The  word  signified  in 
early  philosophical  use  the  archetype  or  primal  image  which  the 
Platonic  philosophy  supposed  to  be  the  model  or  pattern  that 


existing  objects  imperfectly  embody.  This  high  sense  has  nearly 
disappeared  from  the  word  idea,  and  has  been  largely  appro- 
priated by  ideal,  though  something  of  the  original  meaning  still 
appears  when  in  theological  or  philosophical  language  we  speak 
of  the  ideas  of  G-od.  The  present  popular  use  of  idea  makes  it 
to  signify  any  product  of  mental  apprehension  or  activity,  con- 
sidered as  an  object  of  knowledge  or  thought;  this  coincides 
with  the  primitive  sense  at  but  a  single  point  —  that  an  idea 
is  mental  as  opposed  to  anything  substantial  or  physical  ;  thus, 
almost  any  mental  product,  as  a  belief,  conception,  design, 
opinion,  etc.,  may  now  be  called  an  idea.*  Compare  FANCY; 


actuality  fact  reality  substance 



archetype  model  pattern  standard 

idea  original  prototype 

An  ideal  is  that  which  is  conceived  or  taken  as  the  highest 
type  of  excellence  or  ultimate  object  of  attainment.  The 
archetype  is  the  primal  form,  actual  or  imaginary,  according 
to  which  any  existing  thing  is  constructed;  the  prototype  has 
or  has  had  actual  existence;  in  the  derived  sense,  as  in  metrol- 
ogy, a  prototype  may  not  be  the  original  form,  but  one  having 
equal  authority  with  that  as  a  standard.  An  ideal  may  be 
primal,  or  may  be  slowly  developed  even  from  failures  and  by 
negations  ;  an  ideal  is  meant  to  be  perfect,  not  merely  the  thing 
that  has  been  attained  or  is  to  be  attained,  but  the  best  con- 
ceivable thing  that  could  by  possibility  be  attained.  The  artist's 
ideal  is  his  own  mental  image,  of  which  his  finished  work  is  but 
an  imperfect  expression.  The  original  is  the  first  specimen, 
good  or  bad  ;  the  original  of  a  master  is  superior  to  all  copies. 
The  standard  may  be  below  the  ideal.  The  ideal  is  imaginary, 
and  ordinarily  unattainable;  the  standard  is  concrete,  and 
ordinarily  attainable,  being  a  measure  to  which  all  else  of  its 
kind  must  conform;  as,  the  standard  of  weights  and  measures, 
of  corn,  or  of  cotton.  The  idea  of  virtue  is  the  mental  con- 
cept or  image  of  virtue  in  general;  the  ideal  of  virtue  is  the 
mental  concept  or  image  of  virtue  in  its  highest  conceivable 
perfection  Compare  EXAMPLE;  IDEA, 

289                                                                                               ideal 


accomplishment  action  doing  fact  practise 

achievement         attainment     embodiment  incarnation    reality 
act  development  execution       performance  lealization 



fatuity  foolishness  incapacity  stupidity 

folly  imbecility  senselessness 

Idiocy  is  a  state  of  mental  unsoundness  amounting  almost 
or  quite  to  total  absence  of  understanding.  Imbecility  is  a 
condition  of  mental  weakness,  which  may  or  may  not  be  as 
complete  as  that  of  idiocy,  but  is  at  least  such  as  to  incapacitate 
for  the  serious  duties  of  life.  Incapacity,  or  lack  of  legal 
qualification  for  certain  acts,  necessarily  results  from  imbecility, 
but  may  also  result  from  other  causes,  as  from  insanity  or  from 
age,  sex,  etc. ;  as,  the  incapacity  of  a  minor  to  make  a  contract. 
Idiocy  or  imbecility  is  weakness  of  mind,  while  insanity  is 
disorder  or  abnormal  action  of  mind.  Folly  and  foolishness 
denote  a  want  of  mental  and  often  of  moral  balance.  Fatuity 
is  sometimes  used  as  equivalent  to  idiocy,  but  more  frequently 
signifies  conceited  and  excessive  foolishness  or  folly.  Stupidity 
is  dulness  and  slowness  of  mental  action  which  may  range  all 
the  way  from  lack  of  normal  readiness  to  absolute  imbecility. 
Compare  INSANITY. 


acuteness       brilliancy       common  sense       sagacity       soundness 
astuteness      capacity         intelligence  sense  wisdom 



inactive      inert        slothful      trifling  unoccupied 

indolent      lazy          sluggish,      unemployed       vacant 

Idle  in  all  uses  rests  upon  its  root  meaning,  as  derived  from 
the  Anglo-Saxon  idel,  which  signifies  vain,  empty,  useless.  Idle 
thus  denotes  not  primarily  the  absence  of  action,  but  vain  action 
— the  absence  of  useful,  effective  action ;  the  idle  schoolboy  may 
be  very  actively  whittling  his  desk  or  tormenting  his  neighbors* 
Doing  nothing  whatever  is  the  secondary  meaning  of  idle.  One 
may  be  temporarily  idle  of  necessity;  if  he  is  habitually  idle,  it 
is  his  own  fault.  Lazy  signifies  indisposed  to  exertion,  averse 
to  labor;  idleness  is  in  fact;  laziness  is  in  disposition  or  inclina- 

ignorant  290 


tion.  A  lazy  person  may  chance  to  be  employed  in  useful  work, 
but  he  acts  without  energy  or  impetus.  We  speak  figuratively 
of  a  lazy  stream.  The  inert  person  seems  like  dead  matter 
(characterized  by  inertia),  powerless  to  move;  the  sluggish 
moves  heavily  and  toilsomely;  the  most  active  person  may 
sometimes  find  the  bodily  or  mental  powers  sluggish.  Slothful 
belongs  in  the  moral  realm,  denoting  a  self-indulgent  aversion 
to  exertion.  "The  slothful  hideth  his  hand  in  his  bosom;  it 
grieveth  him  to  bring  it  again  to  his  mouth,"  Prov.  xxvi,  15. 
Indolent  is  a  milder  term  for  the  same  quality;  the  indolent 
man  loves  inaction.  Compare  VAIN*. 


active    busy    diligent    employed    industrious    occupied    working 



ill-informed  unenlightened  unlearned       untaught 

illiterate  uninformed  unlettered       untutored 

uneducated  uninstructed  unskilled 

Ignorant  signifies  destitute  of  education  or  knowledge,  or 
lacking  knowledge  or  information;  it  is  thus  a  relative  term. 
The  most  learned  man  is  still  ignorant  of  many  things;  persons 
are  spoken  of  as  ignorant  who  have  not  the  knowledge  that  has 
become  generally  diffused  in  the  world;  the  ignorant  savage 
may  be  well  instructed  in  matters  of  the  field  and  the  chase,  and 
is  thus  more  properly  untutored  than  ignorant.  Illiterate  is 
without  letters  and  the  knowledge  that  comes  through  reading. 
Unlettered  is  similar  in  meaning  to  illiteratey  but  less  absolute; 
the  unlettered  man  may  have  acquired  the  art  of  reading  and 
•writing  and  some  elementary  knowledge;  the  uneducated  man 
has  never  taken  any  systematic  course  of  mental  training. 
Ignorance  is  relative;  illiteracy  is  absolute;  we  have  statistics 
of  illiteracy;  no  statistics  of  ignorance  are  possible. 


educated  learned  skilled  welMnformed 

instructed  sage  trained  wise 



fancy  fantasy  phantasy 

The  old  psychology  treated  of  the  Reproductive  Imagination, 



which  simply  reproduces  the  images  that  the  mind  has  in  any 
way  acquired,  and  the  Productive  Imagination  which  modifies 
and  combines  mental  images  so  as  to  produce  what  is  virtually 
new.  To  this  Beproductwe  Imagination  President  Noah  Porter 
and  others  have  given  the  name  of  phantasy  or  fantasy  (many 
psychologists  preferring  the  former  spelling).  Phantasy  or 
fantasy,  so  understood,  presents  numerous  and  varied  images, 
often  combining  them  into  new  forms  with  exceeding  vividness, 
yet  without  any  true  constructive  power,  but  with  the  mind 
adrift,  blindly  and  passively  following  the  laws  of  association, 
and  with  reason  and  will  in  torpor;  the  mental  images  being 
perhaps  as  varied  and  as  vivid,  but  also  as  purposeless  and 
unsystematized  as  the  visual  images  in  a  kaleidoscope,  such 
fantasy  (often  loosely  called  imagination)  appears  in  dreaming, 
revery,  somnambulism,  and  intoxication.  Fantasy  in  ordinary 
usage  simply  denotes  capricious  or  erratic  fancy,  as  appears 
in  the  adjective  fantastic.  Imagination  and  fancy  differ  from 
fantasy  in  bringing  the  images  and  their  combinations  under 
the  control  of  the  will;  imagination  is  the  broader  and  higher 
term,  including  fancy;  imagination  is  the  act  or  power  of  imag- 
ing or  of  reimaging  objects  of  perception  or  thought,  of  combin- 
ing the  products  of  knowledge  in  modified,  new,  or  ideal  forms 
— the  creative  or  constructive  power  of  the  mind;  while  fancy 
is  the  act  or  power  of  forming  pleasing,  graceful,  whimsical, 
or  odd  mental  images,  or  of  combining  them  with  little  regard 
to  rational  processes  of  construction;  imagination  in  its  lower 
form.  Both  fancy  and  imagination  reeombine  and  modify 
mental  images;  either  may  work  with  the  other's  materials; 
imagination  may  glorify  the  tiniest  flower;  fancy  -may  play 
around  a  mountain  or  a  star ;  the  one  great  distinction  between 
them  is  that  fancy  is  superficial,  while  imagination  is  deep, 
essential,  spiritual.  Wordsworth,  who  was  the  first  clearly  to 
draw  the  distinction  between  the  fancy  and  the  imagination, 
states  it  as  follows: 

To  aggregate  and  to  associate,  to  evoke  and  to  combine,  belong  as  well  to 
the  imagination  as  to  the  fancy;  but  either  the  materials  evoked  and  com- 
bined aie  different;  or  they  are  brought  together  under  a  different  law,  and 
for  a  different  purpose  Fancy  does  not  require  that  the  materials  which 
she  makes  use  of  should  be  susceptible  of  changes  in  their  constitution 
from  her  touch;  and  where  they  admit  of  modification,  it  is  enough  for  her 
purpose  if  it  be  slight,  limited,  and  evanescent.  Directly  the  reverse  of 
these  are  the  desires  and  demands  of  the  imagination  She  recoils  from 


everything  but  the  plastic,  the  pliant,  and  the  indefinite.  She  leaves  it  to 
fancy  to  describe  Queen  Mab  as  coming: 

In  shape  no  bigger  than  an  agate  stone 
On  the  forefinger  of  an  alderman. 

Having  co  speak  of  stature,  she  does  not  tell  you  that  her  gigantic  angel 
was  as  tall  as  Pompey's  Pillar;  much  less  that  he  was  twelve  cubits  or  twelve 
hundred  cubits  high,  or  that  his  dimensions  equalled  these  of  Tenenffe  or 
Atlas;  because  these,  and  if  they  were  a  million  times  as  high,  it  would  be 
the  same,  are  bounded.  The  expression  is,  "His  stature  reached  the  sky  I 
the  illimitable  firmament  I" — When  the  imagination  frames  a  comparison, 
.  .  .  a  sense  of  the  truth  of  the  likeness  from  the  moment  that  it  is 
perceived  grows — and  continues  to  grow — upon  the  mind,  the  resemblance 
depending  less  upon  outline  of  form  and  feature  than  upon  expression 
and  effect,  less  upon  casual  and  outstanding  than  upon  inherent  and 
internal  properties  * 

Poetical  Works,  Pref  to  Ed.  of  1815,  p.  646,  app.  [T.  &  H.  1851.] 

So  far  as  actual  images  are  concerned,  both  fancy  and 
imagination  are  limited  to  the  materials  furnished  by  the  exter- 
nal world;  it  is  remarkable  that  among  all  the  representations 
of  gods  or  demigods,  fiends  and  demons,  griffins  and  chimsaras, 
the  human  mind  has  never  invented  one  organ  or  attribute  that 
is  not  presented  in  human  or  animal  life;  the  lion  may  have  a 
human  head  and  an  eagle's  wings  and  claws,  but  in  the  various 
features,  individually,  there  is  absolutely  nothing  new.  But 
imagination  can  transcend  the  work  of  fancy,  and  compare  an 
image  drawn  from  the  external  world  with  some  spiritual  truth 
born  in  the  mind  itself,  or  infuse  a  series  of  images  with  such  a 
spiritual  truth,  molding  them  as  needed  for  its  more  vivid 

The  imagination  modifies  images,  and  gives  unity  to  variety;  it  sees  all 
things  in  one.  .  .  .  There  is  the  epic  imagination,  the  perfection  of 
which  is  in  Milton;  and  the  dramatic,  of  which  Shakespeare  is  the  abso- 
lute master.  COLERIDGE  Table  Talk  June  23,  1834. 

Fancy  keeps  the  material  image  prominent  and  clear,  and 
works  not  only  with  it,  but  for  it ;  imagination  always  uses  the 
material  object  as  the  minister  of  something  greater  than  itself, 
and  often  almost  loses  the  object  in  the  spiritual  idea  with 
which  she  has  associated  it,  and  for  which  alone  she  values  it. 
Fancy  flits  about  the  surface,  and  is  airy  and  playful,  sometimes 
petty  and  sometimes  false;  imagination  goes  to  the  heart  of 

*  The  whole  discussion  from  which  the  quotation  is  takes,  is  worthy  of, 
and  will  well  repay  careful  study. 

293  imagination 

things,  and  Is  deep,  earnest,  serious,  and  seeks  always  and 
everywhere  for  essential  truth.  Fancy  sets  off,  variegates,  and 
decorates;  imagination  transforms  and  exalts.  Fancy  delights 
and  entertains;  imagination  moves  and  thrills.  Imagination  is 
not  only  poetic  or  literary,  but  scientific,  philosophical,  and 
practical.  By  imagination  the  architect  sees  the  unity  of  a 
building  not  yet  begun,  and  the  inventor  sees  the  unity  and 
varied  interactions  of  a  machine  never  yet  constructed,  even 
a  unity  that  no  human  eye  ever  can  see,  since  when  the  machine 
is  in  actual  motion,  one  part  may  hide  the  connecting  parts, 
and  yet  all  keep  the  unity  of  the  inventor's  thought.  By  imagi- 
nation a  Newton  sweeps  sun,  planets,  and  stars  into  unity  with 
the  earth  and  the  apple  that  is  drawn  irresistibly  to  its  surface, 
and  sees  them  all  within  the  circle  of  one  grand  law.  Science, 
philosophy,  and  mechanical  invention  have  little  use  for  fancy, 
but  the  creative,  penetrative  power  of  imagination  is  to  them 
the  breath  of  life,  and  the  condition  of  all  advance  and  success. 
See  also  FANCY;  IDEA. 



at  once  instanter        presently  straightway 

directly  instantly        right  away         this   instant 

forthwith        now  right  off  without  delay 

The  strong  and  general  human  tendency  to  procrastination  is 
shown  in  the  progressive  weakening  of  the  various  words  in  this 
group.  Immediately  primarily  signifies  without  the  interven- 
tion of  anything  as  a  medium,  hence  without  the  intervention  of 
any,  even  the  briefest,  interval  or  lapse  of  time.  By  and  "by, 
which  was  once  a  synonym,  has  become  an  antonym  of  im- 
mediately, meaning  at  some  (perhaps  remote)  future  time. 
Directly,  which  once  meant  with  no  intervening  time,  now 
means  after  some  little  while;  presently  no  longer  means  in  this 
very  present,  but  before  very  long.  Even  immediately  is  sliding 
from  its  instantaneousness,  so  that  we  are  fain  to  substitute  at 
once,  instantly,  etc.,  when  we  would  make  promptness  emphatic. 
Right  away  and  right  off  are  vigorous  conversational  expres- 
sions in  the  United  States. 


after  a  while      by  and  by      hereafter      in  the  future       some  time 

immerse                                                                                904 



"bury  dip   douse  duck  immerge  plunge   sink  submerge 

Dip  is  Saxon,  while  immerse  is  Latin  for  the  same  initial  act : 
dip  is  accordingly  the  more  popular  and  commonplace,  'immerse 
the  more  elegant  and  dignified  expression  in  many  cases.  To 
speak  of  baptism  by  immersion  as  dipping  now  seems  rude; 
though  entirely  proper  and  usual  in  early  English.  Baptists 
now  universally  use  the  word  immeise.  To  dtp  and  to  immerse 
alike  signify  to  bury  or  submerge  some  object  in  a  liquid;  but 
dip  implies  that  the  object  dipped  is  at  once  removed  from  the 
liquid,  while  immerse  is  wholly  silent  as  to  the  removal.  Im- 
merse also  suggests  more  absolute  completeness  of  the  action; 
one  may  dip  his  sleeve  or  dip  a  sponge  in  a  liquid,  if  he  but 
touches  the  edge;  if  he  immerses  it,  he  completely  sinks  it 
under,  and  covers  it  with  the  liquid.  Submerge  implies  that  the 
object  can  not  readily  be  removed,  if  at  all;  as,  a  submerged 
wreck.  To  plunge  is  to  immerse  suddenly  and  violently,  for 
which  douse  and  duck  are  colloquial  terms.  Dip  is  used,  also, 
unlike  the  other  words,  to  denote  the  putting  of  a  hollow  vessel 
into  a  liquid  in  order  to  remove  a  portion  of  it;  in  this  sense 
we  say  dip  up,  dip  out.  Compare  synonyms  for  BUBY. 

The  object  is  immersed  in  water. 


impending  threatening 

Imminent,  from  the  Latin,  with  the  sense  of  projecting  over, 
signifies  liable  to  happen  at  once,  as  some  calamity,  dangerous 
and  close  at  hand.  Impending,  also  from  the  Latin,  with  the 
sense  of  hanging  over,  is  closely  akin  to  imminent,  but  some- 
what less  emphatic.  Imminent  is  more  immediate,  impending 
more  remote,  threatening  more  contingent.  An  impending 
evil  is  almost  sure  to  happen  at  some  uncertain  time,  perhaps 
very  near;  an  imminent  peril  is  one  liable  to  befall  very 
speedily ;  a  threatening  peril  may  be  near  or  remote,  but  always 
with  hope  that  it  may  be  averted. 

chimerical  doubtful  problematical  unlikel/ 

contingent  improbable  unexpected 

295  immerse 




bar  clog  encumbrance       obstacle 

barrier  difficulty  hindrance  obstruction 

Difficulty  makes  an  undertaking  otherwise  than  easy.  That 
which  rests  upon  one  as  a  burden  is  an  encumbrance.  An 
impediment  is  primarily  something  that  cheeks  the  foot  or  in 
any  way  makes  advance  slow  or  difficult;  an  obstacle  is  some- 
thing that  stands  across  the  way,  an  obstruction  something  that 
is  built  or  placed  across  the  way.  An  obstruction  is  always 
an  obstacle,  but  an  obstacle  may  not  always  be  properly  termed 
an  obstruction;  boxes  and  bales  placed  on  the  sidewalk  are 
obstructions  to  travel;  an  ice-floe  is  an  obstacle  to  navigation, 
and  may  become  an  obstruction  if  it  closes  an  inlet  or  channel. 
A  hindrance  (kindred  with  "hind,  behind)  is  anything  that 
makes  one  come  behind  or  short  of  his  purpose.  An  impedi- 
ment may  be  either  what  one  finds  in  his  way  or  what  he 
carries  with  him;  impedimenta  was  the  Latin  name  for  the 
baggage  of  a  soldier  or  of  an  army.  The  tendency  is  to  view 
an  impediment  as  something  constant  or,  at  least  for  a  time, 
continuous;  as,  an  impediment  in  one's  speech.  A  difficulty 
or  a  hindrance  may  be  either  within  one  or  without;  a  speaker 
may  find  difficulty  in  expressing  himself,  or  difficulty  in  holding 
the  attention  of  restless  children.  An  encumbrance  is  always 
what  one  carries  with  him;  an  obstacle  or  an  obstruction  is 
always  without.  To  a  marching  soldier  the  steepness  of 
a  mountain  path  is  a  difficulty,  loose  stones  are  impediments, 
a  fence  is  an  obstruction,  a  cliff  or  a  boulder  across  the  way  ir 
an  obstacle;  a  knapsack  is  an  encumbrance. 

advantage      aid      assistance      benefit      help      relief      succor 





of  consequence 
of  importance 
of  moment 

weigh,  ty 

That  is  considerable  which  is  worthy  to  be  considered;  con- 
siderable is  thus  a  word  of  much  latitude,  and  is  a  concessive 



word;  to  say  that  any  matter  is  considerable  implies  that  it  is 
not  to  be  overlooked,  but  may  very  possibly  be  surpassed. 
That  is  important  which  imports  or  means  much  with  reference 
to  some  desired  result;  important  is  thus  a  stronger  word  than 
considerable.  Momentous  is  stronger  still,  signifying  of  such 
weight  or  consequence  as  to  make  other  matters  seem  trivial 
by  comparison.  The  Anglo-Saxon  weighty  is  less  emphatic 
than  momentous,  more  substantial  than  important;  weighty 
matters  have  power  by  and  of  themselves,  with  less  reference 
to  an  effect  upon  the  result  than  important  matters;  many 
weighty  reasons  may  be  overmatched  by  one  momentous  con- 
sideration. That  which  is  essential,  or  material,  is  so  involved 
in  the  essence,  or  subject-matter  of  what  is  in  hand  that  it 
can  not  be  separated  from  it  in  fact  or  thought;  material  ad- 
heres closely  to  the  matter  as  existing;  as,  a  material  difference; 
material  evidence;  or  a  material  witness;  essential  starts  at 
^tlae  existing  essence;  as  the  essential  properties  of  matter; 
but  goes  on  to  a  result  to  be  secured;  as,  an  essential  condition 
of  success.  That  which  is  determinative  tends  to  determine 
or  fix  a  result;  that  which  is  determining  does  fix  it.  That 
which  is  decisive  or  deciding  forces  decision.  That  which  is 
critical  may  determine  the  result  at  a  crisis;  as,  a  critical  mo- 
ment; a  critical  issue.  That  which  is  relevant  has  real  and 
necessary  relation  to  the  matter  in  hand.  Indispensable,  neces- 
sary, and  supreme  reach  far  beyond  what  is  considerable, 
important  or  momentous  to  that  which  is  absolutely  controlling, 
and  are  thus  closely  allied  with  essential.  Compare  NECESSARY. 
















Impertinence  primarily  denotes  what  does  not  pertain  or 
belong  to  the  occasion  or  the  person,  and  hence  comes  to  signify 

297  impudence 

interference  by  word  or  act  not  consistent  with  the  age,  position, 
or  relation  of  the  person  interfered  with  or  of  the  one  who 
interferes;  especially,  forward,  presumptuous,  or  meddlesome 
speech.  Impudence  is  shameless  impertinence.  What  would  be 
arrogance  in  a  superior  becomes  impertinence  or  impudence  in 
an  inferior.  Impertinence  has  less  of  intent  and  determination 
than  impudence.  We  speak  of  thoughtless  impertinence} 
shameless  impudence.  Insolence  is  literally  that  which  is 
against  custom,  i.  e.,  the  violation  of  customary  respect  and 
courtesy.  Officiousness  is  thrusting  upon  others  unasked  and 
undesired  service,  and  is  often  as  well-meant  as  it  is  annoying. 
Rudeness  is  the  behavior  that  might  be  expected  from  a 
thoroughly  uncultured  person,  and  may  be  either  deliberate 
and  insulting  or  unintentional  and  even  unconscious.  Compare 


bashfulness  diffidence          "    lowliness  modesty 

coyness  humility  meekness  submissiveness 


The  impudence  of,  or  impudence  from,  a  subordinate  to  a 



absurd  inapposite  inharmonious 

conflicting  inappropriate  irreconcilable 

contradictory  incoherent  mismatched 

contrary  incommensurable  mismated 

discordant  incompatible  repugnant 

discrepant  inconsistent  unsuitable 

Two  or  more  things  that  do  not  fit  well  together,  or  are  not 
adapted  to  each  other,  are  said  to  be  incongruous;  a  thing  is 
said  to  be  incongruous  that  is  not  adapted  to  the  time,  place, 
or  occasion ;  the  term  is  also  applied  to  a  thing  made  up  of  ill- 
assorted  parts  or  inharmonious  elements.  Discordant  is  applied 
to  all  things  that  jar  in  association  like  musical  notes  that  are 
not  in  accord;  inharmonious  has  the  same  original  se^ise,  but 
is  a  milder  term.  Incompatible  primarily  signifies  unable  to 
sympathize  or  feel  alike;  inconsistent  means  unable  to  stand 
together.  That  which  is  incoherent  lacks  coherence  or  cohesion; 
the  word  may  be  used  of  material  substances;  as,  incoherent 

induction                                                                              298 

volcanic  ashes;  or  it  may  be  used  of  thought  or  argument 
which  lacks  logical  cohesion.  It  is  oftenest  applied  to  speech, 
as  of  one  under  excitement,  delirium,  or  intoxication.  Things 
are  incompatible  which  can  not  exist  together  in  harmonious 
relations,  and  whose  action  when  associated  tends  to  ultimate 
extinction  of  one  by  the  other.  Inconsistent  applies  to  things 
that  can  not  be  made  to  agree  in  thought  with  each  other,  or 
with  some  standard  of  truth  or  right;  slavery  and  freedom  are 
inconsistent  with  each  other  in  theory,  and  incompatible  in  fact. 
Incongruous  applies  to  relations,  unsuitable  to  purpose  or  use; 
two  colors  are  incongruous  which  can  not  be  agreeably  as- 
sociated; either  may  be  unsuitable  for  a  person,  a  room,  or  an 
occasion.  Incommensurable  is  a  mathematical  term,  applying 
to  two  or  more  quantities  that  have  no  common  measure  or 
aliquot  part. 


accordant  compatible  harmonious 

agreeing  consistent  suitable 


The  illustrations  were  incongruous  with  the  theme. 



deduction  inference 

Deduction  is  reasoning  from  the  general  to  the  particular; 
mduction  is  reasoning  from  the  particular  to  the  general. 
Deduction  proceeds  from  a  general  principle  through  an  ad- 
mitted instance  to  a  conclusion.  Induction,  on  the  other  hand, 
proceeds  from  a  number  of  collated  instances,  through  some 
attribute  common  to  them  all,  to  a  general  principle.  The 
proof  of  an  induction  is  by  using  its  conclusion  as  the  premise 
of  a  new  deduction.  Thus  what  is  ordinarily  known  as  scientific 
induction  is  a  constant  interchange  of  induction  and  deduction. 
In  deduction,  if  the  general  rule  is  true,  and  the  special  case 
falls  under  the  rule,  the  conclusion  is  certain;  induction  can 
ordinarily  give  no  more  than  a  probable  conclusion,  because 
we  can  never  be  sure  that  we  have  collated  all  instances.  An 
induction  is  of  the  nature  of  an  inference,  but  while  an  infer- 
ence may  be  partial  and  hasty,  an  induction  is  careful,  and 
aims  to  be  complete.  Compare  DEMONSTRATION";  HYPOTHESia 

299                                                                                    induction 
_ industry 



active  busy  employed  occupied 

assiduous  diligent  engaged  sedulous 

Industrious  signifies  zealously  or  habitually  applying  one- 
self to  any  work  or  business.  Busy  applies  to  an  activity 
which  may  be  temporary,  industrious  to  a  habit  of  life.  We 
say  a  man  is  busy  just  now;  that  is,  occupied  at  the  moment 
with  something  that  takes  his  full  attention.  It  would  be  ridic- 
ulous or  satirical  to  say,  he  is  industrious  just  now.  But  busy 
can  be  used  in  the  sense  of  industrious,  as  when  we  say  he  is  a 
busy  man.  Diligent  indicates  also  a  disposition,  which  is 
ordinarily  habitual,  and  suggests  more  of  heartiness  and  voli- 
tion than  industrious.  We  say  one  is  a  diligent,  rather  than  an 
industrious,  reader  of  the  Bible.  In  the  use  of  the  nouns,  we 
speak  of  plodding  industry  but  not  of  plodding  diligence.  Com- 


See  synonyms  for  IDLE. 



application  diligence  labor  persistence 

assiduity  effort  pains  sedulousness 

attention  exertion  patience 

constancy  intentness  perseverance 

Industry  is  the  quality,  action,  or  habit  of  earnest,  steady, 
and  continued  attention  or  devotion  to  any  useful  or  productive 
work  or  task,  manual  or  mental.  Assiduity  (from  L.  ad,  to, 
and  sedeo,  sit),  as  the  etymology  suggests,  sits  down  to  a  task 
until  it  is  done.  Diligence  (from  L.  diligo,  love,  choose)  invests 
more  effort  and  exertion,  with  love  of  the  work  or  deep  interest 
in  its  accomplishment;  application  (from  L.  ad,  to,  and  plico, 
fold)  bends  to  its  work  and  concentrates  all  one's  powers  upon 
it  with  utmost  intensity;  hence,  application  can  hardly  be  as 
unremitting  as  assiduity.  Constancy  is  a  steady  devotion  of 
heart  and  principle.  Patience  works  on  in  spite  of  annoyances ; 
perseverance  overcomes  hindrances  and  difficulties;  persistence 
strives  relentlessly  against  opposition;  persistence  has  very 
frequently  an  unfavorable  meaning,  implying  that  one  persists 
on  spite  of  considerations  that  should  induce  him  to  desist 

infinite                                                                                300 

Industry  is  diligence  applied  to  some  avocation,  business,  or 
profession.  Labor  and  pains  refer  to  the  exertions  of  the 
worker  and  the  tax  upon  him,  while  assiduity,  perseverance, 
etc.,  refer  to  his  continuance  in  the  work. 


changeableness   idleness          inconstancy    neglect          remissness 
fickleness  inattention    indolence         negligence     sloth 



absolute       illimitable  limitless  unconditioned 

boundless     immeasurable  measureless  unfathomable 

countless      innumerable  numberless  unlimited 

eternal          interminable  unbounded  unmeasured 

Infinite  (from  L.  in,  not,  and  finis,  limit)  signifies  without 
bounds  or  limits  in  any  way,  and  may  be  applied  to  space, 
time,  quantity,  or  number.  Countless,  innumerable,  and 
numberless,  which  should  be  the  same  as  infinite,  are  in  com- 
mon usage  vaguely  employed  to  denote  what  it  is  difficult  or 
practically -impossible  to  count  or  number,  though  perhaps 
falling  far  short  of  infinite;  as,  countless  leaves,  the  countless 
sands  on  the  seashore,  numberless  battles,  innumerable  delays. 
So,  too,  boundless,  illimitable,  limitless,  measureless,  and  un- 
limited are  loosely  used  in  reference  to  what  has  no  apparent 
or  readily  determinable  limits  in  space  or  time ;  as,  we  speak  of 
the  boundless  ocean.  Infinite  space  is  without  bounds,  not  only 
in  fact,  but  in  thought;  infinite  time  is  truly  eternal.  Com- 
pare synonyms  for  ETERNAL. 


bounded  finite  moderate  short 

brief  limited  narrow  small 

circumscribed  little  restricted  transient 

evanescent  measurable  shallow  transitory 



actuate       draw  impel  induce  move  stir 

compel        drive  incite  instigate  persuade  sway 

dispose       excite  incline  lead  prompt  urge 

To  influence  (from  L.  in,  in  or  into,  and  fluo,  flow)  is  to 
affect,  modify,  or  act  upon  by  physical,  mental,  or  moral 
power,  especially  in  some  gentle,  subtle,  and  gradual  way;  as, 
vegetation  is  influenced  by  light;  every  one  is  influenced  to 

301  Infinite 


some  extent  by  public  opinion ;  influence  is  chiefly  used  of  power 
acting  from  without,  though  it  may  be  used  of  motives  regarded 
as  forces  acting  upon  the  will.  Actuate  refers  solely  to  mental 
or  moral  power  impelling  one  from  within.  One  may  influence, 
but  can  not  directly  actuate  another;  but  one  may- be  actuated 
to  cruelty  by  hatred  which  another's  misrepresentation  has 
aroused.  Prompt  and  stir  are  words  of  mere  suggestion  toward 
some  course  of  action;  dispose,  draw,  incline,  influence,  and 
lead  refer  to  the  use  of  mild  means  to  awaken  in  another  a 
purpose  or  disposition  to  act.  To  excite  is  to  arouse  one  from 
lethargy  or  indifference  to  action.  Incite  and  instigate,  to 
spur  or  goad  one  to  action,  differ  in  the  fact  that  incite  may  be 
to  good,  while  instigate  is  always  to  evil  (compare  ABET).  To 
urge  and  impel  signify  to  produce  strong  excitation  toward 
some  act.  We  are  urged  from  without,  impelled  from  within. 
Drive  and  compel  imply  irresistible  influence  accomplishing  its 
object.  One  may  be  driven  either  by  his  own  passions  or  by 
external  force  or  urgency;  one  is  compelled  only  by  some  exter- 
nal power;  as,  the  owner  was  compelled  by  his  misfortunes  to 
sell  his  estate.  Compare  COMPEL;  DRIVE. 


deter  hinder  inhibit  restrain 

discourage  impede  prevent  retard 



Actuated  to  crime  by  revenge. 



congenital  indispensable  innate  native 

essential  indwelling  inseparable        natural 

immanent  infixed  internal  subjective 

inborn  ingrained  intrinsic 

inbred  inhering  inwrought 

Inherent  signifies  permanently  united  as  an  element  or 
original  quality,  naturally  existent  or  incorporated  in  something 
so  as  to  have  become  an  integral  part.  Immanent  i&  a  philo- 
sophic word,  to  denote  that  which  dwells  in  or  pervades  any  sub- 
stance or  spirit  without  necessarily  being  a  part  of  it,  and  with- 
out reference  to  any  working  out  (compare  SUBJECTIVE).  That 
which  is  inherent  is  an  inseparable  part  of  that  in  which  it 
inheres,  and  is  usually  thought  of  with  reference  to  some  out- 



working  or  effect;  as,  an  inherent  difficulty.  God  is  said  to  be 
immanent  (not  inherent)  in  the  universe.  Frequently  intrinsic 
and  inherent  can  be  interchanged,  but  inherent  applies  to 
qualities,  while  intrinsic  applies  to  essence,  so  that  to  speak  of 
intrinsic  excellence  conveys  higher  praise  than  if  we  say  in- 
herent excellence.  Inherent  and  intrinsic  may  be  said  of  per- 
sons or  things;  congenital,  inborn,  inbred,  innate  apply  to 
living  beings.  Congenital  is  frequent  in  medical  and  legal  use 
with  special  application  to  defects;  as,  congenital  idiocy. 
Innate  and  inborn  are  almost  identical,  but  innate  is  preferred 
in  philosophic  use,  as  when  we  speak  of  innate  ideas;  that 
which  is  inborn,  congenital,  or  innate  may  be  original  with  the 
individual,  but  that  which  is  inbred  is  inherited.  Ingrained 
signifies  dyed  in  the  grain,  and  denotes  that  which  is  deeply 
wrought  into  substance  or  character. 


accidental     extrinsic  outwara  superficial  supplemental 

casual  fortuitous  subsidiary  superfluous  transient 

external         incidental  superadded  superimposed  unconnected 



blemish  evil  injustice         outrage 

damage  Harm  loss  prejudice 

detriment  Imrt  mischief          wrong 

disadvantage  impairment 

Injury  (from  L.  in,  not,  and  jus,  juris,  right,  law)  signifies 
primarily  something  done  contrary  to  law  or  right;  henee, 
something  contrary  to  some  standard  of  right  or  good ;  whatever 
reduces  the  value,  utility,  beauty,  or  desirableness  of  anything 
is  an  injury  to  that  thing;  of  persons,  whatever  is  so  done  as 
to  operate  adversely  to  one  in  his  person,  rights,  property,  or 
reputation  is  an  injury;  the  word  is  especially  used  of  whatever 
mars  the  integrity  of  the  body  or  causes  pain;  as,  when  rescued 
from  the  wreck  his  injuries  were  found  to  be  very  slight. 
Injury  is  the  general  term  including  all  the  rest.  Damage 
(from  L.  damnum,  loss)  is  that  which  occasions  loss  to  the 
possessor;  hence,  any  impairment  of  value,  often  with  the  sug- 
gestion of  fault  on  the  part  of  the  one  causing  it;  damage  re- 
duces value,  utility,  or  beauty;  detriment  (from  L.  deter  ere,  to 
rub  or  wear  away)  is  similar  in  meaning,  but  far  milder.  Det- 
riment may  affect  value  only:  damage  always  affects  real  worth 

303  J 


or  utility;  as  a  rule,  the  slightest  use  of  an  article  by  a  pur- 
chaser operates  to  its  detriment  if  again  offered  for  sale,  though 
the  article  may  have  received  not  the  slightest  damage.  Damage 
is  partial;  loss  is  properly  absolute  as  far  as  it  is  predicated  at 
all;  the  loss  of  a  ship  implies  that  it  is  gone  beyond  recovery; 
the  loss  of  the  rudder  is  a  damage  to  the  ship;  but  since  the  loss 
of  a  part  still  leaves  a  part,  we  may  speak  of  a  partial  or  a  total 
loss.  Evil  commonly  suggests  suffering  or  sin,  or  both;  as,  the 
evils  of  poverty,  the  social  evil.  Harm  is  closely  synonymous 
with  injury;  it  may  apply  to  body,  mind,  or  estate,  but  always 
affects  real  worth,  while  injury  may  concern  only  estimated 
value.  A  hurt  is  an  injury  that  causes  pain,  physical  or  men- 
tal ;  a  slight  hurt  may  be  no  real  harm.  Mischief  is  disarrange- 
ment, trouble,  or  harm  usually  caused  by  some  voluntary 
agent,  with  or  without  injurious  intent;  a  child's  thoughtless 
sport  may  do  great  mischief;  wrong  is  harm  done  with  evil 
intent.  An  outrage  combines  insult  and  injury.  Compare 


advantage  benefit  boon  improvement         service 

amelioration          blessing         help  remedy  utility 


The  injury  of  the  cause ;  an  injury  to  the  structure;  injury  by 
fire ;  "by  or  from  collision,  interference,  etc. 



grievance    injury    unfairness    unrighteousness    wrong 

Injustice  is  a  violation  or  denial  of  justice,  an  act  or  omission 
that  is  contrary  to  equity  or  justice;  as,  the  injustice  of  unequal 
taxes.  In  legal  usage,  a  wrong  involves  injury  to  person,  prop- 
erty, or  reputation,  as  the  result  of  evil  intent;  injustice 
applies  to  civil  damage  or  loss,  not  necessarily  involving  injury 
to  person  or  property,  as  by  misrepresentation  of  goods  which 
does  not  amount  to  a  legal  warranty.  In  popular  usage,  injus- 
tice may  involve  no  direct  injury  to  person,  property,  interest, 
or  character,  and  no  harmful  intent,  while  wrong  always  in- 
volves both;  one  who  attributes  another's  truly  generous  act  to 
a  selfish  motive  does  him  an  injustice.  Iniquity,  in  the  original 

innocent  304 


sense,  is  a  want  of  or  a  deviation  from  equity;  but  it  is  now 
applied  in  the  widest  sense  to  any  form  of  ill-doing.  Compare 
synonyms  for  CRIMINAL;  SIN. 


equity          faithfulness  impartiality  lawfulness     righteousness 

fairness       honesty  integrity  rectitude        uprightness 

fair  play     honor  justice  right 







Innocent,  in  the  full  sense,  signifies  not  tainted  with  sin;  not 
having  done  wrong-  or  violated  legal  or  moral  precept  or  duty; 
as,  an  innocent  babe.  Innocent  is  a  negative  word,  expressing 
less  than  righteous,  upright,  or  virtuous,  which  imply  knowledge 
of  good  and  evil,  with  free  choice  of  the  good.  A  little  child 
or  a  lamb  is  innocent;  a  tried  and  faithful  man  is  righteous, 
upright,  virtuous.  Immaculate,  pure,  and  sinless  may  be  used 
either  of  one  who  has  never  known  the  possibility  of  evil  or  of 
one  who  has  perfectly  and  triumphantly  resisted  it.  Innocent 
is  used  of  inanimate  substances  in  the  sense  of  harmless;  as,  an 
innocent  remedy,  that  is,  one  not  dangerous,  even  if  not  help- 
ful. Innocent,  in  a  specific  case,  signifies  free  from  the  guilt 
of  a  particular  act,  even  though  the  total  character  may  be 
very  evil;  as,  the  thief  was  found  to  be  innocent  of  the  murder. 
Exemplary  is  applied  to  conduct  so  excellent  as  to  set  a  good 
and  worthy  example  (compare  CONDIGN).  See  CANDID;  PUEB. 

Compare  synonyms  for  CRIMINAL. 



curious  meddlesome          peeping  scrutinizing 

inquiring         meddling  prying  searching 


An  inquisitive  person  is  one  who  is  bent  on  finding  out  all 
that  can  be  found  out  by  inquiry,  especially  of  little  and  per- 
sonal matters,  and  hence  is  generally  meddlesome  and  prywg. 

305  innocent 


Inquisitive  may  be  used  in  a  good  sense,  though  in  such  connec- 
tion inquiring  is  to  be  preferred;  as,  an  inquiring  mind.  As 
applied  to  a  state  of  mind,  curious  denotes  a  keen  and  rather 
pleasurable  desire  to  know  fully  something  to  which  one's 
attention  has  been  called,  but  without  the  active  tendency  that 
inquisitive  implies ;  a  well-bred  person  may  be  curious  to  know, 
but  will  not  be  inquisitive  in  trying  to  ascertain,  what  is  of 
interest  in  the  affairs  of  another. 


apathetic  heedless  indifferent  uninterested 

careless  inattentive  unconcerned 


Inquisitive  about,  concerning,  in  regard  to,  regarding  trifles. 



aberration     delirium  frenzy  mania 

alienation      dementia  hallucination  monomania 

craziness         derangement  lunacy  madness 

Of  these  terms  insanity  is  the  most  exact  and  comprehensive, 
including  in  its  widest  sense  all  morbid  conditions  of  mind  due 
to  diseased  action  of  the  brain  or  nervous  system,  but  in  its 
more  frequent  restricted  use  applied  to  those  forms  in  which 
the  mental  disorder  is  persistent,  as  distinguished  from  those  in 
which  it  is  temporary  or  transient.  Craziness  is  a  vague  popu- 
lar term  for  any  sort  of  disordered  mental  action,  or  for  con- 
duet  suggesting  it.  Lunacy  originally  denoted  intermittent 
insanity,  supposed  to  be  dependent  on  the  changes  of  the  moon 
(from  L.  luna) :  the  term  is  now  applied  in  general  and  legal 
use  to  any  form  of  mental  unsoundness  except  idiocy.  Madness 
is  the  old  popular  term,  now  less  common,  for  insanity *in  its 
widest  sense,  but  with  suggestion  of  excitement,  akin  to  mania. 
In  the  derived  sense,  lunacy  denotes  what  is  insanely  foolish, 
madness  what  is  insanely  desperate.  Derangement  is  a  common 
euphemism  for  insanity.  Delirium  is  always  temporary,  and  is 
specifically  the  insanity  of  disease,  as  in  acute  fevers.  Demen- 
tia is  a  general  weakening  of  the  mental  powers:  the  word  is 
specifically  applied  to  senile  insanity,  dotage.  Aberration  is 
eccentricity  of  mental  action  due  to  an  abnormal  state  of  the 
perceptive  faculties,  and  is  manifested  by  error  in  perceptions 
and  rambling  thought.  Hallucination  is  the  apparent  perception 

interpose  306 


of  that  which  does  not  exist  or  is  not  present  to  the  senses,  as 
the  seeing  of  specters  or  of  reptiles  in  delirium  tremens.  Mono- 
mama  is  mental  derangement  as  to  one  subject  or  object. 
Frenzy  and  mania  are  forms  of  raving  and  furious  insanity. 
Compare  synonyms  for  DELUSION  ;  IDIOCY. 


clearness  good  sense         lucidity  rationality          sanity 



arbitrate  intercept  intermeddle  meddle 

intercede  interfere  interrupt  mediate 

To  interpose  is  to  place  or  come  between  other  things  or 
persons,  usually  as  a  means  of  obstruction  or  prevention  of 
some  effect  or  result  that  would  otherwise  occur,  or  be  expected 
to  take  place.  Intercede  and  interpose  are  used  in  a  good  sense ; 
intermeddle  always  in  a  bad  sense,  and  interfere  frequently  so. 
To  intercede  is  to  come  between  persons  who  are  at  variance, 
and  plead  with  the  stronger  in  behalf  of  the  weaker.  One  may 
interpose  with  authority;  he  intercedes  by  petition.  To  inter- 
meddle is  to  thrust  oneself  into  the  concerns  of  others  with  a 
petty  ofneiousness;  meddling  commonly  arises  from  idle  curios- 
ity; "every  fool  will  be  meddling/3  Prov.  xx,  3;  to  interfere  is 
to  intrude  into  others'  affairs  with  more  serious  purpose,  with 
or  without  acknowledged  right  or  propriety.  Intercept  is  ap- 
plied to  an  object  that  may  be  seized  or  stopped  while  in  tran- 
sit; as,  to  intercept  a  letter  or  a  messenger;  interrupt  is  applied 
to  an  action  which  might  or  should  be  continuous,  but  is  broken 
in  upon  (from  L.  rumpere,  to  break)  by  some  disturbing 
power;  as,  the  conversation  was  interrupted.  One  who  arbi- 
trates or  mediates  must  do  so  by  the  request  or  at  least  with  the 
consent  of  the  contending  parties;  the  other  words  of  the  group 
imply  that  he  steps  in  of  his  own  accord. 


avoid  keep  aloof        keep  out       retire  stand  back 

hold  aloof       keep  away       let  alone       stand  aside       stand  off 
hold  off  keep  clear        let  be  stand  away       withdraw 


Interpose  between  the  combatants;  in  the  matter. 

307  interpose 




complicate    embarrass     entangle      imply       overwhelm 
contain  embroil          implicate     include 

To  involve  (from  L.  in,  in,  and  volvo,  roll)  is  to  roll  or  wind 
up  with  or  in  so  as  to  combine  inextricably  or  inseparably,  or 
nearly  so;  as,  the  nation  is  involved  in  war;  the  bookkeeper's 
accounts,  or  the  writer's  sentences  are  involved.  Involve  is  a 
stronger  word  than  implicate,  denoting  more  complete  entangle- 
ment. As  applied  to  persons,  implicate  is  always  used  in  an 
unfavorable  sense,  and  involve  ordinarily  so;  but  implicate 
applies  only  to  that  which  is  wrong,  while  involve  is  more 
commonly  used  of  that  which  is  unfortunate ;  one  is  implicated 
in  a  crime,  involved  in  embarrassments,  misfortunes,  or  per- 
plexities. As  regards  logical  connection,  that  which  is  included 
is  usually  expressly  stated ;  that  which  is  implied  is  not  stated, 
but  is  naturally  to  be  inferred;  that  which  is  involved  is  neces- 
sarily to  be  inferred ;  as,  a  slate  roof  is  included  in  the  contract ; 
that  the  roof  shall  be  water-tight  is  implied;  the  contrary  sup- 
position involves  an  absurdity.  See  COMPLEX. 


disconnect  distinguish.  extricate  separate 

disentangle  explicate  remove 



excursion  pilgrimage  transit  trip 

expedition  tour  travel  voyage 

A  journey  (from  F.  journee,  from  L.  diurnus,  daily)  was 
primarily  a  day's  work;  hence,  a  movement  from  place  to  place 
within  one  day,  which  we  now  describe  as  "a  day's  journey", 
in  its  extended  modern  use  a  journey  is  a  direct  going  from  a 
starting-point  to  a  destination,  ordinarily  over  a  considerable 
distance;  we  speak  of  a  day's  journey,  or  the  journey  of  life. 
Travel  is  a  passing  from  place  to  place,  not  necessarily  in  a 
direct  line  or  with  fixed  destination ;  a  journey  through  Europe 
would  be  a  passage  to  some  destination  beyond  or  at  the  farther* 
boundary;  travel  in  Europe  may  be  in  no  direct  course,  but 
may  include  many  journeys  in  different  directions.  A  voyagef 
which  was  formerly  a  journey  of  any  kind,  is  now  a  going  to  a 
considerable  distance  by  water,  especially  by  sea;  as,  a  voyage 
to  India.  A  trip  is  a  short  and  direct  journey.  A  tour  is  a 


journey  that  returns  to  the  starting-point,  generally  over  a 
considerable  distance;  as,  a  bridal  tour  or  business  tour.  An 
excursion  is  a  brief  tour  or  journey,  taken  for  pleasure,  often 
by  many  persons  at  once;  as,  an  excursion  to  Chautauqua. 
Passage  is  a  general  word  for  a  journey  by  any  conveyance, 
especially  by  water;  as,  a  rough  passage  across  the  Atlantic; 
transit,  literally  the  act  of  passing  over  or  through,  is  used 
specifically  of  the  conveyance  of  passengers  or  merchandise; 
rapid  transit  is  demanded  for  suburban  residents  or  perishable 
goods.  'Pilgrimage,  once  always  of  a  sacred  character,  retains 
in  derived  uses  something  of  that  sense;  as,  a  pilgrimage  to 

A  journey  from  Naples  to  Rome;  through  Mexico;  across  the 
continent;  over  the  sea;  a  journey  into  Asia;  among  savages; 
by  land,  by  rail,  for  health,  on  foot,  on  the  cars,  etc. 


arbiter          arbitrator        justice  referee          umpire 

A  judge,  in  the  legal  sense,  is  a  judicial  officer  appointed  or 
elected  to  preside  in  courts  of  law,  and  to  decide  legal  questions 
duly  brought  before  him;  the  name  is  sometimes  given  to  other 
legally  constituted  officers;  as,  the  judges  of  election;  in  other 
relations,  any  person  duly  appointed  to  pass  upon  the  merits  of 
contestants  or  of  competing  articles  may  be  called  a  judge;  as, 
the  judges  at  an  agricultural  fair  or  at  a  race-track;  in  the 
widest  sense,  any  person  who  has  good  capacity  for  judging  is 
called  a  judge;  as,  a  person  is  said  to  be  a  judge  of  pictures, 
or  a  good  judge'  of  a  horse,  etc.  In  most  games  the  judge  is 
called  an  umpire;  as,  the  umpire  of  a  game  of  ball  or  cricket. 
A  referee  is  appointed  by  a  court  to  decide  disputed  matters 
between  litigants;  an  arbitrator  is  chosen  by  the  contending 
parties  to  decide  matters  in  dispute  without  action  by  a  court. 
In  certain  eases  an  umpire  is  appointed  by  a  court  to  decide 
where  arbitrators  disagree.  Arbiter,  with  its  suggestion  of 
final  and  absolute  decision,  has  come  to  be  used  only  in  a  high 
or  sacred  sense;  as,  war  must  now  be  the  arbiter;  the  Supreme 
Arbiter  of  our  destinies.  The  judges  of  certain  courts,  as  the 
United  States  Supreme  Court,  are  technically  known  as  justices. 





equity  impartiality  legality  rightfnlneis 

fairness  integrity  rectitude  truth, 

fair  play  justness  right  uprightness 

faithfulness  law  righteousness  virtue 

honor  lawfulness 

In  its  governmental  relations,  human  or  divine,  justice  is  the 
giving  to  every  person  exactly  what  he  deserves,  not  necessarily 
involving  any  consideration  of  what  any  other  may  deserve; 
equity  (the  quality  of  being  equal)  is  giving  every  one  as  much 
advantage,  privilege,  or  consideration  as  is  given  to  any  other; 
it  is  that  which  is  equally  right  or  just  to  all  concerned ;  equity 
is  equal  justice  and  is  thus  a  close  synonym  for  fairness  and 
impartiality,  hut  it  has  a  philosophical  and  legal  precision  that 
those  words  have  not.  In  legal  proceedings  cases  arise  for 
which  the  law  has  not  adequately  provided,  or  in  which  general 
provisions,  just  in  the  main,  would  work  individual  hardship. 
The  system  of  equity,  devised  to  supply  the  insufficiencies  of 
law,  deals  with  cases  "to  which  the  law  by  reason  of  its  univer- 
sality can  not  apply."  "Equity,  then,  ...  is  the  soul  and 
spirit  of  all  law;  positive  law  is  construed  and  rational  law  is 
made  by  it."  BLACKSTONE  bk.  iii,  ch.  27,  p.  429.  In  personal 
and  social  relations  justice  is  the  rendering  to  every  one  what 
is  due  or  merited,  whether  in  act,  word,  or  thought;  in  matters 
of  reasoning,  or  literary  work  of  any  kind,  justice  is  close, 
faithful,  unprejudiced,  and  unbiased  adherence  to  essential 
truth  or  fact;  we  speak  of  the  justice  of  a  statement,  or  of 
doing  justice  to  a  subject.  Integrity,  rectitude,  right,  righteous- 
ness and  virtue  denote  conformity  of  personal  conduct  to  the 
moral  law,  and  thus  necessarily  include  justice,  which  is  giving 
others  that  which  is  their  due.  Lawfulness  is  an  ambiguous 
word,  meaning  in  its  narrower  sense  mere  legality,  which  may 
be  very  far  from  justice,  but  in  its  higher  sense  signifying  ac- 
cordance with  the  supreme  law  of  right,  and  thus  including  per- 
fect justice.  Justness  refers  rather  to  logical  relations  than  to 
practical  matters;  as,  we  speak  of  the  justness  of  a  statement 
or  of  a  criticism.  See  JUDGE,  n. 


dishonesty      Inequity       partiality         unlawfulness  untruth 

favoritism       injustice       unfairness       unreasonableness 

keep                                                                                               310 
knowledge J 


The  justice  of  the  king;  to  or  for  the  oppressed. 



carry  defend  bold  preserve  retain 

carry  on        detain  maintain  protect  support 

celebrate       fulfil  obey  refrain  sustain 

conduct          guard  observe  restrain  withhold 

Keep,  signifying  generally  to  have  and  retain  in  possession,  is 
the  terse,  strong  Saxon  term  for  many  acts  which  are  more  ex- 
actly discriminated  by  other  words.  We  keep,  observe,  or  cele- 
brate a  festival;  we  keep  or  hold  a  prisoner  in  custody;  we- 
keep  or  preserve  silence,  keep  the  peace,  preserve  order — pre- 
serve being  the  more  formal  word;  we  keep  or  maintain  a  horse, 
a  servant,  etc.;  a  man  supports  his  family;  we  keep  or  obey  a 
commandment ;  keep  or  fulfil  a  promise.  To  conserve  anything 
is  to  keep  or  preserve  it  in  its  present  state;  as,  to  conserve 
the  interests  of  employers  or  of  worMngmen.  In  the  expres- 
sions to  keep  a  secret,  keep  one's  own  council,  keep  faith,  or 
keep  the  faith,  such  words  as  preserve  or  maintain  could  not 
be  substituted  without  loss.  A  person  keeps  a  shop  or  store, 
conducts  or  carries  on  a  business ;  he  keeps  or  carries  a  certain 
line  of  goods;  we  may  keep  or  restrain  one  from  folly,  crime, 
or  violence;  we  keep  from  or  refrain  from  evil,  ourselves. 
Keep  in  the  sense  of  guard  or  defend  implies  that  the  defense 
is  effectual.  Compare  CELEBRATE;  RESTRAIN. 

Bleep  in  hand,  in  mind,  in  or  within  the  house;  from  evil;  out 
of  mischief,  keep  to  the  subject;  keep  for  a  person,  an  occa- 
sion, etc. 



assassinate      despatch      massacre       put  to  death     slay 
butcher  execute         murder          slaughter 

To  kill  is  simply  to  deprive  of  life,  Iranian,  animal,  or  vege- 
table, with  no  suggestion  of  how  or  why.  Assassinate,  execute, 
murder  apply  only  to  the  taking  of  human  life;  to  murder  is 
to  kill  with  premeditation  and  malicious  intent;  to  execute  is  to 
kill  in  fulfilment  of  a  legal  sentence;  to  assassinate  is  to  kill 

311  ^          keep 

3  knowledge 

by  assault;  this  word  is  chiefly  applied  to  the  killing  of  public 
or  eminent  persons  through  alleged  political  motives,  whether 
secretly  or  openly.  To  slay  is  to  kill  by  a  blow,  or  by  a  weapon. 
Butcher  and  slaughter  apply  primarily  to  the  killing  of  cattle; 
massacre  is  applied  primarily  and  almost  exclusively  to  human 
beings,  signifying  to  kill  them  indiscriminately  in  large 
numbers;  to  massacre  is  said  when  there  is  no  chance  of  success- 
ful resistance;  to  butcher  when  the  killing  is  especially  brutal; 
soldiers  mown  down  in  a  hopeless  charge  are  said  to  be 
slaughtered  when  no  brutality  on  the  enemy's  part  is  implied. 
To  despatch  is  to  kill  swiftly  and  in  general  quietly,  always  with 
intention,  with  or  without  right. 

To  loll  with  or  by  sword,  famine,  pestilence,  care,  grief,  etc.; 
killed  for  his  money,  by  a  robber,  with  a  dagger. 



affinity  blood  family  race 

alliance  consanguinity  kind  relationship 

birth  descent  kindred 

Kind  is  broader  than  kin,  denoting  the  most  general  relation* 
shipy  as  of  the  whole  human  species  in  mankind,  humanfem^ 
etc.;  kin  and  kindred  denote  direct  relationship  that  can  be 
traced  through  either  blood  or  marriage,  preferably  the  former; 
either  of  these  words  may  signify  collectively  all  persons  of  the 
same  blood  or  members  of  the  same  family,  relatives  or  rela- 
tions. Affinity  is  relationship  by  marriage,  consanguinity  is 
relationship  by  blood.  There  are  no  true  antonyms  of  kin  or 
kindred,  except  those  made  by  negatives,  since  strangers,  aliens, 
foreigners,  and  foes  may  still  be  kin  or  kindred. 



acquaintance       erudition  learning  recognition 

apprehension       experience  light  scholarship 

cognition  information  lore  science 

cognizance  intelligence  perception  wisdom 

comprehension   intuition 

Knowledge  is  all  that  the  mind  knows,  from  whatever  source 
derived  or  obtained,  or  by  whatever  process;  the  aggregate  of 

language                                                                                   312 

facts,  truths,  or  principles  acquired  or  retained  by  the  mind,  in- 
cluding alike  the  intuitions  native  to  the  mind  and  all  that  has 
been  learned  respecting  phenomena,  causes,  laws,  principles, 
literature,  etc.  There  is  a  tendency  to  regard  knowledge  as 
accurate  and  systematic,  and  to  a  certain  degree  complete. 
Information  is  knowledge  of  fact,  real  or  supposed,  derived 
from  persons,  books,  or  observation,  and  is  regarded  as  casual 
and  haphazard.  We  say  of  a  studious  man  that  he  has  a  great 
store  of  knowledge,  or  of  an  intelligent  man  of  the  world,  that 
he  has  a  fund  of  varied  information.  Lore  is  used  only  in 
poetic  or  elevated  style,  for  accumulated  knowledge,  as  of  a 
people  or  age,  or  in  a  more  limited  sense  for  learning  or  erudi- 
tion. We  speak  of  perception  of  external  objects,  apprehen- 
sion of  intellectual  truth.  Simple  perception  gives  a  limited 
knowledge  of  external  ob3ects,  merely  as  such;  the  cognition 
of  the  same  objects  is  a  knowledge  of  them  in  some  relation; 
cognizance  is  the  formal  or  official  recognition  of  something  as 
an  object  of  knowledge;  we  take  cognizance  of  it.  Intuition  is 
primary  knowledge  antecedent  to  all  teaching  or  reasoning, 
experience  is  knowledge  that  has  entered  directly  into  one's  own 
life;  as,  a  child's  experience  that  fire  will  burn.  Learning  is 
much  higher  than  information,  being  preeminently  wide  and 
systematic  knowledge,  the  result  of  long,  assiduous  study; 
erudition  is  recondite  learning  secured  only  by  extraordinary 
industry,  opportunity,  and  ability.  Compare  ACQUAINTANCE; 


ignorance        inexperience  misconception  rudeness 

illiteracy         misapprehension      misunderstanding      unfamiharity 



barbarism  expression  patois           vernacular 

dialect  idiom.  speech           vocabulary 

diction  mother  tongue  tongue 

Language  (from  F.  langage,  from  L.  lingua,  the  tongue) 
signified  originally  expression  of  thought  by  spoken  words,  but 
now  in  its  widest  sense  it  signifies  expression  of  thought  by  any 
means;  as,  the  language  of  the  eyes,  the  language  of  flowers. 
As  regards  the  use  of  words,  language  in  its  broadest  sense 
denotes  all  the  uttered  sounds  and  their  combinations  into  words 


and  sentences  that  human  heings  employ  for  the  communication 
of  thought,  and,  in  a  more  limited  sense,  the  words  or  comhina- 
tions  forming  a  means  of  communication  among  the  members 
of  a  single  nation,  people,  or  race.  Speech  involves  always  the 
power  of  articulate  utterance ;  we  can  speak  of  the  language  of 
animals,  but  not  of  their  speech.  A  tongue  is  the  speech  or 
language  of  some  one  people,  country,  or  race.  A  dialect 
is  a  special  mode  of  speaking  a  language  peculiar  to  some 
locality  or  class,  not  recognized  as  in  accordance  with  the  best 
usage;  a  barbarism  is  a  perversion  of  a  language  by  ignorant 
foreigners,  or  some  usage  aMn  to  that.  Idiom  refers  to  the 
construction  of  phrases  and  sentences,  and  the  way  of  forming 
or  using  words;  it  is  the  peculiar  mold  in  which  each  language 
casts  its  thought.  The  great  difficulty  of  translation  is  to  give 
the  thought  expressed  in  one  language  in  the  idiom  of  another. 
A  dialect  may  be  used  by  the  highest  as  well  as  the  lowest  within 
its  range;  a  patois  is  distinctly  illiterate,  belonging  to  the 
lower  classes ;  those  who  speak  a  patois  understand  the  cultured 
form  of  their  own  language,  but  speak  only  the  degraded  form, 
as  in  the  case  of  the  Italian  lazzaroni  or  the  former  negro  slaves 
in  the  United  States.  Vernacular,  from  the  Latin,  has  the  same 
general  sense  as  the  Saxon  mother  tongue,  of  one's  native 
language,  or  that  of  a  people;  as,  the  Scriptures  were  trans- 
lated into  the  vernacular.  Compare  DICTION". 



abundant  coarse  gigantic  long 

ample  colossal  grand  massive 

big  commodious  great  spacious 

broad  considerable  huge  vast 

bulky  enormous  immense  wide 

capacious  extensive 

Large  denotes  extension  in  more  than  one  direction,  and  be- 
yond the  average  of  the  class  to  which  the  object  belongs;  we 
speak  of  a  large  surface  or  a  large  solid,  but  of  a  long  line;  a 
large  field,  a  large  room,  a  large  apple,  etc.  A  large  man  is  a 
man  of  more  than  ordinary  size;  a  great  man  is  a  man  of  re- 
markable mental  power.  Big  is  a  more  emphatic  word  than 
large,  but  of  less  dignity.  We  do  not  say  that  George 
Washington  was  a  big  man. 






















concealed  included  potential  undeveloped 

dormant  inherent  recondite  unknown 

hidden.  invisible  secret  unobserved 

imperceptible  involved  torpid  tun/perceived 

implicit  occult  nncoxuprehended    unseen 

That  which  is  latent  (from  L.  lateo,  lie  hidden)  is  "hidden 
from  ordinary  observation  (compare  HIDE)  ;  as,  latent  powers; 
a  latent  motive ;  a  disease  is  said  to  be  latent  between  the  time 
of  its  contraction  and  its  manifestation.  Dormant  (from 
L.  dormio,  sleep)  applies  to  the  winter  condition  of  hiber- 
nating animals,  when  they  seem  asleep,  or  are  even  apparently 
lifeless;  we  speak  of  dormant  energies  (which  have  acted,  and 
may  yet  again  be  aroused) ;  a  dormant  volcano;  torpid  (from 
L.  torpeOj  be  numb)  is  practically  equivalent  to  dormant  as 
applied  to  a  hibernating  animal ;  torpid  merely  denotes  the  in- 
sensibility, which  dormant  accounts  for  as  a  form  of  sleep; 
hence,  torpid  applies  to  whatever  is  sluggish,  dull,  and  lethargic, 
without  the  same  suggestion  of  possible  arousal  as  in  dormant; 
we  should  not  speak  of  torpid  energy.  Potential  applies 
to  that  which  is  possible,  but  not  actual;  a  potential  poet 
or  orator  has  the  qualities,  though  yet  undeveloped,  that 
may  make  a  poet  or  an  orator;  potential  energy  or  force  is 
energy  or  force  that  under  certain  conditions  is  sure  to  come 
into  action;  potential  has  not  the  same  suggestion  as  dormant 
of  power  that  has  been  previously  active.  That  is  recondite 
which  is  hidden  from  ordinary  and  easy  perception  and  intel- 
ligence, and  only  to  be  known  (if  at  all)  by  unusual  and  difficult 
research.  Occult  always  carries  the  sense  of  mystery;  original- 
ly applied  to  the  unknown  or  ill-understood  forces  or  facts  of 
physical  science,  the  word  is  now  extended  to  whatever  is 
recondite  and  mysterious,  not  to  be  discovered  or  understood 
by  the  ordinary  action  of  the  human  faculties,  or  not  to  be 
known  by  any  action  of  the  material  senses,  but  only  by  an 
illuminated  spiritual  perception.  Compare  MYSTEEIOTTS. 

315  latent 



active  developed  exposed  unconcealed 

apparent  evident  manifest  visible 

conspicuous  explicit  perceptible 



canon.  economy  legislation,  principle 

code  edict  mandate  regulation 

command  enactment  order  rule 

commandment  formula  ordinance  statute 

decree  jurisprudence  polity 

Law,  in  its  ideal,  is  the  statement  of  a  principle  of  right  in 
mandatory  form,  by  competent  authority,  with  adequate  penalty 
for  disobedience;  in  common  use,  the  term  is  applied  to  any 
legislative  act,  however  imperfect  or  unjust.  Command  and 
commandment  are  personal  and  particular;  as,  the  commands 
of  a  parent;  the  ten  commandments.  An  edict  is  the  act  of  an 
absolute  sovereign  or  other  authority;  we  speak  of  the  edict 
of  an  emperor,  the  decree  of  a  court.  A  mandate  is  specific, 
for  an  occasion  or  a  purpose;  a  superior  court  issues  its 
mandate  to  an  inferior  court  to  send  up  its  records.  Statute 
is  the  recognized  legal  term  for  a  specific  law;  enactment  is  the 
more  vague  and  general  expression.  We  speak  of  algebraic  or 
chemical  formulas,  municipal  ordinances,  military  orders,  army 
regulations,  ecclesiastical  canons,  the  rules  of  a  business  house. 
Law  is  often  used,  also,  for  a  recognized  principle,  whose  viola- 
tion is  attended  with  injury  or  loss  that  acts  like  a  penalty ;  as, 
the  laws  of  business;  the  laws  of  nature.  In  more  strictly 
scientific  use,  a  natural  law  is  simply  a  recognized  system  of 
sequences  or  relations ;  as,  Kepler's  laws  of  planetary  distances. 
A  code  is  a  system  of  laws;  jurisprudence  is  the  science  of  law, 
or  a  system  of  laws  scientifically  considered,  classed,  and  inter- 
preted ;  legislation,  primarily  the  act  of  legislating,  denotes  also 
the  body  of  statutes  enacted  by  a  legislative  body.  An  economy 
(from  Gr.  oikonomia,  primarily  the  management  of  a  house) 
is  any  comprehensive  system  of  administration;  as,  domestic 
economy;  but  the  word  is  extended  to  the  administration  or 
government  of  a  state  or  people,  signifying  a  body  of  laws  and 
regulations,  with  the  entire  system,  political  or  religious,  espe- 
cially the  latter,  of  which  they  form  a  part;  as,  the  code  of 
Draco,  Roman  jurisprudence,  British  legislation,  the  Mosaic 

economy.  Law  is  also  used  as  a  collective  noun  for  a  system  of 
laws  or  recognized  rules  or  regulations,  including  not  only  all 
special  laws,  but  the  principles  on  which  they  are  based.  The 
Mosaic  economy  is  known  also  as  the  Mosaic  law,  and  we  speak 
of  the  English  common  law,  or  the  law  of  nations.  Polity 
(from  G-r.  politeia,  from  polis,  a  city)  signifies  the  form, 
constitution,  or  method  of  government  of  a  nation,  state, 
church,  or  other  institution;  in  usage  it  differs  from  economy 
as  applying  rather  to  the  system,  while  economy  applies  espe- 
cially to  method,  or  to  the  system  as  administered ;  an  economy 
might  be  termed  a  polity  considered  with  especial  reference 
to  its  practical  administration,  hence  commonly  with  special 
reference  to  details  or  particulars,  while  polity  has  more 
reference  to  broad  principles. 


emancipation  freedom          independence          license 

In  general  terms,  it  may  be  said  that  freedom  is  absolute,  lib- 
erty relative;  freedom  is  the  absence  of  restraint,  liberty  is 
primarily  the  removal  or  avoidance  of  restraint ;  in  its  broadest 
sense,  it  is  the  state  of  being  exempt  from  the  domination  of 
others  or  from  restricting  circumstances.  Freedom  and  liberty 
are  constantly  interchanged;  the  slave  is  set  at  liberty,  or  gains 
his  freedom;  but  freedom  is  the  nobler  word.  Independence  is 
said  of  states  or  nations,  freedom  and  liberty  of  individuals; 
the  independence  of  the  United  States  did  not  secure  liberty  or 
freedom  to  its  slaves.  Liberty  keeps  quite  strictly  to  the 
thought  of  being  clear  of  restraint  or  compulsion;  freedom 
takes  a  wider  range,  applying  to  other  oppressive  influences; 
thus  we  speak  of  freedom  from  annoyance  or  intrusion. 
License  is,  in  its  limited  sense,  a  permission  or  privilege  granted 
by  adequate  authority,  a  bounded  liberty;  in  the  wider  sense, 
license  is  an  ignoring  and  defiance  of  all  that  should  restrain, 
and  a  reckless  doing  of  all  that  individual  caprice  or  passion 
may  choose  to  do — a  base  and  dangerous  counterfeit  of  free- 
dom. Compare  ALLOW;  PERMISSION. 


captivity  imprisonment  oppression  slavery 

compulsion  necessity  serfdom  superstition 

constraint  obligation  servitude  thraldom 

317  liberty 

.         light 



beam  glare  glow  sldmmer 

blaze  gleam  illumination  shine 

brilliancy  gleaming  incandescence  shining 

effulgence  glimmer  luster  sparkle 

flame  glistening  radiance  splendor 

flare  glistering  scintillation  twinkle 

flash  glitter  sheen  twinkling 

Light,  strictly  denoting  a  form  of  radiant  energy,  is  used  as  a 
general  term  for  any  luminous  effect  discernible  by  the  eye, 
from  the  faintest  phosphorescence  to  the  "blaze  of  the  noonday 
sun.  A  -flame  is  both  hot  and  luminous ;  if  it  contains  few  solid 
particles  it  will  yield  little  light,  though  it  may  afford  intense 
heat,  as  in  the  case  of  a  hydrogen-/?ame.  A  blaze  is  an  exten- 
sive, brilliant  flame.  A  flare  is  a  wavering  flame  or  "blaze;  a 
flash  is  a  light  that  appears  and  disappears  in  an  instant;  as,  a 
flash  of  lightning;  the  flash  of  gunpowder.  The  glare  and  glow 
are  steady,  the  glare  painfully  bright,  the  glow  subdued;  as, 
the  glare  of  torches;  the  glow  of  dying  embers.  Shine  and 
shining  refer  to  a  steady  or  continuous  emission  of  light; 
sheen  is  a  faint  shining,  usually  by  reflection. 

And  the  sheen  of  their  spears  was  like  stars  on  the  sea, 
Where  the  blue  wave  rolls  nightly   on  deep   Galilee. 

BTBON  Destruction  of  Sennacherib,  sb.  7, 

Glimmer,  glitter,  and  shimmer  denote  wavering  light.  We 
speak  of  the  glimmer  of  distant  lamps  through  the  mist;  of 
the  shimmer  of  waves  in  sunlight  or  moonlight.  A  gleam  is 
not  wavering,  but  transient  or  intermittent ;  a  sudden  gleam  of 
light  came  through  the  half -open  door ;  a  glitter  is  a  hard  light; 
as,  the  glitter  of  burnished  arms.  Glistening  is  a  shining  as 
from  a  wet  surface.  Luster  denotes  commonly  a  reflection 
from  a  polished  surface,  as  of  silk  or  gems.  A  sparkle  is  a 
sudden  light ;  as  of  sparks  thrown  out ;  scintillation  is  the  more 
exact  and  scientific  term  for  the  actual  emission  of  sparks,  also 
the  figurative  term  for  what  suggests  such  emission;  as,  scintil- 
lations of  wit  or  of  genius.  Twinkle  and  twinkling  are  used  of 
the  intermittent  light  of  the  fixed  stars.  Splendor  denotes  an 
especial  abundance  and  glory  of  light  that  may  be  beautiful, 
dazzling,  or  overwhelming;  as  the  splendor  of  sunrise  or  sun- 
set; the  splendor  of  the  Great  White  Throne.  Illumination 

likely                                                                                           318 

is  a  wide-spread,  brilliant  light,  as  when  all  the  windows  of  a 
house  or  of  a  street  are  lighted.  The  light  of  incandescence  is 
intense  and  white  like  that  from  metal  at  a  white  heat.  Com- 
pare BRIGHT. 


blackness          darkness  dusk  gloominess  shade 

dark  dimness  gloom  obscurity  shadow 



apt  conceivable          liable  probable 

credible  conjectural          presumable          reasonable 

Apt  implies  a  natural  fitness  or  tendency;  an  impetuous  per- 
son is  apt  to  speak  hastily.  Liable  refers  to  a  contingency  re- 
garded as  unfavorable;  as,  the  ship  was  liable  to  founder  at 
any  moment.  Likely  refers  to  a  contingent  event  regarded  as 
very  probable,  and  usually,  though  not  always,  favorable;  as, 
an  industrious  worker  is  likely  to  succeed.  Credible  signifies 
readily  to  be  believed;  as,  a  credible  narrative;  likely  in  such 
connection  is  used  ironically  to  signify  the  reverse ;  as,  a  likely 
story!  A  thing  is  conceivable  of  which  the  mind  can  entertain 
the  possibility;  a  thing  is  conjectural  which  is  conjectured  as 
possible  or  probable  without  other  support  than  a  conjecture, 
or  tentative  judgment;  a  thing  is  presumable  which,  from 
what  is  antecedently  known,  may  be  taken  for  granted  in 
advance  of  proof.  Reasonable  in  this  connection  signifies  such 
as  the  reason  can  be  satisfied  with,  independently  of  external 
grounds  for  belief  or  disbelief;  as,  that  seems  a  reasonable 
supposition.  Compare  APPARENT. 


doubtful  improbable  questionable  unreasonable 

dubious  incredible  unlikely 



attend          nark  barken  near  heed  list 

Between  listen  and  hear  is  a  difference  like  that  between  the 
words  look  and  see.  (Compare  synonyms  for  LOOK.)  To  hear  is 
simply  to  become  conscious  of  sound,  to  listen  is  to  make  a  con- 
scious effort  or  endeavor  to  hear.  We  may  hear  without  listen- 
ing, as  words  suddenly  uttered  in  an  adjoining  room;  or  we 

319                                                                                              Hkely 

may  listen  without  hearing,  as  to  a  distant  speaker.  In  listening 
the  ear  is  intent  upon  the  sound;  in  attending  the  mind  is  intent 
upon  the  thought,  though  listening  implies  some  attention  to 
the  meaning  or  import  of  the  sound.  To  heed  is  not  only  to 
attend,  but  remember  and  observe.  Harken  is  nearly  obsolete. 


be  deaf  to  agnore  neglect  scorn  slight 


We  listen  for  what  we  expect  or  desire  to  hear;  we  listen  to 
what  we  actually  do  hear;  listen  for  a  step,  a  signal,  a  train; 
listen  to  the  debate. 



belles-lettres  literary   productions          publications 

books  literary   works  writings 

Literature  is  collective,  including  in  the  most  general  sense  all 
the  written  or  printed  productions  of  the  human  mind  in  all 
lands  and  ages,  or  in  a  more  limited  sense,  referring  to  all  that 
has  been  published  in  some  land  or  age,  or  in  some  department 
of  human  knowledge ;  as,  the  literature  of  Greece ;  the  literature 
of  the  Augustan  age;  the  literature  of  politics  or  of  art. 
Literature,  used  absolutely,  denotes  what  has  been  called  "po- 
lite literature"  or  belles-lettres,  L  e.,  the  works  collectively  that 
embody  taste,  feeling,  loftiness  of  thought,  and  purity  and 
beauty  of  style,  as  poetry,  history,  fiction,  and  dramatic  com- 
positions, including  also  much  of  philosophical  writing,  as  the 
"Republic"  of  Plato,  and  oratorical  productions,  as  the  orations 
of  Demosthenes.  In  the  broad  sense,  we  can  speak  of  the 
literature  of  science ;  in  the  narrower  sense,  we  speak  of  litera- 
ture and  science  as  distinct  departments  of  knowledge.  Litera- 
ture is  also  used  to  signify  literary  pursuits  or  occupations; 
as,  to  devote  one's  life  to  literature.  Compare  KNOWLEDGE; 


LOAD,  n. 


burden         charge        encumbrance        incubus       pack 
cargo  clog:  freight  lading          weight 

A  burden  (from  the  Anglo-Saxon  byrthen,  from  the  verb 
heron,  bear)  is  what  one  has  to  bear,  and  the  word  is  used 


always  of  that  which  is  borne  by  a  living  agent.  A  load  (from 
the  Anglo-Saxon  lad,  a  way,  course,  carrying,  or  carriage)  is 
what  is  laid  upon  a  person,  animal,  or  vehicle  for  conveyance, 
or  what  is  customarily  so  imposed;  as,  a  two-horse  load. 
Weight  measures  the  pressure  due  to  gravity;  the  same  weight 
that  one  finds  a  moderate  load  when  in  his  full  strength  becomes 
a  heavy  burden  in  weariness  or  weakness.  ^A  ship's  load  is 
called  distinctively  a  cargo,  or  it  may  be  known  as  freight  or 
lading.  Freight  denotes  merchandise  in  or  for  transportation 
and  is  used  largely  of  transportation  or  of  merchandise  trans- 
ported by  rail,  which  is,  in  commercial  language,  said  to  be 
"shipped."  A  load  to  be  fastened  upon  a  horse  or  mule  is 
called  a  pack,  and  the  animal  is  known  as  a  pack-horse  or  pack- 



bar  catch  fastening  hook 

bolt  clasp  hasp  latch 

A  bar  is  a  piece  of  wood  or  metal,  usually  of  considerable 
size,  by  which  an  opening  is  obstructed,  a  door  held  fast,  etc. 
A  bar  may  be  movable  or  permanent;  a  bolt  is  a  movable  rod 
or  pin  of  metal,  sliding  in  a  socket  and  adapted  for  securing  a 
door  or  window.  A  lock  is  an  arrangement  by  which  an  en- 
closed bolt  is  shot  forward  or  backward  by  a  key,  or  other  de- 
vice; the  bolt  is  the  essential  part  of  the  lock.  A  latch  or 
catch  is  an  accessible  fastening  designed  to  be  easily  movable, 
and  simply  to  secure  against  accidental  opening  of  the  door, 
cover,  etc.  A  hasp  is  a  metallic  strap  that  fits  over  a  staple, 
calculated  to  be  secured  by  a  padlock;  a  simple  hook  that  fits 
into  a  staple  is  also  called  a  hasp.  A  clasp  is  a  fastening  that 
can  be  sprung  into  place,  to  draw  and  hold  the  parts  of  some 
enclosing  object  firmly  together,  as  the  clasp  of  a  book. 



behold  discern  inspect  see  view 

contemplate  gaze  regard  stare  watch 

descry  glance  scan  survey 

To  see  is  simply  to  become  conscious  of  an  object  of  vision ; 
to  look  is  to  make  a  conscious  and  direct  endeavor  to  see.    To 

321  lock 


behold  is  to  fix  the  sight  and  the  mind  with  distinctness  and  con- 
sideration upon  something  that  has  come  to  be  clearly  before 
the  eyes.  We  may  look  without  seeing,  as  in  pitch-darkness, 
and  we  may  see  without  looking,  as  in  case  of  a  flash  of  light- 
ning. To  gaze  is  to  look  intently,  long,  and  steadily  upon  an 
object.  To  glance  is  to  look  casually  or  momentarily.  To  stare 
is  to  look  with  a  fixed  intensity  such  as  is  the  effect  of  sur- 
prise, alarm,  or  rudeness.  To  scan  is  to  look  at  minutely,  to 
note  every  visible  feature.  To  inspect  is  to  go  below  the  sur- 
face, uncover,  study  item  by  item.  View  and  survey  are  com- 
prehensive, survey  expressing  the  greater  exactness  of  measure- 
ment or  estimate.  Watch  brings  in  the  element  of  time  and 
often  of  wariness;  we  watch  for  a  movement  or  change,  a 
signal,  the  approach  of  an  enemy,  etc.  Compare  APPEAR. 



affection  charity  friendship  regard 

attachment  devotion  liking  tenderness 

attraction  fondness 

Affection  is  kindly  feeling,  deep,  tender,  and  constant,  going 
out  to  some  person  or  object,  being  less  fervent  and  ardent 
than  love,  whether  applied  to  persons  or  things.  Love  is  an 
intense  and  absorbing  emotion,  drawing  one  toward  a  person 
or  object  and  causing  one  to  appreciate,  delight  in,  and  crave 
the  presence  or  possession  of  the  person  or  object  loved,  and 
to  desire  to  please  and  benefit  the  person,  or  to  advance  the 
cause,  truth,  or  other  object  of  affection;  it  is  the  yearning  or 
outgoing  of  soul  toward  something  that  is  regarded  as  excellent, 
beautiful,  or  desirable;  love  may  be  briefly  defined  as  strong 
and  absorbing  affection  for  and  attraction  toward  a  person  or 
object.  Love  may  denote  the  sublimest  and  holiest  spiritual 
affection  as  when  we  are  taught  that  "God  is  love."  Charity 
has  so  far  swung  aside  from  this  original  meaning  that  prob- 
ably it  never  can  be  recalled  (compare  BENEVOLENCE).  The 
Revised  Version  uses  love  in  place  of  chanty  in  1  Cor.  xiii, 
and  elsewhere.  Love  is  more  intense,  absorbing,  and  tender 
than  friendship,  more  intense,  impulsive,  and  perhaps  passion- 
ate than  affection;  we  speak  of  fervent  love,  but  of  deep  or 
tender  affection,  or  of  close,  firm,  strong  friendship.  Love  is 

make  322 

used  specifically  for  personal  affection  between  the  sexes  in  the 
highest  sense,  the  love  that  normally  leads  to  marriage,  and  sub- 
sists throughout  all  happy  wedded  life.  Love  can  never  prop- 
erly denote  mere  animal  passion,  which  is  expressed  by  such 
words  as  appetite,  desire,  lust.  One  may  properly  be  said  to 
have  love  for  animals,  for  inanimate  objects,  or  for  abstract 
qualities  that  enlist  the  affections,  as  we  speak  of  love  for  a 
horse  or  a  dog,  for  mountains,  woods,  ocean,  or  of  love  of 
nature,  and  love  of  virtue.  Love  of  articles  of  food  is  better 
expressed  as  liking,  as  love,  in  its  full  sense,  expresses  some- 
thing spiritual  and  reciprocal,  such  as  can  have  no  place  in 
connection  with  objects  that  minister  merely  to  the  senses. 


See  synonyms  for  ANTIPATHY;   ENMITY;   HATRED. 


Love  of  country;  for  humanity;  love  to  God  and  man. 



become  constitute  fabricate  occasion 

bring:  about  constrain  fashion  originate 

bring  into  being  construct  force  perform 

bring  to   pass  create  frame  produce 

build  do  get  reach. 

cause  effect  make    out  render 

compel  establish  make  up  require 

compose  execute  manufacture  shape 

Make  is  essentially  causative  ;  to  the  idea  of  cause  all  its  vari- 
ous senses  may  be  traced  (compare  synonyms  for  CAUSE).  To 
make  is  to  cause  to  exist,  or  to  cause  to  exist  in  a  certain  form 
or  in  certain  relations;  the  word  thus  includes  the  idea  of  create, 
as  in  Gen.  i,  31,  "And  God  saw  everything  that  he  had  made, 
and,  behold,  it  was  very  good."  Make  includes  also  the  idea 
of  compose,  constitute;  as,  the  parts  make  up  the  whole. 
Similarly,  to  cause  a  voluntary  agent  to  do  a  certain  act  is  to 
make  him  do  it,  or  compel  him  to  do  it,  compel  fixing  the  at- 
tention more  on  the  process,  make  on  the  accomplished  fact. 
Compare  COMPEL;  DO;  INFLUENCE;  (make  better)  AMEND; 
(make  haste)  QUICKEN;  (make  known)  ANNOUNCE;  AVOW; 
CONFESS;  (make  prisoner)  ARREST;"  (make  up)  ADD;  (make 
yoid)  CANCEL. 



See  synonyms  for  ABOLISH;  BREAK;  DEMOLISH. 

Make  of,  out  of,  or  from  certain  materials,  into  a  certain 
form,  for  a  certain  purpose  or  person;  made  with  hands,  by 
hand;  made  by  a  prisoner,  with1  a  jack-knife. 



conjugal  union  matrimony  spousals          -wedlock 

espousal  nuptials  union 

espousals  spousal  wedding 

Matrimony  denotes  the  state  of  those  who  are  united  in  the 
relation  of  husband  and  wife;  marnage  denotes  primarily  the 
act  of  so  uniting,  but  is  extensively  used  for  the  state  as  well. 
Wedlock,  a  word  of  specific  legal  use,  is  the  Saxon  term  for 
the  state  or  relation  denoted  by  matrimony.  Wedding  denotes 
the  ceremony,  with  any  attendant  festivities,  by  which  two 
persons  are  united  as  husband  and  wife,  nuptials  being  the 
more  formal  and  stately  term  to  express  the  same  idea. 


bachelorhood       divorce       maidenhood       virginity       widowhood 


Marriage  of  or  between  two  persons;  of  one  person  to  or 
with  another  j  among  the  Greeks. 


male        manful       manlike       manly      >mftT1'nlff'h       virile 

We  apply  male  to  the  sex,  masculine  to  the  qualities,  especial- 
ly to  the  stronger,  hardier,  and  more  imperious  qualities  that 
distinguish  the  male  sex;  as  applied  to  women,  masculine  has 
often  the  depreciatory  sense  of  unwomanly,  rude,  or  harsh; 
as,  a  masculine  face  or  voice,  or  the  like;  though  one  may  say 
in  a  commendatory  way,  she  acted  with  masculine  courage  or 
decision.  Manlike  may  mean  only  having  the  outward  appear- 
ance or  semblance  of  a  man,  or  may  be  closely  equivalent  to 
manly.  Manly  refers  to  all  the  qualities  and  traits  worthy  of 
a  man;  manful,  especially  to  the  valor  and  prowess  that  be- 

massacre                                                                                 324 
meek _____ 

come  a  man;  we  speak  of  a  manful  struggle,  manly  decision; 
we  say  manly  gentleness  or  tenderness ;  we  could  not  say  man- 
ful tenderness.  Mannish  is  a  depreciatory  word  referring  to 
the  mimicry  or  parade  of  some  superficial  qualities  of  manhood ; 
as  a  mannish  boy  or  woman.  Masculine  may  apply  to  the 
distinctive  qualities  of  the  male  sex  at  any  age;  virile  applies  to' 
the  distinctive  qualities  of  mature  manhood  only,  as  opposed  not 
only  to  feminine  or  womanly  but  to  childish,  and  is  thus  an 
emphatic  word  for  sturdy,  intrepid,  etc. 


See  synonyms  for  FEMININE. 


bloodshed       butchery       carnage       havoc         slaughter 

A  massacre  is  the  indiscriminate  killing  iu  numbers  of  the 
unresisting  or  defenseless;  butchery  is  the  killing  of  men 
rudely  and  ruthlessly  as  cattle  are  killed  in  the  shambles. 
Havoc  may  not  be  so  complete  as  massact  e,  nor  so  coldly  brutal 
as  butchery,  but  is  more  widely  spread  and  furious;  it  is  de- 
struction let  loose,  and  may  be  applied  to  organizations,  in- 
terests, etc.,  as  well  as  to  human  life;  "as  for  Saul,  he  made 
havoc  of  the  church,"  Acts  viii,  3.  Carnage  (from  Latin  caro, 
carnisy  flesh)  refers  to  widely  scattered  or  heaped  up  corpses 
of  the  slain;  slaughter  is  similar  in  meaning,  but  refers  more 
to  the  process,  as  carnage  does  to  the  result;  these  two  words 
only  of  the  group  may  be  used  of  great  destruction  of  life  in 
open  and  honorable  battle,  as  when  we  say  the  enemy  was  re- 
pulsed with  great  slaughter,  or  the  carnage  was  terrible. 



impertinent     intrusive     meddling     obtrusive     officious 

The  meddlesome  person  interferes  unasked  in  the  affairs  of 
others;  the  intrusive  person  thrusts  himself  uninvited  into  their 
company  or  conversation;  the  obtrusive  person  thrusts  himself 
or  his  opinions  conceitedly  and  undesirably  upon  their  notice; 
the  officious  person  thrusts  his  services,  unasked  and  unde- 
sired,  upon  others.  Obtrusive  is  oftener  applied  to  words, 

325                                                                                  massacre 
j  meek 

qualities,  actions,  etc.,  than  to  persons;  intrusive  is  used  chief- 
ly of  persons,  as  is  officious,  though  we  speak  of  officious  at- 
tentions, tnltusire  remarks;  meddlesome  is  used  indifferently 
of  persons,  or  of  words,  qualities,  actions,  etc.  Compare  IM- 


modest       reserved      retiring      shy       unassuming      unobtrusive 



compliant  hnm'ble  soft  unostentatious 

deferential  lowly  subdued  unpretentious 

denture  mild  submissive          yielding 

gentle  modest  unassuming 

Humble  and  lowly  referred  originally  to  position  or  station; 
humble  (from  L.  humilis,  from  humus,  the  ground  or  earth), 
signifying  on  or  near  the  ground;  as,  a  humlle  cottage;  lowly 
(from  ME.  low)  signifies  lying  or  being  low;  as,  a  lowly 
abode;  a  lowly  flower;  hence,  all  that  is  below  the  average 
or  recognized  standard  of  means,  position,  authority,  etc.,  is 
humble  or  lowly;  thus  humble  and  lowly  came  to  include  all 
that  is  compliant,  deferential,  submissive,  unpretentious  and 
yielding,  esteemed  such  virtues  on  the  part  of  inferiors  toward 
superiors  in  an  aristocratic  or  monarchical  society;  a  humble 
apology  expresses  either  great  sense  of  demerit  or  special  def- 
erence toward  the  person  offended,  the  former  courteous 
phrase  for  closing  a  letter  was  ''Your  humble  servant."  With 
the  spread  of  democratic  principles  these  qualities  are  made 
less  of  as  between  man  and  man,  but  every  true  student  or 
thinker  is  humble  in  view  of  the  vast  reach  of  knowledge,  the 
limits  of  human  thought,  the  immensity  of  the  universe;  every 
righteous  soul  is  humble  before  the  perfect  standard  of  moral 
right  and  the  deficiency  of  human  attainment;  every  devout 
spirit  before  the  divine  majesty.  Lowly  expresses  less  of 
abasement  than  humble,  and  more  of  subdued  and  gentle  resig- 

From  the  recesses  of   a  lowly   spirit 
Our  humble  prayer  ascends. 
0,  Father,  hear  HI 


One  who  is  gentle  is  free  from  sternness  or  rudeness — kindly, 

melody  326 


peaceful,  calm,  and  mild;  we  speak  of  gentle  words;  a  gentle 
hand;  a  gentle  touch;  one  who  is  meek  is  at  once  gentle, 
patient,  and  peaceable,  and  disposed  to  be  submissive  and 
yielding  under  injury  and  provocation,  rather  than  to  resist; 
to  be  meek  is  not  necessarily  to  be  weak  or  timid,  for  meekness 
has  been  characteristic  of  very  strong  natures^  faithful  to 
affection  or  righteousness  through  all  danger,  even  to  death; 
on  the  other  hand  one  may  be  timid,  weak,  and  outwardly 
gentle  and  submissive,  but  by  no  means  meek,  as  has  often  been 
proved  by  some  sudden  change  of  fortune.  Meekness  is  of  the 
spirit.  Demure  relates  to  demeanor  and  appearance;  it  is 
oftenest  used  of  women;  one  who  is  demure  has  the  mien  and 
air  of  modesty,  gentleness,  and  meekness,  but  there  is  always 
in  the  word  the  suggestion  of  latent  feelings  or  qualities  that 
may  be  quite  different  from  the  controlled  appearance.  Com- 
pare MODESTY. 


arrogant  furious  obstinate  self=assertmg 

assuming  haughty  presuming  stubborn 

bold  high-spirited  presumptuous        vengeful 

choleric  impertinent  raging  vindictive 

contentious  impudent  resentful  wilful 

fierce  lofty  revengeful  wrathful 

Compare  synonyms  for  PRIDE. 


harmony  music  symphony  unison 

Harmony  is  simultaneous;  melody  is  successive;  harmony  is 
the  pleasing  correspondence  of  two  or  more  notes  sounded  at 
once,  melody  the  pleasing  succession  of  a  number  of  notes  con- 
tinuously following  one  another.  A  melody  may  be  wholly  in 
one  part;  harmony  must  be  of  two  or  more  parts.  Accordant 
notes  of  different  pitch  sounded  simultaneously  produce  har- 
mony; unison  is  the  simultaneous  sounding  of  two  or  more 
notes  of  the  same  pitch.  When  the  pitch  is  the  same  there 
may  be  unison  between  sounds  of  very  different  volume  and 
quality,  as  a  voice  and  a  bell  may  sound  in  unison.  Tones 
sounded  at  the  interval  of  an  octave  are  also  said  to  be  in 
unison,  although  this  is  not  literally  exact;  this  usage  arises 
from  the  fact  that  bass  and  tenor  voices  in  attempting  to  sound 

327                                                                                        melody 
.  __ mercy 

the  same  note  as  the  soprano  and  alto  will  in  fact  sound  a  note 
an  octave  below.  Music  may  denote  the  simplest  melody  or 
the  most  complex  and  perfect  harmony.  A  symphony  (apart 
from  its  technical  orchestral  sense)  is  any  pleasing  consonance 
of  mnsical  sounds,  vocal  or  instrumental,  as  of  many  accordant 
voices  or  instruments. 



recollection  reminiscence  retrospection 

remembrance  retrospect 

Memory  is  the  faculty  by  which  knowledge  is  retained  or 
recalled;  in  a  more  general  sense,  memory  is  a  retention  of 
knowledge  within  the  grasp  of  the  mind,  while  remembrance  is 
the  having  what  is  known  consciously  before  the  mind.  Re- 
membrance may  be  voluntary  or  involuntary;  a  thing  is  brought 
to  remembrance  or  we  call  it  to  remembrance;  the  same  is  true 
of  memory.  Eecollection  involves  volition,  the  mind  making  a 
distinct  effort  to  recall  something,  or  fixing  the  attention  active- 
ly upon  it  when  recalled.  Reminiscence  is  a  half-dreamy 
memory  of  scenes  or  events  long  past;  retrospection  is  a  distinct 
turning  of  the  mind  back  upon  the  past,  bringing  long  periods 
under  survey.  Eetrospection  is  to  reminiscence  much  what 
recollection  is  to  remembrance. 


forgetfulness    oblivion     obliviousness    oversight    unconsciousness 



"benevolence  favor  kindness  mildness 

"benignity  forbearance  lenience  pardon 

blessing  forgiveness  leniency  pity 

clemency  gentleness  lenity  tenderness 

compassion  grace 

Mercy  is  the  exercise  of  less  severity  than  one  deserves,  or  in 
a  more  extended  sense,  the  granting  of  kindness  or  favor  be- 
yond what  one  may  rightly  claim,  Grace  is  favor y  kincfaess,  or 
blessing  shown  to  the  undeserving;  forgiveness,  mercy,  and 
pardon  are  exercised  toward  the  ill-deserving.  Pardon  remits 
the  outward  penalty  which  the  offender  deserves;  forgiveness 
dismisses  resentment  or  displeasure  from  the  heart  of  the  one 

meter  328 


offended;  mercy  seeks  the  highest  possible  good  of  the  of- 
fender. There  may  be  mercy  without  pardon,  as  in  the  miti- 
gation of  sentence,  or  in  all  possible  alleviation  of  necessary 
severity ;  there  may  be  eases  where  pardon  would  not  be  mercy, 
since  it  would  encourage  to  repetition  of  the  offense,  from  which 
timely  punishment  might  have  saved.  Mercy  is  also  used  in 
the  wider  sense  of  refraining  from  harshness  or  cruelty  toward 
those  who  are  in  one's  power  without  fault  of  their  own;  as, 
they  besought  the  robber  to  have  mercy.  Clemency  is  a  colder 
word  than  mercy,  and  without  its  religious  associations,  signify- 
ing mildness  and  moderation  in  the  use  of  power  where  sever- 
ity would  have  legal  or  military,  rather  than  moral  sanction; 
it  often  denotes  a  habitual  mildness  of  disposition  on  the  part 
of  the  powerful,  and  is  a  matter  rather  of  good  nature  or  policy 
than  of  principle.  Leniency  or  lenity  denotes  an  easy-going 
avoidance  of  severity;  these  words  are  more  general  and  less 
magisterial  than  clemency;  we  should  speak  of  the  leniency  of 
a  parent,  the  clemency  of  a  conqueror.  Compare  PITY. 


cruelty  implacability  punishment  severity 

hardness  justice  revenge  sternness 

harshness  penalty  rigor  vengeance 


The  mercy  of  God  to  or  toward  sinners;  have  mercy  on  or 
upon  one. 


euphony  measure  rhythm  verse 

Euphony  is  agreeable  linguistic  sound,  however  produced; 
meter,  measure,  and  rhythm  denote  agreeable  succession  of 
sounds  in  the  utterance  of  connected  words;  euphony  may  ap- 
ply to  a  single  word  or  even  a  single  syllable ;  the  other  words 
apply  to  lines,  sentences,  paragraphs,  etc.;  rhythm  and  meter 
may  be  produced  by  accent  only,  as  in  English,  or  by  accent 
and  quantity  combined,  as  in  Greek  or  Italian;  rhythm  or 
measure  may  apply  either  to  prose  or  to  poetry,  or  to  music, 
dancing,  etc. ;  meter  is  more  precise  than  rhythm,  applies  only 
to  poetry,  and  denotes  a  measured  rhythm  with  regular  divi- 
sions into  verses,  stanzas,  strophes,  etc.  A  verse  is  strictly  a 
metrical  line,  but  the  word  is  often  used  as  synonymous  with 

329  meter 

stanza.  Verse,  in  the  general  sense,  denotes  metrical  writing 
without  reference  to  the  thought  involved;  as,  prose  and  verse. 
Compare  MELODY;  POETRY. 



brain  instinct  reason  spirit 

consciousness  intellect  sense  thought 

disposition  intelligence  soul  understanding 

Mind,  in  a  general  sense,  includes  all  the  powers  of  sentient 
being  apart  from  the  physical  factors  in  bodily  faculties  and 
activities;  in  a  limited  sense,  mind  is  nearly  synonymous  with 
intellect ,  but  includes  disposition,  or  the  tendency  toward  ac- 
tion, as  appears  in  the  phrase,  "to  have  a  mind  to  work."  As 
the  seat  of  mental  activity,  brain  (colloquially  brains)  is  often 
used  as  a  synonym  for  mind,  intellect,  intelligence.  Thought, 
the  act,  process,  or  power  of  thinking,  is  often  used  to  denote 
the  thinking  faculty,  and  especially  the  reason.  The  instinct 
of  animals  is  now  held  by  many  philosophers  to  be  of  the  same 
nature  as  the  intellect  of  man,  but  inferior  and  limited;  yet  the 
apparent  difference  is  very  great. 

An  instinct  is  a  propensity  prior  to  experience  and  independent  of  in- 
struction. PALEY  Natural  Philosophy  ch.  18. 

In  this  sense  we  speak  of  human  instincts,  thus  denoting 
tendencies  independent  of  reasoning  or  instruction.  The  soul 
includes  the  intellect,  sensibilities,  and  will ;  beyond  what  is  ex- 
pressed by  the  word  mind,  the  soul  denotes  especially  the 
moral,  the  immortal  nature;  we  say  of  a  dead  body,  the  soul 
(not  the  mind)  has  fled.  Spirit  is  used  especially  in  contra- 
distinction from  matter;  it  may  in  many  cases  be  substituted 
for  soul,  but  soul  has  commonly  a  fuller  and  more  determinate 
meaning;  we  can  conceive  of  spirits  as  having  no  moral  na- 
ture; the  fairies,  elves,  and  brownies  of  mythology  might  be 
termed  spirits,  but  not  souls.  In  the  figurative  sense,  spirit 
denotes  animation,  excitability,  perhaps  impatience;  as,  a  lad 
of  spirit;  he  sang  with  spirit;  he  replied  with  spirit.  Soul 
denotes  energy  and  depth  of  feeling,  as  when  we  speak  of 
soulful  eyes;  or  it  may  denote  the  very  life  of  anything;  as, 
"the  hidden  soul  of  harmony,"  MILTON  U Allegro  1.  144. 
Sense  may  be  an  antonym  of  intellect,  as  when  we  speak  of  the 

minnte  330 

^  mi* 

sense  of  hearing;  but  sense  is  used  also  as  denoting  clear 
mental  action,  good  judgment,  acumen;  as,  he  is  a  man  of 
sense,  or,  he  showed  good  sense;  sense,  even  in  its  material  sig- 
nification, must  be  reckoned  among  the  activities  of  mind, 
though  dependent  on  bodily  functions;  the  mind,  not  the  eye, 
really  sees;  the  mind,  not  the  ear,  really  hears.  Consciousness 
includes  all  that  a  sentient  being  perceives,  knows,  thinks,  or 
feels,  from  whatever  source  arising  and  of  whatever  character, 
kind,  or  degree,  whether  with  or  without  distinct  thinking,  feel- 
ing, or  willing;  we  speak  of  the  consciousness  of  the  brute,  of 
the  savage,  or  of  the  sage.  The  intellect  is  that  assemblage  of 
faculties  which  is  concerned  with  knowledge,  as  distinguished 
from  emotion  and  volition.  Understanding  is  the  Saxon  word 
of  the  same  general  import,  but  is  chiefly  used  of  the  reason- 
ing powers;  the  understanding,  which  Sir  Wm.  Hamilton  has 
called  "the  faculty  of  relations  and  comparisons/'  is  dis- 
tinguished by  many  philosophers  from  reason,  in  that  "reason 
is  the  faculty  of  the  higher  cognitions  or  a  priori  truth." 


body  brawn          brute  force      material  substance       matter 



circumstantial         diminutive         little  slender 

comminuted  exact  particular          small 

critical  fine  precise  tiny 


That  is  minute  which  is  of  exceedingly  limited  dimensions, 
as  a  grain  of  dust,  or  which  attends  to  matters  of  exceedingly 
slight  amount  or  apparent  importance;  as,  a  minute  account; 
minute  observation.  That  which  is  broken  up  into  minute 
particles  is  said  to  be  comminuted;  things  may  be  termed  fine 
which  would  not  be  termed  comminuted;  as,  fine  sand;  fine 
gravel;  but,  in  using  the  adverb,  we  say  a  substance  is  finely 
comminuted,  comminuted  referring  more  to  the  process,  fine  to 
the  result.  An  account  extended  to  very  minute  particulars  is 
circumstantial,  detailed,  particular;  an  examination  so  extended 
is  critical,  exact,  precise.  Compare  FINE. 


See  synonyms  for  LARGE. 

331  minute 



adversity  disaster  ill  fortune  ruin 

affliction  distress  ill  luck  sorrow 

bereavement  eclipse  misadventure  stroke 

blow  failure  mischance  trial 

calamity  hardship  misery  tribulation 

chastening  harm  mishap  tronble 

chastisement  ill  reverse  visitation 

Misfortune  is  adverse  fortune  or  any  instance  thereof,  any 
untoward  event,  usually  of  lingering  character  or  consequences, 
and  such  as  the  sufferer  is  not  deemed  directly  responsible  for; 
as,  he  had  the  misfortune  to  be  born  blind.  Any  considerable 
disappointment  ;  failure,  or  misfortune,  as  regards  outward  cir- 
cumstances, as  loss  of  fortune,  position,  and  the  like,  when 
long  continued  or  attended  with  enduring  consequences,  con- 
stitutes adversity.  For  the  loss  of  friends  by  death  we  com- 
monly use  affliction  or  bereavement.  Calamity  and  disaster 
are  used  of  sudden  and  severe  misfortunes,  often  overwhelm- 
ing; ill  fortune  and  ill  luck,  of  lighter  troubles  and  failures. 
We  speak  of  the  misery  of  the  poor,  the  hardships  of  the 
soldier.  Affliction,  chastening,  trial,  and  tribulation  have  all  an 
especially  religious  bearing,  suggesting  some  disciplinary  pur- 
pose of  God  with  beneficent  design.  Affliction  may  be  keen 
and  bitter,  but  brief;  tribulation  is  long  and  wearing.  We 
speak  of  an  affliction,  but  rarely  of  a  tribulation,  since  tribu- 
lation is  viewed  as  a  continuous  process,  which  may  endure 
for  years  or  for  a  lifetime;  but  we  speak  of  our  daily  trials. 


blessing        consolation         gratification        pleasure  success 

boon  good  fortune      happiness  prosperity        triumph 

comfort         good  luck  Joy  relief 



amalgamate  commingle  confuse  join 

associate  commix  fuse  meddle 

blend  compound  incorporate  mingle 

combine  confound  intermingle  unite 

To  mix  is  to  put  together  promiscuously  and  indiscriminately, 
so  that  the  parts  or  elements  become,  for  the  time  at  least,  one 
mass,  assemblage,  or  body;  we  may  mix  miTk  and  water,  but 

mix  332 


water  and  oil  can  not  be  mixed.  Mingle  is  almost  equivalent 
to  miXy  but  in  mingling  there  is  often  more  consideration  of  the 
separate  units;  mingled  races  may  live  together  in  the  same 
city  or  country,  and  yet  preserve  their  racial  individuality  so 
as  not  to  become  mixed  races;  we  may  speak  of  a  descendant 
as  of  the  mingled  blood  of  distinct  races;  mixed  blood,  the 
same  in  sense,  is  inferior  in  usage;  "a  person  of  mixed  blood" 
is  said  reproachfully,  implying  lack  of  pure  descent  from  the 
point  of  view  of  the  speaker;  mingle  is  everywhere  a  word  of 
more  dignity  than  mix.  Mingle  is  commonly  preferred  to  mix 
in  figurative  use;  we  speak  of  mingled  emotions,  rather  than  of 
mixed  emotions;  in  fact,  the  use  of  mix  outside  the  material 
realm  is  rare.  Combine  denotes  a  closer  union  than  mingle  or 
mix;  this  is  especially  noticeable  in  chemistry,  where  substances 
chemically  combined  form  a  compound,  with  properties  differ- 
ent from  those  of  either  constituent;  oxygen  and  nitrogen  are 
mechanically  mingled  or  '"mixed  in  the  atmosphere,  which  sup- 
ports life;  if  they  were  chemically  combined,  the  earth  would 
be  overflowed  with  nitric  acid,  destroying  the  possibility  of  life. 
To  compound  is  to  mix  in  definite  proportions,  so  as  to  form  a 
composite  product;  as,  to  compound  an  ointment;  to  compound 
two  or  more  words  so  as  to  produce  another  of  extended,  di- 
minished, or  otherwise  different  meaning.  To  blend  is  to  mix 
or  mingle  in  such  a  way  as  to  retain  some  of  the  properties  of 
each  of  the  things  blended;  this  word  is  used  especially  of 
colors  and  tones,  implying  gradual  and  harmonious  union,  one 
shading  off:  almost  or  quite  imperceptibly  into  the  other,  as 
the  bands  of  color  in  the  rainbow  blend  at  their  edges,  so  that 
the  eye  can  fix  no  definite  dividing  line. 

Moonlight,  and  the  first  timid  tremblings  of  the  dawn  were  by  this  time 

DEQXJINOEY  Miscell.  Essays,  Vision  of  Sudden  Death,  p.  170. 

So,  different  races,  languages,  qualities,  or  feelings  may  be 
said  to  be  blended.  To  confuse  is  to  mix  in  a  disorderly  or 
irrational  way;  a  confused  statement,  argument,  or  composi- 
tion has  the  different  parts  so  out  of  order  or  relation  that  the 
mind  can  not  follow  them  to  any  clear  result.  To  confound  in 
this  connection  is  to  confuse  identity,  to  take  one  thing  for 
another  that  is  in  some  way  similar;  as,  to  confound  means  with 
ends;  do  not  confound  Isaac  D'Israeli  with  Benjamin  Disraeli; 



When  we  confuse,  we  throw  into  indistinctness;  when  we  confound  we 
falsely  identify.  In  the  former  we  wrongly  put  one  or  more  things  among 
others,  in  the  latter  we  subbtitute  them  wrongly  for  others. 

C.  J.  SaiiTH  Mynnnytns  Discriminated,  p.  261. 

But  the  distinction  thus  strictly  drawn  is  not  strictly  ob- 
served in  usage;  we  read  in  Genesis  that  God  confounded  the 
language  of  the  builders  of  Babel;  yet  the  event  is  technically 
known  as  the  "confusion  of  tongues"; 

Confuse,  u  4.  To  take  one  idea  or  thing  for  another. — Century  Dic- 

Confuse,  13.  3.  To  mistake  for  another;  to  confound;  ...  he  has 
confused  the  two  authois  of  the  same  name. — Webster's  New  International 
Dictionary  (1910). 

Let  us  not  confuse  liberty  with  license 

FAERAB  Sermons  and  Addresses  in  Am ,  ser.  ziv. 
With  mm  npon  mm,  ront  on  ront, 
Confusion  worse   confounded. 

MILTON  Paradise  Lost,  bk,  li,  1.  995. 

Intransitively  mingle  or  mix  signifies  to  take  part,  be,  act,  or 
move  with,  in,  or  among;  as,  a  man  mingles  in  a  crowd,  or 
mixes  with  politicians  or  in  politics;  mingle,  so  used,  denotes 
less  closeness  of  association  than  mix;  both  words,  so  used,  are 
often  close  synonyms  for  associate  (see  ASSOCIATE).  To  meddle 
is  to  mix  or  mingle  unnecessarily,  officiously,  or  impertinently 
in  or  with  the  affairs  of  others;  one  may  mingle  with  a  com- 
pany, but  not  meddle  with  their  affairs  (compare  MEDDLESOME). 
Things  which  are  mixed  or  mingled  may  become  joined,  as 
the  different  materials  in  conglomerate  rock ;  but  distinct  pieces 
of  wood  may  be  so  perfectly  joined  in  cabinet  work  that  neither 
eye  nor  hand  can  detect  the  juncture  except  by  tracing  the 
grain,  and  yet  be  neither  mixed  nor  mingled.  Compare  ATTACH. 


analyze  disjoin  part  sort 

assort  dissever  remove  sort  out 

classify  dissociate  segregate  sunder 

detach  disunite  separate  unravel 

disconnect  divide  sever  untangle 

discriminate  eliminate  sift  untwine 



canaille      dregs  of  the  people        masses  raoble 

crowd          lower  classes  populace        the  vulgar 

The  populace  are  poor  and  ignorant,  but  may  be  law-abiding; 

model  334 


a  mob  is  disorderly  and  lawless,  but  may  be  rich  and  influential. 
The  rabble  is  despicable,  worthless,  purposeless;  a  mob  may 
have  effective  desperate  purpose.  A  crowd  may  be  drawn  by 
mere  curiosity;  some  strong,  pervading  excitement  is  needed 
to  make  it  a  mob.  Compare  PEOPLE. 



archetype  facsimile          original  representation 

copy  image  pattern  standard 

design  imitation         prototype          type 

example  mold 

A  pattern  is  always,  in  modern  use,  that  which  is  to  be 
copied;  a  model  may  be  either  the  thing  to  be  copied  or  the 
copy  that  has  been  made  from  it;  as,  the  models  in  the  Patent 
Office.  A  pattern  is  commonly  superficial;  a  model  is  usually 
in  relief.  A  pattern  must  be  closely  followed  in  its  minutest 
particulars  by  a  faithful  copyist;  a  model  may  allow  a  great 
degree  of  freedom.  A  sculptor  may  idealize  his  living  model; 
his  workmen  must  exactly  copy  in  marble  or  metal  the  model 
he  has  made  in  clay.  Compare  EXAMPLE;  IDEA;  IDEAL. 



backwardness  constraint      reserve       timidity 

basnfnlness  coyness  shyness      tmobtrusiveness 

coldness  diffidence 

BasJifulness  is  a  shrinking  from  notice  without  assignable 
reason.  Coyness  is  a  half  encouragement,  half  avoidance  of 
offered  attention,  and  may  be  real  or  affected.  Diffidence  is 
self -distrust ;  modesty,  a  humble  estimate  of  oneself  in  com- 
parison with  others,  or  with  the  demands  of  some  undertaking. 
Modesty  has  also  the  specific  meaning  of  a  sensitive  shrinking 
from  anything  indelicate.  Shyness  is  a  tendency  to  shrink 
from  observation;  timidity,  a  distinct  fear  of  criticism,  error, 
or  failure.  Reserve  is  the  holding  oneself  aloof  from  others,  or 
holding  back  one's  feelings  from  expression,  or  one's  affairs 
from  communication  to  others.  Reserve  may  be  the  retreat  of 
shyness,  or,  on  the  other  hand,  the  contemptuous  withdrawal  of 
pride  and  haughtiness.  Compare  ABASH;  PRIDE;  TACITURN* 

335  model 



abandon  confidence  haughtiness  pertness 

arrogance  egotism  impudence  sauciness 

assumption  forwardness  indiscretion  selfsconceit 

assurance  frankness  loquaciousness  self;  sufficiency 

boldness  freedom  loquacity  sociability 



bills  capital     coin  funds      notes  silver 

bullion       cash.  currency      gold         property     specie 

Money  is  the  authorized  medium  of  exchange;  coined  money 
is  called  coin  or  specie.  What  are  termed  in  England  bank- 
notes are  in  the  United  States  commonly  called  bills;  as,  a  five- 
dollar  Ml.  The  notes  of  responsible  men  are  readily  transfer- 
able in  commercial  circles,  but  they  are  not  money;  as,  the  stock 
was  sold  for  $500  in  money  and  the  balance  in  merchantable 
paper.  Cash  is  specie  or  money  in  hand,  or  paid  in  hand;  as, 
the  cash  account;  the  cash  price.  In  the  legal  sense,  property 
is  not  money,  and  money  is  not  property;  for  property  is  that 
which  has  inherent  value,  while  money ?  as  such,  has  but  repre- 
sentative value,  and  may  or  may  not  have  intrinsic  value. 
Bullion  is  either  gold  or  silver  uncoined,  or  the  coined  metal 
considered  without  reference  to  its  coinage,  but  simply  as 
merchandise,  when  its  value  as  bullion  may  be  very  different 
from  its  value  as  money.  The  word  capital  is  used  chiefly  of 
accumulated  property  or  money  invested  in  productive  enter- 
prises or  available  for  such  investment. 



acrimonious  dogged  ill-natured  splenetic 

churlish  gloomy '  severe  sulky 

crabbed  gruff  snappish  sullen 

crusty  ill-humored  sour  surly 

The  sullen  and  sulky  are  discontented  and  resentful  in  re- 
gard to  that  against  which  they  are  too  proud  to  protest,  or 
consider  all  protest  vain;  sullen  denotes  more  of  pride,  sulky 
more  of  resentful  obstinacy.  The  morose  are  bitterly  dissatis- 
fied with  the  world  in  general,  and  disposed  to  vent  their  ill 
nature  upon  others.  The  sullen  and  sulky  are  for  the  most 
part  silent;  the  morose  growl  out  bitter  speeches.  A  surly 
person  is  in  a  state  of  latent  anger,  resenting  approach  a«  in- 

motion  336 

mysterious . 

truision,  and  ready  to  take  offense  at  anything;  thus  we  speak 
of  a  surly  dog.  Sullen  and  sulky  moods  may  be  transitory;  one 
who  is  morose  or  surly  is  commonly  so  by  disposition  or  habit. 


amiable  complaisant  gentle  kind  pleasant 

benignant       friendly  good-natured  loving  sympathetic 

bland  genial  indulgent  mild  tender 



act  change        movement       process  transition 

action        move  passage  transit 

Motion  is  change  of  place  or  position  in  space;  transition  is 
'passing  from  one  point  or  position  in  space  to  another. 
Motion  may  be  either  abstract  or  concrete,  more  frequently  the 
former;  movement  is  always  concrete,  that  is,  considered  in 
connection  with  the  thing  that  moves  or  is  moved;  thus,  we 
speak  of  the  movements  of  the  planets,  but  of  the  laws  of 
planetary  motion;  of  military  movements,  but  of  perpetual 
motion.  Hove  is  used  chiefly  of  contests  or  competition,  as  in 
chess  or  politics;  as,  it  is  your  move;  a  shrewd  move  of  the 
opposition.  Action  is  a  more  comprehensive  word  than  motion. 
We  now  rarely  speak  of  mental  or  spiritual  motions,  but 
rather  of  mental  or  spiritual  acts  or  processes,  or  of  the  laws 
of  mental  action,  but  a  formal  proposal  of  action  in  a  deliber- 
ative assembly  is  termed  a  motion.  Compare  ACT. 


immobility        quiescence       quiet       repose         rest         stillness 



bemoan  deplore  lament  rue 

bewail  grieve  regret  sorrow 

To  mourn  is  to  feel  or  express  sadness  or  distress  because  of 
some  loss,  affliction,  or  misfortune;  mourning  is  thought  of  as 
prolonged,  grief  or  regret  may  be  transient.  One  may  grieve 
or  mourn,  regret,  rue,  or  sorrow  without  a  sound;  he  bemoans 
with  suppressed  and  often  inarticulate  sounds  of  grief;  he 
bewails  with  passionate  utterance,  whether  of  inarticulate  cries 
or  of  spoken  words.  He  laments  in  plaintive  or  pathetic  words, 
as  the  prophet  Jeremiah  in  his  "Lamentations."  One  deplores 

337  motion 

with  settled  sorrow  which  may  or  may  not  find  relief  in  words. 
One  is  made  to  rue  an  act  by  some  misfortune  resulting,  or  by 
some  penalty  or  vengeance  inflicted  because  of  it.  One  regrets 
a  slight  misfortune  or  a  hasty  word ;  he  sorrows  over  the  death 
of  a  friend. 

be  joyful         exult         joy         make  merry         rejoice         triumph 



common    correlative   interchangeable   joint   reciprocal 

That  is  common  to  which  two  or  more  persons  have  the  same 
or  equal  claims,  or  in  which  they  have  equal  interest  or  par- 
ticipation; in  the  strictest  sense,  that  is  mutual  (from  L.  mu~ 
tare,  to  change)  which  is  freely  interchanged;  that  is  reciprocal 
in  respect  to  which  one  act  or  movement  is  met  by  a  correspond- 
ing act  or  movement  in  return;  we  speak  of  our  common  coun- 
try, mutual  affection,  reciprocal  obligations,  the  reciprocal  ac- 
tion of  cause  and  effect,  where  the  effect  becomes  in  turn  a 
cause.  Many  good  writers  hold  it  incorrect  to  say  "a  mutual 
friend,"  and  insist  that  "a*  common  friend"  would  be  more  ac- 
curate; but  ''common  friend"  is  practically  never  used,  be- 
cause of  the  disagreeable  suggestion  that  attaches  to  common, 
of  ordinary  or  inferior.  "Mutual  friend"  has  high  literary  au- 
thority (of  Burke,  Scott,  Dickens,  and  others),  and  a  consider- 
able usage  of  good  society  in  its  favor,  the  expression  being 
quite  naturally  derived  from  the  thoroughly  correct  phrase 
mutual  friendship. 


detached  distinct  separated     unconnected         unrequited 

disconnected     disunited  severed         unreciprocated     unshared 

dissociated        separate  sundered 



abstruse  inexplicable  recondite 

cabalistic  inscrutable  secret 

dark  mystic  transcendental 

enigmatical  mystical  unfathomable 

hidden  obscure  unfathomed 

incomprehensible  occult  unknown 

That  is  mysterious  in  the  true  sense  which  is  beyond  human 

name  338 


comprehension,  as  the  decrees  of  God  or  the  origin  of  life. 
That  is  mystic  or  mystical  which  has  associated  with  it  some 
hidden  or  recondite  meaning,  especially  of  a  religious  kind;  as, 
the  mystic  Babylon  of  the  Apocalypse.  That  is  dark  which 
we  can  not  personally  see  through,  especially  if  sadly  perplex- 
ing; as,  a  dark  providence.  That  is  secret  which  is  intentionally 
hidden.  Compare  DARK;  LATENT. 


See  synonyms  for  CLEAR. 



agnomen  denomination         prenomen          surname 

appellation  designation  style  title 

cognomen  epithet 

Name  in  the  most  general  sense,  signifying  the  word  by 
which  a  person  or  thing  is  called  or  known,  includes  all  other 
words  of  this  group ;  in  this  sense  every  noun  is  a  name;  in  the 
more  limited  sense  a  name  is  personal,  an  appellation  is  de- 
scriptive, a  title  is  official.  In  the  phrase,  William  the  Con- 
queror, king  of  England,  William  is  the  man's  name,  which 
belongs  to  him  personally,  independently  of  any  rank  or 
achievement;  Conqueror  is  the  appellation  which  he  won  by  his 
acquisition  of  England;  king  is  the  title  denoting  his  royal 
rank.  An  epithet  (from  Gr.  epithet  on,  something  added,  from 
epi,  on,  and  tithemi,  put)  is  something  placed  upon  a  person  or 
thing;  the  epithet  does  not  strictly  belong  to  an  object  like  a 
name,  but  is  given  to  mark  some  assumed  characteristic,  good 
or  bad;  an  epithet  is  always  an  adjective,  or  a  word  or  phrase 
used  as  an  adjective,  and  is  properly  used  to  emphasize  a 
characteristic  but  not  to  add  information,  as  in  the  phrase 
"the  sounding  sea";  the  idea  that  an  epithet  is  always  op- 
probrious, and  that  any  word  used  opprobriously  is  an  epithet 
is  a  popular  error.  Designation  may  be  used  much  in  the 
sense  of  appellation,  but  is  more  distinctive  or  specific  in  mean- 
ing; a  designation  properly  so-called  rests  upon  some  inherent 
quality,  while  an  appellation  may  be  fanciful.  Among  the 
Romans  the  prenomen  was  the  individual  part  of  a  man's  name, 
the  "nomen"  designated  the  gens  to  which  he  belonged,  the 
cognomen  showed  his  family  and  was  borne  by  all  patricians, 


f nantical 

and  the  agnomen  was  added  to  refer  to  his  achievements  or 
character.  "When  scientists  name  an  animal  or  a  plant,  they 
give  it  a  binary  or  binomial  technical  name  comprising  a  ge- 
neric and  a  specific  appellation.  In  modern  use,  a  personal 
name,  as  John  or  Mary,  is  given  in  infancy,  and  is  often  called 
the  given  name  or  Christian  name,  or  simply  the  first  name 
(rarely  the  prenomen) ;  the  cognomen  or  surname  is  the  family 
name  which  belongs  to  one  by  right  of  birth  or  marriage. 
Style  is  the  legal  designation  by  which  a  person  or  house  is 
known  in  official  or  business  relations;  as,  the  name  and  style 
of  Baring  Brothers.  The  term  denomination  is  applied  to  a 
separate  religious  organization,  without  the  opprobrious  mean- 
ing attaching  to  the  word  "sect";  also,  to  designate  any  class 
of  like  objects  collectively,  especially  money  or  notes  of  a 
certain  value;  as,  the  sum  was  in  notes  of  the  denomination 
of  one  thousand  dollars.  Compare  TERM. 



indigenous          innate  natal          natural         original 

Native  denotes  that  which  belongs  to  one  by  birth ;  natal  that 
which  pertains  to  the  event  of  birth;  natural  denotes  that 
which  rests  upon  inherent  qualities  of  character  or  being.  We 
speak  of  one's  native  country,  or  of  his  natal  day;  of  natural 
ability,  native  genius.  Compare  INHERENT;  PRIMEVAL;  RADICAL. 

acquired        alien         artificial      assumed      foreign         unnatural 



marine  maritime         naval  ocean  oceanic 

Marine  (from  L.  mare,  sea)  signifies  belonging  to  the  ocean, 
maritime,  a  secondary  derivative  from  the  same  root,  bordering 
on  or  connected  with  the  ocean;  as,  marine  products;  marine 
animals;  maritime  nations;  maritime  laws.  Nautical  (from  Gr. 
naules,  a  sailor)  denotes  primarily  anything  connected  with 
sailors,  and  hence  with  ships  or  navigation;  naval  (from  L. 
navis,  from  Gr,  naus,  a  ship)  refers  to  the  armed  force  of  a 

neat                                                                                               340 
necessity __ 

nation  on  the  sea,  and,  by  extension,  to  similar  forces  on  lakes 
and  rivers;  as,  a  naval  force;  a  nautical  almanac.  Ocean,  used 
adjectively,  is  applied  to  that  which  belongs  to  or  is  part  of 
the  ocean;  oceanic  may  be  used  in  the  same  sense,  but  is  espe- 
cially applied  to  that  which  borders  on  (or  upon)  or  is  con- 
nected with,  or  which  is  similar  to  or  suggestive  of  an  ocean; 
we  speak  of  ocean  currents,  oceanic  islands,  or,  perhaps,  of  an 
oceanic  intellect. 



clean  dapper  nice  prim  tidy 

cleanly  natty  orderly  spruce  trim 

That  which  is  clean  is  simply  free  from  soil  or  defilement  of 
any  kind.  Things  are  orderly  when  in  due  relation  to  other 
things ;  a  room  or  desk  is  orderly  when  every  article  is  in  place ; 
a  person  is  orderly  who  habitually  keeps  things  so.  Tidy  de- 
notes that  which  conforms  to  propriety  in  general;  an  unlaced 
shoe  may  be  perfectly  clean,  but  is  not  tidy.  Neat  refers  to 
that  which  is  clean  and  tidy  with  nothing  superfluous,  con- 
spicuous, or  showy,  as  when  we  speak  of  plain  but  neat  attire ; 
the  same  idea  of  freedom  from  the  superfluous  appears  in  the 
phrases  "a  neat  speech,"  or  "a  neat  turn,"  "a  neat  reply/'  etc. 
A  clean  cut  has  no  ragged  edges;  a  neat  stroke  just  does  what 
is  intended.  Nice  is  stronger  than  neat,  implying  value  and 
beauty;  a  cheap,  coarse  dress  may  be  perfectly  neat,  but  would 
not  be  termed  nice.  Spruce  is  applied  to  the  show  and  affecta- 
tion of  neatness  with  a  touch  of  smartness,  and  is  always  a 
term  of  mild  contempt;  as,  a  spruce  serving-man.  Trim  de- 
notes a  certain  shapely  and  elegant  firmness,  often  with  supple- 
ness and  grace;  as,  a  trim  suit;  a  trim  figure.  Prim  applies 
to  a  precise,  formal,  affected  nicety.  Dapper  is  spruce  with 
the  suggestion  of  smallness  and  slightness;  natty,  a  diminutive 
of  neat,  suggests  minute  elegance,  with  a  tendency  toward  the 
exquisite;  as,  a  dapper  little  fellow  in  a  natty  business  suit. 


dirty  negligent  slouchy  uncared  for 

disorderly  rough  slovenly  unkempt 

dowdy  rude  soiled  untidy 




essential  inevitable  needed     required   unavoidable 

indispensable  infallible    needful  requisite  undeniable 

That  is  necessary  which  must  exist,  occur,  or  be  true;  which 
in  the  nature  of  things  can,  not  be  otherwise.  That  which  is 
essential  belongs  to  the  essence  of  a  thing,  so  that  the  thing 
can  not  exist  in  its  completeness  without  it;  that  which  is 
indispensable  may  be  only  an  adjunct,  but  it  is  one  that  can 
not  be  spared;  vigorous  health  is  essential  to  an  arctic  explorer; 
warm  clothing  is  indispensable.  That  which  is  requisite  (or  re- 
quired)  is  so  in  the  judgment  of  the  person  requiring  it,  but 
may  not  be  so  absolutely;  thus,  the  requisite  is  more  a  matter 
of  personal  feeling  than  the  indispensable.  Inevitable  (from 
L.  in,  not,  and  emto,  shun)  is  primarily  the  exact  equivalent  of 
the  Saxon  unavoidable;  both  words  are  applied  to  things 
which  some  at  least  would  escape  or  prevent,  while  that  which 
is  necessary  may  meet  with  no  objection;  food  is  necessary , 
death  is  inevitable;  a  necessary  conclusion  satisfies  a  thinker; 
an  inevitable  conclusion  silences  opposition.  An  infallible 
proof  is  one  that  necessarily  leads  the  mine!  to  a  sound  con- 
clusion. Needed  and  needful  are  more  concrete  than  neces- 
sary, and  respect  an  end  to  be  attained ;  we  speak  of  a  neces- 
sary inference ;  necessary  food  is  what  one  can  not  live  without, 
while  needful  food  is  that  without  which  he  can  not  enjoy 
comfort,  health,  and  strength. 


casual  needless  optional  useless 

contingent  nonsessential  unnecessary  worthless 


Necessary  to  a  sequence  or  a  total;  for  or  to  a  result  or  a 
person;  unity  is  necessary  to  (to  constitute)  completeness; 
decision  is  necessary  for  command,  or  for  a  commander. 



compulsion  fatality  requisite 

destiny  fate  sine  qua  non 

emergency  indispensability  unavoidableness 

essential  indispensatoleness  urgency 

exigency  need  -want 

•extremity  requirement 

Necessity  is  the  quality  of  being  necessary,  or  the  quality  of 

neglect  342 

new _ 

that  which  can  not  but  be,  become,  or  be  true,  or  be  accepted 
as  true.  Need  and  want  always  imply  a  lack;  necessity  may  be 
used  in  this  sense,  but  in  the  higher  philosophical  sense 
necessity  simply  denotes  the  exclusion  of  any  alternative 
either  in  thought  or  fact;  righteousness  is  a  necessity  (not  a 
need)  of  the  divine  nature.  Need  suggests  the  possibility  of 
supplying  the  deficiency  which  want  expresses;  to  speak  of  a 
person's  want  of  decision  merely  points  out  a  weakness  in  his 
character;  to  say  that  he  has  need  of  decision  implies  that  he 
can  exercise  or  attain  it.  As  applied  to  a  deficiency,  necessity 
is  more  imperative  than  need;  a  weary  person  is  in  need  of 
rest;  when  rest  becomes  a  necessity  he  has  no  choice  but  to 
stop  work.  An  essential  is  something,  as  a  quality,  or  ele- 
ment, that  belongs  to  the  essence  of  something  else  so  as  to 
be  inseparable  from  it  in  its  normal  condition,  or  in  any  com- 
plete idea  or  statement  of  it.  Compare  NECESSARY;  PREDES- 


choice  doubt  dubiousness     freedom      possibility 

contingency      doubtfulness     fortuity  option         uncertainty 


The  necessity  of  surrender;  a  necessity  for  action;  this  is  a 
necessity  to  me. 



carelessness  inadvertence  oversight 

default  inattention  remissness 

disregard  indifference  scorn 

disrespect  neglectfnlness  slackness 

failure  negligence  slight 

heedlessness  omission  thoughtlessness 

Neglect  (from  L.  nee,  not,  and  lego}  gather)  is  the  failing  to 
take  such  care,  show  such  attention,  pay  such  courtesy,  etc., 
as  may  be  rightfully  or  reasonably  expected.  Negligence,  which 
is  the  same  in  origin,  may  be  used  in  almost  the  same  sense, 
but  with  a  slighter  force,  as  when  Whittier  speaks  of  "the 
negligence  which  friendship  loves";  but  negligence  is  often 
used  to  denote  the  quality  or  trait  of  character  of  which  the 
act  is  a  manifestation,  or  to  denote  the  habit  of  neglecting 
that  which  ought  to  be  done.  Neglect  is  transitive,  negligence 
is  intransitive;  we  speak  of  neglect  of  his  books,  friends,  or 

343  neglect 

a ___ new 

duties,  in  which  eases  we  could  not  use  negligence;  negligence 
in  dress  implies  want  of  care  as  to  its  arrangement,  tidiness, 
etc.;  neglect  of  one's  garments  would  imply  leaving  them  ex- 
posed to  defacement  or  injury,  as  by  dust,  moths,  etc.  Neglect 
has  a  passive  sense  which  negligence  has  not;  the  child  was 
suffering  from  neglect,  i.  e.y  from  being  neglected  by  others; 
the  child  was  suffering  from  negligence  would  imply  that  he 
himself  was  neglectful.  The  distinction  sometimes  made  that 
neglect  denotes  the  act,  and  negligence  the  habit,  is  but  partial- 
ly true;  one  may  be  guilty  of  habitual  neglect  of  duty;  the 
wife  may  suffer  from  her  husband's  constant  neglect,  while  the 
negligence  which  causes  a  railroad  accident  may  be  that  of  a 
moment,  and  on  the  part  of  one  ordinarily  careful  and  atten- 
tive; in  such  eases  the  law  provides  punishment  for  criminal 

See  synonyms  for  OAEE. 

Neglect  of  duty,  of  the  child  by  the  parent;  there  was  neglect 
on  the  part  of  the  teacher. 



fresh.  modern  new-made  upstart 

juvenile  new-fangled  novel  young 

late  new=fasMoned  recent  youthful 

That  which  is  new  has  lately  come  into  existence,  possession, 
or  use ;  a  new  house  is  just  built,  or  in  a  more  general  sense  is 
one  that  has  just  come  into  the  possession  of  the  present  owner 
or  occupant.  Modern  denotes  that  which  has  begun  to  exist  in 
the  present  age,  and  is  still  existing;  recent  denotes  that  which 
has  come  into  existence  within  a  comparatively  brief  period, 
and  may  or  may  not  be  existing  still.  Modern  history  pertains 
to  any  period  since  the  middle  ages;  modern  literature,  modern 
architecture,  etc.,  are  not  strikingly  remote  from  the  styles 
and  types  prevalent  to-day.  That  which  is  late  is  somewhat 
removed  from  the  present,  but  not  far  enough  to  be  called  old. 
That  which  is  recent  is  not  quite  so  sharply  distinguished  from 
the  past  as  that  which  is  new;  recent  publications  range  over  a 
longer  time  than  new  books.  That  which  is  novel  is  either  ab- 

nimble                                                                                        344 
notwithstanding __ 

solutely  or  relatively  unprecedented  in  kind;  a  novel  con- 
trivance is  one  that  has  never  before  been  known;  a  novel 
experience  is  one  that  has  never  before  occurred  to  the  same 
person;  that  which  is  new  may  be  of  a  familiar  or  even  of  an 
ancient  sort,  as  a  new  copy  of  an  old  book.  Young  and  youthful 
are  applied  to  that  which  has  life;  that  which  is  young  is  pos- 
sessed of  a  comparatively  new  existence  as  a  living  thing,  pos- 
sessing actual  youth;  that  which  is  youthful  manifests  the  at- 
tributes of  youth.  (Compare  YOUTHFUL.)  Fresh  applies  to 
that  which  has  the  characteristics  of  newness  or  youth,  while 
capable  of  deterioration  by  lapse  of  time;  that  which  is  un- 
worn, unspoiled,  or  unfaded;  as,  a  fresh  countenance,  fresh 
eggs,  fresh  flowers.  New  is  opposed  to  old,  modern  to  ancient, 
recent  to  remote,  young  to  old,  aged,  etc. 

See  synonyms  for  OLD. 



active       alert        bustling      prompt       speedy  spry 

agile         brisk      lively  quick          sprightly      swift 

Nimble  refers  to  lightness,  freedom,  and  quickness  of  motion 
within  a  somewhat  narrow  range,  with  readiness  to  turn  sud- 
denly to  any  point ;  swift  applies  commonly  to  more  sustained 
motion  over  greater  distances;  a  pickpocket  is  mVw&fe-Jfingered, 
a  dancer  nimble-footed.',  an  arrow,  a  race-horse,  or  an  ocean 
steamer  is  swift;  Shakespeare's  "nimble  lightnings"  is  said  of 
the  visual  appearance  in  sudden  zigzag  flash  across  the  sky. 
Figuratively,  we  speak  of  a  nimble  wit,  swift  intelligence,  swift 
destruction.  Alert,  which  is  strictly  a  synonym  for  ready, 
comes  sometimes  near  the  meaning  of  nimble  or  quick,  from 
the  fact  that  the  ready,  wide-awake  person  is  likely  to  be 
lively,  quick,  speedy.  Compare  ACTIVE;  ALERT. 


clumsy  dilatory  dull  heavy  inactive  inert  slow  sluggish  unready 


common     natural     ordinary      regular      typical      usual 

That  which  is  natural  is  according  to  nature;  that  which  is 
normal  is  according  to  the  standard  or  rule  which  is  observed 

345  nimble 


or  claimed  to  prevail  in  nature;  a  deformity  may  be  natural, 
symmetry  is  normal;  the  normal  color  of  the  crow  is  black, 
while  the  normal  color  of  the  sparrow  is  gray,  but  one  is  as 
natural  as  the  other.  Typical  refers  to  such  an  assemblage  of 
qualities  as  makes  the  specimen,  genus,  etc.,  a  type  of  some 
more  comprehensive  group,,  while  normal  is  more  commonly 
applied  to  the  parts  of  a  single  object;  the  specimen  was 
typical;  color,  size,  and  other  characteristics,  normal.  The 
regular  is  etymologically  that  which  is  according  to  rule, 
hence  that  which  is  steady  and  constant,  as  opposed  to  that 
which  is  fitful  and  changeable;  the  normal  action  of  the  heart 
is  regular.  That  which  is  common  is  shared  by  a  great  number 
of  persons  or  things;  disease  is  common,  a  normal  state  of 
health  is  rare.  Compare  GENERAL;  USUAL. 


abnormal        irregular         peculiar         singular          unprecedented 
exceptional    monstrous      rare  uncommon     unusual 



although.  howbeit  nevertheless  though 

but  however  still  yet 

However  simply  waives  discussion,  and  (like  the  archaic 
howbeit)  says  "be  that  as  it  may,  this  is  true";  nevertheless 
concedes  the  truth  of  what  precedes,  but  claims  that  what  fol- 
lows is  none  the  less  true;  notwithstanding  marshals  the  two 
statements  face  to  face,  admits  the  one  and  its  seeming  con- 
tradiction to  the  other,  while  insisting  that  it  can  not,  after  all, 
withstand  the  other ;  as,  notwithstanding  the  force  of  the  enemy 
is  superior,  we  shall  conquer,  let  and  still  are  weaker  than 
notwithstanding,  while  stronger  than  but.  Though  and  al- 
though make  as  little  as  possible  of  the  concession,  dropping 
it,  as  it  were,  incidentally;  as,  "though  we  are  guilty,  thou  art 
good";  to  say  "we  are  guilty,  but  thou  art  good,"  would  make 
the  concession  of  guilt  more  emphatic.  Compare  BUT;  YET. 



despite  in  spite  of 

Notwithstanding  simply  states  that  circumstances  shall  not 
be  or  have  not  been  allowed  to  withstand;  despite  and  in  spite 

oath                                                                                             346 

of  refer  primarily  to  personal  and  perhaps  spiteful  opposi- 
tion; as,  he  failed  notwithstanding  his  good  intentions;  or,  he 
persevered  in  spite  of  the  most  bitter  hostility.  When  despite 
and  in  spite  of  are  applied  to  inanimate  things,  it  is  with 
something  of  personification;  "in  spite  of  the  storm"  is  said 
as  if  the  storm  had  a  hostile  purpose  to  oppose  the  under- 



adjuration.  curse  profane   swearing 

affidavit  cursing  profanity 

anathema  denunciation  reprobation, 

ban  execration  swearing 

blaspheming  imprecation  sworn  statement 

blasphemy  malediction  vow 

In  the  highest  sense,  as  in  a  court  of  justice,  "an  oath  is  a 
reverent  appeal  to  God  in  corroboration  of  what  one  says," 
ABBOTT  Law  Diet.;  an  affidavit  is  a  sworn  statement  made  in 
writing  in  the  presence  of  a  competent  officer;  an  adjuration 
is  a  solemn  appeal  to  a  person  in  the  name  of  God  to  speak 
the  truth.  An  oath  is  made  to  man  in  the  name  of  God;  a 
vow,  ta  God  without  the  intervention,  often  without  the  knowl- 
edge, of  man.  In  the  lower  sense,  an  oath  may  be  mere  blas- 
phemy or  profane  swearing.  Anathema,  curse,  execration,  and 
imprecation  are  modes  of  invoking  vengeance  or  retribution 
from  a  superhuman  power  upon  the  person  against  whom  they 
are  uttered.  Anathema  is  a  solemn  ecclesiastical  condemnation 
of  a  person  or  of  a  proposition.  Curse  may  be  just  and  au- 
thoritative; as,  the  curse  of  God;  or,  it  may  be  wanton  and 
powerless;  "so  the  curse  causeless  shall  not  come,"  Prov.  xxvi, 
2.  Execration  expresses  most  of  personal  bitterness  and  hatred ; 
imprecation  refers  especially  to  the  coming  of  the  desired  evil 
upon  the  person  against  whom  it  is  uttered.  Malediction  is  a 
general  wish  of  evil,  a  less  usual  but  very  expressive  word. 
Compare  TESTIMONY. 


benediction  feenisom  blessing 

OBJECT,  v. 


contravene  disapprove   gainsay    oppose     take  exception 
demur  except  to       hesitate   scruple 

To  object  (from  L.  ob,  before,  against,  +  jacio,  throw)  is, 

347  . 

_  obscure 

as  it  were,  to  throw  something  across  the  way  of  what  is 
advanced  or  proposed,  to  bring,  offer,  or  urge  (something)  in 
opposition,  usually  followed  by  to  (sometimes  by  against) 
before  the  thing  opposed;  as,  to  object  to  suspension  of  the 
rules;  to  object  to  the  introduction  of  personalities.  Object 
may  be  used  transitively;  as,  to  object  the  youth  of  the  can- 
didate against  the  appointment;  this  use  is  now  somewhat  rare 
in  the  active  voice,  but  common  in  the  passive,  especially  with 
a  clause  for  the  subject;  as,  that  we  can  not  help  all  should 
not  be  objected  as  a  reason  against  helping  any.  To  except 
or  take  exception,  in  this  connection,  is  to  object  at  or  to  a 
single  point  or  item:  followed  by  to  or  against;  as,  I  favor  the 
purpose  of  the  resolution,  but  take  exception  to  the  closing 
words;  the  use  of  the  verb  except  in  this  sense  is  now  rare, 
but  the  phrase,  take  exception,  is  common; 

But  anytMng  that  is  new  will  be  excepted  to  by  minds  of  a  certain  order. 
FITZBDWABD  HALT.  Modern  English,  p.   334. 

To  demur  (ult,  from  L.  de,  from,  +  mora,  delay)  is  to  object 
irresolutely,  as  one  who  delays  in  hope  of  preventing:  fol- 
lowed by  at  or  to;  as,  at  that  he  demurred;  the  counsel  de- 
murred to  the  evidence;  to  demur  to  a  view  or  proposal;  also, 
frequently  used  without  a  preposition; 

If  he  accepts  it,  why  should  you  demur? 

Ring  and  Boole,  pt.  i,  p.  159. 

To  demur  is  to  hesitate  in  the  spirit  of  opposition;  to  scruple 
is  to  hesitate  on  conscientious  grounds.  Compare  HESITATE 
under  rLucruATB;  OPPOSE  under  HINDER. 


accede  admire  applaud  assent  concur 

accept  admit  approve  comply  consent 



abstruse  darksome  dusky  involved 

ambiguous  deep  enigmatical  muddy 

cloudy  dense  Mdden  mysterious 

complex  difficult  incomprehensible   profound 

complicated  dim  indistinct  turbid 

dark  doubtful  intricate  unintelligible 

That  is  obscure  which  the  eye  or  the  mind  can  not  clearly 
discern  or  see  through,  whether  because  of  its  own  want  of 


transparency,  its  depth  or  intricacy,  or  because  of  mere  defect 
of  light.  That  which  is  complicated  is  likely  to  be  obscure, 
but  that  may  be  obscure  which  is  not  at  all  complicated  and 
scarcely  complex,  as  a  muddy  pool.  In  that  which  is  abstruse 
(from  L.  dbs}  from,  and  trudo,  push)  as  if  removed  from  the 
usual  course  of  thought  or  out  of  the  way  of  apprehension  or 
discovery,  the  thought  is  reaaote,  hidden;  in  that  which  is 
obscure  there  may  be  nothing  to  hide  ;  it  is  hard  to  see  the  bot- 
tom of  the  profound,  because  of  its  depth,  but  the  most  shal- 
low turbidness  is  obscure.  Compare  COMPLEX;  DARK;  DIFFI- 

See  synonyms  for  CLEAR. 



ancient  archaic  obsolescent          out  of  date 

antiquated  disused  old  rare 

Some  of  the  oldest  or  most  ancient  words  are  not  obsolete, 
as  father,  mother,  etc.  A  word  is  obsolete  which  has  quite 
gone  out  of  reputable  use;  a  word  is  archaic  which  is  falling 
out  of  reputable  use,  or,  on  the  other  hand,  having  been  obso- 
lete, is  taken  up  tentatively  by  writers  or  speakers  of  in- 
fluence, so  that  it  may  perhaps  regain  its  position  as  a  living 
word;  a  word  is  rare  if  there  are  few  present  instances  of 
its  reputable  use.  Compare  OLD. 


See  synonyms  for  NEW. 



contumacious  Headstrong  mulish  resolute 

decided  heady  obdurate  resolved 

determined  immovable  opinionated  stubborn 

dogged  indomitable  persistent  unconquerable 

firm  inflexible  pertinacious  unflincning 

fixed  intractable  refractory  unyielding 

The  headstrong  person  is  not  to  be  stopped  in  his  own  course 
of  action,  while  the  obstinate  and  stubborn  is  not  to  be  driven 
to  another's  way.  The  headstrong  act;  the  obstinate  and  stub- 
born may  simply  refuse  to  stir.  The  most  amiable  person  may 

349  obsolete 
.^ obstruct 

be  obstinate  on  some  one  point;  the  stubborn  person  is  for  the 
most  part  habitually  so,  we  speak  of  obstinate  determination, 
stubborn  resistance.  Stubborn  is  the  term  most  frequently  ap- 
plied to  the  lower  animals  and  inanimate  things.  Refractory 
implies  more  activity  of  resistance;  the  stubborn  horse  balks; 
the  refractory  animal  plunges,  rears,  and  kicks;  metals  that 
resist  ordinary  processes  of  reduction  are  termed  refractory. 
One  is  obdurate  who  adheres  to  his  purpose  in  spite  of  appeals 
that  would  move  any  tender-hearted  or  right-minded  person. 
Contumacious  refers  to  a  proud  and  insolent  defiance  of  au- 
thority, as  of  the  summons  of  a  court.  Pertinacious  demand 
is  contrasted  with  obstinate  refusal.  The  unyielding  conduct 
which  we  approve  we  call  decided,  -firm,  inflexible,  resolute; 
that  which  we  condemn  we  are  apt  to  term  headstrong,  obsti- 
nate, stubborn.  Compare  PERVERSE. 


amenable  dutiful  pliable  tractable 

complaisant  gentle  pliant  undecided 

compliant  irresolute  submissive  wavering 

docile  obedient  teachable  yielding 



arrest  block  clog  impede  retard 

bar  check  embarrass  interrupt  stay 

barricade  choke  binder  oppose  stop 

To  obstruct  is  literally  to  build  up  against;  the  road  is  ob- 
structed by  fallen  trees ;  the  passage  of  liquid  through  a  tube  is 
obstructed  by  solid  deposits.  To  bar  or  block  is  to  prevent  ad- 
vance by  some  substantial  obstacle,  as  by  a  bar  or  block  across 
a  path  or  entrance ;  these  words  are  thus  closely  allied  to  check, 
but  express  more  finality;  a  movement  which  is  checked  may 
be  resumed;  if  barred  or  blocked,  it  is  effectually  brought  to 
an  end,  unless  the  obstacle  can  be  removed;  as,  action  is  barred 
by  the  statute  of  limitations;  the  roads  were  blocked,  with  snow; 

It  required  D>y  the  Articles  of  Confederation]  the  vote  of  nine  States 
to  pass  any  till,  and  five  could  Hock  the  wheels  of  government. 

DEPEW  Oration*,  April  30,  18JJ9. 

We  may  hinder  one's  advance  by  following  and  clinging  to 
him;  we  obstruct  his  course  by  standing  in  his  way  or  putting 
a  barrier  across  his  path.  Anything  that  makes  one's  progress 
slower,  whether  from  within  or  from  without,  impedes;  an 

•Id  350 


obstruction  is  always  from  without.  To  stop  is  to  bring 
movement  to  an  end,  or  a  moving  object  to  enforced  rest.  To 
arrest  is  to  cause  to  stop  suddenly;  obstru^ng  the  way  may 
have  the  effect  of  arresting  progress.  Compare  BAFFUS;  CHECK; 


accelerate     aid        facilitate    free  open  promote 

advance        clear    forward      further     pave  the  way  for 



aged  decrepit  immemorial  senile 

ancient  elderly  olden  time-honored 

antiquated  gray  patriarchal  time=worn 

antique  hoary  remote  venerable 

That  is  termed  old  which  has  existed  long,  or  which  existed 
long  ago.  Ancient,  from  the  Latin,  through  the  French,  is  the 
more  stately,  old,  from  the  Saxon,  the  more  familiar  word. 
Familiarity,  on  one  side,  is  near  to  contempt;  thus  we  say,  an 
old  coat,  an  old  hat.  On  the  other  hand,  familiarity  is  afrin  to 
tenderness,  and  thus  old  is  a  word  of  endearment;  as,  "the  old 
homestead,"  "the  old  oaken  bucket."  "Tell  me  the  old,  old 
story!"  has  been  sung  feelingly  by  millions;  "tell  me  that 
ancient  story"  would  remove  it  out  of  all  touch  of  human 
sympathy.  Olden  is  a  statelier  form  of  old,  and  is  applied 
almost  exclusively  to  time,  not  to  places,  buildings,  persons, 
etc.  As  regards  periods  of  time,  the  familiar  are  also  the 
near;  thus,  the  old  times  are  not  too  far  away  for  familiar 
thought  and  reference;  the  olden  times  are  more  remote, 
ancient  times  still  further  removed.  Gray,  hoary,  and  molder- 
ing  refer  to  outward  and  visible  tokens  of  age.  Aged  applies 
chiefly  to  long-extended  human  life.  Decrepit,  gray,  and 
hoary  refer  to  the  effects  of  age  on  the  body  exclusively; 
senile  upon  the  mind  also;  as,  a  decrepit  frame,  senile  gar- 
rulousness.  One  may  be  aged  and  neither  decrepit  nor  senile. 
Elderly  is  applied  to  those  who  have  passed  middle  life,  but 
scarcely  reached  old  age.  Remote  (from  L.  re,  back  or  away, 
and  moveo,  move),  primarily  refers  to  space,  but  is  extended 
to  that  which  is  far  off  in  time;  as,  at  some  remote  period. 
Venerable  expresses  the  involuntary  reverence  that  we  yield 
to  the  majestic  and  long-enduring,  whether  in  the  material 

351  old 

_____ — order 

world  or  in  human  life  and  character.     Compare  ANTIQUE; 


Compare  synonyms  for  NEW;  YOUTHFUL. 



action       effect  force  performance      result 

agency       execution       influence        procedure 

Operation  is  action  considered  with  reference  to  the  thing 
acted  upon,  and  may  apply  to  the  action  of  an  intelligent 
agent  or  of  a  material  substance  or  force;  as,  the  operation 
of  a  medicine.  Performance  and  execution  denote  intelligent 
action,  considered  with  reference  to  the  actor  or  to  that  which 
he  accomplishes;  performance  accomplishing  the  will  of  the 
actor,  execution  often  the  will  of  another;  we  speak  of  the 
performance  of  a  duty,  the  execution  of  a  sentence.  Compare 



failure  ineffectiveness         inutility  uselessness 

inaction  inefficiency  powerlessness 



command.         injunction          mandate  requirement 

direction          instruction        prohibition 

Instruction  implies  superiority  of  knowledge,  direction  of 
authority  on  the  part  of  the  giver;  a  teacher  gives  instructions 
to  his  pupils,  an  employer  gives  directions  to  his  workmen. 
Order  is  still  more  authoritative  than  direction;  soldiers,  sail- 
ors, and  railroad  employees  have  simply  to  obey  the  orders  of 
their  superiors,  without  explanation  or  question;  an  order  in 
the  commercial  sense  has  the  authority  of  the  money  which 
the  one  ordering  the  goods  pays  or  is  to  pay.  Command  is  a 
loftier  word,  as  well  as  highly  authoritative,  less  frequent  in 
common  life ;  we  speak  of  the  commands  of  God,  or  sometimes, 
by  polite  hyperbole,  ask  of  a  friend,  f£Have  you  any  commands 
for  me?"  A  requirement  is  imperative,  but  not  always  formal, 
nor  made  by  a  personal  agent;  it  may  be  in  the  nature  of 
things;  as,  the  requirements  of  the  position.  Prohibition  is 
wholly  negative;  it  is  a  command  not  to  do;  injunction  is  now 

ostentation                                                                                  352 
oversight  . 

oftenest  so  used,  especially  as  the  requirement  by  legal  au- 
thority that  certain  action  be  suspended  or  refrained  from, 
pending  final  legal  decision.  Compare  ARRAY;  CLASS;  LAW; 


allowance     consent     leave     hbeity     license     permission     permit 



boast  "bravado  pageant  pomp  show 

boasting    display  pageantry  pomposity  vaunt 

brag  flourish  parade  pompousness  vaunting 

Ostentation  is  an  ambitious  showing  forth  of  whatever  is 
thought  adapted  to  win  admiration  or  praise;  ostentation  may 
be  without  words;  as,  the  ostentation  of  wealth  in  fine  resi- 
dences, rich  clothing,  costly  equipage,  or  the  like;  when  in 
words,  ostentation  is  rather  in  manner  than  in  direct  state- 
ment; as,  the  ostentation  of  learning.  Boasting  is  in  direct 
statement,  and  is  louder  and  more  vulgar  than  ostentation. 
A  brag  or  bravado  is  a  boast  or  ostentation  of  courage,  which 
may,  perhaps,  be  real,  but  is  more  commonly  false  and  pre- 
tentious. There  may  be  great  display  or  show  with  little  sub- 
stance; ostentation  suggests  something  substantial  to  be  shown. 
Pageanty  pageantry,  parade,  and  pomp  refer  principally  to 
affairs  of  arms  or  state ;  as,  a  royal  pageant;  a  military  parade. 
Pomp  is  some  material  demonstration  of  wealth  and  power, 
as  in  grand  and  stately  ceremonial,  rich  furnishings,  proces- 
sions, etc.,  considered  as  worthy  of  the  person  or  occasion  in 
whose  behalf  it  is  manifested;  pomp  is  the  noble  side  of  that 
which  as  ostentation  is  considered  as  arrogant  and  vain. 
Pageant  and  pageantry  are  inferior  to  pomp,  denoting  spec- 
tacular display  designed  to  impress  the  public  mind,  and  since 
the  multitude  is  largely  ignorant  and  thoughtless,  the  words 
pageant  and  pageantry  have  a  suggestion  of  the  transient  and 
unsubstantial.  Parade  (from  L.  paro,  prepare)  is  an  exhibi- 
tion as  of  troops  in  camp  going  through  the  evolutions  that 
are  to  be  used  in  battle,  and  suggests  a  lack  of  earnestness 
and  direct  or  immediate  occasion  or  demand;  hence,  in  the 
more  general  sense,  a  parade  is  an  uncalled  for  exhibition,  and 
so  used  is  a  more  disparaging  word  than  ostentation;  ostenta- 
tion may  spring  merely  from  undue  self-gratulation,  parade 

353                                                                               ostentation 

implies  a  desire  to  impress  others  with  a  sense  of  one's  abilities 
or  resources,  and  is  always  offensive  and  somewhat  contempti- 
ble; as,  a  parade  of  wealth  or  learning.  Pomposity  and  pomp* 
ousness  are  the  affectation  of  pom  p. 


diffidence  quietness  letirement  timidity 

modesty  reserve  shrinking  unobtrusiveness 




One  ought  to  do  that  which  he  is  under  moral  obligation  or 
in  duty  bound  to  do.  Ought  is  the  stronger  word,  holding 
most  closely  to  the  sense  of  moral  obligation,  or  sometimes  of 
imperative  logical  necessity;  should  may  have  the  sense  of 
moral  obligation  or  may  apply  merely  to  propriety  or  ex- 
pediency, as  in  the  proverb,  uThe  liar  should  have  a  good 
memory,"  i.  e.,  he  will  need  it.  Ought  is  sometimes  used  of 
abstractions  or  inanimate  things  as  indicating  what  the  mind 
deems  to  be  imperative  or  logically  necessary  in  view  of  all 
the  conditions;  as,  these  goods  ought  to  go  into  that  space j 
these  arguments  ought  to  convince  him;  should  in  such  con-* 
nections  would  be  correct,  but  less  emphatic.  Compare  DUTY. 



care  control  management  surveillance 

charge  direction  superintendence  watch 

command     inspection  supervision  watchfulness 

A  person  may  look  over  a  matter  in  order  to  survey  it  care- 
fully in  its  entirety,  or  he  may  look  over  it  with  no  attention  to 
the  thing  itself  because  his  gaze  and  thought  are  concentrated 
on  something  beyond ;  oversight  has  thus  two  contrasted  senses, 
in  the  latter  sense  denoting  inadvertent  error  or  omission,  and 
in  the  former  denoting  watchful  supervision,  commonly  imply- 
ing constant  personal  presence;  superintendence  requires  only 
so  much  of  presence  or  communication  as  to  know  that  the 
superintendent's  wishes  are  carried  out;  the  superintendent  of 
a  railroad  will  personally  oversee  very  few  of  its  operations; 
the  railroad  company  has  supreme  direction  of  all  its  affairs 
without  superintendence  or  oversight.  Control  is  used  chiefly 

pain  354 


with  reference  to  restraint  or  the  power  of  restraint;  a  good 
horseman  has  a  restless  horse  under  perfect  control;  there  is 
no  high  character  without  self-control.  Surveillance  is  an  in- 
vidious term  signifying  watching  with  something  of  suspicion. 
Compare  CARE;  NEGLECT. 



ache  distress  suffering  torture 

agony  pang  throe  twinge 

anguish.  paroxysm  torment  woe 

Pain  is  the  most  general  term  of  this  group,  including  all 
the  others;  pain  is  a  disturbing  sensation  from  which  nature 
revolts,  resulting  from  some  injurious  external  interference 
(as  from  a  wound,  bruise,  a  harsh  word,  etc.)?  or  from  some 
lack  of  what  one  needs,  craves,  or  cherishes  (as,  the  pain  of 
hunger  or  bereavement),  or  from  some  abnormal  action  of 
bodily  or  mental  functions  (as,  the  pains  of  disease,  envy,  or 
discontent).  Suffering  is  one  of  the  severer  forms  of  pain. 
The  prick  of  a  needle  causes  pain,  but  we  should  scarcely 
speak  of  it  as  suffering.  Distress  is  too  strong  a  word  for 
little  hurts,  too  feeble  for  the  intensest  suffering,  but  commonly 
applied  to  some  continuous  or  prolonged  trouble  or  need;  as, 
the  distress  of  a  shipwrecked  crew,  or  of  a  destitute  family. 
Ache  is  lingering  pain,  more  or  less  severe;  pang,  a  pain  short, 
sharp,  intense,  and  perhaps  repeated.  We  speak  of  the  pangs 
of  hunger  or  of  remorse.  Throe  is  a  violent  and  thrilling  pain. 
Paroxysm  applies  to  an  alternately  recurring  and  receding 
pain,  which  comes  as  it  were  in  waves;  the  paroxysm  is  the 
rising  of  the  wave.  Torment  and  torture  are  intense  and  ter- 
rible sufferings.  Agony  and  anguish  express  the  utmost  pain 
or  suffering  of  body  or  mind.  Agony  of  body  is  that  with 
which  the  system  struggles;  anguish  that  by  which  it  is 


comfort    delight    ease    enjoyment    peace    rapture    relief    solace 



apologize  for      conceal      extenuate       bide  screen 

cloak  cover  gloss  over       mitigate      veil 

Cloak,  from  the  French,  and  palliate,  from  the  Latin,  are 

355  pain 

_  pardon 

the  same  in  original  signification,  but  have  diverged  in  mean- 
ing; a  cloak  may  be  used  to  liide  completely  the  person  or 
some  object  carried  about  the  person,  or  it  may  but  partly 
veil  the  figure,  making  the  outlines  less  distinct;  cloak  is  used 
in  the  former,  palliate  in  the  latter  sense;  to  cloak  a  sin  is 
to  hide  it  from  discovery;  to  palliate  it  is  to  attempt  to  hide 
some  part  of  its  blameworthiness.  ''When  we  palliate  our 
own  or  others'  faults  we  do  not  seek  to  clo'ke  them  altogether, 
but  only  to  extenuate  the  guilt  of  them  in  part."  TRENCH 
Study  of  Words  lect.  vi,  p.  266.  Either  to  palliate  or  to  ex- 
tenuate is  to  admit  the  fault:  but  to  extenuate  is  rather  to 
apologize  for  the  offender,  while  to  palliate  is  to  disguise  the 
fault;  hence,  we  speak  of  extenuating  but  not  of  palliating 
circumstances,  since  circumstances  can  not  change  the  inherent 
wrong  of  an  act,  though  they  may  lessen  the  blameworthiness 
of  Vn'm  who  does  it;  palliating  a  bad  thing  by  giving  it  a  mild 
name  does  not  make  it  less  evil.  In  reference  to  diseases,  to 
palliate  is  really  to  diminish  their  violence,  or  partly  to  re- 
lieve the  sufferer.  Compare  ALLEVIATE;  HIDE. 

PARDON,  t>. 


absolve          condone        forgive          pass  by  remit 

acquit  excuse  overlook        pass   over 

To  pardon  is  to  let  pass,  as  a  fault  or  sin,  without  resent- 
ment, blame,  or  punishment.  Forgive  has  reference  to  feel- 
ings, pardon  to  consequences ;  hence,  the  executive  may  pardon^ 
but  has  nothing  to  do  officially  with  forgiving.  Personal  in- 
jury may  be  forgiven  by  the  person  wronged;  thus,  God  at 
once  forgives  and  pardons;  the  pardoned  sinner  is  exempt 
from  punishment ;  the  forgiven  sinner  is  restored  to  the  divine 
favor.  To  pardon  is  the  act  of  a  superior,  implying  the  right 
to  punish;  to  forgive  is  the  privilege  of  the  humblest  person 
who  has  been  wronged  or  offended.  In  law,  to  remit  the  whole 
penalty  is  equivalent  to  pardoning  the  offender;  but  a  part 
of  the  penalty  may  be  remitted  and  the  remainder  inflicted,  as 
where  the  penalty  includes  both  fine  and  imprisonment.  To 
condone  is  to  put  aside  a  recognized  offense  by  some  act  which 
restores  the  offender  to  forfeited  right  or  privilege,  and  is  the 
act  of  a  private  individual,  without  legal  formalities.  To 

pardon                                                                                     356 

excuse  is  to  overlook  some  slight  offense,  error,  or  breach  of 
etiquette;  pardon  is  often  used  by  courtesy  in  nearly  the  same 
sense.  A  person  may  speak  of  excusing  or  forgiving  himself, 
but  not  of  pardoning  himself.  Compare  ABSOLVE;  PARDON,  n. 


castigate      chastise       convict       doom        recompense       sentence 
chasten        condemn      correct       punish      scourge  visit 

PARDON,  ». 


absolution         amnesty  forgiveness          oblivion 

acquittal  forbearance         mercy  remission 

Acquittal  is  a  release  from  a  charge,  after  trial,  as  not  guilty^ 
Pardon  is  a  removal  of  penalty  from  one  who  has  been  ad- 
judged guilty.  Acquittal  is  by  the  decision  of  a  court,  common- 
ly of  a  jury;  pardon  is  the  act  of  the  executive.  An  innocent 
man  may  demand  acquittal,  and  need  not  plead  for  pardon. 
Pardon  supposes  an  offense;  yet,  as  our  laws  stand,  to  grant  a 
pardon  is  sometimes  the  only  way  to  release  one  who  has  been 
wrongly  convicted.  Oblivion,  from  the  Latin,  signifies  over- 
looking and  virtually  forgetting  an  offense,  so  that  the  of- 
fender stands  before  the  law  in  all  respects  as  if  it  had  never 
been  committed.  Amnesty  brings  the  same  idea  through  the 
Greek.  Pardon  affects  individuals;  amnesty  and  oblivion  are 
said  of  great  numbers.  Pardon  is  oftenest  applied  to  the  ordi- 
nary administration  of  law;  amnesty,  to  national  and  military 
affairs.  An  amnesty  is  issued  after  war,  insurrection,  or  re- 
bellion; it  is  often  granted  by  "an  act  of  oblivion"  and  in- 
cludes a  full  pardon  of  all  offenders  who  come  within  its  pro- 
visions. Absolution  is  a  religious  word  (compare  synonyms 
for  ABSOLVE).  Remission  is  a  discharge  from  penalty;  as,  the 
remission  of  a  fine. 


penalty       punishment        retaliation         retribution        vengeance 

A  pardon  to  or  for  the  offenders;  for  all  offenses;  the  pardon 
of  offenders  or  offenses. 

PART,  v. 


Compare  synonyms  for  PART,  n. 

357  pardon 



Part  into  shares;  part  in  the  middle;  part  one  from  another; 
part  among  the  claimants;  part  between  contestants  (archaic) ; 
in  general,  to  part  from  is  to  relinquish  companionship;  to 
part  with  is  to  relinquish  possession;  we  part  from  a  person 
or  from  something  thought  of  with  some  sense  of  companion- 
ship; a  traveler  parts  from  his  friends;  he  may  be  said  also  to 
part  from  his  native  shore;  a  man  parts  with  an  estate,  a 
horse,  a  copyright;  part  with  may  be  applied  to  a  person 
thought  of  in  any  sense  as  a  possession;  an  employer  parts 
with  a  clerk  or  servant;  but  part  with  is  sometimes  used  by 
good  writers  as  meaning  simply  to  separate  from. 

PART,  n. 

atom  fraction  particle  section 

component  fragment  partition          segment 

constituent  ingredient  piece  snare 

division  instalment  portion  subdivision 

element  member 

Party  a  substance,  quantity,  or  amount  that  is  the  result  of 
the  division  of  something  greater,  is  the  general  word,  includ- 
ing all  the  others  of  this  group.  A  fragment  is  the  result  of 
breaking,  rending,  or  disruption  of  some  kind,  while  a  piece 
may  be  smoothly  or  evenly  separated  and  have  a  certain  com- 
pleteness in  itself.  A  piece  is  often  taken  for  a  sample;  a 
fragment  scarcely  would  be.  Division  and  fraction  are  al- 
ways regarded  as  in  connection  with  the  total;  divisions  may 
be  equal  or  unequal;  a  fraction  is  one  of  several  equal  parts 
into  which  the  whole  is  supposed  to  be  divided.  A  portion  is 
a  part  viewed  with  reference  to  some  one  who  is  to  receive  it 
or  some  special  purpose  to  which  it  is  to  be  applied;  in  a 
restaurant  one  portion  (i.  e.,  the  amount  designed  for  one 
person)  is  sometimes,  by  special  order,  served  to  two;  a  share 
is  a  part  to  which  one  has  or  may  acquire  a  right  in  connec- 
tion with  others;  an  instalment  is  one  of  a  series  of  propor- 
tionate payments  that  are  to  be  continued  till  the  entire  claim 
is  discharged;  a  particle  is  an  exceedingly  small  part.  A  com- 
ponent, constituent j  ingredient,  or  element  is  a  part  of  some 
compound  or  mixture;  an  element  is  necessary  to  the  existence, 
as  a  component  or  constituent  is  necessary  to  the  completeness 

particle                                                                                        358 

of  that  which  it  helps  to  compose;  an  ingredient  may  be  for- 
eign or  accidental.  A  subdivision  is  a  division  of  a  division. 
We  speak  of  a  segment  of  a  circle.  Compare  PARTICLE;  POR- 



atom  element  jot  scintilla          tittle 

bit  grain  mite  scrap  whit 

corpuscle        iota  molecTile  shred 

A  particle  is  a  very  small  part  of  any  material  substance; 
as,  a  particle  of  sand  or  of  dust;  it  is  a  general  term,  not  ac- 
curately determinate  in  meaning.  A  bit  is  primarily  a  bite, 
and  applies  to  solids.  One  may  say,  "a  bit  of  bread,"  "a  bit 
of  money,"  but  not  "a  little  bit  of  water";  "a  bit  of  soap," 
but  not  "a  bit  of  soup."  Atom  (from  Gr.  a-  privative,  not, 
and  temno,  cut)  etymologically  signifies  that  which  can  not  be 
cut  or  divided,  and  is  the  smallest  conceivable  particle  of 
matter,  regarded  as  absolutely  homogeneous  and  as  having  but 
•one  set  of  properties;  atoms  are  the  ultimate  particles  of 
matter.  A  molecule  is  made  up  of  atoms,  and  is  regarded  as 
separable  into  its  constituent  parts;  as  used  by  physicists,  a 
molecule  is  the  smallest  conceivable  part  which  retains  all  the 
characteristics  of  the  substance;  thus,  a  molecule  of  water  is 
made  up  of  two  atoms  of  hydrogen  and  one  atom  of  oxygen. 
Element  in  chemistry  denotes,  without  reference  to  quantity, 
a  substance  regarded  as  simple,  i.  e ,  one  incapable  of  being 
resolved  by  any  known  process  into  simpler  substances;  the 
element  gold  may  be  represented  by  an  ingot  or  by  a  particle 
of  gold-dust.  In  popular  language,  an  element  is  any  essential 
constituent;  the  ancients  believed  that  the  universe  was  made 
up  of  the  four  elements,  earth,  air,  fire,  and  water;  a  storm 
is  spoken  of  as  a  manifestation  of  the  fury  of  the  elements. 
We  speak  of  corpuscles  of  blood.  Compare  PART. 


aggregate    entirety   mass    quantity   sum   sum  total    total   whole 



calmness  forbearance  long-suffering       submission 

composure  fortitude  passiveness  sufferance 

endurance  leniency  resignation 

Patience  is  the  quality  or  habit  of  mind  shown  in  bearing 

359  particle 

„ pay 

passively  and  uncomplainingly  any  pain,  evil,  or  hardship  that 
may  fall  to  one's  lot.  Endurance  hardens  itself  against  suffer- 
ing, and  may  be  merely  stubborn;  fortitude  is  endurance  ani- 
mated by  courage;  endurance  may  by  modifiers  be  made  to 
have  a  passive  force,  as  when  we  speak  of  "passive  endurance" ; 
patience  is  not  so  hard  as  endurance  nor  so  self-effacing  as 
submission.  Submission  is  ordinarily  and  resignation  always 
applied  to  matters  of  great  moment,  while  patience  may  apply 
to  slight  worries  and  annoyances.  As  regards  our  relations  to 
our  fellow  men,  forbearance  is  abstaining  from  retaliation  or 
revenge;  patience  is  keeping  kindliness  of  heart  under  vex- 
atious conduct;  long-suffering  is  continued  patience.  Patience 
may  also  have  an  active  force  denoting  uncomplaining  steadi- 
ness in  doing,  as  in  tilling  the  soil.  Compare  APATHY;  IN- 


See  synonyms  for  ANGER. 

Patience  inoT  am  /^sufferings;  patience  icifh  (rarely  toward) 
opposers  or  offenders;  patience  under  afflictions;  (rarely) 
patience  of  heat  or  cold,  etc. 

PAY,  ». 


allowance  hire  recompense  salary 

compensation       honorarium       remuneration       stipend 
earnings  payment  requital  wages 


An  allowance  is  a  stipulated  amount  furnished  at  regular  in- 
tervals as  a  matter  of  discretion  or  gratuity,  as  of  food  to  be- 
sieged soldiers,  or  of  money  to  a  child  or  ward.  Compensation 
is  a  comprehensive  word  signifying  a  return  for  a  service  done. 
'Remuneration  is  applied  to  matters  of  great  amount  or  im- 
portance. Recompense  is  a  still  wider  and  loftier  word,  with 
less  suggestion  of  calculation  and  market  value;  there  are 
services  for  which  affection  and  gratitude  are  the  sole  and 
sufficient  recompense;  earnings,  fees,  hire,  pay,  salary,  and 
wages  are  forms  of  compensation  and  may  be  included  in  com- 
pensation, remuneration,  or  recompense.  Pay  is  Commercial 
and  strictly  signifies  an  exact  pecuniary  equivalent  for  a  thing 

people                                                                                       360 

or  service,  except  when  the  contrary  is  expressly  stated,  as 
when  we  speak  of  "high  pay"  or  "poor  pay"  Wages  denotes 
what  a  worker  receives.  Earnings  is  often  used  as  exactly 
equivalent  to  wages,  but  may  be  used  with  reference  to  the  real 
value  of  work  done  or  service  rendered,  and  even  applied  to 
inanimate  things;  as,  the  earnings  of  capital.  Hire  is  distinct- 
ly mercenary  or  menial,  but  as  a  noun  has  gone  out  of  popular 
use,  though  the  verb  to  hire  is  common.  Salary  is  for  literary 
or  professional  work,  wages  for  handicraft  or  other  compara- 
tively inferior  service;  a  salary  is  regarded  as  more  permanent 
than  wages;  an  editor  receives  a  salary,  a  compositor  receives 
wages.  Stipend  has  become  exclusively  a  literary  word.  A 
fee  is  given  for  a  single  service  or  privilege,  and  is  sometimes 
in  the  nature  of  a  gratuity.  Compare  REQUITE. 



commonwealth,  nation  race  tribe 

community  population  state 

A  community  is  in  general  terms  the  aggregate  of  persons  in- 
habiting any  territory  in  common  and  viewed  as  having  com- 
mon interests;  a  commonwealth  is  such  a  body  of  persons  hav- 
ing a  common  government,  especially  a  republican  govern- 
ment; as,  the  commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  A  community 
may  be  very  small;  a  commonwealth  is  ordinarily  of  consider- 
able extent.  A  people  is  the  aggregate  of  any  public  com- 
munity, either  in  distinction  from  their  rulers  or  as  including 
them;  a  race  is  a  division  of  mankind  in  the  line  of  origin  and 
ancestry;  the  people  of  the  United  States  includes  members  of 
almost  every  race.  The  use  of  people  as  signifying  persons 
collectively,  as  in  the  statement  "The  hall  was  full  of  people" 
has  been  severely  criticized,  but  is  old  and  accepted  English, 
and  may  fitly  be  classed  as  idiomatic,  and  often  better  than 
persons,  by  reason  of  its  collectivism.  As  Dean  Alford  sug- 
gests, it  would  make  a  strange  transformation  of  the  old 
hymn  "All  people  that  on  earth  do  dwell"  to  sing  "All  persons 
that  on  earth  do  dwell."  A  state  is  an  organized  political 
community  considered  in  its  corporate  capacity  as  "a  body 
politic  and  corporate";  as,  a  legislative  act  is  the  act  of  the 
state;  every  citizen  is  entitled  to  the  protection  of  the  state. 



A  nation  is  an  organized  political  community  considered  with 
reference  to  the  persons  composing  it  as  having  certain  definite 
boundaries,  a  definite  number  of  citizens,  etc.  The  members 
of  a  people  are  referred  to  as  persons  or  individuals;  the  in- 
dividual members  of  a  state  or  nation  are  called  citizens  or 
subjects.  The  population  of  a  country  is  simply  the  aggregate 
of  persons  residing  within  its  borders,  without  reference  to 
race,  organization,  or  allegiance;  unnaturalized  residents  form 
part  of  the  population,  but  not  of  the  nation,  possessing  none 
of  the  rights  and  being  subject  to  none  of  the  duties  of  citi- 
zens. In  American  usage,  State  signifies  one  commonwealth 
of  the  federal  union  known  as  the  United  States.  Tribe  is  now 
almost  wholly  applied  to  rude  peoples  with  very  imperfect 
political  organization;  as,  the  Indian  tribes;  nomadic  tribes. 
Compare  MOB. 



apprehend         comprehend          conceive  understand 

We  perceive  what  is  presented  through  the  senses.  "We  ap- 
prehend what  is  presented  to  the  mind,  whether  through  the 
senses  or  by  any  other  means.  Yet  perceive  is  used  in  the 
figurative  sense  of  seeing  through  to  a  conclusion,  in  a  way 
for  which  usage  would  not  allow  us  to  substitute  apprehend; 
as,  "Sir,  I  perceive  that  thou  art  a  prophet,"  John  iv,  19. 
That  which  we  apprehend  we  catch,  as  with  the  hand;  that 
which  we  conceive  we  are  able  to  analyze  and  recompose  in 
our  mind;  that  which  we  comprehend,  we,  as  it  were,  grasp 
around,  take  together,  seize,  embrace  wholly  within  v  the  mind. 
Many  things  may  be  apprehended  which  can  not  be  compre- 
hended; a  child  can  apprehend  the  distinction  between  right 
and  wrong,  yet  the  philosopher  can  not  comprehend  it  in  its 
fulness.  We  can  apprehend  the  will  of  God  as  revealed  in 
conscience  or  the  Scriptures;  we  can  conceive  of  certain  at- 
tributes of  Deity,  as  his  truth  and  justice;  but  no  finite  in- 
telligence can  comprehend  the  Divine  Nature,  in  its  majesty, 
power,  and  perfection.  Compare  ANTICIPATE;  AKREST;  CATCH; 



fail  of    ignore    lose    misapprehend    misconceive    miss    overlook 

perfect  362 




absolute  consummate  holy  spotless 

accurate  correct  ideal  stainless 

blameless  entire  immaculate  unblemished 

complete  faultless  sinless  undefiled 

completed  finished 

That  is  perfect  to  which  nothing  can  be  added,  and  from 
which  nothing  can  be  taken  without  impairing  its  excellence, 
marring  its  symmetry,  or  detracting  from  its  worth;  in  this 
fullest  sense  God  alone  is  perfect,  but  in  a  limited  sense  any- 
thing may  be  perfect  in  its  kind;  as  a  perfect  flower;  a  copy 
of  a  document  is  perfect  when  it  is  accurate  in  every  particu- 
lar; a  vase  may  be  called  perfect  when  entire  and  unblemished, 
even  though  not  artistically  -faultless;  the  best  judges  never 
pronounce  a  work  of  art  perfect,  because  they  see  always 
ideal  possibilities  not  yet  attained;  even  the  ideal  is  not  perfect, 
by  reason  of  the  imperfection  of  the  human  mind;  a  human 
character  faultlessly  holy  would  be  morally  perfect  though 
finite.  That  which  is  absolute  is  free  from  admixture  (as  ab- 
golute  alcohol)  and  in  the  highest  and  fullest  sense  free  from 
imperfection  or  limitation;  as,  absolute  holiness  and  love  are 
attributes  of  God  alone.  In  philosophical  language,  absolute 
signifies  free  from  all  necessary,  or  even  from  all  possible  re- 
lations, not  dependent  or  limited,  unrelated  and  unconditioned ; 
truth  immediately  known,  as  intuitive  truth,  is  absolute;  God, 
as  self-existent  and  free  from  all  limitation  or  dependence,  is 
called  the  absolute  Being,  or  simply  the  Absolute.  Compare 


bad  defective  imperfect  meager  scant 

blemished        deficient  incomplete  perverted  short 

corrupt  deformed  inferior  poor  spoiled 

corrupted         fallible  insufficient  ruined  -worthless 

defaced  faulty  marred 



abiding  fixed  invariable  stable 

changeless     immutable  lasting  steadfast 

constant         imperishable  perpetual  unchangeable 

durable  indelible  persistent  unchanging 

enduring        indestructible 

Durable  (from  L.  durus,  hard)   is  said  almost  wholly  of 

363  perfect 

._ permission 

material  substances  that  resist  wear;  lasting  is  said  of  either 
material  or  immaterial  things.  Permanent  is  a  word  of  wider 
meaning;  a  thing  is  permanent  which  is  not  liable  to  change; 
as,  a  permanent  color;  buildings  upon  a  farm  are  called  per- 
manent improvements.  Enduring  is  a  higher  word,  applied  to 
that  which  resists  both  time  and  change;  as,  enduring  fame. 


See  synonyms  for  TRANSIENT. 



allowance  authorization  leave  license 

authority  consent  liberty  permit 

Authority  unites  the  right  and  power  of  control;  age,  wis- 
dom, and  character  give  authority  to  their  possessor;  a  book 
of  learned  research  has  authority,  and  is  even  called  an  author- 
ity. Permission  justifies  another  in  acting  without  interference 
or  censure,  and  usually  implies  some  degree  of  approval.  Au- 
thority gives  a  certain  right  of  control  over  all  that  may  be 
affected  by  the  action.  There  may  be  a  failure  to  object, 
which  constitutes  an  implied  permission,  though  this  is  more 
properly  expressed  by  allowance;  we  allow  what  we  do  not 
oppose,  permit  what  we  expressly  authorize.  The  noun  permit 
implies  a  formal  written  permission.  License  is  a  formal  per- 
mission granted  by  competent  authority  to  an  individual  to  do 
some  act  or  pursue  some  business  which  would  be  or  is  made 
to  be  unlawful  without  such  permission;  as,  a  license  to  preach, 
to  solemnize  marriages,  or  to  sell  intoxicating  liquors.  A 
license  is  permission  granted  rather  than  authority  conferred; 
the  sheriff  has  authority  (not  permission  nor  license)  to  make 
an  arrest.  Consent  is  permission  by  the  concurrence  of  wills 
in  two  or  more  persons,  a  mutual  approval  or  acceptance  of 
something  proposed.  Compare  ALLOW. 


denial  objection  prevention  refusal 

hindrance  opposition  prohibition  resistance 

pernicious  364 




bad  evil  mischievous  pestilential 

"baneful  foul  noisome  poisonous 

deadly  harmful  noxious  ruinous 

deleterious  hurtful  obnoxious  unhealthful 

destructive  injurious  perverting  unwholesome 

detrimental  insalubrious      pestiferous 

Pernicious  (from  L.  per,  through,  and  neco,  kill)  signifies 
having  the  power  of  destroying  or  injuring,  tending  to  hurt  or 
kill.  Pernicious  is  stronger  than  injurious;  that  which  is  in- 
jurious is  capable  of  doing  harm;  that  which  is  permcious  is 
likely  to  be  destructive.  Noxious  (from  L.  noceo,  hurt)  is  a 
stronger  word  than  noisome,  as  referring  to  that  which  is  in- 
jurious or  destructive.  Noisome  now  always  denotes  that 
which  is  extremely  disagreeable  or  disgusting,  especially  to  the 
sense  of  smell;  as,  the  noisome  stench  proclaimed  the  presence 
of  noxious  gases. 


advantageous  favorable  helpful  profitable  serviceable 

beneficent  good  invigorating  rejuvenating  useful 

beneficial  healthful  hfesgiving  salutary  wholesome 



amazement       bewilderment  distraction    doubt 
astonisnment  confusion          disturbance  embarrassment 

Perplexity  (from  L.  pery  through,  and  plecto,  plait)  is  the 
drawing  or  turning  of  the  thoughts  or  faculties  by  turns  in 
different  directions  or  toward  contrasted  or  contradictory  con- 
clusions; confusion  (from  L.  confusus,  from  confundo,  pour 
together)  is  a  state  in  which  the  mental  faculties  are,  as  it 
were,  thrown  into  chaos,  so  that  the  clear  and  distinct  action 
of  the  different  powers,  as  of  perception,  memory,  reason,  and 
will  is  lost;  'bewilderment  is  akin  to  confusion,  but  is  less  over- 
whelming, and  more  readily  recovered  from;  perplexity,  ac- 
cordingly, has  not  the  unsettling  of  the  faculties  implied  in 
confusion,  nor  the  overwhelming  of  the  faculties  implied  in 
amazement  or  astonishment;  it  is  not  the  magnitude  of  the 
things  to  be  known,  but  the  want  of  full  and  definite  knowl- 
edge, that  causes  perplexity.  The  dividing  of  a  woodland  path 
may  cause  the  traveler  the  greatest  perplexity,  which  may  be- 
come bewilderment  when  he  has  tried  one  path  after  another 

365  pernicious 


and  lost  his  bearings  completely.  With  an  excitable  person 
bewilderment  may  deepen  into  confusion  that  will  make  him 
unable  to  think  clearly  or  even  to  see  or  hear  distinctly.  Amaze- 
ment results  from  the  sudden  and  unimagined  occurrence  of 
great  good  or  evil  or  the  sudden  awakening  of  the  mind  to 
unthought-of  truth.  Astonishment  often  produces  bewilder- 
ment, which  the  word  was  formerly  understood  to  imply. 



allure  dispose  incline  move 

Tiring  over  entice  induce  prevail  on  or  upon 

coax  impel  influence  urge 

convince  incite  lead  win.  over 

Of  these  words  convince  alone  has  no  direct  reference  to 
moving  the  will,  denoting  an  effect  upon  the  understanding 
only;  one  may  be  convinced  of  his  duty  without  doing  it,  or 
he  may  be  convinced  of  truth  that  has  no  manifest  connection 
with  duty  or  action,  as  of  a  mathematical  proposition.  To 
persuade  is  to  bring  the  will  of  another  to  a  desired  decision 
by  some  influence  exerted  upon  it  short  of  compulsion;  one 
may  be  convinced  that  the  earth  is  round ;  he  may  be  persuaded 
to  travel  round  it ;  tfut  persuasion  is  so  largely  dependent  upon 
conviction  that  it  is  commonly  held  to  be  the  orator's  work 
first  to  convince  in  order  that  he  may  persuade.  Coax  is  a 
slighter  word  than  persuade,  seeking  the  same  end  by  shal- 
lower methods,  largely  by  appeal  to  personal  feeling,  with  or 
without  success;  as,  a  child  coaxes  a  parent  to  buy  him  a  toy. 
One  may  be  brought  over,  induced,  or  prevailed  upon  by  means 
not  properly  included  in  persuasion,  as  by  bribery  or  intimi- 
dation; he  is  won  over  chiefly  by  personal  influence.  Compare 



deter    discourage    dissuade    hinder    hold  back    repel     restrain 



boldness          forwardness         liveliness         smartness 
briskness        impertinence       sanoiness          sprightliness 
flippancy         impndence 

Liveliness  and  sprightliness  are  pleasant  and  commendable; 


smartness  is  a  limited  and  showy  aeuteness  or  shrewdness, 
usually  with  unfavorable  suggestion;  pertness  and  sauciness 
are  these  qualities  overdone,  and  regardless  of  the  respect  due 
to  superiors.  Impertinence  and  impudence  may  be  gross  and 
stupid;  pertness  and  sauciness  are  always  vivid  and  keen. 
Compare  IMPUDENCE. 


bashfulness    demureness    diffidence    humility    modesty    shyness 



contrary  froward  petulant  untoward 

factions  intractable  stubborn  wayward 

fractions  obstinate  ungovernable  wilful 

Perverse  (from  L.  perversus,  turned  the  wrong  way)  sig- 
nifies wilfully  wrong  or  erring,  unreasonably  set  against  right, 
reason,  or  authority.  The  stubborn  or  obstinate  person  will 
not  do  what  another  desires  or  requires;  the  perverse  person 
will  do  anything  contrary  to  what  is  desired  or  required  of 
him.  The  petulant  person  frets,  but  may  comply ;  the  perverse 
individual  may  be  smooth  or  silent,  but  is  wilfully  intractable. 
Wayward  refers  to  a  perverse  disregard  of  morality  and  duty ; 
froward  is  practically  obsolete;  untoward  is  rarely  heard  ex- 
cept in  certain  phrases;  as,  untoward  circumstances.  Compare 



accommodating  complaisant  genial  kind 

amenable  compliant  governable  obliging 



bodily  corporeal  natural  tangible 

corporal  material  sensible  visible 

Whatever  is  composed  of  or  pertains  to  matter'  may  be 
termed  material;  physical  (from  Gr.  physis,  nature)  applies 
to  material  things  considered  as  parts  of  a  system  or  organic 
whole;  hence,  we  speak  of  material  substances,  physical  forces, 
physical  laws.  Bodily,  corporal,  and  corporeal  apply  primarily 
to  the  human  body;  bodily  and  corporal  both  denote  pertain- 
ing or  relating  to  the  body;  corporeal  signifies  of  the  nature 
of  or  like  the  body;  corporal  is  now  almost  wholly  restricted 

367  perverse 

to  signify  applied  to  or  inflicted  upon  the  body;  we  speak  of 
bodily  sufferings,  bodily  presence,  corporal  punishment,  the 
corporeal  frame. 


hyperphysical      intangible        invisible     moral  unreal 

immaterial  intellectual     mental        spiritual       unsubstantial 



displeasure         irritation  resentment  umbrage 

grudge  offense 

Pique,  from  the  Trench,  signifies  primarily  a  prick  or  a 
sting,  as  of  a  nettle;  the  word  denotes  a  sudden  feeling  of 
mingled  pain  and  anger,  but  slight  and  usually  transient,  aris- 
ing from  some  neglect  or  offense,  real  or  imaginary.  Umbrage 
is  a  deeper  and  more  persistent  displeasure  at  being  over- 
shadowed (from  L.  umbra,  a  shadow)  or,  subjected  to  any 
treatment  that  one  deems  unworthy  of  him.  It  may  be  said, 
as  a  general  statement,  that  pique  arises  from  wounded  vanity 
or  sensitiveness,  umbrage  from  wounded  pride  or  sometimes 
from  suspicion.  Eesentment  rests  on  more  solid  grounds,  and 
is  deep  and  persistent.  Compare  ANGER. 


approval  contentment  gratification  satisfaction 

complacency  delight  pleasure 



abject  mean  paltry  sorrowful 

base  miserable  pathetic  touching 

contemptible  mournful  piteous  woeful 

despicable  moving  pitiable  wretched 

Pitiful  originally  signified  full  of  pity;  as,  "the  Lord  is  very 
pitiful  and  of  tender  mercy,"  James  v,  11,  but  this  usage  is 
now  archaic,  and  the  meaning  in  question  is  appropriated  by 
such  words  as  merciful  and  compassionate.  Pitiful  and  piti- 
able now  refer  to  what  may  be  deserving  of  pity,  pitiful  being 
used  chiefly  for  that  which  is  merely  an  cdbjeet  of  thought, 
pitiable  for  that  which  is  brought  directly  before  the  senses; 
as,  a  pitiful  story;  a  pitiable  object;  a  pitiable  condition. 
Since  pity,  however,  always  implies  weakness  or  inferiority  in 


plead t 

that  which  is  pitied,  pitiful  and  pitiable  are  often  used,  by  an 
easy  transition,  for  what  might  awaken  pity,  but  does  awaken 
contempt;  as,  a  pitiful  excuse;  he  presented  a  pitiable  appear- 
ance. Piteous  is  now  rarely  used  in  its  earlier  sense  of  feeling 
pity,  but  in  its  derived  sense  applies  to  what  really  excites  the 
emotion;  as,  a  piteous  cry.  Compare  HUMANE;  MERCY;  PITY. 


august  exalted  helpful  sublime 

beneficent  glorious  lofty  superb 

commanding  grand  mighty  superior 

dignified  great  noble 



commiseration  condolence  sympathy 

compassion  mercy  tenderness 

Pity  is  a  feeling  of  grief  or  pain  aroused  by  the  weakness, 
misfortunes,  or  distresses  of  others,  joined  with  a  desire  to 
help  or  relieve.  Sympathy  (feeling  or  suffering  with)  implies 
some  degree  of  equality,  kindred,  or  union;  pity  is  for  what  is 
weak  or  unfortunate,  and  so  far,  at  least,  inferior  to  ourselves ; 
hence,  pity  is  often  resented  where  sympathy  would  be  wel- 
come. We  have  sympathy  with  one  in  joy  or  grief,  in  pleasure 
or  pain,  pity  only  for  those  in  suffering  or  need;  we  may  have 
sympathy  with  the  struggles  of  a  giant  or  the  triumphs  of  a 
conqueror;  we  are  moved  with  pity  for  the  captive  or  the 
slave.  Pity  may  be  only  in  the  mind,  but  mercy  does  some- 
thing for  those  who  are  its  objects.  Compassion,  like  pity,  is 
exercised  only  with  respect  to  the  suffering  or  unfortunate, 
but  combines  with  the  tenderness  of  pity  the  dignity  of  sym- 
pathy and  the  active  quality  of  mercy.  Commiseration  is  as 
tender  as  compassion,  but  more  remote  and  hopeless;  we  have 
commiseration  for  sufferers  whom  we  can  not  reach  or  can  not 
relieve.  Condolence  is  the  expression  of  sympathy.  Compare 


barbarity  ferocity  harshness         pitilessness  severity 

brutality    hardsheartedness  inhumanity      rigor  sternness 

cruelty       hardness  mercilessness  ruthlessness  truculence 


Pity  on  or  upon  that  which  we  help  or  spare ;  pity  for  that 
which  we  merely  contemplate;  "have  pity  upon  me,  0  ye  my 



friends,"  Job  xix,  21;  "pity  for  a  horse  o'er-driven,"  TENNY- 
SON In  Memonam  Ixii,  st.  1. 


seed  seed  down          set  set  out  sow 

We  set  or  set  out  slips,  cuttings,  young  trees,  etc.,  though 
we  may  also  be  said  to  plant  them;  we  plant  corn,  potatoes, 
etc.,  which  we  put  in  definite  places,  as  in  hills,  with  some  care; 
we  sow  wheat  or  other  small  grains  and  seeds  which  are  scat- 
tered in  the  process.  Though  by  modern  agricultural  machin- 
ery the  smaller  grains  are  almost  as  precisely  planted  as  corn, 
the  old  word  for  broadcast  scattering  is  retained.  Land  is 
seeded  or  seeded  down  to  grass. 


eradicate  extirpate  root  up  uproot  weed  out 



advocate  ask  beseech.  implore  solicit 

argue  beg  entreat  press  urge 

To  plead  for  one  is  to  employ  argument  or  persuasion,  or 
both  in  his  behalf,  usually  with  earnestness  or  importunity; 
similarly  one  may  be  said  to  plead  for  himself  or  for  a  cause, 
etc.,  or  with  direct  object,  to  plead  a  ease;  in  legal  usage, 
pleading  is  argumentative,  but  in  popular  usage,  pleading 
always  implies  some  appeal  to  the  feelings.  One  argues  a  case 
solely  on  rational  grounds  and  supposably  with  fair  consider- 
ation of  both  sides;  he  advocates  one  side  for  the  purpose  of 
carrying  it,  and  under  the  influence  of  motives  that  may  range 
all  the  way  from  cold  self-interest  to  the  highest  and  noblest 
impulses;  he  pleads  a  cause,  or  pleads  for  a  person  with  still 
more  intense  feeling.  Beseech,  entreat,  and  implore  imply 
impassioned  earnestness,  with  direct  and  tender  appeal  to 
personal  considerations.  Press  and  urge  imply  more  deter- 
mined or  perhaps  authoritative  insistence.  Solicit  is  a  weak 
word  denoting  merely  an  attempt  to  secure  one's  consent  or 
cooperation,  sometimes  by  sordid  or  corrupt  motives. 

Plead  with  the  tyrant,  for  the  captive;  plead  against  the  op- 

pleasant  370 


pression  or  the  oppressor;  plead  to  the  indictment;  at  the  bar; 
before  the  court;  in  open  court 



agreeable  good-natured        kindly  pleasing 

attractive          kind  obliging          pleasurable 

That  is  pleasing  from  which  pleasure  is  received,  or  may 
readily  be  received,  without  reference  to  any  action  or  intent 
in  that  which  confers  it;  as,  a  pleasing  picture;  a  pleasing 
landscape.  Whatever  has  active  qualities  adapted  to  give 
pleasure  is  pleasant;  as,  a  pleasant  breeze;  a  pleasant  (not  a 
pleasing)  day.  As  applied  to  persons,  pleasant  always  refers 
to  a  disposition  ready  and  desirous  to  please;  one  is  pleasant, 
or  in  a  pleasant  mood,  when  inclined  to  make  happy  those 
with  whom  he  is  dealing,  to  show  kindness  and  do  any  reason- 
able favor.  In  this  sense  pleasant  is  nearly  akin  to  kind,  but 
kind  refers  to  act  or  intent,  while  pleasant  stops  with  the  dis- 
position; many  persons  are  no  longer  in  a  pleasant  mood  if 
asked  to  do  a  troublesome  kindness.  Pleasant  keeps  always 
something  of  the  sense  of  actually  giving  pleasure,  and  thus 
surpasses  the  meaning  of  good-natured;  there  are  good-natured 
people  who  by  reason  of  rudeness  and  ill-breeding  are  not 
pleasant  companions.  A  pleasing  face  has  good  features, 
complexion,  expression,  etc.;  a  pleasant  face  indicates  a  kind 
heart  and  an  obliging  disposition,  as  well  as  kindly  feelings  in 
actual  exercise;  we  can  say  of  one  usually  good-natured,  "on 
that  occasion  he  did  not  meet  me  with  a  pleasant  face." 
Pleasant,  in  the  sense  of  gay,  merry,  jocose  (the  sense  still  re- 
tained in  pleasantry),  is  now  rare,  and  would  not  be  understood 
outside  of  literary  circles.  Compare  AMIABLE;  COMTORTABLE; 



arrogant  displeasing  glum  illshumored  repelling 

austere  dreary  grim  illsnatured  repulsive 

crabbed  forbidding  harsh  offensive  unkind 

disagreeable  gloomy  hateful  repellent  unpleasant 


Pleasant  to,  with,  or  toward  persons;  about  a  matter. 

371  pleasant 



abounding  bountiful  generous  plenteous 

abundant  complete  large  profuse 

adequate  copious  lavish.  replete 

affluent  enough  liberal  rich, 

ample  exuberant  luxuriant  sufficient 

bounteous  full  overflowing  teeming 

Enough  is  relative,  denoting  a  supply  equal  to  a  given  de- 
mand. A  temperature  of  70°  Fahrenheit  is  enough  for  a  liv- 
ing-room; of  212°  enough  to  boil  water;  neither  is  enough  to 
melt  iron.  Sufficient,  from  the  Latin,  is  an  equivalent  of  the 
Saxon  enough,  with  no  perceptible  difference  of  meaning,  but 
only  of  usage,  enough  being  the  more  blunt,  homely,  and  forci- 
ble word,  while  sufficient  is  in  many  cases  the  more  elegant  or 
polite.  Sufficient  usually  precedes  its  noun;  enough  usually 
and  preferably  follows.  That  is  ample  which  gives  a  safe,  but 
not  a  large,  margin  beyond  a  given  demand;  that  is  abundant, 
affluent,  bountiful,  liberal,  plentiful,  which  is  largely  in  excess 
of  manifest  need.  Plentiful  is  used  of  supplies,  as  of  food, 
water,  etc.;  as,  "a  plentiful  rain,"  Ps.  Ixviii,  9.  We  may  also 
say  a  copious  rain;  but  copious  can  be  applied  to  thought, 
language,  etc.,  where  plentiful  can  not  well  be  used.  Affluent 
and  liberal  both  apply  to  riches,  resources;  liberal,  with  espe- 
cial reference  to  giving  or  expending.  (Compare  synonyms 
for  ADEQUATE;  WEALTH.)  Affluent,  referring  especially  to 
riches,  may  be  used  of  thought,  feeling,  etc.  Neither  affluent, 
copious,  nor  plentiful  can  be  used  of  time  or  space;  a  field 
is  sometimes  called  plentiful,  not  with  reference  to  its  extent, 
but  to  its  productiveness.  Complete  expresses  not  excess  or 
overplus,  and  yet  not  mere  sufficiency,  but  harmony,  propor- 
tion, fitness  to  a  design  or  ideal.  Ample  and  abundant  may 
be  applied  to  any  subject.  We  have  time  enough,  means 
that  we  can  reach  our  destination  without  haste,  but  also  with- 
out delay;  if  we  have  ample  time,  we  may  move  leisurely,  and 
note  what  is  by  the  way;  if  we  have  abundant  time,  we  may 
pause  to  converse  with  a  friend,  to  view  the  scenery,  or  to  rest 
when  weary.  Lavish  and  profuse  imply  a  decided  excess, 
oftenest  in  the  ill  sense.  We  rejoice  in  abundant  resources, 
and  honor  generous  hospitality;  lavish  or  profuse  expenditure 
suggests  extravagance  and  wastefulness.  Luxuriant  is  used  espe- 
cially of  that  which  is  abundant  in  growth ;  as,  a  luxuriant  crop. 

poetry                                                                                         372 


deficient  inadequate  narrow  scanty  small 

drained  insufficient  niggardly  scarce  sparing 

exhausted  mean  poor  scrimped  stingy 

impoverished  miserly  scant  short  straitened 


Plentiful  in  resources. 



meter  numbers  poesy  song 

metrical  composition          poem  rime  verse 

Poetry  is  that  form  of  literature  that  embodies  beautiful 
thought,  feeling,  or  action  in  melodious,  rhythmical,  and  (usu- 
ally) metrical  language,  in  imaginative  and  artistic  construc- 
tions. Poetry  in  a  very  wide  sense  may  be  anything  that 
pleasingly  addresses  the  imagination ;  as,  the  poetry  of  motion. 
In  ordinary  usage,  poetry  is  both  imaginative  and  metrical. 
There  may  be  poetry  without  rime,  but  hardly  without  meter, 
or  what  in  some  languages  takes  its  place,  as  the  Hebrew 
parallelism;  but  poetry  involves,  besides  the  artistic  form, 
the  exercise  of  the  fancy  or  imagination  in  a  way  always 
beautiful,  often  lofty  or  even  sublime.  Failing  this,  there 
may  be  verse,  rime,  and  meter,  but  not  poetry.  There  is  much 
in  literature  that  is  beautiful  and  sublime  in  thought  and 
artistic  in  construction,  which  is  yet  not  poetry,  because  quite 
devoid  of  the  element  of  song,  whereby  poetry  differs  from 
the  most  lofty,  beautiful,  or  impassioned  prose.  Compare 



prosaic  speech  prosaic  writing  prose 



accomplished  courtly  genteel  urbane 

ceremonious  cultivated  gracious  well-behaved 

civil  cultured  obliging  well-bred 

complaisant  elegant  polished  well-mannered 

A  civil  person  observes  such  propriety  of  speech  and  manner 
as  to  avoid  being  rude;  one  who  is  polite  (literally  polished) 
observes  more  than  the  necessary  proprieties,  conforming  to 
all  that  is  graceful,  becoming,  and  thoughtful  in  the  inter- 



course  of  refined  society.  A  man  may  be  civil  with  no  con- 
sideration for  others,  simply  because  self-respect  forbids  him 
to  be  rude ;  but  one  who  is  polite  has  at  least  some  care  for  the 
opinions  of  others,  and  if  polite  in  the  highest  and  truest 
sense,  which  is  coming  to  be  the  prevailing  one,  he  cares  for 
the  comfort  and  happiness  of  others  in  the  smallest  matters. 
Ciml  is  a  colder  and  more  distant  word  than  polite;  courteous 
is  fuller  and  richer,  dealing  often  with  greater  matters,  and  is 
used  only  in  the  good  sense;  ceremonious  is  g?nn  in  meaning 
to  civil;  ceremonious  observance,  like  civility,  may  accompany 
true  politeness,  or  may  be  used  as  a  substitute  for  it;  becoming 
thus  particularly  bitter  and  galling; 

.     .     .     .     assent  with  civil  leer, 

And  without  sneering,  teach  the  rest  to  sneer. 

POPE   Prologue  to   Satires,  1.   201 
When   love   begins   to   sicken    and   decay, 
It   useth    an    enforced    ceremony. 

SHAKESPEABE  Julius  Ccesar  act  iv,  sc.  2,  L  20. 

Courtly  suggests  that  which  befits  a  royal  court,  and  is  used 
of  external  grace  and  stateliness  without  reference  to  the 
prompting  feeling;  as,  the  courtly  manners  of  the  ambassador. 
Genteel  refers  to  an  external  elegance,  which  may  be  showy 
and  superficial,  and  the  word  is  thus  inferior  to  polite  or 
courteous.  Urbane  refers  to  a  politeness  that  is  genial  and 
successful  in  giving  others  a  sense  of  ease  and  cheer.  Polished 
refers  to  external  elegancies  of  speech  and  manner  without 
reference  to  spirit  or  purpose;  as,  a  polished  gentleman  or  a 
polished  scoundrel ;  cultured  refers  to  a  real  and  high  develop- 
ment of  mind  and  soul,  of  which  the  external  manifestation  is 
the  smallest  part.  Complaisant  denotes  a  disposition  to  please 
or  favor  beyond  what  politeness  would  necessarily  require. 


awkward      clownish  illsinaimered  insulting  uncouth 

bluff  coarse  impertinent  raw  unmannerly 

blunt  discourteous  impolite  rude  unpolished 

boorish         ill=behaved  impudent  rustic  untaught 

brusk  illsbred  insolent  uncivil  untutored 



constitution         policy          form  or  system  of  government 

Polity  is  the  permanent  system  of  government  of  a  state,  a 

portion  374 


chureh,  or  a  society;  policy  is  the  method  of  management  with 
reference  to  the  attainment  of  certain  ends;  the  national  polity 
of  the  United  States  is  republican;  each  administration  has  a 
policy  of  its  own.  Policy  is  often  used  as  equivalent  to  ex- 
pediency; as,  many  think  honesty  to  be  good  policy.  Polity 
used  in  ecclesiastical  use  serves  a  valuable  purpose  in  dis- 
tinguishing that  which  relates  to  administration  and  govern- 
ment from  that  which  relates  to  faith  and  doctrine;  two 
churches  identical  in  faith  may  differ  in  polity ,  or  those  agree- 
ing in  polity  may  differ  in  faith.  Compare  LAW. 


lot  parcel  part  proportion          share 

"When  any  whole  is  divided  into  parts,  any  part  that  is  al- 
lotted to  some  person,  thing,  subject,  or  purpose  is  called  a 
portion,  though  the  division  may  be  by  no  fLxe,d  rule  or  rela- 
tion; a  father  may  divide  his  estate  by  will  among  his  children 
so  as  to  make  their  several  portions  great  or  small,  according 
to  his  arbitrary  and  unreasonable  caprice.  When  we  speak 
of  a  part  as  a  proportion,  we  think  of  the  whole  as  divided  ac- 
cording to  some  rule  or  scale,  so  that  the  different  parts  bear 
a  contemplated  and  intended  relation  or  ratio  to  one  another; 
thus,  the  portion  allotted  to  a  child  by  will  may  not  be  a  fair 
proportion  of  the  estate.  Proportion  is  often  used  where  part 
or  portion  would  be  more  appropriate.  Compare  PART. 



beggary  indigence  pauperism          privation 

destitution  mendicancy        penury  want 

distress  need 

Poverty  denotes  strictly  lack  of  property  or  adequate  means 
of  support,  but  in  common  use  is  a  relative  term  denoting  any 
condition  below  that  of  easy,  comfortable  living;  privation  de- 
notes a  condition  of  painful  lack  of  what  is  useful  or  desir- 
able, though  not  to  the  extent  of  absolute  distress;  indigence  is 
lack  of  ordinary  means  of  subsistence;  destitution  is  lack  of 
the  comforts,  and  in  part  even  of  the  necessaries  of  life ;  penury 
js  especially  cramping  poverty,  possibly  not  so  sharp  as  desti- 

375  portion 


tution,  but  continuous,  while  that  may  be  temporary;  pauper- 
ism  is  such  destitution  as  throws  one  upon  organized  public 
charity  for  support;  beggary  and  mendicancy  denote  poverty 
that  appeals  for  indiscriminate  private  charity. 



ability  command  expertness  readiness 

aptitude  competency  faculty  rule 

authority  dexterity  force  skill 

capability  dominion  might  strength 

capacity  efficacy  potency  susceptibility 

cleverness  efficiency  potentiality  sway 

cogency  energy  qualification  talent 

Power  is  the  most  general  term  of  this  group,  including  every 
quality,  property,  or  faculty  by  which  any  change,  effect^  or 
result  is,  or  may  be,  produced;  as,  the  power  of  the  legislature 
to  enact  laws,  or  of  the  executive  to  enforce  them;  the  power 
of  an  acid  to  corrode  a  metal;  the  power  of  a  polished  surface 
to  reflect  light.  Ability  is  nearly  coextensive  with  power,  but 
does  not  reach  the  positiveness  and  vigor  that  may  be  included 
in  the  meaning  of  power,  ability  often  implying  latent,  as  dis- 
tinguished from  active  power;  we  speak  of  an  exertion  of 
power,  but  not  of  an  exertion  of  ability.  Power  and  ability 
include  capacity,  which  is  power  to  receive;  but  ability  is  often 
distinguished  from  capacity,  as  power  that  may  be  manifested 
in  doing,  as  capacity  is  in  receiving;  one  may  have  great  capac- 
ity for  acquiring  knowledge,  and  yet  not  possess  ability  to 
teach.  Efficiency  is  active  power  to  effect  a  definite  result, 
the  power  that  actually  does,  as  distinguished  from  that  which 
may  do.  Competency  is  equal  to  trie  occasion,  readiness  prompt 
for  the  occasion.  Faculty  is  an  inherent  quality  of  mind  or 
body;  talent,  some  special  mental  abiUty.  Dexterity  and  skill 
are  readiness  and  facility  in  action,  having  a  special  end; 
talent  is  innate,  dexterity  and  skill  are  largely  acquired.  Our 
abilities  include  our  natural  capacity,  faculties,  and  talents, 
with  all  the  dexterity,  skill,  and  readiness  that  can  be  acquired. 
Efficacy  is  the  power  to  produce  an  intended  effect  as  shown  in 
the  production  of  it;  as,  the  efficacy  of  a  drug.  Efficiency  is 
effectual  agency,  competent  power;  efficiency  is  applied  in 
mechanics  as  denoting  the  ratio  of  the  effect  produced  to  the 
power  expended  in  producing  it;  but  this  word  is  chiefly  used 

praise                                                                                            376 

of  intelligent  agents  as  denoting  the  quality  that  brings  all 
one's  power  to  bear  promptly  and  to  the  best  purpose  on  the 
thing  to  be  done.  Compare  ADDRESS;  DEXTERITY;  SKILFUL. 


awkwardness  helplessness  inability  incompetence   stupidity 

dulness  imbecility  inaptitude  inefficiency       unskilfulness 

feebleness         impotence  incapacity  maladroitness  weakness 



acclaim  approval  compliment  laudation, 

acclamation  blandishment  encomium.  panegyric 

adulation.  cheering  eulogy  plaudit 

applause  cheers  flattery  sycophancy 

approbation  commendation 

Praise  is  the  hearty  approval  of  an  individual,  or  of  a  num- 
ber or  multitude  considered  individually,  and  is  expressed  by 
spoken  or  written  words;  applause,  the  spontaneous  outburst 
of  many  at  once.  Applause  is  expressed  in  any  way,  by 
stamping  of  feet,  clapping  of  hands,  waving  of  handkerchiefs, 
etc.,  as  well  as  by  voice;  acclamation  is  the  spontaneous  and 
hearty  approval  of  many  at  once,  and  strictly  by  the  voice 
alone.  Thus  one  is  chosen  moderator  by  acclamation  when  he 
receives  a  unanimous  viva  voce  vote;  we  could  not  say  he  was 
nominated  by  applause.  Acclaim  is  the  more  poetic  term  for 
acclamation,  commonly  understood  in  a  loftier  sense;  as,  a 
nation's  acclaim.  Plaudit  is  a  shout  of  applause,  and  is  com- 
monly used  in  the  plural;  as,  the  plaudits  of  a  throng.  Ap- 
plause is  also  used  in  the  general  sense  of  praise.  Approba- 
tion is  a  milder  and  more  qualified  word  than  praise;  while 
praise  is  always  uttered,  approbation  may  be  silent.  "Appro- 
bation speaks  of  the  thing  or  action.  .  .  .  Praise  is  always 
personal."  A.  W.  ABTD  J.  C.  HARE  Guesses  at  Truth  first 
series,  p.  549.  [MACM.  1866.]  Acceptance  refers  to  an  object 
or  action;  approbation  may  refer  to  character  or  natural 
traits.  Approval  always  supposes  a  testing  or  careful  ex- 
amination, and  frequently  implies  official  sanction;  approba- 
tion may  be  upon  a  general  view.  The  industry  and  intelli- 
gence of  a  clerk  win  his  employer's  approbation;  his  decision 
in  a  special  instance  receives  his  approval.  Commendation  is 
approbation  or  approval  formally  expressed.  Praise  is  always 
understood  as  genuine  and  sincere,  unless  the  contrary  is  ex- 

t       precarious 

pressly  stated;  compliment  is  a  light  form  of  proase  that  may 
or  may  not  be  sincere;  -flattery  is  insincere  and  ordinarily  ful- 
some praise;  blandishment  is  one  of  the  smooth,  cajoling  arts 
of  the  flatterer  in  speech  or  action. 


abuse  contempt  hissing  repudiation 

animadversion  denunciation  ignominy  scorn 

blame  disapprobation  obloquy  slander 

censure  disapproval  reproach  vilification 

condemnation  disparagement  reproof  vituperation 



ask  bid  entreat  invoke        request 

beg  call  upon,      implore  petition     supplicate 

beseech.       conjure          importune      plead 

To  pray,  in  the  religious  sense,  is  devoutly  to  address  the 
Supreme  Being  with  reverent  petition  for  divine  grace  or  any 
favor  or  blessing,  and  in  the  fullest  sense  with  thanksgiving 
and  praise  for  the  divine  goodness  and  mercy;  the  once  com- 
mon use  of  the  word  to  express  any  earnest  request,  as  "I  pray 
you  to  come  in,"  is  now  rare,  unless  in  writings  molded  on  older 
literature,  or  in  certain  phrases,  as  "Pray  sit  down";  even  in 
these  "please"  is  more  common;  "I  beg  you"  is  also  frequently 
used,  as  expressing  a  polite  humility  of  request.  Beseech  and 
entreat  express  great  earnestness  of  petition;  implore  and  sup- 
plicate denote  the  utmost  fervency  and  intensity,  supplicate 
implying  also  humility.  Compare  ASK;  PLEAD. 



doubtful  hazardous  risky  unsettled 

dubious  insecure  unassured  unstable 

equivocal  perilous  uncertain  unsteady 

Uncertain  is  applied  to  things  that  human  knowledge  can 
not  certainly  determine  or  that  human  power  can  not  certainly 
control;  precarious  originally  meant  dependent  on  the  will  of 
another,  and  now,  by  extension  of  meaning,  dependent  on 
chance  or  hazard,  with  manifest  unfavorable  possibility  verg- 
ing toward  probability;  as,  one  holds  office  by  a  precarious 
tenure,  or  land  by  a  precarious  title;  the  strong  man's  hold  on 
life  is  uncertain,  the  invalid's  is  precarious. 

precedent                                                                                    378 


actual     firm  infallible  stable    sure  undoubted 

assured  Immutable       real  steady  undeniable  unquestionable 

certain   incontestable  settled  strong 



antecedent          case  instance  pattern 

authority  example  obiter  dictnm  warrant 

A  precedent  is  an  authoritative  case,  example,  or  instance. 
The  communism  of  the  early  Christians  in  Jerusalem  is  a 
wonderful  example  or  instance  of  Christian  liberality,  but 
not  a  precedent  for  the  universal  church  through  all  time. 
Cases  decided  by  irregular  or  unauthorized  tribunals  are  not 
precedents  for  the  regular  administration  of  law.  An  obiter 
'dictum  is  an  opinion  outside  of  the  case  in  hand,  which  can 
not  be  quoted  as  an  authoritative  precedent.  Compare  CAUSE  5 





fate  foreknowledge          foreordination          necessity 

Predestination  is  a  previous  determination  or  decision,  which, 
in  the  divine  action,  reaches  on  from  eternity.  Fate  is  heathen, 
an  irresistible,  irrational  power  determining  all  events  with  no 
manifest  connection  with  reason  or  righteousness;  necessity  is 
philosophical,  a  blind  something  in  the  nature  of  things  bind- 
ing the  slightest  action  or  motion  in  the  chain  of  inevitable, 
eternal  sequence;  foreordination  and  predestination  are  Chris- 
tian, denoting  the  rational  and  righteous  order  or  decree  of  the 
supreme  and  all-wise  G-od.  Foreknowledge  is  simply  God's 
antecedent  knowledge  of  all  events,  which  some  hold  to  be  en- 
tirely separable  from  his  foreordinationj  while  others  hold 
foreordination  to  be  inseparably  involved  in  foreknowledge. 


accident  choice  freedom  independence 

chance  free  agency  free  will  uncertainty 


Predestination  of  believers  to  eternal  life. 

379  precedent 




difficulty        fix  plight        quandary          strait 

dilemma        perplexity        puzzle        scrape 

Dilemma,  perpleority,  puzzle,  quandary,  and  strait,  as  applied 
to  practical  matters,  denote  some  difficulty  of  choice.  The 
dilemma  was  originally  a  form  of  argument  driving  the  dis- 
putant to  a  choice  between  two  (later  extended  to  more  than 
two)  conclusions  equally  unfavorable,  called  uthe  horns  of  the 
dilemma";  the  dilemma  has  also  been  called  "horned  syl- 
logism." An  example  from  the  Greek  (whence  the  name 
originated)  is: 

"Do  not  engage  in  public  affairs;  for,  if  you  do  what  is  just,  men  will 
hate  you,  but,  if  you  do  what  is  unjust,  the  gods  will  hate  you.1* 

Hence,  in  practical  affairs,  a  dilemma  is  a  situation  where 
one  must  choose  between  opposite  ends  or  courses  of  action 
that  seem  equally  undesirable.  A  quandary  is  a  situation  of 
perplexity  or  puzzle  where  one  must  study  anxiously  to  avoid 
a  disagreeable  outcome;  a  quandary  has  been  defined  as  "a 
puzzling  predicament"  A  strait,  in  this  connection,  is  a  per- 
plexing situation  commonly  involving  some  difficult  but  neces- 
sary choice,  while  the  alternatives  may  be  favorable  or  tin- 
favorable;  it  was  when  offered  the  choice  of  famine,  pesti- 
lence, or  defeat  at  the  hands  of  the  enemy  that  David  said: 

I  am  in  a  great  strait:  Let  me  fall  now  into  the  hand  of  the  Lord,  for 
very  great  are  his  mercies,  but  let  me  not  fall  into  the  hand  of  man. 

1   Chron.  szi,   13. 

With  the  vision  of  heaven  contrasted  with  continued  min- 
istry to  human  needs,  Paul  wrote: 

For  I  am  in  a  strait  betwixt  two,  having  a  desire  to  depart,  etc, 

PftiL  i,  23. 

In  such  a  strait  the  wisest  may  well  be  perplexed,  and  the  boldest 
staggered.  BUKKB  Thoughts  on  ....  Present  Discontents,  if  516. 

A  predicament  or  plight,  as  these  words  are  now  used,  is  a 
situation  or  condition  that  is  unfavorable  or  disagreeable,  or 
may  be  shocking  or  even  dangerous,  or  on  the  contrary  may 
be  merely  comical;  a  predicament  may  be  mental  or  social, 
as  well  as  physical;  plight  is  restricted  almost  wholly  to  some 
physical  condition;  one  who  mistakenly  intrudes  into  a 

prejudice  380 

prevent       B 

stranger's  dining-room  is  in  an  awkward  predicament;  one 
who  falls  into  a  ditch  emerges  in  sorry,  shocking,  or  wretched 
plight.  Scrape  is  a  colloquial  term  for  any  difficult  or  em- 
barrassing situation,  a  predicament  or  plight,  especially  as 
resulting  from  one's  own  acts;  fix  is  used  colloquially  in  nearly 
the  same  sense,  but  with  special  emphasis  on  the  perplexity 


assurance  content  firmness  satisfaction 

calmness  contentment  fixity  self=reliance 

certainty  decision  resolution  self=confidence 

comfort  ease  rest  self=satisfaction 



bias  preconception  presumption 

partiality  prepossession  unfairness 

A  presumption  (literally,  a  taking  beforehand)  is  a  partial 
decision  formed  in  advance  of  argument  or  evidence,  usually 
grounded  on  some  general  principle,  and  always  held  subject 
to  revision  upon  fuller  information.  A  prejudice  or  prepos- 
session is  grounded  often  on  feeling,  fancy,  associations,  etc. 
A  prejudice  against  foreigners  is  very  common  in  retired  com- 
munities. There  is  always  a  presumption  in  favor  of  what 
exists,  so  that  the  burden  of  proof  is  upon  one  who  advocates 
a  change.  A  prepossession  is  always  favorable,  a  prejudice 
always  unfavorable,  unless  the  contrary  is  expressly  stated. 
Compare  INJURY. 


certainty  conviction  evidence  reason 

conclusion  demonstration  proof  reasoning: 


Against;  rarely  in  favor  of,  in  one's  favor. 



affectation  disguise  pretext  simulation 

air  dissimulation  ruse  subterfuge 

assumption.  excuse  seeming  trick 

cloak  mask  semblance  -wile 

color  pretension  show 

A  pretense,  in  the  unfavorable,  which  is  also  the  usual  sense, 

381  prejudice 

is  something  advanced  or  displayed  for  the  purpose  of  con- 
cealing the  reality.  A  person  makes  a  pretense  of  something 
for  the  credit  or  advantage  to  be  gained  by  it;  he  makes  what 
is  allowed  or  approved  a  pretext  for  doing  what  would  be  op- 
posed or  condemned;  a  tricky  schoolboy  makes  a  pretense  of 
doing  an  errand  which  he  does  not  do,  or  he  makes  the  actual 
doing  of  an  errand  a  pretext  for  playing  truant.  A  ruse  is 
something  (especially  something  slight  or  petty)  employed  to 
blind  or  deceive  so  as  to  mask  an  ulterior  design,  and  enable 
a  person  to  gain  some  end  that  he  would  not  be  allowed  to 
approach  directly.  A  pretension  is  a  claim  that  is  or  may  be 
contested;  the  word  is  now  commonly  used  in  an  unfavorable 
sense.  Compare  ARTIFICE;  HYPROCRISY. 


actuality  frankness  ingenuousness  simplicity 

candor  guilelessness  openness  sincerity 

fact  honesty  reality  truth 


anticipate  forestall  obviate  preclude 

The  original  sense  of  prevent,  to  come  before,  act  in  ad- 
vance of,  which  is  now  practically  obsolete,  was  still  in  good 
use  when  the  authorized  version  of  the  Bible  was  made,  as 
appears  in  such  passages  as,  "When  Peter  was  come  into  the 
house,  Jesus  prevented  him"  (i.  <?.,  addressed  him  first),  Matt. 
zvii,  25;  "Thou  preventest  him  with  the  blessings  of  goodness" 
(i.  e.y  by  sending  the  blessings  before  the  desire  is  formulated 
or  expressed),  Ps.  xxi,  3.  Anticipate  is  now  the  only  single 
word  usable  in  this  sense;  to  forestall  is  to  take  or  act  in  ad- 
vance in  one's  own  behalf  and  to  the  prejudice  of  another  or 
others,  as  in  the  phrase  "to  forestall  the  market."  But  to 
anticipate  is  very  frequently  used  in  the  favorable  sense;  as, 
his  thoughtful  kindness  anticipated  my  wish  (t.  e*,  met  the 
wish  before  it  was  expressed) :  or  we  say,  "I  was  about  to 
accost  H™  when  he  anticipated  me"  (by  speaking  first) ;  or 
one  anticipates  a  payment  (by  making  it  before  the  time) ; 
in  neither-  of  these  cases  could  we  use  forestall  or  prevent.  To 
obviate  (literally,  to  stop  the  way  of  or  remove  from  the  way), 
is  to  prevent  by  interception,  so  that  something  that  would 
naturally  withstand  or  disturb  may  be  kept  from  doing  so;  to 

previous                                                                                       382 

preclude  (literally,  to  close  or  shut  in  advance)  is  to  prevent 
by  anticipation  or  by  logical  necessity;  walls  and  bars  pre- 
cluded the  possibility  of  escape;  a  supposition  is  precluded; 
a  necessity  or  difficulty  is  obviated.  Prevent,  which  at  first  had 
only  the  anticipatory  meaning,  has  come  to  apply  to  the  stop- 
ping of  an  action  at  any  stage,  the  completion  or  conclusion 
only  being  thought  of  as  negatived  by  anticipation;  the  enemy 
passed  the  outworks  and  were  barely  prevented  from  captur- 
ing the  fortress.  Compare  HINDER;  PROHIBIT. 


He  was  prevented  by  illness  from  joining  the  expedition. 



above-mentioned    anterior  forward  preceding 

above-named  earlier  front  preliminary 

aforesaid  foregoing  introductory    prior 

antecedent  former  precedent 

Antecedent  may  denote  simple  priority  in  time,  implying  no 
direct  connection  between  that  which  goes  before  and  that 
which  follows;  as,  the  striking  of  one  clock  may  be  always 
antecedent  to  the  striking  of  another  with  no  causal  connec- 
tion between  them.  Antecedent  and  previous  may  refer  to  that 
which  goes  or  happens  at  any  distance  in  advance,  preceding 
is  limited  to  that  which  is  immediately  or  next  before;  an 
antecedent  event  may  have  happened  at  any  time  before;  the 
preceding  transaction  is  the  one  completed  just  before  the  one 
with  which  it  is  compared;  a  previous  statement  or  chapter 
may  be  in  any  part  of  the  book  that  has  gone  before;  the 
preceding  statement  or  chapter  comes  next  before  without  an 
interval.  Previous  often  signifies  first  by  right;  as,  a  previous 
engagement.  Foregoing  is  used  only  of  that  which  is  spoken 
or  written;  as,  the  foregoing  statements.  Anterior,  while  it 
can  be  used  of  time,  is  coming  to  be  employed  chiefly  with 
reference  to  place;  as  the  anterior  lobes  of  the  brain.  Prior 
bears  exclusive  reference  to  time,  and  commonly  where  that 
which  is  first  in  time  is  first  also  in  right;  as,  a  prior  demand. 
Former  is  used  of  time,  or  of  position  in  written  or  printed 
matter,  not  of  space  in  general.  We  can  say  former  times,  a 
former  chapter,  etc.,  but  not  the  former  part  of  a  garden;  we 

383  previous 

__ ___ price 

should  say  the  /row*  part  of  the  garden,  the  forward  car  of  a 
train.  Former  has  a  close  relation,  or  sharp  contrast,  with 
something  following;  the  former  always  implies  the  latter, 
even  when  not  fully  expressed,  as  in  Acts  i,  1,  and  Eccles. 
vii,  10. 


aftei  consequent    hind        hindmost    latter          subsequenl 

concluding    following        hinder    later  posterior    succeeding- 


Such  was  the  state  of  things  previous  to  the  revolution. 
[Previous  to  is  often  used  adverbially,  in  constructions  where 
previously  to  would  be  more  strictly  correct;  as,  these  ar- 
rangements were  made  previous  to  my  departure.] 



charge  expenditure  outlay  worth 

cost  expense  value 

The  cost  of  a  thing  is  all  that  has  been  expended  upon  it, 
whether  in  discovery,  production,  refinement,  decoration,  trans- 
portation, or  otherwise,  to  bring  it  to  its  present  condition  in 
the  hands  of  its  present  possessor;  the  price  of  a  thing  is  what 
the  seller  asks  for  it.  In  regular  business,  as  a  rule,  the  seller's 
price  on  his  wares  must  be  more  than  their  cost  to  him;  when 
goods  are  sold,  the  price  the  buyer  has  paid  becomes  their  cost 
to  himself.  In  exceptional  eases,  when  goods  are  sold  at  cost, 
the  seller's  price  is  made  the  same  as  the  cost  of  the  goods  to 
him,  the  cost  to  the  seller  and  the  cost  to  the  buyer  becoming 
then  identical.  Price  always  implies  that  an  article  is  for 
sale;  what  a  man  will  not  sell  he  declines  to  put  a  price  on; 
hence  the  significance  of  the  taunting  proverb  that  "every  man 
has  his  price"  Value  is  the  estimated  equivalent  for  an  arti- 
cle, whether  the  article  is  for  sale  or  not;  the  market  value  is 
what  it  would  bring  if  exposed  for  sale  in  the  open  market; 
the  intrinsic  value  is  the  inherent  utility  of  the  article  con- 
sidered by  itself  alone;  the  market  value  of  an  old  and  rare 
volume  may  be  very  great,  while  its  intrinsie  value  may  be 
practically  nothing.  Value  has  always  more  reference  to 
others'  estimation  (literally,  what  the  thing  will  avail  with 
others)  than  worth,  which  regards  the  thing  in  and  by  itself; 

pride                                                                                        384 

thus,  intrinsic  value  is  a  weaker  expression  than  intrinsic 
worth.  Charge  has  especial  reference  to  services,  expense  to 
minor  outlays;  as,  the  charges  of  a  lawyer  or  physician;  travel- 
ing expenses;  household  expenses. 



arrogance  ostentation  self- exaltation 

assumption  presumption  self-respect 

conceit  reserve  superciliousness 

disdain  self-complacency  vainglory 

haughtiness  self-conceit  vanity 

insolence  self-esteem 

Haughtiness  thinks  highly  of  itself  and  poorly  of  others. 
Arrogance  claims  much  for  itself  and  concedes  little  to  others. 
Pride  is  an  absorbing  sense  of  one's  own  greatness;  haughti- 
ness feels  one's  own  superiority  to  others;  disdain  sees  con- 
temptuously the  inferiority  of  others  to  oneself.  Presumption 
claims  place  or  privilege  above  one's  right;  pride  deems  noth- 
ing too  high.  Insolence  is  open  and  rude  expression  of  eon- 
tempt  and  hostility,  generally  from  an  inferior  to  a  superior, 
as  from  a  servant  to  a  master  or  mistress.  In  the  presence  of 
superiors  overweening  pride  manifests  itself  in  presumption  or 
insolence;  in  the  presence  of  inferiors,  or  those  supposed  to  be 
inferior,  pride  manifests  itself  by  arrogance,  disdain,  haughti- 
ness, superciliousness,  or  in  either  case  often  by  cold  reserve. 
(See  RESERVE  under  MODESTY.)  Pride  is  too  self-satisfied  to 
care  for  praise;  vanity  intensely  craves  admiration  and  ap- 
plause. Superciliousness,  as  if  by  the  uplifted  eyebrow,  as 
its  etymology  suggests  (from  L.  supercilium,  eyebrow,  from 
super,  over,  and  cihum,  eyelid),  silently  manifests  mingled 
haughtiness  and  disdain.  Assumption  quietly  takes  for  granted 
superiority  and  privilege  which  others  would  be  slow  to  con- 
cede. Conceit  and  vanity  are  associated  with  weakness,  pride 
with  strength.  Conceit  may  be  founded  upon  nothing;  pride 
is  founded  upon  something  that  one  is,  or  has,  or  has  done; 
vanity,  too,  is  commonly  founded  on  something  real,  though 
far  slighter  than  would  afford  foundation  for  pride.  Vanity 
is  eager  for  admiration  and  praise,  is  elated  if  they  are  ren- 
dered, ancl  pained  if  they  are  withheld,  and  seeks  them;  pride 
could  never  solicit  admiration  or  praise.  Conceit  is  somewhat 
stronger  than  self-conceit.  Self-conceit  is  ridiculous;  conceit 

385  . 

is  offensive.  Self-respect  is  a  thoroughly  worthy  feeling;  self- 
esteem  is  a  more  generous  estimate  of  one's  own  character  and 
abilities  than  the  rest  of  the  world  are  ready  to  allow.  Vain- 
glory is  more  pompous  and  boastful  than  vanity.  Compare 


humility  lowliness  meekness  modesty  self-abasement  self-distrust 






Aboriginal  (from  L.  ab,  from,  and  origo,  origin)  signifies 
pertaining  to  the  aborigines  or  earliest  known  inhabitants  of  a 
country  in  the  widest  sense,  including  not  merely  human  beings 
but  inferior  animals  and  plants  as  well.  Autochtlionic  (from 
Gr.  autos,  self,  and  chthon,  earth)  signifies  sprung  from  the 
earth,  especially  from  the  soil  of  one's  native  land.  Primeval 
(from  L.  primum,  first,  and  cevum,  age),  signifies  strictly  be- 
longing to  the  first  ages,  earliest  in  time,  but  often  only  the 
earliest  of  which  man  knows  or  conceives,  immemorial.  Abo- 
riginal, autoctiihonic,  and  primeval  combine  the  meanings  of 
ancient  and  original;  aboriginal  inhabitants,  autochfhonic 
races,  primeval  forests.  Prime  and  primary  may  signify  either 
first  in  time,  or  more  frequently  first  in  importance;  primary 
has  also  the  sense  of  elementary  or  preparatory;  we  spea£  of 
a  prime  minister,  a  primary  school.  Primal  is  chiefly  poetic, 
in  the  sense  of  prime;  as,  the  primal  curse.  Primordial  is 
first  in  an  order  of  succession  or  development ;  as,  a  primordial 
leaf.  Primitive  frequently  signifies  having  the  original  char- 
acteristics of  that  which  it  represents,  as  well  as  standing  first 
in  time;  as,  the  primitive  church.  Primitive  also  very  fre- 
quently signifies  having  the  original  or  early  characteristics 
without  remoteness  in  time.  Primeval  simplicity  is  the  sim- 
plicity of  the  earliest  ages ;  primitive  simplicity  may  be  found 
in  retired  villages  now.  Pristine  is  an  elegant  word,  used  al- 
most exclusively  in  a  good  sense  of  that  which  is  original  and 
perhaps  ancient;  as,  pristine  purity,  innocence,  vigor.  That 
which  is  both  an  original  and  natural  product  of  a  .soil  or  coun- 

principal                                                                                     386 
profit f 

try  is  said  to  be  indigenous;  that  which  is  actually  produced 
there  is  said  to  be  native,  though  it  may  be  of  foreign  extrac- 
tion; humming-birds  are  indigenous  to  America;  canaries 
may  be  native,  but  are  not  indigenous.  Immemorial  refers 
solely  to  time,  independently  of  quality,  denoting,  in  legal 
phrase,  "that  whereof  the  memory  of  man  runneth  not  to  the 
contrary";  as,  an  immemorial  custom;  an  immemorial  abuse. 
Compare  OLD. 


adventitious  fresh  late  new 

exotic  foreign  modern  novel  recent 

Compare  synonyms  for  STEW. 



capital  foremost  preeminent  prominent 

cardinal  greatest  predominant  snpereminent 

chief  Idgnest  predominating  superior 

controlling;  leading  prevailing  supreme 

dominant  main  prime  surpassing 

Capital  (from  L.  caput,  head)  signifies  standing  at  the  head, 
being  of  the  first  rank  or  importance;  chief  (from  F.  chef,, 
ult.  from  L.  caput,  head)  is  often  nearly  equivalent  to  capital, 
but  differs  much  in  usage;  chief  lays  more  emphasis  on  the 
idea  of  importance  than  of  rank;  a  capital  city  may  not  be 
the  chief  city;  a  capital  letter  stands  foremost  in  a  word  or 
sentence,  but  is  not  called  the  chief  letter.  Cardinal  (from  L. 
car  do,  hinge)  denotes  that  on  which  something  else  turns  or 
hinges;  hence  signifying  of  fundamental  or  vital  importance; 
as,  the  cardinal  virtues;  the  cardinal  points  (north,  south, 
east,  and  west)  of  the  compass.  Main  (partly  from  AS. 
mcegen,  power,  and  partly  from  L.  magnus,  great)  is  often 
interchangeable  with  chief,  but  in  most  exact  usage  main  de- 
notes what  is  more  deeply  essential  and  pervading;  as,  the 
matin  point;  the  main  chance;  we  say  "by  main  force"  or 
"main  strength/'  where  "chief  f orce"  or  "chief  strength"  could 
not  be  substituted;  one  many  assume  as  fhe  chief  point  of  de- 
bate what  is  not  the  main  question  at  issue.  Principal  (from 
L.  principalis,  in  the  same  sense)  signifies  first,  chief,  or  high- 
est in  rank,  character,  authority,  value,  or  importance;  prin- 
cipal is  largely  interchangeable  with  chief  and  main,  but  with 
various  differences  of  usage;  we  speak  of  the  principal  street 

387  principal 

_____ profit 

or  the  mam  street,  but  not  of  the  chief  street;  of  the  principal 
citizens  or  the  chief  citizens,  but  not  of  the  main  citizens. 
Principal,  which  is  both  adjective  and  noun  (compare  CHIEF, 
n.)  can  not  be  too  carefully  distinguished  from  principle  (a 
source,  cause,  general  truth  or  law,  etc.) ;  principle  is  never  an 
adjective,  and  as  a  noun  differs  wholly  in  meaning  from  the 
noun  principal.  Prominent  signifies  literally  jutting  out; 
predominant,  ruling,  having  mastery,  excelling  in  power,  in- 
fluence, number,  degree,  etc.;  surpassing,  reaching  beyond  or 
over,  overpassing,  or  overtopping.  Supreme  applies  to  that 
than  which  no  greater  can  exist  in  fact  or  thought;  as,  the 
Supreme  Being. 


accessory  auxiliary  inferior  subject 

added  contributory  minor  subordinate 

additional  helping  negligible  subsidiary 

assistant  inconsiderable  secondary  supplemental 



advantage  expediency  proceeds  service 

avail  gain  receipts  usefulness 

benefit  good  return  ntility 

emolument  improvement  returns  value 

The  returns  or  receipts  include  all  that  is  received  from  an 
outlay  or  investment;  the  profit  is  the  excess  (if  any)  of  the 
receipts  over  the  outlay;  hence,  in  government,  morals,  etc.,  the 
profit  is  what  is  really  good,  helpful,  useful,  valuable.  Utility 
is  chiefly  used  in  the  sense  of  some  immediate  or  personal  and 
generally  some  material  good.  Advantage  is  that  which  gives 
t>ne  a  vantage-ground,  either  for  coping  with  competitors  or 
with  difficulties,  needs,  or  demands;  as  to  have  the  advantage 
of  a  good  education;  it  is  frequently  used  of  what  one  has  be- 
yond another  or  secures  at  the  expense  of  another;  as,  to  have 
the  advantage  of  another  in  an  argument,  or  take  advantage 
of  another  in  a  bargain.  Gain  is  what  one  secures  beyond  what 
he  previously  possessed.  Benefit  is  anything  that  does  one 
good.  Emolument  is  profit,  return,  or  value  accruing  through 
official  position.  Expediency  has  respect  to  profit  or  ad/van- 
tage, real  or  supposed,  considered  apart  from  or  perhaps  in 
opposition  to  right,  in  actions  having  a  moral  character.  Com- 
pare UTILITY. 


damage  detriment  harm  injury  ruin 

destruction  disadvantage  hurt  loss  waste 


The  profit  of  labor  ;  on  capital;  in  business. 



advance  development  increase 

advancement  growth  proficiency 

attainment  improvement  progression 

-Progress  (from  L.  pro,  forward,  and  gradior,  go)  is  a  moving 
onward  or  forward,  whether  in  space  or  in  the  mental  or 
moral  realm,  and  may  be  either  mechanical,  individual,  or 
social.  Attainment,  development,  and  proficiency  are  more 
absolute  than  the  other  words  of  the  group,  denoting  some 
point  of  advantage  or  of  comparative  perfection  reached  by 
forward  or  onward  movement;  we  speak  of  attainments  in 
virtue  or  scholarship,  proficiency  in  music  or  languages,  the 
development  of  new  powers  or  organs;  proficiency  includes 
the  idea  of  skill.  Advance  may  denote  either  a  forward  move- 
ment or  the  point  gained  by  forward  movement,  but  always 
relatively  with  reference  to  the  point  from  which  the  movement 
started ;  as,  this  is  a  great  advance.  Advance  admits  the  possi- 
bility of  retreat;  progress  (from  L.  progredi,  to  walk  for- 
ward) is  steady  and  constant  forward  movement,  admitting 
of  pause,  but  not  of  retreat;  advance  suggests  more  clearly  a 
point  to  be  reached,  while  progress  lays  the  emphasis  upon  the 
forward  movement;  we  may  speak  of  slow  or  rapid  progress, 
but  more  naturally  of  swift  advance.  Progress  is  more  fre- 
quently used  in  abstractions;  as,  the  progress  of  ideas;  pro- 
gression fixes  the  attention  chiefly  upon  the  act  of  moving  for- 
ward. In  a  thing  good  in  itself  all  advance  or  progress  is 
improvement;  there  is  a  growing  tendency  to  restrict  the  words 
to  this  favorable  sense,  using  increase  indifferently  of  good  or 
evil;  one  may  say  without  limitation,  "I  am  an  advocate  of 


check  delay  falling  off       retrogression      stop 

decline          falling:   back       relapse  stay  stoppage 

3S9  progress 

.. _____ prohibit 


The  progress  of  truth;  progress  in  virtue;  toward  perfection; 
from  a  lower  to  a  higher  state. 



debar  forbid  inhibit  preclude 

disallow  Milder  interdict  prevent 

To  prohibit  is  to  give  some  formal  command  against,  and 
especially  to  make  some  authoritative  legal  enactment  against. 
Debar  is  said  of  persons,  disallow  of  acts;  one  is  debarred  from 
anything  when  shut  off,  as  by  some  irresistible  authority  or 
necessity;  one  is  prohibited  from  an  act  in  express  terms;  he 
may  be  debarred  by  silent  necessity.  An  act  is  disallowed  by 
the  authority  that  might  have  allowed  it;  the  word  is  especially 
applied  to  acts  which  are  done  before  they  are  pronounced 
upon;  thus,  a  government  may  disalloic  the  act  of  its  com- 
mander in  the  field  or  its  admiral  on  the  high  seas.  Inhibit 
and  interdict  are  chiefly  known  by  their  ecclesiastical  use.  As 
between  forbid  and  prohibit,  forbid  is  less  formal  and  more 
personal,  prohibit  more  official  and  judicial,  with  the  implica- 
tion of  readiness  to  use  such  force  as  may  be  needed  to  give 
effect  to  the  enactment;  a  parent  forbids  a  child  to  take  part 
in  some  game  or  to  associate  with  certain  companions;  the 
slave-trade  is  now  prohibited  by  the  leading  nations  of  the 
world.  Many  things  are  prohibited  by  law  which  can  not  be 
wholly  prevented,  as  gambling  and  prostitution;  on  the  other 
hand,  things  may  be  prevented  which  are  not  prohibited,  as 
the  services  of  religion,  the  payment  of  debts,  or  military  con- 
quest. That  which  is  precluded  need  not  be  prohibited.  Com- 







An  act  is  prohibited  by  law;  a  person  is  prohibited  by  law 
from  doing  a  certain  act.  Prohibit  was  formerly  construed, 
as  forbid  still  is,  with  the  infinitive,  but  the  construction  with 


consent  to 

give  consent 
give  leave 
give  permission 

put  up  with 

promote  390 


from  and  the  verbal  noun  lias  now  entirely  superseded  the 
older  usage. 



advance     encourage  forward     prefer         raise 

aid  exalt  foster          push.  urge  forward 

assist          excite  further      push,  on      urge  on 

elevate       foment  help 

To  promote  (from  L.  pro,  forward,  and  moveo,  move)  is  to 
cause  to  move  forward  toward  some  desired  end  or  to  raise  to 
some  higher  position,  rank,  or  dignity.  We  promote  a  person  by 
advancing,  elevating,  or  exalting  him  to  a  higher  position  or 
dignity.  A  person  promotes  a  scheme  or  an  enterprise  which 
others  have  projected  or  begun,  and  which  he  encourages,  for- 
wards, furthers,  pushes,  or  urges  on,  especially  when  he  acts 
as  the  agent  of  the  prime  movers  and  supporters  of  the  enter- 
prise. One  who  excites  a  quarrel  originates  it;  to  promote  a 
quarrel  is  strictly  to  foment  and  urge  it  on,  the  one  who  pro- 
motes keeping  himself  in  the  background.  Compare  ABET; 


See  synonyms  for  ABASE;  ALLAY, 



atonement       expiation       reconciliation        satisfaction 

Atonement  (at-one-ment),  originally  denoting  reconciliation, 
or  the  bringing  into  agreement  of  those  who  have  been 
estranged,  is  now  chiefly  used,  as  in  theology,  in  the  sense  of 
some  offering,  sacrifice,  or  suffering  sufficient  to  win  forgive- 
ness or  make 'up  for  an  offense;  especially  and  distinctively  of 
the  sacrificial  work  of  Christ  in  his  humiliation,  suffering,  and 
death.  Expiation  is  the  enduring  of  the  full  penalty  of  a 
wrong  or  crime.  Propitiation  is  an  offering,  action,  or  sacri- 
fice that  makes  the  governing  power  propitious  toward  the 
offender.  Satisfaction  in  this  connection  denotes  the  rendering 
a  full  legal  equivalent  for  the  wrong  done.  Propitiation  ap- 
peases the  lawgiver;  satisfaction  meets  the  requirements  of 
the  law. 









auspicious     benignant       favorable     gracious    kindly 
benign  clement  friendly        kind  merciful 

That  which  is  auspicious  is  of  favorable  omen;  that  which  is 
propitious  is  of  favoring  influence  or  tendency;  as,  an  auspi- 
cious morning;  a  propitious  breeze.  Propitious  applies  to  per- 
sons, implying  kind  disposition  and  favorable  inclinations, 
especially  toward  the  suppliant;  auspicious  is  not  used  of  per- 


adverse  forbidding    ill=disposed      repellent          unfriendly 

antagonistic    hostile  inauspicious    unfavorable     unpropitious 


May  heaven  be  propitious  to  the  enterprise. 



"bid  offer  overture  proposition 

An  offer  or  proposal  puts  something  before  one  for  accep- 
tance or  rejection,  proposal  being  the  more  formal  word;  a 
proposition  sets  forth  truth  (or  what  is  claimed  to  be  truth) 
in  formal  statement.  The  proposition  is  for  consideration, 
the  proposal  for  action;  as,  a  proposition  in  geometry,  a  pro- 
posal of  marriage;  but  proposition  is  often  used  nearly  in 
the  .sense  of  proposal  when  it  concerns  a  matter  for  delibera- 
tion; as,  a  proposition  for  the  surrender  of  a  fort.  A  bid  is 
commercial  and  often  verbal;  as,  a  bid  at  an  auction;  proposal 
is  used  in  nearly  the  same  sense,  but  is  more  formal.  An 
overture  opens  negotiation  or  conference,  and  the  word  is 
especially  used  of  some  movement  toward  reconciliation;  as, 
overtures  of  peace. 


acceptance      denial      disapproval      refusal      rejection      repulse 

propose  392 

prowess  j 




In  its  most  frequent  use,  propose  differs  from  purpose  in 
that  what  we  purpose  lies  in  our  own  mind,  as  a  decisive  act 
of  will,  a  determination;  what  we  propose  is  offered  or  stated 
to  others.  In  this  use  of  the  word,  what  we  propose  is  open 
to  deliberation,  as  what  we  purpose  is  not.  In  another  use  of 
the  word,  one  proposes  something  to  or  by  himself  which  may 
or  may  not  he  stated  to  others.  In  this  latter  sense  propose 
is  nearly  identical  with  purpose,  and  the  two  words  have  often 
been  used  interchangeably.  But  in  the  majority  of  cases  what 
we  purpose  is  more  general,  what  we  propose  more  formal  and 
definite;  I  purpose  to  do  right;  I  propose  to  do  this  specific 
thing  because  it  is  right.  In  the  historic  sentence,  "I  propose 
to  move  immediately  on  your  works/'  purpose  would  not  have 
the  same  sharp  directness. 



continue  draw  out          lengthen  procrastinate 

defer  elongate  postpone  prolong 

delay  extend 

To  protract  is  to  cause  to  occupy  a  longer  time  than  is  usual, 
expected,  or  desired.  We  defer  a  negotiation  which  we  are 
slow  to  enter  upon;  we  protract  a  negotiation  which  we  are 
slow  to  conclude;  delay  may  be  used  of  any  stage  in  the  pro- 
ceedings; we  may  delay  a  person  as  well  as  an  action,  but 
defer  and  protract  are  not  used  of  persons.  Elongate  is  not 
used  of  actions  or  abstractions,  but  only  of  material  objects 
or  extension  in  space;  protract  is  very  rarely  used  of  concrete 
objects  or  extension  in  space;  we  elongate  a  line,  protract  a 
discussion.  Protract  Kas  usually  an  unfavorable  sense,  imply- 
ing that  the  matter  referred  to  is  already  unduly  long,  or 
would  be  so  if  longer  continued;  continue  is  neutral,  applying 
equally  to  the  desirable  or  the  undesirable.  Postpone  implies 
a  definite  intention  to  resume,  as  defer  also  does,  though  less 
decidedly;  both  are  often  used  with  some  definite  limitation  of 
time;  as,  to  postpone  till,  until,  or  to  a  certain  day  or  hour. 
One  may  defer}  delay,  or  postpone  a  matter  intelligently  and 

393  propose 

for  good  reason;  lie  procrastinates  through  indolence  and  ir- 
resolution.    Compare  HINDER. 


abbreviate  conclude  curtail  hurry  reduce 

abridge  contract  hasten  limit  shorten 


To  protract  a  speech  by  verbosity,  through  an  unreasonable 
time,  to,  till  or  until  a  late  hour. 



adage ^          apothegm    byword    maxim    precept     saying 
aphoriam    axiom  dictum     motto      saw  truism 

The  proverb  or  adage  gives  homely  truth  in  condensed,  prac- 
tical form,  the  adage  often  pictorial.  "Hope  deferred  maketh 
the  heart  sick"  is  a  proverb;  "The  cat  loves  fish,  but  dares  not 
wet  her  feet,"  is  an  adage.  Both  the  proverb  and  the  adage, 
but  especially  the  latter,  are  thought  of  as  ancient  and  widely 
known.  An  aphorism  partakes  of  the  character  of  a  definition; 
it  is  a  summary  statement  of  what  the  author  sees  and  believes 
to  be  true.  An  apothegm  is  a  terse  statement  of  what  is  plain 
or  easily  proved.  The  aphorism  is  philosophical,  the  apothegm 
practical.  A  dictum  is  a  statement  of  some  person  or  school, 
on  whom  it  depends  for  authority;  as,  a  dictum  of  Aristotle. 
A  saying  is  impersonal,  current  among  the  common  people,  de- 
riving its  authority  from  its  manifest  truth  or  good  sense;  as, 
it  is  an  old  saying,  "the  more  haste,  the  worse  speed."  A  saw; 
is  a  saying  that  is  old,  but  somewhat  worn  and  tiresome.  Pre- 
cept is  a  command  to  duty;  motto  or  maxim  is  a  brief  state- 
ment of  cherished  truth,  the  maxim  being  more  uniformly  and 
directly  practical;  "God  is  love"  may  be  a  motto,  "Fear  God 
and  fear  naught,"  a  maxim.  The  precepts  of  the  Sermon  on 
the  Mount  will  furnish  the  Christian  with  invaluable  maxims 
or  mottoes.  A  byword  is  a  phrase  or  saying  used  reproachfully 
or  contemptuously. 


"bravery    courage    gallantry   heroism   intrepidity  -valor 

Bravery,  courage,  heroism,  and  intrepidity  may  be  silent, 
spiritual,  or  passive ;  they  may  be  exhibited  by  a  martyr  at  the 
stake.  Prowess  and  valor  imply  both  daring  and  doing;  we  do 

prudence  394 


not  speak  of  the  prowess  of  a  martyr,  a  child,  or  a  passive 
sufferer.  Valor  meets  odds  or  perils  with  courageous  action, 
doing  its  utmost  to  conquer  at  any  risk  or  cost;  prowess  has 
power  adapted  to  the  need;  dauntless  valor  is  often  vain  against 
superior  prowess.  Courage  is  a  nobler  word  than  bravery,  in- 
volving more  of  the  deep,  spiritual,  and  enduring  elements  of 
character;  such  an  appreciation  of  peril  as  would  extinguish 
bravery  may  only  intensify  courage,  which  is  resistant  and 
self -conquering;  courage  applies  to  matters  in  regard  to  which 
valor  and  prowess  can  have  no  place,  as  submission  to  a 
surgical  operation,  or  the  facing  of  censure  or  detraction  for 
conscience  sake.  Compare  BRAVE;  FORTITUDE. 

cowardice    cowardliness    effeminacy    fear    pusillanimity    timidity 



care  discretion.  judgment 

carefulness  forecast  judiciousness 

caution  foresight  providence 

circumspection.  forethought  wisdom 

consideration  frugality 

Prudence  may  be  briefly  defined  as  good  judgment  and  fore- 
sight, inclining  to  caution  and  frugality  in  practical  affairs. 
Care  may  respect  only  the  present;  prudence  and  providence 
look  far  ahead  and  sacrifice  the  present  to  the  future,  prudence 
watching,  saving,  guarding,  providence  planning,  doing,  pre- 
paring, and  perhaps  expending  largely  to  meet  the  future  de- 
mand. Frugality  is  in  many  cases  one  form  of  prudence.  In 
a  besieged  city  prudence  will  reduce  the  rations,  providence 
will  strain  every  nerve  to  introduce  supplies  and  to  raise  the 
siege.  Discretion  is  an  instinctive  perception  of  what  is  wise 
or  proper,  with  caution  and  resolution  to  act  accordingly;  in 
a  different  sense  discretion  may  mean  freedom  to  act  accord- 
ing to  one's  personal  judgment;  as,  in  face  of  an  express 
provision  of  law,  a  judge  has  no  discretion.  Foresight  merely 
sees  the  future,  and  may  even  lead  to  the  recklessness  and 
desperation  to  which  prudence  and  providence  are  so  strongly 
opposed.  Forethought  is  thinking  in  accordance  with  wise 
views  of  the  future,  and  is  nearly  equivalent  to  providence, 
but  it  is  a  more  popular  and  less  comprehensive  term;  w* 

395  prudence 

^  ,  -- _ ^  pure 

speak  of  man's  forethought,  God's  providence.    Compare  CASE; 


folly  imprudence          rashness  thoughtlessness 

needlessness  indiscretion          recklessness         wastefulness 

improvidence         prodigality 



acquire  barter  for  get  procure 

bargain  for  buy  obtain.  secure 

Buy  and  purchase  are  close  synonyms,  signifying  to  obtain 
or  secure  as  one's  own  by  paying  or  promising  to  pay  a  price; 
in  numerous  cases  the  two  words  are  freely  interchangeable, 
but  with  the  difference  usually  found  between  words  of  Saxon 
and  those  of  French  or  Latin  origin.  The  Saxon  buy  is  used 
for  all  the  homely  and  petty  concerns  of  common  life,  the 
French  purchase  is  often  restricted  to  transactions  of  more 
dignity;  yet  the  Saxon  word  buy  is  commonly  more  emphatic, 
and  in  the  higher  ranges  of  thought  appeals  more  strongly  to 
the  feelings.  One  may  either  buy  or  purchase  fame,  favor, 
honor,  pleasure,  etc.,  but  when  our  feelings  are  stirred  we 
speak  of  victory  or  freedom  as  dearly  bought.  "Buy  the 
truth,  and  sell  it  not"  (Prov.  xxiii,  23)  would  be  greatly  weak- 
ened by  the  rendering  "Purchase  the  truth,  and  do  not  dispose 
of  it."  Compare  BUSINESS;  GET;  PRICE;  SALE. 


barter  dispose  of  exchange  put  to  sale  sell 


Purchase  at  a  price;  at  a  public  sale;  of  or  from  a  person; 
for  cash;  with  money;  on  time. 































That  is  pure  which  is  free  from  mixture  or  contact  with  any- 


thing  that  weakens,  impairs,  or  pollutes.  Material  substances 
are  called  pure  in  the  strict  sense  when  free  from  foreign  ad- 
mixture of  any  kind;  as,  pure  oxygen;  the  word  is  often  used 
to  signify  free  from  any  defiling  or  objectionable  admixture 
(the  original  sense)  ;  we  speak  of  water  as  pure  when  it  is 
bright,  clear,  and  refreshing,  though  it  may  contain  mineral 
salts  in  solution;  in  the  medical  and  chemical  sense,  only  dis- 
tilled water  (aqua  pura)  is  pure.  In  moral  and  religious  use 
pure  is  a  strong  word,  denoting  positive  excellence  of  a  high 
order;  one  is  innocent  who  knows  nothing  of  evil,  and  has  ex- 
perienced no  touch  of  temptation;  one  is  pure  who,  with 
knowledge  of  evil  and  exposure  to  temptation,  keeps  heart 
and  soul  unstained.  Virtuous  refers  primarily  to  right  ac- 
tion; pure  to  right  feeling  and  motives;  as,  "Blessed  are  the 
pure  in  heart:  for  they  shall  see  God,"  Matt,  v,  8.  Compare 


adulterated  gross  lewd  sullied 

defiled  immodest  mixed  tainted 

dirty  impure  obscene  tarnished 

filthy  indecent  polluted  unchaste 

foul  indelicate  stained  unclean 



deposit  lay  place  set 

Put  is  the  most  general  term  for  bringing  an  object  to  some 
point  or  within  some  space,  however  exactly  or  loosely;  we 
may  put  a  horse  in  a  pasture,  or  put  a  bullet  in  a  rifle  or  into 
an  enemy.  Place  denotes  more  careful  movement  and  more 
exact  location;  as,  to  place  a  crown  on  one's  head,  or  a  gar- 
rison in  a  city.  To  lay  is  to  place  in  a  horizontal  position; 
to  set  is  to  place  in  an  upright  position;  we  lay  a  cloth,  and 
set  a  dish  upon  a  table.  To  deposit  is  to  put  in  a  place  of 
security  for  future  use;  as,  to  deposit  money  in  a  bank;  the 
original  sense,  to  lay  down  or  let  down  (quietly),  is  also  com- 
mon; as,  the  stream  deposits  sediment. 

397  put 




anomalous  erratic  odd  strange 

bizarre  extraordinary      peculiar  uncommon 

comical  fantastic  preposterous  unique 

crotchety  funny  quaint  unmatched 

curious  grotesque  ridiculous  unusual 

droll  laughable  singular  whimsical 

eccentric  ludicrous 

Odd  is  rmmated,  as  an  odd  shoe,  aad  so  uneven,  as  an  odd 
number.  Singular  is  alone  of  its  kind;  as,  the  singular  num- 
ber. What  is  singular  is  odd>  but  what  is  odd  may  not  be 
singular;  as,  a  drawerful  of  odd  gloves.  A  strange  thing 
is  something  hitherto  unknown  in  fact  or  in  cause.  A  singular 
coincidence  is  one  the  happening  of  which  is  unusual;  a 
strange  coincidence  is  one  the  cause  of  which  is  hard  to  ex- 
plain. That  which  is  peculiar  belongs  especially  to  a  person 
as  his  own;  as,  Israel  was  called  Jehovah's  "peculiar  people," 
*.  e.,  especially  chosen  and  cherished  by  him;  in  its  ordinary 
use  there  is  the  implication  that  the  thing  peculiar  to  one  is 
not  common  to  the  majority  nor  quite  approved  by  them, 
though  it  may  be  shared  by  many;  as,  the  Shakers  are  pecu- 
liar. Eccentric  is  off  or  aside  from  the  center,  and  so  off  or 
aside  from  the  ordinary  and  what  is  considered  the  normal 
course;  as,  genius  is  commonly  eccentric.  Eccentric  is  a 
higher  and  more  respectful  word  than  odd  or  queer.  Erratic 
signifies  wandering,  a  stronger  and  more  censorious  term  than 
eccentric.  Queer  is  transverse  or  oblique,  aside  from  the  com- 
mon in  a  way  that  is  comical  or  perhaps  slightly  ridiculous. 
Quaint  denotes  that  which  is  pleasingly  odd  and  fanciful, 
often  with  something  of  the  antique;  as,  the  quaint  architec- 
ture of  medieval  towns.  That  which  is  funny  is  calculated  to 
provoke  laughter;  that  which  is  droll  is  more  quietly  amusing. 
That  which  is  grotesque  in  the  material  sense  is  irregular  or 
misshapen  in  form  or  outline  or  ill-proportioned  so  as  to 
be  somewhat  ridiculous;  the  French  bizarre  is  practically 
equivalent  to  grotesque. 


common  familiar  normal  regular 

customary  natural  ordinary  usual 

qnicken  398 

racy  _  . 


accelerate  drive  on  hasten  promote 

advance  expedite  hurry  speed 

despatch  facilitate  make  haste  urge 

drive  further  press  forward  urge  on 

To  quicken,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  to  increase  speed, 
move  or  cause  to  move  more  rapidly,  as  through  more  space 
or  with  a  greater  number  of  motions  in  the  same  time.  To 
accelerate  is  to  increase  the  speed  of  action  or  of  motion.  A 
motion  whose  speed  increases  upon  itself  is  said  to  be  acceler- 
ated, as  the  motion  of  a  falling  body,  which  becomes  swifter 
with  every  second  of  time.  To  accelerate  any  'work  is  to 
hasten  it  toward  a  finish,  commonly  by  quickening  all  its 
operations  in  orderly  unity  toward  the  result.  To  despatch  is 
to  do  and  be  done  with,  to  get  a  thing  off  one's  hands.  To 
despatch  an  enemy  is  to  kill  him  outright  and  quickly;  to 
despatch  a  messenger  is  to  send  him  in  haste;  to  despatch  a 
business  is  to  bring  it  quickly  to  an  end.  Despatch  is  com- 
monly used  of  single  items.  To  promote  a  cause  is  in  any 
way  to  bring  it  forward,  advance  it  in  power,  prominence,  etc. 
To  speed  is  really  to  secure  swiftness;  to  hasten  is  to  attempt 
it,  whether  successfully  or  unsuccessfully.  Hurry  always  in- 
dicates something  of  confusion.  The  hurried  man  forgets  dig- 
nity, appearance,  comfort,  courtesy,  everything  but  speed;  he 
may  forget  something  vital  to  the  matter  in  hand;  yet,  be- 
cause reckless  haste  may  attain  the  great  object  of  speed, 
hurry  has  come  to  be  the  colloquial  and  popular  word  for  act- 
ing quickly.  To  facilitate  is  to  quicken  by  making  easy;  to 
expedite  is  to  quicken  by  removing  hindrances.  A  good  gen- 
eral will  improve  roads  to  -facilitate  the  movements  of  troops, 
hasten  supplies  and  perfect  discipline  to  promote  the  general 
efficiency  of  the  force,  despatch  details  of  business,  expedite 
all  preparations,  in  order  to  accelerate  the  advance  and  victory 
of  his  army. 


check      clog      delay      drag     hinder     impede      obstruct      retard 


To  quote  is  to  give  an  author's  words,  either  exactly,  as  in 

site  extract  plagiarize  repeat 

excerpt  paraphrase  recite 

399  quicken 

...  raey 

direct  quotation,  or  in  substance,  as  in  indirect  quotation;  to 
cite  is,  etymologically,  to  call  up  a  passage,  as  a  witness  is 
summoned.  In  cinny  a  passage  its  exact  location  by  chapter, 
page,  or  otherwise,  must  be  given,  so  that  it  can  be  promptly 
called  into  evidence;  in  quoting,  the  location  may  or  may  not 
be  given,  but  the  words  or  substance  of  the  passage  must  be 
given.  In  citing,  neither  the  author's  words  nor  his  thought 
may  be  given,  but  simply  the  reference  to  the  location  where 
they  may  be  found.  To  quote,  in  the  proper  sense,  is  to  give 
credit  to  the  author  whose  words  are  employed.  To  para- 
phrase is  to  state  an  author's  thought  more  freely  than  in  in- 
direct quotation,  keeping  the  substance  of  thought  and  the 
order  of  statement,  but  changing  the  language,  and  commonly 
interweaving  more  or  less  explanatory  matter  as  if  part  of  the 
original  writing.  One  may  paraphrase  a  work  with  worthy 
motive  for  homiletic,  devotional,  or  other  purposes  (as  in  the 
metrical  versions  of  the  Psalms),  or  he  may  plagiarize  atro- 
ciously in  the  form  of  paraphrase,  appropriating  all  that  is 
valuable  in  another's  thought,  with  the  hope  of  escaping  de- 
tection by  change  of  phrase.  To  plagiarize  is  to  quote  without 
credit,  appropriating  another's  words  or  thought  as  one's 
own.  To  recite  or  repeat  is  usually  to  quote  orally,  though 
recite  is  applied  in  legal  phrase  to  a  particular  statement  of 
facts  which  is  not  a  quotation;  a  kindred  use  obtains  in  ordi- 
nary speech;  as,  to  recite  one's  misfortunes. 



flavorous  lively  pungent  spicy 

forcible  piquant  rich.  spirited 

Eacy  applies  in  the  first  instance  to  the  pleasing  flavor  char- 
acteristic of  certain  wines,  often  attributed  to  the  soil  from 
which  they  come.  Pungent  denotes  something  sharply  irritat- 
ing to  the  organs  of  taste  or  smell,  as  pepper,  vinegar,  am- 
monia; piquant  denotes  a  quality  similar  in  kind  to  pungent 
but  less  in  degree,  stimulating  and  agreeable;  pungent  spices 
may  be  deftly  compounded  into  a  piquant  sauce.  As  applied 
to  literary  products,  racy  refers  to  that  which  has  a  striking, 
vigorous,  pleasing  originality;  spicy  to  that  which  is  stimulat- 
ing to  the  mental  taste,  as  spice  is  to  the  physical;  piquant 

radical  400 


and  pungent  in  their  figurative  use  keep  very  close  to  their 
literal  sense. 


cold                  flat                        insipid  stale                  tasteless 

dull                   flavorless             prosy  stupid               vapid 



basic  ingrained  perfect 

complete  innate  positive 

constitutional  native  primitive 

entire  natural  thorough 

essential  organic  thoroughgoing 

extreme  original  total 

The  widely  divergent  senses  in  which  the  word  radical  is 
used,  by  which  it  can  be  at  some  time  interchanged  with  any 
word  in  the  above  list*  are  all  formed  upon  the  one  primary 
sense  of  having  to  do  with  or  proceeding  from  the  root  (from 
L.  radix)  ;  a  radical  difference  is  one  that  springs  from  the 
root,  and  is  thus  constitutional,  essential,  fundamental,  organic, 
original;  a  radical  change  is  one  that  does  not  stop  at  the 
surface,  but  reaches  down  to  the  very  root,  and  is  entire, 
thorough,  total;  since  the  majority  find  superficial  treatment 
of  any  matter  the  easiest  and  most  comfortable,  radical  mea- 
sures, which  strike  at  the  root  of  evil  or  need,  are  apt  to  be 
looked  upon  as  extreme. 


conservative       incomplete       palliative        slight  tentative 

inadequate          moderate         partial  superficial        trial 



curious  odd  scarce  unique 

extraordinary  peculiar  singular  unparalleled 

incomparable  precious  strange  unprecedented 

infrequent  remarkable  uncommon  unusual 

Unique  is  alone  of  its  kind;  rare  is  infrequent  of  its  kind; 
great  poems,  are  rare;  "Paradise  Lost"  is  unique.  To  say  of  a 
thing  that  it  is  rare  is  simply  to  affirm  that  it  is  now  seldom 
found,  whether  previously  common  or  not ;  as,  a  rare  old  book ; 
a  rare  word;  to  call  a  thing  scarce  implies  that  it  was  at  some 
time  more  plentiful,  as  when  we  say  food  or  money  is  scarce.  A 

401                                                                                          radical 

particular  fruit  or  coin  may  be  rare;  scarce  applies  to  demand 
and  use,  and  almost  always  to  concrete  things;  to  speak  of 
virtue,  genius,  or  heroism  as  scarce  would  be  somewhat  ludi- 
crous. Rare  has  the  added  sense  of  precious,  which  is  some- 
times, but  not  necessarily,  blended  with  that  above  given;  as, 
a  rare  gem.  Extraordinary,  signifying  greatly  beyond  the 
ordinary,  is  a  neutral  word,  capable  of  a  high  and  good  sense 
or  of  an  invidious,  opprobrious,  or  contemptuous  signification; 
as,  extraordinary  genius;  extraordinary  wickedness;  an  extra- 
ordinary assumption  of  power;  extraordinary  antics;  an  extra- 
ordinary statement  is  incredible  without  overwhelming  proof. 


See  synonyms  for  GENERAL;  JTOBHALJ  USUAL. 


arrive     attain,     come  to      enter       gain.      get  to      land 

To  reach,  in  the  sense  here  considered,  is  to  come  to  by  mo- 
tion or  progress.  Attain  is  now  oftenest  used  of  abstract  re- 
lations; as,  to  attain  success.  When  applied  to  concrete  mat- 
ters, it  commonly  signifies  the  overcoming  of  hindrance  and 
difficulty;  as,  the  storm-beaten  ship  at  length  attained  the  har- 
bor. Come  is  the  general  word  for  moving  to  or  toward  the 
place  where  the  speaker  or  writer  is  or  supposes  himself  to  be. 
To  reach  is  to  come  to  from  a  distance  that  is  actually  or  rel- 
atively considerable;  to  stretch  the  journey,  so  to  speak,  across 
the  distance,  as,  in  its  original  meaning,  one  readies  an  object 
by  stretching  out  the  hand.  To  gain  is  to  reach  or  attain 
something  eagerly  sought;  the  wearied  swimmer  reaches  or 
gains  the  shore.  One  comes  in  from  his  garden;  he  reaches 
home  from  a  journey.  To  arrive  is  to  come  to  a  destination, 
to  reach  a  point  intended  or  proposed.  The  European  steamer 
arrives  in  port,  or  reaches  the  harbor;  the  dismantled  wreck 
drifts  ashore,  or  comes  to  land.  Compare  ATTAIN. 


depart  go  leave  set  sail  weigh  anchor 

embark          go  away        set  out  start 





actual  demonstrable  genuine  true 

authentic      developed  positive  unquestionable 

certain  essential  substantial  veritable 

Real  (from  L.  res,  a  tiling)  signifies  having  existence,  not 
merely  in  thought,  but  in  fact,  or  being  in  fact  according  to 
appearance  or  claim  j  denoting  the  thing  as  distinguished  from 
the  name,  or  the  existent  as  opposed  to  the  non-existent.  Actual 
has  respect  to  a  thing  accomplished  by  doing,  real  to  a  thing 
as  existing  by  whatever  means  or  from  whatever  cause,  positive 
to  that  which  is  fixed  or  established,  developed  to  that  which 
has  reached  completion  by  a  natural  process  of  unfolding. 
Actual  is  in  opposition  to  the  supposed,  conceived,  or  reported, 
and  furnishes  the  proof  of  its  existence  in  itself;  real  is  op- 
posed to  feigned  or  imaginary,  and  is  capable  of  demonstra- 
tion; positive,  to  the  uncertain  or  doubtful;  developed^  to  that 
which  is  undeveloped  or  incomplete.  The  developed  is  suscep- 
tible of  proof;  the  positive  precludes  the  necessity  for  proof. 
The  present  condition  of  a  thing  is  its  actual  condition;  ills 
are  real  that  have  a  substantial  reason;  proofs  are  positive 
when  they  give  the  mind  certainty;  a  plant  is  developed  when 
it  has  reached  its  completed  stage.  Eeal  estate  is  land,  together 
with  trees,  water,  minerals,  or  other  natural  accompaniments, 
and  any  permanent  structures  that  man  has  built  upon  it. 
Compare  AUTHENTIC. 


conceived      feigned  illusory 

fabulous        fictitious  imaginary 

fanciful         hypothetical     reported 

supposed  unreal 

supposititious     untrue 
theoretical           visionary 







REASON,  *. 


dispute  question 

establish  -wrangle 


To  reason  is  to  examine  by  means  of  the  reason,  to  prove  by 
reasoning,  or  to  influence  or  seek  to  influence  others  by  rea- 
soning or  reasons.  Persons  may  contend  either  from  mere  ill 
will  or  self-interest,  or  from  the  highest  motives;  "That  y« 
should  earnestly  contend  for  the  faith  which  was  once  de- 


livered  to  the  saints/'  Jude  3.  To  argue  (from  L.  arguo, 
show)  is  to  make  a  matter  clear  by  reasoning;  to  discuss  (from 
L.  diSj  apart,  and  guatio,  shake)  is,  etymologieally,  to  shake 
it  apart  for  examination  and  analysis.  Demonstrate  strictly 
applies  to  mathematical  or  exact  reasoning;  prove  may  be 
used  in  the  same  sense,  but  is  often  applied  to  reasoning  upon 
matters  of  fact  by  what  is  called  probable  evidence,  which  can 
give  only  moral  and  not  absolute  or  mathematical  certainty. 
To  demonstrate  is  to  force  the  mind  to  a  conclusion  by  irre- 
sistible reasoning;  to  prove  is  rather  to  establish  a  fact  by 
evidence;  as,  to  prove  one  innocent  or  guilty.  That  which  has 
been  either  demonstrated  or  proved  so  as  to  secure  general 
acceptance  is  said  to  be  established.  Reason  is  a  neutral  word, 
not,  like  argue,  debate,  discuss,  etc.,  naturally  or  necessarily 
implying  contest.  We  reason  about  a  matter  by  bringing  up 
all  that  reason  can  give  us  on  any  side.  A  dispute  may  be 
personal,  fractious,  and  petty;  a  debate  is  formal  and  orderly; 
if  otherwise,  it  becomes  a  mere  wrangle. 


We  reason  with  a  person  about  a  subject,  for  or  against  an 
opinion;  we  reason  a  person  into  or  out  of  a  course  of  action; 
or  we  may  reason  down  an  opponent  or  opposition;  one  rea- 
sons from,  a  cause  to  an  effect. 

REASON,  n. 


account  cause  end  object 

aim  consideration  ground  principle 

argument  design  motive  purpose 

While  the  cause  of  any  event,  act,  or  fact,  as  commonly 
understood,  is  the  power  that  makes  it  to  be,  the  reason  of  or 
for  it  is  the  explanation  given  by  the  human  mind ;  but  reason 
is,  in  popular  language,  often  used  as  equivalent  to  cause, 
especially  in  the  sense  of  final  cause.  In  the  statement  of  any 
reasoning,  the  argument  may  be  an  entire  syllogism,  or  the 
premises  considered  together  apart  from  the  conclusion,  or  in 
logical  strictness  the  middle  term  only  by  which  the  particular 
conclusion  is  connected  with  the  general  statement.  But  when 
the  reasoning  is  not  in  strict  logical  form,  the  middle  term 
following  the  conclusion  is  called  the  reason;  thus  in  the  state- 

reasoning  404 


ment  "All  tyrants  deserve  death;  Csesar  was  a  tyrant;  There- 
fore Caesar  deserved  death,"  "Csesar  was  a  tyrant"  would  in 
the  strictest  sense  be  called  the  argument;  but  if  we  say  "Caesar 
deserved  death  because  he  was  a  tyrant,"  the  latter  clause 
would  be  termed  the  reason.  Compare  CAUSE;  REASON",  v.; 



The  reason  of  a  thing  that  is  to  be  explained;  the  reason  for 
a  thing  that  is  to  be  done. 


argument         argumentation        debate         ratiocination 

Argumentation  and  debate,  in  the  ordinary  use  of  the  words, 
suppose  two  parties  alleging  reasons  for  and  against  a  proposi- 
tion; the  same  idea  appears  figuratively  when  we  speak  of  a 
debate  or  an  argument  with  oneself,  or  of  a  debate  between 
reason  and  conscience.  Reasoning  may  be  the  act  of  one  alone, 
as  it  is  simply  the  orderly  setting  forth  of  reasons,  whether 
for  the  instruction  of  inquirers,  the  confuting  of  opponents, 
or  the  clear  establishment  of  truth  for  oneself.  Reasoning  may 
be  either  deductive  or  inductive.  Argument  or  argumentation 
was  formerly  used  of  deductive  reasoning  only.  With  the  rise 
of  the  inductive  philosophy  these  words  have  come  to  be  ap- 
plied to  inductive  processes  also;  but  while  reasoning  may  be 
informal  or  even  (as  far  as  tracing  its  processes  is  concerned) 
unconscious,  argument  and  argumentation  strictly  imply  logical 
form.  Reasoning,  as  denoting  process,  is  a  broader  term  than 
reason  or  argument;  many  arguments  or  reasons  may  be  in- 
cluded in  a  single  chain  of  reasoning. 



contumacious  ntntinons  uncontrollable 

disobedient  refractory  ungovernable 

insubordinate  seditious  unmanageable 

Rebellious  signifies  being  in  a  state  of  rebellion  (see  REBEL- 
LION under  REVOLUTION),  and  is  even  extended  to  inanimate 
things  that  resist  control  or  adaptation  to  human  use.  Un- 

405  reasoning; 

__ record 

governable  applies  to  that  which  successfully  defies  authority 
and  power ;  unmanageable  to  that  which  resists  the  utmost  ex- 
ercise of  skill  or  of  skill  and  power  combined;  rebellious,  to 
that  which  is  defiant  of  authority,  whether  successfully  or  un- 
successfully; seditious,  to  that  which  partakes  of  or  tends  to 
excite  a  rebellious  spirit,  seditious  suggesting  more  of  covert 
plan,  scheming,  or  conspiracy,  rebellious  more  of  overt  act  or 
open  violence.  While  the  unmanageable  or  ungovernable  de- 
fies control,  the  rebellious  or  seditious  may  be  forced  to  sub- 
mission; as,  the  man  has  an  ungovernable  temper;  the  horses 
became  unmanageable;  he  tamed  his  rebellious  spirit.  In- 
subordinate applies  to  the  disposition  to  resist  and  resent  con- 
trol as  such;  mutinous,  to  open  defiance  of  authority,  especially 
in  the  army,  navy,  or  merchant  marine.  A  contumacious  act 
or  spirit  is  contemptuous  as  well  as  defiant.  Compare  OBSTI- 


compliant  docile  manageable  subservient 

controllable  dutiful  obedient  tractable 

deferential  gentle  submissive  yielding 


Rebellious  to  or  against  lawful  authority. 



account  enrolment  instrument  register 

archive  entry  inventory  roll 

catalog(ne  enumeration  memorandum  schedule 

chronicle  history  memorial  scroll 

document  inscription  muniment 

A  memorial  is  any  object,  whether  a  writing,  a  monument, 
or  other  permanent  thing  that  is  designed  or  adapted  to  keep 
something  in  remembrance.  Record  is  a  word  of  wide  signifi- 
cation, applying  to  any  writing,  mark,  or  trace  that  serves  as 
a  memorial  giving  enduring  attestation  of  an  event  or  fact; 
an  extended  account,  chronicle,  or  history  is  a  record;  so,  too, 
may  be  a  brief  inventory  or  memorandum;  the  inscription  on 
a  tombstone  is  a  record  of  the  dead  j  the  striae  on  a  rock-surface 
are  the  record  of  a  glacier's  passage.  A  register  is  a  formal 
or  official  written  record,  especially  a  series  of  entries  made  for 
preservation  or  reference;  as,  a  register  of  births  and  deaths. 
Archives^  in  the  sense  here  consideredt  are  documents  or 

recover  406 


records,  often  legal  records,  preserved  in  a  public  or  official 
depository;  the  word  archives  is  also  applied  to  the  place 
where  such  documents  are  regularly  deposited  and  preserved. 
Muniments  (from  L.  munio,  fortify)  are  records  that  enable 
one  to  defend  his  title.  Compare  HISTORY;  STORY. 



be  cured  or  healed  heal  recuperate  restore 

be  restored  reanimate  regain  resume 

cure  recruit  repossess  retrieve 

The  transitive  use  of  recover  in  the  sense  of  cure,  heal,  etc., 
as  in  2  Kings  v,  6,  "That  thou  mayest  recover  him  of  his 
leprosy,"  is  now  practically  obsolete.  The  chief  transitive  use 
of  recover  is  in  the  sense  to  obtain  again  after  losing,  regain, 
repossess,  etc.;  as,  to  recover  stolen  goods;  to  recover  health. 
The  intransitive  sense,  be  cured,  be  restored,  etc.,  is  very  com- 
mon; as,  to  recover  from  sickness,  terror,  or  misfortune. 


die  fail  grow  worse  relapse  sink 


From;  rarely  of;  (Law)  to  recover  judgment  against,  to 
recover  damages  of  or  from  a  person. 



civilization   cultivation    culture      elegance     politeness 

Civilization  applies  to  nations,  denoting  the  sum  of  those 
civil,  social,  economic,  and  political  attainments  by  which  a 
community  is  removed  from  barbarism;  a  people  may  be  civil- 
ized while  still  far  from  refinement  or  culture,  but  civilization 
is  susceptible  of  various  degrees  and  of  continued  progress. 
Eefinement  applies  either  to  nations  or  individuals,  denoting 
the  removal  of  what  is  coarse  and  rude,  and  a  corresponding 
attainment  of  what  is  delicate,  elegant,  and  beautiful.  Culti- 
vation, denoting  primarily  the  process  of  cultivating  the  soil 
or  growing  crops,  then  the  improved  condition  of  either  which 
is  the  result,  is  applied  in  similar  sense  to  the  human  mind 
and  character,  but  in  this  usage  is  now  largely  superseded  by 
the  term  culture,  which  denotes  a  high  development  of  the  best 

4:07  recover 

qualities  of  man's  mental  and  spiritual  nature,  with  especial 
reference  to  the  esthetic  faculties  and  to  graces  of  speech  and 
manner,  regarded  as  the  expression  of  a  retined  nature.  Culture 
in  the  fullest  sense  denotes  that  degree  of  tefinemeut  and  de- 
velopment which  results  from  continued  cult  hat  ion  through 
successive  generations;  a  man's  faculties  may  be  brought  to  a 
high  degree  of  cultivation  in  some  specialty,  while  he  himself 
remains  uncultured  even  to  the  extent  of  coarseness  and  rude- 
ness. Compare  HUMAITE;  POLITE. 


barbarism         brutality  coarseness       rudeness       savagery 

boorishness       clownishness       grossness        rusticity       vulgarity 



confound        confute         disprove         overthrow        repel 

To  refute  and  to  confute  are  to  answer  so  as  to  admit  of  no 
reply.  To  refute  a  statement  is  to  demonstrate  its  falsity  by 
argument  or  countervailing  proof;  confute  is  substantially  the 
same  in  meaning,  though  differing  in  usage.  Refute  applies 
either  to  arguments  and  opinions  or  to  accusations;  confute  is 
not  applied  to  accusations  and  charges,  but  to  arguments  or 
opinions.  Refute  is  not  now  applied  to  persons,  but  confute 
is  in  good  use  in  this  application;  a  person  is  confuted  when 
his  arguments  are  refuted. 


trustworthy  trusty1 

The  word  reliable  has  been  sharply  challenged,  but  seems  to 
have  established  its  place  in  the  language.  The  objection  to 
its  use  on  the  ground  that  the  suffix  -able  can  not  properly  be 
added  to  an  intransitive  verb  is  answered  by  the  citation  of 
such  words  as  "available,"  "conversable/7  "laughable,"  and  the 
like,  while,  in  the  matter  of  usage,  reliable  has  the  authority  of 
Coleridge,  Martineau,  Mill,  Irving,  Newman,  Gladstone,  and 
others  of  the  foremost  of  recent  English  writers.  The  objec- 
tion to  the  application  of  reliable  to  persons  is  not  sustained 
by  the  use  of  the  verb  "rely,"  which  is  applied  to  persons  in 
the  authorized  version  of  the  Scriptures,  in  the  writings  of 
Shakespeare  and  Bacon,  and  in  the  usage  of  good  speakers 

religion                                                                                           408 

and  writers.  Trusty  and  trustworthy  refer  to  inherent  qual- 
ities of  a  high  order,  trustworthy  being  especially  applied  to 
persons,  and  denoting  moral  integrity  and  truthfulness;  we 
speak  of  a  trusty  sword,  a  trusty  servant;  we  say  the  man  is 
thoroughly  trustworthy.  Eeliable  is  inferior  in  meaning,  de- 
noting merely  the  possession  of  such  qualities  as  are  needed 
for  safe  reliance;  as,  a  reliable  pledge;  reliable  information. 
A  man  is  said  to  be  reliable  with  reference  not  only  to  moral 
qualities,  but  to  judgment,  knowledge,  skill,  habit,  or  perhaps 
pecuniary  ability;  a  thoroughly  trustworthy  person  might  not 
be  reliable  as  a  witness  on  account  of  unconscious  sympathy, 
or  as  a  security  by  reason  of  insufficient  means.  A  reliable 
messenger  is  one  who  may  be  depended  on  to  do  his  errand 
correctly  and  promptly;  a  trusty  or  trustworthy  messenger  is 
one  who  may  be  admitted  to  knowledge  of  the  views  and  pur- 
poses of  those  who  employ  him,  and  who  will  be  faithful  be- 
yond the  mere  letter  of  his  commission.  We  can  speak  of  a 
railroad-train  as  reliable  when  it  can  be  depended  on  to  ar- 
rive on  time;  but  to  speak  of  a  reliable  friend  would  be  cold, 
and  to  speak  of  a  warrior  girding  on  his  reliable  sword  would 
be  ludicrous. 



devotion    godliness     morality    piety  theology 

faith  holiness       pietism       righteousness     worship 

Piety  is  primarily  filial  duty,  as  of  children  to  parents,  and 
hence,  in  its  highest  sense,  a  loving  obedience  and  service  to 
God  as  the  Heavenly  Father;  pietism  often  denotes  a  mystical, 
sometimes  an  affected  piety;  religion  is  the  reverent  acknowl- 
edgment both  in  heart  and  in  act  of  a  divine  being.  Religion, 
in  the  fullest  and  highest  sense,  includes  all  the  other  words 
of  this  group.  Worship  may  be  external  and  formal,  or  it 
may  be  the  adoring  reverence  of  the  human  spirit  for  the 
divine,  seeking  outward  expression.  Devotion,  which  in  its 
fullest  sense  is  self-consecration,  is  often  used  to  denote  an 
act  of  worship ,  especially  prayer  or  adoration;  as,  he  is  en- 
gaged in  Ms  devotions.  Morality  is  the  system  and  practise 
of  duty  as  required  by  the  moral  law,  consisting  chiefly  in  out- 
ward acts,  and  thus  may  be  observed  without  spiritual  recti- 
tude of  heart;  morality  is  of  necessity  included  in  all  true  re- 

409  religion 


ligion,  which  involves  both  outward  act  and  spiritual  service. 
Godliness  (primarily  godlikeness)  is  a  character  and  spirit 
like  that  of  God.  Holiness  is  the  highest,  sinless  perfection  of 
any  spirit,  whether  divine  or  human,  though  often  used  for 
purity  or  for  consecration.  Theology  is  the  science  of  religion, 
or  the  study  and  scientific  statement  of  all  that  the  human  mind 
can  know  of  God.  Faith,  strictly  the  belief  and  trust  which 
the  soul  exercises  toward  God,  is  often  used  as  a  compre- 
hensive word  for  a  whole  system  of  religion  considered  as  the 
object  of  faith;  as,  the  Christian  faith;  the  Mohammedan  faith. 


atheism  godlessness      irreligion         sacrilege         ungodliness 

blasphemy       impiety  profanity        unbelief          wickedness 



arerse  disinclined  loath  slow 

back-ward  indisposed  opposed  unwilling 

Eeluetant  (from  L.  re,  back,  and  lucto,  strive,  struggle) 
signifies  struggling  against  what  one  is  urged  or  impelled  to 
do,  or  is  actually  doing;  averse  (from  L.  ay  from,  and  verto, 
turn)  signifies  turned  away  as  with  dislike  or  repugnance; 
loath  (from  AS.  lath,  evil,  hateful)  signifies  having  a  repug- 
nance, disgust,  or  loathing  for,  though  the  adjective  loath  is 
not  so  strong  as  the  verb  loathe.  A  dunce  is  always  averse  to 
study;  a  good  student  is  disinclined  to  it  when  a  fine  morning 
tempts  him  out;  he  is  indisposed  to  it  in  some  hour  of  weari- 
ness. A  man  may  be  slow  or  backward  in  entering  upon  that 
to  which  he  is  by  no  means  averse,  A  man  is  loath  to  believe 
evil  of  his  friend,  reluctant  to  speak  of  it,  absolutely  unwilling 
to  use  it  to  his  injury.  A  legislator  may  be  opposed  to  a  cer- 
tain measure,  while  not  averse  to  what  it  aims  to  accomplish. 
Compare  ANTIPATHY. 


desirous        disposed        eager        favorable        inclined        willing 



annotation      comment      note      observation     utterance 

A  remark  is  a  saying  or  brief  statement,  oral  or  written, 

rend                                                                                            410 

commonly  made  without  much  premeditation;  a  comment  is  an 
explanatory  or  critical  remark,  as  upon  some  passage  in  a 
literary  work  or  some  act  or  speech  in  common  life.  A  note 
is  something  to  call  attention,  hence  a  brief  written  statement ; 
in  correspondence,  a  note  is  briefer  than  a  letter.  A  note 
upon  some  passage  in  a  book  is  briefer  and  less  elaborate  than 
a  comment.  Annotations  are  especially  brief  notes,  commonly 
marginal,  and  closely  following  the  test.  Comments,  observa- 
tions, or  remarks  may  be  oral  or  written,  comments  being  often- 
est  written,  and  remarks  oftenest  oral.  An  observation  is 
properly  the  result  of  fixed  attention  and  reflection;  a  remark 
may  be  the  suggestion  of  the  instant.  Eemarks  are  more  in- 
formal than  a  speech. 



break       cleave          mangle       rive  sever     sunder 

burst        lacerate      rip  rupture       slit        tear 

Rend  and  tear  are  applied  to  the  separating  of  textile  sub- 
stances into  parts  by  force  violently  applied  (rend  also  to 
frangible  substances),  tear  being  the  milder,  rend  the  stronger 
word.  Rive  is  a  woodworkers'  word  for  parting  wood  in  the 
grain  without  a  clean  cut.  To  lacerate  is  to  tear  roughly  the 
flesh  or  animal  tissue,  as  by  the  teeth  of  a  wild  beast;  a 
lacerated  wound  is  distinguished  from  a  wound  made  by  a 
clean  cut  or  incision.  Mangle  is  a  stronger  word  than  lacerate; 
lacerate  is  more  superficial,  mangle  more  complete.  To  burst 
or  rupture  is  to  tear  or  rend  by  force  from  within,  burst  de- 
noting the  greater  violence;  as,  to  burst  a  gun;  to  rupture  a 
blood-vessel;  a  steam-boiler  may  be  ruptured  when  its  sub- 
stance is  made  to  divide  by  internal  pressure  without  explo- 
sion. To  rip}  as  usually  applied  to  garments  or  other  articles 
made  by  sewing  or  stitching,  is  to  divide  along  the  line  of  a 
seam  by  cutting  or  breaking  the  stitches ;  the  other  senses  bear 
some  resemblance  or  analogy  to  this;  as,  to  rip  open  a  wound. 
Compare  BREAK. 


heal    join    mend    reunite    secure    sew    solder    stitch    unite    weld 

411  rend 




abandon        disavow  disown  recant  repudiate 

abjure  discard  forswear  refuse  retract 

deny  disclaim  recall  reject  revoke 

Abjure,  discard,  forswear,  recall,  recant,  renounce,  retract, 
and  revoke,  like  abandon,  imply  some  previous  connection. 
Renounce  (from  L.  re,  back,  and  nuntio,  bear  a  message)  is 
to  declare  against  and  give  up  formally  and  definitively;  as,  to 
renounce  the  pomps  and  vanities  of  the  world.  Recant  (from 
L.  re,  back,  and  canto,  sing)  is  to  take  back  or  deny  formally 
and  publicly,  as  a  belief  that  one  has  held  or  professed.  Re- 
tract (from  L.  re,  back,  and  tralio,  draw)  is  to  take  back  some- 
thing that  one  has  said  as  not  true  or  as  what  one  is  not 
ready  to  maintain;  as,  to  retract  a  charge  or  accusation;  one 
recants  what  was  especially  his  ownt  he  retracts  what  was  di- 
rected against  another.  Repudiate  (from  L.  re,  back,  or  away, 
and  pudeo,  feel  shame)  is  primarily  to  renounce  as  shameful, 
hence  to  divorce,  as  a  wife;  thus  in  general  to  put  away  with 
emphatic  and  determined  repulsion;  as,  to  repudiate  a  debt. 
To  deny  is  to  affirm  to  be  not  true  or  not  binding;  as, 
to  deny  a  statement  or  a  relationship;  or  to  refuse  to  grant 
as  something  requested;  as,  his  mother  could  not  deny  Trim 
what  he  desired.  To  discard  is  to  east  away  as  useless  or 
worthless;  thus,  one  discards  a  worn  garment;  a  coquette  dis" 
cards  a  lover.  Revoke  (from  L.  re,  back,  and  voco,  call), 
etymologically  the  exact  equivalent  of  the  English  recall,  is  to 
take  back  something  given  or  granted;  as,  to  revoke  a  com- 
mand, a  will,  or  a  grant;  recall  may  be  used  in  the  exact  sense 
of  revoke,  but  is  often  applied  to  persons,  as  revoke  is  not; 
we  recall  a  messenger  and  revoke  the  order  with  which  he  was 
charged.  Abjure  (from  L.  ab,  away,  and  juro,  swear)  is 
etymologically  the  exact  equivalent  of  the  Saxon  forswear, 
signifying  to  put  away  formally  and  under  oath,  as  an  error, 
heresy,  or  evil  practise,  or  a  condemned  and  detested  person. 
A  man  abjures  his  religion,  recants  his  beftef,  abjures  or  re- 
nounces his  allegiance,  repudiates  another's  claim,  renounces 
his  own,  retracts  a  false  statement.  A  person  may  deny,  dis- 
avow, disclaim,  disown  what  has  been  truly  or  falsely  imputed 
to  H™  or  supposed  to  be  his.  He  may  deny  Ms  signature, 
disavow  tbe  act  of  his  agent,  disown  his  child;  he  may  re- 

repentance                                                                               412 

pudiate  a  just  claim  or  a  base  suggestion.  A  native  of  the 
United  States  can  not  abjure  or  renounce  allegiance  to  the 
King  of  England,  but  will  promptly  deny  or  repudiate  it. 
Compare  ABA3sTDO^. 


acknowledge   assert   cherish  defend  maintain  proclaim  uphold 
advocate          avow     claim      hold       own  retain        vindicate 



compunction     contrition       regret       self -condemnation 
contriteness      penitence         remorse    sorrow 

Regret  is  sorrow  for  any  painful  or  annoying  matter.  One 
is  moved  with  penitence  for  wrong-doing.  To  speak  of  regret 
for  a  f ault  of  our  own  marks  it  as  slighter  than  one  regarding 
which  we  should  express  penitence.  Repentance  is  sorrow  for 
sin  with  self-condemnation,  and  complete  turning  from  the 
sin.  Penitence  is  transient,  and  may  involve  no  change  of 
character  or  conduct.  There  may  be  sorrow  without  repen- 
tance, as  for  consequences  only,  but  not  repentance  without 
sorrow.  Compunction  is  a  momentary  sting  of  conscience,  in 
view  either  of  a  past  or  of  a  contemplated  act.  Contrition  is 
a  subduing  sorrow  for  sin,  as  against  the  divine  holiness  and 
love.  Remorse  is,  as  its  derivation  indicates,  a  biting  or  gnaw- 
ing back  of  guilt  upon  the  heart,  with  no  turning  of  heart 
from  the  sin,  and  no  suggestion  of  divine  forgiveness. 


approval  content  obduracy  self=complacency 

comfort  hardness  obstinacy  selfscongratulation 

complacency  impenitence  self^approval  stubbornness 


Eepentance  of  or  in  heart,  or  from  the  heart;  repentance 
for  sins;  before  or  toioard  God;  unto  life. 



account                  narrative           rehearsal  statement 

description           recital                 relation  story 

narration              record                  rnmor  tale 

Account  carries  the  idea  of  a   commercial  summary.     A 
statement  is  definite,  confined  to  essentials  and  properly  to 

413  repentance 


matters  within  the  personal  knowledge  of  the  one  who  states 
them;  as,  an  ante-mortem  statement.  A  narrative  is  a  some- 
what extended  and  embellished  account  of  events  in  order  of 
time,  ordinarily  with  a  view  to  please  or  entertain.  A  de- 
scription gives  especial  scope  to  the  pictorial  element.  A  re- 
port (from  L.  re,  back,  and  porto,  bring),  as  its  etymology 
implies,  is  something  brought  back,  as  by  one  sent  to  obtain 
information,  and  may  be  concise  and  formal  or  highly  de- 
scriptive and  dramatic.  Compare  ALLEGORY;  HISTORY; 




admonition  chiding  disapproval  reprimand 

animadversion  comment  objurgation  reproach, 

blame  condemnation  rebuke  reproval 

censure  criticism  reflection  upbraiding 

check  denunciation     reprehension 

Blame,  censure,  and  disapproval  may  either  be  felt  or 
uttered;  comment,  criticism,  rebuke,  reflection,  reprehension, 
and  reproof  are  always  expressed.  The  same  is  true  of  ad- 
monition  and  animadversion.  Comment  and  criticism  may  be 
favorable  as  well  as  censorious;  they  imply  no  superiority  or 
authority  on  the  part  of  him  who  utters  them;  nor  do  reflec- 
tion or  reprehension,  which  are  simply  turning  the  mind  back 
upon  what  is  disapproved.  Reprehension  is  supposed  to  be 
calm  and  just,  and  with  good  intent;  it  is  therefore  a  serious 
matter,  however  mild,  and  is  capable  of  great  force,  as  ex- 
pressed in  the  phrase  severe  reprehension.  Reflection  is  often 
from  mere  ill  feeling,  and  is  likely  to  be  more  personal  and  less 
impartial  than  reprehension;  we  often  speak  of  unkind  or  un- 
just reflections.  Rebuke,  literally  a  stopping  of  the  mouth,  is 
administered  to  a  forward  or  hasty  person;  reproof  is  ad- 
ministered to  one  intentionally  or  deliberately  wrong;  both 
words  imply  authority  in  the  reprover,  and  direct  expression 
of  disapproval  to  the  face  of  the  person  rebuked  or  reproved. 
Reprimand  is  official  censure  formally  administered  by  a 
superior  to  one  under  his  command.  Animadversion  is  censure 
of  a  high,  authoritative,  and  somewhat  formal  kind.  Rebuke 
may  be  given  at  the  outset,  or  in  the  midst  of  an  action; 
animadversion,  reflection,  reprehension,  reproof,  always  follow 
the  act;  admonition  is  anticipatory,  and  meant  to  be  pre- 

reprove  414 


ventive.    Check  is  allied  to  rebuke,  and  given  before  or  during 

action;  chiding  is  nearer  to  reproof,  but  with  more  of  personal 

bitterness   and  less   of   authority.      Compare   CONDEMN;    RE- 


applause  approval  encomium  panegyric 

approbation  commendation          eulogy  praise 



admonish.  condemn  reprimand 

blame  expostulate  with  reproach 

censure  find  fault  with.  take  to  task 

chasten.  rebuke  upbraid 

check  remonstrate  with.  warn 

chide  reprehend 

To  censure  is  to  pronounce  an  adverse  judgment  that  may  or 
Jnay  not  be  expressed  to  the  person  censured;  to  reprove  is  to 
censure  authoritatively,  openly,  and  directly  to  the  face  of  the 
person  reproved;  to  rebuke  is  to  reprove  with  sharpness,  and 
i>ften  with  abruptness,  usually  in  the  midst  of  some  action  or 
course  of  action  deemed  censurable  ;  to  reprimand  is  to  reprove 
officially;  to  blame  is  a  familiar  word  signifying  to  pass  cen- 
sure upon,  make  answerable,  as  for  a  fault;  blame  and  censure 
apply  either  to  persons  or  acts;  reprove  and  rebuke  are  ap- 
plied chiefly,  and  reprimand  exclusively,  to  persons.  To  re- 
proach is  to  censure  openly  and  vehemently,  and  with  intense 
personal  feeling  as  of  grief  or  anger;  as,  to  reproach  one  for 
ingratitude;  reproach  knows  no  distinction  of  rank  or  char- 
acter; a  subject  may  reproach  a  king  or  a  criminal  judge.  To 
expostulate  or  remonstrate  with  is  to  mingle  reasoning  and 
appeal  with  censure  in  the  hope  of  winning  one  from  his  evil 
way,  expostulate  being  the  gentler,  remonstrate  the  severer 
word.  Admonish  is  the  mildest  of  reproving  words,  and  may 
even  be  used  of  giving  a  caution  or  warning  where  no  wrong 
is  implied,  or  of  simply  reminding  of  duty  which  might  be 
forgotten.  Censure,  rebuke,  and  reprove  apply  to  wrong  that 
has  been  done;  warn  and  admonish  refer  to  anticipated  error 
or  fault.  When  one  is  admonished  because  of  wrong  already 
done,  the  view  is  still  future,  that  he  may  not  repeat  or  con- 
tinue in  the  wrong.  Compare  CONDEMN;  REPROOF. 

415  reprove 


abet  approve  countenance         impel  instigate 

applaud  cheer  encourage  incite  urge 'on 



avenge  punish  remunerate  _ 

compensate  quit  repay  reward 

pay  reciprocate  retaliate  satisfy 

pay  off  recompense  return  settle  with. 

To  repay  or  to  retaliate,  to  punish  or  to  reward,  may  be  to 
make  some  return  very  inadequate  to  the  benefit  or  injury  re- 
ceived, or  the  right  or  wrong  done;  but  to  requite  (according 
to  its  etymology)  is  to  make  so  full  and  adequate  a  return  as  to 
quit  oneself  of  all  obligation  of  favor  or  hostility,  of  punish- 
ment or  reward.  Eequite  is  often  used  in  the  more  general 
sense  of  recompense  or  repay,  but  always  with  the  suggestion, 
at  least,  of  the  original  idea  of  full  equivalent;  when  one 
speaks  of  requiting  kindness  with  ingratitude,  the  expression 
gains  force  from  the  comparison  of  the  actual  with  the  proper 
and  appropriate  return.  Compare  PAY. 


absolve  excuse  forgive  overlook  pass  over 

acquit  forget  neglect  pardon  slight 


To  requite  injury  with  injury  is  human,  but  not  Christian. 



accountable  amenable  answerable  liable 

Accountable,  answerable,  and  responsible  are  so  close  to 
each  other  in  meaning-  that  it  is  difficult  to  separate  them  ex- 
cept along  fine  lines  of  usage;  a  steward  or  agent  is  account- 
able to  the  extent  of  his  trust;  he  is  answerable  for  money  or 
goods  misappropriated;  answerable  has  more  suggestion  of 
challenge,  implying  that  one  may  be  formally  or  legally  cited 
to  answer;  accountable  has  more  of  commercial  suggestion,  as 
of  one  balancing  a  trust  committed  against  return  or  service 
rendered;  one  is  accountable  to  some  superior,  answerable  to 
some  law  or  tribunal;  responsible  is  the  more  general  term, 
including  both  accountable  and  answerable,  but  carrying  9 

rert                                                                                             416 

more  diffused  and  less  technical  sense  of  obligation;  when  we 
say,  "Every  man  is  responsible  for  his  own  actions/'  we  do 
not  think  definitely  of  any  authority,  law,  or  tribunal  before 
which  he  must  answer,  but  rather  of  the  general  law  of  right, 
the  moral  constitution  of  the  universe;  responsible  may  be 
said  with  reference  to  some  specific  authority,  as  the  British 
government  is  said  to  be  by  a  responsible  ministry — responsi- 
ble, that  is,  to  the  people  through  the  parliament;  we  do  not 
speak  of  an  accountable  or  answerable  ministry.  Amenable 
is  almost  exactly  equivalent  to  answerable,  but  more  rarely 
used,  denoting  subjection  to  authority  or  jurisdiction,  so  that 
one  may  be  called  to  make  formal  answer. 

The  sovereign  of  this  country  is  not  amenable  to  any  form  of  trial  known 
to  the  laws.  Letters  of  Junius,  pref. 

(For  the  derived  meaning  of  amenable  see  DOOILE.)  Liable 
signifies  subject  to  some  action  or  effect — usually  unfavorable; 
as,  metals  are  liable  to  be  corroded  by  acids;  hence  liable  re- 
fers to  some  legal  obligation  which  may  or  may  not  come  into 
exercise;  one  may  be  liable  for  the  debts  of  another  (who  may, 
however,  pay  them  himself) ;  a  person  may  be  liable  for  dam- 
ages (which  no  legal  action  may  be  taken  to  collect) ;  because 
of  this  element  of  contingency,  we  do  not  say  that  a  steward 
or  agent  is  liable  for  the  amount  of  his  trust,  but  accountable, 
answerable,  or  responsible.  In  a  derived  sense  a  responsible 
man,  a  responsible  citizen  is  one  able  and  ready  to  meet  any 
reasonable  responsibility,  pecuniary  or  other,  that  may  de- 
volve upon  him. 


absolute  irresponsible  -unconditioned  unlimited 

arbitrary          lawless  uncontrolled  unrestrained 

free  supreme  unfettered 



calm  pause  quietness  slumber 

calmness  peace  quietude  stay 

cessation  peacefulness  recreation  stillness 

ease  quiescence  repose  stop 

intermission  quiet  sleep  tranquillity 

Ease  denotes  freedom  from  cause  of  disturbance,  whether 
external  or  internal.    Quiet  denotes  freedom  from  agitation,  or 

417  rest 

_  m  ____  .    _  restive 

especially  from  annoying  sounds.  Best  is  a  cessation  of  activ- 
ity, especially  of  wearying  or  painful  activity.  Recreation  is 
some  pleasing  activity  of  certain  organs  or  faculties  that 
affords  rest  to  other  parts  of  our  nature  that  have  becomo 
weary.  Eepose  is  a  laying  down,  primarily  of  the  body,  ana 
figurathely  a  similar  freedom  from  toil  or  strain  of  mind. 
Eepose  is  more  complete  than  rest;  a  pause  is  a  momentary 
cessation  of  activity;  a  blacksmith  finds  a  temporary  rest  while 
the  iron  is  heating,  but  he  does  not  yield  to  repose;  in  a  pause 
of  battle  a  soldier  rests  on  his  arms;  after  the  battle  the  victor 
reposes  on  his  laurels.  Sleep  is  the  perfection  of  repose,  the 
most  complete  rest;  slumber  is  a  light  and  ordinarily  pleasant 
form  of  sleep.  In  the  figurative  sense,  rest  of  mind,  soul,  con- 
science, is  not  mere  cessation  of  activity,  but  a  pleasing,  tran- 
quil relief  from  all  painful  and  wearying  activity;  repose  is 
even  more  deep,  tranquil,  and  complete. 

agitation  disturbance          movement  stir  tumult 

commotion          excitement  restlessness          strain          unrest 

disquiet  motion  rush  toil  work 



balky  impatient  rebellious  restless 

fidgety  intractable  recalcitrant  skittish 

fractions  mulish,  refractory  stubborn 

fretful  mutinous  resentful  unruly 

frisky  obstinate  restiff  vicious 

Balky,  mulish,  obstinate,  and  stubborn  are  synonyms  of 
restive  only  in  an  infrequent  if  not  obsolete  use;  the  supposed 
sense  of  "tending  to  rest,"  "standing  stubbornly  still,"  is 
scarcely  supported  by  any  examples,  and  those  cited  to  support 
that  meaning  often  fail  to  do  so.  The  disposition  to  offer 
active  resistance  to  control  by  any  means  whatever  is  what  is 
commonly  indicated  by  restive  in  the  best  English  speech  and 
literature.  Dryden  speaks  of  "the  pampered  colt"  as  "restiff 
to  the  rein" ;  but  the  rein  is  not  used  to  propel  a  horse  forward, 
but  to  hold  him  in,  and  it  is  against  this  that  he  is  "restiff." 
A  horse  may  be  made  restless  by  flies  or  by  martial  mnsic, 
but  with  no  refractoriness;  the  restive  animal  impatiently  re- 
sists or  struggles  to  break  from  control,  as  by  bolting,  flinging 
his  rider,  or  otherwise.  With  this  the  metaphorical  use  of  the 

restrain  418 

revenge , 

word  agrees,  which  is  always  in  the  sense  of  such  terms  as 
impatient,  intractable,  rebellious,  and  the  like;  a  people  restive 
under  despotism  are  not  disposed  to  "rest"  under  it,  but  to  re- 
sist It  and  fling  it  off. 


docile          manag-eable         passive  quiet  tractable 

gentle          obedient  peaceable          submissive          yielding 



hold  back 

hold  in 
keep  back 
keep  down 
keep  in 

keep  under 

To  restrain  is  to  hold  back  from  acting,  proceeding,  or  ad- 
vancing, either  by  physical  or  moral  force.  Constrain  is  posi- 
tive; restrain  is  negative;  one  is  constrained  to  an  action;  he 
is  restrained  from  an  action.  Constrain  refers  almost  exclu- 
sively to  moral  force,  restrain  frequently  to  physical  force,  as 
when,  we  speak  of  putting  one  under  restraint.  To  restrain 
an  action  is  to  hold  it  partially  or  wholly  in  check,  so  that  it 
is  under  pressure  even  while  it  acts;  to  restrict  an  action  is  to 
fix  a  limit  or  boundary  which  it  may  not  pass,  but  within  which 
it  is  free.  To  repress,  literally  to  press  back,  is  to  hold  in 
check,  and  perhaps  only  temporarily,  that  which  is  still  very 
active;  it  is  a  feebler  word  than  restrain;  to  suppress  is  finally 
and  effectually  to  put  down;  suppress  is  a  much  stronger 
word  than  restrain;  as,  to  suppress  a  rebellion.  Compare 


aid  arouse  encourage      free         incite  release 

animate      emancipate       excite  impel      let  loose       set  free 


loneliness  privacy  seclusion  solitude 

In  retirement  one  withdraws  from  association  he  has  had 
with  others;  we  speak  of  the  retirement  of  a  public  man  to 
private  life,  though  he  may  still  be  much  in  company.  In 
seclusion  one  shuts  himself  away  from  the  society  of  all  ex- 


eept  intimate  friends  or  attendants;  in  solitude  no  other  person 
is  present.  While  seclusion  is  ordinarily  voluntary,  solituae 
may  be  enforced;  we  speak  of  the  solitude  rather  than  the 
seclusion  of  a  prisoner.  As  "private"  denotes  what  concerns 
ourselves  individually,  privacy  denotes  freedom  from  the  pres- 
ence or  observation  of  those  not  concerned  or  whom  we  desire 
not  to  have  concerned  in  our  affairs;  privacy  is  more  com- 
monly temporary  than  seclusion;  we  speak  of  a  moment's 
privacy.  There  may  be  loneliness  without  solitude,  as  amid 
an  unsympathizmg  crowd,  and  solitude  without  loneliness,  as 
when  one  is  glad  to  be  alone. 


association   companionship  company   converse   fellowship   society 


apocalypse  disclosure  manifestation 

Bevelation  (from  L.  rey  back,  and  velum,  veil),  literally  an 
unveiling,  is  the  act  or  process  of  making  known  what  was  be- 
fore secret  or  hidden,  or  wfaat  may  still  be  future.  Apocalypse 
(from  Gr.  apoy  from,  and  Kalypto,  cover)?  literally  an  uncover- 
ing, comes  into  English  as  the  name  of  the  closing  book  of 
the  Bible.  The  Apocalypse  unveils  the  future,  as  if  to  the 
very  gaze  of  the  seer;  the  whole  gospel  is  a  disclosure  of  the 
mercy  of  God;  the  character  of  Christ  is  a  manifestation  of 
the  divine  holiness  and  love:  all  Scripture  is  a  revelation  of 
the  divine  will.  Or  we  might  say  that  nature  is  a  manifesta- 
tion of  the  divine  character  and  will,  of  which  Scripture  is 
the  fuller  and  more  express  revelation. 


cloud  concealment  mystery  shrouding 

cloudiness  hiding  obscuration  veiling1 



avenging  retaliation          retribution          vengeance 


"Revenge  is  the  act  of  making  return  for  an  injury  done  to 
oneself  by  doing  injury  to  another  person.  Retaliation  and 
revenge  are  personal  and  often  bitter.  "Retaliation  may  be 

revolution,  420 

revolve ... 

partial;  revenge  is  meant  to  be  complete,  and  may  be  excessive. 
Vengeance)  which  once  meant  an  indignant  vindication  of  jus- 
tice, now  signifies  the  most  furious  and  unsparing  revenge. 
Revenge  emphasizes  more  the  personal  injury  in  return  for 
which  it  is  inflicted,  vengeance  the  ill  desert  of  those  upon 
whom  it  is  inflicted.  A  requital  is  strictly  an  even  return, 
such  as  to  quit  one  of  obligation  for  what  has  been  received, 
and  even  if  poor  and  unworthy  is  given  as  complete  and  ade- 
quate. Avenging  and  retribution  give  a  solemn  sense  of  exact 
justice,  avenging  being  more  personal  in  its  infliction,  whether 
by  God  or  man,  and  retribution  the  impersonal  visitation  of 
the  doom  of  righteous  law.  Compare  AVENGE;  HATRED;  RE- 


compassion  forgiveness  mercy  pity 

excuse  grace  pardon  reconciliation 


To  take  revenge  upon  the  enemy,  for  the  injury. 



anarchy  insurrection.  revolt 

confusion  lawlessness  riot 

disintegration  mutiny  sedition 

disorder  rebellion  tonrolt 

The  essential  idea  of  revolution  is  a  change  in  the  form  of 
government  or  constitution,  or  a  change  of  rulers,  otherwise 
than  as  provided  by  the  laws  of  succession,  election,  etc.; 
while  such  change  is  apt  to  involve  armed  hostilities,  these 
make  no  necessary  part  of  the  revolution.  The  revolution  by 
which  Dom  Pedro  was  dethroned,  and  Brazil  changed  from  an 
empire  to  a  republic,  was  accomplished  without  a  battle,  and 
almost  without  a  shot.  Anarchy  refers  to  the  condition  of  a 
state  when  human  government  is  superseded  or  destroyed  by 
factions  or  other  causes.  Lawlessness  is  a  temper  of  mind  or 
condition  of  the  community  which  may  result  in  anarchy. 
Confusion,  disorder,  riotf  and  tumult  are  incidental  and  tempo- 
rary outbreaks  of  lawlessness^  but  may  not  be  anarchy.  In- 
subordination is  individual  disobedience.  Sedition  is  the 
plotting,  rebellion  the  fighting,  against  the  existing  govern- 

421  revolution 


ment,  but  always  with  the  pTirpose  of  establishing  some  other 
government  in  its  place.  When  rebellion  is  successful  it  is 
called  'revolution;  but  there  may  be  revolution  -without  rebel- 
lion; as,  the  English  Revolution  of  16SS.  A  revolt  is  an  up- 
rising against  existing  authority  without  the  comprehensive 
views  of  change  in  the  form  or  administration  of  government 
that  are  involved  in  revolution.  Anarchy,  when  more  than 
temporary  disorder,  is  a  proposed  disintegration  of  society,  in 
which  it  is  imagined  that  social  order  might  exist  without  gov- 
ernment. Slaves  make  insurrection;  soldiers  or  sailors  break 
out  in  mutiny;  subject  provinces  rise  in  revolt.  Compare 



authority       domination  government  obedience  sovereignty 

command       dominion  law  order  submission 

control  empire  loyalty  rule  supremacy 



roll  rotate  turn 

Any  round  body  rolls  which  continuously  touches  with  suc- 
cessive portions  of  its  surface  successive  portions  of  another 
surface;  a  wagon-wheel  rolls  along  the  ground.  .To  rotate  is 
said  of  a  body  that  has  a  circular  motion  about  its  own  center 
or  axis;  to  revolve  is  said  of  a  body  that  moves  in  a  curving 
path,  as  a  circle  or  an  ellipse,  about  a  center  outside  of  itself, 
so  as  to  return  periodically  to  the  same  relative  position  that 
it  held  at  some  previous  time.  A  revolving  body  may  also 
either  rotate  or  roll  at  the  same  time;  the  earth  revolves  around 
the  sun,  and  rotates  on  its  own  axis;  in  popular  usage,  the 
earth  is  often  said  to  revolve  about  its  own  axis,  or  to  have  a 
daily  "revolution,"  but  rotate  and  "rotation"  are  the  more  ac- 
curate terms.  A  cylinder  over  which  an  endless  belt  is  drawn 
is  said  to  roll  as  regards  the  belt,  though  it  rotates  as  regards 
its  own  axis.  Any  object  that  is  in  contact  with  or  connected 
with  a  rolling  body  is  often  said  to  roll;  as,  the  car  rolls 
smoothly  along  the  track.  Objects  whose  motion  approximates 
or  suggests  a  rotary  motion  along  a  supporting  surface  are 
also  said  to  roll;  as,  ocean,  waves  roll  in  upon  the  shore,  or 
the  ship  rolls  in  the  trough  of  the  sea.  Turn  is  a  conversa- 
tional and  popular  word  often  used  vaguely  for  rotate  or  re- 

reward  422 


•colve,  or  for  any  motion  about  a  fixed  point,  especially  for  a 
motion  less  than  a  complete  "rotation"  or  "revolution";  a  man 
turns  his  head  or  tutns  on  his  heel;  the  gate  turns  on  its 


bind          chafe          grind          slide  slip  stand          stick 



amends  meed  reparation     retribution 

compensation  recompense         requital  satisfaction 

guerdon  remuneration 

Compensation,  recompense,  and  remuneration  denote  return 
recognized  as  adequate  for  something  given  or  given  up;  no 
one  of  these  words  has  the  strictly  commercial  meaning  of 
earnings,  hire,  pay,  wages,  or  the  like  (compare  PAY)  ;  a  sol- 
dier's pay  is  neither  compensation,  recompense,  nor  remunera- 
tion for  the  hardships,  toils,  and  perils  of  war;  these  three 
words  are  especially  used  of  return  for  service  done  or  loss 
sustained;  recompense  and  remuneration  are  personal,  but 
compensation  is  extended  to  inanimate  things,  as  the  counter- 
balancing effects  of  physical  or  chemical  forces,  mechanical  de- 
vices in  machinery,  etc.  Amends,  reparation,  and  satisfaction 
are  used  specifically  of  some  return  that  is  designed  to  make 
good  some  loss  sustained  or  injury  suffered.  Requital  is  an 
sxact  word,  denoting  complete  and  full  return  for  either  good 
or  evil  (compare  REQUITE),  and  thus  extending  all  the  way 
from  favor  to  retaliation  or  retribution.  Reward  denotes  some- 
thing given  in  return  for  good  or  evil  done  or  received; 

To  him  that  soweth  righteousness  shall  be  a  sure  reward. 

Prov.  xi,   18. 

Woe  unto  the  wicked'  it  shall  he  ill  with  him,  for  the m reward  of  his 
hands  shall  be  given  him.  1$.  iht  n. 

Reward  is  thus  as  wide  in  range  as  requital,  but  does  not 
carry  the  same  sense  of  full  equivalence.  Reward,  without  any 
limiting  word  or  phrase,  is  now  commonly  understood  in  the 
favorable  sense  of  some  desirable  return  for  service  rendered, 
as  when  a  reward  is  offered  for  the  return  of  lost  property  or 
the  capture  of  a  criminal;  a  reward  may  not  be  a  material  ob- 
ject, nor  of  value  except  to  the  recipient;  a  parent's  grateful 

4:23  reward 

, riddle 

smile  may  be  a  child's  sufficient  reward  for  service  rendered  > 
a  nation's  gratitude  may  be  a  patriot's  reward;  an  old  and  often 
repeated  saying  has  described  "virtue  as  its  own  reward"; 

This  is  the  one  and  sufficient  reward  of  all  virtue,  .  .  .  that  right 
and  -wrong  actions  gradually  harden  into  character 

J.   P.   CLABKE   Evefy-Day   Religion,  ch.    8,   p.   123. 

A  prize  is  a  reward  won  in  competition  or  contest.  Meed  and 
guerdon  are  somewhat  archaic  words,  guerdon  denoting  a  re- 
ward given  as  an  honor  or  favor,  and  meed  a  reward  of  desert 
or  merit* 

Spare  not  for  spoiling  of  thy  steed, 
The  best  of  mine  shall  be  thy  meed. 

SCOTT  Lady  of  the  Lake. 

Retribution,  a  word  of  high  and  solemn  import,  signifies  the 
just  requital  of  any  act  or  course  of  moral  wrong  by  the  in- 
fliction of  loss  or  suffering  as  a  punishment.  Compare  RE- 

RIDDLE,  «. 


conundrum         enigma         paradox        pro/blem        puzzle 

Conundrum,  a  word  of  unknown  origin,  signifies  some  ques- 
tion or  statement  in  which  some  hidden  and  fanciful  resem- 
blance is  involved,  the  answer  often  depending  upon  a  pun; 
an  enigma  is  a  dark  saying,  a  paradox  is  a  true  statement  that 
at  first  appears  absurd  or  contradictory;  a  problem  is  some- 
thing thrown  out  for  solution;  puzzle  (from  oppose)  referred 
originally  to  the  intricate  arguments  by  which  disputants  op- 
posed each  other  in  the  old  philosophic  schools.  The  riddle 
is  an  ambiguous  or  paradoxical  statement  with  a  hidden  mean- 
ing to  be  guessed  by  the  mental  aenteness  of  the  one  to  whom 
it  is  proposed;  the  riddle  is  not  so  petty  as  the  conundrum, 
and  may  require  much  acuteness  for  its  answer;  a  problem 
may  require  simply  study  and  scholarship,  as  a  problem  in 
mathematics;  a  puzzle  may  be  in  something  other  than  verbal 
statement,  as  a  dissected  map  or  any  perplexing  mechanical 
contrivance.  Both  enigma  and  puzzle  may  be  applied  to  any 
matter  difficult  of  answer  or  solution,  enigma  conveying  an 
idea  of  greater  dignity,  puzzle  applying  to  something  more 
commonplace  and  mechanical;  there  are  many  dark  enigmas  in 

right                                                                                    424 

human  life  and  in  the  course  of  providence;  the  location  of  a 
missing  object  is  often  a  puzzle. 


answer          axiom  explanation         proposition          solution 

RIGHT,  n. 

claim  franchise  liberty  prerogative 

exemption  immunity  license  privilege 

A  right  is  that  which  one  may  properly  demand  upon  con- 
siderations of  justice,  morality,  equity,  or  of  natural  or  posi- 
tive law.  A  right  may  be  either  general  or  special,  natural  or 
artificial.  "Life,  liberty,  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness"  are 
the  natural  and  inalienable  rights  of  all  men;  rights  of  prop- 
erty, inheritance,  etc.,  are  individual  and  special,  and  often 
artificial,  as  the  right  of  inheritance  by  primogeniture.  A 
privilege  is  always  special,  exceptional,  and  artificial;  it  is 
something  not  enjoyed  by  all,  or  only  to  be  enjoyed  on  certain 
special  conditions,  a  peculiar  benefit,  favor,  advantage,  etc. 
A  privilege  may  be  of  doing  or  avoiding;  in  the  latter  case  it 
is  an  exemption  or  immunity;  as,  a  privilege  of  hunting  or 
fishing;  exemption  from  military  service;  immunity  from  ar- 
rest. A  franchise  is  a  specific  right  or  privilege  granted  by 
the  government  or  established  as  such  by  governmental  au- 
thority; as,  the  elective  franchise;  a  railroad  franchise.  A 
prerogative  is  an  official  right  or  privilege,  especially  one  in- 
herent in  the  royal  or  sovereign  power;  in  a  wider  sense  it  is 
an  exclusive  and  peculiar  privilege  which  one  possesses  by 
reason  of  being  what  he  is;  as,  reason  is  the  prerogative  of 
man;  kings  and  nobles  have  often  claimed  prerogatives  and 
privileges  opposed  to  the  inherent  rights  of  the  people.  Com- 
pare Durr;  JUSTICE. 


arise     ascend     emanate    flow     issue     proceed      spring 

To  rise  is  to  mbve  up  or  upward  whether  slowly  or  quickly, 
whether  through  the  least  or  greatest  distance;  the  waves  rise; 
the  mists  rise;  the  river  rises  after  heavy  rains;  as  said  of  per- 
sons, to  rise  is  to  come  to  an  erect  position  after  kneeling, 



sitting,  reclining,  or  lying  down;  as,  to  rise  from  a  sick-bed; 
my  friend  rose  as  I  entered;  the  guests  rose  to  depart;  so  a 
deliberate  assembly  or  a  committee  is  said  to  rise  -when  it 
breaks  up  a  session;  a  sun  or  star  rises  -when  to  our  apprehen- 
sion it  comes  above  the  horizon  and  begins  to  go  up  the  sky. 
To  ascend  is  to  go  far  upward,  and  is  often  used  in  a  stately 
sense;  as,  Christ  ascended  to  heaven.  The  shorter  form  rise 
is  now  generally  preferred  to  the  longer  form  arise,  except  in 
poetic  or  elevated  style.  The  sun  rises  or  arises;  the  river 
springs  at  a  bound  from  the  foot  of  the  glacier  and  flows 
through  the  lauds  to  the  ocean.  Smoke  issues  from  a  chimney 
and  ascends  toward  the  sky.  Light  and  heat  emanate  from  the 


decline       descend      drop       fall       go  down       set       settle       sink 

Rise  from  slumber;  rise  to  duty;  rise  at  the  summons;  we 
rose  with  the  lark. 



bandit  depredator  freebooter  pirate 

brigand  despoiler  Mghwayman  plunderer 

buccaneer  footpad  marauder  raider 

burglar  forager  pillager  tlxief 

A  robber  seeks  to  obtain  the  property  of  others  by  force  or 
intimidation;  a  thief  by  stealth  and  secrecy.  In  early  English 
thief  was  freely  used  in  both  senses,  as  in  Shakespeare  and 
the  Authorized  Version  of  the  English  Bible,  which  has  "two 
thieves"  (Matt,  xxvii,  38),  where  the  Revised  Version  more 
correctly  substitutes  "two  robbers" 



august  kingly  majestic  princely 

kinglike  magnificent  munificent  regal 

Royal  denotes  that  which  actually  belongs  or  pertains  to  a 
monarch;  the  royal  residence  is  that  which  the  king  occupies, 
royal  raiment  that  which  the  king  wears.  Eeoal  denotes  that 
which  in  outward  state  is  appropriate  for  a  king;  a  subject  may 
assume  regal  magnificence  in  residence,  dress,  and  equipage. 

rustic  426 


Kingly  denotes  that  which  is  worthy  of  a  king  in  personal 
qualities,  especially  of  character  and  conduct;  as,  a  kingly 
bearing;  a  kingly  resolve.  Princely  is  especially  used  of  trea- 
sure, expenditure,  gifts,  etc.,  as  princely  munificence,  a  princely 
fortune,  where  regal  could  not  so  well  be  used  and  royal  would 
change  the  subject.  The  distinctions  between  these  words  are 
not  absolute,  but  the  tendency  of  the  best  usage  is  as  here 


beggarly       contemptible     mean     poor     servile      slavish     vile 



agricultural  coarse  pastoral  Tm.coti.tli. 

artless  countrified  plain  unpolished 

awkward  country  rude  unsophisticated 

"boorish  hoidenich  rural  untaught 

"bucolic  inelegant  sylvan  verdant 

clownish  outlandish 

Rural  and  rustic  are  alike  derived  from  the  Latin  rus}  coun- 
try, and  may  be  alike  defined  as  pertaining  to,  characteristic 
of,  or  dwelling  in  the  country;  but  in  usage  rural  refers  espe- 
cially to  scenes  or  objects  in  the  country,  considered  as  the 
work  of  nature;  rustic  refers  to  their  effect  upon  man  or  to 
their  condition  as  affected  by  human  agency;  as,  a  rural 
scene;  a  rustic  party;  a  rustic  lass.  We  speak,  however,  of  the 
rural  population,  rural  simplicity,  etc.  Rural  has  always  a 
favorable  sense;  rustic  frequently  an  unfavorable  one,  as  de- 
noting a  lack  of  culture  and  refinement;  thus,  rustic  politeness 
expresses  that  which  is  well-meant,  but  awkward;  similar  ideas 
axe  suggested  by  a  rustic  feast,  rustic  garb,  etc.  Rustic  is, 
however,  often  used  of  a  studied  simplicity,  an  artistic  rude- 
ness, which  is  pleasing  and  perhaps  beautiful;  as,  a  rustic 
cottage;  a  rustic  chair.  Pastoral  refers  to  the  care  of  flocks, 
and  to  the  shepherd's  life  with  the  pleasing  associations  sug- 
gested by  the  old  poetic  ideal  of  that  life ;  as,  pastoral  poetry. 
Bucolic  is  kindred  to  pastoral ,  but  is  a  less  elevated  term,  and 
sometimes  slightly  contemptuous. 


accomplished         cultured          polished          refined          urbane 
city=like  elegant  polite  urban  wellsbred 

427  rustic 

_  sagacious 



ceremony  Lord's  Supper         ordinance        service 

communion        observance  rite  solemnity 


Any  religious  act,  especially  a  public  act,  viewed  as  a  means 
of  serving  God  is  called  a  seriice;  the  word  commonly  includes 
the  entire  series  of  exercises  of  a  single  occasion  of  public  wor- 
ship. A  religious  service  ordained  as  an  outward  and  visible 
sign  of  an  inward  and  spiritual  grace  is  called  a  sacrament. 
Ceremony  is  a  form  expressing  reverence,  or  at  least  respect; 
we  may  speak  of  religious  ceremonies,  the  ceremonies  of  polite 
society,  the  ceremonies  of  a  coronation,  an  inauguration,  etc. 
An  observance  has  more  than  a  formal  obligation,  reaching  or 
approaching  a  religious  sacredness:  a  stated  religious  obser- 
vance, viewed  as  established  by  authority,  is  called  an  ordi- 
nance; viewed  as  an  established  custom,  it  is  a  rite.  The 
terms  sacrament  and  ordinance,  in  the  religious  sense,  are  often 
used  interchangeably;  the  ordinance  derives  its  sacredness  from 
the  authority  that  ordained  it,  while  the  sacrament  possesses 
a  sacredness  due  to  something  in  itself,  even  when  viewed 
simply  as  a  representation  or  memorial.  The  Lord's  Supper 
is  the  Scriptural  name  for  the  observance  commemorating  the 
death  of  Christ;  the  word  communion  is  once  applied  to  it 
'(1  Cor.  x,  16),  but  not  as  a  distinctive  name;  at  an  early 
period,  however,  the  name  communion  was  so  applied,  as  de- 
noting the  communing  of  Christians  with  their  Lord,  or  with 
one  another.  The  term  eucliarist  describes  the  Lord's  Supper 
as  a  thanksgiving  service;  it  is  also  called  by  preeminence  the 
sacrament,  as  the  ratifying  of  a  solemn  vow  of  consecration  to 



able  intelligent       perspicacious      sensible 

acnte  keen  quick  of  scent  sharp 

apt  keen'sighted  qnick=scented     sharp-witted 

clear-sighted  keen-witted    rational  shrewd 

discerning        judicious          sage  wise 

Sagacious  refers  to  a  power  of  tracing  the  hidden  or  recon- 
dite by  slight  indications,  as  by  instinct  or  intuition;  the  word 
was  formerly  applied  to  mere  keenness  of  sense-perception, 
as  of  a  bound  in  following  a  trail.  Sagacious  is  now  restricted 

sale  428 


to  aeuteness  of  mental  discernment,  or  to  a  swift  certainty  of 
instinct  that  accomplishes  results  such  as  might  seem  due  to 
reflection  and  reasoning;  as  the  beaver  has  been  held  saga» 
eious  in  cutting  down  trees  and  building  dams.  In  human 
affairs  sagacious  refers  to  a  power  of  ready,  far-reaching, 
and  accurate  inference  from  observed  facts  perhaps  in 
themselves  very  slight,  that  seems  like  a  special  sense;  or 
to  a  similar  readiness  to  foresee  the  results  of  any  action, 
especially  upon  human  motives  or  conduct — a  kind  of  prophetic 
common  sense.  Sagacious  is  a  broader  and  nobler  word  than 
shrewd,  and  not  capable  of  the  invidious  sense  which  the  latter 
word  often  bears;  on  the  other  hand,  sagacious  is  less  lofty 
and  comprehensive  than  wise  in  its  full  sense,  and  more  lim- 
ited to  matters  of  direct  practical  moment.  Compare  ASTUTE; 


absurd    foolish   ignorant     obtuse        silly        sottish   undiscerning 
dull         futile     irrational   senseless   simple   stupid    unintelligent 



bargain      Barter       change       deal       exchange       trade 

A  bargain  is  strictly  an  agreement  or  contract  to  buy  and 
sell,  though  the  word  is  often  used  to  denote  the  entire  trans- 
action and  also  as  a  designation  for  the  thing  sold  or  pur- 
chased. Change  and  exchange  are  words  of  wider  significa- 
tion, applying  only  incidentally  to  the  transfer  of  property  or 
value;  a  change  secures  something  different  in  any  way  or  by 
any  means ;  an  exchange  secures  something  as  an  equivalent  or 
return,  though  not  necessarily  as  payment  for  what  is  given. 
Barter  is  the  exchange  of  one  commodity  for  another,  the  word 
being  used  generally  with  reference  to  portable  commodities. 
Trade  in  the  broad  sense  may  apply  to  vast  businesses  (as  the 
book-trade),  but  as  denoting  a  single  transaction  is  used  chiefly 
in  regard  to  things  of  moderate  value,  when  it  becomes  nearly 
synonymous  with  barter.  Sale  is  commonly,  and  with  increas- 
ing strictness,  limited  to  the  transfer  of  property  for  money, 
or  for  something  estimated  at  a  money  value  or  considered  as 
equivalent  to  so  much  money  in  hand  or  to  be  paid.  A  deal  in 
the  political  sense  is  a  bargain,  substitution,  or  transfer  for  the 



benefit  of  certain  persons  or  parties  against  all  others;  as,  the 
nomination  was  the  result  of  a  deal;  in  business  it  may  have  a 
similar  meaning,  but  it  frequently  signifies  simply  a  sale  or  ex- 
change, a,  dealing;  as,  a  heavy  deal  in  stocks. 



case  exemplification  instance 

example  illustration  specimen 

A  sample  is  a  portion  taken  at  random  out  of  a  quantity 
supposed  to  be  homogeneous,  so  that  the  qualities  found  in  the 
sample  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  be  found  in  the  whole; 
as,  a  sample  of  sugar;  a  sample  of  cloth.  A  specimen  is  one 
unit  of  a  series,  or  a  fragment  of  a  mass,  all  of  which  is  sup- 
posed to  possess  the  same  essential  qualities;  as,  a  specimen  of 
coinage,  or  of  architecture,  or  a  specimen  of  quartz.  Xo  other 
unit  or  portion  may  be  exactly  like  the  specimen,  while  all  the 
rest  is  supposed  to  be  exactly  like  the  sample.  An  instance  is 
a  sample  or  specimen  of  action.  Compare 


abnormality    aggregate     exception      monstrosity     total      whole 



cloy  fill  sate  suffice 

content  glut  satiate  surfeit 

To  satisfy  is  to  furnish  just  enough  to  meet  physical,  mental, 
or  spiritual  desire.  To  sate  or  satiate  is  to  gratify  desire  so 
fully  as  for  a  time  to  extinguish  it.  To  cloy  or  surfeit  is  to 
gratify  to  the  point  of  revulsion  or  disgust.  Glut  is  a  strong 
but  somewhat  coarse  word  applied  to  the  utmost  satisfaction  of 
vehement  appetites  and  passions;  as,  to  glut  a  vengeful  spirit 
with  slaughter;  we  speak  of  glutting  the  market  with  a  supply 
so  excessive  as  to  extinguish  the  demand.  Much  less  than  is 
needed  to  satisfy  may  suffice  a  frugal  or  abstemious  person; 
less  than  a  sufficiency  may  content  one  of  a  patient  and  sub- 
missive spirit.  Compare  PAT;  REQUITE. 


check  disappoint  restrain  starve  straiten 

deny  refuse  restrict  stint  tantalize 

scholar  40  A 



Satisfy  with  food,  with  gifts,  etc.;  satisfy  one  (in  the  sense 
of  make  satisfaction)  for  labors  and  sacrifices;  satisfy  oneself 
by  or  upon  inquiry. 


disciple         learner          pupil  savant  student 

The  primary  sense  of  a  scholar  is  one  who  is  being  schooled; 
thence  £he  word  passes  to  denote  one  who  is  apt  in  school  work, 
and  finally  one  who  is  thoroughly  schooled,  master  of  what  the 
schools  can  teach,  an  erudite,  accomplished  person;  when  used 
without  qualification,  the  word  is  generally  understood  in  this 
latter  sense ;  as,  he  is  manifestly  a  scholar.  Pupil  signifies  one 
under  the  close  personal  supervision  or  instruction  of  a  teacher 
or  tutor.  Those  under  instruction  in  schools  below  the  aca- 
demic grade  are  technically  and  officially  termed  pupils.  The 
word  pupil  is  uniformly  so  used  in  the  Reports  of  the  Commis- 
sioner of  Education  of  the  United  States,  but  popular  Ameri- 
can usage  prefers  scholar  in  the  original  sense;  as,  teachers 
and  scholars  enjoyed  a  holiday.  Those  under  instruction  in 
Sunday-schools  are  uniformly  designated  as  Sunday-school 
scholars.  Student  is  applied  to  those  in  the  higher  grades  or 
courses  of  study,  as  the  academic,  collegiate,  scientific,  etc. 
Student  suggests  less  proficiency  than  scholar  in  the  highest 
sense,  the  student  being  one  who  is  learning,  the  scholar  one 
who  has  learned.  On  the  other  hand,  student  suggests  less  of 
personal  supervision  than  pupil;  thus,  the  college  student  oft'en 
becomes  the  private  pupil  of  some  instructor  in  special  studies. 
For  disciple,  etc.,  compare  synonyms  for  ADHERENT. 
dunce  fool  idiot  idler  ignoramus  illiterate  person 



»*t  knowledge 

Knowledge  of  a  single  fact,  not  known  as  related  to  any 
other,  or  of  many  facts  not  known  as  having  any  mutual  re- 
lations or  as  comprehended  under  any  general  law,  does  not 
reach  the  meaning  of  science;  science  is  knowledge  reduced  to 

4:31  scholar 

i security 

law  and  embodied  in  system.  The  knowledge  of  various  coun- 
tries gathered  by  an  observant  traveler  may  be  a  heterogeneous 
medley  of  facts,  which  gain  real  value  only  when  coordinated 
and  arranged  by  the  man  of  science.  Art  always  relates  to 
something  to  be  done,  science  to  something  to  be  known.  Not 
only  must  art  be  discriminated  from  science,  but  art  in  the  in- 
dustrial or  mechanical  sense  must  be  distinguished  from  art 
in  the  esthetic  sense;  the  former  aims  chiefly  at  utility,  the 
latter  at  beauty.  The  mechanic  arts  are  the  province  of  the 
artisan,  the  esthetic  or  fine  arts  are  the  province  of  the  artist; 
all  the  industrial  arts,  as  of  weaving  or  printing,  arithmetic  or 
navigation,  are  governed  by  exact  rules.  Art  in  the  highest 
esthetic  sense,  while  it  makes  use  of  rules,  transcends  all  rule ; 
no  rules  can  be  given  for  the  production  of  a  painting  like 
RaffaeFs  "Transfiguration,"  a  statue  like  the  Apollo  Belvedere, 
or  a  poem  like  the  Iliad.  Science  does  not,  like  the  mechanic 
artsy  make  production  its  direct  aim,  yet  its  possible  pro- 
ductive application  in  the  arts  is  a  constant  stimulus  to  scien- 
tific investigation;  the  science,  as  in  the  ease  of  chemistry  or 
electricity,  is  urged  on  to  higher  development  by  the  demands 
of  the  art,  while  the  art  is  perfected  by  the  advance  of  the 
science.  Creative  art  seeking  beauty  for  its  own  sake  is  closely 
fllrfn  to  pure  science  seeking  knowledge  for  its  own  sake.  Com- 



"ball  earnest  gage  pledge  surety 

The  first  four  words  agree  in  denoting  something  given  or 
deposited  as  an  assurance  of  something  to  be  given,  paid,  or 
done.  An  earnest  is  of  the  same  kind  as  that  to  be  given,  a 
portion  of  it  delivered  in  advance,  as  when  part  of  the  pur- 
chase-money is  paid,  according  to  the  common  expression,  "to 
bind  the  bargain."  A  pledge  or  security  may  be  wholly  differ- 
ent in  kind  from  that  to  be  given  or  paid,  and  may  greatly 
exceed  it  in  value.  Security  may  be  of  real  or  personal  prop- 
erty— anything  of  sufficient  value  to  make  the  creditor  secure; 
a  pledge  is  always  of  personal  property  or  chattels.  Every 
pawnshop  contains  unredeemed  pledges;  land,  merchandise, 
bonds,  etc.,  are  frequently  offered  and  accepted  as  security. 

self-abnegation  432 


A  person  may  become  security  or  surety  for  another's  pay- 
ment of  a  debt,  appearance  in  court,  etc. ;  in  the  latter  case,  he 
is  said  to  become  bail  for  that  person;  the  person  accused  gives 
bail  for  himself.  Gage  survives  only  as  a  literary  word,  chiefly 
in  certain  phrases;  as,  "the  gage  of  battle." 


Security  for  the  payment  of  a  debt;  security  to  the  state,  for 
the  prisoner,  in  the  sum  of  a  thousand  dollars. 



self-control  self-devotion  self = renunciation 

self -denial  self 'immolation  self -'sacrifice 

Self -control  is  holding  oneself  within  due  limits  in  pleasures 
and  duties,  as  in  all  things  else;  self-denial,  the  giving  up  of 
pleasures  for  the  sake  of  duty.  Self-renunciation  surrenders 
conscious  rights  and  claims;  self-abnegation  forgets  that  there 
is  anything  to  surrender.  There  have  been  devotees  who  prac- 
tised very  little  self-denial  with  very  much  self-renunciation.  A 
mother  will  care  for  a  sick  child  with  complete  self-abnegation, 
but  without  a  thought  of  self-denial.  Self -devotion  is  heart- 
consecration  of  self  to  a  person  or  cause  with  readiness  for 
any  needed  sacrifice.  Self-sacrifice  is  the  strongest  and  com- 
pletest  term  of  all,  and  contemplates  the  gift  of  self  as  actually 
made.  We  speak  of  the  self-sacrifice  of  Christ,  where  any 
other  of  the  above  terms  would  be  feeble  or  inappropriate. 


selfsgratiflcation   selfsindulg-ence   selfishness   self=seekmg   selfswill 



cast  despatch.  emit  impel  propel 

dart  discharge  fling  lance  sling 

delegate        dismiss  forward  launch  throw 

depnte  drive  hurl  project  transmit 

To  send  is  to  cause  to  go  or  pass  from  one  place  to  another, 
and  always  in  fact  or  thought  away  from  the  agent  or  agency 
that  controls  the  act.  Send  in  its  most  common  use  involves 

433  8elf:almegati<m 


personal  agency  without  personal  presence;  according  to  the 
adage,  "If  you  want  your  business  done,  go;  if  not,  send"} 
one  sends  a  letter  or  a  bullet,  a  messenger  or  a  message.  In 
all  the  derived  uses  this  same  idea  controls;  if  one  sends  a  ball 
into  Ins  own  heart,  the  action  is  away  from  the  directing  hand, 
and  he  is  viewed  as  the  passive  recipient  of  his  own  act;  it  is 
with  an  approach  to  personification  that  we  speak  of  the  bow 
sending  the  arrow,  or  the  gun  the  shot.  To  despatch  is  to  send 
hastily  or  very  promptly,  ordinarily  with  a  destination  in  view ; 
to  dismiss  is  to  send  away  from  oneself  without  reference  to  a 
destination;  as,  to  dismiss  a  clerk,  an  application,  or  an  annoy- 
ing subject.  To  discharge  is  to  send  away  so  as  to  relieve  a 
person  or  thing  of  a  load;  we  discharge  a  gun  or  discharge 
the  contents;  as  applied  to  persons,  discharge  is  a  harsher 
term  than  dismiss.  To  emit  is  to  send  forth  from  within,  with 
no  reference  to  a  destination;  as.  the  sun  emits  light  and  heat. 
Transmit j  from  the  Latin,  is  a  dignified  term,  often  less  vigor- 
ous than  the  Saxon  send,  but  preferable  at  times  in  literary  or 
scientific  use;  as,  to  transmit  the  crown,  or  the  feud,  from  gen- 
eration to  generation ;  to  transmit  a  charge  of  electricity.  Trans- 
mit fixes  the  attention  more  on  the  intervening  agency,  as  send 
does  upon  the  points  of  departure  and  destination. 


bring  convey  give  hold  receive 

cany  get  hand  keep  retain 


To  send  from  the  hand  to  or  toward  (rarely  at)  a  mark;  send 
to  a  friend  by  a  messenger  or  by  mail;  send  a  person  into 
banishment;  send  a  shell  among  the  enemy. 


emotion  feeling  perception  senae 

Sensation  is  thfe  mind's  consciousness  due  to  a  bodily  affec- 
tion, as  of  heat  or  cold;  perception  is  the  cognition  of  some 
external  object  which  is  the  cause  or  occasion  of  the  sensation; 
the  sensation  of  heat  may  be  connected  with  the  perception  of 
a  fire.  While  sensations  are  connected  with  the  body,  emotions, 
as  joy,  grief,  etc.,  are  wholly  of  the  mind.  "As  the  most  of 

sensibility                                                                              434. 

them  [the  sensations]  are  positively  agreeable  or  the  opposite, 
they  are  nearly  akin  to  those  emotions,  as  hope  or  terror,  or 
those  passions,  as  anger  and  envy,  which  are  acknowledged 
by  all  to  belong  exclusively  to  the  spirit,  and  to  involve  no  re- 
lation whatever  to  matter  or  the  bodily  organism.  Such  feel- 
ings are  not  infrequently  styled  sensations,  though  improper- 
ly." PORTER  Human  Intellect  §  112,  p.  128.  [s.  1890.]  Feeling 
is  a  general  term  popularly  denoting  what  is  felt,  whether 
through  the  body  or  by  the  mind  alone,  and  includes  both  sen- 
sation and  emotion.  A.  sense  is  an  organ  or  faculty  of  sensa- 
tion or  of  perception. 



feeling       impressibility      sensitiveness      susceptibility 

Sensibility  in  the  philosophical  sense,  denotes  the  capacity  of 
emotion  or  feeling,  as  distinguished  from  the  intellect  and  the 
will.  (Compare  synonyms  for  SENSATION.)  In  popular  use 
sensibility  denotes  sometimes  capacity  of  feeling  of  any  kind; 
as,  sensibility  to  heat  or  cold;  sometimes,  a  peculiar  readiness 
to  be  the  subject  of  feeling,  especially  of  the  higher  feelings; 
as,  the  sensibility  of  the  artist  or  the  poet;  a  person  of  great 
or  fine  sensibility.  Sensitiveness  denotes  an  especial  delicacy 
of  sensibility,  ready  to  be  excited  by  the  slightest  cause,  as 
displayed,  for  instance,  in  the  "sensitive-plant."  Susceptibility 
is  rather  a  capacity  to  take  up,  receive,  and,  as  it  were,  to  con- 
tain feeling,  so  that  a  person  of  great  susceptibility  is  capable 
of  being  not  only  readily  but  deeply  moved;  sensitiveness  is 
more  superficial,  susceptibility  more  pervading.  Thus,  in 
physics,  the  sensitiveness  of  a  magnetic  needle  is  the  ease  with 
which  it  may  be  deflected,  as  by  another  magnet;  its  suscepti- 
bility is  the  degree  to  which  it  can  be  magnetized  by  a  given 
magnetic  force  or  the  amount  of  magnetism  it  will  hold.  So 
a  person  of  great  sensitiveness  is  quickly  and  keenly  affected 
by  any  external  influence,  as  by  music,  pathos,  or  ridicule, 
while  a  person  of  great  susceptibility  is  not  only  touched,  but 
moved  to  his  inmost  souL 


coldness  hardness  numbness 

deadness  Insensibility  unconsciousness 

435                                                                                 sensibility 
_  severe 


The  sensibility  of  the  organism  to  atmospheric  changes* 



austere  inflexible  rigorous  unyielding 

hard  morose  stern  uncompromising 

harsh.  relentless  stiff  unmitigated 

inexorable  rigid  strict  unrelenting 

That  is  seve)e  which  is  devoid  of  all  softness,  mildness,  ten- 
derness, indulgence  or  levity,  or  (in  literature  and  art)  devoid 
of  unnecessary  ornament,  amplification,  or  embellishment  of 
any  kind;  as,  a  severe  style;  as  said  of  anything  painful, 
severe  signifies  such  as  heavily  taxes  endurance  or  resisting 
power;  as,  a  severe  pain,  fever,  or  winter.  Rigid  signifies 
primarily  stiff,  resisting  any  effort  to  change  its  shape;  a  corpse 
is  said  to  be  rigid  in  death;  hence,  in  metaphorical  sense,  a 
rigid  person  or  character  is  one  that  resists  all  efforts  to 
change  the  will  or  course  of  conduct ;  a  rigid  rule  or  statement 
is  one  that  admits  of  no  deviation.  Rigorous  is  nearly  akin  to 
rigid,  but  is  a  stronger  word,  having  reference  to  action  or 
active  qualities,  as  rigid  does  to  state  or  character ;  a  rigid  rule 
may  be  rigorously  enforced.  Strict  (from  L.  stringo,  bind) 
signifies  bound  or  stretched  tight,  tense,  strenuously  exact. 
Stern  unites  harshness  and  authority  with  strictness  or  sever- 
ity; stern,  as  said  even  of  inanimate  objects,  suggests  some- 
thing authoritative  or  forbidding.  Austere  signifies  severely 
simple  or  temperate,  strict  in  self-restraint  or  discipline,  and 
similarly  unrelenting  toward  others.  We  speak  of  austere 
morality,  rigid  rules,  rigorous  discipline,  stern  commands,  se- 
vere punishment,  harsh  speech  or  a  harsh  voice,  Jiard  require- 
ments, strict  injunctions,  and  strict  obedience.  Strict  discipline 
holds  one  exactly  and  unflinchingly  to  the  rule;  rigorous  dis- 
cipline punishes  severely  any  infraction  of  it.  The  austere 
character  is  seldom  lovely,  but  it  is  always  strong  and  may  be 
grand,  commanding,  and  estimable. 


affable      easy         gentle  lenient      pliable      sweet      tractable 

bland       genial      indulgent     mild          soft          tender     yielding 





agitate  jar  quake  shiver  totter 

brandish        joggle  quaver  shudder  tremble 

flap  jolt  quiver  sway  vibrate 

fluctuate         jounce  reel  swing  wave 

flutter  oscillate  rock  thrill  waver 

A  thing  is  shaken  which  is  subjected  to  short  and  abruptly 
checked  movements,  as  forward  and  backward,  up  and  down, 
from  side  to  side,  etc.  A  tree  is  "shaken  with  a  mighty  wind"; 
a  man  slowly  shakes  his  head.  A  thing  rocks  that  is  sustained 
from  below;  it  swings  if  suspended  from  above,  as  a  pendulum, 
or  pivoted  at  the  side,  as  a  crane  or  a  bridge-draw;  to  oscillate 
is  to  swing  with  a  smooth  and  regular  returning  motion;  a 
vibrating  motion  may  be  tremulous  or  jarring.  The  pendulum 
of  a  clock  may  be  said  to  swing ?  vibrate,  or  oscillate;  a  steel 
bridge  vibrates  under  the  passage  of  a  heavy  train;  the  term 
vibrate  is  also  applied  to  molecular  movements.  Jolting  is  a 
lifting  from  and  letting  down  suddenly  upon  an  unyielding  sur- 
face ;  as,  a  carriage  jolts  over  a  rough  road.  A  jarring  motion 
is  abruptly  and  very  rapidly  repeated  through  an  exceedingly 
limited  space;  the  jolting  of  the  carriage  jars  the  windows. 
Battling  refers  directly  to  the  sound  produced  by  shaking.  To 
joggle  is  to  shake  slightly;  as,  a  passing  touch  joggles  the  desk 
on  which  one  is  writing.  A  thing  trembles  that  shakes  per- 
ceptibly and  with  an  appearance  of  uncertainty  and  instabil- 
ity, as  a  person  under  the  influence  of  fear;  a  thing  shivers 
when  all  its  particles  are  stirred  with  a  slight  but  pervading 
tremulous  motion,  as  a  human  body  under  the  influence  of  cold ; 
shuddering  is  a  more  pronounced  movement  of  a  similar  kind, 
in  human  beings  often  the  effect  of  emotional  or  moral  recoil ; 
hence,  the  word  5s  applied  by  extension  to  such  feelings  even 
when  they  have  no  such  outward  manifestation;  as,  one  says, 
"I  shudder  at  the  thought."  To  quiver  is  to  have  slight  and 
often  spasmodic  contractile  motions,  as  the  flesh  under  the  sur- 
geon's knife.  Thrill  is  applied  to  a  pervasive  movement  felt 
rather  than  seen;  as,  the  nerves  thrill  with  delight;  quiver  is 
similarly  used,  but  suggests  somewhat  more  of  outward  mani- 
festation. To  agitate  in  its  literal  use  is  nearly  the  same  as  to 
shaket  though  we  speak  of  the  sea  as  agitated  when  we  could 
not  say  it  is  shaken;  the  Latin  agitate  is  preferred  in  scientific 
or  technical  use  to  the  Saxon  shake,  and  especially  as  applied 

437  sliake 


to  the  action  of  mechanical  contrivances;  in  the  metaphorical 
use  agitate  is  more  transitory  and  superficial,  shake  more 
fundamental  and  enduring;  a  person's  feelings  are  agitated  by 
distressing  news;  his  courage,  his  faith,  his  credit,  or  his  testi- 
mony is  shaken.  Sway  applies  to  the  movement  of  a  body 
suspended  from  above  or  not  firmly  sustained  from  below,  and 
the  motion  of  which  is  less  pronounced  than  swinging,  smoother 
than  vibrating,  and  not  necessarily  constant  as  oscillating;  as, 
the  swaying  of  a  reed  in  the  wind.  Sway  used  transitively 
especially  applies  to  motions  of  grace  or  dignity;  brandish 
denotes  a  threatening  or  hostile  motion;  a  monarch  sways  the 
scepter;  the  ruffian  brandishes  a  club.  To  reel  or  totter  always 
implies  liability  to  fall;  reeling  is  more  violent  than  swaying, 
tottering  more  irregular;  a  drunken  man  reels;  we  speak  of 
the  tottering  step  of  age  or  infancy.  An  extended  mass  which 
seems  to  lack  solidity  or  cohesion  is  said  to  quake;  as,  a  quak- 
ing bog.  Quaver  is  applied  almost  exclusively  to  tremulous 
sounds  of  the  human  voice.  Flap,  flutter,  and  fluctuate  refer 
to  wave-like  movements,  flap  generally  to  such  as  produce  a 
sharp  sound;  a  cock  flaps  his  wings;  flutter  applies  to  a  less 
pronounced  and  more  irregular  motion;  a  captive  bird  or  a 
feeble  pulse  flutters.  Compare  FLUCTUATE. 



cover  guard  protect  shield 

defend  harbor  screen  ward 

Anything  is  covered  over  which  something  is  completely  ex- 
tended; a  vessel  is  covered  with  a  lid;  the  head  is  covered  with 
a  hat.  That  which  covers  may  also  defend  or  protect;  thus, 
troops  interposed  between  some  portion  of  their  own  army 
and  the  enemy  are  often  called  a  covering  party.  To  shelter 
is  to  cover  so  as  to  protect  from  injury  or  annoyance;  as,  the 
roof  shelters  from  the  storm;  woods  shelter  from  the  heat. 
To  defend  (from  L.  defender ey  to  strike  away)  implies  the 
actual,  protect  (from  L.  protegeref  to  cover  before)  implies 
the  possible  use  of  force  or  resisting  power;  guard  implies 
sustained  vigilance  with  readiness  for  conflict;  we  defend  a 
person  or  <  thing  against  actual  attack;  we  guard  or  protect 
against  possible  assault  or  injury.  A  powerful  person  may 


sin.  _  ______  __ 

protect  one  who  is  weak  by  simply  declaring  himself  his  friend; 
he  defends  hi™  by  some  form  of  active  championship.  An  in- 
animate object  may  protect,  as  a  garment  from  cold;  defend 
is  used  but  rarely,  and  by  somewhat  violent  metaphor,  in  such 
connection.  Protect  is  more  complete  than  guard  or  defend; 
an  object  may  be  faithfully  guarded  or  bravely  defended^ 
vain,  but  that  which  is  protected  is  secure.  To  shield  is  to 
interpose  something  over  or  before  that  which  is  assailed,  so 
as  to  save  from  harm,  and  has  a  comparatively  passive  sense; 
one  may  guard  another  by  standing  armed  at  his  side,  defend 
hint  by  fighting  for  him,  or  shield  him  from  a  missile  or  a  blow 
by  interposing  his  own  person.  Harbor  is  generally  used  in 
an  unfavorable  sense;  confederates  or  sympathizers  harbor  a 
criminal;  a  person  harbors  evil  thoughts  or  designs.  See 
CHERISH.  Compare  synonyms  for  HIDE;  DEFENSE. 


betray   cast  out    expel    expose   give  up    refuse    reject   surrender 

Shelter  under  a  roof  from  the  storm;  in  the  fortress,  behind 
or  within  the  walls,  from  attack. 



augury  mark  presage  symptom 

emblem  note  prognostic          token 

indication  omen  signal  type 

manifestation  portent  symbol 

A  sign  (from  L.  signum)  is  any  distinctive  mark  by  which  a 
thing  may  be  recognized  or  its  presence  known,  and  may  be 
intentional  or  accidental,  natural  or  artificial,  suggestive,  de- 
scriptive, or  wholly  arbitrary;  thus,  a  blush  may  be  a  sign  of 
shame;  the  footprint  of  an  animal  is  a  sign  that  it  has  passed; 
the  sign  of  a  business  house  now  usually  declares  what  is  done 
or  kept  within,  but  formerly  might  be  an  object  having  no 
connection  with  the  business,  as  "the  sign  of  the  trout";  the 
letters  of  the  alphabet  are  signs  of  certain  sountfs.  While  a 
sign  may  be  involuntary,  and  even  unconscious,  a  signal  is 
always  voluntary,  and  is  usually  concerted;  a  ship  may  show 
signs  of  distress  to  the  casual  observer,  but  signals  of  distress 
are  a  distinct  appeal  for  aid.  A  symptom  is  a  vital  phenom- 
enon resulting  from  a  diseased  condition  j  in  medical  language 


^ sin 

a  sign  is  an  indication  of  any  physical  condition,  whether 
morbid  or  healthy;  thus,  a  hot  skin  and  rapid  pulse  are 
symptoms  of  pneumonia;  dulness  of  some  portion  of  the  lungs 
under  percussion  is  one  of  the  physical  signs.  Compare 



crime  111= doing  unrighteousness 

criminality  immorality  vice 

delinquency  iniquity  vicionsness 

depravity  misdeed  -wickedness 

evil  offense  -wrong 

fault  transgression  -wrong-doing 

guilt  ungodliness 

Sin  is  any  lack  of  holiness,  any  defect  of  moral  purity  and 
truth,  whether  in  heart  or  life,  whether  of  commission  or  omis- 
sion. "All  wwrighteousness  is  sin/9  1  John  v,  17.  Transgres- 
sion, as  its  etymology  indicates,  is  the  stepping  over  a  specific 
enactment,  whether  of  God  or  man,  ordinarily  by  overt  act,  but 
in  the  broadest  sense,  in  volition  or  desire.  Sin  may  be  either 
act  or  state ;  transgression  is  always  an  act,  mental  or  physical. 
Crime  is  often  used  for  a  flagrant  violation  of  right,  but  in 
the  technical  sense  denotes  specific  violation  of  human  law. 
Cruilt  is  desert  of  and  exposure  to  punishment  because  of  sin. 
Depravity  denotes  not  any  action,  but  a  perverted  moral  con- 
dition from  which  any  act  of  sin  may  proceed.  Sin  in  the 
generic  sense,  as  denoting  a  state  of  heart,  is  synonymous 
with  depravity;  in  the  specific  sense,  as  in  the  expression  a  sin, 
the  term  may  be  synonymous  with  transgression,  crime,  offense, 
misdeed,  etc.,  or  may  denote  some  moral  activity  that  could 
not  be  characterized  by  terms  so  positive.  Immorality  de- 
notes outward  violation  of  the  moral  law.  Sin  is  thus  the 
broadest  word,  and  immorality  next  in  scope;  all  crimes,  prop- 
erly so  called,  and  all  immoralities,  are  sins;  but  there  may  be 
sinf  as  ingratitude,  which  is  neither  crime,  transgression,  nor 
immorality;  and  there  may  be  immorality  which  is  not  crime, 
as  falsehood.  Compare  CRunNAL. 


blamelessness     goodness      integrity     rectitude  sinlessnese 

excellence  holiness        morality     rigrht  uprightness 

godliness  innocence    purity          righteousness     virtue 

Compare  synonyms  for 




carol         chant       chirp         chirrup         hum          warble 

To  sing  is  primarily  and  ordinarily  to  utter  a  succession  of 
articulate  musical  sounds  with  the  human  voice.  The  word  has 
come  to  include  any  succession  of  musical  sounds;  we  say  the 
bird  or  the  rivulet  sings;  we  speak  of  "the  singing  quality"  of 
an  instrument,  and  by  still  wider  extension  of  meaning  we  say 
the  teakettle  or  the  cricket  sings.  To  chant  is  to  sing  in  solemn 
and  somewhat  uniform  cadence;  chant  is  ordinarily  applied  to 
non-metrical  religious  compositions.  To  carol  is  to  sing  joy- 
ously, and  to  warble  (kindred  with  whirl)  is  to  sing  with  trills 
or  quavers,  usually  also  with  the  idea  of  joy.  Carol  and  warble 
are  especially  applied  to  the  singing  of  birds.  To  chirp  is  to 
utter  a  brief  musical  sound,  perhaps  often  repeated  in  the 
same  key,  as  by  certain  small  birds,  insects,  ete.  To  chirrup 
is  to  utter  a  somewhat  similar  sound;  the  word  is  often  used 
of  a  brief,  sharp  sound  uttered  as  a  signal  to  animate  or 
rouse  a  horse  or  other  animal.  To  hum  is  to  utter  murmuring 
sounds  with  somewhat  monotonous  musical  cadence,  usually 
with  closed  lips;  we  speak  also  of  the  hum  of  machinery,  etc. 



brief  draft  painting  portrayal 

delineation  drawing  picture  representation 

design  outline  plan  skeleton 

A  sketch  is  a  rough,  suggestive  presentation  of  anything, 
whether  graphic  or  literary,  commonly  intended  to  be  pre- 
liminary to  a  more  complete  or  extended  treatment.  An  out- 
line gives  only  the  bounding  or  determining  lines  of  a  figure 
or  a  scene;  a  sketch  may  give  not  only  lines,  but  shading  and 
color,  but  is  hasty  and  incomplete.  The  lines  of  a  sketch  are 
seldom  so  full  and  continuous  as  those  of  an  outline,  being, 
like  the  shading  or  color,  little  more  than  indications  or  sug- 
gestions according  to  which  a  finished  picture  may  be  made; 
the  artist's  first  representation  of  a  sunset,  the  hues  of  which 
change  so  rapidly,  must  of  necessity  be  a  sketch.  Draft  and 
plan  apply  especially  to  mechanical  drawing,  of  which  outline, 
sketch,  and  drawing  are  also  used;  a  plan  is  strictly  a 


___          __  _  _  skeptic 

from  above,  as  of  a  building  or  machine,  giving  the  lines  of 
a  horizontal  section,  originally  at  the  level  of  the  ground,  now 
in  a  -wider  sense  at  any  height;  as,  a  plan  of  the  cellar;  a  plan 
of  the  attic.  A  mechanical  drawing  is  always  understood  to 
be  in  full  detail;  a  draft  is  an  incomplete  or  unfinished  draw- 
ing; a  design  is  such  a  preliminary  sketch  as  indicates  the  ob- 
ject to  be  accomplished  or  the  result  to  be  attained,  and  is 
understood  to  be  original.  One  may  make  a  drawing  of  any 
well-known  mechanism,  or  a  drawing  from  another  man's  de- 
sign; but  if  he  says,  *4The  design  is  mine/7  he  claims  it  as  his 
own  invention  or  composition.  In  written  composition,  an 
outline  gives  simply  the  main  divisions,  and  in  the  ease  of  a 
sermon  is  often  called  a  skeleton;  a  somewhat  fuller  sugges- 
tion of  illustration,  treatment,  and  style  is  given  in  a  sketch. 
A  lawyer's  brief  is  a  succinct  statement  of  the  main  facts  in- 
volved in  a  case,  and  of  the  main  heads  of  his  argument  on 
points  of  law,  with  reference  to  authorities  cited;  the  brief 
has  none  of  the  vagueness  of  a  sketchy  being  sufficiently  exact 
and  complete  to  form,  on  occasion,  the  basis  for  the  decision  of 
the  court  without  oral  argument,  when  the  case  is  said  to  be 
"submitted  on  brief."  Compare  DESIGN. 


agnostic  deist  doubter  infidel 

atheist  disbeliever  freethinker          unbeliever 

The  skeptic  doubts  divine  revelation  ;  the  disbeliever  and  the 
unbeliever  reject  it,  the  disbeliever  with  more  of  intellectual 
dissent,  the  unbeliever  (in  the  common  acceptation)  with  in- 
difference or  with  opposition  of  heart  as  well  as  of  intellect. 
Infidel  is  an  opprobrious  term  that  might  once  almost  have 
been  said  to  be  geographical  in  its  range.  The  Crusaders 
called  all  Mohammedans  infidels,  and  were  so  called  by  them  in 
return;  the  word  is  commonly  applied  to  any  decided  opponent 
of  an  accepted  religion.  The  atheist  denies  that  there  is  a  God  ; 
the  deist  admits  the  existence  of  God,  but  denies  that  the 
Christian  Scriptures  are  a  revelation  from  him;  the  agnostic 
denies  either  that  we  do  know  or  that  we  can  know  whether 
there  is  a  God. 


believer  Christian 

skilful  442 

slow  t 



accomplished  apt  dexterous  happy  proficient 

adept  clever  expert  ingenious  skilled 

adroit  deft  handy  practised  trained 

Skilful  signifies  possessing  and  using  readily  practical 
knowledge  and  ability,  having  alert  and  well-trained  faculties 
with  reference  to  a  given  work.  One  is  adept  in  that  for 
which  he  has  a  natural  gift  improved  by  practise;  he  is 
expert  in  that  of  which  training,  experience,  and  study  have 
given  him  a  thorough  mastery;  he  is  dexterous  in  that  which 
he  can  do  effectively,  with  or  without  training,  especially  in 
work  of  the  hand  or  bodily  activities.  In  the  case  of  the  noun, 
-"'an  expert"  denotes  one  who  is  "experienced"  in  the  fullest 
sense,  a  master  of  Ms  branch  of  knowledge.  A  skilled  work- 
man is  one  who  has  thoroughly  learned  his  trade,  though  he 
may  be  naturally  quite  dull;  a  skilful  workman  has  some  nat- 
ural brightness,  ability,  and  power  of  adaptation,  in  addition 
to  his  acquired  knowledge  and  dexterity.  Compare  CLEVER; 


awkward     clumsy       inexpert       shiftless      unskilled     untrained 
bungling      helpless      maladroit     unhandy     untaught 


Skilful  at  or  in  a  work,  with  a  pen  or  tool  of  any  kind. 



asperse  defame  disparage  revile 

backbite  depreciate  libel  traduce 

calumniate  detract  malign  vilify 


To  slander  a  person  is  to  utter  a  false  and  injurious  report 
concerning  him;  to  defame  is  specifically  and  directly  to  at- 
tack one's  reputation;  to  defame  by  spoken  words  is  to  slander, 
by  written  words,  to  libel.  To  asperse  is,  as  it  were,  to  be- 
spatter with  injurious  charges ;  to  malign  is  to  circulate  studied 
and  malicious  attacks  upon  character;  to  traduce  is  to  exhibit 
one's  real  or  assumed  traits  in  an  odious  light;  to  revile  or 
vilify  is  to  attack  with  vile  abuse.  To  disparage  is  to  represent 
one's  admitted  good  traits  or  acts  as  less  praiseworthy  than 

443  skilful 

they  would  naturally  be  thought  to  be,  as  for  instance,  by 
ascribing  a  man's  benevolence  to  a  desire  for  popularity  or 
display.  To  libel  or  slander  is  to  make  an  assault  upon  char- 
acter and  repute  that  conies  -within  the  scope  of  law;  the 
slander  is  uttered,  the  libel  written,  printed,  or  pictured.  To 
backbite  is  to  speak  something  secretly  to  onev.  injury;  to 
calumniate  is  to  invent  as  well  as  utter  the  injurious  charge. 
One  may  "abuse/'  ^assail,"  or  vilify  another  to  his  face;  he 
asperses,  calumniates^  slanders,  or  traduces  him  behind  his 
back.  Compare  DISPARAGE. 


defend  eulogize          extol          laud          praise  vindicate 


cant  colloquialism  vulgarism  vulgarity 

A  colloquialism  is  an  expression  not  coarse  or  low,  and  per- 
haps not  incorrect,  but  below  the  literary  grade ;  educated  per- 
sons are  apt  to  allow  themselves  some  colloquialisms  in  familiar 
conversation,  which  they  would  avoid  in  writing  or  public 
speaking.  Slang,  in  the  primary  sense,  denotes  expressions 
that  are  either  coarse  and  rude  in  themselves  or  chiefly  cur- 
rent among  the  coarser  and  ruder  part  of  the  community; 
there  are  also  many  expressions  current  in  special  senses  in 
certain  communities  that  may  be  characterized  as  slang;  as, 
college  slang;  club  slang;  racing  slang.  In  the  evolution  of 
language  many  words  originally  slang  are  adopted  by  good 
writers  and  speakers,  and  ultimately  take  their  place  as  ac- 
cepted English.  A  vulgarism  is  an  expression  decidedly  in- 
correct, and  the  use  of  which  is  a  mark  of  ignorance  or  low 
breeding.  Cant,  as  used  in  this  connection,  denotes  the  bar- 
barous jargon  used  as  a  secret  language  by  thieves,  tramps, 
etc.  Compare  DICTION;  LANGUAGE. 



dawdling  drowsy  inert  slack 

delaying  dull  lingering  sluggish 

deliberate  gradual  moderate  tardy 

dilatory  inactive  procrastinating 

Slow  signifies  moving  through  a  relatively  short  distance,  or 

sneer  444 


with  a  relatively  small  number  of  motions  in  a  given  time ;  slow 
also  applies  to  that  which  is  a  relatively  long  while  in  begin- 
ning or  accomplishing  something;  a  watch  or  a  clock  is  said 
to  be  slow  when  its  indications  are  behind  those  of  the  standard 
time.  Tardy  is  applied  to  that  which  is  behind  the  proper  or 
desired  time,  especially  in  doing  a  work  or  arriving  at  a  place. 
Deliberate  and  dilatory  are  used  of  persons,  though  the  latter 
may  be  used  also  of  things,  as  of  a  stream;  a  person  is  de- 
liberate who  takes  a  noticeably  long  time  to  consider  and  de- 
cide before  acting  or  who  acts  or  speaks  as  if  he  were  de- 
liberating at  every  point;  a  person  is  dilatory  who  lays  aside, 
or  puts  off  as  long  as  possible,  necessary  or  required  action; 
both  words  may  be  applied  either  to  undertaking  or  to  doing. 
Gradual  (from  L.  gradusj  a  step)  signifies  advancing  by  steps, 
and  refers  to  slow  but  regular  and  sure  progression.  Slack 
refers  to  action  that  seems  to  indicate  a  lack  of  tension,  as  of 
muscle  or  of  will,  sluggish  to  action  that  seems  as  if  reluctant 
to  advance. 


See  synonyms  for  NIMBLE. 



fling  gibe  jeer  mock  scoff  taunt 

A  sneer  may  be  simply  a  contemptuous  facial  contortion,  or 
it  may  be  some  brief  satirical  utterance  that  throws  a  con- 
temptuous side-light  on  what  it  attacks  without  attempting 
to  prove  or  disprove;  a  depreciatory  implication  may  be  given 
in  a  sneer  such  as  could  only  be  answered  by  elaborate  argu- 
ment or  proof,  which  would  seem  to  give  the  attack  undue  im- 
portance : 

Who  can  refute  a  sneer?  PALET  Moral  Philosophy  bk.  v.  cfc.  ix. 

A  fling  is  careless  and  commonly  pettish ;  a  taunt  is  intentional- 
ly insulting  and  provoking;  the  sneer  is  supercilious;  the  taunt 
is  defiant.  The  jeer  and  gibe  are  uttered;  the  gibe  is  bitter, 
and  often  sly  or  covert;  the  jeer  is  rude  and  open.  A  scoff 
may  be  in  act  or  word,  and  is  commonly  directed  against  that 
which  claims  honor,  reverence,  or  worship.  Compare  BANTER, 

445  sneer 

^ .-___ sound 


Only  an  essentially  vicious  mind  is  capable  of  a  sneer  at 



collectivism  4?€Km™i?'nis-|ii  Fabianism 

Socialism,  as  defined  by  its  advocates,  is  a  theory  of  civil 
polity  that  aims  to  secure  the  reconstruction  of  society,  in- 
crease of  wealth,  and  a  more  equal  distribution  of  the  products 
of  labor  through  the  public  collective  ownership  of  land  and 
capital  (as  distinguished  from  property),  and  the  public  col- 
lective management  of  all  industries.  Its  aim  is  extended 
industrial  cooperation ;  socialism  is  a  purely  economic  term, 
applying  to  landownership  and  productive  capital.  Many 
socialists  call  themselves  collectivists,  and  their  system  col- 
lectivism. Communism  would  divide  all  things,  including  the 
profits  of  individual  labor,  among  members  of  the  community; 
many  of  its  advocates  would  abolish  marriage  and  the  family 
relation.  Anarchism  is  properly  an  antonym  of  socialism,  as 
it  would  destroy,  by  violence  if  necessary,  all  existing  govern- 
ment and  social  order,  leaving  the  future  to  determine  what, 
if  anything,  should  be  raised  upon  their  ruins. 


noise  note  tone 

Sound  is  the  sensation  produced  through  the  organs  of  hear- 
ing or  the  physical  cause  of  this  sensation.  Sound  is  the  most 
comprehensive  word  of  this  group,  applying  to  anything  that 
is  audible-  Tone  is  sound  considered  as  having  some  musical 
quality  or  as  expressive  of  some  feeling;  noise  is  sound  con- 
sidered without  reference  to  musical  quality  or  as  distinctly 
unmusical  or  discordant.  Thus,  in  the  most  general  sense 
noise  and  sound  scarcely  differ,  and  we  say  almost  indifferent- 
ly, "I  heard  a  sound/3  or  "I  heard  a  noise."  We  speak  of  a 
fine,  musical,  or  pleasing  sound,  but  never  thus  of  a  noise.  In 
music,  tone  may  denote  either  a  musical  sound  or  the  interval 
between  two  such  sounds,  but  in  the  most  careful  usage  the 
latter  is  now  distinguished  as  the  "interval,"  leaving  tone  to 

speak  446 

spy ^ 

stand  only  for  the  sound.  Note  in  music  strictly  denotes  the 
character  representing  a  sound,  but  in  loose  popular  usage  it 
denotes  the  sound  also,  and  becomes  practically  equivalent  to 
tone.  Aside  from  its  musical  use,  tone  is  chiefly  applied  to 
that  quality  of  the  human  voice  by  which  feeling  is  expressed; 
as,  he  spoke  in  a  cheery  tone;  the  word  is  similarly  applied  to 
the  voices  of  birds  and  other  animals,  and  sometimes  to  mani* 
mate  objects.  As  used  of  a  musical  instrument,  tone  denotes 
the  general  quality  of  its  sounds  collectively  considered. 



announce  converse  discourse  say 

articulate  declaim.  enunciate  talk 

chat  declare  express  tell 

chatter  deliver  pronounce  utter 

To  uttet  is  to  give  forth  as  an  audible  sound,  articulate  or 
not.  To  talk  is  to  utter  a  succession  of  connected  words,  ordi- 
narily with  the  expectation  of  being  listened  to.  To  speak  is 
to  give  articulate  utterance  even  to  a  single  word;  the  officer 
speaks  the  word  of  command,  but  does  not  talk  it.  To  speak 
is  also  to  utter  words  with  the  ordinary  intonation,  as  dis- 
tinguished from  singing.  To  chat  is  ordinarily  to  utter  in  a 
familiar,  conversational  way;  to  chatter  is  to  talk  in  an  empty, 
ceaseless  way  like  a  magpie. 

Speak  to  (address)  a  person;  speak  with  a  person  (converse 
with  him) ;  speak  of  or  about  a  thing  (make  it  the  subject  of 
remark);  speak  on  or  upon  a  subject;  in  parliamentary  lan- 
guage, speak  to  the  question. 



address  dissertation  oration  speaking 

discourse  harangue  oratory  talk 

disquisition  language  sermon  utterance 

Speech  is  the  general  word  for  utterance  of  thought  in  lan- 
guage. A  speech  may  be  the  delivering  of  one's  sentiments  in 
the  simplest  way;  an  oration  is  an  elaborate  and  prepared 
speech;  a  Jtaranque  is  a  vehement  appeal  to  passion,  or  a 
speech  that  has  something  disputatious  and  combative  in  it, 

447  speak 

A  discourse  is  a  set  speech  on  a  definite  subject,  intended  to 
convey  instruction.  Compare  CONVERSATION  ;  DICTIOX;  LAN- 


hush  silence         speechlessness         stillness  taciturnity 



automatic          impulsive          involuntary  voluntary 

free  instinctive        unbidden  willing 

That  is  spontaneous  which  is  freely  done,  with  no  external 
compulsion  and,  in  human  actions,  without  special  premedita- 
tion or  distinct  determination  of  the  will;  that  is  voluntary 
which  is  freely  done  with  distinct  act  of  will;  that  is  involun- 
tary which  is  independent  of  the  will,  and  perhaps  in  opposi- 
tion to  it;  a  'willing  act  is  not  only  in  accordance  with  will,  but 
with  desire.  Thus  voluntary  and  involuntary,  which  are  an- 
tonyms of  each  other,  are  both  partial  synonyms  of  spontane- 
ous. We  speak  of  spontaneous  generation,  spontaneous  com- 
bustion, spontaneous  sympathy,  an  involuntary  start,  an  un- 
bidden tear,  voluntary  agreement,  willing  submission.  A  babe's 
smile  in  answer  to  that  of  its  mother  is  spontaneous;  the  smile 
of  a  pouting  child  wheedled  into  good  humor  is  involuntary. 
In  physiology  the  action  of  the  heart  and  lungs  is  called  in- 
voluntary; the  growth  of  the  hair  and  nails  is  spontaneous; 
the  action  of  swallowing  is  voluntary  up  to  a  certain  point, 
beyond  which  it  becomes  involuntary  or  automatic.  In  the 
fullest  sense  of  that  which  is  not  only  without  the  will  but 
distinctly  in  opposition  to  it,  or  compulsory,  involuntary  be- 
comes an  antonym,  not  only  of  voluntary  but  of  spontaneous) 
as,  involuntary  servitude.  A  spontaneous  outburst  of  applause 
is  of  necessity  an  act  of  volition,  but  so  completely  dependent 
on  sympathetic  impulse  that  it  would  seem  frigid  to  call  it 
voluntary,  while  to  call  it  involuntary  would  imply  some  prevL 
ons  purpose  or  inclination  not  to  applaud. 



detective  emissary  scout 

The  scout  and  the  spy  are  both  employed  to  obtain  informa- 

stain                                                                                         448 

tion  of  the  numbers,  movements,  etc.,  of  an  enemy.  The  scout 
lurks  on  the  outskirts  of  the  hostile  army  with  such  conceal- 
ment as  the  case  admits  of,  but  without  disguise;  a  spy  enters 
in  disguise  within  the  enemy's  lines.  A  scout,  if  captured,  has 
the  rights  of  a  prisoner  of  war;  a  spy  is  held  to  have  forfeited 
all  rights,  and  is  liable,  in  case  of  capture,  to  capital  punish- 
ment. An  emissary  is  rather  political  than  military;  sent 
rather  to  secretly  influence  opponents  than  to  bring  informa- 
tion concerning  them;  so  far  as  he  does  the  latter,  he  is  not 
only  an  emissary,  but  a  spy. 



blot         discolor        dishonor       soil         sully  tinge 

color       disgrace       dye  spot        tarnish        tint 

To  color  is  to  impart  a  color  desired  or  undesired,  tempo- 
rary or  permanent,  or,  in  the  intransitive  use,  to  assume  a 
color  in  any  way;  as,  he  colored  with  shame  and  vexation.  To 
dye  is  to  impart  a  color  intentionally  and  with  a  view  to 
permanence,  and  especially  so  as  to  pervade  the  substance  or 
fiber  of  that  to  which  it  is  applied.  To  stain  is  primarily  to 
discolor,  to  impart  a  color  undesired  and  perhaps  unintended, 
and  which  may  or  may  not  be  permanent.  Thus,  a  character 
"dyed  in  the  wool"  is  one  that  has  received  some  early,  perma- 
nent, and  pervading  influence;  a  character  stained  with  crime 
or  guilt  is  debased  and  perverted.  Stain  is,  however,  used  of 
giving  an  intended  and  perhaps  pleasing  color  to  wood,  glass, 
etc.,  by  an  application  of  coloring-matter  which  enters  the  sub- 
stance a  little  below  the  surface,  in  distinction  from  painting, 
in  which  coloring-matter  is  spread  upon  the  surface;  dyeing 
is  generally  said  of  wool,  yarn,  cloth,  or  similar  materials 
which  are  dipped  into  the  coloring  liquid.  Figuratively,  a 
standard  or  a  garment  may  be  dyed  with  blood  in  honorable 
warfare;  an  assassin's  weapon  is  stained  with  the  blood  of  his 
victim.  To  tinge  is  to  color  slightly,  and  may  also  be  used  of 
giving  a  slight  flavor,  or  a  slight  admixture  of  one  ingredient 
or  quality  with  another  that  is  more  pronounced. 


i__ ______ state 



affirm  aver  declare  predicate  set  forth 

allege  avouch.  depose  pronounce  specify 

assert  avow  express  propound  swear 

asseverate     certify  inform  protest  tell 

assure  claim  •ma.-f-n-fra^  say  testify 

To  state  (from  L.  sto,  stand)  is  to  set  forth  explicitly,  for- 
mally, or  particularly  in  speech  or  writing.  Assert  (from  L. 
ad,  to,  and  sero,  bind)  is  strongly  personal,  signifying  to  state 
boldly  and  positively  what  the  one  making  the  statement  has 
not  attempted  and  may  not  attempt  to  prove.  Affirm  has  less 
of  egotism  than  assert  (as  seen  in  the  word  self-assertion), 
coming  nearer  to  aier.  It  has  more  solemnity  than  declare, 
and  more  composure  and  dignity  than  asseverate,  which  is  to 
assert  excitedly.  In  legal  usage,  affirm  has  a  general  agree- 
ment with  depose  and  testify;  it  differs  from  swear  in  not  in- 
voking the  name  of  God.  To  assure  is  to  state  with  such  au- 
thority and  confidence  as  the  speaker  feels  ought  to  make  the 
hearer  sure.  Certify  is  more  formal,  and  applies  rather  to 
written  documents  or  legal  processes.  Assure,  certify,  inform, 
apply  to  the  person;  affirm,  etc.,  to  the  thing.  Assert  is  com- 
bative; assure  is  conciliatory.  I  assert  my  right  to  cross  the 
river;  I  assure  my  friend  it  is  perfectly  safe.  To  aver  is  to 
state  positively  what  is  within  one's  own  knowledge  or  matter 
of  deep  conviction.  One  may  assert  himself,  or  assert  his 
right  to  what  he  is  willing  to  contend  for;  or  he  may  assert 
in  discussion  what  he  is  ready  to  maintain  by  argument  or 
evidence.  To  assert  without  proof  is  always  to  lay  oneself 
open  to  the  suspicion  of  having  no  proof  to  offer,  and  seems 
to  arrogate  too  much  to  one's  personal  authority,  and  hence  in 
such  cases  both  the  verb  assert  and  its  noun  assertion  have  an 
unfavorable  sense;  we  say  a  mere  assertion,  a  bare  assertion, 
'his  unsupported  assertion;  he  asserted  his  innocence,  has  less 
force  than  he  affirmed  or  maintained  his  innocence.  Affirm, 
state,  and  tell  have  not  the  controversial  sense  of  assert,  but 
are  simply  declarative.  To  vindicate  is  to  defend  successfully 
what  is  assailed.  Almost  every  criminal  will  assert  his  inno- 
cence; the  nonest  man  will  seldom  lack  means  to  vindicate  his 

steep  450 

stupidity ^ 


contradict       controvert     disprove      gainsay     refute  retract 

contravene     deny  dispute        oppose       repudiate      waive 



abrupt  high  precipitous          sharp  sheer 

Sigh  is  used  of  simple  elevation;  steep  is  said  only  of  an 
incline  where  the  vertical  measurement  is  sufficiently  great  in 
proportion  to  the  horizontal  to  make  it  difficult  of  ascent. 
Steep  is  relative;  an  ascent  of  100  feet  to  the  mile  on  a  rail- 
way is  a  steep  grade;  a  rise  of  500  feet  to  the  mile  makes  a 
steep  wagon-road ;  a  roof  is  steep  when  it  makes  with  the  hori- 
zontal line  an  angle  of  more  than  45°.  A  li%gh  mountain  may 
be  climbed  by  a  winding  road  nowhere  steep,  while  a  little 
hill  may  be  accessible  only  by  a  steep  path.  A  sharp  ascent 
or  descent  is  one  that  makes  a  sudden,  decided  angle  with  the 
plane  from  which  it  starts;  a  sheer  ascent  or  descent  is  per- 
pendicular, or  nearly  so;  precipitous  applies  to  that  which  is 
of  the  nature  of  a  precipice,  and  is  used  especially  of  a  descent ; 
abrupt  is  as  if  broken  sharply  off,  and  applies  to  either  ac- 
clivity or  declivity.  Compare  HIGH. 


easy      flat       gentle    gradual      horizontal      level      low       slight 


agitation  disturbance  tempest 

A  storm  is  properly  a  disturbance  of  the  atmosphere,  with 
or  without  rain,  snow,  hail,  or  thunder  and  lightning.  Thus 
we  have  rain-storm,  snow-sforw,  etc.,  and  by  extension,  mag- 
netic storm.  A  tempest  is  a  storm  of  extreme  violence,  always 
attended  with  some  precipitation,  as  of  rain,  from  the  atmos- 
phere. In  the  moral  and  figurative  use,  storm  and  tempest 
are  not  closely  discriminated,  except  that  tempest  commonly 
implies  greater  intensity.  We  speak  of  agitation  of  feeling, 
disturbance  of  mind,  a  storm  of  passion,  a  tempest  of  rage. 


calm    fair  weather    hush    peace    serenity    stillness    tranquillity 

451  steep 



account  legend  narrative  record 

anecdote  myth  novel  relation 

incident  narration  recital  tale 

A  story  is  the  telling  of  some  series  of  connected  incidents 
or  events,  whether  real  or  fictitious,  in  prose  or  verse,  orally 
or  in  crating;  or  the  series  of  incidents  or  events  thus  related 
may  be  termed  a  story.  In  children's  talk,  a  story  is  a  com- 
mon euphemism  for  a  falsehood.  Tale  is  nearly  synonymous 
with  story,  but  is  somewhat  archaic ;  it  is  used  for  an  imagina- 
tive, legendary,  or  fictitious  recital,  especially  if  of  ancient 
date;  as,  a  fairy  tale;  also,  for  an  idle  or  malicious  report;  asf 
do  not  tell  tales;  "where  there  is  no  tafe-bearer,  the  strife 
ceaseth."  Prov.  xxvi,  20.  An  anecdote  tells  brief y  some  inci- 
dent, assumed  to  be  fact.  If  it  passes  close  limits  of  brevity, 
it  ceases  to  be  an  anecdote,  and  becomes  a  narrative  or  narra- 
tion. A  traditional  or  mythical  stonj  of  ancient  times  is  a 
legend.  A  history  is  often  somewhat  poetically  called  a  story; 
as,  the  story  of  the  American  civil  war.  Compare  .ALLEGORY; 


annals  biography  chronicle  history  memoir 



apathy         insensibility       slowness  stupefaction 

dnlness        obtmseness  sluggishness        stupor 

Stupidity  is  sometimes  loosely  used  for  temporary  dulness 
or  partial  stupor,  but  chiefly  for  innate  and  chronic  dulness  and 
sluggishness  of  mental  action,  o'btuseness  of  apprehension,  etc. 
Apathy  may  be  temporary,  and  be  dispelled  by  appeal  to  the 
feelings  or  by  the  presentation  of  an  adequate  motive,  but 
stupidity  is  inveterate  and  commonly  incurable.  Compare 


acuteness  brilliancy  keenness  sagacity 

alertness  cleverness  quickness  sense 

animation  intelligence  readiness  sensibility 

stnppr  452 




apathy  insensibility  swooning 

asphyxia  lethargy  syncope 

coma  stupefaction  torpor 

fainting  swoon  unconsciousness 

Stupor  is  a  condition  of  the  body  in  which  the  action  of  the 
senses  and  faculties  is  suspended  or  greatly  dulled — weakness 
or  loss  of  sensibility.  The  apathy  of  disease  is  a  mental  affec- 
tion, a  state  of  morbid  indifference;  lethargy  is  a  morbid  ten- 
dency to  heavy  and  continuous  sleep,  from  which  the  patient 
may  perhaps  be  momentarily  aroused.  Coma  is  a  deep,  ab- 
normal sleep,  from  which  the  patient  can  not  be  aroused,  or 
is  aroused  only  with  difficulty,  a  state  of  profound  insensibil- 
ity,  perhaps  with  full  pulse  and  deep  stertorous  breathing,  and 
is  due  to  brain-oppression.  Syncope  or  swooning  is  a  sudden 
loss  of  sensation  and  of  power  of  motion,  with  suspension  of 
pulse  and  of  respiration,  and  is  due  to  failure  of  heart-action, 
as  from  sudden  nervous  shock  or  intense  mental  emotion. 
Insensibility  is  a  general  term  denoting  loss  of  feeling  from 
any  cause,  as  from  cold,  intoxication,  or  injury.  Stupor  is 
especially  profound  and  confirmed  insensibility,  properly  coma- 
tose. Asphyxia  is  a  special  form  of  syncope  resulting  from 
partial  or  total  suspension  of  respiration,  as  in  strangulation, 
drowning,  or  inhalation  of  noxious  gases. 




Subjective  and  objective  are  synonyms  in  but  one  point  of 
view,  being  for  the  most  part,  strictly  antonyms.  Subjective 
signifies  relating  to  the  subject  of  mental  states,  that  is,  to  the 
person  who  experiences  them;  objective  signifies  relating  to 
the  object  of  mental  states,  that  is,  to  something  outside  the 
perceiving  mind;  in  brief  phrase  it  may  be  said  that  sub- 
jective relates  to  something  within  the  mind,  objective  to  some- 
thing without.  A  mountain,  as  a  mass  of  a  certain  size,  con- 
tour, color,  etc.,  is  an  objective  fact;  the  impression  our  mind 
receives,  the  mental  picture  it  forms  of  the  mountain,  is  sub- 
jective. But  this  subjective  impression  may  become  itself  the 
object  of  thought  (called  "subject-object"),  as  when  we  com- 

453  stupor    * 

9 _^ subsidy 

pare  our  mental  picture  of  the  mountain  with  our  idea  of  a 
plain  or  river.  The  direct  experiences  of  the  soul,  as  joy, 
gnef,  hope,  fear,  are  purely  subjective;  the  outward  causes 
of  these  experiences,  as  prosperity,  bereavement,  disappoint- 
ment, are  objective.  That  which  has  independent  existence  or 
authority  apart  from  our  experience  or  thought  is  said  to 
have  objective  existence  or  authority;  thus  we  speak  of  the 
objective  authority  of  the  moral  law.  Different  individuals 
may  receive  different  subjective  impressions  from  the  same 
objective  fact,  that  which  to  one  is  a  cause  of  hope  being  to 
another  a  cause  of  fear,  etc.  The  style  of  a  writer  is  called 
objective  when  it  derives  its  materials  mainly  from  or  reaches 
out  toward  external  objects;  it  is  called  subjective  when  it 
derives  its  materials  mainly  from  or  constantly  tends  to  re- 
vert to  the  personal  experience  of  the  author.  Compare  IN- 



aid  bounty  indemnity      reward  support 

allowance      gift  pension  subvention      tribute 

bonus  grant  premium. 

A  subsidy  is  pecuniary  aid  directly  granted  by  government 
to  an  individual  or  commercial  enterprise,  or  money  furnished 
by  one  nation  to  another  to  aid  it  in  carrying  on  war  against 
a  common  enemy.  A  nation  grants  a  subsidy  to  an  ally,  pays 
a  tribute  to  a  conqueror.  An  indemnity  is  in  the  nature  of 
things  limited  and  temporary,  while  a  tribute  might  be  ex- 
acted indefinitely.  A  nation  may  also  grant  a  subsidy  to  its 
own  citizens  as  a  means  of  promoting  the  public  welfare;  as, 
a  subsidy  to  a  steamship  company.  The  somewhat  rare  term 
subvention  is  especially  applied  to  a  grant  of  governmental 
aid  to  a  literary  or  artistic  enterprise.  Governmental  aid  to 
a  commercial  or  industrial  enterprise  other  than  a  transporta- 
tion company  is  more  frequently  called  a  bounty  than  a  sub- 
sidy; as,  the  sugar  bounty.  The  word  bounty  may  be  applied 
to  almost  any  regular  or  stipulated  allowance  by  a  government 
to  a  citizen  or  citizens;  as,  a  bounty  for  enlisting  in  the  army; 
a  bounty  for  killing  wolves.  A  bounty  is  offered  for  some- 
thing to  be  done;  a  pension  is  granted  for  something  that  has 
been  done. 

subvert                                                                                            454 
supernatural __ , 



destroy  overthrow  ruin  supplant 

exting-aish  overturn  supersede  suppress 

To  subvert  is  to  overthrow  from  or  as  from  the  very  founda- 
tion ;  utterly  destroy;  bring  to  ruin.  The  word  is  now  generally 
figurative,  as  of  moral  or  political  ruin.  To  supersede  implies 
the  putting  of  something  that  is  wisely  or  unwisely  preferred 
in  the  place  of  that  which  is  removed;  to  subvert  does  not  im- 
ply substitution.  To  supplant  is  more  often  personal,  signify- 
ing to  take  the  place  of  another,  usually  by  underhanded 
means;  one  is  supetseded  by  authority,  supplanted  by  a  rival. 
Compare  ABOLISH. 


conserve        keep        perpetuate        preserve        sustain        uphold 


achieve    attain    flourish    prevail    prosper    thrive    win 

A  person  succeeds  when  he  accomplishes  what  he  attempts, 
or  attains  a  desired  object  or  result;  an  enterprise  or  under- 
taking succeeds  that  has  a  prosperous  result.  To  win  implies 
that  some  one  loses,  but  one  may  succeed  where  no  one  fails. 
A  solitary  swimmer  succeeds  in  reaching  the  shore;  if  we  say 
he  wins  the  shore  we  contrast  him  with  himself  as  a  possible 
loser.  Many  students  may  succeed  in  study;  a  few  win  the 
special  prizes,  for  which  all  compete.  Compare  FOLLOW. 


be  defeated    come  short     fail     fall  short    lose     miss     miscarry 



hint    implication     innuendo     insinuation     intimation 

A  suggestion  (frrfta.  L.  suby  under,  and  gero,  bring)  brings 
something  before  thfe  mind  less  directly  than  by  formal  or  ex- 
plicit statement,  as  by  a  partial  statement,  an  incidental  allu- 
sion, an  illustration,  a  question,  or  the  like.  Suggestion  is 
often  used  of  an  unobtrusive  statement  of  one's  views  or 
wishes  to  another,  leaving  consideration  and  any  consequent 

455  subvert 

, _ supernatural 

action  entirely  to  his  judgment,  and  is  hence,  in  many  cases, 
the  most  respectful  way  in  which  one  can  convey  his  views 
to  a  superior  or  a  stranger.  A  suggestion  may  be  given  un- 
intentionally, and  even  unconsciously,  as  when  we  say  an  au- 
thor has  "a  suggestive  style."  An  intimation  is  a  suggestion 
in  brief  utterance,  or  sometimes  by  significant  act,  gesture,  or 
token,  of  one's  meaning  or  wishes ;  in  the  latter  case  it  is  often 
the  act  of  a  superior;  as,  God  in  his  providence  gives  us  inti- 
mations of  his  will.  A  hint  is  still  more  limited  in  expression, 
and  is  always  covert,  but  frequently  with  good  intent;  as,  to 
give  one  a  hint  of  danger  or  of  opportunity.  Insinuation  and 
innuendo  are  used  in  the  bad  sense;  an  insinuation  is  a  covert 
or  partly  veiled  injurious  utterance,  sometimes  to  the  very 
person  attacked;  an  innuendo  is  commonly  secret  as  well  as 
sly,  as  if  pointing  one  out  by  a  significant  nod  (from  L.  in, 
in,  to,  and  nuo,  nod). 



miraculous  preternatural  superhuman 

The  supernatural  (super,  above)  is  above  or  superior  to  the 
recognized  powers  of  nature;  the  preternatural  (preter,  be- 
yond) is  aside  from  or  beyond  the  recognized  results  or  opera- 
tions of  natural  law,  often  in  the  sense  of  inauspicious;  as,  a 
preternatural  gloom.  Miraculous  is  more  emphatic  and  specific 
than  supernaturaly  as  referring  to  the  direct  personal  inter- 
vention of  divine  power.  Some  hold  that  a  miracle,  as  the 
raising  of  the  dead,  is  a  direct  suspension  and  even  violation 
of  natural  laws  by  the  fiat  of  the  Creator,  and  hence  is,  in  the 
strictest  sense,  supernatural;  others  hold  that  the  miracle  is 
simply  the  calling  forth  of  a  power  residing  in  the  laws  of 
nature,  but  not  within  their  ordinary  operation,  and  depen- 
dent on  a  distinct  act  of  God,  so  that  the  miraculous  might  be 
termed  "extranatural,"  rather  than  supernatural.  All  that  is 
beyond  human  power  is  superhuman;  as,  prophecy  gives  evi- 
dence of  superhuman  knowledge;  the  word  is  sometimes  ap- 
plied to  remarkable  manifestations  of  human  power,  sur- 
passing all  that  is  ordinary. 

common       commonplace     everyday      natural      ordinary       usual 

support  456 

synonymous  t 



bear  cherish  keep  maintain         sustain 

carry          hold  up  keep  up  prop  uphold 

Support  and  sustain  alike  signif y  to  hold  up  or  &ee£>  up,  to 
prevent  from  falling  or  sinking;  but  sustain  has  a  special  sense 
of  continuous  exertion  or  of  great  strength  continuously  ex- 
erted, as  when  we  speak  of  sustained  endeavor  or  a  sustained 
note;  a  flower  is  supported  by  the  stem  or  a  temple-roof  by 
arches;  the  foundations  of  a  great  building  sustain  an  enor- 
mous pressure;  to  sustain  life  implies  a  greater  exigency  and 
need  than  to  support  life ;  to  say  one  is  sustained  under  afflic- 
tion is  to  say  more  both  of  the  severity  of  the  trial  and  the 
completeness  of  the  upholding  than  if  we  say  he  is  supported. 
To  bear  is  the  most  general  word,  denoting  all  holding  up  or 
keeping  up  of  any  object,  whether  in  rest  or  motion;  in  the 
derived  senses  it  refers  to  something  that  is  a  tax  upon  strength 
or  endurance;  as,  to  b ear  a  strain;  to  bear  pain  or  grief.  To 
maintain  is  to  keep  in  a  state  or  condition,  especially  in  an 
excellent  and  desirable  condition;  as,  to  maintain  health  or 
reputation;  to  maintain  one's  position;  to  maintain  a  cause 
or  proposition  is  to  hold  it  against  opposition  or  difficulty. 
To  support  may  be  partial,  to  maintain  is  complete;  maintain 
is  a  word  of  more  dignity  than  support;  a  man  supports  his 
family;  a  state  maintains  an  army  or  navy.  To  prop  is  al- 
ways partial,  signifying  to  add  support  to  something  that  is 
insecure.  Compare  ABET;  ENDURE;  KEEP. 


abandon    break  down    demolish    destroy   let  go  throw  down 

betray       cast  down      desert        drop         overthrow    wreck 


The  roof  is  supported  by,  on,  or  upon  pillars;  the  family 
was  supported  on  or  upon  a  pittance,  or  by  charity. 


conjecture      deem       guess      imagine      surmise       think 

To  suppose  is  temporarily  to  assume  a  thing  as  true,  either 
with  the  expectation  of  finding  it  so  or  for  the  purpose  of  ascer- 
taining what  would  follow  if  it  were  so.  To  suppose  is  also  to 

457  support 

.  synonymous 

think  a  thing  to  be  true  while  aware  or  conceding  that  the  belief 
does  not  rest  upon  any  sure  ground,  and  may  not  accord  with 
fact;  or  yet  again,  to  suppose  is  to  imply  as  true  or  involved 
as  a  necessary  inference;  as;  design  supposes  the  existence  of 
a  designer.  To  conjecture  is  to  put  together  the  nearest  avail- 
able materials  for  a  provisional  opinion,  always  with  some  ex- 
pectation of  finding  the  facts  to  be  as  conjectured.  To  imagine 
is  to  form  a  mental  image  of  something  as  existing,  though  its 
actual  existence  may  be  unknown,  or  even  impossible.  To 
think,  in  this  application,  is  to  hold  as  the  result  of  thought 
what  is  admitted  not  to  be  matter  of  exact  or  certain  knowl- 
edge; as,  I  do  not  know,  but  I  think  this  to  be  the  fact;  a 
more  conclusive  statement  than  would  be  made  by  the  use  of 
conjecture  or  suppose.  Compare  DOUBT;  HYPOTHESIS. 


ascertain        be  sure         conclude        discover         know          prove 



abandon  cede  give  over  relinquish 

alienate  give  give  np  sacrifice 

capitulate  give  oneself  up  let  go  yield 

To  surrender  is  to  give  up  upon  compulsion,  as  to  an  enemy 
in  war,  hence  to  give  up  to  any  person,  passion,  influence,  or 
power.  To  yield  is  to  give  place  or  give  way  under  pressure, 
and  hence  under  compulsion.  Yield  implies  more  softness  or 
concession  than  surrender;  the  most  determined  men  may  sur- 
render to  overwhelming  force;  when  one  yields,  his  spirit  is 
at  least  somewhat  subdued.  A  monarch  or  a  state  cedes  terri- 
tory, perhaps  for  a  consideration ;  surrenders  an  army,  a  navy, 
or  a  fortified  place  to  a  conqueror;  a  military  commander 
abandons  an  untenable  position  or  unavailable  stores.  "We 
sacrifice  something  precious  through  error,  friendship,  or  duty, 
yield  to  convincing  reasons,  a  stronger  will,  winsome  persua- 
sion, or  superior  force.  Compare  ABANDON*. 



alike  equivalent  like        similar 

correspondent       identical  same      synonymic 

corresponding       interchangeable 

Synonymous   (from  Gr.  syn,  together,  and  onyma,  name) 

system                                                                                        458 

strictly  signifies  being  interchangeable  names  for  the  same 
thing,  or  being  one  of  two  or  more  interchangeable  names  for 
the  same  thing;  to  say  that  two  words  are  synonymous  is 
strictly  to  say  they  are  alike,  equivalent,  identical,  or  the  same 
in  meaning;  but  the  use  of  synonymous  in  this  strict  sense  is 
somewhat  rare,  and  rather  with  reference  to  statements  than 
to  words. 

To  say  that  we  are  morally  developed  is  synonymous  with  saying  that 
we  have  reaped  what  some  one  has  suffered  for  us. 

H.  W.  BEBCHBE  Royal  Truths  p.  294.    [T.  &  P.  1866.] 

In  the  strictest  sense,  synonymous  words  scarcely  exist ;  rare- 
ly, if  ever,  are  any  two  words  in  any  language  equivalent  or 
identical  in  meaning;  where  a  difference  in  meaning  can  not 
easily  be  shown,  a  difference  in  usage  commonly  exists,  so  that 
the  words  are  not  interchangeable.  By  synonymous  words  (or 
synonyms)  we  usually  understand  words  that  coincide  or  nearly 
coincide  in  some  part  of  their  meaning,  and  may  hence  within 
certain  limits  be  used  interchangeably,  while  outside  of  those 
limits  they  may  differ  very  greatly  in  meaning  and  use.  It  is 
the  office  of  a  work  on  synonyms  to  point  out  these  corre- 
spondences and  differences,  that  language  may  have  the  flexi- 
bility that  comes  from  freedom  of  selection  within  the  com- 
mon limits,  with  the  perspicuity  and  precision  that  result 
from  exact  choice  of  the  fittest  words  to  express  each  shade 
of  meaning  outside  of  the  common  limits.  To  consider  sy- 
nonymous words  identical  is  fatal  to  accuracy;  to  forget  that 
they  are  similar,  to  some  extent  equivalent,  and  sometimes  in- 
terchangeable, is  destructive  of  freedom  and  variety. 


manner      method      mode        order        regularity       xtnle 

Order  in  this  connection  denotes  the  fact  or  result  of  proper 
arrangement  according  to  the  due  relation  or  sequence  of  the 
matters  arranged;  as,  these  papers  are  in  order;  in  alphabetical 
order.  Method  denotes  a  process,  a  general  or  established  way 
of  doing  or  proceeding  in  anything;  rule,  an  authoritative  re- 
quirement or  an  established  course  of  things;  system,  not 
merely  a  law  of  action  or  procedure,  but  a  comprehensive  plan 
in  which  all  the  parts  are  related  to  each  other  and  to  the 

459  system 
_„  .    .                    taciturn 

whole ;  as,  a  system  of  theology ;  a  railroad  system;  the  digestive 
system;  manner  refers  to  the  external  qualities  of  actions,  and 
to  those  often  as  settled  and  characteristic;  we  speak  of  a  sys- 
tem of  taxation,  a  method  of  collecting  taxes,  the  rules  by 
which  assessments  are  made ;  or  we  say,  as  a  rule  the  payments 
are  heaviest  at  a  certain  time  of  year;  a  just  tax  may  be  made 
odious  by  the  manner  of  its  collection.  Regularity  applies  to 
the  even  disposition  of  objects  or  uniform  recurrence  of  acts 
in  a  series.  There  may  be  regularity  without  order,  as  in  the 
recurrence  of  paroxysms  of  disease  or  insanity;  there  may  be 
order  without  regularity,  as  in  the  arrangement  of  furniture 
in  a  room,  where  the  objects  are  placed  at  varying  distances. 
Order  commonly  implies  the  design  of  an  intelligent  agent  or 
the  appearance  or  suggestion  of  such  design;  regularity  ap- 
plies to  an  actual  uniform  disposition  or  recurrence  with  no 
suggestion  of  purpose,  and  as  applied  to  human  affairs  is  less 
intelligent  and  more  mechanical  than  order.  The  most  perfect 
order  is  often  secured  with  least  regularity,  as  in  a  fine  essay  or 
oration.  The  same  may  be  said  of  system.  There  is  a  regu- 
larity of  dividing  a  treatise  into  topics,  paragraphs,  and  sen- 
tences that  is  destructive  of  true  rhetorical  system*  Compare 


chaos  derangement     disarrangement    disorder     irregularity 




close  mute  reticent  speechless 

dumb  reserved  silent  •qneoinimmlcatiTe 

Dumb,  mute,  silent,  and  speechless  refer  to  fact  or  state; 
taciturn  refers  to  habit  and  disposition.  The  talkative  person 
may  be  stricken  dumb  with  surprise  or  terror;  the  obstinate 
may  remain  mute;  one  may  be  silent  through  preoccupation  of 
mind  or  of  set  purpose;  but  the  taciturn  person  is  averse  to 
the  utterance  of  thought  or  feeling  and  to  communication  with 
others,  either  from  natural  disposition  or  for  the  occasion. 
One  who  is  silent  does  not  speak  at  all;  one  who  is  taciturn 
speaks  when  compelled,  but  in  a  grudging  way  that  repels 
further  approach.  Reserved  suggests  more  of  method  and  in- 
tention than  taciturn,  applying  often  to  some  special  time  or 

tasteful  460 

temerity  . 

topic;  one  who  is  communicative  regarding  all  else  may  be 
reserved  about  his  business.  Reserved  is  thus  closely  equiva- 
lent to  uncommunicative,  but  is  a  somewhat  stronger  word, 
often  suggesting  pride  or  haughtiness,  as  when  we  say  one  is 
reserved  toward  inferiors.  Compare  PRIDE. 


communicative    free   ganulous   loquacious    talkative    unreserved 



artistic         delicate  esthetic  fastidious         nice 

chaste  delicious  esthetical        fine  tasty 

dainty          elegant  exquisite 

Elegant  (from  L.  elegans,  select)  refers  to  that  assemblage 
of  qualities  which  makes  anything  choice  to  persons  of  cul- 
ture and  refinement;  it  refers  to  the  lighter,  finer  elements  of 
beauty  in  form  or  motion,  especially  denoting  that  which  ex- 
hibits faultless  taste  and  perfection  of  finish.  That  which  is 
elegant  is  made  so  not  merely  by  nature,  but  by  art  and  culture ; 
a  woodland  dell  may  be  beautiful  or  picturesque,  but  would 
not  ordinarily  be  termed  elegant.  Tasteful  refers  to  that  in 
which  the  element  of  taste  is  more  prominent,  standing1,  as  it 
were,  more  by  itself,  while  in  elegant  it  is  blended  as  part  of 
the  whole.  Tasty  is  an  inferior  word,  used  colloquially  in  a 
similar  sense.  Chaste  (primarily  pure),  denotes  in  literature 
and  art  that  which  is  true  to  the  higher  and  finer  feelings  and 
free  from  all  excess  or  meretricious  ornament.  Dainty  and 
delicate  refer  to  the  lighter  and  finer  elements  of  taste  and 
beauty,  dainty  tending  in  personal  use  to  an  excessive  scrupu- 
lousness which  is  more  fully  expressed  by  fastidious.  Nice  and 
delicate  both  refer  to  exact  adaptation  to  some  standard;  the 
bar  of  a  balance  can  be  said  to  be  nicely  or  delicately  poised; 
as  regards  matters  of  taste  and  beauty,  delicate  is  a  higher  and 
more  discriminating  word  than  nice,  and  is  always  used  in  a 
favorable  sense;  a  delicate  distinction  is  one  worth  observing; 
a  nice  distinction  may  be  so,  or  may  be  overstrained  and  unduly 
subtle;  fine  in  such  use,  is  closely  similar  to  delicate  and  nice, 
but  (though  capable  of  an  unfavorable  sense)  has  commonly 
a  suggestion  of  positive  excellence  or  admirableness ;  a  fine 
touch  does  something;  fine  perceptions  are  to  some  purpose; 
delicate  is  capable  of  the  single  unfavorable  sense  of  frail  or 

461  tasteful 

_  __« temerity 

fragile;  as,  a  delicate  constitution.  Esthetic  or  esthetical  refers 
to  beauty  or  the  appreciation  of  the  beautiful,  especially  from 
the  philosophic  point  of  view.  Exquisite  denotes  the  utmost 
perfection  of  the  elegant  in  minute  details;  we  speak  of  an 
elegant  garment,  an  exqumte  lace.  Exquisite  is  also  applied 
to  intense  keenness  of  any  feeling;  as,  exquisite  delight;  ex- 
quisite pain.  See  BEAUTIFUL;  DELICIOUS;  JINBL 


clumsy  displeasing  grotesque  inartistic  rough 

coarse  distasteful  harsh  inharmonious  rude 

deformed          fulsome  hideous  meretricious  rugged 

disgusting        gaudy  horrid  offensive  tawdry 


discipline  give  instruction  inform  nurture 

drill  give  lessons  initiate  school 

educate  inculcate  instil  train 

enlighten  indoctrinate  instruct  tutor 

To  teach  is  simply  to  communicate  knowledge;  to  instruct 
(originally,  to  build  in  or  into,  put  in  order)  is  to  impart 
knowledge  with  special  method  and  completeness;  instruct  has 
also  an  authoritative  sense  nearly  equivalent  to  command.  To 
educate  is  to  draw  out  or  develop  harmoniously  the  mental 
powers,  and,  in  the  fullest  sense,  the  moral  powers  as  well. 
To  train  is  to  direct  to  a  certain  result  powers  already  existing. 
Train  is  used  in  preference  to  educate  when  the  reference  is 
to  the  inferior  animals  or  to  the  physical  powers  of  man;  as, 
to  train  a  horse;  to  train  the  hand  or  eye.  To  discipline  is  to 
bring  into  habitual  and  complete  subjection  to  authority; 
discipline  is  a  severe  word,  and  is  often  used  as  a  euphemism 
for  punish;  to  be  thoroughly  effective  in  war,  soldiers  must  be 
disciplined  as  well  as  trained.  To  nurture  is  to  furnish  the 
care  and  sustenance  necessary  for  physical,  mental,  and  moral 
growth ;  nurture  is  a  more  tender  and  homelike  word  than  edu- 
cate. Compare  EDUCATION. 



audacity  heedlessness  presumption 

foolhardiness  over-confidence  rashness 

hardihood  precipitancy  recklessness 

hastiness  precipitation  ventures  omeness 

Rashness  applies  to  the  actual  rushing  into  danger  without 

term                                                                                              462 
testimony _ 

counting  the  cost;  temerity  denotes  the  needless  exposure  of 
oneself  to  peril  which  is  or  might  be  clearly  seen  to  be  such. 
Rashness  is  used  chiefly  of  bodily  acts,  temerity  often  of  mental 
or  social  matters;  there  may  be  a  noble  rashness,  but  temerity 
is  always  used  in  a  bad  sense.  We  say  it  is  amazing  that  one 
should  have  had  the  temerity  to  make  a  statement  which  could 
be  readily  proved  a  falsehood,  or  to  make  an  unworthy  pro- 
posal to  one  sure  to  resent  it;  in  such  use  temerity  is  often 
closely  allied  to  hardihood,  audacity,  or  presumption.  Ven- 
turesomeness  dallies  on  the  edge  of  oTanger  and  experiments 
with  it ;  foolhardmess  rushes  in  for  want  of  sense,  heedlessness 
for  want  of  attention,  rashness  for  want  of  reflection,  reckless- 
ness from  disregard  of  consequences.  Audacity,  in  the  sense 
here  considered,  denotes  a  dashing  and  somewhat  reckless  cour- 
age, in  defiance  of  conventionalities,  or  of  other  men's  opinions, 
or  of  what  would  be  deemed  probable  consequences;  as,  the 
audacity  of  a  successful  financier.  Compare  EFFRONTERY. 


care  circumspection  hesitation  wariness 

caution  cowardice  timidity 



article  denomination  member  phrase 

condition.  expression  name  -word 

Term  in  its  figurative  uses  always  retains  something  of  its 
literal  sense  of  a  boundary  or  limit.  The  articles  of  a  contract 
or  other  instrument  are  simply  the  portions  into  which  it  is 
divided  for  convenience;  the  terms  are  the  essential  statements 
on  which  its  validity  depends — as  it  were,  the  landmarks  of  its 
meaning  or  power;  a  condition  is  a  contingent  term  which 
may  become  fixed  upon  the  happening  of  some  contemplated 
event.  In  logic  a  term  is  one  of  the  essential  members  of  a 
proposition,  the  boundary  of  statement  in  some  one  direction. 
Thus,  in  general  use,  term  is  more  restricted  than  word,  ex- 
pression, or  phrase;  a  term  is  a  word  that  limits  meaning  to 
a  fixed  point  of  statement  or  to  a  special  class  of  subjects,  as 
when  we  speak  of  the  definition  of  terms,  that  is  of  the  key- 
words in  any  discussion ;  or  we  say,  that  is  a  legal  or  scientific 
term.  Compare  BOUNDARY;  DICTION. 

•io'3  A  ^  term 




brief  concise  neat  snort 

compact  condensed  pithy  succinct 

compendious  laconic  sententious 

Anything  short  or  brief  is  of  relatively  small  extent.  That 
which  is  concise  (from  L.  con-,  with,  together,  and  c&do,  cut) 
is  trimmed  down,  and  that  which  is  condensed  (from  L.  con-y 
with,  together,  and  densus,  thick)  is,  as  it  were,  pressed  to- 
gether, so  as  to  include  as  much  as  possible  within  a  small 
space.  That  which  is  compendious  (from  L.  com-,  together, 
and  pendo,  weigh)  gathers  the  substance  of  a  matter  into  a 
few  words,  weighty  and  effective.  The  succinct  (from  L.  sue- 
cinctu$y  from  sub-,  under,  and  cingo,  gird;  girded  from  below) 
has  an  alert  effectiveness  as  if  girded  for  action.  The  summary 
is  compacted  to  the  utmost,  often  to  the  point  of  abruptness; 
as,  we  speak  of  a  summary  statement  or  a  summary  dismissal. 
That  which  is  terse  (from  L.  tersus,  from  tergo,  rub  off)  has 
an  elegant  and  finished  completeness  within  the  smallest  possi- 
ble compass,  as  if  rubbed  or  polished  down  to  the  utmost.  A 
sententious  style  is  one  abounding  in  sentences  that  are  singly 
striking  or  memorable,  apart  from  the  context;  the  word  may 
be  used  invidiously  of  that  which  is  pretentiously  oracular. 
A  pithy  utterance  gives  the  gist  of  a  matter  effectively,  whether 
in  rude  or  elegant  style. 


diffuse       lengthy      long       prolix       tedious        verbose       wordy 



affidavit  attestation  deposition  proof 

affirmation  certification         evidence  "witness 

Testimony,  in  legal  as  well  as  in  common  use,  signifies  the 
statements  of  witnesses.  Deposition  and  affidavit  denote  testi- 
mony reduced  to  writing;  the  deposition  differs  from  the  affi- 
davit in  that  the  latter  is  voluntary  and  without  cross-exami- 
nation, while  the  former  is  made  under  interrogatories  and  sub- 
ject to  cross-examination.  Evidence  is  a  broader  term,  in- 
cluding the  testimony  of  witnesses  and  all  facts  of  every  kind 
that  tend  to  prove  a  thing  true;  we  have  the  testimony  of  a 
traveler  that  a  fugitive  passed  this  way;  his  footprints  in  the 

therefore  4-64 

tip . 

sand  are  additional  evidence  of  the  faet.     Compare  DEMON- 



accordingly          consequently         then  whence 

because  hence  thence  wherefore 

Therefore,  signifying  for  that  (or  this)  reason,  is  the  most 
precise  and  formal  word  for  expressing  the  direct  conclusion 
of  a  chain  of  reasoning;  then  carries  a  similar  but  slighter 
sense  of  inference,  which  it  gives  incidentally  rather  than  for- 
mally; as,  "All  men  are  mortal;  Caesar  is  a  man;  therefore 
Caesar  is  mortal;"  or,  "The  contract  is  awarded;  then  there  is 
no  more  to  be  said."  Consequently  denotes  a  direct  result, 
but  more  frequently  of  a  practical  than  a  theoretic  kind;  as, 
"Important  matters  demand  my  attention ;  consequently  I  shall 
not  sail  to-day."  Consequently  is  rarely  used  in  the  formal 
conclusions  of  logic  or  mathematics,  but  marks  rather  the  freer 
and  looser  style  of  rhetorical  argument.  Accordingly  denotes 
correspondence,  which  may  or  may  not  be  consequence;  it  is 
often  used  in  narration;  as,  "The  soldiers  were  eager  and  con- 
fident; accordingly  they  sprang  forward  at  the  word  of  com- 
mand." Thence  is  a  word  of  more  sweeping  inference  than 
therefore,  applying  not  merely  to  a  single  set  of  premises,  but 
often  to  all  that  has  gone  before,  including  the  reasonable  in- 
ferences that  have  not  been  formally  stated.  Wherefore  is  the 
correlative  of  therefore,  and  whence  of  hence  or  thence,  ap- 
pending the  inference  or  conclusion  to  the  previous  statement 
without  a  break.  Compare  synonyms  for  BECAUSE. 



concourse     crowd     host     jam.     mass    multitude     press 

A  crowd  is  a  company  of  persons  filling  to  excess  the  space 
they  occupy  and  pressing  inconveniently  upon  one  another; 
the  total  number  in  a  crowd  may  be  great  or  small.  Throng 
is  a  word  of  vastness  and  dignity,  always  implying  that  the 
persons  are  numerous  as  well  as  pressed  or  pressing  closely 
together;  there  may  be  a  dense  crowd  in  a  small  room,  but 
there  can  not  be  a  throng.  Host  and  multitude  both  imply 

465                                                                                        therefore 

vast  numbers,  bnt  a  multitude  may  be  diffused  over  a  great 
space  so  as  to  be  nowhere  a  crowd;  host  is  a  military  term, 
and  properly  denotes  an  assembly  too  orderly  for  crowding. 
Concourse  signifies  a  spontaneous  gathering  of  many  persons 
moved  by  a  common  impulse,  and  has  a  suggestion  of  stateli- 
ness  not  found  in  the  word  crowd,  while  suggesting  less  mass- 
ing and  pressure  than  is  indicated  by  the  word  throng. 



age  eon  period  succession 

date  epoch  season  term 

duration  era  sequence  while 

Sequence  and  succession  apply  to  events  viewed  as  following 
one  another;  time  and  duration  denote  something  conceived  of 
as  enduring  while  events  take  place  and  acts  are  done.  Accord- 
ing to  the  necessary  conditions  of  human  thought,  events  are 
contained  in  time  as  objects  are  in  space,  time  existing  before 
the  event,  measuring  it  as  it  passes,  and  still  existing  when 
the  event  is  past.  Duration  and  succession  are  more  general 
words  than  t^me;  we  can  speak  of  infinite  or  eternal  duration 
or  succession,  but  time  is  commonly  contrasted  with  eternity. 
Time  is  measured  or  measurable  duration. 



cant  dip  incline  list  slope 

careen  heel  over  lean  slant  tilt 

To  tilt  or  tip  is  to  throw  out  of  a  horizontal  position  by 
raising  one  side  or  end  or  lowering  the  other;  the  words  are 
closely  similar,  but  tilt  suggests  more  of  fluctuation  or  insta- 
bility. Slant  and  slope  are  said  of  things  somewhat  fixed  or 
permanent  in  a  position  out  of  the  horizontal  or  perpendicular; 
the  roof  slants,  the  hill  slopes.  Incline  is  a  more  formal  word 
for  tip,  and  also  for  slant  or  slope.  To  cant  is  to  set  slanting- 
ly;  in  many  eases  tip  and  cant  might  be  interchanged,  but  tip 
is  more  temporary,  often  momentary;  one  tips  a  pail  so  that 
the  water  flows  over  the  edge;  a  mechanic  cants  a  table  by 
making  or  setting  one  side  higher  than  the  other.  A  vessel 
careens  in  the  wind;  lists,  usually,  from  shifting  of  cargo,  from 

tire                                                                                              466 

water  in  tlie  hold,  etc.  Careening  is  always  toward  one  side  or 
the  other;  listing  may  be  forward  or  astern  as  well.  To  heel 
over  is  the  same  as  to  careen,  and  must  be  distinguished  from 
"keel  over,"  which  is  to  capsize. 



exhaust     fag     fatigne    harass    jade     wear  out     weary 

To  tire  is  to  reduce  strength  in  any  degree  by  exertion;  one 
may  be  tired  just  enough  to  make  rest  pleasant,  or  even  un- 
consciously tired,  becoming  aware  of  the  fact  only  when  he 
ceases  the  exertion;  or,  on  the  other  hand,  he  may  be,  accord- 
ing to  the  common  phrase,  "too  tired  to  stir";  but  for  this  ex- 
treme condition  the  stronger  words  are  commonly  used.  One 
who  is  fatigued  suffers  from  a  conscious  and  painful  lack  of 
strength  as  the  result  of  some  overtaxing;  an  invalid  may  be 
fatigued  with  very  slight  exertion;  when  one  is  wearied,  the  pain- 
ful lack  of  strength  is  the  result  of  long-continued  demand  or 
strain;  one  is  exhausted  when  the  strain  has  been  so  severe 
and  continuous  as  utterly  to  consume  the  strength,  so  that  fur- 
ther exertion  is  for  the  time  impossible.  One  is  fagged  by 
drudgery;  he  is  jaded  by  incessant  repetition  of  the  same  act 
until  it  becomes  increasingly  difficult  or  well-nigh  impossible; 
as,  a  horse  is  jaded  by  a  long  and  unbroken  journey. 


invigorate  refresh  relieve  rest 

recreate  relax  repose  restore 



apparatus  implement  machine  utensil 

appliance  instrument  mechanism  weapon 

A  tool  is  something  that  is  both  contrived  and  used  for  ex- 
tending the  force  of  an  intelligent  agent  to  something  that  is 
to  be  operated  upon.  Those  things  by  which  pacific  and  indus- 
trial operations  are  performed  are  alone  properly  called  tools, 
those  designed  for  warlike  purposes  being  designated  weapons. 
An  instrument  is  anything  through  which  power  is  applied 
and  a  result  produced;  in  general  usage,  the  word  is  of  con- 
siderably wider  meaning  than  tool;  as,  a  piano  is  a  musical 

467  tire 

.  tool 

instrument.  Instrument  is  the  word  usually  applied  to  tools 
used  in  scientific  pursuits;  as,  we  speak  of  a  surgeon's  or  an 
optician's  instruments.  An  implement  is  a  mechanical  agency 
considered  with  reference  to  some  specific  purpose  to  which  it 
is  adapted;  as,  an  agricultural  implement;  implements  of  war. 
Implement  is  a  less  technical  and  artificial  term  than  tool. 
The  paw  of  a  tiger  might  be  termed  a  terrible  implement,  but 
not  a  tool.  A  utensil  is  that  which  may  be  used  for  some  special 
purpose;  the  word  is  especially  applied  to  articles  used  for 
domestic  or  agricultural  purposes;  as,  Mtehen  utensils;  fann- 
ing utensils.  An  appliance  is  that  which  is  or  may  be  applied 
to  the  accomplishment  of  a  result,  either  independently  or  as 
subordinate  to  something  more  extensive  or  important;  every* 
mechanical  tool  is  an  appliance,  but  not  every  appliance  is  a 
tool;  the  traces  of  a  harness  are  appliances  for  traction,  but 
they  are  not  tools.  Mechanism  is  a  word  of  wide  meaning, 
denoting  any  combination  of  mechanical  devices  for  united 
action.  A  machine  in  the  most  general  sense  is  any  mechanical 
instrument  for  the  conversion  of  motion;  in  this  sense  a  lever 
is  a  machine;  but  in  more  commonly  accepted  usage  a  machine 
is  distinguished  from  a  tool  by  its  complexity,  and  by  the 
combination  and  coordination  of  powers  and  movements  for 
the  production  of  a  result.  A  chisel  by  itself  is  a  tool;  when 
it  is  set  so  as  to  be  operated  by  a  crank  and  pitman,  the  entire 
mechanism  is  called  a  machine;  as,  a  mortising-macMwe.  An 
apparatus  may  be  a  machine,  but  the  word  is  commonly  used 
for  a  collection  of  distinct  articles  to  be  used  in  connection  or 
combination  for  a  certain  purpose — a  mechanical  equipment; 
as,  the  apparatus  of  a  gymnasium;  especially,  for  a  collection 
of  appliances  for  some  scientific  purpose;  as,  a  chemical  or 
surgical  apparatus;  an  apparatus  may  include  many  tools,  in- 
struments, or  implements.  Implement  is  for  the  most  part  and 
utensil  is  altogether  restricted  to  the  literal  sense;  instrument ; 
machine,  and  tool  have  figurative  use,  instrument  being  used 
largely  in  a  good,  tool  always  in  a  bad  sense ;  machine  inclines 
to  the  unfavorable  sense,  as  implying  that  human  agents  are 
made  mechanically  subservient  to  some  controlling  will;  as,  an 
instrument  of  Providence;  the  tool  of  a  tyrant;  a  political 

topic  468 




division.        issue  motion         proposition         subject 

bead  matter         point  question  theme 

A  topie  (from  Or.  topos,  place)  is  a  head  of  discourse. 
Since  a  topic  for  discussion  is  often  stated  in  the  form  of  a 
question,  question  has  come  to  be  extensively  used  to  denote  a 
debatable  topic,  especially  of  a  practical  nature — an  issue;  as, 
the  labor  question;  the  temperance  question.  In  deliberative 
assemblies  a  proposition  presented  or  moved  for  acceptance 
is  called  a  motion,  and  such  a  motion  or  other  matter  for  con- 
sideration is  known  as  the  question,  since  it  is  or  may  be  stated 
in  interrogative  form  to  be  answered  by  each  member  with  a 
vote  of  "aye"  or  "no";  a  member  is  required  to  speak  to  the 
question;  the  chairman  puts  the  question.  In  speaking  or 
writing  the  general*  subject  or  theme  may  be  termed  the  topic, 
though  it  is  more  usual  to  apply  the  latter  term  to  the  subor- 
dinate divisions,  points,  or  heads  of  discourse;  as,  to  enlarge 
on  this  topic  would  carry  me  too  far  from  my  subject;  a  pleas- 
ant drive  will  suggest  many  topics  for  conversation. 



footmark        impression        remains         token        trail 
footprint         mark  remnant        track         vestige 

footstep  memorial  sign 

A  memorial  is  that  which  is  intended  or  fitted  to  bring  to 
remembrance  something  that  has  passed  away;  it  may  be  vast 
and  stately.  On  the  other  hand,  a  slight  token  of  regard  may 
be  a  cherished  memorial  of  a  friend;  either  a  concrete  object 
or  an  observance  may  be  a  memorial.  A  vestige  is  always 
slight  compared  with  that  whose  existence  it  recalls;  as,  scat- 
tered mounds  containing  implements,  weapons,  etc.,  are  ves- 
tiges of  a  former  civilization.  A  vestige  is  always  a  part  of 
that  which  has  passed  away;  a  trace  may  be  merely  the  mark 
made  by  something  that  has  been  present  or  passed  by,  and 
that  is  still  existing,  or  some  slight  evidence  of  its  presence  or 
of  the  effect  it  has  produced ;  as,  traces  of  game  were  observed 
by  the  hunter.  Compare  CHARACTERISTIC. 

469  topic 

^      transaction 



accomplish  carry  on  do  perform 

act  conduct  negotiate  treat 

There  are  many  acts  that  one  may  do,  accomplish,  or  per- 
form unaided;  what  he  transacts  is  by  means  of  or  in  asso- 
ciation with  others;  one  may  do  a  duty,  perform  a  vow,  ac- 
complish a  task,  but  he  transacts  business,  since  that  always 
involves  the  agency  of  others.  To  negotiate  and  to  treat  are 
likewise  collective  acts,  but  both  these  words  lay  stress  upon 
deliberation,  with  adjustment  of  mutual  claims  and  interests  5 
transact,  while  it  may  depend  upon  previous  deliberation,  states 
execution  only.  Notes,  bills  of  exchange,  loans,  and  treaties 
are  said  to  be  negotiated,  the  word  so  used  covering  not  merely 
the  preliminary  consideration,  but  the  final  settlement.  Nego- 
tiate has  more  reference  to  execution  than  treat;  nations  may 
treat  of  peace  without  result,  but  when  a  treaty  is  negotiated, 
peace  is  secured;  the  citizens  of  the  two  nations  are  then  free 
to  transact  business  witk  one  another.  Compare  DO. 



act     action    affair     business     deed     doing    proceeding 

One's  acts  or  deeds  may  be  exclusively  his  own;  his  transac- 
tions involve  the  agency  or  participation  of  others.  A  trans- 
action is  something  completed;  a  proceeding  is  or  is  viewed  as 
something  in  progress;  but  since  transaction  is  often  used  to 
include  the  steps  leading  to  the  conclusion,  while  proceedings 
may  result  in  action,  the  dividing  line  between  the  two  words 
becomes  sometimes  quite  faint,  though  transaction  often  empha- 
sizes the  fact  of  something  done,  or  brought  to  a  conclusion. 
Both  transactions  and  proceedings  are  used  of  the  records  of  a 
deliberative  body,  especially  when  published;  strictly  used, 
the  two  are  distinguished;  as.  the  Philosophical  Transactions 
of  the  Royal  Society  of  London  give  in  full  the  papers  read; 
the  Proceedings  of  the  American  Philological  Association  give 
in  full  the  'business  done,  with  mere  abstracts  of  or  extracts 
from  the  papers  read.  Compare  ACT;  BUSINESS. 

transcendental  470 

union .. 



a  priori     intuitive    original    primordial    transcendent 

Intuitive  truths  are  those  which  are  in  the  mind  independent- 
ly of  all  experience,  not  being  derived  from  experience  nor 
limited  by  it,  as  that  the  whole  is  greater  than  a  part,  or  that 
things  which  are  equal  to  the  same  thing  are  equal  to  one  an- 
other. All  intuitive  truths  or  beliefs  are  transcendental.  But 
transcendental  is  a  wider  term  than  intuitive,  including  all 
within  the  limits  of  thought  that  is  not  derived  from  experi- 
ence, as  the  ideas  of  space  and  time.  "Being  is  transcendental 
....  As  being  can  not  be  included  under  any  genus,  but 
transcends  them  all,  so  the  properties  or  affections  of  being 
have  also  been  called  transcendental"  K.-F.  Vocab.  PMlos^ 
p.  530.  "Transcendent  he  [Kant]  employed  to  denote  what 
is  wholly  beyond  experience,  being  neither  given  as  an  a  poste- 
riori nor  a  priori  element  of  cognition — what  therefore  tran- 
scends every  category  of  thought."  K.-F.  Vocab.  Philos.  p. 
531.  Transcendental  has  been  applied  in  the  language  of  the 
Emersonian  school  to  the  souPs  supposed  intuitive  knowledge 
of  things  divine  and  human,  so  far  as  they  are  capable  of  be- 
ing known  to  man.  Compare  MYSTERIOUS. 



brief  fleeting  fugitive  short 

ephemeral  flitting  momentary  temporary 

evanescent  flying  passing  transitory 

Transient  and  transitory  are  both  derived  from  the  same 
original  source  (from  L.  trans,  over,  and  eo,  go),  denoting 
that  which  quickly  passes  or  is  passing  away,  but  there  is  be- 
tween them  a  fine  shade  of  difference.  A  thing  is  transient 
which  in  fact  is  not  lasting;  a  thing  is  transitory  which  by  its 
very  nature  must  soon  pass  away;  a  thing  is  temporary  (from 
L,  tempus,  time)  which  is  intended  to  last  or  be  made  use  of 
but  a  little  while;  as,  a  transient  joy;  this  transitory  life;  a 
temporary  chairman.  Ephemeral  (from  Gr.  epi,  on,  and 
Tiemera,  day)  literally  lasting  but  for  a  day,  often  marks  more 
strongly  than  transient  exceeding  brevity  of  duration ;  it  agrees 
with  transitory  in  denoting  that  its  object  is  destined  to  pass 

471                                                                          transcendental 
_______ union 

away,  but  is  stronger,  as  denoting  not  only  its  certain  but  its 
speedy  extinction;  thus  that  which  is  ephemeral  is  looked  upon 
as  at  once  slight  and  perishable,  and  the  word  carries  often  a 
suggestion  of  contempt;  man's  life  is  transitory,  a  butterfly's  ex- 
istence is  ephemeral;  with  no  solid  qualities  or  worthy  achieve- 
ments a  pretender  may  sometimes  gain  an  ephemeral  popu- 
larity. That  which  is  fleeting  is  viewed  as  in  the  act  of  passing 
swiftly  by,  and  that  which  is  fugitive  (from  L.  fugio,  flee)  as 
eluding  attempts  to  detain  it;  that  which  is  evanescent  (from 
L.  evaneseo,  from  e,  out,  and  vanus,  empty,  vain)  as  in  the 
act  of  vanishing  even  while  we  gaze,  as  the  hues  of  the  sunset, 


abiding     eternal          immortal         lasting          perpetual  undying 
enduring  everlasting  imperishable  permanent  persistent  unfading 



coalition  conjunction        juncture          -unification 

combination         cooperation         oneness  unity 

concert  junction 

Unity  is  oneness,  the  state  of  being  one,  especially  of  that 
which  never  has  been  divided  or  of  that  which  can  not  be  con- 
ceived of  as  resolved  into  parts;  asT  the  unity  of  God  or  the 
unity  of  the  human  soul.  Union  is  a  bringing  together  of 
things  that  have  been  distinct,  so  that  they  combine  or  coalesce 
to  form  a  new  whole,  or  the  state  or  condition  of  things  thus 
brought  together;  in  a  union  the  separate  individuality  of  the 
things  united  is  never  lost  sight  of;  we  speak  of  the  union  of 
the  parts  of  a  fractured  bone  or  of  the  union  of  hearts  in  mar- 
riage. But  unity  can  be  said  of  that  which  is  manifestly  or 
even  conspicuously  made  up  of  parts,  when  a  single  purpose 
or  ideal  is  so  subserved  by  all  that  their  possible  separateness 
is  lost  sight  of;  as,  we  speak  of  the  unity  of  the  human  body, 
or  of  the  unity  of  the  church.  Compare  ALLIANCE;  ASSOCIA- 


analysis  disconnection  disunion  schism 

contrariety  disjunction  division  separation 

decomposition  dissociation  divorce  severance 

usual  472 




accustomed     every=day  general  ordinary  public 

common  familiar  habitual  prevailing  regular 

customary      frequent  normal  prevalent  wonted 

Usual  (from  L.  usus,  use,  habit,  wont)  signifies  such  as 
regularly  or  often  recurs  in  the  ordinary  course  of  events,  or  is 
habitually  repeated  in  the  life  of  the  same  person.  Ordinary 
(from  L.  or  do,  order)  signifies  according  to  an  established 
order,  hence  of  every-day  occurrence.  In  strictness,  common 
and  general  apply  to  the  greater  number  of  individuals  in  a 
class;  but  both  words  are  in  good  use  as  applying  to  the  greater 
number  of  instances  in  a  series,  so  that  it  is  possible  to  speak 
of  one  person's  common  practise  or  general  custom,  though 
ordinary  or  usual  would  in  such  case  be  preferable.  Compare 


exceptional        infrequent  rare  strange          unparalleled 

extraordinary    out-of-the-way    singular   uncommon    unusual 



advantage  expediency  serviceableness 

avail  profit  use 

benefit  service  usefulness 

Utility  (from  L.  utiliSj  useful)  signifies  primarily  the  quality 
of  being  useful,  but  is  somewhat  more  abstract  and  philosophical 
than  usefulness  or  use,  and  is  often  employed  to  denote  adapta- 
tion to  produce  a  valuable  result,  while  usefulness  denotes  the 
actual  production  of  such  result.  We  contrast  beauty  and 
utility.  We  say  of  an  invention,  its  utility  is  questionable,  or, 
on  the  other  hand,  its  usefulness  has  been  proved  by  ample 
trial,  or  I  have  found  it  of  use;  still,  utility  and  usefulness  are 
frequently  interchanged.  Expediency  (from  L.  #c,  out,  and 
pes,  foot;  literally,  the  getting  the  foot  out)  refers  primarily 
to  escape  from  or  avoidance  of  some  difficulty  or  trouble; 
either  expediency  or  utility  may  be  used  to  signify  profit  or 
advantage  considered  apart  from  right  as  the  ground  of  moral 
obligation,  or  of  actions  that  have  a  moral  character,  expedi- 
ency denoting  immediate  advantage  on  a  contracted  view,  and 
especially  with  reference  to  avoiding  danger,  difficulty,  or  loss, 

473  usual 

_______ vacant 

while  utility  may  be  so  broadened  as  to  cover  all  existence 
through  all  time,  as  in  the  utilitarian  theory  of  morals.  Policy 
is  often  used  in  a  kindred  sense,  more  positive  than  expediency 
but  narrower  than  utility,  as  in  the  proverb,  "Honesty  is  the 
best  policy/'  Compare  PROFIT. 


disadvantage       impolicy  inutility  ,         uselessness 

folly  inadequacy  unprofitableness       worthlessness 

futility  inexpediency 



blank        leisure  unfilled  untenanted     void 

empty       unemployed     unoccupied      vacuous  waste- 

That  is  empty  which  contains  nothing;  that  is  vacant  which 
is  without  that  which  has  filled  or  might  be  expected  to  fill  it; 
vacant  has  extensive  reference  to  rights  or  possibilities  of  occu- 
pancy. A  vacant  room  may  not  be  empty,  and  an  empty  house 
may  not  be  vacant.  Vacant,  as  derived  from  the  Latin,  is  ap- 
plied to  things  of  some  dignity ;  empty,  from  the  Saxon,  is  pre- 
ferred in  speaking  of  slight,  common,  or  homely  matters,  though 
it  may  be  applied  with  special  force  to  the  highest;  we  speak 
of  empty  space,  a  vacant  lot,  an  empty  dish,  an  empty  sleeve, 
a  taoant  mind,  an  empty  heart,  an  empty  boast,  a  vacant  office, 
a  vacant  or  leisure  hour.  Void  and  devoid  are  rarely  used  in 
the  literal  sense,  but  for  the  most  part  confined  to  abstract  re- 
lations, devoid  being  followed  by  of,  and  having  with  that  addi- 
tion the  effect  of  a  prepositional  phrase;  as,  the  article  is 
devoid  of  sense;  the  contract  is  void  for  want  of  consideration. 
Waste,  in  this  connection,  applies  to  that  which  is  made  so  by 
devastation  or  ruin,  or  gives  an  impression  of  desolation,  espe- 
cially as  combined  with  vastness,  probably  from  association 
of  the  words  waste  and  vast;  waste  is  applied  also  to  unculti- 
vated or  unproductive  land,  if  of  considerable  extent;  we  speak 
of  a  waste  track  or  region,  but  not  of  a  waste  city  lot.  Vacu- 
ous refers  to  the  condition  of  being  empty  or  vacant,  regarded 
as  continuous  or  characteristic. 


brimful  busy  filled  inhabited  overflowing 

brimmed  crammed  full  jammed  packed 

brimming         crowded  gorged  occupied  replete 

valat  474 

venerate .      ^_     .    . 


abortive         futile 
baseless          idle 
bootless           inconstant 
deceitful        Ineffectual 
delusive          nugatory 
empty               null 
frivolous        profitless 
fruitless          shadowy 



Vain  (from  K  vanus,  empty)  keeps  the  etymological  idea 
through  all  changes  of  meaning;  a  vain  endeavor  is  empty  of 
result,  or  of  adequate  power  to  produce  a  result,  a  vain  pre- 
tension is  empty  or  destitute  of  support,  a  vain  person  has  a 
conceit  that  is  empty  or  destitute  of  adequate  cause  or  reason. 
That  which  is  bootless,  fruitless,  or  profitless  fails  to  accom- 
plish any  valuable  result;  that  which  is  abortive,  ineffectual, 
or  unavailing  fails  to  accomplish  a  result  that  it  was,  or  was 
supposed  to  be,  adapted  to  accomplish.  That  which  is  useless, 
futile,  or  vain  is  inherently  incapable  of  accomplishing-  a  speci- 
fied result.  Useless,  in  the  widest  sense,  signifies  not  of  use 
for  any  valuable  purpose,  and  is  thus  closely  similar  to  value- 
less and  worthless.  Fruitless  is  more  final  than  ineffectual,  as 
applying  to  the  sum  or  harvest  of  endeavor.  That  which  is 
useless  lacks  actual  fitness  for  a  purpose;  that  which  is  vain 
lacks  imaginable  fitness*  Compare  VACANT;  OSTENTATION; 


adequate  effective  powerful  solid  useful 

advantageous  efficient  profitable  sound  valid 

beneficial  expedient  real  substantia.  valuable 

competent  potent  serviceable  sufficient  worthy 

Compare  synonyms  for  UTILITY. 

Hireling  mercenary          purchasable  salable 

Venal  (from  L.  venalis,  from  venum,  sale)  signifies  ready  to 
sell  one's  influence,  vote,  or  efforts  for  money  or  other  con- 
sideration; mercenary  (from  L.  mercenarius,  from  merces,  pay, 
reward)  signifies  influenced  chiefly  or  only  by  desire  for  gain 
or  reward;  thus,  etymologically,  the  mercenary  can  be  hired, 
while  the  venal  are  openly  or  actually  for  sale;  hireling  (from 

475  vain 

______^____<___— ___________ venerate 

AS.  hyrhng,  from  hyr)  signifies  serving  for  hire  or  pay,  or 
having  the  spirit  or  character  of  one  who  works  or  of  that 
which  is  done  directly  for  hire  or  pay.  Mercenary  has  especial 
,  application  to  character  or  disposition;  as,  a  mercenary  spirit; 
mercenary  motives — i.  e>,  a  spint  or  motives  to  which  money 
is  the  chief  consideration  or  the  moving  principle.  The  hireling, 
the  mercenary,  and  the  venal  are  alike  in  making  principle, 
conscience,  and  honor  of  less  account*  than  gold  or  sordid  con- 
siderations; but  the  mercenary  and  venal  may  be  simply  open 
to  the  bargain  and  sale  which  the  hireling  has  already  consum- 
mated; a  clergyman  may  be  mercenary  in  making  place  and 
pay  of  undue  importance  while  not  venal  enough  to  forsake  his 
own  communion  for  another  for  any  reward  that  could  be  of- 
fered him.  The  mercenary  may  retain  much  show  of  inde- 
pendence ;  hireling  service  sacrifices  self-respect  as  well  as  prin- 
ciple ;  a  public  officer  who  makes  his  office  tributary  to  private 
speculation  in  which  he  is  interested  is  mercenary;  if  he  receives 
a  stipulated  recompense  for  administering  his  office  at  the  be- 
hest of  some  leader,  faction,  corporation,  or  the  like,  he  is  both 
hireling  and  venal;  if  he  gives  essential  advantages  for  pay, 
without  subjecting  himself  to  any  direct  domination,  his  course 
is  venaly  but  not  hireling.  Compare  PAY;  VENIAL. 


disinterested  honest  incorruptible  publicsspirited 

generous  honorable  patriotic  unpurchasable 


adore  Honor  respect          revere  reverence 

In  the  highest  sense,  to  revere  or  reverence  is  to  hold  in 
mingled  love  and  honor  with  something  of  sacred  fear,  as  for 
that  which  while  lovely  is  sublimely  exalted  and  brings  upon 
us  by  contrast  a  sense  of  our  unworthiness  or  inferiority;  to 
revere  is  a  wholly  spiritual  act;  to  reverence  is  often,  though 
not  necessarily,  to  give  outward  expression  to  the  reverential 
feeling;  we  revere  or  reverence  the  divine  majesty.  Revere  is  3 
stronger  word  than  reverence  or  venerate.  To  venerate  is  to 
hold  in  exalted  honor  without  fear,  and  is  applied  to  objects 
less  removed  from  ourselves  than  those  we  revere,  being  said 
especially  of  aged  persons,  of  places  or  objects  having  sacred 

veneration                                                                                  476 

associations,  and  of  abstractions;  we  venerate  an  aged  pastor, 
the  dust  of  heroes  or  martyrs,  lofty  virtue  or  self -sacrifice,  or 
some  great  cause,  as  that  of  civil  or  religious  liberty;  we  do 
not  venerate  God,  but  revere  or  reverence  him.  We  adore 
with  a  humble  yet  free  outflowing  of  soul.  Compare  VENERA- 


contemn  detest  dishonor  scoff  at  slight 

despise  disdain  disregard  scorn  spurn 


adoration  awe  dread  reverence 

Awe  is  inspired  by  that  in  which  there  is  sublimity  or  majesty 
so  overwhelming  as  to  awaken  a  feeling  akin  to  fear;  in  awe, 
considered  by  itself,  there  is  no  element  of  esteem  or  affection, 
though  the  sense  of  vastness,  power,  or  grandeur  in  the  object 
is  always  present.  Dread  is  a  shrinking  apprehension  or  ex- 
pectation of  possible  harm  awakened  by  any  one  of  many  ob- 
jects or  causes,  from  that  which  is  overwhelmingly  vast  and 
mighty  to  that  which  is  productive  of  momentary  physical  pain ; 
*n  its  higher  uses  dread  approaches  the  meaning  of  awe,  but 
with  more  of  chilliness  and  cowering,  and  without  that  subjec- 
tion of  soul  to  the  grandeur  and  worthiness  of  the  object  that 
is  involved  in  awe.  Awe  is  preoccupied  with  the  object  that 
inspires  it;  dread  with  apprehension  of  personal  consequences. 
Reverence  and  veneration  are  less  overwhelming  than  awe  or 
dread,  and  suggest  something  of  esteem,  affection,  and  personal 
nearness.  We  may  feel  awe  of  that  which  we  can  not  reverence, 
as  a  grandly  terrible  ocean  storm;  awe  of  the  divine  presence 
is  more  distant  and  less  trustful  than  reverence.  Veneration 
is  commonly  applied  to  things  which  are  not  subjects  of  awe. 
Adoration,  in  its  full  sense,  is  loftier  than  veneration,  less  re- 
strained and  awed  than  reverence,  and  with  more  of  the  spirit 
of  direct,  active,  and  joyful  worship.  Compare  ESTEEM;  VEN- 


contempt  disdain  dishonor  disregard  scorn 

4:17  veneration 

^  veracity 



excusable  pardonable  slight  trivial 

Venial  (from  L.  vema,  pardon)  signifies  capable  of  being 
pardoned,  and,  in  common  use,  capable  of  being  readily  par- 
doned, easily  overlooked.  Aside  from  its  technical  ecclesiastical 
use,  venial  is  always  understood  as  marking  some  fault  com- 
paratively slight  or  trivial.  A.  vernal  offense  is  one  readily 
overlooked;  a  pardonable  offense  requires  more  serious  con- 
sideration, but  on  deliberation  is  found  to  be  susceptible  of 
pardon.  Excusable  is  scarcely  applied  to  offenses,  but  to  mat- 
ters open  to  doubt  or  criticism  rather  than  direct  censure;  so 
used,  it  often  falls  little  short  of  justifiable;  as,  I  think,  under 
those  circumstances,  his  action  *was  excusable.  Protestants  do 
not  recognize  the  distinction  between  venial  and  mortal  sins. 
Venial  must  not  be  confounded  with  the  very  different  word 
VENAL.  Compare  VENAL. 


inexcusable      inexpiable       mortal      unpardonable      unjustifiable 



candor  honesty  reality          truthfulness 

frankness         ingenuousness        truth.  verity 

Truth  is  primarily  and  verity  is  always  a  quality  of  thought 
or  speech,  especially  of  speech,  as  in  exact  conformity  to  fact. 
Veracity  is  properly  a  quality  of  a  person,  the  habit  of  speak- 
ing and  the  disposition  to  speak  the  truth;  a  habitual  liar  may 
on  some  occasions  speak  the  truth,  but  that  does  not  constitute 
him  a  man  of  veracity;  on  the  other  hand,  a  person  of  un- 
doubted veracity  may  state  (through  ignorance  or  misinforma- 
tion) what  is  not  the  truth.  Truthfulness  is  a  quality  that  may 
inhere  either  in  a  person  or  in  his  statements  or  beliefs.  Can- 
dor, frankness,  honesty,  and  ingenuousness  are  allied  with 
veracity,  and  verity  with  truth,  while  truthfulness  may  accord 
with  either.  Truth  in  a  secondary  sense  may  be  applied  to 
intellectual  action  or  moral  character,  in  the  former  case  be- 
coming a  close  synonym  of  veracity;  as,  I  know  him  to  be  a 
man  of  truth. 

verbal  478 

vigilant . 


deceit  duplicity  falsehood  fiction  lie 

deception        error  falseness  guile  mendacity 

delusion          fabrication  falsity  imposture  untruth 

Compare  synonyms  for  DECEPTION. 

literal  oral  vocal 

Oral  (from  L.  os,  the  month)  signifies  uttered  through  the 
mouth  or  (in  common  phrase)  by  word  of  mouth;  verbal  (from 
L.  verbum,  a  word)  signifies  of,  pertaining  to,  or  connected 
with  words,  especially  with  words  as  distinguished  from  the 
ideas  they  convey;  vocal  (from  L.  vox,  the  voice)  signifies  of 
or  pertaining  to  the  voice,  uttered  or  modulated  by  the  voice, 
and  especially  uttered  with  or  sounding  with  full,  resonant 
voice ;  literal  (from  L.  liter  a,  a  letter)  signifies  consisting  of  or 
expressed  by  letters,  or  according  to  the  letter,  in  the  broader 
sense  of  the  exact  meaning  or  requirement  of  the  words  used; 
what  is  called  "the  letter  of  the  law"  is  its  literal  meaning 
without  going  behind  what  is  expressed  by  the  letters  on  the 
page.  Thus  oral  applies  to  that  which  is  given  by  spoken 
words  in  distinction  from  that  which  is  written  or  printed ;  as, 
oral  tradition;  an  oral  examination.  By  this  rule  we  should 
in  strictness  speak  of  an  oral  contract  or  an  oral  message,  but 
verbal  contract  and  verbal  message,  as  indicating  that  which  is 
by  spoken  rather  than  by  written  words,  have  become  so  fixed 
in  the  language  that  they  can  probably  never  be  changed ;  this 
usage  is  also  in  line  with  other  idioms  of  the  language;  as  "I 
give  you  my  word,"  "a  true  man's  word  is  as  good  as  his  bond," 
"by  word  of  mouth,"  etc.  A  verbal  translation  may  be  oral  or 
written,  so  that  it  is  word  for  word;  a  literal  translation  follows 
the  construction  and  idiom  of  the  original  as  well  as  the  words ; 
a  literal  translation  is  more  than  one  that  is  merely  verbal; 
both  verbal  and  literal  are  opposed  to  free.  In  the  same  sense, 
of  attending  to  words  only,  we  speak  of  verbal  criticism,  a 
verbal  change.  Vocal  has  primary  reference  to  the  human  voice ; 
as,  vocal  sounds,  vocal  music ;  vocal  may  be  applied  within  cer- 
tain limits  to  inarticulate  sounds  given  forth  by  other  animals 
than  man;  as,  the  woods  were  vocal  with  the  songs  of  birds; 
oral  is  never  so  applied,  but  is  limited  to  articulate  utterance 
regarded  as  having  a  definite  meaning;  as,  an  oral  statement. 

479  verbal 

___ vigilant 



achievement          ascendency          mastery  supremacy 

advantage  conquest  success  triumph 

Victory  is  the  state  resulting  from  the  overcoming  of  an 
opponent  or  opponents  in  any  contest,  or  from  the  overcoming 
of  difficulties,  obstacles,  evils,  etc.,  considered  as  opponents  or 
enemies.  In  the  latter  sense  any  hard-won  achievement,  ad- 
vantage, or  success  may  be  termed  a  victory.  In  conquest  and 
mastery  there  is  implied  a  permanence  of  state  that  is  not  im- 
plied in  victory.  Triumph,  originally  denoting  the  public  re- 
joicing in  honor  of  a  victory,  has  come  to  signify  also  a  pecu- 
liarly exultant,  complete,  and  glorious  victory.  Compare  CON- 


defeat  disappointment     failure  miscarriage      retreat 

destruction     disaster  frustration      overthrow         rout 



alert  cautions  on  the  lookout  •wary 

awake          circumspect  sleepless  watchful 

careful        on  the  alert  wakeful  wide-awake 

Vigilant  implies  more  sustained  activity  and  more  intelligent 
volition  than  alert;  one  may  be  habitually  alert  by  reason  "of 
native  quickness  of  perception  and  thought,  or  one  may  be  mo- 
mentarily alert  under  some  excitement  or  expectancy;  one  who 
is  vigilant  is  so  with  thoughtful  purpose.  One  is  vigilant  against 
danger  or  harm;  he  may  be  alert  or  watchful  for  good  as  well 
as  against  evil;  he  is  wary  in  view  of  suspected  stratagem, 
trickery,  or  treachery.  A  person  may  be  wakeful  because  of 
some  merely  physical  excitement  or  excitability,  as  through 
insomnia;  yet  he  may  be  utterly  careless  and  negligent  in  his 
wakefulness,  the  reverse  of  watchful;  a  person  who  is  truly 
watchful  must  keep  himself  wakeful  while  on  watch,  in  which 
ease  wakeful  has  something  of  mental  quality.  Watchful, 
from  the  Saxon,  and  vigilant,  from  the  Latin,  are  almost  exact 
equivalents;  but  vigilant  has  somewhat  more  of  sharp  definite- 
ness  and  somewhat  more  suggestion  of  volition;  one  may  be 
habitually  watchful;  one  is  vigilant  of  set  purpose  and  for  di- 
rect cause,  as  in  the  presence  of  an  enemy.  Compare  ALERT. 

virtue                                                                                               480 


careless  heedless  inconsiderate  oblmous 

drowsy  inattentive  neglectful  thoughtless 

dull  incautious  negligent  unwarj' 



chastity  Honesty  probity  truth 

duty  honor  purity  uprightness 

excellence  integrity  rectitude  virtuousness 

faithfulness  justice  righteousness  worth, 

goodness  morality  rightness  worthiness 

Virtue  (from  L.  virtus,  primarily  manly  strength  or  courage, 
from  vir,  a  man,  a  hero)  is,  in  its  full  sense,  goodness  that  is 
victorious  through  trial,  perhaps  through  temptation  and  con- 
flict. Goodness,  the  being  morally  good,  may  be  much  less  than 
virtue,  as  lacking  the  strength  that  comes  from  trial  and  con- 
flict, or  it  may  be  very  much  more  than  virtue,  as  rising  sub- 
limely above  the  possibility  of  temptation  and  conflict — the 
infantile  as  contrasted  with  the  divine  goodness.  Virtue  is 
distinctively  human;  we  do  not  predicate  it  of  God.  Morality 
is  conformity  to  the  moral  law  in  action,  whether  in  matters 
concerning  ourselves  or  others,  whether  with  or  without  right 
principle.  Honesty  and  probity  are  used  especially  of  one's 
relations  to  his  fellow  men,  probity  being  to  honesty  much  what 
virtue  in  some  respects  is  to  goodness;  probity  is  honesty  tried 
and  proved,  especially  in  those  things  that  are  beyond  the  reach 
of  legal  requirement ;  above  the  commercial  sense,  honesty  may 
be  applied  to  the  highest  truthfulness  of  the  soul  to  and  with 
itself  and  its  Maker.  Integrity,  in  the  full  sense,  is  moral 
wholeness  without  a  flaw;  when  used,  as  it  often  is,  of  contracts 
and  dealings,  it  has  reference  to  inherent  character  and  princi- 
ple, and  denotes  much  more  than  superficial  or  conventional 
honesty.  Honor  is  a  lofty  honesty  that  scorns  fraud  or  wrong 
as  base  and  unworthy  of  itself.  Honor  rises  far  above  thought 
of  the  motto  that  "honesty  is  the  best  policy ."  Purity  is  free- 
dom from  all  admixture,  especially  of  that  which  debases;  it 
is  chastity  both  of  heart  and  life,  but  of  the  life  because  from 
the  heart.  Duty,  the  rendering  of  what  is  due  to  any  person 
or  in  any  relation,  is,  in  this  connection,  the  fulfilment  of 
moral  obligation.  Rectitude  and  righteousness  denote  con- 
formity to  the  standard  of  right,  whether  in  heart  or  act; 

481  virtue 


righteousness  is  used  especially  in  the  religious  sense.  Up- 
rightness refers  especially  to  conduct.  Virtuousness  is  a  quality 
of  the  soul  or  of  action;  in  the  latter  sense  it  is  the  essence 
of  virtuous  action.  Compare  INNOCENT;  JUSTICE;  RELIGION. 


evil  vice  viciousness  wickedness  wrong 

Compare  synonyms  for  SIN. 



deviate  err  range  stray 

digress  go  astray  roam  swerve 

diverge  ramble  rove  veer 

To  wander  (from  AS.  wmdan,  wind)  is  to  move  in  an  in- 
definite or  indeterminate  way  which  may  or  may  not  be  a 
departure  from  a  prescribed  way;  to  deviate  (from  L.  de9  from, 
and  via,  a  way)  is  to  turn  from  a  prescribed  or  right  way, 
physically,  mentally,  or  morally,  usually  in  an  unfavorable 
sense;  to  diverge  (from  L.  di,  apart,  and  vergo,  incline,  tend) 
is  to  turn  from  a  course  previously  followed  or  that  something 
else  follows,  and  has  no  unfavorable  implication;  to  digress 
(from  L.  di}  apart,  aside,  and  gradior,  step)  is  used  only  with 
reference  to  speaking  or  writing;  to  err  is  used  of  intellectual 
or  moral  action,  and  of  the  moral  with  primary  reference  to 
the  intellectual,  an  error  being  viewed  as  in  some  degree  due 
to  ignorance.  Range,  roam,  and  rove  imply  the  traversing  of 
considerable,  often  of  vast,  distances  of  land  or  sea;  range 
commonly  implies  a  purpose;  as,  cattle  range  for  food;  a  hunt- 
ing-dog ranges  a  field  for  game.  Roam  and  rove  are  often 
purposeless,  and  always  without  definite  aim.  To  swerve  or 
veer  is  to  turn  suddenly  from  a  prescribed  or  previous  course, 
and  often  but  momentarily ;  veer  is  more  capricious  and  repeti- 
tious; the  horse  swerves  at  the  flash  of  a  sword;  the  wind  veers; 
the  ship  veers  with  the  wind.  To  stray  is  to  go  in  a  somewhat 
purposeless  way  aside  from  the  regular  path  or  usual  limits  or 
abode,  usually  with  unfavorable  implication;  cattle  stray  from 
their  pastures;  an  author  strays  from  his  subject;  one  strays 
from  the  path  of  virtue.  Stray  is  in  most  uses  a  lighter  word 
than  wander.  Ramble,  in  its  literal  use,  is  always  a  word  of 
pleasant  suggestion,  but  in  its  figurative  use  always  somewhat 
contemptuous;  as,  rambling  talk. 

way  482 

wealth T 



alley  driveway  passage  roadway 

avenue  highroad  passageway  route 

bridle-path  highway  path  street 

channel  lane  pathway  thoroughfare 

course  pass  road  track 

Wherever  there  is  room  for  one  object  to  pass  another  there 
is  a  way.  A  road  (originally  a  Tideway)  is  a  prepared  way 
for  traveling  with  horses  or  vehicles,  always  the  latter  unless 
the  contrary  is  expressly  stated;  a  way  suitable  to  be  traversed 
only  by  foot-passengers  or  by  animals  is  called  a  path,  bridle- 
path, or  track;  as,  the  roads  in  that  country  are  mere  bridle- 
paths. A  road  may  be  private;  a  highway  or  highroad  is  pub- 
lie,  highway  being  a  specific  name  for  a  road  legally  set  apart 
for  the  use  of  the  public  forever;  a  highway  may  be  over  water 
as  well  as  over  land.  A  route  is  a  line  of  travel,  and  may  be 
over  many  roads.  A  street  is  in  some  center  of  habitation,  as 
a  city,  town,  or  village;  when  it  passes  between  rows  of  dwell- 
ings the  country  road  becomes  the  village  street.  An  avenue 
is  a  long?  broad,  and  imposing  or  principal  street.  Track  is  a 
word  of  wide  signification;  we  speak  of  a  goat-track  on  a 
mountain-side,  a  railroad-tfracfc,  a  raee-£racfc,  the  track  of  a 
comet;  on  a  traveled  road  the  line  worn  by  regular  passing  of 
hoofs  and  wheels  in  either  direction  is  called  the  track.  A 
passage  is  between  any  two  objects  or  lines  ef  enclosure,  a  pass 
commonly  between  mountains.  A  driveway  is  within  enclosed 
grounds,  as  of  a  private  residence.  A  channel  is  a  waterway. 
A  thoroughfare  is  a  way  through;  a  road  or  street  temporarily 
or  permanently  closed  at  any  point  ceases  for  such  time  to  be 
a  thoroughfare.  Compare  ADR;  DIRECTION. 



abundance  fortune  means  possessions 

affluence  goods  money  property 

assets  lucre  opulence  prosperity 

competence  luxuriance  pelf  riehes 

competency  luxury  plenty  substance 

Abundance  denotes  a  copious  or  overflowing  supply  or  quan- 
tity of  anything,  beyond  need,  but  short  of  excess. 


There  the  richest  was  poor,  and  the  poorest  lived  in  abundance* 

LONGFELLOW  EvangeKne,  pt.  ;,  st.  1. 

Affluence  (from  L.  ad,  to,  and  fluo,  flow)  denotes  abundance 
as  freely  flowing  in;  opulence  (from  L.  opes,  riches)  denotes 
abundance  in  simple  existence  or  possession;  affluence  is  thus 
a  more  vivid  term  than  opulence;  an  abundant  income,  as  from 
a  life-estate,  might  enable  one  to  live  in  affluence;  only  sub- 
stantial possessions  could  fill  the  meaning  of  opulence.  Both 
affluence  and  opulence  have  reference  to  condition,  state,  mani- 
festation, or  use,  rather  than  to  mere  possession;  both  imply 
abundant  resources  accompanied  by  generous  expenditure ;  we 
should  not  speak  of  a  miser,  however  wealthy,  as  enjoying  afflu- 
ence or  opulence,  though  we  might  refer  to  his  hidden  wealth  or 
his  useless  riches.  Profusion  (from  L.  pro,  forth,  and  fundo, 
pour)  is  abundance  that  pours  forth  or  overflows,  applying  es- 
pecially to  extravagant  or  unchecked  expenditure ;  affluence  is  a 
nobler  word  than  profusion;  profusion  may  characterize  the 
mere  spendthrift;  affluence,  the  man  of  ample  resources.  Lux- 
ury denotes  extravagant  and  hence  enervating  and  enfeebling 
indulgence  in  the  pleasures  of  wealth;  one  may  live  an  active, 
vigorous,  and  helpful  life  in  affluence  or  opulence ,  but  not  in 
luxury;  luxury  breaks  down  the  stamina  of  a  class  or  a  nation. 
Luxuriance  denotes  abundant  growth,  as  of  vegetation,  and  is 
a  synonym  of  affluence,  profusion,  wealth,  etc.,  only  in  figura- 
tive use;  it  is  not,  in  modern  use,  a  synonym  of  luxury. 
Wealth  (from  AS.  wela,  well-being)  denotes  "a  store  or  ac- 
cumulation of  those  material  things  that  men  desire  to  possess, 
and  that  have  exchangeable  value ;"  riches  (from  P-  richesse) 
was  originally  a  singular  noun,  used  as  a  near  equivalent  of 
wealth;  but  riches  has  more  of  the  relative  and  comparative 
meaning  of  the  adjective  "rich;"  the  "rich"  man  of  a  western 
frontier  town  would  commonly  not  be  considered  a  man  of 
wealth  in  New  York  or  London;  wealth,  true  to  its  derivation, 
is  a  broader,  higher,  and  more  substantial  word  than  riches; 
we  speak  of  the  public  wealth,  the  national  wealth,  rather  than 
of  the  public  or  national  riches;  riches  carries  more  of  the  idea 
of  personal  possession;  wealth  is  distributive;  a  prosperous 
farming  community  may  have  great  wealth,  while  few  of  its 
members  possess  riches,  and  none  are  in  a  condition  of  afflu- 
\ence  or  opulence.  Property  is  something  of  value  that  is,  or 

wealth                                                                                       484 
wisdom.  ^ 

may  be,  192  personal  possession  of  an  owner;  it  may  be  of  vari- 
ous kinds;  as,  personal  property  or  real  property;  it  may  be 
of  great  or  little  value ;  as,  a  small  or  a  large  property,  an  un- 
productive property,  etc.;  but  when  used  without  qualification 
the  word  denotes  possessions  of  considerable  value;  as,  a  man 
of  property.  Substance  has  similar  use,  but  is  less  definite, 
vaguely  denoting  one's  entire  possessions,  with  the  suggestion 
that  these  are  considerable;  as,  a  man  of  substance. 

If  a  man  would  give  all  the  substance  of  Ids  houso  for  love,  it  would 
utterly  be  contemned.  Cant,  vm,   7. 

The  word  is  less  used  in  this  sense  now  than  formerly.  Money 
in  this  connection,  has  more  of  the  directly  mercantile  or  mer- 
cenary suggestion  than  riches  or  wealth,  and  does  not  approach 
the  meaning  of  affluence  or  opulence;  the  phrase,  a  man  of 
money,  carries  less  indication  of  membership  in  a  substantial 
and  respected  class  than  the  phrase,  a  man  of  wealth;  money 
may  be  all  that  the  former  man  has.  ^Financially,  the  public 
wealth  denotes  all  the  possessions  of  a  community  of  whatever 
kind,  including  the  means  of  production;  the  public  money  is 
in  the  treasury  or  on  deposit,  and  is  a  very  small  part  of  the 
public  wealth.  Means  denotes  money  or  property  considered 
as  a  procuring  medium — available  resources;  when  used  with- 
out limitation,  the  phrase  a  man  of  means  signifies  one  of  con- 
siderable possessions,  but  various  adjectives  may  modify  the 
meaning  of  the  word  means;  we  may  speak  of  small  or 
limited  means,  ample  or  unlimited  means;  the  owner  of  vast 
property  may  be  of  limited  means,  if  he  can  neither  utilize 
nor  realize  on  his  property.  A.  fortune  is  a  considerable 
amount  of  wealth  in  the  possession  of  a  single  owner,  or  of 
joint  owners;  as,  to  make  or  inherit  a  fortune;  this,  too,  ad- 
mits of  degrees;  as,  a  small,  large,  or  ample  fortune.  A  com» 
petence  or  competency  is  sufficient  property  for  comfortable 
livelihood — and  no  more.  Plenty  denotes  abundance  of  mate- 
rial supplies  or  resources,  with  especial  reference  to  direct 
use  or  enjoyment;  as,  a  land  of  plenty;  plenty  is  more  mate- 
rialistic than  ABTODANCE.  (Compare  EXCESS;  PLENTTETJL.) 
Lucre  (from  L.  lucrum,  gain)  and  pelf  (from  OF.  pelf  re, 
spoil,  plunder)  are  opprobrious  terms,  of  inferior  grade,  lucre 
often  denoting  that  the  money  or  wealth  is  ill-gotten. 
His  [EK'sJ  sons  ....  turned  aside  after  lucre,  and  took  bribes. 

1  Sam.  viit  3. 

485  wealth. 

Teaching  things  which  they  ought  not,  for  filthy  lucre's  sake. 

Tit.  i,  11. 

The  secondary  or  figurative  uses  of  these  words  closely  fol- 
low the  primary  or  literal;  we  may  speak  of  affluence  of  thought 
or  language;  opulence  of  learning;  luxuriance  of  style;  pro- 
fusion of  epithets  or  imagery;  wealth  may  figuratively  denote 
an  abundance  of  almost  anything  that  is  viewed  as  a  valuable 
and  desirable  possession. 

0,  precious  hours!    0,  golden  prims! 
And  affluence  of  love  and  time! 

LONGFELLOW  Old  Clock  on  the  Stairs,  st.  6. 

The  loose  golden  opulence  of  her  hair. 

TAYLOR  Deul^ahon  in,  vi,  129. 

He  has  that  opulence  -which  furnishes,  at  every  turn,  the  precire  weapon 
he  needs.  EMERSON  Representative  Hen — Plato. 

Again  the  feast,  the  speech,  the  glee, 
The  shade  of  passing  thought,  the  wealth 
Of  words  and  wit 

TENNYSON  In  Memoriam,  Conclusion. 


beggary  mendicancy  penury  squalor 

destitution  misery  poverty  straitened   circumstances 

impecuniosity  need  privation  want 

indigence  pauperism  scarcity  wretchedness 




attainment  insight  proden.ce 

depth  judgment  reason 

discernment  judiciousness  reasonableness 

discretion  knowledge  sagacity 

enlightenment  learning  sense 

erudition  prescience  skill 

foresight  profundity  understanding 

Enlightenment,  erudition,  information,  knowledge,  learning, 
and  skill  axe  acquired,  as  by  study  or  practise.  Insight,  judg- 
ment, profundity  or  depth,  reason,  sagacity,  sense,  and  under- 
standing are  native  qualities  of  mind,  though  capable  of  in- 
crease by  cultivation.  The  other  qualities  are  on  the  border- 
line. Wisdom  has  been  defined  as  "the  right  use  of  knowledge" 
or  "the  use  of  the  most  important  means  for  attaining  the  best 
ends,"  wisdom  thus  presupposing  knowledge  for  its  very  ex- 
istence and  exercise.  Wisdom  is  mental  power  acting  upon 

wit  486 


the  materials  that  fullest  knowledge  gives  in  the  most  effective 
way.  There  may  be  what  is  termed  "practical  wisdom"  that 
looks  only  to  material  results;  but,  in  its  full  sense,  wisdom 
implies  the  highest  and  noblest  exercise  of  all  the  faculties  of 
the  moral  nature  as  well  as  of  the  intellect.  Prudence  is  a 
lower  and  more  negative  form  of  the  same  virtue,  respecting 
outward  and  practical  matters,  and  largely  with  a  view  of 
avoiding  loss  and  in  jury ;  wisdom  transcends  prudence,  so  that 
while  the  part  of  prudence  is  ordinarily  also  that  of  wisdom, 
cases  arise,  as  in  the  exigencies  of  business  or  of  war,  when 
the  highest  wisdom  is  in  the  disregard  of  the  maxims  of  pru~ 
dence.  Judgment,  the  power  of  forming  decisions,  especially 
correct  decisions,  is  broader  and  more  positive  than  prudence, 
leading  one  to  do,  as  readily  as  to  refrain  from  doing;  but 
judgment  is  more  limited  in  range  and  less  exalted  in  character 
than  wisdom;  to  say  of  one  that  he  displayed  good  judgment 
is  much  less  than  to  say  that  he  manifested  wisdom.  Skill  is 
far  inferior  to  wisdom,  consisting  largely  in  the  practical  ap- 
plication of  acquired  knowledge,  power,  and  habitual  processes, 
or  in  the  ingenious  contrivance  that  makes  such  application 
possible.  In  the  making  of  something  perfectly  useless  there 
may  be  great  skill,  but  no  wisdom.  Compare  ACUMEN  ;  ASTUTE  ; 


absurdity   folly  imbecility  miscalculation  senselessness 

error  foolishness  imprudence  misjudgment  silliness 

fatuity        idiocy  indiscretion  nonsense  stupidity 

Compare  synonyms  for  ABSURD;  IDIOCY. 


banter  fun  joke  waggery 

burlesque  humor  playfulness       waggishness 

drollery  jest  pleasantry        witticism 

facetionsness  jocularity  raillery 

Wit  is  the  quick  perception  of  unusual  or  commonly  unper- 
ceived  analogies  or  relations  between  things  apparently  unre- 
lated, and  has  been  said  to  "depend  upon  a  union  of  surprise 
and  pleasure;  it  depends  certainly  on  the  production  of  a  di- 
verting, entertaining,  or  merrymaking  surprise.  The  analogies 
with  which  wit  plays  are  often  superficial  or  artificial;  humor 


deals  with  real  analogies  of  an  amusing  or  entertaining  kind, 
or  with  traits  of  character  that  are  seen  to  have  a  comical  side 
as  soon  as  brought  to  view.  W^t  is  keen,  sudden,  brief,  and 
sometimes  severe;  humor  is  deep,  thoughtful,  sustained,  and 
always  kindly.  Pleasantry  is  lighter  and  less  vivid  than  wit. 
Fun  denotes  the  merry  results  produced  by  wit  and  humor,  or 
by  any  fortuitous  occasion  of  mirth,  and  is  pronounced  and 
often  hilarious. 


dulness  seriousness  solemnity  stupidity 

gravity  sobriety  stolidity 



achievement  doing  labor  prod.nct 

action  drudgery  occupation          production 

business  employment      performance      toil 

deed  exertion 

Work  is  the  generic  term  for  any  continuous  application  of 
energy  toward  an  end;  work  may  be  hard  or  easy.  Labor  is 
hard  and  wearying  work;  toil  is  straining  and  exhausting  work. 
Work  is  also  used  for  any  result  of  working,  physical  or 
mental,  and  has  special  senses,  as  in  mechanics,  which  labor 
and  toil  do  not  share.  Drudgery  is  plodding,  irksome,  and 
often  menial  work.  Compare  ACT;  BUSINESS. 


ease   idleness  leisure   recreation   relaxation  repose   rest   vacation 



besides       further       hitherto       now       still       thus  far 

let  and  still  have  many  closely  related  senses,  and,  with 
verbs  of  past  time,  are  often  interchangeable;  we  may  say 
"while  he  was  yet  a  child,"  or  "while  he  was  still  a  child." 
Yet,  like  stilly  often  applies  to  past  action  or  state  extending 
to  and  including  the  present  time,  especially  when  joined  with 
as;  we  can  say  "he  is  feeble  as  yet,"  or  "he  is  still  feeble." 
with  scarcely  appreciable  difference  of  meaning,  except  that 
the  former  statement  implies  somewhat  more  of  expectation 
than  the  latter.  Yet  with  a  negative  applies  to  completed  ac- 

youthful 488 

tion,  often  replacing  a  positive  statement  with  still;  "he  is  not 
gone  yet"  is  nearly  the  same  as  "he  is  here  still."  Yet  has  a 
reference  to  the  future  which  still  does  not  share;  "we  may  be 
successful  yet3'  implies  that  success  may  begin  at  some  future 
time;  "we  may  be  successful  still"  implies  that  we  may  con- 
tinue to  enjoy  in  the  future  such  success  as  we  are  winning 



adolescent        callow  childlike       immature        puerile 

boyish  childish        girlish  juvenile  young 

Boyish,  childish,  and  girlish  are  used  in  a  good  sense  of 
those  to  whom  they  properly  belong,  but  in  a  bad  sense  of 
those  from  whom  more  maturity  is  to  be  expected;  childish 
eagerness  or  glee  is  pleasing  in  a  child,  but  unbecoming  in  a 
man;  puerile  in  modern  use  is  distinctly  contemptuous.  Juvenile 
and  youthful  are  commonly  used  in  a  favorable  and  kindly 
sense  in  their  application  to  those  still  young;  youthful  in  the 
sense  of  having  the  characteristics  of  youth,  hence  fresh,  vigor- 
ous, light-hearted,  buoyant,  may  have  a  favorable  import  as 
applied  to  any  age,  as  when  we  say  the  old  man  still  retains 
his  youthful  ardor,  vigor,  or  hopefulness;  juvenile  in  such  use 
would  belittle  the  statement.  Young  is  distinctively  applied  to 
those  in  the  early  stage  of  life  or  not  arrived  at  maturity. 
Compare  NEW. 


Compare  synonyms  for  OLD. 



ABANDON  (page  3) 


1.  To  what  objects  or  classes  of  objects  does  abandon  apply?  abdicate* 
cedef  quit?  resign?  surrender?  2  Is  abandon  used  in  the  favorable 
or  unfavorable  sense?  desert  favorable  or  unfavorable)  forsake t  3. 
What  does  abandon  commonly  denote  of  previous  relationship?  for- 


The  soldiers his  standard  in  such  numbers  that  the  conwnander 

found  it  necessary  to  — -  the  enterprise 

France  was  compelled  to  Alsace  and  Lorraine  to  Germany 

In  the  height  of  his  powei  Charles  V. the  throne. 

Finding  resistance  vain,  the  defenders   agreed  to  the  fortress 

To  the  surprise  of  his  friends,  Senator  Conkling  suddenly  his 


At  the  stroke  of  the  bell,  the  men  instantly work. 

ABASE  (page  4) 


1.  How  does  abase  differ  from  debase*  humble  from,  humiliate?  degrade 
from  disgrace? 


To  provide  funds,  the  king  resolved  to  the  «oinage. 

He  came  from  the  scene  of  his  disgrace,  haughty  aad  defiant,  - 

but  not   ' 

The  officer  who  had  himself  by  cowardice  was  to  the 


Only  the  base  in  spirit  will themselves  before  wealth,  »ank,  and 


The  messenger  was  so that  no  heed  was  paid  to  his  message. 


The  following  exercises  have  been  prepared  expressly  and  solely  to  ac- 
company the  preceding  text  in  which  the  distinctions  of  synonyms  have 
been  carefully  pointed  out.  It  is  not  expected,  intended,  or  desired  that 
the  questions  should  be  answered  or  the  blanks  in  the  examples  supplied 
off-hand.  In  such  study  nothing  can  be  worse  than  guess-work.  Hence, 
leading  questions  have  been  avoided,  and  the  order  of  synonyms  given  in 
Part  L  has  frequently  been  departed  from  or  reversed  in  Part  II. 

To  secure  the  study  of  Part  I.  before  coming  into  class,  pupils  should 
not  be  allowed  to  open  it  during  recitation,  unless  on  rare  occasions  to 
settle  doubtful  or  disputed  points.  The  very  best  method  will  be  found  to 
be  to  have  the  examples  included  in  the  lesson,  with  any  others  that  may 
be  added,  copied  on  the  blackboard  before  recitation,  and  no  books  brought 
into  class. 

The  teacher  should  make  a  thorough  study  of  the  subject,  not  only  mas- 
tering what  is  given  in  Part  L  but  going  beyond  the  necessarily  brief 
statements  there  given,  and  consulting  the  ultimate  authorities — the  best 
dictionaries  and  the  works  of  the  best  speakers  and  writers.  For  the  latter 
purpose  a  good  cyclopedia  of  quotations,  like  the  Hoyt,  will  be  found  very 
helpful  The  teacher  should  so  study  out  the  subject  as  to  be  distinctly  in 
advance  of  the  class  and  able  to  speak  authoritatively  Such  independent 
study  will  be  found  intensely  interesting,  and  can  be  made  delightful  and 
even  fascinating  to  any  intelligent  class. 

In  answer  to  questions  calling  for  definitive  statement,  the  teacher 
should  insist  upon  the  very  words  of  the  text,  unless  the  pupil  can  give 
in  his  own  words  what  is  manifestly  as  good.  This  will  often  be  found 
not  easy  to  do.  Definition  by  synonym  should  be  absolutely  forbidden. 

Reasonable  questions  should  be  encouraged,  but  the  class  should  not  be 
allowed  to  become  a  debating  society.  The  meaning  of  English  words  is 
not  a  matter  of  conjecture,  and  all  disputed  points  should  be  promptly  re- 
ferred to  the  dictionary — usually  to  be  looked  up  after  the  recitation,  and 
considered,  if  need  be,  at  the  next  recitation.  The  majority  of  them  will 
not  need  to  be  referred  to  again,  as  the  difficulties  will  simply  represent  an 
inferior  usage  which  the  dictionary  will  brush  aside.  One  great  advantage 
of  synonym  study  is  to  exterminate  colloquialisms. 

The  class  should  be  encouraged  to  bring  quotations  from  first-class 
authors  with  blanks  to  be  filled,  such  quotations  being  held  authoritative, 
though  not  infallible;  also  quotations  from  the  best  newspapers,  periodicals, 
speeches,  etc.,  with  words  underlined  for  criticism,  such  quotations  being 
held  open  to  revision  upon  consultation  of  authorities.  The  change  of 
usage,  whereby  that  may  be  correct  to-day  which  would  not  have  been  so 
at  an  earlier  period,  should  be  carefully  noted,  but  always  upon  the  au- 
thority of  an  approved  dictionary. 

The  examples  have  been  in  great  part  selected  from  the  best  literature, 
and  all  others  carefully  prepared  for  this  work.  Hence,  an  appropriate 
word  to  fin  each  blank  can  always  be  found  by  careful  study  of  the  corre- 
sponding group  of  synonyms.  In  a  few  instances,  either  of  two  words 
would  appropriately  fill  a  blank  and  yield  a  good  sense.  In  such  case, 
either  should  be  accepted  as  correct,  but  the  resulting  difference  of  mean- 
ing should  be  clearly  pointed  out. 

abash                                                                                          492 

ABASH   (page  5) 


1.  What  has  the  effect  to  make  one  abashed?  2.  How  does  confuse  differ 
from  abash*  3.  What  do  we  mean  when  we  say  that  a  person 
is  mortified  9  4.  Give  an  instance  of  the  use  of  mortified  where 
abashed  could  not  be  substituted.  Why  could  not  the  words  be  inter- 
changed? 5.  Can  one  be  daunted  who  is  not  abashed?  6.  Is  em- 
barrass or  mortify  the  stronger  word*  Give  instances. 


The  peasant  stood  in  the  royal  presence. 

The  numerous  questions  the  witness 

The  speaker  was  for  a  moment,  but  quickly  recovered  himself. 

At  the  revelation  of  such  depravity,  I  was  utterly  . 

When  sensible  of  his  error,  the  visitor  was  deeply . 

ABBREVIATION  (page  6) 


Is  an  abbreviation  always  a  contraction  ?  2.  Is  a  contraction  always 
an  abbreviation?  Give  instances  3  Can  we  have  an  abbreviation 
of  a  book,  paragraph,  or  sentence?  What  can  be  abbreviated*  and 
what  abridged? 


The  treatise  was  already  so  brief  that  it  did  not  admit  of . 

The  Dr.  is  used  both  for  Doctor  and  Debtor. 

P.  R.  S.  is  an of  the  title  "Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society." 

ABET  (page  6) 


1.  Abet,  incite,  instigate;  which  of  these  words  are  used  fa  a  good  and 
which  in  a  bad  sense?  2.  How  does  abet  differ  from  incite  and  in- 
stigate as  to  the  time  of  the  action?  3.  Which  of  the  three  words 
apply  to  persons  and  which  to  actions?  Give  instances  of  the  use 
of  abet;  instigate;  incite. 


To  further  his  own  schemes,  he the  viceroy  to  rebel  against  the 


To  a  crime  may  be  worse  than  to  originate  it,  as  arguing  less 

excitement  and  more  calculation  and  cowardice. 

The  prosecution  was  evidently  malicious,  by  envy  and  Jevenge. 

And  you  that  do  TIHP  in  this  kind 

Cherish  rebellion,   and  are  rebels  all. 

, abolish 

ABHOR  (page  8) 


1.  Which  is  the  stronger  word,  abhor  or  despise*  2.  What  does  abhor 
denote?  3.  How  does  Archbishop  Trench  illustrate  the  difference 
between  abhor  and  shun*  4.  "What  does  detest  express"  5.  What 
does  loathe  imply'  Is  it  physical  or  moral  in  its  application?  6. 
Give  illustrations  of  the  appropriate  uses  of  the  above  words. 


He  had  sunk  to  such  degradation  as  to  be  utterly  by  all  goo4 


Such  weakness  can  only  be 

Talebearers  and  backbiters  are  everywhere  - 

that  which  is  evil,  cleave  to  that  which  is  good. 

ABIDE    (page  9) 


1.  What  limit  of  time  is  expressed  by  abide?  by  lodge?  by  live,  dwell,  re- 
side? 2.  What  is  the  meaning  of  sojourn?  3.  Should  we  say  one 
is  stopping  or  staying  at  a  hotel7  and  why?  4.  Give  examples  of 
the  extended,  and  of  the  limited  use  of  abide. 


One  generation  passeth  away  and  another  generation  cometh,  but  the 
earth  forever. 

And  there  were  in  the  same  country  shepherds  in  the  field, 

keeping  watch  over  their  flock  by  night. 

So  great  was  the  crowd  of  visitors  that  many  were  compelled  to . 

in  the  neighboring  villages. 

He  is  at  the  Albemarle. 

He  has  for  forty  years  in  the  same  house. 

By  faith  he  in  the  land  of  promise,  as  in  a  strange  country. 

ABOLISH  (page  11) 


1.  Is  abolish  used  of  persons  or  material  objects?  2.  Of  what  is  it  used9 
Give  examples.  3,  What  does  annihilate  signify?  Is  it  stronger  or 
weaker  than  abolish?  4.  What  terms  do  we  use  for  doing  away  with 
laws,  and  how  do  those  terms  differ  among  themselves?  5.  What 
are  the  differences  between  overthrow,  suppress,  and  subvert?  espe- 
cially between  the  last  two  of  those  words!  6.  How  does  prohibit 
differ  from  abolish?  7.  What  word  do  we  especially  use  of  putting 
an  end  to  a  nuisajxce?  8.  What  other  words  of  this  class  are  espe- 
cially referred  to?  9.  Give  some  antonyms  of  abolish. 


The  one  great  endeavor  of  Buddhism  is  to  •               sorrow. 
Modern  science  seems  to  show  conclusively  that  matter  is  never ^ 

abomination  494 


The  law,  which  had  long  been by  the  revolutionists,  was  at  last 

by  the  legislature. 

The  ancient  statute  was  found  to  have  been by  later  enactments, 

though  never  formally  . 

The  Supreme  Court the  adverse  decision  of  the  inferior  tribunal. 

Even  in  a  repubbe,  sedition  should  be  promptly  ,  or  it  may  re- 
sult in  the  of  free  institutions. 

From  the  original  settlement  of  Vineland,  New  Jersey,  the  sale  of 
Mitoxicatong  liquor  has  been  . 

ABOMINATION   (page  12) 


I.  To  what  was  abomination  originally  applied?  2.  Does  it  refer  to  a  state 
of  mind  or  to  some  act  or  other  object  of  thought?  3.  How  docs 
abomination  differ  from  aversion  or  disgust?  How  does  an  abomina- 
tion differ  from  an  offense?  from  crime  in  general' 


After  the  ship  began  to  pitch  and  roll,  we  could  not  look  upon  food 
without  . 

It  is  time  that  such  a should  be  abated. 

Capital  punishment  was  formerly  inflicted  in  England  for  trivial 

In  spite  of  their  high  attainments  in  learning  and  art,  the  foulest 

were  prevalent  among  the  Greeks  and  Romans  of  classic  antiquity. 

ABRIDGMENT  (page  13) 


1.  How  does  an  abridgment  differ  from  an  outline  or  a  synopsis ?  from  an 
abstract  or  digest*  2.  How  does  an  abstract  or  digest  differ  from  an 
outline  or  a  synopsis?  3.  Does  an  analysis  of  a  treatise  deal  with 
what  is  expressed,  or  with  what  is  implied?  4.  What  words  may  we 
use  to  express  a  condensed  view  of  a  subject,  whether  derived  from 
a  previous  publication  or  not9 


The  New  Testament  may  be  regarded  as  an of  religion. 

There  are  several  excellent of  English  literature. 

An of  the  decision  of  the  court  was  published  in  all  the  leading 


The  publishers  determined  to  issue  an  of  their  dictionary. 

Such as  U.  S  for  United  States  should  be  rarely  used,  unless 

In  hasty  writing  or  technical  works. 

ABSOLUTE  (page  15) 


1.  What  does  absolute  in  the  strict  sense  denote?  supreme t  2.  To  what 
are  these  words  in  such  sense  properly  applied?  3.  How  are  they 

495                                                                                 abomination 

used  m  a  modified  sense »  4.  Is  arbitrary  ever  used  in  a  good  sense  ? 
What  is  the  chief  use'  Give  examples.  5.  How  does  autocratic  differ 
from  arbitrary*  both  these  words  from  despotic*  despotic  from  tyran- 
nical9 6.  Is  irresponsible  good  or  had  in  its  implication?  arbitrary t 
imperative9  imperious*  peremptory?  positive*  authoritative? 


God  alone  is  and  . 

The  Czar  of  Russia  is  an  ruler. 

power  tends  always  to  "be  in  its  exercise. 

On  all  questions  of  law  in  the  United  States  the  decision  of  the 

Court  is  and  final. 

Learning  of  the  attack  on  our  seamen,  the  government  sent  an  

demand  for  apology  and  indemnity. 

Man's will  and  intellect  have  given  him  dominion  over 

all  other  creatures  on  the  earth,  so  that  they  are  either  subjugated  or  ex- 

ABSOLVE  (page  16) 


1.  What  is  the  original  sense  of  absolve*  2.  To  what  does  it  apply?  3. 
What  is  its  special  sense  when  used  with  reference  to  sins?  4.  How 
does  it  differ  from  acquit ?  forgive?  justify?  pardon?  5.  What  are 
the  chief  antonyms  of  absolve9 


No  power  under  heaven  can  a  man  from  his  personal  respon- 

When  the  facts  were  known,  he  was  of  all  blame. 

ABSORB  (page  16) 


1.  When  is  a  fluid  said  to  be  absorbed*  2.  Is  the  substance  of  the  absorb- 
ing body  changed  by  that  which  it  absorbs?  Give  instances.  3.  How 
does  consume  differ  from  absorb  9  4.  Give  instances  of  the  distinctive 
uses  of  engross,  swallow,  imbibe,  and  absorb  in  the  figurative  sense. 
5.  What  is  the  difference  between  absorb  and  emit*  absorb  and  radi- 


Though  the  fuel  was  rapidly within  the  furnace,  very  little  heat 

was  from  the  outer  surface. 

In  setting  steel  rails  special  provision  must  be  made  for  their  expansion 
under  the  influence  of  the  heat  that  they . 

Jip  stood  on  the  table  and  barked  at  Traddles  so  persistently  that  he 
may  be  said  to  have  the  conversation 

abstinence                 .                                                                    496 

ABSTINENCE  (page  17) 


1.  How  does  abstinence  differ  fiom  abstemiousness*  from  self  denial*     2 
What  is  temperance  regaidmg  things  lawful  and  woithy*   legardmg 
things  vicious  and  injurious  *     S.  What  is  the  more  exact  term  for 
the  proper  course  legardmg  evil  indulgences* 

He  "was  so  moderate  in  his  desires  that  his seemed  to  cost  him 


Among  the  Anglo-Saxons  the  idea  of  universal  and  total  from 

all  intoxicants  is  little  more  than  a  century  old. 

ABSTRACT,  t.;  ABSTRACTED  (page  18) 


1.  "What  is  the  difference  between  abstract  and  separate*  between  discrimi- 
nate and  distinguish?*  2.  How  does  abstract,  when  said  of  the  mind, 
difl>i  fiom  dneit9  fiom  dutiact7  3  How  do  abati  acted,  absorbed, 
and  preoccupied  differ  fiom  absent  minded9  4.  Can  one  who  is  pie- 
o«.cnpied  be  said  to  be  h&tlc<>s  or  thoughtless*  one  who  is  absent- 
nunded  * 
*  NOT*.  —  See  these  words  undei  &ISC4.SX  as  referred  to  at  the  end  of 

'the  paiagiaph  on  ABSTRACT  m  Part  I      The  pupil  should  be  instructed,  in 

all  ca^es,  to  look  up  and  read  ova  the  synonyms  referred  to  by  the  words 

•in  small  capitals  at  the  end  ot  the  paiagraph  in  Pait  I 

Hf  Mas  to  -  wnh  these  peiple^ities  as  to  be  completely  -  of 


The  busy  student  may  be  excused  if  --  ,  m  the  merely 
it  i*  intolerable 

The  power  to  -  one  idea  fiom  all  its  associations  and  view  it 
alone  is  the  -  maik  of  a  pbilobophical  mmd 

Numerous  interruptions  an  the  midst  of  -  occupations  had  made 
•him  almost  -  » 

ABSURD    (page  19) 


1.  What  is  the  difference  between  absurd  and  paradoxical*  2  What  are 
the  distinctions  between  t?  rational,  joohsh,  and  silly  *  3  What  is 
the  especial  implication  in  unreasonable 9  4  How  do  monstrous  and 
preposteious  compare  with  abswd?  5  What  is  the  especial  element 
common  to  the  ludicrous,  the  ridiculous,  and  the  nonsensical9  6. 
What  are  some  chief  antonyms  of  absurd* 


A  statement  may  be  disproved  by  deducing  logically  from  it  a  conclu- 
*sion  that  is  . 

497                                                                            abstinence 

Carlyle  delighted  in  utterances. 

The hatred  of  the  Jews  in  the  Middle  Ages  led  the  populace  to 

believe  the  most  slanders  concerning  them. 

I  attempted  to  dissuade  him  from  the plan,  but  found  him  alto- 
gether   ,  many  of  his  arguments  were  so  as  to  be  positively 

ABUSE  (page  20) 


1.  To  what  does  abuse  apply?  2.  How  does  abuse  differ  from  damage  (as 
in  the  case  of  rented  property,  e.  g.)  ?  3.  How  does  abuse  differ 
fiom  harm*  4.  What  words  of  this  group  are  used  in  a  bad  sense2 
5.  I&  reproach  good  or  bad7  6.  How  do  persecute  and  oppress  dif- 
fer *  7.  Do  misemploy,  mitfu&e,  and  pervert  apply  to  persons  or 
things*  To  which  does  abuse  apply? 


The  tenant  shall  not the  property  beyond  reasonable  wear. 

intellectual  gifts  make  the  dangerous  villain. 

In  his  lage  he  began  to and all  who  had  formerly  been 

Tiis  friends 

To  be  lor  doing  right  can  never  really a  true  man* 

In  no  way  has  man his  fellow  man  more  cruelly  than  by 

him  for  his  religious  belief. 

ACCESSORY,  n.  (page  23) 


1.  Which  words  of  this  group  are  used  in  a  good,  and  which  in  a  bad 
sense?  2  Which  are  indifferently  either  good  or  bad'  3.  To  what 
does  aUy  generally  apply »  colleague g  4.  How  does  an  associate  com- 
pare in  rank  with  a  principal9  5.  Is  assistant  or  attendant  the 
higher  word*  How  do  both  these  words  compare  with  associate?  6. 
In  what  sense  are  follower,  henchtnan,  and  retainer  used?  partner? 
7.  What  is  the  legal  distinction  between  abettor  and  accessory*  8. 
To  what  is  accomplice  nearly  equivalent*  Which  is  the  preferred 
legal  term? 


The  Senator  differed  with  his in  this  matter. 

The  baron  rode  into  town  with  a  great  array  of  armed . 

France  and  Russia  seem  to  have  become  firm  . 

The  called  to  the  for  a  fresh  bandage 

All  persons,  but  especially  the  young,  should  take  the  greatest  care  in 
the  choice  of  their  . 

As  he  was  not  present  at  the  actual  commission  of  the  crime,  he  was 
held  to  be  only  an  and  not  an  

accident  49  g 

add ... 

ACCIDENT  (page  24) 


1.  "What  is  the  difference  between  accident  and  chance9  2.  How  does  inci- 
dent differ  from  both*  8.  "What  is  the  special  significance  of  fortune* 
4.  How  does  it  differ  in  usage  from  chance?  5  How  are  accident, 
misadventure,  and  mishap  distinguished' 


Gambling  clings  almost  inseparably  to  games  of  . 

Bruises  and  contusions  are  regarded  as  ordinary  of  the  cavalry 


The  prudent  man  is  careful  not  to  tempt  too  far. 

The  misplacement  of  the  switch  caused  a  temble  . 

Great  thoughts  and  high  purposes  keep  one  from  being  greatly  dis- 
turbed by  the  little of  daily  life. 

ACQUAINTANCE  (page  25) 


J  What  does  acquaintance  between  persons  imply'  2.  How  does  acquain- 
tance differ  from  companionship ?  acquaintance  from  friendship?  from 
intimacy?  8.  How  does  fellowship  differ  from  friendship 9 


A  public  speaker  becomes  known  to  many  persons  whom  he  does  not 
know,  but  who  are  ready  promptly  to  claim  with  him 

The  Of  hfe  must  bring  us  into with  many  who  can  not 

be  admitted  within  the  inner  circle  of  . 

The of  school  and  college  life  often  develop  into  the  most  beau- 
tiful and  enduring  . 

Between  those  most  widely  separated  by  distance  of  place  and  time,  by 

language,  station,  occupation,  and  creed,  there  may  yet  be  true  of 


ACRIMONY  (page  26) 


1.  How  does  acerbity  differ  from  asperity*  asperity  from  acrimony*  2. 
How  is  acrimony  distinguished  from  malignity?  malignity  from  vtrit- 
le*ice?  S,  What  is  implied  m  the  use  of  the  word  severity  f 


A  certain of  speech  had  become  habitual  with  him. 

To  this  ill-timed  request,  he  answered  with  sudden  .   - 

A  constant  sense  of  injustice  may  deepen  into  a  settled  . 

This  smooth  and  pleasing  address  veiled  a  deep  . 

Great will  be  patiently  borne  if  the  sufferer  is  convinced  <rf  its 

essential  justice. 

499                                                                                        accident 

ACT  (page  27) 


1.  How  is  act  distinguished  from  action^  from  deed?  2.  Which  of  the 
words  in  this  group  necessarily  imply  an  external  effect'  Which 
may  be  wholly  mental? 


He  who  does  the  truth  will  need  no  instruction  as  to  individual s. 

is  the  truth  of  thought. 

The  is  done. 

ACTIVE  (page  28) 


1.  With  what  two  sets  of  words  is  active  allied'  2.  How  does  active  differ 
from  busy?  from  industrious*  3.  How  do  active  and  restless  com- 
pare ?  4.  To  what  sort  of  activity  does  officious  refer  ?  5.  What  are 
some  chief  antonyms  of  active9 


Being  of  an  disposition  and  without  settled  purpose  or  definite 

occupation,  she  "became  as  a  hornet. 

He  had  his  days  and  hours,  but  could  never  be  properly  said 

to  be  . 

An attendant  instantly  seized  upon  my  baggage. 

The  true  student  is  from  the  mere  love  of  learning,  independ- 
ently of  its  rewards. 

ACUMEN  (page  28) 


1.  How  do  sharpness,  acuteness,  penetration,  and  insight  compare  with 
acumen?  2.  What  is  the  special  characteristic  of  acumen?  To  what 
order  of  mind  does  it  belong?  3.  What  is  sagacity?  Is  it  attributed 
to  men  or  brutes?  4.  What  is  perspicacity ?  5.  What  is  shrewdness? 
Is  it  ordinarily  good  or  evil*  6.  Give  illustrations  of  the  uses  of  the 
above  words  as  regards  the  possessors  of  the  corresponding  qualities. 


The  treatise  displays  great  critical  . 

The  Indians  had  developed  a  practical  that  enabled  them  to 

follow  a  trail  by  scarcely  perceptible  signs  almost  as  unerringly  as  the 
hound  by  scent. 

ADD   (page  32) 


1.  How  is  add  related  to  increase)  How  does  it  differ  from  multiply* 
2.  What  does  augment  signify •  Of  what  is  it  ordinarily  used!  3.  To 

address                                                                                         500 
adorn ( 

what  does  amplify  apply'     4   In  what  ways  may  a  discourse  or  treat- 
ise be  amplified' 


Care  to  our  coffin a  nail  no  doubt; 

And  every  grm,  so  merry,  draws  one  out. 

up  at  night,  what  thou  hast  done  by  day; 

And  in  the  morning  what  thou  has  to  do 

ADDRESS,  v.  (page  33) 


1*  What  does  accost  always  signify?  greet  %  hail?    2.  How  does  salute  differ 
from  accost  or  greet?  address?    3.  What  is  it  to  apostrophize? 

The  pale  snowdrop  is  springing 

To  the  glowing  sun. 

to  the  Chief  who  in  triumph  advances. 

His  faithful  dog the  smiling  guest. 

ye  heroes  1  heaven-born  band! 

Who  fought  and  died  m  freedom's  cause. 

ADDRESS,  n.  (page  34=) 


1.  What  is  address  in  the  sense  here  considered  ?   2.  What  is  tact  9  3.  What 
qualities  are  included  in  address? 


And  the  tear  that  is  wiped  with  a  little  

May  be  follow' d  perhaps  by  a  smile. 

The of  doing  doth  oxpresse 

"No  other  but  the  doer's  wilhngnesse. 

I  have  very  poor  and  unhappy  brains  for  drinking ;  I  could  wish  ' 

would  invent  some  other  custom  of  entertainment 

ADEQUATE  (page  34) 


1.  What  do  adequate,  commensurate,  and  sufficient  alike  signify?  How  doe« 
commensurate  specifically  differ  from  the  other  two  words?  Give  ex- 
amples. 2.  To  what  do  adapted,  fit,  suitable,  and  qualified  refer? 

3.  Is  satisfactory  a  very  high  recommendation  of  any  workf    Why! 

4.  Is  able  or  capable  the  higher  word?    Illustrate. 

We  know  not  of  what  we  are  •  till  the  trial  comes. 

Indeed,    left    nothing    for    your    purpose    untouched,    slightly 

handled,  m  discourse 

501  address 

ADHERENT  (page  35) 


1.  What  is  an  adherent?  2.  How  does  an  adherent  differ  from  a  supporter? 
from  a  di*c»;pZe?  3.  How  do  both  the  above  words  differ  from  ally? 

4.  Has  partisan  a  good  or  a  bad  sense,  and  why?     5.  Is  it  well  to 
speak  of  a  supporter  as  a  backer? 


Also  of  your  own  selves  shall  men  arise  speaking  perverse  things  to 
draw  away  -  s  after  them. 

Woman  is  woman's  natural  - 

Self-defense  compelled  the  European  nations  to  be  -  s  against 

The  deposed  monarch  was  found  to  have  a  strong  body  of  -  s. 

ADJACENT  (page  36) 


1.  What  is  the  difference  between  adjacent  and  adjoining?  contiguous? 
conterminous?  2.  What  distance  is  implied  in  near*  neighboring? 

5.  What  does  next  always  imply?    4.  Give  antonyms  of  adjacent;  near. 


Stronger  by  weakness,  wiser  men  become, 
As  they  draw  -  to  their  eternal  home. 

ADMIRE  (page  37) 


1.  In  what  sense  was  admire  formerly  used?  What  does  it  now  express? 
2,  How  does  admire  compare  with  revere?  venerate?  adore  f  Give  in* 
stances  of  the  use  of  these  words 

The  beautiful  are  sure  to  be  -  . 

Henceforth  the  majesty  of  Ood ; 

Fear  him,  and  you  have  nothing  else  to  fear. 
I  value  Science — none  can  prisse  it  more, 

It  gives  ten  thousand  motives  to : 

Be  it  religious,  as  it  ought  to  bo, 

The  heart  it  humbles,  and  it  bows  the  knee. 

ADORN  (page  38) 


1.  How  does  adorn  differ  from  ornament?  from  garnish  t  from  deck  or  be- 
deck? from  decorate? 


At  church,  with  meek  and  unaffected  grace, 
His  looks the  venerable  place. 

affront                                                                                 502 

The  redbreast  oft,  at  evening  hours, 

Shall  kindly  lend  his  little  aid, 
With  hoary  moss,  and  gathered  flowers, 

T0 the  ground  where  thou  art  laid. 

AFFRONT  (page  39) 


1.  What  is  it  to  affron* }    3.  How  does  affront  compare  with  insult?  with 
tease?  annoy? 


It  is  safer  to some  people  than  to  oblige  them,  for  the  better  a 

man  deserves,  the  worse  they  will  speak  of  him. 

Oh,  rather  give  me  commentators  plain, 

Who  with  no  deep  researches the  brain 

The  petty  desire  to is  simply  a  perversion  of  the  human  love  of 


They  rushed  to  meet  the foe, 

AGENT  (page  41) 


1,  How  does  agent  in  the  philosophical  sense  compare  with  mover  or  doer? 
2.  What  different  sense  has  it  in  business  usage? 

That  morality  may  mean   anything,  man  must  be  hold  to  bo   a   fmi 

The  declined  to  take  the  responsibility  in  the  abbonce  of  the 


AGREE  (page  42) 


1.  How  do  concur  &jid  coincide  differ  in  range  of  moaning?  How  with 
reference  to  expression  m  action?  2.  How  does  accede  compare  with 
consent?  3.  Which  is  the  most  general  word  of  this  group? 


A  woman's  lot  is  made  for  her  by  the  love  she  — . 
My  poverty,  but  not  my  will,  . 

AGRICULTURE  (page  43) 


1.  What  does  agriculture  include?    How  does  it  differ  from  /arminpf 
What  is  gardening?  floriculture?  horticulture  f 

503                                                                                        affront 

Loan  oft  loses  both  itself  and  friend; 

And  borrowing  dulls  the  edge  of . 

A  Hold  becomes  exhausted  by  constant . 

AIM  (page  44) 


1  What  is  an  aim?  How  does  it  differ  from  mark*  from  goal?  2.  How  do 
end  and  object  compare?  3.  To  what  does  aspiration  apply?  How 
does  it  differ  in  general  from  design,  endeavor,  or  purpose?  4.  How 
does  purpose  compare  with  intention?  5.  What  is  design? 

In  deeds  of  daring  rectitude,  in  scorn 

For  miserable  that  end  with  self. 

O  yet  we  trust  that  somehow  good 

Will  be  the  final  of  ill 

How  quickly  nature  falls  into  revolt, 

When  gold  becomes  her . 

It  1S  not  1  but  ambition  that  is  the  mother  of  misery  in  man. 

AIR  (page  44) 


1.  What  is  air  in  the  sense  here  considered?  2,  How  does  air  differ  from 
appearance?  3.  What  is  the  difference  between  expression  and  look? 
-1,  What  is  the  sense  of  bearing?  carnage?  5.  How  does  mien  differ 
from  air?  6.  What  does  demeanor  include? 


I  never,  with  important  , 

In  conversation  overbear. 
Vice  is  a  monster  of  so  frightful , 

As,  to  be  hated,  needs  but  to  be  seen. 

Grief  fills  the  room  up  of  my  absent  child, 

Lies  in  his  bed,  walks  up  and  down  with  me, 
Puts  on  his  pretty ,  repeats  his  words. 


AIRY  (page  45) 


1.  How  does  aim  agree  with  and  differ  from  aerial?  Give  instances  of  the 
uses  of  the  two  words,  2.  What  does  ethereal  signify?  sprightly?  3. 
Are  lively  and  animated  used  in  the  favorable  or  unfavorable  sense  7 


tongues  that  syllable  men's  names,  on  sands  and  shores  and 

desert  wildernesses. 

alarm                                                                                          504 

The mold 

Incapable  of  stain,  would  soon  expel 
Her  mischief,  and  purge  off  the  baser  fire, 
Society  became  my  glittering  bride, 

.And hopes  my  children 

Soft  o'er  the  shrouds whispers  breathe, 

That  seemed  but  zephyrs  to  the  train  beneath. 

ALARM  (page  47) 


1.  What  is  the  derivation  and  distinctive  meaning  of  alarm?  2.  What  do 
affright  and  fright  express?  Give  an  illustiation  of  the  conlra&ted 
terms.  3  How  are  apprehension,  disquietude,  dread,  and  mix  giving 
related  to  the  danger  that  excites  them7  4.  What  are  consternation, 
dismay,  and  tenor,  and  how  are  they  related  to  the  danger'.'  5.  What 
is  timidity  * 


The  people  took  the  ,   and  moved  promptly 

While  thronged  the  citizens  with dumb 

I  have  a  faint,  cold thrills  through  my  veins. 

ALERT  (page  47) 


1.  To  what  do  alert,  wide-awake,  and  readf/  refer?  2.  How  <Zo<»H  readii 
differ  from  alert?  from  prepared?  3.  What  does  prompt  Minify?  4, 
What  is  the  secondary  meaning  of  alwf 


To  be  for  war  is  one  of  the  most  effectual  ways  of 


He  who  is  not to-day  will  be  Ions  so  to-morrow. 

Thus  ending  loudly,  as  he  would  o'crlcap 
His  destiny,  he  stood. 

ALIEN,  v.  &  n.  (page  48) 


!•  How  does  alien  differ  from  foreign  f  2.  Is  a  foreigner  by  birth  neces- 
sarily an  alien?  3.  Are  the  people  of  one  country  whil*>  raiding  m 
their  own  land  foreigners  or  aliens  to  the  people  of  other  lands?  4, 
How  can  one  residing  in  a  foreign  country  ceamt  to  he  nn  alien  in 
that  country?  6.  How  do  fofeiyn  and  alien  differ  in  their  figurative 

505  alarm. 



By hands  thy  dying  eyes  were  closed 

*         *         * 

By hands  thy  humble  grave  adorned 

By  strangers  honored  and  by  strangers  mourned 

What  is  religion?    Not  a  inhabitant,  nor  something  to 

oui  nature,  which  comes  and  takes  up  its  abode  in  the  soul 

from  the  commonwealth  of  Isiael  and from  the  covenants 

of  promise. 

ALIKE  (page  49) 


1.  How  does  alike  compare  with  similar?  ith  identical*  2.  What  is  the 
distinction  often  made  between  equal  and  equivalent?  S.  What  is  the 
&ense  of  analogous?  (Compare  synonyms  lor  ANALOGY.)  4.  In  what 
sense  is  homogeneous  used9 

Sometimes   gentle,    sometimes   capricious,    sometimes    awful,    nearer   the 

for  two  months  together 

Fashioned  for  himself,  a  bride; 
An ,  taken  from  his  side. 

ALLAY   (page  50) 


1.  What  is  the  distinction  between  allay  and  alleviate?  Which  word  implies 
a  partial  removal  of  the  cause  of  suffering,  or  an  actual  lightening  of 
the  burden?  2.  With  which  of  the  above  words  are  we  to  class  ap- 
pease, pacify,  soothe,  and  the  like?  3.  With  what  words  is  alleviate 
especially  to  be  grouped?  (See  synonyms  for  ALLBVIATB.) 


Such  songs  have  power  to  

The  restless  pulse  of  care, 

And  como  like  the  benediction 

That  follows  after  prayer. 
Many  a  word,  at  random  spoken 
May or  wound  a  heart  that's  broken  I 

ALLEGE  (page  51) 


1,  Wuich  is  the  primary  and  which  the  secondary  word,  allege  or  adduce? 
Why?  2.  How  much  of  certainty  is  implied  in  allege 9  3.  How  murti 
does  one  admit  when  he  speaks  of  an  alleged  fact,  document,  signa- 
ture, or  the  like? 

allegory                                                                                        506 
allure __ 


In  many cases  of  haunted  houses,  the  spirits  have  not  ventured 

to  face  an  armed  man  who  has  passed  the  night  there 

I  can  not  one  thing  and  mean  another.  If  I  can't  pray  I  will 

not  make  believe! 

ALLEGORY  (page  52) 


1.  How  does  allegory  compare  with  simile f  Simile  with  metaphor?  2. 
What  are  the  distinctions  between  allegory,  fable,  and  parable  v  3. 
Under  what  general  term  are  all  these  included?  4.  To  what  IB  $<'• 
tion  now  most  commonly  applied? 


In  argument 

are  like  songs  in  love- 

They  much  describe;  they  nothing  prove 

And   He   spake  many  things   unto   them  in  ,    saying,    Behold   a 

sower  went  forth  to  sow. 

ALLEVIATE  (page  53) 


How  does  alleviate  differ  from  relieve  ?  from  remove, 9  2.  TR  alleviate 
used  of  persons?  3  What  are  the  special  significations  of  abate? 
assuage?  mitigate?  moderate?  4.  How  does  alleviate  compart*  with 
allay?  (Compare  synonyms  for  ALLAY.) 


To  pity  distress  is  but  human;  to it  is  Godlike. 

But,  O!  what  mighty  magician  can  — — 
A  woman's  envy? 

ALLIANCE  (page  53) 

1.  What  is  an  alliance?  how  does  it  differ  from  partnership?  from 

from  league?     2.  How  does  u  confederacy  or  federation  differ  from  a 
union  f 


The  two  nations  formed  an  offensive  and  defensive agninftt  the 

common  enemy. 

Till  the  war-drum  throbbed  no  longer,  and  the  battle-flags  wore  furled, 

In  the  Parliament  of  man,  the  of  the  world, 

Business  •  are  the  warrant  for  the  existence  of  trade  — — — „ 


ALLOT   (page  54) 


1.  Does  allot  refer  to  time,  place,  or  person?  2.  To  what  does  appoint 
refer?  assign?  8,  How  does  destine  differ  from  appoint?  4.  How  does 
award  differ  from  aRerf,  appoint,  and  cwm#?i  ? 


Man  hath  his  daily  work  of  body  or  mmd  -  . 
He  -  eth  the  moon  for  seasons,  the  sun  knoweth  his  going  down. 

The  king  is  but  as  the  hind  .    .    . 

Who  may  not  wander  from  the  -  field 

Before  his  work  be  done. 

ALLOW  (page  55) 


1,  What  is  the  difference  between  allow  and  permit?  between  a  permit  and 
permission?  2.  What  instances  can  you  give  of  the  use  of  these 
words,  also  of  tolerate  and  submit9  3.  What  does  yield  imply? 


Frederick  -  the  Austnans  to  cross  tho  mountains  that  he  might 
attack  them  on  a  field  of  his  own  choosing. 

The  cruelty  and  envy  of  the  people 
-  by  our  dastard  nobleb,  who 
Have  all  forsook  me,  hath  devoured  the  rest, 
State  churches  have  ever  been  unwilling  to  -  dissent. 

ALLUDE  (page  56) 


1.  What  is  tho  distinctive  sense  of  allude?  of  advert?  of  refer?  2.  How  do 
the  above  words  compare  with  mention  as  to  explicitness?  3.  How 
do  hint  and  insinuate  differ? 


Late  in  the  eighteenth  century  Oowper  did  not  ventuie  to  do  more  than 
,  •         to  the  great  allegonst  [Bunyan],  saying: 

"X  name  thee  not,  lest  so  despised  a  name 
Should  move  a  sneer  at  thy  deserved  fame." 

ALLURE  (page  57) 


1.  What  is  it  to  allure?  2.  How  does  allure  differ  from  attract?  from  lure  * 
3  What  does  coax  express?  4.  What  is  it  to  cajole?  to  decoy?  to 
inveiffle?  6,  How  does  seduce  differ  from  tempt?  6.  Is  win  used  in 
the  favorable  or  unfavorable  sense? 

also  508 


The  ruddy  square  of  comfortable  light 

him,  as  the  beacon  blaze 

The  bird  of  passage. 
But  Satan  now  is  wiser  than  of  yore, 

And by  making  rich,  not  making  poor. 

He  had  a  strange  gift  of  — —  friends,  and  of  the  love  of 


ALSO  (page  57) 


1.  Into  what  two  groups  are  the  synonyms  for  also  naturally  divided?  2. 
Which  words  simply  add  a  fact  or  thought?  3.  Which  distinctly  im- 
ply that  what  is  added  is  like  that  to  which  it  is  added? 


Thine  to  work  to  pray, 

Clearing  thorny  wrongs  away; 
Plucking  up  the  weeds  of  sin, 
Letting  heaven's  warm  sunshine  in. 

ALTERNATIVE  (page  60) 


1.  What  is  the  difference  between  choice  and  alternative  in  the  strict  use  of 
language9  2.  is  alternative  always  so  severely  restricted  by  leading 
writers?  3.  What  do  choice,  p%c"k,  election,  and  preference  imply  re- 
garding one's  wishes?  alternative?  resources? 

Homer  delights  to  call  Ulysses  "the  man  of  many • — ." 

AMASS  (page  60) 


1.  What  is  it  to  amass?  2.  How  is  amass  distinguished  from  accumulate? 
3.  Is  interest  amassed  or  accumulated?  4.  How  does  hoard  differ 
from  store? 


By  daring  and  successful  speculation,  he  a  prodigious  fortune. 

The  sum  was  the savings  of  an  industrious  and  frugal  life. 

0>  to  what  purpose  dost  thou thy  words, 

That  thou  return'st  no  greeting  to  thy  friends? 

AMATEUR  (page  61) 

1.  What  is  the  difference  between  amateur  and  eonnrisMurt  between  cork- 


noisaeur  and  critic?    2.  Which  word  carries  a  natural  implication  of 
superficialness  ?    3.  How  does  novice  and  tyro  differ  fiom  amateur9 


He  was  in  Logic  a  great  - 
Profoundly  skill'd  in  Analytic; 
He  could  distinguish,  and  divide 
A  hair  'twixt  south  and  south-west   side. 

The  greatest  works  in  poetry,  painting,   and  sculptme  have  not  been 
done  by  -  . 

The  mere  -  who  produces  nothing,   and  whose  business  is  only 
to  judge  and  enjoy. 

AMAZEMENT  (page  61) 


1.  What  do  amazement  and  astonishment  agree  in  expressing1?  2.  How 
do  the  two  words  differ?  3.  What  is  the  meaning  of  awe?  of  ad- 
miration? 4.  How  does  surprise  differ  from  astonishment  and  amaze- 
ment? 5.  What  are  the  characteristics  of  wonder? 


'Twas  while  he  toiled  him  to  be  freed, 

And  with  the  rein  to  raise  the  steed, 

That,  from  's  iron  trance, 

All  Wyckhf  s  soldiers  waked  at  once. 
Oan  such  things  be, 

And  overcome  us  like  a  summer's  cloud, 

Without  our  special  ? 

The  fool  of  nature  stood  with  stupid  eyes 
And  gaping  mouth  that  testified  . 

AMBITION   (page  62) 


1,  What  two  senses  has  ambition?  2.  How  does  ambition  differ  from  aspira- 
tion? Which  is  the  higher  word?  3.  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of 
emulation?  4.  Has  emulation  a  good  side?  How  does  it  compare  with 


Cromwell,  I  charge  thee,  fling  away  — — • 
By  that  sin  fell  the  angels. 
Envy,  to  which  th'  ignoble  mind's  a  slave, 

Is in  the  learn'd  or  brave. 

I  have  no  spur 

To  prick  the  sides  of  my  intent,  but  only 
Vaulting . 

amend  510 


AMEND  (page  63) 


1.  What  is  it  to  amend?  2.  How  do  advance,  better,  and  improve  differ 
from  amend?  3.  Are  these  "wards  applied  to  mutters  decidedly  bud, 
foul,  or  evil)  4.  What  is  the  difference  between  amend  and  emend  ? 


Beturn  ye  now  every  man  from  his  evil  way,  and  your  doings. 

The  construction  here  is  difficult,  and  the  text  at  this  point  has  been 
variously . 

Human  characters  and  conditions  never  reach  such  perfection  that 
they  can  not  be . 

AMIABLE  (page  64) 


•V  To  what  does  lovely  often  apply  ?  2.  To  what  does  amiable  always  apply  ? 
3.  How  do  agreeable,  attractive,  and  charming  differ  from  amiable  9 
Give  examples.  4.  Is  a  good-natured  person  necessarily  agreeable? 
an  amiable  person? 


His  life  was ;  and  the  elements 

So  mixed  in  him,  that  Nature  might  stand  up 
And  say  to  all  the  world,  This  was  a  man  I 
The  east  is  blossoming  1    Yea  a  rose, 
Vast  as  the  heavens,  soft  as  a  kiss, 
as  the  presence  of  woman  is. 

ANALOGY  (page  66) 


1,  What  is  the  specific  meaning  of  analogy 9  2.  What  is  affinity?  coinci- 
dence? 3.  Does  coincidence  necessarily  involve  resemblance  or  tike- 
ness?  4.  What  is  parity  of  reasoning 9  5.  What  is  a  similitude  9  0. 
How  do  resemblance  and  similarity  differ  from  analogy? 


The  two  boys  bore  a  close to  each  other, 

It  is  not  difficult  to  trace  the of  the  home  to  the  state. 

ANGER  (page  67) 


t«  What  are  the  especial  characteristics  of  anger?   How  does  it  differ  from 
indignation?  exasperation?  raf/e?  wrath 9  ire 9 

511  amend 

My  enemy  has  long  borne  me  a  feeling  of  — — — . 

Christ  was  filled  with at  the  hypocrisy  of  the  Jews. 

I  was  overcome  by  a  sudden  feeling  of . 

ANIMAL  (page  68) 


1.  What  is  an  animal?  a  brute?  a  least?  2.  Is  man  an  animal?  3.  What 
is  implied  if  we  speak  of  any  particular  man  as  an  animal  %  a  brute* 
a  beast?  4,  What  forms  of  existence  does  the  word  creature  include? 
5.  What  are  the  animals  of  a  country  or  region  collectively  called? 


It  is  only  within  the  last  half  century  that  societies  have  been  organized 
for  the  prevention  of  cruelty  to  . 

0  that  men  should  put  an  enemy  in  thoir  mouths  to  steal  away  their 
brains!  that  we  should  with  joy,  pleasure,  revel,  and  applause,  transform 
ourselves  into 1 

Take  a  •  out  of  his  instinct,  and  you  find  him  wholly  deprived 

of  understanding. 

Spurning  manhood  and  its  joys  to  loot, 
To  be  a  lawless,  lazy,  sensual . 

ANNOUNCE  (page  69) 


1.  What  is  it  to  announce9  2.  Does  it  apply  chiefly  to  the  past  or  the 
future «  3.  To  what  is  advertise  chiefly  applied?  propound?  promul- 
ffate?  publish? 


The  Sphinx  its  riddles  with  life  and  death  depending  on  the 


Through  the  rare  felicity  of  the  times  you  are  permitted  to  think  what 

you  please  and  to what  you  please. 

The  songs  of  birds  and  the  wild  flowers  in  the  woodlands  the 

coming  of  spring. 

ANSWER  (page  70) 


1.  What  is  a  verbal  answer*  2.  In  what  wider  sense  is  answer  used?  3 
What  is  a  reply ?  a  rejoinder?  4.  How  does  an  answer  to  a  charge, 
an  argument,  or  the  like,  differ  from  a  reply  or  rejoinder?  5.  What 
is  the  special  quality  of  a  response?  6.  What  is  a  retort?  How  does 
it  differ  from  repartee? 


1  can  no  other  make,  but  thank* 

anticipate                                                                                  512 

Theirs  not  to  make  • 

Theirs  not  to  reason  why, 
Theirs  but  uo  do  and  die. 
Upon  thy  princely  warrant  I  descend, 

To  give  thee of  thy  just  demand. 

He  could  not  he  content  without  finding  a  in  Kature  to  cveiy 

mood  of  his  mind;    and  he  docs  find  it. 

A  man  renowned  for  

Will  seldom  scruple  to  make  free 
With  friendship's  honest  feeling. 

Nothing  is  so  easy  and  inviting  as  the  of  abuse  and  sarcasm; 

but  it  is  a  paltry  and  unprofitable  contest. 



1.  What  are  the  two  contrasted  senses  of  anticipate?  2.  Which  in  now  the 
more  common ?  3.  How  doepi  anticipate  differ  from  expect?  from 
hope*  from  apprehend*  4.  How  does  anticipation  differ  from  pre- 
sentiment* from  apprehension ?  from  foreboding?  5.  What  special  ele- 
ment is  involved  in  foretaste  ?  How  do  foresiffht  and  "forethought  go 
beyond  the  meaning  of  anticipation? 

Then  some  leaped  overboard  with  fearful  yell, 

As  eager  to their  grave. 

England every  man  to  do  his  duty. 

These  arc  portents;  but  yet  I ,  T  hope, 

They  do  not  point  on  me. 

Tf  I  know  your  sect,  I  your  argument 

The  happy oi  a  renewed  existence  m  company  with  the  •pirits 

of  the  just. 

ANTIPATHY   (page  72) 


1.  How  is  antipathy  to  be  distinguished  from  dislike?  from  antaflonitrmf 
from  aversion*  2.  What  is  uncongeniality?  How  does  it  differ  from 
antipathy?  Which  is  positive?  and  which  negative? 

Christianity  is  the  solvent  of  all  race  • 

Prom  my  soul  I  loathe 
AH  affectation ,  'tis  my  perfect  scorn,  object  of  my  implacable -, 

ANTIQUE  (page  72) 


1.  To  what  does  antique  refer?  antiquated?  2.  Is  the  difference  between 
them  a  matter  of  time?  Give  examples.  3.  Oan  a  modern  building  be 
antiquated?  Oan  it  be  antique?  4.  What  is  the  significance  of  quaint t 

513  anticipate 



My  copper  lamps,  at  any  rate, 

For  being  true ,  I  bought. 

I  do  love  these rums, 

We  never  tread  upon  them  but  we  set 
Our  foot  upon  some  reverend  history. 

ANXIETY  (page  73) 


1.  What  is  anxiety  in  the  primary  sense?  Is  it  mental  or  physical?  2.  How 
does  anxiety  differ  from  anguish?  3.  What  kmd  of  possiVi&ty  does 
anxiety  always  suggest?  4.  How  does  it  differ  from  apprehension, 
fear,  dread,  etc.,  in  this  regard?  6.  What  is  worry?  fretfvlnessf  6. 
Does  perplexity  involve  anxiety? 

Yield  not  to  ••  for  the  future,  weep  not  for  the  past. 

Superstition  invested  the  shghle&t  incidents  of  life  with  needless . 

— — ~  is  harder  than  work,  and  far  less  profitable. 

APATHY  (page  74) 


1.  What  it.  apathy  f  How  does  it  differ  from  the  Saxon  word  unfeeling- 
ness?  from  indifference?  from  insensibility ?  from  wnconcern?  3.  How 
does  stoicis'in  differ  from  apathy? 


In  lazy '*t  stoics  boast 

Their  virtue  fixed:  'tis  fixed  as  in  a  frost. 

At  length  the  morn  and  cold came. 

He  bank  into  a from  which  it  was  impossible  to  arouse  him. 

APOLOGY  (page  75) 


X.  What  change  of  meaning  has  apology  undergone?  2.  What  does  an 
apology  now  always  imply?  3.  How  does  an  apology  differ  from  an 
excuse?  4.  Which  of  these  words  may  refer  to  the  future?  5.  How 
does  confession  differ  from  apology  f 


only  account  for  that  which  they  do  not  alter. 

Beauty  is  its  own for  being. 

There  is  no  refuge  from but  suicide;  and  suiciae  in . 


APPARENT  (page  76) 

I*  What  two  asntrasted  senses  arise  from  the  root  meaning  of 

2.  What  is  implied  wfceaa.  we  &PQO&  of  apparent  kindness  or  apparen; 
neglect?  3.  How  do  presumable  and  probable  differ?  4,  What  impli- 
cation is  conveyed  in  secmmff?  What  do  we  KiigResl  when  we  spook 
of  "seeminy  innocence"? 


It  is  not that  the  students  will  attempt  to  break  the  rules  again 

It  is  not  yet  what  his  motive  could  have  been  in  committing 

such  an  offense. 

It  is  that  something  has  been  omitted  which  was  essential  to 

complete  the  construction. 

APPETITE  (page  80) 


1.  Of  what  kind  of  demands  or  impulses  is  appetite  ordinarily  used?  2. 
What  demands  or  tendencies  are  included  in  pafitnon?  3.  What  in 
implied  by  passions  and  appetites  when  used  as  contrasted  terms  ? 


Govern  well  thy ,  lest  sin 

Surprise  thee,  and  her  black  attendant  Death. 

Take  heed  lest  sway 

Thy  judgment  to  do  aught  which  else  free  will 
Would  not  admit. 

APPORTION  (page  82) 


1.  What  is  the  special  significance  of  apportion  by  which  it  in  distinguished 
from  allot,  assign,  distribute,  ox  divide  1  2.  What  is  the  significance 
of  dispense  in  the  transitive  use?  3.  What  is  it  to  appropriate f 


Representatives  are  among  the  several  states  according  to  tho 


The  treasure  was  and  their  shares  duly  among  the 


APPROXIMATION  (page  88) 


1.  What  is  an  approbation  in  the  mathematical  sense?  2»  How  «toso  an 
approach  to  exactness  and  certainty  does  approximation  imply?  3. 
How  does  approximation  differ  from  resemblance  and  rimilariti/t  from 
approach?  4.  How  does  approximation  as  regards  the  ^tt«8  of  ob- 

515  apparent 


Jeoti  to  which,  it  in  applied,  differ  from  newrMte,  neighborhood,  of 
propinquity  f 


We  hav*  to  be  content  with  •  •  to  a  solution. 

Without  faith,  there  is  no  teal  — — .  to  Gtod. 

Wit  consists  in  knowing  the    •-•   —  of  things  which  differ,   and  ths 
difference  of  things  which  are  alike. 

ARMS  (page  83) 


1.  What  is  the  difference  between  arm*  and  armor  f  2.  In  what  connection 
is  armor  used  in  modern  warfare  ? 


.»«____  Qjj clashing  brayed 

Horrible  discord. 

There  is  constant  rivalry  between  irresistible  projectiles  and  impene- 
trable   . 

ARMY  (page  84) 


1.  What  are  the  essentials  of  an  army  9  2.  Is  an  army  large  or  small !  3. 
What  term  would  be  applied  to  a  multitude  of  armed  men  without 
order  or  organization?  4.  In  what  sense  is  host  used?  legion? 


For  the  •  is  a  school  in  which  the  miser  becomes  generous,  and 
the  generous,  prodigal;  miserly  soldiers  are  like  monsters,  but  very  rarely 

The  still-discordant  wavering . 

ARRAIGN  (page  84) 


1*  To  what  kind  of  proceedings  do  indict  and  arraign  apply?  2.  How  is 
one  indicted?  How  arraif/ned?  3.  How  do  these  words  differ  from 
chwrgel  accuse?  ciensure? 


The  criminal  was for  trial  for  hia  offenses. 

Religion  does  not  '  >*  or  exclude  unnumbered  pleasures,  harmlefaly 

ARTIFICE  (page  88) 


1.  What  is  *n  artifice?  a  device?  finesse  f  2.  In  what  sense  m  cheat, 
maneuver,  and  imposture  always  used?  3.  In  what  sense  is 

artist                                                                                          516 
astute  . 

commonly  used?  4.  What  is  a  fraud?  5.  Is  wile  used  in  a  good  or 
a  bad  sense?  6.  Does  the  good  or  the  bad  sense  commonly  attach  to 
the  words  artifice,  contrivance,  ruse,  blind,  device,  and  finesse  t 


Those  who  can  not  gain,  their  ends  by  force  naturally  resort  to        <  -    % 
The  enemy  were  decoyed  from  their  defenses  by  a  skilful        •  <•  . 

Quips  and  cranks  and  wanton . 

Nods  and  becks  and  wreathed  smiles. 

Whoever  has  even  once  become  notorious  by  base   •    •     •  ',  even  if  he 
apeake  the  truth,  gains  no  behei 

ARTIST  (page  89) 


1.  What  is  an  artist?  an  artisan?    2.  What  is  an  artificer f   How  related  to 
artist  and  artisan.? 


The  power  depends  on  the  depth  of  the    *s  inughi  of  that  object 

he  contemplates. 

Infuse  into  the  purpose  with  which  you  follow  the  various  employments 
and  professions  of  life  the  sense  of  beauty,  and  you  aro  transformed  at 

once  from  an  into  an  . 

If  too  many  turn  shopkeepers,  the  whole  natural  quantity  of 

that  business  divided  among  them  all  may  afford  too  small  a  share  for  each. 

ASK  (page  90) 


1.  For  what  class  of  objects  does  one  ask!  For  what  does  he  leg?  2.  How 
do  entreat  and  beseech  compare  with  ask?  3.  What  is  the  special 
sense  of  implore f  of  supplicate?  4.  How  are  crave  and  request  dis- 
tinguished? pray  and  petition?  5.  What  kind  of  asking  is  implied 
in  demand?  in  require?  How  do  these  two  words  differ  from  one 
another !  i 

We,  ignorant  of  ourselves, 

often  our  own  harms,  which  the  wise  powers 

Deny  us  for  our  good:  so  we  find  profit, 
By  losing  of  our  prayers. 

The  harvest  truly  is  great,  but  the  labourers  are  few:  i  ye  there- 

fore the  Lord  of  the  harvest  that  he  would  send  forth  labourers  into  hit 

Speak  with  me,  pity  me,  open  the  door, 

A  beggar that  never  begg'd  before, 

Be  not  afraid  to ;  to is  right, 

,  if  thou  canst,  with  hope;  but  ever — > 

Though  hope  be  weak  or  nick  with  long  delay; 
in  the  darkness,  if  there  be  no  light, 

517  artist 


ASSOCIATE,  n.  (page  91) 


I  What  does  associate  imply,  as  used  officially?  What  when  used  in  popular 
language?  2.  Do  we  speak  of  associates  in  crime  or  wrong?  What 
words  are  preferred  in  such  connection?  (See  synonyms  for  ACCES- 
SORY.) 3.  Is  companion  used  in  a  good  or  bad  sense?  4.  How  doei 
it  differ  in  use  from  associate  9  5.  What  is  the  significance  of  peett 
comrade  f  consort! 


His  best innocence  and  health, 

And  his  best  riches  ignorance  of  wealth, 

The  accepted  Napoleon's  abdication. 

The  leader  in  the  plot  was  betrayed  by  his  . 

ASSUME  (page  93) 


1.  Does  assume  apply  to  that  which  is  rightfully  or  wrongfully  taken?     2. 
In  what  use  does  assume  correspond  with  arrogate  and  usurp  f     3, 
How  do  arrogate  and  usurp  differ  from  each  othei  ?   How  does  assume 
differ  from  postulate  as  regards  debate  or  reasoning  of  any  land? 

Wherefore  do  I 

These  royalties,  and  not  refuse  to  reign. 

a  virtue  if  you  have  it  not. 

For  well  we  know  no  hand  of  blood  and  bone 
Can  gripe  the  sacred  handle  of  our  scepter, 
Unless  he  do  profane,  steal,  and . 

ASSURANCE  (page  93) 


1.  What  is  assurance  in  the  good  sense?  2.  What  is  assurance  in  the  bad 
sense?  S.  How  does  assurance  compare  with  impudence?  with  ef- 
frontery ? 


Let  us  draw  near  with  a  true  heart  in  full  of  faith. 

Some  wicked  wits  have  libel' d  all  the  fair. 

With  matchless they  style  a  wife 

The  dear-bought  curse,  and  lawful  plague  of  life. 

With  brazen  — — —  he  denied  the  most  indisputable  facts. 

ASTUTE  (page  94) 


1.  From  what  language  is  acute  derived  ?  What  is  its  distinctive  sense  ?  2. 
From  what  language  is  keen  derived?  What  does  it  distinctively  de- 


note?  3.  From  what  language  m  astute  derived,  and  what  was  Its 
original  meaning?  4*  In  present  use  what  does  a&tuta  add  to  the 
of  acute  or  keen?  &  What  does  astute  imply  regarding  tte 
piwpoea  or  cb^eot  oi  tfc*  peanwtn  wfco  i$  credited  wafc  it? 

Ton  statesmen  are  so  ......  in  forming  schemes! 

He  taketh  the  wise  in  their  own  -  ness. 

The  most  -  reaaoner  may  be  deluded,  when  he  practises  sophistry 
upon  himself. 

ATTACHMENT  (page  97) 


What  is  attachment?  How  does  it  differ  from  adherence  or  adhesion?  from 
affection?  from  inclination?  from  regard? 


Talk  not  of  wasted  -  ,  •  never  was  wasted. 

You  do  not  weaken  your  -  for  your  family  by  cultivating  .........  8 

beyond  its  pale,  but  deepen  and  intensify  it. 

ATTACK,  «.  &  n.  (pages  98,  99) 


I.  What  special  element  is  involved  in  the  moaning  of  attack?  2.  How  do 
assail  and  assault  differ?  3.  What  is  it  to  encounter?  how  does  this 
word  compare  with  attack?  How  does  attack  differ  from  agffrevfiont 


We  see  time's  furrows  on  another's  brow, 
And  death  intrench'd,  preparing  his  ; 

How  few  themselves  in  that  just  mirror  eool 

Who  ever  knew  Truth  put  to  the  worse  m  a  free  and  open  ? 

Roger  Williams the  spirit  of  intolerance,  the  doctrine  of  perse- 
cution, and  never  his  persecutors. 

ATTAIN   (page  99) 


L  What  kind  of  a  word  is  attain,  and  to  what  does  it  point}  2.  How 
does  attain  differ  from  obtain?  from  achieve?  8.  How  does  obtain 
differ  from  procure? 


The  heights  by  great  men and  kept 

Were  not  by  sudden  flight, 

But  they,  while  their  companions  slept, 
Were  toiling  upward  in  the  night. 

519  attachment 


Our  doubts  are  traitors, 

-And  make  us  lose  the  good  w«  oft  might  ••<  M  - .. . 
By  fonrlng  to  attempt 

ATTITUDE  (page  100) 


1.  How  does  position  us  regards  the  human  body  differ  from  attitude, 
posture,  or  pvs&*  2.  Do  the  thice  latter  woids  apply  to  the  liviag  or 
the  dead?  3.  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of  attitude?  Is  it  con- 
scious or  unconscious?  4.  How  does  posture  differ  from  attitude?  5. 
What  is  the  distinctive  sen^e  of  pose?  How  does  it  differ  from,  and 
how  docs  it  agree  with  attitude  and  posture? 


The  abfaunied  indicated  great  indignation  because  of  the  insult 


The was  giaceful  and  pleasing. 

ATTRIBUTE,  «.  (page  100) 


1.  What  suggestion  is  ofton  involved  in  attribute?  2.  How  does  attribute 
differ  from  refer  and  ascribe9  3  Is  charge  (m  this  connection)  used 
in  the  favorable  or  unfavorable  sense* 


yo  greatness  unto  our  God. 

U0  • unworthy  motives  which  proved  a  groundless  charge. 

ATTRIBUTE,  *  (page  101) 


1,  What  is  the  derivation  and  the  inherent  meaning  of  quality?  2.  What  in 
an  attribute?  3.  Which  of  the  above  words  expresses  what  neces- 
sarily belongs  to  the  subject  of  which  it  is  said  to  be  an  attribute  or 
quality?  4.  What  is  the  derivation  and  distinctive  sense  of  property? 
5.  How  does  property  ordinarily  differ  from  quality  f  6.  In  what 
usage  do  property  and  quality  become  exact  synonyms,  and  how  are 
properties  then  distinguished? 

His  noopfcr  shows  tho  force  of  temporal  power, 

The to  awe  and  majesty, 

Wherein  doth  ait  the  dread  and  fear  of  kings, 
Nothing  endures  but  personal  P. 

avaricious  520 

banish «««__««««_««— —.—^  ___*_. 

AVARICIOUS  (page  104) 


1.  How  do  avaricious  and  covetous  differ  from  miserly,  niggardly,  parsimo- 
nious, and  penurious  f     2.   Of  what  matters  are  greedy  and  stingy 
used  ¥    How  do  they  differ  from  each  other? 

I  am  not for  gold; 

Nor  care  I  who  doth  feed  upon  my  cost; 

It  yearns  me  not  if  men  my  garments  wear. 

It  is  better  to  be  content  with  such  things  as  yo  havt  than  to  become 
•  •   •  and  in  accumulating. 

AVENGE,  (page  104) 


1.  "What  is  it  to  avenge f  2.  How  does  avenge  differ  from  revenge?  3. 
Which  word  would  be  used  of  an  act  of  God?  4.  Is  retaliate  used  m 
the  sense  of  avenge  or  of  revenge? 


0,  that  the  vam  remorse,  which  must  chastise 
Crimes  done,  had  but  as  loud  a  voice  to  warn 

As  its  keen  atmg  is  mortal  to , 

I  lost  mine  eye  laying  the  prize  aboard, 
And  therefore  to it,  shalt  thou  die. 

AVOW  (page  105) 


1.  Which  words  of  this  group  refer  exclusively  to  one's  own  knowledge  or 
action!  2.  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of  avert  of  avouch  f  of  avow? 
3.  How  do  avouch  and  avow  differ  from  aver  in  construction?  4.  In 
avow  used  m  a  good  or  a  bad  sense!  What  does  it  imply  of  others' 
probable  feeling  «,r  action?  5.  How  docs  avow  compare  with  confess? 

And,  but  herself,  no  parallel. 

The  child —  his  fault  and  was  pardoned  by  his  parent 

AWFUL  (page  106) 


1  To  what  matters  should  awful  properly  be  restricted  f  2.  In  awful  al- 
ways interchangeable  with  alarming  or  terrible?  with  disagreeable  ox 


Then  must  it  be  an thing  to  die. 

The  silent  falling  of  the  enow  is  to  me  one  of  the  most  - thiagf 

in  nature. 

521  avaricious 


AWKWARD  (page  106) 


1.  What  is  the  derivation  and  original  meaning  of  awkward?  of  clumsy1* 
2.  To  what,  therefore,  does  awkward  primarily  refer?  and  to  what 
clumsy?  3.  Is  a  draft-horse  distinctively  awkward  or  clumsy?  4. 
Give  some  metaphorical  uses  of  awkward. 


Though  he  was  -  ,  he  was  kindly. 

The  apprentice  was  not  only  -  ,  but  t  and  had  to  be  taught 

over  and  over  again  the  same  methods, 

The  young  girl  stood  in  a  -  "way,  looking  in  at  the  showy  shop- 

AXIOM  (page  107) 


1  In  what  do  axiom  and  truism,  agree  1  2.  In  what  do  they  differ?  3 
How  do  they  compare  in  interest  and  utility! 


It  is  almost  an  —  —  that  those  who  do  most  for  the  heathen  abroad 
are  most  liberal  for  the  heathen  at  home. 

Trifling  -  s  clothed  in  great,  swelling  words  of  vanity. 

BABBLE   (page  107) 


1.  To  what  class,  do  most  of  the  words  in  this  group  belong?  Why  are 
they  so  called?  2  What  is  the  special  significance  of  blab  and  blurt? 
How  do  they  differ  from  each  other  in  use?  3.  What  is  chat?  4 
How  does  prattling  differ  from  chatting f  5.  In  what  sense  is  jabber 
used?  How  does  it  compare  with  chatter  f 

"The  crane,"  I  said,  "may  — —  of  the  crane, 

The  dove  may  of  the  dove." 

Two  women  sat  contentedly ing,  one  of  them  amuaing  a  •    -. 

ing  babe. 

BANISH  (page  110) 


1.  From  what  land  may  one  be  banished  f  From  what  expatriated  or 
exiled  f  2.  By  whom  may  one  be  said  to  be  banished?  by  whom  ex- 
patriated or  extledf  3.  Which  of  these  words  is  of  widest  import! 
Give  examples  of  its  metaphorical  use. 

becoming  .  .          ,       _  ^ 

BANK  (page  111) 


1.  What  is  a  leach?  a  <so<wfl?  2.  How  does  each  ol  the  above  woids  difffti 
from  fccmfcf  3.  What  is  the  distinctive  sente  of  ftrandf  In  what 
style  of  writing  is  it  most  commonly  used?  What  are  the  dis- 
tinctive senses  of  edge  and  brink? 

BANTER  (page  112) 


1.  What  is  banter?  2.  How  is  badiage  distinguished  from  banter t  raillery 
from  both?  3.  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of  irony?  4.  Is  irony 
kindly  or  the  reverse?  badinage?  banter!  6.  What  words  of  this 
group  are  distinctly  hostile?  6.  Is  ridicule  or  derision  the  stronger 
word?  What  is  the  distinction  between  the  two?  between  satire  and 
sarcasm?  between  chaff,  jeenng,  and  mockery? 

BARBAROUS  (page  113) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  barbarian?  2.  What  is  the  added  significance 
of  barbaric?  3.  How  does  barbarous  in  general  use  differ  from  both 
the  above  words?  4.  What  special  element  is  commonly  implied  in 
savage?  5.  In  what  less  opprobrious  sense  may  barbarous  and  aavag* 
be  used!  Give  instances. 


A  multitude  like  which  the  populous  North 
Poured  never  from  her  frozen  loins,  to  pass 

Rhene  or  the  Dan  aw,  when  her song 

Game  like  a  deluge  on  the  South. 
Or  when  the  gorgeous  East,  with  richest  hand, 
Showers  on  her  kings       •          pearl  and  gold. 
It  is  most  true,  that  a  natural  and  secret  hatred  and  aversion  toward 

society,  in  any  man,  hath  somewhat  of  the  beast. 

Thou  art  bought  and  sold  among  those  of  any  wit  like  a  — ~  slave. 

BARRIER  (page  113) 


1.  What  is  a  barf  and  what  is  its  purpose?  2.  What  ii  a  barrier?  8. 
Which  word  is  ordinarily  applied  to  objects  of  great  extent?  4. 
Would  a  mountain  range  be  termed  ft  bar  or  a  barritr?  6.  What 
distinctive  name  is  given  to  a  mass  of  sand  across  the  moutfc  if  * 
river  or  harbor? 

523  . 


BATTLE  (page  114) 


1*  What  is  the  general  meaning  of  conflict?  2.  What  is  a  battle?  S.  How 
long  may  a  battle  last?  4.  On  how  many  fields  may  one  battle  be 
fought?  6.  How  does  engagement  differ  from  battle?  How  does 
combat  differ?  action?  skirmish f  fight? 

BEAUTIFUL  (page  115) 


1.  What  is  necessary  to  constitute  an  object  or  a  person  beautiful?  2.  Can 
beautiful  be  paid  of  that  which  is  harsh  and  rugged,  however  grand? 
3.  How  is  beautiful  related  to  our  powers  of  appreciation?  4.  How 
docs  pretty  compare  with  beautiful?  handsome?  5.  What  does  favr 
denote?  comely?  picturesque? 


I  pray  thee,  0  God,  that  I  may  be  — — -  within. 
A  happy  youth,  and  their  old  age  is  — —  and  free. 

'Twas  sung,  how  they  were in  their  lives 

And  m  their  death  had  not  divided  been. 

How has  the  day  been,  how  bright  was  the  sun, 

How  lovely  and  joyful  the  course  that  he  run. 
Though  he  rose  in  a  mist  when  his  race  he  began 
And  there  followed  some  droppings  of  rain! 

BECOMING  (page  117) 


1.  What  la  the  meaning  of  becoming?  of  decent?  of  suitable?  2.  Oan  that 
which  is  worthy  or  beautiful  in  itself  ever  be  otherwise  than  b&com- 
\ng  or  suitable t  G-ive  instances.  3.  What  is  the  meaning  of  fit? 
How  does  it  differ  from  fitting  or  befitting? 

A  merrier  man, 

Within  the  limit  of mirth, 

I  never  spent  an  hour's  talk  withal. 
Still  govern  thou  my  song, 

Urania,  and audience  find,  though  few. 

Indeed,  left  nothing for  your  purpose 

Untouch'd,  slightly  handled,  in  discourse. 
In  such  a  time  as  this,  it  is  not    • 
That  every  nice  offense  should  bear  his  comment 
How  could  money  be  better  spent  than  in  wrtjng  a        •    "-  building 
for  the  greatest  library  in  the  country? 

beginning  521 


BEGINNING  (page  118) 


1.  From  what  language  is  beginning  derived?  commencement!  How  do  the 
two  words  differ  in  application  and  use?  Give  instanced.  2.  What 
is  an  ongnn?  a  source?  a  rise?  3.  How  arc  fount,  fountain,  and 
spring  used  in  the  figurative  sense? 


Por  learning  is  the  pure 

Oat  from  which  all  glory  springs. 

Truth  is  the —  of  every  good  to  gods  and  men. 

Courage,  the  mighty  attribute  of  powers  above, 
By  which  those  great  in  war  are  great  m  lovo; 
The     '•-  ••••-   of  all  brave  acts  is  seated  here. 
It  <san  not  be  that  Deedemona  should  long  continue  h^r  love  to  the 

Moor,  nor  ho  his  to  her;  it  was  a  violent  ,  and  thou  shalt  see  an 

answerable  sequestration. 

Xn  the God  created  the  heaven  and  the  earth. 

BEHAVIOR  (page  119) 


1.  How  do  behavior  and  conduct  differ?  2.  What  is  the  special  sense  of 
carriage t  of  bearing?  demeanor?  3.  What  is  manner  t  manners? 


Our  thoughts  and  our are  our  own, 

Good are  made  up  of  petty  sacrifices. 

BENEVOLENCE   (page  120) 


1.  What  is  the  original  distinction  between  benevolence  and  bcnefictnrtt 
2.  In  what  sense  is  benevolence  now  most  commonly  used?  3.  What 
words  are  commonly  used  for  bencvoltnce  in  thn  original  sense?  4, 
What  was  the  original  sense  of  charity  t  the  present  popular  senso? 
6,  What  of  humanity?  generosity?  liberality?  philanthropy? 


"'    -       is  a  virtue  of  the  heart,  and  not  of  the  hands. 
The  secrets  of  life  are  not  shown  except  to and  likeness. 

BIND  (page  121) 


1,  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of  bind?  2.  What  ii  the  special  meaning 
of  tie 9  S,  In  how  general  a  sense  is  fasten  used!  4*  "WWoh  of  the 
above  thrcis  words  is  ubeg  fo  a  figurative  cense? 



Shut,  shut  the  door,  good  John!  fatigu'd,  I  said; 

up  the  knocker,  say  I'm  sick,  I'm  dead. 

Adjust  our  lives  to  loss,  make  friends  with  pain, 

""  all  our  shattered  hopes  and  bid  them  bloom  again. 

BITTER  (page  122) 


1*  How  may  acid,  bitter,  and  acrid  be  distinguished?  pungent?  caustic?  2. 
In  metaphorical  use,  how  are  harsh  and  bitter  distinguished?  3. 
What  is  the  special  significance  of  caustic?  4.  Give  examples  of  these 
words  in  their  various  uses. 

BLEACH  (page  122) 

1.  How  do  bleach  and  blanch  differ  from  whiten  f  from  each  other  \ 


You  can  behold  such  sights, 
And  keep  the  natural  ruby  of  your  cheeks, 

When  mine  is with  fear. 

We  let  the  years  go:  wash  them  clean  with  tears, 
Leave  them  to out  in  the  open  day. 

BLEMISH  (page  124) 


1,  What  is  a  blemish?  2.  How  docs  it  differ  from  a  flaw  or  taint?  S. 
What  is  a  defect ?  a  fault?  4.  Which  words  of  this  group  are  natural- 
ly applied  to  reputation,  and  which  to  character? 

Every  page  enclosing  in  the  midst 

A  square  of  text  that  looks  a  little . 

The  noble  Brutus 

Hath  told  you  Oassar  was  ambitious: 
If  it  were  so,  it  was  a  grievous    * 

BLUFF  (page  125) 


1.  In  what  sense  are  bluff,  frank,  and  open  used?     2.  In  what  sense  are 
Hunt,  bruak,  rough,  and  rude  employed! 


There  are  to  whom  my  satire  seems  too 

Stout  once  a  month  they  march,  a 
And  ever  bub  in  times  of  need,  a*  baxri. 

BOUNDARY  (page  126) 


1.  What  is  the  original  sense  of  "boundary  9  2.  How  does  it  differ  in  usage 
from,  bound  or  bounds?  3.  In  what  style  and  sense  is  bourn  used! 
4.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  edge? 

So  these  lives  .   .    . 

Parted  by s  strong,  but  drawing  nearer  and  nearer, 

Rushed  together  at  last,  and  one  was  lost  in  the  other. 

In  worst  extremes,  and  on  the  perilous  " 

Of  battle. 

BRAVE  (page  127) 


1.  How  does  "brave  differ  from  courageous?  2.  What  is  the  special  sense  of 
adventurous?  of  bold?  of  chivalrous?  3.  How  do  these  words  differ 
from  venturesome  t  4.  What  is  especially  denoted  by  fearless  and  in- 
trepid f  5.  What  does  valiant  tell  of  results?  <5,  What  ideas  are  com- 
bined in  heroic  f 

A  —  man  is  also  full  of  faith. 

Fir'd  at  first  sight  with  what  the  Muse  imparts, 
In  -  youth  we  tempt  the  heights  of  Arts. 
Thy  danger  chiefly  lies  in  acting  well; 
No  crime's  so  great  as  -  to  excel. 

BUSINESS  (page  133) 


1.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  barter  f  2.  What  does  business  add 
to  the  meaning  of  barter?  3.  What  is  occupation!  IB  it  broader 
than  business  t  4.  What  is  a  vocation?  5,  What  (in  the  strict  son  no) 
is  an  avocation  f  6.  What  is  implied  in  profession?  pursuit?  7,  What 
is  a  transaction?  8.  How  does  trade  differ  from  commerce?  9.  What 
is  world  10.  What  is  an  art  m  the  industrial  sense?  a  craft  f 


A  man  must  serve  his  time  to  every        •    >  •. 
We  turn  to  dust,  and  all  our  mightiest         ••  •  <o  die  too. 

527  boundary 


CALCULATE  (page  136) 


1,  Ho*  do  yon  distinguish  between  count  and  calculate  9  compute^,  reckon, 
and  estimate!  2.  Which,  is  used  mostly  with  regard  to  future  prob- 
abilities? 3.  Do  we  use  compute  or  estimate  of  numbers  exactly 
known?  4.  Of  compute,  calculate,  and  estimate,  which  is  used  with 
especial  reference  to  the  future? 


There  were  4,046  men  in  the  district,  by  actual . 

The  time  of  the  eclipse  was to  a  second. 

We  ask  them  to approximately  the  cost  of  the  building. 

CALL  (page  136) 


1.  'What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  caU?  2.  Bo  we  ever  apply  tetiow 
and  roar  to  human  sounds?  3.  Oan  you  give  more  than  one  sense  of 
cryt  Are  shout  and  scream  more  or  less  expressive  than  cattt  5. 
Which  of  the  words  in  this  group  are  necessarily  and  which  ordinarily 
applied  to  articulate  utterance?  Which  rarely,  if  ever,  so  used! 

•"  for  the  robin  redbreast  and  the  wren. 

The  pioneers  could  hear  the   savages  outside. 

I my  servant  and  he  came. 

The  captain in  a  voice  of  thunder  to  the  helmsman,  "Put  your 

helm  hard  aport!" 

CALM  (page  137) 


1.  To  what  classes  of  objects  or  states  of  mind  do  we  apply  calmt  collected  f 
quiet  f  placid?  serene?  still?  tranquil?  2.  Do  the  antonyms  boisterous, 
excited,  ruffled,  turbulent,  and  wild,  also  apply  to  the  samel  3.  Oan 
you  contrast  calm  and  quiet?  4.  How  many  of  tht  preceding  ad- 
jectives can  be  applied  to  water?  5.  How  does  composed  differ  from 


The  possession  of  a  — —  conscience  is  an  estimable  blessing. 
The  water  is  said  to  be  always in  the  ocean  depths. 

on  the  listening  ear  of  night 

Fall  heaven's  melodious  strains. 

CANCEL  (page  138) 

1.  What  is  the  difference   in  method  involved  in  the  verbs  cancel, 

eras?,  expunge,  and  obliterate?    2.  Which  suggest  the  most  complete 

candid                                                                               528 
cause        , 

removal  of  all  trace  of  a  writing?  3.  How  do  the  figurative  uses  of 
these  words  compare  with  the  literal?  4.  Is  it  possible  to  obliterate 
or  efface  that  which  has  been  previously  canceled  or  erased? 


It  is  practically  impossible  to  clean  a  postage-stamp  that  has  been 
properly  so  that  it  can  be  used  again. 

With  the  aid  of  a  sharp  penknife  the  blot  was  quickly  . 

By  lapse  of  time  and  elemental  action,  the  inscription  had  become  com- 
pletely   . 

CANDID  (page  139) 


1.  To  what  class  of  things  do  wo  apply  aboveloard?  candid?  fair?  frank  t 
honest?  sincere  1  transparent?  2.  Can  you  state  the  similarity  be- 
tween artless,  guileless,  naive,  simple,  and  unsophisticated?  How  do 
they  differ  as  a  class  from  the  woids  above  referred  to?  3.  How 
does  it  happen  that  "To  be  frank,"  or  "To  be  candid"  often  precedes 
the  utterance  of  something  disagreeable? 

The  sophistry  was  so      '          as  to  disgust  the  assembly, 

A,  T.  Stewart  relied  on dealing  as  the  secret  of  mercantile  sue* 


An man  will  not  steal  or  defraud. 

she  seems  with  artful  care 

Affecting  to  be  unaffected. 

CARE  (page  141) 


1.  What  is  the  special  difference  between  care  and  anxiety  t  2.  Wherein 
does  care  differ  from  caution  f  solicitude  from  anxiety  t  watchfulness 
from  wariness?  3.  Oan  you  give  some  of  the  ficnec*  of  caret  4.  la 
concern  as  strong  a  term  as  anxiety?  6.  What  is  circumspection  t 
precaution y  heed? 


Take  her  up  tenderly,  lift  her  with . 

A  military  commander  should  have  as  much .  as  brarexy, 

The  invaders  fancied  themselves  so  secure  against  attack  that  they  had 
not  taken  the to  station  sentinel*. 

CARICATURE   (page  143) 

J..  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  caricature?    2,  What  In  tho 

difference  between  parody  and  travesty?  between  both  and  burlesque  t 

529                                                                                           candid 

3.  To  what  is  caricatwe  mostly  confined?     4.  How  do  mimicry  and 
imitation  differ?     5,  la  an  extravaganza  an  exaggeration? 



The  eagle  nose  of  the  general  was  magnified  in  every  artist's . 

His  laughable  reproduction  of  the  great  actor's  vagaries  was  a  clever 
bit  of  

II  it  be  not  lying  to  say  that  a  fox's  tail  is  four  feet  long,  it  is  certainly 
a  huge  „ 

CARRY   (page  144) 


1.  To  what  sort  of  objects  do  we  apply  bear?  carry?  move?  take?  2, 
What  kinds  of  force  or  power  do  we  indicate  by  convey,  hft,  transmit, 
and  transpoitf  3.  What  is  the  distinction  between  bring  and  carry  9 
between  carry  and  bear?  4.  What  does  lift  mean?  5  Can  you  give 
some  figurative  uses  of  carry? 


The  strong  man  can  1,000  pounds  with  apparent  ease. 

Napoleon  always  endeavored  to  the  war  into  the  enemy's  terri- 

It  was  found  necessary  to  the  coal  overland  for  a  distance  of 

500  miles. 

My  punishment  is  greater  than  I  can  . 

CATASTROPHE  (page  145) 


1.  What  is  a  catastrophe  or  cataclysm9  2,  Is  a  catastrophe  also  necessarily 
a  calamity  or  a  disaster?  S.  Which  word  has  the  broader  meaning, 
disaster  or  calamity  9  4.  Does  misfortune  suggest  as  serious  a  condi- 
tion as  any  of  the  foregoing?  5.  How  does  a  mishap  compare  with  a 
catastrophe,  a  calamity,  or  a  disaster)  6.  Give  tome  chief  antonyms 
of  the  above 


War  and  pestilence  aro  properly ,  while  the  loss  of  a  battle  may 

,  but  not  a  • 

fortune  is  not  satisfied  with  inflicting  one . 

Well  had  the  boding  tremblers  learned  to  trace 

The  day's in  his  morning  face. 

The  failure  of  the  crops  of  two  successive  years  proved  an  irreparable 
to  the  emigrants, 

CAUSE  (page  146) 


I,  What  is  the  central  distinction  between  antecedent  and  cause  f    2.  Bow 
are  the  words  cause,  condition,  and  occasion  illustrated  by  the  fall  o* 

chagrin  530 


an  avalanche?  3,  And  the  antonyms  consequence?  effect?  outgrowth! 
result  t  4.  What  are  causality  and  causation  9  6.  How  are  oriyin 
aad  source  related  to  cause? 


Where  there  is  on  effect  there  must  be  also  a  - •••% 

It  is  necessary  to  know  something-  of  the       •    >  ••    of  a  man  before  we 
can  safely  trust  him. 

The  ,.,...    ,  Of  the  river  was  found  to  be  a  small  lake  among  the  hills. 
What  was  given  as  the of  the  quarrel  was  really  but  the . 

CHAGRIN  (page  151) 


1.  What  feelings  are  combined  in  chagnn?  2.  How  do  you  distinguish  be- 
tween chagrin,  disappointment,  humiliation,  mortification,  and  shame  t 
3.  Which  involves  a  sense  of  having  done  wrong) 


The  king's  at  the  limitations  imposed  upon  him  was  painfully 


He  is  not  wholly  lost  who  yet  can  blush  from  b 

Hope  tells  a  flattering  talc, 
Delusive,  vain  and  hollow, 
Ah!  let  not  hope  prevail, 
kest  — follow. 

CHANGE  (page  152) 


1.  What  is  the  distinction  between  change  and  exchange  t  Are  they  ever 
used  as  equivalent,  and  how?  2.  Can  you  distinguish  between  modify/ 
and  qualify? 


The  tailor  offered  to the  armholes  of  the  coat. 

We  requested  the  pianist  to  >  his  music  by  introducing  a  few 

popular  tunes. 

We  often  fail  to  recognize  the  actor  who  Iris  costume  between 

the  acts. 

CHARACTER  (page  153) 


1.  How  do  you  distinguish  between  character  and  reputation?  cwiriitution 
and  disposition?  2.  Is  nature  a  broader  word  than  any  of  the  pro- 
ceding?  3.  If  so,  why) 


The  philanthropist's  "•• -•  for  charity  is  often  a  great  source  of  annoy- 
ance to  him. 

Jjft  dogs  delight  to  bark  and  bite,  for  'tis  their  — to 


Misfortune  may  cause  the  lose  of  friends  and  reputation,  yet  if  the  man 
lias  not  yielded  to  wrong,  his   .-"»"-M  »  is  superior  to  loss  or  cfeange* 

CHOOSE  (page  157) 


&  What  are  the  shades  of  difference  "between  choose,  cull,  elect,  pick,  prefer, 
and  select  f  2.  Also  between  the  antonyms  cast  away,  cUcUnt,  dismiss, 
refuse,  repudiate?  3.  Does  select  imply  more  care  or  judgment  than 
choose ' 


The  prettiest  flowers  had  all  been . 

Jacob  was to  Esau,  though  he  was  the  younger. 

When  a  man  deliberately  to  do  wrong,  there  is  little  hope  for 


CIRCUMSTANCE  (page  158) 


1.  To  what  classes  of  things  do  we  apply  accompaniment?  concomitant  f  cir- 
cumstance f  event?  fact?  incident?  occurrence?  situation?  2.  Can 
you  give  some  instances  of  the  use  of  circumstance?  3.  Is  it  a  word 
of  broader  meaning  than  incident? 


The  that  there  had  been   a  fire  was  proved  by   the   smoke* 

blackened  walls. 

Extreme  provocation  may  be  a  mitigating in  a  case  of  homicide. 

CLASS  (page  159) 


1.  How  does  a  class  differ  from  a  caste?  2,  In  what  connection  is  rank 
used!  order?  3.  What  is  a  coterie?  How  does  it  differ  from  a  clique? 


•  was  formed  for  the  relief  of  the  poor  and  needy  of  the  city. 
—  met  at  the  residence  of  one  of  the  leading  men  of  the 

There  it  &  struggle  of  the  masses  against  the  >. 

CLEAR  (page  161) 


1.  What  does  clear  originally  signify?  2.  How  does  clear  differ  from  trans- 
parent as  regards  a  substance  that  may  be  a  medium  of  vision?  3. 
With  what  meaning  is  clear  used  of  an  object  apprehended  by  the 
Menses,  as  an  object  of  sight  or  hearing?  4.  What  does  distinct  gig- 

clever  532 


nify?  5.  What  is  plaint  6.  What  special  sense  does  this  word  always 
rotam?  How  does  transparent  differ  from  translucent?  7  What  do 
lucid  and  pellu&d  signify  1  8.  What  is  the  special  force  of  ttmpidf 

CLEVER  (page  162) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  clever  as  used  in  England?  2.  What  was  the 
early  New  England  usage?  3.  What  is  to  "be  said  of  the  use  of  smart 
and  sharp?  4.  What  other  words  of  this  group  arc  preferable  to  rlever 
m  many  of  its  uses? 


His  biief  experience  in  the  department  had  made  him  very in 

The  work  now  assigned  him. 

She  was  especially      •          in  song. 

Be  good,  sweet  maid,  and  let  who  will  be  <; 

Do  noble  things,  not  dream  them,  all  day  long; 
And  so  make  life,  death,  and  the  vast  forever 
One  grand,  sweet  song. 

COMPANY  (page  164) 


1*  From  what  is  company  derived?  What  is  its  primary  moaning?  2.  For 
what  are  those  associated  who  constitute  a  company  f  Is  their  ufaho- 
ciation  temporary  or  permanent?  3.  What  is  the  difference  betnrwzi 
assemblage  and  assembly?  4.  What  is  a  conclave f  a  eonvoraiionf  a 
convention ?  5  What  are  the  characteristics  of  a  group?  6.  To 
what  use  is  congregation  restricted?  How  docs  meeting  agree  with  and 
differ  from  it? 


Far  from  the  mnddmg      's  ignoble  strife, 

Their  sober  wishes  never  learned  to  stray. 
The  room  contained  a  large      •  of  miscellaneous  objects. 

A  fellow  that  ma>-s  no  figure  in  . 

A  groat had  met,  but  without  organization  or  officers. 

If  ye  inquire  anything  concerning  other  matters,  it  shall  be  determined 
in  a  lawful . 

COMPEL  (page  165) 


1.  What  is  it  to  compel?  2.  What  does  force  imply?  3.  What  ia  the  espe- 
cial significance  of  coerce?  4.  What  does  constrain  imply t  In  what 
favorable  sense  is  it  used? 


Even  if  we  were  not  willing,  they  possessed  the  power  of  — tu 

fc>  do  justice. 

533  * 


Employers  may  their  employees  into  voting  as  they   demand, 

but  for  the  secret  ballot. 

Thcsse  considerations  •  us  to  aid  them  to  the  utmost  of  our  power. 

COMPLAIN   (page  165) 


1.  By  what  is  complaining  prompted?  murmuring*  repining*  2.  Which 
finds  outward  expression,  and  which  is  limited  to  the  mental  act!  3. 
To  whom  docs  one  complain,  in  the  formal  sense  of  the  word!  4. 
With  whom  does  one  remonstrate  9 


It  is  not  pleasant  to  live  with  one  who  is  constantly  ing. 

The  dog  gave  a  low  • which  frightened  the  tramp  away. 

COMPLEX  (page  166) 


1.  How  does  complex  differ  from  compound?  from  composite?  2.  What  ia 
heterogeneous?  conglomerate?  3.  How  does  complicated  differ  from 
intricate f  from  involved? 

CONSCIOUS  (page  173) 


1  Of  what  things  is  one  aware?  of  what  ifi  he  conscious*  2.  How  doer 
sensible  compare  with  the  above-mentioned,  words?  3.  What  does 
sensible  indicate  regarding  the  emotions  that  would  not  be  expressed 
by  conscious? 


To  bo that  you  are  ignorant  is  a  great  stop  to  knowledge. 

They   are  now  it   would  have  been   better  to  resist  the  first 


He  was of  a  stealthy  step  and  a  bulk  dimly  visible  through  the 


CONSEQUENCE  (page  173) 


1.  How  does  consequence  differ  from  effect?  both  from  result?  2.  How  do 
recall  and  issue  compare!  8.  In  what  sense  is  consequence  used f 

CONTAGION  (page  174) 


1.  To  what  is  contagion  now  limited  by  the  best  meclical  usage  f     2.  To 
is  the  term  infection 

continual  534 



thurtag  the  yiagtie  m  London  parsons  walked  in  tha  middle  of  th« 
street*  for  fear  of  the  •  -• from  the  houses. 

The  mob  thinks  by  •••  -••* for  the  most  part,  catching  an  opinion  Uke 

&  cold. 

Ko  pestilence  is  so  much  to  be  dreaded  as  the  — —  of  bad  example. 

CONTINUAL  (page  175) 


1.  How  does  continuous  differ  from  continued f  incessant  from  ceaseless? 
Give  examples. 

CONTRAST  (page  175) 


1.  How  is  contrast  related  to  compare?  2.  What  are  the  special  senses  of 
differentiate,  discriminate  and  distinguish? 

CONVERSATION  (page  176) 


1.  What  is  the  essential  meaning  of  conversation?  2.  How  does  conversa- 
tion differ  from  talk*  3.  How  15  discourse  related  to  conversation? 
4,  What  are  the  special  senses  of  dialogue  and  colloquy? 

There    can    be    no    with    a    great    genius,    who    does    all    the 

Nor  wanted  sweet  f  the  banquet  of  the  mind. 

CONVEY  (page  177) 


1.  In  what  do  convey,  transmit,  and  transport  agree?  What  is  the  distinctive 
sense  of  convey?  2.  To  what  class  of  objects  does  transport  refott 
3.  To  what  class  of  objects  do  transfer,  transmit,  and  convey  apply! 
4*  Which  is  the  predominant  sense  of  tho  latter  words  I 

CRIMINAL  (page  178) 


I.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  criminal  f  How  does  it  differ  t**m 
Megal  or  unlawful!  2.  What  is  felonious?  flapitioust  8.  What  is  the 
primary  meaning  of  iniquitous?  4.  Is  an  Myufeoti*  act 
criminal  f 

535  eoxttliural 

^ definition 

DANGER  (page  180) 


1.  Wh&t  its  the  distinctive  meaning  of  danger f  2.  Boe«  4dttgw  er 
suggest  the  more  imrnedjate  evil?  8*  Bow  are  JM$airdy  and 
distinguished  from  Hunger  and  peril? 


Delay  always  breeds  . 

The  careful  rider  avoids  running  o. 

Stir,  at  your  1 

DECAY  (page  181) 


1.  What  sort  of  things  decay  ?  putrefy  1  rot »  2.  What  is  the  essential  differ- 
ence between  decay  and  decompose? 


The  flowers  wither,  the  tree's  trunk      •    •    . 
The  water  was by  the  electric  current. 

DECEPTION  (page  181) 


1.  How  is  deceit  distinguished  from  deception?  from  guile?  fraudf  lying? 
hypocrisy 9  2.  Do  all  of  these  apply  to  conduct  as  well  as  to  speech? 
3,  Is  deception  ever  innocent?  4.  Have  craft  and  cunning  always  a 
moral  element  ?  5.  How  is  dissimulation  distinguished  from  duplicity  f 


The of  his  conduct  was  patent  to  aH 

It  was  a  matter  of  self . 

The  judge  decided  it  to  be  a  case  of      •    •     h 

DEFINITION  (page  184) 


1.  Which  is  the  more  exact,  a  definition  or  a  description  9  2.  What  must 
a  definition  include,  and  what  must  it  exclude?  3.  What  must  a 
description  include?  4.  In  what  respect  has  interpretation  a  wider 
meaning  than  translation?  5.  How  does  an  etoplanathn  compare  with 
an  exposition? 


A  prompt  '   •  '         of  the  difficulty  prevented  a  quarreL 

The of  scenery  was  admirable. 

The  seer  gave  an  — —  of  the  dream. 

Many  a  controversy  may  bo  instantly  ended  by  a  clear of  terms. 

deliberate  536 

DELIBERATE  (page  185) 


1,  What  are  the  chief  distinctions  between  deliberate?  consult?  consider? 
meditate?  reflect?  2.,  Do  large  gatherings  of  people  consult,  or  medi- 
tate, or  deliberate?  3.  Do  we  reflect  on  things  past  or  things  to 
come !  4.  How  many  persons  are  necessarily  implied  in  consult,  con- 
fer, and  debate  as  commonly  used?  m  deliberate,  conmder ,  ponder, 
reflect?  in  Meditate?  6.  What  idea  of  time,  IR  implied  in  deliberate? 


The  matter  was  carefully  m  all  its  bearing* 

The  legislature  •  .  for  several  days. 

DELUSION  (page  187) 


1.  What  is  the  esfcntial  difference  between  illusion  and  delusion?  How 
does  hallucination  differ  from  both?  2.  Which  word  is  u&od  especially 
of  objects  of  sight? 


The   ,,   .   ,       Of  the  sick  are   sometimes  pitiful. 
In  the  soft  light  the was  complete, 

DEMONSTRATION  (page  188) 


1.  To  what  kind  of  reasoning  does  demonstration  in  the  ftriet  flen»fi  apply! 
2.  What  is  evidenced  pi  oof?  3*  Wlnrli  IK  t,hi»  stronger  term?  4. 
Which  is  the  more  comprehensive? 


The     .  „ , .  .  Of  the  witness  was  so  complete  thaf    no  further  -  •"  >•"• 

was  required. 

A  mathematical must  be  final  and  conclusive. 

DESIGN  (page  190) 


1.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  desipnf    2,  What  clement  it  promi- 
nent in  intention?  purpose?  plan?     3.  Does  purpoeo  «uggc»t  more' 
power  to  pxrcuto  than  design?    4    How  does  intent  specifically  differ 
from  purpose?   Which  term  do  we  use  with  reference  to  the  Dirlna 
Being  ? 


The  architect's     •  >«       involved  much  detail. 
Hell  is  paved  with  good . 

537                                                                                  deliberate 
__ ___ diction 

It  is  the of  the  voter  that  decides  how  his  ballot  shall  be  counted. 

The  of  the  Almighty  can  not  be  thwarted. 

The  adaption  of  means  to  ends  in  nature  clearly  indicates  a   •  -, 

and  to  proves  a  — — er. 

DESPAIR  (page  191) 


1.  In  what  order  might  despair,  desperation,  discouragement,  and  hopeless- 
ness follow,  each  as  the  result  of  the  previous  condition?  2.  How 
does  despondency  especially  differ  from  despair? 


The  utter of  their  condition  was  apparent. 

In  weak  he  abandoned  all  endeavor. 

DEXTERITY  (page  192) 


1.  From  what  is  adroitness  derived?  From  what  dexterity?  How  might 
each  be  rendered?  2.  How  does  adroitness  differ  in  use  from  dex- 
terity? 3.  From  what  is  aptitude  derived,  and  what  does  it  signify? 
4.  How  does  skitt  differ  from  dexterity?  Which  can  and  which  can 
not  be  communicated? 


He  had  a  natural for  scientific  investigation,  and  by  long  prac- 
tise gained  an  inimitable  of  manipulation. 

His  '    •'          in  debate  enabled  him  to  evade  or  parry  arguments  or  at- 
tacks  which  he  could  not  answer. 

The  •      of  the  best  trained  workman  can  not  equal  the  precision 

of  a  machine. 

DICTION  (page  193) 


1.  Which  is  the  more  comprehensive  word,  diction,  language,  or  phrase- 
ology1  2.  What  is  the  true  meaning  of  verbiage?  Should  it  ever  be 
used  as  the  equivalent  of  language  or  diction?  3.  What  is  style? 
How  does  it  compare  with  diction  or  language? 


The  <  •'  '    '      of  the  discourse  wns  plain  and  emphatic. 
The  ••••  of  a  written  contract  should  be  such  as  to  prevent  mis- 


The  poetic of  Milton  is  so  exquisitely  perfect  that  another  word 

can  scarcely  ever  be  substituted  for  the  one  he  has  chosen  without  marring 
th*  line. 

difference  538 

doubt . 

DIFFERENCE  (page  194) 


1.  WTtfA  fcertctiA  mostly  to  tealittes,  and  which  itfo  niattots  <rt  judgment-'- 
<H$0re7wrc,  tiddparitiy,  dtetinvMon,  or  tncQnti&fincyl  2.  What  do  w* 
toeim  by  "a  <Ws#7ic$07i  -without  a  difference"? 


The  proper  should  bo  carefully  observed  m  tho  use  of  "flhaU" 

and  "will." 

The  '  •  between  black  and  white  is  self -evident. 

The  of  our  representatives'  conduct  with  their  promise  is  un- 

DISCERN   (page  196) 


1.  To  what  sort  of  objects  do  we  apply  behold,  diwern,  disttnffWfih,  observe, 
and  see?  2.  What  do  behold  and  distinguish  euggcut  in  addition  to 
seeing  * 

With  the  aid  of  a  great  telescope  we  may  —  what  stars  arc  double. 

the  upright  man. 

Let  us  minutely the  color  of  the  goods* 

DISCOVER  (page  196) 


1.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  detect?  discover?  invent?  2.  How 
do  discover  and  invent  differ?  8.  Is  detect  often  used  in  a  favorable 


An  experienced  policeman  acquires  wonderful  skill  in  - ing  crim- 

Newton the  law  of  gravitation. 

To a  machine,  one  must  first  understand  tho  JUWB  of  mechanics. 

DISEASE  (page  197) 


I.  What  was  the  oarly  and  general  meaning  of  sick  and  sicJencsH  in  Eng- 
lish? 2.  How  long  did  that  usage  prevail?  8,  What  ia  tho  pw»««nt 
restriction  upon  the  use  of  these  words  in  England?  What  words  are 
there  commonly  substituted?  4*  What  is  tho  prevalent  usage  in  the 
United  States? 

—  spread  in  the  camp  and  proved  deadlier  than  the  «word. 


He  16  just  recovering  from.  a  slight 

It  is  not  good  manners  to  talk  of  oaa'i  • 

DO  (page  198) 


1.  What  is  the  most  comprehensive  word  of  this  group?  2,  In  -what  sense 
are  finish  and  complete  used,  and  how  are  they  discriminated  from 
each  other?  3.  How  do  we  discriminate  between  fulfil,  realize,  effect, 
and  execute?  perform  and  accomplish?  accomplish  and  complete? 

A  duty  has  "been  t  a  work  of  gratitude  and  affection  has  been 

It  is  wonderful  how  much  can  be  by  steady,  plodding  industry 

without  brilliant  talents. 

The  work  is  not  only  grand  in  design  but  it  is  with  the  most 

•tfxquisite  delicacy  in  every  detail. 

It  is  the  duty  of  the  legislators  to  make  laws,  of  the  magistrates  to 

Every  one  should  labor  to his  duties  faithfully,  and the 

just  expectations  of  those  who  have  committed  to  him  any  trust 

DOCTRINE    (page  200) 


1,  To  what  matters  do  we  apply  the  word  creed?  doctrine?  dogma?  prin- 
ciple? 2.  Which  is  the  more  inclusive  word?  3.  Is  dogma  used 
favorably  or  unfavorably? 


The  rests  either  upon  the  authority  of  the  Scriptures,  or  upon 

a  decision  of  the  Church 

A  man  may  have  upright 8  even  while  he  disregards  commonly 

received  a. 

DOUBT,  v.  (page  201) 


1.  Do  we  apply  doult,  distrust,  surmise,  and  suspect  mostly  to  persons  and 
things,  or  to  motives  and  intentions?  2.  Is  mistrust  used  of  persons 
or  of  things?  3.  Is  it  used  in  a  favorable  oar  an  unfavorable  sense? 


"We  do  not that  the  oarth  moves  around  the  sum. 

Nearly  every  law  of  nature  was  by  man  first   ,  then  proved  to 

be  true, 

I my  own  heart. 

X that  man  from  the  outset. 

doubt  540 

effrontery . 

DOUBT,  «.  (page  202) 


1.  To  what  class  of  objects  do  we  apply  disbelief?  doubt  f  hesitation  f  mis 
ywvnfff  2.  Which,  of  these  words  moht  eoamxonly  implies  an  unfavor- 
able meaning?  3.  What  meaning  has  Hkeptowsm,  as  applied  to  re- 
ligious matters? 

We  feel  no  •  in  giving  our  approval. 

The  jury  had  s  of  his  guilt. 

We  did  all  we  could  to  further  the  enterprise,  but  still  liad  our B 

as  to  the  outcome. 

DUPLICATE  (page  206) 


1.  Can  you  give  the  distinction  between  a  copy  and  a  dvpttratft  a  fac- 
simile, and  an  imitation ?  2.  What  soit  of  a  copy  is  a  tranxcnpt? 


The  • — of  an  organ  by  the  violinist  was  perfect. 

This  key  is  a ,  and  will  open  the  lock. 

The  signature,  was  merely  a  printed  •— 

DUTY  (page  207) 


1.  Do  we  use  duty  and  right  of  civil  things?  or  Tjusinefta  and  obligation  of 
moral  things?  2.  Does  responsibility  imply  connection  with  any  other 
person  or  thing? 


I  go  because  it  is  my . 

We  recognize  a for  the  good  conduct  of  our  own  children,  but 

do  we  not  also  rest  under  some          •  "  to  society  to  exercise  a  good  in* 
fluence  over  the  children  of  others  1 

EAGER  (page  207) 


1.  What  is  the  distinction  between  eager  and  earnest  in  the  nature  of  th* 
feeling  implied?  in  the  objects  toward  which  it  is  directed?  2.  How 
does  an&oua  in  this  acceptation  differ  from  both  eager  and  eamwtf 


Hark  I  tho  thrill  trumpet  Bounds  to  horse  I  awnyl 
My  soul's  m  army,  nnd  •   for  the  fray. 

I  am  in  .     I  will  not  equivocate;  1  will  not  PXCQBO;  I  will  not 

retreat  a  single  inch,  and  I  will  be  heard! 

I  am to  hear  of  your  welfare,  and  of  the  pro»poct«  of  the  enter- 


541  doubt 

_  effrontery 

EASE  (page  208) 


1.  What  does  ease  denote,  in  the  sense  here  considered?  Does  it  apply  to 
action  or  condition?  2.  Is  facility  active  or  passive?  reaainext*  3. 
What  does  ease  imply,  and  to  what  may  it  be  limited!  4.  What  dues 
facility  imply!  readiness?  5.  To  -what  is  enpertness  limited! 


He  plays  the  violin  with  great ,  and  delighta  an  audience. 

Whatever  he  did  was  done  with  so  much , 

In  him  alone  'twas  natural  to  please. 

It  is  often  said  with  equal  truth  that  we  ought  to  take  advantage  of 
the  — —  which  children  possess  of  learning. 

EDUCATION  (page  209) 


1,  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  education?  instruction?  teaching  9  2. 
How  is  instruction  or  teaching  related  to  education?  3.  How  does 
training  differ  from  teaching?  4.  What  is  discipline?  tuition?  5. 
What  are  breeding  and  nurture,  and  how  do  they  differ  from  each 
other)  6.  How  are  knowledge  and  learning  related  to  education? 


The  true  purpose  of  -  is  to  cherish  and  unfold  the  seed  of  inv 
mortality  already  sown  within  us. 

By  ,  we  do  learn  ourselves  to  know 

And  what  to  man,  and  what  to  God  we  owe. 

-  mafceth  a  full  man,  conference  a  ready  man,  and  writing  an 
exact  man, 

For  natural  abilities  are  like  natural  plants  that  need  pruning  by 
-  ;  and  -  s  themselves  do  give  forth  directions  too  much  at  large, 
except  they  be  bounded  in  by  experience. 

A  branch  of  -  is  often  put  to  an  improper  use,  for  fear  of  its 
being  idle. 

EFFRONTERY   (page  210) 


1.  What  is  audacity}  hardihood?  2.  What  special  element  does  effrontery 
add  to  the  meaning  of  audacity  and  hardihood?  8.  What  is  impu- 
dence? *hamelesane*8?  4.  How  docs  effrontery  compare  with  these 
words?  5.  What  is  boldness?  Is  it  used  in  a  favorable  or  an  un- 
favorable sense? 

When  they  saw  the  .......  of  Peter  and  John,  and  perceived  that  they 

unlearned  and  ignorant  men  they  marvelled. 

I  ne'er  heard  yet 

egotiaw.  542 


That  any  of  these  bolder  vices 
LQJSI  __  to  gainsay  what  they  did, 
Than  to  perform  It  first 

X  am  not  &  little  surprised  at  th«  «osy  —  with  which  political  j^u- 
In  and  out  of  Congress  take  it  upon  them  to  say  that  there  arc  not 
«  thousand  men  in  the  North  who  sympathize  with  John  Brown. 

EGOTISM  (page  210) 


1.  What  is  egoism  and  how  does  it  differ  from  egotism?  2.  What  is  self- 
assertion9  self-conceit?  3.  Does  conceit,  differ  from  self-conceit,  and 
how?  4.  What  is  self -confidence?  Is  it  worthy  or  unworthy?  5.  Is 
self-assertion  ever  a  duty?  self-conceit?  6.  What  IH  vanity  f  How 
does  it  differ  from  self-confidence?  from  pride t  7.  What  is  self  esteem t 
How  does  it  differ  from  self  conceit?  from  self 'confidence? 


may  puff  a  man  up,  but  never  prop  him  up. 

•  is  as  ill  at  ease  under  indifference,  as  tenderness  is  under  the 

love  which  it  can  not  return. 

EMBLEM  (page  211) 


1.  From  what  language  as  emblem  derived?  What  did  it  originally  signify  ¥ 
2.  What  is  the  derivation  and  primary  meaning  of  ayMboll  3,  How 
do  the  two  words  compare  as  now  used?  4.  How  doim  a  /n//;t  «ug* 
gesl  something  other  than  itself?  6.  Can  the  ftamo  thing  be  both  an 
emblem  and  a  symbol?  a  sign  and  a  symbol?  6,  What  in  a  token?  a 
figure?  an  image?  a  type? 


Rose  of  the  desert,  thou  art  to  me 

An. Of  stainless  purity,  — ~ * 

Of  those  whot  keeping  their  garments  white, 
Walk  on  through  life  with  steps  aright 

All  things  are  — «:  the  extornal  showw 

Of  nature  have  their    •<    •  •  •    in  the  mind 
As  flowers  and  fruits  and  falling  of  tho  leave*. 
Moses,  as  Israel's  deliverer,  wan  a  — —  of  Ohrlut, 

EMIGRATE  (page  212) 


1,  What  i»  the  distinctive  meaning  of  miffratef  What  !•  its  application?  2. 
What  do  emigrate  and  immigrate  signify?  To  what  do  they  apply? 
Can  thf»  fwo  words  l>o  uwd  rf  fli«»  unrae  por«m  anfl  tU<»  name  *ett 



The  ship  Was  crowded  with  ••""•*    >,  mostly  from  Germany. 
—  -*•  are  pouriag  toto  tha  United  States  often  at  tto  rate  oi  half  * 

EMPLOY  (page  213) 


1.  What  are  the  distinctive  senses  of  employ  and  use?  Give  instances.  2 
What  does  use  often  imply  as  to  materials  natd*  3  How  does  hire 
compare  with  employ? 


The  young  man  had  been  -  by  the  firm  for  several  months  and 
had  proved  faithful  in  every  respect 

The  church  was  then  ready  to  -  a  pastor 

What  one  has,  one  ought  to  -  :  and  whatever  he  does  he  should 
do  with  all  his  might 

END,  *.  (page  213) 


1.  What  is  it  to  end,  and  what  reference  does  end  have  to  intention  or  ex- 
pectation) 2.  What  do  close,  complete,  conclude,  and  finish  signify 
as  to  expectation  or  appropriateness?  Give  instances.  3.  What  spe- 
cially distinctive  sense  has  finish?  4.  Does  terminate  refer  to  reach- 
ing an  arbitrary  or  an  appropriate  end?  5.  What  does  stop  signify? 


The  life  was  suddenly  -  . 

The  train  —  —  long  enough  foi  the  passengers  to  get  off,  then  whirled 

END,  n.  (page  214) 


1.  What  is  the  end?  2.  What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  extremity*  3. 
How  does  extremity  compare  with  end?  4.  What  reference  is  implied 
in  esctt  'entity  1  5.  What  is  the  moaning  of  tip?  point?  How  does  ex- 
tremity differ  in  use  from  the  two  latter  words?  6.  What  is  a  ter- 
minus? What  specific  meaning  has  the  word  in  modern  travel!  7. 
What  is  the  meaning  of  termination,  and  of  what  is  it  chiefly  used! 
expiration?  limit9 


Seeing  that  death,  a  necebsary  ,  will  come  when  it  will  come. 

All  rejoice  at  the  successful  -  of  the  vast  undertaking. 
He  that  endureth  to  the  —  -  shall  be  saved. 
3>0  not  turn  fcaofc  when  you  are  just  at  the  <  «•«  ••  <  . 

ENDEAVOR,  *  (page  215) 

1.  What  is  it  to  attempt  ?  to  endeavor?   To  what  sort  of  exertioa  doe»  en- 

endeavor  544 


deavor  especially  apply?  2.  How  does  essay  differ  from  attempt  and 
endeavor  in  its  view  of  the  results  of  the  action  ?  3.  What  is  implied 
in  undertake?  Give  an  instance.  4.  What  does  strive  suggest?  5. 
How  does  try  compare  with  the  other  words  of  the  group  ? 


•  ••   .      first  thyself,  and  after  call  on  God, 
For  to  the  worker  God  himself  lends  aid. 

the  end*  and  never  stand  to  doubt; 

Nothing's  so  hard  but  search  will  find  it  out, 

to  enter  m  at  the  strait  gatu. 

ENDEAVOR,  ».  (page  216) 


1.  What  is  an  effort?  an  exertion?  Which  includes  tho  other?  2.  How  doei 
attempt  differ  from  effoitf  3.  What  is  a  struggle?  4.  What  is  un 
essay,  and  for  what  puipowj  is  it  made?  6.  What  is  an  endeavor, 
and  how  is  it  distinguished  from  e/ortf  from  attempt  t 


Youth  is  a  blunder;  manhood  a  •;  old  age  a  regret. 

So  vast  an  -  required  more  capital  than  he  could  command  at 

that  time.     Others  combining  with  him  enabled  him  to  succeed  with  it. 
After  a  few  spasmodic  -  —  s,  he  abandoned  all  ........    at  improve- 


ENDURE  (page  216) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  bear  as  applied  to  caro,  pain,  grief,  nnd  the  like? 
2.  What  does  endure  add  to  tho  meaning  of  bearf  3.  How  do  aUnv) 
and  permit  compare  with  tho  words  jxut  mentioned?  4.  How  do  put 
up  with  and  tolerate  compare  with  allow  and  permit,  f  5,  What  in 
the  special  sense  of  afford?  How  does  it  come  into  connection  with 
the  words  of  this  group?  6.  What  is  tho  sense  of  brook  t  7.  01  what 
words  does  abide  combine  the  meanings? 


Charity  -  long  and  is  kind;  charity  -  all  tW»gi. 
I  follow  thce,  safe  guide,  the  path 
Thou  1*  ad'st  me,  and  to  tho  hand  of  heav'n  —  -, 
For  there  was  never  yet  philosopher 
That  could  -  the  toothache  patently. 

ENEMY  (page  217) 


1.  What  is  an  enemy  f  an  adversary?    2.  What  distinction  is  th«« 
the  two  words  as  to  the  purpose  implied?    3.  What  U  an 

545  endeavor 


an  opponent?  a  competitor?  a  nval?    4.  How  does  foe  compare  with 
enemy  * 


Ho  makes  no  friend  who  never  made  a  „ 

This  friendship  that  possesses  the  whole  soul, 

....   can  admit  of  no  . 

Mountains  interposed 

Make  of  nations  who  had  else, 

Like  kindred  drops  been  molded  into  one 

He  that  wrestles  with  us  strengthens  our  nerves  and  sharpens  our  skill. 
Our is  our  helper. 

ENMITY  (page  218) 


1.  What  is  enmity*  2.  How  does  animosity  differ  from  enmity*  3.  What 
is  hostility  9  What  is  meant  by  hostilities  between  nations'  4.  What 
is  bitterness?  acrimony?  5.  How  does  antagonism  compare  with  the 
words  above  mentioned' 


Let  all ,  and  wrath,  and  anger,  and  clamor,  and  evil  speaking,  be 

put  away  from  you,  with  all  malice. 

But  their  ,  though  smothered  for  a  while,  burnt  with  redoubled 


Tho  carnal  mind  is against  God,  for  it  is  not  subject  to  the  law 

of  God,  neither  indeed  can  be 

ENTERTAIN   (page  218) 


1.  What  is  it  to  entertain  mentally?  to  amuse?  2,  What  is  the  distinctive 
sense  of  divert f  3,  Can  one  be  amused  or  entertained  who  is  not 
diverted?  4.  What  is  it  to  recreate!  to  "beguile9 


Books  can  not  always ;  however  good; 

Kinds  are  not  ever  craving  for  their  food 
Who  God  doth  late  and  early  pray 

More  of  his  grace  than  gifts  to  lend, 
And the  harmless  day 

With  a  religious  book  or  friend. 

ENTERTAINMENT  (page  219) 


1.  What  do  entertainment  and  recreation  imply?   How,  accordingly,  do  they 
rank  among  the  lighter  matters  of  lifeT     2.  How  do  amusement  and 

enthusiasm  546 

eternal  _ 

pastime  differ?  3.  On  what  plane  arc  sports?  How  do  they  compare* 
with  entertainment  and  recreation?  4.  How  do  atnusemfnt  and  <-n- 
joyment  compare' 


At  Chrifatmas  play,  and  make  good    , 

For  Christmas  comes  but  once  a  year. 

It  is  as to  fools  to  do  mischief. 

No  true  heart  can  find in  another's  pam  or  gnof. 

The  Puritans  hated  bear-baiting,  not  bccuuao  it  gave  pain  to  the  bear* 

fiut  because  it  gave to  the  spectators. 

As  Tammie  glowcicd,  ama/ed  and  curious, 

The  mirth  and grew  faht  and  furious. 

And  so,  if  I  might  be  judge,  God  never  did  make  a  more  calm,  quiet, 
innocent fhan  angling 

ENTHUSIASM  (pa^e  220) 


1.  In  what  sense  was  enthusiasm  formerly  usod?  2.  "What  is  now  its 
prevalent  and  controlling  meaning?  3.  How  docs  zeal  dUTor  from 
enthusiasm 9 


An  ardent leads  to  great  results  in  exporting  certain  wllM. 

Hlfl  was  contagious  and  they  ruHhod  into  battle. 

The  precept  had  its  use;  it  could  make  mon  fed  it  right  to  b<»  kumnnp, 

and  desire  to  be  so,  but  it  could  never  mHpiro  tlim  with  un  —  of 


ENTRANCE  (page  220) 


1.  To  what  does  entrance  rofci  ?  2.  What  do  admittance  and  admission  Add 
to  the  meaning  of  entrance?  3.  To  what  docR  admittance  refer?  To 
what  additional  matters  does  admission  refer?  Illustrate.  4.  What  is 
the  figurative  use  of  entrance? 


was  obtained  by  a  side-door,  and  a  good  position  nocurod  in  thfl 

crowded  hall. 

No except  on  business. 

He  was  never  so  engrossed  with  cares  of  stato  that  the  naccly  could  not 
have  to  him 

Howovor  carefully  church-membership  may  bo  guarded,  unworthy  mem- 
bers will  sometimes  gain , 

ENVIOUS  (page  221) 


1.  What  do  we  mean  when  we  say  that  a  perfion  is  «ntKot**f  2.  What  1« 
the  difference  between  envious  and  jealous  f  S*  Ii  an  enviout  spirit 

547  enthusiasm 

___ eternal 

ever  good?    4.  Is  jealous  capable  of  being  used  in  a  good  sense?     5. 

In  what  sense  is  suspicious  used7 


Neither  be  thou  against  the  workers  of  iniquity. 

in  honor,  sudden  and  quick  in  quarrel. 

EQUIVOCAL  (page  222) 


1.  What  is  the  derivation  and  the  original  signification  of  eqwvocal1*  of 
ambiguous?  How  do  the  two  words  compare  in  present  use*  2. 
What  is  the  meaning  of  enigmatical?  3.  How  do  doubtful  and  dubious 
compare?  4.  In  what  sense  is  questionable  used?  suspicious* 

These  sentences,  to  -sugar  or  to  gall, 

Being  strong  on  both  sides,  are . 

An  .  statement  may  result  from  the  thoughtless  use  of  a  single 

word  that  is  capable  of  more  than  one  meaning. 

ESTEEM, ».  (page  223) 


1*  What  is  the  difference  between  esteem  and  estimate?     2.  Is  esteem  now- 
used  of  concrete  valuation?     3.  What  is  its  chief  present  use9     4. 
What  is  its  meaning  in  popular  use  as  said  of  persons? 

They  please,  are  ploas'd;  they  give  to  get , 

Till  seeming  blest,  they  grow  to  what  they  seem. 
The  loss  of  conscience  or  honor  is  one  that  can  not  be        •  •    •• 

ETERNAL  (page  224) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  eternal  m  the  fullest  sense?  2.  To  what  being, 
in  that  sense,  may  it  be  applied*  8.  In  what  does  everlasting  fall 
short  of  the  meaning  of  eternal?  4.  How  does  endless  agree  with 
and  differ  from  everlasting?  6.  In  what  inferior  senses  are  everlast- 
ing and  interminable  used  ?  6.  Is  eternal,  in  good  speech  or  writing, 
ever  brought  down  to  such  inferior  use? 


Truth  crushed  to  earth  shall  rise  again, 
The  •  years  of  Ood  are  hers. 

Whatever  may  befall  thee,  it  was  preordained  for  thee  from  . 

It  were  better  to  be  eaten  to  death  with  a  rust  than  to  be  scoured  to 

nothing  with motion. 

Here  comes  the  lady!    Oh,  so  light  a  foot 
Will  ne'er  wear  out  the flint. 

event  543 

excess  ia 

EVENT  (page  225) 


1.  How  do  event  and  incident  differ  etymologically  ?  2.  Which  is  tho  g i  oator 
and  more  important?  Give  examples.  3.  How  does  circumstance  com- 
pare "with  incident?  4.  What  is  the  primary  meaning  of  occurrence  1 
5.  What  is  an  episode?  6.  How  does  event  differ  from  end?  7,  What 
meaning  does  event  often  have  when  applied  to  the  future? 

Fate  shall  yield 
To  fickle ,  and  Chaos  judge  the  strife. 

Men  are  tho  sport  of when 

The  fleom  the  sport  of  men. 

Coming  "  cast  their  shadows  Lcfoie.  • 

Where  an  equal  poise  of  hope  and  fear 

Does  arbitrate  the  ',  my  nature  is 

That  I  incline  to  hope  rather  than  foar, 
And  gladly  banish  squint  suspicion. 

EVERY  (page  225) 


1.  In  what  are  all  and  "both  alike?  an?/,  each,  and  every?  2*  How  does  (My 
differ  from  each  and  every?  3.  How  do  each  and  every  differ  from 
all?  4.  How  does  each  compare  with  every?  with  both?  5.  What 
does  either  properly  denote?  Tn  what  other  sense  it)  it  of  Urn  used! 
What  is  the  objection  to  the  latter  use? 


person  in  the  room  arose  to  his  font, 

A  free  pardon  was  offered  to who  should  instantly  lay  down  thoir 


As  the  garrison  marched  out,  the  victorious  troops  stood  In  Arm*  on 
side  of  the  way. 

In  order  to  keep  his  secret  inviolate,  he  revealed  it  privately  to      <•  >• 
of  his  most  intimate  friends. 

person  giving  such  information  shall  be  duly  rewarded, 

EVIDENT  (page  226) 


1.  How  do  apparent  and  evident  compare?  2.  What  in  the  apodal  sen**  of 
manifest?  How  does  it  compare  in  strength  with  evidfnt?  &  What 
is  the  sense  of  obvious?  4.  How  wide  is  the  range  of  visible f  5, 
How  does  discernible  compare  with  visible  f  What  doei  it  imply  an 
to  the  observer's  action  ?  6,  What  is  the  sense  of  palpable  and  tangi- 
ble? conspicuous? 

549  event 



A  paradox  is  a  real  truth  m  the  guise  of  an absurdity  or  con- 


The  prime  minister  was  by  his  absence 

The  statement  is  a  absurdity. 

On  a  comparison  of  the  two  works  the  plagiarism  was  . 

Yet  from  those   names 

No  light;  but  only  darkness . 

These  lies  are  like  the  father  that  begets  them,  gross  as  a  mountain, 
open, . 

EXAMPLE  (page  227) 


1.  What  is  the  etymological  meaning  of  example?  2.  What  two  contradic- 
tory meanings  does  example  derive  from  this  primary  sense  ?  3.  How 
does  example  differ  from  sample9  4.  How  does  it  compare  with 
model?  with  pattern?  5.  How  does  exemplar  agree  with,  and  differ 
from  example?  6.  What  is  an  exemplification?  an  ensample* 


I  bid  him  look  into  the  lives  of  men  as  though  himself  a  mirror,  and 
from  others  to  take  an  for  himself 

We  sleep,  but  the  loom  of  life  never  stops  and  the  which  was 

weaving  when  the  tun  went  down  is  weaving  when  it  comes  up  to-morrow. 

History  is  an of  philosophy. 

The  commander  was  resolved  to  make  an  to  deter  others  from 

the  like  offense. 

EXCESS  (page  228) 


1,  What  is  excess?  Is  it  used  in  the  favorable  or  unfavorable  sense?  2. 
What  is  extravaffance ?  3,  What  is  exorbitance?  4.  What  kind  of 
excess  do  overplus  and  superabundance  denote?  lavishness  and  pro- 
fusion? 5.  Is  surplus  used  in  the  favorable  or  unfavorable  sense! 
6.  To  what  do  redundance  and  redundancy  chiefly  refer?  7.  What 
words  are  used  as  synonyms  of  excess  in  the  moral  sense? 


Saving  requires  self-denial,  and is  the  death  of  self-denial 

Where  there  is  great there  usually  follows  corresponding  • 

of  wealth  is  cause  of  covetousness. 

Haste  brings  ,  and  brings  want. 

The of  the  demand  caused  unfeigned  surprise. 

More  of  the  present  woes  of  the  world  are  due  to  than  to  any 

other  single  cause. 

"       of  language  often  weakens  the  impression  of  what  would  be  im- 
pressive in  sober  statement. 

execute                                                                                          550 

EXECUTE  (page  228) 


1.  "What  is  the  meaning  of  execute?  of  administer?  of  enlorcc*  2.  How 
are  the  -words  applied  in  special  cafaos?  Givo  mtitancoh,  3.  What 
secondary  meaning  has  administer? 


It  is  the  place  of  the  civil  magistrate  to the  laws. 

The  pasha  gave  a  signal  and  three  attendants  seized  the  culprit,   and 

promptly  the  babtmado 

I  can  not  illustrate  u  moial  duty  without  at  the  same  time  ing 

a  precept  of  our  religion. 

EXERCISE  (page  229) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  exercise  apart  fiom  all  qualifying  words  1  2. 
How  docs  exercise  in  that  sense  differ  from  c&ertwnt  $.  How  may 
exercise  be  brought  up  to  the  full  meaning  of  e.&erliont  4.  What  ifc 
practise  9  How  does  it  differ  from  eAercmaf  6.  How  Is  practice  dis- 
criminated from  such  theory  or  profeatsion?  6.  What  i«  drill? 


Regular tends  to  keep  body  and  mind  in  tho  best  working  order. 

in  time  becomes  second  nature*. 

By  constant  the  mos»t  difficult  feats  may  bo  done  with  no  ap- 

parent  —  •<• •. 

EXPENSE  (page  229) 


1.  What  is  cotttf  expense?  2.  How  are  ihouft  words  now  commonly  differ- 
entiated? 3.  What  is  the  meaning  of  outlay?  of  outgo ^ 


Which  of  you,  intending  to  build  a  tow^r*  sittoth  not  down  flrwt,  and 
counteth  the ,  whether  he  have  sufficient  to  finish  U. 

The  entire  receipts  have  not  equaled  the  — . 

When  the  is  more  than  the  income,  if  tho  income  can  not  be 

increased,  it  becomes  an  absolute  nccossity  to  reduce  the  ••>  •« •. 

EXPLICIT  (page  230) 


1.  To  what  are  explicit  and  express  alike  opposed?  2.  How  do  tho  two 
words  differ  from  each  other? 


T  came  here  at  this  critical  juncture  "by  the  order  of  Sir  John 

^t.  Clare. 

551  execute 

,          __ faint 

The  language  of  the  proposition  was  too to  admit  of  doubt 

Now  the   Spirit  speaketh  ly  that  m  the  latter  times  some   shall 

depart  from  the  faith. 

EXTEMPORANEOUS    (page  230) 


1.  What  did  extemporaneous  originally  mean?  2.  What  has  it  now  come  to 
signify  in  common  use*  3.  What  is  the  original  meaning  of  im- 
promptu* The  present  meaning?  4.  How  does  the  impromptu  remark 
often  differ  from  the  extemporaneous  9  5.  How  does  unpremeditated 
compare  with  the  woids  above  mentioned? 


In prayer,  what  men  most  admire,  God  least  regardeth 

As  a  speaker,  he  excelled  in address,  while  his  opponent  was  at 

a  loss  to  answer  him  because  not  gifted  in  the  same  way. 
No  more  on  piancing  palfrey  borne. 
He  carolled  light  as  lark  at  morn, 
And  poured  to  lord  and  lady  gay 
The lay. 

EXTERMINATE  (page  231) 


1.  What  is  tho  derivation,  and  what  the  original  meaning  of  exterminate " 
eradicate?  extirpate?  2.  To  what  aie  these  words  severally  applied7 


Since  the  building  of  the  Pacific  laihoads  in  the   United   States,   tbu 
buffalo  hut*  bren  quite 

Tho  evil  of  intemperance  is  one  exceedingly  difficult  to 

No  inveterate  improver  should  ever  tempt  me  to  the  dandelions 

from  the  green  carpet  of  my  lawn. 

FAINT  (page  231) 


1.  What  are  tho  chief  meanings  of  faint?  2.  How  is  faint  a  synonym  ai 
feeble  or  purposeless?  of  irresolute  or  timid 9  of  dim,  faded,  or  in- 
distinct f 


Great  is  the  strength  of arms  combined, 

And  we  can  combat  even  with  the  brave 
In  his  right  hand  a  tipped  staffe  he -held, 

With  which  his steps  he  stayed  still, 

For  he  was with  cold,  and  weak  with  eld; 

That  scarce  his  loosed  limbs  he  hable  was  to  weld. 

faith.  552 

fancy _    .  . 

FAITH  (page  232) 


1.  What  is>  belief?  2.  How  does  credence  compare  with  belief?  3.  What 
is  conviction?  assurance f  4.  What  is  an  opinion?  5.  How  doch  u 
persuasion  compare  with  an  opinion ?  6.  What  is  a  doctrine  f  a  erred* 
7,  What  are  confidence  and  reliance*  8.  What  is  truttt?  9.  What 
elements  are  combined  in  faith?  10.  How  is  belief  often  used  m 
popular  language  as  a  precise  equivalent  of  faith?  11.  How  iu  ftfhc/ 
discriminated  from  faith  in  the  strict  religious  sense? 


is  the  substance  of  things  hoped  for,  the  evidence  of  things  not 


Put  not  your in  princes,  nor  in  the  HOD  of  man,  m  whom  thon* 

is  no  help. 

is  largely  involuntary,  a  mathematical  demonstration  can  not  h<« 

doubted  by  a  sane  mind  capable  of  undei  standing  the  terms  and  following 
the  steps. 

Every  one  of  us,  whatever  our  speculative  •  •  ',  knowH  bettor  than  IK" 
practises,  and  recognizes  a  better  law  than  he  obeys. 

There  are  few  greater  dangers  for  an  army  in  the  face  of  an  rnomy 
than  undue  . 

FAITHFUL  (page  233) 


1.  In  what  sense  may  a  person  be  called  faithful?  2.  In  what  senw*  may 
one  be  called  trusty?  3.  Is  faithful  commonly  said  of  things  HH  wt*H 
as  persons?  is  trusty?  4,  What  is  the  special  difference  of  meaning 
between  the  two  words?  Give  examples. 


Be  thou unto  death,  and  I  will  give  thee  a  crown  of  life. 

Thy  purpose  •  is  equal  to  the  deed: 

Who  does  the  best  his  circumstance  allows 
Does  well,  acts  nobly;  angels  could  no  more. 

FAME  (page  235) 


1.  What  is  fame?  Is  it  commonly  used  in  the  favorable  or  unfavorable 
sense  ?  2.  What  are  reputation  and  repute,  and  in  which  sense  com- 
monly used?  3.  What  is  notoriety?  4,  From  what  do  tmintnct  and 
distinction  result?  5.  How  does  celebrity  compare  with  fame?  6. 
How  does  renown  compare  with  fame?  7.  What  i«  the  import  of 
honor?  of  glory? 


Saying,  Amen:  Blessing  and  ,  and  wisdom,  and  thanksgiving, 

and  power  and  might,  be  unto  our  God  for  ovor  and  ever. 


^..^..^^^^^^  _  fancy 

.A  good  ..................   is  moro  valuable  than  money. 

Gioat  Homer'h  birthplace  M>v<>n  rival  cities  claim, 

Too  mighty  such  monopoly  of  ' 
Do  good  by  wtealth,  and  bhiflh  to  find  it  -  —  . 

Hwkmg  tho  bubble  - 

Kvcn  in  the  cannon's  mouth, 

FANATICISM  (page  23C) 


1.  What  ifi  fanMicifun?  bifjotty?  2.  What  do  fanaticism  and  bigotry  com- 
monly include?  3.  What  is  intolerance.?  4.  What  is  tho  distinctive 
moaning  of  superstition  t  6.  What  ia  credulity?  Is  it  distinctively 


—  —  —  IB  a  M»i)HflltiNH  f<ar  of  (3od. 
The  flcrco  —  ~—  -  of  tho  Moslems  waH  tho  raainHprmg  of  their  curly  con- 

The that  will  believe  nothing  contrary  to  a  creed  is  often  joined 

with  a  blind that  will  believe  anything  in  favor  of  it 

FANCIFUL  (page  230) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  fanciful!  2,  What  does  fantastic  add  to  the 
meaning  of  fanciful?  3,  How  doed  ijroteaquc  especially  differ  from  the 
fanciful  or  fantastic  f  4.  How  doe*  visionary  differ  from  fanciful? 


Come  Hee  the  north  wind* ft  maHonry, 
....   hi«  wild  work; 

go  y  HO  Httvatfo,  naught  cares  ho 

For  number  or  proportion. 

What  tintw  the  year  putH  on, 

When  falling  leaves  falter  through  motionless  air 
Or  numbly  ollng  wod  nhivcr  to  bo  fponol 
Plays  »uch   >»  >         trlekw  before  high  heaven 
A0  make  the  angels  weep. 

FANCY  (page  237) 


1.  What  is  an  intellectual  fanfyt     2.  How  does  a  conceit  differ  from  a 
fanvyf  a  conception  from  both?    3.  What  i»  an  emotional  or  personal 
faneyt    4*  What  I*  fwov  **  ft  faculty  of  the  mind? 

Tell  n»«  where  ii « bred; 

Or  In  the  heart  or  in  the  head? 

Elizabeth  united  the  oeeaaional of  her  «ex  with  that  eenae  and 

•otmd  policy  in  which  neither  man  nor  woman  over  excelled  her 

farewell                                                                                    554 

That  fellow  faoems  to  mo  to  possess  but  one ,  and  that  is  a  wrong 


If  fahe  were  to  take  a  to  anybody  in  the  house,  sh<>  would  fr<mu 

settle,  Imt  not  till  then. 

FAREWELL  (page  238) 


1.  To  what  language  do  fareweU  and  goo^y  belong  etymologically?  How 
do  they  differ?  2.  Prom  what  language  havo  adieu  and  conff6  boon 
adopted  into  English?  3.  What  is  the  special  significance  of 
4.  What  are  valediction  and  valedictory? 


my  paper's  out  BO  nearly 

I've  only  room  for  yours  sincerely. 
The  tram  from  out  the  castlo  drew, 

But   Marmion    stopped  to  bid   . 

-!  a  word  that  must  be,  and  huth 

A  sound  which  makes  us  linger ;  — -yet—  • 

FEAR  (page  1238) 


1.  What  is  the  generic  term  of  this  group?  2.  What  IB  f<tar f  T«  it  sudden 
or  lingering?  In  view  of  what  class  of  danger*?  3.  What  in  tha 
etymological  meaning  of  horror?  What  does  the  word  nignify  in  an* 
cepted  usage?  4.  What  are  the  characteristics  of  affright,  friyht,  and 
terror!  5.  How  is  fear  contrasted  <with  friffht  and  terror  in  ut'tuul 
or  possible  effects?  6.  What  is  panic!  What  of  the  number*  afflicted 
by  it?  7.  What  is  dismay?  How  does  it  compare  with  fright  and 
terror f 


Even  the  bravest  men  may  be  swept  along  in  a  sudden  -—. 

With  much  more  

I  view  the  fight  than  tbou  that  mak'nt  the  fray. 
Look  in,  and  see  Christ's  chosen  saint 
In  triumph  wear  his  OhriHt-liko  chain; 

No lost  he  should  swerve  or  faint. 

The  ghastly  spectacle  filled  every  beholder  with  * 

A  lingering crept  upon  him  as  ho  waited  in  tho  darknosa. 

FEMININE  (page  240) 


1.  How  are  female  and  feminine  discriminated?  2.  What  ifl  tha  >..»„. »«*v^ 
between  a  female  voice  and  a  feminine  voice?  3,  How  are  womoniy 
and  womanfah  discriminated  in  use? 



Notice,  too,  how  precious  arc  those qualities  m  the  sick  room. 

Tho  demand  for  closet-room  is  no  moro     fancy,  but  the  good 

of  tluj  BOX 

FETTER  (page  240) 


1*  What  arc  fetters  m  the  primary  souse?  2.  What  aro  manacle*  and  hand" 
cuff  ft  deigned  to  fasten  01  hold?  ffyvettf  3.  What  aro  sharhlat  an<| 
what  aro  they  intended  to  faHten  or  hold?  4.  Of  what  material  are- 
nil  these  restraining  devices  commonly  composed?  By  what  £om»ra) 
name  aro  they  popularly  known?  0.  What  aro  bonds  and  of  what 
material  composed?  6.  Which  of  those  words  aro  used  m  the  meta- 
phorical Ben  so? 

But  fir«t  flot  my  poor  honrt  free, 

Bound  in  those*  toy  by  thoe. 

Slaves  can  not  breathe  in  England 

They  touch  our  country,  and  their  -  taXL, 

FEUD  (pa#e  241) 


1,  What  IB  a  feud?  Of  what  ia  it  used?  2.  Ts  a  quarrel  in  word  or  act? 
contention  f  strife  1  contest?  3.  Tlow  doca  quarrel  compare  in  im- 
portance with  the  othor  wordw  cited?  4.  What  does  an  affray  always 
involve?  To  what  may  a  brawl  or  broil  bo  confined?  6.  How  do 
those  words  compare*  in  dignity  with  contention,  content,  control  trty,, 
and  diftst.ntrion? 

Oonld  wo  forhoar  -  and  practise  love 
We  ahould  ugroo  at*  angels  do  above. 
^B'etwcKin  my  hou«o  and  yours,"  he  aneworod, 
"Thore  is  a  -  -  of  five  hundred  years." 
Bewaro  of  entrance  to  a  —  —  . 

FICTION  (page  243) 


1,  What  is  a  fation  in  the  moflt  common  modern  meaning  of  the  word? 
How  dooa  a  fiction  differ  from  a  novel?  .from  a  fable?  from  a 
3.  How  does  a  myth  differ  from  a  If  vend!  4.  How  do  falsehood  and 
fabrication  differ  from  the  words  above  mentioned!  6*  TB  fabrication 
iff  falsthood  the  more  odious  term?  Which  term  is  really  the  stronger t 
6,  What  Is  a  story  1  Is  it  good  or  bad,  tru«  or  faUe?  With  what 
ward*  of  the  group  does  it  agree? 

fierce  556 

fluctuate _. 


0  scenes  surpassing  ,  and  y^t  true, 

Scenes  of  accompli whed  bliss 

A strange  is  told  of  thoe. 

I  believe  the  whole  account  from  beginning  to  end  to  be  a  pura  — 

A  thing  sustained  by  such  substantial  evidence  could  not  be  a  mt» 
• of  the  imagination. 

FIERCE  (page  244) 


1.  What  does  fierce  signify?    2.  To  what  doos  ferocious  refer?    How  do  the 
two  words  differ?     3.  What  doca  ravage  signify? 


was  the  day;  the  wintry  sea 

Moaned  sadly  on  Now  England's  strand, 
When  first  the  thoughtful  and  tho  free, 
Our  fathers,  trod  the  dGHert  land. 

Contentions  , 

Ardent,  and  dire,  apnng  from  no  petty  cause. 
The    savages  massacred  tho  guivivor-B  to  the  last  man. 

FINANCIAL  (page  240) 


1,  To  what  does  monetary  directly  refer?     2.  How  doe*  pecuniary 
with  and  differ  from  monetary?    3.  To  what  doos  financial 
apply?     4.  In  what  connection  is  fiscal  most  commonly  uiwdt 


The year  closes  with  the  society  out  of  debt 

He  was  rejoiced  to  receive  the aid  at  a  time  when  it  was  mo«t 


Xn  a panic,  many  a  sound  business  house  goes  down  for  want 

«f  power  to  realize  instantly  on  valuable  securities. 

FINE  (page  245) 


1.  From  what  is  fine  derived,  and  what  is  its  original  meaning!  2.  How, 
from  this  primary  meaning  does  fine  become  a  synonym  of  Motltont 
and  beautiful?  3.  How  does  it  como  into  connection  with  ctarifitd, 
clear,  pure,  refined?  4.  How  is  it  connected  with  dainty,  delicate, 
and  exquisite?  5.  How  does  fine  come  to  be  a  synonym  for  minute, 
comminuted t  How  for  #Zwy,  tenuous?  lor  1e$ent  iharpt  <H?e  In- 
stances  of  the  use  of  fine  in  its  various  senses. 

557  fierce 


Homo  people  arc  more  — than  wise. 

feathers  do  not  always  make  birds 

The ost  balances  muHt  be  kept  under  glass,  because  BO  ly 

adjusted  as  to  bo to  a  iilm  of  dust  or  a  breath  of  air. 

FIRE  (page  240) 

1.  What  IB  the  essential  fact  underlying  tho  visible  phenomena  we  call  firrf 

2.  What  is  combustion?     3.  How  wido  is  its  range  of  meaning?     4. 
What  is  a  conflagration  f 

He's  gone,  and  who  known  how  ho  may  report 

Thy  words  by  adding  fue.1  to  the  ? 

Lo!  as  ho  comcn,  m  Heaven's  array. 
And  scattering  wide  tho day. 

FLOCK  (page  249) 


1.  What  IB  the  moat  general  word  of  thin  group?  2.  What  is  a  yroup,  and 
of  what  class  of  objects  may  it  bo  composed?  3*  To  what  class  of 
animals  doii«  brood  apply?  to  what  class  does  Utter  apply f  4,  Of 
what  in  bwy  usod?  flock?  5.  To  what  is  htrd  limited!  6,  Of  wh»< 
ifl  pack  uH<id?  7.  What  is  A  drove  f 


What  i«  not  good  for  the is  not  good  for  the  bee 

Ho  hoard  tho  bloating  of  tho         •  <    a  and  tho  twitter  of  birds  among 
the  tr«AM. 

Tho  lowing  «— — •  winds  alowly  o'er  the,  lea. 

Kxoltod   s  gathered  at  tho  corners  discussing  the  affair. 

& of  brightly  clad  women  and  children  were  enjoying  a  picnic 

under  the  trees. 

*  FLUCTUATE  (page  249) 


1.  What  In  tho  meaning  of  fluctuate?  2.  Tn  what  ono  characteristic  do 
awerve  and  veer  differ  from  oscillate,  fluctuate,  undulatt,  and  waver? 

3.  What  is  the  difference  In  mental  action  between  hetttale  and  wwrt 
bfltwoen  vartllatt  and  waver?   4,  Which  of  the  above-mentioned  words 
apply  to  persons?  which  to  feelings? 

Thou  almost  raak'it  me        -       In  my  faith. 

The  furface  of  tho  prairies  rolls  and to  the  eye. 

Tt  is  almost  universally  true  that  the   human  mind at  the 

moment  of  committing  A  crime. 

The  tassel  suddenly   s  from  her  course. 

fluid  558 


FLUID   (page  250) 


1.  What  is  a  fluid?  2.  Into  what  two  sections  arc  fluids  dividod*  3,  What 
is  a  hquidt  a  gas?  4.  Are  all  liquids  fluids?  6*  Arc  gates  flutist  6. 
Are  gases  ever  liquids*  7.  Wliat  substance  IB  at  one*  ft  liquid,  and 
a  ,/frwwl  at  the  ordinary  temperature  and  prepare? 

Now  nature  paints  her  colors,  how  the  b<w 

Sits  on  the  bloom,  extracting sweet. 

This  earth  was  once  a hazo  of  light. 

FOLLOW  (page  250) 


1.  What  is  it  to  follow?  2.  How  does  follow  compare  with  chase  and 
pursue9  3.  As  regards  succession  m  time,  what  is  th«  diflfVronco  be- 
tween follow  and  ensue?  remit? 

Say,  shall  my  little  baik  attendant  nail, 

the  triumph  and  partake  the  gale? 

"When  Youth  and  Pleasure  moot 

To the  glowing  Hours  wilh  flying  foot, 

"Then me,  th<»  Prince." 

I  answered,  "each  bo  hero  in  MB  lurnj 
Seven  and  yet  one,  like*  shadows  in  a  dronm." 

FORMIDABLE  (VB&  5353) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  formidable?  2.  ITow  does  formidable  difT(»r  from 
dangerous?  terrible*  tremendous?  Give  examples. 

All  delays  are  • 

as  an  army  with  banners. 

The  groat  fleet  moved  slowly  toward  the  forts,  a  —  array. 

FORTIFICATION  (page  252) 


1.  How  docs  a  fortress  specifically  differ  from  a  fortification?    2,  Wlufc  i 
the  distinctive  meaning  of  citadel?    3,  What  iw  a  fortt    4.  What  U 
fastness  or  stronghold? 


Por  a  man's  house  is  his  . 

A  mighty >  is  our  God, 

A  bulwark  never  failing; 
Our  helper  He  amid  the  flood 

Of  mortal  ills  prevailing 
Alva  built  a in  the  bonrf  of  Antwerp  to  overawe  the  city. 

^       __  friendly 

FORTITUDE  (page  253) 


1.  What  is  fortitude?  2.  How  does  it  compare  with,  courage?  3*  How  do 
resolute  and  endurance  compare? 


XTnbounded        •         and  companion  jom'd, 
Tempering  each  other  In  iho  victor's  mind, 

Toll  thy  Htory; 

Tf  tlunc,  coiiMdcr'd,  prove  tho  thousandth  part 
Of  my  --  ,  thou  art  a  man,  and  I 
Have  sufiVr'd  like  a  girl. 
Thou  didhl  Hinilo, 
FnfuH'd  with  a    ......  fxoui  heaven, 

When  f  had  decked  the  sea  with  dropn  full  salt. 

FORTUNATE  (page  253) 


1.  How  dooH  fortunate  compara  with  nwc<>ii#fu!l*  2.  How  arc  lurKy  and 
fortunat?  <liK<Timinaicd'  3.  In  wlial  Hpooial  soniho,  and  with  what 
roforencc  uro  favored  and  proitpnred  lined? 

Tt  lu  not  a       .......  word  HUH  Hnmo  "impohhihlo"  ;  no  go»d  comes  oi 

that  havo  it  HO  often  in  their  mouth. 

onco  more*  who  would  not  be  a  boy! 
a  mind  prcMtffpH  nx«  ftuch  thrift 

That  I  Hhould  fjtueHtiouleHH  l>o 

FRAUD  (pa«o  25(!) 

1.  What  IH  a  fraud  f  How  <!OOH  it  differ  from  <2<wtt  or  deration?    2.  What 
m  the  dcslicn  of  an  itnjM«tu,rftf    3.  What  i«  dishonesty?  a  o/t^a/?  a 
ff^ntfto/    How  do  all  thewo  fall  hhort  of  the  meaning  of  fraud?     1. 
Of  what  relation  it*  trocw/irrj/  uncdH  trcanont 

........     doth  nov<*r  proHp'er:  what'w  thci  reason? 

Why,  if  it  prosper  none  duro  <kall  it          "   '. 

WhooTflr  h»«  aAfio  Iwoomo  notorioxiH  by  l>aH(j  ,  cyan  if  hw*  Hpoukn 

truth  gaincs  no  belief. 

Tho  first  and  tho  worst  of  all  —  S«  to  cheat  onesolt 

FRIENDLY  (pojp  256) 


t.  What  dofls  friendly  Hijrnify  a«  applied  to  porwonfl,  or  a»  applied  to  nctw? 
2.  How  doo*  the  adjtsctivo  friendly  compare  in  Htrongth  with  th«»  noun 


friend?    3.  What  is  the  special  meaning  of  accessible?  of  companion- 
able and  sociable?    of  cordial  and  genial? 


He  that  hath  friends  must  show  himself . 

A  fellow  feeling  makes  one  wondrous  — . 

FRIENDSHIP  (page  257) 


1.  What  is  friendship?  2.  In  what  one  quality  does  it  differ  from  affection, 
attachment,  devotion,  and  friendliness?  3.  What  is  the  meaning  of 
comity  and  amity!  4.  How  does  friendship  differ  from  love / 


Talk  not  of  wasted , never  was  wasted , 

If  it  enrich  not  the  heart  of  another,  its  waters  returning 

Baclr  to  their  springs,  like  the  rain,  shall  fill  thorn  full  of  refreshment. 

,  peculiar  boon  of  heaven, 

The  noble  mind's  delight  and  pride, 

To  men  and  angels  only  given, 

To  all  the  lower  world  denied. 

FRIGHTEN  (page  258) 


1.  By  what  is  one  frightened?  by  what  intimidated 9     2,  What  in  It  to 
browbeat  or  cowf    3.  What  is  it  to  scare  or  terrify  1 


The  child  was by  the  stories  the  nurse  told. 

The  loud,  loud  winds,  that  o'er  the  billows 
Shake  the  firm  nerve,  "  the  bravest  soul  I 

FRUGALITY  (page  259) 


1.  What  is  economy?  2,  What  is  fruffalityt  3.  What  is  patttinofiy  1  How 
does  it  compare  with  frugality?  What  ie  the  motive  of  patrimony} 
4.  What  is  miserliness?  5.  What  is  the  npeclal  characteristic  of 
prudence  and  providence?  of  thrift?  6.  What  IB  the  motivo  of 
economy  * 


There  are  but  two  ways  of  paying  debts:  increase  of  industry  In  raUfl»jft 
increase  of    ••     •   •   m  laying  out. 

By  close  the  little  home  was  at  lawt  paid  for  and  thera  WM  ft 

great  thunkBtfiving  time. 

5G1  friendsliip 
generous    ^ 

GARRULOUS  (page  259) 


1.  What  does  garrulous  fligmfy?  chattering  t  2.  How  do  falfcaMw  and 
Ittfrr/arxittff  differ  from  f/arrnlou*,  and  from  each  other?  3.  What  is 
the  hpenal  application  of  verbose'/ 

To  tame  a  &hrew,  and  ch«rm  her  •  •  tongue. 

Guard  uguinut  a  feeble  fluency,  a prosiness,  a  facility  of  saying 


GENDER  (page  260) 


1.  What  is  sex?  2.  To  what  bmngs  only  docs  *«r  apply?  3.  What  is 
ffimdrrt  To  what  docs  it  apply?  J)o  the  distinctions  of  gender  cor- 
respond  to  the  dintmetionfl  of  «eit  Give  examples  of  langiiages  con- 
taining three  genders,  and  of  the  clarification  in  languages  contain- 
ing but  two. 


The  material  relation  naturally  and  neoohtwrily  divides  tho  work  of  th<* 
-- — "H,   giving  to  women  the   indoor  hfo,   and  to  man  the  work  of  th« 
outer  world. 

\Vhll(»   in   French   ovory   word  i«   cither  of  tho  mawculine   or   feminine 

1  the  language  aomotimoR  fiiilB  foi   that  very  rea«on  to  indicate  the 

•" of  homo  portion  referred  to. 

GENERAL  (pa#o  260) 


1.  What  does  general  signify 'I  2.  How  doc«  f/eneral  compare  with  tw< 
vtrnalf  with  common?  3.  What  UlutttrationR  of  th«  differences  are 
given  in  the  text? 


* -•-"  frieudohip^  will  admit  of  division,  one  may  love  the  beauty  of 

thta,  tho  good  humor  of  that  perHon,   .    .    .   and  so  on. 
&     ,           feeling  of  unrewt  prevailed. 
Death  comes  to  all  by law. 

GENEROUS   (page  201) 


1.  What  IB  the  primary  ramming  of  ffetiero'uA'}  the  common  moaning?  2. 
How  docs  pcneroufi  diiTer  from  liberal'/  3.  What  in  tho  distinctive 
MUM  of  munificent  f  4.  What  does  munificent,  tell  of  tho  motive  or 
spirit  of  the  giver?  What  does  gfineroue  tell?  5.  How  does  dtVrin- 
teretted  compare  with  generous  f  0.  What  in  the  distinctive  meaning 
of  matfttanimm/*?  How  does  it  differ  from  generous  as  regards  deal- 
ing with  innultt  or  injuries? 



To  cunning  mm 

I  will  bo  very  kind;   and  - 
To  tame  own  children,  in  good  bringing  up. 
A  -  friendship  no  cold  medium  known, 
Burns  with  one  love,  with  ono  resentment  glows. 
The  conqueror  proved  as  -  in  victory  as  he  was  terrible  ia  battle. 

GENIUS  (page  262) 


1.  What  is  genius?     2.  What  is  talent 9     3.  Which  is  tho  higher  quality? 
4.  Which  is  the  more  dependent  upon  training? 

The  eternal  Master  found 

His  single  well  omploy'd. 

No  great  — —  was  ever  without  some  mixture  of  madneflft. 

GET  (page  262) 


1.  What  is  a  person  said  to  ffftf  2.  How  is  net  related  to  expectation  or 
desire!  How  is  gain  related  to  those  words ?  3.  By  what  pron»H8c«fc 
does  one  acquire?  Is  the  thing  acquired  Nought  or  doftirwl,  or  not? 
4.  What  does  ono  earn'  5.  Does  a  person  always  lift  what  he  fttfn* 
or  always  earn  what  ho  pets?  6.  What  doo«  obtain  imply?  In  tho 
thing  one  ollains  an  object  of  desire  f  How  doew  obtain  diflVr  from 
ffet?  7.  What  does  win  imply?  How  ifl  ono  Mid  io  win  u  *uU  at 
law?  What  is  the  correct  term  in  legal  phramf  Why?  8,  By  what 
special  element  does  procure  differ  from  obtain?  9.  What  IK  chpc 
cially  implied  in  secure  1 


Ho a  living  as  umbrella-mpndwr,  but  a  poor  living  H  Ix. 

wisdom  and  with  all  thy  getting,   understanding, 

In  the  strange  city  he  found  that  all  hie  learning  would  not  —  — — 
him   a   dinner. 

GIFT  (page  263) 


1.  What  is  a  ffiftf  Is  gift  used  in  the  good  or  the  bad  wnw?  Doon  lh« 
legal  agree  with  the  popular  sense?  2.  What  wynonymoun  word  in 
always  used  in  the  evil  sense?  S.  What  ic  a  benefaction?  *  do-na 
twnf  What  difference  of  usage  is  recognized  between  tho  two  word*? 
4.  What  is  a  ffratuity,  and  to  whom  given?  5.  What  in  the  Henna 
and  use  of  largess?  6.  What  is  a  present,  and  to  whom  given?  7. 
What  is  the  special  sense  of  boonf  8,  What  is  ft  grant,  and  by  whom 

5(>)5  genius 

_____  --^----^^P-^^^.^^^^  ^_.___-.  _  graceful 


He  gave  un  only  over  boast,   fish,  fowl, 
Dominion  abwoluto;  that  right  wo  hold 
By  his  -  . 

Truo  love's  the  -  which  God  has  given 
To  man  alone  beneath  the  heaven. 
**"    '       ',  '  '  ,  noble  kn  iff  his,"  cried  the  heralds. 

The  courts  of  justice  had  fallen  so  low  that  it  was  practically  impossible 
to  win  a  cause  without  a  -  . 

GIVE   (page  264) 


1.  What  is  the  primary  meaning1  of  ffivef  the  secondary  meaning!  2.  Can 
we  give  what  is  unde.«ired?  3.  Can  we  give  what  we  are  paid  for? 
4.  How  is  yive  always  understood  when  there  is  no  limitation  in  the 
context?  6.  Is  it  correct  to  nay  "lie.  gave  it  to  mo  lor  nothing"! 
0.  What  SH  to  grant  f  7.  What  in  implied  when  wo  speak  of  granting 
a  favor?  8.  What  is  to  confer  '?  9.  What  is  especially  implied  in 
impart  f  in  bestow  f 

My  God  shall  '  all  your  n«'od  according  to  his  riches  in  glory  by 

Christ  Jfflufl, 

——  -  to  every  man  that  aakcth  of  theft,  and  from  him  that  would 
borrow  of  theo,  turn  not  thou  away. 

Th«  flourt  promptly       •        the  injunction 

The  kmg  ...............  upon  him  the  honor  of  knighthood, 

One  of  th«  plflasuntest  things  in  Ufu  is  to  —  —  instruction  to  those 
who  really  desire,  to  taarn. 

GOVERN  (page  205) 


1.  Whnt  does  th«  word  govern  imply?   How  does  it  differ  from  control!    2. 
How  do  command  and  control  differ?     3.  How  do  rule  and  govern 
differ?     4.   What  ifi  the  special  signiiloanco  of  sway?  of  mold?     5. 
What  is  it  io  inavagc?     6.  What  is  the  present  meaning  of  reiynf 
How  does  it  compare  with  ride  9 


H*  that  -  -  his  spirit  U  greater  than  he  that  taketh  a  city* 
For  some  must  follow,  and  some         ...... 

Though  all  arc  made  of  clay. 

Dantol  Wobater  well  domorihed  the  character  of  "Old  Hickory"  in  the 
«*nt«ine<%  HX  do  not  say  that  General  Jaokson  did  not  mwan  to  -  hi« 
country  wen,  but  T  do  s*y  that  Gonoral  Jackson  meant  to  ................  his 


GRACEFUL  (page  266) 

What  does  ffraetful  denote?    How  is  it  especially  distinguUhed  from 

armony  ^ 


How upon  the  mountains  are  the  foet  of  him  that  brmgeth  good 

tidings,  that  publisheth  peace. 

A myrtle  rear'd  its  head. 

GRIEF  (page  266) 


1.  What  is  grief  t  2.  How  does  grief  compare  with  sorrow?  with  sadnf**? 
with  melancholy?  3.  What  two  chief  senses  has  affliction!  4,  What 
is  implied  in  mourning,  in  its  most  common  acceptation ! 


We  glory  in  also. 

For  our  light which  is  but  for  a  moment,  workoth  for  us  ft  far 

more  exceeding  and  eternal  weight  of  glory. 

What  private  they  have,  alas!  I  know  not,  that  made  them 

do  it. 

HABIT  (page  267) 


1.  What  is  custom?  routine?  Which  ifl  the  more  mechanical?  2.  What  ele- 
ment does  hab*t  add  to  custom  and  routine?  3.  Should  wt*  preferably 
use  custom  or  habit  of  a  society t  of  an  individual?  4.  What  i« 
fashion?  rule?  system?  5.  What  are  use  and  wiaffr,  and  how  do 
they  differ  from  each  other?  6.  What  is  practise?  7.  What  is  th» 
distinctive  meaning  of  wont? 


Every is  preserved  and  increased  by  correspondent  ad  ion*,  »« 

the of  walking  by  walking,  of  running  by  running. 

Montaigne  is  wrong  in  declaring  that ought  to  be  followed  aim- 
ply  because  it  is ,  and  not  because  it  is  reasonable  or  junt. 

Lord  Brougham  says  "The  longer  I  live  the  more  careful  I  am  to  en- 
trust everything  that  I  really  care  to  do  to  the  beneficent  power  of  — ." 

1  makes  perfect. 
Without little  that  is  valuable  is  ever  learned  or  done* 

HAPPEN  (page  267) 


1.  What  does  happen  signify?  2.  How  does  it  differ  from  <*han?tt  3. 
What  is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  betide?  4.  How  do  both  b/fall 
and  betide  differ  from  happen  in  grammatical  construction!  5,  What 
is  the  meaning  of  supervene?  6.  Is  transpire  correctly  uwd  In  the 
sense  of  happen?  When  may  an  event  be  properly  said  to 


Whatever  at  all  as  it  should, 

Thou  lowest  not  that  body  that  shall  be,  but  btwr  grain,  it  m»y 
of  wheat,  or  of  some  other  grain. 



HI  -  tho  graceless  renegade! 

It  u  that  a  secret  treaty  had  been  previously  concluded  between 

the  powers. 

If  mischief  -  him,  thou  shalt  bring  down  my  gray  hairs  with 
sorrow  to  the  grave. 

HAPPINESS  (page  268) 


1.  What  is  gratification?  satisfaction?  2.  What  is  happiness?  $.  How  does 
happiness  differ  from  comfort!  4.  How  does  comfort  differ  from  ew- 
joymentt  6.  How  docs  pleasure  compare  with  comfort  and  enjoyment? 
with  happiness?  6.  What  do  gratification  and  satisfaction  express! 
How  do  they  compare  with  each  other?  7.  How  does  happiness  com- 
pare with  gratification,  satisfaction,  comfort,  and  pleaswet  with  d«- 
H0/it  and  /o?/f  8.  What  is  delight?  ecstacy?  rapture  9  '9.  What  is 
triumph?  "blessedness?  Uiss? 

Sweet  is  ...........      after  pain. 

Virtue  alone  fc  -  -  below. 

Hope  elevates  and  —  -  -  brightens  his  crest. 

Tho  storm  raged  without,  but  within  the  house  all  was  brightness  and 

There  is  no  —  —  so  sweet  and  abiding  as  that  of  doing  good. 
This  is  tho  very    ..........    of  love. 

HAPPY  (page  270) 


1.  What  is  the  original  meaning  of  happy?  With  what  words  is  it  allied  in 
this  sense!  2,  In  what  way  is  happy  a  synonym  of  blessed?  8.  What 
is  the  meaning  of  happy  in  Us  most  frequent  present  use? 


are  tnoy  that  mourn,  for  they  shall  be  comforted. 

To  what  '  accident  is  it  that  we  owe  so  unexpected  *  visit, 

& heart  maketh  a  countenance. 

I  would  not  spend  another  such  a  night, 
Though  'twere  to  buy  a  world  of  —  days. 

HARMONY  (page  271) 


1,  What  if  harmony?  2,  How  does  harmony  compare  with  agreement?  3. 
How  do  concord  and  accord  compare  with  harmony  and  with  each 
other  I  4.  What  is  conformity?  oonffruity?  5.  What  is  consistency? 
6.  What  is  unanimity?  7.  How  do  consent  and  concurrence  compare f 

harvest  566 

t  help ( . 


We  have  made  a  covenant  with  death  and  with  hell  are  wo  at — . 

Tyrants  have  made  desperate  efforts  to  secure  outward  — — -  in  r<»* 
hgious  observances  without of  religious  belief. 

That  action  and  counteraction  which,  in  the  natural  and  in  the  political 
world,  from  the  reciprocal  struggle  of  discordant  powers  draws  out  the 
of  the  universe 

The  speaker  was,  by  general ,  allowed  to  proceed. 

HARVEST   (page  272) 


1.  What  is  the  original  meaning  of  harvest?  its  later  meaning?  2.  Flow 
does  harvest  compare  with  crop?  3.  What  is  produce?  How  do<»s  it 
differ  from  product?  4.  What  is  the  meaning  of  proa  feds?  yield? 
return?  5.  Is  harvest  capable  of  figurative  use,  and  in  what  WIMP! 
6.  What  is  the  special  meaning  of  harvest-home?  harvest  tide?  harvest* 

Just  tickle  the  earth  with  a  hoe,   and  she  laughs  with  an  abundant 

And  the  ripe  -  —  of  the  new-mown  hay  gives  it  a  awoot  and  whole- 
some odor. 

It  sowcth  here  with  toil  and  care 
But  the  "  of  lovo  is  th«»ro. 

Of  no  distemper,  of  no  blast  ho  died, 
But  fell  like  autumn  -—  —  that  mellowed 

HATRED  (pago  273) 


!•  What  is  repugnance?  aversion?     2.  How  does  hatortd  compare  with 
aversion  as  applied  to  persons?   as  applied  to  things!     $,  What  in 
malice?  malignity?     4.  What  is  spite?     5.  What  *r*  grwlgt,  resent- 
ment, and  revenge,  and  how  do  they  compare  with  one  another! 


Heaven  has  no  -  like  love  to  -  turned. 
The  slight  put  upon  him  filled  him  with,  deep  .......  , 

He  ne'er  bore  -  for  stalwart  blow 
Ta'en  in  fair  fight  from  gallant  foe. 
In  all  cases  of  wilful  injury  to  person  or  property,  the  law 

I  felt  from  our  first  meeting  an  instinctive  —  —  for  tbo  man,  which 
acquaintance  deepened  into  a  settled  -  . 

HAVE  (page  274) 


1.  To  what  is  have  applied?   How  widely  inclusive  ft  word  ii  ttt    ft,  What 
does  possess  signify?     8.  What  is  to  holdf  to  occupy  t     4.  How  do«i 

567  harvest 

__  help 

lw  in  pottMHfiion  compare  with  poHttesn?  5.  How  does  own  compare 
with  POHWHH  or  with  ?;«  in  potntes«i<m?  6.  What  is  the  difference  bo- 
twcon  tho  htatomenl  that  a  man  hax  reason,  and  tho  statement  that  he 
i,v  in  piHHHUHfon  of  his  roason? 


Bon,  thou  art  over  with  me,  and  all  that  I  -  is  thine, 
I  uarnoHtly  entreat  you,  for  your  own  sakos,  to  -  yourselves  of 
solid  rottsotiH 

Ho  occupies  tho  house,  but  does  not  -  it, 

HAZARD  (page  275) 


1.  What  is  tho  meaning  of  hazard?  2.  How  doos  hazard  compare  with 
danfferU  0.  How  do  titth  and  v<mtura  compare  with  cluince  and 
hazard,  and  with  each  other?  4.  How  do  accident  and  casualty  differ? 
6.  What  iB  a  contingency! 


Wf  must  taka  th«  current  when  it  serves  or  loao  our         ••     , 
I  have  wit  my  life  upon  a  oafit,  and  I  will  stand  tho    •   •  •      of  tho  die. 

There  is  no in  doing  known  duty. 

Do  you  think  it  necessary  to  provide  for  evory before  taking  the 

fir  at  step? 

HEALTHY  (page  275) 


1.  What  i«  UM»  moaning  of  fitttfihyt  of  healthful?  Arc  1,hc  words  properly 
itttfirchangottble  ?  2,  What  aro  Iho  rhiof  synonyms  of  Jwatthy!  of  3.  Tn  what  donna  is  salubrious  usnd,  and  to  what  is  it 
applied!  4.  To  what  realm  docs  nalutary  belong? 


Tn  books,  or  work,  or    p^ay  lot  my  first  years  bo  passed. 

Biassed  is  thti  naturo;  it  is  the  coherent,  swootly  cooperative, 

not  tho  twit-distracting  one. 

HELP  (pages  276) 


1.  In  hftlp  or  aid  th«  stronger  torm?  2,  Which  is  used  in  excitement  or 
ftmtT^ncy?  3.  Doas  help  include  aid  or  docs  aid  include  htlpt  4. 
Which  implies  tho  seconding  of  another's  exertions  f  Do  w*  aid  or 
hflp  thfl  hdplom?  5.  How  do  cooperate  and  assist  differ  t  6.  To 
wkat  do  encourage  and  wphoU  rofor?  succor  and  support  f 


He  doos  not  prevent  a  crimo  when  he  can 
Know  th«n  whatever  choorful  and  soreno  - 
body  too. 


HERETIC  (page  276) 


1.  What  is  a  heretic?  a  tchiawatic?  2.  Ifc  what  doofi  a  hfrrtic  differ  from 
his  church  or  religious  body?  a  schismatic.?  3.  How  dr>  &  heretic 
and  a  schismatic  often  differ  m  action?  4.  How  ar<»  tho  t<»nnK  rftif- 
senter  and  non-con/onnt*fc  usually  applied  1 


A  man  that  is  an  -  ,  after  the  first  and  second  admonition,  reject. 
Churchmen  and  -  alike  resisted  the  tyranny  of  Jamt'8  II. 

HETEROGENEOUS  (page  277) 


l.  When  are  substances  heterogeneous  as  regards  each  other  I     2,  When  i« 
a  mixture,  as  cement,  said  to  be  hffteroffeneou*?  when  hvmot/tneowtt 
3.  What  is  the  special  significance  of  non-homo genr.oWt    4,  How  does 
miscellaneous  differ  from  heterogeneous? 

My  second  eon  received  a  sort  of —  education  at  home. 

Courtier  and  patriot  can  not  mix 

Their politics 

Without  an  effervescence. 

HIDE  (page  278) 


1.  Which  is  the  most  general  term  of  this  group,  and  what  doe.*  It  irfgnify  ? 
2.  IB  an  object  hidden  by  intention,  or  in  what  other  way  or  way*,  if 
any)  3.  Does  conceal  evince  intention f  4,  How  do™  *fcrr,tt  eotn 
pare  with  conceal?  How  is  it  chiefly  u«edt  5.  What  1*  it  to  eovrr/ 
to  screen? 


Men  use  thought  only  as  authority  for  their  injustice,  And  employ  npcAeh 
only  to  '    '         their  thoughts. 

Ye  little  stars  1 your  diminithad  ray*. 

HIGH  (page  2T9) 


1.  What  kind  of  a  term  is  Uiphf  What  does  it  signify  f  Gir*  taftt&ncpf  of 
the  relative  uae  of  the  word,  2.  How  do*i  Mffh  compare  with  dwjtt 
To  what  objects  may  these  words  be  severally  applied  f  3.  What  in 
the  special  significance  of  tall?  A.  What  alemtnt  dot*  lofty  add  to  th« 
meaning  of  high  or  tatt?  5.  How  do  eUvtttd  and  tm4n*M  compar* 
in  the  literal  SOUSP?  in  the  figurative?  6.  How  do  th*  words  «bov« 
mentioned  compare  with  eosalt$dt  7.  What  contrattfid  utftft  hue  high 
in  the  figurative  sense  f  8.  What  in  towering  in  thu  Htafftlt  *nd  in 
the  figurative  sense? 

f>()<)  heretic 



A  pillar'd  shade,  -  overarched,  and  echoing  walks  bet-ween. 
A  daughter  of  the  gods,  divinely  -  und  most  divinely  fair. 
What  is  that  which  tho  breeze,  on  tho  -  steep, 
As  it  fitfully  blows,  half  coiiceuln,  half  discloses  f 

Ho  know 
Himself  to  sing,  and  build  the  -  rime. 

HINDER  (page  280) 


1.  What  SB  it  to  hinder  f  2.  How  does  hinder  differ  from  delay?  3.  How 
doea  hinder  compare  with  prevent?  4.  What  is  the  moaning  of  rv 
tardt  5,  What  is  it  'to  ofotntAtt  to  reM?  How  do  those  two  word*. 
compare  with  each  other? 


--  tho  Devil,  and  he  will  flee  from  you. 
My  tears  must  stop,  for  every  drop 

my  needle  and  thread. 

It  i»  tho  Rtudy  of  mankind  to      .....       that  advance  of  age  or  death 
which  can  not  be  -  . 

HISTORY  (page  281) 


1.  What  is  the  moaning  of  history?    How  does  it  relate  events?    To  what 
of  events  does  it  apply?    2.  How  does  history  differ  from  annals 


Happy  the  people  whose  <  arc  dulled. 

--  i«  little  else  than  a  picUiro  of  human  crimes  and  misfortunes. 
..............  is  philosophy  teaching  by  example. 

HOLY  (page  282) 


1.  What  i«  the  meaning  of  sacred  t  2.  How  doss  it  compare  with  holy?  3, 
Which  term  do  we  apply  directly  to  God  )  4.  In  what  sense  is  divine 
loos«Iy  usttdf  What  is  its  more  appropriate  sense! 


Th«i  —  time  is  quiet  as  a  nun  breathless  with  adoration. 
A  -  burdfn  is  this  life  ye  bear, 

All  iwct*  and  churches  of  Christendom  hold  to  tome  form  of  the  doctrin* 
of  tfa  —  inspiration  of  the  Ohriitian  Scripture*, 

HOME  (page  282) 

1.  What  Is  the  general  seme  of  abod*.  dwlUrtp,  and  habit  attont 

honest  570 

hypothesis W_^__MW___W_ 

difference  is  there  in  the  use  of  those  words?    2.  From  what  language 
is  home  derived?    What  is  its  distinctive  meaning? 


An  gxddy  and  unsure 

Hath  he  that  buildeth  on  the  vulgar  heart. 

The  attempt  to  abolish  the  ideal  woman  and  koep  the  ideal i»  » 

predestinated  failure. 

A  house  without  love  may  be  a  castle  or  a  palace,  but  it  is  not  a — -» 

Love  is  the  life  of  a  true  . 

HONEST  (page  283) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  honest  m  ordinary  use?  2.  Whnt  iH  the  mean- 
ing of  honorable?  3.  How  will  the  merely  hon?*t  and  th*«  truly  honor 
able  man  differ  in  action?  4.  What  is  honest  in  the.  lugheHt  and  full- 
est sense?  How,  in  this  sense,  does  it  differ  from  honorable/ 


labor  boars  a  lovely  face. 

An  — —  man's  the  noblest  work  of  God, 

No  form  of  pure,  undisguised  murder  will  bo  any  longer  allowed  to  con 
found  itself  with  the  necessities  of warfare. 

HORIZONTAL   (page  283) 


1.  What  does  horizontal  signify?  How  does  it  compare  with  Irwlt  8. 
From  what  language  is  fiat  derived?  3.  Whnt  i«  ii«  orlKlnnl  maun* 
ing?  its  most  common  present  sen^c?  Tn  what  derived  wnw»  in  it 
often  used?  4.  What  are  the  son  BOH  of  plain  and  plane? 

Sun  and  moon  were  in  the  — —  sea  sunk. 

Ample  spaces  o'er  the  smooth  and —  pavement. 

The   prominent  lines   in   Greek   architecture)   wore    ,    and   not 


HUNT  (page  285) 


1.  What  is  a  hunt?  2.  For  what  is  *  ofto**  or  purwtt  conducted!  * 
search?  3.  What  docs  hunt  ordinarily  include f  4.  t«  It  correct  to 
use  hunt  when  search  only  is  contemplated ?  5,  How  ftr«  them*  wofd« 
used  m  the  figurative  senses? 


Among  the  inalienable  rights  of  man  are  life.,  liberty  And  thf  of 


All  things  have  an  end,  and  so  did  our for 

f>71  honest 


The f 01  mod  tho  principal  amusement  of  our  Norman  kings,  who 

for  that  purpobo  retained  in  their  possession  forests  in  every  part  of  the 

rjijje  ,    JB  Up^  j^  ^y  shall  know 

The  stag  at  bay's  a  dangerous  foe. 

HYPOCRISY  (page  285) 


1.  From  what  language  is  pretence  derived,  and  what  does  it  signify!  3 
What  is  hypocrisy!  3.  What  in  cant?  sanctimoniousness?  4.  What 
in  pietism?  formation?  sham?  5,  How  does  affectation  compare  with 
hypocrisy  9 


L*t  not  tho  Trojans,  with  a  feigned  of  proffered  peace,  delude 

the  Latin  prince1. 

is  a  fawning  and  flexible  art,  which  accommodates  itself  to 

human  feelings,  and  flatters  tho  weakness  of  men  in  order  that  it  may  gain 
iti  own  ends. 

HYPOCRITE  (page  286) 


1,  From  what  language  IB  hypocrite  derived?  What  is  its  primary  x&flaningt 
2.  What  common  term  includes  the  other  words  of  tho  group.  A. 
How  are  hypocrite  and  dissembler  contrasted  with  each  other?  4. 
What  element  is  common  to  the  cheat  and  the  impostor  f  How  do  the 
two  compare  with  each  other? 


It  in  the  woakflHt  sort  of  politicians  that  are  tho  greatest  — — . 
I  dare  swear  hft  is  no  >  but  prays  from  MB  heart 

In  the  reign  of  Henry  VI  t,  an  ,  named  Porkin  Warbeck,  laid 

claim  to  the  English  crown. 

HYPOTHESIS  (page  286) 


JL  What  IK  a  hypothetic?  What  is  its  use  in  scientific  investigation  $o>* 
Mtudyt  2.  What  is  a  guess1}  a  conjecture?  a  ttuppoaition?  a  mrmisef 
&  What  implication  does  surmise  ordinarily  convey?  What  is  • 
theory  t  a  scheme?  a  speculation!  How  do  they  differ! 


,  fancies,  built  on  nothing  firm. 

There  are  no  other  limits  to  — —  than  those  of  the  human  mind. 

The  development  ,  though  widely  accepted  by  men  of 

fails  of  proof  at  many  important  points. 

idea  572 

immediately    _  ^ 

IDEA  (page  287) 


1.  From  what  language  is  idea  derived,  and  -what  did  it  originally  mean  ? 
2.  What  did  idea  signify  in  early  philosophical  u«e?  3.  What  it.  it* 
present  popular  use,  and  with  what  words  is  it  now  fcynoaymouiit 


All  rests  with  those  who  read.     A  work  or  - 
Is  what  each  makes  it  to  himself 

He  who  comes  up  to  his  own  -  of  greatness  must  always  have  had 
»  very  low  standard  of  it  in  his  mind. 

IDEAL  (page  288) 


1.  "What  is  an  ideal?     2.  What  is  an  archetj/pef  a  prototype*     3.  Can  * 
prototype  be  equivalent  to  an  archetype!     4.  Is  an  ideal  primal,  or 
the  result  of  development?    5.  What  is  an  original?    6.  What  ift  the 
standard?    How  does  it  compare  with  the  ideal?     7.  How  »r«  W^a 
and  ideal  contrasted?  * 


Be  a  -  to  others  and  then  all  will  go  well. 
The  mind's  the  -  of  the  man. 
Every  man  has  at  times  in  his  mind  the  ......  of  what  ho  «houl4  b«, 

but  is  not. 

IDIOCY  (page  289) 


1.  What  is  idiocy?  2.  What  is  irnbecilityt  How  do«s  it  compare  with 
idiocy  1  3.  How  does  insanity  differ  from  idiocy  or  imbicHiiyf  4* 
How  do  foUy  and  foolishness  compare  with  idiocy?  5.  What  in  fntu 
ity?  stupidity  f 


Where  ignorance  is  "bliss,  'tis  -  to  be  wine. 

To  expect  an  effect  without  a  cause,  or  attainment  without  Application, 
it  little  less  than  -  . 

IDLE  (page  289) 

I.  From  what  language  is  idle  derived,  and  what  ii  it*  original  m«*nfagt 

2.  What  does  idle  in  present  use  properly  denote?  Does  It 
denote  the  absence  of  all  action?  3.  What  dofti  Iwy  signify?  How 
docs  it  differ  from  idler  4,  What  does  intrt  signify?  ilvffffithf  0. 
In  what  realm  does  slothful  belong,  and  what  do*«  it  dtnot*!  6, 
How  does  indolent  compare  with  slothful  f 

stream  was  covered  with  a  greon  scum, 

a  moment,  but  thrifty  and  thoughtful  of  others, 

573  idea 

v  immediately 

An  the  door  turneth  upon  MB  lungoa,  so  doth,  the  turn  upon 

tun  bed. 

IGNORANT    (page  290) 


1.  What  doe«  ignorant  signify?    How  wide  is  its  range?     2,  What  is  the 
meaning  of  illiterate?   3.  How  does  wittered  compare  with,  illiterate? 


So  foolifih  was  I  and  — ;  T  was  as  a  beast  before  thee. 

A  boy  is  better  unborn  than  * 

IMAGINATION  (page  290) 


X.  Into  what  two  partH  was  imagination  divided  in  the  old  psychology?  2. 
What  name  h  now  preferably  givon  to  the  so-called  leprod-uctive  imagi- 
nation, by  Prenidont  Porter  and  ollu*rH?  3,  What  is  fantasy  or  phantasy? 
In  what  mental  actions  IK  it  manifested?  4.  What  is  fantasy  in  ordi- 
nary tiflago'  5^  How  ift  imagination  defined?  fancy 9  6.  To  wkat 
faculty  of  tho  mind  do  both  of  thoHe  aotivitiea  or  powers  "belong?  7. 
In  what  other  respects  do  imagination  and  fancy  agree?  What  in 
the  ow«  great  dtetinrtion  botwcon  thorn?  How  do  they  respectively 
treat  the  material  ob^otH  or  imag<^K  wilh  which  they  deal!  Which 
power  flndrt  use  in  philoHopliy,  aoicnco,  and  moohanical  invention, 
and  how? 


•Whil^        ,  like  the  finger  of  a  clock, 

Etin«  the  great  circuit,  and  in  still  at  home. 

And  an  bod  to  H  forth 

The  form*  of  things  unknown,  the  pout's  pen 
Turn «  them  to  shapes,  and  gives  to  airy  nothing 
A  local  habitation  and  a  name. 

IMMEDIATELY  (page  293) 


What  ift  thft  primary  meaning  of  immediately  f  ltd  meaning  ai  an  adverb 
of  timr  f  2.  What  did  ly  and  ly  formerly  signify  9  What  Is  its  present 
meaning?  3.  What  did  d<r*QtJy  formerly  signify,  and  what  doei  it 
now  commonly  meant  4*  Wkat  change  Kai  pnwntly  undergone)  5. 
la  immediately  losing  anything  of  it*  force?  What  words  now  Hem 
mor«  emphatic? 

Nothing  is  there  to  come,  and  nothing  pant, 

But  an  eternal doei  always  last. 

Let  ui  go  up  — •",  and  POSBCRS  it;  for  we  are  well  able  to  overome  It. 

Obey  me 1 

Immerse  574 


IMMERSE  (page  294) 


1.  From  what  language  is  dip  derived?  from  what  immerse f  2.  JIow  do 
the  two  words  differ  in  dignity  •  How  as  to  the  complpton<»*H  of  thu 
action?  How  as  to  the  continuance  of  the  object  in  or  under  tho 
liquid?  S.  Which  word  is  pxeforably  used  as  to  the*  rite  of  Imptixm? 
4.  What  does  submerge  imply?  5.  What  are  daw*  and  tluc-k*  6. 
What  special  sense  has  dip  which  the  other  words  do  not  share  t 

Trust  no  Future,  howe'er  pleasant! 

Let  the  dead  Past  its  (load. 

The  ships  of  war,  Congress  and  Cumberland,  were by  thi»  M*«rri- 


When,  food  can  not  bo  swallowed,  life  may  be  prolonged  by  -      ~—  the 
body  in  nutritive  fluids. 

IMMINENT  (page  294) 

1.  From  what  language  in  imminent  derived  and  with  what  primary 

impending t  2.  How,do  imminent  un<l  impending  differ  in  prtwtit  ttiwf 
3.  How  does  threatening  differ  from  the  two  words  ahovn 


And  nodding  Ilium  waits  tho  fall 

And  these  she  does  apply  for  warning*,  portent*, 

And  evils  •• 

IMPEDIMENT  (page  295) 


.  What  does  impediment  primarily  signify?  obstacle  1  obrtrurtiont  2.  How 
does  obstacle  differ  from  obstruction  f  8,  What  is  »  Mndranrft  4, 
Is  an  impediment  what  one  finds  or  what  he  carried  IK  it  motnt-nUry 
or  constant)  What  did  the  Latin  i<np«dim«nta  uinnlfy?  5.  What  in 
an  encumbrance  f  How  does  it  differ  from  an  obstacle,  or  obrtrwtiont 
6.  IB  a  difficulty  within  one  or  without? 

Something  between  a  -  •  and  a  help. 

Thus  far  into  the  bowels  of  the  land 
Hare  we  mar  oh'  d  without  -  . 
Demosthenes  became  the  foremottt  orator  of  the  world  in  spita  of  »a 

in  his  speech, 
.  -  s  overcome  are  tho  flteppi»£*stonfta  by  which  great  m«a  rl*e* 

575  immerse 


IMPUDENCE  (page  206) 


1,  What  does  impertinfinrt  primarily  denote?  What  is  its  common  accepta- 
tion? 2.  What  IK  impudence9  indolence?  3.  What  is  officiousncss'/ 

4.  What  doe**  rudenvw  flugge&U 


With  matchloHH they  stylo  a  wifo 

Tho  dear-bought  cum*,  and  lawful  plaguo  of  life. 

It  if)  better  not  to  turn  friendship  into  a  «ystom  of  lawful  and  un- 
punishable    ' 

A  certain  class  of  ill-natured  people  mistake  — — —  for  frankness. 

INCONGRUOUS  (page  297) 


1,  When  arc  thingB  Raid  to  bo  incongruous?  2.  To  what  in  discordant  ap- 
plied? inhann,onwux?  $.  What  doon  incompatible  signify?  When  are 
thingH  naid  to  be  incompatible?  4.  To  what  doetj  inconsistent  apply? 

5.  What  ilhiHtrationn  of  tho  uses  of  these  words  arc  given  in  the 
toxt!    6.  What  is  tho  meaning  of  incommensurable? 


No  solitude  i«  so  solitary  as  that  of  companionship. 

X  hoar  a>  atrain  UH  a  morry  dirgo,  or  a  a  cr  amenta!  bacchanal 

might  bo. 

INDUCTION  (page  298) 


1.  What  ift  deduction?  induction?  2.  What  in  the  proof  of  an  induction? 
$,  What  procoBB  in  ordinarily  followed  in  what  is  known  as  scientific 
induction?  4.  How  do  deduction  and  induction  compare  an  to  the 
certainty  of  the  conclufeion?  5.  How  dooa  an  induction  compare  with 


Th<*  longer  one  jstudioe  a  rout  subject  tho  more  cautiouu  in •  he 


?wh»p«  the  widest  and  bott  known.  »  o*  Biology  is  that  or« 

ganiwms  grow. 

INDUSTRIOUS  (page  299) 


1.  How  dooB  luw  differ  from  industrious?  2.  What  la  the  implication  if 
w*  say  one  in  industrious  just  now!  $.  What  does  diliffent  odd  to 
the  meaning  of  induttrious? 

Look  cheerfully  upon  me, 

Here,  love;  thou  see' at  how I  am* 

him  no  time  for  tears. 

industry  576 

injustice .    L 

INDUSTRY  (page  299) 


1.  What  is  industry  9  2.  What  docs  assiduity  signify  aw  Indicated  by  its 
etymology?  diligence ?  S.  How  does  application  compare  with  assiduity* 
4.  What  is  constancy t  patience?  perseverance?  6.  What  i«  ^r 
«*ee7ic«?  What  implication  does  it  frequently  convey?  6.  How  do<>» 
industry  compare  with  ddigencel  7,  To  what  do  labor  and  pain* 
efcpecially  refer? 


Honors  come  by     •  "••     ,  riches  spring  from  economy, 

'Tis supports  us  all. 

There  is  no  tuccess  in  study  without  clone,   continuous    and  intonue 

His  m  wickedness  would  have  won  him  enduring  honor  if  It 

had  taken  the  form  of  >  ••    •       m  a  better  cause 

INFINITE  (page  300) 


1.  From  what  language  is  infinite  derived,  and  with  what  moaning?  To 
what  may  it  be  applied?  2,  How  do  counties,  innumerable,  and 
numberless  compare  with  infinite?  3,  What  in  the  UH*  of  boundlr**, 
illimitable,  limitless,  rntasurtlesH,  and  unlimited?  4.  What  *r«  the 
dimensions  of  infinite  space?  What  is  the  duration  of  infinite  timo? 


My  bounty  is  as as  the  sea,  my  love  as  <U*cpt  tha  mor«  I  gir^  to 

tliee,  the  more  I  have,  for  both  are  . 

Man's  inhumanity  to  man  mukefc  - thousands  mourn. 

INFLUENCE  (page  300) 


1.  What  la  it  to  influence?  is  one  influenced  by  external  or  infernal 
2.  To  what  kind  of  power  does  actuate  refer!  Does  one  prrnon 
or  influence  another?  3,  What  do  prompt  and  stir  imply t  4.  What 
in  it  to  excite  1  6.  What  do  incite  and  instigate  dignify  f  How  do 
these  two  words  differ?  6.  What  do  wge  and  impel  Imply?  How  do 
they  differ  in  the  source  of  the  power  exerted!  7.  What  do  rfrlw 
and  compel  imply,  and  how  do  these  two  words  compare  with  each 


He  was by  his  own  violent  passion*  to  desperate  crime, 

And  well  she  can  — — . 

Fine  thoughts  are  wealth,  for  the  ri&bt  UM  of  which 
Men  are  and  ought  to  be  accountable, 
If  not  to  Thee,  to  those  they , 

577  ******** 

_  injustice 

INHERENT  (page  301) 


1*  What  does  inherent  signify?  2.  To  what  realm  of  thought  does  imma- 
nent belong  ?  What  does  it  signify  ?  How  docs  it  differ  from  inherent  1 
Which  is  applied  to  the  Divine  Being?  3.  To  what  do  congenital, 
innate,  and  inborn  apply  as  distinguished  from  inherent  and  intrinsic  f 
4.  With  what  upocial  reference  docs  congenital  occur  in  medical  and 
lo&al  use?  5.  What  is  the  difference  m  use  between  innate  and  in- 
born f  6.  What  does  inbred  add  to  the  sen  is  e  of  innate  or  inborn? 
7.  What  is  ingrained? 


An power  in  tho  life  of  the  world. 

AH  men  have  an  >  right  to  life,  liberty,  and  protection. 

He  evinced   an  —   stupidity  that  seemed   almost  tantamount   to 

•   idiocy. 

Many  philosophers  hold  that  God  is in  nature. 

Any  stable  currency  must  be  founded  at  last  upon  something,  as  gold 
or  silver,  that  has   •  •• .        value. 

The  wrongs  and  abuses  which  are in  the  very  structure  and 

constitution  of  society  as  it  now  eScislH  throughout  Christendom. 

INJURY  (page  302) 


1.  Prom  what  languw  i«  injury  derived?  What  is  Jta  primary  meaning? 
Ttn  derived  moaning?  2.  How  inclusive  a  word  is  injury?  3.  From 
what  ifl  damage  dorivod,  and  with  what  original  sense?  detriment  f 
How  do  thtiMO  words  compare  in  actual  use?  4.  How  does  damage 
compare  with  tosttf  How  can  a  loas  bo  said  to  be  partial?  5.  What 
is  evil,  and  with  what  frequent  suggestion?  6,  What  i»  hortnt  hurtt 
How  do  thftse  words  compare  with  injury?  7.  What  is  mischief  f 
How  caused,  and  with  what  intent? 


Nothing  can  work  me ,  except  myself;  tho that  I  sustain 

I  carry  about  with  mo,  and  never  am  a  roal  sufferer  but  by  my  own  fault. 
Hippolyta,  X  woo'd  thee  with  my  sword, 
And  won  thy  lov«,  doing  theo b 

INJUSTICE  (page  303) 


1.  What  1$  injitttictf  2.  How  does  'wrong  differ  from  injustice  in  legal 
use?  How  in  popular  UBO?  3.  What  is  iniquity  in  the  Ugal  sense! 
in  the  common  sennet 


War  in  men's  eyes  shall  be  a  monster  of .   ^ 

No  man  can  mortgage  his  — —  as  A  pawn  for  hi*  fidelity* 
Such  an  act  U  an  upon  humanity. 


INNOCENT  (page  304) 

1.  What  does  innocent  in  the  full  sense  signify!     2.  IB  innownt 

or  negative?  How  does  it  compare  with  righteous,  uprit/ht,  or  rir 
tuoua!  3.  In  what  two  applications  may  ton/Maculate,  pure  md  *in 
less  be  used?  4.  With  what  limited  sense  ia  innocent  uuod  of  moral 
beings?  6.  In  what  sense  is  innocent  applied  to  inanimate  eub- 


They  are  as  -  as  grace  itself. 

For  blessings  ever  wait  on  -  deads, 
And  though  a  late,  a  euro  reward  succeeds* 

The  wicked  flee  where  no  man  pursueth,  but  the  -  ar«  t>«Ut  of 
c  lion. 

A  daughter,  and  a  goodly  babe; 

the  queen  receives 

Much  comfort  in*t:  says,  Afy  poor  prteoiut, 
I  am  -  09  you.     • 

INQUISITIVE  (page  304) 


1.  What  are  the  characteristics  of  an  inquisitive  parson!  2,  IA  inquirttivt 
ever  used  in  a  good  sense!  What,  in  that  ium««,  I*  ordinarily  pre- 
ferred? 3.  What  dons  curious  signify,  and  how  do««  it  differ  from 


His  was  an  anxiously mind,  a  scrupulously  floniwtentloui  heart. 

Adrian  was  the  most  man  that  «w»r  livt*d,  and  the  men*  uni- 
versal inquirer. 

I  am to  know  the  cause  of  thla  sudden  ohang*  of  purpoiw. 

INSANITY  (pa#e  305) 


1.  What  is  insanity  in  the  widest  sense!  in  its  *«AtHctod  «««?  Which  «§•  U 
the  more  frequent!  2.  From  what  IB  lunacy  derived  I  What  did  it 
originally  imply!  In  what  sense  is  it  now  uiedf  3.  What  it  tttorf* 
ntasf  4  What  is  dervngwuntl  totirlwnt  ft.  What  In  th»  *v*eifa 
meaning  of  demtntiaf  6.  What  If  aberration?  7.  What  it  th*  4t«» 
tinctive  meaning  of  hallucination?  8.  What  ID  monomania f  9.  What 
are  frenzy  and  mania? 


Go—you  may  call  it ,  folly— 7011  shall  not  ehase  my  flo«m 

All  power  of  fancy  over  reason  IB  a  degree  of  — — . 

579  innocent 

INTERPOSE  (page  306) 


1.  What  in  it  to  interpose?  2.  How  does  intercede  differ  from  mterpotwt 
3.  What  is  it  to  intermeddle  1  How  does  it  differ  from  meddle!  from 
interfere?  4.  What  do  arbitrate  and  mediate  involve? 


Dion,  his  brother, for  him  and  MB  life  was  savod. 

Nature  has    a  natural  barrier  between  England  and  the  conti- 

INVOLVE  (page  307) 


I.  From  what  language  is  involve  derived,  and  with  what  primary  meaning? 
2.  How  does  involve  compare  with  implicate?  8.  Are  those  words 
tilted  in  the  favorable  or  the  unfavorable  sense?  4.  As  regards  TO- 
waits  what  is  the  difference  between  include,  imply,  and  involve? 


ftocks  may  to  squeezed  into  new  forms,  bent,  contorted,  and . 

An  oyst«»r«shftU  sometimes a  pearl.  „ 

in  other  men's  affairs,  he  went  down  to  their  ruin. 

JOURNEY  (page  307) 


1.  From  what  language  is  journ&y  derived?  What  is  its  primary  meaning? 
Its  present  moaning?  2.  What  in  travel?  How  does  it  differ  from 
journey?  3.  What  was  the  former  meaning  of  wyagtil  Its  present 
meaning?  4.  What  is  a  trip?  a  towf  5.  What  in  the  meaning  and 
common  use  of  pawaffe?  of  transit?  6.  What  is  the  original  meaning 
of  pUffrimagef  How  is  it  now  used? 


«"  makes  all  men  countryman. 

All  the  < '  of  their  life  is  bound  in  fallows  and  in  miseries. 

It  were  a like  the  path  to  heaven, 

>  help  you  find  them.. 

JUDGE  (page  308) 


L,  'What  is  a  judge  in  the  legal  «on«ol  2,  What  other  sense*  has  the  word 
judff*  in  common  use?  3.  What  is  a  referee,  and  how  appointed?  an 
arbitrator?  4,  What  in  thoi  popular  nan  BO  of  umpire?  the  legal  sense? 
6.  What  is  the  present  use  of  arbiter?  6.  What  are  the  judge*  of  the 
United  States  Supreme  Court  officially  called? 



The  end  crowns  all, 

And  that  old  common ,  Time, 

Will  one  day  end  it 

A  mart  who  is  no of  law  may  be  a  good of 

TI^ jB  oniy  the  mouth  of  law,  and  the  magistrate  who 

is  only  the  hand. 

JUSTICE  (page  309) 


1.  What  is  jiwt%ce  in  governmental  relation  a?  in  social  and  personal  rela- 
tions? in  matters  of  reasoning  or  literary  treatment}  2.  To  what  do 
integrity,  rectitude,  right,  righteouano**,  and  virtue*  apply?  What  do 
all  these  include?  3  What  two  contrasted  fwnwB  haft  towfvlncwt  4* 
To  what  does  justness  refer,  and  in  what  soxwo  la-  it  uwod  f 


exalteth  a  nation. 

of  life  is  fame's  best  friend. 

He  shall  have  merely ,  and  his  bond. 

*  KEEP  (page  310) 


1.  What  is  the  general  meaning  of  keep?  2,  How  docw  ketp  compare  with 
preserver  fulfil?  maintain  f  3.  What  doos  k*ep  imply  when  UKK!  »*  » 
synonym  of  guard  or  defend! 


These  make  and the  Imlance  of  tho  mind. 

The  good  old  rule 

SuMceth  them, — the  simple  plan, 

That  they  should  take  who  have  the  power 

And  they  should who  oan, 

— thy  shop,  and  thy  shop  will the*. 

KILL  (page  310) 


1.  What  ie  it  to  fcOZ?  2.  To  what  are  anscuiainaio,  eg«<w£f,  and  murder  re- 
etrictedf  S.  What  ia  the  specific  meaning  of  mvrdtrt  eaurut*!  tu- 
sasfinatef  To  what  class  of  persons  is  tho  latter  ward  ordinarily  Ap- 
plied? 4*  What  is  it  to  elayt  6,  To  what  in  mtuwter*  limited!  With 
what  special  meaning  is  it  used?  6,  To  what  do  butcher  and  daughter 
pnmarily  apply?  What  is  the  sense  of  each  when  so  uN«df  7,  Wtut 
is  it  to  despatch  f 


To  look  Into  her  oyes  was  to doubt. 

Three  presidents  ot  the  United  States  have  b«n , 


_  language 

Hamilton  was  "  in  a  duel  by  -Aaron  Burr. 

The  place  was  carried  l>y  storm,  and  the  inhabitants without 

distinction  of  age  or  sex, 

KIN  (page  ail) 


1.  How  does  Tcind  compare  with  kin?  2.  "What  do  kin  and  kindred  de- 
note ?  3.  What  is  affinity?  How  docs  it  differ  from  consanguinity f 


A  little  moro  than f  and  lass  than  . 

Ho  held  his  seat,-— a  friend  to  the  human  • . 

The  patient  bride,  a  little  sad, 
Leaving  of  home  and        . 

KNOWLEDGE  (page  311) 


1.  What  is  knowledge?  How  does  it  differ  from  information?  2.  What  in 
perception?  apprehension?  cognizance?  3.  What  is  intuition?  4. 
What  is  experience,  and  how  does  it  differ  from  intuition?  6.  What 
in  learning?  erudition? 


— —  comes,  but  wisdom  lingers. 
The  child  is  continually  seeking  ;  hence  his  endless  questions. 

'Tia  the  sunset  of  life  gives  me  mystical , 

And  coming  events  cast  thoir  shadows  before* 
fl  lie  at  the  very  foundation  of  all  reasoning* 

LANGUAGE  (page  312) 


1,  What  is  the  derivation  of  language?  What  was  its  original  signification ? 
How  wide  is  its  present  meaning)  2.  As  regards  the  use  of  words, 
what  does  language  denote  in  the  general  and  in  tho  restricted  sense? 
3.  What  does  speech  always  involve?  4.  Oan  we  speak  of  the  speech 
of  animals?  of  their  language?  5.  What  is  a  dialect?  a  lartarismt 
an  idiom  f  6.  What  in  a  patois  f  How  docs  it  differ  from  a  dialect? 
7.  What  in  a  vernacular? 


We  must  be  free  or  dlo,  who  speak  the  •" 
That  Shakespeare  spake:  the  faith  and  morals  hold 
Which  Milton  held. 

is  great;  but  silence  is  greater. 

An  infant  crying  in  tho  night, 
An  infant  crying  for  the  light, 

And  with  »o "but  a  cry. 

Thought  leapt  out  to  wed  with  Thought, 
Hre  Thought  could  wed  itself  with  — — . 

large                                                                                              582 

A  Babylonish 

Which,  learned  pedants  much  affect- 
Ol  good,  my  lord,  no  Latin , 
I'm  not  *uch  a  truant  since  my  coming 
As  not  to  know  the I  hare  live*  in. 

LARGE  (page  313) 


1.  To  how  many  dimensions  does  large  apply?  How  doea  it  differ  from  lunyf 
2.  How  does  large  compare  with  great?  with  bifff 

Courage,  the  mighty  attribute  of  powers  above, 

By  which  those in  war,  aro  •  In  lorn 

Everything  is  twice  as  measured  on  a  three-year-old's  thrw-foot 

scale  as  on  a  thirty-year-old's  six-foot  scale. 

And  his  manly  voice, 

Turning  again  toward  childish  treble, 
Pipes  and  whisUos  in  its  sound. 

LAW  (page  315) 


1.  What  is  the  definition  of  law  in  its  ideal!  What  does  it  signify  In  com 
mon  use?  2.  What  aro  tho  characterise*  of  command  and  flow 
mandmentf  of  an  edict  f  3.  What  iH  a  mandate?  a  statute  f  an  tnr*l 
ment?  4.  In  what  special  connection  in  formula  commrmly  uiwlf 
ordinance?  order  f  5.  What  ifl  tho  meaning-  of  tew  In  mtoh  an  «*x 
pression  as  "the.  laws  of  nature?"  What  in  more  strictly  nolcntiftc 
use?  6,  What  is  a  code!  jurisprudence t  l«0frlaMon/  What  in  tin 
economy t  Is  law  ever  a  synonym  for  thew  wcirdu,  and  in  what  way? 

Order  is  Heaven's  first — •;  and  thi«  oonffttt, 

Some  are,  and  must  be,  greater  than  the  r«it. 

Those  ho  commands  move  only  in , 

Nothing  in  love. 
His  fair  large  front  and  eye  sublime  dooUrod 


We  have  strict ,  and  most  biting — — k 

tfapokon  gave  Franco  the  best of iho  hw  *t «  posseMed. 

is  physical,  established  >equ«ac«;  intellectual,  »  oondftlOA  of  In* 

telleotual  action  in  order  that  truth  may  be  reached;  and  moral,  «n  irapw*- 
tive  which  determines  the  right  guidance  of  our  higher  lift. 

LIBERTY  (page  316)    * 


1»  What  is  freedomt  2.  What  is  Zi&arty  in  the  primary  senwl  in  the  irldi»rt 
sense!  3.  How  do  freedom  and  Uberty  compare t  4.  How  i«  <n&e- 
vendence  used  in  distinction  from  frttdom  tnd  W>*rtyt  5.  T»  frit* 


rfom  or  K&erty  more  freely  used  in  a  figurative  sense?    6.  What  is 
I\c«n89?    How  does  it  compare  with  Z»6«r*y  and  freedom? 


In  Rousseau's  philosophy  -  IB  conceived  of  as  lawlessness. 
When  -  -  from  her  mountain-height 

Unfurled  her  standard  to  the  air, 
Sho  tore  the  azure  robe  of  night, 

And  set  the  stars  of  glory  thore. 

The  -  to  go  higher  than  we  are  is  given  only  when  we  have  Mr 
amply  tho  duty  of  our  present  sphere 

.....  they  mean  when  they  cry  ) 

For  who  loves  that  must  first  be  wise  and  good. 

LIGHT  (page  317) 


1.  What  is  light  t  2,  What  are  tho  characteristics  of  a  flame!  &  bltutef  3. 
What  iff  a  flare?  a  flash?  4.  What  is  the  sense  of  glare  and  glow? 
How  do  they  differ,  and  to  what  aro  they  applied)  5.  To  what  do 
thine  and  them  refer)  6.  What  do  glimmer,  glitter,  and  shimmer 
denote?  7*  What  is  fflecm?  a  glitter?  a  sparklet  glitiening?  8. 
What  ii  jwfaMRotton?  in  what  two  senses  used)  9.  To  what  are 
twinkle  and  twinklinff  applied?  10.  What  is  Mumination?  incan- 


a  little  spark  may  burst  a  mighty        "  "  • 
A        ,    M  as  of  another  life,  my  kindling  soul  received. 
It  i*  -  ,  that  enables  us  to  see  the  differences  between  thing*;  and 
it  ii  Christ  that  gives  us  -  . 

White  with  tho  whiteness  of  the  snow, 
Pink  with  faintest  rosy  -  , 
They  blossom  on  their  sprays, 

Ghastly  in  the  -  of  day. 
.........  in  golden  ooats  like  imageg, 

80  -  fl  good  deed  ia  a  naughty  world, 
There's  but  tho  -  of  a  star 
Between  a  man  of  peace  and  war. 

LISTEN  (page  318) 


1,  What  does  htar  signify)   What  does  listen  add  to  the  meaning  of  hearf 
a.  What  does  attend  add  to  the  moaning  of  fofenf    0.  What  does  hetti 
further  imply)     4.  What  is  th*  difference  between  Utten  for  and 
Kritn  tot 

Ani  ...............  |  how  blithe  the  throstle  singa; 

He,  too,  is  no  mean  preacher; 
TIU  i  -  aBa  - 
If  a  step  draweth  near. 

literature  584 

make _ 

Chill  airs  and  wintry  winds  1  my  oar 
Has  grown  familiar  with  your  song; 

I  it  in  the  opening  year, 

I and  it  cheers  me  long. 

,  every  one 

That may,  unto  a  tale 

That's  merrier  than  the  nightingale. 

The  men  lay  silent  in  the  tall  grass  for  the  signal  gun  that 

should  bid  them  rise  and  charge. 

LITERATURE  (page  319) 


1.  What  is  literature  in  the  most  general  son  fief  In  more  limited  noniftf 
2.  What  does  literature,  used  absolutely,  denote  ?  3.  How  may  ftfrra- 
ture  include  science f  How  is  it  ordinarily  contrasted  with  science? 


Wherever consoles  sorrow  or  assuages  pain ;  whurovor  it  brings 

gladness  to  eyes  which  fail  with  wakcfulneas  and  toarw — there  ii  exhibited 
in  its  noblest  form  tho  immortal  influence  of  Ath<m«, 

are  life-long  friends. 

are  embalmed  minds. 

In  our  own  language  wo  have  a      nowhere  eurpanaod,  in 

lock  no  foreign  key  will  ever  rust. 

LOAD  (pago  319) 


1.  From  what  language  is  burden  derived,  and  with  what  primary  mo ftnlng  f 
load?  2.  What  does  weight  signify  f  How  doou  it  comparo  with  toad 
and  burden?  3.  What  are  carffo,  freight,  and  lading  1  4.  What  it 
the  distinctive  sense  of  pack? 


Bear  ye  one  another's  — -. 

Wearing  all  that  — — — 
Of  learning  lightly  like  a  flower. 
The  ass  will  carry  his >,  but  not  a  double  • '. 

LOOK  (page  320) 


1.  What  IB  the  distinction  between  look  and  set?  botwfcsn  the**  words  *nd 
behold?  2.  What  is  it  to  gaze?  to  glaMtl  to  ttaret  $,  What  do  <fl<m, 
trupect,  and  turvey  respectively  oxpr<»««,  and  how  »rn  th*»y 
gnished  from  one  another?  1,  What  t)pim»ut  or  «*lc»tt»«nt«  doi»« 
add  to  th<»  meaning  of  lookf 

585                                                                                        literature 
.  make 


It  IB  always  well  to at  people  when  addressing  them. 

Having  eyes  they  not,  and  having  oafs  hear  not. 

Then  gently your  brother  man, 

Still  gentler  sister  woman; 
Tho'  they  may  gang  u  kennin  wrang, 
To  step  aside  is  human. 

My  soul  waitoth  for  the   Lord  more  than  they  that  for  th« 


How  peacefully  the  broad  and  golden  moon 

Comes  up  to upon  the  reaper's  toil  I 

I  am  monarch  of  all  I  •• , 

My  right  there  in  none  to  dispute; 
From  the  center  all  round  to  the  sea, 

I  am  lord  of  the  fowl  and  the  brute. 
Bu^  ,  t  the  morn  in  russet  mantle  clad, 

Walks  o'er  the  dow  of  yon  high  eastern  hill. 

LOVE  (page  321) 


1.  What  in  afftctionf    2.  What  may  bo  given  as  a  brief  definition  of  lovef 
S.  Does  affection  apply  to  persons  or  things  ?  To  what  doos  love  apply  ? 

4,  What  term  is  preferable  to  love  as  applying  to  articles  of  food  and 
the  like?    5.  How  does  love  differ  from  affection?  from  friendship f 


Poaco,  commerce,  and  honest with  all  nations  help  to  form  the 

bright  constellation  which  has  gone  before  us. 

And  you  must  love  him  era  to  you  he  will  seem  worthy  of  your  •  . 

Tet  pity  for  a  horse  o'er  driven 

And  in  which  my  hound  has  part 

Can  hang  no  weight  upon  my  heart, 
In  its  assumptions  up  to  heaven. 

gjuolx and  unbroken  faith 

As  temper  life's  worst  bitterness. 

MAKE  (page  322) 

1,  What  if  the  essential  idea  of  mafat    8.  How  is  male*  allied  with  create? 

5.  How  is  ma%«  allied  with  compote  or  constitute?    4.  What  are  some 
chief  antonyms  for  maket    5.  What  are  the  prepositions  chiefly  used 
with  make,  and  how  employed! 

In  the  beginning  Ctod  — —  the  heaven  and  the  earth. 

The  mason ,  the  architect *. 

I  assert  confidently  that  it  is  in  the  power  of  one  American  mother  to 
— —  a*  many  gentlemen  as  she  has  sons* 

marriage                                                                                 586 
memory ._ 

Newton  discovered,  but  did  not the  law  of  gravitation. 

The  river  flows  over  a  bed  of  pebbles  like  those  that  '  the  boaoh 

and  the  surrounding  plains. 

A  hermit  and  a  wolf  or  two 
My  whole  acquaintance  — -— % 

If  we  were  not  willing,  they  possessed  tho  power  of ua  to  do 

them  justice. 

The  lessons  of  adversity   sometimes  soften  and  -.••••••-•,  but  an  oftan 

<hey  indurate  and  pervert. 

MARRIAGE  (page  323) 


1.  What  does  matrimony  specifically  denote  1  2*  What  two  lensflB  hau  war- 
nag e?  3.  From  what  language  ia  wadlock  derived!  what  1>  its  diH- 
tinctive  use*  4.  What  is  the  moaning  of  wedding f  nuptialt! 


Let  me  not  to  the of  true  minds  admit  impedimenta. 

The  lover  was  killed  in  a  duol  on  the  night  before  tho  iuteiufrd  — — — % 

I'll  join  my  oldest  daughter,  and  my  joy, 

To  him  forthwith  in  holy bonds, 

MASCULINE  (page  323) 


1.  To  what  is  male  applied?  To  what  maatuHntt  2.  To  what  duo*  manfy 
refer?  manful?  In  what  connection  can  vianli/  be*  Uftid  wh*r*  manful 
could  not  be  substituted?  8.  What  ID  the  aenjx*  of  tnanntehf  viril? I 


Every  virtue  in  the  higher  phases  of eharaator  l>*»«in«  la  truth 

and  pity  or  truth  and  reverence  to  all  womanhood. 
One  brave  and  — •*— —  «tru#$le 
And  he  gained  the  solid  land 
And  the  cover  of  the  mountain! 
And  the  carbines  of  his  band. 

So  Gk>d  created  man  in  hii  own  image,  in  the  im*g«  of  God  oroatftd  h« 
him;  and  *emale  created  he  them* 

MASSACRE  (page  324) 

I.  What  is  masfacrtf  butchery  f  havoc  f    2.  To  what  dofn  fi*mn&6 

refer!  tlwtffhter?    S,  Which  of  thftue  word«  can  ta  u»fd  of  *h§ 
atruction  of  life  in  open  and  honorable  warfare! 


Mark!  where  his and  hi*  oonqu«*t«  cca««I 

Ho  makes  a  solitude  and  call*  it 

587  marriage 


Forbade  to  wade  .through  •  to  a  throne, 

And  shut  the  gates  of  mercy  on  mankind. 
The  capture  of  Port  Arthur  was  followed  toy  a  terrible  -  . 

MEDDLESOME  (page  324) 


1.  What  is  the  conduct  specially  characteristic  of  a  meddlesome  person  f  of 
on  intrusive  person?  of  one  who  is  obtrusive  f  officious?  2.  To  what 
in  obtrusive  chiefly  applied?  intrusive?  offioiou*?  meddlesome  t 


Whnro  sorrow's  hold  -  and  turned  out, 
There  wisdom  will  not  enter  nor  true  power, 
Nor  aught  that  dignifies  humanity. 
&  —  -  monkey  had  boon  among  the  papers. 

MELODY  (page  326) 


1.  What  ifi  harmony?  melody?  In  what  special  feature  does  the  one  differ 
from  the  other?  2.  How  many  parts  are  required  for  harmony  f  how 
many  for  melody  f  3.  What  is  unison?  4,  What  does  'music  include  1 

Sweetest  - 
Are  those  that  are  by  distance  made  more  sweet* 

'••,  when  soft  voices  die, 
Tib  rates  in  the  memory. 
Bing  out  ye  crystal  spheres 
And  with  your  ninefold          •  •  • 
Make  up  full  consort  to  the  angelic       •  ••  h 

MEMORY  (page  327) 


1*  What  in  memory  in  the  special  and  in  th«  general  sonae?     2.  What  is 
rtmambrawt,  and  how  distinguished  from  memory  1     3.  Is  r«wwm- 
bwtM  voluntary  or  involuntary?    4*  What  le  r«a0Zta>tfon,  and  what 
do««  it  involve}     5.  What  iw  reminiscence  f  rotrospectionf    How  do 
thaee  two  words  differ? 

.............  lilto  a  pum,  ii  it  be  over-full  that  it  can  not  shut,  all  will  drop 

out  of  it;  take  heed  of  a  gluttonous  curioiity  to  feed  on  many  thing*,  lest 
tho  grcftdinoss  of  the  appetite  of  thy  .............  spoil  the  digestion  thereof. 

—  wakes  with  all  her  bu*y  train, 
Swells  at  my  breast,  and  turns  the  past  to  pain. 

It  to  a  favorite  device  of  eminent  won  to  devote  their  old  age  to  writing 
thus  quietly  living  over  again  a  busy  or  tumultuous  life. 

xnercy  588 

modesty | P««_____^«^_-~--«_~«-« * 

MERCY  (page  327) 


1.  What  is  mercy  in  the  strictest  sense?  2.  To  what  class  ia  /yr«c«  shown  t 
S.  To  what  class  are  mercy,  forgiveness,  and  pardon  extended T  4, 
In  what  wider  significations  is  m0rw  used?  5.  What  i«  clemency? 
leniency  or  lenity?  How  do  these  words  compare  with  mercy? 


How  would  you  be, 

If  He,  which  is  the  top  of  judgment,  should 
But  judge  you  as  you  are?  O,  think  on  that; 

And then  will  breathe  within  your  Up*, 

Like  man  new  made. 

The  only  protection  which  the  conquered  could  find  was  In  thu  modera- 
tion, the  ,  and  the  enlarged  policy  of  the  conqueror*. 

To  favor  sin  is  to  discourage  virtue;  undue  « —  to  the  lad  U  tm» 

kindness  to  the  good* 

METER  (page  328) 


1.  What  is  euphony?  How  does  it  diffor  from  meter ,  mtofwvi,  Mid  rhythm? 
2.  How  are  rhythm  and  meter  produced?  3.  How  dew*  mtttr  cliflVr 
from  rhythm?  4.  What  is  a  verse  in  the  strict  Htaitel  In  what  wider 
sense  is  the  word  often  used) 


is  a  very  vague  and  unscientific  term  Each  nation  <*<m«idrr* 

its  own  language,  each  tribe  its  own  dialect,  euphonb. 

may  be  defined  to  be  a  succession  of  poetical  toot  arranged  In 

regular  order  according  to  certain  types  recognized  as  standard*,  in  vorws 
of  a  determinate  length. 

We  have  three  principal  domains  in  which  "  •• manifoatg  it*  nature 

and  power — dancing,  music,  poetry. 

MIND  (page  329) 

1.  What  is  mind?  How-  does  it  differ  from  intellect t  2.  What  doe« 

nee«  include)  la  it  attended  with  distinct  thinking  and  willing  T  3, 
What  is  the  soulf  4.  From  what  In  spirit  uwd  in  «pf*UI  <w»tr»dlH" 
tinction?  How  does  it  differ  from  aoult  6.  What  I*  P»l«y*i  defini- 
tion of  instinct?  6.  In  what  contrasted  meaning*  U  th*  word  **n*e 
employed?  7.  What  is  thouyhi? 


•  will  be  strong  to  live,  at  wen  M  to  think. 
— ;  and  they  that  worship  him  mutt  worihlp  him  in 
-  and  in  truth, 



MINUTE  (page  330) 


1.  What  in  the  meaning  of  minute  f  2.  When  is  a  thing  said  to  be  cont< 
minuted 9  3.  How  does  fine  differ  from  comminuted!  4.  What  terms 
are  applied  to  an  account  extended  to  minute  particulars?  to  an  ex- 
amination similarly  extended? 


No  room  so  warm  and  bright, 

Wherein  to  road,  whereiu  to  write. 

Life  hangs  on,  hold  1>y  a  — thread. 

An  organism  HO  •  >  •  an  to  bo  visible  only  under  the  microscope,  yet 
poMCHMd  of  life,  motion,  and  Booming  intelligence  is  a  source  of  ceaseless 

MISFORTUNE  (page  331) 


1.  What  is  misfortune?  Ts  tho  suffer w  considered  blameworthy  for  itf  2, 
What  is  Calamity  ¥  disaster t  3.  In  what  special  sense  are  the  words 
affliction,  chastening,  trial,  and  tribulation  used?  How  are  these  lour 
words  discriminated  the  one  from  another) 

He's  not  valiant  that  dares  die, 

But  ho  that  boldly  bears . 

X  never  knew  a  man  in  life  who  could  not  bear  another's  per- 
fectly like  a  Christian, 

MODEL  (page  334) 


1*  What  is  a  model?  a  pattern?  How  arc  they  distinguished  from  one  an- 
other! 2.  Which  admits  of  freedom  or  idealization? 


Things  done  without ,  in  their  issue 

Ar«  to  bo  foar'd. 

$4  a to  others,  and  then  all  will  go  well. 

Washington  and  his  flompears  had  no of  a  federal  republic  with 

constitutional  bonds  and  limitations. 

Moses  was  admonished,  See  that  thou  make  all  things  according  to  the 
— —  ihewed  to  thoe  in  the  mount. 

MODESTY  (page  334) 


1.  What  if  modttty  in  the  general  sense  f  In  what  specific  seneo  in  the  word 
also  Uicd?     2.  What  is  ~bashjuln«8af  diffidence  t  coynffif  reservtf 

money  590 



For  faience  and  chaste  •  •  is  woman's  genuine  praine,  and  to  romain 
quiet  withm  the  house. 

If  a  young  lady  has  that  difacretion  and  -,  without  which  all 

knowledge  is  little  worth,  she  will  never  make  an  ostentatious  parade  ot  it* 

His  shrinking was  often  mistaken  for  a  proud  . 

MONEY  (page  335) 


1.  What  is  money?  specie?  cash?    2.  How  dooH  property  diftVr  from 
3.  What  is  bullion?  capital f 


I  am  not  covetous  for     ; 

Nor  care  I  who  doth  fried  upon  my  coht. 

For  the  love  of  is  the  root  of  all  evil. 

He  converted  all  his into  ready 

One  who  undertakes  to  do  business  without fa  llkftly  to  b« 

ily  straitened  for . 

"•  in  reversion  may  "be  of  far  loss  value  than in  hand 

MOROSE  (page  335) 


1.  By  what  characteristics  are  the  morose  distinguished?  the  tnllcn  ami 
sulky?  2.  How  does  sullen  differ  from  eulJeyt  S*  What  i«  tht*  m<»nn 
ing  of  surly?  4,  Which  of  these  wordft  denote  tranfttant  mood*  nml 
which  denote  enduring  states  or  disposition? 


My  master  is  of disposition, 

And  little  recks  to  find  the  way  to  hoavfin 
By  doing  deeds  of  hospitality. 

A  poet  who  fails  in  writing,  becomes  often  a  — —  critic. 

Ha  answered  with  a  '   growL 

Achilles  remained  in  his  tent  in •»    "  inaction. 

MOTION  (page  336) 


1.  What  is  motion?    2,  How  does  motion  dlffar  from  tnov«m*ntf   ftta»  ex- 
amples.   3.  In  what  sense  ie  move  employed?    4.  What  in  the 
sense  of  motion  in  a  deliberative  assembly?     d,  Ig  action  or 
the  more  comprehensive  word?   Which  it  commonly  u«rd  in 
to  the  mind? 


That  is  best  which  proourw  the  gmtftrt  happlnem  lor  thi 

greatest  numbers. 

591  money 

is  no  death  1   What  acorns  so  is  -  >; 
THi«  life  of  mortal  breath 
Is  but  a  suburb  of  the  life  elysian, 

Whoso  portal  we  call  Death. 
The  Oopornican  theory  first  clearly  explained  the  -  of  the  planets. 

MUTUAL  (page  337) 


1.  What  is  the  moaning  of  common?  mutual?  reciprocal?  2.  1$  it  correct 
to  apeak  of  a  mutual  friend  ? 


— —  friendships  will  admit  of  division,  oixo  may  lovo  the  beauty  of 
this,  tho  good  humor  of  that  person. 

In  all  true  family  life  thoro  is  a  — ' dependence  which  binds  hearts 


•  action  10  tho  rule  in  tho  human  body,  where  every  part  is 

alternately  means  And  end,  and  every  action  both  cause  and  effect. 

NAME  (page  33S) 


1.  What  it  a  name  in  tlio  meet  general  flonflc  9  2.  In  the  mote  limited  sense, 
how  dooB  a  name  differ  from  tin  appellation?  a  title?  G-ive  Instanced 
of  the  ufie  of  those  three  words.  $.  Prom  what  language  is  epithet 
dorJvwl?  What  is  H»  primary  moaning  1  4.  What  doos  epithet  sig- 
nify in  literary  uw>¥  5.  What  part  of  speech  ia  an  epithet?  Is  it 
favorablo  or  unfavorable  in  Bonification  ?  6.  What  is  a  cognomen  f 
How  doe*  it  ditfor  from  a  surname?  7.  What  is  style  considered  as  a 
iynonym  of  natnc? 


Those  he  commands,  move  only  in  command 
Nothing  in  love :  now  does  ho  feel  the  -   ••• 
Hang  loose  about  him,  like  a  giant's  robe 
Upon  a  dwarfish  thief. 

0  magnify  the  Lord  with  mo,  and  lot  us  exalt  Ms together, 

NATIVE  (page  339) 


1.  What  does  native  denote?  natal 9  natural?  2.  What  examples  are  givem 
in  the  text  of  fch«  correct  use  of  these  wordaf 


1  would  ft6viM  no  child's  being  taught  music  who  has  not  a  — - 
aptitude  for  it. 

It  was  the  4th  of  July,  the  — day  of  American  freedom. 

nautical  f>92 

normal  _  ________ 

NAUTICAL  (page  330) 


1.  From  what  is  manne  derived?  maritime  ?  What  do  th*se  two  word*  r<v 
spectively  signify?  2.  From  what  is  naval  derived?  nautical?  How 
do  these  words  differ  in  meaning?  3.  How  does  ocean,  u«t«d  ad- 
jectively,  differ  from  oceanic! 


That  sea-boast, 

Leviathan,  whioh  God  of  all  his  works 
Created  hugest  that  swim  tho  -  strewn. 

NEAT  (page  340) 


1.  What  does  clean  signify?  2.  Does  orderly  apply  to  pcrwms  or  thing*, 
and  in  what  sense?  3.  What  does  tidy  donoto?  4.  What  it*  th« 
meaning  of  neat?  5.  How  does  nice  compare  with  neatf  6,  Wh*t 
is  the  significance  of  spruce?  trim?  dapper? 

If  he   (Jefferson)   condescended  to  turn  .........  twntoncw  for  dfHcfttA 

ears  —  still,  he  was  essentially  an  earnest  man. 

Still  to  be  -  ,  still  to  bo  dr««u»d, 
As  you  were  going  to  a  feast, 
Still  to  be  powdor'd,  still  porfumM. 

NECESSARY  (page  341) 


1.  When  is  a  thing  properly  said  to  bo  necessary?  ft.  What  ii  thft  meaning 
of  essential?  How  does  it  differ  from  indtepmtabttt  3.  With 
to  what  is  a  thing  said  to  bo  wquMt?  How  dowt  r/*r/ufc#<» 
with  essential  and  inditp«n*able  ?  4,  How  do  infvMtk  and 
able  compare?  To  what  kind  of  thing*  are  both  tfeww*  word* 
6.  How  do  needed  and  needful  comparo  with 


As  you  grow  ready  for  it,  somewhere  or  other  you  will  find  whit  if 
—  for  you  in  a  book. 

The  ideas  of  space  and  time  are  called  in  philosophy  ......................  id***. 

NECESSITY  (page  341) 


1.  What  is  necessity  1  2.  What  do  need  and  want  imply?  How  do*t  ntrd 
compare  with  want?  3.  How  does  nec«8ttoy  compw  with  n#td9  4. 
What  is  an  essential? 

593  nautical 

^M--W_->____B<-IW___ | normal 


Courage  is,  on  all  hands,  considered  as  an of  high  character. 

No  living  man  can  bend  mo  to  the  shades 
Before  my  time,  no  man  of  woman  born. 
Coward  or  brave,  can  shun  his . 

NEGLECT  (page  342) 


1.  What  IK  nttffltctt  negligent  el  How  do  the  two  words  compare?  2, 
What  HCWBOB  hatt  negligence  that  neglect  has  not!  3.  Which  of  the 
two  words  may  be  lined  in  a  passive  sense?  4,  What  is  the  legal 
phrase  for  a  punishable  omission  of  duty? 


Ah,   why 

Should  wo,  in  the  world's  riper  years,     

God's  ancient  sanctuaries,  and  adore 
Only  among  the  crowd. 

But,  alas,  to  make 

A  fixed  figure,  for  the  hand  of  

To  point  his  fllow  unmoving  finger  at. 

NEW  (page  343) 


t.  What  in  the  moaning  of  new  9  of  modern?  of  recent t  2.  How  does  recent 
compare  with  new 9  3*  What  ifl  the  moaning  of  novel?  of  fresh?  4. 
To  what  do  young  and  youthful  distinctively  apply? 

NIMBLE  (page  344) 


1.  To  what  doe*  nimble  properly  refer?  2.  To  what  does  swift  apply?  3. 
How  does  alert  compare  with  nimble?  For  what  is  alert  more  properly 
»  synonym? 


Win  her  with  gifts,  if  she  respects  not  words; 
Dumb  j«wols  often,  in  their  silent  kind, 

More than  words,  do  move  a  woman's  mind* 

Profound  thinkers  are  often  helpless  in  society,  while  shallow  men  have 
i'  .  i- and  ready  minds. 

NORMAL  (page  344) 


1,  What  does  natural  signify  t  normal  t  Give  instances  of  the  distinctive 
use  of  the  two  words*  2,  What  doaa  typical  signify  t  re0iA#r?  com- 
mon f  " 

notwithstanding  594 

old .-- 


He  does  it  -with  a  bettor  grace,  but  I  do  it  moro . 

The  round  of  work  may  grow  monotonous,  hut  it  ia  evidently 




1.  What  is  the  signification  of  however  as  a  conjunction!  of  nfwrtltflr»«t 
2.  "Which  is  tho  mofet  emphatic  word  of  the  group  and  what  doo«  it 
signify?  3.  How  do  yet  and  still  compare  wilh  mrttoithnt&ntHnfft 
with  but?  4.  What  is  tho  force  of  though  and  although  t  6.  Wow 
does  notwithstanding  as  a  proposition  differ  from  dtspitfl  or  in 
spite  oft 


do  thy  worst,  old  Time;  dofipite  thy  wrong, 

My  love  shall  in  my  verse  ever  live  young, 

till  all  graces  bo  in  ono  woman,  OHO  woman  fthall  not  coma  in 

my  grace. 

There  was  an  immense  crowd  ••  the  Inclement  weather. 

OATH  (page  346) 


1.  What  is  an  oath?  an  affidavit  t  How  doe«  the  ttJttttttiU  differ  from  th« 
oatht  2.  What  is  an  adjnration9  3.  What  in  a  wtwt  How  <lw«h  It 
differ  from  an  oath?  4.  Of  what  word*  in  oath  A  popular  *ynonymf 
6.  In  what  do  anathema,  curse >  execration,  and  imyrpcaJiifn  ttKrwt 
6.  What  is  an  anathema?  7.  Ts  a  eur**  ju«t  or  unjtifitf  8*  What 
docs  execration  express  1  itnprtcationl 


Better  is  it  that  thou  shouIdoKt  not    •  %  than  that  thou  ghouldett 

• and  not  pay. 

Then  how  can  any  man  he  laid 
To  break  an        ho  never  made! 

OBSCURE  (page  347) 


1.  What  is  obscure?  2.  How  docs  ofawrt  oompar*  with  eompHct*t&t  witn 
oompUxt  with  abttrwet  with  profound  t 

OBSOLETE    (page  348) 


1.  When  ie  a  word  obsolete?  When  10  A  word  arahttet  2,  T*  *n  old  w 
ancient  word  necessarily  oltoUtet  3,  Whit  ti  m<t*nt  by  wyinf  that 
a  word  is  rar*f  4.  If  a  ror*  word  neotwtrHy  obsolete  or  an 
word  necessarily  rare  f 



When  the  labors  of  modern  philologies  began,  Sanscrit  was  the  most 

• "  of  all  the  Aryan  languages  known  to  them. 

Atlas,  wo  road  in  song 

Wan  BO  exceedingly  tall  and  strong, 
lie  bore  tho  skitis  upon  his  back, 
Just  as  the  podlor  does  his  pack. 

It  is  wonderful  that  so  fow  words  are  found  in  Shakespeare 

After  the  lap«e  of  three  conturxes. 

OBSTINATE   (page  348) 


1.  How  docs  headstrong  differ  from  obstinate  and  stubborn?  2.  How  do 
obstinate  and  stubborn  differ  from  oaoh  other?  'Which  is  commonly 
applied  to  the  inferior  animals  and  to  inanimate  things?  3,  What  is 
the  meaning  of  refractory?  How  does  It  differ  from  stubborn?  Which 
word  is  applied  to  metal**,  and  in  what  sense?  4.  What  IB  tho  mean- 
ing of  obdurate?  oontumaHou*?  pertinacious?  5,  What  words  do  we 
apply  to  the  unyielding  character  or  conduct  that  we  approve? 

I»  it  in  hoav'n  a  crime  to  love  too  well? 

To  boar  too  tender,  or  too a  heart, 

To  act  a  Lover's  or  a  Roman's  part? 

"I  shall  talk  of  what  t  like,"   she   said  wilfully,   clasping  her  hands 
round  her  knees  with  tho  gesture  of  an    •  '          child. 

OBSTRUCT  (page  349) 


1.  What  In  the  literal  meaning  of  obstruct!  How  does  it  compare  with 
hinder  1  2.  How  does  obstruct  compare  with  Impede?  3.  What  does 
arrest  signify  in  the  sanse  hare  considered? 


There  10  a  certain  wisdom  of  humanity  which  i«  common  to  the  greatest 
men  with  the  lowest,  and  which  our  ordinary  education  often  labors  to 

•iltnod  And  *"" '• 

No,  no — -Ing  the  vast  wheel  of  time, 

That  round  and  round  still  turns  with  onward  might. 

OLD  (page  350) 


1.  What  does  old  signify  ?  2,  How  do  old  and  ancient  compare  ?  8,  What 
contrasted  senses  has  old?  4.  What  Is  the  special  force  of  olden? 
B.  In  what  sense  are  gray,  hoary,  and  olden  used  of  material  objects? 
6.  To  what  is  aged  chiefly  applied?  7.  To  what  do  decrepit,  gray, 
And  hoary  apply,  AS  said  of  human  beings?  8.  To  what  doos  senile 

operation  50  (i 

pain  _  |  _  .  _  ___ 

apply?    9.  In  what  sense  is  elderly  used)    10.  What  am  thn  primary 
and  derived  meanings  of  remote!    11.  What  does  venerable 

'Ufa*  hffla, 

Bock-ribbed  and  ••••^  .....  »B  the  sun,  —  the 

Stretching  in  pensive  quietness  between; 

The  —  ,  ..........   woods,  .   .   . 

.    .    .  and,  poured  round  all, 

-  ocean's  gray  find  .melancholy  waster-- 

Are  but  the  solemn  decorations  all 

Of  the  great  tomb  of  man. 
Through  the  sequestered  vale  of  rural  life, 
The  -  patriarch  guileless  held 
The  tonor  of  his  way. 
good  .....    head  which  all  mon  know  I 

Shall  we,  shall  -  mon,  like  .............  trees. 

Strike  deeper  their  vile  root,  and  donor  cling, 
Still  more  enamored  of  their  wrotched  toll  ? 

OPERATION   (page  351 


1.  What  does  operation  denote?  and  by  what  kind  of  agent  is  U  eftootfdf 
2.  What  do  performance  and  ox&cutwn  dtmotti?  and  by  what  kind  of 
agents  are  they  effected?  3.  How  dona  performance  differ  from  **«• 

The  tools  of  working  out1  salvation 

By  mere  mechanic . 

His  promises  were,  an  he  then  wan,  mighty; 
But  his ,  as  ha  is  aow,  nothing. 

ORDER  (page  351) 

1.  What  does  instruction  imply?  direction?     2.  How  doftfl  order 

with  direction?  3.  To  what  dwet  of  person*  ar«  crdirt  specially 
given?  How  docs  an  order  in  the  commercial  B  tin  MI  burotni*  Authctt-i- 
tative?  4,  How  does  command  compare  with  ord«rf  5.  In  what  tf«Diwi 
is  requirement  used?  By  what  authority  is  a  requirement  mod*?  6. 
In  what  sense  is  prohibition  used?  injunction f 


General  Sherman  writes  in  his  Memoir*,  "X  have  novor  in  my  lift 
tioned  or  disobeyed  an  — — ." 

"Ye  shall  become  like  God"--transcendtirt  ftttl 
That  God's  — — —  forgot,  she  plunked  and  ftte. 

597  operation 

f  pain. 

OSTENTATION   (page  352) 


X,  What  is  ostentation?  How  doos  it  compare  with  boasting?  display  f 
shout  2.  What  is  pomp?  pageant  or  pageantry?  What  do  the  two 
latter  words  suggest,  and  how  do  they  compare  with  pomp?  3.  From 
what  is  parade  derived)  What  is  its  primary  meaning?  With  what 
implication  is  it  always  used  in  the  metaphorical  sense?  How  does 
parade  compare  with  ostentation? 


The  boant  of  heraldry,  the  of  power, 

And  all  that  beauty,  all  that  wealth  e'er  gave, 
Await  alike  the  inevitable  hour; 

The  paths  of  glory  lead  hut  to  the  grave* 

The  President's  salary  doos  not  permit ,  nor,  indeed,  is  

expected  of  him. 

With  all  his  wealth,  talent,  and  learning,  he  was  singularly  free  from 

OUGHT  (page  353) 


1.  What  does  ought  properly  signify?  2.  How  does  ought  compare  with 
should?  3.  In  what  secondary  sense  is  ought  sometimes  used? 


He  ha*  not  a  right  to  do  what  ho  likes,  but  only  what  he with 

his  own,  which  after  all  is  his  own  only  in  a  qualified  sense. 

Age  kavo  reverence,  and be  worthy  to  have  it. 

OVERSIGHT  (page  353) 


1,  In  what  two  contrasted  senses  is  over  tight  used?  2.  How  does  superin- 
tendence compare  with  oversight?  8.  With  what  special  reference  is 
control  unod?  4.  What  kind  of  a  term  is  surveillance  and  what  does 
it  imply? 


Those   able  to   conduct  great  enterprises  must  be  allowed  wage*  of 

0  tfrtoadihip,  e<tual  poiwd 1 

Feed  the  flock  of  Cod  which  is  among  you,  taking  the thereof 

not  by  constraint,  but  willingly. 

PAIN   (page  354) 


3U  What  I*  pain?  suffering^    2.  How  does  distress  rank  as  compared  with 
pain  and  suffering?    3.  What  is  an  ache?  a  three?  a  paroxysm? 
iff  fiffOWf 

palliate  598 

fc   patience  _  .  .  ..     . 

To  each  his  -  s;  all  arc  men, 

Condemned  alike  to  groan; 
The  tender  for  another's  -, 

The  unfeeling  for  his  own. 
Tho  weariest  and  most  loathed  worldly  life 
That  age,  -  ,  penury,  and  imprisonment 
Can  lay  on  nature. 

PALLIATE   (page  354) 


1.  How  do  cloak  and  pattiate  agree  in  original  moaning)  How  do  thoy  differ 
in  the  derived  senses9  2,  What  is  it  to  extenuate,  and  how  doc* 
that  word  compare  with  palliate? 


Speak  of  me  as  I  am;  nothing          •  » 
Nor  aught  set  down  in  malice. 

We  would  not  dissemble  nor  -   four  tr  an  Hgr  canton*]   before  tho 
face  of  Almighty  God,  our  hoavcnly  Father. 

I  shall  never  attempt  to      •  ••"    my  own  foiblwt  by  oxpouing  th<»  *»rror 
of  another, 

PARDON,  v.  (page  355) 


1.  "What  is  it  to  pwrdont  2.  To  what  doos  forfftvr  ri'frrfr  3,  H0w  do 
pardon  and  forgive  differ  in  UHO  in  accordance  with  th<*  difltor^nce  in 
meaning?  4.  What  is  it  to  rtmitf  to  condontt  to  cxcu*st 

How  many  will  say  .......  ", 

And  find  a  kind  of  Hoenma  in  tho  sound 
To  hate  a  little  longer! 

I  ..............  him,  ai  heaven  shall  —  -  —  —  me. 

To  err  is  human  ,  to  ...............  t  divine. 

PARDON,  n,  (page  356) 


1.  What  is  acquittal?  How  does  it  differ  from  pardon  u  regard*  th« 
person  acquitted  or  pardoned?  2.  Is  an  innoowit  person  «rw  pwr» 
doned?  S.  What  is  oblivion  f  amnesty!  abtclutiont 

For  'tis  sweet  to  stammer  ono  letter 

Of  the  Eternal's  language  ;—  on  earth  it  ii  called  ............. 

not  wrath,  is  God's  boat  attribute, 
-  to  the  injured  do««  bolong, 
But  ihry  »t»Vr  -  who  hard  don*  th«  wrong, 

599  palliate 


PART,  n.  (page  357) 


What  la  a  parti  2.  What  is  a  fragment?  a  piece?  3.  What  do  division 
and  fraction  signify?  4.  Tf/tat  IB  a  portwn?  6.  What  is  a  share? 
an  instalment?  a  particle?  6  What  do  component,  constituent,  in- 
yredient,  and  element  signify?  How  do  they  differ  from  one  another! 
7.  What  if)  a  subdivision? 


Tho  best  —  of  a  good  man's  life, 

His  little,  namolosfl,  unromombered  acts 
Of  kindness  and  of  lovo. 

Spirits  that  live  throughout 

Vital  in  every  .    .    . 

Can  not  but  by  annihilating;  die. 
Many  choap  ho u HOB  were  built  to  be  sold  by & 

PARTICLE   (page  358) 


1.  What  IK  *  particle?  2,  What  do  OB  atom  otymologically  signify?  What  is 
iti  meaning  in  present  scientific  UHU?  3.  What  is  a  molecule,  and  of 
what  in  It  regarded  as  composed?  4.  What  is  an  element  in 

LucrotiuB  held  that  tho  universe  originated  from  a  fortuitous  concourse 

But  thou  shalt  flourish  in  immortal  youth, 

Unhurt  amidBt  the  war  of  H, 

The  wreck  of  matter  and  the  crush  of  worlds. 

Many  aquatic  animals,   whouo  food  consists  of  small  diffused 

through  tho  water,  have  an  apparatus  for  creating  currents  so  as  to  bring 
within  their  reach. 

PATIENCE  (page  358) 


1*  What  it  patience?  2.  What  is  endurance?  3.  How  doss  patience  com- 
pare with  tubtnte&ion  and  endurance?  4,  To  what  are  submitfion 
and  rtiiffnatton  ordinarily  applied?  5,  Wfcat  is  /orb**r<wu>« t  How 
dot*  It  compare  with  patience  t 


With bear  the  lot  to  tfcee  ajwigned, 

Nor  think  it  chance,  nor  murmur  at  the  load, 
For  know  what  man  calls  Fortune  is  from  Gtod. 
Th«re  In,  howwftr,  a  limit  at  which cease*  to  be  a  virtue* 

Pay  ()00 


PAY   (page   359) 


1.  What  is  pctyf  compensation?  remuneration  f  rflcomptntet  2,  What  i»  an 
allowance f  3.  What  arc  wages?  Gaming*?  4,  What  i«  hirct  what 
does  it  imply?  5.  For  -what  is  salami  P<«d?  How  doos  it  differ  from 
wages?  6.  What  is  a  -fee,  and  for  what  given  ? 


I  am  not  aware  that  ,  or  even  favors,  however  graolou*,  bind 

any  man's  soul. 

Our  praises  are  our  . 

Oarey,  in  early  life,  was  a  country  minister  with  a  small  — — •% 
Laborers  are  remunerated  by  <     •      -,  and  officials  by  — — , 

PEOPLE   (page  360) 


1  What  is  a  community?  a  commonwealth?    2.  What  i«  a  ptopltf  a 
3.  What  is  a  stat*?  a  nation  f  4,  What  docs  population  »ignifyt 


A may  let  a  king  fall,  and  still  remain  a  ,  tmt  if  * 

let  his slip  from  him,  he  is  no  longer  a  king* 

Questions  of have  played  a  great  part  in  the  polities  and  war§ 

of  the  latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century,  the  Germanic  %  the 

Slavonic  •  T  the  Italian,  and  the  Greek  — — «  MtruKftlixiK  to  **wrt 

their  unity. 

PERCEIVE  (page  361) 


1.  Whtft  class  of  things  do  wo  perceive?    2.  How  dofls  apprehend  differ  in 
scope  from  paroeivtf    3.  What  docs  ronctfof  ilgnlfyf     4,  How  do*n 
comprehend  compare  with  apprehend?  with  cona«iv*9 

We  may the  tokens  of  the  divine  agency  without  being  able  to 

"Or        the  divine  Being. 

.   .   .  Admitted  once  to  his  embrace, 

Thou  ohalt that  thou  vMt  blind  before. 

0  horror!  horror  I  horror  1   Tongue  nor  heart 
Can  not nor  name  theel 

PERFECT  (page  362) 


1.  What  ia  perfect  in  the  tallest  and  highest  wnwf  2.  What  it  ofrtoZut* 
in  the  fullest  tense?  3.  What  ii  perfect  in  the  limited  iwmwi,  *n4  in 
popular  language? 

601  pay 

...  pernicious 


Wo  have  the  idea  of  a  Being  infinitely ,  and  from  this  Descartes 

reasoned  that  such  a  being  really  exists. 

'Shall  remain' ! 

Hear  you  this  Triton  of  the  minnows?  mark  you 
His 'shall'  ? 

PERMANENT  (page  362) 


1,  From  what  is  durable  derived?  to  what  class  of  substances  is  it  applied? 
2.  What  is  permanent,  and  in  what  connections  used?     3.  How  does 
enduring  compare  with  durable?  with  permanent? 

My  heart  is  wax,  molded  as  she  plcacos,  hut as  marble  to  retain. 

A  violet  in  the  youth  of  primy  nature, 
Forward,  not      •  •    •  ,  sweet,  not  , 

The  perfume  and  suppliance  of  a  minute. 

For  her  merchandise  shall  be  for  them  that  dwell  before  the  Lord,  to 
eat  sufficiently,  and  for clothing. 

PERMISSION  (page  363) 


1.  What  Is  authority?  2.  What  is  permission?  3.  How  does  permission 
compare  with  allowance?  4.  What  is  a  permit?  5.  What  is  licenser 
How  does  it  compare  with  authority?  with  permission?  6.  What  does 
content  involve? 

God  is  more  there  than  thou;  for  thou  art  there 

Only  by  his  . 

Thieves  for  their  robbery  have  , 

When  judges  steal  thomselves. 

Vory  few  of  the  Egyptians  avail  themselves  of  the  which  their 

religion  allows  them,  of  having  four  wives. 

PERNICIOUS  (page  364) 


1,  From  what  is  pwnietou*  derived,  and  what  does  it  signify!  2.  How 
dooi  pernicious  compare  with  injurious?  8.  What  does  noisome  de- 
note? 4.  What  is  the  distinctive  sense  of  noxious?  5.  How  does 
notoiou*  compare  with  noisome? 


InfUunlng  wine,  to  mankind* 

3d  bees  with  smoke,  and  doves  with stench, 

Are  from  their  hives,  and  houses,  driven  away. 

The  strong  smell  of  sulfur,  and  a  choking  sensation  of  the  lungs  indi- 
cated the  presence  of  gases, 

perplexity  602 

plead .   

PERPLEXITY  (page  364) 


1.  What  is  twjptarifyf  confusion?  How  do  the  two  words  compact  2. 
How  do  "bewilderment  and  confusion  compare!  S,  From  what  dor« 
amazement  result! 


CAIUS, — Vere  is  mine  host  de  Jarterret 

HOST. — Here,  master  doctor,  m  —  and  doubtful  dilemma. 

There  is  such m  my  powora 

As,  after  some  oration  fairly  spoke 

By  a  beloved  prince,  there  doth  appear 

Among  the  buzzing,  pleased  multitude. 

PERSUADE   (page  365) 


1.  What  does  convince  denote?  How  does  it  differ  from  the  other  wordi  of 
the  group  ?  2.  What  is  it  to  pfrtuade  t  3.  How  i«  convincing  related 
to  persuasion?  4.  How  does  coax  compare  with  ptrtuadtt 


A  long  train  of  these  practises  has  at  length  unwillingly  * •  mr 

that  there  is  something  hid  behind  the  throne  grefttor  than  the  king  him- 

He  had  a  head  to  contrive,  a  tonguo  to  •  -•  •  »  w&d  a  hand  to  Axwuti* 
any  mischief. 

PERVERSE   (page  366) 


1*  What  is  the  etymological  meaning  of  perutnr?  What  dOftt  it  signify  in 
common  use!  2.  What  does  pttulant  signify f  woywarrff 

And  you,  my  lords — methinks  you  do  not  w*U, 

To  bear  with  their  objectionn. 

Whining,  purblind,  • ••«•  boy! 

Good  Lordl  what  madneii  rulf»  in  brainsick  men 
When,  for  so  slight  and  frivolous  a  oaute, 
emulationu  shall  ari*«. 

PHYSICAL  (page  366) 


1.  What  does  material  signify?  2.  What  idt*  don  ptytiet*  add  to  that 
contained  in  material  f  8.  To  what  do  &0<ftfy»  lorporof,  and  MTforeat 
apply!  4.  How  do  o0<HZy  and  rorporot  differ  frwtt  wrportolf  6, 
To  what  is  corporal  now  for  tho  most  part 

603  perplexity 

— P***A 


-  ,  punishment  is  practically  abandoned  in  the  greater  number  of 

American  schools. 

Man  has  two  parts,  the  one  and  earthly,  the  other  immaterial 

and  spiritual. 

These  races  are  all  clearly  differentiated  by  other  traits  than 

the  color  of  the  skin. 

We  oan  not  think  of  uubstanco  save  in  terms  that  imply prop- 

PITIFUL   (page  367) 


1.  What  was  the  original  mcummff  of  pitiful?  What  does  it  now  signify? 
2.  How  dooe  pitiful  dilTor  in  use  from  pitiable?  3.  What  was  the 
early  and  what  ia  the  preuont  sense  of  piteous? 


There  is  sornothinpr  pleading  and  •  in  the  simplicity    of  perfect 


The  moHt sight  ono  ever  sees  is  a   young  man  doing  nothing; 

tho  JTuries  early  drag  him  to  hie  doom. 
0,  the  mowt      cry  of  the  poor  soulfll 

PITY  (page  368) 


1.  What  ii  p<tyt  sympathy!  %•  How  dooe  sympathy  in  Its  exercise  differ 
from  pity  I  3.  How  doea  pity  differ  from  mercy  9  4.  How  does  com- 
fxmtton  compare  with  mercy  and  pity?  6*  How  does  commistration 
differ  from  compataiont 


Nothing  but  the  Infinite  is  sufficient  for  the  infinite  pathos  of 

human  life. 

Ho  hallows  every  heart  ho  once  has  awayod, 
And  when  his  presence  we  no  longer  share, 
Still  leaves as  a  relic  there. 

PLEAD   (page  369) 


1.  What  Is  it  to  »lto&  in  the  ordinary  sen  MO  t  in  the  legal  sense  t    2,  How 
do  aryu*  and  advocate  differ?     3.  What  do  bet  each,  entreat,  and  to- 
pfor*  imply!    4.  How  does  solicit  compare  with  the  above  words f 

Speak  to  me  low,  my  Savior,  low  and  sweet, 

*        *        * 

Lest  I  should  fear  and  ten,  and  mils  thee  so, 

Who  art  not  missed  by  any  that  •. 

Speaking  of  the  honor  paid  to  good  men,  is  it  not  time  to  — for  a 

reform  in  the  writing  of  biographies? 

pleasant                                                                                     604 
praise «_ . 

PLEASANT  (page  370) 


1.  What  does  pleasant  add  to  the  sense  of  pleasinff?  2.  How  does  pleatant 
compare  with  kvndf  3.  What  docs  ffood-natured  signify!  How  doen 
it  compare  with  pleasant? 

Like  one  that  wraps  tho  drapery  of  his  couch 

About  him,  and  lies  down  to dreams. 

When  fiction  rises  — • to  the  eye, 

Hen  will  believe  because  they  love  tho  He. 

.   .    ,  If  we  must  part  forever, 

Give  me  but  one word  to  think  upon* 

PLENTIFUL  (page  371) 


1.  What  kind  of  a  term  is  enough,  and  what  does  it  mean?  2.  How  do*« 
sufficient  compare  with  enough!  3.  What  is  ample t  4.  To  what  do 
abundant,  ample,  liberal,  and  plentiful  apply?  6.  How  is  coptou* 
used?  affluent?  plentiful?  6.  What  docs  complete  express!  7.  In 
what  sense  are  lavish  and  profuse  employed?  8.  To  what  ii  luxuriant 


My joy«, 

Wanton  in  fulness,  seek  to  hide  themselves 
In  drop*  of  sorrow. 
Can  anybody  remember  when  the  right  sort  of  men  and  tho  right  iort 

of  women  were ? 

Share  the  advice  betwixt  you;  if  both  gain  all, 
The  gift  doth  stretch  itself  as  'ti«  received, 

And  is  for  both* 

He  hasted,  and  opposed  tho  rocky  orb 
Of  tenfold  adamant,  his        shield. 

POETRY  (page  372) 


1.  What  is  poetry?  2.  Does  poetry  involve  rim*?  Do«s  it  iwiulm  mrttrt 
3.  What  is  imperatively  required  beyond  v*r*«t  rimt,  or  meUr  to 
constitute  poetry? 


is  rhythmical,  imaginative  language,  «xproiiitfng  th« 

taste,  thought,  passion,  and  insight  of  a  human  aoul. 

Ho  knew 

Himself  to  sing,  and  build  the  lofty  — -. 
And  ever  against  eating  oarea, 
Lap  me   in  soft  Lydian  air*, 
Married  to  immortal  — — — - . 

605  pleasant 

________________ praiae 

POLITE  (page  372) 


1.  What  are  the  characteristics  of  a  ci-vu  person?  What  more  is  found  in. 
one  who  is  pohte?  2.  How  does  courteous  compare  with  civil?  3. 
What  does  courtly  signify?  genteel?  urbane?  4.  In  what  sense  is 
polished  used?  complaisant? 


She  is  not for  the  sake  of  seeming  ,  but  lor  the 

Make  of  being  kind. 

Ho  watt  so  generally     >  >         that  nobody  thanked  him  for  it. 

If  or  air,  her  manners,  all  who  saw  admired;  -^ though  coy,  and 

gentle  though  retired. 

POVERTY   (page  374) 

1,  What  does  poverty  strictly  denote  ?   What  doe 8  it  signify  in  ordinary  use ! 

2.  What  does  privation  signify?    How  does  it  compare  with  distress? 

3,  What  is  indigence?  destitution?  penury?    4,  What  does  pauperism 
properly  signify?   How  does  it   differ  from  beggary  and  mendicancy f 

POWER    (page   375) 


1.  What  is  power?  2.  IB  power  limited  to  intelligent  agents,  or  how  widely 
applied?  3.  How  does  ability  compare  with  power?  4.  What  is 
capacity,  and  how  related  to  power  and  to  ability?  6.  What  is  com- 
potency?  faculty!  taUnt?  6.  What  are  dexterity  and  skill?  How 
are  they  related  to  talent?  7.  What  is  efficacy?  efficiency? 


Bismarck  was  the  one  great  figure  of  all  Europe,  with  more for 

good  or  evil  than  any  other  human  being  poesoHsod  at  that  time. 

The  foul,  in  it*  highest  sense,  is  a  vast        •       for  God. 

X  reckon  it  is  an  oversight  in  a  groat  body  of  metaphysicians  that  they 
have  been  afraid  to  ancribo  our  apprehensions  of  •  to  intuition*  In 

consequence  of  this  nogtaot,  some  never  get  the  idea  of ,  but  merely 

of  ruoceiaion,  within  the  bare  limits  of  experience, 

PRAISE   (page  376) 


1.  What  U  praise?  By  how  many  is  it  given,  and  how  is  it  expressed!  2. 
What  is  applause?  by  how  many  given?  and  how  expressed?  3. 
What  ]«  acclamation?  How  doei  it  differ  from  applause f  4.  How 
do**  approbation  differ  from  praise?  5.  What  does  approval  add  to 
the  meaning  of  praise  ?  6.  How  doe*  compliment  compare  with  pratoe  ? 
7.  What  i«  flattery? 

previous  .      ... 


The of  listening  senates  to  command, 

The  threats  of  pain  and  ruin  to  despise, 
To  scatter  plenty  o'er  a  smiling  land, 

And  read  their  history  in  a  nation's  eyes. 
'  no  man  o'er  deserved  who  sought  no  more* 

Gladly  then   he  mixed 

Among  those  friendly  powers,  who  him  received 
With  joy  and s  loud. 

PRAY  (page  377) 


1,  What  is  it  to  pray  in  the  religious  sense?  2.  Tn  what  lighter  and  more 
familiar  sense  may  pi  ay  be  utwdf  Ib  this  latter  use  now  common  f 


Hesiod  exhorted  the  husbandman  to for  a  harvest,  but  to  do  fo 

with  his  hand  upon  the  plow. 

I  kneel,  and  then her  blessing. 

PRECARIOUS  (page  377) 


1.  To  what  is  the  term  uncertain  applied?  2.  What  did  prccariov*  orglnally 
signify!  How  is  it  now  used,  and  how  does  it  differ  from  wwrto/lnt 

.   ,   .  Thou  know'at,  great  uon, 

The  end  of  war's . 

Life  seems  to  be —  in  proportion  to  its  value, 

PRECEDENT  (pago  378) 


1.  What  is  a  precedent?  2,  How  does  o<wf  fall  short  of  thft  moaning  of 
precedent  f  3,  What  i«  an  obiter  Motown  f  How  doc*  it  differ  from  * 
precedent  t 


Where  freedom  broadens  slowly  down 
jtrom  to  ww-_w- 

Let  us  consider  tho  reason  of  the  — — — ,  for  nothing  U  law  that  in  not 

PREDESTINATION  (page  378) 


1.  What  is  predestination?  2.  How  does  fate  differ  from  pr*&4*Mfutttt>nf 
3.  What  does  neewsitu  signify  in  the  philosophical  imiiHef  4,  What  in 
foreTcnoioUdffft  Doeu  it  involve  forwrdtnation  or  prefartin&tton  / 

607  P**y 



For  —  has  wove  the  thread  of  life  with  pam 

All  high  truth  is  the  union  of  two  contradictories  Thus  and 

free- will  are  oppoeites;  and  the  truth  does  not  lie  between  these  two,  but 
in  a  higher  recoucihng  truth  winoh  leaves  both  true. 

PREJUDICE   (page  380)     • 


I.  What  is  a  presumption?  On  what  is  it  founded?  2.  On  what  are  preju- 
dies  and  prepossession  based?  How  do  these  two  words  differ  from 
each  other? 


When  tho  judgment's  weak,  the is  strong. 

Tho is  always  in  favor  of  what  exists. 

Hiti  fine  features,  manly  form,  and  perfect  manners  awakened  an  in- 
«Unt  In  his  favor. 

PRETENSE   (page  380) 


I.  What  U  a  pretense?  How  docs  it  differ  from  *  pretext?  2.  What  IB  a 

Tho  claim  of  a  n1  ranger  nation  to  protect  a  woakor  has  commonly  been 

but  a for  conquest. 

It  in  not  poverty  HO  much  as  <    •          that  harasses  a  ruined  man — the 
strutftflo  between  u  proud  mind  and  an  empty  purse. 

Tho  independent  English  nobility  conspired  to  make  an  insurrection, 
and  to  support  the  prince's  •  •     •    B. 

PREVENT   (page  381) 


1.  What  is  the  original  moaning  of  prevent!  2.  What  word  is  now  com- 
monly used  in  that  sense !  3.  What  is  the  meaning  of  ofevfote?  pre- 
clude? 4.  How  if  prwent  at  present  used! 


The  coBtwy  mppocition  10  obviously . 

Whtn  the  Siberian  Pacific  Railway  is  finished,  what  is  there  to    <  •• 
Itaasla  from  annexing  nearly  the  whole  of  China! 
tthere  appears  to  be  no  way  to  — —  the  difficulty. 

PREVIOUS   (page  382) 


1.  What  doe*  <mi*c*font  denote  f     2,  How  doee  jwioKHn?  differ  from  ante- 
and  previoutf    3.  How  it  Anterior  commonly  used?  prior f 
Of  what  li  /arwwr  uwd?   What  does  former  always  imply! 

price  608 

prohibit  . .     


Those  matters  have  boon  fully  explained  in  "  chaptern  of  this 

Tho  reader  will  be  helped  to  an  understanding  of  this  process  by  * 
careful  study  of  the  diagram  on  the page- 

In  times  many  things  were  attributed  to  witchcraft  that  now 

have  a  scientific  explanation. 

PRICE  (page  383) 


1.  What  is  the  coat  of  an  article?  the  price?  2.  How  do  cost  and  print 
ordinarily  differ?  3.  In  what  exceptional  case  may  cost  and  pricti 
agree?  4.  What  does  price  always  imply?  5.  What  in  the  meaning 
of  value?  How  does  market  value  differ  from  intrinsic  value?  3. 
How  does  value  differ  from  worth?  7.  To  what  arc  charge  and  /»«- 
pense  ordinarily  applied? 


is  the  life-giving  power  of  anything;  — ,  thfl  quantity  of 

labor  required  to  produce  it;  ,  the  quantity  of  labor  which  its  pos- 

sessor  vill  take  in  exchange  for  it. 

No  man  can  permanently  do  bu  since  a  by  making  the  — — -  of  his 

goods  the  same  as  their •  to  him,  however  auoh  a  method  may  hcilp 

him  momentarily  in  an  emergency. 

PRIDE  (pa#e  384) 


1.  What  is  pride?  hauffhtiness?  arrogance?  disdain?  How  do  these  qunUtlmt 
compare  with  pride?  2.  What  does  superciliousness  imply  according1 
to  its  etymology?  3.  How  do  pride  and  vanity  differ!  4.  What  dif- 
ference is  noted  between  self  conceit  and  conceit  f  5.  How  do  *ctf- 
respect  and  self-esteem  compare  with  each  other  and  with  tho  other 
words  of  the  group? 


may  puff  a  man  up,  but  never  prop  him  up* 

There  is  nothing can  so  little  bear  with  a* Uwtf, 

is  as  ill  at  ease  under  indifference  »•  tendernwii  in  und«r  tho 

love  which  it  can  not  return. 

PRIMEVAL   (page  385) 


1.  What  is  the  derivation  and  signification  of  atoriffinal?  autoohthontet 
primeval?  2.  What  do  prime  and  primary  denote t  What  Kpodftl 
sense  has  primary  as  in  reference  to  a  achool?  3,  How  is  primordial 
used?  4.  What  does  primitive  »ugge»t,  ai  In  the  weprtimtonii,  th« 
primitive  church,  primitive  simplicity!  5,  What  If  prWkut  6,  How 
do  native  and  indigenous  compare? 


--_--«_____«______ pro; 



Thou  from nothingness  didbt  call 

First  chaos,  then  existence,  Lord. 

The inhabitants  of  America  are  long  since  extinct,  for  even  the 

races  whom  the  white  men  conquered  had  themselves  supplanted  an  earlier 

All  the  later  ages  have  wondered  at  and  admired  the  whole-souled  con- 
secration of  the  church. 

PROFIT    (page  387) 


1.  What  are  returns  or  receipts!  2.  What  is  profit  in  the  commercial  sense? 
What  in  the  intellectual  and  moral  sense?  3.  What  is  utility?  4. 
What  does  advantage  originally  signify?  Does  it  now  necessarily  im- 
ply having  or  gaining  superiority  to  another  person,  or  securing  any- 
thing at  another's  expense)  5.  What  IB  gain?  benefit?  emolument! 
6.  To  what  does  expediency  especially  refer? 

8Uenco  has  many  —8. 

No  man  can  read  with that  which  ho  can  not  learn  to  read  with 


Godliness  with  contentment  IH  great  — . 

PROGRESS   (page  388) 


1*  What  is  proffreMf  2,  What  do  attainment,  proficiency,  and  development 
imply?  3.  What  is  advance?  How  does  it  differ  from  progress? 


What  la  thy  - — —  compared  with  an  Alexander's,  a  Mahomet' s,  a 

And  dreams  in  their have  breath, 

And  tears,  and  torture*,  and  the  touch  of  joy. 

Human consists  in  &  continual  increase  in  the  number  of  those 

who,  ceasing  to  live  by  the  animal  life  alone  and  to  feel  the  pleasures  of 
only,  come  to  participate  ix>  the  intellectual  life  also. 

PROHIBIT  (page  389) 


What  i»  It  to  prohibit?    2.  How  does  forbid  compare  with  ptvMMlf    9, 
How  does  prohibit  compare  with  prevent  f 

Though  much  I  want  which  most  would  have, 

Yet  sttll  my  mind  to  crave. 

The  laws  of  England,  from  tlu*  early  PJantagonets,  sternly  — tk« 

promote  610 

prudence  -..r....... , 

conYersion  of  malt  into  alcohol,   excepting  a  small  portion  for  medicinal 

Human  law  must  — many  things  that  human  administration  of 

law  can  not  absolutely -;  is  not  this  true  alao  of  the  divine  govern* 


PROMOTE  (page  390) 


1,  What  is  it  to  promote 9    2.  To  what  docs  promote  apply!   To  persons  *r 
things,  and  in  what  way? 


The  outlawed  pirate  of  one  year  was the  next  to  b*  *  governor 

and  his  country's  representative. 

The  imperial  ensign,  which  full  high "Odf 

Shone  like  a  meteor  streaming  in  the  wind. 

PROPITIATION   (page  390) 

1.  What  did  atonement  originally  denote?    What  is  its  present 

and  popular  sense!     2,  What  does   expiation  dignify!   propitiation  f 


has  respect  to  the  bearing  which  satisfaction  ban  upon  *In  or 

the  sinner.     has  respect  to  the  effect  of  fUfcttatooUozt  in  removing 

the  judicial  displeasure  of  God. 

When  »  man  has  been  guilty  of  any  din  or  folly,  I  think  th«  lw»*t  _- 
he  can  make  is  to  warn  others  not  to  fall  into  th«  Uktt, 

Redemption  implies  the  complete  deliverance  from  the  penalty,  powftr, 
and  an  the  consequence*  of  am;  —  is  u«e»d  in  the  ntm«e  of  tb«  facrl 
flcial  work,  whereby  the  redemption  from  the  condemninif  power  «f  th* 
law  was  insured. 

PROPOSAL  (page  391) 


1.  What  does  an  offer  or  yropotrt  do!  2.  What  dot!  a  *>rop«*iH0n  «rt  l<irtlif 
3.  For  what  is  the  proposition  deaijfned!  tk*  pnpogalt  4.  ttt  wh*t 
way  does  proposition  come  to  have  nearly  tha  wm«f  of  propcntl  in 
certain  uses?  5,  What  is  a  Hdt  «.  What  does  an  ovtrtwt  *«*m- 
plieh?  In  what  special  application  is  the  word  commonly  u«*df 


Garrison  emphatically  declared,  "T  can  not  listen  to  **y  — —  for  * 
gradual  Abolition  ol  wiokedneM," 

The  theme  in  confirmation  must  always  admit  of  b«inf  ttx»r«s«*d  let  * 

with  subject,  predicate,  and 

(Jl  1  promote 

.  .       i prudence 

PROPOSE  (page  392) 


'1.  How  doos  propose  in  its  mo«t  frequent  ii&o  differ  from  purpose?  2. 
How  ift  propotte  u«<kd  so  us  to  be  nearly  equivalent  to  purpose?  What 
important  difference  appears  in  this  latter  use? 


I  know,  indood,  tho  evil  of  that  I  ,  but  my  inclination  gets  the 

hotter  of  my  judgment. 

Man s,  but  God  disposes. 

PROTRACT   (page  392) 


1.  What  IB  it  to  protract?  2,  What  is  the  significance  of  defer  and  delay, 
and  how  do  those  words  differ  in  usage  from  protract?  3.  How  does 
«longatt.  differ  from  protract?  4.  TH  protract  ordinarily  favorable  or 
unfavorable  in  Kenno?  6.  Is  continue  favorable  or  unfavorable? 


Tin  aeon  hands      .  .    .  . 
The  coming  of  what  oft  aeoms  close  in  ken. 

Burton,    a   hypochondriac,   wrote   the   "Anatomy   of   Melancholy,"   that 
marrel  of  learning,  and  <  his  life  to  the  age  of  sixty-four. 

PROVERB  (page  393) 


1.  In  what  do  the  provtrb  and  the  adagr.  agree?  Tn  what  respects  do  they 
differ!  2.  What  iH  an  apathtHn?  an  aphorism?  How  do  these  two 
word*  differ?  8.  What  is  a  dictum?  a  saying!  4,.  What  is  a  precept? 
How  does  it  differ  from  a  motto  or  maxim?  5,  How  do  motto  and 
differ  from  each  other? 


Tho  _  --  must  be  wrifipd,   , 
That  b<w#arfl  motinted,  run  their  horse  to  death. 
Book*,  like        .....  a,  receive  their  chief  value  from  tho  stamp  and  esteem 
of  ***«  through  which  they  have  panned. 

PRUDENCE  (page  394) 


.  Wlut  i«  tho  definition  of  prudent*?  8.  How  does  providtnct  differ  from 
pru&tnMt  S,  How  does  ear«  compare  with  pn*d»no«  and  providence? 
4,  How  i«  /ru?0Z%  rolftted  to  prudence!  6-  How  do  foresight  and 

compHro  with  each  othor,  and  both  with 

purchase  612 

radical .... 


When  desp'rate  ills  demand  a  speedy  cure, 
Distrust  is  cowardice,  and    ••  folly. 

With  a unknown  in  other  parts  of  Scotland,  the  peasantry  havo 

In  most  places  planted  orchards  around  their  cottages. 

PURCHASE  (page  395) 


1.  Prom  what  language  is  purchase  derived  ?  2.  From  what  if)  luy  derived  f 
3.  How  do  "buy  and  purchase  agree  in  meaning?  What  «inglo  di'fiai" 
tion  would  answer  for  either?  4.  How  do  buy  and  purchase  differ 
in  use!  Give  instances. 

I'll  give  thoe  England's  treasure, 

Enough  to such  another  island, 

So  thou  wilt  make  me  live. 

'Tie  gold  which e  admittance. 

—  the  truth,  and  sell  it  not. 

PURE  (pago  395) 


1.  What  does  pure  signify?  2.  In  what  sense  are  material  lubfitanafti  fluid 
to  bo  pure?  3.  What  docs  pure  denote  in  moral  and  tttllfiwui  TIM?! 
4.  How  does  pure  compare  with  innocent  t  with  virtuoutt 

Water  from  melted  snow  is  ..........  r  than  rain-water,  *«  it  d«tc*nd* 

through  the  air  in  a  solid  form,  incapable  of  absorbing  atmospheric  f  ami** 
Stone  walls  do  not  a  prison  make, 
Nor  iron  bars  a  cage; 

and  quiet  Uke 

That  for  a  hermitage. 
In  every  place  Incense  shall  be  offered  unto  my  name  *ui  » 
offering,  aaith  the  Lord  of  hosts. 

QUE3R  (page  397) 


1,  What  is  the  meaning  of  odd?  sinyularf  Are  odd  and  tinputor  pwwlt* 
equivalents?  2.  When  is  a  thing  called  ttrangtt  3.  What  Si  tto 
primary  meaning  of  peculiar?  With  what  implication  is  it  now  com* 
monly  used?  4.  What  is  tho  meaning  of  tccentriof  How  do*t  It 
differ  in  use  from  odd  or  queer?  5,  How  does  trratic  oompaw  with 
eccentric?  6.  What  is  the  primary  meaning  ot'quwrt  ttl  common 
meaning?  7.  What  is  the  signincance  of  quaint f 

61  3  purchase 



A  -  ,  &hy  mail  was  this  pastor—  a  sort  of  living  mummy,  dried  up 
and  bleached  by  Icelandic  snows. 

In  sotting  a  hen,  says  Groan,  the  good  women  hold  it  an  indispensable 
rule  to  put  an  -  number  of  eggs 

Only  a  man  of  undoubted  goniua  can  afford  to  bo  -  —  . 

The  '  •  architecture  of  those  medieval  towns  has  a  strange  fascina- 

QUICKEN  (page  398) 


1*  What  is  it  to  accelerator  to  despatch?     2.  What  does  the  verb  speed 
signify  t  hasten?  hwryt  What  does  hurry  suggest  in  addition  to  the 
meaning  of  hasten? 


Tho  motion  of  a  falling  body  IB  continually  -  *d( 
The  muster-place  in  Lanrick  mead  I 
..........  forth  the  signal  1  Norman,  1 

The  pulsations  of  the  heart  are  -  ed  by  exertion. 

QUOTE  (page  398) 

1*  How  doeu  cite  differ  from  quote?     2,  What  in  it  to  paraphrase  t  to 


A  great  man  —  —  bravely,  and  will  not  draw  on  his  invention  when 
his  memory  aervos  him  with  a  word  as  good. 

The  Devil  can  .......  Scripture  for  his  purpose. 

To  appropriate  others'  thoughts  or  words  mechanically  and  without 
credit  Is  to  -  . 

RACY  (page  399) 


1.  To  what  does  racy  in  the  first  instance  refer?  pungent  t    2.  How  does 
piquant  differ  from  pungent  9    3.  How  are  these  words  and  the  word 
ipicv  used  in  reference  to  literary  products! 


Pur*  mother  English,  •  -  and  fresh  with  idiomatic  graces. 
The  atmosphere  was  strangely  impregnated  with  the  .......   odor  of 

burning  peat, 

The  ipruoe,  the  cedar,  and  the  juniper,  with  their  balsamic  breath, 
filled  the  air  with  a  -  fragrance. 

RADICAL  (page  400) 


1.  What  is  the  primary  meaning  of  radical  t    2.  What  contrasted  semea  are 
from  this  primary  meaning) 

rare  614     ' 

reasoning t 


Timidity  is  a  • defect  in  a  reformer. 

Social  and  political  loaders  look  to  vested  intertwist,  and  hence  aro  in- 
clined to  regard  all measures  as . 

RARE  (pa£o  400) 


1.  What  is  the  meaning  of  unique?  Can  any  one  of  a  number  of  IhingH  of 
the  same  kind  be  umqut9  2.  What  IH  the  primary  meaning  of  rarft 
"What  added  sense  is  often  blended  with  thiR  primary  meaning?  3. 
Is  extraordinary  favorable  or  unfavorable  in  meaning? 


Nothing  is  so an  time. 

That  -which  gives  to  tho  .Iew«  their  position  among  the  nation* 

is  what  we  are  accustomed  to  regard  UK  their  naored  history. 
•      And  what  ih  RO  •  aH  a  day  in  June? 

Then,  if  over,  como  perfect  days. 

REACH  (pago  401) 


1.  What  is  it  to  reach  in  the  sanaa  here  conHidorod  9  2*  What  to  it  to  arrtvft 
3.  What  does  attain  add  to  the  moaning  of  arrivttt  What  doea  train 

And  gracing  down  tho  boughs 

I — -ed  tho  fchore. 

He  gathered  tho  ripe  nut«  in  thn  fall, 
And  berries  that  grew  by  fcncw  and  wail 

So  Mffh  nlio  could  not them  At  ftlL. 

The  heightH  by  great  men  - ml  <md  kept 

Were  not ed  by  «udd«n  flight, 

But  they,  while  their  companion*  ul«pt, 

Were  toiling  upward  in  tho  night. 
It  is  only  in  this  way  that  wo  can  hopo  to  — — — *  at  truth* 

REAL  (paffe  402) 


1.  From  what  is  rctrf  derived?  What  does  it  moanf  2,  tfrom  wh*t  l«  the 
real  dislingutehod «  3.  To  what  in  artual  oppouwll  4,  Whit  frhttdwi 
of  difference  may  bfl  pointed  out  twtw«en  th«  four  word*  act  not  t  rtttit 
developed,  and  positivtt 


jn nfG  wo  do  not  dio  when  all  that  TOftkeu  Hf«  bright  die*  to  »a» 

If  there  was  any  trouble,  or  impending,  aflVotlng  thon*  she  hud 

served,  her  place  WUH  with  them. 

This  wan  regarded  as  proof of  conipiraey* 

615  *are 

( reasoning 

REASON,  v.  (page  402) 


1.  What  is  it  to  rtOAon  about  a  matter?  2.  From  what  is  arffue  derived, 
and  -what  does  it  moan?  3.  What  is  it  to  demonstrate?  to  prove? 
How  do  these  two  words  agree  and  difter? 


Thcr«  arc  two  wuys  of  reaching  truth:  by  ing  it  out   and  by 

feeling  it  out. 

Tn  ing,  too,  the  person  owned  his  skill, 

For  e'en  though  vanquished,  he  could still. 

A  matter  of  fact  may  bo ed  by  adequate  evidence;  only  a  mathe- 
matical proposition  can  be  • 

REASON,  n.  (page  403) 


1,  How  do**)  0ou*0  differ  from  reason  in  tho  strict  sense  of  each  of  the  two 
words  f  2.  How  is  reason  often  used  so  as  to  be  a  partial  equivalent 
of  COMIC  t 


No  onfl  is  at  liberty  to  speak  ill  of  another  without  a  justifiable , 

though  he  knows  he  is  upaaking  truth. 
I  am  not  only  witty  mywolf,  Imt  tho  "  that  wit  is  in  other  men* 

is  the ••  of  tyrants;  it  is  the  creed  of  slaves. 

Alan  I  how  light  a  may  move 

Dissension  between  hearts  that  love  I 

REASONING  (page  404) 


1*  What  do  arffumtntation  and  debate  ordinarily  imply?  2,  How  dees 
rtatoninff  differ  from  both  the  above  words  in  this  respect?  3.  To 
what  kind  of  reasoning  wore  wpument  and  wffumentation  formerly 
restricted?  How  widely  are  the  words  now  applied?  4<  How  do 
argument  and  argumentation  compare  with  reasoning  as  regards 
logical  form! 

Inductive  or  Deductive,  is   a  teaching  of  the  ttnkmawn 
through  the  known;    and  where  nothing  unknown  is  reached  tbtre  is  n« 

Barly  at  Bus'ness,  and  at  Hazard  late, 
Had  at  a  fox-chase,  wise  at  a  —  —  , 

II  thou  oontinuest  to  take  delight  in  idle  -  ,  thou  mayeit  be  qualified 
to  c«mbat  with  the  lophlstB,  but  never  know  how  to  lire  with  men* 

refinement  61 6 


REFINEMENT  (page  406) 


1.  To  what  does  civilization  apply,  and  what  does  it  denote?  2.  What  in 
refinement?  3.  What  is  the  primary  meaning  of  cultivation?  the  de- 
rived meaning?  4.  By  what  word  is  estivation  now  largely  wiper 
seded?  5.  What  does  culture  denote? 


What  is ?  It  is  the  humanization  of  man  in  society,  tha  fMti* 

faction  for  him  in  society  of  the  true  law  of  human  nature. 

Giving  up  wrong  pleasure  is  not  self-sacrifice,  but  self-" 

This  refined  taste  is  tho  consequence  of  education  and  habit;  wo  aro 
born  only  with  a  capacity  of  entertaining  this  ••• 

RELIABLE  (page  407) 


1.  What  is  to  be  said  of  the  controversy  regarding  tha  formation  And  uw 
of  the  word  reliable?  2.  What  do  trwtty  and  trustworthy  d^aotof  3, 
How  does  reliable  compare  with  thone  words  I  4.  What  meaning  may 
reliable  convey  that  trusty  and  trustworthy  would  not? 


Good  lack!  quoth  ho,  yet  bring  it  mo 
My  leathern  bolt  likewise, 

In  which  I  bear  my sword, 

When  I  do  exercise. 

The  first  voyage  to  America,  of  which  wo  have  any  perfectly 
count,  was  performed  by  the  Norsemen, 

RELIGION  (page  408) 


1.  What  is  the  original  sense  of  piAty?  tho  derived  wniflf  8.  WhAt  In 
religion?  What  does  it  include!  3.  What  in  worthipf  dfwtlrtnf  4. 
What  is  morality!  godliness?  hoHnwt  5.  How  if  thtahw  rt»Ut**d  to 


is  man's  belief  in  a  being  or  being*,  mightier  than  hlttirif  An* 

inaccessible  to  his  senses,  but  not  indifferent  to  hi*  sontimdntu  And  Action*, 
with  the  feelings  and  practises  which  flow  from  such  b«lirf. 

,  whose  noul  sinoarft 

Fears  God,  and  known  no  other  ftar. 

To  deny  the  freedom  of  the  will  is  to  make     Impoiglbl*. 

Syttematic  may  be  defined  aa  the  subrtanoe  qf  the  Christian 

617  refinement 

,  _  repentance 

REND  (page  410) 


X*  To  what  are  rend  and  tear  usually  applied?  Which  is  the  stronger  word! 
2.  In  what  connection  is  nve  used,  and  in  what  sense  ?  3.  What 
does  lacerate  signify?  4.  How  does  mangle  compare  with  lacerate  t 
5.  What  do  burst  and  rupture  signify!  Which  is  the  stronger  word! 
When  is  a  steam-boiler  said  to  be  ruptured?  6.  What  does  np 
signify  f 


Storms  do  not  -  the  sail  that  is  furled. 

Oh,  it  offends  me  to  the  soul  to  hoar  a  robustious,  periwig-pated  fellow 
--  a  passion  to  tatters,  to  very  rags,  to  split  the  ears  of  the  ground- 

And  now  a  bubble  s,  and  now  a  world. 

The  first  blood  shed  in  the  revolutionary  struggle;  a  mere  drop  in 
amount,  but  a  deluge  in  its  effects,  ing  the  colonies  forever  from  the 

mother  country* 

RENOUNCE  (page  411) 


1.  From  what  is  renounce  derived,  and  in  what  sense  used?  recant?  re- 
tract t    2.  What  is  it  to  dincardt    3   How  does  revoke  compare  with 
recall  in  original  meaning  and  in  present  use?     4,  What  is  the  de- 
rivation and  the  distinctive  meaning  of  abjure  t    5.  In  what  sense  is 
repudiate  used! 


On  his  fcnees,  with  his  hand  on  the  Bibl<\  Galileo  was  compelled  to 
.........     and  curse  the  doctrine  of  the  movement  of  the  earth. 

Ho  adds  his  soul  to  every  other  lows,  and  by  the  act  of  suicide,  -  - 
to  forfeit  heaven. 

He  had  no  spiritual  adviser,  no  human  comforter,  and  was  entirely  in 
the  hands  of  those  who  wore  determined  that  he  should  -  or  die. 

REPENTANCE  (page  412) 


1.  What  is  regret  f  2,  What  does  penitence  add  to  regret  9  3.  How  does 
repentance  surpass  the  meaning  of  penitence,  regret,  sorrow,  etc.  f  4. 
What  is  compunction  f  contrition  f  5,  What  is  remorse,  and  how  doei 
it  compare  with  repentance? 


What  then?  what  rests? 

Try  what can:  what  can  it  not? 

Forgive  me,  Valentine,  if  hearty  — 
Be  a  sufficient  ransom  for  offenfle, 
I  tendto't  here. 

reproof  618 

revolution  .     . 

So  writhes  the  mind       <        has  riven, 
Unmeet  for  earth,  undoomed  to  hoavan. 
Darkness  above,  despair  beneath, 
Around  it  flame,  within  it  death. 

REPROOF  (page  413) 


1.  Are  blame,  eeneure,  and  disapproved  spoken  or  silent?  2,  Arc  flowwwnf, 
critic-iam,  rebuke,  reflection,  reprehension,  and  reproof  exprewd  or 
not?  3  How  of  admonition  and  animadversion?  4.  Are  rommt'nt 
and  criticism  favorable  or  unfavorable?  Do  they  imply  HuperiorHy  on 
the  part  of  commentator  or  critic?  5.  I>o  reflection  and  r^prfhentiiitn 
imply  such  superiority?  How  are  these  two  words  (Hueriminated  Y  <J. 
What  does  rebuke  literally  signify?  To  what  kind  of  pernon  in  »  rr 
buJce  administered?  7.  To  what  kind  of  portion  in  reproof  adminta 
tered  ?  8.  What  do  rebuke  and  reproof  imply  on  th«  part  of  him  who 
administers  them?  9.  What  is  animadversion?  admonition t 


A is  intolerable  when  it  in  administered  out  of  prid**  or  hatred. 

The  best  preservative  to  keep  the  mind  m  health  in  the  faithful - 

of  a  friend. 

Open  — —  is  better  than,  secret  love. 

REPROVE  (page  414) 


1  What  is  it  te  censure  f  to  rt prove  f  to  reprimand?  2.  How  doe*  admnntoh 
compare  with  the  other  words  in  the  group?  IK  It*  rtifmwcf*  to  the 
past  or  to  the  future?  S.  What  is  it  to  reproach t  DOM  thin  word 
imply  authority  or  superiority?  A.  What  in  the  forca  of  txpwrtufat? 
and  remonstrate? 


He  that  oppresseth  the  poor *th  hi*  Maker* 

Her  answer ed  me ,  for  she  «aid,  "I  nwr  *«k  iMt  crim<%  for 

we  have  all  come  short." 

Moses  was ed  of  God  when  h«  WM  about  to  ttiftko  th« 

for,  see,  saith  he,  that  thou  make  all  thingi  according  to  the  pattern 
to  thee  in  the  mount. 

This  witness  it  true.    Therefore them  afcarply,  that  thi»y  may 

sound  in  the  faith, 

REST  (page  416) 


1.  Wlitt  is  ease?  quiet  f  restf    2,  What  is  f*jr«a#<m,  and  how  IK  It 
to  v*tt9    S.  What  is  repose  in  the  primary,  and  what  in  th« 
sense?    4,.  How  does  repose  compare  with  rMtt    0,  Wh*t  1*  * 
6.  How  does  aletp  compare  with  repose  and  restt 

619  reproof 


Book  out,  loss  often  sought  than  found, 

A  soIdier'B  grave — for  thoe  the  best; 
Then  look  around,  and  choose  thy  ground, 

And  take  thy • — . 

Her  manners  hod  not  that  

That  stamps  the  cast  of  Vere  de  Vere. 
Shall  I  not  take  mine  —  in  mine  inn? 

RESTRAIN  (page  418) 


1.  What  is  it  to  restrain?  2.  How  does  constrain  differ  from  restraint  3. 
How  does  restrain  differ  from  restrict?  4.  How  does  repress  compare 
with  restraint  suppress? 


The  English  Puritans,  ed  at  home,  fled  for  freedom  to  America. 

Tn  no  political  system  is  it  so  necessary  to  the  powers  of  the 

government  as  in  a  democratic  state. 

REVENGE  (page  419) 


1,  What  in  revenge?  2.  How  does  retaliation  compare  with  revenge?  3. 
What  did  vengeance  formerly  mean,  and  what  does  it  now  imply? 
4.  What  ifl  a  requited?  5.  How  do  avenging  and  retribution  differ 
from  retaliation,  revenge,  and  vengeance  1  6.  What  difference  may  be 
noted  between  aMnyiny  and  retribution? 


According  to  th«  wi«h  of  Sulla  'himself,  .  .  .  his  monument  waa 
wtotod  in  tho  Oampus  Martins,  bearing  an  inscription  composed  by  him- 
neU:  "No  fritvnd  over  did  me  a  kindness,  no  enemy  a  wrong,  without  re- 
ceiving full  —  —  ." 

By  the  spirit  of  ............  ,  a«  we  sometimes  express  it,  we  generally  under- 

itUnd  a  disposition,  not  merely  to  return  suffering  for  suffering,  but  to  in- 
JUot  a  degree  of  pain  on  the  person  who  is  supposed  to  have  injured 
ui,  buy  cud  what  strict  juitico  ro.<iuir?p. 
.   In  all  groat  religions  we  find  one  God,  and  in  all,  personal  immortality 

REVOLUTION  (page  420) 


.  What  in  the  cwential  idea  of  revolution?  2.  Doea  a  revolution  necessarily 
Involve  war?  3.  What  ii  anarahy?  in*t*fcor<Hna#<mf  teMMont  re- 
volt? rtbellient  4.  How  does  rebeUitn  differ  from  rtvelution?  5. 
By  what  dfttti  of  persons  is  insurrection  made!  mutiny? 

revolve  g20 



s  are  not  made;  they  come. 

to  tyrants  is  obedience  to  God. 

Since  government  is  pf  God,     •          must  be  contrary  to  his  Trill. 

REVOLVE  (page  421) 


1.  When  is  a  body  said  to  roll?  to  rotate?  to  revolve?  2.  In  what  sense 
may  the  earth  be  said  to  revolve?  and  in  what  sense  to  rotaU?  3, 
What  are  some  of  the  extended  uses  of  roUt  4.  What  kind  of  * 
word  is  turn,  and  what  is  its  meaning? 


Any  bright  star  close  by  the  pole  is  seen  to  -  in  a  very  small  circle 
wl^ose  center  is  the  pole  itself. 

The  sun  s  on  an  axis  in  the  same  direction  in  which  the  planatu 

—  in  their  orbits. 

Human  nature  can  never  rest;  once  in  motion  it  .....  *  like  the 
stone  of  Sisyphus  every  instant  when  the  resisting  foroo  is  suspended. 

RIGHT  (page  424) 


1.  What  is  a  right?   Is  it  general  or  special?     3.  What  is  &  privfaffet  »A 
exemption  f  an  immunity?    3.  What  is  a  franohittt  a 


Friendship  gives  no  -  to  make  ourselves  disagreeable. 
AH   men   are   created   equal,    and   endowed  with   certain    inali«n»blt 

RUSTIC  (page  426) 


i;  From  what  are  rural  and  rustic  alike  derived?  How  do  the  two  words 
agree  in  general  signification  f  How  are  th«y  discriminated  in  UM  f  ft* 
What  is  the  meaning  of  patter  alt  of  bucolic  f 

How  stitt  the  morning  of  the  hallowed  day! 

Mute  is  the  voice  of labor,  hufli'd 

The  plowboy's  whistle  and  the  milkmaid'*  song. 

The    arbor  which  tho  summit  orown«d 

Was  woven  of  shining  amilax,  trumpet*?in«, 
Clematis,  and  the  wild  white  eglantine. 

When  hunting  tribes  begin  to  domesticate  animals,  they  «nUr  utttfctly 
upom  the  stage. 

621  revolve 

SACRAMENT  (page  427) 


1.  What  is  a  religious  service  in  the  extended  sense!  2.  What  is  a  sacra- 
ment! 3.  What  is  an  observance 9  an  ordinance!  4.  How  do  sacra- 
ment and  ordinance  differ!  5.  What  is  a  rite? 

Religion  will  glide  by  degrees  out  of  the  mind  unless  it  be  invigorated 

and  reimproasod  by  external s. 

Nothing  tends  more  to  unite  men's  hearts  than  joining  together  in  the 
same  prayers  and s. 

SALE  (page  428) 


1.  What  is  change  or  exchange?  2.  What  is  "barter f  sale?  3.  What  is  a 
bargain  in  the  Mtrict  sense?  4.  What  is  trade  in  the  broad  and  in 
the  limited  sense  ? 


Honor  sits  umiling  at  the  •  of  truth, 

I'll  give  thrice  as  much  land  to  any  well-deserving  friend, 

But  in  the  way  of ,  mark  ye  me, 

I'll  cavil  on  the  ninth  part  of  a  hair. 

Stamps  God'*  own  name  upon  a  lie  just  made 
To  coin  a  penny  in  tho  way  of . 

SAMPLE  (page  429) 


1.  What  is  a  aampUt  a  tptcimtnt  2.  How  do  sample  and  specimen  com- 
pare aft  indications  of  the  quality  of  that  which  they  respectively 
represent  f 


There  is,  therefore,  in  this  country,  an  implied  warranty  that  the  goods 
correspond  to  the  — — , 

Ouwola  ii  a  perfect of  a  Venetian  town. 

SCHOLAR  (page  430) 


1.  What  it  the  primary  sense  of  scholar?  the  derived  sense?  2.  What  does 
pupU  signify?  How  is  it  technically  used  in  educational  work?  3. 
In  what  sense  is  tfadtnt  employed? 

The  accent  or  turn  of  expression  of  a  single  sentence  wfll  at  once  mark 

The  State  of  N«w  York  supplies  all  needed  text-books  free  of  charge  to 
In  tho  public  school*. 


in  American  colleges  have  taken  up  athletics  with  intonno 

SCIENCE  (page  430) 


1.  How  does  sciencf  compare  with  knowledge  f  2.  How  done  art  compare  with 
science?  Sf  What  two  senses  of  art  must  bo  discriminated  from  onch 
other?  4.  In  which  sense  is  art  a  system  of  rules?  5.  In  which 
sense  does  art  transcend  rule ! 


Beethoven  took  his as  seriously  as  a  anint  and  martyr  take*  hl« 


Modern may  be  regarded  as  one  vast  miracle,  whether  we  view 

it  in  relation  to  the  Almighty  Being,  by  whom  its  object*  nnd  tin  IJIWH  wen* 
formed,  or  to  the  feeble  intellect  of  mdn,  by  which  it*  depth*  huvo  b?<*u 
sounded,  and  its  mysteries  explored. 

Printing  has  been  aptly  termed  the  —  preeorvativn  of  all  other 

SECURITY  (page  431) 


1.  Of  what  kind  of  value  or  property  must  an  tarn  tut  connlntf    2,  Haw  <Io 
pledge  and  security  differ  from  earntutt    3.  How  doen  HeouHty 
from  pledget    4.  What  is  Mf  ^a^? 


for  a  national  or  state  debt  is  the  bounty  of  it* 
The  surest    •    '   '     of  a  dcathlonH  namti 
Is  the  silent  homage  of  thought*  unitpoken. 

And  for  an of  a  greatttr  honor, 

He  bade  me,  from  him,  call  the*  Thane  of  Cawdor. 

SENSATION  (page  433) 

1,  What  is  a  *«7wa«on?  a  ptrcfiptiont    a.  How  do*i  an  #mfl«fcw  dtflffr 

a  sensation?     3.  How  does  the  popular  term  ff filing  ettrnpAto  with 
8en$ation  and  emotion  f    4*  What  is  a  rtntet 


But ,  in  the  technical  and  Ihnitod  wnie  of  thu  twin,  in  i-pprftprl- 

ated  to  the  knowledge  of  material  objteti,  and  of  the  «xt*rn«l  world,    Tht* 

knowledge  is  gained  or  acquired  by  meant  of  the  i,  and  h«mt^r  t<i 

be  more  exact,   we  call  it  sensible ,  or,  mor«  briefly, 

'"''•'  '-fl  fW<l*t» 

Felt  in  the  blood,  and  frit  along  the  heart, 


SENSIBILITY  (pa^e  434) 

1.  What  is  tensibttity  in  the  philosophical  sense?  in  popular  use?     2. 

docs  tenfitivenfw  denote?  3.  What  is  susceptibility  1  Haw  does  it 
compare  with  sensitiveness?  4.  How  are  susceptibility  and  sentiti'O*- 
nesa  discriminated  m  physics? 


Tho  -  '  •  "  of  the  external  surface  of  the  body  is  a  special  endowment 
ndnptod  to  the  dements  around  and  calculated  to  protect  the  interior  parts 
from  injury. 

-  to  pleasure  is  of  necessity  also  -  to  pain. 

Every  mind  is  in  a  peculiar  state  of  —  -  to  certain  impressions. 

SEVERE  (page  435) 


X.  What  is  aeverfi?  rigid?  strict?  2.  How  does  rigorous  compare  with 
rigid?  3.  What  docs  awterv  signify?  What  element  is  always  found 
in  an  austere  character? 


hi  mathematics  wo  arrive  at  certitude  "by  -  demonstration. 
HA  who  the  sword  of  heaven  will  bear 
Should  be  a«  holy  as  -  . 

-  ...........  law  is  of  ton      ......     injustice. 

By  -  -  •  adherence  to  truth  in  official  dealing  with  the  natives,  the 
have  como  to  be  always  behoved  in  India. 

SHELTER,  v.  (page  437) 


1»  When  Is  anything  said  to  be  enrrfH  f    55.  How  does  shelter  compare  with 
covr.rt     3*  What  does  defend  signify?     4.  What  docs  guard  imply? 
5.  How  do«M  protect  surpass  guard  and  dtfendf    6.  Wljftt  does  shield 
signify?    How  does  it  compare  with  guard  or  defend?     7.  In  what 
HWLM  is  the  verb  harbor  commonly  used? 

He  that  '   •  ..............  oth  his  sins  shall  not  prosper,  but  he  that  f«r/»lceth 

thorn  shall  find  mercy. 

Thou  who  trod'nt  tho  billowy  s«a, 
—  -  us  in  our  jeopardy  I 
In  youth  it  —  —  «d  mer 
And  I'tt  protect  it  now. 

SIN  (page  439) 

1.  What  It  rtnt     2.  How  is  tranngrts&inn  discriminated  from  sin  in  the 

$.  What  in 

•ketch  624 

spontaneous  . 



The  oldest  s  the  newest  kind  of  way«. 

is  not  punished  as  an  offense  against  God,  but  as  prejudicial  to 


How once  harbored  in  the  conscioufl  breast, 

Intimidates  the  brave,  degrades  the  great. 

SKETCH  (page  440) 


1.  What  is  a  sketch?  How  does  it  compare  with  outline t  2.  fn  what 
special  connection  are  draft  and  plan  uflo<U  3.  How  clooK  a  nu-rlmn- 
ieal  drawing  differ  from  a  draft  $  4.  What  in  a  dftiffnf  How  <J<m« 
it  exceed  the  meaning  of  drawing?  6.  What  IB  an  outline  in  written 
composition?  How  does  a  sketch  in  thin  mum  compare  with  an  out- 
line? 6.  What  is  an  outline  of  a  sermon  technically  called?  7. 
What  is  a  lawyer's  brief?  How  docs  it  compare  with  an  outline  or 


A that  IB  without  vigor,  and  m  which  the  anatomy  has  not 

defined,  is  a  bad  foundation  for  a  good  picture. 
A  little  model  the  manter  wrought, 

Which  «hould  be  to  the  larger    

What  the  child  is  to  the  man. 

SKILFUL  (page  442) 


1.  What  does  skilful  signify?    2,  How  doos  dtxtt-ruus  compare  with 
3.  How  does  a  akitUd  compare  with  a  skilful  workman! 


f  g0 seamen  ken  the  land  from  far, 

Which  shows  like  mists  to  the  dull  pa*wngfr. 

Thousands  of  workmen  are  thrown  Into  enforwi 

the  strikes  and  lockouts  of  every  year. 

Much  that  has  been  received  as  the  work  of  disembodied  epiriti  h§*  bwm 
but  the sleight  of  hand  of  spirits  embodied. 

SLANDER  (pa#*  442) 


I.  What  is  it  to  tlmder?  to  dtfamef  to  Ubelt  2.  Whett  in  fafam*  «qtxit*l«ftt 
to  slanderf  When  is  it  equivalent  to  KM/  3.  Whftt  if  It  to  tup*r**t 
to  malipnt  to  traduce t  to  disparage?  4.  How  do  flvndtr  tnd  libtl 
differ  in  legal  signification  from  the  other  words  f  6.  Which  word* 
of  the  group  apply  to  open  attack  in  on«'s  pr#i«moef  «n4  whi«h  to 
attack  in  his  absence? 

625  sketch 



od  to  death  by  villains 

That  dare  as  -well  answer  a  man,  indeed, 
As  I  dare  take  a  serpent  by  the  tongue. 

If  the  Scriptures  seem  to knowledge,  it  is  the  knowledge  that 

despises  virtue. 

Challenging  each  recreant  doubter 
ed  her  spotless  name. 

SLANG  (page  443) 


X.  What  is  a  colloquialism?    2.  What  is  slang  in  the  primary  and  ordinary 
sense?   in   special  senses?     3.   What  is   a  vulgarism?     4.   What  is 
cant  in  the  sense  here  considered? 

Thoro  is  a    ......  bred  of  viloness  that  is  never  redeemed?  there  is  also 

ft  .......  that  is  the  vigorous  utterance  of  uncultured  wit,  that  fills  a  gap 

in  the  language  and  mounts  ultimately  to  the  highest  places. 

A  ..................   is  worse  than  .............  ,  because  it  bears  the  ineffaceable  stamp 

of  ignorance.  * 

SOCIALISM  (page  446) 


1*  What  ifi  socialism?  What  term  do  many  of  its  advocates  prefer!  2. 
What  is  communism?  anarchism  9 


—  -  in  its  full  sense  moans  the  abolition  of  inheritance,  the  abolition 
of  tho  family,  tho  abolition  of  nationalities,  the  abolition  of  religion,  the 
abolition  of  property. 

.................  ,  in  some  modified  form,  is  steadily  making  its  way  among  think- 

ing men  undor  the  guise  of  cooperation. 

.................  is  the  offspring  of  sore  hearts  and  shallow  brains.     It  is  the 

wisdom  of  tho  man  who  burned  down  his  house  because  his  chimney 

SPONTANEOUS  (page  447) 


1.  Wh«m  is  anything  properly  said  to  be  epontanvowf  voluntary  f  involun- 
tary t  2.  How  do  voluntary  and  involuntary  compare  with  each 
othor?  both  with  spontaneous! 


—  -  is  opposed  to  reflective.     Those  operations  of  mind  which  are 
continually  going  on  without   any  effort  or  intention  on  our  part   are 

No  action  that  ia  not  -  has  any  merit. 

spy  626 

supernatural  ___  ...... 

SPY  (page  447) 


1.  la  what  are  the  spy  and  the  scout  alike?    2.  Tn  what  do  thoy  diflVr?   X, 
What  are  their  respective  rights  in  caso  of  capture  ?     4.  What  i«  an 


A  daring  -  of  General  Stuart  made  hi«  way  to  my  quartprfi,  and 
informed  me  that  General  Imbodon  had  planned  an  attack  upon  the  town, 

I  had  fcrown  uneasy  in  regard  to  the  diBJointcMl  situation  of  our  army 
and,  to  inform  myself  of  what  was  going  on,  determined  to  fccnd  a  -- 
into  the  enemy's  lines. 

STATE,  «.  (page  449) 


1.  tfrom  what  is  state  derived?  What  does  it  moan?  2,  What  Is  th«»  «lff« 
nmoance  of  assert?  What  element  Is  prominent  in  thl*  word?  3. 
What  is  the  relative  force  of  afirm  and  assert  1  nuMwrafr/  awrt 
assure?  4.  What  does  affirm  signify  in  legal  u«<%,  and  how  dui'M  Ifc 
differ  from  swear?  6.  What  is  it  to  wnihtf  0.  What  dow 
signify  J 

The  first  condition  of  intelligent  debate  IK  that  the  question  bo 

that  the  scioncefl  dispose  tlieins^lvtw  round  Iwo  K^'Ht  »*««*  <»f 
thought,  parallel  and  not  unrelated,  yet  distinct—  th^  natural  «deu<*ttji  h*ld 
together  "by  tho  one,  tho  moral  by  the  other, 

It  is  impossible  for  the  mind  to  -  anything  of  that  of  which  it 
knows  nothing 

STORM  (page  450) 

1.  What  is  tho  essential  meaning  of  storm  t    2.  What  it  A  ttmpettt 


The  -  is  hard  at  hand  will  awiwp  nwny 
Thrones,  ohurohe*,  rankn,  traditions,  cuNtoms,  marring, 
Were  any  considerable  mass  of  *lr  to  b«  middenly  tr»n«ferre4  from 
beyond  tho  tropics  to  tho  equator,  th*  diffcwmca  of  the  rotatory 
proper  to  the  two  situation*  would  b«  so  (treat  at  to  produeu  not 
wind,  but  a  -  of  th«  most  destructire 

STORY  (page  451) 


1.  What  is  a  rtoryf  Is  it  true  or  falno?    2.  What  it  am  imtofattf  a 
or  narration  t 

627  spy 

, supernatural 


Thon*  nro ,  common  to  the  different  branches  of  the  Aryan  stock. 

*  .  .  They  aw  ancient  Atyun  -  ,  .  .  ,  older  than  the  Odyssey, 

older  than  thck  dittpcmon  of  the  Aryan  raco. 

s  aro  relations  of  detached,  interesting  particulars. 

JPairy «  have  for  children  an  inexhaustible  charm. 

SUBJECTIVE  (pago  452) 


1.  What  is  the  moaning  of  subjective?  of  objective)  2.  How  are  these 
words  illustratttd  m  tho  case  of  a  mountain?  $.  What  matters  are 
purely  tiubj&ctiiwt  4.  What  Matters  uro  purely  objective  9  5.  What 
IH  meant  by  Haying  that  un  author  has  a  w,b)tftioe  or  an  objective 


Subject,  therefore,  denotes  the  ramd  itself;  and ,  that  which  be- 

Itmgn  to,  or  proccusdH  from,  the  thinking  wibjcct.     Object  la  a  term  for  that 

about  which  the  knowing  subject  is  conversant,   .    .    .  while means 

that  which  belongs  to,  or  proceeds  from,  tho  object  known,  and  not  from 
the  tmbject  knowing;  and  thus  denotes  what  is  real,  in  opposition  to  what 
in  ideal,— what  oxi«t«  in  nature,  in  contrast  to  what  exists  merely  in  the 
thought  of  the  individual. 

SUGGESTION  (page  454) 


1.  In  what  way  does  augo  nation  bring  a  matter  bofore  tho  min/U  2.  What 
in  an  intimation?  a  MntY  3.  What  aro  the  special  characteristics  of 
insinuation  and  innuendo? 


Behold  in  the  bloom  of  applofl, 
And  the  violetH  in  the  Award, 

A  of  the  old,  lost  beauty 

Of  the  garden  of  tho  Lord  I 

Tim«  i«  truly  tho  conifortpr,  at  onco  lo««ening  tho  tendency  to  — of 

im»g«t  of  Morrow,  and  HO f toning  that  very  sorrow  when  the  images  arise. 

A&  «««««««  in  cowardly  b^caudo  it  can  serfdom  ba  directly  answered, 
and  the  one  who  makes  it  can  always  rotroat  behind  an  assumed  miacon- 

Ktruotlon  of  hl«  words;  but  the  is  tho  stab  in  the  back,  sneaking  a« 

It  la  malicious. 

SUPERNATURAL  (page  455) 


1*  Wnat  li  the  original  m^ftning  of  tupwnatwtttT  of  pntematwralt  2. 
What  IH  commonly  implied  in  tho  u*o  of  pr&t^rnaturalf  3*  Tn  what 
•imict  do  bomo  hold  a  miracle  to  b«  wpfimaturaU  What  descriptive 
t«rm  would  other*  pr<«f<*i  4,  What  is  th*  meaning  of 
In  what  secondary  sense  U  it  often  unocl? 

flupport  628 



It  was  sometWag  altogether  -  ,  as  when  God  said,  "Let  there  be 
light,"  and  there  was  light. 

With  an  imagination  of  intense  vividness  and  ""  ........  .........  activity,  Ohoatft 

wa*  as  practical  as  the  most  sordid  capitalist  that  ever  became  an  "incarna- 
tion of  fat  dividends." 

SUPPORT  (page  456) 


1.  What  do  support  and  sustain  alike  aignify?  2.  How  doo«  tuntnin  unrpaim 
support  in  meaning  and  force?  3.  What  is  the  foreo  and  utw  of  0<*<w 
in  this  connection?  4.  What  is  it  to  maintain  f  5,  How  doc»«  mate 
tain  compare  with  support  aa  to  fulness  and  an  to  dignity  t  6.  What 
is  it  to  prop?  What  is  the  limit  upon  the  meaning  of  thin  word? 

And  Cain  said,  My  punishment  IB  greater  than  t  can  .......................  • 

You  take  my  house  when  you  do  tako  the  pro* 
That  doth  -  my  house. 

Oan   a  soul  like   mine, 

Unus'd  to  power,  and  form'd  for  humbler  Hoonci, 
•"  '  "       the  splendid  miseries  of  grcatnoBH? 

While  less  expert,  though  stronger  far* 
The  Gael  -  ed  unequal  war. 

SUPPOSE  (page  458) 

1,  What  is  it  to  suppose  f    2.  How  does  conjecture  differ  from 

3.  What  does  think  signify  in  the  Kcruw  here  con«Icl«r«df    How 
it  compare  with  conjecture  or  suppose? 


Newton  -  ed  that  If  the  earth  were  to  bo  10  oompwd  a*  to 
absolutely  without  pores,  its  dimensions  might  not  exceed  a  oublc  inch. 
Let  it  not  be  -  ed  that  principle*  and  opinion*  alway*  go 

SYNONYMOUS  (page  457) 


1.  Are  there  any  svnonynou*  words  In  the  strict  B<mt*  of  tfc*  twmt    3, 
What  is  meant  by  synonymout  words?    $.  Whikt  are  tb*  two 
faults  with  reference  to  WIMWWM*  wordi  or 


The  great  source  of  *  loose  style  is  the  tajuatokmi  tm  of  those 
termed  —  .......  >. 

To  raise,  with  fitting  observances,  over  the  rntoi  of  the  htitorte 
CSumter]  the  -  flag  which  had  wared  over  it  during  it«  flr*t  bombard- 

629                                                                                  support 
... term 

SYSTEM  (page  458) 


1.  What  is  order,  in  the  sense  here  considered?  2.  What  does  method  de- 
note T  3.  What  is  a  system?  4.  To  what  does  manner  refer?  6. 
To  what  does  regularity  apply?  6.  Can  there  be  order  without  regu- 
larity or  regularity  without  order,  and  how? 


If  this  be  madness,  there  is in  it. 

A  is  ...  an  organized  body  of  truth,  or  truths  arranged 

under  one  and  the  game  idea,  which  idea  is  as  the  life  or  soul  which  as- 
similates all  those  truths. 

TEACH  (page  461) 


1.  What  ia  it  to  teach?  2.  How  does  instruct  surpass  teach  in  signification? 
3.  What  secondary  sense  has  instruct?  4.  What  is  the  full  meaning 
of  educate?  5,  What  is  it  to  tratn?  6.  To  what  is  train  commonly 
applied  where  educate  could  not  well  be  used?  7.  What  is  it  to 
discipline?  8.  What  does  nurture  signify,  and  how  does  it  compare 
with  educate? 

Plato  returned  to  Athens  and  began  to  ;  like  his  master,  he 

without  money  and  without  price. 

For  the  most  effective  mechanical  work  both  mind  and  hand  must  be 

od  in  childhood. 

The  Highlanders  flocking  to  him  from  all  quarters,  though  ill-armed,  and 

worse — ed,  made  him  undervalue  any  enemy  who,  he  thought,  was  yet 

to  encounter  him. 

TERM   (page  462) 


1.  What  is  the  literal  meaning  of  term?  2.  Is  this  meaning  retained  in  the 
figurative  uioi  of  the  word?  3.  What  are  the  articles  of  a  contract? 
the  terms  of  a  contract?  4.  What  is  a  condition?  5.  What  is  a  term 
fax  tht  logical  tense  t  6.  How  does  term  in  ordinary  use  compare  with 
word,  d»prw«<0n,  or  phrase? 


for  beauty1*  acme  hath  a  — — —  as  brief 
As  the  wave's  poise  before  it  break  in  pearl. 
But  what  are  these  moral  sermons  [of  Seneca]?  B,  nothing  but 

mi«er  it  a  oonfewiou  of  the  misery  which  attend! 


TERSE  (page  463) 


1.  What  is  tho  meaning  of  short  or  ?/nc/F  2.  What  i«  the  derivation  and 
meaning  of  concise?  o£  condensed?  of  comyftuMtntttt  3.  What  i«  th« 
derivation  and  moaning'  of  succinct  ?  of  terttel  4.  What  in  thii  force 
of  summary!  5.  What  is  a  seiitentiuutt  rtylM  a  ##%  utterance! 


With  all  his  lucidity  of  statement,  Hamilton  WUH  not  alwuyn  —  —  -. 

In  most  cawos  it  will  bo  found  that  tho  Victorian  idiom  IH  rto&rvr,  but 
less  .1  than  tho  corresponding  Elizabethan  idiom  which  H  ha*  imp- 


TESTIMONY  (pa^e  403) 


1.  What  is  testimony  f    2.  How  docn  it  compare  with  evMfliuwt    3*  How 
does  a  deposition  differ  from  an  affidavit? 


The  word       ......  ,  in  lo#al  acceptation,  indudoH  all  the  m<»an»  Uy  wbir*h 

any  alleged  mattor  of  fact,  tho  truth  of  which  i«  submitted  to  UN  for  In- 
vestigation,  is  established  or  diHprovccl. 

As  to  the  fruits  of  Sodom,  fair  without,  full  of  antic*  within,  I  imw 
nothing  of  thorn,  though  from  tho  ——  w<*  have,  wim^thinic  *»f  tlilu  kind 
has  been  produced. 

TIME  (page  465) 


1,  To  what  do  sequence  and  auceesttion  apply?    2.  What  doi»«  tinw  df«noti»f 
How  is  it  eowccivod  of  with  reference  to  «»v«»nt#1f    $,  Htiw  d« 
and  succession  oomparo  with 

Bvery  event  romombcr«d  i«  remomlw»red  a*  having  bftppftiwl  in  *.«--.. 
past.  This  givos  us  the  idea  tn  th?  otmcr«»tt*f  .  ,  *  W«  <»nn  now,  by  n 
process  of  abstraction,  scparato  tho  —  •  «—  from  the  nmtt,  »nd  wt» 
the  abstract  idea  of  time. 

The  -  of  each  earthquake  In  monaunid  ictmerilly  only  by 
or  even  parts  of  &  second. 

It  has  been  conjectured  that  our  idoa  of  ——  ~  in  f<mftdi*4  upon  tho 
conscious  -  of  sentationi  and  ideal  in  oar  aim  mlndi, 

TOOL  (page  466) 

1.  What  is  a  toolt    2,  How  dean  inttrumrnt  compare  la  ffl*»imln§;  with 

What  special  tooU  are  ordinarily  cwllwl  itwtrumflnttt    4,  Wlwrt  in 
5.  What  is  a  uttnrtt   tn  wh»t  itp*»dftt  rHutiwi  I*  th* 


,  _  —^^-^^^  _  transient 

word  used?  6.  What  is  an  appliance?  How  does  appliance  compare 
with  tool?  7,  What  is  a  mechanism?  8.  What  is  a  maclwne  in  the 
moht  gonoral  sonw?  in  the  technical  and  common  use?  9.  What  is 
an  apparatus?  10.  Which  of  those  words  have  figurative  use?  11. 
How  are  instrument  and  tool  contrasted  in  figurative  use? 


Tho  time  is  coming  when  the  -  a  of  husbandry  shall  supplant  the 
weapons  of  war. 

Mix  salt  and  sand,  and  it  shall  puzzle  the  wisest  of  men,  with  his  mere 
natural  -  -  a,  to  separate  all  the  giains  of  sand  from  all  the  grains  of 

The  pick,  stone-saw,  wodgp,  chisel,  and  other  -  s  were  already  in 
u«e  whan  the  pyramidH  wore  built 

TOPIC  (page  468) 


'  1.  From  what  ia  topic,  derived,  and  with  what  meaning  ?  2.  How  is  question 
u«jd  in  a  similar  senso,  and  why?  S.  Ja  the  general  subject  or  theme 
properly  known  as  the  topic?  To  what  is  that  name  more  appropriately 


My  father  .   .   .  always  took  care  to  start  some  ingenious  or  useful 
.....   of  discourse,  which  might  tend  to  improve  the  minds  of  his  children. 
One  of  the  most  important  rules  in   a   deliberative  assembly  is,  that 
every  speaker  ahall  apeak  to  the  -  ». 

The  ••  of  the  Iliad  IB  not  the  war  of  Troy,  but  the  wrath  of 

Achlllea  exhibited  during  and  in  connection  with  the  war  of  Troy. 


1,  How  does  transact  differ  from  do?  2.  How  does  transact  differ  from 
treat  and  negotiate?  3.  How  docs  negotiate  compare  with  treatf  4. 
How  do  transaction*  differ  from 


la  the  firrt  Parliament  of  James  the  House  of  Commons  refused  for  the 
first  time  to  ...................  bu«lno8«  on  a  Sunday. 

Th*  tr«»ty  of  peace  that  closed  the  war  of  3812  had  beea  already  - 
tator*  tho  battle  of  New  Orlcann  wan  fought. 

Any  direction  of  Ohi-int  or  any  direction  or  act  of  his  apostles  respecting 
the  ............  of  bu*ia*ftft  in  th«  church,  is  binding  upon  ua,  unless  such  di- 

rection or  act  was  grounded  upon  peculiar  circumstance  then  existing. 

TRANSIENT  (page  470) 


1*  Wh*fr  if  the  aorivattlon  of  tfttnttont  and  trimsitorvt    2*  How  doei 
ti*nt  difltor  in  ilgnification  from  trffiMitoryf     3,  What  is  tfeo 

union.                                                                                        632 
venial  _ „ ,, 

tinctive  meaning'  of  temporary?  4.  Prom  what  ifl  rphcmrral  derived, 
and  with  what  sense?  6.  How  does  ephemeral  differ  from  fr<m*&mt 
or  tranaitory  f  6,  "What  does  ephemeral  sugfloflt  l>OHi<l<'«  brevity  of 
time  1  7,  What  is  the  derivation  and  moaning  of  fufftii*1?  f  8,  What 
is  the  distinctive  meaning  of  evanescent? 


Mirth  is  short  and ,  cheerfulness  flxca  and  pcrmnm'nt. 

Neither  gratitude  nor  revenge  had  any  share  in  determining  hi»  [  (Jhnrtoii 
II.' e]  course;  for  never  was  there  a  mind  on  which  both  service  and  in- 
juries left  such  faint  and impressions. 

A  ,  chairman  is  commonly  appointed  at  the  opening:  of  a  mwtlftg 

to  conduct  proceedings  till  a  permanent  presiding  officer  Khali  bo 

UNION  (page  471) 


1.  What  is  unity?  2.  What  is  union  f  3.  How  are  untty  and  ur.iun  con* 
trasted  f  4.  When  may  witty  be  predicated  of  that  which  in  raadfl  up 
of  parts? 

Behold  how  good  and  how  pleasant  it  IB  for  brethren  to  dwell  togftthtf 

Out  of  the      of  Roman  and  Teutonic  element*  Arose  the  modern 

world  of  Europe. 

UTILITY  (pace  472) 


1.  From  what  is  utility  derived,  and  what  in  its  primary  ttwning  f  8.  How 
is  utility  discriminated  from  u*t  and  wf/itinwf  5.  What  U  tit?  tlr 
rivation  and  rrimary  meaning  of  txptdicnryl  4*  How  we  *#p*d{*f»w 
and  utility  used  as  regards  moral  action!  Which  In  the  intarfor  ward 
in  such  use?  5,  How  does  policy  in  such  uw  compare  with  txpf 
diency  and  utility  t 


Principle  is  ever  my  motto,  not    * 

Two  words  form  the  key  of  the  Baconian  doctrine,  — —  *&£  pwfreet. 
The  ancient  philosophy  disdained  to  be  useful,  and  was  o<mt<mt  to  be  fU- 

Justice  itself  is  the  great  standing of  civil  society,  tad  *ny  de- 
parture from  it,  under  any  circumstances,  rests  under  the  iutpidon  of  beiag 

no at  all. 

The  fundamental  objection  to  the  doctrine  of  • »  in  all  it«  modi- 

teations  is  that  taken  by  Dr.  Reid,  vi«.,  "that  agrteibUftftm  and  

are  not  moral  conceptions,  nor  hare  they  any  connection  with  morality. 
What  *  man  does  merely  because  it  is  agreeable  in  not  virtue." 

633  union 

,  venial 

VACANT  (page  473) 


1.  What  Is  the  meaning  of  empty?  of  vacant ?  2.  To  what  does  vacant  espe- 
cially refer?  8.  What  is  the  difference  between  an  empty  house  and 
a  vacant  house?  4.  What  is  the  difference  in  dignity  between  the  two 
words?  5.  What  is  the  significance  of  void  and  devoid t  6.  What 
does  waste  imply}  7.  In  what  sense  is  vacuous  used? 

1  heads  console  with  ••  sound. 

The  watch-dog's  voice  that  bay'd  the  whispering  wind 
And  the  loud  laugh  that  spoke  the  — — -  mind. 

VENAL  (page  474) 


t.  From  what  is  venal  derived,  and  with  what  meaning?  mercenary?  hire- 
ling f     2.  How  are  mercenary  and  venal  discriminated  from  hireling  f 


The  closing  quarter  of  the  nineteenth  century  may  be  termed  the 

era  of  American  politics.  Never  before  has  legislation  been  so  universally, 
tio  unscrupulously,  and  unbiushingly  for  sale. 

The  body  of  Greeks,  immortalized  under  the  name  of  the  Ten  Thousand, 

.  *  .  though  embarking  on  a  foreign service,  were  by  no  means 

outcasts,  or  even  men  of  extreme  poverty. 

Xt  10  not  the  hire,  but  the  working  only  for  the  hire  that  makes  the 

VENERATION  (page  476) 


1*  By  what  qualities  is  awe  inspired?  2.  What  elements  are  present  and 
what  lacking  in  awe?  3.  What  is  dread  and  by  what  aroused!  4. 
How  do  reverence  and  veneration  differ  from  awe  or  dread  f  5.  How 
does  adoration  compare  with  veneration? 


Man  craves  an  object  of ;  and  if  not  supplied  with  that  which 

God  hfti  appointed,  will  take  what  offers. 

The  Italian  climate  robi  age  of  its  ••,  and  makes  it  look  newer 

th«n  it  to 

VENIAL  (page  477) 


1.  From  what  is  venial  derived,  and  what  does  it  signify?  2.  How  does 
venial  compare  with  pardonable  t  3.  How  does  excusable  differ  from 
the  above  word*?  4.  What  very  different  word  is  sometimes  coj* 
founded  with  venial  t 

veracity  (>;>4 

virtue  ^___»_-_ 


Theft  on,  the  part  of  a  starving  man  in  one  of  the  most  —  of 

Under  All  the  circumstances,  the  error  was  •    •. 

VERACITY  (page  477) 


1.  l>o  truth  and  verity  apply  to  thought  and  Hprcrh  or  to  prwonfi?  2,  To 
what  does  veracity  apply?  truthiul^essl  3.  Into  what  two  rtaMM'ti 
may  tho  words  in  this  group  of  synonyms  b«  divided,  and  what  wordn 
•will  be  found  in  each  class! 


On  a  certain  confidence  in  the  of  mankind  1*  founded  no  much 

of  the  knowledge   on  which  we  constantly   depend,   that,   without  it,   tlin 
whole  system  of  human  things  would  go  into  confusion. 
If  all  the  world  and  love  wore  young, 
And        '    '     m  every  shepherd's  tongue, 
These  pretty  pleasures  might  me  move 
To  live  with  thee  and  be  thy  lore. 

VIRTUE  (page  480) 


1.  What  Is  the  prominent  idea  In  virtu*  f  2,  How  doiss  ffwdnw  differ 
from  virtue  f  8.  Of  what  relations  are  honest}/  and  prnifity  uml?  4, 
How  is  honesty  u«od  in  a  fcoriRc  highor  than  khu  rnmnu<rc)*()  /  ft 
What,  in  the  full  *enii«,  is  intwrityt  0.  What  is  honorf  7,  WJ»»t  in 
purity  f  dutyt  8,  What  do  rfotUttdt  and  riffht<awtnf*»  dnno^f  ft. 
To  what  does  upr^fctnew  e*p«eially  refer!  XO.  What  U  irtrtt*<w<wwMr 


is  the  fruit  »f  exertion;  it  irapposei  ooiMfcett  of  t«mpUtioB. 

In  seeing  that  a  thing  is  right,  w«  Me  at  the  ii*m*  ttm*  that  it  ta  our 
to  do  it. 

It  is  true  that in  th*  bent  policy;  but  If  thli  t>t  tho  motivt  at 

honest  dealing,  there  is  no  real 

Whare  is  that  chastity  of that  tot  a  ftaln  like  *  w<ma*t 


(For  explanation  of  how  to  use  this  index,  see  Special  Note  on 
page  xv.) 


abandon  .....  .  ...........  3 

renounce     ..............  411 

surrender    ,  ...........  457 

abandoned,   addicted    .......  82 

abas*    .  .  ..............  .  .  4 

abash     ...................  5 

abate  .  .................  0 

abolish  ................  11 

alleviate    ...............  53 

abberation,  insanity   ........  305 

abbreviation  ..........  .  .  .  6 

abridgment    ..........  .  13 

abdicates  abandon    .........  3 

abet  ....................  6 

help    ...................  276 

abetter,    accessory    ,  .  .......  23 

abettor,  accessory  ..........  ,  28 

abeyance  ..........  *  .......  7 

abhor  ....................  a 

abhorrence,  abomination  .  .  .  ,  12 

antipathy    ..............  72 

hatred   .....  ,  .........  ,  278 

abide  .......  „  ............  9 

endure    .....  *  ......  .  .  .  .  210 

abiding,  permanent  ........  802 

Ability,  povwr  .............  375 

abjact,  pitiful  ..............  867 

abjuration,  abnegation  .......  11 

abjure,  abandon  ..........  8 

renounce    .....  .  .........  411 

abta,  adequate  .....  .  ......  84 

clever    ................  162 

eaffacioun    ......  .......  427 

ablution    ..................  0 

abntgation    ...............  11 

abode,  hen*  ..............  282 

abolish  ..................  11 

oawel    ................  188 

abomltxablo,  criminal  .......  178 

aUowinafco,  abhor  ........  .  .  .  8 

abomination    ..............  12 

aboriginal,  primeval   .  .  .....  885 

abortive,  vain  .  .  .  .  .  .........  474 

rtfrwnd    ..................  18 

abounding,  plentiful  ........  871 

*bov«board,  candid  ........  180 

abovc-mimtionod,   previous    ,  ,  882 

above-named,   previous    .....  882 

abridge,  restrain  ...........  418 




abrogate,  abolish 11 

cancel  188 

abrupt,  bluff 125 

steep  450 

abscond  14 

absent,  abstracted  18 

absolute  , ....  15 

infinite 800 

perfect 862 

pure  395 

absolution,  pardon,  n 356 

absolve  16 

pardon,  v ,  855 

absorb  * ...  16 

absorbed,  abstracted 18 

abstain,,  cease  ... 149 

abstaining,  abstinence  .....  17 

abstemiousness,  abstinence  ...  17 

abstention,  abstinence 17 

abstinence -  17 

abnegation  .............  11 

abstract,  v * . . ..  18 

abstract,  n.,  abridgment  .....  18 

abstracted  ,..,...,  18 

abstruso,  complex ,  166 

mi/atfirious    887 

obfioure  847 

absurd -..„...,  19 

incongruous 297 

abundance,  wealth  < « . .  482 

abundant,  large  , . . . ,  818 

plentiful  871 

abusa 20 

abomination  12 

abutting,  adjacent *  86 

abysm,  abyss .,,...  20 

academic,  academical  ........  22 

accede,  agree  42 

accelerate,  quicken 898 

accept,  agr«$ 42 

assume 98 

confer » . . ..  170 

acceptable,  delightful 186 

accepted,  authentic  108 

accMft,  entrance 220 

accessible,  friendly 256 

accession,  entrance  ........,,  220 

accoBiory,  a.,  auaittarv  . . . . .  108 

accessory,  it,  ., 28 

appendage 79 





accident    24 

hazard 375 

acclaim,    prafca      376 

acclamation,   praise    376 

accommodate,    adapt      29 

accommodation,  compromise    .  167 

accompaniment,    appendage  79 

circumstance    158 

accompany,    follow .  250 

accomplice  acceptor}/       28 

associate,  n 91 

accomplish,   attain   , 90 

do   198 

tianvact , 469 

accomplished,    polite     C71i 

skilful    442 

accomplishment,  act. 27 

end,   n 214 

accord,  v.,  ayrte  . « - 42 

accord,  n  ,  harmoni/    «...  271 

accordance,  harmony   27JI 

accordingly,  therefore  464 

accost,    address,   v 30 

account,  v.,  calculate 136 

history  28t 

reason,  n 403 

i*eor4      - *•  405 

report    •  412 

8tory    45! 

accountability,  duty  207 

accountable,   responsible    * . , ,  415 

accoutermonts,  aw* 88 

caparison    140 

accredited,  authentic    „  103 

accumulate,  amass . , . .  60 

accurate,  perfect 862 

accuse,   arraipn 84 

accustomed,  addicted   82 

usual    ,. , 472 

acerb,  b#t*r   122 

acerbity,  acrimony 26 

acetous,    bitter 122 

ache,   pain   864 

achieve,  attain 99 

do    198 

get 262 

succeed 454 

achievement,  act  27 

end,   n 214 

victory 479 

work 487 

acid,  bitter  122 

acidulated,  bitter 122 

acidulous,  litter , 122 

acknowledge,  avow  , 105 

oonfets , „ .  170 

acknowledgment,   apology    . . ,  75 


acquire,   attain 


pardon  ,  «  ..............     Wft 

acquittal,  'jHtntont  n  ........     36<J 

acrid,  dft^r  ........  .  .....      1»» 




action,   ore 



U  4 

operation  .....  .,,.,.,,.  3f>I 

fm  /war/  ion     ............  4<!U 

worft  .................  4*7 

tctlve   .............  .  ......  S»H 

alrrt  ................  ,.  47 

alive    .................  40 


actor,   agent 




actual,  rfal  ...........  ,  ,  .  ,     4(»2 

actualize,  rfo  ...........  ...      li>H 

actuate,  inftwnct  .....  .  .  ,  ,  .     QOU 

acutt\,  oitaf*  .........  .  .  .  .  .  04 

wcracioui  *  ......  .......  41*7 

rumf  n   ...,..,..  2rt 

,  prov  «rfr    ............  m 















adduce,  ott*06   .....  *  ......  51 

adopt,    skilful    ............  442 

adequate    .................  84 

condign   .....  ,  ........  169 

fit     ...................  246 

plfntiful    .............  371 

adherence,  attachment  ......  97 

adherent    ........  .  ........  35 

adhesion,    attachment    ......  97 

adhesive    ................  36 

adieu,    farewell    ...........  238 

adit,  entrance  ............  220 

adjarcnt    ................  3C 

adjoin,    add    ............  32 

attach    ................  95 

conjoin    .............  171 

adjoining,   adjacent   .......  36 

adjourn,  defer   ............  182 

adjournment,  abeyance    .....  7 

adjunct,  appendage   ........  79 

adjuration,  oath  ...........  346 

adjust,  adapt   .............  29 

arrange   ...............  85 

adjustment,   compromise   ....  167 

administer,  execute   ........  228 

.admirable,    fine    ...........  245 

admiration,  amazement   .  .  .  .  .  61 

admire    ..................  37 

*(XmiAsiM«   ................  87 

admission,    entrance    .......  220 

Admit,    agree    .............  42 

aUow    .................  55 

avow   ...............  .  .  105 

confess    ...............  170 

admittance,  entrance  .......  220 

admixture,   alloy    .....  .....  56 

admonitth,    reprove    .  .  .  .....  414 

admonition,    reproof    .......  413 

adotoftcanfc,   youthful    .......  468 

adoration,  veneration  ........  476 

adoro*   admire    ......  .  .....  37 

venerate    .  .  ........  .  •  .  .  475 

adorn    .......  <  ...........  88 

adroit,  clever  .............  162 

BdroitncBi,  address,  n.   .  .  .  .  .  34 

dexterity    ...............  192 

Adulation,  prdtot   ..........  376 

adulteration,  alloy   .........  .  56 

advance,  u.,  nffffrandh*  .  .  -  .  .  41 

all*0<  .................  51 

amend  .  ...  r  ......  .....  63 

progress    .....  .  ........  388 

promote    ......  .....  .  ...  390 

quicken   .............  898 

advancement,  progress    ,  .  ,  ,  ,  888 


advantage,  profit   887 

utility    472 

victory     479 

adventure,   accident 24 

adventurous,    brave     127 

adversary,  enemy 217 

adverse   , 39 

adversity,   misfortune    381 

advert,   allude    56 

advertise,    announce    69 

adviiod,  conscious   173 

advocate,   abet 6 

plead    369 

aerial,    airy     45 

affable,  friendly   256 

affair,    battle    114 

business    133 

transaction    469 

affect,  assume 93 

affectation,   hypocrisy    ....  285 

pretense 380 

affection,  attachment 97 

disease     197 

friendship    257 

love    321 

affectionate,  friendly   .......  256 

affidavit,    oath    346 

testimony     468 

affiliate,  associate,  v 90 

affinity,    analogy    66 

attachment 97 

Mn,    811 

affirm,  allege 51 

8tate 449 

affirmation,  testimony   ......  468 

affix,  add 82 

append  78 

attach  95 

conjoin 171 

afflict,  chasten 155 

affliction,  grief ,  266 

mini  or  tune 381 

affluence,   wealth .,  482 

affluent,  plentiful  871 

afford,  endure 216 

affray,  feitd   241 

affright,  v.,  frighten  ..,.„..  258 

affright,  n.,  alarm 47 

fear  288 

affront 89 

aforesaid,   previous    ,,......  882 

afraid  40 

age,  time 465 

aged,  old  . . : 850 

agency,  operation 851 

agent  41 

cause   , . ,  , ,  144 




aggravate,  affront 

aggression,  attack,  w. 

aggrieve,  abuse 

agile,   active   

agility,   alacrity 
agitato,  shake 
agitation,  storm 
agnomen,   name 
agnostic,  skeptic 




aid,  v.,  abet 

aid,  ft., 

aider,  adherent 

account,  n. 

design    . . . 



akin,  < 



alarmed,  afraid   . 
alarming,    awful 


alertness,    alacrity 

alienate,    surrender 
alienation,  insanity 

aliment,  food 

,        41 

,       89 

,      60 

.       99 



.     844 

,     43C 









































all,  every  _.«~*«** 
allo/i/  ...  *  u. » «••  • ...  • 



'. !  r  60 

, . ,  44fl 

....  f»l 


fiction 248 

alleviate  MJ 

Man M 

alloy,  way ,  4H« 

alliance  -  M* 

atuwHation   , . . .  D'J 

kin an 

allot f»  I 

apply   , .  * «  H(> 

(ififtin'tian     .............  HU 

dwotf    HH 

allow , ,  r>r> 

ronfwt    , * . t70 

endure iiUl 

rtllow/thlc,    adnitwihlr     ......  717 

allowniu'*',  j)u//,  n ,  ftftf) 

prrmixaiori ,  flfiH 

subaidy 4Thi 


ftlly,  «,,  < 
ally,  ».,  acwKtwri/r 


n,   * . . 



I  «n 


alt*T,  change,  i»,    , , , . 

alteration,  chanfjf,  n. 

altercation . . , 

alternative    ..,...,., 

m,    H-i5 

..       ftl 

','.  IKl 

, .  9UU 

o&*rttr*    ......,«,.....,  $47 

mbition   * ,. , , »  «2 

,.  63 



wwaftl 4U3 

* IU 




amidM,  amid  


.  .  ,       65 

antagonism    antipathy        *    * 


umity,  friendship   

.  .  .     200 

enmity                 .  *    »      .  •  • 


.  .  .     271 

antagonist    enevfiy     *  .    >  •  .  .  . 


amnchty,  pardon,  n.   .    .  . 



among,   amid    



nmongHt,  amid   


precedent           .  . 


ample,  large   

.  .  .      313 




.    .      871 

antopant     anticipation            . 








...      218 

abide         .               


tunuflomcnt,   entertainment 

.  .      219 


analogous,  alike  ........ 







aiiulyniR,  abridgment 


hatred                         »    . 


anan-hy,    revolution    .  .    , 
nnalhuma,  oath  

.    .     420 
...      846 

antiquated,  antique    






.  .  .      848 

antique          .                 •         • 



.  .  .     850 


....     885 




care        .  .       *           .  .    •> 


an  yer    

.  .  o       67 



.  .  .„    278 


anguish,  anxiety   

....      78 

anv    evert/      


...     854 


...     451 

stupidity     .> 


animadversion,  reproof  .  . 

....    418 

stupor   ,  ,. 


,,,     131 

aperture,    cavity    ,.,.....,.< 



apiece    ....    ..........      .. 


....      49 

aphorism    proverb                 * 



apocalypse    revelation 


....      40 



....    207 


animation,   alacrity    





hatred  .  ,  .  

.  ,       241 
...      278 

apostate,  heretic  
apostrophize,  address,  v  





appal,    friyhten    


append      *  .     «     *  •  «  • 



attach  ....,,,....... 



annihilate,    abolish    .  .  .  ,  . 


apparel,   dress   


....     281 


.  .  .,    409 

clear    +  ...«.,* 



evident    ,  „ 



....       89 


annoyance,  alj<>tnination  „ 

appoal  to,  address,  v.  ...,„.» 




,  ...     188 

appearance  or   semblance  of, 


hare,   appear  ..»,..., 


.  .  <     397 

appearance,  <wtr  »  .    *    .  * 


..„       70 

appease,   aUay  '....,..    ,       ( 


aiuvmablo,   responsible   , 

,..«    415 

appellation,   name    






append     78 

add    32 

attach    100 

appendage     79 

appendix,  appendage  70 

appetence,  appetite 80 

desire 190 

appetite     80 

desire 190 

applaud,    admire    37 

applause,    prawe    «  370 

appliance,    tool    4(JG 

application,    exercise,    229 

industry    299 

apply     BO 

adapt     20 

allot     54 

appeal    77 

attach    95 

denote    191 

fla 247 

apply   for,    auk    90 

apply  to,  address,  v.  , 33 

ask    90 

appoint,   allot   54 

apportion    82 

apportion    * .  82 

attot   54 

devote    191 

apposite,  fit    246 

appreciate,    esteem,   v.    . . . .  *  223 

apprehend,    anticipate     71 

arrest    88 

catch    146 

perceive     861 

apprehension,    alarm    ......  47 

anticipation    ,,..., 71 

anxiety 73 

fear     288 

idea    287 

knowledge    $11 

apprehensive,  afraid  ........  40 

apprised,   conscious 173 

approach,    address,   v 88 

approach,  n.,  approximation  .  88 

entrance   . . . , ,  220 

approbation,    praise    .......  876 

appropriate,  abstract  .....,.,  18 

apply     ...,.,,..,,.,.  4 .,  80 

apportion 82 

assume    ......,..,  08 

devote    191 

fit    246 

approval,  praise 87G 

approve,    admire    87 

affree     42 

approximation    83 


.  70 

u  priori,    trarutctndcnttit   ....  470 

apt,   clcvrr    ...............  J  ftti 

fit     ...................  *J40 

likely     ...............  8IK 

say  aria  u*     .......  *  ......  1*27 

skilful    ................  442 

aptitude*,    dexterity    ........  IflU 

power    .......  ,,,.,..,  87ft 

arbiter,  Judy*   .............  3f>8 

arbitrary,    absolute    ........  15 

arbitrate,     inter  ptt*e     .......  .'Klfl 

arbitration,    fom/jromfof    ....  H17 

arbitrator,    jutlyp     .........  SUtH 

archaic,  obxotefr   .  .  .  ,  «  ......  fl4H 

archetype,   example    ........  827 

idea     .................  5JH7 

ideal     .................  2HM 

model  ,  ................  334 

archivn,    reettrd    ...........  4M 

archives,    history    ..........  UH1 

ardent,  eager  ...  ........  .  ,  307 

ardor,    «nl!Aujfto*m    ........  S3t» 

arduous,   difficult   .  .  ......  .  ,  ,  J9i 

arguo,  pie  nd  .  .............  $## 


,    n 

arise,  rtev 
arming,    beginning 
armament,   army 
armor,    arm*    ,  , 





oh  struct     „  ,,,,,.,,..,»,,  B4P 

r#«k»A    ...........  ,,,  401 

at,  attain  ......    ,  .  ,  ,  99 

rfcl*  ...........  8H4 

trrojfftnt,   nbtalute    ...,.,.,,  i;> 






art,    artifice    



artful,   astute      

article,    term      

Article  of  Iwlwf,   doctrine 
article  of  faith,  doctrine   , 
articulate,   speak    . . 


artificer,  artwt 

artiHuri,  artittt 


artiwtic,  tasteful 460 

candid 139 

rustic     420 

an,  because 110 

ancond,   rise 424 

aftflcndcncy,  victory 479 

ascertain,    discover      190 

o,  attribute,  v 100 

body    126 

ask    90 

plead   809 

1>rai/    377 

,    acrimon}/ 20 

slander   442 

asphyxia,  stupor    452 

aspiration,  aim  44 

ambition    02 

desire    190 

attack,  1} 98 

kill 3H) 

aftsault,  1?.,  attack,  v 98 

aflHault,  n.,  attack,  n 99 

assemblage1,  company   104 

ttUHomMo,  convoke 178 

company      104 

•y,,  ayree 42 

amemt,  n.t  faith 232 

amort,  alley e 51 

state,    449 

aiicrticm,   aumrancc    98 

atBfttH,   wealth    482 

awevrratt1,  allege   , 51 

stato    449 

AMlduity,    industry    299 

induttriouH    299 

allege  51 

allot     54 

apply 80 

apportion 82 

attribute,  v 100 

commit 104 

dwott 191 


assist,    abet    6 

help     270 

promote 391 

asaiKtant,   accttmori/    .    .  23 

auxiliary 102 

associate,  v 90 

accessory      23 

apply 80 

attach 95 

attribute,   o 100 

conjoin    ...      .        ...  171 

m& 381 

associate,  n 91 

association 92 

acquaintance 25 

class      159 

assort,    arrauye    85 

assuage,  alleviate 93 

assumption,    wmuranct    ...  98 

preitctnae       880 

pride 884 

assurance    .  93 

e/rontery     210 

faith       282 

impudence,    296 

assure,  confirm 170 

state    449 

aHsurod,  conscious 173 

astonishment,  amazement  ....  61 

perplexity     364 


as  woll,  also 67 

as  wall  a«,   also .  57 

at  caau,  comfortable     , 108 

athuiHt,    skeptic    441 

atom,  part,  n 857 

particle    ,  358 

at  once,  immediately   298 

atonement,  propitiation   . . . ,  .  390 

at  rGHt,  com  for  table   163 

atrocious,   barbarous 113 

attach    95 

add    82 

append 78 

apply    80 

associate,  v 90 

conjoin    , 171 

,/ZaJ    247 

attached,  addicted   82 

adjacent    , 80 

attachment -  97 

appendage    79 

friendship    257 

love    821 

attack,   v,    .> 98 

attack,  n 99 






get SOS 

reach 401 

succeed    45 1 

attainment,    progress    3H8 

window 485 

attempt,  v.,  endeavor,  v.     .    .  215 

attempt,  n  ,  endeavor,  n.  .    . .  216 

attend,  follow 250 

listen     318 

attendant,  accessory     23 

attention,  care 141 

indwtry    209 

attestation,  testimony  , 408 

attire,    dress    204 

attitude    100 

attract,  allure  57 

draw    202 

attraction,    love    821 

attractive,  amiable  ..*....    .  64 

beautiful    115 

pleasant    870 

attribute,  v,    . , 100 

r+WbuU,  n    101 

characteristic    ..........  154 

emblem 211 

audacity,  effrontery 210 

temerity    401 

augment,  add  •  •  32 

aggrandize    41 

amplify    05 

augur  102 

aujfury,   sign    * . « * •  *88 

august,  awful 1  Ofl 

royal    425 

auspicious,  propitious   891 

austere,    severe    ...........  435 

authentic     103 

real    402 

author,  cause   , 140 

authoritative,  absolute  15 

awtbentie 108 

dogmatic   ..............  200 

authority,  permission  .......  863 

power    * 87$ 

precedent $78 

authorization,  permission   ...  868 

authorized,  authentic 10$ 

autobiography,   hitt>>ty    281 

autochthonio,   primeval  * ....  885 

autocratic,  absolute    , , , 15 

automatic,  spontaneous 447 

auxiliary 108 

appendage  76 

avail,  profit 887 

wHKtV    472 

avaricious   104 

avenge  ..........  *  ........  104 

requite     ..............  4  U* 

avenging,  rfvtny?,  ..........  4li* 

avonui1,  w*ay  ......  »  ......  483 

aver,    allfffr    ...    ....»,....  fil 

avow    .  .  ......  .........  Wit 

state    .................  44U 

averse,  reluctant    .  .  ,  .......  40J* 

aversion,  abomination   .....  .  12 


avouch,  avow   ............  105 

state    ..........  .  ......  440 

avow   .  ,  .  .  .........  .......  iOft 

con/ft*    ..........  .....  170 

etatf    .................  44U 

await,  abide   ........  ,  .....  0 

awake,  vigilant  .......  .  ,  .  .  .  479 

award,   allot    .........  ,  .  .  .  .  54 

aware,  conxciou*    ........  .  .  173 

awft,   amazftnrnt    .....  *  ....  01 

/ear   ..................  StJtH 

veneration    .............  470 

awful  .......  *  ............  1W1 

awkward  ...........,,,,..  10(1 

<uetom  .....  .........  ......  107 

proverb    .......  ........  30iJ 

labM*    .  ................  ,,  107 

backbite,  ulandcr   ........  .  .  4<3 

bnckwnrd,   reluctant    ,.....,     409 


hail,  wurtty    .....  ,  4  ......  4*1 

Imlk,  &<j/t<»   *.»,..,*  .....  ,,  ton 

A<«rf«r  ........  ,.,  .....  a«o 

b*lkyt  rrtfttv   .......  ,  .....  417 

balmy,  t*lm  .  ,  ,  ,  ,  .........  m 

ban,  r,,  b#nt*h   .....  ......  HO 









INOKX   OF   SYNONYMS          -       attain 


v       t      , 

oar,  barrier     H3 

hinder 280 

impediment   295 

lock   320 

obstruct     349 

barbarian,    barbarous    113 

barbaric,  barbarous 113 

barbanam,  language   312 

barbarous   113 

bar^,  bleak  128 

barely,   but      184 

bargain,    contract    175 

tale    428 

bargain  for,  purchase  $95 

barricade,   v.t  obstruct   ...    .  849 

barricade,  n ,  barrier  113 

barrier    113 

boundary    . , 126 

impediment   295 

barter,  business  183 

sale    428 

barter  for,  purchase   895 

ba*<',    brutish    181 

•foundation    254 

pitiful    307 

bancltftH,    vain    ...........  474 

baahfulness,  modesty   884 

bade,  radical  400 

basis,  foundation  254 

bastinado,  beat 115 

bath,  ablution 9 

bathing,  ablution , .  Q 

bathos,  abyss   . . . 20 

batter,   beat   115 

battle    114 

batfeio  array,  array   ........  87 

bawl,  tall  138 

beach,   bank   Ill 

beam,  light  817 

beaming,  bright   129 

boar,  abide  9 

tarry     144 

endure  216 

support ,  456 

bearing,  air  * . .  44 

Wuurtor    ,  119 

direction   196 

boar  up  xmdflr,  endure 216 

bear  with,  endure 216 

faatt,  animal 62 

btaifelr,  brutish   181 

beat * 115 

«0n0w«r    , . , . .  172 

beauteoui,   beautiful   115 

beautiful 115 

j*n* 245 

graceful    ,  . , 266 


beautify,  adorn ,  88 

because  ,  .  .  .  116 

therefore 464 

bochanco,  happen  267 

become,  make  822 

becoming  117 

fit  246 

be  cured  or  healed,  recover  ,  406 
bedeck,    adorn        .        .          .38 

befall,    happen    ....            ...  267 

befitting,  becoming 117 

fit  246 

befoul,  defile 184 

befriend,  help 276 

beg,  ask  . .  90 

plead 869 

pray  877 

beggary,  poverty  874 

beginning  118 

beguile,  entertain  218 

behavior  119 

air 44 

behold,  discern  196 

look  820 

be  in  possession  of,  have...  274 

belabor,  beat  115 

beleaguer,  attack f  v  98 

belief,  doctrine  200 

faith    282 

fancy     - 237 

idea  * 287 

belittle,  disparage  198 

,  belles-lettres,  literature  ...  319 

bellow,  call  186 

bemoan,  mourn  886 

bend  119 

benefaction,  gift  268 

beneficence,  benevolence  . . .  120 

benefit,  profit 887 

utility  472 

benevolence 120 

merey 827 

benevolent,  humane  284 

benign,  propitious 891 

benignant,  amiable 64 

humane 284 

propitious  891 

benignity,  benevolence  120 

mercy  * , .  . .  827 

be  pouessed  of,  have  ......  274 

bequest,  gift  , .  268 

bereavement,  misfortune  . , . .  831 

be  restored,  recover  406 

beseech,  cak  90 

plead   869 

pray 877 

beseeming,  becoming  117 

Eusineas              INOKX 




besot,  attack,  v    



beside,  adjacent         
besides,  alno    

.       J'JJt 

bosiogo,  attack,   »  
bestial,  brutish  , 
bestow,  £/w&  ...      .      .      . 


.  .    a;$  i 

blosfipd,  happy    

.  .     1570 

bk'HRodnohK,  ha  ;y  in  CM   . 
blind    (irtiftcp   .......... 

,'    an  7 

!      U70 

betidft,  happen         .    , 
betoken,  aitgur       

better,  amend  

blihftful    hdt-i))]/       i    •  »  • 

betwixt,  amid       

1)  lit  he    haftttif             .  .  i  « 

.  .      ^70 

bevy,  flock    
bewail,  moui  H 
bewilderment,  amazement    ... 

.     1270 
.      113 
,      1180 
.     340 
.      311 


block,    bar)  icr    
obfitruct     .... 
blood,    Jcin,      
bloodhhod,  »w«w/v   .  .    . 
blooming,   bcnutiful    , 
blot,    blewitth    ......      . 

bewitching,    beautiful    
charming    ...... 

prejudice     . 

bide,  abidv   
big    larffo                  ...      .  . 

.      138 

blow    .  ,  


bigotry,  fanaticituu     
bills,  money    


.     i  aft 

.      124 


blur,  blctnitih    


blurt,  labblft    

.      107 
,      107 

blurt   out,   bnbblf      

biography,  hiatory   
birth    Jcvn 

,    iar> 

bit    %)art$(tl& 

'    Jna 

biting    btitter 

bitter                          .  .        i    . 

.    son 

bitterness,    acrimony    .... 

,     125 

bold,    bluff    

.      125 



.     SIO 

blab    babble 

black    dark                 •  *        « 

'      ' 


blame    t\t    Ttfwtoof            •      • 

*     820 

<     240 

.     340 

blameless,   innorent      .... 

bondage    /  flier 

blanch    bleach 

.      1  15 

bland    calm    >      .    .    .  <  <  .    .  . 

bland!  fthmont    pratNp   .  .    .    .  . 

bookish,  aawletniid   ....•.., 


blank,    bltah    

.     Rift 

boon,  0ift  

!      100 
.     4U 

blttephominff    oath 

booriflh,   awkward    
rustic    .  .  .  *  

blasphemy   oath     >       .  .      .  . 

blaze   t?    &WT*H     • 

blaze,  n.,  fire  

,     205 

border,   bank    

.     Ill 

blazon,  announce  





bordering,  adjacent 36 

boni,  cavity  147 

both 126 

(tvtiry  225 

bothur,  rare  . . 141 

bottom,  fonndatbw  .  .  .  ,  254. 

bound,  bank Ill 

boundary    120 

end,  n 214 

boundless,  infinite 300 

bountoouH,  plentiful  . .  ,  371 

bountiful,  ffiwtrowt  201 

plfnH/ul  873 

bounty,  b*nc  valence  , ,  . .  .  ,  120 

gift    203 

subsidy  453 

bourn,  boundary 126 

bourne,  boundary 120 

bout,  battle 114 

bow,  1>«nd  319 

box,  blow  124 

boyl«h,  ittwthfitl  488 

bra#,  ostentation  352 

brain,  wind  320 

brand,  «.,  Zwrn  1 32 

brand,  n,,  blemish  124 

brandinh,  shaka  436 

brewH,  Gffronlery  210 

bravado,  ostentation  852 

trav* 127 

bravewy,  yrowcrt*  . , 893 

brawl,  altercation  58 

feud  240 

broach,  cavity  147 

Ireale  128 

rend  410 

break  off,  dnfttr 162 

tnd,  v 218 

broak  up,  dtftr  182 

braaatwork,  barrier  118 

fortifaation  252 

breathing,  aliv«  40 

br«edin&  fahavior  110 

^duration  209 

brlbfl,  gift 268 

Inrtdln,  «A«0ft  155 

rtrtraln  418 

bridlepath,  way  4*82 


f,  n.,  MM* 440 

transient  470 


elwtr    162 

hapw  270 

brilliancy,  light  817 


brilhant,  bright 129 

brim,  bank -Ill 

brmp,  carry  .  .  144 

bring  about,  do  ,  . .  . .  198 

make  .  .  322 

bring  into  bomg,  tnakc . .  . .  322 

bring  ovor,  pprftvcttle  .  36{> 

brmg  to  aa  end,  craw  .  ,  14J> 

bring  to  pftfcfe,  do  ...  .  19C 

make 322 

brink,  bank 113, 

brisk,  active 28 

alert 47 

alive.    49 

nimble 844 

briskness,  alaciitj/ 46 

pcrtneaa  865 

broad,  largo .  813 

broil,  atl&rcatio7i 58 

jrud  241 

brood,  flock  ...  .  ,  .  249 

brook,  endure,  216 

brotherly,  frwudlii  ....  256 

browbeat,  frighten  258 

biuiHG,  beat 115 

bra  ah,  cleanse  160 

bruflk,  bluff  125 

brutal,  barbaroun 118 

brutish  181 

brute,  a,,  brut  ink  131 

brute,  n.,  animal  68 

brutitth  183 

bucoanoor,  robber  425 

buooJic,  rustic  42^ 

buffet,  blow  124 

build,  make  322 

bulky,  large 81ft 

bullion,  mnnay 885 

bulwark,  barrier 118 

defense  182 

bun«Hn&  awkward  106 

buoyant,  happy 270 

burden,  load,  n 819 

burglar,  robbsr 425 

burlesque,  caricature  148 

wtt,    486 

bum 132 

burning,  eager 207 

fir*    246 

burrow,  cavity  147 

burat,  'break  128 

rend    410 

bury,   Mdt' 278 

immerse    294 

.4 188 

duty    207 

tran*ae1ion    469 

work   487 





bustling,   active 28 

nimble     844 

busy,  industrious  . , 299 

fcu*     134 

notwithstanding,     conj.     .  345 

butcher,  kill , 310 

butchery,   massacre 324 

buy,   purchase 395 

by    134 

by  dint  of,  ly 134 

by  moans  of,   by   . . . 134 

byword,   proverb    898 

calal    135 

cabalistic,    mysterious    337 

cackle,   laWe 107 

cajole,   allure    57 

calamity,  accident 24 

blow    124 

catastrophe   145 

misfortune    831 

calculate,    136 

esteem,   v 228 

calculated,  fit 246 

call    186 

appeal 77 

convoke 178 

employ    218 

callow,    youthful      488 

call  together,  convoke   178 

call  upon,  pray 877 

calm,  v.f  allay 50 

calm,   a.    135 

rest   416 

oalamess,  apathy 74 

patience    «...  858 

rest   416 

calumniate,   slander    442 

canaille,  mob 838 

cancel    188 

candfa     189 

honest   288 

candor,   veracity 477 

canori,  law   815 

cant,   hypocrisy    . .    ........  285 

slany   448 

tip   465 

capability,    power    875 

capable,   adequate    , . .  84 

cUver  162 

capacious,  large 813 

capacity,  power 875 

caparison    140 

capital    140 

money 885 

principal,  a. 886 

capitulate,  surrender  .......  457 

caprice,  fancy    287 

capricious,  fickle. 24  ii 

captain,    chief    Ifitf 

captious    140 

captivate,  allure 57 

captivating,   charming 154 

oaptivo,  arrfst   88 

capture,  catch 140 

carcass,  body   126 

cardinal,  principal,  a 886 

care 141 

anxiety    73 

oversight    .  , 853 

prudence     894 

careen,   tip   405 

career    14ii 

careful,  tnyttant   470 

carefulness,  prudence    894 

carelessness,   neglect    842 

caress    149 

cargo,  load,  n 810 

caricature 14!) 

carnage,  massacre 824 

carnal,  brulixh 181 

carnival,  carousal   144 

carol,  sing   440 

carousal    144 

carouse,  carousal  . . , .  144 

carp  at,  disparage  198 

carping,    captious    140 

carriage,   air 44 

behavior    ..............  119 

carry , 144 

convey    177 

Jcefp    810 

support   . . , 456 

carry  on,  kffp 810 

transit     469 

carry  out,  do  ICfl 

execute . .  328 

carry  through,  do 108 

cartel,   contract    175 

case,  event 325 

precedent 878 

reft    »..* 416 

sample    499 

cash,  money  ..,.,....,.,.,  805 

cashier,  break   138 

oast,   calculate   , 186 

send    482 

oasto,    class 159 

castigate,  beat 115 

chasten   . . . . , , , , ,  105 

castle,  fortification    $69 

oast  up,  add   , ...,.,  83 

casualty,  accident   94 

ha*ar& 37$ 





casuistry,  fallacy   ..........  288 

cataclysm,   catastrophe  .....  145 

catalog  (ue,    record    .....  405 

catastrophe    ..............  145 

catch,  <v  ..............  146 

arrest    .............  88 

catch,  n.,  lock   ...........  320 

causality,   cause    ..........  146 

causation,    cause    .........  146 

oauBG,  v  ,  make      .........  IJ2  * 

cause,   n.    .  ,  .......  .  .....  146 

reason,   n  ...........  408 

caustic,    Utttr    ...........  122 

causticity,   acrimony    .......  26 

cautorizfl,    "burn    .........  132 

caution,   care    ........  141 

prudence       .........  394 

vigilant   ............  479 

cautious,  afraid   .........  40 

cave,  cavity    .......  ,  .....  147 

cavern,   cavity    ...........  147 

caviling,    captious    ........  140 

cavity    ..................  147 

cease    ...  .................  149 

abandon    ..............  8 

die  ..................  193 

end,  v  ................  218 

continual   ........  175 

(five   ................  264 

surrender    .............  457 

ccM>ratt    .................  150 

keep  ..................  810 

celebrity,  fame   ...........  285 

celerity,   alacrity    ..........  46 

c*U,  cavity  .............  147 

censorious,  captious  ........  140 

censure*,  v,,  arraign    .......  84 

condemn    .............  168 

reprove    ..........  ,  ,  .  .  .  414 

censure,  n,t  reproof   .......  418 

<»*n*«r   ...................  150 

ceremonious,   polite  .........  872 

ceremony,  sacrament  ......  427 

certain,   authentic    .........  108 

conscious  ..............  178 

real   ..................  402 

certainty,  demonstration   ....  188 

certification,   testimony    .....  468 

certified,    conscious    ......  .  .  178 

certify,   oonftas    ......  *  ....  170 

rtafc    .................  449 

cessation,  «nd,  n  ..........  214 

chuff,  bonfcr   .............  112 

chagrin,  n.  ......  .  ........  151 

chains,  fetter   .............  240 

chance,  accident   ..........  24 


chanco,    event    225 

happen    267 

hazard    ...          275 

change,    v 151 

convey     . .    .  , 177 

change,   n 152 

motion       886 

sale 428 

changeable,   fickle 242 

changeful,   fickle    242 

changeless,    permanent      .      .  862 

channel,   way 482 

chant,  sing 440 

char,   burn 182 

character    , . .  158 

characteristic    154 

characteristic    154 

charge,   v  ,  arraign 84 

attack,  v 98 

attribute,  v     100 

charge,  n.,  care     141 

career   , 142 

load,  n 819 

oversight 858 

price    888 

charitable,   humane 284 

charity,   benevolence 120 

love    ., 821 

charming    154 

amiable    64 

beautiful   115 

chase,   follow        250 

hunt    285 

chasm,  cavity 147 

chaste,  pure     . . 895 

tasteful    460 

chasten    155 

reprove    414 

chautening,    misfortune       ...  881 

chastise,  beat  115 

chasten    , 155 

chastisement,  misfortune  . . . .  881 

chautity,   virtue    480 

chat,   babble   107 

conversation 176 

sptak    446 

chatter,  baW*  107 

tpeaJc 446 

chattering,   garrulous    259 

cheat,  artifice 88 

/r«wZ    256 

hypocrite  288 

cheating,  fraud    256 

check  155 

hinder  280 

obstruct     849 

reproof    ...,,. 418 




check,  reprove 414 

restrain     438 

checkmate,  check   ...          . .  155 

conquer     172 

cheer,   v.,  cherish 150 

entertain 218 

cheer,  n,  entertainment      ...  219 

happiness    268 

cheerful,  bright       129 

comfortable     168 

happy    270 

cheering,  a  ,  Iriyht     . . .  129 

happy    270 

cheering,  n.,  prawe 370 

cheerless,    bleak 123 

cheers,  praise       .          ...      .  370 

cheery,    bright      .         .       .  .  129 

comfortable 108 

happy 270 

cherish    150 

support 45G 

chide,   rtprova    ....            .    .  414 

chiding,    reproof    413 

chief    150 

principal,  a    , ,    . , , 3HG 

chief  city,  capital 140 

chaeftain  head,  chief 150 

childish,  youthful 488 

childlike,  youthful 488 

chill,  Weak 123 

chilling,  bleak 12ft 

chilly,    bleak    123 

chimerical,  absurd 19 

fanciful 236 

chirp,  siny 440 

chirrup,  siny       440 

chivalric,    I  rave       127 

chivalrous,  brave 127 

generous 261 

choice,,  alternative 00 

choke,  obstruct 849 

cholcr,  anger   . , .    . .  67 

choose,     , 157 

chronicle,  history  . . , ,  * 281 

record     405 

chum,  associate,  n 91 

churlish,   morose    385 

circle,    class 159 

circulate,    announce    69 

circumlocution    157 

circumscribe,,  retrain   418 

circumspect,  vigilant   479 

circuittibpoction,  care    .......  141 

prudence 894 

circumstance ,.  158 

event   . . . . 225 

circumstantial,  minute  .,.,.,  330 


circumvent,  bafflfl  ..........  10H 

citadel,  fortification   ........  25U 

cite,   allege   ..............  51 

arraign    ...............  84 

quote   .................  39tt 

oivil,    polite    .............  872 

civilisation,   refinement    »  ,  .  .  .  400 

claim,  allege  .    ............  b  I 

assume    ...............  93 

right,  n  ...............  424 

state    ................  .  449 

clamor,   call    .............  .  I8fl 

dun,    HIM*    .............  15$) 

clarified,  fine    .............  245 

olafth,  collision  ..........    .  1  051 

,   collision    ........  102 

catch    ..............  140 

lock   .................  820 

claw    .  .    .  ...............  150 

claswic,  purr  ..............  395 

cla»sical,  pur*   ............  H05 

olaKHify,  arrttnyr   .  ,  ,  .......  H5 

clay,  bod}/  ...............  „  135 

cl<»an,  cleans  .............  100 

innocent    ...........  .  ,  .  JJ04 

neat  ..................  840 

pure,    ..........  .......  895 

cleaning,  ablution    .  .  .  .  .....  9 

cleanly,   neat    .  .  ,  ,  .  ........  840 

cleanse    ...........  .,...,,  1  00 

amend  .  .  .  .............  (5  a 

cl<'unninKf   ablution    ........  0 

clear,  r.t  atntolm  ......  ....  10 

clear,  a  ..................  1«I 

fin*    ..................  245 

innocent    ......  .,,...,.  304 

pure    ......  ......  .  .  ,  .  .  ftftti 

clear*  righted,  (uttute  .......  .  01 

sagacious    ,  .....  .  ......  427 

oteave,  rftnd  ......  .„,»..,.  410 

olflft,  cavity   ..............  J47 

clotaenoy,   mewy    .....  .  .  .  .  .  827 

clever    .........  .  .  .....  ,  .  .  102 



power    ................  875 

ding  to,  cherbth  ...........  JJSrt 

cliciao,  ela««  ............  ,  .  159 

oloak,  t».,  Me  ............  37B 

palliate    ...............  8ft4 

cloak,  n,,  prctnwe  .........  8HO 

clog,  v.,  hinder  ...........  S80 

obstruct    ....  .....  .....  840 

clrtR,  «.,  impfditntnt  ,,,,,..  205 

load,  rt  ................  819 




olOKC,    t>.,   *7l($,   V  ..........  SJ13 

dt)80t  a,,  adjacent  ......  30 

avaricimw  ...........  104 

taciturn  .........         .  459 

clow,  M.f  c  wrf,  ?t    .......  2J.4 

rlothpR,  cZrm  .............  204 

alothing,  drew  .........  204 

cloudy,   obxcur?    ........  847 

Glownmh,  awkward  .........  100 

rustic        ...........  420 

cloy,  satisfy   ...........  429 

chili,     (WHociation     .........  92 

clann      ...............  359 

dnnit»y,  awkward     .......  106 

clutch,  catch  ...........  146 

coadjutor,  acrcttftory  ........  23 

atutociate,    n  ..........  91 

auxiliary     .........  103 

coalition,    alliance,    ........  53 

union    .  .  .  ,  ........  .  .  ,  .  471 

coarno,    bluff    ............  125 

brutish    .............  181 

larye     .........  .  ......  318 

rwttic    ................  426 

coant,    bank     .............  Ill 

co&x,    allure    ......  *  ......  57 

partuad?     ..........  ,  .  8C5 

coddle,   etvrtM   .........  .  .  148 

flftdo,  law  .................  815 

coerco,  fompe  I  .......  .....  165 

cowclvci,  abxulule  ..........  15 

cogency,  power   *  •  .....  »  .  .  .  875 

oogniUon,    "knowledge    ......  811 

cognizance,  knowlfidge  .....  811 

cognizant,    cnnfic.iout)    .....  J  78 

ooKnomen,    nama    .......  888 

cohnnivo,   adhesive   ........  80 

ootn,  mowy   ..............  885 

coinoido,  wrw  ............  4,2 

coincldonco,  analog   ......  00 

cold,  ftfcafc  ...............  128 

modrttit   ..........  884 

arc,?  war  u  ..,.,,    .  28 

n  ............  91 

oolloct,    amass    ............  60 

oorwofa  ...............  178 

colloctod,  calm  ............  187 

collection,   array    ..........  87 

company   ..............  104 

oolteotlvtom,  wialtoun  ......  tf45 

d,tmte  ........  22 

arrange  .  .........  85 


......   .  85 

deny    .......  448 

colloquy,  converwtion  ......  170 

color,  prtt*iM«  ............  880 


color,  stain 

colossal,   large 

coma,  stupor  ...........  452 

combat,  v.,  attack,  v    .     .    ,  58 

combat,  n.,  battle   ......  114 

combination,  cabal  ........  135 

union    .....  .........  471 

combine,  agree  .........  42 

associate,  v  ,  .........  90 

attach    .............  95 

conjoin    ..........  170 

mix    ...............  831 

combustion,  fird   ..........  246 

como  after,  foUow  ........  250 

comoly,  beautiful  .........  IIP 

"becoming    ............  117 

como  to,  reach  ..........  401 

come  to  an  end,  ceaac    ....  149 

como  to  pass,  happen  .....  267 

comfort,    cherish    ..........  156 

console    ...............  174 

happinesfi    ...........  268 

comfortable  ...........  168 

comical,  qaeer  ...........  897 

comity,  friendship  .......  257 

command,  govern  ..........  265 

law    ..............  815 

order  ...............  851 

oversight     ............  858 

power    .........  .....  875 

commander,   chief   .......  156 

commanding,  absolute  ......  15 

commandment,  law   ........  815 

commemorate,   celebrate    ....  150 

commencement,  beginning  .  .  .  118 

common  dation,  praite   ......  878 

commensurate,  adequate   ...  34 

comment,  definition  ........  184 

remark    ..............  409 

reproof    .............  418 

commerce,  Business  ......  138 

commingle,  mix       ........  331 

comminuted,  fine  .........  245 

m&nute    ..............  880 

commiseration,   pity    ......  868 

commit    .................  164 

do    ..................  198 

commix,  into   ............  831 

commodious,  comfortable  ----  168 

large   .................  818 

common,  general  ..........  200 

mutual    ...............  887 

normal  ................  844 

wud,    ................  472 

commonplace,  general  ......  260 

commonwealth,  people  .....  *  860 

Qweqrat*6    rXI)F;X  OF   SYNONYMS 


communicnto,   announce      ,  .  . 






communication,   conversation 



communion,  conversation   .  .  . 
sacrament    .........    ..» 


complicated,    cMnplejf    .      ... 


communism,  socialism  .  .  .  «   . 



community,  fWtfontoition.  .    •    • 




component,    part,    n  


commute    change  



compact    a     terse   






composed,   calm   .  .  .  «  



conipomtc,   cotnplt'v    ........ 


associate,  n  
companionable,  friendly    .... 
companionship,   ttciiunint  ft-  nee  . 


composition,  cinnprrnnitte  .... 
composure,    patience     ,    ,  ,  .  . 
compound,    complex    


association        ......    «  .  > 



compounding,    coniprtHniiif    .  , 



comprehend,    catek    ,  




comparo    contrast   ....    •  «   . 


comprehension,   knmt'letlue    ,  . 




compulsion,     neceiwitff       .  ,  »  » 



compnlwivo,    iihftulute     ,,..,, 


pity   „    ,,,..„..  


compulHory,    ttlmoltttf    ,,,.., 


compassionate,    humane    .... 
compel                                  •  * 


compunction,    repentance    „  .  . 




comrnde,  atmocitttef  n-  ...... 



con,    time    »  , 



conctvlniut**,  conjoin,   ,  ,  , 



concavity,  cavity   »  .  .  .    «  *     * 





compendium,   abridgment    .  .  . 


concealed,  Za/rnt    ...,,.,.,. 



conoeul   onemelf    ttbttd))ni 

compensation,    P&y,    n.    .... 




cottfetitt          ,  ,  ,  ,  ,         ,    4 



conceit    fftotfiwi 

compute  noy,  power    


fQHcy    .,.....,«.,..., 




competent,    adequate    




competition,  ambition   


conc^iv/1,  pr*rr<*i[i^    .»».....* 



concoivcft'Ulr'w    likely 



concfpt    idc<a 


conception    fttfie}/ 


complaisant,   friendly    ...... 






cojiflcm    QHticieti/ 


complete,  v.t  do    



can                      «•••••• 


complete,  a.,  perfect   


concert,  A^f>woH//  <•»....., 






ooxnplotod,    perfect    


c  mollltttion     /»  *rt»       i!»    '  *  '  * 



conciHfl     ttrnc                      "  "  ' 

*  j 

complex     ,  ,  , 


conclave,  eabtti     .  » 


obscure    ,  .  ,  . 







conclude,    cease    149 

«nd,  1?.  ...  218 

conclusion,  end,  n 214 

demonstration  188 

concomitant,  appendage  ....  79 

circumstance  158 

concord,  harmony  271 

concourse,  company  104 

throng  464 

concupiscence,  desire  190 

concur,  agree  . .' 42 

concurrence,  harmony  . .  . .  271 

condition,  blow  124 

follinion  162 

eondtmn  168 

rtprort  414 

condemnation,  reproof  . .  . .  413 

QomlcxiHcd,  tcrftt 463 

covdii/n  169 

condition,  cawe  346 

ttrm  462 

eondoluncn,  pity  868 

oondold  with,  console  1 74 

condone,  pardon,  v 355 

conduct,  v,,  kttp  > , , 310 

transact 469 

conduct,  n.,  "behavior  119 

confabulation,  conversation  .  376 

confederacy,  alliance  5$ 

association    92 

ra&a!  185 

eo&ftdarate,  accessor}/  23 

as  no  Hate,    v 90 

as  AO  Hat  A,    n 91 

auxiliary  108 

confederation,  alliance  53 

atttoHation  92 

cantor,  deliberate 185 

ffivt  264 

con fr  mice,  company/  ......  164 

conversation  176 

confes*  170 

avow ; ,  .  105 

conffftftLon,  apnloffi/  , .  75 

confldo,    commit    ..........  164 

confltacc,  assurance  ......  98 

faith  , .  * , , 282 

confine,  restrain  418 

oonflnen,  boundary  , . , 126 

confirm  , », , . ,  170 

oonflftj^fttlon,  fire 246 

conflict,  tatee*  114 

eottition 162 

conflicting,  adverts  89 

alien,    a 48 

inoonffruow  297 

conform,  adapt 29 

'conformity,  harmony      271 

confound,   mix      381 

refute    407 

confront,  abide to 

confuse,  abash     5 

displace     198 

muo    881 

confused,  complex 166 

heterogeneous      277 

confusion,  amazement   61 

chagrin       151 

perplexity    364 

revolution    420 

confute,  refute 407 

cong6,    farewell    288 

eongtmial,   delightful 186 

congenital,  inherent 801 

conglomerate,    complex    166 

heterogeneous    277 

congratulate    171 

congregation,   company    164 

congmity,    harmony    271 

congruous,  becoming 117 

fit    246 

conjectural,   likely   818 

conjecture,  v.,  suppose  456 

conjecture,  n.,  hypothesis   ...  286 

conjoin,   apply   80 

asuociate,  v    90 

attach    95 

conjugal  union,  marriaye     . .  828 

conjure,  pray     877 

conjunction,    association    92 

union 471 

connect,   apply   80 

associate,   v     90 

attach    95 

attribute,  v 100 

conjoih    171 

connection,   association   92 

connoisseur,  amateur 61 

conquer    172 

beat  115 

consanguinity,  kin 811 

conscious     178 

consciousness,   mind    829 

consecrate,  a.   .  * 191 

conaooratod,  holy  282 

content,  v.,  agrcs 42 

content,  n.,  harmony    271 

permission 868 

consent  to,  allow 55 

canaequanct 178 

demonstration       .- 188 

0n4,  » 214. 

event  225 

consequent,  consequence  . . . .,  173 




consequently,  the  re  fare   . 
conserve,  keep 
conaidor,    calculate      ... 

esteem,  v  ........ 

considerable,  wtpoitant 

large     ............ 

consideration,  friendship  ,  . 




treason,  71.   ... 

consign,    commit      ........  104 

consistency,    hannony      .    ,    .  271 

console     ..............  174 

consolidate,    fix    .      .          .    .  247 

consonance,   harmony      ....  271 

consort,    associate,   71,          ...  91 

conspicuous,   evident        ...  220 

conspiracy,  cabal   .........  135 

constancy,  industry                 .  299 

con  at  ant,   continual    ........  175 

permanent,          ......  303 

consternation,  alarm    ......  47 

fear     ................  238 

constituent,  part,  n  .........  357 

constitute,    make    .........  822 

constitution,   character    ....  153 

polity     ................  373 

constitutional,  radical   ..      ,.  400 

constrain,  compel       ......  105 

make    ...........  322 

restrain  ..............  41H 

modesty  .........  834 

construct,  make     ..........  322 

consult,   deliberate        ,,,....  1H5 

consume,    absorb      .....  .    ,  ,  10 

lurn    ............  132 

consummate,  v.,  do  ........  198 

perfect     ....            ......  302 

consummation,    aci    ........  27 

end,  n    .............  214 

contact,   collision    .......  102 

contagion    .......    ,  ......  174 

contain,  involve        ........  307 

contaminate,  defile  .........  184 

contemplate,  look         .  .  .....  320 

contemptible,   pitiful      ......  307 

contend,  r«anon, 
content,    fifttwfit 
contented,  comfortable 
contention,  altercation 


contentment,,  happlnentt 
conterminous,  adjacent 
contest,  battle 

contiguity,  approximation 





contiguous,  adjacent   .......       80 

continence,    abstinence 
continent,    purr 
contingency,    fn  eident 

continue,    abide 

continuous   font  in  nut 








contract     ...............      J7."» 

conti  action,  abbrrviatfaH,  ....         ft 

contradictory,  alu'n,  «  ......       4H 

contrariety,  difference   ..».»,      1JH 
contrary,    adwrw    ...  ......       80 

contrant   ...  ..........  ,  .  I7f» 

contraht,    n.t   difference      .  .  .  104 

contraHted,   alien,   a  ......  .  .  48 

contravene,  object,  r  .......  84  (t 

oontritcneiift,   repentance    ....  412 

contrition,  repentance  ......  4ltt 

contrivance,    artifice    .......  Hrt 

contrived,   fit    ..........  ,  .  240 

control,    //invr/i    ...........  265 


controlling,  abtudute  ....... 

prim'itxtl,    tt,     .  .  .  ......  . 

cotttrovfirKy,    altercation    .  ,  ,  , 

feud     ................. 

controvert,  r#a*ont  1».    ...    .  , 

ooutuinaoimiH,  obttitiah'  .  .  .  ,  . 

rcbrlltowi    ........... 

oonundrum,  rtdtlle,  n.    ,  ,  .  ,  , 
«oitv<»n(i,  eonwke  ......... 

convenient,  ctnnfurtttblr  ..... 

convention,  eompitny   .......     Iftt 



convor*«,    conpf  motion 


,  44ft 

conversion,  ch&npfi,  n  ......  15tt 

convert,  chanffe,  t\   ........  1M 

conocrt,  n  ................  17ft 

convoy  ............  ,  .....  *  177 

convict,  condemn   ...,..,.,.  IflH 

conviction,   faith    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  .....  28ti 

convince,  ptrtuwde  ......   ,  f  JMift 

convocation,    eompttnt/    .....  10  i 

convoke   ...................  178 

cool,  calm  .  .  k  ,  .  .  ..........  ,  j.17 

cooperation,    union    ........  47  1 

oopioujj,  plentiful   ...,.„,,.,  JJ71 

fl«Py>  »»i  follow   ...........  StA.j 

copy,  n.,  duplioatfl    ........  $00 

model    ................  394 



cordial,  friendly 
corporal,    phiwtral 
corporation,  <WHoriuln>n 
corporeal,  phiimcal       , 
fiorpftt*,   body    ..... 
corpuscle,    particle 
correct,    i'  ,   auicnd 


.     125 
.     358 
cowet,  <*.,  perfect  .....      1)02 

correlative,   mutual    ......     337 

oorreHpoiideut,   xi/nomnnouH    ,     457 
oorroHpomling,   nynonyHwint    .     457 
corroborate,   confirm    ......     170 

corrupt,    decay    ........     181 

Ac  file     ..............     1  84 

cost,    expense    .  «  ,  .    *  .....     229 

price    ...........     3H3 

eoalumo,    drew*    ........     204 

coterie,    class    ...........     159 

coterminous  adjacent   .    .      .       30 
count,  calculate   ..........     330 

countenance,   abet    .........         0 

counteract,  baffle   .........     108 

check     ..............          155 

hinder    ..............     880 

counterpart,  duplicate   .....       200 

countta,   infinlfA    .........     300 

countrified,  fustic,    .........     4U6 

country,    runtic,    ...........     420 

couple,   afwoclate,  v  ........       00 

courage,  fortitude    ......       253 

..............      393 

Irauu    ,  ........     127 

courxc,   career    ............     142 

direction    ............       190 

court,  addreHtt,  D 


oourteou«,   polite    ...,,.,*.,  872 

courtony,  address,  n  ........  34 

courtly,  polite  .............  872 

covenant,    aontrti'l    ........  175 

ire   ...........     100 

cov(ttouMf   avarieiQuii    .  .  .....     104 

«ovey,  flock   ,  ,  ............     249 

cow,  frfyhttn   .............     258 

cowardly,   afraid   ..........       40 

modesty   ,  .  ........     334 

moroM    ..........     835 

D.>   break    .......  ,    ,     128 

crack,  n.,  blemish   ........     124 

cavity    ................     147 

pvaft,   artifice 

business    ...      . 

deception         , 
crafty,    astute    .. 
orator,  cavity 
crave,    ask    ,    .  . 
ciaving,   appetite 

desire    ........ 

ora2ino«s,  insanitu   , 
create,  make 
creator,   cauttc 
cieclonco,    faith 
credible,  likely 
credit,  faith 


civdulily,   fanaticism 
creed,    faith 
cremate,    burn 
crew,    cabal 
crime,    abomination    . 


criminality,   **» 

























criterion    ..............  179 

critic-,    amateur    .........  61 

critical,   captious    .........  1  40 

important    ............  295 

winulfl     ...........  330 

criticta,  reproof  .........  41$ 

orouk,    complain    .......  165 

crook,    bend    ............  139 

crop,   harvest    ...........  272 

crofls  off,  or  out,  cancel     ...  188 

crotchety,  fickle    .........  242 

quaer     ............  397 

crowd,    company    .........  1  64  • 

mob     .................  383 

throng    .............  464 

crowd  out,  displace  .......  198 

cruel,   barbarous    ..........  113 

crush,   "break    ...........  128 

conquw    ..............  172 

crusty,  morose   ...........  385 

cry,   call   .............  .    ,  .  186 

cudgel,  beat    ..  .....  ....    .  115 

cuff,  Wow   .............  124 

cull,    choose    ........  ^  .....  157 

culpable,   criminal    .........  178 

cultivated,   poUlt    ........  872 

cultivation,   agriculture    ...,  48 

tducaf.ion    ............  209 

rtflmment  .............  406 

cultxiro,    apricullurft    .......  48 

education     ...........  209 

rojlnement    .............  406 

cultured,  polite.    ..........  872 

cunning,  a.,  atituU    ........  94 





cunning,  n.,   artifice, 88 

darcphon  ...  „ 181 

curb,  chwk  155 

govern    2C5 

restrain  418 

cure,  recover  406 

curious,  inquisitive  304 

queer     397 

fare  400 

currency,  money 335 

current,  authentic  103 

curse,  abomination  ......  12 

oath  340 

cursing,  oath  846 

curve,  "bend 119 

custody,  fetter  240 

custom,  habit  2(17 

customary,  general  2tlO 

usual  472 

out,  How  124 

cutting,  bitter  122 

Weak  ,  123 

cynical,  captious 140 

tatty  170 

dainty,  delicious 186 

fine      245 

tasteful 4GO 

damage,  abuse ,  20 

injury  .  f * . .,  302 

danger  180 

hazard 275 

dangerous,  formidable  ......  252 

dapper,  neat .,  340 

daring,  brave ,  127 

dark  180 

mysterious    337 

obscure  . . . , 347 

darksome,  obscure  347 

dart,  send 432 

dashing,  brave  127 

date,  time  405 

daub,  'blemish  124 

daunt,  abash 5 

frighten  258 

dauntless,  brave * . .,  127 

dawdling,  slow  , . , 443 

day-dream,  dream  208 

dazzling,  Iriffht  120 

deadly,  pernicious  364 

deal,  apportion ,  82 

sale  428 

deathless,  eternal  224 

debar,  prohibit  380 

debase,  abase 4, 

debasement,  attov  . . , 50 


debate,  v,  deliberate  ......  1ST* 

rt.attoti,  <*  ...........  »tou 

debate,  n,,  altercation  ...    .  .  f>H 


al  .........  144 

decamp,   abwomi    ..........  14 

tiara}/    ...................  1  H  1 

dcccaHc,   die    .  .  .    ..........  1{Kl 

deceit,    deception    .........  JH1 

fraud     ..............  B60 

deceitful,   vain    ...    .  .  .....  .  471 

deceiver,  hypocrite  ...,....„  2HO 

docunt,  ^   ................  2  i(I 

deception,    fraud    ..........  250 

decidu,    fix    ...............  247 

decided,   obtttinate    .........  JU8 

deciding,  important    ......  .  .  295 

dueislvo,  important  ,  *  ......  .  200 

deck,   adorn,    .....  ,  ........  8H 

declaim,  niieak   ...........  440 

declares  alley  f   .......  ......  51 

announce   .  .......  .  .....  09 

avow    ........  .  .....  .  .  .  105 

weak    .................  44» 

slate    .................  4-iy 

decline,  al>at,«   ........  .  .  .  .  .  0 

di*  ...................  108 

decamp  OH  c,  dcra]/   .,,.,.,..,  18  1 

dc.oortite,   adorn    ...........  8H 

decorous,  bactuntnt/   ........  117 

deooy,    allnr<>    ........  ......  57 

dccroa«or  abate  ..........  .  .  6 

decree,  taw  *  .  .  ............  ft  1  5 

decrepit,  old  ......  .  .......  850 

dwry,   tilandcr   .  .......  .  ,  .  *  442 

dedicate,  appti/  *  .........  .  .  80 

deduction,  dvmontt  ration  .  ...  1HH 

induction  .......  ..,.,.,  SiilH 

deed,  act  ............  ,  .  ,  .  .  ii7 

transaction    ...........  ,  409 

work  .....  ..,.......,,.  487 

deem,  calculate  ......  ......  19(1 

trtctin,  v  ..............  Sfig 

support  ,  .  .  .....  .  ......  456 

top,   atytx    ,  .  .  ,  .........  .  {20 

obscure  ,  .  .  ,  .  ..........  947 

defacement,   blomiah    .......  1  24 

dofamo,  abuts  .  .  .  .....  ,  ,  .  .  .  30 

slander  ...............  443 

default,  nrpltrt  ..  ..........  842 

defeat,  *»**  ..............  *  U0 

conquer  «,,,.»*.«».»,.<  172 

delect,  blemish   ............  124 

n,  .  .  .  .  ,  19$ 




defend,  Jfff 



..............  188 

i/    .............  75 

dofentteti,    fortification    .....  252 

defer    ...................  1H2 

hinder  ................  280 

protract    .  .  »  ,  ...........  392 

deference,   esteem,  n  ......  223 

deferential,  meek  ..........  325 

defile  ..................  184 

alnwti  ............  20 

cavity   ............  147 

definite.,  clear  .........  101 

definition    ...........  1«4 

deflect,  bentl  .............  139 

deformity,  blcmwh  .......  124 

deft,  skillful  ............  442 

degrade,   abase     .  .........  4 

degree,  eltuw  .....  ,  ......  169 

doiflt,    aJcrfltw    ............  441 

delay,  defer  ..............  182 

hinder  ................  2SO 

protract    ..............  892 

delaying,  slow  ............  •  443 

d#leff(ttet  n.  .  .  .  ...........  1H5 

tend    .................  4!!2 

deleterious,    pernicious    .....  8H4 

deliberate,  v  ..............  1H5 

nlow  ...............  443 

delicate,  fine  ..............  ii45 

tasteful    ..............  460 

delightful      ............  180 

tasteful    ..............  400 

delight,  v.,  entertain  ......  218 

delight,  «,,  entertainment    ,  *  .  219 

hap&inw    .............  208 

dolightfld,  happy  ...........  270 

delightful    ...............  180 

beautiful   ..............  115 

charming    .............  154 

happy  ..................  270 

dftltflht  IB,  admire  ...........  87 

dfllbwatUm,  Meteh  .........  440 

dtilLnquoncy,  ain  ......  .....  489 

delinquimti   dependent^  tu    ,  .  188 

dalitlum,  in»anity  ..........  305 

deliver,  (rive  ..............  264 


dull,  cavity   *  .  .  ............  147 

dilution   ...................  187 

deception  ..............  181 

dftlualva,  vain  .............  474 

demand,  cuTc  ..............  90 


demeanor,  air 44 

behavwr    .    .  119 

dementia,  insanity 805 

demolish 187 

break     128 

demonstrable,  real 402 

demonstrate,  reason,  v,  . .    . .  402 

demonstration     188 

demur,   object,   v 846 

domure,   meek    825 

den,  cavity 147 

denial,  abnegation 11 

denomination,   name 888 

term    462 

denouement,   catastrophe,    . . .  145 

denounce,    condemn 168 

donHC,  obscure 847 

dent,  blemish 124 

cavity,    147 

denunciation,  oath 346 

reproof    418 

deny,  renounce 411 

depart,  abscond 14 

die,    198 

depart  from,  abandon 8 

dependent,  n 188 

deplore,  mourn  ...    , 886 

deportment,  behavior 139 

depose,   state    449 

deposit,     put    ...        .....  896 

deposition,  testimony  468 

depravity,   sin    489 

depreciate,    disparage    198 

slander    442 

depredator,  robber 425 

depress,  abase   4 

depression,  cavity    147 

depth,    abyss    20 

cavity    147 

wisdom 485 

depute,    send 482 

deputy,  delegate  165 

derange,  displace 198 

derangement,  insanity   805 

derision,    banter    112 

derogate  from,  disparage  . . .  198 

descent,  Join 811 

description,  definition  184 

report 412 

descry,  discern 199 

discover 196 

look  820 

deaoorato,    abuse 20 

deeert,  abandon  8 

doeerter,    herstio    , . . .  276 

doeorved,  condign,  .,..,,..,  169 

ag&      TNDRX 










detriment,   injury    .  , 


detrimental,   ye  rn  i<<  io  i 
develop    amplify  *  .  . 




reason   n      .      

development,    uducati 

w     ....      200 



deviate,    bfttid     .  .  .  .  . 


utand&r   ....     .  • 


designer,   cautt#    

device,  a)  ti}wr   


1  1)0 



devoted,    addiftcd    .  » 



hoi}/      .          .    . 


desolate,  bleak    

devotion    ctM/y/iVoiw   . 

r,  i 



despatch,  kill  


frwndnhti)                                 2'»7 

tone                                            ''*iii 

desperation,  despair       

rclii/ion     <  .      < 

.          408 

address,  n,     .  •  .  . 


despite,  notwithstanding,  prep, 


dexterous*  dcwr   «  >  « 





dictatorial,  abxulutc   , 

ort   ....      176 

destiny,    necessity    
destitution,  poverty,    


lanjjMtflft    ....... 
dictum,    pnnwrb    *  ,  > 



destructive,  pernicious    


t  tM 

detail,    circumstance      .... 

.......      10t 

dlffwutittlt*,  rnnlt'tNt 

.......      IV  5 



,      ,    .     *M7 

dtfllf!ultyr  itnprtlinu'nt 

deter,    hinder  

1  Ml      *             */'/'''* 

11  *  '  '  *     *tn  t 

diftufletioflg,  ^{rru;/tZr/r< 

ttlttn,  ,.     167 

determinative,   important    ,  .  . 
determine,   A»    

dignity,    apyrandizt 


determined,    obstinate    



detestation,    abomination    .  .  . 
antipathy    *   .  .  .  .   .  

dilemma,  predicament 
dilettante,  awa^i'r,  . 



diligonoe,   industry    . 

detract,  slander   .  ,  « 

dillff*mt,    <»c«^«i     .... 


detract  from,  disparage   .... 





dun,    darK    ............  180 

jttiht    ..............  231 

obscure    ..............  347 

diininiBh,   abate    .......  6 

diminutive,  minute    .......  830 

dip,  immerse  ...........  294 

'U>    .................  405 

<hrc,  awful  ..........  .  ,  106 

(lm»ct,    govern    .........  205 

direction   ...........  190 

ordar   ............  831 

owwiffht   ............  353 

dhccUy,    immediately    ..    ..  293 

direful,    ttwftd       ..........  106 

disadvantage,  injury   ......  3t;2 

dlKRtfrwmeiit,   difference    ____  191 

dtoallow,  prohibit   .  /,      .....  389 

abnegation    «  .........  11 

diHappcar,  abscond  .......  14 

dinappoiiitmc>ttt,    chagrin    .    .  151 

Misfortune    .............  81)1 

dlmapproval,   reproof    ......  413 

disapprove,  object,  v.    -  .....  3*10 

diHarraugo,  displace  .......  198 

dlMtthtw,  accident  .......    ,  .  24 

blow    .................  124 

catastrophe,   ..........  4  .  145 

misfortune    ...........  3«1 

disavow,  renounce  .........  411 

f,  doubt,  n  .........  20L 

r,  skeptic,  .......  4-11 

rvnounc.a    .........  411 

..................  190 

dtocawr     .............  190 

look  .................  32o 

s   tnidcnt    .  .    ,  .  .  .  .  220 

diifl(*rnmtmt,  acumen 


absolve   ........  15 

banitth    ...............  110 

cancel    .  ...............  188 

do    ...................  198 

Hfind    ....  ...........  *  .  432 

disciple,    adherent    ........  85 

aonvtrt    ..............  170 

tcholw    .......  ...  .....  430 

nes  v.,  chant  en  ......  155 

teach  .................  4(11 

dUoIpIinc,  n.,  education   .      ,  209 

disclaim,  renounce   ........  411 

dlwloitj,    con]  6*8    ..........  170 

discover    ..............  196 

dUcIofcim),  rtvcLation  .......  419 

dlitoolor,   ttain    ...........  448 

diioomfort,  conquer  .......  172 


discomposure,  chagrin  ....  151 

disconcert,  abash 5 

discontinuance,   abeyance    ...  7 

discontinue,    abandon        ...  3 

CQQfW        149 

discord,  altercation 58 

discordant,  heterogeneous  .  .  277 

incongruous  . 297 

dibcourugemont,  despair  ....  191 

discourse,  conversation  176 

spuak,  speech  ...  .  . .  446 

diBcuurteous,  Huff 125 

discover  196 

catch  . , 146 

discredit,  abase 4 

disparage  198 

diHorcpancy,  difference  ....  194 

discrepant,  incongruous  .  . .  297 

diHm>lion,  address,  n 34 

'prudence 894 

wisdom 485 

discriminate,  abstract  ....  18 

contrast     175 

discern 196 

d incriminating,  astute  94 

diHcrinunution,  difference  . , ,  194 

diacuHH,  reason,  v 402 

dtacuKHion,  altercation 5$ 

duidain,  pride  884 

disease  197 

t,  bl&mwh 124 

v  ,  abase  4 

c,  n.,  stain 448 

i) ,  hide 27d 

1,  n.,  prettnif  ....  880 

abomination  12 

antipathy  72 

dinhoncRty,  fraud  256 

dishonor,  v.,  abase  4 

disparage. 198 

stain  448 

dishonor,  n.,  blemish 3  24 

diflindincd,  reluctant  409 

disinfect,  cttante  ICO 

disintogrntion,  revolution  . . .  420 

diftintoroBtod,  g onerous  25b 

difiliko,  v.,  abhor  8 

dinlike,  n.,  antipathy  72 

hatred  278 

dUlodge,  lanish 110 

diamal,  Weak  128 

dark  380 

dismay,  D.,  jHyhtfn,  258 

diftmay,  n.,  alarm  .......  47 

chayrin * 151 

fear  238 

lanish  110 

send    482 





disobedient,  rebellious 404 

disorder,  disease 197 

revolution     420 

disown,    renounce    411 

disparage    198 

abuse    * .  20 

slander 442 

disparity,    difference     ...      .  J94 

dispassionate,    calm    137 

dispense,    apportion    82 

display,    ostentation 352 

displease,    affront 39 

displeasure,    anger    67 

piqu& 367 

disport,    entertain    218 

dispose,   arrange HG 

Influence     * 300 

persuade . .    . .  305 

disposed,  addicted 32 

disposition,   appetite      ,    ,  HO 

array    87 

character    153 

mind 329 

disprove,    refute    407 

disputation,    altercation    ....  58 

dispute,  v  ,  reason,  v    402 

dispute,  n.,  altercation  « , .  58 

feud 241 

disquiet,    anxiety    73 

disquietude,     alarm     47 

foar       238 

disquisition,    speech    440 

disregard,  neglect 3-12 

dissemble,    hide 278 

dissembler,  hypocrite 280 

dissension,     alt  creation     ...  58 

feud    241 

dissenter,    her&tic    270 

dissertation,  speech 440 

dissimilar,   heterogeneous   , . .  277 

dissimilarity,    difference    ....  194 

dissimilitude,   difference    ....  194, 

dissimulation,    deception    ...  181 

hypocrisy    285 

pretense 880 

dissipation,  excess  228 

dissolve,   defer     182 

distant,  alien,  a.,    48 

distaste,    antipathy    72 

difttemper,  disease  197 

distinct,   clear 161 

evident .  220 

distinction,  characteristic  ...  154 

difference     194 

fame    285 

distinguish,    abstract    18 

discern    196 


distract,  abstract   

distraction,  perplexity   . . . 

dibtroftH,  0r  if/ 8  Ml 

misfortune    331 

pain    3f»4 

poverty      • 374 

distribute,    aUot At 

apportion      82 

distributwly,  apwe  .......  7f> 

diblruBt,  v  ,  cfMW&f,  n 201 

diDtruftt,   tt  ,  doubt t  « SO  I 

disturb,   displace    H)H 

disturbance,    alteretttinn    ....  6H 

anxiety    7!) 

perplexity    3  fit 

fit  or  in 4fi() 

disuflod,   obsolete    348 

diurnal,  daily  .' 179 

divert,    bend    ...,,....,..  11$) 

wander «...  481 

diversify,  change,  v.,  18 1 

diversion,  entertainment  . ..  219 

diversity,  change,  n,t  ......  152 

difference 194 

divert,  abstract, 1H 

entcitain  21 H 

divide,  allot  64 

apportion < ...  H2 

diviuo,  v  ,  augur 102 

divine,  ?/.,  holt/ SH2 

cliviHion,  part,  n,,  357 

topir-  4rtH 

do  19H 

ejcflcutK 22# 

inakc     32tt 

transact  469 

docilft 300 

doctrinal,  dogmatic  200 

doctrine  S(M 

faith  «33 

document,  retard  405 

dodge,  artifice  .,,...,,,.,  Htt 

do«r,  Off*nt  .,.....,. 41 

dogged,  moroic.  Bftfi 

obntlnatt  ,  fi4ft 

dogma,  doctrine  900 

dogmatic  . , ,  900 

afmulutt  . , , 15 

doing,  aft  ,.,,,..,,  27 

work ....H....  487 

domlciln,  how  . . , . .  ^  , . . ,  383 

dominant,  principal,  a.,  ....  B80 

domint)Aringr  absolute  ......  15 

doymatk ,  000 

dominion,  power «76 

donation,  (rift  ,  set 






doom,    condemn    .......  108 

door,  entrance    ...........  220 

doorway,  entrance  ......  2UO 

dormancy,   abeyance     .....  7 

dormant,   latent    ,    ......  ;U4 

double  dealing,    (leeejrtwu,    ...  181 

(louiffit  imntftrse    .........  294 

dtiubt,  v  >    ............  201 

doubt,    n.,    ..........  201 

perplwcit]/,     ..........  304 

doubter,     tfceptic     ........  441 

doubtful,   equivocal    .......  222 

nbscure    ..........  347 

precarious     .....    ....  377 

douffhty,  brave  ........  ...  127 

down,    confine  r    .........  172 

draft,   sketch    .....  440 

draff,    draw    ...........  202 

draw    .................  202 

allure    ............  57 

influence   ............  300 

drawing    sketch    ..........  440 

draw  out,  protruct,     .....  392 

droad,  <t.,  awful   .........  100 

droad,    n.,    alarm,    .  <  .......  47 


............  476 

dreadful,   awful  .....  ,  .....  106 

dream     .................  203 

dreary,  Weak  ............  123 

dre#8  of  the  people,  mob  ...  333 

drtsM   ....................  204 

drill,  exercise   .............  220 

teach     .....  .........  ,  400 

drink  in,  drink  up,  absorb  .  .  15 

drinking-bout,  carousal  .....  144 

drive   ..................  204 

compel    ..............  105 

influence   ,  .............  800 

qu&ktn  ..............  898 

tend    .............  482 

drive  on,  qytoton   ,  .  .......  S9G 

drive  out,  banish  ..........  110 

driveway,  Mim  .........  ...  482 

droll,  <xueer  ..............  307 

drollwy,   wit    ............  488 

drove,  flock    ..............  24D 

v,  ilow    .............  448 

T,  -worJfe  ......  *  .  .  4.87 

kt  a  .................  205 

drunk  a  .........  205 

dubkmu,  ttftfaocal  .........  222 

pncaricut    ............  S77 

duok,  immtrse   .,..,..,...,  204 

dull,  Wtak   ....  ...........  123 

Atw    .................  448 

dulnew,  stupidity  ..........  451 


dumb,  tacitw  >i  459 

duplicate  206 

duplicity,  deception  , .  , .  181 

fraud 256 

durable,  permanent  ....  362 

duress,  feflr)  , . .  .  , . .  . .  240 

duialion,  time. 465 

durcufc,  if  tier  ....  .  240 

dusky,  dark 180 

obscure  347 

dust,  t? ,  cleanse 160 

dust,  n.,  "body 125 

duty  207 

"business 133 

virtue  480 

dwell,  abide  9 

dwelling,  home 282 

dwindle,  abate 6 

dyn,  stain 448 

each,  apiece 75 

ovary ,  225 


lamljf 46 

enthusiasm  220 

earlier,   previous    ......      .  382 

earn,  attain  99 

yet £62 

oarnoat,  wget 207 

security 431 

oarnostnoea,  oilhimiaam  ....  220 

earn  ing  R,  pay,  7t 859 

ease  208 

easiness,  ease 208 

ol>b,  abate 6 

oecontrie,  queer 897 

eclipse,  mis-fortune  . . . .      .    .  881 

economy,  frugality 259 

law  315 

ecstasy,  enthusiasm 220 

happiness 268 

lank  . . , Ill 

boundary  126 

edict,  law  . . . . , . , 815 

educate,  teach  461 

education  209 

efface,  concetti 188 

effect,  v,t  do 198 

make  322 

effect,  n.,  act  27 

conftequence ,  171 

end 214 

operation 851 

effeminate,  feminine  240 

efficacy,  power 875 

efficiency,  power 875 

effort,  endeavor,  n 216 

industry    29f 







either,    every    ............  2125 

ejneulate,  <•««  ............  I  JIB 

eject,  banish  ....            .....  J  10 

eldorly,  oZd   .......  a  50 

oloct,  choofw   .........  157 

election,  atternattre     ....  On 

elegance,  refinement  .....  'ton 

elegant,  beautiful        .....  1I~> 

fine    ............  2tr> 

politf   .............  372 

tasteful    ............  400 

clement,   humane    ......  284 

part,  n  .........          .    .  867 

particle    ............  35H 

propilwu*    ...........  891 

elevate,  agyranduif  .......  41 

promote  .............  BOO 

elevated,  drunk,  a  ........  205 

high  .................  270 

eliminate,  abstract  .........  18 

elongate,   protract,    .........  392 

emanate,  rise   ...........  42  1 

emancipation,  libeily  ......  310 

embarrass,  hinder  .........  2HO 

involve    .  .  .  .  .........  807 

obstruct  ..........  ,  .  .  .  349 

embarrassment,  perplexity  ...  304 

embellish,  adorn  .........  38 

embUm.    ............  .  .....  211 

sign     ...............  438 

embolden,  abet  ............  6 

embrace,  caress   ...........  148 

embroil,    involve    ..........  307 

emend,  amend    ......  .  .....  68 

emergency,  neoatmiti/  ......  ,  841 

emigrate    .................  212 

eminenoo,  fame  .........  ...  205 

eminent,  high  .............  279 

emissary,  spy   ............  447 

emit,   send    ..............  432 

emolument,   profit,    .  ........  887 

emotion,  sensation  .  ........  438 

employ    *  .  .  ...............  213 

apply  .................  BO 


exerotee     ......  -  ......  229 

worJe   .....  ............  487 

empty,  vacant  .............  47.* 

«ofo     .................  -474 

emulation,  ambition  ........  62 


enactment,  law 315 

enchanting,  ehnrminit l»>4 

(meomiuum,    ?>w/V    .  .  .  .    .    ,  370 

encounter,  ;*.»  batth' .  1 II 

collision  1011 

encourage,  a  I*  ft 0 

fherteh  1WI 

e.ontiolrt   ..../......,....  1 74 

help 270 

mieronchmenf,  titlark,  n.  ...  fH) 

<'itm«mher,  hinder  ...  ,  .  .  .  2Ht» 

flJtU'UHiltriituus  impediment  .  ,  .  205 

load,  •«.,    ..............  !IIt> 

end,  v.  .....  ..............  2  1  It 

0ftr>;fjr/(     ..............  1  1 

ceafte   ........  .....,,.,  14U 

end,  n  .................  214 

aim    ..................  41 

.....  .....  178 

event   ...............  .  ,  225 

re-won  t  «  ..............  4t):t 

,  r.   *  .  .  .........  ,  ,  215 

endeavor,  n  .......  ....,.,  2  Hi 

aim    .  .  .  ...........  ....  44 

endlcHH,  eternal  ............  3U  I 

cmlums  fonfftm   ...........  170 

i,  foundation  .....  2T»l 



aMrfn  .................  9 

enduring,  perwnneni    .......  ilfltt 

on^Miy   ...................  Si  1  7 

energetie,  act  lee  ........  .  ,  .  Uit 

energy,  fw/vr   ..........  .  a  7ft 

e&ftwuJ,  Hdrwvfr   »  .....  .  ,  .  .  ,  22  rt 

engage,  ?>in^  ...........  ...  121 

engaged,  {nditntrlaitn  ....... 

engaging,  amiabt* 

t  U 
.,      175 

onigm*,  riddle,  n 

obwure   ...»  ........  ,  .  ,     847 

enjoy,    eutmtff    .........  .  ,       87 







enlighten,  trarh   .........  461 

enlightenment,    wwtloin   .....  485 

enliven,   entertain    ......  218 

enmity,  ..............  218 

fvud    ..............  241 

hatred   ............  273 

ennoble,  ayt/randiif  ......  41 

enorauniR,  large   .........  318 

enough,  jilftuttftd  .......  871 

eimipUiriiiK,  fhitrmiiif/    .....  154 

enrich,  ayprandizc  .......  41 

enrolment,  rrwrtl  .......  405 

example,  fljcaniplr   ......  227 

enhnare,  catch  ............  110 

entitle,  fallow  .........  250 

eiilua#le,  complex  ...,.,.  3  (>(J 

involve    ........          ,  307 

enter,  reach  .............  401 

entertain  ...............  218 

chtrwh    ................  I5ti 

entertainment  ............  S119 

/«a«t    ...............  237 


tic,  e  ayer   .........  207 

vntinu,  aJtttrfl  ..............  57 

draw  ...........  .  .....  aoa 

perwtadfl  ..............  80S 

entire,  perfect  ...........  302 

wftcal  ................  400 

entomb,  hide  .  ........  .  .  .  .  »  278 

entrance  .......  .  .........  220 

<mtrundn#,  char  mi  up  .......  154 

p,  catch  ...  ...........  110 

i  .  .  ,  ,  ......  77 

yltad   .........  .  .....  009 

pray    .....  .  .......  *  ...  877 

trdc,  tfrtiranee  .........  220 

,  fortifleutlon  „  .  .  252 

co  m  )  nil   ......  .....  104 

............  220 


enumerate,  calc.ulalt  ........  130 

enumeration,  rteord  ......  .  .  405 

announce   .......  00 

.................  140 

«<mUn,  rterntti 
uph^mnral,    tfaa 

<»plt,hfll,  warn* 
ppltomfl,  abridgment 
*»poeh,  *iw«  . 










equivocation,  deception 


era,  time 

cradicute,  ttbvluth   . ,  . . 
exterminate  ... 

crafeo,  cancel 

oir,  wander    

on  a  tic,  queer 
erroneous,   absut  d   .... 

error,  delusion 187 

erudition,  knowledge    .      .      .  811 

window, 485 

espousal,  marriage 323 

owpouHulfl,  mamar/f     , .          .  823 

oftsay,  v,f  endeavor,  v    .          .  215 

unsay,  n  ,  endeavor,  n,t  . .    .    .  216 

OHhenUul,  important          ,    ,    .  295 

inherent 301 

necessary    841 

necessity 349 

radical 400 

real   . .  400 

establish,  cunfmn 170 

make 822 

mutton,  v.t 402 

establishment,  foundation   ,    .  254 

esteem,  v 223 

admire 37 

eslccm,  n , 223 

attachment    "  97 

friendship 257 

tasteful 460 

ctRtUflttoal,  tasteful 460 

estimate,  v.t  caloultdr 186 

esteem,  v., 223 

efttimato,  n,,  estecrn,  n 223 

OHtnnation,  attachment 97 

esteem,  n 223 

eternal    224 

infinite    800 

airy 45 

ouohariet,  $acranwnk   427 

ouloKy,  praiue 876 

oupliony,  motor 328 

evanescent,  transient 470 

evasion,  fallacy 238 

ovon,  horizontal 288 

went 225 

drcumsianre , . . .  158 

consequence    178 

everlasting,  eternal    224 

over-living,  eternal  ,  ,  .    224 

every  • , . .  225 

«rery-day,  general  ...» 260 

usual 472 

evict,  "banish . . .  110 





evidence,  demonstration 1KB 

testimony, 4(33 

evident    226 

clear    101 

evil,  n.,  abomination 12 

injury 302 

pernicwu* 304 

sin,    439 

exact,  minute 330 

exacting,  absolute 15 

exaggeration,  caricature    ....  143 

exalt,    aggrandize 41 

promote 300 

exalted,  hit/h 279 

example 227 

model, 334 

precedent 378 

sample 429 

exasperate,  affront 39 

exasperation,  anger  ......  67 

excavation,  cavity 147 

excellence,  virtue  . , . 480 

excellent,  fine  •  •  245 

except,  tut  A34 

except  to,  object,  v 846 

excerpt,   quote     398 

excels    22  ri 

exchange,  v.,  chanye,  v    151 

exchange,  n.,  sale   42  H 

excite,    influence    300 

promote 390 

excitement,  enthusiasm  220 

exclaim,  call ISC 

exculpate,  absolve   1C 

exculpation,  apology    75 

excusable,  vflnial  ..........  477 

excuse,   apology 75 

pardon,  v 854 

pretense    8HO 

excursion,  journty,   807 

execration,   abomination    . , , .  12 

oath     346 

execute    228 

do    198 

Jem    810 

make  82$ 

execution,   act    27 

operation .  851 

exemplar,    example    227 

exemplary,  condign 109 

innocent 304 

exemplification,  txamplt   . . , .  227 

sample 420 

exempt,  absolve 10 

exemption,  riyht,  n, 424 

exercise 220 

act    27 



exeition,  act   .............  27 

endeavor,    n  ...........  21  0 

cjwreter  .    ,  .  ........  229 

industry     .............  209 

work    ................  4H7 

oxhnuat,  absorb  ...........  10 

tire    ..................  46B 

exhausted,  fttlnt   ...........  231 

oxhauhtinK,  difficult  ...,..,,.  105 

exhibition,   array   ..........  H7 

exhilarated,  tlntnk,  a    ......  206 

eMffeney,  neefHkiti/  .........  34  i 

exile,  bun  Ink    .............  110 

exiwtent,    alive,    ............  40 

existing    alirc    ........  ....  40 

exonerate,   abttolpr    .....  »  ,  ,  tO 

oxorl)itnnr<\  vxr?**  .........  UiiH 

expand,  amplify  ..........  (»»> 

expatiate,  u/n/'/i///  .....  .....  05 

expatriate,   hanitk    .........  110 

expect,  abide  ..............  0 

anHcipfiAe     ...*..  ......  71 

expectancy,  alteyan?*  .....  .  .  7 

anticipation    ...  ........  71 

expect  tition,  abryanff  .......  7 

anticipation    ...........  71 

expediency,  pro/ft  *  .........  8H7 

vtiWy    .........  .  ......  47'.* 

oxptidito,  quirkrn  .........  *  tfOH 

GXptuIiiion,  jnurney  ...  ......  307 

expedition*,    arCiiv    ...,..,,  UH 

expel,  banitth  ......  .  .......  no 

expenditure,  exprnKc    .......     !420 

prito    ................  *     U84 

^  ......  .....     2  UN 

experience,    ac  quaint  an^t    ... 

knowtrdufi  .,.,,.,...., 
expert,  elrtwr  *  .  ..........  . 

iMVrt    ................ 

«xpt»rtn«wt,  foxtfrtiy  ,..».». 

pvwtr    .............  (  ,  .  878 

expiration,  end,  n  ..........  314 

expire*,  dtf,  ...............  J&n 

cud,    ^    .  .  ,  .......  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  213 

explanation,  dtfinUbnt  ,,.,,,  1H4 

propitiation     .  .  .  .  .......  JJDO 




«...     414 



cxprcHH,  ftpeak     





failure   &  anTcTuptcf/ 


oxpn'Bfrion,  air  *        .... 
diction  ,  „    
language   ,    



famt                               .  . 


term    .  ,  ,  .  .    ,  .          ,  »      , 
Gxpuntff,  cancel   ,    .  *  , 
(ixquUitc,  beautiful     


famt-hcarted,  afraid     .  . 
fainting,  stupor  . 
fair,  admissible  
beautiful       ,  .            ... 





extemporaneous    .  ,    , 
extemporary,  e  tlemporaneous 
extemporu,  extemporaneous     . 
pxtcud,  add  


honest    .            .            ... 
fairness,    justice    , 
fair  pluy,  justice         
f  airyhke,    an  y    .  .          .... 









pxtcnaion,  appendage 


faith,  artu-le  of,  doHrine  , 


<>xt(*nt   end    n    ' 


honest              .        .        .    . 


extenuate    'valliatit 


fuithfulnobs,  aUefftont'e  .      ... 




yiMttbce       .        . 




vittue    ...      *              •. 


extinguish,  sulfi'Tt  ,  .    ....    , 


fall,   happen    







ftxtol  admire      "    '  ' 


full  out,  happen       


dxtract,  fjuotCf  .  * 


fall  upon,  attack,  v.  .  ,    .  ,  ,    . 





falsehood,   deception   


,                         - 



32  K 

f  tiller  in  #,  faint       


"*'*"*'      *    * 

f(t)Hf     ,  




extremity,  end,  n  



familiarity,   avquainlanee    .  .  . 



fwtt({c$(ition                  .  .    . 



tf&toiftniHm,  Hooiatwtn  ... 


fabricate,  make  




fabrication,  deception   


dream   .    f  .  ,  



faeility,  4099  
faoiimile,  duplicate    
modsl    ................ 


fantastic,  fanciful  ,  ,       
f  aataay,  dream  .  ,    '   ..-«.,, 


f  action  H,  ptwerie  







f  aihion.,  n,t  air  











lock  .... 
fastidiouH,    laHtt'ful 
fasting,  ahatbtietice   .  . 
fatigued,  fawt   ,    . . 
faMness,  fnrhfrealwn 
fatality,  uref/wity   .  .  . 
fate,   necettttit)/ 

predcufanation  . .  . 

fatigues  tire, 

fatuity,  idwc)/  . . 
fault,  blcniinh 


faultfinding,    captioux 
faultless,  innocent    ,  . 


fauna,    animal 
favor,  «.,  cHtertn,  n. 






..  223 

favorable,  friendly  250 

propitious  39 1 

favored,  fortunate 25 ft 

fealty,  allegiance 51 

f«»r  238 

alarm 47 

anxwi)/  70 

foarful,  afraid 40 

awful  ion 

foarlosfl,  brave 127 

f«a$l  280 

foat,  act 27 

feature,  charactcrixlie  . 15H 

federation,  alliance  53 

association  , 92 

fra,  Witt  n 350 

fw1)lo,  fainl,  2«i 

feed,  food  251 

fooling,  sensation 4 38 

8on*ibititi/  434 

faign,  assume  03 

felicitate,  congratulate  171 

ffUoitoufl,  happy,  270 

felicity,  happtMttis  , , . , ,  ...  268 

fellow,  associate,  n 01 

fellowship,  acquaintance  ....  25 

association  92 

folonious,  sriminal 1 78 

female,  fwiinim  240 

ftminin* 240 

forociouB,  fierce  244 

forr«t  out,  discover  190 

fervwiey,  enthusiasm 220 

farvimt,  fa#cr 207 

forvor,  tnthuAiattm f  220 


fchtivity,  feant  ...........  «:«» 

fi'ttor,   <».,  Inntl   ......  12! 

f  filer,  n  ...............  2U> 

feud     .................  «II 

fiction     ...........  2t'» 

(tilt  t/t»')t   .  .        ..,,..,,.,  •')'.» 

flclffdy,   rent  ire    ...........  417 

Jlolcl  wnrkti,  /nrn/tetiftnn   .         .  U»'»'J 

fierce    ............    .  211 

flt'ry,  fl.vff  ..............  214 

ilKht,    battle    ............  114, 

flgnioiii,  /tethn   ......  fc'JH 

figure,   emblem    ......  ......  211 

flll,   Mti»/if    .............  42» 

final  catifKs  (lemi/n   .......  1SJO 

es,  end,  n    .............  214 

find,  ditteoecr 
find  fuull,  t'otto/ilitiH 
find  fault  with,  /T 
find  out,  titewwr 


minute  ......  . 

flncw.c,    artifice-    .  . 

deception     •  ,  , 
fluifi,  <'»<{,  //..... 



llnirh,   /t.,  /'/«/,   /<  ...........     214 

finihhi'd,  perfect   .......  ,    ,  ,     flrttt 

linn,  fail/if  ttt  ..  ..  ..........  UiM 

obstinate   ...  ...........  31H 

flrM,  prtttctfwt,  «  ...........  SHrt 

flhc-nl,  financial  ,  .......  ,  ,  ,  ,  245 

flKHurt*,  ettvitif  .........  .  ,  ,  ,  1-47 

fit  ......................  S40 


,  .......  ....       HO 

becoming    .  ,  ,  ..........     117 

fttful,  /ff  frfc  ...............     d41i 

ilttcd,  (Uiequatf  .  .  ,  .  ........       34 

becoming  ........  ,  .....     Ii7 


665                        ItfDKX 

OP   SYNONYMS           fj£t"*£ 

fix,  confirm  

250  < 

footpad,  roller  
footprint  trace  





fixurl,  obstinate  
flagitiouH,  criminal  

footstep,  trace  

forager,  roller  
forbearance,  meity   
pardon,  n  
patience  .    . 

flanit%  burn  



flap,  shake     , 

forbid,  prohibit  
force,  v  t  compel   
force,  n.,  army  
forces,  army  
forcible,  racy   
forobodo,  augur   

flaro,   liffht    
flafth,  lurn  


flashing,  Irlyht     . 

flat,  horizontal  .... 

flatter,  careen  «...          ...    . 

flattery,  praiaa   .  .    .      .  ,  .    .  . 
flavoroup,  rurjj     

foreboding,    cniticipaUou    ... 

floo,  abscond  
flatting,  if  (Disci?  nt       ... 
flicker,    liffht    
flight,  career  

foroca&t,  anticipation 
ptudfinoe                 .        ... 
foregoing,  previous     

fling,    send    .  .  ,  .  .    »    .    .  . 

foioign,  alien,  a  
foreigner,  alien,  n    
foreknowledge,    predestination 
foremost,  principal,  a 
forcordination,    predefftination 
foxesight,  anticipation   .... 
prudence     ... 


flippancy,  yertnvM  
flitting,  transctent  * 


floricultnro,  agriculture  .  ,  ,  . 

flourtah,   nt,  oat  ant  at  tun    .... 

forota&to,  anticipate.          .    .  , 
foretell,  avyur  
forethought,    anticipation    .    , 

jftuctutttit                                *• 


fluctuating   ,/ZcAff*     *      *    «  » 

y£wfcjj     ,  

flutter,  *hah&       

pardon,  n      ...»  

foddor     food                 »  «    <  •  • 

forgiving,  humane   

form,   arrange   

foil*  laffCe                   *  «    • 


formalism,  hypocrixy,  

i  11                ' 

former,  cause  

Otdh&ft'fbt                            > 

formidable  .      ....        .      » 

form    or    system    of    govern- 
ment, policy   <  ... 

fnnft    "tfifcfiSlu 

fondld   carfsf)          •       *   •  »  • 

forsake,  abandon  

5  fi/L                           * 

fort,  fortification   
forthwith,  immediately  



footmark,  (roc*  .,,.......    . 





fortress,    defense    182 

fortification  252 

fortuity,  accident 24 

hazard  275 

fortunate 253 

happy  . . , .  270 

fortune,  event  , 225 

wealth  482 

forward,  v.,  promote 390 

forward,  a.,  previous 382 

send  43'2 

forwardness,  impudence  ....  290 

pertna&s 365 

foster,  cherwh 156 

help 276 

promote 390 

foul,  pernicious  . .  304 

foundation  254 

fount,  beginning 118 

fountain,  beginning 118 

cause 146 

fracas,  altercation  58 

feud 241 

fraction,  part,  n , .  857 

fractious,  perverse 306 

restive  417 

fracture,  break 128 

fragment,  part,  n 857 

frame,  body 125 

make  * 322 

franchise,  right,  n -424 

frank,  bluff 125 

candid     , 189 

honest 283 

frankness,  veracity  477 

fraternity,  association 02 

fraud,  256 

artifice    88 

deception  381 

fray,  feud 241 

free,  absolve 16 

generous   201 

spontaneous .  447 

freebooter,  roller 426 

freedom,  liberty, 310 

free-handed,  generoua 201 

free-hearted,  generous 201 

freethinker,  skeptic  441 

freight,  load,  n 310 

frenzy,  enthusiasm  . . , 220 

insanity 805 

frequent,  general  260 

usual 473 

fresh,  new  343 

fretful,  captious  140 

restive  417 

fretfalnew,  anger  , 07 

anxiety    . , .  t 78 


fretting,   anxiety    .....    .  .  .  .  73 

friend,  associate,  ?t.,   .......  01 

friendlineHS,  friendship  ......  257 

friendly  .................  $58 

propitious    .........  ....  £91 

friendship  ................  257 

acquaintance  .......  «...  85 

attachment    ,  .  .  .  .  ......  07 

love    .................  321 

fright,  alarm  ..............  47 

fear   .................  238 

f  riff  Men  .................  »••>** 

frightened,    afraid    .........  40 

frightful,  awful  ............  106 

Irifcky,  TWfuv  .............  417 

frivolouH,   ptfftt   ............  474 

frolic,  entertainment  ........  219 

frolicsome,  air  it  ...........  45 

front,  previoutr  ............  3H2 

frontier,  boundary   .........  15M 

frowurd,  pcri'ffM  .  ,  ,  .......  86ft 

abstinence   .......  ......  17 

prudence     .......  ,.,..,  804 

fruit,  htritfrt   .............  273 

fruitier,  *af»  .............  474 

frustrate,  baffle  ........  .  .  .  108 

hinder   ................  8*0 

fuddled,  drunk,  tt  ..........  3»3 

fugitive,  IruMctfHt  «  ,  ,  .  .....  470 

fulfil,  do  ..................  108 

keep  ...............  ,  ,  ,  810 

fulfilment,  ?n<I,  n.    .  .  ,  .....  ,  214 

full,  drunk,  a.  ..........  .  .  308 

plentiful    ..............  071 

fun,  entertainment  ..,.,,,,.  2110 

wit    ..................  48*1 

function,  duty  .  .  .  .  .........  207 

fundamental,  radii'iit   ..,.,..  400 

funds,  inntifi/   .............  385 

funny,   quffr    ..,...,,,..,.  fi&T 

furious,   flcrce    .  ,  ,  ,  .....  .  ,  .  24i 

furnihh,  t/ii'f  .........  .....  264 

further,  quicken  ..........  l»00 

promote  ,  ,  ..........  .  .  .  ft00 

V*t,    ......  ............  4*7 

further,  a.,  but   ...........  194 

fury,  anye  r  .,.»,.,,,  ......  Of 

fu«f,  mix  ..........  .  .....  SHt 

fusion,  cUliancfl    ,  ,  .  ,  ,  ......  5$ 

futile,  vain  ...............  474 

gakbl#f  1>attil«  .............  lot 

pa^,  $e  purity  ...........  ,  ,  451 

gaiety,  happinei*  ..,,,.,,,,  80$ 

gain,  attnln  .  ..............  00 

ffet  ...................  203 

profit  ,.»,  .........  ,t,,  Wt 

667                      INDKX 


SYNONYMS             *«*! 



gain,  reach  



gainsay,  object,  r  



gallant,  brave  


give  notice  of    announce   ,  *  * 


gallantry,  jprouw*  

give  oneself  up,  surrender  ... 


gang,  cabal  . 



gap,  cavity  ,  , 



garb,  drese  .  .  .  .  ,g. 


give  up,  surrender  


gardening,  avrimtturi'  
garments,  drew  



given  over  or  up,  addicted  ,  .  . 
glad,  happy  


garniah,  adorn  


gladness,  hanpiness   





gain,  fluid  , 


glare,  light  


gate,  t  ntr  aucr  



gateway,  entrance  




gather,   wnan8     



convoke     ....    


gleaming,   bright    


gathering,  company  




gawky,  awkward  

106  i 

glimmer,   light   


gay,  airy   


glimmering,  bifyht  




glistening,   bright    


gaze,   looJc    «  .   *  




gtnder    , 


glistering,  lifjht  



glttter,  light  


U&UOl         »                         t 



generosity   benevolf  net  »  •  *    * 


gloomy,  bleak  





plentiful    .           .    .  .   *  »  , 




glorious,  briyht  


friendly      .  .  .    



genius  .  .  .  




glow,  Ught   




gentle   amiable  *  »       






humane     •     .        »  •   »     . 


go  after,  follow  



goal,  aim   .  .  .  .  ,  


gentleness,  mercy       .       ... 


end,  n  


genuine    authentic 







r'eal   t^f  


good,  honest  







good-by,  farewell   




purchase         *           .  * 







a4tt                  * 


good  will,  benevolence  


tubiidv  *****    " 




gifted,  clever       







girlith.  youthful      *          . 












gracious,  humane  







ti       391 

grade,  claw li>9 

gradual,  ttlow 448 

grain,    particle    358 

grand,  awful IOC 

large 313 

grant,    allot     .    .  „  „    54 

apportion    82 

confer    170 

ffive     204 

gratuity     203 

subsidy,     453 

grasp,   attain 00 

catch 110 

grateful,  delightful 186 

gratification,    happint>nx    ...  208 

gratify,    entertain    ...           .  218 

gratifying,    debt/fitful      ....  1BO 

grave,   important    295 

gray,    old    350 

groat,   important    295 

laroe    313 

groatyst,  principal,  a «  3K6 

greedy,  avaricioutt  104 

greet,   addrcw,  r 33 

gritf    206 

grievance,  injustice   303 

grieve,   mourn   330 

grip,  catch   14*0 

gripo,   catch    140 

grotesque,  fanciful 230 

yuter 897 

ground,  foundation   254 

mason,  « 408 

groundwork,  foundation   ....  254 

group,  arrange H6 

company J  04 

flock    249 

growl,  complain " 105 

growth,   harvest   272 

prof/rets 888 

grudge,  hatred 278 

pique 867 

gruff,  morose   886 

prumblo,  complain   165 

grunt,  complain 105 

guard,  i>.t  keep    810 

guard,  n.,  defense *  182 

shelter 487 

guerdon,   reward    422 

guess,    hfy/iothexte    280 

guess,  suppose 456 

guile,    artifice 88 

dftctption    181 

guileless,    candid    . . 130 

innocent 804 

pure 805 

guilt,   sin    489 

guilt  IrfiK,   \nnneent 


guilty,  criminal 
gulf,   abj/Ntr 
gummy,  ad  It  cm  IT 
Kyvc'8,    frticr 



haWl«ti»u,    hmnc 
huluttuil,  ffrnrml    .. 


habituated,  addicted 
babitudo,  Itablt 
hail,  atttlrfiM,  r 
hulo,   healthy 
half  hpartcd,  faint 
httlf-Nciih-ovcr,    dntuk 
hallow,    tltwtf 
li;il  lowed,   /)o/// 
hallucination,    drlimm 






hamper,   hinder   .......  ,  .  .  .  SJHO 

httndcuffH*  fetter  .,,.,,,...  940 

handicraft,  InutlnrfiH  ,.,,,.,  KU 

handnoinc,  beautiful  ......  .  .  llf» 

flne    .................  ,  1WR 

handy,    /tktiful    .....  .  ......  443 

htinkcriiijtf,   drttirr    .......  ,  ,  100 

hap,  arcidrnt    .,,,.,,,  .....  24 

happen    .  .  .........  ,  ......  8«7 

happening,   w  blent  ,,,,.,,,  24 

happinew    .  .  .  .  .....  .  ......  208 

happy  ...................  a7(» 

clever    .......  ,  ........  t«2 

fortunate  ..............  2ft 

skilful,    ...............  442 

harangue,  *pr?ch  .,,.,...,.  44(1 

hnraftHi  tirt*  ......  ..<.,.,.,  44(1 

harbor,  chertth,  ........  ,  ,  ,  .  150 

shelter    ..............  4H7 

hard,  difficult  .............  100 

tevere    .  ,  ,  ,  ,  .......  ...  48ft 

hardihood,  ^  front  ery  .......  8  to 

temerity    .............  ,  4rtt 

hardship,    mi*  fortun?    ......  831 

hark,  lirten  ..............  8tH 

barm,   v., 

harm,  n.,  injury/   , , ftOtt 

misfortune    »,,,,..    , , . ,  Jtnt 
harmful,  pernicious 

iff  fee 43 

arrange ,..,,,.  80 

harmony    *  • *..,..,»  27 1 





........  ,  ,  .  83 

capariHun,    ..........  140 

harhh,  bitter  ..............  Ili2 

tipperr     .......    ,.,,...  435 

harHhut'HH,  acrimony     .....  20 

harvcxt    ...............  272 

harvoHt-foatrt,  harrcut     ......  272 

hnrvt'Mt-frKtiviil,    hariwt    .  .    .  272 

UnrvC'Ht  home,  harvest    .....  272 

UftrvcMt  tido  harvwt     ......  272 

hurvcht-timts  haraetit   .....  272 

harwutiiiK,  Awnvjtf  .......  272 

hawp,  lock  ..............  rtiiO 

...........  308 

hatch,  /hck  ............  240 

htttt1,  abhor  .........  .  ft 

hatred    ...............  273 

hatred  ...........  27» 

abomination      ........  12 

antipathy    ............  72 

.............  218 

pride    .    ......  384 

haughty,    abnolutv    ......  15 

haul,  draw   »  ..............  202 

hav*  .....................  274 

havoc,    maHHiic.rc    ..........  024 

hazard  ...................  278 

accident    ,  ...........  24 

dancrer    .............  180 

hwsardoufl,  ttr*carunM   .....  377 

head,  chief  .............  150 

topto    ................  468 

hcmdwtnmff,  olmtinatc  ......  JJ48 

heady,  obstinate   ..........  8>LH 

h«al,  recover    ..,..*  4  ......  400 

healthful,  health}/  ..........  275 

htaUhy    ..................  276 

hnap  lip,  anon*  ...........  00 

h(»arf  litttfin  ...............  318 

hearth,  huma   ,  ............  2H2 

hearth  nton<s  home,   .........  282 

hf  ariy,  friendly  ...........  266 

healthy    ...............  275 

lined,  v.f  follow  .  ,  .........  250 

ti#t«n   .................  818 

d,  n.,  carA   ............  141 

alittractrd  ........  18 

........  S42 


r,  tip  ...........  *  .  465 

htip  .....  .*  ..............  270 

,    promote    .  ,  .........  .  ,  .  890 

hulper,  acwaory  .  .  .  .  .....  ,  23 

auxiUcuy  .............  108 

fetfpmata,  Msociatt,  n  ......  91 

henobmau,  a?c?nxori/  .......  28 

announce  ........  .  .  69 


herd,  flock 249 

horoHiarch,  heretic     276 

heretic 276 

horoic,    brave 127 

hcroitsm,   fortitude 259 

prowcfta         .              .  893 
hofutancy,   doubt,   n     .    .        .201 

hooitato,    fluctuate        .  .      .    .  249 

object,   v 846 

hesitation,    doubt,   n       ....  201 

heterogeneous 277 

complex 366 

hidden,  latent 814 

mydtenoiw    837 

obwure    847 

hid* 278 

abscond 14 

palliate 854 

high 279 

xtwp      450 

high o^l,  principal,  a 386 

highroad,  way 482 

highway,    way    482 

lughwaymcHQ,   robber    425 

hinder 280 

check . .  155 

obstruct     849 

prohibit 389 

restrain 418 

hindrance,  barrwr       118 

impediment 295 

hint,  allude 56 

mtf/ffesiion 454 

hire,  v.,  trnplou * 213 

hire,  n  ,  pay,  n    359 

hireling,  vain 474 

history     281 

record, „ 405 

hit,  Iftat, 115 

blow    124 

hitch,  attach 95 

bind 121 

hitherto,  vet 487 

hoard,  amass  60 

hoard  up,  amass 60 

hoary,  old 350 

toidenieh,  rwtiv   426 

hold,  arrwt  . , . , . ,  88 

davtt;/    147 

d/fteam,  v 223 

have 274 

keep    310 

restrain 418 

hold  back,  restrain 418 

hold  dear,  cherish 156 

hold  in,  restrain 418 

hold  up,  support,       456 




holiness,   religi 
hollow,  cavity 





honesty,  veracity   .    . . 


honor,  v.,  admire 


honor,  n ,  fame 



honorable,  honest 
honorarium,  pay,  n.   . 

hook,  lock 

hope,  v,,  anticipate  . .  * 
hope,  ti.,  anticipation 
hopelessness,  despair  . 

horrible,  awful  .... 
horror,  abomination 

horticulture,  agriculture 
host,   an/ny   ........... 


hostile   adverse 

alien,  a.  ... 
hostility,  a? 


feud  . . 

hot,  eager 
house,  horn 
hou flings,  caparixon 


,  eon/. 

hum,  sinff, 

human,  humane 


Immunity,  benevolence 
humble,  abase    ...... 




humiliation,  chagrin 
humor,  fancy 



hunting,  hunt  . . . . 























































hurl,   send . . .  4Ittt 

hurry,  quicken U98 

hurt,    injury    802 

hurtful,   prrnit'untH     804 

husbandry,    affnculturf    ....  43 

hygienic,  healthy   275 

hypocrifty,   deception 181 

hunt    2H'» 

hypocrite 2WJ 

hypocritical,  caytitiu*  .......  140 

hypothesis     *  UHrt 

idiaa , ,  S1H7 

fancy 2ft7 

ideal    2«H 

ideal J2HH 

example 227 

idra     a«7 

perfect •  Urt2 

identical,   alike  40 

gynonywou* 457 

idiocy 2HD 

idiom,  language   813 

idle    2B9 

vain    474 

ignite,    burn    132 

iy  no  rant    , 200 

brutish    Iftl 

ill,   mittfortunr    .,..,......,  ^31 

ill-ndvi«<'<l,    absurd    ........  10 

ill-oonHiclcrt-d,    abtttrd    10 

ill-doing,  *in 430 

illegal,    rrbnitmt     I7H 

ill* fortune,  wttiforlMnf   •***•«  90 1 

ill*huxnorfd,  M0?*w<*  «,,...».  095 

illimitable,  infinite   . . , , 800 

Ill-judged,   abnird 

ill   luck,   mii/ortwri 


illncil,  dia*&96   .....,,..»..     197 

ill-treat,  abu*c 

m»    UffM    »iT 


illusion,  delusion  ,.,.,.,,..  137 

llluBtratfl,  adorn  ...........  88 

illurtration,  alltgnry    .,...,,  53 

t&myU    , 490 



image*   id+a   , ,.  387 

tmlUm    911 

fancy  ,...,........,.,,  907 

model    m 





imagination  ...............  290 

fancy     ................  237 

idea  ...............  287 

Imaginative,  fanciful  ......  233 

imagine,    suppose    .    .  .     .    .  456 

imbibe,  absorb   ...........  16 

Imbrutcd,  brutish  .........  131 

imitate,  follow   ..........  250 

Imitation,    caricature    ......  143 

duplicate  ............  206 

model    ...............  834 

immaculate,  innocent  ......  304 

ptritct    ..............  862 

purs    ..........  .  .....  895 

immanent,    inherent    .......  801 

immature,   youthful     .......  488 

immeasurable,  infinite   .....  800 

immediately    .....  .  ........  298 

immemorial,  old  ...........  350 

primeval    ..............  285 

immense,  large  .  ...........  813 

immerge,  itnmcrae   .........  294 

immerse    ....  .....  ,  ......  294 

immigrate,  emigrate    .......  212 

imminent    ...............  294 

immobility,    (Apathy     .......  74 

immoral,    criminal    .......  178 

immorality,    fin     ....  ......  439 

immortal,  eternal    .  .  .  ......  224 

immovable,    obstinate,    ......  848 

immunity,    riff  hi,   n  .......  428 

immutable,    permanent     ....  862 

impact,    ooUbion    ..........  1C2 

Impairment,  injury   ........  802 

impart,   give.    .............  264 

impartial,    candid    .........  139 

impartiality,   /uftto    .....  ..  309 

ImpaieibiHty,    apathy    ......  74 

impatience,   anger    f  ........  67 

impatient,  taper  ...........  207 

fMtto*     .........  *  .....  417 

Impeach,    arraign    .........  84 

impede,  check   ............  355 

hinder    ....  ...........  280 

..............  295 

impd,   Artoe    .............  204 

influence    .....  *  ........  800 

persuade     ........  .  •  •  •  866 

*m*     .................  432 

Impending,  imminent   ......  294 

Imperative,    absolute     .....  ,  15 

imperceptible,    latent    ......  814 

imperfection,   bltmieh    ......  124 

imp«fiou*>  abtobtU     .......  15 

fopmtfo     ......  .  ......  200 

iDapiriihftbU,    tttmal    ......  224 

ptrmantnt    .  .  ..........  862 


impertinence,  impudence  .  .  296 

pertness  865 

impertinent,  alien,  a  .  ...  48 

meddlesome  824 

imp&rtui  bablo,  calm  , .  187 

impetuous,  eager 20 T 

ftfrce 244 

implement,  tool 466 

implicate,  involve  .  .  307 

implication,  suggestion  .  .  454 

implicit,  latent  314 

implied,  latent  314 

implore,  ask  « .  90 

plead     369 

pray  877 

imply,  allude  56 

involve  807 

impolite,  bluff  125 

important  295 

importunate,  eager 207 

importune,  pray 877 

impose  on,  abuse  20 

imposing,  awful  106 

imposition,  deception  181 

fraud  - 256 

importer,  hypocrite  286 

imposture,  artifice  88 

fraud  ^ 256 

imprecation,  oath  346 

impregnable,  formidable  ...  252 

impressibility,  sensibility  . ,  .  434 

impression,  idea 287 

trace  468 

imprisonment,  fetter 240 

impromptu,  extemporaneous,  .  230 

improvement,  profit  387 

progress  888 

impudence  296 

assurance 93 

effrontery      210 

pertn&ss  8  65 

impulse,  appetite 80 

impulsive,  spontaneout  ....  447 

impute,  attribute,  v.t  100 

inaction,  abeyance  7 

inactive,  idle  ,..,  289 

ttlow  448 

in  addition,  also  57 

inadvertness,  neglect.  „ 842 

inapplicable,  alien,  a,   ......  48 

inappropriate,  alien,  a.  ....  48 

incongruous  297 

inapposite,  incongruous  ....  297 

inasmuch  as,  because  116 

inattention,  neglect  842 

inattentive,  abstracted  18 

inauguration,  beginning  . . . .  118 

inborn,  inherent 801 




inbred,    inhnent 
incandescence,    light 
incandrsccnt,    triffht 
incapacity,    idiocy 
inception,   beymnmti 
incessant,    continual 
incident,    accident 

event      .......... 

story      ,  .  .    .....  .    .      .  . 

incinerate,    "burn    ...... 

incite,  influence  ......... 

persuadft     ........... 

incivility,    impudence    ...... 

inclination,  <ztm  ........ 

appetite     ..........  ,    . 

attachment    .    .  ,  ....... 

desire      ............ 

direction     ......  ,  ..... 

fancy     ............ 

incline,  bend  ......  .  .  .  . 

draw      ............. 

influence    .  ......  .  ,  ,  .  .    .- 

portu&d*     .......... 

tip     ................ 

inclined,   addicted     ........ 

include,    involve    ......... 

included,    latent    ......... 

incoherent,  incongruous  .  ,  .  . 
incommensurable,  incongruous 
incomparable,  rare  ...,.., 
incompatible,  adverse  ....... 


inooncluHivc.  absurd 
inconsiderate,    Huff 
inconsistency,    difference 
inconstant,    fickle    .....  .  . 

i        vain 
incorrect,    at  surd 
incorruptible,  faithful 
increase,  add  ....... 



incredulity,  doubt,  n 
incorporate,    mix    » 
incorrupt,  pure   * 
incubus,   load,   n 
inculcate,  track 
indefinite,   equivocal 
indelible,  permanent 
indemnity,    ttubtidy 
indentation,    twitty 
independence,  liberty 













',    jwrmntifnt    • •     tWVS 

indication,    eh<traetfihtn*    ...  If»t 

fliyn 4JM 

indict,    arrttwn    ,. , , .    .  H4 



nouH,    native 


individuality,   a/'frri   .      ....       7f» 

indoctrinate   JfaM    .....  ...     4(W 

ittdoloni,  idle   .............     ttrti* 

JnciomilttWcs  fnrmttttiMf  .....     iiftSJ 

induce,    draw, 
influence    ., 


indutfrinu*   ...............     Slitt) 

,  r/rt/nfr*  rt,  ,,,,,,. 
,  rain  ,.,,.,.,,,, 

.10  1 

inert,  idto  ...............  SSHII 

*fo«7     .................  413 

InwiUbta,  n^ww/v  *..,,,»  »H  I 

inexorable,   Mtrurd   .  »  »  ......  4ftf» 

inoxpHctibli!,  m^^riau*    ....  ft  37 

infallible,   nm<**tiry    ,...,,.  n-l  I 

Infatuati-d,  rt6wr<i  ......,,.  10 

infect,    d*t/fto    .............  tHi 

infection,  wntapitm  ..,,.,,,  i  7  1 

inf^rpncfl,   dtnumtt  ration,    ,  ,,  JM 

indwtian    .  .  .........  ,  ,  ${»* 

Infidel,  ^vp^   ...........  ,  441 

fri/tott*    ......  ...  .........  $(00 

infirmity,  tUMM*   .,*,*  .....  197 

infixed,   inherent    ,  .  .  .  ......  Bui 



INDKX   OK  SYNONYMS      inteM%£»* 




Information,   ottitcatwn 

.     1395 
A  01 
.     209 
informed,  eonncious  .......     173 

infrequent,    rarr    .........     400 

inMiiKwnrnt,  attack,  u.     ...       90 

liitfathflrinjc,  harvfrt    .....     273 

injfcnioun,  clever   ........     102 

Mful    .............     442 

addrcw,  71.   ...  34 

candid   ...      .          ]39 

..........  .     283 

wr«»  tin    .    .  ,     477 
borne    .  ......       282 

ingrained,  inherent       .        .       ;wi 
radical    ...............     400 

ingrfldiont,  p«r£,  n  ........         867 

intcraiRt  entrance  ..........     220 

inhabit,   a&fcta    ...........         0 

Inharmonious,  ineottyrutnu  .  .     207 
inherent    ................     IK>1 

latent    ................     814 

lahfirin^,  inherent  ........     301 

inhibit,  eh+ak  .............     350 

prohibit  ..............     »H9 

inhuman,   barbarous   .......     II  a 

inimical,  advene   .........       89 

inltiuitouB,    rriminnl    .......     178 

iniquity,  abwninttfton   ......       t2 

injustice    ..............     303 

tin    *  ................     489 



Injunction,  ordar   .........     851 

Injure,  abute   .............       20 

in^urloui,  pernicious  .  .  .....     864 

Mmtoh  ...............     124 


lnl«t,  tntr&ncd   ............     220 

in.  lilw  manner,  aUo  ........       57 

*  ....     801 

<nnoc«nt    .................     804 


innovation,  change,  v 
innoxious,  tnnor?  n£ 
innuendo,  suggestion  „ 
iiinumprablo,  tn/fcmf?   . 
inoITci&MVfs  innocent 
inquiring,  inquisitive 
inquisition,   hunt 



inscription,  record         . 

in&crutablo,  tnysttrwun 

insecure,  precarious 

insecurity,  danger 

insensibility,  apathy  . 

atupidity   . 


inseparable,  in  Ji  treat 
insight,  ant  men  . 


inmzvuatc,   allude 
mflinuation,  suyppJiHon 
insolence,  effrontery 


insolvency,    bankruptcy 
inspect,    look 
inspection,  ove 
in    Wpito    of,    notwithstanding, 
prrp     .......... 

instalment,  pent,  H      ...... 

mstanco,  precedent  ......... 

tatnph  ........ 

instantor,  immadiattli/  .    ... 

instantly,  immediately  ...... 

instigate,  influence    ...... 

mstil,  loach  ............. 

instinct,  mind  ............. 

instinctive,   tptmtaHeowi   ,  *  .  . 
institution,  foundation  .      ... 

instruct,  teach  ....... 

instruction.,  education   ..... 

order  ............... 

instrument,  agent  ...... 

record   ................ 

tool    ............... 

insubordinate,  rebellion   .  . 
inRubordinrvtion,  revolution   .  . 
insult,  affront  ............ 

insurrection,  rfvolutwn  ,  .  . 
integrity,  S«*tf0*     ......... 

virtue    ................ 

intellect,  mind 
Intelligence,  Icnoivkdpe 














intelligent,  clever 162 

sdffuoious     427 

intelligible,   clear    101 

intemperance,  excess 228 

intense,   eaffer    207 

intensity,    enthusiasm 220 

intent,  a ,  eager 207 

intent,  n ,  aim 44 

design   190 

end,  n 214 

intention,   aim   44 

design    190 

intentness,   industry    299 

inter,  hide 278 

intercede,  interpose   ........  306 

intercept,  interpose 806 

interchangeable,  mutual   .    ..  837 

synonymous . .  -457 

intercourse,  conversation  , .    ,  170 

interdict,  prohibit 880 

interest,  entertain   £18 

interfere,  interpose   306 

intermeddle,  interpose  806 

interminable,  eternal  224 

infinite    800 

intermingle,  mix   881 

intermission,   abeyance    ..,,..  7 

rest    410 

intermit,  cease 149 

internal,  inherent 801 

interpose   ...  * 806 

interpretation,  definition  ....  184 

interrupt,  hinder  ,, 280 

interpose   806 

obstruct 349 

interruption,  abeyance 7 

in  the  midst  of,  amid 6!$ 

intimacy,  acquaintance   25 

intimate,  allude   56 

intimation,  suggestion  ......  454 

intimidate,  frighten S58 

intolerance,  fanaticism 206 

intoxicated,  drunk,  a, 205 

intractable,  obstinate 849 

perverse  . , , « * 366 

rebellious 404 

restive 417 

intrenchment,  fortification  , . .  252 

intrepid,  brave «...  127 

intrepidity,  prowet* 893 

intricate,  complex „ . .  166 

obscure 847 

intrinsic,  inherent  801 

introduce,  allege „ « .  51 

introduction,    entrance    220 

introductory,  previous  ......  882 

intrusion,  attack,  n. 99 

Intrusive,  inquisitive   804 


fl,    impudence    .  .  .  2iH> 

intuition,   knowledge    .......  it  1  1 

intuitive,  transcendental   ....  470 

invade,   attack,  v  ..........  OH 

invariable,  continual  ......  .  17H 

permanent    ............  \\(V» 

mvuHion,  attack,  n  ..........  1W 

inveigle,  allure  ............  f>7 

invent,  discover  .......  .....  100 

invention,  artifice  .........  Hrt 

fletton    ................  JU» 

inventory,  record  ....  ......  405 

invincible,  formidable   ......  lift- 

invisible,  latent  .........  ...  914 

invokes  appeal  .............  77 

pray  ..................  877 

involuntary,  xpontancout  «...  447 

infolw    ............  ^  .....  807 

involved,  complex  ......,>,,  let  ft 

latent  .  ................  814 

obtcurc    ...............  H47 

inwrought,  inherent  ,.,..,..  801 

iota,  partirie  ..............  85ft 

irat«,  Utter  ...............  12SI 

ire,  anffcr  ......  .........  ,  (17 

irons,  fetter  ...,.*....  .....  240 

irony,  banter  ......  ........  I  lit 

irrational,   absurd    .........  IP 

irreconcilable,  inconyruou*  .  ,  297 

irrelevant,  alien,  a  .........  4H 

irresolute,  faint  ......  .  ,  .  .  .  SHI 

irr«*olution,  doubt,  n 

captioutt    .........  140 

irritate,   affront    ,  .  .........  89 

irritation,  an^r  ........  .  ,  .  67 

7m/  UP  .....  ,  .  ..........  ft07 

.............  424 

,  n.t  rontfqurnM  .  .....  .  173 

end,  n.  ................  214 



throng  .....  ....,,.,,.  404 

jar,  thake  ................  4B6 

jftaloun,  enviout  .  ,  .  .  ......  .  .  ftftl 

jftcr,  *n««r  .,....,.,..,,,.,  444 

jeering,  bantrr  ......  ,  .....  lift 

jeopardy,  danytr  .  .....  ,  ,  ,  .  IfiO 

A«»ar<t  ........  ......  **  375 

3Mt,  wW    .................  456 

job,  ^f<4ta*ff  ........  *  .....  m 

jocularity,  t^«  ........  ..  .  .  .  4»0 



jocund,  happy   

....     270 

keep  oack   resti  din 



.  ,  ,  .      394 

k©6p  down  restrain 


keep  in    restrain 


join,  a0jr«   

....        42 

kt*cp  u.nd@r  restrctiin 


associate  ,  o  


koep  up    support 



...       95 




....      171 


kind    awiablp 




joint,  mutual     



jokis    wit    


Jcin    .  . 


jollification,  caroiwal 

....      144 



Jolly,  happy    

....     270 

propitious   •                   ... 


jolt,  shake    


kind'liuurtcd   hutnayie             »  • 


jot,  particle  

....      858 


kind-hoartcdncss,  benevolence. 
kindly  friendlj/ 


jounce,  shake  

....     436 


jovial,  happy  .  »  .  ,     ... 

.    .  .      270 

propitious   .  .    <  .        *  .  i  .  « 


joy,  happintstt  .  

.    .  ,      262 

kindncts,  benevolence  


joyful,  happy   



joyouft,  airy   

....        45 



....     270 

kin  .             .              . 



kincr  chisf                           «  »  • 


judgment,  idea  

....     287 



....     894 


wisdom    *  ,  * 

«    .  ,     485 


judicious  sagacious  .  .  . 

.  ,  .  .      427 

kitchen-gardening,   agriculture 


judiftiouttncMi,  prudence 

....      894 


wisdom   ,  . 

....      485 



knowing?   astute         .    ...... 


»  .  .  .      471 


juncture,  union  ...... 

....      471 


junto,  cabal   

....      135 





....        87 


.  ,  .  .  .      169 





,..*      134 

work           .          ........ 





.  *  .  ,  .      808 


.  .  .  ,  .     480 


juttiftofttlon    apoloyy     * 



.  .  *  .  ,      182 



lamentable,  pitiful  


.  .  .    .      848 


.     488 

land,  reach  «  


ktun    astute              * 

*        94 




w        «.,...     «      . 










leAAiiAAiA    ttotmien 






k*Ia-wftttd   saaoGitus 

,  ,     427 

plentiful    .,,,..,. 


JJJrr           ,      p 



*ni«ferdi*  *      * 

,    .          150 


jt**Vf*i        '      "  " 



,  456 






latch,  lock 820 

late,  new  848 

latent 314 

laudation,  praise  876 

laughable,  queer <'if)7 

launch,  send 432 

laurels,  jamc.  235 

lavation,  ablution 9 

lave,  detent*  160 

laving,  ablution  9 

lavish,  abuse  20 

plentiful  871 

lavishncbfa,  &wm 228 

law  015 

justice 809 

lawfulness,  juatice  809 

lawlow>noH8,  revolution 420 

lay,  put 896 

lay  hold  of,  catch  146 

lazy,  idle 289 

lead,  draw  202 

follow    . . . . ' 2CO 

influence 800 

por&uade  305 

leader,  chief  156 

leading,  principal,  a 3«6 

league,  alliance 68 

associate,  v 90 

lean,  tip  465 

learned,  academic,  .,...<,,.  22 

learner,  scholar  . 430 

learning,  education  209 

"knowlrdffe JU1 

ivixdom  485 

leave,  ahandan ft 

abscond 14 

pernrtsHivn,  308 

leave-off,  cease  140 

leave-taking,  farewell 288 

legality,  justice 809 

legate,  delegate  1 H5 

legend,  fiction 248 

story  451 

legions,  army 84 

legislation,  law  . , 318 

legitimate,  authentic, 108 

loiwure,  vacant  ............  478 

lengthen,  protract  . . . . 802 

lenience,  mercy 327 

leniency,  mercy 327 

patience  ftfift 

lenity,  mercy  027 

lesson,  abate 6 

alleviate 58 

let,  allow  65 

lot  go,  surrendw ,  457 

lethargy,  apathy 74 

etupor 452 

lettered,  academic  ... 
level,  horizontal 
liable,  likely 

libel,   ulandcr    ..... 
liberal,   tltnewwi 


liberality,  benepntenre 
liberate,  absolve  .... 

per  miss  ion  . 

Tight,  n,  . 
licence,  liberty 


riffht,  n,    . 
lie,  deception 
life,  behavior 
lift,  carry 
light,  a,,  airy. 

lighten,  alleviate 
like,  alikr 


apparent  .  . 
likencMK,    a  mil  o 

Hkcwiw,  n/flo    .. 
liking,   apptt&t 

10  I'M     ... 

limit,  boundary 

end,  n 

UmltkiNfl,  infinite 
Umpld,  eltar 
line,  boundary   . 
lino  of  ttchlfwt 
\\w  of  buttle, 
Hng^ringi  *low 
link,  at*Q(<iatet 
UquM,  ftM 
lint,  Men  .  *  . 


abttractrd  .,...,,,. 
faint    ,...,.*,  ......... 

literal,  verbal  ,,...,....,,, 

Uievary,  wadwnk   ......... 

literary  prodttftlonfl,  literature 


Uttw,  flock 
little,  minute  ., 
live,  v.,  abide 
Uva!  a.,  alivt 















a  HI 






pertnesn  ..............     305 

lively,  rtrfim*  ...........       28 

airu    ................       45 

alert  ..............       47 

nimble  .............  344 

racy  .............  399 

living  alive  .............  94 

living    being,    animal    .....  68 

living  creatures  ant/rial  .  ,  ,    .  68 

living  organism,  animal   .  ,  ,  .  68 

fortrf,    w  .................  319 

loath,   reluctant    ...........  409 

loathes   ah  liar    .............  8 

littitts  fijc   ..............  247 

lock     ..................  320 

lodges  abide  ............  9 

eutfoftiation      .........  92 

lofty,  high  ................  279 

hmi'Um'HN,  retire  went  ......  418 

long,  large   .  .  ,  *  ...........  313 

longing,  apyctite  ..........  80 

daxiff,    ................  190 

taffer   .  .  ,  „  .............  207 

long-iwflVrlng,    pat  It  net    ....  358 

look  .  ....................  820 

look,   v,,   appear   ..........  78 

look,  n.,  air   ..............  44 

took  forward  to,  anticipate  .  ,  71 

loquacious  yarmltnvi   ......  259 

lordly,   absolute    ...........  15 

Juord'l  Bupper,  aacrawent  ,  ,  .  427 

IOM,    Wvru    .............  302 

lot,  flock  ................  249 

ywrtton    .  .  ,  .  ,    ........  874 

le,  amiable   ..........  04 

I^o    .....................  321 

love,  v.t  admire  ...........  87 

Itivd  n.r  attachment  .......  97 

friendship     ............  257 

lovely,  amiabU  ............  64 

beautiful    ..............  U5 

g  amiable  ....  ......  04 

/ttondfy  ...............  256 







todty,  fortunate    ..........  259 

happy    ................  270 

,  wealth  ..............  482 

,  .  .  ,  .....  19 


ludicrous,  queer       .    .        ,    .  397 

luminous,   bright    ....          .  12$ 

lunacy,  insanity 305 

lure,  allutc 57 

draw . .  202 

knowledge       811 

luscious,   dclicwuN                   .  186 

luat,    appetite 80 

luster,   light 317 

lustrous,   'bright 129 

luxuriance,  exccvs       ...  228 

wealth .  482 

luxuriant,  plentiful 371 

luxuriate,  abound 13 

luxuiy,  wealth     ....  482 

lying,  deception 181 

machination,  artifice           * .  .  88 

machine,  tool 466 

mudnoss,   insanity    .      ...  805 

magisterial,   dogmalic    . .    .  200 

magnanimous,    genet  til    .      ,  261 

magnificent,   royal 425 

magnify,  aggrandize 43 

mail,  arms 88 

main,  pruieipal,  a 886 

>  maintain,  atteptt 51 

keep    810 

state 449 

mtpport 456 

majestic,  awful 106 

royal 425 

make 822 

compel 165 

make  "bettor,  amend 63 

makfl  harto,   quicken   ....  398 

mako  known,  announce    ...  C9 

make  out,  make 822 

make  prisoner,  arrest   ....  88 

make  up,   add 82 

make     322 

make  use  of,  employ  218 

make  void,  cancel 188 

makct  white,  bleach 122 

maladroit,  awkward 106 

malady,  disease 197 

male,    masculine    823 

malediction,  oath 846 

malevolence,,  enmity  ........  218 

hatred 278 

malice,  enmity   218 

hatred 278 

mahgn,  abuse  . . 20 

slander    442 

malignity,   acrimony 26 

unmiky * ...     .  218 

hatred  273 

maltreat,  abuse  , . , 20 




manacles,  fetter  ..........  240 

manage,  govern  ..........  205 

manageable,  docile  .........  200 

management,  care  ........  141 

oversight     ............  353 

mandate,  law  ...........  315 

order     ..............  361 

maneuver,  arti/ice  .......  H8 

manful,  masculine  ........  323 

matitflfl,  rand   ..........  410 

mania,  insanity    ...........  305 

manifest,  clear  ......  .....  101 

evident    ............  226 

manifestation,  *ign  ......  438 

revelation    ........    •  419 

manifold,  complex   t  .....  160 

manlike,  masculine  .......  323 

manly,  mawuhne  ..........  323 

manner,  air  .  .  .  .  ,  ......  ,  ,  44 

behavior    .....  .  .......  110 

system   ....  ..........  468 

mannerp,  addre**,  n  .......  .  84 

behavior    .  .  ...........  119 

manntfih,  meutndint  ........  82ft 

manufacture,  make    ........  822 

marauder,  roller  ......  .  .  .  .  425 

morohofl,  boundary  ...,  .....  120 

marge,  lank  ..............  Ill 

boundary    .............  120 

margin,  tank  ...........  .  Ill 

boundary    .............  120 

marine,  nautical  ........  ...  339 

maritime,  nautical  ........  339 

mark,  aim  ..............  44 

characteristic,    ..........  IK  4 

traos    .................  468 

market-gardening,    aprifulturt  4ft 

marnafft  ..........  .  ......  82fl 

marshal,  arrange  .  ,  ........  85 

masculine    ................  828  ' 

mask,  v,,  hid*   ............  37« 

mask,  n,,  pretenfte  .........  860 

mass,  throng  .......  .  .  ,  .   .  .  464 

......  .....  .....  824 


B,  mob   ,  .  .  ,  ..........  088 

e,  large  .............  813 

master,  chief  ..............  150 

conquer  ..........  .  ,  ,  ,  „  172 

mafitery,    victory    ..........  470 

mate,  associate,  n  ..........  91 

material,  important   .  .  .  .....  295 

matrimony,  marriufr?   .......  323 

matter,  topic  .........  .  .  .  .  408 

maudlin,  drunk,  a,  .  ........  206 

maxim,  provtrb  .....  ......  893 

moan,   pitiful    ............     JW7 

lurutiH,  af/rnti  ..............        *U 

walth   .............     4H8 

!1!,  infinite 
mcchauic,    ttrtM 
mc*flhanlhin,  tuiit 



mpddlinjr,  iti 

mt'diato,  intfrfttntf   ......*.,  JWrt 

meditates  dflibfr&lf   ........  IH." 

mi»p(l,  poverty  .....  .......  H74 

reward    ........  .....  <  .  4«U 

mrek   .    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ............  .  HU5 

mret,  bcrominp  .......  ....  1  1  7 


n,  amend 


mt>moir»  history   ,....,..,..  2M 

raomorandum,  ri'^ni  ,  ......  4«ft 

memorial,  hittnrjf  .....  ....  iJHt 

..,,...,.,,  4(»f> 

,  ........  ,  ,  4(W 

mend,  amend  ,  .  .  ,  , 
mendicancy,  jMiwrty 
mention,  aftutf/*  ...» 
y,  auxiliary 

.  474 

merciful,   humane    ..,,..,,.  2K4 

prvpitiuu*     ........  .  .  .  .  «Ul 

»f  bnrbartnti   ..,..,.  1  1  ft 

,  .  837 

merely  t  ftut  .............  ,  .     1JU 

mwit^d,  ran^^rt   .....  .  .  .  ,  ,     lfl» 

m»rr!ttipnt»  tnttrtnlnmfnt  .,*     iiffr 


metAmorphw«f»,  chanu?,  v, 


mrtn  out,  o/fyfc 






method,  ayattm  ............  458 

metrical  compoaition,  poetry..  872 

metropolis  capital  .......  140 

middle,  center  ...........  350 

midnt,  renter  ............  150 

(in  the  midst  of),  amid.  .  65 

mif  n,  air    ...............  44 

might,  power   ............  875 

migrate,  f  miff  rate  ..........  212 

mild,  ttilM  ................  187 


military,  arm//   ...........  84 

mimicry,  caricature  ........  143 

mind    .    ,  .  .  .  .  ............  329 

miiu«,  cavity    ..............  147 

,  mi®  ,  .......  ,..,.,,  881 

complex  ..........  106 

heterogeneous  ..........  277 

with,  amid  ........  65 

minute     .  .................  880 

/In*    .................  245 

miraculous  supernatural  ....  455 

mirth,  happiness  ...........  268 

mirthful,  happy  ......  .....  270 

misadventure,  accident  ......  24 

misfortune    ............  831 

mlHcellaneoua,  heterogeneous  .  277 

mUohanco,  catastrophe  ......  145 

misfortune    ............  881 

mlwihlef,  injury   .........  .  .  802 

miKchiovous,  perniowus  .....  804 

minded,  tin  ..............  43d 

misemploy,   abuse    .........  20 

t,  pitiful  .........  867 

frugality    ......  259 

riwuv  .........  104 

y,  misfortune  *  ......  .,  881 

misfortune    .  .  .  .  ........  ...  881 


catattropht    . 

doubt,  n  ...............  201 

1w  ..................     288 

mUhap,  accident  ...........       24 

catastrophe  ............     145 

miafortunt    .  .  ..........     331 

miilay,  Maplao*  ............     108 





mittrutt,  dcubt,  v  ..........     201 

rnitvoe,   ahute    .  .  .  .  ........       20 

mlt<,  particU  .......  ......     858 

mitigate,    abate 
amend     . .  . . 

palliate    .     . 







mixed,   complex   166 

heterogeneous 277 

inob 388 

mobile,    active    28 

mock,  sneer   444 

mockery,  banter 112 

mode,  system 458 

model    834 

example ,227 

idea 287 

ideal    288 

moderate,  v ,  abate 6 

alleviate 53 

check 155 

moclcrnto,  a ,  slow   448 

moderation,   abstinence    17 

modern,   new    . , 848 

modest,  rneefc 825 

modesty  . 384 

modify,  change,  v 151 

mold,  bend  . lid 

govern 265 

model 834 

molder,  decay 181 

molecule,  particle 858 

molest,  abuse 20 

mollify,  allay 50 

momentary,  transcicnt 470 

momentous,  important 295 

monetary,  financial 245 

money 835 

wealth   482 

monomania,  insanity   805 

monstrous,  alsurd 19 

mood,  fancy   287 

moor,  bind  121 

mop,  cleanse 160 

morality,  reliffion 408 

virtue    -480 

moreover,  but 184 

morose 885 

severe * 485 

morosenoss,   acrimony    ......  26 

mortification,  ehttyrfyi, 151 

mortify,  abash 5 

mother  tongue,  language  ....  812 

motion 886 

act 27 

totio    468 

motive,  cause 146 

reason,  n 408 

motto,  proverb     898 

<  986 




mournful,'  pitiful   ..........  807 

move,  !>.,  carry   ..........  144 

convey  ..............  177 

influence    ...........  300 

persuade    ............  305 

move,  fl.«>  motion  ........  IWtJ 

movement,  act   ..........  27 

motion  ...........  #36 

mover,  ayeni  ............  41 

moving,  pitiful  .........  967 

mourning,  grief  ..........  S3  06 

muddled,  drunk,  a  .........  1305 

muddy,  obscure   ..........  ?M7 

mtihsh,  obstinate   ........  ,'MH 

restive  ........  417 

multiform,  complex   .  «  .....  lOfi 

multitude,  army  .      .  .....  fl4 

company    .  .  ......  ,  .....  104 

throng  ..............  404 

munificence,  benevolence  .    ,  ,  120 

munificent,  generous   .  .  .....  201 

royal   .................  425 

munimont,  liwtorjj  ......  ...  270 

record   .........  »    .....  405 

murder,  Tdll   ..............  BIO 

murky,  dark  ...........  1HO 

murmur,  babble   ..........  107 

complain   ..........  .  1  05 

muftic,  mtlody  ...........  826 

muster,    convoke   .  ,  .  .     ....  1  7B 

mutable,  fickle   .  ...........  242 

mutation,  change,  n  .......  .  .  1  52 

mute,  taciturn  .........  .  .  459 

mutinous,  rebellion*  .......  .  404 

reatioft  ................  417 

tnutiny,  revolution  ,.,..,,,.  420 

mutual    ............  .  .....  887 

mysterious  ............  -  .  .  .  $37 

dark    .................  180 

obscuro    ...............  $47 

mystic,  myAttrioufi  .........  #87 

mystical,  mysterious  .....  .  .  .  887 

myth,  fiction  .  .  ,  .  ..........  243 

ttory   ......  ..........  481 

naive,  candid  ...........  .  .  189 

name    ......  .  .......  .  ,  ,  .  .  38H 

allude    ................  5C 

term    .................  402 

narration,  btotarit   .........  281 

report   ......  *  .........  412 

narrative,  hMury  ..........  2«I 

report    .....    .  .........  412 

rtortr   .....  -  ...........  451 

natal,  wo/iiv  ..............  380 

nation,  //rr//>/«  ............  900 

natter    ..................  *  JJJJ9 

inherent    ...........  I*  01 

primeval    ...........  JlHf 

radical  ................  40C 

natty,  neat   .....  ,  .  ,    ,  .  ,      ,  :in 

natural,  inherent  .    ,,.,,,.,  noi 

native    ...............  .'tail 

normal    .............  3  *4 

phj/sieal    ..............  Mf 

radieal    .  »*  ........  ...  40* 

naturo,  eharwter  ..........  tf>«'* 

nauhoat**,  afr/wr   ...........  *• 

nautical  .........  .  ........  HIM 

naval,  nautirat  ..........  H.'JJl 

wtt   ,  ,  ,  ,       «M 

hue-tuning  ..............  UV 

f<»r*r    .................  4*13 

ttfefMafi/      ....<,.....,...  II  U 

iu»<K'MHitatpf  ramitet  ........  ,  tfJ» 

.  .........  34  1 

need,  i\  re  entity  ............     'HI 

wemMtry  ...    ,,..,,     H4t 

,  criminal 

neylect  ,  ,  ,  .  t  ,     3  (Si 
.......     SI  lit 

neighborly,  friendly  .,,,,,,,  8 

neophyte,   flimwrt    ,,,.    ,    ,,  J 

n«»vi«r  cntlitigf  eternttt  »  .  ,  .     ,  y 

r  eternal  »    ,,,,,  tt 

next,  adjnctnt 


,  ,    ra  i 

,    ,  ,  ,  ,       ttH 

,        47 





Tt<»n- homogeneous,    hftrroye'ne- 

0w*       277 

iionHtrnKicnl,  absurd 10 

normal 344 

ffftwral   » 200 

WHiat 472 

notch,  rarity 147 

note,  remark 409 

.......  438 



notify,  announce 69 

notion,  idta 287 

notoriety,  fame 235 

but    ' ,.!!!.  134 

nourinh,  chrrinh 150 

mmrinhm«»nt,  food 201 

novel,  frcMon    243 

Mtwy    451 

new   343 

han0ft  n 152 

amatfur   01 

now,  immediately 293 

yet 4H7 

noxiouH,  ytrniciouH 304 

nugatory,  vain 474 

nutoftncfl,  abomination 12 

noil,  vain 474 

nullify,  abolish 11 

cancel 138 

number,  calculate  ..........  130 

i«,  infinite   300 

P0*lrt/ 37U 

nuptial*,  marriage  323 

-     '  '             166 

nurture,  aherteh, 150 



nutriment,  food 251 

nutrition,  food 251 

cttth 846 

obdur&to,  obfitinatn 348 



obey,  fottow 250 

-                           810 

obiter  diotum,  precedent  ....  878 


aim    44 


n 408 

™- ^reproof 418 

obligation,  contract  .........  175 




oblige,  compel 165 

obliging,  pteasd'Ht     ....  370 

pohte 372 

obliterate,  abolMh 11 

cancel 138 

oblivion,  pardon,  »?        .          .356 

oblivious,   abstracted 18 

olmoxioufi,   pernicious 364 

obtrwt    , 347 

complex 166 

dark    180 

aquivoral     222 

mi/ttteriQWi    337 

observance,  sacrament 427 

observation,  remark 409 

obscivo,  celebrate 150 

dfoCfirn 196 

fottow 250 

kutip 810 

obflolosccmt,  olwoMf  .......  848 

obsolete 848 

obstacle,  barrier 118 

impediment 295 

'  348 

, .  866 


obstruct 349 

check     155 

Mwlrr 280 

obfltruotion,  barrier 113 

impediment 295 

obtain,  attain 99 

pot 262 

purchase 895 

ol>trusivo,  trwadleitnme 824 

obtuWBom,  stupidity     451 

obviate,  prevent  * . .    . .  381 

obvious,  clear .  161 

evident    226 

occasion,  cau*« 146 

make 822 

occult,  latent 814 

mysterious    887 

occupation,  butinwf 183 

exerctee 229 

work   487 

occupied,  industrious 299 

occupy,  entertain 218 

hav*    274 

occur,  happen 267 

occurrence,  circumstance  ....  158 

event  225 

ocean,  nautical , . .  889 

oceanic,  nautical  889 

odd,  queer   897 

rare  400 

of  consequence,  important.  . , ,  29$ 






sin, 439 

offer,  v.,  allege 51 

offer,  n.,  proposal  301 

off-hand,  extemporaneous  ....  230 

office,  duty 205 

officious,  active 28 

meddlesome 824 

offlclousnoss,  impudence  ....  290 

of  importance,  important  ....  205 

of  moment,  importance 295 

old  850 

obsolete 848 

primeval  885 

olden,  old  350 

old-fashioned,  antique 72 

omission,  neglect   842 

oneness,  union 471 

onerous,  difficult 195 

only,  but 184 

onset,  attack,  n. 09 

onslaught,  attack,  n 00 

on  the  alert,  vigilant  .......  479 

on  the  lookout,  vigilant 470 

on  the  watch,  alert 47 

opaque,  dark 380 

open,   lluff 125 

candid 359 

evident    220 

open-handed,  g entrant 201 

open-hearted,  generous 201 

opening,  beginning  . 118 

cavity    347 

entrance 220 

operation    . , . .  * 851 

act 27 

exercise 227 

operative,  artist  89 

operator,  agent ,  41 

opinion,  faith  282 

idea 287 

opinionated,  dogmatic  200 

obstinate  , 848 

opponent,  enemy  , 21 7 

oppose,  contrast 175 

hinder   280 

object,  v. 84  0 

obstruct 840 

opposed,  adverse 89 

alien,  a. 48 

reluctant 409 

opposing,  adverte 89 

opposite,  advent  89 


oppoHition,  ambition <i- 

aititjmtlii/    713 

rotliHioH I  «U 

opprcHh,   tibuw ttO 

option,  eUtrrnattw W) 

opulonrts  wraith 4H'Jl 

oral,  w.rbdl 47H 

oration,  ttperch  ............  44(1 

oratory,  wwfh 4-40 

order   * HA  I 

arrange, *  H5 

array  * K7 

clatw    tftft 

law    JU5 

WHtfltti 458 

orderly,  tiraf  , 84 1 

order  of  l>attl«»,  array H7 

ordinance*,  law  ............  315 

fiac.ratnrnt 427 

ordinary,  general !i«iO 

normal IM-1 

tt^wat 473 

ortfani«,  radical  400 

orpry,  car<ninal .,,....  144 

oriflrc,  cauity 147 

origin,  beginning 11 H 

original,  a., 
nativt*    . . 

viadd  ........ 


radical    ...... 

originate,  -maks   * , 
originator,  <mtt*t>  . 
ornament,  atlttrn   , 




«o,  M 



out  of 
outrnffft,  injury 















mitM't,  beginning  .........  118 

outwit,   baffle    .............  108 

overbearing,  absolute  .......  15 

dogmatic    .............  200 

ororcanu*,  brat  ............  115 

<wngufr  .  ,  ,  ............  172 

drunk,  a  ..............  205 

ovur-confltlcnci',  temerity  .  .  .  ,  461 

overflow,  abound  .........  18 

overflowing,  plentiful  .....  .  ,  871 

<>v«*rln«kt  pardon,  v  .........  355 

ovartu&Hit'r,  conquer  .......  172 

QVf>rmatah»  ranqwr  ......  *  .  172 

VW  ..........  228 

r,  ronqu?r  ........  172 

,  ........  353 


overt,  tvidcnt.  ...........  „  .  226 

ovtirtakc*,  tatrh  ..........  140 

overthrow,  abottxh   .......  11 

<H>7Wf1W    ..............  172 

domoltoh    ..............  187 

exterminate,  ............  231 

r<f/««*    »  .  ,  .  .  ........  ,  .  .  407 

tubnert  ...............  453 

orwtnrAt  jirnjioffot  ..........  801 

overturn,  demolish,  .,*  ......  187 

tubvrrt  ......  .........  454 

owrwtuilm,  hid*  ...........  278 

involve  .  ,  ...........  .  .  .  807 

own,  avow   .  .  ,  ............  105 



pabulum,  food  ............  ,  251 

pacific,  calm  .  .  .  ,  ..........  187 

pftolfy,  aUw  *  .............  50 

puck,  flock   ...............  240 

load,  n.  .  ..............  319 

pact,  contract  ......  .......  175 

pageant,   ostentation   .......  852 

pRffnintry,  ostentation  ......  352 

pain  ..........  .  ..........  854 

p&In*,  imluttf)/  ............  290 

Pftintinj,  sketch  ...........  440 

paUv*r,  babblo  ............  107 

IHia^tf    ...  ...............  854 

p&lpAblo,  «vident  ...........  226 

p«linrr  pWfvl  ............  867 

ear<u*  ,  ...........  143 

fit  ptatot  ..........  376 

in  ................  854 

alarm  ..............  47 


on/  .......  ....  52 

ptrtde,  array  .............  87 

oittntation  ........  .  .  .  .  *  352 



paradox,  riddle,  n 423 

paradoxical,  absurd 19 

paiapet,  lamer 113 

paraphrase,  quote  398 

parcel,  portion 374 

pardon,  v 355 

absolve  16 

pardon,  n 356 

mercy 327 

pardonaWe,  venial 477 

parity,  analo&y 66 

parley,  conversation 176 

parody,  caricature  143 

paroxysm,  pain 354 

parsimonious,  avaricious  ....  104 

paraimoniousness,  frugality  . .  259 

parsimony,  frugality 259 

part,  n  t 357 

portion 874 

partiality,  prejudice 380 

participation,  association  ...  92 

participator,  accessory ,23 

particle  358 

partt  n 357 

particular,  circumstance  ...  158 

minute  330 

parting  salutation,  farewell. . .  238 

partisan,  adherent 35 

partition,  part,  n.  t 857 

partner,  accessory 23 

associate,  n 91 

partnership,  alliance 53 

association  . . . .  ,  92 

pass,  way 482 

passable,  admissible  87 

passage,  career 142 

motion 836 

way 482 

passage  of  arms,  battle  . , ,  .  114 

passageway,  way 482 

pass  by,  pardon,  v 855 

passing,  transient  470 

passion,  anger 67 

appetite     80 

enthusiasm  220 

paaeivenesa,  apathy 74 

patience 358 

pass  over,  pardon,  v 855 

pastime,  entertainment  .  * 219 

pastoral,  rtwtfo 426 

patent,  evident 226 

path,  -MOV  482 

pathetic,  pitiful  ..'. 367 

pathway,  way 482 

patience  -  * 858 

Mwtw 299 

patois,  language  ...» 812 





patriarchal,  old B50 

primeval    885 

pattern,  exampln   227 

idea 287 

ideal 288 

model 834 

precedent    378 

pauperism,  poverty    374 

pause,  ceatt* 149 

rent   416 

pay,  n. , , , .  850 

requite    415 

payment,  pa//,  n 859 

pay  off,  requite 415 

peace,  rent 410 

peaceful,  calm 137 

poacefulnoKH,  rent 410 

peculiar,   queer 397 

rare 400 

peculiarity,  characters!  if   .    ,  154 




poor,  an  so  date,  n 91 

peeviah,  captious ,.,..,,  140 

peeviahnoHB,  anger 67 

poll,  wealth 482 

pellucid,  clear 101 

penetrating,  astute.  , 94 

penetration,    acumen    2H 

entrance 220 

penetrative,  astute   94 

penitence,  repentant1? 412 

pension,  subsidy     453 

ponurioun,  avarkiott* 104 

penury,  poverty, 874 

people    800 

perceive  , 361 

discern  ...» 190 

perceptible,  evident    ........  220 

perception,  Jcnowledi/p  , Btl 

teTwation  ...*«..*.«.•.•  433 

peremptory,  absolute   .......  IB 

pprennial,  eternal  .,..,,.,.,  224 

perftut , 808 

pure *.,.,. 006 

radical    400 

perforation,  ctwtti/ 147 

perform,  do 19H 

execute    22fl 

make  S22 

transact 409 

performance,  art   '87 

execute    229 

operation 851 

work   ...  * 487 

performer,  a0«nt  41 


pprtt,  danger . . ,  , ,  IHO 

hazard 275 

pcrilouH,  pwarimtH Ii77 

period,  end,  n. 214 

time *    .  4tt& 

periphra«i«,  ctrcnwtocHtwii     .  137 

pori«h,  die 1 0.1 

permanent , . .  3M2 

permission     , JW3 

permit,  a.,  ailow       ....,,,,,  5f> 

endur* 210 

permit,  /»,,  . 
p&rniHoiiH  , 

perpetual,  continual 175 

eternal , ,  224 

permanent .  3<JSS 

perplexing,  cquivurctt 222 

perplexity   ,  .  8fl4 

vtwMy 73 

rarr ,  141 

doubt,  n 2(»t 

prcdi<'(imrnt 379 

pernecute,  dlntm* 20 

pfrniutniiirto,  intluntru 
Iw»r«iKt<*«t,  « " 
pernonahty,  i 

p^rnpiraclty,  wuwtn  ,  ,  . 

pcrnuade,  dtturr , 






pAftinpnt,  fit  , 

p^rvcrtinK,  perntHtiu* 








pntulnn*,  (Utpttova  ..,.,,.,,,     im» 

p«rwftf« ,.,.,.,,,     I  «ft 

phalanx,  army   . . ,  . , $4 





phantasm,  delusion 1H7 

phfttiUhy,  imagination,  ....  .  290 

phttrihttlhm,  hiipncnttft 285 

philanthropy,  brnevolcnc?  . ,  ,  120 

phlegm,  apathy 74 

phrnws  diction JOS 

term .  462 

y,  diction 198 


pick,  alternative * .  00 

thwmt  157 

pjc»k  <mt,  Mofljw 157 

ptatuw,  *k?teh  440 

pujtimwiuo,  beautiful  116 

pliHW,  part,  n 357 

pl»«r<'»ipf,  bleak  128 



pit'ty,  rcliffion 408 

pile  up,  aruaM  60 

pilgrittw,  Journey  807 

pUlftK<»r,  rttbbtr  426 

pip*»,  (Utility , 147 

piquant,  racy .  „  890 

piqu* 807 

pirates  robber  425 

pit,  abyxa .  20 

pltcouw,  pitiful 807 

pithy,  ttst** 4C8 

pitiful 367 


barbnrouH 118 

pity  368 

rftfiffiy  ,...,,. 327 

pitying,  humane 284 

place,  fix 247 

put  890 

plw  In  ordflr,  arrant/*  .,.,..  85 

plaold,  <*alm 187 

p\W[f.TiM>  qunlc 898 

pUgtus  abomination 12 

plain,  <*l*<*r 161 

evident 226 

horizontal   288 

ntffto  426 

ptiin-apokfin,  bluff 125 


idra , 2S7 

ikttch  440 

pline,  "horizontal  283 


/to  24,7 

Fl*toni6f  <k!orfam(d 22 

PUtonirtlc,  academic  22 

plaudit,  $r*i*e  876 

ptoyftthUM,  wtt  486 



pray  ...... 



..  877 

.  186 

pleasaulry,  wit   .........  486 

please,  entertain       ......  218 

ploaaod,  happy   ........  270 

pleasing,  amiable  .......  64 

delightful    .........  186 

pleasant    ...........  370 

pleasurable,  delightful  .  .  .  .  186 

pleasant  ...........  370 

pleasure,  entertainment  .  .219 

happiness    ...........  268 

pledge,  contract  .  .  .  175 

security       .....  ,    .....  431 

plenteous,  plentiful       ......  371 

plentiful    ...........  371 

plenty,  'wealth    .........  482 

ploonasm,   circumlocution    .  .  157 

pliable,  docile   ....  ........  200 

pliant,  docile      ..........  200 

plight,  predicament    .....  379 

plunderer,  robber  ........  425 

plunge,  immerse  ...........  294 

poom,  poetry  ,  .  .........  872 

poesy,  poetry  ...........  872 

poetry    ...................  872 

point,  v.>  allude  .........  56 

point,  n.,  circumstance  .....  158 

end,  n  ..............  214 

topio    ............  468 

poisonous,  pernicious         ....  864 

policy,  'polity  ..........  878 

polished,  /me  .........  245 

polite  ...............  872 

polite  ...................  872 

•politeness,  address,  n,  34 

refaiement  ............  406 

polity  ..................  878 

law    .................  315 

polute,  defile  ..............  184 

pommel,  "beat  ...  ...........  115 

pomp,  ostentation  ..........  852 

pomposity,  ostentation  .....  852 

pompousneea,  ostentation  .    .  .  852 

ponder,  deliberate      ........  185 

populace,  mob  ...........  388 

popular,  general  ..........  260 

population,  people  .......  >  •  860 

pore,  cavity  ----  .    ----  ,  ,  .  .  .  147 

port,  air   ................  44 

portal,  entrance  ..........  220 

portend,  augur  ........  .  .  .  .  10T 





portent,   sign    4B8 

portentous,  awful     100 

portion    374 

part,    n 357 

portion  out,  allot  , . . .  54 

portrayal,   sketch    . .    .  440 

position,  tiircunwtancc 1T>H 

positive,  absolute,    15 

dogmatic     200 

radical    400 

teal    402 

possess,   have    274 

possessions,    wealth        4H2 

possibility,  accident , .  24 

event     . .  . .  225 

possible,   admissible    07 

postpone,   defer 182 

hinder    280 

protract     392 

potency,  power 876 

potential,    latent    314 

potentiality,   power    375 

pound,   beat   *  115 

poverty    374 

power , .  376 

cause     .  „ , 140 

powerful,  important 206 

practise,  v.,  follow 250 

practice,  n()  eoctrci«*  229 

habit    207 

practised,  skilful 442 

prate*    . ,    870 

prate,   "bailie    1 07 

prattle,  baWe   107 

pray    877 

a*fc    00 

precarious    877 

precaution,    care    *  141 

precedent,  a.,  previous  ......  382 

precedent,  n „ 1)78, 

cans  ft 140 

example , .  *  227 

preceding,  previous   . . 382 

precept,  doetrin*   200 

precipitancy,  temtrity  401 

precipitation,   temerity    461 

precipitous,   sleep    450 

precept,   proverb    303 

preciouH,   rare 400 

prcioinn,   minute    , 080 

preclude,    prevent    *,  381 

prohibit   380 

preconception,  prejudice  , . , .  8#0 

predestination 878 

predicament    . ,  > 870 

predict,  anj/iir   ...  .........  1< 

predilection,  fancy   .........  **Jf 

predominant,    /)r£w//«*f,    <i/.  .  .  l\t 

predominating  j»rJw//>tff»  ««•  M 

preeminent,  in'incitntl,  a  .....  fit 

prefer,    <7*«<ww    ......  ......  II 

preference,    allerntitiw 
prejudice     ...  ......  . 



I)retnium,   anhftittit    .........  4. 

prenomen,    nttttir    ......  *  •    •  3.' 

preoccupied,  ahtitfitrtriil   .....  « 

prepared,  fit   ...........  ...  fl- 


...      HI 
prcroKative,   riff  hi,   n  .......     4** 




forward,  qtttelttn 



prt)tf*rndturiilf  *uj>rr  natural  t  .     4f 

pretty,    beautiful    ..,,.,,...     11 
,  abound  ...........       1 


pr«5Vftil  ovi« 
w*u/«i  , 





previous    .....  .    ....«,..    .  382 

prt'vii.lon,    anticipation    .....  71 

prirf    ...................  888 

prWet    ....................  884 

prim,  ntat    ...............  840 

primal,   prime  vnl    ..........  385 

prinwry,  primeval   .......  ,  .  885 

prim*4,  p  rim  f  rat  ...........  885 

prlnripat,  a  ............  886 

primeval    ................  885 

primitive,  primeval  ........  885 

radical   ................  400 

primordial,  primeval  .......  085 

trannefndentol    ........  470 

primus   thief    ............  160 

princely,  royal  ,  .  .  ,  .    ......  426 

I*  riu<*f  /HI/,  «.  .  ,  ,  ,  ........  *  .  886 

fhief    .................  156 

principle,  doctrintt  ...,.,..,  200 

law    ..................  816 

rrw«ort,  n.    .  ............  408 

prior,  prtvloui  ....  ........  ,  382 

prihtinc,   primeval    .  ,  .  .  .  ____  885 

privacy,  retirement    ........  418 

prlvntion,   poi^rtif   ...  ......  874 

privilege,  ri#ht,  n  ......  .  .  .  424 

prize,  fjrtiwn,  11  ...........  228 

pft»batil«H  adrntexiblfi  ........  87 

apparent   .....  .....  ,  ,  .  .  76 

likely  .................  818 

probity,  virtu*  ............  480 

riildl?,  n  ..........  428 

rbtf  ..............  424 

gt  act    .  ,  .  ........  27 

,  ..........  46d 

procedure,  operation   .......  851 

proceed*,  harvest  ..........  272 

profit    .................  887 

pro&wft,   moMm    ...........  886 

proolftlm,  announc*  ........  69 

a»ow   ..........  .  ......  105 

proclivity,  appetite  ........  80 

faiir*  .................  100 

proftrwftinntti,  defer  .  .......  182 

protract  ...............  392 

g;,  tlow  .......  448 

s  attain  ............  99 

git  ...................  262 

purthat*   ..............  395 

v,>  alkffe  .........  51 

haruirt    ...............  272 

mak*  .................  822 

pwdttOtf   barwtt   ..........  272 

.  .....  487 

wot  h  ..........  487 

*  *  20 



profane  swearing,  oath   .....  846 

profanity,  oath  ..........  846 

profess,  avow     ..........  188 

proficiency,  progress   .....  888 

proficient,  skilful  ..........  442 

profit  ...................  887 

utility    ................  472 

profitless,  vain  ..........  474 

profound,  obscure    .......  847 

profundity,  wis&om   ........  485 

piofuse,  plentiful     ........  871 

profusion,  excess  .........  2^8 

prognostic,  styn   ..........  488 

prognosticate,   augur     .....  102 

progress    ................  888 

progression,  progress  .......  888 

prohibit  ................  389 

abolish   .............  11 

prohibition,  barrier  ........  118 

order   ..............  851 

project,  7i  ,  design  .........  190 

send    ..............  482 

prolixity,  circumlocution   ....  157 

prolong,  hinder  ...........  280 

protract   .  .  ..  ............  892 

prominent,  important  .....  295 

principal,  a.   ..    ........  886 

promise,  contract  ..........  175 

promote  ..........  .  ......  890 

abet   ..................  6 

aggrandize  .............  41 

quickfin   ...............  898 

promoter,  agent  .........  .  41 

OMxttiary   ..............  103 

prompt,  Vv  influence  ......  800 

prompt,  a.,  active  .........  28 

alert    ................  47 

nimble   ...............  844 

promptitude,  alacrity  .......  46 

prompts  CHS,  alacrity  ........  46 

promulgate,    announce    ....  69 

prone,   addicted    ..........  82 

progeny,  appetite  .........  SO 

pronounce,  speak  ..........  446 

state  .................  440 

proof,  criterion,  .......  ^  ...  179 

demonstration   .  .  ,  .  ......  188 

testimony  ...........  .  .  468 

prop,  support  ......  .  .....  .  '456 

propeL  drive  ..............  204 

»en&  ....  ..............  482 

propensity,  appetite  ........  80 

dfitire    ................  1«0 

proper,  admissible  .........  87 




property,  attribute,  n 





property,  characteristic  ...    .  154 

nwnty    385 

wealth  4H2 

prophecy,  augur  102 

propinquity,  approximation  .  83 

propitiation , 300 

propitious  391 

proportion,  analouu  00 

portion  374 

proposal 391 

design,  100 

p'roposc  .  . . . , 392 

proportion,  proposal  301 

topic  408 

propound,  announce  09 

stale  ." 449 

prorogue,  defer 1H'2 

prosecute,  arraiffn  84 

prohclyto,  convert  J7(J 

prosper,  succeed 464 

prospered,  fortunate  26JJ 

prosperity,  wealth  . . . « 482 

prosperous,  fortunate  258 

happy 270 

prostitute,  alw*«  20 

protect,  cUeriali 150 

Jaeftp    310 

shelter  4S7 

protection,  defense  ,....,,..  1H2 

protest,  avow  105 

stats 440 

prototype,  example  227 

ideal    2HH 

model  884 

protract  592 

defer  IBS 

proud,  high 279 

prove,  confirm  170 

reason,  v •  402 

provender,  food 251 

proverb  * 898 

provided,  but 184 

providence,  1  regality  ......  259 

prudence .,..,..  894 

provoke,  affront  89 

prow* 893 

proxy,  delegate 185 

prudence 894 

cart 141 

iruffality    269 

wisdom  485 

pryinff,  inquisitive   .........  304 

public,  general  , ,  200 

usual 472 

publications,  literature  81 0 

public  life,  earver  142 

publish,  announce- 09 

puwile,  youthful   ..........  4S8 

pull,   draw    .  ............  .  .  202 

pungent,  bitter  .......  *  ,  ,  .  ,  122 

racy  .................  !»U9 

puninh,  a»*inyfl  ............  104 

chasten    ...............  1  5ft 

rvquitc     .............  .  .  415 

pupil,  scholar  .............  4KO 

purohawvbh*,  r/tj/i  .  .  ,  ,  ,    .  .  ,  ,  474 

purc.hase   .................  %W* 

pure    .................  -  .  -  Hi):* 

innocent    ..........  ...  *  3(U 

purification,  abhrtlnn   .......  9 

purify,  amend   .....  .......  ftn 

chcmtcn    ...............  Jrtft 

clean**  ...............  .  1  UO 

purity,  Dirtu/i   .........  ....  4HO 

purloin,  abxtrae'  .......  ....  1  H 

purpone,  D.,  tmiHHA   ......  .  flfltt 

purpoMs  n0  aim,  ......  ,  ,  .  ,  .  44 

fattgn.   ................  IfM 

«nd,    n  ...............  814 

idea  .........  .  .......  JS87 

rraxon,  n  .......  .  ......  40ft 

purpoM'lw*,  faint   ........  .  ,  lift! 

frMe    .................  84U 

pursue,   fall  mi:    .,,..,.,,.,.  2tfH> 

hunt    ....  ............  »«ft 

punh,  drive  ...............  SJ04 

promote  ......  .  .......  BOO 

pufth  on,  promnts  .......    .  HOO 


put  down,  i*o 
put  in  or<U'r, 

put  in 
put  off, 
put  <»n, 

putrefy,  ^«<iy  ,,..,,.,.,,,     I  H  | 
put  ri«htr  orfa^C  ........  ...       a$> 

put  to  death,  frW  .,..,...,,     510 
put  to  rights  a//n^/  ........       (29 

put  up  with,  *rt^«rn  ......  .     aid 

pu«Ir,  predicament   ........     H7W 

rfefctfr,  n.  .  .....  ...,,..,     438 

quaint,  antttfu*   ...,.,..,,.       73 

qutfr  ,,..,,  ...........     007 

^  thake  ,.  .......  .  t  ,  ,  ,     i$ft 


qusllfy,  change,  tt,  ..,,.,,.,     trt  t 
quality,  attribute,  n  ......  .  .     101 



INDKX   OF   SYNONYMS  property 




quell,  <innt/uf  r  ............     172 

1'.,  roaaon,  v    ......     402 

n.t  40  uM,  n    .....     201 

quick,   arttv?    .............       28 

nimble  ...............     344 

quirkftn   ................     398 

qulrknuBH,  alwity  .........       46 

quick  of  ncont,  tutyac.inus.  .  .  ,     427 
quic.k-nccntcd,   nafjadoua    ....     427 

quiflk'Wlttnd,  cMwr  ........     162 

quUuKWXltw,   nbrt/ance   .......          7 

twi  ...................     416 

qukt,  ottoy  ...............       50 

calm    ,  .........  .......     187 

test   ..................     416 

quintain,  apathy  ..........       74 

rest    ..................     410 

qutetudn,   apathy    ..........       74 

W»    ..................     410 

quit,   abandon    ............         3 


,  shake 


r*bbl«,   wofr    .............     833 

,  carter  ...............     H2 

JWn    ..................     311 

ptopl*    ................     360 

....................     8^^ 








tango,  arrange 85 

wander 481 

rank,  c2o«* ...  159 

rap,   blow   124 

rapacious,    avanftottf      .    ...  104 

rapture,  enthutiasm  ...  220 

happiness 268 

rapturous,  happy 270 

rcw  e 400 

obsolete 348 

rashness,  teme-nly   . .      .  .    . .  461 

rate,   calculate 136 

ratify,   confirm       ,      170 

ratiocination,    reasoning    .    . .  404 

rational,  sagacious       ,      ...  427 

ravine,    cavity 147 

raze,  demolish 187 

reach     401 

attain    99 

make        322 

readiness,  address,  n 34 

alacrity    46 

&6Xt«r\ty 192 

ease 208 

power    875 

reading,  education 209 

ready,   aotvoe 28 

alert    47 

real   402 

authentic 108 

pure    895 

reality,  veracity       477 

realize,   do      198 

reanimate,  recover 406 

reaping,  harvwt 272 

reason,  v 402 

reason,  n 408 

cauae 146 

mind      329 

wiadom      485 

admissible     87 

likely 318 

reasonableness,  wisdom, 485 

reasoning 404 

rcbttllion,  revolution     420 

rebellious    404 

restive 417 

rebuke,  reproof  418 

reprove   . .    .  •  • 414 

recalcitrant,  restive 417 

recull,  renounce  411 

recant,  renounce   411 

receipti,  profit   887 

receive,   get 262 

received,  authentic 108 

receat,  new  848 

reciprocal,  mutual  . .  *   887 





reciprocate*,  requite   415 

recital,  history 281 

story    451 

recite,  quote 398 

recklessness,  temerity    401 

reckon,   calculate    136 

recognition,   knowledge   . .    . .  811 

recognize,  confess 170 

discern.    196 

recollection,  memory   .......  327 

recompense,  pay,  n.  .      .....  359 

requite    415 

reward    .........    422 

reconciliation,  propitiation   . ,  300 

recondite,  latent 314 

mysterious 337 

record   405 

character 153 

history 281 

report 41 2 

tf or]/    451 

recover    406 

recreate,  entertain  218 

recreation,  entertainment  ....  210 

rest    416 

recruit,  recover  , .  406 

rectify,  amend  68 

rectitude,  justice   300 

virtue    480 

recuperate,  recover   .  * 40G 

redoubted,  formidable   252 

reduce,  abate .  6 

alleviate    53 

check   155 

conquer k .  172 

redundance,    e,ireuml»eu( i<m . ,  157 

redundancy,   circumlocution . .  157 

excess    22ft 

reel,  shake 436 

refer,  allude 56 

appeal  77 

attribute,  v 100 

referee,  judye    80R 

refine,  chMten « .  >  150 

refined,  fine 240 

refinement   406 

fallacy  28,1 

reflect,  deliberate   185 

reflection,  reproof   418 

reform,  amend  OB 

refractory,  obstinate  ......    .  848 

rebellious 404 

restive  417 

refrain,  cense 140 

keep    BIO 

rflfrauhtafr   dtliffM/ul    386 

refulgent,  triflht 12U 

refuie,  renounce   ... , •  411 


refute    ..........  , 

regain,    r«roi'rtr    .  .  .........  40<i 

rogul,   royal    .  .  .  .  .  .........  -lli.'» 

regard,  v,,  fldlwm,  v  ......  *  32*1 

look  .................  aao 

love  ..................  »;n 

regard,  n,t  att  admit  nt  ......  1)7 

ettteetn,  n.  ...  .........  SJJtH 

friendship   .......  ,  ,  ,  .  ,  s;i7 

regeneration,  efiantt(\  it,   ,  ,  ,  ,  1AU 

rcgimt»n,  /««</     ............  Uf*  I 

rcglHtor,  hint  or}/   .  .  ........  *  'JHI 

record   .......  *  .........  10f» 

rogrot,  0rit*f  .............  .  ami 

woutn   .....  ,  ........  U.'Ki 

repentance  ..........  .  .  „  412 

rogulur,   euntlnual   .........  17f> 

.  ..........  ...  344 

rogularity,  *y«t<*Hi    ........  .  4f»rt 

regulation,  lam  ...........  ,  JHfi 

rt»lu*arHnl,   repvrt    ..........  4  Jit 

reign,  govern.  ,  ..........  .  .  iinft 

r<»ign  ov«»r,  //onrrn  .....  .  .  .  «  SWf) 

wnannee    ..........  4U 

,  aim?  flat  inn  ,  .....  .  11 

happy  .........  ,  .......  27U 

Hljijiinr'ii*   ........  U(JH 

hap  ft  ^    ...........  ,  .  .  *  .  H7t» 

rejoinder,   ttnawpr    ......*  i  .  7<> 


45  1 

a  Ml 


rrlafionrtiip,    /r<n 
c,  atxtutw 
te,  ?t  mini  it 


reliable    ..................     407 

authfntie     .....  ......  ,,      Jr»1 

,  aba  ml  on 


,  abide 

*,  n, 

nt  gleet    . 
r  om  it,  p&rtlfMt  ft,  ..,. 






4  art 





f,  complain   ......     KJG 

'  with,  r^minc*..*     414 
jH'nta-nrt'     ......     410 

altfn,  (t,  .    .  *  ......  ,       48 

old  ...................     350 

rrmnvo,  (ihotitth  ............       11 

alwtrart  .............        18 

ttltwfate  ..............       5ft 

ranwl    .  .  .............     138 

carry  ................     144 

f  ..........     231 

tiuHt   .......     415 


,  .......  128 

romlcr,  wafrfl   ............  322 

wndnring,  dfflnttwn   .......  184 

o,  heretic   .........  270 

ffflt  n  .........  152 

g,  change,  w.  *  ......  152 

.........  .....  411 

abandon    .  .  .  ...........  B 

wmown,  /am*  .............  286 

r«»nt,  *awtt//  ..............  »  147 

rfitiundfttion,  a&n^aM0n  ....  11 

repair,   OM*-7ui    ............  68 

reparation,  r  award  .......  .  *  422 

answer  *  .......  ,  .  70 

fratt  ......  .  .......  2B9 

abolish   .  .  ..........  11 

aaruml   ................  188 

tcprat,   quotft    .  .  .  .  .  ........  898 

l,  drto*  ...............  204 

,  jplwtftftrf  ...........     871 



»  ,  .       69 
,  reproof  .......     418 

......     334 

tkrtoh   ................     440 

check  *  ............     185 

......  *     418 

,  *  .  .  ,     414 


reproach,  w  ,  reprove  414 

reproach,  n.,  6Zmnw»A 124 

reproof  413 

reprobate,  u.,  condemn, 168 

reprobation,  o<zfA 346 

reproduction,  duplicate  206 

reproof  413 

roproval,  reproof 418 

reprove  414 

condemn 168 

repudiate,  abandon  8 

renounce  411 

ropugnanco,  antipathy  ....  72 

hatred,  278 

repugnant,  incongruous  ...  297 

repuleo,  drive 204 

repulsion,  antipathy 72 

reputation,  character 158 

lame 235 

request,  v ,  appeal 77 

auk    90 

pray  . .  * 877 

require,  make 822 

required,  necessary  841 

requirement,  necessity  841 

order .  351 

requisite,  necessary  341 

necessity  841 

requital,  pay,  n 359 

revenge 419 

reward  422 

requite 41$ 

rescind,  cancel  138 

resemblance,  analogy 66 

approximation  83 

rosemWing,  alike  49 

resentful,  restive  417 

resentment,  anger  67 

hatred   278 

pique 867 

roflervation,  abeyance 7 

reserve,  modesty 884 

pride  884 

re  nerved,  taciturn 459 

reside,  abide 9 

residence,  home  282 

resign,  abandon  8 

,  patience  .......  858 

drive  204 


rafdatance,  defence - .  - .  182 

reiolute,  obstinate  848 

resolution,  fortitude 258 

resolved,  obstinate  848 

resort,  appeal 77 

resource,  alternative  * 60 

respect,  v.,  admire ,  87 




respect,  rt.,  efiteetft,  *  .......  223 

v»n*rat€  ...............  475 

resplendent,  bright  ........  129 

renponio,  answtr  ..........  70 

responsibility,  Aut)/    ........  207 

rest   .....................  416 

rcrt,  v.t  abide  .............  9 

restiff,  restive  .............  417 

reftto*  ...................  417 

ry  stlc  SB,   active   ...........  28 

fiekte   .................  242 

reativ*  ................  417 

restore,  recover   ...........  400 

rottrain  .........    .  ......  418 

arrtat    ...............  88 

"bind    ................  121 

check   ................  155 

govern  ..............  265 

Jcetp    .................  810 

restraint,   'barrier   ........  113 

restrict,  restrain  ..........  41H 

result,  t?.,  follow   .........  250 

result,  n.,  cans  f<iuc  nee    .....  173 

end,  n  ...............  214 

went   .................  225 

h<*rv**t    ...............  272 

operation    .............  351 

resume,  recover  ...........  400 

retain,  tow  ..............  #10 

retainer,  accessory   .........  23 

retaliate,  avenge  .  »  .........  104 

requite    ...............  416 

retaliation,  revenue   ........  419 

retard,  hinder  .............  280 

obstruct  .............  849 

reticent,  taciturn  ..........  459 

retire,  abscond  ............  14 

retire  from,  abandon  .......  8 

retirement  .....  ,  ..........  418 

rotort,   antnacr   ............  70 

retract,   abandon   .....  .  .  ,  ,  ,  8 

renounce  .  .............  411 

retreat,  abscond  ...........  14 

retribution,  rtvange  ........  419 

reward    ...............  422 

retrieve,  rewoer  ...........  400 

retrospect,  memory    ........  827 

retroipeotion,  memory  ......  827 

return,  profit  ........    ....  887 

requite  ................  415 

return*,  profit  .............  887 

harvett    ...............  272 

reveal,  announce   .    .  .  ,  .....  09 

revel,  abound  ,  .........  ,  .  .  18 

caroutal  .....  ,  .........  144 

revelation    ................  419 

revelry,  caroutal  ..........  144 

rtwngft,  n 
revere,  admire 





rovorit4,   ......  .,,. 

n'verw,  rM  abttfwh 

misfortune     .  .  .  .  .  .....  ,  ,  H'tl 

rcvil<'F  abitxr    ....  .........  ,  20 

»land?r    ...............  44S 

revoke,  ttbotitth  ............  11 

caiicrl    .........  .  .....  U(H 

rpnnuncr     ,  .  ,  .....  ,  .  ,  ,  .  411 

revolt,  n(ro?Mft»»i   ..........  4BO 

rwnlutiun    ................  4tt(l 

,   n.    ,......,.,.,  152 

.  ......  .  .  42  1 


rich,  plentiful  .............     «7l 

wtulth  .............  4MU 

riddle  t  n  ..................  4»» 

ride,  drive  ..........  ,  .  ,     ,  an* 

ridicule,  bantrr  ............  112 

ridicuIouH,  abturd   ......  ,  .  ,  It) 

</u#«r  .,.,.,.«..,......  5W7 

riflifpit,  fartt/trtttfan    .  .    .    ,  ,  SAW 

right,  a.,  adml**tthtt*  ........  07 

innocent    ^  .......    .  .  ,    .  H04. 

n  .................  424 

.  .......  ,,,,.  SOT 

riffht  awity,  <mm«li<ttrly 
ri«ht4»ou»,  innownt  ,,., 
right*»ounnpwi,  duty  .,,, 

right  off, 



condign  ,.,,,,,.,.     Jflt) 
rlra,  e»anA>  ...............  ,     tU 

rim*,  po/'tri/  ........  ,,.,,,     873 


revolution  ......  ,,,,,,<  430 

rip,  r«nd  .....  .........  ,  .  .  410 

Htt,  u  ................  .  ..  434 

rino,  TU,  beffinniny  .,,.,,,,,  Hi 





>k,  n.,  danyer 180 

hazard 275 

y,  prerariutt* 877 

rito,  Mframe-nt 427 

rivnl,  n,,  enemy 217 

rivalry,  wnbitwn,   .      .......  02 

rlvt«,  brwk  128 

rnwJ    410 

road,   way  , , 482 

nuulway,  way 482 

roam,   wander 481 

r«»r,  fatl 180 



rock,  «/m£<* .  480 

roll,  rtenrd 405 

rwi/i»f 421 

i'omaiir<>,  dream   208 

/irftoit    248 

r««t»  AJT  ..,,,. 247 

tw>t  out, 

rot,  dw«j/   <•• IH1 

roUtiv  wttotfi* 42 1 

rmigh,   ftjtajf 106 

rout,  cnfonn(tl 144 

ftmttwr 1 72 

rout**,  «»«// 482 

routing  habit 207 

rf>vt't  wntitltr   481 

row,  attflrraHvn   5H 

jriut 24 1 

ri'tHtl    * ,  4 ............  425 

rnb  off  «r  »utf  tune*!,  .......  188 

rutl*%  bwbarnu*  1 18 

frtof 120 

fi**efc»    426 

ntft  >nwurrt 880 

Utility     Pi  |     flf/lit^      *«.   ......   i.    .  20 

tfffWr/f{»A 187 

tub  vert .  454 

rutfl,  rt.f  mififnrtunfi    .......  OH1 

r»K  DM  ffvvfrrt. 205 

,  <$r#<*r(f<M  ..........  170 

A«M*   207 

/tt0    * , . , 815 

fw*0?r B7fl 

W*t*m  * ,..,,,,  45fl 

.    '    ,    Afr/ I0« 

mitnor,  r«5por«  .............  412 

nifl  nwftxt  ahttwnd 14 

run  off,  obitwnd 14 

v»rttl«  rwtid i 426 


ruftG,  artifice 88 

pretense .     880 

rufth,  career 142 

rmtfa     426 


surrfndtr    457 

i(  ffrtef  266 


astutfi  ., 94 

fl  UK  a  city,  acumen   28 

wisdom    485 

Ha#o,  sayaciouH 427 

rt  hoi]/   , 282 


Ralnry,  pay,  n 850 

*«frt    426 

Hatuhriouflt  healthy 275 

fcalutury,  healthy   275 

Haluttt,  addrena,  v 88 

Hanui,  alike  49 

aynonytnouH 457 

#ampfo 4&9 

vxamplv   227 

Hunotimony,  hj/porritii/  285 

nanolign,  v.,  abft   6 

allow    55 

confirm 170 

/,  healthy    275 

Nuroafcm,  banter 112 

jmtd,  aatbfy  ,.....,,.......     429 

•aiiatc,  satin f i/    429 

natlrc*,  harder 112 

i&tlKf action,  propitiation    ....     890 
flom/ortalflf   168 


r*<?utt« 415 

*,  detiffhtfiU   186 

arowal 144 

ipudtnce 296 

ptrtnw 865 

ittVAKf.  barbarowi 118 

bitter  »»*•..»<......*..  122 

farot 244 

unv«,  6w* !'/..!!.-..!!  1B4 

•wing,  /rufifoiity  , 250 







say,  allege 51 

announce  . . 00 

speak 440 

state 449 

saying,  proverb 393 

scan,  look  320 

flcarce,  rare . . .  400 

acaro,  fear »  238 

fntfhten 258 

scored,  afraid 40 

scene,  altercation 68 

HchdduU*,  record 405 

scheme,  desiyn  1 90 

hypothesis 280 

Hchisinatic,  heretic  270 

scholar  430 

scholarship,  knowledge  31 1 

scholarly,  acadfmw 22 

soholaHtic,  academic 2iJ 

»ehool,  ttach 461 

schooling,  education 209 

sciencs , 430 

knowledge 8  It 

scintilla,  particle  8fiH 

fldntiUattag,  bright  120 

aoitttiilation,  liyht  JU7 

scorch,  burn 182 

scorn,  *.,  abhor 8 

scour,  cleanae, 1 00 

scourge,  beat  115 

Bcrap,  altercation  . . 58 

particle  8f>8 

scrape,  predicament 370 

scratch  out,  cancel  138 

iH'mun,  call 130 

hide 278 


shelter 487 

ftcrimplng,  frugality 250 

flcroll,  record  405 

scrub,  chant*  ,  v  .,..,,,,.  100 

scruple,  doubt ^  n.  . . . , 201 

object,  v. 846 

scrutinizing,  inquisitive $04 

dcoff,  tncar *  444 

Hcorn,  nwlfict  ....,..,,,.,.  B4'2 

aoout,  *w , * .  447 

anarch,  hunt 385 

searching,  inquisitive 804 

tfftftflon,  tima 406 

flflat  of  government,  capital. .  HO 

aocluaion,  retirement  418 

second,  help  276 

uocrct,  latent  , 814 

mysterious 8U7 

Mcrcto,  hid*  278 

auction,  part,  n  .....  .......  HA  7 

wcuru,  arrcut  .............  HM 

attach    ..........  *  .....  JU*» 

attain  .................  tH> 

bind  ..................  l«l 



c,  enlm   ..............      137 

wdition,  rrrtttutwn  .........     4%U 

s  allure  ...........  *  .       67 

»   «•» 







i,  r  centaur*.  4  1  II 

*aurnitff  ,  ,  .  .  W\ 

ryotixtn  ,  ......  ,,.,,,.,.  *J  1  0 

n«»lf  wjwweimmm'KH,  t'nodum,.  .  ,  tttO 

*<'!/•  control,   (tb#tirienw    ,  .  ,  .  .  27 

l,  *ri/  abnrffatinn  .  ,  .     433 


4  It  3 


*«//  abn+ya 

abrtintnn*  ».f*       17 


J»ll(  <'Nm-fV/  ,    .............  177 

M'tttliluiu't,  mmftwf/  ..  ......  00 

j»ivf»'jiift'     ......  ,  ......  fJK() 

<ti  m/     .......  .  ...........  4:1  a 

truth*,  «W    .............  ,  ,  it  50 


m    ,  .  .  , 

,  tttmttrtt 


.,,,  10 

ntuiflr*,  Mnwintiit   ,,,,,.,..      1  78 
phmifttt  ...............      !»00 

hit  flttC  in  UK    .,.,.,.  .......        4U7 

.....      4<U 


'**,  r  ,  cttntfamn  ...    *  .  .      I  OK 
iytit«'iitUiuM,  trrw   ..........     408 

K*    animnt    .....        OH 

.......  ,  ,  ,  IH 

.........  .  75 

,,..,,,  <,  ,  145 

,,,.,.,,,,  17ft 

,  firm*    ... 




.-,     4  1  (J 
,  .  ,     3H7 


wt,   »',, 







iiH  flrn  to,  h«rn,  ..  .  ,  .......  1^3 

•ft  forth,  fftolf  .  .  -  ........  440 

mi  ftw,  tttt*iitvf!  ,,,,.,.*...  19 

•H  In  orrt*^,  tttrnii[iP  ,,,*,,.  85 

•ft  rijfhf, 
,  ^/» 






w»t  up,  arrange   .  .  »  ........       85 

hc't  upon,  attack,  v  .........       08 

w»vi»r,  /^rraA   ..............     128 

rend    .................     410 

..  *  .......       75 

tiwraw  ...  ............     335 

mwwity,  ornwffwy   .  ,  .  ......       20 

Bex,  gender  .....  ..........     200 

nhaoklc,  v.,  6i«rf  ..........     181 

HliaoklfMi  n.,  A't/^r  ......  ...     240 

nhudcwy,  firtrA;   ............     180 

mln     .................     471 

whady,  darA-  ...............     180 

hhum,  hypocriftt/   ...........  2H5 

1,  7i  ,  abomination  ,  „    ,  .  12 

haffrln   ...............  151 

cU'HHnfSH,  eflrontery  ....  2LO 

,  makf   ..............  822 

,  «.,  apportion,  ........  H3 

n,,  part,  n  ........  .  ,  857 

portion  ................  874 


acrimony  *  ......  .       20 

acumen   .....  ..........       29 

aharp-witlwl,  MagacMntn   .....     427 

.  .  .  ..........     896 

......  .......     450 


,  riM 

w  .  ........     182 

,  ,  .......     182 

shift,  u.,  chanyfi,  v..  .......  .     151 


iihttnm«r,  Unfit  ............  .     017 

.,.,,,,     129 
,  .....     190 

...     »17 

...     436 
nhock,  Mow  ...............     124 

*hor<i,  foanfc  .....,.,.,.,..,     Ill 



shorty  tm« 
should*  ought 
shout,  catt 





d,  particle  ...........  an  8 

shr«wd,  axtute  ............  04 

saffacious  .............  427 

shrewdness,  acumen   .......  iiB 

shriek,  fall  ...............  liW 

shudder,  shake  ...........  430 

shun,   abhor   ......  .....  8 

shyness,  modesty    .........  034 

sickness,  disease     ........  107 

sight,  array  ..............  H7 

*\gn  »  ....................  438 

characteristic  ..........  15-1 

emblem    ..............  iill 

trace   ...............  4flfl 

signal,  sign  ..............  4ftft 

significant,  important  .......  20  IS 

signify,  allude  .............  60 

silent,  taciturn  ...........  -459 

silver,  money   .............  Mf> 

similar,  alike  .............  42 

tynonymtw*  ...........  4fl7 

similarity,  also  ...........  57 

analogy   .............  *  <W 

approximation  ........  ft# 

simile,  atteffory  ............  52 

analogy  •  •  •  •  ...........  ^ 

similitude,  analogy  .........  06 

simple,  candid  .......  .  ----  180 

pure  .................  390 

simulation,  pretence  ........  380 

tin  ......................  480 

since,  because  ............  116 

sincere,  candid  ............  180 

honest   ...........  .....  283 

Bine  qua  non,  necessity  ......  341 

sinful,  criminal  ........  *  .  ,  ,  178 

sing  .  ,,  ..................  440 

slngfl,    burn    ,  .  ,  ,  ,  ......  .  .  ,  182 

singular,  queer  ...........  .  897 

rare   ..................  400 

singularity,  characteristic   .  ,  ,  154 

sink,  immerse  ..........  «  ,  .  294 

sinlenn,  innocent  ,  .  .........  304 

perfect  ................  002 

situation,  cirnumttawe   .....  158 

skeleton,  9k<tch   ...........  440 

fJceptio  ..........  »  ........  441 

skepticism,  doubt,  n  ........  201 

tkttoh    ..........  .  ........  440 

tk&ful  ...................  442 

cl*v*r  ...............  ,  .  102 

i  battle 


n,  tlttpfc 


slay,  *tK 

slight,  Jin* 

small,  /?rt 






slant,  tip     ................     4«n 

r,  kill  .............     I«lo 


4  lf» 


,  ttcnd  ..........  .    •  .  4R3 

klip  awfty,  <il>*t'nn<l  ,  ,  .  .    ....  14 

hilt,  wtt;/  ................  U7 

rn\d  ..........  ,*,*,,.*  410 

«lot»',  tip  .....  .....,,,,.,  40f* 

slothful,  Mir   ..............  li«ft 

alow  .,.,.,,.,,  .......  .  ,  .  ,  44# 

•Ittffiriih,   W/i-    .............      3N9 

rfiou'  ................     44» 

,       74 

.  ,  .  .  ,  Him 

»,,,    ,  »  i«iJ 

,  ......  ftttft 


.  ,  270 

smirch,  Ue.mlth  .  ,  .......  ,  .  12  1 

wnit^,  btat  .  ,..,  ..........  nn 

smooth,  flnt  ...........  ,  ,  .  ,  ^43 

snnpplsh,  norw  ..........  J»n5 

....*.,  14«» 


snug*  flomfvrtablf  ..........  1M8 

,,,,,.,  17 

*,  friendly  ..........  Sfirt 





n*   all  w  fat? 

it.,  rfr/Hr 

rt.,  M?mi*h   ...........     124 

ftrmj/  ........  .  ,  ,  .  ,       H4 

«f»lfUi*ry,  army    ...........       fl4 

n,  au>/ul  ............     100 

.......     427 

........     160 



.  .......      141 

t   ........     41H 

,  tlark  ............  .  .     l  HO 

'tonic,  frnfitry   ..............     878 

50  b 
,  .  .  .      288 

rtntfnrtttnr   ............. 


wirt,  air 







11  ft 

now,  plant 

.....     115 



flprck,   llttnitth 




np(U'd,  n.,  alacrity 

nimble   .  .  ..........      344 

mind  ..................     329 

rosy   .............     399 


,  Ut/ht 



•plit,  lirtak  .............     128 

«poil,  ...............     181 

elf  tin  fie  ............     160 

,  ,  ,  ,     44  7 
hport,  entertainment  ........     219 

Hpot,  n.i  btctniHfi  ...........      124 

Alain  ..................     448 

...     304 
pure  ............  .  .....     895 

marriage  .  ,  .  .  .  .....     828 

nlirond,  annnunt'f  .  .  .  .       69 

carouaal  ......  ,  .....     144 

»prljfhtlin(»HH,   o/rtrrif//    ......       46 

.  .  .  .       45 

.  ......     270 

nimbi  ft  ................     844 

spring,  r.,  rinr   ,  ........  .  ,  .     424 

,  n.,  bettlnninff  .......     118 

,  ......     340 

Hpry,  activa  ..............  ,       23 

nimblf   ................     044 

W  ......................     447 

Btablt>,  permanent  ...,,.,,,, 

uprightly,  act\nt> 



«tnlnt  v,,  dr/ll*  ............     1*4 

utiin,  A,,  blvntoh 


innocent  .........     304 

pure  .................  .     895 

out,  (iJ>oli#h  .........       11 

,   faithful    ...........     283 





standard,  criterion 170 

example 227 

ideal 28$ 

model  , 384 

stand  by,  htlp 276 

stare,  look 820 

start,  beginning 118 

ftatt,  v 440 

allege 51 

announce     69 

state,    n.t   people 860 

Stately,  awful     100 

statement,  report 412 

statute,  law 315 

stay,  abide 0 

cluclc 155 

hinder   . , . 280 

obttruct 340 

refit   416 

steadfast,  permanent   362 

steal,  abstract 18 

steal  away,  abscond 14 

steal  off,  abscond 14 

stoop 450 

high 27f> 

stern,  severs 485 

stick,  attach 05 

sticking,  adhAsirnt 30 

sticky,  adhesive fltf 

stiff,  severe  . . . 435 

stigma,  blemish 124 

still,  «.,  <M*u »« 

still,  «.,  calm  1 37 

still,  con/.,  but 134 

notwithstanding    845 

yet  487 

stillness,  apathy  ,..,...,...  74 

rest 410 

stipend,  fay,  n 350 

stir,  faflutnco 800 

stolid,  brutish m 

stoop,  fond 119 

Stop,  v,,  abid# 0 

arrest    88 

aea»$ 140 

chrck  1«5 

*nd.  v. 213 

hinder   fittO 

obtlrMt 840 

«top,  n,,  rwt   410 

Htora  up,  amuatt 60 

Htorm,  v.t  attach,  v 08 

itturm,  n 480 

stormy,  MaaJc 125 

itory 4IS1 

flftion    , 24* 

history 281 

report , . .  412 

straightforward,  eandltl JIW 

cZfar .,      1«1 

fltrait,  pretltPtutirHf JJ7S) 

wtrand,   bank 111 

Htrantfr1,  alirn,  a.   ..........  4H 

r/ttw 3W7 

rare  40O 

stray,  wander 48 1 

Htrcum,  abound  ............  f  «'J 

Htrcct,  way     •  •  • 4Hli 

Htrcngth,  powtr  87ft 

ittifURthcn,  confirm  ,.,.,.,..  170 

fctiiot,  errcrc 4Hf> 

Btrifo,  altrrcutiun, UH 

&«tf«r 114 

/rurf S41 

Mtrifets  brat  115 

Mtripu,  blow 124 

htrivo,  endeavor,  n.  . Sift 

Mtrokc,  blatv  . , I'J't 

Viitifortunt' |}H1 

Htrorttf,  health  n   .,.,..,.,...  /J7F* 

wtrongholcl,  /(trtifiration  , ,.,,  "STKO 

stubborn,  flbttintitc*  .........  fl4K 




stupid,  ah*urd  .. , . , !0 

fcrwi^/i tnt 

itupidity 4M 

i4iocy 3H# 

itupor 46*4 

,  air 
nanvt  . 

KuUdu«,  chcwtrn 


in  ht  runt 








dnHtt*  .........  200 

wrrfr  ...............  U«if> 

fmhmit,  hwJ  .  ,  .  ,  .  .........  no 

i.ubmil  to,  fntturf  .........  21tt 

nat*'*  nutilwrti   ......  in» 

jt/ii'iH/    ,,,,..,,,  7H 

ff  ,  .  ,  ,  .........  0 

lirf   .....  ,  .....  40 

v,  wrttlth  .  .  .  .  ......  482 

l,   important    .....  .  205 

„  ........  .....  402 

ito,  ma  firm   .....  ,  .  170 

,  r,,  phttHytt   i"  .....  Ifil 

t*1,  w.,  delettttte  ......  1HB 

hub  fit  rut  tun,  /  nun  <i  at  ton    .....  2fi4 

mihfttni«*turf'f  /(nititlutinn  ,  ,  .  ,  254 

»tthfil<t,  audit? 

nuhv^ntlnn,  tub  tidy 





fvrtunat*  ...,,.,.     1250 

mmir,  / 
mink  up, 



........     420 

,       50 
....     454 

it,  ttdttjtt  ,,,...,.,...,..       20 

«raiKg*Kt,  altndr, 

wndfyn   ...............     J70 




Minmioii,  a  mil  an, 

fnuu  up,  a^</- 
,  break 


axe  CM  ...    * 
Mui)(*rttnmiat(ul,  antique   ..... 

wuporciliouHiicfiH,  yridr  ...... 

«u{)cr(»mim>nt,  prinH/tal,  a.  .  .  , 
HuprrAuity,  MMM   ........ 

,  mtperntthtral     ,  . 
,  overnight  ..  . 
pcrioff  principal,  a  ....... 

wupplcmimt,  apyrndayc, 

itupply,  (five 


(rapport,  n»t  hfity 
snhxidy    .  .....  . 

supporter,  adherent 



auprf»m<icy,  victory 
Zwt«  . 



•urfaft,  *a£i*/y  . 

lurly,  morow   .  . 

,  v,,  4yu6t,  v.  . 

,  n.,  hypothesis  .  .  .  . 




















surmount,  conquer 
Burnamo,  name 
surpass,  bent  .  * 
fturpaMHinff,  principal,  a 

tmrprittp,  amazement    ......  . 

*t<f  randtr  ........    ,  ....... 

abandon    .............. 

abnegation  ......... 

l)y,  amitl  ..... 

oversight  ..... 

look  ..,.,....    .... 

auscpptlbihty,  power  ....... 

ttensibittty    ........... 

auapo^t,  doubt,  v  ......... 

su«pond,  defer   .  .  .  ,  ,  ...... 

BUUpoDso,  abeyance  ........ 

doubt,,  n  ............. 

jmapenaion,  abeyance  ...... 

susponeion  of  payment,  bank' 



38  0 








SB  3 




surpicion,  tioubt,  n 
suspicion*,  envious  „ 

equivocal  ,  ,  . 
sustain,  c&rry 

confirm    ....... 

endure    .  .  - 




Bustcnaacr,  food 
swallow,  absorb 
(Bwallow  up,  absorb  . 
awarin,  abound  .  . 

swarthy,  dark 

influence   ... 
power    .  -  . 

ewoar,  state 

oath  . 
cleans?   , 
abound  .. 
swerve,  flurtuat* 

swift,  nimble 

»windl»,  fraud 






2  J  0 











hylvan,  rwtlip 



!    « tn 

!      4tt« 
.       4!tH 



,    hitman?    ...... 

with,  puntntl?  *  ... 

symphony,  mvlwitt 
ttym]>tom,  /rti/f»    ... 

nynonymlr,  nynnnHwn 

ahriitiintt  nt 






tact,  adttfe**,  n 

tftittt,  v.ttWfr  .  ............  t>*4 

taint,  n.,  blemtek   ........  J'Jt 

iuk(>,  (uutitmti  .......  .  .....  .  (Kl 

tarry  .................  144 

catch   ................  UU 

tflko  away,  almtraet     ,    .    .  ,  *  1H 

takt*  i«x^f*fitl<ifi,  nifjcct,  »'....  fl*0 

tako  hold  of,  ^rt/r/;  .....  ....  Hft 

talc*-  in,  tuk*'  up, 



<i  to  tnfk, 





41  4 


talk,  n.,  rvnv?r*(itit»n  ,  .    ,  .  .  ,     170 

...  *          440 



.  ,  .  .     443 
.  .  ,  .  ,  ......     134 

tarry,  abid* 



Urt,  bitttr  ................  iiiii 

tartiH'MJ,  orrimnny    .........  20 

tanttjvl    ..................  400 

UM>,  tMttful  .............  4  (it) 

Utth'i  f/o&Mft  ............  107 

tunttt,  unetr   ...........  444 

Hrrtttnfat'tttttiH    ...  157 

,  ........  401 

i*,  thclte   ...........  200 

rine    .........  200 

..............  209 

r,  rend  ................  410 



uiH,    circttinlncittwn,  .  , 
twin,  (tlwund  ,  .  .  ,  ,  ......... 

twminjt,  pttntt/ut  .......... 

tt*U,  annuttuw  ,  ............ 



*f«f  «  ..........  ,  ......      449 

fmirtfy  ,.  .  ,  ,  .....  .  .......     40t 

tamper,  anyrr  .............       07 

character  ,  ,  ............     158 

t,  thnr&cter  .....     158 

.....   17 

.  ,  .  450 

.,..,  44 

tempt,  nlturr 



,  dtwtrint 

t  human?  .....     tttU 

»Si  t 

,  .     H27 
*Hrl,   r.    ,,,,,,  .....  ,  .  ,  ,      21IJ 

t**rmltin<ion   btntntlitrit  ......     1'JIO 

end,  n  .....  ,  ..........     214 

trr  minus,  tnd,  n  ...........     214 

turnout*,  fin*  ..............     24fi 

fern    ....................     402 

ttWM  .  ,  .  ,  ..............     405 


t  alarm 




testify,  avow 

testimony  ................. 

tt»«ty,  caplioua   ........  ... 

tether,    bind    ........... 

that,  but  .............. 

ttutmo,  topic   ............. 

thon,  thtrsforf  .......... 

tUc'iico,  therefore     ....... 

theology,  relifjion  ......... 

thtioratto,   academic    ........ 

thoorotioal,  academic   ....... 

theory,  hypokhrtiifi  ......... 

idea  ................. 

therefore   ............... 

tho  vulpfwr,  mob   .......... 

tl»«  worne  for  Ihiiior,  drunk,  «, 
thi«f,  robbw  .............. 

thlu,  fln«  ............... 

think,  twte.tni,  v  ............ 



thlrnt,  appetite.   .......... 

thlN  instant,   immediate  I  H.  ,  .  . 
thorough,,  radical  .......... 

thoroughgoing,  radii  at  ..... 
though,  but  .  .  ............. 

notiuithttandinu  ,  con}  ..... 
thought,  idea  .  ,  ......  ,  ..... 

wind!    ................. 

tliranh,  teat 

thrift,  frugality 
thrill,  thake 
throo,  pain 
throng  .... 

through,  In/ 
throw,  tend   . 
thruxt,  drivfl  , 
thump,  blow 
thuH  far,  yft  . 
thwart,  baffl* 

tidy,  n#at 
tto,  bind 

tt«  up, 



tlm»vhnnor«cl,  old 
tltnttlew,  eternal  , 
time-worn,  old 









timid,  afraid  ..............  40 

faint    .................  231 

timidity,  alarm  ............  47 

f*ar  .................  SHH 

modesty  ..............  334 

timorous,  afraid  ...........  40 

tinge,  Main  ...............  448 

tint,  stain  ................  44H 

tiny,  rotate  ..............  J130 

tip,  v  ....................  405 

tip,  n.,  end,  n  ..............  214 

tipsy,  drunk,  a  ............  205 

(ire    .....................  4<W 

title,  name  ..........  ,  .....  !H*H 

tittlo,  ftartfrh  ..........  8BH 

toil,  work  ............  4H7 

toilsome,  difficult  ...........  W> 

token,  emblem  .............  12  1  1 

sign  ..................  41*8 

tra?*    .................  4«H 

tolerable,  admissible  ........  07 

tolerate,  abide  .............  0 

allow    .................  6f> 

tone,  sound  .....  .  .......  <•  .  44,r> 

tongue,  lang  ua00   ........  .  .  812 

too,  also     ................  87 

tool    .....................  4«« 


torment,  yatu, 

torpid,  latent     ............  314 

torpor,  «Cvj»rtr  .............  48B 

torture,  pain  .............  *  Bf»4 

total,  radfraJ  ..........  *.  .    .  400 

totter,  nhake  ..............  4flfl 

tokening,  pitiful  ...........  8«7 

touchstone,  firitffion   ,„,...»  179 

touchy,  captious  .....  ......  140 

tour,  journey   .............  807 

tow,  draw  ........  ,...,,..  202 

towering,  high   ............  279 

tract   ....................  4<W 

charwttriatia  ,.  .........  1#4 

track,  trace   ..............  40R 


trade,  business  .......  .....     IS3 

trading,  basins**   ..........  133 

traduco,  aLandrr  .......  .  .  .  ,  442 

traffic,  bwint**  ............  1BH 

trail,  trate  ................  40H 

train,  teach  .  .  ........  .  .  .  .  ,  4fH 

trained,  fkttful  ........  .  .  .  ,  442 

training,  education  .........  200 

trait,  charactrrtitto  .....,,,.  154 

trance,  drfam  .,......,...,  203 

tranquil  izo, 

act   .... 



4  1  'I 



4  Ui» 




««mv// 177 

*,  fhanfff,  '' KU 

tranhform,  chant/? >  »*•   ....    -  151 

trnmfornmtinn,  <'/»««//<».  «,  ,  , ,  U»U 

rr«A- IB  M 

wof  i<ut 




transitory,  truntii'nt  ..,,,.,.      *7fj 
,,,,-,      !H4 

,  ,  ,      144 




, .      Hit 


! ,  ,' ,'  i , ,'      t4C> 

•  ,,.     »5«l 

trp«pa«*,  o^ttwA-,  n 
trial,  tndtMar,  H 
mltfwrt  iirM*  .,, 








/mwd  .................  sr>t> 

prtttnw    ..............  »HO 

Irirk^ry,  tlrrtptitm  ........  181 

trifUttK,  Ml*'  .............  289 

rain  ..................  474 

irim,  waA  ................  #40 

trip,  jtutrnw  ...........  ...  !W7 

triumph,  happinvttt   .....  ,  .  .  208 

triumph,  i*Mor//     ..........  479 

trivial,  twin  ...............  474 

pen  fat    ................  477 



irunt,  n,r 







,  frith/id  ............     2S8 

,  .......     407 

truth,  juttict   .............     809 

.  ,  ,  .......  ,  .  ,  .     477 

truthful,  <tornfW 
try,  fihn»tf>n 


httUtm,  *i(fufaffoH  ..........  200 

tumult,  rtvtitutltin  .....  ,  ,  .  .  .  420 

tuwH  Mritit  ,,,.,.»»,,.,*  H7 

turttld,  obiwr*  .....  ..,.«,,  847 

turn,  &«nrf  .,  ..............  110 

tatftf,  twh, 







twiht,  Iwnd  ...............  119 

two,  both  .................  180 

typo,   iwiblftn   ............  23  1 

QjeeuHpla  ...............  227 

mtuld  ..........  ,  .....  834 

#it/n   .................  4BH 

typical,   normal  ..........  .  344 

tyrannical,  abmilutt   .......  .  1G 

tyro,  amateur  .............  61 

umbrage,  piquit  ............  867 

umpire,  judge  .............  80S 

unadorned,  rlwr  ......  ,  .  ,  .  103 

unadulterated,  pure   ........  305 

unanimity,  harmony  ........  271 


precarious   ......  877 

,  vain,  .....  .  .....  474 

unavoidable,  nefMaarjf  ......  841 

unuvoidahlcnot.R,  nccewity  ...  341 

unlxtliof,  doubt,  n  ..........  201 

unboliovw,  vktytio  .  ........  441 

unbiaHQd,  candid   .  .........  141 

unbidden,  tipontancuu*  ......  447 

*  862 

......  805 

unbounded,  infinite  .........  800 

uttbroltma,  continual  ,*,...».  175 

uncoaning,  continual   .......  175 

filc.rnti  ................  $24 

uncortnin,  fokle  ...........  242 

equivocal  .............  .  222 

proflctrioM  .  ,  .  .  ,  .......  .  877 

unc(*rttiinty,  doufit,  n.  .  .....  801 

permanent   .  ,  .  862 

,  permanent  .....  862 

uncivil,  bhtff  ........  ......  125 

uncivilised,  Ixirharauy   ......  118 

uncommon,  r/wrer  ----  *,....  807 

r«r#»  ...  ...............  400 

,  taciturn   ,  .  450 

latent  ,  .  .  .  .  814 

uncompromUing,  *evcr«  .....  485 

uneon«irn,  apathy  .........  74 

unoonditlottUlt  abtoluU   .  .  .  ,  .  15 

unconditioned,  infinite  ......  800 

absolute  ...............  15 

antipathy  ...  -72 

alfrn,  a.  ..,,..  48 

.  .  .     459 
r*b*Uiou*  ....     404 

unoorrupt^d,  pur*  .........     805 

uncouth,  awkward  ......  .  .  .     100 

Itrbarout   ,  .....  .,.,,..     118 





o,  endure 
understand,  pf 


uncreatod,  prfrnfroi  ........  385 

uncultivated,  /fam*  ........  1M4 

undaunted,  brow  .........  Ui7 

undented,  perfect   ..........  W»U 

pure    ................  1105 

undeniable,  neictminry  ......  ,  841 



ft  14 



34  H 


13  1 
1  75 


•undertake,  muJcaror,  v  ..... 
under  the  influence  of  liquor, 

drunk,  a  ............. 

undorvalue,  diftparayr     .  .    ,  . 
undeveloped,  latent   ....... 

u,ndi«mayedf  brave  ........ 

undulato,  flucfval?  ...  ...... 

undying,  Vernal  ........... 

uneducated,  ignorant  ...... 

unemployed,  idle  .......... 

vacant  ................ 

unending,   external    ....... 

unenlightened,   iynoranl    ,    .  , 
unequivocal,   abwlute    ...... 

unfailing,  eternal  .......... 

unfairaeifl,  injustift  ..... 

prejudice  .............. 

antathomaUe.,  infinite  ...... 


unfavorable,  cut  v  erne 


unfilled,  vacant 

unfixed,  jlcklfi  ........... 

unflinching,  obstinate    ...... 

unfold,  amplify  ............ 

ungainly,  awkward  ........ 

ungedlineuft,  fin  ...  ......  .  . 

ungovernable,  pcrvrrttc   ...»  * 

rebellious  .............. 

unhandy,  awkward  ........  « 

xinhealthincsB,  distant   ...,,. 
unhoalthful,  rtfrnifiwutt   ,  .  ,  ,  . 
unhomogeneou*,  hat/iron?  n<*<m* 
unification,  union  ......,.,, 

uniform,  a,,  alik*  .......... 

uniform,  n.,  <£re«*  .  .  ....... 

uniformity,  harmony  ....... 

unimportant,  vain  ......  .  .  * 

uninformed,  tynorani  ....... 

uninntruotad,  iffnorant  ..,.,. 
unintrfleotual,  6ri4£i^^  ...... 

unintelligible,,  obscure  ...... 

uninterrupted,  continual  ,  ,  .  . 
union  .................... 

alliance   ......  .  ........ 

union,   tuntorlathn 
harm  unit    ..... 


unique,  quffr 

rorc  ,  .  .  .  ,  ...... 

xtninon,  harm  on  u  .... 


.      ,  05 


mi* nni 

unity,   harmony tt71 


univorwal,  general 
unkindtn'HH,  arrinn 
unknown,  talent,  .. 

unlawful,  trlrninnt  . 
*unlearn<»<ll  ignorant  ,  ,  . 
unions,  hut   ....... 

unlettered,  iy  nor  tint 
unlike,  alien,  a  ..... 


iv/ov    i$U 

unlimited,  ah  A  til  a  It 15 

ta/fntt* Item 

uulunky,  wlrcr*? , .  0{| 

"e,  rtMh'in*  >  ,  , ,  40  A 

in  fin  it  r 























uniwnitting,  continual  ......     175 

tturviifrvcd,  randut  ......  ...     139 

.  ,  ,     303 
unruffled,  fulm  .  .  ......  ....     137 

unruly,  rftiiv*  ,  .  ..........     41? 

K,  oain   .........     474 

i,  Intent  .  .  «  ..........     BU 

bent*  vole  nee  ,  ,  .     lliO 
,  wito  .........      474 


pffWfttntK  .*.,..»    .  ,  .  .  *     877 
tinfttic'Utwd,  bleak  ........     123 

tttt%klltful,  awkward    ........      100 

unckiHi'd,  iff  n<>  rant  .  ........     200 

tt**iw>i>Hl*itiCttt*'d,  candid  .....      1  it  9 

nn  spiritual,  brutith   ,,,  .....     181 

...     577 



iytwraut   ........  200 

ru«f  fct  .................  420 

racant   ........  47^ 

t,  advcrxe  .  ........  J!f» 

....,...,,.,.  SflO 

r  .  ......  ....  244 

untruth,  drtftfptfoft  ....  .....  1  HI 

tmtutorwi,  (pnara;U  ,  .  ,  .  .  .  .  .  2  WO 

unusual,  (jwffr  ,  .  .  .  .  .......  807 

,  cant  hut  ftl  .......  175 

r,  faithful  .......  28  d 

rmiritiw  ....  864 

fftwtant  ........  400 

,  vtttttnrt*  .......  S48 

teiwr*    ,  .  .  .......  ......  480 

,  rtprov*  .....  -,...,  414 

fwo/  .......  .  413 

confirm  .,,..,  .....  170 




uprightncai,  justice 309 

Dirtu* 480 

uproot,  exterminate 231 

upshot,  consaquoncG     178 

upetart,  new 343 

urbane,  poftf* 872 

urge,  influence 300 

pfnruodd   365 

pl«ad   369 

quicken 808 

urge  forward,  promote 890 

urtfftncy,  ntcesrity   841 

urge  on,  drive ^ 204 

promote  . ." 890 

quicken 898 

habit 267 

,  apply 80 

employ 218 

exercise 220 

habit    287 

utility 472 

,  profit 887 

utility 472 

lcflB,  vain 474 

up,  employ 218 


general 260 

normal 844 

usurp,  a*#ttm«   ............  08 

utcnwil,  too{   466 

utUity 472 

pro/It 387 

iitmoct,  end,  n. 214 

utl(»r,  «pAa^ 446 

utterance,  remark 400 

Wfflflh 446 

tittcrmcmt,  end,  n, 214 

vacant 473 

idle    289 

vacate,    oan<wZ 188 

vacillate,  fluctuate  * 249 

vaclUttttoft  fickle   242 

vacuoujs,  vacant 478 

VRffruncy,  fancy 287 

vain, 474 

,  pridt   . . . . , S84 

,  cavity 147 

valediction,  fwwett 23B 

rftUdlotory,  far«w$U 238 

Tillftftt,  frf<M»« 127 

valley,  cavity  * , . . .  147 

v*lorr  prowtsi   .  * 808 

value,  <iheri*h 156 

tittfim,  it.  .......,,..,.  228 

l»r^^ * 888 

profit  887 


£g£**t  .-,-_  TNDKX    OK   SYNOS'YMS 



vanity,  tpotism  «  ..........     2  to 


vapid,  u 

variant,  hetfrwenMu*  ......  '-477 

variation,  fhanf/i*,  n  ......  lf»it 

difference  .............  104 

varif  ty,  ch&nffp,  n    .  »  .  .....  I  W 

dijfarwfo  ..........  1  1»4 

various,  hutfiMOfnftnw  •  .  .  377 

vary,  ehttngtt  v      .........  l  •">  I 


vaunt,  ofitentatwn   .......  !*f»2 

vaunting  ortfntatton,  .....  !*f»Si 

veer,  fluctuate  ........  Vi-U) 

cJion??,  v    ,  .  ,  ........  I  ft  l 

wander  ..    .  .  .  ,  ........  -tHl 

......  280 

.....  .  1!(I7 

veil,  hide  ................  5i78 

pallia**  ...............  Ml 

««IM*  ....................  474 

venerable,  old  .............  3J*>0 


Venturis  hazard 


117  f> 

B,  temerity  ,    .     401 
.  .......     477 

verbal  ..»,.*  ..............     *<7H 

verbiage,  circumlocution   ....     lf>7 


verbosity,  (jifcttntZo^u^wtt  ,  ,  -  .  1&7 

vordant,  riwf/irt  .,  ...........  426 

verge,  boundary  .......  .  ,  .  ,  1'JH 


v«r«ftlil<*,  flrklt 


\  trace 


,  .  ,  ,  .     304 
vcilure,  drrsa  ......  ,.,,,.,     'J04 

v<»x»  affront  .............  ,  .       80 

vacation,  anytr  ......  *  .....       07 

chagrin    .,,....,,.,.,,.      151 

viandft,  food  ..............     251 

vibrato,  shakf  .............     430 

vice,  tin 
vtaiotih,  criminal 

•*  I  * 

vtcturii       ......  .      .....  470 

vUihwlf,  /«rw/   .............  SMI 

A   ......  .  .......  »2»» 

,   ^n<*    ..    ...  ......  Hi 

.........  ,  ,  ,      ,  4711 

atftt  .............  47 

ttftirt   .  .  .........  *«JH 


.*.,....      .  .      ,  4*U* 


.,,.,,..  t'/H 

vilify,  (T/M*#**   .  ..........  .  .  1S<> 

aland  fr    ............  412 

villuny,  al> 


vincli<*ntlon»  cr/jpiw  *  •  •      •  •  •  7  A 




......  .  ,  ,        ,      IKJfl 

v  In  ion,  dritttn  ........    .  ,         'j^.1 

vihlonnry,  fawifut  ........     yart 

i'rt<»  ..,»**  ........  ,  ,,,      474 




,  buttnr**  .,.,..,,,     I  B3 


vow,  ortfA   .  t  .............  ,     84  « 

fournw  ..*,,,»,,   .     J*ot 




IXDKX    OF   SVN'ONYMSwit]lon*£i£ 

wait,  ahit 

e,  *//»// 

wurmth,   P 





4  to 

wnfmnift  evttwplt  .  ,    .  .  .....  U27 

warp,  fcfiirf  ...  ............  110 

Wftrrntit,  ywreilrnt  .........  «78 

wary,  ritttlant  .............  47(1 

w  ............  100 

tf,  n!>  tut  inn  ..........  0 






a  IB 



tu  ttdtorrot*   ..........      1W» 

,  ^a^  a  ,,. 
/,  important 



•wHl  maimcrod,   p 
well  off,  eowftirtable 


well  to  do,  cnii 

whi'iiw,  there  fur?  .  ,  ........     404 

wherefore,  ///cr<'/o/v     .....     404 

while,  f  i 

.  405 

,  ,  .  242 

.  307 

whip,  />ra/.  ...............  1  lf> 

whit,  luirtMr   ...........  35H 

whiten,  Meaeh  ..........  \W 

,  MrflW'/i  .....  <  .  .  ,  122 

,  healthy  .........  275 

wicked,  criminal  ........  .    .  J78 

wickediu'htf,  ahonunation   ...  32 

«in  ..................  430 

wide,  tariff  ...............  81  8 

wide-  a  \vako,  ar/itu;   .........  28 

atari  .................  47 

i)i//Va/>«    ...............  470 

widen,  ampllfi/  ............  05 

wild,  at>nurd  ..............  10 

blvnk     ................  128 

wile,  artlflrt   ..............        H8 






wind  up,  end,  o 
windy,  bleak 

.  .  .  .  .     1  54 

Witt  ovcir,  jwrtwade  ....  .....     865 

wltihomt^  amiable   ..........       64 

wip(!f  cleanup   .............     1  00 

wifH*  otif,  fjtfrmiiiatfi  ......     291 

knowlrdyt*  ,  ............     811 





t  ahfoond  .........       34 

r,  i(it  ...............  108 

withhold,  kwp  ............  $10 

retrain  ...............  418 

Without   delay,  immfrffotcty  .  *  690 

•without   end 




without  end,  eternal  ........     Jisi4 

witness,  avow  ...........  »  .      l<»5 


woo,   gritf  ...............  2(5C 

jpafo  .................  .  854 

woeful,   #ttf/«&    ...........  307 

womanish,  ffintninf   ......  .  .  210 

wonder,  admire   ...........  37 

amazement  .....  ........  61 

wont,  habit  ----  -.  ..........  2(57 

wonted,  wtual  ............  472 

woo,  addrew,  v  ............  a.1 

word,  term  ...............  4<J2 

wordinosg,  circumlocution  ...  lf>7 

wording,  <Z{cti0n>  .....  ......  U)8 


act    ..................  27 

•workman,  artist   ...........  80 

work  out,  do   ............  19H 

works,  fortification  .........  2f>2 

.worn,  faint  ...............  SJJU 

worn  down,  faint  ..........  !itt  1 

worn  out,  faint  ............  2KI 

worry,  anxiety  ............  70 

care     ....  .............  141 

worship,   religion   ..........  40  H 

wornt,  boat  ...............  115 

conquer   .....  .  .........  172 

worth,  pric,*  .  .  .  ......  .  .  ,  .  883 

virtue  .................  480 

worthiness,  virtu*  ........  .  4ttO 

worthtvHH,  rain 
worthy,  bwomin 
wound,   nfffnnt 

rrcutun,  i*  ......  .,,,,..  4  "IS 

isf,  altef  rattan    ......        •'»* 

wrath,  an^r   .............       ^7 

wrotchwl,  ;/«(/«£  ..........  aiiT 

ltiKH,  literature  .........  IU!> 

if,  «.,  trltninat   .....  >  ,  ,  IV  K 

Ci  w«>  injury  ........  .  lints 

injttatiw    ..............  »'»« 

tin    ...................  4JU 




youfA/u!  ...*  ........  ,  .,     4MH 

youthful  *,  .........  .  ......      4M 



abandon,   0,    100,  210. 
it,  182. 

uttbrpvitttfs  <»ft,  308. 
»hrt,  110,  150,  41G. 
ftlwUnr,  iil7.  „ 

til.horn-iu'c,  2 2 'I. 

abiding' nf, 
nhjur*',  7K. 
nhttttrtrinl,  R4JJ. 

y,  420. 

'.  87. 

-,  on,  89<i. 

<«,'  410. 

»,  UK*,  4i5, 


t»t   144,  240. 
fttu*  Incut,  ttttti, 

tl,  ftfl,  42 H. 

y,  107,  4«fl, 
abundant***,  2AO. 


-,  in«,  3ft«. 

»,  B9l. 
',  2J7,  »H7. 
t»  802, 

wpimntttble,  10. 

"      »lf,  70, 



nor  id,  180* 

acrimonious,  05, 

act,  184,  2HO. 

action,  K. 

action,  280, 

active,  200,  815, 

art  on,  184, 

actual,  378, 

actuality,  187,  237,  288, 


add,  18.  ' 
nddcd,  887, 
additional,  #87. 
adcquiittt,  474. 
adhtw,  250. 
luUu'ivnt,  157. 
adjourn,  17H. 
ftdjuxt,  U)8, 
admiro,  0,  847, 
admit,  270, 
adiwftp  947, 
admittance,  114, 
adopt,  4. 
adroit,  107,  100. 

udv  fmet>,  4# 

39,    804, 

ftdvontitlouB,  #80* 
ftdvcuturouH,  4), 
ady(<rnary,  24,  35. 
jtdwtrm*,  247. 
ac!v«'rtiw»,  370. 
advociatf,  4,  412, 
ttfar  from,  (15, 
i,  in. 

affinity,  72, 

ftfrnid,  12H. 
ftW  A  whilfl,  203. 
»KKrftvnt«,  0,  58,  04, 

agitato,  51, 

74,  417. 

aKr(»(im(»nt,   59,   72,   108, 

105,  218. 
aid,   00,   110,  20C>,   350 

aiding,  30, 

akin,  48. 
alarm,  74. 
alert,  10. 
alcrtncw*,  451. 
alion,  38,  889. 
alianatft,  1)7,  192,  203. 
uhonatod,  257, 
alienation,  08,  801. 
alike,  278. 
alliance,  218. 
allow,  150,  889. 
allowance,  352. 
ally,  217. 
altercation,  108. 
although,  117, 
umliiguouK,  152,  280. 
amelioration,  BO'K 
*"     340,  860. 

amiable  (syn.  for  bitter), 


amiability,  27,  08. 
amiwi,  247. 
amity,  103,  218* 
amplify,  tj. 
amputate,  00. 
analyRln,  471, 
analyze,  383. 
angcil,  00, 

ftnlmadvcrMon,  377* 
atiiraatf,  5,  413* 
animation,  451, 
anlmoiity,  98. 
ftnnftln,  451. 
annoy,  174,  919. 
unnoya-ncfl,  208, 
anaul,  171. 
an«wot,  424. 
antagonism,  64,  272, 
antagoniit,   24,   85,    92, 

antftgoniitlo,  267. 


1N1)KX  <»'   ANTONYMS 


/ntleipation,  02,  191. 
antipathy,  BO,  9H,  2iil 
anxiety,  74. 
apathetic,  208,  $05. 
apathy,  46,  74, 
apocryphal,  103. 
apparent,  315. 
appear,  14. 
applaud,    20,    165,    169, 

347,  415. 
applauutt,  414. 
apply   (syn.  for  attach), 


appointment,  25. 
appreciation,  18. 
appreciative,  141. 
approbation,  414. 
appropriate,  48,  55. 
approval,   18,   307,  412, 

approve,    9,     139,    165, 

169,  847,  415. 
approving,  141. 
apropos  48. 
arbitrary,  416. 
archetype,  207. 
argument,  235. 
armistice,  114. 
arouse,  51,  416. 
array,  198, 
arrive,  14, 
arrogance,  335. 
arrogant,  320,  370. 
artful,  189. 
artificial,  889. 

ascertain,  457. 
aacotic,  205. 
ascent,  347. 
assert,  4,  412. 
awartion,  11. 
assiat,  110. 
assiitanoo,  295. 
assistant,  387. 
asdistinff,  $9, 
anftociation,  419. 
ftftiort*  198,  883, 
asuumed,  839. 
assuming  326. 
assumption,  835. 
aiftur&nect,   47,  74,   191, 

202,  275,  385,  380, 
annum,  102. 
a«fmr*d,  878. 
antontohmant,  71, 
aitutenesH,  289. 
atheism,  409. 
attach,  128, 

attainment,  289. 
attendant,  157. 
attentive,  19. 
attraction,  72. 
audacious,  41. 
augment,  53,  231. 
auffunt,  308. 
auHpicioufl,  39. 
uuwtere,  370. 
austerity,  144. 
authority,  431. 
authorize,  18,  380. 
auxiliary,  387. 
avaridouH,  201. 
averse,  33. 
averwon,  40,  80,  OK,  224. 
avoid,  0,  38,  91,  »0«, 
avoidanee,  44. 
AVOW,  279,  412. 
away  from,  05, 
awkward,  115,  118,  102, 

247,  373,  442. 
awkwurdnuHH,    84,     UOH, 


axiom,  235,  424, 
bachelorhood,  823, 
bad,  302, 
bafltft,  7,  200. 
balmy,  124, 
harharixm,  407, 
barbarity,  121,  308, 
bamu'RH,  204. 
barter,  395. 
hitw,  100,  SJHO. 
bawiffl*,  tOB, 
banhfulncmi,      01,      210f 

2U,  297,  30». 
hattlft,  10H,  272, 
ho,  78. 
b«  born,  194. 
bit  certain,  ml,  or  true, 


h*  d«af  to,  3lfl« 
he  defeated,  454. 
be  deficient,  10. 
ho  destitute,  13, 
he  foul,  160, 
befouling,  11, 
befriend,  99, 
',  106,  43fl, 

beffin,  150,  194, 

t-nii),  214. 
be  immortal,  194, 
beinff,  202,  105,  194. 
b«  in  lubjcctlon,  *J«5. 

he  joyful,  3:i7 
belief,  tfiitt! 

-,  441. 
,  837. 

HIM,  aoH. 

I,  JHJt,  474. 

,  .'!;!(}. 

cut,  14. 
it,  137. 

:.  H. 
,  irttt. 

i»  11. 
-,  tm>. 

he  Mill.  1^7, 

he  ,'itm',  4f»7! 
h<>  thr  frtrlf<  7H, 


at,  a.v 

wnnttnjf,  IH, 

bind,  10,  1'^H,  i'.'.S, 

M««n^i»,  4 no 

m,  nn/i,  4; 

,'•  400, 

',    m,   M 
nai,  #  Mi. 
blind,  04, 
bluff,  37ftt 
blntit,  24t)t  n7», 

body,  5KO, 
"          i,  Ofi, 

bokl,  41,  82B 
hoWnemi,  3fl?>, 

4,  4M, 



inr«s  ',!H» 

'Ml  Ml,      t.M), 

Mitindary,  lf>0, 

i,  id'i. 

minify,  2,)5), 

brave,  41. 

brawn,  ttJHK 

bri«ak,  a  17. 

brrak  down,  217,  4ftfi, 

break  up,  17H. 

hrcnl,  231, 

brevity,  tf>H, 

brM,  300,  U 14, 

bright,    124,    I  HO,    AH l, 


brlllmiipy,  ttHO,  4M. 
brilliant,   1HI,  232. 
brimful,  473, 
brimmed,  '17;;, 
briminhiK,  473, 
bruitf,  i3!!. 
brokHi,  2,'tl,  2H4. 

brut  Kilty,  m,  30H,  407, 
brute  force,  Ilito. 

),  47». 

luiild  up,  y: 

buoy,  5, 
Iwry,  70, 

but,  ftH, 

by  ftml  by,  24)8* 

crtU'tiltthli1,  2U7. 

d,  U37, 
rhlrulutlon,  25,  li'JM, 
i'Hlin,  41,  2f)H,  4ftO, 
pftltnnrHHf  47,  OU,  74,  3'J< 

,    HO,    IH'J,    3HO, 



i,  U2, 

,  ttttt, 

.      y,  »ifl. 

farr(  7  t,  40V, 
run*  tor,  8<», 

^  Hi,  armt  800, 

44,  <J3>  74, 

(gyn.  tot  ttffroat), 

carry,  -133 
catit  away,  157. 
cunt  down,  450, 

nihf  out,  17,   157,  43H. 
camial,  302,  3'L1, 
caution,  220,  402. 
ec-dii,  173, 

crftHurr',  7«,  377. 
C(>ntor,  127, 
fli-rtnin,  19,  222,  378. 
«c»rtalnly,   2H,   1B7,   202, 

1175,'  2H7,'  380, ' 
ccMiition,  2H 
c.hrifcs  422, 
nhanc.c,  170,  37H. 


chnoh,  450. 
rhftrftfli  10,  70, 
c.harlty,  (1H. 

chtmk,  3HH,  HDH,  420, 
cheer,  5,  101|  415, 

(•httrlth  (fryn.  for  ftlinn- 
dyn),  0;  (»yn,  for 
dtANtmO,  155, 

t;luTi«li(  4,  12,  20,  231, 

c,hi«f,  24,  41. 

chill,  67. 

chimerical,  294. 
342,  878, 

OhrlHtlrvu,  441, 
chronicle,  53,  401, 
churtlxh,  05, 

S  150. 

l,  48. 

oity-Ukts  4y<;. 

claim,  4,  11,  90,  41ft, 
clftwlfy,  108,  038, 


clear,  107,  181,  222,  232, 


clournofas,  300, 
clever,  107. 
cluvcrncHH,  451, 
clitiff  to,  82,  177, 
cloak,  170. 
clog,  398, 
daso,  201. 
cloud,  419. 
doudincHS,  410. 
cloudy,  102, 
clowuiHh,  373, 
clowuiHlmoHH,   34,  407. 
ohiniHincKH,  34. 
clurnny,     45,     110,     102, 

240,  344,  443,  40 i, 
coarse,  240,  373,  401, 
ooarHcncHB,  407, 
coiueicloiKH1,  108, 
cold,  173,  BOH,  257,  400. 
ooldiH'NM,  220,  484. 
collect,  82. 
colUu'tod,  41. 

oolonizH,  281, 
color,  123, 
combine,  1H, 
come  into  fioinff ,  1 04, 
como  into  vit»W,  14, 
cornel  to  lift),  104, 
ciomn  Mhort,  200,  4154. 
cotnfovl,    140,   881,   354, 

3HO,  412,  » 

command,  00,  389,  421 
commanditr,  24, 
commundlDR,  308, 

command,  105. 
commendation,  414. 
commnndfttory,  141, 
common,  282,  897,  455, 
commonplace,     23,     100, 

237,  455. 

oomuion  w.nw,  23,  280. 
commotion,  417, 

compnrtionfchlp,  419. 

companion,  420, 
oomptitihb,  298. 
{•orap*1!,  10, 
compel  («yn.  for  hinder), 

oomp<m»i&tion,  204. 


',  867,  41?, 




complaint,  76, 
compliant,      16,     886 

849,  866. 
complete,  18. 
compliant,  16,  849,  866 


complimentary,  141, 
comply,  265,  347. 

composure,  62, 

comprcHKion,  158. 

compulsion,  60,  816* 

conceal,  70,  170. 

concoalftd,  227. 

concealment,  419, 

jonccit,  835. 

conceived,  402. 

concert,  168. 

conciliate,  40. 

conciKencsB,  158. 

conclude,  893,  457. 

concluding,  888. 

conclusion,  380. 

concord,    59,    114,    168 

concur,  847. 

concurrence,  59,  168. 

condemn,  16,  856. 

consolidate,  82. 

consonance,  59,  195. 

oonnpicuoun,  232,  815. 

constancy,  353. 

«on»tant,  248. 

consternation,  04. 

constitutional,  16. 

constraint,  20H,  316. 

construct,  1BH. 

consummation,  71. 

contaminate,  160. 

contaminating,  11. 

contamination,  11. 

contemn,  87,  ino,  476, 

oontwnpt,  224,  286,  877, 

contemptibly    100,    332, 


contend,  4ft, 
content,  40,  880,  412. 
contented,  221, 
contention,  108,  272. 
contimtiou*,  257,  326. 
contentment,     68,     867, 


content,  168,  272. 
confound,  7,  81. 
confnwo,  81,  H7. 
«f»*u««dly,  75. 
«»*u<li(Mttt  94,  459. 

congeniality,  72. 
conjecture,  179. 
conjoin,  18. 
consent,  347,  352, 
content  to,  889. 
consequence,  147. 
consequent,  888. 
conservatives  400. 
conserve,  20,  454. 
oontiider,  SO. 
conwidoratc,  341. 
confident,  19,  2 OK. 
consolation,  881. 
console,  17J. 
condemnation,    76,    377 


eondonHtttiou,  15H. 
condemns,  08. 
condition  ul,  16. 
condole  with,  171. 
condone,  H5. 
confront,  279. 
confide  in,  201. 
confidence,   47,   74,   191 

202,  335,  880, 
confident,  41. 
confirm,  U,  189. 

oonfli  t,  872. 
conformity,  fifl,  168. 

contingent,  10,  294,  841 
contimuwec,  153. 
continue,  0,  12,  152, 

contradict,  43,  ion,  450. 
contradiction,  107. 
contrariety,  471. 

contributory,  39,  887* 
control,  421, 
wmtroIlnMij,  405. 
controversy,  1«K,  'J72. 

contumely,  286, 
oonvorw,  419. 
_V  H9, 
convey,  438. 
convict,  16,  856. 
conviction,  202,  ftfttt, 
(tool,  41,  182,  20K. 
62,  9H, 


,  856. 
mrrupt,  04,  100,  853, 
corrupted,  862. 
cover,  90,  170* 

covert,  227. 
cover  (up),  70. 
covet,  9. 

:,  7,  37**, 

countryman,  4H, 

court,  4. 
cmirtcotit!,  lii.1. 

courtly,  lift. 

,  rwt.  tt\'t 
cr<f»,  :UU, 
',  1IJH. 

cr»lttirii,  nr»,  870. 
crafty,  iJW, 
crninmi-d,  47H, 
crnv«»,  9. 

',   IH«, 

i,  t47, 
credit,  U'J. 

frftwtlt'rf,  478. 
crunl,  HA. 
cruelty,  03 A,  »1il«, 

<*r»uty,  ft**. 
rryMrttnup,  I  MI, 
ctiHtii'rd,  t  IJt,  41ifl, 

curuil,  11*1,  3»n, 
r-iihttimnry,  Jiy/, 
cut,  »a< 
cnt  down,  ftfl. 

P,  4t,  91 



;,  l«i. 
«,  17», 

deb*w,  42,  44,  Ifln. 

•  '    •      •  K 




deception,  47ft. 
tii'MM,  24,'l, 
dffiftton,  SJoti,  nun. 
dMln«S    43,     157,     888, 


itacmnponltlfla  471. 
<it'?w,  25. 
dt'durt,  82* 
dwp,  2HO, 
<li«fA<**»,  88, 
di-farnl,  un'2. 
clcfwit,  UOO,  470, 

di'ft'itJtt',  »»,  1HO, 
f  l*»f«*r»«tt(*«»,  U 1 1 . 
tU'fwtttlftl,  405, 


ilftfnritt,  IJH. 
<M<irm»»dt  Hfl,  nO'-',  4  tit, 

»Mtitt<*f,  no. 

«tofy,  7K, 

U>,  48, 

8HK,  «OH, 

iUt,  376, 
18,     151,    854, 

.,  4. 
,  47«, 

',  li), 

>,  lo'J, 

f  10, 

U«7,  «M04 
drraur,  49. 

2RIt,  869,  801. 

,  877, 
'*  48,  ftfl,  7«,  00,  101, 

0<  40». 


it  30!, 
ft  fti. 

.r,  187. 

derange,  31,  87. 
dcranK<imont,  456, 
dfucond,  4*25. 
dciocrato,  102. 
desert,  450. 
deflertor,  85. 
dc««rtioii,  182* 
dt^ijctiin^,  130. 
dnsiro,  0,  1!!, 
dwtir«    («yn.    Jfor 
atUy),  72. 

-,71,  1117. 

r,  71. 


S  100,  352, 
37,  150,  470. 
dt'Ktitution,      '228,      1240, 


dwtroy,  171,  200,  450. 
dt'Htrucllfm,  8HK,  470, 
dntaah,  70,  97,  240,  »!)«. 
detached,  HO,  8tt7. 
d<it(kr,  7,  57,  801,  805, 
deteriorate,  04. 

d^tonnlno,  102, 
determined,  200, 
d«*tw»t,  87,  476. 

d<arlm(mt,  *8H8. 
d^vnlop,  (t,  2^1. 

.  147, 

_ _.,  107, 

did,  400. 
diff«rt  4U, 

different,  40. 
difficulty,  UOH, 
<Iimd«mcn,  ttlO,  211,307, 

858,  860, 
diffuiws  408, 
dlj?ftifi<*d«  868, 
dignify,  4. 
dilatory,  844, 

dim,  _.._. 
rtiminiKh,  89, 
diminutive,  814, 
dimn^KH,  HIM, 
diplomatic,  180, 
dlnwt,  1(17,  8H9, 

dirty,  840*  39fl", 


H,  478, 

disaffoction,  52. 
disagree,  43. 
disagreoable,     65,     108,, 


disagreement,  67,  2721. 
dinallow,  55. 
disappoint,  420. 
disappointing,  187. 
di nappo intmont,  479. 
diftapprobation,  377. 
difiapprovat,  377,  J{flt. 
diHapprovc,  7,  55. 
disarray,  31,  87,  249, 


disarray,  204, 
di  Ban  tor,  470. 
di»avow,  78,  105,  170. 
dinband,  178. 
dtaboliof,  233. 
discard,  07. 
diaebargp,  HB,  88,  178. 
diHclahn,  78,  105,  157, 
dincloao,  270. 
discomfort,  iJOfl. 
dittcompoxc,  8L. 

dinflouncct,    79,    01,    97, 

101,  807,  388, 
di«cdimoo.tcd,  80,  887. 
diMconnoction,  471. 
diKoontcnted,  108. 
dinnord,  54,  tt72. 
din^ourago,   7,  276,  801, 



',  270,  457, 
diNcovfr  (lyn.  for  hldo), 


dl«pov»»ry,  287, 
dlncrodlt,  286. 

diHcuttMlon,  108. 
dUdata,  476. 
dlioord,  275. 

79,  888, 

S  8H. 
^t  17, 
disgrace,  42,  286, 
dinfftti^,  1TO- 
di^RUKt,  80, 

;,  116.  461 

<U*bont**t,  288, 
dltihon(*«ty,  806. 
dishonor,    43,    ISO,    288 

dlflinoUxuttott,  46. 



disinclined,  83. 
disinfect,  184. 
disingenuous,  288. 
disintegration,  02. 
disinter,  270. 
ai«iiiti»r<thtfl<l,  475. 
disjoin,  ft  1,  01,  97,  338. 
disjoined,  30, 
disjoint,  81. 
disjunction,  471, 
dUHko,    87,   40,    80,   98, 


dislocate,  31. 
disloyalty,  B3. 
dlunay,  94. 
dismember,  31. 
dismiss,    88,    ir>7,     178, 


disorder,  81,  87,  459, 
disorderly,  840. 
disown,  105,  170, 
disparage  (syn.  for 

praise),  870, 
disparittfwnont,  877. 
dispassionate,  208. 
disperse,  17,  01,  87,  178, 
dispersion,  105, 
dispirited,  50. 
display,  81,  240, 
displeasing,  370,  401. 
dispose,   108. 
disposed,  409, 
dispose  of,  805. 
disproportion,  07,  272, 
disprove,  450. 
disputation,  108 
dispute,  48,  168,  450. 
disputed,  108, 
disqualified,  85. 
disquiet,  20«,  210,  417. 
dtogurd,  142,  150,  470, 
disrelish,  80, 
disrepute,  280. 
disrupt,  01. 

eUftstttnbfo,  170, 

r,  40, 
dissimilarity,  07, 

dissipate,  17,  fll'. 
dissociate,   91,    07,    101, 


dlssoeiatfldt  887. 
dissociation,  471. 

dissuade,  7,  57,  »01,  805 
distance,  83,  OH 
distant,  80,  257, 
distaste,  HO. 
distasteful,  401. 
distinct,  40,  222,  »»7, 

distrust,  17,  210, 

74,  174, 

I,  l(l». 

i«,  IK7. 
dislrvhl,  71,  0-1,  2»», 
disturb,  31,  87,  174,  a  10, 


elisturbanw,  71,  417, 
disturbed,  1!»K. 
disunion,  5-1,  272,  471, 
dlHunito,  01,  ft  7,  a  it  ft, 

diverts  01. 

divert,  07, 

dividfl,  01,  01,  3118, 

divide  arbitrarily,  88, 

division,  471. 

divorcw,  ft  I,  01,  07,  OH, 

328,  471. 
divulge,  270. 
docilo,  10,  244,  840,  40{>, 


S  200. 
f,  2HO. 
dnmo  of  hflwwn,  22. 
domination,  421, 
dominion,  421. 
doom,  nr>(J, 

doubt,  71,  01,  JJM,  842, 
doubtful,   77,   280,   204, 


doubtfulness.  843, 
dowdy,  840, 
drag,  3l)K, 
drained,  872. 
draw    (syn.   for   drlrt»)i 


droad,  71. 
droary,  108,  870. 
drive    (sya.   lor   draw), 


drive*  away,  57, 
droop,  317. 

drop,  145,  210,  425,  4ft«, 
drowsy,  47,  4HO. 

dubious,  77,  102, 

ductile,  26. 
dulcet,  122. 

(lull  2H,  4fi,  47,  MI,  Hi, 
Kill,  ;u4,  4«»n,  tax, 
4  HO. 

»7«,  *4H7, 
rlltncf1,  480, 
duplicity,  478, 
«lu>,k,  IUK, 
dutiful,  H40,  405. 

<ijf,  12;J, 

cttg^r,  400. 

8,    7i. 

cntiy  Mftini;,  Itl, 
I'couomy,  U'J^. 

i»flPi«i«t,   147? 
»,  171. 

I,  JUliI, 
••it  her,  12(1, 
<'jt'd,  17, 

ion,    MU, 

*,  1  (it,  !L**t, 
olev Ate,  I, 

l,  ina, 
i,  «a,  no* 

>t  ni, 

Hiihark,  401, 

i»  &, 
',  14. 

vmtt,  IT. 



'.    ttO, 

It,  t»l, 



<md,  147. 




em!  («yn.  for  beginning), 

endure,  152. 
enduring  471. 
enmy,  24,  85,  92. 


enforcement,  8,  It, 
e>  (I,  53. 

,  «,  11, 

enlightened,  1H2, 
en  HifUiic,  75. 
enmity,  54,  9M. 
ennui,  «-0. 
enter  upon,  150. 
entirety,  flftH, 
'»•,  114, 

mrlieute,  IMHI. 
IF,  Htt,  478,  < 


1'J,  102,  100. 
tl,  19, 

9,  in, 
•et  $11,  20ft. 
(1,  257. 

,0«,  1 
r^rnnl,  471, 

,  414, 

fl(  449, 



7,  880, 



It,  845, 

excite,  f>1,  418, 

excilemeiit,  74,  417. 
exclusion,  221, 
oxerewenee,  149, 
exruw,  85,  415,  420. 
execution,  289. 

',  8, 

;,  275,  372. 

exist,  78,  194. 
exitf  Ml. 

exoiicrfltp,  85,  100. 
oxotlc,  »Rfl. 

i,  (t2,  191. 
t'Xp<Mlilo,  150,  184. 

explanation,  424. 
PkpUeittc*,  307. 
explicit,  H15, 
exploded,  IOIJ. 

'9,  40H. 
1,  815. 
exjMihtlon,  221. 
extend,  f). 

',  472. 

extol,  ! 
extort,  00, 


exultation,  151. 
fnbrlo»tlon,  478. 
fotmloufl,  108,  40fi. 
fftt*il^  105, 
fftdliUtfl,  850, 
fiflt,  5&t  187,  303,  d»5, 
237,    244f    fl87f    fiKfl, 

fill,  18,  100,  110,  17H, 

failure,  328,  051,  479, 
faint,  It  17, 

fair,  141, 

,  275, 

fair  dealing,  182. 

fairness,  89,  250,  304. 

fair  play,  304. 

fuir  vrnather,  450. 

faithfulnoBfl,  304. 

falthlMH,  233,  283. 

fall,  115,  173,  217,  425, 

fallen,  2fi4. 

fullilila,  862 

falling  hack,  388. 

falling  oft,  388. 

fall  short,  454. 

fall  Bliort  of,  146. 

fall  under,  145. 

falfio,  103,  233,  283. 

falsehood,  478. 

falwenew,  4  78, 

falsity,  478. 

falter,  217. 

fumiltor,  897. 

famine,  240. 

fan,  51. 

fanciful,  402. 

fancy,  179. 

far  from,  05. 

funhion&ljla,  73* 

fftHt,  144,  240. 

fa  Mien,  12H, 

faHliiitf,  240, 

fate,  25. 

fatlgtus  220, 

fatuity,  a4,  480. 

faulty,  362, 

favor,  4,  20,  140. 

favorable,,  89,  804,  409. 

favoritism,  809. 

fnar,  71,  B04,, 

ftiar  <«yn.  for  fortitude), 

fcwful,  128. 


t,  296. 


.  -„  ,-,  A02, 
followcountryman,  48, 
ftillow-fflftllng,  72, 
f&UowMhtpt  41 9, 
fimialnfl  (*yn,  for  m«i> 

fwoolty,  sea, 

fiction,  478. 
flrtltloui,  108, 
CIMM,  16H,  326, 

filled,  478,' 


71  ft 

1  up,  18. 

free  will,  rt7R. 

glnrlou*,  JH1H. 

thy,  396, 

frenzied,  138. 

glory,  lf»l. 

lite,  300. 

frenzy,  74, 

glowing,  1HI, 

rm,  200,  243,  878. 

frfflh,  73,  232,  386. 

glum,  »I7o, 

rmamont,  22. 
rmnew,  158,  380. 

friend,  217, 
friendly,  22  1,  33G. 

gluthmy,  in, 

xod,  248. 

xcdnoRB,  158. 

friendship  (nyn.  for  bat 
tic),    114;    (syn.    for 

go  a  way,  401. 

xity,  153,  380. 
at,  400,  450. 

enmity),    21H;     (*yn 
for  feud),  341;    (syn 

godllncw,  4m> 

ottering,  141, 

for  hat  rod),  27;), 

go  <l(i\vn,  115,   I'Jf', 

lavorless,  400, 

friendship,    218. 

good,  UfW, 

light,  182. 

frightened,  15JH. 

g(t<td  faith,  !!;»<! 

Urnay,  296. 

frightful,  116. 

good  fartviK*.  it  Ml, 

Inuriih,  194. 

frigid,  208,  257. 

ffiuid  lurk,  ;i:u, 

ly,  178. 

frivolouH,  296. 

gm»d  iittturc,  1!7, 

*oo,  24,  02. 

frugality,  228. 

good  itatuiTd,  Ml,  n:u;, 

foggy,  162. 

fruit,  147. 

tfoodni't,*,    I*H), 

follower,  157, 

fruRtrata,  7,  200. 

good  «*•»?'•»,  ^Of), 

following,  388. 

fruutrfttion,  479. 

gorged,  *I7H, 

tolly,  34,  262,  395,  473 

full,  473. 

go  undfr,  \\',t 


futaomo,  461. 

gtt  v  on  in  lil«-,  ttMi, 

foment,  6. 

ftiriouu,  138,  326, 

Kovcrnuti'nt,  4L'I, 

fool,  430. 

further,  850, 

KrAi'<*i  i«o» 

foolifth,  162,  428. 

fury,  74. 

KnM*cftfl,  li», 

fooliahnefti,  486. 

futile,  428, 

Krat'efnt    (r^n,   for  imk- 

forbearance,  68. 

futility,  473. 

wnrri},  UMI. 

forbid,  55. 

gain,  230, 

Kradnttti  4AO, 

forbidding,  370. 

gainsay,  -tfiO. 

grand,  IM'J,  ;um. 

force,  8. 

gallant,  41, 

grMiflrntinti,      iu,     ;i,i|, 

foreign,  88,  SB  9,  386. 

gttrrulottH,  400, 

a  «7, 

Preordination,  25. 

gfttnor  togctiher,  82. 

grntify,   in, 

forfeit,  9,  100,  173. 

gaudy,  '461. 

gravity,  4*7, 

forfond,  9. 

generous,  104,  475, 

great,  i'ftt,  *«J4fl»  JIHH, 

forget,  150,  415, 

genial,    124,    125,    141* 

grwd,  IH, 

forgotfuln***,  827. 

830,  8(10,  435. 

greed  ini*fM,   l'-Il, 

forgive,   85,  415, 

gentle,  J(J,  170,  244,  03(1, 

grmly,  9  ill. 

forgiveness,  420. 

!U9»    405,    418,    4M, 

grief    (nyn,    for    hspiil- 

forlorn,  168. 


netft),  UfiH, 

fortuitona,  802, 

gtintlftnoKft,  27,  68, 

grieve,  174, 

fortuity,  342. 

g<mttin«ne#ii,  280, 

«ritm  llfl,  »70. 

forward,  250. 

germane,  4H. 

grind,  489. 

forwardntfi,  885. 

get  <§yn*  lor  abandon), 

grlMy,  Ufl, 

fontcr,  231. 


gPOHH,    H00, 

foul,  306. 

gtt,  48$. 

gro«*np^,  407, 

foxy,  139, 

get  th«  wortt  of,  115, 

Bfrotemjiio.  11  «„  40  1  . 

fragile,  275* 

ghaitly,  116, 

group,  IIM, 

frail,  275. 

give,  400. 

graw,  U4i 

frankn«g«,  39,  182,  286, 

give  connunt,  889, 

ftt)W  WwfWj  4'*'I* 

B*5,  381. 

gire  l«avtt,  989. 

gruff,  «n. 

frantic,  188. 

give  pwmiUKlon,  880, 

guerdon,  'J«4, 

fraudulent,  288, 

give  out,  217. 

fuww,  $  70* 

free,   36,   B8,   104,   121, 

give  up,   17,    100,   145, 

<tiile,  47H, 

156,    240,    850,    416, 

146,  216,  217,  43H, 

fullel^fincw,     Htf,     lift 

418,  460. 

gtaaraing,  181. 


free  agency,  378, 

gloom,  318, 

hallow,  iHi. 

freedom,  ,W>,  342,  878, 

glqomiin^p,  HIM. 

hand,  HH3, 

free-th  inking,  236, 

gloomy,  870, 

handy,  107, 


„ .,   for 
Kri*»f),  200. 
hnppium,  rtHl. 
hard  hwrN'dmws  3«H. 
hartiiifMi,  HUH,  J)(JHt  412, 


hitrk,  137, 
Imrut,  '»i,  ftHft, 
httrmlwK,  244,  252, 
httnmmintm,  *«JON, 
harmony,    6t>,    72,    103, 
IWfi,  atH, 
ill,  370,  401. 

,  I B  I,  328,  308, 

,  ir>«,  tat,  aw. 

hftti*,  tt7, 

hah'ful,  lift,  l«7t  370. 

h*t  IT,  :<;», 

hut  red,  Ho,  'J21, 
hatri'd   (*yn.  for  friend 

»ttl|»)i  257;    (wytu   for 



liftunt,  4. 
hfal,  410, 
h,  IUH, 

y,  ana, 
h^ntni,  urn. 

y,  SJH,  4/Jt  47, 

UOH,  noo,  4K04 

44,      142 

t,  22,  U0, 
1  \k  iitmr  303. 

a,  ni»,   HCi,  BOB, 
brlpitiK,  BH7, 


',  UilB, 
',  41. 


If,  70,  170, 

hilt,  2!*,  HO, 
Hittwk,  14», 
htHy,  2K4, 

hindor,  7,  301, 


hindnr  (Hyn.  for  quickon), 

hituloror,  24,  92,  103. 
hitulmoHt,  383. 
hindrance,  303. 
hiKHing,  877. 
history  («yn.  for  fiction), 

hiiitory,  53,  244,  451. 
hold,   4,   152,   177,   412, 


hold  aloof,  303. 
hold  bad,  305. 
hold  rant,  250. 
hold  off,  300. 
hold  OHI«'H  ground,  14. 
hold  onr'n  place,  14. 
hoHnc'HR,  431). 
lioituiUkf,  124. 
homo^uoouH,  107,  279, 
luiiuuit,  475. 
honcnly,  K9,  182,  250, 

«H(>,  304,  BH1. 
lioncyod,  122. 
honor,  4,  40,  B04, 
honorable,  475, 
hopes  101. 
lioppfxilncHK,  101. 
liorir.tmtal,  450. 
h«rrlhU«,  1H7. 
horrid,  J10,  40t. 
hostile,  257. 
hofltUUy,  54,  272, 
howov^r,  117, 
huftu,  240, 
humane    (nyn,    for   bar- 

humnnts  113,  132, 
humbUs  1C,  42,  tOO. 
humiliate,  42, 
humiliation,  230, 
humility,   08,  211,  2t)7, 

300,  OH5. 

Hurry,  J50,  184,  303 
hurt,  174,  8B«, 
hUHh,  70,  137,  447,  450. 
hypcrphykical,  307, 
hyporrltlcKl,  2HH, 
bypotliKlcal,  403. 
tdcutlful,  27A. 
Identity,  153,  105. 

Idiot,  4«0, 
idiotic,  04,  102, 
Idle,  2H,  200, 

220,  SOW,  4H7, 

idlor,  430. 
ignoblo,  201. 
ignominy,  230,  377. 
ignoramus,  430. 
ignorance,  26,  210,  312 
ignorant,   23,    102,    178, 

ignoro,  S3,  105,  150,  310, 


ignoring,  20. 
ill,  275, 

ill-becoming,  118. 
iU-bohavod,  373. 
ill-bred,  373. 
ill-brooding,  34. 
ill-condition^].,  05. 
ill-contrived,  217. 
ill-diHpoHcd,  257. 
illofcitimato,  158, 
ill-flttad,  247. 
ill-flUing,  11W,  247. 
ill-humorwl,  05,  870. 
illiboral,  201, 
ililborality,  121. 
illHorAcy,  210,  812, 
illitorato,  23. 
iUit(>rato  pprnon,  430, 
ill-monnorod,  37D. 
ill  mannc-rn,  34. 
Ill-natured,  05,  370. 
ill'tttarrod,  254, 
m-*uHod,  247. 

m-timod,  217. 
illumined,  181. 
illuaory,  402. 
lU-wlll,  121, 
imaginary,  402, 
imaprlnutiou,  170, 
imbcclK  04. 

imbecility,  202,  370,  486. 
immaterial,  '290,  367. 
bmnonw,  240, 
immobility,  2H,  330, 
immodt^t,  300, 
immortal,  471, 
immutable,  243,  078, 
immunity,  180, 
impair,  04. 

"    227, 
\  804, 

imp«i,  415,  41M. 
impMo,  7,  801,  808* 
impenetrable,  227, 
3mp»»nitrnrc,  419. 
Imperceptibly  227. 


imperfect,  302, 
imperil  able,  471* 
impertinent,  #8,  826,  873, 
impiety,  409. 
implacability,  328. 
implicit,  280. 
implied,  280. 
impolicy,  478. 
impolite,  373. 
Imposture,  471?. 
impotence,   876. 
impoverish,  42. 
impovorinbed,  372. 
imprisonment,  816. 
improbable,  77,  294,  818. 
improper,  118,  247. 
improvement,  303, 
improvidence,  395. 
imprudence,  395,  486. 
impudence,  885, 
impudent,  326,  373. 
impure,  282,  396. 
imputation,  76. 
inability,  376, 
inaction,  28,  229,  351. 
inactive,  SB,  47,  344. 
inactivity,  2H,  229. 
inadequacy,  228,  473. 
inadequate.,  85,  170,  247, 

872,  400, 
inadbuftivc,  36 
inadmissible,  38. 
inanimate,  50, 
inanimate  object,  CO, 
inapplicable,  38, 
inapposite,  38, 
Inappropriate,  247, 
inaptitude,  376. 
inartistic,  461, 
inattention,  142,  800, 
inattentive,  805,  4SQ. 
inaugurate,  160. 
incapacity,  876. 
incarnation,  280, 
incautious,  480, 
incidental,  302, 
incite,  415,  418, 
toflHned,  284,  409* 
income,  ii'10. 
incompetence,  370, 
incompetent,  35, 
incomplete,  362,  400, 
incongruity,  «ft  272. 

Inconsiderable,  296,  314, 


inconftidcrute,  480, 
inconstancy,  272. 
y,  BOO, 

incontestable,  10,  378. 
incontrovertible,  10. 
incorruptible  '175, 
ineretw,  0,  18,  r>»,  2U1. 
incredible,  31H. 
incredulity,  233. 
inculpate,  10. 
indecent,  118,  390. 
indccoroiiH,  1 18. 
indefinite,  230. 
indelicate,  396. 
independence,  92,  37H, 
indeterminate,  230, 

80,  08,  142,  220?  tttto! 
indifferent,  208,  2B7,  290, 


indigence,  485, 
indiscretion,  3(>fi»  480. 
IndiKcriminatcly,  75. 
indinpOHcd,  3». 
indisputable,  19,  222. 
indiHtinct,  102, 
Indolence,  40,  800. 
todolMit,  28, 
indubitable,  19,  222. 
indulge,  IfiO. 

indnhtriouH,  200. 
indufilriouH  (Hyn.  for 

idle),  289. 
inebriation,    neo   iNToxt 

<'ATIOM,  18. 

inefflcieney,  ail,  870. 
Inequity,  309, 
inert,  26,  4ft,  5)44. 
Inertia,  28. 
inert  no  RH,  46* 
inrxeuwiblo,  477, 
inexpediency!  470. 
inexpftdi^nt,  247, 
inexper{«nm»,  20,  ft  12. 
tnvxpert,  442, 
inexpiable,  477. 
infallibly  10,  M7«. 
infamy,  21)6* 
inferior,  36,  106,  280, 

862,  887. 
infidelity,  2#A, 

inflexible,  200. 
infrequent,  261,  472, 
in^nuoDfliiexH,  89,  2H6, 


inhftbltod,  473. 
inharmoniou*,  401, 

inhibit,  ;)(>!, 
i»humunil>,  12J, 

",  If»o, 
injure,  <U. 
injury,  70,  38 

innocence,  HO,  -iUi). 
innocent,    17H. 
innocent  f\vn,  for 
criminal),  178, 

inhetii«ibility,  43 1, 
-,  127, 

n,  nit. 

inn  new,  iau, 

s  11. 

in  npitf  of,  f»H, 

',  ir>(;,  415. 

d,  utio. 


InminieiHU,  Hft,  aitu,  nr,i 
hi  unit*  7«. 

c,  tu'J, 

t,  4,  hi 

,    trjK,  H.r  t 
,  S«7, 

in  tent  Ion, 

(n  the  ftthtr*1,  998. 

if  tH, 

intrepid,  41, 

iuviififthllity,  IfiS, 



t,  JJH, 

irn'tyiuj'Mht,   110. 
irritation,  a<iM. 

uiiw,  147,*" 
jamm^,   17?!, 
join,  l«H,  410. 
jwirwy,  !», 
JMV,  1:1,  run.  :m7. 
JmnMts  nt,  H7. 
jttht,   17H, 


,-t,  1:^,177,488,454, 
nlo<»ft  ,10ft. 

away,  WW. 
hnrk,  70. 
dinir,  !IOO, 


r,  82, 

kind,  «u,  sum,  ttn&  I  19, 
know,  4f»7. 
krmwwff,  181 


*»  495. 

(Hurt,  '20,  100,  448. 
y,  US 

Uwfitt,  J7». 
Uw^n-(  41H* 

i*y ' 


ta»y,  m. 

Icnvo,  1R7,  «r»2,  401 
liwnl,  178. 

lengthy,  4(18. 
leniency,  08. 
lenient,  10,  170,  405. 
lenity,  08. 

It'fHflll,    «2* 

h«t,  8 HO, 

let  aloius  fUK). 

let  be,  UOO. 

li't  KO»  H»>,  145,  140,  150, 

a  i«,  4 no. 

M  IOOMS  418. 
level,  450. 
lewd,   MO. 
liberal,  101. 
liberality,  250. 
HlM'ratf*,  HH,  Ififl. 

hmiw*,  11,  150,  3Ca,  880. 
Ho,  478. 

Hfclc^,  50. 

llflfhl  ltt»art<*dni^r(,  74. 
llkft,  0,  278. 
[tkfiu'tin,  105 
liniU,  JM)a. 
limited,  10,  800,  814. 

i,  187. 

<,  244. 
little,  HOO,  814. 

Hw,  iiM, 

loathiuK,  80,  224. 
loath  nonn»,  180. 
lofty,  iiUO,  808. 

KB,  1 
;,  408. 

louiw,  80t  121,  150,  .*9. 
loowti,  IRQ,  240. 

loquanlty,  885. 

loif,  100,  1*«,  178,  802, 


to**,  HBfl. 
lov«,  0,  OH, 
loTtt  (iyn.  for  wnttpatby), 

72;  (*yn,  far  fncnlty), 

ft  18 j  (wyn,  for  hatred), 


lovinK,  880 

low,  280,  450. 

lower,  42. 

lowlinm,  207,  1)85, 

lowly,  10,  100. 

loyalty,  421. 

lucid,  181,  222. 

lucidity,  ;»)«, 

lulcowurtmioMM,  220* 

luminouH,  181. 

lump,  140, 

hiHcious,  122. 

luxury,  251). 

lying,  SHH. 

magnify,  0,  5tt. 

maidenhood,  32'L 

main  body,  80. 

maintain,  4,  180,  412. 

make,  188. 

muko  (Hyn.  for  aljoliah), 
11 ;  (nyn  For  break), 
328;  (Hyn.  lor  demol- 
ish), 187. 

miikd  known,  270. 

mak«  worry,  887, 

muko  tniro,  102. 

mnko  worut,  58. 

maladroit,  442. 

maladroitncRH,  H70. 

matovolonco,  321. 

malignity,  121. 

man,  00. 

manageable,  405,  4 IB. 

manifnut,  222,  270,  815. 
mar,  38,  64,  200. 
marrwl,  802. 
maMcmiitto  («yn.  for  leml- 

:,  170, 

material  nubistanco,  880. 
matter,  00,  880. 

matter -of -f  not,  28. 

meager,  802. 

mean,  100,  201,  230,  296, 

814,  872,  420. 
measurable,  800. 
nxflck,  16. 

m«okn«M,  207,  885. 
melancholy,  187. 
memoir,  451. 
mwut,  128,  410. 
mnnda«tau»,  288. 
rmmdndlty,  47$* 
mendicancy,  485* 
mental,  $67. 



mercy,  420. 
maritorlous,  17ft. 
meretricious,  461. 
microRcopic,  $14. 
mighty,  308. 
toigratu,  9. 
Jiild,  16,  124,  170,  244, 

880,  435, 
mildncw,  27,  68. 
mini,  69,  120. 
mineral,  09. 
minion,  157. 
minor,  290,  387. 
minute,  814. 
mlnuto   (»yn.  for  large), 


misapplied,  247. 
misapply,  31,  192. 
misapprehend,  861, 
miiapprohftnaion,  312. 
misappropriate,  192. 
miscalculated,  247. 
miscalculation,  486. 
mifiearriage,  479, 
mtflcarry,  200,  4C4. 
misconceive,  861. 
raiftconception,  812, 
miscontrived,  247, 
mifforabltt,  103,  1H7,  204, 
miserly,  261,  872. 
misery,  435. 
mieflt,  81. 
mianttod,  247. 
misfitting,  247. 
miagivlttg,  94,  208, 
mis  join,  31, 
misjudgmont,  480, 

xniin,  100,  146,  200,  861, 


miiunderstandinK,  812, 
mieufic,  192, 
mixfd,  896. 
model,  207. 

moderate,  170,  800,  400, 
modern,  78,  886, 
raodout,  325. 
modfaty,   210,  211,  207, 

858,  806,  885. 
raodiih,  7H, 
mnnntrciMity,  429. 
monntrouR,  845. 
moral,  17H,  867. 
morality,  489. 
moroiM,  65. 
mortal,  477, 
motion,  417.  I 

mound,  149, 
mount,  22,  140, 
mountain,  22,  149. 
mournful,  187, 
move,  9. 
movement,  417. 
munificent,  104. 
myntdriouH   (#yn«  for 

clear),  161. 
myfttoriouft,  102. 
mystery,  419. 
nakedness,  204. 
narrative,  53, 
xiarrow,  800,  314,  372. 
native*,  48. 
native-born  inhabitant. 


natural,  897,  455. 
naturalized  person,  4K. 
nature,  102, 

mwiwity,   2ft,    60,    275, 


nfictarcd,  182, 
n«cd,  18,  U2H,  240,  4H5, 
needier,  29ft,  341. 
neglect,    44,     H2,     150, 

200,    21 6^,    800-,    810, 



44,  142,  80(1, 
141,  308,  9  tO, 

negligible,  206,  3H7, 
neithrr,  126, 
n^w,  73,  »H6. 
new  («yn,  for  old),  ftfto, 
n«v«rthd«mn,  58,  117. 
niw,  113, 

niggardly,  20 1,  972, 
nightly,  179, 
nobl«,  132,  86)), 
nocturnal,   179. 
nonchalance,  74, 
none,  120, 

non-esm-ntial,  296,  841, 
no  one,  126. 

not  any,  126, 
notwithstanding,  08,  117, 
normal,  897* 
xiowl,  886. 
nudity,  204, 

AUTnbUtiKR,   404, 

obduracy,  412, 

obcdit'nc««,  4U1, 
obedient,  349,  406,  41$. 
obey,  1)65, 
obji nation,  B03, 
obligate,  16, 
obligation,  916. 
oblige,  16, 

oblivion,  ailfl,  837, 
oblivious,  480. 

,  077. 

oliwti ration,  419, 

ri«'»r),  li»l! 
olihcuiritV,  U8/I,  t\l*l 

y,  412, 


7,  «DH. 
ohtuw,  428, 

,  4, 
,   U«, 

t»,    17*1. 

old  (f-yn,  fur  n^wt,  :iU; 
{»<>•»»,     tor    yutthftil), 

omit,  3  Irt, 
f/mir^Jort,   1 4M, 
on  burnt,  tt), 
on  thft  ronfrary,  hft 
ou  tl 

,  IU 



,  H. 


49,  970,  4&0, 
',  114,  HU,  Ul», 

\  »7a,  »ea, 

!     fftH, 

«>pthmal,  fUt, 
opul^nrc,  tthft, 

ordrr,  l^,  J1H9,  43  L 



,   UII,    a 
Hu,  2f» 



nr,  41. 

h,   147. 

wit  of  place,  JJH, 
out  «f  the  way,  47VJ. 

oiitwitrd,  ftott. 
overflow  ing,  471*. 

Si  UK  Mil  41»">, 
wn-itfht,  41,  1  la, 
overthrow,  171,  4,'irt, 
own,  412. 

'<%  400, 
paradox,  Ji<7, 

HS,    Hill,  415, 

part,  Wt,  »a:t, 

pnrtit*  4tfn. 
pnrtUHty,  IU)U, 

XMtnr),  2H, 

*r,  415, 
s  Oft. 
jpatlrnw    (*yn« 

irw),  «7. 
p»tl*>nr,  244. 
ptttrtcitlf,  47S. 
n,  iiu7, 

t  4H5. 



4  IK. 


pnurf  futf  244. 


penult},    2»M,   MB,   35tt, 

perceptible,  816. 
pr-rfldimiH,  iiH!!, 
performance,  289. 
perimeter,  150, 
permanence,  158. 
permanent,  471. 
permanent  (&yn.  for  tian- 

nient),  470. 
pcnnif.nion,  :5H2. 
permit,  Mli,  »HfK 
perpetual,  471, 
perpetuiite,   IIH),  454. 
jierplexity,  5i()H. 
'      i:>ii,  250. 

it,  471,' 

t,  48. 
pervert,   IDli. 

p»rtty,  i7(ifii(n',  aoo,  AH. 

pi  or 
pity,  420, 


plant,  litil, 

,..._.,  4». 
pU'Mf.ure,  140,  i(t} 
pliable,  H4S),  4 a 5, 
pliant,  34  n. 
policy,  L'lio, 
polUHcd,   1U5,  420. 


pollute,  100* 

polluted,  iiH'J,  {100, 

polluting,  tl, 

pollution,  11. 

pondurouH,  45. 

poor,  85,  802,  972,  4'JU. 

portion,  (Jt* 
>ut  ft. 
r,  17U,  »4fl, 

po^nt,  474, 

?,  252. 

4 fc,  8B1 

powerful,  474. 

prniHe,  iJO,  100,  169,  414. 


prueticul,  23. 
piaetiHe,  UKU. 
promcditntcd,  231. 
prepared,  2fU. 
picparutlou,  25,  C2. 
pWBent  oneself,  14. 
prmrve,  177,  454. 

proflumpiiouK,  ^20. 

prevention,  803. 
principal,  24,  41. 
privacy,  105. 
privation,  144,  240,  485 
privilege,  140. 
probability,  170. 
prohlematlcnl,  294. 
proceed,  9. 
proccodn,  230. 
proclaim,  412. 
prodigal,  104. 
prodigality,  895. 
product,  147,  280, 
profane,  150. 
prof  unify,  409. 
profit,  230. 
profit*,  2t)0. 
profitable,  304,  474* 
prohibition,  308. 
projection,  149. 
prolix,  4 Oft. 
prominence,  140. 
promote,  4,  12,  110,  860. 
promote  (*yn.  for  abftKe), 
4;  (*yn.  for  »llay),  60. 
prompt,  10, 
promulgate,  270. 
proof,  235,  2H7,  880, 

proper,  4H. 
propitious,  Hf). 
proposition,  4'J4. 
prorogue,  178, 
'  S  W* 



proMflic  writing,  372., 
prose,  872. 
prqiocute,  4. 
pronpor,  110. 

'       112,  Uft, 


prowy,  400* 


>n>to<*t,  4»  20,  09. 
notation,  1HI),  275. 
4J»,  55. 

n'otubaranco,  140. 
>rov<»,  102,  457, 
iro vision,  25. 
>rnvokc,  51. 
>rucle»neip,  220. 
uibllp  spirited,  475. 
niMlfcU,  279. 
)uninh,  Jt5ft, 
wniHhmcnt,  328,  350, 


niro,  27H, 
>urify,  1H4, 
mrlty,  499. 
>urpoM»,  25, 

IK,  208. 

,  44. 
mr«uo,  4. 
mflillanimity,  $04, 

wfr  forth,  17. 

)ut  in  an  apjwaranwv  1< 

•>ut  in  order,  10K, 

Kit  in  plaoft,  108. 

wt  out,  182. 

mt  to  cul^,  005. 

>ut  up  with,  5HO. 

l«,  318. 

56,  184. 

ItiicKCKinc.o,  28,  0JJ  (J, 
^uiesopnt,  28. 
Ittlet,  28,  8»fl,  418. 
luiotnoflfi,  Q68. 
radiant,  181. 
i*adjato,  17, 

raging,  1# 8,  S26. 
ralius  4,  0,  279. 

rampart,  140, 
•apaciouH,  2 HI. 

»aro,  2A1,  B45,  472. 

iar«  («yn,  for 
260;  (*tyn.  for  nor- 
mal), #44;  (nyn.  ^or 
ujnial),  472. 

'auhncw,  895. 

ational,  19, 

ntimiftllty,  800. 

aw,  878, 

e»cl,  li.'JU 

ri)adin<»»i(,  451, 
ready,  10, 

real,  tiJJ7,  37K,  471. 
n-ality,    187,    aort,    2,17, 

24  I f  288,  280,  881. 
tPaHaallon,  71,  2011,  28tt, 

%  14, 
i,  »80 

rnanonablA,  10,  141,  237. 

r<*bulT,  203, 
rcoall,  71. 
wppipt,  2!H). 

rcoont,  711,  JtKfi, 
rwilcd,  2«1 

!«,   142, 

t,  71. 

i,  5»,  inw, 

n'rwaip,  -IWtt. 
rnrrpathm,  4H7. 

%  82,  42,  <»»,  JIM. 


refined,    11U,    125,    tna, 

rt'fuMtl,  221,  !MKtt  HOI. 

4 a,  fln,  78,  no, 

Ift7,  42H,  4IJH, 

rui*s  4no, 

I,  20,  72,  218. 

20  H, 
i,   127. 
',  8»7,  B07, 
55,    00,    167, 


99,  487, 
85,  88,  140,  ' 

relief,  so5,  nmt 

rttlirVfl,  406, 

ri'ly  on,  201, 
r«ly  uimu,  201, 
remain,  U,  152. 

N,  1 12,  ::• 
r«*niot(*.  'UK 


«,  M, 

Ti-ttl'W,    12, 

-l,  '»7,  Bftfl,  ?l*t,'». 

i'iiij.!!,  '.'.'tl, 


i,   ,177, 

toti,  ;iJt 


4K,    HO, 

n-tmlMN  20!t,  Jl'it. 
npuH«H,  HO,  fifi, 

,  SOU,  Sl?*a,  S 

Wrt,  81*.  Still,  »»i», 
4tiH,  4K7, 



W I,  nd5,  450, 
,  147, 

i,   «, 

i,  4,  an,  ail 

177,  4 IS.  408. 



rH,mI,  {in  i,  :WH, 
ri'ttrpnt,  ami. 

r<itirpin«»ttt,   1(15,  853, 
retiring,  3ttr>. 

'»»   460, 

it,  ttfl,  m,  470, 

i>,  tw, 

MrUmtinn,  JlfiO,  MI. 
r*tfrt»|i;rt»MUin,  388. 
rtfnrn,  230, 
return.**,  230. 
«',  410, 
U,  27J>. 

it,  JI28, 


',  «,  13- 

ridknU,  87* 
right,  17H,  304,  439. 
t«n*'«f,  804,  4f3 

run,  160. 
tiw  n«nln,   194, 
rh*»  from  thi* 
»4,  i)3, 
d,    114, 

rolliu/C,  284, 
tip,  »«0. 


470.  ' 

.  24(1,  340,  878,  401 
ntdtm«*4,  H4,  H12,  407* 
,  ii«4,  401. 

ruin,  aoo,  nns, 

runh,  160,  417. 

r»  Vo7. 

Uh  1»T. 
rd,  1*0,  »70 
>  180,  275, 
^  461. 

haffo,  290. 
nalutury,  1)04. 

h'am««ni'hH,  'ion, 
fianotify,  1H4. 
f.anc.iiou,   080. 
iiHtiity,  fiOO. 
nah'IH((»,  157. 
nut  ihf  act  ion,    ID,    03,    74, 
U07,  '180. 

KUt,iHfl('(]r   2'21. 

Httvaffory,  407. 

Meant,  170,  302,  872. 

ficatitim^H,  22 H. 

(Kianty,  170,  014,  372. 

warns  »72. 

Hcarcity,  485. 

Realtor,  01,  87,  178. 

KdhiNm,  64,  27a,  471, 

Hfoff  at,  470. 

worn,  »7,  810,  377,  470, 

hClOUFRO,    850. 

soro«»n,  170. 
Krrlmped,  372. 

Ion,  10ft. 
',  2fl(l,  B 

«t*(ir(»tc»,  70,  170. 

fi<»mit%  128,  410. 
wmiritv,,  47,  180,  276, 

"'•    i,  52, 
:,  4, 

;,  820, 
V  412, 

i,   880, 

JM'lf'dirtruflt,  211,  865, 

Mf-If^nU Iflcatlon,  482, 

IS,  482. 

I,  482. 
1,    02, 
>,  tJHO. 

i,  880. 
12 1,  482, 


Roll,  805. 
send  out,  17. 
HOBMS  289,  451. 

102,  428. 
IPJ.H,  262,  480. 
iblo,  10,  237, 
Hcnhibility,  74,  451. 
K<'n^itiv^'nr'Sfl,  74,  210. 
HiuiKiality,  38. 
Hcntctico,  850. 
noparalilfli  30. 
aoparatp,  HO,  79,  91,  97, 

101,    17$,    007,   088, 


fwparalrd,  337. 
««j>urati<>n,    54,    92,    98, 

272,  471, 
Hflwnity,  450. 
Horfdom,  810. 

HCrioUHlK'KR,    487. 

«crvunt,  157* 
Horvico,  Ao 8. 
ftcrvicoahlc,  304,  474. 
Mnrvlln,  420. 

not  about,  150, 
not  frco,  85,  88,  121,  249, 


sot  Holng,  150, 
Hot  lu  operation,  150. 
««t  In  ord«r,  108. 
net  0)1  foot,  150, 
not  out,  401. 
mi  nail,  401. 
Mflttio,  102,  281,  425. 
gctttod,  248,  878. 
mi  up,  12, 

HOW,  91,  97,  101,  888, 
fltivoranco,  9H,  471, 

NVYPWd,  887. 

novcrity,  828,  368. 
now,  410. 
i,   818. 

-,  B18. 

171,  249, 

off,  145, 
shallow,  94,  800. 
«hame,  42,  280, 
Hharp,  189, 
"        ',  171. 

V  99r  180, 

20,  99, 


..,  U6, 
forth,  17. 


Khort  2ftO,  300,  314,  302, 


shortcoming  228. 
shorten,  393. 
ehortnren,  158. 
Shortsighted,  94. 
whow,  270. 
Hhiwdt  189. 
ArtoWng,  128,  210,  853, 
throudinff,  419. 
whan,  9,  33. 
«hy,  825. 
«hyn<'»8,   94,  210,   211, 


uick,  275. 
.  sift,  338. 
BiUmco,  447. 
silent,  200. 
nillinosi,  486. 
Hilly,  428. 
similar,  278* 
Bimilarity,  195, ' 
aimpto,  28,  167,  428. 
simplicity,  89,  182,  3H1. 
sincority,   89,   182,   2«6, 


ttinffular,  261,  345,  472. 
ftlnk,  217,  406,  425. 
flinlesfincHs,  439. 
wkopticiMm,  288. 
nkilfttl,  107. 
skilled,  290. 
Render,  877. 
Wanting,  284. 
slavery,  816. 
slavish,  426. 
bonder,  814. 
filifa,  422. 
slight,     142,     170,    195, 

296,    314,    319!,    400, 

415,  450,  476. 
fllip,  422. 
Moping,  2  $4. 
rtoth,  800. 
ttlouchy,  840. 
slovenly,  340. 
alow,   38,    45,    47,    102, 

ulow  (nyn.  for  nimble), 


Htujtgifth,  23,  45,  47,  344, 

lily,  130. 

flrntll,  $00,  314,  372. 
*,  Jl. 
ff,  11, 

nmotlipr,  inu. 
sober,  200. 
•obrtuty,  144,  4H7. 
sodubility,  «»5, 
Bucioty,  419. 
soft,  455. 
soil,  U,  123,  1«0. 


linR,   11, 
Hoiluro,  11. 
Holacc,  354, 
Holder,  128,  410. 
HOloumity,   4H7, 
Holid,  237,  471. 
flolitudr,  02,  JU5. 
solution,  -1L''!. 
r,  Ui2. 

Rophimn,  J07 

hort,  3 OH,  3UU, 

Hort  out,  357). 

HottiHh,  428. 

mml,  00,  lao, 

«tmtid,  19,  2(17,  474, 

«cittU(lttMM,  112,  19H,  335, 

«our,  05, 

',  421. 


dlK'od,  150. 
Kp^nd,  61. 
spirit,  69,  12H. 

spirit ual,'  H67, 

fipoilcd,  302, 
njmriou*,  lOH, 
»I>urn,  476, 
KIU under,  HI,  it) 2, 

i,  943,  07H» 
fttain,  11,  1«3,  100, 
fttaint'd,  896. 

fclal*',  400. 
Htand,  422. 
Mtmtd  ttttido,  30 6* 
Htand  ftwny,  Hon. 
Maud  buck,  JUIU. 
Htand  taut,  350. 
MandinK,  U". 
Htuiul  ofT,  000, 
ntand  OII^'H  K^Miud,  14, 
f.tnrt,  150,  401, 

stay,  14,  152,  250,  HHH, 

Ntcrmu'M1*  HUH,,  HOH, 

:UI«,   147,  450, 

»,  iai. 

t-tint,  -tl'fl. 
Mir,  ,"il,  U7. 
htir  uji,  M. 
tllirh,  410, 
tit'tifinii,  (i2, 
stolid,  l>t,  15UH, 
utoIWity,  4H7, 
»ti»ny,  4f»,  aoH. 
rtlop,    ,'JHH. 

ittorm,  74. 
Monny,  U.H. 

utrnin,  417, 


».  ti»H. 

I,  «*»», 

i,  «H,    47,  11  f, 
LMIH,   400,  4'JH, 



t  nnn. 




t,  474, 

Mtlli'U,   ((5, 

wily,  nu». 
Hum,  BRK. 

turn  total,  ilfirt, 
Mini  up,  Ml. 

'.niKta?,  in.  loi,  nan, 

,   I'M, 

itott,  400, 

,  4,  12,  0 

,  217, 

d,  402. 
n,  170, 

n,  402, 
,  70, 
y,  421, 
f,  4 If), 
Hurts  2H7,  5U«,  878, 

35,  »7fl. 


V  W,  t!5,  17$, 

',  74. 



20,  W,  180, 

HWi'oi,   122,  241,  405. 

SM'I'tW'NH,    27. 

hMlliiiR,    14  U 
Nympulfo/'lH*,  WW, 
hympathy,  72,  74,  tilH. 
Mynthcticnlly,  75, 
fiu'ihii'n,  SjtfO. 
taciturnity,  447. 
taint,   11,   100. 
tainted,   300. 
tainting,   H. 
tnkii   up,   1H4. 
Ulktttivo,  400. 
lump,  244. 
faftla)te<»,  41iO. 
lurninh,  04. 
furnished,  I5UO. 
tnhtdt'hn,  400. 
tawdry,  401, 
tnarhahlc,  IMS), 
tod  ion  ti,  408. 
toll,  270. 
t^inpvranpp,  144. 
temperate,  200, 
tend,  at), 
tcn<lcr,    118,   214,   ^HO, 


ti»n<ativo,  400. 
territory,  127, 
tcrm-ncHK,  15H. 
thcorcticu),  402. 
thick,  2-ifl, 
thick  h<*ntlwl,  102, 

19,  141. 


4,  805. 

i,  114. 
thraldom,  fllfi. 
throw  a«ld<\  140,  157. 
throw  awity,  140. 
throw  down,  145,  456. 
throw  (m»r,  210. 
throw  up,  210, 
thrown  away,  210. 
throw  u  off,  17,  145. 
thwart,  270, 
timid,  12H. 
timidity,   f>4,    210,    220 

858,  J^4,  402, 
tlmoroud,  L28. 
tiny,  814. 
tiro,  219. 
toK*»tht*r,  75, 
toll,  220,  417, 

total,  W,  808,  429. 

IrnetiiMe,  349,  405,  418, 
435  * 

trained,  200. 
traitor,  3B. 
traitorouH,  SH3. 
trunquilhiy,  74,  450. 

Ivan  wit,  114. 
tranHUory,  !K;0 

irannparonl,  181 
trouchorouH,  2H8. 

treat,  -3. 

trial,  400. 

tricky,  139. 

trifliitff,    370,    195,    20<5, 

triumph,  151,  801,  837. 
trivial,    170,    195,    200, 


trouble,  174,  208. 
tru<*o,  114. 
IruculcaoA,  868, 
true,  10,  287. 
trust,  101,  201, 
IruHtful,  221, 
truth,  80,  1H2,  1H7,  285, 

237,    244,    250,    280, 


truUifulnafiH,  286. 
tumult,  417. 
turbid,  102. 
turluiJoocfl,  74. 
turtmlont,  18B. 
uftly,   UO, 
unaocuMtomed,  88. 
unallowrtblo,  88. 
unaltarahto,  248. 
unamhl^uoufl,  222* 
unamiahlo,  65, 
unanimity,  50, 
unuKHuming,  825, 
unattrivctlvo,  116. 

unaware,  178, 
unlit^oming,  118, 
un  bull  of,  28ft,  409. 
unbind,  121. 
unbolt,  24 », 
tinoarcd  for,  840. 
uncurtain,  280. 
uncertainty,  f)42r  878* 

unchansftnR,  240, 
unoharte,  $06, 
uncivil,  878. 



uncombined,  167. 

uninstnicted,  23 

unrestrained,  416, 

uncomfortable,  163 

unintelligent,  94,   428. 

unsanctified,   282 

uncommon,  261,  345 

unintelligible,   162 

unsatisfactory,   35 

uncommon,  472 

uninterested,  208,  305. 

unsavory,  186 

uncompounded,  167 

union,  59 

unscrupulous,  283. 

unconcealed,  315 

unison,   163 

unseemly,  118,  247. 

unconcerned,  208,  305. 

unite,  18,  128,  410. 

unseen,  227. 

unconditioned,  416. 

unitedly,  75. 

unsettle,  171,  249 

unconnected,  38,  302 

unity,  59,  163,  195. 

unshared,  337. 


unjustifiable,  477. 

unskilfulness,  376. 

unconscious,  173 

unkempt,  340. 

unskilled,  442 

unconsciousness,    327, 

unkind,  257,  370. 

unsound,  275. 


unkindness,  121 

unstudied,  23. 

unconsecrated,  282. 

unknown,  227,  261 

unsubstantial,  367. 

uncontrolled,  416.  - 

unlatch,  249 

unsuitable,    35,   38,   118 

uncouth,  116,  378. 

unlawfulness,  809. 


uncover,  279. 

unlike,  49 

untangle,  333 

undaunted,  41 

unlikely,  77,  294,  318. 

untaught,  23,  373,  442 

undecided,  349. 

unhkeness,  67,  83 

unthought  of,  227. 

undeniable,  19,  378. 

unlimited,  416 

untidy,  340. 

underling,   157 

unlock,    249 

untie,  123. 

undertake,  4. 

unloose,   121. 

untimely,   247 

undignified,  106. 

unlovely,  65,  116. 

untrained,  442 

undiscerning,  94,  428. 

unlucky,  254 

untrue,  233,  283,  402. 

undiscovered,  227. 

unmannerlmess,  34 

untrustworthy,  233. 

-undismayed,  41. 

unmannerly,  373 

untruth,  309,  478. 

undoubted,  378. 

unmask,  279 

untutored,  373. 

undress,  204. 

unmindful,  208 

untwine,  833 

undying,  471, 

unmoved,  208 

unusual,  261,  345,  472. 

uneasiness,  208. 

unnatural,  339 

unveil,  279. 

unequal,  35 

unnecessary,  296,  341. 

unwarrantable,  38. 

unequivocal,  222. 

unobtrusive,  325. 

unwarranted,  38. 

uneven,  284. 

uaobtrusiveness,   211, 

unwary,  480 

unexpected,  294 


unwavering,  248. 

unfading,  471 

unostentatiousness,  211 

unwillingness,  46. 

unfair,  38 

unpalatable,  186 

unwisdom,  34 

unfairness,  309 

unparalleled,  472 

unyielding,   200 

unfaithful,  233,  283 

unpardonable,  477 

uphold,  4,  5,  20,  99,  13d 

unfamikanty,  26,  312. 

unpleasant,  116,  370 

412,  454. 

unfasten,  121,  249. 

unpolished,  378. 

uplift,  4. 

unfettered,  416 

unprecedented,  345. 

uprightness,  256,  304, 

unfit,  35,  118,  247. 

unprofitableness,  473 


unfix.  249. 

unpuTchasaMe,  475 

uproot,  869. 

unfortunate,  254. 

unqualified,  35. 

upset,  171. 

unfriendly,  257 

unquestionable,  19,  222, 

urban,  426. 

ungainly,  116,  247. 


urbane,  113,  125,  426. 

ungodliness,  409. 

unquestioned,  222. 

urge  forward,  156,  184. 

unhallowed,  282. 

unravel,  333. 

urge  on,  156,  184,  415. 

unhandy,  442. 

unraveled,  167. 

useful,  864,  474. 

unhappy,  254. 

unready,  344. 

useless,  35,  296,  841. 

unhealthy,  275 

unreal,  367,  402 

uselessness,  351,  473. 

unholy,  282 

unreasonable,  818. 

usual,  897,  455. 

uniform,  167,  243,  278. 

unreasonableness,  309 

utility,  303, 

uniformity,  153,  195 

unreasoned,  23, 

vacation,  487. 

unimaginable*  77 

unreciprocated,  337 

vague,  162,  230, 

uuimagined,  227 

unreo^iited,  387. 

valiant,  41. 

unimportant,  296 

unreserved,  460. 

valid,  474. 

aniiifluential,  296. 

unrest,  417. 

valorous,  41. 




valuable,   474. 

wages,  264 

wisdom,  289 

vapid,  400 

waive,  450. 

wise,   19,  290. 

variance,   272. 

want,  13,  228,  240,  485 

withdraw,  32,  306. 

variation,  83. 

wantonness,  18. 

withdrawal,  221. 

vassal,  157. 

war,  54,   168. 

withhold,  55,  70. 

vault  of  heaven,  22. 

warfare,  272. 

without,   65 

vegetable,  69. 

wariness,  220,  462. 

withstand,  55,  99,  276* 

vehemence,  74. 

warlike,  257. 

•witless,  162 

veil,  170 

warm,  124. 

woful,  187,  254. 

veiling,  419. 

warn,  57. 

wooden,  45. 

vengeance,  328,  356,  391. 

warrant,  102,  389. 

wonder,   71. 

vengeful,   326. 

wabh,  184. 

wordy,  463. 

venturesome,  41. 

waste,  61,  192,  259,  388, 

work,  220,  417. 

veracity,    182. 

wasted,  275. 

working,  290. 

verbose,  463 

wasteful,  104. 

worldly,  282. 

verity,   187,  203,  244, 

wastefulness,  395. 

worn,  275. 

235,  237. 

wavering,  233,  349 

worn  down,  275. 

vexation,  208. 

way,  114 

worn  out,   275. 

vice,  481. 

weak,  .252,  275. 

worry,   208 

viciousness,  481. 

weaken,  171,  249. 

worthless,    35,   296,   341, 

vigor,  198. 

weakness,  376. 


vigorous,  232. 

wealth,  25S. 

worthlessness,  473. 

vile,  426. 

weariness,  220. 

worthy,  474. 

vilification,  377. 

weary,  219. 

wound,    174. 

vindicate,   4,    20,   412, 

weed  out,  369. 

wrath,  391. 


weigh  anchor,  401. 

wrathful,  138,  326. 

vindictive,  826 

•weld,  128,  410. 

wrangle,   168. 

violate,  150. 

well-bred,  426 

wrangling,  168. 

violence,  74. 

well-disposed,  221. 

wreck,  456. 

violent,  138. 

well-informed,  290. 

wretched,  163,  187,  254. 

virginity,  323. 

white,   181. 

wretchedness,  485. 

virtue,  439. 

whole,   80,   358,  429. 

•write,  139. 

virtuous,   178. 

wholesome,  364. 

written,  231. 

visible,  315. 

wicked,  282, 

wrong,  76,  309,  481. 

visionary,  402. 

wickedness,  409,  481. 

yet,  58,  117. 

visit,    356. 

wide-awake,  19. 

yield,   173,  217,  265. 

vitiate,   64,    160 

widowhood,  323. 

yielding,    16,   349,  405t 

vituperation,   377. 

wild,   138 

418,  435. 

vomit,  17. 

wilful,  200,  326. 

youthful   (syn.  for  old), 

vulgar,  106. 

willing,  409. 


vulgarity,  407. 

•wily,  139, 

zenith,  22. 

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