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waaay a x oe 

Descriptive and Practical. By Sir E. A. 
SCHAFER, M.D.,Sc.D., F.R.S., Professor 
of Physiology in the University of Edin- 
burgh. With 645 Illustrations, many of 
which are coloured. 8vo, Ios. 6d. net. 

HISTOLOGY, for the Use of Students. 
F.R.C.P., D.P.H., Professor of Patho- 
logy, University of Leeds. With 151 
Illustrations, 22 in Colour. 8vo, 7s. 6d. 

BURTON, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.C.P., Pro- 
fessor of Physiology in King’s College, 
London. With Illustrations. 8vo, 5s. net. 


Lonpon, New York, BomsBay, CaALtcuTTa, AND MADRAS 



; BY 
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M.A., M.D. (CANTAB.), D.Sc. (LOND.), F.R.C.P. 

a AND 
' M.D. (EDIN.) 





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All Rights Reserved 

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Our object in writing this book has been to bring together in a concise 
form the fundamental facts and principles of Physiology, primarily 
with the object of meeting the requirements of the medical student 
preparing for a pass examination in the subject of Physiology. Con- 
siderations of space have led us to exclude as far as possible histological 
details and descriptions of chemical and experimental methods which 
form part of each student’s laboratory course, and for which separate 
text-books are used. We have also omitted, for the same reason, all 
matter of purely historical interest. 

In view of the transitional state of anatomical nomenclature, we 
have, after much consideration, retained the terminology hitherto used 
in this country, and have inserted the Basle nomenclature in brackets. 

While it is impossible to mention all the sources upon which we 
have drawn, we wish to acknowledge our especial indebtedness to 
Professor Starling, not only for permission to use many figures from 
his Principles of Physiology, but also for advice and information on 
many points. Our thanks for permission to use figures, which are 
as far as possible separately acknowledged in the text, are also due to 
Professor Sir E. A, Schafer (Quain’s Anatomy and Essentials of Hist- 
ology), Professor J. N. Langley (Jowrnal of Physiology), Dr M. S. 
Pembrey (Practical Physiology), J. Barcroft, Esq. (Respiratory Function 
of the Blood), Dr A. Hertz, Dr Homans, Dr W. E. Hume, Professor R, 
Howden (Gray’s Anatomy), and the Council of the Royal Society. We 
‘must also thank the Publishers and others who have kindly supplied us 
with blocks, namely, Messrs J. & A. Churchill, Hodder & Stoughton, 
Macmillan & Co., Ltd., Mr Edwin Arnold, the Cambridge University 
Press, Messrs Baird & Tatlock, Ltd., and Messrs Hawksley. 

Finally, we are indebted to Miss F. H. Miller for her unwearying 
efforts in the production of the original illustrations, and to Messrs 
Longmans, Green & Co. for the great pains they have taken in the 

reproduction of the figures. 


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I. INTRODUCTORY . . : kta oh ; ; - “ ; 1 
II. CHEMISTRY OF THE Bopy. . 5 : . . oe 

IlI. MuscLe. ; , Be Ws kg ; } ; ; ‘ 18 
IV. NERVE FIBRES . noe ; : ; ; > ; ‘ 33 
VY. THE CENTRAL Nervous System 5 . : : ; ; , 39° 
Section 1. The Neuron . ; ; " : ; y 39 
,, 2. Structure of Spinal Cord . ‘ . : 47 
;, 8 Conduction in Spinal Cord. ; : : : ; 50 
», 4 Reflex Action . ; ‘ ; ; , 58 
» 9. The Brain Stem. . ‘ ; . : 66 
;, 6. Cerebellum . Bary. ; ; ; 71 
no me Mid Brain =; : ‘ 76 
,, 8 Fore Brain. ; : ; : 79 
», 9. Autonomic System . ; ' . ; en a 99 
VI. THe ORGANS OF SENSE. : : ; : ? 3 OS 
Section 1. Cutaneous ; 2 , ; ; UR cc gl ee. 
5 i Seema and Snell es ae in? RR een =. eee RS 
,, 9% The Sense of Sight . : ; ¢ oat 
» 4 Hearing . F ; ; : . , } prs 141 
,, 5. Proprio-ceptive Senses. ; 4 ; eee 
VII. Bioop : ‘ : ; h ; ; i : 3 ; . 155 
VIII. Tar Vascunar MEcHANISM. : Sgt hee ; ; oo Nee 
Section 1, General Features of the Circulation . ‘ ‘ 198 
,, 2. Phenomena of the Normal Heart Beat. el sh 
» 9% The Pulse : ; . : ‘ : : . 204 
; 4, Causation of the Heart Beat . ; : . 209 
,, 5. Regulation of the Vascular Mechanism : . . .~ 219 
», 6 Lymph . ; «+ 989 







Section 1. Respiratory Movements . 
3, 2. Chemistry of Respiration 
3. Regulation of Respiratory Movements. 
4, Tissue Respiration . 
», 5, Changes in Character of the Air Breathed 

. Muscular Exercise . 

X. THE DicEsTIvVE SysTEM . : : 
Section 1. The Nature of Digestion . 
», 2, Changes in the Food in the Mouth . 
,, 3 Gastric Digestion 
,, 4. Intestinal Digestion 
», 5, Absorption 
» 6. Large Intestine 

Section 1. Methods of Inv aviation 
,, 2 Metabolism of Fat . 
,, 8 Metabolism of Carbohydrate 
,, 4. Metabolism of Protein 
5, 5. Total Metabolism 
», 6. The Liver 

XIII. Foop ann Ditrtr 


Section 1. Structure of the Kidney and Composition of Urine . 

», 2 Formation of Urine . 
» 9 Micturition 

XV. Ducriess GLANDS 


. Effect of Respiratory Movements on the Circulation 



Every living structure is derived, so far as our present knowledge 
goes, from another living structure and exhibits certain well-marked 
features. It takes up non-living material and builds it up in a more 
or less modified form into its own framework, it has the power of 
growing up to a certain limit, and it is capable of giving rise to other 
living organisms like itself. Further, it has the property of irritability, 
that is, it may be affected by a change in its immediate surroundings 
which is called a stimulus, and to which it responds by some change 
in itself, usually movement or secretion. These manifestations of life 
form the subject-matter of the science of Physiology, which naturally 
falls into two divisions, Vegetable and Animal. With the former of 
these, however, we are not here concerned. 

_ The functions of animal life may be studied in their most primitive 
condition in a unicellular organism, such as ameeba. This minute 
creature may be observed under the microscope to enfold particles of 
food material, to assimilate what is useful in these particles, and to 
reject what is useless; it may be seen to respond to chemical or 
mechanical stimuli by movement, sometimes contracting into the 
smallest bulk by becoming spherical, at other times protruding part 
of its substance and transferring itself, as it were, into the protruded 
part, and so changing its position. It may also be observed at a 
certain stage in its life to divide into two, and each of the young 
amcebze so produced grows until it too gives rise in its turn to another 

In the higher animals the body is composed of a multitude of cells, 
and this complexity of structure is accompanied, as in a community 

of persons, by a specialisation of function whereby certain cells are 
I I 


modified to subserve movement, others to produce secretions, and so 
on; in this way the efficiency of the organism as a whole is increased. 
Obviously in such a community of cells it is of the utmost importance 
that the various groups should work in harmony, and to ensure this 
they must be linked up by some controlling mechanism. 

Two such mechanisms are found in the body: (1) a system of 
chemical messengers, or hormones, and (2) the_nervous system. The 
former is the more primitive of the two methods. A hormone 
is produced in one organ and is carried by the blood to another, 
exciting or restraining its activity. For example, as the acid contents 
of the stomach pass into the bowel they lead to the production of a 
hormone in the intestinal wall. The newly formed substance is taken — 
up by the blood and carried to the pancreas, which it stimulates to 
secrete the juice required for the next stage of the digestive process. 
Such a method of communication is comparatively slow, and where 
rapidity of transmission is important the messages are conveyed by 
the nervous system. The latter, in fact, bears much the same relation 
to the blood current as the telegraphic system bears to ordinary letter 
post. Thus if a foreign body touches the surface of the eyeball, infor- 

mation of the fact is sent along certain nerve fibres to the brain, and 

impulses return to the muscles of the eyelids, causing the lids to close, 
within a small fraction of a second. bs 

In any living organism the unit of structure is a minute, jelly-like 
mass known as a ce//. The simplest organisms consist of a single cell, 
those which are higher in the scale of life being composed of many 
cells. Each cell is composed of a semi-fluid material, known as proto- 
plasm, containing a denser circumscribed structure, the nucleus. In 
some cases a well-defined cell-envelope exists, notably in vegetable cells 
and in the mammalian ovum, but in many animal cells no definite 
envelope can be demonstrated, and in these the boundary is probably 
determined by the condensation of molecules which is known to take 
place on the surface of colloid solutions, and which gives rise to the 
physical condition known as surface tension. 

Protoplasm is semi-transparent, and may be homogeneous in 
appearance, or may show traces of structure in the form of a network 
containing hyaline fluid in its meshes. It is the working part of the 
cell, and often contains granules which represent the products of its 
activity. Such granules are especially seen in secreting cells, and 
occupy corresponding spaces in the cell protoplasm. Protoplasm itself 
varies greatly in composition, but it always contains a large proportion 
of albuminous substances or proteins. 

The nucleus is essential to the life of the cell. When a cell is 


divided into a part which contains the nucleus and a part which does 
not, an experiment which may be performed with the larger unicellular 
organisms, the part separated from the nucleus becomes inactive and 
dies. Further, when cell-division occurs, the nuclear changes which 
lead to the formation of two daughter nuclei precede the division of the 
protoplasm. The nucleus also differs in chemical composition and in 
staining reactions from the rest of the cell. It contains a substance 
called nuclein, which is a compound of nucleic acid with protein. 
Nucleic acid is distinguished by containing a considerable proportion 
of phosphorus in its molecule. 

In the human body all the tissues and organs subserve, directly or 
indirectly, the production of movement, whether that takes the form 
of locomotion, work, speech, or writing. The nervous and muscular 
tissues are the master tissues of the body, the remaining tissues and 
organs being designed for their protection and nutrition. The bony 
skeleton forms a framework which is necessary for the carrying out of 
movements, and which shields the brain and other important structures 
from injury. The skin is also protective in function, and, with the eye, 
ear, and other sense organs, it receives impressions from the outer 
world which are of service in determining the bodily activities. The 
digestive tract converts insoluble food substances into soluble bodies 
which are then absorbed into the blood. The circulatory system 
conveys the blood to all the cells and tissues of the body so that they 
receive nourishment. The blood also reeeives from the cells and tissues 
the waste products formed by their activity and carries these to the 
lungs and kidneys, by which they are excreted. Besides excreting one 
of the waste products, carbonic acid, the lungs take up oxygen from the 
air and convey it to the blood, from which it passes to the cells and 
tissues. Further, in addition to the glands which secrete the digestive 
and other juices, there are in the body certain glands whose function it 
is to produce various hormones. All these subsidiary systems are only 
of importance in that they sérve to sustain the muscular and nervous 
structures. The muscular system, in its turn, is to be looked upon as 

the organ of expression of the nerve centres. The life of the body 
therefore, consists ultimately in its nervous-activities.— 



Tue body of an animal is composed of water, organic compounds, 
and inorganic salts. If the body, or any part of it, be dried at a_ 
temperature of 105° C., the loss of weight indicates the amount of water 
present. If the dried solids be exposed to a high temperature in the 
presence of oxygen, the organic compounds are all oxidised, and the 
residue consists of the inorganic matter. 


The chief salts which are found in the body are the chlorides, 
phosphates, sulphates, and carbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium, 
and magnesium. Iodine, fluorine, and a few other chemical elements 
are also present in small amount; iron enters into the composition of 
the coloured corpuscles of the blood. Generally speaking, sodium is the 
base most largely present in the body fluids, such ‘as the plasma of the 
blood, and potassium is that most abundant in the cells and tissues ; 
while the bones owe their rigidity to the large proportion of calcium 
phosphate and carbonate which they contain. 

The functions of the inorganic salts are various, and are not yet 
completely understood. The waste carbonic acid from the tissues is 
conveyed to the lungs partly in the form of carbonates and bicarbonates. 
Sulphates and phosphates are to some extent waste products derived 
from the breaking down of organic compounds, Phosphates also serve 
a useful purpose in maintaining the balance between acids and bases in 
the body by undergoing change from mono- to di-hydrogen phosphate, 
or the reverse, as occasion requires. The salts as a whole, but especially 
the chlorides, have, moreover, important functions depending upon their 
physical properties (p. 14). 


The organic constituents of the body fall naturally into two main 
groups, non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous. The substances comprised 
in these two groups may be looked upon as fragments of the protoplasm 



or living material of the cell, for analysis necessarily involves the death 
of the living structure. It is clear, however, that protoplasm itself is 
largely composed of nitrogenous material, though it derives much of 
the energy necessary for its activities from the combustion of the non- 
nitrogenous compounds. 


These again fall into two groups: (1) those in which the combined 
oxygen is sufficient to oxidise all the hydrogen of the molecule, and (2) 
those in which the oxygen is insufficient to combine with the hydrogen 
of the molecule. 

(I.) The former group consists of the Carbohydrates, and the members 
of it which occur normally in the body are either hexoses, that is, each 

contains six carbon atoms in its molecule, or are formed by a combina- 

tion of two or more hexose molecules. Pentoses, with five carbon atoms 
each, also occur ; an example is xylose, which enters into the formation 
of the molecule of the nucleic acid derived from the pancreas. The 
carbohydrates found in the body are dextrose, levulose (fructose), 
galactose, lactose, and glycogen. Others occur as constituents of 
food, eg. cane-sugar and starch. The first three have the formula - 
C,H,,0,, and belong to the group of mono-saccharides. Lactose is a 
disaccharide, that is, it belongs to a group of substances formed by the 
condensation of two monosaccharide molecules with the abstraction of 
a molecule of water. ; 
2C,H),0, - HO =C,,H,0)). 
Glycogen is a polysaccharide, and is formed by the condensation of a 
large number of monosaccharide molecules, as in the formula 
nCgH,0, — nH,0 = (CgH1095)n. 

The symbol ‘‘n” may have a very high value. Thus starch is supposed 
to have the formula 200(C,H,,0,). : 

The Monosaccharides.— Dextrose may be looked upon as the current 
carbohydrate coin of the body. It is a soluble crystalline substance, 

having the formula 

(CHOH),. ° 


It is an aldehyde, and, like other aldehydes, when heated with an 
alkaline solution of a cupric salt, it reduces the latter with the forma- 
tion of yellow cuprous oxide. This property of dextrose and other 
“reducing sugars” forms the basis of the tests of Trommer, Fehling, 


and Benedict. Dextrose has also the power of reducing acid solutions 
of cupric salts, differing in this respect from. reducing sugars which 
belong to the class of disaccharides. On being heated with phenyl- 
hydrazine and acetic acid, dextrose forms a compound, phenylglucosazone, 
which crystallises in yellow needles, generally arranged in loose sheaves. 
Solutions of dextrose are decomposed by the action of yeast into carbonic 
acid and alcohol. Further, dextrose is dextro-rotatory, that is, its 
solutions rotate the plane of polarised light to the right. 

Lzvulose (fructose) and galactose occur in the body in smaller 
quantity. The former is levo-, the latter dexto-rotatory. Like dextrose, 
they have the property of reducing alkaline solutions of cupric salts, 
and they also form osazones. 

Dextrose and galactose are aldehydes and are known as aldoses, — 
while leevulose is a ketone and belongs to the group of ketoses. 

eee bo eet 
ete | ar 10.0.4 
coe eH HO.C.H 
4.008 ae HGH 
da. on On,0H bit on 
Dextrose Leevulose Galactose 

The only disaccharide which occurs in the body is lactose, the sugar 
of milk. Two other disaccharides, cane sugar and maltose, are of 
physiological importance, the former being an important food-stuff, 
the latter an intermediate stage in the digestion of starch. Lactose 
and maltose are reducing sugars and form characteristic osazones. 
Each of the three, when boiled with dilute mineral acid, undergoes 
hydrolysis, the molecule taking up water and being split into two 
molecules of a monosaccharide. 

C,.H5.0,, + H,O = 2C,H,,0,. 

The polysaccharide, glycogen or animal starch, occurs chiefly in the 
liver and muscles as a storage product. Its solution in water differs 
from that of vegetable starch, which is also a polysaccharide (1) in 
that it is more markedly opalescent than that of the latter, and (2) 
in giving a reddish brown colour with iodine, whereas vegetable starch 
gives a blue colour. The polysaccharides do not reduce alkaline solu- 
tions of cupric salts. They undergo hydrolysis when boiled with dilute 
mineral acid or as the result of ferment action, yielding first poly- 


saccharides of smaller molecule than the starches, called dextrins, and 
a disaccharide, maltose, and giving as the final product the mono- 
saccharide, dextrose, 

The first-formed dextrin products of the hydrolysis of the wiarehes 
are called erythro-dextrins, because they give a red colour with iodine ; 
the later-formed substances are called achroo-déxtrins because they 
give no colour with iodine, and consist of smaller molecules than the 
erythro-dextrins. The process of hydrolysis of a polysaccharide may be 
summarised in the equation 

(C,H, )05)n + 0H,O = nC,H,,0,. 

Inosite.—Inosite is a substance found in muscle and formerly 
called muscle-sugar. It has the formula C,H,,0,+2H,O, but does not 
belong to the carbohydrate group, being a benzene derivative. It 
does not reduce an alkaline solution of cupric sulphate, does not rotate 
polarised light, and is non-fermentable. 

(II.) The second group of non-nitrogenous substances, those in 
which the oxygen of the molecule is insufficient to combine with the 
hydrogen, consists of the Fats. The chief fats found in the body are 
tristearin, C,H,(C,,H,,0,),, tripalmitin, C,H,(C,,H,,0,),, and triolein, ” 
C,H, (C,,H,,0,),. They are compounds of the corresponding fatty 
hada stearic, palmitic, and oleic, with the trivalent alcohol, glycerol. 
Stearic and palmitic acids are saturated compounds, and the former 
and its esters, being higher in the series than palmitic acid and its 
esters, have a higher melting point. Oleic acid is unsaturated, and 
both the acid itself and triolein have a relatively low melting point, 
being fluid at room temperature. 

Fats are insoluble in water, but are soluble in ether or in warm 
alcohol. They are decomposed on heating with alkalies, the fatty 
acid uniting with the alkaline base to form a soap and the glycerol 
being set free (saponification). Ifa neutral fat, such as pure olive oil, 
is shaken up with water, the fat becomes broken up into fine globules 
which run together again when the shaking ceases. If, however, some 
soap is present, each globule becomes coated with a layer of soap 
molecules, which so reduce the surface tension between the fat and 
the water that the globules remain apart. Such a suspension of fat 
globules is called an emulsion. A fine emulsion of this kind occurs in 
the lymph during the absorption of fat, the place of the soap: PONE. 
probably taken by the proteins of the lymph itself. 

Lipoids.—The term lipoids includes a number of substances which 
resemble fats in being soluble in ether. The commonest of these are 
lecithin and cholesterol, which are constantly associated in the body, 


occurring especially in the nervous tissues, eee and the plasma and 
corpuscles of the blood. 

Lecithin is a complex fat, and when boiled with baryta water yields 
two fatty acids, glycerophosphoric acid, and choline, which belongs to 
the group of amines. Lecithin, in virtue of its nitrogen content, has 
also affinities with proteins. It belongs to the group of phospholipines, 
which also includes cephaline and sphingo-myeline. Some other lipoid 
substances found in the brain resemble lecithin in containing nitrogen, 
but contain no phosphorus. 

Cholesterol, C,,H,,OH, is a complex monatomic alcohol, and is 
included in the group of lipoids simply on account of its solubilities. 
It forms colourless, square, flat crystals, often notched at one corner, 
and gives a red colour with strong sulphuric acid. 3 

Lipoid substances enter into the composition of cell protoplasm, 
occurring especially in the superficial layer, or. ‘plasma skin.” This 
surface layer is less permeable to salts and other substances in watery 
solution than to water. Substances such as alcohol and alkaloids, 
which are soluble in oily media, can penetrate the cell. — 


The nitrogenous substances contained in the body are (1) proteins, 
which form the greater proportion of the solid constituents of the cells, 
tissues, and body fluids, and (2) derivatives of proteins. 

The Proteins. 

The physical properties of proteins are those of colloid substances 
(p. 16). Some proteins, however, may be obtained in the crystalline 
form, for example egg-albumin, and hemoglobin, the pigment of blood. 
Others, for example peptone (which is not, however, a constituent of 
the body), are capable of diffusing through an animal membrane. 

The molecule of protein is very large; it contains the elements 
C, H, N, O, and § in the following proportions :— 

C 50°6 — 54°5 per cent. 

BiG Bie FSO 
N 150-176 ,, 
O 215-235 ,, 
8 LOB OP ~ 

Proteins have the power of combining either with acids or alkalies, and 
this property is of service in maintaining the reaction of the cells and 
fluids of the body at its normal level. 

When a solution of a protein, such as egg-albumin, is warmed 
with dilute acid or alkali, it is converted into metaprotein and shows 

Ne Se ee Se UL 


changes in its characters. The egg-albumin solution is neutral, and is 
coagulated on heating if salts are present. The metaprotein solution 
does not coagulate on heating, and gives a precipitate of metaprotein 
on neutralisation, the precipitate being soluble in excess of either acid 
or alkali. 

If a solution of egg-albumin is ch joted to the action of superheated 
steam, or is boiled for « long time with mineral acid, or is subjected to 
the action of gastric juice or of pancreatic juice, the albumin takes up 
water and the molecule is finally split up into small molecules, the 
process being known as hydrolysis. The splitting up occurs in stages, 
the molecules becoming progressively smaller. After the substance has 
passed through a metaprotein stage, a series of hydrated proteins are 
formed, the first formed products being called proteoses and the later 
ones peptones, The hydrated proteins are soluble in water and are not 
coagulated on boiling. Proteoses are distinguished from peptones in 
that they are precipitated if their solution is saturated with ammonium 
sulphate, whereas peptones are not precipitated in this way. If the 
hydrolysis is continued, the peptones are further split into substances 
called polypeptides, which do not show protein characteristics, and which 
consist of groupings of amino-acids. By still further hydrolysis these are 
split into their constituent amino-acids. 

All proteins give certain colour reactions by which their presence 
in solutions may be recognised. The most useful of these are the 
following :— 

(1) The Xanthoproteic reaction.—Nitric acid is added to the solution 
and it is boiled. A yellow colour is produced, which changes to orange 
on cooling and adding ammonia. 

(2) Millon’s reaction.—A solution of mercuric and mercurous nitrates 
is added to the protein solution. A precipitate is formed and becomes 
red on heating. 

(3) Piotrowski’s reaction.—With dilute copper sulphate and excess of 
caustic alkali, most proteins give a violet colour, but in the case of 
proteose or peptone the colour is pink. 

(4) Hopkins’ reaction.—Glyoxylic acid is added to the protein 
solution, and then strong sulphuric acid is poured down the side 
of the tube so as to form a layer at the bottom. A violet colour is 
produced at the junction of the two fluids. 

Millon’s reaction depends upon the presence of tyrosine in the 
protein molecule; Hopkins’ reaction depends upon the presence of 
tryptophane. Gelatin, which does not contain either tyrosine or 
tryptophane, gives neither of these reactions. 

The.chief proteins found in the body are (1) protamines, (2) histones, 


(3) albumins, (4) globulins, (5) phosphoproteins (6) scleroproteins, and 
(7) conjugated proteins, 

(1) Protamines are basic in character and only occur in combination, 
They are chiefly found, combined with nucleic acid, in the: Spornneenee 
of certain fishes. . 

(2) Histones are also basic in character, and occur in the combined 
form. An example is globin, the protein constituent of hemoglobin. 

(3 and 4) Albumin and globulin occur in all cells and in many of 
the body fluids, and are distinguished from each other by their 
solubilities, Albumin is soluble in water or weak salt solution, and its 
molecules are aggregated to form a precipitate in a saturated solution 
of ammonium sulphate. Globulin is insoluble in water, soluble in 
weak salt solution, and is precipitated in a half-saturated solution of 
ammonium sulphate. Albumin or globulin in solution, on being 
heated, undergoes first of all a change which is probably chemical 
in nature, and is known as denaturation. A physical change follows, 
and consists in the aggregation .of the molecules to form a coagu- 
lum, The presence of inorganic salts is favourable to aggregation, 
but is unfavourable to denaturation. Acids and alkalies, on the 
other hand, favour denaturation but hinder aggregation. Thus, if 
the protein is heated with more than the merest trace of acid or 
alkali, an acid or alkaline solution of metaprotein is obtained which 
will not coagulate on heating, but yields a precipitate of metaprotein 
on neutralisation. A trace of acid favours coagulation of an albumin 
or globulin solution, because the acid combines with the protein to 
form a salt. 

The effect of salts in favouring the coagulation or precipitation of 
proteins is due to the ionisation of the salt. A solution of protein is 
really a suspension, and the suspended particles carry an electric 
charge, which is positive in an acid solution, negative in an alkaline 
solution. As all the particles carry a similar charge, they will tend to 
repel one another, but if the charge be reduced, precipitation or co- 
agulation will take place. Hence, in the case of an ionised salt, the 
effective ion which brings about coagulation is that which carries a 
charge opposite in sign to that of the protein particles. It is found 
that the effectiveness of an ion is determined by its valency. In the 
case of acid solutions the trivalent anion of potassium citrate has a 
greater coagulating power than the divalent SO,, and the latter again is 
more effective than the monovalent Cl. So also in alkaline solutions, 
barium chloride with a divalent kation is more effective than sodium 
chloride with a monovalent Na ion. 

(5) Caseinogen, the chief protein of milk, is a phosphoprotein, that 

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is, it contains phosphorus combined in its molecule in addition to the 
five elements common to proteins generally. It is insoluble in water, 
but soluble in weak alkalies, and is precipitated from its alkaline solution. 
by acetic acid, the precipitate being soluble in excess of the acid. The 
alkaline solution is not coagulated by heat. 

(6) The Scleroproteins are distinguished by their relative insolu- 
bility. They form the chief constituents of the fibrous and horny 
structures of the body. Thus, white fibres are mainly composed of 
collagen, yellow fibres of elastin, and hair, horn, and hoofs of keratin. 
When collagen is boiled with water it yields gelatin, a substance — 
which is soluble in boiling water, the solution setting to a jelly on 
cooling. Elastin and keratin are both insoluble in hot or cold water, 
dilute acids or alkalies, or in alcohol or ether. Keratin is remarkable 
for the amount of sulphur contained in its molecule. 

(7) The Conjugated Proteins. — These are nucleoprotein, gluco- 
protein, and chromoprotein, and each consists of a protein combined with 
another body called the prosthetic group. Nuwcleoproteins are a constant 
constituent of cell nuclei. They are soluble in water, weak salt solution, 
or dilute alkalies. They possess acid characters, hence the affinity of 
nuclear chromatin, which contains nucleoprotein, for basic dyes. A 
nucleoprotein is a compound of a protein with nuclein, and the latter 
consists of protein combined with nucleic acid, an organic acid contain- 
ing phosphorus. If a nucleoprotein is subjected to digestion by gastric 
juice, an insoluble brownish residue is obtained. This residue consists 
of nuclein. If the nucleic acid obtained from nuclein is hydrolysed, the 
two substances, adenine and guanine, are constantly found among the 
products of disintegration. These two bodies belong to the purin 
group, that is, they may be regarded as derivatives of purin, which has 
the formula 

(Tai 83 

Adenine has the formula C,;H,;N,, while guanine is C;H;N,O. Both 
these substances, when oxidised, yield uric acid, C;H,N,O,. 

In glucoprotein the combined body is a carbohydrate radical, often 
glucosamine (C,H,,NO;), and therefore containing nitrogen; the 
glucosamine is split off when the glucoprotein is boiled with mineral 
acid. It reduces alkaline solutions of cupric salts. Most glucoproteins 
belong to the group of mucins. These are soluble in weak alkalies, 
they are not coagulated by heat, and they are precipitated by acetic 


acid, the precipitate being insoluble in excess of the acid. The mucoids, 
for example ovomucoid, are also glucoproteins. 

The best example of a chromoprotem is the blood pigment, heemo- 
globin, in which a protein, globin, is combined with an iron-containing 
body, hematin. Hemoglobin crystallises with comparative ease, and 
is freely soluble in water. 

The Derivatives of Proteins. 

When a protein molecule is broken up, either by prolonged boiling 
with a mineral acid, or by the action of certain enzymes, the resulting 
products are found to belong to the class of amino-acids ; that is, they are 
fatty acids in which one or more atoms of hydrogen have been replaced 
by NH, groups. Some of these acids are combined with the benzene 
ring, e.g. tyrosine and tryptophane ; two, proline and oxyproline, contain 
the pyrrol ring; one, histidine, the iminazol ring; and one, cystine, 
contains sulphur, that is, it is a thioamino-acid. Whereas the fats of 
_ the body belong to the upper end of the fatty acid series, it is to be 
noted that the amino-acids belong to the lower end of the same series. 
The simplest amino-acid found in the body is glycine, or amino- 
acetic acid, CH,.NH,.COOH. This is one of the most abundant deriva- 
tives of gelatin. ‘The next in the series, alanine or amino-propionic 
acid, occurs in abundance, both in its simple form, CH,.CH.NH,.COOH, 
and also combined, with phenyl as phenylalanine, with oxyphenyl as 
tyrosine (C,H,.OH.CH,CH.NH,COOH), with indol as tryptophane, 
with iminazol as histidine, and with sulphur as cystine. Although 
analysis of any one protein will yield all or most of the amino-acids 
which have so far been isolated, nevertheless the relative proportions 
of amino-acids contained in different proteins vary widely, and to this 
variation the proteins probably owe their distinctive characteristics. 
Gelatin is remarkable in containing no tyrosine, tryptophane, or cystine. 

The following tables from Starling’s Principles of Human Physiology 
give (1) a list of amino-acids, and (2) the proportion of the different 
amino-acids contained in various proteins. 

Glycine (amino-acetic acid) 
Alanine (amino-propionic acid) 

TS aa Lean. Sieh eit eee Mhaaiee nae ok 

fatty series. 
Amino-valerianic acid y 

Leucine (amino- isobutylacetic acid) 
Isoleucine (amino-caproic acid) 

Aspartic acid : \ sire es 
Glutamic acid : ’  .p Dibasic acids. 


Tyrosine (oxyphenylalanine) . 
Proline (pyrrolidine carboxylic acid) _ 

Oxyproline (oxypyrrolidine 



Tryptophane (indolamino-propionie acid) 


; Benzene derivatives. 


Diamino-acids and their Compounds. 

_Lysine (diamino-caproic acid) 
Arginine (guanidinamino-valerianic acid) 
Histidine (iminazolalanine) . 
Diamino-tryoxydodecoic acid (derived from a 12- carbon acid). 

Cystine (derived from amino- thiopropionic acid). 


The ‘‘ hexone bases.” 

Argigine is not a simple amino-acid, but is a compound of amino- 

valerianic acid with guanidine. 

A similar compound of guanidine occurs 

in muscle as creatine, or methylguanidine acetic acid. When creatine 
is boiled with baryta water it is split into urea and sarcosine (methyl- 
glycine), thus giving rise to an amino-acid. 


= ; a 
5 = oo : > : : : ; | &.8 
= =} Ss |} 8 30 a = A et tere 
< = |asi/3B/2)] 8 |2/8/8 }e¢ 
Bo = D s + o | 6a 
ge Pes Baal) Sat Boner ah ona lager 
2 = <3) ==) 
‘Glycine 0°0 0°0 3°8 0°9 | 0°0 0°0 0°0 165 | 4°7 
Alanine 2°7 81 3°6 2°7 |1°5 4°2 a 08 | 1°5 
Serine 0°6 ° 0°33 | 0°12) 0°5 06 | 7°8 04 | 0°6 
acid ve ... |present| 0°38 | 7‘2 aes 43)... |.1°0 | 0°9 
Leucine 20°0 71 20°9 6:0 | 9°35 | 29°0 OO. vase heed oe 
Proline 1°0 2°25 ey 2°4-) O70". 293: ALOE. | SSF B4 
Oxyproline = oe eae ooo | O28) 10 Se AG ee He Se 
Glutamic acid . ee 8°0 6°3 | 36°5 |15°55| 1:7 «- | 0°88] 3°7 
Aspartic acid a Raa i Set 4°5 1°3.|1°39| 474 ... | 0°56] 0°3 
Phenylalanine 3°1 4°4 2°4 | 2°6 | 3°2 4°2 we | 0°4 | 0°0 
Tyrosine 2°1 1‘1 2°1 2°4 | 4°5 1°5 .. | 070 | 3:2 
Tryptophane present| present| present} 1°0 | 1°50 | presen re Hn AY 
Cystine 2°3 0°2 0°25 | 0°45| 2 03 we |. Jover 10 
Lysine aS. 2°15 | 1°0 0°0 |5°95| 4°3 | 0:0 |12°0| 2°75} 1:1 
Arginine ety 2°14 | 11°7 8°4 13°81] 5°4 |87°4 | 58°2) 7°62) 4°5 
Histidine . cas 11 Leet 26" ad 0°0 | 12°9 | 0°4 0°6 

The second of these tables shows that the special characteristics 
of the separate proteins are associated with differences in the relative 
proportions of their constituent amino-acids, and it has also been shown 
that there are differences in the way in which the amino-acids are 


grouped to form the protein molecule. Moreover, when a protein is 
hydrolysed by boiling with a mineral acid, the proportion of nitrogen 
which is recovered in the form of ammonia, of monoamino-, and of 
diamino-nitrogen varies considerably according to the protein examined. 
It is especially noticeable that, whereas monoamino-acids are most 
abundant in albumin and globulin, protamines, for example salmine, 
derived from the spermatozoa of the salmon, are especially rich in basic 
(diamino) nitrogen. 


Ions.—When sodium chloride is dissolved in water its molecules — 
undergo dissociation into sodium zons, which are charged with positive 
electricity, and chlorine ions, which are charged with negative electricity. 
Ions are not necessarily the same as atoms, since a solution of sulphuric 
acid in water contains hydrogen ions and SO, ions. Substances which 
undergo dissociation when in solution are called electrolytes, since an 
electrical current passed through such a solution is conducted by the 
movement of the ions; and owing to the presence of electrolytes in 
- the tissues of the body, these are able to conduct electrical currents. 
Many substances, however, such as sugar, when dissolved in water 
do not undergo dissociation, and the dissolved molecules carry no 
electrical charge. 

Diffusion and Osmosis.—When a substance such as sodium chloride 
is dissolved in water, the dissolved molecules behave like the molecules 
of a gas; they are in constant movement and exert pressure upon the 
walls of the vessel containing them. If, for example, a vessel is divided 
into two compartments by a vertical membrane, and if one compartment 
is filled with water and the other with 1 per cent. salt solution, the 
molecules of salt in their movements will beat upon the membrane ; 
and if the latter is permeable to molecules of salt, they will pass through 
it into the distilled water until the amount of sodium chloride on the 
two sides of the membrane becomes equal. This process is known as 
diffusion, and the rate at which it occurs varies with the percentage of 
sodium chloride originally present in the solution. 

If the membrane allows water but not sodium chloride to pass 
through it, it is said to be semd-permeable, and the pressure exerted by 
the molecules of salt upon the membrane is called osmotic pressure and 
can be measured in the following manner. A semi-permeable mem- 
brane is made by filling the pores of an earthenware cell with silicic 
acid or copper ferrocyanide ; the cell is filled with 1 per cent. sodium 

PTO agen ee Oe a, ee eee 
’ “ * 

Corr a ‘ tal — ri it ° 
a) (2 5 $1 fw Th Pork " 

aw POE Wet Cra ty 


chloride solution, closed by a cork through which passes a tube attached 
to a mercurial manometer, and immersed in distilled water (fig. 1). 
Since the molecules of salt cannot pass through the membrane, they 
exert pressure on the wall of the cell and the surface of the mercury ; 
water passes through the membrane into the cell, and the mercury is 
forced downwards in one limb of the manometer and upwards in the 
other until the difference of height in the two limbs is 5000 mm. Hg. 
This pressure balances the osmotic pressure exerted by the molecules 
of salt; and in raising the column 

of mercury the salt solution does | 
work. If a 2 per cent. salt solu- bk Mercatial Manonitter: 
tion is used, the osmotic pressure : 
is twice as great. 

Similar experiments with other 
substances show that the osmotic 
pressure of any substance in solution 
depends, not upon its nature, but 
solely on the number of its mole- 

cules in solution, and is proportional 

therefore to the concentration of the | 2 

solution. A gram-molecule of F—= cena Oe rhage 
any substance is its molecular Distilled Water: 
weight in grams. The molecular 

weight of dextrose is 180, and 

a gram-molecule of dextrose is 

180 grams. <A _ gram - molecular 
solution of dextrose contains 180 Los en oe pchiere ma 
grams in 1 litre, whereas a Fic. 1.—Osmometer. (Starling’s 
similar solution of sodium chloride Elements of Physiology. ) 

contains 58°5 grams per litre. If 
the sodium chloride did not dissociate, the two solutions would contain 
the same number of molecules and their osmotic pressure would be 
the same. But since sodium chloride does dissociate and each of its 
ions behaves like a molecule as regards osmotic pressure, the solution 
of sodium chloride, if completely dissociated, will exert twice the osmotic 
pressure of the solution of dextrose. | 

It is difficult to measure osmotic pressure in the manner just 
described, since the membranes are apt to give way and leak ; and 
indirect methods are usually employed, of which the best is the 
determination of the freezing-point of a solution. When a substance 
is dissolved in water, the freezing-point of the water is lowered, the 
lowering being proportional to the concentration and osmotic pressure 


BELG. (S771 (942879 S> 

of the dissolved substance. The lowering of the freezing-point below 
0° C. is expressed by the letter A. 

When a gram-molecule of any substance is dissolved in 1 litre 
of water the freezing-point is lowered by 1:87° C., and its osmotic 
pressure = 17,000 mm. Hg. The osmotic pressure of a substance in 
solution can be calculated from the formula 

Osmotic pressure =. 

para * 17,000 mm. Hg. 

Solutions which have the same osmotic pressure are.said to be 
zsotonic, and the tissues in mammals are isotonic with a solution con- 
taining 0-9 per cent. sodium chloride in water; this is known as 
normal saline solution. When: the tissues are immersed in stronger, 
1.e. hypertonic, salt solution, water passes from the tissue into the salt 
solution by osmosis; when the salt solution has a lower osmotic 
pressure than the tissues, it is hypotonic, and the tissues take up water 
from the solution. In an isotonic solution, the tissues neither take up 
nor lose water. 

Both osmosis and dercion take place in the body, but the 
membranes are not completely impermeable to substances such as 
~ sugar or salt, so that osmosis is soon brought to an end by the passage 
of these substances through the membrane. 

Colloids.—The term colloid was originally applied to all substances, 
such as starch and proteins, which would not form crystals or pass 
through an animal membrane, in contra-distinction to easily crystallis- 
able bodies, such as sugar, which diffuse rapidly through animal 
membranes and are called crystalloids. . 

It is now known that the colloidal form is a state in which sub- 
stances exhibit certain characteristic features, and that a very large 
number of substances, including metals, may exist in the colloidal form. 
Further, some colloids, such as hemoglobin, are crystallisable. 

Most colloids consist of very large molecules or aggregates of 
molecules, and their characters depend largely on the fact that they 
do not form true solutions in water or other solvents, but that their 
pseudo-solutions consist of particles, suspended in a very dilute 
solution of the colloid. Owing to the size of the particles, colloidal 
suspensions do not follow the laws of true solution, and they exert only 
a very small osmotic pressure. 

If an electrolyte, such as sodium chloride, is added to a colloidal 
suspension, the salt concentrates at the surface of each colloidal 
particle, this being called adsorption. Its occurrence can be readily 
demonstrated by dipping strips of blotting paper, which is colloidal, 


into a solution of adye. The dye accumulates on the particles in the 
paper, and the latter becomes more deeply ee than the solution 
into which it is dipped. 

The amount of adsorption is relatively much greater in dilute than 
in strong solutions of the electrolyte. Its importance lies in the fact 
that the velocity with which a chemical change takes place varies 
with the concentration of the interacting substances. If two. electro- 
lytes, which can interact, are added to a colloidal solution, they 
become concentrated on the surface of the colloidal particles, and at 
these surfaces the reaction between them will pence more rapidly 
than if the colloid were absent. 

Solutions of colloids are called sols ; in certain circumstances the 
particles may aggregate into larger masses, forming a precipitate, or 
the solution may change to a jelly, called a gel. An example of this 
process is the coagulation of protein by heat. | 



THREE varieties of muscular fibres are found in the body, namely, those | 

forming skeletal muscle, those found in the walls of the blood-vessels, 
digestive tract, uterus, and other organs, and those in cardiac muscle. 
The structure of cardiac muscle will be considered later (page 177). 
The skeletal muscles, which are under the control of the will, are called 
voluntary muscles, the other kinds of muscle being termed involuntary, 
since, although they are under the control of the central nervous 
system, they are independent of the will. 


A skeletal muscle consists of fibres bound together by connective 
tissue. The fibres have an average diameter of 50u and vary in length, 
some being as long as 3 to 4cm. Each fibre is enclosed in a delicate 
elastic sheath (sarcolemma), and shows alternating light and dark 
bands crossing it transversely ; owing to the presence of these stripes, 
this form of muscle is often called striped or striated muscle. Each 
fibre contains a number of oval nuclei; in mammals these lie immedi- 
ately under the sarcolemma, but in frogs they are scattered throughout 
the substance of the fibre. In a stretched fibre a narrow clear line, 
known as Hensen’s line, can sometimes be seen running transversely 
in the middle of each dark band. Frequently, too, a dotted line is 
visible in the middle of each light band; it is termed Krause’s 

The fibres consist of fibrils, or. sarcostyles, which run longitudinally 
and are imbedded in a material known as sarcoplasm. It is probable 
that each sarcostyle is made up of a number of short segments called 
sarcomeres, but the exact structure of the sarcostyles and the signifi- 
cance of Krause’s membrane and Hensen’s line in different animals is 
still uncertain. Schafer has shown that the sarcostyles in the rapidly 
contracting wing muscles of insects are divided by the membranes of 
Krause into sarcomeres. He considers that the dark central part (or 



MUSCLE. | 19 

sarcous element) of each sarcomere is divided into two parts by Hensen’s 
line, and pervaded with longitudinal canals which are open towards 
Krause’s membrane; and when the muscle contracts, the clear sub- 
stance at either end of the sarcomere’ passes into the pores of the 
-sarcous element, so that the sarcomere becomes shorter and thicker. 
The shortening of the whole muscle is thus regarded as the result of 
the shortening of its sarcomeres. 

When a living muscle is examined with polarised light the dim 
segments are seen to be doubly refracting (anisotropous), while the 
clear segments are singly refracting (isotropous). 

In certain animals, such as the rabbit, some of the muscles are pale 
and others are red in colour. The pale muscles have the structure 
just described, whereas the red muscle fibres contain more sarcoplasm 
than the pale ones, and their nuclei are scattered throughout the 
substance of the fibres; the capillaries also show numerous small 
saccular dilatations. The red colour is due to the presence of hemo- 
globin in the fibres. These muscles contract more slowly than the 
_ pale muscles, but their contraction is more prolonged. In many 
animals these two varieties of fibre are found together in the same 
muscle. All muscle fibres are supplied with nerve fibres, some of 
which are motor and end in the muscle fibres in end-plates, while 
others are sensory and convey impulses from the muscle to the central 
nervous system. 

- Chemical and Physical Characters of Muscle.—Muscle contains 
about 75 per cent. of water and 25 per cent. of solid substances, of 
which proteins form 18 to 20 per cent. The other constituents are a 
small amount of fat, glycogen (4 to 1 per cent.), inosite, and a number 
of nitrogenous extractives including creatine, xanthine, and hypo- 
xanthine ; the most important of these is creatine, which forms 0°2 to 
0-4 per cent. of the muscle. 

At a variable period after death the proteins coagulate, the product 
being called myosin, and the muscles become rigid and opaque; this 
condition is known as rigor mortis. 

The nature of the proteins in fresh muscle can be studied if 
coagulation is delayed by cooling the muscle. The living muscle is 
minced at a temperature of 0° C., and is then extracted with ice-cold 
saline solution (0°9 per cent. NaCl) and filtered ; the filtrate contains 
two proteins, namely paramyosinogen and myosinogen. The former is a 
globulin which coagulates at 47° to 50° C., and constitutes about 20 per 
cent. of the total protein in muscle. The remaining four-fifths consist 
of myosinogen, which has the characters of an albumin, though it 
coagulates at the low temperature of 56° to 60° C. When the solution 


is warmed it clots, the proteins being converted into myosin, though the 
myosinogen passes through a transition stage as soluble myosin, which 
clots at 40° C.; in the frog’s muscle soluble myosin is present as such 
in the living muscle. The coagulation of muscle plasma can be — 
prevented by the removal! of calcium salts, but there is no evidence 
that it is brought about by a ferment. 

Resting muscle is very extensible and can be stretched by applying 
a weight to it; it is also feebly but perfectly elastic, and returns 
completely and rapidly to its original length when the weight is 
removed. | | 


In response to a stimulus a living muscle alters its form, becoming 
shorter and thicker; this change of form constitutes muscular 
contraction, and can be very easily studied in the muscles of the 
frog. For this purpose the gastrocnemius muscle and the sciatic 
nerve which supplies it are generally used, and are known as a muscle- 
nerve preparation. The- fibres in the gastrocnemius do not run 
regularly from end to end of the muscle, and when it is desirable to use 
a muscle the fibres of which run approximately parallel to one another, 
the sartorius may be chosen. .The muscle may be made to contract 
either by a mechanical stimulus such as a pinch, or by a chemical 
stimulus, for instance the application of acid or ammonia, or by an 
electrical current. On account of the ease with which its strength can 
be graduated, the electrical current is the most convenient of these 
artificial stimuli, and it may be applied either as a constant current or 
in the form of single or repeated induction shocks. The normal 
stimulus to muscular contraction during life is an impulse passing from 
the central nervous system along the nerve which ends in the muscle 
fibres. In a musele-nerve preparation, the muscle contracts either 
when it is stimulated directly or when the stimulus is applied to the 

It was formerly supposed that even when the stimulus was applied 
to the muscle itself the latter did not respond directly to the stimulus, 
but contracted because this acted upon the nerve fibres running within 
the muscle. There is no doubt, however, that muscle can be excited 
to contract independently of impulses reaching it along nerve fibres 
(independent irritability of muscle). Curare paralyses the endings of 
nerve fibres in muscle, and when it is injected into an animal stimula- 
tion of a motor nerve has no effect upon the muscle, whereas direct 
stimulation: of the muscle causes it to contract. 

The changes which take place in a contracting muscle are (1) a 


change of form and physical condition, (2) an electrical change, 
(3) chemical changes, and (4) evolution of heat. 

Changes in Form and Physical Condition.—These may be studied 
in the muscle-nerve preparation of a frog by fixing the upper attach- 
ment of the gastrocnemius muscle and attaching the tendo Achillis by 
a thread to the short arm of a lever; the long arm carries a writing 
point, and a weight can be attached to it if so desired. The muscle, 
when it contracts, pulls on the lever, and the movement of the writing 
point can be recorded on a smoked moving drum. 

When a single induction shock of suitable strength is applied to the 
muscle, it responds by a single contraction or twitch. A graphic record 
of such a contraction is shown in fig. 2. 

/ \ 
| / 
/ \ 
/ \ 
’ / 
Fi \ 
j / 
| / \ 
J \ 
Pe? Ev ar ea SONY ease 

be | 


Fic. 2.—Simple muscle twitch. © 
The vertical line marks the moment at which the stimulus was applied. Below 

is a time-record, each double vibration representing ,;}, second. 

The contraction lasts about one-tenth of a second, and the tracing 
shows three parts, namely, (1) a short latent period, during which the 
muscle shows no visible change ; (2) a period of shortening of the muscle, 
whereby the lever is raised ; and (3) a period of relaxation, during which 
the muscle returns to its former length. The length of the latent 
period is due partly to the inertia of the lever and recording apparatus. 
This source of error can be avoided by interposing a muscle between a 
source of light and a rapidly moving photographic plate ; the thickening 
of the muscle, when it contracts, is photographed, and the interval 
between the application of the stimulus and the beginning of contrac- 
tion is measured. This interval, which is only 0°0025 second, repre- 
sents the true latent period. The relaxation is not an active process, 
but is due to the weight of the lever pulling the muscle back to its 
former length; if an isolated muscle lying on mercury, and_ there- 
fore not subject to any tension, is made to contract, it relaxes very 


A certain strength of necessary in order to produce any 
visible shortening of a muscle ; a further increase in the strength of the 
stimulus, beyond this point, causes the muscle to contract more strongly, 
until finally the contraction becomes maximal. The varying degree of 
the response of the muscle to varying strength of stimulus is due to the 
fact that a weak stimulus affects only a few fibres, whereas a strong 
stimulus throws into contraction a large number of fibres; when all the 
fibres are stimulated, the shortening is maximal. Each fibre, however, 
if it contracts at all, gives the maximal contraction of which it is capable 
for the conditions under which it is placed, whatever the strength of the 
stimulus, This is known as the “all or none law,” and holds good 
whether the muscle is stimulated directly or through its nerve. 

When a muscle contracts, the contraction travels from the point of 
stimulation in the form of a wave at the rate of 5 to 6 metres per second 
in mammals and 3 to 4 metres in cold-blooded animals. This rate can be 
measured by resting two levers on a muscle, one at the middle, the other 
at one end, and applying a stimulus to the opposite end of the muscle. 
The lever nearer the stimulated point will rise earlier than the one at 
the opposite end of the muscle; and if this interval is measured and 
the length of muscle between the two levers is known, the rate at 
which the wave travels can be calculated. The length of the wave is 
measured by multiplying the rate at which it travels by its duration at 
any one point ; it varies in frog’s muscle from 150 to 300 millimetres. 

A rise of temperature quickens, and a fall of temperature delays, 

BES phase of the contraction. If the muscle is lifting a small load, 
the lever often rises higher at a high than at a low temperature, since 
the sudden jerk given to the lever by the rapid contraction imparts to 
it a greater momentum than when the pull on the lever takes place 
more gradually. On the contrary, when a heavy weight is attached to 
the lever, a slowly contracting cooled muscle may be more effective in 
raising the lever than the rapidly contracting warmed muscle. These 
differences are of purely mechanical origin, and the actual force of the 
contraction for a given load and for the same strength of stimulus 
remains unchanged between 5° C. and 20° C. Cooling increases the 
excitability of muscle, and maximal stimuli should therefore be used in 
studying the effect of temperature on the height of contraction. 
Prolonged exposure to a temperature of 0° C. destroys the vitality of 

If a muscle is repeatedly stimulated, the height of the contractions 
diminishes, and all phases of the contraction, including the latent 
period, are prolonged; finally, the muscle may fail to contract in 
response to a stimulus. This condition constitutes fatigue. 

OT Te a ie a 

, : ar 
ie ae 

s? + 

MUSCLE. | 23 

When a weight is attached to the lever the height of the contrac- 
tion diminishes as the weight is increased, until, finally, the muscle 
fails to raise the weight at all. The product of the weight raised, 
and the height through which it is lifted, represents the work done by 
the muscle ; up to a certain point, an increase in the weight raised 
increases the work done by the muscle. 

Contracting muscle differs from resting muscle in being more 
extensible and more elastic, that is, it returns to its original length 
more rapidly than resting muscle when the force stretching it is 

Lsotonic and Isometric Curves.—When a muscle lifts a weight 
attached to a lever, the weight follows the movement of the lever, 
and the pull or tension which it exerts upon the muscle remains un- 
changed during the contraction; the curve thus obtained is called 
wsotonic. The muscle may be made, however, to pull against a strong 
spring so that its length remains almost unaltered during its contrac- 
tion, although it exerts a varying tension upon the spring ; the minute 
movements of the spring are magnified and recorded photographically. 
In this case the contractile stress set up in the muscle varies 
throughout the contraction, though the length of the muscle undergoes 
no appreciable change. Curves thus obtained are called isometric, and 
resemble isotonic curves in their general form. 

Tetanus.—lf a. second stimulus is sent into a muscle before the 
shortening caused by the first stimulus is at an end, the muscle 
shortens still further, this being called summation of effects. When 
the stimuli are rapidly repeated (fifty or more per second), the muscle 
contracts very strongly, and remains contracted so long as the stimuli 
are continued ; the prolonged contraction is known as tetanus. 

Constant Current.—When a constant current is passed through a 
muscle, it enters at one point called the anode, and, after traversing 
the muscle, leaves it at the kathode. When the circuit is completed, 
v,e. at the make of the current, the muscle gives a single twitch, and 
there is another twitch when the current is broken; during the 
passage of the current the muscle remains relaxed. The contraction 
taking place when the current is made starts at the kathode, whereas 
the contraction occurring at the break of the current starts at the 
anode. This can be observed by clamping a skeletal muscle in the 
middle and attaching a lever to each end; one electrode is placed on 
each half of the muscle. When the current is made, the portion of 
the muscle connected with the kathode contracts first, and the lever 

attached to this half of the muscle rises before the other lever. The 

same phenomenon is still more readily seen, and can be directly 



observed, in slowly contracting muscles, such as the cardiac muscle 
of the frog. } 

Electrical Changes in Muscle.—When a constant current is passed 
into a muscle through metallic electrodes, electrolysis takes place in 
the muscle; the electrolytes accumulate near the electrodes, and give 
rise to a current which passes in the opposite direction to that in 
which the constant current is passing, and tends to neutralise the 
latter. This phenomenon is known as polarisation, and in recording 
the electrical currents occurring in muscle it is BOUPEREEY.* to use non- 
polarisable electrodes. 

The electrical currents in muscle may be observed. by means of. 
either the capillary electrometer or the string galvanometer. The 

a : : 
WY cy Mane dE p\q—5 
: Y 

a eh 

Fie. 3.—Scheme of string galvanometer. 
a, bis the quartz thread; N and S are the electro-magnets; E is a microscope. 

The magnified i image falls on the slit H, and is photographed. (Hume.) 
capillary electrometer consists of a glass tube drawn out at one end 
to a capillary, and partly filled with mercury; the capillary tube 
opens into another tube containing 10 per cent. sulphuric acid. Two 
platinum wires pass, one into the sulphuric acid, the other into the 
mercury. When the electrometer is connected with two points of 
different potential, the mercury moves up or down the capillary tube. 
If the point connected with the acid is negative as compared with that 
connected with the mercury, the latter moves down towards the acid ; 
if the point connected with the acid is positive, the mercury moves 
away from the acid. The movements are rapid and are proportional 
to the difference of potential ‘between the two points under observation ; 
they may be directly observed under the microscope, or may be recorded 

The string galvanometer consists of a very delicate quartz thread, 
silvered over and hanging between two strong electro-magnets through 
which a current is passing; by means of terminals passing from each, 
end of it, the thread can be connected with a muscle or other structure. 


MUSCLE. | 25 

When a current passes through the thread, it is pulled towards one 
or the other magnet according to the direction of the current. The 
thread is illuminated by a strong light, and a magnified image of its 
movements can be thrown on a screen and observed directly ; and if 
the screen is replaced by a moving photographic plate, these movements 
can be recorded. . 

When a perfectly uninjured muscle, ¢.g. the sartorius of a frog, is 
connected by means of non-polarisable electrodes at B and, C (fig. 4), 
with the string galvanometer, no electrical current can be detected, 
and the muscle is said to be <soelectric. The application of a single 
induction shock at the point A causes a contraction travelling as a wave 

Fic. 4.—Diagram to show the method of investigating electrical changes in muscle. 

D, Eis the thread ; F and G are the electro-magnets of the string galvanometer. 

from A to C, and at the same time an electrical change is recorded by 
the galvanometer. 

The stimulus produces. a chemical change, which travels along 
the muscle at the same rate as, and which precedes, the wave of 
contraction. As this wave of excitation passes along the muscle, it 
gives rise to an electrical change of such a kind that the excited part 
of the muscle is negative to the resting part. The electrical changes 
also precede the mechanical shortening of thg muscle ; they take place 
chiefly during the latent period, and mre tontgieed long before the 
contraction is over. 

Since excited muscle is ES to resting muscle, the electrical 

change is diphasic, as is shown diagrammatically in fig. 5. The first 

movement, of the thread (represented by the ascending part of the 
curve in the figure) occurs when the muscle at B is excited, and becomes 
negative to the resting muscle at C; the current flows through the 


galvanometer from C to B. When the excitatory process reaches C,° 

and is still present at B, there is no electrical current and the thread 
swings back to its original position. This period is extremely short, 
and almost immediately the excitatory process passes off at B, though it 
is still present at C; the point C is now negative to B and the thread 
swings once more, this time in the opposite direction. Finally the whole 
muscle ceases to be excited and the thread returns to its resting posi- 

tion. This diphasic current is known as the cwrrent of action. 
If the muscle is injured at the point C, a current flows through the 
galvanometer from B to C.even when the muscle is resting, and is 
called the current of rest 

or injury. If the muscle . 

is thrown into contraction, 
the point B becomes elec- 
trically negative as com- 
pared with its resting state, 
and then returns to its 
former condition; the in- 
jured muscle at C does not 
contract and its electrical 
condition remains un- 
changed. The record of 
the galvanometer therefore 
shows a single (monophasic) 
Fic. 5.—Diphasic electrical change in muscle cetoeeee ; Rae a“ a: 
(diagrammatic). rent of action in this case 
The horizontal line represents the position of the thread flows in the opposite direc- 
when at rest. . , etl 
tion to that of the injury 
current, it is often spoken of as the negative variation of the injury 

Thus it is evident that both injured and contracting muscle are 
negative to normal resting muscle. These changes are abolished by 
the death of the muscle, and are thus bound up with the chemical 
changes taking place in a contracting or injured muscle. They are 
independent, however, of the mechanical shortening, and still occur*in 
an excited muscle even when its power to contract is abolished by 
steeping it for a short time in distilled water. 

Although it is customary to speak of excited muscle as “negative ” 
to resting muscle, it must be remembered that it is really electro- 
positive to the resting muscle; in the same way, zinc is the electro- 
positive element in a battery. The term “negative” simply means 
that the current passes through the galvanometer towards the excited 

EES ee 

MUSCLE. 7 - 
tissue, and has no reference to the actual electrical condition of this 

The electrical changes in muscle can also be demonstrated without 
the aid of a galvanometer. Two muscle nerve preparations are made, 
and the nerve of one preparation A is brought into contact at two 
points with the muscle of the other preparation B. When the muscle 
of B contracts, the current of action set up in it acts as a stimulus to 
the nerve of A; this stimulus is conducted to the muscle of A which is 
thrown into contraction. : 

Chemical Changes during Contraction.—Living muscle is constantly 
taking up oxygen from the blood and giving off carbonic acid. During 
contraction it takes up more oxygen and gives off more carbonic acid, 
and at the same time heat is evolved and lactic acid is formed. The 
production of acid during muscular contraction can be readily demon- 
strated in a frog’s muscle-nerve preparation ; if the muscle is made to 
contract vigorously for a few minutes it becomes acid to litmus paper. 
Another method of illustrating the same fact consists in injecting into 
the dorsal lymph sac of.a frog a solution of acid fuchsin, which is 
colourless in neutral and red in acid solution. When one gastro- 
cnemius muscle is made to contract an hour or two after the injection, 
the contracting muscle becomes red, whereas the resting muscles are 
not coloured. 

It can be shown that the acid formed is lactic acid by means of 
Hopkins’ test. 

A few drops of an alcoholic extract of muscle, two or three drops of a 
saturated solution of copper sulphaté, and 5 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid are 
mixed in a test tube and placed in boiling water for a minute or two. The 

fluid is cooled and a few drops of alcoholic thiophene solution are added ; on 
warming the solution, a cherry red colour develops if lactic acid is present. 

In all probability, when a muscle contracts the first chemical change 
taking place is the breaking down of a compound of dextrose with some 
other substance the nature of which is unknown, the decomposition 
resulting in the formation of lactic acid; in the presence of an 
adequate supply of oxygen, the lactic acid can be subsequently 
oxidised to carbonic acid and water according to the following 
equation :— , 

C,H,O, + 30, = 3CO, + 3H,0. 
lactic acid 

This is shown by the observation that an isolated frog’s muscle, 
when made to contract in an atmosphere free from oxygen, gives off 
less carbonic acid and contains more lactic acid than_when it: contracts 
in an atmosphere containing oxygen. Further, if a muscle which 



contains lactic acid is exposed for some hours in pure oxygen, the 
amount of lactic acid in it decreases. Evidently the muscles possess 
the power of destroying lactic acid. | 

This process also takes place in the living animal, but if the supply 
of oxygen to the muscles is deficient, e.g. during asphyxia, or if the 
formation of lactic acid is very rapid, for example in actively contract- 
ing muscles, the acid is not completely oxidised and passes into the 
blood and may be excreted in the urine. In man the excretion of 
lactic acid in the urine is 3 to 4 mgr. per hour during rest ; and this may 
be raised by severe exercise to 400 mgr. or more hourly. Hence the 
appearance of lactic acid in increased amount in the blood and urine 
may be taken as evidence that the supply of oxygen to the muscles 
is either absolutely or relatively deficient. Owing to the passage of 
lactic acid into the circulating blood, the muscles themselves do not 
become acid in reaction even after severe exercise, though it is said 
that the muscles of animals hunted to death are acid. 

It is probable that part of the lactic acid is not oxidised, but is 
synthesised again by the muscles into the carbohydrate compound by 
the decomposition of which it was originally formed. 

The chemical changes taking place in contracting muscle are not 
confined to the process just described, and the oxidation of carbo- 
hydrate, fat, and protein is also increased during muscular activity. 

Heat Production in Muscle.—During muscular contraction heat 
is produced, and the contraction of a large number of muscles, such 
as occurs during muscular exercise, may be sufficient to raise the 
temperature of the whole body one or two degrees. The heat produced 
in a small isolated muscle during a single contraction cannot be 
measured by a thermometer, but is usually determined by means of 
a thermopile, which consists of a junction between two metals, the | 
metals being connected with a galvanometer. When the junction is 
heated, an electrical current is set.up and passes through the 
galvanometer. In the more recent forms of thermopile the metals 
used are copper and an alloy called constantan, and the thermopile 
may consist of a large number of such junctions, which are connected 
with a string galvanometer. A muscle, such as the frog’s sartorius, is 
placed in contact with these junctions, and can be made to contract 
by sending a current through electrodes placed one at each end of the 
muscle. The muscle is fixed at one end and attached at the other, 
either to a recording lever or to a spring, whereby the tension on the 
muscle can be varied or the changes in contractile stress occurring 
during its isometric contraction can be studied. Any production of 
- heat in the muscle gives rise to a current through the thermopile, and 

te Pr 

MUSCLE. ; 29 

to deflection of the thread of the galvanometer; the amount of 
deflection produced by a unit of heat is previously determined. 

Experiments made with this apparatus show that the production 
of heat in muscle occurs both during and for some time after its 

(1) When a muscle contracts, a certain amount of potential energy 
is liberated as free energy, which can be used in the carrying out of 
work, or can be evolved as heat, or may be manifested partly as work 
and partly as heat. The amount of the energy set free and available. 
for this purpose depends upon the initial length of the muscle fibre. 

If the muscle is stretched by a spring or weight, the energy set 
free and the contractile stress, that is, the force with which the fibres 
tend to contract, are greater than when it is not stretched. The 
proportion of the energy thus set free, which appears as work or as 
heat respectively, depends upon the mechanical conditions under which 
the muscle is placed. If the muscle is allowed to lift a weight, it does 
work which is measured by the product of the weight raised and the 
height through which it is lifted ; and if the mechanical conditions are 
favourable, the greater part of the energy set free during the contrac- 
tion may appear as work. If the muscle is not allowed to contract and 
to do work, the whole of the energy set free during the contraction 
appears as heat. | 

(2) After the contraction is over, a further evolution. of heat takes 
place, which is due partly to the oxidation of lactic acid, and partly 
also to the rebuilding of the precursor of lactic acid, the energy needed 
for this process being supplied by the oxidation of other substances in 
the muscle with the liberation of heat and of carbonic acid. 

The efficiency of muscular contraction is the proportion of the total 
energy set free during and just. after the contraction, which appears as 
work. The mechanical conditions under which muscular contraction 
takes place in the body are usually such that the efficiency is com-_ 
paratively constant; in man, from 20 to 28 per cent. of the total energy 
set free during muscular contraction appears as work. 

Fatigue and Rigor Mortis.— When a muscle passes into rigor mortis 
it shortens slightly, becomes rigid and opaque, and loses its elasticity 
and extensibility. During its passage into rigor the muscle becomes 
acid, the acid formed being lactic acid, and heat and carbonic acid are 

These changes are all due to the breaking down of the carbohydrate 
precursor of lactic acid. In this process heat is evolved, and the lactic 
acid reacts with the sodium carbonate in muscle, setting free carbonic 

acid, which is given off. When the amount of lactic acid formed in the 


muscle attains a certain level, the proteins are coagulated and the 
physical characters of the muscle are altered. It is for this reason 
hat the muscles in fatigued animals pass into rigor mortis more rapidly 
after death than the muscles of resting animals, since at the time of 
death they already contain some lactic acid. That the accumulation 
of lactic acid in muscle can cause fatigue is shown by the fact that the 
contraction characteristic of fatigued muscle can be induced in the fresh 
muscle by perfusing it with blood containing lactic acid. Fatigue is 
thus brought about in part by the same cause as that which ultimately 
leads to rigor mortis; but the larger amount of acid produced in the 
latter brings about an irreversible change in the proteins, causing the 
death of the muscle, whereas the acid is gradually removed from a 
fatigued muscle, which is thus restored to its normal condition. 

When a muscle is repeatedly stimulated through its nerve, it 
gradually becomes fatigued and finally fails to contract. When this 
point is reached the muscle will still contract, if directly stimulated, 
so that its failure to contract when stimulated through its nerve must 
be due to fatigue of either the nerve trunk or the nerve endings. It 
can readily be shown that it is the nerve endings which become 
fatigued in such an experiment. | 

Two muscle nerve preparations are made, and the nerves are 
continuously stimulated with a tetanising current, the passage of the 
stimulus to one muscle being prevented by cooling a small portion of 
the nerve near the muscle to 0° C.; in this way both nerves are 
stimulated, but only one muscle is thrown into contraction. After a 
short time the muscle which is contracting becomes fatigued and fails 
to contract. The cooled nerve is then warmed, the stimulation being 
continued, and the muscle of this preparation at once contracts 
vigorously. Since both nerve trunks have been equally stimulated, it 
is evident that the fatigue does not lie in the nerve trunks and must 
therefore have its seat in the nerve endings. 

Experiments of this kind have shown that both medullated and 
non-medullated nerves are practically incapable of fatigue, and even 
after six hours of continuous excitation the nerves are just as excitable 
as at the outset. 


The contraction of a muscle under the influence of the will is much 
longer than a single twitch and represents a short tetanus, since even 
the quickest movement which an individual can carry out voluntarily 
lasts at least one-tenth of a second, and usually longer. The nature of 
voluntary movement has recently been demonstrated by recording the 


electrical changes occurring during a voluntary contraction. Using ? 
the string galvanometer, about 50 electrical variations per second can 
be observed in the contracting muscle; and if the electrical variations _ 
of a motor nerve during a voluntary or reflex contraction of the muscle 
which it supplies are similarly recorded, it is found that about 50 
impulses per second are passing along the nerve. When a skeletal 
muscle is stimulated 50 times a second it passes into tetanus ; and it may 
be concluded that voluntary muscular contractions are almost always 
tetanic in character, and are brought about by the discharge of rapidly 
repeated impulses from the cells of the central nervous system. 


The muscle fibres which occur in the walls of the digestive tract, 
blood-vessels, and other organs show no transverse striation and are 
called plain or involuntary muscle fibres. Each fibre is spindle-shaped 
and has an oval nucleus ; its cell substance frequently shows a delicate 
longitudinal striation. The fibres are united to one another by a 
cement substance which can be stained with silver nitrate. 

The changes taking place in smooth muscle, when it contracts, 
differ in many respects from those occurring in skeletal muscle. In the 
first place, the duration of the contraction is very prolonged ; the 
latent period may be from 0°2 to 0°5 second, and the contraction may 
last for two or three minutes. Secondly, the muscle is much more 
easily excited by a constant current than by induction shocks, and 
frequently fails to give any response to a single induction shock. 
Owing to the slowness of the process, the origin of the contraction at 
the kathode when a constant current is made, and at the anode when 
the current is broken, can be observed with great ease. 

Thirdly, smooth muscle shows a great tendency to contract rhyth- 
mically, the rhythm being most easily evoked when the muscle is 
stretched. The effect of tension is often well seen in the hollow organs 
whose walls are partly composed of smooth muscle. If such an organ 
is rapidly distended by the injection of fluid, the sudden tension 
placed on the muscle fibres in its wall causes them to contract forcibly, 
the contraction being sometimes continued in a rhythmic manner for 
a short time. Smooth muscle is also susceptible to chemical stimuli 

ad | 


a ky 

3 and can be thrown into contraction by substances such as barium salts. 
rt One of the most characteristic features of smooth muscle is its 
a power to remain in a state of partial contraction or tone, even after 
a it is cut off from any connection with the central nervous. system. 
FP Stimulation of the nerves to the muscle may bring about either an 
=s increase or a decrease of this tone; and most unstriated muscles have 


a double nerve supply, one set of nerves when stimulated causing con- 
traction, and the other relaxation of the muscle. 


Cilia are delicate filaments projecting from the border of columnar 
epithelial cells, and are found in the greater part of the respiratory 
passages, in the generative organs, and elsewhere. 

Their movement consists in a rapid bending of each cilium, followed 
by a slow return to the erect position. Ali the cilia on a ciliated 
surface bend in the same direction, the movement travelling as a wave 
over the surface. The movements are repeated ten to twelve times a 
second, and serve to carry forward solid particles of dust or mucus in. 
the respiratory passages ; in the Fallopian tubes they assist the passage 
of the ovum. 

Ciliary movement is entirely independent of the central nervous 
system, and its mode of production is unknown. . 

wie? i. 



Tue nerve fibres form the medium by which the various structures of 

the body are brought into communication with the central nervous 

system, and thus indirectly with each other. The fibres for the most 
part leave the central nervous system in bundles which are bound 
together to form nerve trunks. The nerve trunks give off branches in 
their course, the ultimate ramifications consisting of individual fibres, 

Nerve fibres are of two kinds, medullated and non-medullated. A 
medullated nerve fibre is a cylindrical structure and consists of the 
nerve fibre proper, known as the axis cylinder, surrounded by two 
sheaths. The outer sheath is a transparent structureless membrane 
called the neurolemma. The inner sheath is thicker, and is ce baposed 
of a refractive material of a fatty nature, called myelin. The. ye. 
sheath is interrupted at regular intervals, the interrupti s bei 
known as the nodes of Ranvier. About midway between ea 
nodes of Ranvier a nucleus is found, lying under the neurolemma and 
surrounded by a small quantity of protoplasm. 

A non-medullated nerve fibre consists of axis cylinder rae neuro- 

lemma. with nuclei, and has no myelin sheath. 

The axis cylinder of a nerve fibre is a process of a nerve cell, 
usually the process known as the axon. It consists of an aggregation © 
of fine fibrils, imbedded in an interfibrillar fluid material. 

In the nerve trunks the fibres are bound together in cylindrical 
cords or funiculi, each of which is enclosed in a sheath of dense 
connective tissue, the perineurium. The funiculi are held together 
in the nerve trunk by looser connective tissue, the epineurium. Both 
medullated and non-medullated nerve fibres are usually present in a 
nerve trunk, such as is found in the limbs. © ; 

When a nerve fibre is traced to its peripheral termination it is 
found to end either in free fibrils or in a special end-organ. Free 
fibrillar endings occur in the epithelium of the skin, around special 
sensory cells, such as those of the taste buds and of the organ of 

33 3 



hearing, around gland cells and in other situations. Terminations 
in special end-organs are found in the touch corpuscles of the skin 
and in the end-plates in striped muscle fibres. | 

The chief chemical constituents of nerve fibres are protein, nucleo- 
protein, lecithin, and cholesterol. The myelin sheath of medullated 
fibres is mainly formed of lecithin. 

Nerve fibres have one function only, that of the conduction of 
impulses. Generally speaking, any one nerve fibre conducts in one 
direction only, and the fibres are classified as efferent and afferent, 

according as they conduct impulses away from or towards the central. 

nervous system. The direction in which an impulse normally passes 
along a nerve depends upon the connections of the fibres and not upon 
a property of the fibres themselves, these being in reality capable of 
conducting in either direction. Thus in a motor nerve fibre the 
excitatory process originates in the central nervous system. and is 
propagated towards the muscle, and in a sensory nerve the excitatory 
process is set up in the nerve-ending, for example in the skin, and is 
propagated towards the nerve centres. 

The function of nerve fibres has been studied chiefly by means of 
artificial stimuli, mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical, motor 
nerve fibres being generally used for experiment because the propaga- 
tion of an impulse in a motor nerve ‘is easily demonstrated by the 
resulting muscular contraction. Two other phenomena accompany or 
follow the propagation of a disturbance along a nerve: (1) an electric 
response, and (2) the occurrence of a refractory period. (1) The 
electric response is detected by the use of a galvanometer, and consists 
in a brief wave of negativity which accompanies the disturbance, the 
excited part of the nerve being negative to the resting part. (2) The 
refractory period follows immediately the passage of the disturbance, 
and lasts about one-thousandth of a second. During that period a 
second stimulus applied to a motor nerve fails to excite a muscular 

In the study of the function of nerve fibres two points have to 
be considered, the excitatory process and the propagation of the 
resulting disturbance. 

The Excitatory Process.—Nothing is known as to the physico- 
chemical nature of the normal excitatory process. A similar condition 
may, however, be set up artificially in various ways. For example, 
cutting or pinching a motor nerve, or the sudden application to it 
of heat, or dipping it in Strong salt solution or in glycerol, or the 

ar. aa <_— ee 

tl i a 
; 1 ; 


application to it of electrical stimuli, will be followed by contraction 
of the muscle with which it is connected: . The’ most convenient form 
of stimulus for experimental purposes is the electric current. 

Induced Current.—Induced electricity is generally used for purposes 
of stimulation, because its strength can be easily controlled and also 
because of the brief duration-of the current. When a single induction 
shock of sufficient strength is applied to the nerve of a muscle-nerve 
preparation, (1) an excitatory process is set up in the nerve at the point 
stimulated, (2) a disturbance arising at that point is propagated alone 
the nerve to the muscle, and (3) the muscle contracts. 

Constant Current,—lf a length of nerve is introduced into the 
circuit of a constant current, an excitatory process is only set up in the 
nerve, as in muscles, when the circuit is made or broken, and not 
during the passage of the current. The passage of the current is 
nevertheless accompanied by changes in the excitability, conductivity, 
and electromotivity of the nerve, which together constitute the condi- 
tion known as electrotonus. The changes in excitability may be 
shown in the nerve of a muscle-nerve preparation from rom the frog. The 
nerve is laid upon a pair of non-polarisable electrodes connected with 
a galvanic cell, a reverser being introduced into the circuit. The 
electrodes from an induction coil are applied to the nerve between the 
non-polarisable electrodes and the muscle. The position of the induc- 
tion coil which gives a minimal effective stimulus is found before the 
constant circuit is made, then the key of the latter is closed, and 
the stimulus from the induction coil is repeated. If the positive pole 
or anode is the nearer to the stimulating electrodes, the stimulus will 
now be ineffective, because the stimulated area of the nerve is in a 

condition of anelectrotonus or reduced excitability. If the direction of 
the constant current be reversed, repetition of the stimulus will give 
a maximal contraction of the muscle, because the stimulated area is in 
a condition of kathelectrotonus or increased excitability. Associated 

with this electrotonic variation in excitability is the fact that, as already 
pointed out in connection with the stimulation of muscle, the excitatory 
process set up by the closing of a constant circuit occurs at the kathode, 
and that set up by breaking the circuit at the anode. In other words, 

the excitatory process is produced by the setting up of Kashslectistonnal 
and by the resolution of anelectrotonus. 

The Propagated Disturbance.—The propagation of an impulse along 
a nerve may be demonstrated by the effect produced in an organ, such 
as muscle, or by recording the electric response by means of a capillary 
electrometer or string galvanometer. For the latter purpose the nerve 
is included in the galvanometer circuit, non-polarisable electrodes 



being used. A single induction shock is applied to the nerve at a 
distance from the non-polarisable electrodes, and the movement of the 
mercury in the capillary electrometer or of the string of the string 
galvanometer is photographed on a rapidly moving plate. In this way 
it is shown that the part of the nerve which is excited at any intent is 
negative to all other parts of the nerve. 

By recording the electric response, it can be shown that when any 
part of a nerve is stimulated the disturbance is propagated in both 
directions. If the middle of a length of nerve is stimulated by a single 
induction shock, each end of the nerve being in circuit with a galvano- 
meter by means of non-polarisable electrodes, both galvanometers record 
the passage of a current of action. Apart from the electric response, . 
the changes produced in a nerve by the passage of an impulse are very 
slight. No appreciable production of heat can be detected by the most 
- delicate thermo-electric methods. Chemical changes must take place, 
because the nerve fibres lose their irritability when completely deprived 
of oxygen, and the loss of irritability occurs more rapidly if the nerve 
is stimulated ; but the true nature of the chemical changes is unknown. 
Possibly the changes which occur during the propagation of the dis- 
_ turbance are largely physical, and depend upon changes of surface 
tension. ° 

‘The Velocity of a Nervous Impulse.—The rate at which an impulse 
is transmitted in the nerve of a frog may be measured by using a 
muscle-nerve preparation and recording the contraction of the muscle 
on a rapidly moving drum or pendulum myograph, (1) when the stimulus 
is applied as far as possible from the muscle, and (2) when it is applied 
close to the muscle. The two tracings are recorded on the same 
abscissa, the point of stimulation being at the same point of the tracing 
for both.. The difference in latent period is measured by means of a 
time tracing taken from a tuning-fork giving 250 double vibrations 
per second. This difference gives the time taken by the impulse to 
travel along the length of nerve between the two points stimulated. 
In the case of frog’s nerve the rate of transmission is found to be about 
28 metres per second. In human nerves it is estimated to be about 
four times this rate. 

Conditions which affect Excitability and the Propagation of the 
Disturbance in Nerve.—It has already been pointed out (p. 30) that 
nerve fibres cannot be fatigued. Their excitability and conductivity 
may, however, be affected by temperature, drugs, and the passage of a 
constant current, as well as by the passage of a pea impulse along 
the nerve, and by injury. 

Generally speaking, the irritability of nerve for induction shocks is 


i a! io le 

ital a 



"increased by a rise of temperature, and diminished by cooling. With 

currents of longer duration the converse effect is obtained, within limits, 
the excitability being increased by cooling the nerve because by the 
fall of temperature the subsidence of the excitatory process is delayed, 
although at the same time the initiation of a propagated disturbance is 

The effect of volatile drugs on nerve is tested by edebociete a- length 
of the nerve to a muscle in a glass tube which is made air-tight, and 
filling the tube by a side connection with the vapour of the drug to be 
tested. Carbonic acid gas and ether abolish both the excitability and 
conductivity of nerve, the excitability being the earlier to disappear. 
If the gas or vapour be replaced by pure air, the nerve returns to its 
normal condition, conductivity returning before excitability. Chloro- 

‘form acts on nerve in the same way as ether but more powerfully, 

recovery being incomplete or not occurring at all when the drug is 
replaced by air. 
The effect of the passage of a constant current on the excitability 

_of nerve has already been described. The effect on conductivity is 

fairly parallel with that on excitability. 

The refractory period which féllows the stimulation of a nerve is a 
result of the passage of the propagated disturbance, and not merely a 
local condition of depressed excitability following the excitatory process. 
This is proved by sending the second stimulus into the nerve at a 
different point from the first, in which case the refractory condition is 
found to be the same as when the second stimulus is applied at the same 
spot as the first. The refractory state does not end abruptly, but 
passes off gradually, so that there is a gradual fall in the strength of 
the stimulus required to produce the second response. 

Electrotonic Currents in Nerve.—Reference has already been aie 
to the fact that the electromotivity of nerve is altered by the passage of a 
constant current. Uninjured nerve is isoelectric. If, however, a nerve 
is injured, as, for example, by division of its fibres, and is connected 
with a galvanometer by means of non-polarisable electrodes, one of 
which is applied to the injured area, and the other to the uninjured 
surface, a current, the so-called demarcation current or current of 
injury, will flow through the galvanometer from the uninjured surface 
to the injured part; that is, within the nerve itself the injured 
part is electro-positive to the uninjured. If a constant current 
(“polarising current”) be passed through a part of the nerve, non- | 
polarisable electrodes being used, the demarcation current will be 

inereased at the anode, where the polarising current enters the nerve, 
and diminished at the kathode. Electrotonic currents are set up in 


the nerve which have the same direction as the polarising current. 
These electrotonic currents are due to ionisation of the electrolytes 
which occur in solution between the electrode and the axis cylinder, 
Negatively charged ions are attracted to the anode, with a resulting 
concentration of ions which are positively charged on the axis cylinder 
near the anode. In the same way, negatively charged ions accumulate 
on the axis cylinder close to the kathode. The electrotonic currents 
are caused by the differences of potential thus produced. 

Electrotonic currents in a nerve can produce the excitatory process 
in another nerve in contact with the first. If the nerve of a muscle- 
nerve preparation be laid on a second nerve which is stimulated by 
single induction shocks, each stimulus sets up electrotonic currents in 
the stimulated nerve, and these, setting up an excitatory process in the | 
other nerve, lead to contraction of the muscle. 



Tue essential characteristic of life is the power of reaction to a 
stimulus, and in the higher animals this reaction is effected through 
the central nervous system, and constitutes reflex action. The life of 
the individual is to a large extent made up of a long series of reflex 
acts, varying in complexity, and carried out in response to stimuli 

arising in the outer world or within his own body. 

In response to external stimul, the animal acts as a whole and 
carries out movements directed to attack or defence, to the procuring 
of food, and the like; in response to internal stimuli, the activities 
of the different organs of the body are co-ordinated in such a way 
that the individual behaves as such and not as a group of independent 

Instances of this nervous control will be referred to in connection 
with the work of the heart, the function of respiration, the production 
of the digestive juices, and the other functions which are concerned 
with animal life. i 

But the activities of the central nervous system are not limited 
to the management of these vital processes, In addition, the central 
nervous system is the seat of those processes which are concerned with 
conscious existence. Impressions are conveyed to the brain from the 
outer world, and give rise to sensations of smell, taste, hearing, sight, 
and touch, and these in their turn call forth emotions, such as pleasure 
or pain. The activities of the central nervous system find expression 
in muscular movement, resulting in locomotion, speech, writing, or 
gesture. In the study of the various nervous functions, the science 
of Physiology has to deal with the mechanism by means of which 
afferent impressions are received and conducted to the nerve centres, 
with that by which they are associated in these centres, and with the 
further mechanism by means of which efferent impulses are transmitted 



to the active tissues of the body. The consideration of the mental 
processes and the emotions is the province of the sister science of 
Psychology. : 

The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord (spinal 
medulla), with the nerves by means of which these central organs are 
connected with the other structures of the body. Microscopic examina- 
tion of the brain and spinal cord shows that they are built up of 
nerve cells and herve fibres, supported by a special form of con- 
nective tissue called neuroglia. : 

The nerves contain nerve fibres only, held together by ordinary 

7 connective tissue. Every nerve fibre, however, is a process of a nerve 

~~ cell; and if a nerve fibre is divided, the part which is no longer in. 
connection with the nerve cell undergoes degeneration. The histo- 
logical unit of the nervous system is therefore the nerve cell with 
its processes, and this unit is known as a neuron. 

The Neuron.—Every neuron consists of a nerve cell, known as a 
cyton, and its processes. In the simplest form the cyton is bipolar, 
with one process connected with each pole. Examples of this type 
are found in the spinal ganglia of fishes and in the ganglion on the 
auditory nerve in man. A modification of this form occurs in the 
human spinal ganglia, the two processes becoming fused together for 
a short distance in the course of development, so that the cell is 
histologically unipolar, though physiologically it is still a bipolar cell. 
A third form is multipolar, there being more than two processes 
connected with each cell. One of these processes is unbranched, and is 
known as the axon; the others are branched, and are called dendrons. 
The neurons which enter into the structure of the brain and spinal 
cord belong to the multipolar type, varying however in the shape of 
the cyton, the number and character of the dendrons, and the length 
of the axon in different regions, 

The cyton, although differing in shape and size in different regions, 
is always distinguished by certain definite characteristics. It is usually 
large as compared with other cells, varying in diameter from 20 to 100 p. 
It possesses a large, spherical nucleus which contains little chromatin, 
and within the nucleus a well-marked nucleolus, The cell substance 
is distinguished by the presence of certain bodies known as Nissl 
spindles and also by having delicate fibrils running through it. The 
Nissl spindles are granular aggregations in the form of minute spindles, 
as the name implies, are arranged more or less concentrically in relation 
to the nucleus, and stain well with methylene blue or toluidin blue. 
They appear to consist mainly of nucleoprotein, and also contain some’ 
iron. They are found in all parts of the cyton and in the basal parts 


of the dendrons, but not in the axon hillock, the part of the cell from 
which the axon takes origin. The fibrils run through the cell from — 
dendrons to axon, and, with some interfibrillar material, form the 
substance of the latter structure. Many nerve cells have a well-marked 
lymph capsule surrounding them. 

The axon is, as has been said, a fibrillar structure, and usually 
becomes the axis cylinder of a nerve fibre, acquiring a myelin sheath 
soon after leaving the cyton. Axons are of variable length, the longest 
being those which extend from the lumbar region of the spinal cord to 
the foot. They do not branch as the dendrons do, but those which 
run a course in the central nervous system give off delicate twigs 
at right angles to their course, known as collaterals. Each axon ends 
by a terminal arborisation, either in relation with the cyton or dendrons 
of another neuron or in relation with muscle fibres or gland cells. The 
termination in connection with striped muscle frequently enters into 
the formation of a special form of nerve-ending known as an end-plate. 
The axons of certain cells in the central nervous system, belonging to 
what is known as Golgi’s second type, are very short, do not acquire 
a myelin sheath, and form their terminal arborisation in relation with 
the cell -body of a neighbouring neuroti. 

Dendrons are found in their most typical form in the neurons of the 
brain and spinal cord. They branch in a tree-like manner, and the 
branches frequently exhibit minute enlargements or projections. The 
dendrons are short as compared with the axon, and never extend any 
distance from the cyton. 

The processes of nerve cells do not anastomose, but come into 
relationship by the more or less intimate mingling of the terminal 
arborisation of the axon of one neuron with the dendrovs or cyton 
of another neuron. Such a communication, in which there is contact 
without continuity, is called a synapse. The contact is possibly not 
direct, the transmission of impulses from one neuron to the other being 
effected through an intermediate layer of some substance which does 
not form part of either neuron. 

In addition to the fibrils which have been described as occurring in 
the substance of each nerve cell, an extracellular network of fibrils has 
been described, but it has not been established that there is continuity 
between the two networks. A third fibrillar network las been 
demonstrated, chiefly in invertebrate animals, which is said to be 
continuous from neuron to neuron, and, on the basis of this description, 
a theory has been put forward that nerve impulses are transmitted 
through the central nervous system by means of a continuous network 
of fibrils and not by a series of synapses. The evidénce upon which 

a ae 


this theory of continuity rests, however, is at present insufficient to 
justify its adoption. —— 
The Function of the Neuron.—The type of neuron which is 
most easily studied in the mammal is the unipolar form found in the 
ganglia on the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. As has already 
been pointed out, these cells are functionally bipolar, the single pro- 
cess resulting from the fusion of the two poles, and the two processes 
separate at some little distance from the cell, one passing towards the 
spinal cord and the other towards the periphery. Each becomes the 
axis cylinder of a medullated nerve 
fibre, but that which has a centrifugal 
course is functionally homologous with 
the dendrons of the neurons of the 
central nervous system. If either of 
the two processes is cut off from the 
cyton, it degenerates, while the por- 
tion left in connection with the cell 
body undergoes no obvious change. 
\lt may therefore be assumed that the 
cyton governs the nutrition of all parts 
of the neuron. Moreover, when one 
of its processes has been divided in 
this way, so that the normal function 
of the neuron is interfered with, 
changes occur in the substance of the 
cyton itself. The Nissl spindles under- 
Fic. 6.—Two motor nerve-cells from 20 disintegration, so that the cell stains 
the dog. (Photographed from diffusely with methylene blue (fig. 6). 
dies alannah * : Sua a This change is known as chromatolysis, 
Histology. and it indicates that the Nissl bodies 
a, normal; 0, eee of prolonged gre concerned in some way with the func- 
tional activity of the neuron. Further 
evidence in support of this conclusion is afforded by the fact that the 
Nissl bodies of the cells of the central nervous system diminish in number 
after an animal has been in active exercise. Chromatolysis also occurs 
as a result of the action of certain poisons, in fevers, and in asphyxia. 
Conduction of an impulse in a neuron takes place in one direction 
only, In the case of the fibres of the posterior spinal nerve roots, the 
conduction is from the periphery to the central nervous system. The 
anterior root fibres, on the other hand, conduct from centre to 
periphery. They are the axons of multipolar nerve cells which lie in 
the grey matter of the spinal cord. If the posterior root be divided 

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between the spinal cord and the ganglion, stimulation of the peripheral 
portion will have no result, either as regards sensation or muscular or 
glandular activity. Stimulation of the central portion will, however, 
be followed by sensation, and may result in reflex muscular movements. 
If the anterior root be divided, stimulation of the peripheral portion 
will be followed by muscular movements, while stimulation of the 
central end will give rise neither to sensation nor reflexes. In the 
production of a simple reflex by stimulation of the central end of the 
divided posterior root, the impulse passes from the terminal arborisa- 
tion of the fibre or of its collaterals in the grey matter of the spinal 
cord across a synapse to the dendrons of a second neuron, the axon of 
that neuron passes it on to the dendrons of one or more of the multipolar 
cells the axons of which constitute the anterior nerve roots, and the 
impulse, altered in character, is thus transmitted to the responding 
muscles. There is thus a law of conduction, called the “law of forward 
direction,” according to which an impulse will pass across a synapse 
from the axon of one neuron to the dendrons of another, but not in 
the reverse direction. 

The Function of the Cell.—In a reflex action the afferent impulse 
is usually greatly modified in its passage through the central 
nervous system. For example, the comparatively slight stimulus of 
a crumb in the larynx may be followed by violent coughing, accom- 
panied by contraction of other muscles besides those concerned with 
expiration. Again, when a reflex movement is excited by stimulation 
of an afferent nerve, the impulses travelling along the efferent nerve 
have a rhythm which is independent of that of the exciting stimulus. 
It was formerly thought that these and other modifications of the 
impulses in the nervous system were brought about by the nerve cell. 
It has been shown,. however, in certain invertebrates that reflex action 
can still take place for a short time when the cells associated with the 
fibres forming the reflex arc have been destroyed. This and other 
Similar observations indicate that the characteristic features of reflex 
action must be attributed not to the nerve cell but to the synapse. 
The function of the nerve-cell is purely nutritive. 

’ The Function of the Axon.—The function of the axon is most 
conveniently studied in the spinal nerve trunks. These contain true 
axons, which arise from the multipolar cells in the grey matter of 
the spinal cord, as well as afferent fibres in connection with the cells of 
the ganglia of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, the latter not 
being axons in the restricted sense of the term, but showing no 
difference in function from the axons proper except as regards the 
direction in which they normally conduct impulses. 

. * 

The only function of these nerve fibres. is to conduct impulses. 
During the propagation of an impulse an electrical current is produced 
in the fibre, and a current is also induced in it by injury. The excit- 
ability, conductivity, and electromotivity of the fibre are modified by 
the passage through it of a constant current. These phenomena have 
been already described in the chapter on Nerve, and need not be 
further alluded to in this connection. | 

It has already been pointed out that when an axon or other process 
is separated from the cyton to which it belongs, the severed part 
undergoes degeneration (fig. 7), usually described as Wallerian 
degeneration. This may be followed by a growth of fibres from the 
undegenerated portion into the distal 
part of a divided nerve trunk, the 
new growth being spoken of as _ re- 

Degeneration and Regeneration of 
Nerves.—-Most nerve fibres contained 
in a nerve trunk possess two sheaths, 
(1) a covering of lipoid material known 
as the myelin sheath, lying next to 
the fibre and interrupted at regular 
intervals, and (2) an outer, structure- 

Fic. 7.—Diagram showing effects of 
section of spinal nerve roots. less covering, the neurolemma. Lying 

Degenerated portions black. 6, sectionef ynder the latter. about the middle of 

anterior root ; a, section of posterior ; 4 x 

Beth toote poriehera! Salat of each myelin segment, is a nucleus sur- 

. rounded by a little protoplasm. 

When a nerve is divided the part which is cut off from the cell soon 
dies and undergoes degenerative changes. It shows a temporary rise 
in irritability followed by a gradual loss of excitability, and after two to 
five days the nerve is no longer excitable and will not conduct impulses. 

The degenerative changes take place simultaneously along. the entire 
length of the part of the nerve cut off from the cell, and are visible 
within twenty-four hours in a warm-blooded animal. The histological 
changes in a medullated nerve fibre consist first in a thickening of the 
neurolemma, with enlargement of the nuclei and increase of their 
surrounding protoplasm, so that the myelin sheath is broken into 
segments. A few days later the nuclei are seen to have multiplied and 
become more numerous; the myelin is in scattered droplets, and the 
axis cylinder is broken up into short lengths. The myelin and axis 
cylinder are gradually absorbed by the action of phagocytes, and after 
three or four weeks nothing is left but the neurolemma containing 
protoplasmic material in which are embedded many nuclei (fig. 8). 

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The chemical changes are equally marked. The complex lipoids 
which compose the myelin are broken down with the formation of 
simpler substances. Lecithin is split up into a nitrogenous base, 
choline, a fatty acid, which is usually oleic acid, phosphoric acid, and 
glycerol. In consequence of these chemical changes it is possible at 

Fie. 8.—Degeneration and regeneration of nerve fibres in the rabbit. (Ranvier. ) 
From Schafer’s Zssentials of Histology. 

A, part of a nerve fibre in which degeneration has commenced in consequence of the section, 
fifty hours previously, of the trunk of the nerve higher up ; my, medullary sheath becoming 
broken up into drops of myelin; p, granular protoplasmic substance which is replacing the 
myelin ; n, nucleus ; g, neurolemma. B, another fibre in which degeneration is-proceeding, 
the nerve having been cut four days previously ; cy, axis-cylinder partly broken up. C, more 
advanced stage of degeneration. D, commencing regeneration of a nerve-fibre. Several 
small fibres, t’, ¢’, have sprouted from the somewhat bulbous cut end, b, of the original 
fibre, t; a, ‘an’ axis- cylinder which has not yet ia ye ‘its medullary sheath ; 8, s’, neuro- 
lemma of the original fibre. 

this pba to distinguish degenerating from normal fibres by means 
of Marchi’s fluid, which is a mixture of osmic acid with potassium 
bichromate. This fluid stains degenerating myelin black, but leaves 
normal nerve fibres unaffected. When all the myelin has been 

absorbed, the completely degenerated fibre no longer stains with 
Marchi’s fluid; hence this method of identifying degenerating nerve 


fibres is only available during the first three or four weeks after the 
fibres have been cut off from the nerve cells. 

When the nerve fibres are completely degenerated, they can be 
distinguished from normal fibres by a special method of staining with 
hematoxylin called the Weigert-Pal method. The hematoxylin stains 
the myelin bluish black, and fibres from which the myelin has dis- 
appeared are left unstained. | 

When a nerve is divided the portion still connected with the cell 
does not degenerate, though changes take place in the nerve cell. 
Within one or two days the cell swells and the Nissl granules disappear ; 
and after a time the cell shrinks. Later, regeneration usually occurs, 
and within three months the cell may return to a normal condition ; in 
other cases complete atrophy of the cell takes place. 

Regeneration,—After a time regeneration takes place and the nerve 
may be restored to a normal condition ; this occurs more rapidly if the 
cut ends of a divided nerve are sutured together. Regeneration is 
brought about solely by the outgrowth of the part of the axon which 
is still in connection with the nerve cell, though the process is 
hastened by the presence of the neurolemma of the degenerated fibre, 
which seems to assist the outgrowth of the new fibre. The part played 
by the nerve cell is shown by the fact that extirpation of the nerve cells 
in a portion of the spinal cord prevents regeneration in motor fibres 
arising from that part of the spinal cord. Further, if the cut end of 
the peripheral portion of a divided nerve is covered by a rubber cap so as 
to prevent the growth of new fibres into it, no regeneration takes place. 

Histological observations show that in the course of regeneration 
small fibrils with bulbous ends extend from the axis cylinders of the 
central portion of the divided nerve, and pass into the neurolemmal 
sheaths of the degenerated distal portion. The mode of growth seems 
to be similar to that which has been observed to occur in the embryonic — 
nerve tissue of the frog. If fragments of the primitive nerve tube of a 
frog embryo are kept in lymph, the fibres can be seen under the micro- 
scope to grow out-from the nerve cell. } 

It has been held by some observers that regeneration of the peri- 
pheral part of a divided nerve can occur apart from any outgrowth 
from the central end of the nerve, the process being called autogenetic 
regeneration. The experiments which have just been described show 
that this is not the case. 

The time taken for a nerve to regenerate and to become functionally 
connected with the motor or sensory structures to which it was formerly 
attached varies with the distance to be traversed by the outgrowing 
fibres, and may be several months; «-; “a~< 


Regeneration still takes place if two nerves are divided and the 
central end of one is connected with the peripheral end of the other, 

provided that both nerves are either afferent or efferent. Thus, if the — 

vagus nerve and the cervical sympathetic nerve are divided and the 
central portion of the vagus is sutured to the peripheral portion of the 
cervical sympathetic, regeneration will occur, and stimulation of the 
vagal portion of the united nerve will produce the effects formerly 
resulting from stimulation of the sympathetic nerve. This experiment 
shows that the effects of stimulation of a nerve are really due to changes 
in the nerve ending, and not to any specific change in the nerve itself. 

When nerve fibres are divided in their course in the brain or spinal 
cord they undergo degeneration, but regeneration never occurs. 


The spinal cord consists of white matter (substance) and grey matter 
(substance), the former lying superficially, the latter deeply. The 
white matter is composed of medullated nerve fibres, running in a 
longitudinal direction, and having no neurolemma. The grey matter 
contains numerous nerve cells, arranged for the most part in two horns 
(columns), an anterior and a posterior, in each of which the cells form 
groups corresponding with the primitive segments of the body, 
Numerous fine medullated nerve fibres run into the grey matter, and 
terminate by forming arborisations in relation with the nerve cells, 
These fine fibres are called collaterals, and they arise at right angles 
from the medullated fibres of the white substance. The axons of each 

segmental group of cells in the anterior column of grey matter form 

an anterior root of a spinal nerve. The corresponding posterior nerve 
roots are formed of the axons of the cells in the respective spinal 

_ ganglia, and enter the spinal cord in the neighbourhood of the posterior 

horn (column) of grey matter. The course taken by these fibres in 
the spinal cord will be described later. 
The spinal cord consists of two symmetrical halves, separated by the 
anterior median fissure in front and by a septum of pia mater called 
the posterior median fissure (septum) behind. The grey matter forms 
a crescent in each half in a transverse section, the convexity of each 
crescent being towards the middle line and being connected with the 
convexity of the crescent in the other half of the spinal cord by a 
commissure of grey matter. The central canal, containing cerebro- 
spinal fluid and lined by ciliated epithelium, lies in this commissure. 


In front of the grey commissure, and uniting the white matter of the 
two halves of the spinal cord, is the white commissure. 

The white matter is subdivided by the posterior horn of grey 
matter into an antero-lateral and posterior column (funiculus), The 
former is again roughly subdivided by the bundles which form the 
anterior nerve roots into an anterior and a lateral column. 


Three regions are distinguished in the spinal cord, the cervical, 
thoracic, and lumbar, each of which possesses definite structural 
characteristics. The cervical and lumbar regions exhibit enlargements 
corresponding with the outflow of nerves to the arm and leg respectively. 
The differences in structure between the three regions are best seen 
by a comparison of transverse sections. The cervical region is oval in 
section, the long axis of the oval lying transversely, its anterior median 
fissure is relatively shallow, and the central canal is in front of the true 
centre of the cord. The white matter is large in amount, the anterior 
horn (column) of— grey matter is broad, and there is a well-marked 
septum subdividing the posterior column : bees. of white matter 
into medial and lateral portions. The region is cylindrical, its 
anterior median fissure is deeper, and the central canal is centrally 
placed. The anterior and posterior horns of grey matter are both 
narrow, and each grey crescent shows a projection in its concavity, 
known as the lateral horn. At the base of each posterior horn of grey 
matter, towards its medial aspect, is a special column of nerve cells, 
ealled Clarke’s column (the dorsal nucleus), The lumbar region re- 
sembles the thoracic region in shape, depth of anterior median fissure, 
and position of central canal, but its white matter is absolutely and 
relatively smaller in amount, and both anterior and posterior horns of 
grey matter are broad in section. Generally speaking, the white matter 
diminishes progressively in amount from above downwards, and the 
grey matter is most abundant in the regions from which the outflow of 
the nerves to the limbs takes place. 


The nerve cells jn the grey matter are for the most part irregular 
in shape, but those in Clarke’s column are somewhat fusiform, with 
their long axes in the long axis of the spinal cord. The cells in the 
anterior horn are larger in size than those in the posterior horn. The 
axons of the former emerge from the anterior surface of the spinal cord 
in several groups, which unite to form the anterior root of a spinal | 
nerve. The axons of the cells of the posterior horn fall into two groups : 


(1) those which run a short course in the grey matter and form 
terminal arborisations in relation with other nerve cells in the grey 
matter (cells of Golgi’s second type), and (2) those which acquire a 
myelin sheath, run into the white matter, divide into a short descend- 
ing and a longer ascending branch, and enter into the formation of the 
tracts of the white matter. 

Certain well-defined groups of nerve cells may be recognised; three 
in the anterior horn, one in the lateral horn, the cells constituting 
Clarke’s column, and those of the posterior horn. The anterior horn 
cells are very numerous in the cervical and lumbar regions, from which 
arise the nerves to the limbs. | 

The Nerve Roots.—-The anterior and posterior roots meet a short 
distance from the lateral aspect of the spinal cord, and unite to form a 
spinal nerve. Just before it joins the anterior root the posterior root 
exhibits a swelling, the spinal ganglion; the unipolar cells of the 
ganglion are situated for the most part around the periphery of the 
structure, and the single process of each divides in a T-shaped manner 
into two fibres, one of which has a peripheral and the other a central 

The exit of the anterior root has already been described. The fibres 
of the posterior root, consisting of the central divisions of the processes 
of the ganglion cells, enter the spinal cord in the neighbourhood of the 
posterior horn of grey matter. Each divides into a short descending 
and a longer ascending branch. The longest ascending divisions run 
upwards in the posterior column to reach the medulla oblongata. The 
others turn into the grey matter at varying distances above their point 
of entry to terminate by arborisations around nerve cells. (The descend- 
ing fibres end in the same manner. Both ascending and descending 
fibres give off fine medullated collateral branches at intervals, these also 
entering the grey matter to form terminal arborisations in relation with 
nerve cells, 

The Collateral Fibres. — Collaterals enter the grey matter from 
white fibres in all parts of the anterior, lateral, and posterior columns. 
Those from the long tracts of the white matter may be looked upon as 
associational in character, serving either to distribute the impulses con- 
veyed by the main fibres and so to promote co-ordination, or to form 
part of a system of relays by which impulses are conveyed by short 
tracts from segment to segment of the spinal cord. The collaterals 
from, and terminations of, posterior root fibres, on the other hand, or 
many of them, are concerned with the formation of reflex arcs in the 
Spinal cord itself ; in addition to the fibres of the posterior root which 
have been described as running to the medulla oblongata i in the posterior 



column, there are four main groups of collaterals, including the termina- 
tions of main fibres, which run into the grey matter. These are (1) 
fibres to the anterior horn of the grey matter, (2) fibres to the posterior 
horn, (3) fibres to Clarke’s column, and (4) fibres to the grey matter 
of the opposite half of the spinal cord, running across in the grey 
commissure. All these fibres end by forming arborisations in relation 
with nerve cells. 


The functions of the spinal cord are two: (1) it is a centre or series 
of centres for reflex actions, and (2) it conducts impulses between the 
higher centres in the brain and the spinal nerves which transmit these 
impulses to or from the active or receptive tissues of the body. It is 
possible that the spinal cord may possess a low degree of automatic 
activity under certain conditions. Graham Brown has recently shown 
that in an animal from which the entire brain has been removed, and 
in which the afferent nerves from the limbs have been divided, there 
may occur under a certain degree of anesthesia alternate flexion and 
extension of the limbs. No definite conclusions can, however, be based 
at present on this experiment. 


The spinal cord forms a pathway for impulses which originate in the 
brain, and are distributed to all parts of the body through the anterior. 
spinal nerve roots and the spinal nerves. It also conducts impulses 
which are set up by stimulation of afferent nerve endings, chiefly in the 
skin and muscles, and which reach it by the spinal nerves and posterior 
spinal nerve roots to pass in an upward direction to the brain. 

_ There are two methods of conduction: (1) by long tracts of nerve 
fibres situated in the white matter, and (2) by short association tracts 
or relays. Most of the long tracts are found in the peripheral part of 
the white matter. The short tracts lie more deeply, their fibres run- 
ning a little way in the white matter, then turning into the grey matter, 
to terminate by arborisations in relation with nerve cells, the axons of 
which in their turn form other short tracts in the white matter ; so that 
impulses are conducted by a series of relays. 

The tracts have been mapped out by two methods: (1) by observing 
the time during development at which the fibres in the various 
areas of the white matter of the spinal cord acquire a myelin sheath, 

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and (2) by studying the degeneration which follows various lesions, 
either pathological or experimentally produced. 

The Myelination Method.—This method depends upon the fact 
that in the course of development the various conducting tracts acquire 
their myelin sheaths at different periods, so that by examining embryos 
at different stages of development it is possible to determine the limits 
of each particular tract. The longer fibres in the spinal cord become 
myelinated later than those fibres which run a shorter course ; thus the 
pyramidal tracts do not acquire their myelin till after birth (fig. 9). 
The appearance of function coincides 
with the period of acquisition of 

The Degeneration Method.—The 
degeneration method is based upon the 
fact that when a medullated nerve fibre 
is divided, the portion which is cut off 
from the nerve cell of which it forms 
a part undergoes degeneration. If the 
spinal cord is cut across in an animal, 
certain tracts degenerate in the part 
above the section, and other tracts de- 
generate in the part below the section. 
The former are said to have under- 
ray eocondiag “eh oreapienatiber sae: thee Fic. 9.—Section through the cervical 
fibres are axons of cells which lie below spinal cord of a new-born child, 

the point of section. The latter are stained by Weigert’s method to 
show absence of medullation in 

said to have undergone descending de- pyramidal tract. (Bechterew. 

generation, and their fibres are axons From Starling’s Principles of 
hich li , Physiology. ) 

of cells whic ie above the point of ca, anterior commissure; Fp, crossed 

section. The extent of the degenera- Pyramidal twas oeroot fibres 
tion varies in different parts of the 

white substance. In the case of the’ short tracts it extends for a 
limited distance from the section; in the case of the long tracts it 
may extend from the section to the upper or lower extremity of 
the spinal cord. From what has been said of the function of the 
neuron, it will be evident that the tracts which show descending de- 
generation are those which convey descending impulses, while those 
which show ascending degeneration are those which are concerned with 
conducting aseending impulses. | 

The chief conducting tracts of the spinal cord are shown in 
fig. 10, 

re a 

Re tate ee Re RR a lO 


FSO PUGb sh « 

t . 


The principal long descending tracts are the direct and crossed 
pyramidal tracts (the anterior and lateral cerebro-spinal fasciculi), both 
of which take origin in the cerebral hemisphere. The pre-central con- 
volution on each side contains certain large pyramidal cells, known as 
Betz cells, the axons of which unite to form a tract which runs through 

Posterior median sulcus, 

Cornu-commissural fasciculus. 
Funiculus gracilis. 
Comma tract, 

Funiculus cuneatus. 


Lissauer’s nerve roots. 


Crossed pyra- 
midal tract. 

_ Direct cere 
bellar tract. 

Relay fibres 

Superficial antero- lateral tract. 
Olivo-spinal tract. 
Relay fibres. 

Direct pyramidal tract. 
Anterior median fissure. 

nerve roots. 

Fic. 10.—Diagram of the principal tracts in the spinal cord. (Gray’s Anatomy.) 

the mid-brain and pons to the medulla oblongata. In the latter 
structure the majority of the fibres in each tract cross to the opposite 
side to become the crossed pyramidal tract (lateral cerebro-spinal 
fasciculus) of the spinal cord, while the remaining fibres run down with- 
out crossing to become the direct pyramidal tract (anterior cerebro- 
spinal fasciculus) of the same side. Some of the uncrossed fibres, how- 
ever, join the crossed pyramidal tract which has crossed from the 
opposite ‘side. 

The fibres of the crossed pyramidal tract terminate by running into 


eS ——- =— << 


the grey matter at the base of the posterior horn of grey matter, where 
they form arborisations around nerve cells. By means of intermediate 
neurons these cells are brought into relationship with the cells of the 
anterior horn of grey matter, the axons of the latter forming the nerve 
fibres of the anterior nerve roots. 

The fibres of the direct pyramidal tract cross in the spinal cord itself 
in the anterior white commissure to terminate in relation with the nerve 
cells of the grey matter of the opposite side. 

Both pyramidal tracts convey motor impulses from one cerebral 
hemisphere to the opposite side of the body, a number of fibres 
terminating in each segment of the spinal cord, so that the tracts 
become progressively smaller as they descend. The fibres of the 
direct pyramidal tract all cross in the cervical and thoracic regions, 

Less is known of the function of the other tracts and fibres which 
undergo descending degeneration. The best marked of these is the 
rubro-spinal tract, which lies in the lateral column, immediately in 
front of the crossed pyramidal tract, and consists of the axons of cells 
forming the red nucleus of the mid-brain. These fibres cross in the 
mid-brain close to their place of origim — 

The olivo-spinal tract lies the surface opposite the anterior 
horn of the grey matter. As its name indicates, it is made up chiefly 
of fibres which are the axons of cells in the olivary nucleus of the 
medulla oblongata. 

Vestibulo-spinal jibres, probably derived from the cells of Deiters’ 
nucleus, are found in the antero-lateral column. 

The cerebello-spinal tract of Lowenthal, also lying in the antero-lateral 
column, consists of scattered fibres derived from cells in the cerebellum. 

The comma tract, lying in the posterior column, consists of the short 
descending branches of fibres which enter the spinal cord from the 

- posterior nerve roots. 


The ascending tracts may be classified as exogenous or endogenous, 
according as they originate from cells in the ganglia of the posterior 
roots of the spinal nerves, or from cells in the grey matter of the 
spinal cord itself, 

The exogenous tracts are the funiculus (fasciculus) gracilis (Goll’s 
column), the funiculus (fasciculus) cuneatus (Burdach’s column), and 
the bundle of Lissauer. The first and second of these together form 
the greater part of the posterior column, while the third lies close to 

_ the tip of the posterior horn of grey matter. 

The funiculus gracilis occupies the mesial portion of the posterior 



column. It consists of long ascending fibres derived from the posterior 
nerve roots ; these terminate in the medulla oblongata by arborisation 
round the cells of the nucleus gracilis. The fibres of this tract are 
Situated first in the funiculus cuneatus; as they ascend in the spinal 
cord they come to lie nearer the middle line and more posteriorly, so 
that in the cervical region those associated with the lower limb occupy 
a position mesial and dorsal to those which have entered the spinal 
cord at higher levels. 

The fibres of the funiculus cwneatus are also ascending, and are 
derived from the posterior spinal nerve roots. Many of them terminate 
by arborisation in relation with the cells of the nucleus cuneatus of the 

medulla oblongata. Some, however, enter the grey matter of the 

spinal cord itself. 

The bundle of Lissauer likewise consists of the ascending divisions of 
posterior root fibres. These have a short course and terminate by 
running into the grey matter of the spinal cord. Some authorities 
consider that certain fibres of the tract of Lissauer are intersegmental 
in character, because they acquire their myelin sheaths at a late stage, 
and also because they do not degenerate under conditions which lead 
to the degeneration of the other exogenous tracts, for example, in 
locomotor ataxia. 

The chief endogenous ascending tracts are the direct cerebellar and 
the antero-lateral ascending tracts, which lie in the peripheral part of 
the antero-lateral column. 

The direct cerebellar tract (dorsal spino-cerebellar fasciculus) consists 
of fibres which are the axons of cells in Clarke’s column, and it is found 
only in the thoracic and cervical regions. It runs through the medulla 
oblongata and forms part of the restiform body, ie nf finally in 
the vermis of the cerebellum. 

The antero-lateral ascending tract (ventral spino-cerebellar fasciculus) 
is found in the lumbar as well as in the thoracic and cervical regions. 
Its fibres are derived from the cells of Clarke’s column of the opposite 
side, and it runs through the medulla oblongata and pons to the mid- 
brain, where it turns round to form part of the superior cerebellar 
peduncle, and ends in the vermis of the cerebellum. 

Associated with the ventral spino-cerebellar tract are two other 
groups of fibres: (1) the spuno-thalamic, which ascend through the 
medulla oblongata, pons, and mid-brain to terminate in the thalamus, 
and (2) the spino-tectal, which terminate in the corpora quadrigemina. 
The ventral spino-cerebellar, spino-thalamic, and spino-tectal fasciculi 
together form what was formerly known as Gowers’ tract. 

ee ob 


BOTS SS Ee as a, ee) oe ee ee 



Division of the posterior spinal nerve roots of the nerves supplying ~ 
a limb results in the immediate loss of all sensation in the limb. There 
is also loss of muscle tone, aud the limb is paralysed owing to the ab- 
sence of afferent impressions from it. Later, the afferent fibres undergo 
degeneration centrally to the lesion, if the latter is between the root 
ganglion and the spinal cord. . 

Complete section of the spinal cord in the lower thoracic region is 
followed by immediate loss of movement and sensation in the hind limbs. 
There is also loss of vascular to: SrOrTaSe Meearal the blood- 
vessels (passing off in twenty-four hours), and the hind limbs become poiki- 
lothermic, that is, their temperature varies with that of the surrounding 
medium. Further, the reflex visceral centres in the lumbar region are 
cut off from the inhibitory impulses from the higher centres, so that mic- 
turition and defecation become simple reflexes. Later, the motor fibres 
below the point of section and the afferent fibres above the section, which 
have entered by posterior roots below the lesion, undergo degeneration. 

Hemisection of the spinal cord in the lower thoracic region results 
in motor paralysis of the homolateral hind limb, accompanied by loss / 
of muscle sense and tactile discrimination on the same side. There is, 
also loss of taetile localisation, and of the senses of heat, cold, and pain| 
in the contralateral hind limb, the fibres for these senses having | 
crossed in the spinal cord shortly after their entrance by the posterior 
roots. Immediately below the lesion, however, this sensory paralysis’ 
occurs in a narrow zone on the side of the section, depending on fibres 
which have been divided Hetore"their crossing. The remote effects of 
hemisection consist in in ascending and descending degeneration of the 
divided fibres above and below the lesion respectively. 

Transection at various levels shows that the motor paths and the paths 
for muscle sense and for tactile discrimination cross thé middle line above 
the Tevel of-the- spinal cord, whereas the paths for tactile localisation, 
the senses of heat and cold, and the sense of pain cross in the spinal 

~ cord itse @ vicinity of the posterior roots conveying thése impulses 

from the Batty Further, in the disease known as syringomyelia, 
in which the central canal of the spinal’ cord is dilated” and there 
is. pressure on the adjacent structures and interference with their 
functions, it is found that the sense of pain may be lost while those of 
temperature and tactile localisation are unimpaired, or the temperature 
sense may be lost while the other two senses are intact. There are, 
therefore, separate bundles of fibres for the transmission of the different 
impulses which give rise to these various sensations, * 



In man, the motor impulses are conveyed from the brain to the 
neurons of the different anterior nerve roots almost entirely by the 
pyramidal (cerebro-spinal) tracts, but in the lower animals other tracts 
are also used. As has already been stated, the greater part of the 
motor path from the brain crosses in the medulla oblongata to form 
the crossed pyramidal tract, and the fibres of this tract terminate in 
the grey matter of the spinal cord in relation with the neurons con- 
nected with the anterior nerve roots of the same side. Hence a lesion 
involving one of these tracts results in motor paralysis on the same 
side of the body. There will be a certain degree of weakness of muscles 
on the opposite side of the body after a unilateral lesion of the human 
spinal cord, because of the interference with the direct pyramidal tract, 
the fibres of which cross immediately before their termination; but 
this is relatively insignificant, and, as the fibres of the direct pyramidal 
tract have all crossed in the cervical and thoracic regions, a unilateral 
lesion in the lower thoracic region will result in motor paralysis of the 
homolateral hind limb only. | 
| The localisation of the paths for the various sensory impulses (fig. 11) 

has been ascertained by the study of diseased conditions in man, as well 
as by observing the results of experimental localised lesions in animals. 
By such methods it has been shown that the funiculus gracilis and the 
funiculus cuneatus are concerned with the transmission of those 
kinesthetic (muscle sense) impulses which pass to the cerebral hemi- 
spheres and cerebellum, the paths crossing in the medulla oblongata 
just above the decussation of the motor tracts ; a cell station occurs on 
these paths below their decussation. 

- The direct cerebellar and the antero-lateral ascending (Gowers’) 
tracts also convey kinesthetic impulses, but these differ from those 
conveyed to the cerebral hemispheres in that they are not connected 
with conscious sensation. Both these tracts are uncrossed in their 
course to the cerebellum, and in neither is there a cell station on 
the path. | 

The fact that the four long ascending tracts convey impulses of 
muscle sense is to be associated with the importance of the function of 
equilibration, a function which requires for its performance delicate 
muscular adjustments. 

Impulses of pain, heat, and cold are conveyed into the posterior 
horn of grey matter by fibres of the posterior roots; They then pass 
by a second neuron to the spino-thalamic fibres of the opposite side, 
and thus reach a cell station in the optic thalamus, from which they 
are passed on to the cerebral cortex. Tactile impulses pass up the 
posterior column of the same side for four or five segments before 

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forming a cell station in the grey matter, and being conveyed by other 
neurons to the anterior column of the opposite side. They also ulti- 
mately reach the optic thalamus, and pass to the cerebral cortex by a 
fresh relay (fig. 28). 


In the course of evolution survival has depended, to a large extent, 
upon the rapidity and efficiency with which reflex movements are 
carried out ; and the essential characters of a reflex action are (1) that 
it should be rapid, and (2) that it should be co-ordinate, that is, that 
the muscles concerned in the reflex act should contract together so 
as best to attain the end for which the reflex exists. Further, the 
response to a stimulus must be limited in its extent, and must not 
involve the whole muscular system. Finally, evolution is made 
possible by the capacity of the central nervous system to form new 
reflexes, and this capacity is the basis of habit and of educability. It is 
in this respect that the nervous system of man has become so much 
more highly differentiated and complex than that of the lower animals, 

In man the reflex functions of the spinal cord have become to a 
large extent subordinate to those of the brain; and the spinal cord, 
when separated from the brain as a result of injury, displays a compara- 
tively feeble reflex power. In the lower animals the spinal reflexes are 
more pronounced, and can be readily studied either in the pithed frog 
or in a spinal mammal, 7.e. an animal which is allowed to recover after 
transection of the spinal cord, this being usually made in the upper 
thoracic region. 

The Reflex Arc.—When a stimulus falls upon a sensory surface or 
sense organ, which is cailed a receptor, it gives rise to an impulse which 
is conveyed by an afferent nerve to the spinal cord. Here it travels 
through a number of neurons, where its character is modified, and 
finally the impulse leaves the spinal cord along an efferent nerve to 
reach the muscle or gland which responds to the stimulus. This path 
is called a reflex arc, and consists of (1) a receptor, (2) afferent nerve, 
(3) neurons in the spinal cord, (4) efferent nerve, and (5) muscle or 
gland (fig. 12). 

Interruption of the are at any point abolishes the reflex action. 

The time occupied by an impulse in travelling from the receptor 
through the central nervous system to the muscle or gland (effector 
organ) is called the total reflex time. A part of this time is occupied 
in the transmission of the impulse along the afferent and efferent 


nerves and by the latent period of the effector organ. When this is 
deducted from the total reflex time, a period remains, known as reduced © 
reflex.time, which is occupied by the passage of the impulse through 
the neurons in the central nervous system. Its duration varies with 
the complexity of the reflex action, and is taken up mainly in the 
passage of the impulse across the synapse between the axon of one 
neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron, the synapse offering a 
certain resistance to this passage. 

It has been found in the frog, for example, that when one leg moves 
in response to a stimulus applied to that leg, the reduced reflex time is 
rather less than one-hundredth of a second. The reduced reflex time 

Fie, 12.—Diagram of a reflex arc. 

a, receptor ; b, intermediate neuron ; c, muscle fibre. 

for reflex winking of the eye in man has been estimated at about 
one-twentieth of a second. | 

The time required RI cg Nocera with 
increasing strength of the stimulus, and becomes longer when the 
spinal cord is fatigued or is under the influence of drugs, such as 
chloroform. Increase in the strength of the stimulus may also increase 
the extent of the reflex response. If the strength of stimulus necessary 
to elicit a particular reflex is determined, and the experiment is 
_ repeated with a stronger stimulus, there may be (1) an increase in the 
strength of the original response, and (2) additional Muscles may also 
be thrown into contraction. Ii other words, with a stronger stimulus 
there is a spread of the excitation in the grey matter of the spinal cord, 
whereby additional reflex arcs become involved ; this spreading of the 
excitation is known as irradzation. | 

When, for example, a harmful (nociceptive). stimulus, such as a 
sharp prick, is applied to the sole of the foot in the spinal dog, the leg 
is ‘flexed and withdrawn from the stimulus. When the strength of 


the stimulus is increased, the muscular response may extend to the 
opposite leg and to other parts of the body. This experiment shows 
that an impulse reaching the spinal cord finds its way most easily 
along a certain path, and that its spread up or down the cord is 
normally prevented by the resistance offered by neighbouring synapses. 

After the injection of strychnine-this resistance disappears, and an 
impulse reaching the cord at any level evokes generalised muscular 
movements which are inco-ordinate. The normal limitation of the 
: reflex response is thus 

LS \ g 

~ an important part of 
L.4 \ the means by which the 
ce object of the reflex is 

L.5. \l ae ee obtained. 
S| Inhibition. — Re- 

a oak. 

| flexes may be restrained 
$2. % or completely inhibited 

by impulses, voluntary 
or involuntary, from the — 
higher nerve centres. If 
a reflex is elicited in a 
frog from which the 
cerebral hemispheres 
have been removed, and 
then a crystal of com-’ 
mon salt is applied to 

Fic, 18.—Diagram to show muscles and nerves con- the optic lobes and the 
cerned in Sherrington’s experiment on the 4: ulus is repeated, the 
reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles. 

(Starling’s Principles of Physiology. ) reflex movement may 

L.3, L.4, L.5, 3rd, 4th, and 5th lumbar nerve roots. S.1,5.2: pot occur owing to in- 
ist and 2nd sacral roots. ? 


hibitory impulses result- 
ing from the stimulation caused by the salt. A reflex act, which is 
in progress, may also be checked or inhibited by the advent of another 
stimulus to the central nervous system/ Further, inhibition forms a 
constituent of many reflex actions, the movement of certain muscles 
being accompanied by the simultaneous inhibition of others. 
Reciprocal Innervation.— When firm pressure is applied to the 
sole of the foot in a spinal dog, it responds by rapid extension of the 
leg, due partly to contraction of the extensor muscles of the thigh. 
It is evident that this extension is only possible if the flexor muscles 
(hamstrings) are at the same time relaxed, and their relaxation is not 
a passive but an active process and forms an essential part of the ex- 
tensor reflex. This can be shown by separating the extensor”and flexor 

Eis > < a ¢ 

. % et 


muscles of the thigh from their lower attachments and connecting them 
with recording levers. It is then found that the application of firm 
pressure to the foot produces simultaneously contraction of the extensor — 
and inhibition of the flexor muscles. 

This precess, which holds good for the action of antagonistic muscles 
in. general, is spoken of as reciprocal inneryation; and its importance 
for the efficiency of a reflex action is demonstrated by the effects 
which are observed when it no longer takes place. The scratch reflex, 
for example, in the dog consists of rhythmic movements of flexion and 
extension of the leg, each flexion recurring about four times a second ; 
in the normal animal the movements are directed to the removal of 
an irritant. The same reflex can be evoked in a spinal dog by the 
application of a weak electrical stimulus to the skin of the ‘“‘scratch 
area,” which occupies the thoracic region; with each flexion of the 
thigh the flexor muscles contract and the extensors are inhibited ; with 
each extension of the thigh the converse takes place. After the injec- 
tion of strychnine into the animal, the application of the stimulus 
produces contraction of both flexor and extensor muscles, and, since the 
extensors are the more powerful, the limb becomes rigidly extended and 
the reflex can no longer’be carried out. 

Since the muscles in the body are limited in number, whereas the 
impulses which may reach the spinal cord or brain are almost infinite 
in variety, it is clear that the same muscle must at times be used in 
response to different kinds of stimuli. For example, the flexor muscles 
of the leg contract during the scratch reflex, and also in response to a 
painful stimulus; in each case the impulse travels down the efferent 
nerve to the muscle. The motor side of the reflex arc is, therefore, to 
some extent identical for both the scratch reflex and the response 
to the painful stimulus; it is therefore spoken of as a final common 
path. | ; 

Further, we find, as might be expected, that the final common path 
can only be traversed by one set of impulses at the same time. If, for 

example, the scratch reflex is evoked in a spinal animal, and while it is 

taking place a strong nociceptive stimulus is applied to the sole of 
the foot, the scratch reflex immediately stops and is replaced by 
flexion of the leg (fig. 14). Conversely, if the flexion reflex is in pro- 
gress, the application of the scratch stimulus, if sufficiently strong, 
may inhibit the flexion reflex and produce the scratch reflex. 

The two reflexes cannot co-exist; one or the other must prevail, 

and the one which prevails (prepotent reflex) is usually that which is 

most important for the well-being of the body. The fact tha 
opposed reflexes such as those just mentioned cannot co-exist is of 


great importance, since, if they were taking place simultaneously, 
neither would be carried out effectively. 

Facilitation.— When a stimulus which is insufficient to produce 
a reflex response is repeated at short intervals, the reflex is often 
ultimately evoked (fig. 15). Evidently the preceding stimuli, though 
causing no visible response, bring 
about some change in the neurons of 
the reflex are whereby the stimulus 
finally becomes effective. This process 
is known as facilitation, and forms the 
basis of habit. Each time a reflex 
action takes place it becomes easier for 
it to be brought about on a subse- 
quent occasion. This is well seen in 
the case of many skilled movements, 
which, in the first instance, are learnt 
by voluntary effort; in time the ad- 
justment of the impulses concerned in 
the carrying out of these movements 
becomes so exact that, in response to 
a suitable stimulus, they take place 
without voluntary effort and almost 
independently of consciousness. 

By these means reflex actions are 
so adjusted as to bring about a definite 
movement as rapidly as possible in 
response to a suitable stimulus. For 
this purpose the co-existence of con- 
sciousness is not necessary, indeed it 
Fie. 14.—Scratch reflex temporarily 8 oe | Bineee oe, any ih 

inhibited by application of a flexes, particularly ‘those occurring in 

painful stimulus to foot. (Star- ¢gonnection with the visceral system, 
ling’s Principles of Physiology.) d : ‘ 
Siew “A. sunt: Sot eka take place without affecting conseious- 

Signal B, stimulation of paw by strong nessatall. Other reflexes, for instance 

induction shock. : : 

the closing of the eye when an object 

approaches it suddenly, are associated with consciousness, though the 
reflex act precedes and takes place independently of consciousness. A 
third group of reflexes, for example micturition, can to some extent 
be modified by voluntary impulses. 
The Knee Jerk.—Reflex action may be brought about not only by 
stimuli falling upon the surface of the body, but by stimuli arising 
within the body itself, for instance in the joints and muscles. Keflexes 


which are brought about by impulses originating in the deeper tissues 
of the body are often called ‘‘deep” reflexes. One of the most 
important is the knee jerk, which consists in contraction of the extensor 

Fic, 15.—Reflexes produced by summation ot weak stimuli. (Sherrington. 
Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 
A, Reflex contraction of flexor muscles of knee. |B, Reflex inhibition of extensor 
muscle. In each case the effect follows the sixth stimulus, the stimuli being applied 
to the central end of the internal saphenous nerve. 

_ muscles of the thigh in response to a sharp tap on the patellar tendon. 
The stretching of the extensor muscles by this tap gives rise to a 
stimulus in sensory ,structures (muscle-spindles) within the muscle 
itself ; from these structures the impulse passes to the spinal cord 
along the afferent nerve fibres of the muscle. 



The reflex character of the knee jerk has been denied on the ground 
that it is a single twitch, whereas in genuine reflexes there is a rhythmic 
discharge oF impulses to the muscle. This argument is discounted by 
the fact that the sudden extension of the leg which is produced by 
applying pressure to the foot of a spinal animal is undoubtedly a reflex 
action and is also a single twitch, 

The knee jerk takes place very rapidly, the reduced reflex time 
being only 0:002-second ; and though it must be regarded as a true 
reflex, the impulse passes, in all probability, through only. one synapse 
in the spinal cord. 

In man the part of the spinal cord concerned with the knee jerk is 
the third and fourth lumbar segments ; and the knee jerk is abolished 
either by destruction of-this—part of the spinal cord or by division of 
the afferent or efferent nerves of the extensor muscles of the thigh. 
The knee jerk is absent in locomotor ataxia, in which the posterior 
lumbar nerve roots are diseased and the afferent. path of the reflex arc 
is interrupted. Exaggeration of the knee jerk may be brought about 
by section of the hamstring muscles or of the afferent nerves from these 

The knee jerk can also be increased by impulses from the higher 
parts of the central nervous system. If, for example, the fists are 
firmly clenched at the moment at which the knee jerk is elicited, the 
jerk is more marked, this being called reinforcement of the knee jerk. 
Further, it is often exaggerated in disease of the cerebral cortex or of 
the pyramidal tracts, probably owing to the cutting off of restraining 
impulses which normally pass to the spinal cord from the brain. 

The knee jerk and other similar reflexes serve to protect joints and 
ligaments from injury when a sudden strain occurs, which tends to 
separate the joint surfaces or to stretch ligaments; and the extreme 
rapidity of the reflex is no doubt associated with this protective function. 

The production of the knee jerk and other tendon reflexes is 
dependent on the existence of muscle tone. The skeletal muscles are 
in a constant condition of slight tonic contraction, which is due to the 
continuous discharge of impulses from the spinal cord to the muscles, 
as is shown by the following observation. When the brain of a frog is 
pithed and the animal is’ suspended by its head, the muscles do not 
become flaccid and the limbs remain very slightly flexed. When the 
spinal cord is destroyed, or the posterior roots of the spinal nerves are 
divided, the limbs become fully extended and the muscles lose their 

In mammals, muscular tone is lost when the skeletal muscles are 
cut off from the central nervous system, or during deep anesthesia. 

a 0 


The normal maintenance of this tone is really a reflex action and 
is dependent on afferent impulses, which in the mammal originate 
chiefly in the muscles themselves. It is abolished, therefore, not 
only by section of motor nerves, but also by section of the posterior _ 
nerve roots containing the afferent fibres coming from the muscles. 
_ Impulses passing down the spinal cord from the brain may also control 
and modify muscular tone; and this is sometimes greatly increased, 
when the passage of these impulses is prevented by injury to the spinal 
cord in animals, or by disease of the pyramidal tract in man. 

The afferent impulses passing from muscles to the spinal cord may 
not only bring about reflex actions, but play an important part in the 
co-ordination of reflex actions brought about by external stimuli, If the 
afferent nerves from the muscles of a limb are divided, the movements 
of that limb are inco-ordinate (ataxic), even though cutaneous sensation 
is not interfered with. On the contrary, division of the cutaneous 
nerves has but little effect upon the co-ordination of muscular move- 
ments, provided the afferent muscular fibres are intact. For instance, a 
cat, even after the division of all the cutaneous nerves to its four paws, 
is still able to balance itself almost as accurately as a normal animal. 

The Visceral Spinal Reflexes.—Local centres exist in the spinal cord 
associated with reflexes connected with the blood-vessels and sweat glands. 

Centres also exist in the lumbo-sacral region of the spinal cord for 
_ the functions of micturition, defeecation, erection, and parturition. All 
these centres are normally controlled to a greater or less degree by the 
higher centres, but the reflex function of each can be carried out when 
all connection with the higher centres has been severed. 


_ This is a condition, following transverse section of the spinal cord, 
in which the reflex functions of the cord are abolished in the part 
posterior to the lesion. It is seen in its simplest form in the 
frog. If the spinal cord of a frog is divided just posterior to the 
medulla, the muscles of the limbs become flaccid and remain: in this 
condition for about half an hour. During that time no reflex can be 
elicited in the limbs. As the shock passes off, muscular tone returns, 
the animal assumes a fairly normal Position, and reflex muscular con- 
tractions ¢an once more be evoked, In mammals the condition of 
spinal. shock is more prolonged. | of the spinal cord below the 
origin of the phrenic nerves results in loss of muscle tone and of 
vascular tone in the body posterior to the lesion. The sphincters of 
the anus and bladder are relaxed, the reflexes for defecation and 
micturition are abolished, and muscular reflexes cannot be elicited. 



The condition lasts for a few days, at the end of which time the blood- 
vessels and muscles have regained their tone, the sphincters of the anus 
and bladder are contracted, defecation and micturition occur reflexly, 
and it is possible to evoke muscular reflexes. 

The condition of spinal shock is not due to the effect of the operation, 
nor to the fall of blood pressure, for it only affects the region of the cord 
posterior to the lesion. It is believed to result from the cutting off of im- 
pulses which are conti ching the ¢ the higher centres. 


There are three main divisions of the brain, named respectively the 
fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain. The fore-brain consists of the 
cerebral hemispheres and most of the structures bounding the third 
ventricle, the mid-brain of the 
corpora quadrigemina and the 
cerebral peduncles, and the hind- 
brain of the cerebellum, pons, 
and medulla oblongata. 


The medulla oblongata may 
be regarded structurally as an 
upward continuation of the spinal 

; cord, in which certain conducting 

fe aa Rape gers ipiepeaeticlye ran tracts decussate, and the struc- 
pyramids. (Testut.) From Gray’s ture of which is further compli- 
ssa ) cated by the appearance of cell 

1, Anterior median fissure; 2, posterior median q 
’ “sulcus; 3, motor roots; 4, sensory roots; 5, Stations on some of these tracts. 

base of the anterior horn, from which the a . 

head (5’) has been detached by the crossed Owing to the decussations and 

Ast pomeriir ‘nore Gaeta rer in also to other modifications, the 

saat upper part of the medulla oblon- 
gata differs greatly in structure from the lower part. In the upper 
part, the pyramidal tracts occupy a position anteriorly close to the 
anterior median fissure, each on the side of the cerebral hemisphere 
from which it is derived. The tracts are here known as the pyramids. 
In the lower part of the medulla oblongata, the greater part of each 
pyramid crosses to take up the position which it occupies in the 
spinal cord as the crossed pyramidal tract (fig. 16). "The decussating 
fibres separate the grey matter continuous with the anterior horn of 

the spinal cord into two parts. One, continuous with the head of the 


horn, is pushed towards the lateral aspect of the medulla, and is con- 
tinued upwards as the nucleus ambiguus, which is the nucleus of origin 
of the cerebral fibres of the spinal accessory nerve and of the motor | 
fibres of the vagus, glossopharyngeal, facial, and trigeminal nerves. The 
portion of grey matter which is continuous with the base of the anterior 
horn lies behind the decussating pyramids, and in the upper part of 
the medulla oblongata lies close to the floor of the fourth ventricle, 
where it forms the nuclei of the hypoglossal nerves. The further 
upward continuation of this part 
forms the nuclei of the sixth, 
fourth, and third nerves in the 

The grey matter which is 
continuous with the posterior 
horn of the spinal cord lies 
nearly transversely in a section 
of the lower part of the medulla 
oblongata, and two outgrowths 
appear on its dorsal aspect, one 

projecting into the funiculus 
gracilis, the other into the funi- 
culus cuneatus. These out- 

8 i to 
Fie. 17. — Transverse section passing 

growths form the nucleus gracilis 
and the nucleus cuneatus respec- 
tively, and in them the fibres of 
the corresponding funiculi ter- 
minate by arborisation. Most of 

through the sensory decussation. 
(Schematic.) (Testut,) From Gray’s 

1, Anterior median fissure ; 2, posterior median 

sulcus ; 3, 3’, head and base of anterior horn 
(in red); 4, hypoglossal nerve; 5, bases of 
posterior columns; 6, gracile nucleus; 7, 
cuneate nucleus; 8, 8, lemniscus ; 9, sensory 
decussation ; 10, pyramid. 

the axons of the cells of the 
two nuclei pass forward, and cross the middle line as internal 
arcuate fibres to form the lemniscus or fillet of the opposite side. This 
decussation takes place just above that of the pyramids (fig. 17). The 
fillet rans upwards dorsal to the pyramid to terminate in a cell station 
in the thalamus. It is joined in the medulla oblongata by the spino- 
thalamic fibres, which have already decussated in the spinal cord. 

The sensory decussation separates the base from the apex of the 
posterior horn of grey matter. The base forms a column of grey 

Matter in which are found the sensory nuclei of the vagus and 

glossopharyngeal nerves, and which is connected with the nuclei of 

_ the vestibular nerve and of the sensory root of the facial nerve. The 

head forms the spinal nucleus of the fifth nerve. 
The upper portion of the medulla oblongata is characterised mainly 
(1) by the fact that the central canal comes to the suface posteriorly 





and opens out into the fourth ventricle, and (2) by the appearance of 
a lateral projection behind the pyramid, known as the olive, and con- 
taining a folded sheet of grey substance internally, the olivary nucleus. 
In the floor of the fourth ventricle are the nuclei of the hypoglossal 
and of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. Lateral to these nuclei 
are the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus. Near the nucleus 
cuneatus is the spinal (descending) root of the fifth nerve, and ventral 
to the hypoglossal nucleus is the nucleus ambiguus. The interior of 
3 this part of the medulla ob- 
fg longata is occupied chiefly 
Ae by the olivary nucleus and 
the formatio reticularis. 
The latter consists of nerve 


fibres, some running trans- 
versely and some, includ- 
PEE OR f ing those of the fillet, run- 

ning longitudinally. It also 
oe wy Zi contains some scattered 
) nerve cells. Ventral to the 
formatio reticularis is the 
Bese Powakses % i pyramid, and lateral to the 
: nucleus cuneatus and the 
Fic. 18. — Diagram of upper part of medulla spinal root of the fifth 
oblongata, : 
a, Pyramid; 06, fibre from olivary nucleus; c, spino- Begs tee — ee 
’ ‘thalamic fibres and Gowers’ tract; d, restiform body; fibres, the restiform body 
é, nucleus cuneatus; /, nucleus gracilis; g, nucleus of : é 
vagus ; h, nucleus of hypoglossal nerve. or inferior peduncle of the 
cerebellum. The hypo- 
glossal nerve crosses the formatio reticularis from its nucleus to emerge 
in front of the olive, and the vagus and, at a higher level, the glosso- 
pharyngeal nerve take a more lateral course through the formatio 
reticularis to reach the surface behind the olive. Some of the internal 
arcuate fibres, arising from nerve cells in the nucleus gracilis, nucleus 
cuneatus, and olivary nucleus, cross the middle line to form part of the 
restiform body. The external arcuate fibres are derived from the 
gracile and cuneate nuclei and pass forward to the anterior median 
fissure, where they sweep backward over the pyramid and olive of the 
’ opposite side to join the restiform body (fig. 18). 


Like the spinal cord, the medulla oblongata acts as a reflex centre 
or series of centres, and it also serves as a conducting path for impulses 
passing between the brain and spinal cord. 


The reflexes which are carried out through the medulla oblongata 
are those concerned with the secretion of saliva and of the gastric and 
pancreatic juices; with the movements of the cesophagus, stomach, 
and intestine, including those involved in vomiting ; with the regula- 
tion of the heart and blood-vessels; and with the Dia Mage “of 

The physiological conducting paths in the medulla oblongata are 
(1) the motor path formed by the pyramid ; (2) the rubro-spinal tract, 
lying dorsal to (4); (3) the chief sensory path, consisting of (a) the 
funiculus gracilis and funiculus cuneatus continued upwards from the 
spinal cord, (0) the cell stations in the nucleus gracilis and nucleus 
cuneatus, (c) the sensory decussation, and (d) the fillet, in which are 
also included the spino-thalamic fibres which have already crossed in 
the spinal cord ; (4) the antero-lateral ascending tract, running upwards 
just behind the olivary nucleus ; (5) the direct cerebellar tract running 
into the restiform body of its own side; (6) the vestibulo-spinal path, 
or posterior longitudinal bundle (medial longitudinal fasciculus), which 
lies in the formatio reticularis behind the fillet, and is concerned with 
the function of equilibration, connecting Deiters’ nucleus and the nuclei 
of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves with the spinal cord ; 
(7) the spino-tectal fibres, which run upwards, forming part of the 
antero-lateral ascending tract. 


The outstanding feature of the structure of the pons is the 
presence of a large number of decussating nerve fibres, which pass back- 
wards on each side to form the middle peduncles of the cerebellum, 
These transverse fibres occupy the ventral part of the pons, and 
split up the pyramid into a number of separate bundles (fig. 19). 
Behind them are the fillet and the formatio reticularis with the con- 
ducting paths described in connection with the medulla oblongata, 
these paths occupying much the same relative positions as they do in 
the medulla. 

Lying posteriorly in the upper part of the fourth ventricle, and in 
or near the floor of the ventricle, are found the nuclei of the fifth, sixth, . 
seventh, and eighth nerves. The upward continuation of the nucleus 
ambiguus forms the motor nuclei of the fifth and seventh nerves. The 
sixth nucleus, also motor, lies close to the floor of the fourth ventricle 
and near the motor nucleus of the facial. The sensory nucleus of the 
fifth nerve, lying laterally to the motor nucleus, receives some of the 
sensory fibres of this nerve. The other sensory fibres of the fifth 


end in the spinal root. The cochlear division of the eighth nerve ends 
in two nuclei, which lie close to the restiform body, the accessory nucleus 
on its ventral aspect, and the tuberculum acusticewm on its dorso-lateral 
aspect. The vestibular division of the eighth nerve ends partly in the 
chief vestibular nucleus in the floor of the fourth ventricle, and partly 
in the nucleus of Deiters, which lies laterally to the chief nucleus and 
is distinguished by the large size of its nerve cells. 

= ® 
3 8 oo 

Fic. 19.—Coronal section of the pons, at its upper part. (Testut. ) 
From Gray’s Anatomy. 

1, Fourth ventricle; 2, anterior medullary velum; 3, mesencephalic root of trigeminal ; 

4, nerve-cells associated with this root; 5, posterior longitudinal bundle; 6, formatio 

reticularis; 7, lateral sulcus; 8, section of superior peduncle; 9, medial lemniscus ; 

9, lateral lemniscus; 10, 10, transverse fibres of pons; 11, 11, pyramid; 12, raphe; V, 
exit of Vth nerve. 

Groups of nerve cells, the nucler pontis, lie among the transverse 
fibres in the ventral portion of the pons. These nuclei form a cell- 
station on the path of certain tracts which connect the cerebral hemi- 
spheres with the cerebellum. Axons from cells in the cortex of each 
cerebral hemisphere descend to the pons, where they arborise in relation 
with the nuclei pontis. The axons of the cells of the nuclei pontis 
become the transverse fibres of the pons, and cross the middle line to 
pass backwards and become the middle peduncles of the cerebellum. 



The nucleus of the sixth nerve and the motor nuclei of the fifth and 
seventh nerves receive efferent fibres from the cortex of the cerebral 
hemisphere, which have descended in the pyramid and crossed the 
middle line in the pons itself. Hence a unilateral lesion in the pons — 
may be characterised by paralysis of the external rectus muscle of the 
eye and of the muscles of the face on the side of the lesion, along with 
paralysis of the arm and leg on the side opposite to the lesion. 

The pons also forms the crossing place for the path, described above, 
of the fibres which connect one cerebral hemisphere with the cerebellar 
hemisphere of the opposite side. 

The motor paths and the rubro-spinal tract pass through the pons, 
the former giving off fibres to the pontine motor nuclei in the manner 
already described. 

The ascending tracts already described in connection with the 
medulla oblongata, with the exception of those which form the restiform 
body, pass through the pons unchanged. The fillet receives in its 
course additional fibres from the nuclei of the cochlear and fifth nerves. 

* The chief vestibular nucleus and the nucleus of Deiters are concerned 
with the function of equilibration. The axons of these nuclei divide into 
two groups, one group passing to the cerebellum in the restiform body, 
the other joining the posterior longitudinal bundle which links the 
oculo-motor and vestibular nuclei with the spinal cord. 


The cerebellum is connected with the medulla oblongata and with 
the vestibular nuclei of the pons by the restiform body or inferior 
cerebellar peduncle on each side, with the pons by the two brachia 
pontis or middle cerebellar peduncles, and with the mid-brain by the 
two brachia conjunctiva or superior cerebellar peduncles. It consists 
of a middle lobe or vermis and two lateral lobes. The surface of the 
cerebellum is thrown into numerous folds, and the superficial layer, 
consisting of grey matter, is thus much increased in extent. The 
interior of the cerebellum is mainly composed of white matter, 
but it also contains some masses of grey matter, known as the 
‘nucleus dentatus, nucleus emboliformis, nucleus globosus, and nucleus 

The cortical substance consists of two layers. with, a single row of 
large nerve cells lying between them (fig. 20). These large cells are 

known as the cells of Purkinje. They are flask-shaped, the axon 
coming from the base and the dendrons from the apex of each cell. 
The dendrons branch extensively, and the branches all lie in a plane 

COC CON Sete ses oe aw 


Cell of Purkinje. 


Golgi cell, 

Nuclear layer. 

Axons of 
granule cells 
cut trans- 

Granule cells. 

ST ee 
ee il alee ne a - 
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an a ose EPO 
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Sg ais "6 
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. 4 . hie ae Le? 
. - * : . 
: . ey ey Car 
. . . 
* . A fe 
ile e eteofete fee, 
. - are Ae a 

{Small cell 
of molecular 

Basket cell. 

Ls : ; “Axon of cell of Purkinje. 
Neuroglia cell. yee 
7 ; Tendril fibre. 
Moss fibre, 
(Diagrammatic, after Cajal and 

Fic. 20.—Transverse section of a cerebellar folium. 
Kolliker.) From Gray’s Anatomy. 

across the direction of the fold or leaflet, so as to resemble a tree 
trained against a wall. 

The inner (granular) layer contains a large number of small, rust- 
coloured nerve cells. The dendrites of these are short, and the axons 
pass into the outer layer, where they divide in a T-shaped manner, the 


divisions running in the direction of the surface fold and thus crossing 
the dendrons of the cells of Purkinje at right angles. Afferent fibres 
from the white matter arborise round the cells of the granular layer, 
and are called moss-fibres because of the appearance of their 

The outer layer of grey matter, or molecular layer, contains the 
dendrons of Purkinje’s cells, the axons of the small cells of the internal 
layer, scattered nerve cells, and the terminations of afferent fibres from 
the white matter. The nerve cells of this layer are called basket cells, 
from the fact that their axons and the collaterals from the axons 
terminate round the cytons of the cells of Purkinje in a basket-like 
fashion. The afferent nerve fibres which reach the molecular layer 
arborise in apposition with the dendrons of the cells of Purkinje, and are 
hence known as climbing or tendril fibres. The Purkinje cells receive, 
therefore, three sets of afferent impulses, namely, (1) from the axons of 
the cells of the granular layer, (2) from the basket cells, and (3) from 
the tendril fibres. 

The axons of the cells of Purkinje end in the nucleus dentatus, 
from which the impulses they transmit are passed on by other neurons. 

The superior peduncles (brachia conjunctiva) pass to the mid-brain 
and run under the inferior colliculi. There the fibres of each cross the 
middle line and divide into ascending and descending branches. The 
ascending divisions end in the thalamus, the red nucleus, and the nuclei 
of the oculo-motor nerves. The descending divisions are believed to 
reach the anterior columns of the spinal cord. The brachia conjunctiva 
also convey the fibres of the antero-lateral ascending tract of the same 
side to the vermis of the cerebellum. 

The brachia pontis form part of the connecting path between the 
cerebral hemispheres and the hemispheres of the cerebellum, the 
connection being a crossed one. 

The restiform bodies contain both efferent and afferent fibres. The 
efferent fibres run from the nucleus fastigii and dentate nucleus: to the 
nucleus of Deiters and the medulla oblongata. The afferent fibres 
are (1) the direct cerebellar tract from the same side of the spinal 
cord to the vermis; (2) fibres from the medulla oblongata, (a) from 
the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus of the same and the opposite 
sides, (6) from the olivary nucleus of the opposite side, and (c) from 
the formatio reticularis of both sides; (3) fibres from the chief vesti- 
bular nucleus and from Deiters’ nucleus. . 

The cerebellum thus receives afferent fibres from the spinal cord, 
some direct through the restiform body, others by way of the superior 
peduncles, and other fibres which convey impulses from the spinal cord 


but themselves arise in cell-stations in the medulla oblongata. It also 
receives afferent paths from the cerebral hemispheres, but whereas 
the connection with the cerebral hemispheres is a crossed one, that 
with the spinal cord is for the most part uncrossed. 

The efferent fibres from the cerebellum are (1) those which run in 
the superior peduncles (brachia conjunctiva) to the mid-brain and 
thalamus, (2) fibres in the middle peduncles to the nuclei pontis, and 
(3) those which run in the restiform bodies to the vestibular nuclei and 
the medulla oblongata. 


A knowledge of the cerebellar functions has been obtained partly by 

observation of the results of disease in man and partly by experiments 
on animals. When the normal impulses from the cerebellum are want- 
ing, there is ctiye co-ordination of muscular movements as well 

as defectiye muscle tone. Asa result, the power of maintaining the 

equilibrium of the body is. impaired and the gait is staggering, though: 

consciousness and volition are not affected. Further, observation of 
the results of localised lesions shows that different areas of the cerebellar 
cortex are associated with different groups of muscles, although no 
histological difference can be detected in the various parts of the 
cerebellar cortex. The cerebellum is, therefore, a reflex centre for the 
ee ee and for the co-ordination of muscular 
movements. It is especially concerned with the maintenance of the 
position of the body in relation to gravity, and with co-ordination of 

the movements of the body as a whole. 
The effects of removal of the cerebellum, or of any part of it, vary 

according to the length of time that has elapsed since the operation was — 

performed. The immediate effect of complete removal is chiefly a con- 

dition of ataxia or inco-ordination. If a pigeon, for example, shortly - 

after removal of its cerebellum, attempts to fly, it only succeeds in 
making exaggerated and inco-ordinated movements of its wings. The 
attempts of a dog to walk under the same circumstances are equally 
futile. After some weeks or months, the animal regains the power of 
co-ordinated movement to a certain degree. The pigeon is able to fly 
and the dog to walk, but the power of movement is still greatly 

. . bin 16 . . . ~ . 
impaired. The condition is described as one of asthenia, atonia, and 

astasia, that is, there is loss of strength, loss of muscle tone, and un- 
steadiness of movement due to a condition of tremor accompanying 
attempts at muscular contraction. A dog is no longer able to walk 
with the normal diagonal movements of the limbs, but progresses by 
means of a series of jumps. The explanation of the partial recovery 

a a tac ay 


is found in the fact that the cerebral hemispheres consciously direct 
the movements which, when the cerebellum is intact, are unconsciously. 
co-ordinated. In this way, the cerebral mechanism compensates to 
some extent for the loss of cerebellar function. It will be remembered 
that two of the long tracts concerned with conveying afferent impulses 
from the muscles on each side terminate in the cerebellum, while the 
remaining two end in the thalamus, and are brought into relation with 
the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere by other neurons. 
If one lateral half only of the cerebellum is removed, the weakness 
and tremors are limited to that side of the body. For two or three 
weeks the animal is unable to stand, and lies on the affected side with 
its head and trunk turned in the same direction (fig. 21). Later, it 
succeeds in standing and walking by abducting the limbs of the weak 
side or by availing itself of the support of a wall. 

Fig. 21. ae with right half of its cerebellum removed. 
(From Schifer’s Text-book of Physiology. ) 

Stimulation of the cortex of the cerebellum gives rise to movements 
of the body, but stronger stimuli are required than in the case of 
stimulation of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. Weak stimuli 
applied to the central nuclei of the cerebellum are effective in producing 
movements, especially of the eyes and head. Stimulation of Deiters’ 
nucleus in the pons, on the other hand, is followed by movements of 
the trunk and limbs. 

Observation of the effects produced by localised lesions, experimental 
or pathological, shows that there is localisation of function in the 
cerebellar cortex. The immediate effect of such a partial injury is the 
occurrence of muscular contractions, giving rise to so-called ‘‘ forced 
movements.” Injury to the anterior part of the vermis is followed by 
movements of the head, injury of the anterior part of a lateral lobe by 
movements of the fore-limb of the same side, and injury of the posterior 
part of the lateral lobe by movements of the hind limb of the same side. 

An additional fact which has some bearing on the function of the 
cerebellum is that in an animal from which the cerebral hemispheres — 
have been removed, the cerebellum being intact, the muscles frequently 
pass into a condition of tonic contraction leading to what is known as 
decerebrate_ rigidity; this condition disappears on, division of the 
posterior nerve roots. 


Summary.—The cerebellum receives afferent impulses (1) by way 
of the vestibular nerve from the labyrinth of the ear, the end-organs 
in which are affected by changes in the position of the head, and (2) by 
the afferent nerves from the muscles, from the end-organs which are con- 
nected with muscle sense. Both these sets of impulses are known as 
proprio-ceptive to distinguish them from the extero-ceptive impulses 
conveying information as to the environment of the body. The 
cerebellum discharges efferent impulses which maintain muscle tone 
during rest, and which co-ordinate muscular movements during activity. 
These functions are especially of importance in the maintenance of 
equilibrium. The absence of the cerebellum is therefore attended by 

loss of tone and power in the muscles, as well as by a condition of 

inco-ordination or ataxia. Cerebellar ataxia is thus associated with 
muscular weakness, whereas spinal ataxia is associated with exaggerated 
muscular movements. - 


The mid-brain consists of the cerebral peduncles on its ventral 
aspect and the corpora quadrigemina on its dorsal aspect. The cerebral 
aqueduct runs through its substance and connects the third with the 
fourth ventricle. The cerebral peduncles contain the portions of the 
motor and sensory tracts which intervene between the fore-brain and 
the pons. The corpora quadrigemina are two pairs of prominences, 
the superior and inferior colliculi, seen on the dorsal surface. 

If a coronal section is made through the mid-brain, it is seen that 
the cerebral peduncle is divided into a dorsal and a ventral portion 
by a layer of grey substance containing pigmented nerve cells and 
known as the substantia nigra (fig. 22). The portion of the peduncle 
ventral to the substantia nigra is called the pes (base), and it consists 
entirely of nerve fibres running longitudinally. The dorsal portion 
is known as the tegmentum. The fibres which form the middle three- 
fifths of the pes are the pyramidal fibres, and extend from the cortex 
of the cerebral hemisphere of the same side to become the pyramid of 
the medulla and the pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord. Some of the 
fibres, as has already been stated, cross in the hind-brain to the nuclei 
of the cerebral motor nerves. The fibres of the medial fifth of the 
base are the fronto-pontine fibres, and those of the lateral fifth are 
the temporo-pontine fibres, forming connections between the frontal 
and temporal cerebral lobes respectively and the nuclei pontis, and 
thus with the contralateral lobe of the cerebellum. The fibres which 

ee tet 


lie dorsally to the substantia nigra form the upward continuation of 
the fillet, which is here bent at a right angle so that it is divisible into 
a medial and a lateral portion. The medial part is continued upwards 
to the thalamus, but the larger part of the lateral portion ends in the 
inferior colliculus of the corpora quadrigemina. The other tracts of 
fibres found in the tegmentum are the posterior longitudinal bundle 
(medial longitudinal fasciculus) and the superior peduncle. The 
tegmentum also contains a certain amount of grey matter, the greater 
part of which forms a well-defined group of nerve cells, known as the 

Inferior colliculi, 

Cerebral aqueduct. 

‘ »\ — Nucleus of oculomotor 
at nerve. 

Lateral fillet. 

Posterior longi- 
tudinal bundle. 

Medial fillet. 

Fic. 22.—Transverse section of mid-brain at level of inferior colliculi. 
(Gray’s Anatomy. ) 4 

red nucleus, lying near the middle line, The red nucleus gives origin 
to the fibres of the rubro-spinal tract, and receives most of the fibres 
of the superior peduncle. 

The corpora quadrigemina are composed of grey matter, but the 
superior colliculi are covered by a layer of white fibres derived from 
the optic tract. Most of the fibres of the lateral fillet end in the 
inferior colliculus, the majority in that of the same side, some, however, 
crossing to the opposite side. The inferior colliculus is also connected 
by a bundle of fibres, the inferior brachium, with the internal (medial) 
geniculate body, Other fibres connect it, by way of the tegmentum, 
with the thalamus and the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. 
These various connections form part of the auditory tract. The lateral 

: fillet conveys impulses from the nuclei of the cochlear nerve. These 


are distributed to the inferior colliculus and internal geniculate body, 
and thence to the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere. 

The superior colliculus, on the other hand, is concerned with the 
function of vision. It receives fibres from the optic tract, which 
arborise round its nerve cells, and it gives origin to fibres which pass 
to the nuclei of the third (oculo-motor) nerve. It is also connected by 

Beane Optic nerve. 

Optic chiasma. 

_- Thalamus. 

fad wi External geni- 
culate body. 

----- Superior 

SY ees | = | Rete rales Oculo-motor 

- a --+--- Optic radiation. 

_.----- Visuo-sensory 

Fic. 23.—Diagram showing the path of the visual impulses, 

The oculo-motor nuclei are connected by commissural fibres (not shown in figure). 

a bundle of fibres, the superior brachium, with the external (lateral) 
geniculate body. The optic tract ends in cell stations in the superior 
colliculus, the external (lateral) geniculate body, and the thalamus 
(fig. 23). From the two latter of these stations, other neurons carry 
impulses to the cerebral cortex. The superior colliculus is also the 
place of origin of the tecto-spinal fibres, which are found in the antero- 
lateral column of the spinal cord. These cross in the mid-brain by the 
fountain decussation of Meynert, and descend in the formatio reticularis 
of mid-brain, pons, and medulla oblongata. 


The upward prolongation of the nucleus of the fifth nerve lies in 
the grey matter lateral to the cerebral aqueduct. The nuclei of the 
third and fourth nerves are found in the grey matter of the floor 
of the aqueduct. The posterior longitudinal bundle has a position 
immediately ventral to the latter nuclei. Some fibres of this bundle 
arise in a nucleus, the nucleus of the posterior longitudinal bundle, which 
lies at the upper part of the mid-brain, immediately under the thalamus. 
The bundle also receives a number of fibres from the superior colliculus. 
Its other connections have already been described. 

The mid-brain, pons, and medulla oblongata together form the brain- 
stem, which conveys the. conducting paths between the fore-brain and 
the spinal cord. In addition to its conducting function, the mid-brain 
forms a cell-station on the optic and auditory paths, and it also serves 
as a reflex centre for contraction of the pupil through the oculo-motor 
nucleus. It has also been suggested that the red nucleus may form a 
cell-station on an indirect motor path from the cerebral hemisphere to 
the spinal cord, the route being by way of the cerebro-cerebellar path 
through the pons, then by the superior peduncle to the red nucleus, 
and by the rubro-spinal tract from the latter to the spinal cord. 


The fore-brain consists of the two cerebral hemispheres, together 
with certain masses of grey matter and other structures situated around 
the third ventricle, and comprising the thalami, the corpora geniculata, 
the hypophysis or pituitary body, and the pineal gland. The thalami 
and geniculate bodies are composed of grey matter. Each thalamus 
forms the lateral boundary of the third ventricle on its own side. 
The internal (medial) and external (lateral) geniculate bodies lie 
ventral to the thalamus on each side, and are in close relation with 
the superior colliculi. 

The pineal gland lies immediately above the superior colliculi. It 
contains no nerve structure, being composed of alveoli with earthy 
phosphates in their interior, and it has not, so far as is known, any 
function. It is supposed to be the homologue of the pineal eye of 
the lizards. 

The cerebral hemispheres constitute the largest part of the brain. 
Each consists of an external layer of grey matter, thrown into folds 
or convolutions, with white matter internally. A mass of grey matter, 


known as the corpus striatum, lies in the interior of each hemisphere, 
lateral to the thalamus and separated from it by a sheet of white 
matter, the internal capsule. Each hemisphere also contains in its 
interior a lateral ventricle, which is in communication with the third 

1. Outer fibre lamina. 

2. Outer cell lamina. 

8. Middle cell lamina. 

4. Inner fibre lamina. 

5. Inner cell lamina, 

Bre a 

Fie, 24.—Structure of cortex of motor leg area. 
(Starling’s Principles of Physiology. ) 

The grey matter consists of nerve cells and nerve fibres, arranged 
in layers. The axons of the nerve cells become either projection 
fibres or association fibres. Other fibres terminate by arborisation in 
the grey matter ; sof¥e of these are projection fibres, most of which 
are axons of cells in the thalamus, and others are association fibres, 
proceeding from cells in other parts of the cortical layer. 

The structure of the grey matter varies in different regions of 

Z Ae 


the cerebral hemisphere, but, whatever the local modifications, the 
general plan is the same in all parts, and shows an arrangement in ~ 
five layers (fig. 24). These layers are named as follows :— 

(1) The outer fibre lamina, or molecular layer. 

(2) The outer cell lamina. | 

(3) The middle cell lamina, or granule layer. 

(4) The inner fibre lamina. 

(5) The inner cell lamina, or layer of polymorphic cells. 

A convenient modification of this description is to speak of the 
layers in their relation to the middle cell lamina or layer of granules. 
This arrangement gives (1) a supragranular layer, consisting of a fibre 
lamina and a cell lamina; (2) the granule layer itself; and (3) an 
infragranular layer, consisting of a fibre lamina and a cell lamina. 

The outer fibre lamina contains medullated nerve fibres running 
horizontally, a few scattered nerve cells, and the dendrons of many of 
the cells of the next layer. 

The outer cell lamina contains pyramidal nerve cells, and may be 
subdivided. into layers of small, medium, and large pyramids, the 
small pyramids being most superficial, and the large pyramids most 
deeply situated. i | 

The middle cell lamina contains pyramidal cells, but is especially 
characterised by the presence of a large number of stellate cells, some 
of which are large and others small. 

The inner fibre lamina consists of medullated nerve fibres, running 
horizontally, but in the motor area it contains also large and often 
solitary pyramidal nerve cells, called Betz cells, the apical dendrons of 
which may extend to the outer fibre lamina. 

The inner cell lamina contains a large number of irregular or poly- 
morphic cells, as well as some pyramidal cells, the cells of Martinotti, 
the apices of which point centrally, while the axons pass towards the 

The Functions of the Cell Layers.—Information may be obtained 
as to the function of the different cell layers of the grey matter in 
three ways: (1) by observing the order of their development in the 
child ; (2) by a comparison of their relative proportion in man and 
in the lower animals ; and (3) by a comparison of the different regions 
in the human adult cerebrum, and by observations of the differences in 
persons suffering from amentia or dementia. 

(1) The study of development of the cortex Sows that the inner 
cell lamina is the first to appear, and that it has attained three-fourths 
of the adult depth at the sixth month of foetal life. It is followed by 
the middle cell lamina, which, however, has only one-half of the adult 




depth at the sixth month of foetal life. The outer cell lamina is the 
last to appear, and develops slowly after birth. The outer fibre lamina 
is well developed at birth, and is associated in its further growth with 
that of the outer cell lamina. The inner fibre lamina is well developed 
at birth, attaining its adult depth almost at once. 

(2) The inner cell lamina is the first to appear in the evolution of 
the cerebral cortex, and is well developed in the lower mammalia; in 
the mole, for example, it forms the greater part of the depth of the 

cortex. It is followed by the middle cell lamina, the outer being the last 

to appear, and attaining a low degree of development in all animals below 
man. ‘The outer cell lamina, however, increases progressively in depth 
from the insectivora through the rodents and ungulates to the carnivora. 

(3) The least developed portion of the human cerebral cortex is 
the grey matter of the hippocampus, in which the only cell lamin 
represented are the middle and inner. The ascending frontal convolu- 
tion (motor area) is characterised by the presence of Betz cells in 
the inner: fibre lamina. The visuo-sensory area, situated in the 
occipital lobe, is distinguished by an increase in depth of the middle 
cell lamina. The outer cell lamina is most highly developed in what 
are known as the association areas. These are three in number: the 
posterior, occupying the posterior part of the parieto-temporal region ; 
the middle, in the island of Reil; and the anterior, which lies in that 
part of the frontal lobe known as the pre-frontal region. The pre-frontal 
region is the highest zone of association, and in it the outer cell lamina 
undergoes the greatest development, varying considerably, however, in 
different individuals. The outer cell lamina in this region is more or 
less pronounced according as the mental development is of greater or 
less degree. It is imperfectly developed in idiots and imbeciles, and 
its cells are atrophied in cases of dementia, 

On the basis of these facts, J. S. Bolton ascribes different functions 
to the three cell laminz. The polymorphic layer subserves the in- 
stinctive activities concerned with obtaining food and shelter, with 
seeking protection from danger, and with the functions connected with 
sex. The middle cell lamina is concerned with the reception. and 
transformation of afferent impulses. The outer cell lamina is psychic or 
associational, and has to do with the mental processes, especially with 
those included under the terms ‘ voluntary attention,” and “ inhibition.” 

The nerve fibres of the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres 
are either projection fibres or they are associational in character, 
including under the latter term the commissural fibres which connect 

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the two hemispheres. The projection fibres are those which connect 
the cerebral cortex with the lower parts of the central nervous system, 
and they are either afferent or efferent. The associational fibres link 
up different parts of the cortex. The fact that nerve fibres acquire 
their myelin sheaths at the time at which they become functionally 
active has been made use of by Flechsig in studying the nerve tracts 
of the cerebral hemispheres, and, from his observations, he has come to 
conclusions as to the functions of the different areas of the cortex 
which are as a whole identical with those based upon the study of the 
structure of the grey matter in different regions of the adult cortex. The 
first fibres to become myelinated in the cerebral hemispheres are those 
afferent projection fibres which are distributed to the sensory areas of 
the brain. The last to acquire a myelin sheath are those which are 
connected with the higher centres of association. 

The Projection Fibres.—The efferent projection fibres are the 
pyramidal (cerebro-spinal) and the cerebro-cerebellar. The pyramidal 
jibres are the axons of the Betz cells in the pre-central convolution or 
motor area. ‘They converge towards the base of the hemisphere, and 
occupy the genu and the anterior two-thirds of the posterior limb of 

- the internal capsule (fig. 27).. From this .situation they descend in 

the pes of the cerebral peduncle and through the pons and medulla 
oblongata to the spinal cord in the manner already described. 

The cerebro-cerebellar fibres are the fronto-pontine from the frontal 
lobe and the temporo-pontine from the temporal lobe. These descend, 
the former in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the latter in 
the posterior third of its posterior limb, to the base of the cerebral 
peduncle, after passing through which they reach the pons to arborise 
round the cells of the nuclei pontis. 

The afferent projection fibres are the thalamo-cortical, the optic 
radiation, the auditory radiation, and some fibres of the superior 
cerebellar peduncle. 

The thalamo-cortical fibres form the final relay on the path of 
afferent impulses from the lower centres to the cortex of the cerebral 
hemisphere, and they are distributed to all parts of the cortex. The 
thalamo-frontal fibres run towards the frontal lobe in the anterior limb 
of the internal capsule. The thalamo-parietal fibres pass through the 
posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach their destination in the 
parietal lobe. Those to the island of Reil run under the lenticular 
nucleus. Those to the temporal lobe run in the posterior end of the 
posterior limb of the internal capsule, and are joined by other fibres 
from the inferior colliculus of the corpora quadrigemina and the medial 
geniculate body to form the auditory radiation. Those to the occipital 


lobe run in the internal capsule behind the auditory radiation, and are 
joined by other fibres from the external geniculate body to form the 
optic radiation. 

Some of the fibres of the superior cerebellar snctate: have cell 
stations in the thalamus, but others are believed to pass through the 
posterior end of the internal capsule without interruption to end in 
the cortex in the neighbourhood of the central sulcus or fissure of 
Rolando. : 

The Association Fibres.—The short association fibres lie immediately 
under the cortex and connect the grey matter of adjacent convolutions. 
The long association fibres form tracts which unite areas of the cortex 
which are at some distance from each other. One tract, the superior 
longitudinal fasciculus, runs between the frontal and occipital lobes ; 
another, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, connects the temporal and 
occipital lobes; a third, the uncinate fasciculus, connects the frontal 
and temporal lobes ; a fourth connects the parietal and occipital lobes ; 
while a fifth runs from the anterior perforated space (substance) over 
the corpus callosum to the hippocampus. 

The commissural fibres connect the two cerebral hemispheres and 
are grouped in the corpus callosum, and the anterior, posterior, and 
hippocampal commissures. The corpus callosum contains fibres from 
all parts of each cerebral hemisphere except the olfactory bulb and 
parts of the temporal lobe. The olfactory lobes are connected by the 
anterior and hippocampal commissures, the anterior commissure also 
containing fibres which connect the two temporal lobes. The relation- 
ships of the posterior commissure are unknown. 

- The association and commissural fibres are either axons of cells in 
the grey matter of the cortex or collaterals from axons ; they terminate 
by arborisation in relation with other nerve cells. 


The ascent of the animal scale is marked by a progressive increase 
in the size and development of the cerebral hemispheres, and in man 
these structures are absolutely and relatively larger than in any of the 
lower animals. This increase in size is associated with a corresponding 
increase in functional importance, the higher centres acquiring a more 
marked control over those in the spinal cord. This fact becomes more 
apparent when the results of removal of the cerebral hemispheres in 
different animals are compared. In the case of the frog, when the 
animal has recovered from the shock of the operation, there is at first 
sight little difference from the normal condition. The posture - is 
normal, equilibrium is maintained, and is regained if the frog is placed 




SP a A ee 

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on its back. When the animal is placed in water, it swims to the 

margin and crawls out ; if it is placed on an inclined plane, it crawls to — 

the top and balances itself there. If, however, it is not stimulated in 
any way, it will remain in the same attitude until it dies. The com- 
plicated reactions known as volitional impulses are wanting, and the 
frog shows no spontaneous movements. 
_ Similar phenomena may be observed in a pigeon from which the 
cerebral hemispheres have been removed. There is the same mainten- 
ance of posture unless the animal is disturbed; and the power of 
equilibration is not affected. The pigeon flies in a normal manner if 
it is thrown in the air, but it soon alights and resumes its ‘resting 
attitude. It pecks at the ground if it is hungry, but does not feed 

The removal of the cerebral hemispheres in mammals is astiediy 

followed by a fatal result, but Goltz succeeded in performing the 

operation in a dog by carrying it out in successive stages; and” he 
afterwards kept the animal alive for a year and a half. Temporary 
paralysis followed, but was recovered from, and thereafter, in marked 

contrast with the frog and pigeon under similar circumstances, the dog 

showed a tendency to be in continual restless movement. It even 
learned to feed itself when food was placed near its nose. It responded 
to stimuli, if painful, by growling or barking and turning its head 
towards the stimulated spot, though it showed no sign of recognition 

of the persons who fed it, and gave no indication of fear when 

threatened or of pleasure when caressed. 

The absence of the cerebral hemispheres, therefore, in the frog, 
pigeon, and dog is associated with a condition in which the animal 
respohds- to stimuli in a more direct and simple fashion than is the 
case when the brain is intact. In the normal animal, the effect of a 
stimulus is modified by impulses arising out of the memory of previous 
experiences. When the cerebral hemispheres have been removed, the 
memory records are absent, and the response to the stimulus is 

simplified; in other words, there is an absence of intelligence, of — 

volition, and of emotion. But the machinery for the carrying out of 
muscular movements in a co-ordinate manner still remains, and can be 
set in action by a suitable stimulus. | 

The function of the cerebral hemispheres is therefore associative, 
combining the effects of immediate with those of past stimuli, and 
giving out efferent impulses based on such combinations. The grey 
matter of the cortex is not only excited by stimuli, but the stimuli 
produce a permanent record in its cells, known as memory, which 
exercises an important influence on all subsequent actions. 



It has already been pointed out that histological and embryological 
researches have indicated that different areas of the cortex subserve 
different functions, and both observation of the results of disease in 
man and experimental studies in connection with animals have con- 
firmed and extended these conclusions. Injuries and tumours of 
different parts of the human cortex give rise to muscular paralysis, 
blindness, deafness, aphasia, or mental deficiency, according to the site 
of the lesion. Experiments carried out on animals, either of the nature 
of stimulation of various parts of the surface of the cerebral hemi- 
spheres or of removal of localised portions, have given results parallel 
with those derived from the study of diseases and injury in human 
beings; and as a consequence it has been possible to map out the 
surface of the hemispheres into areas, each of which possesses a definite 
function. The pre-central convolution is motor in function, the post- 
central is sensory and is especially concerned with the reception: of 
kinzesthetic impulses, that is, impulses from muscles, tendons, and 
joints, and with tactile discrimination. The mesial aspect of the 
occipital lobe, or that part of it which lies on the borders of the 
calcarine fissure, is visuo-sensory, while the convolutions immediately 
adjacent to the visuo-sensory area are visuo-psychic. The audito- 
sensory area and the audito-psychic areas are situated in the superior 
temporal convolution. The area for taste and smell is in the hippo- 
campal convolution. No special area has been discovered for the senses 
of heat, cold, pain, and tactile localisation. The parieto-temporal region, 
the island of Reil, and the pre-frontal region form the three special 
association areas (fig. 25). 

The Motor Area.—Stimulation of etbhioe the grey matter or of the 
underlying white matter of the pre-central convolution gives rise to 
muscular movements on the opposite side of the body. The latent 
period is longer for stimulation of the grey matter than when the white 
fibres are excited, but a stronger stimulus is required to elicit movement 
from the white matter than from the grey. In either case the resulting 
movements are co-ordinated, groups of muscles being affected, and 
contraction of a particular group being accompanied by reciprocal 
relaxation of the corresponding antagonistic group. In other words, 
“movements, not muscles” are represented in the cortex. Further, 
stimulation of a particular point in the pre-central convolution is invari- 
ably followed by the same movement, so that, for example, excitation 
of one point will result in extension of the thigh, of another in flexion 





Prise | 



> Parietal, 



4 : 

. cH} oou ke “4 ie 
Pre-frontal. 2S e\°.%°° vA ke 
r -“Irontal. ,o%oo,9 e 
b Oho? Po y ft cy 
OX? 9 one? 
Yee Ke ° fel. 
QR COMO Po a. 
2 oe o° 6 Visuo- 
05°, ove? 
2 Po > 


Audito-sensory. \ Audito-psychic. 
ie II. 
“4 i 3 
a ral ct) 
o id _ 
9 d Intermediate 
% a pre-central. 
Intermediate post-central. £ 
m ae 
Visuo- Pre-frontal. ° 
_ psychic. 


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-—-—— — 

| Fic. 25.—Diagrams (orthogonal) of cortical areas as determined by the distribution and 
arrangement of fibres and cells. (A. W. Campbell.) From Quain’s 4natomy. 

I., lateral surface; II., mesial surface. 


of the thigh, of another in flexion of the leg, and so on. The repre- 
sentation of the movements of the leg, trunk, arm, and face is in that 
order on the convolution from above downwards, and each of these 
sub-areas may be further subdivided into points for the movements of 
particular groups of muscles, | 

Correlated with the development of the cerebral cortex is the 
increased size of the pyramidal tract, which in monkeys, and still more 
in man, is the principal path for the rapid conduction of voluntary 
impulses to the motor neurons of the spinal cord. Other motor paths 
from the cerebral cortex probably exist in the human nervous system, 
but have fallen into disuse, and it is for this reason that the effects of 
lesions of the cortex or of the pyramidal tracts in any part of their 
course are so much more severe and permanent in man than in the 
lower animals. 

It must not be supposed that the motor area of the cerebral cortex 
is the actual seat of voluntary impulses. On the contrary, its activity 
is aroused by impulses from other parts of the brain, and represents 
only a small fraction of the total process of which it forms a part. 
Generally speaking, the movements produced are on the opposite side 
of the body to that stimulated, but in some cases muscles on both sides 
of the body may be simultaneously affected ; for example, stimulation 
of a point concerned with the movements of the eyes will result in both 
eyes being turned towards the opposite side. If the right side be 
stimulated, the eyes are turned to the left by the contraction of the 
right internal rectus and the left external rectus, with simultaneous 
relaxation of the right external and left internal recti. Similarly the 
areas for the trunk and neck govern movements of both sides of the 
body. In all cases in which a movement is carried out by the combined 
action of muscles on the two sides of the body, the muscles of both sides 
are bilaterally represented in the cortex. 

If a stronger stimulus is applied to a motor point on the cortex than 
is necessary to elicit the movement peculiar to that point, the excitation 
will spread to adjacent areas, just as irradiation occurs in the spinal 
cord. By increasing the strength of the stimulus it is possible to throw 
all the muscles of the body into convulsive contractions. A similar 

phenomenon is exhibited in Jacksonian epilepsy, in which a localised « 

irritation of a motor area, such as that due to the pressure of a spicule 
of bone, causes a general convulsion beginning in the part of the body 
represented at the site of the lesion. 

The motor area has been stimulated in conscious human beings ; the 
stimuli elicited movements without any sensation other than a conscious- 
ness of the movements which took place. There is therefore no reason 

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to ascribe any sensory function to the pre-central convolution, and it 
must be considered as purely motor. 

The effect of removal of the motor area varies in different animals, — 
In all cases the immediate effect is paralysis of the muscles on the 
opposite side of the body. In the dog recovery takes place, and the 
power of movement becomes almost as complete as it was before the 
operation. In the monkey recovery is less complete, and a certain degree 
of weakness may remain as a permanent result. When the motor area or 
any part of it is destroyed by disease in man, recovery is still less com- 
plete. In the ascent of the animal scale the functions of the nervous 
system become more and more transferred*to the higher centres ; hence 
injury of these centres in the higher animals, and especially in man, 
is productive of more serious interference with the neuro-muscular 
mechanism than is the case in animals lower in the scale. 

The Area for Skin and Muscle Sense.—It is obviously a matter of 
considerable difficulty to locate the area for tactile and muscular sensi- 
bility, inasmuch as stimulation of a sensory area in animals is followed 
by no objective phenomena, and opportunities rarely arise for observa- 
tion of the results of stimulation in conscious human beings. There 
are, however, recorded cases of stimulation of the post-central convolu- 
tion in conscious individuals, and in these sensations of numbness and 
touch were evoked. Apart from stimulation, the localisation of the 
sensory areas rests upon the effects of removal, the distribution of the 
thalamo-cortical fibres which represent the upward continuation of the 
fillet, and histological and clinical observations. 

Stimulation of the post-central convolution in animals is followed 
.by muscular movements, but a stronger stimulus is required to elicit 
these than is necessary if the pre-central convolution is stimulated, and 
the latent period is longer in the case of the post-central, indicating that 
the impulse has to traverse a larger number of neurons. This result 
is what might be anticipated, as it is probable that the post-central and 
pre-central convolutions are connected by short association fibres. 

Removal of the post-central convolution in monkeys is said to result 
in ataxia of the muscles of the opposite side of the body without 
paralysis. On the other hand, Graham Brown has excised a part of 
the post-central convolution opposite the arm area of the pre-central 
in a young chimpanzee, and records that after a short period of weak- 
ness of the opposite fore-limb there was no appreciable permanent motor 

The thalamo-cortical fibres are distributed not only to the post- 
central convolution but also to the temporal, frontal, and occipital 
lobes, and therefore sensory impulses are distributed to a much wider 

area of the cortex than that from which motor impulses arise. The 
chief tract of thalamo-cortical fibres, however, terminates in the post- 
central gyrus. | 

The available evidence indicates, therefore, that the post-central 
gyrus is a sensory area specially connected with the tactile and 
muscular senses, and that the senses of heat, cold, and pain have a 
wider distribution on the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere, corresponding 
with their wide distribution on the surface of the body. 

The Visual Area.—The visuo-sensory area occupies the greater part 
of the mesial aspect of the occipital lobe, the visuo-psychic area sur- 
rounding it and extending on to the lateral aspect of the lobe. 

Extirpation of both occipital lobes results in total blindness, extirpa- 
tion of one lobe leading to blindness of the homolateral half of each retina. 

. Stimulation of the visuo-sensory area is followed by movements of the 
teyes. From the direction in which the eyes are turned in response to 
stimuli applied to various parts of the area, it may be inferred that 
the retinal impulses are projected on to the cortex according to a 
definite plan. Thus stimulation of the upper part of the occipital 
lobe is followed by a downward movement of the eyes, while stimula- 
tion of a lower point of, say, the right lobe leads to a deviation of 
both eyes towards the left. In the former case the movement is that 
which would normally follow the excitation of the upper part of the 
retina, in the latter it is that which would occur from excitation of the 
right side of either retina. The fovea centralis, or part of the retina 
concerned with distinct vision, is represented bilaterally. 

Impulses are transmitted from the retinee to the occipital lobes 
by the optic nerves, optic tracts, and optic radiations. Each optic 
nerve, consisting of the axons of nerve cells in the retina, divides at 
the chiasma, the fibres from the mesial side of the retina crossing to 
the opposite side to take part in the formation of the optic tract of 
that side. Thus each optic tract is made up of fibres from its own side 
of each retina. The tract fibres terminate by arborisation in the 
pulvinar of the thalamus, the external geniculate body and the 
superior colliculus of the corpora quadrigemina. The fibres which 
enter into the optic radiation arise in the thalamus and external 
geniculate body, and are distributed to the cortex of the occipital 
lobe (fig. 23). The relay fibres from the superior colliculus are dis- © 
tributed to the oculo-motor nuclei, and appear to be concerned with 
the function of equilibration and with reflex contraction of the pupil. 

The Auditory Area.—The localisation of the auditory area is less 
definite than that of the visual area, largely owing to the difficulty of 
ascertaining the degree of deafness produced in animals by experimental 

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- « 7 


lesions. A partial decussation of the auditory tracts occurs, similar to 
that of the optic nerves, so that each cerebral hemisphere receives 
impulses from both ears. 

The audito-sensory area is located in the temporal lobe, and has 
been supposed to be limited to the middle region of the superior 
temporal convolution, the audito-psychic area being adjacent to it. 
But whereas, so far as can be judged, extirpation of one temporal lobe 
is followed by partial deafness, and removal of both lobes by complete 
deafness, Schafer has shown that removal of thé superior temporal 
convolutions alone from both sides in monkeys does not result in 
complete deafness. The superior temporal convolution is probably the 
chief centre for hearing, but there may be subsidiary areas outside it. 

Fic. 26.—Diagram showing the paths for auditory impulses in the pons. 
a, Accessory nucleus ; 6, tuberculum acusticum ; c, trapezoid nucleus ; d, lateral fillet. 

Stimulation of the superior temporal convolution in monkeys is followed 
by pricking of the opposite ear and turning of the head towards the 
opposite side. | 

Impulses are conveyed from the cochlea to the auditory centre by 
the cochlear division of the eighth nerve, the auditory tract, and the 
auditory radiation. The fibres of the cochlear nerve are derived from 
the spiral ganglion, and terminate in the tuberculum acusticum and 
the accessory nucleus. The axons from the tuberculum acusticum turn 
over the restiform body to become the série acustice: (striae medullares) 
in the floor of the fourth ventricle. These dip into the substance of 
the pons at the middle line, some passing to the trapezoid nucleus and 
superior olivary nucleus of the same side, others to the corresponding 
nuclei of the opposite side. Some fibres terminate in these nuclei on 
each side, others are continued directly into the lateral fillet. The fibres 
from the accessory nucleus constitute the trapezium, and also enter 
into the formation of the lateral fillet (fig. 26). Many of the trapezoid 

we 4 


fibres have cell stations in the trapezoid and superior olivary nuclei. 

The lateral fillet terminates in the inferior colliculus and internal. 

geniculate body ; from the latter new fibres arise to be distributed to 

-the superior temporal convolution as the auditory radiation. 

The Area for Smell and Taste.—The area for smell and taste is 
located in the hippocampal convolution and the neighbouring structures. 
Extirpation of this area has not yielded definite results. Stimulation 
causes movements of the lip and nostril on the same side, such as 
would be caused by a disagreeable or irritating odour applied to the 
nostril. Further information is derived from a comparative study .of 
the degree of development of these parts of the brain in animals which 
have, and others which have not, a highly developed sense of smell. 

The olfactory nerve fibres are non-medullated processes of cells in 
the olfactory mucous membrane, and terminate in structures known as 
glomeruli in the olfactory lobe in relation with the dendrites of certain 
“mitral” cells, the axons of which convey the impulses transmitted to 
them by the olfactory fibres to the hippocampal region of the same or 
the opposite side. 

The nerves of taste are the chorda tympani to the anterior two- 
thirds and the glossopharyngeal to the posterior third of the tongue. 
The taste fibres of both nerves terminate in a column of cells in the 
pons, which also receives afferent fibres from the fifth nerve. The con- 
ducting tract from this nucleus to the cortical area for taste has not 
been traced, 

The Association Areas.—There are three great association areas: 
the posterior in the parieto-temporal region, the middle in the island 
of Reil, and the anterior or pre-frontal. Stimulation of these areas 
gives rise to no obvious motor response, but disease or imperfect develop- 
ment in man is accompanied by various forms of mental deficiency. 

' The pre-frontal area is the highest associational centre ; it is the last to 
- develope and the first to retrograde. In it the outer cell lamina attains 

its greatest depth, and atrophy of the cells of this lamina is found in 
cases of dementia. The posterior association area, lying between the 

' visuo-psychic and the audito-psychic areas, is concerned with mental 

images, especially with the processes involved in the perception of 
spoken and written language. Lesions of this area are accompanied 
by interference with the appreciation of words, the different forms of 
sensory aphasia. 

The human brain is characterised by the great development of the 
association areas. They represent the material basis for the memory 
of past stimuli, and for the comparison of one set of stimuli with 
another. In other words, they are the anatomical structures concerned 

Se ee 


with knowledge, intelligence, and, still further, with the faculties of 
inhibition and voluntary attention, which find their highest development — 
in man. 


The pre-eminence of man is intimately related with the power of 
speech or the use of words ‘as symbols to awaken the memory of past 
stimuli. The production of spoken or written words is of course only 
a specialised use of the muscular system; but for the appreciation of 
language the existence of word-hearing and word-seeing centres has 
sometimes been assumed. It is found that aphasia or loss of the 
power of speech may take several forms. Thus there may be motor 
aphasia, in which the power of forming words is Jost, or sensory 
aphasia, in which there is inability to comprehend spoken or written 
language. | 

Motor aphasia was formerly ascribed to a lesion of the third left 
frontal (Broca’s) convolution, but it has been ascertained that the 
actual cause of the aphasia in such a case is destruction of the sub- 
cortical fibres in the neighbourhood of the lenticular nucleus, along 
with some degree of sensory aphasia. The term anarthria is applied 
to the loss of power of articulate speech due to a lesion of the sub- 
cortical motor fibres. Sensory aphasia may take the form of word- 
blindness or word-deafness. In word-blindness, vision may be perfect 
and the words on a printed page may be distinctly seen, but they are as 
meaningless as if they were in an unknown language, and there is no 
power of associating the written symbol with past stimuli. Similarly 
in word-deafness, hearing may be perfect, but spoken words are un- 
intelligible sounds. Anarthria may occur without any loss of intelli- 
gence, but sensory aphasia is always accompanied by some degree of 
mental deficiency, especially in the case of word-deafness. 


The thalamus forms the lateral boundary of the third ventricle. 
It is a large ganglionic mass and receives the terminations of the fibres 
of the fillet. The outgoing fibres from the thalamus are distributed to 
all parts of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, and cortico-thalamic 
fibres also run from the cortex to the thalamus. On the lateral aspect 
of the thalamus is the internal capsule, to and from which fibres 
radiate from and to all parts of the cortex. In a horizontal section, the 
internal capsule is seen to consist of a short anterior limb pointing 
outwards and forwards, and a longer posterior limb pointing outwards 
and backwards ; the junction of the two limbs is termed the genu. 



The lateral aspect of the internal capsule is bounded by the 
lenticular nucleus of the cerebral hemisphere. The anterior limb is 
bounded on its mesial aspect by the head of the caudate nucleus of 
the hemisphere. The anterior limb of the internal capsule contains 
the fronto-pontine fibres. The genu and the anterior two-thirds of the 
posterior limb contain the Pyrat fibres for the head, arm, trunk, and 

before backwards. Behind the 
pyramidal fibres are in order the 
fillet, the auditory radiation, the 
temporo-pontine fibres, and the 
optic radiation (fig. 27), 


Afferent impulses enter the 
spinal cord by the posterior nerve 
roots. Those for muscle sense 
and tactile discrimination travel 
by the posterior column to the 
nucleus gracilis and nucleus 
cuneatus in the medulla oblon- 
gata. From these nuclei fibres 
arise and cross to the opposite 
- side, where they enter into the 

formation of the fillet. The fillet 
Gas ee passes through the pons and 
Fie. 27.—Diagrammatie répresentation of — . ; P 

the internal capsule, as seen in hori- ™id-brain and internal capsule 

zontal section. (Cunningham.) From to terminate in the thalamus, 

PORE Er incite of aperaiayy: from which the impulses are con- 
veyed to the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere by the thalamo-cortical 
fibres (fig. 28). The paths for tactile localisation, pain, heat, and cold 
cross in the spinal cord very shortly above the entrance of the posterior 
roots by which they were conveyed. They travel up by the spino- 
thalamic tract, or possibly by short segmental tracts, to the medulla 
oblongata, and there join the fillet, their subsequent course being that 
just described. 

The pyramidal (cerebro-spinal) fibres take origin as the axons of. 
the Betz cells in the motor area, pass through\the white matter of the 
cerebral. hemisphere, through the internal capyule, the crusta of the 
mid-brain, and the pons to become the pyramid of the medulla 


6) t RAD, 

leg in the order mentioned from 


oblongata. Most of these fibres cross in the pyramidal decussation 
to form the crossed pyramidal tract, and terminate by turning into 
the grey matter of the spinal cord, where they pass their impulses on, 
probably through an intermediate neuron, to the cells of the anterior 
horn, the axons of which become the motor fibres of the nerves to the 

Fie. 28.—Diagram showing paths of Fic, 29.—Diagram showing the paths 
sensory impulses. ! for motor impulses. 

a, Skin ; b, muscle ; c, funfculus gracilis ; d, 
spino-thalamic tract; e, nucleus gracilis ; 
J, thalamus. : 


a, Cellin anterior horn of grey matter; b, cell in 
posterior horn; c, crossed pyramidal tract; 
d, direct: pyramidal tract; e, decussation of 
pyramids ; f, motor area in cortex. 

skeletal muscles (fig. 29). The pyramidal fibres which do not cross in 
the medulla oblongata form the direct pyramidal tract of the spinal 
cord, and cross by degrees to the grey matter of the opposite side to 
come into relation with the cells of the anterior horn. Some of the 
uncrossed fibres join the crossed pyramidal tract of the same side, and 
their further course is unknown. Generally speaking, however, the 




pyramidal fibres from each cerebral hemisphere convey impulses to 
the contralateral side of the body. 


The seat of fatigue in a muscle-nerve preparation is the end-plates. 
The causation of fatigue, however, in the intact animal is a very complex 
process, and other factors than the end-plates are concerned, the most 
important being the central nervous system. Even the fatigue brought 
about by muscular exercise probably has its origin to a larger extent in 
the nervous system than in the muscles themselves, the part of the 
nervous system which becomes fatigued being, in all probability the 
synapses. The changes in the nerve cells which are brought about by 
prolonged exercise also indicate that fatigue is partly nervous in origin. 
It must be remembered also that the sense of fatigue does not correspond 
exactly with the degree of fatigue as measured by the capacity of the 
muscles to do work ; and the effect of psychical influences in lessening 
or abolishing the sense of fatigue is well known. i 

Every active tissue of the body has alternating periods of activity 
and rest. Thus the ventricles of the heart have a period of contraction 
of three-tenths of a second followed by a period of relaxation of five-tenths 

of a second. In the case of the other muscular tissues and of the 
' glands, the periods are longer and are often irregular, but the same 

general principle holds good. The active phase of the cells in the 
cerebral cortex which subserve consciousness coincides with the waking 
period, while the resting phase is the period of sleep. During sleep 
consciousness is in abeyance and the activity of all the vital processes 
is lowered ; respiration is slower, the heart beats more slowly, glandular 
secretions are reduced in quantity, metabolic. changes generally are 
diminished, and the temperature falls. Histological observations on the 
nerve cells in sparrows show that certain spindle-shaped, clear bodies 
(Nissl spindles) disappear from the cells during the activity of the day 
and are restored during the night’s rest. It may be concluded that 
katabolic changes exceed anabolic during the waking hours, and that 
the reverse is the case during sleep. 

The cause of sleep has been much discussed, and it is generally 
agreed that it is associated with a diminished supply of oxygen. It has 
been shown experimentally that if oxygen is withheld the subject of 
experiment may become unconscious before he is aware of any un- 

pleasant symptom. The cells of the cerebral cortex are therefore 

peculiarly susceptible to a deficiency of oxygen. It has been suggested 

Mot <n oneal Geflwes| e ~ 

Oe Rtg mete, eae 


that these cells accumulate an excess of oxygen during sleep and 
gradually use it up during the day. However that may be, there is — 
evidence to show that the blood-flow is side-tracked during sleep, so that 
the brain receives a smaller supply than it does in the waking hours. 
If a limb be enclosed in a plethysmograph, it is found that the volume of 
the limb increases during sleep owing to dilatation of the blood-vessels. 
As a result, the supply of blood to the brain is diminished. Howell 
suggests that the dilatation of peripheral blood-vessels may be due 
to fatigue of the vaso-motor centre, but the ultimate cause is still 
uncertain. Probably the lessened blood supply is secondary to the 
diminution in functional activity. 


The cerebro-spinal fluid forms a water cushion by which the brain- 
and spinal cord are protected from jarring shocks during any sudden 
movement of the body ; it may also contain substances which influence 
the functional activity of the nervous tissues. It occupies the space 
between the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, and fills the ventri- 
cular cavities of the brain and the central canal of the cord. The fluid 
lying in the ventricular cavities communicates with that which fills the 
space between the membranes at the foramen of Majendie and at two 
other foramina, one of which lies at each side of the recess of the fourth 

The cerebro-spinal fluid resembles lymph, but is much less con- 
centrated than that fluid. It is clear and limpid, and has a specific 
gravity of about 1007. It contains traces of proteins, and its inorganic 
constituents correspond with those of blood plasma. 

If the dura mater is punctured, the cerebro-spinal fluid escapes from 
the opening, showing that it is under a certain degree of pressure, 
which can be measured by inserting a.cannula between two vertebree 
and connecting it with a manometer. It is found that the pressure 
corresponds roughly with the venous blood pressure, and that it varies 
to a slight extent with variations in arterial and venous pressure. 

If the cerebro-spinal fluid is allowed to escape, it is rapidly replaced. 
This is shown in cases where the escape continues for some time, either 
in conditions experimentally produced in animals, or in such accidental 
circumstances as fracture of the base of the skull in man. A loss of 
100 ¢.c. or more per hour has been known to continue for weeks in a 
human being. 

The cerebro-spinal fluid is derived from the choroid plexus, and 
Dixon and Halliburton have recently shown that it is formed by a 
process of secretion. The normal stimulus to secretion is a hormone 

; 7 


which can be extracted either from the choroid plexus itself or from 
brain tissue by means of normal saline or other fluids ; injection of 
this extract into the blood stream is followed by an increased flow of 
cerebro-spinal fluid, which may be collected by means of a cannula. The 
hormone contained in the extract is not destroyed by boiling and is 
soluble in alcohol. It is not a protein, but must have a relatively large 
molecule, since it will not pass through a Chamberland filter. 

That the fluid is not formed by filtration is shown by experiments in 
which a fall of blood pressure is accompanied by an increased produc- 
tion of the fluid. For example, if one vagus nerve is divided and the 
peripheral portion stimulated, the blood pressure may fall to zero both 
in the carotid artery and in the cranial veins, while at the same time 
the pressure of the cerebro-spinal fluid shows a very marked rise. The 
explanation of this rise is found in the diminished supply of oxygen 
to the brain and the local accumulation of carbonic acid. The pressure 
exhibits a considerable rise if the air breathed is either deficient in 
oxygen or contains an excess of carbonic acid—for example, if it contains 
5 per cent. of the latter gas. In this connection it is interesting to notice 
that the cerebro-spinal fluid may contain in normal circumstances 53 to 
61 volumes per cent, of carbonic acid, 40 volumes of which are in firm 
combination, whereas it only contains 0°1 to 0:3 volume per cent. of 

The production of the fluid is also increased, but to a less extent, 
by injections of cholesterol, pilocarpine, or atropine, and by the adminis- 
tration of anesthetics. It is diminished by increased ventilation of 
the lungs, or by an increased amount of oxygen in the air breathed. If 
there is a sufficient supply of oxygenated blood, the pressure of the 
cerebro-spinal fluid varies with the blood pressure; it rises therefore 
with the administration of adrenalin, though this substance has no effect 
on the amount of the secretion. 

Changes in the pressure of the cerebro-spinal fluid affect the respira- 
tory, vaso-motor, and cardio-inhibitory centres, a moderate rise of 
pressure having a stimulating effect and a greater rise paralysing the 
centres. When the pressure is raised to 300-400 mm. Hg, respiration 
ceases in a few seconds, a little later the cardio-inhibitory centre is 
paralysed, and later still the vaso-motor centre. When the pressure 
is relieved, the vaso-motor centre recovers first and the respiratory _ 
centre last. 



In contradistinction to skeletal muscle, the unstriped muscle which 
is found in the walls of the arterioles, digestive tract, uterus, bladder, 
and elsewhere, is not under the control of the will, though its contrac- 
tion is regulated by impulses arising in the central nervous system. 
The nerves which supply these structures, and also those to the secretory 
glands, form the autonomic system. 

This consists of (1) branches of some of the cranial nerves, including 
the vagus and the chorda tympani, and of fibres issuing from the 
anterior roots of the second and third sacral nerves and known as the 
nervi erigentes; and (2) the sympathetic system, the pre-ganglionic 
fibres of which leave the spinal 
cord in the anterior roots of 
all the spinal nerves from the 
first thoracic to the fourth 

The pre-ganglionic nerve 
fibres are medullated and 
small, varying in diameter 

Fie, 30.—Diagram to show relation between 
‘ pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic fibres. 
from 2 to Ap ; they are not E, Spinal cord; A, pre-ganglionic fibre; B, cell 

: . : station; C, post-ganglionic fibre; D, unstriped 
distributed directly to the ptaceeata Tint , 

tissue which they supply, but 
every fibre ends round a nerve cell which lies in a sympathetic 
or other ganglion; from this cell a fresh fibre, which is called post- 

_ ganglionic and is usually non-medullated, starts and passes to the 

peripheral tissue (fig. 30). The point at which the pre-ganglionic 
fibre comes into contact with the dendrites of a ganglion cell 
forms a cell station or synapse; and the nervous impulse, issuing 
from the central nervous system along a pre-ganglionic fibre, normally 
passes across the synapse to the ganglion cell and then along the 
post-ganglionic fibre to the peripheral tissue. | 
Although the entire autonomic system is built up on this general 
plan, namely (1) pre-ganglionic fibre, (2) cell station, (3) post-ganglionic 
fibre, and (4) nerve ending, the actual anatomical distribution of the 
fibres and the situation of the cell stations are very varied. The fibres 
issuing from the brain and from the sacral region of the spinal cord 

have their cell station close to or actually within the organ which they 

supply. The fibres of the sympathetic system take a different course. 

Lying along each sidelof the vertebral column is a chain of ganglia which 

forms the lateral sympathetic chain (fig. 31). As arule there is one 


© oO 


- wo Pw - 


Superior cervical ganglion. 

oe Cervical sympathetic nerve. 

_--: Inferior cervical ganglion. 

‘ aD _- Subclavian artery. 
4" Kc 
wae D5) 

, Splanchnic nerve, 
, . 

/ Solar plexus, 

Nervi erigentes. 

Fie, 31.—Diagram of autonomic nervous system (excluding cranial nerves). 

Pre-canclionic fibres. red: post-gvanglionic. black. 


ganglion corresponding with each spinal nerve root, but the upper four 
thoracic ganglia are fused into one larger mass, the stellate ganglion. In 
the cervical region there are in most animals only two ganglia, inferior 
and superior, united by the cervical sympathetic nerve. The pre-gang- 
lionic sympathetic fibres leave the anterior root in the thoracic and upper 
lumbar region as a series of small nerves, the white rami communicantes, 
each of which enters the corresponding ganglion of the lateral sym- 
pathetic chain. Some of these fibres, including those which carry 
impulses to the blood-vessels of the skeletal muscles and skin, and to 
the hairs and sweat glands, have their cell stations in one or other of 
the sympathetic ganglia; and the post-ganglionic fibres form small 
nerves (called grey rami), one of which joins each of the spinal nerves. 
The sympathetic fibres which supply the blood-vessels and other 
structures of the head leave the spinal cord by the first to the fourth 
or fifth thoracic white rami, and pass through the stellate ganglion up 
the cervical sympathetic nerve to the superior cervical ganglion ; their 
cell stations lie in this ganglion, and the post-ganglionic fibres leaving 
it are distributed to the blood-vessels, salivary glands, and other 
structures in the head. 

The fibres which supply the heart leave the spinal cord by the second 
and third thoracic white rami, and have their cell station in the stellate 
ganglion, from which post-ganglionic fibres pass directly to the heart. 

The fibres which are distributed to the abdominal viscera issue from 

_ the spinal cord by the lower six thoracic and the first lumbar white rami, 

pass through the corresponding ganglia of the sympathetic chain without 
forming a cell station, and are gathered up into two large nerves, one on 
each side, known as the splanchnic nerves. These enter two large ganglia, 
the semilunar ganglia or solar plexus, in which lie thecell stations of almost: 
all the fibres running in the splanchnic nerves. Some of the post-gang- 
lionic fibres leaving these ganglia are distributed to the blood-vessels of 
the abdominal viscera, while others supply the walls of the digestive tract. 

Fibres also pass along the white rami of the upper lumbar nerves to 

the inferior mesenteric ganglia, from which post-ganglionic fibres run 

in the hypogastric nerves to be distributed to the pelvic organs. 

Nicotine, in small doses, first stimulates and then paralyses the 
synapses between the pre-ganglionic fibres and the nerve cells in the 
autonomic ganglia, thereby preventing the passage of an impulse 
through the cell stations ; it does not affect the nerve fibres themselves. 
By means of nicotine, the course taken by the autonomic fibres and the 
situation of their cell stations have been determined. The drug is 
painted on a ganglion, and the fibres passing to and from it are 
stimulated ; if stimulation of the fibres passing to the ganglion is 


ineffective, it is clear that they have their cell station in that ganglion. 
For example, when nicotine has been painted on the superior cervical 
ganglion, stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve produces none 
of the effects which are observed in the normal animal, - whereas 
stimulation of the fibres leaving the ganglion produces the same effect 
after the application of nicotine as before. The experiment shows that 
the fibres running in the cervical sympathetic nerve have their cell 
stations in the superior cervical ganglion. 

The fibres of the autonomic system supply not only the blood- 
vessels but other structures, including the walls of the digestive tract 
and pelvic viscera, the heart, sweat glands, and hairs. Their course 
and function will be fully considered in subsequent chapters, but may 
be summarised here. 

I. Cranial autonomic fibres. 

Third nerve.—The autonomic fibres pass to the ciliary ganglion, 
where they have their cell station, and supply the intrinsic muscles 
of the eye. ; | 

Seventh and ninth nerves.—The autonomic fibres supply vaso- 
dilator fibres to the tongue, and secretory fibres to the salivary glands. 

The vagus sends inhibitory fibres to the heart, motor fibres to the 
cesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and bronchioles, and secretory 
fibres to the stomach and pancreas; the cell stations probably lie in 
the walls of the structures supplied by the different fibres. 

Il. Sacral autonomic jfibres.—These supply dilator fibres to the 
blood-vessels of the penis, and motor fibres to the muscles of the 
rectum and bladder. 

Ill. Sympathetic fibres. 

(1) The fibres to the head leave the spinal cord in the first five 
thoracic white rami, and run in the cervical sympathetic nerve ; this 
contains vaso-constrictor fibres for the blood-vessels, secretory fibres 
for the salivary glands, and dilator fibres for the pupil. 

(2) The fibres to the heart have their cell station in the stellate 
ganglia, and convey accelerator impulses. 

(3) The fibres to the abdominal viscera leave the spinal cord in 
the lower six thoracic and the first lumbar white rami. Most of them 

have their cell stations in the semi-lunar and superior mesenteric — 

ganglia, from which they are distributed. They convey constrictor 
impulses to the blood-vessels of the stomach, small intestine, kidneys, 
and spleen, inhibitory impulses to the muscular walls of the stomach 
and small intestine, and motor impulses to the ileo-colic sphincter. 

(4) The pelvic viscera are supplied from the white rami of the last 
thoracic and upper lumbar nerves, the cell station being in the 

ee ee 


Nei : 4 


inferior mesenteric ganglia. The nerves convey constrictor impulses 
to the blood-vessels of the pelvic organs and inhibitory impulses 
to the muscular coats of the colon, uterus, and bladder. 

(5) Fibres are also contained in all the white rami which have 
their cell station in the lateral chain of ganglia, the post-ganglionic 
fibres passing usually, but not always, into the corresponding spinal 
nerve to be distributed to the blood-vessels of the muscles and -skin, 
and to the sweat glands and hairs in the area supplied by that nerve. 

It will be noticed that many organs are supplied by two sets of 
fibres having opposite functions. 


The cells of the ganglia serve as distributing centres, and each 
pre-ganglionic fibre arborises round a number of cells, so that the post- 


Fic, 82.—Diagram showing the structures concerned in the ‘‘axon-reflex”’ 
referred to in the text. (Starling’s Principles of Phystology.) 

ganglionic fibres are much more numerous than the pre-ganglionic 

. At one time various reflex actions were attributed to the sympa- 
thetic ganglia, but these have been proved to be not true reflexes, but 
pseudo- or axon-reflexes. For example, when the nerves connected 
with the inferior mesenteric ganglion are divided, with the exception of 
the right hypogastric nerve to the bladder, stimulation of the central 
end of the left hypogastric nerve causes contraction of the right half of 
the bladder. This is due to the fact that some of the fibres leaving the 


' spinal cord branch in the ganglion, one branch passing down the left 
nerve, the other entering into the formation of a cell station connected 
with the right hypogastric nerve (fig. 32). Stimulation of the central 
end of the left nerve causes an impulse to pass up to the point of junction 
of the two branches, and then down the other branch through the cell 
station to the bladder. This effect is called an axon reflex, and depends 
upon the fact that nerve fibres may conduct impulses in either direction. 

The autonomic system also contains afferent fibres, though these 
are less numerous than the efferent fibres; in the splanchnic and 
hypogastric nerves about one-tenth of the fibres are afferent. |The 
stimulation of these fibres by abnormal processes in the abdominal 

organs may give rise to pain. The: pain is usually referred, however, © 

not to the organ itself, but to the surface of the body ; for instance, 
afferent impulses from the stomach may give rise to pain which is 
referred to an area of skin at the lower border of the ribs, and this 
area may actually be tender to touch. The position of the referred 
pain and of tender cutaneous areas has proved of value in man as a 
means of localising disease of the internal organs. 




THE organs of sense, with their nerves, form the medium by which 
afferent impressions are conveyed to the cortex of the cerebral hemi- 
spheres. If the sensory mechanism is concerned with impulses excited 
by stimuli from without, it is described as exter ive ; if the stimuli 
arise in the viscera, the mechanism is called enteroceptive ; if they arise 
in the muscles or sense organs affected by the position of the body, 
the mechanism is propri ive. Thus the exteroceptive system 
includes the structures which have to do with sensations of pressure, 
taste, smell, sight, and hearing ; the enteroceptive system includes the 
mechanisms for hunger and thirst ; and the proprioceptive system has 
to do with sensations of position of the head and limbs and of the 
degree of muscular contraction. 

The structures concerned in the production of sensation are: (1) 
an end-organ, (2) a chain of neurons which transmits the impulse, and 
(3) the sensory, psychic, and association areas in the cortex to which 
the impulse is transmitted. The end-organs for each sense are 
structurally adapted to receive the stimulus for that particular sense, 
this being known as the adequate stimulus. Thus the rods and cones of 
the retina are stimulated by waves of light, but not by waves of sound, 
while the hair cells in the organ of Corti are excited by sound waves 
but not by those of light. The nerve fibres which transmit the im- 
pulses, on the other hand, appear to be able to transmit any variety of 
stimulus, and they all give the same type of electrical variation when 
stimulated by an electric current. 

Although the various sense organs differ widely in structure, certain 
general principles can be formulated which are applicable to 
them all. . eh 

(1) Stimulation of the end-organs of any particular sense gives 
rise to the sensation peculiar to that sense, and to that sensation only ; 



in other words, each sense has its own specific quality or modality. 
This characteristic was stated by Miiller in the form of a law, which 
he called the ‘‘law of specific nerve energy.” It is better, however, in 
view of the restricted modern use of the word energy, to speak of the 
law of specific irritability. The quality of the sensation aroused might 

_ be determined by the nature of the receptive end organ, by the con- 

ducting apparatus, or by the area of the cortex to which the impulse 
is transmitted. Direct stimulation of the central portion of a divided 
sensory nerve gives rise to the specific sensation, so that the modality 
is not determined by the end-organ. For example, pressure on the 
ulnar nerve trunk excites a pricking sensation referred to the distribu- 
tion of the nerve, and section of the optic nerve in a conscious patient 
is accompanied by the sensation of flashes of light. Again, there is 
no reason to believe that the conducting nerve fibres have any more 
influence on the nature of the impulse they convey than an electric 
wire has in determining the nature of a telegraphic message. It is, 
therefore, in the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere that the ex- 
planation of the specific character of the sensation is to be sought, 
and this conclusion is supported by the fact that sensations may be 
aroused in the absence of any stimulation of the end-organs, e.g. in 
dreams or hallucinations. 

(2) In the case of each sense a certain minimal strength of stimulus, 
known as the threshold stimulus, is necessary to evoke a sensation. 
The exact strength of the threshold stimulus for any particular sense 
varies in different individuals, and also in the same individual at 
different times. A succession of subliminal stimuli, that is, of stimuli 
each of which is below the threshold value, may excite a sensation by 
a summation effect, just as the summation of subminimal stimuli may 
excite a reflex action. The threshold value will vary with the condition 
of the sense organ. For example, the mechanism may be fatigued, and 
will then be less responsive to stimulation. This is well illustrated 
in the case of smell. The air of a clased room, which is occupied, 
becomes disagreeable, but the occupants of the room do not notice the 
unpleasant smell, which is at once apparent to anyone coming in from 
the outer air. The threshold value also varies with the state of 
adaptation of the sense organ. Thus an eye which has been exposed 
to light is said to be light-adapted, while one that has been in 
darkness for a time is dark-adapted. The threshold value of the 
light stimulus for the dark-adapted eye is much lower than, actually 
about one-fiftieth of, that required to produce a sensation in the light- 
adapted eye. 

(3) The increase of stimulus necessary to cause a difference in the 

be a 

9 EE ee ee a ies ae as ee, ee ee Lee ae eo 



degree of sensation bears a constant proportion to the strength of the 
original stimulus. If the eye is being stimulated by the light of one 
hundred candles, the extra stimulation required to produce the sensation 
of more light can be derived from one more candle. If, however, the 
original stimulus came from one thousand candles, then ten more candles 
would be required for a difference to be detected. 

- Similarly, if a weight of 30 grams is held in the hand, one- more 
gram must be added to excite a sensation_of increased weight, and a 
smaller increase would not be noticed. if ‘the original weight is 60 
grams, 2 grams must be added for the difference to be perceptible. So 
also in the case of sound, the stimulus must be increased by one-seventh 
to lead to the perception of increased sound volume. In all cases this 
law, which is known as Weber’s law, only holds good within certain 
definite limits, the limits for the pressure sense as tested by weights 
lying between 50 and 1000 grams. 

The sensations aroused by the application of different varieties of 
stimuli to the skin are those of pressure, including tactile localisation 
and tactile discrimination, heat, cold, and pain. - These various sensations 

-are independent and do not result from different forms of stimulation 

applied to the same set of nerve endings. The evidence that tactile 
localisation, tactile discrimination, heat, cold, and pain are distinct senses 
is (1) histological, (2) the existence of independent spots in the skin, 
stimulation of each of which gives rise to one variety of sensation only, 
and (3) the fact that interference with the conducting paths may 
result in blocking of one set of impulses, for example, those giving rise 
to pain, while the other senses are unaffected. 

Histological. The End-organs in the Skin.—The peripheral fibre 
from a cell in the posterior root ganglion or the homologous ganglion 
on a cerebral nerve terminates in the skin in various ways. The 
termination may be free, or it may be protected. ree nerve endings 
are found in the anterior epithelium of the cornea ; the axis cylinder of 
the nerve fibre loses its myelin sheath at the periphery of the cornea, 
and, after forming a plexus in the corneal substance, the fibre terminates 
between the epithelial cells in the form of fine varicose fibrils. Similar 
terminations are found in the epidermis, and fibrillar nerve endings 
occur also around the hair follicles. The protected nerve endings are all 
formed on the same general plan. There is a central soft core 
surrounded by a variable amount of fibrous tissue, arranged sometimes 
irregularly, and sometimes, as in the Pacinian corpuscles, in lamine. 
The nerve fibre loses its myelin sheath and runs. into the core of the 


end-organ, where it ends in one or more knob-like extremities. Such 
endings are the end-bulbs found in the conjunctiva, penis, clitoris, and 
in the synovial membrane of some joints: the towch corpuscles of Meissner 
in the connective-tissue papille of those parts of the skin which are 
most sensitive to pressure, that is, in the hand and front of the forearm, 
the lips, the foot, and the mammary papilla: the Pacinian corpuscles 
found in the subcutaneous tissue of the hand, foot, and genital organs, 
and in the mesentery and some organs, such as the pancreas: the 
corpuscles of Golgi and Mazzoni and the corpuscles of Ruffint, found in 
the subcutaneous tissue of the fingers. 

The Sensory Spots in the Skin.—If a cooled metal point is drawn 
gently along the skin of the forearm or back of the hand, a sensation of 
cold is produced at certain definite spots, which may be marked out 
with coloured ink. If the point is heated and the experiment repeated, 
it is found that other spots, quite distinct from those for cold, respond 
and give the sensation of heat. Similarly, by using the prick of a 
needle as the stimulus, another series of spots may be marked out 
which give rise to pain. Lastly, by testing the pressure sense 
with a bristle a fourth set of spots may be located. The most numerous 
spots in the skin are those for pain; next in order are the pressure 
spots, those for cold being less numerous, and the heat spots fewest of 
all. The specific character of the different nerve endings is confirmed 
by the effect of other stimuli. The application of menthol to the skin, 
for example, stimulates especially the nerve endings for cold and gives 
rise to a sensation of coolness. If the arm be held in a jar of carbonic 
acid gas, on the other hand, there is a sensation of warmth, the nerve 
endings for heat being especially affected. Electrical stimulation of 
the various spots excites a specific sensation, namely, warmth in a 
heat spot, pain in a pain spot, and so on. Additional evidence as to 
the independence of the sensations is derived from the effect of cocaine 
on the surface of the eyeball. Under normal conditions suitable 
stimulation of the conjunctiva excites the sensations of heat, cold, or 
pain, whereas stimulation of the cornea gives rise to the sensation of 
pain only. The application of cocaine to the eye paralyses the nerve 
endings for pain, but does not affect those for heat or cold. 

The Conduction of Cutaneous Impulses.—The nerve fibres which 
convey the cutaneous impulses are bound together in common trunks. 

Prolonged pressure on these trunks acts as a block to the conduction of, 

impulses, and occasionally cases occur in which, by the pressure of a 
bony outgrowth or otherwise, a partial block is produced, whereby the 
pressure and temperature senses are lost, while that of pain is retained, 
or vice versa. A similar partial block occurs at times in the disease 


Ta ltt Vee ee eee 


known as syringomyelia, in which there is pressure on the conducting 
paths in the spinal cord owing to distension of the central canal, In~ 
these cases also there may be loss, for example, of the senses of pain 
and temperature, while that of pressure is retained. 

The cutaneous senses are therefore independent and are subserved 
by different nerve fibres, but the further question as to whether each 
sense has a specific nerve ending cannot be so decisively answered. 
Special functions can, however, be ascribed to some of the nerve endings 
in the skin with a reasonable degree of probability. 

The fact that any stimulus applied to the cornea gives rise to_pain 
indicates that interepithelial fibrillar nerve endings are associated with 
the pain sense. The skin areas most sensitive to pressure are those, 
like the palmar surface of the fingers, where the touch corpuscles of 
Meissner are most abundant. Where hair is present the pressure spots 
immediately surround the point of emergence of the hair. It may 
therefore be concluded that the touch corpuscles in hairless regions and 
the fibrillar nerve endings around the hair follicles are the peripheral 
terminations of the pressure sense fibres. Finally, the position of the 
Pacinian corpuscles and of those of Golgi and Mazzoni and of Ruffini 
makes it clear that these structures can only be affected by deep 
pressure. | 


Reference has already been made to the fact that the cornea is 
richly supplied with nerves for pain, and that the skin of the palmar 
surface of the fingers is markedly endowed with the pressure sense. 
The distribution of the various sensory nerves is therefore unequal, and 
investigations have been made, especially in connection with the pressure 
sense, to determine (1) the degree of pressure which can be detected at 
different parts of the skin surface, and (2) the relative acuteness in 
different areas of tactile discrimination, that is, of the power of appreci- 
ating two separate pressure stimuli applied simultaneously. 

(1) Von Frey’s method of estimating the degree of pressure on the 
skin which can be appreciated is to use hairs of different thickness, the 
pressure required to cause each to bend being known. In this way he 
found that the skin of the nose and lips and the mucous membrane of 
the tongue are most sensitive to pressure, while the skin of the region 
of the loins has a very low degree of sensitivity. The minimum 
stimulus which could be detected in different skin areas is*shown in 
the following table :— . 



Area, Grams per sq. mm, 


Tongue and nose . 

Lips ; 2°5 
Finger-tip and terikisad: 3- 
Palm, arm, thigh 7 
Forearm 8 
Back of band ‘ 12 
Abdomen, outside of thigh 26 
Back of forearm . 33 

Loins . ; : : . 48 
(2) Tactile discrimination is measured by means of the ssthesio- 
meter, an instrument somewhat resembling a pair of compasses, one 
limb of which can be moved along a scale on which the distance between 
the two points can be read off. When the two points, armed with small 
pieces of cork, are applied to the skin a sufficient distance apart, the 
resulting sensation is of two separate stimuli. When the two points 
are approximated, the degree of approximation varying for different 
parts of the skin surface, the double stimulus is productive of a single 
sensation. The minimal distance apart at which the points give rise to 
_separate sensations is shown in the following table :— 

Skin region, : Distance in mm. 
Tip of tongue. : THOT 1-1 
Volar surface of Anaantic ; 2°3 
Palm of hand. ; : es 
Back of hand. ; x: wb ae 
Middle of back, upper arm, éfieh ; ck ae ik 

These figures have no reference to the distances which separate the 
actual pressure spots, but include on an average about ten such spots 
in each case between the limbs of the esthesiometer. 


Just as a localised stimulus of a definite kind applied to the skin 

invariably evokes the same reflex, so also in a conscious individual a 

stimulus applied to a particular skin area is referred to the stimulated 
spot. There must therefore be a specific quality in the impulse 
conveyed to the association centres according to the ae area in which 
it originates, and this quality is called ‘local sign.” It has been 
supposed by some authorities that local sign is due to a recognition of 
the muscular reflexes which are or may be evoked as a result of the 
stimulus, but it is more probable that it is developed as the result of 
experience, If the index and middle fingers be crossed and a pea be 

a i eS ee a ee 


placed between them in this position (Aristotle’s experiment), the 
sensation produced will be of two peas, because the individual has no 
previous experience of a single stimulus applied in this way. 


The investigations of Head have made it possible to subdivide 
cutaneous sensations into two main groups, protopathic and epicritic, 
This classification is based upon a study of the order of return of the 
cutaneous sensations during regeneration after division of nerves. 
Head observed the recovery of sensation in patients in whom nerves 
had been accidentally divided, and also had one of his own cutaneous 
nerves divided in order to study the matter subjectively. He found 
that after section of a cutaneous nerve all cutaneous sensations were 
lost, but that there remained the sensations of deep pressure and of 
pain due to deep pressure, which depend on stimulation of. the afferent 
fibres in the muscles. During regeneration of the divided nerve, the 
first sensations to return are those of pain, of heat for temperatures 
above 38° C., and of cold for temperatures below 24° C. These are the 
protopathic sensations, and they return from seven to twenty-six weeks 
after the division of the nerve. Tactile localisation and discrimination, 
the accurate localisation of pain in the skin, and the sense of heat and 
. cold between 37° C. and 25° C., are recovered in from one to two years 
after the nerve section, and constitute the epicritic sensations. 

Protopathic sensations are ‘“ ‘affective ” in character, the sensa- 
tion being intense, prolonged, and usually disagreeable; they are 
obviously associated with the defensive) mechanism of the body. 
The seat of the protopathic sensations is believed to be located in the 
thalamus. LEpicritic sensation, on the other hand, is on a higher 
- plane, and is essential for the development of manual dexterity. It 
may be looked upon as the latest and highest evolution of the tactile 
sensory mechanism, and the seat of sensation is in the cortex of the 
cerebral hemispheres. 


The sense of taste is localised in the mucous membrane of the 
mouth and fauces, especially in that covering the tongue, and the end- 
organs concerned are widely distributed in the mucous membrane. 
The principal distribution of the nerves of taste, however, is in connec- 
tion with the vallate papillae which are found at the base of the tongue, 
Structures called taste bulbs lie in the stratified squamous epithelium 


on both sides of the vallum which surrounds each papilla. A taste 
bulb is an oval body bounded externally by spindle-shaped cells, and 
containing in its interior other cells which are fusiform; each of the 
latter terminates at its peripheral extremity by a hair-like process, which 
projects into the vallum through an aperture called the gustatory 
pore. The terminations of the fibres of the nerves of taste penetrate 
the other pole of the taste bulb, and end by arborisation round the 
fusiform cells, which are the end-organs for the sense of taste. Serous 
glands lie in the connective tissue subjacent to the vallate papillae, and 
their ducts open into the lower part of each vallum. . 7 

The substances which act as stimuli for the sense of taste must 
be in solution. Ordinary foodstuffs possess both taste and flavour, 
the appreciation of the latter depending on the sense of smell, so that, 
if the nose be firmly held so as to prevent air currents reaching the 
olfactory membrane while food is in the mouth, flavours are not appre- 

_ ciated. There are only four true taste sensations—sweet, bitter, salt, 

and sour. Any other sensation excited in the mouth, for example, 
astringency; is due to stimulation of the nerves of common sensibility. 
As in the case of the skin, so in the case of taste, different nerves 
are concerned in the different sensations. This is shown (1) by the fact 
that some areas of the tongue are more sensitive than others to the 

different sensations, and (2) by the effect of drugs. Thus (1) the tip— 

of the tongue is most sensitive to substances giving rise to the sensation 
of sweetness, the back to those whith "aodub' a? Bitter Sein the 
sides and upper surface to appreciation of Sourness, while a salt taste 
may be excited-over the surface generally. There are, moreover, 
substances which give different taste sensations according to the part 
of the tongue on which they are placed. Parabrom-benzoic sulphinid, 
for example, excites a sweet sensation if placed on the tip of the tongue, 
but only a bitter sensation if placed on the posterior part. Further, 
the individual papille have been tested, with the result that some are 
found to be more sensitive to substances which give rise to a sweet 
- gensation, others to those which excite the other taste qualities, while 
most are sensitive to more than one quality. (2) Further evidence for 
the existence of specific nerves for the various taste sensations is derived 
from the effect of drugs. Cocaine applied to the papille has no effect 
on the production of salt sensations, but it abolishes the other three 
qualities in a definite order, bitter being the first and sour the last to 
disappear. Gymnenic acid, from the leaves of Gymmena sylvestre, on 
the other hand, abolishes only the production of sweet and bitter 
sensations, the former going first. 

The nerves of taste are the chorda tympani to the anterior two- 

a ee eee a ee wha: are ey eer 


paneiiemeiiit alas 


thirds and the glossopharyngeal to the posterior third of the tongue. 
The taste fibres have their central termination in each case in the 
column of grey matter which forms the sensory nucleus of the fifth 
nerve, the nervus intermedius and the glossopharyngeal nerve. 

The Sense of Smell.—The end-organs for the sense of smell are 
limited in their distribution to the upper part of the nasal cavities. 
The membrane lining this region is yellow in colour, and consists of a 
charaeteristic epithelium lying on a connective-tissue layer. The 
epithelial layer is formed of a superficial layer of columnar, supporting 
cells and several layers of nerve cells; the latter are elongated in shape, 
and each possesses a nucleus. The prolongation of the cell peripheral 
to the nucleus lies between the columnar cells, and terminates at the 
surface in six to eight hair-like processes ; the central prolongation is 

- continued as a non-medullated nerve fibre to the olfactory lobe, where 

it arborises in the manner already described (p. 92). The connective- 
tissue layer contains small alveolar glands, known as Bowman’s glands, 
the secretion of which moistens the surface of the membrane. 

The adequate stimulus for the sense of smell must bein the gaseous 

- form, or in the condition of excessively minute particles. The gases or 

particles are conveyed to the lower or respiratory portion of the nasal 
cavities by the air currents due to the respiratory movements. From 
the respiratory passage the gases reach the olfactory region by diffusion. 
No satisfactory classification of odours has been arrived at, and it is 
usual to describe them as pleasant or unpleasant. Other sensations 
excited in the nasal mucous membrane, such as the irritation produced 
by ammonia, are due to stimulation of the endings of the fifth nerve. 

The chief characteristics of the sense of smell are (1) its extreme 
delicacy, and (2) the ease with which it may be fatigued. (1) The 
delicacy of the sense of smell is indicated by the dilution of a substance 
which can still be perceived. Musk can be detected in a dilution in 
air of one in eight millions; mercaptan in a dilution of one in twenty- 
five billions. (2) The fatiguability of the olfactory sense is shown by 
the insensibility of a person sitting in a closed room to the fact that 
the air has become vitiated, and also by absence of sensation from a 
particular perfume after it has been inhaled for a short time. 

Certain odours are antagonistic, that is, one will neutralise the 
effect of another. Thus the odour of iodoform is annulled by mixing 
it with balsam of Peru, and carbolic acid neutralises to some extent 
the odour of putrefaction. | 

The estimation of the threshold stimulus for the sense of smell is 
made by means of the olfactometer of Zwaardemaker. This instrument 
consists of a porous cylinder which is impregnated with the odorous 





substance. A tube is inserted into the cylinder for varying distances, 
so that a greater or less part of the cylinder is exposed to the air which 
passes through the tube. The end of the tube outside the cylinder is 
placed in a nostril, and the smallest amount of exposed cylinder surface 
which will give a sensation indicates the threshold stimulus for the 
substance tested. 

The olfactory sense is developed to a varying extent in different 
animals, Generally speaking, it is present to a greater degree in many 
of the lower animals than in man; in the dog, for example, it is 
highly developed. 


The end-organs of the sense of sight are situated in the eyeball, 
which is protected from injury by its situation in the orbital cavity and 
also by the eyelids. The surface of the eyeball is kept moist by the 
tears, which are secreted by the lachrymal gland. Loss of moisture 
occurs through evaporation from the surface of the eyeball, and super- 
fluous tears are drained away through the puncta lachrymalia at the 

inner end of the eyelids into the lachrymal sac, and thence by the nasal 
duct into the nasal cavity. The lachrymal secretion is slightly alkaline 
and contains sodium chloride. 


The eyeball consists of three coats surrounding the transparent 
-media which constitute the dioptric apparatus. It is covered in front 
by the conjunctiva, a connective-tissue membrane with a superficial 
layer of stratified squamous epithelium. The conjunctiva is reflected 
over the posterior surfaces of the eyelids, and is represented on the 
cornea only by the layer of stratified epithelium. The outer coat of 

the eyeball consists of the sclera and cornea. The sclera forms five- — 

sixths of the coat, and is protective in function. It is opaque, and is 
made up of dense fibrous tissue with some elastic fibres and flattened 
cells, some of which are pigmented. The cornea forms one-sixth of the 
outer coat, and has a somewhat greater convexity than the sclera. It 
is transparent, and is made up of parallel lamelle of white fibrous 
tissue with spaces between, in which lie flattened branched cells, the 
corneal corpuscles. It is covered in front by stratified squamous 
epithelium, which rests on a homogeneous-looking membrane composed 
of closely woven fibrils, and known as the anterior elastic lamina. The 
posterior surface of the cornea is covered by a single layer of flattened 


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cells, resting on an elastic, homogeneous membrane, called the posterior 
elastic lamina. In the inner part of the sclera, close to its junction 
with the cornea, is a vein, the canal of Schlemm (sinws venosus scleree), 
which encircles this part of the eyeball. Behind the sinus is a pro- 
jecting ridge of the sclera, the scleral spur, which forms the point of 
origin of the radial fibres of the ciliary muscle. At the margin of the | 
cornea the posterior lamina breaks up into trabeculee, some of which 
are attached to the anterior surface of the scleral spur, while the others 
form the ligamentum pectinatum tridis, which is continuous with the 
substance of the iris. The angle between cornea and iris is known as 
the filtration angle, because here the aqueous humor drains between 
the fibres of the ligamentum pectinatum iridis into the canal of 
Schlemm. . 

The middle coat consists of the choroid, ciliary processes, and iris, 
together forming the vascular tunic of the eyeball. The choroid is 
separated from the sclera by a lymph space, which, however, is traversed 
by strands of non-vascular fibrous tissue, constituting the lamina 
suprachorotdea, and forming the outer layer of the choroid itself. 
Internal to the lamina suprachoroidea is a layer containing the larger 
blood-vessels, and internal to that is another layer, the chorio-capillaris, 
which contains a network of capillaries; the capillary layer is bounded 
internally by a structureless membrane, the /amina basalis. Scattered 
throughout the choroidal tissue are numerous pigment cells. 

‘The choroid lines the sclera to within a short distance of the sclero- 
corneal junction, and is continued forward from that point as the czlzary 
processes, about seventy in number, which from behind appear as a circle 
of radially arranged vascular projections. - The posterior surface of the 
ciliary processes is covered by a double layer of cubical pigment cells, 
forming the forward prolongation of the retina, and called the pars 
ciliaris retine. The substance of the ciliary processes consists of 
connective tissue with pigment cells and blood-vessels, together with 
the ciliary muscle. The latter is composed of smooth muscle fibres, and 
consists of a radial and a circular portion. The radial fibres arise from 
the scleral spur and pass backwards to be inserted into the ciliary 
processes and choroid; the circular fibres form a bundle which lies 
internally to the radial portion. 

The zrvs is continued forward from the ciliary processes and is incom- 
plete in front, leaving a circular aperture, the pupil. The iris is 
composed of connective tissue, with a variable number of pigment cells 
and numerous blood-vessels. In dark eyes the pigment cells are 
numerous ; in blue eyes they are fewer in number. The fibres of the 
ligamentum pectinatum iridis connect the iris with the posterior lamina 


of the cornea. The anterior surface of the iris is covered by a single 
layer of flattened cells, continuous over the ligamentum pectinatum 
with that of the posterior surface of the cornea. The posterior surface 
is covered by a double layer of cubical pigment cells continuous with 
the pars ciliaris retin. A ring of circularly arranged smooth muscle 
fibres lies close to the margin of the pupil, forming the sphincter 
pupillz, and radially arranged smooth muscle fibres, the dilator pupille, 
lie close to the posterior surface of the iris. 

The internal coat of the eye consists of the retina, a delicate, semi- 
transparent membrane lining the posterior three-fourths of the eyeball, 
and ending abruptly just behind the ciliary processes in a jagged 
margin, the ora serrata. The retina consists from without inwards of 
the following layers (fig. 33) :— 

. The layer of pigment cells. 

. The layer of rods and cones. 

The outer nuclear layer, 

The outer molecular layer (outer plexiform layer). © 
. The inner nuclear layer. 

. The inner molecular layer (inner plexiform layer). 

. The layer of ganglionic nerve cells. 

. The layer of nerve fibres (stratum opticum). 

The structures forming these layers are supported by the fibres of 
Miller, which extend from the level of the bases of the rods and cones 
to the inner surface of the retina. The ends of Miiller’s fibres are 
expanded and fused together to form the outer and inner limiting 
membranes, the former lying between the layer of rods and cones and 
the outer nuclear layer, and the latter bounding the retina internally. 
Each fibre has a nucleus at the level of the inner nuclear layer. 

(1) The cells of the pigment layer are hexagonal on surface view, 
and when seen from the side they exhibit an outer non-pigmented 
portion containing a nucleus, and an inner pigmented part from which 
delicate processes run between the rods and cones. 

(2) and (3) The layer of rods and cones and the outer nuclear layer 
together form one layer of neurons, Each rod consists of (@) an outer 
cylindrical segment which is transversely striated, and which, in a dark- 
adapted retina, contains visual purple or rhodopsin, and (4) an inner 
fusiform segment, vertically striated in its outer fourth and granular 
in the remaining three-fourths. Each rod is prolonged into the outer 
nuclear layer as a varicose fibril, in the course of which is a nucleus. 
The nucleus in some animals is transversely striated. ach fibril ends 
in a knob in the outer molecular layer, the knobs of several adjacent 
rod neurons coming into relationship with the dendritic arborisation of 


a single rod bipolar of the inner nuclear layer. The cones are shorter 
and thicker than the rods, and each consists of an outer and an inner 
segment. The outer segment is conical and is transversely striated. 
The inner segment is vertically striated in its outer two-thirds and 
granular in its inner third. The continuation of the cone in the outer 
nuclear layer is a comparatively thick fibre which contains a nucleus 
y immediately under the outer limiting membrane. The cone fibre 

limitans interna. --- 

' Stratum opticum."*~ Se 



Ganglionic layer.*-- 

Inner molecular. 

Centrifugal fibre. -” 

Boia: Diffuse amacrine 


Inner nuclear... 

layer. "*Amacrine cells. 

Fibre of Miiller. 

--« Horizontal cell. 
Oute r molecular- | 


Outer nuclear--- 

layer. : 5 

Membrana rites Cone granules. 
limitans externa. 

Nd | 

Layer of rods..- 
and cones. 


Fic. 33.—Plan of retinal neurons. (After Cajal.) From Gray’s Anatomy. 

"t 5 {> Pigmented layer. 

terminates in the outer molecular layer by a branched extremity, which 
is in relationship with the dendritic arborisation of a single cone bipolar 
of the inner nuclear layer. 

(4) and (5) Most of the nuclei of the inner nuclear layer belong to 
bipolar nerve cells, one fine process from the nucleus passing into the 
outer molecular layer, the other towards the inner surface of the retina. 
The outer process ends in a dendritic arborisation in relation. either 
with the knobs of several rod neurons (rod bipolars), or with the 
terminal branching of a cone neuron (cone bipolars). The inner process 
of a rod bipolar arborises about the cyton of a cell in the ganglionic 


layer ; that of a cone bipolar arborises in the inner molecular layer in 
relation with the dendrons of a ganglionic cell. In the outer part of 
the inner nuclear layer are horizontal cells, the dendrons and axons of 
_ which arborise in the outer molecular layer, so that these cells have an 
associational function. In the inner part of the layer are cells which 
have no axons and are therefore called amacrine cells. The dendrons 
of these cells arborise in the inner molecular layer in relation with the 
dendrons of the ganglionic cells. 

(6), (7), and (8) The cells of the ganglionic layer are arranged in a 
single row in most parts of the retina, Each has branched dendrons 
which extend into the inner molecular layer, where they terminate at 
different levels in relation with the terminal arborisations of the axons 
of the cone bipolars. The axons of the ganglionic cells are continued 
as non-medullated nerve fibres in the stratum opticum. Some of the 
fibres in the stratum opticum have a centrifugal course and run into 
the retina to terminate by arborisation in the inner nuclear layer. 

Three parts of the retina require a special description—the macula 
lutea, the place of exit of the optic nerve, and the ora serrata. 

The macula lutea is the part of the retina concerned with distinct 
vision. When an object is “looked at” its image is formed on the 
macula, or more particularly on the fovea centralis, a small depression 
in the centre of the macula. At the fovea there are no rods, and the 
cones are longer than in the remainder of the retina. The cones and 
their nuclei are the only retinal structures present in the fovea, and the 
cone fibres are inclined away from the fovea towards the inner nuclear 
layer. In the peripheral region of the macula the ganglionic layer is 
several cells deep, and cones are more numerous than rods. The 
proportion of cones, diminishes from the macula to the periphery of the 
retina, and near the ora serrata very few cones are present. The 
macula is situated slightly to the lateral side of the posterior pole of the 

The fibres of the stratum opticum converge to a point about 
3 mm. to the nasal side of the macula lutea to form the optic nerve, 
which passes back through a gap in the choroid coat and a perforated 
part of the sclera known as the lamina cribrosa, The place of exit of 
the nerve as seen from the interior of the eyeball is a sharply defined 
pale area, nearly circular in outline, and is called the optee disc. At 
the disc all the retinal layers are absent except the stratum opticum, 
the fibres of which acquire a myelin sheath as they emerge from the 

The layers of the retina cease abruptly at the ora serrata, and are 
represented in the ciliary region by two layers of cells, the deeper, 

et ee eet 4 

a el 


pigmented layer being a continuation forwards of the pigment layer of 
the retina, and the superficial layer consisting of columnar cells. 


The cavity of the divided into two unequal portions by the 
crystalline lens and its suspensory ligament. The larger, posterior 
space is occupied by the vitreous humor (body); the smaller, anterior 
space by the aqueous humor. 

The crystalline lens is a biconvex, transparent structure, and lies 
immediately behind the pupil. It is composed of concentrically 
arranged fibrous lamine, made up of prismatic fibres with serrated 
edges. The central portion of the lens is firmer and denser than the 
peripheral portion, which is more jelly-like. The posterior surface has 
a higher degree of convexity than: the anterior surface, and rests in the 
hyaloid fossa of the vitreous body. The lens is enclosed in a structure- 

_ less capsule, which, towards the equator, is continuous on the anterior 

surface with the suspensory ligament of the lens. The latter is 
prolonged backwards as the zonula ciliaris, to be attached to the ciliary 

The vitreous humor is transparent and resembles a thin jelly, contain- 
ing a few scattered delicate fibres. It is enclosed in a delicate capsule, 
the hyaloid membrane, which in the neighbourhood of the ciliary 
processes is thickened to form the zonula ciliaris. The latter splits in 
front into two layers, the anterior being the suspensory ligament of the 
lens, and the posterior lining the concavity in the vitreous body, the 
hyaloid fossa, in which the lens rests. A canal runs through the 
vitreous humor from the optic disc to the posterior pole of the lens, and 
is lined by a continuation of the hyaloid membrane. This canal 
contains the hyaloid artery in the embryo. 

The space in front of the lens is divided into an anterior and a 
posterior chamber by the iris, and contains the aqueous humor, which 
is a watery fluid, alkaline in reaction, and containing salts, chiefly 
sodium chloride, with a trace of protein. 


The vascular tunic of the eyeball receives the long and short 
posterior ciliary arteries and the anterior ciliary arteries. The outer 
layers of the retina receive nourishment by means of lymph derived 
from the blood-supply to the choroid, The inner layers of the retina 
have a direct blood-supply through the distribution of the central artery 
of the retina, which enters the eyeball with the optic nerve. The 



cornea is supplied with lymph from the blood-vessels which surround 
its margin. The veins of the choroid converge to form four or five 
main trunks, the vene vorticose. The blood from the retinal artery is 
returned by the corresponding retinal vein. 


By inserting a cannula connected with a manometer into the anterior 
chamber of the eyeball, it can be shown that the contents of the globe 
exert a pressure on the walls equal to about 25 mm. of mercury. If the 
intra-ocular pressure be recorded on a revolving drum simultaneously 
with that of the carotid artery, it will be seen that the two tracings 
run a parallel course. Obstruction of the descending aorta, for example, 
causes an immediate rise in both curves, and these remain at the new 
level till the obstruction is removed, when both fall simultaneously. 
The chief source of fluid in the eyeball is the vessels of the ciliary 
processes, and as the pressure of the intra-ocular fluid varies with the 
blood-pressure, it may be assumed that it is derived from the blood- 
vessels by a process of filtration. Normally, the addition of new fluid 
is balanced by the draining away of an equal amount, mainly through 
the filtration angle and the canal of Schlemm, but also. to a very small 
extent by the posterior lymphatics of the eyeball. In certain diseased 
conditions this drainage is interfered with, and fluid accumulates in the 
eyeball, causing a rise of pressure. This condition is known as glaucoma, 
and if it is not promptly relieved, it results in atrophy of the retina from 
pressure, and therefore leads to blindness. 

The mechanism of transudation of fluid from the ciliary processes 
and escape of an equal quantity by the canal of Schlemm and posterior 
lymphatics of the eyeball is not only of importance for the nutrition 
of the non-vascular contents of the eyeball, but the state of tension 
which is thereby maintained gives the eyeball the degree of rigidity 
which is necessary if it is to serve any useful purpose as an optical 


The function of sight, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, 
involves (1) the formation of a real image of external objects in the 
retina, (2) changes in the retinal end-organs, (3) the transmission of 
the stimulus due to the retinal changes to the cortex of the occipital 
lobe, (4) the changes in the cortex, visuo-sensory and visuo-psychic 
areas, which result in a visual sensation, and (5) the associational pro- 
cesses of comparison of the sensation with previous sensations by which 
visual judgments are formed. 

ye ee eee 



The eyeball may be compared with a photographic camera, the 
cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous body forming a system of 
lenses, the choroid coat being comparable with the dark lining of the - 
camera, and the retina acting as the sensitive plate. If a segment of 
the sclera with the choroid be excised from the back of the eye of a 
recently killed ox, and the eye be held in front of an electric lamp; 
an inverted image of the lamp will be seen upon the retina, similar 
to the image which may be observed on the ground-glass screen of 
a camera. 

In the camera the image is usually. formed by means of a single 
biconvex glass lens. The optical axis of such a lens is a line drawn 

through its optical centre, and entering and leaving it in a direction 

perpendicular to the plane of the lens. A ray of light passing along 

Fie. 34.—Diagram of the course of parallel rays through a bicon-— 
vex lens (L), by which they are converged to the principal 
focus (F). A, axial ray. (Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 

this axis enters and leaves the lens with its direction unchanged, but 
rays falling upon the lens outside the axial ray and parallel with it are 
refracted, both on entering and leaving the lens, towards the axial ray, 
so that they meet it or come to a focus at a point which is known as 
the principal focus of the lens (fig. 34). A pencil of divergent rays 
falling upon such a lens will, if the lens have a sufficient degree of 
convexity, be brought to a focus at a point behind the principal focus. 
If an object, such as an arrow, be placed at some distance from a 
biconvex lens, the pencil of rays from the tip of the arrow will be 
brought to a focus behind the lens, and the same will hold for rays 
from the butt and every other point on the arrow. The axial ray of 
each pencil will pass through the optical centre (nodal point) of the 
lens with its direction unchanged. The result will be the formation of 
a real, inverted image of the arrow in the plane in which the rays are 

The formation of an image in the eye is more complicated in that 
the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous body form, not a single 
lens, but a system of lenses differing in refractive index, so that altera- 


tion in the direction of rays of light takes place at the anterior surface 
of the cornea, anterior surface of the lens, and posterior surface of the 
lens. It has been calculated, however, that the net result of the 

refraction in the eye is the same as that which would occur ina uniform ° 

medium the anterior surface of which is 2°3 mm. behind the anterior 
surface of the cornea, and the nodal point 0°47 mm. in front of the 
posterior surface of the lens. Such a theoretical arrangement is known 
as the reduced or schematic eye (fig. 35). 

By means of the schematic eye the size of an image on the retina 
can be ascertained. In the normal or emmetropic eye at rest parallel 
rays are brought to a focus on the retina, and for practical purposes 
rays proceeding from a point 6 metres or more distant from the eye 
may be regarded as parallel. If, therefore, a diagram of the reduced 
eye and of an object at 6 metres distance be drawn to scale, and if 
lines be drawn from the 
‘periphery of the object 
through the nodal point 
to the retina, the size 
of the retinal image can 
be measured. The size 
of the image of an 
object nearer than 6 
metres can also be cal- 
culated, it being as- 
sumed that the eye is 
accommodated for the object. The angle subtended by the object, and 
therefore by its image in the retina, is spoken of as the visual angle. 
As the distance of.the nodal point from the retina in an emmetropic 

. Fic. 35.—Diagram showing formation of an image 
in reduced eye. 

eye is known (15:5 mm.), the size of the retinal image of an object 

is easily ascertained if the visual angle is measured. 

The limit of retinal discrimination corresponds with a visual angle 
of sixty seconds, that is, in order that two points of light may be 
distinguished as separate points they must subtend an angle at the 
nodal point of not less than sixty seconds. A visual angle of this size 
corresponds with the diameter of a single cone in the fovea centralis ; 
it subtends a base of 4:38 on the retina, and the cones in the fovea 
vary in diameter between 2 and 5p. 

The acuteness of vision is tested either by means of groups of dots 
of varying sizes or by means of special test types. The test card is 
usually placed at a distance of 6 metres from the eye to be tested, and 

SIE Coe eae! TOM Tie? ae NTT ee ET ee 

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at this range the distance between adjacent dots or the segments of the 

‘ various letters, as the case may be, subtends visual angles of known ~ 

size. The visual acuity is expressed as a fraction, of which the 
numerator is the distance in metres at which the test is made, and 
the denominator is the distance at which the smallest type read 
should be distinguished by an emmetropic eye, as, for example, 6/6 
(normal), 6/9, 6/12, and so on. 


An emmetropic eye at rest is in focus for parallel rays, that is, for 
rays coming from a distance of 6 metres or more. The images of 
objects within this distance are brought to a focus on the retina by 
an effort of accommodation. The essential part of the act of accom- 
modation is that the crystalline lens becomes more convex, so that 
divergent rays are brought toa 
focus on the retina. On looking 
obliquely into an eye which is 
being accommodated for a near 
object, the alteration in shape of 
the lens can be observed. The 
iris can be seen to move forward 
because of the increasing con- 

a b ¢ a b is) 
1 2 
Fic, 36.—Sanson’s images, (1) with eye 

vexity of the lens. The altera- 
tion in shape is limited to the 
anterior surface, and this can 

at rest, (2) during accommodation, 
(Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 

a, images from anterior surface of cornea: 3}, 

from anterior surface of lens; c, from 

osterior surface of lens. 
be demonstrated by means of j 

Sanson’s images, which are most conveniently observed with the help of 
an instrument known as the phakoscope. This consists of a triangular 
box with truncated angles. At one angle is an aperture for the eye 
of the observer, at another an opening for the observed eye, at the 
third two triangular openings for the admission of light. Opposite 

the observed eye is another opening in which a wire is placed. The 

person who is being observed first relaxes his accommodation by looking 
through the aperture opposite to him at an imaginary distant object. 
The source of light is seen to be reflected from his eye at three positions, 
namely, the anterior surface of the cornea, and the anterior and posterior 
surfaces of the lens (Sanson’s images). The images reflected from the 
anterior surfaces of the cornea and lens are erect; that from the 
posterior surface of the lens is small and inverted. If the observed eye 
be accommodated for the wire opposite it, the middle image only is 
altered, coming nearer the anterior image and becoming smaller in size 
(fig. 36). This shows that the anterior surface of the lens moves forward 


in accommodation, and also that it becomes more convex. The absence 
of movement of the other images indicates that the cornea and posterior 
surface of the lens remain stationary during accommodation. 

The Mechanism of Accommodation.—The lens is an elastic structure, 
and, as has already been stated, it is enclosed in a capsule which is 
connected with the ciliary processes by the suspensory ligament. The 
contents of the eyeball exert a pressure or tension on the coats of the 
eye, amounting normally to the equivalent of 25 mm. of mercury. 
In consequence of this tension the suspensory ligament exerts a pull 
on the lens capsule, and the convexity of the anterior surface of the 
lens is in this way diminished. When the lens is removed from the 

eye it assumes a more convex shape in virtue of its elasticity. The 

same change of shape takes place with the lens in position, when the 


Fic, 37.—Diagram showing mechanism of accommodation. : 
_ (After Helmholtz and Foster. ) 

a, suspensory ligament; }, ciliary muscle. 

tension of the suspensory ligament is diminished during accommodation 
by the action of the ciliary muscle. Contraction of the radial fibres 
of this muscle pulls forward the posterior part of the ciliary processes 
with the attached suspensory ligament, and in this way the latter is 
relaxed and the lens becomes more convex anteriorly in virtue of its 
elasticity (fig. 37). The circular fibres of the ciliary muscle also take 
part in accommodation, approximating the ciliary process to the lens 
by their contraction. The effect of contraction of the ciliary muscle 
may be demonstrated by two experiments: (1) by the action of eserine, 
and (2) by the movement of a needle inserted into the ciliary processes. 
(1) When eserine is instilled into the human eye, it causes the ciliary 
muscle and sphincter of the iris to contract, and the slackening of the 
_ suspensory ligament can be shown by oscillations of the lens which 
take place when the head is quickly. moved.. (2) When the point of a 
needle is inserted into the ciliary processes in an animal, and the 
ciliary muscle is stimulated to contract, the end of the needle outside 

eT ee ee Ee ee 

Si ae ee eee oe 

+ Pee 


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So! et We ree a. 
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ee ea ee, en ee 


the eye moves backwards, showing that the point in the ciliary processes 
has been pulled forward. 

When the ciliary muscle contracts in accommodation, there occur 
at the same time contraction of the pupil and convergence of the eyes. 
The contraction of the pupil is effected by the sphincter pupille, and 
is of service in sharpening the definition of the image formed on the 
retina, just as the definition of an image in the photographic camera 
is improved by the use of a small diaphragm. The convergence of 
the eyes is effected by the contraction of the internal recti, and results 
in the image of the object looked at being formed on the fovea of 
each eye. 

In the emmetropic eye the far point (punctum remotum) of distinct 
vision is at infinite distance, while the near point (punctwm proximum) 
varies with age. The elasticity of the lens, and consequently the range 
of accommodation, diminish steadily as age advances, and the near point 
therefore gradually recedes. This is shown in the following table :— 

Range of 
Age. Accommodation | Near Point. 
in Dioptres. 

10 14 7 cm, 
20 10 10- >, 
30. 7 if een 
40 4°D ee ae 
50 2°5 40 ,, 
60 1 100 ,, 
70 0°25 400 ,, 

In civilised life the power of accommodation is called into play more 
for reading than for any other purpose, and it will be seen from the 
table that between the ages of forty and fifty the near point recedes to 
a greater distance than it is convenient to hold a book. Moreover, it ‘is 
found that the prolonged effort of accommodation required for reading 
cannot be kept up if more than three-fourths of the total power of 
accommodation is being utilised. It is therefore necessary, usually about 
“the age of forty-five, to supplement the mechanism of accommodation for 
reading or other near work by the use of convex lenses of such strength 
as to bring the near point to a range of about 25 cm. or ten inches. 
The term presbyopia is used to indicate the failure of accommodation 
which occurs about the age of forty-five. 

Accommodation is a voluntary act, and is peculiar in that respect 
in that the ciliary muscle and the sphincter pupille are composed of 
smooth muscle. Both these muscles, as well as the internal recti, are 


supplied by the third cerebral nerve. Definite groups of nerve cells 
can be localised in the nucleus. of the third nerve for each muscle 
supplied by it, stimulation of particular areas in the nucleus being 
followed by contraction of particular muscles. The groups of cells for 
the ciliary muscle, sphincter pupille, and internal recti lie close 
together in the anterior part of the nucleus; and the centre for the 
internal rectus on each side is connected with that of the sixth nerve 
of the same side, so that when the internal rectus contracts there is 
reciprocal relaxation of the external rectus of the same eye. 


The condition of the normal or standard eye is called emmetropia, 
and any departure from the standard is known as ametropia. When 
the antero-posterior diameter of the 
eyeball is too short, so that parallel 
rays are focussed behind the retina, 
the condition is called hypermetro- 
pia ; when the antero-posterior dia- 
meter is unduly long, so that parallel 
rays are focussed in front of the 
retina, the term myopia is used to 
indicate the defect (fig. 38); when - 
the rays of light entering the eye in 
one meridian are refracted to a 
greater or less degree than those 
which enter in another meridian, the 
condition is spoken of as astigmatism 
(fig. 39). 

A moderate degree of hyper- 

metropia does not necessarily involve 
Fic. 38.—-Diagrams of course taken by 
parallel rays on entering the eye. 
(Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) is usually compensated by increased 

A, an emmetropic; B, a hypermetropic; and. power of the ciliary muscle, so that 
C, a myopic eye. 

defective vision, because the defect. 

rays of light are focussed on the 
retina by an increased use of the accommodative mechanism already 
described. The extra strain involved in this compensatory effort, 
however, often leads to unpleasant symptoms, and it is advisable 
in many cases of hypermetropia to correct the error by the use of 
convex spectacles. 
Myopia cannot be overcome by any accommodative act, and 
distinct vision of distant objects can only be obtained in a myopic eye 
by the use of concave spectacles, which cause the rays of light entering 

~~ ee ee 

Eg ee eee 

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a? a Mane a at eee GO ate 


the eye to diverge in such a way that they are focussed on the 

Astigmatism is usually due eb unequal Saenbais of the cornea, the 
commonest form showing a greater convexity in the vertical than in 
the horizontal meridian. In other words, the cornea is not spherical, 
but resembles the back of a spoon. Consequently the rays entering the 
eye in the meridian of greater curvature are brought to a focus in front 
of those which enter in the meridian of lesser curvature (fig. 39), and 
as a result the eye cannot focus both bars of a cross simultaneously. 
The defect is counteracted by the wearing of cylindrical lenses, that 
is, lenses which resemble a vertical section of the superficial part of a 
cylindrical glass rod. 

Fic. 39.—Diagram to show the course of rays in an astigmatic eye. (Waller.) 
From Starling’s Principles of Fhysiology. : 

The rays (from P) in the vertical meridian, vv, come to a focus sooner than those in the 
orizontal meridian, hh. 

The unit of measurement for degrees of refractive error and. for the 
strength of compensating lenses is the dioptre. This term indicates a 
lens of such a strength that by it parallel rays are brought to a focus 
at one metre distance. A 2 dioptre (2D) lens has a focal distance of 
half a metre, ‘a 3D lens of a third of a metre, a $D lens of two. metres, 
and so on. 


The crystalline lens, like other lenses, has greater refractive power 
at its periphery than towards its centre, and consequently rays which 
pass through it near its margin are brought to a focus sooner than 
those which pass through its centre, and give rise to a certain degree of 
blurring of the image on the retina. The unequal refraction which 
produces this result is known as spherical aberration, and it is corrected 
in the eye (1) by the centre of the lens being denser and more highly 
refractive than the peripheral portion, and (2) by the iris acting as a 
diaphragm and cutting off the peripheral rays. 

By chromatic aberration is meant a fault common to all lenses and 
shared by the crystalline lens, whereby each sector of the lens acts as a 



prism, dispersing the coloured rays which are combined in white light. 
The rays at the violet end of the spectrum are of short wave-length 
and are more refrangible, and therefore come to a focus sooner than 
the rays of greater wave-length towards the red end of the spectrum. 
Consequently the images formed on the retina are surrounded by violet 
and red halos ; but these do not arouse any sensation, for two reasons : 
(1) because the rays of medium refrangibility, which are brought to a 
focus on the retina, are the most luminous, and the effect of the 
stimulation excited by these is to depress the sensitivity of the 
adjacent parts of the retina by contrast, and (2) because the visual 
apparatus is relatively insensitive to the rays at the extreme ends of 
the spectrum. | 


The pupil varies in size with the degree of light entering the eye 
and with other conditions, becoming smaller when the sphincter pupille 
contracts and wider on contraction of the dilator pupille: We have 
seen that the pupil contracts with accommodation, and that the result 
is improved definition of the image on the retina. The improvement 
is due to the cutting off of the peripheral rays, with the consequent 
correction of spherical aberration. ‘Secondly, the iris regulates the 
amount of light entering the eye, and so protects the retina from over- 
stimulation. If the intensity of the light is gradually increased, the 
pupil does not contract, but if the increase is sudden, the pupil becomes 
smaller, and afterwards slowly returns to its former size as the retina 
becomes adapted to the increased stimulus. On the other hand, in a 
person in a dark room the pupils are widely dilated and remain in this 
condition until the eyes are once more exposed to light. The alteration 
of the pupil with varying degrees of light is due in mammals to a 
reflex nervous mechanism, the optic nerve conveying the afferent 
impulses, and the third nerve and sympathetic fibres the efferent 
impulses, to the sphincter and dilator of the pupil respectively. The 
fibres to the sphincter travel by the ciliary ganglion and short ciliary 
nerves, and stimulation of these in any part of their course is followed 
by constriction of the pupil, while section of the third nerve is followed 
by dilatation. The dilator fibres emerge from the spinal cord by the 
first two thoracic anterior roots, and run up in the cervical sympathetic 
to the superior cervical ganglion, from which post-ganglionic fibres run 
along the internal carotid artery to the Gasserian ganglion, where they 
join the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve and travel to the dilator 
fibres of the iris by the nasal branch and the long ciliary nerves 
(fig. 40). Section of the cervical sympathetic nerve is followed by con- 

Pe ee a ee 



traction of the pupil, and stimulation of the distal end leads to dilata- 
tion. As section of the third nerve is followed by dilatation and section 
of the sympathetic by contraction of the pupil, it is obvious that tonic 
impulses are constantly passing along both nerves. The fact that 
dilatation of the pupil is due to active contraction of the radial muscle 
fibres of the iris, and not merely to relaxation of the sphincter, is proved 
by two experiments. (1) Localised stimulation of the periphery of the 
iris leads to contraction of that part : 
of the iris only, and (2) if a sector 
of the iris be separated by two radial 
cuts it will contract, either on local 
stimulation or on stimulation of the 
sympathetic nerve in the neck, The 
sympathetic root of the ciliary gang- 
lion contains vaso-constrictor fibres 
for the vessels of the eye. 
In man, and in other animals in 
which there is a partial decussation of 
the optic nerves, the reflex contraction 
of the pupil to light is bilateral, that 
is, light falling on one eye leads to 
contraction of both pupils. This is 
due to the fact that by means of the 
decussation each optic nerve forms 
connections with both superior corpora 
quadrigemina, and thus with the 
nuclei of both third nerves. If one 
optic nerve is atrophied, the pupil 
of that eye will contract when light 
falls on the other eye, but not when 

Fie. 40.—Scheme of the nerves 
the eye (after Foster). 

light falls on the affected eye. giles ayant rig aoe a, third nerve; 
5 5 . , Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion ; 

Contraction of the pupil occurs c, nasal branch of fifth nerve: d, ciliary 
not only as a result of the light Shoe clliare fs S00 PEATE: RAFTER dh 

reflex, but also from other causes. 
The various factors which bring about diminution in the size of the 
pupil are : | 
1. Light falling on the retina, giving the reflex effect already described. 
2. (a) Accommodation, (6) Sleep. In both of these conditions the 
contraction of the pupil is an associated condition. In accommodation, 
it occurs simultaneously with the contraction of other muscles supplied 
by the same nerve; in sleep the eyes are rotated upwards and inwards, 
and the pupils contract in association with the convergence. 



3. Drugs. Morphia taken internally, and eserine or pilocarpine, 

either taken internally or applied directly to the eye, cause the pupil to 

contract. Contraction also takes place in the third stage of chloroform 
or ether anzesthesia. 

Dilatation of the pupil occurs : 

(1) On the removal of the light stimulus from the eye. 

(2) As a result of stimulation of sensory nerves. 

(3) In emotional conditions, such as fear. 

(4) From the action of drugs, for example, from the internal admini- 
stration or local application of atropine, or from the local application 
or intravenous injection of adrenalin. The pupil is also dilated in the 
early stages of chloroform or ether anesthesia. 


When light falls upon the eye it excites chemical, histological, and 
electrical changes in the retina. 

The Chemical Changes.—We have seen that the outer segments of 
the rods contain a substance called rhodopsin or visual purple. 
Rhodopsin can be dissolved out of the retina by a solution of bile salts, 
and it is rapidly decolorised on exposure to light. If an animal be 
kept in the dark for some time and then killed and its retina examined, 
the latter will be of a deep red colour, which soon fades on exposure to 
light. If, on the other hand, the eyes have been exposed to bright light 
the retina is pale. The effect of light in bleaching rhodopsin is in pro- 
portion to its intensity, so that if a rabbit is kept in the dark for a 
time and then its eye is exposed opposite a window, a picture of the 
window, called an optogram, is formed on the retina; in the optogram 
the window pane areas are bleached, while the rhodopsin is not 
decolorised in the shaded parts corresponding with the bars. As 
visual purple is not present in the cones, the fovea does not show this 
chemical change. | 

The Histological Changes.—In an eye which has been exposed to light 
fine processes of the pigment cells are found to extend between the 
rods and cones, the processes themselves being laden with pigment 
granules, whereas if the animal has been kept in darkness before the 
examination of its eye, the cells of the pigment layer are flat, the pro- 
cesses being retracted. Further, in some animals, for example the frog, 
the cones are retracted on exposure to: light and extended when the 
animal is kept in darkness (fig. 41). The cells of the pigment layer 
have the power of restoring the visual purple, for when a retina, which 
has been bleached by exposure to light, is laid upon the pigment layer, 
rhodopsin again appears in the rods. 

Vie! le aca! ge ied I © 


a = I ae 


The Electrical Changes.—When an excised eye is placed in circuit 
with a string galvanometer, it is found that a current passes through | 
the eye from the posterior to the anterior pole. When light is allowed 
to fall upon the retina, there is first a small negative variation of 
this current, followed by a marked positive variation. 


The layer of rods and cones is the part of the retina in which the 
impulses are excited which give rise to visual sensations. This is 
proved by three facts. (1) In the fovea, which is the area for most 

se, seal i ib au 23 
Fic, 41.—Sections of the frog’s retina. (From Starling’s 
Principles of Physiology. ) 

A, after exposure to light. B, kept in the dark. (Engelmann.) 

distinct vision, cones only are present, the other layers of the retina 
being absent. (2) No sensation is excited when light falls on the 
optic disc, where the rods and cones are absent and nerve fibres only 
are present. The optic disc is therefore called the blind spot, and it 
is to be noted that there is no sensation of darkness arising from it, 
but merely the absence of any sensation at all. The existence of the 
blind spot can be demonstrated in the following way. If the left eye 
be élosed and the right eye gaze steadily at the cross in fig. 42, and 
if the book be moved to and fro, it will be found that at a distance of 
about eight inches from the eye the white circle will disappear. The 
black background will appear to be continuous, showing that the gap 
is: unconsciously filled up. (3) The level of the layer which is stimu- 
lated by light can be determined by means of Purkinje’s images. If, 
in a darkened room, a strong beam of light is focussed on. the sclera 
just external to the cornea, images of the retinal vessels will be seen. 


If the position of the light is altered, that of the images will also change. 
The degree of displacement of the light and that of the displacement 
of the images, as well as the distance of the latter from the eye, 
being known, the distance between the retinal vessels and the layer 
of the retina which is stimulated by the shadows can be calculated ; 
and it is found in this way that the structures which are stimulated 
correspond in position with the layer of rods and cones. The 
appearance of Purkinje’s images is due to the fact that the light, 
falling from an unusual direction, casts the shadow of the vessels on 
a part of the retina unaccustomed to such a stimulus. | 

Inasmuch as the rods and cones are of different structure, it is to 
be expected that their functions also differ, and there is evidence that 

Fie. 42,—(Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 

this is the case. The cones are most abundant in the central area of 
the retina, and the rods are in greater proportion in the peripheral 
part. Associated with this distribution is the fact that central vision 
is more distinct in ordinary light and peripheral vision more distinct 
in dim lights. Thus a star which is seen by indirect, or peripheral, 
vision, may be invisible when the eye is directed towards it. This 
fact suggests that the cones are adapted for vision in good light and 
the rods for use in dim light, an assumption which is supported by a 
comparative study of the retina in animals. In most birds, which 
go to roost when twilight falls, or even when the sky is obscured by 
heavy clouds, cones only are present. In owls and bats, on the other 
hand, which are nocturnal in their habits, there are only rods. 
The study of the field of vision for colour shows that whereas the 
central area of the retina is responsive to all coloured rays, the 
periphery is colour-blind. Moreover, all parts of the retina are colour- 
blind in dim light. 

It is justifiable, therefore, to believe that the cones are functional. 
in good light, and are responsive to stimulation by white and coloured 
a . . . . 
rays, whereas the rods come into play in dim lights and are colour- 



blind. It may further be assumed that the function of rhodopsin ig, 

to sensitise the sods and go mike them morecxsitablento thease’ 
stimuli for which they..are-.adepted. 

Adaptation.—If two persons enter a room in which there is a | 
moderate degree of light, one from bright daylight, the other after 
being for some time in a dark room, the former will experience a 
sensation of comparative darkness, whereas the latter may be dazzled. 
The eyes in the one case are light-adapted, in the other dark-adapted, 
and the condition of adaptation determines the degree of sensation 
produced by the stimulus. In the same way, if one goes out of doors 
froma lighted room at night, at first one must grope one’s way, but 
objects gradually become more distinct as the eyes become adapted to the 
darkness. After ten minutes the retina is twenty-five times as sensitive 
as it was on first leaving the bright light. Further, the dark-adapted 
eye is colour-blind, and must become light-adapted once again before 
colours can be recognised. 


Although the sensation of light can be excited by various forms 
of stimulus applied to the eye, for example by a blow, the adequate 
stimulus consists. of the waves in the ether which emanate’ from 
luminous bodies. The sensation of white light results from a com- 
pound stimulation, for white light can be dispersed into a series of 
rays of differing wave-length by passing it through a prism, each 
particular wave-length giving rise to a different quality of sensation 
known as colour, The dispersed rays constitute the spectrum of white 
light, and only some of these act as an adequate stimulus to the retina. 
The visible rays range from those which give rise to the sensation of 
red, with a wave-length of 760 millionths of a millimetre, through 
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo to violet, with a wave-length of 
397 millionths of a millimetre. The ultra-red and ultra-violet rays 
do not excite any visual sensation. 

The images formed upon the retina are merely records of light, 
shade, and possibly colour. Light and shade are due to varying 
intensity of white light. The fact that certain objects reflect only 
particular coloured rays depends upon their property of absorbing 
the rays which they do not reflect. Thus grass absorbs the rays from 
both ends of the spectrum and reflects those of the middle, while a 
scarlet poppy absorbs all the rays of short wave-length, reflecting only 
the longer waves of the red end of the spectrum. 

The invisibility of the ultra-violet rays, or at least of a certain 
number of them, is due to the fact that they are absorbed by the 



refractive media of the eye, especially by the lens. After removal of 
the lens for cataract, visual sensations may be excited by rays of as 
short wave-length as 313 millionths of a millimetre. The ultra-violet 
rays are described as actinic, because they can be detected by their 
effect on silver salts, for example in a photographic plate. 

The ultra-red rays, on the other hand, are not absorbed by the 
refractive media of the eye, but are invisible because they do not 
form an adequate stimulus for the end-organs of the retina. They 
are heat rays, and can be detected by means of a thermometer. 

The impulses excited in the retina pass to the occipital lobes of 
the cerebral hemispheres by the tracts already described (p. 90), 
those from the left half of each retina reaching the left occipital lobe, 
and those from the right halves passing to the right lobe. Each tract 
has cell stations in the thalamus and the external geniculate body. 
The fovea of the retina is represented bilaterally in the brain. 

The impulses conveyed by the optic tracts reach the visuo-sensory 
area of the cortex, and by means of association fibres are transmitted 
to the visuo-psychic area. They are then passed on to the great 
association areas, and, with the aid of the memory of previous visual, 
tactile, and other sensations, visual judgments are formed, as regards 
size and distance, shape, depth, and other properties of the objects 
seen. In connection with the production of visual sensations we have 
to consider the time required to excite a sensation, the duration of 
the effect of a stimulus, the result of variations in the degree of 
stimulation, the effect of adaptation, contrast and fatigue, and, sinh 
the nature of the sensation. 

A certain interval must elapse between the application of a stimulus 
to the rods and cones and the production of sensation. This latent 
period has not been measured, but it has been ascertained that the 
reaction time for sight is rather longer than that for hearing or for 
stimulation of the skin. By reaction time is meant the time taken 
to make a voluntary movement in response to a given stimulus. This 
includes time taken in the receptor organ, in the afferent nerve fibres 
with their intermediate cell stations, in the sensory and psychic areas 
of the cortex, in the association area and the motor area, and, finally, 
in the efferent path and in the effector organ. The reaction time for 
sight is usually about one-fifth of a second, for hearing about one- 
seventh, and for skin stimulation rather less. 

More definite information is available as to the dwration of the 
effect of a stimulus. If a bright electric light is looked at for a few 
seconds and then the eyes are closed, the image of the light will persist 
for a short time and then fade away. This is known as a positive 


after-image, and is best seen on waking from sleep. The same per- 
sistence of sensation is the cause of the solid appearance of the spokes 
in a rapidly revolving wheel. The normal duration of the visual 
sensation can be measured by means of revolving discs on which are 
black and white sectors. If the gaze be directed to such a disc while 
it is revolving slowly, the separate sectors can be distinguished. With 
an increased speed of revolution the disc appears to be of a uniform 
shade of grey, at first producing a sensation of ‘‘flicker,” and later, 
as the rate of rotation increases, and fusion is complete, showing a 
uniform and steady grey appearance. If the rate of rotation at which 
| complete fusion occurs and the size of the sectors are known, it can 
: be calculated that the duration of each impression on the retina after 
the withdrawal of the stimulus is about one-fiftieth of a second. The 
fusion of sensations is comparable with the fusion of single muscular 
contractions to produce tetanus. 


The various colour sensations are due to stimulation of the retina 
by rays of different wave-length, and it has long been a subject of 
discussion as to whether the various qualities of visual sensation are 
associated with stimulation of different end-organs or different 
chemical substances in the retina, Many theories have been put 
forward, but none of these accounts for all the facts, and only two 
need be mentioned here. 

The Young-Helmholtz. theory postulates the presence in the retina 
of three photo-chemical substances, one of which is susceptible to 
stimulation by the spectral red rays, and to a diminishing extent by 
the other rays from the orange to the violet; a second, which is affected 
chiefly by the green rays and to a less extent by those toward either 
end of the spectrum; and a third, which is mostly affected by the 
violet rays, and to a diminishing extent by the remainder of the 
spectrum from indigo to red. Stimulation of all three substances to 

: an equal extent excites the sensation of white. Stimulation mainly 

| confined to the red substance gives the sensation of red, whereas equal 

stimulation of the red and green substances with slight affection of the 
violet substance gives rise to the sensation of yellow. The other 
| colour sensations are excited in the same way by varying degrees of 

: stimulation of the three substances. 

On this theory there are three primary sensations, and the 

hypothesis finds its chief support in the facts connected with colour 

: blindness. Total colour blindness is rare, but about 4 per cent. of 
European males are partially colour blind, the commonest form being 


an inability to distinguish between red and green. This defect is 
associated in some cases with an absence of sensation from the rays of 
the red end of the spectrum, while in others there is no inability to 
\ distinguish the spectral red. Cases of the former type are red-blind, 
of the latter green-blind, and on the Young-Helmholtz theory they are 
accounted for by the absence “ the red and green elements respectively 
from the retina, 

According to Hering’s theory there are four instead of thes primary 
colour sensations—red, green, blue, and yellow. These are arranged in 
pairs, the two colours in each pair being complementary or antagonistic. 
If a circular disc, coloured one half red and the other half green, is 
rotated rapidly, the sensations of red and green will be fused and the 
resulting sensation will be grey, or absence of colour. The same fact 
holds for blue and yellow. Red and green on the one hand and blue 
and yellow on the other are therefore antagonistic colours. On 
Hering’s theory there are three photo-chemical substances in the 
retina, each of which arouses a different sensation according as it is 
undergoing assimilation or dissimilation. One of these substances is 
broken down when stimulated by red rays and built up when green 
rays fall upon it; the second undergoes dissimilation or katabolism 
under the influence of yellow, and assimilation or anabolism under the 
influence of blue rays; the third is broken down by white light and 
built up again in the absence of light. 

Hering’s theory does not account for the shortening of the red end 
of the spectrum in those colour-blind persons who cannot distinguish 
red from green, but it is supported by the effects of fatigue of the 
visual apparatus and by the facts of simultaneous and successive 
contrast. — . 

Fatigue of the mechanism connected with visual sensations can be 
demonstrated by looking fixedly at a bright object for a short time and 
then transferring the gaze to a white surface, when a dark spot or 
negative after-image will be seen, corresponding with the position 
on the retina of the image of the bright object. Owing to the fatigue 
of the part of the apparatus already stimulated, the white paper does 
not excite the same sensation in it as in the remainder of the retina. 
It may be supposed that the white-black substance undergoes active 
katabolic change as the result of the excessive stimulus, and that 
this is succeeded by anabolism when the intensity of the stimulus is 

The effect of stemultaneous contrast may be shown by placing a disc 
or cross of grey paper on a coloured sheet, and covering the whole with 
tissue paper. The grey will appear green on a red background, red on 


a green, blue on a yellow, and yellow on a blue, the grey strip in each 
case assuming the colour complementary to that of the background. 
This phenomenon is supposed by Hering to be due to dissimilation of 
any one of the three photo-chemical substances in part of the retina, 
this being accompanied by assimilatory changes in the same substance 
in the adjacent parts of the retina (or the converse), a process known 

‘‘retinal induction.” 

> ihioeesiéi contrast is seen if one gazes at a coloured disc, for 
- example red, for half a minute or a minute, and then transfers the gaze 
to a white sheet. The complementary colour will be seen on the sheet : 
it is green if the original disc be red, blue if it be yellow, and so on, and 
it constitutes one form of negative after-image. On Hering’s theory the 
after-image is due to anabolic changes following katabolic, or vice versa. 
On another theory, however, the phenomenon is ascribed to changes in 
the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere. 


In a state of rest the two eyeballs lie in the orbital cavities with 
their optic axes projecting horizontally forwards and parallel with each 
other. Conjugate movements of the two eyes take place, either 
upwards or downwards, or to the right or left; or certain of these 
movements may be combined or may be accompanied by rotation of 
the eyeballs. Further, during accommodation there is a movement 
_of convergence of the eyeballs. 

These various movements take ‘place about the three principal 
axes of each eyeball, the antero-posterior, vertical, and horizontal 
axes, and are effected by the six extra-ocular muscles of each eye. 
The cornea is rotated upwards and inwards by the superior rectus, 
upwards and outwards by the inferior oblique, and directly upwards 
by the combined action of these two muscles. The inferior rectus 
rotates the cornea downwards and inwards, the superior oblique turns 
it downwards and outwards, and both these muscles together turn it 
directly downwards ; the internal rectus rotates the eyeball inwards, 
the external rectus turns it outwards. The cornea may be rotated 
into intermediate positions by the combined action of two or more 
muscles acting together. When any one musclé contracts there is 
reciprocal relaxation of its antagonist ; thus contraction of the internal 
rectus is accompanied by relaxation of the external rectus of the 
same eye. 

The external rectus is supplied by the sixth, the superior oblique 
by the fourth, and the remaining muscles, together with the levator 
palpebree superioris, by the third cerebral nerve. 


In man vision is binocular, and the eyeballs always move together 
in such a way that the image of the object looked at falls on the fovea 
of each eye. If the object is a distant one, the visual axes are parallel ; 
if the object is a near one, there is convergence of the visual axes. In 
either case objects which are not in the direct line of vision fall on 
“corresponding points” of the two retine. Ii the mechanism for 
combined movements fails for any reason, the images of external 
- objects are not formed on See points, and double vision, or 
diplopia, results. 


When an object is looked at its image is formed on the fovea, 
and it is seen distinctly. This is known as “direct vision.” At the 
| same time, surrounding 
objects are focussed on 
the retina outside the 
fovea and are seen less 
distinctly. This is 
known as “indirect 
vision.” The extent of 
the outer world  in- 
cluded in both direct 
and indirect vision con- 
stitutes the visual field, 
and is measured by 
means of an instrument 
called the perimeter. <A 
simple form of this con- 
sists of a graduated arc 

Fic. 43,—Perimetric chart for right eye, showing fields Which can be moved 
for white, blue (and yellow), red, and green. ; as d 
(After Howell. ) into any meridian, an 

which is provided with 
a white spot at its axis. The subject closes one eye, and with the other 
gazes steadily at the white spot. A white or coloured object is then 
moved from the extreme end of the arc until it comes into the field of 
vision, when its position is recorded on a chart. This is repeated for 
other meridians, and then the recorded points are connected on the 
chart by lines, thus giving a map of the field of vision. The field for a 
white object is larger than that for a coloured object, and, of the 
primary colours, blue and.yellow have the largest field and green the 
smallest, while red is intermediate (fig. 43). 

The field for white extends to 90° on the temporal side, about 80° 

ie) SC a an 



downwards, 65° to the nasal side, and 50° upwards. The field on the 
nasal side is obstructed by the bridge of the nose, but the area of the - 
retina on which the obstructed rays would fall is insensitive. When 
both eyes are in use, the. fields of vision overlap, so that the combined 
field extends to 65° on either side of the central point, that is, the 
point which is focussed on the fovea. 


The flat picture formed on the retina gives rise to sensations of 
light, colour, and shade. These sensations are conveyed to the associa- 
tion areas of the brain, where the interpretation of the picture, or visual 
judgment, takes place. If, for the sake of simplicity, the image of a 
single object be considered, judgments are formed as to its position in 
space, its distance from the eye, its size, form, and solidity. These 
judgments are based partly on the visual sensation, partly on previous 
experience derived not only from vision but also from the other senses. 
A new-born infant is unable to interpret its visual sensations, but it 
gradually learns to correlate these with tactile and other impressions, 
until finally the visual sensation alone conveys impressions which at 
first were dependent on other senses as well as that of sight. | 

An object can be localised as the result of experience that an image 
on a given part of the retina corresponds with a definite position in 
space. The image on the retina is inverted, but the object is seen in 
the upright position because the interpretation of the image is again 
the result of experience. The retina, in fact, acquires “local sign.” 

Experience also enters largely into judgments of size and distance, 
and the latter are closely related to each other. If the size of an 
object is known, its distance is estimated by the visual angle which it 
subtends ; in other words, by the size of its image on the retina. On 
the other hand, if the distance of an unfamiliar object is known, its 
size can be judged in the same way. Other factors, however, enter into 
judgments of distance. If the object is close at hand, the degree of 
convergence of the eyes and of accommodation required to see it distinctly 
are of assistance. The importance of convergence can be shown by 
holding a pencil vertically about 40 cm. from the face and attempting 
to touch it from one side with another pencil, first with one eye closed, 
and then with both eyes open. If the object is distant, its outline is 
more or less indistinct, owing to the fact that the atmosphere is never 
perfectly transparent, and the degree of blurring varies with the distance. 
The estimation of the size and distance of an unfamiliar object at an 
unknown distance is assisted by comparison with other objects which 


are more familiar, and the relation in space of. which to the unfamiliar 
object can be determined. 

The judgment of solidity is ionetiiated mainly on binocular vision. 
A solid object not too far away from the eyes gives rise to a slightly 
different image in each eye, and the fusion of these images in conscious- 
ness results in the idea of solidity. The same fact is made use of in 
connection with the stereoscope. Two pictures taken from slightly 
different points of view are fused by means of prisms, and in this way 
give the impression of depth which cannot be obtained from a single 
flat picture. 

Binocular vision is thus of the greatest importance in assisting the 
formation of judgments of the solidity of objects, and still more in 

estimating accurately the position 

‘ * i U7 of those which are close at hand. 
It follows, therefore, that whereas 
the permanent loss of an eye 
involves a certain diminution of 
the field of vision, it also involves 
the much greater disadvantage 
of increasing the difficulty of 
making the visual judgments on 
which depend the performance of 
accurate mechanical work. 



Tne. 44.—Z@llner’ ee (Starling’ It follows from what has 
| a of Phys I been said as to the interpreta- 

tion of visual sensations that the 
judgments based upon these are exceedingly fallible, and that this 
is so is a matter of everyday knowledge. Judgments based upon 
experience are biassed by that experience, as is well shown by the 
accompanying illustration (fig. 44), in which parallel lines appear 
to be alternately convergent and divergent because of the short 
oblique cross lines. Another simple illustration may be made by taking 
two straight lines of equal length and drawing divergent lines away 
from the ends of the one and centralwards from the ends of the other, 
when the former will appear the longer of the two. 

a ? 


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The ear consists of three parts, the outer, middle, and inner ear. 
The outer ear consists of the pinna and the external auditory meatus. 
The pinna is functionless in man, but in some of the lower animals it 
serves to collect the sound waves and conduct them to the meatus, 
along which they are transmitted to the- membrana tympani. The 
meatus is about 2°5 cm. in length, and is directed inwards and forwards. 
It is slightly curved in its course, the-convexity of the curve being 
upwards ; in consequence of the curve itis difficult for foreign bodies 

to reach the membrana tympani, which stretches a across the inner end 

of the meatus. f 

The middle ear or tympanic cavity consists: of a chamber in the 
temporal bone containing a chain of ossicles by which the sound waves 
are transmitted to the interna (fig. 45). The cavity is bounded 
laterally by the membrana tympani) its medial, superior, inferior, and 
posterior walls are bony, and anteriorly it exhibits two openings, that 
of the Eustachian tubé (auditory tube) below, and the canal for the 
tensor tympani muscle above. 

The membrana tympani, which separates the external from the 
middle ear, lies obliquely, and is shaped like a shallow funnel with the 
concavity outwards, the central depression being called the umbo. The 
membrane is semi-tra is composed of three layers, an outer 
cutaneous layer continuous with the skin lining the ‘meatus, an inner 
mucous layer formed of the mucous membrane lining the tympanic 
cavity, and a middle fibrous layer pampered of radial. and circular 
fibres. . 

Two openings are present in the troilind wall of the tympanic cavity, 
both bridged across by membrane in the fresh condition. - One, the 
fenestra ovalis (fenestra vestibuli), is oval in shape; the other, the 
fenestra rotunda (fenestra cochlez), lies below and behind the fenestra 

The ossicles of the middle ear are three in number, the malleus, incus, 
and stapes. The malleus, or hammer bone, consists of a head and two 
processes, the longer of which (the handle) is attached to the tympanic 
membrane, its tip reaching to the umbo, while the shorter process, the 
processus gracilis, projects anteriorly. The posterior surface of the head 
of the malleus articulates with the body of the incus by a saddle- 


shaped joint of such a nature that, when the head of the malleus moves 
outwards, a cog-like process upon it is locked in a corresponding depres- 
sion on the incus. If, however, the head of the malleus moves inwards, 
the joint surfaces separate, and in this way traction on the membrane j 
enclosing the internal ear is avoided. The incus, or anvil bone, consists | 
of a body and two processes (crura). The body articulates with the 
malleus, and the longer of the two processes with the stapes. The 
stapes, or stirrup bone, articulates by its head with the long crus of 
the incus, and its base is attached to the membrane which closes the 

eather tepid nti hahaha ialiial 

ee ee eee ee ee ete 2 ae oe ae ee ee 

D _ Chain of 7 
Semicircular canals ossicles. 1 
opening into" ~~ ~ ~~~ 
ee ee Membrana ~ 


| Fic, 45.—Scheme of ear. (After Landois. ) 

fenestra ovalis. The head of the malleus is attached by an anterior, 
a superior, and a lateral ligament to the wall of the tympanic cavity, ) 
and the short process of the incus is attached by a ligament to the ! 
posterior wall of the cavity. As the result of these attachments the 
malleus and incus can be rotated only around an axis which passes 
through the processus gracilis of the malleus and the short process of 
the incus. This movement of rotation takes place when the handle 
of the malleus moves inwards with the membrana tympani, the head of 4 
the malleus and body of the incus moving outwards, and. the long 
process of the incus moving inwards and exerting pressure through the 
stapes on the membrane in the fenestra ovalis. The movements of the 


ossicles are controlled to some extent by the tensor tympani, which is 
inserted near the root of the handle of the malleus, and the stapedius, — 
which is inserted into the neck of the stapes. 

The Eustachian tube connects the cavity of the tympanum with 
that of the pharynx. It is generally closed, but is opened each time — 
swallowing occurs. When it opens, the air pressure in the middle ear is 
adjusted to that of the atmosphere, and in this way the tympanic 
structures are protected from the injurious effects of too small or too 
great a pressure on the membrana tympani. 


The internal ear consists of a series of cavities in the temporal bone, 
forming the osseous labyrinth, within which is a corresponding series 
of membranous structures, the membranous labyrinth. The osseous 
labyrinth contains a clear fluid, the perilymph; the membranous 
labyrinth is filled with a similar fluid, the endolymph. 

The anterior portion of the labyrinth, or cochlea, contains the end- 
organs of hearing; the posterior part is concerned with the sense of 
position, and will be described later. 

The Cochlea.—The cochlea consists of a tube coiled in a spiral 
fashion round a central bony modiolus and making altogether two and 
a half turns round the latter. A bony ridge projects from the modiolus. 
into the tube and is known as the osseous spiral lamina; attached to 
this is a membrane, the basilar membrane, which_ extends. to the outer 
wall of the tube, where it meets a fibrous projection, the spiral ] ligament. 
A relatively thick layer of connective tissue, the lambus lamine spiralis, 
rests on the osseous spiral lamina, and ends abruptly near the basilar 
membrane by an overhanging border. A delicate membrane, the 
vestibular membrane or membrane of Reissner, is attached to the 
upper surface of the limbus and to the wall of the tube in such a way 
as to cut off a portion, triangular in area, known as the canal of the 
cochlea (ductus cochlearis). The bony tube is thus divided by the 
membrane of Reissner and the osseous spiral lamina with the basilar 
membrane into three divisions, the scala vestibuli above Reissner’s 
membrane, the canal of the cochlea already described, and the scala 
tympani. The scala vestibuli and scala tympani form part of the 
bony labyrinth and communicate at the apex of the cochlea by the 
helicotrema. The scala tympani is closed at its lower end by the 
membrane in the fenestra rotunda. The scala vestibuli and scala 
tympani contain perilymph. The canal of the cochlea forms part of 
the membranous labyrinth and contains endolymph. “It communicates 



with the saccule of the posterior part of the membranous labyrinth by 
a fine tube, the canalis rewnrens. . . 
The Organ of Corti.—The end-organ for hearing lies in the canal 
of the cochlea and is called the organ of Corti. It consists of a 
_ specialised epithelium resting on the basilar membrane (fig. 46). On 
section the epithelium is seen to be arranged in relation with two rows 
of rod-like cells, the rods of Corti, which are inclined towards each other 
in such a way as to form a tunnel. The basal ends of the rods are 
expanded, and in the angle which each forms with the basilar membrane 
is a small nucleated mass of protoplasm. The free end of each outer 
rod is shaped like the head of a swan, the back of it fitting into the 
end of the inner rod, which resembles the proximal end of the ulna. 

as ———---~-~o 

Fic. 46.—Structure of organ of Corti (diagrammatic). 

a, membrana tectoria; b, hair cell; c, basilar membrane; d, rods of 
Corti; e, cochlear nerve fibres and (on the left) spiral ganglion. 

It is estimated that there are about 6000 inner, and about 4000 outer, 
rods. The heads of the outer rods are continued outwards as 
phalangeal processes which unite with corresponding processes on the 
outer supporting cells to form the reticular membrane. 

On either side of the rods of Corti are hair cells, a single row on 
the inner side, four or five rows on the outer side; the free ends of 
the outer cells occupy the apertures in the reticular membrane. The 
hair cells are supported by the cells of Deiters. Beyond the hair cells 
the supporting cells become shorter, and the epithelium is continuous 
with the flattened cells lining the canal of the cochlea. 

A thick membrane, the membrana tectoria, extends from the limbus 
laminee spiralis so as to rest upon the organ of Corti. 

The fibres of the cochlear nerve occupy the centre of the modiolus 
and are distributed along the spiral lamina. They are the central 
processes of the bipolar cells of the spiral ganglion, which lies in the 


spiral lamina. The peripheral processes of these cells emerge from the 
spiral lamina to be distributed as fibrils over the hair cells of the — 
organ of Corti. 


When sound waves fall upon the tympanic membrane they cause 
the latter to vibrate. The membrane has no periodicity of .its. own, 
partly because of its peculiarities of structure, and partly because its 
vibrations are damped by the attached handle of the malleus. With 
each inward movement of the membrane the handle of the malleus and 
the long process of the incus also move inwards, the latter carrying the 
stapes with it. The malleus and incus together form a lever, the 
fulcrum of which is the axis. of movement described above, the handle 
of the malleus being the power arm and the long process of the incus 
the load arm. The length of ‘the handle of the malleus is to that of 
the process of the ineus as 3 to 2,.and it therefore follows that’ the 
movement of the tympanic membrane is diminished ‘in amplitude in 
the proportion of 3-to 2, while at the same time it is increased in force 
by one half, or in the proportion of 2 to 3, - Further, as.the membrana 
tympani is twenty times the size of the membrane in the fenestra oyalis 
on which the vibrations are directed, it follows that the pressure of a 
sound wave on the membrana tympani is increased. to thirty times in’ 
its passage across the middle ear (3/2 x 20 = 30). nat 

The vibrations of the membrana tympani,: transmitted by the 
chain of ossicles to the fenestra_ovalis, set up corresponding vibrations 
in the perilymph; these- travel up the scala vestibuli and down 
the scala tympani. The wave in the perilymph is communicated. 
through the delicate membrane of Reissner to the endolymph of the 
canal of the cochlea, and thus the stimulus is conveyed to the organ of 
Corti. The increase of pressure in the canal of the cochlea is passed 
on to the scala tympani, causing the membrane which re the fenestra 
rotunda to bulge towards the middle ear. 

The adequate stimulus for the organ of Corti is the wave set up in 
the endolymph as the result of sound waves in the air. Sound waves 
consist in an alternate condensation and rarefaction of the gases of 
the atmosphere, and they travel through the air at a rate of about 
350 metres a second. They give rise to two kinds of sensation, one 
that of noise, when the sound waves follow each other irregularly, the | 
other that of a musical note, when the waves follow one Bnouher with 
a certain rhythm. 

Musical sounds vary in pitch, in intensity, and in timbre or quality. 

(1) Pitch depends on the rapidity of the vibrations constituting the 


note, and the more rapid the vibrations, the higher the pitch. The highest 
note which can be appreciated by the human auditory apparatus has a 
frequency of about 40,000 vibrations per second, but some animals can 
detect sounds of higher pitch than this. The lowest note used in 
music, that of the sixty-four foot organ pipe, has a frequency of sixteen 
vibrations per second, and gives an impression rather of vibration than 
of sound. : 

(2) Intensity or loudness depends on the amplitude of the vibrations 
giving rise to the note. This can be shown by recording the vibrations 
of a tuning fork on a moving drum, when it is seen that the more 
extensive the movement of the fork, the louder is the note produced 
by it. 3 

(3) Quality or tembre is due to the form of the wave. In the case 
of the tuning fork the wave is simple, and the note is a pure one 
uncombined with any secondary vibrations. The notes produced by 
musical instruments, on the other hand, owe their distinctive quality to 
the production of overtones, which combine with the fundamental note 
and produce a compound wave. A violin string, for example, not only 
vibrates as a whole, giving the fundamental note, but also vibrates in 
segments, producing the overtones which are due to the vibration of 
halves, thirds, fourths, and still smaller segments of the whole string. 
The particular quality of the tones produced by any instrument depends 
upon the number and degree of prominence of the particular overtones. 

When two notes are sounded together, the result may be, on the one 
hand, consonance or harmony, or, on the other hand, dissonance or dis- 
cord. Discord is due to the fact that the two notes have nearly the 
same vibratory period, with the result that at certain intervals the 
summit of one wave occurs at the same instant as the trough of the 
other, so that the two neutralise each other, causing a momentary 
silence. Later, the summits of the two waves will correspond, and the 
degree of sound will be momentarily increased. The rapidly alternating 
increase and diminution in volume of the sound wave constitutes what 
is called a beat, and gives rise to the jarring sensation known as discord. 
When two notes sounded together give a sensation of harmony, there 
are no such beats, the two waves being combined to form a compound 
wave of regular rhythm. 

The auditory mechanism is not only capable of appreciating sounds, 
but also of distinguishing differences of pitch within limits, and even, 
in the case of trained musicians, of analysing a combination of notes, 
sounded together, into its constituents. Various theories have been held 
as to the part played by the different structures in the cochlea and by 
the cerebral cortex itself in the discrimination of pitch, but it will only 

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be necessary here to state the known facts and the view, based upon 
these, which is most generally held. 3 

(1) It is a well-known physical fact that a string which vibrates 
with the rhythm of, say, middle C, will be thrown into vibration if that 
note is sounded near it. Similarly, if a vibrating tuning fork be held 
over the mouth of a tall glass jar and water be slowly poured into the 
jar, when the water is at a certain depth the sound of the tuning fork 
will be intensified by the resonance of the column of air in the jar. 

(2) From the distribution of the cochlear nerve fibres around the 
hair cells, it may be assumed that the latter are the end-organs for 

(3) The rods of Corti are not present in the cochlea of birds, and 
are therefore not an essential part.of the auditory mechanism. 

(4) The basilar membrane is composed of about 24,000 radial fibres, 
and it increases in width from the base to the apex of the cochlea, the 
shortest fibres being 0°041 mm. and the longest 0°495 mm. in length. 

(5) Experimental destruction of the base of the cochlea in dogs 
made the animals deaf to high notes, whereas destruction of the apex 
resulted in deafness to low notes. Similar results have followed disease 
in man. ; 
These facts suggest that different parts of the basilar membrane 
resonate to notes of different pitch, the longer fibres responding to low 
notes and the shorter fibres to high notes. The vibrations of the basilar 
membrane set up waves in the endolymph, by which the hair cells are 
stimulated, after-vibrations being damped by the tectorial membrane. 
On this theory, the analysis of sound takes place in the cochlea, each note 
causing definite fibres of the basilar membrane to resonate, and thus 
acting as a stimulus to the hair cells opposite that part of the membrane, 
If this hypothesis is correct, a note of any particular pitch will always 
excite an impulse in the same nerve fibres. 

The auditory impulses reach the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe 
by the auditory tract (p. 91), arriving first at the audito-sensory area, 
and being transferred to the audito-psychic area. The further convey- 
ance of the impulses to the association areas enables judgments to be 
arrived at as to the nature of the sounds, as, for example, the rumbling 
of thunder or the meaning of spoken language. 

In some of the lower animals the judgment of the direction from 
which a sound proceeds is aided by movement of the external ears. In 
man the projection of sound is more difficult, especially if its source is 
in line with the mesial plane of the body. Some assistance is obtained 
by moving the head and noting to which ear the sound is more distinct 
in each position. Asa rule, man relies largely on the co-operation of sight 


to localise the direction of a sound, and a blindfolded person has great 
difficulty in forming a judgment as to the source of a brief sound 
produced in line with the mesial plane of his body. 


Voice is a musical note produced by the vibration of the vocal cords 
of the larynx and modified in character by the resonating chambers 
formed by the upper respiratory passages, the mouth,. the accessory 
sinuses of the nose, and the chest... The vocal cords are thrown into 
vibration by expiratory currents of air from the lungs. 3 

The framework of the larynx: is formed of cartilages connected by 
fibrous tissue. The ericoid cartilage, resembling a signet ring in shape, 
is connected with the upper cartilage of the trachea by a fibrous 
membrane ; the broad part of the cartilage is situated posteriorly. 
The thyroid cartilage is formed of two laminz which join in the middle 
line anteriorly and are separate behind. The lower part of the posterior 
border of each lamina articulates with the outer aspect of the cricoid 
cartilage, so that the latter rotates to a limited: extent on the ‘thyroid. 
The arytenoid cartilages, right and left, are pyramidal in shape, the base 
‘of each articulating with a facet on the upper border of the posterior 
portion of the cricoid. The corniculate cartilages are small, and 
articulate with the apices of the arytenoid cartilages. The cwnezform 
cartilages are elongated in shape and lie in the aryepiglottic folds. The 
epiglottis is leaf-shaped, the stalk being attached to the recess of the 
‘thyroid cartilage, and the flattened portion extending nearly vertically 

The thyroid and cricoid cartilages and the: greater part of each 
arytenoid consist of hyaline cartilage. The apical parts of the arytenoids, 
the corniculate cartilages, the cuneiform cartilages, and the epigiostis 
consist of yellow elastic fibro-cartilage. 

The lining membrane of the larynx is thrown into two antero- 
posterior horizontal felds from the recess of the thyroid cartilage in 
front to the anterior or vocal process of the base of each arytenoid 
cartilage behind. These are known as the vocal cords (vocal folds), and 
the slit which they bound is called the glottis (fig. 47). Ata slightly 
higher level there are two parallel folds, the false vocal cords (ventricular 
folds). The recess between the true and false vocal cords is called the 

The mucous membrane of the larynx is lined by columnar ciliated 
epithelium, but the anterior surface and upper half of the posterior 
surface of the epiglottis, the vocal cords, and scattered patches of the 

it OO i lage 


membrane above the level of the- glottis are covered by stratified 
squamous epithelium. | . . 
The glottis is opened by the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles, which 
by their contraction rotate the arytenoid cartilages on their vertical 
axis in such a way that the vocal processes are turned outwards. 
Rotation of these cartilages in the reverse direction is effected by 
the lateral crico-arytenoid 
muscles, contraction of 
which approximates the 
vocal cords. The closure 
of the glottis is assisted 

. Hyoid bone, 
by the contraction of the 
arytenoid muscles, which, 
by approximating the aryte- 
noid cartilages, bring to- Outline of 

se appendix of 

gether the posterior ends ventricle. 
of the vocal cords. The Vasco a 
crico-thyroid muscles by Venéricle: 
3 . Vocal cord. 
their contraction cause the Thyro-aryte- 

cricoid to rotate on the  D%deus muscle. 

thyroid cartilage, so that 
the broad part of the former 
is drawn downwards and 
backwards and the vocal 
cords are made tense. The 
general action of the thyro- 
arytenoid muscles is to draw 
the arytenoid cartilages to- 
wards the anterior part of 

the thyroid and so relax Fic. 47. —Coronal section of larynx and upper part 
the vocal cords. of trachea. (Gray’s Anatomy.) 

The movements which 
occur in the larynx in connection with swallowing and breathing will 
be referred to in the descriptions of deglutition and respiration. The 
changes which occur in the larynx during voice production are observed 
with the aid of the laryngoscope. This instrument consists of a mirror 
which can be held in position in the pharynx so as to give a reflected 
image of the interior of the larynx to the eye of the observer. In such 
an image the vocal cords appear white, the false vocal cords more pink 
in colour. | 

When a note is produced the vocal cords are brought close together, 
and an expiratory current of air causes them to vibrate. The current 


of air must have a certain pressure, and this is produced by contraction 
of the muscles of the thorax and abdomen which are concerned in 
expiration. | 

The note produced may vary in loudness, pitch, and quality or 
timbre. The degree of loudness varies with the force of the expiratory 
current. The pitch is determined: partly by the length and partly by 
the tension of the vocal cords, In children the pitch is relatively high, 
because the cords are short. At the time of puberty the larynx in- 
creases considerably in size, more so in the male than in the female, and 
as a result a boy’s voice “breaks,” that is, becomes much lower in pitch. 
The possible variation in pitch in any individual is on an average about 
two octaves. This is mainly due to variations in the tension of the 
vocal cords brought about by the reciprocal action of the crico-thyroid 
and thyro-arytenoid muscles. The pitch is also affected by the length 
of the vocal cords free to vibrate, this being determined by the move- 
ments of the arytenoid cartilages. Further, the force of the expiratory 
current influences the pitch, the stronger the blast of air the higher 
being the note produced. ’ | 

The quality of the note is due to the resonance produced in the 

various resonating chambers, the air in the chest vibrating with the 
lower notes and that in the mouth and pharynx and in the accessory 
sinuses of the nose with the higher pitched notes. Hence the terms 
chest notes and head notes used in connection with singing. 

The sounds which constitute speech are due to modifications of the 
laryngeal simple note, and are brought about by alterations in the shape 
of the mouth and in the adjustment of the lips and teeth. The vowel 
sounds are continuous vibrations, whereas the formation of consonants 
depends on the interruption of vibrations. 

Forthe production of the broad ‘‘a” vowel sound, the mouth cavity 
is widely open ; for the “‘i” (ee) sound, the space between tongue and 
palate is much reduced ; for “‘u” (00), the posterior part of the tongue 
is raised against the palate. | 

Consonants are classified as dental, guttural, or labial, according to 
the position at which the interruption of the laryngeal note takes place. 
Thus “t” and “‘d” are dentals, “jp” and “b” are labials, and “g¢” and 
“k” are gutturals. | 

In whispering there is no phonation; the glottis is open, and the 
words produced are the result of the modification of the air current by 
the speech mechanism. 



Our knowledge of the position of the body is derived partly from 
tactile and visual impulses, and partly from impulses reaching the 
central nervous system from the posterior part of the labyrinth and 
from: the skeletal muscles; the impulses arising in the muscles and 
labyrinth are called proprioceptive impulses, 

The Labyrinth.—The part of the bony labyrinth behind the cochlea 
consists of a cavity called the vestibule, into which the scala vestibuli 
opens in front and three semicircular canals open behind. Within the 

rat 2 



CANALIS. Querus & 

Fic. 48,—The membranous labyrinth. (Enlarged.) Gray’s Anatoniy. 

bony semicircular canals lie the three membranous semicircular canals 
(ducts). The latter open into the membranous utricle, which, along with 
the saccule, occupies the vestibule, the utricle and saccule being connected 
by the saccus (ductus) endolymphaticus (fig. 48). The semicircular 
canals are arranged in three planes at right angles to one another. 
The external canal lies in the horizontal plane; the superior vertical 
canal and the posterior vertical canal lie in vertical planes at right 
angles to one another, as shown in fig. 49. 

The canals open into the utricle by five orifices, one of which is . 
common to the medial end of the superior and the upper end of the 
posterior canal ; each canal has a dilatation or ampulla at one end. 

The utricle, saccule, and semicircular canals are lined by flattened 
epithelium resting on connective tissue ; in each ampulla the connective 




tissue is thickened at one point to form a projection, which is covered 
with columnar epithelium supporting a number of cells provided with 
hairs, and which is called the crista acustica (septum transversum). 
Similar thickenings occur in the utricle and saccule, these being called 
maculee acustice ; they have the same structure as the cristz, with the 
addition of small concretions of lime, called otoliths, scattered among 
the processes of the hair 
cells. The fibres of the 
vestibular nerve are dis- 
tributed to the criste 
and macule acustice, 
and end in fibrils round 
the hair cells. ; 

The bony labyrinth 
contains perilymph, and 
the membranous cavities 
contain endolymph ; the 
membranous structures 
are attached to the bony 
labyrinth by fibrous 

The functions of the 
semicircular canals have 
been ascertained chiefly 
by experiments on 
pigeons, in which they 
are easily accessible. If 
the horizontal canals 

2 sR i are destroyed, the head 

Fic, 49.-Figure from Ewald showing the situation of Ha ‘ id 
the three semicircular canals in the skull of the O° ates trom side to 
pigeon. (Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) side in a horizontal 

A, plane of anterior or superior semicircular canal ; P, plane of : 
: posterior; and E, that of horizontal canal. plane , after section of 

Note that the anterior canal of one side and the posterior the posterior or superior 
canal of the other side are in the same plane. i 
vertical canals, the head 

and body are thrown into constant movement in a vertical plane, 
so that the animal tends to turn somersaults. 

After destruction of all the canals, the animal is in constant violent 
movement, but can neither stand, walk, nor fly. After a time partial 
recovery takes place, but the symptoms return when the eyes are 
bandaged, showing that the partial recovery is due to compensatory 
utilisation of the visual sensations for co-ordination. 

It is clear from these observations that the canals are essential 

a Tr 



Ee es Ane 

tee ae Sia “wt - = 4  s 



for the co-ordination of muscular movements and for the maintenance 
of equilibrium. Each movement of the head sets up a stimulus in 
one or other of the canals, which passes along the vestibular nerve 
to the cerebellum; these impulses serve to co-ordinate and restrain 
the movement. In the absence of these guiding impulses the move- 
ments become completely uncontrolled, and the sense of the position 
of the head is lost. The existence of three pairs of canals in. three 
different planes makes it possible for impulses to be aroused in what- 
ever plane the head is moved. | 

These impulses originate in the movements of the endolymph, 
which take place when the head is moved and cause the pressure on 
the hair cells of the criste to be increased or diminished. This was 
shown by Ewald, who connected a small tube with one canal in such 
a way that he was able suddenly to blow into the canal so as to cause 
the endolymph to flow towards the ampulla. Every time this was 
done, the animal moved its head and eyes in the plane of the stimu- 
lated canal and in the direction of the current. 

The afferent impulses arising in the semicircular canals: maintain 
equilibrium and muscular co-ordination, even after removal of the 
cerebral hemispheres. In normal circumstances, however, they also 
affect consciousness, and we are aware of the movements of the head. 
Interference with these impulses in man by disease of the canals 
brings about sensations of giddiness and disturbance of equilibrium. — 

The semicircular canals are also concerned with the maintenance of 
muscular tone, and more particularly with the variations in tone of 
different muscles according to the position of the head and body. In 
the rabbit, for example, when the head is raised the tone of the 
muscles of the forelimbs is increased, the effect being abolished by 
destruction of the semicircular canals. 

These reflex variations of muscular tone, which are known as postural 
reflexes, play a part in the muscular adjustment of the animal to 
changes of position, and assist im the maintenance of equilibrium, 

The macule acustice are subject to constant stimulation by the 
otoliths. The part of the macula upon which the otoliths exert 
pressure varies according to the position of the head, and the stimu- 
lation of the hair cells by the pressure of the otoliths is also variable. 
The impulses to which these stimuli give rise serve to give informa- 
tion as to the position of the head when at rest, or in progressive, as. 
distinct from rotatory, movement. 

The Muscle Sense.—Even when the eyes are closed we are conscious 
of the position of the body and limbs when at rest, and of movement 
of the limbs, whether this be active or passive. This consciousness 



constitutes muscle sense, and is brought about by afferent impulses 
constantly passing from special structures in the muscles, joints, and 
ligaments. About one-third of the fibres in a nerve to a muscle are 
afferent in function, and do not degenerate on section of the anterior 
roots. These afferent fibres terminate in the muscles in neuro- 
muscular spindles, lying between the ordinary muscle fibres. The 
muscle spindles consist of fine muscular fibres surrounded by a con- 
nective-tissue sheath, A nerve fibre loses its myelin sheath, pierces 
the covering of the spindle, and divides into bundles of fibrils which 
make several spiral turns round the muscle fibres, and then end by ar- 
borisation. Other nerve endings are found in tendon, and consist in 
the arborisation of a nerve fibre around a bundle of tendon fibres. 

Sensation of passive movements is due chiefly to impulses arising in 
_ the joints, that of active movements to impulses arising in the muscles. 
It is through this sense that we are able to form an estimate of weight. 

The impulses giving rise to muscle sense ‘also take part in the 
co-ordination of muscular movement, as has already been described ; 
and their absence may lead to disturbances of equilibrium. | 

The maintenance of equilibrium is dependent, therefore, on afferent 
impulses from the muscles and the labyrinth as well as from the eyes 
and the skin; when the sensations resulting from the impulses from 
these different sources are discordant, we experience a feeling of 
giddiness, and at the same time equilibrium is disturbed. 


ee a a a rs 



Aut the active cells and tissues are in intimate relationship with 
capillary vessels, through which blood is continually flowing. Both 
tissue elements and capillary are bathed with a fluid called lymph, and 
a constant interchange of material takes place through the lymph 
between the tissues and the blood. On the one hand, oxygen and other 
nutritive substances pass from blood to tissue to repair loss of substance, 
and to furnish a source of energy, and on the other hand, carbonic acid 
and other waste materials pass from the tissues to the blood. An 
exchange of water and salts also takes place through the capillary wall 
by diffusion. In some organs certain substances, called hormones, are 
supplied to the blood, and are carried in it to the glands or muscle 
fibres which they are destined to excite. Further, as the blood 
circulates, now through glands and muscles in which heat is produced, 
now through other structures in which heat loss occurs, it serves to 
equalise the temperature of the different parts of the body. 

Freshly shed blood isa red, viscid, opaque fluid with a specific gravity 
of 1055. The specific gravity may be ascertained with a single drop 
of blood by making a mixture of chloroform and benzole, and finding 
the proportions of the two fluids in which a drop of blood remains 
suspended without tending either to sink or rise. The specific gravity 
of the mixture, ascertained by means of a hydrometer, is that of the 
blood itself. 

When human blood is examined under the microscope, it is seen to 
consist of two kinds of corpuscles floating in a pale yellow fluid, the 
blood plasma. The corpuscles which are most numerous are the red 
blood corpuscles, or erythrocytes. The other variety of corpuscle, the 
white blood corpuscle, or leucocyte, is in the proportion of 1 to 500 red. 

The red corpuscles, when seen singly, are yellow in colour, but when 
massed together they give blood its red appearance. They are circular, 
biconcave, non-nucleated discs, each having a diameter of 7:5 thousandths 
of a millimetre (7°5 »). In all mammals except the camel tribe, the 




shape of the red corpuscle is the same as that of the human erythrocyte ; 
in camels the corpuscle is oval and biconcave. 

The white blood corpuscle is a colourless, nucleated cell, and several 
varieties occur in human blood. The most abundant type, forming 
about 70 per cent. of the total number of leucocytes, is the polymorpho- 
nuclear, so called because the nucleus consists of lobes, connected by 
finer strands. This cell is rather larger than the erythrocyte, being 
about 10m in diameter. It possesses the power of amoeboid movement, 
and, because of its function of ingesting bacteria and foreign particles, is 
said to be phagocytic. Its protoplasm contains numerous fine granules 
which stain with neutral dyes, and are described as neutrophile. A 

somewhat similar corpuscle, in which, however, the nucleus is usually 

horse-shoe-shaped, contains large granules which stain deeply with acid 
dyes, such as eosin. These cells are called eosinophile. They form from 
1 to 5 per cent. of the total number of leucocytes. A basophile variety, 
in which the granules stain with such basic dyes as methylene blue, is 
found only occasionally in normal blood. — Small and large lymphocytes 
form about 25 per cent. of the total number of leucocytes, the small 
variety being the more numerous. Lymphocytes are distinguished by 
containing a large spherical nucleus surrounded by a small amount of 
hyaline protoplasm, which does not contain granules. 

Other bodies, called blood-platelets, are found in recently shed blood, 
but these cannot be seen when precautions are taken to prevent 
the blood coming in contact with foreign substances ; and it is believed 
that they are not a formed constituent of normal blood. Blood-platelets 
are colourless bodies, one-third to one-half the size of red corpuscles, 
and each contains a central group of granules resembling a nucleus. If 
examined on metaphosphate agar, the platelets show amceboid movement. 

The blood of a healthy man contains about 5,000,000 red corpuscles 
in each cubic millimetre, that of a woman about 4,500,000. The 
corpuscles are counted by means of a hemocytometer. This consists 
of a glass cell of known depth, the floor of which is ruled in squares of 
known size. The blood is diluted 100 times with a slightly hypotonic 
solution of sodium sulphate, which prevents coagulation, and the cell is 

filled with the mixture. The corpuscles settle on the squares and can 
be counted under the microscope. The volume corresponding with each 
square and the dilution of the blood being known, the number of 
corpuscles per cubic mm, of blood can be calculated. The number is 
diminished by hemorrhage and in certain diseases, and is increased by 
living at high altitudes. 

The white corpuscles number about 10,000 in each cubic millimetre 
of blood. They can be counted by means of the hemocytometer, the 

bak ——— ee 

THE BLOOD. | 187 

blood being diluted ten times with a saline solution similar to that used 
for red corpuscles, but ee a little methylene blue to stain the 
leucocytes. 3 


Each red corpuscle is soft, and alters its shape readily so that it 
can pass through even the narrowest capillary vessels. It is also 
elastic, and readily regains its shape when the compressing influence is 
removed. Two views are held as to the intimate structure of the 
erythrocyte. According to one, the corpuscle consists of a sponge-like 
framework (stroma) containing hemoglobin, the blood pigment, loosely 
combined with the stroma. Schafer’s view, on the other hand, is that © 
the corpuscle consists of an envelope containing the hemoglobin in 

solution in its interior. Whichever view be adopted, it is clear, from 

the behaviour of the corpuscle in presence of reagents, that its super- 
ficial layer behaves to some extent as a semi-permeable membrane 
readily allowing the passage of water but not of salts. Thus, if red 
blood cells are placed in.a fluid the salt content of which is markedly 
below that of blood plasma, water passes into the corpuscle and 
distends it, so that ultimately the membrane ruptures and the hzmo- 
globin is discharged. On the other hand, if the surrounding fluid is 
hypertonic, for example 2 per cent. NaCl, water passes out of the 
corpuscle, which becomes shrunken and crenated in consequence. In 
‘9 per cent. NaCl, which is isotonic with mammalian blood Pe the 
cell is unaltered. 

The envelope of the corpuscle is dissolved by weak alkalies or by 
ether, and this makes it probable that it is of a fatty nature. Bile 
salts (which are solvents of. fats), amyl alcohol, soaps, higher fatty 
acids, and saponin or sapotoxin also dissolve the red corpuscles, setting 
free the hemoglobin. The same result can be attained physically by 
alternate freezing and thawing. The setting free of the hemoglobin 
by any of these means is called hemolysis. 

Certain physiological substances also bring about hemolysis and 
have been termed hemolysins. Snake venom, and frequently the serum 
from an animal of another species, act in this way. Moreover, the 
serum of an animal A, which is not naturally hemolytic for the blood 
of another animal B, may be made hemolytic for the blood of that 
animal, if A has been inoculated with blood from the species B some 
days before the experiment is made. Thus rabbit’s red corpuscles are 
not broken up by the serum of a guinea-pig. If, however, rabbit’s 
blood has been previously injected into a guinea-pig, the serum from 
the latter becomes hemolytic for rabbit’s red corpuscles, 


Serum which is either naturally or artificially hemolytic loses its 
power to dissolve red corpuscles if it is heated to 55° C. But such 
serum can have its hemolytic power restored by the addition of serum 
from a normal animal. The hemolytic power of any serum therefore 
depends upon the presence of two substances, one which is present in 
normal serum and is destroyed at a temperature of 55° C., and is usually 
called complement ; and a second which is stable at 55° C., and may be 
produced in an animal by injection of the corpuscles of another animal. 

Heemoglobin may thus be set free from the erythrocytes and pass 
into solution in the surrounding fluid in three ways :— 

(1) By a physical process, as by dilution with water or by alternate 

freezing and thawing. 

(2) By chemical means, for example, the solution of the lipoid 
stroma of the corpuscles by bile salts, amyl alcohol, soaps, or 
other reagents. 

(3) By physiological agents, called heemolysins, the exact mode of 
action of which-is not known. | 

As the result of hemolysis by any of these methods the blood is 

said to be ‘laked.” The hemoglobin is in solution, and the blood, 
previously opaque on account of the reflection of light from the 
erythrocytes, becomes transparent. 


The red corpuscles may be ob- 
tained in sufficient quantity for 
analysis by centrifugalising blood 
and washing the deposit with ‘9 
per cent. NaCl. They are found to 
consist of 63°3 per cent. of water 
and 36:7 per cent. of solids. Heemo- 
globin forms 95 per cent. of the 
dry solids, the remainder being 
made up of nucleoprotein, lecithin, 
cholesterol, fatty acid, and inorganic 
salts, the most abundant of the 
latter being potassium phosphate. 
The stroma is, therefore, as has 
already been pointed out, largely 
of a lipoid nature. 

Fic. 50.—Hemoglobin crystals, mag- Hemoglobin is a compound of 
pit, A From, Qian a eee globin, which is a protein belong- 
sate Tianhe, 2, from the guinea: ing to the group of histones, with an 



iron-containing substance, hematin. The molecule of hemoglobin 

is a very large one, and its formula is given by one authority as_ 
CrsgHyoo3N 195,53%e0>,5 Although it is a colloid, hemoglobin crystallises 

fairly readily. The crystals vary in shape in different animals, but in 

all cases they belong to the rhombic system. In man they are rhombic 

prisms, in guinea-pigs they form tetrahedra (fig. 50). Hemoglobin is 

purple in colour, is soluble in water, and its solutions, examined with 

the spectroscope, show a broad absorption band in the green between 

Frauenhofer’s lines D and E (fig. 51, sp. 2). 

i ORD Eb F G 

Sp. 1 , Oxyhemoglobin. 

: Hemoglobin. 

3 Methzemoglobin. 

4 Alkaline 
Acid hematin 

5 in ether. 

6 Alkaline hematin 
in rect. spt. 

7 Reduced hematin 

é (heemochromogen), 

8 heematoporphyrin. 

9 Alkaline 

Fic, 51.—Spectra of hemoglobin and its derivatives. (From Mac Munn’s 
Spectrum Analysis, ) 

The most important property of hemoglobin is its affinity for 
oxygen, each molecule combining with two atoms of oxygen to form 
oxyhemoglobin. The combination is a loose one, for the attached 
oxygen is given up if the solution containing the compound be exposed 
to a vacuum, or if a reducing agent, such as ammonium sulphide, be 
added to it, HbO, (oxyhemoglobin) again becoming Hb (hemoglobin). 
In the living body the same reduction takes place as the blood circulates 
through the capillaries of the active tissues. Oxyheemoglobin is charac- 
terised by a scarlet colour, and its spectrum exhibits two absorption 
bands in the green, between the D and E lines (fig. 51). 

The oxygen-carrying power of hemoglobin depends upon hematin 


the prosthetic group of the molecule, and the value of hematin in this 
respect is determined by the presence of iron. The actual amount of 
iron is small. Heematin forms about 4 per cent. of the hemoglobin 
molecule, and iron accounts for about 11 per cent. of the hematin, or 
about 0°05 per cent. of blood itself. Iron has on this account been 
described as the gold currency of the body, and it is carefully preserved, 
Red corpuscles are being continually destroyed in the liver, and: the 
broken-down material is excreted to a large extent in the bile. Hematin 
appears in the bile in an iron-free form as bilirubin, the primary: bile 
pigment, the iron being retained by the liver cells. The iron is eventu- 
ally used in the formation of new. erythrocytes, this taking place in the 
- red marrow. 

Owing to the high atomic weight of iron, the Seaport: of a 
substance like hematin would be attended with difficulty if it were 
not combined with a large protein molecule. By means of its com- 
bination with globin the weight of the iron is distributed, and the 
resulting compound can -be floated along in the blood stream without 
_ difficulty. : 

Heemoglobin has an affinity for invbon monoxide 130 times as great 
as its affinity for oxygen, and when it is exposed to air containing even 
a minute quantity of the former gas, it forms with it a stable compound, 
~ carboxyhwemoglobin (HbCO): HbCO differs slightly in colour from HbO,, 
strong solutions having a more florid appearance, and weak solutions 
retaining a pink colour, whereas the same dilution of HbO, has a yellow 
tinge. Solutions of HbCO, when examined spectroscopically, exhibit 
two bands in the green, slightly nearer the violet end than those 
presented by HbO,. HbCO is unaffected by the na Buon of ammonium 

Heemoglobin forms a still more stable Sonipound with nitric oxide, 
HbNO, but this is purely a laboratory product, and is only of theoretical 
interest. | 

When a solution of oxyheemoglobin is treated with ferricyanide of 
potassium, a volume of oxygen is given off corresponding with the dissoci- 
able oxygen of the oxyhzmoglobin molecule, and the solution becomes 
brown, its spectrum showing a characteristic band in the red in addition 
to other bands (fig. 51). The brown substance is called methemoglobin. 
It contains the same amount of oxygen as oxyhemoglobin, but more 
firmly combined, and attached in all probability to a different part of 
the molecule. Haldane suggests that in the case of oo. the 

dissociable oxygen is in the molecular form i and in methemo- 

ee aes ee 

Cid thle inital 


globin the same oxygen is combined as two separate atoms, HDC The 

addition of potassium ferricyanide to a solution of oxyhemoglobin 
probably leads to the removal of the dissociable oxygen, and then re- 
oxidises the hemoglobin into the more stable form of methemoglobin. 
When ammonium sulphide is added to a solution of methzemoglobin, 
the colour changes to red and later to purple. The intermediate red 
stage gives a spectrum corresponding with that of oxyhemoglobin, the 
purple product is hemoglobin, and this yields oxyhemoglobin when 
it is shaken with air. By means of hydrazine hydrate it can be shown 
that methemoglobin contains less dissociable oxygen than oxyhemo- 
globin. The latter compound, when treated with hydrazine, gives off a 
volume of nitrogen corresponding with the volume of dissociable oxygen. 

HbO, + N,H,. H,0 = N,+3H,0 + Hb. 

When methemoglobin is treated in the same way it never yields more 
than half the amount of gas given off from a similar weight of oxy- 
hemoglobin (Buckmaster). The explanation of this fact is still obscure. 

If a solution of hemoglobin (or oxyhemoglobin) is warmed with an 
acid or an alkali, the globin is converted into metaprotein, and hematin 
is set free. In the pure condition hematin is a dark brown or black 
amorphous substance, insoluble in water, soluble in acids or alkalies. 
In acid solution its spectrum shows, besides other absorption bands, a 
characteristic band in the red, nearer the red end of the spectrum than 
that given by methemoglobin (fig. 51). The spectrum of the alkaline 
solution exhibits a rather faint band just to the red side of the D line. 
On the addition of ammonium sulphide, alkali hematin is converted 
into reduced alkali hematin or hemochromogen, the spectrum of which 
shows two absorption bands in the green, some distance to the violet 
side of the D line, the band nearer D being the more distinct of the two 
(fig. 51). As these bands can be seen in extremely dilute solutions, 
the formation of hemochromogen constitutes a delicate spectroscopic 
test for blood pigment. 

As has already been said, hematin contains the iron of the Hb 
molecule, and it has had the formula C,,H,,N,FeO, assigned to it. It 
forms a compound with hydrochloric acid, aitccatiuride of hematin 
or hemin, which is easily obtained by heating blood with glacial acetic 
acid in the presence of sodium chloride. Hemin occurs in dark brown 
rhombic erystals (fig. 52), and its formation is utilised as a medico- 
legal test for blood. In the reduced condition, hematin will recombine 

with globin to form hemoglobin or a substance indistinguishable from 


hemoglobin, provided the globin has not been destroyed by the re- 
agents used to dissociate the hemoglobin molecule. 
If hematin (or hemoglobin) be treated with a strong mineral acid, 
iron-free hematin or hematoporphyrin, 
xy C,,H,.N,0,, is formed. Acid solutions 
of this substance show a spectrum 
f “Kk * with two absorption bands, one on 
, \ 4 os A either side of the D line, that to the 

4. 7 ¥ N ie red side being the narrower (fig. 51). 

"A 2 ™~ .;~ The spectrum of alkaline solutions is 

/ wf } somewhat similar to that of methe- 

ra Pa a i 1, moglobin (fig. 51). “Heematoporphyrin 

win 7S Tart 4X \\- Pp : ‘ , 
Pay fk y occurs occasionally in the urine in 
+ sulphonal poisoning, its spectrum in 
of] sa. such cases being of the alkaline type. 
. Two similar substances are found in 
Tre ei (Droyer.) Brot, Qaan’s the body, hematoidin in old blood 
Anatomy. clots, and bilirubin, the primary bile 
pigment ; they are formed from hemo- 
globin and are said to be identical, each containing one atom less of 

oxygen than does hematoporphyrin. 


The estimation of the amount of hemoglobin contained in a sample 
of blood is usually carried out by a colorimetric method. The apparatus 
used is called a hemoglobinometer, and consists of two tubes, one of 
which is sealed and contains a standard dilution of ox blood, the hzmo- 
globin of which has.been converted into carboxyhemoglobin. A little 
distilled water and a measured quantity of the blood to be examined 
are placed in the second tube, which is graduated. The blood, laked 
by the water, is exposed to coal gas, and in this way the hemoglobin 
is converted into carboxyhemoglobin, It is then diluted with distilled 
water till the tints of the two tubes are alike, and the level of the fluid 
in the graduated tube is read. If the latter is at the figure 100, the 
amount of hemoglobin is said to be normal or 100 per cent. If it is 
over 100, the blood is abnormally rich in hemoglobin ; if below 100, it 
is deficient in hemoglobin. The figure 100 per cent. is purely empirical, 
and the amount of hemoglobin actually present in blood is normally 
about 14 per cent. 

If the number of red corpuscles in the blood is ascertained at the same 
time, the value of the heemoglobin content of each corpuscle can be stated. 
Thus if the number of corpuscles is the normal five millions per cubic 

teen ee are ee 


millimetre and the hemoglobinometer gives a reading of 50 per cent., 
each corpuscle only contains half the normal amount of hemoglobin. 


(1) In early embryonic life red blood corpuscles are formed in 
areas, known as ‘blood-islands,” lying in the area vasculosa of the 
blastoderm. The blood-islands lie between the mesoderm and the 
entoderm, and are said to be derived from the latter. They consist 
of branched cells which unite to form a syncytium, their nuclei mean- 

mv l em! e meo 

meg m m @€ am’ e” 
Fie. 53.—Red marrow of young rabbit. Magnified 450 diameters. (From 
Schifer’s Lssentials of Histology. ) 

é, erythrocytes; e’, erythroblasts; e”,a coloured cell undergoing mitotic division; 7, a poly- 
morphonuclear "leucocyte ; mM, ordinary myelocytes; m’, myelocytes undergoing mitotic 
division ; 0, an eosinophile myelocyte; meg, a giant- cell or megakaryocyte. 

while dividing and each new nucleus becoming surrounded by proto- 

plasm containing hemoglobin. The coloured cells thus formed are 

known as erythroblasts, and are the red corpuscles of the embryo. 

They multiply by division. Jn later embryonic life similar nucleated 

coloured cells, or erythroblasts, are found undergoing division in the 

sinus-like blood-vessels of the liver, and also in the pulp of the spleen. 

Non-nucleated erythrocytes, like those developed in post-natal life, are 

formed inthe embryo in connective tissue. The connective-tissue cells 

become coloured by the formation of hemoglobin, and the coloured 
protoplasm is subdivided into a number of dises, or erythrocytes, which 



lie free in the hollowed interior of the cell. Adjacent cells have 
meanwhile become united to form a syncytium, and the hollows 
become continuous‘ along the connecting RANCH es, so that a system 
of blood-vessels is formed. : 

(2) In post-natal life nucleated red corpuscles or sdeh ectaaatn are 
found in the red marrow of bone (fig. 53). These are constantly 
undergoing mitotic division; the cells thus formed lose their nuclei 
by atrophy or extrusion and pass into the blood capillaries, which 
in the marrow probably have incomplete walls. Nucleated red cor- 
puscles may pass into the blood stream after birth in certain diseases 
in which a rapid destruction of blood corpuscles is taking place. 

The duration of the existence of a single red corpuscle is not known, 
but there is evidence that large numbers of these cells are destroyed 
daily to form the pigment of the bile. Fragments of broken-down 
erythrocytes are also of constant occurrence in the cells of the spleen. 
Moreover, the pigment of hair and of the coloured parts of the skin is 
believed to be derived from hemoglobin. Blood corpuscles are also 
lost by accidental hemorrhage, in disease, and, in the female, by 
menstruation. The deficiency brought about in all these ways, normal 
or abnormal, is as a rule rapidly and completely made good by the 
activity of the bone marrow, which, in post-natal life, is the only source 
of the red corpuscles. When an unusually large and rapid formation 
‘of red corpuscles is required, for instance after severe hemorrhage, the 
red marrow increases in amount, and replaces the yellow marrow to 
some extent. ; 


The distinguishing feature of the polymorphonuclear leucocytes is 
their power of ameboid movement, a power which is shared by the 
eosinophile cells, and to a much less extent by the lymphocytes. The 
leucocytes are able to make their way through the capillary walls 
between the epithelial cells and wander out into the tissue fluids of the 
body. They are especially susceptible to certain chemical stimuli 
(chemiotaxis), and are found to concentrate in large numbers round 
various chemical substances placed in their neighbourhood. For 
example, they appear in force where pathogenic bacteria are active, and 
serve a useful purpose in surrounding and destroying these germs, and 
thus constitute an important protective mechanism for the body. When 
the leucocytes fail to overcome and ingest the bacteria, they may them- 
selves be destroyed by the bacterial toxins. The same function of the 

removal of useless or harmful material is shown in other ways. For 

example, the removal of the tail of the tadpole is effected by leucocytes, 

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and in the mammalian body dead cells and organic foreign substances, 
such as buried catgut ligatures, are ingested by the same cells. On. 
account of this property of ‘eating up” bacteria and dead matter, poly- 
morphonuclear leucocytes are included under the term phagocytes. 

The leucocytes consist largely of proteins, cell-albumin, cell-globulin, 
and nucleo-protein; they also contain a little glycogen, with some 
neutral fats, and lecithin and cholesterol. The inorganic salt’ which 
is most abundant in their composition is, as in the case of the red 
corpuscles, potassium phosphate. 

In the embryo leucocytes are derived from cells which resemble the 
erythroblasts but are colourless. In post-natal life the polynuclear 
and eosinophile cells, as also the basophile cells when they occur, are 
derived from the special cells of red bone marrow called myelocytes ; 
the lymphocytes are derived from lymph glands and lymphoid tissue 
generally, including that of the Malpighian bodies of the spleen. The 
nuclear changes which accompany cell division can be seen in definite 
areas, known as germ centres, in the lymphoid tissue of the lymphatic 
glands and elsewhere. 

The condition called Jlewcocytosis, or increase of the number of 
leucocytes in the blood, occurs normally during the digestion of a 
protein meal. It also takes place in many infective diseases, being 
accompanied by overgrowth of the red marrow, in which the poly- 
morphonuclear cells are formed. The increase in the number of 
polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the blood is part of the process by 
which the body resists and overcomes infection by micro-organisms. 


When blood is shed, it rapidly becomes viscid and in a few minutes 
sets to form a clot. It is therefore necessary to use means to retard 
or prevent clotting in order to obtain plasma for examination and 
analysis. The various methods which are used for this purpose will be 
described in connection with coagulation. . 

Plasma is a pale yellow fluid, and has a specific gravity of about 
1030, considerably lower than that of blood asa whole. The red 
corpuscles have a specific gravity of about 1090, and therefore sink 
if blood which is prevented from coagulating is allowed to stand. It 
is found that the proportion of H and OH ions in plasma or blood is 
about equal, and therefore its reaction is neutral. It must be noted, © 
however, that although blood gives a neutral reaction with phenol- 
phthalein, it is alkaline to litmus, because litmus acid is strong enough 
‘to displace the acid from sodium bicarbonate, which is an important 
constituent of plasma, and to combine with the sodium. 


On analysis, plasma is found to contain a large number of sub- 
stances, some of which, particularly fibrinogen, appear to be essential 
constituents of the plasma itself, some are food stuffs being conveyed 
to the tissues, some are waste products being carried to excretory 
organs, and others are hormones, enzymes, and bodies of like nature. 
A list of the principal constituents is given in the following table :— 

The Composition of Biood Plasma. 

Water, 92 per cent. 
Proteins—serum albumin, serum globulin, fibrinogen—6 to 8 per cent. 
“ Dextrose, 0:15 per cent. | 

Neutral fats. 

Urea (0°02 to 0°05 per cent. as lecithin, cholesterol, lactic acid, and 
other bodies. 


Enzymes—lipase, etc. 

Inorganic salts—chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, and carbonates of 
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. 

Pigment and aromatic substances. 

Gases—oxygen, carbonic acid, and nitrogen. 

The Proteins of Plasma.—lIf an equal volume of a saturated solution 
of sodium chloride is added to plasma, and the mixture is allowed to 
stand, a sticky white precipitate separates out, consisting of fibrinogen. 
This substance is a globulin, and the precipitate may be dissolved in 
weak salt solution. Fibrinogen exists in much smaller quantity than 
the other proteins, forming about 0°3 per cent. of the plasma. If 
plasma is allowed to clot, a comparatively insoluble, stringy substance 
called fibrin is formed, and, if this is removed, the fluid which remains 
is plasma minus fibrinogen, and is called serum. 

When serum is treated with an equal volume of a saturated solution 
of ammonium sulphate, a precipitate of serwm globulin is obtained. 
This precipitate is found to be a mixture of two substances, one of 
which, euglobulin, is a true globulin, while the other, pseudo-globulin, 
resembles albumin in being soluble in distilled water. If serum from 
which serum globulin has been removed is saturated with ammonium 
sulphate, a further precipitate of serwm albumin is obtained. The 
filtrate from this contains no other protein. Fibrinogen coagulates at 
about 56° C., serum globulin at 75°, and serum albumin at a slightly 
higher temperature. 

Although albumin and globulin can be separated from serum by 
chemical methods, there is reason to believe that in the serum itself 
these two substances are combined to form one—serwm protein. 

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The Osmotic Pressure of Blood Plasma.—It has already been pointed 
out that the osmotic pressure of the plasma is the same as that of 
the corpuscles, so that it is also the same as that of the blood 
as a whole. It has been found by experiment that the proteins of 
plasma have a slight osmotic pressure, but the osmotic pressure. is 
chiefly due to the inorganic salts. One method of ascertaining the 
osmotic pressure of blood is to determine how much lower its freezing 
point is than that of water, and in the case of blood it is found 
to be 0°56° C., which is equivalent to that of a 0°9 per cent. solution 
of sodium chloride. 

If the osmotic pressure of the blood is higher than that of the 
tissues, water will pass from the tissues into the blood in the capillaries, 
and salts will diffuse from the blood into the tissues. If the osmotic 
pressure of the blood is lower than that of the tissues, the reverse 
processes will occur, water passing from: blood to tissues, and salts from 
tissues to blood. This interchange is an important factor in the main- 
tenance of the balance between the intake and output of water and salts. 


A large number of substances, when introduced under the skin or 
directly into the circulation (but not when given by the mouth), give 
rise to the formation by the tissues and the setting free in the blood- 
stream of products which tend to destroy or to precipitate the substance 
introduced, or to neutralise its action. The products thus formed are 
called antibodies, those which excite their formation being called 
antigens. Antigens are colloidal, and almost any protein, including 
harmless bodies such as egg-white and caseinogen, can act as an 
antigen. Crystalloid substances of small molecular weight, such as 
sugar, seem unable to give rise to antibodies. 

If a little human blood serum is injected into a rabbit on several 
occasions at intervals of a week, the blood serum of the rabbit acquires 
the power, when tested in vitro, of precipitating the proteins of human 
serum, but not those of the serum of other animals. The substance 
thus formed in the rabbit’s blood is called a precipitin. If the rabbit 
is injected with sheep’s serum, the precipitin formed will precipitate 
sheep’s serum in vitro, but not that of any other animal. The precipitin 
acts, therefore, only on the serum of an animal of the same species as 
that from which blood is taken for injection into the rabbit ; and the 
reaction is said to be specific. Since this reaction is not only one of 
the most delicate known tests for the presence of blood, but also makes 
it possible to ascertain the species of animal from which the blood was 



derived, it has been used in medico-legal cases to ascertain whether 
blood, for example on clothes or weapons, is of human origin or not. 
Again, the poisons (toxins) formed by bacteria give rise, when 
introduced into the body, to antibodies which neutralise the toxin. 
If, for example, a minute amount of diphtheria toxin is injected at 
intervals into an animal, the latter forms antitoxin in considerable 
amount. ‘This antitoxin is able to neutralise diphtheria toxin, and such 
an animal will now survive the injection of a huge dose of toxin, many 
times larger than that which would previously have killed it ; and it 
is said to be tmmune to that toxin. In this example the toxin and 
antitoxin combine directly with one another. In other cases, however, 

the antibody which is formed does not itself destroy the antigen, but: 

forms a link between the antigen and a substance present in normal 
serum and known as complement; the complement, thus linked on to 
the antigen, is able to destroy it. Antigens of this kind include 
bacteria, red blood corpuscles and tissue cells, and the antibodies are 
called lysins. The formation of hemolysin (p. 157) is an example of 
this process. : 

The capacity to form antibodies, which can destroy or neutralise 
bacteria and their toxins, is one of the fundamental means by which 
human beings are enabled to resist or to recover from diseases of 
bacterial origin. 

Anaphylaxis.—If a small dose of an antigen, such as egg-white, is 
injected into an animal, and after an interval of sixteen days or more, 
a second, even smaller dose is given, the animal becomes extremely ill 
and may die in a few minutes. In guinea-pigs, which are particularly 
sensitive, there is a marked fall of blood pressure, extreme constriction 
of the bronchioles, and convulsions. This hypersensitiveness of an 
animal to a second dose of an antigen is known as anaphylaais. 

The Reaction of the Blood.—The acid characters of a substance 
such as hydrochloric acid in solution are due to the presence in it of 
free hydrogen ions (H ions); similarly the alkaline characters of an 
alkali such as caustic potash depend upon the presence of free hydroxyl 
ions (OH ions). Ina perfectly neutral solution, the two kinds of ions 
are present in equal amount. In any aqueous solution, whatever its 
reaction, the product of the proportion of H and OH ions present is a 
constant figure, but in an acid solution the H ions will be in excess, 
whereas in an alkaline solution they will be relatively few as compared 
with the OH ions. It is customary to express the reaction of a fluid 
in terms of its concentration in H ions, this being indicated by the 
formula C,. In an acid solution the relative concentration of H ions 
is large, whereas in an alkaline solution it is small. 

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The reaction of blood to litmus is alkaline, but when it is deter- 
mined accurately in terms of H ion concentration, it is found to be- 
almost the same as that of distilled water. Under various conditions 
the reaction may alter slightly, and these changes produce marked 
physiological effects in the body, although they are usually too slight to 
affect an ordinary indicator, such as litmus. Further, the presence in 
blood of proteins and phosphates makes it possible for a considerable 
amount of acid or alkali to be added to blood without any appreciable 
change being produced in the H ion concentration. The reason is that 
the acid or alkali thus added combines with proteins or phosphates to 
form compounds which do not undergo ionic dissociation, and therefore 
does not alter the concentration of H ions, by which the reaction of the 
blood is ultimately determined. For example, Na,HPO, can. be partly 
converted into NaH,PO, on the addition of acid, with little or no 
alteration in the number of free H ions present in the solution. 


When blood is shed, it becomes more viscid, and within three to 
ten minutes it begins to set into a jelly-like clot. The clot gradually 
contracts, expressing a yellow fluid, the serum, as it does so; and 
within ten to forty-eight hours the process results in a shrunken, firm 
clot floating in the expressed serum. If coagulation has taken place 
slowly, so that the corpuscles have had time to settle, the upper part of 
the clot will be paler than the deeper part, because the lighter 
leucocytes do not sink so quickly as the heavier red cells. 

If a drop of blood be placed on a slide and covered with a cover- 
slip, the process of clotting may be observed microscopically. It. is 
found that the red corpuscles become aggregated into rouleaux, and 
that between the aggregations delicate threads of fibrin make their 
appearance. Clotting thus consists in the formation of a meshwork 
of threads of fibrin, entangling the corpuscles; and the subsequent 
shrinking of the clot is due to the contraction of the newly formed 
fibres. . 

Fibrin may be obtained in quantity by whipping a large volume of 
freshly shed blood with a bundle of twigs, when the fibrin adheres to 
the twigs as it forms. Blood treated in this way will not clot 
subsequently, and is spoken of as defibrinated blood. The fibrin, when 
washed free of blood pigment, is a white, stringy substance, easily | 
stretched and possessing considerable elasticity. It. is insoluble in 
water and in dilute salt solutions, but dissolves slowly in 5 per cent. 
sodium chloride. It swells up and slowly dissolves in 0°2 or 0°4 per 
cent. hydrochloric acid, with the formation of acid metaprotein. 


The essential change in the coagulation of blood is the conversion 
of fibrinogen into fibrin. The former substance is no longer present in 
defibrinated blood or in serum. The process of clotting seed therefore 
be represented diagrammatically in this way : 

Plasma __Corpuscles 
v Vv 
Serum Clot. 

When fibrinogen is freed from other substances by repeated precipi- 
tation, a solution of the pure substance is found to have lost the 
property of spontaneous coagulation. If, however, some blood serum 
is added to such a pure solution, clotting will occur. It is clear, 
therefore, that at least two substances are necessary for the formation 
of fibrin, and that one of these is contained in blood serum. If twenty 
volumes of alcohol are added to one volume of serum, a precipitate of 
serum proteins is formed, and becomes insoluble in water if allowed to 
remain under alcohol for some days or weeks, If this precipitate be 
then dried and extracted’ with water, the solution so obtained will, if 
added to a solution of fibrinogen, cause the latter to clot. The watery 
extract contains a substance of unknown composition, which has been 
called thrombin. 

We therefore find that the formation of fibrin is due to the inter- 
action of fibrinogen and thrombin; and, further, it has been shown 
that a combination of the two bodies takes place, because, if excess of 
fibrinogen be present, the amount of fibrin formed is proportional to 
the amount of thrombin added to it. This latter fact is opposed to the 
theory formerly held that thrombin belongs to the group of ferments. 
The untenability of the older theory is further shown by the discovery 
that the activity of thrombin is not permanently destroyed by the 
action of heat. Moreover, fibrin can be partly broken down, thrombin 

being set free, by treating it for some time with 8 per cent. .sodium 
chloride solution. 

Thrombin itself is not contained in the blood-stream of the living 
animal. If blood is drawn directly from a blood-vessel into alcohol, 
it contains no thrombin, so that the latter body must be produced after 
the blood is shed. It has, in fact, been shown that it is derived from 
a precursor, which has been called thrombogen, by the combination of 
the latter substance with calcium salts. If freshly shed blood is 

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mixed with potassium oxalate solution in such quantity that the 
mixture contains 0-1 per cent. of potassium oxalate, the calcium salts — 
of the plasma are precipitated as calcium oxalate, and the blood will 
not clot. The subsequent addition of calcium chloride is followed by 
coagulation. But if oxalate serum is added to oxalate blood, clotting 
will take place, because thrombin is already present in the serum 
before the potassium oxalate is added. 

The formation of thrombin from thrombogen and calcium salts is 
brought about, or at least facilitated, by an activating substance called 
thrombokinase, which is derived in mammals mainly from the blood 
platelets. If oxalate plasma from a mammal is allowed to stand for two 
or three days on ice, a precipitate of platelets collects at the bottom of 
the vessel. The plasma still contains thrombogen, but will no longer 
coagulate on the addition of lime salts. It will clot, however, if some 
of the platelet precipitate or an extract of an animal tissue be added 
to it along with the lime salts, the extra factor, obtained from the plate- 

- lets or tissues, being thrombokinase. Again, the blood of birds contains 

no platelets, and will not clot if it is drawn directly from a blood-vessel 
without contact with the tissues. On the other hand, if it is allowed to 
flow over the adjacent tissues on its passage from the vessel, or if a 
little tissue extract is added to it, it will coagulate readily. Thrombo- 
kinase is therefore present in nearly all the tissues of the body as well 
as in the platelets, and this wide distribution facilitates the protective 
clotting of the blood which takes place on wounded surfaces. The 
leucocytes have also been supposed to discharge thrombokinase when 
blood is shed. 

The facts described above in connection with the subject of the 
coagulation of the blood are generally accepted, but the exact interpreta- 
tion of them put forward by different authors, as well as the nomenclature 
applied to the different substances concerned, varies somewhat. 

The factors. concerned in coagulation may be diagrammatically sum- 
marised as in the following table :— 

Thrombogen Thrombokinase Lime salts Fibrinogen 
Re . fs 
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Thrombogen, lime salts, and fibrinogen exist normally in blood. 
When blood is shed, thrombokinase, derived from blood platelets or 

from the tissues, brings about the combination of thrombogen and lime 

salts to form thrombin; thrombin then combines quantitatively with 
fibrinogen to form fibrin. | 

The Nature of Thrombin.—For many years thrombin was believed 
to belong to the group of ferments, but it has been shown (1) that it is 
not destroyed by boiling, and (2) that the amount of fibrin formed is 
in proportion to the amount of thrombin present. (1) .Thrombin in 
watery solution is not affected by boiling, but thrombin contained in 
serum is inactivated by boiling. The inactivated substance in the 
latter case, however, is reactivated by the addition of alkali. The 
destruction of a ferment, on the other hand, at a temperature of 100° C. 
is one of its most characteristic features. (2) It is also characteristic 
of a ferment that, if the products of its activity be removed, it will in 
time act upon all the substrate which is present. Thrombin, on the 
other hand, is used up in the formation of fibrin, so that if there is 
an excess of fibrinogen the surplus remains unchanged, unless fresh 
thrombin is added. 

If serum is allowed to stand for two or three days, the thrombin 
contained in it disappears, being converted into a substance which has 
been called metathrombin, and which can be reactivated by the addition 
of either acids or alkalies, with subsequent neutralisation, or by the 
occurrence of putrefaction. The same agencies, that is acids, alkalies, 
or putrefaction, will break up fibrin, yielding thrombin. 

The fact that blood does not clot in the vessels must be due to one 
of two things: either an essential factor for coagulation is not present, 
or clotting is prevented by some agent which inhibits the process. 
With regard to the former possibility, fibrinogen exists in normal 
blood, calcium salts are undoubtedly present, and thrombogen must be 
a constituent of the blood in some form. If it be accepted that 
platelets are only formed when blood comes into contact with foreign 
matter, it would appear that the immediate precursor of thrombokinase 
is not in existence in the circulating blood. This has already been 
shown to be the case in birds, the blood of which contains no platelets. 
There is, therefore, good ground for believing that the circulating blood 
contains little or no thrombokinase. As regards the second possibility, 
evidence has been brought forward by some observers to show that a 
substance, anticoagulin or antithrombin, is a normal constituent of blood, 
and that it is formed in the liver. It is stated, for example, that the 
injection of thrombokinase or of thrombin into a blood-vessel results in 
the production of such an antibody, so that the blood becomes defivient 




in coagulating power, just as a precipitin is produced as the result of 
the injection of foreign protein. Hence it has been inferred that small 
quantities of thrombin are continually being produced in the blood, 
thrombokinase being set free by the breaking down of white blood 
corpuscles and of the tissues generally. The presence of thrombin 
leads to the formation of antithrombin in the liver, and in this way 
clotting in the blood-vessels is prevented. 

Conditions which Accelerate Clotting.—The rate of coagulation is 
accelerated (1) by a certain degree of warmth, (2) by agitation of 
the blood, and (3) by increasing the extent of the foreign surface 
with which the blood is in contact. A practical application of the 
latter fact may be made by applying a sponge or cotton wool to a 
bleeding surface to aid in the arrest of hemorrhage. It is probable that 
the foreign surface facilitates the formation and disintegration of 
platelets with consequent. increased production of thrombokinase. 

Intravascular Clotting.—The rapid injection into the blood-stream 
of an animal of a quantity of a saline extract of such a cellular organ 
as the thymus or a lymph gland, leads to the coagulation of the blood 
throughout the whole vascular system. This result is generally ascribed 
to the presence of nucleo-protein in ‘the extract. Small quantities of 
a similar extract, slowly injected, have an opposite effect, rendering the 
blood incoagulable. The difference in the results, according to the 

_ quantity of extract injected, has not been satisfactorily explained. 

Intravascular clotting is also produced by the injection of thrombokinase 
or of snake venom, but not by moderate quantities of thrombin. 

+ Conditions which Retard or Prevent Clotting.—These may be 
classified as— 

(1) Prevention of contact with a foreign surface. 

(2) Removal of one or more of the substances concerned in the ' 
formation of fibrin. 

(3) Interference with the interaction of the substances concerned 
in the formation of fibrin. 

(4) The use of an anticoagulin, or the production of antithrombin 
by the injection of certain substances into the blood-stream 
before the blood is shed. 

(1) Coagulation is delayed if blood is shed into a vessel the interior 

of which is smeared with grease of any kind. It is delayed for a 
longer time if the blood is kept in contact with the lining of a blood-. 
vessel. If a large vein containing blood is ligatured in two places 
and the ligatured portion is excised, the blood in the vein, which is 
then known as a “living test-tube,” may remain fluid for days. 

(2) (a) Lime salts are precipitated by the addition of potassium 


oxalate or of sodium fluoride to blood. (0) Sodium fluoride preci- 
pitates not only calcium but also thrombogen, so that fluoride blood 
will not clot on the subsequent addition of lime salts. (c) If one 
volume of saturated solution of magnesium sulphate be added to four 
volumes of blood, and the mixture be allowed to stand for twenty-four 
hours, the thrombokinase is precipitated, and clotting ,will not take 
place on dilution. For the first few hours after the addition of the 
sulphate the clotting is merely retarded by the excess of salt, and the 
blood will clot if it is diluted. (d) Sodium citrate may also be used 
to prevent coagulation. It forms with calcium a double salt, calcium 
sodium citrate, which is soluble, and in which the calcium is combined 
with the acidic radical and does not become a free ion. Calcium will 
not combine with thrombogen unless it is in the ionised condition. 

(3) (a) Coagulation may be prevented by cooling freshly shed blood 
to 0° C. (6) The addition to the blood of an equal volume of saturated 
solution of sodium sulphate will prevent or delay clotting, but co- 
agulation will take place when the mixture is diluted, showing that 
the action of the salt is purely mechanical. 

(4) Hirudin, a substance obtained by extracting the glands: in the 
head of the leech, is an anticoagulin, and will prevent clotting either 
if added to shed blood or if previously injected into a blood-vessel. 
The injection of peptone will render blood incoagulable, and such blood, 
when added to blood shed in the ordinary way, will prevent coagulation 
of the latter; but peptone itself has no retarding effect on coagulation 
when added to shed blood. From experiments such as these it is 
clear that peptone has no direct action in preventing coagulation, but 
that it leads to the production in the liver of an anticoagulin, which 
is discharged into the circulating blood. 

Coagulation Time.—The time taken for coagulation of a sample 
of blood may be conveniently estimated by means of Dale and Laidlaw’s 
coagulometer. This consists of a short capillary tube containing a 
leaden shot. The finger is pricked and blood is run into the tube, 
which is then immersed in water at a selected temperature, the ends 
of the tube being closed. The tube is moved so as to keep the shot 
rolling until the latter stops dead with the tube vertical. The time 
between the appearance of blood on the finger and the stopping of the 
shot is the coagulation time. It varies from one and a half minutes 
at 40° C. to about eight minutes at 19° C. for normal blood. 

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The amount of blood in the body of an animal is ascertained by 
collecting and measuring the blood obtained by bleeding the animal. 
To the total thus obtained must be added the blood which does not 
escape when the animal is bled. This must be dissolved out of the 
tissues until no more colour is obtained ; the tint of the mixed washings 
is compared with that of a known dilution of the blood, and in this 
way the amount of dissolved blood is calculated and added to that 
found by direct measurement. Two experiments of this kind have 
been performed on the bodies of guillotined criminals, and from these 
it was found that the blood in man forms one-thirteenth of the body 

Haldane has devised a method for ascertaining the quantity of 
blood in the living subject. This method is based upon the affinity 
of hemoglobin for carbon monoxide. A small quantity of blood is 
withdrawn and its oxygen capacity is estimated. The subject is then 
allowed to breathe air containing a known amount of carbon monoxide, 
which is absorbed by the blood. A certain proportion of the hemo- 
globin of the blood combines with the carbon monoxide, forming 
carboxyhzemoglobin, and thus reducing the oxygen capacity of the 
blood to that extent. A small quantity of blood is again withdrawn 
and its oxygen capacity estimated. If it is found in this way that 
100 grams of blood contain 34, of the absorbed carbon monoxide, then 
100 grams obviously form 3'5 of the total blood contained in the body. 
By this method the total blood has been calculated to be one-twentieth 
of the body weight, so that there is a discrepancy between the results 
obtained by the two methods, though the latter method is probably 
the more accurate. 



THE life of the muscles, of the nervous system, and of every tissue of 
the body depends upon their receiving an adequate supply of food and 
oxygen; and one of the most important functions of the blood is to 
convey oxygen and nutritive material to the tissues and to carry away 
carbon dioxide and waste products which are formed by the tissues. 
In order that this function may be carried out, the heart and blood- 
vessels furnish the mechanism by which a constant circulation of the 
blood throughout the body is maintained ; and by means of the central 
nervous system the activities of this mechanism can be varied in 
response to the ever-changing needs, either of the body as a whole, or 
of its different parts. i : 

The heart acts as a pump, and drives the blood along the arteries, 
through the capillaries and veins and back to the heart. The actual 
interchange of nutritive material and waste products between the 
blood and tissues takes place solely through the walls of the capillaries, 
and the entire circulatory mechanism is adapted to maintain the con- 
ditions most favourable to this interchange. 


The heart is a hollow muscular organ lying in the thorax between 
the lungs, and slightly to the left of the middle line of the body. It is 
conical in shape, the apex being directed downwards, and is divided by 
a septum into right and left halves, which do not communicate directly 
with each other. Each half consists of two chambers, an upper thin- 
walled auricle (atrium) and a lower thick-walled ventricle. Into the 
right auricle open the superior vena cava, bringing blood from the head 
and upper limbs, the inferior vena cava, conveying blood from the rest 
of the body, and the coronary sinus. The right auricle opens into the 
right ventricle by an orifice guarded by a valve with three triangular 


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cusps, tricuspid valve, arising from the fibrous junction between the 
auricle and ventricle and hanging down into the ventricle. The cusps 
consist of connective and elastic tissue, and are so arranged as to permit 
the flow of blood from auricle to ventricle, but not in the reverse 
direction. From each cusp a number of tendinous threads, chorde 
tendinew, pass to be attached to projections of the ventricular wall, 
known as the papillary muscles. | 

The right ventricle possesses two openings: (1)the auriculo-ventricular 
just described, and (2) the opening into the pulmonary artery, which 
conveys blood from the heart to the lungs. The latter opening is 
provided with a valve having three semilunar cusps composed of strong 
fibrous and elastic tissue. In the centre of the free border of each cusp 
is a small fibrous nodule, the corpus Arantii, which serves to strengthen 
the valve. When the valve is closed, the free borders of the cusps come 
into contact with each other and are pressed together, thereby pre- 
venting the return of blood from the pulmonary artery to the ventricle. 

The general arrangement of the left side of the heart is very 
similar to that of the right. Two pulmonary veins from each lung 
open into the left auricle. The auriculo-ventricular valve possesses 
only two cusps; it somewhat resembles a bishop’s mitre, and is known 
as the mitral valve. The cusps, like those of the right auriculo- 
ventricular valve, are connected by tendinous cords with the papillary 
muscles and the wall of the left ventricle. Opening out of the left 
ventricle is the aorta, which is provided with a valve having three 
semilunar cusps similar in structure to those of the pulmonary artery. 

The cavities of the heart are lined by a smooth membrane, the endo- 
- cardiwm, composed of delicate connective and elastic tissue covered by 
flattened endothelial cells. 

The substance of the heart consists of muscular tissue bound 
together by connective tissue and supplied with blood from the coronary 
arteries. It is arranged in sheets composed of fibres, which are built 
up of short cylindrical segments or cells ; each cell has an oval nucleus 
and shows an indistinct longitudinal and. transverse striation. The 
fibres are branched, the branches of adjacent fibres uniting with one 
another so that the heart muscle forms a continuous network of cells, 
known as a gyncytiwm. 

The wall of the auricles is composed of (a) superficial fibres common 
to both auricles, and (b) deep fibres, both looped and annular, proper to 
each auricle; the annular fibres form muscular rings around the open- 
ings of the great veins. The auricles are joined to the ventricles by 
strong fibrous rings, which encircle the auriculo-ventricular orifices, and 
by a band of modified muscular tissue, known as the auriculo-ventricular 



bundle, or bundle of Has, the importance of which will be considered 
later. veloc 

The muscular fibres of the ventricles are arranged in a very complex 
manner. A superficial stratum runs in a spiral direction from the 
fibrous rings uniting the auricles and ventricles to the apex of the 
heart; here the fibres form a whorl and then ascend in the inter- 
ventricular septum and on the inner surfaces of the ventricles to end 
in the papillary muscles. Between the layers thus formed are deeper 
fibres, most of which are arranged in an @-shaped manner, springing 
from the papillary muscles of one ventricle and ending in the papillary 
muscles of the other ventricle; they are united by muscular strands 

with the layers of the superficial stratum. The muscle is so arranged 

that, when contraction occurs, the cavities of the ventricles become 
smaller. - 

The wall of the left ventricle, which drives the blood through the 
greater part of the body, is about three times as thick as that of the 
right ventricle, which drives the blood only through the lungs; the 
thin-walled auricles merely discharge their contents into the relaxed 
ventricles. The capacity of the two ventricles is approximately the 
same, amounting in each case to a maximum of 140 c.c., and is rather 
larger than that of the auricles 

The pericardium isa fibrous sac enclosing the heart, attached below 
to the diaphragm and lined by flattened cells; where the great vessels 
pass through it the epithelial layer is reflected and covers the surface 
of the heart. The smooth inner wall of the sac is moistened by a little 
lymph (pericardial fluid), and the movements of the heart are carried 
out with hardly any friction. The pericardium serves to prevent over- 
distension of the heart, when it is being filled by the inflow of blood 
from the veins. 

The Blood-vessels.—The arteries, which convey blood from the 
heart to the capillaries, are thick-walled tubes made up of muscular and 
elastic tissue. A medium-sized artery shows three coats—outer, middle, 
and inner. The outer coat is composed of fibrous tissue. The middle 
coat consists of smooth muscle fibres arranged circularly, and of yellow 
elastic fibres. The inner coat consists of flattened endothelial cells 
united edge to edge by a cement substance, some loose connective 
tissue, and a thick elastic lamina next the middle coat. The middle 
coat of the large arteries, such as the aorta, contains a larger propor- 
tion of elastic tissue and a correspondingly small amount of muscle, 
whereas- that of the small arteries (arterioles) is purely muscular. 

The capillaries form a dense network round and among the tissue 
elements in almost every part of the body, and consist of a single layer 

in wae os 

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of flattened cells united by cement substance. Their calibre varies 
slightly, but the average diameter is little wider than that of a red. 

The veins also possess three coats, but their walls are thinner and 
contain much less muscular and elastic tissue than the arteries, and 
are strengthened by the presence of a considerable amount of fibrous 
tissue, especially in the outer coat. Many veins have -valves consisting 
of fibrous tissue covered on each surface by endothelial cells, and so 
arranged that they allow blood to flow towards the heart, but prevent 
any flow in the opposite direction. 

The arteries remain patent when divided, and a high internal 
pressure is required to distend their thick muscular and elastic walls, 
whereas the thin-walled veins collapse when opened, and become 
distended under a very low pressure. 


The heart beats rhythmically from seventy to seventy-two times a 
minute. The. beat consists of the contraction of the auricles, followed 
almost immediately by that of the ventricles, and is succeeded by a pause, 
during which -the-whole-heart-is-eompletely relaxed. The contraction of 
the auricles and ventricles is spoken of as auricular or ventricular systole, 
the period during which the heart is relaxed being called the diastole. 
At each beat the ventricles expel blood into the aorta and pulmonary 
artery, from which it is distributed by the former to the body as a whole 
and by the latter to the lungs. 

The blood entering the aorta from the left ventricle is conveyed by 
the arteries arising from it to the capillaries of the various organs of 
the body, with the exception of the lungs. From these organs it is 
returned by veins, which unite with each other, eventually forming the 
ven cavee, which open into the right auricle. The blood passes from 
the right auricle into the right ventricle, from which it is forced into 
the pulmonary artery; it then flows along the subdivisions of this 
artery through the pulmonary capillaries into the pulmonary veins 
(two for each lung), and thence into the left auricle. From the left 
auricle the blood enters the left ventricle and is again sent out into the 
aorta (fig. 54). | 

In the abdomen, the blood passes through a double set of capillaries, 
The veins which receive blood from the digestive tract and spleen unite 
to form a single large vein, the portal vein, which on reaching the liver 
again breaks up into capillaries; these open into itne hepatic. veins 
which join the inferior vena cava. 


The complete circulation consists therefore of two parts, the one 
from the right side of the heart through the lungs and back to the left 
side of the heart, known as the pulmonary or lesser circulation, the 
other from the left side of the heart throughout the rest of the body 
and back to the right auricle, forming the 
systemic or greater circulation. As the 
blood traverses the lungs it takes up 
oxygen, becoming scarlet in colour (arterial 
blood). Arterial blood is found in the 
pulmonary veins, in the left side of the 
heart, and in the systemic arteries. Dur- 
ing its passage through the capillaries in’ 
the various tissues the blood loses much 
of its oxygen, receives carbonic acid, and 
becomes darker in colour (venous bleod). 
The venous blood’ is carried along the 
systemic veins to the right side of the 
heart and into the pulmonary artery to 
take up a further supply of oxygen from 
the lungs. 



When an artery is cut across, the 
blood spurts out from its central end (the 
end nearest the heart) with considerable 
force for some distance; and, evidently, 
the blood contained in the arteries is exert- 
ing a high pressure upon the vessel walls. When a vein is,divided, the 
blood escapes from its peripheral end in a slow steady stream. 

Fic. 54.—Diagram showing the 
course of the circulation. 

The arterial blood pressure can be measured by allowing the blood — 

to flow into a vertical glass tube tied into the central end of an artery, 
The blood will be seen to attain a height of three or four feet or more, 
and to show oscillations corresponding with each heart beat. The 
method is unsatisfactory, partly because the clotting of the blood in 
the tube soon brings the experiment to an end, partly because, in a 
. small animal, the loss of blood from the body may interfere with. the 
circulatory mechanism. It is customary, therefore, to place in the 
artery a small cannula, filled with half-saturated sodium sulphate solu- 
tion to delay clotting, and to connect the cannula with one limb of a 
U-shaped tube (“manometer”) containing mercury, which is so heavy 
that a column of mercury 100-150 mm. high suffices to counter- 

OS le eee 



balance the pressure of the blood in: the artery, and to prevent 
the blood escaping into the cannula. A writing point .attached to 
a float resting on the mercury in the other limb of the manometer 
can be used to record the pressure on a moving blackened surface 
(kymograph). | 

The following method is used (fg. 55). An artery (such as the 
carotid or femoral) is exposed in an anesthetised animal, and the flow 
of blood is shut off by a clip. The artery is ligatured about 2-3 cm. 
beyond the clip, opened between the clip and the ligature, and a 
cannula containing a half-saturated solution of sodium sulphate is tied 
into it. This cannula is connected by thick rubber tubing with a ~ 

i \ 

rete vari 

Fic. 55. Apparatus for taking a blood-pressure tracing, 

A, cannula inserted in an artery ; B, pressure bottle; C, mercurial manometer. 

bottle containing a half-saturated solution of sodium sulphate, and with 
one limb of the manometer. By raising the bottle the cannula and 
connecting tubing can be filled with sodium sulphate solution under 
such pressure that the column of mercury in the limb to which the 
float is attached rises from 100 to 150 mm. higher than the column in 
the limb connected with the artery. The connection between the pres- 
sure bottle and the manometer is then shut off by a screw-clamp, and 
the clip is removed from the artery. The column of mercury rises or 
falls slightly until the pressure counter-balances that of the blood, and 
the writing lever remains at a constant level, except for slight oscilla- 
tions with each heart beat and with the respiratory movements (fig. 56). 
The difference in height of the columns of mercury in the two limbs 
represents the mean arterial blood pressure. ¢ 


The pressure in the large veins may be determined in a similar 
manner, except that, as the pressure is low, the whole manometer is 
usually filled with sodium sulphate solution. Observations made in 
this way show that whereas in a systemic artery the mean blood 
pressure may vary from 100 to 140 mm. Hg and alters slightly with 

Fic, 56.—Blood-pressure tracing. 

each heart beat and respiratory movement, the venous pressure amounts 
only to a very few mm. Hg and is not affected by the heart beat. It 
is found that the arterial pressure is highest in the aorta, rather less 
in the medium-sized arteries, and that there is an abrupt fall of pressure 
in the arterioles ; in the capillaries the pressure is low, and finally there 


O | O 
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Fic. 57.—Scheme of blood pressure. (Starling’s Principles of Physiology. ) 

LV, left ventricle ; A, arterioles ; C, capillaries; V, veins; RA, right auricle ; 
OO, line of no pressure; BP, blood pressure. 

is a steady fall of pressure in the veins, until, in the large veins near 
the heart, it may actually be negative, that is, less than the atmospheric 
pressure. These differences of pressure are diagrammatically repre- 
sented in fig. 57. The pressure in the pulmonary artery varies from 
20 to 25 mm. Hg, and on the average is about one-sixth of that in 
the aorta or its main branches. 

We may now consider the factors which are concerned in this 
distribution of pressure, and in the conversion of the jerky flow 


of blood in the arteries into a continuous flow in the capillaries 
and veins. 

They are (1) the beat of the heart, (2) the elasticity of the arteries, 
and (3) the peripheral resistance. 

The action of these factors is a purely mechanical one, and can be 
reproduced in an artificial scheme such as is shown in fig, 58. A 
reservoir R containing a coloured fluid is attached to a horizontal 
rubber tube S T open at its other end, and a number of vertical glass 
tubes open at the top are connected with this tube. As the fluid flows 
from the reservoir, it rises in the vertical tubes to a height correspond- 
ing with the pressure at that point, and the line A B joining the top of 

the columns of fluid in the tubes shows that there is a uniform fall of 
pressure along the rubber tube. If a screw clip is placed on the rubber 
tube at C and gradually tightened, thereby introducing a resistance to 
the flow of fluid along the tube, the pressure rises on the proximal side 
and falls on the distal side of the clip, the pressure godine along the 
tube being indicated by the dotted line A, D, B. 

When the flow of fluid from the reservoir is made intermittent by 
alternately compressing and releasing the connection between it and 
the tube at short intervals, the fluid in the vertical tubes K, L, M, and 
N, between the reservoir and the resistance at C, shows corresponding 
oscillations in height, whereas in the tubes O and P, beyond ©, these 
oscillations are absent, and fluid flows from the end of the rubber tube 
in a steady stream. 

In the body the reservoir is represented by the heart, which at each 
beat sends into the aorta a certain quantity of blood (in man about 


60 ¢.c.). The peripheral resistance is due to friction between the flow- 
ing blood and the walls of the vessels, the amount of friction varying 
inversely with the bore of the vessels and directly with the velocity of 
the blood. The peripheral resistance caused by this friction is very 
. large in the arterioles, which are numerous and of small bore, and in 
which the blood flows rapidly. In the capillaries the blood flows so 
slowly that, although their calibre is very minute, the resistance is 
much less than in the arterioles; and in the large arteries it is com- 
paratively slight. 

With each beat of the heart an additional quantity of blood enters 
the arterial system, and, if there were no peripheral resistance, an equal 
quantity would instantly escape through the arterioles into the capillaries. 
But the resistance offered by the arterioles is so great that when the 
blood is forced during systole into the already distended arterial 
system, there is not an immediate escape of a corresponding amount 
from the arterioles into the capillaries. Most of the force of the heart 
is expended in further distending the arteries in order to accommodate 
this additional blood sent into them, and the pressure within them 
rises. In the interval between two heart beats the distended arteries 
shrink by virtue of their elasticity, thereby forcing blood through the 
arterioles, and the pressure falls slightly. The result is that the flow 
of blood along the capillaries and veins takes place both during and 
between the heart beats as a steady stream, whereas blood enters the 
aorta only during the heart beat, and: the flow along the arteries 
is jerky. 

When the amount of blood entering the arterial system during 
systole is equal to that leaving it, partly during systole and partly 
during diastole, the mean arterial pressure remains steady. Any 
increase or decrease in the amount of blood entering the aorta at each 
beat will tend to raise or lower the arterial pressure. Similarly, dilata- 
tion of the arterioles will diminish the resistance to the escape of biood 
into the capillaries and the arterial pressure will fall, whereas constric- 
tion of the arterioles will produce a rise of pressure. 

Although the driving force of the heart pump is sufficient to propel 
the blood round the body and back to the heart, its action is normally 
assisted (1) by the respiratory movements, which will be considered 
later (page 283), and (2) by skeletal muscular movements, Every 
muscular movement tends to squeeze blood along the veins ‘towards 
the heart, any reflux being prevented by the valves with which these 
veins are provided, 

Mean Systemic Pressure,—When the heart ceases to beat the 
arterial pressure falls, the venous pressure rises, and finally there is 

~~.  . . eee 2 ee 


a uniform pressure throughout the vascular system, the height of which 
will ‘depend upon the amount of blood present in the vessels. This 
is called the mean systemic pressure. If more blood is added to the 
vascular system, the mean pressure will rise, and vice versa. When 
the heart starts to beat, it pumps blood into the arteries, which 
become distended, because at first the outflow from the arterioles is 
less than the amount of blood forced into the aorta; and the arterial 
pressure rises. Asa result of the transference of blood from the veins 
to the arteries the venous pressure falls below the mean pressure. It 
follows, first, that under normal conditions the arterial and venous 
pressures vary inversely with one another, and, secondly, that the 
arterial, capillary, and venous pressures will all vary with the total 
volume of blood in the vascular system, although the venous and 
capillary pressures are those chiefly influenced. 


Arterial Pressure.—The highest blood pressure occurring during 
the cardiac systole is called the systolic pressure ; the pressure corres- 
ponding with the end of diastole is the dzastolze pressure, the difference 
between the two being called 
the pulse pressure. The sys- 
tolic pressure is measured by 
means of a Riva-Rocci sphyg- 
momanometer. This consists 
(fig. 59) of a leather band 
about four inches wide, inside . 4 
which is a rubber bag com- 
municating with a mercurial 
manometer and _ connected 
with a small pressure bulb. 
Attached to the bulb is a 
screw by which the bag can be put into communication with or shut 
off from the external air. . 

The band is fastened round the upper arm. The observer feels the 
radial pulse with the fingers of one hand, while with the other he 
squeezes the bulb and distends the bag with air, until the pressure is 
just sufficient to obliterate the brachial artery and the radial pulse 
disappears. When this occurs, the pressure in the mercurial manometer 
is noted. The screw attached to the bulb is then gently turned, the 
air slowly escapes, and the pressure falls; when the radial pulse is just 
perceptible, the pressure in the manometer is again observed. The 
mean between the two readings is the systolic arterial pressure. This 

"Gy | 


Fie. 59.—Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer. 
(From Messrs Hawksley. ) 

represents the pressure on the outer wall of the artery which exactly 
balances the greatest pressure within the artery during systole, and at 
which the lumen of the artery is just obliterated. | 

The diastolic pressure can be approximately measured with the 
same instrument by observing the height of the manometer when the 
oscillations of the column of mercury with each heart beat are maximal. 
When this happens, the pressure in the bag is just equal to that in the 
artery at the end of diastole (diastolic pressure); the artery collapses 
between the beats and then expands almost fully during systole. Thus 
the lowest level of the manometer“Setween the beats gives a record 

of the diastolic pressure ; and by measuring the diastolic and systolic 

_ pressures, the pulse pressure, which is the difference between them, can 
be determined. The systolic pressure in the healthy adult varies in 


(OWE iD 

Fie, 60.—(Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 

the large arteries, such as the brachial, from 100 to 110 mm. Hg; it 
becomes higher with increasing age, and at fifty, even in health, is 
about 140 to 150 mm. Hg. It is temporarily raised during muscular or 
mental work, and falls again during rest. ' 

‘Venous Pressure.—A flat rubber bag having a hole through the 
centre of each flat surface (fig. 60) is placed over a peripheral vein 
and covered by a glass plate, the junctions being made air-tight with 
glycerol ; a tube leads from the bag to a manometer and to a pressure 
bulb. Air is blown into the bag, the giass plate being firmly held in 
position ; when the pressure reaches a certain height the vein collapses, 
and the reading of the manometer represents the venous pressure. 
The same method, a smaller bag being used, may be employed to 
determine capillary pressure. The average capillary pressure is from 
15 to 40 mm. Hg. The venous pressure varies from 8 to 10 mm. Hg 
in the smaller veins ; in the large veins near the heart it is only 1 or 
2 mm. Hg, and may be negative. 

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The average rate of flow in a river depends upon the pressure 
gradient between its source and the sea; and in the same way the 
actual velocity of the blood stream is determined by the driving force 
of the heart pump, that is, upon the amount of blood expelled from it 
at each beat. If the heart is beating feebly the velocity will be small, 
whereas if the heart is beating strongly and rapidly, for example during 
muscular exercise, the velocity may be considerable. These differences 
are of importance, since the rate at which oxygen is carried from the 
lungs to the various tissues of the body is largely determined by the 
rapidity of the circulation. 

The relative velocity of the blood flow in the arteries, capillaries, 
and veins is determined solely by the total width of the channels 
through which the blood is flowing. Since the same quantity of blood 
has to pass in a given time through each cross-section of the bed of 
the vascular system, it is obvious that the smaller the cross section 
the greater must be the velocity of the blood flow. For the same 
reason the water flows rapidly in a river where the channel is narrow, 
and slowly where the channel widens out into large pools. 

When an artery divides, each branch is smaller than the parent 
artery, but the total cross section of the two branches is larger than 
that of the parent artery. The total cross section of the vessels thus 
increases with each branching, and in the capillaries it has been 
estimated to be about 800 times as great as that of the aorta. The 
sectional area of the veins gradually decreases as they unite to form 
larger vessels, and that of the large veins entering the heart is approxi- 
mately twice as great as that of the aorta. It has been found that. 
whereas the average velocity of the blood in the large arteries is about 
400-500 mm. a second, it varies from 4-1 mm. a_-second in the capil- 

laries, and is from 200-250 mm. a second in the large veins. 

In a small organ, such as the kidney or submaxillary gland, the 
velocity of the flow of blood is also modified by local changes in the 
arterioles. Dilatation of the arterioles lessens the resistance to the 
flow of blood through the organ without affecting the general arterial 
blood pressure, and since the resistance is lessened in that organ as 
compared with other organs in the body, a short-cut is provided between 
the arteries and the veins; hence the blood flows through the organ 
with increased velocity and in increased amount. This result, which 
furnishes an apparent exception to the general statement made above, 
is only true when the organ is so small that alterations in the calibre 
of its arterioles do not appreciably affect the general blood pressure. 


Methods of measuring the Velocity of ‘the Blood Flow.—(1) 
Ludwig’s Stromuhr.—This consists of two glass vessels A and B 
connected at the top (fig. 61). On A is a mark c, the capacity of 
the vessel below the mark being exactly known. The vessels are fixed 
at their lower ends into a metal disc H, placed upon a similar dise N, 
and capable of being rotated upon the latter through two right angles, 
The openings a’ and 0’ in the upper disc fit exactly over those (a and 4) 
in the lower disc; from these openings in the lower disc arise two 
tubes F and G, The experiment is carried out as follows. A clip is 
placed on an artery, which is then divided and connected at one end 

Fic, 61.—1, Ludwig’s stromuhr ; 2, Diagrammatic representation, 

with tube F, at the other with tube G.’ The tube and the vessel A, which 
communicate with the proximal end of the artery, are filled with olive oil 
up to the mark c, and the remainder of the apparatus is filled with 
defibrinated blood. The blood is then allowed to flow through F into 

A, thus driving the oil over into B and sending the defibrinated blood » 

into the peripheral end of the artery. As soon as the blood leaving 
the artery reaches the mark c, the disc H is turned rapidly through 
two right angles, and the blood flowing from the artery now drives the 
oil back into A. When the oil again occupies its original position, the 
disc is once more rotated through two right angles. This process is 
repeated as often as necessary, the experiment being carried on for any 
desired period ; clotting of the blood can be prevented by the previous 

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injection of hirudin into the animal. The diameter of the artery is 
then measured. From these data the TeneHy of the blood flow can be 

_ calculated by means of the formula 

volume (passing through the stromuhr) per second 

Velocity = 
oloetes sectional area of blood-vessels. 

If the capacity of the bulb up to the mark ¢ is 5 cc. and it was 
filled six times in a minute, then the amount of blood passing through 
the instrument would be 30 c.c. in one minute, or 4 ¢.c. in one second, 
Supposing the diameter of the artery to be 2 mm., the sectional area is 
rr’, and rate of flow can be calculated as follows :— 

0 c¢.c. —_ 500 
31416x12 31416 
Many other instruments have been devised, of which the most 
useful is the photohematachometer of Cybulski. This consists of two 
vertical tubes united at the top, and opening 
below into a horizontal tube, as shown diagram- 
matically in fig. @2. The proximal end of an 
artery is attached to the instrument at A, the 
blood escaping at B into the distal end of the fi) 

Velocity = = 159 millimetres per second. 

artery. The blood will rise higher in the tube C 
than in the tube D, the difference in height of the 
two columns being directly proportional to the |[¢ D 
velocity of the blood flow in the artery. A graphic 
record is. obtained by allowing a beam of light to 

fluid on to a moving photographic plate. To de- 
termine the absolute velocity of the blood, the 
instrument must be calibrated. It has the advan- 
tage of giving not merely the average velocity of 
the blood flow, but also the variations during ven- 
tricular systole and diastole. In one experiment, 
the velocity varied from 250 mm. per second during 74, B 
systole to 127 mm. in diastole. 

SS °©™aay 

Fic. 62. — Diagram 

On observing the flow of blood through the showing the prin- 
‘ pais : ciple of Cybulski’s 
small arteries and veins in the mesentery or web photohematacho- 
of a frog, the red corpuscles are seen to occupy meter. 
the central part of the vessels (axial zone), and to 
be moving more rapidly than the peripheral layer of blood, in which are 

found most of the leucocytes. The formation of the axial zone is due to the 


fact that the specific gravity of the-red higher than that of the 
plasma. The lumen of the capillaries is so small that no axial zone 
is present. The velocity of the blood flow in the capillaries can be 
directly observed with the aid of an eye-piece micrometer by noting 
the time taken by a red corpuscle to travel a given distance, and varies 
from 0°5 to 0°38 mm. per second; and as the ayerage length of a 
capillary is from 0'4 to 0°38 mm., any one corpuscle traverses the 
capillary in one second. During this time, the interchange of oxygen 
and of carbonic acid and of nutritive and waste material between the 
blood and the tissues takes place through the capillary wall. The 
capillary pressure is intermediate between that in the arteries and 
veins, and since the capillaries open directly into the veins the 
pressure in them is very easily influenced by a rise or fall in venous 
pressure. | 

If an irritant, e.g. dilute acetic acid, is applied for a moment or two 
_ to the surface of the frog’s mesentery, the minute arterioles and the 
_ capillaries soon become dilated, and the blood flows more rapidly through 
them. Presently the leucocytes begin to adhere to the capillary walls, 
and some of them make their way through the interstices between the 
epithelial cells into the surrounding tissue. At the.same time, the 
capillary wall seems to alter so as to offer more resistance to the flow of 
blood ; and the flow slackens and may cease, although the capillaries 
and arterioles are still dilated. After a time, the capillaries become 
filled with a mass of red and white cells, much of the plasma passing 
through the walls of the capillaries into the lymph. Sometimes the 

red corpuscles are also forced through the. capillary walls, this being 

called diapedesis. This series of events forms part of the process of 
inflammation, which is defined as the response of the tissues to an 
injury provided the latter does not cause death at once. The injury 
may be mechanical or may be brought about by chemical substances, 
including bacterial products. 


One of the best methods for determining the circulation time is to 
inject into one jugular vein a strong solution of methylene blue; the 
jugular vein on the opposite side is exposed and allowed to rest on a 
strip of white paper. The interval between the injection and the 
moment at which the blue colour becomes visible in the opposite vein 
is observed ; it varies from 15 to 2 0 seconds, 

Another method consists in sending a compensated electric current 
through a section of an artery, e.g. the left carotid, and through a galvano- 
meter. A little concentrated salt solution is injected into the opposite 

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carotid artery. When the salt is injected, it increases the conductivity 

of the blood, and as soon as the solution reaches the left carotid artery 

the electric current passes more easily through the artery, the compen- 
sation is upset, and the needle of the galvanometer is deflected. 

The time thus measured represents, however, merely the time in 
which a blood corpuscle can complete the shortest possible circuit in the 
circulatory system ; and the average circulation time of the blood as a 
whole is probably twice or thrice as long as that found by these methods. 


(1) Changes in Form.—Observation of the heart, exposed in an 
anzesthetised animal, shows that the beat begins with contraction of the 
great veins near the heart, and is followed immediately by the contraction 
of both auricles (atria), including their appendages. After a brief 
interval, known as the auriculo-ventricular interval, the ventricles 
contract synchronously, assuming the form of a short truncated cone. 
During their contraction the ventricles become shorter from above 
downwards, and, as the position of the apex remains almost unaltered, 
the auricles are pulled down towards the apex, and the aorta and 
pulmonary artery are stretched longitudinally. At the same time, the 
cross section of the base of the ventricles alters, becoming more nearly 
circular and smaller. When the contraction of the ventricles ceases, 
the whole heart remains for a short time at rest (diastole). 

(2) The Sequence of Events within the Heart.— During diastole the 
blood is flowing steadily into the right auricle from the great veins, and 
also from the auricle into the right ventricle, into which the cusps of 
the tricuspid valve are hanging. When the auricle contracts, it empties 
most of its contents into the ventricle, any reflux of blood along the 
great veins being prevented by the simultaneous contraction of the 
muscular rings round their termination. The ventricle, which is now 
full of blood, almost immediately contracts, and the cusps of the tricuspid 
valve, which had already been carried towards each other by eddies set 
up behind them as the blood flowed from the auricle into the ventricle, 
are driven firmly into apposition by the pressure of the blood, their 

thin borders being tightly pressed together so that no blood can escape - 

into the auricle. The contraction of the papillary muscles keeps the 
chord tendinez taut, thereby preventing any inversion of the valves 
under the ventricular pressure. . | 

The ventricle is now a closed cavity, and remains so until the 




pressure exerted by the contracting muscle upon the contained blood 
rises higher than that in the pulmonary artery. As soon as this 
happens, the semilunar valves open, and blood flows into the pulmonary 
artery from the ventricle, which becomes nearly but. not quite empty. 
When the systole of the ventricle ends and its walls relax, the pressure 
in its cavity very rapidly falls below that in the pulmonary artery ; and 
the semilunar valves close, effectually preventing any reflux of blood 
into the ventricle. A fraction of a second later, thepressure in the 
ventricle becomes less than that in the right ‘auricle, the auriculo- 
ventricular valve opens, and blood, which during the ventricular systole 
has been flowing into the auricle from the veins, again begins to enter 
the ventricle. The valves open or close with the slightest difference 
of pressure on either side. During ventricular systole the efficiency 

1 : 2 
Fic. 68.—Diagram to show the position of the mitral valyes 
in diastole (1) and in ventricular systole (2). 
A, auricle ; V, ventricle. 
of the tricuspid valve is assisted by the diminution of the cross 
section of the base of the heart. A similar series of changes takes 
place simultaneously in the left side of the heart (fig. 63). 

The series of events just described constitutes a cardiac cycle, and 
occupies on the average a period of- 0-8 second, The ,,cycle may be 
regarded as beginning with the auricular systole, which lasts 0:1 
second, and is followed by the ventricular systole, which: lasts approxi- 
mately 0:3 second ; during the remainder of the cycle, 0°4 second, the 
heart is completely relaxed. When the heart is beating infrequently 
the duration of the cycle is lengthened, and when the heart is beating 
frequently it is shortened. These differences are due almost entirely 
to variations in the time occupied by the diastolic pause, the time 
taken up by the systole of the auricles and ventricles being remarkably 

(3) Cardiac Impulse.—If the hand be placed on the chest in man, 


an impulse will be felt corresponding with each heart beat. It is 
most distinctly felt, and is often also visible, in the fifth intercostal 
Space, about an inch below and slightly internal to the nipple. The 
impulse is due to a combination of two causes. In the first place, the 
left ventricle, which lies in contact with the chest wall, and is soft and 
flabby during diastole, becomes hard and tense with the onset of 
systole. The sudden hardening of the ventricle gives a push to 
the soft tissues of the chest wall with which it is in contact, thereby 
giving rise to the cardiac impulse. In the second place, the curved 
aortic arch tends to straighten out when the tension within it is raised 
by the entrance of blood from the heart. The same phenomenon may 

Fic. 64.—A cardiograph. (From Messrs Baird & Tatlock.) 

be readily observed in any curved elastic tube filled with fluid, into 
which more fluid is suddenly forced. The posterior end of the aortic 
arch rests against the vertebral column and ribs, and cannot alter its 
position ; the anterior end, to which the heart is attached, . therefore, 
pushed more firmly against the chest wall. 

Although this impulse is often spoken of as the apex beat, the 
area of the left ventricle which is in contact with the chest wall is 
some distance above the actual apex of the heart. 

A graphic record of the cardiac impulse (cardiogram) is obtained 
by means of an instrument known as a cardiograph. One form of 
cardiograph (fig. 64) consists of a tambour, the membrane of which 
is provided with an ivory button which can be placed on the chest at 
the position of the cardiac impulse: the tambour is connected with a 
second tambour provided with a recording lever. “Another method of 



obtaining a cardiogram is to use a polygraph (p. 208), and to place 
over the region of the cardiac impulse the small metal receiver which 
is generally used for recording the venous pulse. The general form 
of the tracings is shown in fig. 75, but it varies considerably with the 

pressure used and with the spot at which the instrument is applied 

to the chest. 

(4) The Heart Sounds.—If a stethoscope is applied to the front 
of the chest, two sounds are heard with each beat of the heart. They 
are often compared with the sounds libb dtp, the first being long and 
low-pitched, the second short and sharp. The time relation between 

nm ma 
o © 
no & 
3A 32 
>o > 2 
2 5 23 
£ e 
Diastole. S S 
dN. ~ 
F X A A 
| | 
Blood flowing’ ystol 
intoauriclesand | of Systole jof ~ 
. las , 
ventricles Aur- Ventricles. astole 
from jveins, icles, 

01 O02 O38 O04 058 O06 07 OS O98 108ec, 

~-[] OO I teat Sounds 

tao dip Liabb he at nar hn dip 

_ Fic. 65.—Diagram of events constituting a cardiac cycle. (Starling’s 
Principles of Physiology. ) 

the heart sounds and the other events occurring during the cardiac 
cycle (fig. 65) has. been determined in the following manner, A 
stethoscope is connected with an apparatus similar to the receiver of 
a telephone; the vibrations of air in the stethoscope, set up by 
the heart sounds, throw the membrane of the receiver into vibrations 
and so alter the contact between the silver and carbon which form 
part of the receiver, and through which a current is passing. The 
current also passes through an electro-magnet, which pulls on a 
disc connected with the membrane of a recording tambour. Each 

vibration of the membrane of the receiver alters the strength of the. 

current passing through the electro-magnet and the pull which it 
exerts on the iron disc and then on the membrane of the tambour. In 
this way the vibrations of the receiver caused by the heart sounds can 
be recorded. If such a record is obtained simultaneously with a 
cardiogram, it is found that the first sound occupies nearly the whole 

CE le el ee ee ee ~ * 




of the systole, and that the second sound lasts for a brief space at the 
commencement of diastole. 

The first sound is due to two causes, namely, (1) the vibrations set 
up by the closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves, and (2) the 
contraction of the muscular wall of the ventricles. When the tricuspid 
or mitral valves become diseased so that they fail to close, the first 
sound is largely replaced by a “blowing” noise, known as a murmur 
or bruit. That the contraction of the heart muscle contributes to the 
first sound is shown by the fact that, during the contraction of the 
bloodless, excised heart, a faint sound can be heard with the stethoscope. 
The duration of the first sound almost to the end of systole furnishes 
additional evidence that its origin is partly muscular. The relative 
importance of the valvular and muscular factors is still a matter of 
discussion. The part of the first sound due to the muscular con- 
traction is not peculiar to the heart, since a similar sound is produced 
by any note of low pitch, and may be heard on listening to a contract- 
ing voluntary muscle. 

_ The second sound is due entirely to vibrations set up in the semilunar 
valves by their sudden closure at the end of systole, and is replaced by a 
murmur if these valves are diseased, or if, in an animal, they are hooked 

‘back and prevented from closing. The first sound is most distinctly 

heard near the apex beat ; the closure of the aortic valves is best heard 
in the second right intercostal space close to the sternum, and the 
closure of the pulmonary semilunar valves in the second left inter- 
costal space. 

(5) Endocardiac Pressure.—The pressure within the auricles and 
ventricles rises during systole and falls in diastole, and the variations 
in pressure are closely bound up with the other events taking place 
during the cardiac cycle. The changes in pressure occur so rapidly 
that a slowly moving fluid, such as mercury, fails to record them ac- 

curately, although a maximum and minimum mercury manometer may ~~ 

be employed to ascertain the highest and lowest pressure occurring 
during a cardiac cycle. 

In the early observations of Chauveau and Marey a cardiac sound, 
consisting of a long rigid tube having at its lower end a bulb of very 
thin rubber supported on a metal framework, was passed along the 
jugular vein into the right. ventricle, or along the carotid artery into 
the left ventricle, of a horse. The upper end of the sound was attached 
to a Marey’s tambour (fig. 66), which consists of a shallow metal cup 
having a small lateral opening and covered by a thin rubber membrane 
on which rests a light lever. The whole apparatus contains air, and 
any rise of pressure in the ventricle compresses the rubber bulb, thereby 




raising the membrane of the manometer and the lever: the movements 
of the lever are recorded graphically on a kymograph. 

Fie. 66.—Marey’s tambour. The writing point of the lever is not 
shown. (From Messrs Baird & Tatlock. ) 

The method is unsatisfactory, because, in the first place, it is only 
applicable to large animals, and, secondly, because, owing to the com- 
pressibility of the air contained in the apparatus and to the oscillations 
of the membrane of the manometer, waves are produced upon the 
tracing which sometimes render it inaccurate. 

These drawbacks are considerably diminished in Hiirthle’s method, 
the essential features of which are (1) the use of a very small manometer 
withga thick rubber membrane (fig. 67), (2) the substitution for the 
sound of a tube opening directly 
into the ventricle, and (3) the 

including the tambour, with fluid 
(half-saturated sodium sulphate 
Kia: 67. Hirthle’s manometer. A still better manometer has 

! recently been devised by Piper, 
in which instrumental errors are almost completely excluded (fig. 68). 
It consists of a metal cannula A, 6 cm. in length, containing a trocar 
B, by the aid of which the cannula can be thrust through the wall of 
the auricle or ventricle into the cavity of the heart. It is filled with 
saline solution containing hirudin, and even the smallest air bubble must 
be excluded. The cannula expands at C to form a small chamber, one 
wall of which is covered by a thick stretched rubber membrane D; to 
the outer surface of this membrane a tiny plane mirror E is attached. 

When the cannula has been pushed into the heart and tied in 
position, the trocar is withdrawn and the tap F is closed so as to 
prevent the escape of blood; the cannula is then fixed with a clamp. 
As the endocardiac pressure varies, the membrane bulges or shrinks 
slightly and the position of the mirror alters; these movements are 
recorded and greatly magnified by throwing on to the mirror a beam 
of light, which is reflected on to a kymograph covered with photographic 
paper and excluded from other sources of light. 

filling of the whole apparatus, ° 



The advantages of this method are, first, that the movements of 
the membrane are directly proportional to the variations in pressure, 
and by the elimination of a lever are recorded without inertia, and, 
secondly, that when the membrane is thrown into vibrations these are so 
rapid (250 per second) that they cannot 
possibly be mistaken for oscillations pro- 
duced by changes in the endocardiac 
pressure, and are sorapidly damped that 
they practically do not occur when the 
pressure is recorded. A similar cannula 
may be passed into an artery so as to 
record the changes in arterial pressure. 

Fig.'69 represents a record, obtained 
by this method, of the pressure changes 
in the left auricle and ventricle and 
7 in the aorta during a cardiac cycle. 
The middle curve representing intra- 
ventricular pressure shows at 1 a slight 
elevation (not always present) due to 
the auricular systole. This is followed 
almost immediately by the systole of 
the ventricle, which begins at 2 and 

occupies the period between 2 and 3 ; 
it usually lasts from 0°25 to 0°3 second. 
At first the curve rises very steeply ; 
the auriculo-ventricular valves close 
at the point a, and from a to 6 the 
ventricle is a closed cavity. At 6 the 
intra-ventricular pressure becomes 
higher than that in the aorta, the 
semilunar valves open, and blood flows 
from the ventricle into the aorta during 
the whole period from 6 to 3, when the 
ventricle ceases to contract. The !' ®:- as at ene noe gil 
notch in the ascending part of the 

tracing immediately after the point 4 is due to the fact that, when the 
semilunar valves open, the escape of blood from the ventricle is momen- 
tarily impeded by the inertia of the column of blood in the aorta. 

The portion of the tracing from 6 to 3 lasts about 0°18 second, and 
is generally known as the systolic plateau; it resembles a plateau, 
however, only when the arterial pressure is low, and its usual shape 
would be more accurately described as the systolic arch. 



When the systole ends at 3, the intra-ventricular pressure rapidly 
falls ; a short distance down the descending part of the tracing, namely, 
at the point c, the pressure in the ventricle falls below that in the aorta, 
and the semilunar valves close; their closure does not alter the form 
of the intra-ventricular record, though it causes a series of small 
oscillations in the aortic pressure. At the point 4, the pressure in the 
ventricle falls below that in the auricle, the mitral valve opens, and 
blood flows into the relaxed ventricle. 

Auricular Pressure.—A record of the pressure changes in the 
auricle presents three main waves (fig. 69). The first corresponds with 


Left \ 
auricle, } 

Fic. 69.—Simultaneous record of the changes of pressure in the aorta, left ventricle 
and left auricle. (From Piper.) 

the auricular systole, the second with the sudden closure of the auriculo- 
ventricular valves, and the third, which occurs toward the end of ventri- 
cular systole, is due to the filling of the auricle with blood while the 
auriculo-ventricular valves are still shut. 

The maximum pressure in the left ventricle of the dog is usually 
from 140 to 160 mm. Hg, and in the right ventricle from 25 to 30 
mm. Hg. 


When the ventricles contract, they force blood into the aorta and 
pulmonary artery against the blood pressure in these vessels. In so 
doing the heart performs work, the amount of which may be deter- 
mined by the formula W=Q x R, where W is the work done, Q is the 


amount of blood expelled from the ventricles (output of the heart) at 
each beat, and R is the resistance against which the heart is working ; 
R is approximately represented by the average arterial pressure. 

The output of the heart may be indirectly measured by enclosing 
the heart in an apparatus (cardiometer) which fits closely round the 
base of the ventricles, and is connected with some form of tambour 
and recording lever. When the ventricles contract and expel blood. 
into the arteries, their volume diminishes, and, since the apparatus is 
air-tight, there is a corresponding fall of the recording lever. 

One of the simplest forms of cardiometer is a glass vessel resembling 
a large thistle funnel, the mouth of which is covered by a rubber 
membrane with a hole in its centre. When the heart is placed in the 
cardiometer, the border of the membrane fits closely in the auriculo- 
ventricular groove, forming an air-tight junction. The cardiometer is 

—— a= | —— 
pe I —_ | 

Fic. 70.—Piston recorder. (Diagrammatic, ) 


attached to a piston recorder, which is more sensitive than an ordinary 
tambour, and consists of a vulcanite piston fitting closely in a cylinder, 
the latter having an opening at its lower end by which it can be 
connected with the cardiometer: a light counterweighted lever is 
attached to the piston (fig. 70). The piston moves very easily, and its 
excursions are proportional to the changes in volume of the heart. In 
order to obtain a quantitative measurement of the output of the heart 
the instrument is calibrated. 

Another and direct method of determining the output of the heart is 
the heart-lung preparation (fig. 71), devised by Knowlton and Starling. 
The common carotid artery, the descending aorta, and the inferior vena 
cava are ligatured, and cannule containing a solution of hirudin in normal 
saline solution are placed in the innominate artery and the superior 
vena cava. The blood leaving the left ventricle through the innominate 
artery passes through a thin rubber tube A; this can be compressed to 
any desired extent by means of a pump C and pressure bottle D, the 
resistance thus offered to the flow of blood through the tube replacing the 


resistance of the arterioles. The cannula in the artery is also attached 
to a mercurial manometer F, which records the arterial pressure. The 
small cylinder E contains air, which forms an air cushion and to some 
extent replaces the elasticity of the arterial wall. After traversing the 
tube-A, the blood enters a cylinder B in which it is warmed and from 
which it passes into the superior vena cava, and then through the lungs 
_to the left side of the heart. The circulation is thus confined to the 
heart and lungs, artificial respiration being maintained by a pump. 



php ie 

Fic. 71.—Arrangement of apparatus in the heart-lung preparation. 
(Knowlton and Starling.) Description in the text. 

The output of the left ventricle in a given time, e.g. five seconds, can be 
measured by clamping the tube G, opening the clip on H, and allowing 
the blood to flow into a graduated vessel instead of into the cylinder ; 
and if the rate of the heart is observed, its output at each beat can be 

In man, the output of the heart has been indirectly determined in 
the following manner. The individual takes a deep breath of air 
containing a certain amount of nitrous oxide, which is very soluble 
in blood. After a few seconds he expires deeply, a sample of the 
expired alveolar air being collected in the manner described on p. 251. 

“ : 
een SS a) | Le a a 

ee oe at th we alae Naor eat Steak | 


He then holds his breath for twenty to thirty seconds and again 
expires deeply, a second sample of alveolar air being collected. The 
total amount of air in the lungs at the beginning and end of the 
(experimental) period between the two expirations is determined by 
indirect means. During this period nitrous oxide is taken up in 
solution by the blood as it passes through the lungs, its solubility 
being such that 1 c¢.c. of blood, if exposed to an atmosphere of pure 
nitrous oxide, will take up 0°43 c¢.c. of the gas. 

From these data the amount of blood passing through the lungs in 
a minute can be calculated. To take an example, the volume of air 
in the lungs at the beginning of the experimental period is 3°25 litres, 
and contains, as shown by the analysis of the first sample, 12 per cent, 
nitrous oxide; the total quantity of nitrous oxide in the air of the 
ven, 60 = 12 _ 390 c.c. At the end of the period the total 
volume of air in the lungs is 3:0 litres ; the percentage of nitrous oxide 
in the second sample of expired air is 10 per cent. ; and the lungs contain 
300 ¢.c. nitrous oxide. Thus 90 c¢.c. nitrous oxide have been taken up . 
by the blood ; and the mean percentage of nitrous oxide in the air in 
12 per cent. + 10 per cent. 

lungs is 

the lungs is 5 = 11 per cent. 
With this percentage of nitrous oxide in the air of the lungs, each 
1 c.c. of blood passing through them will take up ge = 0-047 c.c. 

nitrous oxide; and in order to take up 90 c.c., 1°9 litres of blood must 
have passed through the lungs during the experimental period. If the 
experimental period lasted twenty-seven seconds, the flow of blood 
through the lungs per minute is 4°2 litres. This figure represents 
the output from the right ventricle during that period, and if the 
4200 c.c. 

60 c.c. per beat. This figure may be taken as representing the average 
output of each ventricle in man, since in hentia the output of the two 
ventricles is the same. 

The mean arterial pressure in man is about 100 to 110 mm. Hg. 
From these data the work done by the heart at each beat can be 
calculated. Thus Q x R=60 grm. x 0'100 metre x 13°6 (specific gravity 
of mercury being 13°6 times that of blood)=81°6 grm. metres. This 
figure represents the work done by the left ventricle. If the pressure 
in the pulmonary artery be taken as 20 mm. Hg, the work done by 
the right ventricle will be 60 grm. x 0:02 metre x 13-6 = approximately 
16:4 grm. metres. S 

pulse rate is 70 per minute, the output per beat will be 



The total work of the heart, therefore, is in this instance about 
98 grm. metres per beat. 

The heart expels blood not only against the peripheral resistance, 
but with a certain velocity. The work (W) done in imparting this 


velocity to the blood is measured by the formula W=——, where 

M= mass of blood expelled, V =its velocity, g=the force of gravity ; 
it amounts to approximately 1 per cent. of the total work of the heart 
and is practically negligible. 

We may now consider the conditions which determine the output 
and the work of the heart. | 

The Output of the Heart.—It has already been pointed out that, 
when a skeletal muscle contracts, the contractile stress developed in it is 
proportional to the initial length of the muscle fibre, 7.e. its length just 
before it begins to contract, and that if the muscle is stretched by means 
of a weight it contracts more forcibly. The heart muscle behaves in 
exactly the same way, the only difference being that, in the case of the 
heart, the initial length of its muscle fibres depends upon the stretching 
of the fibres produced by the contained blood. Hence the greater the 
amount of blood present in the heart at the beginning of systole, the 
greater the initial length of the fibres, and the greater the force with 
which they contract. The result is that within wide limits the amount 
of blood expelled from the ventricles at each beat is determined solely 
by the amount. entering the heart during diastole. This amount is 
increased (1) by deeper respiratory movements, whereby more blood 
is sent into the heart with each inspiration; (2) by muscular move- 
ment, which drives blood along the veins towards the heart; and 
(3) by any increase in the total volume of the circulating blood, such 
as is produced by the injection of saline solution into a vein, During 
exercise the more forcible respiration and the active muscular move- 
ment lead to a much larger output of blood than during rest. There 
is a certain optimum filling of the heart and initial length of the 
muscle fibres at which the mechanical efficiency of the muscle during 
contraction is at its best; excessive filling of the heart may dilate 
it to such an extent during diastole as to diminish its efficiency, and 
its output falls. | 

The output of the heart is not affected, except for a moment or 
two, by alterations in the arterial blood pressure unless these are 
extreme. The first effect of a rise of blood pressure is that for a few 
beats the ventricle empties itself less completely, its volume during 
diastole being thus increased. This distension of the ventricle during 
diastole increases the length of the fibres, causing them to contract 

dS ete eset Nt EB oot 

ane + nk retin oa patie OL se 


more strongly during systole, and the output of the heart again 
becomes as large as it was at the lower arterial. pressure (fig. 72). 

The capacity of the ventricle to maintain its normal output in 
spite-of a greatly raised arterial pressure is spoken of as its ‘‘ power 
of compensation,” and is of the utmost importance. In its relation to 
the body as a whole the output of the heart is one of the fundamental 
facts of the circulation, since it determines the supply of oxygen to 
the tissues; and if the output were diminished whenever the blood 
pressure rose, for example during exercise, the high blood pressure 

=“ Beis htt A aaED te Aaa oop SACI PRR) =p gaa 

Fic. 72.—Output of heart. (Knowlton & Starling.) 

A, volume of ventricle: B, arterial pressure; C, output of left ventricle; D, time in seconds. 

would necessarily involve a smaller and possibly inadequate supply of 
oxygen to the tissues. 

If the arterial pressure becomes very high, the dilatation of the 
left ventricle during diastole is so great as to diminish its efficiency 
when it contracts, the output of the heart falls, and the left auricle 
empties itself less completely into the already distended ventricle. 
In consequence, the left auricle contains more blood, the pressure 
within it rises, and blood passes less readily from the lungs into the 
auricle and accumulates in the pulmonary veins and capillaries. This 
accumulation of blood in the lungs is spoken of as their “ reservoir” 
action, and helps to prevent excessive dilatation of the left side of 
the heart. ‘ 


The compensatory power of the heart enables it to adapt itself to 
transient variations in arterial blood pressure. When the work of the 
heart is permanently increased by a continuously high blood pressure, 
the heart wall hypertrophies, just as skeletal muscles enlarge as the 
result of exercise. The effort of prolonged increase in the work done 
by the heart is seen in the hypertrophy observed in athletes (athlete’s 
heart). . 

When the heart beats rapidly the diastolic pause is shortened, less 
blood enters it between the beats, and its output per beat is diminished, 
Hence its output in a given time (e.g. a minute) is not necessarily 
greater when the heart is beating rapidly than when it is beating slowly. 
The increased rate of the heart, however, which usually accompanies 
increased diastolic filling, is of advantage, since by preventing over- 
distension during diastole it enables the heart to contract under the 
most favourable conditions as regards its mechanical efficiency. 

Work of the Heart.—Since the work done by the. heart is measured 
by its output multiplied by the arterial pressure (Q xR), it will be 
altered either by a rise or fall of arterial pressure, or by variations in 
the output of the heart, or by these two factors varying simultaneously. 
Whenever the arterial blood pressure rises the heart does more work, 
since the output remains unchanged. Again, increased filling of the heart 
brought about by any of the causes already mentioned, by increasing 
its output, will add to its work; and the larger output from the heart 
tends in itself to raise the arterial blood pressure, and thus to increase 
still further the work done. In muscular exercise there is both a rise 
of arterial blood pressure and a greater diastolic filling of the heart. 

In man, during exercise, the output of the heart per beat may be 
90 to 100 c.c., and since the heart is beating much more rapidly, its 
output per minute may be two or three times as great as during rest, 
and its work is enormously increased. These facts indicate how im- 
portant it is that persons, whose hearts have become less efficient owing 
to disease, should be kept at rest. 


If the arterial system consisted of a series of rigid tubes, the blood 
forced into it from the heart would, in accordance with the laws of hydro- 
statics, cause an instantaneous rise of pressure throughout the whole 
system, and an equal quantity of blood would at once escape from the 
distal end of the system. Owing to the fact that the arteries are dis- 
tensible, only a fraction of the blood entering the arterial system at 

ee a a 


each beat is forced through the arterioles during the beat, and much of 
the force of the heart is expended in further expanding the already 
distended arterial system to accommodate the extra blood sent into it.. 
The expansion of the arteries starts at the root of the aorta, and 
proceeds as a wave along the whole arterial system, gradually dying 
away before the capillaries are 
reached. This wave of expansion 
constitutes the pulse. It travels at 
a rate of 6 to 8 metres a second, 
and is independent of the movement 
of the main mass of blood along the 
arteries, the velocity of which rarely 
exceeds half a metre a second. 

The pulse can be felt, and often 
seen, in the superficial arteries of 
the body, e.g. the radial artery ; in | 
order to study it more exactly a D 

graphic record may be obtained by A 

Fie. 73. —Dudgeon’s sphygmograph, 
; slightly diagrammatic. Explanation 
a sphygmograph, of which many of figures in text. 

forms exist. 

Dudgeon’s sphygmograph, which is illustrated diagrammatically in 
fig. 73, may be attached by a band round the wrist in such a way that 
the small metal plate A rests on the skin over the radial artery. The 
movements of the arterial wall are magnified by the series of levers, 


% — eee oe cm gee ree S 

means of an instrument known as 

a, 6, c, and are recorded by the 
free end of the lever c, which 
writes on a moving strip B of 
blackened (smoked) paper. The 
paper is moved by means of a 
small clockwork arrangement ; 
and by means of the dial D 
Fic. 74.—Pulse tracing from the the pressure of the plate A on 
yorinl eatery the artery can be adjusted. 

A typical pulse tracing thus 

obtained is seen in fig. 74. It shows:a sharp rise from a to 8, 
succeeded as a rule by a steady fall, interrupted at ¢ by a small 
notch which is immediately followed by a slight wave. The rise a to 
6 constitutes the primary or percussion wave; the wave following 
e is the dicrotic wave, the notch just preceding it being the dicrotic 
notch. Other small waves, some preceding the dicrotic wave (pre- 
dicrotic), and others following it (post-dicrotic), sometimes occur; they 



are due to slight oscillations of the stretched arterial walls, which are 
magnified and distorted by vibrations set up in the sphygmograph. The 
portion of the wave from 4 to ¢ is normally descending, and the pulse 
is called katacrotic; when the primary wave abakigoa to rise almost 
until the dicrotic pata is reached, the pulse is said to be anacrotie. 

The primary wave is caused by the sudden expansion of the artery 
during the cardiac systole, the form of the wave depending upon the 
peripheral resistance. After the first abrupt rise of arterial pressure 
the blood usually escapes through the peripheral resistance more 
rapidly than it enters the arterial system from the heart, and the pulse is 
katacrotic. When the peripheral resistance is very high, e.g. in old age 

or in Bright’s disease, blood continues to enter the aorta during systole. 

more rapidly than it passes through the arterioles ; the arterial pressure 
continues to rise almost to the end of systole, and the pulse is anacrotic. 

In the aorta the primary wave begins coincidently with the opening 
of the semilunar valves and the escape of blood into the aorta, as may 
be seen in fig. 75, which gives a simultaneous record of the endo- 
cardiac pressure and of a pulse tracing. Since this wave of expansion 
travels from the aorta to the peripheral vessels, the percussion wave 
begins in the smaller vessels an appreciable time later than in the 
aorta. This can be readily observed by taking simultaneously two 
pulse tracings, one from the carotid artery and one from the radial 
artery at the wrist. By measuring the interval with the aid of a time 
marker and noting the difference in distance from the heart of the points 
at which the tracings are made, the velocity of the pulse wave can be 
measured. Thus, if the interval is one-tenth of a second and the differ- 
ence in distance is 0°6 metre, the velocity is 6 metres per second. The 
length of the wave is from 5 to 6 metres. 

Fig. 75 also shows that the dicrotic wave occurs immediately after 
the closure of the semilunar valves, and as no corresponding wave is 
present in the endocardiac pressure tracing, the dicrotic wave must 
have its origin in the arterial system. It has been thought that as 
the primary wave passed along the arteries it was reflected, as a 
secondary wave, from the obstructions set up wherever the arteries 
branched, and particularly from the arterioles where the branchings are 
very numerous. This small reflected wave, starting at the periphery, 
was believed to travel back towards the heart as the dicrotic wave. 
Such a wave is actually produced in an artificial scheme of the circula- 
tion where the pulse wave beats upon a peripheral resistance. 

If this view were correct, the distance between the primary and 
dicrotic waves would naturally be less in the peripheral arteries near the 
seat of origin of the reflected wave than in the aorta. But the interval 

. < 
ee a ee a ee 




between the summits of the primary. and secondary waves is of the 
same length in pulse tracings taken from the same individual at the 

“game time, whether the artery examined be near or far from the heart ; 

for example, it is the same in the carotid and the dorsalis pedis axthciong 



Oe ee ee ee 


a QR eee a ee oe eee = 




PY ict agate! 8 aapen ep aR Wbo a, RTAE Fame RS Rie 

Sec. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 
Systole Diastole 

Fie. 75.—Diagram (after Hiirthle) showing simultaneous cardiographic, 
endocardiac, and aortic curves. (Starling’s Principles of Physiology.) 

I., cardiogram ; II., endocardiac pressure; III., aortic pressure; IV., aortic 
pressure, corresponding with dotted endocardiac curve in IT. 

Hence the dicrotic wave must arise at the same point as the primary 
wave, and since the primary wave starts at the root of the aorta, the - 
dicrotic wave must start there also. 

It is brought about in the following manner. When the left 
ventricle ceases to contract, the column of blood travelling along the 



aorta continues to move in virtue of its momentum, thereby producing 
a slight fall of pressure at the root of the aorta; and the wall of the 
artery shrinks a little. This slight fall of pressure immediately causes 
a reflux of blood against the semilunar valves, closing them, and from 
the closed valves the blood rebounds, thereby producing a small 
secondary expansion of the aorta; this expansion travels along-the 
arterial system and forms the-dicrotie-wave. The height of both the 
primary and dicrotic waves is largely determined, first, by the elasticity 
of the arteries, and, secondly, by the degree of distension of the arteries 
between successive heart beats. If they have become rigid (from old 
age or disease), their capacity for expansion will obviously be diminished ; 
and if they are already greatly distended by a high mean arterial blood 
pressure, their capacity for further distension will also be decreased. 
The conditions most favourable to the appearance of a marked dicrotic 
pulse, therefore, are (1) a strongly beating heart, (2) a moderate blood 
pressure, (3) highly elastic arteries. These conditions are often very 
fully realised in young adults during fever. — 

The rise of pressure caused by the entrance of blood into the arterial 
system with each heart beat produces its maximum effect where it 
— first enters it, namely, at the root of the aorta, and the wave of ex- 
pansion is largest at this point. Some of this rise of pressure is used 
up in expanding the first section of the aorta, and the force tending 
to distend the next segment will be slightly less ; this process continues 
from segment to segment along the arterial system, the wave gradually 
becoming smaller and smaller, until in the capillaries it has entirely 
disappeared and no trace of any pulse is visible. 


A venous pulse is normally present in the great veins near the 
heart, and direct observation of the jugular vein shows two visible pulse 
waves for each heart beat. In order to obtain a record of the venous 
pulse and to interpret it, a simultaneous tracing of the venous pulse 
and of the radial pulse is obtained by means of the polygrapli. This 
consists of a clockwork arrangement, whereby a continuous record of 
the venous and radial pulses can be obtained on a moving sheet of 
paper. It is provided also with a time-marker, which records on the 
paper. A small metal cup with an opening at its base is pressed on to 
the skin over the jugular vein just above the clavicle, and is connected 
with a tambour attached to a lever which writes. on the recording 
surface. A sphygmograph, attached to the wrist, is also connected by 
rubber tubing with a similar tambour and lever, and the two levers are 

pe ne ee ee 




ee ae oe ek vee 

= 2S 

a Re ee ee ee a eee 

ras Oe Bee Ns Lk) ee gk i a a i, 2 i a kL i i i 


arranged to write one above the other. Fig. 76 represents a tracing 

of the venous pulse taken by this method, 

The venous pulse shows three waves ; the first rise, a, corresponds. 
with the auricular systole, the second, c, is simultaneous with the 
beginning of the ventricular systole, and the third more rounded wave, 
v, is due to the gradual filling of the auricle towards the end of 
ventricular systole. The waves correspond with the changes of 
pressure in the auricle, being transmitted along the column of blood 
in the vein. 

The venous pulse is confined to the large veins, and as the arterial 
pulse is extinguished in the arterioles, there is normally no pulsation in 
the medium-sized and smaller veins. The arterial pulse wave may, 
however, extend into the smaller veins under certain conditions, When 
the chorda tympani nerve is stimulated, for example, the arterioles of 
the submaxillary gland are dilated, and not only is the amount of blood 

NR Ne ss 

nous Pulse 

Fie. 76.—Time-marker records + secs. 

flowing through the gland increased, but the pulse wave extends into 
the veins coming from the gland. The transmission of the pulse into 
the veins is due, in this and similar cases, to the diminution of the 
resistance in the arterioles, which is a consequence of their dilatation. 


We have now to consider how the beat of the heart originates, and 

. the conditions upon which its normal rhythm depends and by which 

that rhythm can be modified. For this purpose the slowly beating and 
relatively simple heart of the frog has proved to be of great value. 
Anatomy of the Frog’s Heart.—The frog’s heart consists of a sinus 
venosus, two auricles (atria), a ventricle, and a bulbus arteriosus. The 
blood from the venze cavee enters the sinus, passes into the right auricle, 
and thence into the ventricle. The blood coming from the lungs enters 
the left auricle and passes into the ventricle. The ventricle opens into 
the bulbus arteriosus, from which the aortic arches arise and distribute 
the blood to the entire body, including the lungs. .The cardiac muscle 


consists of small spindle-shaped fibres showing cross striation, which is 
very indistinct, particularly in the sinus venosus. 

Two nerves, the right and left vago-sympathetic nerve trunks, enter 
the heart at the sinus, and become connected with a small mass of 
nerve cells which lies close to the sino-auricular junction and is known 
as Remak’s ganglion. Nerve fibres from this ganglion pass along the 
septum between the auricles to enter two similar ganglia (Bidder’s 
ganglia), lying close to the auriculo-ventricular junction. Scattered 
nerve cells are also found in the interauricular septum and in the upper 
part of the ventricle, but are absent from its apical half: The fibres 
issuing from all these groups of nerve cells terminate in relation 
with the muscular fibres of the heart. 


If the brain of a frog is destroyed and the heart exposed, it can be 
seen that each beat consists of a regular sequence of events, namely, (1) 
contraction of the sinus, followed by that of (2) the auricles, (3) the 
ventricle, and finally (4) the bulbus arteriosus. When the whole heart 
is carefully excised from the body and placed in a watch glass containing 
salt solution (0°65 per cent. NaCl), it continues to beat in a normal 
fashion for some time. On separating the sinus from the rest of the 
heart, by cutting through the sino-auricular junction, the sinus 
continues to beat as vigorously and at the same rate as before, whereas 
the auricles and ventricle cease to beat. 

After a short time the auricles and ventricle again begin to beat, 
but at a slower rate than the sinus. If the ventricle is cut away from 
the auricles, the latter continue to beat, while the ventricle after one 
or two beats usually.comes to a standstill. After an interval of half 
an hour or more the ventricle may again begin to beat, and it will do 
so more readily if it is stimulated by an occasional pin-prick. The rate 
of the ventricular beat is slower than that of the auricles. The apical 
half of the ventricle, if isolated, will never again start to beat of its own 
accord. This experiment makes it clear, first, that the rhythmic beat 
of the heart can be carried on quite independently of the central nervous 
system, and secondly, that this power of rhythmic contraction is most 
fully developed in the sinus. 

It was formerly supposed that the beat originated in the nerve cells 
of the heart, from which a constant stimulus was sent out to the heart 
muscle, and that the muscular fibres responded to this stimulus by a 
series of rhythmic contractions. This is the newrogenic theory of the 
cause of the heart beat. The view now generally held, however, is that 


the cardiac muscle possesses an inherent power of rhythmic contraction, 
which is most marked in the sinus and least so in the ventricle, and 
that this rhythmic power can continue absolutely independently of 
either the central nervous system or the nerve cells in the heart, 
although, as will be seen later, it can be influenced by impulses passing 
along the nerves to the heart. This view is known as the myogenic 
theory of the heart beat. The myogenic theory has been accepted for 
the following reasons. 

(1) In the first place, it was shown by Gaskell that a strip of the 
ventricle of the tortoise, if kept stretched and moist, can be made to 
beat rhythmically, and will then continue to beat without any external 
stimulus, although subsequent histological examination of the strip 
shows that it contains no nerve cells. In the same way the apical half 
of the frog’s ventricle, which is free from nerve cells, although it will 
not beat spontaneously, can be made to contract rhythmically if it is 
fed with fluid through a cannula at a pressure sufficient to put tension 
on the muscle fibres. 

(2) Secondly, it is possible in the frog’s heart to remove almost 
completely the ganglia of Bidder and Remak without disturbing the 
cardiac rhythm in any way. 

(3) Thirdly, if, in a normally beating heart, successive single stimuli 
are applied to the ventricle more frequently than the rate at which the 
heart is beating, the rhythm of the heart can be reversed, so that the 
beat starts in the ventricle and passes to the auricle, and then to the 
sinus. Such a reversal of rhythm is quite incompatible with the 
neurogenic theory of the heart beat, since it contradicts the general 
law (law of forward direction) that nervous impulses can pass through 
a synapse only in one direction. 

It may be concluded, therefore, (1) that the rhythmic contraction of 
the heart is myogenic in origin, and (2) that, although all parts of the 
heart possess some rhythmic power, the beat normally always starts in - 
the sinus, in which this power is most fully developed. The sinus sets 
the pace of the heart, and the ventricle responds to the stimuli reaching 
it, doing its work under the control of the sinus. 

The Propagation of the Beat.—In the frog the muscular tissue of 
the whole heart is continuous, but the power of the tissue uniting the 
sinus and the auricles and the auricles and ventricle to conduct impulses 
is less than that of the rest of the heart. The impulses starting from 
the sinus are slightly delayed, therefore, in their passage to the 
auricles, and again in their passage from auricles to ventricle, so that 
there is a distinct pause between the contractions of the sinus and 
auricles, and auricles and ventricle respectively. 



If a fine thread is tied round the apex of the frog’s heart and 
attached to a light lever supported by a spring, a graphic record of the 
heart movements can be obtained ; this shows a small fall correspond- 
ing with each auricular contraction, and a larger fall corresponding 
with each ventricular systole (fig. 77). A thread, tightly tied at the 
junction between the sinus and the auricles, will now bring the auricles 
and ventricles to a standstill for a variable time, since the ligature 
prevents the passage of the normal rhythmic stimuli from the sinus to 
the rest of the heart; this is known as the Stannius ligature. The 
quiescent ventricle may then be used to study the properties of cardiac 
muscle as compared with those of skeletal muscle. 

The contraction of cardiac muscle shows the following characters :— 
(1) When the ventricle is stimulated with single shocks of gradually 
increasing strength, it is found that with a 

vi certain strength of current the heart gives 
Nh | \\ \ N\ a) a beat. If a stronger current is used, the 
yV VV \ Vy | resulting beats are not increased in extent 

—> or force. The observation that if the heart 
beats at all in response to a stimulus its con- 
Pid 77 tiecing of the Rox: traction is maximal, whatever the strength 
mal heart beat in the frog, Of the stimulus, is known as the “all or none 
law.” It is due to the fact that the heart 
muscle is a syncytium, and that a stimulus applied to any point will, if 
it is effective, spread over the whole muscular tissue of the heart. The 
heart gives the best beat of which it is capable at any moment, but the 
force with which it beats will be influenced by various considerations, 
including the nutrition of the fibres. The ‘‘all or none law” simply 
means that the heart beat is maximal for the conditions under which 
it is placed at any moment, and not that it remains constant through 
life. In this respect cardiac muscle behaves. like the individual fibres 
of a skeletal muscle which also obey the “all or none law” (p. 22). 

(2) If the resting heart is stimulated by successive induction shocks 
at an interval of 5 to 10 seconds, the height of the second contraction is 
‘rather greater than that of the first. At the third or fourth contraction 
a maximum is reached, and succeeding contractions are all of the same 
height. This phenomenon is sometimes called the ‘staircase effect,” 
and is due to the beneficial influence of the first two or three stimuli 
on the contractile power of the heart muscle. The same effect may be 
observed in skeletal muscle in similar circumstances. 

(3) When the heart is made to beat by a single induction shock, 


and a second shock is sent into the heart during the systole evoked by 
the first stimulus, the second stimulus produces no visible effect on the 
heart, which is said to be “refractory.” This “refractory period” 
extends from the instant when the first stimulus is applied until the 
end of the systolic phase. Owing to the length of the refractory period 
of cardiac muscle as compared with that of skeletal muscle, it is * 
impossible to tetanise the heart, since only those stimuli which fall 
during the diastolic period are effective. Fissede 

The refractory period also accounts for the effect observed in the Ss 
normally beating heart when a single shock is sent into the ventricle 
at the beginning of diastole. In this case the ventricle responds with 
an extra beat, and the stimulus coming down from the sinus to produce 
the next ventricular systole falls within the refractory period of this 


Fic. 78.—Normally beating frog’s heart tracing. A single induction shock, 
applied to the ventricle at A, caused an extra systole, followed by a com- 
pensatory pause. Downstroke=systole, 

extra beat and is ineffective. There is sete eames a long pause, which 
is known as the “compensatory pause,” between the extra beat and the 
next beat originating from the sinus (fig. 78). 

(4) The force of the contraction is greatly influenced, as in the case 
of skeletal muscle, by the tension to which the fibres are exposed, that 
is, by the length of its fibres. If the heart is isolated and perfused © 
with saline solution (0°65 per cent. NaCl), the force of the ventricular 
contraction will vary with the pressure under which the fluid is allowed 
to enter the heart. The higher the pressure, the greater will be the 
amount of saline solution entering the ventricle during diastole ; and 
the pressure of the fluid will put tension on, and thus increase the 
length of, the muscle fibres. The heart muscle has the power of. 
responding to the increased tension by contracting more strongly, 
with the result that it empties itself as completely as it did when 
the pressure of the perfusing fluid was low. Increase of internal 
tension is thus a stimulus to contraction, and it is for this reason that 
the apical half of the frog’s heart contracts rhythmically when it is 


filled with fluid under pressure. The heart of the snail is so susceptible 
to this stimulus that it will not beat at all unless its fibres are under 
tension. | 


In the mammalian heart the sinus, although present in early 
embryonic life, does not exist as a separate structure after birth, but 
is represented by a mass of specialised tissue, lying close to the entrance 
of the superior vena cava into the heart, and extending a little way 
along the sulcus terminalis of the right auricle. This tissue is known 
as the sino-auricular node. 

It has already been mentioned that connecting the agribles and ven- 

tricles is a band of tissue known as the bundle of’His. This bundle 
starts near the opening of the coronary sinus into the right auricle, its 
point of origin being called the auriculo-ventricular node, It passes along 
the top of the interventricular septum for a short distance, and then 
divides into two branches, one of which runs down the right and the 
other down the left wall of the septum immediately under the endo- 
cardium. In some animals, e.g. the calf, it can be readily dissected out 
in this part of its course as a thin band, paler than the rest of the 
ventricular muscle. It soon breaks up into a number of very fine 
branches which pass partly to the papillary muscles, and are partly 
distributed over the rest of the wall of the heart. The extent of this 
branching is well seen in fig. 79. Microscopically, the fibres making 
up the terminal branches of the bundle are larger and paler than 
ordinary cardiac muscle fibres, and only the peripheral part of the fibre 
shows cross striation, the centre being protoplasmic in character; the 
fibres are called Purkinje’s fibres. : 

The Rhythm of the Mammalian Heart.— Although the heart is pro- 
vided with many nerve cells and receives in addition a nerve supply 
from the central nervous system, its rhythm in the mammal, as in the 
frog, is in all probability of myogenic origin and depends solely upon 
the inherent rhythmic power of the muscle itself. It has been shown, for 
example, that provided they are adequately supplied with oxygenated 
blood, strips of mammalian ventricle will continue to beat for some 
hours although they contain no nerve cells. Evidence to the same 
effect is furnished by the heart of the embryo chick, which begins to 
beat some days before any nerves are present in it. 

The impulse normally starts in the sino-auricular node, and, travel- 
ling over the walls of the auricles, reaches the auriculo-ventrigulay node. 
From this node, the impulse passes along the bundle of His to the 
ventricles. The importance of the bundle of His is manifested by the 



effects which follow either disease of the bundle in man, or division of 
the bundle in animals. In man the continuity of the bundle may be 
partially or completely destroyed by disease, the result being known as 
partial or complete “heart block.” In partial heart block one out of 
every two or three auricular beats is conducted to the ventricle, the latter 
beating at half or a third the rate of the auricles (2:1 or 3: 1 rhythm). 
In complete heart block the rhythm of the auricles is unaffected, 

Fic. 79.—Diagram to show the distribution of the bundle of His (in red) in the 
wall of the left ventricle. (After Tawara. ) 

whereas the ventricles beat at a rate varying from 20 to 40 per minute; 
the patient usually exhibits characteristic symptoms (Stokes-Adams 
disease), and a simultaneous record of the venous and radial pulse, 
taken with the polygraph, shows that the rhythm of the ventricles is 
quite independent of that of the auricles. 

When the bundle is divided in an animal, the rhythm of the 
auricles remains unaltered, whereas the ventricles immediately begin to 
beat at a slow rate having no relation to that of the auricles. Partial 
heart block is sometimes seen in asphyxial conditions, even when the 
bundle is intact. Partial or complete heart block can also be induced 
in the frog’s heart by compressing the tissue uniting the auricles and 



ventricle so as to lessen or abolish its conductivity. The mammalian 
ventricle differs, however, from that of the frog in possessing a more 
pronounced rhythmic power, and when functionally isolated from the 
auricles, it immediately begins to beat with its own rhythm. ~ 

It is evident that the bundle of His is essential for the propagation 
of the wave of contraction from the auricles to the ventricles. 

The Electrical Changes in the Heart.—The time relations of, and 
the course taken by, the wave of contraction, as it travels from the 
sino-auricular node over the heart, can be easily demonstrated, not 
only in the lower animals, but even in man, by studying the electri- 
cal changes which take place at the same time. These changes 

may be recorded by connecting two parts of the heart, for instance. 

the auricles and ventricles, with some form of galvanometer. For 
this purpose, the string galvanometer (p. 24) is now most gener- 
ally used. 

The resting heart is isoelectric, that is to say, the auricles and the 
ventricles are at the same ‘potential, and the thread of the galvanometer 
is at rest. When the auricles contract, a difference of potential is set 
up between them and the ventricles, and a current passes in the heart 
from auricle to. ventricle, and through the galvanometer from ventricle 
to auricle. During systole of the ventricles and diastole of the auricles, 
the current passes in the opposite direction. Cardiac muscle thus 
resembles skeletal muscle in that its contraction is preceded by an 
electrical change, the contracting part being galvanometrically negative 
(but electro-positive) to the resting part. The difference in character 
of the galvanometric tracings of the electrical changes in the heart 
and in skeletal muscle is due, partly to the prolonged contraction of 

cardiac muscle fibres, partly to the complex arrangement of these | 

fibres in the heart wall. | 

In order to obtain a record of the electrical changes in the human 
heart, one end of the thread of the galvanometer is connected with a 
vessel containing salt and water into which the right arm of the subject 
is placed. The left leg is placed in a’similar vessel connected with the 
other end of the thread. The right arm is regarded as conducting the 
electrical changes at the base of the heart, while the changes occurring 
at the apex are conveyed down the left leg to the apparatus. The 
apparatus is so arranged that in these circumstances an upward move- 
ment of the shadow of the thread on the photographic record means 
that the base of the heart is negative to the apex, and is therefore 
contracting, while the apex is at rest. 

Fig. 80 represents an electro-cardiogram obtained with this instru- 
ment, and shows three upstrokes for each cardiac cycle. The first 

ee ee 

El i ee, ee ee 


wave, P, corresponds with the systole of the auricles, which, when they 
contract, become galvanometrically negative to the resting apex. The 
second wave, R, occurs at the beginning of the ventricular systole, and 
is due to the systole commencing at the base of the ventricle, which 
becomes negative to the apex. As the wave of contraction travels to 
the apex, the thread returns 
to its resting position and 
remains steady for a short 
time, during which the whole = 
ventricle is in contraction, 3=———— = ——— 
The final rise at T is dueto == aero a 
the systole lasting longer at py¢, 30.—Electro-cardiogram from human heart. 
the base than at the apex, (Hume.) Explanation of letters in text. 
particularly round the root of 
the aorta and pulmonary artery. The records obtained in the lower 
animals show the same general form; in the frog and tortoise the 
prolonged contraction of the ventricle is accompanied by a long period 
between P and T during which the heart is isoelectric. 

The Nutrition of the Heart Muscle.—The nutrition of the heart 
muscle is dependent on the amount and composition of the nutrient 


fluid supplied to it, that is, in normal conditions, of the blood. The 

influence of alterations in 
the composition of the nu- 
trient fluid are very easily 
studied in the isolated frog’s 
heart, the muscular wall of 
which is nourished entirely 
by interchanges between 
the muscular fibres and the 
blood flowing through the 
heart. For this purpose a 
cannula, such as that shown 
in fig. 81, is tied into an 
auricle, and the heart is 
excised. The cannula is 
, .', attached to a bottle con- 

Fic. 81.—Diagram of apparatus for perfusion of | . , 
frog’s heart. ‘taining a suitable perfusion 
fluid, which enters the 
heart at a pressure of 1 to 2 cm. of water. The fluid expelled through 

the bulbus arteriosus from the ventricle flows over the surface of the 

heart, keeping it moist. The apex of the ventricle is connected by 
a thread with a recording lever. - . 



The perfusing fluid most commonly used is known as Ringer’s fluid, 
and has the following composition :— | 

NaCl Se 0-65 per cent. 
KCl ae Sant | kts ee 
CaCl, ' sy ORE 

A trace of sodium carbonate. 

If 0-1 per cent. dextrose is added to this solution, it is called Locke’s 
fluid. : 

By means of this or similar methods, the influence of changes in the 
composition of the perfusing fluid upon the rate and force of the beat. 

can be readily ascertained. The muscle of the frog’s heart possesses a 

large store of energy, and will continue to beat for a long time without 
any fresh supply of nutrient material so long as the perfusing fluid 

contains oxygen. The force of the beat is dependent, however, not 

only on the oxygen supply, but also on the presence or absence of 
certain salts and on the reaction of the perfusing fluid. — 

(1) If the heart is perfused with a solution free from calcium, the 
contractions of the ventricle gradually become feebler, and the heart 
soon stops in diastole. When calcium, but not potassium, is present, 
the ventricle after a short time fails to relax completely during diastole, 
and eventually may come to a standstill in a fully contracted state. 
The presence of both calcium and potassium, as, for example, in Ringer’s 
fluid, seems to be essential for the maintenance of the normal beat. 

(2) The heart is extremely sensitive to slight changes in the 
reaction, that is, the H ion concentration, of the perfusing fluid. It 
beats most forcibly when the perfusing fluid is neutral; if the fluid is 
made slightly acid or slightly alkaline, the beats become smaller. 

In the mammal the heart receives its blood supply through the 
coronary arteries, along which blood is flowing during both systole and 
diastole. The conditions which modify the supply of blood to the 
heart by the coronary vessels can be readily studied in the heart-lung 
preparation (p. 199). In the first place, the amount of blood flowing 
through the coronary vessels varies directly with the blood pressure in 
the aorta, Secondly, it is increased ‘by the addition of adrenalin to the 
circulating blood, this substance dilating the coronary vessels. Thirdly, 
carbonic acid and other metabolic products of muscular activity dilate 
the coronary vessels. By one or other of these means the blood supply 
to the heart is increased whenever it does more work. ‘ 

Ligature of a coronary artery, or of one of its main branches, is 
followed almost immediately by stoppage of the ventricles, and the 
heart cannot be made to beat again. 7 


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The force of the mammalian heart beat is also influenced by changes 
in the reaction of the blood. If the tension of carbonic acid in the 
blood is greatly increased, the heart relaxes more completely during 
diastole and contracts less forcibly during systole, with the result that 
its output is diminished, A decrease in the tension of carbonic acid, on 
the contrary, leads to the accumulation of blood in the great veins, less 
blood enters the heart wee diastole, and the output of the heart is 

Both in the frog and in the mammal, the rate of the heart is 
increased by a rise and decreased by a fall in the temperature of the 
fluid circulating through it. With this exception, changes in the 
character of the blood have little or no effect on the rate of the 
heart beat. 


In order that the various tissues of the body may receive an 
adequate supply of nutritive material and oxygen, it is essential that 
the blood supply to the different organs should be varied in accordance 
with their needs. This end is attained by means of the central nervous 
system, which can modify the rate of the heart and the calibre of the 
arterioles in response either (1) to external stimuli, or (2) to impulses 
arising in the different parts of the body itself, or (3) to changes in the 
character of the circulating blood. This latter factor also directly 
influences the force of the heart beat and the calibre of the vessels. 


The nerves supplying the heart are (1) the vagus, and (2) branches 
from the sympathetic system. The sympathetic fibres arise in the 
frog from the white ramus of the third spinal nerve, and have their 
cell station in the corresponding sympathetic ganglion. From the 
ganglion they pass upwards to join the vagus close to its exit from the 
skull ; the combined vagus and sympathetic fibres form a single nerve 
on each side, the vago-sympathetic, which runs to the heart (fig. 82). 
The fibres of the vagus nerve: have their cell station in the ganglia of 
the heart itself. 

In the mammal the vagus gives off branches in the thorax, 
which .run direct to the heart, in which their cell stations lie. The 
sympathetic fibres leave the spinal cord by the second and third 
thoracic white rami; their cell stations are in the stellate ganglion, 
from which post-ganglionic fibres run directly to the heart. 


The Vagus.—When a weak stimulus is applied to the peripheral 
portion (7.e. the end towards the heart) of the divided vago-sympathetic 
nerve in the frog, the heart immediately beats more slowly: a stronger 
stimulus brings the heart to a standstill. When the stimulus ceases, the 
heart begins to beat again, at first feebly, but soon more strongly than 
before the stimulus was applied. This effect of the vagus is known as 
inhibition,” since the nerve, when stimulated, checks or inhibits the 
normal rhythm of the heart. | 

In the mammal, stimulation of the peripheral end of the vagus 
produces the same effect, and, if the blood pressure is being recorded, 

Fie. 82.—Origin of the nerves to the frog’s heart. 
1, 2, 3 and 4 are spinal nerves. 

the tracing shows a marked fall of pressure (fig. 83). When the 
stimulus is removed, the heart begins to beat again, and the blood 
pressure returns to, or even rises above, its original level. Sometimes, 
especially if the stimulus is prolonged, the ventricle may again begin 
to beat slowly even during the stimulation. This phenomenon is known 
as ‘vagus escape,” and is due to the fact that the ventricle is beginning 
to beat independently with its own normal slow rhythm. 

In the frog the vagus fibres supply not only the sinus and auricles, 
but also the ventricle. In many, and probably in all mammals, the 
vagus fibres are distributed to the auricles, but not to the ventricles ; 
stimulation of the vagus in this case affects only the auricles directly, 
and the ventricles stop beating because they no longer receive the 
normal stimulus from the auricles. As a rule the vagus affects chiefly 
the sino-auricular node, inhibiting the impulses normally originating at 
this point, and the whole heart is brought to a standstill. Occasionally 


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it seems to act mainly by lessening the conductivity of the bundle of 

OTEK, and the auricles continue to beat at their usual rate, whereas the 

ventricles beat infrequently or not at all. 

The Sympathetic Fibres.—Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves, 
either in the frog or in the mammal, quickens the heart, and for this 
reason they are called accelerator nerves; usually the force of the heart 





_ Seconds 

Stat et ett tte ot state Betis ete beat 

Fic. 83.—Stimulation of peripheral end of one vagus at X. 

Note the inhibition of the heart and fall of blood pressure. B.P., arterial pressure recorded 
by mercurial manometer. 

is also increased. The effect is only produced after a latent period of 
some seconds, and lasts for a little time after the cessation of the 
stimulation (fig. 84). In the mammal the blood pressure may rise 
slightly or may be unaffected. 

Cardiac Reflexes.—The efferent fibres of the vagus arise from a 
collection of nerve cells lying in the medulla oblongata, and known as 
the vagus centre. Impulses are constantly passing from the centre 
down the vagus; these exert a restraining force on the rate of the 
heart beat and tend to inhibit it. This action of the vagus centre is 


described as its tonic inhibitory action, and is particularly well marked 
in the dog and horse. On section of the vagus nerves the tonic action 
is abolished and the heart beats more rapidly. The tone of the vagus 



Fic. 84.—Upper tracing shows acceleration of the heart due to 
stimulation of an accelerator nerve. 

centre can be reflexly increased or diminished. by afferent impulses 
reaching it from various parts of the body. The most important 
afferent paths are (1) the depressor nerve, (2) afferent fibres running in 

Vagus CE.8. 

SeGeretis to eats hk ae ea tr ke, th eet ee te re 

Fic, 85.-—Reflex slowing of the heart due to stimulation of central end 
of one vagus. The other vagus is intact, 

the vagus from the lungs and from the heart itself, and (3) many 
sensory nerves. 

(1) The depressor nerve is purely afferent, and, starting in the 
walls of the aortic arch, it runs up the neck on each side, in some 
animals (rabbits) as a separate nerve, in others bound up with the 


vagus trunk, to end in the medulla oblongata. If the nerve is 
divided, stimulation of its central portion (7.e. the end towards the 
brain) causes a fall of blood pressure and slowing of the heart. The 
slowing of the heart is due to a reflexly produced increase of vagus 
tone, and does not occur when the depressor nerve is stimulated after 
section of the vagi. 

(2) Stimulation of the central end of one vagus usually causes slowing 
of the heart, provided the other vagus is intact (fig. 85). 

(3) The stimulation of the central end of almost any sensory nerve, 
which in a conscious animal would give rise to pain, causes reflex 

' A, 
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Fic. 86,—Reflex acceleration of the heart and rise of blood pressure 
caused by stimulation of central end of the (divided) sciatic nerve. 

quickening of the heart (fig. 86), owing mainly to diminution of the tone 
of the vagus centre and partly to stimulation of the accelerator nerves. 
Stimulation of the central end of the splanchnic nerves or of the fifth 
nerve, however, causes slowing of the heart, an~effect which is some- 
times seen to follow a severe blow on the abdomen, and which is also 
readily produced by irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. 

The tonic action of the vagus centre is also increased when the 
general blood pressure is raised, and the heart is slowed, possibly as the 
direct effect of the increased blood pressure on the vagus centre. 
This relationship between the blood pressure and the pulse rate is 
known as Marey’s law, which states that ‘the pulse rate varies 
inversely with the blood pressure.” Exceptions to this law are observed 
(1) during muscular exercise and (2) as a result of painful stimuli. 


The accelerator nerves also exert a tonic influence on the heart, tending 
to quicken it, and when they are divided the heart beats more slowly. 
The rate of the heart is also modified by impulses passing to the vagus 
centre from the higher parts of the brain, the acceleration occurring 
during excitement, for example, being brought about by this means. 
The Action of Drugs on the Heart.—The action of drugs on the 
heart is most easily studied in the frog. The rate of the heart beat is 
slowed by pilocarpine or muscarine, which stimulates the vagus endings 
in the heart, this effect being abolished by atropine, which paralyses 
these endings, so that after its administration stimulation of the vagi 
has no effect on the rate of the heart. Atropine has no action on the 

accelerator nerve endings. Nicotine first stimulates and then paralyses 

the cell stations of the vagus in the heart; and if it is painted on the 
heart, stimulation of the vagus is ineffective, since the impulses passing 
along it are blocked at the cell stations. Adrenalin stimulates the 
nerve endings of the accelerator nerve, thereby inerenene both the 
force and the frequency of the heart beat. 


The Vaso-constrictor Nerves.—If the ears of a rabbit, preferably 
a light coloured one, are examined, it will be observed that when one 
cervical sympathetic nerve is divided, the ear on that side almost 
immediately becomes flushed. The central artery and its branches 
can be seen to become wider, many small vessels previously invisible 
come into view, and the whole ear becomes warmer than the opposite 
one. Stimulation of the peripheral end of the cervical sympathetic 
nerve causes an immediate constriction of the blood-vessels, many of 
which disappear from view, and the ear becomes paler and cooler than 
that of the opposite. side. 

This experiment, which was first carried out by Claude Bernard, 
shows that the cervical sympathetic nerve contains fibres which run to 
the blood-vessels of the ear, and which, when stimulated, cause con- 
striction of the arterioles by the contraction of their muscular walls. 
It proves, further, that normally the muscular coats of the arterioles 
are neither fully relaxed nor fully contracted, but are in a state of 
partial contraction, which is spoken of as tone. The tone of the 
arterioles exists only so long as they are in connection with the central 
nervous system, and is dependent upon impulses passing from the 
nervous system. ‘The nerve fibres which carry these impulses to the 
arterioles, and which when stimulated increase their tone, causing 
them to constrict still further, are called vaso-constrictor nerves. 

In other organs the presence of vaso-constrictor nerves, and the 




effect of section or stimulation of these nerves on the calibre of the 
arterioles has been ascertained, not by direct ocular observation, but by 
determining the amount of blood flowing through the organ in a given 
time. The volume of blood (V) flowing through an organ in a given 
time varies directly with the mean arterial pressure (P) and inversely 
with the resistance (R) in its arterioles, and is represented by the 

formula V« =) Hence the rate of blood flow through a small organ 

such as the kidney may be altered in one of two ways. On the one 
hand, in the absence of any active change in its arterioles, a rise of 
the general arterial blood pressure will force more blood through the. 
arterioles of the kidney. On the other hand, if the general pressure 
remains constant, dilatation of the renal arterioles will lead to an 
increased rate of blood flow through the kidneys by lessening the 
resistance to the flow of blood. In experiments on the rate of blood 
flow through an organ it is necessary, therefore, to record both the 
rate of flow and the general arterial pressure, in order to ascertain 
whether the alterations in flow are due to local changes in the arterioles, 
or to changes in the general arterial pressure, or possibly to a com- 
bination of these factors. 

The amount of blood flowing from an organ in a given time may 
be directly measured by allowing the blood escaping by the veins to 
pass along a graduated tube. Thus if 2 c.c. of blood flow into the 
tube in 4 seconds, the rate of flow is 30 c.c. per minute. This method is 
very useful inthe case of small organs such as the kidney or sub- 
maxillary gland. 

Another method is to record the variations in volume of the organ. 
These variations depend almost entirely upon the amount of blood 
present in the organ at any moment, and this will alter with the degree 
of dilatation or constriction of its blood-vessels, The organ is placed in 
an air-tight box or instrument known as a plethysmograph, provided 
with a small opening which is connected with a tambour and a record- 
ing lever. When the organ expands, the air in the box is driven along 
the tube into the tambour, thereby raising the lever; shrinkage of the 
organ has the opposite effect. The form of. plethysmograph varies 
with the shape of the organ which is being studied. The one generally 
used for the kidney, and known as an oncometer, is made of vulcanite 
with a glass lid; in one side is a groove through which the renal 
vessels and nerves can pass (fig. 87). The box is made air-tight by 
filling the interstices with vaseline. A glass tube passing through its 
wall is connected with a piston recorder (p. 199). Fig. 88 represents 
a record of the kidney volume thus obtained, simultaneously with a 



general blood-pressure tracing, and shows the effect of stimulating the 
peripheral end of a divided renal nerve. 

By one or other of these methods it is found that division of the 
nerves passing to the kidney produces an increase of its volume and 
an increased flow of blood 
through it, whereas stimula- 
tion of the nerves has the 
opposite effect. Since in these 
experiments the general 
arterial pressure remains prac- 
tically unaltered, the changes 
in the rate of blood flow produced by section or stimulation of the 
renal nerves must be brought about by alterations in the calibre of 
the arterioles of the kidney. 

Experiments of this kind show that the arterioles of almost every 
organ in the body are supplied with vaso-constrictor nerves. The tone 

Fic. 87.—Oncometer. 

Fic. 88.—Tracing of arterial blood pressure (1), and kidney volume (2). 
Between X and X the 10th thoracic nerve-root was stimulated, 
causing a decrease in kidney volume. (From Practical Physiology, 
by Pembrey and others.) 

of these vessels is controlled by a centre, the vaso-motor centre, lying 
in the medulla oblongata; nerve fibres pass from the cells of this 
centre down the spinal cord, to end in all probability round cells in the 
lateral horn in the dorsal region and round corresponding cells in the 
lumbar region, These cells give off small medullated fibres, which 
leave the spinal cord by the anterior roots and enter the white rami 


communicantes to form part of the sympathetic system ; their subse- 
quent course has already been described (p. 101). _ 

The mean arterial pressure is determined largely by the resistance — 
offered by the arterioles to the flow of blood through them; it rises 
when they constrict, and falls when they dilate. Hence stimulation of 
the vaso-motor centre by causing constriction of arterioles all over the 
body produces an enormous rise of blood pressure ; destruction of the 
centre is followed by dilatation of the arterioles, and the blood pressure 
falls to 40 mm. Hg or less. The centre lies in the floor of the fourth 
ventricle, its lower limit in the rabbit being about 4 mm. above the 
apex of the calamus scriptorius, and its upper limit about 4 mm. higher. 
Its position has been ascertained experimentally by observing the effect 
on the blood pressure of transection of the brain-stem at various levels. 
Section through the pons or upper part of the medulla oblongata does 
not affect the blood pressure; when the section passes through the 
upper end of the centre it produces a slight fall of pressure, and if a 
section is made a few millimetres lower the fall of pressure is maximal. 
On division of the spinal cord in the cervical region, all the arterioles 
are cut off from the vaso-motor centre, and the fall of blood pressure is 
as great as after destruction of the centre itself. When the transection 
is made in the dorsal region, only those arterioles which receive vaso- 
constrictor nerves from the spinal. cord below the lesion will lose their 
tone ; and the fall of arterial pressure becomes less marked the lower 
the level at which the spinal cord is divided, transection in the lower 
lumbar region having no effect upon the mean arterial pressure. 

If an animal is kept alive for some hours or days after transection 
of the spinal cord, its arterioles gradually recover their tone and the 
blood pressure returns to a normal level. This is brought about by 
means of subsidiary vaso-motor centres in the spinal cord, which are 
called into play when the medullary centre is put out of action. On 
subsequent destruction of the spinal cord, the blood pressure falls almost 
to zero. 

The only arterioles in the body which are not known to be influenced 
by vaso-constrictor nerves are the cerebral and coronary vessels. Re- 
cent observation has shown that, contrary to the views formerly held, 
vaso-motor fibres are distributed to the pulmonary vessels ; their exist- 
ence has been demonstrated by means of adrenalin (p. 234), which stimu- 
lates the endings of the vaso-constrictor fibres and produces constriction 
of the arterioles. The addition of adrenalin to the blood flowing through 
the lungs is followed by constriction of the pulmonary arterioles and a 
rise of pressure in the pulmonary artery, and if the lungs are perfused 
under a constant pressure the outflow of blood is diminished. 



The Vaso-Dilator Nerves.—In many parts of the body the arterioles 
are supplied not only with vaso-constrictor but also with vaso-dilator 
nerves, stimulation of which produces dilatation of these vessels owing 
to relaxation of their muscular walls. The chorda tympani nerve, for 
example, sends vaso-dilator fibres to the vessels in the sub-maxillary 
gland, and when it is stimulated the blood flow through the gland is 
increased, and may become four or five times as large as that taking 
place before stimulation of the nerve. Since the general blood pressure 
remains unaltered, this increase in the blood flow through the gland 
must be due to dilatation of its arterioles. Vaso-dilator fibres are also 
found in the nerves supplying the other salivary glands, the tongue, and 
other structures in the head. Similar fibres leave the spinal cord by 
the anterior roots of the second and third sacral nerves, and stimulation — 
of these nerves, which are called the nervi erigentes, causes dilatation 
of the blood-vessels of the generative organs and the rectum. 

The vaso-dilator nerves show two important points of difference 
from the vaso-constrictor nerves. In the first place, mere section of 
the nerves produces no obvious effect upon the calibre of the blood- 
vessels, so that, unlike the vaso-constrictors, the vaso-dilator fibres do 
not appear to exercise a continuous influence upon the tone of the 
arterioles. Secondly, the cell stations for these nerves lie, not in the 
sympathetic ganglia, but close to or even within the organ whose 
arterioles they supply. | 

In the instances just given the nerves contain only vaso-dilator 
fibres, but in the nerves supplying the limbs both vaso-dilator and 
vaso-constrictor fibres are present. Stimulation of the peripheral end 
of a nerve, such as the sciatic, usually causes vaso-constriction, though 
the existence of vaso-dilator fibres can be demonstrated in one of the 
following ways :— ~ . 

(1) If the sciatic nerve is divided and its peripheral end stimulated 
immediately, the arterioles constrict, but when the nerve is stimulated 
two or three days after section, the arterioles dilate. This result is due 
to the fact that the constrictor fibres degenerate and cease to carry 
impulses earlier than do the dilator fibres. 

(2) If the sciatic nerve is stimulated with single induction shocks 
repeated at intervals of one to two seconds, these shocks stimulate 
only the dilator fibres, and the arterioles dilate. 

(3) The dilator nerves are excited more readily than the con- 
strictor nerves by mechanical stimuli, such as pinching the nerve. 

The constriction or dilatation of the arterioles, thus produced, de- 
creases or increases the amount of blood flowing through the vessels of 
the limb, and alters the volume of the limb.- These changes in volume 


can be readily recorded by enclosing the distal part of the limb in a 
plethysmograph of suitable shape, which is connected with a tambour 
and a recording lever. 

Bayliss has shown that the vaso-dilator fibres to the limbs leave the 
spinal cord by the posterior roots, and that stimulation of the peripheral 

m™ Volume of 
S limb. 

ia pressure. 

Fic. 89.—Stimulation of peripheral end of 7th lumbar posterior root. 
(Bayliss. ) 
end of the posterior roots causes marked dilatation of the arterioles 
(fig. 89). The posterior root fibres starting in the skin and deep 
tissues normally carry impulses from these structures to the spinal 
cord and brain. When stimulation of the peripheral end of the 

Fie. 90.—-Scheme to show path of antidromic impulses (axon reflex). 

posterior root causes dilatation of the arterioles, the impulses must 
pass towards the periphery, that is, in. the opposite direction to that 
taken by the impulses from the skin. For this reason the impulses 
running towards the periphery and causing vaso-dilatation have been 
called antidromic. In normal circumstances a stimulus applied to the 
skin at A (fig. 90) will give rise to an impulse .passing along the 


sensory nerve B into the spinal cord; in its course each nerve fibre 
gives off a branch C, which ends in the walls of the arterioles (D) of 
the limb. The impulse passing along the fibre B also passes along C 
and relaxes the muscle of the arterioles. Since nerve fibres can con- 
duct impulses in both directions, stimulation of the posterior root 
fibres at E gives rise to an impulse which, travelling down the nerve, 
passes by the branch C to the arterioles at D, and causes them to relax. 
We see, therefore, that whether the stimulus is applied at the periphery 
A or at E, the impulse reaches the arterioles along the branch C. The 
effect of stimulation at A, which is not a true reflex, is called an axon 
reflec. If the posterior root fibres become degenerated peripherally to 
the ganglion, the axon reflex disappears, and a stimulus applied to the 
skin at A causes no dilatation of the subcutaneous vessels. 

This reflex is of great importance to the body. As is well known, 
an irritant (e.g. a mustard blister) applied to the skin causes dilatation 
of the cutaneous vessels and reddening of the skin. The dilatation of 
the vessels is part of the means by which the tissues protect themselves 
against injuries or irritants, and if the vascular changes do not occur, 
owing to degeneration of the peripheral sensory fibres, the damage done 
by the irritant to the tissues may be much more severe. 

Vaso-dilator fibres are also present in the sympathetic system itself, 
although their presence is not readily demonstrated owing to the greater 
abundance of vaso-constrictor fibres ; but when the endings of the latter 
are paralysed by the drug ergotoxin, stimulation of the splanchnic 
nerves causes vaso-dilatation and a fall of blood pressure. 

The vaso-dilator fibres seem to be concerned mainly, though not 
entirely, with bringing about an increased flow of blood in individual 
organs, whereas the vaso-constrictor fibres, controlled by the vaso-motor 
centre, regulate the.tone of the arterioles of the body as a whole. 

Influences Affeeting the Vaso-motor Centre.—The vaso-motor centre 
is extremely susceptible both to impulses reaching it from other parts 
of the nervous system, whether these reach it from the higher parts of 
the brain or from the peripheral nerves, and to changes in the character 
and amount of the blood passing to the brain. Its activities are con- 
stantly varying in response to these stimuli, in such a way that the 
mean arterial pressure is raised to meet special needs of the body, and 
is prevented from falling below the level necessary for the adequate 
supply of blood to the tissues, and more especially to the brain. 

(1) Nervous Stimuli.—The depressor nerve is a purely afferent 
nerve, originating in the root of the aorta, and passing to the brain. 
Electrical stimulation of its central end causes a lessening of the activity 
of the vaso-motor centre, decrease of the tone of the arterioles, and a 


ae ee ee ee ae 


fall of blood pressure; this occurs whether the vagus nerves haye 
been previously divided or are intact. In all probability, when the 
arterial blood pressure is very high, impulses are set up in the endings 
of the nerve in the stretched aortic wall which reflexly lower the blood 
pressure, and thus lessen the strain placed upon the heart. The 
passage of impulses along the depressor nerve in these circumstances 
can be observed by means of the string galvanometer. 

Increased activity of the centre and a rise of blood pressure are 
brought about by stimulation of most sensory nerves (see fig. 86), and also 
by impulses passing to it from the cerebral cortex during muscular 
exercise and in. violent emotional excitement, such as fear or anger, 

(2) The Composition of the Blood.—The vaso-motor centre is extremely 
sensitive to changes in the composition of the blood supplying it, being 
stimulated by lack of oxygen or by the presence of an excess of carbonic 
acid in the blood. The effect of lack of oxygen and of excess of carbonic 
acid is seen in its most extreme form in asphyxia (p. 270), but even 
a slight excess of carbonic acid stimulates the centre, and leads to 
constriction of the arterioles and a rise of blood pressure. The same 
effect is produced when the reaction of the blood, measured by its 
H ion concentration, becomes less alkaline; and the injection into the 
blood stream of small amounts of an acid, such as lactic acid, may 
produce a considerable rise of blood pressure. Further, the vaso-motor 
centre is stimulated whenever the amount of blood passing through the 
brain in a given time diminishes. 

During asphyxia the blood-pressure tracing often shows, in addition 
to the oscillations caused by the heart beat, two other groups of waves. 
In the first place, the blood pressure shows oscillations corresponding 
with the respiratory movements ; they are still present in a curarised 
animal, and are due to impulses passing by irradiation from the excited 
respiratory centre to the vaso-motor centre. They are called Traube- 
Hering, curves. Secondly, much larger waves, known as Mayer 
curves, are seen, and are due to rhythmical variations in the activity 
of the vaso-motor centre; they are often present after severe 
hemorrhage. | 3 . 

The subsidiary vaso-motor centres, unlike the chief centre, are 
extremely insensitive to either nervous or chemical stimuli, and probably 
they take little or no part in the vascular changes normally occurring 
in the body, though their activity can be excited by asphyxia. 

In whatever way the activity of the vaso-motor centre is increased, 
the constriction of the blood-vessels which is produced is most pro- 
nounced in the abdominal organs. The splanchnic nerves send con- 
strictor fibres to the blood-vessels of almost the whole of the abdominal 


viscera, and the total capacity of these vessels is so large that the 
amount of. blood contained in them forms a great proportion of the 
total blood in the body. Further, the general arterial pressure is more 
markedly altered by section or stimulation of the pplatiglins nerves 
than of any other nerve in the body. 

Hence the maintenance of the mean arterial pressure at a constant. 
level, in spite of the varying influences which are brought to bear upon 
the vaso-motor centre in daily life, is largely effected by changes in 
the degree of constriction of the arterioles supplied by the splanchnic 
nerves, and known as the splanchnic area. For example, when the 
depressor nerve is stimulated, the fall of pressure which occurs is due 
mainly to the dilatation of the arterioles in the splanchnic area. When 

the blood supply to the centre is deficient, the resulting rise of blood 

pressure is caused primarily and chiefly by constriction of the arterioles 
of the abdominal organs. During muscular exercise an increased flow 
of blood through the skeletal muscles is required and takes place, and 
the vessels in the splanchnic area are constricted, more blood being 
diverted into the muscular system. On the contrary, during digestion 
the digestive organs require an abundant blood supply, and the vessels 
of the skin are contracted, while the arterioles of the digestive tract are 

relaxed. It is for this reason that severe exercise taken immediately 

after a meal tends to disturb digestion. 

- When the arterioles of the abdominal organs constrict in response to 
stimulation of the splanchnic nerve, they naturally contain less blood 
than before, and the blood thus squeezed out of them by their con- 
striction has to be accommodated in other parts of the vascular system. 
Much of it passes into the arteries, thereby distending them more fully, 
and so raising the arterial pressure. This factor is an additional 
cause of the rise of blood pressure which is brought about by stimula- 
tion of the splanchnic nerves. 

Influence of Gravity on the Circulation.—If a thin-walled, 
cylindrical rubber bag is filled with fluid and held with its long axis 
vertical, the fluid, under the influence of gravity, tends to accumulate 
at, and to distend, the lower end of the bag. In the body also, the 
blood tends to accumulate in the most dependent parts, and if a rabbit. 
is held up by its ears the blood accumulates in the abdominal area, 
particularly in the large veins, and the arterial blood pressure falls 
(fig. 91). Asa result, the amount of blood passing through the brain 
in a given time is inadequate, and its functions are seriously interfered 
with, so much so that it is said to be possible to kill a hutch rabbit by 
holding it up in this position for a short time, death being due to 
anemia of the brain. 

= a a ie eA ibd Se ee 


The influence of gravity is antagonised completely in man, and to a 
lesser extent in most animals, by means of a compensating action on the 
part of the vaso-motor centre. When a man rises from the horizontal 
to the standing position, the blood tends to accumulate in his 
abdomen, and the supply of blood to the brain is diminished. This 
diminution at once stimulates the extremely sensitive vaso-motor 
centre, which sends out impulses constricting the arterioles of the 
splanchnic area, thereby forcing the blood out of this area into the rest 
of the body, including the brain. Conversely, the splanchnic arterioles 

A hae 
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Fig. 91.—Aortic blood pressure. Effect of postung. (L. Hill.) From Practical 
Physiology, by Pembrey and others. 

A-B, vertical, head up; B, horizontal; C, vertical, head down; D, horizontal. 

relax to some extent whenever an individual changes from the vertical 
to the horizontal position. 

This reaction on the part of the vaso-motor centre to any change 
in the position of the body as regards gravity, is so rapid and complete 
that we are not normally aware of its existence. The temporary giddi- 
ness, which-is often noticed by individuals who are anemic or run 
down on changing suddenly from:a horizontal to a standing position, 
is due to the fact that the response of the vaso-motor centre to the 
change of position is slower than usual, and that for a few moments the 
brain is inadequately supplied with blood. In the same way “ fainting” 
is in many cases caused by temporary diminution of the activity of 
the vaso-motor centre, so that the blood pressure falls and the blood 
supply to the brain is deficient, causing loss of consciousness. The 


compensating action of the vaso-motor centre for the effects of gravity 
is also inefficient in aneesthetised persons. 

Owing to the influence of gravity, the arterial pressure in the 
femoral artery of an individual in the erect position is much higher 
than that in the brachial artery. The constriction of the arterioles of 
the legs, however, is so great that the pressure in the capillaries and 
veins of the leg and foot is no higher than that in the hands. The 
flow of blood from the foot and leg back to the heart against the force 
of gravity is greatly assisted, and indeed made possible, by muscular 
movement: each muscular movement squeezes the blood along the 
veins towards the heart, and the valves prevent any reflux. In persons 
‘who are compelled to stand still for any length of time, or in whom 
the valves are defective, the veins tend to become dilated and varicose. 

The Effect of Hemorrhage.—Any considerable loss of blood from 
the body lessens the amount present in the arterial system, and the 
output of the heart at each beat decreases; the arterial pressure falls, 
and the supply of blood to the brain becomes inadequate. The vaso- 
motor centre is at once stimulated, causing increased constriction of 
the arterioles ; at the same time fluid passes from the tissues into the 
blood, and the arterial pressure rapidly regains its normal level. 
After a very severe hemorrhage these compensatory mechanisms are 
inadequate, and the blood: pressure remains low. 

The Influence of Adrenalin.—The structure and functions of the 
suprarenal glands are dealt with on p. 400, but it is necessary to 
mention at this point their influence on the circulation. These glands 
producea substance, adrenalin, which can be extracted from them and 
obtained in a pure form. A minute amount of adrenalin (e.g. 0°01 
or 0°02 mgr.), injected into a vein, stimulates the nerve endings of all 
the fibres of the sympathetic system, including those which supply the 
arterioles, and causes extreme vaso-constriction of all the arterioles 
except the coronary vessels, which are dilated, and the cerebral vessels, 
which are unaffected ; and if the vagus nerves have been divided a 
huge rise of blood pressure is produced. ‘The suprarenal glands receive 
fibres from the splanchnic nerves, and when a splanchnic nerve is 
stimulated, some of the adrenalin present in the suprarenal gland passes 
into the suprarenal vein and so into the blood stream, and gives rise 
to the effects just described. It is clear, therefore, that whenever a: 
splanchnic nerve is stimulated the ensuing rise of blood pressure is 
partly due to the increased peripheral resistance brought about by the 
direct action of the splanchnic nerve on the abdominal blood-vessels, 
and is partly caused by the constriction of arterioles all over the body 
by the adrenalin set free into the blood stream. The influence of 


these two factors is seen in the form of the blood-pressure tracing, 
which often shows, as it rises, a small notch or step (fig. 92) ; the first 
part of the rise is due to the direct action of the splanchnic nerve; the 
rise above the notch is due to adrenalin. Owing to the setting free of 
adrenalin, stimulation of a splanchnic nerve causes diminution in the 
volume of the limbs. These effects are produced not only when the 
splanchnic nerve is divided and its peripheral end is directly stimu- 
lated, but also when the impulse passing along the splanchnic nerve 
originates in the vaso-motor centre itself, as in asphyxia. After 
extirpation of the suprarenal glands, adrenalin can no longer be set 
free into the blood stream, and stimulation of the splanchnic nerve 
causes a much smaller rise of blood pressure; the vaso-constriction is 
limited to the abdominal vessels, and the blood-vessels of the limbs are 
passively dilated by the higher arterial pressure (fig. 93). 

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Fic, 92.—Blood-pressure tracing; showing effect of stimulation of left 
splanchnic nerve, (von Anrep.) 

Shock.—After severe injuries or profuse hemorrhage an individual 
may pass into the condition known as shock. The characteristic 
symptoms of shock are a low arterial blood pressure, and disappearance 
of many of the normal reflexes; the pulse is rapid and feeble, the 
respiration is shallow, and the temperature is low. A similar condition 
sometimes occurs after surgical operations, and can be experimentally 
produced in animals. Its causation is not understood, though various 
explanations have been offered to account for the low blood pressure, 
which forms such an important part of shock. The low blood pressure 
is not due to paralysis of the vaso-motor centre, since the centre 
responds to afferent stimuli almost as readily as in the normal animal. 
It has been suggested that in shock the veins dilate and that the 
blood accumulates in them, leaving the arterial system comparatively 
empty: in these circumstances the arterial pressure will be low, and 
the nutrition of the brain will be impaired. Other explanations have 
also been offered, none of which is entirely satisfactory. 


Local Changes in the Arterioles.—The variations in the activity of 
the vaso-motor centre, brought about by the means already described, 
are chiefly directed to regulating the mean arterial pressure and to. 
providing an efficient supply of blood to the brain. Alterations in the 
calibre of the arterioles in any one organ of the body as distinct from 
the body in general are sometimes due to the presence of vaso-dilator 
nerves, as, for example, the chorda tympani. There is, however, another 
factor of great importance. Generally speaking, increased functional 
activity of any organ of the body is accompanied by dilatation of its. 
arterioles and an increased flow of blood through it; this: is brought 

Fie. 98.—Stimulation of a splanchnic nerve after removal of the suprarenal glands, 
(von Anrep. ) 

L.V., volume of leg enclosed in a plethysmograph ; B.P., arterial blood pressure. 

about partly, or even wholly, by the direct action upon the walls of 
the arterioles of the waste products (metabolites) formed by the organ: 
during its activity. They include carbonic acid, lactic acid, and 
probably other substances, and experiment has shown that when these 
products are added to the blood passing through an organ, e.g. the 
heart or skeletal muscle, its arterioles dilate. This local mechanism 
provides a means by which the increased demands of a tissue for 
nutritive material and oxygen, when it is active, are met by an increase 
in the amount of blood passing through it. 


The circulation of the blood through the brain is peculiar in two: 
respects. In the first place, the brain is enclosed in a rigid case, the 
skull, which it almost completely fills, and, secondly, there is at present 
no conclusive evidence that the arterioles of the brain are under the 




control of the vaso-motor centre, although the existence of nerve 
plexuses round them has been observed histologically. The presence 
of cerebro-spinal fluid in the skull allows for a slight increase in the 
volume of the blood in the cerebral blood-vessels, since a rise of 
pressure within these vessels distends them to a certain extent, and 
forces some of the cerebro-spinal fluid out of the skull into the sheaths 
of the nerve trunks. Apart from this increase, which amounts only 
to 2 or 3 «c., the amount of blood in the cerebral vessels cannot 
be increased, since the capacity of the skull is constant, and the 
brain, which, together with the blood-vessels, practically fills it, is 

Any increase or decrease in the amount of blood supplying the 
brain is brought about entirely by variations in the veloevty with which 
the blood flows through the cerebral vessels. It has already been 
pointed out that if the width of the bed through which the blood is 
flowing remains constant, the velocity of the flow will vary directly with 
the pressure which tends to drive the blood along the vessels. In the 
body this pressure is the general arterial pressure, and since the volume 
of the cerebral vessels remains constant, the velocity of the flow of 
blood through them will depend entirely on’ the arterial pressure, pro- 
vided there is no obstruction to the escape of blood from the cerebral 
veins. If the arterial pressure rises, the arteries become rather more 
distended and occupy more space, and as the total volume of the 
cerebral vessels remains unaltered, the expansion of the arterioles 
must be accompanied by narrowing of the capillaries and veins. The 
narrowing is not sufficient to cause any obstruction to the escape of 
blood through these vessels, and the amount of blood flowing through 
the brain is greatly increased. If the general arterial pressure falls, 
the velocity of the blood flow through the brain diminishes, and the 
amount of oxygen reaching it in a given time is correspondingly 
decreased. When the supply of oxygen falls, the vaso-motor centre is 
stimulated, causing general vaso-motor constriction, and thereby raising 
the blood pressure to such a level that the flow of blood through the 
brain is again sufficient to provide an adequate supply of oxygen. 
Thus the blood supply to the brain is determined almost entirely by 
conditions outside the brain itself, being increased whenever the 
abdominal vessels are constricted and diminished when these dilate. 
The brain is protected from lack of oxygen by the vaso-motor centre in 
the manner just described. 

If the blood supply to the brain becomes inadequate, the respiratory 
centre is also stimulated, and the increased respiratory movements 
bring more blood to the heart, and so enable it to expel more blood at 


each beat, and thus to assist the vaso-motor centre in raising the blood 
pressure. c 

The pressure of the contents upon the wall of: the skull is equal to 
that within the capillaries of the brain. It cannot be greater than the 
capillary pressure, since in these circumstances the capillaries would 
collapse and the flow of blood through the brain would cease. The 
intra-cranial pressure can be raised by any obstruction to the escape of 
blood from the cerebral veins, or by the presence within the skull of a 
foreign body, such as a blood clot. In the latter case the pressure 
within the skull may rise sufficiently to compress the capillaries or even 

actually to obliterate them. Such compression, which inevitably 
diminishes the blood supply to the brain, may cause loss of conscious-— 

ness and other serious symptoms. . 

The most important functions of the circulatory mechanism are (1) 
to maintain a continuous slow stream of blood through the capillaries 
so as to provide the most favourable conditions for the passage of oxygen 

and nutritive material from the blood to the tissues and of waste pro- 

ducts into the blood ; and (2) to keep the arterial pressure at such a 
height as to ensure an adequate supply of blood to all parts of the body. 
The carrying out of these functions in response to the varying needs of 
the tissues and to stimuli reaching the body from the. outer world is 
chiefly effected through the nervous system, which controls the rate of 
the heart and the calibre of the arterioles. In the attainment of this 
end, the heart and arterioles are made to co-operate with each other. 
For instance, if the peripheral resistance becomes very great, the rise in 
blood pressure stimulates the vagus centre, the heart beats more slowly, 
and the pressure falls to its normal level (Marey’s law). Again, if the 
heart is beating against a high peripheral resistance, its work is 
lightened by impulses passing along the depressor nerve, which reflexly 
diminish this resistance. If the blood pressure falls, it is restored to 
the normal level by increased activity of the vaso-motor centre, which is 
assisted in many cases by an increased output of blood from the heart. 
These regulative mechanisms depend for their efficiency upon the 
nutrition of the heart itself, and upon the maintenance of its normal 
rhythm. Broadly speaking, the rate of the heart is determined by the 
influence of the nervous system, and the force of the beat by the state 
of nutrition of its muscular fibres. The latter depends almost entirely 
upon the amount and character of the blood supplied to the heart 
by the coronary vessels; if its nutrition is impaired the heart beats 

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more and more feebly, fails to expel its contents into the aorta, and 
finally the circulation may come to a standstill. Thus the nutrition of 
the heart muscle is ultimately the most important feature of the - 
circulatory mechanism. 


Except in the spleen, and possibly the liver, the blood does not come 
into direct contact with the cells of the tissues. It is separated from 
them not only by the walls of the capillaries, but by a fluid called lymph 
or tissue fluid, which lies between the capillaries and the tissue cells 
themselves. From these spaces the lymph passes into narrow channels 
(lymphatic vessels) lined by endothelial cells. These channels unite 
and finally end in a single vessel, the thoracic duct, which opens into 
the junction of the left jugular and subclavian veins, and conveys the 
lymph from the greater part of the body into the blood stream. The 
lymph from the right side of the head and neck, and the right fore-limb 
passes into a vessel which opens into the junction of the right jugular 
and subclavian veins. The lymph has been described by Foster as a 
‘middle man,” since, on the one hand, it receives from the blood oxygen 
and dissolved nutrient materials and passes them on to the tissue cells, 
and, on the other hand, it receives from the tissue cells carbonic acid 
and other waste products and returns them to the blood stream. The 
interchange of material between the blood and the tissues takes place 
by diffusion (p. 14), and in this way the tissues are nourished without 
any increase necessarily taking place in the amount of tissue fluid. 


Lymph can be collected by placing a cannula in the thoracic duct 
of an animal, such as a dog or horse. If the animal has not been 
recently fed, the lymph is a clear, colourless fluid having a specific 
gravity of about 1015, and usually clots when allowed to stand. It 
contains some lymphocytes, 4 to 5 per cent. of protein, the proteins 
being the same as those in blood serum, and also various salts and 
extractives. After a meal the lymph is milky in appearance, owing to 
the presence of large numbers of minute fat globules. The fat is 
derived from that taken in the food, which, after absorption from the 
digestive tract, passes into the intestinal lymphatic vessels (lacteals). 
In their course the vessels pass through the lymphatic glands, in which 
lymphocytes are formed ; these enter the lymph stream and are carried 
into the blood. 



Although the exchange of material between the blood and the tissues 
does not necessarily increase the amount of lymph in the tissue spaces, 
it is found that, in point of fact, lymph is constantly being formed in 
the body, and, after passing along the lymphatic vessels, is returned 
to the blood stream along the thoracic duct. The formation of lymph 
has been attributed by some writers to secretion by the walls of the 
capillaries, and by others to the action of purely physical processes such 
as filtration and osmosis. If the latter view is correct, a rise in capillary 
pressure should lead to an increase in the formation of lymph ; and this 
is found to be the case. 

The pressure in the capillaries is much more easily altered by a rise 
in the venous pressure than by a rise in the mean arterial pressure ; 
a rise in venous pressure, by obstructing the escape of blood from the 
capillaries, at once raises the capillary pressure. Hence a large rise in 
capillary pressure can be produced by ligaturing the vena cava or portal 
vein ; and this is followed by a great increase in the flow of lymph from 
the ditivaia duct. 

Again, when a large quantity of saline solution is injected into the 
circulation, the blood is not only increased in amount, but becomes 
more watery, the condition being called hydremic plethora. The arterial 
pressure remains almost unaltered, but the veins are distended to con- 
tain the greater part of the fluid thus added to the circulation, and the 
venous pressure rises; as a result the pressure in the capillaries also 
rises, and the flow of lymph from the thoracic duct becomes very rapid. 

Hydremic plethora may also be produced by injecting into the 
blood a strong solution of dextrose or other crystalloid body ; this 
raises the osmotic pressure of the blood, and water passes by osmosis 
from the tissues into the blood, thereby increasing its volume and 
raising the capillary pressure. In these circumstances a great increase 
takes place in the flow of lymph from the thoracic duct, as is seen in the 
following table :— 


Periods of Ten Arterial Blood Pressure in Inferior 
Minutes. Pressure, Vena Cava, | Flow of Lymph. 
100 mm. Hg 12 mm. water | 3°0 cc. 
40 grm. dextrose dissolved in 50 c.c. water injected into a vein. 
2 105 mm. Hg 180 mm. water 33°0 c.c. 
3 120 9 ” 50 29 oe) | 31°0 ” 
4 118 4, 5; 25 4s | 20°0 ,, 


From these experiments it may be concluded that the walls of the 
capillaries form a membrane through which lymph can be filtered off, 
and that the amount of fluid which passes through the membrane in a. 
given time depends directly upon the capillary pressure. 

Another factor in the formation of lymph is the variable readiness 
with which filtration takes place through the capillaries in different 
parts of the body under the same pressure. The least permeable 
capillaries are those of the limbs, the most permeable being those of 
the liver; and almost all the lymph flowing from the thoracic duct of a 
resting animal is formed in the liver and digestive tract. The perme- 
ability of the capillaries can be increased by the injection of various 
substances called lymphagogues, including peptone and leech extract. 
The injection of one or other of these substances into the blood stream 
leads to an increased formation of lymph, although the capillary 
pressure, after a short time, is almost unaltered. The lymph-is derived 
almost entirely from the liver, the capillaries of which become more 
permeable, as is shown by the fact that, if the lymphatic vessels of the 
liver are ligatured, the subsequent injection of peptone does not increase 
the formation of lymph. 

The permeability of the capillaries is also increased when their nutri- 
tion is impaired, e.g. by lack of oxygen, and this may give rise to dropsy. 

The formation of lymph is also dependent upon the metabolism 
of the tissues themselves. The injection into the blood of bile salts, 
for example, leads to the secretion of bile by the liver, and the flow of 
lymph from the thoracic duct is increased. This is not due to raised 
capillary pressure or to changes in the permeability of the capillaries, 
but is brought about in the following manner. In normal circum- 
stances the osmotic pressure of the tissue cells, the lymph, and the 
blood is almost the same. When the metabolism of the liver is 
increased, metabolic products are formed in the liver cells and diffuse 
into the lymph, raising the osmotic pressure of the lymph and liver cells 
as compared with that of the blood. Consequently water passes from 
the blood into the lymph, and this fluid is increased in amount and 
gives rise to a larger flow from the thoracic duct. Similar results 
have been observed in other organs, and probably increased functional 
activity of any tissue in the body leads to increased formation of 
lymph. We may conclude, therefore, that lymph formation is not 
a secretory process, but is brought about by purely physical processes, 
namely, filtration and osmosis; and the factors concerned in its pro- 
duction are (1) the capillary pressure, (2) the degree of permeability of 
the capillary walls, and (3) the metabolic activity of the tissues. There 

is no reason to suppose that in health the permeability of the 
16 — 


capillaries alters, and therefore the formation of lymph is increased 
chiefly by variations in the first and third of these factors. 


If a saline solution containing some readily recognisable substance, 
such as potassium iodide, is injected under the skin or into the pleural 
or peritoneal cavity, it rapidly disappears, and the presence of 
potassium iodide can be demonstrated in the blood or urine some 
time before it appears in the lymph flowing from the thoracic duct. 
This experiment makes it clear, first, that water and substances in 
solution can be readily absorbed, and, secondly, that the absorption does 
not take place into the lymphatic vessels, but through the capillary 
walls directly into the blood. Similarly, tissue fluid may be absorbed 
through the capillary walls; after hemorrhage, for instance, the 
volume of the blood is rapidly brought back to the normal by the 
passage of fluid from the tissue spaces into the blood. This process 
depends upon the fact that proteins exert an osmotic pressure, which, 
though very small in comparison with that of a solution of crystalloid 
bodies, is yet appreciable. The osmotic pressure of the crystalloids in 
blood and lymph is much the same, but, owing to the percentage of 
protein in blood being higher than that in lymph, the blood has a slightly 
higher osmotic pressure, and fluid tends to pass from the lymph into the 
blood. At the same time, fluid is being filtered through the capillary 
wall from the blood into the lymph at a rate varying with the capillary 
pressure. These two processes, namely, filtration and absorption, tend 
to balance one another and to keep the amount of tissue fluid constant. 
The balance may be disturbed either by a rise or by a fall of capillary 
pressure. In the former case, the amount of tissue fluid is increased, 
whereas, if the capillary pressure falls, for instance after severe 
hemorrhage, the amount of fluid absorbed exceeds that which is filtered 
through the capillary walls ; and the volume of the blood increases at 
the expense of the lymph and tissues. 

The absorption of saline solution, placed under the skin, is brought 
about partly by simple diffusion of the dissolved substances into the 
blood, and partly by the osmotic pressure exerted by the proteins in 
the blood. 


The tissue fluid is formed under a pressure which is probably rather 
less than that in the capillaries, and this pressure tends to drive the 
lymph towards the thoracic duct; the pressure in the duct where it 


opens into the great veins is at most 2 to 3 mm. Hg, and may be negative. 
Other and more important factors are muscular and respiratory move- 
ments. Every muscular movement, by compressing the lymphatic © 
vessels, forces the lymph on towards the thoracic duct. With each 
inspiration, the abdominal pressure rises and the intestinal lymphatic 
vessels are compressed ; at the same time, the pressure on the thoracic 
duct becomes negative, and lymph is sucked into the chest.. The effect 
of these movements is assisted by the presence of valves in the larger 
lymphatic vessels, which prevent any backward flow of lymph. 




RESPIRATION consists in the transference of oxygen from the atmo- 
spheric air to the tissues of the body, and of carbonic acid from the 
tissues to the outer air. In man and most vertebrates, the oxygen and 
carbonic acid are carried to and from the tissues respectively by the 
blood, which, on the one hand, receives oxygen in the lungs and gives 
it up to the tissues, and, on the other hand, receives carbonic acid from 
the tissues and gives it up in the lungs. In fishes and many in- 
vertebrates, the lungs are replaced by gills. The transference of oxygen 
from the atmosphere into the blood and of carbonic acid from the 
blood into the atmosphere is called external respiration, the interchange 
of gases between the blood and the tissues being termed internal or 
tissue respiration. 


The respiratory system consists of the lungs and the air passages 
leading to them, namely the mouth and lower half of the nasal cavity, 
the upper part of the pharynx, the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The 
trachea is a wide tube about 44 inches in length in man, and is lined 
by stratified epithelium, the inner layer being ciliated. The epithelium 
rests upon a thick basement membrane, beneath which is a layer of 
elastic fibres running longitudinally ; external to this membrane is 
areolar tissue in which lie many small glands, which secrete mucin. 
The trachea is strengthened by C-shaped hoops of cartilage, and on its 
posterior wall is a layer of unstriped- muscle, the fibres of which run 
transversely. The cartilaginous rings keep the lumen of the trachea 
patent, and prevent its occlusion by external pressure. The fluid 
formed by the small mucous glands moistens the inner surface of the 
trachea, and serves also to catch bacteria or particles of dust, which 

244 | 

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are carried in with the inspired air; the cilia, by their movement, 

carry the fluid up the trachea into the pharynx. 

The main bronchi are similar in structure to the trachea. 

In the lungs the bronchi branch in a tree-like manner, the final 
ramifications opening into the pulmonary air cells. The larger intra- 
pulmonary bronchi are lined by columnar ciliated epithelium resting 
on a basement membrane. Lying under this basement membrane are 
longitudinally disposed elastic fibres with loose connective tissue. More 
externally is a layer of smooth muscle fibres arranged circularly, the 

Vestibule wee 

. Rat 

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Fic. 94.—Section of lung of cat, showing termination of bronchus. 
(From Gray’s Anatomy.) 

bronchial muscle. External to the bronchial muscle -is a fibrous coat 
containing scattered, irregular plates of hyaline cartilage. 

The smaller bronchi (bronchioles) have no cartilaginous plates, but 
their muscular coat is well marked. 

Each bronchiole leads into a small number (three or four) of wider 
thin-walled spaces, lined by flattened epithelium, and called atria. Out 
of each atrium open two or three blind diverticula, each of which is 
called an infundibulum. The walls of the infundibula are studded with 
hemispherical sacs known as alveoli, which are lined by flattened, non- 
nucleated, epithelial cells. Between adjacent alveoli there is a dense 
network of capillaries, supported by a small amounf of fine connective 


and elastic tissue; the network of capillaries is thus common to the 
two adjacent air cells, and the blood in the capillaries is separated from 
the air in the alveoli merely by two thin layers of epithelium. In 
birds, even the alveolar epithelium appears to be absent, the blood and 
air being separated solely by the capillary wall. 

The branches of the pulmonary artery accompany the bronchi, and 
open into the alveolar capillary network, from which blood is carried 
back to the left auricle by the pulmonary veins. Oxygenated blood is 
supplied to the bronchi by the bronchial arteries. 

The lungs nearly fill the thoracic cavity, the space between them 
being occupied by the heart, great vessels, and other structures. Each. 

lung is covered by a thin membrane, consisting of a superficial layer. 

of flattened epithelium resting on connective tissue; the membrane 
is known as the pleura, and is reflected at the root of the lung on 
to the chest wall. Each pleura thus forms a closed sac, the walls 
of which are normally in apposition ; their inner surfaces are moistened 
by a small amount of fluid, resembling lymph, and glide over one 
another with every movement of the chest wall and lung. 


The thorax is a completely closed box which alters in shape and 
size with each respiratory movement ; with inspiration it becomes larger 
in all its diameters, vertical, antero-posterior, and transverse, returning 
to its former size during expiration. This increase in size is brought 
about partly by the upward movement of the ribs, partly by the descent 
of the diaphragm. ® 

The diaphragm consists of a muscular sheet with a tendinous 
central portion. In the position of rest it forms a dome projecting 
towards the thoracic cavity, and when it contracts the summit of the 
dome, namely the tendinous portion, is drawn downwards from 1 to 2 em., 
thus increasing the vertical diameter of the chest. The extent to which 
the central tendon can be drawn downwards is limited by the resistance 
of the abdominal viscera, and when the limit is reached, the direction 
of the pull of the costo-sternal muscle fibres of the diaphragm is 
reversed so that the lower end of the sternum and the movable ribs 
are raised, The spinal fibres of the diaphragm, the lower attachment 
of which is a fixed point, still exert a downward pull upon the central 

The Ribs.—At the beginning of inspiration the first pair of ribs 
and the manubrium sterni are fixed by the resistance of the cervical 
structures, and the second to the fifth pairs of ribs are drawn upwards 
by the contraction of the external intercostal muscles and the serratus 

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posticus (posterior) superior. Since the ribs slant downwards and 
forwards from their vertebral articulation, this upward movement 
carries forward the sternum and increases the antero-posterior diameter 
of the chest. At the same time the ribs rotate slightly round the axis 
represented by a line drawn from their vertebral to their costal attach- 
ments, and their lower borders, which in the expiratory position are 
inverted, become everted. The costo-chondral angle is also opened out. 
By these means the transverse diameter of the chest is enlarged. 

The lower ribs are raised partly by the external intercostal muscles, 
partly also by the contraction of the diaphragm, and partly by the 
interchondral portion of the internal intercostal muscles. 

Thus the muscles concerned in quiet inspiration are the diaphragm, 
the external intercostal muscles, the interchondral portion of the internal 
intercostal muscles, and the serratus posticus (posterior) superior. 
The entrance of air into the lungs is also assisted by widening of the 
glottis, and, if the breathing is at all laboured, by dilatation of the ale 
nasi. In forced inspiration, other muscles such as the trapezius, pectoral 
muscles, sterno-mastoid, and rhomboids are called into play. 

During quiet expiration, the chest returns to its former shape and 
size, mainly on account of the elasticity of the chest wall and lungs, 
and of the abdominal wall and abdominal contents; the downward 
movement of the ribs during expiration is also assisted by the con- 
traction of the costal part of the internal intercostal muscles, which 
pass downwards and backwards from each rib to the one immediately 
below it. In forced expiration the accessory muscles employed are 
mainly those of the abdominal wall. 

Quiet respiration in men is carried out principally by the movements 
of the diaphragm. In women the larger part is played by the move- 
ments of the upper ribs, chiefly on account of wearing of tight clothing, 
which interferes with the movement of the diaphragm and lower ribs. 


The passage of air into and out of the lungs during respiration is 
brought about by purely mechanical causes, which can be roughly 
illustrated by the aid of an artificial model. A thin-walled rubber bag 
is placed in a glass vessel closed by a cork; the bag is attached to a 
glass tube, which passes through the cork and is open at the top. 
The bottle is connected by another tube with a mercury manometer 
and by a third tube with a suction pump, by means of which air can 
be sucked out of it. 


At the outset of the experiment the air in the bottle is at the same 
pressure as that of the atmosphere, and the bag is collapsed. If a little 
air is sucked out of the bottle, the pressure falls, and, since the pres- 
sure within the rubber bag remains unaltered, a difference of pressure 
is set up on its inner and outer surfaces. The bag expands, air being 
sucked into it along the glass tube to fill the extra space thus provided, 
until the pressure within it and outside it becomes nearly equal; but 
the pressure outside the bag is finally a little less than atmospheric 
pressure, because a part of the pressure in the bag is used up in 
overcoming the tendency of its’ stretched elastic wall to collapse. 

When more air is sucked out of the bottle the rubber bag expands: 
still further, but the pressure in the bottle remains negative, that - 

is, less than atmospheric pressure. When the bottle is opened, 
the pressure on each side of the bag becomes the same, and it 

In the body the lungs take the place of the bag, the bottle is 
represented by the chest, and the changes in the pressure on the outer 
surface of the lungs are brought about by alteration in the size of the 
chest cavity. If a small tube, connected with a manometer, is passed 
- through the chest wall of an animal into the pleural cavity, the 
pressure within the chest is seen to be lower than that of the atmo- 
sphere ; at the end of expiration the difference is usually about 6 mm. 
Hg. When the chest enlarges during inspiration, the pressure on 
the outer surface of the lungs diminishes, and, as the pressure within 
them remains unchanged, they expand still further. Owing to the greater 
force required to bring about this additional expansion of the lungs, the 
pressure in the pleural cavity is further diminished, and amounts on an 
average to 730 mm. Hg. The negative pressure in the pleural cavity 
thus varies from -6mm. Hg during expiration to - 30 mm. Hg or 
more during inspiration, and represents the pressure required to over- 
come the tendency of the expanded lungs to collapse by virtue of their 
elasticity. When the lungs expand further during inspiration, air rushes 
in to fill the additional space; during expiration air is expelled. The 
expansion of the lungs during inspiration is due almost entirely to 
the enlargement of the infundibula and atria, and the portions of the 
lungs which expand most are those in contact with the diaphragm and 
ribs ; the dorsal and mediastinal surfaces and the apex are much less 

If the chest is opened, either during life or after death, the pressure 
on both the outer and the inner surfaces of the lungs is that of the 
atmosphere, and owing to their elasticity the lungs collapse. In the 
condition known as emphysema, the elastic tissue of the lungs atrophies 

ee ST ee Senn ie ee 




and they do not collapse when the chest is opened. In the new-born 
infant, the lungs, even in their collapsed condition, fill the chest. As_ 
the child grows, the capacity of the chest increases more rapidly than 
does the size of the lungs; and the lungs of the adult are considerably 
expanded even at the end of expiration. 

Since with each expansion of the chest the lungs increase in size 
so as to fill completely the extra space thus provided, the amount of 
air entering the lungs at each breath varies with the extent of the 
respiratory movement. In quiet respiration it amounts to 350-500 c.c., 
and is spoken of as t¢da/ air. The additional volume of air, which can 
be taken into the lungs by forced inspiration, amounts on an average to 
about 1500 c.c. and is called complemental air. The largest amount of 
air which can be expelled from the lungs by the most violent expiration, 
made at the end of an ordinary breath, is termed swpplemental air ; it 
varies in different individuals from 1000 to 1500 ¢.c. Even after the most 
forcible expiration, a considerable amount of air—usually about 1000 c.c. 
—still remains in the lungs, and is spoken of as resedual air. The 
total volume of air which can be taken into and expelled from the 
lungs by the most forcible inspiration and expiration, namely, the sum 
of the tidal, complemental, and supplemental air, is termed the wtal 
capacity of the chest, and is from 3000 to 3500 c.c. These figures are 
obtained by allowing the individual to breathe into a spirometer, which 
is a small gasometer provided with a graduated scale. When the 
subject breathes into or out of the spirometer, the air chamber rises 
or falls, the increase or decrease of its contents, thus produced, being 
read off on the scale. 

Tidal air 500 cc. . \ 

Complemental air 1500 ¢c.c. . } Vital capacity 3500 c.c. 
Supplemental air 1500 c.c. { 

Residual air 1000 c.c. 

The normal_rate of respiration in adults is 15 to 18 a minute. 
Expiration follows inspiration immediately, and is succeeded by a 
slight pause before the next inspiration begins. Children breathe more 
rapidly, the rate in the infant being about 40 a minute. 

Ordinary quiet breathing is usually called ewpnea, and an increase 
in the depth of the respiratory movements is called hyperpnea ; if these 
movements are not only deeper, but also laboured, the term _dyspnea_is 
applied to them. A temporary cessation of breathing is known as 
apnoea, . . 

If the ear is placed in contact with the chest wall, a faint sound— 
the vesicular murmur—is heard during inspiration ; it is believed to be 



produced by the passage of air through the larger respiratory passages, 
the sound being modified in its conduction through the substance of the 
lung. On listening over the trachea and large bronchi, the sound is 
louder and is audible both during inspiration and expiration. The 
character of the sound is altered in disease of the lungs or pleura. 


The composition of expired air differs considerably from that of the 
atmosphere, the average difference being as follows :— 

Nitrogen. | Oxygen. | Carbonic Acid. 

Inspired air. 79 20°96 

Expired air .- . 794 | 16°50 4°] 
4°46 4:06 — 

_ The increased percentage of carbonic acid in expired, as compared 
with inspired, air is 4°06, the difference between the percentage of 
oxygen in inspired and expired air being 4:46, so that the total volume 
of the air expired is less than that inspired. It is for this reason that 
the relative amount of nitrogen in expired air is slightly increased. 
The ratio of the amount of carbonic acid leaving the body to the amount 
of oxygen taken into the body and not reappearing in expired air, is 

known as the respiratory quotient, and is usually expressed as at 

ete NA PET CA ‘ 
In the table it is a = 0°90. ‘ Its significance will be discussed 
subsequently (p. 343). 

In addition to containing less oxygen and more carbonic acid, the 
expired air is fully saturated with water, and is at the body temperature. 
It has been stated that small quantities of poisonous substances are also 
present in expired air, and that the accumulation of these substances in 
crowded and ill-ventilated rooms is the cause of the headache and other 
uncomfortable symptoms experienced in these circumstances. Careful 
experiments have shown that this is not the case, and that the 
symptoms are due partly to the accumulation of carbonic acid in the 
air, and make their appearance when this reaches 0:1 per cent. or more, 
and partly, as Leonard Hill suggests, to a high temperature and lack of 

i i eee SP ee ep Oe ot io 


currents of air in the room. They may be avoided by constant renewal 
of the air in rooms by adequate ventilation. | 

The expired air comes partly from the lungs, partly also from the 
respiratory passages, namely the bronchi, trachea, pharynx, and nose. 
Since the air in these passages undergoes very little change in composi- 
tion during respiration, they are known as the “dead space,” the 
capacity of which varies from 130 to 150 c.c. and is very constant for the 
same individual. The air contained in the dead space is expelled during 
the first part of expiration, the air expelled during the latter part of 
expiration, particularly if this is forcible, coming directly from the 
alveoli of the lungs. Since the interchange of oxygen and carbonic. 
acid between the blood and the air in the lungs takes place solely in 
the alveoli, it is of great importance to ascertain the composition of the 
alveolar air. 

Haldane has devised a simple apparatus for collecting samples of 
alveolar air in man. It consists of a piece of rubber tubing about 
1 inch in diameter, 3 or 4 
feet long, and provided ——_ : MOUTH-PLECE. 
with a mouthpiece. About 
2 inches from the mouth- 
piece the tube is connected 
with a sampling tube 
(fig. 95), which has pre- Fie. 95. 
viously been made vacuous. 
The subject breathes normally for a few moments, and then, at the end 
of a normal inspiration, he expires deeply through the mouthpiece and 
instantly closes it with his tongue. The upper tap of the receiver is 
at once opened, and air rushes into it from the tube; the tap is then 
closed, and the sample can be analysed, A second similar experiment 
is made, in which the subject expires deeply at the end of a normal 
expiration, and another sample of air is obtained. The mean of the 
analyses of the two samples gives the average a of the 
alveolar air. 

The reason for taking two samples is that at the end of inspiration 
the lungs contain a maximum percentage of oxygen, whereas at the 
end of expiration they contain a maximum percentage of carbonic acid. 
The amount of carbonic acid in alveolar air obtained by this method 
varies from 5 to 6 per cent. in different individuals, but is remarkably 
constant in the same individual; the amount of oxygen is usually 
13 to 14 per cent. _ Alveolar air thus contains considerably less oxygen 
and more carbonic acid than ordinary expired air, the reason being that, 
in the expired air, the alveolar air is mixed with the contents of the 




dead space, the composition of which differs but little from that of the 
atmosphere. 3 

The air is analysed by shaking up a known volume with caustic potash, 
which absorbs the carbonic acid; the diminution in volume represents the 
amount of carbonic acid present in the air. The air is then shaken up with 

pyrogallic acid, which absorbs oxygen, and the diminution in volume is again 
measured. The residual gas is regarded as being nitrogen. 


Before discussing the means by which the interchange of oxygen and 
carbonic acid between the blood and air in the lungs is effected, it is 
necessary to determine, first, the amount of these gases in the blood, and, 
secondly, the conditions in which they are held in it. 

If blood is exposed to a vacuum, there is a considerable evolution 

of gas, which may be collected and analysed. For this purpose, some . 

form of gas pump is usually employed, the composition of the gas 
being subsequently ascertained by exposing it first to potash, which 
absorbs carbonic acid, and secondly to pyrogallic acid, which absorbs 
oxygen. By this means it is found that 100 volumes of blood give off 
about 60 volumes of gas, the composition of which varies according 
to whether the blood is arterial or venous. The total quantity of 
oxygen which 100 volumes of blood can take up or give off is called its 

oxygen capacity. 

GASES IN THE Bioop (Doe). 

Oxygen. Carbonic Acid. | Nitrogen. 

Arterial blood 
100 volumes yield . .| 20 vols. 40 vols. | 1-2 vols. 
of Venous blood 
) yield . .| 8-12. ,, 46-48 __,, 1-2 ,, 

This method necessitates the use of comparatively large quantities 
of blood (10 to 20 c.c.) in order to give accurate results ; and Barcroft 
has devised an apparatus, by means of which the estimation of the 
blood gases can be carried out with very small quantities (1 ¢.c. or even 
0-1 c.c.) of blood. The method has the advantage of being readily 
applicable to man, and depends upon the fact that, when potassium 
ferricyanide and a trace of alkali (usually ammonia) are added to blood, 
all the oxygen previously in combination with hemoglobin is evolved, 
and the amount of oxygen given off from a known volume of blood can 

eae ise ale 


5 am 

hiatal iia att te Te te 


be measured. The hemoglobin then takes up an equivalent amount 
of oxygen from the reagents, being converted into methzmoglobin. 
The probable course of the reaction is represented by the equation 

HbO, +4K,Fe(CN),+4KOH=HbO, +4K,Fe(CN),+2H,0+0,.. 

Oxyhzemoglobin Methzmoglobin 

Barcroft’s differential apparatus consists of a manometer, of which the bore 
is 1 mm., and which is provided with a scale graduated in millimetres. 
Attached to each limb is a small bottle, which is detachable, and by means of 
taps each bottle can be connected with or shut off from the outer air. The 
manometer is partially filled with clove oil. 

(1) To determine the oxygen capacity of a sample of blood, 2 c.c. of dilute 
ammonia and 1 c.c. of the blood to 
be examined are placed in each 
bottle, and the bottles are shaken so 
that the blood is thoroughly laked 
and saturated with oxygen. The 
stoppers are carefully greased, and 
0-2 c.c. of a saturated solution of . 
potassium ferricyanide is placed in 
the reservoir in the stopper of one 
bottle A. The bottles are then 
attached to the manometer and 
placed in a water bath, the taps 
being open. When the reading of 
the manometer becomes constant, 
the taps are closed, thereby exclud- 
ing the bottles and the manometer 
from the outer air, and the apparatus 
is tilted so that the ferricyanide runs 
into the blood in A, which gives off 
its oxygen. The level of the clove 
oil falls in the limb attached to the 
bottle A and rises in the opposite 
limb, and the bottles are replaced in 
the water bath until the readings Fyg, 96.—Barcroft’s blood-gas apparatus. 
become constant. If the difference (From Barcroft, Respiratory Function 
of level on the two sides is 60 mm., of the Blood.) 
this difference, multiplied by the 
constant of the apparatus (which may be taken- as 3:0), represents the amount 
of oxygen given off by the blood; thus 60 mm.x3:°0=180 oxygen. 
Since 1 c.c. of blood gives off 0°18 c.c. of oxygen, 100 c.c. of blood will give off 
18-0 c.c. oxygen, and this is its oxygen capacity. We have taken 3:0 as the 
constant of the apparatus, but it must be remembered that each apparatus has 
its own constant, which may be slightly greater or less than 3°0. 

(2) To determine the amount of oxygen present in a given sample of blood, 
2 c.c. of dilute ammonia are placed in each bottle; 1 c.c. of the blood to be 
examined is carefully placed under the ammonia at the bottom of one bottle A, 
and thus kept from contact with the air. 1 c.c. of fully oxygenated (saturated) 
blood is placed in the other bottle B.. The stoppers are greased, the bottles 
are attached to the manometer and placed in a water bath, the taps being open. 
When the reading of the manometer becomes constant, the taps are closed and — 
the apparatus is shaken in order to lake the blood in each bottle. The blood 
in bottle B, being already fully saturated, takes up no more oxygen when 
brought into contact with the air in the bottle. Ifthe. blood in the bottle A 
is already fully saturated with oxygen, it takes up no more oxygen, and the 


reading of the manometer remains unchanged ; but if it is not fully saturated, 
it takes up some oxygen, and the level of the clove oil rises in that limb of the 
manometer. The manometer is replaced in the water bath till the reading is 
constant. If the difference in the level of oil in the two limbs is 20 mm., the 
blood must have taken up 20 mm. x 3°0=60 of oxygen ; and if its total 
oxygen capacity is ascertained, the degree to which it was previously 
saturated can be calculated. 
Thus, if the oxygen capacity of 1 c.c. blood was 0°18 ¢.c., and it took up in 
the foregoing experiment 0°06 c.c. oxygen, it must have previously contained 

0°12 c.c., and its percentage saturation was 100 x eae per cent. 


Theoretically, the gases in the blood might be either simply 
dissolved in it or chemically combined with some constituent of the 
blood. In order to decide which of these possibilities is the correct one, 
it is necessary to consider first the conditions which modify the amount. 
of any gas present in a fluid such as water. On exposing water to the 
air, a certain amount of oxygen and nitrogen is dissolved in it. Con- 
fining our attention to oxygen, the amount dissolved in a known 
volume of water depends upon (1) the pressure exerted by the oxygen 
upon the surface of the water, (2) the temperature of the water, and 
(3) the capacity of water to dissolve oxygen. The capacity of water to 
dissolve any gas is constant for the same gas, provided the pressure of 
the gas and the temperature of the water remain unchanged. Some 
gases, such as carbonic acid, are very soluble in water, others such 
as oxygen and nitrogen are only slightly soluble. The coefficcent of 
solubility of a gas is defined as the amount of that gas which is dissolved 
at a given temperature in 1 c.c. of the liquid, when the pressure of the 
gas on the liquid is 760 mm. Hg. 

Since the capacity of water to dissolve any gas is constant, the 
amount of the gas dissolved at a given temperature (which will be 
assumed to be constant) varies directly with the pressure of the gas 
on the surface of the liquid. When water is exposed to pure oxygen at, 
atmospheric pressure, the pressure of oxygen on the water is 760 mm. 
Hg; if it is exposed to atmospheric air, both the oxygen and nitrogen 
exert a pressure, which is proportional to their percentage in the air. 
In such a mixture of gases, the proportion of the total pressure exerted 
by the oxygen on the walls of the vessel containing it, or on: the surface 
of a fluid, is called the partial presswre or tension of oxygen, and it is 
measured by determining (1) the percentage of oxygen in the gaseous 
mixture, and (2) the total pressure of the mixture. The partial pressure 

na) Ld AE De ae a Aa tes elit AS fend Ot See 

— me 

ES a ee ee ee ae 

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of oxygen in atmospheric air is, therefore, 20 per cent. of 760 mm. Hg, 
namely 152 mm. Hg. 

The Tension of Gas in a Fluid.— When water is exposed to a 
gaseous mixture containing oxygen, the molecules of oxygen tend to 
pass into the liquid and be dissolved ; at the same time, the molecules 
of oxygen already in solution tend to pass from the water into the 
gaseous mixture. This tendency of the molecules of oxygen to leave 
the fluid is called the tension of oxygen in the fluid. When these two 
opposing processes are equal, the gaseous mixture and the fluid are in 
equilibrium, and the amount of oxygen dissolved in the fluid remains 
constant. In these circumstances, the tension of oxygen in the fluid is - 
equal to the partial pressure of the oxygen in the gaseous mixture to 
which the fluid is exposed. 

The tension of oxygen in a fluid cannot be measured directly, but 
is determined by placing samples of the fluid in a series of closed vessels, 
containing oxygen at various known partial pressures, and finding in 
which vessel the fluid neither gives off nor takes up oxygen. The tension 

_of oxygen in the fluid in this vessel is equal to the partial pressure of 

the oxygen in the gaseous mixture to which the fluid is exposed ; and 
if the amount of oxygen in the gaseous mixture is 5 per cent. and the 
total pressure of the gaseous mixture is 760 mm. Hg, the partial 
pressure of oxygen is 38 mm. Hg; this is equal to the tension of 
oxygen in the fluid. The forms of apparatus which have been devised 
for measuring the tension of a gas in a fluid are called aérotonometers. 

The Tension of Oxygen in Blood.—In the case of water, oxygen is 
held in simple solution, and, if the temperature is constant, the amount of 
oxygen in the water varies directly with the partial pressure of oxygen 
in the air to which it is exposed. If the pressure of oxygen is doubled, 
twice as much is dissolved in the water. When similar experiments 
are carried out with blood, the amount of oxygen present in the blood, 
as determined by exposing it to a vacuum in a gas pump or by 
Barcroft’s apparatus, is not proportional to the partial pressure of 
oxygen in the gaseous mixture to which the blood is exposed. For 
example, when the blood is in equilibrium with air containing oxygen 
at a partial pressure of 100 mm. Hg, it will contain about 18 volumes 
of oxygen per 100 volumes of blood. If the partial pressure of oxygen 
is reduced to 50 mm. Hg, the blood will contain 14°5 volumes of 
oxygen per 100 volumes of blood. 

Since the amount of oxygen in blood is not dzrectly proportional to 
the partial pressure of oxygen in the air to which the blood is exposed, 
it is evident that oxygen is not held in blood_simply in_solution. 
Further, a given volume of blood can take up many times as much 


oxygen as an equal volume of water, Hence it is clear that oxygen 
must form an unstable compound with some: constituent of the blood ; 
this constituent is hemoglobin, and a solution of pure hemoglobin can 

take up from the air as much oxygen as blood containing the same 

amount of hemoglobin. 1 gram of hemoglobin can combine with 
approximately 1°34 ¢.c. oxygen, though this figure varies slightly in 
different animals, probably on account of slight differences in the 
character of the protein part of the hemoglobin molecule. 

If 100 c.c. of blood are exposed to an atmosphere of pure oxygen in 
a closed vessel at atmospheric pressure, they take up about 20 c.c. of 
oxygen. When the oxygen is slowly withdrawn from the vessel, so 
that the pressure on the surface of the blood gradually falls, the blood 
remains almost unaltered until the pressure falls to about 100 mm. Hg. 
With a further fall of pressure the blood rapidly gives off its oxygen, 
and, when the pressure falls to zero, all the oxygen has been evolved. 
Evidently the combination of hemoglobin with oxygen is a reversible 
one ; hemoglobin gives off its oxygen when the pressure of oxygen is 
low, and takes it up when the pressure is high. This reversible action 
is usually indicated thus, HbO,— Hb + O,. It is to this power that 
heemoglobin owes its value for respiration. In the alveoli of the lungs 
the partial pressure of oxygen is relatively high, and the blood becomes 
almost fully saturated with oxygen. The partial pressure of oxygen in 
the tissues is low, and, when the blood is carried round in the circulation 
to the tissues, the hemoglobin dissociates, the oxygen set free being 
taken up by the tissues. The effect of a varying partial pressure of 
oxygen upon the combination between hemoglobin and oxygen is shown 
in fig. 97. The curve shows the percentage of hemoglobin present 
as oxyhemoglobin with varying pressures of oxygen; when all the 
hemoglobin is in the form of oxyhemoglobin, it is said to be fully 
saturated. For pressures above 100 mm. Hg, the curve becomes 
almost a straight line. 

This curve, which is known as the dissociation curve of hemoglobin, 
is obtained in the following manner. A small quantity of blood is 
placed in an aérotonometer containing a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen 
at atmospheric pressure. A suitable form of tonometer is that shown 
in fig. 98; it consists of a glass cylinder, which can be rotated in 
water kept at a constant temperature. When the cylinder is rotated, 
the small amount of blood, previously placed in it; spreads out into 
a thin film over the inner wall of the cylinder, and after a short time 
the blood and gas come into equilibrium, and the blood neither takes 
up nor gives off oxygen. The cylinder is removed from the water 
bath, and the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in the blood is estimated 


" - oo —e 

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by Barcroft’s blood-gas apparatus. If, for example, the partial pressure 
of oxygen in the mixture of gases placed in the aérotonometer is 

40 mm. Hg (corresponding with about 5 per cent. of oxygen), and 

Percentage saturation 
with oxygen 



70 90 6100 

Oxygen pressure 

10 20 30 40 50 60 

(From Barcroft, Respiratory Function of the Blood, ) 

oglobin is red, and reduced hemoglobin is purple. — 

Fic. 97,—Dissociation curve of hemoglobin dissolved in water at 37° C. 

more readily in blood than when simply dissolved in water. 



'— the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in the blood, when in equilibrium 
is mixture, is 70 per cent., that point can be marked on the 

comparison of the two curves shows that oxyhemoglobin dissociates 

the partial pressure of oxygen is 20 mm. Hg, blood contains only 
30 per cent. of its hemoglobin in the form of oxyh#moglobin, whereas © 
in a watery solution of pure hemoglobin 72 per ‘vent. exists as 



oxyhemoglobin. This difference is chiefly due to the presence of salts, 
particularly potassium salts, in the blood, which render the combination 
between hemoglobin and oxygen more unstable; when hemoglobin 
is dissolved in water containing the same salts as those normally 
present in blood, its dissociation curve is identical with that of blood. 
ak The other factors, which alter the form of the dissociation curve of 
blood, are (1) the;temperature of the blood, and (2) the presence of 
carbonic or other acids. The higher the temperature of the blood 
and the greaterfthe percentage of carbonic or other acids, the more 



h oN 

80 AL Bal ea He 
ee a 

ae fy B ea : rm): \ 
60 | / ~ Hf 4 : \ 
50 : Wr 
40}- / : 
30 N 


0 10 #0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Oxygen pressure in mm. of mercury. 

Percentage saturation with oxygen. 



Fic. 99.—Dissociation curves (A) of hemoglobin dissolved in water at 
37° C., and (B) of blood at 37° C 

readily does the oxyheemoglobin dissociate. The effect of carbonic 
acid and of lactic acid is shown in fig. 100. These factors not only - 
modify the extent to which oxyhemoglobin dissociates at the same 
partial pressure of oxygen, but also the rate at which it loses oxygen 
and becomes reduced; when an indifferent gas such as nitrogen 
is bubbled through a solution of blood, the blood becomes reduced 
much more rapidly if it contains an excess of carbonic acid or a small 
amount of lactic acid. The influence of carbonic or other acids on the 
readiness with which oxyhzmoglobin dissociates, when the pressure of 
oxygen to which it is exposed is low, is of great physiological importance. 
As the blood passes through the capillaries, it not only gives off 
oxygen, but also receives from the tissues carbonic acid and frequently 



lactic acid. The greater ease with which the oxyhemoglobin dis- 
sociates in these circumstances increases the supply of oxygen available 
for the tissues ; and this effect will be especially marked and beneficial — 
when the tissues are functionally active and are giving out large 
amounts of carbonic acid and require a larger supply of oxygen. 
Although these conditions profoundly influence the rate of trans- 
ference of oxygen from the blood to the tissues, they do not appreciably 
affect the amount of oxygen taken up by the blood as it passes through 
the lungs. The partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs is normally 

; aan 
oy | oe ae omens 
& PBS mast 

JY es —— 

Dp ~ 
3 6S 

Percentage saturation with oxygen. 


S © 
ee ee 


0 10 20 30 40 §0 60 70 80 90 100 
Oxygen pressure in mm. mercury. 

. 100.—A, B, and C show the effect of varying tensions of CO, in 

blood ou the dissociation curve of oxyhemoglobin. The dotted 

line D is the dissociation curve of oxyhemoglobin in blood to 

which 0°025 per cent. lactic acid was added. 



just over 13 per cent. (about 105 mm. Hg), and a consideration of 
fig. 100 shows that at this pressure of oxygen the saturation of the - 
blood will be practically the same, whether the blood is normal or 
whether it contains an excess of carbonic acid or a trace of lactic acid. 
In addition to the oxygen thus combined with hemoglobin, the 
blood contains oxygen in simple solution in the plasma, amounting at 
the body temperature to about 0°36 c.c. oxygen per 100 c.c. of blood. 
Carbonic Acid in Blood.—The tension of carbonic acid in blood, 
when determined by means of an aérotonometer, is equal to a partial 
pressure of about 5 per cent. of carbonic acid. If the carbonic acid 
were simply dissolved in the blood, the latter would. contain at this 


tension only about 24 volumes of carbonic acid per 100 volumes of 
blood; but since 100 volumes of blood, when exposed to a vacuum, 
give off from 40 to 48 volumes of carbonic acid, the bulk of this must be 
in a state of chemical combination. It is combined partly as sodium 
bicarbonate, partly with the proteins of the blood plasma, and partly 
with hzemoglobin, the proportions in inorganic and organic combination 
being approximately equal. The proteins in the plasma can act either 
as weak acids or as weak alkalies, and as the blood passes through the 
lungs it loses carbonic acid and the proteins combine with the sodium 
thus set free ; when the blood takes up carbonic acid from the tissues, 
the combination between sodium and protein is broken, and the carbonic 
acid unites partly with the sodium and partly with the protein. In 
this way, the reaction of the blood remains practically constant, in 
spite of the varying amount of carbonic acid which it contains. 

Owing to this action of protein, when blood is exposed to a vacuum the 
whole of the carbonic acid which it contains is evolved, whereas when a 
pure solution of sodium bicarbonate is exposed to a vacuum only half 
the carbonic acid is evolved. In the former case the sodium enters 
into combination with the protein; in the latter it forms sodium 
carbonate, which is stable in vacwo. _ 

The dissociation curve of carbonic acid in blood, when exposed to 
varying partial pressures of carbonic acid in the surrounding air, has 
the same general form as that of oxyhzmoglobin, the dissociation being 
most rapid when the partial pressure of carbonic acid varies from 
0 to 30 mm. Hg. Oxygenated blood gives off its carbonic acid more 
readily than deoxygenated blood. 

The blood also contains about 24 volumes of carbonic acid per 
100 volumes of blood in solution, 


‘The air in the lungs is separated from the blood by the walls of the 
pulmonary capillaries and by the alveolar epithelium; and each of 
these membranes is extremely thin. ‘Two theories have been held as 
to the means by which oxygen passes from the alveoli into the blood 
and carbonic acid from the blood into the alveoli, On the one hand, it 
has been supposed that the tension of oxygen in arterial blood is higher 
than that in the alveolar air, and that the pulmonary epithelium must 
therefore secrete oxygen into the blood. On the other hand, it is 
widely held that the tension of oxygen in arterial blood is always lower 
than that in the alveolar air, and that oxygen passes from the lungs 
into the blood by the purely physical process of diffusion. These 
divergent views arose from the fact that the observers employed 


different methods to determine the tension of oxygen in arterial blood 
and obtained discordant results. 

An improved form of aérotonometer, which can be used to measure | 
the tension of oxygen in circulating ‘blood, has been devised by Krogh, 
and the lower part of it is shown in fig. 101.- It consists of a cannula A, 
which is attached to the central end of an artery ; the blood flows from 
the cannula into a bulb B, from the top of which passes off a narrow 
eraduated tube, A small air bubble C is placed. in the bulb, and the 
blood flows through the bulb and is returned to the distal end of the 
artery by the tube D, clotting being prevented by the injection of 
hirudin. An interchange of gases takes place between the blood and 
the bubble, and, owing to the small size and rela- 
tively large surface of the latter, the gases in 
the blood and the bubble soon come into equili- 
brium, this being reached when the size of the 
bubble remains constant; it is then withdrawn 
into the graduated tube, and its composition is 

Since the oxygen of the blood is in equili- =: 
brium with that in the bubble, the tension of HES 
oxygen in the blood can be ascertained by deter- pete 
mining the percentage of oxygen in the bubble ioe 
and the total pressure to which it is exposed. If — (= forse 
the arterial pressure is 100 mm. Hg, and the ==[ 0 
bubble contains 10 per cent. of oxygen, the partial ,.. , eons nee, 
pressure of oxygen is 10 per cent. of 860 mm. | meter. 

Hg (atmospheric +arterial pressure), namely 86 
mm. Hg. The tension of oxygen in the blood is thus equal to 86 mm. 
Hg, or about 11:3 per cent. of oxygen at atmospheric pressure. 

By means of this apparatus, it has been found that in animals the 
tension of oxygen in arterial blood is distinctly less than that in alveolar 
air, the difference being usually | to 3 per cent. of an atmosphere (fig. 102). 
It has been estimated that in man the oxygen tension of venous blood 
is about 40 mm. Hg, whereas the partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar 
air is usually about 105 mm. Hg. ‘Taking into account (1) the rate at 
which oxygen can diffuse through a membrane similar to that separating 
the blood from the alveolar air, and (2) the enormous surface area of 
the alveoli, it has been calculated that this difference in the tension of 
oxygen in the lungs and in the venous blood respectively is more than 
sufficient to provide for the passage of oxygen from the alveolar air into 
the blood by simple diffusion. 

Although this view is generally accepted, some authorities are still 




of opinion that it is true only for the resting individual, and that during 
exercise, when the need for oxygen is greater, or, at high altitudes, when 
the supply of oxygen is deficient, the tension of oxygen in the blood 
is higher than that of alveolar air, and that this difference is due to 
the secretion of oxygen into the blood by the pulmonary epithelium. 
Similarly, it has been found that the tension of carbonic acid in 
venous blood corresponds with a partial pressure of about 46 mm. Hg, 
and is very slightly higher than that in alveolar air (fig. 102). If the 


a + 7~—— ——-. -o-7r" ~— 
19 gk, LETS sae tk Segue hn PSE 
-——— mae ~-— re 


(a eee | ES DE EE Y 
220 30 40 50 3 0 20 30 HW 50 4% W 20 30 40 

Fic. 102.—The tension of gases in the alveolar air and in blood. (Krogh,) 
From Barcroft, Respiratory Function of the Blood. 

The dotted lines represent the tension in the alveolar air, and the continuous lines 
show the tension in the blood. During three periods the amount of CO, in 
inspired air was increased. 
tension of carbonic acid in alveolar air is raised, the tension in the 
blood shows a corresponding rise and still remains slightly higher than 
that ig the alveolar air. 
In man the difference between the tension of carbonic acid in venous 
blood and in alveolar air is probably about 6 mm. Hg. This difference 
is much smaller than that between the tension of oxygen in alveolar 

air and venous blood respectively, but carbonic acid diffuses through a — 

membrane such as that separating the air in the lungs from the blood, 
twenty-five times as quickly as oxygen; and the difference between the 

29 005 29 O05 | — «£4 % C02 in inspired air 

oe 28 mat Pet Eien hee mee 

ie li NL ON en a 26 


tension of carbonic acid in venous blood and in alveolar air, slight 
though it is, is sufficient to allow carbonic acid to pass from the blood 
into the air in the lungs by simple diffusion. 

Owing to the difference in the tension of oxygen and of carbonie 
acid in the blood and in alveolar air, the venous blood as it flows 
through the lungs takes up oxygen and leaves the lungs almost fully 
saturated ; at the same time it loses 6 to 8 volumes of carbonic 8 per 
100 volumes of blood. 



Oxygen is continually passing from the alveolar air into the blood, 
and is replaced by the entrance of air from the atmosphere during 
respiration. Similarly, carbonic acid is constantly diffusing from the 
blood into the alveolar air, and with each expiration a certain amount 
is expelled from the lungs. Assuming that the amount of air entering 
and leaving the lungs with each breath is 400 c.c., and that the expired 
air contains 4 per cent. of carbonic acid, then with each respiration 
16 c.c. of carbonic acid are removed from the body. Since the composi- 
tion of alveolar air remains constant, it is evident that 16 c.c. of carbonic 
acid must, in the same time, have passed from the blood into the air 
in the lungs. When an additional amount of carbonic acid is formed 
in the body and taken up by the blood, it passes into the alveolar air 
and tends to raise its percentage. Hence, if the percentage of carbonic 
acid in alveolar air is to remain constant, as it actually does under 
normal conditions, the amount of air passing into and out of the lungs 
at each breath must be correspondingly increased. If 32 ¢.c. of carbonic 
acid pass from the blood into the alveolar air during a breath, they can 
be removed if the amount of expired air is 800 c.c. containing 4 per 
cent. carbonic acid. In the same way, the needs of the body for more 
oxygen are met by a larger amount of air entering the lungs at each 
inspiration. This process, whereby any accumulation of carbonic acid 
or deficiency of oxygen in the alveolar air, and consequently in the 
blood, is prevented, is under the control of the central nervous system, 
and is regulated in such a way that an excess of carbonic acid, or a lack 
of oxygen, leads to deeper and more rapid respiratory movementm 

The Respiratory Centre.—The rhythmic alternation of inspiration 
and expiration is brought about by the contraction of the respiratory 
muscles, which are controlled and co-ordinated by a centre — the 
respiratory centre—lying in the grey matter of the floor of the fourth 
ventricle near the apex of the calamus scriptoriys. From this centre, 


impulses pass along the nerves supplying the respiratory muscles, 
namely, the vagus to the muscles of the larynx, the cervical nerves to 
the muscles of the neck, the intercostal nerves to the intercostal 
muscles, and the phrenic nerves to the diaphragm. 

The centre is bilateral, each half controlling the muscles of the 
corresponding: side, the two halves being connected by commissural 
fibres. Its position has been determined by observing the effect upon 
the respiratory movements of transection of the brain stem or spinal 
cord at various levels. When a section is made across the pons or 
medulla oblongata at any point above the level of the striz acustice, 
respiration is unaffected. If the spinal cord is divided at the upper 
end of the cervical region, the respiratory muscles supplied by nerves 
above the section, e.g. those which dilate the ale nasi, continue to 
contract. Destruction of the medulla oblongata, in the region of the 
apex of the calamus scriptorius, is at once followed by cessation of all 
respiratory movements. The region occupied by the centre is not 
sharply defined, but it is undoubtedly closely connected with the 
sensory nuclei of the vagus nerves. | 

There is no evidence of .the existence of subsidiary centres in the 
spinal cord. 

The eentre continues to send out rhythmic impulses to the 
respiratory muscles when it is cut off from afferent impulses reaching 
it either from the higher parts of the brain or from the spinal cord. If, 
however, the brain stem is divided below the pons, and the vagus nerves 
are also divided, the respiratory movements are replaced by a series of 

inspiratory spasms, and the animal dies after a short time. It is 

doubtful, therefore, whether the centre can be regarded as acting 
automatically in the absence of all afferent impulses, though this view 
has been taken by some writers. 

The question is one of théoretical rather than practical interest, 
since, in ordinary circumstances, a constant stream of afferent impulses 
is reaching the centre and modifying its activity; and hardly any 
nervous centre in the body is more easily influenced in this way than 
the respiratory centre. For instance, the mere directing of one’s 
attention to the respiratory movements is sufficient to alter their rate 
or depth. The respiratory centre, like the vaso-motor centre, is also 
extremely sensitive to any changes in the composition of the blood 
supplying it. These two factors which modify its activity, namely, (1) 
the composition of the blood, and (2) nervous impulses from the higher 
centres or from the peripheral nerves, . will be considered separately. 
The former affects primarily the depth, and the latter the rate of 

OO are eee ee ee 

eg tl 


Se rs ee ee in 


Methods of Recording Respiratory Movements.—In order to study 
these changes, it is desirable to obtain a graphic record of the rate 
and depth of the respiratory movements; and numerous methods 
have been devised for this purpose. 

(1) In man the respiratory movements can be recorded by a stetho- ° 
graph, one form of which consists of a small metal cylinder, provided 
with a lateral opening and closed at each end by a rubber membrane ; 
the lateral opening is connected by rubber tubing with a tambour. 
Strings are attached to the centre of each rubber membrane, and are 
passed round the chest and tied. Each expansion of the chest causes 
the strings to pull upon the rubber membrane, so that the capacity of 
the cylinder increases and the lever of the tambour falls; during 
expiration the membranes return to their former position. The same, 
apparatus can be used to record the respiratory movements in the 
lower animals. 

(2) Another method, used in animals, is to connect the side piece 
of a cannula, inserted into the trachea, with a tambour; with each 
inspiration air is sucked out of the tambour, and the lever falls. 

(3) In rabbits, a small slip of the diaphragm on each side is inserted _ 
into the xiphisternum ; and by separating the xiphisternum from the 
sternum, this strip of muscle can be isolated without interfering with 
its vascular or nervous connections. It contracts synchronously with 
the rest of the diaphragm, and by connecting the xiphisternum with 
the membrane of a tambour by means of a thread, each contraction of 
the slip can be recorded and serves as an index of the movements of 
the diaphragm as a whole (Head’s method). 


The two most important changes in the composition of the blood 
which alter the respiratory movements are: (1) variations in the 
tension of carbonic acid, and (2) a fall in the tension of oxygen. 

(1) The Tension of Carbonic Acid.—If an animal is allowed to 
breathe air containing 2 to 3 per cent. carbonic acid, the respiratory 
movements become much deeper, and after a short time usually more 
frequent ; such an experiment is illustrated in fig. 103. If the experi- 
ment is made on man, it is further found that the percentage of 
carbonic acid in the alveolar air remains constant. The immediate 
effect of breathing air containing an excess of carbonic acid is to 
increase the percentage in the alveolar air, thereby diminishing the 
passage of carbonic acid by diffusion from the blood into the air in 
the lungs. As a result, the tension of this gas in the blood rises; this 
increase in tension stimulates the respiratory centre to increased 


activity, and the amount of air passing into and out of the lungs with 
each breath may be doubled or trebied. In this way a larger amount 
of carbonic acid is expelled from the lungs with each expiration, and 
the mean tension in the lungs is kept at the same level. 

The centre is extremely sensitive to the slightest rise in the tension 
of carbonic acid in the blood, and a rise of 0°2 per cent. of an atmo- 
sphere in the pressure of this gas in alveolar air doubles the ventilation 
of the lungs, that is to say, the amount of air passing into and out of 

rh ANA 
A | 

Fie. 103.—The effect of CO, on the respiratory movements in the normal animal. 
The inspired air contained 3 per cent. CO, during the period marked on the tracing. 

them at each breath. The capacity of the respiratory centre to react 
to any increase in the tension of carbonic acid in the blood passing to 
it is very great, as is shown in experiments in which the amount of 
carbonic acid in the air breathed is gradually increased. As seen in the 
following table from Haldane, the percentage in alveolar air remains 
constant until the amount in the inspired air exceeds 3 per cent.; beyond 
this point the percentage of carbonic acid in the alveolar air rises, and the 
ventilation of the lungs becomes enormously increased. 

| Average Fre- 
| quency of 

per Minute. 

| Ventilation of | 
Alveoli., Normal] 
tuken as = 100. | 

Percentage of 
Carbonic Acid 
in Inspired Air. 

Percentage | Average Depth 
of CQ, in of Respira- 
Alveolar Air. tions in c.c. 


Fe) | 

0°03 per cent. 5°6 percent. | 673 14 100 | 
1°52 5°55 ,, 793 15 137 
2°02 —,, 5°6 = | 864 | 15 | 153 | 
hy Sena 5°5 ¥ 1216 | 15 | 226 | 

| | 
yd a eere 59 5a | 1330 | 14 | 278 
yk eee 6:2 ¥ | 1771 | 19 | 498 
6°02 Sat, | 2104 | 27 857 

> | 


The effect of carbonic acid in stimulating the respiratory centre is 
also seen during muscular exercise. During exercise the muscles form 
a large amount of carbonic acid, which passes into the blood and raises 
the tension of this gas in the blood. This rise of tension stimulates 
the respiratory centre, and the respiratory movements become deeper 
and more frequent, with the result that a larger amount of carbonic 
acid is carried off in the expired air. Most observers have found a 
considerable rise in the tension of carbonic acid in alveolar air during 
exercise. According to the recent observations of Krogh, however, the 
tension remains practically unaltered, and the response of the respiratory 
centre to the stimulus of carbonic acid is ‘as delicately adjusted during 
exercise as during rest. As the result of several observations on the 
same person, Krogh obtained the following figures for the alveolar 
tension of carbonic acid :— 

Tension of Alveolar 66.) 
Rest ‘ yoke! S 9S - 506% ‘ 
Exercise . ; : . 510 \ 

We may, therefore, regard the regulation of the respiratory move- 
ments and of the amount of air passing into and out of the lungs as 
dependent, under normal conditions, upon the tension of carbonic. acid 
in the blood which supplies the respiratory centre; and since the 

tension of carbonic acid in the respiratory centre itself must vary with 

that in the blood, the ultimate stimulus to the respiratory movements 
is evidently the tension of carbonic acid in the respiratory centre. 

Since the slightest rise in the tension of carbonic acid in the blood 
increases the respiratory movements, a diminution might be expected 
to lessen the respiratory movements by diminishing or abolishing the 
stimulus to the centre; and such is found to be the case. 

When an individual takes a number of deep breaths (forced 
respiration), more carbonic acid is removed from the lungs than is 
entering them from the blood. Hence the tension in alveolar air, and 
in blood, falls to such a level that it no longer stimulates the respiratory 
centre ; and respiration ceases for a short time (apnoea). During the 
period of apnoea, carbonic acid continues to reach the blood from the 
tissues, and the tension in the blood and in the alveolar air gradually 
rises, until it again reaches a level sufficient to stimulate the respiratory 
centre; when this occurs respiration recommences (fig. 111). 

Apnoea can also be produced in animals by repeated inflation of the 
lungs, whereby carbonic acid is, so to speak, washed out of the lungs 
and its tension in the alveolar air falls. 

A marked fall in the tension of carbonic acid in the alveoli gives rise 


to the condition known as acapnia, in which the blood pressure is very 
low and the tone of the muscular walls of the digestive tract and of 
other unstriped muscles is. lost; the symptoms closely resemble those 
of surgical shock (p, 235). 

The activity of the respiratory centre is excited, not only by a 
rise in the tension of carbonic acid, but also by the addition to the blood 
of other acids, such as lactic acid. When 0-02 to 0-04 per cent. lactic acid 
is added to the blood, a considerable increase is produced in the depth 
of the respiratory movements even though the tension of carbonic acid 

in the blood is unaltered. It has been shown, indeed, that carbonic — 
acid stimulates the respiratory centre, not in a specific manner, but. 
because it is an acid and increases the concentration of H ions in the | 

‘ blood. Any other acid, by acting in the same manner, produces the same 
effect, and when lactic acid is added to the blood the centre is stimulated 
by the combined effect of this acid and of the carbonic acid already 
present in the blood. Since the respiratory movements are increased 
without any corresponding rise in the production of carbonic acid, the 
tension of carbonic acid in the blood and alveolar air falls. 

(2) The Tension of Oxygen in the Blood.—The normal tension of 
oxygen in alveolar air is 105 to 110 mm. Hg. At this tension the blood 
leaving the lungs is almost fully saturated with oxygen, and the dis- 
sociation curve of blood (p. 258) shows that, even when the oxygen tension 
is reduced to 70 mm. Hg, the blood still contains 90 per cent. of its heemo- 
globin as oxyhemoglobin. Experiment shows, in fact, that atmospheric 
air containing only 12 to 13 per cent. oxygen, which corresponds with 
about 8 per cent. oxygen in the alveolar air, can be breathed without dis- 
comfort and without any alteration in the respiratory movements. When 
the percentage of oxygen in alveolar air falls below this figure, the 
breathing becomes deeper and considerable hyperpneea may be produced. 
At the same time, the individual becomes cyanosed and may feel giddy, 
or may even lose consciousness. 

These symptoms are the result of the imperfect oxygenation of the 
blood. The mere lack of oxygen in itself does not act as a stimulus 
to the respiratory centre, and the hyperpnoea is caused indirectly by 
the passage of lacticacid into the blood. Lactic acid is normally formed 
in the body, and in the presence of an adequate supply of oxygen it is 
subsequently oxidised to carbonic acid and water. When the supply 
of oxygen is insufficient, the lactic acid passes into the blood, and, by 
increasing its H ion concentration, stimulates the respiratory centre ; 
the respiratory movements become deeper, and more air enters the 
lungs at each breath. The deeper breathing raises the tension of 
oxygen in the alveolar air, and thus increases the amount of oxygen 

, a es 


i ee 

a ee ee ere eae 

—— 2s 


taken up by the blood. Thus the lactic acid, by producing hyperpneea, 
serves to protect the tissues from the ill effects of a lack of oxygen. 
‘The presence of an excess of oxygen in alveolar air has no effect on 
the respiratory movements, and wide variations may occur in the 
partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air without any appreciable 
change taking place in the respiration; even when pure oxygen is 
breathed, respiration is unchanged in a healthy individual. It is 
evident, therefore, that, provided the supply of oxygen is adequate, the 
depth of the respiratory movements is normally regulated by the tension 
(partial pressure) of carbonic acid in the alveolar air and in the blood. 


Alveolar Pres- | Alveolar Pres- 
Barometric ok oF tere of | sure of CO, in | sure of O, in 
Pressure. Al weglae Ae aicantes she Percentage of | Percentage of 
; * lan Atmosphere.| an Atmosphere, 
1| 646°5 mm. Hg 6°61 13°19 5°23 10°41 
2| 755 5 5°95 13°97 5°53 13°06 
3 | 1260 3°52 16°79 5°64 28°84 

Further, this: tension is extremely constant, though, as shown in 
the foregoing table, the actual percentage of carbonic acid in the lungs 
varies with the barometric pressure. 

For example, when the barometric pressure is 1260 mm. Hg, the 
alveolar air contains 3°52 per cent. carbonic acid; this represents a 
3°52 x 1260 


partial pressure of = 5°6 per cent. at 760 mm. Hg pressure. 


The effects of a rise in the tension of carbonic acid and of lack of 
oxygen in the blood are seen in their most extreme form in asphyxia, 
and affect not only the respiratory, but also the circulatory system. 
Asphyxia may be brought about by occlusion of the trachea, by the 
absence of oxygen in the air breathed, and in other ways, and three 
stages are usually described. 

(1) Stage of Hyperpnea.—During this period, which lasts from 
+ to 1 minute, the respiratory movements gradually increase in depth, 
and soon involve not only the muscles usually employed in respiration, 
but also the accessory muscles. The respiratory movements during 
this stage are co-ordinate, and show an alternate inspiratory and 
expiratory rhythm. Consciousness is lost at the end of this stage; the 


stage passes into 

(2) The Stage of Expiratory Convulsions.—During this period 
every muscle which can assist expiration is called into action, and at the 
same time convulsive movements of the limbs take place. This period : 
lasts about a minute, and is succeeded by :% 

(3) The Stage of Exhaustion, during which the animal lies passive, 
the muscles are flaccid except for an occasional deep inspiration, the 
pupils are widely dilated, and all reflexes are absent. The respiratory 
movements become less frequent, and at the end of 14 to 2 minutes death . 
takes place. The blood after death is almost free from oxygen. | 

If the blood pressure is observed in an animal during asphyxia, the | 
vagi being cut, it may be seen that towards the end of the first stage 
the blood pressure rises rapidly, and soon reaches a very high level, which 
is maintained for a short time; towards the end of the second stage it 
begins to fall, and continues to fall steadily until the animal dies. 

This sequence of events is brought about in the following manner. 
At the beginning of asphyxia, the accumulation of carbonic acid in the 
blood excites the respiratory centre, producing hyperpnea. Towards 
the end of the first stage the increasing deficiency of oxygen begins to 
make itself felt, leading to the further stimulation of the respiratory 
centre and to loss of consciousness. In the second stage, the lack of 
oxygen stimulates the whole of the central nervous system, giving rise 
to the general convulsions which are observed; this effect is soon 
succeeded by paralysis, resulting from the prolonged deficiency of 
oxygen, and ending in death. 

- The vascular changes are also due partly to excess of carbonic acid, 
partly to lack of oxygen, as is shown in figs. 104 and 105, These figures 
make it clear that a rise of blood pressure similar to that seen in 
asphyxia (fig. 104, A) is produced either when the animal is allowed to 
breathe air containing no oxygen and no excess of carbonic acid 
(fig. 104, B), or when it breathes air containing an adequate supply of 
oxygen and a large excess of carbonic acid (fig. 105, A), or, finally, when 
lactic acid is injected into the circulation (fig. 105, B). 

The rise of blood pressure is due to stimulation of the vaso-motor 
centre, which produces general constriction of the arterioles ; adrenalin 
also is set free into the blood stream, and contributes to the rise of 
pressure. By enclosing a loop of intestine in a plethysmograph it may 
-be shown that, with the onset of asphyxia, the volume of the loop 
diminishes owing to constriction of its blood-vessels, and that this con- 
striction persists until the death of the animal. The final fall of blood — 
pressure must be due, therefore, to failure of the heart ; owing partly 7 

expiratory movements become more and more ferepern and the first i 




Fic. 104.—Blood-pressure tracing. (Mathison.) 

A shows the effect of asphyxia ; B shows the effect of breathing pure nitrogen. 


pdt oh hte bed 

— 220 


"th fin ft if! 


. 900M 

teshsdeade Pele ih |. fe 

Fie, 105.—Blood-pressuie tracing. (Mathison. ) 

A shows the effect of excess of COQ. in inspired air; B shows the effect of injecting 
lactic acid into the circulation. 


to the resistance offered by the high blood pressure, partly to the direct 
effect of lack of oxygen upon the nutrition of the heart itself, its output 
gradually diminishes, it becomes more and more distended, and finally 
ceases to beat. When the vagus nerves are intact, the vaso-constriction 
leads to reflex slowing of the heart, and the rise of blood pressure is 
smaller; the slowing of the heart lessens the strain thrown upon it, 
and life is prolonged for a minute or so longer. During asphyxia the 
conductivity of the bundle of His is often diminished, producing a 
condition of heart block, so that the auricles may beat twice or thrice 
as frequently as the ventricles. 

The increased activity of both the respiratory and vaso-motor centres 
in asphyxia is, undoubtedly, the result of increased H ion concentration . 
of the blood ; it must be noted, however, that the respiratory centre is 
the more sensitive, and may be excited by an excess of carbonic acid 
too slight to affect the vaso-motor centre. 


The respiratory centre can be influenced by nervous impulses 
_ reaching it (1) along the vagus, (2) from the higher parts of the brain, 
and (3) from other afferent nerves; the impulses affect primarily the 
frequency of the respiratory movements. 

(1) The Vagi.—The influence of the vagus nerves is most easily 
studied in the rabbit, by recording the movements of an isolated slip 
of the diaphragm (p. 265). When a record of the respiratory movements 
is obtained by this method, it may 
be seen that division of the vagus 
nerve is followed by a decrease in 
the frequency of respiration, al- 
though each breath is deeper than 
before. Electrical stimulation of 
; the central end of one vagus may 
Fic, 106.—Stimulation of central end 

of one vagus between X and X. then produce one of two effects 

The slip of diaphragm remains in upon the respiratory movements, 

the relaxed, expiratory condition, 

Sometimes, especially with a weak 

stimulus, or with a constant ascending current, the inspiratory move- 
ments are inhibited (fig, 106), and the slip of diaphragm remains in 
the expiratory position, that is, it is relaxed. More often the inspiratory 
movements are increased (fig. 107), as is shown by the fact that the 
diaphragm contracts and may remain in the inspiratory position. 

These experiments make it clear, first, that the vagus contains 
afferent’ fibres carrying impulses to the respiratory centre, which 


| modify the rate of respiration, and, secondly, that these impulses are of 

two kinds, one tending to cause inspiration and the other expiration. 
These fibres have their origin in the lungs, and their endings can be 
stimulated byinflating, or sucking air out of, the lungs. Fig.108 illustrates 
the effect of suddenly distending the pulmonary alveoli with air; the 
diaphragm remains re- 
laxed, inspiratory move- 
ments cease, and the whole 
chest is in the expiratory 
position. This effect, 
which is produced only 
when the vagus nerves are 

intact, and lasts only as 

. : . Fie. 107.—Stimulation of the central end of one 
long ”" the distension per vagus between X and X. The diaphragm 
sists, is known as vagus enters into continued contraction (inspiratory 

apnoea. Conversely, when position). 

air is sucked out of the lungs (negative ventilation) the diaphragm 
is thrown into contraction, and the inspiratory movements are 

It is evident that distension of the pulmonary alveoli stimulates the 
endings in the lungs of afferent fibres which pass up the vagus to the 
respiratory centre, and inhibits in- 
spiration and brings about expira- 

[ tory movements. On the contrary, 

collapse of the pulmonary alveoli 

YOUU ek stimulates the endings of afferent 
—_> fibres running in the vagi and con- 

veying impulses to ‘the respiratory 
Fic. 108.—Apncea produced by sudden centre whereby inspiratory move- 
Slstpsiog of fhe Inge betvern X monte are evoked. 

The existence of such impulses 
can be further demonstrated by connecting the vagus with a string 
galvanometer ; with each inspiration a deflection of the thread takes 
place, which indicates the passage of an impulse along the nerve ; and, 
under certain conditions, a similar deflection may also be observed 
during expiration. In normal respiration these two sets of fibres are 
alternately stimulated, each inspiration sending impulses along one set 
of fibres and reflexly causing expiration, whereas each expiration gives 
rise to impulses which bring about another inspiration. The electrical 
variations in the vagus seem to show that the impulses leading to 
expiration are the more important and more pronounced. 

Although these impulses help to maintain the normal rhythm of the 



respiratory movements, they are not essential, and respiration continues 
after they are prevented from reaching the respiratory centre by 
division of the vagi. Their principal function seems to be that of 
rendering the centre more sensitive to the normal stimulus of carbonic 
acid, and of controlling the respiratory discharge from the centre to 
the respiratory muscles. In their absence, the respiratory centre is not 
stimulated until the tension of carbonic acid in the blood rises higher 
than in the normal animal, although the resulting respiration, when it 
does occur, is exceedingly forcible ; moreover, the normal adjustment of 
the respiratory movements in response to any considerable increase in the 



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_ Fic. 109.—Respiratory movements in rabbit with vagi divided. Between the arrows, 
the inspired air contained 10 per cent. CO,. Note that the rate of respiration 

is not increased. (Scott.) 
tension of carbonic acid in alveolar air and blood is no longer efficiently 
carried out. 

During muscular. exercise, for example, a normal animal breathes 
not only more deeply, but also more frequently, and is thus able to 
expel from the lungs all the additional carbonic acid reaching them 
from the blood ; after section of the vagi the rate of respiration remains 
unaltered, the ventilation of the lungs is inadequate, and the percentage 
of carbonic acid in the alveolar air rises. The same result is seen 
when an animal, with its vagi divided, breathes air containing an excess 
of carbonic acid (fig. 109), the ventilation of the lungs being much less 
than in the normal animal, as is seen in the following table :— 


Total Ventilation per Minute. 

Composition of Inspired Air. Rabbit with Vagi 

Normal Rabbit. Divided. 

Q) Leonor RIP vik 1368 c.c. 1305 c.c. 
(2) Air to which 8°6 per cent. 
CO, was added . 2613 5, 1596 ,, 


(2) Impulses from the Higher Parts of the Brain.—In an anesthe- 
tised animal, the brain stem may be divided in the pons or upper part 
of the medulla without any obvious change being produced in the 
respiratory movements. Nevertheless, impulses from the higher parts 
of the brain can greatly modify respiration, and the effect on respiration 
of emotional states, such as anger or excitement, is often very marked. 

Again, the respiratory movements become deeper and more frequent 
at the very beginning of severe muscular exercise ; even the first breath 
taken after the onset of muscular work is much deeper than the respira- 
tion during rest (fig. 110). These changes occur too quickly to be 

xX 3) 

Fie. 110,—Effect of muscular work on the respiratory movements. (Krogh.) 
The work begins at X. Tracing to be readffrom right to left. 4 

brought about by an increase in the tension of carbonic acid in the 
blood, and recent observation shows that they are due to impulses 
passing from the cerebral cortex to the respiratory centre, which render 
it more sensitive than before to the presence of carbonic acid in the 
blood. Hence the normal tension of carbonic acid, acting on the 
unusually sensitive centre, calls forth deeper and more rapid respirations. 
By this means the amount of oxygen entering the lungs and passing to 
the blood and tissues is increased at the very beginning of exercise ; and 
the muscles are able to take up from the blood, without delay, the 
additional oxygen which they need for their increased activity. 

(3) The respiratory movements may also be modified by impulses 
reaching the centre from almost every region of the body. Thus pain- 
ful stimuli usually produce hyperpnea, whereas impulses passing along 
the fifth nerve and the nerves from the. upper respiratory passages 
tend to inhibit respiration ; these nerves may be stimulated by irritant 
vapours, such as that of ammonia. The superior laryngeal nerve 
supplies sensory fibres to the glottis; and stimulation of its endings, 
for instance, by the entrance of a crumb into the glottis, inhibits in- 
Spiration and causes violent expiratory efforts. Electrical stimulation 
of the central end of the nerve brings about the same effect. 


Summarising the various factors which influence respiration, we see, 
first, that the normal stimulus to the respiratory centre is the tension 
of carbonic acid in the blood passing to the centre: an increase of this 
tension stimulates the centre, and when the tension falls respiration 
ceases. Secondly, when the blood is deficient in oxygen, lactic acid 
passes into the blood and also stimulates the centre. Thirdly, impulses 
passing along the vagus nerves from the lungs help to maintain the 
normal rhythm of respiration, and make the centre more sensitive to 
the chemical stimulus of carbonic acid. Finally, impulses from the 
higher parts of the brain, or impulses reaching the centre by afferent 

nerves may, and do, modify the respiratory movements. 


Reference has already been made to the inhibition of the respiratory 
movements, which is known as apnoea, The most important condition 
which gives rise to apnoea is a fall in the tension of carbonic acid in the 

ie SF 

Pitre rrr gen rn rrereterre RP ArIRer TTC TnIT Tne: 

pene benenpcereememnernapnerbeerdrreeypereneerspeer 
CeO te a ea Ny ee ene 

st a ak tI wa ik A a 

Fic. 111.—Forced breathing in man, followed by apnoea and subsequently by 
Cheyne-Stokes breathing. (Haldane and Douglas. ) 

blood ; this occurs whenever the ventilation of the lungs is increased 
without any corresponding rise in the production of carbonic or lactic 
acid in the body, and may therefore be brought about either, in man, 
by voluntary forced breathing (fig. 111), or, in animals, by vigorous 
artificial respiration. In these circumstances the apnoea may last for 
1 to 2 minutes, respiration beginning again as soon as the tension of 
carbonic acid in the alveolar air returns to its normal level. That it 
is due solely to a fall in the tension of carbonic acid is clearly shown 
by the fact that, when the inspired air contains an excess of carbonic 
acid, forced breathing is not followed by apnoea. 

A totally different form of apnoea is that produced by sudden dis- 
tension of the lungs, and known as vagus apnoea (p. 273). This is 

— ee 

ry Pee ah 



due to the stimulation of the endings in the lungs of the afferent fibres 
of the vagus which inhibit inspiration. 

Apnea also occurs during deglutition, and lasts for a period of 
about 6 seconds ; the afferent impulses pass along the glossopharyngeal 
nerve. The effect of this inhibition is to prevent particles of food 
being drawn into the lungs by an inspiratory act during the process 
of swallowing. | 

Another interesting example of the adaptation of the respiratory 
mechanism to the needs of the animal is seen in ducks. When a duck 
plunges its head into water in search of food, the respiratory move- 
ments are inhibited; and this form of apnoea can be reproduced 
experimentally by placing the duck in the vertical position with its 
head downwards. The afferent impulses which travel to the respiratory 
centre and inhibit respiration arise in the muscles of the neck and in 
the labyrinth of the ear ; after section of the afferent nerves from these 
muscles or destruction of the labyrinth, this form of apnoea can no 
longer be evoked. 


This form of breathing (fig. 112), which is not infrequently observed 
in human beings living at high altitudes or suffering from various 
diseases, more especially those affecting the circulatory system, has the 
following characters. After an apneic pause respiration begins, the 
breaths being shallow at first and gradually increasing in depth till 
they reach a maximum. They then become smaller, and in a short 
time cease altogether, being succeeded by a period of apnea. Cheyne- 
Stokes breathing can also be produced experimentally in healthy 
persons as a result of prolonged forced breathing, as is seen in fig. 111 ; 
the immediate effect of the forced breathing is a period of apnma, and 
when breathing recommences, it often exhibits the periodic character 
just described. 

The phenomenon is caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. During 
the period of forced breathing, the tension of carbonic acid in the 
alveolar air falls considerably, leading to prolonged apnea, during 
which the oxygen tension in the blood sinks and the supply to the 
respiratory centre is inadequate ; as a result lactic acid is formed in 
the respiratory centre, and, together with carbonic acid, stimulates the 
respiratory centre, although the tension of carbonic acid alone is 
insufficient. Respiration begins.again, and the oxygen taken into the 
lungs and into the blood oxidises the lactic acid. At the same time, 
however, the deeper breathing removes some carbonic acid from the 
lungs, the chemical stimulus to respiration again disappears, and the 


breaths become smaller and finally stop. During the next apneic 
pause, the blood again becomes deficient in oxygen, and a fresh forma- 
tion of lactic acid takes place in the respiratory centre. 

When this form of breathing occurs in disease, it can be removed 
either by allowing the patient to breathe nearly pure oxygen, which 
improves the nutrition of the respiratory centre and prevents the 
formation of lactic acid, or by the administration of air containing a 
slight excess of carbonic acid, which, by raising the tension of this gas 


Fic. 112.—Cheyne-Stokes respiration. (Pembrey and Allen.) From Practical 
Physiology, by Pembrey and others. 

in the alveolar air and blood, increases the strength of the stimulus 
to the respiratory centre. 


The processes of external respiration, which have been thus far 
considered, are so adapted that the blood, when it reaches the capillaries, 
is almost fully saturated with oxygen. More important, however, is 
tissue respiration, which consists in the transference of oxygen from the 
blood to the tissues and the return of carbonic acid from the tissues to 
the blood. 

Oxygen passes from the blood to the tissues by diffusion, and the 
amount which is available for the tissues depends largely upon the 
extent to which oxygen is set free in the plasma by the dissociation of 
oxyhemoglobin. If the tension in the tissues were zero, as was formerly 
supposed, the conditions during the passage of blood through the 
capillaries would be the same as if it were exposed to a vacuum, and 
the dissociation of oxyhzemoglobin would be almost complete. Recent 
observations have shown, however, that the actual tension of oxygen 
in the tissues varies from 10 to 40 mm. Hg, being highest in the glandular 

ee ee ea 


Se eee ee ee ee 



tissues and least in the muscles; this tension is so low that, as the 
blood traverses the capillaries, its oxyhemoglobin undergoes dissocia- 
tion to a considerable extent. The oxygen thus set free passes into 
solution in the blood plasma and diffuses into the tissues. Further, the 
rate at which oxyhemoglobin dissociates at this tension is increased by 
the addition to the blood of carbonic acid, and often of lactic acid, as it 
passes through the capillaries. hy 

In addition to these two factors, the amount of oxygen available 
for the use of the tissues depends upon the rate at which the blood is 
flowing through the capillaries. 

Carbonic acid also passes by diffusion from the tissues, in which its 
tension is high, into the plasma, in which its tension is much lower. 
The tension of carbonic acid in the tissues is ascertained indirectly by 
measuring its tension in bile or urine, and is about 8 to 9 per cent. of an 
atmosphere, whereas its tension in blood is only 5 to 6 per cent. of an 
atmosphere. | 

The Consumption of Oxygen by the Tissues.—The tissues are 
constantly taking up oxygen, and the amount used by any tissue, for 
example the kidney, can be determined by ascertaining, first, the 
difference in the quantity of oxygen present in 1 c.c. of the blood 
entering and leaving the organ respectively ; secondly, the amount of 
blood flowing through the organ in a given time ; and, thirdly, the weight 
of the organ. The degree to which the blood is saturated with oxygen 
is measured by Barcroft’s blood-gas manometer. The rate of blood 
flow through the organ is ascertained by observing directly the quantity 
escaping from it in a given time. To take an example, if | c.c. of 
arterial blood contains 0°18 c.c. oxygen, and 1 c.c. of blood from the 
renal vein contains 0°13 c.c. of oxygen, each c.c. of blood passing 

through the kidney loses 0°05 c¢.c. oxygen. Supposing the rate of 

blood flow through the kidney to be 50 c.c. per minute, the amount of 
oxygen taken up by the kidney cells is 2°5 ¢.c.; and if the weight of 
the kidney is 30 grams, 1 gram of kidney uses 0°08 c.c. oxygen 
per minute. Experiments made in this way show that the amount of 
oxygen consumed by the different tissues of the body varies greatly ; 
the heart and kidney use more oxygen than any other organ. 


Skeletal muscle (resting) . ’ . 0°003 c.c. 

a (active) ‘ 4 . 0°03 c.c. 
Feat muscle ; ; ; 2 - 0°05 c.c. 
Kidney. . : . . 0:03-0:06 c.c. 

Submaxillary gland (resting) : . +0°023 c.e. 


Provided that the flow of blood to an organ is sufficient to supply 
the amount of oxygen which it needs, a further increase in the flow of 
blood through it does not increase the consumption of oxygen. For 
instance, the rate of blood flow through the submaxillary gland may 
be increased tenfold without any rise taking place in the oxygen 
consumption of the gland. The oxygen consumption rises, however, 
whenever the functional activity of a tissue becomes greater, and in the 
case of skeletal muscle it may be increased tenfold during and just 
after muscular contraction. <A similar rise occurs when the heart does 
more work, or when the secretory activity of the submaxillary and other 
glands is evoked. 


Oxygen Used by Rate of Blood Flow 
1 grm. of Gland per through the Gland 
Minute. in c.c. per Minute. 
(1) Resting. 0-023 c.c. 0°35 ¢.c. 
(2) Resting, with dilated 
blood-vessels_. 0:024 ,, re Cine 
(3) During the secretion 
of saliva . ; tad Bee 

The increased consumption of oxygen occurs not only during the 
period of secretion or of muscular work, but for some time after this is 





0 50 100 §=150 200 

Fic. 113.—Ordinate= volume of oxygen used in c.c. per minute; abscissa=time in 
seconds ; upper signal=duration of flow of saliva; lower signal=duration of 
chorda stimulation. Blackened area represents the oxygen used by the salivary 
gland. (From Barcroft, Respiratory Function of the Blood.) 

over (fig. 113); and the oxygen is apparently used mainly-in the 
carrying out of chemical changes, whereby the gland or muscle stores 
up potential energy and is restored to its previous condition. Every 
increase in the functional activity of an organ is also accompanied by 
dilatation of its blood-vessels, which, as already mentioned (p. 236), is 

me eh tala | Te) ee he a a, Ee a Pas A" a ie CO eT ae? Cer yy Ore) > a) ed 2g _ 
ie "ce tel es 


brought about by the action of the metabolic products set free in the 
tissue upon the vessels of the organ ; this increases the supply of blood 
and, therefore, of oxygen to the active tissues. . 

The oxidative changes in the body normally take place in the tissue 
cells and not in the blood itself. When methylene blue is injected 
into an animal and the animal is killed a few: minutes later, the blood 
is coloured blue, whereas the tissues show no change of colour. 
Although methylene blue is a comparatively stable substance, the 
avidity of the tissues for Oxygen is so great that they are able to reduce 
it with the formation of a colourless reduction product. On exposing 
the tissues to the air, methylene blue is re-formed, and the tissues 
become deeply stained. 

Another method of demonstrating the fact that oxidation does not 
take place in the blood is to allow it to stand for a short time, and to 
observe whether any of its oxyhzmoglobin is reduced. In normal 
animals the reduction is almost negligible, and evidently no oxygen is 
used up in carrying out metabolic changes in the blood itself. 


(1) The Effect of Lowered Pressure.— When a person ascends from 
near sea level to a height of 5,000 to 10,000 feet or more, he is apt 
to suffer from symptoms which are generally described as mountain 
sickness: these symptoms are headache, mental confusion, blueness 
of the lips, and nausea or vomiting. They may occur when the 
individual ascends to this height in a train, and are therefore not 
due to muscular exercise, although they may become more severe when 
exercise is taken. They are caused entirely by lack of oxygen. With 
increasing altitude the barometric pressure, and therefore the partial 
pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere and in the alveolar air, gradually 
fall; and when the alveolar pressure of oxygen falls to about 60 mm. 
Hg, the symptoms just described make their ‘appearance. Similar 
symptoms are produced in animals and in man, when they are placed in 
closed chambers and the barometric pressure is gradually reduced. If 
the individual remains at a high altitude, the symptoms pass off in 
the course of a day or two, and after a time exercise may be taken 
without their recurrence. 

The adaptation of the body to the altered conditions is. brought 
about by changes in both the circulatory and respiratory systems. In 
the first place, the lack of oxygen leads to the passage into the blood of 



lactic acid, which stimulates the respiratory centre ; and the breathing 
becomes deeper, with the result that the partial pressure of carbonic 
acid in the alveoli decreases and that of oxygen rises. At a high 
altitude, when the alveolar oxygen pressure is low, even a small rise in 
the partial pressure of oxygen appreciably increases the extent to which 
hzemoglobin can be saturated with oxygen as the blood passes through 
the lungs. For example, if the alveolar pressure of the oxygen rises 
from 40 mm. Hg to 45 mm. Hg, the saturation of hemoglobin may 
be increased from 70 per cent. to 75 per cent. At the same time, 
acceleration of the heart takes place, and consequently the blood is 
carried more rapidly through the lungs and round the body. 

Owing to these changes, the blood not only takes up more oxygen 
in the lungs, but transfers it more rapidly from the lungs to the 
tissues. The presence of lactic acid also assists the dissociation of 
oxyheemoglobin in the capillaries, so that more oxygen is available for 
the tissues. . 

Secondly, a more gradual compensatory process takes place in 
persons who remain at a high altitude for a long period. The number 
of red corpuscles and the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood are 
increased, and the oxygen-carrying capacity becomes much greater. In 
one series of observations, made at a level of 14,000 feet, the percentage 
of hemoglobin in the blood rose in the course of some weeks from 115 
to 154. When the subjects returned to a low level, the percentage of 
hemoglobin rapidly fell to normal. 

The extent to which adaptation takes place varies in different 
individuals; in many cases the supply of oxygen to the tissues is 
barely sufficient during rest, and exercise frequently leads to an in- 
adequate supply of oxygen to the tissues and brings on mountain 
sickness. This occurs less readily, however, in the trained than in the 
untrained person, since the former uses his muscles more economically, 
and therefore his démands for oxygen are not so great. 

(2) The Effect of Raised Pressure.—Men engaged in the building 
of bridges and tunnels are often compelled to work in caissons, which 
are filled with compressed air to prevent the inrush of water. They 
suffer no inconvenience, and the respiratory movements are not affected 
while they are in the caisson, even though the pressure may be three 
or four atmospheres. Under this pressure, however, the blood dissolves 
an increased amount of oxygen and nitrogen, and when a man leaves 
the caisson, and the pressure to which the blood and tissue fluids are 
exposed is reduced to one atmosphere, most of the nitrogen, previously 

in solution, is evolved as bubbles, which may obstruct the flow of blood. 

along the blood-vessels or through the heart. 


The symptoms caused by this obstruction, and known as caisson 
disease, are very varied, and include paralysis, severe abdominal pain, 
and collapse. The disease is prevented by allowing the man to pass” 
from the caisson into a special air chamber, in which the pressure is 
gradually lowered to that of the atmosphere so as to prevent any 
sudden evolution of nitrogen. 


The affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is about 130 
times as great as that of oxygen; and when air containing even a 
small percentage of carbon monoxide is breathed, the oxyhemoglobin 
is replaced by carbon monoxide hemoglobin, and asphyxia is produced. 
The fatal effects of breathing air containing coal gas, in which carbon 
monoxide is present, are brought about in this way; but death may 
often be prevented by the administration of pure oxygen, which not 
only increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood and carried 
to the tissues, but, by its mass action, gradually displaces the carbon 
monoxide from its combination with hemoglobin. 



On examining a tracing of the blood pressure, it is often noticed 
that the pressure shows oscillations corresponding with each respiratory 
movement, rising a little with each inspiration and falling during 
expiration. Further, the pulse is more frequent during inspiration 
and less frequent during expiration (fig. 114). The difference in the 
pulse rate is due to a slight diminution of the tone of the vagus during 
inspiration, which allows the heart to beat more rapidly ; it is abolished — 
by section of the vagi, but the respiratory oscillations of the blood 
pressure are not affected by this procedure. | 

At the end of expiration, the pressure inside the cavity of the 
chest is slightly below atmospheric pressure and the pressure on the 
walls of the great veins and of the heart is negative, whereas the 
pressure in the jugular vein, for example, is slightly higher than that 
of the atmosphere. Owing to this difference of pressure in the vessels 
within and outside the chest, blood tends to be sucked along the great 
veins and into the heart. With each inspiration the negative pressure 
is increased, and the flow of blood into the heart becomes more rapid. 
The thin-walled auricles are also slightly dilated. by the negative 


pressure, and the flow of blood to the heart is thus further assisted, 
the thick-walled ventricles and arteries being practically unaffected. 
As the result of the additional blood reaching the heart during 
inspiration, the amount of blood expelled from the heart at each beat 
becomes larger, and the arterial pressure rises. Conversely, during 
expiration the negative pressure diminishes again, less blood is sucked 
into the heart, its output is smaller, and the arterial pressure falls. 

A second factor which conduces to the rise of arterial pressure 
is the descent of the diaphragm during inspiration ; this, by diminish- 
ing the size of the abdominal cavity, raises the intra-abdominal 
pressure and squeezes blood out of the abdomen along the inferior 
vena cava into the heart. ; 

According to some observers, a third factor also takes a part in 
producing the rise of blood pressure during inspiration, namely, 
, changes in the size of the 
fiults \ vessels forming the capil- 
Blood press lary network in the lungs. 

an The lung is exposed on 
its inner surface to atmo- 
spheric pressure, and on its 
Rie ~ _. outer surface to a pressure 
Patctpimciag lve ——_/Y_~—so which is less than atmo- 
Fic. 114.—Effect of respiratory movements on spheric pressure. An in- 
arterial blood pressure. (Starling’s Principles Grease in this difference of 
of Physiology.) 

pressure, such as occurs 
during inspiration, will dilate the capillaries in the wall of the lungs, 
blood will flow through them more rapidly, and a larger quantity 
will reach the left ventricle in a given time; the additional blood 
thus reaching and. expelled from the left ventricle will raise the 
arterial pressure. Conversely, during expiration, when the difference 
of pressure on the two sides of the lung wall diminishes, the capillaries 
will shrink, blood will flow less rapidly through them into the left 
ventricle, and the blood pressure will fall. Other writers, however, 
consider that changes in the calibre of the capillaries play no part 
in the variations of blood pressure which accompany the respiratory 
movements; they regard these variations as being due entirely to 
alterations in the amount of blood which is drawn into the heart by 
the negative pressure on the walls of the great veins, and is driven 

out of the abdominal veins by the contraction of the diaphragm. 

Eqpiration| Inspiration 

The negative pressure during inspiration varies with the depth of | 

the inspiration, and, when the breathing is very forcible, the rise and 
fall of blood pressure during inspiration and expiration may become very 

eee coke 


marked. The rise of pressure begins just after the beginning of 
inspiration, and continues for a short time during expiration, so that 
the variations in blood pressure are not quite synchronous with the 
respiratory movements. This delay in the rise of blood pressure is 
due to the fact that, when more blood enters the right auricle at the 
beginning of inspiration, it has to travel through the lungs before it 
reaches the left ventricle and is expelled into the aorta. Again, at the 
beginning of expiration there is, for the same reason, a slight delay in 
the diminution in the amount of blood sent out by the left ventricle. 

In man the alterations in blood pressure produced by the respira- 
tory movements are of very complex origin, and the effects are not so 
constant as those just described for animals; they vary with the type 
of respiration, a costal inspiration causing a fall, and a diaphragmatic 
inspiration causing a rise of blood pressure. 


The supply of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of carbonic 
acid are effected by the conjoint action of the respiratory and circulatory 
systems’; and, in order that the tissues may receive their due supply of 
oxygen, it is necessary, not only that the blood in its passage through 
the lungs should become fully saturated, but that an adequate amount 
of blood should be carried to the tissues. We find, therefore, that the 
demands of the body as a whole for an increased amount of oxygen are 
met by alterations in both the respiratory and circulatory systems, and | 
that for this purpose the two systems exert a correlated action, which 
is very clearly illustrated in muscular exercise. Many of these changes 
have already been considered, but they may conveniently be summarised 

During muscular exercise the contracting muscles require a large 
amount of oxygen and give off much carbonic acid. By means of 
increased respiratory movements sufficient oxygen reaches the alveolar 

air to replace that which passes into the blood, and sufficient carbonic 

acid is removed from the lungs to keep its, percentage in the alveolar 
air almost unchanged ; and the blood, during exercise, is almost as fully 
oxygenated as during rest, the hemoglobin being at least 90 per cent. 
saturated with oxygen. 

The adjustment of the respiratory mechanism to the increased 
needs of the muscles is brought about (1) by impulses passing from the 
cerebral cortex to the respiratory centre at the very Qgutset of exercise, 


which increase the sensitiveness of the centre to carbonic acid (p. 275) ; 
and (2) by the chemical stimulus of the additional carbonic acid pro- 
duced in the muscles. In addition, the respiratory centre is stimulated 
by lactic acid, the amount of which in the . blood increases during 
muscular exercise, if the latter is at all severe. During rest, the blood 
in man contains only minute traces of lactic acid, and this is not in- 
creased by moderate exercise, such as walking, though running for a 
few minutes raises the amount of lactic acid in the blood, and lactic 
acid may be detected in the urine. Notwithstanding the great increase 
in the supply of oxygen to the actively contracting skeletal muscles, the 
latter are unable to oxidise all the lactic acid which is formed in them in 
these circumstances. The excess of lactic acid passes into the circula- 
tion, and not only stimulates the respiratory centre, but also (p. 258) 
renders the blood more readily dissociable and enables the muscles to 
obtain oxygen more easily. 

The changes in the circulation during exercise are acceleration of 
the heart and a rise in the mean arterial pressure, associated with 
dilatation of the blood-vessels to the muscles. The acceleration of the 
heart is due primarily to diminution in the tone of the vagus centre 
and, therefore, of the restraining influence which it normally exerts 
on the heart. It is seen at the very beginning of exercise, being 
brought about in all probability by impulses passing from the cerebral 
cortex to the vagus centre, and is particularly well marked in animals, 
such as the dog, which are accustomed to take severe exercise. 
Subsidiary factors which contribute later to the acceleration are (1) 
an increase in the tone of the accelerator centre, and (2) the setting 
free of adrenalin into the circulation. At the same time, the increased 
respiratory movements and the muscular movements increase the 
amount of blood reaching the heart, and its output becomes larger. 

The rise in the arterial blood pressure is due partly to the increased 
output of the heart, and partly to constriction of the splanchnic 
vessels ; and, since the blood-vessels to the muscles are dilated, the 
flow of blood is largely diverted from the abdominal organs to the 
skeletal muscles. 

Owing to these factors, the velocity of the blood flow through 
the lungs, and indeed through the whole body, becomes greater; and 
within a given time a much larger quantity of oxygen can be taken 
up by the blood as it passes through the lungs, and can be transported 
to the tissues, than during rest. 

During exercise a large amount of heat is evolved in the muscles, 
and the temperature of the body may rise to 100° or 101° F. ; this rise 
in temperature tends further to accelerate the heart, and is one of 



the reasons why the pulse rate remains rapid for some time after the 
exercise has come to an end. 

Second Wind.—It is a matter of common knowledge that, in a 
trained person, the respiratory discomfort which occurs soon after the 
beginning of exercise usually passes off in a few minutes, and the 
exercise can then be continued for a long period without further incon- 
venience, the individual being said to have gained his second wind. 
Its causation has been much discussed, and is not fully understood, 
though it is probably due in part to the fact that a trained person 
uses his muscles more economically than an untrained person, and 
therefore produces less carbonic acid. The observation that the 
tension of carbonic acid in the alveolar air may fall with the onset of 
second wind suggests that such is the case. If the muscles are used 
more economically after a brief period of exercise, the decrease in the 
production of carbonic acid will lessen the stimulus to the respiratory 
centre, and will account for the absence of panting and respiratory 
distress in second wind. It is probable that adjustment also takes 
place in the circulation, since the process of training consists essenti- 
ally in the better adaptation of the circulatory system to withstand 
extra strain. | 




THE process of digestion consists essentially in the splitting up of the 
molecules of the food-stuffs into a large number of much smaller 
molecules which, partly because of their smaller mass, are easily 
absorbed through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Thus 
the digestion of fat results in the splitting up of the molecule of neutral 
fat into one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acid, a 
single protein molecule is broken up into a very large number, probably 
a hundred or more, of molecules of amino-acids, while one molecule of 
starch is subdivided into about two hundred molecules of dextrose. In 
all cases the process is one of hydrolysis, and in the case of protein and 

_ starch it takes place in a series of stages. Similar changes can be 

brought about by chemical means, such as boiling with mineral acids, 
but the digestive juices achieve their results more rapidly and 
effectively, at the temperature of the body, by means of certain active 
agents known as enzymes or ferments. 


No enzyme has yet been isolated and analysed, and therefore 
nothing definite is known as to the composition and constitution of 
these bodies except that they are not proteins. They exist, however, 
in great variety in animal and vegetable cells, and they possess very 
definite properties. (1) They are colloidal substances, and do not 
diffuse through animal membranes. (2) They only act in solutions, 
having no effect in the dry state. (3) As a rule each enzyme is 

specific ; it will produce its own definite effect and no other. Thus the 

ptyalin of saliva converts starch into maltose, but has no action on 

protein. (4) Enzyme action is markedly affected by temperature. It 

is most’ effective, in the case of the enzymes of the animal body, at 


37° to 40°C.; and it is destroyed by the temperature of boiling water. 
(5) Enzymes will act indefinitely if the products of their activity are 
‘removed, that is, they are not used up and do not form permanent 
compounds with the substances on which they exert their activity. In 
other words, no definite proportion of enzyme to substrate, that is the 
material acted upon, is necessary; but the greater the proportion of 
enzyme to substrate the more quickly is the final result attained. 

The foregoing characteristics are the principal tests by which an 
enzyme may be distinguished. But some further points in connection 
with the origin and action of ferments have to be noted, and help to 
throw light on the probable mode of action of these bodies. Enzymes 
are produced in living cells, and they either exert their action on 
substances present in the cell body, or are turned out of the cell, as in 
the case of the digestive juices, to exercise their function elsewhere. 
That function is to be regarded as the acceleration. of a process which 
tends to go on, it may be with infinite slowness, in the absence of an 
enzyme. The enzyme may be compared with the grease on the slip- 
ways when a ship is launched, in that by its presence it facilitates a 
process brought about by quite independent forces. The particular 
process expedited by the presence of an enzyme is generally that of 
hydrolysis, in which a large molecule takes up water and then the 
resulting compound splits into smaller molecules. But in the case of 
many, if not of all, enzymes, this process may be reversed, the smaller 
molecules being condensed again with the loss of water. For example, 
the enzyme maltase, if added to a solution of maltose, will convert most 
of this sugar into dextrose. But if the same ferment is added to a 
solution of dextrose it will convert a certain proportion of the latter 
into maltose. The action of maltase is, in fact, to bring about a 
certain definite proportion between the maltose and dextrose in 
solution, the proportion, or, as it is called, the equilibriwm point, 
varying with the concentration of the solution. Thus maltase, acting 
upon maltose, might convert it entirely into dextrose if the latter 
substance were removed at the same rate as it was produced; or, on 
the other hand, the same enzyme, acting upon dextrose, might con- 
vert the latter entirely into maltose, provided the maltose were being 
simultaneously removed. This reversible enzyme action is of great 
importance in the body, where, for example, dextrose is at one time 
converted into glycogen by a synthetic process, while later the glycogen 
is once more turned into dextrose by a process of hydrolysis. 

Enzymes, then, are bodies of unknown constitution, which facilitate 
certain chemical reactions without providing any energy for these 
reactions and without being used up in the process. They are, in fact, 



organic catalysts, and some suggestions as to their mode of action 
may be obtained from the study of. the methods by which the simpler 
inorganic catalysts produce their effects. Two examples of the latter 
may be taken: (1) the effect of spongy platinum in bringing about the 
combination of hydrogen and oxygen to form water, and (2) the 
_ oxidation of indefinite quantities of SO, to form SO, by the inter- 
mediation of * nitrogen peroxide. The platinum acts as a catalyst 
because of its physical properties. Its low surface tension leads to a 
concentration of the gases at its surface, whereby the molecules are 
brought into close contact and their chemical interaction is favoured. 
With this may be compared the first stage in the action of an enzyme, 
in which a physical union takes place between enzyme and substrate 
by the process known as adsorption. 

The nitrogen peroxide, on the other hand, forms an intermediate 
chemical compound, After yielding part of its oxygen to oxidise SO,, 
and thus becoming reduced to nitric oxide, the latter substance takes 
‘up oxygen from the air to form nitrogen peroxide once PRISTY, and so 
the process is repeated indefinitely. 

SO, + NO, =SO,+ NO 

The enzymes known as oxidases possibly act in a somewhat similar 
way to the nitrogen peroxide in this reaction. Many oxidases are 
believed to consist of an organic peroxide combined with a peroxidase, 
The latter splits off oxygen from the peroxide, which again takes up 
oxygen, and the process is repeated. In the case of enzymes it is found 
that, with a limited amount of ferment, the same amount of substrate 
is acted upon in a given time whether the observation is made early or 
late in the process. It would, therefore, appear that the mode of 
action of the organic catalyst is comparable with that of the inorganic 
catalyst which acts chemically, the enzyme probably being adsorbed by 
the substrate, which is then capable of taking up water and splitting 
up, with the result that the enzyme is once again set free. 

In the case of most enzyme reactions the velocity of the process 
tends to diminish after it has gone on for a time. An enzyme has not 
only a specific affinity for its particular substrate, but it may also have 
an affinity for the products of the reaction, and by forming com- 
binations with these it may be put out of action. By-products are also 
formed in some enzyme reactions, and these, for example acids or 
alkalies, may either increase or decrease the power of the enzyme itself 
and so modify the rate of the process. In some cases these by- 
products destroy the enzyme and so bring the reaction to an end. 



The activities of the digestive tract aretwoin number. First, there 
is a motor mechanism by means of which the contents of the tract are 
moved progressively from mouth to cesophagus, stomach, small intestine, 
and large intestine, and are finally expelled. Secondly, there is a series 
of secretory glands, which produce the digestive juices met with in the 
different regions of the tract. These juices have no effect on water and 
inorganic salts, but their enzymes bring about hydrolytic changes in 
the protein, carbohydrate, and fatty constituents of the various food- 
stuffs. Food is mixed with saliva in the mouth and is then quickly 
passed on to the stomach, in which it remains for some time. During 
the early part of its stay in the stomach, the starch of the food under- 
goes the preliminary stages of digestion through the agency of the 
saliva. Gastric juice is also secreted, and originates digestive changes 
in the proteins and, to a certain extent, in the fats, while it gradually 
destroys the salivary enzyme. 

The next stage consists in the forwarding of the stomach contents _ 
into the small intestine, where the pancreatic juice and bile carry the 
digestive changes in the carbohydrates and proteins a stage further, and 
complete the digestion of the fats. 

Finally, the intestinal juice effects the concluding stages of 
carbohydrate and protein digestion, and the hydrolytic products of 
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, together with inorganic salts and water, 
are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine. Undigested 
substances and certain waste matters reach the large intestine, where 
much of the remaining water is absorbed, the residue constituting the 
feeces.. Under normal conditions, such of the constituents of a meal as 
are not absorbed begin to reach the large intestine four to five hours after 
the ingestion of the meal, and the residues are finally expelled from 
twelve to twenty hours later, so that all the processes described above 
are going on simultaneously, there being as a rule an interval of not 
more than four or five hours between meals during the day. 


The changes which take place in the food in the mouth are chiefly 
mechanical, its stay in this region being so brief that the saliva has not 
time to produce an appreciable chemical effect. Salivary digestion 
takes place mainly in the stomach in the interval before the enzyme is 
destroyed ‘by the gastric juice. In the mouth the food is masticated, 
that is, it is broken up and formed into a pulpy mass by the vertical, 



lateral, and antero-posterior movements of the jaws, the various frag- 
ments being directed in turn by the muscular movements of the cheeks, 
lips, and tongue, so that they come between the opposing teeth. At 
the same time, saliva is being poured out in considerable quantity, and 
is being intimately mixed with the food by the same grinding process. 
After mastication the insalivated food is collected into a bolus on the 
tongue by further movements of the cheeks, lips, and tongue itself, and 
in this condition it is ready for the process of swallowing. 

The Composition of Saliva.—Saliva, which is the mixed secretion of 
the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands, together with that of 
the buccal glands scattered about the mucous membrane of the mouth, 
is a viscid, colourless, cloudy fluid, with a slightly alkaline reaction, and 
an average specific gravity of about 1005. It contains asa rule over 
99 per cent. of water and less than 1 per cent. of solid constituents. 
The latter consist of coagulable proteins, mucin, a diastatic enzyme 
called ptyalin, and inorganic salts. Calcium salts are present in con- 
siderable proportion, and are responsible for the formation of tartar on 
the teeth. Traces of potassium thiocyanate are often present, and may 
be recognised by the red colour which they give with ferric chloride. 
The viscidity of saliva is due to the mucin it contains; the cloudiness 
is the result of the presence of numerous squamous epithelial cells from 
the mucous membrane of the mouth, and of the so-called salivary cor- 
puscles. The latter are granular spherical cells resembling leucocytes, 
some of which are probably derived from the lymphoid tissue of the 
tonsils, while others may come from the salivary glands themselves. 

The Functions of Saliva.—The saliva serves other purposes besides 
that of digestion, and in the dog it serves other purposes only, there 
being no ptyalin in the saliva of that animal. By its admixture with 
the food it facilitates mastication and deglutition. By keeping the lips 
and tongue moist, it is of service in those movements which are essential 
to the function of speech ; and, by dissolving substances which affect 
the sense of taste, it renders these capable of stimulating the gustatory 

Tn these cases the use of saliva is a mechanical one, whereas in its 
digestive function it gives rise to chemical change. Ptyalin acts upon 
starch, converting it into dextrin and maltose. Raw starch is not 
acted upon by saliva, which cannot dissolve the cellulose capsules of the 
starch granules, and to enable ptyalin to produce its effect upon starchy 
foods, these must be boiled or otherwise cooked. When starch granules 
are heated in the presence of water, they swell, and the cellulose 
capsules are ruptured so that the starch passes into a pseudo-solution. 

If a little saliva is mixed with some boiled starch paste-in a test- 

— es ee 


tube and the mixture kept at 40° C., the changes which occur may be 
conveniently observed, The original starch solution is slightly opalescent. _ 
Within a few seconds it becomes clear, but if a drop of the clear 
solution be added to a drop of dilute iodine a blue colour results, as in 
the case of starch which has undergone no digestive change. This, the 
first stage in the process, is that of soluble starch. A little later, a 
drop of the fluid gives a purple colour with iodine, later still a reddish 
brown, and finally an “‘achromic point” is reached, that is, a stage 
when the digest does not give a colour reaction with iodine. The 
digestive power of any particular saliva can be estimated by the time 
taken to reach the achromic point. 

The purple and reddish brown reactions with iodine indicate the 
presence of erythrodextrin, at first mixed with a certain amount of 
unaltered starch so that the dextrin reaction is complicated by the blue 
starch reaction, but later without any such admixture. If, at any 
time after the indications of the presence of dextrin appear, a little of 
the solution be boiled with an alkaline solution of cupric sulphate, 
reduction of the latter will take place, a precipitate of yellow cuprous 
oxide being formed. This reaction indicates the presence of a reducing 
sugar, maltose. In the achromic stage the solution is found to contain 
maltose and a form of dextrin, which gives no colour reaction with 
iodine and is therefore called achroo-dextrin. The ultimate result of 
the digestion usually consists of about 80 per cent. of maltose and 
20 per cent. of achroo-dextrin, and although the proportion of the 
latter may be reduced in favourable circumstances to 5 per cent., the 
conversion of starch into maltose by ptyalin is never complete. 

The salivary digestion of starch consists in the taking up of water 
by the starch molecule, and for each molecule of water taken up a 
molecule of maltose is split off. In this way the original molecule 
becomes progressively smaller, and passes through a series of dextrins 
which are grouped as erythro- and achroo-dextrins according to their 
reaction with iodine, finally reaching the stage of maltose and achroo- 
dextrin, on which ptyalin has no further action. The process may be 
diagrammatically shown thus :— 


| . 
Soluble starch,. 

Erythro-dextrins Maltose. 

Achroo-dextrins Maltose. : 



Or it may be epitomised in the formula 

(CygH 9901 0)100 + 80H,O = 80C,,H5,0,; + (CygH 9919) 20: 
Starch Maltose _ Achroo-dextrin. 

Evans’ method of determining the amylolytic power of saliva is based 
upon a calculation of the amount of maltose formed from a given quantity of 
starch in a definite time. 5 c.c. of mixed saliva are diluted to 50 cc. with 
distilled water, and the mixtute is filtered. 3 c.c. of the diluted saliva are 
added to 50 c.c. of a 3 per cent. solution of neutral soluble starch, which is at 
a temperature of 46° C. Digestion is allowed to proceed at 46° ©. for ten 
minutes, and is then stopped by the addition of a little sodium hydrate. The 
copper-reducing power is then determined, and the amount of maltose formed 
is calculated. 

The digestive action of ptyalin on starch is most energetic in a 
neutral medium. Hence it is favoured by the addition of a trace of 
acid to normal alkaline saliva, Like other ferment processes, it is 
arrested by a high temperature, and ptyalin-itself is destroyed by the 
slightest excess of hydrochloric acid, even less than is contained in 
gastric juice. The optimum. temperature for the action of ptyalin is 
46° C. When a meal is taken, it forms a fairly compact mass in the 
stomach, but is gradually penetrated by the gastric juice; as this 
penetration takes place, the ptyalin is gradually destroyed, but about 
half an hour elapses before salivary digestion in the centre of the 
mass is finally terminated. 


There is a constant production of saliva in sufficient quantity to 
keep the buccal mucous membrane moist, but in certain circumstances 
the flow is largely increased. The conditions which are followed by 
more profuse production of saliva are (1) the presence of food in the 
mouth, and (2) the sight, smell, or thought of food. Food in the mouth 
is followed so promptly by the increased salivary flow that it must 
necessarily produce its effect through the nervous system. The second 
group of conditions likewise obviously produce their effect by means of 
a nervous mechanism. It is clear, therefore, that the secretion of 
saliva is brought about by a reflex mechanism, the afferent nerves 
usually being those connected with the buccal mucous membrane, and 
the efferent nerves those passing to the various salivary glands. . 

Each salivary gland has a double nerve supply. The chorda 
tympani nerve is distributed to the submaxillary and sublingual glands 
(fig. 115), and the parotid receives a branch from the auriculo-temporal 
nerve. In addition, each gland receives fibres from the sympathetic 
system. Ifa cannula is placed in, the duct of the submaxillary gland 
and the chorda tympani is divided, no flow of saliva is observed. But 


if the distal portion of the nerve be stimulated, a profuse flow of saliva 
follows within two or three seconds, while at the same time the blood-— 
vessels of the gland are dilated, and the output of carbonic acid and the 
intake of oxygen are both increased. Section of the sympathetic fibres 
is likewise followed by a negative result, while stimulation of the distal 
portion in the dog leads to the production of a very small flow of viscid 
saliva, accompanied by constriction of the blood-vessels. In view of 
these experiments it might appear that the primary effect of the 
stimulation of the chorda tympani was the dilatation of the vessels, and 
that the flow of saliva was due to filtration. 

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Fic. 115.—Scheme of nerve supply of submaxillary gland. 

VII N, facial nerve; C, T., chorda tympani; L, lingual nerve; G, Langley’s ganglion ; 
8, sympathetic fibres to the gland. 

Filtration is a purely physical process in which fluids pass through 
a permeable membrane under the influence of pressure. In the process 
of secretion, on the other hand, work is done by cells; these take up 
material from the lymph which bathes them and is derived from the 
blood, effect chemical changes in that material, and discharge the re- 
sulting products in the form of a “secretion.” In the case of the 
salivary glands, several facts indicate that the process is a secretory 
one. (1) The cells of the salivary gland, as will be described more 
fully later, accumulate granules during the period when saliva is not | 
being poured out, and discharge them during the period of activity. 
(2) The consumption of oxygen by a salivary gland is increased during 
the production of saliva, indicating that work is being done. (3) Two 
of the constituents of saliva, mucin and ptyalin, do not exist in the 


blood, and must be formed in the gland. (4) The pressure in the duct 
of the gland during activity may be greater than the pressure in the 
carotid artery, and therefore much greater than that in the capillaries 
of the gland. (5) The molecular concentration of saliva in inorganic 
salts is only about half that of blood, whereas if saliva were a filtrate 
the concentration of salts would be the same as that of blood. (6) 
Secretion may be obtained in the absence of blood. If the head of a 

Fic. 116.—Effect of stimulation of the chorda tympani on the volume of the 
submaxillary gland. (Bunch.) 

a, volume of gland; 0, blood pressure. 

rabbit be cut off and the chorda stimulated immediately, a flow of 
saliva is obtained. (7) The blood-vessels may be dilated without any 
secretion taking place. In an animal to which atropine has been 
administered stimulation of the chorda is followed by no secretion of 
saliva, although the vessels become fully dilated. 

It has been suggested that, whereas the nervous factor undoubtedly 
originates the salivary flow, other factors come into play to assist in its 
continuance. Stimulation of the chorda is followed by a temporary 
diminution in the volume of the gland, although the blood-vessels are 


dilated (fig. 116), This shrinkage must be due to the first discharge of 
material from the secretory cells. As a result of the loss of fluid of 
lower molecular concentration, the osmotic pressure in the cells them- 
selves is raised and water is attracted to them from the lymph. In 
this way the molecular concentration of the lymph is also increased, 
and therefore water is attracted from the blood. Moreover, as the 
result of the secretory activity of the cells, large molecules are being 
split up into a large number of smaller molecules, and the discharge of 
these metabolites into the lymph tends still further to raise the osmotic 
pressure and ultimately the amount of that fluid. 

If the chorda tympani has been divided, a flow of watery caliva 
begins from one to three days later, and continues for five or six weeks 
(paralytic secretion), when the gland atrophies and the secretion 
ceases. If the chorda of one side only has been divided, a similar 
secretion is said to take place in the opposite gland, an antiparalytic 
secretion, the explanation of which is not clear. 

Division and stimulation of the nerves to the parotid and sub- 
lingual glands give parallel results to those described above for the 
submaxillary gland. v 

The physiological centre for the reflex mechanism of salivary secre- 
tion is situated in the medulla oblongata. The cranial efferent fibres 
take origin in the nucleus of the nervus intermedius. Those for the 
submaxillary and sublingual glands join the facial nerve and leave it 
in the chorda tympani, which subsequently joins the lingual branch of 
the fifth nerve. The fibres for the parotid join the trunk of the glosso- 
pharyngeal nerve, and, leaving it by its tympanic branch, reach their 
destination after passing through the tympanic plexus, the Vidian nerve, 
the otic ganglion, the second division of the fifth, and the auriculo- 
temporal nerve. The cranial fibres for the salivary glands belong to 
the autonomic nervous system, and in the case of the submaxillary and 
sublingual glands the post-ganglionic fibres take origin in Langley’s 
ganglion and the submaxillary ganglion respectively. This can be 
proved by painting these ganglia with nicotine, after which stimulation 
of the chorda tympani is without effect on the glands. 

The pre-ganglionic fibres of the sympathetic nerves to the salivary 
glands pass down the spinal cord, leaving it by the anterior roots of 
the upper three thoracic nerves to join the sympathetic chain. They 
run in the cervical sympathetic nerve up to the superior cervical 
ganglion, where the post-ganglionic fibres arise. These pass on the 
walls of the external carotid artery to the various glands. 




(1) It has already been pointed out that a temporary diminution in 
the volume of the gland follows stimulation of the secretory nerve. 
This is followed by an expansion due to the dilatation of the blood- 
vessels. Further, secretion is accompanied by histological changes and 
by an alteration in electrical potential. 

(2) Histologically the salivary glands are of two types—serous glands, 
which produce a fluid containing proteins and ptyalin, and mucous 
glands, the secretion of which contains mucin. The salivary glands of 
the dog, however, secrete no ptyalin. The parotid in man and most 
animals belongs to the serous type ; the submaxillary and sublingual are 
: generally mucous, but the former is 
serous in the rabbit and mixed in 
man. The general structure of a 
salivary gland is of the compound 
acinous type, each acinus being 
lined by columnar or cubical cells, 
and the whole being held together 
by connective tissue. 

If a portion of a mucous gland, 
which is in the resting condition, be 
teased in 2 per cent. salt solution, 
Fic. 117.—Mucous cells from fresh sub- the individual cells are seen to be 

ey Seen eee oe. hae ee somewhat columnar in shape and to 

Histology. - be filled with large granules which 
a, from a resting or loaded gland; 0, from a gwe]] up and disintegrate on the 

gland which has been secreting for some 
time ; a’, b’, similar cells which have been addition of acetic acid. If the 
treated with dilute acid. ; : 

gland be hardened in alcohol and 

stained sections be examined, no granules are visible, but the body of. 

the cell is clear, with a delicate network, and the nucleus is flat and 
lies at the base of the cell. In the case of a gland which has been 
made to secrete profusely, either by means of electrical stimulation 
or by the administration of pilocarpine, the granules are fewer in 
number and are found in the part of the cell which abuts on the 
lumen of the acinus; and the cell is smaller than that in the resting 
condition (fig. 117). The hardened specimen shows a larger propor- 
tion of protoplasm, and the nucleus does not lie so close to the base 
of the cell. In the process of secretion, therefore, there has been 
a discharge of the granules contained in the cell. But from their 

behaviour to reagents it is clear that the granules do not represent the 


Fak OT i a | ee he ke oe ee 


final stages of the secretory process, for mucin itself is precipitated by 
acetic acid. The material contained in the granules must be a pest si 
of mucin, and it has therefore been called mucinogen. . 

The cells of the serous type, treated in the same way, are more 
cubical in shape, with a central nucleus, and in the resting state are 
diffusely filled with much finer granules, which, as they are supposed to 
consist of a precursor of ptyalin, have been called zymogenic. As in 
the case of the mucous gland, the serous cell becomes smaller during 
activity and the granules are diminished in number, especially towards 
the base of the cell (fig. 118). In sections of the hardened gland which 
have been stained, the cells even in the resting stage always appear to 
contain a relatively greater amount of protoplasm than the mucous cells. 

In both mucous and serous cells the formation of granules is pre- 

Fie, 118. —Alveoli of aserous gland. (Langley.) From Schifer’s 
Essentials of Histology. 

A, atrest. B, after a short period of activity. C, after a prolonged period of activity. 
In A and B the nuclei are obscured by the granules of zymogen. 

ceded by the appearance of filaments, basophile in character, which have 
received the general name of ergastoplasm. | 

(3) In the resting condition of a salivary gland an electrical current 
can be detected by the capillary galvanometer, the direction of which in 
the gland is from the acini towards the duct. This current, in the case 
of the submaxillary gland, undergoes a diphasic variation on stimulation 
of the chorda tympani, becoming first increased in intensity and then 
reversed in direction. Stimulation of the sympathetic nerve is followed 
by a negative variation only. 


The bolus of food formed in the mouth is conveyed through the 
pharynx and esophagus into the stomach by the act of deglutition, 
which originates as a voluntary process and is continued by nervous 
reflexes. In the first or voluntary stage the jaws are closed and the 
tongue is raised so as to press against the palate, the latter movement 
being due to contraction of the mylohyoid aided by the intrinsic muscles 
of the tongue itself. At the same time the base of the tongue is drawn 


slightly backwards by the contraction of the stylo-glossi and palato- 
glossi. In this way the bolus is propelled through the opening bounded 
by the anterior pillars of the fauces, beyond which the act becomes 
involuntary. The later stages are subdivided anatomically into 
pharyngeal and cesophageal, but physiologically ney are to be looked 
upon as a continuous series of reflexes. 

While the bolus is in the pharynx, the soft palate is raised so as to 
form an inclined plane and prevent the passage of food into the nares. 
At the same time the opening into the respiratory tract is guarded by 
the elevation of the larynx under the posterior end of the retracted 
tongue, by the constriction of the aperture of the larynx itself, and by 
closure of the glottis. The arytenoid cartilages are rotated inwards by 
contraction of the lateral crico-arytenoid muscles, and approximated by 
contraction of the arytenoideus. They are at the same time drawn 
forward by contraction of the thyro-arytenoids, so that the glottis takes 
the form of a T-shaped slit. The opening of the larynx is diminished in 
size by contraction of the ary-epiglottidean muscle fibres. At the same 
time, by the elevation of the larynx and the drawing back of the tongue 
the opening is further guarded by the lower part of the epiglottis. 

The passage of the bolus through the’cesophagus is effected by 
a wave of contraction preceded by relaxation in the muscular wall 
of the tube. The cesophagus consists of four coats: (1) a mucous 
coat, bounded externally by a layer of smooth muscle fibres arranged 
longitudinally, the muscularis mucose, and lined by stratified squamous 
epithelium ; (2) a submucous coat of loose connective tissue containing 
mucous glands, which supply a lubricating fluid; (3) a muscular 
coat, composed of striated muscle in the upper part of the tube 
and of smooth muscle in the lower part, and consisting of an outer 
longitudinal and inner circular layer ; and (4) a fibrous coat. Owing to 
the more rapid contraction of the striated muscular fibres, the bolus travels 
more quickly in the upper part of the cesophagus than in the lower part, 

The time taken by the act of deglutition is normally five or six 
seconds. This may be ascertained by listening over the pharynx or 
the cesophagus by means of a stethoscope, the entrance of the food 
into the pharynx at the beginning of the act, and again into the stomach 
at its close, being characterised by distinct sounds. A more precise 
method is direct observation with the aid of Réntgen rays, the food 
swallowed in this case being mixed with bismuth so that it gives a well- 
marked shadow. 

During swallowing there is temporary inhibition of respiratory 
movements, and in this way a further safeguard is introduced against 
the entrance of food particles into the larynx. 

i a 


The nerves chiefly concerned in the first stage of deglutition are 
the fifth cranial nerve to the muscles which close the jaws and the 
mylohyoid, and the twelfth nerve to the muscles of the tongue. The © 
afferent nerves connected with the reflex act are the second division 
of the fifth, the glosso-pharyngeal, and the branches of the superior 
laryngeal nerve to the pharynx. The efferent nerves are those which 
form the pharyngeal and cesophageal plexuses, the ninth, tenth, and 
eleventh cranial nerves. The reflex centre is in the medulla oblongata, 
and it appears to consist of a series of centres ; for if the cesophagus be 
cut across, stimulation of the afferent nerves will be followed by an 
orderly wave of contraction, just as in the intact oesophagus. 

The inhibition of respiration which accompanies swallowing depends 
on stimulation of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve ; if the latter is divided 
and the central portion is excited electrically, the respiratory move- 
ments are arrested for a period corresponding with that of a normal 
act of deglutition, that is, for five or six seconds. 


The stomach forms a dilated portion of the digestive tube capable 
of storing considerable quantities of nutritive material, and it thus 
obviates the necessity of taking food at inconveniently frequent intervals. 
The food remains in the stomach for some hours, and during this period 
it is acted upon by the gastric juice, so that, when it afterwards comes 
under the influence of the more potent digestive juices found in the 
small intestine, the hydrolysis of the protein constituents is already 
well advanced, some of the fats have been acted upon, and, as has 
already been described, the saliva has effected a conversion of starch 
into dextrin and maltose. 

The Composition of Gastric Juice.—Gastric juice may be obtained 
for analysis by producing a permanent gastric fistula in an animal. 
Pawlow’s method is to make an incision in the stomach, separating it 
into a larger and a smaller portion. The larger portion is stitched 
up and remains in continuity with the digestive tract. The smaller 
portion is kept separate from the larger by a layer of mucous membrane, 
and is made to open on the surface of the body (fig. 119).! It is found 
by experiment that the juice secreted by the small stomach has the 
same composition as that produced by the large stomach, and also that — 
it is secreted in the same proportional amount when the available extent 

1 We are indebted to the kindness of C. Griffin & Co,; Ltd., for permission to 
use these diagrams. 


_ L,, first stage : A—B, incision. II., lesser stomach completed : S, lesser stomach; A, abdominal wall. 


of mucous membrane is taken into consideration ; moreover, it has the 
advantage of being free from admixture with food. | | 

The juice obtained in this way is a clear fluid having a specific gravity 
of 1003-5 and an acid reaction. It consists of about 99 per cent. 
of water and 1 per cent. of solids, the latter including mucin, proteins, 
enzymes, and inorganic salts. The juice also contains free hydrochloric 

acid in the proportion of about 0:2 per cent. in man; the percentage is 
, I. II. 

Peritoneal coat. 
Muscular coat. . 

Mucous membrane. 

Right vagus. ~ 

Fic. 119.—Pawlow’s method of forming a subsidiary stomach. (From{Pawlow’s 
Work of the Digestive Glands.) 

rather higher in the dog and other carnivorous animals. The salts are 
chiefly chlorides and phosphates of potassium, sodium, calcium, and 
magnesium, the base in largest proportion being potassium. 

The existence of free hydrochloric acid may be proved by two tests: (1) 
A solution of Congo red sided to gastric juice gives a blue colour, showing 
the presence of free mineral acid. (2) If a ays of Gunzberg’s reagent 
(phloroglucin-vanillin) be evaporated to dryness and a drop of gastric juice 
be added to the residue and gently heated, as drying takes place a bright red 
colour is developed, proving that the acid is hydrochloric. 


It has already been pointed out that the acid of the gastric juice 
destroys the ptyalin of the saliva, but the hydrolysis of the carbo- 
hydrates of the food may be continued, to some extent at least, by the 
hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This chemical hydrolysis, however, 
if it occurs, is of less importance than the action of the gastric enzymes 
upon proteins, milk, and fats. 

The digestive action of gastric juice can be studied, -like thatgof 
saliva, by means of experiments in test tubes. Fresh gastric juice 
obtained from a fistula may be used, but it is generally more con- 
venient to make an artificial extract. For this purpose the mucous 
membrane of a pig’s stomach is cut in small pieces and extracted 



with glycerol. By adding some of the glycerol extract to 0'2 per 
cent. hydrochloric acid an artificial gastric juice is obtained. 

(1) Ifa few flakes of fibrin be placed in a test tube containing such | 
an artificial juice and the tube be kept at a temperature of 37° C., it 
will be observed that the fibrin gradually swells up and then dissolves. 
If the solution is neutralised, a precipitate of acid metaprotein is formed. 
If this is removed by filtration and the filtrate. is boiled, a coagulum of 
soluble globulin may be formed. When this is removed by filtration, 
the solution gives a pink colour on the addition of dilute copper sulphate 
and caustic soda, owing to the presence of proteoses and peptones. 

Further analysis of this filtrate shows that several varieties of 
proteose and at least two kinds of peptone are present. The proteoses 
are classified as primary and secondary, the primary group being pre- 
cipitated by the addition of an equal volume. of saturated solution of 
ammonium sulphate; when this precipitate has been removed by filtra- 
tion, the secondary varieties are precipitated by full saturation with the 
same salt. When the latter precipitate is removed, the solution contains 
peptones only, although, if the digestion be prolonged for several days, 
some amino-acids may be present. | 

The changes produced in the fibrin are due to the activity of an 
enzyme, pepsin, which in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid brings 
about hydrolysis of the protein molecule and breaks it up into smaller 
and more soluble molecules. The first’ change produced is the solution 
of the fibrin with the production of a substance known as soluble 
globulin. This is then changed into acid metaprotein, and, by successive 
hydrolytic stages, the various proteoses, and finally peptones, are formed. 
Digestion in the stomach never passes beyond the peptone stage, and in 
fact the conversion into peptone is not complete when the contents of 

_ the stomach are passed on into the small intestine. 

The stages of peptic digestion of protein may be represented in 
tabular form thus— 

Soluble globulin 
Acid metaprotein 
Primary proteoses 

Secondary proteoses 

Some proteins which occur in food do not undergo these changes, 
Thus elastin is unaffected by peptic digestion in the time available in 



the stomach. The collagen of connective tissue is probably converted 
first into gelatine and then into gelatoses and gelatine peptones. The 
protein constituent of the conjugated proteins is usually converted into 
proteose and peptone, the prosthetic group being set free. Thus in 
the digestion of nucleo-protein by gastric juice an insoluble residue of 
nuclein is formed ; in the digestion of mucin (gluco-protein) glucosamine 
is found in the products. ’ 

(2) The effect of gastric juice upon caseinogen, the shieplie -protein 
of milk, is peculiar in that there is a conversion of the caseinogen into 
a comparatively insoluble substance, casein. This action of gastric 
juice has been for many years ascribed to a separate ferment called 
rennin, but latterly evidence has been brought forward which suggests 
that the formation of casein from caseinogen is due to pepsin itself. 
The matter has not been conclusively settled, and it will be convenient 
to retain the term rennin in the meantime when describing the effect of 
gastric juice on caseinogen. 

The action of rennin can be demonstrated by adding a little of an 
extract containing this enzyme to a quantity of milk and allowing the 
mixture to stand for a time at a temperature of 37°C. In a few minutes 
the milk becomes clotted, and after a time the clot shrinks, squeezing out 
a clear fluid, whey, which contains all the constituents of milk except 
caseinogen and fat. It can be shown that the fat is entangled in the 
clot in an unaltered form, so that the coagulation is brought about by 
the action of the rennin on the caseinogen. If a little potassium oxalate 
is added to milk, the subsequent addition of rennin does not result in 
the formation of a clot, but if calcium chloride be added clotting occurs. 

Three factors are necessary for the formation of the clot, namely, 
caseinogen, rennin, and lime salts. If rennin is added to a solution 
of pure caseinogen, and the mixture is kept for a short time at a 
temperature of 37° C. and then boiled to kill the enzyme, the addition 
of calcium chloride will bring about the formation of casein. Obviously 
the enzyme has produced some change in the caseinogen, and the only 
factor required to complete the conversion into casein is the addition of 
lime salts. There is in the first place, therefore, a conversion of casein- 
ogen into “soluble casein” by the action of the enzyme, and secondly, 
soluble casein combines with lime salts with the production of insoluble 
casein. The process may be represented thus :— 

Caseinogen<-Rennin (or pepsin) 

Soluble casein Calcium salts 




(3) Gastric juice also acts upon neutral fats, but only on those 
which are in the form of a fine emulsion, such as yolk of egg or milk. 
The fats are split into glycerol and fatty acids by the agency of an 
enzyme, lipase. .The fat-splitting function of gastric juice, however, is 
limited in extent, and is of relatively small importance as compared 
with that which takes place in the small intestine. Pepsin indirectly 
assists the digestion of fat by dissolving the cell envelopes of the fat 
cells of adipose tissue contained in food. In this way fat is set free and 
prepared for the subsequent digestive action of pancreatic lipase. 


The mechanism of the secretion of the gastric juice is studied by 
the subdivision of the stomach in an animal in the manner already 
described (p. 301), the larger part remaining in continuity with the 
digestive tract, while the smaller subdivision opens freely on the surface 
of the body. In such an animal, it has been shown that secretion of 
juice in the large stomach is accompanied by a proportional secretion 
of juice in the small stomach, and, further, that the two juices are equal 
in digestive power. 

The secretion of gastric juice begins aaeart five minutes after an 
ordinary meal is taken, and continues steadily during the period of 
digestion of the stomach contents. The initial secretion has been 
shown to be produced by a nervous mechanism, this being supplemented, 
after a variable time, usually twenty to forty-five minutes, by a further 
flow excited by a chemical stimulus. 

The Nervous Mechanism of Gastric Secretion.—The normal stimulus 
which excites the flow of gastric juice is the presence of food in the 
mouth. If the cesophagus of a dog is divided and the two ends are 
brought to the surface and fixed there, food may be masticated and 
swallowed by the animal, but none will reach the stomach. In such a 
case the food which is eaten all escapes by the esophageal fistula, and 
is spoken of as a sham meal. In an animal provided with both 
cesophageal and gastric fistulee, sham feeding is followed by the secretion 
of gastric juice, at the same time and in the same way as if the food 
reached the stomach. This fact points to the probability that the 
first secretion is due to a nervous reflex, a presumption which is further 
supported by the observation that, as in the case of the saliva, even the 
sight or suggestion of food is followed by the appearance of gastric juice. 
The nervous nature of the stimulus is proved by the effect of division of 
both vagus nerves to the stomach, after which no-secretion takes place on 
sham feeding or on showing food to the animal. Further proof is 

3 20 



obtained by the production of secretion as a result of stimulation of 
the vagus. The nerve is divided in the neck, and, four days later, 
when the cardio-inhibitory fibres have degenerated, the distal end of 
the nerve is stimulated by a tetanising electric current. Five minutes 
after the commencement of stimulation, the gastric juice begins to 
The efferent nerves concerned in the secretion are therefore the two 
vagi; the afferent nerves are normally the branches of the fifth and 
glosso-pharyngeal to the mucous membrane of the mouth, but stimula- 
tion of other sensory nerves, such as those of sight and smell, may also 
excite the secretion. The production of gastric juice through the 
latter mechanism is spoken of as “psychic” secretion; and the juice 
formed is described as ‘‘appetite juice,” since the sight of food in a 
hungry animal gives rise to its secretion. 

The Chemical Factor in the Secretion of Gastric Juice.—In a dog 
provided with a gastric fistula of the kind described above, a fistulous 
opening is made into the main stomach, and the two vagi of the animal 
are divided so as to preclude the possibility of reflex secretion through 
these nerves. It is then found that the introduction of meat into the 
main stomach is followed in from twenty to forty-five minutes by a‘ flow 
of gastric juice. The same effect is produced by Liebig’s extract of 
meat, certain preparations of peptone, or semi-digested bread, but not 
by pure proteose or peptone, or by bread, starch, or white of egg. 
Mechanical stimulation, or the introduction of a mechanical irritant, 
such as sand, is also without effect. The substances which stimulate 
secretion are spoken of as secretogogues, and Edkins has shown that 
they produce their effect by exciting the cells of the gastric mucous 
membrane to produce a hormone. If the pyloric mucous membrane 
of the stomach is boiled with water or dilute acid, a decoction is obtained, 
_ which, when injected into the blood stream, excites the secretion of 
gastric juice. Extracts of the mucous membrane of the body of the 
stomach have no such effect. As the result of his experiments, Edkins 
concludes that the partially digested food products excite the formation 
of a hormone in the cells of the mucous membrane of the pyloric 
portion of the stomach ; it is called gastric secretin or gastrin, and 
is absorbed into the blood stream, and is carried in the course of the 
circulation to the glands of the stomach, stimulating them to produce 
their secretion. 

The group of hormones, to which gastrin belongs, possess certain 
definite properties. They are substances of relatively low molecular 
weight, and are easily diffusible. Hach exercises a specific function 
in exciting the activity of a particular organ or tissue, and, when its 

i ee 


function is performed, it is rapidly destroyed in the body. It does not 
act as an antigen, that is, it does not excite the production of an anti- — 
body which would interfere with the performance of its function. The 
hormones of the digestive tract are not destroyed by boiling, but are 
soon oxidised in the body or in the presence of alkalies. 

The Gastric Juice Produced by a Normal Meal.—The nervous 
secretion of gastric juice begins about five minutes after food is taken. 
By means of this juice digestion in the stomach is initiated and carried 
on up to a certain point. The semi-digested products of its activity 
excite the formation of gastrin, by the agency of which the production 
of the juice is continued as long as the stomach contents require it. 
The following table from Pawlow illustrates the relative quantity and 
digestive power of the juice secreted (1) after a normal meal, (2) as a 
result of the chemical stimulus alone, and (3) after a sham meal, ¢.e. by 
the nervous secretion alone. The digestive power is measured by filling 
short lengths of capillary tube with egg-white, coagulating the latter 
by heat, and placing the tubes, the ends of which are open, in the juice 
to be tested for a given time. The digestive power is estimated by 
the length of the column of coagulated protein which has undergone 

Normal meal, S 
AEA oon . um of | 
200 gm. meat ee ENO Sham meal. two last 
into stomach. P expts. 
Quantity | Strength | Quantity | Strength | Quantity | Strength | Quantity 
C.C. mm. dig. ¢.c. mm. dig, C.¢. mm. dig. c.c, 
1 12°4 5°43 5°0 2°5 7°7 6°4 12°7 
2 13°5 3°63 7°8 2°75 4°5 5°3 12°3 
3 7°5 3°5 6°4 3°75 06 5°75 70 
4 4:2 3°12 5°0 3°75 0°0 0°0 pO. 

It will be observed that the amount of juice secreted as the result 
of a normal meal, shown in the first column, corresponds with the 
totals given in the last column for the nervous a.and chemical secretions 
obtained separately. 

It has already been pointed out that meat excites the production 
of gastric secretin and therefore of gastric juice, and that bread, when 
it has undergone partial digestion, is also an efficient secretogogue. 
Fat, on the other hand, inhibits gastric secretion, and therefore the 
flow of juice which results when milk is taken into the stomach is 
smaller than that which results from a meal of meat or bread. The 


flow of juice is also inhibited. vel alkalies, ai is excited by acids in 
the stomach. 

The Origin of the Chief Constituents of the Gastric Juice.—Two 
chief types of gland are found in the mucous membrane of the stomach. 
The tubular glands of the body of the stomach are relatively straight, 
open into short ducts, and possess two kinds of secreting cells. The 
gland is lined throughout by cubical, granular cells which are called 
chief or peptic cells. Between the chief cells and the basement 
membrane there occur at intervals somewhat larger ovoid cells, which 
are described as oxyntic because they are believed to secrete the acid 
of the gastric juice. The second type of gland oceurs in the pyloric 
portion of the stomach. The pyloric glands are also simple tubes, 
which are twisted on themselves and open into relatively long and wide 
ducts. Moreover, each is lined by one type of cell only, resembling in 
structure the chief cells of the glands of the body of the stomach. 

The cells lining the general surface of the stomach and the ducts 
secrete the mucin of the gastric juice. The enzymes of the juice are 
contained in the secretion of the body of the stomach and also in that 
of the pyloric portion, and are derived from the chief cells of the glands 
of the body and from the cells lining the pyloric glands. Pepsin, how- 
_ ever, does not exist in the secretory cells as such, because extracts of 
the mucous membrane do not possess marked peptic activity until they 
have been treated with acid. It is therefore a precursor of pepsin, 
known as pepsinogen, which is found in the secretory cells, and this is 
converted into pepsin, after its discharge from the cells, by the bydro- 
chloric acid of the gastric juice. 

The facts from which it is concluded that the acid itself is derived 
from the ovoid cells are (1) that it is most abundant in the middle of 
the stomach, where these cells are most numerous, and (2) that it is 
absent from the secretion of the pyloric portion of the stomach, where 
ovoid cells are also wanting. 

Various explanations have been offered as to the method of pro-. 

duction of the free acid in the gastric juice. The most probable of these 
suggestions is that the acid is derived from the interaction of chlorides 
with di-sodium hydrogen phosphate, according to the formula 

2Na,HPO, + 3CaCl, = Ca,(PO,), + 4NaCl + 2HCL. 

During the early stages of secretion the cells of the gastric glands 
become enlarged, the chief cells, and those lining the pyloric glands, are 

crowded with secretory granules, and the ovoid cells are distended and ~ 

clear. As secretion proceeds, all the cells become diminished in size, as 
in the case of the salivary glands. It has already been pointed out 



i a eee ore ng eT 

Si a en et i 


that pepsin exists in the gland cells in the form of a precursor, and it 
is probable that lipase, as well as rennin, if the latter exists as an in- 
dependent ferment, are also represented in the chief and pyloric gland © 
cells as granules of a zymogenic nature. 


The movements of the stomach are most conveniently studied by: 
direct observation with the aid of Rontgen rays after the administra- 
tion of a meal mixed with a quantity of oxychloride of bismuth, In 

Fic. 120.—Shape of human stomach, in vertical position, shortly after a bismuth 
meal. (Hertz.) 

U, umbilicus ; 0, cesophagus ; F, fundus; P.C., pyloric canal; I.A., incisura angularis. 

these circumstances the organ is seen to consist of two parts, the axis 
of the larger portion ‘being nearly-vertical, and forming an angle with 
the smaller pyloric portion, which is again subdivided by a constriction 
into two parts, the pyloric vestibule and the pyloric canal (fig. 120). 
The pyloric canal is about 3 centimetres in length, while the pyloric 
vestibule or antrum is less constant in size. 

After the ingestion of a meal, the muscular walls of the body and 


fundus (namely, the dome-shaped part of the organ above the entrance 
of the csophagus) become tonically contracted. Waves of contrac- 
tion occur in the pyloric portion, beginning about the middle of the 
stomach and travelling at the rate of about three a minute towards the 
pylorus. The stomach contents are propelled by these waves towards 
the pylorus, and if the opening is kept closed by the contraction of the 

Siw, Vag 


Fig, 121,—Tracing showing initial relaxation followed by contraction of the muscular 
wall of the stomach on stimulation of vagus nerves, (Elliott.) 

sphincter, they return by an axial stream towards the body of the 
stomach. In this way complete mixture with the gastric juice is 
effected. As digestion proceeds and the food is brought into a more 
fluid state, the sphincter undergoes periodic relaxation, opening every 
few minutes to allow the passage of the semi-liquid material into the 
duodenum. By the tonic contraction of the fundus and body, the food 
is little by little subjected to the action of the pyloric mill, and subse- 
quently passed on to the duodenum; and as the contents of the 
stomach are thus gradually diminished in quantity, the organ becomes 


more tubular in shape, until finally, four or five hours after the com- 
mencement of digestion, the process is complete. 

The precise mechanism by which the movements of the stomach 
are originated and carried out has not been definitely ascertained. 
Branches of the vagus nerves and of the sympathetic system are supplied 
to the viscus, and form connections with the plexus which lies between 
the layers of the muscular coat. Fine filaments from the latter are 
distributed to the muscle fibres. Division of the two vagi is followed 

Volume of Stomach 


66 mm / 

Caro tia b&b. r 


i m mvt i! imi! PALES MMe THT MUI TIDE UTI I TMG Pity stint sf i ipUytfineeNANNOATIMADAED) LH OATONT RIN EE ye tpn ne 

Fic, 122.—Tracing showing relaxation of the muscular wall of the stomach ot a cat on 
5 oO . . - 
stimulation of splanchnic nerves. (Elliott. ) 

by defective movements, so that the stomach is incompletely emptied 
after each meal, Stimulation of the vagi leads to temporary diminution 
of muscular tone, followed by increased contraction (fig. 121), whereas 
the sympathetic system has on the whole an inhibitory effect on the 
muscular wall (fig. 122). 

The influence of the central nervous system is, however, not 
essential for the stomach movements, for normal contractions may be 
observed in the isolated organ placed in warm saline solution. It is still 
an open question whether these contractions are myogenic in origin, or 
are due to a local reflex through the plexus in the muscular coat. In any 
case, the movements may be considered to be under a certain degree of 


control by the vagi and the sympathetic, the former having on the 
whole a motor and the latter an inhibitory effect. 

The periodic opening of the pylorus has been experimentally shown 
to be under the control of a local reflex mechanism, depending on the 
reaction of the contents in the pyloric portion of the stomach and the 
duodenum respectively. When the reaction in the duodenum is acid, 
the pyloric sphincter remains tightly contracted ; if, on the other 
hand, the reaction on the stomach side of the pylorus is acid and on 
the duodenal side it is neutral or alkaline, the sphincter relaxes. Thus 
when acid material has passed from stomach to intestine, the pylorus 
remains closed until the duodenal contents have been neutralised by 
the alkalies present in the bile and pancreatic juice. When neutralisa- 
tion has taken place, a further quantity of the gastric contents is allowed 
to pass through the pyloric opening. The precise nature of the reflex 
by which this is effected is still uncertain. If a quantity of water is 
drunk, it does not excite the secretion of gastric juice, the pyloric 
_ sphincter is not stimulated to contract, and, if the stomach is empty, 
} the fluid begins to enter the duodenum within one or two minutes 
of its being taken into the mouth. 


. If an experimental meal is given to an animal in which a fistula has 
been made just beyond the pylorus, it is found that food begins to pass 
from the stomach into the intestine eight to twelve minutes after the 
meal is taken. The rate of escape of the food from the stomach is 
indicated in the following table:— 

lst hour ; } . 932°6 per cent. 
2nd _,, % Pe ane ape ee Wig Bec gg o 
3rd_s,, een ie ADCO, yy Mas 
AGH’ veg, eee ; 87: sagem 
5th ,, on ptateee penea cee Rare ato paed 
6th ,, ; ris ae 

_ If the material collected in this way is analysed, it is found that 
67 per cent. of the nitrogen is in the form of proteose and peptone, and 
that of the starch of the meal 21 per cent. has been converted into 
dextrin and 4 per cent. into sugar. The whole of the protein and carbo- 
hydrate of the meal is accounted for, no absorption of these substances 
or of fat having taken place in the stomach. The mixture of semi- 


digested substances which enters the intestine has a yellowish colour and 
a semi-fluid consistence, and is immediately subjected to the action of 
the pancreatic juice and bile. The secretion of Brunner’s glands and 
the intestinal juice are also mixed with the duodenal contents, but the 
digestive action of the former is not known to have any importance, and 
that of the latter has its chief value in the later stages of the digestive 
process. The action of the pancreatic juice and bile must therefore be 
considered in the first place. 


Pure pancreatic juice may be obtained from an animal either by 
means of a temporary fistula, made by introducing a cannula into the 
pancreatic duct, or by a permanent fistula. In the dog there are 
two ducts, the larger of which opens into the duodenum about an 
inch below the entry of the bile duct. Pawlow’s method of making 
a permanent fistula is to cut out a patch of the duodenal wall 
with the opening of the duct in its centre, stitch up the gap in the 
duodenum, and suture the patch with the opening of the duct into 
the abdominal wall. - 

The pancreatic juice obtained in this way is a clear, limpid fluid, 
having a specific gravity of about 1007 and a strongly alkaline | 
reaction. The degree of alkalinity is such that equal volumes of 
gastric juice and pancreatic juice neutralise each other. The con- 
centration of pancreatic juice varies considerably, but it contains 
on an average about 4 per cent. of solids. These consist of nucleo- 
protein, enzymes or their precursors, and inorganic salts. The 
chief salt is sodium carbonate. 


The action of the pancreatic juice on the constituents of the food 
may be studied in test tubes, using either the secretion obtained from 
a fistula, or an artificial juice made by adding a glycerol extract of the 
fresh gland to a:solution of sodium carbonate of such a strength that 
the mixture contains 0°5 per cent. of the carbonate. 

The Action of Pancreatic Juice on Proteins.—Pure pancreatic juice, 
obtained directly from .the pancreatic duct, without contact with the 
intestinal mucous membrane, has no action on proteins. If, however, 
the juice has flowed over the duodenal mucous membrane or has been 
mixed with intestinal juice, it is strongly proteolytic. The pure juice 
contains a substance, trypsinogen, which is the precursor of a proteolytic 


enzyme, trypsin, and is converted into the latter by another ferment, 
enterokinase, produced in the mucous membrane of the small intestine. 
Trypsinogen may also be converted into trypsin by other means, for 
example by the action of lime salts; or the activation will slowly take 
place spontaneously if the juice is allowed to stand. Activation is, 
however, effected most rapidly by enterokinase, requiring a few minutes 

in the case of this ferment as against over twelve hours by means of 


If a few flakes of fibrin are placed in a solution containing trypsin 
and 0°5 per cent. sodium carbonate in a test tube, and kept at a 
temperature of 37° C., the fibrin will begin to be eroded in a few 
minutes, and gradually it will become dissolved. The products in 
solution will vary according to the time during which digestion has 
been allowed to proceed, but generally speaking the course of hydrolysis 
is the same as in peptic digestion, except that, as the process takes 
place in an alkaline medium, the metaprotein formed is the alkaline and 
not the acid variety. A second point of difference is that the inter- 
mediate stages are passed through more rapidly in pancreatic than in 
gastric digestion, and thirdly, some amino-acid is produced even in the 
time available for digestion in the intestine. 

In the normal course of digestion in the intestine, the final con- 
version of peptone into amino-acids is largely effected by the ferment 
erepsin, Which is contained in the intestinal juice ; but almost complete 
hydrolysis into amino-acids can be obtained 2n vitro by means of trypsin, 
if the digestion is allowed to proceed for three or four days. The 
splitting is not quite complete, for even if the digestion has been 
allowed to go on for some weeks some amino-acids remain united in 
groups of two or more, known as polypeptides. These latter substances 
have much smaller molecules than peptones and do not give the biuret 
reaction, that is, they do not give a pink colour with copper sulphate 
and caustic soda. 

If a tryptic digestion of fibrin or casein has been allowed to proceed 
for some days, the solution contains the amino-acids derived from these 
substances (p. 13). Leucine and tyrosine are most easily demonstrated 
in the fluid, and crystallise out readily if the fluid is concentrated. 
Tyrosine appears as sheaves of colourless needles, and leucine, which is 
the more soluble of the two, occurs in the form of yellowish balls, which 
sometimes show concentric and radial striation. Solutions of tyrosine, 
when boiled with Millon’s reagent, give a red colour. 

The stages of tryptic digestion may be represented in tabular 
form thus :— 


A i 9 el 


Soluble ‘elobulin 
Alkali tars 
Primary proteoses 
Secondary proteoses 
Polypeptides and Amino-acids. 

The earlier stages of tryptic digestion of protein are most efficiently 
carried out in a slightly alkaline medium, but the ferment is active in 
either an alkaline or neutral solution. Under natural conditions, the 
alkalinity of the pancreatic juice is largely neutralised by the acid con- 
tents from the stomach, and the contents of the small intestine through- 
out its length are almost neutral. The activity of trypsin diminishes 
during the course of normal digestion, since the ferment enters into com- 
bination with the products of its own activity, that is, with amino- 
acids and peptones, and in this way it becomes inactive. The intestinal 
contents taken from the lower end of the ileum show little trace of 
tryptic activity. , 

The Action of Pancreatic Juice on Starch.—The action of pan- 
¢creatic juice upon starch depends on the presence of an enzyme, amylase. 
By means of this ferment starch is converted into maltose, as in the 
case of salivary digestion (p. 293), but the action of pancreatic amylase 
is more rapid and powerful than that of the ptyalin of saliva. If some 
pancreatic extract is added to dilute starch paste kept at a temperature 
of 37° C., the soluble starch stage is reached in a few seconds and 
erythro-dextrin may be detected in half a minute. Moreover, the 
pancreatic juice is capable of digesting unboiled starch, on which saliva 
has no action, 

As maltose is formed it is further hydrolysed, partly by a ferment 
maltase, contained in the pancreatic juicé, and partly by a similar 
ferment found im the intestinal juice. Under the influence of maltase 
each molecule of maltose takes up a molecule of water and is split into 
two molecules of dextrose. 

CoH 0), + H,O ag 20H, .0¢. 

Pancreatic juice differs, however, from intestinal juice in having no 
similar action on the other disaccharides, lactose and cane sugar. 
The Action of Pancreatic Juice on Fats.—If perfectly neutral fat, 


such as pure olive oil, be shaken up with pancreatic juice, and the 
mixture be kept at a temperature of 37° C., the fatty ester will be 
hydrolysed, yielding fatty acid and glycerol, and the reaction of the 
fluid will become acid. The agent which brings about this change is 
an enzyme, /ipase, which is a constituent of the pancreatic juice. Lipase 
may be extracted from the fresh pancreas by glycerol, but not by water. 
The fat-splitting action of lipase is greatly facilitated by the presence 
of bile, taking place four or five times as rapidly when assisted by bile 
as in its absence. This acceleration is due to the bile salts, which not 
only reduce surface tension and so promote the admixture of the enzyme 
and the fats, but also have the property of bringing fatty acids and 
soaps into solution. 

The digestion of the fats is further assisted mechanically by the 
formation of soaps. Some of the fatty acid, which is set free combines 
with the alkalies of the intestinal contents to form soap. Segmental 
contractions of the intestine lead to the mechanical subdivision of the 
fats with the formation of an emulsion. Each fat droplet becomes 
coated with a fine film,of soap, which prevents it from coalescing with 
others, and in this way the formation of a still finer emulsion is favoured, 
and the fat is made more accessible to the enzyme. 

The Action of Pancreatic Juice on Milk.—A milk-curdling ferment 
has been described as occurring in the pancreatic juice, and it is a fact 
that clotting of milk takes place when the. juice is mixed with milk at 
the body temperature. It is doubtful, however, whether a separate 
rennet ferment is present in the pancreatic secretion, and the milk- 
curdling function has been ascribed by some authorities to trypsin. In 
any case the clot stage is very brief, for the curd is rapidly dissolved by 
the proteolytic action of trypsin; moreover, the presence of rennin 
‘in the pancreatic juice would. seem to be unnecessary in view of the 
active milk-curdling property of gastric juice. 


In an animal with a permanent pancreatic fistula, a flow of juice is 
seen to begin within five to twenty minutes after the ingestion of a 
meal. The secretion is largely increased two or three hours later, when 
the stomach contents are passing into the duodenum in largest amount, 
and it comes to an end in about five hours. The following record of 
two of Pawlow’s experiments shows the rate of flow :— 

{Bo 6 Re. 

i i th ll 

ae ee ee 




Hour after Feeding. 7 Quantity of Juice in c.c. 
Ist 8°75 8°25 
2nd . ; : 75 6°0 
3rd ; ; Sera Rs See 
4th ; ; : 9-0 6°25 
5th 2:0 1°5 

Total : 4 49°75 “45:3 

Bayliss and Starling have shown that the secretion of pancreatic 
juice is almost entirely due to a hormone, which they have called 
secretin, and which is formed in the mucous membrane of the small 
intestine. The production of the hormone is brought about by the 
presence of acid in the intestine, and the normal stimulus for its 
formation is the passage of the acid gastric contents into the duodenum. 

Much work has been done with a view to determining whether a 
nervous factor is concerned in the production of pancreatic juice, 
comparable with the reflex which brings about the first secretion of 
gastric juice ; and Pawlow has shown that stimulation of the vagus will 
excite a small flow of pancreatic juice, even when the pylorus of the 
stomach is ligatured so as to prevent the passage of the acid contents of the 
stomach into the duodenum. The amount secreted as the result of vagus 
stimulation is, however, so small that the nervous factor is obviously 
of subsidiary importance in the case of the pancreas. It is possible 
that the first few c.c. of juice secreted may be nervous in origin, because 
the juice first formed appears a few minutes after a meal is taken, and 
further, it differs in character from the later formed juice, being more 
viscid, richer in ferments and in protein constituents and poorer in 
alkali than the latter. 

The later flow is, however, the essential secretion, and that it is due 
to the formation of a hormone is proved by experiment. If 0°4 per cent. 
hydrochloric acid is introduced into the duodenum, a flow of pancreatic 
juice is evoked within two or three minutes. The secretion induced in 
this way occurs even if the nerves to the intestine have been divided, so 
that it must be due to the production of some chemical substance which 
is conveyed to the pancreas. This substance is secretin, and it may be 
extracted from the duodenal mucous membrane by grinding it with sand 
and boiling with 0°4 per cent. hydrochloric acid. If alkali be added to 


the boiled fluid till it is almost neutral, the proteins are precipitated, 
and a protein-free filtrate may be obtained. Injection of the filtrate 
into a blood-vessel of another animal excites the production of pancreatic 
juice. From this experiment it is obvious that the hormone is not 
destroyed by acid or by boiling; it is, however, readily destroyed 
by alkalies. Secretin is-absorbed by the blood. directly, and does not 
normally reach the lumen of the intestine; and its introduction into 
the duodenum does not lead to a flow of pancreatic juice. 

The epithelial cells of the intestinal wall form in the first instance 
a precursor of secretin, called prosecretin. Secretin itself is freely 
soluble in water and alcohol, but an extract of intestinal mucous 
membrane made with either of these fluids contains neither secretin nor 
prosecretin. The latter substance, therefore, is insoluble in water and 
alcohol, and is converted into secretin on boiling with dilute hydrochloric 

Prosecretin is most abundant in the duodenum, it occurs also to a 
considerable extent in the jejunum, and to a less degree in the ileum ; 
but near the junction of the small and large intestines it is a Ss i in 
very small amount. 

The amount of secretin formed in the body, as shown by the volume 
of pancreatic juice secreted, varies with the nature of the food. After 
a meal of bread or meat the flow of juice is more abundant, and 
reaches its maximum more rapidly, than after a meal of milk. The 
reason of this difference is that meat or semi-digested bread stimulates 
the production of gastric secretin and thus causes a large flow of gastric 
juice, whereas milk is a less efficient stimulus to gastric secretion. As 
a result, more acid reaches the duodenum after a meal of bread or meat 
than after the ingestion of milk, and therefore more secretin is produced 
in the former case than in the latter. On the other hand, the fatty 
acids formed by the action of gastric lipase on milk are converted into 
soaps in the duodenum. Soaps stimulate the production of secretin, 
and the delayed maximal production of pancreatic juice after a meal of 
milk may be explained by a second formation of secretin in this way, 

The Changes in the Pancreas which accompany Secretion.—The 
pancreas is a compound tubular gland, and it contains, in addition to 
the ordinary secretory tubules, clumps of cells which do not stain 
deeply with the ordinary dyes, and which are known as cell-islets 
(fig. 130). These islets are supposed to be concerned with the formation 
of an internal secretion, and their function will be discussed in con- 
nection with metabolism. The secretory tubules of the pancreas are 
lined by a single layer of columnar cells, each of which shows two 
zones—an outer, which stains with basic dyes such as hematoxylin or 



toluidin blue, and an inner, filled, in the resting stage of the gland, with 
secretory granules. The granules stain well with osmic acid, eosin, or 
neutral gentian. ; 

After a prolonged period of secretory activity the granules are 
greatly diminished in number, and the inner zone of the cell is relatively 
and absolutely smaller as compared with the outer zone. Under normal 
conditions this diminution of the inner zone does not occur, because the 
formation of new granules keeps pace with the extrusion of those 
previously formed, so that the appearance of the cells is little altered 
by the secretion required for an ordinary meal. The secretory granules 
are in all probability zymogenic, and represent the precursors of the 
enzymes found in the juice. In the case of trypsinogen, the precursor 
has received the name of protrypsinogen. 


The bile is not a digestive juice in the same sense in which saliva and 
the gastric and pancreatic juices belong to that category. It is to be 
looked upon as an excretion, which incidentally assists the digestive 
action of the pancreatic juice. The production of bile is constant, 
although the rate of formation varies with the period of the day and 
other circumstances, and, as it is formed, the secretion is stored in the 
gall-bladder. This reservoir discharges the accumulated bile into the 
intestine simultaneously with the great flow of pancreatic juice, which 
takes place during the third hour of digestion of a meal. The 

mechanism by which this emptying of the gall-bladder is effected has 
- not yet been definitely ascertained. 


Bile may be obtained for analysis from the gall-bladder of a recently 
killed animal, or it may be collected from a gall-bladder fistula during 
life. Its composition, however, is not the same in the two cases, fistula 
bile being more dilute than bile which has been stored for a time in 
the gall-bladder. The difference is shown in the following two saree 
of human bile by different observers :— 

Fistula Bile, Gall-bladder Bile. 
Mucin and pigments . O-148 | Mucin .. : » eee 
Sodium taurocholate . 0°055 | Sodium taurocholate . . O87 
Sodium 7 Kauai . 0°165 | Sodium glycocholate . . 3°03 
Cholesterol . ; ies Cholesterol ; ; ~ 0°35 
Lecithin ; , . 0:038 | Lecithin . ; . 0°53 
Fats , , .. | Fats . : «O73 
Inorganic salts -  0°840 | Soaps hy See ; Cae 

Water . : ; J" $G2F 


Bile thus becomes more concentrated by the absorption of water 
during the time it remains in the gall-bladder. It is a viscid fluid, 
golden brown in carnivora, green in herbivora, and possesses a bitter 
taste. The viscidity is due to the presence of mucin in human bile, 
and of a nucleo-protein in that of the ox and some otheranimals. The 
colour depends upon the presence of the bile pigments, bilirubin and 
biliverdin. The former is more abundant in the bile of carnivora, the 
latter in the bile of herbivora. The proportion appears to vary in 
human bile according to the nature of the diet, the brown tint of 
bilirubin predominating when a flesh diet is taken, and the green of 
biliverdin when the diet is largely vegetarian. The bitter taste of bile 
is due to the bile salts, glycocholate and taurocholate of sodium. In 
dog’s bile the latter only is present. 

The Properties, Source, and Fate of the Chief Constituents of the 
Bile.—The mucin of human bile gives a stringy precipitate on the addi- 
tion of acetic acid, the precipitate being insoluble in excess of the acid. 
The nucleo-protein of ox bile gives a similar precipitate with acetic acid, 
but as in the case of nucleo-proteins generally, the precipitate is dissolved 
by excess of the acid. The mucin or nucleo-protein of the bile is derived 
from the mucus-secreting cells which line the bile ducts and gall- 

The dle salts are compounds of sodium with glycocholic and 
taurocholic acid respectively. These acids may be split up by hydrolysis, 
glycocholic into glycine (amino-acetic acid) and cholic acid, and 
taurocholic into taurine (amino-ethylsulphonic acid) and cholic acid. 

C,,H,3NO, + H,O =CH, . NH, . COOH + C,,H,,0, 

Glycocholic acid. Glycine. . Cholic acid. 
Taurocholic acid. Taurine. Cholic acid. 

If a little syrup of cane sugar be added to a solution of bile salts 
in a test tube, and strong sulphuric acid be poured down the side of 

the tube so as to lie below the solution, a cherry-red colour appears at — 

the junction of the two fluids. The colour is due to a reaction between 
cholic acid and furfuraldehyde, the latter being formed by the action 
of the sulphuric acid on the cane sugar. The bile salts have the 
property of reducing the surface tension of the fluid in which they are 
dissolved. This can be shown by comparing the effect of scattering 
flowers of sulphur on water and ona solution of bile salts. The sulphur 
floats on the water, but sinks immediately in the bile salt solution 
(Hay’s test). Further, watery solutions of bile salts readily dissolve 
fatty acids. Bile acids are derived from protein sources and are formed 

BS lee ee a, 


in the liver. The larger proportion of the bile salts which pass into 
the intestine is reabsorbed and returns to the liver to enter again into 
the composition of bile. This is spoken of as the circulation of the ~ 
bile salts, and not only do these substances enter once more into the 
formation of bile, but they also stimulate the liver to further secretion, 
that is, they act as cholagogues. A small proportion of the bile salts 
is excreted in the faeces in the form of dyslysin, a substance formed 
from them by bacterial decomposition, Part of the sulphur excretion 
from the body takes place in this way, since this element forms part of 
the taurine molecule. 

Cholesterol (p. 8) and lecithin (p. 8) are probably largely derived 
from the stroma of the red blood corpuscles which are broken down 

‘in the liver. Gall-stones, which are of fairly common occurrence in 

the gall-bladder, are usually composed chiefly of cholesterol. Normally 
the latter substance is excreted in the feeces. 

The bzle pugments are characterised by their colour and by the fact_ 
that they are easily oxidised by nitrous acid, yielding a series of 
coloured products (Gmelin’s test). If nitric acid containing nitrous 
acid is added to bile in which the pigment present is bilirubin, the 
colour changes to green (biliverdin), then to blue, violet, red, and 
finally to yellow (choletelin), Bilirubin and biliverdin show. no 
absorption bands with the spectroscope. Bilirubin (C,,H,.N,O,) 
is identical with heematoidin, a substance formed by the decomposition 
of hemoglobin in old blood clots in the body. Its molecule only 
differs from that-of iron-free hematin, formed by the action of strong 
mineral acids on hemoglobin, in possessing one atom less of oxygen. 

Bile pigments are derived from the pigment of the blood -by the 
breaking down of the latter in the liver. The facts upon which this 
statement is based are (1) the identity of bilirubin with hematoidin, 
(2) histological observations on the liver, (3) observations on the 
proportion which exists between the rate of destruction of the red 
blood corpuscles and the amount of bile pigment formed, and (4) the 
effect of injection of hemoglobin into the blood stream. Histological 
observations show that the walls of the sinusoids in the liver are 
incomplete, so that red blood corpuscles can pass through them ; and 
red corpuscles, broken up to a greater or less degree, have been seen 
within the liver cells. Moreover, the presence of iron in the liver 
cells can be demonstrated by the blue colour produced by treatment 
of sections with ferrocyanide of .potassium and hydrochloric acid. 
Again, when the destruction of red blood corpuscles is increased, as 
in the disease known as pernicious anzmia, or in poisoning by the 
injection of pyrogallic acid or toluylene diamine, the amount of bile 



pigment produced is excessive and the iron in the liver cells is increased. 
Finally, when a solution of hemoglobin is injected into the blood 
stream, there is an increased production of bile pigment. 

The bile pigments undergo bacterial decomposition in the large 
intestine with the formation of stercobilin, the pigment of the feeces. 
Some of the latter is reabsorbed, and appears in the urine as a chromo- 
genic substance, urobilinogen, from which urobilin is formed by 
oxidation. Urobilin itself is identical with stercobilin, and it occurs 
in the urine in pernicious anemia and other diseases in which destruc- 
tion of red blood corpuscles is excessive. 


It has already been pointed out that bile is not a digestive juice 
in the proper sense of the term. It is said to contain a weak amylo- 
lytic enzyme, but the action of this ferment is quite insignificant, 
Nevertheless the bile exercises important functions in connection with 

the digestive process. (1) The acid metaprotein and proteoses result-. 

ing from the gastric digestion of proteins are precipitated by the bile 
salts in the duodenum. This conversion of a fluid or semi-fluid 
material into the solid condition will retard its progress along the 
intestine and allow more time for the action of the pancreatic juice. 
(2) The bile salts act as a “co-enzyme” to each of the principal 
ferments of the pancreatic juice, that is, they increase the rate of the 
digestive process without themselves taking any active part init. In 
the presence of bile salts the power of the pancreatic amylase to 
hydrolyse starch is doubled, and the proteolytic power of trypsin is 
similarly increased, while the action of lipase upon fats is quadrupled. 
The adjuvant action of bile in digestion is due to the property which 
the bile salts possess of reducing surface tension, as well as to their 
property of dissolving fatty acids and soaps. By the reduction of 
surface tension the contact of enzyme with substrate is promoted, 
and this is of especial value in facilitating the access of lipase to oily 
fluids. (3) Bile promotes the absorption of the products of digestion, 
this property also being due to the bile salts, Free fatty acids are 
brought into solution, and in this form are more adapted for passing 
through the epithelial cells of the intestinal villi. Moreover, these 
cells have their surface tension lowered, and are thus made more 
permeable by all the products of digestion. Lecithin and cholesterol, 
which are held in solution in the bile, also play a part in promoting 
absorption, but the precise way in which they act is not understood. 
The importance of the presence of bile for the digestion and absorption 
of fat is shown by the fact that when bile is prevented from entering 


the intestine, 60 per cent. of the fat of a meal passes into the feces, 
as compared with about 5 per cent. under normal conditions. (4) Bile 
is said to stimulate the peristaltic movements of the intestine, and (5), — 
as already pointed out, the reabsorbed bile salts stimulate the liver to 
further secretion. 


The secretion of bile is a continuous process, and in periods when 
digestion is not taking place, bile accumulates in the gall-bladder. 
About the third hour after a meal is taken the gall-bladder is 
emptied into the lumen of the duodenum, but the mechanism by 
which the contents are expelled has not yet been ascertained. Bile 
continues to flow into the intestine during the digestive process, and, 
later, again accumulates in the gall-bladder. The rate of production of 
bile has been studied in animals with experimental fistulee, and also in 
man when fistule have formed in the course of disease. In such cases, 
however, the normal stimulus due to the reabsorption of bile salts is 
wanting. It is found in man that something less than a litre of bile 
can be collected froma fistula in twenty-four hours, an amount equal to 
that of the juice secreted by the pancreas in the same time. 

So far as is known, the secretion of bile is independent of nervous 
action, and is excited (1) by the reabsorbed bile salts, and (2) by 
secretin. The flow from a fistula is fairly continuous, though it varies 
in rate with the period of the day and with other conditions. The rate 
of flow in such a case is, of course, unaffected by reabsorption of bile 
salts. It is doubled by the introduction of dilute hydrochloric acid into 
the duodenum, or by the injection of secretin into the blood stream. 
The rate of flow, like that of the pancreatic juice, varies with the nature 
of the food, and for the same reason (p. 318), being greatest when a 
meat diet is taken, and least when the food consists mainly of carbo- 
hydrates. Fatty food, which inhibits the secretion of gastric juice, 
excites the secretion of the pancreas and liver, though not to the same 
extent as does meat. The influence of fat in this direction is due to 
the formation of soap in the duodenum, the latter substance acting as 
a stimulus to the production of secretin. 


Saliva, gastric and pancreatic juice in turn carry the digestion of 
the food-stuffs up to a certain point. The pancreatic juice completes 
the digestion of the fats; it converts proteins into peptones and amino- 
acids ; it is capable of converting starch completely into dextrose, but it 
has no action upon cane sugar and lactose. The completion of the 
digestive process is the function of the intestinal juices 



Intestinal juice is obtained, like the other digestive secretions, by 
means of a fistula. A segment of intestine of sufficient length is 
separated by incisions; one end of the separated portion is closed by 
sutures, and the open extremity is sutured into the abdominal wall, the 
continuity of the remainder 
of the bowel being restored 
by stitching the free ends 
together. The detached 
‘segment retains its normal 
blood and nerve supply. 
In another method, both 
ends of the segment are 
left open, and each is 
sutured separately into the 
abdominal wall (fig. 123). 

The juice obtained from 
such a fistula has a specific 
gravity of about 1010, and 
is alkaline. It contains 1 
to 2 per cent. of solids, 
half of which are organic 
and half inorganic, The 
| organic solids consist 
*~=.mainly of serum albumin, serum globulin, and enzymes. The inorganic 

substances are chiefly sodium chloride and sodium carbonate. 


1 kets ee Ne . 

Meg ee 

cote ee e ; # 

ce ae eee a ee % 

: s 3 * 
2 AA ake BS ror ae 

.2 i BA 

Fig. 123.—Scheme of intestinal fistula. 
A, first stage of operation ; B, fistula completed. 


It has already been pointed out that the intestinal juice converts 
trypsinogen into trypsin by virtue of the enzyme, enterokinase, which it 
contains, and also that another of its enzymes, maltase, shares with a 
similar ferment in the pancreatic juice the function of completing the 
digestion of starch by converting maltose into dextrose. The 
intestinal juice also contains two enzymes which convert the di- 
saccharides, cane sugar and lactose, into monosaccharides. One of 
these ferments, invertase, converts a molecule of cane sugar into one 
molecule of dextrose and one molecule of fructose. The other, /actase, 
hydrolyses lactose in a similar way into dextrose and galactose. Lactase 
is most abundant in young animals, at the period of life when lactose 
is an important constituent of the dietary. The terminal stages of 
the hydrolysis of protein are effected by a ferment, erepsin, existing in 



the intestinal juice. Erepsin acts upon proteoses and peptones, splitting 
them up into amino-acids. There is some ground for believing that 
the hydrolysis is not quite complete, and that, in the final result, in — 
addition to amino-acids, there are some more complex substances called 
polypeptides, groupings of amino-acids which are less complex than 
peptones, and which do not undergo complete hydrolysis. Erepsin is 
also contained in the epithelial cells covering the villi, and it is possible 
that the final stages of hydrolysis may occur in these cells. 

The chief amino-acids resulting from the digestion of proteins are 
leucine, tyrosine, aspartic acid, glutaminic acid, tryptophane, and the 
hexone bases, lysine, arginine, and histidine. These, and other sub- 
stances belonging to the same group, are linked together to form the 
protein molecule, and the differences found to exist between the various 
proteins are associated with differences in the proportions of their 
constituent amino-acids. 

The intestinal juice is produced by the crypts of Lieberkiihn, 

tubular glands lined by columnar epithelium, occurring in the mucous 

membrane of the small intestine, and opening between the bases of the 
villi. There is no evidence that the secretion is influenced by a nervous 
factor. If three adjacent loops of intestine are separated from each 
other by ligatures, and the nerves to the middle loop are divided, the 
latter is found full of fluid after four to sixteen hours, while the 
adjacent loops are empty. T'wo days later, however, all three loops are 
empty. It appears probable, therefore, that the production of fluid 
following the section of the nerves is due to dilatation of blood-vessels 
resulting from the division of vaso-constrictor nerves, and that absorp- 
tion occurs and the production of fluid ceases as the vessels regain their 
tone. No conclusions can therefore be drawn as to an inhibitory or 
other influence of the nervous system on the secretion from such an 
experiment. The normal stimulus for the secretion of the intestinal 
juice is undoubtedly secretin, and possibly also other hormones. This 
possibility is supported by the fact that intestinal juice is produced 
in the dog about ten minutes after the ingestion of a meal of meat, 
and that the flow is increased in the third hour after the food has been 
taken. The secretion of intestinal juice can be brought about. by 
mechanical stimulation, probably by means of a local nervous mechanism. 

Experiments have been made on dogs in which the intestinal con- 
tents were withdrawn, by means of appropriate fistule, at different 
stages of their passage along the bowel. It was found that after a 


test meal 77 per cent. of the protein was converted into proteose and 
peptone, and one-half to three-fifths of the starch into dextrin and 
sugar, as a result of gastric and duodenal digestion, and that, when the 
intestinal contents reached the lower end of the ileum, the digestion of 
all the food-stuffs was complete. | 


The intestinal contents are slowly propelled along the gut towards 
the colon, and at the same time they are subjected to a continuous 
mixing process. The onward movement is effected by waves of con- 
traction which sweep along the muscular coat of the bowel, and con- 
stitute what is known as peristalsis, The mixing of the material in 
the intestine is brought about by ring-like or segmental contractions, 
which are not progressive in character. These movements may be 
observed in the living animal or person by the aid of Réntgen rays 
after the administration of a bismuth meal. They can also be observed 
directly, if the abdomen is opened in an animal immediately after it 
has been killed. The movements may be recorded in the living 
animal by means of a balloon inserted into the lumen of the bowel 
and connected with a writing tambour; contraction of the intestinal 
wall compresses the balloon, and air is forced into. the tambour, 
thereby raising the lever. Other experimental methods may also 
be used. 

The Peristaltic Movements.—Any mechanical stimulus, such as 
pinching the intestine, will set up a peristaltic wave. The normal 
stimulus is a bolus in the lumen of the gut, and it is for this reason 
that the indigestible material of vegetable food is of value in promot- 
ing peristalsis. There are two features characteristic of the peristaltic 
wave. First, it is preceded by a wave of relaxation which begins below 
the point of stimulation, the contraction wave itself beginning above 
that: point. Second, it always travels in the aboral direction. If 
a segment of the intestine be excised and again stitched in position in 
a reversed direction, the peristaltic waves in the reversed segment will be 
opposed to those of the rest of the intestine, and partial obstruction to 
the passage of the intestinal contents will result. Peristalsis still 
occurs when all connections with the central nervous system have 
been divided, but it is abolished by painting the gut with nicotine 
or cocaine. We may conclude, therefore, that it is effected by a local 
reflex mechanism connected with Auerbach’s plexus (the myenteric 
plexus) in the muscular coat, the stimulus arising from the presence of 
a bolus in the intestine, and depending upon either the stretching of 
the intestinal wall or the irritation of nerve endings in the mucous 

* a> 
SE —— 


membrane, This is the only known local reflex, with the possible 
exception of the opening and closing of the pyloric sphincter. 

The Segmental Contractions.—The segmental contractions differ 
from the peristaltic waves in occurring regularly and rhythmically. 
When they are recorded by means of a balloon in the intestinal lumen, 
they are found to be most marked at the middle of the balloon where 
the tension is greatest. The result of such contractions is to sub- 
divide any bolus over which the contraction takes place, and thus 
to bring about a thorough admixture of the intestinal contents. Both 
layers of the muscular coat take part in these contractions, as well as 

Fie, 124.—Tracing showing relaxation of intestinal wall on stimulation of splanchnic 
nerve (balloon method). (Bayliss and Starling. ) 

in the peristaltic waves, and as a result the bowel exhibits pendular or 
swaying movements. The segmental contractions have no influence in 
promoting the onward movement of the intestinal contents. 

It has not been definitely determined whether the segmental move- 
ments are myogenic or neurogenic in origin, though the latter seems 
the more probable. They are not abolished by painting the intestine 
with nicotine or cocaine, and this would point to their being of 
myogenic origin; on the other hand, they occur in isolated strips of 
muscular coat to which the myenteric plexus is attached, and do not 
occur if the plexus is absent, so that the presence of the plexus 
would seem to be necessary for them to take place 

The Nerves of the Small Intestine.—The small intestine is supplied 
by the vagus and the splanchnic nerves, and although, as has been 


pointed out, the intestinal movements are independent of the central 
nervous system, it can be shown that these nerves exert a controlling 
influence. Stimulation of the vagus is followed by contraction of the 
muscle of the intestinal wall after a preliminary relaxation, but has no 
effect on the ileo-colic sphincter. Stimulation of the splanchnic nerve 
results in a general relaxation (fig. 124), but in contraction of the ileo- 
colic sphincter. The vagus and sympathetic fibres to the small 
intestine ‘are distributed in the first instance to the myenteric nerve 
plexus lying between the layers of the muscular coat. The influence 
of the central nervous system on the intestinal movements is shown in 
their inhibition as a result of pain, and also in their exaggeration in 
consequence of emotional conditions. The movements of the intestinal 
wall are increased by pilocarpine, which stimulates the nerve endings 
of the vagus. The nerve endings are paralysed by atropine, the effect 
of which is antagonistic to that of pilocarpine. 

The Passage of the Intestinal Contents from the Ileum into the 
Cecum.— Observations with the aid of Rontgen rays show that the 
material in the small bowel tends to accumulate behind the ileo-colic 

sphincter, and that it passes into the cecum in considerable quantity : 

when the sphincter relaxes. The immediate cause of the relaxation of 
the sphincter appears to be a nervous reflex (gastro-ileac), which follows 
the entrance of a fresh meal into the stomach. The delay in the ileum 
will obviously favour the absorption of the last traces of nutritive 
substances. _ 


The absorption of the food-stuffs is almost entirely limited to the 
small intestine. It has been proved that no water is absorbed in the 
stomach, and although some experiments have seemed to indicate that 
there may possibly be some absorption of peptone, sugar, and more 
especially alcohol in that organ, the quantities concerned are, at the 
most, so small as to be negligible. It will be shown later that a large 
amount of water is absorbed in the large intestine, and that there is a 
possibility of the absorption of small amounts of dextrose there also, 
but, under normal circumstances, the material which reaches the large 
bowel is free from sugar, as well as all other nutritive digestive 
products. : 

The progress of absorption can be investigated by the method 
already referred to of collecting the intestinal contents by means of 
fistulee after the ingestion of a weighed meal. For example, after a 

s aes 
> . 
ntact sina iaiie 


meal of 200 grams of bread given to a dog, the following results were 
obtained :— 

Fistula. Obtained. mts 
Pyloric . . | 691 grams. 0 
Duodenal. a ss 17°45 
Jejunal ts GOO 2%, Hf. RTT 
Tleum . : Sry AED tor535 67°65 
Ceecum , ‘ BO 22.2 55 94°34 

The material obtained from the various fistule was of course mixed 
with the digestive juices. It is evident that the food material is 
practically completely absorbed by the time the lower end of the ileum 
is reached. The absorption takes place through the villi of the small 
intestine, partly directly into the blood stream, and partly by way of 
the lymphatic system, the food material in the latter case reaching the 
blood-vessels along the thoracic duct. 

A villus is a finger-like projection of the mucous membrane, covered 
by columnar epithelium, each cell having a refractive, striated border 
on its free end, and resting by its deep extremity on a basement 
membrane. In the centre of the villus is a lymphatic vessel, the 
central lacteal, commencing by a blind extremity and communicating 
with the plexus of lymphatic vessels in the submucosa. Between the 
lacteal and the basement membrane are retiform tissue with scattered 
leucocytes, and strands of smooth muscle which extend from the 
muscularis mucosze and are attached to both basement membrane and 
lacteal. A small artery is supplied to each villus and breaks up into 
a plexus of capillaries, lying immediately under the basement membrane 
and reuniting to form a small vein. 


The absorption of the food products is effected by what, in the 
absence of a more precise definition, is called the vital activity of the 
epithelial cells of the intestinal mucous membrane. Experiments show 
that the process cannot be accounted for by filtration, diffusion, and 
osmosis. Filtration cannot take place, because the pressure in the blood 
capillaries of the mucous membrane is higher than the pressure in the 
lumen of the intestine. Again, a solution which is isotonic with the 
blood serum undergoes absorption, and an animal will~even absorb its 


own blood serum, so that diffusion and osmosis do not provide a com- 
plete explanation. 3 

Although these physical processes do not account for absorption, 
they may nevertheless occur in the intestine. Thus, if the bowel con- 

tain a hypertonic solution of salt, water passes from the mucous. 

membrane into the solution until the latter becomes isotonic with the 
blood, after which it is steadily absorbed. Osmosis may therefore 
retard, or on the other hand it may assist, absorption, but the passage 
of material from the lumen of the intestine into the villi must be 
regarded as due to the activity of the epithelial cells. If, however, the 
epithelial cells are injured by means of sodium fluoride, absorption is 
entirely regulated by the processes of diffusion and osmosis, and is 
therefore incomplete. Histological evidence as regards the absorption 
of fats shows that these substances pass through the epithelial cells, and 
experiments with dyes soluble in lipoids show that these also enter the 
cells themselves. The absorption of the products of protein digestion 
is also said to be accompanied by structural changes in the cells, and 
probably both amino-acids and dextrose pass through the cell substance. 
On the other hand, dyes insoluble in lipoids have been shown to pass 
between the cells, and the possibility of the intercellular cement forming 
a route for absorption cannot be considered to be absolutely exciuded. 

- Generally speaking, therefore, absorption is an active or vital 
process, even in the case of water and salts, but it may be assisted or 
retarded by the physical processes of diffusion and osmosis. 

The Absorption of the Products of the Digestion of Proteins.— The 
final stages of the digestive hydrolysis of the food proteins may take 
place in the mucous membrane of the intestine after absorption has 
begun. It has been shown that during the absorption of a protein 
meal the presence of peptone can be demonstrated in the wall of the 
bowel. If, however, the mucous membrane be kept at the body 
temperature for half an hour before it is analysed, no peptone will be 
found in it. Proteose and peptone may be taken up by the epithelial 
cells, and may be further hydrolysed by erepsin in the cells themselves 
with the formation of amino-acids. Even coagulable proteins may be 
taken up by the epithelial cells. It has already been pointed out that 
an animal can absorb its own serum, and this will take place when the 
intestine has been washed free of enzymes. Similarly egg-albumin 
may be absorbed, the amount introduced into the bowel being reduced 
by one-fifth in three hours. It is probable that, in these circum- 
stances, complete digestive hydrolysis takes place in the mucous 
membrane, and that all food proteins are reduced to the amino-acid 
condition before being utilised in the body. 

Ee ee — 


The protein derivatives are absorbed into the blood-vessels. After 
a protein meal the lymph which can be collected from the thoracic 
duct is not increased in amount, nor does it contain an increased | 
quantity of protein. On the other hand, the absorption of a protein. 
digest is not interfered with by ligature of the thoracic duct. It 
is, however, a matter of considerable difficulty to demonstrate the 
presence of amino-acids in the blood of the portal vein. Experiments 
which have been carried out show that a process of deamination takes 
place in the intestinal wall, whereby part of the amino-acids is oxidised, 
yielding ammonia and an oxy- or ketofatty acid, which pass into the 
portal circulation together with unchanged amino-acids. 

The Absorption of the Monosaccharides.—The products of carbo- 
hydrate digestion all belong to the group of monosaccharides and are 
easily diffusible substances. The chief of these is dextrose, but some 
fructose is formed by the hydrolysis of cane sugar, and some galactose 
by that of the sugar of milk. All three varieties are absorbed directly 
into the blood stream. During absorption of a carbohydrate meal 
more sugar is found in the portal vein than in the hepetic vein. More- 
over, the absorption of sugar is not accompanied by an increase of 
that substance in the lymph of the thoracic duct, and it is not inter- 
fered with by the ligature of that structure. Disaccharides are not 
absorbed from the intestine. 

The Absorption of Fat.—The products of digestion of fat are 
fatty acid, held in solution by the bile salts, glycerol, and a little soap. 
The absorption of fat differs from that of amino-acids and dextrose 
in that it takes place for the most part into the lymphatic system. 
During the absorption of a fatty meal the lymphatics of the mesentery 
become filled with a milky fluid called chyle, so that they are easily 
visible to the naked eye. Chyle collected from the thoracic duct may 
contain over 6 per cent. of fat. Ligature of the thoracic duct 
diminishes, but does not entirely abolish fat absorption. The absorbed 
fat reaches the blood stream by the thoracic duct, and if an animal be 
bled during fat absorption, the plasma will be found to be milky from 
the quantity of minute fat globules present init. A few hours later 
the plasma is again clear, because the small quantity of fat present 
in it is held adsorbed by the serum proteins, the remainder having 
either been oxidised or transferred to the fat depdts of the body. 

About 98 per cent. of the fat taken as food is absorbed, but only 60 
per cent. can be recovered in the chyle. The fate of the remaining 
40 per cent. is unknown. It can neither be recovered from the blood 
nor from the thoracic duct, nor does it appear in the feces. 

The bile salts have an important influence on fat absorption, partly 


because of their property of holding fatty acids in solution, and partly 
because they reduce surface tension and so facilitate the passage of the 
fatty material into the epithelial cells. In the absence of bile 60 per 
cent. of the fat of a meal remains unabsorbed. The absence of pan- 
creatic juice also prevents the absorption of much of the fat, because 
fat is not absorbed unless it is acted on by lipase, and the lipase of 
gastric juice takes a comparatively small share in fat digestion. 

The soaps formed in the intestine are split up by the intestinal 
epithelial cells into fatty acids and alkali. The fatty acids are absorbed 
and recombined with glycerol in the cells to form neutral fats. 

Fat absorption may be studied histologically. During its occurrence 
the epithelial cells covering the villi become filled with droplets of fat, 
which may be stained black with 
osmic acid (fig. 125), red with Schar- 
lach R or Sudan ITI, or blue by means 
of Nile blue. The droplets consist 
of neutral fat, so that a re-synthesis 
takes place in the epithelial cell, 
the bile salts which held the fatty 
acid in solution probably passing 
Sess directly into the blood stream. 

- Frc. 125.—Mucous membrane of frog’s The fat may be traced through the 
Ara Wataean i sly aa? cell into the core of the villus, where 
Histology. ) the droplets are finely emulsified 

ep, epithelium; sfr, striated border; c, by the lymph in the tissue spaces, 
leucocytes; 2, lacteal. Z 3 

. and are carried into the central 

lacteal. The wandering leucocytes in the villus take up fat droplets, 
and this may account to some extent for the 40 per cent. of absorbed 
fat which cannot be recovered from the thoracic duct. 

Alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscular fibres in the 
-yillus tends to propel the contents of the central lacteal towards the 
larger lymph vessels in the intestinal submucosa. 

It has been demonstrated that hydrocarbons such as parafiin land 
petroleum are not absorbed in the intestine. 


Four or five hours after each meal the contents of the small 
intestine begin to pass through the ileo-colic junction into the large 
intestine. An important factor in promoting the transference of 


material from ileum to colon is the gastro-ileac reflex. The entrance 
of the succeeding meal into the stomach excites the production of | 
peristaltic waves in the lower part of the ileum, each wave, as it 
reaches the ileo-colic junction, being followed by relaxation of the 
sphincter. In this way the contents of the ileum are propelled into 
the colon in successive portions, and if they contain bismuth the level 
which they attain in the ascending portion of the large intestine can 
be observed by means of X-rays to rise towards the hepatic flexure in 
an intermittent manner. 

The material which thus passes into the large bowel is in the form 
of a jelly, coloured by the presence of bile pigment. It normally 
contains hardly any nutritive substances, the derivatives of the diges- 
tion of protein, fat, and carbohydrates having been almost completely 
absorbed in the small intestine. Indigestible substances contained in 
the food are present, especially cellulose, together with cast-off epithelial 
cells and the unabsorbed portions of the various digestive juices. The 
chief secretory waste products are the pigment of the bile, unabsorbed 
glycocholate and taurocholate of sodium, and cholesterel. 


In carnivorous animals the large intestine is short, and its function 
is limited to the absorption of water and the consequent reduction in 
bulk of the feeces. In herbivora, on the other hand, the large intestine 
is of considerable length, and not only absorbs water but serves an 
additional purpose. A large proportion of vegetable food-stufts consists 
of cellulose, which is not affected by the digestive enzymes. Cellulose 
is decomposed in the large intestine of the herbivora by bacterial 
action, being converted into fatty acids, which are absorbed and utilised 
in the body. Further, in all the higher animals, the cells lining the 
simple tubular glands of the large intestine are for the most part of 
the mucus-secreting type, and are of service in producing mucin, which 
acts as a lubricant and facilitates the passage of the feces along the 
bowel. ; 

In man the functions of the large intestine include secretion, 
excretion, and absorption, and in addition some bacterial decomposition 
takes place in its contents. (1) The secreted material, as in the higher 
animals generally, is mucin, derived from the tubular glands of the 
mucous membrane. (2) The substances excreted by the large 
intestine are calcium, magnesium, and iron, chiefly in the form of 
phosphates. The amount of calcium excreted by the bowel varies 
with the amount contained in the urine. Acid urine, such as occurs 


normally in carnivora, and in man when the diet contains a due 
‘proportion of protein, holds calcium phosphate in solution, and in 
such a case the proportion of calcium excreted by the large intestine 
is relatively small. When the urine is alkaline, on the other hand, as 
in herbivora, and in man when the diet is largely vegetable, the amount 
of calcium excreted by the bowel is greater. Other chemical substances 
taken as drugs, for example srauetl: may also be excreted by the 
large intestine. 

(3) The only substance absorbed in any quantity in the large bowel 
is water. The contents of the ascending colon contain no nutritive 
substances, but their bulk is fairly large owing to the amount of 
fluid which they contain. During their stay in the large intestine 
the bulk is greatly reduced, chiefly by the absorption of water. It 
is said that 400 ¢.c. are absorbed from the contents of the colon in 
twenty-four hours. The possibility of the absorption of nutritive 
substances in the large intestine is of importance, because attempts 
are frequently made to introduce food-stuffs into the body by means 
of rectal injections. Experiments prove, however, that nutritive 
material is not absorbed by the large intestine, with the exception 
of small amounts of dextrose, which are too minute to be of real 
practical value. 

(4) The dacteria in the human large intestine act upon cellulose 
with the production of lower fatty acids, marsh gas (CH,), carbonic 
acid, and hydrogen. Undigested protein residues also undergo bacterial 
decomposition with the production of the aromatic bodies, indol (C,H;N), 
skatol (methyl-indol), and phenol. It is possible that the fatty acids 
derived from cellulose may be absorbed, as they are in the herbivora, 
and there is evidence that absorption of indol, skatol, and phenol takes 
place, inasmuch as compounds of these substances with sulphuric acid, 
the ethereal sulphates, are found in the urine. 


The residues which finally reach the rectum constitute the feces, 
and form a solid or semi-solid mass, coloured by the pigment sterco- 
bilin, which is derived from bilirubin. The composition of the feeces 
has already been indicated. They contain about 65 per cent. of water, 
with organic material and inorganic salts. The organic substances 
are partly nitrogenous, and partly of a fatty nature and soluble in 
ether. The nitrogenous constituents include cholic acid, dyslysin, 
indol and skatol, purin bodies, epithelial cells, and dead bacteria. The 
lipoids are fatty acids, lecithin, and coprosterin, a body allied to 


cholesterol. There may be a small quantity of neutral fat. When 
vegetable food has been taken, the feecal matter will include un- 
decomposed cellulose, but, for the most part, the feces consist of — 
substances derived from the digestive tract itself. 


The movements of the large intestine have been most satisfactorily 
studied with the aid of X-rays (fig. 126).! The caecum and ascending 
colon are filled, in the manner which has already been described, by 
the peristaltic contractions of the ileum, and are entirely passive 
during the process. Later, segmental contractions occur in this part 
of the bowel, similar in nature to those which take place in the small 
intestine. These movements tend to mix the contents and promote 
the absorption of water. The transference of the feces from the 
cecum and ascending colon to the transverse and descending colon 
takes place at long intervals, usually three or four times in twenty- 
four hours, by means of peristaltic contractions. These movements 
generally follow the entry of food into the stomach, and are ascribed 
to.a gastro-colic reflex. Scattered masses may remain in the trans- 
verse colon for a time, and these are suddenly transferred to the 
descending colon by a peristaltic wave. 

The feces remain:for a time in the sigmoid flexure, until, usually 
after a meal, a certain amount passes into the rectum and gives rise 
to the desire for defecation. By relaxation of the sphincter ani, 
accompanied by contraction of the walls of the sigmoid flexure and 
rectum assisted by contraction of the voluntary muscles of the abdominal 
wall and pelvic floor, the lower end of the bowel is evacuated. The 
act is a reflex one, but in the adult it is under the control of the 
higher centres. 7 

The Nerve Supply of the Large Intestine.—The large intestine 
receives its nerve supply from the sympathetic system and from the 
pelvic visceral nerves or nervi erigentes. The sympathetic fibres form 
the inferior mesenteric nerves, running from the inferior mesenteric 
ganglion to the ascending, middle, and transverse colon, and the hypo- 
gastric nerves pass from the same ganglion to the rectum. The pre- 
ganglionic fibres emerge from the spinal cord by the second, third, and 
fourth anterior lumbar nerve roots. . 

The nervi erigentes emerge from the cord by the second and third 
sacral nerve roots, and are distributed to the whole length of the large 

' We are indebted for this diagram to the kindness of the Oxford University 



intestine. Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves causes inhibition of 
the tone of the intestinal wall and cessation of the rhythmic movements. 
Stimulation of the nervi erigentes causes contraction of the whole length 




Fic, 126.—Passage of food along the large intestine after a 
bismuth meal, as seen by means of X-rays. The numbers 
refer to the hours after the meal was taken. (Hertz. ) 

of the colon. The sympathetic is therefore inhibitory and the pelvic 
visceral nerves are motor in function. 

As in the small intestine, there are ganglionated plexuses in the 
intestinal wall, of which the myenteric, lying between the layers of the 
muscular coat, is associated with the local reflex mechanism controlling 
the movements of the bowel. 


ee ee 



‘In man the cecum is very short and has attached to it a wormlike © 
process, the vermiform appendix. This has a thin muscular coat 
and a thicker mucous coat, the latter composed almost entirely of 
lymphoid tissue containing scattered tubular glands. The human 
appendix is regarded as a vestigial remnant of no functional import- 
ance. It is homologous with the long and capacious cecum of herbi- 
vora, which serves the useful purpose of retaining food material while 
the cellulose undergoes bacterial decomposition. , 




THE food-stuffs, after being digested and absorbed into the blood or 
lymph, are carried to the tissues, in which they pass through a series 
of complex chemical transformations, the end products of which leave 
the tissues and are removed from the body by the lungs and kidneys. 
This series of chemical changes constitutes metabolism, and the 
metabolic activities of the tissues are of two kinds. On the one hand, 
the living tissues are constantly undergoing changes whereby a portion 
of their substance is broken down and removed from the body; on 
the other hand, this loss is replaced by the building up of fresh tissue 
from the. nutritive materials supplied in the blood. The former of 
these processes is called katabolism, and the latter anabolism. 

These changes involve the consumption of a large amount of 
oxygen, and the evolution of energy in the form of heat and muscular 
work. The food-stuffs are protein, fat, and carbohydrate, 90 to 94 per 
cent. of those consumed on an ordinary diet being absorbed into the 
blood stream, and the remainder being lost in the feces. The fats 
and. carbohydrates are completely converted into carbonic acid and 
water, and the proteins partly into carbonic acid and water, the 
nitrogen being excreted as urea and other incompletely oxidised sub- 
stances in the urine. The carbonic acid is removed from the body 
almost entirely through the lungs, and the water by the lungs, 
kidneys, and skin. The changes undergone by the food-stuffs in, the 
body may, therefore, be studied in three ways, namely (1) by measur- 
ing the total amount of heat evolved in their oxidation, (2) by deter- 
mining the quantity of oxygen required for the carrying out of these 
oxidations, and (3) by measuring the amount of the end products which 
are formed. We may also attempt to follow out the series of changes 
taking place in the individual food-stuffs in the tissues themselves, 




The heat evolved by the complete oxidation of a food-stuff can be 
ascertained by means of the bomb calorimeter (fig. 127), which consists 
of a metal bomb, A, through the top of which pass two wires, 2 and h’, 
connected by a strip of soft iron wire; one gram of the substance, 
e.g. dextrose, which is to undergo combustion, is placed in contact with 
the iron wire. The bomb is filled with oxygen from an oxygen cylinder, 
under a pressure of 7 to 8 atmospheres, and is enclosed in a bath, C, 
containing a known volume of 
water, which is surrounded by 
an air and a water jacket, D. 
When a current is passed 
through the wires the soft iron 
fuses and ignites the sugar, 
which is rapidly oxidised to 
carbonic acid and water. The 
heatevolved in this processraises 
the temperature of the water in 
which the bomb is placed ; and 
if the temperature of the water 
before and after the combustion 
is observed, the amount of heat 
evolved can be calculated, and 
is expressed in calories. A large 
calorie is the amount of heat re- 
quired to raise 1000 grams of 
water 1" C. (A small calorie is Fic. 127.—Bomb calorimeter. 
the amount of heat necessary to T=thermometer; E=air jacket; B=strip of 
raise the temperature of 1 gram AB gag ta 
of water 1° C.; this measurement is now seldom used.) If the volume 
of water in such an experiment is 1 litre and the rise of temperature 
is 4°°1 C., 1 gram of sugar when fully oxidised gives out 4:1 calories ; 
and this amount, which is spoken of as the calorie value of dextrose, 
is constant. The average calorie value of fat, carbohydrate, and protein 
is shown in the following table :— : 

ie a MATTE] 




pi tiae 










| Wey hiqyy 

| mihi 







‘ tytn 




il fr 



Fat, 1 gram = 9°3 calories. 
Carbohydrate, 1 gram = 4:1 calories. 
Protein, 1 gram = 4°1 calories. 

The calorie value of protein when completely oxidised in the calori- 
meter is 56 ; but protein is not fully oxidised in the bedy, its nitrogen 


being excreted in the urine largely as urea, and to a less extent as 
other substances, each of which has a calorie value of its own. In 
determining the physiological calorie value of protein, the heat value of 
urea and other nitrogenous products must be deducted from the figure 
5°6. When this is done, the heat value of protein is reduced to 4:1, 
which represents its calorie value in the body. The energy set free in 
the body by the oxidation of the food-stuffs appears partly as heat and 
partly as muscular work. The energy set free as muscular work may 
_ be calculated as heat according to the following equation :— 

425 gram-metres of work = 1 calorie. 



lanes Sl a | bade 
(r Jsoda-Lime| | H,30,, | 

Air minus CO, and Water; deficient in Oxygen. 

Oxygen ad 

Fic. 128.—Diagram to show the principle of the Atwater-Benedict calorimeter. 
(After Halliburton.) Starling’s Principles of Physiology. 

The heat formed in the body is determined by placing the animal in 
a suitable calorimeter. Large calorimeters such as that of Atwater and 
Benedict have been constructed, in which a man can live for two 
or three days, or longer, and can carry out muscular work. The 
Atwater-Benedict calorimeter consists of a room, with double, non- 
conducting walls, containing a series of pipes through which water is 
flowing at such a rate that the temperature of the room remains 
constant (fig. 128). The whole of the heat given off by the man 
warms the water passing through the pipes, and is thus carried off. 
By measuring the amount of water flowing along the pipes and the rise 
in its temperature as it passes through the calorimeter, the heat 
evolved by the individual can be estimated. By means of these 
methods it is possible to determine, on the one hand, the energy supplied 
to the body in the food, and, on the other hand, the energy lost from 
the body as heat and muscular work. It is found that these two 

6) cE te ee 


balance one another within the limits of experimental error, and that 
the energy lost from the body has its origin entirely in the potential _ 
energy taken into the body in the food. Thus the principle of the 
conservation of energy is as true for living beings as it is in the rest of 

the organic and the inorganic world. 

Calorie Value of : 
‘i Day of Material Oxidised |: Calories Lost from 
xperiment. in the Body. the Body. 
1 2349 2414 
2 2345 2386 
3 2391 2413 


The respiratory exchange is the total quantity of oxygen taken into 
the body and of carbonic acid discharged from the body in a given time. 
The respiratory quotient, as already mentioned (p. 250), is the 
ratio of the amount of carbonic acid discharged from the body to the 
amount of oxygen taken in in a given time. | 
In man the amount of oxygen used and of carbonic acid evolved in 
the metabolic changes taking place in the body under varying conditions, 
such as rest or muscular exercise, can be determined by means of the 
calorimeter just described. The air leaving the calorimeter passes 
through vessels containing soda lime, which absorbs carbonic acid, the 
increase in weight of these vessels giving the weight of carbonic acid 
exhaled in a given time. The oxygen used by the individual is replaced 
from a cylinder, the amount supplied being measured. A continuous 
circulation of air through the chamber is provided by a small pump. 
The respiratory quotient and ‘exchange may also be determined 
approximately by finding with the aid of a spirometer the average 
volume of air breathed in a minute, and by analysing a sample of 

expired air. Thus, if a man.breathes 500 c.c. of air at each breath and 

his respirations are 16 per minute, he breathes 8 litres per minute. 
Assuming that the expired air contains 16 per cent. oxygen and 4 per 
cent. carbonic acid, he must have absorbed 5 c.c. oxygen from each 
100 c.c. of air breathed, namely 400. c.c.; similarly, he must have 
breathed out 320 ¢.c. carbonic acid, and the respiratory quotient is 

For small animals the apparatus devised by Haldane and Pembrey, 


and shown in fig. 129, may be employed. The animal, ¢.g. a mouse or 
guinea-pig, is placed in a vessel through which is drawn a current of 
air, freed from carbonic acid and water by passing it through soda lime 
and sulphuric acid. The water in the air leaving the chamber is ab- 
sorbed by pumice saturated with sulphuric acid, in the tubes BB; these 
are weighed before and after the experiment, the increase in weight re- 
presenting the water given off by the animal. The carbonic acid 
evolved is absorbed in the tube, which contains soda lime, and the water 
taken up from the soda:lime is absorbed by sulphuric acid ; these two 
tubes are weighed before and after the experiment. The amount of 
oxygen taken up by the animal is determined indirectly by subtracting 

A B C 3 Seeger ae» M 
Fie, 129.—Haldane-Pembrey respiration apparatus for mouse, 
(From Practical Physiology, by Pembrey and others. ) 

' A, soda lime; B, H.SO,; C, chamber for animal; M, gas meter. 

the loss in weight of the animal during the experiment from the total 

weight of carbonic acid and water given off. 

The respiratory exchange serves as an index of the total oxidative 
processes taking place in the body, just as the amount of oxygen used, 
and carbonic acid evolved, by a single organ indicate the functional 

activities of that organ. It is not influenced by the nature of the 

food which is consumed, but is very greatly modified by the functional 
activity of the animal. During exercise the chemical changes taking 
place in muscle are increased, heat is evolved, and more oxygen is used 
in the body; since the muscles form about 40 per cent. of the total 
weight of the body, the respiratory exchange during exercise may be 
eight to ten times greater than during rest. 


Carbonic acid 

Oxygen Absorbed in Discharged in c.c. 

c.c. per Minute. 

per Minute. 
Resting. 242 218 
: Moderate work . 1490 1224 

Severe work ; 1850 1789 



Further, the respiratory exchange varies with the size of the animal. 
The smaller the animal the greater is its surface relatively to its 
weight, and since the body loses heat chiefly from its surface, the relative | 
loss of heat must be greater in a small than in a large animal. In order 
to make up for this loss the smaller animal must produce a relatively 
larger amount of heat, and must use up in this process relatively more 
oxygen, than a bigger animal. . It is found, in fact, that metabolism 
is more active and the respiratory exchange is greater, weight for 
weight, in small animals than in large ones. 

Apart from the question of size, the consumption of oxygen is 
also relatively greater in growing than in adult animals, since oxygen 
is being used not only in the chemical changes necessary to maintain 
the weight of the animal, but also in the metabolic processes associated 
with growth. 

The Respiratory Quotient.—The size of the respiratory quotient 
is determined almost entirely by the character of the food consumed by 
an animal, If an animal were living solely upon carbohydrate food, all 
the oxygen taken into the body would reappear as carbonic acid, and 
the quotient would be 1, in accordance with the following equation :— 

6CO, _ 

C.H,,0, + 60, oe 6CO, + 6H,0. 60 cat 


If the diet consisted entirely of fat, the oxygen taken into the body 
would not all reappear as carbonic acid; some of it would be used in 
converting hydrogen into water, and the quotient would be less than 
1, the oxidation being represented thus :— 

CyH,(CigHs40.)s + 800, = 5700, + 52H,0. 


eat) Ft., 

On a purely protein diet part of the oxygen would be combined 
with nitrogen and sulphur, as well as with hydrogen, and the respiratory 
quotient would be approximately 0°8. In man living on a mixed diet 
the quotient is usually about 0°85, and can be lowered by the exclusion 
of carbohydrate, or raised when the diet consists mainly or exclusively 
of carbohydrate food. The respiratory quotient is thus of great value, 
in that it gives an indication of the nature of the food which is being 
oxidised in the body under various conditions. During muscular 
exercise, for example, the quotient rises very slightly, and it is evident 
that the active muscle uses a rather larger proportion of carbohydrate 
than resting muscle. In a large number of experiments made on the 
same individual, the average respiratory quotient was 0°85 during rest, 
and 0°88 during muscular exercise. ‘ 



The whole of the carbon in fat and carbohydrate, and a large pro- 
portion of that in protein, is removed from the body in a completely 
oxidised form as carbonic acid, while the nitrogen of protein leaves the 
body in the form of urea, uric acid, and other substances, which are 
excretedin the urine. Since protein contains about 16 per cent. nitrogen, 
it is possible, by determining the total amount of nitrogen in the urine, 
to calculate the amount of protein from which it has been derived ; 
each gram of nitrogen in the urine represents the breaking down 
in the body of 6:3 grams of protein. By measuring the output of 
nitrogen in the urine and the amount of carbonic acid discharged from 
the lungs daily, the total amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate 
which has been oxidised in the body can be calculated, if the respiratory 
quotient is known. In health the amount of carbon and nitrogen thus 
removed from the body is equivalent to the amount taken in with the 
food, provided that the weight of the individual’ remains steady. If 
the individual is putting. on weight, some of the carbon taken in the 
food is retained in the body as fat or carbohydrate ; when weight is 
being lost, more carbon, and possibly more nitrogen, will be discharged 
than are taken in with the food. 

We may now consider the changes taking place in the various food- 
stuffs after their absorption from the digestive tract. 


The fats taken -by the mouth, after being hydrolysed in the 
digestive tract and re-synthesised in the walls of the villi, enter the 
thoracic duct as neutral fats and pass into the blood stream. Fora 
short. time after a fatty meal the fats circulate in the blood stream, and 
may give the blood a slightly milky appearance, but they are rapidly taken 
up and stored in the subcutaneous tissues and omentum, which serve 
as depdts in which the fat not immediately required by the body can 
be kept. The composition of: the subcutaneous fat thus reflects that 
of the fat in the food; and if abnormal and easily recognisable fats 
are given by the mouth, they can be identified shortly afterwards in — 
the fat in the subcutaneous tissue. For this purpose, erucic acid or 
fats containing iodine may be used. In man the greater part of the 
fat deposited in the body is derived from the fat in food, but it can be 
formed, and in herbivora is mainly formed, from carbohydrates, This 


was demonstrated in the classical experiment of Lawes and Gilbert. 
These observers took two young pigs from the same litter. One was | 
killed, and the amount of fat and protein in its body was determined ; 
the other was fed on a diet containing known quantities of protein, 
fat, and carbohydrate, and after some weeks it was killed, and the 
amount of fat in its body was ascertained. 

After deducting the amount of fat taken in the food from that 
- present in the animal’s body when it was killed, a large residue remained, 
which must have been formed either from the protein or carbohydrate 
of the food. It could not have been formed from protein, since the 
amount of fat in the animal was larger than the amount of protein 
food consumed. The greater part of the fat must, therefore, have 
been formed from carbohydrate ; and there is no doubt that in herbivora, 
whose diet consists mainly of carbohydrate, the bulk of the fat is 
formed in this way. There is no evidence that fat can be formed from 
protein, and animals, e.g. dogs, fed on a purely protein diet do not put 
on any fat. 

The process by which carbohydrate is converted into fat in the body 
is not known, but it is probable that the carbohydrate is first broken 
down into some simple substance such as acetic aldehyde (CH, . CHO), 
or pyruvic acid (CH,.CO.COOH), which are known to be formed from 
carbohydrate, and that by the linking up of molecules of these bodies 
the fatty acids are synthesised. 3 

Their possible formation from aldol is thus shown :— 

(1) CH,. CHO+CH,.CHO=CH,.CHOH. CH, CHO (aldol) 

(2) CH,.CHOH.CH,.CHO + Ho =CH,.CH,.CH,.COOH + H,O 
, Butyric acid. 

The fat formed from carbohydrate contains a large proportion of 

stearin and palmitin, and has a higher melting point than that 

usually deposited in the tissues from the food. For this reason the fat 

of cattle is much firmer than that of omnivorous animals, which may 

be practically fluid at the body temperature. 

The fat in the fat depots cannot be used directly by the muscles or 
other tissues, but has first to undergo certain changes in the liver; 
these consist in the conversion of saturated into unsaturated fats by 
the removal of hydrogen. A saturated fat, e.g. stearin, is one in 
which the affinities of all the carbon atoms are satisfied, whereas an 
unsaturated fat, such as olein, is one in which. the affinities of two or 
more of the carbon atoms are unsatisfied and the carbon atoms are 
united by a double bond. ‘ 


Thus oleic acid has the Jorinnlé: C,H... CH: CH. C,H,,.COOH, and 
has one double bond. 

The fatty acids present in the liver contain two, three, or even four 
double bonds, each of which represents a weak spot in the long chain 
of carbon atoms ; and an unsaturated fatty acid tends to split at these 
points with the formation of smaller molecules. The unstable fatty 
acids formed by the liver are carried to the muscles and other tissues, 
in which they enter the complex protoplasm of the living cells, and are 
finally oxidised to carbonic acid and water. . 

During starvation the fat in the body is used by the tissues as 
their chief source of energy: the liver receives more fat than usual from 
the fat depéts, and is called upon to desaturate fat in larger amount and 

thus render it available for use by the tissues. The fat passes to the 

_ liver from the fat depdts more rapidly than it can be desaturated, and 
an accumulation of saturated fat takes place in the liver ; this accumula- 
tion, which is termed fatty infiltration, readily. occurs in starvation and 
equally readily passes off again when food is given. It takes place, not 
only in starvation, but whenever the tissues need a larger supply of 
fat, for example in diabetes. 

The nature of the process whereby the subcutaneous tissues and 
omentum take up fat after a meal and give it off to the blood again in 
times of need is not known, though it has been supposed to be due to 
the reversible action of an enzyme (lipase) in the fat cells. 

In a man whose weight remains steady the fat taken in the food is 
rapidly used in supplying energy in the body, and little or none of it 
is permanently stored in the fat depéts. When weight is being put on, 
‘a certain proportion of fat in the food is stored up instead of being 
oxidised, and fat may also be formed from carbohydrate. On the 
contrary, loss of weight during starvation, or produced by some 
other means, involves depletion of the store of fat in the body. 
The fat normally stored represents a reserve of potential energy 
which can be increased, or which in time of need can be drawn upon 
for the use of the muscles and other tissues; and owing to its 
high calorie value, the energy which may be thus kept in reserve 
is very considerable. 

The fats on leaving the liver pass to the tissues, in which they 
become combined in such a way that they can no longer be recognised 
histologically, although their presence is made manifest by chemical 
analysis of the tissue. A healthy kidney, for instance, when stained 
with Sudan III may show only a few specks of fat here and there, 
although when analysed it is found that 18 to 20 per cent. of its dried 
substance is fat. Under the influence of certain poisons (e.g. phos- 


phorus), and in some diseases, the combination of fat with the rest 
of the protoplasm is broken, and the fat is set free in such a form that 
it can be stained and recognised under the microscope, This change, 
which is called fatty degeneration, was formerly believed to be the 
result of the formation of fat from protein. Chemical analysis of such 
an organ shows, however, that it contains no more fat than would 
be found in a healthy organ. Hence fatty degeneration implies, not 
the formation of fat from protein, but merely the setting free in a 
visible form of previously combined. fat. 

The fat is normally completely oxidised in the tissues to carbonic 
acid and water; the nature of the changes taking place is not fully 
understood, but in all probability the long chain of carbon atoms 
constituting a fatty acid is broken down -in stages, two carbon 
atoms being split off at each stage. The complete oxidation of fat, 
however, is dependent upon the presence of carbohydrate in the 
tissue cells. 

Acidosis.— When the tissues are deprived of carbohydrate, for ex- 
ample during starvation or on a diet free from carbohydrate, the oxida- 
tion of fat is incomplete, and intermediate metabolic products are formed 
in the tissues and pass into the blood and urine. These products are 
B-oxybutyric acid, aceto-acetic (diacetic) acid, and acetone, their 
chemical relationship being shown as follows :— 

CH, CH, CH, 

| | | 

| —> | in | 
OH, CH, CH, 
| | 


B-oxybutyric acid ee Acetone 

There is evidence that B-oxybutyric acid and aceto-acetic acid are 
normally formed in the body during the metabolism of fat, but are 
fully oxidised; in the absence of carbohydrate they pass into the blood 
stream, and aceto-acetic acid, instead of undergoing oxidation, is con- 
verted into acetone. The origin of these bodies from fat is clearly 
shown by the observation that when the diet consists solely of fat their 
amount in the urine may become very large. $-oxybutyric acid and 
its products are formed to some extent at least in the liver. 

The presence of these substances in the blood and urine is known as 
acidosis, and is an indication, whenever it occurs, that the supply of 
carbohydrate to the tissues is inadequate. In the blood B-oxybutyric 
acid and diacetic acid combine with ammonia which would otherwise 



be converted into urea, and in acidosis the amount of ammonia excreted 
in the urine is increased. By this means the acids are neutralised 
and the reaction of the blood remains unchanged ; and the amount of. 
ammonia in the urine serves as an index of the extent to which these 
acids are being formed in the body. 

Test for Acetone in Urine.—A few c.c..of urine are saturated with ammonium 
sulphate, and a few drops of ammonia are added ; on the addition of a drop or 
two of a freshly prepared solution of sodium nitro- prusside a beautiful purple 
is slowly produced, which varies in depth with the amount of acetone present 
and fades after a short time. No other substance gives this test, which is 
called Rothera’s test. 

Test for Diacetic Acid in Urine-—On adding a solution of ferric chloride, in 
excess of that required to precipitate the phosphates, the appearance of a se 
red colour indicates the presence of diacetie acid. 

There is no simple test for B-oxybutyric acid. 

_ Since carbohydrate is readily converted into fat in the body, it 
might be expected that the converse change would also occur. There 
is no definite evidence, however, that fat is converted into carbohydrate, 
except perhaps in hibernating animals, in which the respiratory quotient 
is extremely low and may be 0°3 or 0-4. 

Such a quotient could occur if fat were being transformed into 
dextrose, since, in this process, oxygen would be taken into the body 
which would not reappear as carbonic acid. 


The carbohydrates are absorbed from the digestive tract and enter 
the blood stream mainly as dextrose, and to a small extent as fructose 
and galactose. The arterial blood, when examined, is found to contain 
0-1 to 0-2 per cent. of dextrose, and this amount is not increased after — 
a carbohydrate meal, even though in such circumstances 100 grams 
or more of sugar may be rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract into 
the portal blood. The sugar in the portal blood, however, does vary in 
amount, being slightly less than that in the general circulation during 
starvation, and distinctly greater after a carbohydrate meal; and it 
is clear that the sugar absorbed during digestion undergoes some 
change as the blood passes through the liver. This change consists in 
the conversion of sugar into glycogen, which is stored in the liver cells. 

Preparation of Glycogen.—An animal is killed a few hours after 
a meal rich in carbohydrate, and the liver is rapidly excised, chopped 
into small pieces, and thrown into boiling water. After two or three 
minutes the pieces of liver are taken out of the water, ground up with 



sand, and returned to the boiling water, which is made slightly acid 
with acetic acid. The mixture is boiled for a minute or two and is 
then filtered ; the coagulated proteins remain behind, and the filtrate, 
which is free from protein, forms an opalescent solution containing 
glycogen. | 

Glycogen, like dextrin, gives a mahogany-brown colour with iodine, and 
does not reduce Fehling’s solution ; when boiled with dilute mineral acids it is 
converted into dextrose. It differs from dextrin, first, in forming an opalescent 
solution, whereas a solution of dextrin is clear, and, secondly, in being pre- 
cipitated more readily by alcohol. Further, glycogen is precipitated by basic 
lead acetate, which does not precipitate dextrin. 

If the liver is left for some hours before being treated in the 
manner just described, the filtrate contains an abundance of dextrose, 
but no glycogen. The amount of glycogen present in the fresh liver 
varies with the previous condition of the animal and, if it has been well 
fed, may form 10 per cent. of the total weight of the liver. When an 
animal has been starved for a few days, and particularly if during this 
period it has been made to take exercise, the liver may be almost free 
from glycogen. Both in the well-fed and in the starved animal the 
percentage of sugar in the arterial blood remains unaltered. These 
observations can be confirmed by histological examination of the liver. 
When the liver of a well-fed animal is hardened in alcohol and examined 
microscopically, the cells are seen to be full of glycogen, which can 
be stained with iodine; and the protoplasm may be reduced to a 
network in the meshes of which the glycogen lies. An examination of 
the liver of a starved animal shows that glycogen is almost or quite 

From these and other observations Claude Bernard, who discovered 
glycogen, concluded, first, that the sugar absorbed from the digestive 
tract entered the portal blood, and that, as it passed through the liver, 
this organ removed the sugar from the blood and stored it as glycogen, 
Secondly, he believed that the percentage of sugar in the systemic blood 
normally remained constant, and that as the sugar was removed from 
the blood by the tissues for their metabolism some glycogen was made 
into sugar by the liver: this passed into the general blood stream, 
thereby keeping the percentage of sugar in arterial blood at the normal 
level. He regarded the rapid conversion of glycogen into sugar after 
death as being due to a ferment, the activity of which was no longer 
controlled, as it had been during the life of the animal. This view has 
been generally accepted, and glycogen may be regarded as a store of 
carbohydrate which is increased at each meal, and which is continuously 
being drawn upon by the tissues. In all probability the conversion of 
glycogen into sugar, and of sugar into glycogen,’ is carried out by a 


reversible ferment. We may perhaps regard glycogen as a sort of 
current account, which fluctuates from day to day, whereas the store of 
fat in the body represents a more permanent reserve, or capital account, 
which can be called upon in times of stress. 

Although the main source of glycogen is carbohydrate food, it can 
also be formed to some extent from protein, since, when an animal is 
starved until its liver is presumably free from glycogen, and is then 
killed shortly after a large meal of protein, some glycogen is found in 
its liver. There is no evidence that glycogen can be formed from fat. 

Glycogen is found most abundantly in the liver, but it occurs 
in muscles, being especially plentiful in foetal muscles, and it is also 
present in the white blood corpuscles. | 


The carbobydrate.taken into the body ultimately undergoes one of 
two changes. Some of it, more particularly in herbivora, is converted 
into fat; the remainder passes from the blood to the tissues, where it 
is oxidised and used as & source of energy. There is direct evidence 
that sugar is made use of by the tissues. Using the heart-lung pre- 
paration (p. 199), Starling found that the normal heart used up sugar 
at the rate of about 4 milligrams per gram of heart per hour, 
Further indirect evidence to the same effect is furnished by the fact 
that the glycogen disappears most rapidly from the liver when the 
functional activity of the tissues is greatest. Thus severe muscular 
exercise or the convulsions induced by strychnine lead to the rapid 
disappearance of glycogen from the liver. Neither the conditions which 
determine the taking up of sugar by the tissues from the blood, nor 
the intermediate stages in its oxidation are fully known, but it is 
probable that lactic. acid is an intermediate product in the conversion 
of sugar into carbonic acid and water. 

Some light is thrown on the conditions which influence the setting 
free of sugar from the liver and its further oxidation in the tissues by 
certain abnormal conditions in which sugar appears in the urine, and 
which are known as glycosuria. 

Glycosuria.—The urine normally contains slightly less than 0:1 per 
cent. of dextrose, and does not reduce an alkaline solution of copper 
sulphate; the term glycosuria is only used when the urine contains 
dextrose in sufficient amount definitely to reduce such a solution. 
This may occur in a variety of circumstances, If dextrose is injected 
into the circulation or under the skin, the percentage in the blood 
rises (hyperglyceemia), and the sugar is at once excreted by the kidneys. 
A similar condition, known as (1) Alimentary Glycosuria, is observed 


when very large amounts of sugar are taken by the mouth. The in- 
gestion of starch, even in large quantities, does not lead to glycosuria, 
since its digestion and absorption are sufficiently slow to enable the > 
liver to convert the sugar into glycogen. 

| (2) Adrenalin Glycoswria.—The injection of a small quantity of 
adrenalin into the circulation is followed by the appearance of dextrose 
- in the urine; at the same time, glycogen disappears from the liver, and 
the percentage of sugar in the blood, is increased. Evidently the 
adrenalin causes the liver to discharge its glycogen into the blood as 
sugar, which is excreted by the kidneys. Glycosuria may also occur 
under any conditions in which adrenalin is set free into the blood 
stream in larger amount from the suprarenal glands. 

(3) Diabetic Punctwre.—Claude Bernard was the first to show that 
puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle in rabbits is followed by 
hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and the disappearance.of glycogen from the 
liver; if the animal has been previously starved to rid its liver of 
glycogen, glycosuria does not follow the puncture. This experiment 
was regarded by Bernard as a further proof of his theory as to the 
function of glycogen in the body. The diabetic puncture fails to pro- 
duce glycosuria after division of the splanchnic nerves or removal of 
the suprarenal glands, and in all probability the puncture stimulates 
the medulla oblongata in such a way that adrenalin is set free into the 
circulation and causes glycosuria. 

(4) Phloridzin Glycoswria.—Phloridzin is a glucoside, which on 
hydrolysis yields glucose and phloretin. A small amount of phloridzin 
or phloretin, when injected into an animal, produces glycosuria and 
the disappearance of glycogen from the liver ; but phloridzin glycosuria 
differs from that just described in that the percentage of sugar in the 
blood is not increased, but tends rather to be diminished. Phloridzin 
acts upon the cells of the renal tubules, causing the kidneys to excrete 
dextrose, even when the percentage of the latter in the blood is not raised. 
That it acts upon the kidneys may be shown by collecting the urine 
separately from the two kidneys, and injecting a small dose of phloridzin 
into one, e.g. the right, renal artery ; the urine flowing from the right 
kidney is then found to contain sugar some time before it appears in 
the urine from the opposite kidney. Phloridzin appears to act directly 
upon the cells of the renal tubules, stimulating them to secrete sugar 
from the blood, and this view is supported by the observation that the 
repeated administration of phloridzin produces definite histological 
changes in the cells of the renal tubules. 

When repeated doses of phloridzin are given to an animal, the 
glycosuria persists after the glycogen has disappeared from the liver, 

: | 

and even when the animal is not receiving carbohydrate food. The 
sugar in this case is not derived from carbohydrate, but is formed from 
protein ; this is shown by the fact that in a starving animal the ratio 
of the amount of dextrose in the urine to that of nitrogen, expressed 

as “ becomes constant, varying in different animals from 2:5. to 3°5, 

Owing to the energy lost to the body as sugar, the tissues are compelled 
to use an excessively large amount of protein as a source of energy, 
and the rapid disintegration of protein increases the output of nitrogen 
in the urine, the animal wastes, and its condition resembles that seen 
in severe diabetes. _ 7 

(5) Experimental Diabetes.—Von Mering and Minkowski were the 
first to discover that the complete removal of the pancreas in dogs and 
other animals is followed in a few hours by glycosuria, which soon 
becomes very severe. The animals waste rapidly, the urine contains 
B-oxybutyric acid and acetone, as well as dextrose, and death occurs in 
one to two weeks. .During life the urine contains an excess of sugar, 
and after death the liver is found to be almost free from glycogen. 
These symptoms are not due to the absence of the pancreatic juice 

from the digestive tract, since ligature of the pancreatic duct does not 

lead to glycosuria. Nor do they occur if a small portion, one-tenth or 
more, of the pancreas is left in the body, although the subsequent 
removal of this fragment is followed by the train of symptoms just 
described. In diabetic animals the respiratory quotient is low, and 
from this it has been inferred that the muscles and other tissues are 
unable to make use of and to oxidise the sugar supplied to them in the 
blood, with the result that hyperglycemia occurs and sugar is excreted 
by the kidneys. 

Further, it is generally assumed that the pancreas furnishes an 
internal secretion, that is to say, some substance which passes directly 
into the blood stream, and which links the sugar to the tissue cells ; 
in the absence of this link the tissues are unable to take up sugar and 
therefore cannot oxidise it. 

This view rests partly on the observation that while neither muscle 
juice alone nor a boiled extract of pancreas alone can destroy sugar 
in vitro, muscle juice to which pancreatic juice is added does destroy 

The formation of this internal secretion is attributed by many 
observers to the islets of Langerhans, which are scattered throughout 
the pancreas (fig. 130). The cells forming these islets differ in appear- 
ance from the secretory cells of the acini of the pancreas, and contain 
numerous fine granules which do not stain with eosin, as do the 

a ey =r 


secretory granules, but can be stained by neutral gentian. Further, 
the islets do not communicate with the secretory ducts, and are clearly 
not concerned with the formation of pancreatic juice. 

That the islets probably take some part in carbohydrate metabolism is 
shown by two observations. In the first place, ligature of the pancreatic 
duct leads, eventually, to atrophy of the secreting tissue, but the islets 

_ _Islet cells 
~ . “egranules. 

zymogen granules. 

Fig, 130.—Islet of Langerhans in pancreas. (From Homans, Proc. Roy. Soc.) 

are unaffected and glycosuria does not occur. Secondly, it might be 
expected that, if the islets produce an internal secretion essential for 
normal carbohydrate metabolism, the removal of the greater part of the 
pancreas would lead to over-activity of the islets still remaining in the 
body, which might be demonstrated by histological or other methods ; 
and this has recently been found to be the case. When the pancreas is 
almost completely removed, only a small fragment being left intact, the 
animal remains well for a time, but eventually developes diabetes of a 



mild character. Subsequent examination of the small pieces of pancreas 
left in the animal reveals the fact that the islet tissue has lost its 
granules, and has undergone other histological changes. Jt has yet to 
be proved, however, that these changes are the cause and not a result 
of the diabetes. | as 

The manner in which the internal secretion of the pancreas influences 
carbohydrate metabolism is still obscure. Recent observations by 
Starling show that the heart of a diabetic dog still possesses the power 
of taking up sugar from the blood and utilising it, though probably to 
a lesser degree than in the normal animal. Moreover, the respiratory 
quotient in dogs, after extirpation of the pancreas, can be raised by 
a liberal carbohydrate diet, an observation which suggests that their 
tissues still possess some power of using carbohydrate. It is possible, 
therefore, that the lessened capacity of the tissues to oxidise sugar may 
not be the only factor concerned in experimental pancreatic diabetes. 

(6) Diabetes in man is a progressive disease characterised by 
glycosuria, and due to a gradual failure of the tissues to assimilate 
and oxidise dextrose, as is evidenced by the low respiratory quotient. 
At first the sugar is derived only from carbohydrate, but eventually it 
is also formed from protein, which is broken down to a larger extent in 
order to supply to the tissues energy, which they cannot get from carbo- 
hydrate. In the later stages of the disease the urine contains B-oxy- 
butyric acid and its products, often in large amount ; and the accumulation 
of this acid in the body ultimately leads to poisoning of the tissue-cells, 
which brings about coma and death. The blood contains an excess of 
sugar, and after death the liver is almost free from glycogen ; in most 
cases the pancreas shows signs of disease, but in others it appears normal. 
Whether diabetes depends upon the deficiency or absence of an internal 
secretion from the pancreas is not known, though from analogy with 
experimental diabetes this seems very probable. 


The products of the digestion of protein are absorbed almost entirely 
as amino-acids, and there is no direct evidence that they are synthesised 
into protein in the walls of the villi. On the contrary, there is no doubt 
that the amino-acids enter the blood stream as such, and their presence 
in the circulating blood can be demonstrated by the following means. 

An artery of an anesthetised animal is connected with one end of a 
series of tubes, the walls of which consist of a thin collodion membrane, 

ie i fl 


the other end being attached to a large vein. The system of tubes is 
filled with saline solution, and hirudin is injected into the animal to 
prevent clotting of the blood ; the blood is then allowed to flow from 
the artery through the tubes and back to the vein, a continuous circu- 
lation of the animal’s blood being thus maintained through the tubes. 
The tubes are surrounded by normal saline solution at the body 
temperature, and, as the blood flows through them, its diffusible con- 
stituents, including sugar and amino-acids, pass through the collodion 
wall into the saline solution and can be subsequently examined. Since 
amino-acids diffuse into the salt solution, they must have been previously 
present in the circulating blood 

Deamination.—Immediately after their absorption amino-acids 
undergo a change, which is called deamination, and which consists 
in the removal of the amino-group, and its replacement by an oxygen 
or hydroxyl] radicle. A simple illustration of this change is represented 
in the following equation :— 

CH,.CH. NH,. COOH + H,0=CH,.CHOH . COOH + NH,. 

Alanine. Lactic acid. 

The amino-acids are thus converted into oxy- or keto-acids, which 
on reduction become ordinary fatty acids. This change is probably 
brought about by an enzyme, and takes place partly in the walls of the 
intestine itself and partly in the liver. Its occurrence in the intestinal 
wall is shown by the fact that the amount of ammonia present in the 
portal blood is increased after a protein meal; that it occurs in the 
liver is proved by the observation that when amino-acids are added to 
pounded liver substance under aseptic conditions, the amount of anmonia 
rapidly increases. The extent to which this change in the amino-acids 
takes place is not known, but a fraction of these acids enters the general 
circulation without undergoing deamination. The removal of the 
amino-group does not appreciably diminish the calorie value of amino- 
acids or their usefulness as a source of energy to the body. Thus the 
calorie value of 1 gram molecule of alanine is 389 ; if its amino group 
is replaced by hydrogen, the calorie value of the propionic acid thus — 
formed is 367, the difference being comparatively trivial. 


The ammonia set free by the deamination of amino-acids in the 
intestinal wall is carried in the portal circulation to the liver, and, 
together with that similarly formed in the liver itself, is converted into 
urea. If we regard the ammonia set free as entering\into combination 


with carbonic acid to form ammonium carbonate, or carbamate, the 
change taking place in the liver may be represented thus :— 

(1) NHL CO: _ 2H,0= COC NH 
(2) 00 ON! ~ Hy0 = COC NH” 

The formation of urea in the liver has been proved in several ways. 
In the first place, when the liver of a recently killed animal is removed 
from the body and perfused with oxygenated blood to which ammonium 
carbonate or carbamate is added, the ammonium salt graduaily dis- — 
appears from the blood, being replaced by urea; this change does not 
occur when blood containing ammonium salts is perfused through 
other organs. 

Secondly, it is possible to unite the portal vein with the inferior 
vena cava in such a way that the blood flowing from the digestive 
‘tract along the portal vein is diverted into the vena cava, and thus 
into the general circulation, without going through the liver; the 
fistula between the two veins is known as Eck’s fistula. The liver is 
still supplied, in this case, with blood through the hepatic artery. 
Dogs in which such a fistula has been made remain well when their 
diet consists chiefly of carbohydrate, but when they are fed on meat or 
receive ammonium salts or amino-acids by the mouth, they become 
convulsed ; during the convulsions their arterial blood contains four or 
five times as much ammonia as is present in a normal animal, and the 
perceritage of ammonium salts in the urine rises. It may be concluded 
that the liver, when supplied only with blood from the hepatic artery, 
can no longer convert into urea the large amounts of ammonia entering 

__ the blood after a protein meal. 
7 Thirdly, in extensive disease of the liver in man the amount of 
ammonia in the urine is increased, and the amount of urea is corre- 
spondingly diminished. It is thus evident that the formation of urea 
from ammonium salts takes place solely in the liver, probably by the 
action of a synthetic ferment. 3 

Urea can also be formed in other parts of the body and from other 
substances than ammonium salts, the most important of these being 
arginine and uric acid. Arginine occurs in the tissues, and can be 
broken down by a ferment known as arginase into urea and ornithnin ; 
this ferment is most abundant in the liver and kidneys. 



When the composition of the urine excreted in 24 hours by a man 
taking very little protein food is compared with that of the same 
person when taking an abundance of protein food,-very great differences 
are observed, and are shown in the following table :— _ 

Abundant Percentage of Low Percentage of 

Protein Diet, | Total Nitrogen.} Protein Diet. | Total Nitrogen. 
Quantity of urine 1170 c.c. see 385 c.c. ile. 
Total nitrogen .| 16°8 grams se 3°6 grams Ps 
Urea 6 SE Oe Er + 87°5 2°2 ‘ 61°7 
Ammonia ,,_ . 0°49 —Cé,, 3°0 0°42. SC, 11°3 
Uric acid ,, .| O18 ,, 11 0°09, 2°5 
Creatinine ,, . 0355... ,; 3°6 0°60 _—s—é,, 17°2 
Total SO, . F 3°64 ,, OFS Be 
Inorganic SO, .. Sad: ae, O-46i-> =}; es 
Ethereal SO, . O10 sy, 6330) -+-3, 

The amount of urea and sulphates in the urine is greatly 
increased by a protein meal, whereas the creatinine and ammonia are 
but little affected, this difference being due to the fact that the 
metabolism of protein in the body is of two kinds, endogenous and 
exogenous. The metabolic changes concerned in the production of 
creatinine and most of the uric acid are known as endogenous 
metabolism, since these substances are formed by the breaking down 
of protein in the tissues as part of their ordinary wear and tear, 
and are unaffected by the amount of protein food eaten, unless this 
contains creatinine or uric acid., On the contrary, the amount of urea 
and inorganic sulphates in the urine depends chiefly upon the quantity 
of protein in the food, the urea being formed from the ammonia set _ 
free by the deamination of the amino-acids absorbed into the blood | 
stream during digestion. It thus represents a change taking place in 
the amino-acids before they reach the muscles and other tissues, and is 
quite independent of the metabolic changes in the tissues themselves. 
For this reason, the formation of urea and sulphates is described as 
exogenous metabolism. | 

The correctness of this view is proved by the rapidity with which 
urea is excreted in the urine after a protein meal; the excretion of 
urea begins to increase within two hours after the meal, and within 
five hours half the total nitrogen taken in with the food may be 
excreted as urea. It would be almost impossible for the body to 
have built up the amino-acids into the living tissues, and to have 


broken them down into urea within so short a time. The amount of 
urea in urine, therefore, serves as an index, not of the total kata- 

bolism of protein in the tissues, but of the quantity of protein taken in 

the food ; and the removal of ammonia from amino-acid, and its rapid 
excretion as urea, furnishes.a means by which the body rids itself of 
nitrogen which is not needed, while retaining the resulting oxy-acids 
as a source of energy. | 

Endogenous Metabolism.—Protein, or rather the amino-acids 
formed during its digestion, serves two purposes in the body. 

(1) The greater part of the amino-acids, after being déaminated, is 
carried to the tissues and oxidised to carbonic acid and water, thereby 
serving as a source of energy. 

(2) A certain proportion of the amino-acids is built up in the 
tissues into living substance to replace that which is constantly being 
broken down. The proteins in the tissues of different animals and of 
different tissues in the same animal vary in. composition; and the 
synthesis in each tissue of its characteristic proteins is made possible 
by the previous disintegration of the proteins in the food into their 
ultimate constituents, namely amino-acids. These acids are often 
spoken of, therefore, as ‘building stones” which can be put together 
in varying combinations in the building up of the tissues of the body. 
For this purpose certain amino-acids, or groupings of such acids, are 
essential, and cannot be manufactured in the body; among these are 
tryptophane, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. Substances, such as gelatine, 
which do not contain these groupings cannot act as tissue builders in 
the body, and therefore cannot maintain life. Again, zein, which is 
a protein in maize, contains no tryptophane ; and animals fed on this 
protein, with the addition of starch and fat, rapidly waste, and die 
after a short time, though life can be prolonged by the addition of 
tryptophane to this diet. 

The groupings essential to life probably include certain combina- 
tions of amino-acids in the form of polypeptides. These groupings 
are not destroyed during pancreatic digestion, and an animal can be 
kept in good health when fed solely on the products of prolonged 
pancreatic digestion of protein, with the addition of fat, carbohydrate, 
salts, and water. When protein is broken down by prolonged boiling 
with dilute mineral acid, animals fed on the amino-acids thus set free, 
together with fat, carbohydrates, salts, and water, lose weight and die. 
Evidently pancreatic digestion leaves intact, and hydrolysis by acid 
destroys, some polypeptides which the tissues cannot form for them- 
selves, although their nature cannot be determined by chemical analysis 
of the products formed in the two cases. 

eae Se 



Further, some of the amino-acids seem to be necessary for the 
production of certain definite substances in the body, one of which | 
perhaps is adrenalin. 

Comparatively little is known as to the intermediate stages in the 
breaking down of protein in the tissues, though the composition of 
the urine during starvation shows that the end products include urea, 
uric acid, and creatinine. 


The nucleo-proteins of the food are broken down in the digestive 
tract first into nuclein and protein, the nuclein subsequently under- 
going further digestion with the setting free of nucleic acid, which is 
absorbed unchanged. Nucleic acid, when hydrolysed, is found to 
consist of the following bodies:—(1) phosphoric acid, (2) purine 
bases, guanine and adenine, (3) pyrimidine bases, and (4) a carbo- 
hydrate which is usually a pentose. The same products are yielded by 
the disintegration of the nucleins present as nucleo-protein in the tissues. 
The nucleic acids found in the different tissues vary in composition, 
and do not necessarily contain all the constituents just mentioned. 

The purine bodies are all derivatives of a substance called purine, 
C.H,N,, which has the constitutional formula :— 

‘N= CH 

ae | C_NH 
| >CH 

Purine itself is of purely theoretical interest, but five of its de- 
rivatives are found in the body, namely :— 

Hypoxanthine (monoxy-purine) ; ; C,H,N,0O. 
Xanthine (dioxy-purine) . ‘ epee, pth aN gos 
Adenine (amino-purine) C,H,N,. NH,. 
Guanine (amino-oxy-purine) .  OC,H,N,O.NH,. 
Uric acid (trioxy-purine) . Ԥ (CANO, 

After its absorption the nucleic acid taken as nucleo-protein in the 
food is broken down by a series of enzymes, called nucleases, which 
are found:in many tissues, notably the liver and spleen, first into 
complex groupings called nucleotides, and then into adenine, guanine, 
and other bodies. Other ferments subsequently convert adenine and 
guanine by a process of deamination into hypoxanthine and xanthine. 
Finally, a third set of enzymes oxidise hypoxanthine to xanthine, and 


the latter to uric acid. Uric acid is thus the end product of the 
action of these enzymes on nucleic acid. The whole of the uric acid 
formed in this way is not excreted as such in the urine, since many 
tissues, more especially the liver, contain wurzeolytic enzymes, which 
break down uric acid, one of the products being urea. 

The amount of uric acid appearing in the urine does not necessarily 
represent the whole of that formed from the nucleo-proteins of the 
food, but is derived partly from them, forming exogenous uric acid, 
and partly from the breaking down of the nucleins in the tissues, 
endogenous uric acid. It will be seen from the table on p. 357 that, as 
a rule, half the uric acid in the urine is of endogenous and half is of 
exogenous origin. 

When the diet is free from nucleo-protein, the excretion of endo- 
* genous uric acid is extremely constant, but it is increased after severe 
muscular exercise and also in fever, owing to a greater breaking down 
of the nuclei in the cells of the body. 

The exogenous fraction varies in amount with the character of the 
diet, being absent when this contains no nucleo-protein, and increased by 
food such as kidney, sweetbread, and meat, which are rich either in 
nucleo-protein or in the precursors of uric acid, such as hypoxanthine. 

Nucleo-proteins are not only broken down, but can also be 
synthesised in the body. In the growing infant, for example, nucleo- 
protein is rapidly being laid down in the body, although the food 
(milk) contains hardly any nucleo-protein. 


The separate consideration of the changes undergone by fat, protein, 
and carbohydrate, though convenient, represents very imperfectly the 
complex nature of the metabolic changes in the body as a whole. 
These are greatly influenced both by the nature of the diet and by the 
absence of one or more of the food-stuffs from the diet. 

Starvation.—The metabolism during starvation has been studied in 
professional fasting men and also in the lower animals. When food is 
withheld the store of glycogen in the body is rapidly used up, and after 
two or three days the animal derives its energy solely from fat and 
protein. The metabolism as a whole is diminished, and the consumption 
of protein is reduced as far as possible, most of the energy needed by 
the body being obtained by the oxidation of the fat previously present 
in the fat depots. After three or four days the output of nitrogen in 
the urine reaches a low level, which continues until the body fat 
has been used up, and the sole source of energy is the tissue protein. 


When this stage is reached, the output of nitrogen in the urine shows 
a sudden rise for a day or two, being followed by a rapid fall in the 
excretion of nitrogen and by the death of the animal. 

The body loses weight, the loss falling most heavily on the less 
vital organs such as the muscles, whereas the heart and central nervous 
system lose little or no weight. The breaking down of protein during 
starvation is probably brought about by a process of autolysis or- self- 
digestion in the tissues; the amino-acids formed by the disintegra- 
tion of the less important tissues are carried in the blood stream and 
made use of by the vital organs. A similar process of autolysis has 
been observed in the salmon ; during its stay in fresh water the salmon 
takes no food, and the development of the sexual organs, which takes 
place during this period, is effected at the expense of the skeletal 
muscles, which undergo autolysis. In man the character of the meta- 
bolism of fat and protein is modified during starvation, as is shown by 
the appearance of creatine and of 6-oxybutyric acid in the urine. 

The daily excretion of nitrogen in the urine during starvation 
amounts in man to 10-12 grams, and it might be expected that if 
this amount of nitrogen were taken in the form of protein food, it would 
be used in replacing the daily disintegration of tissue in the body, and 
would not appear in the urine. Experiment shows, however, that in 
this case almost the whole of the nitrogen taken in the protein meal 
appears in the urine in addition to that which was previously being 
excreted, so that the disintegration of protein is still going on. When 
protein is the sole article of diet, it is necessary, in fact, to give by the 
mouth a quantity of protein containing 3 to 5 times as much nitrogen as 
that which was previously being excreted during starvation in order to 
obtain a balance between the intake and output of nitrogen. This 
balance is called nitrogenous equilibrium. A further increase in the 
amount of protein taken by the mouth does not lead to a retention of 
nitrogen in the body, but the arnount of nitrogen excreted increases until 
nitrogenous equilibrium is again reached at a higher level than before. 

| D | Intake of Nitrogen | Output of Nitrogen 
ay: as Protein. in Urine. 

80 grams 80 grams 


2 ae 194°. 
4 238, 220 ,, 
6 Bagh. 998" 

238 =, Woke acer 


In the experiment recorded in the foregoing table the animal on the 
first day was in nitrogenous equilibrium. When it received three times 
as much protein, it again reached nitrogenous equilibrium in ‘the course 
of the next seven days. 

If the food does not consist solely of boasts but also contains fat 
and carbohydrate, most of the energy of the body is derived from the 
latter, and nitrogenous equilibrium can be maintained on a comparatively 
small amount of protein; in this case the protein is used mainly to 
repair tissue waste. 

The Sources of Muscular Saskey: —The muscles form about 40 per 
cent. of the body weight and furnish the greater part of the energy set 
free as heat or work in the body. This energy is derived from all the . 
food-stuffs, and the fact that the respiratory quotient remains almost 
unaltered during muscular exercise shows that these food-stuffs must 
be used nearly in the same proportions during exercise as during rest. 

Respiratory Quotient in 
Nature of Diet. 
Rest. Work. 
(1) Rich in carbohydrate . : 0°85 0:90 
(2) Poor in carbohydrate . 0°79 0°82 

That being the case, it would be expected that the breaking down of 
‘protein in the muscles and the consequent excretion of nitrogen in the 
urine would be increased by exercise, but observation shows that the 
amount of nitrogen in the urine is practically unaffected, even by 
severe exercise. The most probable explanation of this apparent 
anomaly is that the nitrogenous moiety of muscle protein is resynthesised 
in the muscle, and therefore does not appear as a waste product, 
Although the muscles make use of all the food-stuffs, they derive 
their energy, both when resting and when active, principally from the 
food-stuff which is most abundantly supplied to them in the blood. If 
the diet consists mainly of fat or carbohydrate, these furnish the chief 
source of muscular energy, and but little energy is derived from protein ; 
when protein is the principal or sole food, it does serve as a source of 
energy, and the nitrogen in the urine is increased. This has been clearly 
shown in dogs which were made to do work when fed entirely on lean 
meat ; their bodies contained hardly any fat or carbohydrate, so that 
protein must have been used as the chief source of muscular energy. 


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The liver consists of an enormous number of lobules, each having 
a diameter of about 1 mm.; they are roughly pear-shaped, and show 
facets on the surface from mutual compression of adjacent lobules. 
The stalk of the pear is the point of emergence of a vein, the itra- 
lobular vein, which occupies the centre of a transverse section of the 
lobule. The substance of the lobule is composed of columns of cells, 
i arranged radially in relation to the intralobular vein. The lobule is 
} _ surrounded in the pig’s liver by a well-marked capsule of connective 
: tissue, containing ¢nterlobular veins as well as branches of the hepatic 
: artery and the smaller bile ducts. The connective-tissue capsule is 
: continuous with a sheath containing the portal vein, hepatic artery, and 
: bile duct, which enters at the hilum of the liver and is known as 
Glisson’s capsule. This sheath with the contained vessels is called the 
portal tract. The interlobular veins are branches of the portal vein, 
and the blood passes from them to the intralobular vein in each lobule 
through sinusoids, which lie between the columns of liver cells. The 
sinusoids are wider than capillaries, and their walls are incomplete. 
The hepatic artery also opens into the sinusoids, supplying oxygenated 
blood for the nutrition of the liver cells. The intralobular vein opens 
into a sublobular vein, and the sublobular veins unite to form the 
tributaries of the hepatic vein. 

A liver cell is roughly cubical in shape and contains a large spherical 
nucleus. Its protoplasm is granular, and in the well-fed animal contains 
accumulations of glycogen, which in the fresh or alcohol-hardened liver 
can be stained brown with iodine. The cell contains iron in organic 
combination, which can be demonstrated by treatment with dilute 
hydrochloric acid and ferrocyanide of potassium ; a blue colour is pro- 
duced. Small droplets of fat may also be present in the cells. Each 
cell is penetrated by fine canaliculi which are continuous with.the bile 
capillaries, and cavities are also described which communicate with the 
sinusoids. On the side of each cell which abuts on the adjacent cell is 

| a channel which, with the corresponding channel on the neighbouring 
| cell, forms a bile capillary. The bile capillaries form a network, the 
| contents of which flow into the small bile ducts at the periphery of the 
: lobule. The ducts are lined by cubical epithelium. 

Most of the functions of the liver have already been considered in 
connection with digestion or metabolism, and it is only necessary at 
this point to summarise these functions. ‘ 


on | ae 



The liver plays an important part in the metabolism of all three 
classes of food-stuffs, especially in the preliminary changes which they 
undergo after absorption. In the first place, it serves as a store-house 
for glycogen, which it forms from the carbohydrate absorbed during 
digestion, and which it converts into dextrose and returns to the blood 
stream in order to keep constant the percentage of sugar in the blood. 
Secondly, it desaturates the fatty acids reaching it from the fat depdts, 
and prepares them for the further metabolic changes which occur in 
the tissues. Thirdly, it removes the amino-group from part of the 
amino-acids absorbed from the digestive tract, converting them into 
keto- or oxy-acids and transforming the ammonia thus set free, and 
also that reaching it from the portal vein, into urea. 

Interference with these functions, which sometimes occurs in 
extensive disease of the liver in man, leads to the appearance of inter- 
mediate metabolic products such as leucine, tyrosine, and other sub- 
stances in the urine, and to disturbance of the normal course of the 
metabolism of fat; similar effects are seen in animals poisoned with 
phosphorus, which greatly reduces the metabolic activity of the liver. 

The importance of the liver is further shown by the fact that the 

complete cutting off of its blood supply in mammals is followed by 
death within a few hours. 
In birds, however, the portal system communicates with branches of 
the renal vein, and so with the systemic venous system ; and birds may 
live for three or four days after the removal of the liver. In these 
circumstances uric acid, which is the normal end product of nitrogenous 
metabolism in birds, is largely replaced in the urine by ammonia and 
lactic acid, which in these animals are the precursors of uric acid. 

Apart from its metabolic activities, the other functions of the liver 
are (1) the secretion of bile, and (2) the conversion of the blood 
pigment into bile pigment. 



From the point of view of their temperature, animals fall into two 
groups, namely (1) potkilothermic, or cold-blooded animals, whose 
temperature varies with that of their surroundings, and (2) homoio- 
thermic, or warm-blooded animals, whose temperature remains constant 
except for slight daily variations, and is independent of that of their 

To the former group belong fishes and amphibia, to the latter birds 
and mammals, including man. In man the normal temperature is 
37° C. (98°4° F.); it shows a daily variation of approximately 1° F., 
being highest in the afternoon and lowest in the early morning. It 
is lowered by starvation or prolonged lack of sleep, and is raised by 
muscular exercise. The constancy of the temperature is due to the 
fact that heat production and heat loss balance each. other. 

Production of Heat.—The chemical ¢hanges in the body which 
constitute metabolism involve the production of heat, and this takes 
place chiefly in the muscles, and to a smaller extent in the liver and 
other glandular organs; the blood leaving the liver, for instance, is 
warmer than that entering it. The production of heat in the glandular 
_ organs depends mainly on the variations of their activity associated 
with the digestion of food, and is comparatively constant from day to 
day. The heat formed in the muscles, however, varies greatly, being 
enormously increased by muscular exercise; and in warm-blooded 
animals the amount of heat formed in the body depends largely upon 
changes in the activity of the skeletal muscles. As has been pointed 
out (p. 29), the greater part of the energy set free during muscular 
contraction appears as heat. 

The heat formed in the body can be measured by means of a 
calorimeter, the most suitable form of which for man is the Atwater- 
Benedict calorimeter (p. 340). 

Loss of Heat.—Heat is lost from the body satus dleeogs the 


: | 

skin, and to a smaller extent in warming the expired air and the 
excreta. On the average, 77 to 80 per cent. of the heat loss takes 
place through the skin, 17 to 20 per cent. is lost from the lungs, and 
3 per cent. in the excreta. The total daily loss varies greatly with the 
conditions under which the individual is living, being as a rule from 
2500 to 3500 calories. 

The skin consists of two layers, a superficial layer, the epidermis, 
consisting of stratified squamous epithelium, and a deeper layer, the 
dermis, formed of fibrous tissue. The dermis rests upon connective 
tissue of a looser texture, which is called the subcutaneous tissue and 
contains a variable amount of fat. | 

The epedermis consists of two principal layers, a deeper layer of cells 
called the rete mucoswm, and a superficial layer known as the stratum 
corneum or horny layer. The cells of the rete mucosum are mostly 
irregular in shape and are connected by protoplasmic bridges, between 
which are tiny channels along which lymph flows for the nourishment 
of the cells. | 

In the horny layer a transformation has occurred whereby the 
protoplasm has been converted into keratin; at the same time the 
cells have become flattened and scaly and possess no visible nuclei. 
Between the stratum mucosum and the horny layer can be seen two 
narrow layers, stratum granulosum and stratwm lucidum, in which the 
cells are undergoing transformation. The surface cells of the epidermis 
are continually being shed, and are replaced by the multiplication and 
subsequent alteration of the cells of the rete mucosum. 

The dermis consists of dense fibrous tissue which presents papillee 
or projections on its surface. The epidermis is moulded on these 
papillee, and where they are arranged in rows, as on the palmar surface 
of the hand and-fingers, the epidermis shows corresponding ridges. 
Blood-vessels run in the dermis and form capillary loops in the papillee. 

Lying near the junction of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue over .— 

the whole surface of the body are the sweat glands, consisting of coiled 
tubes, the ducts of which run through the dermis and open into cork- 
screw-shaped channels in the epidermis leading to the surface. 

The skin is protected and kept supple by sebum, which is a fatty 
material secreted by the sebaceous glands. These glands are found 
wherever hairs are present, and their ducts open into the upper part 
of the hair follicles. Each gland is composed of a solid mass of cells, 
in the central part of which the cells are loaded with fat and the proto- 
plasm has largely disappeared. The fatty material in sebum is not a 
true fat, but consists chiefly of fatty acids combined with cholesterol. 

The secretion of sebum is always taking place, the semi-liquid 


central part of the gland being squeezed on to the surface of the skin 
whenever the hairs are erected by the contraction of the arrector pili 
muscles. The latter are composed of unstriated muscular fibres, and — 
are attached to the hair follicle and to the epidermis: The sebaceous 
gland lies between the muscle and the hair follicle. 

The Sweat.—Sweat is a clear, colourless fluid containing 99 per cent. 
of water ; sodium chloride is the most abundant solid constituent, and 
traces of proteins and of urea may also be present. 

The secretion of sweat is under the control of the central nervous 
system, the nerves to the sweat glands belonging entirely to the 
sympathetic system. Leaving the spinal cord by the anterior roots, 
they pass to the ganglia of the lateral sympathetic chain, where they 
have their cell station ; from these ganglia non-medullated fibres enter 
the grey rami, and run with the spinal nerves to their peripheral dis- 
tribution. Sweating is usually brought about by a rise in the body 
temperature, and it generally begins as soon as the temperature of 
the body rises from 4 to 1° C. above the normal. In this case the 
effective stimulus is the raised temperature of the blood passing 
through the brain; and sweating may be produced by warming the 
blood passing through the carotid artery to the brain, even though the 
temperature of the rest of the body remains unchanged. 

Sweating may also be produced reflexly by the local siplicatibn: of 
heat to the skin, so that one arm, if warmed, may sweat, and not the 
rest.of the body. It is not necessarily associated with increased vascu- 
larity of the skin, and may occur, when the sympathetic fibres are 
stimulated, even in an amputated and thefefore bloodless limb. 

Hence the skin not only protects the delicate underlying structures 
and serves as a sense organ, but by means of the secretion of sweat 
plays an important part in effecting the loss of heat from the body. 
The loss of heat from the skin is brought about by radiation, con- 
vection, and evaporation. Heat passes by convection to the air, or to 
articles of clothing in contact with the body; it is also lost from the 
exposed surfaces of the body by radiation to objects at a distance. The 
loss thus taking place is greater when the blood-vessels of the skin are 
dilated and the skin is flushed than when the vessels are constricted. 

More important than either of these is the loss of heat by the 
evaporation of sweat, which is continually being formed on the surface 
of the skin. When the amount of sweat is small it evaporates so 
quickly as to be unnoticed, the process being called insensible per- 
sptration. When the amount formed is increased, or its immediate 
evaporation is prevented, it becomes visible onthe surface of the 
skin as sensible perspiration. . 

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In the process of evaporation much heat becomes latent and is lost to 
the body ; and the rate at which this loss takes place may be increased 
either by greater formation of sweat or by hastening the rate of 
evaporation by exposing the body to a current of air. 

Conversely the loss of heat in this way is checked when an indi- 
vidual is surrounded by air which is already nearly saturated with 
moisture. Owing to the heat taken up by water as it evaporates, heat 
continues to be lost even when the temperature of the surrounding 
air is higher than that of the body, provided the air is dry; and in 
tropical climates the loss of heat from the skin takes place chiefly by 

When sweating is very profuse, the amount of heat lost by the skin 
relatively to that lost through the lungs is increased, whereas, when the 
skin is cold and perspiration is scanty, the reverse is the case. In dogs, 
in which, owing to their hairy coat and paucity of sweat glands, loss of 
heat by evaporation is comparatively slight, an increase in the loss of 
heat is largely effected by increased respiratory movements. 

The Regulation of Temperature.—In cold-blooded animals the 
amount of carbonic acid given off from the body varies directly with 
the temperature of their surroundings ; and their metabolic activities, 
including the production of heat, rise with the temperature, resembling 
in this respect chemical reactions in the laboratory, which are 
accelerated at a higher temperature. These animals possess no regula- 
tive nervous mechanism by which they can counteract the effects 
of heat or cold. When the surrounding temperature falls, their 
metabolic activities diminish until they sink into a state of torpor. 
When the temperature rises, their metabolic activities increase, and 
their only means of evading the ill effects of an unduly high tempera- 
ture is to hide in a stream or to burrow into moist earth. 

The maintenance of a constant temperature in warm-blooded 
animals is effected by an exact adjustment through the central nervous 
system of the heat production and heat loss. That the production of 
heat takes place mainly in the muscles and is under the control of the 
central nervous system is shown by two observations. In the first 
place, when the motor nerve endings are paralysed by curare so that 
the muscles are cut off from nervous influences, the animal behaves 
like a cold-blooded animal. Secondly, when the spinal cord is injured 
in man or in the lower animals in such a way that the-lower part of 
the body no longer receives impulses from the brain, this portion 
becomes poikilothermic. When it is warmed, its metabolism becomes 
more active, and the heat produced warms the blood passing through 
it, and may be sufficient to raise the temperature of the whole body 


several degrees. When it is cooled, its metabolism is diminished, and 
the temperature of the body may be lowered in spite of the fact that 
the rest of the body still possesses its regulative mechanism. . 

The loss of heat from the body depends upon the amount of blood 
passing through the vessels of the skin and upon the amount of sweat 
formed, both of these being under the control of the central nervous 
system. The maintenance of the body temperature when the surround- 
ing air becomes colder might be effected either by an increased produc- 
tion of heat or by a diminished loss of heat. In many animals the 
adaptation is brought about by changes in the production of heat, more 
heat being evolved; in man the adjustment is made in a more 
economical manner chiefly by variations in the heat loss, and to a much 
smaller extent by alterations in the production of heat. On a cold day 
the vessels of the skin are constricted, so as to diminish the loss of heat 
by radiation and convection, and the formation of sweat is scanty. 
Conversely, on a hot day the skin is flushed and moist, and the loss of 
heat is more marked. 

Within moderate limits of external temperature the production of 
heat varies but little, though it is diminished when the surrounding 
temperature becomes high. During muscular exercise both heat 
production and heat loss are increased, the production exceeding the 
loss, so that for a time the temperature rises above the normal level. 

The intimate relation between heat production and heat loss is also 
shown in the relationship between production of heat and the size of the 
animal. The greater loss of heat relative to its weight which occurs in 
a small animal is met by a correspondingly larger production of heat, 
with the result that the animal’s temperature remains constant. In 
many animals, including man, the regulative mechanism is not fully 
developed at birth ; and the temperature of the new-born infant falls 
unless an excessive loss of heat is prevented by keeping the child in a 
warm atmosphere. 

The part of the nervous system which regulates the production and 
loss of heat and keeps the temperature constant is not known, though 
possibly it lies in the corpus striatum, injuries to which have been 
found to cause a marked rise of temperature. Wherever its seat may 
-be, the mechanism is so perfect that in man the temperature remains 
constant, whether he lives in the tropics or in the arctic regions, 
though the adjustment fails when the heat or cold is extreme. When | 
a man is exposed to excessive cold, the temperature gradually falls till 
consciousness is lost and finally death supervenes. When the surround- 
ing temperature is extremely high, and particularly if loss of heat by 
sweating is interfered with, the temperature of the body rises, pro- 




ducing the condition of heat stroke. This occurs more readily if the 
heat production is also increased, for example by muscular exercise, or if 
the evaporation of sweat is checked by a humid atmosphere; in these 
circumstances the regulative mechanism may fail even though the 
surrounding temperature is not very high. 

In fever the temperature of the body is raised, the regulative 
mechanism again bringing about a balance between heat production 
and heat loss, but at a higher level than in the normal person. Owing 
to the raised temperature of the body metabolism is more rapid, the 
breaking down of the tissues is increased, the output of nitrogen in the | 
urine rises, and a loss of weight generally takes place. 



' Tue substances used as food by man and animals contain protein, fat, 

carbohydrate, salts, and water; and in order to construct a suitable 
diet for man, it is necessary to know first what amount of these 
substances in the food best meets the needs of the body, and secondly, 
the composition of the different food-stuffs. 

The mere composition of the food-stuffs, however, is an uncertain 
guide to their true nutritive value, since this depends upon the ease 
with which they can be digested and assimilated; it is important, 
therefore, that the food should be palatable and digestible. 

The food is derived either directly or indirectly from vegetable 
substances which are synthesised by plants from inorganic materials, the 
energy of the sun’s rays being used in the process. The kinetic energy 
of the sun’s rays is thus transformed into the potential energy of the 
organic food-stuffs, and when these are consumed their potential energy 
is again converted into kinetic energy as heat and muscular work. 


From this point of view, the body may be regarded as a machine 
which converts potential energy into the kinetic energy of muscular 
work and heat, the daily loss of kinetic energy being replaced by the 
potential energy of food. The living tissues also undergo a constant 
wear and tear, the tissue which is broken down being replaced by the 
building up of fresh tissue from the digested food stuffs. A suitable 
diet must thus fulfil two functions. On the one hand, it serves as a 
source of energy, and, on the other, it contains the constituents 
necessary to replace the breaking down of the tissues. 

(1) Diet as a Source of Energy.—Calculating work in terms of 
heat, it is found that the daily loss of energy in man in the form of: 
heat and work is usually about 3000 large calories. It is less in those 
who lead a sedentary life, and may be increased by Severe exercise to 



4000-5000 calories or even more. As we have seen (p. 339), the 
average physiological calorie value of the food-stuffs is as follows :— 

1 gram fat = 93 calories 
1 ,, carbohydrate=4'1 __,, 
1 ,, protein =f) 

From these data it is easy to draw up a diet containing the food-stuffs 
in such amount that, when oxidised in the body, they will furnish 
sufficient energy to replace the daily loss. Such diets have been 
constructed as the result of observations on individuals living in 
institutions under similar conditions of work and surroundings. The 
following represents the proportions of the different alimentary prin- 

ciples which have been found most suitable :— 

Protein 120 grams= 492 calories 

Fat CO S55 5a OD 

Carbohydrate 500 ,, =2050 _,, 

The calorie value of this diet is 3100, but a deduction of at least 
5 per cent. must be made for food which, though taken by the mouth, 
is not absorbed from the digestive tract, being lost to the body in the 
excreta. The same calorie value could be obtained by combinations of 
these three food-stuffs in other proportions, and, regarded merely as a 
source of energy, it seems to be a matter of indifference in what form 
the calorie value is supplied to the body. 

_ (2) The Replacement of Wear and Tear.—In order to replace the 
breaking down of the tissue proteins, the diet must contain a certain 
minimum of protein, and much. discussion has arisen as to the amount 
of protein in the food which is most suitable for the needs of the body. 
Chittenden has put forward the view that the amount of protein 
consumed by most people is excessive. He considers that it can be 
largely replaced by fat and carbohydrate as a source of energy, and 
that a domparatively small amount of protein is needed to repair tissue 
waste and to maintain nitrogenous equilibrium. Any excess of protein 
beyond this minimum is regarded by him merely as throwing additional 
work on the liver and kidneys in excreting its nitrogen. Chittenden 
found by observation on himself and others that it was possible to 
maintain health and nitrogenous equilibrium for six to eighteen months, 
and to carry out muscular work, on a diet containing much less protein 
than that in the dietary mentioned above; in many cases the daily 
intake of protein did not exceed 40 to 60 grams. 


His views have not met with general acceptance. In the first place, 
individuals living on such a low protein diet often suffer in general 
health, and in their ability to resist infection. Secondly, the diet of 
the infant contains much more protein than the minimum which would 
be necessary according to Chittenden’s view, and, since nature provides 
more than the minimum of protein, the minimum is probably not the 
optimum. Thirdly, the protein taken in the food does not merely 
replace tissue waste, but supplies certain complex chemical groupings 
which the body cannot make for itself; and it may be necessary that, 
in order to obtain a sufficient amount of these groups, the body should 
be supplied with a quantity of protein considerably in excess of the 
minimum required to replace tissue waste. Such a grouping, for 
instance, might be tryptophane. Although Chittenden’s work has 
been of value in showing that many people eat too much protein, yet 
the actual amount needed by the body is probably much higher than 
that taken in his experiments; and we may regard 110 to 120 grams 
of protein daily as representing the optimum intake for most men. 
The protein requirements of women are rather less, being from 90 to 
100 grams. Under conditions of severe muscular stress, for example 
in soldiers during war time, considerably larger amounts of protein 
may be necessary to maintain health. 

Although the diet in man usually conforms in a general way to the 
principles just laid down, it must be remembered that wide individual 
variations occur and are compatible with health; and it is impossible 
to formulate any arbitrary laws as to diet. 

In addition to serving as a source of energy and to supplying a 
sufficiency of protein, the food normally contains certain substances, 
essential to health and even to life, which have been called witamines. 
Their existence was first shown in connection with the disease known 
as beri-beri, which is characterised by nervous symptoms and by 
wasting ; it occurs in individuals whose diet consists solely, or almost 
solely, of ‘‘ polished” rice, that is rice from which the husk has been 
removed. A similar condition is produced in fowls, when placed on 
this diet, and can be cured by the addition to the diet of a substance 
extracted from the husk of rice; this substance is not a protein, but is 
probably a basic nitrogenous body, and very small amounts of it are 
sufficient to relieve the symptoms in birds. In man, beri-beri is cured 
or prevented by a diet of unpolished rice, or by the addition of yeast, 
meat juice, or other substances to the food. 

It is probable, though not proved, that other diseases, such as 
-seurvy, are also brought about by the absence from the food of 
vitamines which are present in fresh milk, lemon juice, and meat juice. 


The vitamines in milk are destroyed by prolonged boiling, and the 
condition of scurvy rickets, which occurs in infants, may be due to their 
being fed on a diet devoid of, or deficient in, vitamines, 

Diseases which are brought about by the absence from the diet of 
some essential constituent are called “deficiency diseases”; they do 
not occur when the diet is sufficiently varied aad ~oaening fresh, 
uncooked food. 

The presence in the food of small traces of certain substances seems 
also to be necessary for growth in young animals. It has been found 
that when young rats are fed upon an artificial milk containing 
perfectly pure caseinogen, fat, and milk sugar in the same proportions 
as in milk, together with salts and water, the animals fail to grow, 
although their diet is adequate both as a -source of energy and as ~ 
regards the amcunt of protein present. On the addition to the diet of 
very small quantities of fresh milk, growth takes place in a normal 
manner. Evidently the natural food contains something essential to 
growth, which is removed in the purification of the constituents of the 
artificial milk ; the nature and mode of action of these substances is 
quite unknown, 3 

We see, therefore, that in order to maintain health the diet must 
fulfil the following conditions. In the first place, it must provide 
sufficient potential energy to replace that lost as work and _ heat. 
Secondly, it must contain sufficient protein to replace the breaking 
down of the tissues, and to provide the complex chemical groupings 
which the body cannot make for itself. Thirdly, it must contain the 
substances known as vitamines. 

Salts and water also must be present in the diet, although they 
do not supply energy. Further, in young growing animals the diet, 
especially protein food, must be relatively more abundant than in 
adults. Not only is metabolism more active in young animals, but an 
additional amount of protein is required to provide material for the 
laying down of new tissue during growth. 


Milk contains all the alimentary principles of a dietary, combined in 
the proportions necessary for the early stages of life, The proportions 
of the constituents of milk vary somewhat with the species, as will be 
seen in the following table :— . 


Woman. Ass. Cow. 
| Proteins — 15 1°9 3°5 
| Fats 3°5 14 4:0 
_ Lactose 6°5 6°3 4°5 
Salts 0:2 0-4 0-7 
| ‘Water . 88°3 90°0 | 87°3 

By a comparison of these figures, it will be seen that cow’s milk 
contains too large a proportion of protein and fat, and too small a 
proportion of lactose, for the human infant. It is therefore necessary, 
if an infant is fed on cow’s milk, to dilute the latter with water and to 
add lactose in order to obtain the correct proportions. 

Fresh milk has a specific gravity of 1028 to 1034, and is neutral to 
litmus. Microscopically, it consists of small fat globules floating in an 
almost colourless fluid, that is, it is a permanent fine emulsion. The 
globules appear to be prevented from running together by the proteins 
of the milk forming a fine pellicle on the surface of each globule. 

The proteins of milk are caseinogen and lactalbumin. Caseinogen 
is a phosphoprotein, and is insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute 
alkalies. It exists in milk as a compound with calcium, and is pre- 
cipitated by the addition of acetic acid, the precipitate being soluble in 
excess of the acid. The precipitate of caseinogen obtained from milk 
by the addition of acetic acid carries down the fats entangled with it, 
and may be purified from these by washing with ether. When purified, 
it is a white powder. Lactalbumin remains in the filtrate when the 
caseinogen and fats have been filtered off. If the excess of acid in the 
filtrate be almost neutralised so that only a trace of acidity remains, 
the lactalbumin may be coagulated by heating the fluid. 

The fats of milk consist mainly of tripalmitin, tristearin, and triolein. 
There are, in addition, small quantities of fatty acids lower in the 
scale-—myristic, caproic, caprylic, capric, and lauric. Lactose is the 
carbohydrate present in milk. It is a disaccharide, C,,H,,0,,, and 
reduces an alkaline solution of copper sulphate on boiling. It is 
not fermented by ordinary yeast, and in this way it can be distinguished 
from dextrose. It can be obtained from the filtrate from milk, after re- 

- moval of the proteins and fats, by slow evaporation, when it crystallises 

out. The enzyme lactase, by which lactose is converted during digestion 

into dextrose and galactose, is especially abundant in young animals. 
The salts of milk consist chiefly of phosphates and chlorides of 

potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, calcium phosphate 


being most abundant. Analyses have shown that these salts are 
present in the milk of any one species in exactly the same proportions 
in which they occur in the young animal which is nourished on that 
milk. The large proportion of calcium phosphate is of especial 
importance in view of the formation of bone in the growing animal. 

When milk is allowed to stand it becomes sour. The acidity is due 
to the formation of lactic acid from the lactose by the agency of certain 
organisms, such as bactercwm lactis, present in the milk. The growth 
of these germs is facilitated by warmth. The lactic acid has the same 
effect on the caseinogen as the addition of acetic acid-; that is, it 
precipitates the caseinogen, and the latter entangles the fats, forming a 
curd. The precipitation of caseinogen in this way must not be con- 
fused with the clotting of milk which is brought about by ferment 
action in the stomach (p. 304). In the latter process the caseinogen 
undergoes a chemical change, being converted into casein. 

The suitability of the maternal milk for the needs of the growing 
animal does not depend only on the fact that the various constituents 
are in the correct proportions. As has already been pointed out, every 
protein consists of a characteristic grouping of amino-acids, some of 
these acids being present to a special extent in one protein, and others 
in another. Caseinogen is remarkable in that all the amino-acids 
which enter into the composition of the various proteins are represented 
in its structure to a greater or less extent, so that it may form a source 
from which any of the body proteins may be built up. Only glycine 
is absent from the caseinogen molecule, and glycine can be formed in 
the body by hydrolysis of the higher acids. 3 

. The caseinogen of human milk does not forma firm clot with the 
“rennet” ferment as does that of cow’s milk, but is thrown down in 
the form of a flocculent precipitate. For this reason cow’s milk, even 
when diluted, does not form a satisfactory substitute for maternal milk 
in the case of the human infant. Other drawbacks to the “bottle- 
feeding ” of infants are (1) the difficulty of obtaining sterile cow’s milk ; 
(2) the fact that sterilisation can only be effected at the cost of ae ete 
a proportion of the vitamines ; and (3) the loss to the child of anti- 
bodies, which are present in the maternal milk, and help to protect it 
from certain infective diseases. 

Food-stuffs derived from Milk.—The cream of milk contains 14 to 
44 per cent. of fats, and is a useful form of administering fat when an ~ 
extra amount is required in the dietary. 

Butter is obtained by separating the fats from cream, and is ahuisiek 
pure fat with a small percentage of water. 

Cheese is made by the compression of clotted milk so as to express 

=. Se Se. le 

~s . 



as much as possible of the water. Cheese is thus rich in protein and 
fat, the protein being chiefly casein. 


Flour contains 68 per cent. of starch, 12 per cent. of proteins, and 
small quantities of cellulose, fats, and salts. When it is kneaded with 
water, a change takes place in its proteins. These are two in number: 
gliadin, which is soluble in alcohol, and g/utelin, which is insoluble in 
alcohol. When flour is mixed with water these two substances are 
converted into the sticky material, gluten. Dough is thus formed 
mainly of gluten and starch. It is made spongy by the liberation of 
gases in its interior, usually by the action of yeast. In the process 
of baking, the starch in that portion of the loaf which is most exposed 
to the high temperature, namely, the crust, is partially converted into 
dextrin and dextrose. 


The composition of lean beef is given in the table on p. 378. Fat 
beef contains nearly as much protein, more fat, and less water. Mutton, 
poultry, and white fish contain about the same proportions of the 
various constituents, but poultry contains rather more protein and a 
smaller proportion of salts, whereas white fish contains less salt and 
more water. 


The white of egg contains three proteins, egg-albumin, egg-globulin, 
and ovomucoid. The yolk contains a gmall amount of a phospho-. 
protein, vitellin, and a large proportion of fats, with smaller quantities 
of cholesterol, lecithin, sugar, and salts. 


Green vegetables are of little value as a source of proteins, carbo- 
hydrates, and fats. They have, however, three important functions in 
a dietary: (1) as a source of iron, (2) as a source of vitamines, the 
absence of which leads to the onset of scurvy, and (3) as stimulants 
to the peristaltic movements of the digestive tract, in virtue of the 
indigestible cellulose which they contain. 


Gelatin is a sclero-protein, and is formed by boiling collagen, the 
principal solid constituent of connective tissue. Gelatin cannot replace 
other proteins in a dietary, because it is deficient in three essential amino- 
acid groups, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophane. Tyrosine is oxy- 
phenylamino-propionic acid, tryptophane is indolamino-propionic acid ; 




and these substances are essential for the building up of the body 
proteins. In one experiment on a dog, it was found that nitrogenous 
equilibrium could be maintained when five-sixths of the protein of the 
diet was replaced by gelatin. In other experiments on animals, it has 
been found possible to maintain nitrogenous equilibrium for a time on a 
diet of gelatin to which tyrosine and tryptophane were added. But gelatin 
alone cannot supply all the amino-acids necessary for the maintenance 
of animal life. 

Tea and coffee owe their fragrance to aromatic substances and their 
stimulating properties to the presence of caffeine or trimethyldi- 
oxypurine. Cocoa contains about 30 per cent. of fat and 20 per cent. 
of protein, and is therefore a food. It has also stimulating properties 
owing to the presence of theobromine, or dimethyldioxypurine. The 
methylpurines contained in these beverages do not give rise to uric 
acid in the body, but are excreted unchanged. 

Alcohol undergoes oxidation in the body to a limited extent, and to 
that extent it acts as a food. Its value as a food is, however, counter- 
balanced by its action as a poison. If taken in any quantity, it inter- 
feres first with the higher mechanism for inhibition, later it disturbs 
the mechanism for muscular co-ordination, and finally it paralyses the 
whole nervous system. The continued use of alcohol, moreover, leads 
to degenerative changes in the tissues and organs of the body, set in 
that way it shortens life. 

The amount of protein, carbohydrate, fat, salts, and water required 
daily being known, a dietary can be constructed with the aid of a 
table showing the composition of food-stuffs, such as that given below. 

Approximate Composition of some Common Food-stuffs. 
Protein Carbo- Fat Salts. | Water | Cellulose 
; oe , . : " 
Lean beef . 21°0 a 1°5 1°0 76°5 -< 
Eggs . ‘ 14°8 we | 10° 1°0 73°7 ; 
Milk (cow). 35 by ie £0 0°7 87°3 : 
Cheese : 33°0 aah 27°0 4°0 36°0 . 
Peas (dried) 21°0 55°4 0°5 2°6 13°0 75 
Oatmeal 14°6 65'1 10°1 2°1 50 3°1 
Bread . 6°5 51°2 1°0 1°0 40°0 0°3 
Potatoes 2°2 18°0 0'1 1:0 78°3 0°4 
Carrots 0°5 10°1 0°5 0°9 86°5 1°5 
Butter i bed 2 1°0 82°0 1°0 15'0 ; 


It will be observed that the animal foods are especially rich in protein 
and fat, and in ordinary life most of the necessary protein is taken in 
the form of beef, mutton, and eggs. Vegetable foods, on the other — 
hand, are the chief source of carbohydrates, and the latter substances 
in a dietary are usually derived from bread, rice, and potatoes. Some 
vegetable foods contain a considerable amount of protein, but the 
vegetable proteins are not so easily and completely digested and 
assimilated as those contained in animal food, and therefore from a 
physiological point of view it is more wasteful to obtain the necessary 
protein from vegetable than from animal sources. Moreover, in order 
to get the requisite amount of protein, a vegetable diet must be con- 
siderably more bulky than a diet which is partly composed of animal 

If the amounts of the alimentary principles required daily be 
taken as: 

Protein . . . ‘ . 120 grams 
Carbohydrate ‘ ; Ao: (| ee 
Fat 4 ie 2 ; OE) ee 
Salts. aici ae res 

a dietary may be constructed from the table of food-stuffs as follows :— 

Protein. | Carbohydrate. | Fat. Salts, 
500 grams bread ; : ‘ 31°5 256 7°5 50 
220 ,, lean meat Su tiger Gk ed | i 3:8 2°2 
BOG oe.) mille: ee kh a PARED 27 24°0 4-2 
20 ,, butter Z 180 0-2 
100 os rice j ; : ey 76 Py: axe 
400 ,, potatoes . : : 8°8 72 | .0°4 4°0 
100 . oatmeal . ; ; 14°6 65 | 10°0 2°0 
121°9 496 | 68:2 | 17° 
Calorie value . : ; 5 BIRT 

Rice, which is included in this dietary, contains 76 per cent. of starch 
and minute quantities of fat and protein. It will be observed that the 
salt content of the diet is deficient, and would have to be supplemented 
by means of common salt. 



Tue kidney is a compound tubular gland having a duct, the ureter, 
which connects it with the bladder and is expanded at its upper end 
to form the pelvis of the kidney. On dividing the kidney lengthwise 
from its outer to its inner border, it is seen to consist of two layers, 
an outer reddish-brown cortex, and an inner pale layer, the medulla. 
The latter is composed of a number of pyramids, the apices of which 
project as papille into the pelvis of the kidney. The larger sub- 
divisions of the renal artery and vein lie between the cortex and 
medulla, this region being known as the boundary zone. Prolonga- 
tions of the medullary tissue extend radially into the cortex, forming 
the medullary rays. 

The kidney consists of a mass of tubules, held together by con- 
nective tissue. Each tubule begins in the cortex by a blind expanded 
end (Bowman’s capsule), which may be compared with a small ball 
indented so that its opposing walls almost touch; these walls consist 
of a single layer of flattened epithelium. A bunch of capillaries, known 
as a glomerulus, projects into the indentation, and together with 
Bowman’s capsule forms a Malpighian body. At the pole opposite 
the entrance of the blood-vessels Bowman’s capsule opens into the 
tubule proper, which at first takes a tortuous course and is known 
as the first convoluted ‘tubule; it then becomes spiral or nearly 
straight (spiral tubule), and passes into the medulla, where it forms a 
loop (loop of Henle) and returns into the cortex. Here it becomes 
irregularly zigzag (zigzag tubule), and then convoluted (second con- 
voluted tubule), and ultimately joins a straight collecting tubule 
(fig. 131). The collecting tubules run into the medulla, and open at 
the apices of the pyramids into the pelvis of the kidney. 

‘ 380 


The convoluted, spiral, and zigzag tubules are lined by columnar 
or cubical cells, the lateral surfaces of which dovetail into each other ; 
they are very granular, the granules tending to be arranged in rows at 
right angles to the lumen, so that the cells have a rodded appearance. 
The descending part of the loop of Henle is lined by clear, flattened 

Bowman’s capsule. Neck. Ist convoluted tubule. 

Afferent vessel. 

Efferent vessel. 

Intertubular capillaries. y oe 
Interlobular vein. > 2nd convol. 
£25 Zobe, ub. 

> ¢ 
Tereeley de 

Interlobular artery. 
Spiral tubule, 

Cortical substance. 


Mey Sa] as 
om Shins 

Junctional tub. 



J > 


Henle’s f Ascending limb. 
loop | Descending limb. 

Arterial arch. on 

Venous arch. 

Boundary zone. 

Scocococceg sss 

, Medullary 

Arteric rectz. substance. 

Duct of Bellini. 

Fig. 131.—Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply. 
(From Gray’s Anatomy.) 

epithelium ; the cells of the ascending limb resemble those of the con- 
voluted tubules. The collecting tubules are lined by clear, cubical 
cells. Throughout the whole length of the tubules the cells rest upon 
a well-marked basement membrane. The tubule thus consists of (1) 
Bowman’s capsule, (2) first convoluted and‘spiral tubule, (3) loop of 
Henle, (4) zigzag and second convoluted tubule, and (5) collecting 
tu bule. 

The Blood Supply.—The renal artery enters the kidney close to the 
origin of the ureter, and divides into branches, which form incomplete 



arches lying in the boundary zone between the cortex and the medulla. 
From these arches vessels pass outwards in the cortex, and give off 
short afferent branches, each of which ends in a glomerulus. The 
blood leaves the capillaries of the glomerulus by an efferent vessel, 
which is smaller than the afferent, and after a short course breaks up 
into capillaries round the convoluted tubules; from these capillaries 
the blood passes into veins running to the boundary zone, and opening 
into venous arches parallel with the arterial arches. The veins ulti- 
mately unite to form the renal vein. Straight branches also arise from 
the arterial arches to end in capillaries round the tubules in the medulla ; 
from these the blood passes back to the venous arches. 


Normal human urine is a clear, yellow fluid, acid in reaction, and 
containing about 4 per cent. of total solids ; it is free from cells and 
from protein, except for a small trace of nucleo-protein derived from 
the bladder and urinary passages. Its specific gravity varies from 
1015 to 1025, and its daily amount is about 1500 cc. Its average 
composition is shown in the following table :— 

Total quantity of urine. ; : 1500 c.c. 
», solids : . , . 60 orams. 
i, ROA , : 7, . od ie 
» Uricacid.  . ; : Reis tif een 
», hippuricacid . Bei 4° . 
», sodium chloride f - LBD = 
»» Phosphoric acid ; OF 15a i ee J 
», sulphuric acid . : De ee, 
,) ammonia . z: : ; NG, | ares 
, creatinine ; ; ; sg Pek D1, - 

5 potassium ‘ : : : 
» calcium . ‘ | 40) 3 
4, Magnesium 

Since the nitrogenous end-products of the metabolism of protein 
are excreted almost entirely in the urine, its composition largely de- 
pends upon the quantity of protein food consumed, and on the kata- 
bolic changes in the tissue proteins. The characters of urine vary, 
therefore, not only in different individuals, but even in the same 
individual from day to day, and almost from hour to hour. 

Amount and Specific Gravity.—The fluid taken by the mouth leaves 
the body partly in the urine, and partly through the skin and lungs. 


In hot weather or during exercise, when evaporation of sweat from the 
skin is considerable, the urine is decreased in amount and is propor- 
tionally concentrated. When the secretion of sweat is scanty, for 
example on a cold day, a larger proportion of water is excreted by 
the kidneys, and the urine is abundant and of low specific gravity: 
copious draughts of water produce the same effect. In diabetes the 
presence of sugar may raise the specific gravity to 1040 or more, while 
in some forms of renal disease the specific gravity is always low (1005 
to 1015). 

Reaction.—The acid reaction of normal urine is due to acid sodium 
phosphate (NaH,PO,); no free acid is present. The bases and acid 
radicles mentioned in the foregoing table are combined to form salts, and 
are derived from the food. Sulphuric and phosphoric acid are formed by 
the oxidation of the sulphur and phosphorus contained in protein, and 
when the food contains much protein the amount of these acids is 
increased in the urine, which becomes strongly acid in reaction. 
Vegetable foods contain organic salts, such as citrates and tartrates 
of potassium and sodium, in abundance, and in the body these organic 
acids are completely oxidised, whereas the bases are excreted in the 
urine. Hence in herbivorous animals, and in man on a vegetarian diet, 
the urine is neutral or alkaline, though a starving herbivorous animal 
which is living on its tissue proteins, and is for the time being car- 
nivorous, excretes an acid urine. . 

-Colour.—The colour of urine is almost entirely due to a pigment, 
wrochrome, of uncertain origin, the spectrum of which shows no 
absorption bands. In addition, urine may contain three other pig- 
ments, namely, (1) urobilin, (2) uroerythrin, and (3) hematopor- 

Urobilin is formed in the digestive tract from bilirubin by bacterial 
action, and after absorption into the blood is excreted into the urine 
chiefly as a colourless chromogen, which can be converted into urobilin 
by the addition of an acid. Urobilin itself occurs in urine in consider- 
able quantity when the amount of bile pigment formed in the liver is 
increased by an unusually rapid destruction of red cells in the body, 
for instance in pernicious anemia. It shows an absorption band at the 
junction of the green and blue part of the spectrum, and gives a green 
fluorescence with zinc chloride and ammonia. 

Uroerythrin occurs in combination with deposits of urates, giving 
them a pink colour, which is changed to green on the addition of an 
alkali; its composition is unknown, 

Hematoporphyrin (p. 162) normally occurs in minute traces, but 
may be present in large amount in sulphonal poisoning. 



The presence of urea in urine may be shown by evaporating the 
urine to dryness on a water bath, and extracting the residue with 
acetone (which dissolves urea). On evaporation of the acetone extract 
the urea crystallises out. 

Urea (CON,H,) is a solid, crystallising in colourless rhombic prisms 
which are easily soluble in water, alcohol, and acetone. When heated, 
the crystals decompose, giving off ammonia and yielding a body called 
bruret. Urea combines with nitric or oxalic acid, forming characteristic 
crystals, and is decomposed by nitrous acid with the evolution of car- 

bonic acid and nitrogen, or by alkaline sodium hypobromite, according 
to the following equation :— 


CON,H,+ 3NaBrO = CO, + N, + 2H,O + 3NaBr. 

The carbonic acid is absorbed by the alkali, and the nitrogen is 
given off; and by collecting and measuring in a graduated cylinder the 
amount of nitrogen evolved from 5 ¢.c. of urine, the percentage of urea 
can be ascertained. Theoretically, 1 gram of urea yields 371 c.c. 

of nitrogen at 0° C. and 760 mm. Hg, but actually only 354 cc. are 
evolved from 1 gram of urea in urine. 

Another and more accurate method of estimating the amount of urea is 
to treat a known volume of urine with an extract of Soya bean, which converts 
urea into ammonia; the ammonia formed is passed into a known volume of 

aa acid, and the amount of uncombined acid is subsequently estimated. 

When urine is exposed to the air the urea soon becomes decom- 
posed by micro-organisms, being converted into ammonium carbonate, 
_and the urine becomes strongly alkaline. 

The nitrogen present as urea usually forms about 85 per cent. of 
the total nitrogen existing in one combination or other in the urine. 
The. total nitrogen in urine is estimated by Kjeldahl’s method as 
follows :— 

A known volume of urine is boiled with pure sulphuric acid until 
all its carbon is fully oxidised, the nitrogen being converted into 
ammonia, which combines with the acid. The solution is then made 
alkaline with caustic potash and boiled, the ammonia, which distils off, 

being collected in a known volume of ra sulphuric acid. The amount 

of acid neutralised by the ammonia is determined by subsequent 

titration of the uncombined acid with ra caustic potash. | 

Urea is the most abundant nitrogenous constituent of urine, its 

a ee ee ee ox 


amount varying, as seen in the Table on p. 357, with the quantity of 
protein food consumed; in starvation urea is derived entirely from 
the breaking down of the tissue proteins. 


The ammonia normally found in the urine represents the small 
amount which escapes conversion into urea by the liver, and is but 
little affected by the amount of protein in the diet. In acidosis the 
abnormal acids formed in the body combine to a large extent with 
ammonia in the blood, being excreted as ammonium salts in the urine, 
and the amount of urea is correspondingly diminished. The amount 
of nitrogen excreted as ammonia in these circumstances is sometimes 
20 per cent. or more of the total urinary nitrogen. 


Creatinine is an anhydride of creatine, which occurs in muscle, and 

it may be formed from the latter by boiling it with strong hydrochloric 


acid. It has the formula | | and gives a red 

NH=C ~ N(CH,). CH, . CO, 

colour with caustic potash and picric acid (Jaffé’s test). When creatine 

is taken by the mouth, either as a pure substance or in meat, some of 

it may appear in the urine as creatinine. With this exception, the 

creatinine in urine ‘is derived solely from the endogenous metabolism 

of protein ; and the amount excreted in the urine by the same person 

from day to day is remarkably constant, and serves as an accurate 
index of the extent of endogenous protein metabolism. 

The origin of creatinine and its relation to the creatine present in 
muscle are not fully understood, though creatinine appears in the 
urine in increased amount in fever, and in other conditions in which 
rapid wasting of muscular tissue is taking place. Creatine also, though 
not usually present in the urine of adults, is found during starva- 
tion, in diabetes, in acute fevers, and in women during involution of 
the uterus. It is possible that normally the creatinine in the urine is 
formed from creatine, and that in the conditions just mentioned an 
increased amount of creatine is set free by protein decomposition, some 
of which is converted into creatinine, while a portion is excreted in an 
unaltered form. 


Uric acid exists in urine in the form of biurates. On adding strong 
hydrochloric acid to urine and allowing it to stand for twenty-four 
hours, uric acid separates out as small pigmented*scrystals having a 


o 5 

characteristic whetstone or dumb-bell shape. It is almost completely 
insoluble in water, but dissolves in weak alkalies. It slightly reduces 
Fehling’s solution (p. 387), and will also reduce an alkaline solution 
of silver nitrate (Schiff’s test). A solution of uric acid, when evaporated 
to dryness with nitric acid at a low temperature, yields a purple 
colour on the subsequent addition of an alkali (murexide test). 

The uric acid is derived partly from the nuclein in food and partly 
from the breaking down of the tissue nucleins. : 

In addition to uric acid, small amounts of the purine bases are 
found in urine. 

Hippuric acid is synthesised in the kidney from benzoic acid and 

glycine, the synthesis being brought about by an enzyme. It is the 

only urinary constituent which is formed in the kidney itself. 

Sulphates.—The sulphates are of two kinds, namely, (1) inorganic, 
and (2) ethereal. The latter are compounds of sulphuric acid with 
phenol, indoxyl, or skatoxyl, and potassium. Indol and skatol are 
formed from tryptophane by bacterial action in the digestive tract ; 
and after absorption into the blood they are converted by oxidation 
into indoxyl and skatoxyl, combined with sulphuric acid, and excreted 
by the kidneys. Phenol, also, is a product of protein decomposition. 

As a rule the ethereal sulphates form about one-tenth of the total 
sulphates, but when bacterial changes in the digestive tract become 
excessive (¢.g. in constipation), the proportion of ethereal sulphates is 

Some sulphur is also excreted in organic combination and is known 
as “neutral” sulphur. , 

- The sulphur of the urinary sulphates is formed almost entirely by 

the oxidation of the sulphur contained in protein, and the total 
amount of sulphates varies therefore with the quantity of protein food 
ingested. | 

Urine also contains sodium chloride and phosphates, the latter 
being of two kinds, namely, (1) alkaline phosphates, of sodium and 
potassium, and (2) earthy phosphates, of calcium and magnesium. 


On standing, normal urine deposits a cloud of mucus (nucleo- 
protein) derived from the urinary passages. When the urine is 
concentrated, biurates of sodium and potassium are often deposited as 
an amorphous sediment, coloured pink by uroerythrin, and dissolving 
when warmed. Earthy phosphates are deposited from neutral or 
alkaline urine ; they dissolve on the addition of acetic acid. Crystalline 

“ : “ 
—— EE a oo 


deposits may also occur in urine, and are usually indicative of abnormal 
processes taking place either in the body or in the urine itself. The 
nature of the deposits varies with the reaction of the urine. | 

In acid urine those most frequently seen are, first, uric acid crystals, 
which assume the form of whetstones or cylinders, and are usually, 
though not invariably, pigmented; and, secondly, calcium oxalate, 
occurring as small colourless octohedra, often called “envelope” 
crystals from their appearance under the microscope. 

Uric acid and oxalate crystals are frequently found together. Other 
crystalline deposits, occasionally met with in acid urine, are cystine 
(flat hexagonal colourless plates). and the acid urates of sodium or 
ammonium, which form spheroidal masses with projecting spikes. 

In alkaline urine, the crystals most commonly met with are (1) 
earthy phosphates, star-shaped in appearance, and (2) ammonio- 
magnesium phosphate, NH,MgPO,. The latter, often called “triple 
phosphate,” is formed when urine becomes alkaline as a result of 
the bacterial decomposition of urea; the crystals are large and very 
characteristic, resembling knife-rests or coffin lids. 


(1) Coagulable Protein.—Except for a trace of. nucleo-protein, 
normal urine contains no protein. In disease of the kidney, serum 
globulin and albumin escape from the blood into the urine, and are 
coagulated on boiling the urine (after the addition of a drop or two of 
dilute acetic acid). Further, when urine containing protein is poured 
on to the surface of strong nitric acid, a precipitate forms at the junc- 
tion of the two fluids (Heller’s test). 

(2) Sugar.—The conditions under which sugar occurs in urine have 

already been dealt with (p. 350). In man the usual cause of glyco- 

suria is diabetes, and the sugar is dextrose Lactose is sometimes 
found during lactation, even in healthy women. In rare cases the 
urine contains levulose or pentose. The amount of dextrose present 
in the urine in diabetes may vary from mere traces up to 350 to 500 
grams daily. 

Dextrose reduces alkaline solutions of copper sulphate, yielding 
cuprous oxide. The solutions generally used in testing for dextrose 
are (1) Fehling’s solution, containing copper sulphate, caustic potash, 
and Rochelle salt, which keeps the cupric hydrate in solution, or (2) 
Benedict’s solution, which contains copper sulphate, sodium carbonate, 
and sodium citrate. The latter is more satisfactory, since, unlike 
Fehling’s solution, it is not reduced at all by uric*acid or creatinine, 



nor does it become self-reducing when kept for some time. Other tests 
for dextrose are (1) the preparation of the osazone with phenylhydrazine 
and (2) the fermentation test with yeast, which converts dextrose into— 
carbonic acid and alcohol. shee 

- The estimation of sugar may. be effected by Benedict’s method. The 
solution used contains copper sulphate, sodium carbonate and citrate, 
potassium thiocyanate, and potassium ferrocyanide. 25 c¢.c. of the solution 
and 3 or 4 grams of anhydrous sodium carbonate are placed. in a small 
flask and boiled. The sugar solution is added from a burette until the blue 
colour of the reagent disappears; this is the end point. The thiocyanate 
forms a white precipitate with the cuprous hydroxide formed by the reduction 

of the copper sulphate, and the end point is quite sharp. 25 c.c. of the 
solution are reduced by 0°05 grams of dextrose. | 

Glycuronic acid (COOH(CHOH),, CHO) sometimes occurs in urine, 
either after the administration of certain drugs, such as chloral, or in 
combination with indoxyl. It reduces Fehling’s and Benedict’s solutions 
_ and forms an osazone, but may be distinguished from dextrose by means 
of yeast, which does not ferment it. 

(3) Bile is present in the urine in jaundice, giving it a greenish or 
brownish colour ; its presence may be recognised by Gmelin’s or Hay’s 
test (p. 320). 

(4) Blood occurs in urine as the result of hemorrhage in the 
kidneys or urinary passages, and may be identified by observing the 
red corpuscles under the microscope, or by spectroscopic examination. 

(5) Products of Abnormal Metabolism.—These include $-oxybutyric 
acid, diacetic acid and acetone (p. 347), leucine and tyrosine which 
are present in acute atrophy of the liver, cystine, and homogentisic 
acid. | 

Cystine occurs in proteins, and is set free when these break down in 
the body, but is normally excreted in another form in the urine; in 
rare cases the cystine derived from protein in the body is excreted as 
such, and may form crystalline deposits or calculi. 


Homogentisic acid, | CH, . COOH, is a derivative of tyrosine. 

In certain persons the oxidation of tyrosine is incomplete, and stops with 
the production of homogentisic acid, which appears in the urine. The 
condition is known as alcaptonuria, and the urine darkens on standing 
and reduces Fehling’s solution. In persons suffering from alcaptonuria 
the amount of homogentisic acid in the urine varies from 3 to 6 grams 
daily ; it is‘proportional to the quantity of phenylalanine and tyrosine 
present in the proteins of the food, and is increased when these sub- 


stances are given as such by the mouth. Thus the whole of the tyrosine 
and phenylalanine taken into the body is excreted as homogentisic acid. 
Cystinuria and alcaptonuria, when they occur, are present at birth 
and persist through life ; they are due to “inborn errors” of metabolism, 
probably to the lack of certain ferments, and do not lead to any 
disturbance of health. . | 


Broadly speaking, the function of the kidney is to keep the com- 
position of the blood constant by excreting into the urine either 
abnormal constituents which enter the blood, or any excess of substances 
normally present, such as water, urea, and sodium chloride. The 
abolition of this function by the complete removal of the kidneys leads 
to the retention of the urinary constituents in the blood, and the 
animal dies in two or three days; the kidneys are, therefore, essential 
to life. A very important part of their function is to regulate the 
reaction, that is, the H ion concentration of the blood and _ tissues. 
The respiratory mechanism prevents any accumulation of carbonic acid 
in the blood, while the kidneys control the H ion concentration due to 
other acids. These organs are extraordinarily sensitive to the slightest 
change in the reaction of the blood, and respond by excreting in the 
urine any excess of acid or alkali which is present. Recent observations 
in man show that in some diseases of the kidneys the normal balance 
of acid and base in the blood is no longer maintained, and the amount 
of lactic and other acids in the blood is increased. This increase 
stimulates the respiratory centre, as already described (p. 268), 
leading to severe hyperpnoea, and to a fall in the tension of carbonic 
acid in the blood. 

So far as is known, there are no secretory nerves to the kidney ; its 
functional activity is excited solely by any change in the chemical 
composition and amount of the blood flowing through it, and is thus 
largely determined by metabolic changes occurring in other parts of 
the body. 

The structure of the renal tubule is extremely complex, much more 
so than that of most of the other glands of the body ; many views have 
been held as to the function of its different parts, and even now the. 
problem is not completely solved. The structure of the convoluted 
tubule and of the capsule of Bowman is so different that it seems 
certain that their functions must also be different; and Bowman, on 
purely histological grounds, suggested that the glomeruli filtered off 



water and salts, the remaining urinary constituents being secreted by 
the tubules. 

Ludwig believed that the whole of the urine was formed by filtra- 
tion through the glomeruli as a fluid identical in composition with 
the blood plasma minus its proteins, and that in its passage down the 
lumen of the tubules much of the water and some of the salts were 
reabsorbed, so that the composition of urine, as it left the kidney, 
differed greatly from that of blood plasma. Since blood plasma 
contains about 0°02 to 0°05 per cent. of urea, whereas urine contains 
2 per cent. urea, this theory demands that at least 60 litres of fluid 
should be filtered off by the glomeruli, of which all but 1°5 litres are 
reabsorbed ; it is no longer accepted. 

Heidenhain regarded both the tubules and glomeruli as possessing 
a secretory function, the latter secreting water and salts by a selective 
and vital process. This view is still accepted by some authorities, 
whereas others believe that the glomeruli form by filtration a fluid 
identical in composition with the blood plasma minus its proteins, and 
that the tubules secrete into this fluid, as it passes along them, water 
and other urinary constituents. The latter theory is really a slight 
modification of Bowman’s theory 

The question as to whether the formation of urine takes place by a 
process of filtration or of secretion can be answered by ascertaining 
whether the conditions under which it is formed conform to ‘those 
known to hold for filtration or secretion‘elsewhere. In filtration, the 
amount of filtrate varies directly with the difference of pressure on the 
two sides of the filtering membrane, and it usually contains the same 
percentage of crystalloids as the fluid undergoing filtration. When a 
true secretion, such as that of saliva, takes place, the pressure of the 
saliva in the ducts may rise higher than that of the blood, and the 
amount of secretion is, within wide limits, independent of the blood 
pressure ; moreover, the composition of the secretion differs greatly from 
that of the blood. Further, during secretion, the secreting cells perform 
work and take up more oxygen from the blood. | 

In the discussion of this question it is convenient to consider 
separately the functions of the glomeruli and of the tubules. 


In the mammalian kidney, it is impossible to obtain separately the 
urine formed by the tubules and glomeruli respectively, though there 
is evidence that when the flow of urine is profuse it is derived mainly 
from the glomeruli. If urine is simply filtered through the walls of 

— a) Pe Yo)  atneed cya Y a 


the glomeruli, its amount should be increased by raising the capillary 
pressure in the glomeruli and decreased by lowering that pressure, 
since the pressure in the ureter is nil, and its composition should be 
that of blood plasma minus proteins. 

Experiment shows that such is the case. The capillary pressure in 
the kidney is increased by dilatation of its arterioles, so long as the 
general blood pressure remains constant, or by a rise in the general 
blood pressure, if this is not accompanied by active constriction of the 
renal arterioles. In either case the amount of blood flowing through 
the kidney is increased, and more blood is present in it at any moment. 
Conversely, the capillary pressure is diminished either by a fall in 
the general arterial pressure, or by constriction of the arterioles, the 
general arterial pressure remaining unchanged. 

The changes in capillary pressure cannot be observed directly, but 
may be measured indirectly by recording either the alterations in 
volume of the kidney, or the rate of blood flow through it by one or 
other of the methods already described (p. 225); an increase in the 
volume of the kidney indicates a rise of pressure in the capillaries of 
the glomeruli. 

The capillary pressure in the glomeruli is high, partly because the 
renal arteries arise directly from the aorta, and partly because the 
efferent vessels of the glomeruli are smaller than the afferent vessels ; 
it is probably only about 20 to 30 mm. Hg below that in the renal artery. 

‘The kidneys are amply supplied with vaso-constrictor nerves from 
the sympathetic system, and the calibre of the arterioles can be altered 
by section or stimulation of these nerves. On section of the renal 
vaso-constrictor nerves the kidney dilates, the rate of blood flow 
through it is increased, and more urine is formed; stimulation of the 
nerves causes shrinking of the kidney, and the flow of urine diminishes 
or ceases altogether. Division of the spinal cord in the cervical 
region leads to dilatation of all the arterioles, including those in the 
kidneys ; but the general arterial pressure falls so low that, although 
the renal arterioles are dilated, the rate of blood flow through the 
kidney is much diminished and the flow of urine ceases altogether. 
Stimulation of the spinal cord in the neck leads to constriction of 
arterioles and a large rise of blood pressure; and the renal arterioles, 
become so constricted that, in spite of the rise in blood pressure, the 
volume of the kidney is lessened, and the flow of urine is small or 
absent. The injection of adrenalin has the same effect as stimulation 
of the spinal cord. These and other experiments make it clear that, 
as seen in the following table, the amount of urine formed by the 
kidney varies directly with the volume of the kidney, that is to say, 

~ UTC gs ins . 

39 | 

with the capillary pressure in the glomeruli; and if the arterial blood 
pressure falls below 40 to 50 mm, Hg, the flow of urine ceases. 

General Renal Kidney | Urinary 

Procedure. Blood Pressure., Vessels. | Volume. Flow. 

Division of spinal cord in Falls to : . 
{ 4 Relaxed. Shrinks. Ceases, 

neck , ; - ; 0mm. Hg. . | 
Stimulation of Ss : Rises. Constricted. | Shrinks. | Diminished. 
Stimulation of cord after : Passively 

section of renal nerves . safes dilated. ; Bxclis. Tnoreqeed, 
Stimulation of renal nerves | Unaffected, | Constricted.| Shrinks. Diminished. 
Stimulation of splanchnic 

ny Le Ae eal ee Rises. Constricted. | Shrinks. Diminished. 
Hydremic plethora . : Rises, Dilated. | Swells. Increased. 
Hemorrhage .. . Falls. Constricted. | Shrinks. Diminished. 

If the blood plasma is filtered through peritoneal membrane soaked 
in gelatin, it is found that, when the difference of pressure on the 
two sides of the membrané is 40 mm. Hg or more, the filtrate contains 
the dissolved constituents of plasma with the exception of protein ; 
with a lower difference of pressure no filtration occurs. This is due to 
the fact that the proteins in plasma exert an osomotic pressure equal 
to about 25 mm. Hg, and water tends to pass back by osmosis from 
the filtrate into the plasma. It is for this reason that the passage of 
fluid through the glomerular wall ceases when the arterial blood pressure 
falls below 40 mm. Hg. If the osmotic pressure of the protein is 
diminished by decreasing the amount of protein in the plasma, for 
instance by diluting the plasma, urine may be formed when the blood 
pressure is considerably less than 40 mm. Hg. In hydremic plethora . 
(p. 240), not only is the plasma more diluted, but the renal vessels are 
dilated and the pressure in the glomeruli is raised; and the formation 
of urine may be extremely rapid and profuse. 

The difference of pressure on the two sides of the walls of the 
glomeruli may be diminished either by lowering the capillary pressure 
or by raising the ureter pressure. When the escape of urine from the 
ureter is prevented, the formation of urine continues until the pressure 
in the ureter is 40 to 50 mm. Hg below that in the blood-vessels, after 
which no more urine is formed.. 

We may conclude, therefore, that the amount of urine formed by 
the glomeruli varies directly with the difference of pressure on the two 
sides of the glomerular membrane, and that it is formed by a purely 
physical process of filtration. An apparent exception is seen when the 3 
renal vein is ligatured: the capillary pressure rises, but the flow of 

cap “apace <=> tala etl mer meen es eat be 


urine ceases entirely. The reason is that the flow of blood through the 
glomeruli ceases, and their contents soon consist of little more than. 
a mass of blood corpuscles, rendering filtration impossible. 

The more rapidly urine is formed by the kidney, the more nearly 
does its composition approximate to that of blood plasma; and when 
the blood is greatly diluted, for example by repeated injections of 
Ringer’s solution, the percentage of sodium chloride and urea in the 
plasma and the urine may be identical. 


Chlorides as NaCl. Urea. 
Plasma . : . | 0°88 per cent. | 0-04 per cent. 
Drine *—.. : . | 0°88 3 0:05 BY 

Similar results have been jobtained in animals, in which the renal 
tubules were poisoned with corrosive sublimate, or other drugs, so as 
to eliminate their functions. The fluid formed by the glomeruli appears, 
therefore, to be isotonic with the blood plasma, a fact which is intelligible 
if it is formed by filtration, but which does not fall into line with our 
know ledge of secretion. 


There is no doubt that the renal tubules form urine by a process 
of secretion, which in its essential features is strictly comparable with 
that occurring in other secretory glands. In the first place, the com- 
position of the urine formed by the tubules differs greatly from that of 
the blood. Secondly, increased secretory activity of the tubules is 
accompanied by a larger consumption of oxygen, and may take place 
without any alteration in the rate of blood flow through the kidney. 

The secretory function of the tubules has been most clearly proved 
in the frog, in which, owing to the arrangement of the blood supply to 
the kidneys, the functions of the tubules and glomeruli can be studied 
separately. The glomeruli are supplied with blood solely through the 
renal artery, whereas the tubules have a double supply. On the one 
hand, the efferent vessels from the glomeruli enter the network of 
vessels round the tubules; on the other hand, the tubules also receive 
blood from the renal portal vein, which arises from the foxioral vein 
(fig. 132). 

When the renal arteries are ligatured in the frog, the circulation 


of blood through the glomeruli is completely cut off, but the tubules are 
still supplied with venous blood from the renal portal vein, The cutting 
off of the supply of arterial blood to the kidneys is followed by destruc- 
tion of the epithelium of the 
tubules, and the frogs secrete 
no urine, If, however, the frogs 
are kept in an atmosphere of 
oxygen after ligature of the 
renal artery, sufficient oxygen 
is absorbed and carried to the 
tubules to replace that normally 
supplied to them by the arterial 
blood leaving the glomeruli; 
and the nutrition of the tubules 
is maintained. In these cir- 
cumstances the frogs form small 
quantities of urine, and, since 
the glomeruli are excluded, this 
must come entirely from the 
renal tubules ; it is acid in re- 
Fie. 132,—The blood supply to the kidney action, and contains urea and 

of the frog. 
A., aorta; R.V., renal vein; R.P.V. , renal-portal iS 
vein; F.V., ” femoral vein; A.A.V., anterior In mammals the injection of 

abdominal vein. 
substances such as sodium sul- 

phate or urea into the blood leads to an increased flow of urine, which 
then contains a higher percentage of sodium sulphate or urea than is 
present in the blood; and at the same time the consumption of oxygen 
by the kidney is greatly increased. 

Oxygen used by Percentage of 
‘ Kidney per Gram Sodium Sulphate 
per Minute. in Urine. 
(1) Normal kidney. 0:04 c.c, 0-26 per cent. 
(2) After the injection of 
sodium sulphate 0:09 c.c. 1:25 ‘3 

Since these changes may occur with little or no alteration in the 
volume of, or the rate of blood flow through, the kidney, the additional 
urine formed in these experiments must have been secreted by the 
tubules. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that when the renal 
tubules are poisoned with drugs, such as corrosive sublimate, the 


injection of sodium sulphate no longer increases the amount of oxygen 
used by the kidney, and the urine may be isotonic with the blood 
plasma. This experiment is not quite conclusive in mammals, since the 
glomeruli, as well as the tubules, are exposed to the poisonous action 
of corrosive sublimate; and it might be legitimately argued that the 
glomeruli possess a secretory function, which is abolished in the poisoned 
kidney. But it is possible in frogs to poison the tubules and to leave 
the glomeruli intact ; and since, when this is done, the urine is isotonic 
with the fluid passing through the glomeruli, the function of the latter 
is not secretory, but is that of a filtering membrane. 

Further evidence for the secretory function of the tubules is pro- 
vided by experiments in which indigo-carmine (sulphindigotate of soda), 
which is a blue pigment, is injected into the blood stream, The spinal 
cord of the animal is previously divided in the neck, so as to abolish 
the formation of urine by the glomeruli, and to prevent the dye from 
being carried away in the urine. The animal is killed ten minutes 
after the indigo-carmine has been injected, and the kidneys are fixed 
in absolute alcohol. Sections of the kidneys show the presence of 
blue granules of the pigment in the. lumen of the tubules, and in the 
cells of the convoluted tubules, but not in Bowman’s capsule or the 
cells lining it, indicating that the pigment had been secreted by the 
tubules but not by the glomeruli. 

Reaction of Urine.—The fluid filtered off from the glomeruli lias 
the same reaction as the blood plasma, and the acid reaction of normal 
urine is due to the activity of the cells of the tubules. This can be 
shown by repeatedly injecting into the dorsal lymph sac of a frog acid 
fuchsin, which is almost colourless in neutral or alkaline solutions and 
red in acid solutions. When the kidneys are subsequently examined 
microscopically, the glomeruli are seen to be colourless, whereas the 
cells of the convoluted tubules are red. 

Further, the more rapidly urine is formed in the mammal, that is, 
the greater the amount filtered through the glomeruli, the more nearly 
does its reaction approximate to that of the blood. 

It has been thought that the acid reaction of urine is due to the 
fact that as the glomerular filtrate passes down the tubule an absorp- 
tion of bases, especially sodium, takes place, so that the urine becomes 
acid, Since the urine formed by frogs after ligature of the renal 
arteries is acid in reaction, it is probable that the acid reaction of 
urine is due to the secretion of acid radicles by the tubules, rather 
than to the absorption of bases. . 

In the process of secretion the renal tubules do work which can 
be approximately measured if the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma 


and of the urine are known. The freezing point of any substance in 
solution in water is lower than that of pure water, and the osmotic 
pressure of such a solution is proportional to the depression of the 
freezing point below 0° C. The freezing point of serum is - 0°56° C., 
and that of urine may be -—4°5° C. The osmotic pressure of urine, 
therefore, is very much greater than that of blood, and the amount of 
work done by the kidneys in producing urine of high osmotic pressure 
from blood, of which the osmotic pressure is low, is extremely large. _ 

Absorption by the Tubules.—When a mixture of sodium chloride 
and sodium sulphate is injected into the circulation of an animal, the 
percentage of chlorides in the urine gradually falls as the experiment 
continues, and may become less than that in the blood plasma, while 
the percentage of sodium sulphate in the urine remains high. This is 
seen in the following table :— 

Chlorides. - Sulphates. 
Blood serum . . | 0°49 per cent. | 0°19 per cent. 
Urine . : ; . | 0°09 ms 2°0 

Accepting the view that the glomeruli filter off from the blood a 
fluid containing the same percentage of sodium chloride as>that in 
the blood, this result can only be explained by supposing that as the 
glomerular filtrate passes down the tubules they absorb sodium chloride. 

Similar results have been obtained in frogs. When the kidneys 
of the frog are perfused through the renal arteries with oxygenated 
Ringer’s solution, the urine, which in these experiments is formed 
solely by the glomeruli, is more dilute than the perfusing fluid; this 
is due to the fact that, as the urine formed by the glomeruli passes 
down the tubules, the latter absorb sodium chloride. When the 
tubules are poisoned with corrosive sublimate, absorption no longer 
takes place, and the urine is isotonic with the perfusing fluid. 

This process of absorption probably serves to prevent the loss of 
salts which are needed in the body, especially when they are not 
being replaced in the food. That this is the case is suggested by the 
observation that, when animals are fed for some days on a diet free 
from chlorides, their urine is almost free from chlorides, although the 
percentage of sodium chloride in the blood plasma may be unaltered. 

In all probability water, and possibly other substances, are also 
absorbed, The part of the tubule which carries out this process has 
not been. ascertained. 

ay — 


Diuretics.—Substances which, when they enter the blood stream, 
increase the amount of urine formed by the kidneys are called diuretics. 
Some act by stimulating the cells of the renal tubules to increased 
secretory activity; to this group belong urea and sodium sulphate. 
The ground for believing that they act upon the tubules is that they 
increase, not only the flow of urine, but also the amount of oxygen 
consumed by the kidneys. : 

The diuretics of the other group increase the formation of urine, 
but do not alter the gaseous exchange of the kidney; they include 
hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, and other 
salts. When hypertonic solutions of these salts are injected into the 
blood, they raise its osmotic pressure and bring about the condition 
of hydremic plethora (p. 240). The volume of the kidney and the 
capillary pressure in the glomeruli are increased ; and as a result of 
this rise of pressure, more fluid is filtered through the walls of the 
glomeruli. It may be readily shown that diuretics such as sodium 
chloride have no specific action, but that they increase the flow of 
urine solely by raising the capillary pressure. If the usual action of 
these diuretics in raising the capillary pressure is prevented, the 
injection of the diuretic does not increase the amount of urine; this 
can be effected by keeping the volume of the kidney constant by means 
of a screw-clamp placed on the renal artery. 

Some diuretics, such as sodium sulphate, produce their effect partly 
by direct action on the renal tubules by which they are secreted, and 
partly by producing hydremic plethora. 

Summary.—From the foregoing experiments we may conclude, in 
the first: place, that the glomeruli, in all probability, simply filter off 
from the blood a fluid identical in composition with blood plasma, 
excluding protein ; the amount of this filtrate normally depends solely 
upon the capillary pressure in the glomeruli. 

Secondly, the tubules secrete into this: fluid urea, uric acid, 
phosphates, sulphates, and other urinary constituents, with some water, 
the amount of secretion being dependent on the quantity of these 
substances reaching the kidney in the blood. This will vary with the 
metabolic activities of the body, with the result that the kidney 
removes from the blood the waste products constantly entering it from 
the tissues, and the composition of the blood is kept practically 
constant. | 

Thirdly, the tubules possess a selective power of absorption, whereby 
certain substances such as sodium chloride, which are of importance to 
the body, can be retained when required. In the normal kidney it is 
probable that all these processes are taking place simultaneously, one 


or other predominating according to circumstances. The drinking of a 
large quantity of water, for instance, is followed by its rapid excretion 
through the glomeruli, by which most of the water of the urine is 
normally excreted. 


The urine formed in the kidneys passes along the ureters to the 
bladder, where it accumulates, the bladder being emptied.from time to 
time by the process of micturition. The flow of urine along the ureters 
is assisted by rhythmic waves of contraction, passing down from the 
pelvis of the kidney to the bladder at intervals of a few seconds ; they — 
can still be observed in the ureter when it is isolated from the central 
nervous system. 

The wall of the bladder consists of unstriated muscle fibres arranged 
in three layers, an outer and an inner longitudinal layer, and a middle 
layer of fibres running circularly ; it is lined by transitional epithelium. 
When the muscular walls contract they lessen the size of the cavity. 
The escape of urine from the relaxed bladder is prevented by two 
sphincters, namely, first, circular unstriped muscular fibres, forming 
a loop round the orifice of the bladder and called the trigonal sphincter, 
and, secondly, the sphincter wrogenitalis, or compressor urethree, which 
encloses the second part of the urethra, and is composed of striated 
muscular fibres. The bladder receives its nerve supply from (1) the 
nervi erigentes, stimulation of which causes it to contract, and (2) 
sympathetic fibres from the hypogastric plexus, stimulation of which 
is followed in some animals by inhibition and in others by contraction 
of the bladder wall; afferent fibres also pass from the’ bladder in the 
nervi erigentes to the spinal cord, 

Micturition is normally carried out as a reflex action which, in the 
adult, is controlled and can be inhibited by impulses from the higher 
parts of the brain. Distension of the bladder wall gives rise to impulses 
which, travelling to the spinal cord, reflexly bring about emptying 
of the bladder by the contraction of its muscular coat, the nerve cells 
concerned in the reflex lying in the sacral region of the cord; the 
escape of urine is made possible by the simultaneous relaxation of the 
sphincter muscles. The intensity of the afferent impulses varies with 
the rate of filling of the bladder. When the bladder fills slowly, its 
muscular wall relaxes, and it may contain a considerable amount of 
urine before any appreciable tension is placed upon its muscular fibres. 
On the contrary, when urine is being formed rapidly, the tension within 

Enase 6 


the bladder may be quickly and greatly increased by the presence of 
a comparatively small quantity of urine. In man, micturition usually 
occurs when the pressure within the bladder is about 150 mm. of 
water ; and if the pressure is suddenly raised to this level by injecting 
fluid through the urethra into the bladder the desire for micturition 
is experienced. | | 

Transection of the spinal cord in the upper lumbar region does not 
destroy the -reflex mechanism, though it severs the path by which 
sensory impulses reach the brain and voluntary impulses pass to the 
sacral centre. By means of voluntary impulses the emptying of the 
bladder can be inhibited in the adult, but in the infant such im- 
pulses are lacking and the act of micturition is purely reflex. The 
emptying of the bladder is usually assisted by voluntary contraction of 
the abdominal muscles, and in man such a contraction, by increasing 
the pressure within the bladder, frequently initiates the reflex action. 

When the centre in the sacral region is destroyed, for instance as 
the result of injury in man, the bladder still reacts like plain muscle 
elsewhere, and increased tension causes it to contract. As soon as the 
pressure within the bladder falls below a certain level, however, it fails 
to overcome the resistance offered by the sphincter muscles, and the 
bladder is not completely emptied. 


THE ductless glands include a group of organs of very varied functions, 
the only feature which they have in common being the absence of any 
secretion passing either to the surface of the body or into the digestive 
tract. Many of them, however, such as the thyroid, suprarenal, and 
pituitary glands, do form substances which pass either directly into the 
blood stream or into the lymph channels and are described as internal 

The internal secretions belong to the class of bodies known as 
hormones, whose general characters have already been dealt with 
(p. 306), and which are also formed by organs, e.g. the pancreas, which 
possess an external secretion. The presence of these hormones in the 
body is in many cases essential to health and even to life; and the 
activity of the internally secreting glands is correlated with and 
regulates the functions of distant organs, the only link being the blood 
by which the hormone is carried from its place of origin to its place of 
action, ; 

Much of our knowledge of the functions of the ductless glands is 
derived from the study of the symptoms observed in human beings, in 
whom one or other of them is diseased. Hence it is usual in studying 
their functions to consider (1) the effects of disease in these glands in 
man, (2) the effect of their extirpation in animals, and (3) the effects of 
extracts of the glands, either upon normal animals or as therapeutic 
agents in man. 


One suprarenal gland lies at the upper end of each kidney. Each 
consists of an outer yellowish cortex partially or completely eas. 
a darker central portion, the medulla. 

The cortex is composed of cells arranged in radial columns and 



eee eee | 


forming three zones: an outer or zona glomerulosa, middle or zona 
fasciculata, and inner or zona reticularis. The columns are supported 
by strands of connective tissue-in which lie numerous capillaries; the 
cells are polyhedral, the cell substance being clear and often containing 
lipoid globules. 

The cells of the medulla are arranged in an irregular network, their 
protoplasm being granular and often pigmented. The blood supply of 
the gland is extremely abundant, particularly in the medulla, in which 

the interstices of the network of cells are occupied by large sinusoids 

in intimate relation with the medullary cells. The glands are supplied 
with nerve fibres from the semilunar ganglia, and a few scattered herve 
cells are present. 

The medullary cells contain a substance which stains brown: with 
chromates, and which, on account of its affinity for chromates, has been 
described as chromaffine material. This is also found, apart from the 
suprarenal glands, as small masses of tissue (paraganglia) lying along 
the large abdominal blood-vessels, and in or close to the sympathetic 
ganglia. The amount of this accessory chromaffine substance varies 
greatly in different groups of animals. 

The cortical and medullary parts of the glands have a different 
origin, the cortex being developed from mesodermic tissue (the Wolffian 
body), whereas the medulla is ectodermic, forming part of the primitive 
sympathetic system, from which it finally becomes separated, and 
differentiated. In some fishes the cortical and medullary tissue persist 
as anatomically separate organs, and it is not known whether their 
coalescence into a single organ in mammals implies any physiological 
relationship between them. 

In 1855 Addison pointed out that, in man, a disease of which the 
chief symptoms are prostration, muscuiar wasting, vomiting, and 
pigmentation of the skin, and which ends fatally, is associated with 
disease or atrophy of the suprarenal glands. This observation was soon 
followed by the study of the effects of their removal in animals; and it 
was found that, in mammals, removal of the glands was followed by 
death in two or three days. 

Subsequent investigation has thrown but little light on the functions 
of the cortical part of the gland, beyond the fact that tumours of the 
cortex are sometimes associated with abnormally precocious sexual 
development. In fishes the removal of the interrenal body, which 
corresponds in structure and origin with the cortex of the mammalian 
suprarenal gland, is said by some observers to cause death, though 
others deny this. 

The medulla contains a substance, adrenalin, Which can be ex- 


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tracted from it in the pure condition, and which has the constitutional 
| OH 


CH(OH). CH,. NH. CH; 

Adrenalin has also been prepared synthetically. 

The brown staining of the medulla when the gland is hardened in 
a chromate solution is due to the combination of the chromate’ with 
adrenalin, and the depth of the colour is roughly proportional to the 
amount of adrenalin present. The accessory chromaftine material, which 

Vagt Intact. 

Fic. 134.—Blood-pressure tracing. Effect of injecting 0°05 mgr. adrenalin 
into a vein. 

Note the marked slowing of the heart. 

also stains with chromate, contains adrenalin. Adrenalin is completely 
absent from the cortex of the suprarenal glands. — 

When a small amount of adrenalin is injected into a blood-vessel 
it produces constriction of almost all the arterioles of the body, and, if 
the vagus nerves have been divided, an enormous rise of blood pressure 
is produced (fig. 133). When the vagus nerves are intact the rise of 
blood pressure is less (fig. 134), because, in accordance with Marey’s 
law (p. 223), slowing of the heart takes place. 

The action of adrenalin is not confined, however, to the blood- 
vessels, but extends to every structure in the body which is normally 
supplied with nerve fibres from the sympathetic system. It stimulates 
the nerve endings of these fibres in the structures which they supply, 
and the results of the injection of adrenalin are identical with those 
of stimulation of the entire sympathetic system. Thus it increases 


the force and (if the vagi are divided) the rate of the heart, and at 
the same time dilates the coronary vessels, so that, in spite of the rise 
in blood pressure, the efficiency of the heart is maintained and its 
output may even become larger. It inhibits the movements of the 
digestive tract and (in many animals) of the bladder, but causes 
constriction of the ileo-colic sphincter ; it may also produce sweating, 
erection of hairs, and dilatation of the pupil. 

Adrenalin is an extremely active substance, and even 0:0025 
milligram per kilo of body weight, when injected into the circula- 
tion, produces a definite rise of blood pressure. 

The exact point of action of adrenalin is not on the sympathetic 
endings proper, but probably on some receptive substance (neuro- 
muscular junction), which is believed to lie between the actual nerve 
ending and the muscular fibre which it supplies, and which is un- 
affected by degeneration of the nerve fibre. This can be shown by the 
following experiment. When the cervical sympathetic nerve, which 
supplies the pupil, is stimulated, or when adrenalin is injected into a 
vein, the pupil dilates. 1f the superior cervical ganglion on one side 
is removed, the post-ganglionic fibres degenerate, and when time has 
been allowed for their degeneration electrical stimulation of these fibres 
produces no effect on the pupil, whereas on the injection of adrenalin 
the pupil dilates even more fully than in the normal animal. 

Adrenalin is constantly being formed by the suprarenal glands, 
from which it passes into the blood stream, and is thus a true internal 
secretion. This secretion can be increased in amount by stimulation 
of the splanchnic nerves, which contain secretory fibres for the supra- 
‘renal glands. The nerves may be stimulated either directly, e.g. by 
stimulation of the peripheral end of a divided splanchnic nerve, or 
reflexly, the centre for this reflex being either the vaso-motor centre 
or an adrenalin centre lying very near the vaso-motor centre. The 
occurrence of reflex secretion of adrenalin by the suprarenal glands can 
be demonstrated in the following manner: one splanchnic nerve, e.g. 
the left, is divided in the cat, so as to cut off the efferent path to one 
gland; and it is found that, as the result either (1) of stimulation of 
sensory nerves, or (2) of violent emotion, such as fear, that the 
adrenalin is discharged more or less completely from the right supra- 
renal gland, while the left gland remains unaffected. Evidently 
division of the splanchnic nerve, by breaking the efferent side of the 
reflex arc, prevents any reflex secretion of adrenalin from that gland 
into the blood stream. The effects of stimulation of the splanchnic 
nerve, and the consequent setting free of adrenalin, on the arterial 
blood pressure and on the constriction of arterioles outside the 

, | 


splanchnic area have already been described (p. 234). Anzesthetics, 
such as chloroform, also excite the centre and bring about a discharge | 
of adrenalin. . 

In all probability, the varying activity of the suprarenal glands, 
brought about by impulses reaching them along the splanchnic nerves, 
plays an important part in the adjustment of the vascular system to 
the changes constantly taking place in the body. A striking instance 
of this adjustment is seen, as Cannon has pointed out, in states of 
violent emotion, such as rage, pain, or fear. The additional adrenalin 
sent into the blood stream in these circumstances increases the sugar 
in the blood, thereby providing a further supply of sugar to the 
skeletal muscles, and also improves the nutrition and efficiency of 
the heart and the blood supply to the brain. In this way the reaction 
of the animal to these emotional states, by movements of attack or 
defence, is rendered more effective. 

Owing to its action on the blood-vessels, adrenalin has proved of 
great value, both in checking hemorrhage when ‘applied locally, and in 
raising the arterial blood pressure in the condition of shock. In 
Addison’s disease the repeated injection of adrenalin is stated in some 
cases to produce improvement, though the disease cannot be cured. 


The pituitary body, which lies in the sella turcica and is connected 
by the infundibulum with the third ventricle, is a small mass consisting 
of two lobes, anterior and posterior. The posterior lobe originates as 
an outgrowth from the under surface of the brain, and at first is hollow ; 
in man the cavity ultimately disappears and it is composed entirely of 
neuroglia. The anterior lobe arises as a hollow projection from the 
buccal epithelium, and in the adult consists of a solid mass of cells, 
many of which are clear-and stain deeply with eosin, whereas others 
are very granular. Between the columns of cells are numerous 

The two lobes are separated by a narrow cleft lined by clear cells, 
which form the pars intermedia and are most abundant on the posterior 
wall of the cleft, partially surrounding and extending into the posterior 
lobe. The cells tend to become transformed into colloid material, 
which ultimately reaches the cavity of the third ventricle. 

Complete removal of the whole gland or of the anterior lobe is 
followed by death in a few days, though the animals survive when 
minute fragments of the anterior lobe are left. After partial removal 
of the anterior lobe, young animals often show abnormal metabolic 


changes, ¢.g. obesity, and failure of sexual development ; in the adult 
degenerative changes take place in the sexual organs. 

In man two abnormal conditions have been found in association 
with hypertrophy of the pituitary body. In the first place, hyper- 
trophy has been observed in unusually tall people, and, secondly, over- 
growth or tumours of the gland are found in the disease known as 
acromegaly. This occurs in adults, and is characterised by progressive 
enlargement of the bones of the face and extremities. 

Both these changes are probably the result of increased functional 
activity of the anterior lobe only, since young animals to whose food 
the anterior lobe is added grow more rapidly than control animals 
which receive no such addition ; extracts of the posterior lobe or pars 
intermedia have no influence on growth. 

We may conclude, therefore, that the anterior lobe is concerned 
with the process of growth, hypertrophy leading to overgrowth of the 
skeleton, and partial removal to failure of development of the body as 
a whole and of the sexual glands. | 

Extracts of the posterior lobe, when injected into an animal, have a 

direct action on plain muscle all over the body ; they cause constriction — 

of the arterioles and a rise of blood pressure, contraction of the 
muscular coats of the digestive tract and of the bronchioles, and 
contraction of the uterus. 

The extracts also produce an increased flow of urine, which was at 
first attributed to the presence of a substance having a specific effect 
upon the renal cells ; it is probable, however, that the diuretic effect 
is merely an indirect result of the more rapid flow of blood through the 
‘kidney which follows the injection of the extract. 

Extracts of the posterior lobe increase the secretion of milk, and 
after the injection a larger amount of milk is formed by the animal 
in the course of twenty-four hours. The active principle of the extract 
has not been isolated, but it is not destroyed by boiling, and is compara- 
tively stable. It is formed entirely by the pars intermedia, extracts of 
the posterior lobe proper being quite inert. 

The secretion of the pars intermedia is believed by some writers to 
pass into the cerebro-spinal fluid, but the extent to which the effects 
produced by extracts of the posterior lobe of the gland are normally 
brought about in the body is unknown. 

The thyroid gland consists of two lobes, one on each side of the 
trachea, united by an isthmus, and is composed of closed spherical 
vesicles containing a viscid colloid material; the walls of the vesicles 

ee ee a er 


consist of a single layer of cubical epithelial cells. The colloid material 
contains iodine in organic combination as a substance, codothyrine, and 
the vesicles are bound together by connective tissue in which lie 
numerous blood-vessels and nerves. 

The parathyroid glands are number and lie close to, or 
embedded in, the thyroid gland; they are quite small and consist of 
columns of granular cells, some of which are pigmented. _ 

Attention was called to the importance of the thyroid gland first 
by the observation that the gland is atrophied in the disease known as 
myxedema, and later by the serious and even fatal effects of its 
complete removal in man; this may be followed either by acute nervous 
symptoms accompanied by muscular spasms (tetany), or by chronic 
changes resembling myxedema. The symptoms of myxodema are 
obesity, dryness and thickening of the skin, falling out of the hair, 
slowness of mental processes and of speech ; indeed, all the metabolic 
processes in the body become more rag ini and the respiratory 
exchange is diminished. 

Deficiency or absence of the gland at birth gives rise to the disease 
known as eretinism, in which growth, both mental and physical, is 
extremely retarded; a cretin. aged fifteen to eighteen years may 
resemble a child of two or three years of age in its size and mental 
development. The symptoms, both of cretinism ‘and of myxcedema, are 
due to the absence of some substance normally formed by the thyroid 
gland, from which it passes into the lymphatics and so into the blood 
stream. This is shown by the fact that extracts of the gland, or the 
gland itself, when given by the mouth, lead to complete recovery in 
myxcedema and to very marked improvement in cretinism. 

The action of the gland seems to depend partly or wholly upon the 
presence of iodothyrine, since the activity of the extracts is greater 
when they contain much iodine. It is evident that the thyroid gland 
exerts an important influence on the metabolism of the body, including 
the nervous system. ‘This is further shown by the observation that in 
myxcedema much larger quantities of sugar can be taken by the 
mouth without producing alimentary glycosuria than is the case in 
normal persons. 

The effects of removal of the at in' animals are of two kinds. 
Frequently, especially in carnivora, its removal is rapidly followed by 
acute symptoms, of which the most striking are spasms of the skeletal 
muscles known as tetany, and in young animals death may occur in a 
few days. The acute stage may be followed or may be replaced by 
chronic disturbance of nutrition, and in monkeys typical myxedema 
similar to that seen in man has been observed. Opinion is divided as 


to the part played by the absence of thyroid and parathyroid tissues 
respectively in the production of the symptoms which follow the 
removal of the entire gland. Some consider that parathyroid tissue 
has no distinct function of its own, but is merely undeveloped thyroid 
tissue. They find that when the greater part of the thyroid is removed - 
the parathyroids increase in size and contain colloid material; and they 
regard all the symptoms which fellow the removal of the thyroid and 
parathyroid glands as the result of the removal of thyroid tissue 

Others believe that removal of the parathyroid glands: produces the 
acute nervous symptoms, and more especially tetany, whereas removal 
of the thyroid gland alone brings about chronic changes in metabolism 
and nutrition. The difficulty of determining the function of the para- | 
thyroid tissue is due to the fact that in many animals it is deeply 
embedded in the substance of the thyroid gland. When this is the 
case, it is difhcult either to remove the thyroid gland without also 
damaging the parathyroid tissue, or to remove the parathyroid glands 
without serious injury to the thyroid glands. 

The balance of evidence, however, favours the view that the 
functions of the thyroid and parathyroid tissue are distinct, and that 
the former is concerned solely with metabolism, tetany being the result 
of removal of the parathyroids. 



The spleen is a solid organ enclosed in a capsule, which is partly 
_ fibrous and partly consists of plain muscular tissue. The capsule sends 
trabecule, also containing unstriated muscle, into the interior of the 
organ; these branch to form a framework, in the interstices of which 
lies the spleen pulp. This consists of a fine network of connective- 
tissue fibrils, covered by endothelial cells, and containing in its meshes 
lymphocytes, red blood corpuscles, and large cells which are amoeboid 
and often contain partly broken-down red corpuscles. Multinucleated 
giant cells are also sometimes present. 

The outer coat of the arteries in the spleen consists of lymphoid 
tissue, an enlargement of which is present on each arteriole and forms 
a Malpighian corpuscle. Some capillaries are found in the Malpighian 
bodies, but, with this exception, the arterioles open directly into the 
spleen pulp, from which the blood is again gathered up to leave the 
spleen along the splenic vein. The blood thus comes into direct contact 
with the tissue elements of the spleen, whereas in almost every other 
organ of the body it is separated from the tissues by a capillary wall. 

The flow of blood through the spleen is assisted by the alternate 


contraction and relaxation of the muscular tissue in its capsule and 
trabecule ; this rhythmic contraction, which takes place about once a 
minute, can be recorded by enclosing the spleen in a plethysmograph 
connected. with a tambour. The muscular fibres are supplied with 
nerves from the sympathetic system, and the direct or reflex stimulation 
of these nerves, or the injection of adrenalin, produces contraction of 
the muscle and diminution of the volume of the spleen. 

The functions of the spleen are not fully known, though it is not 
essential to life and can be removed without serious after-effects. The 
presence of partially disintegrated red blood corpuscles in the phagocytic 
cells of the pulp indicates that it is concerned in the destruction of 
red cells, but the extent to which this takes place is not known. The 
spleen normally contains a relatively large amount of iron, and when 
the destruction of red cells in the body is excessive this amount is in- 
creased. Further, the Malpighian bodies undoubtedly form lympho- 
cytes. In all probability the spleen also takes part in the production 
of uric acid, since it contains enzymes which can convert xanthine 
and hypoxanthine into uric acid. | 

In many infective diseases the spleen is enlarged, and it seems to 
play a part in the protection of the body against disease by removing 
micro-organisms from the blood, possibly also by destroying the poisons 
formed by such organisms. 


The thymus is composed of lobules united by connective tissue ; 
each lobule consists of an outer, denser cortex and an inner medullary 
part, the cortex being subdivided by strands of connective tissue into a 
number of compartments. Both the cortex and medulla are composed 
of a network of fibrils covered with endothelial cells, the meshes being 
_ occupied by lymphocytes. In the medulla are found a number of 
small masses of flattened epithelial cells arranged concentrically ; they 
are called Hassall’s corpuscles, and represent the remains of part of 
the epithelium of the third visceral pouch. The gland is abundantly 
supplied with blood-vessels. In man it reaches its maximum size 
during the first two or three years of life, and then becomes smaller, 
being almost completely absent in the ‘adult. After its removal in 
animals, the testes develop more rapidly, and conversely castration 
delays the atrophy of the thymus. When young animals receive fresh 
thymus with their food sexual maturity is delayed, and, in the male, 
degeneration of the testis takes place. 



In all except the lowest forms of life, the continuance of the species is 
effected by means of certain tissues set apart for this purpose. These 
form cells which develop into a new animal of the same species, 
the process constituting reproduction. In most animals these cells are 
of two kinds, namely, spermatozoa and ova, formed by the reproductive 
organs of the male and female respectively ; a spermatozoon and ovum 
fuse to form,a new cell which develops into an animal resembling its 
parents in its general characters. This, again, is capable of reproducing 
itself, and the cycle of life is completed. 


These consist of the testes, which form spermatozoa, and of accessory 
organs, namely the vesicule seminales, the prostate gland, the glands. 
of Cowper, and the penis. Each testis is covered by a strong fibrous 
capsule, the twnica albuginea, from which trabecule pass into the gland, 
dividing it into lobules which contain the seminal tubules. Each 
tubule is convoluted, and consists of a lining epithelium several layers 
thick, resting upon a laminated basement membrane. The cells 
nearest the basement membrane are called spermatogonia; these 
divide, giving rise to the spermatocytes, which lie more internally. 
Within the layer of spermatocytes, and formed from them by division, 
are the spermatids, which develop into spermatozoa, Lying in the 
connective tissue between the tubules are groups of polyhedral cells, 
called interstitial cells. The seminal tubules lead into straight tubules 
(rete testis) which open into the epididymis ; this is a convoluted tube 
lined by ciliated cells, and is continued as the vas deferens, a thick 
muscular tube which opens into the prostatic part of the urethra. The 
vesicule seminales are “branched sacculated outgrowths from the 
vas deferens. The prostate gland surrounds the first part of the 


ee ie ae Ete de® Be Beith ee 
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urethra, and is made up of numerous branched, glandular tubes 
supported by connective tissue and unstriated muscular tissue. 

The penis consists of erectile tissue, which forms the corpus 
spongiosum and the two corpora cavernosa, and it contains the 
urethra; the erectile tissue is made up of a meshwork of elastic and 
muscular tissue into which arterioles open directly, the blood escaping 
into veins. When the muscle fibres are relaxed the spaces become 
distended with blood, causing erection of the organ. 

_ The formation of spermatozoa begins at puberty, and each sperma- 
tozoon consists of a head, body, and tail, and is actively motile. The 
fully formed spermatozoa pass from the testis into the epididymis and 
vas deferens, and so to the seminal vesicles. 


The female generative organs are the abit Fallopian (uterine) 
tubes, uterus, and vagina. 

The Ovary is a solid organ composed of fibrous tissue (stroma), with 
many spindle-shaped cells, and is covered by a layer of cubical cells 
called the germinal epithelium. Groups of interstitial cells are found 
in the stroma, similar to those which occur in the testis. The ovary 
contains many vesicles of varying size (Graafian follicles), and a large 
number of primordial follicles ; the latter are formed during foetal life 
from down-growths of the germinal epithelium into the stroma, and 
each consists of an ovum surrounded by a layer of flattened cells. 

The ovwm is a large spherical cell enclosed in a striated envelope 
called the zona pellucida (striata ); its protoplasm, which is abundant, is 
filled with fatty and albuminous granules, sa contains a spherical 
nucleus (germinal vesicle) and nucleolus. 

At puberty some of the primordial follicles develop into Graafian 
follicles (vesicular ovarian follicles). The epithelial cells covering the 
ovum multiply to form a mass in which fluid appears, separating the 
epithelium into two parts, an outer layer, the membrana granulosa, form- 
ing the wall of the follicle, and an inner layer, the diseus proligerus, sur- 
rounding the ovum. At this stage the whole follicle is enclosed in a 
fibrous capsule derived from the stroma. As the amount of fluid in- 
creases, the follicle approaches the surface of the ovary, and eventually 
bursts, the ovum being set free and passing into the Fallopian tube. 
The process just described is called ovulation. The space left by the 
escape of the ovum and fluid is filled up by the ingrowth of vascular 
processes fromm the surrounding tissue, forming the corpus luteum, so 
called because its cells are yellowish in colour owing to the presence of 


a fatty pigment, /wtein. It gradually undergoes fibrous changes and 
disappears within two months. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum 
becomes much larger and does not disappear until after parturition. 
The primordial ova are extremely numerous in the ovary, but only a 
small proportion of them develop into Graafian follicles, and only a few 
of the latter reach maturity and burst, the others, after developing to 
a certain extent, undergoing atrophy. During sexual life ovulation 
usually occurs once a month, a single ovum being discharged on each 
occasion. The process is intimately bound up with menstruation. 

The Uterus.—The uterus consists of two parts, the body and the 

cervix. Its cavity is lined by a thick mucous membrane, composed of 
soft connective tissue covered by ciliated epithelium which dips down 

into the membrane to form long tubular glands, 

The mucous membrane rests on a thick muscular coat arranged in 
two layers. The fibres of the outer layer run chiefly longitudinally, 
but some run circularly ; the fibres of the inner layer, which is much 
thicker than the outer one, run circularly, and are really a greatly 
hypertrophied muscularis mucose. 

The Fallopian (uterine) tube consists of a mucous membrane thrown 
into numerous longitudinal folds and lined by ciliated epithelium. 
- The mucous membrane rests upon a muscular coat, the outer fibres 
being longitudinal and the inner circular. 

Both the uterus and Fallopian tubes are covered by a serous 
membrane derived from the peritoneum. 

Menstruation.—This marks the onset of puberty, and occurs first 
between the ages of 13 and 16; as a rule, it recurs once a month until 
about the age of 45, its cessation at this age being called the menopause, 

Each month the mucous membrane of the uterus becomes con- 
gested and thickened, and eventually some of the blood-vessels of the 
membrane rupture; the escaping blood, together with the superficial 
epithelium of the uterus and the secretion of the uterine glands, form 
the menstrual flow, which lasts four or five days, the loss of blood 
varying from 100 to 300 c.c. When it ceases, the mucous membrane 
of the uterus is gradually regenerated, and returns to its original 

Menstruation is associated with feelings of malaise and often with a 
slight rise of temperature. It is absent during pregnancy, and usually 
during lactation, and is undoubtedly related to and dependent upon 
ovulation, though the latter may either precede or follow the menstrual 
flow. Menstruation ceases after the removal of the ovaries, and also 
at the menopause, when ovulation no longer takes place; its object 
appears to be to render the condition of the uterus, at the end of the 



menstrual period, suitable for the reception and development of the 
ovum if fertilisation takes place. In many of the lower animals a 
somewhat similar change in the uterus, known as the estrus, occurs at 
certain seasons of the year, and is ‘accompanied by ovulation and sexual 

Maturation of the Ovum.—After being discharged from the ovary 
the ovum undergoes certain changes known as maturation. When a 
cell divides in other (somatic) tissues the process is initiated by changes 
in the nucleus and is known as mitosis. The network of chromatin in 
the nucleus breaks up into a number of segments called chromosomes, 
each composed of rows of granules; the number of chromosomes thus 
formed is constant for every somatic cell for a given species of animal, 
and in man the number is sixteen. The next stage consists in the 
splitting of each chromosome longitudinally into two halves, which 
travel to opposite ends of the cell. While this is taking place the cell 
protoplasm constricts and then divides between the nuclei to form two 
cells, each of which contains the same number of chromosomes as the 
original cell. Finally, the chromosomes of each daughter cell fuse into 
a single chromatin filament. : 

In the germ celis a different form of cell division takes place, and is 
known as heterotype mitosis. The ovum divides twice. The daughter 
cells from the first division differ greatly in size, and the smaller 
one, called the first polar body, breaks up and disappears. The 
characteristic feature of this division is that the number of chromosomes 
formed is only half that occurring in a somatic cell in the same animal. — 
The larger cell, which contains only half the normal number of chromo- 
somes, divides again to form two daughter cells, one of which is small, 
the second polar body, whereas the other is large and constitutes the 
mature ovum. 

A similar process takes place in the formation of spermatozoa, 
except that the four davghter cells, spermatids, formed from the sper- 
matocytes, all develop into spermatozoa ; and in man each spermatozoon 
and mature ovum contains eight chromosomes, whereas. the somatic 
cells contain sixteen, 

Fertilisation takes place as a result of the introduction of sperma- 
tozoa into the vagina during the act of coitus. The motile spermatozoa 
travel into the uterus and Fallopian tubes, where they may live for 
some days. If a spermatozoon penetrates into an ovum, it loses its 
tail, changes take place in its head and neck, and it is converted into a 
male pronucleus, which fuses with the nucleus of the ovum (female 
pronucleus) to form a new cell containing the normal number of 
chromosomes; this process constitutes fertilisation. 


The cell thus formed at once divides, and when the ovum which has 
been fertilised in the Fallopian tube reaches the uterus, it has already 
divided and subdivided to form a small mass of cells called a morula. 

The further development of the’ morula takes place in the uterus 
and constitutes pregnancy. The morula makes its way into the uterine 
mucous membrane, which then consists of three parts: namely, (1) the 
decidua basalis, lying between the embryo and the muscular wall of the 
uterus ; (2) the decidua capsularis (reflexa), between the embryo and the 
cavity of the uterus ; and (3) the decidua vera, lining the remainder of 
the uterus. As the embryo grows, it becomes enclosed in a sac filled 

with fluid and called the amnion ; surrounding the amnion is a vascular 
membrane, the chorion, from which blood-vessels pass to and from the | 

foetus in the umbilical cord. After the third month of pregnancy the 
foetus receives its nutrition from the placenta, which is formed partly 
from maternal and partly from foetal tissue. It consists essentially of 
large blood spaces in the decidua basalis, into which open the uterine 

arteries, and from which the blood of the mother is carried into the . 

uterine veins. Projections from the chorion (chorionic villi) containing 
foetal blood-vessels lie in these spaces and are bathed by the maternal 
blood ; the blood reaches the villi along the umbilical arteries, and is 
. returned to the foetus in the umbilical vein. The maternal and foetal 
blood are thus separated by a double layer of epithelium, and the 
nutrition of the foetus is effected by the diffusion of oxygen and 
nutritive material through this epithelium. ° 

Parturition.—The average duration of pregnancy is 280 days, 
during which the muscular wall of the uterus not only increases in 
size, but becomes greatly thickened. Parturition is brought about by 
rhythmic contraction of the uterine muscle, and the foetal membranes 
and their contained fluid are forced through the os uteri, which becomes 
fully distended. This, the first stage of labour, ends when the os uteri 
is fully dilated ; and the membranes rupture about this time. 

The foetal head then enters the pelvis, and the uterine contractions 
become more prolonged and frequent, being accompanied by voluntary 
contractions of the abdominal muscles. The foetus is gradually forced 
through the pelvic canal and vulva, the head normally being born first. 
The second stage of labour ends when the child is born. The whole 
process of parturition varies greatly in duration, and may last twenty- 
four hours. Shortly after the birth of the child the uterus contracts 
further and expels the placenta. 

After parturition the uterus rapidly decreases in size, this being 
known as involution. 

The Mammary Gland.—The mammary gland consists of a number 

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of lobules embedded in fat and areolar tissue. Each lobule is composed 
of alveoli lined by columnar epithelium, resting on a basement | 
membrane. The ducts open on to the nipple, and are lined by cubical 

epithelium ; their walls are said to contain unstriated muscular fibres. 

During the secretion of milk the superficial part of the cells, which 
contains fat globules and secretory granules, disintegrates and is cast 
off to form part of the secretion ; during the periods of rest the cell 
substance is re-formed. ; 

~The development of the mammary gland during pregnancy is 
brought about by the influence of hormones derived from the re- 
productive organs. In the earliest stage of pregnancy a hormone 
appears to be formed in the corpus luteum, and if a Graafian follicle 
is artificially ruptured in an animal the mammary glands develop for 
a short time apart from pregnancy. Later, another hormone is possibly 
formed by the foetus itself, since it has been shown that injection of 
an extract of foetal tissue into a virgin rabbit leads to growth of the 
mammary glands... That their development: is due to chemical and 
not to nervous influence is further indicated by the fact that, even after 
the severance of all nerves to the mammary gland, it undergoes normal 
development during pregnancy. _ 

The Secretion of Milk.—Very little is known as to the mechanism 
by which the secretion of milk is brought about, although it can un- 
doubtedly be influenced through the nervous system. As already 
mentioned, the injection of extracts of the hypophysis increases the 
secretion of milk, but it is not known whether the hypophysis normally 
plays any part in the process. 


The reproductive glands not only form the essential reproductive 
elements, namely, spermatozoa and ova, but influence very markedly 
the growth and development of the rest of the organism. 

In the male the onset of puberty, z.e. the formation of spermatozoa 
in the testis, is associated with the development of secondary sexual 
characteristics, such as changes in the larynx, deepening of the voice, 
and the growth of hair on the face and pubes. If the testes are 
removed before puberty these characters do not develop, and the body 
remains infantile. After puberty castration leads to atrophy of the 
accessory genital organs. In the lower animals castration also prevents 
the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the antlers 
of the stag, or the comb of the cock. 

In the female extirpation of the ovaries iaente the occurrence 


of menstruation and the development of the mammary gland, which 
normally take place at puberty; their removal after puberty brings 
about the cessation of menstruation. 

The normal changes accompanying sexual development appear to 
depend for their occurrence upon an internal secretion formed by the 
testes or ovaries, and they furnish a striking illustration of the chemical 
interrelation between the different parts of the body. The hormones 
concerned in the growth of secondary sexual characteristics have not 
been isolated, anc the exact site of their formation is doubtful; some 
observers believe that they are formed by the interstitial cells of 
the testis and ovary, since ligature of the vas deferens, while causing 

atrophy of the seminiferous tubules, does not affect the interstitial cells 

or the development of secondary sexual characteristics. 


When reproduction takes place the offspring bear a general resem- 
blance to the parents, though differing in detail from both of them. 
The transmission of the qualities of the parent is carried out solely by 
the germ plasm, and the hereditary qualities are present in the nuclei 
of the spermatozoon and ovum respectively. The spermatozoon, how- 
ever, appears to have a double function; in addition to containing 
potentially the characters of the male parent, it acts as a chemical or 
physical stimulus to segmentation and division of the ovum. This 
latter function can, to some extent, be replaced in certain invertebrates 

(e.g. sea urchins) by producing physical changes in the environment of | 

the ovum ; and under such conditions unfertilised ova have been made 
to develop partially or completely into normal larvee. 

The formation of polar bodies, and the analogous process taking 
place in the formation of spermatids prior to fertilisation, involves 
the loss of part of the nuclear substance, and therefore, probably, of 
part of the parental qualities transmitted to the offspring. On this 
account the characters of the offspring show variations from those of 
the parents. In many cases these variations have proved advantageous 
in the struggle for existence by adapting the animal more closely to its 
environment ; and the survival of those most fitted for their surroundings 
has led to the evolution of the higher forms of life. 

An important problem in heredity is whether the characters of the 
offspring represent a mean between those of the parents, or whether a 
parental character can be transmitted completely or not at all. There is 

evidence that in many cases the latter is true, and the conditions under — 

which this transmission occurs are known as Wendel’s law, When tall 

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and dwarf peas, for example, are crossed, all the seeds produce. tall 
plants. If the seeds from these tall plants are crossed with each other, 
three-quarters become tall and one-quarter are short. In this case the 
qualities of tallness and shortness have not fused, and the quality of 
tallness is either present or absent. When it is present the plant is 
tall, even though the quality of shortness is also present; tallness is 
said, therefore, to be a domznunt, and shortness a recessive character. 
If the recessive character alone is present the plant is short. 

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Abdominal muscles, 247, 
action in respiration, 247. 
Abducens nerve, centre, 67, 69. 
Aberration, chromatic, 127. 
spherical, 127. 
Absorption from tissues, 242. 
of carbohydrates, 331. 
fats, 331, 
proteins, 330. 
Acapnia, 268. 
Accelerator nerves, 221. 
Accessory auditory nucleus, 70, 91. 
Accommodation of eye, 123. 
Acetone, 347. 
Achroo-dextrin, 7, 293. 
Acid metaprotein, 9, 303. 
Acidosis, 347, 385. 
Acoustic tubercle, 70, 91. 
Acromegaly, 406. 
Adaptation, 106, 133. 
Addison’s disease, 401. 
Adenine, 11, 359. 
Adrenalin, 218, 224, 227, 234, 401. 
action on coronary arteries, 218. 
_effect on heart, 224. 
production, nervous control of, 234. 
Adsorption, 16. 
Aérotonometer, 255, 261. 
ZEsthesiometer, 110. 
. Afferent nerves, 34. 
projection system, 83. 
After-images, 135, 136. 
Air, alveolar, 251. 
atmospheric, 250. 
changes by breathing, 250. 
complemental, 249. 
quantity breathed, 249. 
reserve, 249. 
residual, 249. 
tidal, 249. 
transmission. of sound-waves through, 
Air-sacs, 245. 
Alanine, 12, 355. 
Albumin, 10. 
characters of, 10. 
egg, 13. 
serum, 13, 166. 


FU Soe 



Alcaptonuria, 388. 

Alcohol as a beverage, 378. 

Aldehyde, 5. 

Aldoses, 6. 

Alimentary glycosuria, 350, 407. 

Alkali metaprotein, 9, 314. 

Alveolar air apparatus, 251. 
composition of, 251. 

Amacrine cells, 118. 

Ametropia, 126. 

Amino-acids, 9, 

in blood, 855, 

Ammonia in urine, 348, 385. 

Amnion, 414, 

Ameeba, 1. 

Ameeboid movement, 164. 

Ampulla, 151. 

Amylolytic enzymes, 293, 315. 

Anabolism, 338, 

Anacrotic pulse, 206. 

Anaphylaxis, 168. 

Anarthria, 93. 

Anelectrotonus, 35. 

Animal cell, 2. 
heat, 365. 

Anode, 23. 

Antagonistic colours, 136. 
muscles, reciprocal action of, 61. 

Anterior cerebro-spinal fasciculus, 52, 

Antero-lateral ascending tract, 54. 
descending tract, 53. 

Antibodies, 167. 

Antidromic impulses, 229. 

Antigens, 167. 

Antithrombin, 172. 

Antitoxin, 168. 

Apex beat, 193. 

Aphasia, 93. 

Apnoea, 249, 267, 276. 
in ducks, 277. 

Aqueduct, cerebral, 76. 

Aqueous humor, 119. 

Arcuate fibres, 68. 

Area, association, 92. 
audito-psychic, 91. 
audito-sensory, 91. 
gustatory, 92. 

12, 314, 325, 331, 

Area, kinesthetic, 86, 89. 
motor, 86. 
olfactory, 92. 
visuo-psychic, 90. 
visuo-sensory, 90. 
Arginase, 356. 
Arginine, 13, 356. 
Aristotle’s experiment, 111. 
Arteria centralis retin, 119. 
Arterial blood pressure, 181, 185. 
in asphyxia, 270, 
Arteries, 178. 
bronchial, 246. 
coronary, 218. 
elasticity of, 208. 
in kidney, 381. 
nerves of, 226. 
pressure of blood in, 181, 185. 
rate of blood flow in, 187. 
structure of, 178. 
umbilical, 414. 
Arterioles, 178. 
local changes in, 236. 
rhythmic contraction of, 231. 
Ary-epiglottic fold, 148. 
Arytenoid cartilages, 148. 
muscle, 149. 
Aspartic acid, 12. 
Asphyxia, 231, 269. 
blood pressure in, 270. 
stages of, 269. 
Association areas, 82. 
fibres, 80, 83, 84. 
tracts, 84. — 
Astasia, 74. 
Asthenia, 74. 
Astigmatism, 126. 
Atmospheric air, 250. 
Atonia, 74. 
Atrium, 176, 245. 
Atropine, effect on heart, 224, 
on pupil, 130. 
on salivary gland, 296. 
Atwater-Benedict calorimeter, 340. 
Auditory area, 90, 
nerve, 70. 
radiation, 83. 
tract, 91. 
tube, 141, 143. 
Auerbach’s plexus, 326. 
Auricles, 176. 
Auricular diastole, 179. 
systole, 179. 
Auriculo-ventricular bundle, 177. 
node, 214. 
valves, 176, 177. 
Autogenetic nerve theory, 46. 
Autolysis, 361. — 

Autonomic ganglia, functions of, 103. 

nervous system, 99, 
Axis cylinder, 33. 
Axon, 33, 41. 

reflex, 103, 230. 

INDEX. — 41g 

Bacterial action in intestinl digestion, 
334, 386. 
Bacterium ‘lactis, 376. 
Barcroft’s blood-gas apparatus, 252, 
tonometer, 256. 
Basilar membrane, 1438, 144. 

Basket cells, 73. 
' Basophile cells, 156. 

Benedict’s test, 6, 387. 

Beri-beri, 373. 

Betz cells, 81. 

Bidder’s panigeien: 210. 

Bile, 319. 
absorption of bile salts, 321, 
analysis of, 319. 
capillaries, 363. 
digestive properties, 322. 
influence on fat absorption, 331. 
mucin, 320. 
pigments, 319, 383. 
quantity of, 323. 
salts, 320. 
secretion of, 323. 
uses of, 322. 

Bilirubin, 162, 320, 

Biliverdin, 320. 

Binocular vision, 138, 140. 

Bipolar nerve cells, 40. 

Biuret reaction, 384, 

Bladder, urinary, 398. 

Blind spot, 131. 

Block, heart, 215, 272, 

Blood, 155. 
amino-acids in, 354. 
arterial and venous, 180. 
carbonic acid in, 259. 
circulation of, 179. 

in foetus, 414. 
coagulation of, 169. 
defibrinated, 169. 
fibrin, 166, 169. 
flow, rate of, 187. 
gas analysis, 252. 
gases of, 252. 
nitrogen in, 282. 
oxalated, 171. 
oxygen in, 256. 
plasma, 165. 
platelets, 156. 
proteins of, 166. 
quantity of, 175. 
reaction of, 165, 168, 389. 
salts of, 166. 
serum, 166. 
specific gravity of, 155. 
venous, 180. 

Blood corpuscles, red, 155. 
chemistry of, 158. 
development of, 163. 
fate of, 164. 
function of; 159. 
number of, 156. 
origin of, 163. 


Blood corpuscles, specific gravity of, 165, 
stroma of, 157. 

Blood corpuscles, white, 156, 164. 
amoeboid movements of, 164. 
chemistry of, 165. 
functions of, 164. 
origin of, 165. - 
varieties of, 156. 

Blood flow through an organ, 225. 

Blood platelets, 156. 

Biood pressure, 180. 
in arteries, 182. 
in capillaries, 186. 
in veins, 182, 185. 
influence of gravity on, 232. 
influence of respiratory movements on, 

measurement of, in man, 185. 

Blood vessels, structure of, 178. 

Bone marrow, 164, 

Boundary zone, 380. 

Bowman’s capsule, 380. 

Bowman’s glands, 113. 

B-oxybutyric acid, 347, 354, 388. 

Brachium conjunctivum, 71, 73. 
inferior, 77. 
pontis, 71, 73. 
superior, 78, 

Brain, 66, 
fore-brain, 79. 
hind-brain, 66. 
mid-brain, 76. 
projection fibres in, 83. 
stem, 79. 

Bread, 377. 

Broca’s convolution, 93. 

Bronchi, 245. 

Bundle of His, 178, 214. 

Calcium salts, 4. 
effect on heart, 218. 
excretion in large intestine, 333. 
in coagulation of blood, 170. 
of milk, 304. 
hosphate in urine, 386. 
Calorie value of diet, 379. 
of food-stuffs, 339, 372. 
Calorimeter, 339, 340, 
Canal of cochlea, 143. 
of Schlemm, 115. 
eee sugar, 6 
igestion of, 324, 
Cap; illary circulation, 189. 
electrometer, 24, 
pressure, 190. 
wall, diffusion through, 190. 
Carbohydrates, 5 
absorption of, 331. 
action of gastric juice on, 302, 
of pancreatic juice on, 315. 
of saliva on, 293.. 
metabolism, 348. 


Carbonic acid : 
excretion of, 244, 
in atmosphere, 250, 
in alveolar air, 251, 
in blood, 259, 265. 
tension in alveoli, 262, 
in blood, 259. 
in tissues, 279. 
Carbon monoxide poisoning, 283. 
Carboxyhemoglobin, 160. 
Cardiac cycle, 192. 
impulse, 192. _ 
murmurs, 195, 
muscle, 177. 
influence of salts on, 218. 
of temperature on, 219. 
of tension on, 202. 
physiological properties of, 212. 
nerves, 219. 
output, 198, 202. 
reflexes, 221. 
sounds, 194. 
Cardiogram, 193. 
Cardiograph, 193. 
Cardio-inhibitory centre, ei 221, 
Cardiometer, 199. 
Casein, 304. 
Caseinogen, 10, 18. 
action of gastric juice on, 304. 
in milk, 375. 
Catalysts, 290. 
Cells, 2. 
Central nervous system, 39, 
Centres in medulla oblongata, 69. 
Cephaline, 8. 
Cerebellar ataxy, 74. 
Cerebello - spinal tract of Lowenthal, 

Cerebellum, 71. 

ablation of, 74, 

afferent tracts of, 73. 

efferent tracts of, 74, 

functions of, 74. 

inferior peduncle, 68, 71. 

localised lesions of, 75, 

middle peduncle, 69, 71. 

roof nuclei, 71. 

stimulation of, 75. 

structure of, 71. 

superior peduncle, 71, 

vermis, 71. 

Cerebral circulation, 236. 

hemispheres, ablation of, 84, 85. 
association fibres in, 84. 
associative functions, 85, 
commissural fibres in, 84. 
cortex of, 80. 
excitability of, 86. 
function of layers, 81. 

motor and sensory areas (sce Areas). 

projection fibres in, 83. 
structure of, 80. 
tracts in, 82. 


so BP en dnd ee 






INDEX. 421 

Cerebral peduncles, 76. 
Cerebro-cerebellar fibres, 83. 
Cerebro-spinal fasciculi, 52, 88, 94. 
fluid, 97. 
Chemiotaxis, 164. — 
Cheyne- Stokes breathing, 277. 
Cholesterol; 8, 319, 321. 
Choline, 8 
Chorda tympani, 294. 
vaso-dilator fibres of, 228, 295. 
Chorde tendinexw, 177, 191. 
Choroid coat, 115. 
Choroid plexus, 97. 
Chromaffine material, 401, 403. 
Chromatic aberration, 127. 
Chromatin, 11. 
Chromatolysis, 42. 
Chromoproteins, 12. 
Chromosomes, 413. 
Chyle, 331. 
Ciliary ganglion, 102. 
movement, 32. 
muscle, 115, 124. 
nerves, 128. 
processes, 115. 
Circulation of blood, 179. 
cerebral, 236. 
general course of, 179. 
schema, 183. 
time, 190. 
Clarke’s column, 48. 
Coagulation of blood, 169. 
of colloids, 17. 
of milk, 304, 
. of proteins, 10. 
time of, 174. 
Coagulometer, 174. 
Cochlea, 143. 
Cochlear nerve nucleus, 70, 
Coefficient of solubility of a gas, 254. 
Cold, effect of, on muscular contraction, 
sensations, 111. 
spots, 108. 
Collagen, 11, 304. 
Collaterals in spinal cord, 47. 
Collecting tubules of kidney, 380. 
Colloids, 16. 
adsorption by, 16. 
aggregation of, 17. 
metals, 16. 
osmotic pressure of, 16. 
precipitation of, 17, 
solutions of, 16. 
Colon, movements of, 335. 
Colour-blindness, 135. 
Colour-contrast, 136. 
Colour-vision, 135. 
Comma tract, 53. 
Commissural fibres of cerebrum, 84. 
Compensatory pause, 213. 
Complement, 158, 168. 
Complemental air, 249. 

Complementary colours, 136. 
Compressor urethre, 398. 
Conduction in nerve, 34. 
Cones, 117. 

functions of, 131. 
Conjugate deviation, 137. 

- Conjugated proteins, 11. 

Conjunctival reflex, 2, 59. 
Consonance, 146. : 
Consonants, 150. 
Constrictor fibres to arteries of limbs, 
101, 228. 
Contraction of muscle, 20.. 
of pupil, 129. 
voluntary, 31. 
wave, 22, 
Contrast in visual sensation, 136. 
Convection, loss of heat by, 367. 
Convoluted tubules, 380. 
secretion by, 393, 
Co-ordinated movements, 74, 153. 
Cord, spinal, 47. 
Cornea, 114. 
nerve-endings in, 107. 
Corniculate cartilages, 148. 
Coronary arteries, 218. 
Corpora quadrigemina, 76, 77. 
connection with auditory tract, 77. 
with optic tract, 78. 
Corpus Arantii, 177. 
callosum, 84. 
luteum, 411, 415. 
striatum, 80, 369. 
Corpuscles of blood, 155. 
of Golgi and Mazzoni, 108. 
of Meissner, 108. 
of Pacini, 108. 
of Ruffini, 108. 
Corresponding points, 138. 
Cortex cerebri (see Cerebral hemispheres). 
Corti’s organ, 144. 
Costal respiration, 247. 
Cranial autonomic fibres, 102. 
Creatine, 13, 19, 385. 
Creatinine, 385. 
Cretinism, 407. 
Crico-arytenoid muscles, 149. 
Cricoid cartilage, 148. 
Crico-thyroid muscle, 149. 
Crista acustica, 152. 
Crura cerebri (see Cerebral vodtealan} 
Crystalline lens, 119. 
Crystalloids, 16. 
Cuneiform cartilages, 148. 
Curare, action of, 20. 
Current, demareation, 37. 
electric, in eye, 131. 
heart, 216. 
muscle, 24. 
salivary gland, 299. 
of action, 26, 36. 
of injury, 26, 3%. 
of rest, 26. 




Cutaneous end-organs, 107. 
impulses, conduction of, 108. : 
sensations, 107. 

Cystine, 12, 13, 387, 388. 

Cyton, 40. 

D:N ratio, 352. 
Dark-adapted eye, 106. 
Dead space, 251. 
Deamination, 355, 359, 364. 
Decerebrate dog, 85. 

frog, 84, 

pigeon, 85. ' 

rigidity, 75. 
Decidua, formation of, 414. 
Decussation of fillet, 67. 

of pyramids, 66, 
Deep reflexes, 63. 
Deep sensibility, 111, 
Defects of eye, 126. 
Defibrinated blood, 169, 
Degeneration of nerve, 44. 
Deglutition, 299. 

nervous mechanism of, 301. 
Deiters’ nucleus, 70. 
Denaturation of proteins, 10. 
Dendrons, 41. 
Dental consonants, 150. 
Depressor nerve, 222, 230, 238. 
Descending tracts, 52. 
Dextrin, 7, 349. 
Dextrose, 5. 

in blood, 166, 350. 

in urine, 350, 387. 
Diabetes, experimental, 352. 

in man, 354. . 

sugar consumption in, 354, 
Diabetic puncture, 351. 
Diacetic acid, 347. 
Diamino-acids, 13. 
Diamino-nitrogen of proteins, 14. 
Diapedesis, 190. 
Diaphragm, 246. 
Diastolic arterial pressure, 185. 
Dicrotic wave, 205, 207. 
Diet, 371. 
Dietaries, 378. 
Differential blood-gas manometer, 253. 
Diffusion, 14, 
Digestion, 288. 

course of, 291. 

gastric, 302, 

intestinal, 312. 

pancreatic, 313. 

salivary, 291. 
Dilatation of pupil, 130. 
Dilator pupille, 116. 
Dioptre, 127. 
Diphasic variation, 26. 
Direct cerebellar tract, 54. 
Disaccharides, 5 
Discord, 146. 
Discus proligerus, 411. 

Diisee i Cy 

. ) 


Dissociation of oxyhemoglobin, 256. » 
Dissonance, 146. 
Diuretics, 397. 
Dominant characters, 417. 
Dorsal nucleus, 48. 
spino-cerebellar fasciculus, 54. 
Ductless glands, 400. 
Ductus cochlearis, 143. 
endolymphaticus, 151. 
Dudgeon’s sphygmograph, 50h. 
Dyspnea, 249. 



Ear, external, 141, 
internal, 143. 
middle, 141. 

Eck’s fistula, 356. 

Effector organ, 58. 

Efferent nerves, 34, 
path of reflex, 58. 
projection fibres, 83. 
tracts of cerebellum, 74. 

Egg-albumin, 9, 13. 

Eighth nerve, nucleus, 69. 

Elasticity of arteries, 208. 
of muscle, 20, 23. 

Elastin, 11, 3038. ° 

Electrical changes in eye, 131. 
in heart, 216, 
in muscle, 24. 
in salivary gland, 299. 

Electrical stimulation, 35. 
variations, 26. 

Electrocardiogram, 216. 

Electrolytes, 14. 

Electrolytic dissociation, 14. 

Electrotonic current, 37. 

Electrotonus, 35. 

Embryo, 414. 

Emmetropic eye, 126. 

Emulsion, 7. 

End-bulbs, 108, 

Endocardiac pressure, 195. 

Endolymph, 148. 

End-organs in skin, 107. 

End-plate, 19. 
fatigue in, 31, 96, 

End -produets, effect on enzymes, 290, 


Energy, sources of muscular, 362. 
total daily output of, 366. 

Enteroceptive nervous system, 105. 

Enterokinase, 314. 

Enzymes, 288. 
characteristics of, 288, 
reversibility of action, 289, 

Eosinophile leucocytes, 156. 

Epicritic sensibility, 111. 

Epididymis, 410. 

Epiglottis, 148. 

Equilibration, 154. 
functions of labyrinth in, 153. 

Erectile tissue, 411. 

Erepsin, 314, 324. 

INDEX. 423 

Ergastoplasm, 299, | 

Ergotoxin, action of, 230. 

Erythroblasts, 163. 

Erythrocytes, 155. 

Erythrodextrin, 7, 293. 

Ethereal sulphates, excretion of, 386. 

Eupnea, 249. 

Eustachian tube, 141, 143. 

Excitatory process in nerve, 34. 

Expired air, 250. 

Extensibility of muscle, 20. 

Extensor reflex, 60. 

External auditory meatus, 141. 
geniculate body, 78, 79, 134. 


Exteroceptive nervous system, 76, 105. 

Extra systole, 213. 

Eye, dark-adapted, 106, 133. 
electrical changes in,- 131. 
filtration angle of, 115. 
formation of image in, 122, 
movements of, 137. 
nutrition of, 119. 
optical defects of, 126. 
structure of, 114. 

Eye-ball, 114. 

Eye-muscles, extrinsic, 137. . 

Facial nerve, nucleus of, 67, 69. 
Facilitation of reflexes, 62. 
Feces, 334. 
False vocal cords, 148. 
Far point of vision, 125. 
Fasciculus cuneatus, 54. 
gracilis, 53. 
Fasting, metabolism in, 360. 
Fat, absorption of, 331. 
composition of, 7. 
depots, 344, 
formation from carbohydrates, 345. 
functions of, 346. 
in intestinal epithelium, 332. 
metabolism in starvation, 360, 
oxidation of, 347. 
Fatigue, cause of, 29, 30, 96. 
of visual mechanism, 136. 
Fats, 7. 
digestion in stomach, 305. 
in intestine, 316. 
Fatty acids, 7. 
heat equivalents, 339. 
Fatty degeneration, 347, 
infiltration, 346. 
Fehling’s test, 5, 387. 
Fenestra ovalis or vestibuli, 141. 
rotunda or cochlex, 141. 
Fermentation test, 6. 
Ferments (see Enzymes). 
Fertilisation, 413. 
Fibrin, 166, 169. 
Fibrinogen, 166, 170. 
Field of vision, 138. 
Fifth nerve, nucleus of, 67, 69, 79. 
Fillet, decussation of, 67. 

Fillet, lateral, 77, 91. 

Final common path, 61, 

Flexion reflex, 59, 

Flicker, 135. 

Fluid, cerebro- -spinal, 97, 

Fluoride, effect on clotting of blood, 174, 
Focus of lens, 121. 

Food, amount necessary, 372, 

Food- stuffs, digestibility of, 379. 
calorie values of, 339, 372, 
Foramen of Majendie, 97, 
Forced movements, 75. 
Fore-brain, 79. 
Fountain decussation of Meynert, 78. 
Fourth nerve, nucleus of, 67, 79. 
Fovea centralis, 118. 
Free nerve- endings, 107. 
Freezing-point, depression of, 15. 
Frog, heart of, 209. 
muscle-nerve reparation, 20.. 
Fronto-pontine fibres, 76, 83. 
Fructose, 6, 331. 
Fundamental tone, 146: 
Funiculus cuneatus, 54. 

Galactose, 6, 324, 331. 
Gall-bladder, 323. 
Galvanometer, 24. 
Ganglia, spinal, 42, 47, 49. 
sympathetic, 99. 
Gaseous exchange i in lungs, 260. 
metabolism of organs, 279. 
Gases, tension of, 255. 
Gastric digestion, 301, 
fistula, 301. 
hormone, 306. 
juice, 301. 
action on barbideydretea, 302, 
fats, 305. 
proteins, 303. 
appetite secretion, 306, 
composition of, 302. 
secretion of, 305. . 
secretin, 306. 
Gastro-colic reflex, 335. 
Gastro-ileac reflex, 333. 
Gelatin, composition of, 12, 13. 
food value of, 377. 
Gels, 17. 
Geniculate sete external or lateral, 78, 
internal fe Taedial, 77, 79. 
Germ cells, 413. 
chromosomes in, 413. ‘as yea 
division of, 413. 

Germinal vesicle, 411. 

Glaucoma, 120. 

Gliadin, 13. 

Globin, 13. 

Globulins, 10. 

Glomerulus, filtration in, 392, 
pressure of blood in, 391. 


Glosso-pharyngeal nerve, 277, 301. 
nucleus of, 67, 68. 
Glottis, 148. 
Glucoproteins, ll. 
Glucosamine, 11, 304. 
Glucosazone, 6. 
Glucose (see Dextrose). 
Glutamic acid, 12. 
Glycerol, 7. 
Glycine, 12. 
Glycogen, 6, 19. 
formation of, 349. 
preparation of, 348. 
Glycosuria, 350. 
adrenalin, 351. 
alimentary, 350. 
phloridzin, 351. 
Glycuronic acid, 388. 
Golgi and Mazzoni, corpuscles of, 108. 
Gowers’ tract, 54. 
Graafian follicles, 411. 
Gram molecule, 15. 
Gravity, effect of, on ehedidiation, 282. 
Green blindness, 135. 
Grey matter of cerebral cortex, 80. 
rami communicantes, 101. 
Guanine, 11, 359. 
Gustatory area, 92. 
- sensations, 112. 
Guttural consonants, 150. 

Hematin, 160, 161. 
Hematoidin, 162. 
Hematoporphyrin, 162. 
in urine, 162, 383. 
Hemin, 161. 
Hemochromogen, 161. 
Hemocytometer, 156. 
Hemoglobin, 12, 158. 
absorption spectrum of, 159. 
affinity for carbon monoxide, 160, 283. 
composition of, 159, 
erystals of, 159. 
derivatives of, 161. 
dissociation curve of, 256. 
iron in, 160, 
oxygen capacity of, 256. 
union with oxygen, 159, 256. 
Hemoglobinometer, 162. 
Hemolysis, 157. 
Hemolytic sera, 157. 
Hair follicles, 367. 
Harmony, 146, 
Hay’s test, 320. 
Head’s diaphragm slip, 265. 
Head’s experiment on cutaneous sensa- 
tion, 111. 
Hearing, 141, 145. 
end-organ of, 144. 
Heart, 176. 
accelerator nerves to, 221, 
changes in form of, 193. 

Heart, diastolic filling of, 191, 202. 

of frog, 209. 

‘inhibitory nerve to, 220. 

nerve ganglia in, 210, 

nutrition of, 217. 

output of, 198, 202. 

sequence of events in, 191, 

sounds, 194. 

work of, 198, 204. 
Heart beat, 191. 

causation of, 209. 

effect of calcium on, 218. 

of hydrogen ion concentration on, . 

of muscarine on, 224, 

of nicotine on, 224. 

of potassium on, 218. 
electrical variations, 216. 

influence of temperature on rate of, 

myogenic hypothesis, 211, 214. 
neurogenic hypothesis, 210. 
propagation of, 211. 
rate in exercise, 286. 
reversal of rhythm of, 211. 
significance of CO, for, 219. 
Heart block, 215, 272. 
Heart lung preparation, 199. 
Heart muscle, 177. 
influence of tension on, 202, 213. 
physiological properties of, 212. 
refractory period of. 213. 
structure of, 177. 
Heat loss, 365, 367, 369. 
production, 365, 368. 
in muscle, 28, 386. 
regulation, 368. 
sensations, 111. 
spots, 108. 
Helicotrema, 143. 
Heller’s test, 387. 
Hemianesthesia, 55, 
Henle’s loop, 380. 
Hensen’s line,. 18, 
Heredity, 416. 
Hering’s theory of colour vision, 136. 
Heterotype mitosis, 413. 
Hexone bases, 13, 325. 
Hexoses, 5. 
Hind-brain, 66. 
Hippocampus, 82. 
Hippuric acid, 386. 
Hirudin, 174. 
His’ bundle, 178, 214. 
Histidine, 12, 13. 
Histones, 10, 158, 
Homogentisic acid, 388, 
Homoiothermic animals, 365, 
Hopkins’ test for lactic acid, 27. 
for tryptophane, 9. 
Hormones, 2. 
gastric, 306. 
genital, 416. 

Se a 

Ve Gene ae) ee ee wait 3 gd . 

INDEX. 425 

Hormones, intestinal, 325. Intra-thoracic pressure, 248. 
mammary, 414. Intra-vascular coagulation, 173. 
pancreatic, 318. : Inversion, 324. 

Hiirthle’s manometer, 196. Invertase, 324. 

Hyaloid membrane, 119. Involuntary muscle, 31. 

Hydremic plethora, effect: on volume of | Iodine in thyroid gland, 407. 

urine, 392. Iodo-thyrin, 407, 

Hydrated proteins, 9. Ionisation, 10, 

Hydrogen ion concentration, 168. Ions, 10, 14. 

Hydrolysis of starch, 6. Iris, 115. 
of proteins, 9. functions of, 128. 

Hyperglycemia, 350. local stimulation of, 129. 

Hypermetropia, 126. nerve supply of, 128. 

Hyperpneea, 249, structure of, 115. 

Hypertonic solutions, 16, 397. Tron, 4, 12, 160. 

_ Hypogastric nerves, 101, 335. Irradiation, 59, 231. 
Hypoglossal nucleus, 67, 68. Island of Reil, 82. 
Hypophysis cerebri (see Pituitary body). Islets of Langerhans, 318, 352. 
Hypotonic solutions, 16. Isoleucine, 12. 
Hypoxanthine, 19, 359. Isometric contractions, 23. 

Isotonic contractions, 23. 
solutions, 16. 

Ileo-colic sphincter, 328, 402. Isotropous substance, 19. 
Illusions, optical, 140. 

Image, retinal, 121, 130. 
tae ol, 12. : Tegee bee epilepey, 88. 
Immunity, 168. alfe’s test, 38 
Incus, 142, 
Indigo-carmine. experiment, 395. Katacrotic pulse, 206. 
Indirect vision, 132. Kathelectrotonus, 35. 
Indol, 334, 386. Kathode, 23, 
Induction, retinal, 137. Keratin, 11, 13. 
Inferior cervical ganglion, 101. Ketoses, 6. 
colliculi, 76. Kidney, functions of glomeruli of, 390. 
mesenteric ganglion, 101. nerves of, 389, 391. 
peduncles of cerebellum, 68. secretion in frog, 393. 
Inflammation, 190. mammal, 394. 
Infundibula of lung, 245. structure of, 380. 
Infundibulum of brain, 405. tubules, 381. 
Inhibition of heart, 220, absorption in, 396. 
of reflexes, 60, secretion in, 393, 
Inner cell lamina, 81. work of, 395. 
Inner fibre lamina, 81. Kinesthetic area, 86, 89. 
Inorganic constituents of the body, 4. Knee jerk, 62. 
food-stuffs, 374. Krause’s membrane, 18. 
Inosite, 7, 19. 4 Krogh’s microtonometer, 261. 
Intercostal muscles, action of, 247. Kymograph, 181. 
Internal capsule, 80, 93. : 
ear, 143. 
geniculate body, 77, 79. _ Labial consonants, 150. 
respiration, 244. Labyrinth, functions of, 151. 
secretions, 400. ; Labyrinthine sensation, 152. 
Intestine, large, 332. Lachrymal secretion, 114. 
small, absorption i in, 328, Lactalbumin, 375. 
movements of small, 326. Lactase, 324. 
of large, 335. Lactation, 415. 
Intestinal digestion, 312. ‘Lacteals, 239. 
juice, 324. Lactic acid, 27. 
composition of, 324, effect on respiratory centre, 268. 
functions of, 324. on vaso-motor centre, 231. 
secretion of, 325. in blood, 231, 286, 389. 
Intra-ocular fluid, 120. in muscle, 27. . 
tension, 120. “Pus in urine, 28, 286. 


Lactose, 6, 375, 387. 
Levulose, 6, 
Langerhans’ islets in pancreas, 318, 352. 
Langley’s ganglion, 297. . 
Large intestine, 332. 

absorption in, 334, 

excretion in, 333. 

functions of, 333. 

movements of, 335. 
Laryngoscope, 149, 
Larynx, 148. 

movements.of, in deglutition, 300. 
Lateral cerebro- -spinal fasciculus, 52. 
Lateral columns of cord, 48 

fillet, 77, 91. 

geniculate body, 78, 79. 
Law of forward direction, 43. 

of specific irritability, 106. 
Lecithin, 8. 
Lens, crystalline, 119. 

elasticity of, 124, : 

variations with age, 125. 
Lenses, formation of images by, 121. 
Leucine, 12, 314. 
Leucocytes, 156. 

number of, 156, 

origin of, 165, 

varieties of, 156. 
Leucocytosis, 165. 
Ligamentum pectinatum iridis, 115, 
Light, nature of, 133. 

reflex, 129. 
Lipase, gastric, 305. 

pancreatic, 316. 
Lipoids, 7. 
Lissauer’s tract, 54. 
Liver, 363. 

bile formation in, 323, 

glycogen of, 349. 

- hemolysis in, 164. 

lymph production i in, 241. 
_ urea formation in, 355, 364, 

uric acid formation in, 364, 
Load, effect on contraction, 28, 
Local reflexes, 327. 

sign, 110, 139. 

Localisation of function in cerebral hemi- 

sphere, -86. 
Locke’s fluid, 218. 
Locomotion, co-ordination of, 74. 
Locomotor ataxia, 64. 
Long ciliary nerves, 128. 
Longitudinal inferior fasciculus, 84. 
. superior fasciculus, 84. 
Loudness of sound, 146. 
Ludwig’s stromuhr, 188. 
Lungs, 244. 
exchange of gases in, 260. 
nerves of, 227. 
structure of, 245. 
Lutein, 412, 
Lymph, composition of, 239. 
flow of, 242. 


Lymph, formation of, 240. 
function of, 239. 

Lymphagogues, 241, 

Lymphocytes, 156. 

Lysine, 13. 

Lysins, 168.. 

Macula acustica, 152. 
lutea, 118. 
Malleus, 141. 
Malpighian bodies of spleen, 408. 
Maltase, 289, 315. 
Maltose, 6, 293. 
Mammary gland, 414. 
hormone, 415. 
Manometer, 181. 
Hiirthle’s, 196. 
Piper’s, 196. 
Marchi’s ftuid, 45. 
Marey’s law, 228, 238. 
tambour, 196. 
Marrow, 164. 
Mayer curves, 231. 
Mean systemic pressure, 184. 
Mean systolic pressure, 185. 
Medial fillet, 77. 
geniculate body, 77, 79. 
longitudinal fasciculus, 69, 77. 
Medulla oblongata, 66. 
spinalis, 47. 
Meissner’s corpuscles, 108, 
Membrana granulosa, 411. 
’ reticularis, 144. 
tectoria, 144. 
tympani, 141. 
Membranes, permeability of, 14. 
semipermeable, 14... 
Membranous labyrinths 143, 151. 
Mendel’s law, 416. 
Menstruation, 412, 
Mercurial manometer, 181. 
Metabolism, 338. 
during starvation, 360. 
endogenous, 357. 
exogenous, 357. 
methods, 338. 
of carbohydrates, 348. 
of fats, 344. 
of muscle, 27. 
of muscular work, 362. 
of nucleo-proteins, 359. 
of protein, 354. 
relation of, to body surface, 348, 369. 
Metabolites, action on blood- vessels, 236. 
Metaproteins, 9, 303. 
Metathrombin, 172, 
Methemoglobin, 160. 
Microtonometer, 261. 
Micturition, 398. 
Mid-brain, 76. 
functions of, 79. 
Middle cell lamina, 81. 
peduncles of cerebellum, 69. 

INDEX. — | 427 

Milk, 374. 
as a diet for infants, 376. 
composition of, 375. 
fats of, 375. 
proteins of, 375. 
salts of, 375. — 
secretion of, 415. 
Milk sugar, 6, 375. 
Millon’s reaction, 9. 
Mitosis, 413. 
Mitral cells, 92. 
valve, 177. 
Modality, 106. 
Molecular layer, 73, 81. 
of retina, 117. 
Monoamino-acids, 12. 
Monoamino-nitrogen in proteins, 14. 
Monophasic variation, 26. 
Monosaccharides, 5. 
Moss fibres, 73. 
Motor aphasia, 93. 
area, 82, 
Mountain sickness, 281. 
Movement, co-ordination of, 74. 
sensation of, 153. 
Movements of deglutition, 299. 
of large intestine, 335. 
of small intestine, 326. 
of stomach, 309. 
Mucins, 11, 304. 

Miiller’s law of specific irritability, 106. 

Murexide test, 386. 
Muscarine, action on heart, 224. 
Muscle, 18. 
afferent nerves of, 19. 
anisotropous substance of, 19, 
chemical changes in, 27. 
chemical stimulation of, 20. 
clotting of, 19. 
composition of, 19. 
contractile stress of, 23. 
elasticity of, 20, 23. 
electrical current in, 24, 
excitation of, 20. 
extensibility of, 20. 
heart, 177. 
heat production in, 28. 
independent excitability of, 20. 
injury current of, 26. 
involuntary, 31. 
isotropous substance of, 19. 
metabolism of, 27. 
production of carbonic acid in, 29. 
products of activity of, 29. 
reciprocal innervation of, 60. 
red, 19. 
source of energy of, 27. 
stimulation by constant current, 23. 
tone, 64, 153. 
voluntary, 18, 
structure of, 18. 
Muscle-current, 24. 
-fibre, 18. 

Muscle-plasma, 20, 
-sound, 195, 
-spindle, 63, 154, 
-twitch, 21, 
-wave, 22. 
Muscular contraction, 22. 
. fall or none” phenomenon, 22, 212, 
effect of fatigue, 22. 
of load, 23. 
of temperature, 22, 
of tension, 29, 213. 
heat production “during, 28. 
latent period of, 21, 
mechanical changes in, 21. 
respiratory quotient during, 342, 362. 
strength of stimulus, 22. 
time relations of, 21. 
voluntary, 31. 
electrical changes in, 31. 
Muscular contractions, summation of, 23. 
source of energy for, 27. 
exercise, 285. 
movements, co-ordination of, 74. 
relaxation, 21. 
sense, 89, 153. 
paths for impulses of,. 55. 
tone, 64, 153. 
work, 29. 
- effect on metabolism, 362. 
Musculi papillares, 177. 
Musical sounds, 145. . 
Myelin sheath, 33. 
Myelination, 51. 
Myelocytes, 165. 
Myenteric plexus, 326, 336. 
Myogenic theory, 211, 214. 
Myopia, 126. 
Myosin, 20. 
Myosinogen, 19. 
Myxcedema, 407. 

Near point, 125. 

Negative after image, 136, 137. 
variation, 36. 
ventilation, 273. 

Nerve, 33. 
double conduction in, 36. 
electrotonic currents in, 37. 
electrotonus, 35, 
medullated, 33. 
nodes of Ranvier, 33. 
non-fatiguability of, 30. 
non-medullated, 33. 
structure of, 33. 

Nerve cell, 40. 
function of, 43. 
Nissl’s granules in, 40. 
pericellular network of, 41. 
structure of, 40. 

Nerve centres in medulla, 69. 

Nerve endings in skin, 107. 

Nerve fibres, 33. 


Nerve impulse, 35. 
electrical changes, 35. 
excitatory condition, 34. 
influence of drugs on, 37. 
of temperature on, 37. 
propagated disturbance, 35. 
velocity of, 36, 
Nervi erigentes, 99, 228, 335, 398. 
Nervous system, 39. 
Neurolemma, 33. 
Neurofibrillar network, 41, 
continuity of, 41. 
Neurogenic theory, 210. 
_ Neuroglia, 40. 
Neuron, 40. 
N eutrophile leucocytes, 156. 
Nicotine, effect on heart, 224. 
on synapse, 101. 
Ninth nerve, nucleus of, 67. 
Nissl’s granules, 40. 
Nitrogen, endogenous, in urine, 357. 
estimation, 384. 
excretion in starvation, 361. 
exogenous, in urine, 357. 
in protein, 8. 
output, 357. 
requirements of body, 373. 

Nitrogenous constituents of urine, 382. 

equilibrium, 361. 
Nociceptive stimuli, 59, 
Nodal point, 121. 
Nuclease, 359. 

Nuclei pontis, 70. 
Nucleic acid, 3, 11, 359. 
Nuclein, 11, "359. 

metabolism of, 359. 
Nucleoprotein, 11. 

digestion of, 11, 304, 359. 
Nucleus, 2. 
ambiguus, 67, 68. 

caudatus, 94. 

cuneatus, 68. 

Deiters’, 70. 

dentatus, 71. 

emboliformis, 71. 

fastigii, 71. 

globosus, 71. 

gracilis, 68. 

lenticularis, 94. 

Occipital lobe, 90. 
Occipito-frontal fasciculus, 84, 
Oculo-motor nucleus, 67, 79, 126. 
Odours, 113. 
(Esophagus, 300. 

in deglutition, 300. 
Cstrus, 413. 
Oleic acid, 7. 
Olfactometer, 113. 
Olfactory apparatus, 92. 

area, 92, 

glomeruli, 92. 


Olfactory lobe, 92. 
mucous membrane, 118. 
sensations, 113. 
tract, 92. 

Olive, 68. 

Olivo-cerebellar fibres, 73. 

Olivo-spinal tract, 58, 

Oncometer, 225. 

Optic chiasma, 90, 
decussation, 90. 
disc, 118. 
nerve, efferent fibres in, 18. 
radiation, 83, 90. 
tract, 90. 

Optical axis of lens, 121. 
centre of lens, 121. 
defects of eye, 126. 
illusions, 140. 

Optimum temperature for 


Optograms, 130. 

Ora serrata, 116, 118, 

Organ of Corti, 144. 

Organic compounds i in body, 4 

Osazones, 6. 

Osmometer, 15. 

Osmosis, 14, 241, 

Osmotic pressure, 14, 
freezing-point method, 15. 
measurement of, 15. 
of colloids, 16. 
of electrolytes, 15. 
of plasma, 167. 
of proteins, 242, 392. 

Osseous labyrinth, 143. 

Otic ganglion, 297. 

Otoliths, 152, 
function. of, 153. 

Outer cell lamina, 81. 
fibre lamina, 81. 

Overtones, 146. 

Ovulation, 411. 

Ovum, 411. 
maturation of, 413. 

Oxalate crystals, 387. 
plasma, 171. 

Oxidases, 290. 

Oxyacids, 355, 364. 

Oxygen, avidity of tissues for, 281. 
capacity of blood, 252. 
effect of changes in tension of, 268. 
exchange in lungs, 261. 
lack, in asphyxia, 270. 

production of lactic acid in, 268. 
tension in alveoli, 261. 
in blood, 255, 268. 

Oxyhemoglobin, 159, 256, 
absorption spectrum of, 159. 
dissociation of, 256. 

influence of acids on, 258. 

of temperature on, 258, 
reduction of, 159. 
Oxyproline, 12, 13, 

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Pacinian corpuscles, 108. 

Pain impulses, path of, in cord, 56. 
sense, 111. 
spots, 108. 

Palmitic acid, 7. 

Pancreas, changes during secretion, 318. 

internal secretion of, 352. 
islets of, 318, 352. 
Pancreatic diabetes, 354. 
fistula, 313. 
juice, 313. 
action on carbohydrates, 315. 
' on fats, 315. 
on milk, 316. 
on proteins, 313. 
activation of, 314. 
_ by calcium salts, 314. 
composition of, 313. 
secretion of, 316. 
effect of acids in duodenum, 317. 
secretin, 317. 
Paramyosinogen, 19. 
Parathyroids, 407. 
functions of, 408. 
Parotid gland, 297. 
nerves of, 297. 
Pars ciliaris retin, 115. 
Parturition, 414. 
Pawlow’s gastric fistula, 301. 
Pelvic visceral nerves, 102. 
to bladder, 398. 
to colon and rectum, 335. 
-Pendular movements of intestine, 327. 
Pentoses, 5, 359, 387. 
Pepsin, action of, 303. 
Peptones, 9, 303, 314. 
effect on coagulation of blood, 174. 
Pericardium, 178. 
Perilymph, 143. 
Perimeter, 138. 
Peripheral ganglia, effect of nicotine on, 

Peristalsis, 326. 

Permeability of membranes, 14. . 

Peroxidases, 290. 

Pes, 76. 

Phagocytes, 165. 

Phakoscope, 123. 

Phenylalanine, 12, 13, 358, 377, 388. 

Phenylglucosazone, 6. 

' Phenylhydrazine test, 6, 388. 

Phloridzin glycosuria, 351. 

Phosphates, excretion by large intestine, 
333. | 

in urine, 386. 
Phospholipines, 8. 
Phosphoproteins, 10. 
Photochemical substance in retina, 135. 
Photohematachometer, 189. 
Pilocarpine, effect on heart, 224. 
Pineal gland, 79. 
Piotrowski’s test, 9. 
Piper’s manometer, 196. 


Piston recorder, 199. 
Pitch, 145. 
Pituitary body, 405, 
Placenta, 414. 
Plain muscle, 31. 
Plasma, blood, 165. 
osmotic pressure of, 167. 
* muscle, 20. 
Plasma skin, 8. 
Plethora, hydraemic, 240, 392, 397, 
Plethysmograph for kidney, 225, 
for limb, 229. 
Pleura, 246. 
Pleural cavity, pressure in, 248, 
Poikilothermic animals, 365. 
Polar bodies, 413. 
Polarisation, 24. 
Polymorphic layer, 81. 
Polymorphonuclear leucocytes, 156. 
Polypeptides, 9, 358. 
formed in digestion, 314, 
Polysaccharides, 5. 
Pons, 69. 
functions of, 71. 
structure of, 69. 
Portal vein, 179, 356, 363. 
Position, sensations of, 151. 
Positive after-images, 135. 
Posterior columns of cord, 48, 
funiculi, 48, 
longitudinal bundle, 69, 77, 79. 
root ganglia, 42, 47. 
Post-ganglionic fibre, 99. 
Postural reflexes, 153. 
Precipitins, 167. 
Prefrontal region, 82. 
Preganglionic fibre, 99. 
Pregnancy, 414. 
Presbyopia, 125. 
Pressure sense, 107. 
paths in cord, 55. 
spots, 108. 
Primary colour sensations, 135. 
Primordial follicle, 411. 
Principal focus of lens, 121. 
Projection fibres, 80, 83. 
Proline, 12, 13. 
Propagated disturbance in nerve, 35. 
Proprioceptive system, 76, 105, 151. 
Prosecretin, 318. 
Prostate, 410. 
Prosthetic group, 11. 
Protamines, 10. 
Protected nerve-endings, 107. 
Proteins, 8. 
absorption of, 330. 
ammonia nitrogen in, 14. 
composition of, 8. 
conjugated, 11. 
crystallisable, 8. 
digmino-nitrogen in, 14. 
gastric digestion of, 303. 
hydrated, 9. ~ 

Proteins, hydrolysis of, 9. 
molecule, 8, . 
monoamino-nitrogen in, 14. 
pancreatic digestion of, 314. 
Proteose, 9, 308. 
Prothrombin (see Thrombogen). 
Protopathic sensibility, 111. 
Protoplasm, 2. 
' Pseudo-solution of colloids, 16. 
Psychical secretion of gastric juice, 306, 
Ptyalin, 292. 
Puberty, changes at, 415. 
Pulmonary circulation, 180. 
ventilation, 266. 
Pulse, 204. 
anacrotic, 206. 
dicrotic wave, 205, 207. 
katacrotic, 206. 
percussion wave, 205, 
predicrotic wave, 205. 
pressure, 185, 
primary wave, 205. 
rate of, in man, 179, 
reflected wave, 206. 
velocity of wave, 205, 206. 
venous, 208. 
Pupil, 115. 
contraction of, 128, 129. 
dilatation of, 128, 139. 
Purine bases, 11, 359. 
in urine, 386. 
metabolism of, 359. 
ring, 11, 359. 
Purkinje cells, 72. 
fibres, 214. 
images, 131. 
Pyloric canal, 309. 
sphincter, 309. 
vestibule, 309. 
Pylorus, 312, 
opening of, 312. 
Pyramidal cells, 81. 
decussation, 66. 
tracts, 52, 88,94. 
Pyrrol ring, 12. 
Pyruvic acid, 345. 

Rami communicantes, 101. 
Reaction time, 134. 
Reactions, reversible, 289. 
Receptive substance, 404. 

action of adrenalin on, 404, 
Receptor organ, 58, 106. 
Reciprocal innervation, 60. 
feed Liindaces, 135. 
Red corpuscles, 155. 

marrow, 164. 

nucleus, 77. 
Reduced eye, 122. 

reflex time, 59, . 
Reflex action; 58. 

facilitation of, 62. 


inhibition of, 60. 
in spinal animal, 58, 60. 
reinforcement of, 64. 

Reflex arc, 58, 
scratch, 61. 
time, 58. — 
tone, 65. e 

Reflexes, 58. 
axon, 103, 230. 
prepotent, 61. 

Refraction, 121. 
in reduced eye, 122.. 

Refractory period, 34, 213. 

Regeneration of nerve, 46: 

Reinforcement, 64. 

Reissner’s membrane, 143. 

Remak’s ganglion, 210. ; 

Renal excretion (see Kidney). ~ 

Rennin, 304. 

Reproduction, 410. 
female organs of, 411. 
male organs of, 410. 

Reservoir action of lungs, 203. 

Residual air, 249. 

Resonance, 147. 

Respiration, 244. 
apparatus, Benedict’s, 340. 

Haldane and Pembrey, 342, 
chemical regulation of, 265. 
chemistry of, 250. 
Cheyne-Stokes, 277. 
effect.of changes in air on, 265. 

of changes in barometric pressure on, 

on circulation, 283. 

of division of vagi on, 272. 

of exercise on, 275, 285, 
nervous regulation of, 272. 
rate of, 249, 

Respiratory centre, 263. 

action of vagus on, 272. 

automaticity of, 264. 

chemical excitants of, 265. 
exchange, 260. 
movements, 246. 

Head’s method, 265. 
muscles, 246, 247. 
passages, 244. 
quotient, 250, 341. 

effect of foods on, 343. 

in diabetes, 354, 

in hibernation, 348. 

in pues work, 343, 362. 
sounds, 249, , 

Restiform body, 68, 73. 

Retina, ‘116. 
chemical changes in, 180. 
electrical changes in, 131. 
histological changes in, 130. 

Retinal image, 121, 130. 
induction, 137. , 

Reversibility of ferment action, 289. 

Reflex action, fatigue of, 59. | 


Rhodopsin, 116, 130. 
Rhythm of heart, 210, 214. 
Ribs, movement of, 246, 
Rigor mortis, 19, 29. 
Ringer’s fluid, 218. 

Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer, 185. 

Rods of Corti, 144. 
of retina, 116. 
functions of, 131. 
Roof nuclei of cerebellum, tis 
Rubro-spinal tract, 53, 69, Vii 
Ruffini, corpuscles of, 108. 

Saceule, 151. 
Saccus endolymphaticus, 151. 
Sacral autonomic fibres, 102. 
Saliva, composition of, 292. 
functions of, 292. 
secretion of, 294. 
effect of nerves on, 294, 297. 
effect of metabolites on, 297. 
histological a in, 298. 
pressure of, 296.- — 
Salivary digestion, 293, 
in stomach, 294. 
Salivary glands, 292. 
nerves of, 294. 
Salmine, 13, 14. 
Salmon, 361. 
Salts, absorption of, 330. 
Sanson’s images, 123. 
Saponification, 7. 
Sarcolemma, 18. 
Sarcomere, 18. 
Sarcoplasm, 18. — 
Sarcostyle, 18. 
Scala tympani, 143. 
vestibuli, 143. 
Schiifer’s theory of contraction, 19. 
Schematic eye, 122. 
Schlemm, canal of, 115. 
Sclera, 114, 
Scleroproteins, 11. 
Seratch reflex, 61. 
Sebaceous glands, 366. 
Second wind, 287. 
Secretin, 317. 
effect on intestine, 325. 
on liver, 323. 
on pancreas, 317. 
Semicircular canals (ducts), 151. 
destruction of, 152. 
functions of, 152. 
Semilunar ganglion, 101. 
‘valves, 177. 
Semipermeable cell, 14. 
Sensations, 105. 
Sensory adaptation, 106. 
aphasia, 92, 93. 
areas of cortex, 89-92. 
path, 69, 94. 
Septum transversum, 152. 



Serine, 12... 

Serous salivary glands, 298. 

Serum albumin, 13, 166. 
globulin, 166. 
osmotic pressure of, 167. 
protein, 166. 

Seventh nerve, nucleus of, 67, 69. 

Sexual organs, relation +o ductless 

glands, 406, 409. 

Sham feeding, 305. 

Shock, 235. 
spinal, 65. 

Short ciliary nerves, 128. 

Sight-testing, 122. 

Simultaneous contrast, 136. 

Sino-auricular node, 214. 

Sinus venosus sclere, 115, 

Sixth nerve, nucleus of, 67, 69. 

Skin, 366. 
functions of, 367. 

Sleep, 96. 

Small intestine, 312. 
absorption from, 328. 
movements of, 326. 
nerves of, 327. 

Smell, sense of, 111. 
sensations, 113, 

Solar plexus, 101. 

Sols, 17. 

Solubility of gas, 254. 

Sound, nature of, 145. 
waves, 145. 

Specific irritability, 106. 

Speech, 93, 150. 

Spermatids, 410. 

Spermatocytes, 410, 

Spermatozoa, 410, 

Spherical aberration, 127. 

Sphincter, ileo- -colic, 328. 
pupille, 116. 
pyloric, 312. 
trigoni, 398. 

Sphingo-myeline, 8. 

Sphygmograph, 205. 

Spinal accessory nerve, nucleus of, 67. 

Spinal animal, 58. 

Spinal cord, 47. 
ascending tracts, 53. 
cells of, 48. 
collaterals of, 49. 
conduction in, 50, 
descending tracts, 52, 
effect of strychnine, 60. 
endogenous fibres of, 53. 
hemisection of, 55, 
path of impulses in, 55. 
reflex centres in, 65. 
structure of, 47. 
tracts, methods of tracing, 50. 

Spinal dog, 5 
m@dulla ‘abs ‘Spinal’ cord). 
shock, 65. 

Spino-cerebellar travts, 54. 



Spino-tectal tract, 54, 69. 
Spino-thalamic tract, 54. 
Spiral ganglion, 91. . 
lamina, 148. 
ligament, 143. 
Spirometer, 249, 
Splanchnic nerve, 101, 231, 
Spleen, 408. 
Staircase phenomenon, 212. 
Stannius ligature, 212. 
Stapedius muscle, 143. 
Stapes, 142, 
Starch, 6. 
digestion by saliva, 293. 
hydrolysis of, 6. 
molecule of, 5. 
soluble, 293. 
Starvation, 360. 
carbohydrate metabolism in, 360, 
fat metabolism in, 361. 
loss in various organs, 361. 
protein metabolism in, 361. 
Stearic acid, 7. 
Stellate ganglion, 101. 
Stercobilin, 322. 
Stethograph, 265. 
Stimuli, summation of, 23, - 
Stimulus, adequate, 105. 
strength required for sensation, 105. 
threshold, 106. 
Stomach, 301. — 
digestion in, 301. 
movements of, 309, 
nerves to, 306, 311. 
sphincter, pyloric, 312. 
Stratum granulosum, 366. 
lucidum, 366. 
opticum, 118. 
Strie acustice, 91. 
_ medullares, 91. 
Striated muscle, 18. 
String galvanometer, 24, 216, 273. 
Stromuhr, 188. 
Structural basis of body, 2. 
Strychnine, effect on cord, 60. 
Subliminal stimuli, 106. 
Sublingual gland, 298. 
Submaxillary ganglion, 297, 
gland, 294, 298. 
Substantia nigra, 76. 
Successive contrast, 137. 
Suceus entericus (see Intestinal] juice), 
Sugar in blood, 166. 
in urine, 387. 
utilisation of, in body, 350, 
Sugars, 5, 
Sulphocyanate in saliva, 292. 
Summation of contractions, 23, 
of stimuli in reflex action, 62. 
in sensation, 106. 
Superior cerebellar peduncles, 71. # 
cervical ganglion, 101. 
colliculi of corpora quadrigemina, 76, 

Superior mesenteric ganglion, 102. 

oblique muscle, 137. 
Supplemental air, 249, 
Suprarenal glands, 400. 

function of, 401, 

nerve supply of, 234, 404. 
Surface tension, 2, ay 
Suspensory ligament, 119. 
Swallowing (see Deglutition), 
Sweat, 367. 

composition of, 367. 

glands, 366. 

loss of heat by, 367. 

nerves, 367. 

secretion of, 367. 
Sympathetic ganglia, 99. 

nerves of heart, 101, 221. 

synapse in, 99. ° 
Synapse, 41, 99. 

Tactile discrimination, 109. 
localisation, 107. 
sensations, 107, 

path of impulses, 55, 56. 

Taste, 111. 
area, 92. 
bulbs, 112. 
nerves, 92, 112, 
sensations, 112. 

Tears, 114. 

Tecto-spinal tract, 78. 

Tegmentum, 76. 

Temperature, effect on heart, 219, 

on metabolism, 370. 
on muscle, 22, 
sense, 107. 

Temporal lobe, 91. 

Temporo-pontine fibres, 76, 83. 

Tendon reflexes, 62. 

Tendril fibres, 738. 

Tension, effect of, on bladder, 399. 

on heart, 202, 213. 
on muscle, 29. 
of gases in liquids, 255. 

Tensor tympani muscle, 143. 

Test types, 122, 

Testis, 410. 

Tetanus, 23. 

Thalamo-cortical tract, 83. 
-frontal fibres, 83. 
-parietal fibres, 83, 

Thalamus, 79, 98, 

Thermopile, 28. 

Third nerve, functions of, 129, 137. 
nucleus of, 67, 79, 126. 

Threshold stimulus, 106. 

Thrombin, 170, 172. 

Thrombogen, 170. 

haombokrinsse, 171, 

Thymus, 409, 

Thyroid cartilage, 148. 


Thyroid gland, 406. 
extirpation of, 407. 
extract, effects of, 407. 
structure of, 406. 
Thyro-arytenoid muscle, 149. 
Tidal air, 249. 
Timbre, 146. 
Tissue proteins, 357. 
respiration, 278. 
Tone in muscle, 64, 153. 
Tonometer, 256. 
Tortoise heart, 211. 
Touch (see Tactile). 
Touch corpuscles, 108. 
Toxins, 168, 
Trachea, 244, 
Trapezium, 91. 
Traube-Hering curves, 231. 
Tricuspid valve, 177. 
Trigeminal nerve, nucleus of, 67, 69, 79. 
Triolein, 7. 
Tripalmitin, 7. 
Triple phosphate, 387. 
Tristearin, 7. 
Trommer’s test, 5. 
Trypsin, 314. 
action on proteins, 314. 
destruction of, 315. 
Trypsinogen, 314, 
Tryptophane, 9, 12, 13, 358, 373, 377. 
Tuberculum acusticum, 70, 91. 
Tympanic membrane, 141. 
movements of, 145. 
Tyrosine, 9, 12, 314, 358, 364, 377. 
crystals, 314, 
in urine, 388. 
test for, 314. 

Umbilical cord, 414. 

Unstriated muscle, 31. 

Urate deposit, 386. 

Urea, 384. 
bacterial action on, 384. 
effect of hypobromite on, 384. 
nitrate, 384. 
origin of, 355. 
output on protein diet, 357. 
oxalate, 384, 
preparation from urine, 384. 

Ureter, contractions of, 398. 

Uric acid, 11, 385. 
excretion of, 357, 360, 364, 386. 
origin of, 359. 
oxidation of, 360. 
production in birds, 364. 
tests for, 386. 

Urinary constituents, 382. 
daily amount of, 382. 
deposits, 386. 

Urine, 382. 
abnormal constituents in, 387, 
acetone in, 388. 


Urine, ammonia in, 385. 
chlorides of, 386. 
composition of, 382. 
freezing- point of, 396. 
lactose in, 387. 
neutral sulphur i in, 386. 
organic constituents of, 384. 
phosphates in, 386, 
pigments of, 383. 
pressure of, in ureter, 391, 392. 
reaction of, 383, 395. 
salts of, 386. 
secretion of, 393, 
specific gravity of, 382. 
sugar in, 387. 
sulphates of, 386. 

Uriniferous tubule, 380. 
functions of, 393. 

Urobilin, 322, 3838. 

Urochrome, 383. 

Uroerythrin, 383. 

Uterus, 412. 
changes in, during pregnancy, 414. 

Utricle, 151. 

Vagus nerve, 102. 
action on heart, 220. 
on intestines, 327. 
on cesophagus, 301. 
on respiration, 272. 
on stomach, 310, 311. 
apnea, 273, 276. 
escape, 220. 
expiratory fibres in, 273. 
inspiratory fibres in, 273. 
nucleus of, 67, 68. 
tonic action on heart, 222. 
Valves of heart, 176, 177, 191. 
Variation, diphasic, 26. 
monophasic, 26. 
Vascular mechanism, 176. 
tone, 224. 
Vaso-constrictor fibres, course of, 226. 
Vaso-dilator fibres, 228. 
in mixed nerve, 228. 
in splanchnic nerve, 230. 
Vasomotor centre, 226. 
effect of acids on, 231. 
centres in cord, 227, 
impulses, path of, 101, 
nerves, 226. 
reflexes, 230. 
Vegetable food, utilisation of, 379. 
Veins, 179. 
rate of flow in, 187. 
valves in, 179. 
Velocity in vascular system, 187, 
Venous blood pressure, 182, 185. 
outflow, determination of, 225. 
pulse, 208. 
Ventral spino - cerebellar 
54, 5 




Ventricles, capacity of, 178. 
pressure in, 195. 
Ventricular diastole, 179. 
folds in larynx, 148. 
systole, 179. 
Vesicular murmur, 249, 
Vestibular nerve, 70, 152. 
functions of, 153. 
membrane, 148. 
nucleus of, 70. 
Vestibule, 151.. 
Vestibulo-spinal tract, 53. 
Villus, 329. 
changes in, during fat absorption, 332. 
during protein absorption, 330, 
structure of, 329. 
Visceral nerves, 102. 
Vision, 120. 
binocular, 138, 140. 
colour, 135. 
direct, 138. 
field of, 138. 
indirect, 132, 138. 
Visual acuity, 123. 
adaptation, 133. 
angle, 122. 
area, 90. 
fatigue, 136. 
judgments, 134, 139. 
path, 90. 
purple, 116, 130, 
sensations, 133. 
Weber’s law, 107. 
stimuli, time relations of, 134. 
Visuo-psychic area, 86, 90. 
Visuo-sensory area, 82, 86, 90. 
Vital capacity, 249. 
Vitreous humor, 119. 
Vocal cords (folds), 148. 

Voice, 148. 
pitch of, 150. - 
production of, 148, 
Volume of an organ, 225. 
Voluntary contraction, 31, 
electrical changes i in, 31. 
muscle, 18, 
Vowel sounds, 150. 

Wallerian degeneration, 44. 
method, 51. 
Warm points, 108, 
Water, absorption of, 328, 334, 
Weber’s law, 107. 
in vision, 107. 
White blood corpuscles (sce Leucocytes), 
White rami communicantes, 101, 
White, sensation of, 133. 
Word-blindness, 93. 
Work done by heart, 198, 204, 
by muscle, 29. 

Xanthine, 19, 359. 
Xanthoproteic reaction, 9. 
Xylose, 5 

Yeast, action on dextrose, 6. 
Yellow spot, 118. 
Young-Helmholtz theory, 136. 

Zein, food value of, 358. 
Zona fasciculata, 401. 
glomerulosa, 401. 
pellucida, 411. 
reticularis, 401. 
Zonula ciliaris, 119. 
Zymogen granules, 299, 309, 
in pancreas, 319. 
in salivary glands, 299. 


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Essentials of physiology. 

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Author Bainbridge, Francis Arthur an 

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