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Full text of "Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction and related topics"

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COPTBISHT,   1897, 


Set  up  and  electrotyped.    Published  December,  1897.     Reprinted  August,  1904. 



J.  S,  Cashing  &  Co.  —  Berwick  &  Smith  Co. 
Norwood,  Mass.,  U.S.A. 



Of  the  essays  included  in  this  volume  all  but 
one  —  that  on  "The  Process  of  Reconstruction" 
—  have  been  published  before  during  the  last 
eleven  years :  four  in  the  Political  Science  Quar- 
terly, one  in  the  Yale  Review,  and  one  in  the 
"  Papers  of  the  American  Historical  Association." 
For  the  purpose  of  their  present  appearance  all 
have  been  subjected  to  revision,  which  has  resulted 
in  some  cases  in  considerable  modifications.  The 
first  five  essays  are  devoted  immediately  to  various 
phases  of  the  Civil  War  and  Reconstruction.  The 
last  two,  while  not  concerned  exclusively  with 
those  topics,  have  nevertheless  such  a  relation  to 
the  legal  and  political  questions  treated  as  to  jus- 
tify their  inclusion  in  the  volume. 

To  the  younger  generation  of  reading  men  at 
the  present  day  the  military  history  of  the  Civil 
War  is  familiar  or  readily  accessible  ;  the  constitu- 
tional and  political  history  is  neither.  As  to  the 
Reconstruction,  the  term  is  to  most  people  merely 


a  synonym  for  bad  government,  and  conveys  no 
idea  of  the  profound  problems  of  statecraft  that 
had  to  be  solved  between  1865  and  1870.  The 
essays  collected  in  the  following  pages  have  been 
written  with  reference  to  this  situation.  If  in  any 
degree  they  shall  have  contributed,  either  through 
statement,  implication,  or  even  omission,  to  throw 
light  on  the  actual  history  of  the  time  with  which 
they  deal,  the  end  of  the  collection  will  have 
been  attained. 

Lake  Sunapee,  N.H.,  Sept.  9, 1897. 


For  the  sake  of  greater  homogeneity  and  with 
a  view  to  completeness  in  the  general  survey  of 
Reconstruction,  the  final  essay  in  the  first  edition 
has  been  omitted,  and  for  it  has  been  substituted 
the  essay  on  "The  Undoing  of  Reconstruction," 
which  appeared  in  the  Atlantic  Monthly  in  1901. 

April  14,  1904. 



The  Constitution  of  the  United  States  in  Civil 

War I 

The  Constitution  of  the  United  States  in  Re- 
construction        63 

Military  Government  during  Reconstruction    .    136 

The  Process  of  Reconstruction     .       .        .        .176 

The  Impeachment  and  Trial  of  President  John- 
son         253 

Are  the  States  Equal  under  the  Constitution?    304 

The  Undoing  of  Reconstruction    ....    353 



The  culmination  of  the  differences  between  the 
sections  in  a  definite  political  act  occurred  at  a 
moment  when  the  government  was  in  the  hands 
of  that  party  whose  principles  were  most  suscepti- 
ble of  adaptation  to  the  policy  of  the  secessionists. 
Though  the  direct  question  of  state  or  national 
supremacy  was  not  met  in  the  platform  of  either 
of  the  great  parties  in  i860,  all  the  traditions  of 
the  Democracy  were  on  the  side  of  a  strictly  lim- 
ited central  government.  For  many  years,  now, 
the  accepted  narcotic  for  quieting  any  nervous- 
ness caused  by  threats  against  state  rights  had 
been  the  soothing  formula :  "  Each  government 
is  sovereign  within  its  sphere."  The  assertion  in 
December  of  i860  that  South  Carolina's  *' sphere" 
included  the  right  to  dissolve  the  Union,  called 
for  some  decisive  action  in  spherical  delimitation. 

President  Buchanan  had  been  with  the  extreme 
Democrats  on  the  Territorial  question.  The  rights 
and  equality  of  all  the  states  he  had  insisted  on 
maintaining  with  the  utmost  care.  But  the  de- 
mand that  he  should  acknowledge  what  after  all 
is  only  the  logical  conclusion  of  the  state-rights 
B  i 


doctrine,  was  more  than  he  was  prepared  to  accede 
to.     His  message,  on  the  meeting  of  Congress  in 
December,  was  a  striking  illustration  of  the  diffi- 
culty with  which  all  thoughtful  Democrats^  were 
confronted  by  the  action  of  South  Carolina./   Any 
such  state  right  as  that  of  secession,  he  claimed, 
was  "  wholly  inconsistent  with  the  history  as  well 
as  the  character  of  the  federal  constitution  "  ;  and 
his  argument  in  support  of  this  view  contained 
practically  all  that  had  ever  been  said  on  the  sub- 
ject.    Still  he  was  far  from  excluding  the  idea  of 
a  "  sphere  "  by  which  the  central  government  was 
limited.    ''This  government,"  the  President  stated, 
**  is  a  great  and  powerful  government,  invested 
with   all   the   attributes  of   sovereignty  over  the 
special  subjects  to  which  its  authority  extends." 
Not   one   man   in   the   United    States,   probably, 
would   have   denied   that.      The   whole   constitu- 
tional development  of  the  country  had  proceeded 
upon   exactly  that  doctrine.      But  the   President 
did  not  penetrate  to  the  root  of  the  difficulty  by 
explaining  definitely  how  the  scope  of  those  special 
subjects  was  to  be  determined.      He  did  indeed 
refer  to  the  wisdom  of  "the  fathers"  in  adopting 
the  rule  of  strict  construction  of  the  constitution ; 
but  all  the  world  knew  the  unsatisfactory  nature 
of  that  formula.     No  better  illustration  of  its  use- 
lessness  was  needed  than  the  results  that  were 
derived  in  the  message  itself  from  the  application 
of  the  principle  in  the  present  crisis. 


After  reaching  the  conclusion  that  there  was  no 
constitutional  right  in  a  state  to  secede,  he  next 
examined  the  position  of  the  executive  under  the 
circumstances.    Following  an  opinion  of  Attorney- 
General  Black,^  he  concluded  that  existing  laws 
did  not  empower  him  to  bring  force  to  bear  to 
suppress  insurrection  in  a  state  "  where  no  judi- 
cial authority  exists  to  issue  process,  and  where 
there  is  no  marshal  to  execute  it,  and  where,  even 
if  there  were  such  an  officer,  the  entire  population 
would  constitute  one  solid  combination  to  resist 
him."      His  conclusion  itself  was  reached  by  an 
exceedingly  strict  construction  of  the  law  of  1795, 
in  reference  to  calling  out  the  militia.^     Having 
thus  disclaimed  any  power  in  himself  to  resort  to 
arms,  he  put  the  question :  "  Has  the  constitution 
delegated  to  Congress  the  power  to  coerce  a  state 
into  submission  which  is  attempting  to  withdraw, 
or  has  actually  withdrawn  from  the  confederacy } " 
Not  being  able  to  discover  such  a  power  among 
those  delegated  to  Congress  in  the  constitution, 
and  not  considering  it  "  necessary  and  proper  for 
carrying  into  execution  "  the  enumerated  powers, 
the  President  could  not  answer  the  question  in  the 
affirmative.     "Without  descending  to  particulars," 
he  said,  "  it  may  be  safely  asserted  that  the  power 
to  make  war  against  a  state  is  at  variance  with  the 
whole  spirit  and  intent  of  the  constitution." 

1  McPherson,  History  of  the  Rebellion,  p.  51. 

2  I  Statutes  at  Large,  424. 


Such  was  the  rather  disheartening  result  of  an 
examination  of  the  situation  from  a  strict-construc- 
tionist  standpoint.  A  state  had  no  right  to  secede, 
and  the  federal  government  had  no  right  to  pre- 
vent it  from  seceding.  It  was  evident  that  if  such 
were  the  true  state  of  the  case,  a  right  must  be 
evolved  from  somewhere  to  fill  the  vacuum.  Much 
abuse  has  been  heaped  upon  Mr.  Buchanan  as  the 
originator  of  this  constitutional  paradox.  Far 
from  being  responsible  for  it,  however,  he  was 
only  unfortunate  in  having  officially  to  proclaim 
the  disagreeable  consequence  of  a  long-established 
theory  of  governmental  relations.  The  fixed  form 
in  which  for  years  the  doctrine  of  sovereignty 
had  been  enunciated  by  every  department  of  the 
government  was  that  referred  to  above.  The 
relative  force  of  federal  and  state  action,  when  in 
conflict,  was  a  question  that  had  been  sedulously 
avoided.  Once  only,  in  1832,  had  the  issue  been 
fairly  presented,  but  the  result  of  the  nullification 
controversy  had  given  no  conclusive  answer.  iThe 
Supreme  Court  had  maintained  an  unbroken  line 
of  precedents  on  the  double  sovereignty  basis. ^ 
It  had  asserted  the  supremacy  of  the  federal  laws, 
so  far  as  they  were  within  the  powers  granted  or 
implied  in  the  constitution,  but  it  had  admitted 
that  many  cases  of  dispute  could  arise  in  which 
the  judiciary  could  not  be  called  upon  to  give 
judgment.     In  such  questions,  of  a  political  rather 

^  Cf.  Brightly's  Federal  Digest,  p.  142. 


than  a  judicial  character,  the  final  authority  as  to 
the  constitutionality  of  a  given  law  was,  by  the 
doctrine  of  *'  spheres,"  undetermined.  Though 
the  ultra  state-rights  school  of  Calhoun  had  given 
a  perfectly  clear  and  definite  solution  to  the  prob- 
lem, and  Webster  on  the  other  hand  had  been 
equally  explicit  in  his  contradictory  answer,  it 
must  be  admitted  that  the  general  course  of  gov- 
ernmental action,  and  more  important  still,  per- 
haps, the  prevailing  sentiment  of  the  people  as  a 
whole,  had  followed  the  middle  line  of  which  the 
conservative  Madison  was  a  conspicuous  adviser. 

From  this  standpoint  the  only  constitutional 
course  in  case  of  a  conflict  of  the  "  sovereignties  " 
was  to  deny  that  such  a  thing  was  possible,  eulo- 
gize the  constitution  as  the  greatest  extant  produc- 
tion of  the  human  intellect,  point  out  the  dreadful 
consequences  that  would  follow  the  recognition  of 
supremacy  in  either  claimant,  and  end  by  compro- 
mising the  difficulty  in  such  a  way  as  to  furnish 
precedents  for  both  sides  in  the  future.  ,  It  would 
be  erroneous  to  maintain  that  this  method  of  action 
was  as  unprofitable  as  it  was  illogical.  On  the  con- 
trary, it  was  probably  the  only  course  that  could 
have  brought  the  United  States  intact  through  to 
the  year  eighteen  hundred  and  sixty.  But  more 
than  one  of  the  nation's  true  statesmen  foresaw 
that  it  was  only  a  question  of  time  when  "  dodging 
the  issue "  would  cease  to  give  satisfaction  as  a 
principle  of  constitutional  construction,    i 


It  was  not  understood  by  President  Buchanan, 
or  by  the  mass  of  the  people,  that  the  secession  of 
South  Carolina  was  the  knell  of  the  old  principle. 
Mr.  Buchanan  promptly  adopted  the  time-honored 
method  of  meeting  the  difficulty.  His  message  in 
December,  i860,  eulogized  the  constitution,  and 
affirmed  the  supremacy  of  the  general  government 
in  its  sphere ;  he  referred  with  emphasis  to  the 
reservation  of  rights  to  the  states,  and  recoiled 
with  horror  from  the  idea  of  using  force  to  pre- 
serve the  Union,  even  if  the  power  to  do  so  were 
conferred.  To  Congress  was  left  the  devising 
of  measures  necessary  to  the  circumstances,  the 
President's  only  recommendation  being  an  ex- 
planatory amendment  to  the  constitution.  The 
amendment,  he  thought,  should  deal  not  with  the 
fundamental  question,  but  with  the  status  of  slavery, 
so  as  forever  to  "  terminate  the  existing  dissensions, 
and  restore  peace  and  harmony  among  the  states."  ^ 

The  executive  having  thus  failed  to  free  itself 
from  the  shackles  which  precedent  imposed,  what 
did  Congress  effect  in  the  way  of  meeting  the 
emergency  .^  In  the  House  a  special  committee 
of  one  member  from  each  state  was  appointed,  to 
consider  as  much  of  the  President's  message  as 
referred  to  the  perilous  state  of  the  country,  A 
special  committee  of  thirteen  was  likewise  appointed 
in  the  Senate.  The  most  casual  examination  of 
the  enormous   mass  of  propositions  submitted  to 

1  McPherson,  History  of  the  Rebellion,  p.  50. 


these  committees,  as  well  as  to  the  houses  directly, 
will  reveal  the  confidence  that  still  remained  in 
the  '*  compromise  "  method  of  determining  contro- 
versies, as  well  as  the  utter  hopelessness  of  its 
successful  application  to  the  existing  difficulty.^ 

The  attention  of  Congress  was  directed  chiefly 
to  such  measures  as  were  embodied  in  the  report 
of  the  House  special  committee,  and  in  the  resolu- 
tions proposed  in  the  Senate  by  Crittenden  of 
Kentucky.  The  Senate's  special  committee  re- 
ported a  failure  to  agree  upon  any  general  scheme 
of  adjustment.  The  only  proposition  of  the 
House  committee's  report  to  receive  effective  ap- 
proval was  that  proposing  an  amendment  to  the 
constitution  in  these  words :  **  No  amendment 
shall  be  made  to  the  constitution  which  will  au- 
thorize or  give  to  Congress  the  power  to  abolish  or 
interfere,  within  any  state,  with  the  domestic  in- 
stitutions thereof,  including  that  of  persons  held  to 
labor  or  service  by  the  laws  of  said  state."  This 
proposition  secured  the  necessary  two-thirds  in 
both  the  House  and  the  Senate,  only  the  radical 
Republicans  opposing  it,^  and  it  was  ratified  by 
the  legislatures  of  Ohio  and  Maryland  before  its 
uselessness  was  appreciated. 

It  was  upon  the  Crittenden  resolutions,  in  the 

1  For  digest  of  the  propositions,  see  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  52 
et  seq.  Cf.  Bancroft,  "  The  Final  Efforts  at  Compromise,"  in  Politi- 
cal Science  Quarterly,  VI,  401  (September,  1891). 

2  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  59. 


Senate,  that  the  friends  of  Union  through  con- 
cihation  based  their  final  hopes.  The  plan  was 
directed  entirely  to  a  settlement  of  the  slavery 
question.  It  provided  for  constitutional  amend- 
ments dividing  all  United  States  territory  by  the 
36°  30'  line,  and  recognizing  slavery  south  of  the 
line,  while  prohibiting  it  north.  States  formed 
from  this  territory  were  to  be  admitted  upon  reach- 
ing a  population  requisite  for  a  member  of  Con- 
gress, and  were  to  make  their  own  choice  as  to 
slavery  in  their  constitutions.  The  power  to  abol- 
ish slavery  within  its  jurisdiction  was  denied  to 
Congress,  if  the  places  concerned  should  be  within 
the  limits  of  states  permitting  slavery.  The  inter- 
state slave  trade  was  put  beyond  the  interference 
of  Congress,  and  the  United  States  was  required 
to  compensate  any  owner  for  a  fugitive  slave  vio- 
lently rescued  from  him,  at  the  same  time  having 
action  to  recover  the  amount  from  the  county  in 
which  the  rescue  was  effected.  Such  a  scheme 
did  not  seem  to  offer  much  consolation  to  the 
Republicans,  who  had  made  it  their  cardinal  prin- 
ciple that  slavery  was  too  horrible  a  thing  to  come 
under  the  express  recognition  and  protection  of  a 
free  government.  The  resolutions  were  opposed 
by  the  united  front  of  the  Republican  senators, 
and  finally,  after  the  withdrawal  of  most  of  the 
Southern  delegation,  they  were  rejected,  on  the 
second  of  March,  by  a  vote  of  19  to  20.^ 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  64  et  seq. 


The  Congress  and  the  administration  came  to 
an  end  on  the  fourth  of  March,  1861.  How  did 
the  constitutional  question  stand  then  ?  Had  any 
advance  been  made  toward  an  answer  to  the  vexed 
question  of  sovereignty  ?  The  record  sketched 
above  tells  the  gloomy  tale.  An  emasculated 
national  sovereignty  had  been  proclaimed  by  the 
executive ;  a  vigorous  state  sovereignty  had  been 
actively  asserted  by  seven  of  the  commonwealths 
of  the  Union ;  and  no  position  whatever  had  been 
assumed  by  the  federal  legislature. 

I.    Principles  of  the  Appeal  to  Arms 

It  would  be  misleading  to  pass  without  notice 
the  idea  of  executive  duty  on  which  Mr,  Buchanan 
based  his  action  in  reference  to  the  forts  and  other 
property  of  the  United  States  in  the  South.  His 
denial  of  the  right  of  secession  precluded,  of  course, 
any  recognition  of  the  independence  of  the  with- 
drawing states.  Accordingly,  a  demand  of  the 
commissioners  from  South  Carolina  for  the  re- 
moval of  a  hostile  military  force  from  her  soil  was 
simply  disregarded,  and  no  admission  was  allowed 
of  her  claim  of  eminent  domain.  Attorney-Gen- 
eral Black  had  advised  the  President  that  "the 
right  of  the  general  government  to  preserve  itself 
in  its  whole  constitutional  vigor  by  repelling  a 
direct  and   positive  aggression  upon  its  property 


or  its  officers,  cannot  be  denied."  ^  The  attitude  of 
the  administration  was  therefore  manifested  in  its 
orders  to  the  commander  of  Fort  Sumter  to  stand 
strictly  on  the  defensive,  but  to  act  vigorously  if 

In  his  personal  defence,  written  after  the  war, 
Mr.  Buchanan  assigns  as  a  reason  for  maintaining 
this  position,  that  he  was  above  all  things  desirous 
of  avoiding  bloodshed,  and  had  high  hopes  of 
adjusting  the  difference  by  negotiation.^  He  had 
most  convincing  assurances  that  any  aggressive 
action  on  his  part  would  promptly  lead  to  the 
withdrawal  of  several  hesitating  states ;  and,  with 
the  slender  means  at  his  disposition,  he  concluded 
that  a  preservation  of  the  status  qno  was  the  most 
feasible  as  well  as  the  most  patriotic  plan.  It 
must  be  remembered,  however,  that  Mr.  Buchanan 
never  abdicated  the  duty  of  administering  justice 
and  collecting  the  revenue  in  the  seceded  states. 
He  declared  his  intention  of  performing  these 
duties  as  soon  as  Congress  should  pass  laws  req- 
uisite to  the  novel  circumstances.  In  case  of 
action  upon  this  line,  armed  collision  with  the 
state  power  would  have  resulted  from  the  attempt 
to  collect  United  States  taxes.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
however,  the  opening  of  hostilities  was  precipitated 
on  the  issue  of  defending  government  property. 

It  will  be  profitable  to  determine  as  precisely  as 


/     1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  52. 

^ '  2  Mr.  Buchanan's  Administration  on  the  Eve  of  Rebellion,  ch.  ix. 


possible  the  theory  of  the  constitution  and  of  gov- 
ernmental relations  upon  which  the  exercise  of 
force  by  the  new  administration  proceeded.  Mr. 
Lincoln's  inaugural  address  was  extremely  moder- 
ate in  tone.  He  did  not  announce  any  policy  dis- 
tinguishable from  that  of  his  predecessor.  The 
constitutional  perpetuity  of  the  Union  was  his  cen- 
tral proposition, /and  from  this  he  deduced  the 
nullity  of  all  state  ordinances  of  secession,  and  the 
necessity  of  enforcing  the  laws  in  all  the  states. 
But  while,  like  Buchanan,  Lincoln  announced  an 
intention  to  preserve  the  status  quo  till  time  should 
soothe  excited  passions,  one  feature  of  the  former 
President's  theory  was  conspicuously  absent  from 
the  inaugural  address :  the  "  rjght  to  coerce  a 
state  "  was  not  even  alluded  to.  In  view  of  the 
importance  that  had  been  ascribed  to  the  search 
for  such  a  right,  the  omission  was  significant. 
Under  the  impulse  of  actual  hostilities,  however, 
the  contempt  of  the  President  for  the  state-sover- 
eignty doctrine  assumed  a  decidedly  aggressive 
form.  His  message  to  Congress  at  the  opening 
of  the  extra  session  on  July  4  contained  a  severe 
denunciation  of  the  dogma.  The  time  had  come 
for  assuming  a  position  that  should  at  least  be 
clear  and  intelligible ;  and  the  President  planted 
himself  unequivocally  on  the  theory  of  national 
sovereignty.  \As  his  definition  of  a  "  sovereignty  " 
he  accepted  this  :  **  A  political  community  without 
a  political  superior.", 


Tested  by  this  [he  said],  no  one  of  our  states  except  Texas 
ever  was  a  sovereignty.  And  even  Texas  gave  up  the  char- 
acter on  coming  into  the  Union.  .  .  .  The  states  have  their 
j/^^/z/jj  IN  the  Union,  and  they  have  no  other  legal  j/<2/?A9.  .  .  . 
The  Union  is  older  than  any  of  the  states,  and,  in  fact,  it 
created  them  as  states.  Origmally  some  dependent  colonies 
made  the  Union,  and  in  turn  the  Union  threw  off  their  old 
dependence  for  them,  and  made  them  states,  such  as  they  are. 
Not  one  of  them  ever  had  a  state  constitution  independent  of 
the  Union. 1 

Such  were  the  steps  by  which  Lincoln  reached 
his  position  of  national  supremacy.  If  a  vote  had 
been  taken  in  1861,  in  the  Northern  states  alone, 
on  the  abstract  constitutional  question  at  issue,  the 
President's  view  would  in  all  probability  have  been 
defeated.  But  so  skilfully  were  the  theoretical 
assumptions  blended  with  appeals  to  the  Union 
sentiment  of  the  people,  that  the  whole  doctrine 
enunciated  in  the  message  was  accepted  without 
discrimination.  The  same  passion  for  territory 
which  had  made  popular  the  extension  of  the 
boundaries  to  the 'Pacific,  now  clamored  for  the 
maintenance  of  the  domain  in  its  integrity.  One 
theory  of  the  constitution  could  not  maintain,  it; 
the  other  could,  and  the  other  must  be  adopted. 

The  promptness  of  Congress  in  adopting  meas- 
ures for  enabling  the  President  to  carry  out  his 
doctrine  is  sufficient  evidence  that  the  legislative 
department  was  one  with  the  executive  in  his 
views  of  the  constitution.     The  object  of  the  war 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  127. 


was  the  subject  of  numerous  resolutions  proposed 
in  both  houses.  But  the  majority  showed  no  dis- 
position to  discuss  abstractions  when  actions  would 
more  clearly  proclaim  their  opinions.  Hence,  but 
one  formal  declaration  of  intention  came  to  a  vote. 
This  was  a  resolution  to  the  effect  that  the  war 
forced  upon  the  country  by  the  disunionists  of  the 
South  was 

not  waged  in  any  spirit  of  oppression,  or  for  any  purpose  of 
conquest  or  subjugation,  or  purpose  of  overthrowing  or  inter- 
fering with  the  rights  or  established  institutions  of  those  [the 
Southern]  states,  but  to  defend  and  maintain  the  supremacy  of 
the  constitution,  and  to  preserve  the  Union  with  all  the  dig- 
nity, equality  and  rights  of  the  several  states  unimpaired. ^^ 

It  is  beyond  question  that  this  declaration  ex- 
pressed the  feelings  of  two-thirds  of  the  Northern 
people  at  this  time.  The  resolution,  though  not 
passed  in  joint  form,  was  adopted  by  both  House 
and  Senate  separately,  with  no  substantial  differ- 
ence in  the  wording.  In  each  case  the  vote  was 
almost  unanimous.  On  its  face,  the  end  of  the  war 
is  proclaimed  to  be,  not  the  overthrow  of  slavery, 
but  the  preservation  of  the  Union.  In  respect  to 
the  dignity  and  rights  of  the  states,  the  expres- 
sion of  intention  is  clearly  inconclusive ;  for  there 
were  very  widely  varying  views  as  to  what  was 
the  extent  of  such  dignity  and  rights  under  the 
supreme  constitution.  Were  the  rights  to  be  pre- 
served those  that  were  claimed  by  the  state-sover- 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  286. 


eignty  politicians,  or  only  such  as  were  conceded 
by  the  centralizing  school  ?  All  that  appeared  un- 
mistakable was  that  some  form  of  state  organiza- 
tion was  to  be  maintained  when  the  rebellion  was 

.  But,  even  without  any  more  definite  declaration 
of  Congress,  it  cannot  be  questioned  that  the  doc- 
trine of  sovereignty  enunciated  by  the  President's 
message  was  the  doctrine  upon  which  the  legisla- 
ture planted  itself  for  the  struggle.  Whatever 
may  have  been  the  defects  of  the  theory,  it  certainly 
did  not  lack  clearness  and  consistency.  The  na- 
tion is  sovereign ;  the  states  are  local  organizations 
subordinate  to  the  nation.  The  general  govern- 
ment represents  the  nation,  and  is  limited  in  no 
way  by  the  local  state  governments,  but  only  by 
the  federal  constitution.  Of  this  constitution,  how- 
ever, the  departments  of  the  central  government 
are  the  final  interpreters ;  the  limitations  of  the 
constitution,  therefore,  are  practically  guarded  only 
by  the  mutual  responsibility  of  the  departments  in 
action,  and  by  the  accountability  to  the  people  in 
the  elections. 

II.    The  Presidential  Dictatorship 

The  circumstances  in  which  the  government 
found  itself  after  the  fall  of  Sumter  were  entirely 
unprecedented.  The  President  was  o^bliged  to  re- 
gard the  uprising  of  the  South  as  a  simple  insur- 


rection ;  but  the  only  parallel  case,  the  Whiskey 
Insurrection  in  Washington's  administration,  was 
so  insignificant  in  comparison,  that  from  the  very 
"beginning  a  system  of  original  construction  of  the 
constitution  had  to  be  employed  to  meet  the  varied 
occasions  for  executive  as  well  as  legislative  action. 
Long  before  the  end  of  the  war,  the  principles 
thus  evolved  had  become  so  numerous  and  so  far- 
reaching  in  their  application,  as  entirely  to  over- 
shadow the  most  cherished  doctrines  of  the  old 

/From  the  very  outset  the  basis  of  the  govern- 
/ment's  war  power  was  held  to  be  the  necessity  of 
*^preserving  the  nation*  The  limit  of  its  application 
was  not  the  clear  expressions  of  the  organic  law, 
but  the  forbearance  of  a  distracted  people.  That 
this  forbearance  extended  so  far  as  it  did,  is  signifi- 
cant. The  "necessity"  thus  sanctioned  was  not 
the  exigency  of  individual  liberty  that  prompted 
the  Declaration  of  Independen^ce,  but  the  mortal 
peril  of  a  conscious  nationality.  \  For  a  third  time 
in  a  hundred  years,  the  conviction  of  a  fact  beat 
down  the  obstacles  of  established  forms.  The 
revolution  of  1776  secured  liberty;  that  of  1789 
secured  federal  union ;  and  that  of  1861-67  secured 
national  unity.^^  In  each  case  traditional  prin- 
ciples wer&'-felt  to  be  incompatible  with  existing 
facts,  and  the  old  gave  way  to  the  nev/.  The 
question  presented  to  the  administration  by  the 
commencement  of  hostilities  was :  Has  this  gov- 


ernment  the  power  to  preserve  its  authority  over 
all  its  territory  ?  The  answer  of  the  old  school  of 
constitutional  lawyers  was :  "  Yes,  so  far  as  it  is 
conferred  by  the  constitution  and  the  laws"  ;  but 
the  answer  we  derive  from  the  actual  conduct  of 
the  war  is  "  Yes  "  v/ithout  qualification. 

Immediately  upon  the  fall  of  Sumter,  the  asser- 
tion of  the  new  doctrine  began.  Before  the  assem- 
bling of  Congress,  July  4,  a  series  of  proclamations 
by  the  President  called  into  play  forces  deemed 
necessary  to  the  preservation  of  the  nation.  The 
calling  out  of  the  militia  was  based  upon  the  law 
of  1795.  Buchanan  had  declined  to  consider  this 
law  as  applicable  to  the  present  circumstances. 
His  delicacy,  however,  was  a  phase  of  his  scruples 
about  coercing  a  state  —  scruples  entirely  foreign 
to  his  successor.  It  is  enacted  by  the  law  in 
question  that 

whenever  the  laws  of  the  United  States  shall  be  opposed,  or  the 
execution  thereof  obstructed  in  any  state,  by  combinations 
too  powerful  to  be  suppressed  by  the  ordinary  course  of  judicial 
proceedings,  or  by  the  powers  vested  in  the  marshals  by  this 
act,  it  shall  be  lawful  for  the  President  of  the  United  States 
to  call  forth  the  militia  of  such  state,  or  of  any  other  state  or 
states,  as  may  be  necessary  to  suppress  such  combinations, 
and  to  cause  the  laws  to  be  duly  executed.^ 

Buchanan's  interpretation  of  this  was  that  the 
militia  was  to  be  employed  only  as  a  posse  comi- 

1  I  Statutes  at  Large,  424. 


tattis  to  assist  in  executing  a  judge's  writ.^  While 
this  may  have  been  the  immediate  idea  of  the 
framer,  there  was  not  the  remotest  allusion  to  such 
an  intent  in  the  law  itself,  and  it  was  no  extraordi- 
nary stretch  of  construction  for  Lincoln  to  act  in 
accordance  with  the  plain  terms  of  the  statute. 
His  proclamation  avoided  any  reference  to  the 
state  governments. 

Four  days  after  the  call  for  militia,  the  Presi- 
dent's purpose  of  ignoring  the  connection  of  the 
state  governments  with  the  rebellion  was  put  to  a 
severe  test  in  his  proclamation  of  a  blockade  of  the 
ports  of  the  Cotton  States.  He  was  obliged  to 
speak  of  "the  pretended  authority"  of  those  states, 
but  only  to  declare  that  persons  who,  under  such 
authority,  molested  United  States  vessels  would  be 
treated  as  pirates.  This  assumption  by  the  execu- 
tive of  the  right  to  'establish  a  blockade  was  rather 
startling  to  conservative  minds.  It  seemed  like 
a  usurpation  of  the  legislative  power  to  declare 
war.  For  blockade  is  an  incident  of  actual  war- 
fare, and  involves  the  recognition  of  belligerent 
rights.  The  constitutionality  of  the  President's 
action,  however,  was  affirmed  by  the  Supreme 
Court  in  the  Prize  Cases,^  and  hence.  Congress 
having  acquiesced,  it  has  the  sanction  of  all  three 
departments  of  the  government.  Accordingl)^  the 
President,  as  commander-in-chief,  can  determine, 

1  Attorney-General  Black's  opinion  :  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  51. 

2  2  Black,  635. 



without  reference  to  Congress,  the  time  when  an 
insurrection  has  attained  the  proportions  of  a  war, 
with  all  the  consequences  to  person  and  property 
that  such  a  decision  entails. 

Further  action  by  the  President  previous  to  the 
meeting  of  Congress  included  a  call  for  the  enlist- 
ment of  forty  thousand  three-year  volunteers,^  and 
the  increase  of  the  regular  army  by  over  twenty 
thousand  men,  and  the  navy  by  eighteen  thousand. 
Mr.  Lincoln  himself  doubted  the  constitutionality 
of  these  measures. 

Whether  strictly  legal  or  not  [he  says,  they]  were  ventured 
upon  under  what  appeared  to  be  a  popular  demand  and  a 
public  necessity,  trusting  then  as  now  that  Congress  would 
readily  ratify  them.  It  is  believed  that  nothing  has  been  done 
beyond  the  constitutional  competency  of  Congress. - 

This  frank  substitution  of  a  "  popular  demand " 
for  a  legal  mandate,  as  a  basis  for  executive  action, 
is  characteristic  of  the  times.  The  President's 
course  was  approved  and  applauded.  Howe,  of 
Wisconsin,  proclaimed  in  the  Senate  that  he  ap- 
proved it  in  exact  proportion  to  the  extent  to  which 
it  was  a  violation  of  the  existing  law.^  The  gen- 
eral concurrence  in  the  avowed  ignoring  of  the 
organic  law  emphasizes  the  completeness  of  the 

1  Under  the  law  of  1795  the  term  of  service  of  the  militia,  when 
called  out  by  the  President,  was  limited  to  one  month  after  the  next 
meeting  of  Congress. 

2  Message  of  July  4,  1861.     McPherson,  Rebellion,  pp.  125-6. 

3  Globe,  1st  sess.,  37th  Cong.,  p.  393. 


revolution  which  was  in  progress.  The  idea  of 
a  government  limited  by  the  written  instructions 
of  a  past  generation  had  already  begun  to  grow 
dim  in  the  smoke  of  battle. 

The  remaining  subject  dealt  with  in  the  Presi- 
dent's proclamations  was  the  suspension  of  the 
writ  of  habeas  corpus.  Southern  sympathy  in 
Maryland  had  taken  so  demonstrative  a  form  that 
summary  measures  of  repression  were  resorted  to 
by  the  government.  General  Scott  was  authorized 
by  the  President  to  suspend  the  writ  of  habeas 
corpus  at  any  point  on  the  military  line  between 
Philadelphia  and  Washington.  This  assertion  by 
the  executive  of  an  absolute  control  over  the  civil 
rights  of  the  individual  in  regions  not  in  insurrec- 
tion excited  rather  more  criticism  than  the  measures 
which  would  unpleasantly  affect  only  the  rebellious 
states.  A  case  was  promptly  brought  before 
Chief  Justice  Taney  for  judicial  interpretation. ^ 
Justice  Taney's  opinion  took  strong  ground  against 
the  constitutionality  of  the  President's  act.  The 
clause  of  the  constitution  touching  the  matter  says : 
*'  The  privilege  of  the  writ  of  Jiabeas  corpus  shall 
not  be  suspended,  unless  when  in  cases  of  rebellion 
or  invasion  the  public  safety  may  require  it."^ 
The  implication  is  that  in  the  cases  mentioned  the 
privilege  may  be  suspended,  but  the  clause  is  silent 

1  The  case  of  John  Merryman.  For  all  the  proceedings  and  the 
court's  opinion,  see  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  155. 

2  Art.  I,  sec.  9,  clause  2. 


as  to  who  shall  do  it.  Precedent  and  authority 
were  certainly  with  the  chief  justice  in  regarding 
the  determination  of  the  necessity  as  a  function 
of  the  legislature.  But  to  have  awaited  the  meet- 
ing and  action  of  Congress  in  the  present  case 
might  have  been  to  sacrifice  the  government.  Lin- 
coln therefore  availed  himself  of  the  latitude  of 
construction  possible  by  the  wording  of  the  clause. 
Attorney-General  Bates  sustained  the  President 
in  an  elaborate  opinion.  His  ground  was  that  in 
pursuance  of  the  obligation  to  execute  the  laws, 
the  President  must  be  accorded  the  widest  discre- 
tion as  to  means.  The  use  of  military  force  to 
suppress  insurrection  was  authorized  by  the  con- 
stitution, and  when  such  means  had  been  deter- 
mined upon  by  the  executive,  all  the  incidents  of 
warlike  action  must  necessarily  be  included.  Nor 
could  the  judicial  department,  being  a  co-ordinate 
and  not  a  superior  branch  of  the  government, 

The  position  of  the  executive  in  this  matter  was 
entirely  consistent  with  that  assumed  in  the  estab- 
lishment  of  the  blockade.  Granting  the  right  in 
the  President  to  decide  when  war  has  technically 
begun,  both  the  powers  in  question  spring  naturally 
from  the  recognized  authority  of  the  commander- 
in-chief.  In  the  interval  between  April  12  and 
July  4,  1 86 1,  a  new  principle  thus  appeared  in  the 
constitutional  system  of  the  United  States,  namely, 

1  For  the  opinion,  see  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  158. 


that  of  a  temporary  dictatorship.  All  the  powers 
of  government  were  virtually  concentrated  in  a 
single  department,  and  that  the  department  whose 
energies  were  directed  by  the  will  of  a  single  man. 

The  dictatorial  position  assumed  by  the  Presi- 
dent was  effective  in  the  accomplishment  of  two 
most  important  results,  namely,  the  preservation 
of  the  capital  and  the  maintenance  of  Union  senti- 
ment in  the  wavering  border  states.  These  ends 
achieved,  the  administration  of  the  government 
fell  back  once  more  into  the  old  lines  of  depart- 
mental co-ordination.  Congress  labored  with  the 
utmost  energy  to  fill  the  gaps  which  the  crisis  had 
revealed  in  the  laws.  Small  heed  was  given  to 
the  demands  of  the  minority  for  discussion  of  the 
great  constitutional  questions  that  constantly  ap- 
peared. The  decisive  majorities  ^  by  which  the 
Republicans  controlled  both  houses  enabled  work 
to  be  transacted  with  great  vigor. 

The  first  imperative  duty  of  the  legislature  was 
to  provide  for  defining  the  nature  and  extent  of 
the  insurrection  which  the  President  reported  as 
existing.  It  has  been  shown  how  the  executive 
had  declined  to  recognize  the  state  organizations 
as  elements  of  the  uprising  against  the  general 
government.  Congress  necessarily  adopted  the 
same  policy.  Its  measures  were  made  to  refer 
primarily  to   combinations   of   individuals    against 

1  Practically  28  in  a  Senate  of  50,  and  92  in  a  House  of  178. 
See  Tribune  Almanac  for  1862,  pp.  17  and  19. 


the  laws  of  the  United  States/  But  in  the  act 
of  July  13,  1 86 1,  section  five,  the  attitude  of  the 
state  governments  toward  such  combinations  was 
taken  into  consideration  as  a  means  of  determin- 
ing the  location  and  extent  of  the  insurrection. 
In  this  section  the  obligation  upon  the  state  au- 
thorities to  support  the  laws  of  the  United  States 
was  distinctly  assumed,  and  the  refusal  to  fulfil 
this  obligation  was  made  a  sufficient  ground  for 
proclaiming  all  the  inhabitants  of  the  delinquent 
community  public  enemies.  The  law  in  question, 
commonly  called  the  ''non-intercourse  act,"^  re- 
enacted  the  main  features  of  the  law  by  which 
President  Jackson  was  empowered  to  collect  the 
duties  in  nullification  times ;  the  fifth  section  pro- 
vided further,  that  when  the  militia  should  have 
been  called  forth  by  the  President  to  suppress  the 

and  the  insurgents  shall  have  failed  to  disperse  by  the  time 
directed  by  the  President,  and  when  said  insurgents  claim  to 
act  under  the  authority  of  any  state  or  states,  and  such  claim 
is  not  disclaimed  or  repudiated  by  the  persons  exercising  the 
functions  of  government  in  such  state  or  states,  or  in  the  part 
or  parts  thereof  in  which  said  combination  exists,  nor  such 
insurrection  suppressed  by  said  state  or  states,  then  and  in 
such  case  it  may  and  shall  be  lawful  for  the  President,  by 
proclamation,  to  declare  that  the  inhabitants  of  such  state, 
or  any  section  or  part  thereof,  where  such  insurrection  exists, 
are  in  a  state  of  insurrection  against  the  United  States ; 
and  thereupon  all  commercial  intercourse  by  and  between  the 

1  Public  Acts  of  the  37th  Cong.,  1st  sess.,  ch.  iiL 


same  and  the  citizens  thereof  and  the  citizens  of  the  rest  of 
the  United  States  shall  cease  and  be  unlawful  so  long  as  such 
hostiUty  shall  continue. 

A  proclamation  in  pursuance  of  the  authority 
thus  granted  was  issued  by  the  President  on 
August  16.  From  that  time  the  condition  of  terri- 
torial civil  war  legally  and  constitutionally  existed 
in  the  United  States,  with  all  the  consequences  of 
such  a  condition  which  the  law  of  nations  recog- 
nizes. Congress  had  exercised  its  power  to  declare 
war,  or,  what  has  been  admitted  to  be  the  same 
thing,  to  recognize  a  state  of  war  as  existing. 
From  the  time  of  such  recognition,  the  acts  of 
the  President  involving  technical  war  powers  were 
unquestionably  in  accordance  with  the  constitution. 

III.    The  War  Power  in  Relation  to  Civil  Rights 
in  the  South 

Upon  the  passage  of  the  **  non-intercourse  act," 
both  political  departments  of  the  government  had 
given  their  recognition  to  the  fact  that  all  the 
inhabitants  of  certain  portions  of  United  States 
territory  were  at  war  with  the  government  and  its 
loyal  supporters.  The  duty  of  each  department 
thereupon  was  to  use  all  constitutional  means  to 
overcome  in  the  shortest  time  possible  the  resist- 
ance to  their  authority.  To  what  extent  a  strict 
interpretation   of   the   organic   law   would   reveal 


adequate  powers,  was  a  question ;  but  the  spirit 
of  the  people  and  general  ideas  of  necessity  were 
convenient  sources  of  authority  that  never  failed  of 
application  when  the  direct  mandate  of  written  law 
was  lacking.  A  question  that  arose  immediately 
was  in  reference  to  personal  and  property  rights 
of  dwellers  in  the  insurrectionary  districts.  Such 
persons  were  still,  on  the  theory  of  the  government, 
citizens  of  the  United  States  ;  but  were  they,  as 
such,  entitled,  under  the  present  circumstances,  to 
the  protection  of  their  civil  rights  which  is  normally 
secured  by  our  system  } 

War  is  the  negation  of  civil  rights.  Granting 
the  power  in  Congress  to  designate  certain  citizens 
as  public  enemies  in  the  technical  sense,  the  exer- 
cise of  that  power  puts  in  the  hands  of  the  govern- 
ment a  control  over  the  life,  liberty  and  property 
of  all  such  citizens,  limited  only  by  the  dictates  of 
humanity  and  a  respect  for  the  practice  of  nations. 
The  insurgents  become,  in  short,  belligerent  en- 
emies, with  the  rights  and  duties  which  interna- 
tional law  ascribes  to  such.  From  the  moment 
that  they  assume  that  character  the  constitutional 
guarantees  of  civil  liberty  lose  their  effect  as 
against  the  executive.  It  becomes  authorized  to 
enforce  submission  to  the  laws  by  bullets,  not  by 
indictments.  "Due  process  of  law"  ceases  to  be 
the  necessary  condition  to  a  deprivation  of  civil 
rights.  All  the  safeguards  so  carefully  constructed 
by  the  constitution  for  the  protection  of  citizens 


of  the  United  States  against  oppression  by  their 
officers  and  legislators  disappear  when  resistance 
by  those  citizens  to  law  becomes  so  formidable  as 
to  be  deemed  war. 

Such  was  the  theory  upon  which  the  exercise  of 
the  war  power  was  based  by  all  three  departments 
of  the  government.  The  Supreme  Court,  though 
divided,  in  the  Prize  Cases,  upon  the  question  of 
the  exact  time  when  the  attitude  of  belligerency 
could  be  assumed,  was  unanimous  in  respect  to 
the  consequences  after  that  time  had  arrived.  Jus- 
tice Nelson,  dissenting,  said : 

There  is  no  doubt  the  government  may,  by  the  compe- 
tent power,  recognize  or  declare  the  existence  of  a  state  of 
civil  war,  which  will  draw  after  it  all  the  consequences  and 
rights  of  war  between  the  contending  parties,  as  in  the  case  of 
a  public  war.  .  .  .  The  laws  of  war,  whether  the  war  be  civil 
or  inte?'  ge?ites,  convert  every  citizen  of  the  hostile  state  into  a 
public  enemy. 1 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  insurrection,  then,  two  dis- 
tinct courses  lay  open  for  the  government  to  pursue. 
It  could  elect  to  repress  the  uprising  by  the  civil 
power,  through  process  of  the  courts,  with  the 
military  arm  as  the  marshal's /d^i-j"^/  the  insurgents 
then  would  be  subject  to  the  treatment  of  ordinary 
criminals.  Or,  on  the  other  hand,  the  rebels  could 
be  recognized  as  belligerents  and  subdued  by  the 
exertion  of   military  power  alone.     In   the   latter 

1  2  Black,  p.  693. 


case,  the  insurgents  would  seem  to  be  entitled  to 
the  treatment  which  public  law  secures  to  armed 
public  enemies.  But  the  question  early  arose, 
could  not  the  government  follow  both  courses  at 
the  same  time,  and  be  guided  in  its  dealings  with 
the  rebels  by  international  or  by  constitutional  law, 
at  its  discretion  ?  Could  it  not,  for  example,  hang 
as  traitors  rebels  taken  in  battle  as  prisoners  of 
war  ?  A  practical  application  of  some  principle 
was  early  called  for.  In  the  fall  of  1861  the  crews 
of  several  Confederate  privateers  were  brought  as 
captives  to  New  York,  and  were  tried  for  piracy. 
The  proceeding  was  in  accordance  with  Mr. 
Lincoln's  blockade  proclamation,  which  ended 
with  a  declaration  that  rebels  molesting  United 
States  vessels  should  be  thus  dealt  with.  But 
though  a  conviction  was  obtained  in  at  least  one 
case,  the  penalty  was  never  enforced,  for  the  reason 
that  the  Richmond  government  announced  its  in- 
tention to  visit  upon  an  equal  number  of  prisoners 
in  its  hands  exactly  the  same  treatment  that  was 
accorded  to  the  Confederates.^ 

The  course  of  the  administration  in  reference 
to  the  exchange  of  prisoners  and  other  matters 
was  dictated  by  the  same  considerations  that  were 
operative  in  the  case  of  the  privateersmen.  It  was 
desired  to  secure  all  the  advantages  which  flowed 
from  the  exercise  of  the  war  power  by  the  govern- 
ment, while  not  conceding  belligerent  rights  to 
1  Annual  Cyclopedia  for  1861,  pp.  585,  591. 


those  against  whom  that  power  was  employed. 
In  respect  to  life  and  liberty  the  practices  of  inter- 
national war  were  followed,  in  order  to  avoid  the 
barbarism  of  the  lex  talionis  ;  though  in  theory  the 
responsibility  of  the  Southerners  for  their  acts  to 
the  regular  courts  of  law  was  always  maintained. 
As  to  property,  however,  the  course  of  the  govern- 
ment was  not  so  clearly  defined.  Measures  look- 
ing to  extensive  if  not  general  confiscation  were 
broached  early  in  the  war.  The  basis  for  such 
a  proceeding  gave  rise  to  animated  controversy, 
and  it  was  in  connection  with  this  discussion  that 
the  fullest  light  was  thrown  on  the  relation  of  the 
United  States  government  to  its  citizens  in  the 
rebel  states. 

The  first  step  taken  by  Congress  toward  confis- 
cation was  the  act  of  August  6,  1861.^  This  made 
it  the  duty  of  the  President  to  seize,  confiscate  and 
condemn  all  property  used  in  aiding,  abetting  or 
promoting  the  present  or  any  future  insurrection 
against  the  government  of  the  United  States. 
Section  four  provided  for  the  forfeiture  of  slaves 
employed  in  any  military  or  naval  service  against 
the  government  and  authority  of  the  United  States. 
This  act  was  passed  by  virtue  of  the  war  powers 
of  Congress.  It  was  a  legislative  authorization  for 
the  exercise  of  an  acknowledged  belligerent  right. 
For  the  purpose  of  freeing  the  slaves,  the  ultra 
anti-slavery  men  were  perfectly  willing  to  sacrifice 

1  Public  Acts  of  the  37th  Cong.,  ist  sess.,  ch.  Ix. 


their  old  scruples  about  regarding  men  as  property, 
and  the  provision  on  this  subject  was  defended  on 
the  same  ground  as  the  rest  of  the  bill. 

This  first  act  was  somewhat  crude  and  unsatis- 
factory in  detail,  but  was  in  principle  quite  definite 
and  distinct.  War  had  been  recognized  as  exist- 
ing, and  Congress  had  exercised  the  constitutional 
power  of  making  ''rules  concerning  captures  on 
land  and  water."  But  during  the  next  session  of 
the  Thirty-seventh  Congress,  the  full  development 
of  the  war  gave  rise  to  a  more  bitter  spirit,  which 
manifested  itself  in  more  radical  and  questionable 
measures.  Many  propositions  looking  to  confisca- 
tion and  emancipation  were  brought  forward  in 
both  houses,  and  the  debates  upon  these  subjects 
were  long  and  acrid.  The  dominant  party  became 
quite  distinctly  divided  on  the  general  policy  of  the 
war;  and,  behind  all,  the  idea  of  finding  in  the 
existing  crisis  a  definite  settlement  of  the  slavery 
question  assumed  a  steadily  increasing  importance. 

When  it  had  been  determined  that  the  crimes 
of  the  secessionists  called  for  vindictive  punish- 
ment, serious  constitutional  difficulties  were  found 
to  beset  the  path  of  the  avengers.  The  House 
first  passed  a  bill  which  surmounted  all  obstacles 
with  gratifying  ease.  It  simply  provided  that  all 
property  of  whatever  description,  belonging  to  cer- 
tain described  classes  of  persons,  was  forfeited  to 
the  government  of  the  United  States,  and  declared 
lawful  subject  of   seizure   and  of   condemnation. 


The  judiciary  committee  of  the  Senate,  to  whom 
this  and  other  bills  were  referred,  recognized  some 
of  the  objections  that  could  be  raised  to  the  House 
proposition,  and  so  reported  a  modification  of  it. 
By  this  it  was  enacted  that  the  forfeiture  should 
take  effect  only  upon  the  property  of  persons 
"beyond  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States,"  or 
of  persons  in  any  state  or  district  of  the  United 
States  where,  on  account  of  insurrection  or  rebel- 
lion, the  ordinary  judicial  process  could  not  be 
served  upon  them ;  and  the  title  to  the  property 
was  to  vest  in  the  United  States  immediately 
upon  the  commission  of  the  act,  so  that  any  sub- 
sequent alienation  by  the  former  owner  would  be 

The  objections  raised  against  both  these  bills, 
on  principles  of  both  constitutional  and  interna- 
tional law,  were  very  strong,  and  after  long  debates 
proved  effective  to  prevent  the  passage  of  either. 
But  a  compromise  bill,  patched  up  from  the  many 
propositions  that  had  been  submitted  during  the 
discussion,  became  at  last  the  law.^  The  first 
four  sections  fixed  very  severe  penalties  for  the 
crimes  of  treason  and  rebellion,  the  latter  being  an 
addition  to  the  catalogue  of  felonies.  These  pro- 
visions followed  the  suggestions  of  the  more  con- 
servative Republicans,  like  Collamer,  of  Vermont, 
who  expressed  a  strong  desire  to  get  at  the  prop- 
erty of  the  rebels,  but  insisted  upon  doing  it  by 

1  Public  Acts  of  the  37th  Cong.,  2d  sess.,  ch.  cxcv. 


regular  judicial  procedure.^  Sections  five,  six, 
seven  and  eight  referred  to  confiscation  proper. 
The  President  was  directed  to  cause  the  seizure  of 
all  the  property,  of  whatsoever  kind,  belonging  to 
specified  classes  of  persons,  namely,  officers  of  the 
rebel  army  or  navy,  officers  of  the  civil  administra- 
tion of  the  so-called  Confederate  States,  governors, 
judges  or  legislators  of  any  of  said  states,  ex-offi- 
cials of  the  United  States  hereafter  holding  office 
under  the  Confederate  States,  and  persons  owning 
property  in  loyal  states  who  should  give  aid  and 
comfort  to  the  rebellion.  Further,  if  any  other 
persons,  being  engaged  in  the  rebellion,  or  giving 
it  aid  and  comfort,  should  not  cease  within  sixty 
days  of  a  proclamation  to  be  issued  by  the  Presi- 
dent, such  person's  property  should  be  liable  to 
seizure  in  like  manner.  The  property  so  seized 
was  to  be  proceeded  against  by  action  in  rem  in 
the  United  States  courts,  and  condemned  and  sold 
as  enemies'  property,  and  the  proceeds  were  to  be 
used  for  the  support  of  the  army  of  the  United 

This  act  assumed  the  power  in  Congress  to 
deprive  several  millions  of  persons  of  all  their 
property,  and  this  by  simple  legislative  act.  By 
the  theory  of  our  constitution,  such  power  must 
be  granted  by  the  organic  law,  or  be  inferable 
from  some  clearly  granted  power.  There  was 
no  claim   of   an   express   grant.     By  implication, 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  37th  Cong.,  p.  181 2. 


the  power  was  held  to  be  deducible  from  the 
clauses  authorizing  Congress  ''to  declare  war," 
"  to  make  rules  concerning  captures  on  land  and 
water,"  "to  provide  for  calling  forth  the  militia  to 
.  .  .  suppress  insurrections,"  and  finally,  ''  to  make 
all  laws  which  shall  be  necessary  and  proper  for 
carrying  into  execution  the  foregoing  powers." 
On  the  other  hand,  the  constitution  contains  the 
following  prohibitions :  '*  No  bill  of  attainder  .  .  . 
shall  be  passed;"  "no  person  shall  be  .  .  .  de- 
prived of  .  .  .  property,  without  due  process  of 
law ;  nor  shall  private  property  be  taken  for  pub- 
lic use  without  just  compensation ;  "  and  finally, 
"  no  attainder  of  treason  shall  w^ork  .  .  .  forfeiture 
except  during  the  life  of  the  person  attainted." 
The  exercise  of  authority  under  the  grants  above 
enumerated  involved  of  necessity  the  violation  of 
these  prohibitions.  Respect  for  both  at  the  same 
time  was  inconceivable.  The  only  escape  from 
the  dilemma  was  to  assume  that  the  constitution 
contemplated  a  state  of  affairs  to  which  the  pro- 
hibitions were  inapplicable.  And  that  indeed  was 
the  position  taken  by  the  advocates  of  confiscation. 
The  existence  of  a  state  of  war  was  held  to  bring 
into  the  sphere  of  legislative  action  any  measures 
necessary  to  weaken  the  enemy  that  were  recog- 
nized by  the  great  system  of  international  practice. 
International  law  thus  was  set  up  as  the  source 
of  Congress'  power.  But  in  the  modern  practice 
of   civilized    nations   the   general   confiscation   of 


enemies'  private  property  is  unknown.  It  is  as 
obsolete  as  the  poisoning  of  wells  in  an  enemy's 
country.  As  a  rule,  real  estate  is  left  to  its  owners, 
and  movables  are  appropriated  only  so  far  as  mili- 
tary necessity,  as  judged  by  the  commander  in  the 
field,  seems  to  demand  it.^  Some  vague  idea  of 
such  a  justification  seems  to  have  suggested  the 
clause  devoting  the  proceeds  of  the  confiscations 
to  the  support  of  the  army.  But  it  was  rightly 
argued  that  the  determination  of  the  army's  neces- 
sities was  a  function  of  the  President,  and  not  of 
Congress,  and  that  legislation  in  such  a  case  was 
superfluous. 2  The  justification  of  the  Confiscation 
Act  by  international  law  thus  was  no  less  difficult 
than  by  constitutional  law  pure  and  simple.  Only 
as  an  abstract  right  of  war,  independent  of  all 
convention  and  precedent,  could  the  proceedings 
contemplated  by  the  act  be  consistently  defended. 
It  appeared,  however,  from  further  develop- 
ments, that  the  act  was  not  based  upon  the  war 
power  alone.  After  it  had  been  sent  to  the  Presi- 
dent for  approval,  it  became  known  that  he  pro- 
posed to  veto  it.  His  objections  were  ascertained, 
and  an  explanatory  resolution  was  hurriedly  adopted 
to  meet  his  views.^  Its  most  important  provision 
was  that  no  punishment  or  proceedings  under  the 
act  should  "be  so  construed  as  to  work  a  forfeiture 

1  Halleck,  International  Law,  pp.  456,  457,  and  authorities  cited. 
^  Cf.  Lincoln's  message,  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  198. 
8  Public  Resolutions,  2d  sess.,  37th  Cong.,  no.  63. 


of  the  real  estate  of  the  offender  beyond  his  natu- 
ral life."  This  was  an  effort  to  reconcile  the  act 
with  the  prohibition  in  the  constitution  against  for- 
feiture for  treason ;  the  futility  of  the  effort  ap- 
peared from  the  fact  that  the  forfeiture  contem- 
plated by  the  act  was  in  no  sense  the  result  of  an 
attainder  of  treason.  Attainder  of  treason  does 
not  result  from  a  proceeding  in  rem,  but  from 
conviction  in  a  criminal  proceeding  in  personam} 
The  effect  of  the  resolution,  therefore,  was  simply 
to  impair  the  utility  of  the  act,  while  in  no  way 
affecting  the  constitutional  question. ^ 

Again,  it  was  maintained  that  the  action  in  rem 
provided  for  in  the  act  was  such  "  due  process  of 
law"  as  the  constitution  contemplates  in  the  de- 
privation of  property.  This  construction,  however, 
is  wholly  contrary  to  the  spirit  of  the  bill  of  rights. 
The  theory  of  the  action  in  rem  is  that  the  "thing" 
is  an  instrument,  a  necessary  participant,  as  it 
were,  in  the  violation  of  some  law.  The  provision 
of  the  constitution  refers  to  criminal  procedure 
against  the  person,  and  to  apply  it  in  other  cases  is 
mere  distortion  of  the  organic  law.  Any  attempt 
to  reconcile  the  act  with  the  guarantee  of  civil 
rights  leads  to  absurdities.      Such  was^  the  con- 

1  Cooley,  Constitutional  Limitations,  4th  ed.,  p.  317. 

2  As  illustrating  the  struggles  of  the  courts  in  construing  the  act, 
see  decisions  of  District  Judges  Betts  and  Underwood,  and  others, 
collected  in  the  Annual  Cyclopedia  for  1862-64,  under  the  title 
"  Confiscation." 


sistent  position  taken  by  the  radical  advocates  of 
confiscation,  and  such  is  the  only  position  justified 
by  the  logic  of  facts. 

But  very  important  results  are  secured  by  pur- 
suing further  the  line  of  argument  adopted  by  the 
radicals.  The  benefits  of  the  constitution  must 
be  denied  to  those  who  refuse  to  recognize  its 
authority.  Such  denial,  however,  does  not  re- 
lieve the  offenders  of  their  responsibilities  under 
the  fundamental  law.  Circumstances  may  force 
the  government  to  regard  certain  citizens  of  the 
United  States  as  enemies  engaged  in  war.  In 
such  a  state  of  affairs,  many  provisions  of  the 
constitution  become  inoperative.  In  other  words, 
since  the  government  itself  is  the  judge  of  the  cir- 
cumstances, the  government  may  suspend  certain 
parts  of  the  organic  law.  But  not  only  that.  The 
suspension  of  the  constitution  is  not  absolute. 
While  the  right  of  jury  trial,  for  example,  may  be 
denied  under  the  authority  of  Congress,  it  may 
also  be  allowed.  A  man's  property  may  be  seized 
by  virtue  of  the  war  power,  but  at  the  same  time 
the  man  himself  may  be  tried  and  hung  for  trea- 
son under  the  regular  civil  procedure.  *'  We  may 
treat  them  [the  rebels]  as  traitors,  and  we  may 
treat  them  as  enemies,"  said  Senator  Trumbull, 
"  and  we  have  the  right  of  both  belligerent  and 
sovereign,  so  far  as  they  are  concerned."^  Such 
is  undoubtedly  the  theory  to  be  deduced  from  all 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  37th  Cong ,  p.  943. 


the  circumstances  of  the  government's  action  in 
reference  to  confiscation. 

Sections  nine  to  twelve  of  the  Confiscation  Act 
had  reference  to  negroes.  Slaves  of  persons  en- 
gaged in  rebellion  against  the  government  of  the 
United  States,  coming  into  the  lines  of  the  army, 
or  captured  from  their  masters,  or  found  in  places 
once  occupied  by  rebel  forces,  were  declared  free. 
Fugitive  slaves  were  not  to  be  given  up  except  to 
such  owners  as  would  declare  under  oath  that  they 
had  not  borne  arms  against  the  United  States  in 
the  present  rebellion,  or  given  aid  and  comfort 
thereto.  The  President  was  authorized  to  employ 
negroes  in  suppressing  the  rebellion,  and  also  to 
make  provision  for  the  colonization  of  the  freed- 
men  in  some  foreign  country. 

The  treatment  of  the  negro  question  was  freely 
admitted  by  all  the  friends  of  the  confiscation  bill 
to  be  a  very  important,  and  was  asserted  by  some 
to  be  the  most  important,  feature  of  the  act.  Vex- 
atious complications  had  arisen  in  disposing  of  the 
fugitive  slaves  that  could  not  be  kept  from  coming 
within  the  lines  of  the  army.  The  President's  pa- 
tience had  been  severely  tried  in  his  efforts  to  re- 
strain the  ardent  abolition  spirit  of  some  of  his 
generals.^  While  he  looked  forward  to  the  pos- 
sibility of  a  situation  in  which  military  necessity 
would  justify  emancipation,  yet  he  considered  the 

1  Especially  Fremont  and  Hunter.  See  McPherson,  Rebellion, 
pp.  247,  251. 


political  horizon,  especially  in  the  border  states, 
too  threatening  to  permit  precipitate  action.  But 
the  radicals  in  his  party  denounced  his  hesitation 
as  pusillanimous,  and  were  only  too  ready  to  at- 
tain their  end  through  the  legislative  department. 
Confiscation  seemed  an  easy  and  suitable  path  by 
which  to  penetrate  the  stronghold  of  slavery.  By 
the  act  of  August  6,  1861,  slaves  used  for  the  pur- 
poses of  the  insurrection  had  been  declared  free. 
The  principle  was  that,  under  such  circumstances, 
slaves  were  contraband  of  war.  But  the  basis  of 
the  later  law  was  the  right  to  free  a  man's  slaves 
as  a  penalty  for  the  master's  participation  in  the 
rebellion.  There  was  no  essential  distinction  be- 
tween the  right  of  Congress  to  confiscate  choses  ijt 
actio7i  and  its  right  to  take  from  the  rebel  his 
claim  to  the  services  of  a  negro.  The  institution 
of  slavery  was  not  touched,  and  the  peculiar  .signifi- 
cance of  these  provisions  lay  in  the  fact  that  they 
were  dictated  by  a  sentiment  in  the  North  that 
would  not  long  be  satisfied  with  such  moderate 

By  the  Confiscation  Act  and  the  discussions  inci- 
dent to  its  consideration,  the  attitude  and  powers 
of  the  United  States  government  in  respect  to 
such  of  its  citizens  as  were  proclaimed  public 
enemies  were  more  or  less  satisfactorily  deter- 
mined. In  the  struggle  between  those  who  up- 
held the  restraints  of  the  constitution  and  those 
who  considered  only  the  limits  of  international  law, 


the  government  practically  escaped  all  restrictions 
whatsoever.  Side  by  side  with  the  doctrine  that 
all  means  looking  to  success  in  the  war  could  be 
employed  against  insurgent  citizens,  developed  the 
principle  that  a  like  absence  of  limitation  charac- 
terized the  relations  of  the  government  to  citizens 
who  were  not  public  enemies.  It  was  in  connec- 
tion with  the  civil  rights  of  citizens  in  the  loyal 
states  that  a  far-reaching  conception  of  the  war 
power  attained  most  distinct  definition. 

IV.    The  War  Power  ift  Relatio7i  to  Civil  Rights 
in  the  North 

The  question  as  to  the  extent  of  the  govern- 
ment's authority  over  the  life,  liberty  and  property 
of  the  individual  in  states  not  in  insurrection  was 
complicated  by  the  controversy  over  the  proper 
department  for  exercising  such  authority.  It  has 
already  been  stated  ^  that  the  action  of  the  Presi- 
dent in  suspending  the  writ  of  habeas  corpus  of  his 
own  accord  in  1861  had  excited  a  discussion  of  his 
right  to  do  it,  and  that  Chief  Justice  Taney  had 
given  an  opinion  against  the  right.  The  impotence 
of  the  judiciary  as  against  the  executive,  and  the 
neglect  of  Congress  to  take  any  action  on  the 
matter,  had  left  the  administration  in  a  position  to 
realize  its  own  ideas  of  its  powers.  Arrests  of  dis- 
affected persons  and  Southern  sympathizers  under 

1  Sufra,  p.  19. 


secret  orders  from  Washington  had  gone  on  with- 
out ceasing,  and  in  no  case  was  the  service  of  the 
great  writ  allowed.  Not  only  in  Maryland,  and 
the  regions  near  the  seat  of  war,  but  in  the  most 
distant  parts  of  the  land,  from  Maine  to  California, 
men  were  seized  without  any  information  as  to  the 
charges  against  them,  and  were  confined  in  forts 
and  prison  camps.  It  was  not  denied  by  the 
friends  of  the  policy  that  frightful  injustice  was 
often  done,  but  that  fact  was  rightly  held  to  have 
no  bearing  on  the  question  of  power  involved.  If 
the  constitution  of  the  United  States  vested  in  the 
executive,  in  time  of  war,  absolute  discretion  as 
to  the  means  to  be  employed  to  carry  on  the  war, 
whatever  evils  resulted  from  the  exercise  of  this 
discretion  must  only  be  added  to  the  aggregate  of 
misery  of  which  a  resort  to  arms  is  the  cause,  and 
so  must  be  regretted,  but  sternly  endured. 

For  a  year  and  a  half  after  the  beginning  of 
the  war  the  arrest  and  detention  of  citizens  as 
"  prisoners  of  state  "  went  on  without  any  formal 
announcement  as  to  the  principles  of  the  pro- 
ceedings. Only  when,  in  the  autumn  of  1862,  a 
draft  had  become  necessary  to  recruit  the  army, 
were  the  government's  operations  put  upon  a  well- 
defined  basis.  On  September  24,  a  proclamation 
was  issued  by  the  President,^  ordering,  first,  that 
as  a  necessary  measure  for  suppressing  the  exist- 
ing insurrection,  all  persons  "  discouraging  volun- 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  177. 


teer  enlistments,  resisting  military  drafts,  or  guilty 
of  any  disloyal  practice^  affording  aid  and  comfort 
to  the  rebels,"  should  be  subject  to  martial  law,  and 
liable  to  trial  by  courts-martial  or  military  commis- 
sions ;  and  second,  that  the  writ  of  habeas  corptis 
should  be  suspended  in  respect  to  all  persons  ar- 
rested or  held  by  military  authority.  In  this  paper 
the  President  formally  assumed  the  right  to  pro- 
claim martial  law  and  to  suspend  the  writ  of  habeas 
corpus  at  his  own  discretion  throughout  the  United 
States.  On  this  assumption  the  power  both  to 
arrest  and  to  detain  a  citizen  —  and,  indeed,  to  put 
him  to  death  —  was  complete. 

The  basis  of  this  proclamation  is  to  be  found  in 
the  apparently  unimportant  phrase  with  which  the 
orders  are  introduced.  The  whole  proceeding  is 
*'  a  necessary  measure "  of  war.  Granting  that 
the  oath  to  "•  protect  and  defend  the  constitution," 
and  the  mandate  to  ''  take  care  that  the  laws  be 
faithfully  executed,"  confer  unlimited  discretion 
as  to  means,  nothing  can  be  said  against  the  legal- 
ity of  the  President's  orders.  But  on  any  other 
theory,  it  would  be  hard  to  justify  them.  The 
fourth  article  of  the  amendments  to  the  constitu- 
tion guarantees  the  security  of  the  people  in  their 
persons  against  unreasonable  seizures,  and  indi- 
cates that  arrests  are  to  be  made  through  special 
warrants.  On  the  theory  under  which  the  Presi- 
dent acted  in  ordering  arrests  by  military  authority, 
this  article  of  the  constitution  has  no  application 


to  times  of  civil  war.^  It  "  speaks  in  reference  to 
the  normal  condition  of  the  country  only."  When 
war  exists,  the  President  has  the  right  to  arrest 
and  detain  on  his  own  motion ;  the  Fifth  Amend- 
ment, which  forbids  the  holding  of  any  one  unless 
on  action  of  a  grand  jury,  loses  its  force  under 
such  circumstances.  As  the  policy  of  confiscation 
had  been  based  on  the  nullity  of  constitutional 
restrictions  as  to  the  legislature,  so  the  policy  of 
military  arrests  was  based  on  the  nullity  of  those 
restrictions  as  to  the  executive. 

The  proclamation  of  September  24,  1862,  consti- 
tuted a  perfect  platform  for  a  military  despotism. 
The  growing  prominence  of  the  emancipation 
policy  during  this  year  had  dampened  the  enthusi- 
asm of  the  Northern  masses  for  the  war,  and  in 
connection  with  the  drafts  the  opposition  to  the 
government  grew  very  demonstrative.  But  this 
only  tended  to  make  military  arrests  more  fre- 
quent. As  a  result  the  widespread  discontent 
with  the  administration's  policy  received  addi- 
tional stimulus,  and  the  Congressional  and  state 
elections  of  1862  were  disastrous  to  the  dominant 
party.  Some  action  by  the  legislature  then  be- 
came imperative.  Bills  touching  the  subject  were 
promptly  taken  up  by  Congress  when  it  met  in 
December,  but  the  discussions  were  so  violent  that 

1  Binney,  The  Privilege  of  the  Writ  of  Habeas  Corpus  (2d  ed., 
Philadelphia,  1862),  p.  55;  Whiting,  War  Powers  under  the  Consti- 
tution, p.  176. 


no  result  was  reached  till  just  at  the  close  of  the 

The  interpretation  of  the  clause  of  the  consti- 
tution relating  to  the  suspension  of  the  writ  of 
habeas  corpus,  was  not,  however,  definitely  decided 
even  then.  It  was  admitted  on  all  sides  that  the 
general  impression,  from  the  foundation  of  the  gov- 
ernment, had  been  that  the  power  of  suspension 
was  in  Congress.  The  insertion  of  the  clause  in 
the  article  relating  to  Congress  indicates  that  such 
was  the  idea  of  the  committee  on  style  and  re- 
vision in  the  convention.  As  first  presented  to 
the  convention  and  referred  to  the  committee  of 
detail,  the  clause  contained  the  words  "  by  the 
legislature."  1  Tucker's  Blackstone  and  Story's 
Commentaries  assume  without  discussion  that  Con- 
gress alone  can  suspend  the  writ.  The  Supreme 
Court  indicated  such  an  opinion  in  Bollman  and 
Swartwout.2  And  especially  significant  of  the 
early  idea  is  the  fact  that  when,  in  1807,  a  bill 
was  proposed  suspending  the  writ  in  connection 
with  Burr's  conspiracy,  a  long  and  violent  debate 
in  the  House  disclosed  not  the  slightest  intimation 
that  any  one  suspected  that  the  power  was  in  the 
President.^  The  action  of  Mr.  Lincoln's  adminis- 
tration, however,  had  been  justified  by  opinions 
from  eminent  lawyers,  and  officially  by  that  of 
the  attorney-general.    The  grounds  on  which  these 

1  Elliot's  Debates,  V.  445.  -  4  Cranch,  75. 

«  Annals  of  Congress,  2d  sess.,  9th  Cong.,  p.  402  et  seq. 


views  were  based  were  generally  technical  rather 
than  historical,  and  arguments  were  deduced  from 
the  circumstances  and  necessities  of  the  present 
rather  than  from  respect  for  the  past. 

Congress  devoted  itself  to  a  course  of  proced- 
ure based  upon  a  recognition  of  matters  as  they 
stood.  The  act  of  March  3,  1863,^  first  author- 
ized the  President,  during  the  rebellion,  to  sus- 
pend the  privilege  of  the  great  writ  "in  any 
case  throughout  the  United  States,  or  any  part 
thereof."  It  then  provided  for  the  discharge  of 
such  persons  as  were  in  duress,  upon  failure  of 
the  grand  jury  to  indict  them,  and  for  the  judi- 
cial examination  within  twenty  days  of  all  persons 
hereafter  arrested  under  orders  of  the  adminis- 
tration. To  check  the  torrent  of  prosecutions 
for  malicious  imprisonment  that  was  threatening 
United  States  officers  everywhere,  it  was  enacted 
that  the  order  of  the  President  should  be  a  suffi- 
cient defence  in  any  such  action.  In  other  words, 
Congress  declined  to  say  whether  or  not  the  ad- 
ministration had  acted  illegally,  but  went  so  far 
as  to  protect  it  from  any  consequences  if  it  had  so 
acted.  Provision  was  also  made  for  the  removal 
pf  all  suits  arising  out  of  acts  done  under  execu- 
tive authority,  from  the  state  to  the  federal  courts. 

So  far  as  concerned  the  past  course  of  the  ad- 
ministration, Congress  undoubtedly  took  the  wisest 
steps   possible  under  the  circumstances.     Indem- 

1  Public  Acts,  3d  sess.,  37th  Cong.,  ch.  Ixxxi. 


nifying  the  executive  officers  against  suits  for 
damages  was  a  concession  to  the  view  that  the 
President  was  correct  in  assuming  the  right  to 
arrest  and  hold  suspected  persons ;  while  the 
authorization  to  suspend  the  writ  indicated  that 
the  power  to  suspend  was  in  Congress.  The  only- 
constitutional  principle  that  can  be  deduced  from 
the  act  as  a  whole  is  that  the  President  may  in 
an  emergency  exercise  the  right  to  arrest  and  de- 
tain individuals  until  Congress  acts. 

In  pursuance  of  the  authority  of  this  act,  Mr. 
Lincoln  proclaimed  a  general  suspension  of  the 
privilege  of  the  writ  of  habeas  corpus  on  Septem- 
ber 15,  1863.  The  effect  of  the  suspension  was 
limited  to  persons  held  as  "prisoners  of  war, 
spies,  or  aiders  or  abettors  of  the  enemy,"  and 
such  as  were  amenable  to  the  Articles  of  War. 
How  elastic  these  limits  were  may  be  judged  by 
the  interpretation  put  upon  ''aiders  and  abettors." 

He  is  a  public  enemy  who  seeks  falsely  to  exalt  the  mo- 
tives, character  and  capacity  of  armed  traitors,  to  magnify 
their  resources,  etc.  He  who  overrates  the  success  ...  of 
our  adversaries,  or  underrates  our  own,  and  he  who  seeks 
false  causes  of  complaint  against  the  officers  of  our  govern- 
ment, or  inflames  party  spirit  among  ourselves,  gives  to  the 
enemy  that  moral  support  which  is  more  valuable  to  them 
than  regiments  of  soldiers,  or  millions  of  dollars.^ 

With  such  perfect  facilities  afforded  by  law,  it 
is  scarcely  to  be  wondered  at  that  in  many  cases 

1  Whiting,  War  Powers,  p.  197. 



the  practical  construction  of  the  proclamation  was 
the  arrest  of  anybody  who  expressed  dissatisfac- 
tion with  the  administration.  The  boundary  line 
between  political  opposition  to  the  President  and 
treason  became  extremely  hazy  in  the  eyes  of  the 
President's  agents. 

In  addition  to  the  free  exercise  of  the  right 
arbitrarily  to  arrest  and  hold  citizens  by  military 
authority,  the  practice  grew  up,  early  in  the  war, 
of  bringing  arrested  persons  before  military  com- 
missions and  passing  sentence  upon  them  after 
summary  proceedings  of  a  qiiasi-]\!i^\z\2X  char- 
acter. By  the  President's  proclamation  of  Sep- 
tember 24,  1862,  all  rebels  and  insurgents,  and 
their  aiders  and  abettors,  and  all  disloyal  per- 
sons generally,  were  declared  subject  to  trial  by 
court-martial  or  military  commission.  The  latter 
organization  had  no  legal  existence  in  the  United 
States  when  the  President  thus  conferred  juris- 
diction upon  it.  Its  actual  power,  however,  be- 
came unmistakably  manifest.  It  is  to  be  noticed 
that  with  the  recognition  of  the  military  commis- 
sion a  complete  judicial  system  existed  outside  of 
the  ordinary  civil  and  criminal  courts.  The  whole 
process  of  arresting,  trying,  convicting  and  execut- 
ing a  man  could  be  carried  through  without  any 
recourse  to  the  constitutional  judiciary,  and  with 
no  security  whatever  against  the  arbitrary  will  of 
the  military  commander.  Such  a  state  of  things 
was  held  to   be  the  necessary  consequence  of   a 


rebellion  which  called  for  the  exercise  of  the  war 

The  Habeas  Corpus  Act  of  1863  provided  for  the 
trial  of  all  political  prisoners  by  the  civil  authority, 
and  thus  seemed  to  cut  off  from  the  military  courts 
the  jurisdiction  over  civilians.  But  in  spite  of  this 
the  application  of  martial  law  continued  in  all  the 
Northern  states.  Efforts  to  secure  a  judgment  of 
the  civil  judiciary  upon  the  validity  of  the  extraor- 
dinary tribunals  all  proved  ineffectual  till  after  the 
war  had  ended.  Then,  in  1866,  in  the  case  of  Ex 
parte  Milligan,^  the  Supreme  Court  determined 
their  relation  to  the  constitution. 

According  to  United  States  army  orders,  the 
military  commissions  were  to  administer  the  "com- 
mon law  of  war,"  or,  in  other  words,  to  execute 
martial,  as  distinct  from  military,  law.^  In  assum- 
ing the  right  to  try  citizens  of  loyal  states  by  purely 
military  procedure,  Mr.  Lincoln  asserted  the  exist- 
ence of  martial  law,  in  its  most  unlimited  sense, 
throughout  the  whole  United  States.  Martial  law 
is  well  understood  to  be  practically  no  law  — 
merely  the  unregulated  will  of  a  military  com- 
mander, sanctioned  by  physical  force. ^  Under  its 
sway  the  whole  machinery  of  civil  justice  dis- 
appears.    The  exigencies  of  active  warfare  bring 

1  4  Wall.  2. 

2  Ex  parte  Vallandigham,  i  Wall.  249;  Ex  parte  Milligan, 
4  Wall.  142. 

^  See  Garfield's  argument,  4  Wall.  47. 


the  theatre  of  actual  army  operations  into  this 
condition  by  the  very  nature  of  the  case.  But 
the  question  raised  by  the  President's  action  was 
whether  there  could  be  a  constructive  exigency  of 
this  sort  —  whether  martial  law  could  supersede 
civil  law,  not  by  the  actual  presence  of  contending 
forces  and  the  actual  destruction  of  the  civil  ad- 
ministration, but  by  the  opinion  of  either  the  Presi- 
dent or  Congress  that  the  necessity  existed  which 
would  justify  the  supersession.  It  cannot  be  de- 
nied that  the  war  was  carried  through  on  the  latter 
theory.  The  records  of  the  War  Department  con- 
tain the  reports  of  hundreds  of  trials  by  military 
commissions,  with  punishments  varying  from  light 
fines  to  banishment  and  death. ^  Congress,  more- 
over, asserted  its  control  over  the  subject  by  indem- 
nifying officers  against  prosecutions  for  acts  done 
under  the  President's  orders  organizing  the  com- 
missions.2  It  further  gave  legal  sanction  to  the 
miUtary  tribunals  in  the  Reconstruction  Acts, 
though  here  there  was  a  doubt  as  to  whether  the 
status  of  the  region  was  that  of  peace  or  of  war.^ 
But  the  judgment  of  the  Supreme  Court  in  Mil- 
ligan's  case  was  a  clear  and  explicit  denial  of  any 
power  in  either  executive  or  legislative  department 
to  suspend  the  operation  of  the  laws  protecting 

1  Digest  of  Opinions  of  the  Judge  Advocate  General,  p.  334. 

2  Act  of  iMay  11,  1866. 

8  See  opinion  of  Attorney-General  Hoar  :    McPherson,  Recon- 
struction, p.  477. 



civil  liberty.  In  the  first  place  it  was  held  that 
the  suspension  of  the  privilege  of  the  writ  of  ha- 
beas corpus  did  not  establish  martial  law,  as  had 
been  claimed  by  the  executive.  That  act  merely 
shuts  off  for  the  time  civil  inquiry  into  the  reasons 
for  military  arrests.  As  to  the  main  question,  the 
government  claimed : 

When  war  exists,  foreign  or  domestic,  and  the  country  is 
subdivided  into  military  departments  for  mere  convenience, 
the  commander  of  one  of  them  can,  if  he  chooses,  within 
his  limits,  on  the  plea  of  necessity,  with  the  approval  of  the 
executive,  substitute  military  force  for  and  to  the  exclusion  of 
the  lawjs,  and  punish  all  persons  as  he  thinks  right  and  proper, 
without  fixed  or  certain  rules. 

The  necessities  of  the  service,  it  was  argued,  re- 
quired the  division  of  the  loyal  states  into  military 
districts  ;  this,  in  a  military  sense,  constituted  them 
the  theatre  of  military  operations  and  therefore 
brought  them  under  the  authority  of  the  com- 
mander. This  conclusion  the  court  flatly  rejected, 
and  sought  some  palpable  objective  fact  that  should 
alone  justify  the  existence  of  arbitrary  rule.  This 
was  found  in  the  condition  of  the  courts  of  justice. 

Martial  law  cannot  arise  from  a  threatened  invasion.  The 
necessity  must  be  actual  and  present ;  the  invasion  real,  such 
as  effectually  closes  the  courts  and  deposes  the  civil  adminis- 
tration. .  .  .  Martial  rule  can  never  exist  where  the  courts 
are  open,  and  in  the  proper  and  unobstructed  exercise  of  their 


The  safeguards  thrown  about  the  liberty  of  the  in- 
dividual by  the  constitution  could  be  disturbed  by 
neither  President,  nor  Congress,  nor  the  judiciary, 
except  so  far  as  concerned  the  writ  of  habeas 
corpus.  Physical  force  alone  could  override  the 
organic  law. 

The  opinion  of  the  court  was  dissented  from  by 
four  of  the  justices  on  a  single  point,  namely,  the 
denial  of  the  power  in  Congress  to  declare  martial 
law.  That  this  power  was  in  the  legislature, 
though  not  exercised  during  the  war,  was  deduced 
by  the  minority  from  the  authorization  to  make 
rules  for  the  army  and  navy,  in  connection  with  the 
exception  in  the  Fifth  Amendment,  of  "  cases  aris- 
ing in  the  land  and  naval  forces,  or  in  the  militia 
in  actual  service  in  time  of  war  or  public  danger."  ^ 

The  action  of  the  political  departments  is  in 
direct  contradiction  of  the  judiciary  on  this  vital 
question  of  the  war  power.  The  whole  subject  of 
extraordinary  authority  is  involved  in  the  deter- 
mination of  such  a  case  as  that  of  Milligan.  To 
maintain  that  the  framers  of  the  constitution  con- 
templated vesting  in  any  man  or  body  of  men  the 
discretionary  right  to  set  aside  any  of  its  pro- 
visions, seems  too  much  like  judging  the  past  in 
the  light  of  the  present.  To  believe  that  the  nation 
could  have  been  preserved  without  the  exercise  of 
such  a  discretionary  power,  involves  too  severe  a 
strain  upon  the  reasoning  faculties  of  the  careful 

i  4  Wall.  137. 


student  of  the  times.  Two  methods  may  be  sug- 
gested of  reaching  a  satisfactory  conclusion  on  the 
question :  either  to  consider  that  the  war  wrought 
a  great  modification  in  the  canons  of  interpretation 
applicable  to  the  organic  law ;  or  to  recognize  the 
fact  that  in  the  throes  of  the  rebellion  a  new  and 
adequate  constitution  developed  out  of  the  ruins 
of  the  old. 

V.    The   War  Power  and  the  Slaves 

All  the  circumstances  connected  with  the  origin 
of  the  war  conspired  to  render  the  attitude  of  the 
government  toward  slavery  the  most  delicate  prob- 
lem with  which  the  administration  had  to  deal. 
From  the  first  contact  of  the  Northern  armies  with 
Southern  soil,  questions  arose  that  increased  daily 
in  both  number  and  perplexity.  Many  slaves 
came  into  the  control  of  the  army,  either  through 
flight  or  by  capture,  and  the  generals  pursued 
various  policies  as  to  the  disposition  to  be  made 
of  the  blacks.  The  device  of  the  astute  Butler, 
to  seize  them  as  contraband  of  war  and  then  to 
set  them  free,  was  readily  adopted  in  many  quar- 
ters ;  but  for  months  the  condition  of  affairs  in  the 
border  states  caused  the  President  to  discounte- 
nance any  procedure  which  would  strengthen  the 
idea  that  the  war  was  becoming  an  anti-slavery 
crusade.  Generals  Fremont  and  Hunter  were  re- 
pressed with  considerable  abruptness  when  they 



undertook  to  apply  a  policy  of  emancipation  in 
their  respective  departments,  and  Mr.  Lincoln 
announced  that  he  reserved  to  himself,  as  com- 
mander-in-chief, the  exercise  of  whatever  power 
was  necessary  in  connection  with  this  subject. 

Meanwhile  the  abolition  sentiment  was  rapidly 
gaining  strength  in  the  North,  and  with  the  grow- 
ing sense  of  the  meaning  of  war  power  the  idea  of 
general  emancipation  by  military  authority  became 
increasingly  attractive.  President  Lincoln  long 
withstood  the  pressure  that  was  put  upon  him  to 
adopt  this  idea.  He  had  grave  doubts  both  as  to 
his  power  in  the  premises  and  as  to  the  wisdom 
of  the  policy.  Eventually  he  gave  way,  and  the 
Emancipation  Proclamation  was  the  result.  The 
significance  of  this  famous  paper  is  generally  mis- 
understood. As  indicating  the  definitive  adoption 
by  the  executive  of  a  radical  policy  on  a  vital  issue, 
the  proclamation  was  of  the  highest  importance ; 
but  it  did  not  strike  the  shackles  from  a  single  slave. 
The  proclamation  did  indeed  declare  the  slaves  in 
certain  districts  free :  but  as  these  districts  were 
carefully  defined  so  as  to  include  only  such  as  were 
under  control  of  the  Confederates,  there  could  be 
no  claim  that  the  slaves  therein  were  free  in  fact ; 
and  the  basis  of  the  proclamation  was  so  formu- 
lated as  entirely  to  preclude  the  contention  that 
they  were  free  in  law.  Mr.  Lincoln  gave  as  his 
authority  for  the  proclamation  "  the  power  in  me 
vested  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army  and  navy 


of  the  United  States,  in  time  of  actual  armed  rebel- 
lion against  the  authority  and  government  of  the 
United  States";  and  he  described  the  act  as  "a 
fit  and  necessary  war  measure  for  suppressing  said 
rebellion,"  and  as  "warranted  by  the  constitution 
upon  military  necessity."  These  expressions  give 
to  the  paper  the  character  of  a  military  decree, 
pure  and  simple.  The  calling  up  or  setting  free 
of  the  enemy's  slaves  was  both  in  theory  and  by 
precedent  an  incident  of  a  commander's  authority,^ 
though  it  had  always  been  looked  upon  as  a  des- 
perate expedient.  As  military  chief,  then,  Mr. 
Lincoln  was  within  his  rights  in  declaring  the 
slaves  free  and  in  ordering  his  subordinates  to 
enforce  his  decree.  So  far  as  the  blacks  came 
within  the  control  of  the  army,  their  status  was 
changed  to  that  of  freedom.  As  to  those  beyond 
the  lines  of  the  army,  no  change  was  effected  ;  for 
it  is  the  function  of  the  military  arm  to  effect 
changes  primarily  in  fact  and  only  indirectly  in 
law.  Had  hostilities  terminated  before  the  whole 
South  was  occupied  by  the  armies  of  the  United 
States,  there  would  have  been  no  legal  basis  for 
a  claim  to  freedom  on  the  part  of  the  slaves  in  the 
unoccupied  regions.  Even  in  the  technically  occu- 
pied regions  there  would  have  been  some  ground, 
in  very  many  cases,  for  contesting  the  claim  of 
the  blacks  to  freedom  after  the  re-establishment  of 
normal  conditions.     Only  by  the  adoption  of  the 

1  Cf.  Whiting,  War  Powers,  p.  69  et  seq. 



Thirteenth  Amendment  was  the  legal  status  of 
the  freedmen  put  upon  a  clear  and  indisputable 

The  efficacy  that  was  widely  attributed  to  the 
Emancipation  Proclamation  as  definitely  freeing 
all  the  slaves  in  the  Confederacy  was  a  deduction 
from  the  prevalent  doctrine  which  permitted  of 
no  distinction  between  the  civil  and  the  military 
powers  of  the  President.  On  a  correct  under- 
standing of  his  war  power,  it  can  attach  only  to 
his  office  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army,  and 
can  have  no  effect  on  the  performance  of  his  civil 
duties.  As  chief  civil  executive,  his  actions  relate 
to  the  laws  ;  as  chief  officer  of  the  army  and  navy, 
he  is  concerned  with  situations  where  there  is  no 
law.  But  in  1862  it  was  urgently  insisted  that  a 
state  of  hostilities  effected  the  immediate  absorp- 
tion of  civil  executive  in  the  commander-in-chief. 
Hence  to  deny  the  instant  validity  of  the  Eman- 
cipation Proclamation  throughout  the  Southern 
states,  was  considered  equivalent  to  recognizing 
the  independence  of  those  states.  But  the  deduc- 
tion was  quite  fallacious.  As  civil  executive  Mr. 
Lincoln  was  still  President  of  the  whole  United 
States,  South  as  well  as  North ;  but  as  civil  ex- 
ecutive he  could  never  have  issued  the  proclama- 
tion. Only  as  commander  of  the  army  did  he 
issue  it;  and  the  fact  that  his  civil  functions 
embraced  the  whole  territory  of  the  Union  could 
in  no  way  extend  his  military  authority  to  regions 

*       UNITED  STATES  IN  CIVIL    WAR  53 

where  he  had  no  army  to  command.  The  confused 
thinking  of  the  time  on  this  point  probably  ac- 
counts for  the  curious  fact  that  the  proclamation 
was  countersigned,  not  by  the  secretary  of  war, 
but  by  the  secretary  of  state.  There  seems  to 
have  been  some  idea  that  this  military  decree 
would  be  endowed  with  extraordinary  efficiency 
by  the  endorsement  of  the  civil  branch  of  the 

While  the  President  had  been  working  con- 
servatively toward  the  policy  which  he  finally  pro- 
claimed. Congress  had  been  pushing  with  rather 
more  vigorous  strides  toward  the  goal.  The  grow- 
ing sentiment  that  the  situation  demanded  the  final 
removal  of  the  slavery  question  from  politics  found 
expression  first  in  assaults  on  the  institution  on  the 
lines  of  constitutional  interpretation  that  had  been 
marked  out  by  the  Free-soil  and  Republican  parties. 
First  in  the  District  of  Columbia  and  then  in  the 
territories  the  powers  that  had  long  been  held  in 
abeyance  by  threats  of  secession  were  in  1862 
finally  asserted.^  Much  time  and  ingenuity  were 
expended  on  the  project  of  compensated  eman- 
cipation in  the  border  states,  to  which  the  Presi- 
dent was  so  earnestly  committed,^  but  the  radical 
sentiment,  stimulated  by  military  reverses,  was 
heedless   of   such    moderate   methods   and   urged 

1  For  summary  of  war  legislation  on  slavery,  see  Whiting,  War 
Powers,  p.  393  et  seq. 

2  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  213  et  seq. 


unceasingly  the  application  of  the  war  powers  of 
Congress  to  the  desired  end,  both  in  seceded  and 
in  loyal  states. 

We  have  already  seen  how  adaptable  the  prin- 
ciples of  the  Confiscation  Acts  were  to  the  pur- 
poses of  emancipation  in  the  rebel  districts.  Mr. 
Lincoln  was  careful  to  point  out  in  his  message  of 
July  17,  1862/  that  the  method  of  setting  free 
slaves  here  employed  did  not  involve  the  assump- 
tion by  Congress  of  the  power  to  regulate  the 
status  of  slaves  within  a  state.  The  slaves,  he 
showed,  were  forfeited  to,  and  became  the  property 
of,  the  national  government  in  consequence  of  their 
masters'  crimes,  and  the  government  elected  to  set 
them  free  rather  than  to  hold  or  sell  them.  An- 
other means  employed  by  Congress  to  make  in- 
roads on  slavery  was  the  peremptory  prohibition  of 
the  return  of  fugitive  slaves  by  the  military  author- 
ities. By  various  prescriptions  in  the  Confiscation 
Acts  and  in  the  Articles  of  War  the  return  of 
fugitives  to  masters  in  the  rebel  states  was  ren- 
dered practically  impossible. 

Still  another  device  for  effecting  emancipation 
was  developed  in  the  employment  of  negroes  in 
the  army.  There  was  here,  however,  no  new  prin- 
ciple but  merely  a  change  of  application.  It  was 
first  enacted  that  any  slave  of  a  rebel  should,  upon 
entering  the  military  service  of  the  government, 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  197. 


become  free.^  But  such  a  one  would,  under  the 
Confiscation  Act,  be  assured  of  his  freedom  by  the 
mere  fact  of  coming  into  the  military  lines ;  so  in 
this  particular  the  law  involved  no  innovation.  A 
very  distinct  advance  was  made,  however,  in  the 
further  provision  that,  if  owned  by  rebels,  the 
mother,  wife  and  children  of  such  slave  should 
also  be  free.  This  was  a  direct  and  unqualified 
assertion  of  the  power  to  terminate  the  legal  rela- 
tion of  master  and  slave,  regardless  of  de  facto 
conditions,  by  act  of  Congress.  The  provision 
was  justified  by  the  growing  doctrine  of  military 
necessity,  which  was  held  to  warrant  Congres- 
sional as  well  as  Presidential  action.  It  was  a 
"necessary  and  proper"  means  for  carrying  into 
effect  the  undisputed  power  to  raise  and  sup- 
port armies.  As  encouraging  enlistments,  it  fell 
clearly  within  the  war  powers  of  the  legislature. 
This  line  of  reasoning  was  developed  with  ever- 
widening  scope  as  the  war  progressed  and  the  dif- 
ficulty of  procuring  troops  increased.  In  the  En- 
rolment Act  of  1864,  which  prescribed  the  drafting 
of  negroes,^  the  principle  was  fully  applied  to  the 
states  not  in  secession.  Slaves,  when  drafted  into 
the  service,  received  their  freedom,  but  loyal  owners 
were  entitled  to  compensation.  Later  the  wives 
and  children  of  all  persons  in  the  army  and  navy 

1  Act  of  July  17,  1862;   McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  274. 

2  13  Statutes  at  Large,  11. 

56  THE    CONSriTUriON  OF  THE 

were  declared  free.^  With  this  the  efforts  to  main- 
tain a  connection  with  the  constitution  became  far- 
cical ;  for  the  act  was  retrospective,  and  the  acutest 
intellect  must  fail  to  discern  how  future  enlist- 
ments would  be  encouraged  by  freeing  the  rela- 
tives of  persons  who  were  already  in  the  army 
through  conscription.  In  reality,  however,  little 
attention  was  paid  to  this  latest  act.  Slavery  was 
obviously  on  its  last  legs,  and  the  Thirteenth 
Amendment  had  already  been  submitted  to  the 

VI.  Principles  and  Tende?icies  in  the  Exercise  of 
the  War  Power 

Leaving  out  of  account  the  dogma  of  state  sov- 
ereignty, it  had  been  a  matter  of  faith  with  most 
of  the  people  of  the  United  States  that  the  federal 
constitution  embodied  a  peculiarly  effective  solu- 
tion of  the  problem  of  liberty  versus  authority. 
Many  rights  of  the  citizen  were  guaranteed  by 
direct  and  unequivocal  prohibitions  upon  the  gov- 
ernment. But  in  addition  to  these  the  eternal 
tendency  of  government  to  encroach  upon  the 
individual  was  held  to  be  counteracted  by  three 
principles:  first,  that  no  department  of  the  gov- 
ernment should  exercise  any  power  not  delegated 
to  it  in  the  constitution  ;  second,  that  through  the 
clear  separation  of  the  three  departments —  execu- 

1  Joint  resolution  of  March  3,  1865;    '3  Stats,  at  Large,  p.  571. 


tive,  legislative  and  judicial  —  each  should  act  as 
a  restraint  upon  the  others  ;  and  third,  that  the 
two  most  aggressive  departments,  executive  and 
legislative,  should  be  subject  to  frequent  judgment 
by  the  people  in  the  elections. 
,  From  the  beginning  of  the  government's  career 
the  efficiency  of  the  first  of  these  principles  —  that 
of  delegated  powers  —  had  been  weakened  by  the 
development  of  liberal  construction  under  the  doc- 
trine of  implied  powers.  But  a  limit  to  the  impli- 
cation of  powers  had  always  been  recognized  in  the 
positive  prohibitions  of  the  constitution.  That  is, 
in  selecting  a  "necessary  and  proper"  means  for 
carrying  out  an  expressly  delegated  power,  none 
could  be  chosen  which  was  directly  prohibited  by 
the  constitution.  Upon  resort  to  the  war  power, 
however,  as  v/e  have  seen,  the  prohibitions  of  the 
constitution  had  to  be  entirely  disregarded.  And 
the  very  first  to  go  by  the  board  were  those  that 
concerned  the  immediate  rights  of  life  and  liberty. 
With  the  barriers  down  which  had  been  so  care- 
fully constructed  for  the  protection  of  these  rights, 
the  invasion  of  other  regions,  protected  not  by 
express  prohibition  but  only  by  absence  of  delega- 
tion, could  not  meet  with  much  resistance.  When 
arrest  without  warrant,  detention  without  hearing 
and  conviction  without  jury  were  daily  incidents, 
though  distinctly  forbidden,  it  could  only  seem 
ridiculous  to  haggle  over  the  right  to  make  treas- 
ury notes  legal  tender,  merely  because  nothing  was 


said  about  it  in  the  organic  law.  The  whole  spirit 
of  war-time  legislation  compels  recognition  of  the 
fact  that  the  principle  of  delegated  powers  ceased 
to  have  great  importance  as  a  restraint  upon 

Nor,  when  the  war  power  was  fully  developed, 
was  any  great  influence  exerted  by  the  principle  of 
the  separation  and  co-ordination  of  departments. 
The  judiciary  simply  became  an  "unconsidered 
trifle  "  as  a  restraint  upon  the  legislature  and  the 
executive.  As  to  the  relations  of  the  latter  two, 
a  curious  and  interesting  situation  was  dev^eloped. 
On  the  plea  of  "necessity"  each  disregarded  both 
the  doctrine  of  delegated  powers  and  the  explicit 
prohibitions  of  the  constitution.  So  far  as  the 
President  was  concerned,  the  "  necessity  "  under 
which  he  acted  was  that  of  the  military  com- 
mander—  the  subjective  motive  on  which  an  offi- 
cer acts  in  adopting  measures  for  the  safety  of  an 
organized  force,  or  for  the  success  of  its  operations 
in  the  field  when  civil  law  is  overthrown.  The 
only  "  necessity  "  which  could  rationally  be  made 
the  basis  of  legislative  action  was  that  deducible 
from  the  "necessary  and  proper"  clause  of  the 
constitution.  Between  this  and  military  neces- 
sity there  is  no  connection,  save  in  the  identity 
of  words.  But  in  the  thinking  of  the  war-time, 
the  two  ideas  were  completely  confused,  and  the 
commander's  privilege  of  doing  whatever  he  re- 
garded as  likely  to  weaken  the  enemy  was  freely 


employed  as  a  warrant  for  Congressional  action. 
Both  legislature  and  executive  were  on  this  theory 
"above  law."  Hence  while  Congress  was  endowed 
with  authority  to  legislate  entirely  at  its  discretion, 
the  President  was  privileged  at  his  discretion  to 
disregard  all  this  legislation.  Where  such  a  con- 
clusion was  possible,  the  principle  of  departmental 
check  and  balance  was  obviously  of  little  signifi- 
cance. Good  statesmanship  in  both  executive 
and  legislature  preserved  the  harmony  of  the 
two  branches  till  the  strain  of  armed  hostilities 
was  relaxed,  but  no  longer.  In  the  work  of  de- 
struction the  President  was  the  real  government, 
and  Congress  kept  in  the  background  ;  in  the  work 
of  reconstruction  Congress  asserted  once  more  its 
controlling  power,  and  violently  put  the  President 
into  the  background. 

In  the  practice  of  the  war-time  the  only  prin- 
ciple working  efficiently  in  limitation  of  the  gov- 
ernment was  that  of  frequent  elections.  Public 
opinion,  in  short,  and  not  the  elaborate  devices 
of  the  constitution,  played  the  decisive  role  in 
the  United  States  just  as  it  had  played  it  in 
earlier  centuries  and  presumably  less  favored 
lands.  American  chauvinists  had  boasted  long 
and  loudly  of  the  superior  stability  of  the  written 
constitution  ;  a  great  national  crisis  quickly  re- 
vealed that  it  was  no  more  secure  against  the  forces 
of  popular  passion  than  the  less  artificial  structures 
with  which  it  had  been  so  favorably  compared. 


Side  by  side  with  the  assumption  by  the  national 
government  of  unlimited  control  over  the  rights  of 
the  people,  the  process  of  gathering  in  powers  that 
had  hitherto  been  left  to  the  states  went  steadily 
on  during  the  war.  The  association  of  the  doc- 
trine of  state  rights  with  that  of  secession  was  too 
close  to  permit  of  much  resistance  to  this  process. 
Centralization  was  the  order  of  the  day.  Con- 
spicuous among  the  illustrations  of  this  fact  appear 
the  substitution  of  a  national  for  a  state  system  of 
banking  and  currency ;  the  creation  of  a  national 
militia  system  to  occupy  the  field  once  held  by  the 
state  systems  ;  and  the  sweeping  jurisdiction  con- 
ferred by  the  Habeas  Corpus  Act  upon  the  national 
judiciary  at  the  expense  of  the  state  courts.  The 
legislation  by  which  these  results  were  achieved 
was  opposed  on  constitutional  grounds  which  in 
earlier  times  would  have  been  universally  recog- 
nized as  unassailable.  But  under  existing  circum- 
stances, the  territorial  unity  of  the  nation  was  held 
to  outweigh  all  other  considerations,  and  nothing 
could  stand  that  either  positively  obstructed  or 
even  failed  most  effectively  to  promote  this  end. 

It  has  sometimes  been  said  that  January  i,  1863, 
marks  the  most  distinct  epoch  in  the  history  of  the 
war.  The  Emancipation  Proclamation  is  assumed 
as  the  dividing  line  between  the  old  system  and 
the  new.  This  view  is  more  appropriate  to  the 
state  of  affairs  in  the  South  than  to  that  in  the 


North.  It  is  unquestionably  true  that  Mr.  Lincoln's 
decree  furnished  the  Southern  leaders  with  a  most 
effective  instrument  for  the  consolidation  of  senti- 
ment in  the  Confederacy.  From  that  time  the 
struggle  on  the  part  of  the  South  was  a  desperate 
battle  for  existence.  But  in  the  North,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  triumph  of  the  radicals  in  secur- 
ing the  adoption  of  their  policy  by  the  President 
awakened  feelings  of  apprehension  among  the 
other  political  factions.  Mr.  Lincoln  admits,  in 
his  message  to  Congress  in  December,  that  the 
issue  of  the  proclamation  "was  followed  by  dark 
and  doubtful  days."  Nor  was  the  gloom  con- 
fined to  the  political  arena.  The  bloody  reverse 
at  Fredericksburg,  the  narrow  escape  from  dis- 
aster at  Murfreesboro,  and  later  the  disheartening 
defeat  at  Chancellorsville,  involved  the  military 
situation  in  hopeless  uncertainty.  Meanwhile,  the 
discussion  of  the  habeas  corpus  bill  and  the  con- 
scription act  in  Congress  and  in  the  country  at 
large  aroused  the  bitterness  which  culminated  in 
the  draft  riots.-  In  all  respects  the  first  half  of 
the  year  1863  was  the  period  of  lowest  ebb  of  the 
national  fortunes.  The  turn  of  the  tide  came  with 
the  nation's  birthday.  In  the  field,  Gettysburg 
and  Vicksburg  marked  the  change.  The  stern 
enforcement  of  the  conscription  act  was  success- 
ful finally  in  putting  the  government  on  a  firm 
footing  with  respect  to  men,  while  the  enormous 
loan  of  ^900, OCX), 000,  authorized  by  the  last  Con- 


gress,    satisfactorily   settled    the    matter   of    sup- 

By  the  summer  of  1863,  the  question  of  war 
powers  in  the  general  government  for  the  suppres- 
sion of  insurrection  had  been  definitely  settled. 
The  military  result  of  the  war  became  only  a  ques- 
tion of  time,  and  the  legal  and  political  results 
gradually  began  to  assume  the  greatest  importance. 
Most  obvious  of  these  was  the  final  disappearance 
of  the  assumed  right  of  state  secession,  and  with 
it  the  whole  doctrine  of  state  sovereignty  in  all  its 
ramifications.  For,  while  it  is  often  said  that  a 
right  cannot  be  destroyed  by  force,  the  maxim 
refers  rather  to  the  abstract  moral  conviction  than 
to  the  concrete  legal  privilege.  The  effort  to  ex- 
ercise the  alleged  right  had  failed ;  and  whether 
the  means  employed  to  prevent  the  exercise  were 
revolutionary  or  not,  the  constitutional  law  of  the 
country  can  take  cognizance  only  of  the  results. 
But  if  the  right  of  a  state  as  an  organized  commu- 
nity to  sever  its  political  relations  with  other  com- 
munities does  not  exist,  there  can  be  no  claim  of 
sovereignty  for  the  state.  For  if  political  sover- 
eignty means  anything,  it  includes  the  attribute 
of  self-determination  as  to  its  status  in  respect  to 
other  sovereignties.  Limitation  in  this  attribute 
is  fatal  to  the  conception  of  sovereignty,  and  ac- 
cordingly, the  failure  of  secession  removed  one 
pregnant  source  of  confusion  at  the  very  basis  of 
our  system. 


The  doctrine  of  state  sovereignty  perished  in 
the  destruction  of  the  Confederate  armies.  With 
that  dogma  our  constitutional  law  ceased  to  have 
any  concern.  Its  principle  was  antecedent  to 
and  above  the  constitution.  State  rights,  on  the 
other  hand,  were,  under  the  theory  of  national 
sovereignty,  determined  by  the  constitution  itself. 
Before  the  war  the  scope  of  the  powers  assigned 
to  the  states  had  been  influenced  much  by  the 
state-sovereignty  theory.  The  pressure  of  the 
government's  peril  during  the  rebellion,  however, 
had  caused  a  natural  reaction,  and  many  of  the 
most  widely  recognized  attributes  of  state  author- 
ity had  been  assumed  by  the  general  government. 
With  the  assured  success  of  Northern  arms,  a 
distinct  definition  of  the  rights  of  a  state  under 
the  new  situation  became  a  matter  of  the  first 
importance.  The  working  out  of  such  a  defini- 
tion was  from  the  legal  standpoint  the  main  prob- 
lem of  reconstruction. 

Inextricably  involved  in  this  leading  legal  ques- 


tion,  was  an  even  more  troublesome  practical 
difficulty.  What  was,  and  what  should  be,  the 
civil  and  political  status  of  the  Southern  blacks  ? 

I.    Status  of  the  Rebel  States  and  of  the  Negroes 
at  the  Close  of  Hostilities 

The  definition  of  state  rights  first  presented 
itself  as  a  vital  political  issue  when  the  national 
authority  began  to  be  firmly  re-established  in 
the  rebeUious  communities.  In  the  course  of 
the  year  1863  the  military  situation  in  Tennessee 
and  Arkansas  seemed  to  justify  the  President  in 
taking  the  preliminary  steps  towards  the  rehabili- 
tation of  those  states  with  civil  authority.  His 
message  of  the  8th  of  December  may  be  taken 
as  the  beginning  of  the  process  which  only  termi- 
nated with  the  withdrawal  of  the  troops  from  the 
capitals  of  Louisiana  and  South  Carolina  by  Presi- 
dent Hayes  in  1877.  Between  the  close  of  1863 
and  the  end  of  hostilities  no  important  progress 
was  made  towards  a  solution  of  either  of  the  great 
problems  which  were  now  plainly  confronting  the 
nation.  All  phases  of  the  matters  were  freely 
discussed,  but  the  President  and  the  legislature 
were  unable  to  agree  upon  either  the  fundamental 
principles  of  a  theory  or  the  details  of  a  practical 
measure.  The  immediate  end  sought  at  this 
time  was  the  restoration  to  political  rights  of  the 
people  of  the  regions  fully  in  the  possession  of  the 


national  forces.  To  effect  this  purpose  a  clear 
conception  of  the  exact  status  of  the  districts  in 
question  was  requisite.  As  to  this  status  there 
were  wide  differences  of  opinion.  Without  con- 
sidering at  this  point  the  various  theories  pro- 
posed, it  will  be  well  to  sketch  the  public  acts 
of  the  three  departments  which  had  had  a 
bearing  on  the  question  at  issue.  Succinctly- 
put,  the  question  was  this:  Had  the  rebellious 
communities  any  rights  as  states  under  the  con- 
stitution } 

A  review  of  the  acts  indicative  of  the  view 
of  the  executive  department  of  the  government 
upon  this  point  presents  the  following  result: 
In  his  inaugural,  President  Lincoln  stated  his 
conviction  that  the  Union  could  not  be  broken  by 
any  pretended  ordinance  of  secession.  This  view 
was  reaffirmed  in  his  first  message ;  and  his  non- 
intercourse  proclamation  of  August  16,  1861,  de- 
clared not  the  states,  but  the  inhabitants  of  the 
states  mentioned,  to  be  in  insurrection  against  the 
United  States.  In  all  the  executive  ordinances 
the  illegal  proceedings  were  assumed  to  be  the 
acts  of  assemblages  of  individuals,  and  not  the 
acts  of  the  corporate  states.  A  most  important 
deduction  from  this  theory  was  that  the  loyal  ele- 
ment of  the  Southern  people  would  be  exempt 
from  the  penalties  of  the  insurrectionary  trans- 
actions. It  was  this  element,  indeed,  which  Lin- 
coln  adopted   as   the   basis   of    the   measures   of 


restoration  which  he  proposed  in  1863.  On  the  day 
Congress  met,  December  8,  he  issued  a  proclama- 
tion, the  preamble  of  which  recited  the  subversion 
of  the  state  governments  by  persons  in  rebellion 
and  hence  guilty  of  treason,  and  the  desire  of 
certain  of  these  persons  to  reinaugurate  loyal 
governments  ''within  their  respective  states." 
An  oath  was  prescribed,  the  taking  of  which  was 
to  be  a  satisfactory  proof  of  loyalty,  and  the  Presi- 
dent pledged  himself  to  recognize  any  state  gov- 
ernment formed  under  certain  conditions  by  a 
number  of  loyal  persons  equal  to  one-tenth  of 
the  voting  population  in  i860.  Mr.  Lincoln  was 
thus  true  to  the  position  assumed  at  the  outbreak 
of  the  war.  Nor  did  he  recede  from  this  posi- 
tion up  to  the  time  of  his  death.  The  executive 
department,  in  short,  was  fully  committed  to 
the  doctrine  that  the  corporate  existence  of  the 
seceding  states  was  not  interrupted  by  the 

If  we  review  the  course  of  the  legislature  in 
its  bearing  on  this  question,  we  find  up  to  a  cer- 
tain point  a  similar  result.  The  act  which  pro- 
vided for  the  definite  recognition  of  the  existence 
of  a  state  of  war,  that  of  July  13,  1861,  empowered 
the  President  to  declare  intercourse  suspended 
with  the  inhabitants  of  certain  enumerated  dis- 
tricts, and  gave  no  intimation  that  the  states,  as 

1  See  Lincoln's  speech  just  before  his  death;  McPherson,  Rebel- 
lion, p.  609. 


such,  were  concerned.  In  imposing  the  direct 
tax  of  twenty  millions  in  1861,  the  seceding  states 
were  assigned  their  proportionate  shares/  and  by 
a  later  law^  the  amounts  thus  assigned  were  made 
a  charge  upon  the  land  in  the  respective  states. 
Further,  the  creation  of  West  Virginia  was  valid 
only  on  condition  that  the  consent  of  Virginia 
was  obtained ;  and  we  find,  in  the  law  erecting 
the  new  state,  that  the  legislature  of  Virginia  did 
give  its  consent.^  Many  other  instances  might 
be  adduced  to  illustrate  the  attitude  of  Congress 
toward  the  question  of  state  existence  in  the  early 
days  of  the  war.  It  certainly  was  one  with  the 
President  in  according  to  the  state  a  being  in- 
capable of  destruction  by  any  unconstitutional 
organizations  of  its  inhabitants. 

But  there  came  a  time  when  symptoms  were 
manifested  of  a  change  of  heart  in  the  majority 
in  Congress.  With  the  brightening  prospects  of 
the  military  situation,  the  anxiety  to  secure  firmly 
the  settlement  of  the  slavery  question  led  to  a 
closer  examination  of  the  consequences  that  might 
flow  from  too  strict  an  adherence  to  a  theory 
better  adapted  perhaps  to  a  time  of  doubt  than 
to  a  time  of  certain  success.     The  subject  of  state 

1  12  Statutes  at  Large,  295. 

2  Ibid.,  422. 

3  Ibid.,  633.  This  consent  was  given  by  a  revolutionary  organi- 
zation formed  by  the  Unionists  after  the  triumph  of  their  adversaries 
in  the  adoption  of  the  ordinance  of  secession. 


status  became  very  prominent  through  the  steps 
toward  restoration  announced  by  the  President  in 
his  message  in  December  of  1863  and  the  accom- 
panying amnesty  proclamation.  So  pronounced 
a  movement  towards  the  realization  of  the  old 
state-rights  doctrine  aroused  all  the  radical  ele- 
ments. It  was  feared  that  Mr.  Lincoln  would  be 
lax  in  exacting  satisfactory  conditions  from  the 
reorganized  communities.  Accordingly,  under  the 
leadership  of  Senator  Wade  and  Representative 
Henry  Winter  Davis,  a  bill  was  brought  in,  and 
after  long  discussion  passed,  prescribing  condi- 
tions of  restoration  that  were  much  more  stringent 
than  those  contained  in  the  President's  plan,  and 
making  Congress  instead  of  the  executive  the  ulti- 
mate authority  on  the  question  of  recognition. 
But  so  far  as  the  matter  of  state  status  was  con- 
cerned, the  principle  of  the  Wade-Davis  bill  was 
not  different  from  that  adhered  to  by  the  President. 
The  rebellious  states  were  regarded  as  having  lost 
their  governments  through  insurrection  within 
their  limits,  and  it  was  assumed  as  the  duty  of 
the  national  government,  under  the  clause  of  the 
constitution  directing  the  guarantee  of  a  republi- 
can form  in  each  state,  to  declare  when  such  a 
form  existed.  The  whole  plan  of  the  bill,  how- 
ever, fell  through,  by  the  President's  withholding 
his  signature  till  the  adjournment  of  Congress. 
He  thereupon  issued  a  proclamation  stating  his 
objections  to  the  bill  and  renewing  his  encourage- 


ment   to   the   loyal    people    of   the   states    in   the 
reorganization  of  their  governments.^ 

Later  on,  in  consequence  of  the  practical  appli- 
cation of  the  President's  plan  in  Louisiana  and 
Arkansas,  the  question  was  presented  to  the  Thirty- 
eighth  Congress  in  another  shape.  An  organiza- 
tion had  been  effected  in  each  of  those  states  in 
accordance  with  Lincoln's  proclamation,  and  cre- 
dentials were  accordingly  presented  to  each  house 
of  persons  claiming  to  represent  the  restored  states. 
It  became  necessary  for  the  houses  to  pass  on  the 
rightfulness  of  the  claims.  The  Senate  judiciary 
committee  reported  adversely  to  the  admission  of 
the  claimants  from  Arkansas  on  the  grounds,  first, 
that  the  President's  proclamation  declaring  the  in- 
habitants of  Arkansas  in  a  state  of  insurrection 
had  not  been  revoked;  and  second,  that  the  su- 
premacy of  the  military  power  in  the  state  pre- 
cluded the  possibility  of  a  civil  organization  that 
should  be  republican  within  the  meaning  of  the 
constitution.  In  the  House,  the  committee  on 
elections  reported  favorably  on  the  Arkansas 
claimants,  but  no  action  was  taken  on  the  report. 
As  to  Louisiana  the  result  was  no  more  conclusive. 
Favorable  reports  were  made  by  committees  in 
both  houses,  but  were  not  acted  upon.  Again,  in 
connection  with  the  electoral  count  in  February, 
1865,  the  opportunity  for  an  explicit  declaration 
was  evaded.     By  joint   resolution  it  was  enacted 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  318. 


that,  because  ''the  inhabitants  and  local  authori^ 
ties"  of  the  eleven  enumerated  states  were  in 
armed  rebellion  on  election  day,  "the  states"  were 
not  entitled  to  representation  in  the  electoral  col- 
leges.i  No  conclusive  expression  of  opinion,  in 
fact,  was  made  by  the  Thirty-eighth  Congress  on 
the  vital  point  of  state  status.^  Resolutions  with- 
out number  were  offered,  embodying  all  conceiv- 
able shades  of  belief  on  the  issue,  but,  after  eliciting 
much  discussion,  they  were  invariably  consigned 
to  a  permanent  resting-place  on  the  table,  or  to  a 
quiet  grave  in  some  committee. 

There  was  a  reason  for  this  persistent  ignoring 
of  so  important  a  question.  The  sentiment  in 
favor  of  an  absolute  settlement  of  the  slavery  ques- 
tion had  resulted  in  the  submission  to  the  states 
of  the  Thirteenth  Amendment;  and  it  was  evident 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  pp.  577,  578. 

2  The  debates  in  the  last  session  of  this  Congress  (1864-65) 
afforded  abundant  evidence  that  the  doctrine  of  the  continuous 
existence  of  the  states  that  had  seceded  was  losing  ground.  The 
Wade-Davis  reconstruction  bill  contained  clauses  emancipating  the 
slaves  and  declaring  them  and  their  posterity  forever  free  —  that  is, 
practically  abolishing  slavery — in  the  rebellious  districts.  It  had 
been  a  universally  accepted  principle  that  Congress  had  no  powder  to 
enact  any  such  law  in  respect  to  states.  The  passage  of  the  bill 
through  the  two  houses  was  due  in  part  to  the  theory  that  no  states 
existed  in  the  regions  designated.  Many  supporters  of  the  measure, 
however,  considered  that  the  war  power  was  a  sufficient  basis  for  the 
provision,  and  that  no  consideration  of  state  status  was  involved. 
The  wording  of  the  emancipation  clause  itself  was :  "  All  persons 
held  to  involuntary  servitude  or  labor  in  the  states  aforesaid  are 
hereby  emancipated  and  discharged  therefrom." 


that  until  its  adoption  had  put  the  question  of 
slavery  beyond  the  reach  of  the  states,  no  further 
and  conclusive  steps  toward  restoration  could  be 
taken.  But  the  Congress  expired  before  the  fate 
of  the  amendment  was  known,  and  shortly  after- 
wards the  collapse  of  the  Confederacy  left  the 
national  authority  in  the  South  supreme,  but  with- 
out any  clear  legislative  expression  as  to  the  extent 
of  that  authority.  It  appears,  then,  that  although 
the  legislative  department  of  the  government  had 
not,  like  the  executive,  consistently  affirmed  the 
persistence  of  the  state  entities  as  political  units 
in  our  system,  it  had  not,  up  to  this  time,  rejected 
the  theory. 

The  view  held  by  the  judiciary  with  respect  to  the 
war  was  first  enunciated  in  the  Prize  Cases,  decided 
in  1862.  While  a  difference  of  opinion  was  mani- 
fested on  the  question,  zvhen  an  actual  state  of  war 
began  to  exist,  the  Supreme  Court  was  unanimous 
in  its  judgment  as  to  the  nature  of  the  conflict. 
It  was  recognized  as  a  military  assertion  of  the 
authority  of  the  general  government  over  the  in- 
habitants of  certain  states  and  districts.  "  Con- 
gress," the  opinion  declares,  "  cannot  declare  war 
against  a  state  or  any  number  of  states,  by  virtue 
of  the  constitution."  ^  Nor  has  the  President  any 
power  to  initiate  or  declare  a  war  of  any  sort.  He 
is  only  authorized  bylaw  "to  suppress  insurrection 
against  the  government  of  a  state,  or  of  the  United 
1  2  Black,  668. 


States."  The  individuals  conducting  the  present 
insurrection  have  taken  advantage  of  the  peculiar 
constitution  of  our  system,  and  have  ''acted  as 
states  claiming  to  be  sovereign";  but  nowhere  in 
cither  majority  or  dissenting  opinion  is  any  recog- 
nition given  to  the  idea  that  the  states  as  known 
to  the  constitution  are  concerned  in  the  war. 
Again,  in  the  case  of  The  Venice,^  Chief  Jus- 
tice Chase  describes  the  government's  policy  as 
embracing  no  views  of  subjugation  by  conquest, 
but  as  seeking  only  "  the  re-establishment  of  the 
national  authority,  and  the  ultimate  restoration  of 
states  and  citizens  to  their  national  relations." 
There  appears  to  be  no  indication,  then,  that  the 
judiciary  ever  doubted  the  constitutional  existence 
of  the  states.  Circumstances  had  disarranged  their 
relations  with  the  federal  government,  but  with 
the  correction  of  the  disturbance  the  former  condi- 
tions would  be  resumed. 

From  the  foregoing  review  of  the  attitude  of  all 
the  departments  of  the  United  States  government, 
it  seems  unquestionable  that,  while  the  necessities 
of  war  had  made  sad  havoc  with  the  rights  of  the 
states  as  well  as  of  individuals,  yet  upon  the  return 
of  peace  a  resumption  was  contemplated  of  the  ante 
belliim  status  of  both,  subject  only  to  such  modifi- 
cations as  the  now  undisputed  sovereignty  of  the 
nation  should  impose. 

As  to  the  status  of  the  negroes,  the  whole 
1  2  Wallace,  278. 

UNITED  _S  TA  TES  IN  RE  CONS  TR  UC  TION      J  3 

question  was  in  hopeless  confusion.  Under  the 
operation  of  Mr.  Lincoln's  Emancipation  Procla- 
mation, and  of  the  various  acts  of  Congress  con- 
taining provisions  in  reference  to  the  subject, 
the  number  of  freedmen  dependent  upon  the 
government  had  become  enormous.  The  care  of 
these  dependents  became  early  a  subject  of  con- 
siderable importance.  Commanders  were  seriously 
embarrassed  by  the  great  crowds  of  improvident 
blacks  that  attached  themselves  to  the  armies  in 
their  campaigns.  It  was  not  considered  just  to 
the  Southern  slaves  to  give  them  their  freedom 
and  then  leave  them  to  be  re-enslaved  as  soon  as 
the  national  forces  had  gone  by.  Such  a  course 
indeed  would  have  been  impossible,  since  the  freed- 
men themselves  instinctively  refused  to  stay.  The 
border  states  protested  vigorously  against  the  in- 
flux of  paupers  to  burden  their  already  oppressed 
taxpayers.  Private  philanthropy  took  in  charge 
the  work  of  civilizing  on  the  spot,  but  always 
under  the  protection  of  the  army,  such  of  the 
unfortunates  as  could  be  assembled  at  various 
points  along  the  borders  of  the  Confederacy.  By 
act  of  March  3,  1865,  the  whole  matter  was  sys- 
tematized by  the  establishment  of  a  bureau  in  the 
War  Department  1  to  have  control  of  all  subjects 
relating  to  refugees  and  freedmen  from  the  terri- 
tory embraced  in  the  military  operations  of  the  war. 
The  act  authorized  the  issue  of  provisions,  clothing 

1  13  Statutes  at  Large,  507. 


and  fuel  to  destitute  refugees  and  freedmen,  and 
provided  for  their  settlement  on  the  abandoned  or 
confiscated  land  of  rebels.  The  existence  of  the 
bureau  was  limited  to  the  duration  of  the  rebellion 
and  for  one  year  thereafter.  It  was  evidently  the 
belief  that  the  supervision  of  the  general  govern- 
ment would  accomplish  its  object  within  a  year 
after  the  cessation  of  hostilities,  and  that  then  the 
freedmen  could  be  relinquished  to  the  normal  opera- 
tion of  the  laws.  Such,  at  least,  was  the  view  of 
the  conservative  Republicans,  who  hesitated  to 
convert  the  national  government  into  a  perma- 
nent dispenser  of  charity.  The  act  was  regarded 
as  based  entirely  upon  the  war  power  of  the  govern- 
ment, and  was  accordingly  limited  in  its  duration 
to  the  state  of  affairs  which  justified  the  exercise 
of  such  power. 

Little  more  than  a  month  after  the  passage  of 
the  bill,  the  Confederacy  fell.  \  The  whole  South 
came  under  the  domination  of  the  armies  of  the 
United  States,  and  by  the  operation  of  the  Presi- 
dent's orders  all  the  slaves  in  those  regions  became 
de  facto  free.  Whether  or  not  they  rose  imme- 
diately to  a  position  of  legal  equality  with  their 
former  masters  was  an  unsettled  question,  now  to 
become  of  the  first  importance.  But  whatever 
their  rights  at  this  period,  the  authority  to  which 
they  looked  for  a  guarantee  of  those  rights  divided 
the  negroes  distinctly  from  the  other  race.  As  has 
been  indicated  above,  a  reorganized  state  jurisdiction 


was  to  regulate  the  affairs  of  the  restored  com- 
monwealths ;  but  for  the  freedmen  a  bureau  of 
the  United  States  War  Department  had  the  in- 
definite jurisdiction  conferred  by  the  words,  "the 
control  of  all  subjects  relating  to  refugees  and 
freedmen  from  rebel  states."  The  status  of  the 
negroes  thus  seems  to  have  been  practically  that 
of  wards  of  the  national  government,  with  rights 
totally  undetermined. 

II.    Presidential  Restoration  of  the  States 

Upon  the  theory  which  has  been  shown  to  have 
been  recognized  in  the  conduct  of  the  war,  the 
problem  of  restoring  the  states  to  their  normal 
position  in  the  Union  was  apparently  simple. 
The  instant  the  state  of  insurrection  ceased 
which  had  given  rise  to  the  attitude  of  belliger- 
ency towards  the  inhabitants  of  the  rebellious 
regions,  a^ite  belhim  relations  would  be  resumed,  in 
so  far  as  not  modified  by  legislation  during  the 
war.  That  no  such  special  modification  had 
been  effected  in  the  relations  of  the  insurrec- 
tionary states,  had  been  assumed  by  all  the 
departments  of  the  government.  But  as  to  the 
individuals  in  rebellion,  certain  important  meas- 
ures had  been  passed.  Most  prominent  were  the 
provisions  of  the  Confiscation  Act  of  1862,  which 
declared  severe  penalties  upon  such  persons.  By 
section  thirteen  of  this  act,  however,  the  President 


was  authorized  to  extend  amnesty  and  pardon  at 
his  discretion  ''to  persons  who  may  have  partici- 
pated in  the  existing  rebellion  in  any  state  or  part 
thereof."  It  was  therefore  left  to  the  executive  to 
relieve  individuals  from  the  consequences  of  their 
crimes  so  far  as  he  saw  fit.  In  pursuance  of  this 
authority,  Mr.  Lincoln  had  issued  his  proclamation 
of  amnesty  in  1863,  prescribing  a  form  of  oath, 
the  taking  of  which  would  restore  to  his  normal 
relations  a  person  who  had  incurred  the  disabilities 
resulting  from  participation  in  the  rebellion.  The 
nucleus  of  loyal  citizens  thus  secured  in  any  state 
was  competent  to  take  the  steps  necessary  to  the 
organization  of  a  government  for  the  state.  Nor 
did  it  matter  that  they  were  a  minority  of  the  po- 
litical people  of  the  state  —  even  the  one-tenth  that 
the  President  fixed  upon  arbitrarily  as  a  sufficient 
number.  The  guaranty  clause  of  the  constitution 
would  warrant  the  protection  of  a  loyal  minority  by 
the  national  authorities  against  an  overwhelming 
majority  of  disloyal  and  rebellious  citizens. 

In  approaching  reconstruction  Mr.  Lincoln's 
great  anxiety  was  to  get  something  in  the  nature 
of  a  state  organization  to  recognize,  without  being 
over-critical  as  to  how  it  was  secured.  Consis- 
tency required  that  the  impulse  to  commonwealth 
organization  should  come,  nominally  at  least, 
from  the  people  of  the  unsettled  community. 
His  proclamation  accordingly  contained  no  man- 
date of   action,  but  merely  declared  the   circum- 


Stances  under  which  he  would  recognize  a  govern- 
ment in  any  state.  These  circumstances  were, 
(i)  the  completion  of  an  organization  by  persons 
(2)  who  had  subscribed  to  the  oath  of  allegiance 
to  the  United  States,  and  (3)  who  had  pledged 
themselves  to  support  the  acts  and  proclama- 
tions promulgated  during  the  war  in  reference  to 
slavery.  It  is  true  that  these  terms  were  practically 
conditions  imposed  upon  citizens  of  states  as  pre- 
requisite to  the  exercise  of  their  rights.  But 
the  plan,  as  Lincoln  stated  in  his  message,^ 
was  merely  presented  as  a  rallying  point,  which 
might  bring  the  people  to  act  sooner  than  they 
otherwise  would,  and  was  not  intended  as  a  final 
solution  of  all  the  delicate  questions  involved.  In 
no  rebellious  state,  save  Virginia,  was  there  a  gov- 
ernment whose  members  possessed  the  most  funda- 
mental qualification  for  legitimacy  —  namely,  that 
secured  by  having  taken  the  oath  prescribed  by 
article  six  of  the  constitution.^  To  obtain  such 
a  government  was  Lincoln's  main  object.  In 
Louisiana  and  Arkansas  he  was  successful.  Con- 
gress, as  has  already  been  stated,  declined  to  com- 
mit itself  to  such  recognition  of  these  governments 
as  would  have  been  implied  in  the  admission  of 
members  chosen  under  their  auspices.     But  under 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  147. 

2  "  The  members  of  the  several  state  legislatures,  and  all  executive 
and  judicial  officers,  both  of  the  United  States  and  of  the  several  states, 
shall  be  bound  by  oath  or  affirmation  to  support  this  constitution.'* 


executive  protection  their  organizations  were  main- 
tained till  Congressional  reconstruction  supplanted 
them.  In  Tennessee,  where  there  was  a  very  strong 
Union  sentiment,  Andrew  Johnson,  in  the  capacity 
of  military  governor,  effected  an  organization  which 
went  into  full  operation  early  in  the  spring  of  1865. 
The  government  thus  established  also  continued 
through  the  period  of  restoration. 

Upon  the  collapse  of  the  Confederacy  and  the 
death  of  President  Lincoln,  Mr.  Johnson  devoted 
himself  to  the  application  of  his  predecessor's  plan 
in  the  other  states.  In  Virginia,  where  a  loyal 
organization  had  been  maintained  at  Alexandria, 
with  Mr.  Pierpoint  as  governor,  ever  since  the 
separation  of  West  Virginia,  he  simply  proclaimed 
his  purpose  to  carry  out  the  guarantee  of  a  repub- 
lican form  of  state  government  by  supporting  the 
measures  of  this  authority.^  By  the  same  order, 
the  administration  of  all  the  departments  of  the 
general  government  was  put  in  operation  through- 
out the  state.  Three  weeks  later  Johnson's 
amnesty  proclamation  was  issued.  It  followed 
Lincoln's  closely  in  tenor,  but  the  oath  pre- 
scribed as  a  condition  of  pardon  involved  a  more 
unqualified  recognition  of  the  validity  of  emanci- 
pation, and  the  classes  of  persons  excluded  from 
the  benefits  of  the  amnesty  were  more  numerous. 
Accompanying  the  amnesty  manifesto  was  issued 
the  order  to  put  in  operation  the  plan  of  restora- 

^  Proclamation  of  May  9,  1865. 


tion  in  North  Carolina,  and  at  intervals  up  to  the 
middle  of  July  successive  proclamations  inaugu- 
rated the  system  in  all  the  other  rebellious  states. 
Johnson  evidently  aimed  at  operating  on  exactly 
the  same  theory  as  his  predecessor.  In  the  pre- 
amble of  his  proclamations  he  marked  out  the  con- 
stitutional basis  of  his  action  :  The  United  States 
must  guarantee  a  republican  form  of  government, 
and  protect  each  state  against  invasion  and  domes- 
tic violence  ;  the  President  is  bound  to  see  that  the 
laws  are  executed  ;  rebellion,  "  now  almost  entirely 
overcome,"  has  deprived  the  people  of  the  state 
of  all  civil  government ;  it  is  therefore  necessary 
and  proper  to  carry  out  and  enforce  the  obliga- 
tions of  the  United  States  to  the  people  of  the 
state.  In  consequence  of  these  principles  and 
facts,  the  President  and  commander-in-chief  of  the 
army  and  navy  appointed  a  provisional  governor 
for  each  of  the  disturbed  states,  with  the  duty  of 
securing  the  re-establishment  of  the  constitutional 
order.  In  the  appointment  of  this  special  officer, 
Mr.  Johnson  followed  the  action  of  Mr,  Lincoln 
in  designating  ''military  governors"  for  several  of 
the  states  in  which  a  firm  foothold  was  early  ob- 
tained by  the  army.  The  duty  of  the  provisional 
governors  was  laid  down  in  much  the  same  terms 
that  had  been  employed  in  Lincoln's  instructions 
to  Johnson  when  the  latter  held  the  office  of  mili- 
tary governor  of  Tennessee.^     They  were  directed 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  436. 


to  prescribe  rules  for  the  calling  of  a  convention 
of  delegates  chosen  by  the  loyal  people  of  the  re- 
spective states,  and  "to  exercise  all  powers  neces- 
sary and  proper  to  enable  such  people  to  restore 
the  states  to  their  constitutional  relations  to  the 
federal  government."  The  test  of  loyalty  was  sub- 
scription to  the  oath  of  amnesty  as  set  forth  in 
the  President's  proclamation,  and  a  prerequisite  of 
voting  was  the  qualifications  of  an  elector  under 
the  laws  of  the  state  in  force  immediately  before 
the  act  of  secession.  Further,  the  President  de- 
creed that  the  convention,  "or  the  legislature 
thereafter  assembled,  will  prescribe  the  qualifica- 
tion of  electors,  and  the  eligibility  of  persons  to 
hold  office  under  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the 
state,  a  power  the  people  of  the  several  states 
composing  the  Federal  Union  have  rightfully  ex- 
ercised from  the  origin  of  the  government  to  the 
present  time."  ^ 

In  these  electoral  conditions  was  embodied  the 
principle  which  developed  at  once  a  centre  of  an- 
tagonism to  the  President.  It  had  already  become 
a  cardinal  doctrine  of  the  radical  Republicans  that 
^>'  the  necessary  corollary  of  emancipation  and  aboli- 
tion was  enfranchisement  of  the  freedmen.  By 
assuming  that  secession  had  effected  the  extinc- 
tion of  the  states,  they  had  removed  all  constitu- 
tional obstacles  to  the  realization  of  this  doctrine 

1  For  Mr.  Johnson's  proclamations,  see  McPherson,  History  of  the 
Reconstruction,  p.  8  ei  seq. 


by  the  general  government.  But  here  was  a  dec- 
laration by  the  President  that  the  whole  matter 
was  to  be  left  to  the  Southern  whites ;  and  the 
fate  of  negro  suffrage  in  such  hands  was  not 
doubtful.  Around  this  rallying  point,  then,  were 
speedily  grouped  all  the  elements  of  opposition 
to  the  President's  policy.  The  conviction  that 
the  emancipated  race,  made  by  circumstances  the 
wards  of  the  nation,  ought  to  continue  under  the 
nation's  care,  was  common  to  all.  But  opinions 
as  to  the  means  of  effecting  this  were  of  all  de- 
grees of  diversity.  Conservatives  considered  that 
if  the  civil  rights  of  the  blacks  could  be  guaran- 
teed by  the  general  government,  the  political  privi- 
leges could  be  left  to  the  states.  To  assume  this 
guarantee  by  law  involved  grave  questions  of  con- 
stitutionality; to  fix  it  by  constitutional  amend- 
ment seemed  to  require  a  previous  determination 
of  the  status  of  the  rebel  states.  In  view  of  the 
difficulties  that  beset  every  plan  that  was  sug- 
gested, many  were  inclined  to  give  the  President's 
experiment  a  fair  trial,  that  the  data  thus  obtained 
might  be  utilized  in  future  adjustment. 

In  the  midst  of  all  this  conflict  of  judgment, 
however,  restoration  on  the  line  of  the  proclama- 
tion was  accomplished.  By  the  general  amnesty 
and  by  special  pardon  of  many  in  the  excepted 
classes,  a  loyal  population  was  secured  in  all  the 
Southern  states.  Conventions  revised  the  various 
state  constitutions  under  the  direction  of  the  pro- 



visional  governors,  and  also  under  immediate  tele- 
graphic supervision  from  Washington.  The  acts 
which  the  President  demanded  as  conditions  of  his 
recognition  were  :  the  nullification  of  the  ordinances 
of  secession,  the  repudiation  of  the  war  debt,  and 
the  ratification  of  the  Thirteenth  Amendment  by 
the  first  legislature.  These  measures  were  adopted 
with  more  or  less  grace ;  several  of  the  states 
repealed,  instead  of  declaring  null  and  void,  the 
secession  ordinances,  and  South  Carohna  evaded 
altogether  the  repudiation  of  her  war  debt.  But 
in  spite  of  occasional  manifestations  of  ill-feeling, 
the  alluring  prospect  of  self-government  and  rep- 
resentation in  the  national  legislature  kept  the 
actions  of  the  new  governments  in  substantial 
accord  with  the  President's  wishes.  The  work  of 
reorganization  was  completed,  and  by  the  opening 
of  the  Thirty-ninth  Congress  in  December,  1865, 
representatives  and  senators  from  most  of  the  rebel 
states  were  ready  to  present  their  credentials  for 
admission  to  that  body.  In  his  annual  message, 
Mr.  Johnson  formally  called  upon  Congress  to  com- 
plete the  work  of  restoration,  by  receiving  the 
Southerners,  subject  to  the  constitutional  right  of 
each  house  to  judge  of  the  elections,  qualifications 
and  returns  of  its  own  members.  On  December 
18,  the  secretary  of  state  issued  his  proclamation 
that  the  Thirteenth  Amendment  was  in  force, 
having  been  ratified  by  twenty-seven  states,  among 
which  were  eight  that  had  recently  been  in  rebel- 


lion.  On  the  same  day  the  President  in  a  special 
message  to  Congress  announced  specifically  that 
the  rebellion  had  been  suppressed ;  that  in  all  the 
insurrectionary  states,  except  Florida  and  Texas, 
the  people  had  reorganized  their  governments ;  and 
that  in  those  two  satisfactory  progress  was  making. 
Upon  the  completion  of  the  organization  in  these 
two  states,  then,  the  constitutional  relations  be- 
tween commonwealths  and  national  government 
would  be,  in  the  opinion  of  the  executive,  exactly 
as  they  had  been  before  the  war. 

But  the  state  of  war  which  had  been  proclaimed 
in  1 86 1  and  1862  by  President  Lincoln  had  not  yet 
formally  ceased  to  exist.  By  successive  orders  for 
particular  localities,  the  blockade,  the  prohibition  of 
commercial  intercourse,  and  the  suspension  of  the 
habeas  corpus  were  revoked  by  Mr.  Johnson  ;  but  it 
was  not  till  August  20,  1866,  that  the  final  procla- 
mation went  forth  that  the  insurrection  was  ended, 
"and  that  peace,  order,  tranquillity  and  civil  au- 
thority now  exist  in  and  through  the  whole  of  the 
United  States  of  America."  Prior  to  that  date, 
in  all  the  states  not  declared  at  peace  by  special 
proclamations,  the  presumptive  status  of  the  inhabi- 
tants, under  the  unrevoked  orders  of  Mr.  Lincoln,^ 
was  that  of  public  enemies.  The  only  evidence  of 
a  different  status  was  the  fact  of  having  taken  the 
amnesty  oath,  or  of  having  received  a  special  par- 
don from  the  President.     By  the  final  order  of  Mr. 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  pp.  149,  150. 


Johnson,  however,  the  liability  of  all  civilians  in  the 
United  States  to  the  President's  military  authority 
ceased,  and  no  legal  effect  of  the  war  remained 
upon  the  private  citizen  in  the  Southern  states, 
save  that  a  rapidly  diminishing  number  of  unpar- 
doned individuals  were  still  responsible  before  the 
civil  law  for  the  crimes  of  treason  and  rebellion. 

Such  was  the  condition  of  affairs  that  was 
claimed  to  have  been  brought  about,  by  the 
autumn  of  1866,  through  executive  action.  As 
far  as  the  judiciary  was  concerned,  the  restoration 
seemed  to  be  fully  accepted.  The  district  courts 
of  the  United  States  resumed  their  work  under 
the  direction  of  the  President  as  fast  as  the  pro- 
visional organizations  were  effected.  Chief  Justice 
Chase  declined  to  sit  on  the  circuit  bench  while 
military  authority  was  maintained  in  the  circuit, 
on  the  ground  that  it  was  not  becoming  to  the 
dignity  of  the  highest  judicial  officers  of  the  gov- 
ernment to  act  under  even  the  least  shadow  of 
subjection  to  armed  force.  He  did  not  object, 
however,  to  the  holding  of  a  circuit  court  by  the 
district  judge  sitting  alone.^  As  early  as  the  De- 
cember term  of  1865,  the  Supreme  Court  ordered 
the  cases  on  its  docket  from  the  Southern  states 
to  be  called  and  disposed  of.^  Upon  the  proclama- 
tions by  the  President  of  the  end  of  the  insurrection, 
the  regular  sessions  of  all  the  courts  were  resumed. 

^  Letter  to  the  President,  Annual  Cyclopedia  for  1866,  p.  514. 
-  3  Wallace,  viii. 


This  action  indicated  a  judicial  belief  that  normal 
conditions  had  been  restored  in  the  South.  The 
rebel  states,  at  all  events,  were  not  reduced  to  the 
territorial  status ;  for  by  the  long-accepted  princi- 
ple laid  down  by  Chief  Justice  Marshall  in  1828, 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  constitutional  courts  of  the 
United  States  did  not  extend  to  territories.  In 
such  regions  it  was  for  Congress  to  provide  at  will 
for  the  administration  of  justice.^ 

Great  weight  cannot  be  attached,  however,  to 
the  attitude  of  the  judiciary  in  this  matter.  Its 
duty  was  to  follow  the  decisions  of  the  political 
departments  on  questions  of  political  status.  But 
as  regards  the  status  of  the  Southern  states,  it 
early  became  evident  that  no  harmony  of  views 
could  be  reached  between  the  executive  and  the 
legislative.  Already  before  the  meeting  of  Con- 
gress Mr.  Johnson's  course  had  provoked  sharp 
criticism,  and  threats  of  undoing  his  too  hasty 
work  of  restoration  had  not  been  wanting.  Even 
the  friends  of  his  general  policy  felt  aggrieved  that 
so  important  a  matter  had  been  determined  without 
any  reference  whatever  to  the  legislature.  They 
thought  that  an  extra  session  of  Congress  should 
have  been  called  after  the  collapse  of  the  Con- 
federacy. In  the  opposition  on  principle  to  the 
President's  policy  three  chief  elements  were  dis- 
tinguishable: first,  the  extreme  negrophiles,  who, 
on  abstract  grounds  of  human  equality  and  natural 

1  American  Ins.  Co.  vs.  Canter,  i  Peters,  546. 


rights,  demanded  full  civil  and  political  privileges 
for  the  freedmen  ;  second,  the  partisan  politicians, 
who  viewed  the  elevation  of  the  blacks  mainly  as  a 
means  of  humbling  the  Democrats  and  maintaining 
the  existing  supremacy  of  the  Republican  Party  ; 
and  third,  the  representatives  of  an  exalted  states- 
manship, who  saw  in  the  existing  situation  an 
opportunity  for  decisively  fixing  in  our  system  a 
broader  and  more  national  principle  of  civil  rights 
and  political  privilege.  It  was  this  last  element 
that  controlled  the  proceedings  during  the  earlier 
months  of  the  Thirty-ninth  Congress.  Later  the 
more  radical  elements  assumed  the  lead. 

The  President,  as  we  have  seen,  had  prepared 
to  push  his  theory  before  Congress  at  its  very 
opening.  Credentials  were  promptly  presented  by 
members  elect  from  the  restored  states.  But  Con- 
gress declined  to  be  hurried  into  committing  itself 
to  any  doctrine  on  the  great  subject.  Instead  of 
the  customary  reference  of  the  credentials  of  the 
claimants  to  the  committees  on  elections  in  the 
respective  houses,  a  joint  committee  of  fifteen  was 
constituted  to  inquire  into  the  condition  of  the 
rebellious  states  and  their  title  to  representation  ; 
and  it  was  agreed  that  all  papers  relating  to 
those  states  should  be  referred  to  this  committee. 
Thus  was  provided  a  convenient  limbo  to  which 
might  be  relegated  any  question  that  should 
threaten  to  interfere  with  the  placid  progress  of 
Congressional  deliberation.     The   next   step   was 


to  unfold  a  scheme  by  which  the  ends  of  the 
conservative  Repubhcans  might  be  attained  by 
simple  legislation. 

III.    Nationalization  of  Civil  Rights 

Despite  the  strong  opposition  to  Mr.  Johnson's 
policy  among  the  Republicans  in  Congress,  there 
was  at  the  same  time  a  disinclination  to  an  open 
rupture  with  the  President.  It  was  in  obedience 
to  this  latter  feeling  that  the  joint  committee  on 
reconstruction  was  so  heartily  agreed  to.  Through 
this  the  main  issue  —  the  recognition  of  the  South- 
ern state  governments  —  was  deferred  until  it  could 
be  ascertained  whether  a  substantial  protection  for 
the  freedmen  might  not  be  obtained  without  coming 
to  open  hostility  with  the  President.  In  accordance 
with  this  plan  the  aggressive  spirit  of  the  radicals 
was  repressed,  and  a  series  of  measures  was  de- 
vised, of  which  the  Freedmen's  Bureau  Bill  was 
the  first  to  be  presented. 

By  this  bill  ^  the  bureau  which  had  been  organ- 
ized during  the  preceding  session  ^  was  enlarged 
as  to  both  the  duration  and  the  territorial  extent 
of  its  powers.  The  limit  of  one  year  after  the  end 
of  the  war  was  abolished,  and  the  bureau's  opera- 
tions were  to  extend  to  "  refugees  and  freedmen 
in  all  parts  of  the  United  States."  The  powers  of 
the  officials  were  of  the  vaguest  character  imagina- 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  72.  ^  ggg  ante,  p.  73. 


ble,  involving  practically  absolute  discretion  in  the 
regulation  of  matters  in  which  the  freedmen  were 
interested.  Provisions,  clothing  and  fuel  were  to 
be  furnished  to  destitute  blacks,  land  was  to  be  set 
apart  for  their  use,  and  schools  and  asylums  to  be 
erected  for  their  benefit.  But  the  central  point  of 
the  bill  was  in  the  seventh  and  eighth  sections. 
Here  it  was  made  the  duty  of  the  President  to 
extend  the  military  protection  of  the  bureau  to  all 
cases  in  which  the  civil  rights  and  immunities  of 
white  persons  were  denied  to  others  on  account 
of  race,  color  or  any  previous  condition  of  slavery 
or  involuntary  servitude.  Further,  any  person 
who  should,  under  color  of  any  state  law,  ordi- 
nance or  custom,  subject  the  negro  to  the  depriva- 
tion of  equal  civil  rights  with  the  white  man, 
should  be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  the  juris- 
diction of  such  cases  was  conferred  upon  the  offi- 
cials of  the  bureau.  Such  jurisdiction  was  limited, 
however,  to  states  in  which  the  ordinary  course  of 
judicial  proceedings  had  been  interrupted  by  re- 
bellion, and  was  to  cease  there  when  those  states 
should  be  fully  restored  to  all  their  constitutional 
relations  to  the  United  States. 

The  grave  questions  of  constitutionality  in- 
volved in  the  details  of  this  bill  were  modified 
in  their  bearing  by  the  general  basis  on  which 
the  whole  legislation  rested.  It  was,  according  to 
Senator  Trumbull,  who  had  charge  of  it  in  the 
Senate,  a  war  measure,  and   inapplicable,   by  its 


terms,  to  any  other  state  of  affairs.^  Under  the 
** necessity"  which  the  existing  insurrection  had 
made  the  supreme  law  of  the  land,  the  forcible 
displacement  of  a  state's  authority  over  matters 
of  civil  jurisdiction  normally  under  its  control,  was 
fully  justified. 

But  the  President,  in  vetoing  the  bill,  protested 
against  "declaring  to  the  American  people  and 
to  the  world,  that  the  United  States  are  still  in 
a  condition  of  civil  war."  He  asserted  that  the 
rebellion  was,  in  fact,  at  an  end.^  Mr.  Johnson 
was  in  rather  a  difficult  position  here;  for  the 
habeas  corpus  was  still  suspended  in  the  Southern 
states,  and  even  while  he  was  writing  his  veto 
message  a  military  order  had  gone  forth  looking 
to  the  suppression  of  disloyal  papers  there.^  It 
was  reasonably  asked  upon  what  authority  such 
executive  acts  could  be  performed  if  a  state  of 
peace  prevailed.  The  President's  real  grievance 
was  evidently  that  which  he  referred  to  last  in 
his  veto  message.  He  complained  that  the  bill 
regarded  certain  states  as  "not  fully  restored  in 
all  their  constitutional  relations  to  the  United 
States,"  and  announced  that  in  his  judgment  most 
of  the  states  were  fully  restored,  and  were  en- 
titled to  all  their  constitutional  rights  as  members 
of  the  Union.  Congress  was  censured  with  re- 
pressed severity  for  refusing  to  accord  to  those 

1  Cong.  Globe,  ist  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  320. 

2  McPheraon,  Reconstruction,  p.  68  et  seq.        *  Ibid,,  p.  133. 



states  the  right  imperatively  required  by  the  con- 
stitution, of  representation  in  the  two  houses. 

The  President's  veto,  made  effective  by  the 
failure  to  override  it  in  the  Senate,  strengthened 
the  extremists  in  Congress ;  for  many  who  desired 
the  success  of  the  conservative  plan  were  indig- 
nant that  it  should  be  thwarted  at  the  outset. 
A  concurrent  resolution  was  passed  declaring  that 
no  member  from  any  of  the  insurrectionary  states 
should  be  admitted  to  either  house  till  Congress 
should  declare  such  state  entitled  to  representa- 
tion.^ This  was  a  formal  declaration  of  war  upon 
the  executive  policy.  It  notified  the  President 
that  Congress  intended  to  form  its  own  judgment 
upon  the  status  of  the  states,  irrespective  of  any 
extraneous  decision.  It  precipitated  the  conflict 
that  had  been  impending  since  the  amnesty  proc- 
lamation of  1863,  and  which  Lincoln's  tact  had 
been  successful,  and  might  afterwards  have  been 
successful,  in  avoiding.  And  finally,  it  indicated 
a  strengthening  of  the  feeling  that  some  guaranty 
for  the  rights  of  the  freedmen  should  be  secured 
before  the  rights  of  the  states  should  be  conceded. 
A  great  silence  and  mystery  hung  about  the  com- 
mittee whose  report  was  to  embody  the  views  of 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  72.  This  declaration  had  been 
proposed  as  part  of  the  resolution  providing  for  the  joint  committee 
on  reconstruction,  but  had  been  rejected  by  the  Senate.  According 
t(j  Mr.  Blaine  the  immediate  occasion  of  its  passage  now  was  the  pres- 
sure of  Tennessee  for  admission.    Twenty  Years  of  Congress,  II,  203. 


Congress  on  the  condition  of  the  states.  No  one 
doubted  that  the  enveloping  clouds  would  continue 
until  a  satisfactory  solution  of  the  negro  question 
should  be  discovered. 

As  the  next  step  in  the  direction  of  such  a  solu- 
tion, the  Civil  Rights  Bill  was  presented  to  the 
Senate  by  its  judiciary  committee.  The  Freed- 
men's  Bureau  Bill  had  been  confessedly  in  the 
nature  of  a  temporary  expedient.  It  had  aimed 
to  secure  the  protection  of  the  blacks  by  military 
authority  for  a  period  that  Congress  should  deem 
sufficient.  By  the  second  measure,  however,  the 
protection  was  to  be  incorporated  permanently 
into  the  law  of  the  land,  and  to  be  entrusted  to 
the  civil  authorities  of  the  nation.  As  the  bill 
passed, 1  it  provided  first  a  broad  foundation  for 
rights  in  the  declaration  that  "  all  persons  born  in 
the  United  States,  and  not  subject  to  any  foreign 
power,  excluding  Indians  not  taxed,  are  .  .  .  citi- 
zens of  the  United  States."  It  then  secured  to 
all  such  citizens  of  every  race  and  color  the  same 
rights  as  were  enjoyed  by  white  citizens  in  respect 
to  making  and  enforcing  contracts,  appearing  in 
the  courts,  receiving,  holding  and  transferring 
property,  and  enjoying  the  benefit  of  all  laws  for 
the  security  of  person  and  property.  Section  sec- 
ond made  it  a  misdemeanor  to  subject  any  inhabi- 
tant of  any  state  or  territory  to  the  deprivation  of 
any  right  secured  by  the  act,  or  to  different  pun- 

^  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  78. 



ishment,  by  reason  of  race,  color  or  previous  con- 
dition of  servitude,  from  that  prescribed  for  white 
persons.  The  remainder  of  the  bill  was  occupied 
with  provisions  in  great  detail  for  the  enforcement 
of  the  first  two  sections.  Cognizance  of  all  cases 
arising  under  the  act  was  given  exclusively  to 
United  States  courts,  and  the  machinery  for  its 
strict  execution  was  borrowed,  with  grim  satis- 
faction, from  the  Fugitive  Slave  Act.^ 

At  the  time  the  Civil  Rights  Bill  was  proposed, 
it  had  become  a  well-grounded  conviction  that  the 
Southern  states  would  not  yield  to  the  negroes  any 
appreciable  share  of  the  rights  which  Northern 
sentiment  demanded  for  them.  The  legislatures 
of  the  reorganized  governments,  under  cover  of 
police  regulations  and  vagrancy  laws,  had  enacted 
severe  discriminations  against  the  freedmen  in  all 
the  common  civil  rights.^  In  several  states  the 
tendency  of  these  enactments  toward  a  system  of 
peonage  had  appeared  so  pronounced  as  to  induce 
the  military  commanders  to  order  that  they  be  dis- 
regarded. This  situation  strengthened  the  resolu- 
tion, already  well  defined,  to  remove  the  possibility 
of  a  system  of  modified  slavery  under  state  sanction. 
It  was  feared  that  Congress  would  be  unable  to 
effect  this  purpose  after  the  admission  of  the  South- 

^  Trumbull;   Globe,  ist  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  475. 

"  For  a  summary  of  this  legislation,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruc- 
tion, p.  29  et  seq.  For  a  Southern  defence  of  the  laws,  see  Herbert, 
Why  the  Solid  South  (Baltimore,  1890),  p.  31  et  seq. 


em  representatives.  The  end  must  be  achieved 
before  extending  recognition  to  the  new  govern- 
ments, and  acquiescence  in  the  result  could  then 
be  made  a  condition  of  the  erring  states'  return. 

At  first  glance,  the  provisions  of  the  bill  appeared 
out  of  all  relation  to  our  constitutional  system. 
Never  before  had  Congress  been  known  to  arrogate 
to  itself  the  power  to  regulate  the  civil  status  of 
the  inhabitants  of  a  state.  The  proposition  that 
United  States  courts  should  assume  jurisdiction  of 
disputes  relating  to  property  and  contracts,  and 
even  of  criminal  actions  down  to  common  assault 
and  battery,  seemed  like  a  complete  revelation  of 
that  diabolical  spirit  of  centralization,  of  which  only 
the  cloven  hoof  had  been  manifested  heretofore. 
But  the  supporters  of  the  bill  showed  a  clear 
appreciation  of  the  change  that  the  great  conflict 
had  wrought.  They  found  a  constitutional  basis  for 
the  law  in  the  Thirteenth  Amendment.  Slavery 
and  involuntary  servitude  were  by  that  article  pro- 
hibited ;  and,  by  the  second  section.  Congress,  and 
not  the  state  legislatures,  was  authorized  to  enforce 
the  prohibition.  What  constituted  slavery  and  in- 
voluntary servitude,  in  the  sense  of  the  amendment } 
Slavery  and  liberty,  it  was  answered,  are  contradic- 
tory terms.  If  slavery  is  prohibited,  civil  liberty 
must  exist.  But  civil  liberty  consists  in  natural  lib- 
erty, as  restrained  by  human  laws  for  the  advantage 
of  all,  provided  that  these  restraints  be  equal  to 
all.     A  statute  which  is  not  equal  to  all  is  an  en- 



croachment  on  the  liberty  of  the  deprived  persons, 
and  subjects  them  to  a  degree  of  servitude.  It  is 
the  duty  of  Congress,  therefore,  to  counteract  the 
effects  of  any  such  state  laws.  Thus  the  constitu- 
tionality of  the  bill  was  maintained.  The  essence 
of  the  plea  was  a  wide  construction  of  the  terms 
** slavery"  and  "involuntary  servitude."  Broadly 
speaking,  it  was  the  practical  application  of  what 
had  heretofore  been  in  the  United  States  a  mere 
theory,  the  idea  of  "equality"  as  an  essential  prin- 
ciple of  "liberty."  There  was  involved  in  this  con- 
struction also  a  definite  recognition  of  the  national 
government  as  the  protector  of  individuals  against 
state  oppression. 

The  far-reaching  consequences  of  this  view  of 
the  Thirteenth  Amendment  filled  the  friends  of 
the  old  system  with  dismay.  They  insisted  that  the 
only  effect  of  the  new  article  was  to  destroy  the  re- 
lation of  master  and  slave.  Beyond  this  no  action 
of  the  central  authority  was  contemplated.  The 
second  clause  gave  no  power  to  Congress  that  was 
not  already  conferred  by  the  old  constitution.^  It 
was  merely  added  to  authorize  the  extension  of  the 
privilege  of  habeas  corpus  to  a  negro  in  case  the 
master  persisted  in  holding  him.^  Upon  the  disso- 
lution of  the  old  bond  the  freedman  became  subject 
to  the  laws  of  his  state,  like  any  other  inhabitant. 
The  idea  that  the  amendment  carried  with  it  an 

1  Art.  I,  sec.  8,  last  clause. 

2  Cowan,  of  Pennsylvania;   Globe,  ist  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  jv  499. 


enormous  centralization  of  power  in  the  general 
government  had  never  been  heard  of  during  the 
long  discussion  of  the  resolution  in  Congress.  It 
was  a  recently  devised  scheme  of  the  consolidation- 
ists  to  change  the  whole  foundation  of  the  govern- 
ment by  interpretation.  "  Will  anybody  undertake 
to  say,"  asked  Cowan,  "that  that  [amendment]  was 
to  prevent  the  involuntary  servitude  of  my  child  to 
me,  of  my  apprentice  to  me,  or  the  ^//«i-/-servitude 
which  the  wife  to  some  extent  owes  to  her  hus- 
band .?  "  Nothing  but  African  slavery  was  referred 
to,  and  only  its  various  modifications  were  included 
in  ''  involuntary  servitude  "  ;  the  broad  question  of 
civil  liberty  was  not  affected. 

Whatever  may  have  been  the  intention  of  the 
framers  of  the  Thirteenth  Amendment,  the  con- 
struction put  upon  it  by  Congress  in  the  Civil 
Rights  Bill  was  promptly  adopted  by  the  judiciary. 
The  bill  was  vetoed  by  the  President  on  the  same 
general  line  of  reasoning  that  was  employed  with 
respect  to  the  Freedmen's  Bureau  Bill,  but  was 
immediately  passed  over  the  veto.  Cases  under 
its  provisions  came  speedily  before  the  circuit 
courts,  where  its  constitutionality  was  questioned. 
Justice  Swayne,  in  United  States  vs.  Rhodes,^  sus- 
tained the  act,  saying : 

The  amendment  reversed  and  annulled  the  original  policy 
of  the  constitution,  which  left  it  to  each  state  to  decide  ex- 

1  I  Abbot's  U.  S.  Reports,  56. 


clusively  for  itself  whether  slavery  should  or  should  not  exist 
as  a  local  institution,  and  what  disabilities  should  attach  to 
those  of  the  servile  race  within  its  limits. 

Chief  Justice  Chase  also  took  a  similar  position, 
holding  that  Maryland's  apprentice  laws,  discrimi- 
nating between  white  and  black  apprentices,  were 
in  violation  of  the  clause  prohibiting  involuntary 
servitude.^  The  later  amendments,  however,  re- 
lieved the  courts  of  the  heavy  burden  which  hung 
upon  them  in  basing  equality  in  all  civil  rights 
upon  the  thirteenth  alone.  The  construction  of 
this  amendment  has  been  narrowed  in  later 
opinions,  or  rather,  the  tendency  to  widen  it  has 
been  checked.^ 

In  addition  to  the  definition  of  '*  slavery "  and 
"  involuntary  servitude,"  the  Civil  Rights  Bill  un- 
dertook to  fix  the  precise  meaning  of  the  phrase 
"  citizen  of  the  United  States."  The  matter  had 
been  involved,  up  to  this  time,  in  hopeless  confusion. 
No  positive  legal  definition  had  been  authorita- 
tively given.  For  general  practical  purposes,  exact 
determination  of  the  scope  of  citizenship  had  not 
been  found  necessary.  Where  any  opinion  at  all 
had  been  pronounced,  it  had  in  most  cases  been 
in  relation  to  the  status  of  the  free  negroes.  The 
weight  of  authority  on  this  point  was  adverse  to 
the  claim  of  citizenship  for  the  blacks.     "  No  per- 

1  Turner's  Case,  i  Abbot's  U.  S.  Reports,  84. 

2  Cf.  Blyew  vs.  U.  S.,  13  Wallace,  581 ;  Slaughter  House  Cases, 
16  Wallace,  69;  Civil  Rights  Cases,  109  U.  S.  3. 


son,"  said  Attorney-General  Wirt  in  1821,  "is  in- 
cluded in  the  description  of  citizen  of  the  United 
States,  who  has  not  the  full  rights  of  a  citizen  in 
the  state  of  his  residence."^  This  principle  had 
been  in  general  the  basis  of  the  government's 
practice  in  all  the  departments.  For  native-born 
persons  living  within  a  state,  citizenship  of  the 
state  was  the  prerequisite  for  citizenship  of  the 
United  States ;  for  persons  of  foreign  birth,  natu- 
ralization alone  was  necessary.  The  Dred  Scott 
decision  limited  this  rule  by  determining  that  state 
citizens  of  African  descent  could  not  be  citizens 
of  the  United  States.  During  the  war,  however, 
the  old  view  was  entirely  overthrown  in  practice. 
Mr.  Lincoln's  attorney-general  argued  away  all 
the  precedents,  and  gave  it  as  his  official  opinion 
that  a  free  negro,  born  within  the  United  States, 
was  ipso  facto  a  citizen  thereof. ^  He  assumed 
nativity  as  the  broad  basis  of  citizenship,  univer- 
sally recognized  as  such  by  public  law.  With  that 
assumption  the  status  of  United  States  citizen- 
ship was  placed  entirely  beyond  the  reach  of  any 
state  influence  whatever,  and  a  purely  national 
conception  was  attained. 

This  view  was  the  one  incorporated  into  the 
Civil  Rights  Bill.  The  declaration  thus  made 
by  law  was  designed  to  end  the  uncertainty  due  to 

1  I  Opinions  of  Attorneys-General,  507.  Cf.  Taney  and  Curtis 
in  the  Dred  Scott  Case. 

'^  McPherson,  Rebellion,  378. 


conflicting  authorities.  Its  abstract  principle  did 
not  excite  remonstrance  so  much  as  the  deduc- 
tions drawn  from  it  in  the  remainder  of  the  bill. 
For  while  the  immediate  effect  of  the  defini- 
tion was  to  make  the  freedmen  citizens  of  the 
United  States,  the  practical  end  of  the  other  pro- 
visions of  the  bill  was  to  make  them  also  citizens 
of  the  several  states  in  which  they  resided.  This 
result  was  not  stated  in  terms  in  the  law,  but  was 
considered  as  a  necessary  corollary  of  the  main 
proposition.  The  act  gave  to  all  citizens  of  the 
United  States,  in  every  state  and  territory,  the 
same  civil  rights  as  were  enjoyed  by  white  citi- 
zens ;  or,  practically,  declared  to  the  states  that, 
however  they  might  widen  the  scope  of  their  citi- 
zenship, they  should  never  contract  it  so  as  to 
embrace  less  than  the  whole  number  of  citizens 
of  the  United  States  residing  within  their  respec- 
tive borders. 

To  justify  this  sweeping  enactment,  the  special 
conception  of  citizenship  which  the  history  of  our 
institutions  had  developed  was  discarded,  and  the 
broad  principle  of  public  law  was  adopted  in  its 
place.  All  authorities  agreed  that  the  status  of 
citizen  implied  the  reciprocal  duties  of  allegiance 
and  protection.!     A  citizen  of  the  United  States, 

1  Cf.  opinion  of  Attorney-General  Bates;  McPherson,  Rebellion, 
p.  379.  The  employment  of  this  relation  as  a  basis  from  which  to 
infer  unlimited  power  to  "protect,"  is  discountenanced  by  the 
Supreme  Court  in  U.  S.  vs.  Cruikshank  et  al.,  92  U.  S.  549 :  "  In 


then,  was  entitled  to  the  protection  of  that  gov- 
ernment to  which  allegiance  was  owed.  But  this 
protection  was  to  operate  against  all  sources  of 
oppression,  and  if  a  state  government  happened  to 
come  in  this  category,  it  too  must  succumb. 

IV.     Theories  as  to  the  Statics  of  the  States 

The  intense  opposition  which  the  Civil  Rights 
Bill  had  excited  permitted  little  hope  that  its  pro- 
visions could  remain  permanently  upon  the  statute 
book.  Hence  arose  the  movement  to  incorporate 
the  principles  of  the  bill  in  the  constitution. 

The  struggle  for  the  passage  of  the  law  had 
involved  the  widest  discussion  of  all  the  questions 
connected  with  reconstruction.  Mr.  Johnson  had 
not  only  separated  from  the  Republican  leaders, 
but  had  placed  himself  in  a  position  that  rendered 
reconciliation  inconceivable.  Under  such  circum- 
stances, the  conservative  plan  of  dealing  with  the 
situation  in  the  South,  which  could  only  be  success- 
ful through  the  President's  support,  had  to  be  aban- 
doned. Congress  found  itself  obliged  to  formulate 
a  theory  of  state  status  upon  which  it  could  rest 
for  support  in  a  decisive  struggle  with  the  execu- 

the  formation  of  a  government,  the  people  may  confer  upon  it  such 
powers  as  they  choose.  The  government,  when  so  formed,  may 
exercise  all  the  powers  it  has  for  the  protection  of  the  rights  of  its 
citizens  and  the  people  within  its  jurisdiction;  but  it  can  exercise 
no  other." 


tive.  To  the  joint  committee  on  reconstruction 
was  entrusted  the  presentation  of  such  a  theory, 
and  from  this  committee  emanated  the  plan  of  re- 
organization which  finally  triumphed.  Before  con- 
sidering the  committee's  report,  however,  it  will 
be  profitable  to  examine  the  various  theories  in 
respect  to  reconstruction  which  had  become  promi- 
nent since  1863.  While  varying  infinitely  in  de- 
tail, these  theories  may  be  summarized,  as  to  their 
fundamental  principles,  in  five  classes,  which  may 
be  denominated :  the  Southern  theory,  the  Presi- 
dential theory,  the  theory  of  forfeited  rights,  the 
theory  of  state  suicide,  and  the  conquered-province 
theory.  Of  these  the  first  two  were  based  on  the 
idea  of  the  indestructibility  of  a  state  in  our  sys- 
tem, the  last  two  on  the  contradictory  assumption, 
while  the  third  was  in  the  nature  of  a  compromise 
on  this  question. 

As  preliminary  to  an  examination  of  these 
theories  it  is  necessary  to  determine  as  nearly  as 
may  be,  what  constituted  the  essence  of  the  con- 
cept "state,"  under  the  a7ite  bellum  constitution. 
No  attempt  will  be  made,  however,  to  discuss  the 
question  of  sovereignty,  or  any  other  attribute  held 
to  exist  outside  of  the  organic  law.  "The  word 
state,"  said  Marshall,  "is  used  in  the  constitution 
as  designating  a  member  of  the  Union,  and  ex- 
cludes from  the  term  the  signification  attached  to 
it  by  writers  on  the  law  of  nations."  1  What  can 
1  Hepburn  and  Dundas  vs.  Elkey,  2  Cranch,  452. 


be  derived  from  the  constitution  itself  as  to  the 
meaning  of  the  term  ?  Three  distinct  uses  of  the 
word  may  be  found  in  the  supreme  law.  First,  it 
designates  a  mere  territorial  division  with  definite 
boundaries ;  second,  it  denotes  the  people,  politi- 
cally associated,  who  inhabit  the  same  region  ;  and 
third,  it  refers  to  the  body  politic  within  a  defined 
region,  involving  the  threefold  notion  of  territory, 
people  and  government.  This  last  sense  of  the 
word  is  by  far  the  most  frequent  in  the  consti- 
tution, and  accordingly  the  Supreme  Court  has 
framed  the  definition  of  a  state  thus : 

A  political  community  of  free  citizens,  occupying  a  territory 
of  defined  boundaries,  and  organized  under  a  government 
sanctioned  and  limited  by  a  written  constitution,  and  estab- 
lished by  the  consent  of  the  governed. ^ 

The  theories  to  be  examined  may  be  viewed  in 
the  light  afforded  by  this  definition.  The  three 
essential  elements  of  a  state  were  held  to  be  a 
geographical  locality  with  determined  limits,  a  com- 
munity inhabiting  it,  and  a  government  organized 
by  that  people.  At  the  close  of  the  war,  two  prin- 
cipal questions  arose  as  to  the  insurrectionary  dis- 
tricts :  first,  did  states  exist  in  those  districts ;  and 
second,  what  was  the  relation  of  those  states  or 
districts  to  the  government  of  the  United  States  ? 

To  the  first  of   these  questions   the   Southern 

1  Texas  vs.  White,  7  Wall.  721.  Cf,  Hunt,  dissenting,  in  U.  S. 
vs.  Reese,  2  Otto,  350. 


theory,  as  has  been  stated,  gave  an  afifirmative 
answer.  All  the  essentials  of  state-being  remained 
unchanged  by  the  war.  Territory,  people  and 
government  conformed  to  the  definition.  The 
war  had  been  waged  by  the  North  for  the  avowed 
purpose  of  suppressing  an  insurrection  of  individ- 
uals, and  with  no  idea  of  interfering  with  the 
rights  of  the  states.  On  individuals,  then,  all 
the  consequences  of  the  defeat  must  fall.  But 
the  states,  it  was  admitted,  were  out  of  their  con- 
stitutional relation  to  the  general  government. 
Their  officers  had  taken  no  oath  to  support  the 
constitution  of  the  United  States.  No  senators 
or  representatives  were  acting  for  the  states  at 
Washington.  The  authority  of  the  United  States 
judiciary  and  revenue  officials  was  not  recognized 
by  the  state  governments.  But  the  result  of  the 
war  had  established  the  nullity  of  the  acts  upon 
which  this  severance  of  connection  was  based. 
The  supposed  separation  was  therefore  unreal, 
and  it  became  the  duty  of  the  officers  to  take  the 
oath  required  by  the  constitution,  of  the  legislat- 
ure to  provide  for  the  despatch  of  congressmen 
to  Washington,  and  of  the  people  of  the  state  to 
submit  to  the  authority  of  the  courts  and  officials 
of  the  national  government.  These  steps  having 
been  taken,  the  Union  would  stand  under  the  con- 
stitution as  before  the  war. 

It  was   upon   this   theory   that   the   celebrated 
agreement  between   Sherman  and   Johnston  was 


made  after  the  surrender  of  Lee.^  On  the  same 
principle,  the  rebel  governors  in  most  of  the  states 
convoked  the  legislatures  to  take  action  on  the 
situation  after  the  collapse  of  the  Confederacy. 
It  was  the  prevailing  opinion  throughout  the 
South  that  the  restoration  would  proceed  on  the 
lines  of  this  theory.^  But  the  repudiation  of  Gen- 
eral Sherman's  agreement  by  the  administration, 
and  the  overthrow  of  the  rebel  state  governments 
by  the  military  commanders,  dissipated  the  hopes 
of  so  simple  an  operation  in  readjustment,  and 
finally  disposed  of  any  possible  realization  of  the 
Southern  idea. 

The  Presidential  theory  of  state  status  has  been 
pretty  clearly  indicated  in  the  discussion  of  its 
practical  application.  Its  cardinal  doctrine  was 
the  indestructibility  of  a  state,  either  by  its  own 
act  or  by  act  of  the  United  States  government. 
At  no  time,  either  during  actual  conflict,  or  when 
the  Southern  arms  had  been  laid  down,  did  the 
United  States  consist  of  less  component  states 
than  before  the  first  secession.  To  assert  the 
contrary  was  to  admit  the  dissolution  of  the 
Union.  The  territorial  and  popular  conditions 
of  the  constitutional  state  remained  unchanged 
in  every  case.  As  to  the  state  government,  how- 
ever, a  defect  existed,  brought  about  indirectly 
through  the  immediate  relation  of  the  people  to 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  121. 

2  Pollard,  The  Lost  Cause  Regained,  p.  51. 


the  national  government.  All  the  officers  as  well 
as  the  constituents  of  the  rebel  organizations  were 
insurgents,  and  hence  incapable  of  political  recog- 
nition by  the  United  States  authorities.  With  the 
removal  of  this  disability,  the  ante-bellum  status 
returned.  But  until  such  removal,  the  vitality  of 
the  state  was  suspended  through  the  incapacity 
of  its  organs  to  fulfil  their  functions.  The  Presi- 
dent's pardon  was  the  healing  agent.  Restored 
by  it  to  normal  relations  with  the  general  govern- 
ment, the  people  of  the  states  became  immediately 
invested  with  the  right  to  establish  their  own  will 
in  organized  form,  and  with  the  right  to  assume 
the  former  relation  with  the  Union. 

In  these  two  theories,  the  Southern  and  the 
Presidential,  the  ultimate  principle  is  obviously 
the  resolution  in  favor  of  the  states  of  all  doubts 
arising  out  of  the  anomalous  condition  of  affairs. 
Both  alike  relied  for  support  upon  the  sentiment 
which  the  Republican  platform  of  i860  expressed 
in  these  words:  *'The  maintenance  inviolate  of 
the  rights  of  the  states  is  essential  to  the  balance 
of  power  on  which  the  prosperity  and  endurance 
of  our  political  fabric  depend,"^  and  both  alike 
adopted  that  view  of  the  consequences  of  the  war 
which  corresponded  to  the  statement  of  its  object 
in  the  Crittenden  resolution  in  Congress,  in  July, 
1 86 1,  namely,  "  to  defend  and  maintain  the  suprem- 
acy of  the  constitution,  and  to  preserve  the  Union, 

1  Tribune  Almanac  for  1861,  p.  30. 


with  all  the  dignity,    equality  and  rights  of   the 
several  states  unimpaired." 

Charles  Sumner's  famous  theory  of  state  suicide 
was  the  first  of  those  which  maintained  that  no  state 
as  known  to  the  constitution  existed  on  Southern 
soil  at  the  close  of  the  war.  The  enunciation  of 
the  theory  was  originally  embodied  in  a  series  of 
resolutions  offered  in  the  Senate  in  1862.1  The 
basis  of  the  series  is  contained  in  the  declaration 
that  any  act  by  which  a  state  may  undertake  to 
put  an  end  to  the  supremacy  of  the  constitution 
within  its  territory  is  void,  and,  if  sustained  by 
force,  such  act  is  a  practical  abdication  by  the  state 
of  all  rights  under  the  constitution.  Further,  the 
treason  involved  in  this  resistance  works  instant 
forfeiture  of  the  powers  essential  to  the  continued 
existence  of  the  state  as  a  body  politic,  and  the 
state  is,  in  the  language  of  the  law,  felo  de  se.  But 
the  territory  of  the  extinct  commonwealth  belongs 
irrevocably  to  the  United  States,  and  consequently 
becomes  henceforth  subject  to  the  exclusive  juris- 
diction of  Congress,  like  other  territory  of  the 
nation.  The  immediate  consequence  of  these 
principles,  was,  of  course,  the  termination  of  all 
peculiar  local  institutions,  based  solely  on  state 
authority.  Slavery  ceased  to  exist,  and  all  the 
inhabitants  of  the  territory,  since  they  owed  alle- 
giance to  the  United  States,  must  look  to  the 
national  government  for  protection. 

1  McPherson,  Rebellion,  p.  322. 


In  Mr.  Sumner's  view,  the  three  attributes  in- 
volved in  the  definition  mentioned  above  do  not 
constitute  the  state  known  to  the  constitution.  A 
fulfilment  of  the  duties  imposed  by  the  funda- 
mental law  is  indispensable  to  the  conception. 
There  can  be  no  such  an  entity  as  a  state  out  of 
practical  relations  with  the  United  States.  A 
state  exists  only  by  virtue  of  the  maintenance  of 
these  relations.  Certain  obligations  are  imposed 
by  the  constitution  upon  the  states,  and  certain 
privileges  are  accorded  to  them.  Refusal  to 
acknowledge  the  obligations  works  ipso  facto  a 
forfeiture  of  the  privileges.  Among  the  obliga- 
tions is  that  fundamental  one  of  recognizing  the 
supremacy  of  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the 
United  States ;  among  the  privileges  is  the  enjoy- 
ment of  governmental  rights  not  attributed  to  the 
central  organization.  Rejection  of  the  former 
works  forfeiture  of  the  latter.  But  the  immediate 
relation  between  the  people  and  the  general  gov- 
ernment is  not  at  all  affected.  This  government, 
therefore,  becomes  the  sole  authority  for  the  regu- 
lation of  their  concerns.  The  inhabitants  may 
organize  themselves  for  admission  as  states,  but 
Congress  may  impose  its  conditions  upon  them 
before  granting  their  application.  It  may  fix  their 
boundaries  at  its  pleasure  and  thus  destroy  every 
vestige  of  the  former  states.  In  short,  where  once 
existed  sovereign  states,  only  the  territorial  status 
survived  the  ordinance  of  secession. 


The  ultimate  principle  of  this  theory  is  that  the 
United  States  is  a  nation,  of  which  the  constitution 
is  the  sovereign  law.  By  the  nation,  through  the 
constitution,  certain  powers  are  conferred  upon 
people  living  in  a  given  district.  In  these  powers 
consists  the  essence  of  a  "  state."  "A  state  under 
the  American  system,"  says  an  able  advocate  of 
the  suicide  doctrine,  "is  not  in  the  domain  and 
population  fixed  to  it,  nor  yet  in  its  exterior  organ- 
ization, but  solely  in  the  political  powers,  rights 
and  franchises  which  it  holds  from  the  United 
States,  or  as  one  of  the  United  States."  ^  It  was 
by  an  act  of  free  will  on  the  part  of  the  communi- 
ties that  they  assumed  these  rights,  and,  by  the 
permission  of  Congress,  became  states.  A  similar 
act  of  free  will  is  sufficient  to  resign  these  rights, 
and  to  revert  to  that  condition  which  preceded 
their  assumption.  "  Nothing  hinders  a  state  from 
committing  suicide  if  she  chooses,  any  more  than 
there  was  something  which  compelled  the  territory 
to  become  a  state  in  the  Union  against  its  will." 
But  however  frequent  may  be  the  shuffling  on  and 
off  of  the  state  form,  the  United  States,  as  territo- 
rial sovereign  by  virtue  of  natural  laws  far  beyond 
the  reach  of  local  action,  remains  unaffected. 

The  conquered-province  theory,  which  was  held 
chiefly  by  Thaddeus  Stevens,  coincided  with  that 
of  Mr.  Sumner  in  respect  to  the  effect  upon  the 
states  of  their  own  acts.     They  became  non-exist- 

^  Brownson,  The  American  Republic,  p.  290. 


ent  as  states.  But  Stevens  maintained  that  the 
course  of  the  United  States  government  had  made 
it  impossible  to  concede  that  they  possessed,  after 
their  subjection,  even  the  attributes  of  territories 
under  the  constitution.  On  Sumner's  principle, 
the  people  of  the  South,  upon  submission  to  the 
national  forces,  became  entitled  to  the  rights  of 
United  States  citizens,  as  guaranteed  by  the  con- 
stitution and  exercised  prior  to  the  erection  of 
the  state  organization.  They  had  been  treated  as 
belligerent  enemies  only  so  far  as  it  was  necessary 
in  order  to  bring  them  under  the  power  of  the  gov- 
ernment as  traitorous  citizens.  The  government's 
right  to  treat  them  in  either  capacity  had  been  af- 
firmed by  all  departments,  and  acted  upon  by  all. 
But  Stevens  regarded  all  the  nice  constructions  of 
law  by  which  this  end  was  attained  as  forced  and 
unreal.  He  appealed  to  the  actual  facts  of  the 
case,  and  asked  if  any  one  could  look  at  the  mili- 
tary rule  controlling  the  South  and  say  that  it 
was  not,  in  reality,  the  dominion  of  a  conqueror. 
Neither  during  the  war,  nor  at  its  close,  had  any 
constitutional  limitation  been  regarded  that  stood 
in  the  way  of  making  the  Southern  people  subject 
to  the  absolute  will  of  the  United  States  govern- 
ment. Such  had  come  to  be  their  condition,  and 
in  no  respect  did  it  differ  from  that  of  a  conquered 
foreign  foe.  By  proclamation  of  the  executive,  by 
law  of  Congress  and  by  decision  of  the  judiciary, 
the  people  of  all  the  states  in  insurrection  had  been 


declared  public  enemies ;  as  such  they  had  been 
subdued  by  the  armies  of  the  nation ;  by  their  own 
act  they  had  rejected  the  authority  of  the  consti- 
tution, and  it  was  not  for  them  now  to  claim  any 
rights  under  that  instrument.  Whatever  might  be 
the  technical  pleadings  of  the  lawyers,  the  plain 
facts  of  the  situation  were  that  the  lives,  the  liberty 
and  the  property  of  all  the  South  were,  by  virtue 
of  conquest,  at  the  absolute  disposal  of  the  govern- 
ment. The  principles  of  international  law  might 
guide  the  settlement,  if  the  government  chose,  but 
no  provision  of  the  domestic  constitution  had  any 
binding  force  whatever. 

From  the  theories  of  Sumner  and  Stevens,  as 
well  as  from  those  of  the  Southerners  and  the  Presi- 
dent, conclusions  were  deduced  which  were  very 
unpalatable  to  the  majority  of  thinking  men  of  the 
day.  The  possibility  of  arguing  away  the  exist- 
ence of  a  state  was  an  idea  quite  as  offensive  as 
that  of  immediately  conceding  autonomy  to  the 
recreant  commonwealths.  On  the  one  hand  the 
historic  conception  of  the  nation  as  a  federal 
union  seemed  threatened  with  destruction ;  on  the 
other  hand,  there  appeared  no  guarantee  of  politi- 
cal results  at  all  commensurate  with  the  military 
triumph  of  the  Unionists. 

It  was  in  consequence  of  this  dilemma  that  the 
theory  of  forfeited  rights  was  matured.  Standing 
midway  between  the  extreme  doctrines,  it  embraced 
some  feature  of   each  of    the   rival   theories,  and 


like  every  compromise,  it  was  deficient  in  a  con- 
sistent relation  of  its  parts.  Its  supporters  would 
not  concede  that  any  state  had  been  or  could  be 
out  of  the  Union.  But,  they  argued,  the  insurgent 
communities,  while  still  integral  parts  of  the  nation, 
are  not  in  the  enjoyment  of  all  the  rights  which, 
in  a  normal  condition,  a  state  may  enjoy.  That 
element  of  the  state  which  is  designated  the 
people,  should  be  in  strictness  called  the  politi- 
cal people.  This  political  people  has  committed 
a  political  crime  against  the  nation.  But  just  as 
the  individual  who  violates  the  civil  law  of  society 
forfeits  his  civil  rights  in  that  society,  so  the  com- 
munity which  offends  against  the  political  order  of 
the  nation  may  lose  its  political  rights  at  the  will 
of  the  sovereign.  In  no  other  way  can  the  integ- 
rity of  the  nation  be  secure.  Now  the  agent  of 
the  sovereign,  in  adjudging  the  extent  and  duration 
of  the  punishment  to  be  visited  upon  the  recreant 
commonwealths,  is  Congress.  This  is  evident  from 
the  very  nature  of  government ;  but  it  is  also  im- 
mediately sanctioned  by  the  constitution.  For  the 
United  States  is  directed  by  that  instrument  to 
guarantee  to  every  state  a  republican  form  of  gov- 
ernment. The  nation  thus  becomes  the  final  arbiter 
as  to  the  status  of  a  state.  But  Congress  is  em- 
powered to  make  all  laws  necessary  and  proper  to 
carry  into  effect  the  granted  powers.  Congress, 
therefore,  and  not  the  President,  is  to  direct  the 
rehabilitation  of  the  states.     Finally,  the  constitu- 


tion,  and  laws  made  in  pursuance  thereof,  must  be 
the  supreme  law  of  the  land  ;  under  this  clause  the 
power  of  the  legislature  in  the  matter  becomes 
indisputable.  Neither  the  state  nor  the  executive 
can  claim  any  rights  or  authority  as  against  the 
constitutional  law-making  organ  of  the  government. 

In  many  points  the  theory  of  forfeited  rights  ap- 
proached very  near  to  that  of  Sumner.  It  might 
be  said,  in  general,  that  the  only  difference  between 
them  consisted  in  a  mere  abstraction.  Sumner  held 
that  the  states  did  not  exist;  the  forfeited-rights 
theory  refrained  from  stating  the  idea  in  that 
form,  but  held  in  fact  that  they  should  be  con- 
sidered, at  the  pleasure  of  Congress,  in  a  condition 
of  suspended  animation.  But  on  the  hypothesis 
of  state  suicide,  the  very  boundaries  of  a  com- 
monwealth might  be  obliterated,  and  its  identity 
utterly  destroyed ;  the  rival  theory  drew  the  line 
here,  and,  while  placing  the  vital  principle  of 
political  rights  at  the  mercy  of  Congress,  made  to 
conservative  sentiment  the  cheap  concession  of 
territorial  indestructibility. 

The  President's  theory  also  seemed  at  some 
points  to  follow  quite  closely  the  lines  of  the  for- 
feited-rights doctrine.  Mr.  Johnson  himself  de- 
scribed the  condition  of  the  rebel  states  in  respect 
to  the  exercise  of  their  governmental  rights,  as  that 
of  suspended  animation.^   But  the  condition  was  not 

1  See  his  remarks  to  citizens  of  Indiana;  McPherson,  Recon- 
struction, p.  46. 


recognized  as  arising  from  the  forfeiture  of  any 
of  the  rights  they  once  possessed.  Only  in  the 
retention  of  each  and  every  one  of  such  rights  did 
he  see  the  maintenance  of  the  integrity  of  the 
states.  The  suspended  animation  was  the  conse- 
quence of  a  concrete  state  of  affairs  among  the 
people  of  the  state,  and  was  not  at  all  dependent 
upon  the  will  of  any  political  body  outside  of  that 
community.  Congress,  in  fine,  the  President  held, 
had  no  power  to  deprive  a  state  of  any  right  as  a 
penalty  for  the  crimes  of  the  people  of  the  state. 
It  was  that  power,  however,  which  the  national 
legislature,  supported  by  the  great  mass  of  the 
Northern  people,  finally  determined  to  exercise. 

V.    The  Congressional  Plan  of  Restoration 

From  the  theories  just  outlined,  and  the  multi- 
tude of  views  by  which  opinion  shaded  imper- 
ceptibly from  one  to  the  other  of  the  definite 
doctrines,  the  reconstruction  committee  was  called 
upon  to  formulate  a  creed  upon  which  the  majority 
in  Congress  could  stand  united.  Concession  had 
to  be  made  to  all  the  various  shades  of  opinion 
among  Republicans.  The  report,  therefore,  em- 
bodied some  feature  of  nearly  all  the  theories,  but 
the  combination  was  such  as  to  bring  into  clearest 
definition  the  doctrine  of  forfeited  rights.^ 

1  For  the  report,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  84. 


In  the  first  place,  the  committee  adopted  the 
view  which  the  President  had  once  proclaimed, 
that,  at  the  close  of  the  war,  the  people  of  the 
rebellious  states  were  found  "  deprived  of  all  civil 
government."  The  de  facto  governments  set  up 
during  the  rebellion  were  illegal,  so  far  as  the 
United  States  government  was  concerned,  and  the 
attempt  to  legalize  them  by  force  had  failed.  At 
the  cessation  of  hostilities,  then,  the  Southern 
states  were  disorganized  communities,  and  subject 
only  to  military  dominion.  The  President,  in  his 
capacity  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army,  how- 
ever, had  no  authority  to  deal  with  the  restoration 
of  civil  government.  He  appointed  provisional  gov- 
ernors, who  were,  however,  mere  military  officials. 
Through  these  officials  the  people  of  the  disor- 
ganized communities  adopted  certain  systems  of 
government;  but  these  were  nothing  more  than 
phases  of  the  President's  military  sway.  There 
was  nothing  of  a  permanent  nature  in  them,  and 
their  establishment  had  no  effect  as  against  any 
regulation  that  should  be  adopted  by  the  law- 
making power  in  reference  to  the  final  adjustment 
of  relations  with  the  states. 

We  cannot  regard  the  various  acts  of  the  President  in  rela- 
tion to  the  formation  of  local  governments  in  the  insurrection- 
ary states  ...  in  any  other  light  than  as  intimations  to  the 
people  that  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army,  he  would  con- 
sent to  withdraw  military  rule,  just  in  proportion  as  they  should 
by  their  acts  manifest  a  disposition  to  preserve  order  among 


themselves,  establish  governments  denoting  loyalty  to  the 
Union,  and  exhibit  a  settled  determination  to  return  to  their 
allegiance  ;  leaving  with  the  law-making  power  to  fix  the 
terms  of  their  final  restoration  to  all  their  rights  and  privileges 
as  states  of  the  Union. 

In  meeting  the  conservative  proposition  that  a 
state,  under  the  constitution,  must  be  either  in  the 
Union,  with  all  rights  absolutely  recognized,  or  out 
of  it,  with  no  rights  whatever,  the  committee's 
principle  denied  the  completeness  of  the  disjunc- 
tion, and  rested  on  the  conception  of  a  state  with 
full  rights,  but  with  those  rights  in  abeyance  by 
virtue  of  circumstances  demanding  recognition  by 
the  supreme  national  government. 

This  view  of  the  condition  of  the  states  was 
evidently  that  of  the  forfeited-rights  theory.  In 
deference  to  the  conquered-province  idea,  however, 
the  committee  reminded  the  states  that,  ''whether 
legally  and  constitutionally  or  not,  they  did,  in 
fact,  withdraw  from  the  Union,  and  made  them- 
selves subject  to  another  government  of  their  own 
creation."  The  moral  of  this  was  that  from  one 
point  of  view  "the  conquered  rebels  are  at  the 
mercy  of  the  conquerors."  In  such  a  situation, 
it  was  held  to  follow  that  the  government  had 
a  right  to  exact  indemnity  for  the  injuries  done, 
and  to  take  security  against  the  recurrence  of  such 
outrages.  The  concession  to  Stevens  was  thus 
utilized  as  a  basis  for  the  great  maxim  of  the  for- 
feited-rights school,  "indemnity  for  the  past  and 


security  for  the  future."  Sumner's  doctrine  was 
also  deferred  to  with  much  respect.  The  territorial 
unity  of  the  nation  was  insisted  upon,  and  it  was 
denied  that  any  portion  of  the  people  of  the  nation 
had  the  right,  while  remaining  on  its  soil,  to  with- 
draw from  or  reject  the  authority  of  the  United 
States.  They  might  destroy  their  state  govern- 
ments, and  ''cease  to  exist  in  an  organized  form," 
but  this  in  no  way  relieved  them  from  their  obli- 
gations under  the  constitution  and  the  laws.  The 
distinction  was  marked  between  the  destruction 
of  the  states  and  the  overthrow  of  the  state  gov- 
ernments. "The  states,"  it  was  held,  "may  cease 
to  exist  in  an  organized  form";  so  far,  but  no 
farther,  was  the  possibility  of  state  destruction 
conceded.  The  constitution  acts  upon  the  people 
directly,  and  not  upon  the  states  as  such ;  only  by 
act  of  the  people,  therefore,  may  the  states  become 
amenable  to  the  disciplinary  power  of  the  national 

The  conclusion  of  the  committee,  accordingly, 
was  that  the  so-called  Confederate  states,  having 
forfeited  all  civil  and  political  privileges  under  the 
constitution,  were  not  entitled  to  representation. 
Before  allowing  it,  security  for  future  peace  and 
safety  should  be  required.  This  could  be  obtained 
only  by  changes  in  the  organic  law  with  a  view  to 
determine  the  civil  rights  and  privileges  of  citizens 
in  all  parts  of  the  republic,  to  place  representation 
on  an  equitable  basis,  to  fix  a  stigma  upon  treason, 


to  protect  loyal  people  against  future  claims  for 
the  losses  sustained  in  support  of  rebellion  and  by 
the  emancipation  of  slaves,  and  to  grant  express 
power  to  Congress  to  enforce  these  provisions. 

There  is  manifest  in  the  view  thus  set  forth  the 
same  tendency  to  blend  purely  constitutional  con- 
ceptions with  the  broader  notions  of  international 
law  that  is  seen  in  the  theory  of  the  war  power 
employed  during  hostilities.  It  is  only  through 
this  tendency  that  the  exaction  of  indemnity  be- 
comes prominent.  The  general  sentiment  against 
the  infliction  of  penalties  for  treason  upon  individ- 
uals, together  with  the  conviction  that  punishment 
should  be  visited  upon  something,  resulted  in  a 
transfer  of  the  consequences  of  rebellion  from  the 
individual  to  the  state.  Any  difficulties  in  the  way 
of  such  a  transfer  were  readily  avoided  by  the 
resort  to  precedents  of  international  warfare. 

A  month  previous  to  the  presentation  of  the 
committee's  report,  the  measures  necessary  to 
the  application  of  its  principles  had  been  submitted 
to  Congress.  The  conditions  which  were  regarded 
as  necessary  to  be  imposed  upon  the  South  were 
embodied  in  a  proposition  for  a  fourteenth  amend- 
ment to  the  constitution.  Accompanying  the  reso- 
lution were  two  bills  to  supplement  it  in  carrying 
out  the  committee's  plan.  By  one  it  was  provided 
that  whenever  any  state  lately  in  insurrection 
should  ratify  the  proposed  amendment  to  the  con- 
stitution, and  should  modify  its  constitution  and 


laws  in  conformity  therewith,  the  members  from 
that  state  might  be  admitted  into  Congress  as  such. 
The  companion  bill  declared  ineligible  to  any  office 
under  the  United  States  government  all  persons 
included  in  five  specified  classes,  substantially  the 
same  as  those  exempted  from  amnesty  by  the 
President's  early  proclamation.^ 

In  its  general  features  this  plan  announced  by 
Congress  resembled  that  by  which  the  President 
had  effected  restoration.  A  constitutional  amend- 
ment was  proposed,  the  adoption  of  which  was  the 
prime  condition  of  recognition.  But  it  was  not 
deemed  necessary  to  provide  for  governments 
through  which  state  action  should  be  taken.  The 
Johnson  organizations,  while  stigmatized  as  mere 
military  concerns,  were  yet  recognized  as  suffi- 
ciently representative  in  their  character  to  express 
the  will  of  the  states.  Such  recognition  consti- 
tuted a  vital  flaw  in  the  consistency  of  the  Congres- 
sional plan.  If  those  governments  were  competent 
to  ratify  an  amendment  to  the  constitution  of  the 
United  States,  it  was  insisted  that  the  states  which 
organized  them  were  entitled  to  representation  in 
the  national  Congress.  The  Thirteenth  Amend- 
ment had  become  of  effect  through  its  adoption 
by  the  Johnson  governments.^  Much  abuse  was 
heaped  upon  Mr.  Seward  for  his  action  in  recog- 
nizing  the   right  of  the   rebel  states  to  vote   on 

1  For  the  bills,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  103. 

*  See  proclamation  by  Seward;  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  6. 


this  matter,^  but  his  method  was  found  worthy  of 

The  content  of  the  proposed  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment marks  very  accurately  the  progress  that  had 
been  made  by  the  spring  of  1866  in  ideas  as  to 
the  extent  to  which  reconstruction  should  go.  In 
the  first  section,  the  desire  of  the  conservative 
Republicans  to  put  the  civil  rights  of  the  negroes 
under  the  protection  of  the  United  States  was 
gratified.  The  fourth  guaranteed  the  financial 
integrity  of  the  government,  and  thus  satisfied 
those  who  feared  some  assertion  of  state  rights 
that  might  legalize  debts  incurred  in  opposition  to 
the  national  authority.  These  two  provisions  con- 
stituted the  limitations  upon  the  powers  of  the 
states  that  were  generally  recognized  as  unavoid- 
able consequences  of  the  war.  The  second  section 
of  the  amendment  dealt  with  matters  upon  which 
opinion  in  the  dominant  party  was  far  from  certain 
and  harmonious.  It  embodied  a  very  clumsy  and 
artificial  solution  of  the  suffrage  problem.  The 
alternative  presented  to  the  states,  of  enfranchis- 
ing the  blacks  or  losing  proportionally  in  represen- 
tation, was  a  mere  temporary  compromise  between 
two  party  factions.  It  was  the  most  that  the 
friends  of  negro  suffrage  could  secure  at  this  stage 
of  the  process;  but  there  was  no  indication  that 
they  would  be  satisfied  with  this.  The  third  sec- 
tion of   the  amendment  was  merely  incidental  to 

*  E.g.,  Scofield,  of  Pa.;  Globe,  2d  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  598. 


the  conflict  between  Congress  and  President  John- 
son. The  President's  very  free  exercise  of  the 
pardoning  power  interfered  with  the  progress  of 
the  legislature's  policy,  and  no  method  of  checking 
this  interference  seemed  so  feasible  as  a  constitu- 
tional amendment.  As  a  whole,  the  amendment 
was  tentative.  It  betokened  a  longing  for  a 
definite  settlement  of  the  two  great  questions  of 
the  day,  tempered  by  dread  of  an  adverse  public 

The  bills  which  accompanied  the  resolution  con- 
taining the  amendment  were  not  acted  upon  dur- 
ing the  first  session  of  the  Thirty-ninth  Congress, 
and  the  full  inauguration  of  the  committee's  plan, 
therefore,  was  not  accomplished.  The  first  steps 
having  been  taken,  it  was  considered  well  to  await 
the  action  which  the  Southern  states  should  take 
in  the  matter,  and  especially  to  ascertain  the  result 
of  the  autumn  elections  in  the  North,  before  mak- 
ing any  further  advances. 

Only  in  the  case  of  Tennessee  was  this  policy 
departed  from.  In  that  state  the  radical  Union 
Party  had  in  the  previous  year  secured  firm  con- 
trol of  the  government,  and  had  adopted  measures 
rigorously  excluding  their  opponents  from  any 
share  in  its  organization.  The  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment was  promptly  ratified  by  the  legislature, 
though  not  without  some  doubts  as  to  the  regu- 
larity of  the  proceedings,^  and  Congress  not  less 

1  Ann.  Cyclopedia,  1866,  p.  729. 


promptly  declared  Tennessee  restored  to  the 
Union.  In  the  preamble  to  the  resolution  restor- 
ing the  state,  the  ground  of  the  act  was  explained 
in  accordance  with  the  theory  that  Congress  had 
adopted.  The  conditions  considered  necessary, 
it  was  stated,  had  been  fulfilled,  and,  moreover, 
acts  "proclaiming  and  denoting  loyalty"  had 
been  performed  by  the  new  state  government. 
These  acts,  not  named  in  the  law,  were  in  fact 
the  disfranchisement  of  all  partisans  of  the 
Confederacy  and  various  steps  looking  to  negro 

It  was  to  the  attainment  of  these  ends  —  dis- 
franchisement and  enfranchisement,  in  some  de- 
gree —  that  a  steadily  growing  sentiment  had 
been  directed  from  the  beginning.  Scruples  as  to 
the  constitutionality  of  any  interference  by  Con- 
gress with  the  hitherto  sacred  right  of  a  state  to 
regulate  the  qualifications  for  voting  within  its 
boundaries,  had  alone  prevented  the  requirement 
of  negro  suffrage,  at  least,  as  a  condition  of  restora- 
tion. The  moderate  Republicans  desired  that  this 
regulation  should  be  made  by  the  voluntary  act  of 
the  Johnson  organizations.  Till  every  hope  of  such 
a  consummation  was  exhausted,  the  forfeited-rights 
school  of  thinkers  preferred  to  lean  toward  the 
conservative  theories  of  state  status.  Two  events 
converted  this  tendency  into  an  unmistakable 
swerve  toward  the  opposite  extreme.  These  were, 
the  rejection  of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  by 


the  legislatures  of  the  ten  states  still  unrestored, 
and  the  overwhelming  defeat  of  the  President's 
supporters  in  the  Congressional  elections. 

VI.     Military  Reconstruction 

An  exhaustive  discussion  of  the  further  prog- 
ress of  reconstruction  in  its  relation  to  the  con- 
stitution would  involve  an  examination  in  more  or 
less  detail  of  the  conflict  between  Congress  and 
the  other  great  departments  of  the  government. 
Such  examination,  however,  is  without  the  scope 
of  this  essay.  The  fruitless  impeachment  of  Pres- 
ident Johnson  was  the  climax  of  the  legislature's 
struggle  with  the  executive.  As  to  the  judiciary, 
a  hostility  to  the  radical  tendency  of  Congress 
was  unmistakably  manifested  in  the  cases  of  Milli- 
gan,^  Cummings  and  Garland.^  The  conservative 
character  of  these  decisions  aroused  a  feeling  of  in- 
tense bitterness  against  the  Supreme  Court.  Many 
laws  were  proposed  looking  to  a  curtailment  of  its 
appellate  jurisdiction,  and  the  suggestion  was  not 
wanting  that  even  the  original  jurisdiction  in  cer- 

1  Discussed  supra,  p.  45  et  seq.  Thaddeus  Stevens  regarded 
this  decision  as  scarcely  less  infamous  than  that  in  the  Dred  Scott 
Case,  and  as  much  more  dangerous  to  liberty.  Globe,  2d  sess., 
39th  Cong.,  p.  251. 

2  4  Wallace.  In  these  two  cases  a  state  and  a  federal  test  oath, 
designed  to  exclude  rebels  from  exercising  the  functions  of  clergy- 
man and  attorney  respectively,  v^ere  held  unconstitutional,  as  ex 
post  facto  laws. 


tain  cases  secured  to  it  by  the  constitution  might 
be  taken  away  by  an  amendment.^  Whether  the 
menaces  directed  against  the  judiciary  had  some 
effect,  or  whether  adherence  to  the  traditional 
policy  of  the  court  to  avoid  conflict  on  political 
questions  with  the  legislature  was  sufficient,  it  is 
certain  that  the  will  of  Congress  met  with  no 
adverse  opinion  during  the  remainder  of  the  re- 
construction era. 

The  further  and  final  action  of  Congress  in 
bringing  about  the  reorganization  of  the  South- 
ern commonwealths,  is  marked  by  a  gradual  but 
certain  relinquishment  in  fact  of  the  theory  of 
state  status  which  had  been  previously  adopted 
and  which  was  still  adhered  to  in  name.  Each 
successive  step  rendered  more  and  more  obscure 
the  connection  with  the  forfeited-rights  idea. 
Hitherto,  by  this  theory,  the  will  of  the  states, 
as  expressed  by  the  historical  constituency  of  the 
states,  had  been  recognized  as  entitled  to  at  least 
the  consideration  involved  in  its  assent  to  the  con- 
ditions of  restoration  imposed  by  the  national  au- 
thority. Henceforth,  the  will  of  the  nation  is 
asserted  without  reference  to  that  of  the  state. 
The  process  of  military  reconstruction,  in  its  lead- 
ing features,  follows  closely  the  lines  of  the  theory 
of  state  suicide. 

Through  the  rejection  of  the  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment by  the  Southern  states,  the  process  of  res- 

Bingham;  Globe,  2d  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  502. 


toration  proposed  in  the  committee's  report  was 
brought  to  a  standstill.  It  was  evident  that  the 
Southern  whites  would  not  consent  to  the  admis- 
sion of  the  blacks  to  the  polls.  In  the  North,  the 
hot  campaign  in  the  fall  elections  of  1866  resulted 
very  favorably  to  the  friends  of  negro  suffrage. 
Supported  by  a  strong  and  growing  public  senti- 
ment, the  radicals  now  devoted  their  energies  to 
the  task  of  making  the  black  vote  the  basis  of  re- 
construction. This  involved  of  necessity  the  sub- 
ordination of  the  old  political  people  of  the  various 
states  to  a  new  political  people  created  by  Con- 
gress. In  this  fact  lay  the  practical  triumph  of 
the  Sumner  theory. 

The  law  which  finally  inaugurated  the  work  of 
military  reconstruction  was  passed,  over  the  Presi- 
dent's veto,  March  2,  1867.  It  declared  that  no 
legal  state  governments  existed  in  ten  states  of 
the  Union,  and  no  adequate  protection  for  life  or 
property.  The  deficiency  was  made  good  by  plac- 
ing the  said  states  under  the  military  authority 
of  the  United  States,  and  dividing  them  into  five 
military  districts  with  an  officer  of  rank  not  less 
than  brigadier-general  at  the  head  of  each.  The 
existing  state  governments  were  not  abolished, 
but  the  sixth  section  of  the  bill  enacted  that  any 
civil  government  which  might  exist  in  any  of  the 
states  before  its  representatives  were  admitted  to 
Congress  should  be  deemed  provisional  only,  and 
in  all  respects  subject  to  the  paramount  authority 


of  the  United  States.  In  the  fifth  section  of  the 
act  were  stated  the  conditions  on  which  repre- 
sentatives would  be  admitted  and  military  gov- 
ernment withdrawn.  Here  the  triumph  of  the 
radicals  was  manifest ;  in  addition  to  the  ratifi- 
cation of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment,  it  was  re- 
quired that  a  state  constitution  should  have  been 
framed  by  a  convention  chosen  by  all  male  citi- 
zens of  the  state  of  proper  age,  "  of  whatever  race, 
color  or  previous  condition,"  and  that,  in  that 
constitution,  the  same  qualifications  for  the  elec- 
toral franchise  should  be  ordained.  The  act  itself 
disfranchised  and  declared  ineligible  to  the  con- 
vention all  who  were  excluded  from  office  by  the 
proposed  Fourteenth  Amendment.  In  short,  full 
enfranchisement  of  the  blacks  and  disfranchisement 
of  the  leading  whites  were  required  as  conditions 
precedent  to  the  enjoyment  of  the  rights  of  a  state. 
The  theory  of  a  voluntary  acceptance  of  these 
terms  by  the  states  was  still  nominally  adhered 
to ;  but  no  provision  appeared  in  the  act  for  the 
initiation  of  any  movement  for  the  fulfilment  of 
the  conditions.  Such  a  movement  could  scarcely 
be  expected  of  the  existing  governments,  which 
had  rejected  the  Fourteenth  Amendment,  and 
which  were  by  the  act  declared  illegal.  On  the 
23d  of  March,  1867,  the  Fortieth  Congress,  by 
the  supplementary  reconstruction  act  of  that  date, 
took  into  its  own  hands  the  whole  process  of 
reorganizing   the   recalcitrant    districts.      To   the 


military  commander  of  each  district  was  assigned 
the  duty  of  causing  to  be  made  a  registration  of 
voters  qualified  under  the  act  of  March  2,  and  of 
holding  elections  for  delegates  to  a  constitutional 
convention  in  each  state.  The  work  of  the  con- 
vention was  afterward  to  be  submitted  to  the 
voters  for  ratification,  all  under  the  immediate 
control  of  the  military  commanders. 

To  overcome  the  conservative  constructions  of 
the  law  which  were  adopted  by  the  administration, 
still  another  supplementary  act  was  passed  on  the 
19th  of  July.  Attorney-General  Stanbery,  in  con- 
struing the  first  two  laws,  had  declared  that  the 
military  authority  was  to  be  used  only  as  auxiliary 
to  the  existing  civil  governments  in  the  rebel 
states.  The  new  act  declared  that  those  govern- 
ments, if  continued,  were  to  be  subject  in  all 
respects  to  the  military  commanders.  Their  oflfi- 
cers  could  be  removed  at  the  will  of  the  officer  in 
command  of  the  district.  Further,  practically  un- 
limited discretion  was  conferred  upon  the  register- 
ing officers  as  to  who  should  be  put  upon  the  lists 
of  voters.  And  finally,  to  thwart  effectually  the 
hostile  influence  of  the  administration,  the  Gen- 
eral of  the  Army  was  invested  with  the  final 
authority  in  the  removal  and  suspension  of  offi- 
cers, and  no  commander  concerned  in  carrying 
out  the  acts  was  to  be  bound  by  any  opinion  of 
any  civil  officer  of  the  United  States.  This  last 
provision  was  aimed  at  the  attorney-general. 


The  three  acts  just  outlined  contain  all  the 
essential  principles  of  the  process  by  which  re- 
construction was  actually  accomplished.  The  chief 
features  of  the  process  were :  first,  the  overthrow 
of  ten  state  governments  that  had  been  organized 
under  the  Presidential  proclamations ;  second,  the 
establishment  of  military  government  in  the  dis- 
organized districts ;  and  third,  the  determination 
by  Congress  of  the  qualifications  of  voters,  not 
only  for  the  immediate  purpose  of  reorganization, 
but  also  for  all  the  future  existence  of  the  common- 

As  to  the  first  point,  the  action  of  Congress 
was  entirely  consistent  with  the  ground  it  had 
taken  at  the  beginning  of  its  struggle  with  the 
President.  It  had  steadily  declined  to  recognize 
the  organizations  set  up  under  Mr.  Johnson's 
guidance  as  anything  more  than  provisional.  The 
status  of  a  state  that  had  forfeited  its  rights  pre- 
cluded the  exercise  of  self-government  until  those 
rights  had  been  restored.  Under  the  radical  ten- 
dency imparted  to  the  legislature  by  the  autumn 
elections  of  1866,  Stevens  succeeded  in  embody- 
ing his  conquered-province  theory  in  the  preamble 
to  the  first  military  bill  as  it  passed  the  House.^ 
The  Senate,  however,  toned  down  the  clause  so  as 
to  avoid  declaring  the  states  extinct.  In  its  final 
form,  the  act  stigmatized  them  as  ''rebel  states." 
Exactly  what  a  "rebel  state"  is  was  not  stated. 
1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  1037. 


By  the  radicals,  the  expression  was  regarded  as 
conceding  their  claim  that  a  state,  as  a  corporate 
entity,  could  commit  the  insurrectionary  act,  and 
so  draw  upon  itself  the  penalty  of  forfeiting  its 
rights.  The  more  moderate  school,  on  the  other 
hand,  maintaining  that  rebellion  was  a  crime  of 
which  only  the  individual  could  be  guilty,  con- 
strued the  phrase  as  signifying  a  state  whose 
inhabitants  were  wholly  or  chiefly  rebels.  But 
whether  the  state  was  extinct  or  merely  with- 
out rights,  the  authority  of  the  national  gov- 
ernment over  its  territory  and  people  was 
equally  indisputable.  And  of  this  national  gov- 
ernment, Congress  was  the  responsible  directing 

The  second  feature  of  the  process  gave  rise  to 
vehement  discussion  in  Congress.  What  was  the 
ground  of  justification  for  the  imposition  of  purely 
military  government  on  the  rebel  states }  Assum- 
ing that  the  whole  question  was  extra-constitu- 
tional, and  that  only  the  law  of  nations  controlled 
Congress,  there  was  no  difficulty.  Stevens  and 
his  followers  had  plain  sailing.  But  if  the  rebel 
districts  were  still  states,  and  their  people  citizens 
of  the  United  States,  how  could  the  proclamation 
of  martial  law  and  the  substitution  of  the  military 
commission  for  the  jury  court  be  reconciled  with 
the  Bill  of  Rights }  The  most  obvious  answer 
was  that  the  act  assumed  the  existence  of  one 
of  those  cases  of  rebellion  or  invasion  in  which 


the  constitution  authorizes  Congress  to  suspend 
the  ordinary  safeguards  of  civil  liberty.  All  ad- 
mitted that  the  judgment  of  the  legislature  as  to 
when  such  a  case  had  arisen  was  final.  But  as  a 
mere  question  of  fact,  the  existence  of  rebellion 
or  invasion  in  1867  was  far  from  being  clearly 
demonstrable.  In  spite  of  reports  of  outrages  upon 
freedmen  and  Unionists  in  various  parts  of  the 
South,  which  partisan  zeal  magnified  ad  libitum^ 
it  could  not  be  made  to  appear  that  the  situation 
was  such  as  in  itself  to  involve  rebellion.  The 
moderates  were  therefore  compelled  to  fall  back 
upon  the  assumption  that  the  old  war  had  not  yet 
technically  ended.  For  the  benefit  of  this  class,  the 
radicals,  though  troubled  with  no  scruples  them- 
selves, resurrected  an  ancient  Latin  phrase,  bello 
non  flagrante  sed  nondum  cessante^  and  pointed  out 
that  bello  nondum  cessante  was  recognized  in  inter- 
national law  as  one  phase  of  warfare.  Such  was 
the  situation  now  in  the  Southern  states. ^  "  A  re- 
bellion," said  Shellabarger,  "is  simply  crushed  by 
war,  by  the  arms  of  the  republic,  but  is  still  suffi- 
ciently strong  to  overthrow  and  defy  the  courts  in 
nearly  half  the  territories  of  the  republic.  That  is 
a  state  of  things  contemplated  by  your  constitu- 
tion." The  war  power,  in  all  its  completeness,  was 
therefore  in  the  hands  of  Congress,  and  would 
continue  to  be  until  state  governments  were  recog- 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  1083. 


The  difficulty  with  this  theory  was  that  it  put 
the  legislature  in  distinct  contradiction  to  both 
itself  and  the  other  two  departments  of  the  gov- 
ernment. For  by  proclamations  of  April  2  and 
August  20,  1866,  the  President  had  announced 
that  the  insurrection  once  existing  in  the  eleven 
specified  states  was  at  an  end.^  His  right  to  de- 
cide this,  as  a  mere  military  fact,  was  never  seri- 
ously questioned.  Congress  itself,  in  at  least  one 
instance,  recognized  the  date  of  the  last  proclama- 
tion as  ending  the  war.^  The  Supreme  Court,  in 
its  first  opinion  on  the  question,^  expressly  declined 
to  discuss  whether  the  rebellion  could  be  considered 
as  suppressed  for  one  purpose  and  not  for  another, 
but  in  the  case  before  it,  accepted  the  date  of  the 
President's  final  proclamation.  Later,  Chief  Jus- 
tice Chase,  on  the  ground  that  some  act  of  a  politi- 
cal department  must  be  regarded  as  conclusive, 
decided,  without  reservation,  that  the  executive 
must  be  followed.* 

There  is  but  one  theory  on  which  the  setting  up 
of  military  government  in  the  Southern  states  by 
Congress  can  be  made  to  harmonize  with  the  view 
of  the  other  departments  as  to  the  termination  of 
the  rebellion,  and  that  is,  that  the  alleged  inade- 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  pp.  15  and  194. 

2  Public  Acts,  39th  Cong.,  2d  sess.,  ch.  cxlv,  sec.  2. 

*  U.  S.  vs.  Anderson,  9  Wallace,  56. 

*  The  Protector,  12  Wallace,  700.  Cf.  Brown  vs.  Hiatts,  15 
Wallace,  184,  and  Balesville  Inst.  vs.  Kauffman,  18  Wallace,  155. 



quate  protection  for  life  or  property  in  the  rebel 
states  in  1867  constituted  a  new  "case  of  rebellion 
or  invasion,"  which  justified  the  establishment  of 
martial  law.  But  on  this  supposition  there  would 
be  a  direct  collision  between  Congress  and  the 
judiciary  at  another  point.  In  the  case  of  Milligan 
the  Supreme  Court  declared  with  unmistakable 
emphasis  that  "  martial  rule  can  never  exist  where 
the  courts  are  open,  and  in  the  proper  and  un- 
obstructed exercise  of  their  jurisdiction."  Yet  in 
the  states  which  were  relegated  by  Congress  to 
the  unlimited  dominion  of  officers  "  not  below  the 
rank  of  brigadier-general,"  the  ordinary  courts, 
both  local  and  federal,  had  transacted  their  regular 
business  for  nearly  two  years. 

In  reference  to  the  third  and  perhaps  the  most 
important  feature  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts,  the 
legislature  and  the  judiciary  are  in  harmony,  though 
the  difficulty  of  reconciling  their  doctrine  with  the 
earlier  interpretations  of  the  constitution  is  in- 
superable. Congress  enacted  that  new  state  gov- 
ernments should  be  organized  by  a  political  people 
differing  in  toto  from  that  which  had  formerly  been 
recognized  as  the  basis  of  the  commonwealths. 
The  leaders  of  the  Southern  whites  were  excluded 
from  any  part  in  the  reconstruction  ;  the  freedmen 
were  awarded  the  ballot,  and  were  relied  upon  to 
accomplish  the  formation  of  state  governments. 
Two  questions  arose  in  connection  with  these  acts: 
first,  by  what  authority  did  the  national  legislature 


direct  the  organization  of  new  governments  in  the 
rebel  states ;  second,  by  what  authority  did  Con- 
gress prescribe  the  quaUfications  of  electors  for  the 
operation?  The  answer  to  both  questions  was:  By 
virtue  of  the  guarantee  clause  of  the  constitution. 
Forfeited-rights,  state-suicide  and  conquered-prov- 
ince  theories  all  agreed  that  Congress  was  the 
proper  organ  to  provide  for  the  re-establishment 
of  state  governments.  By  only  the  first,  however, 
was  an  indefinite  continuance  of  the  existing  con- 
dition of  affairs  considered  anomalous.  Sumner 
and  Stevens  saw  no  states  existing  in  the  South, 
and  therefore  felt  no  need  of  haste  in  the  erection 
of  states  there.  The  less  radical  thinkers  saw 
states  without  governments,  and  insisted  upon  the 
speediest  termination  of  such  a  paradox. 

It  is  declared  by  the  constitution  that  "the 
United  States  shall  guarantee  to  every  state  in 
this  Union  a  republican  form  of  government." 
The  intention  of  the  framers  of  the  constitution 
in  this  clause  was  precisely  stated  by  Madison  in 
The  Federalist,  number  43:  "The  authority  ex- 
tends no  further  than  a  guaranty  of  a  republican 
form  of  government,  which  supposes  a  pre-ex- 
isting government  of  the  form  which  is  to  be 
guaranteed."  ^  A  practical  application  of  the 
clause  had  been  demanded  in  connection  with  the 
Dorr  rebellion  in  Rhode  Island.  The  malcontents 
sought  to  secure  interference  by  the  general  gov- 

1  Cf.  also  Elliott's  Debates,  V,  128,  182,  333. 


ernment  on  the  ground  that  the  limitation  of  the 
franchise  under  the  old  charter  organization  was 
unrepublican.  President  Tyler,  however,  wrote  to 
Governor  King :  "  It  will  be  my  duty  to  respect 
that  government  which  has  been  recognized  as  the 
existing  government  of  the  state  through  all  time 
past."  ^  In  other  words,  the  term  "  guarantee  " 
was  understood  to  express  a  corrective  and  not  a 
creative  power.  As  Webster  put  it  before  the 
Supreme  Court  in  1848  : 

The  law  and  the  constitution  go  on  the  idea  that  the  states 
are  all  republican,  that  they  are  all  representative  in  their 
forms,  and  that  these  popular  governments  in  each  state,  the 
annually  created  creatures  of  the  people,  will  give  all  proper 
facilities  and  necessary  aids  to  bring  about  changes  which  the 
people  may  judge  necessary  in  their  constitutions.^ 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  construction  of 
the  guarantee  clause  embodied  in  these  passages 
was  the  recognized  principle  of  the  law  prior  to 
1867.  Only  by  a  complete  rejection  of  the  old 
interpretation  could  the  moderates  derive  from  the 
constitution  the  power  of  Congress  to  organize  a 
government  for  a  state.  To  maintain  themselves 
in  their  somewhat  unsteady  position  that  a  state 
could  not  perish,  they  wrenched  the  guarantee 
clause  wholly  away  from  its  history.  Nor  was 
their  violence  successful.  For  to  the  impartial 
reader,  the  act  of  March  23,  1867,  is  much  more 

1  North  American  Review^  vol.  58,  p.  398. 

2  Works,  VI,  231. 


suggestive  of  an  enabling  act  for  a  territory  than 
of  a  guaranteeing  act  for  a  state. 

As  the  power  to  organize  new  governments 
in  the  rebel  states  was  based  upon  an  interpreta- 
tion of  the  word  **  guarantee,"  so  the  right  to 
determine  the  suffrage  was  evolved  from  the  ex- 
pression "a  republican  form  of  government."  No 
authoritative  definition  of  such  a  form  exists  in 
our  law.  The  Supreme  Court  has  ascribed  the 
determination  of  its  characteristics  to  Congress.^ 
It  was  held  by  the  negro-suffragists  that  the 
emancipation  of  the  blacks  and  their  admission 
to  the  enjoyment  of  civil  rights  had  effected  a 
modification  in  the  conception  of  a  "republican 
form."  This  doctrine  was  adopted  by  all  the 
supporters  of  military  reconstruction.  "  The  new 
freemen,"  said  Chief  Justice  Chase,  in  Texas  vs. 
White,  "necessarily  became  part  of  the  people,  and 
the  people  still  constituted  the  state.  .  .  .  And 
it  was  the  state,  thus  constituted,  which  was  now 
entitled  to  the  benefit  of  the  constitutional  guar- 
anty." The  implication  was  that  a  republican 
form  under  the  new  circumstances  must  include 
negroes  among  the  bearers  of  the  suffrage.  It 
cannot  be  doubted  that  the  decision  of  Congress 
as  to  when  a  state  has  a  republican  form  of  gov- 
ernment is  final.  But  a  decision  which  runs  counter 
to  the  facts  of  history  as  well  as  to  the  previous 

1  Luther  vs.  Borden,  7  Howard,  42;  Texas  vs.  White,  7  Wallace, 



interpretation  of  our  fundamental  law  may  well 
be  regarded  as  revolutionary.  The  principle  of 
the  reconstructionists  was  that  impartial  manhood 
suffrage,  without  respect  to  color,  was  a  charac- 
teristic feature  of  a  republican  form  of  state  gov- 
ernment. In  contradiction  to  this  doctrine  stood, 
first,  the  historical  fact  that  at  the  formation  of 
the  constitution  as  well  as  at  the  era  of  the  recon- 
struction many  if  not  most  of  the  states  excluded 
negroes  from  the  polls ;  and  second,  the  universally 
recognized  legal  principle  that,  by  the  plainest 
inference  from  the  words  of  the  constitution,^ 
the  states  were  authorized  to  fix  the  qualifications 
of  electors  absolutely  at  their  discretion.  Sumner 
met  both  these  obstacles  boldly.  He  declared  that 
the  whole  history  of  the  negro  in  this  country  gave 
the  lie  to  any  claim  that  our  state  governments 
were  or  had  been  republican,  and  he  argued  with 
all  the  power  of  his  learning  that  color  was  in  no 
sense  a  "qualification"  of  electors.  The  majority 
of  the  reconstructionists  declined  to  follow  him 
into  such  radical  paths.  They  preferred  to  bridge 
the  abyss  that  yawned  between  the  old  system 
and  the  new  with  a  series  of  disjointed  quibbles. 

The  doctrine  of  forfeited  rights  has  been  adopted, 
as  a  theory  of  constitutional  law,  by  the  Supreme 
Court,2  and  for  a  long  time,  probably,  the  legal  re- 

1  Article  i,  section  2. 

2  Texas  vs.  White,  7  Wallace,  700 ;  cf.  also  i  Chase's  Decisions, 
139,  and  Gunn  vs,  Barry,  15  Wallace,  623. 


lations  of  the  civil  war  and  reconstruction  will  be 
construed  in  accordance  with  this  theory.  With 
its  political  bearings,  however,  the  court  has  rightly 
disclaimed  all  connection.  The  question  as  pre- 
sented to  the  judiciary  was  :  Has  such  and  such  a 
state  ever  ceased  to  be  a  state  of  the  Union  .?  For 
answer  to  this  interrogation,  the  court  declared  its 
obligation  to  follow  the  political  departments  of 
the  government.  A  review  of  the  acts  of  these 
departments  failed  to  reveal  an  express  declaration 
that  any  state  had  ceased  to  exist.  The  process  of 
reconstruction  presented  many  situations  which 
could  be  explained  as  readily  by  assuming  a  revolu- 
tion to  have  occurred  as  by  strained  constructions 
of  the  constitution.  It  was  the  duty  of  the  judi- 
ciary, however,  to  preserve  above  all  things  the 
continuity  of  legal  development.  This  duty  was 
fulfilled,  notably,  in  the  elaborate  argument,  but 
very  doubtful  logic,  of  Texas  vs.  White.  Private 
rights  must  be  determined,  then,  on  the  theory 
that  a  state  cannot  perish.  With  political  relations 
the  case  is  different.  Only  the  tension  of  a  great 
national  crisis  is  likely  to  call  for  a  review  of  the 
Reconstruction  Acts  by  the  legislature;  yet  in  such 
an  emergency  these  precedents  of  political  action 
may  and  probably  will  be  regarded  as  much  more 
consistent  with  the  views  of  Sumner  and  Stevens 
than  with  the  theory  of  forfeited  rights. 


By  the  acts  of  March  2  and  March  23,  1867, 
Congress  laid  down  the  lines  on  which  the  process 
of  reconstruction  was  finally  to  be  carried  through. 
This  legislation,  supported  by  the  public  sentiment 
of  the  North,  practically  settled  the  constitutional 
issues  of  the  war.  Not  that  efforts  were  not  made 
to  break  the  hold  of  the  national  military  power 
on  the  South.  Sanguine  lawyers  of  both  sections 
hastened  to  Washington  to  invoke  the  aid  of  the 
Supreme  Court  in  overthrowing  what  seemed  pal- 
pably unconstitutional  proceedings  under  the  Re- 
construction Acts.  Mississippi  applied  through 
counsel  for  an  injunction  to  restrain  the  President 
from  enforcing  those  acts,^  but  in  vain ;  "  govern- 
ment by  injunction"  in  this  particular  aspect  failed 
to  win  the  favor  of  the  court.  Nor  was  any  bet- 
ter success  attained  when  Georgia  moved  against 
Stanton,  the  subordinate,^  rather  than  Johnson,  the 
chief.      The  court  wisely  recognized  a  sphere  in 

1  Miss.  vs.  Johnson,  4  Wall.  475. 

*  Georgia  vs.  Stanton,  6  Wall.  51. 



which  it  would  not  intrude  upon  the  discretion  of 
the  executive.  A  more  promising  opportunity  to 
test  the  obnoxious  laws  arose  in  connection  with 
the  writ  of  habeas  corpus.  For  the  better  en- 
forcement of  the  Civil  Rights  Act  Congress  in 
1867  extended  the  appellate  jurisdiction  of  the 
Supreme  Court  to  all  habeas  corpus  cases  that 
involved  United  States  laws.  One  McCardle,  a 
Mississippi  editor,  availed  himself  of  this  law  to 
bring  before  the  court  the  question  as  to  the 
legality  of  his  arrest  under  the  Reconstruction 
Acts.  The  supporters  of  these  acts  were  very 
distrustful  of  the  court,  especially  as  to  its  pos- 
sible opinion  on  the  clauses  establishing  military 
government.  When,  therefore,  the  court  denied  a 
motion  to  dismiss  McCardle's  appeal  and  heard 
the  case  argued  on  its  merits,  the  Congressional 
leaders  were  greatly  alarmed.  Before  an  opinion 
was  rendered  the  House  hurried  through  a  repeal 
of  so  much  of  the  act  of  1867  as  was  involved  in 
McCardle's  case ;  the  Senate  concurred  with  un- 
wonted celerity ;  and,  though  the  scheme  was  de- 
tected in  time  to  receive  the  President's  veto,  the 
bill  became  a  law,  and  the  court  dismissed  the 
case  for  want  of  jurisdiction.^  The  justices  were 
no  doubt  greatly  relieved  to  escape  the  responsi- 
bility of  deciding  this  case.  It  was  much  better 
from  every  point  of  view  that  the  fierce  contro- 
versy of  the  times  should  be  fought  out  entirely 

1  Ex  parte  McCardle,  6  Wall.  324;    7  Wall.  512. 


by  the  distinctively  political  organs  of  the  gov- 
ernment. After  the  failure  of  the  McCardle  case 
the  opposition  to  reconstruction  found  significant 
expression  chiefly  in  the  messages  of  the  Presi- 
dent and  the  platforms  of  the  Democratic  Party, 
neither  of  which  carried  much  weight. 

Meanwhile  the  process  was  carried  to  its  con- 
clusion by  the  military  commanders  to  whom  its 
execution  was  entrusted.  The  functions  of  these 
officers  were,  under  the  terms  of  the  acts,  of  a 
twofold  character.  First,  the  "adequate  protec- 
tion to  life  and  property,"  which  was  declared 
by  the  acts  to  be  lacking,  was  to  be  furnished 
by  the  military;  second,  the  organization  of  a 
new  political  people  in  each  of  ten^  states  was 
to  be  effected  according  to  the  method  laid  down 
in  the  acts.  The  purpose  of  this  essay  is  to  set 
forth  the  leading  features  of  the  military  regime 
in  the  fulfilment  of  the  first  of  these  functions. 


The  chief  end  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  was 
purely  political.  They  were  enacted  for  the  pur- 
pose of  giving  the  negro  the  ballot  in  the  ten 
Southern  states  which  had  rejected  the  proposed 
Fourteenth  Amendment.  Their  whole  operation, 
therefore,  must  be  regarded  as  incidental  to  this 

1  Tennessee  had  been  restored  to  her  normal  relations  in  the 
summer  of  1866,     Ante,  p.  119. 


object.  That  the  establishment  of  military  gov- 
ernment was  a  feature  of  the  system  they  em- 
bodied, was  due  primarily  to  the  fact  that  the 
introduction  of  negro  suffrage  was  possible  only 
by  the  strong  hand.  The  act  of  March  2  did 
indeed  allege  that  "  no  adequate  protection  for 
life  or  property  "  existed  in  the  states  concerned, 
and  asserted  the  necessity  of  enforcing  peace  and 
good  order  therein.  But  these  declarations  were 
inseparably  connected  with  the  denunciation  of 
the  existing  state  governments  as  illegal ;  so  that 
the  lack  of  protection  for  life  and  property  could 
be  construed  as  arising  from  the  illegality  rather 
than  from  the  inefficiency  of  the  de  facto  civil 

It  was,  indeed,  contended  by  the  more  violent 
radicals  in  the  debates  on  reconstruction  that  the 
actual  conditions  in  the  South  were  intolerable, 
and  that  military  force  was  needed  for  the  mere 
maintenance  of  peace,  apart  from  political  reor- 
ganization. But  the  weight  of  evidence  pointed 
to  the  contrary.  The  reports  of  the  army  com- 
manders and  of  the  commissioners  of  the  Freed- 
men's  Bureau  for  1866  were  almost  uniformly  of 
a  reassuring  tone.  Abuse  of  freedmen  and  Union 
men  was  not  only  becoming  less  common,  but  was 
also  receiving  adequate  attention  from  the  ordi- 
nary state  courts.  General  Wood  declared  that 
in  Mississippi  substantial  justice  was  administered 
by  the  local  judiciary  to  all  persons  irrespective 



of  color  or  political  opinions.  General  Sickles 
thought  the  same  to  be  true  for  most  parts  of 
South  Carolina.  General  Howard,  the  head  of  the 
Freedmen's  Bureau,  drew  from  the  reports  of  his 
subordinates  a  similar  conclusion  as  to  the  whole 
region  covered  by  their  operations.^  On  the  other 
hand,  General  Sheridan  found  a  good  deal  still  to 
be  desired  in  Louisiana  and  Texas,  and  Sickles 
admitted  that  certain  specified  counties  of  South 
Carolina  failed  to  afford  a  safe  habitation  for  the 
freedmen.  The  latter  officer's  explanation  of  the 
existing  disorder  embodied  a  truth  that  was  appli- 
cable very  generally  through  the  South.  He  de- 
clared that  the  outrages  in  the  localities  referred 
to  were  not  peculiar  to  that  time. 

Personal  encounters,  assaults  and  difficulties  between  citi- 
zens, often  resulting  in  serious  wounds  and  death,  have  for 
years  occurred  without  serious  notice  or  action  of  the  civil 
authorities ;  .  .  .  where  it  has  hitherto  seemed  officious  to 
arrest  and  punish  citizens  for  assault  upon  each  other,  they 
can  hardly  be  expected  to  yield  with  any  grace  to  arrests  for 
assaults  and  outrages  upon  negroes.^ 

The  general  here  touched  upon  a  potent  source  of 
evil  to  the  South  in  the  days  of  reconstruction. 
Northern  opinion  tended  to  judge  the  rebel  states 
by  social  standards  that  never  had  been  fairly 
applicable  to  them.  A  laxity  in  the  administra- 
tion of  criminal  justice  that  had  always  prevailed 

^  See  reports  annexed  to  that  of  the  secretary  of  war  for  1866. 
2  Report  of  General  Sickles  for  1866. 


was  wrongly  ascribed  by  the  North  to  a  xsx^x^  post- 
bellinn  spirit  of  rebellion  and  race  hatred. 

The  most  striking  evidence  that  affairs  were 
assuming  a  normal  condition  in  the  South  was 
afforded  by  the  extent  to  which  military  authority 
and  jurisdiction  were  withdrawn  during  the  year 
1866.  The  Freedmen's  Bureau  had  been  endowed 
with  judicial  authority  in  cases  in  which  the  f reed- 
men  were  not  assured  of  equal  rights  with  the 
whites.  But  by  the  end  of  that  year  a  gradual 
relinquishment  of  this  authority  was  completed  in 
most  of  the  states.  Only  in  parts  of  Virginia,  Lou- 
isiana and  Texas  were  the  special  courts  still  in 
existence  at  the  time  of  the  commissioner's  report. 
The  ordinary  administration  of  civil  and  criminal 
justice  for  all  citizens  irrespective  of  race  had  thus 
been  resigned  to  the  state  courts.  This  process 
had  of  course  been  rendered  much  more  rapid  by 
the  enactment  of  the  Civil  Rights  Act,  which  gave 
to  the  regular  national  judiciary  jurisdiction  over 
cases  in  which  equal  rights  were  denied.  By 
action  of  the  military  authorities  the  "vagrancy 
laws"  and  other  offensive  statutes  passed  by  the 
state  legislatures  for  controlling  the  blacks  had 
been  rendered  nugatory,  and  the  United  States 
courts  manifested  from  the  outset  a  resolution  to 
give  to  the  Civil  Rights  Act  an  interpretation 
that  should  effectively  nullify  any  parts  of  the 
"  black  codes "  that  had  escaped  the  military 
power.     But  all  further  labor  by  the  judiciary  on 


the  problem  of  securing  equal  civil  rights  for  the 
freedman  was  rendered  for  the  time  unnecessary 
by  the  resort  to  military  power  to  secure  him  equal 
political  rights. 

In  the  spring  of  1867,  when  the  first  Reconstruc- 
tion Act  went  into  effect,  the  general  situation  in 
the  South  was  probably  not  as  satisfactory  as  it 
had  been  at  the  beginning  of  the  preceding  winter. 
Two  causes  had  contributed  to  a  reaction.  In  the 
first  place,  the  crops  had  in  many  parts  of  the 
South  failed  entirely  in  1866.  The  pressure  of 
famine  began  to  be  felt  early  in  the  winter,  and  by 
the  beginning  of  the  next  spring  the  distribution 
of  food  through  both  public  and  private  agencies 
had  assumed  large  proportions.^  Upon  the  rela- 
tions between  the  races  the  crop  failure  had  seri- 
ous effects.  Complaints  arose  in  every  direction 
from  the  freedmen  that  their  wages  were  not 
being  paid  by  their  employers.  The  latter  in  too 
many  cases  were  quite  unable  to  pay,  in  others 
were  disposed  to  take  advantage  of  the  situation 
to  escape  their  liability.  Much  friction  naturally 
arose  out  of  the  circumstances.  To  this  was  added 
the  bad  feeling  generated  by  the  discussion  of 
negro  suffrage  in  Congress  and  out  during  the 
winter.     As  the  resolution  of  the  dominant  party 

1  By  authority  of  a  joint  resolution  of  March  30,  the  Freedmen's 
Bureau  devoted  half  a  million  dollars  to  the  purchase  and  distribu- 
tion of  food  in  the  South.  —  Report  of  Commissioner  Howard  for 


to  enfranchise  the  blacks  by  force  became  clear 
the  disgust  and  despair  of  the  whites  tended 
toward  expression  in  violence,  especially  wherever 
the  freedmen  manifested  any  consciousness  of 
unwonted  power.  There  is  little  room  to  doubt 
that  the  establishment  of  military  government  at 
the  South  was  indispensable  to  the  Congressional 
scheme  of  reconstruction ;  but  that  such  govern- 
ment was  necessary  without  reference  to  that 
scheme  is  hardly  to  be  conceded. 


By  the  act  of  March  2,  1867,  the  ten  Southern 
states  affected  were  divided  into  five  military  dis- 
tricts, each  to  be  commanded  by  an  officer  not 
below  the  rank  of  brigadier-general.  The  primary 
duties  of  these  officers  were 

to  protect  all  persons  in  their  rights  of  person  and  property, 
to  suppress  insurrection,  disorder  and  violence,  and  to  punish, 
or  cause  to  be  punished,  all  disturbers  of  the  public  peace  and 

For  the  execution  of  these  duties  the  commanders 
could  either  allow  the  local  civil  tribunals  to  try 
offenders,  or  organize  military  tribunals  for  the 
purpose.  In  case  the  latter  method  were  em- 
ployed, the  sentence  of  the  tribunal  was  to  be 
subject  to  approval  by  the  district  commander; 
and,  if  it  involved  the  death  penalty,  to  the  ap- 
proval of   the    President.     Interference   with   the 


military  under  color  of  state  authority  was  declared 
null  and  void,  while  the  existing  civil  governments 
in  the  states  were  declared  provisional  only,  and 
subject  to  the  paramount  authority  of  the  United 
States,  to  abolish,  modify,  control  or  supersede. 
In  these  provisions  were  defined  the  functions  of 
the  commanders  so  far  as  the  preservation  of  order 
and  the  conduct  of  civil  administration  were  con- 
cerned. Their  duties  in  the  reorganization  of  the 
state  governments  were  set  forth  in  the  supple- 
mentary act  of  March  23,  and  will  be  considered 

On  the  nth  and  15th  of  March  orders  from 
army  headquarters  made  the  following  assignments 
of  commanders  :  First  district,  Virginia,  General 
Schofield ;  second  district.  North  Carolina  and 
South  Carolina,  General  Sickles ;  third  district, 
Georgia,  Florida  and  Alabama,  General  Pope ; 
fourth  district,  Mississippi  and  Arkansas,  General 
Ord ;  fifth  district,  Louisiana  and  Texas,  General 
Sheridan.^  All  these  officers  had  distinguished 
themselves  in  the  war  and  had  acquired  reputa- 
tions that  guaranteed  success  in  any  military 
capacity.  But  the  positions  in  which  they  now 
found    themselves   demanded  other   than    purely 

1  None  of  these  officers  remained  in  command  of  his  district  till 
reconstruction  was  complete.  The  following  is  a  list  of  their  succes- 
sors :  First  district,  Stoneman,  Webb,  Canby;  second  district,  Canby ; 
third  district,  Meade;  fourth  district,  Gillem,  McDowell,  Ames;  fifth 
district,  Griffin,  Mower,  Hancock,  Buchanan,  Reynolds,  Canby. 


military  qualities.  They  were  to  carry  out  a  great 
political  policy,  which  was  to  be  resisted  not  by 
armed  force,  but  by  political  means.  They  were 
to  act  under  a  commander-in-chief  who  was  a  vio- 
lent adversary  of  the  policy,  and  under  a  General 
of  the  Army  whose  conscientious  efforts  to  main- 
tain an  impartial  attitude  failed  to  conceal  his  dis- 
position to  favor  the  policy.  They  had  to  deal, 
moreover,  with  civil  governments  which  their 
commander-in-chief  insisted  were  constitutional  or- 
ganizations, but  which  Congress  had  declared  des- 
titute of  legality.  Though  military  officers  are  not 
supposed  to  have  political  opinions,  the  five  gen- 
erals could  hardly  fail  to  be  influenced  by  their 
personal  conclusions  on  the  great  issues  of  the 
day.  It  was  generally  known  that  Sheridan  and 
Pope  were  in  favor  of  strong  measures  in  dealing 
with  the  South,  and  that  Sickles  would  readily 
adopt  a  radical  line  of  action.^  If  Schofield  and 
Ord,  from  whatever  motives,  failed  to  conform  to 
this  example,  it  was  inevitable  that  they  should 
be  displeasing  to  the  extremists  in  Congress  and 
should  be  sustained  by  the  moderate  Republicans 
and  the  Democrats.  Political,  rather  than  military, 
considerations  would  necessarily  form  the  basis  for 

1  Cf.  Blaine,  Twenty  Years  of  Congress,  II,  297,  note.  This 
note,  satisfactory  for  the  subject  in  connection  with  which  I  have 
cited  it,  contains,  however,  a  number  of  those  inaccuracies  of 
statement  and  imphcation  which  mar  every  part  of  this  useful  but 
untrustworthy  work. 


judgment  upon  the  conduct  of  the  commanders; 
and  in  order  to  sustain  their  honorable  reputations 
a  degree  of  tact  and  discretion  in  civil  affairs  was 
essential  that  far  exceeded  anything  that  had  been 
required  of  them  before. 

As  to  the  mass  of  the  whites  —  the  people,  in  a 
political  sense,  of  the  South  —  no  possible  conduct 
of  the  military  rulers  could  be  expected  to  win 
their  approval.  The  necessity  of  submission  to 
force  had  been  thoroughly  learned,  and  no  organ- 
ized resistance  was  attempted  to  the  few  thousand 
troops  that  were  scattered  over  the  ten  states.^ 
But  the  loss  of  the  self-government  which  had 
gradually  been  restored  during  the  last  two  years 
caused  deep  indignation  and  resentment.  Apart 
from  the  dread  of  approaching  negro  domination, 
the  mere  consciousness  that  the  center  of  authority 
was  at  military  headquarters,  and  not  at  the  state 
capital,  disheartened  the  most  moderate  and  pro- 
gressive classes.  It  soon  appeared,  moreover,  that 
military  government  was  not  to  be  simply  nominal ; 
the  orders  of  the  commanders  reached  the  com- 
monest concerns  of  every-day  life,  and  created  the 
impression  of  a  very  real  tyranny. 

At  the  outset  all  five  generals  announced  a  pur- 

1  The  adjutant-general's  report  of  October  20,  1867,  gives  the 
total  force  in  the  ten  states  as  19,320,  distributed  among  134  posts. 
Richmond  and  New  Orleans  had  about  looo  men  each;  but  at  no 
other  post  were  there  as  many  as  500.  Of  the  total  force,  over  70CX) 
were  in  the  fifth  district  —  Louisiana  and  Texas. 


pose,  and  most  of  them  a  desire,  to  interfere  as 
little  as  possible  with  the  ordinary  civil  administra- 
tion.^  Officials  of  the  existing  governments  were 
directed  to  continue  in  the  performance  of  their 
duties  until  duly  superseded.  All  elections  under 
state  laws  were,  however,  forbidden,  since  the 
negroes  were  to  be  clothed  with  the  suffrage 
before  the  popular  will  should  again  be  consulted. 
As  to  the  administration  of  justice,  whenever  it 
appeared  to  the  military  officers  that  the  ordinary 
courts  were  not  sufficiently  active  or  impartial  in 
their  work,  cases  were  transferred  to  the  military 
tribunals  that  were  expressly  authorized  by  the 
Reconstruction  Act.  The  punishment  of  blacks 
by  whipping  or  maiming,  which  was  provided  for 
by  recent  state  acts,  was  prohibited  at  once,  in 
accordance  with  a  rider  in  the  Army  Appropriation 
Act  of  March  2,  1867.  It  was  inevitable  that  the 
summary  overriding  of  the  established  order,  on 
however  moderate  a  scale,  should  engender  con- 
flicts of  authority  and  consequent  friction ;  but  the 
only  result  was  that  the  assertion  of  military  con- 
trol in  the  administration  of  both  civil  and  criminal 
law  increased  steadily  in  scope  in  all  the  districts 
as  the  months  rolled  on.  Each  fresh  recourse  to 
arbitrary  authority  aroused  a  great  storm  of  re- 
proach  and   denunciation    from    the    Democratic 

1  The  most  important  orders  and  correspondence  relating  to 
military  government  in  its  initial  and  determining  stages  are  em- 
bodied in  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  No.  14,  1st  sess.,  40th  Cong. 


press  both  North  and  South,  and  in  June  the 
administration  itself,  through  a  published  opinion 
of  Attorney-General  Stanbery,  harshly  disapproved 
the  policy  adopted  by  most  of  the  officers.  This 
brought  a  crisis  and  Congress,  hastily  reassem- 
bling, conclusively  defined  the  scope  of  the  military 
power  by  the  supplementary  legislation  of  July  19. 


The  most  harassing  question  that  had  to  be 
dealt  with  by  the  generals  on  assuming  their  com- 
mands was  that  of  their  relation  to  the  officers  of 
the  existing  state  governments.  The  act  of  March 
2  declared  these  governments  to  be  provisional 
only  and  subject  to  the  paramount  authority  of 
the  United  States  "to  abolish,  modify,  control  or 
supersede  the  same,"  but  did  not  expressly  em- 
power the  district  commanders  to  wield  this  para- 
mount authority.  In  pursuance  of  their  express 
power  to  maintain  order  the  generals  were,  how- 
ever, obliged  to  assume  that  a  control  over  the 
perso7inel  of  the  state  administration  was  implied. 
Removals  from  office,  accordingly,  were  made  from 
the  beginning  on  grounds  of  inefficiency  or  of 
obstruction  to  the  work  of  registering  the  negroes. 
As  removals  did  not  abolish  the  offices,  but  were 
followed  by  appointments,  military  headquarters 
tended  to  become  the  center  of  a  keen  struggle  for 
place  and  patronage.     The  mutual  recriminations 


of  the  parties  to  such  struggles  were  echoed 
throughout  the  land  and  contributed  one  more 
element  to  the  embarrassment  of  the  commanders. 
The  manner  of  filling  vacancies  caused  by  re- 
moval or  otherwise  also  gave  rise  to  serious  dis- 
cussion. Under  military  law  there  seemed  no 
doubt  that  an  officer  or  soldier  could  be  detailed 
by  the  commander  to  perform  the  duties  of  any 
position.  This  method  was  employed  in  many 
cases ;  but  the  supply  of  troops  was  entirely  inade- 
quate to  the  demand  for  non-military  services  and 
resort  had  to  be  made  to  civilians.  At  this  point, 
however,  important  questions  of  constitutional  law 
arose.  What  was  the  legal  status  of  a  civilian 
appointed,  for  example,  governor  of  Louisiana.? 
Was  he  a  state  or  a  federal  officer }  Certainly  not 
the  former;  for  apart  from  the  question  as  to 
whether  any  state  in  the  constitutional  sense  ex- 
isted in  Louisiana,  no  officer  of  such  a  state  could 
be  conceived  as  deriving  his  tenure  from  the  will 
of  an  army  officer.  But  if  the  appointee  was  a 
federal  officer,  why  should  he  not  be  subject  to 
the  constitutional  requirement  of  appointment  by 
the  President,  with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the 
Senate  .?  Congress  might,  under  the  constitution, 
vest  the  appointment  of  inferior  officers  in  **  the 
President  alone,  in  the  courts  of  law  or  in  the 
heads  of  departments";^  but  there  seemed  no 
basis  for   appointment   by  a   major-general  com- 

1  Constitution,  art.  ii,  sec.  2. 



manding  a  military  district.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
the  attempt  to  define  the  precise  status  of  civilian 
appointees  was  never  successful.  The  radicals  in 
Congress  thought  they  should  be  designated  rather 
as  ''agents"  of  the  district  commanders  than  as 
officers  in  any  strict  sense. ^  It  was  rather  gratify- 
ing than  otherv/ise  to  reflect  that  these  ''agents" 
drew  their  salaries,  not  from  the  army  appropria- 
tion or  any  other  national  funds,  but  from  the 
treasury  of  the  state. 

Serious  as  were  the  questions  involved  in  the 
policy,  the  commanders  were  forced  by  sheer  neces- 
sity to  make  civilian  appointments  from  the  very 
outset.  In  this  practice  the  whole  spirit  of  the  re- 
construction legislation  required  that  only  "  loyal " 
men  receive  preferment.  Thus  was  begun,  even 
before  reconstruction  was  effected,  the  process  of 
giving  political  position  and  power  to  a  class  which, 
from  the  nature  of  the  case,  could  have  little  in- 
fluence with  the  masses  of  the  Southern  whites. 
In  the  beginning  the  test  of  "  loyalty"  was  a  record 
of  opposition  to  secession  and  of  positive  hostility, 
or  at  least  lukewarmness,  to  the  Confederate  cause. 
As  the  reconstruction  proceeded  the  test  was  in- 
sensibly transformed  until,  before  the  end  was 
reached,  the  prime  qualification  of  the  loyal  man 
was  approval  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  and  of 
negro  suffrage.  Office-holding  thus  tended  to  be- 
come the  prerogative  of  those  few  whites  who  pro- 

1  Cf.  Wilson  in  Cong.  Globe,  1st  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  527. 


fessed  allegiance  to  the  Republican  Party.  Only 
in  connection  with  the  registration  and  after  the 
enfranchisement  was  complete  were  the  blacks 
admitted  to  important  official  positions.  ^ 

The  actual  practice  of  the  commanders  in  respect 
to  removals  and  appointments  varied  in  the  differ- 
ent districts.  From  Virginia  to  Texas  the  construc- 
tion and  application  of  the  powers  conferred  by 
the  act  grew  more  radical  with  the  progress  south- 
ward. General  Schofield,  in  Virginia,  besieged 
headquarters  with  supplications  for  authoritative 
rulings  upon  his  powers,  and  meanwhile  exercised 
the  powers  with  great  moderation.  Civil  officers 
were  not  ''removed,"  but  were  "suspended"  from 
office  and  "prohibited  from  the  exercise  of  the 
functions  thereof  until  further  orders."  ^  Civilian 
appointments  were  made  after  consultation  with 
local  judicial  officers,  and  the  appointees  were  duly 
commissioned  by  the  governor  of  the  state.  In 
the  Carolinas  General  Sickles  was  obliged  to  assert 
his  authority  more  freely.  He  was,  however,  able 
to  maintain  cordial  relations  with  Governors  Worth 
and  Orr,2  and  this  fact  smoothed  his  path  some- 
what.    Removals  were  made  only  for  positive  mis- 

1  Five  negroes  were  appointed  policemen  in  Galveston  as  early 
as  June  10,  and  there  may  have  been  other  instances  of  this  kind. 
—  Ann.  Cyc,  1867,  p.  715. 

2  Cf,  Special  Orders,  No.  50  and  No.  54,  in  reference  to  certain 
justices  of  the  peace. 

3  Sickles  to  Grant,  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  No.  14,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong., 
p.  56. 


conduct  in  office,  and  were  but  twelve  in  number 
for  the  first  three  months  of  the  command.^  Ap- 
pointments were  very  numerous,  a  large  number 
of  municipal  offices  falling  vacant  by  expiration  of 
the  incumbents'  terms.  The  extent  to  which  the 
military  power  affected  the  most  peaceful  aspects  of 
social  life  is  illustrated  by  the  fact  that  a  **  trustee 
of  Newbern  Academy  "  was  among  those  who  were 
clothed  with  official  authority  by  orders  from  head- 
quarters.^  In  the  third  district  General  Pope  as- 
sumed at  once  an  extreme  position  as  to  the  scope 
of  his  authority,  and  proposed  to  exercise  it  by 
deposing  Governor  Jenkins,  of  Georgia,  for  ex- 
pressing hostility  to  the  Reconstruction  Acts.  The 
governor  saved  himself  by  a  plea  of  ignorance  as 
to  the  commander's  will,  and  escaped  with  nothing 
worse  than  a  severe  scolding,  administered  in  a 
letter  which  manifested  the  same  easy  self-con- 
fidence and  fluency  of  expression  that  had  made 
its  author  a  little  ridiculous  in  the  second  Bull 
Run  campaign.3  At  the  end  of  May  the  mayor, 
chief  of  police  and  other  municipal  officers  of 
Mobile  were  summarily  removed,  and  their  places 
were  filled  by  ''  efficient  Union  men."  The  occa- 
sion for  this  was  a  disturbance  that  took  place  in 
connection  with  a  meeting  at  which  Congressman 
Kelley,  of  Pennsylvania,  made  an  address.  This 
exercise  of  the  power  of  removal  and  appointment 

1  Sickles  to  Grant,  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  No.  14,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong., 


attracted  very  widespread  attention,  and  contro- 
versy raged  fiercely  as  to  the  justice  and  legality  of 
the  action.  It  was  but  a  few  days  later  that  General 
Sheridan,  at  New  Orleans,  took  the  most  decisive 
step  of  all  in  removing  Governor  Wells,  of  Louisi- 
ana, and  appointing  Mr.  Flanders,  a  civilian,  in 
his  place.  Removals  and  appointments  in  minor 
offices  ^  had  been  very  frequent  in  the  fifth  district, 
but  this  last  action  brought  the  whole  question  to 
a  head.  As  department  commander  before  the  pas- 
sage of  the  Reconstruction  Acts,  General  Sheridan 
had  conceived  a  very  poor  opinion  of  the  leading 
politicians  of  both  Louisiana  and  Texas,  Governor 
Wells  among  them,^  But  Wells  had  influential 
friends  in  administration  circles  at  Washington, 
where  Sheridan  was  particularly  disliked ;  and 
moreover,  the  extension  of  the  discretionary  power 
of  a  commander  to  a  sphere  where  very  important 
considerations  of  influence  and  emolument  were 
involved  excited  vehement  criticism. 

President  Johnson  was  now  overwhelmed  with 
demands  that  the  acts  of  Sheridan  and  Pope 
should  be  overruled.  Attorney-General  Stanbery 
had  been  asked  for  an  opinion  on  this  and  other 
points  in  the  interpretation  of  the  reconstruction 
laws.       His   opinion,  rendered  under  the  date  of 

1  The  attorney-general  of  the  state  and  the  mayor  and  city  judge 
of  New  Orleans  were  removed  March  27. 

^  Cf.  Sheridan's  report  for  1866,  in  Report  of  Secretary  of  War, 
2d  sess,,  39th  Cong. 


June  12,  declared  that  these  acts  gave  no  authority 
whatever  for  either  removal  or  appointment  of  ex- 
ecutive or  judicial  officers  of  a  state.^  But  Con- 
gress sprang  promptly  into  the  breach,  and  by  the 
supplementary  act  of  July  19  ^  gave  to  the  com- 
manders, in  the  most  unqualified  terms,  power  to 
remove  at  their  discretion  any  state  officer,  and  to 
fill  vacancies  either  by  the  detail  of  an  officer  or 
soldier,  or  "by  the  appointment  of  some  other 
person."  Under  this  authority  there  was  no 
longer  any  room  for  doubt  or  ground  for  hesita- 
tion. The  act  provided  further  that  it  should  be 
the  "  duty  "  of  the  commanders  to  remove  from 
office  all  persons  "disloyal  to  the  government  of 
the  United  States,"  and  required  that  new  ap- 
pointees should  take  the  "  iron-clad  oath."  ^ 

Every  facility  was  thus  afforded  for  a  complete 
control  of  the  persomiel  of  the  civil  administration 
by  the  commanding  officers.  When  the  constitu- 
tional conventions  under  the  new  registration  met 
in  the  various  states  strong  pressure  was  put  upon 
the  generals  and  upon  Congress  to  bring  about  a 
"  clean  sweep  "  of  the  existing  officials,  and  a  bill 
requiring  such  a  proceeding  was  brought  before 

^  The  opinion  is  in  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  No.  14,  1st  sess.,  40th  Cong., 

P-  275- 

2  Given  in  McPherson,  History  of  the  Reconstruction,  p.  335. 

'  The  stringent  oath  required  from  officers  of  the  United  States, 
by  act  of  July  2,  1862.  It  could  not  be  taken  by  any  one  who  had 
given  "  voluntary  support "  to  any  rebel  government,  state  or  Con- 
federate.     See  infra,  p.  184,  note. 


the  House  of  Representatives.  But  General  Scho- 
field  and  other  officers  declared  that  the  adoption 
of  this  policy  would  render  government  impossible, 
as  there  were  not  available  enough  competent  per- 
sons to  fill  the  places  vacated,  if  the  iron-clad  oath 
should  be  required.  Until  reconstruction  was  nearly 
completed,  therefore,  the  commanders  were  per- 
mitted to  retain  their  discretion  in  the  matter,  and 
changes  were  made,  as  a  rule,  oijly  for  good  cause.^ 
Governor  Throckmorton,  of  Texas,  was  removed 
July  30  for  having  made  himself  an  *'  impediment 
to  the  execution  of  "  the  Reconstruction  Acts,  and 
was  succeeded  by  a  civilian  named  Pease.^  Gov- 
ernor Jenkins,  of  Georgia,  who  had  escaped  the 
power  of  General  Pope,  fell  quickly  before  that 
of  General  Meade,  who  succeeded  Pope  at  the 
beginning  of  1868.  The  governor,  having  refused 
to  execute  warrants  on  the  state  treasury  for  the 
payment  of  the  expenses  of  the  constitutional 
convention,  was  summarily  deposed,  and  his  func- 
tions were  assigned  to  General  Ruger.^    Governor 

1  By  law  of  Feb.  6,  1869,  the  commanders  were  required  to  re- 
move all  officers  who  could  not  take  the  iron-clad  oath.  But  at 
that  time  military  government  prevailed  only  in  Virginia,  Missis- 
sippi and  Texas. 

2  The  unsuccessful  candidate  in  the  election  at  which  Throck- 
morton had  been  chosen  governor. 

3  The  treasury  officials,  sympathizing  with  Jenkins,  concealed 
and  spirited  away  the  books  of  the  treasury,  whereupon  the  sus- 
pected persons  were  brought  before  a  military  commission  for 
punishment.  But  General  Meade's  financial  path  was  very  thorny. 
—  See  his  report  for  1868. 


Humphreys,  of  Mississippi,  was  deposed  in  June, 
1868,  as  an  obstacle  to  reconstruction,  and  was 
succeeded  by  General  Ames.  In  other  states 
governors  were  removed,  but  only  to  facilitate  the 
transition  from  the  military  regime  to  the  perma- 
nent system  under  the  new  constitutions.  Of  the 
lesser  state  officials  the  changes  in  personnel  wq^yq, 
naturally  the  most  extensive  in  the  larger  towns 
and  cities.  It  was  there  that  partisan  zeal  tended 
to  find  its  most  heated  expression ;  and  there  also 
were  to  be  found  in  the  greatest  numbers  the 
Union  men  who  could  qualify  for  office  under  the 
new  law.  Before  reconstruction  was  completed, 
therefore,  the  municipal  administration  in  all  the 
principal  cities  was  remanned  by  military  authority. 
The  list  in  which  this  was  wholly  or  partially  the 
case  includes  Wilmington,  Atlanta,  Mobile,  Vicks- 
burg,  New  Orleans,  Galveston  and  Richmond. 


In  respect  to  the  relation  of  the  district  com- 
manders to  the  laws  of  the  states  subjected  to  their 
authority,  there  was  room  for  a  difference  of  opin- 
ion similar  to  that  which  we  have  seen  in  respect 
to  the  personnel  of  the  governments.  Power  to 
modify  or  set  aside  existing  laws  was  not  expressly 
bestowed  upon  the  commanders;  and  the  recog- 
nition of  civil  governments  of  a  provisional  char- 
acter   gave    room    for    the    implication    that    the 


legislation  of  these  governments  was  to  have 
permanent  force.  But  a  different  view  was  acted 
upon  by  most  of  the  generals  from  the  beginning. 
Assuming  that  they  were  endowed  with  all  the 
powers  incident  to  "  the  military  authority  of  the 
United  States,"  and  that  their  duty  to  "  protect  all 
persons  in  their  rights  of  person  and  property  " 
required  the  unlimited  use  of  such  powers,  they 
refused  to  regard  the  state  laws  as  of  any  signifi- 
cance save  as  auxiliary  to  the  military  government. 
Whatever  validity  attached  to  such  laws  was  due 
to  their  tacit  or  express  approval  by  the  com- 
mander. General  Schofield,  in  giving  to  mili- 
tary commissioners  the  powers  of  county  or  police 
magistrates,  directed  them  to  be  "governed  in  the 
discharge  of  their  duties  by  the  laws  of  Virginia," 
so  far  as  these  did  not  conflict  with  national  laws 
"or  orders  issued  from  these  headquarters."^ 
General  Sickles  specifically  proclaimed  in  force 
"local  laws  and  municipal  regulations  not  incon- 
sistent with  the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United 
States  or  the  proclamations  of  the  President,  or 
with  .  .  .  regulations  .  .  .  prescribed  in  the  orders 
of  the  commanding  general."^  The  implication 
from  these  illustrations  is  clear  that  existing  law 
could  be  superseded  by  the  military  order  —  that 
the  district  commander  had  legislative  authority. 
Against  this  interpretation   of   the   Reconstruc- 

1  First  district,  General  Orders,  No.  31,  May  28,  1867. 

2  Second  district.  General  Orders,  No.  i,  March  21,  1867. 


tion  Act  Attorney-General  Stanbery  argued  most 
earnestly  in  his  opinion  of  June  12.  No  power 
whatever,  he  declared,  was  conferred  on  the  com- 
manders in  the  field  of  legislation.  They  were  to 
protect  persons  and  property,  but  the  sole  means 
for  this  purpose  that  the  law  gave  them  was  the 
power  to  try  offenders  by  military  commission; 
save  where  such  procedure  was  deemed  necessary 
the  jurisdiction  and  laws  of  the  old  state  organiza- 
tion remained  intact.  But  the  ingenuity  of  Mr. 
Stanbery  was  of  no  avail.  In  the  supplementary 
act  of  July  19  Congress  declared  explicitly  that 
the  ten  state  governments,  at  the  time  the  Recon- 
struction Act  was  passed,  "were  not  legal  state 
governments ;  and  that  thereafter  said  govern- 
ments, if  continued,  were  to  be  subject  in  all 
respects  to  the  military  commanders  of  the  re- 
spective districts,  and  to  the  paramount  authority 
of  Congress."  This  phraseology  assured  to  the 
generals  the  same  free  hand  in  respect  to  state 
laws  as  was  assured  in  respect  to  state  officers  by 
other  parts  of  the  act. 

So  far  as  the  criminal  law  was  concerned,  the 
failures  of  justice  which  had  been  alleged  as  jus- 
tifying the  establishment  of  military  government 
were  attributed  to  the  administration  rather  than 
to  the  content  of  the  law.  The  military  commis- 
sions which  were  constituted  with  various  degrees 
of  system  and  permanency  by  the  district  com- 
manders served  very  effectively  to  supplement  the 


regular  judiciary  in  the  application  of  the  ordinary 
state  law.  No  extensive  modifications  of  the  law 
itself,  therefore,  were  considered  necessary.  When 
policemen  or  sheriffs  failed  to  arrest  suspected  or 
notorious  offenders  the  troops  did  the  work ;  when 
district-attorneys  failed  to  prosecute  vigorously,  or 
judges  to  hold  or  adequately  to  punish  offenders, 
the  latter  were  taken  into  military  custody ;  when 
juries  failed  to  convict,  they  were  supplanted  by 
the  military  courts.  It  was  fully  realized  from  the 
outset  that,  in  the  condition  of  public  opinion  in 
the  South,  trial  by  jury  could  not  be  expected  to 
give  strict  justice  to  Union  men  or,  in  general, 
to  the  freedmen.  As  an  alternative,  however,  for 
the  general  establishment  of  military  commissions 
a  remodeling  of  the  jury  laws  was  an  obvious 
expedient.  If  juries  could  be  empaneled  from 
blacks  and  whites  indiscriminately,  the  influence 
of  the  rebel  sentiment  would  be  neutralized.  It 
seemed  axiomatic,  moreover,  that,  if  the  freed- 
men were  qualified  to  vote,  they  were  qualified  for 
jury  service.  Accordingly,  we  find  that  the  more 
radical  commanders  —  Sickles,  Pope  and  Sheridan 
—  used  their  authority  to  decree  that  the  blacks 
should  be  accepted  as  jurors.  With  the  comple- 
tion of  the  registration  of  voters,  the  attainment 
of  the  end  sought  was  simple ;  court  officers  were 
directed  to  make  up  the  jury  panels  from  the 
registration  lists.^     General  Schofield,  in  Virginia, 

1  Cf.  Report  of  Secretary  of  War  for  1867,  vol.  i,  pp.  304  ss,  331  ss. 


with  his  usual  wise  conservatism,  concluded  that 
this  method  of  solving  the  problem  would  not  be 
satisfactory,  and  confined  himself,  therefore,  to  the 
use  of  military  commissions.^ 

Before  the  completion  of  the  registration  made 
feasible  the  method  finally  employed,  the  com- 
mander in  Texas  had  sought  to  attain  the  end  by 
requiring  jurors  to  take  the  "  iron-clad  oath."  But 
this  was  bitterly  resented  by  the  Southerners  on 
the  ground  that  it  practically  excluded  native 
whites  from  the  juries.^  Even  the  final  method 
caused  great  friction  between  the  courts  and  the 
commanders  in  Louisiana  and  Texas.  The  vast 
extent  and  sparse  population  of  the  region  included 
in  these  states  made  the  fifth  district  altogether  the 
most  difficult  to  deal  with  in  every  phase  of  the 
reconstruction  process.  When  General  Hancock, 
succeeding  Sheridan,  assumed  command  in  Novem- 
ber, 1867,  he  formally  revoked  the  order  requiring 
that  jurors  be  chosen  from  the  registered  voters, 
and  put  the  old  state  laws  in  operation.  This 
action  was  an  incident  of  the  new  commander's 
general  policy,  which,  as  embodied  in  his  famous 

1  •'  After  full  consideration  I  became  satisfied  that  any  rule  of 
organization  of  juries,  under  laws  which  require  a  unanimous  ver- 
dict to  convict  .  .  .  must  afford  a  very  inadequate  protection  .  .  . 
in  a  society  where  a  strong  prejudice  of  class  or  caste  exists."  — 
Report  of  General  Schofield  in  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1867, 
vol.  i,  p.  240. 

2  For  the  correspondence  on  this  matter,  see  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  ist 
sess.,  40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  pp.  208-210. 


General  Orders,  No.  40,  reversed  that  of  his 
predecessor.  "  Crimes  and  offenses,"  he  declared, 
"must  be  left  to  the  consideration  and  judgment 
of  the  regular  civil  authorities";  and  in  Special 
Orders,  No.  203,  after  reciting  that  Sheridan's  or- 
der as  to  jurors  was  acting  as  a  clog  on  justice, 
he  asserted  that  in  determining  the  qualifications 
for  jurors  it  was  best  to  carry  out  the  will  of  the 
people  as  expressed  in  the  last  legislative  act  upon 
the  subject.^  The  reluctance  of  General  Hancock 
to  interpose,  either  through  military  courts  or 
through  modification  of  the  jury  laws,  in  the  ordi- 
nary administration  of  justice,  gave  great  offense 
to  the  loyalists  in  the  South  and  to  the  radicals 
throughout  the  Union,  and  was  held  to  have  re- 
sulted in  a  widespread  revival  of  crime  in  the  fifth 

The  changes  in  the  jury  laws  by  military  author- 
ity affected,  of  course,  both  civil  and  criminal  law. 
Of  like  scope  was  the  summary  abrogation  by 
General  Sheridan  of  a  Texas  act  of  1866  by  which 
the  judicial  districts  of  the  state  were  rearranged, 
the  commander  holding  that  the  act  had  been 
passed  for  the  purpose  of  legislating  two  Union 
judges   out   of   office.^     Of   the   modifications   of 

1  For  the  whole  subject  see  Hancock's  report  in  Report  of  Sec- 
retary of  War  for  1868;   also  Ann.  Cyc,  1867,  pp.  463-4. 

2  See  his  report  for  a  sharp  correspondence  with  Governor 
Pease,  of  Texas. 

'  Sen,  Ex.  Doc,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  218  et  seq. 



criminal  law  pure  and  simple,  conspicuous  ex- 
amples are  found  in  Sickles'  General  Orders, 
No.  10,  in  which  the  carrying  of  deadly  weapons 
was  forbidden,  the  death  penalty  for  certain  cases 
of  burglary  and  larceny  was  abolished,  and  the 
governors  of  North  and  South  Carolina  were  en- 
dowed with  the  powers  of  reprieve  and  pardon.^ 
This  last  provision  was  probably  suggested  by  a 
case  in  which  the  military  power  had  been  effec- 
tively invoked  by  the  civil  in  the  interest  of  mercy. 
A  negro  in  North  Carolina  had  been  convicted  of 
burglary  and  sentenced  to  death.  The  governor 
believed  that  the  case  called  for  clemency ;  but 
under  the  state  laws  he  had  the  power  only  to 
pardon  and  not  to  commute.  As  a  pardon  was 
not  desirable,  the  case  was  laid  before  the  district 
commander,  who  then,  by  his  paramount  military 
authority,  commuted  the  sentence  to  imprisonment 
for  ten  years.^ 

The  operation  of  military  government  in  con- 
nection with  the  general  police  power  of  the  states 
is  illustrated  by  General  Sickles'  prohibition  of 
the  manufacture  of  whiskey,  on  the  ground  that 
the  grain  was  needed  for  food ;  by  his  prohibition 
of  the  sale  of  intoxicating  liquor  except  by  inn- 
keepers;  by  General  Ord's  command  that  illicit 
stills  and  their  product  be  sold  for  the  benefit  of 
the  poor,  on  the  ground  "that  poverty  increases 

^  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  ist  sess,,  40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  62. 
2  Ibid.,  p.  76. 


where  whiskey  abounds  " ;  and  by  General  Sheri- 
dan's summary  abolition  of  the  Louisiana  levee 
board  and  the  assignment  of  its  duties  to  commis- 
sioners of  his  own  appointment,  "  in  order  to  have 
the  money  distributed  for  the  best  interests  of  the 
overflowed  districts  of  the  state."  ^ 

As  to  the  administration  of  justice  in  the  field 
of  private  Ir  w.,  interference  by  the  district  com- 
manders was  f  ^r  the  most  part  confined  to  action 
in  special  cases  where  the  proceedings  of  the 
courts  seemed  inequitable  or  contrary  to  public 
policy.  Under  the  latter  head  fall  a  variety  of 
instances  in  which  the  circumstances  of  the  war 
and  of  emancipation  were  involved.  Thus  we  find 
General    Schofield    ordering   a  Virginia    court   to 

1  The  full  reason  assigned  in  the  commander's  order  was :  "  To 
relieve  the  state  of  Louisiana  from  the  incubus  of  the  quarrel  which 
now  exists  between  his  excellency  the  governor  and  the  state  legis- 
lature as  to  which  political  party  shall  have  the  disbursement  of  the 
four  million  dollars  of  '  levee  bonds '  authorized  by  the  last  legis- 
lature, and  in  order,"  etc.^  as  above.  —  Sen.  Ex,  Doc,  ist  sess.,  40th 
Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  250.  General  Sheridan's  orders  and  correspond- 
ence afford  copious  evidence  that  his  temper  was  sorely  tried  by  the 
Louisiana  politicians.  In  several  of  his  dispatches  to  General  Grant 
his  language  in  reference  to  the  President's  policy  was  perilously 
near  the  line  of  insubordination;  but  it  won  for  him  the  enthusias- 
tic support  of  the  radicals  in  the  North,  and  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives passed  a  special  vote  of  thanks  to  him  for  his  services  in 


suspend  proceedings  for  collecting  a  judgment  in 
a  case  of  assault  committed  in  1863.^  General 
Sickles  set  aside  a  decree  of  the  South  Carolina 
court  of  chancery  which  ordered  that  a  fund, 
raised  to  remount  a  Confederate  cavalry  force  in 
1865,  but  left  unused  in  a  Charleston  bank,  should 
be  returned  to  the  contributors.  The  general  held 
that  the  money  belonged  to  the  United  States.^ 
Again,  a  Charleston  savings  bank  was  obliged  by 
military  order  to  pay,  with  interest,  sums  due  to 
certain  soldiers  who  were  in  the  gar/hons  of  Forts 
Sumter  and  Moultrie  in  i860,  ar  I  who  had  de- 
manded their  money,  but  in  vain.  Just  before  the 
beginning  of  hostilities.^  General  Ord  suspended 
proceedings  looking  to  the  sale  of  an  estate  on 
account  of  a  deed  of  trust  for  money  due  for  the 
purchase  of  negroes.^ 

Such  examples  of  intervention  by  special  orders 
are  numerous;  a  far-reaching  modification  of  law 
and  procedure  was  attempted  only  by  General 
Sickles  in  the  second  district.  His  General  Or- 
ders, No.  10,  of  April  II,  1867,  with  the  later 
supplementary  decrees,  assumed,  as  Attorney-Gen- 
eral Stanbery  complained,  "the  dimensions  of  a 
code."^     The  basis  of  this   policy  was  the  wide- 

1  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  47. 

2  Ann.  Cyc.  for  1867,  art.  "  South  Carolina." 

*  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  86. 

*  Ibid.,  p.  152. 

^  Opinion  of  June  12,  ibid.^  p.  281. 


spread  destitution  among  the  people  and  the 
general's  conviction  that  extraordinary  measures 
were  necessary  to  enable  them  to  develop  their 
resources.  There  was  no  room  for  doubt  that 
the  Southern  states  were  all  in  a  condition  of 
economic  demoralization.  As  usual  under  such 
circumstances,  the  complaints  of  debtors,  based 
generally  on  real  hardship,  were  loud  and  wide- 
spread. Not  in  the  Carolinas  alone,  but  all 
through  the  South,  the  demand  for  stay  laws 
was  heard.  It  would  hardly  have  been  surpris- 
ing if  all  the  district  commanders,  in  the  pleni- 
tude of  their  powers  and  the  benevolence  of  their 
hearts,  had  sought  to  bring  prompt  relief  by  de- 
creeing new  tables.  General  Sickles,  after  describ- 
ing the  distress  due  to  crop  failure  and  debt,  and 
the  "  general  disposition  shown  by  creditors  to  en- 
force upon  an  impoverished  people  the  immediate 
collection  of  all  claims,"  declared  that  "to  suffer 
all  this  to  go  on  without  restraint  or  remedy  is 
to  sacrifice  the  general  good."  Accordingly,  he 
announced  the  following  regulations,  among  others, 
to  remain  in  force  until  the  reconstructed  govern- 
ments should  be  established :  Imprisonment  for 
debt  was  prohibited.  The  institution  or  continu- 
ance of  suits,  or  the  execution  of  judgments,  for 
the  payment  of  money  on  causes  of  action  arising 
between  December  19,^  i860,  and  May  15,  1865, 

1  South   Carolina  passed  its   ordinance  of  secession   Dec.  20, 


was  forbidden.  The  sale  of  property  upon  execu- 
tion for  liabilities  contracted  before  December  19, 
i860,  or  by  foreclosure  of  mortgage  was  suspended 
for  one  year.  Advances  of  capital,  required  "  for 
the  purpose  of  aiding  the  agricultural  pursuits  of 
the  people,"  were  assured  of  protection  by  the 
most  efficient  remedies  contained  in  existing  law; 
and  wages  of  agricultural  labor  were  made  a  lien 
on  the  crop.  A  homestead  exemption,  not  to  be 
waived,  was  established  for  any  defendant  having 
a  family  dependent  upon  his  labor.  The  currency 
of  the  United  States  was  ordered  to  be  recognized 
as  legal  tender.  Property  of  an  absent  debtor  was 
exempted  from  attachment  by  the  usual  process ; 
and  the  demand  for  bail  in  suits  brought  to  re- 
cover ordinary  debts,  "known  as  actions  ex  cojt- 
tractn,''  was  forbidden. 

These  sweeping  enactments  were  followed  by 
others  of  a  similar  character.  Having  prohibited 
the  manufacture  and  regulated  the  sale  of  whiskey 
within  the  district.  General  Sickles  further  decreed 
that  no  action  should  be  entertained  in  any  court 
for  the  enforcement  of  contracts  made  for  the 
manufacture,  sale,  transportation,  storage  or  insur- 
ance of  intoxicating  liquors.  Having  prohibited 
discrimination  in  public  conveyances  between  citi- 
zens "  because  of  color  or  caste,"  he  gave  to  any 
one  injured  by  such  discrimination  a  right  of 
action  for  damages.  Finally,  he  abolished  distress 
for  rent,  and  ordered  that  the  crops  should  be  sub- 


ject  to  a  first  lien  for  labor  and  a  second  lien  for 
rent  of  the  land.^ 

This  interpretation  of  military  authority  as  the 
basis  of  a  benevolent  despotism  called  forth  a 
vigorous  protest  from  Attorney-General  Stanbery 
in  his  opinion  of  June  12.  But  nothing  was  done 
to  interfere  with  the  commander's  proceedings 
until  he  came  in  rude  conflict  with  the  national 
judiciary.  On  the  theory  on  which  his  decrees 
were  based  they  were  valid  against  any  authority 
save  Congress.  Chief  Justice  Chase  sat  in  the 
circuit  court  at  Raleigh  in  June,  1867,  and  pro- 
ceeded in  due  course  to  decide  cases  and  issue 
process  of  execution  to  enforce  judgments.  A 
marshal  who  undertook  to  execute  in  Wilmington 
a  judgment  that  fell  within  the  stay  decrees  of 
General  Orders,  No.  10,  was  prevented  by  the 
commander  of  the  post,  who  was  sustained  by 
General  Sickles.  This  action  raised  an  issue  of 
a  much  more  serious  character  than  was  involved 
in  the  interference  with  merely  state  judicial 
procedure.  Protests  were  made  to  the  adminis- 
tration that  the  military  authority  established  to 
enforce  the  laws  of  the  United  States  was  being 
employed  to  obstruct  them.  Steps  were  taken 
by  the  federal  district  attorney  in  North  Carolina 
to  proceed  against  the  commander  for  resisting  the 
process  of  the  federal  courts.    General  Grant  wrote 

1  Gen.  Orders,  No.  32,  May  30,  1867,  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  ist  sess., 
40th  Cong.,  No.  14,  p.  71. 


to  Sickles  that  "  the  authority  conferred  on  district 
commanders  does  not  extend  in  any  respect  over 
the  acts  of  courts  of  the  United  States."  Still 
Sickles  asked  for  time  to  explain ;  but  before  his 
explanation  was  completed,  the  President  per- 
formed the  executive  duty  which  Mr.  Stanbery 
had  in  June  assured  him  could  not  safely  be 
avoided  or  delayed ;  ^  for  on  August  26  General 
Sickles  was,  by  order  of  the  President,  relieved  of 
his  command.  His  successor,  General  Canby, 
promptly  instructed  the  commander  at  Wilming- 
ton not  to  oppose  the  execution  of  the  circuit 
court's  judgment.  Thus  it  was  settled  that,  though 
a  debtor  was  protected  against  a  creditor  who  was 
a  citizen  of  the  same  state,  a  foreign  creditor  was 
assured  of  the  customary  relief.  This  situation 
was  only  another  example  of  the  anomalies  that 
characterized  the  whole  process  of  reconstruction. 
To  any  protest  against  the  injustice  of  such  a  con- 
dition the  ready  response  was:  Hasten  the  work 
of  reconstruction,  secure  the  admission  of  the  states 
to  full  rights,  and  all  irregularities  will  cease. 

In  other  districts  than  the  second  the  apparent 
necessity  of  relieving  distress  produced  a  few  in- 
stances of  paternal  modification  of  private  law. 
In  June,  1867,  General  Ord,  ''with  a  view  to 
secure  to  labor  ...  its  hire  or  just  share  of  the 
crops,  as  well  as  to  protect  the  interests  alike  of 

^  Opinion  of  June  12. 


debtors  and  creditors  from  sacrifices  of  property 
by  forced  sales,"  suspended  till  the  end  of  the 
year  the  judgment  sale  of  lands  under  cultivation, 
crops  or  agricultural  implements,  on  actions  aris- 
ing before  January  i,  1866.^  But  this  decree  was 
explicitly  declared  to  be  not  applicable  so  far  as 
the  United  States  courts  were  concerned.  In  Vir- 
ginia, also,  sales  of  property  under  deeds  of  trust 
were  suspended  where  the  result  would  be  to  sac- 
rifice the  property  or  to  leave  families  or  infirm 
persons  destitute  of  support.^  Radical  action  on 
behalf  of  debtors  was  strongly  favored  by  many 
in  the  South ;  and  this  sentiment  found  expres- 
sion in  the  constitutional  conventions  when  they 
assembled  in  the  various  states.  In  Mississippi 
the  convention  petitioned  General  Gillem,  Ord's 
successor,  to  stay  executions  for  debt  by  military 
order ;  but  the  general  refused.^  Hancock,  in 
the  fifth  district,  when  asked  if  he  would  enforce 
an  ordinance  for  the  relief  of  debtors,  replied 
that  he  regarded  such  an  ordinance  as  beyond 
the  scope  of  the  convention's  authority.*  Pope, 
in  the  third  district,  referring  to  suggestions  that 
had  been  publicly  made,  said :  **  I  know  of  no 
conceivable  circumstance  that  would  induce  me  to 

1  Gen.  Orders,  No.   12,  Sen.   Ex.  Doc,  ist   sess.,  40th  Cong., 
No.  14,  p.  146. 

2  Ann.  Cyc,  1868,  p.  760.  '  Ibid.,  p.  508. 

*  Report  annexed  to  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868,  vol.  i, 
p.  249. 


interfere  by  military  orders  .  .  .  with  the  relation 
of  debtor  and  creditor  under  state  laws."  ^  The 
conventions  in  Georgia  and  Alabama,  however, 
adopted  ordinances  prohibiting  various  proceed- 
ings "■  oppressive "  to  debtors  and  abolishing  cer- 
tain debts,  to  take  effect  with  the  new  constitution. 
General  Meade,  who  had  succeeded  Pope,  became 
aware  that  great  hardships  were  being  caused  by 
the  eagerness  of  creditors  to  press  for  executions, 
in  order  to  anticipate  the  operation  of  the  ordi- 
nances. As  the  only  method  of  meeting  this  diffi- 
culty, he  proclaimed  the  ordinances  in  force  at 
once  as  a  military  order.^  Thus  Georgia  and  Ala- 
bama were  for  a  time  on  the  same  plane  with  the 
Carolinas  in  this  particular  matter. 


In  the  administration  of  state  finances  the  same 
arbitrary  authority  was  exercised  as  in  the  matters 
already  considered.  By  the  act  of  March  23  Con- 
gress provided  for  the  payment  out  of  the  treasury 
of  the  United  States  of  "  all  expenses  incurred  by 
the  several  commanding  generals,  or  by  virtue  of 
any  orders  issued  or  appointments  made  by  them 
under  or  by  virtue  of  this  act."  But  the  "fees, 
salary  and  compensation  to  be  paid  to  all  delegates 

1  Ann.  Cyc,  1867,  p.  365. 

2  Report  annexed  to  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868. 


and  other  officers  .  .  .  not  herein  otherwise  pro- 
vided for  "  were  to  be  prescribed  by  the  respective 
conventions,  which  were  authorized  by  the  act  to 
levy  and  collect  taxes  for  the  purpose.  A  method 
of  interpretation  no  more  liberal  than  that  which 
was  applied  by  Congress  to  other  provisions  of  the 
act  would  have  availed,  if  applied  to  these,  to  throw 
the  entire  burden  of  state  administration  on  the 
national  treasury.^  In  practice,  however,  the  Con- 
gressional appropriations  were  employed  only  for 
the  expenses  of  the  registration  and  of  the  elec- 
tions, both  for  delegates  to  the  conventions  and 
for  ratification  of  the  constitutions.  The  running 
expenses  of  the  state  governments  were  paid  from 
the  respective  state  treasuries.  The  condition  of 
the  finances  in  most  of  the  states  was  anything  but 
reassuring ;  and  the  feeling  of  the  property  owners 
toward  reconstruction  did  not  conduce  to  more  than 
usual  promptness  in  the  payment  of  taxes.  Con- 
siderable friction  developed  also  in  adapting  the 
administrative  machinery  of  assessment,  collection 
and  disbursement  of  moneys  to  the  requirements  of 
military  rule.  Most  of  the  difficulties  were  removed 
through  the  generals'  control  over  the  perso7inel 
of  the  administration.  Their  legislative  authority 
became  necessary,  however,  in  a  number  of  cases 

^  President  Johnson,  employing  this  method,  rolled  up  an  appal- 
ling total  ($16,000,000,  certainly,  and  "  hundreds  of  millions,"  prob- 
ably) as  his  estimate  of  the  sum  necessary  to  carry  out  the  Recon- 
struction Acts. —  Message  of  July  15,  1S67. 


through  expiration  of  the  laws  regulating  tax  levies 
and  appropriations.  The  assembling  of  the  legis- 
latures was,  of  course,  forbidden  ;  and  the  prolonga- 
tion of  the  laws  beyond  the  term  fixed  by  their 
provisions  was  effected  by  orders  from  headquar- 
ters.^ At  the  same  time  advantage  was  taken  of 
the  opportunity  to  effect  such  changes  in  taxation 
and  expenditure  as  seemed  desirable  under  the 
changed  circumstances.  General  Pope  directed 
that  no  payments  should  be  made  from  the  state 
treasuries  of  his  district,  except  on  his  approval, 
in  order  that  he  might  prevent  further  expenditures 
for  "  bounties  to  soldiers  in  the  rebel  army  for  sup- 
port to  their  families;  pay  of  civil  officers  under 
the  Confederacy;  providing  wooden  legs,  etc.,  for 
rebel  soldiers ;  educating  rebel  soldiers,  etc.,  etc.,'' 
few  of  which  he  thought  likely  to  be  authorized  by 
the  reconstructed  state  governments.^  In  South 
Carolina  General  Canby  decreed  in  December  ma- 
terial reductions  in  several  kinds  of  taxes ;  he  had 
previously  suspended  the  collection  of  a  tax  on 
sales  which,  having  been  imposed  by  the  last  legis- 
lature, had  given  rise  to  complaints  because  of  its 
retroactive  effect.^ 

When  the  conventions  met  in  the  various  states, 
the  military  authority  was  required  to  settle  vari- 

1  E.g.,  Hancock's  Special  Orders,  No.  40,  of  February  22,  1868. 
Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  p.  232. 

2  Pope's  report,  annexed  to  Report  of  Secretary  of  War  for  1867. 
"  Ann.  Cyc.  for  1867,  p.  699. 


ous  questions  connected  with  their  financial  opera- 
tions. As  we  have  seen,  the  conventions  were 
authorized  by  law  to  levy  and  collect  taxes  on 
property  for  the  payment  of  the  delegates  and  for 
other  expenses.  One  of  the  first  acts  in  each  con- 
vention was  to  fix  the  salary  of  delegates  —  at  a 
figure  generally  that  aroused  much  enthusiasm 
among  the  negro  members.  But  to  await  the 
levy  and  collection  of  a  tax  before  enjoying  the 
emolument  of  office  was  a  possibility  that  seriously 
damped  the  ardor  of  the  constitution-makers:  in 
fact,  in  view  of  the  poverty  of  the  people  in  gen- 
eral and  the  antagonism  of  the  whole  tax-paying 
class  to  the  convention,  such  delay  threatened 
the  further  process  of  reconstruction  with  failure. 
Hence  recourse  was  had  at  once  to  the  expedient 
of  an  advance  from  the  state  treasury  for  immedi- 
ate expenses  on  the  security  of  the  tax  that  was 
levied  by  the  convention.  Such  advance  was 
ordered  by  the  commanders,^  as  no  authority  of 
state  law  for  this  appropriation  of  funds  could  be 
found.  But  the  power  of  the  commanders  was 
called  upon  to  restrain  as  well  as  to  promote  the 
activity  of  the  conventions.  There  was  a  marked 
tendency  on  the  part  of  these  bodies  to  arrogate 
to  themselves  governmental  as  well  as  constituent 
functions,  and  to  exceed  the  limits  of  the  task  pre- 

1  It  was  for  refusing  to  issue  tlie  warrants  in  conformity  to  this 
order  that  the  governor  and  financial  officers  of  Georgia  were  re- 
moved by  General  Meade.  —  Ante,  p.  155. 


scribed  by  the  terms  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts. 
This  tendency  the  commanders  firmly  repressed. 
In  Mississippi,  among  other  manifestations  of  this 
spirit,  the  ordinance  for  the  levy  and  collection  of 
the  tax  to  cover  the  convention's  expenses  was 
cast  in  a  form  that  General  Gillem  refused  to 
approve.  His  refusal  to  enforce  it  caused  the 
convention  to  repeal  it  and  pass  another  that  was 
satisfactory  to  the  general.^  This  episode  illus- 
trates the  fact  that,  in  the  plenitude  of  their 
powers  as  absolute  rulers,  the  generals  were 
above  the  constituent  assemblies  of  the  inchoate 
new  states  as  distinctly  as  they  were  above  the 
governmental  organs  of  the  expiring  old  states. 

The  foregoing  review  reveals  how  far-reaching 
was  the  authority  of  the  military  commanders  in 
the  practical  operations  of  state  government.  It 
would  be  hard  to  deny  that,  so  far  as  the  ordinary 
civil  administration  was  concerned,  the  rule  of  the 
generals  was  as  just  and  efficient  as  it  was  far- 
reaching.  Criticism  and  denunciation  of  their  acts 
were  bitter  and  continuous ;  but  no  very  profound 
research  is  necessary  in  order  to  discover  that  the 
animus  of  these  attacks  was  chiefly  political.  The 
instincts   and   traditions   of    popular   government 

1  Report  in  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868,  p.  585  et  seq. 
One  clause  of  the  second  ordinance,  which  imposed  a  tax  on  rail- 
roads contrary  to  an  exemption  in  their  charters,  was  annulled  by 
General  Gillem. 


would  permit  no  recognition  of  excellence  in  any 
feature  of  arbitrary  one-man  rule ;  and  the  whole 
system,  moreover,  was,  in  the  eyes  of  the  critics, 
hopelessly  corrupted  by  the  main  end  of  its  estab- 
lishment—  negro  enfranchisement.  The  influence 
of  this  end  was,  in  truth,  so  all-pervading  that  a 
judgment  on  the  merits  of  the  administration  of 
the  generals  apart  from  it  is  almost  impracticable. 
Yet  equity  and  sound  judgment  are  sufficiently  dis- 
cernible in  their  conduct  of  civil  affairs  to  afford  a 
basis  for  the  view  that  military  government,  pure 
and  simple,  unaccompanied  by  the  measures  for 
the  institution  of  negro  suffrage,  might  have 
proved  for  a  time  a  useful  aid  to  social  readjust- 
ment in  the  South,  as  preliminary  to  the  final 
solution  of  the  political  problems.  But  the  op- 
portunity for  the  most  profitable  employment  of 
such  government  had  passed  when,  through  Presi- 
dent Johnson's  policy,  civil  functions  had  been 
definitely  assumed  by  representative  organizations 
in  the  states.  There  would  have  been,  indeed, 
substantial  merit  in  the  consistent  application  of 
either  the  Presidential  or  the  Congressional  policy 
in  reconstruction ;  but  there  was  only  disaster  in 
the  application  of  first  the  one  and  then  the  other. 


Military  government  in  the  South,  1867-70,  was 
merely  incidental  to  reconstruction  proper.  The 
maintenance  of  order  was  but  a  negative  function 
of  the  district  commander  under  the  Reconstruc- 
tion Acts ;  his  positive  and  most  characteristic 
duty  was  that  of  creating  in  each  state  subject 
to  him  a  political  people.  Having  given  to  such  a 
people  a  definite  existence,  he  was  furthermore  to 
communicate  to  it  the  initial  impulse  toward  the 
organization  of  a  government  for  itself,  and  then 
to  retire  into  the  background,  maintaining  an  atti- 
tude of  benevolent  support  until  Congress  should 
decree  that  the  new  structure  could  stand  alone. 
The  purpose  of  this  essay  is  to  sketch  the  proceed- 
ings incident  to  the  performance  of  these  duties. 

The  creation  of  a  people  in  each  state  was  to  be 
effected  by  a  registration  of  those  citizens  whom 
Congress  had  declared  qualified  to  perform  political 
functions.  The  Reconstruction  Acts  contemplated 
both  additions  to,  and  subtractions  from,  the  people 
of  the  states  as  hitherto  defined.  Enfranchisement 
of  the  blacks  was  to  be  accompanied  by  disfranchise- 



ment  of  the  whites.  Not  that  distinctions  of  color 
were  embodied  by  express  terms  in  the  laws  ;  noth- 
ing so  invidious  would  have  been  tolerated  at  that 
date,  and  nothing  of  the  kind  was  necessary. 

The  enfranchisement  of  the  blacks  was  fully 
provided  for  in  the  single  clause  of  the  act  of 
March  23,  1867,  requiring  each  commander  to 
''cause  a  registration  to  be  made  of  the  male 
citizens  of  the  United  States,  twenty-one  years 
of  age  and  upwards,  resident  in  each  county  or 
parish  in  the  state  or  states  included  in  his  dis- 
trict," so  far  as  such  citizens  were  qualified  to  vote 
under  the  act  of  March  2.  The  latter  act  had 
contemplated  a  convention  in  each  state  *'  elected 
by  the  male  citizens  of  said  state,  twenty-one  years 
old  and  upward,  of  whatever  race,  color  or  previous 
condition."  Under  these  clauses  the  inclusion 
of  the  blacks  as  a  part  of  the  political  people  in 
the  South  was  as  complete  and  unqualified  as 
language  could  make  it. 

When,  on  the  other  hand,  the  disfranchisement 
of  whites  is  considered,  the  Reconstruction  Acts 
were  far  less  exact ;  their  language  reflected  the 
marked  differences  of  opinion  that  existed  in  the 
dominant  party  on  this  subject.  The  feeling  that 
prominent  rebels  should  not  be  allowed  to  resume 
at  once  the  political  leadership  they  had  formerly 
enjoyed  had  been  very  strong,  and  had  been  ex- 
pressed in  the  proposed  fourteenth  amendment 
to  the  constitution.     But  with  the  definite  adoption 


of  negro  suffrage  many  Republicans  manifested  a 
reaction  from  the  earlier  feeling.  It  was  thought 
that  the  anticipated  evils  of  the  black  vote  might 
perhaps  be  mitigated  by  giving  all  the  whites  an 
equal  part  in  politics  ;  and  doubtless  some  felt  that 
the  imposition  of  negro  suffrage  and  the  prospect 
of  negro  domination  constituted  a  sufficient  punish- 
ment for  the  leaders  in  rebellion.  Others,  again, 
among  them  some  of  the  most  extreme  radicals, 
found  a  certain  doctrinaire  satisfaction  in  coupling 
with  "universal  suffrage"  the  principle  of  ''uni- 
versal amnesty."  By  the  first  Reconstruction  Act 
all  were  excluded  from  taking  part  in  the  elections 
who  "  may  be  disfranchised  for  participation  in  the 
rebellion,  or  for  felony  at  common  law."  By  the 
supplementary  act  of  March  23  the  oath  prescribed 
to  be  taken  by  every  appUcant  for  registration  em- 
bodied an  additional  and  much  more  definite  dis- 
qualification. Among  other  requirements,  each  was 
obliged  to  swear  or  affirm  as  follows : 

That  I  have  never  been  a  member  of  any  state  legislature, 
nor  held  any  executive  or  judicial  office  in  any  state,  and 
afterwards  engaged  in  an  insurrection  or  rebellion  against 
the  United  States,  or  given  aid  or  comfort  to  the  enemies 
thereof;  that  I  have  never  taken  an  oath  as  a  member  of 
Congress  of  the  United  States,  or  as  an  officer  of  the  United 
States,  or  as  a  member  of  any  state  legislature,  or  as  an 
executive  or  judicial  officer  of  any  state,  to  support  the  con- 
stitution of  the  United  States,  and  afterwards  engaged  in 
insurrection  or  rebellion  against  the  United  States,  or  given 
aid  or  comfort  to  the  enemies  thereof. 


The  general  purpose  of  these  provisions  is  clear. 
As  against  the  two  classes  of  extremists  in  Con- 
gress, who  on  the  one  hand  wished  to  disfranchise 
all  who  had  participated  in  the  rebellion,  and  on 
the  other  would  give  the  ballot  to  all,  a  middle 
opinion  prevailed,  and  the  same  test  was  applied 
in  the  matter  of  voting  that  had  been  embodied  in 
the  proposed  fourteenth  amendment  as  to  hold- 
ing office.  A  stigma  was  put  upon  those  who  had 
led  the  mass  of  the  Southern  people  astray.  But 
while  the  disfranchisement  of  rebels  who,  before 
becoming  such,  had  held  office  was  obviously  the 
general  purpose  of  the  laws,  the  application  of  the 
provisions  in  practice  gave  rise  to  a  host  of  diffi- 
culties in  detail.  Who  were  to  be  regarded  as 
**  disfranchised  for  participation  in  the  rebellion  "  } 
Was  a  man's  word  to  be  taken  on  the  subject,  or 
was  some  other  evidence  to  be  sought  for .?  Could 
the  phrase  be  construed  to  exclude  all  who  had 
taken  part  in  the  rebellion }  Again,  were  all  rebels 
disqualified  who  before  engaging  in  insurrection 
had  held  state  office,  or  only  such  as  had,  in  con- 
nection with  such  office,  taken  the  oath  to  support 
the  constitution  of  the  United  States .?  And  what 
was  the  scope  of  the  phrase  "executive  or  judicial 
office  in  any  state".!*  Did  it  include  municipal 
offices,  and  all  the  petty  administrative  and  judicial 
positions?  Further,  what  was  meant  by  "en- 
gaging in  rebellion"  and  by  giving  "aid  or  com- 
fort "  to  enemies  of  the  United  States  t     Had  the 


Confederate  conscript  engaged  in  rebellion  as  well 
as  the  Confederate  volunteer  ?  And  did  the  giving 
of  food  and  drink  and  clothing  to  the  Confederate 
soldiers  constitute  giving  aid  or  comfort  to  the 
enemies  of  the  United  States  ?  All  these  and 
many  other  questions  confronted  the  district  com- 
manders as  soon  as  preparations  for  the  registra- 
tion were  begun.  Appeals  for  an  authoritative 
construction  of  the  law  on  these  points  came  to 
Washington  from  all  the  districts.^  Under  date 
of  May  24  the  attorney-general  submitted  an  elab- 
orate opinion  on  the  whole  subject,  a  summary  of 
which  was  afterwards  transmitted  to  the  district 

In  most  respects  Mr.  Stanbery's  interpretation 
as  to  disfranchisement  was  unexceptionable. 
While  tending,  as  in  his  views  on  military  gov- 
ernment, to  strict  restraint  of  the  commander's 
discretion,  he  found  few  questions  upon  which  he 
could  fairly  devise  a  construction  that  differed 
from  that  of  the  radicals.  As  subject  to  dis- 
franchisement he  included  all  officers  of  the 
United  States,  civil  and  military,  and  all  civil 
officers  of  any  state  who  had,  prior  to  rebellion, 
taken  the  oath  to  support  the  constitution  of  the 
United  States.  But  neither  municipal  officers, 
like  mayors,  aldermen  and  policemen,  nor  persons 

^  For  formal  applications  for  such  construction  by  Generals  Scho- 
field,  Ord  and  Sheridan,  see  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  1st  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  No. 
»4,  PP-  i5»  140,  193- 


who  exercised  mere  agencies  or  employments 
under  state  authority,  Hke  commissioners  of  public 
works,  bank  examiners  and  notaries  public,  were 
disqualified  for  registration.  As  to  engaging  in 
rebellion,  Mr.  Stanbery  absolved  from  responsi- 
bility for  such  an  offense  all  conscripts  who  would 
not  voluntarily  have  joined  the  army,  and  all  offi- 
cials who,  during  the  rebellion,  discharged  func- 
tions not  incident  to  war,  but  merely  necessary  to 
the  preservation  of  order  and  the  administration  of 
law.  And  again,  "aid  or  comfort  to  the  enemy  " 
he  held  was  not  involved  in  mere  acts  of  charity, 
where  the  intent  was  rather  to  relieve  the  indi- 
vidual than  to  aid  the  cause.  But  organized  con- 
tributions of  food  and  clothing  for  the  benefit  of 
all  persons  concerned  in  insurrection  would  sub- 
ject contributors  to  disfranchisement.  So  also 
forced  payments  of  taxes  or  assessments  would  not 
disqualify  those  who  paid ;  but  voluntary  loans  to 
the  Confederate  government,  or  the  purchase  of  its 
securities,  would  disqualify. 

On  most  of  these  points  the  attorney-general's 
interpretation  had  been  anticipated  in  provisional 
regulations  prescribed  by  the  various  commanders. 
There  were  some  statements  in  the  opinion,  how- 
ever, which  excited  almost  as  much  dissent  in  Con- 
gress as  the  administration's  view  on  the  relation 
of  the  military  commanders  to  the  civil  authorities.^ 
Chief  of  these  was  Mr.  Stanbery's  declaration  that 

1  Cf.  the  preceding  essay,  passim. 


the  taking  of  the  prescribed  oath  by  the  applicant 
was  conclusive  upon  the  registering  officers  as  to 
his  right  to  be  placed  upon  the  list  of  voters.  No 
authority  was  given  to  the  board  of  registration, 
said  the  attorney-general,  to  make  any  further  in- 
vestigation of  the  applicant's  qualifications.  If  he 
swore  falsely,  he  was  liable  to  prosecution  for  per- 
jury, and  that  was  the  end  of  the  matter.  It  was 
easy  to  perceive  that,  in  the  existing  condition  of 
public  sentiment  in  the  South,  a  prosecution  for 
perjury  afforded  a  very  slight  guarantee  against 
illegal  registration.  Again,  Mr.  Stanbery's  opinion 
was  stoutly  assailed  where  he  held  subject  to  dis- 
franchisement only  such  state  officers  as  had  taken 
the  oath  to  support  the  constitution  of  the  United 
States.  This  rule,  like  other  features  of  his  opinion, 
seemed  likely  to  admit  too  freely  to  the  franchise. 
The  perversity  of  the  administration  in  respect 
to  registration  was  checked,  like  that  in  respect  to 
the  military  government's  authority,  by  the  supple- 
mentary act  of  July  19.  By  this  Congress  declared 
explicitly  that  the  registering  officers  had  the 
power  and  the  duty,  in  considering  an  applicant 
for  registration, 

to  ascertain,  upon  such  facts  or  information  as  they  can  obtain, 
whether  such  person  is  entitled  to  be  registered  .  .  .  ;  and 
the  oath  required  by  said  act  [act  of  March  2]  shall  not  be 
conclusive  on  such  question  .  •  .  ;  and  such  board  [of  regis- 
tration] shall  also  have  power  to  examine  under  oath  .  .  . 
any  one  touching  the  qualification  of  any  person  claiming 


The  act  further  provided  that  disfranchisement 
should  extend  to  every  one  who  had  been  in  the 
legislature  or  who  had  held  executive  or  judicial 
office  in  any  state  "  whether  he  has  taken  an  oath 
to  support  the  constitution  of  the  United  States  or 
not";  and  construed  the  words  "executive  or  judi- 
cial office  in  any  state"  to  include  "all  civil  offices 
created  by  law  for  the  administration  of  any  general 
law  of  a  state  or  for  the  administration  of  justice." 
And  finally,  in  order  to  exclude  all  possibility  of 
Presidential  extension  of  the  franchise,  it  was  en- 
acted that  no  person  should  acquire  the  right  to 
registration  through  any  pardon  or  amnesty. 

Through  this  legislation  the  rules  of  disfran- 
chisement were  fully  determined.  There  was  ob- 
viously much  room  left  for  construction  by  the 
registering  officers  in  application  of  the  rules  to 
particular  cases.  Where,  as  in  the  determination 
whether  a  man  had  "engaged  in  rebellion,"  the 
whole  question  might  be  made  to  turn  on  the 
subjective  motive  of  a  given  act,  there  was  abun- 
dant room  for  discretion.  A  much-discussed  case 
was  that  of  a  hypothetical  parent  who  sent  food 
and  clothing  to  his  son,  serving  in  the  Confeder- 
ate army,i  but  who  had  in  no  other  way  given  aid 
or  comfort  to  enemies  of  the  United  States.  He 
must    be    disfranchised  or  not   according   as   the 

1  Generals  Schofield  and  Pope  held  that  giving  food  or  clothing 
would  not  disfranchise,  but  that  giving  a  horse  would.  —  Reports  for 

1 84        ^'^^^"   PROCESS   OF  KECOXSTRUCTION 

chief  motive  was  regard  for  the  son  or  regard  for 
the  cause.  A  trained  casuist  would  be  troubled 
to  deal  with  the  case  ;  the  boards  of  registration 
had  as  a  rule  a  very  small  proportion  of  trained 
casuists  among  them. 

As  a  matter  of  fact  the  boards  of  registry  had 
been  carefully  constituted  with  a  view  to  prevent 
evasions  of  the  disfranchising  clauses.  By  the  act 
of  ]\Iarch  23  the  registration  and  elections  were 
to  be  conducted  by  boards  of  three,  appointed 
by  the  district  commanders  and  consisting  of 
•'loyal  officers  or  persons";  and  loyalty  was  in- 
sured by  the  requirement  that  all  officers  of  regis- 
try should  take  the  oath  prescribed  by  the  act  of 
July  2,  1862  — the  famous  '*  iron-clad  oath."  ^  The 
utmost  care  was  taken  in  every  district  that  the 
purpose  of  this  provision  should  be  fulfilled.  Gen- 
eral Schofield,  in  selecting  registration  officers,  gave 
preference,  first,  to  officers  of  the  army  and  of  the 
Freedmen's    Bureau ;    second,    to    honorably    dis- 

1  "  I  ...  do  solemnly  swear  that  I  have  never  voluntarily 
borne  arms  against  the  United  States  since  I  have  been  a  citizen 
thereof;  that  I  have  voluntarily  given  no  aid,  countenance,  counsel 
or  encouragement  to  persons  engaged  in  armed  hostility  thereto; 
that  I  have  never  sought  nor  accepted  nor  attempted  to  exercise 
the  functions  of  any  office  whatever,  under  any  authority  or  pre- 
tended authority  in  hostility  to  the  United  States;  that  I  have  not 
yielded  a  voluntary  support  to  any  pretended  government,  author- 
itv,  power  or  constitution  within  the  United  States,  hostile  or  in- 
imical thereto;  and  .  .  .  that  ...  I  will  support  and  defend  the 
constitution  of  the  United  States  against  all  enemies,  foreign  and 
domestic,"  etc.,  etc. 


charged  Union  soldiers ;  and  third,  to  loyal  citi- 
zens of  the  particular  locality.^  General  Pope 
deemed  it  inadvisable  to  employ  soldiers  in  this 
work,  but  constituted  the  boards  exclusively  of 
citizens,  including  in  every  case  one  negro.  This 
bold  recourse  to  the  employment  of  the  blacks,  in 
addition  to  the  influence  it  exerted  in  stimulating 
a  large  registration  of  the  race,  had  the  further 
advantage  of  overcoming  the  difficulties  of  scant 
material.  Especially  in  the  fourth  and  fifth  dis- 
tricts the  number  of  white  men  who  could  take 
the  test  oath  was  very  small.  In  some  localities 
it  was  practically  impossible  to  find  three  such 
persons  to  constitute  the  registration  board.  For, 
besides  the  ability  to  take  the  oath,  there  was 
necessary  also  the  willingness  to  take  it  and  the 
intelligence  to  perform  the  duties  of  office.  The 
state  of  public  sentiment  in  the  South  was  not 
such  as  to  encourage  timid  men  to  proclaim  pub- 
licly that  their  sympathies  during  the  war  had 
been  with  the  North ;  ^  nor,  where  this  difficulty 
might  be  overcome,  was  the  intellectual  equip- 
ment of  the  candidate  apt  to  be  on  a  par  with 
his  courage.  That  the  registration  was  effected, 
under   the    circumstances,   in   any  tolerable  form 

1  Report  for  1867. 

2  Cf.  Ord,  in  his  report  for  1867 :  "  In  the  majority  of  counties  in 
my  district  there  are  but  very  it^s  men  who  can  take  the  test  oath, 
and  these  are  not  disposed  to  defy  public  opinion  by  accepting 


whatever,  is  in  itself  a  tribute  to  the  efficiency  of 
the  military  authorities.  Like  the  practice  adopted 
in  appointments  to  office  under  the  existing  gov- 
ernments, the  use  of  the  test  oath  in  the  registra- 
tion and  election  boards  tended  to  elevate  into 
political  prominence  a  class  which  lacked  the  moral 
authority  to  conduct  government  in  the  Southern 
states.-^  The  organization  and  activity  of  these 
boards  gave  coherence  and  dignity  to  the  element 
of  Northern  sympathizers  of  which  they  were 
composed,  and  contributed  very  greatly  to  the 
development  of  the  Republican  Party,  already 
started  on  its  career  in  the  South.  There  can 
be  no  doubt  that,  for  the  ends  in  view,  the  pro- 
visions of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  requiring  the 
test  oath  for  members  of  the  registry  boards  were 
necessary.  There  is  just  as  little  doubt  that  the 
exclusion  of  the  dominant  element  of  the  white 
population  from  active  and  official  part  in  the 
reconstruction  added  much  to  the  bad  feeling 
which,  without  this  particular  stimulus,  would  have 
been  serious  enough. 

The  process  of  registration  occupied  the  summer 
of  1867.  By  the  act  of  March  23  it  was  to  have 
been  completed  by  September  i  ;  but  the  diffi- 
culties and  delays  that  arose  in  the  fourth  and 
fifth  districts  led  to  an  extension  of  the  time  to 
October  i,  by  the  act  of  July  19.  After  the 
completion  of  the  registration  the  next  duty  of  the 

1  Supra,  p.  150. 


commanders  was  to  provide  for  an  election  in  each 
state,  at  which  the  registered  voters  should  express 
their  will,  first  on  the  question  as  to  whether  a 
constitutional  convention  should  be  held,  and  sec- 
ond, on  the  choice  of  delegates  to  such  convention. 
The  number  of  delegates  was  fixed  by  the  act  of 
March  23,  but  the  details  of  apportionment  were 
left  to  the  commanders. 

At  the  outset  the  impulse  of  the  disfranchised 
leaders  in  the  South  had  been  to  throw  all  their 
influence  against  any  participation  by  their  follow- 
ers in  the  reorganization  of  the  states.  "Refuse  to 
register,"  was  the  cry  raised  in  many  quarters; 
''have  no  concern  in  the  establishment  of  black 
rule ! "  Military  government  was  declared  to  be 
preferable  to  negro  domination  :  better  the  tyranny 
of  the  intelligent  one  than  that  of  the  ignorant 
many.  But  as  a  matter  of  policy  it  was  soon  dis- 
cerned that  abstention  from  registration  would  be 
less  effective  than  participation  therein.  In  dis- 
cussing the  Reconstruction  Acts  the  radicals  in 
Congress  had  manifested  much  sensitiveness  to 
possible  charges  that  they  aimed  to  establish  at 
the  South  minority  governments,  supported  by 
bayonets.  It  was  less  important,  they  held,  that 
new  governments  should  be  established,  than  that 
these  governments  should  be  fully  representative 
of  the  whole  people,  white  as  well  as  black.^  That 
the  new  state  constitutions,  therefore,  should  cer- 

1  Cf.  Cong.  Globe,  ist  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  pp.  143-151. 


tainly  be  based  upon  the  action  of  a  majority,  it 
was  provided  by  the  act  of  March  23  that  in  the 
elections,  both  on  the  calling  of  a  convention  and 
on  the  ratification  of  the  constitution,  the  vote 
should  be  valid  in  the  affirmative  only  if  at  least 
half  of  the  registered  voters  took  part.  In  view 
of  these  provisions  the  effective  way  in  which  to 
thwart  reconstruction  was  to  register  but  refrain 
from  voting.  This  accordingly  became  the  policy 
of  the  extremists  in  the  South.  As  a  consequence 
the  registration  proved  very  successful  as  to  num- 
bers ;  the  subsequent  voting  proved  far  less  so. 
The  following  table  exhibits  some  features  of  the 
result :  ^ 


Vote  on  holding 










North  Carolina 





South  Carolina 




















Mississippi  "^ 





Arkansas  ^ 















From  this  it  appears  that  in  four  of  the  states  — 
South  Carolina,  Alabama,  Florida  and  Louisiana 

1  Compiled  from  House  Ex.  Doc,  No,  53,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong. 

2  No  distinction  by  color  made  in  registering. 


—  the  new  electorates  embodied  pronounced  negro 
majorities:  in  three  —  Virginia,  North  Carolina 
and  Texas  —  the  whites  were  in  more  or  less  con- 
siderable excess ;  and  in  one,  Georgia,  the  races 
were  very  evenly  balanced.  Of  the  two  states  in 
the  fourth  district,  where  General  Ord  felt  that 
the  spirit  of  the  reconstruction  policy  was  opposed 
to  any  distinction  of  voters  by  color,  Mississippi 
belonged  notoriously  to  the  class  in  which  the 
blacks  were  in  the  majority,  and  Arkansas  to  that 
in  which  they  were  in  the  minority.^  As  to  the 
number  of  persons  disfranchised  by  the  operation 
of  the  laws,  no  trustworthy  figures  were  attainable. 
By  various  methods  of  estimate,  more  ingenious 
than  convincing,  the  commanders  arrived  at  hy- 
pothetical results  in  some  states :  e.g.,  Virginia, 
17,000;  North  Carolina,  12,000;  South  Carolina, 
9000;  Georgia,  10,500;  but  no  especial  validity 
was  attached  to  the  figures. 

As  to  the  attitude  of  the  whites  on  the  hold- 
ing of  conventions,  the  insignificant  negative  vote 
in  most  of  the  states  is  eloquent.  The  policy  of 
abstention  was  not,  however,  successful  in  any 
state  at  this  time.^  It  happened,  indeed,  that  just 
at  the  time  of   th«  voting  a  hopeful  feeling  pre- 

1  In  i860  the  population  stood  as  follows: 


Mississippi     353,899    437,404  Arkansas     324,143     111,259 

2  It  will  be  seen  by  the  table  that  the  excess  of  the  vote  over 
half  the  registration  was  small  in  most  of  the  states,  and  particularly 
so  in  Florida  and  Texas. 


vailed  in  the  South,  due  to  general  Democratic 
gains  in  Northern  state  elections  in  the  autumn, 
and  especially  to  the  rejection  of  a  negro-suffrage 
amendment  in  Ohio  by  50,000  majority.  Under 
the  influence  of  these  events  many  Southern 
whites  who  had  resolved  upon  abstention  actually 
voted,  trusting  to  be  saved  by  the  Democracy 
from  the  most  dreaded  consequences  of  black 
rule.  Moreover,  the  whole  influence  of  the  mili- 
tary authorities  was  directed  toward  securing  a 
large  vote,  and  various  devices  of  the  Conserva- 
tives for  keeping  the  negroes  from  the  polls  were 
met  by  orders  from  headquarters  that  were  hardly 
compatible  with  accepted  ideas  as  to  regularity  at 
elections.  As  in  the  registration,  so  in  the  voting, 
the  generals  assumed  with  the  most  unconven- 
tional frankness  that  their  duty  required  them  to 
insure  the  participation  of  the  newly  enfranchised 
citizens.  Not  the  passive  possession,  but  the 
active  exercise,  of  political  rights  by  the  negroes 
was  held  to  be  the  essential  principle  of  the  Re- 
construction Acts.  The  limits  of  time  set  for  the 
registration  were  repeatedly  extended,  to  secure 
a  full  enrollment  of  the  blacks  ;  and  when  the 
elections  came  the  same  expedient  was  employed 
to  secure  a  full  vote.  General  Schofield,  in  Rich- 
mond, finding  at  the  time  set  for  closing  the  polls 
that  in  certain  precincts  many  blacks  had  failed  to 
vote,  forthwith  issued  an  order  extending  the  time 
and  permitted  votes  to  be  received  for  twenty-four 


hours  longer.  The  result  was  to  reverse  the 
choice  of  delegates  to  the  convention  from  one 
district.^  In  Georgia  also  two  additional  days 
were,  after  the  voting  had  begun,  added  to  the 
three  fixed  for  the  elections  in  the  original  order. 
These  measures,  it  will  be  perceived,  affected  not 
only  the  issue  as  to  whether  a  convention  should 
be  held,  but  also  the  membership  of  that  body  if 
the  vote  resulted  in  favor  of  its  assembling ;  for 
both  matters  were  voted  upon  at  the  same  time. 
As  party  organization  then  stood,  a  large  negro 
vote  meant  a  Radical  majority  in  the  convention. 

The  measures  just  noticed  were  designed  to 
counteract  the  effects  of  the  negroes'  own  igno- 
rance or  lack  of  experience  at  the  polls.  In  the 
orders  regulating  the  elections,  the  commanders 
had  embodied  very  explicit  injunctions  to  prevent 
the  whites  from  interfering  with  the  other  race. 
Not  only  force  and  intimidation,  but  also  threats 
of  discharge  from  employment  and  other  like 
methods  of  "discouraging"  the  participation  of 
the  blacks,  were  made  offenses  subject  to  military 
jurisdiction. 2  Moreover,  from  the  beginning  of 
their  authority  the  commanders  had  contributed 
much  to  disorganize  opposition  to  reconstruction 

1  For  the  protest  of  candidates  and  the  general's  reply,  see  Report 
of  Secretary  of  War  for  1867,  p.  389  et  seq.  The  general's  justifi- 
cation is  clever  but  somewhat  sophistical,  as  it  evades  the  most 
serious  element  in  the  case  of  the  protestants. 

2  Cf.  Pope,  Gen.  Orders,  No.  59,  Ann.  Cyc.  1867,  p.  27. 


by  requiring  office-holders,  on  penalty  of  dismissal, 
to  abstain  from  all  share  in  such  opposition.  It 
was  in  the  office-holding  class  that  the  natural  and 
customary  leaders  of  the  old  political  people  were 
to  be  found.  General  Pope  had  gone  even  further 
in  direct  promotion  of  the  new  policy  by  decree- 
ing that  the  printing  patronage  of  the  state  should 
be  given  to  such  newspapers  only  as  should  not 
oppose  reconstruction.^  The  general's  own  report 
concedes  that  the  effect  of  this  order  in  silencing 
the  press  was  not  all  that  might  have  been  de- 
sired ;  but  it  must  have  had  some  influence  in 
developing  support  for  the  policy  he  represented. 
Much  complaint  was  made  in  the  South  and  else- 
where that  the  orders  just  mentioned  involved 
a  policy  of  arbitrary  restriction  upon  freedom  of 
speech  and  of  the  press.  No  such  general  policy 
was  adopted  by  any  commander.  The  require- 
ment upon  office-holders  was  no  more  restrictive 
of  free  speech  than  the  orders  of  modern  days  in 
respect  to  "offensive  partisanship"  and  "perni- 
cious activity,"  and  may  fairly  be  regarded  as 
indispensable  to  the  performance  by  the  com- 
manders of  their  official  duties.  General  Pope's 
newspaper  order  was  perhaps  less  defensible ;  but 
it  merely  adopted  in  the  open  the  policy  which 
was  quietly  but  consistently  pursued  by  legisla- 
tive bodies,  both  state  and  national,  of  assuring 
an  official  subsidy  to  that  part  of  the  press  that 

1  Report  for  1867. 


was  in  sympathy  with  the  dominant  party  in  the 
government.  1  As  a  whole,  while  the  military 
authorities  gave  much  positive  support  to  the 
developing  party  of  reconstruction  in  the  South, 
and  while  a  surveillance  was  exercised  over  press 
and  platform  to  prevent  incitations  to  violence,  it 
cannot  fairly  be  said  that  freedom  of  speech  and 
the  press  was  interfered  with.  Indeed,  the  lati- 
tude permitted  by  the  commanders  was  perhaps 
accountable  for  many  of  the  difficulties  met  with 
in  bringing  reconstruction  to  its  conclusion.  The 
policy  of  the  generals,  in  fact,  is  strongly  sugges- 
tive of  the  ancient  maxim  of  benevolent  des- 
potism:  "Let  my  subjects  say  what  they  like, 
so  long  as  I  may  do  what  I  like."^ 


The  constitutional  conventions  determined  upon 
by  this  first  election  were  in  session  during  the 
winter  of  \'^6'j-6'^,  and  most  of  them  had  fulfilled 
their  function  by  the  middle  of  the  ensuing  spring. 
As  required  by  the  Reconstruction  Acts,  the  time 
and  place  of  the  conventions  were  set  by  orders 
from  the  military  headquarters  of  the  respective 

1  Cf.  the  Sundry  Civil  Appropriation  Act  of  March  2,  1867,  sec.  7, 
designed  to  assure  federal  patronage  in  the  South  to  papers  sup- 
porting reconstruction. 

2  For  two  incidents  illustrating  the  relation  of  the  military  au- 
thorities to  the  press,  see  Ann.  Cyc,  1867,  pp.  51  and  520. 



districts.  Naturally,  there  was  an  ostentatious 
exchange  of  civilities  between  each  convention 
and  the  district  commander,  as  well  as  a  less 
public  but  very  powerful  current  of  influence  run- 
ning from  headquarters  to  the  convention  hall. 
The  opponents  of  reconstruction  denounced  with 
great  severity  the  subservience  of  the  constitution- 
makers  of  a  **  sovereign  state"  to  a  "military 
satrap."  As  a  matter  of  fact,  however,  the  gen- 
erals did  stalwart  service  for  the  cause  of  con- 
servatism, and  hence  for  the  interests  of  the  class 
by  whom  they  were  abused.  It  was  inevitable, 
under  all  the  circumstances  of  the  situation,  that 
radical  ideas,  social  and  economic  as  well  as  politi- 
cal, should  be  strongly  represented  among  the 
members  of  the  conventions.  Southern  Union- 
ists, in  whom  rankled  the  memories  of  long  op- 
pression and  ostracism,  ambitious  Northerners, 
filled  with  ideals  of  a  new  South  modeled  on  the 
lines  of  New  England,  and  negroes  ^  less  than 
three  years  out  of  slavery,  were  the  classes  numeri- 
cally most  important  in  the  conventions.  Modera- 
tion was  hardly  to  be  anticipated  from  any  of 
these.     There  was,  however,  an  element  of  sober 

1  The  following  was  the  division  of  delegates  on  the  color  line, 
so  far  as  fiofures  have  been  obtainable : 





Virginia                   80 





North  Carolina     107 





South  Carolina      34 









and  substantial  Southerners  —  representatives,  for 
the  most  part,  of  the  professional  and  business 
classes  who  had  voluntarily  withdrawn  from 
politics  when  the  Whig  Party  disappeared  —  on 
whom  it  now  devolved  to  wield  a  decisive  influ- 
ence against  radicalism.  It  was  to  the  judicious 
policy  of  this  class,  supported  by  the  moral  force 
of  the  military  commanders,  that  was  due  the 
moderate  character,  as  a  rule,  of  the  new  con- 

No  influence,  however,  was  strong  enough  to 
keep  in  the  background  the  many  non-political 
questions  involved  in  the  relations  of  the  races. 
Debates  were  long  and  vehement  on  a  variety  of 
propositions  which  ultimately  failed  of  adoption  in 
most  states.  Among  the  mooted  points  were  the 
expediency  of  giving  freedmen  a  claim  against 
their  masters  for  services  rendered  in  slavery  after 
the  date  of  the  Proclamation  of  Emancipation ; 
the  admission  of  blacks  and  whites  to  the  same 
schools ;  the  freedom  of  intermarriage  between 
the  races ;  ^  and  the  recognition  of  equal  rights  in 
public  places  and  conveyances  as  incidental  to 
equality  in  civil  rights.  On  the  last  point  the 
Radicals  were  to  a  great  extent  successful.    It  was 

1  In  almost  every  convention  the  Conservatives  proposed  a  con- 
stitutional prohibition  upon  intermarriage.  In  several  cases  the  ne- 
groes, with  a  certain  grim  humor,  agreed  to  accept  the  proposition 
on  condition  that  an  additional  clause  should  provide  that  any  white 
man  cohabiting  with  a  negro  woman  should  be  punishable  by  death. 


upon  the  question  of  the  suffrage,  however,  that 
differences  of  opinion  were  most  obstinate ;  and 
here  also  the  Radicals  in  a  number  of  states  pre- 
vailed over  all  restraining  forces. 

By  section  five  of  the  first  Reconstruction  Act 
Congress  had  in  effect  required  that  the  new  con- 
stitutions should  secure  the  franchise  to  all  male 
citizens  twenty-one  years  of  age  and  ''not  dis- 
franchised for  rebellion  or  felony."  No  option  was 
left  as  to  the  enfranchisement  of  the  negroes  ;  as  to 
disfranchisement  of  the  whites  the  quoted  phrase 
left  the  conventions  with  free  hands.  In  six  of  the 
states  this  liberty  resulted  in  a  proscription  of  the 
late  secessionists.^  Alabama,  Arkansas,  Missis- 
sippi, Texas  and  Virginia  denied  the  franchise  to 
those  whom  the  proposed  fourteenth  amendment 
disqualified  for  office,  i.e.^  those  who,  after  having 
taken  the  official  oath  to  support  the  constitution, 
had  gone  into  rebellion.^  Alabama  and  Arkansas 
added  to  the  disfranchised  any  who  had  "  violated 
the  rules  of  civilized  warfare,"  —  a  provision  di- 
rected chiefly  at  those  who  had  refused  to  accord 
to  negro  soldiers  the  customary  military  treatment. 

1  The  constitutions  are  all  in  Poore's  collection.  Abstracts,  giv- 
ing the  franchise  clauses,  may  be  found  in  McPherson,  Reconstruc- 
tion, p.  326  et  seq. 

2  This  section  of  the  Virginia  convention's  draft  failed  of  ratifica- 
tion. On  the  other  hand,  in  the  first  three  of  the  states  enumerated 
the  disqualification  was  made  somewhat  more  severe  by  applying 
it  to  all  who  were  excluded  from  registration  under  the  Reconstruc- 
tion Acts. 


Louisiana,  whose  provisions  were  perhaps  the 
most  severe  of  all,  disqualified  all  who  had  held 
military  or  civil  office  for  as  long  as  a  year  in  the 
Confederacy,  all  who  wrote  or  published  news- 
paper articles  or  preached  sermons  "in  advocacy 
of  treason,"  and  all  who  voted  for  or  signed  the 
ordinance  of  secession.  Eligibility  to  office  was 
in  most  states  denied  on  the  same  grounds  as  the 
right  to  vote.  Mississippi,  however,  made  ineligi- 
ble all  who  voted  for  secession  and  all  who  held 
office  under  the  Confederacy,  together  with  every 
one  who  voluntarily  gave  aid  or  encouragement  to 
the  Confederates;^  and  Virginia  achieved  the 
same  purpose  by  requiring  the  iron-clad  oath  of 
every  officer. ^ 

These  proscriptive  provisions  of  the  new  con- 
stitutions were  for  the  most  part  not  absolute  in 
their  terms.  Recourse  was  had  in  Louisiana  to 
that  expedient,  common  in  the  political  and  reli- 
gious commotions  of  recent  centuries,  which  puts  a 
premium  on  self-stultification  :  the  removal  of  his 
disabilities  was    offered    to   any   man  who  would 

1  This  provision  contained  a  clause  the  motive  of  which  seems 
somewhat  obscure :  "  Provided,  that  nothing  in  this  section,  except 
voting  for  or  signing  the  ordinance  of  secession,  shall  be  so  con- 
strued as  to  exclude  from  office  the  private  soldier  of  the  late 
so-called  Confederate  states  army."  This  probably  reflects  the 
familiar  sentiment,  that  maintenance  of  one's  convictions  by  physi- 
cal force  is  essentially  nobler  than  by  moral  or  intellectual  activity. 

2  This  was  carried  in  convention  against  a  very  energetic  protest 
by  General  Schofield.     Cf.  Ann.  Cyc.  for  1868,  p.  759. 


publicly  acknowledge  that  the  late  rebellion  was 
morally  and  politically  wrong  and  express  regret  for 
his  participation  therein. ^  In  Alabama,  Arkansas 
and  Mississippi  works  rather  than  professions  were 
assumed  as  the  proper  test  of  political  regeneration, 
and  relief  from  disabilities  was  ipso  facto  secured  to 
any  one  who  had  **  openly  advocated  "  or  ''  voted 
for  "  or  "  aided  in  "  the  reconstruction  and  who 
accepted  the  equality  of  all  men.  Most  of  the  con- 
stitutions also  authorized  the  legislatures,  generally 
by  extraordinary  majority,  to  remove  disabilities. 
The  incorporation  in  the  office-holder's  oath  of  a 
clause  expressing  acceptance  of  ''the  civil  and 
political  equality  of  all  men  before  the  law  "  was  a 
common  feature  of  the  new  constitutions.  There 
was  of  course  nothing  of  a  proscriptive  or  stulti- 
fying character  in  this  :  for  the  phrase  denoted 
legal  obligation,  not  moral  conviction,  on  the  part 
of  one  who  adopted  it. 

Alabama  was  the  first  of  the  states  in  which  the 
work  of  the  constitutional  convention  was  con- 
cluded. Between  November  5,  1867,  when  the 
Alabama  convention  adjourned  sirie  die,  and  May 
15,  1868,  when  the  draft  of  Mississippi's  consti- 
tution was  completed,  all  the   other   states   save 

^  This  adaptation  of  the  theological  doctrine  of  repentance  and 
confession  to  the  exigencies  of  political  life  need  not  be  taken  to 
signify  a  peculiarly  keen  moral  and  religious  sense  in  Louisiana,  as 
the  history  of  her  politics  in  the  years  immediately  following  very 
clearly  shows. 


Texas  reached  a  like  stage  in  the  process  of  re- 
organization. The  next  step  required  by  the 
Reconstruction  Acts  was  the  submission  of  each 
draft  constitution  to  the  registered  voters  of  the 
state  for  ratification.  For  the  purposes  of  this 
election  the  qualification  of  voters  and  the  author- 
ity of  the  commanders  ^  were  the  same  as  in  the 
previous  election.  The  contest  throughout  the 
South  assumed  a  distinctly  fiercer  form  during 
this  second  canvass.  Race  and  class  animosity 
had  been  whetted  by  the  discussions  centering 
about  the  conventions ;  the  provisions  of  the  new 
constitutions  afforded  definite  issues  on  which 
party  organizations,  hitherto  inchoate,  were 
molded  into  efficiency ;  and  the  bearing  of  the 
results  of  the  elections  on  national  issues  and  on 
the  outcome  of  the  approaching  Presidential  can- 
vass brought  into  play  influences  from  without 
that  in  no  way  tended  to  allay  the  bitterness 
within  the  states. 

Party  lines,  so  far  as  they  were  drawn  at  all  in 
the  rebel  states  under  the  Presidential  regime,  fol- 
lowed ante-be Ihini  prejudices.  Though  very  ener- 
getic efforts  were  made  in  1865-66  by  the  leaders 
of  the  National  Republican  Party  to  extend  their 
organization  throughout  the  South,  the  results  were 
not  satisfactory.  Few  Southern  whites  ventured 
to    identify  themselves  with  a  name  of  such  evil 

1  Except  as  to  the  date  of  the  vote,  which  was  fixed  by  the  con- 
vention itself. 


repute  in  their  section,  and  so  far  as  it  achieved 
coherence  at  all  the  party  consisted  mainly  of 
Northerners.  The  Democratic  Party  also  failed 
to  attract  into  full  fellowship  the  leading  South- 
erners. The  white  Unionists,  who  were  most 
conspicuous  in  the  political  people  and  the  state 
governments  established  under  Presidential  aus- 
pices, were  mostly  of  Whiggish  antecedents,  and 
had  supported  Bell  and  Everett  in  i860.  To  them 
Democracy  meant  in  the  South  secessionism  and 
in  the  North  economic  and  political  heresy.  On 
the  vital  and  pressing  questions  touching  the  status 
and  the  future  of  the  freedmen  opinion  in  the  South 
was  commonly  classified  as  *'  radical"  and  "conserv- 
ative," and  these  terms  were  assumed  as  the 
official  titles  of  various  organizations  in  the  elec- 
tions of  1866.  In  some  states  the  name  "  Con- 
stitutional Union  Party "  was  employed  by  the 
conservatives,  suggesting  the  consciousness  of 
affinity  with  the  ideas  represented  by  Bell  and 
Everett  in  i860.  But  upon  the  adoption  by  Con- 
gress of  the  policy  expressed  in  the  Reconstruction 
Acts  a  readjustment  of  opinion  and  organization 
began.  Conservatives  and  Radicals  at  once  put 
forth  every  effort  to  draw  into  their  respective 
camps  the  freedmen,  now  the  decisive  factor  in 
politics,  but  the  success  of  the  latter,  prepared  by 
the  widespread  formation  of  Union  Leagues  and 
by  the  teachings  of  the  Freedmen's  Bureau,  was 
soon  apparent  to  all.     The  Radical  organizations, 


deserted  by  most  of  the  Southern  whites  who  had 
still  clung  to  them,  but  swollen  by  the  hosts  of 
newly  enfranchised  freedmen,  assumed  everywhere 
the  name  of  Republican  and  established  relations 
with  the  national  organization  of  that  party. 
Among  the  Conservatives  divided  counsels  for  a 
time  prevailed.  Most  were  for  opposing  recon- 
struction a  rotitrajice ;  but  some  still  hoped,  by 
accepting  negro  suffrage,  to  preserve  a  control 
over  the  blacks,  though  without  joining  the 
Radical  Party.  This  hope  however,  practically 
disappeared  during  the  process  of  reconstruction, 
and  the  end  of  that  process  revealed  in  every  state 
a  coherent  organization  bearing  the  name  and  sup- 
porting the  policy  of  the  National  Democratic 
Party.  On  the  question  of  ratifying  the  constitu- 
tions framed  by  the  conventions,  party  lines  were 
perfectly  clear,  and  party  feeling  was  intensified 
in  bitterness  by  the  consciousness  that  the  issue 
was  indisputably  that  of  race  domination. 

In  view  of  the  extreme  feeling  that  prevailed, 
especially  in  the  states  whose  new  constitutions 
contained  disfranchising  provisions,  the  responsi- 
bility of  the  district  commanders  became  exceed- 
ingly heavy  as  the  elections  approached.  The 
letter  of  the  law  required  that  the  military  power 
should  assure  to  every  registered  voter  an  oppor- 
tunity to  express  his  will.  It  was  not  difficult  to 
construe  the  spirit  of  the  law  as  requiring  that  the 
policy  of  Congress  should  not  be  allowed  to  fail 


through  the  defeat  of  the  constitutions.  Most  of 
the  commanders  maintained  a  rigorous  adherence 
to  the  letter  of  their  authority,  and  in  their  regula- 
tions for  the  conduct  of  the  elections  displayed  a 
very  high  degree  of  practical  wisdom.^  General 
Pope,  however,  always  inclined  to  radical  measures, 
infused  into  his  orders  for  Alabama  rather  more  of 
the  partisan  spirit  than  the  President  was  disposed 
to  put  up  with,  and  accordingly  General  Meade 
was  appointed  to  supersede  him  in  January,  1868. 
On  two  questions  having  an  important  partisan 
bearing,  General  Pope  had  taken  radical  ground. 
Election  ofificers  had  been  authorized  to  receive 
the  votes  of  persons  who  were  not  registered  in 
the  precinct  at  which  they  offered  to  vote ;  and 
voting  for  state  officers  was  permitted  at  the  same 
time  with  the  voting  on  the  constitution.  Both 
these  expedients  were  in  the  interest  of  Repub- 
lican success  in  the  state,  and  both  afforded  great 
facilities  for  fraud  ;  but  the  first  would  enable  very 
many  negroes  to  vote,  who  in  the  unsettled  condi- 
tions of  the  time  had  changed  their  domicile  since 
registration,  and  the  second  would  hasten  the  in- 
auguration of  the  new  regime.  The  most  serious 
objection  to  the  double  elections  lay  in  the   fact 

^  Cf.  especially  the  report  of  General  Gillem  on  the  election  in 
Mississippi,  annexed  to  Report  of  Secretary  of  War  for  1868.  The 
excellent  work  in  this  case  was  the  result  of  the  lessons  learned  in 
some  very  unfortunate  experiences  in  Arkansas  several  months 
earlier,  on  which,  cf.  same  report. 


that  very  many  of  the  Republican  candidates  for 
office  1  were  at  the  same  time  election  officials, 
charged  with  the  supervision  of  the  vote  in  which 
they  had  so  intimate  an  interest.^  But  General 
Pope  had  only  anticipated  a  policy  which  was  about 
to  receive  a  high  and  conclusive  endorsement. 

The  radical  leaders  in  the  Fortieth  Congress 
were  as  watchful  in  the  winter  of  iZ^y-^^  as  they 
had  been  in  the  preceding  spring  and  summer  for 
the  promotion  of  their  policy  in  the  South.  No 
point  was  to  be  lost  that  could  contribute  to  the 
success  of  reconstruction.  In  view  of  recent 
successes  of  the  Democrats  in  the  North  a  Re- 
publican state  more  or  less  in  the  South  might 
decide  the  next  Presidential  election.  The  chief 
uncertainty  as  to  the  outcome  of  the  vote  on  rati- 
fying the  constitutions  in  the  South  turned  upon 
the  requirement  that  a  majority  of  the  registered 
voters  should  participate  in  the  election  in  order 
that  a  result  favorable  to  ratification  should  be 
valid.  A  bill  to  eliminate  this  requirement  and 
make  a  majority  of  the  persons  voting  sufficient  to 
ratify,  and  also  to  authorize  voting  for  state  offi- 
cers and  congressmen  at  the  same  election,  was 
passed  by  the  House  early  in  the  session  (Decem- 

1  The  Republican  state  ticket  was  nominated  by  the  constitu- 
tional convention,  at  the  close  of  its  official  work. 

2  General  Meade  desired  to  separate  the  elections,  but  was  dis- 
couraged by  General  Grant.  Cf.  correspondence,  Report  of  Secre- 
tary of  War,  1 868,  p.  84  et  seq. 


ber  1 8).  In  the  Senate  the  measure  dragged 
somewhat,  apparently  awaiting  the  outcome  in 
Alabama,  where  the  election  was  set  for  Febru- 
ary 4.  In  that  state  the  Conservative  leaders 
abandoned  hope  of  defeating  ratification  by  voting 
against  it,  and  adopted  a  formal  policy  of  absten- 
tion. An  energetic  campaign  in  this  sense  was  suc- 
cessful. The  vote  stood:  for  ratification,  70,812; 
against  ratification,  1005  ;  total,  71,817,  over  13,000 
less  than  half  the  registration. ^  The  white  vote 
for  the  constitution  was  only  6702,  as  compared 
with  18,553  in  favor  of  the  convention  at  the  earlier 

The  result  in  Alabama  caused  a  real  sensation 
and  much  alarm  among  the  friends  of  reconstruc- 
tion. There  was  no  further  delay  in  the  Senate 
as  to  the  proposed  modifications  in  the  law.  The 
bill  was  pressed  with  some  vigor,  in  the  hope  that 
it  might  become  applicable  to  the  election  in  Ar- 
kansas, which  was  fixed  for  March  13.  President 
Johnson  did  not  exhibit  the  same  energy  that 
characterized  Congress ;  he  neither  approved  nor 
vetoed  the  bill,  and  it  only  became  law,  by  lapse 
of  time,  on  March  11.  At  that  date  all  the  orders 
for  the  Arkansas  election  had  long  been  promul- 
gated and  the  facilities  for  communication  made 
modifications    impracticable.     Indeed  the   district 

1  Meade  to  Grant,  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868,  p.  97.  A 
revision  of  the  registration  in  view  of  this  election  had  afforded  an 
opportunity  for  material  additions  to  the  lists  of  qualified  voters. 


commander,  General  Gillem,  was  unaware  of  the 
existence  of  the  new  law  until  after  the  election 
had  begun,^  and  accordingly  the  provision  for  vot- 
ing in  another  precinct  than  that  of  registry  was 
not  enforced.  Elections  for  state  officers,  how- 
ever, were  held  simultaneously,  by  ordinance  of 
the  convention,  the  commander  tolerating,  but  as- 
suming no  authority  over  them.^  The  result  of 
the  vote  on  the  constitution  was  close,  the  returns 
showing  a  majority  of  13 16  for  ratification,  and  a 
total  vote  of  54,510  out  of  Tl.y^i^  registered  voters. 
The  closeness  of  the  vote  gave  great  importance 
to  the  somewhat  startling  fact  that  in  one  county 
the  vote  exceeded  the  registration  by  1195.  In- 
vestigation revealed,  however,  that  the  registrars 
in  this  and  two  other  counties  acted  on  unofficial 
information  that  the  act  of  March  1 1  had  become 
law,  and  received  the  votes  of  persons  who  claimed 
to  be  registered  in  counties  other  than  those  in 
which  they  offered  to  vote. 

In  the  six  other  states  which  voted  on  their 
constitutions  during  the  spring  and  summer  the 
act  of  March  1 1  had  full  application,  and  in  five  of 
them  the  results  fulfilled  the  desires  of  those  who 
enacted  it.  During  April  and  May  the  two  Caro- 
Hnas,  Georgia,  Louisiana  and  Florida  ratified  their 

1  Report  of  Secretary  of  War  for  1868,  p.  535. 

2  He  declined  to  prohibit  registrars  from  being  candidates,  on 
the  ground  that  he  had  nothing  to  do  with  state  elections.  Report 
of  Secretary  of  War,  1S68,  p.  548. 


constitutions  and  simultaneously  elected  Repub- 
lican state  officers  and  congressmen.  In  Missis- 
sippi the  Democrats  entered  upon  a  particularly 
desperate  campaign  to  defeat  the  constitution,  and 
though  they  were  distinctly  in  a  minority  in  the 
registration,^  they  carried  their  point  in  the  voting. 
On  June  22  the  constitution  was  rejected  by  over 
7000  majority,  and  at  the  same  time  the  Demo- 
cratic ticket  for  state  offices  was  successful. 

It  is  worthy  of  note  that  in  all  the  states  in 
which  the  act  of  March  11  was  operative  at  the 
elections  the  vote  for  state  officers  and  congress- 
men was  cast,  not  by  the  electors  qualified  under 
the  new  constitution,  but  by  those  registered  under 
the  Reconstruction  Acts.^  This  was  provided  for 
in  the  act  of  March  11.  The  provision  had  dia- 
metrically opposite  effects  according  as  the  states 
had  or  had  not  inserted  severe  disfranchising 
clauses  in  their  constitutions.  Where  such  dis- 
franchisement existed,  the  effect  was  to  install  a 
state  government  by  vote  of  an  electorate  larger 
than  that  under  which  the  future  government  was 
to  be  carried  on.  Where  there  was  no  disfranchise- 
ment in  the  constitution,  the  smaller  class  of  regis- 
tered voters  imposed  their  will  at  the  outset  on 

^  Address  of  Democratic  Associations  to  the  People.  —  Ann.  Cyc, 
1868,  p.  513. 

2  In  some  states  this  end  was  secured  by  the  requirement  that 
the  vote  for  state  officers  should  be  on  the  same  ballot  as  that  on 
ratification.  Cf.  constitution  of  Arkansas,  schedule,  sees.  2  and  3. 
Poore,  Charters  and  Constitutions,  I,  152. 


the  larger  class  of  citizens.  It  probably  did  not 
escape  the  notice  of  the  framers  of  the  act  that 
the  tendency  of  this  provision  would  be  to  secure 
for  the  first  official  period  and  for  the  first  Presi- 
dential election  Republican  control  of  such  states 
as  North  Carolina  and  Georgia,  where  the  very 
fact  of  a  liberal  suffrage  clause  created  a  presump- 
tion that  the  Democrats  would  normally  rule. 

Texas  and  Virginia  failed  to  reach  the  conclusion 
of  the  process  of  reconstruction  during  the  second 
session  of  the  Fortieth  Congress.  In  Virginia  the 
convention  completed  the  draft  of  a  constitution 
early  in  April ;  but  the  Congressional  appropria- 
tion had  been  exhausted  and  the  commander  pos- 
sessed no  funds  with  which  to  meet  the  expenses 
of  the  election  on  ratification.  The  convention  set 
the  third  of  June  as  the  day  for  the  election,  but 
Congress  only  made  the  appropriation  after  that 
date  had  passed.  Matters  were  thus  at  a  stand- 
still, as  the  only  authority  empowered  by  law  to 
fix  another  date  was  the  convention,  which  had 
gone  out  of  existence.  The  commander  referred 
the  situation  to  Congress,  but  no  action  was  taken.^ 
In  Texas  the  session  of  the  convention  was  long 
and  stormy.  By  the  middle  of  August  the  $  1 00,000 
that  had  been  advanced  from  the  state  treasury 
was  spent,  but  the  constitution  was  not  completed. 
Any  additional  advance  was  refused  by  the  district 

1  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1S68,  p.  320, 


commander,  on  the  ground  that  the  *'  state  of  the 
treasury,  the  rate  at  which  money  is  coming  in, 
and  the  prospective  current  wants  of  the  state" 
would  not  warrant  it.^  The  convention  accord- 
ingly took  a  recess,  to  await  developments  in  con- 
nection with  the  special  tax  which  it  had  levied. 

As  the  net  result  of  the  first  year's  full  opera- 
tion of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  but  six  states  out 
the  ten  were  qualified  for  restoration  to  normal 
relations  to  the  national  government.  In  view  of 
the  manifestations  of  public  opinion  in  the  North 
against  both  military  government  and  negro  suf- 
frage, the  Republican  leaders  were  anxious  to  have 
the  whole  matter  off  their  hands  before  the  Presi- 
dential election.  By  resort  to  methods  of  ques- 
tionable regularity  they  were  able  to  increase  the 
number  of  restored  states  to  seven,  and  on  this 
record  to  go  before  the  people.  The  triumph  in 
the  elections  relieved  the  pressure  for  prompt 
action,  and  it  was  only  after  two  additional  years 
of  military  rule  that  the  reconstruction  of  the  re- 
maining three  states  was  complete. 


Upon  the  ratification  of  constitutions  in  the 
rebel  states  the  next  step  contemplated  by  the 
Reconstruction  Acts  was  the  approval  of  these 
constitutions  by  Congress  and  the  formal  declara- 

1  Ann.  Cyc,  1868,  p.  730. 



tion  by  that  body  that  the  states  concerned  were 
entitled  to  representation.  Section  five  of  the  act 
of  March  23,  1867,  was  so  worded  as  elaborately 
to  safeguard  the  full  discretion  of  Congress  at  this 
decisive  point.  After  declaring  the  duty  of  the 
President  to  transmit  the  ratified  constitution  to 
Congress,  it  continued : 

And  if  it  shall,  moreover,  appear  to  Congress  that  the  elec- 
tion was  one  at  which  all  the  registered  and  qualified  electors 
in  the  state  had  an  opportunity  to  vote  freely  and  without 
restraint,  fear  or  the  influence  of  fraud,  and  if  the  Congress 
shall  be  satisfied  that  such  constitution  meets  the  approval  of 
a  majority  of  all  the  qualified  electors  in  the  state,  and  if  the 
said  constitution  shall  be  declared  by  Congress  to  be  in  con- 
formity with  the  provisions  of  the  act  to  which  this  is  supple- 
mentary, and  the  other  provisions  of  said  act  shall  have  been 
complied  with,  and  the  said  constitution  shall  be  approved  by 
Congress,  the  state  shall  be  declared  entitled  to  representa- 
tion, and  senators  and  representatives  shall  be  admitted  there- 
from as  therein  provided. 

It  is  clear  that  to  the  framer  of  this  section  the 
danger  to  be  particularly  guarded  against  was  that 
of  overhasty  admission.  No  mere  perfunctory 
compliance  with  the  Reconstruction  Acts,  but  a  sub- 
stantial conformity  to  the  policy  they  expressed,  was 
to  be  exacted  before  the  states  were  to  be  restored 
to  full  rights.  In  the  spring  of  1868,  however,  it 
was  not  haste  but  delay  in  restoration  that  was 
feared  by  the  Republican  leaders.  The  result  of 
the  vote  on  ratification  in  Alabama  was  a  severe 
blow  to   their   projects.      It  likewise  gave   much 


distress  to  the  successful  candidates  for  state  offices 
who,  through  the  failure  of  ratification,  were  debarred 
from  assuming  authority.  Complaints  and  peti- 
tions from  the  local  leaders  and  consultations  with 
the  extremists  in  the  House  of  Representatives 
led  to  the  introduction  of  a  bill  by  Mr.  Stevens, 
March  lo,  1868,  providing  for  the  admission  of 
Alabama  to  full  rights  as  a  state.^  The  bill 
merely  declared  that  the  constitution  was  satisfac- 
tory and  had  been  voted  for  by  a  large  majority 
of  the  legal  voters  voting  at  the  election.  No 
reference  was  made  to  the  requirement  of  the  Re- 
construction Acts  that  a  majority  of  the  registered 
voters  should  participate  in  the  election.  No 
importance  was  assigned,  in  fact,  to  any  of  the 
elaborate  conditions  embodied  in  preceding  legis- 
lation save  one  —  that  **  Congress  shall  be  satisfied 
that  such  constitution  meets  the  approval  of  a  ma- 
jority of  all  the  qualified  electors  in  the  state." 
Such  approval  v/as  not  demonstrated  by  the  returns 
of  the  election ;  for  the  majority  of  the  electors 
had  expressed  no  opinion  at  all.  But  the  supporters 
of  the  bill  contended  that  the  failure  of  a  majority 
to  vote  was  satisfactorily  accounted  for  by  the 
intimidation  of  negroes  by  white  employers,  by 
frauds  in  registration  and  irregularities  in  the  elec- 
tion, and  particularly  by  the  fact  that  a  heavy 
storm  on  some  of  the  days  during  which  the  elec- 
tion continued  prevented  many  who  wished  to  vote 

1  Cong.  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  1790. 


from  going  to  the  polls.^  These  allegations  of  in- 
timidation and  fraud,  if  not  regarded  as  adequately 
met  by  counter-allegations  by  the  Democrats,  ob- 
viously cast  much  discredit  on  the  efficiency  of  the 
military  authorities ;  ^  and  the  argument  from  the 
weather  could  hardly  be  taken  seriously.  It  proved 
impossible,  therefore,  at  this  time  to  get  a  majority 
of  the  Republicans  in  the  House  to  throw  over- 
board their  earlier  legislation,  and  the  bill  failed.^ 

Meanwhile  the  constitution  of  Arkansas  had 
been  voted  upon,  with  the  result  stated  above.* 
The  irregularities  connected  with  the  voting  there 
were  sufficient  to  prevent  General  Gillem  from 
making  any  announcement  as  to  whether  the  rati- 
fication was  or  was  not  accomplished.  His  report 
merely  presented  the  facts  and  showed  that  the 
number  of  votes  tainted  with  irregularity  was  cou"- 
siderably  greater  than  the  majority  for  ratification. 
Under  the  existing  pressure  for  speedy  restoration 
it  was  not  to  be  expected  that  Congress  would 
attach  much  importance  to  the  doubts  raised,  es- 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  181 8  ^/  seq. 

2  General  Meade  insisted,  after  "  the  most  thorough  investiga- 
tion," that  the  constitution  was  fairly  rejected  under  the  law  requir- 
ing a  majority  of  the  electors  to  vote.  Report  of  Secretary  of  War, 
1868,  p.  76. 

3  It  was  transformed  by  the  adoption  of  a  substitute  installing 
the  Republican  state  ticket  voted  for  at  the  election,  as  a  provisional 
government  for  Alabama  pending  revision  and  resubmission  of  the 
constitution.     Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  2216. 

*  Supra,  p.  205. 


pecially  as,  through  the  refusal  of  the  Democrats 
to  recognize  the  ordinance  proclaiming  elections  for 
state  officers,  the  Republican  candidates  had  been 
returned  as  elected  with  but  little  opposition.  A 
bill  to  restore  Arkansas  was  passed  by  the  House 
of  Representatives  on  the  eighth  of  May.  The 
Senate  proceeded  with  some  deliberation,  owing 
to  suspicions  that  certain  manifestations  of  haste 
were  prompted  by  a  desire  for  two  additional 
votes  on  the  pending  impeachment  trial.^  After 
the  conclusion  of  the  trial  progress  was  easy  and 
the  bill  became  law,  over  the  President's  veto, 
June  22.  The  provisions  of  the  act  included,  first, 
a  preamble  declaring  that  the  people  of  the  state 
had  adopted  a  constitution  "  which  is  republican," 
and  that  the  legislature  had  ratified  the  proposed 
Fourteenth  Amendment ;  second,  a  declaration  that 
Arkansas  *'  is  entitled  and  admitted  to  representa- 
tion as  one  of  the  states  of  the  Union" ;  and  third, 
a  qualification  of  the  foregoing  declaration  by  this 
**  fundamental  condition  "  : 

That  the  constitution  of  Arkansas  shall  never  be  so  amended 
or  changed  as  to  deprive  any  citizen  or  class  of  citizens  of  the 
United  States  of  the  right  to  vote  who  are  entitled  to  vote  by 
the  constitution  herein  recognized,  except  as  a  punishment 
for  such  crimes  as  are  now  felonies  at  common  law,  under 
laws  equally  applicable  to  all  the  inhabitants  of  said  state ; 
provided,  that  any  alteration  of  said  constitution  prospective 
in  its  eifect  may  be  made  in  regard  to  the  time  and  place  of 
residence  of  voters. 

1  Cong.  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  2437. 


By  virtue  of  this  act  Arkansas  became  at  once 
a  member  of  the  Union  in  full  standing.  Her 
senators  and  representatives  qualified  on  the  fol- 
lowing day,^  and  reconstruction  was  complete  in 
one  of  the  ten  states.  That  the  friends  of  negro 
suffrage  felt  little  confidence  in  the  permanency  of 
their  work,  needs  no  stronger  evidence  than  the 
drastic  and  unprecedented  condition  under  which 
the  first  of  the  errant  states  was  restored  to  the 

Only  three  days  after  the  passage  of  the  Ar- 
kansas bill  Congress  acted  finally  upon  the  other 
six  states  which  had  voted  upon  their  constitu- 
tions. The  bill  for  this  purpose  was  reported 
from  the  House  committee  on  reconstruction  early 
in  May.  It  was  quite  characteristic  of  that  com- 
mittee and  its  leader,  Mr.  Stevens,  that  with  the 
other  states  to  which  the  bill  referred  should  be 
included  Alabama,  whose  restoration  the  House 
had  refused  to  sanction  only  six  weeks  earlier. 
Nothing  whatever  had  occurred  in  the  state  itself 
to  modify  the  reasoning  on  which  the  former  ac- 
tion had  been  taken ;  but  the  parliamentary  device 
of  winning  reluctant  support  for  an  obnoxious 
proposition  by  coupling  it  with  a  popular  one  was 
too  well-tried  and  efficient  to  be  omitted  on  an 
occasion  like  that  at  hand.  The  desired  end  was 
attained.  After  much  debate,  in  which  the  cir- 
cumstances  of    the   elections    in   Alabama    were 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  pp.  347,  348. 


threshed  over  again  and  again,  the  argument  pre- 
vailed that  that  state  should  come  in  at  the  same 
time  with  the  rest,  and  that  the  allegation  of 
breach  of  faith  ought  not  to  carry  much  weight 
when  only  rebels  and  traitors  were  aggrieved.  In 
both  House  and  Senate  the  motion  to  strike  out 
Alabama  from  the  bill  was  lost.  Florida,  also, 
where  the  vote  on  ratification  was  later,  was  ulti- 
mately included  in  the  bill,  and  it  became  law  on 
June  25.  The  declaration  of  restoration  and  the 
fundamental  condition  were  identical  with  the 
terms  of  the  Arkansas  bill.  In  the  preamble, 
however,  a  difference  was  necessary :  it  could 
not  be  declared  that  the  legislatures  had  ratified 
the  Fourteenth  Amendment;  and  the  inclusion 
of  Alabama  made  impossible  the  simple  affir- 
mation that  republican  constitutions  had  been 
adopted.^  Moreover,  instead  of  going  into  effect 
at  once,  the  restoration  was  only  to  ensue  upon 
the  ratification  of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  by 
the  legislatures ;  and  in  the  case  of  Georgia 
upon  the  approval  by  its  legislature  of  an  addi- 
tional fundamental  condition,  namely,  that  specified 

^  They  were  declared  to  have  been  adopted  "  by  large  majorities 
of  the  votes  cast  at  the  elections  held  for  the  ratification  or  rejection 
of  the  same."  This  wording  reflects  the  rather  ridiculous  tendency  of 
the  extremists  to  ignore  the  notorious  in  the  Alabama  case,  and  to 
declaim  about  the  huge  majority  in  that  state  for  the  constitution, 
as  if  the  size  of  the  majority  really  expressed  the  triumph  of  those 
who  voted  rather  than  that  of  those  who  abstained. 


clauses  of  her  new  constitution,  abolishing  certain 
debts,  should  be  null  and  void.  The  bill  provided 
further  that  meetings  of  the  legislatures  should  be 
promptly  held  to  act  upon  the  amendment. 

By  this  legislation  Congress  was  presumed  to 
have  completed  its  part  in  the  reconstruction  of 
six  states,  namely,  North  Carolina,  South  Carolina, 
Georgia,  Florida,  Alabama  and  Louisiana.  It  will 
be  observed  that  the  action  of  the  national  legis- 
lature did  not  correspond  exactly  with  the  require- 
ments of  the  first  Reconstruction  Act.  In  this 
it  was  declared  that  admission  to  representation 
should  only  take  place  after  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment  "  shall  have  become  a  part  of  the 
constitution  of  the  United  States."  ^  This  require- 
ment was  dropped  in  the  act  of  March  23,  1867, 
for  the  reason  that  the  lawyers  were  unwilling  or 
unable  to  agree  as  to  whether  the  ratifications  of 
the  reconstructed  states  were  necessary  to  the 
validity  of  that  amendment.  All  agreed  that 
those  states  should  be  obliged  to  ratify  it,  as  a 
visible  pledge  and  token  of  their  reconstruction ; 
but  many  held  that  the  amendment  became  opera- 
tive when  approved  by  three-fourths  of  the  states 
exclusive  of  those  under  military  government. 
This  vexatious  point  became  of  much  importance 
at  the  conclusion  of  the  process  of  reconstruc- 
tion, through  the  bearing  of  that  clause  of  the 
amendment  which  disqualified  certain  persons  for 

1  Act  of  March  2,  1867,  sec.  f. 


state  oflfice.  The  act  restoring  the  six  states  con- 
tained a  clause  distinctly  providing  that  no  one 
disqualified  by  the  proposed  amendment  should 
hold  office  under  the  states  concerned.  The  feel- 
ing which  dictated  this  provision  is  made  clear  in 
the  incidents  connected  with  the  transition  from 
the  military  to  the  representative  regime  in  the 
various  states. 


When  once  the  elections  had  been  held  and  a 
body  of  Republican  claimants  for  the  state  offices 
had  thereby  been  created,  a  readjustment  of  rela- 
tions took  place  among  the  various  elements  of 
authority  in  each  state.  In  their  impatience  to 
assume  power  the  Republicans  tended  to  regard 
the  military  as  hostile  to  them,  and  to  be  some- 
what captious  in  their  judgments  upon  the  con- 
duct of  the  commanders.  On  the  other  hand  the 
Democrats,  who  still  had  some  shadow  of  official 
power  through  the  lingering  remnants  of  the 
Johnson  governments,  were  disposed  to  regard 
the  prolongation  of  the  military  regime  with  much 
complacency.  The  commanders,  for  their  part, 
might  well  have  conceived  that  the  spirit  of  the 
Reconstruction  Acts  justified  the  concession  of 
authority  to  the  chosen  representatives  of  the  new 
electors,  but  the  letter  of  the  law  was  explicit,  that 
military  power  should  be  supreme  until  an  act  of 
Congress  should  declare  the  state  entitled  to  rep- 


resentation.  In  Alabama  and  Arkansas,  where 
there  was  a  long  interval  between  the  elections 
and  action  by  Congress,  the  situation  was  particu- 
larly trying.  The  Republican  members-elect  of 
the  respective  legislatures  assembled^  and  went 
through  the  form  of  organization.  As  their  only 
claim  to  official  character  rested  upon  the  new 
constitutions,  which  the  commanders  refused  to 
consider  as  ratified,  it  was  of  course  impossible 
for  the  commanders  to  recognize  these  assemblies. 
Under  such  circumstances  it  was  not  to  be  ex- 
pected that  the  pretenders  would  receive  much 
respect  from  the  mass  of  the  white  citizens.  In 
fact  the  existence  of  these  pseudo-governments 
introduced  a  new  element  into  the  already  serious 
problem  of  maintaining  peace  and  order  in  the 
states.  Ultimately  the  action  of  Congress  vali- 
dated the  action  of  the  Arkansas  legislature  in 
ratifying  the  Fourteenth  Amendment ;  ^  but  as  to 
Alabama,  all  the  proceedings  of  its  legislature-elect 
antecedent  to  the  act  of  June  25  were  ignored. 

The  difficulties  due  to  the  cause  just  considered 
were  of  less  importance  in  the  other  states,  though 
they  made  themselves  felt.  In  Louisiana,  for  in- 
stance, the  eagerness  of  the  new  officials  to  begin 

1  In  Alabama,  they  met  in  a  newspaper  office;  in  Arkansas,  they 
broke  into  the  legislative  halls  of  the  state  capital.  Ann.  Cyc,  1868, 
pp.  16,  38. 

•-  The  preamble  of  the  admitting  act  assumed  that  the  amend- 
ment had  been  ratified. 


their  duties  had  to  be  sharply  repressed  by  Gen- 
eral Buchanan.  But  very  troublesome  to  all  the 
commanders  were  the  questions  that  arose  as  to 
the  qualifications  and  the  method  of  installation  of 
officers  who  were  to  assume  power  under  the 
new  constitutions.  The  situation  was  a  very  puz- 
zling one.  As  prerequisite  to  restoration  the 
legislature  of  each  state  must  ratify  the  Four- 
teenth Amendment.  The  organization  of  the 
legislature  must  accord  with  the  new  constitution, 
which  in  some  states  required  the  participation  of 
governor  and  lieutenant-governor ;  hence  these 
officials  must  qualify.  But  the  new  constitution 
could  not  be  considered  as  in  force  until  after  the 
action  on  the  Fourteenth  Amendment.  Until  such 
action  was  complete,  the  Reconstruction  Acts  re- 
tained their  full  authority,  and  the  military  com- 
mander was  paramount  ruler. 

The  difficulty  here  indicated  was  overcome 
through  that  provision  of  the  act  of  March  2,  1867, 
which  declared  that  until  the  admission  of  represen- 
tatives to  Congress,  any  civil  government  existing 
in  the  rebel  states  should  "  be  deemed  provisional 
only."  On  the  basis  of  this  clause  the  policy  was 
devised  of  regarding  the  legislature-elect  and  the 
executive  officials  necessary  to  its  action  as  pro- 
visional in  character,  and  as  the  creatures,  so  to 
speak,  of  the  military  commanders.  By  the  orders 
of  the  generals  the  persons  hitherto  acting  as  gov- 
ernors in  the  two  Carolinas  and  in  Louisiana  were 


removed,  and  the  governors-elect  were  appointed  in 
their  places.  The  acts  necessary  to  the  transition 
from  the  military  to  the  civil  regime  were  thus 
performed  by  the  holders  of  authority  under  both, 
and  conflict  was  avoided. 

But  the  more  fundamental  problem  as  to  quali- 
fications for  office  at  once  assumed  formidable 
dimensions.  Three  conflicting  factors  entered  into 
the  situation  —  the  state  constitutions,  the  proposed 
Fourteenth  Amendment  and  the  Reconstruction 
Acts.  The  state  constitutions  required  of  legisla- 
tors and  officers  various  qualifications  and  oaths, 
some  more  rigorous  than  what  was  required  by  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment.  This  latter  disqualified 
for  office  in  the  states  those  who,  after  taking  oath 
to  support  the  constitution,  had  gone  into  rebellion. 
Normally,  then,  the  new  state  officers  and  legisla- 
tors would  conform  to  the  qualifications  prescribed 
by  the  state  constitutions,  provided  these  excluded 
such  persons  as  were  excluded  by  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment.  But  as  we  have  seen,  the  officers 
and  legislators  installed  before  the  full  restora- 
tion had  to  be  regarded  as  "provisional";  and 
section  nine  of  the  act  of  July  19,  1867,  required 
that  '*  all  persons  hereafter  elected  or  appointed  to 
office  in  said  military  districts"  should  take  the 
iron-clad  oath.^  Relatively  few  of  the  officers- 
elect  could  honestly  take  this  oath,^  and  it  early 

^  Ante,  p.  184,  note. 

2  In  practice  it  seems  to  have  been  assumed  that  every  negro 


became  a  serious  question  as  to  whether  it  or  the 
oath  prescribed  by  the  state  constitutions  was 
to  be  exacted  from  those  who  took  part  in  the 
proceedings  'preliminary  to  full  restoration.  The 
military  commanders,  after  referring  the  matter 
to  headquarters,  proceeded  on  the  more  moderate 
theory  that  the  officials  elected  under  the  new 
constitutions  were  not  officials  of  "  provisional  gov- 
ernments "  in  the  meaning  of  the  Reconstruction 
Acts,^  and  therefore  need  not  take  the  "  iron-clad 
oath,"  This  was  probably  an  equitable  interpre- 
tation of  the  law,  but  it  was  quite  inconsistent 
with  the  theory  on  which  was  based  the  action  of 
the  legislature  in  transacting  business  before  the 
restoration  of  the  state.-  The  interpretation  was 
rejected  by  the  Republican  officials  in  Louisiana, 
who,  in  spite  of  the  orders  of  the  commander,  at- 
tempted to  exclude  the  Democratic  members  of 
the  legislature  by  requiring  the  test  oath.  A  seri- 
ous disturbance  became  imminent  before  the  re- 
calcitrant majority  finally  gave  way.^ 

Another  difficult  question,  related  to  the  fore- 
going, was  as  to  the  authority  of  the  commanders 
to  pass  upon  the  qualifications  of   the  individual 

could  take  this  oath,  though  such  an  assumption  was  irreconcilable 
with  notorious  facts  as  to  the  conduct  and  sympathies  of  the  blacks 
during  hostilities. 

1  Cf.  House  Ex.  Doc,  No.  276,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong. 

*  General  Meade  distinguished  between  officers  and  legislators,  and 
thought  the  latter  might  be  required  to  take  the  test  oath.     Ibid. 

^  Ann.  Cyc,  1868,  p.  434. 


members  of  a  legislature  when  that  body  assem- 
bled. It  was  generally  conceded  that  by  force  of 
either  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  or  the  provi- 
sions of  the  admission  act  of  June  25,  1868,  no 
person  disqualified  by  the  amendment  was  eligible 
to  the  state  legislature.  But  much  depended  upon 
the  ground  chosen  as  the  basis  of  ineligibility.  If 
disqualification  was  based  upon  the  amendment, 
the  capacity  of  members  must  be  determined  by 
the  normal  methods  of  constitutional  and  parlia- 
mentary procedure ;  if  upon  the  act  of  Congress, 
the  military  commander  must  determine  the  mat- 
ter and,  in  pursuance  of  his  duty  to  enforce  the 
law,  must,  upon  the  assembling  of  the  legislature, 
"  purge  "  that  body  of  disqualified  persons.  In 
several  of  the  states,  where  the  creation  or  increase 
of  a  Republican  majority  was  deemed  important, 
the  newly  elected  state  officers  were  eager  for  the 
use  of  the  latter  method.  But  grave  doubts  as  to 
the  policy  of  such  a  proceeding  appeared  on  the 
surface.  To  set  up  a  major-general  as  final  judge 
of  membership  in  a  representative  assembly  whose 
electorate  had  been  so  carefully  constructed  and  so 
elaborately  protected  in  its  action,  would  reflect  seri- 
ously on  the  fundamental  principles  of  reconstruc- 
tion. The  commanders  themselves  had  no  stomach 
for  so  invidious  a  duty.  Accordingly,  with  the  ap- 
proval of  leading  members  of  the  majority  in  Con- 
gress,!  they  confined  themselves  to  pointing  out  the 

1  Cf.  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868,  vol.  i,  p.  78. 


test  of  eligibility  to  the  legislatures  and  calling  upon 
the  respective  houses  to  apply  this  test  in  exercis- 
ing their  constitutional  control  over  the  elections, 
qualifications  and  returns  of  their  members.  This 
solution,  again,  was  hardly  to  be  reconciled  with 
any  clear-cut  theory  of  reconstruction.  It  was  the 
outcome  of  expediency  rather  than  logic.  In  the 
case  of  one  state,  Georgia,  logic  asserted  itself  later 
in  a  somewhat  startling  manner. 

For  the  six  states  affected  by  the  act  of  June  25, 
the  month  of  July,  1868,  brought  the  formal  con- 
clusion of  the  process  of  reconstruction.  Legisla- 
tures met  and  ratified  the  Fourteenth  Amendment ; 
recently  chosen  governors  and  other  officers  were 
installed  with  the  usual  ceremonies ;  and  on  receipt 
of  official  notice  that  the  amendment  had  been 
ratified  in  each  state,  the  respective  district  com- 
manders issued  orders  declaring  that  military  gov- 
ernment under  the  Reconstruction  Acts  had  ceased. 
Legislative  and  administrative  routine  was  at  once 
assumed  by  the  regular  organs  of  the  states,  and  the 
cases  pending  in  the  military  tribunals  were  turned 
over  to  the  ordinary  courts.  At  the  same  time  the 
two  houses  of  Congress  fulfilled  their  duty  by  admit- 
ting to  seats  the  representatives  and  senators  from 
the  reconstructed  states.  Before  the  close  of  the 
session  all  the  six  states  had  members  at  work  in 
the  House,  and  all  but  Georgia  in  the  Senate. 

The  state   last  named  had,  as  we    have  seen, 
required   exceptional   treatment   in   the   restoring 


act  of  June  25.  Circumstances  conspired  to  con- 
tinue the  special  character  of  her  reconstruction. 
Of  all  the  states  she  alone  had  returned  a  Conserv- 
ative or  Democratic  majority^  in  her  legislature; 
but  the  governor-elect,  Bullock,  was  a  Republican. 
In  the  prevailing  condition  of  political  feeling, 
friction  between  executive  and  legislative  depart- 
ments was  inevitable.  It  made  its  appearance 
during  the  transition  from  military  to  regular  gov- 
ernment. The  governor-elect  had  and  expressed 
very  strong  convictions  on  the  questions  noticed 
above  as  to  the  qualifications  of  members  of  the 
legislature  that  performed  the  acts  preliminary  to 
restoration.  He  believed  that  the  iron-clad  oath 
was  the  legal  test  of  eligibility,  and  he  strongly 
urged  General  Meade  to  exclude  at  least  certain 
members  whom  the  governor  considered  ineligible 
under  the  Fourteenth  Amendment. ^  As  committees 
of  the  houses  reported  that  all  the  members  were 
eligible,  and  as  Bullock's  aspirations  for  a  United 
States  senatorship  seemed  to  influence  his  opin- 
ions,2  the  general  declined  to  act  on  the  governor's 
suggestion.  In  consequence  of  this  initial  incident 
relations  between  the  governor  and  the  majority 
in  the  legislature  were  greatly  strained  after  mili- 

1  The  Senate  was  evenly  divided  between  the  parties,  22  mem- 
bers each;  the  lower  house  stood  Democrats  102,  Republicans  73. 
Ann.  Cyc,  1868,  p.  312. 

2  The  correspondence  is  given  in  Sen,  Ex.  Doc,  No.  13,  2d  sess. 
41st  Cong.,  p.  69  et  seq. 

3  Meade  to  Grant.     Doc.  last  cited,  p.  50. 


tary  rule  was  withdrawn.  United  States  senators 
were  elected  July  29,  after  Congress  had  ceased 
work  for  the  summer,  but  Bullock  was  not  chosen. 
Later  in  the  session  the  legislature  recurred  to 
the  question  of  eligibility  of  members,  but  from  a 
new  point  of  view.  Taking  advantage  of  a  loop- 
hole left  by  the  framers  of  the  constitution,  the 
majority  decided  that  negroes  were  ineligible  to 
any  office  in  the  state,  and  forthwith  unseated  all 
the  blacks  in  both  houses,  twenty-seven  in  number. 
This  proceeding  was  doubtless  gratifying  to  the 
hot  partisan  spirit  of  the  day,  but  it  was  not  judi- 
cious. It  gave  to  the  governor  a  weapon  that  he 
was  prompt  to  use.  The  Democratic  leaders  in 
the  state  had  doubtless  supposed  that  their  immu- 
nity from  further  action  by  Congress  was  complete. 
But  when  the  credentials  of  the  Georgia  senators 
were  presented,  at  the  meeting  of  Congress  in 
December,  objection  was  promptly  made  to  their 
acceptance.^  Radical  senators  declared  that  the 
act  of  the  legislature  in  expelling  the  negro  mem- 
bers was  good  ground  for  refusing  to  recognize 
the  state  as  restored  to  normal  relations.  Gov- 
ernor Bullock  submitted  a  paper  reciting  his  views 
as  to  the  qualifications  of  members  of  the  legis- 
lature and  assuming  that  his  own  tenure,  as  well 
as  that  of  every  other  member  of  the  state  gov- 
ernment, was  still  only  provisional.  Though  mod- 
erate senators  protested  against  delay,  the  desired 

1  Cong.  Globe,  3d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  2  et  seq. 


impression  was  made  by  the  radicals  and  the 
formal  act  that  would  have  made  incontestable 
the  full  restoration  of  the  state  was  prevented. 
The  senators-elect  were  not  permitted  to  take  their 
seats,  and  thus  a  slight,  but  as  circumstances 
proved  a  sufficient,  foundation  was  secured  for  the 
theory  that  Georgia  was  still  in  the  class  of  states 
in  which  the  process  of  reconstruction  was  in- 

The  point  now  reached  marks  an  epoch  in  the 
process  of  reconstruction.  A  variety  of  events 
combined  to  change  the  conditions  under  which 
the  process  was  to  be  completed  in  the  four  states 
that  were  still  unrestored.  In  the  first  place,  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment  had  become  formally  a 
part  of  the  constitution.  On  July  20,  1868,  Secre- 
tary Seward,  after  receiving  notice  of  ratification 
by  the  reconstructed  legislatures,^  issued  his  procla- 
mation announcing  that  the  amendment  was  in 
force.  The  secretary's  document  was  a  unique 
production,  ingeniously  devised  to  avoid  recog- 
nition of  the  reconstructed  legislatures  as  lawful,^ 
and  expressly  reserving  judgment  as  to  the  validity 

1  Except  that  of  Georgia,  which  ratified  later. 

2  It  was  declared  that  the  article  had  been  ratified  by  the  legis- 
latures of  twenty-three  specified  states,  and  in  six  states  by  "  newly 
constituted  and  newly  established  bodies  avowing  themselves  to  be, 
and  acting  as,  the  legislatures." 



of  rescinding  acts  passed  after  ratification  in  New 
Jersey  and  Ohio ;  but  Congress  immediately  by 
concurrent  resolution  made  short  work  of  Mr. 
Seward's  scruples  and  declared  the  new  article  part 
of  the  constitution.^  In  the  second  place,  the 
issue  of  reconstruction  had  again  been  fought  out 
in  a  general  election,  and  the  Republicans  had  de- 
cisively won.  By  the  voting  of  November,  1868, 
the  future  control  of  the  executive  as  well  as  the 
legislative  department  at  Washington  was  assured 
to  the  friends  of  Congress'  policy,  and  it  was  a 
source  of  much  satisfaction  that  of  Grant's  214 
electoral  votes,  forty-one  came  from  states  lately 
in  rebellion.^  Harmonious  relations  and  an  iden- 
tical policy  on  the  part  of  President  and  Congress 
must  necessarily  modify  the  conduct  of  recon- 
struction after  March  4,  1869;  but  probably  quite 
as  great  a  modifying  influence  was  exerted  by  the 
fact  that  two  of  the  reconstructed  states,  Louisi- 
ana and  Georgia,  chose  Democratic  electors  in 

A  third  element  of  novelty  in  the  general  situa- 
tion was  a  change  of  attitude  by  the  Republican 
Party  as  to  negro  suffrage.  Certain  manifestations 
of  Northern  sentiment  on  this  topic  had  given 
much  concern  to  the  Republican  leaders  in  the 
Presidential    campaign.      Four    important    states, 

1  Mcpherson,  History  of  the  Reconstruction,  p.  380. 

2  Virginia,  Mississippi  and  Texas  of  course  did  not  take  part  in 
the  election. 


Ohio,  Michigan,  Minnesota  and  Kansas,  had  re- 
fused to  extend  the  right  of  voting  to  the  blacks, 
while  manifesting  entire  sympathy  with  the  Con- 
gressional policy  of  reconstruction.  It  was  the 
condition  of  feeling  thus  indicated  that  found  ex- 
pression in  the  national  platform : 

The  guarantee  by  Congress  of  equal  suffrage  to  all  loyal 
men  at  the  South  was  demanded  by  every  consideration  of 
public  safety,  of  gratitude  and  of  justice,  and  must  be  main- 
tained ;  while  the  question  of  suffrage  in  all  the  loyal  states 
properly  belongs  to  the  people  of  these  states.^ 

But  the  flush  of  victory  actually  achieved  quickly 
banished  from  further  consideration  the  policy 
foreshadowed  by  this  declaration.  That  the  per- 
manency of  what  reconstruction  had  effected  in 
the  South  was  insecure,  was  made  very  obvious 
by  the  fact  of  Democratic  victory  in  Georgia  and 
Louisiana.  The  "  fundamental  conditions  "  which 
afforded  the  only  basis  for  Congressional  mainte- 
nance of  negro  suffrage  in  the  restored  states  were 
regarded  by  a  large  majority  of  constitutional  law- 
yers in  both  parties  as  of  doubtful  validity.  Under 
the  circumstances  a  further  amendment  to  the 
constitution  was  the  only  resort  that  could  be 
depended  upon  for  the  end  desired.  Hence  the 
Fifteenth  Amendment  was,  after  a  long  and  ar- 
dent discussion  of  the  whole  field  of  political  phi- 

1  Ann.  Cyc,  1868,  p.  744. 



losophy,  sent  to  the  state  legislatures  by  resolution 
finally  passed  February  26,  1869.  The  pendency 
of  this  amendment  had,  as  will  soon  appear,  a 
most  Important  influence  on  the  conclusion  of 
reconstruction  in  the  last  four  states. 

Finally,  the  actual  working  of  the  reconstructed 
governments  during  the  first  few  months  of  their 
existence  had  suggested,  if  it  had  not  clearly 
revealed,  the  inability  of  those  governments  to 
stand  alone.  The  withdrawal  of  military  govern- 
ment had  been  followed  in  most  of  the  states 
by  disturbances  which,  whatever  their  source  and 
magnitude,  —  and  both  were  the  subject  of  vehe- 
ment partisan  dispute,  —  led  to  anxious  appeals  by 
the  state  authorities  for  military  aid  from  the 
United  States.^  It  was  in  connection  with  the 
elections  that  the  disorders  assumed  the  most 
serious  character.  The  Ku  Klux  Klan,  conspic- 
uous for  some  time  in  Tennessee,  had  begun  to 
manifest  its  terrorizing  features  in  various  other 
states.  Louisiana  was  believed  to  have  been  car- 
ried by  the  Democrats  in  the  Presidential  election 
wholly  through  fraud  and  violence.^  All  these 
facts  conspired  to  intensify  the  zeal  of  the  Repub- 
licans for  stringent  methods  in  completing  recon- 
struction. The  obvious  danger  to  party  supremacy 
where  a  priori  such  supremacy  was  to  be  expected 
revived  the  flagging  interest  in  the  process.     In- 

1  Report  of  Secretary  of  War,  1868,  p.  xviii  et  seq. 

2  Blaine,  Twenty  Years  of  Congress,  II,  409. 



Stead  of  the  mere  eagerness  to  get  rid  of  the  whole 
subject,  which  had  been  apparent  in  1868,  there 
became  conspicuous  in  the  following  year  a  reso- 
lute purpose  to  make  every  possible  point  for 
effective  and  permanent  Republican  control  in  the 
remaining  states. 

The  final  session  of  the  Fortieth  Congress,  in 
the  winter  of  1868-69,  produced  no  legislation 
designed  to  hasten  the  admission  of  the  states 
still  unrestored.  On  the  other  hand  the  long- 
standing demand  of  the  Radicals  for  control  of  the 
state  offices  was  gratified  by  an  act  requiring  the 
commanders  in  Virginia,  Mississippi  and  Texas  to 
remove  all  incumbents  who  could  not  take  the 
iron-clad  oath  and  to  replace  them  by  persons  who 
could  take  it.^  Moreover,  the  process  of  remov- 
ing the  disabilities  imposed  by  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment  began  to  appear  prominently  in  the 
work  of  Congress,  and  the  methods  by  which  the 
grant  of  relief  was  carried  on^  left  no  doubt  as 
to  the  tendency  of  the  process  to  aid  the  Radi- 
cals in  both  reconstructed  and  unreconstructed 

Meanwhile  the  problem  as  to  the  next  steps  to 
be  taken  in  the  three  states  mentioned  above  had 
been  the  subject  of  intense  controversy  both  within 

1  Became  law  without  the  President's  approval,  Feb,  6,  1869. 
Cong.  Globe,  3d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  Appendix,  p.  327. 

2  Cf.  Globe,  3d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  1712  et  stq.,  esp.  remarks 
of  Tipton  and  Howard;  also  remarks  of  Beck,  p.  1888. 


the  states  themselves  and  in  the  room  of  the  com- 
mittee on  reconstruction  at  the  Capitol.  In  Missis- 
sippi and  in  Virginia  the  stringent  disfranchising 
and  test-oath  clauses  of  the  constitutions  had 
caused  a  distinct  split  of  the  Republican  state 
organizations.  The  radical  wing  in  Mississippi 
demanded  the  admission  of  the  state  under  the 
constitution  as  it  stood,  on  the  ground  that  its 
rejection  in  the  previous  election  had  been  effected 
by  fraud  and  violence.  The  conservative  wing, 
on  the  other  hand,  were  ready  for  resubmission 
of  the  constitution  to  the  people,  with  a  separate 
vote  on  the  obnoxious  disfranchising  clauses,  to 
which  the  previous  failure  of  ratification  seemed 
to  be  chiefly  due.  In  Virginia  the  Republicans 
divided  on  similar  lines ;  and  in  both  states  the 
Democrats  abandoned  a  distinct  policy  and  coa- 
lesced with  the  conservative  Republicans  in  the 
movement  for  separate  submission  of  the  disa- 
bling clauses.  The  Texas  convention  reassembled 
and  completed  a  constitution  during  the  winter  of 
1868-69;  but  here  also  the  Republicans  were  split 
into  factions,  and  political  conditions,  like  social 
conditions,  in  the  state  were  chaotic.^  Under  all 
the  circumstances  the  task  of  the  military  com- 
manders in  maintaining  some  semblance  of  govern- 
mental authority  became  increasingly  burdensome, 
and  their  difficulties  were  enhanced  by  the  require- 

1  Cf.  Ann.  Cyc,  1869,  p.  671  et  seq.     Also  Report  of  Secretary 
of  War,  1868,  p.  704. 


ment  of  a  "  clean  sweep  "  in  the  offices,  which  was 
imposed  by  the  action  of  Congress  in  February. ^ 

It  was  not  until  after  the  inauguration  of  the 
new  administration  that  definitive  action  was  taken 
to  put  an  end  to  the  existing  situation.  By  act  of 
April  10,  1869,  Congress  authorized  the  submission 
of  the  constitutions  in  the  three  states  to  popular 
vote.  The  change  wrought  by  the  installation  of 
President  Grant  was  manifested  in  the  fact  that 
the  administration  of  the  law  was  entrusted,  not 
to  the  district  commanders,  as  in  previous  acts, 
but  to  the  President;  and  even  more  in  the  pro- 
vision by  which  Congress  evaded  entirely  the 
troublesome  question  as  to  a  separate  vote  on 
test  oath  and  disfranchisement,  by  leaving  the 
matter  to  the  President's  discretion.^  The  pas- 
sage of  the  act  had  indeed  been  due  to  a  recom- 
mendation of  the  President  in  a  special  message 
of  April  7,^  in  which  he  had  indicated  both  his 
desire  to  promote  the  admission  of  Virginia  and 
Mississippi,  and  his  conviction  that  a  separate  vote 
on  the  obnoxious  clauses  should  be  permitted.  By 
far  the  most  striking  innovation  embodied  in  the 
act,  however,  was  the  requirement  that,  as  a  con- 
dition precedent  to  restoration,  each  state  should 

1  In  Virginia,  5176  offices  were  vacated  under  this  law,  of  which 
2814  were  still  vacant  on  October  i.  Report  of  Secretary  of  War, 
1869,  p.  Ill;   cf.  for  Texas,  p.  145. 

'^  The  act  is  in  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  408. 

3  Ibid.,  p.  417. 


ratify  the  Fifteenth  Amendment.  The  fairness 
and  justice  of  imposing  a  new  condition  at  this 
late  stage  in  reconstruction  —  a  condition  that 
seven  of  the  states  had  escaped  —  were  seriously 
doubted  by  many  Republicans  and  were  strenu- 
ously denied  by  the  Democrats ;  ^  but  the  contest 
over  the  amendment  in  Northern  legislatures  was 
looming  fierce  and  doubtful,^  and  the  opportunity 
to  insure  three  states  in  the  affirmative  could  not 
be  lost.  It  was  quite  probable  that  these  states 
would  have  ratified  the  amendment  voluntarily, 
and  the  chief  significance  of  the  Congressional 
action  lay  in  the  triumph  of  a  radical  program. 
The  strength  secured  to  radical  sentiment  by  the 
admission  of  the  states  already  reconstructed  is 
illustrated  by  the  fact  that  in  the  Senate  eight  of 
the  members  from  those  states  voted  for  the  new 
condition  and  but  one  against  it. 

Under  the  authority  of  the  act  just  considered 
elections  were  held  in  Virginia  July  6,  and  in  Mis- 
sissippi and  Texas  November  30.  In  the  first  two 
states  the  President  exercised  the  discretion  con- 
ferred upon  him  by  submitting  to  separate  votes 
the  disabling  clauses.      The  results  justified  the 

1  Cf.  debate  in  Senate,  Globe,  ist  sess.,  41st  Cong.,  p.  654  et  seq. 

2  In  Indiana  the  Democratic  members  of  the  legislature,  to  pre- 
vent action  by  the  Republican  majority,  resigned  in  a  body  and  de- 
stroyed the  quorum.  Ann.  Cyc,  1869,  p.  356  et  seq.  The  use  of  such 
methods  against  the  amendment  was  held  to  justify  extraordinary 
procedure  in  its  favor.  Cf.  Morton  in  Globe,  ist  sess.,  41st  Cong., 
p.  654. 


pledges  made  by  the  Conservatives;  for  in  both 
states,  while  the  rest  of  the  constitutions  were 
ratified  almost  without  opposition,  the  obnoxious 
clauses  were  defeated  by  decisive  majorities.  The 
Texas  convention  had  embodied  no  disfranchise- 
ment in  the  constitution,  and  the  instrument  as  a 
whole  was  ratified.  Elections  were  held  in  all 
three  states  for  state  officers  and  congressmen, 
and  in  all  three  the  contest  was  between  Radicals 
and  Conservatives,  the  Democrats  abandoning  any 
distinctive  organization.  The  result  was  victory 
for  the  Conservatives  in  Virginia  and  for  the 
Radicals  in  the  other  two  states.  On  the  ques- 
tion of  eligibility  to  the  legislature  in  Virginia, 
General  Canby,  then  commanding  in  the  state, 
excited  some  commotion  by  arguing  away  the 
precedents  established  in  the  states  earlier  ad- 
mitted^ and  ruling  that  the  iron-clad  oath  must 
be  taken  by  members  before  taking  their  seats.^ 
President  Grant,  however,  clung  to  the  opinion 
which  he  had  formed  as  General  of  the  Army, 
that  only  the  oath  required  by  the  state  constitu- 
tion was  necessary,  and  this  view  was  fortified 
by  Attorney-General  Hoar  in  a  formal  opinion. 
Though  the  act  of  July  19,  1867,  forbade  district 
commanders  to  be  bound  in  their  action  by  "  any 
opinion  of  any  civil  officer  of  the  United  States," 

1  Ante,  p.  220. 

2  All  the  documents  connected  with  this  incident  are  in  Sen.  Ex. 
Doc,  No.  13,  2d  sess.,  41st  Cong. 

234        ^-^^  PROCESS   OF  RECONSTRUCTION- 

the  "  spirit  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts "  very 
clearly  justified  the  interpretation  of  this  clause 
as  meaning  President  Johnson's  attorney-general 
and  not  President  Grant's.  Accordingly  the  iron- 
clad oath  was  not  required  of  the  members  of  the 
legislature.  The  commanding  general  did,  how- 
ever, look  very  carefully  after  the  qualification  of 
members  of  the  legislature  under  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment,  and  excluded  from  their  seats  several 
persons  whom  he  regarded  as  ineligible. 

When  Congress  reassembled  in  December,  1869, 
it  was  informed  by  the  President,  in  his  annual 
message,  that  Virginia  had  conformed  to  all  the 
requirements  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  and  that 
her  legislature  had  ''abstained  from  all  doubtful 
authority  "  ;  the  prompt  admission  of  her  senators 
and  representatives  was  therefore  recommended. 
The  President  had  committed  himself  definitely 
from  the  beginning  of  his  term  to  the  support  of 
the  Conservatives  in  Virginia,  and  their  triumph 
in  the  election  had  pleased  him.  In  Congress, 
however,  a  strong  element  of  the  Republicans 
sympathized  with  the  Radicals,  and  regarded  the 
result  of  the  election  as  expressing  the  failure  of 
the  whole  reconstruction.  A  vigorous  opposition 
was  made,  therefore,  to  immediate  action  on  Vir- 
ginia. It  was  urged  that  the  abuses  of  power 
which  were  alleged  against  the  Conservatives  in 
Georgia  would  be  repeated  by  the  Virginia  Con- 
servatives.    The   pressure  of   the   administration, 



however,  meant  much  at  this  time :  where  John- 
son's urging  admission  would  have  insured  the 
exclusion  of  the  state,  Grant's  had  a  different 
result.  The  bill  for  the  restoration  of  Virginia 
became  law  on  the  26th  of  January,  1870.  It 
bore  the  impress  of  the  opposition,  however,  in 
the  form  of  conditions,  both  precedent  and  subse- 
quent, that  considerably  exceeded  in  severity  those 
imposed  upon  the  states  earlier  restored.  It  was 
first  required  that  every  member  of  the  legislature 
should,  as  a  condition  of  taking  his  seat,  subscribe 
to  an  oath  to  the  effect  either  that  he  was  not  dis- 
qualified by  the  Fourteenth  Amendment,  or  that 
his  disability  had  been  removed  by  Congress. 
Then,  as  fundamental  conditions  upon  the  state's 
admission,  it  was  prescribed  first,  as  in  case  of  the 
former  states,  that  the  constitution  should  never 
be  so  amended  as  to  deprive  of  the  suffrage  any 
persons  on  whom  it  was  bestowed  therein  ;  second, 
that  the  state  should  never  "deprive  any  citizen 
of  the  United  States,  on  account  of  his  race,  color 
or  previous  condition  of  servitude,  of  the  right  to 
hold  office,"  or  "upon  any  such  ground"  impose 
discriminating  qualifications  for  office ;  and  third, 
that  the  constitution  should  never  be  so  amended 
as  to  "deprive  any  citizen  or  class  of  citizens  of 
the  United  States  of  the  school  rights  and  privi- 
leges secured  by  the  constitution  of  said  state." 
The  second  of  these  provisions  very  obviously  bore 
upon  such  proceedings   as  those  of   the  Georgia 


legislature  in  ousting  its  negro  members ;  the  last 
condition  was  suggested  by  an  issue  that  had 
played  a  large  part  in  the  Virginia  campaign,  and 
in  connection  with  which  the  triumph  of  the  Con- 
servatives was  alleged  to  forebode  the  denial  of 
free  education  to  the  blacks.  Both  these  new  con- 
ditions were  antagonized  by  many  Republicans  as 
unconstitutional  and  as  involving  breach  of  the 
faith  pledged  in  the  act  laying  down  the  terms  of 
restoration.  But  the  arguments  once  more  pre- 
vailed that  the  guarantee  of  a  republican  form  of 
government  involved  Congressional  control  of  both 
qualifications  for  office  and  general  education  ;  and 
that  the  breaking  of  faith,  even  if  it  were  fairly 
chargeable,  need  not  signify  much  with  a  people 
who  had  put  rebels  in  power. 

On  the  day  after  the  approval  by  the  President 
of  the  act  just  described,  orders  were  issued  by 
General  Canby  terminating  military  government 
in  Virginia  and  the  reconstruction  of  the  state  was 
formally  complete.  Mississippi  and  Texas  mean- 
while had  conformed  to  the  transitional  require- 
ments, following  closely  the  lines  laid  down  in 
Virginia,  and  Congress  enacted  their  restoration  in 
terms  identical  with  those  of  the  Virginia  act. 
Some  effort  was  made  to  relax  the  severity  of  the 
fundamental  conditions,  on  the  ground  that  the 
victory  of  the  Radicals  in  the  two  states  removed 
all  fear  of  improper  proceedings,  and  that  no  issue 
existed  as  to  school  privileges.     The  extremists  in 


Congress  persisted,  however,  in  retaining  the  Vir- 
ginia form,  and  in  some  cases  made  no  conceal- 
ment of  a  conscious  and  deliberate  purpose  to  fix 
thus  an  interpretation  upon  the  national  constitu- 
tion that  should  vastly  enlarge  the  powers  of  Con- 
gress.^ The  Mississippi  bill  became  law  on  the 
23d  of  February,  and  the  Texas  bill  on  the  30th  of 
March.  Military  rule  was  at  once  withdrawn  and 
the  states  assumed  their  normal  condition. 


At  the  beginning  of  April,  1870,  of  the  ten 
commonwealths  whose  reconstruction  had  been 
undertaken  by  Congress  Georgia  alone  was  un- 
restored  to  the  full  enjoyment  of  state  autonomy. 
The  situation  of  the  state  in  December,  1868,  has 
already  been  described.^  She  had  been  by  act  of 
June  25  declared  entitled  to  representation  in 
Congress  upon  the  performance  of  certain  acts  by 
her  legislature ;  these  acts  had  been  performed, 
military  government  had  been  withdrawn  from  the 
state,  and  her  representatives  had  been  admitted 
to  the  lower  house  in  Congress.  On  this  condi- 
tion of  the  facts  the  legal  status  of  Georgia  as  a 
state  of  the  Union  appeared  pretty  well  established. 

1  Cf.  debates  on  Virginia  and  Mississippi  bills,  passim,  in  Globe, 
2d  sess.,  41st  Cong.,  esp.  remarks  of  Morton,  Howard,  Drake  and 
Sumner  in  the  Senate. 

'^  Ante,  p.  224  et  seq. 


The  Senate,  however,  had  refused  to  admit  her 
members  to  their  seats.  During  the  winter  the 
question  of  her  status  required  an  answer  in  con- 
nection with  the  count  of  the  electoral  votes  for 
President  and  Vice-President.  Georgia  had  chosen 
Democratic  electors,  but  the  result  of  the  election 
was  not  sufficiently  close  to  be  affected  by  their 
nine  votes.  Republican  opinion  in  Congress  as 
to  the  treatment  of  Georgia  was  as  yet  too  inde- 
terminate to  warrant  a  solution  of  the  whole  prob- 
lem at  this  time.^  Accordingly  the  issue  was 
avoided  by  the  device  of  the  "  alternative  count," 
the  president  of  the  Senate  declaring  the  number 
of  votes  both  including  and  excluding  Georgia, 
and  announcing  the  election  of  Grant  and  Colfax  in 
either  case.^  But  there  was  abundant  evidence 
presented  in  the  course  of  this  session  that  the 
ultimate  settlement  of  the  state's  condition  would 
be  on  radical  lines. 

After  the  installation  of  the  new  administration 
the  influences  which  have  been  described  as  affect- 
ing reconstruction  worked  with  especial  force  in 
respect  to  Georgia.  In  the  organization  of  the 
new  House  of  Representatives  a  technical  irregu- 
larity that  was  discovered  in  the  credentials  of  her 

1  Remarks  of  Edmunds,  Globe,  3d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  976. 

2  It  illustrates  the  anomaly  of  the  general  situation  that  in  the 
House  the  names  of  the  Georgia  members  appear  in  the  votes 
bearing  on  the  status  of  the  state.  Most  of  these  members  were 
Republicans,  and  voted  against  counting  Georgia's  electoral  vote. 


members  afforded  an  opportunity  for  refusing  to  seat 
them.i  The  participation  of  members  from  the  state 
in  the  determination  of  the  state's  right  to  have 
members  was  thus  obviated.  Soon  afterward  the 
radical  plan  for  dealing  with  Georgia  was  revealed 
in  a  bill  introduced  by  General  Butler,  the  worthy 
successor  of  Thaddeus  Stevens  at  the  head  of  the 
committee  on  reconstruction.  In  the  preamble  to 
this  bill  the  basis  for  Congressional  action  as  to 
the  state  was  laid  in  three  leading  assertions :  first, 
that  the  legislature  had  violated  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment  by  failing  to  exclude  persons  disquali- 
fied thereunder;  second,  that  the  majority  of  the 
legislature  had  violated  the  constitution  of  the 
United  States,  the  constitution  of  Georgia  and  the 
fundamental  principles  of  the  Reconstruction  Acts 
by  expelling  the  negro  members ;  and  third,  that  the 
local  authorities  of  the  state  were  unwilling  or  un- 
able to  protect  loyal  citizens  from  violence.^  The 
bill  then  provided  that  the  governor  should  re-con- 
vene the  members  of  the  legislature  as  originally 
elected,  purge  it  of  all  who  could  not  or  would 
not  subscribe  to  a  designated  oath,  based  on  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment,  and  retain  the  negroes ; 
and  that  the  military  forces  of  the  United  States 
should  be  subject  to  the  governor's  call  for  aid  in 
the  administration  of  government  and  the  protec- 
tion of  life  and  property. 

1  Globe,  1st  sess.,  41st  Cong.,  p.  16  ^/  seq. 
^  Ibid.,  p.  591. 


Republican  sentiment,  practically  harmonious  as 
to  the  necessity  of  some  punishment  of  the  Geor- 
gia Conservatives,  was  seriously  divided  as  to  the 
basis  for  the  desired  action  by  Congress.  The  rec- 
ord of  acts,  both  legislative  and  executive,  through 
which  the  national  government  had  acknowledged 
to  Georgia  the  full  character  and  rights  of  a  state 
seemed  to  many  complete  and  unassailable ;  and 
under  such  circumstances  the  assumption  by  Con- 
gress of  control  over  the  organization  of  the  legis- 
lature or  over  the  administration  of  justice  was 
wholly  without  constitutional  warrant.  On  the 
other  hand  stood  the  fact  that  the  Senate  had  not 
admitted  the  Georgians  to  their  seats,  and  that, 
therefore,  by  the  merest  shade  the  restoration  of 
the  state  might  be  regarded  as  not  complete. 
Until  every  least  step  in  the  process  laid  down  in 
the  Reconstruction  Acts  had  been  taken,  "any 
civil  governments  which  may  exist  therein  [in  the 
several  states]  shall  be  deemed  provisional  only, 
and  in  all  respects  subject  to  the  paramount  au- 
thority of  the  United  States."  ^  Strictly  consid- 
ered, thus,  the  government  of  Georgia  might  still 
be  held  provisional.  But  so  fine-spun  a  theory 
was  not  deemed  necessary  by  all  the  Republicans. 
It  was  argued  by  some  that  the  state  of  Georgia, 
whether  the  existing  authorities  were  provisional 
or  permanent,  had  not  a  republican  form  of  govern- 
ment.    This  was  evident  not  only  in  the  exclusion 

1  Act  of  March  2,  1867,  sec.  6. 



of  a  large  part  of  the  population  from  the  freeman's 
right  to  hold  office,  but  also  in  the  substantial  de- 
nial of  protection  of  life  and  property  to  an  equally- 
large  class.  It  was  the  constitutional  duty  of  Con- 
gress to  see  that  a  republican  form  of  government 
existed  in  every  state,  and  in  fulfillment  of  that 
duty  the  assumption  of  control  in  Georgia  was 
justifiable.  But  even  more  conclusive,  if  possible, 
was  the  right  to  enforce  the  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment in  Georgia.  There  could  be  no  pretense,  it 
was  held,  that  the  disqualifications  for  office-hold- 
ing imposed  by  that  amendment  were  respected 
by  the  legislature,  or  that  the  equal  protection  of 
the  laws  was  given  to  blacks  as  the  amendment 
required.  It  was  the  duty  of  Congress  to  enforce 
the  provisions  of  this  amendment,  and  the  purging 
of  the  legislature  and  the  maintenance  of  order 
by  the  military  power  were  necessary  and  proper 
means  for  the  performance  of  this  duty. 

The  House  of  Representatives  did  not  act  finally 
on  General  Butler's  bill  in  the  spring  of  1869. 
Before  the  next  meeting  of  Congress  the  supreme 
court  of  Georgia,  on  a  test  case  brought  before  it, 
decided  that  under  the  constitution  and  laws  of 
the  state  negroes  had  the  right  to  hold  office.^ 
There  had  been  a  general  understanding  that  the 
majority  in  the  legislature  would  be  guided  by  the 
opinion  of  the  court,  though  there  was  of  course 
no  obligation  upon  them  in  this  respect.     In  view 

1  The  opinions  are  given  in  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  466. 



of  what  was  threatened  when  Congress  should 
meet,  the  Conservatives  petitioned  Governor  Bul- 
lock to  summon  a  special  session  of  the  legislature, 
and  give  it  an  opportunity  to  re-seat  the  colored 
members.  The  governor,  however,  refused.  Mean- 
while the  President  had  caused  General  Terry  to 
investigate  thoroughly  the  stories  of  extensive  out- 
rages upon  freedmen  and  white  Republicans  in  the 
state.  The  general  in  his  report  ^  represented  the 
conditions  throughout  the  state  to  be  most  deplor- 
able, chiefly  through  the  activity  of  the  Ku  Klux 
Klans,  and  gave  his  opinion  that  the  interposition 
of  the  national  government  was  indispensable  to 
the  protection  of  life  and  property.  The  report  of 
General  Terry  doubtless  had  considerable  influ- 
ence in  neutralizing  the  effect  produced  by  the 
decision  of  the  court  in  the  matter  of  office-hold- 
ing ;  it  strengthened  the  feeling  that  some  action 
by  Congress  was  imperative  to  break  the  spirit  of 
the  old  rebel  element  in  Georgia. 

When  Congress  assembled  in  December,  1869, 
President  Grant,  in  his  annual  message,  suggested 
the  prompt  passage  of  an  act  requiring  the  reor- 
ganization of  the  Georgia  legislature.  Congress 
conformed  to  the  suggestion,  and  an  act  "  to  pro- 
mote the  reconstruction  of  the  state  of  Georgia " 
became  law  on  the  22d.  There  was  still  much 
reluctance  manifested  by  moderate  Republicans 
as  to  supporting  the  measure,  but  among  the  con- 

1  Sen.  Ex.  Doc,  No.  3,  2d  sess.,  41st  Cong. 


siderations  of  expediency  which  had  been  adduced, 
that  of  securing  the  ratification  of  the  Fifteenth 
Amendment  was  now  urged  with  especial  insist- 
ency. It  was  perfectly  understood  that  the  im- 
mediate outcome  of  interference  by  Congress  would 
be  the  substitution  of  a  Republican  for  a  Demo- 
cratic majority  in  the  legislature.  The  legislature 
had  in  March,  1869,  rejected  the  Fifteenth  Amend- 
ment ;  with  a  reversal  of  the  majority  the  state 
could  be  transferred  to  the  list  of  those  ratifying. 
By  December,  1869,  twenty-two  states  had  ratified  ; 
but  of  these  there  was  doubt  as  to  the  validity  of 
the  act  in  Indiana  and  Missouri,  and  New  York 
had  since  elected  a  Democratic  legislature,  which 
was  likely  to  rescind  the  state's  ratification.  From 
this  showing  it  could  be  argued  that  only  nineteen 
ratifications  were  already  sure.  Twenty-eight  were 
necessary.  Of  the  additional  nine  Ohio's  newly 
elected  Republican  legislature  would  doubtless  re- 
verse the  action  of  its  Democratic  predecessor  and 
ratify,  and  favorable  action  by  Mississippi  and  Texas 
was  insured  by  the  terms  of  the  act  providing  for 
their  restoration.  Beyond  these  but  five  states 
remained  whose  legislatures  were  Republican,  and 
a  sixth  was  obviously  necessary.^  Accordingly  a 
clause  was  added  to  the  bill  dealing  with  Georgia 
requiring  ratification  of  the  Fifteenth  Amendment 

1  As  a  matter  of  fact,  Missouri  healed  the  defect  in  her  action 
by  a  subsequent  vote,  and  that  in  Indiana  was  disregarded.  Cf., 
for  the  whole  matter,  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  pp.  488,  545,  557. 


before  her  representatives  should  be  admitted  to 
Congress.  With  the  addition  of  this  provision 
and  the  omission  of  the  preamble,  the  act  as  passed 
was  substantially  the  same  as  the  House  bill  de- 
scribed above. 

In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  law 
the  process  of  re-reconstruction  of  Georgia  was 
carried  through  in  the  first  half  of  1870.^  The 
governor  proceeded  in  January  to  reorganize  the 
legislature,  but  his  methods  excited  such  vigor- 
ous opposition  that  the  military  power  had  to  be 
promptly  called  in.  In  view  of  the  situation  the 
orders  of  July,  1868,  withdrawing  military  gov- 
ernment from  Georgia  were  countermanded,  and 
General  Terry  was  endowed  with  all  the  powers 
of  commander  of  a  military  district  under  the  Re- 
construction Acts.  The  general  assumed  charge 
of  the  purging  of  the  legislature.  Disputed  ques- 
tions as  to  the  eligibility  of  members-elect  under 
the  Fourteenth  Amendment  and  the  acts  of  Con- 
gress were  decided  by  a  committee  of  officers 
appointed  by  the  commander,^  and  twenty-four 
Democrats  were  excluded  from  their  seats.  Fol- 
lowing the  example  of  the  majority  that  excluded 
the  negroes  in  1868,  the  Republican  majority  now 
filled  the  vacant  seats  with  the  candidates  who  had 
been  defeated  in  the  elections,  and  by  the  end  of 

1  A  good  sketch  of  the  process  is  in  Ann.  Cyc,  1870,  sub  voc. 
"  Georgia." 

2  C/.  House  Ex.  Doc,  No.  82,  2d  sess.,  41st  Cong. 


January  the  legislature  was  pronounced  good  by 
General  Terry.  It  then  ratified  the  Fourteenth 
and  Fifteenth  Amendments  (the  former  by  way  of 
special  caution  lest  the  earlier  ratification  should 
be  tainted  with  the  defects  of  the  legislature  that 
enacted  it),  elected  Republicans  to  claim  seats  in 
the  Senate  at  Washington,  and  then  ceased  further 
activity  until  Congress  should  declare  the  state 

The  declaration  by  Congress  was  slow  in  forth- 
coming. The  proceedings  in  the  organization  of 
the  legislature  had  been  of  a  character  to  disgust 
many  of  the  strongest  supporters  in  Congress  of 
the  act  under  which  it  had  been  effected.  Dis- 
creditable personal  motives  had  been  either  clearly 
revealed  or  strongly  suggested  in  connection  with 
official  acts  of  the  state  administration,  and  the 
methods  of  commanding  general,  governor  and 
majority  in  the  legislature  were  all  alike  con- 
demned as  unlawful  by  the  judiciary  committee 
of  the  Senate.^  The  Republican  majority  in  Con- 
gress was  divided  on  the  precise  status  of  the  state, 
one  faction  holding  that  the  existing  government 
was  provisional  and  fully  subject  to  the  will  of 
Congress,  the  other  holding  that  since  the  restor- 
ing act  of  June  25,  1868,  the  state  government 
thereby  recognized  had  been  a  permanent  and 
regular  state  government  save  as  to  the  defect 
in  membership  of  the  legislature,  which  had  been 

1  Sen.  Rep.,  No.  58,  2d  sess.,  41st  Cong. 


corrected  through  the  act  of  December  22,  1869. 
An  immediate  practical  importance  was  given  to 
the  disputed  point  by  the  fact  that  its  settlement 
involved  the  continuance  or  cessation  of  Governor 
Bullock's  control  of  the  state  government  in 
Georgia.  Party  lines  in  the  state  had  been  so 
affected  by  the  governor's  conduct  of  affairs  that 
the  only  division  playing  an  important  role  was 
that  into  ** Bullock  men"  and  "anti-Bullock  men." 
Under  such  circumstances  the  moderate  Republi- 
cans in  Congress  thought  it  best  to  drop  all  inter- 
ference with  the  state  as  quickly  as  possible,  and  in 
such  manner  as  not  to  appear  to  favor  any  personal 
interest ;  the  radicals  were  disposed  to  prolong  to 
the  utmost  the  dominance  of  the  "  Bullock  men," 
who  were  on  the  whole  most  likely  to  maintain 
Republican  party  ideas.  From  February  to  July 
the  bill  to  pronounce  Georgia  restored  was  the  sub- 
ject of  a  most  obstinate  contest  in  both  houses. 
To  the  aid  of  the  radical  wing  of  the  Republicans 
came  the  increasing  prominence  of  the  Ku  Klux 
operations  in  Georgia  and  other  Southern  states. 
But  with  Democratic  aid  the  moderates  held  their 
own,  though  the  bill  which  at  last  became  law  on 
July  15  contained  no  definite  settlement  of  the 
most  hotly  contested  points. 

This  act  merely  recited  the  ratification  of  the 
Fourteenth  and  Fifteenth  Amendments,  and  de- 
clared Georgia  entitled  to  representation  in  Con- 
gress.     It  left  entirely  undetermined  the  precise 


Status  of  the  existing  government  in  the  state. 
An  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  Bullock  party  to 
prolong  its  lease  of  power  by  assuming  that  the 
provisional  character  of  the  government  only 
ceased  after  the  passage  of  the  act  of  July  15, 
was  frowned  upon  by  the  national  administra- 
tion,^ and  was  therefore  abandoned.  Members 
from  Georgia  were  admitted  to  both  House  and 
Senate  at  the  next  session  of  Congress,  the  Sen- 
ate fighting  over  again  the  issues  of  the  state's 
status  in  connection  with  the  credentials  of  her 
senators.  By  finally  seating  those  who  were 
elected  in  July,  1868,  the  one  house  of  Congress 
seems  to  have  declared  that  Georgia  had  been  a 
state  in  full  standing  from  before  that  date.  The 
course  of  the  executive  in  exercising  military  power 
in  the  state  in  1870  cannot  be  reconciled  with  this 
view.  But  whatever  the  solution  of  the  problem 
may  be,  from  the  seating  of  her  members  in  the 
Forty-first  Congress,  there  was  no  longer  doubt 
that  the  reconstruction  of  Georgia  was  complete. 


The  reconstruction  of  the  Southern  states,  by 
the  process  which  we  have  followed  above,  is  one 
of  the  most  remarkable  achievements  in  the  history 
of  government.  As  a  demonstration  of  political 
and   administrative    capacity,    it   is   no   less   con- 

1  Ann.  Cyc,  1870,  p.  338. 


vincing  than  the  subjugation  of  the  Confederate 
armies  as  an  evidence  of  military  capacity.  The 
Congressional  leaders  —  Trumbull,  Fessenden,  Ste- 
vens, Bingham  and  others  —  who  practically  di- 
rected the  process  of  reconstruction,  were  men  of 
as  rugged  a  moral  and  intellectual  fiber  as  Grant, 
Sherman  and  the  other  officers  who  crushed  the 
material  power  of  the  South.  The  obstacles  to 
success  were  as  great  for  the  one  set  of  men  as 
for  the  other.  In  the  path  of  reconstruction  lay 
a  hostile  white  population  in  the  South,  a  hostile 
executive  at  Washington,  a  doubtful  if  not  decid- 
edly hostile  Supreme  Court,  a  divided  Northern 
sentiment  in  respect  to  negro  suffrage  and  an 
active  and  skillfully  directed  Democratic  Party. 
Yet  the  process  as  laid  out  in  1867  was  carried 
through  to  its  completion.  With  much  the  feel- 
ings of  the  prisoner  of  tradition  who  watched  the 
walls  of  his  cell  close  slowly  in  from  day  to  day 
to  crush  him,  the  Southern  whites  saw  in  the  suc- 
cessive developments  of  Congress'  policy  the  re- 
morseless approach  of  negro  rule.  The  fate  of 
the  Southern  whites,  like  that  of  the  prisoner  of 
tradition,  may  excite  our  commiseration  ;  but  the 
mechanism  by  which  the  end  was  achieved  must 
command  an  appreciation  on  its  merits. 

From  a  constitutional  point  of  view,  the  actual 
conduct  of  the  reconstruction  has  no  particular 
interest.  The  power  of  the  national  government 
to  impose  its  will  upon  the  rebel  states,  irrespec- 



tive  of  any  restriction  as  to  means,  was  assumed 
when  the  first  Reconstruction  Act  was  passed,  and 
this  assumption  was  acted  upon  to  the  end.  Only 
in  connection  with  the  relations  between  legislature 
and  executive  were  important  issues  raised  during 
the  process,  and  these  are  not  within  the  scope  of 
this  essay. 

It  is  from  the  political  point  of  view  that  the 
process  of  reconstruction  is  most  interesting  to  the 
historical  observer.  Given  the  end,  there  is  some- 
thing refreshingly  efficient  in  the  means  employed 
to  achieve  it.  Wide  and  deep  divergencies  of  opin- 
ion there  were  in  the  Republican  majority  in  Con- 
gress ;  but  they  were  fought  out  and  settled  in  the 
party  caucus ;  the  capacity  for  discipline,  which  is 
the  surest  evidence  of  political  wisdom  under  party 
government,  manifested  itself  in  a  high  degree ; 
and  the  measures  that  determined  the  fate  of  the 
South  rolled  inexorable  as  the  decrees  of  Provi- 
dence from  the  two-thirds  votes  of  House  and 
Senate.  Was  a  restrictive  construction  of  a  law 
devised  by  clever  lawyers,  new  legislation  promptly 
overruled  it.  Was  the  authority  of  the  attorney- 
general  invoked  on  the  side  of  tradition  and  legal- 
ism. Congress  ordered  the  commanders  to  disregard 
him.  Were  the  ordinary  methods  of  political  cam- 
paigning resorted  to  by  the  whites  to  profit  by  the 
ignorance  or  stupidity  of  the  blacks,  general  orders 
from  headquarters  nullified  them.  Did  the  Con- 
servatives win  a  success,  as  in  Alabama,  by  exact 


conformity  to  the  law,  Congress  ignored  its  own 
law  and  gave  victory  to  the  other  side.  Was  an 
assurance  embodied  in  law  that  admission  of  a 
state  should  follow  ratification  of  one  constitu- 
tional amendment,  no  hesitation  was  felt  about 
postponing  admission  till  the  ratification  of  another. 
Such  methods  as  these  w^ere  not  the  methods  com- 
mon to  political  practice  in  republican  governments. 
But  no  more  were  the  circumstances  under  which 
they  were  employed  common  in  republics.  The 
methods  were  well  adapted  to  the  end,  and  the  end 
was  a  huge  social  and  political  revolution  under 
the  forms  of  law.  Another  way  of  attaining  the 
end  would  have  been  a  simple  decree  by  the 
majority  in  Congress  to  the  effect  that  the  freed- 
men  and  white  Unionists  in  the  rebel  states  should 
organize  governments,  and  control  those  states 
indefinitely  thereafter.  Essentially  that  was  the 
conscious  practical  purpose  of  reconstruction,  and 
everything  beyond  that  in  the  content  and  execu- 
tion of  the  Reconstruction  Acts  was  incidental. 
But  the  incidental  testifies  to  the  sagacity  of  those 
who  directed  the  policy. 

That  the  purpose  of  reconstruction  evinced  as 
much  political  wisdom  as  the  methods  by  which  it 
was  attained,  is  not  clear.  To  stand  the  social 
pyramid  on  its  apex  was  not  the  surest  way  to 
restore  the  shattered  equilibrium  in  the  South. 
The  enfranchisement  of  the  freedmen  and  their 
enthronement  in  political  power  was  as  reckless  a 


species  of  statecraft  as  that  which  marked  **the 
blind  hysterics  of  the  Celt"  in  1789-95.  But  the 
resort  to  negro  suffrage  was  not  determined  to  any 
great  extent  by  abstract  theories  of  equality. 
Though  Charles  Sumner  and  the  lesser  lights  of 
his  school  solemnly  proclaimed,  in  season  and  out, 
the  trite  generalities  of  the  Rights  of  Man,  it  was 
a  very  practical  dilemma  that  played  the  chief  part 
in  giving  the  ballot  to  the  blacks.  By  1867  it 
seemed  clear  that  there  were  three  ways  available 
for  settling  the  issues  of  the  war  in  the  South : 
first,  to  leave  the  Johnson  governments  in  control 
and  permit  the  Southern  whites  themselves,  through 
the  Democratic  Party,  to  determine  either  chiefly 
or  wholly  the  solution  of  existing  problems ;  second, 
to  maintain  Northern  and  Republican  control 
through  military  government ;  and  third,  to  main- 
tain Northern  and  Republican  control  through 
negro  suffrage.  The  first  expedient,  however  de- 
fensible as  to  social  and  economic  readjustment  in 
the  South  itself,  was  from  the  standpoint  of  the 
great  national  issues  demanding  settlement  gro- 
tesquely impossible.  The  choice  had  to  be  made 
between  indefinite  military  rule  and  negro  suffrage. 
It  was  a  cruel  dilemma.  The  traditional  antipathy 
of  the  English  race  toward  military  power  deter- 
mined resort  to  the  second  alternative.  It  was 
proved  by  the  sequel  that  the  choice  was  unwise. 
The  enfranchisement  of  the  blacks,  so  far  from 
removing,  only  increased,  the  necessity  for  military 


power.  The  two  expedients  were  not  alternative, 
but  indissolubly  united.  Months  before  the  final 
restoration  of  Georgia  this  truth  had  begun  to 
make  itself  manifest.  On  March  30,  1870,  the 
ratification  of  the  Fifteenth  Amendment  had  been 
proclaimed,  and  just  two  months  later  the  first 
enforcement  act  became  law.  By  the  policy  thus 
expressed  the  issue  was  definitely  made  up  which 
ended  in  the  undoing  of  reconstruction.  Seven  un- 
wholesome years  were  required  to  demonstrate  that 
not  even  the  government  which  had  quelled  the 
greatest  rebellion  in  history  could  maintain  the 
freedmen  in  both  security  and  comfort  on  the  necks 
of  their  former  masters.  The  demonstration  was 
slow,  but  it  was  effective  and  permanent. 


The  differences  of  opinion  in  the  Republican 
Party  as  to  the  method  of  dealing  with  the  states 
lately  in  rebellion  resulted,  in  February  of  1866, 
in  a  definite  declaration  of  war  between  President 
Johnson  and  the  radical  leaders  in  Congress.^  It 
was  not  long  before  the  bad  judgment  and  worse 
taste  2  of  the  President  drove  over  to  his  enemies 
nearly  the  whole  body  of  Republican  congress- 
men, and  compelled  him  to  look  for  support  to  an 
insignificant  minority  consisting  chiefly  of  Demo- 
crats. By  midsummer  the  contest  had  shaped  it- 
self into  a  pitched  battle  between  the  executive 
and  the  legislative  departments  of  the  government. 
Mr.  Johnson  claimed  that  the  policy  proposed  by 
Congress  involved  the  destruction  of  the  consti- 
tution ;  his  opponents  charged  that  his  course  had 
been  one  of  usurpation,  and  that  his  purpose  was 
to  establish  a  despotism  based  on  rebel  dominion. 
Each  side  professed  to  represent  the  people,  and 

^  Ante,  p.  90. 

2  Especially  exhibited  in  his  public  speeches.     See  McPherson, 
Reconstruction,  pp.  58,  127  et  seq. 

254  ^^^   IMPEACHMENT  AND 

each  bent  all  its  energies  to  securing  a  favorable 
verdict  in  the  Congressional  elections  in  the  au- 
tumn. The  contest  was  an  intensely  bitter  one. 
The  canvass  was  as  thorough  as  the  importance 
of  the  issues  demanded,  and  the  result  was  an 
overwhelming  defeat  for  the  President.  A  ma- 
jority almost  as  great  as  that  in  the  Thirty-ninth 
was  secured  to  oppose  him  in  the  Fortieth  Con- 
gress. It  was  made  certain  that  his  vetoes  could 
be  overridden,  and  that,  accordingly,  reconstruc- 
tion could  proceed  on  the  lines  laid  down  by  the 

But  it  was  hardly  to  be  expected  that  President 
Johnson  would  quietly  accept  such  a  view  of  the 
situation.  The  asperities  of  the  campaign  had  not 
tended  to  mitigate  his  hostility  to  his  radical  ene- 
mies, and  his  historic  feat  in  "  swinging  round 
the  circle"  ^  had  stimulated  his  enemies  even  more 
perhaps  than  it  had  his  friends.  He  felt  his  duty 
to  sustain  the  constitution  not  in  any  way  affected 
by  the  determination  of  any  number  of  persons  that 
the  constitution  should  not  be  sustained.  The  rad- 
icals in  Congress  looked  forward  to  the  same  op- 
position that  had  so  seriously  interfered  with  their 
progress  in  the  last  session.  Moreover,  Mr.  John- 
son's control  of  the  official  patronage  was  a  source 
of  the  deepest  concern  to  many  Republican  parti- 

1  For  the  origin  of  this  phrase,  so  famous  in  the  campaign 
literature  of  the  period,  see  his  Cleveland  speech,  McPherson, 
Reconstruction,  p.  135. 


sans.^  From  the  circumstances  of  the  war,  the 
patronage  in  the  hands  of  the  President  at  this 
time  was  more  extensive  than  probably  at  any 
other  period  in  the  history  of  the  nation.  Mr. 
Johnson  was  no  civil-service  reformer,  and  the 
steadfastness  with  which  he  employed  this  great 
weapon  for  the  purposes  of  his  policy  gave  bitter 
offence  to  the  Congressional  majority,  whose  mem- 
bers found  themselves  cut  off  from  the  spoils. 
Mr.  Wade,  of  Ohio,  who  was  also  notoriously  free 
from  any  taint  of  reform  principles,  was  president 
pro  tern,  of  the  Senate,  and  hence  was  only  one 
step  from  the  White  House.  Under  such  circum- 
stances, with  a  majority  in  the  House  sufficient  to 
overcome  all  obstacles  to  an  accusation,  and  with 
an  ample  majority  in  the  Senate  to  convict,  it  is  not 
strange  that  attention  was  called  to  the  grounds  for 
impeachment  of  the  President. 


On  December  17,  1866,  about  two  weeks  after 
the  opening  of  the  second  session  of  the  Thirty- 
ninth  Congress,  Representative  Ashley,  of  Ohio, 
took  the  first  formal  step  in  the  matter.  He 
sought  to  get  before  the  House  a  resolution  for 
a  select  committee  to  inquire  into  the  advisability 
of  impeaching.     His  effort  at  this  time  failed.     On 

1  Cf.  Ingersoll,  Life  of  Greeley,  p.  424  ;  also  Blaine,  Twenty 
Years  of  Congress,  II,  267. 


the  7th  of  January,  however,  he  was  successful  in 
securing  the  passage  of  a  resolution  directing  the 
judiciary  committee  to  institute  the  inquiry.^  But 
March  4th  came,  and  the  Thirty-ninth  Congress 
expired  without  further  action.  The  judiciary 
committee  reported  that  it  had  been  diligently  at 
work  in  accordance  with  Ashley's  resolution,  but 
that  it  had  not  been  able  to  accomplish  enough  to 
make  any  definite  presentation  to  the  House ;  the 
committee  could  only  state  that  enough  had  been 
learned  to  warrant  further  investigation. ^ 

Under  the  law  passed  by  its  predecessor,  the 
Fortieth  Congress  met  in  its  first  session  on  the 
day  the  former  adjourned  sine  die.  Three  days 
later  the  impeachment  inquiry  was  referred  to  the 
new  judiciary  committee.  The  constitution  of 
this  committee  had  been  carefully  watched  by  the 
friends  of  impeachment,  and,  as  appeared  later, 
they  were  quite  confident  that  it  had  been  arranged 
to  suit  them.  Great  was  the  disgust,  therefore, 
of  the  radicals,  especially  Thaddeus  Stevens  and 

1  On  this  same  day  another  resolution  to  impeach  was  offered, 
the  preamble  alleging  that  the  purpose  of  the  impeachment  was 
"  to  give  effect  to  the  will  of  the  people  as  expressed  at  the  polls 
during  the  recent  elections."  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  187. 
In  the  debate  on  this  resolution  Johnson  was  charged  with  collu- 
sion with  the  rebels  in  Lincoln's  assassination,  for  purposes  of  his 
own  aggrandizement  and  their  restoration  to  power  (Globe,  2d  sess,, 
39th  Cong.,  p.  443).  This  charge  had  been  made  before,  and  is 
characteristic  of  the  spirit  in  which  the  conflict  with  the  President 
was  carried  on. 

2  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  188. 


Benjamin  F.  Butler,  when  on  July  loth  the  com- 
mittee reported  that  its  labor  was  completed,  and 
that  its  members  stood  five  against  and  four  in 
favor  of  impeachment.^ 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  House  at  this  time 
was  in  sympathy  with  the  majority  of  the  com- 
mittee. Mr.  Pike,  of  Maine,  expressed  the  preva- 
lent feeling  when  he  described  the  question  as 
merely  whether,  after  having  killed  the  President 
politically,  they  should  proceed  to  mangle  the 
corpse.  "It  is  one  question,"  he  said,  "whether 
he  has  discharged  the  duties  of  his  office  accepta- 
bly, and  quite  another  question  whether,  with  him 
for  a  foot-ball,  this  house  shall  enter  upon  the 
game  of  President-making."  ^  But  the  persons  who 
were  seeking  to  play  that  very  game  were  not  dis- 
couraged by  their  first  failure.  By  sharp  parlia- 
mentary practice  they  succeeded  in  getting  the 
matter  before  the  judiciary  committee  again,  with 
orders  to  report  in  the  autumn.  And  when  autumn 
came  their  confidence  was  justified  by  the  an- 
nouncement that,  by  a  vote  of  five  to  four,  the 
committee  had  determined  to  report  a  resolution 
of  impeachment.  No  new  evidence  had  been 
secured,  but  through  some  instrumentality  not 
disclosed,  one  member  of  the  committee  ^  had  been 
brought  to  see  the  light.  Mr.  Boutwell,  of  Massa- 
chusetts, made  the  report,  and  for  the  first  time 

1  Globe,  1st  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  p.  565.  ^  /^^v.,  p.  587. 

«  Churchill,  of  New  York. 


in  the  history  of  the  United  States,  the  House  of 
Representatives  was  required  to  vote  upon  the 
direct  question  of  impeaching  the  highest  officer 
of  the  nation. 

The  consideration  of  the  resolution  was  taken 
up  at  the  opening  of  the  second  session  of  the 
Fortieth  Congress,  in  December  of  1867.  It  ap- 
peared from  the  committee's  report  and  from  the 
debate,  that  the  points  of  variance  between  the 
Repubhcan  factions  were  two  in  number.  The  first 
was  as  to  what  constituted  impeachable  offences 
in  our  system.  The  constitution  provides  that  the 
House  may  impeach  any  civil  officer  for  "treason, 
bribery  or  other  high  crimes  and  misdemeanors." 
Treason  and  bribery  were  sufficiently  accurate 
terms,  but  what  should  be  regarded  as  the  scope 
of  "high  crimes  and  misdemeanors".-^  By  the 
radicals  it  was  held  that  these  words  were  em- 
ployed in  the  widest  and  most  extended  sense 
known  to  jurisprudence,  and  included  all  cases  of 
misbehavior  in  office,  whether  known  to  common 
or  statute  law  or  not.  The  moderate  Republicans 
pretty  generally  adopted  the  view  that  these  words 
limited  the  list  of  impeachable  offences  to  such  as 
were  indictable  either  at  common  or  by  statute 
law.  Otherwise,  it  was  said,  it  would  be  in  the 
competence  of  the  Senate  to  define  an  offence  as 
it  proceeded  with  the  trial,  and  the  accused  would 
have  no  legal  certainty  on  which  to  base  his  de- 
fence.     Another   theory,    maintained   in   this   in- 


stance  chiefly  by  the  Democrats,  held  that  the 
expression  ''high  crimes  and  misdemeanors"  was 
used  generically  in  the  constitution,  and  that  it 
was  left  for  Congress  to  declare  by  legislation 
what  specific  acts  should  be  included  in  this  desig- 
nation. As  Congress  had  taken  no  steps  to  define 
the  offences,  no  impeachment  could  be  based  upon 
those  words  of  the  organic  law. 

But  besides  this  diversity  of  opinion  on  the  pre- 
liminary legal  question,  a  very  radical  difference 
was  manifested  as  to  the  sufificiency  of  the  evidence 
collected  by  the  committee  as  a  basis  for  action 
against  Mr.  Johnson.  Over  a  thousand  quarto 
pages  of  printed  testimony  proved  that  no  clue, 
however  slight,  had  been  left  untraced.  Never  had 
the  public  life  of  a  President  been  subjected  to 
more  searching  investigation  by  more  hostile  inves- 
tigators. Yet  after  all,  Mr.  Boutwell  was  obliged 
to  acknowledge  that  no  specific  offence  could  be 
charged  as  a  basis  for  action  ;  only  from  a  vast 
number  of  acts,  related  and  individual,  the  general 
accusation  was  framed,  that  Mr.  Johnson  had  used 
the  power  of  the  nation  for  the  purpose  of  recon- 
structing the  government  in  the  interest  of  rebel- 
lion, and  of  restoring  the  old  Democratic  Party  to 
power.i  So  vague  a  charge  could  scarcely  be  ex- 
pected to  entice  the  conscientious  Republicans  into 
the  radical  scheme.  The  deposition  of  a  President 
seemed  too  serious  a  matter  to  rest  for  justification 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  Appendix,  p.  60. 


upon  mere  party  apostasy.  On  December  7,  by  a 
vote  of  one  hundred  and  eighty  to  fifty-seven,  the 
resolution  was  lost,  and  the  first  formal  attempt  to 
oust  Mr.  Johnson  was  proclaimed  a  failure.^ 

Much  angry  recrimination  was  indulged  in  by 
the  two  factions  of  Republicans  as  the  result  of 
this  vote,  but  the  radicals  were  forced  to  wait  for 
some  actual  crime  or  misdemeanor  before  they 
could  expect  to  carry  their  point.  Among  the 
moderates  was  a  very  large  body  who  believed 
that  by  means  of  the  two-thirds  majority  in  each 
house  the  policy  they  favored  could  be  carried  out, 
in  spite  of  executive  hostility,  without  proceeding 
to  the  extreme  assertion  of  their  power.  It  is 
beyond  doubt  that  the  question  of  succession  was 
more  or  less  potent  in  forming  opinion  on  this 
point;  Senator  Wade,  who  would  succeed  to  the 
presidency  in  case  of  Johnson's  removal,  was  not 
popular  with  the  Eastern  men.  But  those  who  op- 
posed impeachment  were  far  from  lagging  behind 
in  the  work  of  tying  the  President's  hands  so  as 
to  render  him  harmless  while  still  in  office.  The 
impeachment,  when  it  came,  was  the  result  and 
culmination  of  a  series  of  assaults  on  the  executive 
power  which  for  a  time  carried  the  centre  of  gravity 
of  our  constitutional  system  as  near  to  the  revolu- 
tion point  on  the  legislative  side  as  the  exigencies 
of  civil  war  had  a  few  years  before  carried  it  on  the 
executive  side.     The  President's  pardoning  power 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  264. 


was  limited  ;  ^  his  military  authority  as  commander- 
in-chief  was  shorn  of  essential  attributes  ;2  and 
his  civil  prerogative  received  a  terrible  blow 
through  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  passed  March  2, 
1867.  It  was  in  consequence  of  Mr.  Johnson's 
struggles  to  tear  away  the  meshes  which  Congress 
was  so  mercilessly  weaving  about  him  that  a 
second  and  then  a  third  and  successful  attempt 
at  impeachment  were  made. 


It  had  been  understood,  prior  to  the  passage  of 
the  Tenure-of-Office  Act,  that  Mr.  Johnson's  policy 
in  regard  to  the  South  had  the  approval  of  all  his 
cabinet  save  one  member.  The  dissenter  was 
Mr.  Stanton,  one  of  the  four  remaining  members 
of  Mr.  Lincoln's  cabinet.^  Up  to  the  inauguration 
of  military  rule  in  the  Southern  states,  the  differ- 
ence between  the   President  and  his  secretary  of 

1  Cf.  act  of  Jan.  17,  1867,  repealing  the  clause  of  the  Confiscation 
Act  of  July  17,  1862,  which  authorized  the  President  to  pardon  by 
proclamation;  and  see  Blaine,  Twenty  Years  of  Congress,  II,  281. 
By  the  Reconstruction  Act  of  July  19,  1867,  it  was  specifically  de- 
clared that  no  right  to  vote  should  result  from  "  any  executive  par- 
don or  amnesty";  and  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  conclusively 
divested  the  President's  pardon  of  political  significance  by  confer- 
ring the  power  to  remove  disabilities  upon  Congress. 

•■2  Army  Appropriation  Act,  March  2,  1867.  Cf.  McPherson, 
Reconstruction,  p.  178. 

3  The  others  were  Messrs.  Seward,  McCuUough  and  Welles. 
Three  of  Mr.  Lincoln's  secretaries,  Messrs.  Dennison,  Speed  and 
Harlan,  had  resigned  in  1866,  in  consequence  of  the  President's 
breach  with  Congress, 


war  had  not  occasioned  any  unpleasantness.  But 
when  the  army  was  called  upon  for  active  partici- 
pation in  carrying  out  the  policy  of  Congress,  the 
fact  that  Stanton  was  in  sympathy  with  that  policy 
became  immediately  of  the  highest  importance. 
The  Tenure-of-Office  Act,  by  which  the  President 
was  deprived  of  the  power  of  removal,  also  assumed 
great  significance.  In  executing  the  Reconstruc- 
tion Acts,  the  administration  adopted  the  policy  of 
conforming  to  the  letter  of  the  law  with  great  ex- 
actness, while  giving  the  least  possible  heed  to  what 
was  deemed  its  revolutionary  spirit.  With  what 
success  this  policy  was  carried  out  is  indicated 
by  the  supplementary  act  of  July  19,  1867,  which 
Congress  was  obliged  to  add  to  its  original  enact- 
ment. But  the  secretary  of  war  was  no  party 
to  the  devising  and  execution  of  this  Presidential 
scheme.  He  became,  on  the  contrary,  altogether 
isolated  from  the  rest  of  the  administration,  and,  as 
his  enemies  charged,  employed  his  position  only  to 
obstruct  executive  action  and  betray  the  secrets  of 
the  cabinet  consultation  room  to  the  President's  foes. 
Stanton  remained  impervious  to  repeated  inti- 
mations that  his  retirement  would  not  be  opposed 
by  the  President,  till,  on  the  fifth  of  August,  1867, 
Mr.  Johnson  formally  called  for  his  resignation. 
The  secretary  declined  to  resign  before  the  next 
meeting  of  Congress.  A  week  later  the  President 
sent  a  note  in  these  words :  "  By  virtue  of  the 
power  and  authority  vested  in  me  as  President  by 


the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United  States,  you 
are  hereby  suspended  from  office  as  secretary  of 
war."  At  the  same  time  General  Grant  was  au- 
thorized to  act  as  secretary  ad  interim.  Stanton 
replied,  denying  the  President's  right  to  suspend 
him  ''  without  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Sen- 
ate, and  without  legal  cause  "  ;  but,  in  view  of  the 
appointment  of  the  General  of  the  Army,  submit- 
ting, under  protest,  to  superior  force.^ 

It  is  important  just  at  this  point  to  consider 
under  what  authority  this  order  of  suspension  was 
issued.  Before  the  passage  of  the  Tenure-of-Office 
Act,  while  the  power  of  removal  was  recognized  as 
belonging  to  the  executive,  obnoxious  officers  had 
been  generally  disposed  of  during  a  recess  of  the 
Senate  by  simple  removal,  and  when  the  Senate 
was  in  session,  by  the  appointment  of  a  successor. 
Under  this  act,  however,  no  removal  was  permitted 
during  a  recess.  The  second  section  provided  that 
in  case  of  incapacity  or  legal  disqualification  for 
the  performance  of  his  duties  an  officer  might  be 
suspended  by  the  President ;  but  the  cause  must 
be  reported  to  the  Senate  within  twenty  days  after 
the  opening  of  the  next  session,  and  if  that  body 
refused  to  concur  in  the  suspension,  the  officer 
should  immediately  resume  his  duties.^  In  his 
communication   to    Stanton,    Johnson   stated    his 

1  For  the  whole  correspondence,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruc- 
tion, p.  261. 

2  For  text  of  bill,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  176. 


authority  to  be  "the  constitution  and  the  laws," 
but  omitted  to  specify  what  laws,  and  especially 
whether  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  was  one  of  them. 
This  omission,  as  afterward  appeared,  was  far  from 

On  December  12  the  President  sent  to  the 
Senate  a  message  setting  forth  his  action  in  sus- 
pending Stanton,  and  stating  at  length  the  inhar- 
monious situation  which  the  secretary's  presence 
in  the  cabinet  had  produced.^  But  here  again  no 
mention  was  made  of  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  as 
the  authority  for  the  suspension.  The  act  was 
discussed,  and  its  unconstitutionality  asserted  in 
terms  similar  to  those  of  the  veto  message  when 
the  law  passed,  but  no  admission  was  made  of  its 
pertinence  to  the  present  case.  The  Senate  de- 
bated the  President's  communication  for  about  a 
month,  and  finally,  on  January  13,  1868,  refused  to 
concur  in  Stanton's  suspension.  This  action  was 
taken  in  accordance  with  the  theory  that  the  sus- 
pension was  based  on  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act. 
Notice  of  the  Senate's  action  was  immediately 
served  upon  General  Grant,  who  thereupon  notified 
Mr.  Stanton  that,  under  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act, 
the  functions  of  the  ad  ijtierim  incumbent  had 
ceased.  The  general  thus  committed  himself  to 
the  Senatorial  view  of  the  President's  action. 
Stanton  resumed  possession  of  the  War  Depart- 
ment,   but   without   any   communication    with,   or 

1  See  supplement  to  Cong.  Globe, "  Trial  of  the  President,"  p.  51. 


recognition  by,  the  head  of  the  administration.^ 
The  situation  was  anomalous.  It  could  only  be 
explained  by  an  official  announcement  of  Johnson's 
attitude  toward  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act.  If  he 
recognized  that  act  as  valid,  Stanton  must  now  be 
his  secretary  of  war;  if  he  did  not  recognize  it, 
the  War  Department  must  be  without  a  head. 

On  January  29  Mr.  Johnson  instructed  General 
Grant  not  to  obey  any  order  from  that  depart, 
ment,  assumed  to  be  issued  by  the  direction  of 
the  President,  unless  such  order  should  be  known 
by  the  general  to  have  been  authorized  by  the 
executive.  Grant  replied  that  under  the  law 
he  should  be  obliged  to  regard  orders  coming 
from  the  secretary  of  war  as  authorized  by  the 
President.  This  response  precipitated  a  corre- 
spondence of  a  somewhat  acrimonious  character 
between  Johnson  and  Grant,  in  which  the  motives 
of  the  former  in  the  course  pursued  in  respect  to 
Stanton  were  fully  revealed.^  The  President,  it 
appeared,  had  resolved  to  get  rid  of  the  secre- 
tary at  all  hazards.  He  refused  to  admit  that  the 
Tenure-of-Office  Act  covered  Stanton's  case,  though 
he  was  aware  that  the  latter  held  that  it  did.  But 
even  if  the  terms  of  the  act  did  apply,  the  Presi- 
dent was  convinced  that  the  law  was  a  flagrant 
breach  of  his  constitutional  rights,  and  was  deter- 

1  See  Stanton's  letter  transmitting  to  the  House  the  Grant- 
Johnson  correspondence;    McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  282. 

2  For  the  correspondence,  see  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  283. 


mined  to  bring  the  matter  to  a  judicial  decision. 
For  this  purpose,  having  once  dispossessed  Stan- 
ton, he  proposed  to  make  the  secretary  apply  to 
the  courts  for  reinstatement,  and  thus  to  test  the 
question  of  constitutionality.  In  pursuance  of  this 
plan.  General  Grant  had  been  requested  to  remain 
in  possession  of  the  department,  whether  the  Sen- 
ate should  concur  in  the  suspension  or  not.  If  the 
Senate  should  refuse  to  concur,  Stanton  would  re- 
gard himself  as  entitled  to  immediate  possession  ; 
but  if  Grant  should  hold  on,  the  only  method  through 
which  Stanton  would  be  able  to  secure  his  office 
would  be  by  resort  to  the  courts.  Grant  manifested 
a  disinclination  to  become  involved  in  the  political 
quarrels  of  the  departments,  and  thereupon  Johnson 
requested  that  if  he  should  decide  not  to  take  the 
responsibility,  he  should  let  the  President  know  be- 
fore the  Senate  acted,  in  order  that  an  incumbent 
might  be  secured  who  could  be  relied  upon  to  carry 
out  the  executive's  plan.  As  to  the  sequel,  author- 
ities differ.  Mr.  Johnson  and  five  of  his  cabinet 
asserted  that  General  Grant  agreed  to  do  as 
requested,  and  then,  in  deliberate  violation  of  his 
promise,  held  on  till  the  Senate's  action  relieved 
him.  The  general,  on  the  other  hand,  denied  hav- 
ing been  a  party  to  any  such  agreement.  What- 
ever the  truth  of  the  case,  however,  it  was  certain 
that  the  President's  plan  had  miscarried,  and  that, 
if  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  was  valid  and  appli- 
cable, the  obnoxious  Stanton  was  still  an  officer 
of  the  administration. 


The  correspondence  between  Johnson  and  Grant 
was  called  for  by  the  House  of  Representatives, 
and  formed  the  basis  of  a  second  attempt  at  im- 
peachment. An  effort  was  made  to  formulate  an 
indictment  on  the  President's  instructions  to  Grant 
not  to  obey  the  orders  of  his  superior  in  the  War 
Department.  The  careful  wording  of  the  instruc- 
tions, however,  and  their  total  lack  of  effect,  proved 
too  serious  obstacles  for  even  the  hot-heads  of  the 
reconstruction  committee  to  surmount.  Only  three 
out  of  the  nine  members  of  the  committee  favored 
action. 1  ^ 

It  is  to  be  noticed  that  the  conflict  between  the 
executive  and  the  legislature  had  now  centred  in 
a  struggle  for  the  control  of  the  military  depart- 
ment. This  fact  had  the  effect  of  throwing  over 
the  situation  a  sort  of  martial  glamour,  which  was 
artfully  utilized  to  stimulate  the  passions  of  parti- 
sans on  both  sides.  Wars  and  rumors  of  wars 
were  the  topics  of  the  times.  The  President's 
hostility  to  Secretary  Stanton  was  treated  as  evi- 
dence of  a  design  to  employ  the  army  in  a  repe- 
tition of  "Pride's  Purge."  Congress  was  to  be 
dissolved,  and  Andrew  Johnson  was  to  be  king.^ 
At  the  same  time,  the  friends  of  Mr.  Johnson 
pointed  with  alarm  to  the  open  strides  of  the  radi- 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  265. 

2  Kelley,  of  Pennsylvania,  drew  a  harrowing  picture  of  the  Presi- 
dent in  the  role  of  the  third  Napoleon.  —  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong., 
p.  1348. 


cals  toward  their  object  of  converting  the  govern- 
ment, by  force,  from  the  balanced  system  of  the 
fathers  into  the  dominion  of  a  party  caucus.  Sub- 
mission to  the  dictates  of  this  oligarchy  was  to  be 
enforced  through  the  army,  against  all  efforts  of 
the  President  to  defend  the  rights  conferred  upon 
him  by  the  constitution. 

In  the  midst  of  such  recriminations  and  in  the 
extraordinary  position  of  the  War  Department,  a 
crisis  must  be  reached  soon.  It  came  on  the  twenty- 
first  of  February.  On  that  day  the  President  issued 
two  orders,  one  removing  Stanton  from  office  as 
secretary  of  war,  and  the  other  appointing  Ad- 
jutant-General Lorenzo  Thomas  secretary  ad  in- 
terim, and  directing  him  to  assume  immediately  the 
duties  of  the  position. ^  Thomas  repaired  to  Stan- 
ton's office  and  communicated  to  him  the  Presi- 
dent's will.  Without  indicating  what  course  he 
should  pursue  with  reference  to  the  order  of  re- 
moval, Stanton  asked  until  the  next  day  to  adjust 
his  personal  affairs  in  the  office.  His  request  was 
granted.  Early  the  next  morning  Thomas  was 
arrested  by  the  District  police  on  a  charge  of  vio- 
lating the  Tenure-of-Office  Act.  He  had  been 
boasting  that  he  would  use  force  to  eject  Stanton 
in  case  of  resistance,  and  the  latter  had  sworn  out 
a  warrant  for  his  arrest.  Having  been  released 
on  bail,  the  somewhat  humbled  secretary  ad  in- 
terim proceeded  again  to  the  War  Department  and 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  265. 


formally  demanded  possession.  Stanton  formally 
refused  to  recognize  the  order  of  removal,  and 
ordered  Thomas  to  his  duties  as  adjutant-general. 
The  latter  thereupon  reported  to  the  President, 
and  affairs  were  left  in  statu  quo  pending  the  next 
move  toward  either  judicial  or  forcible  settlement 
of  the  dispute.^  Mr.  Johnson  immediately  took 
steps  toward  bringing  the  defiant  secretary  before 
the  Supreme  Court  by  a  writ  of  quo  warranto^ 
but  the  arraignment  of  Thomas  as  a  criminal, 
and  the  energetic  action  of  Congress,  soon  to  be 
narrated,  quickly  put  the  President  on  the  defensive 
and  interrupted  all  aggressive  action.  The  lawyers 
who  took  charge  of  Thomas's  defence  did  indeed 
devise  a  plan  by  which  his  arrest  could  be  utilized 
to  bring  the  whole  subject  before  the  Supreme 
Court  by  a  writ  of  habeas  corpus ;  but  at  the  very 
first  manifestation  of  such  a  purpose  the  ardor  of 
the  prosecution  was  seized  with  a  sudden  chill,  and 
the  culprit  whose  alleged  crime  had  convulsed  the 
whole  nation  was  released  from  custody  against  the 
desire  of  his  own  counsel.^  All  interest  then  be- 
came centred  in  the  steps  which  Congress  was  tak- 
ing for  the  maintenance  of  its  authority  as  vested 
in  Stanton. 

On  the  day  of  the  removal  Mr.  Johnson  sent  a 
message  to  the  Senate,  transmitting  copies  of  the 
orders  issued,  and  basing  his  action,  as  in  the  case 

1  Testimony  of  Thomas,  Trial  of  the  President,  pp.  136  et  seq. 

2  Testimony  of  Cox,  Trial,  pp.  201  et  seq. 


of  the  suspension,  on  the  "power  and  authority 
vested  in  the  President  by  the  constitution  and 
laws  of  the  United  States."  The  Senate's  reply 
was  a  resolution,  passed  by  a  party  vote,  that  "  un- 
der the  constitution  and  laws  of  the  United  States, 
the  President  has  no  power  to  remove  the  secre- 
tary of  war  and  designate  any  other  officer  to  per- 
form the  duties  of  that  office  ad  interim^  On  the 
same  day,  Mr.  Stanton  communicated  the  order  of 
removal  to  the  House  of  Representatives.  It  was 
referred  to  the  reconstruction  committee,  and  on 
the  following  day  the  committee  reported  a  reso- 
lution, that  "Andrew  Johnson,  President  of  the 
United  States,  be  impeached  of  high  crimes  and 
misdemeanors  in  office."  A  continuous  session  of 
two  days,  devoted  to  debate,  ended  with  the  adop- 
tion of  the  resolution,  128  to  47,  a  strict  party  vote.^ 
To  those  Republicans  who  had  opposed  the  pre- 
vious attempts  on  the  ground  that  only  a  technical 
crime  or  misdemeanor  could  give  good  cause  for 
impeachment,  the  President  seemed  to  have  de- 
liberately removed  the  obstacle  which  their  con- 
sciences had  raised.2  The  Tenure-of-Office  Act 
prohibited  removal  from  office  by  the  President 
except  with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Senate. 
In  section  six  it  was  enacted  that  "  every  removal, 
appointment  or  employment  made,  had  or  exercised 

1  McPherson,  Reconstruction,  p.  266. 

2  See  remarks  of  Wilson,  of  Iowa,  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40th  Cong., 
p.  1386. 


contrary  to  the  provisions  of  this  act,  and  the  mak- 
ing, signing,  sealing,  countersigning  or  issuing  of 
any  commission  or  letter  of  authority  for  or  in 
respect  to  any  such  appointment  or  employment, 
shall  be  deemed,  and  are  hereby  declared  to  be, 
high  misdemeanors."  In  the  face  of  these  pro- 
visions the  President's  action  appeared  to  be  a 
most  gross  violation  of  the  laws  he  had  sworn  to 

From  the  moment  the  resolution  of  impeach- 
ment was  adopted  the  moderate  wing  of  the  Re- 
publicans in  the  House  disappeared,  and  many  of 
its  leaders  joined  in  the  struggle  for  prominence 
in  the  great  achievement  of  ousting  a  President. 
Under  the  special  leadership  of  Messrs.  Thaddeus 
Stevens,  Benjamin  F.  Butler  and  George  S.  Bout- 
well,  matters  were  pushed  with  the  utmost  dili- 
gence, and,  on  the  second  of  March,  nine  articles 
were  adopted  by  the  House.  The  next  day  two 
others  were  added,  and  on  the  fourth  the  articles 
were  formally  exhibited  to  the  Senate.  The  latter 
body  met  as  a  court  of  impeachment  on  the  follow- 
ing day,  with  Chief  Justice  Chase  in  the  chair.  Mr. 
Johnson  appeared  by  counsel,  and,  on  asking  forty 
days  in  which  to  prepare  an  answer  to  the  charges, 
was  allotted  ten.  The  preliminaries  having  been 
settled,  the  trial  actually  began  on  the  thirtieth  of 
March,  with  an  opening  address  for  the  prosecu- 
tion by  Mr.  Butler.^ 

1  The  '*  managers  "  appointed  by  the  House  to  conduct  its  case 



As  to  the  issues  involved  in  the  trial,  all  that 
the  limits  of  this  paper  permit  is  a  consideration 
of  the  most  fundamental  questions  of  constitu- 
tional law  presented.  The  eleven  articles  of  im- 
peachment exhibited  to  the  Senate  charged  the 
President  with  high  crimes  and  misdemeanors  in 
office,  in  connection  with  five  different  matters : 
(i)  The  order  removing  Stanton;  (2)  the  order 
appointing  Thomas  ;  (3)  a  conversation  with  Major- 
General  Emory,  in  which  Mr.  Johnson  declared 
unconstitutional  the  law  requiring  all  orders  to  be 
issued  through  the  General  of  the  Army  ;  (4)  three 
public  speeches  of  the  President,  in  which  Con- 
gress was  criticised  in  very  harsh  and  intemperate 
language;  and  (5)  his  opposition  to  the  execution 
of  the  reconstruction  measures  of  Congress.^ 

By  the  first  article,  the  order  removing  Stanton 
was  declared  to  be  an  intentional  violation  of  the 
Tenure-of-Office  Act,  and  also  of  the  constitution. 
Articles  four  to  eight  represented  the  removal  as 

were  Messrs.  Bingham,  Boutwell,  Wilson  of  Iowa,  Butler,  Williams, 
Logan  and  Stevens.  Of  these,  Bingham  and  Wilson  had  opposed 
the  first  attempt  to  impeach,  but  the  others  were  all  radicals  of  the 
most  extreme  type.  For  the  defence  of  the  President  appeared 
Mr.  Stanbery  (who  resigned  the  office  of  attorney-general  to  take 
part  in  the  trial),  ex-Judge  Benjamin  R.  Curtis,  and  Messrs.  Evarts, 
Nelson  and  Groesbeck. 

1  For  the  articles,  see  Trial  of  the  President  (supplement  to  the 
Cong.  Globe),  p.  i. 


the  result  of  a  conspiracy,  on  the  part  of  the  Presi- 
dent and  General  Thomas,  to  prevent  Stanton 
from  holding  his  lawful  office,  to  prevent  the  exe- 
cution of  certain  laws,  to  seize  the  property  of  the 
United  States  in  the  War  Department,  and  for 
other  illegal  purposes.  The  conspiracy  charges 
were  based  on  the  law  of  July  31,  1861,  which  had 
been  enacted  to  make  criminal  the  actions  of  the 
rebels.^  Article  two  declared  the  President  guilty 
of  intentional  violation  of  the  constitution  and  of 
the  Tenure-of-Office  Act,  in  issuing  the  letter  of 
authority  to  Thomas,  without  the  consent  of  the 
Senate,  though  in  session,  and  when  there  was  no 
vacancy  in  the  office  of  secretary  of  war.  The 
third  article  represented  the  same  act  simply  as 
being  without  authority  of  law.  Article  nine 
charged  the  President  with  a  high  misdemeanor  in 
seeking  to  induce  General  Emory  to  violate  the 
law  in  reference  to  the  issuing  of  orders  in  the 

1  The  act  was  as  follows :  "  If  two  or  more  persons  within  any 
State  or  Territory  of  the  United  States  shall  conspire  together  to 
overthrow,  or  to  put  down  or  to  destroy  by  force,  the  government 
of  the  United  States,  or  to  levy  war  against  the  United  States,  or  to 
oppose  by  force  the  authority  of  the  government  of  the  United  States; 
or  by  force  to  prevent,  hinder  or  delay  the  execution  of  any  law  of 
the  United  States;  or  by  force  to  seize,  take  or  possess  any  prop- 
erty of  the  United  States  against  the  will  or  contrary  to  the  author- 
ity of  the  United  States;  or  by  force  or  intimidation  or  threat,  to 
prevent  any  person  from  accepting  or  holding  any  office  or  trust  or 
place  of  confidence  under  the  United  States;  each  and  every  person 
so  offending  shall  be  guilty  of  a  high  crime,  etcr—12  Statutes  at 
Large,  p.  284. 


army.  The  tenth  article  was  only  adopted  by  the 
House  after  the  most  strenuous  efforts  of  General 
Butler  to  secure  such  action.  It  quoted  from  the 
published  reports  of  divers  speeches  delivered  by 
Mr.  Johnson  during  the  campaign  of  1866,^  and 
charged  him  with  having  sought  ''  to  destroy  the 
regard  and  respect  of  all  the  good  people  of  the 
United  States  for  the  Congress  and  legislative 
power  thereof/'  and  to  excite  the  odium  and  re- 
sentment of  the  same  good  people  against  Con- 
gress and  the  laws  by  it  duly  and  constitutionally 
enacted.  The  eleventh  article  was  rather  difficult 
to  analyze,  but  Chief  Justice  Chase  decided  the 
gravamen  of  the  article  to  be  that  the  President 
attempted  to  defeat  the  execution  of  the  Tenure- 
of-Office  Act ;  but  his  attitude  toward  Congress 
and  its  reconstruction  policy  was  introduced  as 
means  contrived  in  furtherance  of  this  attempt.^ 
Skilful  hands  in  the  House  had  drawn  up  this 
article  to  accommodate  the  conscientious  scruples 
or  inconvenient  records  of  certain  senators  in  ref- 
erence to  the  scope  of  the  President's  power  of 
removal.  By  involving  the  general  reconstruction 
issue  this  object  was  attained. 

Of  the  conspiracy  charges  little  need  be  said. 

1  The  three  speeches  from  which  extracts  were  made  in  the  speci- 
fications under  article  ten  were  delivered  respectively  at  Washing- 
ton, Cleveland  and  St.  Louis,  on  August  i8,  September  3  and 
September  8,  1866.  For  the  full  reports  of  the  speeches,  see 
McPherson,  Reconstruction,  pp.  127,  134  and  136. 

2  Trial  of  the  President,  p.  409. 


The  evidence  introduced  to  support  them  was 
ludicrously  insufficient.  No  vote  was  ever  reached 
on  the  articles  embodying  them,  but  the  written 
opinions  of  the  senators  indicate  clearly  that  none 
but  the  most  violent  radicals  would  have  regarded 
the  charges  as  proved.  The  same  may  be  said 
of  the  Emory  article.  It  appeared  from  the  testi- 
mony that  the  President's  expression  of  opinion 
to  the  general  on  the  law  in  question  was  of  the 
most  casual  nature,  and  wholly  devoid  of  any  indi- 
cation of  a  design  to  corrupt  the  officer.^  As  to 
the  speeches  of  Mr.  Johnson,  they  had  constituted 
one  of  the  grounds  for  the  previous  attempt  to 
impeach.  One  of  the  managers  now  acting  for 
the  House,  Mr.  Wilson,  of  Iowa,  had  written  an 
elaborate  report  from  the  judiciary  committee, 
denying  that  the  President's  speech-making  con- 
stituted an  impeachable  offence.  The  report  had 
been  sustained  by  the  House's  action,  and  it  now 
required  all  the  assurance  which  General  Butler 
could  boast  to  ask  for  conviction  on  the  article 
thus  condemned.  The  defense  paid  slight  atten- 
tion to  this  part  of  the  case,  and  in  argument  relied 
almost  entirely  on  the  authorities  which  Manager 
Wilson  had  so  kindly  provided.  Such  of  the  mod- 
erate Republican  senators  as  deigned  to  notice  the 
tenth  article  in  their  written  opinions,  did  so  only 
to  deny  its  constitutionality. 

1  See  testimony  of  General  Emory  and  of  Secretary  Welles  and 
his  son,  Trial,  pp.  78,  221,  235. 


The  questions,  therefore,  to  which  our  attention 
will  be  confined  are  such  as  arose  in  connection 
with  the  removal  of  Stanton  and  the  appointment 
of  Thomas,  and  the  relation  of  these  acts  to  the 
constitution  and  the  laws.  What  these  questions 
were  will  appear  from  the  President's  formal  reply 
to  the  articles  presented  by  the  House.  To  the 
first  article  the  response  ^  was  substantially  as 
follows :  Stanton  was  appointed  by  Lincoln,  and 
commissioned,  under  the  act  of  1789  establishing 
the  War  Department,  to  hold  his  office  during  the 
pleasure  of  the  President.  For  the  conduct  of 
this  department  the  President,  as  chief  executive, 
is,  under  the  constitution,  responsible.  A  sense 
of  this  responsibility  contributed  to  the  conviction 
in  the  mind  of  the  President,  in  August,  1 867,  that 
Stanton  should  no  longer  continue  in  the  office. 
An  additional  ground  for  this  conviction  was  the 
fact  that  the  relations  between  Stanton  and  the 
President  no  longer  permitted  the  latter  to  resort 
to  the  secretary  for  advice,  as  was  his  constitutional 
right.  He  had  accordingly  suspended  Stanton 
from  office,  not  under  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act, 
till  the  next  meeting  of  the  Senate  (and  now  is 
revealed  the  true  bearing  of  the  President's  silence, 
before  mentioned,  in  respect  to  his  authority  for 
the  suspension),  but  indefinitely,  and  at  the  pleasure 
of  the  President,  under  the  belief  that  the  power 
of  removal  confided  to  the  executive  by  the  con- 

1  Trial,  p.  12. 


stitution  included  the  power  of  indefinite  suspen- 
sion. The  President  further  maintained  that  the 
power  of  removal  was  a  constitutional  right  which 
no  legislation  could  take  from  him.  Such  being 
the  case,  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  was  void.  But 
even  while  he  entertained  this  belief,  and  was 
further  satisfied  that  the  first  section  of  the  act 
did  not  apply  to  Stanton,  the  President  had  felt  so 
strongly  the  importance  of  getting  rid  of  the  sec- 
retary that  he  had  sought,  by  reporting  the  sus- 
pension to  the  Senate  in  apparent  conformity  with 
the  obnoxious  act,  to  accomplish  that  high  purpose 
without  raising  the  conflict  on  the  constitutional 
question.  Having  failed  in  securing  his  object, 
nothing  remained  for  him  but  to  take  such  steps 
as  he  should  deem  necessary  and  proper  for  bring- 
ing to  judicial  decision  the  question  of  Stanton's 
right  to  resume  his  office.  With  this  end,  and 
this  end  only,  in  view,  the  President  had  issued 
the  order  of  removal  to  Stanton,  and  the  letter  of 
authority  designating  General  Thomas  as  secretary 
ad  interim.  As  to  this  designation  of  a  temporary 
officer,  the  President  denied  that  it  was  an  appoint- 
ment such  as  required  the  consent  of  the  Senate, 
but  claimed  that  it  was  in  accordance  with  long 
practice,  based  on  a  law  of  1795- 

From  these  pleadings  it  appeared  that  the  judg- 
ment of  the  Senate  must  involve  some  answer  to 
the  following  questions : 

I.    Is  the  power  of  removal  in  our  system  in  the 


President  alone,  or  in  the  President  and  Senate 
conjointly  ? 

2.  Does  the  power  of  removal  include  the  power 
of  indefinite  suspension  of  an  officer  ? 

3.  Can  a  vacant  office  be  filled  indefinitely  by 
an  ad  i7iterim  appointee,  installed  without  refer- 
ence to  the  Senate  ? 

4.  Most  important  of  all,  is  it  lawful  in  our  sys- 
tem for  the  President  to  violate  an  act  of  Congress 
which  he  considers  unconstitutional,  in  order  to 
secure  a  judicial  decision  as  to  its  validity  ? 

But  before  entering  upon  an  examination  of 
these  points  it  is  necessary  to  notice  the  Senate's 
judgment  on  the  preliminary  questions  previously 
touched  upon :  What  are  impeachable  offences 
under  the  constitution ;  and  what  is  the  character 
and  capacity  of  the  upper  branch  of  the  legislat- 
ure when  sitting  as  a  court  of  impeachment  ?  As 
to  the  first  question,  the  different  theories  held 
have  already  been  stated.  The  managers  in  the 
pending  trial  were  obliged,  on  account  of  the 
article  which  Butler  had  forced  in,  to  maintain 
the  doctrine  that  "  high  crimes  and  misdemean- 
ors "  were  not  limited  to  indictable  offences ;  for 
the  public  addresses  of  the  President  were  not  of 
a  criminal  character  under  any  law,  either  common 
or  statute.  An  impeachable  high  crime  or  misde- 
meanor was  held  by  the  prosecution  to  be  "  one 
in  its  nature  or  consequences  subversive  of  some 
fundamental  principle  of   government,  or   highly 


prejudicial  to  the  public  interest."  Besides  the 
violation  of  positive  law,  it  might  consist  in  "the 
abuse  of  discretionary  powers  from  improper  mo- 
tives, or  for  any  improper  purpose."  ^  That  this 
was  the  doctrine  of  the  English  law  could  scarcely 
be  doubted.2  The  few  American  precedents  up 
to  this  time  pointed  unmistakably  to  the  same  con- 
clusion. There  had  been  five  cases  of  impeach- 
ment by  the  House  of  Representatives.  Of  these 
one  had  been  against  a  senator,^  and  the  Senate 
had  decided  that  the  accused  did  not  fall  within 
the  designation  "civil  officers  of  the  United  States." 
All  the  rest  had  involved  judges,  and  in  every 
instance  the  articles  exhibited  by  the  House  had 
charged  some  offence  not  a  technical  violation  of 
law.  Two  of  the  impeached  persons  were  con- 
victed.^ Pickering,  in  1802,  was  found  guilty, 
among  other  things,  of  drunkenness  and  profanity 
on  the  bench  of  his  court.  Humphreys,  in  1861, 
was  removed  from  office  on  conviction  of  advocat- 
ing secession  in  a  public  speech,  and  of  other  acts 
favoring  rebellion,  when  those  acts  were  not  crimi- 
nal under  any  law  of  the  United  States.  This 
latter  case  was,  for  obvious  reasons,  of  little  value, 
and  especially  as  no  defence  was  made.     But  the 

1  Trial,  p.  29. 

2  See  brief  of  authorities,  by  Lawrence,  of  Ohio,  Trial,  p.  41- 
8  Blount,  of  Tenn.,  1797. 

4  Chase,  Associate  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court,  was  acquitted, 
1805;   Peck,  a  district  judge,  1830. 


fact  remained  that  the  House  had  on  four  occasions 
construed  its  power  of  impeachment  to  extend  to 
offences  not  indictable,  and  in  one  case  had  se- 
cured the  Senate's  ratification  of  its  construction 
by  a  conviction. 

But  it  was  not  alone  in  precedent  that  the  prose- 
cution had  a  strong  case.  Substantial  grounds 
were  not  wanting  on  which  to  base  the  claim  that 
a  misdemeanor  in  office  was  not  distinct  from  mis- 
behavior in  office.  On  any  narrower  interpreta- 
tion of  the  term  misdemeanor,  the  constitution 
affords  no  method  by  which  an  insane  judge  may 
during  his  lifetime  be  divested  of  his  official  func- 
tions. The  fact  that  the  penalty  in  case  of  im- 
peachment is  limited  to  disqualification  for  holding 
office  was  declared  to  indicate  a  purpose  rather  to 
protect  the  people  from  bad  officials  than  to  estab- 
lish a  jurisdiction  for  the  punishment  of  crimes. 
It  was  in  the  development  of  this  view  that  Gen- 
eral Butler  brought  forward  the  further  proposi- 
tion of  his  school,  namely,  that  the  Senate,  when 
acting  on  impeachment  cases,  was  not  a  court,  nor 
its  procedure  a  trial.  Such  being  the  case,  the 
ordinary  restrictions  of  judicial  process,  it  was 
argued,  have  no  application.  The  guaranties  ac- 
corded to  the  accused  in  jury  trials  need  not  be 
granted  here.  There  is  no  right  of  challenge  to 
any  member  of  the  Senate  for  any  cause  whatever, 
and  no  appeal  to  any  law  save  the  constitution. 
In  short,  the  body  sitting  to  determine  the  accusa- 


tion  against  the  President  was  held  to  be,  not  a 
court,  but  the  Senate  of  the  United  States,  "  con- 
vened as  a  constitutional  tribunal  to  inquire  into 
and  determine  whether  Andrew  Johnson,  because 
of  malversation  in  office,  is  longer  fit  to  retain 
the  office  of  President  of  the  United  States,  or 
hereafter  to  hold  any  office  of  honor  or  profit."^ 
A  very  important  deduction  from  this  proposition 
was  that  the  ordinary  rules  of  evidence  need  not 
be  observed,  and  that  each  senator  in  giving  judg- 
ment was  free  to  rest  his  opinion  upon  any  per- 
sonal information  he  possessed  that  bore  on  the 
general  question  of  fitness,  without  being  at  all 
confined  to  the  merits  of  the  case  made  on  the 
particular  articles.  Each  senator  must  be  a  law 
unto  himself,  and  must  give  his  verdict  on  his  own 
views  of  what  the  country's  welfare  demanded. 

As  against  this  doctrine,  the  defenders  of  the 
President  pointed  out  that  to  adopt  these  extreme 
conclusions  would  obviously  destroy  every  vestige 
of  judicial  character  in  the  Senate's  action.  A 
presentation  of  formal  articles  of  impeachment  by 
the  House  would  be  unnecessary,  and  the  form  of 
a  trial  a  work  of  supererogation.  The  constitu- 
tion, it  was  argued,  contemplates  the  substance  as 
well  as  the  form  of  judicial  action  by  the  Senate. 
That  body  is  empowered  to  "try"  impeachments. 
It  assumes  a  peculiar  character  through  the  oath 
required   by  the   senators  when   sitting  for   that 

1  Trial  of  the  President,  p.  30- 


purpose.  Its  concurrence  in  the  charges  is  a 
** conviction,"  and  is  followed  by  a  "judgment."^ 
This  adherence  to  the  technical  terminology  of  the 
law  is  significant.  The  precedents,  moreover,  it 
was  contended,  had  already,  before  Mr.  Johnson's 
trial,  established  the  reality  of  the  Senate's  judicial 
character.  This  conclusion  was  sanctioned  now  by 
a  test  vote  forced  by  the  managers  early  in  the  pro- 
ceedings. A  question  arose  as  to  whether  the  chief 
justice  should  decide  in  the  first  instance  on  the 
admissibility  of  evidence,  or  refer  the  matter  im- 
mediately to  the  Senate.  It  had  been  argued  that 
the  Senate's  capacity  as  a  court  had  been  fixed  by 
the  constitutional  mandate  calling  the  chief  justice 
to  preside  in  the  most  important  case  that  could 
come  before  it.  The  managers  maintained  that 
the  chief  justice  acted,  not  as  a  presiding  judge 
and  an  integral  part  of  the  trying  body,  but  only 
as  the  mouthpiece  of  the  Senate.  He  could  decide 
nothing  himself.  He  was  not  the  chief  of  a  court 
in  banc,  but  the  presiding  officer  of  the  Senate  for 
a  particular  purpose.  Under  the  constitution  the 
Senate  of  the  United  States  was  given  the  sole 
power  to  try  all  impeachments.  No  one  not  a 
senator,  therefore,  could  take  any  part  in  the  trial 
save  as  the  ministerial  agent  of  the  Senate. 

After  full  discussion  the  question  was  decided 
by  an  amendment  to  the  rules  which  gave  the 
chief  justice  power  to  decide  questions  of  law,  his 

1  Constitution,  art.  i.,  sec.  3. 


ruling  to  stand  as  the  judgment  of  the  Senate 
unless  a  vote  should  be  demanded  by  some  sena- 
tor. The  amendment  was  adopted  by  a  vote  of 
31  to  19.^  On  the  same  day  the  chief  justice  had 
occasion  to  give  the  casting  vote  in  case  of  a  tie. 
Senator  Sumner  thereupon  offered  a  resolution 
declaring  that  such  vote  was  without  authority 
under  the  constitution  of  the  United  States.  The 
resolution  was  lost,  21  to  27.^  These  votes  seem 
conclusive  of  the  Senate's  opinion  that  on  this 
occasion,  at  least,  it  was  sitting  in  the  capacity  of 
a  court. 

On  the  question  as  to  what  are  impeachable 
offences,  the  whole  history  of  Mr.  Johnson's  case 
supports  the  view  that,  contrary  to  the  prece- 
dents, a  violation  of  some  positive  law  must  be 
proved.  The  House  refused  once  to  impeach 
on  the  speeches.  Its  later  adoption  of  the  article 
based  on  them  was  prompted  by  an  apparent  defi- 
ance hurled  at  Congress  by  the  President,  and  even 
then  was  determined  largely  by  the  plea  that  the 
inclusion  of  this  article  could  do  no  harm  even 
if  it  did  no  good.^  And  finally,  no  vote  was  ever 
demanded  from  the  Senate  on  this  article,  while  the 
tenor  of  the  opinions  filed  by  senators  renders  it 
doubtful  that  even  a  simple  majority  would  have 
voted  to  convict,  much  less  the  two-thirds  required. 

1  Trial,  p.  63. 

2  Ibid. 

3  See  Globe,  2d  sess.,  40tli  Cong.,  p.  1642. 



Taking  up  now  the  questions  presented  in  im- 
mediate connection  with  the  pleadings,  the  first  is 
that  as  to  the  power  of  removal.  Summarily,  the 
case  which  the  prosecution  sought  to  establish  was 
this:  I.  The  removal  of  the  secretary  of  war  with- 
out the  advice  and  consent  of  the  Senate  was  a 
violation  of  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act.  2.  Whether 
or  not  this  was  true,  the  removal  while  the  Senate 
was  in  session,  and  otherwise  than  by  the  appoint- 
ment of  a  successor,  was  a  violation  of  the  con- 
stitution. 3.  These  violations  of  law  and  consti- 
tution were  intentional  and  were  designed  as  an 
open  defiance  of  Congress.  4.  Even  if  the  Presi- 
dent's motive  had  been  merely  to  get  a  judicial 
construction  of  a  doubtful  constitutional  point,  as 
he  claimed,  that  fact  would  have  no  bearing  on 
the  determination  of  his  guilt ;  for  his  duty  is  to 
execute  without  discretion  the  legally  enacted  will 
of  the  legislature. 

In  what  organ  of  the  government  the  constitu- 
tion vested  the  power  to  remove  an  officer  from 
his  position,  is  an  old  and  familiar  question.  Its 
practical  discussion  began  in  the  halls  of  the  First 
Congress.  In  providing  for  the  organization  of 
the  executive  departments  in  1789  the  whole  sub- 
ject of  removal  from  office  was  fully  debated.  The 
cardinal  point  of  the  discussion  was  the  nature  of 
the  power  —  whether  it  was  absolute  and  an  inde- 


pendent  attribute  of  the  executive  office,  or  whether 
it  should  be  regarded  as  only  to  be  exercised 
through  the  clearly  defined  process  of  appoint- 
ment. The  former  opinion  prevailed,  though  by 
a  very  slender  majority.^  A  construction  was  thus 
put  upon  the  constitution  by  legislative  action,  and 
that  construction  was  accepted  by  all.  Though  the 
debates  upon  the  adoption  of  the  constitution  rather 
favored  the  doctrine  which  Congress  rejected,^  yet 
up  to  1867  no  successful  practical  objection  had 
been  made  to  the  exercise  of  the  power  early  con- 
ceded to  the  President. 

The  managers  endeavored  to  break  the  force  of 
these  facts  by  developing  the  theory  of  a  distinction 
between  removals  during  the  session  of  the  Senate 
and  removals  during  recess.  They  admitted  that 
the  act  of  1789  warranted  the  President  in  dis- 
missing an  unworthy  officer  peremptorily  when  the 
impossibility  of  consulting  the  Senate  prevented 
resort  to  the  ordinary  method.  The  desirability 
of  a  speedy  means  by  which  the  service  could  be 
purged  of  incompetent  or  corrupt  officials  had  been 
the  chief  argument  for  Congress'  action  in  1789. 
But  this  reason  had  no  application  when  the  ad- 
visory body  was  ready  to  act  on  an  hour's  notice 
in  supplanting  the  objectionable  person.  It  was 
confidently  claimed   that  an  examination   of   the 

1  The  bill  in  which  the  issue  was  involved  passed  the  Senate  only 
by  the  casting  vote  of  the  Vice-President. 
*  See  Federalist,  No.  77. 


records  would  disclose  a  uniform  recognition  of 
this  distinction  in  the  practice  of  the  departments. 
A  single  perfectly  defined  precedent,  however, 
nullified  the  claim.  It  was  revealed  that  on  the 
13th  of  May,  1800,  Timothy  Pickering,  Secretary 
of  State,  was  summarily  removed  by  President 
Adams,  after  having  declined  to  comply  with  a 
request  to  resign.^  It  is  true  the  nomination  of 
his  successor  was  sent  in  on  the  same  day,  but 
the  acts  appear  on  the  record  as  entirely  separate 
and  unconnected.  The  case  bears  a  striking  anal- 
ogy to  that  of  Stanton  and  it  was  a  strong  support 
for  the  defence.  Above  all,  however,  stood  the 
fact  that  in  all  the  discussion  of  the  theoretical 
question  no  distinction  had  ever  been  drawn  on 
the  basis  of  the  Senate's  readiness  to  act.  The 
power  of  removal  had  always  been  treated  as 
unsusceptible  of  qualification  in  that  respect,  and 
the  only  question  had  been,  should  it  be  exercised 
by  the  President  alone,  or  by  the  President  and 
Senate  together. 

Prior  to  the  passage  of  Tenure-of-Office  Act,  the 
practice  of  removal  during  recess  at  the  will  of  the 
executive  had  become  not  only  a  notorious  fact, 
but  a  most  conspicuous  abuse.  By  the  constitu- 
tion, the  President  was  empowered  to  fill  vacancies 
"happening"  during  the  recess  of  the  Senate  by 
granting  commissions  running  to  the  end  of  the 
next  session.  As  a  matter  of  practice,  the  temporary 

1  Trial,  pp.  117-119. 


appointee  was  regularly  nominated  and  confirmed 
when  the  Senate  met,  and  no  questions  were  asked 
about  how  the  vacancy  "  happened."  ^  By  the  act 
of  1867  Congress  wholly  reversed  the  conclusion 
reached  in  1789,  and  borne  out  in  the  later  practice. 
The  power  of  removal,  as  an  independent  right, 
was  annihilated.  Every  officer  appointed  by  the 
advice  and  consent  of  the  Senate  was  declared 
entitled  to  hold  the  office  till  the  Senate  had  agreed 
to  his  removal  by  advising  and  consenting  to  the 
appointment  of  his  successor.  This,  of  course, 
withdrew  removal  from  the  category  of  causes 
through  which  a  vacancy  could  "happen"  during 
the  recess  of  the  Senate.  For  the  sake  of  disci- 
pline, however,  the  President  was  authorized,  in  case 
of  misconduct,  crime,  incapacity  or  legal  disquali- 
fication, to  suspend  an  officer,  and  designate  some 
one  to  perform  his  duties  till  the  Senate  should 
act  on  the  case.  A  full  report  on  the  subject  must 
be  made  to  the  Senate  within  twenty  days  of  its 
next  meeting.  If  that  body  agreed  that  the  cause 
for  suspension  was  sufficient,  the  officer  might 
be  removed;  if  it  did  not  concur,  the  officer 
should  forthwith  resume  the  functions  of  his 
office.2  It  was  by  virtue  of  these  provisions  that 
Stanton  was  now  held  to  be  regularly  in  authority 
as  secretary  of  war. 

1  A  futile  attempt  was  made  to  reform  this  practice  as  early  as 
1826.     Benton,  Thirty- Years'  View,  ch.  xxix. 

2  Tenure-of-Office  Act,  sec.  2. 


Assuming  for  the  present  that  Stanton  was  not 
excepted  from  the  operation  of  this  law  by  a  pro- 
viso to  be  noticed  later,  Johnson's  attitude  with 
reference  to  the  act  was  certainly  one  of  defiance. 
But  the  defiance  was  hurled  from  the  higher 
ground  of  a  constitutional  mandate.  The  Presi- 
dent claimed  that  his  power  to  remove  at  pleasure 
was  derived  from  the  constitution,  and  was,  there- 
fore, as  far  beyond  the  range  of  legislative  restric- 
tion as,  for  example,  the  right  to  grant  pardons. 
For,  wherever  the  organic  law  had  placed  the 
power  of  removal,  it  was  certainly  not  in  Congress. 
The  act  of  1789  did  not  confer  the  right  on  the 
President;  for  Congress  never  had  the  right  to 
confer.  That  act  had  by  its  terms  merely  recog- 
nized that  the  power  of  removal  had  been  vested 
in  the  executive  by  the  same  authority  which  had 
vested  other  powers  in  Congress  —  namely,  the 
constitution.^  This  view  had  been  adopted  by 
commentators  and  by  all  departments  of  the  gov- 
ernment, and  had  served  as  a  working  principle  of 
our  polity  for  seventy-eight  years.  Such  concur- 
rence of  all  authorities  of  weight  in  our  system  had 
clothed  an  implied  function  of  the  executive  with 
all  the  sanctity  of  an  expressly  granted  power. 
The  Tenure-of-Office  Act  was  therefore  void,  and 
its  execution  could  not  be  a  duty  of  the  President. 

Against  this  argument  the  managers  maintained 

1  Annals  of  Congress,  1st  Cong.,  pp.  600-608.  See  especially 
Benson's  remarks. 


that  the  Congressional  construction  of  1867  was 
as  good  as  that  of  1789.  The  constitution  was 
unchanged  in  respect  to  the  power  of  removal. 
Wherever  the  right  was  seventy-eight  years  ago, 
it  still  continued  to  be.  If  the  legislature's  view 
of  its  location  was  conclusive  upon  the  other  de- 
partments then,  so  must  the  later  opinion  be  now. 
The  earlier  position  had  been  taken  mainly  with 
reference  to  the  exalted  character  of  the  first 
President,  and  the  confidence  everywhere  reposed 
in  him.  Experience  had  proved  that  the  principle 
thus  apparently  sanctioned  was  hostile  to  the  true 
interests  of  the  nation.  In  the  hands  of  bad  men, 
the  power  of  removal  had  been  used  to  exalt 
unduly  the  executive  at  the  expense  of  the  other 
departments.  It  was  the  duty  of  the  people's 
immediate  representatives  in  Congress  to  correct  a 
pardonable  error  of  the  fathers,  and  to  preserve 
the  system  from  degenerating  into  a  despotism. 
In  pursuance  of  this  duty,  and  under  the  authority 
conferred  by  the  constitution  to  make  all  laws 
necessary  and  proper  for  carrying  into  execution 
the  powers  vested  in  the  government  and  its 
officers.  Congress  had  passed  the  Tenure-of-Office 
Act.  Further,  it  was  argued,  by  enacting  the  law. 
Congress  had  expressed  its  opinion  on  the  question 
of  constitutionality.  By  a  two-thirds  majority  in 
each  house  overriding  a  veto  supported  by  all 
the  arguments  at  the  President's  command,  a  con- 
clusive emphasis  had  been  put  upon  that  opinion. 


If  any  doubt  still  remained  as  to  the  constitution- 
ality of  the  act,  it  surely  was  not  for  the  President 
to  resolve  it.  By  neither  constitution,  nor  law, 
nor  practice  had  the  executive  been  endowed  with 
authority  to  declare  a  law  void  on  any  ground. 
His  duty  was  faithfully  to  execute  the  laws. 
What  must  be  considered  laws }  A  bill  passed  by 
both  houses  and  signed  by  the  President  is  a  law. 
Or  when  the  President  has  sent  back  a  bill  with 
objections,  and  both  houses  have  passed  it  again, 
and  by  two-thirds  in  each  case,  the  constitution 
declares  that  "it  shall  become  a  law."  Such  a 
law  must  be  faithfully  executed,  or  the  President 
fails  in  his  duty.  On  no  pretence  can  he  refuse 
compliance  with  the  constitutionally  expressed  will 
of  the  legislature. 

At  this  point  was  focussed  the  whole  issue  be- 
tween the  two  political  departments.  Here  Con- 
gress concentrated  its  heaviest  fire,  and  sought  to 
crush  once  for  all  the  independence  of  the  execu- 
tive. If  Andrew  Johnson  had  been  convicted  on 
a  direct  presentation  of  the  question  here  raised, 
the  co-ordination  of  the  departments  in  the  Ameri- 
can system  would  have  been  a  thing  of  the  past ; 
and,  on  the  other  hand,  if  an  acquittal  had  been 
secured  on  the  same  issue,  the  natural  vantage- 
ground  occupied  by  the  legislature  under  the  con- 
stitution would  have  been  thenceforth  held  by  the 
executive.  Divested  of  all  qualifications,  the  bare 
question  was :   Could  the  President,  for  any  pur- 


pose,  decline  to  execute  or  deliberately  violate  a 
law  duly  enacted  under  the  forms  prescribed  by 
the  constitution  ?  If  he  could,  his  will,  and  not 
that  of  the  legislature,  would  be  the  law;  if  he 
could  not,  he  would  be  only  the  ministerial  agent 
of  Congress,  and  not  the  chief  of  a  co-ordinate 

If  it  be  held  that  the  President  has  the  unquali- 
fied right  to  violate  an  act  of  Congress  at  his  will, 
the  absurdity  is  obvious,  as  was  practically  con- 
ceded by  the  defence.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  he 
be  denied  the  right  to  do  it  under  any  circum- 
stances, what,  they  asked,  is  to  be  considered  his 
duty  in  case,  for  example.  Congress  forbids  him  to 
negotiate  a  treaty,  or  to  grant  a  pardon,  or  to  act 
as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army }  These  powers 
are  conferred  upon  the  President  in  unmistakable 
terms  by  the  constitution.  For  their  exercise  he 
is  responsible  not  to  Congress,  but  to  the  makers 
of  the  constitution,  that  is,  the  people.  An  act  of 
Congress  that  deprives  him  of  these  rights,  he 
certainly  is  not  bound  to  obey.  Again,  there  are 
powers  which  are  clearly  placed  in  other  hands  by 
the  constitution.  Laws  for  the  carrying  out  of 
such  powers  he  is  bound  to  execute  without  ques- 

1  Bingham,  especially,  in  closing  the  argument  for  the  prosecu- 
tion, labored  to  make  the  verdict  depend  on  the  bare  question 
whether  the  President  could  interpret  judicially  the  acts  of  Congress. 
His  appeal  to  Senatorial  esprit  de  corps  was  very  thin?y  disguised. 
Trial,  p.  385. 


tion ;  any  violation  of  rights  by  such  laws  can  only 
be  remedied  by  repeal  of  the  laws  or  by  resort  by 
the  aggrieved  parties  to  the  protection  of  judicial 
interpretation.  But  suppose  Congress  assumes 
the  exercise  of  a  doubtful  power,  —  a  power  which 
certain  precedent  and  respectable  authority  concur 
in  attributing  to  the  executive  ?  Such  assumption 
is  considered  to  violate  a  constitutional  right  of  the 
President.  He  is  not  warranted  in  simply  resist- 
ing the  law,  decreeing  it  to  be  unconstitutional ; 
for  that  would  be  arrogating  to  himself  the  func- 
tions of  the  judiciary.  But  there  is  no  good  reason 
why  he  should  not  take  steps  toward  securing  an 
opinion  on  the  act  from  the  third  department  of 
the  government.  The  Supreme  Court,  however, 
can  give  no  decision,  save  on  a  special  case 
brought  before  it.  Such  case  could  never  be 
made  up  by  the  President,  save  by  a  technical 
violation  of  the  doubtful  law.  For  the  purpose, 
then,  of  defending  his  right  through  the  courts  of 
law,  and  for  this  purpose  alone,  the  preservation 
of  the  constitution  warrants  the  executive  in  trans- 
gressing duly  enacted  legislation.  "  But,"  replied 
the  managers,  *'the  President,  like  any  private 
citizen,  if  he  violates  law,  for  whatever  purpose, 
does  it  at  his  peril.  The  peril  in  his  case  is  im- 
peachment. Hence  Mr.  Johnson  is  rightly  pre- 
sented." This  the  defence  could  not  deny.  If 
the  violation  of  the  law  were  a  high  crime  or  mis- 
demeanor, the    House   might   bring  the  offender 


before  the  Senate  for  trial.  But  the  gravamen 
of  the  charge  in  that  case  would  have  to  be  not 
the  act  only,  but  the  motive  of  the  President.  If 
it  were  proved  that  his  intention  was  not  merely 
to  secure  a  judicial  decision  on  his  alleged  right, 
but  to  inaugurate  revolutionary  resistance  to  Con- 
gress, then  conviction  must  follow.  This  view, 
however,  the  managers  rejected  altogether,  and 
demanded  that  Mr.  Johnson's  motive,  though  with- 
out doubt  an  impeachably  bad  one,  must  not  at  all 
be  considered.  They  called  upon  the  Senate  to 
remove  the  officer  who  had  deliberately  violated 
a  solemn  law.  Nor  did  they  heed  the  suggestion 
that  if  this  alleged  solemn  law  was  in  conflict  with 
the  constitution,  it  was  no  law  at  all.^ 

The  vital  principle  of  our  constitution  involved 
in  this  question  could  not  be  brought  to  a  direct 
issue  in  the  present  case  on  account  of  a  special 
doubt  that  arose  as  to  whether  the  leading  pro- 
vision of  the  Tenure-of-Office  Act  applied  to  Sec- 
retary Stanton.  At  least  two  of  the  Republican 
senators  who  voted  for  conviction  on  the  other 
articles,  expressed  their  inability  to  resolve  this 
doubt  in  such  a  way  as  to  sustain  the  charge  that 
the  removal  of  the  secretary  had  violated  that 
law.2  The  first  section  of  the  act,  after  declaring 
that  every  civil  officer  appointed  with  the  consent 

1  Cf.  Bingham's  argument,  Trial,  p.  387. 

2  Sherman  and  Howe;  see  their  opinions  in  Trial,  pp.  449  and 


of  the  Senate  should  be  entitled  to  hold  his  office 
until  a  successor  should  have  been  in  like  manner 
appointed,  contained  this  proviso  : 

Provided^  That  the  secretaries  of  state,  of  the  treasury-, 
of  war,  of  the  navy,  and  of  the  interior,  the  postmaster- 
general,  and  the  attorney-general  shall  hold  their  offices 
respectively  for  and  during  the  term  of  the  President  by 
whom  they  may  have  been  appointed,  and  for  one  month 
thereafter,  subject  to  removal  by  and  with  the  advice  apd 
consent  of  the  Senate.  \ 

It  was  part  of  the  bill's  history  that  the  subject 
of  the  cabinet  officers  had  been  a  point  of  conten- 
tion between  the  Senate  and  the  House.  By  de- 
cisive votes  the  former  had  insisted  on  excepting 
these  officials  entirely  from  the  operation  of  the 
law.  The  House,  on  the  other  hand,  had  desired 
to  avoid  all  concession  to  the  cabinet  idea,  and  to 
make  no  distinction  between  the  President's  advis- 
ers and  other  civil  officers.  A  conference  com- 
mittee had  reported  the  section  as  it  stood,  with 
the  disputed  topic  thrown  into  the  proviso  by  way 
of  compromise.  The  question  had  been  raised  at 
the  time  whether  the  proviso  iixed  Johnson's  sec- 
retaries in  their  positions  irrespective  of  his  wish, 
and  Sherman,  a  Senate  conferee,  had  distinctly  de- 
nied that  such  was  the  case.^  It  was  Mr.  Johnson's 
belief,  moreover,  that  when  considering  the  bill  in 
cabinet  meeting,  he  had  been  supported  by  all  his 

1  Globe,  2d  sess.,  39th  Cong.,  p.  15 16. 


advisers,  including  Stanton  himself,  in  the  opinion 
that  the  law  did  not  affect  their  tenure.^  These 
facts,  however,  could  not  be  conclusive  of  the  con- 
struction of  the  law,  and  the  question  had  to  be 
argued  from  the  terms  of  the  statute. 

It  was  declared  that  the  secretary  of  war  should 
hold  his  office  for  and  during  the  term  of  the 
President  by  whom  he  was  appointed.  Mr.  Stan- 
ton's commission  bore  the  date  January  11,  1862, 
and  was  signed  by  President  Lincoln.  In  common 
with  Messrs.  Seward,  McCullough  and  Welles, 
he  had  continued  without  specific  reappointment 
either  by  Lincoln,  after  his  second  inauguration, 
or  by  Johnson.  The  question  presented,  then,  was 
whether  they  were  still  serving  in  the  term  of 
President  Lincoln.  A  vast  amount  of  metaphysi- 
cal subtlety  was  expended  on  the  solution  of  this 
problem  so  far  as  it  involved  the  definition  of  the 
word  *'term."  It  was  pretty  generally  agreed,  in 
the  first  place,  that  a  Presidential  term  ended  and 
a  new  one  began  on  the  fourth  day  of  March,  in 
every  fourth  year  after  1789.  The  Vice-President 
is  chosen  for  the  same  term  as  the  President. 
Was  Johnson  then  serving  in  his  own  term  or  in 
that  of  Lincoln  }  As  far  as  the  mere  time  was 
concerned,  apparently  in  both.  But  the  crucial 
query  was  as  to  whether  the  words  "term  of  the 
President  by  whom  appointed"  referred  to  the 
time  for  which  a  man  was  chosen   President,  or 

1  Johnson's  message  to  the  Senate,  Dec.  12,  1867;  Trial,  p.  20. 


the  time  during  which  he  actually  filled  the  office. 
In  other  words,  whether  the  essence  of  the  expres- 
sion which  fixed  the  cabinet's  term,  was  in  the 
office  of  President,  or  in  the  man  who  filled  it? 
If  the  former,  Stanton  was  entitled  to  hold  on  till 
April  5,  1869;  if  the  latter,  he  had  no  claim  to  his 

The  best  method  of  determining  the  disputed 
point  was  to  look  at  the  intendment  of  the  proviso. 
The  managers  held  that  it  was  designed  merely  to 
enable  each  President,  on  assuming  office,  to  get 
rid  of  his  predecessor's  cabinet.  If  a  President 
was  re-elected,  as  Lincoln  had  been,  the  tenure  of 
his  cabinet  officers  was  not  interrupted.  **Term 
of  the  President,"  they  argued,  meant  the  whole 
time  during  which  the  same  individual  was  as- 
signed to  the  office.  Stanton,  therefore,  having 
been  appointed  by  Lincoln,  was  entitled  to  his 
office  for  the  whole  time  for  which  Lincoln  was 
chosen,  and  one  month  more.  Johnson  had  no 
term  as  President.  He  merely  exercised  the  duties 
of  President  in  the  term  for  which  he  was  chosen 
Vice-President.  As  against  this  argument  of  the 
managers  the  defence  held  that  the  intent  of  the 
act  was  to  give  each  President  a  chance  to  choose 
once    his   constitutional   advisers.      Johnson    was 

1  For  a  bit  of  verbal  analysis  that  would  do  credit  to  a  mediaeval 
dialectician,  see  Edmunds'  opinion,  Trial,  p.  426.  The  learned 
senator  deduces  his  conclusions  chiefly  from  a  construction  put 
upon  the  word  "  of." 


President.  It  was  now  too  late  to  hold  that  he 
was  only  acting-President ;  Tyler's  course  had  set- 
tled that  point.  Such  being  the  case,  Stanton's 
term  had  expired  in  May,  1865;  and  the  office 
of  secretary  of  war  never  having  been  filled  by 
Johnson,  he  had  the  right  under  the  plain  meaning 
of  the  law  to  get  rid  of  his  predecessor's  appointee 
and  secure  one  to  his  liking. 

This  proviso  was  in  fact  one  of  those  cases  so 
common  in  the  history  of  our  legislation,  where, 
upon  vital  disagreement  between  the  houses,  a 
conference  committee  has  finally  reported  a  com- 
promise that  can  be  construed  to  satisfy  either  of 
the  conflicting  interests.  It  is  sufficient  to  observe 
here  that  the  doubts  raised  about  this  clause  pre- 
vented a  direct  issue  on  the  much  more  important 
constitutional  question.  Even  those  who  held 
Johnson  guilty  in  other  respects,  could  scarcely 
vote  to  remove  him  from  office  for  the  mere  adop- 
tion of  a  possible  interpretation  of  so  uncertain  an 
expression  as  that  of  the  proviso. 

After  the  charge  of  unlawful  removal,  and  the 
accusations  incidental  thereto,  the  next  high  mis- 
demeanor alleged  against  the  President  was  the 
authorization  given  to  Thomas  to  act  as  secretary 
of  war  ad  interim.  This  was  assailed  as  a  viola- 
tion of  the  constitution  and  of  the  laws  and  also  as 
done  without  authority  of  law. 

The  practice  of  temporary  appointments  to 
offices  made  vacant  by  unexpected  contingencies 


was  a  long-established  one,  and  had  been  made  the 
subject  of  regulation  by  law  on  three  different  occa- 
sions prior  to  the  passage  of  the  Tenure-of-Office 
Act.  It  is  not  important  to  follow  the  discussions 
on  the  legal  questions  involved  in  the  interpreta- 
tion of  these  laws.^  The  only  constitutional  ques- 
tion that  arose  was,  whether  the  executive  had 
power  to  evade  the  advisory  right  of  the  Senate 
by  repeated  ad  i7iterim  appointments.  Mr.  John- 
son did  not  claim  that  power.  His  designation  of 
Thomas  was,  indeed,  without  limitation  as  to  time ; 
but  the  nomination  of  Thomas  Ewing,  Sr.,  of  Ohio, 
as  secretary  of  war,  had  been  sent  in  to  the  Sen- 
ate on  the  next  day  after  Stanton's  removal.  The 
intention  to  evade  the  constitutional  requirement 

1  The  whole  case  from  the  President's  standpoint,  both  as  to  the 
law  and  the  practice,  is  summed  up  in  a  message  of  Buchanan  to 
the  Senate,  of  January  15,  1861.  It  was  in  reply  to  a  request  for 
information  in  regard  to  the  appointment  of  an  ad  interim  secre- 
tary of  war  in  place  of  Floyd,  resigned.  The  message  was  accom- 
panied by  a  list  of  appointments  showing  the  practice  in  the  matter. 
This  whole  document  was  put  in  evidence  by  counsel  for  Mr.  John- 
son. Trial,  p.  191.  Subsequently  to  the  action  of  Mr.  Buchanan 
a  new  law  had  been  enacted  in  reference  to  the  matter,  and  the 
main  point  in  discussion  was  whether  this  later  act  repealed  the 
previous  legislation.  See  12  Statutes  at  Large,  p.  656.  It  was 
here  enacted  that  in  case  of  death,  resignation,  absence  from  the 
seat  of  government,  or  sickness,  of  certain  officers,  including  heads 
of  departments,  the  President  might  authorize  any  other  corre- 
sponding officer  of  either  of  the  departments  to  perform  the  duties 
of  the  office,  but  for  not  more  than  six  months.  The  defence 
held  that  this  did  not  apply  to  vacancies  caused  by  removal.  See 
also  I  Statutes  at  Large,  p.  415. 


was  thus  made  very  doubtful,  to  say  the  least.  A 
point  strongly  pressed  by  the  managers  was  that 
the  President  ought  not  to  be  permitted  to  make 
ad  interim  appointments  while  the  Senate  was  in 
session,  to  fill  vacancies  created  by  his  own  action. 
The  records  reveal  few  precedents  of  this  sort,  and 
it  is  undeniably  a  convenient  path  to  usurpation. 
The  laws  regulating  ad  interim  appointments  say 
nothing  as  to  whether  or  not  the  Senate  may  be 
in  session  at  the  time  the  vacancy  occurs ;  but  in 
specifying  the  causes  by  which  temporary  vacan- 
cies are  produced,  reference  is  made  only  to  death, 
resignation,  absence  from  the  seat  of  government, 
or  sickness  —  that  is,  to  contingencies  not  under 
the  control  of  the  President;  and  by  act  of  1863, 
the  ad  interim  appointment  is  limited  to  a  period 
of  six  months.  It  is  obvious  that  these  limitations 
are  well  founded,  and  that  the  spirit  of  the  legisla- 
tion, as  well  as  of  the  constitution,  is  opposed  to 
Mr.  Johnson's  claim  that  the  power  of  removal 
included  the  power  of  indefinite  suspension. 


The  trial  proper  was  terminated,  with  Manager 
Bingham's  argument,  on  the  6th  of  May.  It  had 
become  evident  by  that  time  that  the  legal  case  of 
the  prosecution  had  not  the  strength  it  was  at  first 
supposed  to  have.  Serious  indications  of  disaffec- 
tion had  appeared  in  the  Republican  ranks.     The 


radical  majority  determined  to  pass  over  the  doubt- 
ful charges  and  get  a  vote  first  on  those  which 
were  most  likely  to  be  successful.  Careful  con- 
sideration convinced  them  that  the  last  article  in 
order,  the  eleventh,  promised  a  result  the  most  sat- 
isfactory to  the  prosecution.  As  has  been  stated 
above,  the  gravamen  of  the  charge  in  this  article 
was  an  attempt  to  defeat  the  execution  of  the 
Tenure-of-Office  Act.  But  the  essence  of  the 
attempt  was  alleged  to  consist  in  either  the  re- 
moval of  Stanton  or  the  appointment  of  Thomas, 
or  in  both  together.  The  article,  moreover,  was 
so  framed  as  to  allege  the  President's  opposition 
to  military  reconstruction  as  incidental  to  the 
attempt  charged.  Such  an  article  might  reason- 
ably be  expected  to  secure  the  greatest  vote  for 
conviction.  It  was  therefore  brought  up  for  ac- 
tion first.  Amid  the  most  intense  excitement  the 
vote  was  taken  May  i6th.  The  result  was:  guilty, 
35;  not  guilty,  19.  Seven  regular  Republicans^ 
stood  with  the  twelve  opposition  senators  for  ac- 
quittal. The  opinions  filed  by  these  seven  leave  no 
room  for  doubt  that  the  danger  which  threatened 
the  balance  of  the  constitutional  system  was  the 
motive  which  most  largely  influenced  their  verdict. 

Once  set  the   example  [said  Trumbull]  of  impeaching  a 
President  for  what,  when  the  excitement  of  the  hour  shall 

1  These  Republicans  were  Fessenden,  Fowler,  Grimes,  Hender- 
son, Ross,  Trumbull  and  Van  Winkle. 


have  subsided,  will  be  regarded  as  insufficient  causes  .  .  . 
and  no  future  President  will  be  safe  who  happens  to  differ 
with  a  majority  of  the  House  and  two  thirds  of  the  Senate  on 
any  measure  deemed  by  them  important,  particularly  if  of  a 
political  character.  Blinded  by  partisan  zeal,  with  such  an 
example  before  them,  they  will  not  scruple  to  remove  out  of 
the  way  any  obstacle  to  the  accomplishment  of  their  pur- 
poses, and  what  then  becomes  of  the  checks  and  balances 
of  the  constitution,  so  carefully  devised,  and  so  vital  to  its 
perpetuity  ?  ^ 

The  radicals  were  greatly  chagrined  at  this  ver- 
dict, especially  as  they  had  come  within  a  single 
vote  of  success  in  their  purpose.  A  recess  of  ten 
days  was  taken,  during  which  vigorous  but  not 
very  hopeful  efforts  were  made  to  overcome  the 
scruples  of  the  Republican  dissidents.  The  second 
and  third  articles,  concerning  the  appointment  of 
Thomas,  were  the  only  ones  left  that  gave  the 
slightest  hope  of  success.  The  legal  case  on 
these,  especially  the  latter,  was  considered  to  be 
very  strong.  On  the  26th  of  May  the  vote  was 
taken,  but  with  the  same  result  as  before.  It  was 
clear  that  the  plan  to  oust  the  President  had  failed. 

After  the  announcement  of  this  vote,  the  Senate, 
sitting  as  a  court  of  impeachment  for  the  trial  of 
Andrew  Johnson,  adjourned  sine  die.  On  the  same 
day,  Mr.  Stanton  addressed  to  the  President  a  note 
in  these  terms : 

Sir  :  —  The  resolution  of  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 
of  the  2 1  St  of  February  last,  declaring  that  the  President ''  has 
1  Trial,  p.  420. 


no  power  to  remove  the  secretary  of  war  and  designate  any 
other  officer  to  perform  the  duties  of  that  office  ad  interim^"^ 
having  this  day  failed  to  be  supported  by  two  thirds  of  the 
senators  present  and  voting  on  the  articles  of  impeachment 
preferred  against  you  by  the  House  of  Representatives,  I  have 
relinquished  charge  of  the  War  Department,  and  have  left  the 
same,  and  the  books,  archives,  papers  and  property,  hereto- 
fore in  my  custody  as  secretary  of  war,  in  care  of  Brevet 
Major-General  Townsend,  the  senior  assistant  adjutant- 
general,  subject  to  your  direction. 

(Signed)  Edwin  M.  Stanton, 

Secretary  of  War. 

The  President  having  meanwhile  nominated 
General  Schofield  as  secretary  of  war,  "in  place 
of  Edwin  M.  Stanton,  removed,"  the  Senate,  on 
May  29th,  passed  a  resolution  confirming  the 
appointment,  but  preceded  by  a  preamble  declar- 
ing that  Stanton  had  not  been  legally  removed 
from  his  office,  but  had  "  relinquished  his  place 
as .  secretary  of  war  for  causes  stated  in  his  note 
to  the  President."  With  this  final  shot,  the  crisis 
of  the  conflict  between  Johnson  and  the  radical 
Congress  ended.  The  radicals  retired,  and  the 
President  was  left  in  possession  of  the  field. 

As  a  mere  matter  of  partisan  politics,  it  is  now 
generally  conceded  that  the  impeachment  was  a 
mistake.  In  the  view  of  constitutional  history, 
the  impeachment  must  be  considered  as  marking 
the  utmost  limit  of  the  sharp  reaction  which  fol- 
lowed the  sudden  and  enormous  concentration  of 
power   in   the   executive   department   during   the 


Stress  of  arms.  Since  1868  the  progress  toward 
the  normal  equilibrium  of  forces  has  been  con- 
stant. With  the  accession  of  President  Grant,  in 
1869,  the  most  offensive  clauses  of  the  Tenure-of- 
Office  Act  were  repealed.  Twenty  years  later,  the 
whole  act,  having  become  practically  obsolete,  was 
struck  from  the  statute-book  almost  without  oppo- 
sition. The  single  vote  by  which  Andrew  John- 
son escaped  conviction  marks  the  narrow  margin  ^ 
by  which  the  Presidential  element  in  our  system 
escaped  destruction.  It  is  highly  improbable  that 
circumstances  so  favorable  to  the  removal  of  a 
President  on  political  grounds  will  again  arise. 
For  better  or  for  worse,  the  co-ordinate  position 
of  the  executive  has  become  a  permanent  feature 
of  the  constitution. 

'^  The  margin  was  not  in  fact  quite  so  narrow  as  it  appeared. 
Two  senators  who  actually  voted  "guilty"  had  pledged  themselves 
to  vote  "  not  guilty  "  in  case  such  vote  should  be  indispensable  to 


In  respect  to  the  question  of  ultimate  political 
supremacy  under  the  constitution  of  the  United 
States,  the  result  of  the  Civil  War  gave  an  answer 
that  was  decisive.  No  argument  based  in  any 
particular  upon  the  principle  of  state-sovereignty 
can  ever  again  be  tolerated  in  the  arena  of  con- 
stitutional debate.  Our  fundamental  law  must 
always  henceforth  be  viewed  as  the  expression  of 
a  nation's  will.  There  is  abundant  room  for  dif- 
ference of  opinion  as  to  the  extent  of  the  authority 
that  is  entrusted  to  the  government  by  the  people; 
there  is  food  for  endless  controversy  in  the  distri- 
bution of  powers  among  the  many  governmental 
organizations,  and  among  the  various  departments 
of  each  ;  but  the  right  of  any  particular  community 
to  maintain  its  own  idea  on  either  of  these  points 
against  the  contrary  assertion  of  the  organ  of  the 
whole  people  will  never  again  call  for  recognition. 
The  conviction  in  the  South  that  the  state  had 
absolute  rights  as  against  the  nation  was  well 
known  to  be  the  basis  of  the  secession  movement 
and   the   source   of   the   country's   woes.     PubHc 



opinion  in  the  victorious  section  demanded  as 
the  first  fruit  of  its  triumph  the  annihilation  of 
every  principle  upon  which  the  pernicious  dogma 
could  possibly  find  support.  Hence  the  sweep- 
ing invasion  by  national  legislation  of  the  region 
hitherto  deemed  sacred  to  state  rights.  Hence  the 
culminating  doctrine  that  resistance  to  the  will  of 
the  nation  instantly  divests  the  state  of  all  rights 

In  the  circumstances  of  the  time  it  was  a  very 
easy  matter  to  legislate  away  what  had  been 
claimed  to  be  rights  of  the  states.  To  provide  for 
the  permanence  of  the  legislation  required  care. 
The  last  three  amendments  to  the  constitution, 
especially  the  fourteenth,  make  a  number  of  ex- 
tremely important  powers  irrecoverable.  Besides 
these,  the  precedents  of  the  mere  legislation 
oppose  a  substantial  barrier  to  any  future  demon- 
stration against  the  central  stronghold.  Among 
the  less  prominent  features  of  this  barrier  was  the 
series  of  acts  which  has  suggested  the  subject  of 
this  paper.  Between  the  outbreak  of  the  war  and 
the  close  of  the  reconstruction  two  new  states 
were  admitted  to  the  Union,  and  eleven  of  the  old 
states  were  restored  to  the  constitutional  relations 
which  were  broken  off  by  secession.  In  both  the 
acts  admitting  the  new  states  and  those  restoring 
the  old,  the  operation  of  the  laws  was  made  con- 
tingent upon  the  acceptance  by  the  states  of  cer- 
tain  fundamental  conditions.      The  mere  fact  of 


conditions  in  an  act  of  admission  was  no  novelty  ; 
the  content,  however,  of  those  under  consideration 
was  in  a  large  measure  unprecedented,  and  was 
wholly  significant  of  the  times.  In  the  discussion 
of  the  matter,  the  ancient  dogma  that  all  the  states 
of  the  Union  are  constitutionally  endowed  with 
precisely  equal  powers  was  subjected  to  a  careful 
examination  in  the  light  of  the  modern  conceptions 
of  our  system.  Under  the  influence  of  the  state- 
sovereignty  theory,  the  principle  had  been  gener- 
ally considered  axiomatic.  But  now,  like  so  many 
other  monuments  of  the  ante-bellicm  system,  it 
was  boldly  attacked  and  was  threatened  with  utter 

It  is  the  purpose  of  this  paper  to  determine  not 
so  much  whether  the  states  ought  to  be  equal  in 
powers,  but  whether,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  they  are 
equal,  under  the  authoritative  construction  up  to 
date  of  the  constitution  and  the  laws.  The  method 
adopted  will  be,  first,  to  examine  historically  the  pro- 
cess of  admitting  states  to  the  Union,  and,  second, 
to  discuss  the  bearing  of  the  process  upon  the  rela- 
tions of  the  states  to  the  general  government. 

The  germ  of  the  doctrine  of  equal  states  and 
the  model  for  all  the  pertinent  provisions  of  ante- 
bellum legislation  in  admitting  new  members  to 
the  Union  are  found  in  the  various  acts  by  which 


the  United  States,  under  the  Articles  of  Confed- 
eration, acquired  dominion  and  established  govern- 
ment in  the  great  region  between  the  Alleghanies 
and  the  Mississippi.  In  1784  Virginia  executed 
the  deed  of  cession  by  which  all  her  claim  to 
lands  northwest  of  the  Ohio  River  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  United  States.^  The  cession,  how- 
ever, was  conditional.  It  was  stipulated  that  the 
ceded  region  should  be  laid  out  and  formed  into 
states,  and  that  the  states  so  formed  should  be  dis- 
tinct republican  states,  and  should  be  "admitted  as 
members  of  the  Federal  Union,  having  the  same 
rights  of  sovereignty,  freedom  and  independence 
as  the  other  states."  Other  stipulations  also  were 
inserted,  looking  to  the  security  of  certain  land- 
grants  previously  made  by  Virginia,  and  all  were 
formally  accepted  by  the  Congress.  The  latter 
body  had  indeed  willingly  offered  the  pledge  to 
form  the  territory  into  equal  states  as  an  induce- 
ment to  the  states  to  make  the  much  desired 
cessions.2  It  thus  appears  that  the  principle  of 
equality  between  the  original  and  the  newer  states 
finds  its  first  expression  as  an  indispensable  pre- 
requisite to  an  enormous  increase  of  the  central 
government's  dignity  and  power. 

Shortly  after  the  cession  of  the  territory  north- 
west of  the  Ohio,  the  Congress  provided  by  reso- 
lution for  its  government.     This  act  of  1784  was 

1  Poore,  Federal  and  State  Constitutions,  I,  427-8. 

2  Story,  Commentaries,  sec.  131 6. 


the  immediate  predecessor  of  the  more  famous 
ordinance  passed  three  years  later.  Its  provi- 
sions are  of  interest  as  embodying  certain  forms 
of  compact  which  have  appeared  in  almost  every 
act  of  admission  up  to  the  present  day.  After 
a  description  of  the  process  by  which  the  new 
states  to  be  formed  in  the  territory  should  be- 
come full-fledged  members  of  the  Union,  a  series 
of  clauses  was  recited  which  were  to  stand  as  a 
compact  between  the  United  States  and  each  of 
the  new  states,  unalterable  except  by  common 
consent.  These  clauses  provided  that  the  states 
should  forever  remain  a  part  of  the  Confederacy, 
that  they  should  in  no  case  interfere  with  the  dis- 
posal of  the  soil  by  Congress,  that  they  should 
impose  no  tax  upon  lands  owned  by  the  United 
States,  that  their  governments  should  be  republi- 
can, and  that  the  lands  of  non-resident  proprietors 
should  not  be  taxed  higher  than  those  of  resi- 
dents before  the  state's  delegates  should  be  ad- 
mitted to  vote  in  Congress.^  When  this  law  was 
superseded  by  the  Ordinance  of  1787,  the  same 
provisions  were  included  in  the  "  articles  of  com- 
pact between  the  original  states  and  the  people 
and  states  in  the  said  territory."  They  consti- 
tuted, however,  only  a  small  proportion  of  the 
terms  in  the  new  instrument.  Among  the  addi- 
tional clauses  of  interest  to  our  investigation  were 
these :  no  person  shall  be  molested  on  account  of 

^  Curtis,  History  of  the  Constitution,  vol.  i,  p.  297. 



his  mode  of  worship  or  reHgious  sentiments ; 
navigable  rivers  must  remain  free  pubUc  high- 
ways ;  whenever  any  of  the  states  to  be  formed 
shall  have  60,000  inhabitants,  "  such  state  shall  be 
admitted  by  its  delegates  into  the  Congress  of  the 
United  States  on  an  equal  footing  with  the  origi- 
nal states  in  all  respects  whatever"  ;^  and  finally, 
the  celebrated  anti-slavery  clause  which  had  been 
voted  down  in  1784.2 

The  Ordinance  of  1787  contains  substantially 
every  provision  that  is  to  be  found,  by  way  of 
compact  or  fundamental  condition,  in  any  act  of 
admission  prior  to  the  Civil  War.  On  it  were 
based  the  forms  of  cession  and  government  by 
which  the  lands  west  of  Georgia  and  North  Caro- 
lina became  territories  of  the  United  States. 
There  was  room  for  serious  doubt  as  to  the  power 
of  the  old  Congress  to  guarantee  the  admission  of 
new  states  on  equal  terms  with  the  old.  Madison 
regarded  the  promise  in  the  Ordinance  of  1787  as 
wholly  unauthorized  by  the  Articles  of  Confedera- 
tion.^ But  a  new  condition  of  affairs  was  brought 
about  by  the  adoption  of  the  constitution  of  1787, 
and  the  re-enactment  of  the  territorial  ordinance 
by  the   new    Congress   in    1789.     There   was   no 

1  Poore,  Constitutions,  I,  432. 

2  "  There  shall  be  neither  slavery  nor  involuntary  servitude  in 
the  said  territory,  otherwise  than  in  the  punishment  of  crimes, 
whereof  the  party  shall  have  been  duly  convicted." 

«  Federalist,  No.  38,  end. 


doubt  whatever  of  the  power  of  Congress  under 
the  constitution  to  admit  states  on  an  equal  foot- 
ing with  the  original  thirteen.  The  uncertainty 
now  was  as  to  whether  the  new-comers  could 
enter  on  any  other  terms.  The  debates  in  the 
convention  revealed  considerable  soreness  among 
many  politicians  of  the  Northern  and  Eastern 
states  at  the  prospect  of  the  overwhelming  weight 
of  the  South  and  West  when  the  new  states 
should  be  well  settled.  Manifestations  of  this 
feeling  were  frequent  during  the  long  struggle 
over  the  adjustment  of  representation.^  Gouver- 
neur  Morris  was  the  most  outspoken  in  hostility 
to  the  equality  of  the  new  members  of  the  Union. 
Having  failed  in  an  effort  to  discriminate  against 
them  in  the  matter  of  representation,  he  was  more 
successful  when  the  clause  in  reference  to  the 
admission  of  new  states  came  up  for  discussion. 
As  reported  from  the  committee  of  detail,  this 
clause  provided  that  such  states  should  be  ad- 
mitted by  a  two-thirds  vote  of  Congress.  Only  in 
reference  to  those  arising  within  the  boundaries 
of  any  of  the  old  states  was  it  declared  that  they 
should  be  admitted  on  the  same  terms  with  the 
original  thirteen.  All  others  were,  by  implica- 
tion, subject  to  the  discretion  of  the  legislature. 
Morris,  however,  objected  to  limiting  this  discre- 
tion in  any  way,  and  on  his  motion  the  distinction 
was   stricken  out  and  the  clause  was  remodelled 

1  Bancroft,  History  of  the  Constitution,  II,  pp.  84,  85,  et  passim. 



in  its  present  form:  "New  states  may  be  ad- 
mitted by  Congress  into  this  Union."  i  So  far 
as  the  intention  of  this  clause  is  concerned,  there- 
fore, there  seems  to  be  no  reason  to  assert  that 
the  constitution  forbids  inequality.  Let  us  now 
review  the  practice  and  precedents  in  the  further 
growth  of  the  nation. 

Vermont  was  the  first  new  state  to  enter  the 
Union.  Her  admission  had  been  contemplated 
by  the  framers  of  the  constitution,  and  the  final 
form  of  the  clause  in  reference  to  new  states 
within  the  jurisdiction  of  the  old  had  been  deter- 
mined with  a  view  to  her  quarrel  with  New  York.^ 
Congress'  act  of  admission  consisted  of  a  simple 
statement  that  Vermont  should  be  a  member  of 
the  Union.  The  same  simplicity  characterized 
the  entrance  of  Kentucky.  This  state  originally 
formed  the  western  half  of  Virginia.  Virginia 
agreed  to  the  separation  of  the  territory  on  cer- 
tain conditions,  which  were  to  be  accepted  by 
the  latter  and  by  the  United  States.  The  act 
of  admission  simply  recognized  the  new  state. 
Tennessee  was  the  next  to  enter  the  Union.  The 
act  of  cession  by  North  Carolina  contained  about 
the  same  stipulations  as  the  instrument  by  which 
the  Northwest  Territory  was  granted  by  Virginia. 
The  act  of  admission  presented  for  the  first  time 
in  a  Congressional  enactment  the  formula:  "On 

1  Elliot's  Debates  (Lippincott,  1876),  V,  p.  493. 

2  Curtis,  Hist,  of  the  Const.,  vol.  ii,  p.  353. 


an  equal  footing  with  the  original  states  in  all  re- 
spects whatever."^  This  clause  occurs  in  either 
the  enabling  act  or  the  act  of  admission  of  every 
state  subsequently  admitted. 

The  first  state  formed  from  the  Northwest  Ter- 
ritory was  Ohio,  in  1802.  She  was  also  the  first 
to  pass  from  the  territorial  form  under  the  direc- 
tion of  an  enabling  act.  This  act  has  been  the 
model  for  all  succeeding  legislation  of  the  kind, 
and  in  it  may  be  found  provisions  that  have  since 
furnished  a  basis  for  the  claim  of  Congress'  right 
to  exact  conditions  of  an  applicant  for  admission. 
By  it  the  inhabitants  of  the  territory  included  in 
certain  designated  boundaries  were  authorized  to 
form  a  constitution  which  must  be  republican  and 
not  repugnant  to  the  Ordinance  of  1787.  These 
two  requirements  were  designed  to  fulfil  the  duty 
of  the  United  States,  first  to  the  constitution,  in 
guaranteeing  a  republican  form  of  government,  and 
second,  to  Virginia,  in  carrying  out  the  terms  of 
the  act  of  cession,  as  embodied  in  the  Ordinance 
of  1787.  The  enabling  act  then  offered  to  the 
state's  convention,  for  its  free  acceptance  or  re- 
jection, three  propositions :  first,  to  grant  to  the 
state  certain  lands  for  the  support  of  schools  ; 
second,  to  grant  to  the  state  the  salt-springs  and 
sufficient  adjacent  land  to  work  them  ;  and  third, 
to  apply  to  the  building  of  roads  and  canals  for 
the  benefit  of  the  state  five  per  cent  of  the  pro- 

1  Poore,  Constitutions,  II,  1677. 


ceeds  of  public  lands  sold  within  the  state.  These 
propositions,  if  accepted,  were  to  be  binding  upon 
the  United  States,  provided  that  the  acceptance 
should  be  accompanied  by  an  ordinance,  irrevo- 
cable without  the  consent  of  the  United  States, 
declaring  that  lands  sold  by  Congress  should  be 
exempt  from  taxation  for  a  period  of  five  years 
after  the  sale.  The  convention  accepted  the  prop- 
ositions and  the  required  ordinance  was  duly 

In  181 2,  Louisiana  became  a  state.  The  ena- 
bling act  in  this  case  laid  down  a  large  number  of 
requirements  to  which  the  constitution  of  the  new 
state  must  conform.  These  were  based  mainly 
on  the  Ordinance  of  1787,  and  were  obviously 
designed  to  counteract  any  foreign  influences  that 
might  have  taken  root  while  the  territory  was 
under  European  dominion.  No  terms  were  offered 
to  Louisiana  as  to  Ohio,  But  an  irrevocable  ordi- 
nance was  demanded,  which  should  bind  the  state 
to  substantially  the  same  stipulations  that  were 
contained  in  the  Ordinance  of  1787  in  respect  to 
unappropriated  lands  and  navigable  waters,  as  well 
as  to  the  five-year  exemption  from  taxation  of 
public  lands  sold  by  the  United  States.  There  is 
no  equivalent  whatever  offered  in  return  for  these 
demands,  and  the  peremptory  character  of  Con- 
gress' dealing  with  the  state  is  revealed  still  more 
distinctly  in  the  act  of  admission.  For  some  reason, 
the  irrevocable  ordinance  which  the  Louisiana  con- 

314  ^^E    THE   STATES  EQUAL 

vention  adopted  omitted  the  declaration  that  the 
Mississippi  and  other  navigable  rivers  should  be  free 
from  tax  or  toll.  Congress,  therefore,  made  that 
declaration  a  proviso  of  the  state's  admission,  and 
clinched  it  with  these  words  :  "  The  above  condi- 
tion, and  also  all  other  the  terms  and  conditions 
contained  in  the  third  section  of  [the  enabling  act] 
shall  be  considered,  deemed  and  taken  fundamental 
conditions  and  terms  upon  which  the  said  state  is 
incorporated  in  the  Union."  ^  Such  language  might 
be  thought  fatal  to  the  claim  of  equality  among  the 
states,  were  it  not  that,  in  the  same  section,  the  act 
declares  Louisiana  admitted  "on  an  equal  footing 
with  the  original  states  in  all  respects  whatever." 
The  legislator  could  have  joined  these  two  provi- 
sions only  on  the  understanding  that  all  the  origi- 
nal states  labored  under  the  same  restrictions  that 
were  imposed  upon  Louisiana. 

No  new  principle  appeared  in  the  admission  of 
the  next  five  states.  The  familiar  irrevocable  or- 
dinance was  a  feature  of  each  case,  except  that  of 
Maine.  Indiana,  Illinois  and  Alabama  received  an 
equivalent  for  their  concessions,  like  Ohio ;  Mis- 
sissippi followed  Louisiana  in  granting  the  ordi- 
nance absolutely.  Maine  came  in  with  the  consent 
of  Massachusetts,  and  with  no  provision  further 
than  that  of  equality  with  the  original  states. 

The  admission  of  Missouri  suggests  immedi- 
ately the  ominous  struggle  over  slavery  restriction. 

1  Poore,  Constitutions,  p.  710. 



Tallmadge's  famous  motion  ^  was  to  impose  as  an 
absolute  condition  upon  Missouri's  existence  the 
identical  proposition  which  had,  in  the  states  formed 
in  the  Northwest  Territory,  assumed  the  form  of  a 
compact.  Without  stopping  at  this  point  to  ex- 
amine the  line  of  argument  adopted  by  the  friends 
of  slavery,  it  is  sufficient  to  remark  that  the  strenu- 
ous denial  of  any  power  in  Congress  to  withhold 
from  a  new  state  a  right  possessed  by  the  original 
members  of  the  Union  was  the  position  which 
proved  most  troublesome  to  the  restrictionists. 
Only  the  boldest  spirits  ventured  to  combat  the 
proposition  that  the  nature  of  the  Union  demanded 
perfect  equality  among  its  members.  The  great 
struggle  occurred  over  the  enabling  act.  Outside 
of  the  clause  which  embodied  the  celebrated  com- 
promise, this  act  was  substantially  the  same  as 
its  immediate  predecessors.  The  resolution  ad- 
mitting the  state,  however,  presented  another  case 
of  absolute  condition.     It  declared  that 

Missouri  shall  be  admitted  into  this  Union  on  an  equal  footing 
■with  the  original  states  in  all  respects  whatever,  upon  the 
fundamental  condition,  that  the  fourth  clause  of  the  26th  sec- 
tion of  the  third  article  of  the  constitution  submitted  on  the 

1  To  amend  the  bill  for  admission  by  adding  this  clause  :  "  Pro- 
vided, That  the  further  introduction  of  slavery  or  involuntary  servi- 
tude be  prohibited,  except  for  the  punishment  of  crimes,  whereof 
the  party  shall  have  been  duly  convicted;  and  that  all  children 
born  within  the  said  state,  after  the  admission  thereof  to  the 
Union,  shall  be  free  at  the  age  of  twenty-five  years." 


part  of  said  state  to  Congress,  shall  never  be  construed  to 
authorize  the  passage  of  any  law 

that  shall  conflict,  in  short,  with  the  inter-state 
rights  of  citizens  as  provided  for  by  the  constitu- 
tion of  the  United  States.^  And  the  assent  of 
the  legislature  of  the  state  to  this  condition  was 
demanded  and  was  duly  given. 

Arkansas  organized  a  state  government  without 
waiting  for  an  enabling  act.  Congress  admitted 
her,  upon  the  express  condition  that  the  people  of 
the  state  should  not  interfere  with  the  primary  dis- 
posal of  the  public  lands,  nor  tax  them  while  United 
States  property.  This  proceeding,  however,  was 
evidently  unsatisfactory  ;  for  a  supplementary  act 
was  passed  in  which  these  same  conditions  were 
made,  with  others,  the  equivalents  for  the  custom- 
ary land  grants  for  education  and  other  public  pur- 
poses, and  were  put  in  the  form  of  an  irrevocable 
ordinance.^  The  difficulty  between  Ohio  and 
Michigan  about  their  dividing  boundary  ^  accounts 
for  the  express  condition  in  the  act  admitting  the 
latter  that  her  boundaries  shall  be  as  described  in 
the  act.  Iowa  was  admitted  on  the  fundamental 
condition  that  the  assent  of  the  township  electors 
should  be  given  to  the  act  of  admission.  From 
this  time  (1846)  to  the  admission  of  Nevada,  in  1864, 

1  3  Statutes  at  Large,  645. 

2  Poore,  Constitutions,  I,  118. 

*  Michigan,  by  Judge  Cooley,  in  American  Commonwealths 
series,  p.  214  <•/  seq. 


the  legislation  of  Congress  reveals  no  novelty 
pertinent  to  our  subject.  Every  clause  of  both 
enabling  acts  and  acts  of  admission  is  a  copy 
of  some  one  of  those  that  have   been   noticed. 

Nevada  entered  the  Union  to  the  accompa- 
niment of  Grant's  guns  on  the  Potomac  and 
Sherman's  on  the  Chattahoochee.  It  would  be 
strange  if  no  mark  of  those  fateful  times  appeared 
impressed  upon  her.  In  the  enabling  act,  we 
discover  that  her  constitution  was  required  to 
harmonize  not  only  with  the  constitution  of  the 
United  States,  but  also  with  the  principles  of  the 
Declaration  of  Independence.  Further,  the  con- 
vention was  required  to  provide  by  ordinance, 
irrevocable  without  the  consent  of  the  United 
States  and  the  people  of  the  state  :  first,  that 
there  should  be  neither  slavery  nor  involuntary 
servitude  in  the  state  ;  second,  that  there  should 
be  perfect  toleration  of  religious  sentiment ; 
and  only  third,  that  the  public  lands  should 
be  secured  to  the  United  States.  These  first 
two  provisions  were  not  absolutely  unprece- 
dented. Both  were  contained  in  the  Ordinance 
of  1787,  and  had,  therefore,  become  part  of  the 
fundamental  law  of  five  states.  But  the  special 
mention  of  them  in  an  enabling  act  was  signifi- 

It  was  left  for  Nebraska,  in  1867,  to  become  a 
state  under  an  entirely  novel  restriction.  The  act 
of  admission  was  to  take  effect 


upon  the  fundamental  condition  that  within  the  State  of 
Nebraska  there  shall  be  no  denial  of  the  elective  franchise 
or  of  any  other  right  to  any  person  because  of  race  or  color, 
excepting  Indians  not  taxed,  and  upon  the  further  funda- 
mental condition  that  the  legislature  of  said  state,  by  a 
solemn  public  act,  shall  declare  the  assent  of  said  state  to 
said  fundamental  condition. 

Colorado  (1876)  had  the  provision  for  religious 
tolerance  thrown  into  the  irrevocable  ordinance 
by  which  national  control  of  the  public  lands  was 
established.  The  grants  of  lands  for  schools, 
public  buildings,  etc.,  were  in  her  case,  as  in  that 
of  Nevada  and  Nebraska,  made  absolute  benefac- 
tions. The  two  Dakotas,  Montana  and  Washing- 
ton (1889)  and  Utah  (1895)  came  in  on  much  the 
same  terms. ^  In  their  case,  however,  the  irrevo- 
cable ordinance  that  was  required  of  each  included 
two  new  provisions  :  first,  that  public  debts  con- 
tracted under  the  territorial  form  should  be 
assumed  by  the  state ;  and  second,  that  a  public 
school  system  should  be  established,  open  to  all 
children  of  the  state  and  free  from  sectarian 
control.  And  in  the  act  relating  to  Utah  the 
peculiar  circumstances  of  her  history  were  sug- 
gested by  the  proviso,  attached  to  the  require- 
ment of  religious  toleration,  that  ''polygamous,  or 
plural,  marriages  are  forever  prohibited."  Like 
the  institution  which  made  it  necessary,  this  pro- 
vision is  unique  in  our  history.     Idaho  and  Wyo- 

1  25  Statutes  at  Large,  676  ;  28  Ibid.,  107. 


ming  (1890)  escaped  all  conditions,  whether  in  form 
or  in  substance.^ 

This  completes  the  review  of  the  legislation 
upon  the  addition  of  new  states.  It  remains  now 
to  consider  the  case  of  the  so-called  rebel  states, 
which  were  declared  by  Congress  to  have  for- 
feited, by  the  attempted  secession,  all  rights 
guaranteed  by  the  constitution  to  members  of 
the  Union.  By  act  of  March  2,  1867,  Congress 
announced  the  circumstances  under  which  the 
forfeited  rights  would  be  restored.  Later  acts 
provided  for  carrying  out  the  proposed  plan  of 
reconstruction.  Tennessee  had  previously  been 
admitted,  upon  conforming  voluntarily  to  the  gen- 
eral lines  of  Congress'  desire.  Of  the  other  ten, 
all  but  three  were  finally  admitted  to  representa- 
tion in  Congress,  as  states  of  the  Union,  upon  the 
fundamental  condition  that  their  constitutions 
should  never  be  so  amended  as  to  deprive  any 
citizen  or  class  of  citizens  of  the  right  to  vote, 
except  as  a  punishment  for  crime.  Virginia, 
Mississippi  and  Texas  were  delayed  in  fulfilling 
the  requirements  of  Congress  ;  as  a  consequence 
the  ardor  of  the  advocates  of  conditions  rose  in  the 
meantime  to  such  an  extent  that  two  additional 
limitations  on  the  equality  of  those  states  were 
imposed ;  the  first  forbade  any  law  excluding 
negroes  from  the  right  to  hold  office ;  the  second 
forbade  any  amendment  of  the  state  constitution 

1  26  Statutes  at  Large,  215,  222. 


that  should  deprive  negroes  of  equal  school  privi- 
leges with  the  whites.^ 

From  this  survey  of  the  practice  since  the 
United  States  became  an  independent  nation,  one 
fact  stands  out  very  distinctly,  and  that  is,  that 
Congress,  whether  authorized  by  the  constitution 
or  not,  has,  in  the  exercise  of  its  power  to  admit 
new  states,  imposed  conditions  on  the  applicants, 
and  that  too,  both  in  substance  and  in  express 
terms.  It  is  equally  undeniable  that,  if  these 
conditions  are  valid,  and  if  by  virtue  of  them 
rights  are  withheld  that  are  enjoyed  by  the  origi- 
nal states,  the  ancient  dogma  that  this  is  a  union 
of  equal  states  is  without  foundation  in  constitu- 
tional law.  The  first  question  then  that  must 
command  our  attention  is  this  :  Are  the  laws  of 
Congress  imposing  conditions  upon  new  states,  in 
accordance  with  the  constitution  of  the  United 
States  ? 


The  conditions  that  we  have  found  in  our  ex- 
amination may  be  grouped  in  respect  to  their  form 
in  three  classes  as  follows  :  first,  compacts,  which, 
by  unconstrained  agreement,  limit  not  only  the 
states  but  also  the  United  States  in  specified  par- 
ticulars ;  second,  conditions  upon  admission  which 
are    absolute    in   form,  but    which    are    explicitly 

1  McPherson,  History  of  the  Reconstruction,  p.  573  et  seq.  Cf. 
ante,  p.  235  et  seq. 


conditions  precedent,  and  hence  exhaust  their 
force  at  the  moment  the  admission  is  perfected 
—  as  for  example,  that  which  required  the  ante- 
cedent consent  of  the  township  electors  in  Iowa ; 
and  third,  absolute  conditions  whose  force  is  ob- 
viously intended  to  be  permanent,  and  forever  to 
restrict  the  power  of  the  state.  The  best  example 
of  this  last  class  is  the  prohibition  of  the  recon- 
structed states  ever  to  amend  their  constitutions 
in  certain  respects. 

The  subjects  in  respect  to  which  Congress  has 
enacted  permanent  limitations  may  be  grouped 
under  seven  heads  :  first,  public  lands ;  second,  navi- 
gable waters ;  third,  inter-state  rights  of  United 
States  citizens  ;  fourth,  the  principles  of  civil  and 
religious  liberty ;  fifth,  public  debts  of  the  states ; 
sixth,  the  public  school  system  ;  and  seventh, 
equality  in  political  and  civil  rights. 

Let  us  now  ascertain  upon  what  grants  of  power 
in  the  constitution  the  right  of  Congress  rests  to 
legislate  in  each  of  these  forms  and  upon  each  of 
these  subjects.  And  first,  is  Congress  authorized 
to  make  a  compact  with  a  state  of  the  Union, 
either  existing  or  in  embryo }  The  theory  of  our 
system  is  that  the  central  government  is  one  of 
strictly  limited  powers.  For  the  definition  of  such 
powers  as  it  has,  only  the  constitution  is  to  be 
consulted.  By  that  instrument  Congress  is  estab- 
lished as  a  law-making  body.  Especial  care  is 
taken  to  prevent  the  effectiveness  of  any  action 



of  the  two  houses  under  any  other  form  than  that 
specifically  laid  down  in  the  constitution.  Every 
order,  resolution  and  vote  must  be  in  fact  a  law.^ 
In  the  same  way,  a  compact  to  which  Congress  is 
a  party  can  have  no  extraordinary  force  on  account 
of  its  special  form.  It  is  nothing  more  or  less 
than  a  law.  The  agreement  by  the  state  to  its 
terms  adds  nothing  to  its  efficacy.  Its  validity 
can  be  tested  only  by  the  constitution.  If  Con- 
gress is  authorized  to  enact  that  a  certain  regula- 
tion shall  take  effect  upon  the  performance  of  some 
act  by  a  certain  community,  it  is  authorized  to  en- 
force the  regulation  without  regard  to  such  act. 
A  compact  must  be  regarded  then,  so  far  as  Con- 
gress is  concerned,  simply  as  a  law.  The  question 
as  to  Congress'  right  to  enter  into  a  compact  with 
a  state  becomes  merely  a  question  as  to  the  con- 
stitutional power  of  the  national  legislature  to 
enact  a  law  involving  the  same  principles.  Our 
examination  of  the  validity  of  the  compacts  which 
are  supposed  to  create  inequalities  among  the 
states  must  therefore  deal  with  the  substance 
rather  than  the  form.  We  must  ascertain  under 
what  grant  of  power  in  the  constitution  the  various 
terms  of  the  acts  were  enacted. 

Conditions  precedent  to  admission  must  be 
treated  on  the  same  principle.  The  constitution 
itself,  however,  renders  discussion  of  these  prac- 
tically of  no  importance  to  our  subject.     Any  act 

1  Constitution,  art.  i,  sec.  7. 


of  Congress  which  affects  United  States  territory 
only  before  its  assumption  of  the  state  form  may  be 
justified  under  the  plenary  power  granted  by  article 
four,  section  three. ^  The  violent  and  protracted 
controversy  as  to  the  construction  of  this  clause  in 
connection  with  the  slavery  question  may  be  con- 
sidered to  have  been  settled  by  the  Civil  War. 
In  spite  of  the  contrary  opinion  in  the  Dred  Scott 
Case,  the  power  of  Congress  to  make  rules  and 
regulations  concerning  the  territories  will  be  gen- 
erally conceded  now  to  be  unlimited  save  by  the 
express  prohibitions  of  the  constitution.  Condi- 
tions, therefore,  which  prescribe  certain  acts  by 
either  the  people  or  the  government  of  a  territory 
as  preliminary  to  admission  as  a  state,  are  wholly 
within  the  power  of  the  national  legislature. 

An  entirely  different  principle  is  involved  in  the 
matter  of  conditions  subsequent,  i.e.,  restrictions 
imposed  while  the  territorial  form  prevailed,  but 
intended  to  be  of  binding  force  after  the  assumption 
of  the  state  dignity.  The  solution  of  the  problem 
here  is  very  similar  to  that  in  the  case  of  compacts. 
The  condition  is  only  a  law  of  Congress  and  has 
no  greater  force  than  any  other  law.  The  validity 
of  the  law  depends  on  the  constitutional  authority 
for  it ;  or,  in  short,  upon  the  substance  rather  than 
the  form.     It  is  held  by  some,  however,  that  by 

1  "The  Congress  shall  have  power  to  dispose  of,  and  make  all 
needful  rules  and  regulations  respecting,  the  territory  or  other  prop- 
erty belonging  to  the  United  States." 

324  ^RE    THE   STATES  EQUAL 

the  wording  of  the  constitution,  Congress  is  given 
unlimited  control  over  the  substance  of  the  admit- 
ting act.  "  New  states  may  be  admitted  by  Con- 
gress into  this  Union,"  is  the  form  the  clause 
takes.  It  has  been  shown  above  that  the  probable 
intention  of  Gouverneur  Morris  in  thus  phrasing  it 
was  to  leave  room  for  an  implication  of  power  in 
Congress  to  impose  conditions  upon  new  states. 
The  probability  of  such  a  purpose  becomes  cer- 
tainty in  the  light  of  a  letter  written  by  Morris  in 
1803.  "I  always  thought,"  he  says,  "when  we 
should  acquire  Canada  \sic\  and  Louisiana,  it 
would  be  proper  to  govern  them  as  provinces  and 
allow  them  no  voice  in  our  counsels.  In  wording 
the  third  section  of  the  fourth  article,  I  went  so 
far  as  circumstances  would  permit  to  establish  the 
exclusion."  He  significantly  continues  :  "  Candor 
obliges  me  to  add  my  belief  that  had  it  been  more 
pointedly  expressed,  a  strong  opposition  would 
have  been  made."^  At  the  time  of  Louisiana's 
admission  as  a  state,  in  1811-12,  the  Federalists 
made  a  violent  resistance  to  the  equality  clause, 
and  Josiah  Quincy  went  so  far  as  to  assert  his 
solemn  conviction  that  the  admission  of  new  states 
from  acquired  territory  on  equal  terms  with  the 
old,  was  sufficient  ground  for  a  dissolution  of  the 
Union.  The  principle,  however,  was  established, 
and  continued  in  practice  down  to  the  Civil  War, 

1  Quoted  by   Judge   Campbell    in   the    Dred   Scott    Case;    19 
Howard,  507. 


of  not  making  the  implication  for  which  Morris  so 
craftily  left  room. 

With  the  tide  of  loose  construction  that  set  in 
with  1 86 1,  the  usage  in  this  matter  shared  the  fate 
of  so  many  others.  While  the  doctrine  of  un- 
limited Congressional  discretion  as  to  conditions 
upon  a  state's  admission  cannot  be  said  to  be  defi- 
nitely established,  yet  it  is  beyond  doubt  that  such 
an  idea  finds  support  in  a  very  respectable  body  of 
constitutional  lawyers.  The  argument  of  the  sup- 
porters of  this  theory  is  that  Congress  is  the  agent 
of  the  nation  in  creating  political  corporations 
called  states.  Through  the  constitution,  the  nation 
has  given  Congress  a  discretion  as  to  the  powers  it 
may  confer  on  such  corporations,  limited  only  by 
the  positive  prohibitions  of  the  fundamental  law. 
There  is  nothing  in  the  constitution  requiring  that 
the  states  shall  be  equal.  The  character  of  each 
corporation  is  impressed  upon  it  by  the  special  act 
by  which  it  is  admitted.  No  court  can  go  behind 
the  provisions  of  such  an  act  to  apply  any  extra- 
constitutional  theory  that  all  states  have  equal 
rights.  In  respect  to  such  powers  and  duties  as 
are  positively  ascribed  to  the  states  by  the  consti- 
tution, there  is,  of  course,  equality.  Every  state  is 
entitled  to  an  equal  representation  in  the  Senate, 
and  to  a  proportionate  number  of  members  in  the 
House  of  Representatives.  Every  state,  whether 
new  or  old,  is  equally  entitled  to  the  guarantee  of 
a  republican  form   of  government.     But   beyond 


such  clearly  defined  rights,  Congress  may  deter- 
mine as  it  pleases  the  degree  of  restriction  which 
it  deems  best  for  any  particular  community.^ 

In  opposition  to  this  view,  the  older  theory  main- 
tains that  the  equality  of  rights  in  the  states  is 
distinctly  embodied  in  the  constitution.  Even  if 
the  above  stated  construction  of  the  clause  about 
the  admission  of  states  were  good,  it  must  be  modi- 
fied by  the  amendments  which  have  been  added  to 
the  original  instrument.  Article  ten  of  these 
amendments  declares  that  "the  powers  not  dele- 
gated to  the  United  States  by  the  constitution, 
nor  prohibited  by  it  to  the  states,  are  reserved 
to  the  states  respectively,  or  to  the  people."  This 
does  not  say  "to  the  old  states,"  or  "to  some  of 
the  states,"  but  "to  the  states";  and  it  would  be 
palpably  erroneous  to  construe  this  expression  to 
refer  to  less  than  every  state  in  the  Union.  But 
if  this  is  the  case,  any  state  can  claim  every  right 
that  is  not  delegated  to  the  United  States  or  pro- 
hibited to  the  states.  In  short,  the  instant  a  com- 
munity becomes  entitled  to  the  name  of  state,  it 
has  every  power  that  is  exercised  by  any  other 
community  bearing  that  name.  A  court,  in  decid- 
ing upon  a  state's  right  to  exercise  a  given  power, 
must  look  not  to  the  act  of  admission,  but  to  the 

1  See  debates  on  the  admission  of  Nebraska,  Cong.  Globe,  2d 
sess.,  39th  Congress.  The  subject  was  most  exhaustively  debated, 
also,  in  connection  with  the  bills  restoring  the  rebel  states  to  repre- 
sentation, in  1868-70. 


constitution  under  which  this  act  of  admission  was 
passed.  If  the  power  in  question  is  not  delegated 
to  the  United  States  by  the  constitution  nor  pro- 
hibited by  it  to  the  states,  it  rightfully  belongs  to 
the  state,  anything  in  the  act  of  Congress  to  the 
contrary  notwithstanding.  But  without  reference 
to  this  amendment,  the  clause  respecting  admis- 
sion, it  is  maintained,  will  not  bear  the  construc- 
tion sought  to  be  put  upon  it.  This  clause  does 
not  authorize  Congress  to  create  states,  but  to 
admit  them.  The  creation  of  the  state  is  antece- 
dent to  the  admission,  and  springs  from  the  will  of 
the  people  inhabiting  the  territory.  The  enabling 
act  merely  puts  the  stamp  of  the  nation's  approval 
upon  the  expression  of  this  will.  This  may  be, 
and  in  many  cases  has  been,  dispensed  with.  The 
genius  of  our  institutions  does  not  recognize  the 
possibility  of  forever  withholding  from  a  commu- 
nity desiring  it,  the  privilege  of  local  self-govern- 
ment under  the  constitution. 

It  must  be  confessed  that,  with  all  the  strength 
of  this  theory,  the  derivation  of  the  right  to  the 
state  form  from  the  genius  of  our  institutions,  or, 
as  some  have  it,  from  the  nature  of  things,  is  a 
little  unsatisfactory.  The  foundation  is  a  trifle 
too  shadowy  for  the  very  substantial  structure  that 
rests  upon  it. 

No  case  has  ever  been  decided  by  the  Supreme 
Court  in  such  form  as  to  settle  definitely  which 
of  these  two  conflicting:  theories  is  correct.     As 


might  be  supposed,  a  very  strong  leaning  towards 
the  latter  is  discernible  in  several  opinions  ren- 
dered in  the  two  decades  immediately  preceding 
the  war.  It  was  found  possible,  however,  in  every 
case,  to  decide  the  issue  under  some  clause  of  the 
constitution  other  than  that  referring  to  the  ad- 
mission of  states.  The  substance  rather  than  the 
form  of  the  admitting  acts  was  considered.  But 
whichever  of  these  theories  may  ultimately  pre- 
vail, the  answer  to  the  question  we  have  set  before 
us  —  viz.y  whether  at  the  present  time  there  is 
any  inequality  among  the  states  —  must  be  sought 
in  the  content  of  the  supposed  restrictions  that 
thus  far  have  been  enacted.  Compacts  have  been 
made  with  new  states,  by  which  those  states  re- 
signed certain  powers ;  fundamental  conditions  have 
been  imposed,  prohibiting  the  exercise  of  certain 
powers.  Whether  or  not  Congress  was  authorized 
to  make  the  limitations,  let  us  consider  to  what 
extent  such  limitations  discriminate  against  the 
newer  states. 


We  have  already  classified  the  restrictions  that 
have  been  enacted  and  have  found  the  first  promi- 
nent subject  to  be  the  public  lands  of  the  United 
States.  Either  in  the  form  of  a  compact  or  by 
way  of  fundamental  condition,  all  but  five  of  the 
states  admitted  since  the  formation  of  the  consti- 


tution  are  to-day  forbidden  to  tax  lands  which  are 
the  property  of  the  United  States  ;  and  in  most 
cases  the  exemption  covers  the  lands  for  from 
three  to  five  years  after  their  sale.  The  power  of 
taxation  has  always  been  held  to  be  an  incident  of 
sovereignty.  Does  this  Hmitation  upon  the  state's 
taxing  power,  then,  interfere  with  the  sovereignty 
which  belongs  to  the  state  in  respect  to  matters 
not  delegated  to  the  United  States  by  the  consti- 
tution ? 

As  to  the  property  of  the  United  States,  it  has 
been  settled  that  wherever  it  is  situated  it  is  above 
the  state's  demand  for  tribute.  In  practice,  the 
national  government  regularly  secures  a  cession 
of  jurisdiction  by  the  state  within  whose  limits 
land  is  secured  for  a  mint,  post-office  or  other 
necessary  institution.  This  custom  has  tended  to 
obviate  all  controversy  on  this  precise  point.  The 
general  question  of  a  state's  right  to  tax  property 
of  the  United  States  was  discussed  quite  fully  by 
the  Supreme  Court  in  McCuUough  vs.  Maryland. 
Here  the  state's  lawyers  contended  that  by  the 
constitution  the  taxing  power  of  the  state  was 
unlimited  save  as  to  imports  and  exports. ^  This 
view  was  explicitly  rejected  by  the  court  ;  but  a 
positive  opinion  was  not  required  upon  more  than 
the  single  matter  of  the  United  States  Bank. 
This,  it  was  decided,  the  states  could  not  tax ;  for 

^  4  Wheaton,  p.  328  et  passim.  Cf.  constitution,  art,  i,  sec.  10, 
Cl.  2. 


the  bank  was  a  constitutional  means  for  carrying 
into  execution  the  powers  vested  in  the  general 
government.  Whether  land  was  such  a  consti- 
tutional means,  was  until  recently  an  unsettled 
question.  Justice  McLean  is  responsible  for  the 
assertion  that  the  government  has  paid  taxes  to 
the  old  states  on  its  lands. ^  Not  till  1886  was  the 
problem  authoritatively  solved  by  the  Supreme 
Court.  In  Van  Brocklin  vs.  Tennessee,^  Justice 
Gray,  in  an  opinion  extraordinarily  clear  and  ex- 
haustive, concludes  that  neither  the  people  nor  the 
legislature  of  Tennessee  had  power,  by  constitu- 
tion or  statute,  to  tax  land  so  long  as  the  title 
remained  in  the  United  States.  The  basis  of  the 
opinion  was  the  principle  of  McCuUough  vs.  Mary- 
land, and  the  further  conclusion  that 

the  United  States  do  not  and  cannot  hold  property,  as  a 
monarch  may,  for  private  or  personal  purposes.  All  the 
property  and  revenues  of  the  United  States  must  be  held  and 
applied,  as  all  taxes,  duties,  imposts  and  excises  must  be  laid 
and  collected,  "  to  pay  the  debts  and  provide  for  the  common 
defense  and  general  welfare  of  the  United  States." 

This  decision  leaves  no  room  for  any  claim  that 
the  conditions  prohibiting  new  states  to  tax  gov- 
ernment lands  deprives  them  of  any  right  enjoyed 
by  the  old  members  of  the  Union. 

The  exemption  of  the  first  purchaser  of  public 

1  U.  S.  vs.  R.  R.  Bridge  Co.,  6  McLean,  531. 

2  117  U.  S.  151. 


land  from  the  taxing  power  of  the  state  for  a  time 
falls  within  a  different  category  from  the  matter 
just  discussed.  In  by  far  the  greater  number  of 
instances,  this  exemption  has  been  one  of  the  con- 
siderations in  a  compact  between  the  United  States 
and  the  new  state  at  its  admission,  by  which,  in 
return  for  the  promise  of  exemption,  various  tracts 
of  land  are  donated  to  the  state.  The  transaction 
differs  in  no  respect  from  an  ordinary  fiscal  con- 
tract. The  state  foregoes  the  proceeds  of  the 
tax  on  certain  property  and  receives  value  in  the 
shape  of  certain  other  property.  No  political  right 
is  resigned  by  the  state,  and  the  United  States  is 
vested  with  no  new  political  power.  But  it  may 
be  said  that  the  state,  as  a  sovereign  power  in 
respect  to  real  estate  within  her  boundaries,  may 
repudiate  the  bargain  at  will.  How  could  a  pur- 
chaser obtain  redress,  if  a  tax  were  imposed  before 
the  expiration  of  the  specified  time  t  Would  the 
United  States  courts  undertake  to  restrain  a  state 
from  taxing  its  own  citizens  .'*  There  seems  to  be 
good  reason  to  believe  that  they  would.  In  the 
early  case  of  Green  vs.  Biddle,^  the  Supreme  Court 
decided  that  a  compact  by  which  Kentucky  agreed 
to  apply  the  law  of  Virginia  to  certain  land  cases 
could  not  be  violated  by  the  former  without  bring- 
ing her  in  conflict  with  the  constitutional  provi- 
sion in  reference  to  impairing  the  obligation  of 
contracts.  There  is  no  reason  why  a  compact  with 
1  8  Wheaton.  i. 


the  United  States  should  not  be  subject  to  the 
same  rule.  But  the  compact  in  this  case  could 
not,  of  course,  be  binding  on  the  state  if  the  other 
party  had  exceeded  its  powers  in  making  the 
agreement.  The  United  States  can  only  con- 
tract within  its  constitutional  powers.  Its  power 
in  this  case,  however,  may  very  fairly  be  derived 
from  the  authority  to  dispose  of  the  territory  of 
the  nation.^  This  same  authority  could  also  be 
made  to  cover  those  cases  in  which  the  five-year 
exemption  is  enacted  not  as  a  contract  but  as  a 
mere  condition.  Here  there  would  be  more  room 
for  debate,  but  in  view  of  the  very  liberal  margin 
of  discretion  which  the  court  has  recognized  to 
Congress  in  the  choice  of  means  for  executing  its 
powers,  it  is  not  at  all  likely  that  this  extra  induce- 
ment to  purchasers  would  be  adjudged  beyond  the 

In  addition  to  this  limitation  of  the  taxing  power 
of  the  new  states,  we  find  in  most  acts  of  admis- 
sion the  provision  that  the  respective  states  shall 
disclaim  title  to  the  public  lands,  or  shall  not  in- 
terfere with  the  primary  disposal  thereof.  That 
such  a  provision  is  no  real  restriction  does  not 
require  demonstration.  The  land  is  the  property 
of  the  United  States,  and  cannot  be  made  more 
so  by  any  law  of  Congress.  These  formulas  were 
inserted  in  the  early  acts  out  of  abundant  caution, 
and  they  are  at  the  present  day  mere  survivals. 

1  Cf.  dicta  in  Pollard's  Lessee  vs.  Hagan,  3  Howard,  p.  224. 


A  special  case  that  falls  under  this  same  head  is 
that  of  Michigan's  southern  boundary.  Michigan 
claimed  that  she  had,  by  the  Ordinance  of  1787, 
an  indefeasible  right  to  enter  as  a  state  with  the 
boundaries  described  therein.  These  boundaries 
would  have  included  a  strip  of  territory  that  had 
been  assigned  to  Ohio.  Congress  settled  the  hot 
controversy  which  raged  on  the  point  by  admitting 
the  new  state  on  condition  that  she  accepted  a 
boundary  that  included  less  than  she  demanded. 
The  question  involved  here  seems  to  be  rather  the 
construction  of  the  Ordinance  of  1787  than  the 
ultimate  control  over  the  lands,  and  the  so-called 
condition  is  only  a  regulation  by  which  conflicting 
constructions  are  compromised. ^ 

To  sum  up  our  conclusions  in  reference  to  the 
clauses  of  the  admission  acts  affecting  public  lands, 
it  appears  that  no  power  has  been  exercised  therein 
which  could  not  be  applied  with  the  same  effect  to 
the  older  states,  —  in  short,  that  no  inequality  of 
rights  among  the  states  exists  by  virtue  of  such 

The  second  subject  which  has  been  covered  by 
fundamental  conditions  is  the  navigable  waters  of 
the  new  states.  The  right  of  Congress  to  make  the 
rule  that  they  shall  be  free  from  toll  is  no  longer 
a  debatable  question.  By  the  constitution  Con- 
gress is  authorized  to  regulate  commerce  among 
the  several  states.     In  the  case  of  Pollard's  Lessee 

1  Cooley,  Constitutional  Limitations,  4th  cd.,  p.  34. 

334  ^^^    ^^^   STATES  EQUAL 

VS.  Hagan,^  the  Supreme  Court  was  called  upon  to 
construe  the  article  of  compact  by  which  Alabama 
resigned  the  right  to  impose  any  burden  on  the 
navigation  of  her  rivers.  "This  supposed  com- 
pact," the  decision  runs,  "is  nothing  more  than  a 
regulation  of  commerce,  to  that  extent,  among  the 
several  states.  "2  This  same  principle  was  reaffirmed 
and  enlarged  upon  in  Withers  vs.  Buckley  ct  al.,^ 
some  years  later;  and  finally  in  Oilman  vs.  Phila- 
delphia,* decided  in  1865,  the  court  clinched  its 
former  judgments  by  the  broad  assertion  that  "the 
power  to  regulate  commerce  comprehends  the  con- 
trol for  that  purpose  and  to  the  extent  necessary,  of 
all  the  navigable  waters  of  the  United  States  which 
are  accessible  from  a  state  other  than  those  in  which 
they  lie."  In  view  of  this  record,  it  is  idle  to  seek 
for  inequality  among  the  states  in  this  particular. 
Congress  controls  the  Hudson  and  the  Susque- 
hanna to  precisely  the  same  extent  that  it  does 
the  Missouri  and  the  Arkansas. 

The  third  class  of  conditions  —  those  relating  to 
the  inter-state  rights  of  citizens  —  includes,  first, 
the  common  clause  that  lands  of  non-resident  citi- 
zens of  the  United  States  shall  not  be  taxed  higher 
than  those  of  residents  of  the  state ;  and  second, 
the  condition  under  which  Missouri  was  admitted, 
viz.,  that  no  law  should  be  passed  by  the  state  by 
which  any  citizen  of   any  other   state  should    be 

1  3  Howard,  212.  ^20  Howard,  93. 

2  Jbid.,  p.  230.  *  3  Wallace,  724. 


excluded  from  the  enjoyment  of  any  privileges 
and  immunities  to  which  such  citizen  was  entitled 
under  the  constitution  of  the  United  States.^  As 
to  this  latter  matter,  no  discussion  is  necessary  to 
show  that  there  is  no  restriction  placed  upon  Mis- 
souri that  does  not  rest  upon  every  other  state. 
Missouri  is  forbidden  to  infringe,  under  color  of 
her  constitution,  a  clear  provision  of  the  federal 
constitution.  But  the  prohibition  would  be  just 
as  imperative  in  law  without  the  act  of  Congress 
as  with  it ;  and  Massachusetts  has  no  more  power 
to  deprive  a  citizen  of  another  state  of  his  consti- 
tutional privileges  and  immunities  than  has  Mis- 

The  same  principle  applies  to  one  phase  of  the 
taxation  of  non-residents.  Taxes  are  a  burden  upon 
citizens,  and  exemption  from  taxation  is  therefore 
an  immunity.  Equal  exemption  of  residents  and 
non-residents  is  accordingly  secured  by  the  con- 
stitution, so  far  as  concerns  citizens  of  the  several 
states.  This  has  been  so  determined  by  the  Su- 
preme Court  in  the  case  of  Ward  vs.  Maryland.^ 
But  the  clause  concerning  the  inter-state  rights 
of  citizens  does  not  protect  against  discrimination 
such  citizens  of  the  United  States  as  reside  in  the 
territories  or  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  Can  the 
land  of  such  persons,  then,  be  taxed  by  any  state 

1  "  The  citizens  of  each  state  shall  be  entitled  to  all  privileges  and 
immunities  of  citizens  in  the  several  states."  —  Const.,  art.  iv,  sec.  2. 

2  12  Wallace,  418. 


higher  than  the  land  of  resident  citizens  of  the 
state?  If  it  can,  the  original  states  enjoy  a  right 
which  is  denied  to  almost  every  other  member  of 
the  Union.  The  question,  it  must  be  confessed, 
is  never  likely  to  become  of  any  practical  impor- 
tance. If  it  ever  does  come  up  for  consideration, 
the  Fourteenth  Amendment  will  unquestionably  be 
relied  upon  to  settle  it.  It  is  there  declared  that 
''no  state  shall  make  or  enforce  any  law  which 
shall  abridge  the  privileges  or  immunities  of  citi- 
zens of  the  United  States."  Whether  an  equal 
rate  of  taxation  with  the  other  citizens  of  a  state 
in  which  his  land  is  situated  is  a  privilege  or  im- 
munity of  a  citizen  of  the  United  States,  is  what 
must  be  decided.  In  view  of  the  narrow  construc- 
tion of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  adopted  by  the 
Supreme  Court  in  the  Slaughter  House  and  suc- 
ceeding cases,  it  is  not  likely  that  any  power  over 
state  taxation  would  be  assumed  under  the  pro- 
hibition of  the  amendment ;  and  it  seems  certain 
that  in  no  other  part  of  the  constitution  is  author- 
ity for  the  substance  of  the  restriction  under  con- 
sideration to  be  found.  If  then.  Congressional 
conditions  upon  the  admission  of  states  are  ever 
binding,  there  does  exist  in  reference  to  the  power 
of  taxation,  an  inequality  among  the  states. 

The  fourth  class  of  restrictions  is  that  which 
embraces  various  provisions  designed  to  secure 
the  fundamental  principles  of  civil  and  religious 
liberty  in  the   states.     First,  as  to  slavery.     By 


the  Ordinance  of  1787  slavery  was  prohibited  in 
all  the  states  to  be  formed  from  the  Northwest 
Territory.  This  ordinance  was  enacted  as  a  law 
of  Congress  in  August,  1789.  Was  its  prohibi- 
tion of  slavery  a  valid  restriction  on  the  right  of 
a  state  to  determine  for  itself  its  domestic  insti- 
tutions ?  The  violent  and  prolonged  controversy 
on  this  point  is  familiar  to  every  reader  of  our 
political  history.  As  none  of  the  states  under 
the  ordinance  ever  wished  to  establish  slavery, 
the  question  never  became  a  practical  one.  The 
Supreme  Court  held,  in  two  cases,i  that  the  ordi- 
nance had  no  more  authority  than  any  other  law 
of  Congress,  and  that  its  principles  were  only 
effective  so  far  as  discoverable  in  the  constitution 
of  the  United  States  or  in  the  constitutions  and 
laws  of  the  states  respectively.^  This  view  throws 
the  question  back  again  upon  the  constitution. 
No  power  to  abolish  slavery  within  a  state  was 
granted  to  Congress.  Unless,  then,  the  general 
power  to  impose  restrictions  on  new  states  be- 
longs to  the  national  legislature,  Ohio  and  the 
adjoining  states,  in  spite  of  the  slavery  prohibition 
in   the  ordinance,  enjoyed  equal  power  over  the 

1  Permoli  vs.  Municipality,  3  Howard,  589.     Strader  et  al.  vs. 
Graham,  10  Howard,  94. 

-  For  a  different  opinion,  see  Spooner  vs.  McConnell,  i  McLean, 
344.  Judge  Cooley  thinks  that  the  weight  of  judicial  authority 
favors  the  validity  of  the  ordinance  even  in  respect  to  such  of  its 
principles  as  are  not  re-enacted  in  the  state  laws.  Constitutional 
Limitations,  4th  cd.,  p.  34,  note, 


subject  with  the  remaining  members  of  the  Union. 
In  admitting  Nevada,  in  1864,  Congress  made  the 
prohibition  of  slavery  an  article  of  fundamental 
compact  with  the  state,  and  she  was  thus  thrown 
into  the  same  category  with  those  formed  from 
the  Northwest  Territory.  All  question  as  to  the 
equality  of  the  states  in  this  respect,  however,  was 
removed  by  the  ratification  of  the  Thirteenth 
Amendment  in  1865.  If  before  that  time  the  six 
states  were  inferior  to  the  majority  in  their  ab- 
stract power,  to-day  these  latter  are  reduced  to 
the  lower  level. 

It  is  only  when  we  take  up  a  further  considera- 
tion of  civil  and  religious  liberty  that  we  come  to 
a  still  enduring  uncertainty.  The  states  formed 
from  the  Northwest  Territory,  as  well  as  several 
others,  are  to-day  bound  by  the  terms  of  their 
admission  forever  to  maintain  in  their  constitu- 
tions what  are  recognized  as  the  fundamental 
guarantees  of  civil  liberty.  The  second  article 
of  compact  in  the  Ordinance  of  1787  secures  to 
the  inhabitants  of  the  territory  the  benefit  of  the 
writ  of  habeas  corpus  and  of  trial  by  jury,  judicial 
proceedings  according  to  the  course  of  the  common 
law,  exemption  from  excessive  fines  and  cruel  or 
unusual  punishments,  and  due  process  of  law  in 
the  deprivation  of  life,  liberty  or  property.  More- 
over, compensation  is  required  for  property  or 
services  taken  by  the  state  without  consent,  and 
any  law  impairing  the  obligation  of  contracts  is 
declared  void. 


Only  the  last  of  these  restrictions  was  placed 
upon  all  the  states  by  the  original  constitution. 
The  rest  are  contained  substantially  in  the  con- 
stitution of  every  state,  and  until  after  the  Civil 
War  the  rights  which  they  protected  were  consid- 
ered secure  enough  without  the  guarantee  of  the 
national  government.  In  the  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment, however,  three  clauses  were  inserted,  with 
a  purpose  to  guard  against  any  invasion  of  the 
fundamental  civil  rights  by  the  states. 

No  state  shall  make  or  enforce  any  law  which  shall  abridge 
the  privileges  or  immunities  of  citizens  of  the  United  States ; 
nor  shall  any  state  deprive  any  person  of  life,  liberty  or  prop- 
erty, without  due  process  of  law;  nor  deny  to  any  person 
within  its  jurisdiction  the  equal  protection  of  the  laws. 

To  what  extent,  then,  do  these  clauses  give  the 
federal  courts  a  corrective  jurisdiction  over  state 
legislation  and  procedure }  Do  they  afford  a  con- 
stitutional foundation  for  the  power  assumed  by 
Congress  in  laying  upon  the  states  the  restrictions 
under  consideration  } 

It  was  held  at  first  by  many  lawyers  that  the 
phrase  "privileges  and  immunities  of  citizens  of 
the  United  States  "  would  include  all  the  ordinary 
ingredients  of  civil  liberty.  This  was  denied  by 
the  Supreme  Court  in  the  Slaughter  House  Cases, 
and  it  was  there  decided  that  the  fundamental 
civil  rights  were  still,  as  before,  primarily  under 
the  care  of  the  states.^  A  limitation  is  put  upon 
1  16  Wallace,  77. 


the  latter,  however,  by  the  prohibition  to  deprive 
of  life,  liberty  or  property  without  due  process  of 
law,  or  to  refuse  to  any  one  the  equal  protection 
of  the  laws.  "  Due  process  of  law  "  has  been  au- 
thoritatively defined  to  mean  the  process  and  pro- 
cedure of  the  common  law.^  The  courts  have 
always  manifested  a  disposition  to  construe  the 
expression  with  the  greatest  liberality  in  favor  of 
the  individual. 2  Under  such  circumstances  there 
can  be  no  doubt  that  every  state  can  now  be  held 
within  the  bounds  that  were  established  only  for 
particular  states  by  the  Ordinance  of  1787  and  the 
various  admission  acts.  The  privilege  of  bail,  ex- 
emption from  immoderate  fines  and  cruel  punish- 
ments, and  compensation  for  expropriated  property 
are  elements  of  the  due  process  which  must, 
under  the  constitution,  be  observed  in  every  state. 
Whether  the  privilege  of  the  writ  of  habeas  corpus 
is  required  by  the  clause  under  discussion  may  not 
be  perfectly  clear,  but  probability  is  strongly  on 
the  side  of  an  affirmative  answer.  Judge  Cooley 
considers  that  "due  process"  does  not  refer  to 
rules  of  procedure  only,  but  to  "those  principles 
of  civil  liberty  and  constitutional  protection  which 
have  become  established  in  our  system  of  laws."^ 
There  can  scarcely  be  a  doubt  that  the  principle 

1  Murray's  Lessee  vs.  Hoboken  Land  Imp.  Co.,  i8  Howard,  272. 

2  Davidson  vs.  New  Orleans,  96   U.  S.  97;    R.  R.  Tax  Cases, 
13  Federal  Reporter,  763. 

*  Constitutional  Limitations,  4th  ed.,  p.  441. 


of  protection  by  the  habeas  corpus  has  become  so 

A  single  clause  of  the  second  article  of  the 
great  ordinance  has  been  left  unconsidered.  It 
is  prescribed  that  the  people  shall  always  be  en- 
titled to  proportionate  representation  in  the  legis- 
lature. It  is  obvious,  without  further  comment, 
that  this  privilege  is  covered  by  the  guarantee  of  a 
republican  form  of  government  in  the  constitution. 

In  the  sphere  of  civil  rights,  properly  so  called, 
there  is  thus  no  distinction  among  the  states  in 
respect  to  their  authority.  Let  us  examine  the 
matter  of  religious  liberty.  The  first  article  of  the 
Ordinance  of  1787  is  in  these  words  :  "No  person 
demeaning  himself  in  a  peaceable  and  orderly 
manner  shall  ever  be  molested  on  account  of  his 
mode  of  worship  or  religious  sentiments  in  the  said 
territory."  This  restriction,  as  part  of  the  ordi- 
nance, was  imposed  upon  a  number  of  the  states 
admitted  early  in  the  century,  but  disappeared  from 
view  for  a  long  time  till  it  once  more  came  to  the 
surface  in  the  admission  of  Nevada.  It  purports 
to  put  the  freedom  of  worship  and  of  religious 
belief  in  certain  states  under  the  protection  of  the 
national  government.  There  has  never  been  a 
pretence  made  that  authority  over  this  subject  is 
conferred  upon  the  national  government  by  the 
constitution.  The  United  States  is  prohibited  by 
the  First  Amendment  from  interfering  with  the  free 
exercise  of  religion.     The  same  clause  forbids  any 


abridgment  of  the  right  peaceably  to  assemble  and 
to  petition  for  redress  of  grievances.  An  opinion 
on  the  latter  prohibition  was  rendered  by  the 
Supreme  Court  in  the  case  of  United  States  vs. 
Cruikshank.^  It  was  argued  by  counsel  that  the 
prohibition  implied  that  the  right  to  assemble  was 
a  privilege  of  United  States  citizenship,  and  that 
it  was  therefore  under  the  protection  of  Congress, 
by  the  Fourteenth  Amendment.  The  court  flatly 
rejected  the  plea.  The  claim  to  control  by  the 
United  States  over  freedom  of  worship  rests  upon 
precisely  the  same  ground.  It  follows,  therefore, 
that  the  absolute  power  of  Congress  to  impose  re- 
strictions upon  states  at  their  admission  is  the  only 
foundation  for  the  condition  under  discussion,  and 
that  if  this  power  exists,  the  states  which  have 
entered  with  this  limitation  are  to  that  extent  in- 
ferior in  rights  to  the  others.  As  long,  however, 
as  the  spirit  of  tolerance  remains  as  it  is  among 
the  people,  this  fact  can  have  no  more  than  a 
speculative  interest. 

In  the  act  providing  for  the  admission  of  Utah, 
the  usual  clause  in  reference  to  toleration  is  accom- 
panied by  a  proviso  forever  prohibiting  polygamy. 
This  proviso  may  be  construed  either  as  a  declara- 
tion that  polygamy  is  not  to  be  considered  a  "mode 
of  worship "  such  as  to  fall  under  the  toleration 
secured  by  the  clause,  or  as  an  independent  restric- 
tion upon  the  state.  In  the  former  case  Utah  falls 
1  92  u.  S.  542. 


into  the  same  category  with  the  states  just  consid- 
ered ;  in  the  latter  she  must  be  regarded  as  subject 
to  a  restriction  not  resting  upon  any  other  state. 
In  neither  case  is  there  any  constitutional  basis  for 
control  of  the  matter  by  the  national  government 
other  than  the  assumed  power  to  impose  restric- 
tions upon  states. 

The  fifth  class  of  restrictions  includes  the  re- 
quirements that  five  of  the  states  last  admitted 
shall  assume  the  territorial  public  debts.  This  is 
probably  to  be  regarded  as  merely  a  transitional 
requirement,  whose  force  is  exhausted  when  the 
admission  is  complete.  It  would  be  possible  to 
contend  that,  inasmuch  as  the  ordinance  assuming 
the  debts  is  "  irrevocable  without  the  consent  of 
the  United  States,"  the  national  government  would 
be  bound  to  interpose  in  case  the  state  failed  to 
discharge  its  obligation  in  respect  to  this  particular 
part  of  its  debt.  Such  a  contention,  however, 
would  have  to  be  based  on  the  claim  that  the  con- 
stitution authorized  the  United  States  to  see  that 
a  state  paid  its  debts  —  a  claim  which  the  familiar 
history  of  our  state  debts  would  prohibit  any 
rational  man  from  bringing  forward. 

The  sixth  class  of  restrictions  is  found  in  the 
provision  requiring  a  non-sectarian  public  school 
system.  There  is  no  direct  ground  whatever  in 
the  constitution  for  any  control  by  the  national 
government  over  education  in  the  states.  The 
provision  under  consideration,  if  valid,  must  rest 

344  ^^^    ^^-^   STATES  EQUAL 

upon  the  power  to  limit  states  at  their  admission. 
It  would  be  possible  to  claim  that  the  requirement 
of  a  public  school  system  of  the  character  stated 
should  be  considered  an  equivalent  for  the  grants 
of  land  for  school  purposes  embodied  by  Congress 
in  the  laws  admitting  the  states.  Historically  there 
would  be  some  basis  for  this  claim ;  in  the  early 
admitting  acts  the  grants  were  made  in  the  form 
of  contracts  involving  some  return  by  the  states. 
These  early  equivalents,  however,  were  in  the  form 
of  tax-exemptions — involving  actual  pecuniary  con- 
siderations. The  cession  of  jurisdiction  over  an 
institution  of  the  greatest  political  and  social  im- 
portance could  hardly  be  said  to  stand  upon  the 
same  basis.  Moreover,  the  Supreme  Court  has 
held,  in  a  somewhat  analogous  matter,  that  the 
observance  by  the  states  of  a  condition  attached 
to  the  grant  of  lands  "rests  upon  the  good  faith 
of  the  states."^ 

The  last  class  of  restrictions  includes  only  the 
new  condition  demanded  of  Nebraska.  The  rebel 
states,  it  is  true,  were  obliged  to  admit  the  negroes 
to  the  polls  and  to  recognize  them  as  equal  in  civil 
rights,  as  a  condition  of  restoration  after  the  war ; 
but  the  action  of  Congress  in  this  instance  was 
acknowledged  on  all  sides  to  be  an  extraordinary 
proceeding,  based  upon  the  war  powers  of  the 
national  government.  Nebraska,  however,  on  no 
special    ground   of   necessity,  was    distinctly  pro- 

1  Mills  County  m.  R.  R.  Co.,  107  U.  S.  557. 


hibited  to  deny  the  right  to  vote  or  any  other  right 
to  any  citizen  on  account  of  race  or  color.  At  this 
time,  many  of  the  Northern  states  still  retained  the 
word  white  in  the  suffrage  clauses  of  their  consti- 
tutions, and  in  the  border  states,  at  least,  the  blacks 
were  under  important  limitations  as  to  civil  rights. 
No  authority  of  any  weight  whatever  questioned 
the  right  of  the  states  to  determine  the  qualifica- 
tions of  electors  for  themselves,  or  admitted  any 
power  in  Congress  to  interfere  with  the  rule 
adopted.  If  the  law  of  Nebraska's  admission, 
therefore,  was  valid,^  that  state  passed  the  first 
years  of  its  existence  on  a  plane  of  distinct 
inferiority  to  the  other  states.  The  Fourteenth 
and  Fifteenth  Amendments,  however,  removed  the 
irregularity.  By  them,  the  limitations  which  had 
been  imposed  upon  Nebraska  by  law  were  made 
effective  upon  all  the  states  by  the  constitution. 

This  completes  the  review  of  restrictions  im- 
posed upon  states  at  their  original  admission  into 
the  Union.  A  special  case  now  requiring  notice  is 
that  of  the  rebellious  states  which  were  recon- 
structed by  Congress.  Practically  these  states 
were  reduced  to  the  condition  of  provinces,  and 
then  erected  de  novo  into  autonomous  common- 
wealths. From  a  legal  point  of  view,  however,  the 
Supreme  Court   refused  to  admit  that  the  conti- 

^  The  reasons  assigned  for  the  votes  on  the  passage  of  the 
restricting  clause  in  the  Senate  are  interesting.  See  Globe,  2d  sess. 
39th  Cong.,  p.  360;   also  p.  450. 


nuity  of  the  state  life  had  ever  been  broken. ^  The 
course  of  Congress  throughout  reconstruction  was 
declared  to  have  been  a  legitimate  exercise  of  the 
power  to  guarantee  a  republican  form  of  govern- 
ment. Upon  this  authority  in  the  constitution, 
therefore,  the  justification  of  the  conditions  of 
restoration  must  rest.  The  first  Reconstruction 
Act^  required  that  in  each  rebel  state  a  constitu- 
tion should  be  framed  by  representatives  chosen  by 
impartial  suffrage,  and  that  this  constitution  should 
insure  the  franchise  to  the  blacks.  The  ratifica- 
tion of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  (and  in  case 
of  Virginia,  Mississippi  and  Texas,  of  the  Fif- 
teenth) was  also  demanded.  These  were  conditions 
precedent  to  the  resumption  of  state  rights  ;  their 
force  was  of  course  exhausted  at  the  moment  of 
such  resumption.  But  the  acts  of  Congress  restor- 
ing normal  relations  contained  the  most  stringent 
form  of  condition  subsequent  to  be  found  in  our 
history.  It  was  declared  a  fundamental  condition 
of  each  state's  representation  in  Congress,  that  the 
state  constitution  should  never  be  so  amended  as  to 
deprive  of  the  right  to  vote  any  citizen  or  class  of 
citizens  entitled  to  vote  by  the  constitution  in  ques- 
tion. This  limitation  of  the  right  to  fix  the  quali- 
fications of  voters  produced  a  most  vital  inequality 
between  the  reconstructed  and    the   loyal    states. 

1  Texas  vs.  White,  7  Wallace,  700.     Cf.  Shortridge  vs.  Macon, 
Chase's  Decisions,  136;   Gunn  vs.  Barry,  15  Wallace,  623. 

2  Act  of  March  2,  1867. 


The  inequality  was  greatly  reduced,  however,  by 
the  Fifteenth  Amendment.  The  chief  purpose 
of  the  restriction  in  the  restoring  acts  was  to 
prevent  the  reconstructed  states  from  taking  away 
the  suffrage  from  the  blacks.  By  the  amendment 
all  the  states,  loyal  as  well  as  rebellious,  were  re- 
stricted in  this  respect  to  the  same  extent.  But 
the  wording  of  the  restoring  acts  was  wider  in  its 
scope  than  that  of  the  amendment.  The  restored 
states  were  prohibited  from  narrowing  the  elec- 
torate on  any  ground ;  the  remaining  states  were 
prohibited  only  as  to  race,  color  or  previous  condi- 
tion of  servitude.  If  the  conditions  of  restoration 
are  valid,  therefore,  the  ten  reconstructed  states  still 
remain  theoretically  on  a  lower  level  of  rights  than 
the  other  states.  Practically  this  distinction  has  dis- 
appeared. Mississippi  in  1890  and  South  Carolina 
in  1895  amended  their  constitutions  by  establishing 
severe  intelligence  and  property  qualifications  for 
the  suffrage.  The  two  states  openly  defied  the 
acts  of  Congress  restoring  them  to  their  rights 
after  rebellion,  and  the  defiance  was  based  on 
the  claim  to  equal  rights  with  any  of  the  other 
states  of  the  Union. 

In  the  restoration  of  Virginia,  Texas  and  Mis- 
sissippi, two  further  fundamental  conditions  were 
imposed.  First,  these  states  were  forbidden  to 
make  the  race,  color  or  previous  servitude  of  any 
citizen  of  the  United  States  a  disqualification  for 
holding  office,  or  to  discriminate  in  qualifications 


for  office  between  classes  of  citizens ;  and  second, 
their  constitutions  were  never  to  be  so  amended 
as  to  deprive  any  United  States  citizens  of  the 
school  rights  and  privileges  secured  therein. 

The  right  to  hold  office  is  not  expressly  placed 
by  the  constitution  under  the  guarantee  of  the 
United  States.^  The  tendency  of  the  Supreme 
Court's  decisions  does  not  indicate  a  probability 
that  the  right  can  be  adjudged  a  privilege  of 
United  States  citizenship,  or  be  classed  with  those 
rights  to  which  every  state  must  give  the  equal 
protection  of  the  laws.  It  is  a  historical  fact  that 
a  determined  effort  was  made,  during  the  discus- 
sion of  the  Fifteenth  Amendment  in  Congress,  to 
include  the  right  to  hold  office  in  the  prohibition 
of  that  article.  The  proposition  was  passed  at  dif- 
ferent times  by  both  Senate  and  House,  but  finally 
disappeared  in  conference  committee.^  In  view  of 
this  fact,  the  control  of  the  whole  subject  seems  to 
be  still  in  the  states,  and  the  restriction  placed 
upon  Virginia,  Mississippi  and  Texas  deprives 
them  of  a  right  which  is  enjoyed  by  all  the  other 
members  of  the  Union. 

The  guarantee  of  equal  school  privileges  to  all 
citizens  of  the  United  States  within  those  three 
states  was  based  on  an  assumption  that  educational 

1  Ultra-liberal  construction  might  possibly  regard  it  as  inci- 
dental to  a  republican  form  of  government,  and  thus  justify  its 
protection  by  Congress. 

2  Globe,  3d  sess.,  40th  Cong.,  pp.  1040,  1428,  1481. 


facilities  were  a  right  of  United  States  citizenship. 
There  is  no  ground  in  the  constitution  for  this 
assumption.  Education  is  a  matter  which  was  left 
wholly  within  state  control.  Whatever  privileges 
in  this  direction  are  granted  by  a  state  to  its  citi- 
zens may,  of  course,  be  enjoyed  by  citizens  of 
other  states  v^^hile  within  its  boundaries.  This  en- 
joyment, however,  is  a  privilege  that  results  from 
state  citizenship  under  the  ante-bellum  constitu- 
tion. Citizens  of  the  United  States,  as  such,  can- 
not claim  it.  The  case  is  entirely  analogous  to 
that  of  the  taxation  of  the  land  of  non-residents. 
Unequal  laws  are  unconstitutional  so  far  as  citizens 
of  other  states  are  concerned ;  citizens  of  the  terri- 
tories and  of  the  District  of  Columbia  are  not  thus 
protected.  The  act  of  Congress,  therefore,  which 
forbids  any  discrimination  whatever  in  the  three 
states  limits  their  power  to  that  extent  within  the 
bounds  prescribed  for  the  rest.^ 


The  review  of  the  acts  of  Congress  by  which 
the  powers  of  the  various  states  have  been  re- 
stricted is  now  complete.     It  has  been  shown  that 

1  The  federal  circuit  court  in  Kentucky  expressed  its  readiness 
to  grant  an  injunction  restraining  the  application  of  money  raised 
by  state  taxes  to  schools  open  to  white  children  exclusively.  The 
ground  was  the  Fourteenth  Amendment.  Claybrook  vs.  Owens- 
boro,  23  Fed.  Rep.  634. 


a  great  majority  of  the  compacts  and  fundamental 
conditions  were  such  only  in  name,  and  were 
wholly  without  influence  on  the  constitutional 
relations  of  the  national  and  state  governments. 
We  have  seen  how  several  real  and  vital  limita- 
tions imposed  by  law  upon  individual  states  were 
afterwards  extended  to  all  by  amendment  of  the 
national  constitution.  The  residuum  of  matters  in 
which  inequality  may  still  be  fairly  held  to  exist 
is  small  and  comparatively  unimportant.  In  brief, 
it  may  be  summed  up  thus :  Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois, 
Michigan,  Wisconsin,  Mississippi,  Alabama,  Louisi- 
ana, Arkansas,  Minnesota,  Iowa,  Oregon,  California, 
Kansas,  Nevada,  Nebraska,  Colorado,  Montana,  the 
two  Dakotas,  Washington  and  Utah  have  not  the 
right,  enjoyed  by  the  original  states,  of  discrim- 
inating in  land-taxation  against  citizens  of  the 
United  States  who  are  not  citizens  of  any  state ; 
Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois,  Michigan,  Wisconsin,  Lou- 
isiana, Mississippi,  Alabama,  Nevada,  Nebraska, 
Colorado,  Montana,  the  two  Dakotas,  Washington 
and  Utah  are  forbidden  to  establish  any  rule  inter- 
fering with  the  freedom  of  worship  or  religious 
sentiment,  while  no  such  prohibition  rests  upon 
the  other  states ;  Montana,  Washington,  the  two 
Dakotas  and  Utah  are  required  to  establish  non- 
sectarian  systems  of  public  schools ;  Utah  is  for- 
bidden to  permit  the  existence  of  polygamy; 
Virginia,  North  Carolina,  South  Carolina,  Georgia, 
Florida,  Alabama,  Mississippi,  Arkansas,  Louisiana 


and  Texas  are  forbidden  to  amend  the  franchise 
clauses  of  their  constitutions  in  certain  respects  as 
to  which  the  rest  of  the  states  are  free  from  re- 
straint ;  and  finally,  Virginia,  Mississippi  and  Texas 
are  forbidden  to  make  race,  color  or  previous  con- 
dition of  servitude  a  disqualification  for  holding 
office,  or  to  amend  their  constitutions  so  as  to 
deprive  any  citizen  of  the  United  States  of  the 
school  privileges  secured  therein. 

The  conclusion  from  all  the  historical  facts 
seems  to  be  that  at  no  time  since  the  formation 
of  the  present  constitution  have  all  the  states  of 
the  Union  been  in  the  enjoyment  of  equal  powers 
under  the  laws  of  Congress.  A  principle  of  con- 
stitutional law  under  our  system  can  never  be  said 
to  be  fully  established  until  it  has  received  the 
positive  sanction  of  all  three  co-ordinate  depart- 
ments of  the  government.  Tested  by  this  rule 
the  theory  of  equal  states  falls  to  the  ground. 
Neither  by  the  judiciary  nor  by  the  executive 
has  the  doctrine  been  decisively  affirmed  ;  while 
the  action  of  the  legislature  has  been  in  many 
cases  in  positive  contradiction  of  it.  A  century  of 
legislation  cannot  but  be  regarded  as  making  a 
pretty  strong  foundation  for  the  interpretation  of 
any  part  of  the  constitution.  It  is  the  legislature 
that  must  interpret  the  organic  law  in  the  first 
instance,  and  such  interpretation  must  stand  as 
sound  until  overruled  by  the  Supreme  Court.  But 
in   political   questions  the  court    has  consistently 


declined  to  take  jurisdiction.  In  such  matters 
the  action  of  the  legislature  is  conclusive.  There 
seems  to  be  good  reason  for  considering  the  rela- 
tion of  the  United  States  to  the  individual  states 
in  respect  to  the  terms  of  admission  a  political 
question.  If  it  is,  the  theory  that  all  states  have 
equal  powers  must  be  regarded  as  finally  defunct ; 
if  it  is  not,  the  theory  can  only  be  galvanized  into 
life  by  a  powerful  act  of  judicial  construction. 

But  while  such  is  the  technical  position  of  the 
doctrine  in  constitutional  law,  it  enjoys  a  some- 
what different  role  in  general  public  opinion  and  in 
practice.  Whatever  differences  may  exist  in  the 
powers  which  the  states  may  exercise  over  differ- 
ent subjects,  the  powers  which  they  do  exercise 
are  everywhere  substantially  the  same.  That  the 
maintenance  of  such  a  condition  of  things  is  at 
present  the  wisest  policy  for  the  nation,  will  be 
doubted  by  no  one.  Time,  however,  may  change 
all  this.  The  differentiation  of  interests  in  the 
vast  region  covered  by  the  states  may  bring  about 
a  situation  in  which  the  welfare  of  the  whole  will 
be  best  subserved  by  an  unequal  distribution  of 
powers  among  the  parts.  When  that  time  comes, 
the  theory  of  equal  states  will  disappear  as  did 
that  of  state-sovereignty,  and  possibly  with  as 
tremendous  a  convulsion. 


In  July  of  1870,  when  the  law  declaring  Georgia 
entitled  to  representation  in  Congress  was  finally 
enacted,  the  process  of  reconstruction  was,  from 
the  technical  point  of  view,  complete.  Ten  of  the 
states  which  had  seceded  from  the  Union  had  been 
"  made  over "  by  a  series  of  operations  which 
involved,  first,  the  creation  in  each  of  a  new  po- 
litical people,  in  which  the  freedmen  constituted 
an  important  element,  and,  second,  the  organiza- 
tion in  each  of  a  new  government,  in  the  working 
of  which  the  participation  of  the  blacks  on  equal 
terms  with  the  whites  was  put  under  substantial 
guarantees.  The  leading  motive  of  the  reconstruc- 
tion had  been,  at  the  inception  of  the  process,  to 
insure  to  the  freedmen  an  effective  protection  of 
their  civil  rights,  —  of  Hf e,  liberty  and  property. 
In  the  course  of  the  process,  the  chief  stress  came 
to  be  laid  on  the  endowment  of  the  blacks  with 
full  political  rights, — with  the  electoral  franchise 
and  eligibility  to  office.  And  by  the  time  the 
process  was  complete,  a  very  important,  if  not 
the  most  important,  part  had  been  played  by  the 
desire  and  the  purpose  to  secure  to  the  Republi- 
can Party  the  permanent  control  of  several  South- 
ern states  in  which  hitherto  such  a  political 
2  A  353 

354       ^-^^    UNDOING    OF  RECONSTRUCTION 

organization  had  been  unknown.  This  last  motive 
had  a  plausible  and  widely  accepted  justification 
in  the  view  that  the  rights  of  the  negro  and  the 
"  results  of  the  war  "  in  general  would  be  secure 
only  if  the  national  government  should  remain  in- 
definitely in  Republican  hands,  and  that  therefore 
the  strengthening  of  the  party  was  a  primary  dic- 
tate of  patriotism. 

Through  the  operation  of  these  various  motives, 
successive  and  simultaneous,  the  completion  of  the 
reconstruction  showed  the  following  situation : 
(i)  the  negroes  were  in  the  enjoyment  of  equal 
political  rights  with  the  whites ;  (2)  the  Republi- 
can Party  was  in  vigorous  life  in  all  the  Southern 
states,  and  in  firm  control  of  many  of  them  ;  and 
(3)  the  negroes  exercised  an  influence  in  political 
affairs  out  of  all  relation  to  their  intelligence  or 
property,  and,  since  so  many  of  the  whites  were 
disfranchised,  excessive  even  in  proportion  to  their 
numbers.  At  the  present  day,  in  the  same  states, 
the  negroes  enjoy  practically  no  political  rights; 
the  Republican  Party  is  but  the  shadow  of  a  name ; 
and  the  influence  of  the  negroes  in  political  affairs 
is  nil.  This  contrast  suggests  what  has  been  in- 
volved in  the  undoing  of  reconstruction. 

Before  the  last  state  was  restored  to  the  Union 
the  process  was  well  under  way  through  which  the 


resumption  of  control  by  the  whites  was  to  be 
effected.  The  tendency  in  this  direction  was 
greatly  promoted  by  conditions  within  the  Repub- 
lican Party  itself.  Two  years  of  supremacy  in 
those  states  which  had  been  restored  in  1868  had 
revealed  unmistakable  evidences  of  moral  and 
poHtical  weakness  in  the  governments.  The  per- 
sonnel of  the  party  was  declining  in  character 
through  the  return  to  the  North  of  the  more  sub- 
stantial of  the  carpet-baggers,  who  found  Southern 
conditions,  both  social  and  industrial,  far  from 
what  they  had  anticipated,  and  through  the  very 
frequent  instances  in  which  the  "scalawags"  ran 
to  open  disgrace.  Along  with  this  deterioration  in 
the  white  element  of  the  party,  the  negroes  who 
rose  to  prominence  and  leadership  were  very  fre- 
quently of  a  type  which  acquired  and  practiced  the 
tricks  and  knavery  rather  than  the  useful  arts  of 
politics,  and  the  vicious  courses  of  these  negroes 
strongly  confirmed  the  prejudices  of  the  whites. 
But  at  the  same  time  that  the  incapacity  of  the 
party  in  power  to  administer  any  government  was 
becoming  demonstrable,  the  problems  with  which 
it  was  required  to  cope  were  made  by  its  adversa- 
ries such  as  would  have  taxed  the  capacity  of  the 
most  efficient  statesmen  the  world  could  produce. 
Between  1868  and  1870,  when  the  cessation  of  the 
national  mihtary  authority  left  the  new  state  gov- 
ernments to  stand  by  their  own  strength,  there 
developed  that  widespread  series  of  disorders  with 


which  the  name  of  the  Ku  Klux  Klan  is  associated. 
While  these  were  at  their  height  the  RepubUcan 
Party  was  ousted  from  control  in  four  of  the  old 
rebel  states,  namely,  Tennessee,  North  Carolina, 
Georgia  and  Virginia.  The  inference  was  at  once 
drawn  that  the  whites  of  the  South  were  pursuing 
a  deliberate  policy  of  overthrowing  the  negro  party 
by  violence.  No  attention  was  paid  to  the  claim 
that  the  manifest  inefficiency  and  viciousness  of 
the  Republican  governments  afforded  a  partial,  if 
not  a  wholly  adequate,  explanation  of  their  over- 
throw. Not  even  the  relative  quiet  and  order  that 
followed  the  triumph  of  the  whites  in  these  states 
were  recognized  as  justifying  the  new  regime.  The 
North  was  deeply  moved  by  what  it  considered 
evidence  of  a  new  attack  on  its  cherished  ideals 
of  liberty  and  equality,  and  when  the  Fifteenth 
Amendment  had  become  part  of  the  constitution. 
Congress  passed  the  Enforcement  Acts  and  the  laws 
for  the  federal  control  of  elections.  To  the  forces 
making  for  the  resumption  of  white  government  in 
the  South  was  thus  opposed  that  same  apparently 
irresistible  power  which  had  originally  overthrown  it. 
That  the  Ku  Klux  movement  was  to  some  extent 
the  expression  of  a  purpose  not  to  submit  to  the 
political  domination  of  the  blacks,  is  doubtless  true. 
But  many  other  motives  were  at  work  in  the  dis- 
orders, and  the  purely  political  antithesis  of  the 
races  was  not  so  clear  in  the  origin  and  develop- 
ment of  the  movement  as  in  connection  with  the 



efforts  of  the  state  governments  to  suppress  it. 
Thousands  of  respectable  whites,  who  viewed  the 
Ku  Klux  outrages  with  horror,  turned  with  equal 
horror  from  the  projects  of  the  governments  to 
quell  the  disturbances  by  means  of  a  negro  militia. 
Here  was  the  crux  of  the  race  issue.  Respectable 
whites  would  not  serve  with  the  blacks  in  the 
militia ;  the  Republican  state  governments  would 
not  —  and  indeed,  from  the  very  nature  of  the 
case,  could  not  —  exclude  the  blacks  from  the 
military  service;  the  mere  suggestion  of  employ- 
ing the  blacks  alone  in  such  service  turned  every 
white  into  practically  a  sympathizer  with  the  Ku 
Klux :  and  thus  the  government  was  paralyzed  at 
the  foundation  of  its  authority.  It  was  demon- 
strated again  and  again  that  the  appearance  of  a 
body  of  negroes  under  arms,  whether  authorized  by 
law  or  not,  had  for  its  most  certain  result  an  affray, 
if  not  a  pitched  battle,  with  armed  whites,  in  which 
the  negroes  almost  invariably  got  the  worst  of  it. 

On  the  assumption,  then,  that  the  white  state 
governments  in  the  South  were  unwilling,  and  the 
black  governments  were  unable,  to  protect  the 
negro  in  his  rights.  Congress  inaugurated  the  pol- 
icy of  the  "  Force  Acts."  The  primary  aim  was 
to  protect  the  right  to  vote,  but  ultimately  the 
purely  civil  rights,  and  even  the  so-called  "  social 
rights,"  were  included  in  the  legislation.  By  the 
act  of    1870,^  a  long  series  of  minutely  specified 

1  16  Statutes  at  Large,  140. 


offenses,  involving  violence,  intimidation  and  fraud, 
with  the  effect  or  even  the  intention  of  denying 
equal  rights  to  any  citizens  of  the  United  States, 
were  made  crimes  and  misdemeanors,  and  were 
thus  brought  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  federal 
courts.  Great  activity  was  at  once  displayed  by 
the  United  States  district  attorneys  throughout  the 
South,  and  hundreds  of  indictments  were  brought 
in ;  but  convictions  were  few.  The  whites  opposed 
to  the  process  of  the  federal  courts,  supported  by 
federal  troops,  no  such  undisguised  resistance  as 
had  often  been  employed  against  state  officers 
backed  by  a  posse  comitatus  or  a  militia  com- 
pany of  negroes.  But  every  advantage  was  taken 
of  legal  technicalities;  in  the  regions  where  the 
Ku  Klux  were  strong,  juries  and  witnesses  were 
almost  invariably  influenced  by  sympathy  or  terror 
to  favor  the  accused ;  and  the  huge  disproportion 
between  the  number  of  arrests  and  the  number  of 
convictions  was  skillfully  employed  to  sustain  the 
claim  that  the  federal  officers  were  using  the  law 
as  the  cover  for  a  systematic  intimidation  and 
oppression  of  the  whites.  As  the  effect  of  this 
first  act  seemed  to  be  rather  an  increase  than  a 
decrease  in  the  disorders  of  the  South,  Congress 
passed  in  the  following  year  a  more  drastic  law. 
This,  known  commonly  as  the  Ku  Klux  Act,^ 
healed  many  technical  defects  in  the  earlier  law ; 
reformulated  in   most    precise    and    far-reaching 

1 17  Statutes  at  Large,  13. 


terms  the  conspiracy  clause,  which  was  especially 
designed  to  cover  Ku  Klux  methods ;  and,  finally, 
authorized  the  President,  for  a  limited  time,  to  sus- 
pend the  writ  of  habeas  corpus  and  employ  military 
force  in  the  suppression  of  violence  and  crime  in 
any  given  district.  In  addition  to  the  punitive  sys- 
tem thus  established.  Congress  at  the  same  time 
instituted  a  rigorous  preventive  system  through  the 
Federal  Elections  Laws.  By  acts  of  1871  and 
1872,^  every  polHng  place,  in  any  election  for 
Congressmen,  might  be  manned  by  ofificials  ap- 
pointed by  the  federal  courts,  with  extensive 
powers  for  the  detection  of  fraud,  and  with 
authority  to  employ  the  federal  troops  in  the 
repression  of  violence. 

Through  the  vigorous  policy  thus  instituted  by 
the  national  government  the  movement  toward  the 
resumption  of  control  by  the  whites  in  the  South 
met  with  a  marked  though  temporary  check.  The 
number  of  convictions  obtained  under  the  Ku  Klux 
Act  was  not  large,  and  President  Grant  resorted 
in  but  a  single  instance  —  that  of  certain  counties 
in  South  Carolina,  in  the  autumn  of  1871  — to  the 
extraordinary  powers  conferred  upon  him.  But 
the  moral  effect  of  what  was  done  was  very  great, 
and  the  evidence  that  the  whole  power  of  the  na- 
tional government  could  and  would  be  exerted  on 
the  side  of  the  blacks  produced  a  salutary  change  in 
method  among  the  whites.     The  extreme  and  vio- 

1 U.  S.  Revised  Statutes,  §  201 1  et  seq. 


lent  element  was  reduced  to  quiescence,  and  haste 
was  made  more  slowly.  No  additional  state  was 
redeemed  by  the  whites  until  1874.  Meanwhile, 
the  wholesale  removal  of  political  disabilities  by 
Congress  in  1872  brought  many  of  the  old  and 
respected  Southern  politicians  again  into  public 
life,  with  a  corresponding  improvement  in  the 
quality  of  Democratic  leadership.  More  defer- 
ence began  to  be  paid  to  the  Northern  sentiment 
hostile  to  the  Grant  administration  which  had  been 
revealed  in  the  presidential  campaign  of  1872,  and 
the  policy  of  the  Southern  whites  was  directed 
especially  so  as  to  bring  odium  upon  the  use  of 
the  military  forces  in  the  states  yet  to  be  wrested 
from  black  control. 

It  was  upon  the  support  of  the  federal  troops 
that  the  whole  existence  of  the  remaining  black 
governments  in  the  South  came  gradually  to  de- 
pend. Between  1872  and  1876  the  Republican 
Party  split  in  each  of  the  states  in  which  it  still 
retained  control,  and  the  fusion  of  one  faction  with 
the  Democrats  gave  rise  to  disputed  elections, 
general  disorder,  and  appeals  by  the  radical  Re- 
publicans to  the  President  for  aid  in  suppress- 
ing domestic  violence.  Alabama,  Arkansas  and 
Texas  emerged  from  the  turmoil  in  1874  with  the 
whites  triumphant ;  and  the  federal  troops,  after 
performing  useful  service  in  keeping  the  factions 
from  serious  bloodshed,  ceased  to  figure  in  politics. 
But  in  Louisiana  and  South  Carolina  the  radical 


factions  retained  power  exclusively  through  the 
presence  of  the  troops,  who  were  employed  in 
the  former  state  to  reconstitute  both  the  legisla- 
ture and  the  executive  at  the  bidding  of  one  of  the 
claimants  of  the  gubernatorial  office.  The  very 
extraordinary  proceedings  in  New  Orleans  greatly 
emphasized  the  unfavorable  feeling  at  the  North 
toward  ** governments  resting  on  bayonets";  and 
when,  upon  the  approach  of  the  state  election  of 
1875  in  Mississippi,  the  radical  governor  applied 
for  troops  to  preserve  order,  President  Grant 
rather  tartly  refused  to  furnish  them.  The  re- 
sult was  the  overthrow  of  black  government  in 
that  state.  Though  strenuously  denied  at  the 
time,  it  was  no  deep  secret  that  the  great  negro 
majority  in  the  state  was  overcome  in  this  cam- 
paign by  a  quiet  but  general  exertion  of  every 
possible  form  of  pressure  to  keep  the  blacks  from 
the  polls.  The  extravagance  and  corruption  of 
the  state  administration  had  become  so  intol- 
erable to  the  whites  that  questionable  means  of 
terminating  it  were  admitted  by  even  the  most 
honorable  without  question.  There  was  rela- 
tively little  "Ku-Kluxing"  or  open  violence,  but 
in  countless  ways  the  negroes  were  impressed 
with  the  idea  that  there  would  be  peril  for  them 
in  voting.  "  Intimidation  "  was  the  word  that  had 
vogue  at  the  time,  in  describing  such  methods,  and 
intimidation  was  illegal.  But  if  a  party  of  white 
men,  with  ropes  conspicuous  on  their  saddlebows, 


rode  up  to  a  polling  place  and  announced  that 
hanging  would  begin  in  fifteen  minutes,  though 
without  any  more  definite  reference  to  anybody, 
and  a  group  of  blacks  who  had  assembled  to  vote 
heard  the  remark  and  promptly  disappeared,  votes 
were  lost,  but  a  conviction  on  a  charge  of  intimida- 
tion was  difficult.  Or  if  an  untraceable  rumor 
that  trouble  was  impending  over  the  blacks  was 
followed  by  the  mysterious  appearance  of  bodies 
of  horsemen  on  the  roads  at  midnight,  firing  guns 
and  yelling  at  nobody  in  particular,  votes  again 
were  lost,  but  no  crime  or  misdemeanor  could  be 
brought  home  to  any  one.  Devices  like  these 
were  familiar  in  the  South,  but  on  this  occasion 
they  were  accompanied  by  many  other  evidences 
of  a  purpose  on  the  part  of  the  whites  to  carry 
their  point  at  all  hazards.  The  negroes,  though 
numerically  much  in  excess  of  the  whites,  were 
very  definitely  demoralized  by  the  aggressiveness 
and  unanimity  of  the  latter,  and  in  the  ultimate 
test  of  race  strength  the  weaker  gave  way. 

The  "  Mississippi  plan "  was  enthusiastically 
applied  in  the  remaining  three  states,  Louisiana, 
South  Carolina  and  Florida,  in  the  elections  of 
1876.  Here,  however,  the  presence  of  the  federal 
troops  and  of  all  the  paraphernalia  of  the  Federal 
Elections  Laws  materially  stiffened  the  courage  of 
the  negroes,  and  the  result  of  the  state  elections 
became  closely  involved  in  the  controversy  over 
the  presidential  count.     The  Southern  Democratic 


leaders  fully  appreciated  the  opportunity  of  their 
position  in  this  controversy,  and,  through  one  of 
those  bargains  without  words  which  are  common 
in  great  crises,  the  inauguration  of  President 
Hayes  was  followed  by  the  withdrawal  of  the 
troops  from  the  support  of  the  last  radical  govern- 
ments, and  the  peaceful  lapse  of  the  whole  South 
into  the  control  of  the  whites. 


With  these  events  of  1877  the  first  period  in  the 
undoing  of  reconstruction  came  to  an  end.  The 
second  period,  lasting  till  1890,  presented  condi- 
tions so  different  from  the  first  as  entirely  to 
transform  the  methods  by  which  the  process  was 
continued.  Two,  indeed,  of  the  three  elements 
which  have  been  mentioned  as  summing  up  recon- 
struction still  characterized  the  situation :  the  ne- 
groes were  precisely  equal  in  rights  with  the  other 
race,  and  the  Republican  Party  was  a  powerful 
organization  in  the  South.  As  to  the  third  ele- 
ment, the  disproportionate  political  influence  of 
the  blacks,  a  change  had  been  effected,  and  their 
power  had  been  so  reduced  as  to  correspond  much 
more  closely  to  their  general  social  significance. 
In  the  movement  against  the  still  enduring  fea- 
tures of  reconstruction  the  control  of  the  state 
governments  by  the  whites  was  of  course  a  new 
condition  of  the  utmost  importance;  but  not  less 


vital  was  the  party  complexion  of  the  national 
government.  From  1S75  to  iSSo  neither  of  the 
great  parties  was  at  any  one  time  in  effective  con- 
trol of  both  the  presidency  and  the  two  houses  of 
Congress.  As  a  consequence,  no  partisan  legis- 
lation could  be  enacted.  Though  the  state  of 
affairs  in  the  South  was  for  years  a  party  issue 
of  the  first  magnitude,  the  legislative  deadlock 
had  for  its  general  result  a  policy  of  non-interfer- 
ence by  the  national  government,  and  the  whites 
were  left  to  work  out  in  their  own  way  the  ends 
thev  had  in  view.  Some  time  was  necessary,  how- 
ever, to  overcome  the  influence  of  the  two  bodies 
of  legislation  already  on  the  national  statute  book, 
—  the  Force  Acts  and  the  Federal  Flections  Laws. 
During  the  Hayes  administration  the  latter  laws 
were  the  subject  of  a  prolonged  and  violent  con- 
test between  the  Democratic  houses  and  the  Re- 
publican President.  The  Democrats  put  great 
stress  on  the  terror  and  intimidation  of  the  whites 
and  the  violation  of  freemen's  rights  due  to  the 
presence  of  federal  officials  at  the  polls,  and  of 
federal  troops  near  them.  The  RepubHcans  in- 
sisted that  these  officials  and  troops  were  essential 
to  enable  the  negroes  to  vote  and  to  have  their 
votes  counted.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  neither  of 
these  contentions  was  of  the  highest  significance 
so  far  as  the  South  was  concerned.  The  whites, 
once  in  control  of  the  state  electoral  machinery, 
readily  devised  means  of  evading  or  neutralizing  the 

TJih   UNi)()iN(;  Of'  k/jjjn:/! KiicjjoN     3O5 

influence  of  the  federal  officers.  But  the  patron- 
age in  the  hands  of  the  administration  party  under 
these  laws  was  enormous.  The  power  to  appoint 
supervisors  and  deputy  marshals  at  election  time 
was  a  tower  of  strength,  from  the  standpoint  hoth 
of  direct  votes  and  of  indirect  influence.  Accord- 
ingly, the  attack  of  the  Democrats  upon  the  laws 
was  actuated  mainly  by  the  purpose  of  breaking 
down  the  Republican  party  organization  in  the 
South.  The  attack  was  successful  in  Mr.  Hayes's 
time  only  to  the  extent  that  no  appropriation  was 
made  for  the  payment  of  the  supervisors  and  dep- 
uty marshals  for  their  services  in  the  elections 
of  1880.  The  system  of  federal  supervision  re- 
mained, but  gradually  lost  all  significance  save  as 
a  biennial  sign  that  the  Republican  Party  still  sur- 
vived ;  and  when  Mr.  Cleveland  became  President 
even  this  relation  to  its  original  character  disap- 

The  P'orce  Acts  experienced  a  similar  decline 
during  the  period  we  are  considering.  In  1875, 
just  before  the  Republicans  lost  control  of  Con- 
gress, they  passed,  as  a  sort  of  memorial  to 
Charles  Sumner,  who  had  long  urged  its  adoption, 
a  Supplementary  Civil  Rights  Hill,^  which  made 
criminal,  and  put  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
federal  courts,  any  denial  of  equality  to  negr^>es  in 
respect  to  accommodations  in  theatres,  railway 
cars,  hotels,  and  other  such  places.     This  was  not 

»  18  .SUtutes  at  I^rg':,  335. 


regarded  by  the  most  thoughtful  Republicans  as  a 
very  judicious  piece  of  legislation  ;  but  it  was  per- 
ceived that,  with  the  Democrats  about  to  control 
the  House  of  Representatives,  there  was  not  likely 
to  be  a  further  opportunity  for  action  in  aid  of  the 
blacks,  and  so  the  act  was  permitted  to  go  through 
and  take  its  chances  of  good.  Already,  however, 
the  courts  had  manifested  a  disposition  to  question 
the  constitutionality  of  the  most  drastic  provisions 
of  the  earHer  Enforcement  Acts.  It  has  been 
said  above  that  indictments  under  these  acts  had 
been  many,  but  convictions  few.  Punishments 
were  fewer  still ;  for  skillful  counsel  were  ready  to 
test  the  profound  legal  questions  involved  in  the 
legislation,  and  numbers  of  cases  crept  slowly  up 
on  appeal  to  the  Supreme  Court.  In  1875,  this 
tribunal  threw  out  an  indictment  under  which  a 
band  of  whites  who  had  broken  up  a  negro  meet- 
ing in  Louisiana  had  been  convicted  of  conspiring 
to  prevent  negroes  from  assembHng  for  lawful  pur- 
poses and  from  carrying  arms ;  for  the  right  to 
assemble  and  the  right  to  bear  arms,  the  court  de- 
clared, pertained  to  citizenship  of  a  state,  not  of 
the  United  States,  and  therefore  redress  for  inter- 
ference with  these  rights  must  be  sought  in  the 
courts  of  the  state.^  In  the  same  year,  in  the  case 
of  United  States  vs.  Reese,^  two  sections  of  the 
Enforcement  Act  of  1870  were  declared  unconsti- 
tutional, as  involving  the  exercise  by  the  United 

1  U.  S.  vs.  Cruikshank,  92  U.  S.,  542.  2  ^2  U.  S.,  214. 


States  of  powers  in  excess  of  those  granted  by  the 
Fifteenth  Amendment.  It  was  not,  however,  till 
1882  that  the  bottom  was  taken  wholly  out  of  the 
Ku  Klux  Act.  In  the  case  of  United  States  vs. 
Harris  1  the  conspiracy  clause  in  its  entirety  was 
declared  unconstitutional.  This  was  a  case  from 
Tennessee,  in  which  a  band  of  whites  had  taken 
a  negro  away  from  the  officers  of  the  law  and  mal- 
treated him.  The  court  held  that,  under  the  last 
three  amendments  to  the  constitution.  Congress 
was  authorized  to  guarantee  equality  in  civil  rights 
against  violation  by  a  state  through  its  officers  or 
agents,  but  not  against  violation  by  private  individ- 
uals. Where  assault  or  murder  or  other  crime 
was  committed  by  a  private  individual,  even  if  the 
purpose  was  to  deprive  citizens  of  rights  on  the 
ground  of  race,  the  jurisdiction,  and  the  exclusive 
jurisdiction,  was  in  the  state  courts.  And  because 
the  conspiracy  clause  brought  such  offenses  into 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  United  States  it  was  uncon- 
stitutional and  void.  This  decision  finally  disposed 
of  the  theory  that  the  failure  of  a  state  to  protect 
the  negroes  in  their  equal  rights  could  be  regarded 
as  a  positive  denial  of  such  rights,  and  hence  could 
justify  the  United  States  in  interfering.  It  left 
the  blacks  practically  at  the  mercy  of  white  public 
sentiment  in  the  South.  A  year  later,  in  1883,  the 
court  summarily  disposed  of  the  act  of  1875  by 
declaring  that  the  rights  which  it  endeavored  to 
1 106  U.  S.,  629. 


guarantee  were  not  strictly  civil  rights  at  all,  but 
rather  social  rights,  and  that  in  either  case  the 
federal  government  had  nothing  to  do  with  them. 
The  act  was  therefore  held  unconstitutional.^ 

Thus  passed  the  most  characteristic  features  of 
the  great  system  through  which  the  Republicans 
had  sought  to  prevent  by  normal  action  of  the 
courts,  independently  of  changes  in  public  opinion 
and  political  majorities,  the  undoing  of  reconstruc- 
tion. Side  by  side  with  the  removal  of  the  pre- 
ventives, the  Southern  whites  had  made  enormous 
positive  advances  in  the  suppression  of  the  other 
race.  In  a  very  general  way  the  process  in  this 
period,  as  contrasted  with  the  earlier,  may  be  said 
to  have  rested,  in  last  resort,  on  legislation  and 
fraud  rather  than  on  intimidation  and  force.  The 
statute  books  of  the  states,  especially  of  those  in 
which  negro  rule  had  lasted  the  longest,  abounded 
in  provisions  for  partisan  —  that  is,  race  —  advan- 
tage. These  were  at  once  devoted  as  remorse- 
lessly to  the  extinction  of  black  preponderance  as 
they  had  been  before  devoted  to  the  repression  of 
the  whites.  Moreover,  by  revision  of  the  constitu- 
tions and  by  sweeping  modifications  of  the  laws, 
many  strongholds  of  the  old  regime  were  destroyed. 
Yet,  with  all  that  could  be  done  in  this  way,  the 
fact  remained  that  in  many  localities  the  negroes 
so  greatly  outnumbered  the  whites  as  to  render 
the  political  ascendency  of  the  latter  impossible, 

1  Civil  Rights  Cases,  109  U.  S.  i. 


except  through  some  radical  changes  in  the  laws 
touching  the  suffrage  and  the  elections;  and  in 
respect  to  these  two  points  the  sensitiveness  of 
Northern  feeling  rendered  open  and  decided  action 
highly  inexpedient.  Before  1880  the  anticipation, 
and  after  that  year  the  realization,  of  a  "solid 
South  "  played  a  prominent  part  in  national  poli- 
tics. The  permanence  of  white  dominion  in  the 
South  seemed,  in  view  of  the  past,  to  depend  as 
much  on  the  exclusion  of  the  RepubUcans  from 
power  at  Washington  as  on  the  maintenance  of 
white  power  at  the  state  capitals.  Under  all  the 
circumstances,  therefore,  extra-legal  devices  had 
still  to  be  used  in  the  "black  belt." 

The  state  legislation  which  contributed  to  con- 
firm white  control  included  many  ingenious  and 
exaggerated  applications  of  the  gerrymander  and 
the  prescription  of  various  electoral  regulations 
that  were  designedly  too  intricate  for  the  average 
negro  intelligence.  In  Mississippi  appeared  the 
"shoestring  district,"  three  hundred  miles  long 
and  about  twenty  wide,  including  within  its  bound- 
aries nearly  all  the  densest  black  communities  of 
the  state.  In  South  Carolina,  the  requirement 
that,  with  eight  or  more  ballot  boxes  before  him, 
the  voter  must  select  the  proper  one  for  each 
ballot,  in  order  to  insure  its  being  counted,  fur- 
nished an  effective  means  of  neutralizing  the  igno- 
rant black  vote;  for  though  the  negroes,  unable 
to  read  the  lettering  on  the  boxes,  might  acquire, 



by  proper  coaching,  the  power  to  discriminate 
among  them  by  their  relative  positions,  a  moment's 
work  by  the  whites  in  transposing  the  boxes  would 
render  useless  an  hour's  laborious  instruction.  For 
the  efficient  working  of  this  method  of  suppression, 
it  was  indispensable,  however,  that  the  officers  of 
election  should  be  whites.  This  suggests  at  once 
the  enormous  advantage  gained  by  securing  con- 
trol of  the  state  government.  In  the  hot  days  of 
negro  supremacy  the  electoral  machinery  had  been 
ruthlessly  used  for  partisan  purposes,  and  when 
conditions  were  reversed  the  practice  was  by  no 
means  abandoned.  It  was,  indeed,  through  their 
exclusive  and  carefully  maintained  control  of  the 
voting  and  the  count  that  the  whites  found  the 
best  opportunities  for  illegal  methods. 

Because  of  these  opportunities  the  resort  to  bull- 
dozing and  other  violence  steadily  decreased.  It 
penetrated  gradually  to  the  consciousness  of  the 
most  brutal  white  politicians  that  the  whipping  or 
murder  of  a  negro,  no  matter  for  what  cause,  was 
likely  to  become  at  once  the  occasion  of  a  great 
outcry  at  the  North,  while  by  an  unobtrusive  ma- 
nipulation of  the  balloting  or  the  count  very  encour- 
aging results  could  be  obtained  with  little  or  no 
commotion.  Hence  that  long  series  of  practices, 
in  the  regions  where  the  blacks  were  numerous, 
that  give  so  grotesque  a  character  to  the  testimony 
in  the  contested-election  cases  in  Congress,  and  to 
the  reminiscences  of  candid  Southerners.     Polling 


places  were  established  at  points  so  remote  from 
the  densest  black  communities  that  a  journey  of 
from  twenty  to  forty  miles  was  necessary  in  order 
to  vote ;  and  where  the  roads  were  interrupted  by 
ferries,  the  resolute  negroes  who  attempted  to 
make  the  journey  were  very  likely  to  find  the 
boats  laid  up  for  repairs.  The  number  of  polHng 
places  was  kept  so  small  as  to  make  rapid  voting 
indispensable  to  a  full  vote ;  and  then  the  whites, 
by  challenges  and  carefully  premeditated  quarrels 
among  themselves,  would  amuse  the  blacks  and 
consume  time,  till  only  enough  remained  for  the 
casting  of  their  own  votes.  The  situation  of  the 
polls  was  changed  without  notice  to  the  negroes, 
or,  conversely,  the  report  of  a  change  was  indus- 
triously circulated  when  none  had  been  made. 
Open  bribery  on  a  large  scale  was  too  common  to 
excite  comment.  One  rather  ingenious  scheme  is 
recorded  which  presents  a  variation  on  the  old 
theme.  In  several  of  the  states  a  poll-tax  receipt 
was  required  as  a  qualification  for  voting.  In  an 
important  local  election,  one  faction  had  assured 
itself  of  the  negro  vote  by  a  generous  outlay  in 
the  payment  of  the  tax  for  a  large  number  of  the 
blacks.  The  other  faction,  alarmed  at  the  prospect 
of  almost  certain  defeat,  availed  itself  of  the  oppor- 
tunity presented  by  the  providential  advent  of  a 
circus  in  the  neighborhood,  and  the  posters  an- 
nounced that  poll-tax  receipts  would  be  accepted 
for  admission.     As  a  result,  the  audience  at  the 


circus  was  notable  in  respect  to  numbers,  but  the 
negro  vote  at  the  election  was  insignificant. 

But  exploitation  of  the  poverty,  ignorance,  cre- 
dulity, and  general  childishness  of  the  blacks  was 
supplemented,  on  occasion,  by  deliberate  and  high- 
handed fraud.  Stuffing  of  the  boxes  with  illegal 
ballots,  and  manipulation  of  the  figures  in  making 
the  count,  were  developed  into  serious  arts.  At 
the  acme  of  the  development  undoubtedly  stood  the 
tissue  ballot.  There  was  in  those  days  no  pre- 
scription of  uniformity  in  size  and  general  char- 
acter of  the  ballots.  Hence  miniature  ballots  of 
tissue  paper  were  secretly  prepared  and  distributed 
to  trusted  voters,  who,  folding  as  many,  sometimes, 
as  fifteen  of  the  small  tickets  within  one  of  the 
ordinary  large  tickets,  passed  the  whole,  without 
detection,  into  the  box.  Not  till  the  box  was 
opened  were  the  tissue  tickets  discovered.  Then, 
because  the  number  of  ballots  exceeded  the  number 
of  voters  as  indicated  by  the  polling  list,  it  became 
necessary,  under  the  law,  for  the  excess  to  be 
drawn  out  by  a  blindfolded  man  before  the  count 
began.  So  some  one's  eyes  were  solemnly  band- 
aged, and  he  was  set  to  drawing  out  ballots,  on 
the  theory  that  he  could  not  distinguish  those  of 
one  party  from  those  of  the  other.  The  result  is 
not  hard  to  guess.  In  one  case  given  by  the 
Senate  committee  ^  through  whose  investigation  of 

1  The  report  of  this  committee  is  in  Sen.  Rep.  3d  sess.,  45th 
Cong.,  vol.  iv. 


the  elections  of  1878,  in  South  Carolina,  the  theory 
and  practice  of  the  tissue  ballot  were  revealed  to 
an  astonished  world,  the  figures  were  as  follows  :  — 

Number  of  ballots  in  box 1163 

Names  on  polling  list 620 

Excess  drawn  out c^-j 

Tissue  ballots  left  to  be  counted       ....      464 

Not  the  least  interesting  feature  of  this  episode 
was  the  explanation,  given  with  entire  gravity  by 
the  white  committee,  of  the  existence  of  the  great 
mass  of  tissue  ballots.  They  were  prepared,  it 
was  said,  in  order  to  enable  the  blacks  who  wished 
to  vote  the  Democratic  ticket  to  do  so  secretly,  and 
thus  to  escape  the  ostracism  and  other  social  pen- 
alties which  would  be  meted  out  to  them  by  the 
majority  of  their  race. 

Under  the  pressure  applied  by  all  these  various 
methods  upon  the  negroes,  the  black  vote  slowly 
disappeared.  And  with  it  the  Republican  Party 
faded  into  insignificance.  In  the  presidential  elec- 
tion of  1884  the  total  vote  in  South  Carolina 
was,  in  round  numbers,  91,000,  as  compared  with 
182,000  in  1876.  In  Mississippi  the  correspond- 
ing decrease  was  from  164,000  to  120,000;  in  Loui- 
siana, from  160,000  to  108,000.  The  Republican 
party  organization  was  maintained  almost  exclu- 
sively through  the  holders  of  federal  offices  in  the 
postal  and  revenue  service.  When,  in  1885,  a  Demo- 
cratic administration  assumed  power,  this  basis  for 


continued  existence  was  very  seriously  weakened, 
and  the  decline  of  the  party  was  much  accelerated. 
Save  for  a  few  judicial  positions  held  over  from 
early  appointments,  the  national  offices,  like  those 
of  the  states,  were  hopelessly  removed  from  the 
reach  of  any  Republican's  ambition.  A  compari- 
son of  the  Congressional  delegation  from  the  states 
of  the  defunct  Confederacy  in  the  Forty-first 
Congress  (1869-71)  with  that  in  the  Fifty-first 
(1889-91)  is  eloquent  of  the  transformation  that 
the  two  decades  had  wrought:  in  the  former,  twenty 
out  of  the  twenty-two  Senators  were  Republican, 
and  forty-four  out  of  fifty-eight  Representatives; 
in  the  latter,  there  were  no  RepubHcan  Senators 
and  but  three  Representatives. 

Summarily,  then,  it  may  be  said  that  the  second 
period  in  the  undoing  of  reconstruction  ends  with 
the  political  equality  of  the  negroes  still  recog- 
nized in  law,  though  not  in  fact,  and  with  the  Re- 
publican Party,  for  all  practical  purposes,  extinct 
in  the  South.  The  third  period  has  had  for  its 
task  the  termination  of  equal  rights  in  law  as  well 
as  in  fact. 


The  decline  of  negro  suffrage  and  of  the  Re- 
publican Party  in  the  South  was  the  topic  of  much 
discussion  in  national  politics  and  figured  in  the 
party  platforms  throughout  the  period  from  1876 
to  1888;  but  owing  to  the  deadlock  in  the  party 


control  of  the  national  legislature  the  discussion 
remained  academic  in  character,  and  the  issue  was 
supplanted  in  pubhc  interest  by  the  questions  of 
tariff,  currency  and  monopoly.  By  the  elections 
of  1888,  however,  the  RepubHcans  secured  not 
only  the  presidency,  but  also  a  majority  in  each 
house  of  Congress.  The  deadlock  of  thirteen 
years  was  broken,  and  at  once  an  effort  was 
made  to  resume  the  poHcy  of  the  Enforcement 
Acts.  A  bill  was  brought  in  that  was  designed  to 
make  real  the  federal  control  of  elections.  The 
old  acts  for  this  purpose  were,  indeed,  still  on  the 
statute  book,  but  their  operation  was  farcical ;  the 
new  project,  while  maintaining  the  general  Hnes 
of  the  old,  would  have  imposed  serious  restraints 
on  the  influences  that  repressed  the  negro  vote, 
and  would  have  infused  some  vitality  into  the 
moribund  Republican  Party  in  the  South.  It  was 
quickly  demonstrated,  however,  that  the  time  for 
this  procedure  had  gone  by.  The  bill  received 
perfunctory  support  in  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, where  it  passed  by  the  regular  party 
majority,  but  in  the  Senate  it  was  rather  con- 
temptuously set  aside  by  Republican  votes.  Pub- 
lic sentiment  in  the  North,  outside  of  Congress, 
manifested  considerable  hostility  to  the  project, 
and  its  adoption  as  a  party  measure  probably 
played  a  rdle  in  the  tremendous  reaction  which 
swept  the  Republicans  out  of  power  in  the  House 
in  1890,  and  gave  to  the  Democrats  in  1892  the 


control  of  both  houses  of  Congress  and  the 
presidency  as  well.  The  response  of  the  Demo- 
crats to  the  futile  project  of  their  adversaries  was 
prompt  and  decisive.  In  February,  1894,  an  act 
became  law  which  repealed  all  existing  statutes  that 
provided  for  federal  supervision  of  elections.  Thus 
the  last  vestige  disappeared  of  the  system  through 
which  the  political  equality  of  the  blacks  had  re- 
ceived direct  support  from  the  national  government. 
In  the  meantime,  a  process  had  been  instituted 
in  the  Southern  states  that  has  given  the  most  dis- 
tinctive character  to  the  last  period  in  the  undoing 
of  reconstruction.  The  generation-long  discussions 
of  the  political  conditions  in  the  South  have  evoked 
a  variety  of  explanations  by  the  whites  of  the  dis- 
appearance of  the  black  vote.  These  different 
explanations  have  of  course  all  been  current  at  all 
times  since  reconstruction  was  completed,  and 
have  embodied  different  degrees  of  plausibility 
and  truth  in  different  places.  But  it  may  fairly 
be  said  that  in  each  of  the  three  periods  into  which 
the  undoing  of  reconstruction  falls  one  particular 
view  has  been  dominant  and  characteristic.  In 
the  first  period,  that  of  the  Ku  Klux  and  the  Mis- 
sissippi plan,  it  was  generally  maintained  by  the 
whites  that  the  black  vote  was  not  suppressed,  and 
that  there  was  no  political  motive  behind  the  dis- 
turbances that  occurred.  The  victims  of  murder, 
bulldozing  and  other  violence  were  represented  as 
bad  and  socially  dangerous  men,  and  their  treat- 


ment  as  merely  incident  to  their  own  illegal  and 
violent  acts,  and  expressive  of  the  tendency  to 
self-help  instead  of  judicial  procedure,  which  had 
always  been  manifest  in  Southern  life,  and  had 
been  aggravated  by  the  demoralization  of  war  time. 
After  1877,  when  the  falling  off  in  the  RepubHcan 
vote  became  so  conspicuous,  the  phenomenon  was 
explained  by  the  assertion  that  the  negroes  had 
seen  the  light,  and  had  become  Democrats.  Mr. 
Lamar  gravely  maintained,  in  a  famous  controversy 
with  Mr.  Blaine,!  that  the  original  Republican 
theory  as  to  the  educative  influence  of  the  ballot 
had  been  proved  correct  by  the  fact  that  the  en- 
franchised race  had  come  to  recognize  that  their 
true  interests  lay  with  the  Democratic  Party ;  the 
Republicans  were  estopped,  he  contended,  by  their 
own  doctrine  from  finding  fault  with  the  result. 
A  corollary  of  this  idea  that  the  negroes  were 
Democrats  was  generally  adopted  later  in  the 
period,  to  the  effect  that,  since  there  was  practi- 
cally no  opposition  to  the  Democracy,  the  negroes 
had  lost  interest  in  poHtics.  They  had  got  on  the 
road  to  economic  prosperity,  it  was  said,  and 
were  too  busy  with  their  farms  and  their  growing 
bank  accounts  to  care  for  other  things. 

Whatever  of  soundness  there  may  have  been  in 
any  of  these  explanations,  all  have  been  super- 
seded, during  the  last  decade,  by  another,  which, 
starting  with  the  candid  avowal  that  the  whites  are 

1  North  American  Review^  vol.  128  (1879),  p.  225. 


determined  to  rule,  concedes  that  the  elimination 
of  the  blacks  from  politics  has  been  effected  by 
intimidation,  fraud,  or  any  other  means,  legal  or 
illegal,  that  would  promote  the  desired  end.  This 
admission  has  been  accompanied  by  expressions  of 
sincere  regret  that  illegal  means  were  necessary, 
and  by  a  general  movement  toward  clothing  with 
the  forms  of  law  the  disfranchisement  which  has 
been  made  a  fact  without  them.  In  1890,  just 
when  the  RepubHcans  in  Congress  were  pushing 
their  project  for  renewing  the  federal  control  of 
elections,  Mississippi  made  the  first  step  in  the  new 
direction.  Her  constitution  was  so  revised  as  to 
provide  that,  to  be  a  quahfied  elector,  a  citizen 
must  produce  evidence  of  having  paid  his  taxes 
(including  a  poll  tax)  for  the  past  two  years,  and 
must,  in  addition,  "be  able  to  read  any  section  in 
the  constitution  of  this  state,  or  ...  be  able  to 
understand  the  same  when  read  to  him,  or  give  a 
reasonable  interpretation  thereof."  Much  might 
be  said  in  favor  of  such  an  alternative  intelligence 
qualification  in  the  abstract:  the  mere  ability  to 
read  is  far  from  conclusive  of  intellectual  capacity. 
But  the  peculiar  form  of  this  particular  provision 
was  confessedly  adopted,  not  from  any  considera- 
tion of  its  abstract  excellence,  but  in  order  to  vest 
in  the  election  officers  the  power  to  disfranchise 
illiterate  blacks  without  disfranchising  illiterate 
whites.  In  practice,  the  white  must  be  stupid 
indeed  who  cannot  satisfy  the  official  demand  for  a 


"  reasonable  interpretation,"  while  the  negro  who 
can  satisfy  it  must  be  a  miracle  of  brilliancy. 

Mississippi's  bold  and  undisguised  attack  on 
negro  suffrage  excited  much  attention.  In  the 
South  it  met  with  practically  unanimous  approval 
among  thoughtful  and  conscientious  men,  who  had 
been  distressed  by  the  false  position  in  which  they 
had  long  been  placed.  And  at  the  North,  public 
opinion,  accepting  with  a  certain  satirical  com- 
placency the  confession  of  the  Southerners  that 
their  earlier  explanations  of  conditions  had  been 
false,  acknowledged  in  turn  that  its  views  as  to 
the  political  capacity  of  the  blacks  had  been  irra- 
tional, and  manifested  no  disposition  for  a  new 
crusade  in  favor  of  negro  equaUty.  The  action 
of  Mississippi  raised  certain  questions  of  constitu- 
tional law  which  had  to  be  tested  before  her  solu- 
tion of  the  race  problem  could  be  regarded  as 
final.  Like  all  the  other  seceded  states,  save 
Tennessee,  she  had  been  readmitted  to  repre- 
sentation in  Congress,  after  reconstruction,  on 
the  express  condition  that  her  constitution  should 
never  be  so  amended  as  to  disfranchise  any  who 
were  entitled  to  vote  under  the  existing  provisions. 
The  new  amendment  was  a  most  explicit  violation 
of  this  condition.  Further,  so  far  as  the  new 
clause  could  be  shown  to  be  directed  against  the 
negroes  as  a  race,  it  was  in  contravention  of  the 
Fifteenth  Amendment.  These  legal  points  had 
been  elaborately  discussed   in   the   state   conven- 


tion,  and  the  opinion  had  been  adopted  that,  since 
neither  race,  color  nor  previous  condition  of  servi- 
tude was  made  the  basis  of  discrimination  in  the 
suffrage,  the  Fifteenth  Amendment  had  no  appli- 
cation, and  that  the  prohibition  to  modify  the 
constitution  was  entirely  beyond  the  powers  of 
Congress,  and  was  therefore  void.  When  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  the  United  States  was  required 
to  consider  the  new  clause  of  Mississippi's  con- 
stitution, it  sustained  the  validity  of  the  enact- 
ment,^ at  least  so  long  as  injustice  in  its 
administration  was  shown  to  be  possible  only  and 
not  actual.  There  was  still  one  contingency  that 
the  whites  had  to  face  in  carrying  out  the  new 
policy.  By  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  it  is  pro- 
vided that  if  a  state  restricts  the  franchise  her 
representation  in  Congress  shall  be  proportion- 
ately reduced.  There  was  a  strong  sentiment  in 
Mississippi,  as  there  is  throughout  the  South,  that 
a  reduction  of  representation  would  not  be  an  in- 
tolerable price  to  pay  for  the  legitimate  extinction 
of  negro  suffrage.  But  loss  of  Congressmen  was 
by  no  means  longed  for,  and  the  possibility  of 
such  a  thing  was  very  carefully  considered.  The 
phrasing  of  the  franchise  clause  may  not  have 
been  actually  determined  with  reference  to  this 
matter;  but  it  is  obvious  that  the  application  of 
the  Fourteenth  Amendment  is,  to  say  the  least, 
not  facilitated  by  the  form  used. 

1  Williams  vs.  Miss.,  170  U.  S.,  213. 


The  action  of  Mississippi  in  1890  throws  a 
rather  interesting  light  on  the  value  of  political 
prophecy,  even  when  ventured  upon  by  the  most 
experienced  and  able  politicians.  Eleven  years 
earlier,  Mr.  Blaine,  writing  of  the  possibility  of 
disfranchisement  by  educational  and  property 
tests,  declared  :  "  But  no  Southern  state  will  do 
this,  and  for  two  reasons:  first,  they  will  in  no 
event  consent  to  a  reduction  of  representative 
strength ;  and,  second,  they  could  not  make  any 
disfranchisement  of  the  negro  that  would  not  at 
the  same  time  disfranchise  an  immense  number  of 
whites."  How  sadly  Mr.  Blaine  misconceived  the 
spirit  and  underrated  the  ingenuity  of  the  South- 
erners Mississippi  made  clear  to  everybody.  Five 
years  later  South  Carolina  dealt  no  less  unkindly 
with  Mr.  Lamar,  who  at  the  same  time  with  Mr. 
Blaine  had  dipped  a  little  into  prophecy  on  the 
other  side.  "Whenever,"  he  said,  —  "and  the 
time  is  not  far  distant,  —  political  issues  arise 
which  divide  the  white  men  of  the  South,  the 
negro  will  divide,  too.  .  .  .  The  white  race,  di- 
vided politically,  will  want  him  to  divide."  Inci- 
dentally to  the  conditions  which  produced  the 
Populist  Party,  the  whites  of  South  Carolina,  in 
the  years  succeeding  1890,  became  divided  into 
two  intensely  hostile  factions.  The  weaker  mani- 
fested a  purpose  to  draw  on  the  negroes  for  sup- 
port, and  began  to  expose  some  of  the  devices  by 
which  the  blacks  had  been  prevented  from  voting. 


The  situation  had  arisen  which  Mr.  Lamar  had 
foreseen,  but  the  result  was  as  far  as  possible 
from  fulfilling  his  prediction.  Instead  of  compet- 
ing with  its  rival  for  the  black  vote,  the  stronger 
faction,  headed  by  Mr.  Tillman,  promptly  took  the 
ground  that  South  Carolina  must  have  a  "  white 
man's  government,"  and  put  into  effect  the  new 
Mississippi  plan.  A  constitutional  amendment 
was  adopted  in  1895  which  applied  the  "under- 
standing clause "  for  two  years,  and  after  that 
required  of  every  elector  either  the  ability  to  read 
and  write  or  the  ownership  of  property  to  the 
amount  of  $300.  In  the  convention  which  framed 
this  amendment,  the  sentiment  of  the  whites  re- 
vealed very  clearly,  not  only  through  its  content, 
but  especially  through  the  frank  and  emphatic 
form  in  which  it  was  expressed,  that  the  aspira- 
tions of  the  negro  to  equality  in  political  rights 
would  never  again  receive  the  faintest  recognition. 
Since  the  action  of  South  Carolina,  four  other 
states,  Louisiana  in  1898,  North  Carolina  in  1900, 
Alabama  (1901)  and  Virginia  (1902),  have  excluded 
the  blacks  from  the  suffrage  by  analogous  constitu- 
tional amendments.  By  Louisiana,  however,  a  new 
method  was  devised  for  exempting  the  whites  from 
the  effect  of  the  property  and  intelligence  tests. 
The  hereditary  principle  was  introduced  into  the 
franchise  by  the  provision  that  the  right  to  vote 
should  belong,  regardless  of  education  or  property, 
to  every  one  whose  father  or  grandfather  possessed 


the  right  on  January  i,  1867.  This  "grandfather 
clause"  was  adopted  by  North  CaroHna,  also,  and, 
in  a  modified  form,  by  Alabama  and  Virginia. 
The  basis  for  the  hereditary  right  in  the  latter 
states  has  been  found,  not  in  the  possession  of 
the  franchise  by  the  ancestor,  but  in  the  fact  of 
his  having  served  as  a  soldier  of  either  the  United 
States  or  the  Confederacy.  As  compared  with 
the  Mississippi  device  for  evading  the  Fifteenth 
Amendment,  the  ''grandfather  clause"  has  the 
merit  of  incorporating  the  discrimination  in  favor 
of  the  whites  in  the  written  law  rather  than  re- 
ferring it  to  the  discretion  of  the  election  officers. 
Whether  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States 
will  regard  it  as  equally  successful  in  screening  its 
real  purpose  from  judicial  cognizance  remains  to 
be  seen. 

With  the  enactment  of  these  constitutional 
amendments  by  the  various  states,  the  political 
equality  of  the  negro  is  becoming  as  extinct  in 
law  as  it  has  long  been  in  fact,  and  the  undoing 
of  reconstruction  is  nearing  completion.  The 
many  morals  that  may  be  drawn  from  the  three 
decades  of  the  process  it  is  not  my  purpose  to 
suggest.  A  single  reflection  seems  pertinent,  how- 
ever, in  view  of  the  problems  which  have  assumed 
such  prominence  in  American  politics  since  the 
war  with  Spain.  During  the  two  generations  of 
debate  and  bloodshed  over  slavery  in  the  United 


States,  certain  of  our  statesmen  consistently  held 
that  the  mere  chattel  relationship  of  man  to  man 
was  not  the  whole  of  the  question  at  issue.  Jeffer- 
son, Clay  and  Lincoln  all  saw  more  serious  facts 
in  the  background.  But  in  the  frenzy  of  the 
war  time  public  opinion  fell  into  the  train  of  the 
emotionalists,  and  accepted  the  teachings  of  Gar- 
rison and  Sumner  and  Phillips  and  Chase,  that 
abolition  and  negro  suffrage  would  remove  the  last 
drag  on  our  national  progress.  Slavery  was  abol- 
ished, and  reconstruction  gave  the  freedmen  the 

But  with  all  the  guarantees  that  the  source  of 
every  evil  was  removed,  it  became  obvious  enough 
that  the  results  were  not  what  had  been  expected. 
Gradually  there  emerged  again  the  idea  of  Jeffer- 
son and  Clay  and  Lincoln,  which  had  been  hooted 
and  hissed  into  obscurity  during  the  prevalence  of 
the  abolitionist  fever.  This  was  that  the  ultimate 
root  of  the  trouble  in  the  South  had  been,  not  the 
institution  of  slavery,  but  the  coexistence  in  one 
society  of  two  races  so  distinct  in  characteristics  as 
to  render  coalescence  impossible ;  that  slavery  had 
been  a  modus  vivendi  through  which  social  life 
was  possible ;  and  that,  after  its  disappearance, 
its  place  must  be  taken  by  some  set  of  conditions 
which,  if  more  humane  and  beneficent  in  accidents, 
must  in  essence  express  the  same  fact  of  racial 
inequality.  The  progress  in  the  acceptance  of 
this  idea  in  the  North  has  measured  the  progress 


in  the  South  of  the  undoing  of  reconstruction.  In 
view  of  the  questions  which  have  been  raised  by 
our  lately  established  relations  with  other  races,  it 
seems  most  improbable  that  the  historian  will  soon, 
or  ever,  have  to  record  a  reversal  of  the  conditions 
which  this  process  has  established. 



Admission  of  states :  Vermont, 
Kentucky,  Tennessee,  311 ;  Ohio, 
312;  Louisiana,  313;  Maine,  In- 
diana, Illinois,  Alabama,  Missis- 
sippi, Missouri,  314;  Arkansas, 
Michigan,  Iowa,  316;  Nevada, 
Nebraska,  317 ;  Colorado,  the 
Dakotas,  Montana,  Washington, 
Idaho,  Wyoming,  Utah,  318. 

Alabama,  part  of  third  military 
district,  144;  registration  in,  188; 
disfranchisement  in,  196;  elec- 
tion on  ratification  of  constitution, 
204;  bill  to  admit  representatives 
of,  to  Congress,  210 ;  restored  to 
full  rights,  215 ;  organization  of 
legislature  in,  217;  original  ad- 
mission to  Union,  314;  not  equal 
with  original  states,  350;  end  of 
negro  government  in,  360;  dis- 
franchisement of  negroes  in,  382. 

Amendment  of  the  Constitution  of 
the  United  States :  proposed  by 
Buchanan,  6;  submitted  by  Con- 
gress in  1861,  7;  the  Fourth,  39; 
the  Fifth,  40;  the  Thirteenth,  56, 
70,  82,  93,  338 ;  the  Fourteenth, 
116,  118,  120,  122,  222,  225,  336, 
339;  the  Fifteenth,  227,  232,  243, 
252 ;  the  first,  341. 

Ames,  General,  appointed  governor 
of  Mississippi,  156. 

Amnesty,  offered  by  Lincoln,  66; 
by  Johnson,  78  ;  not  to  give  right 
to  vote  in  reconstruction,  183. 

Arkansas,  military  situation  in,  64  ; 
government  organized  in,  69  ;  part 

of  fourth  military  district,  144; 
registration  in,  188;  disfranchise- 
ment in,  196;  ratification  of  con- 
stitution of,  205;  act  admitting  to 
representation,  212;  organization 
of  legislature  in,  217;  original 
admission  to  Union,  316;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350; 
end  of  negro  government  in,  360. 
Ashley,  Representative,  moves  im- 
peachment resolution,  255. 

Bates,  Attorney-General,  opinion 
on  suspension  of  habeas  corpus, 

Black,  Attorney-General,  opinion 
on  suppressing  rebellion,  3. 

Blaine,  J.  G.,  views  on  negro  dis- 
franchisement, 381. 

Boutwell,  Representative,  leads  in 
impeachment    proceedings,  271. 

Buchanan,  President,  message  of 
December,  i860,  2,  6;  attitude 
toward  forts  and  property  in  the 
seceded  states,  9,  10. 

Bullock,  governor  of  Georgia,  223; 
refuses  to  call  special  session  of 
legislature,  242;  attitude  of,  on 
final  restoration,  246. 

Butler,  General  B.  F.,  treats  slaves 
as  contraband,  49 ;  introduces  bill 
for  dealing  with  Georgia,  239; 
disappointed  as  to  impeachment, 
257 ;  leads  in  impeachment  pro- 
ceedings, 271 ;  secures  adoption 
of  article  concerning  Johnson's 
speeches,  274;   on  character  of 




Senate    in    impeachment    trials, 

Calhoun,  J.  C,  on  sovereignty 
under  the  Constitution,  5, 

California,  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 

Canby,  Major-General,  succeeds 
Sickles  in  second  district,  168 ; 
conducts  transition  to  normal 
relations  in  Virginia,  233. 

Centralization,  60;  in  Civil  Rights 
Act,  93. 

Chase,  Chief  Justice,  in  the  Venice, 
72;  on  opening  courts  in  South 
after  the  war,  84 ;  on  Civil  Rights 
Act,  96 ;  on  date  of  end  of  war, 
129;  on  republican  form  of  gov- 
ernment, 133;  sits  in  circuit  at 
Raleigh,  167;  presides  at  im- 
peachment of  Johnson,  271 ;  gives 
casting  vote,  283. 

Citizenship,  in  the  Civil  Rights 
Act,  97. 

Civil  rights,  lost  by  citizens  who 
became  insurgents,  24;  of  citi- 
zens in  loyal  states,  37;  freed- 
men  to  be  protected  in,  91;  in 
Civil  Rights  Act,  93  ;  of  negroes, 
protected  by  Freedmen's  Bureau, 
141 ;  in  Ordinance  of  1787,  338. 

Coercion  of  a  state,  Buchanan  on, 
3;  Lincoln  on,  11. 

Collamer,  Senator,  on  confiscation, 

Colorado,  admission  of,  318 ;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350. 

Commerce,  regulation  of,  333. 

Conditions  on  admission  of  states  : 
After  reconstruction  —  Arkansas, 
212;  Alabama,  North  Carolina, 
South  Carolina,  Georgia,  Florida, 
Louisiana,  214;  Virginia,  235; 
Mississippi  and  Texas,  236.  At 
original  admission  to  Union,  311- 
319.     Classification   of,  320;    in 

respect  to  public  lands,  328-333 ; 
in  respect  to  navigable  waters, 
333;  as  to  interstate  rights  of 
citizens,  334-336;  as  to  slavery, 
336-338  ;  as  to  civil  and  religious 
liberty,  338-343 ;  as  to  territorial 
debts,  343 ;  as  to  non-sectarian 
schools,  343 ;  as  to  negro  suf- 
frage, 344;  as  to  right  to  hold 
office,  348 ;  as  to  school  privi- 
leges, 349. 
Confiscation,  first  act,  27;  second 
act,  29 ;  constitutional  warrant 
for,  30 ;  international  law  on,  31 ; 
the  President  on,  32;  of  slaves, 

Congress,  in  the  winter  of  1860-61, 
6;  on  the  object  of  the  war,  13; 
non-intercourse  act  passed,  22 ; 
first  Confiscation  Act,  27  ;  second 
Confiscation  Act,  29;  Habeas 
Corpus  Act,  42 ;  .  abolition  and 
emancipation  acts,  53;  Enrol- 
ment Act,  55;  acts  touching  state 
status,  67 ;  Freedmen's  Bureau 
Act,  73 ;  appoints  joint  commit- 
tee on  reconstruction,  86;  second 
Freedmen's  Bureau  Bill,  87 ;  de- 
clares war  on  President,  90; 
Civil  Rights  Act,  91 ;  adopts  plan 
of  restoration,  116 ;  declares  Ten- 
nessee restored,  120;  abandons 
forfeited-rights  theory,  122;  first 
Reconstruction  Act,  123  ;  second, 
124;  third,  125;  on  date  of  end 
of  war,  129  ;  forbids  certain 
punishments  of  blacks,  147 ;  in- 
terprets powers  of  district  com- 
manders as  to  removals  and 
appointments,  154 ;  as  to  state 
laws,  158 ;  as  to  disfranchise- 
ment, 182;  Reconstruction  Act 
of  March  11,  1868,  204;  bill  to 
restore  Alabama,  210;  act  re- 
storing Arkansas,  212 ;  act  re- 
storing the  Carolinas,   Georgia, 



Florida,  Alabama,  and  Louisi- 
ana, 215;  members  admitted  to 
seats,  222;  declares  Fourteenth 
Amendment  in  force,  226;  pro- 
poses Fifteenth  Amendment,  228 ; 
requires  removal  of  certain  state 
officers,  229;  begins  removal  of 
disabilities,  229;  authorizes  sub- 
mission of  constitutions  in  un- 
reconstructed states,  231 ;  act 
restoring  Virginia,  235 ;  acts  re- 
storing Mississippi  and  Texas, 
237 ;  act  to  promote  reconstruc- 
tion of  Georgia,  242 ;  act  restor- 
ing Georgia,  246;  acts  crippling 
executive,  261 ;  re-enacts  Ordi- 
nance of  1787,  309;  acts  admit- 
ting states,  311-320;  power  of,  as 
to  compacts  with  states,  321 ; 
as  to  conditions  precedent,  322 ; 
as  to  conditions  subsequent, 
323 ;  passes  Enforcement  Acts 
and  Election  Laws,  357-359; 
party  deadlock  in,  364 ;  passes 
supplementary  Civil  Rights  Act, 
365 ,  repeals  Federal  Elections 
Laws,  376. 

Conservative   Party  in  South,  200. 

Crittenden,  Senator,  proposition 
for  compromise,  7. 

Dakotas,  the,  admission  of,  318 ; 
not   equal   with   original   states, 


Davis,  Henry  Winter,  on  restora- 
tion of  states,  68. 

Declaration  of  Independence,  15. 

Delegated  powers,  principle  of,  56. 

Democratic  Party,  in  South  after 
war,  200 ;  success  of,  in  elections 
of  1892,  375. 

Dictatorship  of  President  in  1861, 

Disabilities,  political,  removed  in 
1872,  360. 

Disfranchisement    of    negroes,    in 

Mississippi,  378;  in  South  Caro- 
lina and  other  states,  382. 

Disfranchisement  of  rebels,  in  Ten- 
nessee, 120;  by  Reconstruction 
Acts,  124,  176;  interpretation  of 
provisions  touching,  179;  in 
constitutions  alter  reconstruction, 
196;  effect  of,  in  Mississippi  and 
Virginia,  230. 

District  commanders,  duties  of, 
143;  assignments  of,  144;  difiti- 
culties  of  position,  145 ;  relation 
to  state  officials,  148 ;  policy  of, 
in  removal  and  appointment  of 
state  officers,  151 ;  relation  to 
I  state  laws,  156;  policy  of,  as  to 
military  commissions  and  jury 
system,  159;  as  to  criminal  law 
and  police,  162;  as  to  private 
law,  163;  as  to  state  finances, 
170;  general  judgment  on,  174; 
practice  of,  in  appointing  regis- 
tration officers,  184;  in  conduct- 
ing elections,  190;  as  to  freedom 
of  speech,  192;  relations  with 
conventions,  194;  conduct  of 
elections  on  ratifying  constitu- 
tions, 201 ;  policy  in  transition 
from  military  to  permanent  gov- 
ernments, 218-222,  233. 

District  of  Columbia,  taxation  of 
citizens  of,  335. 

Drafts  of  1862,  38. 

Due  process  of  law,  meaning  of, 

Elections,  of  1862,  40 ;  of  1866, 121, 
123,  254;  forbidden  in  South  by 
military  commanders,  147;  of 
1867,  190;  under  Reconstruction 
Acts,  188,  204-206;  of  1868,  226; 
in  Virginia,  Mississippi,  and 
Texas,  232;  of  1872,  360;  of 
1876,  362;  of  1888,  375;  of  1892, 
375.  See  also  Federal  Elections 



Emancipation,  in  second  session, 
Thirty-seventh  Congress,  28 ;  by 
the  President,  50;  by  Congress, 


Emory,  Major-General,  connection 
of,  with  impeachment  of  John- 
son, 272. 
|[^/^nforcement  Acts,  aim  of,  357 ; 
content  and  operation  of,  358- 
359 ;  judgment  of  Supreme  Court 
on,  366-367. 

Enfranchisement  of  negroes,  aimed 
at  by  radicals,  80;  progress 
toward,  in  Fourteenth  Amend- 
ment, 118;  secured  in  Tennes- 
see, 120;  insured  in  South  by 
Reconstruction  Acts,  124,  176 ; 
defeated  in  Ohio,  190;  incorpo- 
rated in  reconstruction  constitu- 
tions, 196;  defeated  in  certain 
Northern  states,  227  ;  why 
adopted  as  a  policy,  251. 

Equality  of  states,  germ  of  doctrine, 
306;  in  constitutional  conven- 
tion, 310;  in  admitting  acts,  311 ; 
in  debate  on  admission  of  Mis- 
souri, 315;  how  affected  by 
conditions  on  admission,  320; 
contradictory  theories  as  to  con- 
stitution on,  325-327;  in  respect 
to  public  lands,  333 ;  in  respect 
to  navigable  waters,  334  ;  in  re- 
spect to  taxation  of  non-residents, 
336 ;  in  respect  to  slavery,  338 ; 
in  respect  to  civil  liberty,  341 ; 
religious  liberty,  342;  as  to  ter- 
ritorial debts,  343;  as  to  public 
schools,  344 ;  as  to  negro  suffrage, 
345.  347 ;  ^s  to  right  to  hold 
office,  348 ;  as  to  school  privi- 
leges of  citizens,  349;  not  sus- 
tainable in  constitutional  law,  351. 

Federal  Elections  Laws :  aim  and 
content  of,  356,  359 ;  contest  over, 
under  Hayes,  364-365  ;  attempt  to 

revive  in  1889,  375  ;  repeal  of, 

Federalist,  The,  on  the  guarantee 
clause,  131. 

Florida,  part  of  third  military  dis- 
trict, 144;  registration  in,  188; 
ratification  of  constitution  in,  205  ; 
restored  to  full  rights,  214;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350; 
end  of  radical  government  in, 

Force  Acts  :  see  Enforcement  Acts. 

Fraud  in  elections :  a  deliberate 
policy  in  South,  368  ;  methods  of, 
369-373 ;  Southern  confessions 
of,  378. 

Freedmen,  status  of,  at  end  of  war, 
73;  enfranchisement  of,  desired, 
80;  legislation  concerning,  by 
Southern  states,  92;  included  in 
United  States  citizenship,  97 ; 
given  the  electoral  franchise,  124 ; 
outrages  on,  128, 139;  complaints 
against  employers,  142;  peculiar 
punishments  of,  forbidden,  147; 
join  the  Republican  Party,  201 ; 
political  tendencies  of,  355 ; 
failure  of,  as  militia,  357. 

Freedmen's  Bureau,  establishment 
of,  73;  second  bill  concerning, 
87;  reports  of  officials  of,  in 
1866,  139 ;  judicial  authority  of, 
141 ;  political  influence  of,  200. 

Fremont,  General,  49. 

Georgia,  part  of  third  military  dis- 
trict, 144;  Governor  Jenkins  re- 
moved, 155  ;  registration  in,  188  ; 
disfranchisements  in,  189;  ratifi- 
cation  of   constitution    in,  205; 
act  restoring  to  full  rights,  214 ; 
Governor  Bullock  and  the  legisla- 
ture, 223 ;  legislature  unseats  ne- 
!      gro  members,  224;  senators  not 
I      admitted  to  seats,  224;  in  presi- 
1      dential    election    of    1868,    226 ; 



status  of,  in  December,  1868, 
237  ;  congressmen  excluded  from 
House,  239 ;  state  supreme  court 
decides  negroes  eligible  to  legis- 
lature, 241 ;  General  Terry  on 
outrages  in,  242 ;  act  to  promote 
reconstruction  of,  242 ;  proceed- 
ings under  the  act,  244;  final 
restoration  of,  246 ;  not  equal 
with  other  original  states,  350; 
lost  by  Republicans,  356. 

Gillem,  Major-General, commander 
in  fourth  district,  169 ;  vetoes  con- 
vention's tax  ordinance  in  Missis- 
sippi, 174;  conduct  of  election 
in  Arkansas,  205,  211. 

Grant,  general  of  the  army,  powers 
under  the  Reconstruction  Acts, 
125 ;  attitude  on  Congressional 
policy,  145 ;  on  Sickles'  policy, 
167  ;  elected  President,  226 ;  policy 
as  to  unreconstructed  states,  231 ; 
in  restoration  of  Virginia,  233; 
recommends  additional  legisla- 
tion as  to  Georgia,  242;  ap- 
pointed secretary  of  war  ad 
interim,  263 ;  controversy  with 
Johnson,  265 ;  suppresses  Ku 
Klux  in  South  Carolina,  359 ; 
refuses  troops  to  Mississippi,  361. 

Habeas  corpus,  suspended  between 
Philadelphia  and  Washington, 
19;  suspended  in  connection 
with  draft,  39;  interpretation  of 
Constitution  on,  41 ;  act  of  1863 
touching,  42;  general  suspen- 
sion of,  43 ;  extension  of  juris- 
diction of  Supreme  Court  as  to, 
137 ;  suspension  of,  authorized 
by  Ku  Klux  Act,  359. 

Hancock,  Major-General,  com- 
mander in  fifth  district,  160; 
policy  of,  161 ;  on  relief  of 
debtors,  169. 

Hayes,  President  R.  B. :  abandons 

radicals  in  South,  363 ;  strife  with 
Congress  over  Federal  Elections 
Laws,  364. 

Hoar,  Attorney-General,  opinion 
on  test  oath,  233. 

Howard,  General,  on  administra- 
tion of  justice  in  South  in  1866, 

Humphreys,  governor  of  Missis- 
sippi, removed,  156. 

Hunter,  General,  49. 

Illinois,  admission  of,  314;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350. 

Impeachable  offences,  what  consti- 
tute, 258,  275,  278,  283. 

Impeachment  of  President  John- 
son, moved,  255 ;  reported 
against,  256,  257;  voted  down, 
260 ;  second  attempt  at,  265 ; 
voted  by  House,  270;  trial  be- 
gins, 271;  the  charges,  272; 
Johnson's  answer,  276  ;  decision 
of  Senate  that  it  was  a  court, 
283 ;  decision  as  to  impeachable 
offences,  283;  the  issue  as  to 
power  of  removal,  284 ;  as  to 
President's  right  to  violate  law, 
288 ;  as  to  construction  of  pro- 
viso touching  cabinet  officers, 
293;  as  to  ad  interim  appoint- 
ment of  Thomas,  297 ;  end  of 
trial,  299 ;  votes  on  articles,  300- 
301 ;  judgment  on,  302. 

Indiana,  admission  of,  314;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350. 

Intimidation,  methods  of  in  South, 
361 ;  Southern  confession  of,  378. 

Iowa,  admission  of,  316 ;  not  equal 
with  original  states,  350. 

Iron-clad  oath,  required  of  ap- 
pointees under  military  govern- 
ment, 154;  of  jurors  in  Texas, 
160;  of  members  of  registration 
boards,  184;  of  officers  in  Vir- 
ginia,   197 ;    question    as  to,   in 



transition  from  military  to  per- 
manent government,  219;  re- 
quired of  state  officers,  229;  in 
transition  of  Virginia  to  full 
rights,  233. 

Jenkins,  governor  of  Georgia,  re- 
lations with  General  Pope,  152; 
removed,  155. 

Johnson,  Andrew,  organizes  gov- 
ernment in  Tennessee,  78 ;  ap- 
plies Lincoln's  plan  of  restoration, 
78;  with  modifications,  79;  an- 
nounces success  of  restoration, 
82;  and  suppression  of  rebellion, 
83 ;  policy  opposed  by  various 
elements,  85  ;  vetoes  Freedmen's 
Bureau  Bill,  89;  rupture  with 
Congress,  90,  253 ;  impeachment 
of,  moved,  255;  suspends  Stan- 
ton, 262  ;  controversy  with  Grant, 
265 ;  removes  Stanton,  268  ;  im- 
peached by  House,  270 ;  charges 
against,  272 ;  answer  to  charges, 
276;  view  of  proviso  in  Tenure 
of  Office  Act,  295;  acquitted, 
300 ;  appoints  Schofield  secretary 
of  war,  302. 

Kansas,   not    equal    with  original 

states,  350. 
Ku   Klux  Klan,   228;   in  Georgia, 

242;  political  influence  of,  356; 

act  for  suppression  of,  358,  367 ; 

summary  procedure   against   in 

South  Carolina,  359. 

Lamar,  L.  Q.  C,  views  on  negro 
suffi-age,  377,  381. 

Lincoln,  President,  inaugural  ad- 
dress of,  1861,  11;  calls  out  mili- 
tia, 16;  proclaims  blockade,  17; 
calls  for  volunteers  and  increases 
army  and  navy,  18 ;  authorizes 
suspension  of  habeas  corpus,  19 ; 
proclamation  in  connection  with 
draft,  38;    suspends  habeas  cor- 

pus generally,  43 ;  Emancipation 
Proclamation,  50;  amnesty  and 
restoration  proclamation,  66 ; 
action  on  Wade-Davis  bill,  68; 
death  of,  78. 

Louisiana,  government  organized 
in,  69;  condition  of,  in  1866, 140; 
part  of  fifth  military  district,  144 ; 
removals  and  appointments  in, 
153;  registration  in,  188;  disfran- 
chisement in,  197  ;  ratification  of 
constitution  in,  205;  act  restor- 
ing, 214  ;  difficulty  in  transition 
from  military  government  220; 
presidential  election  of  1868,  226 ; 
original  admission  to  Union,  313  ; 
not  equal  with  original  states, 
350;  incidents  of  radical  govern- 
ment in,  361 ;  end  of  radical 
government  in,  362 ;  disfranchise- 
ment of  negroes  in,  382, 

Loyalists  in  the  South,  65. 

Loyalty,  test  of,  in  Johnson's  am- 
nesty proclamation,  80;  in  re- 
construction, 150;  in  members 
of  registration  boards,  184. 

Madison,  James,  on  sovereignty 
under  the  Constitution,  5 ;  on  Or- 
dinance of  1787,  309. 

Martial  law,  proclaimed  as  to  cer- 
tain persons,  39 ;  Supreme  Court 
on,  45. 

Meade,  Major-General,  com- 
mander of  third  military  district, 
155 ;  action  for  relief  of  debtors, 
170;  declines  to  "purge"  Geor- 
gia legislature,  223. 

Michigan,  admission  of,  316; 
boundary  dispute  of,  with  Ohio, 
333;  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 

Military  commissions,  authorized 
in  connection  with  draft,  39; 
Supreme  Court  on,  45;  estab- 
lished during  reconstruction,  158. 



Military  government  in  reconstruc- 
tion, constitutional  basis  of,  127 ; 
practical  purpose  of,  139 ;  ended 
in  Arkansas,  213;  ended  in  six 
states,  222 ;  ended  in  Virginia, 
236,  in  Mississippi  and  Texas, 
237 ;  renewed  in  Georgia,  244. 

Militia,  law  of  1795  on,  3,  16. 

Minnesota,  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 

Mississippi,  administration  of  jus- 
tice in,  in  1866-67,  139 ;  part  of 
fourth  military  district,  144 ;  con- 
vention's action  on  taxes,  174; 
registration  in,  188  ;  disfranchise- 
ment in,  196;  rejection  of  consti- 
tution in,  206;  removal  of  state 
officers  required,  229  ;  ratification 
of  constitution,  233;  restored  to 
full  rights,  237;  original  admis- 
sion to  Union,  314 ;  amends  con- 
stitution as  to  suffrage,  347 ;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350; 
overthrow  of  radical  government 
in,  361 ;  shoe-string  district  in, 
369  ;  disfranchisement  of  negroes 
in,  378  ;  new  franchise  clause  sus- 
tained by  United  States  Supreme 
Court,  380. 

Montana,  admission  of,  318 ;  not 
equal  with  original  states,  350. 

Morris,  Gouverneur,  opposes 
equality  of  new  states,  310,  324. 

Municipal  governments  in  South 
during  reconstruction,  156. 

Nebraska,  admission  of,  317 ;  pro- 
hibited to  deny  negro  suffrage, 
345;  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 

Necessity,  doctrine  of,  58. 

Nevada,  admission  of,  317;  no 
slavery  in,  338 ;  not  equal  with 
original  states,  350. 

North  Carolina,  part  of  second 
military  district,  144 ;  registration 

in,  188;  disfranchisements  in, 
189;  ratification  of  constitution 
in,  205;  act  restoring,  214;  ces- 
sion of  Tennessee,  311;  not  equal 
with  original  states,  350 ;  lost  by 
Republicans,  356;  disfranchise- 
ment of  negroes  in,  382. 
Northwest  Territory,  ceded  to 
United  States,  307;  prohibition 
of  slavery  in  states  formed  from, 

Ohio,  admission  of,  312;  dispute 
with  Michigan,  333 ;  no  slavery 
in.  337;  not  equal  with  original 
states,  360. 

Ord,  Major-General,  commander 
of  fourth  military  district,  144; 
order  of,  as  to  illicit  stills,  162; 
as  to  relief  of  debtors,  169. 

Ordinance  of  1787,  adopted,  308; 
re-enacted,  309;  as  to  Michigan's 
boundary,  333;  as  to  slavery, 
337;  as  to  civil  and  religious 
liberty,  338-342. 

Oregon,  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 

Pickering,  Secretary  of  State,  re- 
moved by  President  Adams,  286. 

Pope,  Major-General,  commander 
third  military  district,  144 ;  policy 
as  to  removals  and  appointments, 
152 ;  as  to  jury  system,  159 ;  as  to 
relief  of  debtors,  169 ;  as  to  regis- 
tration boards,  185  ;  as  to  printing 
patronage,  192 ;  as  to  elections  on 
ratifying  constitutions,  202;  su- 
perseded, 202. 

Prisoners  of  state,  38. 

Privateers,  Confederate,  treatment 
of,  26. 

Proclamation  of  the  President, 
calling  out  the  militia,  16  ;  estab- 
lishing blockade,  17;  defining 
limits  of  insurrection,  23 ;  declar- 



ing  martial  law,  38 ;  suspending 
habeas  corpus,  43  ;  Emancipation, 
50 ;  amnesty  and  restoration,  Lin- 
coln, 66,  Johnson,  78  ;  blockade, 
non-intercourse  and  suspension 
oi  habeas  corpus  revoked,  83  ;  end 
of  insurrection,  and  general 
peace,  83. 
Provisional  governors,  appointed 
by  Johnson,  79;  character  and 
authority  of,  113. 

Radical  Party  in  South,  200. 

Rebel  states,  meaning  of  the  ex- 
pression, 126. 

Reconstruction,  joint  committee 
on,  86;  theories  as  to,  100; 
Southern  theory,  loi ;  Presiden- 
tial theory,  103 ;  state-suicide 
theory,  105,  122;  conquered- 
province  theory,  107 ;  forfeited- 
rights  theory,  109,  122 ;  report  of 
joint  committee  on,  112;  acts  of 
March  and  July,  1867,  123-125 ; 
principles  of  these  acts,  126-134 ; 
attempts  to  overthrow  the  acts 
judicially,  136;  purpose  of  the 
acts,  138 ;  interpretation  of  acts 
as  to  removals  and  appointments, 
153;  as  to  state  legislation,  156; 
provisions  as  to  enfranchisement 
and  disfranchisement,  177 ;  inter- 
pretation as  to  disfranchisement, 
182;  first  elections  under,  188; 
state  conventions  held,  193,  207; 
constitutions  voted  on,  204-206; 
states  admitted  to  representation, 
212,  215,  235,  237 ;  transition  from 
provisional  to  permanent  govern- 
ments, 216,  236,  237;  epoch  in 
process  of,  225 ;  act  to  promote, 
in  Georgia,  242;  proceedings 
under  last  act,  244;  act  finally 
restoring  Georgia,  246;  general 
reflections  on  process  of,  247- 
252, 353 ;  conditions  on  states  in. 

319 ;  what  is  involved  in  undoing 
of.  354".  periods  in  undoing  of, 
363.  374- 

Registration  boards,  duties  of,  as 
to  disfranchisement,  182;  quali- 
fications of  members  of,  184; 
negroes  made  members,  185 ; 
influence  on  Republican  Party, 
186 ;  results  of  their  registration, 

Removal  from  office,  discussion  as 
to  power  of,  284. 

Republican  form  of  government, 
guarantee  of,  construed,  131-134 ; 
question  as  to,  in  Georgia,  240. 

Republican  Party,  control  of  Con- 
gress in  1861,  21 ;  continuance  of 
supremacy  aimed  at,  86,  353 ;  de- 
velopment in  South,  186,  199; 
change  of  attitude  on  negro 
suffrage,  226;  split  in  unrecon- 
structed states,  230,  360;  deteri- 
oration of,  in  the  South,  355 ; 
extinction  of,  in  South,  373. 

Restoration  of  governments  in  the 
South:  Lincoln's  plan,  66,  76; 
Wade-Davis  plan,  68 ;  in  Louisi- 
ana and  Arkansas,  69,  tj;  in 
Tennessee,  78;  Johnson's  plan, 
79 ;  criticised,  86 ;  plan  of  Thirty- 
ninth  Congress,  116. 

Schofield,  Major-General,  com- 
mander first  military  district, 
144 ;  practice  as  to  appointments 
and  removals,  151;  opposes 
"clean  sweep"  of  officials,  155; 
attitude  on  jury  system,  159;  in 
selection  of  registration  boards, 
184  ;  in  conducting  election,  190 ; 
appointed  secretary  of  war,  302. 

Secession,  right  of,  Buchanan's 
message  on,  2;  Lincoln  on,  11; 
extinction  of,  62. 

Separation  of  powers,  56, 

Seward,  Secretary   of  State,  pro- 



claims  Thirteenth  Amendment, 
82;  abuse  of,  117;  proclaims 
Fourteenth  Amendment,  225. 

Sheridan,  Major-General,  on  con- 
ditions in  Louisiana  and  Texas 
in  1866,  140;  commander  fifth 
military  district,  144 ;  practice  as 
to  removals  and  appointments, 
153;  abolishes  levee  board, 

Sherman,  Senator,  on  Tenure  of 
Office  Act,  294. 

Sherman-Johnston  agreement,  102. 

Shoe-string  district,  369. 

Sickles,  Major-General,  on  admin- 
istration of  justice  in  South  Caro- 
lina in  1866,  140;  commander 
second  military  district,  144 ; 
practice  as  to  removals  and  ap- 
pointments, 151 ;  as  to  jury  sys- 
tem, 159;  as  to  criminal  law  and 
police,  162  ;  General  Orders  No. 
10  for  relief  of  debtors,  etc.,  164 ; 
conflict  with  federal  court,  167; 
removed,  168. 

Slavery,  Crittenden  compromise 
on,  8 ;  abolished  in  District  of 
Columbia  and  territories,  53; 
meaning  of,  in  Thirteenth 
Amendment,  93;  in  Ordinance 
of  1787,  309,  337. 

Slaves,  set  free  under  Confiscation 
Acts,  35  ;  contraband  of  war,  36, 
49 ;  emancipated  by  generals,  49 ; 
emancipated  by  President,  50; 
by  Congress,  54. 

South  Carolina,  evades  repudiating 
war  debt,  82 ;  administration  of 
justice  in,  in  1866-67,  14° '.  P^-^^ 
of  second  military  district,  144 ; 
registration  in,  188  ;  disfranchise- 
ments in,  189 ;  ratification  of  con- 
stitution in,  205 ;  act  restoring, 
214;  amends  constitution  as  to 
suffrage,  347 ;  not  equal  with 
other  original  states,  350;  radical 

government  in,  361;  ballot-box 
law  in,  369 ;  tissue  ballots  in,  373  ; 
disfranchisement  of  negroes  in, 

Sovereignty,  national,  Lincoln  on, 

Sovereignty,  state,  Buchanan  on, 
2;  Lincoln  on,  n;  extinction  of, 
62,  304. 

Stanbery,  Attorney-General,  inter- 
pretation of  Reconstruction  Acts, 
125;  disapproves  policy  of  dis- 
trict commanders,  148;  opinion 
on  removals  and  appointments, 
153 ;  on  legislative  power  of  dis- 
trict commanders,  158 ;  on 
Sickles's  General  Orders  No.  10, 
167  ;  on  disft-anchising  clauses  of 
Reconstruction  Acts,  180. 

Stanton,  Secretary  of  War,  disap- 
proves Johnson's  reconstruction 
policy,  261 ;  suspended  from 
office,  262;  resumes  office,  264; 
removed  by  Johnson,  268;  opin- 
ion on  Tenure  of  Office  Act,  295  ; 
relinquishes  office,  301. 

State,  definition  of,  by  Supreme 
Court,  loi. 

State  rights,  to  be  unimpaired  by 
the  war,  13 ;  definition  of,  in  re- 
construction, 63;  effect  of  the 
war  on,  304. 

Stevens,  Thaddeus,  theory  as  to 
reconstruction,  107 ;  moves  bills 
for  restoring  Alabama,  210,  213 ; 
disappointed  as  to  impeachment, 
256 ;  leader  in  impeachment  pro- 
ceedings, 271. 

Sumner,  Charles,  theory  as  to  re- 
construction, 105 ;  on  republi- 
can form  of  government,  134; 
motion  in  impeachment  trial, 
283;  advocates  supplementary 
Civil  Rights  Bill,  365. 

Supreme  Court  of  the  United 
States,  decisions  of:  Prize  Cases, 



17,  25,  71 ;  Ex  parte  Milligan,  45  ; 
The  Venice,  72 ;  Ex  parte  Qwm.- 
mings  and  Ex  parte  Garland, 
121 ;  as  to  when  war  ended,  129; 
Texas  vs.  White,  133  ;  Mississippi 
vs.  Johnson,  136 ;  Georgia  vs. 
Stanton,  136  ;  £'jr/'ar/<f  McCardle, 
137 ;  McCulIough  vs.  Maryland, 
329 ;  Van  Brocklin  vs.  Tennessee, 
330;  Green  vs.  Biddle,  331 ;  Pol- 
lard's Lessee  vs.  Hagan,  333; 
Withers  t/J.  Buckley,  334;  Gilman 
vs.  Philadelphia,  334 ;  Ward,  vs. 
Maryland,  335  ;  Slaughter  House 
Cases,  339;  United  States  vs. 
Cruikshank,  342,  366;  United 
States  vs.  Reese,  366;  United 
States  vs.  Harris,  367;  Civil 
Rights  Cases,  368 ;  Williams  vs. 
Mississippi,  380. 

Taney,  Chief  Justice,  on  the  sus- 
pension of  habeas  corpus  by  the 
President,  19. 

Tennessee,  government  restored, 
78  ;  representatives  and  senators 
admitted  to  Congress,  120;  ad- 
mission to  Union,  311 ;  lost  by 
Republicans,  356. 

Tenure  of  Office  Act,  passed,  261 ; 
relation  to  Stanton,  264-266 ;  held 
void  by  President,  277;  proviso 
in,  touching  cabinet  officers,  294 ; 
repealed,  303. 

Terry,  Major-General,  reports  on 
conditions  in  Georgia,  242 ;  con- 
ducts re-reconstruction,  244. 

Texas,  condition  of,  in  1866,  140; 
part  of  fifth  military  district,  144; 
governor  removed,  155  ;  registra- 
tion in,  188 ;  disfranchisement  in, 
196;  recess  of  convention,  208; 
removal  of  state  officers  required, 
229  ;  constitution  completed,  230, 
ratified,  233 ;  restored  to  full 
rights,  237 ;  not  equal  with  origi- 

nal states,  351 ;  lost  by  Republi- 
cans, 356. 

Thomas,  Lorenzo,  Adjutant-Gen- 
eral, appointed  secretary  of  war 
ad  interim,  268. 

Tillman,  of  South  Carolina,  382. 

Treason,  attainder  of,  33. 

Trumbull,  Senator,  on  govern- 
ment's rights  over  rebels,  34; 
on  Freedmen's  Bureau  Bill,  88 ; 
on  impeachment  of  Johnson, 

Union,  preservation  of,  the  object 

of  the  war,  13. 
Utah,  admission  of,  318 ;  law  as  to 

polygamy  in,  342 ;  not  equal  with 

the  original  states,  350. 

Virginia,  consents  to  formation  of 
West  Virginia,  67 :  Pierpoint 
government  of,  recognized,  78 ; 
made  first  military  district,  144; 
removals  and  appointments  in, 
151 ;  registration  in,  188  ;  disfran- 
chisements in,  189 ;  disfranchise- 
ment clause  of  constitution,  196; 
delay  in  ratification,  207  ;  removal 
of  state  officers  required,  229 ; 
constitution  ratified,  233 ;  re- 
stored to  full  rights,  235 ;  cedes 
Northwest  Territory,  307 ;  cedes 
Kentucky,  311 ;  not  equal  with 
other  original  states,  350 ;  lost  by 
Republicans,  356 ;  disfranchise- 
ment of  negroes  in,  382. 

Wade,  Senator,  on  restoration  of 
states,  68 ;  next  in  succession  to 
presidency,  255 ;  disliked  by 
Eastern  men,  260. 

War  powers,  basis  of,  15;  as  to 
confiscation,  32 ;  as  to  civil  rights 
in  loyal  states,  37;  as  to  the 
slaves,  49 ;  principles  and  tenden- 
cies of,  56 ;  basis  of  Freedmen's 




Bureau,  74 ;  basis  of  Reconstruc- 
tion Acts,  128. 

Washington,  admission  of,  318 ;  not 
equal  with  the  original  states,  350. 

Webster,  Daniel,  on  sovereignty 
under  the  Constitution,  5  ;  on  the 
guarantee  clause,  132. 

West  Virginia,  creation  of,  67, 

Whiskey  Insurrection,  15. 

Wilson,  Representative,  on  im- 
peachable offences,  275. 

Wisconsin,  not  equal  with  original 
states,  350. 
