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THis new text of the Ethiopic Version has been the labour of many 
years. It is practically exhaustive; for no pains have been spated to 
secure a first-hand and complete knowledge of the MSS. evidence. 
1 have not, however, restricted myself to the mere task of publishing 
the Ethiopic Version as it is found in the best MSS.; for this Version, 
even when first made, cxhibited many unintelligible passages, which 
were due either to the mistakes of the Ethiopic translator, or to the 
corruptions of the Greek text before him, or to the mistakes of the 
Greek translator, or ultimately to corruptions of the Hebrew text before 
the Greek translator. With these various sources of corruption 1 have 
sought to deal: in some cases, IT think, with indubitable success: in 
others, my reconstructions ate at the best merely provisional and ten- 
tative. In this work Halcvy led the way and made a permanent 
contribution, but many of his reconstructions were valueless from the 
outset as they were based on Dillmann’s inadequate text of 1853. As 
a result of these studies I have abandoned the view that Enoch was 
originally written in Hebrew, and come to the conclusion that, like 
Daniel, it was written partly in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew. 

The Greek and Latin fragments have been printed in patallel 
columns with the Ethiopic Version and their relations with it have 
been fully discussed in the Introduction. 

The Ethiopic text has been printed directly from a photograph of 
the chief MS. £ with the necessary corrections from other MSS.; but 
the orthography of this MS. has been nearly always adhered to, although 
it very frequently confuses the aspirates and sibilants. 


In a work of this nature, where sometimes in a bage there are 
Soo acts of collation and verification, mistakes are inevitable, and, where 
such do occut, L can only ask for the kind indulgence of the student. 

My best thanks are due to the late Mme. d Abbadie for permission 
to collate four MSS. and photograph two others that were at Abbadia 
to the librarian of the British Museum for permission to photograph 
its ten MSS. of Enoch; to the librarians of the Paris and Munich 
Libraries for the courtesy with which they lent the Ethiopic MSS. in 
their charge to the Bodleian Library for my use; to the librarian of 
the Berlin Library for the loan of its splendid MS. together with Der- 
mission to photograph it; to the librarian of the Vatican for permission 
to photograph its M5. of Enochi to Baron von Westenholtz of 
Hamburg and Mr. Garrett of Philadelphia fot having lent for my 
private use their M55. of Enoch through the kind offices of Dr. Enno 
Littmann; to my niece Madeleine La Vie Charles for much help in 
making the Index Graecitatis; to Mr. A. E. Cowley for revising the 
reconstructions of the Semitic original in the first thirty chapters; and, 
lastly, to the Trustees of the Revised Version Surplus Fund for a subven- 
tion towards the expenses incurred in my expedition to Abbadia at the 
foot of the Pyrenees. 

Finally, IL cannot conclude without expressing my deep gratitude to 
the officials, and especially to the readers and compositors, of the Press 
for their skilled services in the publication of this text. 




$ 1. The Book of Enoch—its fortunes. Originally written in prose and 
verse, and partly in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew IX=X 
2. Greek, Ethiopic, and Latin Versions . X 
3. The Greek Version. Editions of this Version . xix 
4. The relations of the Gs and G8 to each other and to E (the Ethiopic 
Version) Xiil-XVi 
9, The Latin Version and Quotations XVI-XVil 
6. The Ethiopic Version and MSS. XVI XX 
7. Relations of the Ethiopic MSS, XXi=XXiV 
B. Editions of the Ethiopic Version XXV=XXV 
9, Original Language of Chapters VI-XXXVI — Aramaic; of 1-V, 
XXXVII-CIV — Hebrew R 5 3 ጃ s XVI TXXXLi 
THE GREEK TEXT 3-75, 175-177 
APPENDIX ON VI, 7 227-228 
GREEK INDEX 229-237 


Py e p 
NRL 5 oi 




IT is seldom that authors attain to the immortality which they hope 
for, and it is still more seldom that anonymous authors achieve this 
distinction. And yet it is just such a distinction that the authors of the 
Book of Enoch have achieved. That such should be ultimately his lot 
was the deep-rooted conviction of one of this literary circle. He looked 
forward (civ. 11, I2) to the time when his writings would be translated 
into Various languages, and become to the righteous ‘a cause of Joy and 
uprightness and much wisdom.” This hope was in a large degree realized 
in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era, 
when the currency of these apocalyptic works was Very widespread on 
account of their distinctively religious and predictive contents. But from 
the fourth century of our era onward they fell into discredit, and under the 
ban of such authorities as Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine they gradually 
passed out of circulation and became lost to the knowledge of Western 
Christendom till about a century ago. It was not, however, till recent 
years that the Book of Enoch and similar works have beeun to come 
into their own, not indeed on the ground of their intrinsic religious worth, 
but from their immeasurable value as being practically the only historical 
memorials of the religious development of Judaism during the two 
centuties which preceded the birth of Christianity, and particularly of 
the development of that side of Judaism to which historically Christendom 
in large measure owes its existence. 

In the course of editing the present work it suddenly dawned upon 
the editor that much of the text was originally written in verse. This 
discovery has frequently proved helpful in the criticism of difficult passages. 

Another conclusion, to the adoption of which a prolonged study of the 
text has led the editor, is that the Book of Enoch like the Book ol Daniel 
was originally written in two languages—in Hebrew and Aramaic. 



‘That the Book of Enoch was written in Semitic is now accepted on 
all hands, but scholars are divided as to whether the Semitic language in 
question was Hebrew or Aramaic. Only one valuable contribution on this 
question has been made, and that by Halcvy in the JZosrsaf Asiafsgte, 
Avril-Mai, 1867, pp. 352-395. This scholar is of opinion that the entire 
work was written in Hebrew. Since this publication, however, fresh 
cvidence beating on the question has been discovered in the Greek 
fragment (i-xXxxii) found in Egypt. Since this fragment contains three 
Aramaic words transliterated in the Greek, some scholars, and among them 
Schiiter, Levi, and N. Schmidt, have concluded that not only are chapters 
i-XXXVi, but also the rest of the book, derived from an Aramaic original. 
In support of the latter statement no evidence has yet been offered by these 
or any other scholars, nor yet has there been any attempt to meet the positive 
arguments of FHalevy fot a Hebrew original of XXxvii~civ, whose Hebrew 
reconstructions of the text have been and must be adopted in many cases 
by every editor and translator of the book. A prolonged study of the text, 
which has brought to light a multitude of fresh passages the majority of 
which can be explained by retranslation into Hebrew, has convinced the 
present editor that, whilst the evidence on the whole is in favour of an 
Aramaic original of Vi=XXXVi, it is just as conclusive on behalf of the Hebrew 
original of the greater part of the rest of the book. To determine the exact 
limits within which each language is used is a task of no little difficulty. This 
is due in part to the fact that for four-fifths of the text we have only 
a translation of a translation, and in part to the close affinities existing 
between Hebrew and Aramaic. For the resemblances between the two 
languages are so great, that frequently rettanslation from the Ethiopic 
into either is sufficient to explain corruptions in the former, Notwith- 
standing, there is a clear balance of evidence in favour of a Hebrew 
original of XXxXvii-IXxi, Ixxxiii-civ. “There is much room for further 
study of this question, and it is to be hoped that there will be fresh 
discoveries of M55. evidence bearing upon it. 


The entire book was translated into Greek and from Greek into 
Ethiopic about the sixth century of our era, and possibly into Latin. 
These are fully dealt with in the following sections. 



The Greek Version has only in part been preserved. Chapters i- 
XXX. 6 and XiX. 3-Xxi. 09 in a duplicate form were discovered in 1886-1887 
at Akhmim by the Mission Archcologique Francaise at Cairo, and 
published by M. Bouriant in 1892. These are designated as Gs and 
Gs, and Gs። in the case of the duplicate passage. Large fragments have 
been preserved in Syncellus Vi-X. I4, xv. B-xXvi, 1, and viii. 4-ix. 4 in 
a duplicate form. These are designated as G* and G*, G* in the case 
of the duplicate passage. 

The chief literature on these fragments is as follows :— 

Bouriant, Fragments #recs du livre Enoch. JMamorres Bpublids bar les 
membres de la JMfissiow arcfiéolorigue frantaiie aw Caire, tom, iX, pp. 91 
136, 1892. This is praiseworthy as a first edition, but the text is 
disfigured by many errors. 

LEvangile ei PAbocafpse de Pieyre avec le texte grec du livre 
Enoch. Text Bublig en Fac-simile Bar Viiélioeravure d'aBr8s les piioto- 
E7apfises du mamuscrit de Giseh. Paris, 1893. 

Dillmann, .Ssfssisgsberichte dq. &i. Preuss. Afademie dq. Wissenschaften 
sw Berlin, 1892, li-liii, Dp. to39~1o54, 1o79~1o092. “These studies are of 
course good, and several of this scholar's suggestions ate excellent, In his 
comparison of the Ethiopic and Greek Versions he had the benefit of having 
collations of 9 su before him. [hese gave him no inconsiderable advantage 
in dealing with the problems before him, though his article takes cognizance of 
only a limited number of readings where these M55. furnish a superior text. 

Lods, Ze Livre d Hgnoch, Fragments recs décowverts dq ARmim, 
publigs avec les variantes dw texte Euiitopien, radwits ef annuots. Paris, 1893. 
Lods contribution is learned, scholarly, and judicious, but as he had the 
misfortune to base his work on the corrupt text published by Dillmann in 
1851, a large portion of his conclusions was vitiated from the outset. 

Charles, Tie Book of Foch, pp. 318- 870. Oxford, 1893. In this work 
T attempted an exhaustive comparison of the Greek and Ethiopic texts, and 
carried the criticism of the materials several stages beyond previous scholars 
in this department. An overestimate, however, of the Ethiopic Version 
led me to make some unjustifiable changes in the Greek text. This error 
has been set right in the present edition. Notwithstanding, the subsequent 
thirteen years of study have confirmed most of the suggestions made in 1893. 


Swete, Tfie O14 Testament im Greek vod. JJ7. Students are very grateful 
to this scholar for the inclusion of the Enoch text in this edition, but the 
text as printed leaves much to be desired. It is occasionally unintelligible, 
where a comparison of the Ethiopic Version would have suggested the 
true text. 

Radermacher, Das Buch JHenoch, ferauigegeben .,. von 7. Flemming 
nd L£. Fadermacfier, DD. 1860, 113-114. Leipzig, 19o1. This text, on 
the whole, is well edited and forms an advance on preceding editions, But, 
unless T am greatly mistaken, Dr. Radermacher is not a Semitic scholar, 
This deficiency in his equipment proved a sore handicap in the task he 
undertook. How is a purely classical scholar to edit a Greek text which 
is Greelk in vocabulary, but largely Semitic in idiom? To show that out 
text is of this character it will be sufficient to adduce the following 
passages: xxii. 9 o} ) mnyY Tog tBaros ¢y atrg (13, ,, AEN) = “in which 
there is the spring of Water. Xvi. 1 6% 9 oi Gvres éxet yiyvovrow (, ee, AEN 
Du) =« where the dwellers become. Here, it is true, exei could be taken 
with oi Gvres., XXXi. 9 ob €o0iovrty €yiov Tog KaproD arog (JS « , v “BND = 
‘whose holy fruit they eat.” The editors failure to recognize this idiom in 
XVi. 1, has led him to einend the text in such a way as to obliterate wholly 
its original form. Lhe uneimended text runs: dng Tluépas ..,. gavdroy 
ap Oy T& Tvetiuara éxropevdueya é€x ris \Wuyiis Tis apkos airéy. 1 This 
Semitic construction is supported by E though in a slightly corrupted 
form. FHlence it must be preserved, though as 1 pointed out in 1893, 
there is according to E the loss of Ty Yiydvrey before ab Sz. This very 
phrase, moreover, T6y Ytyéivrey is found in Gs, though this version inserts 
after it a gloss (7) containing the names of the three orders of giants as they 
ate given in the Targum of Jonathan on Gen. vi, 1-4. 

The text and notes ate accurately edited, but there are some errors. In 
v. 6 Radermacher reads oi guiayrot as an emendation of the cortupt reading 
which he says is aia | Tot and not auaprnrot, as Bouriant and Lods stated. 
Bouriant and L.ods were certainly wrong, and Dillmann’s edition and mine, 
which were necessarily based on the work of these scholars, shared in 
their error, The autotype reproduction of the text was not published till 
after the issue of these editions. But if Bouriant and Lods deciphered the 
M5. wrongly, so also has Radermacher. It reads akaplrot. The pis 
partially obliterated, but it is unmistakable in the photographic reproduc- 

: T have given the idiom in Hebrew, though the original was in Aramaic, 


tion of the MS. Hence we should emend akaprot into éuapr(ekyot, 
Thus the Christian origin of the words which IL bracketed in 1893 
becomes still more manifest: Kai ndyres oi duapr(eA)oi Xapjlrovrat, kat 
Ezra arois AMVs éiuaprtSy, and internal evidence confirms the omission of 
these clauses in E. Notwithstanding, this forms a serviceable edition of the 

Another fragment is found in a Vatican Greek MS., No. 1809, written 
in tachyeraphic characters. This was published by Mai, Patra Nova 
PBibiiotfieca, tom. i, and deciphered by Gildemeister in the ZI €., 1855, 
DD. 621-634, and studied afresh by von Gebhardt in Merx Arete, ii. 243, 
1872. Besides the above, references to or Greek quotations explicitly or 
implicitly from Enoch are found in the £8. oF Barnabas (see iv. 3; Xvi. 4, 6); 
Justin Martyr, Ao. ii. 5; Athenagoras in his [Iperigeia, x5 Clement Alex. 
Eclaeae propiies, iii. 456 (ed. Dindorf); iii. 474; Strom. ii. 9 ; Origen, Confira 
Celsum, V. 535 54; Ju Joanmem, vi, 25 (Lommatzsch, i. 241); Ciemesfime 
JHHomsfies, viii, 13. Since these last afford but slight help in correcting the 
text, we shall do no more here than refer to Lawlors article on this 
subject in the Zotruaf of Pfisloiagy, XXY. 164-2523, 18097. 


(a) @° smhore origiuaf han G., These two fragments ate closely 
related and yet exhibit marks of independence. They are closely related, 
and probably go back to the same Greek translation of the Aramaic 
text, since they present in so many passages identically the same text. 
On the other hand Gs has in several passages a different and undoubtedly 
better order of text, Thus Gs rightly places vii. 3-5 of Gas (or rather its 
equivalent of vii. 3-5) after viii. 3 of Gs, Fort manifestly vii. 1, 2, viii. 1-3 
precede vii. 3-5. Thus it alone preserves the original order. The angels 
went in to the daughters of men, who bare to them three classes of giants. 
And the angels taught their women sotrceries and incantations (vii. 1, 2). 
Then follows a detailed account of the art, which each of the leading 
twenty angels taught mankind. And after this the giants turned against 
men and began to devour their flesh (Gs viii. 1-3; Gs viii. 1-3, vil. 3-5). 
It will be observed that in viii, 3 Gs is very defective compared with 


Gs in the list of the offices of the various angels. The additional 
elements in Gs here could not have been written by a Greek, for in 
every instance the office constitutes when translated into Aramaic 
a play on the name of the angel who discharges the office. Similarly 
in vi, 7 the order of the names of the angels is different and Gs is here 
preferable to Gas E. 

Again, viii. 4 of G* has preserved in all probability a more original text 
than Gs E. For it is natural that the substance of the prayer of men 
as they were slain by the giants should be given when it is first referred 
to in viii. 4. Here, indeed, Gs presents a duplicate text, and both texts 
give the prayer in duestion. Gs E, on the other hand, do not give the 
words of the prayer till ix. 3, when the angels are Dresenting it before 
God. Gs in Semitic fashion gives the Drayer 5H exienso here also.1 Again 
the additional clauses (ropeyoy Kr.) in Gs Xx. 2, 4 belong most probably to the 
original work but have been lost in Gs E, sce D. 24, note 25. The same 
is true of the addition in Gs ix. 09 with its peculiar diction, as is cleat 
from a comparison of xX. 9, 15. 

Finally Gs Dreserves several right readings over against Gs E. Thus 
Blroy in x. 11 where Gs E corruptly read Buco, karaxptgn in Xx. I4 
where Gs E read karaxavrgy., CD. also Xx. 7. 

(9) Felafions oF G° and G° bE. Even the most superficial study 
makes it clear that E and Gs are more closely related than E and Gs 
or Gs and Gs. Indeed the evidence makes it clear that FE suas fransiated 
from aS. culitchh twas also tie parent or ancestor oF Go. This follows 
from the fact that fie sate corruptions appear in Gs E over against 
true readings in Gs where this exists. Thus they both give impossible 
readings in x. 7 tendragay (Gs eiroy)i Xx. 11 bliAeroy (Gs Biro) i X. I4 
Tkaraxavr0n (Gs Karaxpu0y) i; xiv. 8 tegopyBacoy (a misttanslation of the 
Aramaic original), teéeréraray ; xiv. 18 topos (corrupt for goats ?)i Xv. 9 
{ayveorépey (Gs vgpéney) ; xviii. 5 tBarrdCovras ¢» vepex] ; XXii. 4 teroinray 
for srolgnray i XX. 5 teis Cay; xxviii, 2 tan T6y repudrey., In ix. 6 
all the authorities are corrupt, but Gs E agree closely. 

Furthermore, they add xv. io against G* as well as the sense of the 
passage, and omit the same clause in xX. 2, 4 against G*. To the above 
facts we should add that E agrees with Gs in transposing vii, 3-5 from 

+ Hence 1 withdraw the suggestion that Gs Vii, 2 i5 corrupt. 


its original position after viii, 3 against G°, as we have shown in the 
preceding section: also in exhibiting the same defective text of 
viii, 4 

On the other hand FH preserves certain origina readies fost by Gs 
and vice versa. Thus E G* tightly add ayrois after ¢yeyvignray in Vi, 1 
and read Bartxeys T6y BartXevdyray in 1X. 4 where Gas reads 3. Ty aievey, and 
Tdyrey Tily €£ovriay in iX. 5 where Gs treads aay T. ééovr(ay, and attest ¢y 
Tats OnXeiats in ix. 8 and eis aAAIXovs €€ avr6y eis avroys in Xx. 0, which Gs in 
both cases omits. Moreover in ix, 11 the corruption in E=ra eis avroys 
(for €5s atroys so G°) is easy of correction, whereas Gs offers the hopeless 
atas. In the following Dassages G5 ois ciases and Passages Bréiéerved 
EDP Ehus I Oratts’ BN: Hint. Clauses; iB IX: TD, IOI RY 
XV. 2; Xviii, 3, 5, 11, and without any such intelligible ground ii. 3, all 
iii and iv except six words, words and clauses in vi. 1, 5; ix. 85 xX. 10, 
On the other hand E oss suordgs and clauses preserved by Gs in i. 1,0 

Naturally Gs and E have severally developed corruptions which it is 
generally possible to cemend in either case by the help of the other. 
Thus E reads in i, 9 ሰዩ for ረስ0:; ii. 1 Mtቁ: for ደቁ; ix. 4 ስመ: 
for RY, xii. 1 and 2, xviii. 9 Wt fot At: See also notes on xiv. 2, 21, 
In the following passages E presupposes Got era for Ouobyrat in ¥. 0; 
T6& ker abrd for éTaእAAa in Vii. 15 dydya for Qvayyé in xiii, 45 uvrTniptoy 
for vpiay in Xviii, 16; ws eipnyvaiat for eis retpilvas in xix. 2; Ady fot Xd 
in XX. 5; KoiXot for Kaxof in xxii, a, 3. Corruptions of Gs will be found 
insite fOllOWine: Bassaees: 199; 9805 VIDS dO X19 

(() From the above facts it follows that GC? and EB sprig from 
a common ancestor which we may designate #%, and that tis % and 0° 
Broceed ultimately from thie same original, thie frst Greek translation of 

1 Tt is noteworthy that E in xv. 9 gives a conflate text based partly on Gs and partly on (EE 
also that in xiv. 32 Gs and E do not agree, but rather supplement each other. See p, 40, 
note 21, 


thie Book of Enoch Hence the genealogy of the above documents 
might be represented as follows :— 

Original Greek Translation from the Semitic 

| 1 
Fn [ey 
| | 
Gs E 


The Latin Fragment, which constitutes a very imperfect reproduction 
of cvi. 1-18, was discovered in 1593 in the British Museum by Dr. James, 
the present Provost of King's College, Cambridge, and most kindly placed 
at my service for publication in my edition of Foc# in 1893. In the 
same year he issued it in the Cambridge Texts and Studies 11, No. 3, 
ABocryphia Auecdota, Dp. 146130. According to Dr. James this fragment 
is found in an eighth century M5. (MS. 5, E xiii in Casley’s Caiajage 
oF thie Royal JMIHSS. now in the British Museum). In this MS. the 
Enoch fragment is preceded by a penitential edict of 5. Boniface, and 
followed by an anonymous tract ‘De Vindictis Peccatorum. 5 

The text has suffered from additions, omissions, and corruptions, and 
is very seldom a literal rendering of the original for many words together. 
Notwithstanding, it makes some conttibution to the formation of a better 
text of cvi. i 

This MS. further may point to a Latin translation, or at least to 
a partially completed Latin translation of Enoch i for (1) occurring in the 
midst of original Latin treatises it appears to have been found in Latin 
by the collector or scribe of these treatises. (2) It has suffered much 

1 This conclusion hardly seems adequate to explain all the phenomena mentioned on pp. xii xi. 
These postulate not only the occurrence of duplicate renderings in the Greek translation, but 
most probably also the occurrence of variants in the Hebrew original. Cf. Y. 9; Xx. 7 (note 0) ix. 4 
(note 20) 5 xiv. § (see D. xxix) i Xvi. Fr (note 14: see also DD. xxix=xxx) 5 x1vi. 42 6 (note 35); 1ii. 9 
(see p. XXxi) 5 Xxcix. © (see D. Xxxiii), = 

3 In my edition of 1893 the description of the position of this fragment was both wrong and 
inconsistent. “These errors were due not to Dr. Tames —the source of my information—but to 
inconceivable carelessness on my own part. When Dr. James rightly disclaimed responsibility in 
a review of my book, 1 wrongly maintained, in a rejoinder, his responsibility for the errors in question, 
T must either have replied without consulting the passage referred tos or else 1 consulted it but failed 
to observe its utter absurdity. 1 did not recognize it till much later. 


in the course of tradition, and may, therefore, go back to a date, when 
the Book of Enoch was not reprobated generally, and when a Latin 
translation would have been acceptable. (3) It does not show signs of 
being an excerpt from a collection of excerpts, such as we find in the 
Greek fragment of Enoch, lxxxix. 42-49; but standing as it does 
without any introductory note or explanation, it looks as if it had been 
drawn directly from at least a larger Latin fragment of Enoch. 

It is possible that the absurd statement with which the fragment 
opens— [Cum esset Lamech annorum tricentorum quinduaginta] natus 
est ei filius —originally referred to Methuselah, who was 355 years old 
when Noah was born according to the LXX Chronology. E speaks 
here of Methuselah taking a wife for his son Lamech and of a son being 
born to him. 

Latin Quotations. These have been collected most fully by Dr. Lawlor 
in his article in the Zoursaf of Ciassscai Pfisloleey, XXV. 164-233. They 
will be dealt with at some length in my new edition of the Book of 


The Ethiopic Version has been preserved in twenty-nine M55. of 
which fifteen ate to be found in Ensland, eight in France, four in 
Germany, one in Italy, and one in America. Of these M55. there ate 
only three of which my knowledge is indirect and slight, but not yet too 
slight to enable me to estimate their value and their affinities with the 
other MSS. These MSS. are p and 2, #. Of these # indeed was most 
kindly lent to the Bodleian Library for my use, but unhappily 1 was 
absent part of the time of its sojourn there, and whilst 1 was Dresent 
the officials of the Bodleian did not notify me of its arrival. s is ol no 
account as it is merely an exact transcript of b. Next as regards p, 
this MS. formerly belonged to Lord Crawford and was lent by him to 
the editor of the German edition of the Ethiopic text of Enoch which 
appeared in 19gox, but since that date this MS. has passed into the hands 
of a lady, who refuses to lend it or any other MS. in her possession to 
the Bodleian Library for the use of English editors. Of the remaining 
MSS. I have directly examined twenty-two, i.e. £,F gf, apያfhskino, 
and Suvivuya,b. Of these I photographed thirtecn, ie. £9, 
J#sRpino. Five others, i.e. aby,a,p, 1 had no need to photograph, as 



the owners of ap most kindly Dut these MSS. at my service for the 
space of two years, while aby were always at hand for consultation in 
the Bodleian, to which y had been lent for that purpose by the Munich 
Library. Of the Abbadian MSS. rs vzu 1 made collations on a number 
of test passages, while at Abbadia. These readings are appended in 
foot-notes on these M55. in the following list, and are sufficient to show 
the affinities of these M55. amongst MSS. of the second class, Finally, 
as regards cde# 1 have used Dillmanns collation of cde and a photo- 
eraph of # which I procured from the Vatican. Thus for the construction 
of the present text 1 have had at my service photographs of fourteen 
M55. Zim, the constant use of the five MSS. ayby,a,p, Dillmann’s 
collations of cde, Flemming s collation of # (which I have used sparingly) — 
in all twenty-three M55. Four other MSS. rsyvw I have collated 
sufficiently to determine their character, Of the remaining MS. s (for 
# may be ignored as a transcript of b) it is enough that we have 
Flemming s assurance that it is closely related to abcde. 

The division of Enoch into chapters was made apparently in the 
sixteenth century. The division into io chapters was made by Dillmann 
without M55. authority, but as it has been followed by all subsequent 
scholars it is here adopted for the sake of convenience. The above 
division is indeed found in one MS5., i.e. #, but this MS. was unknown 
to Dillmann when he made his text. Moreover, the chapters in # vary 
frequently in length from those in Dillimann s text. 

The full list of the MSS. is as follows i— 

a. Bodley, No. 4. Large quarto. 4o fol. 3 cols. og chapters, Latter half of 
18th cent. Enoch only 

6. Bodley, No. 5. Large quarto. 41 fol. 3 cols. 8th cent. (?). Enoch (98 
chapters), Job, Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets, Proverbs, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, 
Canticles, Daniel. 

Ep rankfort MS. Rupp: IE RE SY gO NEme IE BZD A cOlS TSE ee nr In 
Several hands. Enoch (98 chapters), Job, Octateuch. 

1 Laurence issued a transcript of this MS. in 1838. The transcription is somewhat faulty in 
the earlier chapters. The errors are, as a rule, easy to correct, but, even after the rejection 
of the obvious errors of the press, a considerable number remains, and the most of these have 
been reproduced in Dillmann’s ABfaratfws Crsfscws, and from Dillmann's have passed over into 
Flemming’s text of igo. In chapters V~x these errors are distributed as follows; one in ¥. 35 
iil, 35 X. 1: three in vii, 1, 3, 5: four in vi, 15 4, 7 (9ss), 


4. Curzon MS, Quarto. or fol. 2 cols. Enoch (oz chapters), Job, Daniel, 
4 Ezra, Sirach. 

¢. Curzon M5. Small quarto. ror fol. 2 cols. Marginal notes from another 
hand. Enoch (98 chapters ?), Samuel, Kings, and Apocryphal book. 

#f British Museum. Add. 24185 (Wright's Catalogue, 1877, No. 8). 2 cols. of 23 
lines. roth cent. Enoch only. io6 chapters. 

Z. Brit. Mus. Orient. 485 (Wright, No. 6). 9o fol. 23 x 19 cm. 2 cols. of 23 
or 24 lines. First half of 6th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters), 
Book of Jubilees. On fol, 168a=177s a duplicate of chapters xcvii. 6bv~cviii. io 
is inserted from another MS. akin to #. See next MS. 

#. This MS. consists only of xcvii. eb=cviii,. 10, and is found in foll. 1682-177 of £. 
Tt is inserted between the last word and the last but one of xci. 6. It is written 
by the same scribe, but the text thoueh belonging to the best type differs 
from 2. 

#. Brit. Mus. Orient. 484 (Wright, No. 7). 3 cols. of go or 5x lines. 8th cent. 
Enoch (ro8 chapters), Octateuch, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, 24 Esra, Tobit 
Judith, Esther, Sirach. 

2. Brit. Mus. Orient. 486 (Wright, No. 8). 3 cols. of 29 lines. 8th cent. 
Chapters 11x. 13 missing. Nos. of remaining chapters erased. Enoch, Samuel, 
Kings, Jeremiah, Sirach. 

&. Brit. Mus. Orient. 49o (Wright, No. 2), 3 cols. of 3o lines. 8th cent, 
Enoch (io? chapters), Job, Daniel, 1 Ezra, Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets. 

jf. Brit. NLus, 24990 (Wright, No: x3). 3 cols. of 3x lines. rath cent. Enoch 
(divided into chapters, but no numbers suppliedy, Job, Books ascribed to 
Solomon, Isaiah, 2 Minor Prophets, Daniel. 

m. Brit. Mus. Orient. 491 (Wright, No. 15). 219 fol. 4o x 32 cm. 3 cols. of 
27 lines. 8th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters), Job, iz Minor 
Prophets, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Maccabees. 

wn. Brit. Mus. Orient. 492 (Wright, No. 16), 3 cols. of go lines. sth cent. 
Enoch (87 chapters), Books ascribed to Solomon, Jeremiah, 1 Ezra, Canticles, 
Sirach, Judith, Esther, Tobit. 

o. Brit. Mus. Orient. 499 (Wright, No. 23). 3 cols. of 31 lines. 8th cent. 
Sirach, Daniel, Enoch (io6 chapters), Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets. 

P. Formerly in the possession of Lord Crawford—now in that of Mrs. Rylands. 
67 fol. 39 x 33cm. 3 cols. 7th cent. Enoch and other books. 

1 T here accept Flemming’s correction (Das Buch #/essoch, D. 8, note) of my description (Boog 
of Enoch, p. 200) of the extent and character of this MS. 


g. Berlin MS. Peterm. 11. Nachtr. No. 29 (Dillmanns Cat. 1). 6? fol, nx 
I4 cm. 2 cols, of 13 to 14 lines. 6th cent. Without division into chapters. 
Enoch only. 

r. Abbadianus 16 (vid. Caf. rasson. de mis. éifiiop. apparienanf 4 A. g AbJadie, 
Paris, 1859). 9th cent, Enoch (77 chapters) and other works 

£. Abbadianus 30. 8th cent. Enoch and other works.” 

£ Abbadianus 35. 4o x 35 cm. 3 cols. of 38 to 39 lines. 7th cent. There 
are many erasures and corrections and marginal notes. The latter belong 
to the later type of text, and are designated as 2. The division into 
chapters is marked in the margin on the first few folios. Enoch, Job, 
Samuel I and 11, Kings, Chronicles, Books ascribed to Solomon, Prophets, 
Sirach, i=v Ezra, T obit, Judith, Esther. 

a. Abbadianus 58. 191 foll, Si x39 cm. 3 cols. of 48 to go lines. Possibly as 
early as the 5th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters) and other works. 
Text of Enoch much abbreviated after chapter IXxxiii. 

2. Abbadianus 99. Ho fol. 23 % 11 cm. 2 cols. ath cent. Copy made for 
M. dq Abbadie from a MS. in high estimation among the native scholars. This 
MS. has all the bad characteristics of the later type of text. Enoch onlyss 

1 This is a Door MS., but it exhibits a few good readings. Thus it agrees with a, ad in vi, 549 
(i.e. note 0): originally it supported £Z in right reading against all other MSS. on xvii, 2: it 
agrees with 9, B-abdx on xxxix. 101, with a-yt, deéinwuia onxlvy. 37, with ag, d6f/88/y,a 
on XxlVi, 77, With ae és on xiii, 150, with af, aeF8 Hu on lxix,. 41°, With a, aef#it%/u,a on 
Lxxi. 115, With as /5/0y,a 0 on lxxxi. 37s, with aye, ecéfis%n on Ixxxix. 42°, with a=, acfBsSn 
on Xciii. Ios, with a=, @acdsi&i9,asy on xc. 3297, With 7, cFB5SInx,a on cil. 4. From the 
above it is clear that this MS. though it does not follow closely any of the special groups of B, yet 
it shows some affinity for e and its congeners. 

2 This is a poor MS., but has some notably good readings. Agrees with ##, ey x on ix. 8, agrees 
with a, fe Fh &Iny,a on Xxiv. 210, With ##, deFé/#y,a on XxiX. 2%, With £m on Xxxix. Ior, with 
#9, ed/o0yB on xl. 1, with a-ym, desI#wya on x1Y. 37, with a-g, def #éiy,a on xlvi,y?, 
with a-97, def 880, on xlviii. 63, with a, B-Bcx on lili. 717, with a-e, &# on lxii. 91°, with ay Zs 
on 1xii. 155, with ae #8 én ysy on 1xiii. 15, With e#% on xvii. 87, with a-f, ef 8% on 1xix. 45, with 
a, @éEF BIR on XX. 115, agrees with # on Lxxxiii. 85, with a=a¢, cdf si/oy,asb on lxxxiii. 110, with 
Zt apc FhsSux on IXXXiV. 1, With arf, @e/oxy,9 on LXXxvi. 217, with a-i, acfhsitnw on 
xciii. Io's, with Zit, Bs5/0BXy,aB onc. 131) With ye, CFséiux,a on cil, 4. This MS. so far 
as it agrees with any special group within 8 does so with e&. 

5 This MS. which embodies the text approved by the Mamheran or native scholars exhibits most 
of the Vices of the second class of MSS., but some excellent readings. See on LXxxix. 150, €. 47 below. 
Tt agrees with box,9 on ix. 10, with ia on xvii. 31, with a, B-ag0dwx,a on Xxxix. 7%, with gf, 
CEB RINnOV,aB on xxxix. 1ot, With Fm, adfoyb on x1. 1, with cf on xl. 2s, with ag, 
def8 8S nop on Xlviii. 63, with a, B-Bcx on liii. 719, With e# on lxii. 97, with 9, 8 on 1xii. 122, with 
@e RE on xiii, 150 with £9, ef originally (7), but with # ##, B~efF over erasure on Lxiii, 7s, with ek 


20. Abbadianus i197. 157 foll. 26 x23 cm. 3 cols. of 29 lines. rth or 18th 
cent. Enoch (98 chapters) and other works 

x. Vatican MS. 7x (cf. Mai Script. yeyerum nova collects, Romae, 1831, T.Y. 2, Dp. too). 
27 foll, 3 cols. of 32 lines. 7th cent. Enoch only. 98 chapters. 

y. Munich MS. 30. 6 fol, 239 x 15 cm. a cols. of zo to 28 lines. th cent. 
Division into chapters only at the beginning. Enoch only. 

2. Paris MS. So (see Zotenberg s Cat.)., 7th cent. Enoch (division into chapters 
only at the beginning) and other works. 

sn. Paris MS. 49. sth cent. Copy of 9. 

iw. Garrett MS, 17x Is cm. 2s cols. of 55 lines, 9th or end of rgth cent. 
Enoch only. 

9. Westenholz MS. yr foll. of which first and last two are empty. 2 cols, of 24 
lines. sth cent. roe chapters. Enoch only. 


(a) Two Forms oF text, a, B, of swftsct B 25 fate and secondary. There 
are two forms of the Ethiopic text. The first is represented by Zig mgfs 
(and in some degree by 72), which we shall henceforth designate by a, and 
the second, which owes its origin to the labours of native scholars of the 
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by all the remaining M55, ie. 8. 
The result of these labours has been on the whole disastrous; for these 
scholars had neither the knowledge of the subject-matter nor yet critical 
materials to guide them as to the form of the text. Hence in nearly every 
instance where they have departed from the original untevised text they 
have done so to the detriment of the book. But it is not to be inferred 
from the above that a always represents one type of text and B another 

on Lxvii. 379) with a-f, aéF8 én on lxix. 475, with ne, B51 on xx. 3°, with a, aef8s&s on 1xxi, 115, 
With f, d 85% on lxxxiii. 850, with abe8 én x on IXxxiii. 110, with Ff, abcFhs8nx on lxxxiy. 1, 
with me on Ixxxix, 15 (here undoubtedly right), with a, acefFistn on Ixxxix, 4329, with 7s, 
BeF BBB X on xc, 29*t, with a-me, acfh SS on xciil,. Ios, With fg onc. 47, with ss, CFi8/nx,e 
on cii. 4”. 

1 Agrces with a, adr in Vi, 50, with a-#, # on ix. 65, with aéef/h1$ /Brsiy,ab on x. 111t, with 
He tu though originally With £9, #8 on XY. 125, in margin with f on XxiV. 2%, with a, fሪF 88, 
on XXiY, 29) With fedefé/ny,a on xxix. 21, with gf, ceFa%inuoy,asb on Xxxix. 10, With a-i, 
desinya on xly. 35, with a-g, déf8481y,a on xlvi. 77, with aehtny on lxiii, 1, with 
a, B-Bcdn oy on xxi. 115, with a, Fi/0y,a0 on lxxxi, 3's, with a-f, aé/oxyy on Ixxxyi. 20, with 
a-, @cefhisn on lxxxix. 435, With am, acdsi&/o,a,b on Xx. 209°, with a-ym, acyaisn on 
xciii, oss with it, cFiI8 JX oncii, 45, with fim, B-< on ciii,. 71, with agce% on civ. 9, 


type opposed to the former; for the attestation of neither group is wholly 
uniform, as each group is divided within itself. This statement holds true 
in a much greater degree of a. Indeed, the cases are comparatively few 
where a differs as a whole irom B. Fifty readings out of fifty-one which 
any editor must adopt will have the support of one MS. singly as #, 2, 9, 
b u, or of groups such as ZIM, gum, mu, &c., and 
the fifty-first time of the undivided a. For instances of the latter see 
i. 9 (note 23), viii. 1 (note 34), x. 3 (note 38), 13 (note 28), 17 (note 7), 
a2 (note 48), Xv. 5 (note 24). Moreover, when the attestation of a is 
divided, the individual or group of a attesting the right reading will often 
have the support of B or of groups within H. The above facts serve to 
prove that fie récension tUas of #fie work of @& Fey ears, Buf suas rather 
a process wfiich culminated $n Such a text as tue find 5 |B, but particularly 
i thie MS. %. 

(9) 3B or romps 5H 3 sometimes Breserve ffte original texts. Again it 
is noteworthy that in a limited number of cases B preserves the original 
text where a is secondary. Some of these are no doubt accidental, but 
seventeen i such readings in thirty-two chapters are hard to account for 
in this fashion. These instances are found in the following passages. 
Thus B is right over against a in vi, 6 (note 43), viii. 3 (note 15), ix. 1 
(note 6), 3 (note 18), B-/ in ix. 1 (note 7), Xx. 1 (note 24), peeFifen0 
against a and rest of 8 in vi. 6 (note 4), a0 #% in ix. 4 (note 24), bco#,a,p in 
Xviii. 4 (note 132), dy in xxii. 13 (note 53), #0 in xxiv. 3 (note 47), #a in 
IX. 6 (note 10), 0%, in xviii. 15 (note 32), # single-handed in iX. 11 (note 15), 
xX. 3 (note 37), 7 (note 21), Xxii. 9 (note 29). Hence in some cases there is 
in B most probably a survival of the original text where it has been lost in 
the present representatives of a. 

(<) J78e character and affiuaties of tlie chief MISS. £. Of the MSS. 
of a, £ is decidedly the best all-round M5. This does not mean that 
it has more unique and right readings than any other MS. of the older 
type of text, but that when all the good points of the various MSS. are 
summed up, # comes out an easy first. In the first thirty-two chapters 
#Z alone attests the right reading in vi. 5 (note 37), xvii. 3 (note 27), xviii. 7 
(note 33), xxi. 5 (note 8), xxviii. 3 (note 11). In IXXxix. 45 (note 4) it has 
only the support of 7, the best of the second class MSS. This MS. 

i Flemming enumerates only six, and three of these are wrong i for # in these three cases agrees 
with B: in ii, 1 £i5 wrongly represented as agreeing with a. 


has been made the basis so far as any single MS. can of my text. Tt 
exhibits much strange orthography and bad grammar, and many cor- 
ruptions. Notwithstanding it is by far the best representative we have 
of the ancient text. It was this MS. together with m that 1 used when 
emending Dillmann's text for my translation and commentary which 
appeared in 1893. 

#. This M5., which has already been described, shows certain 
idiosyncrasies in ciii., 0-15, Where it uses the first person over against 
the third in the other MSS. Outside this chapter it agrees in turn 
with £, 7m, 9, ¢ wu or with combinations of these or with one or more of 
these combined with B, but it is most nearly related tog. 

ma. This M5. is in some respects the weakest of the older group. 
Tt attaches itself so closely to £ that we must assume its having come 
under its influence. This fact becomes of importance when we come to 
chapters xcvii, 6°=cviii. 10, where we have both and ,£. 

Moreover, the evidence is not as decisive as we could wish; for though alone 
or together with B it agrees in many passages with & (see xcvii. 6 (note 28); 
xcviii. 2 (note 19) (along with 8), 3 (note 29); cii. 1 (note 1), 6 (note a); 
ciii. 2 (note 2), 13 (note 15); cvi. Io (note 6)), yet we find it displaying 
similar affinities with i# (see xcviil, 6 (notes 13, 15); xcix. 2 (note 2) 
cil. 2 (note 51), 6 (note 34), 7 (note 41); civ. 1 (note 5); cv. 2 (note 33) 
Cvi. 7 (note 24), Io (note 1), 19 (note 34)), On the other hand in the vast 
majority of its unique readings Z is unaccompanied by im. Hence 
somehow has been influenced by the readings both off and fF. In x. 2 
(note 33) and xvii. 4 (note 36) it alone attests the primitive text, in vii, 3 
(note 9) alone with Ff, and in XY. 11 (note 21) with boxy. 

2. Though teeming with every form of error incident to the transmission 
of a text in the way of additions, corruptions, and omissions, this MS. 
contains a larger number of unique original readings than any other used 
in our text. Thus it alone preserves the original text in ix. 8 (note 21), 
Xi ET iiote' 16), iv: 1 (note 39)5 Xa. 5 (note 24); xxi (note 25), XY. 2 
(ore RRS (note 33), Xx 4 (note 47); RHE (note 31), 1t 
approximates more closely toZ,g 7 than to Zs. 

£. This is a most interesting M5.,r as it gives the older type of reading 

1 This MS. is notable also from the fact that for the Books of Samuel and Kings it alone 
exhibits a third type of text diverging from the two types of text in circulation in Abyssinia. 
These were the first and primitive type of text and the later or Vulgate, Where this MS. diverges 


in the text and the later either over erasures or above the line or in the 
marein, with the rejected words in the text bracketed. The corrector has 
not done his work thoroughly. Accordingly many of the older readings 
remain untouched. The work of erasing has been so frequently perfunctory 
that it is generally possible to decipher the original text. Moreover, 
in some cases the correction represents a return to the older text. Ci.i,6 
(note 5). As FZ are closely connected, so are f and au. # is the least 
original of the M55. of the first class. Thus it is hardly ever right alone, 
For one instance in the first thirty-two chapters see x. 1o (note 3). 

a. This MS. would form a good third to 2 and 9 but that it is so 
imperfect after chapter IXXxiii, for nearly one-seventh of the entire book is 
omitted in the course of IXXxiii-cviii. [hese omissions are made in the 
most capricious way. Sometimes words, sometimes phrases, sometimes 
whole sentences and paragraphs are excised to the entire destruction of the 
sense. Notwithstanding as # is a valuable M5. I have most faithfully 
recorded all its omissions and changes. In chapters iI-xxxii it alone 
preserves the true text in iii (note 23), iv (note 33), Xxi. 7 (note 40) 

Bn. Of MSS. of the second class # is by far the best. Indeed, though in 
the main embodying the second type of text it attests more unique and 
original readings in chapters i-XxXxii than me or f or #. Thus it stands alone 
in giving the original text in ix. 11 (note 15), x. 3 (note 37), 7 (note 21), 
XXii. 0 (note 29) (7). Alone of M55. of the second class it gives along with 
various M55. of the first class the true text as in i. 3 (note 18), xiv, 21 
(note Io), XXY. 7 (note 19), IXXXiX. 42 (note 4), &c. Thus # exhibits the 
characteristics of both types of text. 

Remain MSS. oF B. Several of these MSS. go in pairs. Thus ax, 
dy ef, op must go back respectively to four common sources, as they 
respectively attest a vast number of unique readings. With a in a less 
degree &£ is connected. efi and op, moreover, have also a considerable 
number of readings in common, and likewise d/o. 

A study of the notes will show the reader that it is possible to establish 
partial conncxions between other groups of M55. than those already 
mentioned, but the further prosecution of this subject does not lead to any 
valuable results. 

from these two classes of text it repeatedly agrees with the Hebrew (Massoretic) text. Subse. 
quently a corrector worked over this MS. and erased readings belonging to the first class, as well 
as those peculiar to this MS. which were derived from the Hebrew, and substituted readings of the 
second or Vulgate type, See Dillmann, Bs. Aes, T. 11. 15 Appar, Cri. D. 5. 



Laurence, /Z.56r5 Fnoc# Versio Aeifisopica. Oxoniae, 1838. This text 
was issued simply as a transcript of a, one of the MSS. brought to Europe 
by Bruce, the great Abyssinian traveller, in 1773. The transcription is 
not Very accurate in the early chapters, though the errors are as a rule 
easy to correct. In chapters vx there are ten; most of these have 
passed over into Dillmann's Apparatus Crificus, and from Dillmann’s to 
Flemming's. As the text advances it becomes more accurate, so that 
1 found its citation by Dillmann to be sufficiently trustworthy for use in 
the present edition. 

Dillmann, /.5ger Jfewocd, Aeifhsopice, ad gwsngue codicum fae edsfus, 
Cm Variis decfiomious. Lipsiae, 1851. This edition was based on five 
M55. abcde, of which ay are in the Bodleian, c in the Frankfort Library, 
and dé were the property of the well-known traveller, Robert Curzon. 
Of Dillmanns collations of cde 1 have tested only that of 9 in the 
opening chapters, and found only one bad error, in chapter vii, These 
five MSS. are all of secondary value. The best of them is a. No 
further work on the Ethiopic text appeared till 1892, when Dillimann 
(SZfznugsberichte a. £21. Preuss. Aad. dg. Wiss. su Berlin, 18952, li-liii, 
pp. 10391054, 1079-1092) published some variants from three M55. on 
the first thirty-two chapters of Enoch in connexion with his edition of the 
fragmentary Greek Version. 

Charles, Ife Boog of Enoch translated from Professor Dallmann $ 
ERiopic Jext emended and revised tu accordance swith itfierio 
ncollated MSS, and sith thie Gish and offier Greeg and Latin 
Fragments. Oxford, 1893. This translation was based on a drastic 
revision of Dillmanns text. Ten new MS5., which belong to the 
British Museum, were used, three of them, F,# 7m, being of primary imDpor- 
tance, and seven, F#Ai#In0, being of only secondary. Of these MSS. 
1 collated 2s, F#5& /nu0 on about three hundred passages; but ZF, 1 collated 
throughout, on the whole accurately, but defectively, as TI now find, in 
a relatively small number of passages. 

Flemming, Das Buch Hench: Aetfiiopiscfier Tex fierawigcgeben 
vow Zo. Flemming (= Texte und Uniersuchiunren, Neue Folge, NII. i). 
Leipzig, 1902. Dr. Flemming’s text is based on fifteen M55. agcdes 
EMPOIRVUUY. Of these six belong to the first classé, mtu and the 



rest to the second class. This editor has been at no little pains in the 
preparation of his text. Thus he has himself collated gFimp9y. His 
knowledge of fu he owes to photographs taken by Professor Meyer in 
France, and of yeu to collations of the same scholar. It was a fatal 
error on Dr. Flemmings part that he did not photograph #9, or, at 
all events, revise his collations of them. 

Flemming s text naturally constitutes an immeasurable advance on 
that of Dillmann, and a considerable advance on Dillimann's text as emended 
in my commentary in 1893. With the help of the three new first-class 
M55. 9 fw, this editor was able to point out a few passages where 1 followed 
mere idiosyncrasies of #, and also some others where I preferred the less 
trustworthy of the two texts £F,f in chapters xcvii. 6=cviii, 10. 

On the whole, Flemming’s text is good, as might be expected from 
so excellent an Ethiopic scholar, and several of his sugeestions have 
been accepted in the Dresent edition. On close examination, however, 
Flemmings edition proves unsatisfactory ftom its frequent inaccuracy in 
the collation of the MSS. generally, and its inadequate collation of the 
first-class MSS. In my review of this edition in the Aiericas Zournaf 
of 4teoleey, pp. 689-703, 1903, 1 have summed up its serious shortcomings 
under the following heads: (i) Jeacctrate and defective collation of hie 
MSS. (ii) Je aqopfionm oF Snferior readings into the text twllere thie MSS. 
evidence For fie trite text 15 Snconfrovertipte. Flemming’s treatment of the 
great Berlin M5. 9 on chapters X-XXxii will exemplify his method in 
dealing with the other MSS. In six passages in these chapters 9 aioe 
amongst the Ethiopic MSS. preserves the true text of E, as is proved 
by G. Vet in two of them, xxi, a (note 24), xxiv. 2 (note 41), 9 is not 
collated at all, and in the remaining four, xX. 11 (note 16), xiv. 1 (note 39), 
XXii, 9 (note 25), XXxii. 4 (note 31), the reading of 9 is relegated to the 
notes, and the wrong reading adopted. In x.7 (note 21) 9 practically 
gives the original text (which is preserved by # alone), but the corrupt 
text is adopted by this editor. (iii) Corrupt assages are left iw thie text 
tUi(fRout ay attempt 0 emend tiem or even to call attention fo thieir 
Viciomsuess. (iv) JDivergecies between G and E are left unexplained. (NV) 
Practically wo mie #5 made of thie Semitic background for purposes of 
emengation. Notwithstanding the above shortcomings, Dr. Flemming s 
edition is deserving of the gratitude of Orientalists, as it constitutes a Vast 
advance on that of Dillmann, and forms on the whole a serviceable work 
for students generally. 



That the Book of Enoch was originally written in a Semitic language 
is now universally admitted. But what that language is is still a question 
of dispute. In the past Hoffmann, Jellinek, Dillmann (?) assumed a 
Hebrew original, and Halévy (Zour. Asiafigwe, 1867, Dp. 352-395) furnished 
excellent grounds for such a belief, but of late years, since the discovery 
of the Gizeh Greek fragment, there has been a tendency to assume that 
the original was written in Aramaic. Neither view can T believe be 
established, but each appears to be true in Dart, as 1 hope now to Drove. 
The proof in certain sections amounts almost to demonstration: in the 
case of others only a probability can be indicated. The results of 
present study of this problem tend to show that chapters Vi-XXXVi were 
originally written in Aramaic, and XXxVii-IXXi, IXXxiii-civ, and probably 
i—v in Hebrew. The original language of IXxXii-IXxxii is still indetermin- 
able, but the probability of an Aramaic original seems to be greater than 
that of a Hebrew. 

Chapters $0. Probably from a Hebrew original. These chapters do 
not come from the same author or period as Vi-XXXVi. 

v. 9 (Gs) « They shall not be punished (TWiki = koxargiirovraty all 
the das of, their .life:,, Since’, has’ ekdoreoin here, if the text IN 
both cases is rightly transmitted, it is probable that YSN, stood in the 
original, and that it was rendered by dudiprerey in the text of the Greek 
translation and by Koargroyrat in the margin, or Vice versa. In the 
Jest. Aster, Vi. 1, the converse appears to have happened and the translator 
to have rendered this Hebrew verb by koxdcovrat instead of by uaprdvovrt. 

Again in i, 09 ‘He cometh with myriads of holy ones the text 
reproduces the Massoretic of Deut. xxxiii. 2 (see note on i. 9) in reading 
RDN = épxerat, whereas the three Targums, the Syriac, and Vulgate read 
RR = eT’ arog. Here the LXX diverges wholly. The reading SNnN 
is recognized as original. The writer of this section of Enoch used the 
Hebrew text, and followed neither Version nor Targum in reproducing it. 
Presumably he wrote in Hebrew also. See also notes 1. 9 on Dp. 10. 

Chapters Ui-XXwi. lt will be observed in the notes on these chapters 
that sometimes the Greek is retranslated into Hebrew and sometimes into 
Aramaic. The treason is that when they were written (in 19011905) 1 was still 


undecided as to which language was the original. The balance of evidence 
now appears to me to be in favour of the latter, and this is as follows :— 

(a) Aramaic suordqs wrausfiterated im thie Gree. In xviii. 8 @ovka = 
Nጋ\5, in XXviii. 1 and XXiIX. 1 kaygogapd and BaBgnpé = NT» 

(5) Aramaic constructions. In XixX. 2 we have the peculiar Greek ai 
yYuyaikés vray T6y TapaBdyrey &yyéexey. This is a literal reproduction of 
the Aramaic idiom Yn I NSN2i5 ግ Ni. The same construction recurs 
in E in ix. 8 which = vvekovugnray er avray era T&y gnAev@y = 3\ጋy 
Ny) Ey Hoy. Here Gs, it is true, has omitted era r6y gnaevay., Lhis 
omission may be due to the unintellieibility of the construction to a pure 
Greek scribe. It is possible, however, that Gs is right, which connects 
€y Tats gnXeiats with the next Verb —vyéxotulgnray er abr@y Kai éy 
Tats OMXeiaus eutdygnrar. But this is very unlikely; for the natural 
construction would be vrekoiuignray er Ty ONXeLSy Kai ¢v avrais éhtdy- 
Ona. We have probably a third instance of this idiom in vi. 8 obrot 
eiziy Gpxai pry oi Béxa where oi Beka should be emended into Sy Bekdgoy 
with FE. Then dpxai apry ry» BexdBay = Nn nN. This Aramaic 
idiom has made its way into the 0. T. as in Canticles iii. 7. 

(<) Some OF fie proper names swith cuhich Baromomasias are comnected 
postulate aw Aramaic oriinat. Thus in G* viii. 3 we have 9 B¢ rpiros 
€B(Bage Ta anueia Tis ys. Now 6 Tiros in Vi. 7 is Apakul = DNDN, where 
pግN is Aramaic for «earth. Again in Gs viii. 3 we have 0 B¢ eikogrs 
cBigace Ta oueia Tils eilvns (Gs SepX eAyvaywy(as), where 6 eikorrds 
according to G* vi. 7 is ZapuiX= PN'ግnb., Here no is Aramaic for « moon 
Again in viii. 3 the § 6yBgoos in 6 B¢ 6yB8oos eB(gagey Qeporkoniay 15 G# EcexulA 
(G* Zaki) = SKspry,. py (= &]p), it 15 true, is Hebrew as well as Aramaic. 

(7) Occasiomalty fie sowrce OF corruptions 3% thie Greek can be detected by 
Fetranifafion smuto Aramaic. 1 can offer but a few instances of this nature; 
for though there are many passages which can be restored by retranslation 
into the original, the restoration can be made equally well in most Dassages 
by retranslation into either Hebrew or Aramaic. Ihe evidence, therefore, in 
this section is not conclusive. It serves to Drove, however, the thoroughly 
Semitic basis of our author, 

xX. 17 T6 rdBlf3ara atr@y. Here we should have 79 yiipas avr. Here, as 
note in loc, shows, the soutce of the corruption is explicable both in Hebrew 
and Aramaic. 

1 On the other hand in xxvii, 2 JY is a transliteration of N'3 (= « valley) which is a pure Hebrew 
words the Aramaic being Ronn. Since KN», however, is here used as a proper name, as denoting the 
“ Valley of Hinnom,’ its use may be justifiable in an Aramaic document. 


xii. 6 ovxT €orat avroisT eis €Xeoy. See note on this Dassage on D, 238. 

xiii. 2 vox] Kai €pdrneis cot obk frat epi @y €Beégas dQBuxudray, «no 
forbearance nor trequest shall be to thee in regard to &c.’ Here Noiy 
(= Endres) was corrupt for Nr'2% 1 = pers, «forgiveness CL xii. 5 kai ok 
frrat . . eipnlun otire pers. Here the Hebrew can also account for the 

xiii. 9 Tevgovres éy "ABeArax (so E), i.e. ABetxivn = haN3 MON — 
a paronomasia. 

XiV. 6 ok ¢oTat Jui T6vmots avr6y GANG erogvrat . . . €y uaxaipg. 
Here Gvnoes = iS, which should here have been rendered karéxetuua, In 
Hebrew ግn' also admits of both senses. 

XiV. 8 KarérrovBatov Kai + ¢gopyf3acoy. Here the second verb is 
impossible, and we have probably two renderings of one and the same 
Hebrew word \on3, accordingly as it is pointed as a niphal or a piel verb. 
In Aramaic the pael of this verb = gopufgaca, rapdrre, or vyrapdrr® in 
Dan. iy. 2, 16; V¥. 6, 1oi Vil. 15, 28, and is rendered by Theodotions 
by one or other of the latter two verbs. On the other hand the LXX 
renders the same Aramaic verb by Karagreyg® 5 in iv. 16 and Vv. 6. Thus 
the translator of the LXX, who, as we know from the rest of his translation 
of the Aramaic section of Daniel, was very familiar with Aramaic, assigns 
to the pael of the Aramaic verb the same meaning as the piel and hipbhil of 
the Hebrew. Hence we may assume that the bael in Aramaic could 
mean Karaneyga Or gopv3dcs. Thus we could explain out text as a 
dittographical rendering of one and the same Aramaic verb. 

Tf there were two verbs in the original, and this is possible, then we have 
simply a mistranslation of »n3 in egoptgaCoy. 

Xvi, I 9 &v..,. ek Tis VWuXiis Tils apkos atrSy = nba Wa5 1. 
Similar Aramaic idioms are found also in xxii. 09; Xxxii. 3. These 
anomalous Greek constructions can also be explained from a Hebrew 
background. In xxii, 0 Bud in Bio oires ) poy ayrog should with E 
be emended into o% in accordance with this idiom, Thus we should have 
‘ whose voice thus. 

xvii. 7. Here E=r6 dpm ry Yvdbay = Nap "iy (see my note in loc.). 

1 Or possible Kooy = «rest. 

2 Two MSS. of Theodotion's text AQ render by taragreygw, but this may be owing to the 
influence of the LXX. 

5 The translator of 2 Chron. xxvi, 20; Xxxy. 21 renders the Hebrew ስጋ by karagreyga, 


The phrase seems to be borrowed from Jer. xiii. 16. If this is so, then 
Gs which reads robs dyéuous rSy yay = N2ap Nገ., In that case we mieht 
suppose that the Greek translator found one word in the text and the other 
in the margin of his Semitic MS. and rendered both, and that Gs Dre- 
served one and the Greek ancestor of E the other. The text in v. 9, 
where E = koargiirovrau (or kpughiroyras) and Gs reads audprerty (which are 
two possible renderings of the same Hebrew word), requires a similar 

XXViii. 2 Apne BévBpwoy kat &anፅ Ty {rrepudrey., It would be absurd to 
speak of a plain as full of ‘trees and seeds, Here I take dn réy 
rrepudrey = hy“, corrupt for haNyገt = «and of vegetables. See my note 
in loc. for other possible explanations. 

XXIX, 2 Tkpireas BévBoa. Here kpireas = N31, corrupt for NnAግ (so 
Praetorius) = evagn. In Hebrew the corruption can be explained equally 

XXX. 3 ray Tpi3eoruy. These words refer to certain fragrant trees 
mentioned in the preceding Verse. These trees yielded (see p. 7o, note 35) 
a fragrant odour when burnt, Hence it is possible that the Aramaic hppY 
(= rpiBeruw) is corrupt for hp» = Katey. Thus: «when they burn it, it 
is more fragrant &c. 

Chapters XXvii-JY, from a Hebrew original. The assumption of 
a Hebrew original is required by some of the following passages, while 
others would admit of either Hebrew or Aramaic. 

xl. 0 ‘The third who is set over all the powers is Gabriel. There is 
a patonomasia here on Gabriel's name—Nግa3 in niግ\33 »3 2y ግ. This 
paronomasia is possible also in Aramaic. In the same verse the words ‘the 
second, who is set over all the diseases . . . of the sons of men, is Raphael 
=bNBTግ Kn DIN 33 nin» 23 2y ግWN, contain a reference to the derivation 
of the name Raphael, which is possible only in Hebrew —NS «to heal. 

XIV. 3 ‘On that day thine Elect One will sit on the throne of glory 

And fie zwsll choose thesr suorgs. 

The words in italics ate a translation of ¢38:; PIéሆPs Flemming, 
after the example of his predecessors, translates: « wird Auswahl treffen 
unter ihren Werken. But this is a mistranslation and would require 
ኣምIበሪሆPመs Moreover it is absurd to boot. The source of the corruption 
becomes clear on rettanslation., Thus 36; = éxaeéerat = the Hebrew "na, 
which might (2 cf. Isa. xlviii. ro) itself = Boxuudret, or else it is a corruption 


of ina’, which normally means «will try. Thus we should read ‘And he 
will try their works. [In Aramaic ግna has both meanings. Hence this 
passage is indecisive. 

XlVi, 4° « He will f raise up the kings and the mighty from their thrones. 
Of this verse a dittograph occurs four lines later, xlvi. 5: 

‘And he will put down kings from their thrones and kingdoms, 

for the parallelism shows that the latter is an intrusion. On the other 
hand RIlፈYRws = kagatpyce, = YE, is right (cf. 2 Chron. XXX. 14), whereas 
iA = ¢yepei = ገ 15 wrong.’ Ny, would then be a corruption for ies. 

lii. 9 ‘All these things will be Tf denied and destroyed from the face 
of the earth. Here Dillmann and Flemming try to give a better sense 
to the passage by rendering Yh; werden verschwinden and Beer 
werden vernichtet werden’ But the word is unexampled in these senses 
in Ethiopic. The explanation is discoverable through retranslation., E = 
gaTapunilroyrat kai payvrgrovrat. Lhese two verbs are dittographic render. 
ings of the Hebrew nIas,, 

1vi, 7 «Till the number of their corpses is through their deatht. 
Afni = ek gaydiroy ary = ErNii», corrupt for iat» « more than myriads. 

lx. Io « Their judgment has been determined upon and will not be 
T reckoned before me. Here «will not be reckoned before me = oy 
MoytrgNrerat Kara Tpdrardy oy = 38) 31 2 where the verb is Corrupt 
for yn = « will be withheld’ used of judgments and calamities. Thus 
the text = ‘their judgment has been determined up and will not be 
withheld by Me. This restoration is Dossible also through Aramaic. 

1xv. Io ‘ Because of the f months which they have searched out and 
through which they know &c. Here Halevy (Zorn. Asiar., 374-375, 1867) 
objects that Rውራኝi signifies ‘ months and never astrology, and that the 
knowledge of the future could not have been regarded as criminal by 
the authors of Enoch. Hence he conjectures that b'vHn (= « months ) was 
a corruption of yn = « sorceries. This conjecture restores sanity to 
the text. 

Ixv. 11 ‘ For these there will be no place of refuge for ever. Here 
0A; = Snorrooyy = nan, which should here have been rendered 

Ixvii. 13 ‘ These waters of judgment minister to the healing of the 

1 Tn the notes in loc, 7 have supposed Ly) and Diss 5 


body of the { angels. Here, as Halevy (PD. 366-367) has remarked, « angels 
is an impossible reading. It = ob) Corrupt for pha) kings. 

xix. 13 ‘ This is the number of Kesbeel., The word « number’ is 
here unintelligible. The context requires some such words as ‘office, 
‘function. Halevys explanation is very satisfactory. He holds that the 
translator here rendered nገip8 by ‘number when he should have given 
charge, «function. 

From the above restorations on the basis of a Hebrew original, the 
majority of which are not possible on the hypothesis of an Aramaic 
original, the natural conclusion is that the chapters XxXxvii-lXx were 
originally written in Hebrew. 

Chapters laxii-xxxt. From Hebrew most probably. 

Lxxvii. I « The frst { wind is called the east because it is the first: 
and the second the south because the Most Hieh f descends there. We 
have here two paronomasias, one misrendering and one corruption. First 
of all, as Halevy points out, the Greek translator erred by rendering min 
Pi Wind instead, ‘Of Dy darter NEE Ezek: XI: 20 Next Nast 
High descends = by 1, corrupt for bn Nh = «the Most High abides, 
a play on piገ7 «south. Finally, the ‘east’ =b1p: hence it is «the first’ 
Ni5ግp. In Verses 2, 3 there ate similar paronomasias. 


Ixxviii. 3. See note 25. 


Chapters [xXxxiii-#c, from Hebrew (or Aramaic ?). The evidence is 
here very scanty as yet. 

XXX. 11. Here a corruption in text can be emended by retranslation 
into Greek or Hebrew. See note in loc. 

XC, 18 ከደ £ቤሆP = exavyrey ¢m ayroys, a clear Hebraism = ho 
Envoy. See my note 16 on D. 185. 

XC. 98 ' The first . ... became a f word. Fete E = pitas but the 
Greek was not filha but mu—a transliteration of DR = « buffalo. If we 
were sure that pnua stood originally in the Greek translation it would 
be an argument in favour of an Aramaic original; for pnha would = io"). 

Capers Xci-ciu, from a Hebrew original. 
xXciil. 5. See note in loc. 


xciii. 8. See note on the Hebrew construction. 

REO BEE’ Hote: 

XCiIX. 6. Here E=eis Juépay aikaros dgtaAeinrou, but in Tertullian 
(De Jdof., INV) the phrase appears as ‘in diem sanguinis perdstsiowss = eis 
Muépay aiuaros Qneoaeias = TND ገ bo where TN is corrupt fot ዝህ» = 
QBtaXeinrouy. So Symmachus renders "y» in Job xvi. 8 where Massoretic 
has ገ». 

ci, 4. Here the text rests on a mistake of the Greek translator or 

else on a corruption in the Hebrew text, whereby '55y ‘kings was read 
for "Ppa ‘ sailors. 


G2 denotes the Greek Version. 

G* denotes the Greek fragments preserved by Syncellus: where there is a duplicate 
version G G are used, 

Gs denotes the Greek fragment discovered at Akhmim, and now preserved in the 
Gizeh Museum. See Dp. xi. 

EF denotes the Ethiopic Version. 

apc geap, &cs the Ethiopic MSS. described on pp. xvii sqd. 

hmt, = homoioteleuton. 

1 1 The use of these brackets in G’ Gs i-XXxii means that the words so enclosed, 
thoueh only in one of these authorities, are also in E. Such words in EO go 
back to Greek archetype. In IXXxxix. 42-49 and in cvi these brackets simply 
denote that the words so enclosed in G and L are not in E, but may nevertheless 
go back to the archetype. 

| | The use of these brackets in G* Gs means that the words so enclosed are 
found only in one of the authorities, and may or may not geo back to the 
Greek archetype. 

() Words so enclosed are supplied by the Editor. 

tf Words so enclosed are corrupt. 

UL | Words so enclosed are interpolated. 

መጽጠፈፉ፡ ህዛኛኻ፡ 

1. 1-5. 

መጽጠፈ፡ ዛናኻ፡ 

1. ቃሲ;፡ በረከት፣ ዘሄኖሕክ፡ በከመ፡፡ ባረክ፡ ሣፉያ፤፡ ወ’ጻ.ድቃ፤፤ ኣሰ ሀሰዉ፣ ዴኩኑ፡ በዕለ 
መገንዳቤ፡ ሰጸሰስሉ፡ “ዙስ ጳኩያ፤፡ ወረሲንኔ፡። 

2. ወጸውሥይጸ፡፡ “ወ ይቤ፡ ሃኖሕ፡፡ ብኣሲ፡ ጻ.ፎቅ፡ ዘኣምኝበ፡ ኣገዚጸብሔር [ኣንH;] ጸ0ዴን 
ቲሆሁ፡፡ ክሠውታት፡ ወይሬጺ፡፡ ራኣዩ፡ ቅዱስ፡" ዘበሰማያት ዘ"ጸርጸዩኒ፡። መላኣጻክት፡ ወሰማዕኩ፡ 
ኣምኘንቤሆመ፡ ሺሹሉ፡ “ወጸኣመርኩ፡ ጸኔ" ተዘኣሬወጺ፡“ተ ወጸኮ፣ ሰዝ፡ ትውልደ ጸሳባ፤ ለዘ 
ይዴመጽኳኣ፡ ርሣቅት።" 3. በኣንተ፡ ሣፉያን፣ ኣቤ; ወጸውሣሓላኩ፡ በኣንቲጸሆመሙመ፡ ምስለ 
ዶወፀኳ፡። ቁዷስ፡ ወዓቢዶይ፤ ኣማሣደፉ፡ 

4. ወ“"“ጸምላሳክ፡ ዓሳም፡፡ ኣምህዩ፡። ይክከይድፎ፡። ዷበ፡ ሲና፤ ፎብር፡ 
ወያስተርዉ፡ በትዕዴደንቱ 

ወያስችርዉ፡። “በጋ ይሰ; ጽንዑ፡። ጳምሰማይ።። 

5. ወዴፈርሆ፡” ሰሴ 

ወያድሰቀልቁ ትኛ 

ወይነሥጸመ። ፍርሃት ። ወረዓ.ፎ;። ዓቢይ፡ ኣስከ፣ ጸጽናፈ፤ ም.ፎር። 

1 fu, abcdelox. #1 omits together with next word. mm, 8 read Pi HዋዲN: 
(2 reads H) Ey; 3A; H (5 omits) ¥7%: 1ቢE: 2A; (ms omits together with two 
next words). So &, but omits two words before last. g reads ራAይ: HCA: 2A 
JF reads Hy; ቢድ; 2A: _» reads HyZPn:i 2A; and omits following Hy. “#7. 
mu, 8 read Hh; 5 G omits. 4a. #rሮas ዙሱሉ፤ ረሲዓን፤፡ 5 ዙሱ፤ ጻኩያን 
ወረሲዓን ° This is a boor attempt at rendering the phrase dvaxalBéy Tilv rapalBoእiy. 
Ethiopic translators indeed found this phrase difficult, and never rendered it 
literally. Cf. Num. xxiii. 7, 185 xxiv. 3, 15, 20, 21, 23. #Zmg# add AYN: which 
may be a corruption of PNAS see ver. 3. °u, bcdxa alone in EF preserve this order 
as in. All other MSS. trans. 7 9 reads ብጻ A. (sic). Tere Hs 
supported by Num. Xxiv. 4, against G, which has Spaces. 5 So also Num. xxiv. 4. 
G corrupt. Ses note 7, p.3. gm, 5». Other MSS. read P&I: x adds AJHLRብሔEC: 
1 0, 9 read ©. 5 # reads RCRA: 59 omits. is im, #8. gt read ACRE: 
u# HACRE; The text = 4 sgeapovy. We should probably read AH: AoA or possibly 
ራAE; a seer of visions (NX), of which the unintelligible RCRA in £9/u may be 
a corruption. 5 a,bcn. B~bcn read RመጽN 8 adds TትውA.E 15 mL. #9 read 
CግYYi = Aaምርኘኙቃት፡ The ልም here may be a corruption of A; = እaእé. 8-9 
read CY: 4 “21; 7 0 prefixes ©. q reads ih; 15 gu, mn. m,B~n read 
Ho’. rHይoga; gu, Bn. mh n omit. 20 mu, B~n. #9 read RAY 
n ጸም ዘሰንሰም፡ 1 All MSS. wrongly prefix @ against G. = m omits. 
25 9 reads ያስትረጺ au. wu, 8 read በጽ}0; Yይሱ፡ 5 / reads ሰማያት 
CL. All other MSS. read ወይፈCY: 7 dg prefixes 0. 5 e omits. 

L. i=5. 

€ L 
1. AGyos evxoyias EyOX, Kags evkGynréy éxXekrToys Bukaiovs oirtyes trovrat 
ጎ ሩ [4 7) [4 PJ even 3] [4 ኣ ን 6 ch [F ) ፆ ፆ il 3 
eis IIuépay aréykns €éGpau1 Tdyras Toys €X0poys 5, kai Fagirovrat Bikatoun 2, 
[ey € 
2. Kat Gyaaagey Ty Tapaf3oAly avrot eine’ EyOX, Glvgbpwnos Bikatgs, FrTty 4 
14 BD ] ሓ ን NI 9 Lt, ግ 6 i ጥ N e? FANE | Le ኣ [ei 
Oparts » €k geo avr® Gyéaoyueyn, ly 5 TExey 17 Tily party Tog &yioy kai Tog 


mN Ld \ 
ovpayog 5, TEBétEéy uot 9 Ikat GyYLOAGYy» @yiway Tkovra €yd1, kai (O51 FHkovra 
D ) ) ] 

e- 3 a Te [A ND BRN Nn 10, ኣ ን ኮ) \N [ey ኣ [7 ፆ ገ 
Tap @UT OV TayTa Kat €yvoy €Y@ géwp@y Kat OvK €S Tily bUy Yeéyédy Btevoovuny » 

[ey \ ኣ ጦ [ey [ey 
GAA €nt Tሪppe ogray (¢y% Aaa 1, 8.1 Kail Tepi TOy exXekTéy vDy Aye kal 
Tepi avr6y GvéAal3oy Tily Tapal3oA]y 1 uoy 1, 
Kai eéeXeirerat 6 tyes Vuovt 12 6 éyas €x Tis Karotkreas arog, 
መሓ [ey [a ላ 

4. kai 6 eos Tog aiovos T ei yiv 15 Tarycet ¢ni T6 Sev Gpos, 
kai pavNrerat ¥ ék Tils TapeyBoAis airog 1# 

ላ [4 ኃ en CD) ( ን io EN Le ን fe [ey ን [ey 
kat pamirerat €y Ti] Bvvdue, Ti}s io Xvos arog Gn) ToD obpavog [r6y ovpavQy] 


5. kat boBngNrovrat Tdvres 

\ # JON ei os 
kat TTerreyovrw {7° ot €ypNyopot 

ኣ Hk ን NN [6 ላ ፆ # [4 ጦ # ጦ Py 
Kat AXIu\rerat auyroys Tpouos Kat polos kéyas uéxXpt Ty Tepdray Ti}s Yis 

1 MS. egape. 2 E adds tai Toys dregeis. Though E omits, the clause may 
be genuine. “ To be taken With Sveyuéw? or omitted. °F = S@gaእuoi atroy which 
gives better sense, and agrees with Num. XXiv. 4 sy ነጋ. 5 Mv must either be 
written jv Or jv. But the context is against the former, and iv is quite intelligible. 
Tt is to be taken with tgxeyt as forming a periphrastic conjugation = ‘he was 
thavingt. 7 = MIR, gxew is found as a rendering of WN in Job xvii: 095 xviii. 20; 
XXI. 0; XXX. 105 15. xii. 8, and it may be so here. Of course MN could not have 
stood in the original. It is corrupt for nin = Spev. Our text is thus brought into 
agreement with E FeéoAs and Num. xxiv. 4 (N’ ግ’ ni») which our author is here 
using. Tt is possible, of course, that the corruption arose in G, but it would be 
difficult to explain how. The passage in E = ‘Ev@oX, ¢ivgpeoros Sikasos od x OeoD Spgax- 
koi avroy Gyeeoyueyot kai £@opa Ti)y gparty Toy dyiou. 5 Corrupt (?) fOr kari Tey ovpavdy as in E,. 
5 Text corrupt. Ei = ily fgetgay ou oi dyyexot. 10 MS. geopey, 1 So Swete emends from 
ye aእእe. Can hardly be right: unexampled in Enoch; E = kai, 5 Corrupt possibly 
for sxeigey as in E. aE = Uy Or €y ri} TapevBoእ. This is supported also by the 
parallelism. » E = raእevgilovrat: a sense which accords perfectly with X. t2=14, 
&c., whereas rrevrovzew Bives a sense wholly at variance with all that follows. It is 
possibly a deliberate change. Flemming suggests rriigovrew; see next note. 5 This 
clause, which E omits, I have removed to the margin as an interpolation at variance 
with the closing genuine words of this verse, and with all that follows on the fate of 
the Watchers who were imprisoned beneath the hills, The scribe who added it was 
possibly thinking of Slav. En. Xviii, where the singing of the Watchers is mentioned, 


After e‘Ypy- 
“Yopot the fol- 
lowing words 
are interpo- 
lated : tai 
gawgty gr- 
Kpuba €y nag! 
Tots Gepots TRS 
Kai uggioy- 
Tat TdyTa T& 
dtkpa 73s Ess 

4 መጽሐፈ: ሃዛኛኻ፡ 1. 6=90. 

6. ወዴደነኘፁ፡ ጸፎበር፡ ነዋሓን፡ 

ወድደቴሕቱ፡ ዘውፃር፡ ነዋጋት። 

ወይዴትመሰዉ፡፣ ከመ፤ መዓሪረ፡ 7ራ ጳምላባህብ፡፡፣ 

7. ወችሠጠጥ፡?’ ም.ፎር፡ 

ወቤ ዘውስት፡ ም.ድር፡ ይትሕኾል፡ 

ወይከውን፤ ፍትሕ፡ “ሳዕ0ሰ፡ ሹሱ፡፣ 

5. ወ[ላ0ሰ; ጻፎቃኽ፣ ሹሎመሙመ፡ |? ሰጻ.ፎቃኝኽ'› በሳመ፤ ዴገብር፡" 
ወዩዓቅቦመሙ፡። ለጠፉ. 

ወይከውን ሣህል ሳዕሴሆሙ፡ 

ወድክውኒ፤ ሹሎመ ዘጸምባክ፡ 



ወድዴበርህ፣ ሎሙ ብርሃ፤፡ ጾምላኳኽ፤” ኽ 

0. ወናሁሆ፡ “መጽ; በችትኣልፊት ቅዱዷሰን፡'" ከመ፡ ዴፃበር፡ ፍትሐሕ፡ ተለዕሌሴሆመሙመ፡ 
ወያሕጕሎመ፡” ሲ።ረሲዓን 

ወ“ይዘልፍ፡። ሹሉ ዘሥጋ፡ በጻንት፡ ዙሱ፡ “ዘገብፉ፥ ወ።ረስዑፁ፡። 
ሳዕሴሆ፣ ጋጥጻን፡። | ወ ረሲዓን 

iu, Bn. mh mn read YPN: 9 PH; (sic). = mtu, B~e/n. £ reads 1pሣYi 9 YP: 
(sicy. e/ PD n omits. 2g reads መሰ “2 prefixes@. ‘29,7. mf, Bat 
read ሰም; af ታሰTምi rm prefix ©. /u8. au read Efi * # omits. 
° Dittogeraphy of words before and after. 0 a-m,n. m, B= read"#pINi nm 
B-5 aባd ሎመሪ ። a5 ዓዲ፤ ሎሙ 5 wu reads D0. 13 g omits, together with 
next two words. mB. wu read yA; 5 9 reads ይሴብሑ; y omits 
initial ©. 1 2, 0 read ACYY: 7 G omits. ® e reads AA  m omits. 
This and the two preceding words are drawn, as Beer has pointed out, from 
Deut. Xxxxiii. 2 Vp naani5 Pn). Since the LXX here renders civ uuvpudrey Kagiis, 
it is clear that our author followed the Hebrew. Observe further that the 
personal pronoun (= His) is wanting in E, as in Deut. xxxiii. 2 and in Pseudo- 
Vigilius, though found in G, Jude 14, and the Pseudo-Cyprian. 5 Corrupt for 
Af 5o G, Jude 15, Pseudo-Cyprian. a mgInXya. Pfu BHJny,a read 
ወያሕ . = Add tras with G, Jude 15, Ps.-Cyprian, Ps.-Vigiltus. TO 
reads ዴዝAS: 9/። ዴዛሰፍ፡ 5 ዴትዋቅስ፡ a Corrupt and defective for Wi Ae; 
CስዓPw H= mdvrey spyeoy Ti)s Sregeias atr®y By. 5 Em. from ሰዩ; in accordance 
with G, Jude 15 (Ps.-Cypr.) osama. After ረስ0s the following clause from Jude 15, 
Pseudo-Cyprian, and G should be restored in the text ወበ; #ሉ: 0901; Hi 
5 Fu, 8, ZFmng read in acc. 

1. 6-9. 


[ey # [A 
6. kai retgnlrovrat [kai Terogvrat kai BuaXugilrovrat] Gon IAG 

ላ N መኣ [ey i 
kai TaTéwao0irovrat Bovyvoi iNnXoi [Tog Btapviivat Gp | 

kai Takilrovrat ©s Ki00s QT) TpordéToy Types [¢y pAoyi]? 

) ያ € [ei [fF Le Li 
7. Kat BaxtrglreTat 1] YI xia pa- 
AN t e# 2] ላ ን A IN ሓ ኦ) [ey 
kai Tdyra gra €rTiy €ri T]]S Yi}s GToAéeirat 
\ኣ Ls 
kai Kpigts ErTat Kari TavTay. 
እ \ኣ B [ey ፆ N ን ያ ፆ 
8B. kai eres Ty Btkaiay Tiy eipNvny Touet, 
kai FET Toys €KAXeékToys €rTat uzTilprts 5 
ኣ # 
{xat eipnlwn, 
እ) ን ኣ F [i 
Kat €T @UT OVS YeémlreéTat €Aeos, 
kai EroyTat Tyres Tog geo, 
kai Tilv TevBokiayt 5 Bret avrois, 
kal TéiyTas évAoylet. 
kali Tévray Gvrujuyrerau 9, [kai Bongire, 
€ መ 3 
ኣ ያ L) [ey Py 
kai pavrerat avrois @b&s 
[F ኣ i VE) ህ N ie lio 
kai Toulrét €r avroys eipilwny 5. 
7 ጦ 
9. TOTTI? Epxerat riyy rais11 vptdrty 
- ን \ኣ mn € Pn [n 
[Lairog cai Tots] 15 giyiots atrog, (a) oviirat 
KDirty KaTé TéyT oy, 
NE [ [ay 
(D) kal QTOAérat 1s { Tgvras 1 Tos are3eis, 
ኣ [in 
(<) kat (€eAéyEat# Taray rdpka 
N [A 37 T LN ኮ # ን [ey ኻ] 
a) Tept Téyray €pyey Tis dref3eias ary 
oy NreBnray 
ላ Ley 
(8) (kai FEXANDS» By €AGAMTay XGyayT15 Kar 
ን Le 
avrog auaprexot &reBeis. 

: These words are omitted by E and against the parallelism. 

because omitted by E and against sense. 

words look like two renderings of the same Hebrew word. 
Wisd. iii, 0 kai srerkor)) €y Tois €xaekroie aro. 

= Bios. Sok. 
ported by the parallelism. 
i MS. TOUS, 

instead of déyiots to agree With vptdety. 

Ci. Sir. xliii. 26 where the same corruption occurs in MS. B. 

Jupe x4, 15. 

180% NAgey Kyptos €y €&yiaus vptérty 
arog (a) Tofirat Kpiruy KaTé Tiyray 

(P<) kat €X€yEat Téavras Toys rel3ets 

(a) Tepi Tavrey TOy €pyav Grefgetas 
avr@y Gy NreBnray 

(8) kai Tepi Téayrey TOy FKAPSy Qy 
eAdAnray Kar’ arog Guapreoxot &reBeis. 

PsEuDO-CYPRIAN: Ad Novafionuim 

(Fartel's Cyprian, ii. 61). 

Ecce venit cum multis milibus nun- 
tiorum suorum (a) facere iudicium de 

(9) Et perdere omnes impios 

(<) Et arguere omnem carnem 

(a) de omnibus factis impiorum quae 
fecerunt impie 
(8) et de omnibus verbis impiis quae de 
tDeot locuti sunt peccatores. 
Psrvpo-ViGirus (Migne 62, col. 363) 
Et in epistola Iudae apostoli: 

Ecce veniet Dominus in millibus 
(a) facere iudicium 

(9) Et perdere omnes impios 

(<) Et arguere omnem carnem (a) de 
omnibus operibus impietatis eorum 

2 Bracketed 
5 A dittography. + These two 
MS, tteya. Oks 
7 MS. yemrat. 5 Corrupt for 
CG thus 

5 This verse though omitted by E is probably genuine, being sup- 
i Ei = kai igov: Jude, Pseudo-Cypr. and Pseudo-Vig. igov. 
= Interpolated against E and all other authorities. 
5 MS. aroyeres, but the parallelism, Pseudo 
CYypr. and Pseudo-Vig. and £ require droxéat, Other edd. roa éres. 
Parallelism and Jude, Ps.-CYpr. and Ps.-Vig. require eAeéyéat. 

Read éyiass 

# MS. Aeygee, 
5 Undoubtedly genuine 

though omitted by E. G adds dittographic clause kai repi Tdvreoy oy KareAሪAnay. 

Additional Note on 7. 9.-—1n order to arrive as far as possible at the original 
form of 1.9 1 have printed the two Greek and the two Latin Versions of it in 

6 መጽሐፈ: ህዛኛ፡: [Tr TN 

11. ጠይቁ; ሹሉ፡ ዘውስት፡ ሰማይ፡ ገብረ፡ ኣፎ፤ ጺይመይጡ፡ ፍናቁሆመ። (ወ)ብርሃናችት፣ 
ዘውስተ ሰማደ፡ ከመ ሰ ደሠርቅ፡ ወ’"የ0ርብ፡፡ “ሥፉዕ)፡ ዙሱ፡፡ በበዘመኒ፡፡ ወጺዶትዓደዉ፤፣ 
ኣምሥርዓተመሙ፡፡፡ 52. *ርኣይዋ፡ ሰም.ድር፡ ወለብዉ፡' “በጻንት፡ ምግባር፡" ዘዶችገበር፡ በሳዕሌሃ፡ 
ኣምቁዳሚ፡ ኣስከ; ተፍጻቱ፡ ከመ፤ ጺዴትመየዩየጥ፣ ዙሰ፡።” ምፃባፉ፡። ለጸምላሕ፡ ኣንዘ፡ 
ያስችርx።“" 3. ርጻይዎ፡” ሲሰሕጋዶ፤ ወሰኻክረምት ከመ፡ “ሹሱ፡ ም.ድር፡። መልጸት፡ ማዩ" 
ወደመና፡ ወ“ጠል፤ ወዝናም; የዓርፍ፤። ሳዕሴሀ። 111. “ጠይቁ ወርኣዩ፡። “ስ ዕፀወ; ኣፎ፡ 
ያስትርጳዩ፡ ከመ፡ ዶቡስ፡ ወሸሱ፡ ጸቍጽሲሆሙመ፡።” ንፍ ዘኳንበሰሲ፡ “፲ወ፪ 0ፀው፡ ዘጽዶገኘገፉ” 
ጸባ” ይጸንሑ፥ ጳምብሱድ፤ ኣስከ ድመጽል፡ ጋኗበስ፡ ኣም።ካልሌ፡" ወኣም፤ ሯ።ክረምት።። 
1V. ዳ7መ; ጠዴደቂቁ;። መዋዕሲ፡ ሕጋይ፤ ከመ፡ ኮኔ; ። ፀሕዶዴ፡ ሳዕሴሃ፡። በቁዳሚሃ፡። ወ።ሃጸንትሙ 
ሰ; ትጋሠምሠ። ምጽላሰ፡ ወጽሳሉ፡። በጻንተ፡ ዋዕየ; ፀሕዶ፤ ወም.ፎርሰ፡" ትውዒ፤። ጻሞቁ፤። 

1 = karayoilare. Fm. from Mf; of MSS. 2 0, 8. ድ/ read ይት 
m RR; (sic). 2m 0. 1 have supplied the lost © on the authority of G. 5 inserts 
hai before ACY”. All other MSS. read AብCYZY: «+ PL B-FBRI»0. FBR Ino 
read $3". £ reads #39: ” 3%; 5 OYA: ። 0p; For the word preceding 
u reads NC; ° g reads 0 WN; 5% reads Hoi ‘9 FI8n0X. 
m reads “YY ERs #7" PY EDs u, a8cgs “RYO * a. 8 reads APY AHH 
? 9 reads Cርጺኻዋ፡ ሲሰም.ድር፡ ወሲሰበውኩ፡ in amp bcdn. m reads Ie; 
aሪ ኣምፃበር፡፤ ። /»ደ/ዕይ ለምፃብር፡ 1 bcdy read ANY; 15 my prefix ©. 
s g,e omit. Here E has probably lost IAC: Hውhti ምድር: AA: tt: (so OG) 
through ht. sag. g reads JAC; 8 Jr; 5 If E has lost the clause 
mentioned in note 13, then AIH: which all MSS. but 9 # read, is a change made in 
E because of that loss. We should read nap; as in G. 15 = (baiverau. This is 
probably a wrong rendering of the original, see note 3, p. 1. g reads ስtረk 
un adds ሲሹ nag, B-gD0Xy. 9 reads CAMP; g50(5)y read CART: 
5 au, Fh. u reads tN: ድረ: BZ» WA! ምድር I BP Fead 
ሣይ; 0 by» omit. 2 2 reads HS; 5 , Bh8no., m reads #3. 9 P0C¢; 
ut, » POCES obcde/ 10. a-y# prefix @. / prefixes H. The right text alter all may be tN; 
ei AY: Mt; OE nA; ወዘና; 3c: =u. All other MSS. read Miቁ: 
ወርጺW፥ £ has the superscription በ; toi 0ፀው; SFm0. wu, Bread han; 
tሉ:; 0gፀው፡ but 4 a omit tt x adds BORE ©. 5 m reads ARP 
20 a, a8. B~a8 read YT 7” mu write in full CE: ACባOE; a reads g for 8g. 
5 Bak. aa read "Vlei ” Fm. from AA (Flemming). "m/w. Other MSS. 
read Eg. 1 myZu read in full “WANE =sm9,8. /# read ራት; 5 u. Other 
MSS. read Mtቁ: 5 m omits. ® a prefixes 0. 5 gu. m reads py: 
ዞ 8 በቅፎሜ፡ 7 en omit. Sag, FBI0%x. g,aycde readችly. 5 wu reads 
ወጽሳሳባጊ፡ a0 Fu. mreads DC: 9, B-efo read PECL sfo(5) ምድር 
«i m erases. 9 reads Yi “8g. m reads ሞቅ: I Aapውቁi /።, 5 ቁች 

11. r—1I1. ENOX # 

ፆ [4 NY 2 Pip hy) %, C= ን ን ፆ N 1 ኣ po N 
11. Karayomraré Tayra T6 €pya €y T@ ovpay®, TOs ovk IIAXoiwray Tas ogous @vr@y, 


\ [es ኣ 2 ጫ ን መሓ t ኣ [A ኦ) # \ኣ # [4 
Kai? Toys PaoTIlpas Toys €» TO ovpayy, ©S Ta TayTa GyaTEANet Kat Byyet, TeTayluéyos 

3) ኣ ን 
kab OU TaDa= 

J መሓ ኽ መኣ [a [ny [Fey 
EkagTos €y TO Terayluéy® Kap, (kai Tats €oprais airy paivovrat, 
ፆ Ny ኃያ 1 Ld N [oN ላ [4 ላ [ei 3 [ey L) 

Baivovrty Ty iBiay Taguy. 2. iBeré Tily Yily kai Btayolgnré Tepi T&y €pyeay Ty €y 
ን መሓ LH ንነe ን eS [4 [4 [TU AY [HT ን ጋ fe 2 

ari] Ytyvouéyey &T apXIlS expt TeAéOéas, ws eirw pgapra, @s ovk axAototrat 

ሓ ላ [oy A መሓ ጦ 

TovBty TOy €Ti Yils, GAAS 1 Tyra ¢pya geog 1 guiy! paiverats. 3. (Bere Tily gepeiay 
\ N ey TI [A yy [4 ኣ [4 4 

Kat TO XéUhOyG . . 1. Karaluagere Kat iSeré Tdyra Ta Beygpa 

parallel columns. That the Latin are versions of Enoch i, 09 and not of Jude 14, 15 
was shown by Zahn in 1890. The words, Et ferdere omnes impios, Ft arguere 
omnem carhem furnish irrefutable proof of this view. 

This being presumed we have to determine the relative faithfulness of the 
Versions. First of all it is clear that Jude is the least original as it compresses 
the two clauses (6) and (<) into one, and introduces upeos after Ages. Next the 
Pseudo ~Vigilius is defective: phrases are wanting in (a) and the entire clause (8) 
is omitted. The Pseudo-Cyprian is the most perfect of the three as regards the 
parallelism, though corrupt in nuntiorum (= éyyeእey) suorum, Deo for eo, and want- 
ing in impii after peccatores. Turning now to G we see that it agrees in form 
with the Pseudo-Cyprian and Pseudo -Vieilius, save that against all authorities it adds 
after yey a clause, which is obviously a dittography. [he interpolation in the first 
line is noticed in the text. Jats fhe Sfrucfure zs wel esfablishedgs namely, fhiree clauses 
(a) (BY, (<Y, Zhe Jas oF whech 2s subdrvzged info fwo (a) ang (8), 

On the other hand the infinitives Derdere (= droxéat) and arguere (= eA€yégat) 
are right, and this evidence, together with E, shows that we should not read droxéree 
and (S)Aeyéfes in G but droxéat and eAeyéat. [he parallelism also supports this view. 

Having now ascertained the structure and details of the text we approach E and 
find that it preserves aif fhe cjawses, though in the case of (6) and (8) defectively, and 
of (ay corruptly and defectively. Thus it omits mdvras in (6) and ai rxእnp®y ®y 
eAdMnray Aye in (8). 

We conclude, therefore, that the original form is to be rendered as follows in English : 

Ee: Behold i He comes with His holy myriads 

(a) To execute judgment upon all, 

(6) And to destroy all the ungodly, 

(<) And to convict all flesh 
(a) Of all their works of ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, 
(8) And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. 

1 Supplied by Swete. * So Dillmann and Radermacher from aAAvovyrat. CE.nAAvoray 
in ver. 1 for JNXoieoray. ®$ =NN) = « suited’: cf. Esth.ii. 95; for this meaning. 
At any rate cbaiyerat gives no appropriate sense. # 111. 1v—V. 1a lost through hmt. 

8 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ FV. S. 

ሕፉር፡ ወጸንትሙስሰ። ጺትሕኽሱ፡ ከዪፉዶታ። ሲሰሲም.ፎር፡ ወጺ'ኵኩቸሐሕ፡። በኣጻንት፥፡ ውዕ ። 
ዣ. ጠይደቁ። ኣፎ፡ “ዕፀው በ"ሐመልማሰ፡ ጸፉቍጽል፡፡ ዴትከደፉ፡ ወድይፈርዩ፤ ወ"ለብዉ፡ በጻንጌ፡ 
ዙሱ፡ ወጸኣምፉ፡ በከመ፡ ተ ገበርክመሙመ፡ ሰጻሱንቱ፡ ሹሎመ፡፥ " ዘሕያው፡ “ ለዓሲም፤ 2. ወምፃባፉ፡ 
ቅፎሆሁ፡ ለሰ፡ ዓመት ዘይክከውን፡። ወሹሱ፡ ምፃባፉ፡። ይትቀነይ: ሎቱ ወጺይትመዩጥ፡። 
ጸሳ፡ በከመ፡ ሠርዐ፡ ጾምላሳኳ፡ ከመዝ፡ ይትገበር ዙሱ።" 3. ርጳዩ፤"፡ ኣፎ፡ ጸብሕርት።› ወጸፍሳባኘ፡ 
ሣቡረ፡። ይዴፌጽመ፡ ገብሮመ፡ 

4. ወጸንትሙስ፡ ጴተዓገሥመክሙ፡። ወጺገበርክመሙ፡ ትኣዛ;። ኣፃዚኣ፡። 

ጸሳ፡ ተፃዓደውሕመ፡።” ወሕመ ይሕመ ዓቢያተ” ወ.ፎፉኣት፡። ቃሳ 

በ“ጸፈ፡ ርኩሰት” ዘዚጸክመ፡ በ"ሳዕሰ፡ 0በየ፤ ዚጸሁ፣ 

ዴዶቡሰ፣፡ ልብ፡ ጺትክውነክመሙ፡” ሰሳም።። 

5. ወ።በኣንትሽ፡ ጸንትመ፡ መዋዕሲኻዝሙ፡ ትረፃሙ፡ 

ወዓመፓታ፡ ሕዴወት “ክመ ። ትጋኮሱ፡” 

ወ“(ዓመታት; ገኮልክሙ፡)። ይዴበዝሣ፡” በርፇግመት” ዘለዓሰም፡ 

ወጺይክከወንክመሙመ፡ ሣህል 

, mm prefixes ©. ፡ መ adds ብዙጋ፡ ትጌ3ዩ፤ ወ. 5 am. Im, B read ይደ 
4 a reads ©. ? 2 reads ri 5£. miu, 8B read POF: 9g POE; Ty 
Other MSS. read ቁ; 9 adds ወርXኩ፣ * /u,8. 2m read 09©; በቢ. 9 09; 0. 
2 m reads RRP 0 9 omits. 1 a (save that my read AA and 9 inserts 
hap; before WN). Corrupt for IAC; AANYE: .hማW; = G sroinoey airs ofires, 
f° 8,w emended a into 'JAéi Anes AANYE: (ase gnox aNiYi) Ws Flemming 
proposes "IAብéi ho'H:i AN” or ARN". = 9 reads Hit; 1 Org ORY 
rሩads ትኘበፉ፤ ያ ምግባር 5 a7. 9, B read “PIE a0. g reads መ 
B"Eትመtጡi X omits. I omits initial ©. 17 g reads RAC: 5 g reads WN: 
m adds Aሲሰጸሕሐዲዷ፡ "7/0, dy. 5oG. All other MSS. prefix ©. » mg,8. # reads 
ባወራቱ፡ ሃ። ባሕራ 1 == Shoies G. So also in Job i.16. See Dillmann’s 
Lex. 598. 5 eFhno omit. Sa, FBRInOX. Other MSS. YO". X trans. 
after next word and adds DARN; # 9 reads TYAዛH: 0. 5 any read 
ጸ7ዚጸብሔር፡ “ያመ Fቋ/I።ox. ያ, BJS Inox read ች0. 9,8. a-g read 301; 
5B. a reads DEፉhi = mg /u save that / reads በRE; C", 9 A: CAN Chr" 
is here used as a noun. # reads AM Chi 8 reads በAፍ: CNY (JI xy 
ርዙስት፡ ያ ርዙሰት). so B omits. au mfB., Zu read “TY. "YY. 
£ trans. this and next word before ድሳ 5 mg read ሰላ; 5 Z omits. 
Ng omits. »g,Fno. reads Th. mg BJRnOYY. =m omits. 
5 Added in accordance With G., 5m omits. Sag. 9g reads CITY; BCI; 
5 F reads uA 

V.i-s ENGX 9 

V. 65 Ta PUAAa XAepé ¢y abrois rxénoyra T6 Bévbpa1 kai [Ts] # § Kaprፅs 

መሓ [ey ላ Py 
airSy eis Tiuly kai Bdéav.1 Biayolgnré kai yv@rel Tepi Tdyray T6y foyay 

መሓ mn \ 
arog, Kal volrarée (rt ges (v1 éroinrey ard ores $, ¥ kai (f# eis Tdvras robs 

[i es 3 # 2 N ን i] 
TayTa, Oa €Toulgéy, €LS TOUS atwyas 


aiSyas"” 2. kai T6 ¢Dya arog ሻዕ 


cytavrog eis €ytavrby Yuvdueva 1 rdyra otiras, 


እ ]# Ld Le ንዓ መጦ 

kat Tyra gra dTorexoirty airy 

[ey Py ኣ Ni \ 

T& €pya, kai ovk QAXovogyvrat (ayr@y T& ¢pya,! &AN' errepei ard éenerayilys r& 
Ley \ መ 

Tara yiverat. 3, {Bere T6s 1] gdAara Kai oi Torakol &s guo(es &roréxogety, 

i 1 ar@y T épya (&n9 Tay Adyey avrog1,. 

kai obk GAXotogry 
t nm N ን 3 7 ንኣ ጋ # N N ን N ን Te 
4. YTueis B¢ ovk éyeieiyarée oU6¢ éerolraré Kar TGs €vroAAS arog 
4AAG &ኛérTnITe, Kal KaTexaእilrare keydAovs Kai kAnlpobs AGyovs 
)] [4 3 2 ሩ [ey N [Lm ፆ Ly] [Pe 4 fe ) 
<y TrouaTt axagapias Vy Kara Tijs keyaxoryvns arog, [rt KaréxaAjare €y 
[ nN ፆ cv 
Tots Wetuarty UuSy] 
FKAMpokdpBtot obk €rr’ eionlwn Vuiy. 
ኣN ኣ € 7 t [ey ሩ m d |] 
5, Totyap Tas 1Iuépas Vey vei Karapdtcrerge 

¥ kai T6 £1] 1 Tis (eis Vuéy &roetrat 

kai T6 Er Tis QTexeias Uugy TAngvvgllrerat ¢&y Kardpa aldyvey, 

kat obk €orat uty fAeos [cai eiolvn]s 

V.4-8. A possible restoration. 
4. Yueis Bé ov éyeeivare oy8é eroulare karé TAs €yroAas arog 
GAAa drérTnire kai KarTeእaMlare heydNous kai ckMnpovs Adyovs 
H ኮ 3 # Cs ላ = ፆ » PN 
€v rgkart Gkagapias vh@y kara Tig ueyaእorvwms aro 
H 3 ry » ዞ e 
CkAnpoxdpgtot, obk €grty eipnlvn] Uuiy, 
5. Totyap és Nuépas Uu@y Uueis Karapdreoge 
ኣ ላ 4 መ መጫ ¢ መ Ly መ 
Kai Ta €rn Te (os Uuey Groeiraw 
ላ \ B ጫ ን [4 € መ [A » [A ንዞ 
Kat Ta er] TIlis GreoAeias Uh@y TAngvygilerat €y kardpa aieyeoy 

ኣ Ly) 4d የ 
Kai Ovk €rTat Uuiy €Xeos, 

5 E = ra gevbpa €v PuAXots XAeopoie eérovrat, “ E = rapropbopogos, s M0 
of which fae; may be a corruption. DN ° E adds geo. s Mis: 
Kaipara gat. 7 Em. by Dillmann and Lods from kara. 5 An interpolation, 

E omits. Eipijun forms end of ver. 4. 

10 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ VY. 0-9 

6. በውኣኳ፲ቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ትሁቡ፡፡ ስመ ዚጸክሙ፡ በርኘመት፡ ዘሰንሰም፤ ለዙሱ፡፡ ጻድቃን 
ወ።ኪያክመሙ፡ ይረፃመሙ፡?፡ ጋጥጻን፡" 

. .. ዘልፈ ወሰክሙ፡፡ ተሣቡረ፡ ምስሰ፡፡ ጋጥጻን። 

7, ወሰሕፉያን፡ ይከውን ብርሃን" ወፍሥሓ፡ ወሰሳም፡ 
ወኣሙንቱ፡። ዶወርስቱ፡ ሰም.ድር፡ 

ወሰዝሙሰ፡ ረሲዓን ዴክውነክመሙ፡። ርፃመት።። 

8. ወጸጃሃ;" ይትወሀቦመሙ፡ ሰሕፉያን፡ ጥበብ፡ 
ወሸሎሙ፡ ኣሎንቲ" የሐዴይዉጪ፡ 

ወጽጺድይደፃመሙ፡ ጽብሶ፡;። ዚጺበረሲዕ፡።” ወጺበትዕቢት'፤ 

ጸሳ፡። ዴገንዩ፤ ዘቦሙ፡ ጥበበ፡። 

9. ወ።ጺድይደገመሙመ፡ ጸብሶ፡። 

ወጺዴትኬነኒ፡። ሹሉ፡ መዋዕሲ፡ ሕይወትሙ፡ 

1 = Borere, whereas G has srra. But since the phrase YW: ስ: Hana: 
AC7 ሰድ" i5 clearly from Isa. 1xv. 15 "vTap yay? Day PPIs, it is probable 
that E is right and G corrupt. Again geere is naturally a rendering of 33nn. 1s this 
a corruption of Sin = taraእeiyvere. 2 a-m. m reads mመዋ0A: ደወ nai 
ኣመዋዕሲ፡ ሃ፡ 8 ሰላመ 35 LXX has here eis mእyuovmy = nyo. [i reads Cot: 
but originally prefixed 0. « m reads Arts ° This supposes ius tarapdioovras. 

5 This should correspond to oi tarapeouevot. 7 Corrupt: 9 reads HA; / omits 
next four words. s Corrupt for OAM; £Z wu omit initial ©. 9 reads AA 
¢e omits DA together with next word. 5 = Guog erd Corrupt fOr Suovrat. Thus 

we should read Ane; Phi = ¢% iuiy Suotvras which is here = yay ba3 = ‘by 
you (the sinners) will invoke imprecations, i.e. invoke on themselves, if faithless, 
the IEvils that, fave’ befallen: Pou. AEE AES EU Der RE ea EY 0 
oF mu. g,n omit initial ©. 9,:, 8 add 0. 1 g reads ብCYYH; 5 m# omits 
initial © and adds 0. 35 g/u, 8. ድመ read ይኩን 4 bBo. ayo 
read Cot: 5 Em. m, acdeykin read DRY: £9/u, b/ oxy ay Amy: 
15 gu read ጥበበ; 7 08. Zm read AYE: uw omits. 5 a, Binoy. 
aycdFi x ap read AA: " 0u prefix ©. ” 9 reads AN “£9. m/,B read 
Tበብ; # omits. a7, ceIn. 0, a0 gFB0RV ab omit. “EmRIB-DX. Fux read 
ጸበሳ፡ = nou 6-4 Zh dወጺEYh", REY WH: = ob vpegfrovrat = YEN, ND 
(cf. Ps. ¥. io). But punctuated as So N, Nጋ the words = og ui) Sudprerw as in O. 
Or E=bBen corrupt for \yvis,=G., In any case the corruption was in the Hebrew. 

1 E = Borere. fora corrupt. See note 1 above. = See note 3 above. 
Observe Hebrew idiom. See note 1 above. « M5. reads auaprot. ° The 
first two clauses which I have bracketed are Christian interpolations. So also 
Radermacher., The remaining clauses are mainly doublets of ver. 1. FE omits. 

V. 6-9. ENOX 11 

6. Tre grrat1 T8 Gyuara VuSy eis Kardpay  aidyvtoy Tarty Tots Buxalots, 

i? ሮ # gf - ገ € [4 
Kat €y Vuty KaTaDay OVT at TaVTES Ot KaTaDpelLeyOt 

F ላ [2 ] chic ላ እን) [ey ጋ e መ H) መሓ 
Kat TVTEeS Ot aapToXot Kat daelBets <b Uy OoOvyT at, 

ኣ 4 est \4 # A 9 ን መ ፆ c ey \ ey 
[kai Tdvres oi auapr (©A)ot # Xapilroyrats kai ¢rrat avrots AVrLS Guaprt@y kat Tay 
Fs ላ Pr ) ኦ! ፆ L4 ን = # [ey ኦ; # ላ ን \ 
€Aeo0s Kat eipilwn Kat €rieiketa, €aTat avrois aTpta, pas aya0oy, Kat avrot 


KXMpovolwirovrty Ti)y YIiy]? 

( 6 

ኣ [pe የ ሓ 3 ሓ ን r / # ኸ| 
kai TErty Vuiy Tois &HapTeAots ovx Vrdpéet rornpia, 
[6AA8 €rt Tdyras Yhés KaTaayret Kardpa.] 7 

ኣ m L) ጦ Li [ey ላ # ) 9-7 B 
7. Kat TOtS €KAEKToLS €Tat POs Kat Xapts Kat étpilyn » 
kai avroi KAMpovourovcty Tily Yily, 
Viv Be rots dreBérty €orat kardpa. 
ጦ Ia) ጦጫ \ 
8. Tre Bogileerav rois éxaexrots [@8s kat Xdous, kal aro KAnMpovouilr ov 
N [a [4 U © መ ጋ ሓ 09 [6 
TY» YIv, Tre Bogrerat rary Tots éxxexrois? | copia, 
kai Tdvres ovrot Glrovrat, 


kai ob ui] Guaprioyrat €rt oy kar QréfBetay 10 otiré kari Vrepnpay(ay, 

IN \ 2 [4 [4 [an RE [4 3 # ያ IE 
kal €rrat ¢y Gy0pdn® Tepertrkéy® 8s kal Gyg06ne ¢ruTiluoyt nua. 
0. kai oy ui] TAMuueANrovrty 

ob8t ui) Sidprerty das Tas iluépas Tis (as atréy, 

6. Tére Geeré Ta Gydhara Uhéy eis kardpay aieytoy marty Toig Buxaiots, 
kai €y Uuiy KaTapdrovrat dvres oi karapeeyot, 
ላ # H t ላ ኣ ን መ Ly Ly መ ን መሓ 
kai Tdvres oi Guaprexoi kai drefgeis €y Uuiy Quovyvrae 
kai Taty thiy Tois GuapreoAois ovxX irdpéet eornpia. 
ላ መ H መ AN an ኣ [A ኣላ EE 
7. Kat Tots €kAekTois €oTat Pas kai Xdpts Kai eipflvn, 
[A መጫ 
kai airoi KAMpovouilrovty Tily ‘Yi, 
L) መ ላ መ ን # Ld # 
Uuty Be rois dareBerty grat Kardipa. 
[A መ መ 
8. Tore Bognrerat Trois exxexrois opia, 
ላ ( ዯ A 
kai TdyTes obrot (foovrat, 
ላ Ly) \ # 2 ን ? ን [4 2 \ € # 
Kai ov ul duaprroyrat €rt oy kar’ doél3etay ore Kar Urepnpayiay 

f kai €rrat ¢y dvpore rebertruey® Pas, kai Gvgpore értoTiluovt vinua. 1 

° E omits, but this clause may form the fourth line of the stanza. Radermacher 
brackets it. 7 Em. by Radermacher. MS. reads karaእvry karapay. FE. omits clause. 
Probably a doublet of 7 (<). Radermacher brackets it. *s Also in Wisd. iii. 9; iv. 15. 
" Doublet of 7 (a6). 0 Em. from aእngetay with E ረሲ0i In ver. 7 Srey is ren- 
dered by the adjective from this root ረሲዓ}; and in x. zo drefgeias is again rendered 
as here by ረሲ0: Hence there is no justification for the various emendations 
of AMIOny, Syvotay, &c. There is something to be said for dudgetay (Radermacher),. 
RE = oi Be Tiy copiay SxXovres mpaeis Soovrat. G is here like an Alexandrian addition. 

19 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና No NO 

ወ።*ጺ ይመውቱ "በመቅሠፍት'፣ ወጺበመዓት፤’ 
ጸሳ፡ ጐልቂቈ፡፡ መዋዕለ፤ ሕድዴወተመሙመ፡’ ይፌጽሙ 
ወዴደልህቅ፡ ሕይወተመ፡ በሰሳም፡ 

ወጦዓመታት፡ ፍሥሓሆመሙ፡ ዴበዝኝ፡፣ 

*በጋሣት፡ ወበሰሳባም፡ ዘለዓለም 

ውስት፣ ዙሱ፡ መዋዕሰ፣ ሕዶወተሙ። 

V1. ወኮኔ፡ ኣም" በዝ” ውሱደ፤ ሰብኳጻ፤ በጻማንቲቱ፡ መዋዕል፤፥ ተወልዳ፡ ሎመ፡ 
ጸዋልድፎ፡። ሠናያት" ወሳሕያት።“* 2. ወርኣዩ፥ ኪያሆን፡ መሳባኣኻት፣ ውሱደ፤ ሰማያት፣። 
ወፈተውያዎገ፡ ወዶቤሰ፡ በበደናቲሆሙ፡፡ ገጌዑ፡ ንሕረዴ፤ ሰኔ ጸንስኘ፡ ኣምውሱደ፡ ሰብኣ! 
ወንሲ.ደ፡"፣ ሰኔ፤ ውሱደ። 3. ወይዴቤሎመሙመ፡ ስምያዛ፡;" ጸን" ውጻቲቱ፡ መልጸኮከሙመ፡ ኣፈርህ፡ 
ዮኘ፡ ጴትፍቅዲጂ፡” ይትገበር; ዝንቱ ፃብር፡ ወኣከውን፡ ጸ፣፡ ባሕቲትየ” ፈዳዩ፡;። ሰ“ጋጢጸሻ፡ 
ዓባይ።። 4. ወጸውሥሉ፡ ሎቱ ዙሎመሙ፡። ወዶቤሱ፡። መሕሳ፡ ምሐል፡ ሹል፤፡” ወናው ግዝሽ፡”" 
ዙል፤፡” በ“በዶናፒቲ፤ ከመ፡ ሊገሚጣጠ፡” ሰዛቲ፡ ምሕኽር፡” ወንበራ” "ሰዛቲ፡ | ምኻር፡|” ፃብር።፡” 
5. ጸሃ:፡። መሕሱ፡” ሎሙ ግቡረ፤ ወጸውገዙ፡" በበይናቲሆሙ ቦቱ። 6. ወከፉ" 
ዙስሎሙመ፡ “ክልሌ ምልኣት“ ተወወረዱ፤ ውስተ፣፡ ጸርዷስ፡ ዝውኣቲቱ፡ ፎማች፣ ሰደብረ፡ ጸርሞን፤ተ። 

1 u, g omit, 2 [reads በመዓት; XR #, 5 omit the &. before መዓት: 
We should perhaps read በopwet; o3Yi as in G—a familiar 0. T. phrase, 15a. 
Xl, 29; ix: #05 Jer. xxii Bs RE 5 9 reads AA: 4 F90u, mn. my, B~n read 
ልቁ፡ 5 g omits next three words through hmt. 5 af BR Jo (5) read WE: 
7 9 reads በሰላም; Pበሓu#ትi The 0 before ሰላም; is supported by 2,8 but om. by ag. 
s a omits. su reads phy; x adds በውAi መዋO0ANI " £ reads AH: reads 0H: 
5 Fg put this and Zu next word in acc. 13 0 reads WS}: bc trans. before RPAE 
is mu puts in acc. a reads AWN: and trans. it and wSfYi x trans. wg" and 4 
25 0 reads NብNi "5 u reads “PY ng. Zuread JOE: = £ reads ሰም. 
Pm, Ag Onaits, 7? Bread. nFm0, RIX, uw B-hIx read RትፈYዲ 
2 » reads RIC: i mit, 5 Fmt 9, bcdFBInoXyD read AREY: 
# ፈዳt፡ sha ፈBty: =m, gu, Bg read Aዛቲ: 4 AH: 5 mm reads 

ዓቢይ 5 # reads rap; 5 w omits. 5 0/u, Bu. So also Gs. £m, Os 
omit. # adds WN 5 ads በበዶናቲ፤ 0 F/u. m, PB read DYYPTIH: 
g omits. amt gu,B omit. 5 wu reads በ0; 53 5 reads JR 
5 o omits. m® w omits next three words. # reads “YIብéi ss Bracketed as an 

intrusion from preceding clause. e reads Bone: 5 £. mot, B~gen read JA; 
dg ብራ; ። Nei « omits. = nu reads RH ”» ak omit «° zy read YTዋገH: 
B~ag add Ni x trans. WA" afer 00" and Ei before it. » G has here the 
superscription "J; ስሕ’: መላት: በጸዋAE; ሰብ st, gmu read in acc. 

V.O—VL. 6. 

kat o0 ul Grogdyarty €y Opy7 gvuog, 

ENOX 15 

GAAS T6y GpUguky atyr6y Ca7]s Tuepéy TANporovgty, 

ፍ N RN ን k P) re 
kal ] (aN atr@y avén0lrerav €y eiplvn, 

kai T& €rn Tils Xapgs airéy TAgvygNerat 

ጋ ጋ Ui ) 9 7 ኃጦ 
<y @yaAALacet Kat eipilvn at@yos 
€y dats Tais Juépats Tis Ces ary. 
VI. Kai ¢yéyero ray €TAMOVvgnray 
c EN [ey ኦን [4 3 3 ጦመ 
oi viot T6y GyODeTey, €y ekelyvats Tats 
ሩ / ኮ) A 3] ¢ Ls [a 
uépats €yevmlgnay  gvyarépes apatat 
{kai Kaka, 2. kai ¢gedrayro' airs of 
LA ረ ን nN \ ኮ) ፆ 
@GyyeAov viol ovpayog Kat €eregyunray 
avrds, Kat einay bbs GXMIAoVs Aebre 
1 ፆ € [A መሓ H ኣ [Le 
€xAXeéOuega €avrois Yuyaikas én Ty 
Qygoé roy, kat yevmlrouey €avrots TéKva. 
3. kai eireéy Seeats Tb6s avroys, 05 
Jy GpXoy avr6v Ppogofuat ui oy gexnl- 
geré Touirat T9 pgiyha Toro, Kat 
Li i, [6 ን [4 c # 
€rouat €YO oyos peers Gluaprias 

[# 3 [6 [bd [4 ላ 
Tyres, "Oudreohey (pk Tayres Kat 

4. Grekplgnray ou air 

Qyageuarirauey dyres GAAIAOVS uy 
anoroéyat Ty Yyouny TaUrny, expt 
Ly ያ i SN ኣገ» [4 

og iy [TeXérouey arly kai] Toulreoluey 
TO Tpayua Toro. 5, TOrTé Olioray 
Tdvres Guo Kai Gvegeudrtray &XAIXOVS 

ጋ 5 
€y GUT@ ve es 

1 E Gs add avrois, 

2 Bracketed as a doublet. 

VL. Kai €yéyero gre €nAMgVvOnray 
ot vio T6y @yvgpdneoy, ¢yevwignray 

atrois gvyarépes @patat. 

2, kai ere- 
0y DEN ድህና 3 H [ ኣ = 

Vunzay avras oi ¢ypyopot [kai &r- 
enAavilgnray nie atréy,]l kai eiroy 
Tbs &AANXAovs "ExXeEéiuega 

yvyaikas &n9 TOy gvyaTépay TOy &vpd- 

nev Tie YNs. 8. kai eine Seutatés 
€' Ny le ኣ hl] [a nN 
6 GbxXay atr@6y Tp9s avroys poBouat 
hl ou geAlonre Tofirat 9 Toya 
ጫ NN STEN [6 3 [4 
Toro, kal frouat €y% dyos gpetAérns 
duaprias Wéyakns., 4. kal Qrexpignray 

{kai eiToy1 Oudreokey firay- 

avr® Téyres 
Tes pK kai GvageuaTireouey GXAXIIXOVS 
Tog il qrorTpéyrat Ty YvOuny Tayrily, 
expts og GToTékéreouey ayrily. 5. Tre 
TdyTés @uogay Oho Kal Gyegeuartray 
6እእኻእ oህና. 
oi kaTaBdyres €y Tats JJuépats "Idoe8 eis 
Ti]v Kopvpiv Tog Bpuoyteiw Spovys, Kai 

6. ray B¢ oro Bvaxkgrtot 

ekdaeray 79 pos Epuéiu, Kag6rt @uoray 
kai GvegeludrTtray GAMIAovs €y ayr®s. 

E Gs omit. 2 Gs omit through 

¢ omits. Other MSS. put numerals. 

45 Gs has oi xaralBdvres : that 15 HOéረéi AS 

Gs has oi karalgdivres éy rais fiuépats "Idpe8 eis Tijy Kopvpily Toy Epkoveeiu Spovs Our text 
ought to run Hወረ&i በመዋ0A; Pei ውስተ; £ማሆ: ሰበር: ACY Thus it would 
appear that RCN: is a corruption of "1épe8 and ው iA'E: £#, bcdo,as or HAE mgu, 

14 መጽሐፈ: ዛኖኻ፡ VI. 6—VIL. 

ወጸውዕዎ፡' ሲ“ደብረ፡፡ ጸርሞን፡ ኣስመ፤ መሕዙ፡፡ ቦቱ፡፡ ወጸውገዘዙ፡ በበዶናቲሆሙ። 7. ወዝንቱ 
ጸስማቲሆመሙመ፡ ሲ'መሳኣሕቲሆሙመ፡ ሠሚጸዛዝ፡፡ ዝንቱ ውኣቲቱ፡ መልጸኮሙ፡ “ጸራኪበራጃሌል፡፣ 
ኮከቢሔዴል፡’ ጠጣሚሌዴል፡’’ ራሚሌል፡” ዳንጴል፡ ሌዜቁሔል፡፡ በራቁዩል፡”፡ ጸሳሌል፡* ጸርማሮስ። 
በጣርዜል፡፡ ጸናንጹል፡ ዘቁሌል፡። ሰምሰፔዱጹል፡” ሰተርዜል፡” ጡርዜጴል፡” የምያሌል፡። 
ተጸራዝያል፡ተ። ኣጻሱ፣ ጸሙንቱ፡ "ሀበድ1፡ ዓሠርት፡ ዚጸሆሙ።። 11. (ኣሱ፤)። ወ“ባ0ዳኽ፤። 
"ዙሱ፡ ምስሴሆሙ፡። [ወ | ሣመጽ፡ ሎመ፡። ጸንስተ፡” ወጋረዩ፡። ዙሱ፡። ሰለሰ፡ ርኣሱ፡ ጸሕት፤” 

a6 BRInb x a corruption of ስች: In the next place the Aé: is supported by 8 
but omitted by a. In this passage, as FHallévi (Journ. Assia. 1867, pp. 3567) has 
pointed out, there is a play on the name Jared if we retranslate into Hebrew sna ገገ» 
ገ. We can hardly help assuming, therefore, that this part of the text is ultimately 
derived from a Hebrew source, though on other grounds we are obliged to postulate 
an Aramaic original of most of Vi-XXXvi., & omits next three words, 1 £ reads 
ወጺጸው; (sic). 9 omits. We should expect AAC: 2 We have here again 
a paronomasia SIN « « « Non. This play originated probably first in Hebrew like 
thatin nda, 0:73: Ocef/ BI #oAand'Gs. a, agi)» a Omit. 5g Omiis: g. 
#Z reads ht: NዛH »,5-ge በምያዛ፡ /።ሴምጸዛዝ፡ 4ሲሚ"“. ።“ ስሚጸዛ፤ The 
word is from NIVSW Or Nios}. 7'a-g. 50 G8 otros. g8 read H. SE Save 
that mu read as one word and #2 divides into two after W, and the three MSS. omit 
the final A. g reads Rራብራሌ: #/ Rራኪበራ INA: save that / reads I for Bg. 
a ዙራኪበርሜሌል፡ g#። "ራሚሌል፡ ፀረሪሃክ።ዕx «8 "ራሟዜል፡ / ጴራኪበራማሌስ፡ 
Here ራLጵR: probably corrupt for R&R: Thus we have in Gs "ApaxeiX (cf. “Pax 
no, 20 in Gs); and again in Gs in viii, 3 where it is speaking of "ApaxiiX we have 5 ge 
Tpiros €iBagey Ta mkeia Tis YMs. TL hus ‘Apaxkl = DNDN where pግN= earth. This angel 
is mentioned as unfallen in S28. Or. 11. 215-17. KuuBpd is corrupt. 2m, g reads 
ኮበባጹል፡ !ሃ። ኮክብ. 5 ጸኪቤጹል፣ save that / reads h for W. The name is from 
D322 = « star of God’ 0 mgt, Boa. # reads ጥል! eos Mg", The 
name = Shin ‘the perfection of God’ (Schwab, Vocapuiatre de FPanesiopoese 
g’apr8s les MSS. HebreuX, p. 315Y. ኳፉ ድ reads ራሌ: » ራም. 08 Em. 
This angel is referred to in Apoc. Baruch 1v. 3, where see my note. NN 
ac def BR Ina. treads RHA: 5x AWA ("tA x). 0 WE. w illegible. Since Gs 
viii. 3 Writes 5 Be SyBoos eiSafey deporkorias this word comes from DN pnw. phe is rendered 
by Sp in 2 Ki. xxii. 125 Ps. xviii, 11 (Beer). em. g reads በራቅያል፡ / በራል: 
ፀሪሆይደos ስራቁቍያል፡ ዕረ9!/።.። "ቁያል፤ ኋ "ቁዜል፡ ፐከe word = DN,pግ3. ያ, 8-8 
m, £ read RRA: 9 ራስል /Rሳሔ A: The word = RY (Schwab), but see other forms 
in Appendix. *#9,n. m reads ACመCNi / ACZCሮhN; « illegible. 8~e RCC: 
e RCሞCN: Since Gs Vii. 3 writes with reference to this angel § 8s €yBéxaros papuapss 
cBigagey . . . erao6ds ... Kai €raouBéy Aurnpa the name may be derived from bግn 


7. Kai Tara Ta gydara: T6y ap- 
Xbrey ayr6v Seuta(d, oiros Ty 
Gpxeyv avr@y' Apagdk, Kulgpd, Sau- 
kal, AaveNA, Apeapds, SeualNs l[e- 
eulእ, XexapuNA, “EcekulA, BarpNA, 
3agulA, “ATA, Tau, BapaxkuiA, 
Oey, Pau, Area, 

“PaxeuA, TovpuilA. 8. ogrot eirey apxat 


abréy oi Béxa £. 
VII, Kai? EXal3oy €avrois Yuyaikas" 
EkaTos airy €EéXééayro €avrois Yuyai- 
4 \ኣ Ld ጋ ፆ NN 
Kas £#, kai ijjpéayro eirropetergat pos 

1 On these names see other Table in the Appendix. 

ENOX 15 


7. Kat Tara T6 Qvdluara Ty Gpxdvrey 
avré6y" @ ZeiuiaCés, 6 ipxey airy, 
‘ATapkoy®, Y "Apaxu, 8 XeBaBuiX, e 
Opauuaul, S Pauuiእ, C Zauyyix, 
Zaxul, 0g Baእkuiእ, Vv PACaXGIA, ta 
Ppapuapos, ul3 AuapuI; ty “Ayaynudis, 
8 Qavalas te SauuiiA, ts" apts, 
tC Eyunlx, y TvplA, vg" ‘IovwuiA, K 

VII. ¥ Ogrot kai oi Aotroi Tdyres 5 
[ey 9 XtAtorr® €xarorr €BBounkorri® 
€ret Tog KOuoyS] €XafBoy éavrois yvyaikas, 

= The manuscript reading 

seems corrupt fOr dpxai ary Sy BexdBgey, a literal rendering of NIST nN. We have 
an undoubted case of this in XiX, 2 ai yuyaikes airey Tay . ,, Radermacher 
proposes dpxai ary oi (emi) Sexa, but this would mean ‘their chiefs over ten (angels) 
In G we should have oi Sexagdpxas air®y, 5 See note 5. 5 E = e£exeégaro 

5 E = kai oi Aouroi révres er’ air@y Kai, where the final cai 
5 Additions of Syncellus. 


€kagTos €avrg iay,. 

is an intrusion, 

(Dillmann). 5 £ m/w. 9reads 0TርዴA፡ 9x 0Tጥራጸል፡ scgሪFs a 0ጥረAል: #።05 በጥረዓል 
/በጠረጸል፡ vgZmgf delna. w illegible. a/hfoxay read ASIN; 9c SYA: 
The word = N'33y., sn, gm (up) read Hg; 9 Hh; / Hቄሌ:i 8-5 HQ ድ 
So also céfF 8 In0,a,8 save that they read lA". m reads ሰለምNEቤጵA: 9 ስምሰEስ’”. 
/u ስምሰፔቴቤ~. «x ሰምሳቹ. ና ሰምሰዎ. Since Gs viii, 3 describes the functions 
of this angel as 5 8é gBSouos ¢Bigage Ta onueia ToD NAiov the name was from bib, i, e. 
DNWE. em. greads RCRA: / ትር". # ሰራት, acge/hso,s ሰር", ያ ሰት, 
bx CY. ። ለርስት”. Schwab (p. 309) derives the word from Aram. ab =‘ God is 
on my side’ mg, 8-ny., fu, yread CRN: » ré. Word = Aram. 2X, = 
‘ Rock of God. After this our text has lost a proper name. = 9,8. Zu read FA 
mt read $-PRAN; Word = oo. See Gen. xlvi, to (Schwab). S29, B. m reads 
ራዝ; / hራዝRAi This word recurs in viii. 3 as ስድ CA: —in all cases corrupt 
for ሰéRBN; which = RIno where no =‘ moon’ This angel (viii. 3) looked after the 
moon. =u. # reads 001; ዓwvርE: KH.  ሐበዴተሙ ዓሠርቱ: ሺ. 7 00ድት፡ IH". 
B, # ሀበይተሙ፡ ሰ( + ኣሙንቱ ኋ)ነጀጀመላሳኣክት፣፥ / ሀበዴተት፡ ሰክልሌጹ፡ ምልኣት መባ". = 5up- 
plied from Gs. 5 B-u. gmiu, nm read በ0: 9 0: 7 9 reads LAF HN 
 greads fri = Interpolated. ™ a. ade/88no,as read RINT; bc/x AYስቲ#; 
bIxa Dye: = 9 reads tN »aatnya. Other MSS. add Rሐትi ጸሐ: 

16 መጽሐፈ: ሄኖ: VIL. VIHL 

ወወጠፉ፡ ዴባጽ፡፡ ገኘቤሆገ; ወ“ተደመፉ፡፡ ምስሴሆን። ወመሀርዎን፡ ሥራያተ፡ ወ“ሥብዓታት። 
ወመቲረ፡ ስርወ ወዕፀወ፡ ዘመርዎኝ።፡ 2. ወኣማንቱሰ፡ ፀንሰ፡ ወወለዳ፡ “ረዴት ዓበ ዴተ፡ 
ወ፣ቁሞመሙመ፡ በበ; ፳፻;፣ በኣመት። 3. ኣሰ፡ በልዑ ዙሉ ጻማ፡ ሰብኣ ተኣስከ፡ተ" ስኣንዎመሙ፡ 
።ሰብኣ፡ ሴስዮተ።። 4. [ወ]ተመይደጡ፡። ረዓዶት፣ ሳዕሴሆሙ፡ ወይበልዕዎሙ፡። ለሰብኳኣ።። 
5. ወወጠፉ;" ዩጸብሰ፡ በጸዕዋፍ፡ ወኗበ፡፡ ጸራዊት፥ ወበዘዴትሐወሥ፡ ወበንሳት፣ ወሥጋሆመሙ፡ 
በበይናቲሆሙ ዴትባልዑ፡ ወደመ፡ ዴሰትዩ፡። | ጴምኔሃ፡|= 6. ጸሜሃ፡። ምድር፡ ሰከየተሙ፡። 
ሰዓማሂቧያን፡። Vገጊ[. ወጸዛዝጴል፡ መሀሮሙ፡ ለሰብኳ፤ ገቢሪረ፡ ጸስዶፍት፡። ወመጣብሣት፡” 
ወወልኝ፡ ወ.ድፎርዐበ፡; ልኣንኘድኝ፡ ወ“ጸርጸዮመ፡።” ተዘጓኋም.ፎሣፌሆመሙተ። ወምግባርሙ፡” 
ወ።ጸውቃፉት፡ ወሰርጕ፣ ወተቸሕሉ፡። ወጸሰንዮተ፡። ቁርንብ፡። ወኣኳብኔ “ኣምዙሱ፡ ኣኳብን፡ 

1 9 reads tAብi 2 Possibly corrupt for VIlaoks or rather ZY Iki = Gss 
taiver gat. 3m adds kL. ‘mf, ace/inxa. gu hpreadhብ0". 9 ሰብዓ". /5 ሰብጸ". 
4ስ00". "£9/, uy. S50 Gs ras Bordvas. ma reads 00: #, /* 8~-ny read 0g; Here 09©; 
is a rendering of Borévas as in Wisd. Xvi. 12, and must be translated « plants or « shrubs, 
as in Jub. x. 12. We have this use of Vy in the Hebrew Book of Noah which treats 
of the subject in our text. PRN »yy3 Nnግ5 Noon ግ\in = «the angel showed how to 
heal with the plants (or shrubs) of the earth.” s 9 reads Reoዋ}i 7 m reads JAY 
ረ3£1i 7 ¢" ወ00£1Yi ©. * m reads ሠAላሰi ምAaትi mF All other MSS. read 
FTL Corrupt for At; a rendering of the Greek art, Tots. H = Sore (as in 
Matt, xxvii. 145 Mark ii. 2; 1 Cor. xiii. 2). Corrupt for es 8. Read Afi x reads ©. 
2 Xx read Nari 9, ak, m/w, g~a8n (x) read ሴስ" ሰ". ።(x) ሴስዮቶሙ፡ ሰ". 
# The O may have arisen in E through a misreading of es Bé as re in the 
preceding verse. Yap = érpdrnray, which seems preferable to €rdyunray in Gs. 
i? f= CG kat Karergioray. All other MSS. read ዶብኋዕዎመሙ፡ 5 g omits. 7 
reads Yo; "Fm, /nagcgeFhioxab. #u, Inread D0. "a9cvx. 
a and the rest of 8 read +A: In the case of this verb and the next the 
M55. are strangely divided. We require here either an imperf. indic. representing 
the practice of the giants (= karergioras) or a subjunctive (= tagergieew) after nk; 
Here the best MSS. are wrong, but right in the case of the next verb. Oat 
hb B read NYE 1 Bracketed as a doublet of RY; = mn omits. 5 # reads 
ሰክከዙዮተመ፡ AF. Other MSS. read A376.e3; 5 m reads ሰፍE; Ei 
Save that # reads ብሕት! 9, 5 read መጥባ 7 gw. mt B read ወድC3; 
0, bcd BRON a. Other MSS. omit, = c reads RCAF'I = ra ker ard corrupt 
for Ta éraXAa. “pe. Other MSS. read OPI; save that # omits the 
initial ©. 5a 8 omits. 5 9 reads YN: i a,e. fe read Aw}: 
5. g reads CIA: uu, 8 ቁራንብY:i This together with the preceding word = 

Th KayXBAépapoy. 5 = rayroioys, 


NS, ኣ 

atr6s kai luaiyéergau 1 €y vrais" Kat 
ኣ \ኣ 

€BiBagay airas papluakeias Kat éeTaotBas 
ላ ር ያ \ N [A ግ # 
kai Bicorouias, Kat Tas Bordyas e9g1- 
[ay ላ 

እeray avrats. 2, Ais B% €y yarpt 
XafBograv €réxkoray Yiyavras eydxovs 
[ey ej # 

€k IXY TpUFX Ay, 3. oiriyes KaTé- 
[ei € 

goray Toys KOTovs T&y Gvgpé nay. ws 
BE 5 ovk €Bvvilgnray atrots oi vgpeoot 
€rXopyeiy, t 
ኃ[ ን ን # ኣ Ld ኣ 5 ያ 
ێr ayroys, Kat Karergioray Toys Gygpe- 

4. oi ytyavres €rOAIray 

ላ Ld Ls [A 25 

Tous. 3. kai Jogayro duapréiyvety €y 

Tots Terévois kai ois (9)mpiots Kat 

€prerois kai Tois (iJXgUery, Kat &XAY- 

ኣ [A 1d ኣ ኣ ሞ 

oy Ts (cr Jdpkas Karérgtety, kai TO alka 

(¢)Tiyoy. 6. Tgré 3] Y] €yérvxey kar 
TOV Gyouey. 

VIII. ‘EBigagey Toys 

ACaNX axaipas Toteiy kai GnAa kat 

2 [4 
@vODa Toys 

ኦ) # ኣ ፆ [A ግ is 

arniBas kat gapakas [Budyuara éyye- 
\ m 

Ay], kai UréBetéey airois Ta LéTaAXa ? 

ኣ \N ን ፆ Rs \ H ላ 

Kat Ty €pyariay airy, kai \reAta kat 

KOHovs Kai ril3ets 5S kai T9 KaxAUBXe- 


) hd ፆ ጋ ን ሓ ef 
kai ilpgavro ktaivergat ¢€y ayrais [gas 
Tog KaTakxvzuog ]. 2. kal Erekoy 
[aprots Yen Tpia’ ToSroy] 7 yiyayras 
eydxovs, [oi B¢ Tiyavres Teréxkverayvt 
NapnAeiu, kai Tois Napnaeiu Teyevvy- 
ፀncavt EXtoyB. 

a) Ax [d ን [ey J] 
Kara Tገlyv eyaAéetoTTa auTey. 

ኣክ ን # 
kai Tray ayéaygueyot 
ኃ5/ H N ) ኣ ጦ c [Pe 
€(gagay | €ovrobs ai] Ts yuyatkas favr@y 
cpapuaxeias kal éeraoBdas. 

VIII. (|IIpgros] "ACaiX [8 gékaros 
TO» GDXGvrey | €BiSage Toveiy axaipas 

TEV 1 GKeDos ToNéutkdy, 

N ፆ ላ = 
kat gapakas kau Tay 
) iN / [ey [es [ NEN ፆ ] 
kat T6 uéTakNa Tis yi | kat TO Xpvtoy 
T&S épydravrat kai [Tovey air] 
kdruta [Tais Yvyatéi, Kai TOy Gpyupoy 
nN ) 

€Bevge Be abrois] kai T9 TrriABey fs kat 

T9 KakATtCEty kai Toys éKkXékToys XLgoys 

i E=uiyvvzgat, See note 2 on D. 16. 
of which €rdyumray seems a corruption. 

Heb. Ts. 

5 M5. reads ey. 
2 MS. ueyaእa. 
corrupt. See note 8 below. The Aram. was prob. NግIY . 

5 E= re. # F=erparnay, 
5 Gs has riእBeew which 15 
Ct. 2 Rings ix. 3o; Jer. 1v. 30: 

7 These clauses, though omitted by E and Gs, go back to the original. 

That three classes of giants were mentioned in this chapter is presupposed by IXXXv. 

i [XxX 2: 

Moreover, Fugsfees vii, 21-22 is based on this passage: ' The 

Watchers took unto themselves wives . . . and they beasat sons the NAaphidim ... 

and they devoured one another, and the Giants slew the Niphil and the Naphil 
slew the Elj6 and the Ell mankind.” In ver. 24 of the same chapter, /uisiees 
quotes the greater part of viii, 5 of E and Gs. Hence, whereas Gs omits vii. 3-0 
and FE and Gs omit portions of vii. 2 which Gs preserves, both texts are here 
defective. The three classes of giants go back to Gen. vi. 4. The Tiyasres = "Ia, 
the Napa eiu = Dooney, and the "EXtoy8 the Din "WR. eréxyveoray and Tois N é€yevyilnray 
may be corrupt. We should expect according tO Ju. vii. 22 fxretyay and oi N gxreevay. 
“ Corrupt: rruaiceew (Diels), 

18 መጽሐፈ: ህዛኛኝ፡ NITE TNE 

ኻቡረ፡። | ወሕፉዩ፡|፡ ወዙሉ፡ ጥምዓታት፡። ሣብር። |(ወችውሳባጠ፡፣ ዓሰም|።’ 2. ወከኮኔ፣ 
*ርስዓን፡ | ዓቢይ ወ|°"ብዙሣ፡› ወዘመዉ፡" ወትሳሐቱ፡" ወ።ማስኒ;። ሹሎ፡። ፍናዊሆሙ።፡ 
3. ጸሚዚራስ፡።” መሀረ" መሳሰብዕ፤፡"" ወመታርሄ ሥርዋት፤። ወ"ጸርማሮስ፡” ፈቲሐ 
ስብዐታተ፡። ወ“በራቃያል፡። ረዓፃይያ፤፡። ከዋኳብት፡ ወኮከብጴዴል፡” ትጻምርታት፥ ወ“ጠሚሌል፡። 
መሀረ፡። ርኣዩ፡። ከክብ፡ ወ“ጸስ.ድርዜል፡” መሀረ፤ ፉፀት፣፥ ወርሣ።”" 4. ወበሕኾሰት፡” ሰብጻኣ፡ 
ፀርሑ፡ ወበጽሐ፣ ቃሎሙ ሰማዩየ። 1x. ወ።ጸ"ሃ፣፡ ሕወፉ፡ ሚካሌል፡ “ወጽሉርሌል፡ ወፉፉሌል 

FBC BIOXD. PI, aIRna read NC: "Fw beef BIn0X BS. mr, agka 
rcad ሣrይi Since 9, Gss omit, the word is either a dittographic rendering 
or an interpolation. is meadls POND +2 reads Sei ? ፲n ተውላጠ 
we have (as Dillmann observed) a corrupt transliteration of #éraእXa. Hence we have 
here a dittography. See note 30, p. +6, and 5, D. 17. [Lhe complete phrase 7 uér. Tis 
Yis 15 found in G*. 2 reads ተወለ; 5 2 reads Dh; 7 mu. # reads ረሲዓY; 
gf CስጸH 58 Cስዓት፣ miu, 8 #7 read ዓቢ; ©. Since Gss omit 1 have 
bracketed the word as an intrusion. ® miu, Bg. dq omits together with preceding ©. 
#9 read ብዙ: but 9 trans. after next word. mrmru. 9 reads DHP; 1:8 Hp: 
n#. mhB read hh’; ። ThE: 9 omits. af add Ha AR 
m:agekiny,a read Ni Dc/hoxy MNS: 5 eu and apparently 9. Other 
MSS. read td 14 e reads EPቶ; 52. m reads RH . 9 RH. /s 
RH. as/ Aዛራni Scde/hox,a,8 RBH". » RBHራOi reads ye: Fr 
add ሹ፡ 7,8. reads መስብዒያy m9 መስብ0፤; 15 8. a reads መራ; 
na g,n, 9, Bn omit. 0 a read ጸጽርምርስ፡ ረያ ጸርማኖስ፡ SID IB 
read ፈትሕi = 7u, acge/5. # reads ስብሓታት » ስብዓት 7/880 x ስብዓታ1፡ 
ዕ በብ9". 5 ድ. ras በራቅሌል፣ 9 በራቁያን፡ ሃ። በራቅየል፡ «#8 በርቅዓል፡ ‘5 ።ዕ x 
በረቅዓል፡ ሃሪያ በረቁንል፡ / በረቃዓል፡ » በረቅጸል፡ 4 PDabcdehpfoxab. Fm read 
ራA Iu FIn eA 9 omits next six words. = a8 ead ጽኪቤሌል፣፡ = 2. 
# (Over an erasure) m # read Tt: TR. BcgeFhiInox as Tr". This word 
is corrupt. Gs has Zag(iN, corrupt (7) for Zax. We should perhaps read HRA; 
5ee note 8 below. “iF omits next four words through hmt., Tf, ef#nob. ma, 
abcgfgxa read Ai /ረAይy; = ን. 9 reads ጳስ.ፎሌል፣፡ / ኣስዳርሌል፤ ። is 
illegible. §~c read ANራድሌAi c RስራEጹi All corrupt for ሰéwA: or some such 
form. See no, 21 in list of names in Appendix. wm omits, 9 reads AAW; 
ትሣዮሉ፡ 5 ek In (rH) omit. 

: Since G8 has T5 taእእeritey the Aram. may have been simply bin. ° E adds 
Ta berTaእእa Tis Ys—a doublet. See note 30, p. 16. Observe that iis Yiis is found in Os 
but not in G#. 2 FE= eraougoys ai Btorduouve. Found also in Dan. v.12 [Ep Ni 
where Theod. translates it Ayey rvvBérkovs. ° See note 13, Dp. 14.. ° F=dorpoእdyovs. 
7 Corrupt for XexalguN. See note 9, D. 14. 5 Corrupt for Zax Or "Eéexalእ. See 
note 12, p.i14: also next note. 5 This word (which is translated in E£) is corrupt 


bapoy 1 kat rayroiovs Xigovs €xXexroys 
kai Ta Bapixd. 2. kai €yéyero 
QaréfBete ToAAI, kai endpvevray kai 
GréerAamgnray Kai ijpayirgnray €y 
Tats Tats 68ois ayréy. 8. Seuatgs 
ciigagey era(ov)Bis kai BCorouias 3° AD 
kapes ZéraoB@y Auriiptoy #° (Bajpaxy)Xs 
GrTpoXxoyias S' XXX 7 Ti uetortkd" 
=a6(IX 5 Grreporkoriay 5° Sepul(A) 10 

FeNIvayayias 1, 

ENOX 19 


\ [ey 
kat Ta Bapukd’ [kai ¢roinray €avrots ot 

ላ [ey መ 
viol TO» Gy0pOTay kai Tais gvyaTparty 
avr ay, kai TapéBnray kai €TAdivmray 

Toys &yiovsl, 2. kai €yéyero QréBeta 
ቸዕእእኝ |$ኛ፤ ና »ኝs,] «at ጓወa Ts 
€ \N ን [ey LS N ie [4 
98oys apréy. 8. | €rt Be kat 6 Tporapxos 
ar 6] 5S eutaCas ¢B(Bagey T eiyat 6pyas 1 
Kare Tog yods, kai Bicas Borayy |] 
Is]. 18 B¢ évBéxaros] papkapss egigaée 
[ ፆ H # / i] 
(Papluaketass eraot8as, optas, Kat 
eraotB@y Avriipta’ 6 gyaros |eBiBafeyl 
Qrrporkoriay' 6 Bt rérapros | ¢BiBagey] 
QrTpoAoyiay" 6 B¢ 6y8oos éB(gagey éepo- 

PPR [Ry # ጋ5/ ኣN = 
rkoTiaw" 16 BE rpiros €BiBage Ta nueia 
T]]s Ys" 6 Be €BBSoluos éBiBage Ta neta 
Tog JAiov]' 6 BE eixorros sBiBage Ta 
ጦ [ey Hn Ld 
neta Tis exis. | Téyres obrot 0- 
€ayro GyakakyTTety T& vr ipa Tats Yv- 
vavéiy avr Sy Kat Tois TEKyots bry. erg 
B¢ Taira] [LVII.4—5] iipéayro oi ytyavres 
ፆ [ ኣ [i ] ሓ 5 # 18% 

KaTéggtety |Tas Fapkas | Ty GyODery 

4. T6y oy 1 Gygpanoy 
GTONAUuéyvay 3 Bol) eis 
ን ኣ ግ [4 
Ovupayoys avei3n], 

IX. Tore rap(a)ky- 
Ov(PYX Kai 

Mixx Kat 

for deporkoriay as in Gs, 
the clouds. 
eraot8ds (Raderm.). 

narration in Gs is better than in Gs. 


4. kai ijbfayro oi dy 
gparov eAarrogcgat | ¢eri 
Tis Yi. oi Be Aovro] 
€Bonray eis Ty ovpayoy 
| rep Tis Kakéeas avr y, 
Aéyovres eirevexgilvat T9 
iMugrvyoy @vr Sy €v6Ttoy 

TX. Kai [dxoyrayres 
oi Térrapeés ueydXov &px- 
tyyexou],  MuxayX Kai 
OvpuIX Kai “PapailX kat 

EE TBlei sa DE, 

i MS. TOV VOUy, 

G*s (G. Syncellus 1.42 59d.) 
4. Tdre1 eBdnray oi 
LA ጋ ኣ hy ኣ 
GvgpaTot eis TOy oupayoy 
[Xéyovres Eiraydyeré Tiy 
Kpizty Ju@y Thos Toy 
ey NAN , # 
Utz Toy, Kat Tily @TeoAetay 
Nu6y» evartov Tis BSdéns 
Ti]s ዚeyakns, €voTtoy Tog 
KUp(oy TOy Kvpioy TVTay 
ዳ H 
ጥገ] keyaaeyvn], ) 
IX. Kai | akovrayres 
oi Térrapes eyሪXot apX- 
dyyexoul, Mixa Kat 
OY0X kai “PapayX Kat 

Thus Eéexui (from pny « cloud’) teaches the knowledge of 
i MS. reanvova’yeas. 
5 This sentence summarizes Vii, 4, 8 of G#. 

5 Corrupt for 
‘The order of 

50 መጽሐፈ: ዛህዛኛኻ፡ IX, 14. 

ወገብርዜል፡። ኣምሰማይደ፣። ወርሓጳዩ፤ ብዙሕ። ደመ፡ ዘይትክንው፡“ በዷበ። ምድር፡፡ 
ወሉ ዓመባ፡። ዘይትገበር፡ በኗበ፡ ምፎር። 2. ወድቤቡ፥ በበይናቲሆሙ ቃሲ፡ 
ጽራጋቲሆሙ፡፡ ዕራቃ፡'" ጸርሐሕት፣ ምድር። ኣስከ" ጸንቅጸ፡። ሰማዴ፣ 3. | ወዴጻዜኒ፡ ሰኸመ፡” 
ሰቐዲሰ፤። ሰማይዶ |" ዶሰኻዩ፡ ነፍሰት፡'፡ ሰብኳ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ይብሱ፡ ጸብጽ፡ ሰኔ ፍት ሕ፡ *ኝበ፡ ልፁል፡" 
4. ወዴቤቡ፡ ሲ"አንዚጸሙ፡ ተ ሰነገመት፡”" ጳስመ፤ተ። ኣግዚጾመ“ ሰጸጋጻዝት፡።” ወጸምላኮመሙ፡ 
ሰጸማልኳሻገ፣ ወንጌፇመ፡ ሰነገመጓ፣ ወ።ሣመንበረ፡ ስብሕቲክ፡። ውስት፡። ዙሲ፡ “ ቸውልዶ፡ 
ዓሲም; ወ።ስምክ፡ ቅዱዷስ፡። ወስቡሣ፡። “ውስተ፣ ሰ ዓሰም” ወቡፉሕ፡”" [(ወስቡሕ፡|” 

1 [Lhe text is based mainly on #Zm ያ supplementing each other. # reads HCA: 
ወገብርዜል፡  ፉፉዬል፡ ወሱርሌዱል፡ ወገብ". ያ ወገብ" ወሱርያል፡ ሃ። ወጽዙርሌስል፡ ወገብ". 
8 ወገብ" ወቡር.ያ ን (a።8። “ያል ወጽርያን፣ (a8። “ል፡). ሓለቨሮ፣ ወገብ" ዕ።ኋ ad ፉፉሌጵል፡ 
(in 6 in another hand). = 9 trans. before Ln: 2,8. 9 omits. my, B~n read 
ብዘጋ; ‘Fn FDSInox,a. Other MSS. read “NOs ° e reads £05; ‘2m add 
ትሑት /። ታሕተ G, 8 rightly omit, ፣ BL mgs read Wi * #u trans. after 
ዘይት". ? ድ፣ሩaባs ጽራዓፒሆመሙ፡ ፡ ጽራኖመሙ፡፥ ሠ aባd ቃለ፣፡ ጽራኖሙ፡ » Gags 

omit, but see Jxvii, 2; Ixxxiv. 5. CF Isa. xxiv. 1. nu 7 prefixes gD. 1 m reads RSA: 

5 mw omits. #a. 3 reads BA". 5 Interpolated in E., See note 2 below. 
5 21m, B-gy. gu, sg read HEN; 7 9 reads AJብጽi 5 AIብA; Sa trans. 
before AAR against 8, G. » 0/1 omit. 0 a. adgehinpa read AY; 

BOFBOX»B Yi The text is corrupt. There is no point in this designation 
here, as there is in chap. lxiii, We should read AAT; here (= G1). See 
note 5 below. 1 Emend into AY: as in G. as omit. 5 9 reads 
AyIYi 20 omit next two words. S g’omits.’ “abyx. All other MSS: read 
ስብሐሕሂቲሆሁ፡ =” x reads ውAቱ: A 5 x reads YውAE: HAA; and omits next 
six words. 7 m reads hy: ቅዱሰ}; 5 omits #ዲN: together wih @ following. 
5 dy omit next five words through hmt. 5 a, B~en read ውስትi tሱ፡ ትል 
ዓሰም ። ሰትውልደ፤ ዓ. ። ሰንሰም፡ 0 Should be restored before ht; with Gs. 
መ reads ወፉክ፤ 6% read AY ቡrፉH: 3 An intrusion. 

1 Gg omits through hmt. kai meray GréBetay yevouéymy eri fie Ys against FE Cy 
2 E adds kai yy pos Sugs rove dyiovs ro obpavot. The Words uéXpt Sy TuASy 
T. ovp. must be taken with €yrvyxdyvovzey as in ix. 10. 3 FE adds Tay Barta. 
G*1 has T@y aieyeoy, See note 5 below. + Corrupt. E Gg = r®y Barthéey Or 
Bartxevdvreoy. Jf this corruption is not native to Gs then we must assume a corruption 
in the Aramaic, the converse of that in note 5. 5 E = ray Baréእéey = K5pi» 
corrupt () for si52y. Hence « Lord of the ages“ 5 Gs has Gygperey, 1.€. avmreoy, 

IX. 1-4. 

kai TaBpul(X), otro ¢x 
[ey ን CS) [A 
Tog ovoavog €gedra(y)ro 
ሞ N ኦ [d 
afua ToAY €KXUvvduey (0) 
Be N n a Ys እ -- 
ert Til YIIs * 2. Kat €tTay 
Tp6(s) GAAኻAovs py 
ላ መሓ Ns [ 
Bogyral(yv)ert Tis Ys" ke- 
መ መ ) [ey 
XD TUXG(») Tog obpavog 
HH] [4 € ኣ 
3, €TUYXGyovZty at WVXat 
TOV GyODOTOy Aeydvray 
Eirayéyere Ty Kpirty 
Juéy pos Toy SyrvrT(oy). 
ኣኣ in # 9 
4. Kat sina) T9 kvpte 
3% ef kiptos Toy Kvpiay 
[ey \ 
kai 6 eos T6y geQy Kat 
Bartxeys TrSy aigveyt*" 
6 godyvos ris Bdéns roy 
eis Tdras Tas yeves Tog 
ai@vos, kai TO Gyoud oy 
79 Gytoy kai uéya Kat 
ን ኣ 3 [ ላ 
evAOYNTOy €is Tayras Toys 

corrupt for aioveoy. 

Same confusion 
5 Here G1 adds ai re és. 
Tots €fdpxXovs atr@y kai £Baእoy aibrobs eis ily fifBvooy, fas Tils «piesa Kai Tia €E1)s. 

Syncellus summarizes X. 4, 12. 


TaBpuilX Tapéxvyay | €rt 
N ክህ] ጋ [ ጦ (i ] 
TN» YM» | €k [Tay @ytoy 
To0 obpayog" kai geard- 
ሞ ኣN ኮ] 
evo alka TONY €KKEXV= 
evov eri Tils Yils (kai 
I ኔ) [4 i] [ A) 
Taay aéBéetay | kat @y0- 
ፆ ] [ [4 SE) t) 
tay |  yévouéymy €n @y- 
2. |eirexgdyresl 

einoy Tpos &AMIIAovs | Bru 


3. Ta Tyeiuara Kail ai 


[reydCovrty ] 

mm = i 
TO» GvpOTy 
) Uy eዞ 
voyra@ Kat Aéyoyra Ort 
Ty Kpizty 
€ Fa N ኦ1 ey 
Joy pos Tov tUytToy, 


[kai Ty GToAetay Nugy 
évoTtov Tis Béns Tis 
Leyakeryyns) €y6Ttoy TO% 
Kupioy TO» Kupioy TayTay 
4. Kat 

in ጋ 
TOV Gly= 

in H 
T]] beyaxeoryyn]. 
eiroy T9 kvpie 
vey 15 3% ei 6 ges Ty 
0e@y kai Kiptos Ty Kypioy 
kai 6 Bartxeys TSy Bart- 
Mevgvrey | kat ge9s T6y 
aidvoy |, kai 6 gpdyos 
[ey 4 }) ly 
Tis Bdéns roy eis Taras 
TS yeveas T&y aigywy, 
ላ ላ 4 d el ፐ 
kai TO Gyvoud oy tytoy 
\ ን [4 ን [A 
kat €vXOYuévoy éis Tay 
Tas Toys aiSvas 5. 


TaBpalX Tapéxvyay | eri 
% [ey ጋ [ መሓ Fo 

Tv Yilv] ¢x [T@y Gyioy] 
To0 oppayog" kai geard- 
eyot ailua ToXy ékkexy- 

ላ [ey [ey 
évoy ent Tils Yiis (kai 
a 3 [a 
T@ray Gyoutay' | kai Gré- 
] f H be ን 
Beiay | Ytvouevmy em ay- 
Tis, 2. [eireagdvres] ei- 
Toy ps AAAXovs [ rt 

3. Ta Tyeiuara Kai] ai 

3 (# [ 7 
€vTUYXGyovrt | FTeyacoyTa 

TO» GyOpTey 
kai] Aéyovra Eiraydyere 
Tv Benrwv Nuéy pos 
4. Kat 
[| TporeXgdvres oi 

TO Uyrvrroy. 
ኦ) [4 ገ] ጥ 
apes abpXayyéAotl étroy 
VN ይ \ ጫጭ \ Ley 
T@ Kupie SU ei ge0s Tay 
geSy kai kiptos TOy Ky 
ፆ ላ \ኣ [ey 
btoyv Kat Baixevs Tay 
Bartaevgvreoy | kai ges 
LN ን [4 MN 14 
TO» Qy00eTeyl, Kai 6 
gpdvos Tis Bgéns oy eis 
Tdras Tés yeyeds T6y 
aieveoy, kai T9 Gvoud roy 


el ላ ን # 
&ytOy kat €UAoyNueyoy 

eis Tdyras Toys ai@yas. 

YE a 

kai eya. 

Ld ly 3 ላ » 
Tdre 6 YNVerros €xéAevre Trois dyiots dpXayyeNots, Kai €Onmkay 

See note 12, D. 19: 


22 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ IX, 59. 

5. ጸንት። ገበርከ፣ ዙሉ፡ ወ“ስልጣ ዙሱ፡፡ ምስሌከ ወ።“ዙሰ፡ ካሠውት'፡፡ ቁቅ.ፎቓከ፡፡ ወግሁ.ፎ፡ 
።መጸንት፡ ትሬጵ፡ ዙሉ’ ወጸልቦ፡ ዘዴትክሀል፡፡ ይትጋባኣ፡ ጳምኔክ። 6. ርጺክ፡;። ዘገብረ 
ጾዛዝዜኤል፡፡’ ዘ'"መሀረ፡ ሉ። ዓመዛ;። በዴኗበ፡ ም.ፎር፡ ወጸፇሀደ፡" ሣቡዳት፡ ዓሲም፤ ተኣለ 
ዴዶትገበሩ፡፥ በሰማያት፣ ጸመሪረ፤ ሰብጸ።" 7. (ወዘነስም.ያዛ፡" ዘጸንት፡" ወሀብኮ" ስልጠሃ 
ይዙንን፡ ኣሲ; ምስሴሌሆዙ፥ ዳጎቡረ። 5. ወሖፉ፡። ግበ፤፡ ጸዋልደ፤ ሰብኳ፡ “በጁበ; ምራድር፡። 
ወሰከበ፡።” “ምስሴሆን፤፡ ምስሰ፡ ጻልኩ፥ ጸንስት፡=” ወረሰ” ወጸኘሀዲጁ፡” “ሎን፤ ሹጡ። 
ኃጢጸት።” 9. ወጸንስትበ፡" ወሰዳ፤ ረዓፃዶች፡። በዘ፡። መልጸት። “ዙሹላሳ፡ ምድር ደመ፤። 

1 B x omit, 2 0 reads መልጣንክ፡ ሹሉ ED trans: “ 9 prefixes 0. 
5 Erased in 5 g omits. a reads HAA; ‘mb Fnoxab. gu, abcgek! 
read ይሻግበል፡ Sahn # Buy read CA; » CA 1 9 reads AHA; 
nm a= 85 Or gra. All other M55. read Hhapi = 5.  n trans. after apd; = ss omits. 
13 m trans. before ye; DF. ag read RAJU x adds fe: SSO 
First of all we see from Gss that A YIN; (2, 5. Other MSS. read AA 
£ትYIበራ) should be trans. after ሰማት; and that £YI = ererngeiovw or rather 
ought to. Hence we must read either IA; or preferably YT: ምI2AC; is 
a not unusual rendering Of srerijgevka. Cf. Lev. xviii. 3 (twice); Deut. xxviii. 20; 
Jer. iY. 185 Vii. 3, &c. srermgevey may mean ‘to practise, or rarely as in Herod. 
iv. iio; 3 Macc. ii. 14 ‘to attempt, ‘try. TL take this to be its most probable 
meaning here. Next comes @ia omitsJiapéi (= €yveopure) which is a corruption of 
g which reads RAmeéi = ewe. Finally NAA: (9: so Gs) alone is right. om 
wrongly read NR; / ሰሰብኣኳ፣ “5 ስብዕ7ት፣ ፲hus ጀ = (76) €y T@ otpav® & ererngevou- 
Cy €yve (ivgpeorou and we see that E faithfully reproduced the impossible text of Gs. 
For further critical restoration of the text see note 4, Dp. 23. FE should be restored 
as follows (H)በሰማትY; Ai ትበ RAC: ሰብAs or instead of RAE possibly 
ወደትጋጐኮሲ፡ (see note 4, Dp. 23) 5 1 have supplied OH. Gs supports ©. In no 
case may the evils which precede be attributed to NበoያHi They are all due to the 
agency of AHH: See x. 7,8. 7 9 reads RYY: SZmt 8. gw read Uh; 
5 m omits. " gy read in the singular. ግ 9. ቋመ/) read በዷበ፡ ሰብኳ፡ (+ በጁበ፡ 
EC: m originally) where (NV may be corrupt for ብስ; #,e(5)x omit. Be read 
Aግቡei which 7 adds in marge. =e abr@y herd Ty bmAeuey = Nb) by ny ; 
for AAW is only a rendering of the Greek article. Here E may be right, repro- 
ducing as it does the Aramaic idiom. Gs omits the difficult ker Tey 8., and Gs trans. 
it after Kai and connects it with éuudvgnzay. But Gs seems right: cf. x. 11; xii. 4; Xv. 35 
vi. 1. For PhA; which 9 omits, BI read A, and for ኸለ and next two words 
< reads Aሪi 5 So also G&., On text of Gs see note 22. For ett; dg reads 
“ሰ; and y "A; 2 tL Z9read ANYE tN: mE: HN # omits. 8 reads 3; 
ኣሎን 5 a. Breads SN: 5 a,cdy,a. aephk/(5) 5 read RINYL; bnx 
ወጸንስት፣ /» ጸንስት፤ 7 my, abcdeFhhox,a. gu, In read ¢0". IY 
read 0H; 2 AH: ።, 5 0H; 5 7 reads AA: Ff B-Brmgu read 
ዘሉ፡ ምድያ 5 መዩርቸሕ i Fcads Pn: 

IX. 8-9. 

5. 3% Y6p ¢ToiNras Ta Tavras kal 
[ i Nነ 7) # Ld ኣ / 
Tray 1 Tv €Eovriay €Xay, Kal Tavra 
evoTudyv ov bavepa kai GkdXvrTa, 
ላ # \ RAS Vi TS ግ ይ 
kat TayT@ Fy Ops ...6, 0% €Toinréy 
ኮ [A \ 
ACaNA, bs 5 eBiBagey Taras Tas aBtkias 
ማላ [a [es NBN NX 4 
éri Tis Yiis Kat €BArey TQ vTilpta 
To0 aigyos Ta ¢» TO ovpav® & 
Bevovrwy T tyra» f ygperot . 7. kai 
i) = N ጋ ያ Ld LA 
SeutaCas, @ Ty €EEoviay €Qokas GipXety 
ey ley ላ 
T6v ty atr® Gila Ovrey, 8. Kat 
eropeygnray pos Tas gvyaTépas Ty 
mm [om \ ያ 
Qy00eTey Tis ils Kat vvekotugnray 
EE ላB Jin NO 
avrats Kat? . .. €utavgnray, Kat €01IA®- 
ay avTais Tdgas Tas Guaprias., 0, kat 

[ny Im ን 
ai yvyvaikes €yévmray TrGyas, ip @yS 



Gs (Syncellus 1. 43) 
5. 30 Yap «i 6 otras Ta Tdyra 


\ [4 N 3 # Ld ኣ 
Kab TET ፕገ]። eEovciay €XOH) kat 

[A H) [4 [4 N AS [A 
TayTG €VOTLOV FOU (payepa kat GKAVTTE 


ላ [A = Fs ) ). Ls i) Cee ፆ 
Kat TEhTG OD@S, Kat OVKk €ZTLy 0 Kpul3iivai 

é Bivarat. 6. Gp6ssS1 Gra éroinzey 
ላ / F 
ACN | kat gra eiveykey], Gra ¢8iBa- 
ዒ0 # lf ES # ] SIN fe mn 
€ey, &Bukias [kai uaprias] eri Tis Ys 
[kal Tdvra BOXoy éri Tis énp8s. éBiSaée 
NS \ኣ [4 \ መ 
y6p] Xr6 uvTiipta kai Qrexdxvye TO 
ዓዓ 9 ኣ 2] Ly) N = ን # 
aiQyt 5 TQ €v ovpavd. eriTngeyovut 
Be [ra erurngeduara atrog,]l eigéya, 
[ N # ] 10 € Cy [Le ግ ያ 
TG vrTilpte, | ot viot TOy Gy0pe Tey. 
7. £r@ Seutacé 17 Tily €Eovriay ¢Bokas 
tex eens 
ግ # \ NN [4 መኣ 
€ropeignray bos Tis gvyarépas Ty 

[ey ኣ Dae Le ኣ 
TOY FUy @UT® Gua OVTy. 8B, Kat 

mn Pn ላ 
Qygpenay Tis Yils kat vyekotugnray 

1 €y Tas OnXeiats1 gutdy- 

= \ 
ker avr ay Kat 
ላ # ሓ 
gnray, kat ¢BIAaray abrais das 6s 
Gkaprias, | kai €BiBagay airs uignrpa 

Toveiy]. _ 9. kai (ygy (Boy! ai gvyarépes 

1 E Gs = rdvrey, 

Spés against E Os. 

= (Os omits through hmt. tai obk €orrey 0 Kpugijvai re gvyarat. 
i! Seéelnotesiroipi22N 
exactly this impossible text save that it reads fyye Or €yyeptrey fOr fyvoay, 

EF presupposes (see note 15, p. 22) 
If we 

insert ai before ¢y. with Swete and Radermacher we arrive at a wholly unsatisfac- 

tory sense. 
the corruption as native to Gs. 
men were trying to know. 
‘to practise is presupposed by =. 

Hence as Os reads eigévat it may be best here to read yvSvat and regard 
Thus we arrive at an excellent sense « which 
On the other hand a different meaning of errgetety 
See note 10. 

[fi we are bound to accept this 

meaning, then some corruption seems to lie behind £yyeray = 1yግ» (or hyo) and eigévae 
= ገ. [hese may be corruptions of an original INI = kai driAAvvrat. This 
ives a good sense: « which men are practising and so are perishing,' i.e. by the 
practice of which men are being destroyed: and thus the text is brought into line 
with X. 7 iva ui dnሪAoyrat rdyres oi yioi T&y dvgporay €y TO urrnpie, «A. and X. 8 
Npnue6n . .3] Yi] . . €y Tois gpyots Tis SgarkaXias "ACA. 5 Add é€y rais OnAeiats with FE, Gs. 
5 G*= eat. See note 1 above. 5 See note 2 above. ? E Gg = kai eglAeoyey Ta 
kvorilpta Tog aiSvos. mn Here Gs means ‘they practise (Azazel 5) practices in order to 
know the mysteries” This is possible, but unlikely. Corrupt. E Gs = cai Zeutaéss. 
= Corrupt for fipxew (Raderm.}. 

24 መጽጠፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ IX, OX. 4. 

ወ'ዓመባ። 10. ወይደኣሠዜኔ፡ ፍሁ።፡ ይጸርኙ፣ ነፍሰ። ኣሰ፡ ሞቱ፡ ወዴሰክዩ፡ ኣስከ፡፡ ጸንቁጸ፡ 
ሰማይ፤፣ ወዓርገ፤ ገዓሮመ፡፥ ወጺደክል፡፡ ወጺጸ፡ ጻምቅድመ፡ ገጺ ዓመዛባ፡ ዘዴይትገበር፡ 
በዲበ; ምድር 11. ወጸንት፡ ፓጸምር፡፡ ሸሎ ዘኣንበሰ፡ ይኩንገ፤ ወጸገንት፡"" ፓጸምር፡ 
ዘንተ: ተወዘዚጸሆሙ፡ተ። ወ“ጸልቦ፡ ዘ“ጊኘኘገኘረ ምንነ" መፍትው ንረስዮመሙ፡ በቢጻን1፡ 
ዝንቱ። “X. ጸሜሃ፡” ልዑዮል፡ (ድቤ፤)” ዓቢድ፡። ወቅዲዱስ፡ ተናገረ፡ ወፈነወ፡። ጸሰርዩ፣ ልእዬር፡” 
Jበ; ወሊኢደ፤ ሳኳ ወ“ዴቤሎ፤። 5. (ሖር፡ ሰኖሣ፣ ወ)” በሎ፡ በስመ፡። ዚጸዩ፤ ሣበኳ፡ ርኣሰከ፡ 
ወጸፃህ.ፎ፡ ሎቲ፡ ፍጻ’ኝ;። ዘደመጽኳ፡ ጻስመ፡ ይትጋኮል፡።” ምድር፡ ዙሴ፡” ወማሂ፡ ጸዴሣ፡ 
ይደመጽኣ፡። ሀስ ደበ፡ ዙሱ፡። ም.ድር፡ ወየኝኮል፡። ዘሀሉ፡፡ ውስቴታ። 3. ወይጻዜ፤፡ መሀር፡ ከመ 
ዴይንፈጽ፡። ወዴንበር፡ ዘርጵ፡ ሰዙሎመሙ፡። ትውልፎ፡። ለንሰሲም።። 4. ወይቤ (0 በ; ። ልግዚኣ፡ 

2g Omits: 2:9 Oils. 2a. #, 8-0 (5) read HEሰትi 90 (5) # 5 HEN; 
4 gu read NE 1 omits the initial ©. 5 aim. m,feB read nti ° 9 reads 

1& 7 m trans. after EC; perhaps rightly : cf. Gss. 5S Fgu. mh B read 
ችጸምር፡ 5 a omits. 0 9,8. ag read AYY: i # omits together © following. 
nu reads H. 13 = kai T& eis airots corrupt for kai €is airovs = DY YEH 
5 nz omits. 4 g omits. in. SO Gss. a~im, eko read ii m, 
B-e kno ምንት 16 mu, lB. #97 read Jeo. 7 mw reads በAንትH: 
1s Superscription in # Jf: Y1ሮ: ልጸ: A?4; በaንት'ታ0Ys a. 7/8 prefix ©. 
5 Added in accordance with Gs. 1 fn prefix ©. So Gs. PAID 

read D&.ip; 5 ያ. eas ጸሱርዬ፣ ጽልእዬር፡ ያ ጸሰፌሬዬ፡፣ ሰልዬር፡ / ጸስርሌልዬር፡ 
# Rስርሩልዮል፡ 57 ጸርስየሳልዬር፡ /ጸልስ". All are corruptions either of Lzrpailx (Gs) 
or Opal (Gs). “The latter only belongs to the original: cf. lxxxix. 1. = BL. 
a, omit. But the text is supported by G. Thus Gs has kai eirey, though it has 
wrongly trans. it before kai Sreuey, and Gs has Aeyey rightly at the close of ver. 1. 
5 Supplied from Gs. This phrase belongs to the original text though already lost 
in the Greek archetype of £. It belongs to the original; for it is preserved in 2s, 
and each new command issued to the angels begins with the word ‘go, Cf. Gs 
Xx. 2,4, 11. Os and E are defective in the first two passages. e omits. Tg 
read Aስoi = wu reads ER; rm. gu read ትሕ". »8YYD Or ትት. 
55 Pm. 9g reads Wt; but trans. after @ which follows. #, 8H read H#Ai / omits. 
ufNi as trans. WA; before EC: ui bx read ድምጻል SBN, BD 
read WA; 5 mo Save that it gives the unusual forms mm! £JPA: »፡ £YPA: 50 
Gg dnoyéret, G5 droእéat. All other MISS. read &Y5 or YY. I IB 
rad ድንፍጽ፤ ።# ንፈጽም »a-ፉ. /,/3-u read Aችሱ፥ ። ውስ1፡ Sa. B reads 
Joie: i n., So also Gss. All other MSS. omit. au. m, 8 read ዴቤ: 
5 a, BB, but bracketed as 8, G omit. Gs adds here, and no doubt rightly (see 
note 25), robevou, Papa, kai. 

IX. 0X, 4. 


An Y YY $ኛእJOn  aikaros Kai! &Bexias. 
10. kai vy iBoy Bogrty ai Wvxai TSy 
TeTekevTIKOTy Kai €yrUYXdyovrty LéXDt 
T6y TUAG» Tog otpayog, Kat dvéf3n 6 
revayu9s abrQy kai oy ByyaTat €EéNgeiy 
QT Tporé Toy Ty €TL ils Ys Yvyoeévoy 
Qvounuéray. 11, kai cy Tdvra oiBas 
po Tog abr yevérgat, kai oy 6s 
Taira Kai ¥ €Gis abroys 1, kai ovB¢ (iuiy 1 
Aéyets TU Bet Tote{y atroys epi Tovrea. 

X. Tere “YWurros eine» | rep 
Toray], # 6 éyas “AYtos, Kai 5 eAGArey 

kai eirey# 

kat €réurey IZrpayX ? pos 
TO» Vioy Aéuex 2. Einiy air eri T6 
iS Gvuart Kpvy ov éavrdy, kai BiAe- 
ov airy TEXOS €Tepxduevoy, grt } Y9] 
QGTOAAVrat Tara, Kat KaTakXvVrHSS ENAe 
Yivecrgau Tans Tis Yils kai aroAéret 
Tdvra gra €rr éy5 abr]. 8. kai BiSaéoy 
air6y bres €xpwyn, Kat ueyei T0 FréDua 
arog eis Taas T6s yeyeas rot aigvos, 

4. Kai? To Papa] einey Aijjroy ry 

1 MS. has atas., EF = ra eis abrovs—a corruption. 
4 These words should with GsE be placed after Aeuex. 
5 See note 23, p. 24. 

9 béyas kai 6 Gycos, 
E = kai sire moos airdy. Gs Méyoy. 
from erty. + E adds Tax 5 xuptos, 
Raderm. from ry, i0 Gg E = ard, 

ENOX 29 

T6y Gvgpdneoy €rekoy |éé atréy vioysl 
# # ንኣ Ln [oe [ey 
yiyavras" | kiBBnXa éeni rils Yis rey 
Qy0gpéray éxkéxvratl kai GA 3} Yi 
\ መጫ 
eTAr On QaBtkias. 10. Kat viv iBoy lr6 
TyeiuaTal T6y WuXGy S TOy drogaydy- 
Toy GygDOTney €urVyXdvovrts Kat expt 
T@y TUAGy Tog ovpayo avél3n] 6 reva- 
\ ን Le \ኣ ን # ጎ ጦ H) ኣ 
Yuos atrT6y kai oy Byvara ێeAgeiy &n6 
nporaéToy T6y én Tis Ys Yeyoévey 

ግ 14 yt ኣ ee N ጫጥ 
aBtknuaTeoy, 11. kat vy avra oigas 

ኣ ሓ0 aN H ir ciyia 3 N 
Tp To% ? ara yevérgau kai 6p&s abroys 
\ De hy) # ኣ ን [# Hd mn 
Kat €@S @UToVS, Kat OvBéy A€Yets, Tt Get 
Totiirat ayroys epi Toyroy. 
X. Tére 6 iiNytrros eine kat 6 &aytos 
6 éyas €XGANe, Kat ree T6v OPA 
TpOS T6y uigy Aditex Xéyeyv 2. | Llopetoy 
ኣ h መ ላ ን \ኣ 2 fas መሓ ን መኣ 
pos T6y NGe kai] einoy atry TO fue 
[ ) 

QvdkaTe Kpiroy eavrdy, kal BlAeroy 
ን መሓ IN ን [4 ey € ያሓ ዓ JA 
@irT® TEAOS €éTepX eyo, Ort 1] yi] Tox 
Avra Tra’ Kai [eiTgy atr@ Grul kara. 
KXVZu Os LéXXet Yivérgau Tans Ti)s Yi§, 
GTOAérat Tdyra &n0 Tporaroy Tils Yils. 
3. Bigaéov ¥rey Bikatoy 10 Ti | Toulret, 

) N Fe 
T6y Vigy Aduex, kai ily WrvXIlv arog 
Ly \ኣ [4 \ 21 [4 
eis Coily vvrnpycet, Kail éxepeyéerat 

3 ላጦ [ey 
[8% aigyos], kai €£ arog | pvrevgiirerau] 
pyrevua |xai]l raglrerav das ras 
ላ ሓር I 

4. Kat Ty Pabax 
ጫ \ = 
eire | IIopeyovy, Papaiix, Kai] biirov Toy 

Yeveds To aiQyos. 

2 E omits wrongly. " E = 
s Emended by Raderm, 

5 Gg E = ai Wuxai. 2 Emended by 

56 መጽሐፈ: ዛና X. 4-9 

ሰፉፋሌል፡ ኣስሮ፤ ሰጸዛ'ዝጹል፡ በኣዴሆሁ። ወኣግፉ፡’ ወዶደየ፥ ውስተ፡ ጽእመ፡ ወጸብቅዋ። 
ሲገዳም፡ ኣንት፡ ሀሰወት፡ በዷዳሌል፡፡ ወደየ ህዩ፡ 5. ወ“ደፎይ፡ ሰዕሌሆሁ፡፡ ጻብ፤፡ ጠጦዋያ1፡ 
ወበሲሓ፡ ወዃ.ፎኖ፡፡ ጽልመተ ወህዩ፤ ዴሣ.ፎር፡፡ ሰዓሰሞ፤ ወ።“ክ.ፎኖ፤ ሲገዷ፡'" ከመ፤ ዚድርጸይ፡ 
ብርሃነ። 6. ወበዕለት፡ *ዓባይ፡ ኣንተ; ቫነኔ፣ ከመ፡ ዴትፈኖ፡" ውስ ዋዕዶ፤ 7. ወጸጠሕይድዋ፡ 
ሰምድር፡። ኣን ክማሰኒ፡ መሳኣጻካት፣ ወሕዶወን፡ ሰሲምድር፡'፡ ጸድድዕ፡፣ ከመ፣ ያሕዴ(ው)ዋ፣" 
ሰምድር፡” ወ“ጸ“ደትሐኮሰሱ፡ ዙሎመ፡ ውሱደ፡ ሰብኳ፡” በምሥጢር ሹሱ፡። ተዘቁትሴ፡ተ። 
ችጌሃን፡። ወመሀፉ፡፥ ለውሱድሙ። 8. ወማሰነት፡ ዙሹሳ፡።” ምድር፤ “በትምህርተ” ፃብሂ፡ 
ሰጸዛዝጴል፡ ወሳዕሴሆሁ፡። ጸሐፍ ዙሉ ኃጢጸተ።” 9. ወሰገብርዜል፡ ድቤሉ፡ ጻፇኘዚላኣ፡” 
ሑር፡። ደቤሆመ፡፥ ለመንዝራን፡። ወሰምኒናን፤ “ወዲበ; ውሱደ፡። ዘማ፡። ወ“ጸሣኮሎመሙመ፡። 
[ለሰው.ደ፤ ዘማ፡ ወ|“ለውዙደ፡። ቫኙሃን፡ ኣምሰብኣ፡። ወ“ዘውዕፀጸሙ፡፡”" | ወፈንዎመ፤| 
በበ“ደናቲሆመሙ፡፥ ኣሙንቱ፡" ወሰሊሆመሙመ፡ በቁቀትል፡ ዴትሐሕጕኮሰ፡ ጻስመ፡ ኒሐ፡። መዋዕል 

1 efkop(vY Xa 5 read AW: 5-7, n. 9, /8read DAIéሆi ? mn, read 
ወጦጸብቅዩኛ ፡ 9, a read ዲዱ.ድሌል፡ ° # omits. 6 = eriges. Ta. #, Bread 
ጸጻባ፤ s rm read DMS; / inserts በ18 before ወ. ? መ reads YC: 
10 g reads ከደኖ: በጽልመት! 4 ድ? AI: " m, be (#7) read “AYE = Trans. 
with Gs. 5 0g. ag, 710 read ini B7I0 imi # = kai iagat, SO G5. 
£m,» read ”"A®; bX omit initial ©. » m omits. See note 4 below. 1 wu omits. 
s Em. from Php; of Zmu in accordance with G idrevrat (so also Flemming). 
gt ac/hoxy,a read RhZዋ; SdekiInp (vw)X5 RRP: aty omit. » o omits. 
See note 5 below. a mn. So als0 9, Save that it reads A for 0. All other MSS. 
በምሥጢረ; except mu which read A for 0, and o which omits 0 before ም". 

= So all MSS. but 4, which read WN; = gmdragay. See note 6, p. 21: 
= m adds መAላANY'S ” 7 omits, 25 4» read በትምርት 7 reads DA; 
5 IB. mu, read Adi # trans, alter next word. 5 መመ reads Jጣው፡ 

w a, 8, B reads AJHLAAብሔC: 5 trans. the AHA: after ደሆ IN 
mt, 8 read CS 5g, abg%x. reads pAመibéራi: mn AOiW#ራh; Zs, ce/ (8?) 
f/nop (5) a,b read ለመራ}; 5 9 reads ወው 5 Corrupt for HY; = 

Tie ropyeias (G). #g, af omit next three words through hint, 5 gt Bao. 
m reads ADEN uo BU. a omits. ® An interpolation in E. a omits. 
u reads NEY: G omits. 7 m reads pt: (sic). 5g prefixes ©. 

5 2 reads Aስኸi “ 9 reads NBAPmi “ f 5-ny. Bracketed as a dittographic 
rendering. Fmt, noyb read ወé.iPs 9 ip; 5 ሠ read በበ; 0. 
Spa prenxiA. #Fgu. mh8 read HDi 

ENE Er OeEs a =F, (5, Tእካንኻነሩ, 5 MS, tarovrat, 4 E = iy Jv, 
To explain the fact that in this and the next clause £ has both times PEC; = YY, 
Gs has both times Anyi, and Gs has first Yi} and then Anyi], We may assume that 
TAMMY] Was the original in both cases, and that Gs represents the first stage in the 
corruption and E the second. Or We may assume that the Variations in (2 arose 

NX. 49 
ACaYX Toriy kai Xepriy, Kat Bdxe avry 
ጋ \N # }) LA N Ls 
eis T9 kgTos, kat (iyoéoy Tilyv €puoy 
Tv oray €y TO AaBoX kékei Bdxe 
atrdy, 5. kai yrdgesi avr Aigovs 
TpaXeis Kat Qéeis kai €TukdAuyroy air 
TO ZkdTos, Kai oiknrdra ékei eis Toys 
ኃጦ A N La ን [Fe le iN 
aiavas, Kai Ty Wty avrog Taltaroy kai 
Pe CN ይ © ME) ERY 
b6s un geapeire’ 6, kat €y T)] Juépg 
[Eee [4 ገ [ey # 3 [4 
TS LeyaAnsS T1]s Kpirees aTaxglreTat 
by ኦነ ግ ፆ ላ ን ያ 
€is TOV €»Tvptuoy. 7, Kat tagnlerTat 
t መሓ [AN ን lA € Ls ኣ N 
1] 1], 1» ሐaytay ot ayyexots Kat Ty 
Ly [mn ሓ 9 4 ey PI 3 
tory T1]$ Ys BAaroy, ya t(trayra 
\N FEY ኣስ ያ / 
T1]። TA» , ሠዉ ሠገ] 7 ፈሾOA@yTat TayTéS 
€ oN Le ን J by AN ፆ 
ot viol TO» Gy6pOnay €» T9 uveTnpiy 
[Ny il UE) 2) [A 6 € ኮ) [A ላ 
Xe! 6 Tf €rdragay + 5 ot €yolyopov kat 
cBi(Ba)gay Toys viobs atréy, 8. Kai 
Nonuen ara } Y] [apavvrgeira] ? ¢y 
Xrots €pyous Tis Bigarkaxias s ‘ACN: 
i er ayr@ ypdyroy Tes a ) ) 
kai € 5 Ypdyroy Tas Gluaprias Taras. 
nN N ጥ TRS Ci H 
9. Rat re TaBDX éirey 9 kuptos" [Iopevoy 
eri Toys a(péoys, €ri Toys KuBBIIAovs ? 
ኣ ^ en fo TIO ND 
kai Toys viovs Tis Topyeias 10, kat &nd- 

Xeroy 11 Toys Viovs T6y €ypnyépey &n6 
= 138 L 
TO» Gvgparey" 5 Téuyroy avroys 15 ¢€y 

TOAéH® &TeoXeias. akpérns YD JuepSy 

ENOX 97 

3 ኣ ኣ 
AMX Xeprti kai Tori [rvurégtroy 
SFE ኣ። BN 3 ላኣ [4 
ary], Kat €uBaAé avroy eis To koros, 
Ny Ly mN 
kat yotéoy Tilv €piuoy ily ogray €y Ti] 
ፆ SR) ) In ) 
[eoniue] AovgaiX, Kai éxet [ ropevgeis ] 
BAe avrdy’ D. kal irdges aur Xigovs 
ጦ \ ጦ ላ 
gets kai [Xigovs] Tpaxeis Kat rt 
[4 i oy # \ Ly [A 3 ጫሓ 
KdXuwoy @urT® FkOToS, Kat otkNFaTa €Kei 
ጋ N ዓጦ C ላ A Ld ን [ey [4 
eis TO» aiQya’ Kat Tገly Oty @urog T= 
\ኣ ጦ \N # = እ ን] 
baroy Kat pas ul geapeire’ 6. Kat €y 
ኣጫ € [4 [Lo # 2s [4 ጋ 
TI] Nueépa Ts Kpirées araxgrerTat eis 
TOv €uTvptruov [roy ups]. 7. kai 
Ly N [en A 3 [4 ሩ ጋ ያ 
tara Tily YI» ly» Ipdvtray ot €ypnl- 
14 UT ES a ne 
yopou , Kat TN» tary Ts TXYYNS BX 
ef X N Nei Tip ላ 
oy, iva ® tdayvrat Tገly AYN» Kat 
N 2) ፆ # 1 = [ey 3 [4 
in GTOABVTaU TayTéS ot Vtot Ty Gvgpe- 
ኮ) AN # A ጥ rE] # 
Tay €» T@ uvTnpty 0 éiroy ob €yplyopot 
\ ኦሪ \N EN Ly መ ላ 
kai €Bigagay Toys vioys avr@y, 8, ka 
NonuéOn Tara 1 Y]] €y Tots €pyous Tis 
ያ N 
BBarkaaias ACaIA' kai ¢n arn 75 
[4 # IN } ፆ ላ 
yparoy Taras Tas auaprtas., 9. Rat 
= N , RS [i [ry 
T@ Tap sire [IIopevoy, [TaBp:ix 
NY iN ፆ ጋኔ N % [4 
€TU Toys YiyavTas, €Tt Toys KiI3IIXoys, 
2) ኣ NS en is # Nln:ን # 
€TU TOVS VLoys Ti]S Topyéeias, Kat TONE Oy 
Toys Vioys T6y €YDnYODeoy &n9 T@y vi@y 
Pn 3 [4 5 [ 3 ኣ 3%.) 
TOV ayODaTay’ Teuroy avToys  éts 
aAAIAovs, ¢£ atr6y eis abroys 17, €y 

Méue kai ¢y GToAet al )T 
TONED Kal €y GToxeia., Kat akpሪTS 

from two possible renderings of NyJIN which punctuated as Ry IS = Yi, and as RYN 

= ሾእኻነኝ. 5 MS. ny. 

5 Here erdragay = YAR corrupt for ነግISDN = eimoy as we 

have in Gs; conversely in 2 Chron. xxii, lo a = eirey is an error for ART 

= dreoAeey. 
eréraay cannot be used in this sense. 

Toy €pyoy. 

Bouriant’s conjecture eréraray which 1 formerly followed is impossible. 

7 Gs E omit. 5 E =r] Sugarkayia 

9 iBgnNos here seems to represent Nyy (cf. Lev. xix. 19; Deut, 

XX. 11) or some derivative of it as representing beings who are derived from two 

distinct classes of creatures. 
dittographic rendering. 
note 4 above, 1 Gg avrg. 

E took it as = agdweios. 

iE adds Toye vioys Tye Tሪpwms kai. 
35 Add eis GእAAovs with (G8 EF. 
7 So also E. Gs omits. 

0 E = rdpwns, corrupt for 
52 E adds efardretNoy airovs kai—a& 

14 (G8 E, = Gy yeAot, 1» See 

28 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛህኻ፡ X. 0-16, 

ጸልእቦሙ፡፤፣ 10. ወሸዙሱ፡፡ ዘ'ዴቤጸሱክ፡፡ | ወ |ጺድክውን፡ ሰጸበዩሆሙመ፡ በጻንቲጸሆሙ፡፡ 
ኣስመ፡ ድይቤፈዉ፡፣ ይሣግየዉ፡፡። ሕዴወት፡ ዘሰዓጎሰም፡ ወከመ ይሕየዉ፡”" ጸሐዳ፡ ጸሐዲኗ፡ 
ኣምኔሆመ፡ ኃምስተ፡ ምልኣት ካረምተ።" 11. ወለሰሚካጹል፡። ዶቤ “ጻግዚኣ፡ ሖር 
ተጸድ.ፎዕ፡” ሂለስምያዛ፡ ወሰለካልጻን፡ ኣሰ፡ ምስሴሆ፡፥ ኣሰ ሐብፉ፥ ምስሰ፤ ጸንስት፡ 
ከመ፡ ድማስኒ፡ ምስሴሆን፡ በ"ርዙሰ፡ ዚጸሆን።። 12. ወ"ሰበ፡ ይትራገዘ፣ ዙሱ፡” 
ውሱደመ፡ ወሰበ” ዶሬኳዩ፣ ሕጕሎመሙ፡፥ ሰፍቁራኒሆመ፡ ኣስሮመ፡ ሰኛትውልደ፡ በመትወሐቱ፡ 
ጸውኝፃርተ፡።” ምድር፤ ኣስክ፡ ዕሰ ቫነኔሆመ፡፥ ወትፍጻጃተመ፡ “ኣስከ፡ ይትፌጸም ቫነኔ፡ 
ዘሰ“ዓሰመ፡።” ዓሰም። 13. ወበውኣጻቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ዶወስድዎመ፡፥ ውስት፤ መትሕት፡። 
ኣሰ (ወ)።በጻ0ር፡ ወበቤተ፡ ሞቅሕ፣ ወ“ዴትዓፀዉ፡።” ሰ"ዓሲም። 14. ወሰበ” ተይውዒ፤ተ። 
ወድማስኽ ጳምዴኣዜ፡ ምስሌሆሙ” ሕቡረ፡ ዴትጸሰፉ፥ ኣስከ ተፍጻት፡። ትውልደ 
ቸውልፎ። 15. ወጸሣጐሎሙ፡። ሲሱሉ “መናፍስት፡። ትወኔኝ፡።” ወሰው ሱዶመ፡ ሰትጊሃን፡ 
ሓስመ፡ ገፍዕዎመ ለሰብጻ። 16. ሕል” ሹሉ 7ፍ9;" ኣምገጻ፡" ምድር፡ ወዙሱ፡። 
ምጋበረ፡። ኣኩይ፡ ዴሣልቅ፡"“ ወያስተርዉ፡” ተፕኳለ፡" ጽፎቅ፡ ወርትዕ፡ ወይክውን፣ ሰበረከት፤፣ 

9 prefixes ©. ‘/ mguread tN; 8 OfNrms °t. All other MSS. 
omit. “ያመ. 9 reads ይሰRሱክ፡ /። 5 ዴስጻሱክ፤ Marginal gloss in / RትYCE 
ውሱደ፤ 9,8. ያሃ። read ወጺይኩን፣ = ኣስመ፤ ጴይከውን፤፡ ‘9,8. m prefixes ©. 
et omits. f has an erasure. "9/1 prefix. Sgmiw. 9,8 omit. ° 0c add ¥. 
fh 0 read in singular. df Bop *(vy) a add hዴወትi cx add hድወችi HAYA: 
7 omits next three words. mg, B read él: = tf, en add. gus"). 
mg BY read LN 4 adds Wy: 1 /u, %° save that Zt, % read ሑር: muy, cg 
oy) x read AJHLRAAሔC; ae/5' Irs ab AJHLRብሔC: Ci "= Biእorov 
in Ge. But this is corrupt. See note 2, p. 29. Read ANC; here. 10. (SOalsO, (5, 
Al other MSS. read tt: 7 m omits. 5 # mn read “Pap 1s B omits. 
Probably corrupt for aw a rendering of the Greek art, oi. 1 wu reads ©. 
“m, Jnox,a read ANብR; / Aሰብዓ፤ /። ኣስኳክ፡ ሰ". 3m. /u, B~a read RIES 
a omits. 4 g reads A ት. wu omits. 5 ae omit. SPB reads 
. መሣችትመ፤ ። ፓፍጻጃ1፡ 7 Added in accordance with G. ia 8 Onkss 
5 m reads £ትዓgውi / YO". 0 8-9 read ሰዓሰመ፡ 1 a= gray corrupt for 
6s Gv. PB read ወሰ@y; Instead of the first seven words of this verse # reads AY: 
ዶዴወስፎዎመ፡ ድማስኒ፡ ግሣቡረ፡ ኣሱራኒሆመሙ፡ 5 9 reads Ei Read AY WY); see 
note 8, p. 29. 5 ho read ወAስhi ሰዓለ: (5) 5 insert this phrase before PN. 
5 m adds YoY; H. uo. mg, c read PRP". / 8-cox AP". # PAD. 
5 adds ጥበቢሆመ። FL m,l8~e read AN gu, e omit. 5 Em. with G 
from HEAT; 5 G has Sv «Bboy, 5 ይ8-x., መፃ, x read Ah 2 AN 
Smt Ff Other MSS. read 3¢0; ሓ m reads AIR: NA. 5 gu read WN; 
Sng. tu, 8-y read IAC; » reads ድር: 4 fb agehinab, £9, bcFo read 

X. 9-10, 

cus i (obk) grat Tots 

[ey [I ፆ 
Ok €rTuy @UTOy, kai Tara €porn- 
TaTpdrty avry 
\ - Pn mn 
[cai] epi a%rSy1, Gru €AXTicovrwy (rat 
ኣ Pd Ni Le ef 
Cony aiayvtoy, Kat Ort CilreTat €KaTos 
11. Kai eirey 
kai TBiAarov tf = 

Seuta(Cd kai ois XotTots Tots by arty 

avr&y €T1] Tevrakdrta. 
(9) Mxax [Iopevyoy 

Tats Yuvatéty Ltyévras, utavgiivat €y avrais 

L) m 

ip h ን መ 6 N e 
€» T1] Gkagapt® avr @y 18, kat OTay 
[ey c CN IN NY 
KaTarpay@Scty ot viol avrQy Kat (Borty 
\ ኦ) ፆ N ግን [ey ላ 
Tv QGTXetay TOyv éyamréy, [kai] 
መ ን % 4 [4 NM }) 
BNrov avrovs cBgouilkoyra yeéyveas ets 
መጦ [ey [le 
Tas vdras Ti)s Yi)5 MEXDt JIuépas Kpirées 
air@y kai vyTéNeuo, €as exergy T9 
Kpika Tog aiQyos T@y aievay. 13. Tore 
aTaxOrovrau eis T9 Xdos Tog ups kat 
}) \ JA ላ ን \ኣ [4 
eis Tv Barayoy kai eis T0 Berheriiptoy 
14, kaix 05 

ኋ = 5 
Qy < TkaTakavr0nt ? kal apaytrgn, ary 

3H FUvKNeieas aigyos 3. 

ሓ ሓ Ly) UN L1 [el # 
Toy Uy er avray Ouoy Segoyrat 

LéXpt TeXetécreas Yeveés. 



€ [ey ን Ld ን I) ኣ Im 
Tuepay Ovk €rrat aurots, 10, Kat Tara 
€epdTmets ovk €grTt Tois TaTpdrty abr @y, 
Oru eXTitovru Cia Coily aidytoy, Kat 
Gru (Nrerat €xarros avr@y ¢rn Teyra- 
kr. 11, Kai T9 Mixa eine 
[lopeoy,  MixaIX! Biiroy SeutaCay kai 
ኣ LA \ ን እ N [4 
Toys (XAOVS Uy @bTG» Toys uluutyévTas 
[ny [/ Pe [ey 
Tats gvyarTpart Ty Gygperay To0 tay. 
Oiiyau €y ayrats ¢€y 71 Qkagaptig avr. 
ጦ ) 
12. kai gray KaTapayéruy ot Viot 
Vr ላ Ld N ን # 
ayrav kai iSect Tv @ToAetay Ty 
QyannTéyv aréy, Biloy avyrovs eri 
c # ኣ ጋ N [A [ey 
€BBotlkoyrTa Yeyés ets Tas vanas TINS 
Ly 4 € ፆ ን Ley [4 
Y]]s uéXpt Jluépas Kpirews avrQy, expt 
# [el ef 
jIépas rexevéreas [ Texero ], Eas ruvre- 
Xér0] Kptua Tob aiyos TOv aigvay. 
[4 fe 
13. Tore Greyvexgilrovrat eis T9 Xdos Tog 
ኣ N 3 N [4 ) 3 ኣ 
TUDOS Kat «ts Ty BaZayoy kat ets TO 
[4 [my [ey Nn 
BeruaTilptoy Ti)s CvykXeires Tot ai@yos. 
ላ 3 [oy m 
14. kat 05 @y KaTaxptg] kai Qpavtr0y, 
&an9 Tog y0y uer avr@y Begmoera uéxpt 
TéAetagéwS YeveGs avr. 

[ey ላ [ey 
15. ATOAéroy ndyra Ti Tyevkara TOy KuBAwy Kal Toys viovs TOy €ypIyOpeoy 

Bd T6 aBikilrat Toys Qvgpénous. 16. 

ላ 3 [6 N rs ፆ oy ኦ) ኣ 
Kat GTOAéroy Ty agtkiay Taray @TO 

[ey [ey ላ [my iy # ) # ኣ ን # ላ ኣ N 
TNS YS» Kat Tay €Dyov TovIptas €KAévTéTw, Kat ayapavlTe To puroy 71s 

Bukatogyvns kat Tils GAMgeias 5 eis Toys aigvas .... ker Xaps purev(gil)erat. 

1 MS. epyeres. Em. by Lods. 
gests and change datives into accusatives. 
for AON = Bfiroy. 

But Radermacher s conjecture seems right. 

52 = FE. Read Béruoroy as Radermacher sug- 

Perhaps Gs E go back to ABN corrupt 
The corruption of 

Béheoroy (Or Béruevrow) into BilNeroy i5 native to Gs; for the original acc. keyévras still 

4 Em, with Gs from oray: E = gray, 

5 E = rai vyxNetgilrovra eis Toys aieyas—a free rendering of the text. 

5 =F. Corrupt for taraxpegy as in Os. 

¢ Add with E, ai Sora eiእoyia’ Ti fpya Tis Bexatoriwn)s kai Tis SAgeias lost through hmt. 

የሐልቐ፡ ።, = ዩየኃልቅ፡ ። (87) ይሣለሕ፡ 
margin PY 7 » reads በረhl: 


g reads ወያስትረa 5 # has gloss in 


90 መጽሐፈፉ፡ ህዛኛኻ፡ XI RHE 

2ብረ;' ጽ.ፎቅ፡ ወርትዕ፡ ለንሰም፡፡ በ'ፍሥሓ፤ ዶተክሱ፡፡ 17. ወ’ይኣጻዜኒ፡ ሹሎመ፡ ጻ.ፎቃን፡፡ 
ዴኾዴዩ፡ ወይከወኒ፤ ሕሐያዋህ፡ ኣስከ፣ ይወልዱ; ፲፪; ወሹሎ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ ውርዙተመ፡ ወ“ሰንበ1፡ 
ዚጸሆሙ። ይፌጽመ፡" በሰሳም። 15. ወበጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ትትገበር፡" ዙሳ፤ ምድር" 
በጽ.ፎቅ፣ ወ“ሹሰለንታሃ፡” ትተክል፡ ዕጸወ፡ “ወትመልኣ፡ በረከተ።። 19. ወዙ ዕፀወ፡"፣ 
Jግኝት፡ ዴትክሱ፡" ዲጁቤሃ፡ ወዴትካሱ፡”" ደቤሃ፤ ጸው” ወወይን;” ዘዴተክከል፡። ዲዴጃቤሃ፡ 
ዶገብር፡። ወይኔ ሰ“ጽጋብ፡ ወዙሱ፡ ዘርኣ፡፡ ዘዴዘራኣ፤ ዷቤሃ፡ ጸሐቲ፡። መስፈርት ትገብር 
ኣልፈ፡።” ወጸሐቲ፡ መስፈር1፡ ጴልያስ፡ ትገብር” ፲ ምክሇደ፡” ዘዴት። 20. ወጸንተ 
ጸንጽሓ፤ ሲለም.ድር፡ ኣምዥሰ፡ 7ፍ0; ወጻምሰሱ፡ ዓመባ፡ ወኣምዙሰ፡ ኃጢጸት፡ ወጻምዥሴ፡ 
ረሲዕ፣ ወ“ዙሱ፡ ርሹስ፡። ዘዶትገበር፡ በኗሄበ፤ ም.ድር፡ ጸሣልቁሙመ፡።” ጳምዲኗበ፡። ምድር። 
21. ወይደኩታ፡”። ሹሱ፡። ውሰደ ሰብኳ፤ ጻድቃኔ" ወ።ፎኩኑ፡። ሰሱ ጸሕዛብ፡። ምልኩ” 
ወደበርኩ፡ ኪያዩ፡ ወሸዙሎመ፡ ሲት፡ ዶሰፃዱ።" 22. ወገገጽሕ፤ ም.ፎር፡ ኣምሲሉ ሙስና 
ወኣምሹሱ፡፤ ኃጢጸት፡ ወ“ኣምዙሲ፡” መቅሠፍ “ወኣምዥሲሱ፡ ጻዕር፤“። ወጺይደደፃም፡ ከመ፡ 
ኣፈኒ፡“ ዷቤሃ፡“ ሰትውልደ፡ ትውልደ ወጻስክ፡ ሰ"ዓሲም። XI. በ*AማንE;። መዋዕል 
ኣፈትሕ፤ መዛግብት፣ በረከት“ ኣሰ፡ በሰማይ፡ ከመ፡ ጸውርድመሙ፡ “ዷበ፡ ም.ድር፡ ደበ፡ ገብሮሙ 
ወደበ፡ ባማሆመ“ ሰውሱደ፤ ሰብኳጻ። 52. ወ“ሰሳም፡ ወርት'ዕ፡ ሱቱፋነ ይከወኑ" በዙ 
መዋዕሰ፡” ዓለመ፡ ወበዙሰ፡ ትውልደ፤ ዓሰም። XII. ኣምቸ.ድመi” Aa” ሃር; 

iam. mM, B~e read PAC; e TCI im omits. 0 omits. g/u,eBn(w)ya. 
#, abecdfF (RPI0x B read Yt: before which # prefixes ©. wu RYhAt °f omits. 
5 Bc trans. before KW. # omits. a7. g reads Lt: 8 LIYE: / adds sloss 
in margin APBRYS reads RAEI ° 9 reads ሰ HAW: We should read 
C-ALPR See note 1, Dp. 31. "9/u,l8. #Z reads ፈጽም: m ፌም "niu 
&. ድ reads ትገብር፡ ያ ትትIበር sz For this and next two words m reads ታhi 
s G has ¢y air}. iu, ceBInxab. &,abdg/oy read ተYnAi » ThA: 9 omits. 
5 dg omits. £ has the superscription ait; 0ፀ@ መስፈር; ልስ; iC: "sn. 
7#u, B-g read PWN; dq omits. 7 m reads 0g©i d omits. ™* mgu, B0IBVX. 
Zt, abcqe/lo,a read ዴኻ » mf abcefaIxab. dq omits together with 
next word. Zu, #0 read &Ynti ” #, 0y read AY: # trans. before £Yi mn 
reads DF » Or; 5 mg, BDI. FhbgIX ay read HEA: 2 HYhA: 
5 reads 1. oH]. #AYI0C; Amt. reads Dy: 3-1» Foi in 
£07; u omits. 5 2 omits. 5 gy omit, 57 9 omits next four words through 
hmt. = Fn read ¥Hdés ” # reads JA: # 1YI0C » a. 5 reads ያዳ 
፡ያu. 9reads Wf Cኩስ፡ » tሱ፥ / 8 ምሱ ርሹስ፡ or ርሹስ፣ / 5 read ርኩስ፣ 
The construction is that of a nominativus pendens. o (2) add DAH: Super. 
scription in Z AY; መዛግብተ; በረከ; 5 0u read NY. 5 , nl read Xf 
# c reads hori Gloss in / hi Aሰi ብርሃም 5 gL anx read WN 
qd omits. 5 g omits. 57 mw omits. 5 m reads ሐዝ 5 wu reads Pao. 
fh Fn ay read A785 » un omit. = 780 trans. before preceding two words. 

X. IT XII. L. ENOX 31 

[ey \ L N e 
17. Kai vy Tdvres oi Bikatot éxbevgovrats kai grovrat (CSvreés gas yeyyljrarty 
ጮ iN mn 
XUAtGBas, kai Tarat ai Jlkepat yedrTnros avréy, kai {rT dlglfara airy 1 ueré 
bye 5 9 14 ግ 6n ጮጮ [Us [my ኮኔ) ፆ ኣ 
eipilvns TANpeorovzty 18, Toré cpyarghlerat Tara 1] Y)] ey Bikatoryyn kat 
# lw ኃ IN ላ [4 1) # ኣ # 
KaTabureygj erat BévBpoy «y avr, Kat TAIbilrerat evxoyias, 19, kai Tdyra 
[ey [ey Z 
Tr BevBpa Tis T ¥i}s GyaAXtdrovrat 5 purevglc erat, Kal ¢rovrat bvreiovres GuTéNoys, 
Ne ጋሕ ፆ [ in iy ap f ላ 
(KJai 3] Gikrekos ily Qy bvreirerw, Toujrovreyw boxogs oiyvov' ¥ XXidBas kai 
[ £ 2 [ A [4 BN H [4 ኣ 
FnOpoyu role Kag €kayroy uérpoy «, €Xaias Touilget Gy6 Bdrovs Béka. 20, kai 
N [4 N [ey ) \N [A H) [4 B \ ) ኣ [A F) [4 ን ኣ 
ry Kagaptroy ily Yily GTO Tags akagaptas ? Kat ang Tans QBkias kai &aTg 
1 c ፆ NOs) ፆ ኣ / ኣ ) ፆ N # BN 
(Tajrns Saprias kat 5 Qrefeias, kai néras Tas Gkagapgias Tis Ytvouéyas emi 
Tis Ys €édxetyoy 7, 21, kai €royrau Tyres Aarpetovres oi Aaoi kai éyAo- 
መሓ መሓ ላ [I [a 
yoyrTes Tayres éuot Kai Tporkvvogvrés., 22, kai kagaprgilrerat (néiral 3) yf 
ኣ ላ [ey 
aT0 TabTs tuaTos Kai GTO Tans éikagapgias kai dpyils kai darTyos, kai 
iy [a Py) hy ኣ ጋ [4 ኣ ኣ [el Pn ) (6 ጋ # 
OVKéTt Tér® €T avroys éiS Tiras Tas yYevedis Tot aigyos, XI, kai Tre Gyoifa 
N መጫ [Lm R መጦ መ \ኣ la) 
Ta Takeia TiS eUAoyias Ta Gvra €y T@ obpay@, kai Kareyéykeiy abr 5 én T& ¢oya, 
enti TOy KdToy TO» viéy T6y GvOpdney. 2. kai (Tdrél # GXilgeta Kai eiplvwn ? 
mn ሓ nN \ 
Koyeomlrovgty Guo eis das T6s iluépas Tog ai@Syos kai eis das T6s yeyeds 
HERR) # 10 
TOY GygpeTwy 
\ኣ [nN # L \ ኣ ጦሓ 
XII. Ilo roirey r6y AUyay Xie EyOx, Kai oybeis Tay GyvOpédTeoy 

r = hnnay in which the word is wrongly vocalized for nna = « their old age” 
The error is explicable in Heb, also BIn2y instead of Bria ( Wellhausen, ,Sfisses vi, 
pp. 241, 260). Hence read 79 yiipas aire. 5 Appears to be intransitive here. 
E renders it transitively and puts the preceding nominatives in the accusative, 
2 Corrupt. 1 cannot restore the text, « Tree of joy (as in E) is an expression not 
found elsewhere, rdyra Ta Sévgpa iis Yiis GyaAvdroyrat = JI» RJR ion 53. The last 
two Words may be corrupt for 3a nS, = « goodly in appearance. Thus we should 
have rdyra Td SevBpa pata Tg eiget, At any rate G and E are corrupt. pvrevgilrerat 
may be an intrusion, Text is translateable but seems corrupt. FE = kai més 6 
rdpos 6 rapeis €y air] €karroy kérpoy role XAtdgas kai €karroy uérpov. The opening 
phrase is a nominativus pendens. 5 E = g8teias. 5k adds rans. 7 E adds 
aro Tile Ys 21, kai €royras réivres oi vio TOy dygpereoy Bikatot 5 E adds emi Tiiy Yi. 

iE tFas, k= aieyay a wrong expansion of ayrey which appears in G. 

1 adds PAW; መቅሠፍYi n reads simply O4OC: and trans. as ho. # 9 reads 
ላጻፊ፤፡ EOF BRnOX BS add Ri cg/y,a RS; 5 9, (5) a4d ዓሰመ፤ 
5 9 reads AE 7g adds iy #2, B omit. 45 c reads AW; ng reads 
መዋዕል፤ ሲ. Superscription in £ J0i +hብti yn: aim. m reads Am. 
B prefixes ©. 5 Em. from WW with G. m adds ትውAE 

89 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖኻ፡ XTT RRS 

ተክብተ። ሄኖኳክ፡ ወጸልቦ፡ ዘያጸምርሮ፡፡ ኣምውሱደ፡ ሰብኳ፡ በኘበ፡ ትክብተ፡ ወ’ሣበ፡ ሀሉ 
ወምንት ከኮነ። 52. ወ።ተሹሱ፡ተ፡ ፃብፉ፡ ምስለ፡ “ትጌጉሃን፡ ወምስለ ቅዲሳን፡፡ መዋዕለ 
ዚጸሆሁ። 3. ወጸ ሄኖኻ፡ ኮንኩ፡ ኣባርኮ፡ ሲ“ኣንገዚጸ፡፡። ዕበድ ወለንጌሠ፡’" ዓሲም፤ 
ወናሁ; ትኙሃን፡ ደጴውዑ፤ኒ፡ ሲ፡” ሰሃኖሕክ፣ ጸሓፊ" ወዴቤሱኒ።" 4. ሄኖክ፤ ጸሓፊ፡ 
ጽፎቅ፣ ፁር፡'፡ ጸድ.ፎዕ፡ ሰትጉሃ፤ ሰማይዴ፤፡ ኣሰ፡ ሐደጊ፥ ሰማዩ፡ ልዑሰ፡ ምቅዋመ፡” ቅዱሰ፡። 
ዘሰዓሰም፡ ወምስለ ጸንስጎ፥ ማሰኔ፡፤ ወገብ" ከመ፡” ዴገብፉ፡። ውሱ ሰብጻ፡። ወነሥዉ፡ 
መሪ ጸንስት፥፡ ወማሰፉ፡” ዓቢየ፡ ሙስና፣ በዷበ፡ ምድር። 5. ወጺዴይክከውን፤፡ ሎሙ 
ሰሳም፡። ወሣድገተ፡ ጋጢጸት።። 6. ወ“ጻስመ፤ ይትፌሥሑ” በውሱዶመ፡። ቁትለ፡።” 
ፍቁራኒሆመ፡ ይደሬኣዩ፡” ወፈዷበ፡ ሐጕለ፡ ውሱደመ፡።።”። ዶግዕፉ፡። ወይስኣሱ፡ ለንሰም፡። 
ወዚጺይከውን፣ ሎመ፡ “ምሣረት፥ ወሰላም።። XIII. ወሃኖሕ፡ ጋሲፎ፡ ድዴቤሉ፡። ሲሰ“ጸዛዝሌል፡ 
ዚይከወሣክ፡ “ሰሳም; ዓቢድይ፡። ቫነኔ፤ ወጽ፡ ሳዕ ሌከ፡። ይኣስርክ። 2. ወ።ሣሕት" ወስጻሰት። 
ዚ“ድይክወውኝክ፡። በጻንተ፡ ዘመሀርካ፡። 7ፍ0; ወበኣንገ፡ ዙሱ፡፥ ምፃባረ፡ ጽርፈት ወፇፍዕ፡*" 
ወሓጢክገ፥ ዘጽርጸድክ፡ ሰሰብጻኣ።" 3. ጸሃ፡ ሕዊዩርዩ፤ ነገርካክዎመሙመ፡፥ በቸሎመ፡ ሣቡሪረ፤። 
ወጻመሙንቲ፡ “ሸሎመ፡ ፈርሁ“ ወ“ፍርሃት፡ “ነሥመጸሙ፣ “ወረዓ.ድ።“" 4. ወተስኣሱኒ፡” 
ከመ፡ ኣጽሐፍ፡ ስመ “ትዝኻካረ፣ ስጻሰት” ከመ፡ ይኩኖሙ” ሣ.ፎገት፣ ወ“ከመ፡። ስኔ; ጻዕርን፡" 

1 = ሪእiJuሐon. 2 0u. Other MSS. read HEA". 2 # ads ጸልእቦ፡ ዘጸምር፡ 
« 0 reads ምንት ° Corruption for At which was a rendering of rd before 
oya. 5 a. 8 reads pዲ“ ወምስሰi YL". 7 A] MSS. prefix 0 against the 
parallelism and G. s Em. from AIHA of all MSS. but cy. cy read AIHA: 
2 Em. with G rijs ueyaእorvms from 9, 8 Oli Zu read 0ቢያYi »/ 3ቢት; 
n bcx read pYLwi a reads ሰላም: = pcx read sbi dy omit. a reads 
ጸሓፌ፤፡ "5 8-4». a-ያ/ ead ወይቤሲኒ፡ ሃኔ ወዴቤሲ፣ "ያያ. መዞ 8 read ሑር 
7. miu, B-e read ቅዋ; 6 ምቅዋም: « ወምቅዋቸሞመ 5 reads 
ቅዱሰን ያ ቅዷስ፡ 5 m reads “JAR; nag. g omits. B reads Hho; 
1 m reads #30 9 omits. = Seems corrupt for $0; as G has "iis ys. 5» Prob- 
ably corrupt for ARyሰk:i m reads ማሰ; = ዐu read ሰሳባመ፤ 9, a» aባd በዲበ፡ 
PEC; against m/w, n. cde/hh/oays add 0" FP before NA; and ay after it. 
ዕ% trans. ሰላም; ወዳ." J” before ይከውን; and add በዷበ፡ ም after መ 
5g omits. Fm. g/wB omit, gg yp. m reads BARRY Aስi 7, 8 
ኣስመ፡ ዚጺይትፌ". 5 #8. a-# read Pk which might be construed as the acc. 
after ት". 5 Iu, lB. m reads ቁለ 9 ቀትሪ 0 fh, 8. gu read ACRE 
መ, ያ ይርኣዩ 1 m reads CAN 5 mu, /5 read £30 5 c omits next four 
words. #ያ. መሠ read ስረ ወጺሰሳመ፤ 9 ምሕረገ፥ ወጺሰሳባም፣፤ 5» 8 ምሕረት 
ወጺሰባሳም 5 m omits. g trans. after NAH’. 5 dq omits. 5 g reads ሰላ; 
ዓቢዩ 5 m reads Nh; and trans. before OBR: Omit. B. H 
read in acc. £Zያ read በት = ስሕተት nu m, 8B. #Zg/u read "AY: G~a#s 

XII. XIII. 4. ENOX 99 

€yya Tot eXjupgn kai Tog érrty kal Ti ¢yévero atr®. 3, kai T& fDya atirogi1 
Py \ኣ [ey መሓ 
kerd TOy €yoNygpey, kat era T&y &yioy ai Juépats airog. 3, Kai férrisl 
hd ን \ኣ VIN [ei መጫ ፆ Fe) [N N # ሓ IN ሓ Pe ን ፆ )] 
Juny Ev@X eUXoy@y T@ Kupte 5 Tils eyaxoryvns, TO Barxei TS» aidyvay., Kat 
[Boy oi €ypyopov Tog @yiov Tog ueyaxoy! ¢xdXovy be EvéX #, ...., 4. 6 yoau- 
[oy ፆ ላ [ay [ey [ey 
ares Tis Bikatoyvns, Topevou kat eine Tots é€yonydpots To oypayog oirtyes 
QGTOXNUTGyrTes Ty otpaygy Toy UXO, TO Gyiaua Tis rrdrews Tog aigyos, ueré 
[ey ጦሓ \ \ [oy [oy መሓ 
T@y YUvatkSy €lutdyvgnray, Kat rep oi viot Tils yiis otogiy, otires kai aro 
5, Kai €Xalgoy favrois yvyvaikas' Gpaytrugy uéyay { karnpayirare {+ § Tily 
ps \ ጋ Ls Cs ee TE > PR Ld Ls ) ኒ ቋጥ ያ 
Yi, 8B. Kat ovk €rrat Viv 1 eipllvn ore fibers. 6. kai Tepi Sy Xaipovzty 
መሓ em ን መሓ ኣN ያ [ey [a PO Ld ኣ Si. % ሓኣ 1) 4 
TO» Viv air6y, T0v POvoy T&y QGyannr@y atréy GYyroyrat, Kai €mi T] GTexeig 


TS» ViQy atr@6y Tevdéovcty Kai Ben0niroyrat eis Tiy aiSva, kai otk gorau arots 
eis EXeoy kat eionlwny 5, 

XIII. O 8 Eyax r& Acai feiney [Llopeyoy' t? oyk grrat ou eiplivn. 
Kpiua eye €éilAgey kara og Bilal ee 3, kal Svoxil kai éprnris rot opk 
torat epi Gy €Bevéas ABxudreoy kal epi dyray TOV €pyay T@yv QrefBetay 
kal Tis aBkias Kai Tis &aprias, gra VréBetéas rots Gvgosrots, 

3. Téré Topevgeis éipnka Taiy avrois, kal abroi dvres éboBgnray, kai 
tXaBey avrovs rTpguos kai @ሐo3os. 4. kai Mpeérnray 10 

ey [A 2 [ay 
Onws Yaw aurots 

[4 [ny ey 
Urouwmlluara époTlréas, (ya yéunrau1r ayrois iperts, kai iva €¢Y% Gyayyg 1 

: M5. aire, * E corrupt = ¢y Tais Nuépaus. 5 Euxoyeiy used with dat, in Sir, 1, 225 
li, 12, &c. «Add with E ray Ypaiiaréa kai eiroy €uot Ey@x lost through hmt.,  E= 

eroinay Or meroulkeray. 5 M5. tampa trare, Seems corrupt for d@. ey. kar- 
mpayvray. It is most unlikely that we should have here a piece of the orafio recta, E= 
kai dp, key. Y@pavirgnray but see note 23, Dp. 32. 7 E = arois which appears right. 

¢ A strange construction. ? Corrupt fOr ropeuvgeis sires as is shown by FE and G xiii. 3. 
The corruption in G may have originated in the Aram. G = 5NN io corrupt for 
JN DIN. Here we may conclude either to a happy emendation of the Ethiopic 
translator of G or of the scribe of the Greek MS. used by E or to the existence in the 
Aramaic of both forms, the corrupt in the text and the true reading in the margin. 
i? E adds ue. ™ MS, yeyoyvrat., = MS. ayayyot, E = dydye corrupt fOr dvayye. 

add ምሕረት! at add it before ወስ". 5 £8. a-# read ንክ 3 wu reads 
HtoUCn; # g omits. 5 a. 8 reads ለውሉደ ሰብልኳ፤ s a, G omit. 
7a, ak. B-agilread ፈፈ ft. I. =u. Other MSS. omit. egmgu. 08 
read Dረ jw 0 reads YNሰRL: Superscription in £ "30; ሐፈ; #7n: YHnረ: 
ስAሰቶተሙ፥ = 6§-a8 trans. before hm; AR against a, a&. For NA Scsox read 
ስኣሰተመ፥ = x ። read ይሹኖመ፥ = 8 ድያmያ/u read በክመ፡ 0c trans. 
after AOC; no omit. 5 gm. gu read R3CTY: 8 AOC: 

94 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኖኻ፡ XIII ND 

ተዝኻረ፡ ስኣለተመ፡ ቅድመ ኣገዚጸ። ሰማይ“ 5. ኣስመ፡ “ኣሙንቱሰ፡ ጺዴካሱ። 
ኣምይኣዜ፡ ተና7ርሮ፡፡ ወጺያነስጹ፡ ጸዕዴንቲሆመ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማዶ፡ ኣምጋፍረተ፡ ጸበሳሆመሙመ፡ 
ዘተኩነኒ። 6. ጸ’ሃ። ጸጻሕፍኩ፡ ትዝካረ፡ ስኣለተመ፡ ወጸስተብፉያ፡፣ በጻንት፡ መንፈሶሙ 
ወ“ለሰጸሐዲ፡" ምግበሮመ፡ ወበጻንት፤ ዘዴሰጸሴ፡። ከመ፡ ይዴኩኖመሙ፡። ስርዩች፡። ወኒሐተ። 
7. ወ“ሕዊርዩ፡ ነበርኩ ዲፉበ፡ ማያተ “ደጌ በዳነ" ኣንዘ፡፡ ይጻቲ፤ ጳም"ዩየማህ ዐረበ 
ጸርሞን፡። ወጸኮበብ፡”" ትችዝካረ፡፤ ስኣለተመ፡፥ ኣስከ;። ደቁቀስኩ። 8. ወናሆ፡። ሕልም” 
መጽጸኔ፡ ወራኣያት፡። ደቤዩ፡ ወድቁ” ወርጺክዙ፡ ራት መቐሠፍት፣ (ወመጽእ፡ ቃል፡ ኣገ 
ዶብል፡)። ኣንገር፡። ሰውሱደ፡ ሰማይ፣ ወጻዝልፎሙ። =” 9. ወነቂህዩ፡ መጻጻኩ፣ ገቤሆሙመ፡ 
ወዙሎመ። ጌቡጻን”" ዴይነብፉ፡። ኣንዘ፡ ዴሳሕዉ፡ በ“ጸብልስየጺል፡። ዘሀሰወት፡ ማኣከሰ፡ 
ሲባኖስ፡ ወ።ሴኒሴር፡። ኣንዘ፡ ግልበቡባን፣፡ ገጾሙ። 10. ወትናገርኩ፡፥ ቅድጃሆመሙ፡። ሹሉ 
ራኣያት፡ ዘርዚኩ፡። በንዋም፡;። ወወጠንኩ፥ ኣትናገር፡። ውኣት፤ ቃሳተ፡ ጽድቅ፡ ወኣዝልፍ፡። 
ሰትጊሃ። ሰማድ። XIV. ዝመጽሐፈ፡” ቃሲ፡" ጽፎቅ፣፡ ወዘለፋ፡" “ትጊኙሃኽ ኣለ፡። 
ኣምዓሰም፤ በክመ፡ ጾዘዚ፡ ቅኗስ፡ ወዓቢድ፣፤ በድጻኣኳቲ፡ ራኣይ“ 5. ይጸ“ ርዚኩ፡" በንዋምዩ፡ 
ዘአኔ፡ ዴኣዜ፡" ኣነኘር፡" በልሰኝ፡። ዘሥጋ፤ ተወበመንፈስዩ፡" ዘወሀበ፡” ዓቢዴ፡። ጸፈ፡።ተ ሰሰብኳ፡ 
ዴትናገፉ፡። ቦቱ; ወዶለብዉ፡። በእብ። 3. ከመ፤ ፈጠረ፡ ወወሀበ፡። ለሰብኳ፡ ዴለብጪ፡። 

' መ reads ስኣለት፡ ከመ ዴኩኖመ፡ ከመ፤ 2 a, ak. B~a% read Ji 8 00 
0, 8 read AJLRብሔC: “a7. 9, 8-50 read ሰማ Bo omit. Eu. So also 
me 0 Save that they omit fN. 8 reads RM; a}E: m adds Rሐhምሞችs ° 9 reads 
ችሪግርኘ፡ "7m, 0p read YR 11 Ri $s Iu, mn. Fm, Bn prefix. 
ነ 4-9. 0, 3 read “ብቅቍPተሙ 1" ድ reads ሲጻሰሲ፡ ጽሕዲ ፥ ሰሰጀ፱ 5 ሲሄ. "ያ 
mgt By read HEስAati = £587 read £m = y adds YEN: and puts the 
words before and after in nom. w € omits, 15 a/ቋ read ደንበደን፡ I 
m 0, /*B read AYYi 1 9 reads 0. #90 BI read ዓረበ: Zn, YEA; = 0A; 
n m prefixes H. “Fmg,F Zu, 8-F read ብብ: ” ። reads Aaስoi =u, 
rcad DEY; Su read A; = ያ 9u read "At; 5 ራኣዩ፡ 5 mg read 
ወደቁ =u. All other MSS. £ራAt: 7 Restored in accordance with G wai 3Abey 
boy) እyovca, 5 gu, 8-0. Fm, 0 read AIC: 5 Iu, Nn. Fm read DAHAE 
B-» Aዛሰፎሙ፡ nam, w መ reads FAY, (sic). 8-5 TAH / adds on 
margin 4A; 5 reads ዴብ; = 9. ድ,8 read ጽብልስያሌል፡  ጽልእብልበጹል፡ 
tu በልሲዩሌል፡ See note 7, p. 35, 5m. g/u read ቤጌሴር፡ g-5y ቤኔቤር፡ 
n ጸጌቤኔር፡ » ቤናቤር፡ ። ሲኔኒር፡ = 5 ኮrefixes 0. = 9, a add እትናገር፡ “aD. 
9, 7 B-% append $. 7 u reads AትSIC: # m reads “Ei » pAዛAews »g. 
So also G. All other MSS. read He; 40 9, 9 a read 2AY: VB, 
Z reads HA 9 HA: 5 9 reads YL 3 Bh reads AE 4 gy prefix ©. 
5 ወ reads ርዉዎ፤፣ “" 9 adds ርጺጡ፥ ©. 7 nm reads AYSIC: » g,Dn a read 
በልሳን; / omits next five words. These were afterwards added in the margin. 

XIIL. 4 XIV. 3. ENOX 395 

ን ጦN \ኣ € [4 [a ኮ! ie 5) id d [ey Ly [ei Ld ) \ 
ayrois TO VTOuyvmha Tis épeoTreas éydrtoy Kvyploy Tog otpayot, 8. Gru ayroi 
ን # [4 [nN ንኢ Be DN, \ 3 N ኣ ን \ 
OUKéTt Byyavrat Aaxjjlrat, ovB¢ €Tapau avr@y Tovs GpOaAuovs eis Tv obpayby 
BEEN f 4 X ) ሕሞ € [4 ላ # 1 # Ly 
aT9 airxUvns ¥ epi @y Tuapriikevay kai Karekpignray 7. 6. Tére €ypara 
[Pn [ey \ ላ [MN Ee 
TO UTOuvnmha Tis €perNrews avréy kal Ts Belrets epi T&y Tyevudray avr6y 
ኣ ላ m 
kat epi @y Béoyrat, Gnes avry Yévwyrat tipers Kat akpdrns., 7. kai 
\ Pe ኣ im x Pe 
Topevgeis é€xdgira én T6y UBdrey Ay ¢y Ys Ady, ilrws €rriy x X¥ Beéigy 
Jy ላ ERE 2 ኦ) [t ኣ CG [ay / 3 ey 4 
puoveteiu _BUreas 5" Gyeyivarkoy 9 Vnduynua Ty Belréeay avry €as 
ኃ oA 
ckotuilgny. 8, kai (Boy Gyetpot ¢m’ éut 1iAgoy kai Gpdrets én élut €nérnToy, 
ላ [ny መጦ [ay fe [ey 
kat Sov Gpdrets Q0yils, ¥ kal IXgey bey Aeyovra * Ein6y s Tots viots Tog ovpayog 
Frog €XéYEats atroys., 9. kai €£vmyos yeydueyos Agoy Tbs ayroys, Kai Tdvres 
ጫ Ly H ላ [ey 
Tumlyuévov €xdgnuro revgogvres [rey EBfgekrard 1, ijlrts Soriy Gy éroy Tog 
AuBdyoy kai Sey 8, TeptkekaAvuéyot Tijyv GYuy. 10, €véntoy bray Kats 
RD [i ቫ 
2 ያ Pr [F N ደ N ጫጥ N N [os YY Fy f 
GvlyyetXa ayrots das Tas Gpiets As eigoy Kara robs iyovs, kat Mpéduny 
Aaእety Toys Xdyovs Ts Btkatoryyns, €A€YXy 70 Tobs €ypnydpovs Tog ovpavoy. 
XIV, BiBX0s Adyey Bkatortvns kai €A€YEews €ypnydpey Tév ano Tog 
yn NEN 5 N TR EAD TT A t 2 # Se ) N 
at@yos, KaTd Tily €»ToMIy To0 @ytoy Tog eyakoy €y Tavrn 71] Oparet. 3. Eye 
ጫ N NERO AT es # ጋ # # ን» mn # 
eigoy kar robs tinyoys oy 015 viv AY €y YA] rapkivn ¥ey TO Tyvetuart 
Tog rguards oy, 0 €Bakey 6 eéyas 75 Tots GygpaTous AaXeiy €y avrots Kat 
Xyollret KapBias 1#" 3. 6515 gkTtyey Kai EBwkeyi6 €Xéyéagau 17 ¢€yonydpovs 

1 E = mepi T@y dhaprtSy airy epi Sy karexpignray. 2 E wrongly omits. 
3 E gives the right order = Beg,Sy Bvrees ‘Ep. «4 Em. with E from es. UR 
ire. SE = tai Aye. Since FE = "ABeyian it is not improbable that we have 
here a corruption of "AlBetiwmn a town in the Antilibanus, which could be loosely 
described as lying between Lebanon and Senir, i.e. Hermon. There was a play 

of words in text, “The angels were mourning (23%) in Abilene (ih2sak). phe 
O. T. Senir, a name of Hermon (Deut. iii, 9) or of a part of it (Cant. iv. 8). 5 Tras 
before évémtoy with £. wE = xa ENOuE IR adds nai MS on =a 
€y TS myebuaTi uoy 6 €Aeokey 6 uéyas eis T) rua. But see note 52 below. 2 IE the 

text i5 right ore must be taken as under the same government as Yen. FE =vojras 
wapBia. 5 Read es with E. 5 Add with E the following words which have been lost 
through hmt.: yoety Toys Ndyovs iis Yvorees, kai €ué fxrtrey kai fBoxkey, 1 MS. exxegay gat. 

mn omits next word. » dy read በመንፈስ: See note 52 below. 0 m appends t. 
a Fiu,8. mg read 304%: 5 m8. #gu read NE: It is Lossible that for Ré: 
or Ri we should read RZ and read as follows በመንፈ; At: Hoy: 0ቢ#; = ©. 
lxxxiv. x confirms this sugeestion. After R&i m adds Hወሀበ:i 00: 2 add Hoyt: 
5 m reads &YSIC: 5a add ANA: / prefixes hoi ™ m reads PA: 9,0 
read U0; 5 m reads ሰብRi mu add ወሲ; 9 adds Pሲ1k ግ # adds 

36 መጽጠፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ XIV. 3-8. 

“ቃለ; ጸኣምሮ፡ ወ’ሲትኒ፡፡ ፈጠረ፡፡ ወወሀበ።፡ ኣዝልፎሙመ፡፡ ለትጊሃቱ፣ ውሱደ፡ ሰማይዶ 
4. ጸኔ* ስኣለተክሙመ፡’ ጸሕፍኩ፡ ወበራኣይዩ፡ ከመዝ፡ ያስተርዉ፡" ኣስመ፤ ስጻሰችክሙመ፡ 
ጺትከወንክመ፡፥ ውስት፤ ሹሱ፡ “መዋዕሰ፡ ዓሲም፡ ወ“ሸነኔ፡ ፍጽምት ሳዕሴክሙመ፡ ወ“ጽዚይክውኝ 
ሕሙ” 5. ወ“ጸምይኣቬ፣ ጽትንር፥" “ውስተ *ሰማይ፡። ኣስከ ሹሱ፡ ዓሰም፡" ወውስገ። 
ም.ድር፡ ትን7ሪ፡;። ዶኣስርካመ፡ በዙሉ መዋዕሰ፡ ዓለም። 6. ወጻምቅ.ድመ፡ ዝንቱ ርጻሕክመ፡። 
ሐኾሰ፡ ውሱ.ፎሕመሙ፡ “ፍቁራን ወጸልብካሙ፡” ተጥራያኒሆሙ፡። ተ ጸሳ፡። ዶወ.ፎቁ፡ ቅ.ፎጃክመ፡ 
በሰዴፍ። 7. ወስኣለትኸዝመሙመ፡ በኣንቲጸሆሙመ፡። ዚዴክውን፡። ወበጻንቲጸክካመሙ፡። ወ“ጸንትሙ፤፡” 
ኣንዘ፡;” ትበኻዩ፡። ወታስተበፉዑ፣ ወ“xትተናገፉ፡።” ወምንት ቃሰ፡ ጳምውስት፣፥ መጽሐፍ 
ዘጸጻሐፍኩ፡። 8. ወሊት፣ “ራኣይ፡ ከመዝ: ጸስተርጸዩኒ፤። ሪሆሁ፡። ይደመናት፡ በራኣይ፡ 
ድጴውንኒ፡። ወጊ፡ ዴጴውዐበኒ፡" ወፉጺጸት፣ ከዋክብት፡ ወመባርቅት፡ ያፇጕዑኒ፡" ወኒያጽህቁኒ!፡። 

1 9 trans. 270 omit. $e adds NA; 2A: RAC: # » reads ፈMéi and 

omits following ©. sa # B append kt. 5 a. B reads AHAEas nm trans. to 
end of verse. 71, Fna read AYLYE: 5 w omits, BረFBB prefix @. I, 8 
am read NAለት”. 5 9 reads ስትረAs 0 adds Pei 1 £, ho read Naለት". 

5 9 reads A; መዋ0A; # መዋ0ለ; ሰላም፤ ።nያ/ 5. Zu read FRY gu omit. 
5 u adds ሰላም; Z adds the dittography from verses 5 and 4: aA: Yeh; 
ውስተ ዙሱ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ ዓሰም፡ ወቫነኔ፣ ፍጽምት፡ ሳባዕሌሴክሙ፡ ወጺይክውገክመ፥ '፡ መ omis. 
7 ያያ B- መ reads “JዓርT፥ 9, 8 “ተፀርገ። = "ት0ርY፡ 5 9 reads Nyt: 
'5 / adds ዩየጋልፍ፤ 20 F defective here. See G. 1 ሠ reads YEE; 25 #2 reads 
ርክ 5g omits. 3 abpcfFBsIab. mu, gy» read TCL. 9 MራያiሆFaw 
ያ ጥፉያኒሆመ፥ ።“ ጥራይነ". ። ጥረትና". ዕ ጥራያኒሆመሙመ፡ ጥረትና". 1፲ take ትራ" to be 
a corruption of YራEPLPaD; = kardhetuua Or KardiXoeroe = Aram. NID, As this 
word means either Kardaeihua Or Svmets we have here an explanation ol the text of G. 
The construction in the text Rn Tr cannot be given any intelligible 
meaning, Tt = nec habebitis possessores eorum, whereas by restoring the single lost 
letter we get nec habebitis reliquias eorum. 5 008. mu read AA; I 
omit. 7 መ adds ስከ ለዓለመ፤ ዓሰም 5 Iu, Fhon omit the initial © and 
at, trans. before RPh: / appends ¥ to AY and 8-5 c/ append k. = ss omits, 
m adds YnYi u omits. gu read ትY0ht: Dna omit. uw omits. See 
note io, D. 317. The negative should be omitted here and in the next word. *2mg,d. 
Other MSS. add L. 2 adds superscription በaንti ድቤ: ደመና: ይጽውዑ 
ንበ; ርኣዩ ቤት፡ ዘሕኑጽ፡ በጻብ፤፣ በረደ Sa, am, Ban trans. 7 9 reads RCAtL: 
5 gy prefix ©. Sem. Other MSS. ARው0L ua, abcdge. gt read "01 
mo Fh8In as 3 ia, gFBSInoab. aycep read fF. wu omits next five 
words through hmt. 5 Fmg. #8 ROEHL: (4 omits the 1). Either word may be 
regarded as a rendering of €fopuigatdy he which is here, however, a false rendering 
of the Semitic. See note 13, p. 37. 4g omits next four words. 

XIV. 3-8. ENOQX 97 

Toys viobs Tog obpayog., 4. Ey% Tily €epdrlrw VuSy [T@y GyyéAay] 1 ¢ypay'a, 

) 2 Fe Ce [ey a £0 ፆ 0 F: X ) ot Fp BV By የ oe 
Kat €y TI] Oparét oy TovrTo _€OetxXn Kat OUTé” 1] €DaTIrts Vu@ay Tape 

[my ኣ [ey 
BéXON:, 5. ¥iya unikért? eis Tay obDavay Gval3iiré ¢rt Tdyras Toys aiSvas, kai ¥ ey 

ሓ ሓ [os LaANT i i J ጫ ሮ ኃ [4 \ N ኘ [ey ን 
Tois f Seruots VT Tis Yifls 5 €poegn Bila ues eis Tdras Tas yeveas ' ro aiSyos, 
No] ኣB 4 Vy N 5) [4 fe [yn የ ሓ 3 in 
6. kali (yal pO S royrey (Bre Ty GTOXetay TO» ViSy Uu6y TOy &yannr Oy, 

Ni ty) La Eve Ld 0 fe ኦ) N ሓ Sip Cn , Ld 
kai Gru ok ¢rrat Uuiy Gunes 9 abr@y, AAG Terovrat €vOTtoy VuGy €y axaipa. 
A Cf \ ጋ መ 3 y FN i CBRE NN boli 
7. kai }] éparnrts Yu@y epi avrQy obk é€rrat ob epi VuSy' TY kat theis 
in i in in [a ጭ 
1 XaXofyres Ty biiua &n9 Tis yoapis 3s 

KXa(oyres 10 Kai Bedueyot Kai ily 
typaya. _ 8. Kai got Xe Gparet’s otras eBeix0il" igoy vepéxat éy 7) Gpdet 
ekdXoyy Kai GuiXXat ue ¢@péyovy, kai BtaBpoluat T6y Qrrépoy kat biarpanat ue 

Kare TovyBaCoy Kai  egopyBa(dy 75 ue, kai iyeiou €y Th 6pdét oy { eéenérardy 14 

1 A gloss. EF omits. 5 E = kara Tovro. SE Or « E= obk grat Vuty, 
and adds eis das Tas JuéDae TOU aigyos Kai N koigts éreyete6n ¢b Uués kai otk érrat Uuiy, 
Susp 3 «p 1 eb ok k 
5 FE = kai dr9 roy Uy, 5 For Beruois we should probably read Seuiots. The 
bk k 

phrase is found in Lam. iii. 33 PN YON, LXX Seruiovs is. The phrase here means 
those confined in the earth.’ For similar phrases see Zech. ix. 11, 12; Wisd. xvii, 2. 
There was an obvious paronomasia JON OK, for G as early as Origen’s time had 
Seruois. But Origen s words (<. Celsaes V. 52) koxditergat Beruois UroBMngéyras éy Y] show 
that he could make nothing of Beruois iis Ys. The corruption most probably arose in 
the Aramaic Beruois Tils Ys = NYS "IAEYR corrupt for NEN, E is defective = €y 
7 )8. 7 E = upas. * MS. rept. » Beer (KRautzsch, Apok. ii, 245) regards this 
word as a rendering of NI = T9 tardaoeroy, which, however, the translator rendered 
by Swmees. But could Sms be a rendering of Nn? Since E is here corrupt but 
points to kardaetuka (see note 23, D., 36), the original Aramaic was probably ni, 
which = taraaeiuiua Or gute, 1 We should expect kai kxatdvrey. n Em. from 
MS. un, which E follows. The corruption of wy into uyls is found in x. 7. If, however, 
the negative is original, ui) Xaxoyvres may be corrupt for ul እaxdvres or Aagdyres = ND 
haps, which should be taken as the apodosis :; « Ye are not to receive” 5 E = Goats. 
5 This word (= perturbabant, and so £) cannot be right. We require a synonym of - 
KaTegrovga(oy., NOW égoptigatoy= Heb. Yon. Jn this context the translator should have 
rendered it erdxvyoy, In Aramaic this verb is only found intransitively in this sense, but 
this may be an accident. ™ This may be an attempt to render ISR = «caused to fly. 
This Aramaic verb is used by Onkelos to render 135) in Num. xi. 31. On the other hand 
the LXX gives séeréparey but one MS. égerérarey (as already remarked by Lods ss joc.) 
Now if NSN stood in the original, séeréraray may have been an attempted rendering. 
But in that case we must attach to it a meaning that cannot be justified in Greek. 
This verb is from gxrerdyvvue = «to spread out» but the translator of E apparently 
confused it with séerrnoay and derived it from serérauas and ascribed to it an active 

98 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና XIV. 819. 

*ወነፉሰት፣፡ በራኣይ፡ ሇያሰርፉኒ። ወያቕጕኮጵኒ።። ወጸንመጹኒ፡፡ ሳዕለ፡ ውስተ፡ ሰማይዴ። 
9. ወስኣዙ፥ ኣስክ፡፡ ኣቁርብ፡፡ ንበ፡ ጥቐም፡ ዘሕንጽት፡ በጸኣባ፤፣ በረድ ወልሰ ኣሰት፡ 
የዓውዳ። ወ“ወጠ፤’ ያፍርሀኒ።” 10. ወቦጻኩ፡ ውስ፥ ልሰኔ፤ ጻሳት፡ ወቀረብኩ፡፣ ኘበ፡ 
ቤት ዓቢይ" ዘሣኒጽ፡። በጸጻበኔ። በረደ፡።“ ወ“ጸረፍት፤ ውኣጻቱ፡ ቤ1፡" ከመ፤ ጸፍጺፈ፡ 
ሰሴዳት፡፡ በጸኣባን፣፡ ዘጻም" በረድ፤፣ ወ“ምድፎፉ፡። በረድ። 11. ጠፈፉ፤ ከመ 
ፉጸተ፡ ክዋክብት፡ ወ“ መባርቅት፤" ወ"ማኣከሎሙ፡ ኪፉቤን፤። ዘኣሳት፡ ወሰማዮሙ፡፤ 
ማይ። 12. ወኣሰኝ፡፥ ዘይነፎ.ድ፡ በጸውደ፤ ጸረፍት፡=” ወውኖሕቱ፡ “ይውዒ፡ በኣሳት።። 
13. ወቦኣኩ፡። ውስት፣ ውኣቲቱ፡ ቤት፡ ወ።“።ምመውቅ፡። ከመ፡ ኣሰት፡ ወቁቈሪር፡ ከመ፡ በረፎ፡ 
ወጺx“ምንተ;። ፍ70;። ሕይወት” ጸልቦቱ፡” ውስቴቱ!” ፍርሃት” ከደኒ፤ ወረዓ.ፎ፣ ጸጋዘኒ፡። 
14. ወ።ኣንዘ፡ ኣትሀወካ፤ ወ“ኣር0.ፎ፡ ወደቁ በገጽየ፡ ወኣጻሬጺ፡ በራኣይ። 15. DSU; 
ኻካልኣ፡ ቤት፣ ዘንቢ፡ ኣም“ዝክቲቱ፡። ወሰ ውሣት፡።። ርቷት፡። በቅድ ወ“ሕፉጽ፡ 
በ“ልሰናተ፡። ኣሳት። 16. ወበዙሱ፡ ዴፈደፍደ፣ በስብሐት፡ ወበ“ክብር፡ ወበዕበዶ፣። ጻስከ፡ 
ጺዴክስል፡ ዜንዎተክመ፡“ በኣንት፡ ስብሐቲሁ” ወበኣንተ፡ ዕበዬ።* 17. ወምድፉብስ፤። 
ዘ“ኣሰት፡ ወመልዕልቱሁ፡ መባርቅት” ወምርዋፀ፣ ከዋክብት ወጠፈፉፍኒ፣ ኣሰትጎ፣ ዘይነፎ.ፎ። 
18. ወንጸርኩ፥ ወርጺኩ፡ ውስቴቲቱ፡ መንበረ፡" ልዑሰ፤” ወ።“ራኣዩ” ከመ፤ ጸስሐት'ያ፡ ወኳበፁ፡ 
ከመ፡ ፀሕሐዶዴ፡ ዘበርህ፡ ወቃሰ፡ ኪፉቤን።” 19. ወኣምታሕተ፡” መንበፉ፡”። ዴወፀኳ፡። 

1 g reads መፍ ፍስት በረ.ፎ፡ 3 9, / read #N. 3 imu, Ba = KarerrovBatoy 
OF €ratpoy. G2 has emilpay. #,aread flr. 9 AV. 4 a = kai dyilveykdy ue, and 
should be restored after AOA; B reads pi", « u adds Hoi ° £ reads ACA: 
7 a9. 9, 8 read በኣብ፡ “8. ደ reads ጸው: »/ t3ውE: 9 fጸውድ፤ 7 reads 
ወጠ n abcde. PH FBSInaB read ECL mm ያፈርCUL: 9 ያፍርሁL: 
Hh CYL ።u BፍeUis 29! mu read 0ቢ&i = 9 trans. after ei 9, read 
በኣብ፣ “reads በሕርይድ፤ " a7» 8 read ጸረፍቱ (1፡78) ውጻቱ፤ “a. ay read 
ሰሌዳ፤ <9s7/8 $/።0 a5 ሰሌዳ 7 # reads HAY 8 mf, Be. # omits. 
gu read ምድረ፡ < በምድሩ 5 wu reads pብረy; 0 bcu read 0. uy. 
Zw, B read “@A =a-g,n # reads Aረፍli 8-5 RረፍE; 5 e reads iE: 
24 Superscription to verss. 13 59d. in £ 30; Cat; መንበረ: AA 5p8 mu 
read ሞቁ፡ 9 ምቅ 5 Fgu. m reads Yi # acgyt0y YL Sena 
ምገንት፤ 27 9. miu, B~n read &335 » +A O73; 28 ms omits. f, BH 
prefix © against at. Sgmu. gt B read OU, 8 omityRA; mn apa read 
ውስቴኝ፡ 1 am prefixes ©. a £. Other MSS. give the usual form A’#HL 
5 g omits. i Fm omit. 5 # reads DnAAi ©. so # reads ©. mt. 
9 u, / read NYE: 57 Wr 5 Fina. 01 read PAY; #5 BIE: fi 
ፀB-In ይ. መፀ read ርሕውት፤፥ /። ርሣወው፥ » ርቶ ng, PB. mtu omit. 
smu. 9 Bread ANH “mg, B-akgn. gi a8n read ©. *g,eno(v). gi 
B~en 0 read O0£i mu 300i “g/ aycgeiinas. m reads biወY. 9 ዜhiዎY. 
#ዜንወት". ያዕ ዜንወት". »ኃዜንዎተሙ፡ «5 e trans. these two Words. to m, m read 

XIV. 8-19. | ENOX 399 

ke kai STiodyi le divas kai eiilyveykdy ke eis roy ovpaydy. 9. kat 

eicilAgoy uéxpis ilyyura reixovs oikoBouils 5 €y Aigows Xakd(ns Kat YAérats *# 
N ሜጫ 5 \ 5 

Tup6s KUKXO ayr@y' Kal ijpéayro €xpofgety ke. 10. Kat eirigoy eis ras 

# ሓ ያ ኣ Ld 20 ጫጭ ly 3 8 [4 ኮ] NiO 
YAdrras To0 upds, kai yy eis oikoy uéyay oikogounluéyoy €y Agous 
እd B )] c [a ሓ Ld € IN [i N ኣ [lm Ni ኦ) ፆ 6 
XaXdEns 2 kai ot Totxot Tog oikoy @s AUOOTAakes, kai Tara lay €K XeOvos 9, 
IN BEN Hu \ € / hs N # NESE) ፆ ኣ 
kai Bd Xtovvkd, 11. kat ai créyat @s Biagpoluat aTépey Kat agTpamats Kat 
N ን fe \ [A ኣ ን \ኣ ን [ey ey ላ [ey [4 
kerTaky atr@y XepovBiy Typtva, Kat ovpayos ary tUBep, 12. Kat Up pAeyo- 
[ei ላ [Lm 
keyoy KUKA® TO» ToiXxey, Kali gUpat Tupi Kavoevat, 18. eiiAgoy 7 eis roy 
[ey [ey \ኣ ጮሌ [ay 
ofikoy exeivoy, gepuy 1 es Tip kat WUXPOy @s Xtdy, Kat Tira Tpopils Coils 
ovk Nv €y ar pdBos ue €xdXu\ey Kai Tpiuos ue €AalBey. 14, kai ilunly 
\ኣ Le) 
etdueyos kai Tpéuy, kai €réeroy Femi Tpdrandy uov kat? €geypovy éy Th 
Gptret thoy, 15, kai iBoy ¥EAANY gvpay Give yuévny KaTéyayr( hoy, kai § oikos 
kei(av Tovroy, kai OXos 10 oikoBouueyos ¢€y YAdrras ups, 16. Kai OXos 
[# ጋ # Nw ይ) ሓ i) ፆ ey ኣ ፆ ጋ nN 
Btapépoy €y BUén kal €y Tuulj kat €y ueyaxoiyn, Gre uy Sivargat ke €ietrety 
Vuiv epi Tis Bdéns kai epi Tis ueyaxoyvns atrog., 17, 7911 €Bapos avrog 
L Ys ላ 
lv Tubs, T8 B¢ Gyérepov aro lay Qrroaat kai BeaBpouai rrépwy, kai 1] 
ኣ.. 9 መሓ iN ጫፍ 
oTéyn atrot ly Tio PpXéyoy, 18. ‘Egedpovy B¢ kal eiBoy 15 gpdyvoy UNIAGy 5, 
kai TO eigos aprot rei KpurTNAwvoy, kai # TpoxX6s @s JAiovy Aduroyros 1# kat 
ኣ [A ሓ 
f Spos Y 75 Xepovf3iy. 19, kai Urokdre rof Opdvoy ێeropetovro ToTauoi ups 

meaning, i.e. ‘to cause to fly. The same wrong meaning is attached to égerérare 
by the Ethiopic translator of Prov, xiii. 16. On the whole I am inclined to regard 
égereraray here as a corruption of €feréparay, as Lods suggests, The idea seems 
to be derived from Num. Xi. 31 veka #éfINgey rapd kvpioy ka €feréparey Qproyouilrpay. 

i E = rareorovgatow, or possibly gratpoy. 5 E wrongly trans. into next clause. 
5 E, = oikogounuéyou. ‘ MS. yerans. ° = 1a "35% ([sa. Xxx. 30). 5 E = €y እigore 
Tots €k Xdvos. ' E prefixes ai, *s E = rov®). These words are frequently confused: 

cf. Gen. xlix,. 20. It is difficult to decide which is original. rpopy] may be right. On the 
other hand rpv®s is used of Sheol in Sir. XiVv. 16 oe €rrey éy digou énrioae Tpvpilv (N3 
ጋህ wpa). Cf. also Erubin 84. ? Added from E. 0 Seems corrupt. E which 
ives good sense = GAAos oikos ei(ay Totroy Kai OX] i) gvpa aro Syveoyuéwm Karéyayvri ou 
kai. G8 appears to be a dislocated form of E. RE kal: 5 E adds és air&. 
emg of E = UyenAos. Ei = TpoxSs atroD os jjAtos dure, The expression goes 
back to Dan. vi, 9 Pኃኝግ ነኝ "nBBDS = TDoxoi atroy Tip katgueyoy, The text of E, is 
preferable as to sense. ® Corrupt for Spares. E seems to have had opos before it 
and emended it into Srds (from SY) ‘the voice. 

ወምድርበ፡ “a, 8 omits. # a-g(5). 9, 3 read መብረ: 9 reads መንበር: 
= /u, 8. መያ read NAAN 1 Freads NE: 5 mg. 2,8 read @Ai 
Sao. BoB read ወaመትሕች: 5 9 reads YC: The suftix in Qs = the 
Greek art. B adds 0; 5 mg/u, BL reads OBA: (sic) // £ወፀ:; 

40 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ XIV OVEN 

ጸፍሳገ፡ ኣሰት፥ ዘይነድድ፡ ወጺይክል፡ ርጻዩ።፡ 20. ወ"ዓቢዶ፡፡ ስብሐት፥ ዶነብር፡ ሳዕሌሆ፡ 
ወዓጽፉሰ፡ ዘዶበርህ፡ ኣምፀሕይ፡ ወይጸዓዱ፤ ኣም።“ዙሱ፡፡ በረድ 21. ወዚይዴኻል፡፣ 
“ወጸ መኒጀ፡። ጸመሳባኣሕት";፡ በpጽ፤ ወርጳዩ፡' ፲፭; *ሰክቡር፡ ወስቡሕ፡፡ ወጺዴሕል፡"፡ ወጺ“መፉሃ፡ 
ዘሠጋ፡ ይርጸድ፡ ኪያሁ። 25. ኣሰት፡" ዘደኒፎደ፡ በጸውዲ'፡ ወ“ጻሰት፡ ዓቢድዴ፡። ይቀውም 
ቐድሆሁ፡ ወጸልቦ፡ ዘዴቁርብ፡ ንቤሆ፡ ኣምጻኣሰ፤ ጸውዲዷ፤ ትኣልፊተ፡" ተኣልፊት፡” ቅፎሆ፡ 
ተወውልኣቱ፡ ጴይፈቅዶፎ፡ ወውኣጻቱሰ፡ ምሕርተ።። 23. “ወቐድሰት፡ ቅዱሰን; ኣሰ፡ ዴይቁርበ፡ 
ኃጋቤሆሁ፡ ጺዴይርሣቁ፣፡ ሴሲጊ፡። ወጺየጸትቱ፡። ጻምኔሆሁ። 24. ወጸ፤፡ ሀሰወውኩ፡፥ ኣስከ፤ ዝንቱ 
ደበ; ገጸየ፤ ተፃልእባቤተ፡። ኣን ጻርዕፎ;።“ ወጻኘዚኣ፣፡ በጸፉሆሁ፡። ጸውዕዐ፤ኒ፡ ወዴደቤሲኒ፡ ቅረብ 
ዝዩ: ሃኖክ፡ ወለቁልዩ፡ ቱቅዱስ።ቱ። 25, .... ወጸንመጸኒ፡ ወጸጽቅረበኒ፤ ኣስከ” "ኖግሣች፤ 
ወጸንሰ፡ ፲ገጽዩ; ታሕች፤ ተጻኔጽር።፥” XV, ወጸውምእኒ፡” ወይቤሰሲኒ፡ ወሰቃዙ፡። ሰማዕኩ ። 
ጺትፍራህ፡። ሃሄኖክ፡ ብኣጻሲ፡ ጻደቅ፡ ወጻሓፈፌ፡ ጽፎቅ፤፣ ቅረብ፡ ዝዩ፡። ወስማዕ፡ ቃልዩ። 
2. ወሑር በሙ “ሲት ሰማዴ;። ሓኣሰ፡ ፈነዉካ;። ትስጸል፡ በጻንቲጸሆመ፡ ጸንተመሙ፡ 
መፍትመ፡ ችስጸሱ፡ በኣጻንተ፡ ሰብኳጻ፡ ወጸኮ፡;።” በሰብኳ፤ በጻንፒቲጸክሙ። 3. በጻንት፤ ምንት 
ኃ.ደገመሙ፡፥ ስሰማዩ፡ “ልአዑሰ፡ ወቅዱሰ፡" ዘለዓንሰም፡ ወ“ምስለሰ፡ ጸንስት፡ ሰከብክመ፡ ወምስለ 

1 £ reads RAT: 2/5, Al] other MSS. “At $m, Irak, 9, B-agy 
rad ርጳዮች፣ /። ርጺዩ፡ » ርጻዮን፡ ta, yp, #8-y read 0ቢf; s Jn omit. 
‘h8. mou read Aኻሱ #5 ly, omit. Sq omits next seven words through 

bmt. 275, By. ay read መላ”. »ggtnn. wu reads CA mn CA 
1 g reads 'T&; ።u Probably corrupt for በnAC: ወስብሐት; as in G. Ry oy, 
Zmnu read ወጺድNሱi 9, B-cy»y ዴል # Bcya omit. 5 a (save that-# 

reads in acc.), ak oy. So m, but prefixes ©. B~a kn oy read AA: AY 1 # reads 
በጸውደ 7 B trans. 5 wu prefixes H. b adds Aሰት 5 9 reads RAላፍ ©. 
0 mg, g-e0. Hu, eo (v) read RAY 1 SOF gu save that gu add 0 at end of 
ወውጸ'E; and 9 reads Mei This may be simply a corruption of PውREሰN; RYE 
Pei of mp 8 (save that mh read PMCS), which, if we emend FPNeéi into avneo; 
== Sir. Xlii. 21 ovgé Tporefenlen ovgevés vuBovkoy = a5 255 ]'ገኝ ND. Ttis probable 
that E and G (= kai as Xdyos atrog €pyov) are both defective and complementary. 
At all events both clauses seem to have been before the author of Secrets of Enoch, 
XXXii1. 3 ‘My wisdom is my counsellor, and my word is reality au. NEU), 
a read ቅድስት፣ ቅዷ". /, 8 ቅፎስተ፣ ወቐቅዱሳን፤ = /።, 8 ። add ወጺ(ወያ»ደ/። ዕነመዓልት፡ 
e nu read መዓNAY: oh". 4 ያ. m8 read ወጺድትNትቱ፡ 5 "“ይጸትቱ፡ = “ሐት 
5 = TepiBእnua. ™# reads JAE: But the text is corrupt for PAH: = epgeBAnuévos. 
The question then arises which is right, G or £2 The former seems right: ct. 
Dan. Vii. 117 €gauBiny kai Time eri npdrendy kov (1 heod.). The same clauses are 
found in the Secrets of Enoch, xxi. 3 ‘1 was afraid and fell on my face. Lods well 
compares Luke xxiv. 5. 0 B reads ACAE: PAJOC; (5) add AOC: after 
ጻር0ዕደ፡ 7 5 omits. 25 = gytoy corrupt (7) for éikovroy as in G. Here E is 

XIV. IOXV. 3. ENOX 41 

m ላ 
@Xeydueyou , kai obk €Bvvdrgny iBeiy. 20, kai 1] Bdéa 3) ueydn exdgnro én 
aur" T9 TepulgdAatov airog [es eigos]®* Aiov Aaunpdrépov kai Aevxdrepoy 
t Le \ » Hr = y Pi [RS N PH 
Tals Xtevos. 21, Kat Ovk €QvyarTo Tas @yyéNos TapéNgety (eis Toy oikoy 

ላ nN ሓ 
1 kai (Beiy T9 Tpdreroy arog ¥ Bud TO €yrtuoy kai ¢vboéoy 3, kai opt 

€gvyaro Tira épé iBeiy air6y., 22, T9 mip PXeydueyoy KikXG’ kai Ep béya 

# ጋ = DEES E (€ ጋ iN DOERR 0 e # 
Taper rite are, kai ovgeis €yyiCet air (76) * KOKA, uupiat uptdBes éoTJjkarty 
)] ፆ ) [ey = ላ [e [6 ን [ey Ld B N ); el [el 
cvoTtov atrots kal Tas AGyos abrog éDyoy. 23. Kai oi Gyo T@y 
ኦ) [4 6 € ግ ih: ን መሓ }) ግ መሓ \ኣ Ld ን ፆ ን [el 
ayyéAay 5 ot €yyiCovres airy ovk GToXeopogrty vukr6s otirée dpiravra arog. 

ላ ላ 

24. Kaye Juny es Tovroy én npdrardy oy BeBAMuéyos 7 kai Tpéuey, kai 6 
ፆ IN ያ 2 EN ያ i oi # ጭ € fc ኣ 
KUptos TO Tduart abrog €éKdXéréy ue Kat einéy uot LlpdreNge age, “Eyéx, kai 
T0y AGYoy oy fikovzoy $. 25. (kai TpoeAgéy uot eis T6y dy(oy ilyetpéy el 
kat €oTleéy le kai Tporilyayéy ue expt Tis gvpas’ ¢y% B% T9 npdrendy oy 

Kare ékvpoy. 
XV. Kai Qroxpugeis einéy uot [0 Giygpenos 6 &Angwds, ygparos ils 

\ Po im = a 

GMnlgeias 6 ypauuareys]? Kai Tis bovis arog ilkovra’ ui ቁoBngys, ‘Evéx, 
dvgpworos &AMOgys kai ypakuluareys Tis GAngeias" pdreéxge @Be, Kai Tis paviis 
hoy Gikovroy., 3. Topeygre 70 kai’0 eins 11 Tots Téuariy Ze . . , ."Epeorjiraes 
ሩ Ld ); መ ን [4 ላ N ኣ a # Ny Ie En ኣ ዞ 
Vas €Qet Tept Tay ay0paTey, Kat ull Tovs dygporovs epi Vu6y. 3. 6d TU 

[ey ip Fe ላ [ey መጦ 
QTeAireTée Toy obpayby Toy UNA» TOv dytoy Tog aiéyos, kat er TOy Yvyatky 

1 Better read paeyouévoy with FE: cf. Dan. vii. io. 2 Bracketed as an interpola 
tion. 5 See note 12, D. 40. “ Tey Supplied from E£. So Diels and Flemming. 
Kuk Cannot be connected with the next clause owing to the words éyeortoy aro. 
2 See Slav. En. Xxxiii, 45 Ps. cxv. 3. E = ove rpoggeirat otBeutge ruvuBouእis. It is 
probable that this clause, or some equivalent, is lost in G. See note 21, D. 40, 
5 E = dyioy. 7 E = repiBanua which is corrupt. Enoch is prostrate on his face: 
See note 25, D., 40. 5 E = Gytov corrupt. ° Bracketed as an interpolation. 
They occur in their correct form and place two lines later. If they are in any sense 
authentic the second ivgpeoros must be regarded as an intrusion. 1 SE pans, 
u E adds roie éypnyépots ro ogpayog. 5 Add with E the following words lost 
through hmt.: speorfioat repi ayr®y. 

defective, G supplies the lacuna kai Tporeእg@y oe ei Ty dyioy jyetpéy ue. 5 w reads 
30; m Untranslatable: corrupt possibly for AR}: = G kv@oy. Treads 
ወጸን. = Em. with G wai Tis ovis atroy from በ2t; Smo. w omits. 

#, B read ስማ0i = ae prefix. » dreads Wt: £94. mi, Bread DdrC 
7 CG omits. S/uB-D. m reads ፈihi Yh: ss ih: 5 fu, ade 
Rup. Fm, BcFhopsab read Rhi » 9 reads AA: ወዲስ: " m omits. 


435 መጽሐፈ፡ ህኛኻ፡ RN 0 

ጸዋል ሰብጻ፡ ረኩስካመ፥ ወነሣኣካመ“። ሲክኻመ፡፥ ጸንስተ፡ ወ’ከመ፡ ውሱደ፡ ምድር 
ገበርክመ፡ ወወሲፎካመ፡፥ ውሱደ፡፣ ረዓዴት፡።’ 4. ወጸንትመሙሰ፡ “ቅዱሰን; መንፈሳዊያን 
ሕሐያዋ፤፡፣ ሕይወት ዘሲ'ዓሰም፡ ተበደበ፡፥" ጸንስት፡ ረኰስክመ፡ ወበ“ ደመ፤ ሠጋ፡ ጸውለፎሕሙ፡ 
ወተበቢደመ፡ተ። ሰብኣ፤ ፈተትውመ፡ ወገበርክመ፡ ከመ ኣሙንቲቱ፡ ዶገብሩፉ፡። ሥጋ; ወደመ፤። 
ኣሲ; ኣመንቲ “ይመውቱ ወ'ዴትሐሕጐኮሉ፡።” 5. በኣንተዝ፡። ወሀብክዎመ፡" ጸንስቲ.፡” 
ከመ፡ ዴዝርሉ፡ ሳዕሴሆን፡ ወድደትወሰዱ፡። ውሱደ፡። በሳዕሴሆንኝ፡ “ከመ፤ ከሣማሆ፥።” ዚዴንችን፡። 
ፃብር፡ ተበሳዕሌሆኝ;። + በጁበ፡ ም.ድር። 6. ወጸንችትመሙሰ፡ ቁዳሚ፡።፡ ከንክመ፡፥ መንፈሳዊ; 
ሕያኛኞ፤። ሕይወት” ዘሰዓሰም፡ ዘ" ድመው ሰ"ዙሰ፡ ትውልደ ዓለም። ፣. ወበጻንትዝሽ፡። 
ጺ'ረሰይኩ፥ ሰካመ፡፥ ጸንስቲያ፡። ኣጻስመ፡፣ መንፈሳሰዊያ፤፡። ሰማዴ፡። “ውስት፡ ሰማይ 
መሓ.ፎሪሆሙ፡፡ 5. ወይጻዜኒ፡ ረፃዴኝ፡ “ኣሰ; ትወልዲ; ለመና ፍስ” ወ“"ሥጋ፡ መንፈሳት" 
ኣኩያ፤። ዶሰመይደ፡። በኗሄበ፡ ም.ፎር፡ ወ“ውስት፡ ም.ፎር፡። ይክውን፡ መሓድሪሆመሙ።፤። 
9. ወ“ገፍሰት፡። ልኩያን፤፡ ወጽዙ፡። ኣምሥጋሆሙ፡ ኣስመ፡ ተኣመልዕልት፡”" ተፈጥ 
(ወ።"አምመቅዱዲሰኝ ትጉሃኽ ኮኔ” ቁዳሚተመሙ፡። ወ“ቁቀዳሚ፡። መሰረት;። “መንፈሰስ፡ አኩና፡። 

' a reads NዋA.E: 20, /Omit: "5% Omits, 4 2 omits. 2 # reads 
ረ0ይt;  e3ይYi sgn So / save that for “PY; it reads “EY: 9 reads 
"pያን፤ ቅዱሰን፤ 8 "ውያን ቅዱ". 7 # a(»yy read hያዋY: 5 ድ reads ድወት 
2# reads H. 0 Corrupt for api G éy rg aiuar. qf reads aw REN 

the corruption underlying this phrase see note 4, bp. 43. * 9 reads £30; ie omits 
together with next four words.  m prefixes H. Ba reals EI Py 
read A 7a iB. 7 Bh read ድID. sa-gu, #, HB prefix ©. 

9 reads በኣንY; H. » g reads Ups = 2. Other MSS. read ANY; 
appl, Zmgu read RYOAE: For this rare active use of this verb see Gen. Xxx. 3. 
5 gu. mtg read hE; 5 g omits, together with next three words, ms omits 
next five words. 4% Fy, SO # save that it prefixes ©, and wu save that for YY: 
it reads £IY7i 5 reads ይችI0C: 5 Fu. Other MSS. omit. May be corrupt 
for Wt: Navi = my airois as Flemming suggests. 5 w# reads PAB; » trans. 
after hY. Fm. gu read “py 2B read fH 25 me omits. 5» F reads 
ወሐድወጊ፡ » m reads ©. 1 BBox,y read 0. 5 ፀ reads ትውልፎ፤ ዘሰ. 
Smiu, ade, go FBRInop(»\y,ay read 0A: Dc (wv) ¥ D(x omis)በaንYi YE: 
Agim, agek g#u, bcFhlnox ab read ANY: »ag. 9 reads መiፈሰዊያy; 
B-» ውያጌሰ፡ (») ለመን" 5 a. Bomits. YF. m,FPl8 read AEP 
mx omits, » Fm.fromg AመSé&hስti £ reads ምሰ: Other M55. aምፃፍስY; 
gr Omit ug. miu, 8 read ና&Nስli 5 ወመናፍስYi “5,5, Fmnornu 
read A]; oy add CAH © before Ay; Seu. Other MSS. read ሰots 
X trans. before mY. 1 g reads Df. 5 mm reads PEéPs “gu. mp 

read AEP; Tb B-gnoya. mu, dnoy,a read HEሰl:i 9 ነፍስ 
5s a prefixes ©. u,n add AD.EéPa; ©, but s obelizes. B= dT) Ty dyorépey 
where dyeorépey is corrupt for dvgporey as in Gs. 9 reads AምOAY 0 Added 

with G. fF reads hi = 9 prefixes A. n reads ቀደ = m adds 
hoi ቁዳi nu reads PRI 5 mu read mpሠeti ° mrB-no0b. 2 read 

XY. 3-0, ENOX 43 
€kovui]0nré kai era T&y gvyaTépay Ty Qygpéney éutdvgnre Kai eXd3ere éaurois 
[ay [a [mn 4 [Ay 
yvvatkas i dep vio Tils Yis €Toulrarée kal gyevmlarée €avrois [rékva] = 
FN Ls N SEAS nሓ 5 tl Le N 4 3 [aN FYE 5 ጋ 
vioys Yiyavras. 4. kat Yheis ire @ytot kat Tyeyua(ra) 2 CSyra aidvta’ €y 
mN ሓ nN ) ) 
TS) aiuaTt T6y YuyaikQy €lutdygnré, kati €y aiuart apkos éyeymirarée kai 1 ¢y 
ey ኦ) J ጋ i 4 \ 2] ያ \N ላ ን \ [ei [4 
aikaTt Gy0pOney énegvulrareé «, (kai €érouiraTé) Kags kai atroi Totogrty Fdpka 
\ ly ey ኦአ) # ላ ግ # N መሓ bd ን ሓ 
kat aikas oirtyés GTogwlkovry Kai QGTOAAvyra. 5, Bu roiro ¢Baka ayrots 
OnAeias, iva rephaTtrovrwy 2 eis ars kai Téxyrovrty €y ayrats 0 Tékya ofiras, 

iya i] €KXeiTI]? atroisg5 TEy €pyoy én Tis Yils. 6. Vueis BE vmlpxere vetua(Ta)? 

ሓ ላ 
(Svra aiayta Kai 10 

Bia Toro ok enoinra éy tuiy OnXeias’ Ta 

ovpay® 3] Kkaroikncts ory. 

B. kai boy oi Yiyayres oi yeyvngey- 
T€S GT0 TOV TyevudrTay Kai FapkOs Tye 
katrTa) firxvpet’s (KAngjovrat)5 €rt 
Tis Ys kal €» Thy] ] karoikncts bry 
€oTat., 9. TyeialTay Tovnpé €£5iX00y 
Qn6 Tog éuaros ary, Btért &n9 Ty 
T Qyeorépay V1 €yéyovro, Kai €K T6y Gyioy 

ovk GTogwmlrkovra eis das Ts yevedis To aigyos, 

7. kat 

Tyeya(Ta) ? Tog oypayog, €y Ty 

B. Kal yy oi yiyavres ot yevwm- 
géyres &n9 Tyevudray kai apkis Tye 
kara Tovmpé enti Tis Yiis KaAérovrty 
ayroys 15, rt 3] Karoixnrts abr6y €rrat 
ent Tis Ye. 9. Tyeiuara Tomo 
| Eroyrat, T6 TyveiuaTal €eé£eAnXvgdra &T8 
Tog duaros [Tis apkos | avr@y, Bugre 

1 ኣ [AN 2) # 3 [4 እ ው) መሓ 
eyoyépey 3} SOX) ris krireas airy i cE iy SEY i i TOV 
Gy(ey TO» €yYpnyOpey 1] GPX] Ti}s Krirees 

3k kai oxi) geuéAioy1s' ¥ nyey ) 
OX] OeueXioy Tyeiuara Toympé 3 SE ¢ 3 
atr@v Kai @DXil QeueXiov’ Tyetkara 

1 E adds ai. 2 Bracketed as a dittoaraphic rendering. 5 Ei = mveuuartoi. 
 cregvuilare cannot be constructed with €y aiuart Gvgpeorey unless it represents some 
Semitic idiom as 3 Nay. If it could, it would mean bloodthirstiness, an idea quite 
foreign to the context. The error appears to lie in €y aiuart dvgpeorey. This = 13 
N3 which may be corrupt (2) for N23 339 = Srrep vioi rev dvgpereoy, Cf preceding 
Verse rep vio Tis Yiis éromrare. Mr. Cowley suggests a confusion of DIS ‘ bloody 
and DIS ‘man. Next the object of émegvuijlare may be ipa kai aiua. In that 
case they should be placed immediately after sregvuiirare. But it is better to add xai 
eromzare after ereguvuijare with FE. Thus the restored text = tai rep vioi Ty dviperey 
cregvwilrare, kai erouilrare Kags Kai airoi rotogrey dpkas KT, ? MS, Frepuarifovzey. 
5 MS. avrots. 7 MS, exaetret, Pi 
EF prefixes Bedre. 5 May be corrupt for xanpd: see Yer. 11. E Gs = romp. 
5 Added with £. 1s So also FE. Corrupt for dvgpeorey 
as in Gs, » The phrase is possibly a dittography. Spx) iis #rirees = noi» RJ 
which could easily be corrupted into NገONIS “ግ = Spx} geeእiov. In Aram. we may 
suppose RrhH2, WN corrupted into NHio» ግ. 15 See note 13 above. 

መንፈሰ ጳኩይ፤ 9 መንፈስ፡ ኣዙድይ፤ ። መንፈስ፡ ኣኩያን፤ ። መጦንፈሰ፡ ኣኩያሄ • 5 መናፍስተ 
Ahi 7 omits next five words through hmt. 

3 E = gy agrais. 3 E = ryevuarid. 

Gs has kayérovty agrovs. 

44 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ XV 0 XVII 

ይካው፤' በደበ፡ ምድር፡ ወመንፈሰ። ኣኩ ይዴሰመዶዴ።፡ |[10. መንፈሰሳተ። ሰማይ “ውስ 
ሰማይ; ይዴከውን፡’ መጋ.ፎሪሆመ፡። ወመንፈሰተ፡’ ምድር፡ ዘገፕወልደ፡" በኗበ፤ ምድር 
ውስተ፡ ም.ፎር፡ መጋፎሪሆሙ።"] 11. ወመኘንፈሰ፡ ረፀዐዴጓ“ኒ። ተደመናጌ፡።ተ ልጻለ፡ 
ዶገፍፁ፡ ወያማስኒ፡"“ ወይወ.ፎቁ፡ ወይትበጸሰ፡” ወድደደቅቁ፡'፡ ሄበ፡ ምፎር፡ ወጋዘ፤፡" 
ዶገብሩ፡ ወጺምንተ፤ኒ፡። ዘፎበልዑ፡" ኣሰ; ወ ድጸምጵ፡ ወ“ ፎትፀቁፉ።። 15. ወ“ይትገሥልጵ፡ 
ኣሎንቱ፡። ነፍሳት” ዷበ፣፡ ውሱደ፡ ሰብሣ፣ ወ“ኗበ፡” ጸንስት፡ ኣስመ፡ ወፀጹ፡። (ጸምኔሆመ።)” 
XVI. ኣመዋዕሰሲ፡።” ቁቀችል፡ ወሙስሪ፣ ወሞቱ” ረዓዴትኒ፡። “ጻንት፡ በ: ወፀጸ፡። መናፍስት” 
ኣምነፍሰተ፡። ሥጋሆመ፡። ሲይኩን፡;። ዘ“ያማስጌ፡። ዘኣጻኳንበሰ፡ ቫነኔ፤ ከማሆሁ፡ ያማስኒ፡።” ኣስከክ፡ 
ዕሰተ፡ ተፍጻሜት" ቫሹነኔ፡። ፀቢይዴ፡። ጸመ፡። ዓሰም፡ ዐፀቧዶ፡። ይትፌጸም” ጻምትችሃን፡ 

12 reads Li a reaqs pመንፈስi #0 (5) ,a5. All other MSS. read AY; 
1 Fgu. mt, 8 read Pሰot 2 2. mu read mፍé&NY:i 9/8 pS. 5 0 omits. 
7 m reads Ahk: and trans. before ውስi su. 9 reads ግሮ Other MSS. 
ማሣደሪሆሙመ። 2 e/u. Other MSS. read መé&:hስY; 10 a. 8 reads Ai YAS 
ugu. mtl8 read MAEé. 9 wIEé. ia, afnoy. B~aRnoy omit. » See 
note 3 on Greek text. 9 reads SY; 11 0. mu read DR. #8 Ro. 
¥ trans. this word and the next after £Y0" and adds ME; in their place. vag, 
B~ae. g,ae read ወዴት". 5 mFu, BBnx. # reads ደደቁቁ: 9 ይወድቁ 
B-9B።x ወያደቅቁ፡ 17 == Tpdovs., See note 5, D. 45. 15 m, a dy read “IY 
# ን]; 5 miu, 8. Fg read HEA); 20 m prefixes DA. wu reads A; 
1 m, Byx. All other MISS. read A, but G ai BSySvra supports our text. 
35 = Tporktimrovra. Fm. by Dillmann from REY; of ag, Bo. g reads ጺዴትዓፃወቅ፡ 
u, 0 read RYO; 3 miu. 20, #8 read DA. Arm, 8, # reads AAንE: 
ሠ እሎን 5 መይB. ድu read 1ፍሰች፣፤ 9 ነፍስነ 5 na omit. IPE 
read XK; 5 Added in accordance with G. 5 Em. from 9 AዋOA ag, 
B-I7 read Roi መዋOA; / በዋ”. % 0g reads DfeE; u wu reads ራ0RYE: 
= unde, a free rendering of d® Sy. Bru. Other MSS. read OB a (save 
that # puts in acc.) m, efos,aይ. g,y» read መiፈስi /#, B-/0y» መንፈሰትi =» Em. 
from AምiፍሰትYi of eny. £ reads Aምiፍስትi m omits. 9 reads መናፍስት: ©. 
1 ኣመፍፍስት፡ መናፍስተ ኣከድ፤ ድሰመዩ፣ ። ኣም. 5-።» አምነፍስት፡ = 9 prefixes H. 
s7 u reads ሰኣኩ.ን፡ 5 Em. from ዴማስ; 5 Em. from Roy” of a=, 8. wu reads 
Hዘድማ.  gሃu, B-bcgn. Zn read YAY mn ፍጻ" bcgxa read WH: 
+ Restored in accordance with G. Observe the reading of bcdgx,a in last note, 
which supports this restoration. = a. 8 reads 0ይ; * Fm. fromAaምi “miu, 
Bua. gna omit. 5 ሆu read ይት". 

5 Ei = myeiuara mowmpi €govrat éri Tis Yils kai TyevuaTa rovnpa «Anilrerat. = TS 
verse is merely a repetition of phrases in verses 7, 8. Gs rightly omits. 3 So also 
FE = h35y. Gs has veugueva, which in the sense of ‘laying waste’ may = By which 



1. _[10, Tyeiua(ra) ovpavog, 

KAO erat. 
€y T9 ovpayy 1] KaTotkcts atray ¢rrat' 
kai TQ Tyeylkara ¢ri Tils Yi Ta yeyvn- 
evra, éni Tis Yiis 3] Karoiknrts abréy 
Li 9 \ N ፆ [Pe 
trai. ] 11, Kai Ta Tyetiuara TSy 
Ytyavreoy Tvepekas V5 agikotyra, &payt- 
(ovrTa Kat €»TriTTOyTa Kai UyTaNaiOyTa 
ኣ [ay fe 
kat vypinrovra én Tils Ys [nyey- 
ኣ t 4 \ [i B 
bara FKApé Ytyéyray] < Kat Bpguoys 
kn Bey (4A 
kai BrSyra kai Tporkd- 

[ey ላ 
TotoUyTa Kat ccrgiovra, 

Qrrogvra1 5 
TTOVTa 1, 13, Kai €Eavarilret Tafra (T8) 
ፆ 8 ጎ AN EN N ኮ) A 
Tyeyua(Ta) s eis Toys yioys TOv dvgbe- 
Toy kai #TOy Yuvavky 9, Gru ééeAnAy- 
garty (ar atrév', XVI. &an9 ijluépas 
[oy )] 
Fpayiis kal GreoXeias kat gayaroy 0, 
2 TENET AR H h ኮ ) 
ap By Ta Tyvevuara éxTopevgueya €k 
Ts VWvxiis Tis apk6s bray é€rrat 
# \ ያ e [id r) # 
Qapayicovra Xepis Kpireas" otras apayi- 

/ iy [4 NN 
Fovrty LexXDtS TIuepas Texetaréas, TNS 

ENOX 45 

Tope ent Tils Yils €rovrau 1, 11.78 
TyevwaTa TOV YtydvTey veudueya, @Bt= 
Kovvra, dgpayicovra, €uTinroyra Kat 
FvuTaNaiovra Kai Binrogvra ¢ri ils 
Yils kat Bpduovs rotoyra, kai Bey 
écgioyra, (GAN érerogvra 113 [kai @bd- 
[ey 114 ኣ hy [ey ኣ 

Ciara TotovyTa | Kat OV OyTa Kat DOF = 
ፆ \ ን fe ኣ 
KOnToyTa. 13, kal €£ayarTilovrat Tg 
Tyevliara €ei Toys vioys TOy Gvgpé ney 
kai £76 YuyatkOy 15, BT €€ atréy €ée- 
AAVgart, XVI. kai &T9 Juépas | atpog] 
Ytyévray 1 [NacpnAeiu, ot ie Xvpot Tis Yiis, 
e [ 3 TB ፆ N 
ot keyakot gyoharrTot] *5 T@% Tyeiuara T8 

[a \ 2) ፆ ላ ሆ 
pays Kat aneAeias kat gayaroy 

ን ፆ % [a [em ን Ley 
€kTopevoueya &n9 Tis WvXils avr@y, 
ሩ 2) ሓጫ \ኣ Ls 24 ፆ 

[@s éx] Tis rapkSs €rovrat gpayiCovra 
Xopis Kpirees" otras &payirovert éXpts 

Juépas Tis Texetérews, €es ils Kplrews 

was corrupted into M35. Or veudteva may in the sense of « pasturing be a rendering 
of hyገ, which being a corruption of yy (so Beer) was itself corrupted into 33y 
= vepbeaas, Bouriant followed by Flemming takes vepsaas to be a corruption of 
Napnaeiu. But veudueva 15 against this, “A gloss. GsE omit. 5 E, = Tpduovs. 
° So also Gs: E omits, It may be a doublet of ungsy érgiovra. If it belongs to the 
original text it may be a mis-rendering of 3yገ = ‘to hunger, and should be replaced 
by rewoyra, Or better Atheorrovras doereiy in the sense of an involuntary fast would be 
unusual. Beer quotes Wellhausen, Rese Aray. JHesgenfhums?, 149 sd., to the effect 
that the Jinns suffer from a devouring hunger and yet cannot eat. Ei corrupt = 
See D. 44, note 232. 5 M5. wronsly trans. before kai €Eavarriet. = 
1 Add réy Yeydvrew with GsE., It is required by ab’ Sy. rag 
av must be taken with €k Tis WuXIs Tis apeos afiray., It is the Semitic idiom VOD '1 
hnገb3 = “from the souls of whose flesh” = Add with Gs E myevhara rowmpa «AnOrerat. 
See note 1. 15 See note 6 above. These words though not found in Gs or F 
may be genuine as Lods recognized. » See note 9 above. 5 A gloss from 
Gen. vi. 42 vaqniheiu is a transliteration of b\23, and thus a doublet of yeydvrey going 
before : see Gen. vi. 4. oi izxvpoi ris Yis is an expanded rendering of bain and 
oi key. Svokaroi of Bn 5N in the same verse. 


eis Tas ‘Yuvaikas. 

40 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛነ፡ VT XVI 

ወረሲዓን፡|' “ሹሲ፡ ዴትፌፊጸም፡ 2. ወይኣዜ፤፡ ሰት7ሃኽ ጻሰ፡ ፈነዉክ። ትስጸል፡ 
በኣንቲጸሆመ፡፥ ጻሰ፡ ቁኗመሙመ፡፡ በሰማይ፤ ሀለዉ። 3. | ወድዴኣጻዜኒ፡]’ ጸንትመሙ፡፡ በሰማይ 
ሀሰወክመ፥ ወ“(ቪሱ፡)፣ ሣቡጻነ፣ ዓደ፡ ጺ“ተክሥመት፡፡ ሰከመ፡ ወምኒናኔ፡ ምሠመጢረ፣ 
ጸጻላመርኻመ፡፥ ወዘንተ ዜነውኻመ፡ ሰጸንስት፥ በጽንዐ፡ ልአብካመ፥ ወበዝንቱ" ምሥጢር 
ያበዝጋ፡። ጸንስኝ፡። ወሰብኣ፤ ጻኪዶት፡" በደበ፣ ምድር"። 4. በሎመ፡ ኣጻንከሰ፡ ጸእብክሙመ፡ 
ሰሳባመ።” XVII. ወiሥጹ። ውስ ጸሕዲ፡ " መኻኳን፡ Jበ፡ ኣሰ; ሀሰዉ፡ ህዩ፡ ከመ፡ ኣሳ 
ዘ“ይኔፎ.ፎ፡ ወሶበ፡ ደፈቅዲ፡ ያስተርኣዩ፤ ከመ፡ ሰብኣ። 2. ወ።ወሰዲኒ፡። ውስት፡ መኳ 
ዘዐውሉ፡ ወውስተ” „ደብር ዘክትማ፤ ርጻሱ፥ ዶበጽሕ፤ ኣስከ; ሰማዴ።።” 3. ወርጺኩ፡ 
መኻናት፡። ብርሃናት” ወኔሃኮድኝፎ፡ ውስተ፡። “ጸጽናፍ፡ ኘበ፡ ዕመቃ” ኘበ፡" ቁመተ ኣሳ 
ወ።ሕጽ፡ ወ“ምጕኮንጻቲሆመሙመ፡። ወሰድፈ፡ ኣሳት፣ ወመባርቅት፣ ዙሱ።። 4. ወነሥጽኒ፡።” ኣስከ፡ 
ማያት; ሕያዋን [ዘዴትናገር፡]። ወእስክ፣ ኣሳ ዐፀረብ፡። ዘውአቱ፣ ዶዴኣሣዝ፡ ሹሉ፡ ዕርበተ፤" 
ፀሕይድ። 5. ወመባኳኩ፡“ “ኣስክ፣ ፈሰገ;“ ኣሰጎ፣ ዘድውሕሽ፡ ኣሰቲቱ፡ ከመ፡ ማይ፡ ወይደትክዐፀው፡ 
ውስተ፤ ባበሕር፡ ዐቢዶድ፤ መንገሰ;“ ዐረብ። = 6. ወርኩ" ዐበድተ፡ ጸፍሳገ፡። ወኣስክ፡ ዐቢይዴ፡“ 
ጽስልመት፥ በጻሕኩ፡ ወርኩ ኘገበ፡ ሸሱ፡ ሥጋ (ጺነ“ያንሶሱ። 7. ወርዉኩ፡ ጸፎበረ፡ 

1 An Ethiopic interpolation. m, dy» omit ወeሲ. “2 0/u save that 9 reads 
th; for ti and # £Y& for ይት. This clause is supported by Gs ep Sima 
Soy Teaergflerat. m, B omit. Here # adds ኣምትጉሃን፤ ወረሲጻን፡ ሹሰ፡ ኣምጓጊሃን፡ 
#4 add only ምችን ፣ ።, B-ደ'ዕy, i. ያመ oh read ፈገውከi ያ Yፈገውክ፡ 
+ 0 reads pA 5 An Ethiopic interpolation. 5 8 adds 0. 7 1 have here 
added ff in accordance with G. sam. B~no(n) read Yhመti 0 (5) hy 
2m. 0 reas “ኒና » 8 ምኒ ። ምኒን TEAS PPE: uF reads 
ወበኣን1፡ ዝ". ። ወበዝ. 5 B-a8y., መያ a» read 0ዝሣ፤ 9 ያበዝኝ፤ = ዴበዝኝ፡ 
'5 reads RYN; ue. miu, B read Ai 9 RY 5 o omits. iy 
Other MSS. read ሰላም; i Z prefixes the superscription 30; Cat: IY; hያዋY; 
's 9 adds ቤት I SOME 0 m,B. mgyu omit. 21 se omits. 
5. All other MSS. read ወሰEii = 9 reads pወሰደii #9, c/hinoak. miu, 
abcdgk read ውስ: 5 Im reads ay: SmI Bu. #9 read መeብርCtቲ 
n ኣስከ: መኻናት 7 # (but in acc.}. mg read ብCYY; /u, 8-n ብሃ » ብፉሃት፡ 
'# "Y፡; 5 a rሩaባs ዴበጽሕ፤ ጻስከ፡ = Possibly corrupt for RRS: 0g; = 
ra Siepa Bdፅn. While £/ give 0py; mu, 8 read 0h: 9 Oy: EER, 
feB-as omit. um. gu omit. 5 Ba read Ua omitsyውNች; OD 
ራ reads ምጻ". ያ ምጕገንጳ". ። ሞጸፍታቲ". = 9 reads PWN; w omits. = 9g reads 
ወነ ስኒ; BEA IE oY ¥ So in superscription in 2 and G. 
See note 11 above. All MSS. in text read ወት; save m which gives ht 
mag. 8 read HAYY. ። HAY. An Ethiopic gloss. Su mh BH 
read ዓረብ; an ss reads 8. 4 f reads a” 45 m omits. Somga ys 


5 Gs 
[ey 4 [eo [A ፍ 
Kpireas 1 Tils eydAS, ¢y ] 0 aiey 0 Tis eyሪaknls, €y ] 6 aiay 6 ueyas Texe- 
kéyas Texergi erat =. lrerat’ ¢@’ Gag Guo reAergoerat, 

ላ [ey 3 [4 [Ay # ፆ 2) [ey ላ EN ey Big 
2. Kal voy €ypnyopots Tots Teuaity é cperjlrat Tept aur@y, otTtyes ° €y 
ን መ i €, mN ኮ) መ ን መ ጫጭ ላ [Ny ፆ ል 4 ን 
otpayg ray 3. “Theis ¢y T9 ovpav fire, kai Ay vorilptoy [6]* ob 
Qyékaእyn Suiy Kai uvrTibtoy f T9 €x To geo yeyeymluéyoy ? €yvere, Kai 
Togro €lviraré Taig Yvyatiy €y Tats kAnIpokapitats Ju@y, kai €y T@ uvrrnpiy 
# ፆ e # ላ ce N \ኣ PN [ey ጦ L) ^ኣ 
ToUr® TAMOVyovrty at gilAetat Kat oi ivgpeot Ta Kaka ei Tis Yiis, 4. eimgy 
hn ን [ny 6 ን Ly ኮ) [4 
ovy avrots 5 OUK €rTy eipilvn. 
ኣ [6 ly [9 ግ! 3 ሮ e Le 
XV IL. Kai TapaXalBdyrés be eis Tva Tonoy (anilyayoy , €y » oi gyres 
2] [ny L [ey # ፆ e # 2. € ኣ LA 
€kei yivovratv Os Tip PAéYoy Kat, gray géAorty, Ppaivoyrat are (iygparot, 
2. Kai Qanilyaydy ue eis Co@pagn 7 Tdroy Kat eis Gpos 00 ¥i kepaእs dpuxveiro 
2 }1 ን [4 yy ፆ [ey JA [N 
€is TOy ovpayoy. 3. Kat Loy TOToy Tay PpeaTlpeoy 

kall eis T&% &epof3agi] ?, nov rdéoy Tupos kai Ti 
0 ላ 

ሩ ) N fs ላ 2] 4 [6 
kat ai agTDaTat Taya, 4, Kat anilyayoy ue 

\ ኣ ኣ [ey 
Kat Toys gNravpoys Ty 
QaoTépeyl kai Ty Booyr@y, 
Ben kai ai 0iikav avr 

/ ca ያ ) 7 ኣ ld C4 5) ) / J f ኣ 
expt SBdrey Cvreoy kal exp Tvpos Brews, § érruy kal Tapéxoy 1 das Ts 

H NY ei ላIy # መሓ # ኦ] ፍ 4 ኣ 
Bdrets Tog JX(oy. 5. kai JJAgoluely EXD Torauo Tupds, €y @ Kararpéxet T8 
nip @s {Bop kai Beet eis gdXarray ueyéAny Byres. 6. (Boy 5 Toys Leydxoys 

መ N \ኣ መጫ 
Torakoy(s), Kai expt ToD eydAoy 1Torauog kai éXpt To0 ueéydAoul 15 kdroys 
4 AN ep = ) F-2] ጫ X N Sn 
KaTilvrTcras Kai &TiXgoy GToy nara rapé oy! Tepvrarei., 7. {Boy Toys Gvéuovs 
TO» Yyvd@ey {14 Toys Xetuepvvoys kai Ty EKxXvrty £ Tils GlBtgroy Tdvray VBdrey 15. 

1 E wrongly omits. 5 Add with Os ep rag Guo rexergera. E = ges 
Texergnrerat, 5 £ adds mpdrepoy, = Interpolated (2), E omits. 2 E = egov- 
bevnuévoy. 5 E adds tuiy. 7 E = YWwopegn taking ‘yvépos in the sense of « whirl- 
wind’ or ‘tempest, as in Job xxvii. 2o (LXX). 5 E=] kopvp) ris Kepaእs. 
s E seems corrupt, but may point back to sikpa Baፅn. "E adds tai udxaipay rupds, 
nu E = mapabexduevoy., 1 dont understand rapéxoy in this clause. 15 E = kai igo, 
5 E omits through hmt. 1 E= ra pn Tey Ydpaov—a phrase that is derived from 
Jer. xiii. 16 Ay) "ግn where the Targ. of Jon. has 23p YW, In the original then we 
should have had N2ap ግ. In the text before the Greek translator ግ was corrupted 
into ‘PJ, Hence rots civékous ray Yvdpaey. Lhese mountains are probably those 
which the Babylonian Cosmogony represents as standing at the ends of the earth 
in the neighbourhood of the « springs of the great deep, which are referred to in the 
next line. These mountains may again be referred to in Ixxvii. 4 where the mountains 
of the hoar frost are mentioned. *» FE = v8drey is d3vouy rans. 

ack. fb B~aek read HY. «2 8 add WN: against mg %. 5 B reads AT; 
S reads ዓቢ; Zrm. 9/u, (3 read HD): 4s Inserted in accordance with G. 
# reads H. 

48 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛክ፡ XV. RV TE 

ቁባራት፡ ኣሰ ካረምት፡ ወምሕዐወ፡፡። ማፎደ፡ ሾዙሱ፡፡ ቁሳባይ። 8. ወርጺዥኹ፡ ጸፉሆሙ፡ 
ሰዙሎመሙ፡’ ክፍሳገ፤ ምድር፡ ወጸፉሃ፡ ሰቁሳይዴ። XVIII. ወርኩ ዛብ; tr’ 
ንፋፉሰት፡ ወርጺኩ፡ ከመ ቦየመ፡ ጸበርገወ፡ ሹሉ ፍጥረች፡ ወመሰረፓቲሃ፡ ሲምድር። 5. ወርኩ 
ኣብኔ፡ ማኣዘንተ። ም.ፎር፡ ወርጺኩ፡ ጸርባዕች፡ ነፉሳተ፣ ጻሰ፡ ድጸውርኛ፡፤ ሰም.ድር፡ ወጽንዐበ፡፣ 
ሰማይዴ። 3. ወርጳጺኩ፡ ከመ፤ ነፋሰት፡ ይረብብቸ፣ ለልዕልና፡ ሰማዶዴ፡፡ ወኣሙንቲ፡ ዴቁውመሙ፡ 
ማኣክሰ፡ ሰማደ፡ ወም.ድፎር፤ ኣሙንቱ" ውጻተመ፡ ጸዕማ.ደ፡ ሰማዴይ። 4. ወርጺኩ፡ ነፋሳት 
ኣሰ፡ ደመይጥኛኞ፡ ለሰማይ፡ ወጻሰ;። ሇያፀርቡ፡። ሰካበበ፡። ፀሕሐይ፡ ወዙሉ፡።” ከዋክብት።" 
5. ርጺኩ፡'፡ ዘ“ደበ; ም.ድር፡ ነፉሰተ፣ ዘድጸውር፡ ተበደመናት፤" ርኩ” ፍናወ፤ መሳአክት 
ርጺኩ፡” ውስት፣ ጽንፈ: ምፎር፡ ጽንዐ; ከ“ስማዶ፡ መልዕልእተ።” 6. ወ“ሕሰፍኩ፡። 
መንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡ (ወርጺኩ፣፥ መኳሄ)። ዘ“ይነፎ.ፎ፡ መፀልት፤” ወሴሲኝ፣ ግበ: ሰብንቱ፡ 
ጸድባበር፡ ዘኣምኳብን፡;” ካቡር፡። ሂየመንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፤ ወጀመንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡።። 7. ወዘ።”መኘኝገለ፡ 
ጽበሕ፣ሰ፡። “ዘጻምኣጻብ፣ ሕብር፡። ወኔሰ፡ ጸምጻብ፤። በሕርዶ፡” ወኒ; ጳምጻብ። ፈውስ" 
ወ“ዘመንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡። ኣምኣጻብን፡። ቁዪሕ።"። 8. ወማኣጻክከባይበሰ፡ ይጕ.ፎኣ፤ “ኣስክ፡ 
ሰማደ፡። ከመ መንበፉ፣ ሰኣጻገዚጸብሔር፡ ዘኣጻምጻብ። ቴክ" ወድማሑ፤፥ ሰመንበፉ፡፣ 
ኣምጻብ፤ኔ፡። ሰንፔር።" 9. ወጻሳሰተ፡"” ዘይኔፎ.ፎ፡ ርጺኩ፡ ተ ወዘሀሉ፡ ውስት፡ ሹሲ፡ ዚፎበር።ቱ። 
10. |(ወርዚኩ፣ ህና፡]= መካን; ተማዕፉቱ፡!1። ሰ“ዐቢዴ፡ ምድር፡። ህዛ ይሃጋብጹ፡” 

1 m reads &Y sSF0u. my Bread 3; 5 b reads Hi c omits. 
+ 9 reads Oh; 5 reads At PI a Om: 7 Zu, 8. reads “HY: 
gu "ዝንት; sak #8 read AX". 2 df omits next four words through hmt. 

0 g omits. 1 9g reads ይAውCTi = bcoxab. SoG. All other MSS. read AA; 
Sbabcd. Zu read OC mFx 3. 9 tOCብi « AFOCቡ B80» 3. 
# ዓርቱ፡ 4 ያሶ B-L ድ reaባs ላ0ሲ፡ ኮክከብ፡ = ሰኮከብ፤ ወሲ. / ክበበ = ois. 
i # puts in nom. 15 a. FB prefix ©. 77 omit. Sm. gu read RAC: 
ይ 6B ይጸውፉፍ፤፥ !/ ኣገዘ፡ ይረውዷ፡ '5 ወ ዘ ተሮaባs ዷበ፡ ደመናት / 5 ደመናች፡ 
Text corrupt. miu. g@read CAW: = 9 omits. / prefixes ©. = guy 
read RRS: = Fm read &Y0i = u omits. = gny read መAOAYY =m, 
am read HAE:h 7 Restored in accordance with G. 5 2 only. All other 
M55. read ©. Su. mgt, B read m3. 0 9 reads HA}: 1 2 reads 
ካቡረ፡ • ክብር 2 omits next two words. Se. All other M55. ©. Rd: 
Bi (Flemming). e omits ሰ. ®» 2 g/u (save that #9 read A}: for ብ), 9-45. 
መ rሮads “ብ፡ በወሕር፡ ሃኔ “ጻብን፡ ሣቡር፡ “መሠ ድ reas ኣምኔ፡ /, 8 ዘኣምልጻብ፡ 
7 9 reads በረ 5 0,9 omit. 5 a,a., B~a read HA". 40 m reads &DN; 
4 omits. 5 gt nu add 0. 3 068. mu read “AH; uu. Other MSS, 
read Phi » 9 reads ሰ: 5m, m0 read Eni 9'LN; ia, ageftiny. 
bcoB read AIC: » xa ሰውቱ: መንበር፡ “m/w. 2 reads ም 9,8 HAምAብH 
Sg reads NYEC: uF read Ai Xa omit ©. = A bad and corrupt ren- 
dering Of kdiréxeya Sy Gpéey rovray. Wi: is corrupt for At; dréxeva is always 

XVII. 8S—XVIIL. ro. ENOX 49 

8B. [Boyz T9 rdua Tis Yils Tdvraey TAy ToTakéy kat T9 rdua Tis Avro. 
XVIII, igoy 1 Toys gnavpobs Ty Gyéuay Tdyrey, {Boy 1 Gru ¢y avrois éxdguney 
ndras Tés Krireés kai T6y géueéAtoy ils Ys, 8, Kai T6y Aigoy Boy ils yovias 

[ey [ny N [4 BD N [on [4 \ ኣ [4 
TNs Ys. Boy Toys Terrapas Gvéuovs Tv Yilv Barrdcovras, kat T9 repéoua 


መሓ L)] መሓ \ ን Nie ጮ ኣ [om ላ ን ሓ3 1 
TOU OUpayOy, 3, Kats abrot trary eragy YS Kab oybayoy , 4. iBoy 

Qyéuovs ¥T6y otpav@y “ rpépovras kat  Btayeyovras { 5 Toy TpoxSy Tog JAioy, 
kai Tdyras Toys dQrrépas., 5. (Boy Toys én Tis Yiis dvéuovs Barrd(ovras f ¢y 
vepean Y 5. iBoy 7 (Tap6) $s Tépara i]s Yils, T9 riovyua Tog oypayoD endive. 
6. [IIapfiXgoy ? [kai iBoy TToyl katduevoy yukros kai iuépas, 6roy Ti ¢nr& gon 
Qo Aigay ToAvréX®y, (Tpia) 10 eis &yaroAkds kai Tpia 10 eis vdroy 1[BdAAovra.1 11 
7. kai T& iy pos GyvarToAQs 15 én Aigoy Xpéuaros, T9 Be Jv &n9 Aigou 
kapyapiroy, kat T6 $6 Xtgoy f Tages f 715, Ta 15 B¢ kara ydroy any Aigov Tvppog" 
8. T9 Bt éroy avr@6y lv eis obpavdy, @orwep pvos geo én A(gov povkd 17, 
kal 3] Kopvpy] Tog gpሪyovy &n9 Aigovu arbeipov 9. kai Tip Katduevoy Boy. 

3 # [ei ep # [4 3 ) [4 16 (© [4 GE iE] N 
kG(TéJketya TOy Qpéay Tovray 10. Tonos €arty Tépas15 Tis ueydAns Yiis" €xet 

1 E = kai igo. 5 Before xai FE adds kai igoy os oi éveuot ééféretyoy rT) SWos roy 
oypavov—]ost through hmt. 3 Add with E ai ogroi eirey oi riAot To0 oypayo—]0st 
through hmt. (cf. Job xxvi. 21). « We should probably emend into roy oypaydy 
with E. 5 E = Buyovras in an active sense, and this is probably the right reading 
here. Buayeiovras has been emended into gevevovras (Dillmann) « whirling,’ but so 
far as there is any sense in this it is already conveyed by rpehpoyvras., Swete proposes 
Suayvovras 2 but this would require rpdxoy, whereas the context requires rpoxéy (cf. 
1xxiii. 2). According to xxii. 5 the wind blows along the chariot of the sun. Does 
this imply in our text Btarvéovras, but this word could not rightly be used in this 
sense. 5 So also best MSS. of E. Later MSS. = ras vecheaas. 71 Add with £ 
Tas Bote T&y GyyéAey iBov—]Ost through hmt. 5 Added wiih E£. Lost before 
mepara. Radermacher and Diels add epi Td. 2 E adds moe vgroy, i M5 rp: 
u MS. BaAovras. 5 Add T9 ues (Radqermacher). ® E=IACCJC., Corrupt (ሆ) 
for IACTIIAOC (nan) = « of jasper.” But since Tages is the reading of Gs, the Ethiopic 
translator most probably found merely a corrupt form which suggested some 
derivative of igcgat as iarixoi., This word taken in conjunction with ragey might 
point to iaxivgou as the original word, Or iavgivov. Diels suggests the latter, = MS. 
To, 5 An Aramaic form of a8. 16 E = repay. 

misrendered. Cf. xviii, 12; xxiv. 2; xxx. 1, 3; xxxi. 2. = Addition inf, “Egy. 
Other MSS. read oni: = mrépay corrupt for répas, 0 reads 0. 9 reads 
ወድ ገብጽ፡ ‘This seems an unhappy rendering of vvreegilrovrat, 


50 መጽሐፉ: ዛኖካ፡ WIT ro 

ሰማያት።' 11. ወርጺኩ፡፡ ንቅዐት። ዕሙቱ። በጸዕማኗደሆ፡ ሰኣሳች፡ ሰማይ፤ ወርጺኩ፡ 
በውጓቴተመ፡ ጸዕማደ። ኣሰት፡ ዘይወርድ; ወጸእቦሙ፡፣ ጐልቂ፡፡ ጦ’ዚመንገሰ፡" መልዕእት 
ወ“ዚ"መንገሰ፡ ዕመኾ። 12. ወዷደበ፡;" ውኣቱ፡ ንቅፀት፡ ርxኩ፡ መካ; ወ“ዚ“ጽን9፡ ሰማይ 
ላዕሴሆ፡ ወጺመሰስረተ፡። ምፎር፡ በታሕቴቱሁ፡" ወጺማ፤ዩ፡"፣ ጸእቦ፡ በሳዕሴሆ፡። ወጽጸዕዋፈ፡" 
ጸባ: መኣ፤ ቢፎው፥ ውኣጓቱ፡ ወገፉም።። 18. ርዲኩ፡ በህዩ፡ ሰብ91፡ ከዋኳክብገ፡ ከመ 
ዐበዴት፡ ጸፎባር፡ ዘዴነፎ.ፎ፡። ተወክከመ፡ መንፈክ፡ ዘይሴጸሲኒ።ቱ። 14. ዶቤ” መልጸኳ፡ 
ዝ“ውኣቱ፡ መኳ፤፡። ተፍጻሜቱ: ሰሰማዶደ፡ ወሰ“ም.ድር፤ ቤተ፡ ሞቅሕ፡ ኮያፃመ፡ ዝንቱ 
ሰከካዋክብት፡” ወሳጋይሰ፡ ሰማሣዶ። 15. ወከዋክብት ኣለ፡ ያንኰረችፉ፡። ዷበ፡ ኣሰ 
ኣሱ፡። ውኣተመ፡ ኣጻለ፡ ኃለፉ ትኣዛዘ፡ ኣገዚጸብሔር፡ ኣምቅ.ድመ፡ ጽባሖመ፡፥ ጻስመ፡። 
ጺመጽሉ፡ በደዜሆሙ። 16. ወ።ተምዕያሙ፡ ወጸሰሮሙ፡ ኣጻስከ፣ ሂዜ፡ ትፍጻት፡ 
ኃጢጸተሙ፡” በዓመት፣ ተምሥሠጢር።ተ። XIX. ወዴቤሲኒ፡ ዙርሌል፡” በዝሂ፡” ትደሚሮመ። 
መላኣኳቫ፣ ምስለ፡ ጸንስነ፡ ደቁቀውመ። ወ"’መናፍስቲሆመሙ፡”" ብዙንኝ፡” ራኣዩ፤ ከዩኖሙ፡። 
ጸርኩስዎመ፡” ለሰብኣ፡ ወያስሕትዎመሙ፡። ከመ፡ ይሠውፁ፡ ለጸጋንንትነ፡ ከመ፡ ጸማልካት፡ 
ኣስከ፡። ዕላተ፡“ ዐባይ፡ ሹኔ፡ በዛ፡ ዶትኬነኒ፡ ኣስከ፡ ድችትፌጸሙ። 5. ወጸንስቲያሆሙ፤፡ 
ሲስሑታን፡“። መሳኣክት፡። ተከመ፡ ሰዛማደያት፡፥። ይከውና።”" 3. ወጸሄ” ሃኖኳ፡ ርኩ” 
ጸርጸያ፡። በሕቲት፣ዩ፡። ጸጽ፣ፈ፣ ሹት፤ ወጻእቦ፡ ዘዴይሔመኒ፡” ኣምሳብኣ፣ ከመ ስነ" ርዉኩ። 

1a. feimi3 read mY; 5 sa omits. 2 g reads RYO: “5 add ድር 
4 @h read 0p; ° mg/u, 8 add ሰማይ; H against £,/., ° a. 8 reads H£ወርዴ 
7 m reads HX. 9 read: DAA gu. m,abcdeFinxap read HA 1580 
cad NE: 5 e omits. 1) g omits next two words through hmt, uu ss omits. 
5 mb B~aL aN, alread 0h: 5 Wrong rendering of éreéeetva. 2 omits. 
5 wu reads pራy; ሲ. 5 a9. 9 reads በመትሣቴሁ፡ 5 በታሕቱ፡ 9 ads ወጺሰማዩ፡ 
iam, adh. mo, HRDceFRnoxay read "mE 5 Fm, lL gh 87 read AO. 
» a-m., m,fl8 read BOP: “9,8. gm read Ai # 2A = 9. All other 
MSS. read D7; # % trans. 7” after CA; in next verse. = » reads DAU; and 
trans. before CAWS = af, save that 9 omits H. #8 read Hi; Here / adds in margin 
the gloss ANY: AA; ወድ: ™ Corrupt. See note 5, Dp. 51. G = HAYERPa:; 
ኣንዘ፡ ኣሴጸእ፡ = 9 prefixes ©. 5 mf. gu read lH. £9 read my 
5faex,a read ©. ኃa-gፃ 9,18 read ሲሰከዋnብት፣ ሰማዴ፡ %2/ read ወሲ, 5 AN. 
21 9 reads NYC ox b. a, 8X read Ai (2) AN; =F reads Ami ey 
omit, 5 9 reas Bጣውጺሆሙ; 5 Corrupt, E = vtaurg vrrbiou, (2 €yeavr®y 
kvpiey. G iS Correct. See XXi. 6. Yiu. Zmg,,aread kራዜA 5 / reads HY 
m m. All other MSS. omit. 0 a reads መሰEYEሆPa u All MSS. prefix © 
against G. For ብWY; of 2g we find AWD; in m8. 5 5,8, a reads hp: 
5 Zu, 8B. mg read RCs “5 omits. 9, 8-9 add ANሰብNi *» ni bcBoxk. 
Fg, age/8ina read Ni “gmHcoXxS. gw, b read 0AY; 7°, age2si100AY; 
/(ቋነ። a በዕለት 5 Emended from Rስሒተቶን; of «7, 8. 9, a read Aስሒተሙ 


ሪ e ን ፆ Ny 7 # ኃ ጫ 4 1 Ie 
uvTekerhilcoyrat ot obpayoi., 11, kai (boy Xda uéya éy Tots riAos7r Tog 
TUpOS KaTalBaivoyras kai ovk 1iy uerpoy otirée eis Bdgos otire eis itiNyos., 13, kat 
eréxketya Tot Xdruaros Toyroy {Soy Toy nou ob6¢ repéea ovparog endive, 
iH ሓ3ዓe3 FASE # CE HE ep GON ALR TA # 
otire Y9 5 1] 5 TegeueAteuéyn 5 VrokdrTa atrog ore Bp ly U9 avry « otiré Teretydy, 
GAA Tሪnos Tv €pNuos Kai pofgepds. 13. éxet iBoy énra drépas ws Opn 
LéydXa Katdueya, epi Gy nvygayouéy® ots 14. einey 6 dyyeAos Ors €rTty 

መሓ [ey lm መሓ [Ny LA 
6 Tiros TO TéAos ToD otpavog kat Yiis' Berharilptoy Torro éyévero Tots oTpous 
ላ 25 ጫ 1 [en ን ሓ6 \ c =) [7 e ያ ጋ 
kai Xrais Bvyvduéerw Tog ovpavog . 15, kai oi Grébes ot KuXdlteyot é€y 
ON መ [ # 3 on os 
T9 Tupi ogrot sity oi Tapalgdvres Tpdrayua Kvypioy? ¢v dapxn Tis 
GvaToMiis atréy [grt Tdnos ¢£a ro oypavog kevds gory] $, Gre ovk €EiA0ay €y 
mn fa) fy [ny ላ ) ማጫ 
Tois Katpois afréy 16. kai Qpyicgn avrots kai é€néy avrovs expt KatpoD 
[4 ን HN Ls ፆ ን [ey 3 ኮ) Ley ( 9 
TéAeudrews [airy] Glaprias airy, ¥ éytavr@y uploy 5. 
መጫ ላ 
XIX. kai eiréy uot Oypuix ‘EvgdBe oi uvyévres &yyeAot rais Yvyvavkiy 
Tijrovrat, kai Ti TyeiuaTa aréy ToAYuoptpa Yeyéueya XvuaiveTat Tovs GyOpaToys 
[ay [ey lA 
kai TAamlret avroys éergveuy Trois Batuoviots 10 Léxptir Til ueéyaAns Kpires, €y 
? [ay ጫ ጦ UA 
D Kpugleoyrat eis Qroreaeiuru'. 3, ¥xai ai yvvaikes air6y TOy TapalBdvrey 
I TD a 
ayycAey “ és etplyvas ' YemlrovTat, 
Gs Os: 
€ SN 
3. Ky ‘Evex iBov Ta gepuara 8. .....,.. dGOponay es eye 
ላ ፍ 
E6vos, Xr Tépara Tdyrey, Kat oy hl eigor. 
i891 1# obB¢ eis Gygpeney @s €y@ Boy. 

1 MS. es Tovs rvaovs. Add with E Tog ups Toy obparoy kai (Soy €y abrois ruAovs— 
lost through hmt. If G is not defective read eis Xdrka béya ros rvovs. But 
the text requires Xda to be the object of igo. s E = éxeivov. 5 MS. puts in acc. 
‘MS. avro. 2 MS. mcgayouatoy uo. E corrupt = kai @s myetuaTa mvvgaygueyd ou, 
s = PMBn Nay. Cf.r Kings xxii. 19. 7 E=geo%. SA glossin Gs. ° E corrupt= 
€uavr® vrTnipiou. Cf. XX. 6. 0 E adds os geois, uu FE adds ris uépas. yr 
phrase reproduces literally an Aramaic idiom Sn »ግ NaNጋy »ግ nob, E is here 
corrupt. See note 41, p. 50. 5 See note 49, p. Bi. eipilv = ny? in Mic. 1. 85 
Jer. xxvii. 39 and sy’ na in Isa. xiii. 21 and in in Job xxx. 295 Isa. Xxxxiv. 13, 
xiii. 20, 1 Some MSS. of E add 8 igoy, 

E = እayjrarat and is corrupt. G reflects an Aramaic idiom. See note on Greek text. 
5 9/1. mu read መAላAMYi /, 5 መሳa፣ ሰማይድ፡ 5 Fmt (VY Im), gw, 8 read 
"ወያነ 5-8 "ውያን E = 65 eipqvaiat, a corruption of G eis eipqvas = ሰጴደሪኝ፡ 
50 g reads WS: 5 Z reads DAY: 55 adds በጸ0ዶንቲዩ፣ በ. 3 g reads 
ራኣ.ያጊ፡ # c reads AN". 9g trans. after #; sat #l8 read HCA £9, 
bclx,a add HCA wu NምNብAi HCA; against / G. a, m trans, alter CA 

82 መጽሐፈ፡ ሄናኻ፡ XX. IT XRXT. 3. 

XX. ወዝንቱ ጸስማቲሆሙ ለኣለ፡ ዴተኘሆሁ፡ ቅዱሳሰን፡ መላኣኳት። 2. ጽዙርሌል። 
፩“ኣመላኣኻት;፡ ቅዲሳን; ኣስመ፡ ዘንሲም፡፡ ወዘተቱረዓ.ፎ።1፣ 3. ፉፉሌስል፡ “ጸም ቐዱሰን፡ 
መላኣኻት፡ ዘመናፍስተ፡ ሰብኣ። 4. ራፐዜል። ሄኣም መላሳኣክት፡ ቅዲሳን፡ ዘዶትቤዋቁሱሉ፡ 
ሰዓሲም፡ [(ወለብርሃናት። 5. ሚካጴል፡ ጀኣምኔ፡ መላኣክት፣ ቅዱሰን፡ ኣስመ፡ ዷደበ፡ ሠናድቱ፡ 
ለሰብኣ፡ ተጸዛዚ፡’ ዲበ; ሕዝብ።። 6. ስራቃሌል፡” ጀኣምኔ፡ መላኣክት፣ ቅዷፉሰን፡" ዘዲኗበ፡ 
መናፍስት” [ጻኝሰ፡ ኣመሕያው፡|" ዘ“መናፍስት፡ የጋጥጹ። “= 7. ገብርጴል፡ ሄጻምሄ፡ 
መላኣሕት፣ ቅኗሰሳን፡ ዘኗበ፡ “ገ1ት፡ ወጸክድስት፡" ወ“ኪፉቤን።”" XኋI. ወጽድፎኩ፡” ኣስከ፤;። 
ንበ፡ ጸልቦቲቱ፡።” ዘዴትገበር። 5. “*ወበህዩ፡ ርጳጺኩ፡። ግብረ፡ ፃፉመ፤ ርጵኩ፡።” ወጺሰማዩ፡። 
ላዕሰሲ፡;። ወጺምድሪ፡። ሱርርተ፣ ጸሳባ፡ መኳገ፡;። ዘጸኮ፡” ድልው” ወ“ፃፉም።።= 3. ወ“ህዩ፡። 
ርዚኩ፡ ሰብዐተ ከዋክብት፡ ሰማድ፤ ኣጻሱራ፤፡።” በሳዕሴሁ፡። ተሣቡረ፤ቱ። ከመ፡ ጸፎባር፡ ዐበይት 

ia, Bn. wu reads DH: £ contains the superscription aI: RስማtሆPa; 
ሰቅዱሰን፤ መሳኣክት'፡ 5-5 ። aዛባ ውእቱ against a, ፀ።. ያ adds ርጺኩ፡ IE 
29 read ዙራ". 2 £. Other MSS. read Ay መላ. “ Em. from yg HA3A:; 
Al other MSS. read Hረ3ም; ° May point back to a corrupt transliteration of 
Tdprapos. mg, ak. reads መላ” ቅዲ". / 8-5t Aም!፡ መሳ" ቅዱ“. m5. 
Z9read ራft". /ራP. uራm ee s An intrusion in E. For A » (5),8 read Ait: 
"a de% read Xfi my. gu read TAHH: " m reads በ£fi = See note 8, 
p. 53. Hag, akoy. 9 reads A". B~a#o ሰረ2p". # omits following B. a8 
add Aስመi gf All other MSS. read “"&EስYi 5 Bracketed as an intrusion 
in E. 7 Acc. of lim. after $2 or a locative? G has emir mvevuart. Oy 
JFRInoXb. 9, ac deh read ty. uy. 207 save that 2 9 insert H before AY. 
5o als0 m save that it reads HRኪዶስት; for AN". 5 reads Aኪስት (“8 ኪት) ወHበ: 
Wi miu g reads Hh}: 2,9 rN = = epoyevoa, a rare sense of 
this word. Cf. Gen. xii, 6, where it is a rendering of Beogeve. In xxii. 1,75 xxiii. 15 
XXVi. 15 XXxii. 2 epogeve is rendered by héi 5 Fmgt., w#eB~0 (») read Ahh: 
o() ውስት; #8 add መnYi = a, asf 8u0b. bcg/(wy) xa read RAO “0m 
rad Cጺኩ፥ በyና፡ /።, 5 ወርጺኩ፥ በህዩ፡ SL 9 reads ወርኩ mu, 8B omit. 
‘5am, m reads ጺሰይ: 8 Rሰማt፡ 7 a. /°/8 read AA = £ reads ወምድር 
a. FB read ony በድው The text was probably ny originally. Ct. G. 
m Em. from Hhis of a9 (so Flemming). 9, 8 read H only. HAh; £A@s = Skara- 
kevagroy, 0,8, ag read FAO 298. miu read Tri 5 g omits. 
# reads (Ut: and trans. afier CA! Fm no(n)0. gu, B50 read ራን: 
Sg reads “bሆaws TF reads Aበei Dillmann suggested that Ate; is corrupt 
for JA: But we require not Tዲ.5 here but JAH: It seems, therefore, more 
probable that the translator of E which = Suoy had a mutilated form of soptuuéyovs 
before him like Suos. Another solution is possible. See note 12, p. 53. 



XX, “AYyeXot 

3. Paሐanlእ, 9 els Ty &yiey QyyéAey 
6 €ni Ty TvevhaTey TOv GvOpéTaoy. 
4. PayouiX*, 6 els Ty yiey GyyéAey 
9 ekBixOy 5 T6y Kdruoy ¥rOv pac- 

Tpeoy 5. 5. Mixa, 6 els TOy yay 

ን # t SN IN dN ኣዛ Fe 
@YYEAOV O €Tt T@y Toy Aaoy aya0@y 
ር 6. 26- 


# 1 [Le C ፆ > [4 1 ኦ 
plX, 9 els T6y aytey ayyéAeay 0 ent 

erayuéeyos Kai? €eTni TO Xdé@s 
TeTayueyoS Kat €Ti Ty Xa® . 
[an t ey RN ጫ ፆ 9 
uaprdvovry., 7. Tapa, 6 els ray 
Sie 3 Ls ል PN [ey ፆ 
@yiy GYYEA@y 0§ <i Tog Tapageiroy 
\ fe [6 \ FeO 
Kat TO BDakoyToy Kat Xépovf3ety 
Fy) ያ iT e t 11 
apXayyeAay OvouaTa era _. 
XXT. Kai epdgevra tas Tis dxara- 
[A ጦ 
FkevdrToy., 2. KGkei €geardluny ¢€pyoy 
PEEP ¥ 2 ላ DF 
PoBepoy' €eopaka ouré ovpayoy nay, 
otiré Yiiy Tegéaliat TegeheAveoueyny, &AAd 
ያ i 1d 
TOTO GkaTarkevarToy poBepoy. 
Nr 5 ln # c ኣ [ei 3 L 
3. Kat €kei Tegéauat €nTd TOy dayTéDwy 

Tog ovpayog BeBeuéyovs kal €Dtuuéyoys 15 

1 ‘This verse is defective. 

ENOX 58 


) [ey # 

= [A L! ጎ ) [ey 

Taprdpoy. 8. PaሐpayX 6 eis T@y ayiwy 
yyy 6 eri Ty TrevudTay TOy Gy 
gpenay. 4. ‘PayovilX 6 eis T@y75 Gyioy 
it TOV KOuoOy TOy 

QyYEAOy 6 €kBtkOy 
barrioey. 5. Muxax, ¥ 6 els Tey: 
dyiey @YYéAy 0s eri Ty ToD Aaog 
H in # NN መ PTO 
@yag@ay TeTakTat Kat €Ti T@ Xa® . 

mn \ 
6. SapuIX; 6 «fs T&y &yiay &YYEAGy 0 €rt 
TOV TyvevudTay oirtyes él T8 TyebuaTt 
aabréyovrw. 7. TaBpuiእ, 6 eis Ty 
(5 ፆ ኦ) [4 LEN Le ፆ \ 
Qyiey &YYEA®y 6 ¢rni Tot Tapagetroy kat 
Bir pe: 

መ L.) 
keui, 6 els TS» &yiey GYyéAay Oy 
1 17 

[ey 1d ላ ፆ 
TOy BDakOVTOy Kat XepOuVBLy, 

€rakey 6 ge0s €eni Ty Gyr Tauevoy. 
XOvdluara C€ GpxayyéAey, 

XX. Kai epagevra expt THs axa- 
TarkevdToy., 3, kai éxei egeardluny 
€pyov pofgepdy" €dpaka obré ovpayby 
endive oirée Yiiy regéueaeuémy, GAAS 
3. kai éxei Tegéauat CC dQrrépas Tog 
otpayog BeBeuéyovs kat €Dtuévovs €y 

TOTOV GkaTarkeyaToy Kat 

Its complement is found at the close of the chapter: 

G1 GpXayyAey Svdkara érrd which should, however, be read as in G5 Gydkara ( apxay- 
Yee. Taken together these point tO Sydkara T@y émré dpXayyeAey Tay Bvydeoy, 
E = kai Taird €oTuy GyguaTa T&y €Ypnyipey TO» dyiey GYYEAoy, 2 Tf the original were 
Hebrew we might with Lods take duos here to be a rendering of N5y as in LXX, 
Gent x5, Deut. iv. x9, Xvi. 3; Isa. xxiy; 21, * E corrupt = Tpdkous = DNB. 
5 MS. exBeikey TL have cmended in accordance with E. See, however, note on 
XXiil. 4 below. 5 FE = kai rots pegriipas, but G is right. 7 E wrongly 

omits. s Though E£ = Aad, the above is right Uriel presides over Chaos: 
See Xx. 1, 2 (xviii. 12). The ai which Gs preserves before eri 79 Aay supports 
this view.  E gives acc. of limitation. 10 See Ges: for ver. 8 omitted here and 
TE On these words see note 1 above, s This phrase goes badly with 
Tegéahat. 1s it a gloss due to Ver. 47 5 MS. roy, 15 MS. exexeoy, » MS. o ees 

Toy, 15 See note 8 above, 7 This verse is genuine although lost by Gs and E. 
This is shown by the érrd in both Gs' and Ge. 

34 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛሄኛኻ፡ XXE SD 

ወበ'ጻሰት፡ ኣንዘ፡። ይነዱ? 4. ውኳት፡፥ ፲ዜ፡ ኣቤ፡ በኣንት፤ ጸዴ፡ ኃጢጸኝ፡ ተጸስሂ 
ወበጻንተ፡ ምንት ዝዩ: ትገድፉ። 5. ወዴደቤሲኒ፤ ጽዙርሌል፡፡ ፩“ኣምቐዱሰን፤ መሳኣሕት'፡፣ 
ዘምስሌዩ፡ ውኣቲቱ፡ ዘይደመርሐኒ፡’ ወዴቤ፤ ሄኖካክ፤ በጻንገ፡ መኒ" ትሴጸል፡" ወበጻንት፣ መቱ 
ቸተጤና;። ወትጽህቅ። 6. ኣሱ፡ ውጻቶተመ፡"” ጳምሄ ከዋክብት ኣሰ፤ ጋለሩ፡ ትጻዛዘ፡ 
ኣግገዚጸብሔር፡። ወተጸስፉ፡፥ በቢ"ሽዝዩ፡ ሓጻስክከ፡ ሶበ; ዴትፌጺጸም፣ ትጻልፊት፤ ዓም" ጐልቁ፡። 
መዋዕሲ፡ ጋጢጸተሙ። 7. ወ"ጻምህዩ፡ ውርኩ፥ ካልጸ;” መካ” ኣምዝሽ፡። ዘይገርም 
ወ።ርጺኩ፡ ፃብራ፡ ፃፉመ፤። ልሰት፣ ዐቢድ፡ በህዩ;። ዘ“ድኔፎ.ድ፡ ወያንበሰብል፡ ወ“መምተትርተ፡” 
ቦቱ፡ መኣኒ፡። ኣስክ፡ ቁሳደ፡ ፍጽም” ጸዕማደ፡። ሓጻሰት፡ ፀበዴት፡። ዘያወርፎዎመሙመ፡። 
ወጺ“ጸምጣኖ፡። ወጺ“0በየ;፣ ጺኽህልኩ፡ ነጽሮ፡። ወስጻንኩ፡ [8ጽሮ፡]” ዐይኖ።“" 8. ውኣት 
ቶዜ፡ ኣቤ ኣፎ፡ 7ፉም፡ ዝንቱ መኻካኘጌ፡ ወሕሙም፡። ለኔነጽሮ። 9. ውጻ፡ ዪዜ፡ ጸውሥጸ፤ 
ጽዙርዜል፡። B“ኣምቸዱሰን፡ መሳጻካነ።"። ኣጻንዘ፡“ ምስሴሌዩ፡"” ሀሰወ፡“" ወዶቤሲኒ፡” ሄኖሕክ፤" 

1 Em. with G tai ¢y from OH of Z9#. m reads ስለ; #8 hao; H. 2 g reads 
ዐበይት ዚ. 5a-0,n. 0, bX read AYE.E: B-I»hnx ይኔኦEዲ «+ 9 ads ተችጸስፉ፡ 
ወበጻን1፡ 5 m reads IE; 5 9 reads ጽራሌስ፡ ag. 9 reads Nk: 
ቅዱ" መሳ". 8-8 ኣምኔ መሳ" ቅዱ". #ደ ኣመላ" ቅዲ". sZ. All other MSS. omit. 
5 Read PRCሆPaw; with G jyeiro airav., Ct. xxiv. 6; Ixxi, 15 Jxxiv. 2. 0 gy read 
መንነ n F/u,B. m reads ትስaልi 9 ትጥድቅ 5 £. m reads ትYnhይቅi /u, 
8 ትጤደቅ፤ 7 ትሴጸል፡ Here ትጤዩቹ፡ a4 ትጽህቅ፤ are to be taken together as 
a rendering of Tijv SAjgetay pexorovgeis. See note 2, p. 55. /u, 8 add ወትስaል: 
5 9, x read NYE = m trans. before JA; and inserts H before AL. a pre- 
fixes 0. 5 8 adds ልሁል 5 mw omits. I BmEy, 0. ZB omit, 5 Em. 
with G rn from 3A; 5 ድፀ/a. መ, 8-8 read A: = Jልዊ፤ 97 Drehx ©. 
Fm omit, wu reads AA aod AA = 9 reads ni “9 read AAA: 
m AH: u Drefixes ©. “gu, acFaép. mh Bdeinoxay read HRC; 
5 # omits. Saf omit, 7 dy read Oi SDcho omit. Sg, 9comit., goa. 
መ reas ምትረት፡ /መሞትርት፣ ዕ/(ይ»ሠኔነ).። መምተርት፡ ። መትርት፣ ረ/5ደዕx 
መሞችትርት፡ 4 መመተርት ። ሞተርት፥ ። መሞትርት፤ ። «a. 8 read ወሰri = 9 reads 
CR; Here m adds superscription በAiY; ቤY; Pe ለመAAnY'i These words 
are given also in £ at top of column beginning with xxi. 5b. 5 wu reads AOS. H. 
Ng, bc IFBIO0VX,R DS, but g trans. after next word. a9, ae#n prefix 0. PgmtB. 
ያ“ ያጸውድዎ፤ ። የበ(ውነፎዎመ፡ ፡፣ 9 reads ጸምጣፉ፤ ። ጸምጣኖመ፥ " 9 reads 
0በtዩ; ። 0በየሙ፡ ። omits next two words and ©. 5 g omits next two words 
through hmt. 5 An intrusion in E£. » adds Afb; before JRC: and omits this word 
in next Verse. uw. So als0 m 3&7; #/RIn0XB read Yr; acds,a 0£Lk: 
h omits. 2 reads በROድንLt: 9 ደኖ; i Em. from hi of a8, B. (50 
Flemming.) # reads wri See note io, p. 55, and note 5, D. 90. = 29 read 

XXL. 3-0. 

3 INTER [4 / አኽ» 
€y @uT® » Ootoys OpéTty HéyaNots Kat €y 


Toiay airtay érebégnray, kat Ba Tt @9e 
cptpnray 5 
1 ጭዋ Nn Ls # ን # L,) ን ኮ) መሓ 
0 €iS TOy @yiay GYYéAOY 0S ker choy 

ላ [ [6 ቅ \N 
TUDE Katokevoys. TOTé etnoy Ata 

# # 
5. Tdré einéy uo OtpuIX, 

2. ላ JEN c mn BEN ላ [oye 
lv Kal atr9s Jyeiro avr, Kat éiTey 
[ ii t ፆ \ኣ # ኮ] Es እ # 
kot Eyex, Tept Tivos cperTas, 1] Tept 
Tivos ¥rYv GAigetay @uorrovBeis #5 

{Tog oypavog 

e t ኣ ጋ Ny ሓ pig 
ot TapaBayrés Tily €TTayly Toy KuUptoy 

6. ogroi eirty T6y Grrépey 

kai €Bégnay @Be expt To TAbSrau 

5 TOy GliaprnuéTeoy 

kipta ¢€Tn, Toy Xpgyoy 
avr Oy. 

7. Kdaxeigey épaBevra eis AXoy 
TOToy Toyroy cpoBebérepoy, kai Tegeauat 
Li # 6 ሓ 7 ጋ ሓ 7 
tpya poBepérépa 5, Tip ueya éket Kav- 

evov kai PXeyéuevoy, Kat Bakorly 
) € # e! [as ኦ # # 
€iXeéy 0 Toros €aS§ ils aBjvrroy, TAIIpns 
6 ኣ t ቫ [ 4 
OTUAWy TUDOS LEYaAoy  KaTapépouéyvwy 

Ld # Ld [A 8B ን ls 

ovré éTDo0y obré TAaTos ” I6vyilgny 
iBeiy ove eikdra., 8. Tre einoy 05 
poBep9s 6? rdros kai es geuyos 10 Th 

Gpdret. 9. Tare @rekpign uot 6 eis 
[ey Ls [4 ኦ) [4 L Bi) OR ኣ 
T6y &yiey yyy 0s er €luog 1iy, Kat 

eineéy uot ' Ev6X 1) Butt Ti épolhi0ns otires 

1 E adds Skog, which goes well with 

Guotovs, RI Jy), 
PE beoy: + Gg: E = Tእnpogiivae, 
= Ppolgepd. 7 Read keydaey with E. 

TAdiros as 15 clear from eérpoy which precedes. 
See note 41, D. 84. 

with Gs. in E = 9gvuvmpds. 
BEE OE OBE = rare. 
ጽራጴል፡ ። a. 8 reads ጸመሳ” ቅዲ". 
loa 5 add ጸው 


Ct. Dan. vi. 16, 10. 

ን te # tc # ) 
ary, Ouotovs T pret keyakn 15 kal ¢€y 
Toiay airiay €rebégnray, Kai ¥ Bu olay 

ኣ [4 #. ጫሜ N 
TUDE KatOLLeHOUS, ToTé éiToy Ata 

airtay 15 epipnray Bei 5. kaiis einéy 


kot ObpLHIA, 6 eis TOy yey QyYéA®y 6 
ን መሓ እ ጦ mn 
ker €luog ay kai abros avr@y Jyeiro, kal 
eiréy (oul “Eydx, epi Tivos éperGs, 
ሓ mn 
]] Tepi Tivos Tilyv &Xlgetay PXor rovBeis s 
6. obrot eirty TSy QGrrépey Tot oypayog] 
[A መሓ 
ot Tapafgdyrés Tily €rtTayily To Kvpioy 5, 
kai €Bégnray @Bée expt TAnpegiivat 
ipta £7, Toy XDdyoy TOy GuaprniuidrTay 
7. Kaxeigey €eሐagevra eis aAAoy 
ጥጥ ፆ [4 \ 6é 
oy Tovroy poBepaTépoy, Kat Tegéakuat 
éoya poBepda’ Tip éya €xei Katdeyoy 
ኣ [d ኣ N S 4 
kal PXeyguevoy, kat Bakomily eixey 0 
# el Co ኮ) [4 # Vd 
TOTos €as Tis QBvzroy, TAJpns Fray 
N ly mf U = Ld 
TUpOS éyakoy ' KaTacbepouéyoy" Ouré 
[a LA F 5 # }) [ay Ld 
éTpoy ore eyeégos I9vwloly tSety ovre 
eikdrat, 8. Tiré einoy Os poBepos 9 
[4 ው 15 ኣ L: ኣ ሓ ር [A 
Tሪros obros 5 Kat as Betyos Ti opéret. 
9. Tdré Qnekptgn ou Kat eirey . .., 

Beeuevovs, and could easily fall out before 
See note Xxv. I of our text. 
5 G2 FE = ueyegos which is better than 
2 E gives HYE; and thus agrees 
u E adds Opal. = Corrupt, 

5 E = Toy GDguoy Tow luepey, 

» Corrupt. We expect réroapes. 



bc dgeFhn add Rው" against g, a8 x. The word was wrongly 

trans. here from its place after OEiጋ&h; where 1 have restored it as RIA; = 

drexpigngy, 5 m omits. 

5 g omits. 

56 መጽሐፈ፡ ሄና OOOO 

ምንተ ፍርሃትክ፡፡ ከመዝ፡፡ ወድንጋቆክ፡ ወጸውሣኣኩ፡፡ በኣንተዝ፡ 7ፉም፡ መኣን፡ ወቅድመ፡ 
ገጺ፡ “ሲዝ; ሕማም’ 10. ወይደቤለኒ፡ ዝመኣካን፡ ቤት፡ ሞቐሖመ፡፥ ሰመሳኳክት፡ ወህዩ፡፡ 
ዴትጸሐዚ፡ ኣስክ፡ ሰንሲም። ጃኋጂ11. ወጻምህዩ፡ ሖርኩ ካልል፡ መኻ ወጸርጸዩኒ፤ በምዕራብ 
*.ይደብረ፡ ዐቢዩ ወ“ገዋኘ፡፡ ወ።ኩቸሕ፤ ጻኒ0።' 2. ወጸርባዕቱ፡" መኻናት” ተሠናፍያሻ። 
[ወ]በውስቴቱ፡ ዘቦቱ “ዕሙቁ፣ ወርኒበ፡። ወልሙጽ፡። ጥቁ፡ (ሠሰስቱ፡ ኣምኔሆን፡ ጸሲማነ፡ 
ወጸሐቲ፡ ብርህት ወነቅዕበ፡ ማደ፤ በማኣከሳ፡ ኣቤ፡)። ከመ፡ አሙጽ፡ ተዘያንኩረዙር፡ተ'፡ ወዕሙሕ፡ 
ወ፣ጽልእመት፣ ሲነጽሮ። 3. ውኣተ፡ ፲ዜ፡ ጸውሥክ፡" ፉፋፉጵል፡ ጀ“ኣምኔ፡ ቅዱሰን፣ መሳኣኳነ" 
ኣንዘ፡” ሀለወ ምስሌዩ፤ ወዴቤሰኒ፡ ዝ“መካናኝ፡ ተሰናያን፡ተ። ከመ፡፤ ዴይትጋብጽ፥ ደቤሆን፡” 
“መናፍስት ሲነፍሶመ፡። ሲምጪታን፤። “ሎቱ ዝንቱ ተፈጥፉ፡። ዝዩ; ያስተጋብ፡። ዙሉ” 
፲ፍሰ; ውሱዶደ፡ ሰብኣ። 4. ወጻሙንቱ መኻናት ገበ; ያነብርዎመሙ፡ + ገብፉ፡ተ። ኣስክ፡ ዕሰተ፡ 
ቫነጌሆሙ፡። ወ።ልስከ፡ ጽመ፡። ዕፎቓሆሙ፡ ወዕድቓ፤። | ውልጻቱ፡ ዘየዓቢ] “ጻስከ፣ ጸዘመ፡” 
ቫነኔ፡ ዐባዴ፡። በሳዕቤሆሙ። 5. ርጺኩ፡።” “መናፍስተ፣ ውሱዶደ፡ ሰብጻ፤ ኣንዘ፡ ሙታን 
ውኣተሙ፡ ወቃሎመ፡" ይበጽሕ፣ ኣስከ፡;" ሰማይ ወይሰኪ።“ 6. ውኳተ፡" ፉዜ፡ ትስኣልኳያዎ፡ 

iu. m0 l8 read ምንት 8 add ውቲ: 5 0/18. mu read &EርUትYD: 
5 0 reads AH: dg omits next five words. # Restored. See note 46,D. 55. * = ris 
ogvms. CG has here ris Sewi)s. AS Ethiopic translators almost always rendered Seeyds 
freely, it is possible that the translator of E had the present text of G before him. 
‘ag, Ff 9,87 read OV: 79, race BnO0VXD. Emu, 9% 1a read £0C: 0ቢE; 
5 g,ae. mu, cdl read 1TP4 LF BnOPXBITPD: °F»). y reads ri R+3: 
All other MSS. read thi Xr); except g which reads “hi R05 All MSS. which 
write the numeral in full, put it in the acc, 12, 8. ag, y read esti 8. a reads 
“Yi Here E = aot corrupt for koiእou as again in ver. 3. 3 Fu, mg Bd 
read 0h; Ci; For 0h; 4 (5) read 0p: = mot 8. Zu read PAR: 
w omits to AR inclusive through hmt. 5 Supplied from CG, Tpeis atr®y rkoretyo 
kai eis boreuyds, kai my) arog dye égov arog kai eiroy. i 
for Ta koteuara. 7 g omits. Semhu,g. 058 read RAL: nag. 
9,8 read AA’ ቅዲ, a0. 08 readH. a, aeZt/,a read AA nx At 
cgBoBAN =m. g/u,B read wSYi / reads in margin AY: Here text = 
Kaxoi Corrupt fOr KoiXot. See note 12, 5 8, a reads £#ቤW; OE 
abc gefF8 In xa read SEY; EA 9 ናስ; Iፍስተመ 5 መናፍስተ; ነፍሰመ፡ 
ዕ(2) 5 መፍናፍስቲሆመሙ፥ = ያ ያዞ 8 read ምውት “egw m reads YE: 
h HE YE as/s8n0(2) 5 rw Aሳንቱ፡ ያረg!ixa መ“ ኣሎንቱ፡ “ ልሎንቱ 
7 mh 8-0. Fau,0 read ትፈTረi 9 ፈሪ = reads ANY. 5 0, Bread tt 
0 g reads Ay. » So all MSS. but m which reads YI; which is an Ethiopic 
cmendation. G which corruptly reads sroinray was literally reproduced by EK. 


XRT 0 XIU. 6. ENOX 57 

ላ [ei [el PN 
kai €rrol6ns 2 ¥xai drexpign(v) : LIepi rovrou Tog polBepog (rሪnoy) kai epi Ti)s 
ጦሓ [a \ [4 
Tpordyews ¥Tils Bewis*., . 10, Kat einey OUros 0 Toros SeruoTiptoy &yyéXey 

Ls [ey 
Sges vvrxegiiroyraw LuéXpe €y9s] * eis Tov aigva, 
[ay ላ [4 
XXII. Kexeigey éሐiBevra eis AAAoy Troy, Kat ¢Beeééy uot ps Bvruas 
Im ላ 
AAO pos ya kai UNMXGy 5 Terpas rrepeés5. 3, kal Térrapes Tdnot €y 
መ = mn ጦ m ላ )] 
ary KoiXot Bégos 7 €xovres kai Aiay Aeiot, (Tpeis apr6y koretyoi kai els 
# \ hy SEN gin ኣጥ ገ 8 n mn ኣ # 
poretvos, kat nny VBaTos aya eroy avroy. Kat eiroy  ll6s Aeia Ta KotXokaTa 
Ly [oy \ኣ መ 
Tara kal GXoBagi] kat korewd Ti Gore. 3. Tdrée Qnexptgn Paሐala, 6 els 
IN Ep = Ls ል i] (nn ላ rey 5 l; ያ ሩ መ 
T6y Gyieay GYYEA®y 05 er eho lv, Kai einéy ot Oro oi rdrot ot Kolo 
ya énurvydyayrat eis ayrovs Ta Tyeiiara TOy WUXOy TOy yexpéy, eis arg 
N L) # ጭ ን b [A N\ ኣረ, [ey ኝ ፆ ኣላ 
Toro €ékpignray, @gé érvrvvayérgat Taras Tas WvxXds " TOy aygpenay., 4, Kat 
Fn € ፆ ኮ) ግ # ን [ei >} # 10 le [my € [ [ey 

orov oi Troi eis €érotyrxeru(y) ar@y €rou(0)mray 10 expt Tis jjuépas ils 

[ey \ኣ [ey [ei \ኣ 
Kpirews abr6y Kat Héxpt Tob BtopvgkoD 7 Kat Btoptruévoy Xpvoy, €y 9 i] Kits 

[ [4 ገ 

kai ] peayy avrogt 15 expt To0 otpavoD TpoéfBatyey kai éveryyxayey. 6, kat; 

1] LeyaAn €rrau €y ayrois. 5. Tegéalha {éygprovs yexpoys 

1 E wrongly trans. before ai eiréy ko and changes into 3rd sing. See note 46, 
p. 55: 5 FE = rie 6gvwns. See note 5, D. 56, and note 41, D. 54. 3 E = kai @Be. 
« This phrase forms a doublet with eis Toy aiova. Here evos is a corruption Of aigyvos. 
We find the same corruption in the LXX. of Ezek. Xxv. 15 ges évds. Radermacher 
emends Héxpt aigyos TSy aiovoy. 2 E adds kai. 5 Here in genitive. But if we 
follow E we must read rrepeds in acc. MS. evrrepeas. 7 E adds kai Tእdros. ° FE, omits, 
For koreeyoi MS. gives evrkoreyot. 2 E adds roy vig. 0 The impossible eromray 
is accurately reproduced by E. The ogroe oi Téros (also in nominative in E£) may 
of course be a nominativus pendens. nn E adds aires. Text corrupt: also that of 
E which = Ta myebiara dvgporey yvekp@y kai 3] bey) etre. AS Lods has pointed out, 
vers. 5b and 6 of G show that only a single spirit is referred to. Moreover G2 bas 
lost yea which i5 preserved by E. Hence read yeiua Gygporou vekpoy €yrvyXdyoyros 

kai ] pen) ayroy. Bi none: 
35 m omits next three words. 5 0,8, ag omit, x bc omit. 9 reads AB: 
® 9g omits. % These two words seem intrusions in E. They are wanting in G. 

For HI30s of Z, all other MSS. read 3&5 9 omits next four words. T= eos. 
If the two preceding words are alien to the text, then ges was corrupt for ¢y &. 
SFL mu, 8 read Yl: 5 mga. 2,89 prefix ©. 0 Better read as 
suggested by G መንፈሰ; ሰብa፡ ምው እንዘ: ዴሰከ፡ ወያሱ፡ For ሙታ 3; of £9, # reads 
EY}; other M55. PውታY a omits © before Paw against #8. 41 me reads 
ውስት፥፡ = 4 omits next verse through hmt., “a. B~e read AY: « PEAY: 


58 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ XXII EN 

ሰሩፉጹስል፡ መልጸካ; ኣንዘ። ሀሉ ምስሴዩ፡ ወኣቤሉ፡ ዝ“መንፈስ፡ ዘመኒ፡ ውኣጻቲቱ፡ ዘክመዝ፡ 
ቃሱ። ደበጽሕ፡ ወይደሰኪ። 7. ወጸውሥመጸ፤፡ | ወዴይቤለ፤፡]፡ ኣንዘ፡ ዴብል፡ ዝንቱ፡ መንፈስ 
ውኣቱ፡ ዘ“ወጽጸ። ኣምጸቤል፡ ዘ“ቀተሰ፡፡ ቃየን: ኣቶሁ፡ ወ"ይሰኪ፡። ኪያሁ፡ ኣስከ ሶበ፡ 
ዴትኘኝጕል፡። ዘርዙ፡። ኣምቅ.ድመ፡”። “ገጻ; ሰ"ም.ድር፡ ወጻምክዘርጸ፣ ሰብኣ፡ ዶማስጌ፤ ዘርሉዙ። 
8. ውኳጻተ፡፥፡ ዜ፣ ትስኣልኩ፡" | በኣንቲጸሆ፡ ወ|“በጻንተ፡ ተሹዜ፡" ተዙሴ፡” በኣጻንት፡ ምንሃ 
ትፈልጡ ሄጀኣምኔ ፩። 9. “"ወዘውሥይኒ፡” ወዴቤለሲኒ፡ ኣሱ ሂተገብፉ፡። ከመ፡። ዶትፈሰጥ፡።” 
መንፈሰሙመ፡ ሰ“ምጪታንጌ። ወከመዝ፡ ትፈእጠጢ፡። ሰ።መንፈሶመ፡” ለጻፎቃን፡ ዘ“"ውኣቲ፡ ነቅዐ; 
ማይ; በባዕሴሆሁ፡ ብርህት።;። 10. በከመ ከማሆ፡ ትፈጥሪ፤ ሰጋጥጻን፤ ሶበ፡ ይመውቱ” 
ወይትቅበፉ፡ ውስተ፡ ም.ፎር፡ ወቫነኔ፣ ጺ“ኮ፤፡ በ“"ላዕሴሆመ በሕይወተሙ። 11. በዝዩ፡” 
ድትፈለጥ፡። ነፍሳቲሆሙ ደበ፡ ዛቲ፡ ዐባዶ፡። ጻዕር፡ ኣስክ፣ ጸመ፡ ዐባይ፤ ዕለት" ኣንት፡ ሹህኔ፡ 
ወመቸሠፍት፡ ወጻ0ር፡ ሰኣሰ፡ ይረኘመ፡" ኣስከ፡። ሲዓሰም፣ ወበቁል፡ ነፍሶሙ በህዩ፡። የጸበሮመሙ፡ 
ኣስከ ሰዓሲም፡ | ወኣመኒ፡ ውኣቱ፡ ኣምዋ.ድመ፡ ዓሰም።]* 12. ወከመዝ፡ ተፈእጠ፡*” 
ለነፍሰ፡“ ኣሰ፡ ዴሰኻዩ፡" ኣሲ፡። ርኣዩ” በኣንት፡ ሐሰት” ጸመ፡። ትዋቁትሱ፤ በመዋዕለ፡። 
ጋጥጓን። 13. ወ።ከመዝ፣ ተፈጥረ ሲሣፍሰሙ ለሰብኣ፤ ኣሰ” ጺኮፉ፡ ጻፎቃ፤፡” ጸባ፡” 
ሣጥጻ። ኣሰ፡ ፍጽማኔ” ጸበሳ፡" ወምስሰ፡ ጸባሲያን፡። ድከወ፥ኔ፡ ከማሆሙ ወነፍሶሙበ፡ 

1 Fomits. s a,a&. Other MSS.readH. ? FreadstሐውርC:i “mm readsH. 2 
reads phe; # pA: 5 Bracketed as a doublet of AH: £AA; 9,af§ omit. ' Em. from 
ድወጽAi of a2, 8. £ reads RጽAi smu. 908 read phi "mn D0 5. 9 reads 
23 5-505 2A: ። ቀ]; x ቃሌስ " ayce/Bs no. agp (yx aon. nu 
adds NH: = / x read “JP a adds ti » omits next six words through hmt. 
it Fmg. furead AH 8A. » a-gu. gu, 8 read 1A: 1 bcx insert p0AYYH: before 
ውት.  m reads ትYስaልMpi An intrusion. » = kouudrey, corrupt for Kotoudrey. 
0 Position of Wt; after the noun due possibly to the position of mdvrey in G. ZB 
add Ai 2m. /u,8read “Ri = a omits. &$In0y,ay omit the initial ©. 
5 m reads YI; = m adds Ai ©. 5 0=G Xepiteaga. gm read 
ድፍልጥ፤ ሃ።, 8 ዴፍልጡ፡ 25 Fu. my#8 read ውታ gH EE 
read ችፈልጡ፡ 5 Supplied in accordance with G. SO URErNI SS read 
ነፍስሙመ፡ % 0. Other MSS. read WH. a miu, B., £9 read yt: ድወት: 
5 Em. from CY: with G pore) (so Flemming). 5 # adds ወዴት ጋጐሱ፡ 
ws brackets. ig Omts ma. B prefixes ©. 7a. #3 read Ani 
5 Corrupt (2) for oን&NEPas But Ie; = myetka in xv. 12; lxix. 12; xcix. 7; Sir. 
XXX. 145 Isa. xix. 3, &c. ”» 0 reads በቢይi “Fu read 0A: We should 
read PRYረlmi See note 90, p. 59. 5 Z omits. 5a-g. 9,78 prefix ©. 
4 Ethiopic intrusion. #2 mg, frB-ax. g/nuread TAT; ax ትፈ "“#(/). 
g reads H&Eስi mths a, 7:8 read EAs 5 adds A before the next word. 

RX GS: | ENOX 59 

Noénera 1 “Papa Tv iyyeXoy 0s er €éuog iv, kat eira atr® Toro T9 
Tyveila (78 €yrvyXdyoy1 3 
Evrvyxdvet | 

h ) # ወ ey e N ES p ላ 
Tivos €gTiv, ops ores 1 bevy arog npofBaivet kai 
fas Tog obpayogli 7. kat GTekpign uot Aéyey Tobro T9 ved 
eoTwy T9 €EeAg9y Qn) “ABeX By spdyevrey Kdey 6 agepds, kai ("ABI 
€yruyxdyet epi bro expt Tog GToAérat T9 épua arog Gn Tporadroy Tis 
[an M5 አነ [ei [4 [Le ዓ ፆ 5) 6ኛ \ JZ ን [ey ፕሪ 
Y]]s, kai &T9 Tog néparos T6y Qy6prey paytrg? T9 népua avrog. 8B. ‘Tore 
PRA 3 ላ en Ld 4 [i ላ Py # Ly NN AN 
pera 5 Tept T6y KotAaudTey “ Tayray, tg Tt €Xoptrgmray TE» GTO Toy 
€2ds?., 9, kai QTekpign uot Aéyoy Orot oi frist 5 €rolgniray Xopitergat 
TQ Tyveiuara T6y Vvexkpéy' kat otras (€JXepirg eis Tq yeiuara TOy Bukaiay, 
0971 }Y yy Tog tBaros ¢y atr@' bor" 10. kal otires €xrirgn rots 
ር [ay 8 e# ኮ) # \ መ 2 N Las \ኣ ፆ ጌ) ግ [4 ን 3 
GhapreXois 5, Gray Gnogdyoriy kat Tap@cty eis Tily Yily, kai Kpirts ovk €yewl0n én 
airy €y» Th (en ayréy. 11, @Bé XapiCerTat Ta Tyeyuara abréy eis Ty éyaAny 
N bey = = Xap ) 
[my € In ፆ [ey 2 \ ጦ 

Barayoy Tayrny, expt Tis LeyሪAns lueépas Tils Kpireas, Ty kariyey Kat TOV 
Bardvey TSy KaTnpauéyey 5 XuéXpt aiéyos 10 iy Gyrandgorts UV Ty TyevuaTaw' 
kei Bret airoys uéxpts aigvos. 12. kai oires €xXapirg Tots Tyevuarty T6y 
ጋ ያ ey ጋ (0 ላ on 3 # ep [ey ኦ) = 
€yTVUyX@yOVTy, oiTyes €ypayi(ovruy Tepl Tis GTaAeias, gray cpovév0érty €y Tats 
Nuépats T6y GuapTreAéy., 13. Kat ores €xrirgn Tots Tyevuariy T6y ay0pOray, 
ey ኔ) Ld 18 e/ 2) N 3 ፆ Ld 13 ኦ) [Ay ላ N ኣሓ ኮ) [4 

Oot OUK €ZobTat “ Otol GAAG GHuapreAot, Orou “ agéi3ets, Kat eT Tay Gyouwy 
€rowrat uéToxot. Tit BE Tyeiuara [Ort oi év0dge OAu3évrés fAarroy KoAdcovrat] 1 

1 MS. nperney. 5 Em. with E from Seo. Thus in og... 3] paw) atroy we have 
the Semitic idiom 2B «3. See also Ver. 0; xvi. 15 XxXxil. 3. 5 E adds epi 
atroD kai but wrongly, apparently. 5 Em. from kueuarey. Lhe translator olf 
found tuxrxehara in ver. 2 for a corruption of kotyéara preserved in G, and here 
kpthdrey another corruption Of KoNokdreoy. 2 Em. by Dillmann and Lods from 
my aro Toy atovos. 5 Corrupt. We expect Térapes. 7 Semitic idiom = 13 ,, AVN 
Or Na ses 1, 5 Em. with E from roy auapreas. 2 E takes this transitively : 
but it is to be taken passively as in Wisd. xii. 11; 2 Kings ix. 34; Matt. xxv. 31. 
10 Ei = expt aiSyos Kai. u So Radermacher emends from ny ayrarogogets., E = 
kai 77s dyrarogdreas. iE gay » Add Sእot with E. An explanatory 

5 8B. Zu read £Nht; mi ENE * a. fPaehno(?) x8 read PAA; Scd/ s/n 
ወሲኣለi " ። reads PeAዩi ” cu read h(hnPAYi = £ reads AA = w omits. 
5 dy. All other MSS. omit. Am, mn omit. 55 m prefixes A. 5 7 reads 
ጻድቃን 7 m reads AA 8 Fp g-anx, af an read JDTAY EE 
rcad FRY 0 m prefixes H 5. Other MSS. read AN: 

60 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ XX I RXV 

ጺትትቁትል፡ በዕለገ፡ ሹኔ፡ ወጺ“ድገገሥመጹ፡ “ጻምኔ ዝዩ።፡ 14. ውጻት፡ ዪዜ፡ በረካ 
ሰ“ኣንፓዚጾ፡ ስብሐት ወኣቤ፡፡ ቡኗፉሕ፡፡ ኣፓዚኣዩ፡ ኣፓዚጾ፡፡ ጽድቹ፡ ዘ 'ድመልኳ፡ ኣስከ፡ ሰንለም። 
XXIII. ወኣምህዩ;፡። ርኩ ካልጸ፡ መኻ መንገሰ፡ ዓረብ፡ ሓጻስክ፡ ጸጽናፈ፡ ምፎር። 
2. ወርጺኹ፡ ኣሰት፤ ዘደኔፎድዶ፡" ዘ"ይረውፀ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ጺ*የንርፍ፡። ወጺ“ድነትን፡። ኣምፉፀቱ 
መዐልት“ ወሴሊት፤ ጸሳ;። ከማሆሁመ። 3. ወ'ትስጻልኩ፥ ጻን ኣብል፡ ዝንቱ ምንት 
ውኣቲቱ፡ ዘጸልቦ፡ ዕረፍት።።" 4. ውኳት፤ ፲ዜ፡ ጸውሥጸ፤ኒ፡ ራፐዜል፡" ጀ"ኣምህ ቅዱሳን፡። 
መሳባኣኻገ፡ ዘሀ ምስሴዩ፡ ወይቤሰ፤፡ ዝንፒቱ;። ዘርጺክ፡። ፉጸት፡ ተወዝኒ፡፥። መንገሰ፡ ዐረብ 
ኣሰ ዘ“ድሰፎድ፡። ውጻቱ፡ ዙሉ” ብርሃናች፤ ሰማይዴ። XXIV. AYE ር 
“ኻልጸ፡ መኻ፤፡” ምድር፡ ወ“ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ደብረ፡፤ ሓጻሰት፡ ዘያንበሰብል፡ መዐልች፣ ወሴሲችት።” 
2. ወሖርኩ፥ መንገሴሆ፡ ወ።ንጸርኩ፡። ሰብዐተ፡ ጸድባረ፡ ካቡራቱ ወዙቡ፡። ሄኣም ጻን 
ዶትቹዊሰጥ፡። ወ።ጸኣባ፤፡። “ኳቡራ፤፡ ወሠና.ያ፤፡። ወዙሱ፡። ክቡር; ወስቡሕ፡ ራኣየዮመ፡ ወሠና ይ; 
ገጾመሙ፡፥ ሂመንገለ፡ ጽባሕ፡ ወ“ጽኒዓን፡።” ሄደበ፡ ሄወኛመንገለ፡ ሰኔ" ጀፈበ፡ ሄጀወቈሳት። 
ዕሙቅ፡። ወጠዋያሻ። “ጸሐቲ፡ ለ“ጸሐቲ፡ ጺዴትቃረባ።” 3. ወሳብዕ፡ ደብር ማኣጻከሎሙ፡ 
ሰኣሎንቱ፡ ወ“ኖኖሙ፡፣ ዘይት ማሰሱ፡። | ሹሎሙ፡|። ከመ፡ መንበረ፡ ጸትራኖስ፡” ወ“የጸው.ድያዎ፡” 
0ጻወ; መዓዛ: 4. ወ።ሀሉ፡ ኣም።ውስቴተመሙመ፡ 00; ዘ“ጸልቦ፡ “ፃሙራ፡” ጸመ; ጴነወ።ኒ፤ 

171m read iN a. 8 reads NHI: 4)» read AIHLRብሔC: A3" ስብሕት 
n AJHLAብሔC: only. “9 omits. m5 repeats this and next seven words. ®* /°,8 add 
ውቲ s m prefixes ©. 9, 8 add ስብሐት; ©. 7a fphya. B-eRphya read 
ዘዙሉ፡ “ቫሉ ዚ. s Before this chapter in # there is the superscription J; CA 
ኣሰተ፡ ዘዴረውፀ፡ ኣንበለ፤ ዕረፍት፣ " ። reads ርጺኩ፥ " A gloss? G omits. m adds 
ዘዴድገነብር፡ 1 am. mM, fB read ©. PHI BEN XO ig epee Tea ED 
w F100. reads 3CS; 9,a iN: i Fu. mgt, B read oy. ls 
So G AX. #Z reads Ai moi AA For next word 9 reads “Ps 9, fs omit. 
7 ax read HAA0E: #e9u,0. mt 8-0 read 0ረ€ትi " N50 read PA 
20 fF omits. 1 abeinox,b trans. after mA against a,c gf 88 (»)y,a. = # adds AE 
5 G2 omits. =» a=g. lf this is right, it represents 7 before rps Bvruds. But it may be 
a corruption of POE; as Flemming supposes. 9 reads Hii 8 H. 5 Em. from 
iE; with G exgtgkow, “5 Em. from ft 7 Before this chapter £ adds the 
superscription በAንY; SRC: ራን: 5 ዞ reads Ri መnSYi a AA: only. 
5 m reads H. ™» Bob omit. ™» a. B reads CA 5 g reads DitN =» 8, 
a-/ read ድዊልች፡ ™ ma omit. =» 0 reads AO]; 5ያ,l8. a2 read ረ: 
[i eu,lg. mgi read DORN; m/w add ብረ: 5 mghB. eu read 
ኸቡረ፡ "መ ያ።, 5-4, ድ reads ጸና]; »። ጽሁና]; 4» ጽዓት " agcox(5w)B 
add ወጽዓ}; against a, feFBtInya. “9. All other MSS. read &ሳY: (#AY ). 
«7. Zuread 0p; » Amy; /' 02; “5 ፀየሙቃ1፡፡ Sr. m/w, B~a read 
EL: a omnis: 4 mg, 8B. ድ reads ሰጸሐቲ፡ ሰ. /። read ለሰጸሕቲ፡ ( + ጸሐቲ፣ ሣ). 


BE Fa ን [4 1 ኮ] € [4 [Im ፆ Ih} \ Le) L] መሓ 
airéy, o0 Tiuepngroyrat + €y Iuépa Tils Kpireas, oU% ul uereyepgScty evreiget. 
[es ኣላ [ey 
14. Tdre Aya Tv Kiptoy Tis Bdéns, Kat eiva EyXoynr9s #ei, Kote 6 iis 
Bukatoryvns 5, Kupteyay #ro0 aiQvos °. 

XXIII. Kéxeigey ¢bagevra eis (LAAoy TUToy pፅs Bvruas *« T6y Tepdirey 
Tis Ys. 2. kat egearduny ip? BtaTpéXoy kal oyk Gvaravdluevoy ove 
ኦ; m fe # c # N } el 6 [4 ) ን 
cyAeirov To0 Bpdkoy, Juépas kat vvkrs Téa 5 Biaueévoy. 3. Kai pda 

/ L 

Aéyey TE €rry T9 kul] €X0y GyTavrwi 4. Tሪré Qrekpign ot PayounX, 6 eis 
[ey EF 3 # ላ 9:5 in 0 L [4 [ey ኣ ኣ \ N 
TO» &yiay GYYEX®y 0s er €uog 1ly Obros 6 BDdkos Tog up9s TO pos Bvrkas 
1 Tdvras Toys Pporrilpas Tog obpayo. NAV Kays 
y / L - N # 9 [4 ነ as ንጫ ቱ, i \ 
€BétEéy uot Gp ups Kavgluéya » .... VUKTOS., 2, Kat €néketya ary €nopeygny Kai 
Cgearduny ETA Gpn €v8oéga, Téivra €xdrepa Tog €karépoy BiaእAdrrovra, Fy oi 

nip 79 ZexBUGKOV erty 

መ [ey \ ) a 

Aigo €yrultou T KaAXoy]] 9» Kat Tdyra €vrtua kai éyvBoka kai evebij, (rpia ém) 
Gyaroxas €or ya (ty) €y TO €yt, kali Tpia él yaroy ($y) €y TO €yi i 
VaTOAGS €rTnptyuéya (¢y 9 €yt, p €y) €y TO €yi., Kat 

8 ላ = im mn mn 
pdipayyes Bageiat kat paxeiat 7, kia 7} ut ok eyyi(ovrat, 3. Kai [T® gpeu]s 
ኣ ጦ ጦ 
€CBgoluoy Gpos &r uéroy Toray, kat Zirepeixey T% iNet Guotoy 15 KagéBpa gpdvoy, 
kai TeptekVvkXoy BéyBpa avr 14 eveiBil 12, 4. kai ly €y abrots BévBpoy 0 oy8é- 
Ld ኣ ን \ኣ el CF, | fe f 118 \ ንፍ el [ed 

ToTé @rppavuau kat oygeis €repos avréy |erppdayvgn' 15, kai ovBty €repoy Gotoy 

1 E = yatpegilovrat Or drogayovvrat. This is supported by xcix. 11; cviii, 3 
Matt. x: 28: 5 FE = kuUpuds ou, 6 Kiptos 77s Buxatoywns. =i the Worlds Ei 
expt Tov aiovos. + E adds expe. 2 E adds cpXeydueyoy. 5 Read dad with E. 
7 = nin ¥yJ. Is the By corrupt for ny = « feeds, « nourishes 2’ In that case we should 
have a play on the name of the angel. See xx. 4. 5 Before kai insert with E 
Kdkeigey ebogevra eis GiAXoy raroy Te Ys. 2 E adds Juépas ai. 70 Ei = ai Toys 
እigovs €vriuove kai Kaxovs Or by a slight change the nom. can be read: see notes 35, 36, 
Pp Oo Er = xoNiats 5, An inirusions | E (Le #0 BD) = verte (@ B20 p= 
kai T9 Uyros) airy Toray Suota Tdvras but réivra iS an intrusion, and by slight changes 
we obtain a text = irepeiXey airy ghotov, See note 47, D. 61. 13 MS, avr. 
5 E = eteoBn which is right. CE. vers. 4, 8, Xxy. 4. 5 Em. from vppaven (Beer). 
Here airey is the object of the verb. But as the verb was wanting in the original 
of FE, E rendered airey as though it Were ¢éf airey, thus making it dependent on the 
subject. For op8eis. . .air® E gives obey (Or oygeis) atr@y kai o0géy €repoy Suotoy ar® fhe. 

5 mgy, 8. £ reads pei “Pei ። “Pei “8. mu read AA". 7 ለAንE 
Bob = imrepeixey ary. a, B-B read rኖሙበ፡ (Z ንሖን. This final ሰ, which is in 
all M55. T have emended unto H and prefixed to ተማ. 5 ድ read ትመ. 
EY" should be emended into £YማሰA: Thus HEY = G Suotoy. » 1 have with 
some hesitation bracketed this word, as G, f omit. 2. m/w, Bread AYCIN:, 
abcdek mhFRInox.ay read 3 gu PN. m adds በAIYi = m omits. Sn. glu 
readHA. Bomits. gu. mt, 8 omit. *# reads 3TPራi ™ m reads Aoi 7 dy ready 

625 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ XXIV. AS TXXY. S, 

ተወጺጀጸምውስቱተትመ፥ ወባዕዳንሂ፤ ዘከማሁ’ ዉጺኮነ፤ ዴዶዕዝ፡፡ ኣምዙሉ፡ መዐዛ 
ወቁጽሱ፡ ወጽጌሆሁ፡፡ ወዕፀ ጺድጸመሄ፡ ሰዓሰም፡፤ ወፍሬመሆሁኒ፤ ሠሪ ድ፤ ወፍፌሬሆስሰ፡ ከመ፡ ጸስሣሰ፡ 
በቁልት።፡ 5. ውኣት፡ ፤ዜ፡ ኣቤ ዝንቱ ሠናይ፡ 00; ወ፡ተ* ሠናይ፡ ለርኣይ፡ተ፣ ወጸዳም፡ 
ቁጽሱ፡ ወተፍሬሆሁኒ፡ተ" ሞገስ; ጥፃቁ፡ ለርኣዩ፡። ገጽ። 6. ውል ፲ዜ፤ ጸዘውሥጸኒ፡” 
ሚኻካጹል፡ ሄኣም! መላሳኣክት፡ ቅዱሰን፡ ወካቡራን፡" ኣንዘ፡'፡ ምስሌዩ፡ ሀሱ ውኣቲቱ፡ ዘደቤሆሙ። 
XXV. ወ“ይቤሰኒ፡” ሃኖሕክ፡ ምን ትሴጸል፡“ በጻንት፡፥ መዓዛሆ፡ ሰዝ፡ ዕፀ: ወትጤናዩቅ፡” 
ክከመ፤ ታኣምር። 2. ውጻተ፡። ደዜ፡ “ዘውሣኣሕዎ፡።” ጸዞ” ሄኖሕ; “ኣን: ኣብል በኣንተ፡ 
ዙሱ፡ ኣፈቅ.ፎ፡ ጳኣምር፡ ወ“ፈድፎፉደ።ሰ፡። በኣጻንት“ዝሽ፡። ዕፀ። 3. ወዘውሥይ፡። ኣንዘ፤ ዴብል፡ 
ዝንቱ ደብር” ዘርጺክ፤ ነዋሣ፡” ዘርኣሰ፡ ድመስል፡ መንበሮ ለኣግዚኣ፡። መንበሩ፥ ውኳኣቲ 
ግበ፡ ድነብር፡ “ቅዱስ፡ ወዐቢዶ፡። ኣገዚጸ፡ ስብሐ ንጊሥ፡ ዘለንለም፣ ሶበ፡። ይወር.ፎ 
የገውጻ፡”። ሰምድር፡ በሠናድ።” 4. ወዝንቱጀ:” 0ፀ;። መዓዛ:;። ወጽጺጸሐዱ፡ ዘ።ሥጋ፡ 
ጸልቦ፡ ሥልጣ" ከመ፡ ድግመዎ፡። ጻስክ፣፡ ጸመ፡። ፀባፎ;። ሸኔ፤ ጸመ፡፤ ዴትቤቁል፡ ቫሉ 
ወ“ ይፌጽም" ልስከ፡ ሰንሲም፤ ሽኬ፡" ሲ“"ጻ.ድቃን፡ ወሰትሑታን፡ ዴትወሀብ።። 5. ኣም] “*ፍመ፡ 
ዚጸሆ፡ [( ዴቸወሀብ፡]” ሲሣፉያን;” ተሐሕዴወተ፡ተ” ተ“ወመንገለ፡ መስዕ፡ቱ።= ዴትከል፡።” ፉበ፡። 

1 m repeats. 9 reads Hh an; See note 16, p.61. smu. 9/1 read POW: HS 
HOH: reads Ee; #505 trans. before p%&”. 108 read በፈnት'i saa. B-a 
read AY: Add hi and trans. the next two words with G. 8 adds yp: abgx 
omit. $s axomit. ? = eieugés. But eveges in G is all but certainly right. For ACA; 
of 2m 8, we find ACXE; in 9%. Corrupt for RLU = Sivgn avroy. See same 
corruption in note 3. g reads eo; 1 9 reads ሙስ: SFmhB. g reads 
ሰርዉዩ፡ ። ሰርዉዩ 3 a. #8 read ወው: # 2 reads AD” mn DR and trans. 
before AY; 15 (2 omits. 5 a. Breads Hi mn reads £LቤNos » ao%y. 
So G. a, B-aox,p read ትRALI "9 reads ለውAቹi "eu. m reads ትይ; 9 8 
Yጨድቅ; See note 6, D. 63. a efi iInop(v,ab. abcgxread Ati = 9/58. 
Z reads RAW miu RR 5,8. Other MSS omit. 5 2 omits. 
5 g reads DAN; mu AH: £ብNi = 9/u, 8-0. m0 (5) omit. 7 me omits. 
Se (though with rare form AR"). All other MSS. add L. 5 # adds as a gloss 
ጻግዝኣጻት፣ ማርያም ወቦ፡ ዘይቤ፡ ደብረ፤ ሲናይ፤ 9, ax. 9 reads jዋy፡ bce/። py 
gB8I(0PNy»a BIR » guread መiበr; AለAJHLRብሔC: (Aኣዚኣ፡; “). = # reads 
in acc. 5 0 reads ወሰበ: ።# ©. ax add ዴመፀኣ፡ ©. 5 reas ይግውጻ፤ 
5 0 reads wSEi u omits. a. Bef read HYEi ‘fF YE ts, 8, 
Zm, n read 00: 9 00©; 5 75, 8 add wg&i 8 su omits, 40 aim. 7m, 1B read 
ሥልጣን ጣያ, 8, areads £2hስ; 5 F omits. 3 FL m, hop read ዓይ 
ያ።, B-hob ዐበቢዴ፤ ድ as ኣለት ኣንገ፡ art. All other MSS. read ድችፌAም 
» a= Tdge. 8B reads Wh; 5 » omits from 8£2PY; to A inclusive. 7 c omits 
next three words through hmt. 5 CG omits, and rightly. This preposition added 
when YOU; was interpolated. 5 Interpolated. G omits. # reads £YOY: 


መ ይ [A 2 [A ኣ ጦ 
air@" Gruily eixey eagéerrépay Tayray dpaudiTay, Kat Ta (PAA atrof kai 79 

\N [ey N }) 
dyvgos Kat 79 BévBpoy ov pgiveti eis roy aigya’ oi Bt epi Tiy Kaonibvs eel 

€ መሓ 
Borpves powikey. 5. rire eiroy O51 Kaxby T9 Bévgpoy Tofrd érrty Ka 
[ay ) =~ LA መሓ ጦ N 
e6Bes 5, kat pata T& @UAAa, Kat T& Gy0n aro epaia Tj Spare. 6. Tire 
4 ን) / A ine ኣ in 
GyYY€AOy 05 er cog ly Kat avr9s 

Qrexptgn ov MuxaIX, eis Tay Gyioy 
airéy yeiro, XXV. kai eimeéy ot Eyx, Ti €perés 5 (kai Ti egayuaas 1 €y 
TN Gru] Tog BévBpov, kai 18d Ti XOéets Tilv GXiigetay ageiyei 2, rdré 
t t 

5 [lepi Téyray eigevau géAw, udAra Bt epi roi BévBpoy 

z ፆ ll ን ሓ 
arekpigny  aur® 
Totirovu bgBpa. 8. kai drexpign Aéyey Toiro r9 pos T9 VJnAdy?, og 
Kopv@il Skoia gpdyoy geo, Kagégpa 1 €rriy ob Kagibe #6 uéyas kiptoss 6 éiytos 
Tils Bens 1, 6 Barxebs Frog aigvos 1, gray kaTal3] éntrkédraggat Tily Yily ¢m 
Gyag8. 4. kai Toro T9 Bévgpov etagias, kai obBeula apg €éovriay ¢€xe, 
el ty) መሓ / [es [4 ፆ IEF Ua Ate) Le [4 \ # 
aya gat avroy expt Tils éyaAnS Kpiréws, ¢€y " 1] €KkBikLS TayTay Kat TeNeiwagts 
la Ly © ያ 14 ፆ ላ € ፆ hy 6 B EHS N ን [el [a 
Péxpts aigyos" Tres Btkatots Kat ortos Bogerat. . FO KapTOs arog Tots 

ጦ [/ ኣ ያ 
exaexrois eis Cov eis Bopay, kat75 ueraሐbvrevgilrerat ¢y Tiny &y(y Tap8 Toy 

1 MS. pgs. 5 E = 6 Be kaprs Kaእos kai 6 Kaprds. 5 FE, = eoeuBés but text 
is better. See note 15, D. 61. ‘EE adds kai gyriuaoy, Pads He 5 his 
interesting phrase = N3'%' Nayn. CL Dan. vii, 19. EF = dxpu3oie ageiy., Here the 
kageiv 15 unnecessary. Ct. Dan. vii. 19 (Theod.) where after sriirovy dxpu3as some 
M55. add kageiy., The phrase has already occurred in xxi, 5 mepi Tivos Tijv dilgetay 
@iaorrouvgeis. lL here E renders freely as epi Tivos depulgoie kai cpuorougeis. See also 
Dan. vii. 16. 7 MS. arexpeugn,. 5 E adds Aye. 5 E adds 9 eiges. pe adds 
atrot. n Text confused. E = 6 &yeos kai 6 uéyas 6 kuptos iis Sdéns. 6 cupeos Ti)s Bdéns 
iS Supported Dy RXV IB = alone NISei rt Exide This text 
seems right save the phrase eis Colly = wn or possibly Kno corrupt for Nip = carat. 
The writer had before him Ezek. xlvii. is PoN»2 ግ Yn. “Thus the original prob- 
ably ran Db Wino Kon n3a38)., Hence for eis (ev in text read érat. E which 
= €k Tov Kaproy abroy Bogllerat rots exxexrois (en, kai eis (3oppév should be corrected 
accordingly. Mr. Cowley suggests eis Bobéy may be a rendering of NSN» and of this 
Rho may be a corrupt dittography. [f this is right, then the full stop should be 
omitted after Boglerat and Tére . . . fBopdy treated as one sentence. 

ፃ ወይትወUብi The verb in the Aramaic was ning = fora of a corruption of which 
eis (Ceflv is a rendering. See note 15, D. 63, 0 m reads AH: 2 A2ራ]; 
' #9 (= eis Coivp). All other MSS. read ሐይወት; = (ai). ax trans. h#" after 
መስዕ; In either case the text is wrong. See note 49 and also note 15, D. 63. 
529. Other MSS. read mY" ስ; Here E confounded sis Bopds = AAA: with 
eis Boppy = mY መስዕ; The © before መYIA; should be placed before YA: 
We should prefix ©. See preceding note. # adds }YIA; መስ): 90 (5) ,a 8 read 
ዴተካል፡ = a. 3 reads hስ1:; 

64 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ RXV BNR 

መካን፡ ቅዲኗስ፡ መንገሰ፡ ቤቱ ሰኣገዚኳኣ፡ ንገሥ ዘሰንለም። 6. ውጻተ፡ ፤ዜ፡ ይትፌሥሑ 
በፍሠሓ፡ ወይትሐሕሰዩ፡ ውስተ ቅዲስ፡፡ ወያበውጹዙ፡፡ “መዓዛ፡ ሎቱ፡፡ በ'ጸዕጽምቲሆሙመ፡ 
ወሐድወት፡ ብዙን የሐድይዉ፡፡፡ በቷደበ;" ም.ፎር፡ በከመ፤ ሐሕድዉ፡ ጸበዩክ፡። ወበመዋዕሲሊሆሙ፡ 
ግዘን; ወ“ሣማም፡። ወባዕር፡። ወመቅሠፍሻ፣ ዚይገሠመዎሙ።*» 7. ውጻተ።፡ ፲ዜ፡ በረካዎ፡ 
ሰጸምላሳክ፡ ስብሐት፥ ንገሥ;። ዘሰጎሲም፡፤ ጻስመ፤ ጸስተዳሰወ፡ “ሰሰብኳ፡ ከመዝ፣ ጻፎቃን፡" 
ወክ: ፈጠረ: ዴቤ: tሀብዎሙ። XXVI. ወaምህዩ፡ ሖርካ፥ ማኳክከሲ፡ ምድር 
ወርጺኩ፡ “መኻ ቡፉክ፡ [(ጥሴሲ፤]። (ዘቦቱ ዕፀወ) = ዘቦቱ ጸዕፁቁ፡። ዘ” ዴነብር፡ ወዴሠርፀ፡ 
[ኣምዕፀ፡;። ዘ“ተመችረ።] = 2. ወበህዩ፡ ርጺኩ፤ ደብረ፡ ቐዱስሰ፡ ወ።ሃመቸሕ፣ ፎደብር፡ ማይ 
ጻመንገሰ፡። ጽባሕ” ወ።ሃውሕዘቲቱ፡” መንገሰ፡። ሰ"ን። 3. ወርኳኩ፡ መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ 
።ኻልጸ፡ ፎብረ፡። ዘይነውሣ፤ ኣምሽ፡። ወማጻክከሎመ፡፥ ቈሳባ;። ዕሙቁ፡። ወ“ጸልቦ፡። ረሕበ፡ 
ወ“ቦቲኒ፡። ማይ;። የሕውር፡ መገገሰ፡ ዶደብር። 4. ወመንገሰ፡ ፀረ" ሰዝ;። ካልኣ 

1 0 prefixes ©. 2 Zw, B. 2 reads ይት » “J; 2 F reads 
በውስ G has ai eis. « # adds ማሣደር 2 Fg, 0 b= kai MVvovrat Or eiroirovee 
= py. See note 5, D. 68. miu, B-0p read PR: which may be corrupt for 
£በውጽ = sireaeirovrat as 1L conjectured in 1893. 2 gH = Tv gouly arog; 
for it seems that we must here take A"Ei as a rendering of airog, just as in 
xlviii, 0 fraps = airév (see Dillmann's Zex., col, 23). m, B-ax read FE: 3H: 
uw 3H: For Ei ax read 0g; 7a, $n. PBR’ read 00. 5 wu reads 
ብዙጋን፡ 5 F reads tht: 10 0,8. mu read £0; 1 m reads hp; 
ዞ የሐዴዉ፡ 5 ሆaባባ5s በፉበ፣ ምድር 5 a reads Ya; 11 a. 8 reads DRX; 
g trans. 04” after my". » £ reads KEY. 1 u prefixesD. 7 miu Ba. 
#9, Xap read AATHR:  £ reads YLvi 9 AJL; ” 8, n. These two M55. alone 
preserve the strange order in G dygporots Ta rotaira Buxaiots., All other MSS. read 
nH: ሰሰ" ጻ£". A late (7) hand adds A before RE in £. 0 g omits. Eh 
Ethiopic gloss inserted asyndetically in # mI, caf BRI». G,9 omit. apeyFox,ay 
read TA; = Deliberately (?) omitted by translator of E on the ground of the sense, 
thoueh possibly it may have fallen out in E before HE A. See note ro, p. 65. 
3 ain, f. m8 read RORY: / adds marginal glosses ሐዋርያት; and #HቢYs 
5 # omits. 5 2 omits. 5 ax read YY ” c omits. 5 aim. m reads 
መን". 8 ዘመን". a0, ala, 9, Bala read ጽሑ ” 9 reads ውሣHY 
u wu reads Ay". 5 gu read AA; AC: 5 9. All other M55. read hvH: 
= 9,8. ድሃ read ሕሳባት ። ሐሳ  ቈያሱሳት (sic). 5 Fu. mgt Bread Ook; 
0 B, a reads AAs J£. mg/w read CAግበi abox ብ; ceFBsIab ሣግ; 
4 ራጋኻብ፡ 5 Em. with G gv airiis from NeEii of 9. # reads PAE: Other MSS. 
ባቲ፤ 5 0 reads gti 3 trans. after th against a, (2). " m reads ዓራ4ብi 
1 9 reads AH ‘0. 


oikoy Tog geo 1 BartXéas # ¥roD aiavos 5.5 6, rdrée eybpaygilroyrat eibpawd- 
\ [4 EU P= Nd 3 IN [4 = 3 ላ ን ሓB 5 nN 
eyot Kai Xaplloyrat kai# ¥eis To (tytoy eiceevgoyras’ ai gruai tro} ¢y Toi 
py k s 
[4 መሓ ጦN 
Grréous avr@y, Kai Cily TXeioyva 5 (lrovrau én Yils ily €OMray ot Tarépes oy, 
i ie] I) EFL See Es ላ [4 ላ ላ ላ [4 hy 1 
kal €y Tais Jépats ayréy kai Bdirayvot kai TAyai kai drrtyes ovx GVovrat 
ary. 7. ‘Tare NoAGYNa 7 T6y geoy Tis Bdéens, Ty BartAéa ¥ro0 aigvos 5, 0s 
bi b } 
€ [ey # መሓ 
Mroikarey ¥aygoarots TQ rovaira Bixatots ?, kai avrd €kTtgéy kai eiéy Bova 
m i 14 [Lo [I 
XXVI. Kai exeigey ¢paBevra eis T9 uéroy Tiles iis, Kai {Boy Toroy 
ን # [ei 
ካXOyMuévoy, €» © r6évBpa €Xoyral TapaሐbvdBas uevoyras kai BXaorovras [Tog 
[4 ሓ መሓ 
Beévgpoy ékkoréyros] 10, 2, Kaxet Tegéauat pos fiytovu. Vrokdira Tog Gpovs 
[Ad [ey 
Bop €€ @varok@y, kai Tily {Bvrevt 1=# eixey ps ydroy, 8, kai (Boy pos 
5 ሓ 
Gvaroxas dAAO pos UYMXGrepoy rovroy, kai &va uéroy ayrog15 bdpayya 

6 [ey ን Ld [# ላ 3 BN ey / [1 [A ገ lL \ኣ \ 
Bagestay, ove €Xovray TXaros, Kat Bt avriis tBep Topevyerat (VUrokdTe VO TO 

pos. 4. kai pos Bvrhés Toyroy &XAO Gpos Tarétygrépoy avrog kal obk €Xoy 

1 E = kupiov. 5 MS. Baevs. 5 E = aieoriou. $E trans. after @ytoy, 
and perhaps rightly. ? E = eis ry fytov kai (#9, 00. m/w, Bob omit) AMVovz au iv 
Qouily a%rot, but, as we have shown (note 5, p. 64), it can by an easy emendation be 
brought into line with G. Otherwise the two versions may go back to the Aramaic. 
Thus G= ah Ny» Kup and E rw hy) Enp2. The next words are 
somewhat in favour of the text of E., éy rois Goréos aire = Nni5ግ3 which 
also = eis €avrove. “This latter meaning suits the context. This seems to require 
us to read #3 before Js, 7 M5, TvXoymray, 5 E = aiaovtoy, 5 This order is 
preserved in E. See note 19, p. 64. io ‘This sentence is difficult. roy Beévgpov 
€exorévros Can only be interpreted of Ilsrael. Hence if they are genuine, Seygpa 
€Xovra cannot be. So the translator of E may have thought and so omitted 
rendering Béygpa SXoyra., If roi Béyfpou éxxorévros is original, the text may refer 
to the participation of the righteous descendants of Israel in the Messianic kingdom 
in Palestine. Since, however, the trees here spoken of as having shoots are 
again referred to in Xxvii. 1 Y .. . mTእipns Bévgpey, we conclude that the Sevgpa 
are original, and that og BéyBpoy gxxorévros is a disturbing gloss, which introduces 
symbolical meanings into a non-metaphorical passage. Hence 7 have bracketed it. 
kevoveas which seems to be a rendering of "ip, and so may be rendered 
here ‘living nw E adds wai. s Corrupt, E = gvow which is ght, 
5 Better air®v with E£. 


06 መጽሕፈፉ፡ ዛኛኖ፡ XXVL. ASTXRXVIIHL. . 

ይደብር፡ ወይቴሕችተ፡ ሎቱ: ወጸልቦ፡ ኑሐ፡። ወ’ቁሳ፡ ታፓሕቱ።። ማጻከሎሙ፡፡ ወካእኣት፡፡’ ቈሳ፡፡ 
ዕሙቕ ወዴቡስ፡። መንገለሰ፡ ጽንፈ፡ ሠለስቲሆሙ፡፡፡ 5. ወሉ ቈሳት፡" ዕሙቃት 
ወ“ጸልቦን፡;። ርሣበ፡። ጸምኰዙሕ፡ ጽኒዕ፣ ወዕ0; ጽ“ዴተክእ፡፡ ሳዕሴሆን።" 6. ወጸንከርኩ፡ 
በኣንተ፡ ኩዙሕ፡ ወ“ጸንከርኩ፡። በኣጻንተ፡ ቈሳ፡ ወጥቁ፡ ጸንከርዙ።" XXVII. ው” 
፲ዜ፡ ኣቤ በኣንተ፡ ምንት ዛቲ ምድር፡። ቡርክት፡። ወሹሰንታሃ፣ ምልጻት፡። ዕፀወ; ወዛ፣” 
ቈሳ፡ ርጋምት፡ ማጓኋከሎሙ። 2. ውጻተ፡። ሠ ጸውሥይኒ፡ ጽርሌል፡። ጀ።ኣምቅዷሰን፡ 
መሳጻክት። “ኣንዛ; ሀሲሰወ፡።” ምስሴዩ፡ ወይቤለኒ” ዝባ; ። ርኘገምጎ፡፥ ዴጻቲ፡። ለርተማን 
ኣስክ፡ ሰንሲም፣ ዝዩ፡ ዴት'ጋብጽ፡ ሹሎመ፡ ኣለ፡ ይብሰ፡ በጸፉሆመሙመ፡ “ላዕሲ፡ ኣንዚጸብሔር፡። 
ቃለ፡። ዘ“ዚ“ይዶደሱ፡ ወበ “ኣንተ፡” “ስብሐተ ዚጸሆ፡። ዴትናገፉ፡። 0ዕፀብት፡ ዝዩ ያስተጋብጻዎሙ፡ 
ወ።ዝሽ፤፡ ምሸሹናኒሆመሙ፡።” 3. በደኃሪ" መዋዕእ፡ ይክውን፡ ሳዕሴሆሙ፡ ጸርጸያ፡ ቫነኔ፡ ዘበ፡ 
ጽፎቅ፡ በቅፎመ፡ ጻፎቃን፡ (ለዓሲለም፡]»። ሹሎ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ ዝዩ፡። ድባርኳዎ፡። ምሑራን፡” 
ሰ“ኣንፓዚጾ፡ ስብሐት“ ንጌሥ፡“" ዘለዓለም። 4. በመዋዕለ፡" ሹገኔሆሙመ፡ ዶባርኻዎ፡ በምሕረት 
በከመ፡ ከፈሎ 5. ውኳጻት፡ ዪዜ፡። በረኳዎ፡፤ ሲ“ጸገዚጸ፡ ስብሐ" ወ“ቱሎቱ፡ ነገርኩ” 
ወ“ዘመርኩ;” በከመ፡ ይደ ሰዕበዩ። XXVIII. “NV ርኩ “መን1N; 

gu. m,abcdeFnox,ab read ri 9 hi 58 LrD 2 ads ጽእቦ 
For &A; / reads BAY * / reads ZhትYi “ng, a prefix ©. / reads Aha; 
2 mu. 9 reads nai / B-a nANY'i ax nAAY'Y: a Bc 
ቈላት፡ 71 9. 2 reads በP2pYi All other M55. 0whY; s Em. from ሰ; 
of ZF. miu, 8 read "AY rm, 8. tu read wAስቲtሆY; ay. 
By» read ቈAE: uw reads BAY; and trans. before tt: u wu reas 0p]; 
5 0 reads AAs a. abc read Ji geFhRInox ay ግብ; " u reads 
ጻምዙቸሕ፡ ® Added in accordance with G. Z,e read H. All other MSS. omit. 
15 gw, B-a= G ebvreiero. gm, a read ተል: 7 a. hn read በላOሌሆ ን; 
abcde/Fehloxays APs "9 omits. » m adds በAንY: bth: ወጸንhርኩ 
በጻን፣ ቁሳባ፡ ወጸንክርኩ፡ nc prefixes ©. ጋ ያዞ add ል፡ = tu read 
ሹፉክት ("ክት = ድ reads ምልኣት! = 5 trans. before ANY g/D8 Ia read ፀው; 
5 adh read DH:  n prefixes ©. ag, e/htIn. 9g, apcdx,a read KራሌጵR! 
ዕይ()» ትፏሌል፡ = a. 8 reas መሳካት ቅዱሳን ።” ያ. ያu reጓd ጸም ሀሱ 
FB HIN; » ax omit. ™ a. PB read HBA: a HUN: * 8 omits. =» 9 trans. 
before RP a % trans. after HX * 9 trans. after HARE: » 2 omits. 
5 # reads በብሐtሆi 7 9 prefixes Hai * abgtx omit. aw. /wB read 
Pfs Perhaps both forms are corruptions of pnp ams = oienrilptoy. “8B pre- 
fixes ©. x Bracketed as a dittographic rendering of sis ray firayra Xpvov. 
w prefixes H. SFL. m, FB read Ht: gu HH 5 w prefixes ©. 4 adds 
በምጨሕረት፣ = Fጀኳ. fom መሓርያY; G gives Soegeis corrupt for eiregeis. # anx 
read AJHLRብሔC: 5 9 prefixes A. “0. miu read mp". 8 ወበመዋ". 
sf, Badd RHs » gy read ATHLRብC: Jw; ስብሐትi ” a, ge/p tn be)a kh. 


Nros, kat pdpayya Bageiay kal énpay' 1 Gv ueéroy abr@y, kai GAAy pdpayya 
Bageiay kat €npqy €T tikpey T@y Tpuay (6péey.1 5. kai X¥rarat ሐdpayyéss 
ጋ [A 3 £) # © ኣ 14 ን 2 [4 i) ን [Uy ላ 
eirty Bagetat * €k Terpas repeéGs, Kat BévBpoy ovk €pvrevyero €n avras, 6, kat 
Cgatiuara # epi Tils pdpayyos, kai Aiay éegayuara. XXVII. kais eiroy 
Aa Ti] YR] airy ] eoAoynuéyn Kai TRra Mons BevBpey, airy B¢ 3] ቁpdpayé 
KEKaTnIDahém] €Tiyi 5 ..... 3, Yi]? Kardparos Tots KékaTapauévous €éoTiy expt 

aiérvos. @Beé €rervvaxbirovrat Tdyres 1 

[4 መሓ መጦ 
oi KexaTlpaluévou1 oirtyes $ épogrty T9 
# ን [ey \ ፆ N ) AN \ \ [i 16 ን [ey ኣ 
FTouaTt avréy Kara Kvpiov bevy &anpemn]], kai epi ils B6éns atrog kእnpé 
AaMjrovrty., @Be errvyvaxgrovrat, kai Be grow T9 oiknTiiptoy?, 8. €m 
ጋ [4 ኃመ oka መጫ ሩ # 10 ፆ eS hl [ey ኦ) ፆ nN 
crxXdrots airy, Fey Tats Juépats 10 Tils kbireas ils &AMguvils €vayrioy TSy 
Bikatay eis Tov finayra Xpovov, @Be ébAoylovrw oi evefBeis'i roy Kyptoy 
i]s Bdéns, Tov Baruaéa ¥rog aigvos15, 4, éy Tats huépats Tis Kpirews abrey 
ን 1 ዓ z] # ሩ ግ [4 ን [A [e ህ # ኣ # ኣሓ 
evAoyIlrovrty €y €Xéet, @s €lueptey aurots. 5, Toré NvAoya Toy Kyptoy Tils 
ኣ nN # Le 
Bdéns, Kat (TYy Bdéay1 avrog Bera kai tiuvnra keyaxorper®s. 

XXVIII. Kat éxkeigey éropeygny 75 eis T6 uéroy 14 MavBof3apd 15, kai toy ary 

+ Instead of this phrase E reads rokdre. 2 MS. roe papayyes. adds 
kal obk €Xovat TAXaTos. “ Add with E epi T@y rerpay tai egavuara —[ost through hmt. 
SE TUTE 2 Add with E rére mexpign OVDUIA, 6 eis Tay dyiey GyYEAey, 6s er 
€uog By kai efrey, 7 A transliteration of KN’. The translator of E understood it 
rightly as = pdpayé. It is similarly transliterated in Neh. xi, 35; Ezek. xxxii. 5 
as Ye in 2 Chron. xxviii. 3; Ezek. xxxix. 15; as yai in Jos. xviii. 165 Ezek, Xxxix, 11. 
Before YM add with E airn }. 5 MS, reves. 5 Ei = Kpurilptoy atr@y., E may 
Bes GOFEUREI See: otey,3 05.05 60: 10 E = grat i) Spares. Thus E makes the 
sentence begin with this verse, whereas G makes the first half of this verse part of the 
sentence which immediately precedes. MS. aegets. ™ E= aiowmos. 5 FE adds 
pos GyaroAds. “EK adds roy Spous, which G wrongly omits. See note 3, D. 68. 
» A faulty transliteration of Rao, more faulty as BaHgnpd in xxix. 1. Lhough 
Nግጋገi) is Aramaic it does not prove that the original was Aramaic; for መEé 
= madbard), which is an Ethiopic transliteration of the same Hebrew word ai» 
in Jos. v. 6, implies an Aramaic form. For other forms see Jos. v. 65 xviii. 12 
kaBBapirts Or uaBgapires. lhe Greek translators were often Aramaic-speaking Jews, 
and introduced Aramaisms probably unconsciously. 

apcx read YIChi FE: Since G gives Tilyv S6fay atroy eBilaera we should restore 
ስብሐት፣ ኮiore Ei Then ስብሐት: Ei = jv gsfay avro5 (ct note 6, p. 64); or 
we may suppose that Tijv Bdéay was lost in G and airo subsequently changed 
to air9 = NE: 5 Em. with G ihma from HhChs 9g reads YHhncርhi 
5 ድ reads AH: 

68 መጽሐፈ: ህኛኻ፡ RTT RXR 

ጽባሕ ማኣክሳባ፡፡ ለደብረ መ.ድበራ፡፡ ወርፏክያፇ፡ ገዳመ፡ “ወባሕፒቲተ።’ 5. ምሱኣ፡ ዕፀወ; 
“(ወ)ኣም ዝንቱ ዘርኣ፡ | ወ |"ማይ፡; | በ4ዕሉ፡|፣ ዶፈሰፍእ፡፡ ኣምሳባዕ። 3. ያስተርጳ፡" 
።ከመ፡ ሰረብ፡" ብዙሣ፡ (ዘዴሰርብ፡]" ከመ“ መንገለ“ መስበ፡ መንገለ: ዐረብ፡ | ወ |"ም 
ዙሰሃኒ፡ .ዐር7፡። ተማዩ ወጠሰ።" XXIX. ወኣምህtL:” ሌርኩ፡ ውስት፡ መኻን 
ካልኣ ኣም መ.ፎበራ፡” ወ።መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፡። “ለደብር፡ ዝንቱ ቁረብኩ።።” 2. ወበህዩ፡። 
ርጺኩ፡ ዕፀወ; ተሹነኔ፡። ተፈፎፋዶ፡።” | ቈስቍ-ስ፡]=” መዓዛ” ስኒን፡። ወከርቤ፡ ወዕፀውሂ፡” 

1 G omits. sg, ax read MANAi—a slip in the former for MANA: ° 9, y read 
Aደብር፡ ሪa ደብሪ: G omits ብei but this range of mountains is referred to in 
XXIX. I, as Lods remarks. “=. m9 read መብደራ፡ ። መብዳራ፡  መድብራ፡ 
a transliteration Of the Aramaic N18 15. su. mgt read © if! omits) EE: 
Fp በሕቲተ፡ ወባበሕ፤ 5 K = mo Tay repudrey kai, (G has kai dm) TSy repudrey, 
and this is preferable. In both repudirey seems corrupt. lf we assume the original 
to have been Aramaic, G = Ny which may be a corruption of Nግ\BISY = kai 
dry rob Spovs. “This is the mountain referred to in E and G (xxix. 1) and 
in the preceding verse in E. Or G may be a rendering of hye corrupt (7) 
for ny (ct Dan. i. 12, 16; Mishna, KL. ii. 2; iii, 2), which would have been 
better rendered by ai purevhdirey. If Wwe assume the original to have been in 
Hebrew, and adopt the order in E, then E=byN» which might possibly be 
a corruption of bs3yyግ = Breen. Lods has suggested that Von is corrupt for 
oA = « and sown fields, 7a. 9,18 read AAO Since G omits 1 have 
bracketed A as an interpolation. ® = dyvoufgpogy. 2 Ff = vege. m, /s read 
ወጻምላሳ" 5 በሳ". 9 omits. 10 = (paevdueyow which seems a corruption of cpatpduevoy 
(i.e. pepguevoy) of G. 9, c05 prefix to #N". un. m reads Aስራብ፤ 9/። ከመ 
ጸስራብ፡ 8-805 ጸስራብ፣ ከመ፣ 8 0,5 read ጸስ” and trans. hm: afer ብዙ: = Bracketed 
as a gloss on ሰረብi According to Flemming / has the sloss hm: ብዙ: HNC: 
on this word. 5 m prefixes ©. Mai = &s. This redundant use of es without 
anything corresponding to it in the Semitic is found also in 2 Chron. iv, Io es ps 
GyaTokés Karévavrt = FAY Delo nap, '* a ጻባd5s ጽበሕ፤ 5 m prefixes ©. 
15 Interpolated in E owing to interpolation of HNC: above. ax read Atk 
ያ ኣምኻልሃ፡ s Em. with G (dvdye) from Zu $0C3: m»/ $3C7: 9 £0C7; 
ax read 0g@; 5 Em. from Ei A; with G. / adds in brackets HHUA: 
Before yi FE interpolates APL (see note 20). [ have obelized yt; as 
corrupt, but the corruption already existed in the Aramaic since Wwe have tgap 
in G. In no case can it be said that water ‘ascends. Aoain Ai i.e. Spdcoy 
shows that we require some such word as « mist or « vapour’ The exact phrase we 
need is found in Ps. cxxxvy. 7; Jer. x. 135 li. 16, i.e. DRV3 Rayo which the LXX 
renders Gveiyety vepexas in each instance, and the Targums by )3y poi» in all three. 


cpnuoy kai avr9 udvoy, 2. TAIpns Bévpev teat ang ru repudireovt 1 
iBep 2 Qvoulpogy 3, Rivogev 3. cpepduevoy “ @s UBpayays BayiAys ? @s 0 #rpos 
Boppy €i BvruSy 7 Tévrogey ¥avdéyet TUSupf kat Bpdroy $. OS BER PRD 
exeigey 9 eropeygmy eis AAoy Tnoy Fy T9709 BaB8npd 17, Kai's os 
QvarTokas Tog 6povs Tovroy @xXduny, 3. Kai1s (Boy Kpirews 15 BévBpa yéovra 15 
Gpoudrayv AuBdvey 16 Kai Cuypwns 17, kat Ta Béygpa ayréy uota Kapyats 15. 

1 E = Gr) TOy rephdrev ai. See note 6, D. 68. G2 and E only differ in respect 
to the position of ai. Neither text is intelligible. The corruption must lie in 
Frepudreay. 5 E adds sy arg. 2 Em. with E from ayouigpoy which gives no good 
sense. 4 E = patvguevow, but G is right. MS. patpoueyvoy. 5 E adds 9s SBpayeyei, 
s See note 13, p. 68. 7 North-west, A Semitic idiom. Cf. Hebrew nay» MSY or 
Nay» N35 in this sense. 5 E = dvdyerat U8aop kai Bpdeos, but by a slight change 
in vocalization becomes = G. See notes 18, 19, D. 68. 3 E = kai exeigey which it 
has trans. into previous Verse. See note 20, D. 69. 1) E = dry ro. ee 
note I4, Dp. 61. 15 EF, corrupt. 5 E adds sxei. = NO\ግግገ which (as Beer 
followings Praetorius points out in ABbok. 9. Psewg. ii. 286) is corrupt for Rn. 
Hence we should have etegn instead of kpireas. ® E corrupt. See note 28, D. 69. 
15 = nap. 7 =, MS. Zuvpva. 5 E, omits, unless we suppose kuaskuas 
which occurs without any sense in the preceding line to be a corrupt transliteration 
of capvats Or kapvikoie = ገ. See note 29, D. 69. MS. Kapoms. 

1 therefore conjecture that in 5 (= SBep) we have a primitive corruption of 35y. 
KE wrongly trans. this word before apt: and replaced it by ©. T have restored it 
to its right place with G. “ B-0. # ads መብድራ፡ መ ምመብዳራ፡ ያ መብደራ፡ 
u መብዳራ፡ ዕ መደበራ፡ 5 Fm. with G from Hof. All other MSS. omit. 
5 Fg, ho (ny. Other MSS. read ጽባሑi = a-mngu. mg read ደብረ; HU. ። AE0C; and 
adds በዝንቱ; afer ቁረብኩ፤ /, 5-8 0 read ለውጻቱ፣ ደበር፣ #8 ወውስ1፡ (# ውኣቱ) ይ". 
5 wu prefixes ©. 5 m adds L. 9 reads ©. T= kpirees. See note 14, D. 69. 
= Tእéov corrupt for véovra. Perhaps &F here was originally ፈደ; 
= mእéoya (Svra. We should read iE; 5 ድፉ መ eas ቍሦስቍስ፣ ያ ቈስቋበ፡ 
u ኸስቂስ፡ 5 ቈስቁሰ፤ This word is an intrusion if G is right. In any case it is 
unintelligible. As it may also be hihi it is possibly a corruption of NCO: = 
Kapvats Or Kapvots = IEW Or i) both of which may mean the almond-tree or the 
almond-nut. Since this word is found at the close of the verse in G 1 have supplied 
it in E in acc. after ትሰ 0 # prefixes ©. a ag, Bo. g reads hi: 
fo, de7F8Inya Hስሒi ssc(w)x AN". 5 a, gt%Inya. abex 00k < i 
#05 08ውY: » 0g©Y: Flemming thinks that in E and G there is the loss of a word 
signifying fruit; but I am not aware of any balsam-tree which yields nuts. 


70 (መጽሐፈ: yኖy: RXIX,. 2 TXRXXIL. 

ዴትማሰሱ፡ (ክርካዐ።) XXX. ወላፀሌሆ፡| “ላ0ሰ፡ ኣሙንቱ፡ [ሳ0ለ፡] ተይደብረ፡፣ 
ጽበሕ፡ ክኮ፡’ ርሑዋቁ። ወ፣ርጺኩ፡፥ “መኳ ካልጸ፡፡ “ቁሳ፡ ማያት | ከመ፡ ዘጺዴይትዌዳ]።” 
2. ወርጺኩ፣ 00; ሠሪዩ;። “ዝይመስል፣ 0ፀ፤ መዓዛ; ከመ፣ ኣንት፤። ዘ"ሰኪኖን።" 
3. ወ’መንገለ፡ ክንፊፍ፡። ሰቈሳት፡። ኣሎንቱ፡ ርጳኩ፡።” “ቁናንሞስ፡ ዘመዓዛ;። ወ“ፉበ፡ 
ኣጻልእካፒቱ፡። ዋረብኩ፡። መንገለ; ጽባሕ። XXXL. ወርጺኩ “ልላ: ጸ.ባረ፡” “HO; 
ውስቴተሙ፡። ዕፀወ፡። ወዴወፀጻ፡” ኣምኔሁ፡” ከመ፡ ኔቁጥር፡” ዘ“ስሙ፡። ሰረራ፤። 
ወ“ክልእበኔ።። 2. ወ“ዷበ፡ ውኣቲቱ፡። ደብር፡ ርዉኩ፡፥ ደብረ፤ ካልጸ፡። “ወውስቴቱ፡ ዕፀወ፡ 
ዘሀለዋ;። ተወጻልኩ፡። ተዕፀው፡ ምሱጻን፡ ዘከመ ክርካዕ፡። [ወ]ተጽፉዕተ።።= 3. ወሰበ 
ተይገሥልዎ;።” + ለውጻቲቱ፡ ፍመ“ ይሄዴስ፡። ጳምዙሱ፡ ጸፈው። XXXII. ወxም.Eሣሪ: 

ያ. a= ፲ead “ማሰል፡ /። ጴይትማሰል፡ 8 ጴድዶትማሰሰ፡ 2 See note 29, 
p.69. * A dittographic rendering Of tai eméeewva Torey, For AON; #, a % read 
ወበሳ". Before AOA; 4y prefix ©. For AOA: AYE: of £, we find in m Zw, ef BR Inoa,b 
4" Aሱንቱ፡ or ኣሎንቱ 9 ለጻሱ፡ ።9ረx ላ" ልሳን * Corrupt (0) for ቀረብኩ = xu. 
read CY; 7 c7D8Inopbag omit. * 9 reads in nom. u# NS; AN: ° au. 
ሠ ተሮas ቈላት፥ /። ቈሳገ፡ መያት፥ 5 ቈላሳት፡ ማይ 10 Bracketed as a gloss. For 
ከ; m reads hoi 9 hi « omiis hi H. For £YE" 9 reads £Yዋ". 


um prefixes H. au omits next three words through hmt. RB, Ng Feads 
Hvé i m wai Since G omits it may be an intrusion. au. i reads 
መዐዛ: § ወመ3ዛሁ; «8 omits. 5 g/ omit. 15 8 read ሲሴ". iy 

reads ማANሰ: 15 mhu. ZF reads Wiéሁi /። Nንፊፎmi 5 NiéሆPw 9 omits, 
together with fA following. » m reads AቁA'E: » HAY: 0 8. a prefixes @©. 
= Di” hoi XO a 2 5 == Emréketya TOUT ey, 5 9 prefixes ©. A Be 
prefix H. 5 a, fPekn (ew). Other MSS. read AN: ብረ; EUR, 
a BR Iopy (5 wy ,a 8 read Hoi ውስቴ'E: 9 Hf; ውስt7;i aycx Hoki F974. 
# omits. Other MSS. read 0ፀውi GC = ROP: 0ፀው; 5 m, a omit. g reads 
ድወፀኣi ‘ HE". 8 adds ይ: RBA; / originally added ይ; and some word 
of three letters now erased. 5g omits. Nig. RVR a Tea RETC: 
# ኔቄጥሮስ፡  "£; =, 90 ቅጥር » ነቅ". 8° 18". መ omits. » momitss =F, guy 
m reads Nስውራር፣ 957» 0 ሰራራ፡ ። ስራረ፤ a ፀረ/ይsx ። ሰሪራ፡፤ # ሰራራ፤ » መሪ. ያያ 
4ይ ዕ 5 ከልእበኔን፡ ። ከእበኒን፡ ረ/.። ክእበኔን፡ ። 9 ኋ ክልበኔባ፡ /8 ክልበኒን፡ = 9 reads ወከልል፡ 
5 Observe that G is quite different. It gives the habitat of these trees~—the furthest 
east, but not their name. F supplies the name. Here UAዋ: (8. mgu,F/8Inoyay 
read RAT: /, epcet ATi a AAዋ: d omits together with H) of course represents 
éእሪn. But adn here is not ‘the common bitter aloes used in medicine to which alone 
the name is given in classical writers, nor yet what is commonly known as the American 
aloe; but ‘the modern eagle-wood, a precious wood exported from south-eastern 


\ኣ Ly) ኮ) [a 
XXX. Kal FETékeya 1 Toray Xu = DOS &yvaroks 5 uakpdy, kai iSoyv Troy 

® ኣ 
GAAOy | uéyay', bdapayya tBaros £2 3. Ey 9 kai BévBpov 5 Xpdas Gpoudray Guoioy 
# ) } ኣ ኣ # [nN [i 4 3 X [H 
FXiv®, 3. Kat Ta Tapa Ta XeiAN Tay Ppapayyay Tovrey Lov “Ktvvaliaouoy 

Qpolkdray" 7 kal #eréketya 1 Torey QXdulyv Dos @varToxkds., XXX. kai (Boy 
AAG Gpቫ Kai €y ayrois (An BévBpoy, Kai €KTropevdkeyoy ¢€£ avr6y 8s wexTap 
T0 KaAoVheévoy appéy 9 Kai XaxIBdyn 0. 2. kali €réketyal T6y Gpéay Torey 11 
{Boy GXXO Gpos (Tp6s GyarToAs TOy Tepdrey ils Yils1 15, kal Tdyra T& BévBgpa 
TAJOnS 5 FTakr]s 1# €y GuotduaTt GuvyB Ay. 3. Gray TpiBeoruw?, B)15 eveoBérrepoy 

UTED Ey Qpeoud[ Tay], . ee, XXXII. eis Boppéy 17 (nos GvarToxas? 

1 See note 51, D. 48. 2 E has ei (= Son) which may be corrupt for Pew; 
== QXdunv. SE adds o. «FE adds deydoy. 5 E. = kai iSoy BévBpoy Kady. 5 E = Guotoy. 
Xpda may be corrupt for XAéa (Radermacher). " See note 21, p. 10. *E adds @s. 
= = nan. im E = gxeivoy,. 5 This clause defines the habitat of 
the tree. E omits this, but gives the name kai €y air® Béyvipa éAGns. 5 Tndeclinable 
as in xxviii. 2. A Em. from egavrne. E corrupt = reeds. grax] = 52 Gen. 
XxXxvii. 25; xiii. 11. It also translates PORN, “iy, FlB2 JED, In the: XX: See 
HOLE DS TY 5 E = እdBew, and adds gxeivoy roy raprdv, and connects this 
clause with what follows. That for rpiBerw we should read ayer, see note 40, 
Bik i PrOnits: TE = kai er Taira 74a dpouara eis Boppéy 6p@yv Uréb Ti Sn 
the first five words of which were lost through hmt. 

Asia which yields a fragrant odour when burnt’ (Fncyc. Bob. i, 1so=121). In Hebrew 
its form is Dion (Num, xxiv. 6; Prov. vii. 17) or SPR (Ps. xlv. 8; Cant, iv. 14— 
in the last passage N of the LXX and Aquila render it by dAdn). In Aramaic the 
form is NON. For hE; . . . HUA: 7 reads nA: 08@; HARAT; For 090: 
of a, 78 1 have read 0g with 8/5. 5 Read if; with G kai mdvra. d omits 
together with next word. 7 After Po a word is wanting, but its corrupt 
equivalent is found in REO: three words later. G has egavrns, Since R00 = creeds 
it is possible that both egavrns and Zrepeds are corruptions of raxry)si; for raxry) 15 
used as a rendering of the perfume nionN—which designates also the trees mentioned 
in the text. Otherwise the corruption might originate in the Aramaic. Thus 
€E atrils = Mil5 corrupt for NB. 5 1 take these to mean almond-trees, not almonds, 
5 See note 38. 1» = MdBeogw airdv. But iAP; may be corrupt for 3h Pp = 
TpiBerew. lf my identification of this tree in note 35, p. Ho, is right, we might expect 
Kavrerty here, as eagle-wood exhales fragrant odours when burnt, Now Tpigerty = 
hppገs (Pael) corrupt for hp2T, = aire. Hence we should read ውOP; in our 
text. 3 An Ethiopic gloss? 5 = BeArtoy grat. 

79 መጽሐፈ: ህኖ: XXXIL. r—5. 

ኣሱ፡ ጸፈው፡ ሰመስዕ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ኣኔጽር። መልዕልተ፡ ጸድባር፡ ርጺኩ፡፡ ሂጸድባረ፡ ምሱጻ፤ 
ሰንብሳተ። ቅፎዋተ፡፡ ወዕፀ መንዛ፡ ወ“ቁናንሞን፡፡ ወፐፐሬ።’ 2. ወኣምህዩ፡ ሖርኩ 
“መልዕልተ ርኣሰመ፡ ለኣልኩ፡፥ ጽፎድባር፡፡ ኣንዘ፡ ርሑቅ፣ ውኣጻቲቱ፡ ሰጽባሕ። ወኘለሰፍኩ፡" ጁበ፡ 
በሕረ፡ ጴርተራ፡። ወጻምኔሁ፡ ርሑቅቁ፣ ተከኮንኩ፡ተ። ወሕሰፍኩ፡ መልዕልተ; ሰ“መልጸህ፡ 
ዙጥዬል፡።” 3. ወመባጻኩ፡ ውስ ገነተ፡ ጽድቅ፡ ወርጺኩ፡፥ ክከሕክቲሆመ፡'፡ ለጻልክቱ፡" 
ዕፀው፡ ዕፀወ; ብዙጋኃ፤;" ወዐቢያ፤፡ ዴበፉሱ፡” በህዩ፡ ወ።ኣንዘ፡ ቆናሆመ፡ ሠናድዴ፡ ዐቢያን.። 
ወሥኖሙ፤ “ብዙግ፣ ወስቡሓን;። ወ“0ፀ;= ጥበብ፡ ዘጻላምኔሁ፡ በሲፆያሙ፡፥ ሇያጸምርዋ፡። 
ሰጥበብ፡ ዐባዶ። 4. ወዴመስል፡ ሐመረ” ጽራኣ፡። ወፍሬሆሁ፡ ከመ፡፤ ጸስካሰ፡። ወዶን 
“ሠናይ; ጥቁ;” ወጴናሆሁ፡ ሰውኣቲቱ፡ 00; የሐውር” ነዋጋ፡።= 5. ወኣቤ፡። ሠፍይ።ሽ;። 

1 (#17) u reads ERC: ° a,y prefix ©. 2. 9 reads ሰንበልት፣ = ጸንበሳት፡ 
Other MSS. ሰI0AYI “2. mI, agceFysx a read PED: 5, 9/1505 ድው 
sag. 9,8 read Ogi Ens 8-an. 9, a read ቀናንሞስ: ። tናምሞY ። ቀናንሞ; 
7 # reads TTራi cfinog ie; 5 = €ri Tis (ikpas TOy Qpéoy ékeivey, " G adds 
ጥኽs ንግሩ. 0 8 add ገች ዛያ. ፀሣ read ሊር". መፀ ሌርትራ፡ 5 Corrupt 
for Chi GO reads Sxduns. 5 F omits. 1 G omits. 5 a, B-ageFnpy. 
ay ad ዘጥሌል፡ ና ዙጤሌል፡ “ሃይ ዙጡ. 15 2m. g reads ALi / yn. 
ሠ, ክዕከሓከ'". aያረካኻሕካሕ . ና“ ክሕከሕ". 8 ክሕኻ'. ። ከሕክሃ". /.። ካሕካሀ. 9, 4 
read AAA; 5 g omits. 15 5,8. Zgu read ብWyi n/n ብዙ»; 5 F reads 
ዶበቅሱ፡ 1 # omits, = mg prefix ©. 5 ፀ reads ስቡሓን፤ ወብዙጋን፤ መ adds 
ወጥበበዝ፡ ዓሰም 1 u, 0b read 08; 5a #18 read $A. PORNO 
m reads hei /, gF4Inyx as መረ: « ሐሪ 7 9 reads ጽCA: 5 m reads 
ኣስካሰ፡ a ag. SoG. g omits. B trans. 0 9 aባd5 ጥቁ 1 0. » reads 
£በጽሕi Here f m u add asyndetically AAR; against 9 and G. The next stage in the 
corruption of the text appears in #, B which read thውC:i ድበ; RO 
# reads HPA; 9, ~። 1H; = ITY ” Add hi wih G. ax omit. ” wn omit. 

1 E = Bevhpa eve8n a free rendering. 5 Ei = meh 5 E = akpiy dro Tovroy 
kai. ‘ E adds roy ayryeAou. 2 M5. eእgay. 5 E takes uaxpdgey as governing 
the following words in the genitive. 7 E = pvdueva. If Sve hey 1s right, then 

T) BévBpov ie (es should be inserted before kai 79 Seévgpoy iis cppovijrees. But the 
evidence of Xxiv=xxy is decidedly against thisi for according to Xxiv. 2-XXYv the 
tree of life is in the neighbourhood of the chief of the seven great mountains. Now 
these mountains are in the NW. but the earthly Paradise is in the NE. xxxii. 1, 
Ixxvii. 3. The passages from the Zohar quoted by Laurence and subsequently 
adduced by Lods and Lawlor in support of Sve bey as the true reading do not 
necessarily support their contention. [hese are according to Laurence, D. xxix 
(vol. i. Parasha n’Nግ3, D. 37p, ed. Mant. et Amstel): « Sanctus et Benedictus sus- 

XXXII. =5. ENOX y5 

Tegéauau €nrq Opn TX ydpBou Xpnrog Kat Xivoyl kai Kiyvauduoy kat 

3. Kai éxeigey epdbevra érnt። Tas QpXés 
Qaréxay pos GyaToXés (Tis Yils', kal Buél3ny €ndve ils €pugoés gdAarons, Kat 
5 Tog, ZerUlA: . 8: Kai 

2 [ ] 

[A Py 
TabTOy TOV ODéwy Toyray, Lakpéiy 
re SDN ላ iN ( i) 7 BRD 
OXGIy XE’ "AKDoy, Kat Gng Toyrou 5 Bé[Bny €erdve 
[oy ኣ [el 
1]Agov 5 ps T9y Tapdgetroy ils Bukatorywns, Kal iBoyv Fuakpdgey T&y BévBboy 

ToUTey 5 BévBpa TXeiova kat ueydእa Bye uty ' €xeisS, ueydAa ሐogpa Kaxs 

ጦ [my # Cn 
kai €yBoéa (kai ueyaxorperi)1?, kai T9 BéyBpoy ils ppovllrews, og 10 €ergtovty 
መሓ መሓ [ey [A 
yioy Tog Kapnog aprog1 10 kai erigrayrat pdm ueyaእny. 4. guotoy 176 
BévBpoy ékeiyo rpolBtAéa 79 Nos, T4 B¢ PyiAAa arog 11 keparila 15 guota, 6 Bt 
MN ን [ei € ላ 14 2 [4 € ኣ ፆ ሩ N 3 N ን [ey 4 
KapTOS atrog rei Bdrpves QluTeAoy iXapoi Aiay, )] B¢ gril aro Bérpéxey 

TUppa &n6 Tog BévBpoy. 5. Tdre15 einoy (051 Kaxby T9 BévBDoy, Kal @s 

tulit eum (Enochum) ex mundo, ut ipbsi serviret. .. Ex eo inde tempore liber 
tradebatur, qui Enochi dictus est. In hora qua Deus eum sustulit, ostendebat ei 
oma FEBoSiforia SuBrema, ostendebat ei arborém vifae meg im forfo, folia ejus 
atque ramos” Again (vol. ii. Parasha 2%3, p. 85°): ‘In Enochi libro narratur, 
Sanctum et Benedictum, cum ascendere eum jusserit et omiia ei ssipersorum ef 
Z7feri0rum rYenoruim repossforia ostenderit monstrasse quoque arborem yifae et 
arborem de dua Adamus praeceptum recepit, But these passages refer not to the 
Ethiopic but to the Slavonic Enoch. In the first passage the italicized words oma 
rcpotforta Suprema refer to Paradise and hell which are described in vii, iX=x of the 
Slavonic Fnoch. Moreover the next italicized words, arborem yifae medio sm Boro, 
are an actual quotation from viii. 3 of the same book. his tree is in Paradise 
according to Slay. #™. viii. 3 but in the neighbourhood of the chief of the seven 
Ereat mountains according to the Eth. Jn. XXiv. 3-Xxxv. In the second passage 
the reference Of siifersorwm ¢f nferiorum rernorum repoisfort® to Slay. Jn. Vili=X iS 
still clearer than in the first: similarly the words arborem vsfae are derived from the 
Same source, On the other hand what are we to make of the phrase arborém gs 
gua Adams Braeceptum recht? It may refer to Eth. Eh. XXxxvi. 3-6 since there 
15 no mention of this tree in the Slav. Enoch. But the conjunction of these two trees 
in the Zohar does not necessarily imply that they were represented as together 
in the Paradise of Adam. If the Words arborem de gua Adams praeceffium recep 
reler at all to the Eth. En. they are sufficiently explained by xxxii. 3-6. We have 
already shown that the phrase arjorem yifae medio sm fhor#o 15 from Slav. En. vin. 3. 
5 E adds eie8n. 5 Can the Greek before the translator of FE have been eveigy? 
Ti s0, it is a corruption of the eie8n found in E after sei, 0 =the Aramaic idiom 
MB '°* sT, See also xviii. 1; xxii. 5,8. This clause is lost in E through hmt 
though the order such a loss presumes must have been different Such as: Suotoy (5 
Qcvgpoy €keivo . . « Goal keparia. ® MS. epare. EU 


74 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖኻ፡ RXNIT EB ARNXTV IR 

086; ወ“ከመ። [| ሠናይደ፣፡ ወኮፎሠውሕ፤ ርኣየቲ፡። 6. ወጸውሥመጸኒ፡ “ፉፋጴሌስል፡ መልጸካ፡ ቅዱስ። 
ዘምስሴዩ። ወይደቤሰኒ፡፡ ዝ'ውኣጻቱ። “089; ዘጥበብ፡ ዘኣጻምኔሁ፥ በልዐ ጸቡካከ፣ ጸረጋዊ። 
ወጻምክ፡ ጻቤራዊት'" ሓጻሰ፡ ቁደመሙክ፡ ወጸኣመርዋ፣ ለጥበብ፡ ወቸፈገሕ፡ ጸዕይንቲሆሙ፡ 
ወጸጻመፉ ከመ፡ ዕራቃኒሆሙመ፡" ሀሰዉ፡ ወትሰዱ፥ ኣምዝነት። XXXIII. xy 
ሖርኩ፡፥ ኣጻስከ፡ ጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ ወርኩ፡፥ በህዩ፡። ጸራዊተ፡። ፀበዴት፡“ ወ“ይችቐሰጥ፡” 
ጀጻምካልጹ፡'፡ ወ“ጸዕዋፍሄ፣ ዶትዩሲጥ፡። ገጾመ፡ ወስኖሙ፡፥ ወቃሎሙቾ፡ ዶትቹሰጥ፡ 
ጀጻምኻካልእሉ።፣ 2. ወ“ጽበሖሙ፡።” ሲ“ኣሰ፡።። ጸርቹ፡። ርዚኩ፥ ጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ በኘበ፡ 
ሰማይ፡ ዩዐርፍ፤። ወንዋሣወ፤ ሰማይ ርሣዋት፡። 5. ወርጺኩ፡።” ኣፎ፤ ይወጽጹጵ፡” ከዋክብጊ፡ 
ሰማይ ወጐሰቁ፡። ዘኳም፤። ይወፀጽ፡ Jገዋሣወ፡ ወጻሐፍኩ፡ ሹችሱሉ፡ ሙባጻቲሆመ።፡” ለሲ“ 
በ"ኮልቁሙ፡። ወ“ጸስማቲሆሙ፡ በደርሃመ“። ወ።“ምንበሮመ፥ ወደዜሆመሙ፡፥ ወጸውራኒሆመሙ፥ 
በከመ፡። ጸርጸዩኒ፤ ዙርዜስ፡። መልጸኳ፡” ዘምስሴናዩ፡ ቅዱዷስ።። 4. ዙሉ” ጸርጸዩኒ፡" ወጸጻሐሕፎ፡" 
ሲገት፡። ወዓደ፤ ጸስማቲሆሙ፡ “ጸሕፈ፡ ሲነ“ ወት ልዛዞዘሙ፡። ወ“ ማሣበራቲሆሙ።።”» XXXIV. 
ወኣምህና፤ ሖርኩ፥ መንገሰ፡ መስዕ፡ በ“ጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ ወበህየ፡ ርጺኩ፥ ምኽረ“ ዐቢዩ 

1g omits. * Omit wiihG, 9. *9,&. 2iu, 8-94 read mመN"” ዲስ: t. » ቅዲስ: 
NA’. opm, “7 Jos add UA B78 0 add UN; a trans. the UN; before 
ምስሌና 2 ax add Hh 086; 5 0 omits. reads H. 7 9 reads HYE: » 'H. 
s / mu, 8 read 08: 9 00; OH. ° /(2) read RCጋE; 10 Iu, apc dehilnx,a. 
Im, FBR ob read AEN: 9 RQ:  g/w, 8-DcBIXYD. Fm, BI UD) a read “PEP 
0c Pia 5 2 adds at the beginning of this chapter the superscription Jf; 
ርጳዩ፡ ሐዋሕሐወ፡ ሰማይ; ኣምንኝበ፡ ዴይወፀሉ፤ ከዋክብት ወኘበ፡ ዴወፀጽ፡ ነፉሰት፣ = ። omits. 
is # puts in nom. 5 9 reads ትዋ". 5g omits next seven words through hmt. 
17 m reads DA. 5s wu prefixes H. 4 adds B ምኻ 5 » adds DጸOዋY: 
ዴትዌሰጥ፡ ገጾመ፥ = ያያ. ድ rads ጻብሑሖመሙ፡ 5 በጽበሑሖመ፥ = #8 reads ጻልቱ 
5 a. #28 read AራEY; BS PAFBL gu apc gereadit0: NEY, SBOE OD RY. 
iy Teads (CAPY: = ድ ads ወኣቤ፤ 0 H reads PRA 7 m0 BD). 
ደሃ’ read ጐልቁ፡ » ለቀ ዕ ጐልቅ፡ 5 8. Z reads በAምyi mr NH; 
ፀኣምህ ዘ. ። በጸምጠ 5 0. ሠ rad መዋጽሊሁ፡፥ /' ሙጻጸቲሁ፤ /፡ ሙጻጸቲሆሙ፡ 
B PBRAD m omits. a, gFBHRInOXa. abcereadB. ° m,gho,a read 00. 
5 a7m. m, [3 read XA. 5 m reads በቢ. = y» reads D0. 27,8. mu read 
ከመ 5 mI, BL Z reads AC" g/1a Re. 55 Be trans. before ጽር 

against a, ¢. Semin. g,F° read UN; ቅዲስ: 8 UN; » a-u. wu omits. 
8 reads WN: “ 3 adds ሲች nc omits together with next four words. 
Sg B OmiS, 5 miu, B. reads aሐhé; ሲYi 9 omits. Sie iB reads 
ትYaዛዛLtሆPa 5 ድዐሁ መህ read ምሣበራ. 8 ምፃባራ". ሃ። ads ወምፇባራ". 

5 Z reads ©. i aim, mM, FB read mine: 


mn # ሓ 
eniXapt r Th bbe, 6. Téré rekpign “Papa, 6 fiytos giyyexos 6 er éuog 

av Toro 79 Béygpoy ppomlrews, ¢é og ¢payey 6 arp row. 

1 E adds Kay kai before this word. 

ወስቡሐሕ፤ በጸጽናሪሃ፣ ለሹላሳ። ምድር። 2. ጦብበህዩ። ርጺኩ፡ ሣዋግወ፡ ሰማዴፎ፤ ፍቱሓተ፡፣ 
በበማይ፤ ሠሰስተ፥ በበጀ“ኣምኔሆን፡፡ ድወፀጽ፡፡ ነፉሰት፡ በመንገሰ፡ መስዕ፡ ሶበ። ዴነፍሕ፡ 
ቍር፡ ወበረፎ፡ ወ"ጸስኘኘ፤ ወኘመዳ፡። ወጠል፤ ወዝናም። 3. ወጻምጸሕቲ፡ "ኖሣት፡ 
በሠናድይ፣ ዶነፍኙ፡። ወሶሰበ፡ በክልዬሆን፡” ንዋሣጦ፡ ዶነፍኙ፡ ተበኃድል፡ ወበጻ0ር፡ ደክውንኘኝ፡ 
ዲደበ፡ ምፎር፡ ወበኘዴደል፤ ይነፍኙ፥።። XXXV. ወጻምህዩ፡ ርኩ፤፥ መንገሰ፡ ዐረብ” 
በጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ ወርጺኩ፡'፡ በህዩ፡ ሠሰስተ፡፥ ሣግዋሣወ፤ ሰማዶይ፡" ርሣጎዋት፡ በከመ፤ ርጺኩ፡ 
በምሥራቅ፡። በጸምጠሃ" ገዋሣወ፡ ወበጸምጠሃ፡” ሞባኳቲ።። XXXVI. Ayt: 
ሖርኩ መንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡ በ“ጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር፡ ወበህዩ፤ ርጺኩ፥ “ሠሰስት፡ ገዋሣወ፤ ሰማዶ፤። 
ርሣግዋተ፡። ወይዴወፀኳ፡ ኣምህዩ፡ ተጸዜብ፡፥። ወ።“ጠል፡ ወዝናም ወነፋስ። 2. ወጻምህዩ፡ 

+ # reads ft; afi = 0 omits. ? 2 places as a superscription to Xxxiv. 2 the 
words: J; CA: Jp4; 1tሰYi «7 adds C4ግዋYi on margin. SI, 
B read AP 5 m, 8. am read BAN: 7m, 8B. 9 reads በማሰ 
fu mመYIAi Hoy. m adds oYNC; s 7 prefixes ©. 0 apcdeFlxa, 
mf, BRnotaw)s omit. 0 gu, B. mg omit. un m omits. FIR 
CR/Ina. m,HFabgeFox Bread li hRiEሓi ” a. 8 reads gps “ This 
clause is corrupt probably for 3A; Fier: ወባ0C: ዴnውy: £0; PECs For 
ወበጻ0ር; of £7, 8-05, m read ወ4OC: 9 0&0; o(:)5 40C:i av x read በ40: 
ወበኘድል፡ instead of 0# 04. 15 fF read AA: 5 For this word together 
with the next five d inserts a clause from xxxvi. 2 Oቢyና: CX FJPሣoi ሰይ; 
Cግዋ1; መንገለ! ጽባሕ፤ በጸጽናፈ፤፣ ሰማይ፤ (observe that the last two words occur first 
in XXXV. 2) and then repeats this passage with the exception of the last two words. 
7 a, nu(o). 7, B~u omit. For the next word 9 reads CAP * Corrupt for በመስ: 
Enoch does not see the East till Xxxxyi, 2, 3. #, c/y read በምሥራቁ; » F reads 
ጸምጣኝ " # reads በጸምጠጣኒ፤ ያ ወጸምጣ፤ 1 £,n. m reads TARE: 9 AK; 
1 መAAE: ።# በጸ; ወፀRE: 5-5 ሙዒኝ (or A) FE: 5 0 reads ©. =F reads 
ኘዋ' ሠሲ" ወሰማዶ፡ 4 9g reads CAD; 5 This cannot be right. Corruption 
may have arisen in the Greek. Text = vdros which may be a corruption of »drts Or 
voria = ‘moisture’ Or RAs may have been a mareinal sloss explaining APY: 
Thus 9 omits it together following @. The fact that /w, agcé/x,a omit this @ 
though they insert RA: may point in this direction. ss cuts the knot by reading 
ጻምጸዜብ፡ ጠል ፤፡፣ ኣምህዩ፡ ጸ" ወጠልእ፤፡ = «5 omit. 7 m omits. 

76 መጽሐፈ፡ ህኖ XXXVI. EE TXRXRXVIHL. 4. 

ፁርኩ፡ መንገለ፡ ጽባሕ በጸጽናፈ፤ ሰማይዴ፡ ወ“በህየ።። ርጸኩ፡፥ ሠለስቱ’ Jግዋኝወ፤ ሰማይ 
ርሣግዋች፡ መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፤፡ ወባዕሴሆሙመ፡፥ Jዋሣው፡፣ ንጹሰን። 3. በበሄ፡፡ ጸምጻልዙ፡ 
ግዋግጦ፡ ንጽሳን፣ የሕልፉ ከዋክብት፡ ሰማዶዴ፡ ወየሕውፉ፡ “ምዕራብ፡ በፍኖት ሓገ 
YEAST: Nr: 4. ወሶበ፣፡ ርጺኩ፡፥ በረኩ” በዙሱ፡። ሂዜ፤ ወ“ጻበርኮ፤ ሲ“ኣ7ገዚይ፡ 
በብሐት፡ ዘገብረ፡። ተፕጻምራተ፡" ዓቢ ወስቡሓ፤ ከመ፤ ያርዉ፡ 0በዩ፣ 7ብሩ፡ ሰመሳጻካቲሆ፡ 
ወ“ሰኘፍሰኝ፣ ወለሰብጻኳ፤ ከመ፡ ዶሰብሕያዎ፡። ፃብሮ፡ “ወሉ ትኘባሮ፡" ከመ፤ ድርጸዩ፤” “9ብረ፡ 
ጋኃይሱ፡። ወ።ይሰብሕዎ፡። ሲ“ፃብረ፤ ኣዴሁ። ዓቢድይ፤ ወዴባርሕኻዎ፤ ጻስከ፣ ሲ’”ዓሲሰም። 
XXXVIL. *ራAE; HCA: nai ራAt: ጥበብ; Hርኣዩ: #2: OE; ei AE 
መባአሌል፡። ወልደ፤ ቃዴናኽ፡ ወልደ ሄኖስ፡ ወሒሊደ፡ ሴዥ'፡ ወልደ፤ ጸዳም። 2. ወዝ፡” 
ርኣበ፡ ሲ’ኝገረ፡ ጥበብ፡ ዘ“ጸንሣኣኩ። ኣትናገር፡። | ኣብል፡|። ሲጻሰሲ፡ የጋ.ፎፉ፥ ውስት የብስ፡ 
ስምዑ፡፥ ቀደምት” ወርኣዩ፥ ይደጋርያን፡" ነገረ፡ ቅዲስ፡። ኣሰ፤ ኣነፃር፡ ቐቅድመ፤ ጻፇዚይ፡ 
መኝፈሰት'።” 3. ኣሱ ቁዳሚ፡” ዴኔዴስ፡" ብሄሂል፡። ወ“ደኃርያንሄ፡። ዚንክሳኳ። ርኣሰ፡ 
ሲጥበብ። 4. ኣስከ፡ ይጻዜ፡ ጺ“ትወህበ፤፡ ኣም“።ቅ.ድመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፣። ዘነሣጻዙ፡ 

+ # omits next ten words through hint. 5 f reads VY 5 2 trans. after 

በማይi * nm omits. 9 reads JAY: ? m,n omit next four words through hmt. 
5 @bc(#2)%. reads DB. gu B. #, ef £ p(w) ya በRh#: (or 08). 05 BB. "7 reads 
ዴን. ፣ reads በፍኖገ፥ ምዐፀራብ፤ ያ በፍኖት፣ • 9 omiis. " ax aዛd ወበዙሴ፡ ፉ፡ 
n m reads lረnpi = a,tf, #5, BS prefixD. 5 a, dkgya, #5, 8-48», omit. ™* 0d read 
ጻፓዚጸብሔር፡ ስብሐ ። ኣግዚጸብሔር፡ • 5 ንጊሠ፤ ስብሐ " ድ reads ዘገብራ "5. 
mu read TAei 9 YAምCYi 7 fu (but reading 14AY). In # the pA before 
ሰብA፣ is erased. 2 supports the text save that for H&:ሰY; it reads i&ፉሰYi sm reads 
ፉሰች፡ ሰብጻ፤ ያሪ። 5 ሲነፍሳት፣ ሰብኣ፤ ላ ሰብኣ 5 repeats ከመ፤ ያርዚ፣ 0በዩ፡ 7ብሩ፡ 
ሰመላሳጻክቲሆሁ፡ “nu. 9 reads ዴሴቤብሕያዎ፡ / 5 ዴሰብጤ፥ "ደመ. ያ reas ሹሱ፡ ተፇባር 
ሶ ዥሱ፡ ፕፇበፉ፡ ። ሹሉ ትፇበፉ፡ /, 5 ወሹሱ፡፤ ተፐፃባፉ፡ RE EE 
read ዴርጸይ፣ 9 ያርጺ፡ = 9 reads JA; ብ = 9, 4 read ድቤብሕዎ፡ » ይሰብሑ፡ 
5 ab%x omit. ag. 9,18 read Aደpሁi » 9 adds Ami These words are 
om. by # but the space is left for them. 2 omits the first two words. For AAAs of 
Zon, in miuB-a (»5nB we read AA 7 mu, l8. # reads IAA: 
gf ማሰ; = 7 prefixes ©. =» mg read ወH. » 9 reads 0. 5» AN. ™ 9 reads 
Jah; / RBDHhi = 9 omits. 5am, dye. m,B-gya prefix ©. Bracketed 
as a dittography. “mL g omits and puts next word in acc. a, 8 read &fi 
2 m omits. 5 fx read ይር Fmt Fo). Other MSS. read pዲ; 
Se. Other MSS. read eh; 5 A nominativus pendens. Else em. Ay; 
into Ai or AA 2 read pi for %". 0 9 reads ድቕይሰ፤ “a 2ይ 
1 adds TA: as a gloss in the margin. 5 m, B~ab/Ix. am read ጋCPYY: 
ፃ ችጀ፤ ወክቷ ይደጋርያገሰ፡ 7! ደጋርያን፤ “ያ. Other MSS. RYnAAi “reads H. 

0 reads H. asx omit, 

XXXV IL. 4S TXRXXVIIH. 4. መጽሻሐፈ፡ ዛሃ: By 

ጥበበ፤ በከመ፤ ጋለይደኩ፡፥ በከመ ፈቁደ፡ ጻግዚጾ፡ መንፈሳ ዘተውህበኒ፡ ጸምኔሆ፡ ክፍለ: 
ሕሐዴወት፡፣ ዘለንሰም። 5. ወከፉ፡፣ ብየ፡ ሠሰስቲ። ምሳሌ: ወጸ፤፡፣ ጸንሣጻኩ፡፣ ኣንዚ፡ 
ጻብሎመ፡ ሲጻሰ፡ “የጋድ ኗደበ፡ የብስ XXXVIII. ሰሌ; PAs 

ሶበ; ያስትችሬx፤። ማሣበረ፡። ጻድቃን 

ወዴደትኬነኒ፡ ጋጥጻኝ፤ በ“ጋጢጸተመሙ፡ 

ወ’ጻጳምገጸ፤ ዩየብስ፡ ዴትሀወኩ 

2. ወ፣ሶበ፤ ስተሬጺ። ጽ.ፎቅ፡"” በገጾመ“ ለጻ.ፎቃን፡ 

ኣሲ” ሣፉያኝ፡። ችትፇበሮመ፡፥ ስቁል፤ በ“ኣ7ኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳኝ፡ 

ወያስተርዉ፤ ብርሃን፤ ሲጻድቃን፡ ወሰሣፉያን፡ ጻሰ፤ “የጋ.ፎፉ፤ ዷደበ፡ ዩብስ፡” 

ጻይጌቱ፣፡ መጋ.ፎረ;። ጋጥጻኽ 

ወጸዴቴ፡” ምዕራፎመ፥ ሰጻሰ፡ ካሕድያዎ፡። ሰጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

ጻምጋዩሶመ፡። ሶበ፥ ዚትችወልፉዱፉ። 

3. ሶበ;። ይችክከሠች፡።” ሣግቡጻቲሆመ፡” ሰለጺራፎቃን 

ዶይኘኬነኒ፡። ጋጥጻገ፡ 

ወዴደችሀወኩ፥። ረሲዓን፣ ጳምገጸ፡። ጻፎቃን፡ ወሣኗሩያን።። 

4. ወጻምይጻጨ፣ ዚይክከወ፡ "0ዚዛ]; ወጺልዑፁሳን፡። ኣለ; ይኣሣዝዋ፡። ለም.ፎር። 
ወጺይኻሲሱ፡።” ርጳዩ፡ “ገ8፡ ቅዲሰን፡” 

ሓስመ፤ ጳፃዚጸ፡። መንፈሳት ጸርጸዩ፡። ብርሃኖ፡። በ“ገጸ፤ ቅዲሳን፡ ጻ.ፎቃን፡። ወሣግፉ.ያን። 

1 Im prefixes ©. 2: £. Other MISS. read ፍስት; 5 2 reads hዴወli 
« w# reads hii 5 tL Fm read wANY:i Other MSS. E.  o(2) 8 read ምሰAPY 

7 a% read AY: s mu read bola; sag, EFDRIno(2w). 9g reads 
£0; agicgx a tጋEri 0; Here fF repeats xxxvii. 2% (Ng. . 5. EE 
im gu read PNA; u g reads ©. 5 2. g reads Phስተረጺ: (sic). Other MSS. 

ስፐርጺ፡ 4 reads FAግEéi =m reads ©. mg omit, "« 9g reads ትው: 
7 0, PB. ag omit. 52. g reads PhYረጺxi Other MSS. ያስትርR i) 
mn) 3 read &.EY;  p-reads \. ጋ # adds ትበፋፌሆሙመ፡፥ ወ. = 9 reads ሲ. 
08 ቤ3በ፡ 5 mመ reads ብስ; tHE; (sic). 4. Other MSS. read yሣEeé: 
= # adds ማሣይደሮመ፡ ወ. 5 2 reads 1&0; 7 ab prefix ©. I 
read Af; 5 ad #, B-4 read ይYትhwy % Im, PB. a-mn read ASE: 
x 9 prefixes ©. aw omits. 5 F reads DትY". 5 reads AE; 
x 7 omits next verse through bmi. 5 Fu(o). Other MSS. OHHH ወጺAሁሳH 
መ adds የ3ድርዋ፡ ©.  m reads “Hpi = m adds DAሰማድ፡ ” 2 reads “ል 
" 9 reads 18: 8.23; ወቅዱሰን፡ ።» ኣምገጸ፡ ጻደቃን፡ nad B-g read AAU: 
= Emended from TCA: 5 9. Other MSS. read ACYL; # Emended from 
(Flemming). ma, deff [ny a, abcopivyXs prefix ©. lt may be interpolated. 

78 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛ፡ OOO OO 

5. ወ'ኔገመኝ፡ ወዓዚዛኘ፡ በውኣጻቱ፡ ፉዜ፤ “ዶሃ ጋኮሲ፡ 

ወ’ደትወሀቡ፡፡ ውስት፣ ኳደ፡ ጻፎቃኝን፡ ወቐዱሰን። 

6. ወ።ኣም’ህዩ፡ ጸልቦ፡ ዘያስትምሕር፡ ሎሙ? ሰ'ጻኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

[ኣስመ፡ ተወ.ፎጸ፣ ኣገቲጸሆመ፡ ሕዴዶወት'።፣ XXXIX. ወ*ከውን፡’ በዝኩ፡" መዋዕል፡ 
ዴወርዴዷ፡” ደቄቅ፡። *ሣፉያን፡ ወቐዱሰን፡። ኣም።ልፁሁል፡ ሰማዶዴ፡። ወ።ጸሐደ፡። ዴከውን፣" 
ዘርጸመ፡ ምስለ; ውሱዶደ፡ ሰብኣጻ። 5. ወ“በውጻቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ነሥጸ፡ ሄኖክ፡ መጻሕፍት 
“ሕንጸት፡ ወመዐት'፡" ወመጻሕፍት፡” ጕጕጻ፡ ወሀውሕ፡] 

ወ“ምሕረት፣ ጺደከውን፡። ሳዕሴሆመ፡። ድቤ” ኣንዚጸ፡ መኘንፈሰት። 

3. ወበ።ውልቲ፡ መዋዕል፡” መሠጠኒ፡” ፀውሉ፡ ነሰ” ጳም።ገጻ፤ ሰ“ም.ድር፡። 
ወጸንበረኒ፡” ውስት፤ “ጽንፈ፤ ሰማያት።። 

4. ወበህና፡ ርጺኩ፡። ራኣዩ፡” ካልክ፡ መጋ.ፎሪሆመሙ፡። ሰቐዱሰን፡። 

ወምስኻካበቲሆሙ፡። ሰጻድቃን።” 

5. በቢህዩ፡። ርኳያ፡፤ ጸዕዴዶንትዩ፡። ማሣደሮመሙ፡።” ምስሰ፤ “መላሳጻክ1፡ ጽድቁ" 
ወምስኣቢሆመሙመ፡” ምስሰ፡ ቅዲሳን 

ወዴስኣሲ፡። ወያስተበፉዑ፡። ወዴጴልዩ፣ በጻንት፡ ውሱደ፤ ሰብኣ፡ 

ወጽድቅ፡ ከመ፡ ማደ፡ ይውሕሽ፡። ቅ.ፎጃሆመሙ፡* 

ወምሐረቫ ክመ ጠል፤፡ ውስት፣ ምድር 

1 Z omits. PR OTE 22. g omits. a reads ዚREYY ©. Other 
MSS. read £YU ©. 2 reads YP. ? a, co(»),p. Other MSS. 
omit. sa. B reads 30; 7. Other MSS. read መé&ስትi * Zu read hi 
5 9 reads Lhውቱ 10 aim, mm reads በዝ: 8 በWYE: 1 adds ይኩን] ከመ፡ 
15 mf, B. gu, read hy: 25 0 trans. # a. B reads AY; ሰማያት 
v mgt a, B read. 15 g reads nr: and trans. before Rh: oy 
Other MSS. omit. 5 a~m, B-day. m, gy read መጽሐ: 15 m reads in acc. 
7 trans. mn adds pዲAY; H. / inserts #ዲAY; above pY" but encloses it in 
brackets. = 9 reads መሕረት ጺዴዙን፡ = adds ይኩን፣ 5 nm (0) add 

ኣፃዚአጾብሔር #08. m reads 0. uD. 5 a. By read Li y omits. 
50,8. Z/u read wii mm JA: 7°, 5 add si © against a. I OS 
መ, B read ፉስ: /' ወነፉሰኝ፡ 3 ax read "18; 5 reads ብስ; 30 #, 8, aie 
read RIL: ™ 0 (5), read Ai ሰማ: = m trans. afer &At » ua omit. 
iru m8 read AEP m inserts © before 4. a omits next seven 

words through hmt. 5 8 trans. p&” and RE" against a. read 
ምስካቢሆመሙ፡ 7 adds CX 5 wu read AOEYE TeZmng. bB read 
ማሣግደሪሆሙመ ። ማጋድፎ". 0a, @ reads መAላAY ag. 9g, B read 

ምመስኻካበቲሆመ፥ “። omits. “ /, a6 read ስትብፉ0: “ 5 adds መዋOሊሆሙ፡ 
5 a. B~u read pa". u omits. 

RRO መጽጠፈ፡ ህኛኻ፡ 79 

ከመዝ: ውኣቲቱ፡ ማኣጻከሎመ፡፡ ሲ’ዓለሰመ፡ ዓሰም 

6. ወበውኳቱ፡ መኻን;፣ ርኣያ ጸዕዴንትዩ፡፡ *ሣፉዩ፡፡ ሲ'ጽድቅ፡፡ ወዘ’ሃዴማኖነ፡ 

ወጽ.ፎቹ፡ ይክከውንኝ፤፡ በመዋዕሲሆሁ፡" 

ወጻ.ፎቃን፣ ወሣኝ; ልቁ፡። ጸልቦመ፡ ። ቐ.ድሜሆሁ፥ ሲዓሰመ፤ ዓሰም። 

7. ወ“ርጺኩ፡ ማሣደር" መትሕ፡ “ጸክናፈ፡ ኣገዚጸ፡" መንፈሰ 

ወ“ዥሉ፡። ጻ.ፎቃን፡ ወሣግፉያኝ፡ በቅድሜሁ” ይትለሐሕዩ፡። ከመ፤ ብርሃ፤ ጻሳነ፡ 

ወጸፉሆመሙመ፡ ይመልኣ፡ በረከ 

ወ’ከናፍሪሆሙ፡ ይሴብሑ ስሞ፡ ሰጻኘዚጾ፡፤ መንፈሳት 

ወጽ.ፎቅ፣፡ ቅፎ’ጃሆ፡ ዚየጋልቅ፡ 

*መርት)፡ ዚየጋልቅ፡ ቅ.ፎሆሁ፡። 

8. ህዩ፡ ፈቅፎኩ፡። ልሣድር፡ 

ወፈትወች፡ መንፈስዩ። ሰውጻቲቱ፡ ማሣደር 

በህየ ኮኔ ክፍልና፡ ቅፎመ፡ 

ኣስመ፡ ከመዝ: ጻን0;። በጻንቲጸዩ፡ በ“ቀ.ድፎመ፤ ኣጳግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳች።። 

9. በ“ውጻትን፡። መዋዕል፡ ሰባሕኩ፥፡ ወጸልዐፀልኩ፡፥ ስሞ፡ ሰኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት በረከ 
ወስብሕት፣ ጳስመ፡። ውጻቱ፡ ጸጽንዐኒ፡፤ በበረከገ፣ ወስብሐት” በከመ፡ ፈቃዲኗ፡፥ ሰኣግዚይ፡ 
መንፈሰት።። 10. ወ“ኾንዱዩ;። ርኣዩ፡። ጸዕዴንትዩ፡ በውኣቱ፡ መካን፣ ወባረካዎ፡ 

1 g trans. after Ar; 2 mgt B. Fup read Am. “ mn omits ver. 6 through 
hmt. sam, m,ያ8 read mPOA ° 9 reads AOYEt a0. 9,8—~a read nk 
(9 omits) AY ax" AEH: 7° inserts ony; above AX: 7 am. B reads H. 
m omits. 5 c reads EY; 9 a=, B. Zu read DA. 10 a, #28 read 
በመየዕሲሊሆሙ፡ 1 9 reads D2ራ; 5 Z0/u. 9 also prefixes ©. m, B-Bé 
read Ai 858 Aቁ፡ 5 § reads AAO: Before AN there is a letter erased in # 

and Hav i; is added in the margin. Nfpu omit, gm. g/u, BEIPn0ysa read 
ማሣግደሮመሙ ሪፀcyeZh xy AEP; 15 # reads hi 7 q reads AHR: 
ክካናፈ፡ መሳባጻኳ፣ ወ. BIH i reads EN, DB Nan: is nm omits. 

0 5, ያፆ8-a. am read ድች a ይትሕሰሲዩ፡ 1a FrB. g reads 0. my omit. 
= Pgabdgex. ያuread Phi m/cFhSIn0a9 hi or Ahi = 2. Other 
MSS. read SEs = abgiuyxa omit. ax read ፈYውhi a9. 9,8 
read 14:0Nt; 7 0, n prefix ©. 5 Fgu,abcdgeh. mhFRInOX ay read A813; 

5 g omits. 8 reads ©. 30 a=. wu, 7B read D0. si /u, 8. mg read AE: 
5 2. y reads ስብሐት Other MSS. መe&EስትY; ። adds ወUብኩs ” 505 read በn: 
(5) ከመ፤ 5 dy read Of. See next note. 5 m repeats as follows Aho; PAE: 

ጸጽንንኒ፡ በበረከት ወበስብሐት፣ “ያያ, “8. / reads ገሀደ፤ ። ዮኮንዳ፡ SEI 
Other MSS. read CX; 

80 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኝ፡ XR RTE OT 

ወሰባሕሕዎ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ኣብል፣ ቡፉኻ፡ ውaቱ፡ ወዶት'ባረሕ፣ ጸምቅ.ራመ፡። ወ’ሓስክ፡ ሰንሰም። 
11. ወቢ'ቅ.ፎጃሁ፡ ማግሰቐች፡፡ ጸልቦ፤ ውኣቱ፡ ጸምር፡፡ ዘኣንበሰ፡ ይትፈጠር ዓሰም 
መንት፡ ውኣጻቲቱ፡ ሰንሰም፡ ወለትውልደ፡ ትውልደ ዘይከውን 19. ዴበርኩክ፤ ሓጻሰ፡ 
ዚደነውመ፡ ወይቁውመ፡ ቅ.ድመ፡’ ስብሕቲ።ክ፡" ወዴበርኩ፡” ወይሴብሑ ወያሴዕሰ፡ ጻንዚ፡ 
ዴዶብሱ፤ ቅኗስ፡ ቅዱስ፡ ቅዷኗስ፡። ኣግዚጸ፤ መንፈሳኝ። ይዴመልኳ፡'፡ ምድረ፤ መንፈሳተ።።” 13. 
ወበህዩ፡ ርኳያ፡ ጸዕዴንትዩ፡ ሹሉ፡'፡ ጻሲ;።” ዚይነውመ፡፥ ይቁውመሙ፡”። ቐቅፎጃሁ፡ ወዴበርኩ፡ 
ወድዴብሱ፤ ቡሩኻ፡ ጸን" ወቡኗኳ፤ ስመ“ ሲ“ኣጻግዚኳ፡” “ሲዓሰመ፡ ዓሲም።= 14. ወትችወሰጠ፡ 
ገጽዩ፡ ኣስመ፡። ስኣጻንኩ፡ ነጽሮ። XL. ወርጺከ፡ አምድሣረዝ፡። ጸጻሳባፈ፡። ጸጻሳፍ፡። 
ወች ጸእፊት፣ ትኣጸእፊታት፡። “ጐልቁ፡ ወጋሰበ፡። ጸልቦመ፡። ኣሰ፡ ይደቁቀውሙ፡ ቅድመ” 
ሓ7ገዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 2. ርጺኩ፡” ወ።በ“ዘርበዕቱ፡። ሕነፊሀሆ፡፥ ሲኣፃዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት” 
ርኩ ጸርባዕተ፡። *ገጸ፡ ካልጸ;። ኣምኔ።” ኣሰሲ፡ ዚደነውመ፡።” ወጸስማቲሆመ ጸዘጻመርኩ፡ 
ዘጸድድዐኒ፡። ጸስማቲሆሙ፡። መልጸካ፡ ዘመጽጸ፡ ምስሴዩ፡። ወሉ ሣቡጻ1፣ ጸርጸዩኒ።" 
3. ወስማዕኩ፥ ቃሎመ፡ ሲ“ጻልኩ፡። ገጽ፡ ጸርባዕቱ፡። ኣጻንዘ፡ ይሴብሑ ቐድፎመ፡። ኣፃግዚይጾ 
ስብሐት 4. ቃል፡ ቁዳማዩ፡። ዴበርኮ፡" ለጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳ” ሲዓሰመ፤ ዓሰም። 

1 0p CeFBSInoy ag. mu read ሰባ ag gx omit. 2A DD: 
5 » omits. 1 » reads DA; 2 2. So also gf save that they trans. after RAs 
m tw read IAAVY: So also abc dge/FhInox ab save that they trans. after RAD: 
MSS. read በቅ.E; 10 gy read bi  abcp (2) add sufhix hi m omits 
next twenty-one words, ax omit. #2. Other MSS. read gh; 
1 ax read መል: (ይመልእ x) WN; TOFD PDO TEAM 
መንፈሰገ፥ 9, ። መናፍስት፡ ። መናፍስ '5 ፀ a5 ትጊሃክ፣ # 17 8B omits. 
5 9, /0y prefix D. » e reads PAE » ax read AJLRብሔር:i = mz) read 
A3ሰ ም; and m trans. before AAI". = a. #2, 8—~e read aስhi ve ©. = 9 trans. before 
CXWi ax trans. after YAY = 9 reads RAE: = a7. 9, 5 read RAY: 
5 a. B~ae read YAY axa RAሳYi » aqds ወAAAYi an &. 
ዘ, ፀ-8 read ልቅ ወሕሳብ፡ 5 3 prefixes © and trans. before ‘HAP; 5 ያ 
bcehptinaadd ስብሐችትi » 8 read CRW cs (2) omit. This word belongs to 
the preceding sentence according to miu, FX and certain of ay9c de, Dillmann does 

not say which. NR Inya omit. PR MO BFE: PR OY 
B read g. 5 Bh omits. a reads "JAY; AAI o 18: 5 0m, g/u, 8-0 A; 
o omits. 5 aim, m reads Rios /°, 8 read paw 7 ዐu read NP3L: 
5ax omit. Srmgt Belin #5e real Jt «Ina Jቤt: ስዩ: 
nF reads RR. “mg, agcdxa. #e/hh/oB read ANNE: u ayYEs C0) 
# ኣሴ Sm. g omits. Zu read 8g. So also 8, but it trans. before 'J&:; 

5g reads A. gy 0 read መና&ENስ1i " c (5) add AንHi “5-5. Zu read RCW 
9 ድበርኻዎ፤ » (5) ዴበርሕ፤ Te. All other MSS. but e read oé&hስት; e ስብሐት 

TE TT መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ :)] 

5. ወ።ቃል፤ ካልእ’ ሰማዕኩ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ዴባርኮ፡፡ ሰሲ“ሣፉድ፤ ወሲ’ሣፉ.ያን፡ ጻሲ፡ ስቁሳን፡ በኣፓዚጸ፡ 
መንፈሳት ።፣ 6. ወ“ሣልስ፡ ቃኳ፡፡ ሰማዕኩ “ኣንዘ፡ ድስኣል፡ ወዴጴሲ፡፡ በኣኳን፡ ኣለ፡ 
የሐድፉ፡፥ ውስት። ዩብስ፡ ወያስተበፉዕ፡፡ በስመ፡፥ ሰጻፇዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት'።፡ 7. ወ።ቃል፡ 
ራብዕ; ሰማዕኩ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ይሰድዶመ፡" ሰሰይጠናኝ፡ ወጺ“የጋፎሃሙመ፡" ይባጽ፥ ኘበ፡ ጻገዚዚ፡ 
መንፈሰት፡። ከመ፡ ያስትዋ.ድፎድይዎመሙመ፡። ለኣሰ፥ ዩየጋፎፉ፥ ፉበ፡። ዩየብስ። 5. ወጻም.ፎሣረዝሽ፡ 
ትስኣልሕዎ፤ ለመልጸከ፡ ሰሳባም፡ ዘ“ምስሴዩ፡" የሕውር፡"፡ ዘውልጻቱ፡ ጸርጸዩ፤፡ ሹሉ ዘሣቡኳ፡ 
መዬ" ውጸተሙ” ልሱ፡።” ፱።ገጽ፡ ዘ“ርፈኩ፡ ወዘ“ሰማ0ዕኩ፥ ቃሎመ። ወጸሕፍካዎሙ፡። 
9. ወይቤሲኒ፤ ዝ“ቁቀዳማዩ፤፡ ውኳጻቱ፡ መሓሪ፡ ወ“ርሑቁ፡ መዓገ፡። ሚካሌል፤ ካልኣ” 
ዘቷበ፡ ሹሰ” “ሕማም፡ ወደበ ሹሲ፤፥ ቍሦስሰ፡” ውሰደ” ሰብኳ፤፡ ውኣቱ፡። ፉፋሌስል፤ 
ወ።ሣገልስ፡ ዘዷበ፡ ቫዙዙ፡ ጋይኳ፡ ውኣቱ፡። ገብርጴል፤፣ ወራብዕ፡ ዘቷደበ፡። “ንስሓ ለተስፉ፡። 
ሓሰ፡ ድወርሰ፡ ሕዴደወተ፡። ዘሰንሰም፡ ዘስሙ” ፋኒሌል።። 10. ወኣሴ፥ ጸርባዕቱ። 
መባኣኻቲሁ፣ ሰ“ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት” ወጸርባዕተ፡ ቃሰሲ፡ ሰማዕኩ፡ በውኣተን፡" መዋዕል። 
XLI. ወጻምድሣረሽዝ፣ ርዉኩ፤ ሹሉ” “ሣጻቲሆሁ፡። ሰሰማ” ወመንገሥመቫ፣ ጻኣፎ፡። 

1 9. my Bread 2A; NAA: 2 5B. a reads በር; 5 9 reads SE: 
‘2. Other MSS. read Sahl 2. So also g save that it trans. 2m reads 
ሣልስ፡ ቃሲ፡ ። 8 ሣልሰ፡ ቃለ s mended. All MSS. but gn read AH: £ስa 
ወይጹእዩi 9 trans. this clause after ብስ; 4 reads AንH: ስኣል: ወይጺሲ: ። ኣንH 
ዴስኣ ወያስተበፉዑ፡ 7m DcdFBRIoab. gw, aenx read £0 SE, 
from ወያስY0#0; of the MSS. u reads pF RBAE: here. See note 6. gu. mh 
B-e/B 8n 0p read 2A ራብ}; eZFysnopፅ 2A; ራብን "9 reads ይሰ. 
n 9 reads LEIP ። t4. 5m. Other MSS. read መፍ&ስ1; 5 im reads 
ያስተዋድፎየዮመ፡ 4 20,8. miu read ስ; 5 B trans. after fh; against a. 
15 creads Hf3.EC: 9 reads HA; adds ጽር abcde x add PAa@N 
against a and FB In0p (wy a. » m reads Dmki ¢e Ai ori ax omit. 
0 m reads AE: 7 a reads AA = 9 omits. = 9 reads Ai = £,D. Other 
MSS. read AAG = oy read 2A:  /omis. 7 8 adds pዲhi = 8 pre- 
fx ©. 3 0b add from next sentence JAN; £0; tt: BO Al50 
#, /#B~0 save that for NA; they read hi sm reads ሐማም: £0; fs 9 hy; 
ወዷበ፡ ሹሴ፡ ወቷደበ፡ ቍሦፉስል፡ ዕዕ ቍፉስል፡ ወሐማም፡ amu. 0 reads AE: 
8 ዘውሪ 5 a reads AE: ¥ዲ.ስ; 5 8 adds ሕዴስ፤ x m reads Hhan: 
gy add ዙሴ፤ ” ag, 4/58 Ino (nw) y. reads ጌኸሓi ለንስሓ ።ሪcvx }Y ወለቱስፉ፡ 
5 g reads Tht: Sወችi ” a. / adds AE; above Hስ 5 reads Aas = g/u, 
B-8. ድመ, ይ read ፉፋሌል፡ 5 So also mg/wu save that for my they 
read መe&NYi 5 reads AIHLRብሔC: AA n reads በAE; a g trans. 
before CA; #5 reads tras ax omit. Sa. #5, 8 read AALVa (a correc- 
tion). Siw 8. reads PAN wg ANNE: “ax read hm: 


89 መጽሐጠፈ፡ ዛኛነ፡ XT 

ችትክፈእ፡፦› ወትንበረ፤ ሰብኣ፤ ከመ። በ"መዳልው፡ ድደለው።፡ 2. በህዩ።። ርጺኩ፡ 
መዳ.ፎሪሆሙ፡፣ ሲሰሕኗፉያን፣ ወ“መጋድሪሆሙ፡፣ ሰቅዲሰን፡ ወርኳኣያ፤ ጸዕዶንትዩ፡፡። በህየዩ።፡ 
ሎሙ ኃጥጻን፤ ኣንቫ፡ ይሰ.ደዷኗ፡"' ኣምህዩ፡ ኣሰ፡ ይክሕ.ፎያዎ፡" ሲ“ስመ፡። ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" 
ወ“ዴሰሕቡ፡።“ ወ።“ቁዊመ፡” ጸልቦሙ፡ በመቅሠፍት ኣንት፤ ትወጽኳ፡፡ ኣም" ኣፇዚጸ፡ 
መንፈሳት ።። 3. ወበህየ፡ ርኳያ፡ ጸዕዶንትዩ፡ ሣቡጻተ፡ መባርቅት" ወሣኮድዃድ፡። 
ወ።ሣቡጻገ፡ ነፉሰኝ። ኣፎ፡;። ይትከፈሱ፡። ከመ፤ ይንፍሑ ፉበ፡ ምድር፡ ወሣቡጻተ፡ ደመና” 
ወጠል፡።” ወበህዩ፡ ርጺኩ፡። ጳምኘግበ፡ ይመጽኣ;። በውጻቱ፡ መካን፡ ወ“ጻምህዩ፡።” ይፀ7በ፡ 
ጾበሰ። “ፎር, 4. በህዩ። ርዲኩ፡ መዛኘብት፡፥ ዕጽዋነ፤ ወኣምኔሆመ፡፥ ይትክፈቡ 
ንፋስ፡” መዝገብ፡። “ዘበረድ፡” ወነፉስ፡”" መዝገበ፡። ደ “ወዘደመና፡ ወደመና;። ዚጸሆ፡ 
ኣምላዕሰ፡። ም.ፎር፡" የጌፎር፡” ኣምቐ.ድመ፡ ዓሰም። 5. ወርጺኩ፡ መዛግብተ፡ ፀሐሕይ፡። 
ወዘወርሣ፡ ጻጓምጸይደቴ፡ ይዴወፀጽ፡ ወጸዴድቴ፡" ዴገብጽ፡ ወገብጸተመ፡ ስቡሕ፡“ ወኣፎ፡ 
ይክብር፡ ጸሐዲፍ፡ ሰ“ካልጹ፡ ወምሕዋሮመሙመ፡ ብፁል፡" ወጺ“የጋኃልሩፉ፡" ምሕዋረ፡ ወጺዴቐስኩ፡ 
ወጺዩየጋጽፉ፡። ኣምሕዋረ፡” ዚጸሆመ ወሃዶማኖት፡” የዐቅቡ፡ ሄምስለ፡ ካልዙ፡ በመሐሳ፡” 

' /u, 8c}. መ, ch read ትትኻፈል፡ ያ ይትክፈል፡ 2 2 omits. 5 m omits. 
‘II F8L mo B-afRI0y read Rn 4y,a REA 0 ይደAው 2 g pre- 
fixes ©. S50. mt, 8B read AVP: 9 omits next two words through hmt. 
7. m reads Phስnቢሆs , 5 omit. / B50 read ማAEሪሆPmi F505 5 
Pመስካባቲሆመሙ፥ * 9 adds ከmመi  u omits. ax add MሣEረi 1" 71,» read ሰዲ 
n f8°a read hp: 5 ady% omit. Sm. Other MSS. except ax read 
መፍናፍስኝ፥ ሪቷ ስብሐ #97. መ reads ዴስሐቡ፤ /።, 5 ይስሕብዎሙ፡ 5k. 
So wu, but it trans. after RNa; my, 8 read Ppi 1 2 reads TA 7 a reads 
በ30; 4 omis. 2m. Other MSS. መናSEስትi  m reads ባራ: 4/5 80h 
መበርሕቕት፡ ጋ » adds ግጡ 1 cdFBR0vyD read Fኮድ3E 5a, B-IFBRo. 
q ፲ሩads ሣግቡጸ፤ ነፉሰት፣፡ ያ ሣግቡጸ፣ “ሰተ፡ ኃደዕሪሪ ዳግቡጻ፡ “ሰት፡ » ሣቡጸ፡ ነፉስ፡ 
5 giy»,a prefix. =, cilread Yn. » ax read j#ሰትi = 9 reads ሳት: 
ax add pደመፍትi 7 m reads PRoRAi emu, Other MSS. LBA ”» 9 reads 
በy€; » adds CW See note 27. 0 ያ, /5B~n, F/nu read RA; 9 ጽቡሳ ። ፀበሳት፡ 
i OLS: Seu. Other MSS. prefix ©. 5m. #u, 8-8 read jፉሰት; 
& omits. tw. FP prefixes ©. 9 reads HIN: », 5 HI: a0. 
9, 8 read በራ. 5a, Boy,b read piፉሰYi B-ho5y omit. 7 8 prefixes @©. 
SF, SO g Save that it trans. the two words. Zu: read DSi m as: 
ወደመና፤ #, 5a ወHደመናት; (+ EC;Y) ወ(ወH S)ደመፍi ax ወመዝገበ: ደመት; 
ወደመና፡ 5 0,8. ድ/ሥቦ።ሠ read ጴምሳዕሰ። መ, a ላዕሲ፡ By read nee: 
1 df reads I.E SFI B-akx. mu, fe read Hh: ax omit. 5 w reads 
ወጻምጸዬይቱ፡ “ 7። read ስሐ፡ *a-/ #8 readaም., 5 u reads AAI “rms 
BRInX,a. gu, abcdefoBsreadt'y. 5» m omits. ያreadsDAYጽR 5 ሕፀ; Ins 
"ሐፀፁ፥፡ " a reads ምሕዋረ፤ ” mu. 9 reads “PY: 8 "Ps ” 9 reads 030; 

PRO NTI, መጽሐፈ: ህሄኛኻ፡ 89 

ተዘ“ጋደፉተ።፣ 6. ወድዴወፀኳኣ፡፡ ቅፎመ፡ ፀሐይ፡። ወዴዶገብር፡፡ ፍኖች፡ በትኣዛ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ 
መገፈሰት፡።፦ ወይጺጸንዕ፡፡ ስሙ“ ሰንለመ፡፤ ዓለም። 7. ወጻም.ፎሣግረ’“ሽ፡፣ ርዚኩ፡፣ ፍኖት፣፡ 
ዘሣቡጻ፤ ወ"ክሠውት፡ ዘወርሣ፤ ወ" ምሕዋረ፡ ፍኖቱ፡ ይፌፊጽም፡ በውኣቱ፡ መኻኝ፤ በመዐልት፡ 
ወበሴሲት፡ ወጸሕዱ;። ሲ“ካልዙ፡ ድኔጽር፡። በቅድመ፡” “ጸግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት“ ወየጸችቱ 
ወድቤብሑ፡ ወጺየፀርፉ፡። ጸስመ፤ ጸኩቴተሙ፡ ዕረፍ" ውጻቱ;”" ሎሙ 8. ጳስመ፡ 
ፀሕድደ፡። ብዙኘ፡። ሙያጤ፡። ቦቱ *ሰበረካት፡ ወሰመርገም፡።” ወምርዋጸ፤ ፍኖቱ ሰወርሣ፡ 
ሲ“ጻ.ድቃን፤ ብርሃን፡ ወሰጋጥጻንጌ፤ ጽልመቫ፣ በስመ ሰጻኘዚኣ፤ ዘፈጠረ፡ ማኣጻከሰ፤ ብርሃን 
ወማጻክሰ፡ ጽልመት፣ ወከፈሰ፡ መንፈሶሙ ። ሰሰብኣጻ፤ ወጸጽንዐ;። መንፈሶሙ ሰለጻ.ፎቃን፡ 
በበስመ፡።” ጽድቁ” ዚጸሆሁ። 9. ኣስመ፡ መልጸሕ፤ ዚዶኻል፡። ወስልጣኘገ፡ ዚድክል፡ ከሲጸ፡ 
ሓላስመ፤ ሰመኩንን;። ሰሸኩመሙ፡ ድሬሲ፡። ወ“ጸሉንች፡። ሹሎመ፡ በቅ.ፎጃሆሁ፡። ውኣቱ፡ ፎኬንን። 
XLII, ጥበብ” መኻኔ። ረከበት ኝበ፤ ትጋፎር፡። 

ወ ሀሰወ;። ማሣግደራ፡ ውስተ፣ ሰማያት" 

£m. gu, eh:0p read JE: abcd/BInxa iti § Jብri But the text is 
corrupt, and the corruption may have arisen in the Hebrew, where yay3 = ‘they have 
Ssworny could be corrupted into S35 = ‘they have dwelt’ Flemming suggests the 
corruption of Spkigoay into dxirgnoa. ax add DIAC; pm; = # reads 
ወደወፀዉ፡ 5 2 reads BA: 4 0, ረ read ድ'ገብል፡ 22. Other MSS. read 
መናፍስት፡ ፡ / adds gloss aንበAi gg; in marsin. 7c omit ss, (2). All 
other MSS. omit, but this, or some such verb, is required by the text of Z 9s (see 
note 0) and by the context, £9, do (vy, Other MSS. &:PY5 See preceding note. 
2. Other MSS. oH. u m reads H. 5 Fm. Fu, en read DB. 9, 3-en kB, 
RE reads PIN: eu, B-cgen. m reads RRኔጽC:I 9 LኔRr: cgn (vw) 
ድኔጽር፡  ይትናጸር 5 7 reads pi mu add ስብሐት 5. All other 
MSS. but n read AZ” መፍ&Nትi ። reads AJHLAብሔC: “ ax trans. before tA 
(PAY in gn, n). 5 FIFIX. mu, abcde read ARO. 7 58no0x5 DAY. 
» m reads ACEYI nn omits. 1 Fg, B-abco(vyx. mh abco(»y xs read 
(mn omitsjፀhድi m, 8-5» add ብህ: Suh. Other M55. ብዙ: ax add 
ምንት! = g/m mob read መጨ; 9, B-Bno ጨi “ax trans. before 
ብዙ = e reads ለመርገም; ወሰበ. 5 reads DA. 7 m reads mi&; 
ሠ ማጻከሎመሙ፥ = 9 reads ጽን0፡ =” m9, 5-a. ድ/u read በስሙ ወ በከመ፤ /, ads 
መኝፈስሰ፡ and the gloss በy£ማ?PY; in marin. 0 prefixes ©. a ef, y: Other 
MSS. read RhልA: 5 a. All other MSS. መ}Yi The latter may stand if with 
nearly all the MSS. we read Poi two words further on. 5. All other M55. 
except # read Roki n reads PCA ™ m, ax read ANYE: 9 omits. 9 adds fra; 
wm. 5% mu, 8. F9readT00;/። Tf; 7 9, oread ni Enna. 
tu, abc geht read TEC: min eFBInoab. abc gt Ny read VAY: 
% im reads ሰማይ; 

ad መጽጠፈፉ፡ ሄኛኽ፡ XT NP RVR 

2. ወፀጸት፥ ጥበብ ክመ፡ ትሕ.ድር፡ ውስተ፤፣ ውሪ ሰብጻ፡ 

ወዚረክከበ፣ ማግጓደሪረ፡ 

ጥበብ፡ ውስች፤ መሣና፤ ገብጸት 

ወ“ችጽዕነት፡፡ ማኣጻክሰ፡ መሳጻክት'። 

3. ወ0መዛi ወ6AY'፡ መዛግብቲ ሃ፡ 

ዘ’ፈፈቀዶደት፤ ረከበት 

ወጋ.ደረኝ፡፥ ውስቴቶሙ 

ከመ ዘsም፤ በበ.ፎው፡ 

ወክከመ፡ ጠል፡ በም.ድር፡ ጽምልላት'። 

XLIII. ወርጺኩ፡ ኣልጸ፡ መባርዋጌ፡ ወክከዋክብነ፣ ሰማይ፤፡ ወርጺኩ፥ ከመ።፣ ድጴውዎዖመሙ፥ 
ሰሹሎመ፡፡ በበጸስማቲሆመሙ፡፥ ወይዴሰምዕዎ።፡ 2. ወርጺኻዎ፣ ሲ"መዳልወ፤ ጽ.ፎቹ፣ ከመ፡ 
ይደለዉ፡” በ'ብርሃናቲሆመ፣ኘ ሰረጋበ፡። መኻካናቲሆመሙ፡። ወ።0ሰቱ;'፡ ከነተመ፡"” ወሚጠተመሙመ፡ 
መብረቁ፣፡ ይወልፎ፡ ወሚጠተሙ፡ በ“ቱልቁ፡፣ መሳኣኳካት፤፣ ወሃይዴማኖተሙመ፤ የዓቅቡ፡። 
በበይናቲሆሙ“ 3. ወተስኣልክዎ፤ ለመልጸኳ፡ ዘየሐውር፡” ምስሌየ ዘጸርጸዩ፤ኒ፡። ዘ።ሣቡል፡ 
መንት፡ “ጸሙንቱ፤ ኣጳሱ።። 4. ወድቤሰኒ፡። ምስሰ;” ዘዚጸሆመሙ፡።” ጻግዚቪጸ፡ መንፈሳት 
ጸርጸዩክ።” ኣሴ ኣመሙንቱ፡ ጸስማቲሆመሙመ፡ ለቅዲዷሳን;” ኣለ፡ የጋፎፉ፡” ዲፉበ፡ ዩየብስ፡ ወዩየጸም፤፡ 
በስመ፡። ሲ“"ጻንዚጸ፣ መናፍስት ሲዓለሰመ፡ ዓሲም።። XLIV. “nA; CX: በaንት፡ 
መብረቹ;። ኣጻፎ፤ ይደቁውሙ፡ ኣምክዋክብት፡ ወዴከወቷ፣፡ መብረቁ፣ ወጺይድካሱ፡ ጋኗገ;። 

i a, B~abcedge(oswy. agcex read mጽAY:I gmRA i BI read 
ተጸንዓት፡ (+ወ 9). / ጸንዓት፤ = ተጺነ0ት፣ ? = reads መጽAY « # adds in margin as 
a loss HAጋDYYY 5 i reads ©. 5 #1 reads ረከበ; 7 c omits. 8 Iu, 8B. 
Zmg omit. ? 4» read ወሰም0p; 1) Iu, cFBR0ab. gm, ab gep% read 0. 
a omits, 1 fha0a read lpi »። ዴለ 5 wu (save that 1 have em. 0 
into A). m reads C0; (sic). / በርግ: a ራሕበi Sc ራhበi g/FBsInoays 
በራሣበ፡ ኋ፡ ወርጺኩ፡ 97 omits. 5 Z omits. 4 FB. ru read 01; m= A}; 
ፃ ሱት / ጻሎን 5 Fg. mabcdgef’0xab read wy. PFBR'In() WY. 
ሠኺነ. 50 reas በመብረቅ፤ ። መብረቅ፡ “5-9 መብረቐ፤ መብረቁ 4 reads 
as 8 but inserts © before epi / adds gloss in marein HቢያYi ሐዋርያትን 
7 20u. mh Bread Ai 5 wu reads 0p o omits. 5 # reads በ0: በዴኖ 
ሠ በበ; በይሪፒሆመሙመ፡ 0 m reads HUN; 1 sm omits, 5 TeadsaN: DEH 

m reads NE; A: 5» ኣሎን: ። ኣሰ 23 m omits, 5 /። reads ምሰ 
a መሰስ 5 h, a read HHH. 7m. Other MSS. read መSENስት; 5 B trans. 
before AHR: against a. 5 a. 8B reads AR.E2Y; 0 # reads የሐውፉ፤ 

nu reads በስመ; a ለስ ™ m adds RY » af (save that 9 puts in nom.), a. 
ረ read ኻልእጻት፡ B~ሪcy ኻልእጻገ፡ » መናገ 5 m reads ብCYY: / adds loss 
መምህራን በትሕትና 5 ¢. Other MSS. give the normal form "JX; 

XLIV. XLV. 5. መጽሐፈ: ህሄኛካ፡ 88 

ምሰሴሆሙ።፡ XLV. ወዝ፡፡ ካልእ ምዛሴ፡፡ ዷበ፡፡ ኣሰ ይከሕሐዱ፡ ስሞ፡’ ለማግደረ፡፣ 
ቐቅዱሰን፤ ወ’ጻፃዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት'።፡። 

2. ወ'ጺሰማዩ፡ ዩ0ፀርቱ፡ 

ወዚምፎረ፡ ይበጽሑ 

ከመ“ሽ፡፡ ይከውን" ካፍ; ጋጥጻኘጌ፤ ጻሰ፤ ካሕዱ;። ስሞ፤ ለጻገዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 
ጻሰ፡ ከመዝ፣ ድችፀዋበ፡። ሲ“0ሰተ፡ በራሐ፣ ወምንዳቤ 

3. በዴይኣኳቲ፡። ፀሰት፣ ድነብር፡፡ ዷደበ፡;። መንበረ፤ ስብሐት ። ሣፉዴዩ፤። 

ወተየገሪ;። ምፃባሪሆሙ፡። 

ወምዐፀራፎመ፡ ጐልቄ፤። ጸልቦ፡። 

ወነፍሰመ፡” በማጻከሎመሙ፡። ችጺንዕ፡ 

ሶበ፣ ርጻይዎሙ፡። ለሣፉያኔ።” ዚዩ 

ወሰጻሰ፡። ሰክከዩ፤ ስምዩ፡። ስቡሕ። 

4. በይኳቲ፡። ዕሰት፣ ጸነገብሮ፡። ማጻከሉመ፡። ለግፉዩ;። ዚጸዩ፡። 

ወጻቐልጣ፤። ሰሰማይ፤ ወ“ጻገብራ፡። በረክት፡። ወ“ብርሃ። ለዓለም።" 

5. ወጻቐልጣ፣፡ ሲ“ዩብስ፡ ወጻገብራ፡ “ሰበረክች፡ 

ወ“ሰሕፉያነ፤ ዚጸዩ፡ ጸነብሮመ“። ውስቴታ፡። 

ወሲጻሰ;። ዴገብኗፉ፡።" ጋጢጸተ፡ ወ፲ጋዩ፡ ዚይከይዳጃ፡ ውስቱታ። 

‘75 ny. Other MSS. read hp / adds eloss መ3CLPao; * 9 reads 
ወH፡ 5 0, P8. Zmnu read ኸለ possibly for ምስላ; as Flemming sugeests. 
See XXXvii. 5 note. ‘fw aomit. ° m omits. 5 fb read AማAበei 5 omits A. 
7 a, FB~n read OA. a reads A. 5 trans. AT” moS€” before y4,Ee: Sm. Other 
MSS. read መናፍስት; Bia SB’ Om: 0 q prefixes ©. n # reads WE; 
5 aim, m, 8 read Ahዲ; 13 75 / read ድችዓፃዋቡ፡ 4 9 reads 0. 5 #2 pre- 
fixes ©. 9 reads fy. "2. moabgexiaread fl. gw, cFBR(UIN»0»B omit. 
5 reads ስብሐት ax ስብሐቲሁ "ያያ. m, 8b read Sri us AE: 9 omits. 
0 m reads DAI; 2 reads D6: m ጋሪ; tYéi = Jn3, corrupt for ina» 
= ‘try. LXX implies same corruption in Prov. xvii. 3. But if the original was 
Aramaic, then the translator followed the wrong meaning of ግn3. Vy 
read PIC; 5. ጋ, 8-8 read ልቀ ደ ል፡ “ein FB-An 
read AA: 5 a. B reads DmYéAa; 5» omits next three words. 
7am, degin(wya. mo apcሆFhoxy read CAEP: » omits. 5 am, 
gegin(w) ya. m, abcFhoxy read AA; » adds ሲY a, Babs 0p. 
af popxB read Ai 8 AA 0 /5 8 add ቅዲዷስ፤ ©. x 8 prefixes ©. 
5 9 reads Aces #u AAC: 5a, ድ reads MANN! 5 በማAክሎሙ 

Amgen. gu, cys read ASI » ለሣትድ፡ 5 as omits.  » reads 
ጻትዊለሲጣ (sic). 5 mn reads Rohe; 5a # B~a read Aበረnትi ax ሰሕድወት፡ 
¥ omits next six words throuah hmt. 5 am. mm, Bu read ብርሃ}: ። ሰብር". 
"PB prefix H. fF omits next six words through hmt. i 2 omits. 5 g reads 

nT az om I 9, Bread ONAN: * c reads ES 

56 መጽሐፈ: ዛኖክ፡ WO XUN 

6. ጻስመ፤ ጸሃ፡ ርጺኩ፡፡ መጸጽገብክዎመ፡ በሰሳም፣ ሰጻ.ፎቃንዩ፡ 

ወጸንበርክዎመ፡ ቅ.ፎ2፣ 

ወቀርበት፣ Jኘቤየ።። ሹኔ፡፣ ጋጥጻን፡ 

"ከመ፤ ጸሕጕሎመሙመ፡፡’ ጳምገጸ፤ ምድር። 

XLVI. yt; Cርxኩ፡ ዘሎቱ ርኣሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ 

ወርጳሱ፡ ከመ፤ ፀምር; ጸ08፡ 

ወምስሌሁ ካል፡ ዘገፉ፡፣ ከመ፤ ርኣየት; ሰብኣ 

ወ'"ምሱል፡ ጸጋ; ገጹ; ከመ፡ ሄኣመላባኣኳት፡ ቅዱሳን" 

2. ወ"ችስኣልክያዎ፤ ሰ“ተጀጸመሳኣኳት።ተ”። ዘየሐውር፡ ምስሴዩ፡ ወ“ዙሉ፡፡ ሣቡጻተት፡ ዘርኣዩ 
በኣንተ፡ ዝከ፥ ወልደ፡። ሰብኳ፡ መኒ፡ ውኣቱ፡ ወኣምጸድቱ፡ ይክውንገ፤ ውኣቱ፡። “በኣንተ፡ 
ምንት፡ ምስሰ፡። ርጳሰ፡” መዋዕል፤ የሐውር። 3. ወጋጸውሥልኒ፡ ወይቤሰሲ፤፡ 

ዝንቱ፡። ውኣቱ፡ ወልደ፤ ሰብኳ፡ ዘሎቱ ኮኔ ጽደቅ 

ወጽድቅ ምስሴሆ፡;። ጋደረ፡። 

ወ“ሸዙሎመሙ፡።” መዛፃብት፡ ዘሣቡኣ። ውጻቱ፡ ይክከሥት፡ 

ኣጻስመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሰተ፡። ኪያሆ፡ ጋርዩ። 

ወዘ።“ካፍሱ፡;” ሞጸ፡ በቅ.ድፎመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፡። በርትዕ፡ ለ“ዓለም፡። 

4. ወዝንቱ፡። ወልደ፡;። ሰብል ዘርሏክ፡ 

ተያገመጸመሙመ፡። ሰነገሥት፡ ወሰጋያሳኘን፤ ኣምስካባቲሆሙ፡ 

ag. 9, Bread CAPs ፡ 9 reads PEI ፣ 6/580 ab read Why: 
« ZB prefix ሲሲ. ° 9, a9c ge read AN. _y trans. after PCI « 9, 1B prefix ©. 
+ f reads ‘T&R: 9 omits. 5 2 reads 18; " adds ገጽ nm omits, ei 
prefix ©. 5 IX omit, af % omit next two words. Lhe prototype of af probably 
contained three words here: th” Aga” ¥ዲ.AY; Hence loss here would be due 
to hint. » Read መAAM: (Volkmar), There is only one angel guide in XXxvii—IXX. 
e pk Inor(v wy a5 (also the prototype of af: see note 12) add p&AY = a omits. 
x omits WN; and H. » 9 reads AY 0 Ff. mg, #8 read RACAL: 
7 m reads NE: s Dnop omit. 5 58. ድu ኑሩad በጻንጌ፣ 9 በጻንገ፣ ምስለ፡ 
/ ምስሲ፡ 2 omits, 31 e omits. = reads N. 3 m trans. before R.E; 
1 Fm, bcde/inoay. Zu, BR read Je: 9 omits. ax read HEC: =. tt: 
Other MSS. tN; 5 m reads HJAYi መዛት 7 m, a read H (m omits) 
ሣቡይ፡ Sem. Other MSS. read መé&hስትi 7 omits next seven words through 
f5, apcdhsInox ay add WN; against a, ef/s'%, PD NOther NSS read 
መናፍስት 5 a read HA. 3 / e add ውልቲ SFOS: 5 This word 
to which gy prefix H is corrupt. If we compare this verse with xlvi. 5* it becomes 
obvious that the one is a dittography of the other. The parallelism shows that 
xlvi. 5a is an intrusion. And yet PI&YARaw; undoubtedly represents the original 

XLVI. 4-1. መጽሐፈ: ህኖ: 87 

ወለጽፉንን፡ ኣመናብርቲሆሙመ፡ 

ወ።ድይፈትሕ፡ ልጓማት፡ ጽኑዓን 

ወ“የደቅቅ፡ ጸስናነ፡፣ ጋጥጻን። 

5. [(ወይገፈትጸመ፡ ሲነገሠመት፣ ጸመናብርቲሆሙ፡፡ ወጻመንገሥመፒሆሙ፡፡) 
ኣስመ፡ ዚ’ያሴዕልዎ፡ ወxጺይዴሴቤብሕያዎ፡ 

ወጺዴድገንዩ፡’ ጳኣምጸይቴ፡'" *ትወህበገ፣ ሎመ፡ሪ መንግሥት 
6. ወገጺጸ፡ ጸኒዓን፡ ዶገፈትa፡። 

ወድይመስአጸሙ ጋፍረት፡። 

ወ“ጽእመት፡” ድከውኖመሙ፡'፡ መጋፎሪሆመሙ፡ 

ወ።00ፀያት;። ይከውኖመ፡'፡ ምስኻካቦመ፡"" 

ወጺይደሴፈዉ፡ ከመ፤ ይገኘሥሠሉ፡” ጳምስካባቲሆመሙመ፡ 

ሓስመ፤ “ጺያሴ0ሱ፡ ስሞ፡። ሰኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት'።። 

7. ወጻሙንቱ፡ ኮኒ፤ ኣሰ; ይኬን; ከዋክብ1፡ ሰማይ 

and fii does not. Cf. Ecclus. X. 14 gpdyous GDXGvrey kageiNey 6 kvptos: Wisd,. 
V. 23 Teperpeyet 6bdvovs Bvyarey. NOW we can with some certainty determine the 
Hebrew lying behind £I& i for in the next verse (xlvi. 6) we find this verb recurs 
in the phrase 18: IN which = vss 5, (see xlviii. 8 for the passive construc- 
tion). Thus A1ፈትRm Aሃገመት; አመናብርቲሆሙ፡፣ ወጸመንግመ ሆሙ = ርኦጋጋክ-ክN ነ= 
Prl\Pipiooon pn\ነNbao. This verse was probably written in the margin as a 
more correct form of xvi, 4. iA; then in our text = egapei Or dvoiret = DY» 
corrupt for 2s. FHence for Y" read &IገéትRs The above conclusions postulate 
the existence not only of a Hebrew text, but also of a M5. with marginal alternative 
readings. 1 u omits. &Yhi A3 is a strange phrase. 2 9 reads AX: 
3 = rvvrpiye Tove ggdyras from Pss. ill, 8; lviii., 6. OO TEL 
መናብርቲሆመሙ፡ በፉደበ፡ መሪናብርቲሆሙ፡ / ኣመናብ" በፈደበ፤ ምንባራቲሆሙ፡ i 
9/u, B read “Jr 5s c omits. 7 iu, 8. mo read PAOAP 
s mI, 8. ድ reads ቤብ: 9 ዴሴብሑ፡ ? ax add FE: '0 adds ውቲ 
1 Cf. Wisd. Vi. 3 €846n api Tot upiouy ] pros Uuiy, 5 g prefixes ©. aie pio 
(00). aycedgftinx,a read JEeትi Ct. Hab, ii. 16 hop bya". 2 reads 
ወይመልጸi mf. gu read RAY; / Bei 1 9 prefixes 0. ax read 
ይከውን 17 aN. Im, #78 read ግሪ; 5 u., Zmg read 0971 
7, B 0$ያች፡ » ነ reads መስካቢሆሙ፡ 0 F reads over erasure REYY. 
wu reads ROP: (sic). = rm. Other MSS. read መé@EስYi 9 omits next 
Seven words through hmt. om 23 = Kpivovgt = ግ. So all M55. but 
7 which read Yi ©. The text of this stanza gives no good sense and is very 
Corrupt. If we read 1a and 7b together it is clear beyond doubt that the writer was 
making use of Dan. viii, ro « And some of the... stars it cast down to the ground 
and trod upon them“ The corruption originated at all events in part from the 

88 መጽሐፈ: ሃኛኻ፡ XT NRE 

ወ'.የሴዕሰ፡ ኣደዩሆሙ፡፡ ውስት፣ ልዑል 

ወ’ይክዴፎዲጂ፡ ሄበ፡፡ የብስ፡ ወ"የችፎፉ፡፡ ውስቴታ 

ወ“ዙሱ፡፡ ተኘባሮሙመ፡፥ ፀመዛ፤ ያርኣዩ፡፣ 

ወጋ ይሎመ፡ ዷበ፡ ብዕሎሙመ፡ 

ወሃይማኖተመሙመ፡ ኮኔ፤ ሰጸማልክነ፡’ ጻሰ፡ ገብፉ፤ በኣደዩሆሙ፡ 
ወ“ይካሕድያዎ፡'" በስሙ” ሲኣፃዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

8. ወዴሰ.ፎዱ፡፡ ጸብያት፡። ምስትኾባጸ፡” ዚጸሆ፡ 
ወሲ“መሃይምናን፡ ኣሰ ስቁሳባን፤ በስመ“ ሰኣገዚጸ፡ መንፈሰት'።። 
XLVIIL. ወው: መዋ0ል; CI; ጸሎ; ” 8.£2Y; 

intrusion of 7b between a and Te. If 1b is genuine it came immediately after 
Aaመንቱ; hr: ኣለ Turning now to 7 we see that it is senseless as it stands. 
ወይክካይዷ፤ £0; የብስ = «ai karararoirw eri Tijv Yiv. We have only to supply an acc. 
to the verb here, i.e. read hE Pani = karararogrey abrovs in order to bring the 
text into line with Dan. viii. ro, save that the latter connects the eri iv Yiv with the 
preceding clause. It is now obvious that JE NEE: i5 a senseless addition. 
Moreover this phrase which has here a bad ethical sense has always sood ethical 
associations throughout the genuine sections of the Similitudes. Cf. Xxxvii, 2; 
x1]. 6, 75 xviii. 5. In the interpolations, however, it carries with it doubtful or bad 
associations : cf. liv, 9; 1v. 1; 1x. 5; xy. 6, &c. Returning now to 7a, the verb in 
this clause = 13ግ» which seems corrupt for YoBN = karaBdANovat. For Pbk we 
should then read C&S [he stanza should then be read as follows :— 

ወጻሙንቱ፤ ኣሲ; (ሴዕሰ፡ ጻደዩሆመ፡ ውበቱ፣ ልዑሁል፡ 

ወገያወርዴዷ ካዋክብች፡ ሰማይ 

ወይክይደድዎመሙመ፡ ዷበ፡ የብስ፡ 
Since the stanzas before and after consist of distichs it is possible that the words 
a0 aE" © ልዑል; ወ are an interpolation. ' 2 omits. BB oO 
read AEPa; 5 2 omits; possibly # originally. 1 m reads ስት; c omits. 
2 Z/ read Dt 5 m reads WN; ag, g6FB8I»a. gp omit. Fo abco% 
read DC. Al M55. but gu, en make a dittographic addition here. 2m add 
ወዙሱ፡ ትገባሮመ፡ ዐመዛቫ፤ /, 5<d/8 8/0 x a add YY ፀመdi "rm omit nu 
read ሲጸቻኮልኮች፡ ag, fa. g,eFIR0p (nw) read hi agcx mሕድp; 
። ሕዳ u mu. Bcdla. # omits. 9, efhinop (vw) read ስ; a Nav 
5 Fm. Other MSS. read መSEስYi “LL mgw, 8 read ወይሰደዲ. “mu. 
g, 718 read AY: gu (save that 9 writes last letter as A). m reads መስት: 
/, 96/58/0885 ምስትኾቡጸ፡ ሪያ ኣስትጊቡጸ፡  ምስትጌቡጸን፡ 15 Zreads ሲ. abx®. 
7 w, abc ge. reads OCIYi mi FBRIn0 xa 3C1Y; 9 OCT * ax add ቅዲሰY; 

XLVIL. 14. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ 89 

ወ“ደመ፡;፡ ጻ.ፎቅ፡;፡ ኣም! ም.ፎር፡ ቅድመ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

2. በኣሳባ።። መዋዕል፤ የጋብፉ፡፡ ቅዱሰን፤ ጻሰ፡ የጋ.ፎፉ፡፣ በ‘መልዕልት፣ ሰማት በሄቃል፡ 
ወ'የበተበፉዑ፣፥ ወይጴልዩ፣ ወይሴብሑ 

ወየጸዙቲቱ፡ ወይባበርኩ፡ ሰስመ፡። ሲ“ጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

በጻን1፣ ደመ፡ ጻ.ፎያቃን፤ ዘሃትክዕወ፡” 

ወ"ጸሎተመ፡ ሰጻ.ፎቃን፤ ከመ፤ “ት ጸራዕ፡፡ “በቅድመ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

ከመ፡ ዴትገበር፡። ሎመ“" ኔኔ 

ወትፀኘሥመኝ፡” ዚዴኩጌ። ሎመ፡፣ ለዓለም። 

3. በ“ጻማንፒቱ፡። መዋዕል፡። ርጺኻዎ፤ ሲርኣሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ ሶበ፣ ነበረ; መኘኝበረ፡። ስብሐሕቲሆሁ፡። 
ወመጻሕሐፍች;። ሕያዋን በቐ.ፎሆሁ፡። ተከሥቱ።” 

ወ” ጋይደሱ፡። ዘመልዕልት፡ ሰማ.ያት፡ ወ።ጸውይ፡ ዚጸሆ፥ ይቁውመ፡ በቅ.ፎሆ።፡። 
4. ወልቦመ“ ሰቅዲሰሳን፤ ትመልኣ፤። ፍሥሠመሓ፡ 

ላስመ፤ ቀርበ፡። ቱልቋ፡። ሰ“ጽፎቁ፡ 

ወጸሎተትመ፡ ሰጻ.ፎቃን;። ችሰምዕበ;። 

ወደመ ሰጻ.ድደቅ፡ በቅድመ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳኝ፡፡ ትፈቅደ።" 

1 g omits. = m reads £2]; 0 REY mn adds REP «rm. Other MSS. 
read መS&hስትi 2m. Other MSS. read በAy; 570A). Zu, apcdehiin 
read 3ብፉ፡  የጋ.ፎፉ፤፡ 9 የገፎፉ፡ 2. መ ዩየጋብፉ፡ 9 የጌፎፉ፡ /።, 3 ይነብሩ 

SBR BOE defecHve Eres ‘e OESP, A OOM BOB 
mga, abcden read OPA". £ trans. after DRC = ay/w, ace. 9 reads Nye; 
pb FIBRIN op (vy xa በስ »፡ ስመi wu omits. 5 m= omits.  @ reads 

Yn0ወት፣ '" " asx omit. 15 Fg abCFBRInoX,ab. m reads TBC; u £Aራ); 
4 ይጽራዕ፡ “ትጽራሣi “Ve/h8n op (5 0) xB read በpEeBU; AA. se prefixes &. 
5 mm reads Wit; 0 ሠ read ወት ዕመት 2 tu, Ba. mgax read Rይhውy; 
= a. 8B ወቢ. 5 9 reads PAE 4 m omits. = መ reads 1005 i) 
gu, 8 prefix 0. 7 m reads ስብሐት! = 9 reads pመጻፍYi (sic). = dg reads 
ቅድ eno trans. በp.E” afer Yh: % m reads ThሥYi a 2 puts in acc. 
F075 cd6/BRINnIoy,ay. ma Frabnex omit. 5 Fmu., #8 read peg: 
g በድ; /። obelizes. # adds here the following dittography: thE; #ሉ 5: 
HዘመልOAት ሰማያት ወጸውደ፤ ዚጸሁ፡ ዴቁውመ፡ በቅድሆሁ፡ In # this dittography 
appears as Tht; tሱ: Jይሱ; HመAOATms No other M5. shows any trace of 
this dittography. 1 wu reads PAA 5 a. B reads በጽ: Sa. mH 
read HAE; 7 m reads 8.EY: 5 9 reads ቅዱሰን 5 9 reads ሰ); 
መ, 4,9 ትሰምኝ 0 Zu, B. reads ትፈ: m ትፈ 9 1YYE: 

90 መጽጠፈ፡ ዛኛኖኝ፡ RTT Es 

XLVIII. QውኣE: መኻy: Cጺኩ 1¥0;፡ ጽ.ቅ፡ ዘ'ጺደትቴለሰቀ 

ወ“ዘውዳ;፡ የጸውዳ፡፡ ብዙሣ፡፣ ጸንቅዕጊ፡ ጥበብ፡ 

ወሸሎመ፡ ጽሙጻጌ፡ ኣምኔሆመ፡፣ ይሰትዩ፥ ወይትመልጵ፡፥ ጥበበ 
ወ'"መጋፎሪሆመሙ፡" መምስሰ፡ “8ጻ.ፎቃን፡ ወ“ቅዷሰን፡። ወሣፉያን፡ 

2. ወ“በይኣጻቲ" ሰዓነ፡'፡ ትጺጻውዐ፡ “ወልደ፤ ሰብጻ፤ ዝኩ፡። በኘበ፡ ኣግዚጸ፣ መንፈሳት" 
ወስመ” መቐ.ፎመ; Cai; መዋ0ል፡ 

3. ወዘጻንበሰ፣ ትትፈጠር፡። ፀሕሐዶ፡ ወታጾምር። 

ኣንበሰ፡። ዶትገበፉ፡። ከዋክብተ ሰማይዶ 

ወስመ“ ትጻውዐበ፡" በቅ.ፎመ፡፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት ።" 

4. ውኣቲ፡ ይክከውን፤ በትረ፡ ሲሰጻደያቃን;። ከመ፤ ቦቱ ይዴትመረኾዘ፡” ወጺይደቁ፤። 
ወውጻቲ፡ “ብርሃ ጸሕዛብ፡። 

ወውጻቱ፡' ዴከውን፡ ትስፉ፤ ሲኣሰ፡ የሐምመሙ፡።” በልቦሙ” 

5. ይወድቁ” ወዴሰፃዲ፡። ቅ.ድጃሆሁ፡ ሹቸሎመ፡ ኣሰ፡ የጋ.ፎፉ፡ ዷበ፡። የብስ፡ 
ወይሴብሕዎ ወይባርክዎ፤”። ወድዜምፉ፡ ሰ"ጻፃዚጸ፣ መንፈሰት'።። 

6. በጻንትሽ፡። ኮኔ ሣፉዩ፡ ወሣቡጸ፡ በቅ.ፎጃሆ፡" 

mu. gt, Bread pf. 2 0. mtread Wp; On Wp0: / adds gloss R6Y; 
5 2m, 0b. Other MSS. read ©. + ዘሃ read ዴት ሰቅ ያ ጺድዴቕሲቀፉ፤ 7. ያ። 

rad ዘውዳ mn, FhRn Aዓውዷ፥ “aፀያረde/oxyas በ0ውዲ TR 
mo CFB Rnop(w)B read YEP; (Tim). gXRAውE:! / tO0ውET:i apg/xya 
የዐውደ i gF/u, B-abno. m, no(vyh read ብዙ»: 5 ብዙን): “5 ብዙ 
5 0 omits next six words through hmt. Sf abce/hnoxs. mu ghJUw)y 
ኣምኔሆሁ፡ Al M55. of 8 trans. ም after ሰት i g omits. TN 
mn, 153 AEP: = mn omits. au reads 8E2Y; m0» B-a. # reads 

ጻ.E2Y; n omits. a trans. A” and ወሣኝ". 11 uw B. Fm omit. Eas 
ውቲ 15 Zim, B. gu read ሰ0ት'; 7 0AY. 7 gu, abcde. mhFBRInoxayp 
read YችYAaውኝ፡ NB Fmg (=6 vibe Tot dygpeorou éxeivos). w3 Hh DAE ሰብኣ፡ 
» Fm. Other MSS. read መe&NስትY; 0 miu, 3. ZF reads hoi 9 ስ; 
2 a. 8 ይትፈጠር = 2. mgt 8 read DYAC:I u omits. Sm. hpB-h 
read HAaንበA; #, /። (5) 0 ወHኣንበሲ: 4 g reads "INC: 5 B-a ad ወቐቅዲሰን፤ 
Fax AAA}; against a. = a, po(2)y,ap. B-Boy,a,h read ትመር =m 
reads ጺRD.EE; 25 9 reads ብርሃን; ሲጸሕዛብ፡ 5 Fmt. 9,8 read Shap 
% 0 prefixes ©. uF reads AE: 55 e trans. ወድቁ; and ይሰ". 
3, ace/Bnox,h. mg/u, 0g8ly»,a read ውhኸች 5 9g, B trans. before ወዴቤብhZ; 
5 Fg. m reads Noi 9° Aap over an erasure. / rE A 8B FE: Ah; 
5. Other MSS. read SENT; 5 9,8 prefix @ against g mtu. 

XVII 6—ro: መጽሐጠፈ፡ ህኛነ፡ 91 

ዘኣንበሰ፡፡ “ይቸፈጠር፡ ዓሲም፤ ወኳስከ፣ ሰዓሰም።፣ 

7. ወ።ከሠት፡፡ “ሰቅዲሰኘ፤ ወለጻ.ፎቃን፡፡ ጥበቡ፡፡ ለኣፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት። 
ሓጻስመ፡ ዐቅበ፡ ካፍሉ'መ፡ ለጻ.ፎቃን፡ 

ሓላስመ፤ ጸልኣዎ፤ ወመነንዎ፤ ለዝ፡፡ ዓሰም፡ ዘዓመዛ፣ 

ወሎ; ምግባሮ፡፤ ወፍናዊሁ ጺልሉጽ፡ “በስሙ ሲ'’ጻንዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" 
ሓጻስመ፡ በስመ ዚጸሆሁ፡ ይ.ፎሣፉ፡ 

ወበፈቃዲ፡። ኮ፤ ሲ"ሕይወተሙ። 

86. ቢ'ከንቱ። መዋዕል፤ ከካፉ፡ ተሑጋኝ፤፡ ገጽ፡ ነሃገመች፡ ምድር 

ወቛኒፉዓን፤ ጻሰ፤ ዴጻሣዝዊ፡፡ ሲዩብስ፡ በጻንተ፡ ምበሪ" ጻደቐሆሙመ፡ 
ሓኣስመ፡ በዕለተ፡ ጻዕቆዋመ፡። ወጻሕቦመ፡ ዚይፎሣኒ፡" ርጻሶሙ። 

9. ወ።ውስት፣ ጸዴሆመ“። ሲ“ሣፉ.ያ፤፡ ዚጸዩ;። ጳጻወዷየዮመ፡። 

ከመ፡ ሣዕር፡ ውስት፤ ጻሰኝ፥ ከመዝ" ድውዕዩ፤ ኣምቅ.ድመ፡ ገጸ፤ ቁዲዷፉለሰን፡። 
ከመ፡። ዐረር፡ ውስች፤ ማደ፤ ድሠጠመ፡።” ጸምቅ.ፎመ፤ ገጸ፤ ጻ.ፎቃገ፡” 
ወጺይደት'ረከብ፣ ሎመ፡ ጸሰር።። 

10. ወበቢ“0ሲተ፡;። ጻሕበ፡ ዚጸሆሙመ፡ ዕረፍተ” ችክከውንኝ፡ ዷበ፡። ምድር” 

1 ያ/u. መ reads AYበለ፡ 9, 5 ጳምቅ.ፎመ፡ = 7 omits. be 
add በቐድሟሆሁ፡ gy add ድሆ against a9, eZ tn 0. « m reads th; 
a ከሠችሮ፡ 5 ሃu, {1 read A." ወሰቅዲ". 5 መያ, g-», ድህ ead ወጥበበ 
7 ወATበብ፡ » omits, TZ. Other MSS. read መና&ስት; $ a, B except 9, 
eFhpo(owy 5 which give AYE ° 9 reads በስመ; 10 Fm. Other MSS. read 
መፍፍስት nu Z omits. 5 F. miu, Boy read ፈቃዴ; I ወፈ2ዳ: 
0 ()» 8 ወፈቃዲ፡ 5 @ omits. ta. 8 reads Df. 5 Fw QhንE: 15 
clearly corrupt, mt 8 read በው: hYE; is corrupt for NYE: 15 ab read 
ይጻሣዝዎ፡ 7 g reads Ae: 5 ach read Shs c adds Opa (sic). 
5 5 reads ዚድሣኒi Fa Xያፎ»ፉ፤  ያድግ፤ 0 ያ0/ዜ 5 በሃፍፎስመ 5 ፍስሙ፡ 
5 reads ውAti » fi 5 FmHu. Bread AERP; 3 dg reads H. 
= mn reads HAJHLRብሔC: 5. Other MSS. give the usual form ADE av; 
7 prefixes ©. 5 g prefixes ©. This word together with the next four m omits 
and all other MSS. wrongly trans. after Ei 7 0/u. B reads Rድ2Y; 
Sgmfhu. 0, #3 read Dh; 5 All MSS. prefix ©. a. B reads 
ቐዲሰን umf g. gu RN 25 gy omit. Sng HW ead 
0ረፍቫ፣ adds ዚጸሆሙ፡ a. 8 reads በ£f 5 dg omits next three 

99 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ XLV IL. ro—L, 


ወበቸ.ድሆሙመሙ፡፡ ይወቁ ወጺደገገቻሉ፡? 

ወጸልቦ፡፡ ዘደትሟጠዎመ፥ በጻዴሆሁ፡’ ወያነሥመጸሙ፡ 

ኣስመ፡ ክሕ.ድዎ፡ ለኣፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳነ፡፡’ ወለመሚሑ፡፡ 

ወፎትባረኝ፤ ስመ“ ሲኣግዚጸ፣፡ መንፈሳት 

XLIX. ኣስመ፡ ጥበብ፡;” ዕው” ከመ፡ ማይ 

ወስብሕትኝ፥ ዚትጋልቅ፡ ቅፎሆሁ፡። ሰዓሰመ፡ ዓለም። 

2. ኣስመ፡ ጋያል፡ ውኣቱ፡። በዙሱ፡ ሣቡጻት፡ ጽድቅ 

ወ’ዓመባ፡ ከመ፡ ጽላሎ የጋልእፍ 

ወምቐዋመ;’፣ ጸልስቦ፡ 

ኣስመ፤ ሣፉይ፡;። ቁመ፡ በ"ቅ.ድመ፡፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

ወስብሕቲሆ፡ ሰዓሰመ፡ ዓሰም 

ወ።ሣይሱ፡፥ ሰትውልደ፤ ትውልፎ። 

3. ወቦቱ የጋ.ፎር፡ መንፈሰ፡ ጥበብ 

ወመንፈስ; ዘሌበ፡። 

ወመንፈሰ; ትምህርት ወጋዴል፡ 

ወመንፈሰ ኣሰ፤ ኖመ“ በ።ጽ.ፎቹ። 

4. ወውጻቱ፤ ይኬንን፤ ዘጎቡጻት፡። 

ወነገረ; በክ; ጸልቦ;። ዘዴክል፡ ብሂሰ፤ በቐፎጃሆ፡ 

ሓጻስመ፤ ሣፉድ;። ውኳቲ፡።” በቐድመ፡ ኣኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳ” በክከመ፡። ውኣጻቱ ፈቁደ። 
L. ወበ።ጸማንቲቱ፡። መዋዕል፡ ሚጠት; ። ችከውን፣ “ሰቸዲሰን፣ ወ።ለሣፉ.ያን 

'a-7. 9፣ reads PEBሆs 5 በቅድ; 2 m reads OEY; 9 omits. 

2 m reads “JA 4 F/u, 8B. mg read DRA; 2 a. 8 reads በጻደዊሆ፡ 
Sm. Iu, 3 read SEN; 7 F omits this and four following words through 
hmit. ® Zs omit against mg, B.  m. Other MSS. read መé&ስትi " 0cX read 
መንፈበ፡ ጥበብ n gu. Z reads nO@; (sic). m8 YO: 5 Z alone has 
ኣምቅ.ድፎሆ፡ 5 Some word, not AY; erased in 2m. am, B~gy., mM reads 
ፍንዋገ፡ 4» ሣቡጾ፡ 5 11 reads DA. 15 9 reads AYA: EBB 
ወምቅዋም፡ 5 7, B trans. after Pap; against a9. mau omits. mM 2 omits. 

1 Fg/u. m,8 read mii a omits. = ያ ዘዴቤሲ፡ 5 ድ reads መንፈስ; 
5 a reads H, Su, B. # HAA and m HግቡAY: = ra tovrra, H being here 
a translation of rd. #1 SRY 25 F(/7)u read hi 7 9 prefixes ©. 
5 2 reads Jr; 5 e omits. 0 Fm. Other MSS. read መé&Eስትi m adds 
ወበብሕቲሆ፡ ሰንሰመ፤ ዓሲም 51 m reads Poi ©. 5 9 reads AE: nay. 
1 መጠኔ 5 ሚጠት a m omits, 9 omits ©. 

RS መጽሐፈ: ዛሄኛኻ፡ 93 

ወ'ብርሃ፤፡ መዋዕል፡ ደቤሆመ። የጋ.ፎር፡ 

ወስብሐሕት፣ ወኳብር፣ ለቐዲሳን፡ ዴትመዩጥ፡ 

[0'0ለት፡፣ ኳንች። ጻሕብ። 2. ዘተዘንበ፡፡ ኣኩየ። ላዕለ ጋጥጻን፡| 
ወይደመውዙ፡ ጻ.ፎቃገ፡፡ በ“ስመ፡፥ ሲ'ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" 
ወ“የርጺ፡ ለካልጻን፡;። ከመ፤ ዴጓነስሑ፡ 

ወዴደሕድ፣፡ ምፃባረ፡ ኣደዩሆሙ። 

3. ወ“ዚ“ይከውን፤ ሎመ“ ብር፡" በስመ፡'፡ ኣኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" 
ወበስመ ይ.ፎሣፉ፡ 

ወኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" ይምሕሐሮመ። 

ኣስመ" ብዙሣ፤ ምሕረቱ።" 

4. ወ“ጺ.ደቅ፤ ውጻቱ፡” ወ።በዙዜሆ፡ 

ወበቅ.ድመ፡ “ስብሐ ዚጸሁ፡። ወ“ዓመዛ፡ ዚትቁውም፡ 
በዙኔሁ፡። ዘጂጺዴቫጌሳሰሕ፡። ቅፎጃሆ፡። ዶችትሐጕል፡። 

5. ወኣምይጻ፡። ዚይደምጨሕሐሮመ፡ ደቤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሰት'።'" 
LI. ወበጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል “ታፓገብጻ፡ ምድርኒ ማኝፀንታ፡ 
ወሲጾስልኒ፣ ፓገብኳ፤ ዘተመጠወኝ።” 

1 gu omit. 2 f reads ብtt: 2 a. @ reads Of. This latter makes this 
the opening of a new sentence. 1h Bee mow, ea 0AY: 2 e omits. 
‘ያ. መዝገብጸ፡ ፣ሃ' ዘገብረ፡ ያ ተዛኘበ፡ ።,"። ዝጊበ፡ 5» ትዘገብ፡ /» ትሽንግብ፡ ፲n 
these readings # and #, 7 are equivalent to (éy Ti jiuépa "iis AiYVeos) 7} Tegnravptruévn. 
The readings of the other MSS. appear to be attempts at emendation. The passage 
1s Corrupt or interpolated. 1 have bracketed it as the latter. ፣'aIn 7. 9A 
m omits. fs reads Ahይi 8 AY s ሠ ads በክብፉ፣ ወ. 2 f reads Nani 
Fm. g/u, Bread mSENስትi 7, n read Pos (corrupt? for eli?) m omits. 
2 / appears to have prefixed @. 5 mu. ድ reads ትመ / 3 ነስሑ 
1 Bcnoas omit, 5 g reads Ae 5a. /5 8B read በቅድ: RON 
Other MSS. read መSENስY:i c omits next four words through hmt. s m adds 
ውቲ 15 bረoxB read ምረት 0 m reads &.EY; 1 am, B~u omit. 
7 omits sufhx after ቢfJy:i 5 omits 0 before Wf. =a. 8 ስብሐቲሁ: = 9, omit. 
5 This may be a dittography from preceding line. 5 Fm gu save that 2 prefixes @. 
7 reads HATYኔሰ: 75 HAN: a0. 97, 8 read በpEayi 7 m pre 
fixes DA 5 9, 8 read "AA: 5 SO f save that for 41H (7, 8) 
it substitutes the gloss A; THI ውስE7i C{ 4 Ezra vii. 32. /' u are defective: 
ፓገብኳ፡ ሲጾል፡ ማሕፀን ዘተመጠወት፣ /" ads ወምድርኒ i» /' ar ወማሣፀንኝ፡ 
B has a conflate text based partly on the original behind £ and on /#: ታብ: 
ምድር፡ ማሣፀንታ፣፡ ወሲጾል፡ ታፓገብኣ፡ (የ1" •) ማሣፀንኝ፡ ዘተመጠወት፣ (ዘመጠወት፣ 9). 

94 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ LI. x11. 

ወሕጕኮል፡ „ገብኣ፡ ዘ’ይደፈዲዴ። 

2. ወየጋሪ፡፡ ጻ.ፎቃኔ፡ ወቐቅዲዱሰኔ፡፡ ኣምኔሆመሙመ። 

ኣስመ፡ ቁርበት ዕሰገ፡፡ ከመ፤ ጸመሙንቱ ድፎሣኒ።፣ 

3. ወሣፉድ፡፣ በኣማንፒቱ፡ መዋዕል፡፤ ፉበ፡ መንበርዩ፡’ ይነብር 

ወሸሉ;፡ ሣቡኳት፣ ጥበብ፡ ወ"ተኣምሕሊና፡ ጸፉህሁ፥ ይወፀኣ፤" 

ኣስመ፡። ኣፓዚጾ፡ መንፈሰሳነ፡። ወሀቦ“ ወሰብሖ። 

4. በ"ጸማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ዴይዘፍፉ፡ ጸፎባር፡ ከመ ሐራፉ፡ 

ወጸውፃርኒ፡ የንፈርዕፀ፡"፡ ከመ፡ መሓስዕ፡ ጽጊበሃ፤ ሐሲሊሣብ፡ 

ወይደከወውቱ፡። ዙሱ፡" መሳት" በ።ሰማይዶ፤ ገጾመ፡ ድበርሁ፡። በፍሥመሓ፡። 
5. ኣስመ፡ በጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ሣፉይ፤ ትገንሥመይ፡ 

ወም.ፎር፤ ትትፌሣሕ፤። 

ወጻ.ፎቃን፤ ዷቤሃ;። የጋ.ፎፉ፡፤ 

ወፇጓፉቸያን፡ ዲቤሃ” የሐሙውፉ፡። |(ወያገሶስዉ።]። 

LI. ወጸም.ፎሣረ፤ ለማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፤ በውኣቲቱ፡ መኻኝ፡” በኝበ፡;” ርጺኩ፡ “ሹሉ ራኣሇያ፡። 

g agrees with B save that for the second y4BiY; it reads AኝBIYi ms also agrees 
with 8 save that it omits the first y4B}Yi and the second ታብ 

iu put in acc. and all members of a8, except 2, write ሐል; not ሐል: 
2 f= reads AH. ‘mt FInxa. 036i, BFInxa Dh: 9 puts in nom. 
° 9 reads 0AY; Smgabe/oxs. tina PED ucg8 EY Py 
read BARI a. 8 miበti a9. This reading points to PወፀAs below 
and not ወፀ 5 tN iE UO EB SOR: n Either emend Lp into 
PወO0Ai and omit A or better retain PO” reading Wi above, and trans. An 
before RW. 5 ns omits. 5 Fm. gu, Bread mé&ENY; 1s m adds AMY; 
5 a7. 98 D0. 5/8. mፈር00: ያ hy: ICY: which words it 
trans. after hi 7 m/w, 8. 9 መሕስR 5 9 reads Bድhው yi amg. 
ፃ ለዙሰ፡። », 5 ሹሎመሙ፡ 0am. m, 8 መAANY:i Here the old MSS. retain the 
original reading, where መAAM:Y is the subject and not the predicate, and 'JR0 is 
an accusative of limitation; Or ap" may be taken as a nominativus pendens resumed 
in JR; 1 m omits. =F. Here hoki £CU; are to be taken together. 
Other MSS. Cy; 5 መ ችችገሣል፤ #a-g, Ba. a trans. after 2. 
7,0 read NEY; and trans. after $2". 5 aim Iu, B., mw omit. 5a=gy, 
# omits. 9, 7B read ውኸስቴ2; 7 mn reads hውርi g omits. 5 Bracketed as 
a dittography. It is supported by £9 (save that 9 omits the @), 1B, but 
me fu omit. 5 m reads DIC: 0 8 reads 0; Og trans. 

TRS 5 መጽሐፉ: ህና: 95 

ዘበጎቡኣ፡። ኣስመ፡ ትመሠጥኩ፡ “በነኰርኳረ፡ ነፉስ። ወወሰደኒ፡። ዓረበ።፡ 2. በህዩ። 
ርኣዩ ጸዕዶንትዩ፡ ሺሉ፡ ሣቡጻተ፣ ሰማይ፤ ዘይኩን፡። ሀሉ’ ደብረ፡'' ጋጺጌ፡ ወደብረ፤ ጸሪቅ 
ወ.ደብረ፤ ብፉር፡ ወደብሪ፡"። ወርቅ፣ ወደብረ፡ ነጠብጣብ፡ ወደብረ፡ ዐረር። 3. ወችስኣልሕክዎ፡ 
ሰመልጸኻ፡ ዘ“ምስሴዩ፡ የሐውር" ኣንዘ፡ ኣብል፡ ምንቫ፣ ውጻቱ፡ “ጻሙንቱ፡ ኣሴ” ኣሰ፡። 
በቢ"ሣቡኣ፡ ርኩ 4. ወዴቤሲኒ፡ ኣሲ ሹሎመ፡ ዘርዚክ፡" ሲ’”ስልጣ መሲሑ ጻመንቱ፡" 
ይክካውተ፤ ከመ፤ የጸዝሽ፡ ወ“ይትጋዩል፡። ደበ ምፎር። 5. ወጸውሥመጸ፤። ጻን; ይብሲ፤ኒ፡። 
ውጻቲቱ፡ መልጸከ። ሰሳባም፡ ጽናሕ፤ ንስቲት፡።” ወይዴትከሠኝ፡ ሰከ" ዙሱ፡። ዘሣቡኣ፤ ዘክከሰሰ፡። 
ኣጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 6. ወ"ኣሱንቱ፡። ጸድበር፡ ዘ“ርኣያ፡ ጸዕዶንቲከ፡። 

ደብረ ጋጺኘን፡ ወደብረ፡ ጸሪቅ፡ “ወይብረ፤ ብፉር፡። 

ሂወ.ደብረ፡ ወርቅ; ወ.ደብረ፡ ነጠብጣብ፡ “ወ ደብረ፤ ዐረር" 

ኣሰ ዙሎመ፡፥ ቅፎሆ፥ ለሣፉይ፤ ይከወቱ፡።” ከመ፡ መዓረ፤ 7ራ፡። በቅድመ” ኣሳ 
ወከመ፡ ማይ; ዘይወርድ ኣምሳዕሰ፡ ዷበ፡ ጳማንቱ፡ ጸፎባር፡ 

ወይከጦቷ፡ „.ፎኩማ፤። በቐ.ፎመ፡። ኣገሪሆሁ። 

7. ወይክካውን;" በጻማንቲቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ዚጺድ.ፎሣፉ፡ 

ዚበ“ወርቅ፡ ወጺበ“ብፉር 

ወጺዴካሱ፡። ጕኮዩዩ።። 

85. ወጺይክውን፤ ጋጺን። ሰፀብኳ፡። 

a9. 9,8 HAቡA፡ ፣ 9 reads በመገንኰራችረ፡ ነፉሰት፣ ። በነኰርኳረ፡ ጻሳት ወነፉስ፡ 
5 05m. Zu, B~» read ወሰዲii » ሰዲ: 1, mg/ read Oe; which, being 
ungrammatical, /#B8 retained, but set rieht by prefixine ስቲ a0, 0. 
ወ, 8-8 መበህዩ፣ ‘em. 0/8 CAE: 7 B trans. after ሰማ; SE, Othe 
M55. Hድnውy: » 8 add 0 (7 on.) ዲበ; ምEር፤ against a9. » 2 omits. 

uu 72 omits. 5 me omits. 5 reads ሃብ: ag. 9, B trans. » adds 
ወምን a= ae piI0yab. wfread AYE: » Ai cg%x A AYE: 
i5 » omits. " # reads Hl. 5 dg omits next three words. oN reads 
ሓሰ ርጺከ፤ » ዘርጺኩ፡ 0 0u read 0. ጋ # reads Ji ። ዴት'2የል 

EIB aE 5 9 reads ©. „4-7. ያ ዶዴቤሰኒ፤ 5 ዴብል፡ 5 0 reads 
መልጸኻ፤ ። መልጸሕኻ፡ H. 5 8 adds ወትመጺ mh B-. gush read WN: 
5 a=, mm, 8 HYክሰ፡ 5 F save that 1 have corrected the final letter f+ with +. 
Other MSS. me &NስYy; 0 dy omit. ar #8 AYE: 5 a Save that 
m reads CA: RO 8 reads CAN: 5 9 trans. after CY; 2a ms trans. before 
ወደ" ጺጸሪቹ፡ 5 adds በቅድ 5 wronely reads 25 Jag. ያHቅድመ፡ 

ያ በቅፎመ፤ ገጸ፡ 8 ዘቅድመ፡ ገጻ 5 reads FWY: Sa fhabcgiIxa. 
fh e/Bnoltow)» read በታhYi ግ reads nk; 1 reads DA. A, of. 
5 b reads Dx. o Of. 7B add iH OD: “tL mg, 8 read ‘Ft: 

1/ ጺኮዩዩ 5 m reads hai o h4ei trans. before KዴnውY; 45 g omits. 

96 መጽሕፈ፡ ህኖ: JERR RS EEE 

ወጺልብስ፡ ሲድርዐ፡ ኣንፃድንኝ፡ 

ጺዴዶበፉዕ። ብርት . 

ወናልኳ፡፡ | ጺድበፉዕ፡ ወ'ዚዴይት ጌሰ 

ወጸ፡0ረር፤ ጺድትፈቁድ። 

9. ኣሱ ሹሎመ፡ [(ይትክሕዳ፥ ወኮዴቸሕኮሱ፡ ሀለዉ ጻምገጺጸ፡ ምድር፡ 

ሶበ፡ ያስትርዉ፡ ሕፉዶ፡ በቅ.ድመ፤ ገቛ፤ ሰጻፃዚጸ፡ መናፈስት።" 

L111. Qyዩ;" ርኣያ; ጸዕይንትዩ። ቈሳባ፡። *ርሣወ፡ ወፀመሙቁ፡። ጸፈዩሁ፡" ወሸዙሎመሙ፡ ኣሰ 
የጋ.ፎፉ፥ ጁበ፡ የብስ፡ ወ“ባሕር፡ ወደሰያት ጸምጋ፤ ወ“ጸስትዓ፡። ወጋዳ፡ ያመጽሉ፤ ሎቱ 
ወዝኩስሰ፡” ዕሙቅ ቘቈሳ፤ ዚይደመልጻ። 

2. ወኾጋዩ፡። ጸደዩሆመሙ ዴገብፉ። 

ወስ; ። ዘይጻምዉ፡ ሰሲ“ጌጋይ፡። ጋጥጻን፡ ድዴበልዑ፡” 

ወፖጻምገፉ፡ ሲጻፓዚጸ፣ መንፈሰት።። ዴይትሐጕኮሴቡ፡ | ጋጥጻን፡| 

ወኣምገጸ፡። ም.ፎረ፡። ዚጸሆሁ፡ ይትቁወመሙ፡። 

ወ[ጺ]"የኘልቁ፡ ሰዓሰመ፡ ዓሲሰም። 

3. ጻስመ፡ ርጺኻዎመሙ፡። ለ“ዙሎመ፡። መሳኣሕት፡ መቅሠፍገ፣ ጻንዘ፡ “የጋድፉ፡። ወያስተዴ 

Ff e/hnab. mu,abctlox wxAAብNi 9 OxድAብስi 4 AብNi Here au 
add the dittographic phrase ፀብ; ጺAAስ; TESS ECO OEY 
5 g prefixes ©. o omits next three words through hmt. 4 9 reads ብCYi “ በት: 
? a. Bag read ወጺናOMi a8 ወጺና: 5 AS this clause destroys the 
parallelism 1 have bracketed it as an intrusion. 7, B-nx. X reads RRችዌAT: 
mu, » read ARYA 9 omits with the © preceding. Sag. omits, B reads ©. 
5 Bracketed as an alternative rendering of YnI15, which was rendered, as 1 conceive, 
by Grapgilovrat and by Sbayrgilrovrat in the margin, or sce versa; both renderings 
being subsequently taken into the text. 1 reads RRYhhs.s u omits. 5 Im reads 
መንፈሰ n a4. 9,8 read OVE = c reads ROEYLE: 5 u reads WA 
# ያ. ያ ጻባ ሰበሙቁ፡ ወርሣግወ፡ /።, B-» ዕሙቁ፡ ወርሣግጦ፥ ። ዕሙቁ፤ ዘርሣው፡ 
5 mended from R&P; of mu. 9/ read AP 8 RU: 15 m reads Of. 
7 au omit. 5 sw omits. » ag, aekn. 9 HY; Scgibpx,a HEN; F508 
ወዝኩ 0 m reads 0p; bcdgix,a trans. after BA 1 a reads ALD: 
=n መዙ ያ ሹሙ = mu B-a. # omits. 9% a PIE ጋላ 
if genuine is the subject of this verb and of the preceding, but since it is duite 
needless in the next line 1 have bracketed it. 5 0 omit against 2m, /*B. 
5m. 9/1, Sመናፍስት፡ 7 ያዛ. ያመ 8ወጻምገጻ፡ሲ. = /8 ያmፀ read ምድር፡ 
uw omits. Sure8-d 2 PY (sic). 9 YP mg ይpውmመ / ትገ; 
0 Bracketed as an interpolation. #' omits, but / and all other MSS, insert. 1 g reads 
CAs an. BH omit 5 mI aeh&. ZuRሐድCi Sc InOpXya Rhውፉ 

TREN IEW መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 37 

አጪ ሹሉ፡ መባልዕት ሰይደጣን።፣ 4. ወችስጻልክዎ፤ ሰመልጸክ፡፡ ሰሳም፡፤ ዘየሐውር 
ምስሴዩ፣ ኣሎኘንተ።፡ መባልዕት፡፡ ሰመፉ፣ ያስተዴልውዎሙ።፣ 5. ወይቤሰኒ፡፡ ጻሎንተ፣? 
ሰነገሥመት'፣ ወሰጋ.ያባ፤" ዝንቱ" ም.ድር፡ ከመ፤ ቦቱ: ይትሕጕኮሉ። 6: ወጻም:ፎሣረ“ሽ፡። 
ያስተርዉ፡። “ጻ.ድቅ፡ ወሣፉዶ፡ ቤተ፡" ምመትጌበጸ፡” ዚጸሆሁ፡፡ ኣምይኣዜ፡ ዚይትክልዙ፡ 
በስሙ ሲኣጸንዚጾ፡ መንፈሳት።፡። 

7. ወ“"ጻሰ፡ ጽፎበር፡” ዴከወፉ፡” በቅፎመ፡። ጽ.ፎቁ፡። ከመ፡ ምድር 

ወጸውፃር፡ ይከውኒ፡። ከመ፡። ነቅኝ፡ ማይ፡ 

ወ“ዓርፉ፡። ጻድቃን ጳምጻማ፡ ጋጥጻን።። 

LIV. ወiጺጻርኩ:= ወትችመየጥኩ፡” ኻልጸ፡ ገጺ፡ ም.ድፎር፡ ወርጺኩ፥ በ"ህዩ፡ ቈሳ፡ ዕሙቁ፡ 
ኣንዘ፡ ቫኔፎፎ፥ ጻሰሳት።። 2. ወ።ጸምጽጻዎወመ፡። ሲነገመት፡ ወለ።ጋ.ያሳን፡ ወይወ.ፎ 
ድዎሙ፡። ውስት፣፡ ዝኩ፡። ዕሙቁ፣ ቈቁሳ። 3. ወበህዩ፣ ርኳያ፤ ጸዐይንትዩ፣ 
ዘ መባልዕቲሆሙ፡። ሓጻንዘ፡ ድደገብርዎሙ፡ መጸስርተ፡። ሐሕጺን፣፡ ዘጸልቦ፡ መ.ፎለሰውተ።።” 
4. ወ“ትስጻልክዎ፤ ሰመልጸክ፣ ሰባም፣ ዘ"የሐውር፡፣ ምስሌና፣ ኣንዘ፡;። ጻብል፡፣ ኣሱ” ኣስረት። 

fw abcRInxa. 29 NtEWi wu, F505 DPNYRADS (so also 4 but omits ©). 
"22. ነ reaባs መበንት፡ (sic). ሥ"። መባዕልገ፥ 5 መባዕሳኘ፡ 28 prefix A. 
+ reads ለመል: ° £ reads atንቲ፡ ። ወኣቤሉ፡ ለኣሲ፡፥ ‘ያያ. /። read መባዕልች፡ 
ፀመባዕባተ፡("ት፣።). ። a9d5 ዘየሕውፉ፥ ፣ያ።. ሃሠ, 5-404 ያስተዳልውዎመሙ፡ የያስተዳልወያ፡ 
(sic). #04 ያስትዳልዎመሙመ፡ sx omits. a-gu add AH: AA; against 9, 8. 
ፀረ/»ቋቂ» ad ያስተዳልውዎመ፡ ። aባዛs ስተዴልዉ፤ ad • "“ልእዎመ። 9 gu, nN omit. 
ዕcgiaadd ያስተዳልውዎመi "a. 5 AJAY » as. g omits. 8 reads HHንYE: 
“afin gb Bn NYE 5 ድ reads AስትርA: 14 9 reads ጽ.ድሞ; ግፉ: 
5» ያ. መ መስተተበባሌ፤ ያ ምስትጊባጸ፣ ። 5-48 ምስትጊቡጸ፡ # ምስትፃቡጸ፡ 15 g reads 
AVF "2 omits. » mir iA; sic). 9/u, 8 ፍስት 2 be Oat: 
REE: 1g. mu read ከው: 5am, Bax. m hi 9pm: 
x በቅ.ድሆ፡ 5 a4. g, Bn read T&R m omits. 24 B omits, e trans. after Ii 
5 g omits. Sa-gu/BhInoxab. wu, abcde P0ር4 9 3A ” 9 ንጢAY 
= m adds DCA 5g trans. before IAC: 0 B-FBEInoy omit. 
1 F reads Ai » omits. 5 ረ reads ጸውጽ". 5 0 reads ©. 4 a0. 
0, a omit. m, B~a read DR Paw; ag B-BcgnXy. mw reads H. gc 4xy 
omit. 5 reads ROR YEE: 7 m7. # Bread መOላLሆPs = ምብዐሳቲሆሙ፡ 

ZመAO0ALPs x adds AA 5. መ/ማ0ሰርጊ፡ 9 ማጻሰረ፡ ። ማጸበስርኘ፡ 
B-cinamመY™mCY; cna መ3NCY; /መANCYi » 2. ms 8 read mENY IN: 
ዞ መዳልዋቲ፡ Ng BP ONE uu g omits. 5 0p omit. 5 sm omits. 

“#. This isa rare word which generally = Béres Or Béoun, whereas we require here 
cous. There is no objection to taking the word in this concrete sense. [he 
rareness of this word led to scribal changes in all the best MSS. save 9, which has 
Aስረቱi Thus u# has aራት፣ መ ማዕሰርተ፤፣ / ማኣሰራት፡ ሪ።ሃ»ኃዳ መዓራ! 
ዕረo ማጸመራት፡ ና ማኣሥመራት፡ ማጸመራት፡ ። ማዓስራት፣ ኋ 5 ማዕሰራት፡ See 
note 1, D. 98. 


95  መጽሐፈ፡ ሄኛኻ፡ LIV. 4-8. 

[ መበል0ት፣|፡ ሰመፉ።፡ ይዴለሰጪ፡፡ 5. ወይቤሲኒ፡ ኣሱ ደዴዴሰዉጢ፡፡ ሰትዕድንት፣ ጸዘዜጹል፡ 
ከመ" ደትመጠውዎመሙ፡ ወይደይዎመ“፣ መትሕት፡፡ ሱሴ’ ደይን፡ ወጸጻባሄ" ጠዋ" 
ዴካ.ደኒ፡። መሳባትሒሆመ፡። በከመ፤ ጸዘዚ፡ ጻግዚጸ፡ መገፈሳት'።" 6. ወ“ሚኻሌል፡ 
ወገብርዜል፡” ወ“ፉፋሌል፡ ወፋrዜል፡ ውኣጻተመ፡ ያፀንዕዎሙ፤ በዴኣቲ፤ ዕሰት፡ ፀባይ፡ 
ወ"ውስተ፡ ኣትኝ፡” ዘይደነፎድደ፣ ድወድይዎመ፡። ውጻት፣ 0ለት፣ ካመ፤ ዴትበቁል፡ ጳምኔሆመ።፡። 
።ጸፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፡። በ“ዓመባሆመ፡ በኣን1፡ ዘኮኒ፡ ሳባጻከ፡። ሰሰዶጣን፡ ወጸስኝሃዎመሙ፡። 
ሰኣጻሰ፡ የፎኗፉ፡ ዷበ፡። የብስ። [፣. ወበውጻቱ፡ መዋዕል ዶወፀኳ፡። መቅሠፍቱ” ለኣግፓዚይ፡ 
መንፈሰ” ወታፓርሑ፡። ሹሉ፡። መዛግብ “ማያት ዘመልዕልጊ፡። ሰማሇት፡። | ወዷበ፡ 
ጸንቅዕነ፡ ኣሰ: መችወች፣ ሰማነ] ። ወ“ኣሲ፡ ጸንቅዕነ፡። መትሕተ ምድር። 8. ወይዴዴመፉ፡ 

1 1 have bracketed this word as an explanatory marginal gloss adopted into 
the text. nm omits. # adds after aስረትi (Ct g MaራY'i O00AY)., All other 
M55.» however, attempt in one way or other to give it a regular syntactical connexion 
with the text. Thus ## makes it the subject of the verb and changes ስረት; the original 
subject of the verb into a participle qualifying it (see Dp. 97, note 44). Z/ insert a copula 
between the two nouns. m, B~g make the added word a genitive dependent on 
the original word. For መባAOY; m reads መባዓ: 9 ወመባAOY: / ወመባዕ0ሳY 
ሠ መብ0ዕሲች፣ 5-9 መባ0ሳጓ፡ 4 ማዕበሳት 2 9 reads Har 2 reads ስዳ 
‘ou, Bn. መፀ » rad ዴዴለው፡ 2. mu FB Rዛዝሌል፡ / ጸዛዜጸል 
5 c omits. 7 dg reads PRP; 5 5 መትሐት፡ 9 Ff reads HA (sic). 
0 9 reads RAN: ካድ. a, 8 ጠዋ 5 0. m/w B NE; 3 aH 
B-aa. /1 reads #ቤሆs a መላቲ a መA0AE.  c reads AHH: 
5 Fm. P/u, 8 read መé&ስት; 15 F8F omit. 7 m Zw trans. after Dt: 
against 29, 8. / omits © before ACAI * /B omit. " a-TiFBSIn0XVa. 
g omits. ab cde read 0. 0 a9. 9, read እሰት / እች እሰት (sic). 8» ጸቶኔ፣ ጸሰት፡ 
nyu 8. mg omit. = omits. Fm. g/u,B~n read AHA: SENT; 9 trans. 
before hai m omits. = 2 omits. 5 aim, CdefBhloy,a. m, abn x read AO: 
» ላኣኮ 5 F reads ARN» p; 7 መፃ read ውስት 5 0, ዕኔ, read ድዴመጽል፤ 
» 9 rads መቅሰፍ]፡ መፀዐቱ wm. Other MSS. SEN; i tu. m reads 
ወትርሣወኝ፣ ያ ወዴትረገወ፡ ሥ5-» ወዴትረንዉ፡ 5 aim. Im, Bedi read Wh; 
PFacfFhRnowNrms ®» dg omits. £ reads መት; HAY; by a slip. = 5 omits. 
A marginal gloss subsequently incorporated in the text. There were according to 
early Semitic views only the waters above the heavens and the waters below the earth: 
such also was the View of our writer as appears from the next verse. Lhe text 
in brackets follows # m, #8 save that for AiYO0Y; in ¢ 1 have read RYYOY: with m. 
7 supports text save that it reads ሰ; and /1 save that it reads Yi for ሰት; 
After AA; # adds ጦልOልት፡ ሰማያት ©. 5 Fm save that ¢ reads RIOT instead 
of AYO: gu read AY¥OY AA. / reads only AAs and 5 H. 

USES. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ 99 

ዙሱ። ማዕት [ዘገ።ምስለ። ማያት ዘመልዕልተ ሰማያት፡፡ ተባዕታይ ውአቱ፡ ወማይ 
ዘመትወገ፥ ም.ፎር፡ ጸንስታዴት፡፣ ይጻቲ። 9. ወደደመስሰ፡፣ ሹሎ፡። ኣሰ፡ የንፎኒሂ፡ “£በ፡ 
የብስ፡ ወጻሰ፤ የፎኗፉ፡፡ መትሕተ ጸጽናፈ፤ ሰማዴ።" 10. ወ“*በኣን1፤ ዘ“ጸጻመርዋ፤ 
ሲዓመባዛሆሙ፡ ኣንጌ፡ ገብፉ ፉበ፡'፡ ምድር ወበድጻቲ፡ ይትኘኮሱ፡፡” 

LV. ወጻም.ፎሣረዝ;'፡ ነመሕ፤፡ ርጻሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ ወድቤ፡ በከ; ጸሕኮልክዎመሙመ፡ ሰዙሎሙ፡ 
ሲ“ኣሰ፡ ፎነብኗ፡" ውስች፡” ዩየብስ። 52. ወመሐሰ፣፡ በስመ።። ዐቢይደ፡ ከመ፡ ኣምይዴኣዜ፤ ዚጺዶገብር፡ 
ከመዝ፡። ሲ"ሸሎመሙ ጻሰ፤ ዶነብፉ፡። £በ፡;” ዩብስ፡ ወት ኳምርት፡ ኣወሄ፤ በሰማያኝ፡። ወይከውን 
ማጻክሲዩ፡ ወ“ ማጻከሴሆመሙ፡። ሃይማኖ ኣስክ፡። ለንለም፡ መጦጠሃ፡ መዋዕሲ፡ ሰማይ፡” ዷበ፡” 
መድር፤ ወ*ዝ፡ በትኣዘዝዩ፡። ውኣቱ።]...... 3. ሶበ፡ ፈቁ.ፎኩ፡ ከመ፡። ጸጽንዖመ፡ በጻ 
መሳኳሕኝ፡ በዕሲት፡ ምንዳቤ ወሕሐማም፤ ቅፎመዝ፡። “መሕሠፍትና፤ ወመፀዐዩ;። “ጸ5.ፎር፡ 
ደቤሆሙ፡። ዶቤ፡ ጳገዚጸብሔር፡። ኣጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት።። 4. ነገሠመት፣ ጋ.ያሳን፡ ኣለ፡ ትጋ.ፎፉ። 

‘mtu. g reads tN: 3 ft 5 BX omit. fru, mn also omit together with 
PስAi Yi through hmt. /# restores these words and adds Afi All other 
MSS. read H but the context requires its exclusion. 5 9 reads መAOATYI a reads 
ሰማያት ፣ x reads ሰማይደ፤ 9 adds ማይ 8 add the dittography ማሰ; (ወድ; 4) 
ዘመልዕልት፡ ሰማይ (ሰማነ 4). ና ድ. መ, ። ጸገስትያዊት፣ ያ ጸንስቲድት፣ ሃጸንስቲያዊ፡ 
# ጸንስታዪት፣ 5-‘። ጸንስታይ፤ ። ጸንስፓዊነ፡ 7 £fhae. mgu, Bae read DN; 

The next word WANs shows that ZZ are right. ‘ag, የሹሎመሙመ፡ 8-5 ሹሲ፡ 
2 2 omits throush hmt. For £0: 9 reads ht; So also # over erasure. i reads 
BEES 1 g omits. 5 Zu, e(w). Zmg,fB~e read በAንYH: Here 1 take 

በኣንት;i Hጸaመርዋ; . . . ወ0ደAaቲ; = 8,dre gvoray . .. kai éy rotrous (or Toure) = 
Rok3) , « v1" 12. Here the Greek translator should have rendered 5 by erei and 
not by Sede. 5 ag. uw, 8 read በ£0i 4 መ /u. ድ ወይኣቲ፡ 9, “8 ወበጻንተሽ፡ 
5 ጋህ reas ችሕቶቱሰ፡ 15 7 reads DበAYYH: 7 2, » read Qh; I 
Other MSS. omit. % omits preceding word. » 9, epno(v) Xread tits a7, 
af 8 IDB (WY. g, bcqepnnoxs read #0: Ny omits. = 9, P8-X. miu, X omit. 
5 » reads AOA; 08 £0 5 m reads DE 5 bcex read ወስት! 05 0. 
5 ehop (vz) B read በሰ: 7 aI, e. mM, 8-e IAN; 5 2 prefixes ©. 
ጋ adds ወም.ፎር፡ » reads በዲበ፡ = ያ/ » ትጻዛዝዩ፡ ዝ. 9 ዝ፡ ትaዛH፡ በፈቃድና 
u, FB Aምዝ: በችትAዛHዩ (e omits ¢). SE Omnis. 35 i# Omits., = Eurpoggey Tovroy 
a misrendering of XI 351). 5a. Breads m0" mp. ag save that / reads 
AO; for £ቤሆPaw; 2 reads YC; LRP 5-4 tC; ANP , 4 omit. 
Here £m, a/h& add መሠት Om0Y; and bceinon m0 op against 9%, 9, 
Owing (2) to mistranslation of nNY 355. See note 34. For Rin text normal form is 4Y . 
gi BDcxb. Fm, Bcxy omit. 5m. Other MSS. SEY » my By. 
£9» read HEL: 9, 8-0 add ውስት ። 0 (5) 5 add £0 and change RON; into tብ0s 

100 መጽሐፉ: ዛኛ፡ PENT 

ዩየብሰ፡ ትርጸዶያዎ፡ ሀሰወክሙ፡ ሲ’ሣፉዩ፡ ዚክዩ፤ ከመ፡ ዶነብር፡፡ ውስት፡፡ መንበሪ፤ ስብሕት፡፣ 
ወይደኬንኖ፡፡ ሰጸዘዜዜልእ። ወሰዙሎሙ፡ ማሕበረ፤ ዚጸሆሁ፡ “ወሰትዕዶንተ፡ ዚጸሆሁ፡፡። ሺሎ 
በስሙ“ ሲጻፃዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት። LVL. ወርጺኩ፡ በህዩ፣ ትዕዴንታት፡። መሳጻክት፡። 
መቅሠፍት; ኣንቫ፡ የሐሕውኒ፡ ወ“ድይኣሕዘዙ፡" “መቅሠፍት ወ“"መሣኘረ፡" ሐጺንገ፡ ወብርት። 
2. ወተስጻልኳዎ፡ ሰመልእጸክከ፣ ሰሳሰም፡፤ ዘ“ሐውር፡ ምስሌናዩ፤ “ጻንዘ፣፡ ጻብል፡" ሰመኒ፡ 
የሐውፉ።› “ኣሱ ኣሰ ይጻሣዘ፡። መቅሠፍት።። 3. ወዴቤሰኒ፡። ሰሕፉያኔ ዚጸሆመ፡ 
ወሲሰፍቁራኒሆሙ፡። ከመ፡ ይትወደዩ፡። ውስተ ንኾኮፀተ። ማዕምቅ፡። ዘቈሳባ።። 

4. ወ“ጸሄሃ፡ ይመልእ ውጻቲ፡ ቈሳባ፡ ኣም ሕፉያን፤ ወ“ፍቁራ፤፡ ዚአሆሙ” 
ወይት'ዩዳኣ፡። ዕሰት፡። ሕይወተመሙ፡ 

ወዕሲት፡ ስሕተተሙ፡። ጳጻምዴጻላኬ፤ ጽትትቴሲፉ።። 

5. ወበጻማንቱ፡። መዋዕል፡ ድገብጽ፡።” መባጻክት፡ 

ወይወ.ፎዩ፡። ጸርኣስቲሆሙ፡ “ሰሲምሥመራቅ፡ ሲኘበ፡። ሰብ” ጳርቱ፡" ወሙ" 
የሐውስዎሙመ፡። ሲነገመት፡ ወ“ ይበውኳ፡ ሳዕሴሆመ፡ ። መንፈበሰ፤ ሀውሕ፤ 

ወ“ዩሀውሕዎሙ፡። ኣምንበሪሆመሙ፡። 

1 B~e trans. before TCR; against a, ¢. c reads VAs ° dreadsH. ms pre. 
fixes A. ‘“agw. gu, Xread 4&0; 7, aqe/8°8/na0. by omit. cy 0 (v)8 read tH; 
24-7. 9reads ስብሐቶt: 5 ስብሕትና፤ reads Wis 2/u. m7, 8 read ARHHRA 
s F omits through hmt. ag. 9, Bread tN £,m. Other MSS. éEስት; 
1am 0. m9, 8 ች0ን1 5 F/. 9,78 read መAANYi H. m መላ"; which 

it trans. before YOY: ። መላከ: 5 9, #8 prefix H. oY 
Z# omit, » £0. mu omit. #8 read HH]: 15 2 but in the ungrammatical 
form pw]; ©. mu read ©. All other MSS. omit. 7 9 reads መስርታ: 

# መመገርት፣ "። ° reads ጳንH፡ " ¢ reads NN:  » reads thei =F. 
mgpu read AN 8» AA; » AIH: =rm8. 9 prefixes ©. / reads RAH 
u RAH 5 F only. = 8 add BE. 5 an. Bu read A&ቁራh LAP; 
5 m (eu) read 323; 9 omits. 7 mu. Fr m3; 9 OY Dcde/Fnox ay 
ማዕምቅኝ ።58 መዓምቅት፤ = 9 omits next four words through ht. » 2 omits. 
0 7 reads EቁéiሆPs c omits HRP; 2 9 reads ደት DAA; 5 9 omits 
next two words through hmt. 5 መ eas ስብሐትመ፡፥ ።# ሰሕተትሙ፡ i 
መ/u ሂሩad ዚትችጐስቅ። ያ ጺይሃጐለሰቅ። 8 ጽድነ'ጌቴሰቅ። 5 9 reads በውል 
5 & (m originally?) 9. m (Over an erasure) Zs, 8 read #YJAብRS 7 £ reads pRወ.E#; 
5 9 reads ሲምስቅ፡ በገበ፡ ” ያ read ሰብእ " 9 reads aርEi # a0. 9 reads 
oki FB Ei = 50 all M55. See Dillmann's Grammar, § 48. 3 g reads 
ዶበውዙ፡ በሳባዕሴሆሙ፡ 4 9, 5 ሮኒ ዴሀውዎመሙ፥ 4» የሐውኮመ፡፥ ። የሐስውዎመሙ፡ 
'4 የሕውስዎመሪ “ «-7. 9, 8 ead ጸመናብርቲሆሙ /። ኣምናብርቲሆመሙ፡ (si). 

TRE DERE መጽሐፈ፡ ሄና ነ; 101 

ወዴወፀዙ፡፡ ከመ፡ ጸናብስት፡ ኣምስካባቲሆሙ፡፡ 

ወከመ ጸዝጻብት፡ ር'ቷባን፡ ማሓጻክሰ፤ መርዒት፡ ዚጸሆሙ።፡ 

6. ወ።ዩዓርፃዋ፡፡ ወ ይከይድዋ፡፡ ሲምራድረ፡፡ ሣፉሇ፤ኔ› ዚጸሆሁ፡፣ 
ወችክውን፡ ም.ድረ፡ ሣፉያክ ዚጸሆሁ፡፡ በ“ቅፎጃሆሙ፡’ ምከያደ፤ ወ"ጸሰረ፡ 
7. ወሀገረ; ጻ.ድቃ፤ ዚጸዩ፡ ይከውን፡ ማዕዋቀፈ፡። ሲ“ጸፍራሲሆመ፡ " 
ወ.ያiሠመል በበ; በይናቲሆመ፡ ቁትሲ፡። 

ወች'ጸን0፡ የማኖመ፡። ዴቤሆመ፡ 

ወጺያጸምሮ፡" ብጻሲ፡;” ሰጻኙቶሆ፡ 

ወጺወልድፎ፡ “ሰጸቡሁ፡ ወ“ ሰጻሙ፡ 

ኣስከ፡። ይከውን፡። ልቁ ጸብድንቫ፡” ተጻሞተመሙ፡። 
ወመቅሰፍተመ፡። ጴትኩን፡። በከ። 

5. በጻጸማንቱ፡።” መዋዕል፡ ትፈትሕ፡ ሲዶል፡” ጸፉሃ፡ 

ወይሰጠመሙ፡። ውስቴታ 

ወኝገቱሎመ፡ ትኘገፎፃ፡። 

ሲጸል፡። ይውሕጦመሙ፡። ሲ"ኃጋጥጻኘ፡ ጳም።ቅ.ፎመ፡” ገጸ፤ ሣፉሇን። 

1 7 reads RX 22m, te. reads YC 837: ። OCI; which, 
as well as the form in the text, may be for OCP: 8 reads DOC; (or £3"). If u 
is right it = dvarrilovry airilv, which the Ethiopic translator should have rendered 
here by EET; 2 # rads ይከ.ፎ ንዋ፣ 5-0 ዴክይ.ፎዎ፤ 8 ይከይደድዎመሙመ። ‘Im 
read ሲምር ° e omits next four Words through hmt. 2a tt. Ja, fre 
read LAV  u/8.a-u read EC: Hence itis possible that 4H HAW; may 
be a gloss. s fc (2) % read LAPS ° 9,0, readpEgyi 9 omits. 0» 9 omits. 
u fu, 8, mg omit. 5 9 reads AJé: 5 Fu. my, 8 read 0p: 9 መዋ 
“#9read A. "9adds ORR Eu. my, f8 read 0. 9, a/v) 
trans. before i ° 9 reads Rts »gFIu, a0ce mh FBR I0XaD read 
ወጺሂRምC:i ። AA; g omits this and the two following words. 0 a8 pre- 
በx ወ. 5-4 add ሲካልጹ፤ ©. 19, FB mhu omit. x omits DAAaw; 
= 9 reads AN; 25 /። reads ክውን; Au. m/l8 read HAE: 9 Aቁ 
5 Z/u,B. 9 omits. m RB. 5 Iu, 8. m ATs # omits. Text = x 
Bavdrou air@w = Bria) corrupt for niani3 or i321. 7 reads Ay. Zy omit. 
ያ adds ጸብ.ድፎ ንት 5a ሃreads RYhውንi ያ ወጺትኩr: 5 ወ(/,a omit) Rድhውy 
5 9,8 prefix @. » 9,18 trans. after AY; o a read AAA: x 2 reads pwn; 
d omits this and four following words. 5 ድ. 9 reads RYZE: Tv! 
ሣ# ትኝኘኮሲል፡ 7, 8 omit # reads YE; EE Dre. 0 SE Fa (Saye 
that am, #2 prefix ©). £ reads ውሣ: 9 ዴትዋYm 5 YoY wu omits. 
Sa, @aeFhRInoay. bedgxy omit, 

105 መጽሐፈ፡ ህዛኛኻ፡ TNT NTR 

LVII. hy’ ኣምድሣረዝ፡ ወርኩ ካእኣተ፡፡ ችትፀይንት፤ ሠረገሳኝ፡፡ ውጻንዘ፡ ዴጴዐኒ፡፡ 
ሰብኣኳ፡ ውስቱተሙ፡፣ ወ።ይመጽዙ፡፡ ዲፉበ፡› ነፍሳት" ጳምስራቅ፤ ወኣምዕራብ፡። ኣስከ፡ 
መገንፈቁ፡ ዕሰች'። 2. ወ።“ትሰምፀ፡። ቃሰ;። ድምፀ፤ ሰረገሳቲሆመ፡ ወስበ፡ ኮዞ ዝህሀውሕ፡”" 
ቅዲሰን፡'፡ ኣምሰማድዴ፡ ጸኣመፉ፡፥ ወዐምደ፡ ም.ፎር፡ ተሐውበሰ፡" ኣጸመንበፉ፡። ወ“ተሰምዓ፤። 
ሓምጸጽናፈ፡ ሰማድ፡” “ጻስክ፤ ጸጽናፍ፡። በጸሕቲ፣ ዕሰት። 3. ወ።ፎወ.ፎቁ፡። ዙሎመ። 
ወ“ ደሰንዲ። ሰጻግዚጸ፡ መንፈሰገ፡። ወ“ዝንቱ፡። ውኣቱ፡። ትፍጻች፡። ካልኳ፡። ምሰሴ።። 
LVIII. ወጽYH aበል፡ “ልሰ; ምሳሲሌ፤ በጻንት፤ ጻ.ድቃንጌ፤ ወ*በኣንት፡” ሣኃፉያን። 

2. ብፁዓን፡ ጸገንትመሙ ጻ.ፎቃን፤ ወግፉያ ን” 

ሓጻስመ፤ ስቡሕ፡። ክፍልክሙ። 

3. ወዴከውኒ፤ ፎቃ; “በብርሃ፤ ፀሐዶዴ፡ 

ወ።ሐፉያን፤ በብርሃኔ ሕዴድዴወኝ ዘሰዓሰም፡ 

ወማሣግለቸኘ፡። ጸልቦቱ፡። መዋዕለ: ሕይወተሙመ፡ 

ወ“ቅዱዷሰን፡ ጐልቈ፡። መዋዕል፡” ጸልቦሙ። 

4. ወዩየጋሥምመዎ;“ ሰብርሃን፤ ወ“ ይረክቡ ጽፎፃ፡" በኘበ;“። ጻንግዚጸ፡ መኘንፈሳገ፡። 

ሰባም፡። ሰጻ.ድቃን፡ በስመ፡። ኣገግዚጾ፡ ዓሰም።* 

5. ወጻም.ድሣረዝ፤ ይትበሀል ሰቐዱሳን፡" በሰማይ፡፣ 

1 9 trans. after AE. ag aeBk. gw bcdFInoxap omit. a. 78 
read ARI «gu, abcgiInox,. #m, eFhkiyay read ሰረገላ: a. 7r8 omit. 
5 m reads PRY; 0 REI mn. £7) read ውስE7i #ውhስEE; 7° (over erasure) 
8B £ቤሆa ‘St8. mu read ያጽጽi 9 PORN 5 = Heb. 3 which may be 
a corruption of 3 = ‘like » a (2 by slip reads H&EሰYi). 8 reads H4hስi = 9 reads 
ወኣስክ፣ ም0ራብ፤ = ሪ-miu, 8. mpu omit. 5 bcx omit. 1# y prefixes H. 
5? g, pb read Whi 5 o omits. 9 prefixes ©.  m reads ትYሐወስi  m reads 
Aamiበési »a-u FBRInoxak. w, abcde read NO: ” a. 8 reads EEC: 
ag. 9 omits. B reads Aስhi Hci ሰይ; 5 7 reads DE: 5 g reads 
ሰ155 =m. Other MSS. ፍስት: ” reads UH. ua omits. 7 0 u read 
TፍaZE ” 2 reads AR; # AnAA: ” £ omits next eight words. wad omit. 
% g omits through hmt. 5 fr reads HWS; but /” agrees with text. 5 2 reads 
በብርሃኒ፡ ፀሕደ፡ ወይክውን፡ ሲ. #0. Other MSS. ወሣAYY 5 g reads AAO: 
5 am. m reads NA. Bn. ሰመዋO0Ai ። በመዋ". 5a. 8 DA. 5 Fg, though 
here as frequently they write it AE; mf, 8B read Hh; 5 F reads መዋOA 
Om FBRInoX aD. reads ይRት»Jሠp:; 9 pti p; (sic), #. abc ge Dy; 
1 9 eaባs ወዴረካብያዎ፡ ጽ.ድቅ፣  ወዴረኻብዎ፤ “ / ads ጸምኝበ፡ “ / ads መሙ 
4 a-im, m, #8 read 0305 5 ይ reads መeEስi 0 መናፍስ; ለፃሲም; 0 c omits, 
05 omit only A. 7 9, B trans. after Rw; against ag. 

LVI. SLX, 2. መጽሐፈ: ዛህኛኻ፡ 108 

ከመ፡ ይሣግሥሠ፡፣ ሣቡጻ1፡ ጽ.ፎቅ፣ ክፍሰ፡ ሃይማኖት 

ኣስመ: ሠረ; ከመ ፀሐድ፡ ደበ; “tብበስ፡ 

ወ““ጽእመት፡፡ ግሰፈት'።፣ 

6. ወብርሃን; ዘጺ“ዴትኋለቅ፣ ይከውን 

ወበጐልቁ፡ መዋዕል ዚዴዶበውዙ፡ 

ኣስመ፡’ ቀዳሚ" ፕሐሕቱለኝ፡። ጽልመት 

ወበርሃን፡ ት'ፀንዕ፡። በቅ.ፎመ፡። ኣግዚጸ፡ መኘንፈሳቫ፡" 

ወብርሃ፤ ርትዕ፡ ዥፀንዕ፡ ሲንሰም፡ በቅ.ድመ፤ ጳጻገዚጸ፤፡ መንፈሳት።" 

LIX. በጻማንቱ;። መዋዕል ርኣያ፡ ጸዘዕዶንትዩ፡ ሣቡጻጓ፡ መባርቅት ወ'"ብርሃናኝ፡" ወቫነኔሆሙ፡ 
ወዴደበርቁ፡። ሰበረክት፡ ወለመርገም፡ በከመ፤ ፈቁይ፤ ጳፃግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት። 2. ወበህዩ፤ ርኩ 
“ሣቡጻት፡ ነኮ.ፎዃ.ሮፎ፡" ወ“ለበ፡ ድዶደቅቅ፡”። በ“መልዕልተ፡ ሰማይዴ፡፤ ወ“ቃሎመ፡፥ ዶሰማዕ፡ 
ተወመጋ.ፎርች። ናብስ፡ ጸስተርጸዩኒ፡። | ወቃል፡ ዘነኮ.ፎኝ.ፎ፡ |= ሴሰላም፣ ወሰበረክት፣ ወጸመ፡። 
ሰረ፤ም። በ።ቃሰ;።” ኣፃዚጸ፣፡ መገንፈሳት።" 3. ወ ጸም,ፎሣረሽ፡ ትችርሓጳዩ፡ ሲኝ፡ ዙሲ፡ 
ዳቡጻቲሆመ፡። ለብርሃናት፡ ወለመባርቅት፡ ወ።ሰበረከኝ፥ ወሰጽጋብ፣ ዶበርቁ፡። 

[ X. በዓመት” ጀምልኣት፡ በወርሣ፡። ሰብዕ። “ጸዘመ፡ ዐበውፉ፡። ወረቡዑ፡ ሰ“ወርሣ፡ በሕይወች 
ሄኖሕኻ፡” በ"ውኣቲቱ፡ ጸምሰል፡ ርኩ ከመ፤ ታድሰቁቀልቅ፡” “ሰማዩ ሰማያት“ “ፎልቅልቅሕ፡ 
ዐቢደ፡;። ወኘገዴሰ፡ ሰልዑል፡ ወመላሳኳኳቫ፥ ጸጻሰፈ፡። ጸጻሰፍ፡”" ወገጻልፊተ፡" ትጻልፊት። 
ተሀውኩ፡ “ሁከት 0ቢዩ።። 2. ወ“ርኋሰ፡ መዋዕል፤፡ ጁበ፤ መንበሪረ፣ ስብሐቲሆ፥ ይነብር፡” 

1 See note 47, D. ros. 2 reads VEY; ? m, 5 omit. % omits wep: ho; 
+ dq reads ብ; 2 ድ reads ጽAመY፡ 5 a. 8 reads JA 7 08. Fmgw read 
HA Bex omit. ? 8 reads Aስhi. 1" 9 prefixes H and trans. this word 
and Yh" after RN. um. Other M55. YA 5 ag. 9, #8 read AY); 
1) ዕ% read በ30 um. Other MSS. መS&ENስትi * /°8 prefix @. 1 9 omits. 
7 a, e0, B~e5 ብርሃና; 15 B omits. 9g omits initial ©. 5 bx read YrE3E: 
0 % omits, 1 m reads £170; / EYE: = u omits. 52. /u ወመጋ.ፎራጊ፡ 
m, B~n DYE 9, OYE Text = oixiiuara corrupt for kpikara (or oiknrilpta 
for xperiipta 2). ia, CeFhRny. abpdgonxab RNYCAtL: «# AስትርAL: (sic). 
5 AI] MSS. but # add this gloss. #0) read 0. Ja-uFf BF DAA; wu omits. 
= w reads 0, and § has H. ኃa-ያ, 8. ያዋድመ mM # omits. 1 mg read iN; 
au omits. 5 9 reads AALU 5 au. wB omit. X omits preceding word. 
ሣ 9 reads H£በCY: 5 mመ/,8. ፀ። ለዓመት፣ ድ ሰዓጎሰም፡ 5 Fmg read በDC'H: 
F8 prefix ©. ግ a,e. Be AO; 5 e adds mC; 5 This name was 
probably inserted here in place of Noah by the editor of the entire work in the Hebrew. 
n mn, bX read መበ, 5» reads A. * 7 reads ድAቁAY: = 7 reads ሰማና: /ሰE; 
Sሪaፉ 5 8 ድልቅልቁ፡ ዐቢዩ; 4 fu, Bho. mg read RAE: chs omit. 
Sag, mn. 9,8 read AAALYI “ y omits. 1 m reads AAA Ieyp/xas RAY: 
 B trans. against a. 5 m omits. 8 adds Ay; CAS 7 inserts this phrase before ©. 
mn g reads Hei and inserts it before £0; 

104 መጽሐፈ: ዛሄዛኛኻ፡ LX. 2-6. 

ወመላኣሕት፡ ወጻ.ደቃን፤ ጸውፉ፡፡ ይቁውመሙ። 

3. ወሲት፤ ረ3ፎ፤ ዐቢዶደ፤ ነሥጸ፤ኒ፡" 

ወፍርሃት፡ ጸሐዘ፤’ 

ወሐቁዩ፡ *ትቁጽበ፡ 

ወተፈትሐ፡፡ ሹልእያት'ዩ፡፡ 

ወወ.ደቁ፡ በገጽ፣። 

4. ወፈነወ ሚኻካዜል፡ ካልጸ፡። መልጸከ፡" ኣም’""ቐዲዷሰን፡ ወጸንመይኒ፡ “ወሶለበ፡ ጸንሥጸኒ፡ 
መንፈስዩ፡። ገብጸትነ፡። ኣጻስመ፤ ጺካህልኩ፡ ትዓፃ7ዎ፡'፡ ራኣዩ፡" ዝኩ፡ ጋይል፡ ወኪያሆ፥ ሀውካ፡"፡ 
ወጸንቀልቁሰ፡። ሰማዴ።= 5. ወዴቤሰኒ፡" ሚካሌል፡ ምንት፡” ርኣዩ” ክክከመዝ፡ ተሀውከ፡። 
ኣስከ፡ የም፡ ሀለወ ዕሰተ፡ ምሕረቱ” ወሀሱ፡ መሓሪ፡ ወርኘኙፃቅ፡ መዓት "ላዕሰ፡ ጻሰሲ፡። 
የጋ.ፎፉ፡ ዷበ፡ የብስ። 6. ወሶለበ፣ ትመጽል፡። “0ሲጎ፣ ወኝዴል፤ ወመቅሠፍገ፡። ወቫነኔ፡ 
ኣንት፡ ጸስተዳለወ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳ ሰጻሰ፡ ጺዴይሰፃጁ፡። ሰሹነኔ፡ ጽፎቅ፣ ወሰጻሰ፡ “ይካሕዱ፡ 
ሰሸነኔ፡ ጽድቅ፡።” ወለጻሰ፡ ይነሥጹዙ፡” ስሞ” በከ፡ ወ።ተዶደለወት፣ ድኳጻቲ፡ ዕሰ” ሰሕፉያኝ፡ 
መሕሳ;። ወ።ሰጋጥጻነ፡ ሕት” . . . . 

1 » trans. after Ami ። £ reads ይiመNL: For ረ3#; . . . EርCYY; 9 reads 
መጸኒ ረ" ወዓቢይ፤ ፍር" ነመ ክኒ ወ. S298: mru omit. 4 fu, 8. mg omit, 
but wrongly. Ct. Nahum ii. roi; Jer. xxxvii. 6 (LXX). 5 All MSS. save #, gy 
add ©. This wrong insertion led to the addition of the gloss ተመስ; in 8 in order 
to furnish WAY: with a verb. + mg (save that m omits $Y FnX. FI BInX 
read WAYS: 5 wrongly adds Toho; (which Xx a trans. before WA) and Z ድቁ; 
፣ reas ወትፈነወ፤ » ወፈነዎ፤ ዞረ ጻባ ሲት ቐዱስ፤ 8-9 ረ + aባd ቅዲዱስ፡ sg, w omit. 
5 7 reads ARH: and together with 8-5 adds pዲN; 5. 10 8a £0y add መላ 
against a, qaf0y. n F8-e. For AY e reads YAW; a omits through hmt. 
5 a= (save that w# prefixes ©), 8. 9 reads HR and trans. after 'IAብAY: 5 9 prefixes @, 
and reads DIARY"; YENስt; Fyn trans. before መን&NE; 4 m reads 3S (sic). 
vay. fh, age /h8Inoyab read AEA; FPDepowx ACA 0 0 reads lh: 
፣ 0. ደ 8 ጽንኾልቅሉ፡ 15 7u read Nyt; » 8B adds ቁዲስ፡ 0 amg. mi 
BSI 0B AIT YY: 1. uA m0, AE: 7 (over erasure) CAN: 
SF, BInx. Zu Fp YVወhi [hese two equivalent forms are contractions for 
ትሀውሕከ፡ and TUወhh:i m reads YUH: /aicgesoyas ትው: = mn adds 
ሰኣገዚጸብሔር፡ = ። reads ሲጻለ፡ =” 4g read መጽጸ፡  u reads 0AትY፣ መ0ፀኝ፡ 

7 2m. Other MSS. መፍ &:Nስት; = So w only. All other MSS. omit negative. 
In my edition in 1893 TL restored this neoative on various grounds when as yet 
a Was unknown, Cf. 4 Ezra vil. 37. 5 g reads nሐ.EP; #, fe omit together with 

AAA; through hmt. For A before Wy; 2 reads 0. may, D0. Zu, 8-0 iA 
1 0, Bw read Noi = m omits. au omits. reads FAA; 5 9, 0B trans. 
before መሐላ: » m reads Yh4; ። TYሐYi Here ver. 25 should follow immediately. 

LX, =i. 

7. ወትኳፈሱ፡፡ “በዴኣኳቲ፡ ዕለት ካእሌቱ፡ 
ዐናብርት፡፡ ዐንበሪ፤ ጸንስትያዊት፡፡ ዘስማ፡ 
ሴዋያታን፡ ከመ፤ ትሣድር፡ በ፡ልጕኮ፡ በሕር 
መልዕልት፡ ጸንቅዕተ፡ ማያት። 8. ወለት 
ባዕታፓይ፡ ስሙ ብሔሞት፡፡ ዘድጻሣሽ፡፡ በኣን7 
ድንሆ፡ በበፎው፡" ዘx“ያስተርዉ፡ ወስሙመ፡ 
ዲታዳይዴን፡፡ በምሥራቁ፡ ዝት በኘበ፡ ዴነብፉ፡። 
“ሣፉያን፤፣ ወጻድቃን፡'፡ በንበ፡፡ ተመጠወ፡ 
ኣምሄው፤ዩ፡፡ ሰብዕ፡ ኣምጸዳም፡ ቁዳሚሆመሙ፡ 
ሰሰብጻ፤ ዘገብረ፡። ኣንዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት ። ። 
9. ወችትስጻልኻዎ፣ ሰ“ ካልጻ፤ መልጸሕ፣። 
“ከመ ያርጳዩኒ፡” ግይሎሙ፤ ለኣልኩ፡። 
ዐናብርት'፡ ሓጻፎ፣ ተሴሰዩ፡ በጸሐቲ፡ ዕለት 
ወትወ.ድዩ፣ ክበልኾኮተ፣ ባሕር፡፤ ወጀ“በዩብሰ፡። 

10. ወድቤሲ፤ኒ፡። ጸንተ፥። ወልደ፡ ሰብልኳ፡ በዝየ; ትፈቅድ ታኳምር፡ ዘሣቡኣ። 

መጽሐፈፉ፡ ሄኛኻ፡ 


4 Ezra vi, 49. Et tunc conservasti 
(= ግን corrupt for nA: hence read 
Creasti) duo animalia, Homien uni vocasfr 
Pehemoth et nomen secundt vocasis Levia- 
fhan (Enoch 1x. 7, 8). Bo. FY separas# 
ea ab alteruiro (Enoch 1x. 9) non enim 
poterat septima pars ubi erat aqua con- 
Bregata capere ea. 51. Et degss/i Behe- 
mol unam parfem gwae Sscca/a (Enoch 
1X. 7, 9) est tertio die, ut smfhagsfey (1x. 8) in 
ea ubi sunt montes mille: 852. Jeyia/ihan 
autem dedisfi sehfimam Bariem fumidam 
(Enoch 1x. 8, 9): et servasti ea ut fan/ im 
devorafionem (Enoch 1X. 24) quibus vis et 
quando vis. Apocalypse of Baruch xxix. 4 
‘And Befiemoih will be revealed from his 
place, and Z.evsatian will ascend from fhe 
Sea, fhose fwo grea monsters (Enoch 1x. 
7, 8) which 1 created on the fifth day of 
creation and 1 kept them until that time; 
and then they zesif be For Foodg for all that 
are left (Enoch 1x. 24). 

11. ወዴቤሲኒ። 

1 mm, The usual form with this meaning i5 Th" but see end of this note and p. o6, 

note I3. This MS. alone is right. 

The separation of the two monsters here referred 

to is not to take place on the day of judgement, as am, 8 represent, but is already 
an event in the past as ver. 9 implies. See also 4 Ezra Yi, 49-52 which is dependent on 
Our text or on & Source of it, a~m, beB8 nx a read ወይትhፈሱi acd/708 pዴትnፈሱ፡ 
2 These words have no reference to the day of judgement mentioned in ver. 8. 
s doy read ASብNY; # adds 00RYi * a-/።, geB8Inuy,. Fu aco xa BYNtያዊH፡ 
‘Sg. mac IRI»0X,aS NዋY, 9፤ ዊያን ። ሴውታ ን፡ 4» ሴዋን፣ ፣ 9 reads 
ውስት 7 ሠ read ወሲተባዕት ፣ m9, 8. Z፤u በሌሞኝ፡ ? » aባd5 ምድሪ 
0 m, 5 read በድ; wepreadlH. =“£. /&YዳY: ።# AEA): mac nok 
ዴንዳይን፡ ያ ድዴገዳዴኽ ። ዴዳድንኽ፤ 5» ዴይደኝጌ፡ (?). 5 mf omit. # FB trans. 
5 bcvread OበJ0i 5 reads Aምሔውhi 9, 5~wadd Hውaki " reads HI0cE: 
5m. Other MSS. SEN; nag, n. go FabceFsIxya Ahi g55 AN: 
os AYE » n trans. before AA = 9 reads HACAtL: = a-gux. 9g Ah 
። ሲጸመሙንቱ፡ 5-x ሰኣልቲ 5 9 reads 30: የብሰ; # B omits ver. 10, 

= ¥ omits. 5 m reads 0: 7 wu, e omit, = 5, B. ድያ/u ወይቤሉ 

106 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ TE ES 

መልጸካ፡ ካልኣ ዘምስሴዩ፡ የሐውር ወዘበሣቡጻኳ፡፡ ያርኣጳዩኒ፡፡ “ቁዳ፡ ወደጋሬ፡፣ በሰማይ 
“*በውስት፣ ሳዕሱ፡፡ ወበታፓሕት። የብስ፡ በመንምቅ። ወበ’ጸጽናፈ፡ ሰማድዶ፤ “ወበመሠረት፡ 
ሰማይድ፡" 12. ወ“መዛፃብት፤ መንፈሰት፡። ወኣጻፎ፡ ዴትኻፈቡሱ፡። መንፈሳት ። ወኳር፡ 
ዴደሱ፡ ወ“ዴይኔእፉ፡። ጸናቅፀ፡። መንፈሳት” በ"በኘይለ፡ መንፈስ፡ ወጋይሎሙ፣። 
ሰሲብርሃ፤። ወርሣ፤ ወ(በነክከመ፤ Jዴሰ፡ ጽፎቅ፡ ወካፍሳተ፡። ክከዋኳክብት፣ በበ፡ ስሞሙ” 
ወሸ፡። ክፍል፤ ዴችትክፈል።። 13. ወነኮፎኝደ፡ በ“ሙዳቃቲሆመሙመ፡፥ ወሲ“ ካፍል፡ 
ዘዴትክፈል፡” በመብረቅ” ከመ፤ ድዶብርቅ፡። ወ።ትዕይንተመ፡ ከመ፡ ፍጠ ዴይስምዑ።። 
14. ጳስመ፡ ቦቱ፡ ሰሣኮ.ድዃድ፡ ምዕራፉት፡። በ“።ትዕፇሥት፡ ለቃለ; ዚጸሆ፡ ተውህበ፡ 
ወጺዴትሴሰዩ፡። ጸነኮፎኝ.ድፎ፡ ወጸ“መብረቅ፣ ወ”ጺ“ኳም።፱፤ በ“"“መንፈስ፡“ ክልሌሆሙ፡ 
።የሕውፉ፡ ወጺዴትሌሰዩ።። 15. ኣስመ፡ ሶበ፣፡ ዴበርቅ፡። መብረቅ፤ ነኮድኝዃድ፣ 
ቃሎ፡ ይሁብ፡ ወ“መገንፈስ፡“ በሂዜሃ፡። ዐርፍ፡። ወ“0ፉዩ፡ ይክፍል፡። ማጻክከሎሙ፡ 
Aaስመi “OHI: ht” Hai ው: ወB*B”AኔP, በA3ምi" 

2 mat, B trans. before መAAR: 2 ac Bn X trans. fhውር; before ምPhስtbt 
2 g,g-n0ab. mg,n0ap read PHAN; / HSA: over an erasure. « reads H. 
‘+ m reads RACAL: n trans. CAL; after HS; ' ያ. / ቅዳሚ፡ ወደጋሪ፡ 
m9, 8 HS; HE; u omits. 5 m prefixes ©. 9, nu read በላ0t; # HAO: 
ያመ. 9/።, 8ወበውስት፣ “ደ. ።/ 8 በማዕ ምቅ ያ በመዓምቅት፥ ። ወማዕምቅ፣፤ ፡ 9 44s 
ውስት 10 # omits. For ሰ; ex read PEC: n AI MSS. but £, # read ወበ. 
5 ama. mu, 8B ፉሰት 5m, agb. gu, B-ag8 ትፈ # w omits. 
5 ያይ B-nxa. መዛ ይዬይሲዉ፡ ያ። ድደ ኋሪ ድዴደሰዉ፡ 5 Before © £m insert 
a dittography from the preceding words AE: Yn; መንፈሰ; against 9/n, 8. 
98 add Aፎ after ©. 7s. Here the 3rd sing. is supported by At; in the preceding 
clause. mf aef8iy read ትቕ: 9, Snoas ትቕ (7 ት) wbegx 
ዶገጐሰቁ s mended with Flemming from RIOT; of a. 8 reads ROY; 
» Fu. mg read መg&Nት'i #, 8 Diፉሰት 5 mm, B omit. 1 Bn reads JN; 
= hu omit A before ACY}; at’ read AACYSY: = m reads ፍሳት H. 
= ድ reads Nye; 5 ZF reads DN; 5 abeሃhsIw 0 ዴትኻፈል፡ “ ዴትክፈሲ፡ 
#9 ትhፍልእi (perhaps original). m YYhፈAi / YhፍAi #y omit. a omits next 
five words through hmt. 7 mgfu, qFhSInoy. # reads ቢ. a9cex 00. 
5 w reads ©. 9 omits. » bcgloxy,ag trans. after ACY: against a, ae/Bs8n. 
a Im, B-pP. Z9,p read በርቅ: /# ብቅ: = nm omits. SFmiu, apcgixa. 
g reads ይሰማ); ge/2sn08 Aሰም0; adds ANA: = an aii0y. mca 
P0ራ#Y; nm inserts © before 0". = m reads HN. * m, 8-0. ain, nos 020A 
7 m reads Dጺትሌሲዩ፣ 9 ወጺይዴትሴለሲድ፡ 5 dg reads DA and ¢ omits the whole 
word. 5 Fmg. fu B omit. uw omits RAE: a omits. # reads 0B: 
a wu, bent read መንፈ; 5 mn reads PwmርCY; 5 9 prefixes ©. a omits. 
4. g,BI$OCE; mgt abcde 3C8 FigSno0ox,ay SCE: * u adds መንፈስ: 
5 mu reads HI; በያ LP 7 g reads 0. wu omits. 5 nb prefix ©, 
» m omits, 9, 8 add በZዜy (or Yi °° 5 adds ምሁ: 8 add PN; ሁብ; 

LX. 521. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 107 

ዴትጸጋዘዙ። ወይትመየጡ፡፡ በገዴሰ፡ መንፈስ፣፡ ወዴቫኘገዳጻ፡፡ ከመዝ፡ በ“ከመ፡። ብዙሣ፡። 
ጸድዋለ፣ ምድር። 16. ወመንፈሰ፣ ባበሕር፡፣ ትባዕታዶዴ፣ ውኳቱ፡ ወፀኒዕ፡ ወበከመ 
ጋይሰ፡ ጽንዐታ፡ በልኝዃም፡ ያገብኳ;፡ ወክመዝ፡ ትጓገዳኣ፡ ወትዘራኣ፡ በዙሰ፡ ጸፎባረ። 
መምድር። 17. ወመንፈበሰ፡ ጸስሐት.ያ፤ መልጸከ፣ ዚጸሆሁ፡ ውኣጻቱ፣ ወመንፈሰ፤ በረድ 
መልጸኳኻ፡፡ ፮ር፤፡ ውልጻቲ። 15. ወመንፈሰ፡ ሐሕመዳ፣ ሕዶደገ፡" በኣኘት፡ ጋይሰ፡ ዚጸሆ፡" 
ወመንፈሰ; ቦቱ; ባሕቲቱ” ወዘየዐርን፡ ጻምኔሁ፤ ከመ፡ ጢስ፡ ውኣቱ፡ ወስመ ዶደዶደሕኳ። 
19. ወመንፈሰ ፲ኝ; “ዚይትጋበር፡ ምስሴሆመሙመ፡"“ ውስት፡ መዛፃብቲሆመ፡ ጸሳ፡። መዝገበ 
ቦቱ በሕቲቱ፡። ሓጻስመ፡ ምሕቸዋረ፤ ዚጸሆ፥ “ስብሕት ቦ፡;"። ወ"በብርሃኘን፤ ወበ“"ጽልመችኝ፡ 
ወ"በክረምት፣ ወበኘጋይ፡ ወ።መዝገበ፡ ዚጸሃ፡ መልጸካ፡። ውኣቱ። 20. ወ።መንፈሰ፤ ጠል 
ማግደፉ፤ በ“ጸጽናፈ፡ ሰማይ፣ ወፎፉፃ፡።” ውኣቱ፣ ምስለ፡ መዛግብት፡ ዝናም” ወምሕዋረ 
ዚጸሃ፡” በከረም ወ“በ።ሕጋይ፤ ወደመና፤ ዚጸሃ፡። ወደመና፤ ዪጃ፤ ሣቡር፡።” ውኣቱ፡” 
ወጸሕዲዷ፡ ሰካልጹ፡” ይሁብ። 21. “ወ“መንፈሱ፡፤ ሰ“ዝናም፡ ሶበ፤ ዶቸጋወስ፡። ኣምነ፤ 
መዝገበ፡ ዚጸሃ፡። ይመጽጽ፥ መሳባኣኳክገ፥ ወያርሣዉ፡” መዝገበ፡ ወያወጽኳዎ፡ ወሶበ፡ ዴዘራል፡ 
ዷበ; ሹሰ፡ የብስ፡። ዶትጋበር፡። ምስሰ፡” ማዶ፡" ዘኗበ፡;“ ዩየብስ፡ “ወሶበ፣ ዶቸጋበር፡ በዙ 
፲ዜ፡ ምስሰ፡ ማይዴ፤ ዘደበ፡ የብስ። . . . .* 

1 g puts in sing. 2 9 reads ወደዴትወዳAi 5 adds ወትHራN: s ss omits. 
‘gg. mhFBIInoXa AND: apcgesAWY: ss omits. 5 ep omit this and next 
four words. Siu, abcdi. mofy read PIB: 9a 1A 7850 x5 PIR: (sic) 
7 e reads HoH: 5» no: ° 0 reads RRXS& Smt, ga. ghia 
read ARN: 7c omits. 1 e omits. = m adds hi 9, 8-be5x. a9 በሐቲ 
ዕbenvx ለበሕቱቲቱ '4 9 rads የ3ብር፡ ምስሌሆ፤ » reads ኣምኔሆሙመ፡ for ምስ". 
5 i# reads ©. 5 m adds FL; ia reads AE: Bee reli. 5 a=, 
መ ስብሕት ቦቱ፡ 5 በስብሐነ 5 g omits. 0 # reads 0, /reads ©. = fu read 
ወበ. = 9 trans. together with AE: before HI; Z brackets ARN: and reads 
ብርሃ}; in the margin. 8 adopts this gloss into the text and reads ብCYY: Rn: 

but for the last word as read Ani Our text follows a. 5 BcropxB omit. 
ny read DA. 4 9 reads A. 5 f reads FAN: 25 mi, fF read ብCYY: 
7 F9t mu, HAW; 5 bcx omit. 5 9 reads AA: 0 mu, B omit. 

51 # reads AnAAi =F omit  £,apcdgeitinoxab. mit; ያመiፉ0; A. 
/። ነፍሰ ሲ. ያ መንፈሰ፡ ጸ(sic). »ኃ5 ወመገፈበሰ፡; = መ, e read ይትሕሐወክ፤ ። ~=. 
mo, B HR: 5 # reads DCE; ግ ce ad ወሰበ Rey x, Other MSS. 
ዴት. c። add በዙሱ፡ ዪዜ፣ =” 9 reads £0; #, a/hr 8 In 0a add ዙሹሰ፡ » 05 omit. 
1g reads H. a This clause is supported by ag (save that # omits ምስለ: 
ማይ; ዘኗበ፡ የብስ), ፀ/5፣፪/#x,e. 9, ac geoyy omit. The apodosis of the sentence 
is lost. The protasis is not a dittography. Observe the Hebrew idiom in Af 
በዙ ፲ዜ፤ ኮህ-5ጋ5 • ' "=. For YD" of tw, F most MSS. read AY. 

108 መጽሐጠፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ EX TNT 

22. “ኣስመ፡ ኮኔ፡፡ ማያት፡ “ለኣሰ፡ የሐድፉ። ዷበ፡ የብስ፡ አስመ፡፡ ሲሰያ፡ ለየብስ። ኣምኘበ። 
ልዑል፡ ዘበ ሰማዶ፡ ውኣቱ፡ ኣስመ፤ በኣንትዝ፡ መስፈርት ቦቱ; ዝናም፡፡ ወ’መሳኣካት፡ 
ይትሟጠውዎ። 23. ለጻ" መ“ ርጺኩ፡ ኣስከ፤ ገነተ፣ ጻ.ድቃን። 254. ወዴቤሰሲ፤፡ 
መልአጸክ፡ ሰባም ዘምስሴዩ፡። ዴሃሱ፡። ኣሱ ክልሌ፡ ዐናብርት፡ ሳዕለ፡ ዕበዶይ፡* ዘኣገዚጸብሔር፡ 
ድልዋን፤ ዴሴስዩ፤።. . . . .. 
[ ከመ፤ መቅሠፍቱ “ሲኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፡'፡ በከ; ወሻቁት'ል፡። ደቂቁ፡። ምስለ፡ ኣማቲሆሙ፡፤” 
ወደቁ” ምስሰ፡ ጸበዩሆሙ።|= 25. ሰበ: ተዓርፍ፤። መቅሠፍቱ ሲኣገዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፣። 
ደቤሆሙ፡። ታበርፍ፡። ከመ፡ ጸችምጻልኳ፡።” መቅሠፍቱ፡ ለኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት” በከ፡ 
ወትቁትል፡።” ደቁቁ፡ ምስለ፡ ኣማቲሆሙመ፡ ወደቂቁ” ምስለ፡ ጸበዩሆመ፡፥ [ሶበ፡ ተዓርፍ፡ 
መቅሠፍቱ፣ ሰኣንዚጸ፡ መንፈሰገ፣ ዲበ ኣኳሰ፡|። „ድሣረ፡ ችክውን፣ ሸነኔ፡ በምሕረቱ፣። 

XI. ወርጺኩ፡ በኣማንቱ፡። መዋዕል፡ ወ“ትውህበ፡ ለኣጻልክቱ። መሳኣጻክት፡ ጸሕባል፡ ነዋጋን፡። 
ወነምጽ፥ ሎሙ” ሕንፈ፡። ወሰረፉ፣ ወሖፉ፤። ለ“መንገሲ፡ መስዕ። 2. ወችስጻልካያዎ፡ 

' m, B-4oy. ZFAamihh AN: hi omits. 9 Ani goy5 An 
2 9 reads H. 5 # reads @ and omits seven preceding words. + m reads AYEh: 
5 g reads በ305 ‘ot DcgJ0xay. ash inpw HA: ?a-ngok mn, BR 
መሥፈርት $ at mgs B prefix A. 2 gd omits. 19 /9*. a-/ ኣሱ 8 ኣሎን 
n reads tt; a trans. after CAS omits. 5 reads የሐውር; and trans. before 
ምስሴና # miu 8. £9 0ቢድ 2. The transitive is implied also by 9” 
which reads £ሴሰይP;i All other MSS. have the passive NE: The transitive is 
right. Cf. Apoc. Bar. xxix. 45 Targ. Jon. on Gen.i. 21. On the intrusion that follows 
see note 22. 5 a, 8B reads AAHLRብሔር፡ " cx add ጺይኩን፣ and ¢ ዚጺይምጻኳ፡ 
after Qh; 15 78. ዘ ወይት'ቃተሱ፡ 8 ወዴትቁተሱ፡ 5 m, B read Ei ” 9 reads 
ጸጋኣስቲሆመ፡ =» ።- (። ወደቂቅ. 9, 8 ead ወው.ድ፤፡ = The whole passage in 
brackets is simply a dittosraphy from Ver. 25, in which, by an oversight, RY PPAR; was 
omitted.  ag8y read Ai “EF /FBSInox,ak. mg read J3CE; #, abcde 
Zታ0cፍ; ፡ TOC: 9 omits next five words through hmt. 5 Fm. Other MSS. 
መናፍስት; # omits next seven words through hmt., #5 freads &fliati 7 , aycd. 
2, read +Y0CE: = ታ0CEi «5 t0C€፤ FiIn0xay Y3ርE = 9 reads ትመጽA፡ 
5 £9. m reads as in note 18. Zu, 8 omit together with next eleven words against mg. 
nF. mg DEቁY;i = 1 have bracketed these words as a dittography from the beginning 
of the verse. It is possible, however, that they may form the protasis to the sub- 
sequent clause. Before AJHR: 9 adds AJHAብሔC: 5 9 adds ጳግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት 
5 breads በውAi #9, omit, gm, aeFB8Ina. tu, Bcgroxb read AAA; 
ፃ ለክልጹ፡ sag. 9,8 Hp (CDH which also puts preceding word in acc.) 
7 m reads Wai sw reads WN: d omits. 5 £ reads Wg: 5 a, B omits. 

LXL. 2-5. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛሻ፡ 109 

ሰመልጸ፡ ሓጻንዘ፡ ኣብሉ ሲምንት፡ ነሥምጹ፡ ኣሎንቱ። ጸሣበሰ። ወሑሖፉ፡ ወዴይቤሰኒ፡፡ ፁፉ። 
ከመ፡ ይመጥኒ።፡ 3. ወዴቤሰኒ፡፣ መልጸክ፣ ዘ“ምስሴዩ።፡ የሐውር 
ኣሱ፤፥ ጳሙንቲ። ጸምጣ፤" ጻፎቃን 

ወማሓጻሰረ፡ ጻድቃን; ያመጽሉ፡ ለጻድቃን" 

ከመ፤ ድትመረጕዙ፡። ፉበ፡“ ስመ“ ሲጻፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት ሰዓለመ፡ ዓሰም። 
4. ዴቐጥኒ፡ ወየሕድፉ፡፡ ሣፉያን፤ ምስለ፤ ሣፉያኘ 

ወኣኳሱ፡ ጸምጣናት፡ ኣሰ፡ ዴትወሀቡ፡" ሰሃድማኖዥ፡ 

*"ወያፀን0ኛ፡ ሲ“ጽ.ፎሕ። 

5. ወኣኳሱ፡ ጸምጠን፡" ይክከመቲ፡ ሹሉ ሣቡጻተ፡። ለዕመቁ፡። ምድር 
ወጻሰ፡ ተጋቡ ኣምበድው፡ 

ወጻሰ፡ ትበልዑ” ኣምጸራዊት። 

ወጻሰሲ;። ትበልዑ ኣምዓሣኝ፡። በሕር 

ከመ፡” ዴፃብጽ፥ ወድዴትመረጕዜዙ፡።” በዕለቱ ሣፉዶ፡፣ 

ኣስመ፡ ጸልቦቲ። ዘዴትጋኮል፡። በ።ቅድመ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 
ወጸልቦ፡ ዘ“ዴድክል፣ ትጋጕሉች። 

፡' ain. 9,8 ኣብል  ሀሎ፡ ምስሴሌዩ፡ ። 9 reads ኣጸሙንቱ፡ ።,። ኣሱ፡፤፡ ፡ “8 add 
Jp»: u omits next word. « m reads RቤLi 97,8 omit together with three 
following words (Z however places hoi Tr; after AYE: in the next verse). 
5 F reads PC: mu, d omit. 5 /u, 8. reads ወኔ = ይው 7 tw omits 
together with five following words. 5 adgefhaRnvw trans. after fh: 
? 9 adds ከመ ድመጥኒ from ver. 3. ) መ reads ጸምጣና፡ ጸበው፡ nm, 
abpcdefn. Boas መANé: / 10: us ANei mg omit. ah Boab, 
hb B-BoasRትመCTH: 9, ycdi0y read 0. au omits. "mg read PRE 

7 £ reads ድችOU; 15 a. B reads #9105 20 5 2. ድሃ read ምጣ 
m, 8 ABምSት's for this word and the preceding w reads ©. n w reads Ai 
ግ 0%. ዕፀ ዳቡጻኝ፡ = # reads Hoi » A 5 መ reads Y0A0; 

4 fu and Bn save that @-n prefix © and trans. ARራEY:i after በሐር but 
2m support the order of fu though their text is corrupt: #Z reads AHA; 
መ ምክ መዛግብት 9 ois ኣምጸራዊት፣ ወኣሰለ፤ ተበልዑ፡ ። ois ኣምጸራዊት፣ a reads 
ወጻምጸራዊት፣ ምድር፡ 5 9 omits. 8 omits AA au. FnትበA0; 9,8 omit. 
Probably 9, 8 are right. 72mg. /u,8 ምዓ 8 trans. and reads YY: 
ባሕር፡ ወጻምጸራዊት፡፡ = g reads pha; 5 am, Boag. m8 B0ay read 
ድትመርጕዚ፡ 0 # reads 4X: HA: aa-gu, gu, BB RAO #5 omits, 
adds ሐይወት 5 # reads HዴተሐTሱ sg omits. xm. Other 
M55, መናፍስት; 

110 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኖኝ፡ TXT 60 

6. ወንቻጽ፡' ትኣዛ፡፡ ኣሰ፡፡ በ"መል0ልት፣ ሰማዶ፡? ሹቸሎመሙ፡፣ 

ወጋኃይሰ፡፣ “ወቃሰ፡ ጀወብርሃነ፡ ፩"ከመ፤ ጻሰት።" 

7. ወለውኣቲቱ፡ መቅ.ድመ፤ ቃል፤ ይባርኩ 

ወያሴዕሱ፡። ወዴሴብሑ፡። በቢ"ጥበብ፡ 

ወ“ዴጠብቡ፡ በሣኝገር፡ ወበመንፈበሰ፡ ሕዶወት'። 

8. ወጻፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት ዷደበ፡ መንበረ ስብሐት" ጸንበሮ፡" ሰ"ሕፉይ፡ 

ወዴኬንን፡ ዙሉ፡ ፃብሮመ፡ ሰቅዲሰን፡። በመልዕልት፡፥ ሰማዶ፤። 

ወበመዳልው፡፥ ደሱ” ምገባሮመሙ። 

9. ወሰበ ያሴዕል፡ ገጾ፡ ከመ፡ ይኩንን፣ ፍኖተመ“” ኣንት፤ ሣቡኣ፡።“ በነገረ፤ ስሙ 
ሲለጻንዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት 

*ወጸሰረ፣ ዚጸሆመ፡። በፍኖት፡ ቫገኔ፡ ጽድቅ፡ ዘ“ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሰት፣።” 

ወ።ይችሪገፉ፡ ሹቸሎመ፡፥ በሄቃል፡ 

ወይባርኩ፡ ወዴቤብሑ፡፣ ወያሴዕሲ፡ 

ወዴደቁድቡሱ፡። ሰ“ስመ“ ለኣፓዚጸ፣ መንፈሳት'።። 

10. ወድጴውዕ፡;። ዙሲ፡። “ጋ ይሰ፡ ሰማያት፡።“ ወሰ” ቅዱሳን፡። በመልዕልት፡” ወጋይሰለ።” 

1 reads DY iA 2 £ reads YAW: “ TAH 2 bd omit, ‘0d 
omit. sat bb Bread ሰት ° u omits. 7g. mu JPA u omits. Other 
MSS. JPA: bcnx add 8. s Fim. 9 reads 2A; RS /#, 5c 2A; B. c omits. 
? Fm. 1, 8 ACY 1» £ omits, but leaves space for the symbol,  Bcvx 
add ተውህበ ሎሙ = a. ።, 58 ይበርኸዎ፡ " «. 58 ወያሴዕልዎ፤ = Sረg/0xyay 
read ወደሴብሕዎi ” 9 reads ሲ 5 mt 8. Fgomit. wu trans. © after Aብt: 
7a, ow. B~ihፅvw ዴጠበቡ፥ " 5reads ስብሕቲሆሁ፡ "ድ reads BYበሮንi 2 Aገበረ፡ 
0 2 omits. 1 9 reads AA. = einoy read ሰማYi = 7, apcgeHBsL 
ድ reads ይደእዉ፡ ያ ይዴሰጦ፡ ።, 5 ድደሰው፡ ፣0 ድደእወ፡ ። ይዴልው፥  / omits. 
5 freads KY #u omits next two words. “Fmt 0,en 4AብAYi §-~en SAY; 
27 au omits next seven words through hmt. 5 7 reads ሰባ; ጸሰረ፤ LAሁ: ia. 
B ኣገዚጸብሔር፡ እዑዮእ፡ " bረn፡x omit. aw 8-5 ይዩድሱ፡ = (70. 
m, B 0. = m reads iፈስi ™ 1f £0: is retained it requires the following 
nouns in the accusative. But probably it is a wrong rendering of Bore which 
should be rendered ACY: (intransitive). The transitive character of ዴው): 
probably led to change of the first Wt; into WN; in the best MSS. and of a like 
change of the second Wt; in the inferior MSS. m reads ዴው. 5 Emended 
from WN; See preceding note. 5 m reads HA; ለማያት For 5A: . ..#ዱሰን: 
ፃ ads ቅዲሰን፡ ወዙሱ፤ ጋዴ ሰማያት nያmu. gh8 RN; 8k & 
/ ፀ-a ቅዲሰ m au, w omits. @B~n read Ho” ። HመልOልYi ሰማ 
• ረ reads Yያላ x ኃይሳት፡ ።»፣ add ሰማሇያት፣ ወሹስ፡ ኘይሰ፡ 

TAXI. io~13. RNa IT: 11 

ኣፃገዚጸብሔር፡ ኪፉቤን፡፡ ወሱቡራፊን፡፡ ወጦ’ጸፍኒን፡ ወሹሎመሙ፡፡ መላሳኣኳት፡፡ »ጋይል፡፡ ወ“ዙሎሙ፡፣ 
መሳኣሕት;። ጸጋኳዝገ፡ ወሣፉድ፡ ወካልልጻ፡ ጋይል፡ ኣለሰ፡ ውስት፡ ናየብስ፡ ወ’ደበ፡ ማይ። 
11. በይጻቲ፡ 0ዕሲት፡ ድነሥመዉ፡ “ጸሕደ፡ ቃሲ;። ወዴዶባበርኩ፥ ወደቤብሑ፡። ወያሴዕሲ፡። 
በመንፈበሰ፡ ሃዴይማኖች፣ “ወበመንፈሰ፡ ጥበብ“ ወበመንፈሰ፡።” ትዕፃሥመት፥ ወ“በ"“መኘንፈስሰ፡ 
መሕረት" ወ“በ"“መንፈበሰ፡ ቫነኔ፤ ወሰሳም፡ ወ“መንፈሰ፡ ኘፉት፡ ወ“ይብሱ፡።” ሎሙ 
በጸሕዲ፡ ቃል፡ ቡፉሕ፡። ወይት'ባረክ፣፡ ስመ“ ሰጻኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት ሰ።ፃሲም፡ ወኣጻስክ፡ ሰዓሲም። 
12. ዴባርኻዎ፡። ሹሱ፡። ጻሰ፡። ዚይነውመሙ፡ “በመል0ልት፡ ሰማይዴ፡፣ 

ዶባርኻዖዎ፡ ሹሙ ቅዲሰን፡። ጻሰ፡ ውስተ ሰማይዶ 

ወ“ሸሎመሙመ፡፣ ሣፉያኝ፡ ኣሰ፡ የሕድፉ፡ ውስተ ዝሀተ፡። ሕዴዶወት፣” 

ወችሱ፡። መንፈሰ ብርሃን; ዘትኻል፡። “ባርከኮት፡ ወሰብ” 

ወጸልዕሱሉች፡። ወቐ.ፎሶተ፡። ሰስምክ፣ ቡፉሕ፡። 

ወዙሱ፡። መጋ፡። [ዘ]ገፈፎፉደ፡ አምኝይል፡። “ትሴብሕ፡ 

ወችትበርሕ፤። ሰስምክ፡። ሲ“ዓለሰመ፡። ዓሰም። 

19. ጳስመ፡ ብዙሣ፤ ምሕረቱ ሰጻፃዚጵ፡" መንፈሰኝ፡" ወርሑቁ፡ መዓት 

“ወሰ ፃብፉ፡። ወሲ ። ጸምጠጣ፤;። ገብረ፤;* 

ክከሠች፡ “ሰጻ.ፎቃን፣፡ ወ’ለሣፉያኝ፡ “በስመ ለኣንዚጸ፣ መንፈሳት 

'a-g. 9,8 ኪrቤል፡ “o-2 98 prራፊAi 05 omit “‘g,ao0b. mu, 
abcg/sitixatty; tN: ey omit. es omit. u reads መAanትi « es omit. 
n reads JN '£. my Breadtt: tN: «omits. omits.  Inxa. 
Other MSS. omit. 1» Im, BcuoX. Other MSS. prefix ©. 9 reads DRYIik; 
1 9 reads በዲ; 2A = 8 adds ደሰ » F omits, omits, sla. 
a adh %n ob read i Jcevxy®. 15 g omits. 7 9 reads Pek; by omits 
together with next word. Fa-m.m, 30. Z#,8. Fmgomit. » creads ድቤ: 
1 bcvx add AE: = m adds Ami = 9 reads ባረnpi “ag. 9,8 Rt 
5 eh 5 omit together with five next words through hmt., a, Bwxy. B-Bwxy read 
ቐዱሰr፤ ። ads ኣሰ ጴድገውመሙ፡ 7 g reads Yi a TH H. 5 9 reads WN; 
ዕዙሎሙ፡ 5 ag. 9 HYnAi ። Hዴnል 0 9. «9 በርከ፤ ወሰብ 5 ባርኮተ፡ 
ወሰብሖተ፡ = ሪ-=. =, 8 ወጸል0ሎች፡ = /።, /B፣R/u0pvwx ep. ድ reads ወቐ.ድስY 
ፃ ወቐቁድለት'፣ መ, ሪ8ረ 9, » ወቁ.ድሶለች፡ 5 a. 8 reads ph: # 9 reads WN; 
= amg. m omits. 9,18 read HDi 1 have bracketed the H before &ፈ£. 5 / omits. 
9 reads ተሰብሐ፡ ወተባረከ፣ ሀ‹ረትባ" ወትሴ" (5 ወትሰ"). 5 m trans. after 31; 
5 wbcxomit. “ dg adds RጋJAዝYiD. "fm. Other MSS. መeEፍስትi “au. 
# Df: The construction is a nominativus pendens. dg omits. # tt: JAC; 
Other MSS. Oth; ZAC; Sau, BORN u# omits together with next two 
words. g። add JAሱ 8 adds JN 4 3 reads በጸምny፡ 5 ዕ8. #ያ ፃብሪ 
(corrupt for Ae) m It; 

115 መጽሐፈ: ዛህዛኛካ፡ LXII. 15, 

LXII. Pho: HH: AHA: ሰኔት: ወ’0ዚዛን;። ወ'ልዑሳን፡ ወጦ’ሲሰኣሰ፡ “የሕድር 
ሰሲምድር፡፡ ወዴይብል፤ ሥቱ ጸዕደንቲካመ፡ “ወጸንመጵ፡፥ ጸቅርንቲክሙመ፡’ ኣመ፡። ችሕኻሱ፡ 
ጸጻምርሮቷ፡ ለሕፉድ። 

2. ወጸንበሮ፡፡ ኣንዚጸ፡ መንፈሳ" ፈፉበ፡ መንበረ ስብሐቲሆ፡ 

ወ"መንፈስሰ፡ ጽ.ፎቅ፡ ተካዕወ፤ ፈፉቤሆ፡ 

ወነገረ; ጸፉሁ፡ ይቀችል፤ ሹሎመሙመ፡። ጋኃጥጻ፤፤። 

ወ“ችሎመ፡። በማያ; ኣምገጺ፡፡ ዴትሐሕፐኮሱ። 

3. ወይደቁውመሙ፡ “በይኣጻቲ፡ ዕሰት፣ ሹሎመ፡፣ ነገሥት፥ ወ“0ዚዛን፡ 

“ወልአዑሳን፡ ወ፣ጻሰ፡ ይኣኳግዝኛ፡ ሲምድር፡። 

ወድይሬኣድዎ፡ ወያጸምርዎ; ክከመ፡ ድነብር፡ ዷበ፡ መንበረ፡ ስብሐቲሆ፡ 

ወጽ.ፎቅ፡። ቅድጃሆሁ፡ ይትኬነን፡። 

ወነገረ; በሕ፤ ጸልቦ፡። ዘዴትበሀል፡፣ በቐቅድሆሁ፡፣ 

4. ወደመጽኳኣ፡ ፈዷቤሆመ፥ ሕማም፤ ከመ፤ ብኣሲት ኣንት፡። ውስተ ማሕምም፡። 
[ወrtን9: ወሲ.ድ፡።] 

ሶበ፡ ውሱዳጃ፡። ድይመጽኣ፤ በጸፈ፡;። ማሕፀን; 

ወት0ዐፀብ፡ በ"ወሲድ። 

5. ወይጨሬኣዩ፥ መንፈቁሙመ፡። ሰመገንፈቁሙ፡ 

ወዴይደነኘዷ፡፣ ወያቱሕቱ; ገጾሙ 

ወ" ይጻሣክዞመ፡፥ ሕማም 

ሶበ። ይሬኳዩ;። ሰዝኩ፡። ወልደ፡;። ብኳጻሲ፡። ኣንዘ፡። ዴነብር፡ ጃበ፡ መንበረ፡ ስብሐቲሆ። 

' 9 reads AIHA: መናEስ1; 2 gu. m9,7*B OA 5 9 reads SH: (sic). 
ev add hi ይዴሰብሑ፤ “ a-m, 0b. m, 3-08 read OA. us omit. ° 9 reads 
tሐድi £0; tብስi 7 u omits, * # reads Ami * Emended by Dillmann from 
ወiበረi "£. Other MSS. SENT 1 0 omits. gg. mhBWRN: w omits. 
5 miu, B. #9 read TAY 4 9 m,n ሹሎ፡ =n omit. ug. my, 
BORO iin BID at AYE: So e save that it prefixes ©. B-e (id om.) 
AIR: 7 /prefxes@. wu omits.  u,bcx omit. * BcdloXy,ay read ለብስ; 
nu reads ድርድ; 1 a. Bo read ጻድ}; በጽድቅ; os ወጻ; 
5 au, # reads RDAY: u omits. By reads ድች: vv ትና ወዴት" 
x ሐው ia omits with rest of verse. 5 F prefixes ©. 4 # trans. ብች; 
5 f, dehvw read hyn; wu omits. 25 9 reads DE: ey read AE: # ው; 
7 et. m reads ሊE: and 9 DE: but trans. it after FRA: # omits. 8 DNA: 
and trans. after LRN; « hE: For LመጽAS mu read £መጽA: 5 Fg read 
በኣፎ፡ =” ያ reads ማሕgy; 9 0S "ng, 8. tu » 9 omits. i 
Other MSS. ይeaይዎ Su reads AውAE: #2 reads by a slip PAE 
5am, m,B8ብAሲYi = m prefixes ©. m reads H. 

LXII. 6~r. | መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖኻ፡ 119 

6. ወዴባርክዎ፤ ወዴቤብሕያዎ፡፡ ወሇያሴዕልያዎ፡ ነገሥት; ወ’ዐዚዛንኘ፡ ወዙሎሙ፡፡ ኣለ፡ “ድኣሕዝዩ፡ 

ሲም.ድር፡ ሰዘይመልካ፤ ሹሉ ዘ'ሣቡኣ። 

7. ጸስመ፤ ኣምቅድመ፡፣ ሣቡጸ፤ ኮኔ። ወልደ፤ ኣዃሰሲ፡ ጳጸመሕያው፡ 

ወዐቁቦ፡ ልሁል፡ በ“ቐ.ድፎመ፡፡ ኃይሲ፡ 

ወከሠቷ;፡ ሰሕፉ.ሮን። 

8. ወይዘራኣ፡" ማሕበረ “ሕፉያን፣ ወቐዲሰን፤" 

ወይቁውመሙ፡ በ'ቅ.ፎጃሆ፤ “ሹሎመ፡፥ ሕፉያን፡። በይኣቲ፡ ዕለት። 

9. ወይወ.ፎቁ፡። ሸሎመሙመ፡፡ ነገሠት“ ወ“0ዚዛኘ፡፡ ወልሁሳን፡ ወኣለ፡ ይመልክዋ፡ ሰናየብስ፡። 
በቅ.ድሆሁ፡። በገጾመሙ፡። 

ወዴይሰኘዲ;። ወዴሴፈዉ። ሰ“ዝኩ፡፥ ወልደ፤ ጻኝዃሰ፡ ጳጻመሕሇያው፡ 

ወያስተበፉዕዎ፡ ወዴስጻሰ፡። ኘቤሆ፡።” ምወሕረት። 

10. ወ“ያቕኾጸመሙ፡። ውልጻቱ፡።” ጻፃግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት 

ከመ፡ ያፍጥኒ፡ ወይባ” ኣምቐድመ፤ 1ገቛ 

ወ።ገጸመሙ፡” ይመስልል” ኃፍረት 

ወጽልመኘ።። ዴቸቹሰክ፡። ገጾሙ 

11. ወ“ ይሟጥዎመ፡። ሰመሳባኣሕነ። በመቅሠፍት” 

1 0,18 trans. before CMP; against a9. 2 219 prefix ©. xX adds PEC: 
5 au. tu, B omit. = sé omits. 5 m omits. 5 g omits. ‘2. m reads 
ጓምቅጂጃሙመ፡ 9 -። ኣምቅፎም፡ ኳ ። ኣምቅፎመ፤፣ ፣ ድ omits. ፣ mg read ወከwች 
and m adds Dhwችi ሲያን; ሰኣሰ፡ ውስች፣ ሞቅሕ፡ ኳሪ ሰሣፉ". " / reads ወይዜክፉ፡ 
0B omit together with next three words. i 8 trans. u,x omit AY: ©. 4 reads 
ወሲሣፉ.ያን፡ {or ወሣፉ". 5 gtrans. wx omit Was Something seems wrong 
with this verse. It is hardly possible for ወድቁ: and pez በlRw to be 
separated by seven words, [he text looks as though the intervening words had 

been thrust in. 1 eB omit. 1 a=, gn, a Bu omit. I A OO 
7 ድ reads AAሰ፡ 4g ኣሲ 5 ድ adds ወድቁ » መዕ 8. ድ ቅሕፎማቓሆመሙመ።፡ 
7 ድሆ wu omits. =n a trans. after DNA 5 omits. 1 9 adds 
ወደሴብሑ፡ = ነ, 8 read Dድቤፈውp; 5 gu omit. NMI, ge, ge 
ወዴስጻልዎ 5 Fmt. uw omits. 9, as read Yh; and trans. after ምረ: 
B-as read AምJቤሆi and trans. afer ም". 5 a omits. 7 m reads 
20 (sic). 9 ይቕኾኮዎያመ፡፥ 9, $-ሩ add ልጻጌከ፤ < adds ኣስክ፤ 5 through 
slip reads AY: 5 9 reads DORK 0 m reads lA; and trans. after 

DEeli wu omits. 1 # reads RAR mn PAAR 5 Fh8BF. gn 
ወጽልመት 5 u, bctox read ቄስ: a im reads በlRaw 5 Fmended 
by Flemming. # reads “Baws 9°#Tpws m,/e8 RYIhውpm / R“Bጥውዎሙ 
wu omits together with next two words. 5 Z#, g reads ለመል: mm, 5 መላክ 
“au. wB omit. Xa read RAY: « omits. 


114 መጽሐፈ: ህሄኛካ፡ EXT TE TRIES 

ከመ ዴትፈደዩ፣ ኣምኔሆፀሁ፡ ዘ'ገፍዕዎመሙመ፡ “ሲደቁቁ፡ ወ'ለሣፉ፤፡ ዚጸሁ።፡፡ 

12. ወድከውኑ፡፣ ጸርጸያ፡ ሰጻድቃን፤ “ወሰሣፉያ፤፡ ዚጸሁ፡፣ 

ቦመ“፡› ይትፌሥሑ’ ኣስመ፤ መዐቲ፡ ሰኣንዚጸ፡ መናፍስ" ፈቤሆመ፡፥ ታፓዓርፍ 
ወመጥበኝሣቱ። ጳምደሞመሙመ፡። ትሰኻር። 

13. ወጻ.ፎቃን፤ ወሣፉያን። ይ.ፎሣኒ፤ በዴኣቲ፡ ዕሰ 

ወገጸጾመ፡ ለጋጥጳጌ፤ ወለዓማቧ.ያን፡። ዚዴሬኣዩ፡። ኣምዴኣዜ። 

14. ወ"ጻግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት" ዷቤሆመ፥ የኝ.ድር፡ 

ወምስሰ፡ ዝኩ፤ ወልደ፤ ጻኝሰ፡ ኣመሕያው፡" ዶበልዑ፡ ወዴሰክቡ፡ ወዴትነሥጵ፡ ሰንሰመ፡ ዓሲም። 
15. ወተ ንሥጹ፡። ጻ.ፎቃን፡ ወግፉያን፣ ምድር 

ወኘደጊ" አጸትሕተ፡ ገጽ” 

*ወሰብሰ፡ ልብሰ; ስብሐት።። 

16. ወውልጻቲቱ፡ ይኩን፡። ልአብስካመ፡። ልብሰ፡ ሕዴይወት፡። ኣምኝበ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት" 
ወጸልበሲክሙ፤ኒ፡ ጽድ በልዩ 

ወስብሐቲክሙ“ኒ፡። ዚየገልቅ፡ በቅ.ፎመ፡” ኣግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት። 

LXIIL በ“ጻማንE፡ መዋዕል፡ ያስተበፉዑ፡ “ንዚዛን፡ ወነገመት'፡” ኣሰ፡ ይዶኣሣዝኛዋ፡ ሰየብስ፡” 
ጳመሳጻካነ፡። መቐሠፍቱ፡። በንበ፡ ሀሰዉ፡። ምጥዋኔ። ክከመ፡ የሀቦመ፡ ዕረፍተ፤ ንስቲ፡ 
ከመ፡።“ ድደቁ፡ ወዴስኘዲ፡። በቅድመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት፡። ወዶትጸመኒ፡ ኃጢጸተሙ፡ 
በቅድፎማሆ። 2. ወ“ዴይበርሕዎ፡ ወዴቤብሕያዎ፤ ሰጻኘግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት" ወይብሴ፡" 

1 u omits. 5s 9 reads AW: # በመጦ0Y; Ff omits. ° freads@. «gob 
omit. 5 greads AA: # iW; oy omit. 5 u, 0b omit. abc add Raw 
from next Verse. eFBnpx omit next five words throueh hmt,. ‘ig 0 ead 
ወድክው 5 wu omits. Zn add Phውr; RCA: ሰX.E2Y; SPB rans: 
afler LYE. 9 reads Dw;  m prefixes ©. nu am, 8. m reads mን&ሰY; 
'5 9, 8 ad ሲጻጸግፓዚጸ፡ መናፍስት 3 Em, from APs 8 trans. after TNC: 
gw omit. # g reads Oy”. wu omits. 5 greads KART: 5 2,0 omit. 
፣ B- add የቕ.ፎፉ፤ መ. 5 m reads Yl 15 m reads DEI: 0 B reads 
ገጾ a eh read Ai =a, 2. B-#na read ድመ a ሕሐድዴወተትሙመ፥ 
5 ag, (0). 9, Bn ዴክውን፡ BE BBNOOLS 5 fa read NAC: oy omit. 
ET, I, reads J: 5 070 IY DE OIC 5 9 reads በቅ.ደ#y; 
Ec ahr LY Ma aéepknvw read Yl™Yi bcg/siopxy,as YlሥመY 
ዐዚዛን፡ ።። ዐዚዛን፣ ነገሥመጓ፣ = 9, 4» read ለምድር፡ = 5 reads ወለመሳኣa፡ 
5 a-Ju, B., /9* read መቅሠፍት: u OE; = 9 ጻባd5 ጸመሳጻት፡ በኝበ፤ ሀሰዉ፡ 
» m reads TP}; and trans. before 030; 35 a, B reads Dhani s# omits next five 
words. ¥ aciab read NJ * m reads miፈሰYi yp omits. “gmt 
Other MSS. SEN; 2 5 omits, 

LXIIT ef. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 115 

“ቡፉ፣፡ ውኣቲቱ፡ ኣግዚጾ፡ መንፈሳት “ወጻንዚጸሙመ፡፥ ለኝሣገሥት።፣ 
“OATLR OHH: O“a7LR ሰብዑ 

ወ“ጻንዚጸ፡። ስብሐ ወ“ጻፓዚጸ፡ ጥበብ። 

3. ወዴበርህ፡፡ በዙ ሣቡኳ፡” Jይልከ፡። ለችትውልደ፤ ትውልደ 
ወበብሐሕቲክ፡ “ሰዓለሰመ፡ ዓሲም 

ዕሙቅ፡ ውኳቲቱ፡ ዙሱ፡። ሣቡጻጓተ፡" ዚጸከ፡ ወጐልቁ፡'፡ ጸልእቦሙ፡፣ 
ወጽድቁ;። ዚጸክ፡ ጋሰበ;" ጸልቦ። 

4. ይኣዜ፡ ጸጻመር፤፡ ክከመ፡ “ንሰብሕ፤፡ ወንባርኳ፡” ሲሰ“ “ልጸግዚጸመ፡ ሲኝገሥት። 
ወለ፡ ዴነፃሥ፤ ዷበ፡ ሹሎሙ ነገሥመት። 

5. ወድዴቤሱ፡። መኒ፤ ወሀበ፤።” ዕረፍተ ከመ፤። “ንሰብሕ፡ ወና” 
ወንጻመን፣ ቅፎመ፡፤ ስብሐሕቲክ።” 

6. ይኣዜ፤ኒ፡” ንስቲተ፣ ዕረፍት፣ ንትነዴ፤ ወጺንረክብ፡” 

ረንሰ.ፎ.ፎ፡። ወጺንጻሣኽዝ፡። 

ወ።ብርሃን፡። ኣምቅድህ ግሰፈ፡ 

ወጽልመት ምገባሪ፤። ሰሲ“ዓለሰመ፤ ዓሰም። 

1 mb omit. w# reads ti PAE: 2g. mot Bn read DATHR: « AHR: 
reads Dዴትጸመፉኒ፤ »ጋጢጸተመ“ ወጻግዚጸ፡ 5 eB 5 read JAY: nx መናፍስት; 
«8 omits. s g reads AHA: au omits. Sem. 9 reads AHR: ባ0A፡ 
/ ኣግዚዶ፡ ሰሲብዑል፡ ። ሓገዚጸ፤ ልእዑሳባን፡ 5-። ኣገዚእ፡ ሰባዕል፡ ። ሓፇዚጸ፡ ብዕል 
7m omits. SZmtu,ty mark off this sentence from what precedes. 0 
m reads A. #, B omit. in # omits. 1 m reads SA] # omits. 5 a=, 0,0 
wu reads yf; 5-05 prefix. * e reads ትው ትው. Fm (7 reads WN). 
fu, BX trans. after HAN: X omits. 15 » reads 4A: 10 Im, B~0 read HAs 
g omits initial ©. 7 g, pc derlnonxyap read RAD; 15 b reads DARE: 
aim, a8. m B~ath ሐሰብ nag, B-DcFhbOX. 0 DcFhwX read Jሰብ; 
ወገበርከኮ፤ = መ omits. =a. 3 AJHAI = ey read መናፍ&ፍስት'i but y adds 

HlመY; also. Na, aeBpifInowyas. Ph; must here be taken as a future. 
bረFx read ወድብ; 4 ድቤN; 25 7m, Brn read AምመUበy: 25 dg omits next 
nine words through hmt, 7 0 reads Dh; =a-0. 0,8 read ገሰብው፣ 
ወናጻሸች፣ 25 reads Jሰብጥ; only. 8 also adds ወንበር: (2 ወንባርኻ፡). = trans. 
ንሰብሖ aኳቫ ንባርከኮ፡ ==, 8 read ስብሐቲሆሁ፡ " 9, 5 prefix ©. nu c reads 
ወጺንርካሣብ፡ 5 Hn (2 10), = raragtorouey, w, 5 omit. mg B ap ንሰደ.ፎ፡ 
'# ወጺገበዴፎ፣ ወዚንረኻዛብ፡ 5 5 reads AJAY: «# omits. ag omits. 

5 ads በትረ፡ = gesa read ምበሪ ” 9 reads Aስከ፡ ሲ. 

116 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ RTE 

7. ኣስመ፡ በቅ.ፎጃሆሁ፡ “ዚጽመኔ፡ 

ወ፡ጺሰባሕነ። ሰስሙ፡፡ ሰኣግዚጸ፣ መንፈሳት | ወጺሰባሕናሆሁ፣፡ ሰጻግዚኣ፡፡] 

ወተስፋነ፡ ኮዞ፡ ዷበ። በትረ: መንሥት“ 

ወዷበ፡። ስብሐቲነ።" 

8. ወበዕለች፡ ስራሕ ወም ንዳቤነ፤ ጺያ.ፎሣዘ፡ 

ወxንረኻብ፡ ዕረፍ ንጻመን፤" 

ኣስመ መሃይምን፤ ውኣጻቱ፡'፡ ኣግዚኣኔ" በዙሰ፡ ምፃባፉ፤ ወ“ሹገኔሆሁ፡ ወጽ.ፎቁ፡ 

ወገጺ፤፡ ቫነኔ“ሁ፡፡ ጽጺድነሥሉ። 

0. ወነልፍ፡ ጸምገዷ፡ በኣንተ፡” ምፃባሪ 

ወዙ ። ኃጢጸሻኘ፡። በጽ.ፎቅ፡ ተጐሰቁ። 

10. ይኣዜ፡። ይብልዎመ“። ትጸኘብ፡;። ነፍስ ጳምንዋዩ፡ ፀበመዛ፡ ወጺ።“ትክልኣ፡” ወሪፉገኘ፣። 
ኣምልበ፡። ሰክበደ፤” ሲል” 

11. ወጻም.ፎሣዳረዝ፡ ደመልኣ፡ ገጾመ፡ ጽልመት ወጋፍረት፡። በቅ.ፎመ፤ ዝኩ ወልደ፤ ኣኝዃሰ፡ 

ወኣምቅ.ድመ፡። ገቛ፤ ይሰይደዲ፡ 

ወሰይፍ፤። የጋ.ፎር፡ ቅድመ፤ ገጽ፡። ማኣከሎመሙ።፡። 

12. ከመዝ; ዴቤ; ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሰገ፣። ዝ“ውኣጻቱ" ሥርዓጎቱ" ወሸሹነኔሆ፡“ ሰ“0ዚዛን፡ 

' 5 reads በቁዷመ“፥ ። በቅድመ 5 2 omits. 5 g omits together with next 
three words, «2m, /u, 9 reads Aha and trans. after mመ}&.". §~n read በNስw 
ሣ ስሞ 5 £0, e751. m reads AJAY: Zu, B-e/y፣ HY: The succeeding 
bracketed clause is a dittography. 5 ። adds ስም; 7 8 reads AAJHA: በfሱ፡ 
YJ u omits. 5 # reads A.  m reads 0&0: ss omits. i ODE 
fu, Fo read miei 9, 458i» Yi ie; » oY Ye; Bcx omit. uu mC 
omit. # omits next six words. I Feat 5 9 adds ወብዕ0ል፤፡ 

# 9 reads በ0AY; = ወ0ሰች፡ 5 eh» read YR; 5 mu omits together with 
next three words. B trans. AE: after AHA 7sm/prefix®. * adds PAH: 
በዙ ምግበፉፍ፡ ወሸሉ፡ 8 aባዛs በዙ nF prefixes ©. m reads lA 
n g prefixes ©. = 9 reads DWN = 90u read BAY = Dn read LAL: 
# Filoab read £ቤApi = m, e read ጽገብ: =” ns Bn. £ ትላN; ያ YA 
u,t Jnh፡ ። ንክከልዕ፡ 7 ዛሪ reads TወርዶYY 5 ወ. ዘደ 8-8 rad ጸምላባህበ፤ 
bx AAV: ” = gdpos corrupt (2) for Bdpw = « stronghold.” 9 omits. 08 omit. 
nF omits, = m reads YE; ™» 9 reads ሰፍ ©. = £ adds tC: 
5 eFhn read ማOnሌሆPwi a8 ሰደደ a2 shi 8 no: 4 adds 
ኣላግዚጸብሔር Smt. Other MSS, SEY; ae, mn, Other MSS. YE; 
0 B omits. ua-im., m,B—COYHmi The construction is unusual, but the textual 
cvidence is irresistible. See next note. 3a, ag7F BRODY. Deesix,a read 
ወሸኔ; 5 m omits. 

PX = TRV. E. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ 117 

ወ’ሲነገሥመት፡ ወሰእፁሳን፡። ወሴ’ኣሰ፡ ዴኣጻሣሽዋ፡ ለየብስ; በቅፎመ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት።፡ 
LXIV. ወል: ገጻተ: ርጺኩ፥ በውጻቱ፡ መካን ሣቡጻች።፣ 2. ሰማዕኩ፡፡ ቃሉ" 
ሰመልጸካ;። ሓጻንዘ፡ ዶብል፡ ጻሱ፡ ውጻተመ፡።” መላኳ ጻለ፡። ወረዲዷ፡'። ዴበ፡ ምድር 
ወዘበኝቡልኳ፡፡ ከሠቲ፡ ሰውሱደ፤ ሰብኳ፡፡፡ ወጸስሐት ዎመ ሲሰ“ው.ደ፡፣ ሰብኣኳ፤ ከመ፡ ዴዶግበሂ፡ 
ጋኃጢጸተ። LXV. በ“ጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ርኳዩ። ኖሣ፤ ም.ፎረ፡” ከመ” ጸጽክኝ፡” ወከመ፡ 
ቅፉብ፡ ሕኾሳ።። 2. ወ“ጸንሥመጸ፡ ጻገሪሆሁ፡። ልምህዩ። ወውሖረ፡። ልስከ፡ ጸጽናፈ፡ ምድር 
ወጺርኘኝ። ሲጻምጃው፡። ሄኖክ ወይቤ፡። ኖሣ;። በቃል፡” መራር፡” ስምዐኒ ስምዐ፤፡ ስምዐኒ 
“ሥመልበ። 3. ወ።ኣቤሉ፡። ጌኘረኒ፡፡ ምንት “ውጻቱ፡ ዘ“ይትገበር፡። ዴበ፡። ም.ፎር፡ ኣስመ፡ 
ከመዝ፡ ሰርሐት፡ ምድር፡ ወጸንቀልቁሰት፡ ዮ፤፤ ጸ፤፣ ኣትጋጐኮል፡ ምስሒሃ። 4. ወበድሕሪረ፤፣ 
ውጻቲ፡። ፲ዜ፡ ኮኔ ሀውሕ፣ ዐፀቢድዴ፤ ዷበ;። ም.ድር፡ ወተሰምዐበ፡ ቃል፡" ኣምሰማይ፡ ወወ.ደቁ 
በገጽየ። 5. ወመጽጾ፡ ሃኖካ፡ ጳምሔው’“ዩ፡”። ወቁቅመ፡ ንቤዩ፡ ወዴቤለኒ፡። በምንነ፤* 
ጸራሕክ፤ ገቤዩ። ጽራሣ፡። መሪረ፡ ወብኻዩ።“ 6. ወትጻዛዝ፡ ወጽጸ፤ ኣምቅ.ፎመ፡። “18; 
ሓፓዚኣ፡ ፉበ; ጻሰ፡ የሒድፎፉ፥ የብሰ;“ ከመ፣ ውኣቱ፡። ይኩን፡“" ሕልቁተመ፡ ኣጻስመ፤ ጸኣመሂ፡ 
ዙሉ ኃቡጻት፣ መሳልሕነ፡ ወሉ 7ፍ0;" ሰይጣናት ወሉ ጋይዴሎመ፡ “ሣቡጸ፡። ሣጻት፡። 


1 me omits, 2 ww omits. 5 wu reads A. 9 omits. « 9 reads ሲድር: 
ob omit, ° adds ዝንE፡ ውኣቲቱ፡ ሥመርፀተመ፡ ctu, apcgZFBssinoxa,y. 
ዘ, ሮ ተሮad ኻእጻች፣ ያ ካልእኣ፡ ' 9 read ገጻጓ፣ ፣ ያያ 8. # ሣቡጻን፤ ። ግቡጻት'፣ = omits. 
% adds CRW.  movx prefix©. 0 m reads Pri  m reads AመAላANY: 
g reads ARM: and trans. after £ብAN; ። a. 8 ጸሙን 5 0b read DAA 
4 ያ 3 ጻባ ጸምሰማይ ag, aks0. gf pHi AR! S4/s/n a8 ወHኝቡዕ): 
cx ዘኝቡ፡  e omits next three words throueh hmt. o8 add hoi hh pa 
7 ag. 0, 3 read D0. 15 9g reads CA; / CX AH: 1» Zw, B. Fm read PEC: 
gf ምድር: ” dreads YH = a. 8 reads EHH: = mgt, B-Bob. Fw Bop 
ሐኾሲ፡ 5 #reads RYviAhi AJC 5 freads CW 0b hei 5 # reads 
ወጸራሣኩ፡ 5 # adds $. sw reads በA", 3 agp 8. 9 reads ይቤሉ: ! pa; 
5 # omits. 5 mm reads በ20; mF. Other MSS. መéርi 5% g, gs omit, 
= zu omits. 5 a,0., #።, 8-5 read ድቤ: ፣ ድቤሰኒ፡ = ss omits. 5 mw adds 
ውልጻቲ 5 a, B~F read በ£0i /HX0: i adeFBiRI0. 2 reads DAC: mg 
ወበይደጋ(ያ፣ኘ)ሪ፤ ። ወበደሕፀ፤ / omits. Scyx pድሣረi » ወAም.EኝE 58 mgt 
read AY; 5 aob read በ&f; n adds £0; EC: 5» 0ቢEi = 8 omits. 
2 #0. Other MSS. AY #» gu omit. # 9 reads ብደ: # ብኻ: “au. 
ዞ, Bu read ጸምኝግበ፤ ። ጸም፤ “5 ሪ-9ሠ Bn g reads ገጺ፡ ጻግዚጸ፡ መናፍስ ዷደበ፡ 
። ጸፃዚኣ፡ ኣምቅድመ፡፤ ገጸ ሰ. ። ገ8፤ ኣንዚኣዩ፡ ዷበ፡ a. fe B-u read ውስት; የብስ፡ 
# #በ፡ የብስ፡ 5 ayn omit. 5 m reads PRhው]i F omits. 50 fu read 29; 
gh Ban. m reads AAA: gu, an! omit, =m w reads JAY; 9,8 omit. 

118 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ REND XN 

“ወ Jግይሎመ፡፡ ሰጻሰ፡ ይገብ ሥመራያተ፡፡ ወገይደሎመ፡ ለሣብራት፡፡ ወጋይደሎመሙ፡፡፣ 
ሲጻሰ፡ ይሰብኩ፡፡ ስብኮ፡ ሰ ምድር።’ ፣. ወ“ኣፎ፤ ይትወሲፎ፣ ብሩር፡ ኣምፀበለ፡ 
ም.ድር፡ ወጻፎ፤ ይክውን፣ ነጠብጣብ፡ ደበ ም.ድር። 5. ኣስመ፡ በረር፡ ወናኣሕ፡ ዚጺድትወሰ.ፎ፡ 
ኣም.ፎር፡ “ከመ፤ ቁቅዳሚ፤። ነቅዕ፡ ወኣቱ፡ ዘያወልደመሙ፡” ወመልጸ፣ ድቁውም፡። ውስቴቱ 
ወ“ይደበቢ.ፎር፡“* ውጻቱ፡ መልጸኽ። 9. ወጻም.ፎሣረ“ሽ፡፣ ጸጋዘ፤ኒ፡ ኣምሔውዩ፡ ሄኖኳ፡ 
በኣዴዩ፡። ወጸንሥመጸሂ፡፣ ወይዴቤሰሲኒ፣ ፁር፡" ኣስመ፡ ተፕስኣልከዎ፣፤ ሰኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት” 
በጻንተዝ፡” ሀውሕ፤ ዘ።ፉበ፤ ም.ፎር። 10. ወዶድቤሲ፤ኒ፤ በጻንች፡” በመባሆመ፡ ትፈጸመኝ 
ቫጌኔሆመ፡ ተወጽጺዴትቴሰቅ።። በቅ.ድፎቓዩ፡ በኣንች፣ ተጸውራኝ፤። ዘንሠሠ፤፥ ወጸኣመና፡። ም.ድር፡ 
ችትትሕኾል፡ ወጻሰለ፣ የጋ.ፎፉ፡። ዲደቤሃ። 11. ወጻሰ፡” ምግባጸ;” ጽልቦመ“ ሰዓሲለም፡ 
ኣስመ፡፣ ዘርጸደዎመ፡፥ ዘሣቡኣ፡ ወጻሰ፡ ችኩጎፉ፤ ወ"ሰከ፡፡ ጸንት፡ ወል.ፎዩ፡ ጸኣመረ፤ ኣግዚይ፡ 
መንፈሰት፡ ጳስመ፤ ንጹሕ፤ ወቕር፤ ጸንተ፡። ኣኳምሽ፡። ሂስ” ዘ“ሣቡጻት። 12. ወጽጽንዞ፡ 
ሰስምክ፡። በማኣጻከሰ፡።” ቅዲዷሰን፡ ወዩዐፀቅበከ፡። ኣምኣሰ፡ የሐሮድፉፋ፡፥ ደበ; የብስ፡ ወጸጽንዞ፡ 
ሰ“ዘርኣከ፡ ዘጽድቅ” ሰነገመኝ፡“" ወለስብሕት፣ ዐቢያት፣፥ ወጻምዘርኣክ፡ ድወዕኣ፡ 1ቅ0፡ 
ጻድቃን፡ ወቐዲሰን፤ ወ“ጐልቁ፡ ጸእቦሙ፡” ሰዓንሲም። ጃዝ. ወጻም.ድፎሣሪረ፡ ዝ፥ ጸርጸዩኒ፡። 
መሳባኣሕት፡ መቅሠፍት “ኣሰ፡ .ፎልዋን፡፣ ከመ፡ “ይምጽጵ፡ ወዴፍትሑ፡” ዙሉ፡ ገኘዴሰ፡ ማይ 

1 0, aeBniy omit. ። # adds ሥራት ©. 5 m reads 4 g reads 
ሰጻሰ፡ ይገብፉ፡ ሰጎብራት፣ 5+ omit. 5 Bx omit. ሩ u reads ሰብኮi 9 ይገብፉ 
7 g reads ስ: 0X read በች ° 2 reas ፍጥረት " a-gm. m reads ስኩ 
9, 8-5 ወኣስኩ፡ ፣ ወጻስከ፣ 9 omits. 2 reads AN; pA; 1m trans. pA 
after 105 5 F0u. mt gread HAs “8 prefixes (xay HY). mn 
omit. 5 fF reads ትር: Beer conjectures CE: iE Onis: 50 
im fu, B read በAEW: "ru. mhBread Ci mr Other MSS. መéENስY; 
2 tv prefixes ©. 5 0, aehx read 0. WIEN) I IB: OE read 
ወጺደችጐለቅ [ext = HUPh-NDN corrupt for ps = (wil not be restrained. 
2 £F reads Rውራy Text = bibn corrupt for bn = « sorceries (Halevi). 
5 mg, 8B add hai against Z/w. 7 e reads iA 3 bcx read AA 
Flemming suggests At; AA; but no change of text is necessary. We have here 
a nomin. Pendens. 5 am, g80. m, B~gho read Ni IA here = 
drorrpopn = nan which here means « repentance ' (Halévi). Mam. m reads Ahi 
B DRhi 9 trans. before 18.0hi ae/h8nyw trans. before O2Ci = # reads AH: 
ሠም; 5 /u read ሔስi = reads UH. ”» a adds pዲስ፡ 5 reads ማAhA: 
e omits next Seven words, 7 9 reads DYN; 5 e omits. Nag. g reads 
ዘበጽድቅ፣፡ 8 በጽድቅ፡ “6 ያ። read ወነገሠመት፡ ያ ወለመንግስት፡ / ወበመንፃመት፡፣ 
ጊ ያዐፉ መ, 8 read KAቀ፡ ጸልቦመ“፥ ። ጸልቦ፡ ጐልዬ፡ 5 g reads RCAEL: SpE 
rad ድመጽጵ፣ ወድዴፈትሕ፡ (= ወይፌሥመሑ፡). “ ያ a ሰማይ፤ ያ ሰማይዴ፡ ወማድ፡ 

LXVL. I—LXVIL. 6. ሮመጽሐፈ፡ ህኖ: 119 

ዘመትወች። ም.ድር፡ ከመ፡ ይዙንኽ ሲሰሹነኔ፡ ወለሐኾል፡ ሰዙሲ፡፡ ጻሰ፡ ድነብፉሯ፡፡ | ወዩየሐ.ፎፉ፤]፥ 
ደበ; የብስ። 2. ወ'’ጸዘዘ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳ መላባኳክት፤ ጻሰ፤ ዴፎወፀጽ፡ ከመ ዚያንሥጵ፡፣ 
ኣደወ፤ ወዴዕቁበ፡ ኣስመ፤፡ ኣልኩ?" መሳኣጻኻክ፣ ዷበ፡ ጋይሰ፤፡ ማያት" ሀለዉ 3. ወወባጻኩ፡፤ 
ኣም“ቅፎመ፡፣ ገጺ ሄኖኻ። LXVIL ወበaማYE: መዋ0A; hi 2A: aንHRብሔC: 
ኃቤና፡ ወዴቤሰ፤ኒ፡ ኖሣ፡" ካፍልክ፡ ዐር1;። ጋቤና; ኳፍል፡። ዘጸልቦቲቱ፡ ሒስ፡ ካፍሰሲ፡ ፍቅር 
ወርትች0። 2. ወይደጻዜሃ፡ ይገብሩ“ መሳጻክት፡ ዕፀወ፡” ወሰበ፡ ወፎጵ፡፡ ሰውኣቱ፡ 
መላኣኻች፣ ኣወዷኗ፤ ኣዴዩ፡፡ ደቤሃ፡ ወጸዐቸባ፡፡ ወች ክውን፣፤ ኣምኔሃ፡ ዘርጸ፡ ሕይወት፥ ወተውሳጥ፡። 
ዴባኣጻ፤ ከመ፡ ጺዴንበር፡ የብስ፡” ዕራቁ። 3. ወጸጺንያ፡። ሰዘርኋከ፡ በቅ.ድፎዩ። ለዓለመ; 
ዓሲም፡ ወኣዘርጸመ፡ ለኣኳሰ፡ ዩየጋሮፎኗ፡ ምስሌከ” ተዚይመሕር፡። ደበ: ገጺ;። የብስ 
ወደችባረኻ፡ ወዴት በዛሕ፡። ቅ.ፎመ፡። ዩብስ፡ በ“ስመ፥ ሰጻኘዚጻ።” 4. ወዩፀጽዎመሙ፡። 
ሲ“ኣሙኝንቱ፡። መላሳጻሕት፤ ኣሰ፤ ጸርጸዴይዋ፤ ለዓመቫ፡ ውስኘጊ፡ ውኣጻቱ፡። ቈሳ፡። ኣንተ ትነኔፎድ፡። 
ኣንገ፡ ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ቁዋዳሚ፡። አምጨሔውዩ፤ ሄኖኳኻ፡ በዓንረብ፡ በኘበ፡ ጸድባረ፡ ወርቅ፣ ወብፉር፡ 
ወሕሐፉኝ፤ ወነጠብጣብ፣፡ ወናልጻክ። 5. ወርዚኻዋ፣፤ ሲሰይጻቲ፣ ቈሳባ፡ ጻንት፡። ሀውሕ፤ ዓቢይ 
በቲ፡። ወሀውክ፡።” ማያት። 6. ወዝንቱ ሺሹ” ሶሰበ፡;። ተፕገብሪረ፡። ጳምውጻኣቱ፡ ነጠብጣበ፤* 
ኣሳሰት፡ ወ“ሀውኮሙመ፡። በውኣቲቱ፡ መኻሣኘጌ፣ ተወልዶደ፡” ጴሪ፤ ተደ ወ“ተጋብረ፡" መስለ፤ ጻልኩ፡ 

1 a reads 0%. 2 g reads mቅwet; 3 iu, mg, Bn read Afri A. 
« g omits together with following ©. 2 Bracketed as a dittoaraphy. #, 9x omit, 
but all other MSS. support text. 5 g omits. + # omits. 5 ድ reads LA 
saw. B-ni0 ANE; » Ai 9 reads ሰ: n,8 add 605 #9 reads 
0ር7; 5 F omits next three words through hmt. For WEAN; m9 read eEfh: 
# B-X. a, % read ‘TAZ; 5 Z reads 000; iF, Fg# read DEN, HOEY 
B-o ወፀጽ፡ 0 መጽ 7 # omits. ፣5 m #9, 8. £ reads 0p; 5" 0ቅበ; = ጸቅባ፡ 
5 0,6. ያ/u, 8-6 read ተውላጠ  ተችውላጠ፡ 20 mm trans. after 0ራY; UE 
B-eBpoxay. #m Box,ay read ወRXYP: v ORR = m reads PE; 
Sy omits. 5 15s AMC: which is read by a, B-Bdoxy corrupt for 
Kጴይመን: or ri? Inf the C is over an erasure. Bdg0XyS omit. cp trans. 
after ብስ: and read ይመር: £0; 1A: tብስ፡ (7 ምድ). Spe af loa 
read ውስli = ey read PድርC:i 7 bx read ይብዛኝi = asF/B 8 /p read £0: 
» ወስኘ 5 /reads Ni AHA o ስ ሲጻፃግዚጸ፤ መናፍስት FP A 
read DtOፀ©- Pw; 5a. mgt tread AA; 3-5 AAME; ። omits. = agcix. 
B-Dcix read ይቲ: 35 05 read @AY # m omits together with next word. 
5 g reads Pk wu omits. # m adds UA; 7 9, b read 30; * ow omit. 
mg, eFBn, reads yh; /, 5 YUውክ፤ #08 ትUውH: 5 4% TUውh: 5 ትUውN፡ 

። ችሀውኩ፡ 40 m reads PAE: au m trans. before YE: 5 m adds Qh: 
Sg, dF0 aBread yi; * #. 2 reads {yh » hoi Uh 9 Uh 
# ny’ tሆwis 8 is conflate Woh; HtUohav; 5 m reads TONE: 

SEbIRnX. m reads JAC: 9, 5/0 ተTYyብረi = Jብረ; 

120 | መጽሕፉ፡ ዛኛካኻ፡ LXVII. 613. 

ማያት ወይኳቲ፡ ቈሳ፡ “ኣን መሳጻሕች፤ ኣሰ፡ ዘስሕቱ ጓንፎ.ፎ፤ መትሕት፤ ዴኣኳቲ፡ ምድር። 
7. መኣንተ፡ ቈሳት፡ ዚጸሃ፡ ዘፍሳባኘ፣፤ ጻሳኝ፡ “ይመጽጽ፡ ኘበ፡;፡ ይኹነኒ ኣልኻፒቱ።፡ መሳጻክት 
ኣሰ፡ ጸስሐሕትዎመ፥ ሰጻሰ፡ የጋ.ፎፉ፡፡ ዲሄበ፡ የብስ። 8. ወይከውኒ፡፤ ጻልኩ፡። ማያት 
በኣማንፒቱ፡ መኖዋዕል፡ ሲነገሠመኝ፡ ወለዐዚዛቫን፡ ወለልፁሳኘ፡፡ ወ’ለኣጻሰ፡ የጋ.ፎዷ፡። ዲበ፡" ሂብስ፡ 
ሰፈውዕ፡ ሥጋ፡። ወ“"ሲቫነኔ፤ መንፈስ፡ ወችወኔ፡'፡ ይመልኣ፤ መንፈሰመ፡ ከመ ዶትኩነን፤። 
ምጋሆመ፡"፣ ኣስመ፤ ክሕ.ድያዎ፤ ለጻኘዚጸ፡ መንፈሳገ።" ወይሬዩ፡"። ቫነጌሆመ፡፥ ጻንተ፡" *ሲ፡ 
ዕሲት፡።” ወ።“ዚ“ዩየጸምፉ፡። በስሙ።፡። 9. ወከመ፡ ብዙኘ;። ውዕ0ዩ፡። ሥጋሆመ “ከመዝ 
ቦመ፡። ተውሳጠጢ፤። ሰመንፈስ፡;። ሲዓሰመ፤ ዓሰም ጳስመ፤ ጸልቦ፡ በቐ.ድመ፤ ኣግዚጾ፡ መንፈሳት 
ዘዴነኘር፡” ነገረ” በኻ። 10. ኣስመ፡ ትመጽልጻ፡ ቫሸነኔ፡ ዲቤሆመ። ጻስመ፡ የጸምፉ፤። 
በተወኔተ፡። ሥጋሆሙ ወመንፈበስ፡ ጳንዚጳጻ፤ ድካሕዱ። 11. ወ“ኪያሆሁ፡። ማሇጓ። በውኣቱ 
መቐየዕል፡ ቦመ“ ተውባጠጢ፡። ኣጸስመ፤ ሶበ፤ ዴትኬነፉ፤ ልኩ“ መሳጻክት፣ በውልኣቱ፡”" ማያት 
ይትዩሰጡ፡። ዋዕዮመ፡፥ ጻልኩ፡። ጸንቅዕት፡ ማያሻ፡ ወሶበ የዐርጊ;" መሳኳጻክት፤ ዶትዊሰለጥ፡ 
ዝኩ፡ ማያች፡። ዘጸንቅዕች፡። ወይቁቈርፉ።። 12. ወሰማዕኳዎ፤ ሰሲ“ሚካዜዬልእ፣ እንዘ፡ 
ያወሥመል፡።” ወይዴብል፤ “ሸነኔ፤ ዛቲ“ ሓኣንት፤ ይትኬነኒ፡ መሳባጻሕት።።” ሰማዕኀ፥። ይኣቲ። 
ሲነገሥኝ፡ ወሰ“0ዚዛን፣፡ ኣሰ” ይጻሣዝዋ፡ ሰዩየብስ። 19. ጳስመ፡፡ ሓሰ ማዩ” ሸኔ 

' 9 adds HAY: = ## omits. 5 g omits. «a. B reads ዴወጽጵ 0305 
sa-gu, BH. wi AAW 5 ZZ trans. after Ah; 7 ## reads ውስት; g/0. 
ina omit, and read next word as $0); 5 a. B reads ANE: 5 eBvw omit. 

p erases. 0 omits. gmx. Iu 8-Bx APN; ns 5 add 1Ehi ©. ™ F reads 
ሰጋ; "8,8. mgnu omit. = መ(ወYውኔትS)ያ 8. £9 read ወተት ("YS 9); 
u mu. #18 read YW:  bcvx prefix ቢቢ. gmt Other MSS. መS&ስት; 
15 £ reads eR ti: / ይeጺi ፣ ይeኣይ: un wu omits. dg reads NAY 
0 mu read WN: 0A; 1 & omits. = 9 reads PAL; 5 05 add 
ሰሲኣፓዚጸ፡ መናፍስ 5 ያ, -4ሃ». reads ብዙ»; 9/።, 4» ብዙሣ፤ ብዘጋ] 
5 dy read PO: 5 2 reads hi Ho; 9 ho: 0: 7 9, agsk. 2 reads 
ችወሰጠ፤ , 5-558 ተውላሳጥ፡ 5b B. gu read በመገንፈስ፤ መ reads መንፈስ 

and trans. after Ari # adds AዓAም;i ©. 5 F/u. mg, 3 read HEYS'IC: 
50 a, af0. B~aFy read yl: ADB: Pow read WIPE: = c reads 
ለኣጻልካቲቱ፡ ። ጻልኳቱ፡ » ኪያሆን፡ ሀ omit. 5 9 adds ©. aan, ah. 
መ, ፀ~a»ቋ ead ችውሳጥ፡ 5 iu, BBcdginow (save that ae prefix A). 
Bcginowx,ay read AA; m HAaYE: 9 AYE ” 5 omits. 5 BD read 
መዋዕል፡ 5 omits. 5. Other MSS. £ችዌAT 5 au, wu reads ANAM: 
Ff, a7 BIRD AAA bcgioxy,ag AARNE: nu adds AYE «8 reads 
ማይ; 9 omits. 5 g reads HRYYOY 529. Other MSS. read CC: 
# B adds ቁዱስ 5 2m, pb read ውል 45 B trans. #7 ww reads AMY: 

5 g prefixes ©. wu reads ሰማYi » n omits. 0 a, géFhvRn. » reads DAM; 
of 8 AAA 5 a7. 9g reads HY; 9 FEY: 

LXVIH. 13 —LXV IIL. 5. መጽጥሐፈ፡ ህና 191 

ሰፈውስሰ፡ ሥጋሆሙ’ ሰመላኣክት፡፡ ወለተውኔተ፡፡ ሥጋሆመ“፡ ወጺዴሬኣዩ፡ ወጺዩየጸምፉ፤፣ 
ክመ፡ ይትዌለጡ፡፡ ኣሙንቱ።። ማያት፡ ወይከውኔ፡? ኣሳተ።። ዘደነፎድ፣ ለዓለም 
LXVIIL. Oaምድሣረዝ: ወሀበኒ: “Yaምርችት፡ ሎሙ" ኃቡጓት፡” በመጽሐፍ" 
ኣምሔጨሔውዩ፡ ሄኖሕዃ፡ ወ“ምሰልያተ፡" ኣሰ: ተውህበ; ሎቱ፡ ወደመሮመ፡፥ ሊት፡ በ“1ገረ 
መጽሕፍ" ዘምሳሰሴሌ።። 2. ወ።ይኣጻት፡ ዕሰት፡" ጸዘውሥጸ፡" ሚካሌል፣ ሓጻንዘ፡ ይብል 
ሰፉፉዬል፡ Jገዴሱ፡። ሰመንፈስ፡ “ይመሥመጠኒ፡ ወያምዕዐኒ፡። በኣንተ;። ዕ0ፀቡ፡። ሰሸነኔ፤ ኣንተ 
ሣቡጻኝ። ለሸነኔ፡" መኒ፤ ውጻቲቱ፡። ዘዴካል፡ ተዐ07ቻተ፡ ዕፁበ፡;። ሰኣኳንት፡ ትገብረት፣” ቫሃኔ፡” 
ወዴትመሰዉ። በቐ.ድሜሃ። 3. ወጸውሥጾ፡;። ካዕበ፡። ወደቤሎ፡።” ሚካሌል፡፣ ሲሰ“ፉፉሌል፡። 
መፉ፡ ውልጻቲ፡ ዘጺዴረስሕ፡። ልቡ፡። ዲቤሃ: ወጺዴይትሀወ፡ ሹሰያቲሆ፡” ጳምዛቲ፡ ቃሰሲ፡" 
“ቫነኔ፡ ወፀጸት፡። ደቤሆሙ፡ | ኣምኔሆመሙመ፡| ዘጸጽውፀኣዎመሙ፡ ከመዝ። 4. ወከ“ ሶሰበ፣ ቁመ፡ 
በቅ.ድመ፡ ኣንዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት“ ወከመዝ፡“ ይቤሉ“ ሚካዜል፡ ሰፉፉሌስል፡ ወጺይከውን፡“ 
ሎመ፡። በውስተ፣ ዓይኔ" ጳጸግዚኣ፤ ኣስመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳኝ፡። ትምዕፆመሙመ“ ኣስመ፤ ጸምሰሰለ። 
ኣፃዚኣ፡” ዴገብሩ። 5. በጻንተሽ፡። ይዶመጽኣ፡ ሳዕሴሆመ፡ ሹሱ፡። ዘሣቡኣ፡”። ሰንሰመ፡ 

i bcvx read HAPs a omits next three words. 2b» omit. o,as add 
ሥጋሆሙ 2m. Zg/u read DAYኔY: 5» AY: y» omits. + £9 read 
ወጺይደጸምኒ፡ ፡ a. 8 reads ትመጡ: ° 5 reads Ani 7 reads ይከውን: 
¢ 9 reads AY ? 9 ads ወጻምኽሽ፡ 0 m reads WN; 4; (sic) ትምርት; 
1 Fgu,0,ab. mreads 4A! 5-028 ዳት ” reads በመጽሐፈi "2nV 
omit, #age/8°i8I0wy read ምሰሌ a. f8 read H. 1 a-u,acFhssin. 
tt, bc d0ox ay read ተውባ: 17 # reads መጽሐፈ: IC: 5 9, vy read Hምስt: 
mu. 9/8 read በ£ኣL: 0AYI nt D0. Zu read RAL: abcgeFi nx, as 
ጸውሥመይ፤ 8 a5 ቅዷስ፡ = ፳ reads ፇይሰ፡ = ያ reads ይምሥመጠኒ፡ ወያም0ኒ፡ (sic). 
For OP 00i5 # reads POL 9,8 prefix@. * m reads 00Ltሁ: 9 004; 
ie omits next three words. 5 gu, apce/ifloxab. 2,8 read AA: mn, gn 
ሣብዕት፡ 5 9, 8 add መላኣሕች፡ 27 e omits. 5 mn reads +337; 5 g,e read 
0ፀቡ፡ ። 0ፁባጊ 30 eB5 read ተበት x 8 adds Diበረችi = u,cdgesn. aH, 
B-c gets read ደYመሰውs «s olመሰa 5° inserts &. after ©. 5 gu read 
ወጸውሥጸኒ፡ ።ኋ ወጸውሥይ፡ in omit. a trans. together with Db; after 
ሚnሌእi = 9 reads ይቤ: nw omit. 8 adds phi 0 omits. ax add 
ቅዱስ፡ “a / reads Hድትራጋራሣ፤ abc ge/tIn xy HAያረJርCA: (or "EBC: or 
“ራግርሣ) ፩፣ ዘጺያርኘርሣ፤ ዕ5 ዘጻያርጋርጋ፤ =a. መ reas እቡብ፤ 5 ልእቦ፡ "መ 
reads H£ቤy፡ 2 ሶበ፡ ይረስሕ፡ ልእቡ፥ ሶበ ኗቤሃ፡ "ያ. /።, 5 ሹልያቲሁ፥ 9 ቫሃኔ፡ ዙሰንታሃ፡ 
“gg. miu, 8 read Phi = x reads ወፀAY: fii 9 reads ho. “ag. 
9, 8 read መeፍEስትi = 9 reads OAH; wx hh: “8 adds pዱስi “9 reads 
ወዴከውን፣ ። ወጺይኩን፡ ።፡፣ ዚጺድክከውን፤፡ “5፡5 aባd ምሕረት 8 inserts it in margin, 
ZF reads Yi 9 adds AJHLRAብሔር: 0 B reads በጸምሳሰ፡ 5 ZF reads AIHA: 
5 9, prefix ©. 5m. 9g read tN: 3 fi: # Bow read H. # omits. 


a9 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኝ፡ TRIS TRE 

ዓሲም፤ ኣስመ፡ ጺ'መልጸካ፡ ወጺብኣሲ፡፡ ጺ“ይትሟጠው፡። መሕፈልተ፡፡ ጸሳ። ኣሙንገቱ፡ 
በሕቲተሙ፡ ትመጠጪዉ፡ *ሹነኔ፡ ዚጸሆሙ፡፡ ሰዓንሰመ፤ ዓሰም። LXIX. ወA.ድሣረ 
ዙገኔ፡ የደነኘገፀዎመሙመ፡፡፣ ወ'“የምዕዕዎመ፡"" ጻስመ፡፤ ዘንተ; ጸርጸዩ፤ ሰሲ“ኣለ፡ የገፎፉ፤ ፈዷበ፡ 
የብስ። 2. ወነዋ; ጸስማቲሆመሙመሙ፡ ሲለጻልኩ፡። መሳጻኳኝ፡ “ወዝንቱ፡ ውጻቱ፡" ጸስማቲሆሙ፡ 
ቁዳማዩ።፡ ዚጸሆሙ፡። ሰምሇዛ፡። ወካልኳ፡"* ጸርጣቁፉ፡”" ወሣልስ፡። ጸርሄገ;። ወራብዕ፡ 
ኮክከብሌጴል፡።” ወጋምስ፡ ተጡፉሌል፡። ወሳድስ፡ ፉምሇያል፡” ወ።“ሰብዕ፣ ዳንያል፡። ሰምን፤። 
ተኔቃሌስል፡” ፓታስዕ፡” በራቅሌል፡። ዓሥመር፡ ጸዛዝሌል፡።” ዓመር፡ ወጸሐዲዱ፥ ጸርማሮስ፡። ዓሥር 
ወካልኣ፤፡ በጠርያል፡። ዓሥመር፡ ወኝሣልስ፤፥ + በሰሰሌየል፡። ዓሥመር፡ ወራብዕ፡ ሐናንዜል፡። ዓሥር 
ወጋምስ፤ ተጡርሌእ፡።ተ ዓሥመር፡ ወሰድስ፡ ሲሚፔሲሔል፡። ዓሥር፡ ወ“ሰብዕ;። ዴትርሔል፡” 

1 Dh omits. ° u reads HሰብA 2, B-bረ/hL m, »5 read ይትመው፡ 
ያ ይትጃጦ፤ ሃ።, ዕረsxሪaፀ ድትጃጠዉ፡ ያ “መጠጠዉ VDD TE 
መክፈልተመ፡፥ ያ መልኣካተ፡ ወመካፈእተ፣፡ ' 9 reads ኣሱ፡ ፡ 2» read ቫሃኔሆሙ፡ 
9 adds ኣስከ፤ 7 g omits. s Fmt B~<h, gu, ch read PIP m prefixes ©. 
2g omits. 0m, B~acihu. # reads Dያመ0ዎ; A800: un POPs 9 omits. 
a7 read ያመ00P; c POP nm bc. #9,h read Uw: ade/tinow HY: 
omits. Z adds #ii = 9 adds ሰብኣi ZF ውሰደ ሰብኳ፤ ሲ "ያ adds ጳስመ፤ መ ስመ፡ 
On the following names see notes on pp. 15-16, and the Appendix on V1.1. 
mp F #u,B-# read AAANE » g,e omit. 15 f apcd/i§ino. gma,eh 
read ቁዳማይ:; 9, x ቀዳሚ 1 bee Omit: 5 gu. Ink, m reads ስም 
/u, cFBoRx ስምዛi iu add Rሐዲ 3 reads On nF. We should 
here read RACE: CI. 'Arapkoi® in Gs vi. 7. m reads Rርስጣቄፉ 9 ርሳ 
tu, 8B ርስ (ጡሪ) ቁ (ቃሪ) 4 1 # reads DIANE; 5 m, FI read RCD; 
5 a,e., 3~ef read hhባሌል፡ ፣ ጸከብሌል፡ a2,n. This is corrupt for ሌል 
CL. VI.T. Gs Tau. Other MSS. CRA: 5 reads IRAN 5 Zw omit. 
TF. mh abfvtinova read AYA u £6; 5 # 8 prefix ©. ma, 
u VEሌA: 5 +2 The text is corrupt for ቁል See Appendix on VI. 7, 
no. 8. 5 B prefixes @©. 5 Ft, abgkox. mu read በራል: 9, e/8/n በራቅ.ል፡ 
ረ ብራቐሌል፤ ፡ ብርቃሌዜስል፡ 5 rmp, 8B, tu read RHዛዜሌA: Sa-gu. g reads 
ጸርማሎስ፡ ። ጸርማኖስ፡ 8-/።ዕ ጸርምርስ፤ /።ዕ ጸርሞርስ፡ ።a-gu,8. ያ0ጥርያል፡ 
ሣ በርጠዩል፤ ሃ በበርዩል፡ 5 mu. 9 reads በሰስያሌል፡ / በሰስሌየል፤ ሪዕረd/os 
በበሰሌል፡ 5፡48/። በሰስሌል፤ All these forms seem hopelessly corrupt. See Appendix 
onVI.7,no.13. SE9/u. m reads hS lt; 5 RS JAI a,c. apde/finox read 
ጡርያል፤ 5፤ ጨጤርያል፡ All forms corrupt. See Appendix on VI. 7, no. 15. um). 
9, ይ፣0 read ቤማፒቤሌል፡ / ሲሚፓሲሌል፡ ሪ/ሪ። ሲማፒቤሌል፤ ያያ ሲማፒሲሌዬል፡ 
g በማፒቤሌል፤፡ “። ሲምሲፒሌል፤ lhe original seems to have been something like 
ZauuiX. See Appendix on V1.7, no. 16. 5 reads NY: FZ. m reads 
ዶስርጴስል፡ 9, a8 4/8፣#/0,8 ይተርዜእ፡ « ይሙጡርሌእ፡ ። ድተርዩል፡ ኋ ጺተርሌስል፡ 

LXIX. 2-0. መጽሐፈ: ዛና: 1239 

ዓሥመር፡ ወሰምን፤ ተቱማሌስእ፡፡ ዓሥመር፡ ወታስዕ፣ ጡርሌል፡፡። ዕሥራ ተፉማሌል፡፡ ዕመራ። 
ወጸሕዲ፡ ተጸዛዜል።፡ 3. ወኣቡ፡ ኣሙንቱ፡ ጸርኣስት፡ መሳጻክቲሆሙ፡፣ ወጸስማተሆሙ፡፡ 
ወመን ምጻት፡'" ዚጸሆመ፥ ወመኰኩንነ፣ ምሰ; ዚጸሆመ“። ወመኵንኔ፡ ፀሠርተ፡። 
ዚጸሆሙ። 4. ወሣስመ፡ ሰቁዳማዊ፡። ዶቁን፣;" “ዝውጻቲቱ፡ ዘ"“ጸዘስሐተ፡ ሹሎመሙ፡። ቁቁ 
መሳኳጻሕት'። ወ“ጽውረዶደመ፡፡' ዴበ፡;። የብስ፡ ወጸስሐተመ፡ ። በ።ጸዋልዶይ፡ ሰብኣ።። 5. ወ።ካልእ፡ 
ስሙ ጸስብጴል፡።” ዝንቱ “ጸዘመሮመ፡፥ ምሕረ፤ ኣጻኩዩ፡። ሲ“ደቁቁ፡ መላኣካት፡” ቅዲሳን 
ወጸስሕተሙመ፡።” ከመ ያማስኒ፡ ሥጋሆመ፡ በ“"ጸዋልደ፤ ሰብጻኣጻ። 6. ወ።ሣልስ፤ ስመ“ 
ጋ.ፎርሌስል፡፡ ዝንቱ፡። ዘጸርጸዩ፡ ዙሉ፡። ዝብጠተ፡። ሞት ሰውሱ.ደ፤ ሰብኣኳ፡ ወውኣጻቲቱ፡ ጸስሕ፡ 
ሰሔዋን፡። ወውኣኳቱ፡ ጸርጸዩ፡ | ጌዋዩ፡ ሞሻ ሲደቁቁ፡ ሰብኳ፡]። “ወልታ፡ ወድርዐበ፡። ወሰድፈ፡ 
ሰ“ቁትል፡ ወዙሉ፡፡ ንዋዩ፡። ሞት ለውሱደ፡ ሰብኣጻ። 7. ወኣም፤ኔ፡ ኣዴሆሁ፡" ወፀጸ፡" ደቤሆሙመ፡ 
ሰጻሰ፡ የጋ.ፎኗ፡ ደበ; የብስ፡ ኣምድዶኳቲ፡ ዕሰገ፡“። ወ’ጻስከ፡ ሰ“ዓለመ፡። ዓለም። 8. ወራብዕ 
ስሙመ፥ ፔኔሙል፡“ ዝንቱ፡ ጸርጸዩ፡"” ሰውሱደ፡ ሰብጻ፡ “መሪረ፡ ወመዓርዒሪረ፡“ ወጸርጸዮሙ፡ 
ዙሉ” ሣቡጻት፡ ጥበቦሙ።። 9. ውኣቲ፡” ጸሰበዎመ፡፥ ለሰብኣ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ በማዩ፤” 

mu, 8. reads ታሌ: 7 Tመሌል፡ 2 ያያ. /ሃ። ጠርዜጴል፡ 5-። ጠርሌስል፡ 
n Nርዩል፡ 5 m reads DR. 9 HOé; HE: su omits. ‘au, Bak. a% read 
+A: u omiis. Both forms seem corruptions for fF kA: 2 a prefixes H. 
‘Fu. m reads HRA: 91, 4:8/na AWA: a HHA: 95x ጸዜዜጵA: «2 
ይዜዜጹል፡ Je) ጴዜዜሌጵል፡ 0 AዛዛዶA: All these forms may be corruptions of 
SapuiX. See Appendix on V1.7, no. 21. 7m reads መAላANYi sg omits. a, ek. 
6-5 ሌሊ 10 Z reads AY 1 g reads E. ። £ reads 0ሠCE: 5 B omits. 
# 2 reads APR: au in. uw reads py: ac/pwx EY: 9 EY: DRI 
ድቂ 1s Ft. m reads DዝውAE: H. 5 Hውat: 5 HIE. 7 0, br read 
ዙሎ፡ " / bcgi/opyx as agd pዲሳY: » AJዚጸብሔር፡ "ያያ omit. 9 reads 
ጸውረደ 1 m adds .ድር፡ D. 5 m,y omit; y omits two following words. 
5 £ reads 0. 1 9 reads LAP 5 X% reads DAN; 5 / reads Aስባሌል፡ 
a ኻሰብሌል፡ ፣ ጸሶብጹል፡ 9 reads ምኻር፡ ኣኩይ፡ ጸምክከሮመሙ፥፡ = reads መሳጻካችት፡ 
ደቁቁ፡ 5 zw omits. 5 r reads ©. x m reads hi e/u. m reads HY: 
g omits. Breads WA *u omits. =a. Breads HAY; = mu, n read 
ሰሔኛ % A dittography from the close of the verse. 5ia-0. 9g reads AY; 
ወ.ድር(0; BDciinox,ay support ag save that they prefix 0 to ONY; adqe/yi?w 
ወድርበ፡; ወወልኝ፡ o adds ጸን7ድ3; afer ድር0; = 9 reads ሰደፍ ሰ. 5 m adds 
ሰብኳ፡ ቫ. 0 9 reads ARP » በAዴy; 4 a reads DONS “= 9,18 read ፉ: 
5m, Bcdgloyxay omit. # 0 reads TLR: c ty): 9 adds © before next 
word. 5 wu reads HACAt: 5 mn reads mééi መ3CE: YC: méራ; 
“9 ads ሹሱ፡ ያx ለሹሎሙመ፡፥ ረ ሹትሎመ፡ 5 9, 5 read ጥበብ v bc prefix 
TNX. ag, BN X read Dloyt: 9,፣ Ot; 

194 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛነ፡ XTX 

ሣመኝጓ፥ ወ'ሕርታስ፡ ወበኣንተዝ፣ ብዙጋኃን፡፡ ኣሰ። ዴስሕቲቱ፡፡ ኣምፃለም፡ ወኣስከ፡ ለዓለም 
ወኣስክ፡ ዛቲ፡ ዕለት'። 10. ጸስመ፡ ዚተወልደ፡፡ ሰብኳ፤ በዘ፡ ከመዝ፣ በቁሰም፣ ወበማዩ፡ 
ሐመት፣፥ ያጽኘንዑ፡፣ ሃዴማኖተሙ። 11. ኣስመ ጺ“ትፈጥረ፡። ሰብኣ፤ ዘኣጻንበሰ፡ ከመ፡ 
መሳጻካት';› ከመ ይንበፉሩ፡” “ንጺሓነ፡ ወጻፎቃ፤;። ወሞት ዘዙሉ፡ ያማሥኽ፡ ኣመ" 
ጽገሰሶሙመ፡ ጸሳ፡። በዝ፡። ጸጻምሮቶተመሙ፡'፡ ዴቸሐጐኮሱ፡ ወበዝንቱ ሣድል፡፣ ተዴበልንኒ።። 
12. ወ“"ኃምስ፡ ስመ“ ካስድያኣ፡” ዝንቱ “ውኣ፲ቱ፡ ዘ”ጸርጸዩ፡ ለሰውሱደ፡ ሰብኣ፤ ዙሉ” 
ዝብጠታት። ጻኩዩ፡። ዘነፍሰት።።” ወዘጸጋንንት፡ ወዝብጢታት፡። “ባኣባጸ፡ ማሕፀኘጌ፡ ከመ፡ 
ዴደቅ፡ ወ[ዝብጠት፣ ነፍስ፡]። ንስክተ;” ጸርቹ፡ ወዝብጠት፡”" ዘዴክውንኝ፤ በቁትር፡ ወልዳ 
ሰጸርቹ።። ዘስሙ ትባዕት። 19. ዝን፫፡። ውጻቱ፡። ጐልቁ;። ለ“ካስብሌል፡። ርኣሰ፡። 
ሣማሐሕሳባ። ዘጸርጸየዩ፡ ሰቅዱሰን፤ ሶበ፡። የጋ.ፎር፡ በልፁል፡። በ"ስብሐት፡ ወስመ“ ቢያቃ።" 

ey read ወበ. mm adds mRጽሕhፈi 7 omits. 0g, ae/BRn0pnwy omit. 
«+ age fF 8k read ስhE. 9 omits. ° n reads UH. sm reads ATOAAR: 7 =a. 
Em. from AH: of a=, en. Otherwise take AH: hapH: = sis roiagra. #2, B~en read AH: 
sg 8. Fm read ያA0:; 2 መ reads Tፈጥፉ፡ ያ ትወልደ 0 m reads 
መላኳ ሰብኣ n # reads £30 smu. 9 reads Jሓyi ወቅዱሰ 
ፀወ ጻድ" ወን". 5 gu. mh Bread Am. 4 m reads AN; 5 9 reads 
በብዙ 15 ey read RAC 7 m omits. #mFhifiInox,ab. # reads 
በልዓ; ያ, ayc ds £በAOL: All seem corrupt. Perhaps we should read ዴትA; 
» g,% read DA. "rm, reads hስንድያኣi ። hሰድ.ያAi ። ክስያድ0; 4 ሰደ); 

፣ ካሰድያዕዐ፡ ። ክስፎያዕ፡ 5-።9፣5 ከስድ.ያዕ፡ uag. gy readlH. By omit. 
235 Bn omit. 5 0, % read An; =“ 0 reads Ai / At: emt binx, 
fg, acdefhtloay read HiENY: a, 5 HAY: 25,8, m/w read Hብt: 

ያ ወ፡ ዘብጠ፡ 7 mL 2 reads qA hq}; which seems simply a scribes error. 
fu read qAAA: YH: (1: 0. 8-5 qAባA: በ407; and so 5, save that it adds © 
before በ. 5a. For HA’ reads HAY: Clearly a dittography from the 
earlier part of the verse. The preceding © connects directly with Wht: DEE 
read Jhስnታትi 9, ። prefix ©. 0 a, Bcdgslox,a,b. B-Bedslox,a,B read ዝብ: 
This and the next two words should be restored after Yi Cf. Ps. xci. 6 Basioviov 
kernuBpuvog. i a,d/0y,a, aeFhiin read OHYE: Scx ወ: 5 9 reads H. 
Z omits. 53 /u,in. 9g read Ai mm, gino AE: 05 LA: 2» LA 
Text = np (Hallévi) which should here have been rendered « charge, ‘function’; 
or = SDB corrupt for batho = ‘law, « business (Beer), 54 9 reads ካሰበሌል፣ /,19 
ከስብዜል፡ ። ካሰብጹስ፡ = 9, # aባd መዋዕል፣፤ ወርኣሰ፡ 36 F0u. mh 8 read 
መሐላ 7 m reads OH. 5a. ያ reads በልሁሳኔ፡ 8 ልሁል፡ 5 F reads 
@. / omits. n a. 8 reads gp; 

LXIX. 4-19. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛናኛነ፡ 1235 

14. ዝንቱ ይቤሉ፡ ሲ'ሚካዜል፡ ያርጳዮ። ስመ፡“ ሣቡጸ፣ ከመ፡። ዴዝክርዖዎ፡ በማሓላሳ፡፡ 
ከመ፡ ይርዓዴጃ፡፥ ኣም፣ውኣቱ፡ ስም፡ ወማሐሳ። ኣለ፡ ጸርጸዩ። ለውሱደ፡ ሰብኣ፡ ሹሉ 
ዘበ"ሣቡኣጻ። 15. ወዝንቱ: ገዴሱ፡ ለዝ" ማሕሳባ፡። ኣስመ፡ ጋያል፡። ውልጻቱ፡ ወፀኒዕ፡ 
ወጸንበርሮ፡ ለዝ፡ ማሐሳ፤ ጸካኳ፡“ በጻዴሆሁ፡ ሰሲ“ሚካሌል። 

16. ወጻሱንቲቱ፡፡ ኣሙንቲቱ፡ ሣቡጻቲ“ሆሁ፡" ለዝ፡ ማሓሳ፡ . . . . . 

ወፀኒ0፡። በማሐሕሳሆ፡ 

ወ"ስማይዴ፤ ትሰቅለ፡ ዘኣንበለ፡ ይትፈጠር ዓሰም 

ወጻስክ፡ ሲዓሲም፤ ቦቲ።። 

17. ወም.ፎር፡። ትሰረረት፣ ሄበ;። ማይ 

ወኣምኔ፤ ኀቡጻተ፡። ጸጺፎበር፡ ይመፀሉ፡። ሳሕያን፡። ማሇት 

ኣምፍጥረት፡ ዓለም፡ “ወኣስከ፤ ለዓሲም።" 

18. ወበውኣቲ፤ ማሐሳ፡። ትችፈጥረት በሕር” 

ወተመሠረታ;” ሲሰኙዜ፤ መዓኘ፥ ጸንበረ፡” ሳቲ፡ ኖዛ; 

ወጺ“ችኘልፍ፡” ኣምፍጥረተ፡ ዓሰም፡ ወ።ኣስካከ፡ ለዓሲም። 

19. ወበውኣቲቱ፡ ማሐሳ፡ ቁሳድዶ፡። ፀን0ት';"። 

tain, m reads Hit: 5 ሽንቲ ። 8 aባባs ቅዱስ፤ s 0 reads PCR 
8 reads CAFS « m, en read ስሞ; / ስ ° 9 reads phi Here all the 
MSS. but Z9# make additions to the text. mu add ዝር: ሰውቱ: ስም: ኩይ: 
ወሣቡኳ፤ ከመ; save that u# omits ይ: ©. 8 adds ድርRድP: ለው: ስም: SA ወከመ: 
For phi a reads no’: ‘ያ. mu, 8 read መሐላ / ሰለውጻቱ ስም፤ ሣቡኣ፡ 
7 9 reads 0. 22, m/w, 8 read መሐላ: 9 ማሳ; 2 9 reads ACA 10 a, ag&y. 
Other MSS, H. Ng reads 0WYE: «# ANYE: 5 d omits next seven words, 
5 g reads JA; «YEA # g reads NAO: Rn; may be corrupt for 2; or 
vice versa, 5 8 adds ቁዲዷስ፤ 5 2. mht DANYE: #, 9-58 read At 
g omits. 7m reads WN. Sggu. mt, Bg read ወጺY0: 4 805 9,5 omit. 
20 # reads N&.C: ag. 9,8 ቦቱ; REI: Dp reads DIE CLS 2 PEE 
IEE 5 m prefixes ©, Fm, B-abefBnx. #u, beFhn read AAY: 
a reads HAAY; and trans. after REC: 5 a, B-Bcf save that a prefixes ©. 
ዕረ read ድመጽጻ፡ ያ ይመጽይ 5 amu, ae FBI. mA]; Iya read 
ሰግያዋን፡ ዕረx ባህያት፡ ሲሰሕያዋኽ 5 ሳህያ፤ (+ ለሕያዎን፤ ዕ.9). ። reads ልሁያት፡ 
and trans. after oy”. 7 From this point to &TረtYi AP; 2 reads ባሕር: ተሳረረት 
ሰ፲ኙዜ፡ ዐቐማ፤ ወጸንበሪ፡ ሳቲ ዓቅመ፡ ኖባ፤፡ ወጺተሐልፍ፡ ኣምወሰና፡ ለዓለም 5 nb add 
ወማዕበል፡ 5 Corrupt for ወሲ = Spitey atrilv, Cf. Jer. v. 22. dg omits the 
rest of the verse. 0 m reads NYJበራi reads Y5AE Fort A 3 n reads 
ፕፈጥረት፣ ከመ፤ ትዳልፍ፡ = = reads ኣምትእዛዘ፡፣ = a 5-icnx. Sረnx ቁላያች፡ 
m trans. Pp" after AY. 4 a, B-Bcu. b reads AYO: <። A}0; 

1256 መጽሕሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ LXIX,. 19~27. 

ወቐቁመሙመ፡ ወጺ’ይትሕሐወሱ፡ ኣመካኖመ፡ ኣምዓሲም፡፡ ወጻስክ፣ ለዓሰም። 

20. ወበውኣቲቱ፡ ማሐሕሳ፣ ፀሕዶ፤ ወወርሣ፣ ይፌጽሙ ምጠዋሮሙ፡ 

ወጺዩየሐልፉ፡፡ ኣምትጻዛክዞሙ፡ “ኣምዓሲም። 

21. ወበውኣጻቲቱ፡ ማሕሳ፡ ክዋክብት ዴፌጽመሙ፡ ምሕዋሪሆሙ፡፣ 

ወጸስማቲሆመሙ፡፣ ይጴውዕ፡፡ 

ወ“የወሥአኣዎ;’ ኣምዓሰም፣፤ ወኣስክ፡ ሰዓሰም። 

232. | ወክከመዝ፡ ሰማድ፡ ነፍሳቲሆሙ" ሰነፉሳት፡” ወ“ዙሎመሙመ፡ ። መንፈሰ“ ወፍናዋቲሆሙ፡። 
ኣም ጎብራት፡ መንፈሳት።። 23. ወበህዩ፡ ዶትዓቅበ፡ ቃሱ፡። ሲነኮድዃደ፡ ወብርሃፉ፡ 
ሲሰመብረቅ። ወበህዩ; ዴትዓቁብ፡” መዛገብ በረ.ፎ፡ ወ።መዛግብተ፡። ጸስሐትያ፡ ወመዛኘብተ፡; 
ኙጃ; ወ“መዛንብት፡ ዝናም፡ ወጠል 24. *ዙሱ፡ ጻሱንቱ፡። የጸምፉ፡ ወየጸዙቱ” 
በቅፎመ፤ ኣፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳኝ፡“ ወይሴብሑ፡። በዙሱ፡ ጋይደሎመ፡።” ወሲሰዮመ።” በዙ 
ጸኰቱት፡፣ ዶኣቲ፡ ወየጸሹቱ፡”" ወዶሴብሑ፡ ወያሴዕሲ፡ በስሙ” ሰጻንግዚጸ፡ መናፍስት” 
ሲ“ዓሰመ፡ ዓሲም።) 

25. ወዲኗቤሆመሙ፡።” ጸገ0;። ዝማሐሕሳ፡ 

ወዴትንቀቡ፡።” ቦ፲ቲ፡ [ወ] *“ፍናዊሆመሙመ፡ [ይትዓቀቡ፣]። 

ወምሕዋራቲሆሙ፡ ዚዴደማስን። 

26. ወከኖመ፥ ፍሥመሓ፤ ዓቢድ፤። 

ወባረኩ፣ ወሰብሑ፥ ወጸልዐሱ፡፡ 

በኣንተ፡ ዘተክሥት፡ ሱመ“ ስመ፡” ሰውኣቲቱ፡ ወልደ" ኣኝለ፡ ኣመሕያው። 
27. ወነበረ፡ ኗደበ፡ መንበረ፤ ስብሕቲሆ፡ 

1 f omits. * bc read AA; 9 reads LትLጽms “reads PRA 
s m omits. 0,8 add PAN; AA; sri, a/y8/0a,b., m,pcdern x read Pሕዋሮm; 
9,5 ምሕዋራቲሆs 7 0 omits. * m prefixes ©. 9 reads £&P0: ° n reads 
ክውምልጸዎ፤ "" 8። ra ነፍስት(ፓ “ቲሆሙ፡ nF reads AYEሰY'i 9 prefixes ©. 
ፀወ read Yፉሰት፡ 5 a. B reads OA 13 0, % read WN; ESET, 
መናፍስት፤ ኋ omits. ። Iፉሰትi reads ወፍንዋቲሆs x adds Ar መንፈሳት 
15 a. 8-5 read መፍፍስት፣ 7 m9 read £ትዓዋብ; 5 adds መHዛብYi ” 9 read 2: 
» 9 reads NYE " m, ehzoxy read £39 = 8 omits. “ ag/0yay 
omit. 3 m omits. “im. /reads NN; Ni tt; Ami: 2, 5x rN 
ኣሎንቱ፡ 5-+። ወሸሎመሙ፡ ጳሙንቱ amu, FBitino. gt abcqge read AWE: 
so rm/u. Other MSS. S&ስት; 27 / reads ዴሰብ 5 bረቷ ad ጸኰቴት 
(e¥y 5 c reads Dቤሰt 0 FFBIRI»n0. mga, abcde read DATE: 
5 9, un ስሞ 25 mu read መiፈሰት; 5 reads ዲ@Wy: #0, abcegel 
n reads A051 Other MSS. AY9; 5 9 reads YOY; 5 Introduced owing 
to the dittography ዴት; m Bracketed as a dittography. 9 reads 30: 
52. Other NSS. OE: greads Ny; "Fa omit: 

XIX. a LXX. 2. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ 157 

ወርጳሱ፡፡ ሰዙኔ፤ ተውህበት ሎቱ ሰወልደ፤ ጻኝሰ፡ ጳመሕያው፡ 

ወያጋልፍ፡፡ ወ።ያማስን፡፡ ጋጥጻ፤፣ ኣም“ቅድመ፡፣ ገጸ ምድር 

ወልሰሲ፡ ጸስሕትዎ፡ ሰዓሲም። 

28. በሰናስል፤ ዶትጸሰፉ፡ 

ወበቢ“ማሣግበሮመሙመ፡ ዘ“*ሙስሪ፡ ይትዓጺጸዉሟ፡። 

ወ።“ዙሱ፡።” ምግበሮመ፡፥ የሐልፍ፤ ኣም “ቅድመ ገጺ; ም.ድፎር። 

29. ወኣምይኣዜ፡። ዚ“"ይከውን፡ ዘ"ይማስን፡ 

ጻስመ፡ ውጻቲቱ። “ወልደ፤ ብኣሲ፡። ትችርጳዩ፤። 

ወነበረ፡ ደበ; መንበረ በስብሕቲሆ፡ 

ወዙቡ፡። ጸኩድ፤ ኣምቅ.ድመ፤ ፲፭; የሕልፍ 

ወየሐውር ተወዴነፃፉ፡። ሰውጻቲ፡ ወልደ፤። ብኣሲ፤። 

ወ“ይፀን0; በቅድመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት፥። 

ዝንቱ ውጻቲቱ፡ ምሳሰሴሌ፡። ሣልስ፡። ዘሄኖሕክ። 

LXX. ወhኮኔ፡ ኣም ድሣረ“ሽ፡። ተለዓሰ፡ ስመ“ ሕያው “በኘቤሆ፡ ሰ“ውኣቲቱ፡። ወልደ፤ ኣኝሰ፡ 
ጻመጦሐያው፡ ወበኘበ;። ኣንፓዚጸ፡ መንፈሳት” ኣምኣጻሰ፡ የጋፎፉኗ፡ ደበ; የብስ። 2. ወተሰዓለ፤። 

+ m, 8. Zu read CAN; 9/ CAM: 2 a. 8 reads ተውህበ; 5 » omits. 
+ 8. a9 read AE 9 JAZ: 2 g,e omit. ‘78. mu read ዴማስ: 
7 omits. 7 Bd. g reads JY but trans. it after "TA. Its text runs JA; ምቅ. 
1ጹ፡ ገጥጻ፤ ምድር፤ 4 reads ጋጥጻ m/w omit DT. 5 EF BIR Inox ay omit. 
say, BL reads J&R: 8-5/8: A ny omits. 1m, r0a5 read Rስሐትዎ 

5 ey read ©. 5 m reads H0; Fmgu prefix H. 1» mi, Bo. #9 read 
ዙሉ o tri "ey omit. 1 g1AIA Jceypp5x add 0. "mm reads H. 
nm reads A. 1 m omits. = a reads Hብaሲi OAk.E: 5 0b read HCA: 

* 9g omits. 5 g reads WN: 5 g reads hi Tah IIA I0DUpa 
a reads O#IJC; and hence belongs to the same class. Only #, SceBfPnx read 
yl; The reading in the text is hardly possible. መድIJ; may be a corruption 
of some noun on which APNE: A: ብAaሲ; is dependent. If we accept the 
reading of / and its supporters We must omit the @ and take FI£; as the subject of 
የሐውር፡ ።ኳዛ ዴፀንዕ፡ 5 b omits. 5 ያ, read ብAሲኝ፡ 0 a, ade/Ds8J10y. 
Only Scan omit. ag. Other MSS. é EN; 5 a, Bg read HW dg omits 
together with next four words. 5 2 reads hi ።# ምስ 0 በምሳ: = e/hn 
omit. 5 w omits. 5 mp8. ድ reads ቢበ; ሲ. ያ በ3በቢ. “ሰ. 7 g omits. 
% adds ብጻሲ SL greads DJ; mu 5-0 030i 5 305 mw, 
Other MSS. መé@&NY; o / adds hw 

198 መጽሐፈ: ህኛኻ፡ LXX. 2 LXXL. 3. 

በሰረገሳት። መንፈስ፡። ወወፀዕጸ፡ ስም። በማኣጻከሎሙ። 3. ወኣምይኣቲ፡ ዕለት 
ዚ“ተሕሰብኩ፡። በማኣከሎሙ፡ ወጸንበረኒ። በማኣከሰ፡ ክልጹ፣፡ መንፈሳት፡፡ በማኣጻክለሲ። 
መስዕ፡ ወዓረብ፡ በኘበ; ነቻጽ፡ ዘሕባሰ፡። መሳኳጻክት፡ ከመ፤ ይስፍፉ፣፥ ሲት፣ መኣ፤ ለሕፉ.ያን፡ 
ወሰጻ.ድቃን። 4. ወበህና፡ ርጵኩ፡፥ ጸበወ፡ ቁዶደምተ፡'’ ወጻፎቃኔ። ኣሰ፡ ጻምዓሰም፡ 
በውኣቱ፡ መካን፤ የጋ.ድፎፉ። 

LXXL ወhy፡ ኣም.ድሣረዝ፡ ከመ ትችክበት፡፥ መንፈስዩ፡ 

ወትዐር7፤። ውስ ሰማያት 

ወ“ርጺሕዎመ፡"፡ ሰውሱደመ፡። ለመሳኣክት፡ ቐዱሰን፡ 

ዴድከይደዲኗ፡" ፈዷበ፡ ሳህበ፡ ጻሳት 

ወጸልባሰሙ፡። ጸዓዳ; | ወ"ዐጽፎመሙ፡ |” 

ወ=ብፉሃን፡። ገጾጀመ፡ ከመ፡ በረድ። 

2. ወርጺኩ፥ ካእዜት፡ ጸፍሳባገ፡ ጻሳት፡ 

“።ወብርሃኔ፡ ዝኩ ኣሳት፥። ከመ፤ ያክንት ያበርህ 

ወ።ወደቁ፡ በገጽዩ;። ቅፎመ፡። ኣግዚክ፡ መንፈሳት'።። 

3. ወ“መልጸኻ፡” ሚካሌስል፡ [(ጀኢምጽርኣስ፣ መላእክት፡]። ጸጋዘ፤፦። እዴየ; ዘየማን 
ወጸንሥመጸኒ፡ ወጸውፀጸኒ፡። ኘበ፡ ሺሹሱ፡ “ሣቡጻ፡ 

ወጸርጸዩኒ፡ ዙሉ፡። ሣቡጻት፡። ምሕረት 

ወ“ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ዙሉ” ሣቡጻት፡ ጽድቅ። 

' ድ reads በሰረገሳት፣ 9, » በሰረገሳ፡ 2 u# reads መiንፈሱ፥ 0,8 add ቅዱስ፡ 
s m reads Ni 9/ ስሞ; 9». መ, 8-5 read ችተስሕሐብኩ፥ = ትሰባሕኩ፡ 
0 ትኸስሕትኩ፤ ° reads OAI0TL: ‘niu. Other MSS. መናፍስትi ce omits. 
‘anx. B-nX read Rhበሳli 9,705 read Ri "8. nu read DY; 
9,708 ቁደምት፡ = 9 reads ወድቃ "9. £ reads ወትረ m/w, 8 ትO0CT7; 
a 0b, Bob omit. ™ reads CAS 5 m repeats. / reads Nt. 1 bcg0oXyy 
omit. 7 dg reads Yt: » inserts AንH: before hn". 5 ain. mm, 8 read 
RAባሲሆመሙ፥ 5 reads 3X5 7 omit, 1 bracket PORE; as a dittography. 
 B adds L. See preceding note. = 0b omit. Sgucphoyab. mgt, ape/BRPnX 

read ወብCYII 4 OብCyY: A aenw omit. 5 # omits. 25 dy» omit. 
7 m,y read p.m; =Em/u. Other MSS. መ6ENስትi  avx omit. 8 trans. 
before AAR: 1 Bracketed as a gloss. 5 mg prefix ©. 5 m reads 
በጻዴሆሁ፡ / በኣዴti = 4) read RAL: = 8 omits through hmt. reads 
ዳቡጻት፡ ዘ; 5 This line and the next (= kai €Betgé ot rdyra Ti tuugrilpta Tog eAéovs, 

kai €Beugé uot mdvra Ta vrrilpta ils Bexatovuns) may have been alternative renderings 
of pHyn sግnbis 25 NHN. At any rate we should expect a tristich. 5 8 omits. 

FERNS, መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 129 

4. ወጸርጸዩኒ፡ ዙሉ፡ ሣቡኋ1፡ ጸጽናፈ። ሰማይ 

ወሉ መዛግብ ከዋክብቫ፡ ወብርሃናት'፣ ሎሙ 

ኣምንበ፡፡ ወዕዶ፡ ሲገጸ፤ ቅዲሳን። 

5. ወከበተ፤ መንፈስየ | ወሄኖኳ፡|፡ ውስተ፣ ሰማየዩ። ሰማያት'። 

ወርጺኩ፡ በህየ [ ማአክለ፣ ዝዙ፡፡ ብርሃን |" ከመ፡ ቦቱ፣ ዘ'ይነጌገደቅ፡ ኣምኣብ፤" ጸስሐት።ያ፡ 
ወ“ ማኣከሎመ፡ ሲ“ኣሙንቱ ኣበን፡፡ ልሳናት; ጻሳጎ፣፥ ሕያው 

6. ወርጻጳዩች፡" መንፈስዩ፡ ጸጽውዶ;” ዘየጸውዶ፡ ሰውጻቱ፡ ቤ1፡” ኣጻሳት፣። 
ወ።ጻምጸርባዕቲ፡ ጸጽናፊሆ፡። ሰለውልኣቱ፡ ጸፍሳኘ፡” ምጻ; ኣሰቱ;። ሕያወ፤። 
ወየጸው.ፎዎ፤ ሰውኳቲቱ፤ ቤች'። 

7. ወጸውፉ፡” ቡራፌኘ፡” ወ“ኪፉቤን፡። ወ“ጽዙፋኒን፡። 

ወ።ጻቡ፡ ጸሙንቱ፤ ጳሰ፡ ዚይነውመሙ፡ 

ወዩዓቐበ፡ መንበረ፡ “ስብሕት፤ ዚጸሁ።። 

8. ወርጺኩ፡ መሳኳጻሕት፤ ጻሰ፤ ዚዶትሰቁ፡።” 

ጸጻሳባፈ፡፡ ጸኣሳባፍ፡። ወት ኣልፊገ፡ ትጻልፊት፡፣ 

ናየጸውድያዎ፤ ሰውኣቱ፡ ቤነ 

ወ።ሚካሌል፡ ወፉፋሌዬስል፡” ወገብርዜስል፣፡ ወፉፉሌል፡” 

ወመላኣጻሕት፣ ቁዲሰን፤ ኣለሲ;” መልዕልት፤ ሰማያት“ 

ዴበውጹ፡ ወዴወፀጹጽ፡። በውኳቲቱ፡ ቤት'። 

1 9 omits. 5 bx read HI: 5 9,5 read pfs F omits. m reads 
preceding word in acc. «i reads AA a. 8 mi; 5 Bracketed as a gloss 
explanatory of ¢. It first appears as #7; in Zu, as Li #n; in m, as Ak: 
¥#7N; in !, and as Ayn; in 3. mn omit mn adds UNF 9 trans. Hh 
before ማAnA: 1 Bracketed as an explanatory gloss of Uti 1 0, a read AምAብi 
s # reads ስቲያ: c omits. 8 reads MANA:  u reads atንE: "emg 
read A}; 8 RA 7 reads AA sm prefixes H. *a reads DCA ag, 
The suffix here expresses the article. 9, 8 read Ri Em/,a. 9, 8a read @Yi 
25 u,b read ANY 5 0,8 omit. = m reads REAL: oxa Rae: 9 omits 
preceding numeral. 5 g/0,ay read &ATi “g/u. 9 reads ም m,8 aH 
7 fu. Fmg,8 read AY: 5L mug read hpi m prefixes H. 9 reads 
ሕያዋን ag. gacd/iRI0ab read DARው&S bnx ወበ0ውዱi «5 ወtOው#! 
nag. 9, Bread rራፌል፡ a0. 9,18 read ኪፉቤል፡ =u. m2 9 read RELY: 
5 B omits. #9 reads HAL: 4 ስብሐቲሁ: = an. 8 read RY 2A: m adds BA: 
%gmu. 0,8 read RAAYY; / omits. Tem,n. gt, B~n read BAA] = bcnXy 
omit. gu omit. den trans. after PICEA: Fort 8 reads rR: in second 
place. “ne trans. before 'IACRAY #e8 omit. nu reads ሰ; Ai RA; 
HA: 9 adds © before next word. *# 9 adds በውስተ: ወድዴወፀgw: 


180 መጽጠፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ LXXI. 013. 

9. ጦወወፅጽ፡ ኣምኔ፤ ውልኣቱ፡ ቤነ 

መጦሚኻጴእ፡ ወፉፋዴል፡፡ ጦገብርሌስል፡ ወፈኒዴል፡፡ 

ወብዙጋን፤ ቅዷሰን;፡ መሳኣኳት፡፡ ኣለ፡ ጾእቦመ፡፥ ጐልቁ።፣ 

10. ወምስሴሆመ፡ ርጻሰ፡ መዋዕእ።፡ 

ወርጳቡ፡ ኮኔ; ከመ፤ ፀምር፤ ጸዓዳ፡ ወ'ንጽሕ፡ 

ወልብሱቡ፥ ዘ"ጺዴተረፐኮም። 

11. ወወደቂ፡ በገጽሂ 

ወዙሴ፡። መጋየና፤ ተመስወ፡ 

ወመንፈስ; ተወለጠ 

ወጸራሣግኩ፡ በቃል ዓቢይ፡. . 

በመንፈሰ፡ ጋይል፡ 

ወባረኩ፡፡ ወሰባሕኩ፡" ወጸልዓልኩ። 

12. ወጻልኩ፡፡ በረክት፡። ኣሰ፡ ወፀኳ፡"። ኣም" ጸፉየዩ፡ ኮና” ሠመሙራት፡። ቐድመ፤። ዝኩ 
ርኣሰ፡ መዋዕል። 13. ወመጽጸ፡ ውጻቲቱ፡ ርጳሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ ምስሰለ፡ ሚካሌል፡ ወፉፉሌል፡። 
ወገብርሌል፡ ወፋኒጴል፡። ጸጻሳፍ፡።” ወ“ሻ'ጻልፊት፡። መላኣኻት፥። ኣለ፡ ጸልቦመ፡፥ ጐልዬ።። 

1 9 reads DRO smu. bl3 omit. 2 mg, BceBnox,a trans. after 
ወIገብርሌል፡ against 2, af IRI». abcdox,a omit @ before £4". # a, a omit. 
2 mw, mw omit. 5 m omits. 7 am, &. Other MSS. AY 5 eB» read 

መሐባi [5 omits. gy omit. nf omit. m, Xa read what follows as RYE". 
= 9 reads PWN: zw omits. 5 Something seems lost. 1 9 reads በፈnp; oa omit. 
1? 9, # read ወሰባበወጨኻዎ፡ i at / reads DHhs 8 pA: Ja x BX Men: 
5 gu, be dek. PU FBtInXSD read DBA: m, o0,a DOR: 1» gu, 7h read AF; 
nm BF gu, fread hi 9 reads Pei emg tu, B read በ. 
5 g/u, B trans. after ICRA; against £m. B-X omit initial ©. 5 Here mg 
make the following repetition: 8. mA; p&ሰY: a: POA; ሰማት; (ሰማ 7) 
ወዴበውጽ፡ (7 ois ወዴበ") ወይዴወፀጽ፥ 9. ኣምሃ ውኣቲ፡ ቤጎ፣ ወሚካሌስል፡፣ ወፉፋጵል፡ 
ወገብርሌል፡ (7 trans. or" 1") Ptr: (£ omits O&” and here the repetition in 
ፃ ካds) ወብዙጋኃን፣ ቅዱሰን ኣሰ፡ ጸልቦመ፡፥ ጐልቁ፡ 10. ወምስሌሆሙ፤ ርኣሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ 
ወከ ርጸሱ፥ ከመ፡ ፀምር፡ ጸዓዳ፡ ንጺሐ፡ ወልብሰ፡ ዘጺደተረጕም። 11. ወወደቁ፡ በገጽዩ፡ 
ወዙ ሥጋሂ፡ ትመስወ፤ ወመንፈስዩ፡ ትወለጠ፡ ወጸራሣኩ፡ በቃል፡ ዓቢዶደ፡ በመንፈሰ ጋይል 
ወባረኩ፡ ወሰባሕኩ፡ ወጸልዓልኩ፥ 12. ወኣእኩ፡፣ በረከት ኣለ፡ ወፀጾ፣ ኣም፤፡ ጸፉ; (ከere the 
repetition in mm ends) hy መራ በቅ.ድmመi Hh CAሰi መዋ0ል፡ መጽ: ኣቱ 
ርኣበ፡ መዋዕል፡ ምስሰ፡ ሚኻካሌል፡ ወፉፋፉጴል፡ ወገብርጹል፡ ወፋኒሌል፣፡ In the above 
repetition in £m? observe the loss of three words afer DOORS (ver. 8) through hmt. 
and the omission of © before j&.h; (1X; mm) (ver. io) as in dy. See note 1o above. 
Mm omits together with next five words, B prefixes ©.  Bg6FBIR Io aD omit. 
72. g/u,B read YAY; ኣሳ 5 mw, a omit. 5 a, BF read ልቅ 
F ጐልቁ። 8 ሦልእቁ፡ 

RINT XX, L, መጽሐፈ፡ ሄኖ 191 

14. ወመጽጸ፡ ጋኃቤዩ፡ ውጻቲ ወበቃሰ፡ ጸምገኒ፡ ወድቤሲኒ፡ 

ጸንተ፡ ውኣቱ፡ ወልደ፤ ብጻሲ፡ 

ዘተወሲድከ፣ ሰ’ጽ.ፎቹ፡ 

ወጽድቹ፡ ሳዕሴከ፡ ኘደረ፡ 

ወጽ.ፎቁ፡ ሰርኣሰ፡ መዋዕል፡ ጺይጋ.ፎገክ። 

15. ወድቤሰኒ፡ “ይጴውዕበ፡ ሰከ፡፣ ሰሳመ፡፡ በስመ፡፡ ሰንሰም፡፣ ዘይከውን 
ሓኣስመ፡" ኣምህዩ፡ ወፀጸ፡ ሰባም፤ ኣምፍጥረቱ፡ ዓሲም 

ወከመዝ ይከውን ሲሰክ፡;። ሲንሰም፤ ወሰዓሰመ፡፤ ዓሲም ። 

16. ወዙ የሐውር፡" ሄደበ፡ ፍኖትከ፡” ኣንዘ፡፡ ጽፎቅ፡ ዚዶጋ.ፎገከ፡ ለዓለም 
ምመስሌክ፡። ይከውንኘኝ፡ መጋ.ፎሪሆመሙ፡" ወምስሴሌክከ፡ ዝፍሎሙ፡ 

ወጻምኔከ፤ ዚጺዴች'ሴሰዩ፡ ሰዓሰም፤ “ወሰዓሰመ፤ ዓሲም።፣ 

17. ወከመዝ ይከውን፡ ተኘ፡ መዋዕል፡ ምስሰ፡ ውጻቱ፡ ወልደ፡ ኣኝሰ፡ ኣመሕሇያመ፡ 
ወ።ሰሳም፤ ይክከውን;። ሰጻ.ፎቃን፡።” ወ“ፍኖት፡ ርቱዐ; ሰጻድቃ፣፡ 

በስመ፡ ኣግዚጾ፡ መንፈሳት ሰዓሰመ፤ ዓሰም።። 

LXXII. መጽሐፈ፡ ሚጠት” ብርሃና ሰማይ፤ ኔጀ።በክመ፡” ሀለዉ፡። በበሕዘቢሆመሙ፡። 
ጀኔ: “ቢበ; ሥመልጣኖመሙመ፡። ወበበ ዘመኖመ፡ ሄጀበበ“ስሞመሙመ፡።። ወሙሳዳፒቲሆመ፡። ወ።በበ፤። 
ጸውራቷሆሙ፡ ኣሰ፡ ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ጽርዜሌል፡“ መልጸኽ፡ ቅዱዷስ፡ ዘሀሉ፡ ምስሌና፤ ዘውኣቲ 
መራiሆመ ወሉ; ። መጽሐሕፎመሙ፡ በከመ” ውኣጻቱ፡ ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ወበ“ከመ፡ ዙሱ፡ ዓመ 
ዓሰም” ወልስከ፥ ለንሰም፡ ኣስከ" ዶይትችገበር፡ “ፃብር፡ ጋኗደስ፡;"። ዘዴነብር፡ ኣስከ ሰ3ለም። 

+ w omits. 9,13 add ARN: I apcFRINX., mg, dehsi0vyay read 0. 
se, dg omit. * m reads RውዓNi ARው0:i here = Boilrerai ov eipilwly which i5 
a bad rendering of bio 15 Nግp: cf. Jer. xxxiv.8; Test. Dan.wv. 9 (8). s mg read ሰላ; 
¢ wu omits. » adds AIHA: መናፍስ; 7 omits. ss reads H °s adds ሰላ; 
0 # reads ©. eh omit. 1 9 reads RN: wu RወgAi os omit. = 9 reads 
ወሸሉ፡ 8-2/5 add ይከውን፤ ወ, ።/8 add ዘይከውን ወ. ug reads IEC: 
15 g reads Eh; 5 #8. mg read AY: uD. 1 adds Ami = bcvwxy 
prefix ©. 11 F0u. my, ade FhIRIn0ab read AVP cx AEC 
" 5, #add ይከው 1 gy omit. 5 reads DA 5 n omits. = prefixes ©. 
5 g,c omit next three words through hmt. 5 Fu. m reads &ኖችYi CትO. 5 tH: 
CEO: This last is obviously a correction of the bad syntax. AXE}; seems wrong. 
7 Fmt Other MSS. ፍስት 5 u# adds RZ}; 25 » reads ተ A. 
a=. mo IB read Hho; Xmf, 8. gu read UN; 5 m reads በበ Hቢሆa; 
5 9 reads OBB: 5 my, 8. gu read Nw; 5 # reads DAዳALሆ፡ SI 
Boas. #,0,ay read RራሌA: 9 omits. 7 008-5. mn, 5 read DR reads H. 
5 # reads NA; so aw prefixes ©. ሣ ድ9 read ብረ »ጋዲበ፡ 

1395 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ LXXII. 2-17. 

2. ወዝንቱ ትኳዛዝ፡ ቁዳማዩ፤ ዘብርሃናት፡፡ ፀሕዶደ፡ ብርሃን መኻጹ፡ በ‘ጋዋሣወጦ፡ ሰማይ፡፡ 
ኣኋሰ፡ መንገለ; ጽባሕ፡ ወምዕራቢሆ፡ በ‘ጋዋሣወ፡ ሰማፎዴ፡ ዘምዕራብ። 3. ወርጳኩ፡ ስሰ፡ 
ኃዋሣጦ;፡ ኣሰ: ኘበ;" ድወፀኣ፡ ፀሐድ፡ ወ“ስሰ፥ ጋዋሣወ፡” ኣሰ; ኘበ፡ የንርብ፡ ፀሕይ፤። 
ወወርሣ፡ በውኣተን፡ ኃዋሣወ፡፥ ድሠርቅ፡ ወየንርብ፣፡ ወመራኘኒሆመ፡ ሰክዋኻብት፡ ምስሰ፡ ኣለ 
ድመርሣዎሙ፡ ጃበጽባሕ፡ ወሄ“በምዕራበ፡" ፀሐሕዶዴ፡” ወሸሎሙ፡ ጀጀ“ልም.ፎሣረ፣ ካልዙ፡ 
ርቱዕ; ወመሰኳው፡ ብዙኃነ" ጳኣምየማኒ፡ ወኣምፀጋመሙመ፡ ሲዝኩ፡ ጋዋሣው፡።” 4. ወቐዋዳሚ፤። 
ዴወፀኣ፡ ብርሃን; ዓቢድ፡። ዘስሙ ፀሕይ፡ ወበበ ከመ፡። ኳበበ፡። ሰማይደ፤ ወ።ዙሲ፡። 
መሱኣ፤ ኣሰተ።። ዘያበርህ” ወያውዒ።። 5. ሰበረገሳተ;። በኝበ፡ የ3ርፃ?፡” ነፋፉስ፤ ዶነፍሣ፡። 
ወዩዓርብ፡ ፀሐሕደ፡ ጻምሰማዴ፣ ወዴደገብኣጻ፤ ኣንተ፡ መስዕ፣ ከመ፡ ይሖር፡። ምሥራቁ፡። 
ወይዴትመራሣ፤ ከመ፡ ዶበኳ፡። ዝኩ” -ኖሣት፡። ወበርህ፡ “በ18; ሰማይዴ።። 6. ከመ*ሽ፡። 
ድወፀኳ፡ በወርሣ፡ ቀዳማዩ” በ"ኖሣት፡ ዓቢይ" | ይወፀኳ፡ |“ ጻንት፥ ይጻቲ፣ ራብዕት፡“ | ኣልዙ፡ 
ጋዋሣው፡ ፮; ጻሰ፡ መንገሰ፡ ምሥራቁ ፀሕዴ]።“* 7. ወ“በ’ይጻቲ፡ "ኖኝግ፡ ራብዕ“ “ጻን 
ሓምኔሃ፡። ዴወፀኳ፡“ ፀሕይ፡ በወርሣ፤ ቁቀዳማ፡። ባሂቲ። ዓምመፉ፡ ወካክልሌ፡ መሳክወ፡። 
ርሣዋት፡” ዘኳምኔሆን;” ዴይወፀኳ፤ ሳህብ፡” ሶበ፡ ዴትረሕዉ፡። ጳም።ክዝመኔ ዚጸሆሙ።። 

 B~eBn add ውጸቱi “8. a reads HAብCYSY; perhaps rishily. ° 9 reads ብCYSY 

OጽBi omits. 4 a omits, and makes JP acc. loci. ° g omits. “mB. au 
read H. 9 omits. 7 9 reads POራቢሆPs «9 readsH. / omits. ? mu,8. Z9/read 
Jዋሣመ; 7 omits next six words through hmt. 9 omits. a omits AAS and next five 

words through hint, nu a,n. B~N read Ai 15 @ omits. 5, B-2. my 
read JPA 1 B omits. 5 g prefixes ©. 0 mfg. F9u read በም0ራ 
7 Z prefixes ©, w omits. 15 9 reads B. » adds በበሥመርዓተመሙመ፡ 15 g reads በብWY; 
0 8 reads PAY = e reads DRE: = 9 reads ብCYSYi “£. Other MSS. 
Ht00: =m adds i #u,0 omit. # £9/0u. m,fel8 read WAY: “ny 
read ሰት 5 ru read HበCy; 5 0 reads DB 50 B reads BCP; Sty 
read AJAY; g omits. Jy trans. &Y before hi am, Bie. m,B-Dt read ሑር: 
53 £, a read (+Y1A; a) ምራ: 8 adds Ji a8. #reads Hrs gu. 
# reads ZPDY: ug, 8 AY Bx omit, = 0aomit gu read pA "8-D 
read 0£i  Bracketed as a dittographic intrusion. B sought to make it grammatical 
by prefixing @. = 6 ads ሣት 5 7 have bracketed this phrase as an 
explanatory gloss. eB adapt it to its context by prefixing Aan before Aah 
aefFn hn trans. BPI 8. dg omits YIN; a 3 trans. 5 gy trans. gTeads 
YOON: and trans. before APY; u omits. #7 g reads pA: ag. 9, ae/ Brno 
read መሰM®i bcgiowxyay Jዋግi “aoa. Boa read CግOYi "9, s read 
ዘaምኔሆP 5 g reads AVበ; AሰYi 9 omits next four words. = B-Bhደab. 
a, Bay read Rችረሐው 35 iu reads Hor; 

LXXIL. 8-13. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛሣ፡ 1398 

8. ሶበ፡ ዴሠርቅ፡ ፀሐይ። ኣምሰማይ፡ ይወፀኣ፡ ኣንት። ይኣቲ፡ “"ኖሣት፡ ራብዕቫ።፡ ሠሳሳ፡፡ 
ጽበሐ፡ ወበራብዕትነ፡፡ 'ኖሣጎ፡ ጻንተ፡፣ ምዕራብበ፡ ሰማዶዴ፡ ርቱዐ፣ ይወርድ። 9. ወበኣማንቱ 
መዋዕል፡ ጓኘውሣ፡’ ዕሰ" ጻምዕሲት፡ ወተችጋጽር፡ ሌሲኝ፡፥ ጳምሌሊት፡። ኣስከ፡ ሠላሳሰ፡ 
ጽባሕ። 10. በውጻቱ፡። ፀሰሻ፣ ጓኘውሣ፣ |ካዕበተ፡።] ዕለት፡።“ ሓምሴሲት፤ *ፓስዕቱ፡ 
ኣደ: ወሻዝውን፤ 0ሰት፡ ጥንቁቁ ዓሠርች፡" ክፍሰ፡ ወችክውን፣ ሴሊት፡። ሰመንቱ" ነፍለ፡ 
ጥንቁቅ።” 11. ወድወፀኣ፡ ፀሐይ፤ ኣም“ዝክቱ። ራብዕ;። "ኖሣኝ፡ ወየዓርብ፡ በራብዕት፣። 
ወዴገብኣኳ፡ ውስተ ጋምስ፡;። ኖኝኝ፡። ኣንተ ጽባሕ፤ ሠባሰ፡። ጽባሐ፡። ወደወፀኣ፤ ኣምኔሃ፤” 
ወሂዓርብ፡ ውስ ጋምስት፣” ኖሣት። 12. ወ።ጸ"ቓሃ፡ ይነውሣ፡። ዕሰ ተሕልዜ፡ተ። 
ሓaደ፡ ወትክውንኝ፤ ዕሰኝ፤ ዓሠርት፣ ወጸሐደ፡። ክፍሰ፡ ወተሐጽር፡ ሴሲጎጓ፣ ወትክውን፤ ሰብዓተ” 
ኻፍሰ። 15. ወዴገብኣ፡። ጽባሐ፡” ወዴበውልኣ፡። ውስተ ሳ.ፎስት;። ወዶወፀኳ፡። ወዩዓርብ፡ 

1 im, B~o0., aim, 0 omit. 2 m read Nm; 3 B trans. For ራብOY: I, SE 
rad ራብዒኝ፣ ‘mt ouB: 2 m9 read ጽባሕ 5 bX read 
ወበራብዒት፡ 7 e reads Ami s Z omits. 2 mm reads Ji “55 ደiው4; 
0 9 reads መዋ0AN: 0AY; u ads ኣጸስከ፡ ሴሲ 5 aL # 8 read ወበዴAaቲ: 
5 An interpolation. Its meaning is ‘twice as much, as in verses 14, 26, and it 
cannot be so used here. This interpolation led to the extrusion of +hስዓY; a: 
from the clause in mt, 8, sm reads ONY; ss trans. after 0AY; and reads AምOAY 
ካዕበ] # m reads HOAY: # ኣaም0AY 001; 5 £. gu read HAE: (AE: 9). 
Al other MSS. omit. See note 13. The ninth part = the ninth part of the 
whole day. During six months the day grows longer and the night shorter each 
month by eth. Hence the entire difference each month amounts to JFsths or ath 
of a day. Flemming transposes the phrase before 0AY; making it dependent on 
u0በY:; and renders it ‘um das Doppelte eines Neuntels’; but this rendering is 
impossible grammatically, and if it were right in grammar, it would be wrong in 
sense. 15 Fm read 0AY:; 7 Fmt gu, 8 read x. 5 29 read Yi aes 
trans. before hoi; nt m reads ሰበoYE: gu,BE. 0 a. B omits. 
nag. 9 reads YE: acfFBstinpvw AL: Dcgoxa Wh; 5 ag, Bcgox, 
9, B-Bcdox,a ራብ0Y 5 9, B-Bረgxa add ሣት at FBiI0DX a. 
u, acdetn read »ምስት'i 8 »ምስቱ; 5 Z omits rest of verse through hmt. 
Fmt w,lB read Ma. 9 omits, Tm read Ri 9 omits. 5 a omits. 
5 0, Bp/o0,ay read »ምhስ፡ / Jምሲትi Zn add ወ2ምስትi ” bcg/op xyes omit, 
 @6FhRnB read YH = a. 8 reads Eg 1 have obelized the word as corrupt. 
We should have RE; or 8. See ver. 18. 5m. Other MSS. Yog. ph 
Other MSS. &. » reads PወፀgAi o ወትIብA: 8 adds ፀhE: gi. 
Acc, Of motion towards. £ reads hi 0X; Other M55. ለጽ; i, 
read DIA: 5 m reads Neስቱi /inova ሰድስ፡ 7, 8 add Z4Y; 

194 መጽሐፈ: ህሄኛኻ፡ LXXI. 1310. 

በ“ሰድስት፡፡ "ኖሣት፣ ሠሳሰ። ወጀ’ጽበሕ፡፡ “በጻንት፡ ተጻምርተ፡ ዚጸሃ።፡ 14. በ'ይጻቲ 
ዕሰ ጓንውሣ፡ ዕሰትነ፡ ኣምሴሲሊት፣ ወችከውንኽ፤ ዕለት፡፡ ካዕበኘ፣ ሴሲት፣፥ ወትክውን፣ ዕለት" 
ካፍሰ፡ ፲ወ፪; ወተጋጽር፡። ሴሊት፡። ወችትከውን፤ በድስት" ክፍሰ። 15. ወዴትንሣ፡ 
ዐፀሐደ፤ ክመ ትሕጽር፡ ዕለት" ወነኒሣ፡።” ሴሲጓ፡። ወይገብጻ፡" ፀሕይዴ፣ በ"ጽበሕ፡ 
ወ“ ይበውጻi።” ውስተ፣ ሳ.ፎስት፡። "ኖሣኝ፡ ወ“ይሠርቅ፡። ኣምኔሃ፡ ወየዓርብ፡። ሠሳሰ፡። 
ጽባሕ” 16. ወሶሰበ፡ ተፈጻመ፡፤ ሠሳባሰ፡ ጽባሕ፡። ትሕፀፀ፡ ማዓልነ፡ “ኳፍለ፤ ጸሕሐዶደ፤። 
ጥንቁፃ፡ ወትክውን፡ ዕለት ዓሠርገ፡ ወጸሕደ፡ ክፍሰ፣፡ ወሴሲሊት፣ ሰብዓተ።” 17. ወይወፀል፡ 
ዐሐደ፡ ኣም ምዕራብ፡ “ኣምዶይኣቲ፡ ሰድስት ኖሣት፡” ወዩየሐውር፡ ምሥራቁ” ወይሠርቹ፡ 
በጋምስት፡። "ኖሣት፡። ሠሳሰ፡። ጽባሕ፡። ወዩፃርብ፡ በምዕራብ ካዕበ” “ኃምስች፡ "ኖሣጌ፡” 
ኣንተ” ምዕራብ። 18. በ።ዴኣኳቲ፡ ዕሰነ፡” ትፕሐፀፀ፡ ዕሰት።” ተኻልሌት፡ተ" ክፍሰ፡ 
ወችክውን፡ ዕለት“ ዓሠርተ ክፍሰ፡ ወሴሊት፡ ሰመን ክፍለ። 19. ወ“ዴወፀኣ;” ፀሕይ፡ 
ኣምይኣቲ፡ ኃምስት፡። ኖሣግት፡“ ወ“ዓርብ፡። በጋኃምስት፡" -ኖሣት፣ ኣንት፤ ምዕራብ 
ወ“ይሠርቅ፡። በራብዕት፡። "ኖሣጓ፥ በኣጻንተ፡። ትጻምርጋቲሃ፡። ኣንቱ፡”" “ሠላሳሰ፡ ወጸሕዲ 

1 m reads ስድስቱ 5 EN: e omits next word. =m omits. 9 reads Ahi a 
omits. *# reads ጽhi ° 9 prefixes 0. m omits. ° m,bczox,ab read LAW: 
76-7. reads ©. FB 0. s mu, B. gf omit. ? # reads 0AY፡; ያ ad ሲት 
ak& omit together with next three words through hmt. » g reads 0AY; ¢ omits. 
nu my read SwCE(Y:i/): OnAሌE (YY): 8 trans. before eA 5 9 reads DY; 
5 #9 read bሲY # 9 omits. » mf8. #Z9u read TRC: 9 adds ከ: 
16 Z reads 0AY; 7 8. a reads YJው4; 15 9 read ሲቲ 15 B. a reads 
ትገብኳ፡ 0 Fg}. Other M55. A. 1 a gives the verb in the 3rd fem, sing., B in 
the 3rd masc. sing. = m g/ read Nh; 5 B, a reads ተሠርi cx add ፀhE; 

4 0 omits. eh read 0A. 5 reads ጽበhi # omits next four words through hmt. 
256 @ omits. eh read በ8. 7 , c read ጽበሕ፤ 5 a, B reads pneሰi adds 
ካፍ 5 mt B add Mai; 55 su omits. a reads በምሥራቹ i 

af hskn. # reads በ»ምስYi » በ»ምስቱi 90. Scdgsioxas በJምNi sr omis 
next eight words through hmt. # £9# read ጽhi * 9 reads Oli nm. 
Acc. of blace where. £9 read 2h; (9 om.) 415 / በ»2ምስት; "ኖት =, 8 በጋምስ፡ 
2", 5B. mg read በA}Yi ። 0. = 9 reads ©. /ወቢ. 9 omits. 1 have 
obelized this word as corrupt. The day increases or decreases only by one part. We 
should read Ahi or E. See note 32 on p. 133. Ng OIE Ra PINES 
the verb in the 3rd fem, sing. fun. #9 read Dh; which 9 trans. after PAY 
In, ፀ~ ግምስ፡ # r reads "PAY; g omits. 5 reads H. “Eiu,n. m reads 
በጋምስቱ፡ ያ በጀ. 5 በጋምስ፡ ሣ Bኳ read በራብዒት Srm,8. g/ read 
ሲጻንገ፡ ። ሰ. 5 a, Breads YAምCYi LAY: a add a dittography (2 A)ራብ0Y; 
ሣት; ጓንት; በጽበሕ፤ ። adds only the last two words. 0 aL #'8 omit. 

LXXII. 109~26. መጽሐፈ፡ ህሄኛኻ፡ 185 

ጽባሕ ወየንርብ፡ በምዕራብ። 20. በይጻቲ፡ ዕለት።። ይትዓረይ። ማዓልት፡ ምስለ፡ 
ሴሲት፡ [ወይክውን፣ ዕፉዩ፡|፡ ወትከውን ሴሲት፣ ተችስዓ1፡ ክፍሰ። ወማዓልት።ኒ፡፡ ተስዓተ 
ካፍሰ። 21. ወይወፀዕኳኣ፡ ፀሐይ፤ ጳምድኣቲ፡ "ኖሣቫ፡ ወየጎርብ፡ በ'ምዕራብ፡ “ወ ይገብኣ፡፣ 
በጽባሕ’ ወዴወፀኣኳ፤ በ“ሣልስገ፥ ኖሣ1፡" ሠሳሰ፡። ጽባሕ” ወዩዓርብ፡። በምዕራብ 
በ*ሣልስት፡። -ኖሣች። 22. ወበይጻቲ፤ ዕለኝ፥ ገገውሣ፤ ሴሲት፡ ጻምዕለት፡። *ወሴሊት፡ 
አምሴሊት፤ ጓገውሣ፡፡ ወትሐጽር፡ ዕለ ኣምዕሲነ፥ ኣጻስከ፤ ሠሳሰ፡ ጽባሕ” ወትከውን 
ሲሷት፡ ዐሠጋርች፡ ኳፍሰ፡ ጥንቁቁ፡ ወ“ማዓልት፡ ሰመንተ፡" ኳፍለ። 23. ወ።ይዴወፀዕል፡” 
ዐፀሐይ፡፣ ኣጸምይኳቲ፡” ሣልስተ፣። ኖሣት፤፣ ወ’የዓርብ፡”" በ“ሣልስት፡። "“ኖሣት፡ በዐፀረብ፡ 
*ሃወይገብኳ፡” ውስኘ፡” ምሥራሕ፡ ወ።ይወፀኣ፡። ውስገ፥ ካልኣ፡ "ኖሣት፡ ኣምሥራቅ፡። ሠሳሰ፡ 
ጽባሕ፤፡ ወከመዝ፡ ዩ0ርብ፡ በ“ኳልጻኘ። "ኖሣት;። በምዕራበ፡ ሰማይዶ 24. ወበ ይኣቱ 
ዕሰት፡” ችክውን፡ ሴሲች፡ ዓሠርች፡ ወጸሐደ፡ ኳፍለ፡ ወዕሰት፡ ሰብኝተ፡” ኣፍሰ። 25, 
ወ“ደወፀኳ። ፀሕይደ፡። በይኣቲ፡ ዕሰጎ፥ ጳምይኳቲ;። ኻእኣት፡ "ኖሣት፡። ወ።የዓርብ፡። 
በምዕራብ፡ በ“ኻካልኣ፡። "ኖሣ1፡። ወ።“ይገብጻ;። በምሥራቅ “በጸሐቱ፡ ኖኝት;። ሠላሳሳ፡ 
ወጀጽባሐ፡። ወ።ዩንርብ፡። “በጸሕሐቲ፡ ኖሣ1፡። “በ ምዕራበ፡ ሰማዴ።" 26. ወበዴኣቲ 

' ድያ rad ሠwላሰ፡ ወጸሐደ፡ ጽባሐ፤፡ 5 ...ወ... ጽበሕ፤ ።, 8 read ጽወጀጽባሐ፡ 
but aሪf/ 88 trans. this phrase before Ati = 9 omits. SUFI. mi ceJnopw ap 
read ችረ; 5, a £0; Ix ትት; 48» £ትረAE; #5 £ትረ3Ei « Bracketed 

as a dittosraphic rendering. ° dg omits next three words through hmt. i 
Br omit, 7 9 reads ሲ. 5 s# omits. "E00X. mh ac deFBIRIn0aB read 
ሰጽባሕ፡ ። omits. » Bn read AN; and omit the next six words through hmt. 

1 9 read ጽባhi /' omits. )5 9 reads Y3CH; 5 Pu omit. # mg, ns read 
"Iልስ፡ 5 im, f read Aመ3ANY; 15 a2. 7m reads ወበ ድaቲ: 0AY"፥ ጓገውሣ፤ ሴሲ 
B Aስከ፤ Hጽባሕ፤  a-9, s/n. g omits. aycgpshoxyab read OAY 15 gy 
omit. 13 m reads wANY: 1 8. a reads in the 3rd fem. sing. 1 # reads 0. 
25 m reads vl; 5 im reads RA; 2 Im. am read YOOAi 3 £ወፀAኣi ፀhE: 
5 au, # B~ey read 41; ምራቅ: u,e "P41; በምሥራቅ 25 am, ID. mo Bh 
read HAA 7 Here m repeats the preceding seven words, save that it reads በnAAY; 
for በnAAi =m omit. 5 reads BAYS 0 gu ready. 1 8. a reads 
the 3rd sing. fem. For &£@" bx read Pwርy; 5 Bx omit. 5 e omits next four 
Words through hint. 5 8. a reads the 3rd sing. fem. » a0. 9,18 read AA; 
5 Z repeats twice the rest of the verse. 5 mመ reads በጸሐ: Aኖኝት፡ # omits, 
£9! add መዋO0ለ 5 ፀ፡% add በኣንት፡ ትኣምርች፤ ዚጸሃ፡ 5 68-a. #9 read በድኣቲ፡ 
በጸሕቲ፡ ዕለት ። በሳድስ ኖሣት wክicክ it trans. ጻer በምፀዕራብ፡ /። read በይጻሂ 
OAT: u are simply an emendation of £9. a reads በnAA 2". "ams DB 
read በ0; and trans. before በRሐE: 

186 መጽሐፈ፡ ሃዛኛቫ፡ LXXII. 26-35. 

ዕለት፡ ጓኘገውሣ፡ ሴሲት፡። ወትክውን።። ካዕበታ፡ ለማዓልት። ወችክውን፡ ሴሊት፡፣ ዓሠርተ 

ወሕልዜተ፣ ፍሰ; ጥንቁቀ’ ወማዓልገ፡ ስድስተ፡ ኳፍሰ። 27. ወፈጻመ፤ ጸሕይ፤ 
ጸርኣስቲሆ፡። ወ“ዳፃመ፡ የጸውፎ፡ ደበ።። ዝኩ’ ጸርኣስቲሆ፡ ወዴበውል፡ በውልኣጻቱ;" "ኖሣት፡። 
ሠመሳሰ፡ ጽባሕ፡። ወበ “ምዕራብ፤ኒ፡ በምንጻሪሆ፡። የዓርብ። 28. ወበዴኣቲ፣ ዕለት” 

ኘ091፡'፡ ሴሲት፡። ኣምፉጋ፤ ተፓስዕተ፡ተ። ልደ፡ [ዝውጻቱ፡ ክፍሰ፡ ጸሐደ፡]" ወኮነት 
ሴሲ” ዓሠርች፤ ወጸሕደ፤ ካፍሰ፡። ወመዓልገት፥ ሰብዓተ፡ ዝፍለ። 29. ወገብጸ;። ፀሐይ 
ወቦጽ፡። ውስተ ካልእኳ፤። "ኖሣት፥ ኣንነ፡ በ“ምሥመራቐ፡ ወ“ዴገብኳ፡ “ደበ; ዝኩ፡። ጸርኣስቲሆ፡ 
ሠሳሰ፡ ጽባበሕ፡። ይዴሠርቹ፡።” ወዩኝርብ። 30. ወበዴጻቲ፡” 0ሰጎ፥ ትጋጽጽ፡። ሴሲት፡። 
ኣምኒጋ፡። ወትከውን ሴሊት፡። ዓሠርች፣። ክፍለሰ፡ ወማዓልቫ፡ ደክፍለ። 31. ወበዴኣቲ፡ 
ዕሰሲኘገ፡ ይወፀኳ፡። ፀሕይ፤ ጻምይኳቲ፡። "ኖሣት፤ ወዩዓርብ፡ በጎረብ፡። ወዴገብኣ፡ በምስራቅ፡። 
ወይደሠርቅ፡" በሣልስት" "ሇኖሣት፣ ሠሳሳ፡ ወጸሐደ፡ ጽበሐ፤ ወዩንርብ፡ በምዕራበ” ሰማዴ። 
32. በ“ይኣጻቲ፡ ዕሰገ፡፥ ተጋ9ፀ፡ ሴሲት፡ ወትክከውን፡ ተስዓተ፡“። ኳፍሰ፡;” “ወዕለት፡ ትክውን፡። 
ችስን1፡ ካፍሰ፡ ወ“ ይትዓረዶ፡። ሴሲት፥ ምስሰ፤ ማንል፡ ወይከውን፤ ዓመኝ፣። ጥንቁቁ፡። 

' 9 omit. 2 au omits next three words through hmt. 5 / reads AOAY: 
1 ep omit. 5 #1 omits rest Of verse. 5 ag trans. before REA; 7 m reads £0: 
የዓው.ፎ፡ ጁበ፡ 5 reads 0. 2 a, Bread A 5 ልቱ; 0 Im, 8. ah 
rad በዙ 1 3. ድ ፲eads Jዋሣዊሁ፥ mo/u Jዋግሙው፤ '= መ ዐu read ጽበሕ፡ 
5 ss reads 0, 5 reads ©. 14 a7, 7m, 8 read በAYንAሪy: » mp BF 9,7 read 
ሴሲ = omits. 5 29. m, 8 read Yhጽር፡ /። +88; 7 m trans. after, 
trans. before Ary: 5 ያ read ትስዓነ፣ #፮. # 5a read Ri (or Ri). 
a reads &. m omits together with Ai The «ninthy if original, must be of the half 
moon i for night or day cannot decrease or increase by more than sth, as in Ver. 16. 
See note 18 on ver. 10. Perhaps we might emend Ar; into A3AY: » A gloss. 
For NEA; (m9, a) other M55. read WEA; and for Rh (#) other MSS. read Rh 
or EB. 25 a. 8 reads ትው}; A second hand in b adds ሲት 2 0 omits 
next three words through hmt. = 9 reads DIARY: 5 a, eu omit,  g/ read 
ኻእጻት፣ = m, 8 omit. Fm, Fs omit, 7 éfhy read £0 aAnE: u omits. 
= መ 9 read ጽበሕ፤ 5 g omits. md omits entire verse. i a, B reads TJC 
55 m reads 0AYS 5 DX trans. before TRC: ™ su, ae58 omit. 5 ak read %. 
0 0 reads TD. 5 # B-% add ካልጻት፣ ደ adds ካእል፡ = a. 5-e read በምፀራብ፡ 
e በቢምዕራበ፣ ሰማይ፤ "ያ. ኳ/።, 8-0 read ምሥመራቁ፤ 9, 0a ምሥመራቹ፡ » m trans. 
after JANN: » a,/hsfn0,a. apcedeixy read በሣልስ: 9 adds 0AY “= 2 adds 
ዐሐይ፡ በ. SFL mመu,B read Of. 1 9 reads ሰብ31; aw omit next four 
words through hmt. 5 e reads 3A Fg abr. moegeFnE 
read ፎትዔረድ፤ ሃ። ዴሻ'በረይ፡ »ኃ። ትትዒረይ፤ ናዕ0#,። ዴሻ'ረጸይ፡ 5 e adds ፍዷመ፡ 

EXKI SS TAXI, 4, መጽሕሪፈ፡ ዛኖቹ፡ 197 

መዋዕለ: “ሠለስኘ፡ ምኣኳ፡ ወስሳ።። ወ“ጸርባዕት። 33. ወኒጋ፤ ሰዕሲት፡ ወሰሴሲሊች፡፡ 
ወሕፀራ፡ ሰዕሲት፡ ወለሴሲች፡ በ'ምሕዋሪረ፤ ፀሕይዴ፡ ውኣጻቱ፡ ዶትሴሰይ።፡ 94. በጻንቲጸሆ፡ 
ደነውሣ፡፣ ምሕዋሪሆ፡፡ ዕሰ ኣምዕሰት፡ ወሴሲቫ፡ ኣምሴሲት፣ ዴቁርብ።፡ 25. ወዝውጻቱ 
ችቸኣዛዘ፡ ወምሕዋፉ፡ ሲ"ፀሐይ፤ ወ“ምኘባጹ፡” ሶበ; ደ“ይገብኳ፡“ ወይደወፀጻ፤ ውጻቱ፡ 
ብርሃን ዓቢዶ፡'፡ ዘይሰመዶ፡" ፀሐሕዶ፡" ሰዓሰመ፡፤ ዓሰም። 36. ወዝንቱ; ውጻቱ፣” 
ዘዴወፀፅኣ;። “ውኣቱ፡። “ብርሃን፡ ዓቢዶደ፡ ወ።ይሰመይ፤ “በጸርጸያ፡ ዚጸሆ፡። በከመ፡ ጸዘዘ፡ 
ኣ7ገዚጻ።። 37. “በከመ፡ ዴወፀኣጻ፡ ወከመዝ: ይበውኳ፡። ወ“ጴየዩኝዕዕፀ፡ ወxየፀርፍ፡ 
*ጸሳ፡ ይረውጽ፡ መዓልት፡ ወሴሲ፡” ወብርሃ፤ ዚጸሆ፥ ሰብን1፡ ኣደ ዴበርህ፡” ኳም።ዘ፤። 
ወርህ፡ ወጸምጣኒሆመሙ፡ ሲዝልዜጴሌሆመ፡ ዘውን7።። LXXIII. ደሣeyi AH: YAዛH: 
ርዚኩ፡ ካልጽ፡። ችኳዛዘ፡። ሰሲብርሃን፡ ንጹስ፡ ዘስመ፥ ወርኝ። 2. ወበበ ከመ፤ ክበበ፡ 
ሰማድ፡። ወ።ሰረገሳተ፡። ዚጸሆ፡ በኘበ፡። ዴጴጺዓኘ፡ ነፉበስ፡ ገኘፍስ፡;። ወበመስፈርጎ፣ ዶትወሀብ፡። 
ሎቱ ብርሃን።" 3. ወበዙሱ፡ ወርሣ፡ ሙኻዛጺሆ፡ ወ።ምብዋዉሆሁ፡”። ዴትቹሲጥ፣፥ ወመዋዕሲሆ፡ 
ከመ፡ መዋዕለ፡ ፀሐይ፣ ወሶበ፥ ይኔሪ፡። ከዩ፤;። ብርሃኒ፡ ይከውን“ ሳሰብዓንዩ;። ልደ 
ኣምብርሃ። ፀሕይ። 4. ወከመዝ፡ ይሠርቅ፡ ወርኣሱ፥ ዘ“መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፤ ዴወፀኣ፡፣ 

1 2 reads mp0; If we transpose before this word the 0 that follows in 
Zmg, we might recover the original, : LL gm tf. Similarly 9 በሰANE; 
AY! ወስሳi #, 5 omit 0. # and most other MSS. give simply the numerals 
FED (# omits DX. $s LL m reads el0i 29 read ረቡ): #, 8 read either 
ረቡዐ፡; or ረቡና or 8. 1 9, bh read ወሌሊት; and 9 omits next three words 
and reads በም0ራብi 5 g reads ©. Srmg prefix ©. 7 g pre- 
fixes ©. X omits. 2 bx read ምPሕዋሪ 22mg prefix ©. 5 g reads 030: 
የሐውር n sw omits, = adds ዴገብጻ፤ 5 ዴገብኣኳ፡ ሲ(። በ) ጻን1፡ IB 

mg tu omit. 4 m adds ሲሰኣንት፡ 5 Im, bX read WoውNE: Sx Hat 
15 8 adds Hሰንሰም፡ 7 BX omit next nine words through hmt. 5 a,epn, 
Other MSS. Baht; 15 9 reads DH: 0 mw omits. dg adds YAH ኳ eh read 
OO0R: ።« reads H and omits next three words +D. = mu, 8 omit. 35 sw omits, 

For © 8 reads H. 4 g reads በRCRUS ለውል: = bx read AIHA =. 
m ከመ: Lo ©. 9! ከመዝ ይወ ወከመሽ፡ ። ወከመዝ: 5-anx ወከመ: ይወ ©. 
anx pho; £በውai ©. 7 an read RODOA; 5 qehtgw omit, 5 5,8 add 
በሰረገሳ፡ 0 aim. m8 read (+m) PCY a eB omit. 5 dg omits. 
5 g reads AA 5 gu read YAHH: 5 m, aefhknpw read ፀh&; 5a 
ይ B read ሰረገላ; 7 a reads በ4ቡል፡ 5 Fg. mh l8 read iE; 5 dg reads 
ድትወሀቦ፡ » w# reads AብCYY ag. 9,8 read mጺሆ: = @ reads 0&f: 
m adds ap; SbB* omit. 9g adds HAሆ: a abcdeikilo,ay add AብCYE: 
5 B. #9/ read ሰብዓYi ms read £, 5 bcx omit, 7 9 prefixes ©. 

138 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ XXII RS 

በሠሳባሰ። ጽባሕ። ወበዴኳቲ፡ ዕለነገ፡ ያስተርዉ፣ ወይዴክከውን፤ ሰክሙ፡፥ ርኣሰ፡ ወርሣ፤ ሠሳሰ፡ 
ዕሰተ፡፡ ምስሰ፡ ፀሐዶ። በኖሣነ፣ ኣንነ፡ ዴወፀኣ፡ ፀሐዶዴ።፡ 5. ወመገፈቁ፡ ርኘቅ፡፣ 
‘ሰብዕ ጸደ፡ ጸሕደ፡፡ ወ’ዙሱ፡ ካበበ፡ ዚጸሆ በከ; “ዘጸልቦ፡ ብርሃኔ ዘጻንበሰ፡ ሳብዕት 
ኣዴሆ፡” “0ሠርጎ፣ ራብዕ“ ኣኳደ፡ ብርሃኒ። 6. ወበዕለጊ፣ ቫኘሥመኳ፡። ሳብዕተ፡፡ ኣደ 
መንፈቁ፡። ብርሃኒ፡ ወ“ዴክከውን፡" ብርሃኒ፡ ሳብዕተ፡።”" ሓጻደ፡ ጸሕተ” ወ።መንፈቃ።። 
7. ወዓርብ፡” ምስሰ፡ ፀሕሐዶይ፡። ወሰበ፡ ይሠርቅ፡ ፀሕዶደ፡። ይሠርቹ፡ ወርሣ፡” ምስሴሆ፡ 
ወይነሥመጳ፤፡ መንፈፃ፣ ኣደ፤ ብርሃን” ወበዴጻቲ፡ ሴሲ በ“ርኣሰ፡ ጽባሐ፡። ዚጸሆ፡ በቅ.ድመ፡ 
0ሰ፲ቱ፡ ሰወርሣ፡። የዓርብ፣ ወርሣ፡። ምስሰ፡ ፀሕዴ፤ ወዴጸልም፡ በይኣቲ፡ ሴሲ ሂሰብንተ፡። 
ኣደ: ወንፍያቃ። 5. ወይሠርቅ፤ በዴኳቲ፡ ዕሰት፡ ሳብዕተ፡። ኣደ፡ ጥንቁቁ ወዴይወፀኳ፡” 


1 u reads AIAN: 2 reads °4Yi u omits, and /u add £ወፀA: ° u omits. 

«a. 8 reads ጽባሐ: mm adds በወ ° adds በጐል ዶወፀኳኣ፡ ፀሐዶደ፤ ፡ 85 trans. 
before ድ. 1 fF omits. Flemming obelizes this word, and proposes CX: 
== pars) a word not attested elsewhere. But the text is right. Chi = sféxey 
which is used of the rising or appearing of the sun. sééxey might in turn be a 
rendering of NY? which is used of the rising of the sun and stars. 5 Emended from 
ሰብንት፤ ኣፎ (ጻደ፡ ) ጸሕደ፡ o፤ ድ፣ ad ሰብዐት፤ ጻደ፤ ጸሕሐደ፤ ዕየ 9. መ reads ሂኳፎ፡ ወሂE፡ 
at, apeFER IND read AE: Bi cdo0y,a SAE; OB: 8 ሰብዓt፡ ደ; ጸሕዱ፤ ።» ኣደ: ጸሐ: 
» g omits. "ag, inox,a. # reads havi Other MSS. fi Looks like 
a gloss on በ: For ACYH: mm, 9 read ብCYY 5 gu, Save that they read “Yi 
ድ reads ሰብዓጌ፥ = reads . # 8 ሰብዒት፡ 3 am. m reads Ei 8 NE; HAW: 
#9 and w, save that gu Dut in acc. and for 0wCY; su reads 1. m,8 read Aig: 
ያ ጳምዓሠርቱ፡ ወጸርባዕቱ፡ ድ adds መንፈቁ፡ “am. መ, 8 read ይiመA 0. 2 reads 
በብዓት፤ =።, 8 ፳. / ሰብዒ 5-8 ሰብዓዩ፡ y inserts B before ሰ". 7g, 0a oy 
Other MSS. It; Sag. 9,8 omit. 15 g omits together with next word. 
0 Emended from ሰብ3Yi£. ሰብዐት; 9. So also m#, gE. The later text (drawn from 
ver. 8?) first appears in / ሰብዓ1; ስድስi I y0). 6-8/0 ti. #0 xi. na, 
/reads AA: Other MSS. Ri =9,7 omit. = miread mii au, aps, 
fu, B~aprtna omit. 5 2# trans. after gh; 5 a7 omit. 7 oa omit next 
three words through hmt. 5 ረ adds በሽሂሂኣድ፤ ዶፌጽም፤ ሹሉ ጽእመተት፤ ወበበሂሂኳ.ፎ፡ 
ይፌፊጽም፤ ሹስ፡ ብርሃኖ፡ በምሥራቅ፡ ወበምዕራብ፤ drawኳ probably from xxiv. 3. 
5B. ay omit, but m adds it after next word. 5g, ex read ብCYL: Xm 
read ጽበሕ፣ ። ጽርመ፤ = # omits next two words through hmt. NF, dy omit, 
ME. So also wu £%, abcgde/hinoxa iD. መያ! ስድስቱ፡ £ (9 ሰብዐቱ; / ወሰብን1;). ፣/5 
support m 7 / #OE. 5 0,a Omit next Six words through hmt. 5 Emended from 
#/ ሰብፃጎጌ፣ ያ ሰብዕት፤ መ።, /5ሃ8። read ፳. abde፣ሆx,8 read ሰብዓ; ci. un omit. 

XXII SPX AXIV, 6: (መጽሕሐፈፉ፡ ህኛኻ፡ 1389 

ወይድ0ፀንን; ኣምሥመራቁ፡ ፀሕሐዶደ፡ ወ“ዶበርህ፡፡ በትራፈ፡፡ ዕለቱ “ስድስተ፤ ወሰብን፡፣ ኣደ።፡ 
LXXIV. DAA: ዋረ’ ወትaዛH:፡ CAs ሎቱ; ኣንተ “በውኣቱ፡ ትኣዛክ፡፡ ዴገብር፡ 
ምሕዋር" ዘ"ጸውራሣ። 2. ወዙ: ጸርጸዩኒ፤ ጽዙርሌል፡ መልጸኻ፡ ቐዱስ፤ ዘውኣጻቲ 
መራሒሆሙ ሰመ“ ወምንባሪሆመሙ፡ “ወጸሕፍኩ፡፥ ምገንበሪሆመ፡። በከመ፤ ጸርጸዩኒ፡ 
ወጸሕፍክ፥ ጸውራሂሆመ፥ በከመ፡፤ ሀሰዉ፡“" ወ“ርጳዩ፣ ብርሃኖመ፡፥ ኣስከ፣ ተፈጺጸመ፡ 
*0wር፡ ወኝሙስ;'* መዋዕል" 3. በ፱”*ሂ%= ሌፎ ይፌጽም ሹሉ” ብርሃኖ፤። 
በሠርቅ፡። ወ“በበሂሂጸደ፡ ይፈጽም፤ ሹስ። ጽልመ፡” በምዕራብ። 4. ወበ።ጽውራሣ፣ 
ኣሙራትጓ፡። ዴይቐልጥ፡።” ምዕራባተ፡ ወበጸውራሣ፡፡ ጳሙራት፡” የሕውር፡። ምመሕዋሪሆ፥። 
ጸሐዱ፤ ጸሕሐዱ። 5. በ።ክልሌ፣፤ ወርሣ፤። የዓርብ፣ ምስሰ፤ ፀሐይ፤ በኣሲ፡፣ ክልጹ፡። Jግዋሣው፡ 
ኣሰ፡ ማጻክከል፤” በሣልስት፡። ወ“በራብዕት። ኖሣት። = 6. ድወፀኳ፡" ሰብንተ;“። መዋዕሰሲ፣ 

ia, 5, Other MSS. fCY: adds 170; “mu. 9 reads በYሪፈ:i LAU 
1 0ትeፈi 8 በትረፈi  m reads 0AYS 9 prefixes 0. “/ So g save that it omits ©. 
g reads ስድስት ሰብዐገ፣ ።, » ስድስተ ("ጀ፡ ሠ) ወሯ. Other MSS. ወጂ. * bc add 
ወንፍቃ፤ ወይዴሠርቹ፡ በድኣኳቲ፡ 0ዕሰነ፣ ሰብንዩ፤ ኣደ፡ ‘n,5. ድ7/። read ክልእኣ፡ መ! 8 
#9u read ምPዋri This word may be a gloss from the margin, but 8 is possibly right 
in reading © before next word. Cf. 1xxii. 35. Sm, and 8 save that Zm omit ©. 
07 read TAHH: 2 wu omits. 10 # reads መዋ » ዋሪ 1 # reads 0. 
mgt #FreadstN; Hi tH: 8tN; 5 Bo, a reads HውAEi oa omit, 
1 wu omits next five Words. Sem. #8 read simply RhéEhr; 15 g reads UA; 
7 m reads AE: 5 mtu. 9 reads ONCE: ወ3ምስE: 8 Xo: 5 g omits. 
mb B. gw read B(9 ACN0E)A. m7 add OCA = 8. m2 read ሰብዓቱ; ሰብዓቱ 
7 reads ሰብዓቱ ሰብዓት፣ ድ። ሂሄሰብዓገ፣ ። ሂወ፮. 5 mg, Bn. Pu, n read AE: 
a adds ጳስካ፣ 5 ድ reads tt: 1 9 reads ACYL: F»rt read ጽAመY: and add 
ወበበሂሂኳደ፡ ድደፌጽም፡ ዙሉ ብርሃኖ፡ በምሥራቅ ወበምዕራብ፡ ፕፐis addition really 
constitutes Verse 3 as found in a. According to Dillmann ¢ makes this addition after 

the second WN; in the text, and similarly #5 wy according to Flemming. 50. 
ያ, 8 read በምሥራቅ Saan omit, On the insertion after We; in this clause 
see note 24. 7 8. mou read ©, # omits. 5 m8. Fgu read Aራ]: 
c omits next four words through hmt. 5 m,B. am read PLEA: 4 omits next 
three words. 0 mf lB. £9 read Aራli u, 0a omit. a ru prefix ©. 
= 0 reads ምመሐዋሪሆመሙ፡ ሃሪ።ዕ ምፀዕራቢሆ፡ 5 m reads በቢ. bc2xy ወበ. 
= m trans. before MAR » # adds ጸውራሣ፣ ወ. 5 amg. 9 reads Ahi 

mi /°B prefix 0. 7 a,s, Bt read ቢልስ; ey prefix ©. 5 Bcdloxy,a read 
በራብዕ 5 » adds ጸን " adds ፀhይ; 4 FhiRnw read ሰዓ; 

140 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ EXRIVIBSIR 

ወየጸው.ደ፣፥ ወዴደገብኣ፡ ኻካዕበ፡ “በ'ኖሣት፡ ኣን1። ይዴወፀኣ፣ ፀሐሕደ፡ ወ’ዴፌጽም፤ ሸዙሎ፡ 
ብርሃኖ። ወዴፀንኘጌ፣ ኣምፀሕሐዶዴ፡ ወይዴበውልኳ፡ “ሰመኘ፤ መዋዕለ፡፡ በ“ሰ.ፎስት;፡ "ኖሣት፣ ኣንተ 
ኣምኔሃ፡፡ ይወፀኳ፡ ፀሐይ። 7. ወሰበ፤ “ፀሕይ፤ ድወፀጻ፡፣ ኣም፣ራብዕት። "ኖሣቫ 
ዴይወዕኣኳ፡' ሰቡዐ" መዋዕሰ፡ ኣጻስከ፤ ዴወ9ኳ፡ “ኳም፤፡ ጋምስኝ፡። ወ*ካዕበ፡;” ዶገብኣኳ፡ ሰቡዐ; 
መዋዕሰ፡ *በኖሣሻ፡ ራብዕ; ወይድፌጽም፡ ዙሎ፡። ብርሃኖ: ወዴይጸንን፡"" ወይበውል፡፣ 
በቁዳሚት፡” ኖሣቫ፡ ሰሙ መዋዕሰ። 5. ወካዕበ; ዴገብኳ፡ ሰቡዐ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ በራብዕኘ፡”" 
"ሣት" ኣንት፤፡ ኣምኔሃ፡ ዴወፀኳ፡ ፀሕይዴ። 9. ከመዝ: ርጺኩ፣ ምንበሮሙ፡። በ“ከመ፤ 
*ይሠርሕ፡ ጸውራሣ፡። ወየንርብ፡። ፀሕሐይ፡ በ“ጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል። 10. ወ“ዴትዊዌሰሕ፡። 
ኃምስቱ” ዓመጓ፡” ወዴበጽሕ፡” ለ"ፀሕሐይ፤ ሠሳሰ፤፡ መዋዕል” ወሹሎመ፡።። መዋዕል፡። 
ዴዶበጽሕያዎ፡። ሰ“ዓመት፡ ጀ።ኳምኣልኩ፥ ዓመት ተመሊጾመ፡ ይክከወሃ፡። “ሂጀወቿ"ወረቡ0; 
መዋዕሲ።። 11. ወዴበጽሕ፤፡ ምብጻሒሆመሙመ።፡" ሲፀሕድዴ፤ ወሰከዋክብት፣ ስሱ፡“። መዋዕል፡“ 
ሰሲ“።ጀዓመታች፡። በበ“ስሱ፡ ዴበጽሑሖሙ፡ ሰ“ሠሳሰ፡ ዕሰት፡ ወየሕ9ፀዕ፡። ኣጻምፀሐይዴ፣። 

1 9 reads ቢ"T4ት; ©. = Jበ:; ። 5 add በውጻቱ፤ * 9 reads ብCYL: a omits. 

ay trans. before WN: x omits next two words. + 9 reads በሰሙ መዋዕል፡ 
2 reads NEN: 5 # reads Ji Xia omit preceding word. TE 
abcdge/hhlox,a trans. reads LD” DCA; s w reads 0. 2 5 reads £0; 

0 # adds ፀሐይ; 1 m reads AR: 5 mm reads Ary; Jስቱi u 0g. abe 
JምስትYi u omits, 19 reads 02 ራብ0ት፡ = J; ራብ); /።5 በራብዕ; ("ት n 2". 
5 reads ብCYP; 15 m reads DAY}: 5 AYY: corrected into RA}: u omits. 
7 0% omit. '5 9 reads በpዳ » ba omit. 0 a trans. before ሰ); 
a ureads DAH: bnx pho: = £ reads መንበሮ gምYባéሆ FC 
5g. 9, 8 read መር0Y፡ ጸውራኒሆሙመ፡ ይሠርሕ፡ “። ይሠርቅ፤ ሥመር" ጸውራሂሆሙ፡ 

A ru omits next three words. Fm B reads Df. 25 a, B omits. 7 im adds 
በኗበ፡ ። adds £0; 5 L #9 read Jምስትi Other MSS. E. 5 my, B. gu read 
ዓመቲ፡ ድህ (aረ?Y. መ reads ወይበጽሕዋ፣፡ ያ ወበጽሐ፡ ሃ 8-aረሪ ወዴበጽው፡ 
So also e save that it omits ©. 1 8. a reads መዋ00; 5 gyread DWN; 

5 8 reads መዋPO0AYS se omits. # ereads ቢጽ: 5 0,5 while mg read Rh 
Other MSS. read B and trans. before oY 9 reads ToAAs «TYR; 
ግ 8-0, a, 0 read Rhው Smug, SHFE(/wANE:) ምት ወስሳi ” = adds 
ይደክውንን 40 mn, B. 9 reads ምፀባሒሆሁ፤፥ /። read ምብጻሒሆ፡ 4 m reads ስ; 
ፃስሰ፡ “መ,8. Z9/u read መዋ0A; Sam 0g. m reads 0. 9g omits. 8 reads AF; 
aa, B, s# reads qm; 45 nm, 8. am omit, 45 nm, B omit. ግ ይ, B, a reads 
ወtሐፀፁ; and is probably right. If so, we must understand Rውé Yi = « moons,’ as its 
subject. 5 # omits the next five words through hmt. 

XXIV. i114. መጽሐፉ፡ ሄናኻ፡ 141 

ወጻምክዋኻብኝ።፡ ወርሣ፡፡ ሠሳሰ፡ መዋዕሲ። 12. “ወፀሐይ;፡ ወከዋክብት፡፣ ያመጽጸመሙመ።፡ 
ለዓመታት’ ጥንቁቃኝ፡፡ ትሎሙ፡፣ ከመ፡ ምንባሪሆሙ፡፡ ሰዓሲም፡፡ “ዚዴበ ድፉ ወ"ጺይዴጋሩ፡" 
ጸሐት፣ ዕሲት፡ ጸባ; ዴቐልጡ፡ ዓመጊ፡ በጽ.ፎቅ፣፡ ጥንቁቁ በበ; “ሂጀወጃወረቡዕ፡ መዋዕል" 
13. ሲሂዓም፡፡ መዋዕል፡ ሂጀወጂ“ወዝልሌዜ፡" ወሰጀ“ዓመት'፡ ሂ"ወ“ሯጀ"መዋዕ0ል፤። ወጀ“ ከመ፡ 
ድኩን፡ ሰሯዓመሻ፡፥ ጀወጃጀ፡።” መዋዕል፡“ ወዓሠውር፡ ወሰኒዴ፡ መዋዕል። 14. ሰ’ወርሣ፡ 
ሰ“ባሕቲቱ፡ ዶበጽሕ፡” መዋዕሲሆሁ፡፡ ሰ"ሂዓም፡። ሂ፲ጀ፡ ወሯወጀ።መዋዕ0ል፡ *ወሰጀ፡ ዓም” 

1 0 omits next five words through hmt. 27,8. a has preserved the word but 
in the wrong context, for it trans. it into the next sentence and made it the subject 
of Pp", and so destroyed its sense. Z°8 here represent the older text by preserving 
ወርኝሣ; in its right context, but have erred in following Zn and intruding C4 
as the subject of the next sentence. 5 Emended from AምBhEi of mi. gw, 8 
omit. See preceding note. Bh: ወhዋnብY; are the subject of PAs This 
construction can stand though PጽAps would be more usual. +t. Fm read 
ወጻምከዋሕብት፣ 5, 5 omit. After ወhዋnብች: all MSS. except » add ወወCኝi (ss adds 
ወርሣ) This transposition was first made apparently by £m. 8 here followed £m 
and at the same time the older text in reproducing C4; in its original context, 
See note 2. Our author advocates a solar and sidereal year as the author of the 
Boog of Jugslees, Vi. 32=36 (my notes). The unemended text which represents the 
moon as the perfect time divider is in glaring contradiction With Verses Io, 11 and with 
Fupslees, vi. 36. m8. # reads ለዓመት; 9/u ዓት; 2 £mng read ጥንቁቆች 
u, 8 ጥንቁቁ; / trans. TY before AY. 7m prefixes. * Scvwx read ንበሮ; 
5 omits. "m8. 29 read ARE; ©. u omits, my, B. # reads RR 
ፀ ዚዴግድፉ፤ ። የንድ (sic). 5 9 read AA 8 £ omits, m reads Ti; 
But probably TYiቁg; and በጽ. Y; are alternative renderings of és እngeia. 8 omits. 
፣5 ፀ/ read ሠሲስቱ፡ ምጻት፣ ወስሰ፤ ወረቡበ (ሃ0)፤; መዋዕለ (/ል)፡  « reads ለሂጀዓመት 
g omits. ia-g. 9 omits. #8 read pO; Zu add.  / reads 0ሠCE: AY: 
ወተስኝ፡ 9 ፲፤ጀ፤፮. For 1m reads x. 9 adds qoYi 9 omits, m reads XE. 
1 m8. # writes in full ሰoYE: PAY: Zw read 1. 9 omits. = B trans. after K. 

3 # writes in full ወAስራ;i d reads HE. 8 f writes in full AYE; Z read 
ሰzጆ፤. 5 Fu l8, # writes in full Aስራ ወተስዓቱ; AY!  FiOyE. Ing both 
numerals are erased. 5 a, 8 omits. 7 Fu read ቢቢ. #ehxiaomit. "n pre- 
fixes H. 0 af omit. 1 a adds መዋOል፡ 2s So all MSS. but Zs 
which read Og. / writes in full ስሰ; OMAR: and omits next word. For AR: 7 reads 
nAሌE: In 5g Fozog is erased. 5 Fu and #/ written in full OADPNE; 3; 

m reads E37; 9 p03oት; E. a/8tn ሰዓት: 9cd፣i0xa pAYትYE. 

145 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖካ፡ LXXIV, I4CLXXV. 2. 

የጋ00; መዋዕሲ፡ ጋምሰ፡ (ጻስመ፡ ዴትቐሰክ፡ በፀጸቱ፡ ፲ጀ፡ ጀወክልጹ፡ መዋዕል።)፡ 15. 
ወይከውን ሰሄ፤ ዓም “፲ወሂጀወሮ’፣መዋዎ0ል፡ ከመ ድዴኩን፡ ሰወርሣ፡ በጃ “ዓመት፡፡፣ መዋዕል 
ሾጀወxii: ወiወሰrይ: ጦዋOል፡፡ 16. |aስመ፡ :»05 ሰሂዓመነ፡ መዋዕል፡ ፳]'"ሹሎመሙ፡”" 
መዋዕል፡ ዘጋፀፀ;" ኣምሯዓም፡ መዋዕል፡። ጅ። 17. ወይትፌጺጸም፡"። ዓመት'፡ በጽ.ፎቅ፡ 
በhመ; መንበረ; ዓለመ ዚጸሆመ፡ " ወ“መንበረ፡ ፀሕይ፡ ጳሰ፡ ይሠርቁ፡ ኣምኝ፡ "ኖሣት፡ ኣሲ 
ኣምኔሆመ፡ ደሠርቅ፡ ወዩንርብ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ 8። LXXV. D"መራሕያኒሆመ“ ለጸርኣጳስች፡ 
ጸኣባፍ፡ ሓጻሰ፡ ጁበ፡ ሹሰ፡ ፍጥረት፣ ወደበ፡ ሺሹሱ፡ ከዋኳብገ፡ ምስሰሲ፡።” ኣሱ። “ኣለ; 
ዴትቹዌሰኩ፡። ጴዴዶትሴሲዩ፡። “ኣም ምግባሮሙ” በከመ ሕሳበ፡። ዓመት፡ ወኣሱ፡ ዶትቁነዩ። 
በ; መዋዐሲ፡ ኣሰ፡ ጸ።ዴትጋሰቡ፤፥ በ"ሕሳሰበ፡ ዓመት። 52. ወበኣንቲጸሆመሙመ፡ ይጌግዩ፡ “ሰብኣ 
ቦመ“። አስመ፡ ጸሙንቱ፡ ብርሃናት፣ በጽፎድቅ፡። ዴትቁነዩ፡ መንበረ፡። ዓለም ሄበ“ቁዳሚ፤። 

1 LL m, Bread g. 29u BN: 5 This clause is bracketed as a marginal 
eloss as Beer and Flemming have recognized. If it belonged to the text at all it 
should be found at the close of ver. 15; for it simply explains how that 2832 arises 
from the addition of i110 and 1062. AS regards the text 9 reads ahh; for ah; 
Bcdex trans. ይት” after ARNE: (#Z reads AAT) against a, G~apcdexy. ay omit 
በ8". ሪ adds 0g after YE, and # B~a add £0: After 0&1 have with the margin 
of c added X¥ which is not found in any other MS. 5 Fu, l8, and # which writes 
in full 0wCE; ወሰብዓ; AY ወሰብ: 5 reads Iጀoig. 9 toxfRD: ‘Iu. 
im, B read A. 9D. 5 mB. gw omit. ‘290w. #8 read POW my omit. 
7 ሠ a / in fu]]| በሥራ ምጻት ወሰመንቱ ምኳጓ 8. ድ rሩጻባs ጀወጀወቿጀ. ያ ወጀጆጀ. 
ፃ ይ aባd ከመ: ሕፀፀፁ፡ ሰሄዓመኝ፡ መዋዕሊሱ፡ ጀጀወሯጀጸወጀመዋዕል፡ 9 ‘The clause in 
brackets is either a marginal gloss or not improbably the next clause and it are 
duplicate renderings. For መዋOA; which a reads, Bey read መዋOሊሁi e omits. 
B reads oትi For 20 of £9, m reads 400; 8-5 49005 #5 490; For F 

#1 reads ሰመን; »giu, agitloak. m reads ti 9 tN SceFBnpox 
ወሎ  m reads Hhgi For ai 9 reads AYE:  a-m, abc, g/iiInox,ay 
read POA; m, e58y omit. 5 008. mu read ይRትELR; 14 mo reads 

ዓመታት: 5 9 reads ምiféi yu. £9’ read Ami m8 omit 7 dg reads 
HA: "a omits. "28. ag omit. Fg. miu, B read ምስለ; = 9. 
Zu read AA; m,B omit. = m omits. 5 m prefixes, nD. m,BBcxab 
prefix ©. bcx,ay insert AA; before REY". 5 መ. ድያu read ጸም ምበ 
ፃ ኣምክ ምንበር፡ = 8 ኣምንበሮመሙመ፡ 5 8 adds ሹሉ 7 » reads At 4 adds 
LAE =” dreads YI Dux omit 8B omits. ». a, 8 trans. 
35 B trans. after AYE. Shu. Acc. loci. mg, cdo read Pei abe/hss 
በምንባረ፣ 5 በከመ፡ ምንባረ፡ ሥ። በመንበረ፣ = ። rሪኳd ድመ፡ 

EXNV 2G መጽጠፈ፡ ህሄኛኻ፡ 149 

ሇሣት፡፡ ወጀ“በሣልስ፡። *ኖሣተ፡ ሰማዴይ። ወጀበ“ራብ0፡፡ -ኖሣት፡። ወጀበሳድስ፣ "ኖሣት፡ 
ወዴትፈጻም፡፡ ጥንቃቄ ዓሲም: በ'በ፡ ሂጀወሯ"ወፀ"መንበረ፡። ዓሰም። 3. ጳስመ፡ 
ሰትችትኳምርት፡ ወለጸዝማን፤ ወለዓመት፡። ወሲ“መዋዕል፡ ጸርልዩኒ፤' ጽዙርዴል፡ መልጸካ፤ ዘጸንበረ፡" 
ኣግዚጸ፡ ስብሐት፡" ለንሰም፡;። ሄበ፡ ሹዙሎመ፡፥ ብርሃናተ፣፥ ሰማሣይ፡ በሰማዶ፡” ወበጎሰም፡ 
ከመ ይምልኩ” በ።ገጸ፡ ሰማዴደ፡ ወዴት'ረጸዩ፤። ዲጁበ፡ ምድር፡ ወይኩኑ; ።” መራሕያ፤ 
ሰ።መኝልት፡ ወሰ።ሴሲት፡ ፀሐደ፡ ወወርሣ፡ ወክዋሕብነ፡ ወዙ ቅገዩታኝ፡። ጻሰ፡ የዘውዱ 
በቸሎመ፡። ሰረገላ” በማዶ” 4. ክመዝ፡ ዓመፉኗፉ፡። ወልዜ፣ “ጋዋግሣወ፡ ጸርጸዩ፤ 
ጽርሌጴል፡ ርሣዋች፡። በክበበ፡ ሰረገሳች፡። ፀሐሕይደ፤ በ“ሰማደ፤ ኣለ፡ ኣምኔሆሙ፡። ይወፀሉ፡” 
ኣገሪሃ፡ ሰፀሕይደ፡ ወ ኣምኔሆመ፡ ዶወፀኳ፤ ሞቐ፡። ዷበ፡ ምዶር፡ ሶበ፡ ይዴትረጋዉ፡። በጸዝማን፡ 
ሓጻሰ፡ ጳሙራን፤ ቦሙ 5. ተወለነፉሰት፡ ወለመንፈሰ፡ ጠል፡ተ”" [ሶበ፣ ዴችረጋው፡ 
ርሣወኝ፡ በበማድ፤ ጁበ፡ ጸጽናፈ።]* 6. *ሶበ፤ ድትረጋዉ፡። ዓሥኗ፡ ወልሌ፤ ጋዋሣው፡፤። 
በሰማደ፤ ፉበ፡;። ጸጽናፈ፡ ም.ድፎር፡ ኣለ፡ ኣምኔሆመሙመ ይዴወዕኳ፡። ፀሐድደ፤ ወወርሣ፤ ወከዋክብት 

+ £ omits next five words through hmt., * 9/#, 0a read ANY: a. 8 reads 
ሇሣኝ፡; 4 9/read ራብ0Y; 2 9 adds ወጀበኝምስ፤ £m, 8. gtu read PRR: 
7 2 prefixes 0. 5 g reads 3; 2 Bc omit. 0 F omits. 1 # writes the 
entire numerals in full wAስቱ: ኳት: ወስሳi ወጸርባOE: 5 g reads ምገበረ: 
ag, aeFBignpw. 9 reads ለዓ; Scdiox,a,8 ወለ; # 9g reads D0. 
5 # omits. 6 a,tk. Bk read HAY0c: 7 9 reads pé&NስY; af BE 
reads HAA; » f omits. » £ reads PAW = mnireadሲ “Bread 
ወድትረዓይ፡ 35 0a read hk 4 7s read 0. 5 reads Df. bcns@. 
5 a8k read PRN 7 at read pኔታትi = 9, e read በች = 9 reads ሰራዊ 
5 Ff reads ሰማያ: Nm reads ዓUrEi 53 Zu, aFhsifn, So also e save that 
it adds ARM: after KC" and 2m save that for CAዋY: it reads JDዋሣዋYi g reads 
DTግሣው; ወጸCAtL; ጽራዜRAi £ omits all but last word. Scdiox,ay JPAወ(/o,a ው 
ርግዋት፡ ጸር" ጹር". a9. 9 reads ሰረገሳት፡ 8 ሰረገሳት፡ ዘ. "ያ reads ወበ, 5 ዘ. 

5 2, ,p omit next four words through hmt., #9 reads Rg: 7 FB. a omits, 
Sh8. Z reads yi m9,» TrYi # m1; m 8. a reads ችረ»; m adds 
EN 0.1 have obelized the above three words as unintelligible in this context. 

Z omits © before ANY; a 1 have bracketed these words as a dittography of the 
first clause of ver. 6. The text given is that of £., mg agree with it save in read- 
ing CግወY; and NSE: and # save that it omits 0 (for which 9 reads A) before ሰማE: 
and reads በC4OY; for CYOY'; 0 and RጽSE for RXS&: /5, 8 obscure the dittography 
by insertine በRHay}; afier £YረeS; (for which most MSS. read “ረጋa). Further 
variations in 8 are as follows; for C4AOY'; 8-0 read CAዋY; and for በሰy Ei ae, 
bedstioxs read በሰማPY;i o,a read C4ዋPY; and omit £YéDEi Tor the last word 
B—0 read “ey 5 a (Save that a~# read verb in 3rd sing.). B omits. a 
B reads Jዋዳሣ:i and adds CA 4a. abc read ©, JeFBIRInOBWUXya 0. 
5 af #,8-7F read ROOK: 

144 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛ፡ LXXV.6LXXVL, 5. 

ወሸሱ፡ ገብራት ሰማደ፤ ኳምኔ ምሥራቅ ወጻም፤ ምዕራብ። 7. ወመሰክው፡ “ርሣዋት፡ 
ብዙጋኃት። “ኣምፀጋም፤ ወኳምየማን። ወጸሐቲ፡ መስኮት በዘመኔ ዚጸሃ፡፡ ታመው 
ሞቁ። ከ'ከመ፤ ጻልኩ፡ ጋኃዋሣው፡ ኣጻሰ፡ ይወፀጽ፡’ ጳምኔሆመ፡ ከዋኳክብገ፡ በከመ፡፤ ጸዘዞሙ፡ 
ወጻሰ፡ ቦሙ“ የዓርቡ፡ በከመ፤ ሦልቁሙ። 8. ወ“ርዚኩ፥ ሰረገሳት፤ በሰማድ፤ ጻንዚ፡ 
ዴረውጺ፡ በዓሰም፤ ጳኣመልዕልተመ፡። ሰጻልኩ፤ ኃጋዋሣው፡፤ ጻሰ፡ ቦሙ“ ይትመየጡ፡ ከዋካብት፡ 
ኣሰ፡ ዚ“ናዓርቡ።፡ 9. ወ፩“ዓቢዮመ፡ ሰዙሎመ፡ “ወውኣቲቱ፡ ዘ"“የዘውድ፡" ሰሲ"ዙሰ፡ ዓሲም። 
LXXVI. OD 0RBጽS፡ ምድር፡። ርጺኩ፣ ዓሥፉ፤። ወልሌ፣ ጋዋሣወ፡።” ርሣዋች'፡። ሰ“ሸሎሙ፡ 
Iፉሰት፡። ኳሰ፡ ኣምኔሆመ፡፥ ዴወፀዉ፡። ነፋሳት ወይነፍቡ፡።” ዷበ፡ ምድር። 2. “ልም 
ቴሆመ“፡ ርሣዋት፡” በገጺጸ፤ ሰማዴ፤ ወ፫’በ“ ምዕራብ” ወ“ጀ’በየማሄ ሰማይዴ፡ ወ“ጀ’በፀጋም። 
3. ወ።“ቁዳሚያት፡። ኣሰ; መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፡ ወጀ“ሰ“መንገሰ፡ መስዕ፡ ወሂ[ቢድሣረ፡ ጻሲ፡ 
በፀጋም። ሰመንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡ ወጀ“ሰንረብ።“” 4. በ“Bጻምኔሆሙመ፡ ዴወፀጽ፡።” ነሳ 
በረከት፡ ወ።ሰባም፣፤ ወኳምኣልኩ፤ ሰማንቱ፡" ዴይወፀጹ፡ ነፋሳተ" መቅሠፍነ ሶበ፡ ይትፌነዉ፡ 
ይደመስስዋ፡። ሲ“ዙሳ፡። መምድር፡ ወ።“ማይ፡“። ዘደቤሃ፡ ወሸሱ፡“ ኣሰ፡ ዩየጋፎፉ፡ ዷደቤሃ፡፣ 
ወ’“ዙቡ፡። ዘሀሉ፡ ውስት;”። ማዴ;” ወዷበ፡ ሂየብስ። 5. ወ“ዴወፀኣ፡ ቁቀዳማይዴ፤ ነፉስ፡ 

1 ak read OWN; «7/5 ORNs = 9/ read C4ዋY; ብWDYI a. JcI0vXyay 
read AgJwi AIL: ac/Btn read the same but in the reverse order. 
« 9 reads መሰ; ° g omits. 5 eh read HAሁ: 7 Fh8. m reads ምው: 
9,5 TY; uw; «tu, n read 0. £9 read OBA "a omits. 1 9 reads 
t0CA: /0C05 = omits. * £ reads AመAላOAti bc IopwXyay add 
ወጻመችሐችሙ፡ 15 Dex trans. after RY". m omits. 5 mn omits. 15 mi Zia, 8. 
# reads £YC0: 9 f3Ci "Zn. Other MSS. t0ብFr or t3ብ. “aI, 
iw reads pH. 9, Bn read NE; 5 m reads Ai 5 FB» read 0 (2 omits), 
= w# omits, f/f reads wri 5 mgt 0%,a read JpAሣD 8 adds CX "9 reads 
C4ግዋY: = m reads OA. = £ reads iEሰYi 7 9 read OA e/u, Bei0x,a. 
mg, eioox a read AEs u adds 1ፉሰY; 25 # reads DF. 0 0, DB read C4ዋY 
ፃ ርጎው፡ በቢ. ። ርሣዋን 5% n reads O0ራi ሰ: = gu8. ny omit. 7 omits 
following ¥ (four times). ®a-g,5. 9 reads pዳEትY; 85 ቀዳY; » pዳማውያY 
ag. 0,8 omit. 5» Bracketed as a gloss. For በ£Aéi of emu and መY1A: £4 
of 9, በ£ACSi5 read by #, 8, and for At; of £m, AAS; is read by 9/, 8. tu. m, Bread 

በዓረብ፡ ያ ሰምዕራብ፡ 5 m, BBL #g/ read ሲ. u#wO,esH,i 0. ZF omits. 
5 3, am read LOOAi m omits. 5 g reads D0. 0 Emended from AYE: of 
au with 8B which reads Z. ss omits, ሣ ድ rads ፍሰት; = mu, B-BRI6. 

Z, »ዳ/5 read ዴደምስስዋ፣፤ ያ ድደም". 3 g reads ti a omits, 4 wu omits next 
three words. 5 Fmh hu, 945 read ሰማ; B~a95 Ai ow Aሰማይi “mn 
7, 8read ARN “a reads ውስkyi  u omits, a reads Whi # e/Bpy 
ዲበ፡ 0 q reads ሰማ; 1 mg omit. 

LXXVI. 5~ro. መጽሐፈ: ሄኖ 145 

ኣምልጻልክቱ። ጋኃዋሣው፡ ዘስመ። ጽባሓይ፡ በ“ቁዳሚት;፡ "ኖሣት፡ “ኣንት፡ መንገሰ፡ ጽባሕ፡፣ 
ወ“ታጸንን፡ ሰጸዜብ፡ ዴይወፀኣ። ኣምኔሃ፣ ድፎምሰሴ፡፡ የብስ። ወሞቅ። ወሐሕኾል።፣ 
6. ወ“ቢ“"ጀኖሣት፡ ማኣክሳድት። ዴወፀኳ፡። *ርት'0፡ ወይወፀኳ፡። ጻምኔሃ፡ *ዝናም፡ ወፍፎመ፡ 
ወሰባም፡;። ወጠል፤ ወበ“ሣልስ፡፡፡ "ኖሣት፡ “ኣንት፡ መንገለ: መስዕ፣፡ ይወጽኳ፤ ቍር፡ ወናየብስ። 
7. ወጻምድሣረ፣ ኣሱ፡;። ነፉሰት።። በ“"መንገለ፣ ጸዜብ፣ ዶወፀኳ፡ በ፫ኖሣች፡” (ቁዳማይ፤|። 
በ“ቁዳሚት፡። "ኖሣት፡ ኣምኔሆን፡። ኣንተ፤ ታፓጻጸንን፡። ሰ።መንገለ። ምሥራቹ፣ ይወፀኳ፡። 
ፉስ ሞቅ።። 8. ወበኖሣት፤ “ጸንተ፡ ጋቤሃ፡። ማኣከሳዶት፡” ይወፀኳ” ልምኔሃ፡ 
መዐዛ ሠናይ: ወጠል፡ ወዝናም፤ ወሰሳባም፡ ወጨዶዴወት'። 9. ወ።በቢ“ሣልስት፣። "ኖሣች፤። 
ኣን1፡" መንገሰ፡ ምዕሪራብ፡ ይወፀኣ፡ ኣምኔሃ፡። ጠል፡ ወዝናም፡ ወጸናሹዕ፡። ወድምሰሴ። 
10. ወሕምድሣረ፤ ኣሱ፡። ነፍሰት፡። “ዘመንገለ; መስዕ; [ዘስሙ፡ ባሕር፣ ወዘወፀ፡]፣ 
ኳም።ኗኖግት፡። ኣንት፡ መንገሰ፡ ምሥራቅ” | መንገሰ፤ ጸዜብ፣]" ይወፀኳ፡" ኣምኔሃ። ጠል፡ 

i Fmt u,8 read AAA: 2 a, B~e0y, ehny read PRE: os ቁ8t 
s a omits. sa. bcgloxyaB read AY: ae/hs8nH. See note 7. su pre- 
fixes ©. ና ZF reads ደምሰቤ; 7 Here 9 repeats again all that precedes of ver. 5, 
Save that it omits © at the beginning and reads & for © before ZA: sm 
BJ. gfinya read OY; # wg: 5 # reads DJA; 10 8. a omits. 
uFgu. m reads Aዜቱ: / 5-75 nA: #5 NAA; 5 a=, B-Bn0. a reads 
ማኣከሳባዪት፣ ኔ።ዕ፣። 8 ማኣክሳዊነ፡ 8 g prefixes ©. # e,5 omit through hmt. 

a omits DR” and trans. CY0; after AY: / omits © before ይወ. 15 # reads 
ወሰባም፤ ወዝኖም፤ ወፍሬ፡ i5 a, ag/8I0wyab. Bcehsn read ሣANትY: CR 
reads H. 5 g reads AAG oy omit. Fmt Beh. g,ehy read H, uA. 

=» reads በሣልስት 0ሲት'፡ ዘኖሣች፣ ። ፫ኖሣት፣ 9 omits. 1 m, F/ read ቁዳEY; 
Bs pዳY; ቀዳሚት: To be omitted with 9%. 5 gu, B-Joxab. Fm read 
ቀዳማይት /ዕxas ቀዳሚ 5/8. wu reads DALY; a-/u,። AP 
tau, 01). w8-48 ty read YAY}; #8 Yት2}) 5 9 omits. % Fmu prefix ©. 
7 B~en. # reads 1EሰY;  1ፉሰY; 9 140; /u 1ፉሰY; eith:i ©. »። omits. =, B~ay. 
2% reads ምውቆት፣ 9 ምውቅ vas ሞ1; 5 # reads ማANሳዪትi »5 ማAክሳዊት; 
5 g reads LON a a,aifina. BcdgeFBovXyy read JAN: =u, b omit. 
5 g#wu read ASN): # wu reads AN; 5 0/°,8. mu read Ih: £ omits. 
5 m reads Ho}IA; Ri መስዕ: ። Heh0:i 9 omits. 7 An interpolation. The 
entire clause is found in a, save that 9 omits © before Ho. 8 reads Hla; lehCs only. 
Sa-m. m reads @4Y; Ei ሰብ3£i 8 Fሳብ3E; 2. ”c omits, This inter- 
polation appears as above in & ta, or as RW; only in 9 or as HEA oY AN inm or 
H2 Ai መ} Rin 6-0, og agree with 8 save that they omit 8. i 2 prefix ©. 

146 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና LXXVI ro EX VI 

ወ'ዘዝናም፡ ወ’ጸናሹዕ፡። ወ'ፎምሰሴ። 11. ወጻማኣክከሳይ፡፣ "ኖሣት;፡ ርትዕት ድወፀኳ፡፣ 
“ሕድወት፣ ዝናም፡ ጠል ሰሳባም። ወ’በሣልስት፣" "ኖሣት፡ ኣንት፡" መንገለ ምዕራብ 
[ኣን1፤ ታፓጻንን፡ ሰመስዕ፡]" ዴወፀኣ፡ ጻምኔሃ፡ ፲ጃ፡ ወጸስሐትያ፣፤ ወሕሐመዳ፡ ወዝሪም፤ 
ወጠል፤ ወጸናዙዕ0።'“" 12. ወኣምድሣረ፣ ኣሱ [፱]"“1ፉሰ፡ ኣሰ: መንገሰ፤ ምዕራብ፡። 
በ"ቁዳሚት፡” ኖሣት፡። ኣንተ፡። መንኘገለ፡ መስዕ; ወኣምኔሃ፡። ዶወዕኳ፡ ጠል፡።” ወጸስሐትያ፡። 
ወ፣ፉር፡ ወሐመዳ፡ ወ።ይደይደሕ። 19. ወኣም፤፡ "ኖሣት፡= ማኣኳከሳዶት፡” ዶይወፀኳ፡። 
ጠልi። ወዝናም፤ ወ።ሰባም፡ ወበረክከሻ፣ ወ።“በ።.ደኃሪኝ፥ “ሇሣት፡ ኣንተ; መንገሰ፡ ጸዜብ፡ 
ዴወፀሓ፡ ኣምኔሃ፡;። የብስ፡ ወ.ድምሰሴ፡ ወ።ዋዕዶ፤ ወሕኾል። 14. ወ“ተፈጻሙመ፡” ዓመ 
ወሕክልጹ፡ ጋኃዋሣው፡ ዘጸርባዕ፲ቱ፡ ተጋዋሣወ፡። ሰማይዴ፡ ወዙሎ፡። ትኣዛዞሙ፡ ወሉ” 
መቐሠፍተመሙ፡ ወ“ሰሳሞመሙ፡”" ሹስሉ፡፡። ጸርጸዴኩክ፡ ወኢሮፎየ፡ ማቱሰሳ። ጃጃ. ይጴውዕዎ፡ 
ሲሰሣፋስ፡። ቁዳማዊ፤። ሰጽባሓዩ፡። ኣስመ፡። ቁዳማዩ;"“" ውኣቱ፡ ወይጴውዕዎ፡። ለኻካልልኣ፡ 

1 omits. sg, eBinys0b. gm, abcdZhioxa omit, gu read ASA): 
‘"ያm0. #8 read ወማጸኻሳድት፥ ። ወማጻክሳባዪት፡ ።።፣8። ወበማጻክከላድት፤ Sረፃ/oas 
ወጻማልaክከሳይት፣ /ወበማጸከባይደ፤ * ። omits. ey omit next eight words through hmt. 
b trans. after CትYOY: 9 omits. 8 adds AY: 7m. So also g/u save that 
they insert © before Ai 8 reads Hei ል; ወሐይወ; 5m. gu, 8 prefix ©. 
Z omits. ° 2 omits. ina, aim. BcdfRIoxyaB read ቢልስ; mu reads H. 

5 Interpolated. 5 trans. after DAS. #m,B. gu read ASA): 
5 dg omits. 15 A gloss. 7 9 reads AY; 5 9 reads መስ; cx 0ራ4ብ: 
BY sa ‘OROIES, 0 g reads PARE: wu omits. 1 gu omit. 5 w# reads ©. 

6-6 add ታጺንኽ ሲ አኋ aባዛ ታጺንንጌ 5 9 reads መOራብ; ™# 8. my read 
ወጻምኔሆመሙ፡ ያ ወኣምኔሁ፣ ። ወኣምኔሆን፣ = 9 trans. ater ወጸስሐ”. 8 adds ወዝናም 

a omits next ten Words through hmt. 25 g trans. after parC 7 97 omit, 
8 Fm omit. 5 mu, F trans. after IAN”. 0 9, # read ማጻከሳዊት፡ ። ማጻክሳዪት 
2 # prefixes ©. adds by: 5 b omits. Sig. iB omits; 5 gw omit. 

Fm. tu, B omit. a7. 9, 13-0 read YR 05 ትYፈጸ; 7 @ reads 
JPY; H. After the analogy of lxxvii, 1, 2, 3 we should expect JAYS = dyke 
= ነገ here. If so the corruption cannot have arisen in the Ethiopic. Possibly the 
Greek translator rendered n\n rightly here by epSy, as in Ezek. xhii, 20 (LXX). 
From uepey the corruption 6vpSy could arise. Hence possibly our text. 5 mg read 
ዙሱ፡ /ያሸሎመሙ፡ 5 m reads ti I fNrws gu omit. “ 0B. gFmu read 
በባሳመ፡ Sapo FDE 9, abcdgekinox,ays omit, 5 mgt B., 2 reads 1EሰትY: 
u, a }ፉሰት፣ ነፉስ፡ ከere = ከነገ a5 in lxxyi. 1. 5 9 prefixes A. e reads ቁዳE; 
m trans. after next word. Seu. 9g prefixes ©. # abcdBsiRilnox,ab omit A. 
J 8np ey ጽባሓቹ መ ኣምሥመራቅ፡ ቁዳማዊ፤ ፲Here ጽበሓዊ፡ = ገ. “ 9 reads ውእቱ 
ስሙ፡ TOES Observe play on D3, 47 gg read ወዴጴውዕ፡ 

LXXVIL i=. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 147 

ጸዜብ፡፡ ኣስመ፡ “ልዑል፡ "ህ፻፡ ዶወርዶ፡፡ ወፈድፉደ፡ ህዩ፡። ድወርፎ፡፡ ቡፉሕክ፤ ለንሲም። 
2. ወነፉስ፡፡ ጳምዕፀራብ፡፡ ስመ፡፥ ተንቱ7፡፣ ጻስመ፤ በ“ህዩ; የሕሐፅፁ፡’ ዙሉ ብርሃናት፥ ሰማይ 
ወይወርዱ። 3. ወ“ራብ0፤ ነፋፉስ፡ ዘ“ስመ።። መስዕ፡። ዴትከፈል፡። ሠለስተ፡፥ ክፍሰ፡። 
ጸሕዲዷ፡" ኣምኔሆመ፡ ማሣደር; ሲ“ሰብኣ፡ ወ“ካልኣ፡ በ"ጸብሕርተ፡። ማይ;። ወበ።ቁላያት፡ 
ወበ።ፆም፡ ወበ።ጸፍሳኝ፤ ወ“ጽልመት፡” ወ“ጃ፡ ወሠልስ;” ሕፍል፤ በ“ገገተ;።" ጽፎቅ። 
4. ሰብዓተ; “ጸፎባረ፡። ነዋጋኔ። ርጺኩ፡ ኣሰ፡ ይነውሑ፡ ኣምቸሲ፡ ጸድበር፡፤ ኣለ፡ ውስተ 
ምፎር፡ ወጻምኔሆመሙመ፥ ይወፀኣ፤ ጻስሐች.ያ፡ ወየገልፍ፡። መዋዕል፡ ወዘመን፤ ወፃንመት።። 
5. ቋ“ጸፍሳገ;። ደበ፡። ምፎር፤ “ርጺኩ፣ ዓበይተ” ጻምሸዙሎሙ፡” ጸፍሳኘ፤" ጸዘሐዷ፡ 
ኣምኔሆመ፡ ድመጽል፡። ጳምዓረብ፣ ውስተ በሕር፡ ዐቢዶ፤ ይክዑ፡ ማዮ። 6. ወ“ኣልኸቱ፡። 
ከልዜ፡“" ድይመጽጹ፥ ኣመስዕ፡ “ጻስከ፡ ባሕር፡። ወይካዕዉ፡“ ማዮመ፡ በ““ባሕረ፤ ዜጴርትራ፤። 
ጓኣምሥራቅ። 7. ወጻለ፣ ትችርፉ፡ ጸርባዕቱ፡። ዶወፀጹ፡፤። በገቦ፡። መስዕ፡ ኣስክ፡ በሕረ” 
ዚጸሆሙ፡ (ካእሌቱ፡ ኣስክከ፡)። ባሕረ፡።። ጴርቸራ፡። ወ’ክልሌቱ፡። በ።በሕር፡ ዓቢድዶ፣ 

1 £ repeats preceding clauses ah; ቁዳማ: ውቲ: ይቆው0ዎ; Ani Rd: 
Here RA: = Dn. = = ©) ገገ» corrupt for ©) AT (a play on iNT) = «the most 
High will dwell. Hence for LCE; read HEC: 5 m trans. after DO. See 
note 2, 2 a. B reads Ai: ‘gma. 9, a read HምOራብi / ም0ራብ; 
B HAO: 7 Corrupt. We should expect AN; Hh Oi 5 omits. 
8. af read $500: 7, agce78 read Wi = gy read pA. = 9 omits. 
BY # c reads nA; 5 g reads WፍNi ።# መፈ: s/n 
read DR. 7 g reads AEE; 5 # reads pA. » g reads OA. 0 ag. 
8A. 1 £, a read ብርት; 5 Fm. Zu, B~a read Yi a Het; 
5 0 reads 0. ia. = ረ ወሲ. 5 m reads D0. e DA. Sau, 3 reads m0. 
a omits. 27 w omits, 5 a,b. B~B read ወበ. 5 mm, 8. a~m read DኻAA 
mn mw reads 1H; NH. x ZF reads ሰብዓEi 9, 4¢y prefix ©. 5m BL Fwy 
read REMC; 55, 8-1, ድ reads jዋ»ት፣ 9 ነዋሣት'፡ =, 5 ነዋጋች፤፡ /1ዋጋን፡ PB 
add ወየሐውር » BZ. gu read DAY; » ወለዓመሻ'ኒ፤ / ለዓመት፡ ፣ ወጸመታት 
% BH. a omits. mn reads Di. 7B, ay read A&EAJI = box omit. 59 IF 
bcgiloxat. # reads CXhi ዓቢ: 9 reads DCX; and trans. 00£Y; (sic) afer 
ጸፍባ7፡ ሪ።/s 85 read በድ; Cጺኩ and trans. before £0; ምድር: o dg reads 
ላምሹሱ፡ 5 ወዙሎሙ፡ 1 # reads REA; me omits. = 9 prefixes 0. aefny 
read #ወጽAi “ adds ይው ©. 4 All MSS. but #, which reads ng 
5 gy» read A, 5 መ, 8. ድ reads በሐረ፤ ዜርተራ፡ ያ በሕር፡ ሃ። ባበሕረ፤ ጺርትራ፡ 
Tbe trans. after £D. wy 5 e reads AIO: 5 IO; (sic). 
" # reads በhC; 9 omits next seven words through hmt. #, # omit next four words 
through hmt. 5% Text requires this addition. 5 2 omits. 5 #F reads ዜ#ርYራ 
tu RCትYE = g reads ACO: = m omits. 

148 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖኻ፡ LXXVIL I LXXVIT GE 

ወ'ይዴሰወጡ። በህየ |(ወ'“ይቤዙ፡፡ መድበረ።፣)]፣ 8. ሰብፁዑ። ዶደሰያተ፡ ዓበዴት፡ 
ርጺኩ፡’ በባሕር፡ ወበምድር፡ “ጀበምድር፡፣ ወጀበባሕር፡ ፀዐቢዶ።" LXXVIIL. 
ወ’ጸስማፒቲሀሁ፡። ሲሰፀሕድ፤ ከመዝ፡ ጀ“ጸርያሬመስ፡።” ወካልኣ፡’፡ ተማስ።" 2. ወ“ወርሣ፤ 
ጸርባዕት፡። ጸስማት፡። ቦቱ" ጀስሙመ፡”" ጸሶንያ;” ወካልኣ፡። ጸጽብሳ፡” ወሣልስ፣ ብናሴ፡። 
ወራብዕ፣ ጴራኣ።። 3. ኣሱ፡ ኣሙንቱ፡። ልሌ፡። ብርሃናት፡ ፀበይት'፡ ካበቦሙ፡ 
ካመ፡”“ ሕበበ፣ ሰማይ፤ ወጸምጣነ፡። ካበቦመ፡” ሰክልሌሆመ፡ ዕፉይ።። 4. በክበበ፡” 
ዐሐዶዴዶ፡ ሰብንቱ።። ሕክፍሰ፣ ብርሃን፣ ተዘዴትቹዊሰክ፡። ቦቱ፡። ኣምወርሣግ፡ተ ወመስፈርተ፡። 
ችትትወደዴ፣ ኣስከ፡ የሐልፍ፣ ሳብዕ፡።። ክፍሰ፡ ፀሐዶዴ። 5. ወዩዐርቡ፣፡ ወዴበውጹ፡” 
ንዋግወ፡ ምፀዐራብ፣ ወየጸውዱ፤ ኣንት፡ መስዕ፡ ወኣንተ፡ ንዋሣወ፡፤ ምሥመራቅ፡ ዶዴወፀዙ፡ ዲበ 
ገጻ ሰማይዴ። 6. ወሰበ፡ ዴትጌንሣጸ፤፡ ወርሣ፤ ያስተርዒጺ፡ በሰማድዴ፤ መንፈቀ” ሰብዕት።" 

ia. 9g trans. before Nyt: 8 omits. 2 miu, 8, £9 read Rw; 
5 0 reads DYE; « 9g, 0p omit. ፥ # reads ዴብ; 5 B. Z/read ምAብዳei 
mm Aé (sic). 9 reads mብደረi ። ብራ 7 Clause in brackets interpolated. 
‘Sa-mtL m8 read ሰዓ: or ሰቡ0; ! ሰቡ0; = inserts ወርኩ before ሰቡ3; 2 
prefixes ©. 1 S50 BcgFIoxyap, and 5 save that it trans. g after በድር: 
Thus according tos (PEC: occurs twice together. Other MSS. based on such a text 
could easily omit one of them, and this is actually the case in aeBén which otherwise 
agree with BcgFioxyay. The text followed above may be supported by fagsiees 
vill. 29 which speaks of «five great islands, which apparently are located in the 
Mediterranean. On the other hand it is strange to find a~m reading ሰብ0; OAR; 
በባሕረ ጴርትራ፡ (ሌርትራ፡ 8, ዚርትራ፡ ያሳ.  i5 conflate, based partly on a and partly 
on 8. ፪ በምድር ወጀበባሕረ፤ ዜርትራ፡ nag, eB 9, Beh omit. sf. Other 
MSS. read ARNE: im, c/Bkinox,a. Dn iN = ight of the sun.” #, apdesByy 
rad RርያCሌስ፡ 7 ሌጴመያሬስ፡ /ukC". “au. u,3read nN ag -BcHBInOXyD. 
BOFIRInoBw XB read +Nስስ: (NN; ¢). Corrupted from WS or from nis (Hallévi). 
io Fu. mgh Bi read DA. 7A. 7 m reads NCNOE: 18 iu, ይ. mgB-h 
read ስመት 135 #8 reads Rp 0 e omits. a miu, BE From ni NEN 
(FHalléviy. # reads RN 2 Rስንe: <፣ AO}; 5 gJenoyB read nk 
5g. Corrupted from n335., m reads NAA; /w, 8 AA: “not. From 
nes"l3. Zu read በsሴ; 5 From nis. 25 # omits. 7 Bux omit, 5a, 
B reads ORPMLPs =» a. 8 omits. a~u add here hm: በበ; ሰ: "not 
Zu read 0+ti 5 03; x B reads ወበበ; ። Anበበi Possibly the text is 
a corruption of the latter. 5 #5, #9 read ሰብ01Y: Other M55. %. Perhaps we 
should read AOE: 3 reads Hደትወሰni x omits. If text is right emend 
ኣምወርኝ፡ into ለወርኝ፤ # b adds ካፍሲ፡ ብርሃን፡ # omits. gm. 95, 8 read 
ወበመስፈርት፡ ። በመስ". 5 m reads ሰ); 5 w omits. B adds ስ 
5s # reads 0. 5 @ prefixes ©, and thus makes mY subject of ይhውy; Hi 
Z reads ሰብዕ0ተ፣ 5። 5. 5 ሰብዐ፡ 

LXXVIIL. 6-9. መጽሐፈ: ሄኖካ: 149 

ኳፎ፡፡ [ብርሃን፡ ይክከውን፡ ቦቱ፣ ሹሱ፡|። ጸመ “ዐሠውር፡ ወረቡዕ፡፡ ዴፈጽም። ብርሃኖ። 
7. ወመጀቸሣምስት፡፡ ብርሃን ዴትወደይዴ፡ ውስቱታ፤ ጻስከ፡ “ዐውር፡ ወኃሙስ፡፡ ዶትፈጺጸም፡ 
ብርሃ ዚጸሁ፡፥ ሰ“ትኳምርተ፡፡ ዓመነ፣ ወ"ይከውንገ፤ ሰ"ትሣምስት፡ ወይከውኽ፣ ወርሣ፡ 
በ"መንፈቀቁ፡ ሰብዕ; ጸፎ። 8. ወበሕጺጸ፤ ዚጸሆ፡ “በቀዳሚት ዕለት፡። የገጽጽ፡። ዐሠርቱ 
ወጸርባዕች፣ ጻደ፤ ብርሃኔ" ዚጸሁ፥ ወበሳኒታ የሐጽጽ፤ ፀሠርተ፡ ወሠለስት፡ ጻደ፤ ብርሃኘ፤" 
ወበ: ፤፲;" ዩየኝጽጽ፡ በፀሠርገ፡ ወኳልሌ፡" ወበ“ራብዕት፡" ፀሠርት፡ ወጸሐዶደ፣ ካፍለ፡ ወበ 
ጀየሃጽጽ፡ ዐሠርተ ካፍሰ፡ ወበ“ሰድስት፡። የኝጽጽ፡” ትስዓጎተ፡ ካፍለ፡ ወበ*“ሳሰብዕኘ። የኘጽጽ፡ 
ሰመንት፤ ክፍሰለ፡ ወበ“ሳምንት፡።” የኘጽጽ፤ ሰብዐት፡“ ወበ“ታስዕት፡። የጎጽጽ፡ ስድስተ፡። 
ወበ“ዓሥርት፡። የንጽጽ፡ ገምስተ፡" ወበዓመርት፡፥ ወጀየኝጽጽ፡ ጸርባዕተት፡” ወበሂወ“ክልሌ፡” 
የንጽጽ፡። ሠሰስት፡። ወበዓሥር፡ ወኝሣልበ፡። የጎጽጽ፡ ክልሌተ፡። ወበንሥመር፡ ወራብዕ፡ የገጽጽ፡ 
መንፈቁ፡። ሰብዐቱ ኣደ” ሹሱ፡። ብርሃኒ፤ ወ”በ“ዓመር;» ወ“ጋምስት;* ዕለት፥ ይትዌዊዳኣ፡ 
ዘ“ተረፈ፡ ኣምዙሱ። 9. ወበ“ጸውራሣ፣ ጳመሙራት፡ ይከውን“ በበ;። ጀወሄመዋዕል፡ 

tau. wfe8 read AE; and thus make ACY}; dependent on it. 2 T have 
bracketed this clause as a dittographic rendering of nMnpoi T9 ቁés (or እnipograt) 
which the translator renders by eR: ACY; a few words later. #1 inserts 
© before ACY For AC m reads AብCYSY: For tt; which gms ass read, 
g reads #N; but au omits together with EF: and 8 trans. after ጽም 5 at, 
u# reads DR: 3 00. “ZF BJHBu. m reads qwrt: ወረቡ0i # IB. 7/5 read 
ዓሥር፤ ወ( + በ ።)ረቡዕ፡ ° g reads Y&R: 8 adds WN which it has transferred 
from before Roi ¢ gu,8. £ reads YY; » ሠAስE: Y»ጋምስት; / ሠለስተ ትሣምስተ; 
7 Jn read RYO Sag, ef # reads 0wC:i ወJመhi 8~«/ 0wC: ምስ; 
2 m reads YAY; H. 10 0,8 read H. nag. 9,8 omit. 5 # reads 0, any 
omit. #2. m#8 ሰብ0Yi Other MSS. £. Ver. 8: the forms which the numbers 
take in the different MSS. in this verse are numerous, but as they imply no Variation 
in meaning they will only occasionally be registered. a s# omits. » g omits. 
1s gu omit. Zu add NE: ia. 9,8 omit. 5 ZF. m reads መስቱ: 9 ማልስ: 
ያሣልስት፡ ። ሣግልስቱ mL # reads nN Other MSS. &. nag. 9,8 
read 60; 8 adds t@h08; a 8. መፃ/u read Jምስት'፡፥ 8 ኃምስ፡ 5 a. B reads 
ሰስ =a omits. =a. B reads ሰብ0i = F9, Jcdgiox,a. m reads ሰYE: 
tu, B-Bcgiloxa ሰም = 9, 8 add ክፍሰሲ፡ ("6% 9). 7 au, #,l8 read ታስ); 
= /u. # reads 0wCY;I m reads CE 8 ዓር: ጋ ፉ ያመፀ ራብዕት፣ 58. 
B~< g1o add EA mF. # reads WANE: Other MSS. &. a c omits next four 
words through hmt,. 5 B~8 Ino add ፍሰ 5 m reads DH. #L B reads Eg. 
ያngu mit: 5 9 reads መiንፈY; 5 # and B (%Y. £m read ወሰብ0Y (YY; 5). 
ሠ ወጂ. 9 ወበሳብ0ት፡ 7 ደ።. ያያ 8 read ኣድ; 9 adds 005 8 B prefixes 
against a. 5 B omits. o gFmg. # reads ዓሥርት: 81. "F. mai read 
ጋምስ፡ 8%. 5 eBp read ©. 5 w reads 0, 9 omits. «4 9 reads ይhውé; 
SF g/u, Bi, m omits. 8 reads 0. # HO; 

150 መጽሐፈ፡ ሄኛኻ፡ XXVIII, 915. 

ለወርሣ፤ “ወቦ፤ ጸመ፡ ፳'ወሰመን፡፡ 10. ወኻልኣጻት፡ ሥርዓተ;፣ ጸርጸዩኒ፤ ጽዙራጴል፡፡ ሶበ 
ይትወደይ፡፡ ብርሃን: ውስ1፡ ወርሣ፡ ወኳምኝበ፤ ይትወደይ፤ ኣምፀሕይ።፣ 11, tN; 
ዘመኔ ዘ"ተኘገውር፡ ወርሣ፤ ብርሃኔ" ዚጸሃ፡ ትወዲዷ፡ በቅድመ፤ ፀሐዶደ፤ ኣስከ፡ ፲ወ፱“መዋዕል፡ 
[ይቸፌጸም፡ ብርሃና፡|። ወሰበ፡ ይውዒ፡፡ ሹሴ፡። ይትፌጸም፡ ብርሃኒ፡" ውስተ፣ ሰማይዴ።፣ 
12. በ“ቁዳሚት፡ ዕለኝ፡ ሠርቁ፡" ትሠመይ፡ ኣስመ፡ በይኣቲ፡ ዕሰኝ፥ ዴይጎገሣኳ፡ ሳዕሴሃ፡ 
ብርሃን።” 13. ይትፌጸም” ጥንቁቁ” በዕሰ1፡ ዶወርድ፣ ፀሐይዴ፡ ውስተ ዐረብ፡ ወኳም፤፡ 
መሥመራቅ፡። የ0ር7፡። በሴሲት፣ ወ“ያበርህ፡”" ወርሣ፡” በዙቡ፡፤ ሴሲ” ወ።ኣስከ፣ ድሠርቅ፡ 
ዐሐይ፡ በቅድሜሁ” ወ“ይትረጸደ፡። ወርሣ፤ “በቐድመ፤ ፀሐይ።። 14. ኣምኝበ፤” 
ዴመጽኣ፡”። ብርሃን” ሰወርሣ፤ ጻምህዩሂ፡። ካዕበ፡ የሕፀፀ፡። ኣስከ፡። ዴትቹዊዳኳ፡።” ዙሱ፡። 
ብርሃን” ወዩየገልፍ፡ መዋዕሰ፡ ወርሣ፡ ወዴዶነብር፡ ካበበ፡ በከ; ዘኣንበሰ፤ ብርሃን። 15, 
ወሠለሰስት፡ ወርኝ፡ ይገብር፡ ጸመዋዕሲ፡”" ወ“በጸዝማ፤። ዚጸሆ፡። ሶበ፡;። ፓሣጻጺት፤" ዚጸሆ፡ 

1 Such seems to have been the original text. # reads DበበRaoi Here Sao; is 
simply Rani which should be read before K, and Qf a corruption of 0 (so m9, 8), 
owing to 00 in preceding clause. m reads hi ቢNራi 9 i Ro; 00; 8. 
100i Ri ኣሪ ። ጸመ; ፳. 8 ወቦ፡ LW; ጸመ፤ ፳. ። 9 reads Oy. °/ g-cd/ioy. 
fF reads ኻት mn, cg//o xa nARYi 5 ወnልጸY: = ኻል: «mB, 
#2 reads YሠCYi u ዓሥርት; 91. 5 9. Other MSS, ጽር 5 g omits next 
five words through hmt. 58. ያመዞ ead ጳምፀበሕሐዴ፣ ያ ኣምጸባበሕዩቹ፡ 
ሠ ጻምጽበሕ፤ ይወፀልኳ፡ m0, 8. gu read tt 2 m, 8. a~m read Hy; 
10 9 reads AY: xag. Acc. of limitation. ACYY: could also be taken as the 
acc. after TYO#i 9 prefixes Of. Bn prefix 0. 5 prefixes ©. POI 
m/ read RCE: ACE: But the numbers in the text may represent ordinals. 
5 Bracketed as a dittography from the next clause. For &Y&" AC", which a reads, 
B reads ት" ብC" ውስ; ሰድ: This further addition is also drawn from the next 

clause. B omits next five words through ht,  F reads pa 5 0 reads 
ወስ 5 g reads ብCYS 7 9 omits. 5a, B~gy read ©. dy omit. 
» reads wey; 9 wCY:i "mn omits. 0,8 prefix. m8. a~m add 

At: = omits. #9 reads YC; =u omits. = m adds Peበርy; በሌሊት: 
7 aw mw, B omit. 5 mp B-a. gw, a read ዴትOEE:; 5 9 reads በድ; 
ሰፀሓይ፡ mM en prefix ©. Fm FBIRIno0X,ab. 9h abcde read AA 
sag. 9B read ACYL = u reads ©. 1 9 reads RYY00: # ©Ot300; and 
wu trans. before N00; 5 mm reads ©. 55 0 reads ዴት OA); i a, bx omit. 
Sm, g/0yab. 9% B-g/0ya6 read ACYL: u omits. » dy read ni "8-4. 
Zu read በoዋON: m9/ mPOA; dg omits together with next ten words. 1 8 omits. 
52. mgyw, B~ako read በHoyi asoas Hoy: # reads HAY: w omits next 
three words through hmt., 3 omits next four words. “20, m reads በ0: =, 8 
omit. g omits next two Words. Smt, gu, B omit together with next two words. 

WHT EE XXX መጽሐስፈ፡ ህሄኛኻ፡ 151 

ዴገብር። ሠሰስት። ወርኘ፡ ዶገብር። በበ'ጀወትሱዕ፡። መዋዕል፡ ኣሰ፡ ቦሙመ፡፡ ዶገብር፡ 
ፓታሓጺጸጴጺተ፡።፡ ዚጸሆሁ፡ በ'ዝመን፡ ቁዳማዊ፡" ወ“"በኖሣት፡ ቁዳማዊ፡ በ"“መዋዕል፡ ጀወኛወጃ። 
16. ወበ“ዝመኔ" መኻባጹጽ፡ ሂ“ወርኘ;። ያስተርዉ፡” በበጸመዋዕል፤ ወ“ጀ"ወርኘ፡"" ያስተርዉ፡ 
በበ; ጀ"ወተሠውዕ፡ መኖዋዕል። 17. ቢ“ዜሲኝ፥ ያስትርጺ፡” በበጀከመ፤ ብኣሲ፡ ወመዓልተ፡” 
ከመ፡ ሰማይዴ፡።” ኣስመ፤ ኣልኳ፡ ምንትኒ” ጸልባቲ፣ ዘኣንበሰ፡ ብርሃ። ዚጸሃ።። LXXIX. 
ወድኣላኬኒ፡ ወልድሂ; ዙሎ። ጸርጸዴኩከ፣ ወ“ትፈጸመት፡” “ሥርዓት፣፥ ሹሱ፡። ከዋክብተ” 
ሰማያት” 2. ወ።ጸርክዩኒ፡ ሹሉ” ሥርዓተመ፡ “ለጻ ኣንት፡” በሹሰ፡ ዕሲነ፡። ወበዙሲ፡፤። 
ዘመኝ;። ዘበ።ሥልጣን፡።“ ወበዙሰ፡። ዓመኝ፡ ወበመሙጻጽ፡” ወበትጻዛሽ፡።” በዙ” ወርግሣ፤ 
ወ“ ሰንበት“ 3. ወሕጻጺ፡ ወርሣ፤ ዘ“ይዶትገበር፡። በ“ሰድስት፡። ኖሣት፡። ጻስመ፤ 
በዛቲ -ኖሣት፡። ሰድስት ይትፌጺጻም፡። ብርሃ ዚጸሆ፡“ ወ“ኣምኔሁ፡። ይከውንገ፣ ርጻበሰ፡” 
ታሕጻጺች'።” 4. (ወታወጻጹት”) ዘ“ዴትገበር፡ በኖሣት፡። ቁዳሚት፣ በዘመኔ ዚጸሁ፡ 
ኣስከ፡;” ይትፌጸም” መዋዕል፡ ጀወኛወጂ፡በ።ሥርዓተ፡። ሰንበ “ጀወጀ፡ ወ“ኻልሌቲቱ፡ መዋዕል። 

1 a, Save that 9 prefixes ©. Hence all the members of a originally contained the 
clause omitted by B, 5 8 prefixes ©. 5 g prefixes ©. mg add han; * 05 
read 0. 5 m reads ታስ); 5 c omits. 7 LB. a-# read ገብ; $s 0, 
Other M55, ታሐጻAY; 5 9 reads ©. 10 # omits next two words through hmt. 

 g omits. 5 g omits, # reads ©. 5 /u add HRW vB. a reads DC; 
5 9 prefixes ©. mx omit next three words through hmt. 15 2 omits, g reads Bi 
1 ሠለስቱ 7 # omits to በቢ inclusive through hmt., but # adds in margin. 
!5 9 reads 00. 5 መ reads ታኸትርA 0 wu, B~Bn. mph read መዓል 
g, #1 በመዓልት፥፣ = 0 prefixes ቢ. = Gcgsia., ah cg8la read Yi =m 
reads LAy; 4 ዞ 8 add ማቱሰሳ፡ 5 8 trans. after next word. By 

gu, B read TR; 7 ፃፉ መ reads ሥመርዓት፣ ዘሹዙሰ፣ ። ሹሲ፡ ሥርንታት፡ 5 ሺ 
ሥር0ዐ1፡ 5a, DcFBSRInopywxyab. ade read hዋnብት H. aH, wo 
read ሰ; » u omits. 5% 0 omits. =a. B reads mዋONA: = 5 pt 
5 n reads RH au. wu reads PH. adgs/hs8inoas Ht; Sx ot; 
c Ht;  s reads መል 9 reads በAi = au, 8 reads ትዛ: 
zu omits, 5 8, au read Difሱ፡ ።# ወበዙሲ፡ 40 au. #, 3 read D0. Sg 
B reads ሰንበታት; 5 መይB. ያ ይገብር; ድ’ ድገነብር፡ (si). ያ። ድገብር፡ Bag, 
B-I0oxay. # reads ሰበት; / i0x,as ሰEhi m adds ወርሣ; a w omits next four 
words: F omits next three words. 5 m trans. after ሰ.E£Nት'i 5 BX omit next 
fourteen words through hmt. 47 @. a reads HAY: 8 128, a reads AP 
» B-» add C4; © against a in order to emend mutilated text. See note 51. adds 

only ©. 0 9. መ,8B"ጺት፡ ድ reads ተሕጸጴት፡ / ሕ98ፀ፡ a Lost through 
himt, and here supplied (so also Flemming). = 9 adds aii = /reads £Yፈa 
“ah adgéfBiRInoyab. 8 bcx read 0. 5m reads ር3Y; HCY 

5 mg (1 0&5 ወ»ምስቱ; ©), 5. # reads ORE # RoE: 

152 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛሄኛኻ፡ TRXXRIR SRNR 

5. የጽጽ፡ ኣምፀሕይደ፡ ወሰሥርጎት፡፡ ከዋክብት ገሙሰ፡። መዋዕሰ፡ በ"ዘመን፤ ጸሐዱ፡፡ 
ጥንቁቁ፡ ወሶሰበ፡ ዴትፌጺጻም፡ “ዝመካን፡ ዘ'ትሬጺ። 6. ከመዝ; ጸርጸያ፡ ወ’ጸምሳል፡ 
ኣምዙሱ፡ ብርሃን፣ ዝጸርጸዩኒ፡ ጽርሌጴል፡። መልጸኳ፡ ፀቢይ፡ ዘውኣቲቱ፡ መራሂሆሙ። 
LXXX. ወበውኣቱ፡ መዋዕል፤ ጸውሥጸኒ፡ ጽዙርዜሌል፡"’ መልጸ፡ ወዶቤሲ፤፡ 1ኛ; ጸርጸዴኩክ፡፡ 
ዙሉ“ ሃኖኳ፡። ወስ ከሠትኩ፡ ሰከ፡ ትርጸየዩ። ሲዝ፡ ፀሐዶ፡ ወሰዝ፣ ወርሣ፡" ወሰጻሰ፡ 
ይመርሣዎሙ፡ ሲ“ከዋክብተ፡ ሰማይ" ወሲሰ“ዙሎሙ፡፡ ኣሰ፡ ዶመዶጥዎሙ፡ ፃብሮሙ፡ 
ወጸዝማኖሙ፡" ወ“ሙባጺሆሙ።” 

2. ወ“በ።መዋዕ0ለ፡ ጋጥጻን፤ ክረማት፥። የንጽፉ፡፥። 

ወ።ዘርጸ፡። ዚጸሆመ፡ ይክከውን፡ ዳጋራዩ፡;። በ“ምድሮመ፡፥ ወበወፍሮሙ፡። 

ወዙሱ፡። ፃብር፡፡ ዘሄበ፡ ምድር፡ ይዴትመዩጥ፡። 

ወጺያስተርx፡” ሲ"ጸዝማኖመሙ፡” 

ወዝናም ይትክሳባኣ፡። 

ወሰማይድ፡ ፓቅውም።። 

3. ወበውጻቲቱ ጸዝማን፤ ፍሬ፤ ምድር፤ ደሓራዊ። ይከውን 

ወጺዴበፉል፡ በዘመኒ፡ 

ወፍመ፡ 08; ዴትክሳኣ፡ በዘመኔ ዚእጸሁ። 

4. ወወርኝ፡ ዴቐልጥ፡ ሥርዓተ፤” 

ወጺይትችረጸይ፡ በዘመ፤፡ ዚጸሁ።፣ 

iat #, B prefix pH. 5 Fmended from በ*C3Y; of a m9, 8-5. mg read 
በሥርዓ1;፤ Dx ወር" and » AC". For the above use of A replacing another 
preposition in an enumeration~—in this instance Agn—see Dillmanns Grammar, 
Dp. 3o8 (rst ed.); p. 347 (2nd ed.). Our text here identifies the solar and the sidereal 
year, as in Ixxiv. 12. 5 m reads JምhስYi ‘8. Zmያw read Hoy B (Rሐዱi mw). 
5 gt Bx. guread oni Yi). » በዝony; » Hoi: H. omits. ‘omits. 
5 9 read ጽዙራዜስል፡ 5 ehi read WH. 10 0b read KራዜAi g omits. um 

gw, 8B omit. 15 wu reads eli m omits. 3 mg, 8. Zu read RCAth: 
4 au, w omit. 5 8 prefixes A. 15 # reads CRF 7 Bx omit next 
two words. 15 # reads hዋnብት: 5 ድመ add ወይመይዴጥዎሙ፡ 0 ## reads 
መኻጸቲፒሆው፡ 2 g omits. = Pu. Other MSS. ራት sgu prefix ©. 

=u. 9 reads YR mn, tሐጽራ = g trans. after HAP SDF 
/ዳሣራዊ፤ ። ደጋራዊ፤ መ, 8-/ read ደጋራቹ; n trans. after ቢሮ = 8, areadsሲ 
3 au, 8 reads DበaotCaws # omits. 5 ፀ reads ሲዙሱ፡ ፡ ወበዙሱ፡ 5 8, au 
read £መይT:; / adds &ናpሁi «omits. “m8. 9, dread ያስትርጺ፡ /። ያስ" 
iat # 8B read 0. B omits. 5 a. 8 reads Hav 5 9 reads ድኻ 
5 ነ, ይB-፤ ያያ/1read ትቁውም፡ ። ይቀውም ፣ያቁውም፤ = ያ።, 8/n መይ 6-ቄ/። 
ead ጋራቹ፡ 9 ዳጋራዊ፡ % 0,8 read ሥርዓተ 7 7 reads LAF 

LXXX, BLXRXXL. I. መጽሕቷ፡ ዛኛካ፡ 188 

5. [(ወበጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ድትረጸይ፡ ተሰማዶ፡። ወዴበጽሕ፡ + 0ባር፡፡ በጽንፈ፡ ሰረገላት፡ 
ዐቢድ፤ ሰ'ምዕራብ፡]፡ 

ወዴበርህ፡ ፈፎፉደ፡ ኣምሥርዓጊ ብርሃን። 

6. ወ'ይሥሕቲቱ፡ ብዙጋን፡ ጸርኣስቲሆመሙመ ሰ“ክዋክብት። ተኣዛዚ: 

ወ፡ኣሱ፡፡ ይመይጡ;" ፍናዩሆሙ፡። ወፃብሮመሙ፡ 

ወጺይደት'ረጸዩ፣ በጸዝማ፤፡። ዚጸሆመ፡ ኣጻሰ፡ ተጸዘዘ፡ ሎሙ" 

7. ወሱ፥ ሥርዓት; ከዋክብት" ዶትፀፀው፡፡ ሳዕለ፤ ጋጥጻን 

ወሕሲናሆመሙመ፡፥ ሰኣጻሲ;። ዲደበ፡ ምድር፡፣ ዶስሕቱ፡ ደቤሆሙ፡" | ወይትመየጡ፣ ኣምሰሉ 

ወዴስሕቱ፡። ወይመስልዎመሙመ፡። ጸማልክተ። 

8. ወዴበዝሣ፤ ሳዕሌሴሆሙመ፡። ኣኩይ፡። 

ወመቅሠፍት፡ ደመጽኣ፡ ደቤሆመሙ፡። 

ከመ ታሕኾል፡። ዙሎ።። 

LXXXI. ወዴቤለኒ፡ *ነጽር፡ ሄኖሕ; ዘፀፍፀፈ፡” ሰማዶ፡ 

ወ’ጸንብብ፡ ዘጽሑፍ፡ ደቤሆሙ፡” 

, mg, 8. Zu read በሰ; Text may be corrupt. The Greek translator read 
Din for ENON and ay) « hunger’ for 33y ‘evening’ (Halléviy. 2 See note 1. 
sag. 9,1 B read 0. «+ Bracketed as an early interpolation in the Hebrew text. 
When these clauses are removed, verses 4 and 5 form a tristich relating to the moon. 
Tt will be observed that before and after— verses 3, 6 and 1~—are tristichs. ° 9 omits. 
5 F9,05. Other MSS. hዋnብ 7 9°. Other MSS. YAH: Beer conjectured this 
text. See Kautzsch’s Apoc. u. Pseug. 11. 285 note. s /u omit, ? wu reads AA; and 
omits next three words and following ©. ' 9/1 read LTP n e/hssnyw 
read &SPtሆPa 5 mg, e read በHaoy; 3 a reads NE: # mg BR. 
Fu read CY; ። C3 un omit. 5 af, B-cdelnay. g,cdeinay 
read £YOg: X gives both readings. 9 prefixes H. 7 mw reads 0. 5 IB add 
ዴነብፉ፡ » # reads £0; ምድር: 5 Bracketed as an interpolation. # also omits. 
If the clause referred to men, it could only according to Biblical usage be com- 
mendatory. If it refers to the stars, it breaks the connexion. When removed it 
leaves a tristich. For &éዋP'tPaw (of Zt, n) m, 8H read &SEሆPaw; and 9 &SEሆ; 
5% gu omit. = 9 reads ወይመይጥዎሙ፡፥ / ወይብልዎመሙ፡ = m reads AOA; 
Iu. mB-X read NE; 9 Nt: 5 efhn read ANP; s nu omits, 
ኘa-g. 9 reads ታሎ 3 ያሕጕሎሙ 5 a9. 9 reads ለሱ 5-05 ለሎ 
0,6 ሹኵሎመሙ፡ 5 a save that im inserts A before #2; 8 reads A¥ኖN: iC: ጽሐፈ 
save that gy omit 8 before ¥" and that n omits ጽሐፈ; 0 m reads HAA; PH: 
 g omits next four words. 


1584 መጽሐፈ: ህዛኛኻ፡ EXXON 

ወ“ጸኣምር፡ ሹሉ፡ ጸሕደ፤ ጸሐደ። 

2. ወነጺርኩ፡፡ ሰፀፍፀፈ፡። ሰማይ፣ ወጸንበብኩ፡ ሹሎ፤ ዘጽሑፍ። ወጸኣመርኩ፣ ሹሎ፡ 

ወጸንበብክዊ፡ “ሰለመጽሐፈ፡ ዙሱ፡፡ ምፃባሮመ፡ ሰሰብኣኳ፡ ወሹሱ፡፡ ውሱደ፡ ሥጋ ዘዲሂበ፡ 

መድር፡ ኣስከ፣ ትውልደ ዓሰም። 

3. ወኣምሶቤሃ፡’፡ በረኻዎ፡ ሲኣፓዚኳ፡ ዐቢደ፡። ሰንገሠ፡። ስብሐት ሰዓሰም፡። በከመ ገብረ 
ቫሉ ፃብረ፡፡ ዓሲም፡። 

ወ“ሰባሕኩ፡። ጻኘዚጸ፡ በ"ት'0ዕኘሥቱ 

ወባረኩ፤ “4ዷበ; ውደ ጸዳም፡።፡።፣ 

4. ወጻምኔሁ፡፡ ኣቤ፡ 

ብፁዕ፡ ብኣሲ፣ ዘይመውት፤።” ጻድቅ፣ ወር 

ወሰ መጽሕፈ፡ በመዛ፤ “ተጽሕፈ ደቤሆሁ፡ 

ወጺድት'ረክብ፡። *0ሰ1፡ ሹኔ።። 

5. ወኣመሙንቲቱ፡ ጸቅረቡኒ፡። ሂ።ቅዲሰን፡ ወጸንበፉኒ፡“ ውስት፡ ምድር፡ በቅድመ፡። ኖሣ1፡ 

ቤት።ዩ፡ ወደቤሱኒ፡። ጸይድፎዕ፡። ዙሉ ሰማቱሰሳ፡ ወልድክ፣ ወጸርዉ፡ ሲ"ዙሎሙ፡። ውሱ.ፎክ፡ 

ከመ፡ ጺ“"ይጸድቅ፡። ሹሱ፡። ዘሥጋ፡። በቅድመ፤ ኣግዚጻ፡ ጻስመ፡ ውኣቱ፣ ፈጠሮሙ። 

6. “ዓመት፣ ጸሐደ;። ነቕፎገክ፡።” በኘንበ፡።“ ወኢፎክ፡” ኣስከ፡። ካዕበ፡። ትጴዝዝ፡" ከመ። 

+ m reads RAPE 2, B~a add WN a omits next three words. sag. 
9 reads ፀEፀፈi 5 በጸፍጺጸፈ፡ « 9 trans. after BN WN: 5 9 omits. $ mf 
ድ። read ሰመጽሕፍ፡ ዙሉ፡ 9,5 ሰመጽሕፍ፡ ወዙሉ፡ ዘጽሑፍ፤ ውስቱቴታ፡ ፐo this 6 
add Whi c fh The original text appears to have been ሰመጽሐe: HXሑé; 
ወስቴ ዙሱ፡ ምፃባሮመ፡ ሰሰብኣ፤ = G፤8እ0v @ Yeyparrat €y avr® mdyra Ta fpya Ty 
Gvgporey = DINH "wyio-o3 3 bina ግwN Jeb. 7 mw omits next five words, 
sau. B reads DN; ? ai8pw prefix H. 0 a7. 9,18 read AH: hቤy: 
u 8 omits. 2 m prefixes ©. 9 reads AY: AIHA: 5c ን; 5 a, Gc 
read HAYA: Sc omit. # 05 read Yd; 5 a7. 9, 8 read ወሰባሕዎ፡ 
15 F/u. m9, 8B read AATHA; 7 a9. 9, 8 read በኣጻንት፡ FIO 
B-/8፣I»0y,a8 read £0: ውደ ዓሰም » ውሱ ጁደበ፡ ሹሱ፡ ዓሰም፡ ። ፈፉበ፡ ዙሱ፡ 
ትውልደ ዓለም " a. “5-8 read ወይዴኣ፡ Lዜ፡ scx ወው ሂዜ፡ “ያ. 8 
add AIH: a-g/, 9/8 read HA. = a-mn. m/s B8 read ወጺYረnበi = emu. 
/ reads በ0^ት፡ ሹ". 9 ፲ጋዩ፡ ሳዕሌሆ፡ “።, 5-*5። ጌጋይ ሳ".* “s። ፲ጌጋዶ፡ በሳዕሴሆ፡ 
4 mgt 8. reads ቅረቡ: ። ACL /።, 8 trans. AY" afer ቅዱ. Su. mg# 
write in full ሰብዓE: 8 reads F. 5 B omits. 7 bgnxy read ወይቤAL: 
5 dg reads NEO: = / reads thi omits. ™ a-mB-n. m reads ይጽድY; 
ዛ ድዴጽደቅ፡ = u,8 rag WN = ። reads ሕያው =m 9 reads ዓመት Rሐዱ 
ሠ, ዓመት ፮. 8-5 8 ዓመት =» 9/3. ድ።ሣ ad ነሕድኘ፡ መ ሃሕድንኝ፡ 5 g reads 30; 
7 a. 3 reads ውድ 5 ww omits. 3 Fm trans. A after Yh. ua omits WY. 
0 mf, B~cde. #reads YAH: 9 TSHH: cys (according to Dillmann) Y&HH: but 
this seems a mistake. # omits. 

TEE BEXAR NIT 5 መጽሐፈፉ፡ ሄናኻ፡ 155 

ትምሀሮሙ፡፡ ሰውሱ.ፎክ፡ ወትጽሕፍ። ሎሙ’ ወ'ታሰምዕ፡፡ ሎመ፡፣ ለዙሎመሙ፡ ውሱድከ፡፣ 
ወ፣በካልልኣ፡፣ ዓም፡ ይነሥጹክ፡’ ጳማኣከሎሙ።" 

7. ዶጽና0፡; ልብከ፡" 

ኣስመ፡ ኔራን፡። ለኔራን፡ ያዩፎ0፡ “ጽ.ፎቁ፡ 

ጻድቅ፡። ምስሰለ፡ ጻድፎቅ፡ ዴትፌሣሕ፡ 

ወዴትጸምኙ፣ በበዴናቲሆሙ። 

8. ወ“ጋጥኳ፡'፡ ምስሰ፤ “ኃጋጥልኣ፤ ይመውት" 

ወምዩዬጥ፡ ምስሰ፤ ምዩጥ፡። ዶሰጠም። 

9. ወኣሰ፡ ይገብፉ፥ ጽ.ፎቁ፡ ይመውቱ በኣንተ፡ ምፃባሪረ፡ ሰብኳ፡ 

ወዴት ጋብጽ፡ በጻንች፤ ግብሮሙ" ለረሲዓን። 

10. ወ“በኣማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ፈጸመ“ ኣንዘ፡ ዴቸናገፉ፡ ምስሌየ፡ ወ'ቦኣኩ፡ ኘበ፡” ሰብጻናዩ፡ 
ኣንዘ፡;። ኣባርኮ፣ ሲኣንዚጸ፡ ዓሰም።። LXXXII. ወይ: ወድ: ማቱሰሳ፡ “መሙ 
ኣሱንተ፡። ሰክ፡ ኣፃኘግር፡ ወጻጽሕፍ፡ ሰከ፡። ወሸሎሙ፡። ከሠዥኩ፣ ሰከ; ወ“ወሀብዙክ፡” 
መጻጠሕፍቲሆመሙ፡ ሰኣሱ፡ ቸሎመኘ።” ዕቁብ፡ ወል.ፎ፤ዩ፡። መጽሐፈ” ጻዴሁ፡ ሰጸቡክ፣፡ ወከመ፡ 
ችሀብ፡ ሰትውልደ፡። ዓሲም። 

2. ጥበበ፣ ወሀብኩ፡። ሰከ፣ ወ'ለውሱ.ድከ፡። | ወለጻለ፡ ዴክወቱ፣ ሰለከ፡። ውጡደ፣] 

ከመ፡ ዩሀ” ሰበውሱዶመሙ፡። ለትውልዳት። 

ሲዛ፡ ጥበብ፡ £በ;። ሕሲሪሆሙ። 

3. ወ“ዚይነውመሙ፡፥ ኣሲ፡" ድዶሴብዉሪ" 

1 m, a read YPC ‘£9 tn. Other MSS. YX: 1 have here preserved 
the indicative, as the indicative form of the following verb is so strongly attested. 
5 # omits next four words, «4 g omits. $f, acge7hs0. mgt, b-81 read ፓhም0: 

‘ያመ ፣ሮሷd ሰውሱ.ፎ፡ 7 # omits. 5 eh read በልሉ 5 g reads ih: 
10 m adds ቢል: 1 m reads Aha; 5 g reads ጨር: 5B, # reads 
ጺፎቁ፡ (sic). ። ጽፎቁ፡ ያ ጸጻፎቅ፡ (sic). = ጻድቅ 14 f, ehy read BTA]: g omits 
next two words. 15 ይ ረኽ5 read JAY; ይመውቱ 5 u# adds RትtT; ©. 

7 Fu. mg, Bread PICs 71 omits. 5 mF omit. 5 F reads RSI] 
mn ureads ምስ 1 Fm prefixD. = a0. 9,8 readqAnYi Ft m reads 
ሉ፡ ኣሎንት፡ ያ ሹሱ፡ ዝንቱ ። ሹሉ 9ዕሪ፣/ዕ x,s ሹሉ ኣሳንት፤ «።/።s። = ጻላንት፡ ሹሉ 
4 ዙሉ፡ ኣንት፡ ። ኣሳ" ሰከ፡ ሹሉ 24 Fmf omit. eFhifiy omit next three words 
through hmt. gm. gt, Bread DWN: reads Ns wu omits. 26 ae omits. 
7 #r omit. 5 m reads Uni: 5 9 adds ሎሙ 20 ያu, 8 add ማቱሰላ፣ 
+ tu, 8 read ORጻhፍi = reads ለው: = m reads UAW:  £ reads 
ጥበበ፡ ወልድክ፡ ፣/ ሰወልድክ፣፡ ። aዛዛs ወለው ድክ፡ 5 b trans. after Pt 
5 ድ reads ትቦ ና 9 adds ጻስከ፡ 5 bረያx ጻባ ሲትውልደ፡ ትውልድ 
n ለትውጨደ፣ » ሰሲትውልደ፤ ዓለም፤ 9, 8» aዛdዛ ኣስከ፣ ለዓለም 5 0 reads DA; 
bx ውስተ: " # reads Ai uw. *“ Bc/hx read ዴሌብውዊ 

156 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ TXXXII:S TR: 

ወየጻጸጺምሉጵ፡ በ'ኣዝኖሙመ፡ ከመ ደትመሀርኛዋ፣ ሰ*ዛ;፡ ጥበብ 

ወት ይደልዎሙ ኣመባልዕት፣ ሠናያት *ሲኣሰ፡ ዶበልፁ፡፡ 

4. “ብፁንን፡ ጻ.ፎቃን፡ ሹሎሙ፡፡ ኣሰ የሕውፉ፡ በፍኖተ። ጽፎቅ፡፡ ወጸልቦመ“ ጋጢጸት።፣ 
“ክመ፤ ጋጥጻጳን፡፡ በልቁ፡፡ ሹዙሉ፡፡ መዋዕሲሊሆመሙ፡፣ ለዘ፡ የሃውር፡ ፀሐደ፡ በ'ሰማይ፣፡ በጸናቅጽ፡ 
ዶበውኣ፡" ወይወጽልኣ፡ ሠሳሰ፡ ዕለት፡ ምስለ; ጸርኣስተ፡ ሂ፲ጀ“ዘዝ“ሥርዓተመሙ ለከዋክብት 
ምስሰቨኣለሰ፡ ድዶትቹሰኩ፡ ኣሰ፡'፡ ዴሴልዩ፡ ማኣከሰ;"፡ ፱ክፍሰ፡ ዓመት ኣሰ፡ ዶመርሣዎሙ፡ 
ወምስሌሆሙ፥ ይበውጹ፡ ጸርባዕት፡" መዋዕለ።። 5. በኣንቲጸሆመ፡” ዴጌፃዩ፡ ሰብኣ፡ 
ወጺየንስብዎሙ፡ ተበሕሐሳበ፡፦። ሹሱ፡። ዓሰም፡ተ። ኣጻስመ፤ ዶ፲ገግድዎሙ፤ ወ“ጴ“ያጸምርዎመሙ 
ሰብኣ፡ ፕንቁፃ።፡ 6. ጳስመ፡ ሀለዉ፡ በ“ሐሳበ፡። ዓመት ወጸማን፣ ልእኩዓኘ፡ ኣሙንቱ፡ ሰዓሰም፡ 
ጸሐቲ፡ በቀዳሚት ኖሣት፡። ወ።ጸሕቲ፡ በ“ሣልስት፡። ኖሣት፡” ወጸሕቲ፡ በ*ራብዕት፡። ወጸሐቲ፡ 
በሰድስት፡፣ ወዴትፌጸም፡ ዓመት;። መዋዕል፡። ሂጀወኗጃወረቡዕ። 7. ወጸማን፣ ነገፉ፡። 
ወጥንቁቅ፡። ሐሕሳቡ፡ ዘልኩዕ፡ ኣስመ፡ ሰብርሃናት፡ ወሰጸውራሣ፣፤ ወለበዓሳት፡። ወለካረማት፣። 
ወለመዋዕል፡ ጸርጸዩኒ፡ ወነፍሐ፡ ጃቤዩ፡ ጽርሌል፡። 1 ዘጸዘዘ፡” ሎቲ፡" ኣግዚጸ፡" ሹሱ፡ 
ፍጥረተ“ ዓሰም፤ ሰ"ሕዴዶሰ፡ ሰማዶ። 8. ወስልጣ፤፡“። ቦ፲ቱ፡ በ“"ሌሲት፡ ወበ“መዓልት፡ 

1 Fg! omit. 2 w omits. sau, 8, # reads ብg AE. mi repeats exactly 

the above three words: 9 adds ብፁ” aንhi tN: ,5-# (+‘ብg ሎሙ 
¢ u prefixes ©. ° b reads 0, 471i ° » reads REY "92. mh 
read SLAY ‘af,8. £ reads በዋ; ? u reads ©. 0 m prefixes ©. 
u u reads F. 15 # prefixes ©. 5 # writes in full 0ሠCE;i PAY m reads f and 
trans. OwCE:i before RCAስY: ። If and trans. it before AC". iF IDB 
read H. ss omits. dreads AYN:  a-m. m reads AN; 8 0. " 0/B-n0. 
Cf. XXX. 11. Zmu, nob read LYAAE 's 9,8. wu reads ሰማaከሰi Smt 
ማኣክከሰ፡ ወማኣከሲ፡ (= / "ሲ;) ሲ (n። omits).  # reads RCብY 0 #8, ay read 
መዋዕል = ።u omits. Z9/u add tf; = dg omits next ten words through hmt. 
5 uw omits. = Words obelized. Corrupt(?) for it; ሐሰበ; gos So also Beer. 
For 3A; 9 reads ሰብA; 25 ma omits. 25 m reads ሲ. 7 ሠ adds ዓሰም: ©. 
= 9 aባባ5 ወጸሕሐቲ፡ በካልኣ፡ ማ au, In. w,h read ሣAስi B-BIn read JAY 
0 wu reads Rt: 9,8 omit. 1 Foy Bh read ራብዒት ያ። add ወጸሕቲ፣፡ በኘምስት፡ 
5 gL Fmu read YoY: 5 reads qoY; 5 a. Breads በመዋOል a c reads 
በሩ 55 m0, 8. ድ/u read ጥንቁቁ; 5 0, B-F ድ reads ወለዘበዓሳኝ፣  በዓሰኝ፡ 
/u ለበዓሳት፡ / ወበዓ. “ ያ።. a-።, 8 read ወለክራማት፣ = ያያ read ጽራሌል፡ 
aefh 8% trans. before pi; NFmiu,adgigiy,a. 9g reads HRCA: 7/25 0ce/nx 
HAHH: oy HAHHi: Text = 9 srerage corrupt for 8 Srérage. Em, from AY: 
Here H..rEi= 4S. HAHH: (or "h:) ሲሊ; . .. በh£A: = ‘whom He hath commanded 
For me over the host gives no reasonable meaning. Ta omits next two words. 
a m, gI0y omit. S a,ahi8n, B~ahrtn read. “ a-m,. 3-8 read ወስ: 
SY:B: Pg omit, MHF TEady "8. ድመ read ቢ. uD. A. OA. 

TVXRXI SH, መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ 157 

ውስተ፡ ሰማዴ፤ ከመ፡ ያርጺ፡ ብርሃ፤፡ ዷበ፡ ሰብኣ “ፀሐዩ; ወ“ወርኝ፡፡ ወክዋክብተ፡፡ ወ“ዙሎሙ፡፡ 
ስልጣናተ፡፡ ሰማድዶ፡። ኣሰ፣ ዴትመየጡ፡፡። በኻበቦሙ። DINE SEALS PEI 
ከዋኻካብት፡ ኣሰ፡ የዐርቡ፡። በመካናቲሆሙ፡“ ወበጸዝማኒሆሙ፡” ወበበዓሳቲሆሙ፡ 
ወ“ቢ“ጸውራኒሆሙ፡፣ 10. ወ።ኣሱ፡። አስማቲሆመ፡ ሰኣሰ፡ ይመርሣዎመሙ፡ ሲ"ኣለ፡ “0ቅቡ፡ 
ወ“ይበውጹ፡ በጸዝማ፤፡ ዚጸሆሙ፡ “ኣሰ ይድመርሣዎመሙ፡ በመካናቲሆመሙ፡” ወበሥርዓታፓቲሆመሙ፡፡ 
ወ“ቢ“ዜያቲሆሙ፣ ወበጸውራኒሆሙ፡'፡ ወበስልአጣናቲሆሙ፡። ወበ ምቐዋማቲሆሙ። 11. 
በመራሕያኒሆመሙ፡። ይዴበውጹ፡። ቁዳሚ፡። ኣሰ; ዶሴልዩ፡ ዘክፍሰ፡። ዓመት ወጻም ፎሣሬወሆሙ፡ 
፲ወ፪“መራሕያን;። ዘሥርዓታት። ኣሰ፤ ይዴሴልዴዎመሙ፡ ሰጸጽውራሣ፡። ወሰ፡። “ሂጀወቿ“ጸርኣስተ፡ 
፲*ጀ"^ኣሲ፡; ይፈልጥዎሙ፡ ሰመዋዕል፡ ወ።“ሰ። ፀጻለ፣ ዶትቹቐሰኩ፣፡ ምስሌሴሆሙ፡። “ኣሰ 
ዴፈልጠጡ፡። መራሕያን; ዘሦመኳፈልተ፡ ዓመታት።። 15. ወ“ጻሙንቱ፡። ጸርኣስተ፡ ሂጀማኣጻክሰ፡ 
መራኒ፡ ወመራሐ፡። ይትዌሰክ;።” ጀበድሣረ፤ ምቅዋም" “ወመራሕያኒሆሙ፡ ይፈልጡ 
13. ወጻ“ ጸስማቲሆመ፡፥ ለመራሐዶያኝን፡“። ኣጻሰ፡ ዴፈልጠ፡ ዘመሕክፈልተ፡ ዓመት ኣለ፡ 
ሥፉዓን፡ ሚልኪሌጴል፡“ ወ“ህልጻም’ጃሌክ፡። ወ“"“ጃልሌዩል፡" ወናሬመል።“" 14. ወጸስማቲሆመሙ፡ 

1 £ reads PCAL: ። 9/ read ፀhደ: 3 F9# read ወር4i m adds £0; ሰብኣ 
+ 74 # read ወ? omits)hዋnብት; 5 9 reads tt ° wu reads ስAጣk 7 97 reads 
ሰማያት a omits next two words. * # reads ይትYOtT:i / RYመtMi * 9 reads 
በቢ. "tu omit. 4 adds CON = a reads =መC0OY UH. = 9 reads t0¥0: 
nw OCT: 4 i omits. » Fmt B. 9 reads ANTS EVP « OAHiLPa:; 
15 reads በዓታ LP; «u omits. 7 mg read RውራDtሆPi  /reads AAS (sic). 
u omits. ™ mBnovxyp read DA. au. u reads AA; LCP; 8 omits. 
For AA; of 9, £m read AN; ” m reads ACO: ራAያEሆP ©. = mn reads 
ቀደመ 9 ቀዳሜ u omits. o adds ድበው 5 ፃ ጻባባ5 ይበውጽ፤ ወ. ። reads 
ወኣሰ፡ = # adds ዓሰም፡ ©. 5» Hu, B. reads mራሕያii ng ራhiሆPa 
5 a reads HCOY 0 5 በC33HY uw omits. 7 9 reads ለጽውራiሆሙ 
5a. 9 reads ©. §~፣ add gመት'i ፣ ዓመታት 5 Fu. m reads Ef. 9 FX. 
/ሠለስቲቱ፡ ምኣኳት፥ ወስሳ፡ ወጸርባዕቲቱ፡ ምስለ፤ 8 ሂጀወ( 7 + omit ወነጽወፀምስሰ፡ " £ omits. 
si m omits. 5 a. B reads QP 5 መ/B. ድ reads Aሰ፡ ድዴፈልጥ፤ 5 ላሰ 
ድፈATዎ u omits. amu, BD. m,ip read mራሐh «u reads ራhLPa; 
5a, 8-7. £ reads መኸፈልቱ: 7» መፈ: ዓመት: "2,5 omit ™ 8 omits. 
m adds 0. SFmu. /°B read DYoራሒ 57, d omit. 3 Fw B-eFh. mg,eFhy 
prefix ©. £ reads PድYዋPNn: °° 9, a read Pp: © (a omit). » wu omits. For 
ይፈ" reads ያፈ". «= 9 reads Aሱ; ‘8 Nሱ፡ ኣሙንቱ፤ “as read ሰመራግያኒሆሙ፡ 
a f= NID» (Schwab 113). m reads tA”. /u# tA“. g ሚnጹAi 8-0 
ምልኻካሌል፡ ዕ» ምልካዒል፡ sag, Beso = 25D. g reads VAs ARAN: 
፡ ህአምምጴሌሴክ፡ ፣ ህእእጃ". 05 Uእኣምሟሲኻ፡ “ §-aeno = DNNDD (Schwab 175). 
ሪu ead ምልዔል፡ a5 "“ቓልየኒል፡ ያ “ስልሌዮል፡ ። "ሴሌዬል፡ ያ "ልሌዬል፡ 
፣ እጺዬስ፡ 4“ = NJ). wu reads SA! a SA 

198 መጽሐፈ: ህኖ LXXXII. 4-18, 

ሰኣሰ፡ ይመርሣዎመ፡ ጸድናርዜል፡፡ ወ“ጺያሰሰጹል፡፡ ወ“ዜሌሎ’ጃሌል፡፡ ጻሱ፥ ሂጻሰ፤ ዴትልዉ፡ 
ድሣሬሆመ፡፥ ሲ“መራሕያ፤፡ “ሥርዓታት፣ ወ፩ጀዘይትሱ፡፡ ድሣረጀ፣መራሕያ፤፡። ሥርዓታት ኣሰ፡ 
ዴተእዉ፡ „ፎሣረ፤ ኣልካቲቱ፡ መራሕያ፤’ ምቅዋማት፡" ኣሰለ፡ ይፈልጡ ጸርባዕት፡ ካፍሰ፡ 
ሰዓመት።። 15. በቅድመ፡ ዓመኝ፡። ቁዳማዊ፣ ይሠርቅ" ወይመልክ፡ ምልኸያል፡ 
ዘደሠመደ፡ ስሞ; ተመጻይኒ፡"፡ ወ“ፀሕዴ፡" ወ“ዙሎመሙ፡" መዋዕል" ዘበ“ስልጣሄ ዚጸሆ፡ 
ኣሰ፡ ድመልካ፡” ፮=ወ*B0ሰት'።። 16. ወኣሰ፡ ትጻምርት፡ መዋዕል፡ ኣሰ፡ ሀሰጪ፡። 
ያስተርኣዩ፥ ፈፉበ።። ምድር፡ በ“መዋዕለ፡። ቦልአጠጣ!፡ ዚጸሆ፡ ሀፍ፡ ወ“ሞቅ፡።” ወዛሕን፡። 
ወ“ቪሎመ፡። ዕፀው” ይፈርዩ” ወቈጽል፡ ድዴወጽኣ፡ በዙሱ፡ ዕፀው ወ“ማኣረሪ፤ ስርናይ 
ወጽጌ፣ ረዳ ወ።ሱ፣ ጽጌያት” ዘዴደወፀኣጻ፡” በገዳም፡ ወዕፀወ፡፤ ካረምት፡ ይየብሱ፡፡። 
17. ወኣሰ፥ ጸስማቲሆመ፡። ሰመራሕያን፡። ኣሰ፡ መትሕቴሆሙመ፡ ብርከዜል፡ ዜልብስዜል፡። 
ወካልኳ፣ ዘዴትዌቐሰክ፡ ርኣሰ፡ ፲ጀስመ፡፥ ሂሱያስፍ፡። ወተፈጻመ፡፣ መዋዕለ፣ ስልጣፉ፡። ሰዝ። 
18. ካልኣ፡“" መራሒ፤ ዘ“.ድሣሬሆሁ፡። ሄልኣምጃሌሕክ፡“" ዘደጴውዕዎ፡ ስሞ“ “ፀሐሕዩ፣ 

1 e reads RCSA: 2. 9 read ዚዩሱስሌል፡ /ሃ።, ጺያሱሳሌል፡ 5 ጺዩሱ". 
„ያመ ፃreaባs ጽልጃሌል፡ /። ሌጴሱጃሌል፡ 5-~a፣n0,25 ጴይሚሌል፡ “0,5 ዚድሱ’ጃዜል፡ 
፣ ጺዴሱምሌል፡ ። ጽዩጃዜል፡ 4 ጋ reads ትውዎሙ፡ 5 dreads መራኝ}; H, and 
omits next four words through hmt. 5 m reads CY; and omits next three words 
through hmt. ss omits. 7 greads ድሣeሆi AF. 5 # reads መራ. Yi and omits 
next seven Words. ? መ adds ሥርዓታት ወ. ያ reas መራሕያን 10 g reads “YY 
u omits. nu am, m, B read qo; 15 m, B., am omit. 5 9 prefixes ©. 
* Ft B-~a. guread AA; a Ahi m= omits. mu, cg/ovxab. 
gt, apefhs kn read ስ 8 Ni eg/u( Nu = 5D ‘southern’ (so Goldschmidt 
and Beer). m,a read TY 5 TNL! abpcqeiginoxs Tመፃis » ትመ 
7 a, ak. B~as read ፀሐዩ: 5 g reads WN; 15 au. 8 reads መዋት; ss omits. 
n g reads ©. 9 reads መኩ = 9 read Yስ3: 5 Blab. Fm read 
ጸሕተ ዕሰተ፡ ? ጸሐዶደ፡ ዕለት ።,፣/ 5,8 B0ለት፣ = ። oms. = ae» ።s read በፉበ፡ 
5 # reads PY; TY 7 ua, All other MSS. phHYi = m omits. = wu omits 
next four words. 0 g reads ቢ. dg omits. 5 mp8. # reads Wሱi AY 
w omits. 5am. B reads AYE: m omits. 53 መ reads ያብሱ 9 ድየብስ፡ 
24 Bh omits next three words. % w reads ለoé“iPawi b41y AለራAPiPi a omits 
next two words. % g/u, Bin = 553. m, abc dgeFklox,ay read CR; 
ያ ባበርኻል፡ 7 a~m = NY (Schwab 123) = «this is the heart of God. wm reads 
ዜልአስብዜል፡ ሪ ዜልሰብሌል፡ ዕረ/፡s/x,። ዜልእብሳሌስል፡ ሪ።። ዘልብሳ. ቁ ዜብስሳ". ዕዳ 
ዜልቡዴል፡ 5 gu = NoYoN (Schwab 58). maf read yA; ("Néi 9). 
a ሄሎያሌፍ፤ አረgeFBtnox,as yr: ።I iN. 5 8. a reads ስልጣ 
u omits next three words. «dg prefixes 0. " # reads D0. “Fu. m9, 8 read 
ድሣሬሆሙ፡ a Bio. # reads ¥AABNi m/ HNN: gu HAZY 
፣ ህልእጻ"ጃሴቤክ፡ • “ምልህ፡ « wu reads Nas 7 omits, 

LXXXIL. IB —-LXXXIIT. 4. መጽሐፈ: ሄና 1899 

ብፉሀ። ወዙሰ። መዋዕሲ፡ ብርሃኒ“ሯወጸሕቲ፡ ዕለት። 19. *ወጻሰ፡ ትጻምርት፡ መዋዕል 
በኗበ፡፡ ም.ፎር፡ ሕፉር ወየብስ፡ ወዕፀው፤ ያወጽሉ፡ ፍሬሆመ፡ ርሱ፤፡፡ ወ’ዴሁቡ፡ ዙሉ 
ፍሬሆመሙ፡ “ርሰ ወብሱሰ፡’ ወጸባኘዕ፡ ዶታሰዩ፡" ወይዴጸንሰ፡ ወያስተጋብጹ፡። ዙሉ 
ፍሬ ምድር፡ ወ“ሹሱሉ፡ ዘሀሉ፡'፡ ውስተ፤ ገራወህ፡ ወ“ ምክያደ፡ ወይን; ወይክውን፡፡ በመዋዕለ፡ 
“ስልጣፉ። 20. ወኣሱ፡። ኣሙንቱ'፡ ስሞሙ“ ወሥርዓፓቲሆሙ፡" ወመራሕያኒሆመሙ፡ 
ሰጻሱ፡ ጸርጳስተ፡” ፲ጀ“Lዳየል፡። ወኬሌል፡ ወሃጴል፡። ወስመ“ ለ“ዘዴዶትዊሰኳ፡ ምስሌሆሙ 
ርሓጳበ፡ ፲፻; ጸስፋጴል፡። ወተፈጺጸመ፡ መዋዕሲ፡ ስልጣ ዚጸሆ። LXXXIII. ይAWL: 
ጸርኣዩክ፡። ወል.ፎዩ፣ ማቱሳሳ፤ ዙሎ፡ ራኳያትዩ፡። ልሰ” ርጺኩ፡ በቅድከ፣ ኣነፃር። 
2. ከልዜት፡” ራኣዩ፡” ርጺኩ፡፣ ኣንበሰ፡ ኣንሣኳ፡ ብጻሲች፣ ወጸሐዱሄሂ፡። ኣምኔሆሙ፡ ዚዴትማሰል፡። 
መስሰ፤ ካልዙ፡ ቁዳማዩ፡ ጸመ፡። ኣትሀር፡። መጽሐፈ፡ ወ“ካልጸ፡“ ኣንበሰ፡። ልንሥጳ፡። 
ሰጻምክ፡። ርጺኩ፡ ራኣዩ፡ ጽኒዐ፡ ወበጻንቲጸሆመሙመ፡ ጸስተብቋዕክዎ፣ ለኣገዚጻኳ።" 3. ስኩበ።። 
ኮንጌኩ፡“ በቤች፡ መሳልሌል፣ ጳኣምሔውዩ፡ ርኩ“ በራጻዶ፡። ሰማዶ፡። ይዶትነባሣ፤ ወዴትሀዩፎ። 
ወደወድቅ፡" “#በ; ምድር።። 4. ወሶበ፡ ዴወደቅ፡። ደበ፡ ምድር፣ ርጺኻዋ፣፤ ሲምድር፤ 

+ 8. a reads in nom. / reads +Yh3i 8. £m read Ai መዋ0A: ("As m1) 
TAaምርE: 5 ኣሉ መዋOAi ትHAaምCYi u በትAaምcCE; and omits next two words. 
+ 0% y,a8 read HX: 2 #,y prefix ©. ° B adds ብለ! # omits next four 
words + © through hmt, 7 Im omits. Sang. g reads flrs m,8 omit. 
5 a, Save that Z reads in nom. G0 read ዩብ: 0 B-ar gg read ሰዋ 
bt ድትልዋ፡ ሪ ድዴታልዋ፡ መ omits. u 4 reads gi; » adds ወድ 
5 fu BE mg read ANYጋJብA: ("A; 5). sAYጋJብRi £ omits next three words. 
5 eB omit. w wu reads H. Z reads ft; HUN: 5 4,9 read FAY: 
29 # omits. 7 ሠ reads ስልእጣኖሙ፡ ሰኳሰ፡ '5 Bcgx read COTS u omits. 
mg, 8. #omits. wu reads RmCAPwi m8 add Ai mihቴሆPaes » 9 reads 
ጸርኣስቲሆመሙ፡ ወ. ኋ ድ. መፃ read ጌዳጺየል፡ /ab/soxas TዳሌtA: (A; 
ab/iox,as). u LAAN: <4! ጌዳሌA (L" 1). es 8 LዳAPA: UNA: 5S). » ዳሌ 
= pB. a omit. 5 g reads aw 5 a adds Nw 5 9 reads ጸስፍሌል፡ 
ሠ ጸስፉሌል፡ reads ጸርጵከi 7 at #8 read AY: = a 0cg/0xya0. 
aéFhsRnpvw read H. 5 inserts phi and mu በYp" before MልAሌY: 
nag, agw. 9, bcdefhtino read ራAY: ” 41 read HAንበAs 8. m8 
read © (s omits) BY: 9,7 PB. / KAY: 5 ma,B. £f prefix ©, reading 
ወይዴማሰል፡ 5 reads ይትመሰሎ፣ = 4 reads Ai = # reads ትመር: 4 ይት"; 
55 gu read AAI Te. Other MSS. HAIN: = 91 Soalsog/w,as/s8n a 
but that they write it incorrectly RIA m, 6cdhox read AYIA: 5 bcd read 
Aah: x Ami ¢ adds AES: " Z reads Aጸግዚጸብሔር፡ ue prefixes ©. 
Fm read hihi 5 F reads CAhi # m, gob read ራA: u omits. "a pre- 
fixes H. 4 m reads ተፈ: 8» RYE: =, a5 omit. iw iB ig. omits 
Zmt read ትወድ; « 9 omits. w, beinvx omit next four words through hmt. 
# B. uw omits. au read ትYD.EY; 

160 መጽሕፈ፡ ሄኖካ LXXXIIL. 4-1. 

ከመ ትተወሕጥ፡ ውስተ፡ ቁቀሳዶ፡ ፀዐቢይ፡፡ ወጸድባር፡ ሄበ፡፡ ጸድባር፡፤ ዶሰቁቀሱ፡።፡ ወጸውፃር፡ 
።ደበ; ጸውግር፡፡ ድዶሰጠመ፡ ወዕፀው፡ ነዋጋን፡፡ ይትገዘሙመ፡ ኣምጕንዳቲሆመሙ፡፡ ወ“ ይትገደፉ፡ 
።ወይሰጠመሙ ውስተ ቁሳዴ፡።' 5. ወ።ጻምኔሁ፡፡ ወድቁ፡ ነገር፡ ውስተ፡ ጸፉዩ፡ ወ“ጸንሣኣኩ፡፡ 
ኣጽራሕ፣ ወኣጻቤ፡ ተሐጕኮለት፡ ምድር። 6. ወመሳልያል፡”" ኣምሔውዩ፡ ጸንሥጸኒ፡" ኣንዘ፡። 
ክኔ; ኣሰካብ፡ ገቤሆሁ፡ ወዴድቤሰ፤፡ ምንት፡። ከመዝ፣ ትጸርሣ፤ ወልድዩ፡ ወ““ለምንት፡ ከመዝ፡ 
ትጸወዩ። 7. ወ“ንገርካዎ፤። *ሹሎ፤ ራኣዩ፡ ዘርፈኩ፡ ወዴቤሰሲኒ፡ ከመ፡፡ ቋጽኒዐበ;፡ ርጺከ፡። 
ወል.ፎዩ፡ ወጋዩሲ፡። ርኣዩ; ሕልምክ፡ “ሣቡጻተ፡ ዙሱ፡ ጋኃጢጸተ፡" ምድር፡ ወ’ትሰጠም፡ 
ሀለወት፡ ውስት፤ ቁላያት፡።። ወ“ተሐሕል፡። ኘግጕሰ፡ ዐቢዩ። 8. ወይኣጻዜኒ፡ ወልድዩ፤። 
ትተንመኣ፡ ወጸስተብቀያ፡ ሰኣኘዚጾ፡ ስብሐት፡።” ኣስመ፡ መሃዴምን፤ ጸን; ከመ፤ ዶትረፍ፣ 
ቸራፍ፡። ዷደበ፡ ምድር” “"ወጺዴደምስሰ፤ ለሹሳ፤ ምድር።። 9. ወልሊድዩ፡፣ አምሰማይ፡። 
ድሃሱ፡ ዙሱዝ፡። ደበ፡ ምድር፡ ወፈበ፡ ምድር፡ ይክውን፤ ሐጕል፡ ዐቢዶዴ። 10. ወ“ልምኔሁ፡፡ 
ትንሣጻኩ፥ ወጺጸሰዴኩ፥ ወጸስትብቋዕኩ፡ ወሰጸልኩ፡፡ ወጸሎት; ። ጸሕፍኩ፡፣ ለትውልደ ዓለም፤። 
ወስ; ጸርኣየዩክ፡። ወእድዩ፡። ማቱሳላ። 11. ወ*ሶሰበ;። ወባኣኩ፣ ታሕተ፣ ወርጺኻያዎ፡። 

+ # omits. 2 m reads ስች; 5 9 trans. before £0; AE". 4 9 omits. 
2 9 reads jዋሣ4ት'፤ « ዊጋን ‘8. m reaqs ALP 9! APY = omits. 
7 m reads YI 9 ገድፉ: 4 adds ውስት: ቁላይ; and omits following © 
5 PbBCFIRINROX. #9uread Amy; (1:9) m,adeh,a AP ? £ reads 
ትንሣጻኩ፣ / ። ጸገዝኩ፡ neu. Other MSS. AAA: 1 2 reads RYN: 
5 m reads YICMpw 2, a Y1ርPi 5 u. reads &r3i #9, 8 ጽL0 (+ RLY: mn). 
17 2m prefix ©. 5Smg,B. ## read ወጋ u omits with next two words. 
» m adds NE: 9 reads At: and trans. after ም: n fu, 8B save that iw, b 
read W#N: for ti Zn read SAY; ft: »JLAY; save that £ reads the last word as 
Sጋጢጸት፡ 5 DAY; Ri 5» £ omits =a bcIoxak #»B-Bclox,ay read 
ቁቀባይ፡ 35 mh rread TYR; # omits. a eh omit. 5 e reads ና &Nስች; 
5 ## omits next eight words. 7g. mgt, Bread ይYCE: = 8-n. #9 read ትራ 
ዘ, ዛ ተረፍ ሃ ተረፉ 5 0 omits next eleven words through hmt., » This clause is 
of doubtful authenticity as Fm gu omit. On the other hand it could be lost through 
hmt. The text as it stands is supported by 9c, and also by #, 8s % save that these 
omit & and # reads At: for AWA: As regards ወጺይ” ase read ወጺይደደመስሰ: 
if Inoab Pድመስሰi s like h reads At: ™ a omits next six words. =m, 
Bceiinoxyay. treadstt; H. ag/stn Wri gu omit. 5 m,gloa omit, 
= my, 8. # reads RሰEኩi ©. gu omit. 5 iw omits next four words. oe) 
read ARCAtN:i a RCA: 5 m omits. =SmphB. » omits. Since, however, 
Z reads A 9 Ami; u Rok; it appears that Af; is a late emendation and that 
RU: (written REE) was the original reading. 5 0 reads DCA 


ሰሰማይደ፡፤ ወ'“ሰፀሕይደ። ይወጽልኣ፡። ኣምሥመራቅ፡፡ ወ’ወርሣ፡ ይወርድፎ፡፡ ኣምዕራብ፡ 
ወ“ውሑዳት፡፣ ከዋክብት’ ወዙሱ፥ “ምድር፡ ወዙ" ተዘ“ጸጻመረ፤። *ዷበ፤ ቁዳሚ፡። 
ወበረካዎ;። ሲኣግዚጸ፡ ሸነኔ፡ ወሎቱ ወሀብኩ፡፣ ዕበዩ; ኣስመ፡ “ጸውፀጸ፡ ፀሐዩ፡'፡ ጳመሳክወ፡ 
ምሥመራቅ፡ ወዐርገ; ወሠረቁ፡። ዷበ፡ ገጺ፡ ሰማይ፡ ወጸንመጾ፡" ወየሐውር፡”" ፍኖ ኣን 
ትርኣዩት፤ ሎቱ። LXXXIV. ወRAOAኩ:! aደዊti። በጽደቅ፡ ወባረክዎ፣ ሰቅዲዱስ፡ 
ወሰሲዓቢይ፡ ወነገርኩ፥ በመንፈሰ ጸሩፉዩ፡ ወ“በልሰሃ፡ ሥጋ “ኣንገ፡ ገብረ; ጸጺምላሳኳ፣ ሰበውሱደ 
መጋ; ሰብኣ “ክመ፡ ዴትናገፉ፡ በቲ” ወወሀቦመ፡፥ መንፈሰ፡ ወ“ልሰ ወጸፈ፡“ ከመ፡ 
ዴትናገፉ፡ ቦቱ።። 

2. ቡፉኳ፤ ጸንት፤ ኣጻፃዚዶ፡። ንገሥ 

ዐቢይዴ;” ወጋ.ል፡ በ'0በ፻፡ ዚጸክ፡ 

ጻግዚጸ፡ ዙሱ፡ ፍጥረት፡” ሰማይ 

ንተሠ ነገሠት ወጸምላሳክ፤ ሹሱ፡።” ዓሲም 

ወ“መሲኮትክ፣ ወ።መንኘመትክ፡። ወዕበይከ፡። ዴነብር፡ “ሲዓሲም፤ ወ።“ለዓሰመ፡ ዓሰም 
ወሰዙሲ፡። ትውልደ፤ ትውልፎ፣ ስልጣንከ፤። 

ወሸሎመሙ፡ ሰማያት” ምንበሪከ፡። ሰንሰም፡ 

+ g omits. 2 m trans. Bh; and Aሰማይ፤ # omits next three words through 
hmt.; for in the text before the scribe of u gh; occurred before ወወርሣ 
5 g prefixes ©. ‘mg (also original of #: see preceding note) add gh; 
2 d omits. 5 m9 read ወርዲ: o ድወርዳ፤ 8 adds ኣምሥራቁ፤ ወወርሣ፣፤ ይወርድ 
HDA Ng ead, 0s $ያ,8. m reads ው4ዳት፡ 9 ጽደ /። ውሑዳ 
5 wu omits next six words. 9 reads next three words in acc. 0 Fmg, cdFi/0ya0. 

abepypgnx omit through hmt. au also omits (see preceding note). x bn omit. 
5 = sige = 31 corrupt for 2 (Margoliouth) or = éséneey corrupt for sroiney 
(Flemming). 8 g reads phi sw (see note 9). 5 omits. ። adds ዲቤሆ፡ 

5 # reads 00fi  u reads ROK; gh; For next two words # reads ምራ; 
7 # reads ዓ¢1; » RO]; u omits. '5 g reads mመweረey; Fm, aycEIFBRX. 
fh grIu0y,a,y read DY i*=መB: u omits. 0 0 read PDC; ei # omits 
next four words, mg. /#u, Bread Ati = 9 reads AA; ጋ » AY; 
ዘጋ; 5 m reads HIAብCሮ:; 5 H (NYY; 9) YI: Amy abcFBtgnx, 
uw, dgelopyab omit. 9 reads HDi and trans. after ሰብ; 5 w omits. 
n @eFBRnyw read Ni AA 7 9 reads Li = m omits. » Bs prefix 0D. 
5 mu reads @ETረYi H. a » adds &.Epi wu omits. 5 Z reads Jt: 
w omits. 5 reads Oth: #« omits. *# g5w omit. = m adds Ahi Xf: 
5 # reads ሰማ 7 s/w, B-aey. mg, ae read መንበርhi 5 መiባሪh; 

162 መጽሐፈፉ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ LXXXIV. 2-5. 

ወ“ዥሳ፡፡ ምድር፡ መካይደ፡፡ ኣገሪከ፡ “ሲዓሲም፡ ወ’ሲ“ዓሰመ፡፡ ዓሰመ ። 
3. ኣስመ ጸንት፣ ገበርከ ወ“ለዙሱ፡፡ ጸንገ፣፥ ትመልኳክ፡፣ 
ወ“ዚጺድጸን0ከ፡፡ ግብር; “ወጺ፡ ፩'"| ወጺጸሐቲ፡| 

ጥበብ፡ ጴተሐልእፍ፡። “ኣምንባራት፤ ምንባሪክ 
ወጺትትመዩየጥ፡። ጺኳምገጽክ፡ 

ወጸን1፡ ዙሉ" “ታጸምር፡ ወ“ትሬጺጵ፡“ ወትሰምዕ፡ 
ወጸልቦ፡ ዘዴችኘባኣ፡ ኣምኔክ፡ |(ኣስመ፡ ሹሎ፡ ትሬጺ። | 
4. ወዴኣኬዜኒ፡ “መሳኣካክት፣ ሰማያቲክ፡" ዴሌብሰሱ፡ 

ወዲደበ፡ ሥጋ; ሰብኣኳ፤ ትከውን፡ መዐትክ፡ 

ኣስከ ዕለት ዐባይ፤ ኣንተ;። ሹዜ። 

5. ወይኣጻኒ፡ ጸምሳካ፤ ወኣንዚኣ;። ወ።ንጉሥ፡ ዐቢይ፡። 
ኋስትበፉዕ፡ ወኣስኣል፡ ከመ፡ ታቅም፡ ሊት ስኣለትዩ፡ 

mh Bw 9 read ti wu omits. 2 Fu. mg, 8B read mht: 5 nn omits, 
mu omit. ° » reads Ch: ests add WN; Sm. # trans. after 
Toni u omits. Behn read WN n reads WN; and trans. after AY: es omit. 
7 dloy,a8 read TAA uw adds Ahi sa, B~d/no,b. ZF reads NBAY0N; tN 
4/ ጴያጸንፀክ፣ 2.5 ጺጸንዐክ፡ ፣ 9 reads Jብረ፡ "ያ 5-5 መዞ ይ፣ read ወጺጸሐዱ 
7 ASS " ureads ©. x Ati 1 have bracketed this phrase as a dittography. 
The dittographic text appearing first as OABOAB was next expanded into 
ወጺBወጺAሐቲ: as in £, 5-55 in order to bring the dittography into grammatical 
agreeinent with PA; or into ወጺARS ወxAሐቲ: of ny, But the dittography 
cannot be connected with Pi for « wisdom is here personified as the subsequent 
clauses show. s Fmended. # reads RY. » RYJAEh:i Other M55. AY IAh: 
5 Em.from PAY YOtT: (OጺYድnh:s 2 Oጺትትመtnhi ») AመY0CY (7 omit) 
ምiባሪh; (መንበሪከ፡ ያ ጳመንበርክ፡ 5) (+ ለዓሲለም፤።) ወ. By this simple transposition 
of the verb AYYa” the parallelism of the text is restored. Further AIC; has 
been cmended into AምJAራYi Thus the phrase AምJገባራt: Fiqh; = sno ro 
Tdrov Tot gpdvov ou = X53 harsl5 Ps. Ixxxix. 15. To return now to the word 
Aመ]ንበርታ; which 1 have emended into ምJራY; we should observe that it does not 
admit of any reasonable rendering in this passage. The word means ¢ state, « con- 
dition, ‘life, or ‘food.’ Even if we forced upon it the meaning of sebenigrund, 
as Flemming has done, the sense is not suitable to the passage. 1 egy trans. after 
ZN. uomits. 5 /u. reads ታAምC:iD. m8 TAC: ©. 9 omits. " # adds 
ወጺፓስትርዉ፡ 7B, ay read HYYብNI  Bracketed as a gloss. * wu reads 
መባጻካቲክ፡ "። omils. im omits. =9. Other MSS. read 0AY: =. Other 

MSS. omit, Na omits. trans. after next word. 5 fu, Be. Fmg,e omit, 
5 au, e omit, 


LXXXIV. S=TLXXXV. 5. መጽሐፈ: ህና: 169 

ክመ፡ ታት'ርፍ፡ ሲት፡። ደጋሪት።። ውስተ፡፣ ም.ፎር፡ 

“ወጺታጥፍኣ፡ ዙስ ሥጋ: ሰብኣ 

ወት0ርቃ፡፡ ሰምድር፡ 

ወድከውን፡ ሐኮል፡፣ ለንሰም።፣ 

6. ወይጻዜ፤፡ ኣግዚሓኣዩ፡ ጸጥፍል፡ “ኣምዷበ፡ ም.ድር፡ ሠመጋ።። ኣንት;፡ ጸምዕዐፀትከ፡'" 

ወሥጋ፡ “ጽ.ድቅ፣ ወ“ርት0፡ ጸቅም፤ ለትክለ፤ ዘርኣ ለንለም፡። 

ወጺት'ሰውር፡። ገጸከ; ኣምስኣለት፡ ገብርከ፡ ኣንግዚይ።" 

LXXXV. DAም.Eሣረዝ፡ ካልጸ፡’፡ ሕልመ” ርጺኩ፥ ወ’ዙሉ፡ ሐልመ፡። ጸርኣየክ፤ ወል.ሮፎዩ። 
2. ወጸገሥመክ፡" ሄኖክ; ወይቤ ሰወልዱ፤፥ ማቱሰሳ፤ ሰከ፣ ኣብሰከ፡ ወልፎዩ፡። ስማዕ፡ ሃ1ርዩ 
“ወጸጽንን፡ ኣዝነከ፡ ሰርሓዩ፡ ሕሐልመ፡ ጸቡክ።። 3. ላንበሰ፡ ኣጳንሥጻ።። ሰኣምክ፤ ኣድሪ 
ርጺኩ፡ በ“ራኣዩ፡ ምስካብዩ፡። ወናሆ፤ “ሰህም፤ ወፀጸ;። ኣም.ፎር፡“። ወከኮቱ ዝኩ፥ ሳህም፡ 
ጸዓዳ: ወኣምድሣሬሆሁ፡ ወፀጸገ፣ ጣዕዋ፤ ጓገንስታዴይነ፡” ጸሐቲ። “ወምስሌሃ” ወፀጹ፡።” 
ልጹ ጣዕኾ፡። ወኔ “"ኣምኔሆመ፡። ኮኔ ጸሊመ፡። ወ፩“ቀድሐሕ፡፡። 4. ወ“ኾኮ.ፎይ፡። ዝኩ 
ጸሲም፡ ጣዕዋ ሰዋዪሕ፡ ወተትሰዎ፤ “ውስት፣ ምድር፡። ወጺካክህልኩ፥ ኣምሶቤሃ፡ ርኣዮችተ፡። 
ሰዝኩ፡። ቁይዴሕ፡“" ጣዕዋ።" 5. ወዝኩ“ “ጸሲም፤ ጣዕዋ፡። ልህ“ ወ’መጽልነ" 

1 m reads ታYCR a omits. ° 9) n read Aጋሪትti / ጋር * u reads 
ፉበ፡ » # omits. For wD; 9 reads HD); 25#FL g reads PY0C#: mu B-# 
ወጺታዕርቃ፡ # ወጺታትርዕያ፡ 7 m prefixes A. 5 g omits next fifteen words 
through hmt. abcde omit according to Dillmann. # reads H. 8 2m read 
ጸም0ነከ፡ /።,/ጸምዓፃ0ነክ፡ a omits. 2 w omits next five words. #8 
read ሰlውCi #9 omits, 5 # reads ግዚ 9 read Ai 7 0 reads 
ሕልም SZ. Other MSS. omit, 5 reads DY YA; /,n AA: # omits. 
nw trans. after B®; ™ u omits. 9 adds EAA = wu reads ARPA; YI¢: 
ጸቡክ፡ ሕእመ፡ = ያ, B-f/noxab. gm Inox ay read AJA (sic). “rn 
ሠ rሮads ምመስኻብየ፡ 7, 5 ራአይ፡ በምስ". 5 a, BM trans. mn reads RA: AJ”; 
5 #reads በምECi T. my, ceinoah read AYስትያዊY; 9 AYNስትY.PEi #, as 4/5 
ጸንስቲዊነ፡ 5 9 reads ምስሌሆ፡ »ረ/። ወምስሌሆ፡ 5 ,n. g reads OA: 
Other MSS. OA: n,n. ARI Other M55. Ai uu reads M0ዋY; 
5 ሠ rcads AU /AEሣeሆmi ” 9 reads RAI: mB save that gm 
read Phi 9 reads phi # Ri =” m reads FEY “ru. Other M55. 
ሰቁዴሕ፡ Tg. mgwl8 read #0; mo, wu omits. 8 treads CAI "gn 
prefix ©. "tl. m reads HቁEhi gu ቀ: uF reads Mዓpi a omits 
next thrce words, =F omits, 5g. m reads M0ዋi u# Rr; Other M55. 
trans, “aZ,B. # reads Aህቁi adds ጸሊም: AY SB, mg read 
oጽAi ወፀት; 

164 መጽሐፈፉ፡ ዛኖካ፡ LXXXYV. STLXXXVL. 1. 

መስሴሆ፡ ዝኩ፡' ጣዕዋ። ጳንስታዴዶት።። ወርኩ ኣምኔሆ፡፡ ዘደወፀጽ፡፣ “ጸአህ ምት ብዙኃን 
ኣንዘ። ዶመስልዎ፤ ወደተልዉ፡፡ „ድግሬሆ።" 6. ወጻንተኻቲ፡ ጻኮልት።" ጸንስታዴት፡" 
ኣንታኻቲ፡፡ ቁዳሚት፡። ወ9ጸት፡። ኣምቅድመ፡ ገጺ: ዝኩ፡ ሳህም፡ ቁዳማዩ፤፡ ጋሠሠተ፤ 
ሲ“ውጻቲ። ጣዕዋ፡ ቁዪወ፡። ወxረክበተ፡ ወጸውየወት፡ ግቤሆ፡" ጸዘውያተ፡” ዐቢያት፡። 
ወግሠሠች።፡ 7. ወርጺኩ፡ ኣበስከ፣ መጽጸ፡ ዝኩ፣ ሳህም፡;። ቁዳማዩ፡። ኘቤሃ፡። ወ“ጸርመማ፡። 
ወ“ምይልቲ፡ ፲ዜ፡። ጽ“ጸርሐት። 8. ወጻም.ፎሣረዝ፡ ወሰደት፡ ካል” ሳህመ፡ 
ጸዓዳ፡ ወ“ኣም.ፎሣሬሆ፡ ወለደት” “ጸአህምተ፡ ብዙኃ፤፡ ወኣጐልት፡” ጸሲማ!ነ።። 9. ወርጺኩ፡ 
በንዋምሂ፤ ዝኩ ሶር፡። ጸዓዳ፡ ወ።ክከመዝ። ልህቁ፡ ወኮኔ፤ ሶረ፡። ጸዓዳ ዐቢዩ፡ ወ“ጻምኔሆ፡ 
ወፀ ጸልህምቫ፡። ብዙጋኃኘጌ፡።” ጸዓዳ፤ ወይመስልዎ። 10. ወወጠፉ፡ “ጻጌH፡ ዴወልዲ" 
“እልህም ብዙጋ፤" ጸዓዳ፤ “ወጻሰ፡ ይመስልዎመሙመ፡። ወ“ትለወ፤። ሄሰካልእሉ።። XXXVI. 
ወ።ካ0በ፡፡ ርኳኩ፡፥። በኣዕዶንትዩ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ኣነውም፡ ወርጺኩ፡፥ ሰማዩ“ መልዕልተ; “" ወነዋ፤። 

i a, a(z) 8a. Whi being rarely used as fem. was changed into AY; by 
cgiox,ay, and into HE: by ef 2p. s prefixes Ato Wr; 2 au omits. Vy 
[nu 0 read Rንስትዊት፣ 9።, 870 ጸንስቲያዊት፡ / ጸንስቸያዶት፡ #4 wu omits. Z reads 
Haምrኔሁi 'n5-n. 29 n read HOA: u omits. ‘rm. Phrase attracted 
into nom. in the relative clause. Zw, B change into acc. RAVY; ብዙ: 5” makes 
this change only in the first word. 78. au read OAH: «#D. gmt 8-BI80. 
f reads OYA # omits. 240 ይት 2 7,8. mt read FAግopa 
ae omits. 1» g reads APA: ng. mau, fno,a read RYስትዊትi 9 Rንስቲያደት; 
ሃጸንስትያይዴት፣፥ -/። 0s ክንስቲ.ዊት፡ 5 gu omit. ® m reads pati sw omits. 

5 9 prefixes ©. 5 ary omit. ## reads ‘JR and omits next four words. 15 aH 
af BER. w omits, Bcgelnox,ab read pA: 7 o adds xረhበti "gw. 
mf, 8 read Phi 5 2. mh B read ሰቤyi 9 £0: « omits. % g reads 
ጸወዩየወት፣ # ዓዊት Fmt apgiRIn0. gu, e#hh read 04; cv 00£1: 
= a omits. 5 15 read pA: = g, cny read ሰቤyi sw omits. 5 g reads 
Rስተራመማ፣ ።# ጸርመመት፤ / omits preceding ©. 5 gy, bce/Bnx. gmt 
adrkloy ay omit. 7 w omits. For NምRAE: m reads APውAE EE 
read ©. aw omits. 5 mh, #9 read MAR: # reads E and trans. after Van; 
0 # reads Of; 1 ay read DAE: 5 g reads in nom. 5 9 reads Rሲማት፡ 
/u# ጸሲማች፡ cy read Nei 55 wu, pny omit. 95 m trans. after Ot: 
0, aeByiky» read AC: 7 u reads Dሲ.: » XR ምኔ 5 Fu read NAVY; 
5m, 8, read ብዙ: 9 ብዙ»; ። "DH; 0 w reads Ai n PAX 

Ag puts in nom. #9 reads Ro. si ይመስል: wu omits. * a-m. m,g-d 
read TAP; YA “gm gin) ad ብዙ ("DY 9). # adds ብWጋy; but trans. 
it after CA; in next sentence. » w adds ብ»; which it has transposed from 
preceding sentence, but omits next four words. 5 mw prefixes ©. 2m repeat 
from preceding clause PCA; ሰt: » wu reads p13: 

TXRRVT IE, መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 165 

ኮክከብ፡ ጸሐዷኗ። ወፎቁ። ልምሰማድ፡ ወዴትሴዐል፡። ወዴበልዕ፡ ወዴዶትረዐፀድ፡። ማኣክከለ፡፡ 
ኣእቱ ጸልህምት።፡፡ 2. ወኳምዝ፡፣ ርጺኩ፡፣ “ጸልህምት፣፡ ዐፀቢያ፤፤ ወጸሲማ፤ኔ፡፡ ወ*ናሆ፡ 
ዙሎመ፡።፣ ወሰጡ፡'" ምዕያሞመ፡፥ ወምርዓዮመ፡ ወ“ጸጥፀዋሆመሙመሙ፡" ወጸሐዙ፡ ተየሐይጪ፤። 
ጀ"ሰ"ካልጹሉ። 3. ወኻካዕበ፣ ርጵኩ፥ በራኣይ፡። ወ“ገጸርኳዎ፡። ሲ“ሰማይ፡ ወ።ኔዋ፡ ርዉኩ፡” 
ከዋካብቫ" ብዙኃን” ወረዲ; ወ“ትገድፉ፡። ኣምሰማይ፡ በኘበ፡።” ዝኩ ኮከብ; ቁዳማዊ፡ 
ወ“ማጻከሰ;። ኣልኩ፥ ጣዕዋ፡ ጸልህምተ፡። ኮኒ፤ ወ“ምስሌሆሙ፡ ድትረዓዩ [( ማጸከሎሙ።፡]። 
4. ወነጸርካዎመሙ” ወርጺኩ፥ ወ“ኔዋ;። ሹሎመሙ። ጸውፀጽ፥ ገፍረታፓቲሆመ፡ ክከመ፡ ጸፍራስ፡። 
ወጸሐዙ፣ ድዕረች;። ዷበ፡ ኣጕልተ፡። ጸልህምት፥ ወጸንሳ፤ ሹሎን፡፡ ወወለዳ፡ ነጌያት፡። ወጸገኘማለ፡ 
ወጸኣዱገ። 5. ወ።ችሎመ፡፣ ጸልህምት፡ ፈርህዎመሙመ፡። ወዶደንገፀፁ፡ ኣምኔሆመሙመ፡ ወጸሐዚ፡ 
ኣንዘ፡። ይኔዝፉ፡” በስነኔሆመ፡ ወይደውሕጡ፤ ወድዴወፃጽ፡ በጸቅርንቲሆሙ። 6. ወጸሐዚ፡ 
ኣንከ፡" ዴብልዕዎሙ፡። ሰ“ጻልዙ፡። ጸልህምት'፣፥ ወ“ሣዋ፣ ሹሎመ“ ውሱደ፡ ምድር ጸሐዚ፡ 

mL, gw read B, so also 8 but trans. before hhብi 2 omits. 5 6fy trans. 

before Bh; in 8 text. 3 # omits. «4 # reads መAOAY: Su. mgpB-n0 
read AAW: AN; o omits, 5 2 omits next three words through hmt. 78. mg 
read DAYEi / AnAi ©. s / omits. mm add AMY; ("HE ). 9,5 AA 
5 7, apt805 put in nom. w# reads 0.3: ወጻ; 0 2 reads መሰ; 
um. gi read MOP 8 AMOPሆPas a omits. = Sog. ag, eeI0XyD 
read QO Scg/yi8nya YR ( ው). But the latter word gives no 
satisfactory sense. The black bulls (i,e. the Cainites) did not leave their pastures 
and cows simply to engage in lamentation. In fact $0" is simply an emendation of 
tሐይደi Nor yet can thas be original. The difficulty does not lie in its being 
in the indicative ; for this construction occurs occasionally —see Dillmann s Zexscon, 
767, but in the construction fh: BAAR which is practically impossible. But 
the emendation of th is easy. It appears to be a corruption of thi Hence 

the phrase = ijpXovro StaprdCety €kagros Toy TA ioy arog, 5 a. Breads ምስለ; a late 
change. xm prefixes ©. w# omits next four words. 15 m reads ACh; 
5 ZF reads 0. 7 au add ወርጺኩ፡ 5 m trans. 15 aim, Im, B put in acc. 
n a, Bu put in acc. # omits. 1 B prefixes ©. 52 # reads Je; 5 a 
u, 8 read Ji = y omits. = u reads ምስለ = / reads pMOዋሆPas su omits. 
ማያ mፃu read RNAV 8 ወጸልህVምY 5 @ omits. 5 Bracketed as 
a dittography. ## omits next two words. 5 freads iach 1 0 reads ey; 

መ adds CርጺW፡ 5 trans. after RE, 5 greads ፈረNi y omits. #2. Other 
MSS. EOC 5 a, abcitioxyhread NኝላYi 4/5na ATAY Fu read 
HEY; 95715 = c reads ይፈCcUPms = 9 reads AYni ” mtu read PINE: 
° w omits, 9 adds AIH; « 9 reads ይበ". “gm, 8. 9 read ARNE: # omits. 

166 መጽሐፈ: ዛና: LXXXVL6-LXXXVIL.2. 

ዴድር0ዐዲ፡' ወ“ያፎለቅልቁ፡፡ ኣምኔሆሙመ፡፡ ወ“ ድንፈፉ፡፡ ኣምኔሆሙ፡’ XXXVI. ወካዕበ 
ርጺኻዎመ፡ ወጽኘገዙ፡፡ ኣንዘ፡ ዴወኘኣ፡፣ ጀሰካልጹ፡'" ወ" ይውጠሕጦ፡። ጀ"ሰካእዙ፡ “ወምድር 
ጸንዘገ፡ ትጽራሣ።፣ 2. ወ“ጸንሣኣኩ፡ ጸዕዶንትዩ፡ ካዕበ፡። ውስት፡ ሰማዶ፤ “ወርጺኩ፡ 
በራኣደ፡።“ ወነዋ፡ ወፀጽ፡። ኣምሰማይ፡፡ ከመ፡" ጸምሰለ፡ ሰብኳኣ፡ “ጸዓዳ” ወው፱“ወፀጹጽ፡" 
።ኣምውኣቱ፡ መካን; ወ“ሂ“"ምስሌሴሆሙ፤። 3. ወኣመሙንቲቱ፡፡ ሂ።ጻሰ። ወጽጹ፡፥ ድሣረ፡” 
ጸሐሕዘዙኒ፡። በጻዴዩ። ወጸገንሥመጹኒ፡።” ጸምትውልደ፡ ምድር፡። ወ“ጸልዐሱኒ፡” ዲበ መካን፤ 
1ዋሣግ፡“ ወ።“ጸርጸዩኒ፡። ማሣፈደ፡ ነዋኝ፣፡ ኣምድር፡ ወከኮኔ፤ ሕፁፀ፡። ሹቡሱ፡ ጸውኘግር።” 4. 
ወ“ ይቤሲኒ፡። ንበር፡ ዝዩ፡ ኣስክ፡ ትሬጺ፤።” ሹሉ ዘይመጽል፡ ዷበ፡ ጻልኩ፡። ነጌያት፡። ወጸፃማል፡ 
ወጸጻዱን፡ ወደበ; ከዋክብት ወዷበ፡ ጸልህምታት'፡። ወሸሎሙ። “= LXXXVIII. ወርጺኩ፡” 
ጸሐደ፤ ኣምኣልእኩ፡ ፱“ኣሰ፡ ወፀጹ፡ ኣም'ቁዳሚ፤፡ ወ“ጸሕዞ፡። “ሰዝኩ፥ ኮከብ፡" ቁዳማድ፡። 
ዘወድቅቁ፡። ኣምሰማይዴደ፡ ወጸሰሮ፡ አደዊሁ፡ ወኣገሪሆሁ፤ ወወደየ” ውስተ፣ ማዕምቅ፡“። “ወዝኩ 
ማዕምቅ፡። ጸቢብ፡ ወዕሙቅ፡፡ ወ።0ዕጺብ፡“ ወጽልመት። 2. ወጀ“ኣምኣሱ፡’፣ መልሐ፡ 
ሰይፈ“ ወወሀቦሙ ሰጻልኩ፡ ነጌያት። ወጸገኘማል፡፡፡ ወጸኣዱን፣፡ ወ*ጸኘዘ፡ " “ጻን; ዴጕ.ድይ፤" 

1 a reads COXA; ? mi abceያFBi8ix. Ft, d0abread ድለ: 5 ያድAቅAE 
n PድAቅሰቁ፡ = omits. 5 w omits. ‘0. ጋ, B-y read ድንፍጂ፡ /።, » ይነፍጽ፡ 
‘Fm. Other MSS. omit. ° m, BcfInoxy,aB read ARH: u omits. ' m omits. 
s Fu. m reads £ው3p: 9,8 £OIB: 8 trans. before LOJA sy omit next 
two words through hmt. 1 gomits. = m reads Di gLውሐTi 2 trans. 
before £ውሕni "gu omit. 5 mop read DR a omits. Hig 
read 0. mn omits. gu. m/write in full ARCOE: 8 reads. a. 8 reads 
ወፀ: "EI. mi write in full wANE: = m only. ss omits. Other MSS. 
ምስሌሁ =2Z98 min tull ሠለስቱ; # omits. = 9 reads £ሣeሆሁi = 8. #97 
read ጸሐ; m OAJH: # omits. = m reads RRL: ” m reads AA3ሰL 
7 adds ቁዱስ፡ ©. 5 m reads RCREL 5ይ8., af read AR: (9 "Xi. 
mF reads AUJC: u omits. ag, ceያFhik. 9, apdginox (27), read ድቤ 
552 mw reads RoR 5 a. ge read Aሱ፡ ። ምድር፣ በኣሴ፡ =m, 8. Zu read 
Hገያሻ፡ ያ ና7ያት; = 9 ።, e read RእህVምት፡ “ng. reads PRN 8 tN 
¥ c omits. 5 g# write in full ACO0'E: £ trans. after DOA af, DF BIRI»n0 Xiah. 
#, ac dehy read AH: *» 5 reads Hh; hhበi “a ak, Dcds/oxy read pA: 
ሪያሃsa ቀዳሚ: ቀዳማ 5 ey read Df 5 & reads m3: “8-4. 
#Z reads 0: mu 30; 939; / AR: 4 080i 1t is not improbable, however, that 
g may be right and that # mu corruptions of it. 5 a. B reads ሰይE: i 
a omit, i amu, 1. a omits, m, B21, 2 read RYH: o NIH; 45 mu omit, 
Here m places an indicative after AHH: 5 # reads OIA; 

LXXXVIUIL. 2 -LXXXIX. 5. መጽሐፈ: #7: 167 

ጀሰካእጹ፥ ወሳ ምድር፡ ጸንቀልዋቀለሰት። ደቤሆሙ፡፡ 3. ወ“ስበቢ፡፣ ርጺኩ፥ በራአይ፡ 
ወነዋ፡፡ ኣንከ፡፡ ጀኣም።“ኣልኩ፡፡ ዘሆ'ኣሰ፡። ወፀሉጽ፡ ወገረ፡;፡ ኣምሰማዴ፡ ወጸስተጋብጸ፡'" ወነሥጸ፡ 
ዙሎ፡። ከዋክብተ ዐቢያኔ፡" ኣሰ፡ ገፍረተሙመ፡ ከመ፤ ገፍረተ፡" ጸፍራስ፡ ወጸሰሮሙ፡ “ሰዙሎመሙ፡ 
በ“ጻደዩሆሙ፡፥ ወ“ኣገሪሆመ፡፥ ወወደዮመ፡ በንቅዐተ፡። ምድር። LXXXIX. ወጀአም 
“ኣልኩ ፀሑረ፡ ንበ፡ “ዝኩ ሳህም፡” ጸዓዳ፡ ወ“መሀርሮ፡። ምሥመጢሪረ፤ ኣንዘ፡ ጽ።ይርዕዶ፡ 
ውኣቲቱ፡ ሳህም፡ ትወልደ፤ ወከኮ፤፡ ሰብጸ፡ ወጸረበ፡ ሎቲቱ፡፡ መስቁረ፡ ዐቢዩ፡ ወነበረ፡ ፈቤሃ፡ 
ወጀጸልህምት፡ ነበፉ፥ ምስሴሆሁ፡። በይኣቲ፡ መሥቁር፡ ወ“ተክከድ፤፡ ሳዕሴሆሙ። 2. ወ።ኻካ0በ፡ 
ጸልዓልኩ፡።” ጸዕዶንቲዩ፡።“ መንገሰ።” ሰማደ፡ ወርኩ “ናሕወሰ፡ ልዑለ; ወሂጸስራብ፡ ዴቤሆ፡ 
ወ“ጸልኩ፡።” ጸስራብ፡” ይውሕዙ” በ፱"0ጺ.ፎ፡። “ማዩ; ብዙሐ።። 32. ወ“ርዚኩ፡ ካዕ0በ፡። 
ወነዋ; ጸንቅዕታኝ፡ ተርሕዉ፡። “በ; ምድር፡፡ በውኣጻቱ፡ “0ጺ.ፎ፡ ዐቢዶደ፡። ወ“ጸኘዘ፡። ውኣቱ፡፡ 
ሣይ; ይፈልሕ፡። “ወዴገኘንሣኣ፤ ዲጁበ፡ ምድር፡። ወተጻርኣየዩ፡። ሰውኣጻቲ፡ ዐጸድ ኣስከ፡“" 
ዙሱ፡ ምድሩ” ትኪደ፤፤ በማዴ።። 4. ወበዝኘኝ፡ ደቤሆሁ፡ ማዶዴ፡ ወጽልመት፡ ወሂሄ፤*። 
ወጻሬጺ፡ መልዕልተ፡ ሰዝኩ፡“ ማይ፡ ወትሳባዐለ፡። ውኣቲቱ፡ ማይ“ መልዕልተ፤ ሰውኳቱ 
ዐጺፎ፡። ወዴክዑ፡። መልዕልተ፡ ሰዐጸድ፡ ወዋመ፡ ዳበ ምድር። 5. ወሸሎመሙ፡ ጸልህምት። 

1 g reads A: 2 8-7. 9, 8 read ጽድሰቅለቁዋት፡ sam, 8. m reads 
ዙሳ፡ ምድር ዷበ፡ ምድር፡ ያ ምስሌሆሙ + w omits. 5 wu, f omit, oa, aw, 
B~au read NAME: 7 Bcd/ox,ay trans. after DOM: su, 8-0. Fm read 
ጻምጻሰሲ፡ 5 ወኣሰ፡ ፡።,8. ያmፃ/prefix ©. » adds ሰይፈ 10 Zu, 3. Fmg read 
ጸስችጋብጽ፡ u mp8. #9 read Di bx trans. before ANY". aw omits. 
5 g omits. 5 9g puts in nom. “a, BcdiInox,ay. a/aut read 0ቢያt; « 001: 
5 enw y omit. iS #, a omit. 7 Fg#a. Other MSS. read ወቢ. # a reads 
ውስ 5 ae Fh hivw read ANNE: 0 m only, a-m, 8 read Ai (AARNE; 
ah 8npw) AልVምት፡ 1 Bdgnx read መUCaw 5 Fgu. mfB omit, For 
ድር0E£; ። x read COX 5 wu omits next four words. 4 fu, 8. #Zmg omit. 
5 a, BBX trans, bX omit Of: 5 0. Other MSS. RORንYt: 27 # reads 
ውስተ፣ # omits this word and the next. = 9 reads AAM'E: # omits. ” wu omits. 
n adds ላOሴሁ፥፣ ” a-n. mn, 8 ያውሣዜዙ፥፡ ። m reads ጸስራብ፤ ዘዐጺድ፡ = mu, 8. 
# reads Ft: ብዙ; I! HE: ብWYI = trans. = 9 reads TCAግDI 5 1 trans. 
5 0 reads AHH; 70. Obs. indicative. Other MSS. read ፍላ: EE 
7 reads CAF: m RCAF; ።u CAN; 8 CAF: 1 take these readings to be corrup- 
tions of an original RCP = excelsa eius. Flemming emends into AeA: 
» 4 adds ወዴኻሁ፡ መልOAY: drawn from end of verse 4. # omits next three words. 

 m reads Ahm: VR TEs EN PORES 45 su omits next three words 
through hmt. # w omits next ten words. # 9 reads AለውAati in A: “ያሑ 
Other MSS. +A3A or +A0A፡ 4 nu omits, dg omits with next two words. 

2 omits. 5 9 reads 0s adds yt: 45 # omits next three words. 

168 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖካ፡ LXXXIX,. 8-10, 

ሕኣሰ፡ ውኣኋቲቱ፡ ዐጺደ፡ ተጋብጹ፤ ኣስከኔ፡' ርጺኻዎመ፡፥ ይዴሠጠመ፡፡ ወይትወኝጡ፡፣ ወዴት ጋጕኮሰ፡ 
በ'ውኣቲ፡ ማዶዴ። 6. ወውኣቲ፡ መሥቁር፡ ዶጸቢ፡ ሄበ፡ ማይ፤ ወ“ሸሎመሙ፡፡፣ ጸልህምት፡ 
ወ።ንጌት፡። ወጸፃማል፡ ወጸጻዲዱንፃ፡። ትሠጥሙ፡ “ውስት፡ ምፎር፡፣ ወዙሱ፡፡ ኣንስሳ፣ 
ወጺኻህልኩ፡ ርጳየዮተሙ፡፣ ወ“ጻሙንቱጀ፡፡ ስጻኒ፡፥ ወጺጸ፡፡ ወትጋጕሱ፡ ወተሠጥሙ፡' “ውስት 
ቁላይ 7. ወካዕበ ርጺኩ፥ በራኳድ፡። ኣስክ፡ ሰሰሰ፡ “ዝኩ፡ ጸስራባት፡። ልም “ዝኩ 
ናሕስ፡ ልሁል: ወንቅዐተ፡ መምድር፡ ፀረዩ፡።“ ወመዓምቃት፡" ካልኣት" ተፈትሑ" 8. 
ወጸኘዘ፡ ማይ; ድረፎ፡ ውስቴተመሙ፡ ጻስከ፤;” ተክሥመተ፡። ምድር ወውኣቲቱ፡ መስቀር ነበረ 
ውስተ፡። ምድር ወትፃሣሰት፡። ጽልመት፡ ወከ ብርሃን።። 9. ወውልኣቲ፡ ባህም፡ *ጺ08; 
ዘከኮኔ፡ ብኣቤ፡“ ወጽጸ፡። ልም።ዝኩ፡። መስቁር፡” ወሂጸልህምት፡ ምስሴሆ፣ ወኮ፤፡ ጀኣምዝኩ፡፤” 
ቺ“ጸልህምት፡ ጸዐዳ ዶመስሉ፡። ሰ“ዝኩ፡ ሳህም;። ወጸሐዱ፤፥ ኣምኔሆሙ፡፡ ቁይሕ፡። “ከመ፡ 
ደም፡። “ወጸሕዲ፡ ጸሲም፡። ወውኣጻቱ፡ “ዝኩ፡ ሰህም፡፣ ጸዐዳ; ግሰፈ፡ ኣጳምኔሆሙ።። 
10. ወጸሐዙ፡ ዴሰዱ፣ ጸራዊተ፡ ገዳም፡ ወ“ጸዕዋፈ፡። ወከኮኔ፤ ጳጻምኔሆመሙ ዘ“ኣምዙሱ፡። 
ዓብር፡” ጸሕዛብ፡ ጸናብስገ፡" ወ“ጸናምርት፡" ወጸዝኣብነ፡ “= ወጸካልብገ፡“ ወጸጽባዕት"። 

1 9 reads ስከ; Bs “©. ። Aስh: 2 m reads hw 3 a omits. 
+ m reads A. ° mB. iu read yIPYi 9 5S7Y:I # trans. AAVምY'; and 1. 
5 # reads ©. 7 reads CAF » JጽCተTS- ‘sn aepiioay. g reads 
AN; u omits. Bcginpxy read AYE: FAYE ° nu omits next four 
words. wey omit.  m reads PA = 8 reads በራAE: # omits. a. AA; 
(= ጸሱ፡) ጸስራብ፡ # m reads AN; 5 m reads Ei 16 am. mm reads 
ትዓረt፡ B-u። 0ረti »5 ችዓረt፡ 7 bB-BFEInx. mg read መ0(3 9) PY: 
(ትያ). Bሃ፣/።x ማዕምቃት፡ u reads ምድር፡ “8. ያያ read nAAY ("ት mn). 

zu Omits. m sé omits next Seven Words. n g reads Aስhi hi: 1 m prefixes A. 
e reads +hhስቱ: 5 eh omit. 5m, JcdI0%, gn ae/Bstnpovw read £05 
aw omits. 4 g/u, nu read ወት7ሣ0; 5 ያ,8. a read ብCYH; 25 mw reads 
Hhi: R04; 7 9, fF prefix ©. = mw reads AE: = 9 reads AC: 

50. mt Bread BH; Ai u BA: » u prefixes @. » prefixes H. = wu reads 
ጸዐዳ 53 gu read PR; = e omits. 5» B., a omits, 55 wu reads AW; 
7g, In. Other MSS. APE # omits next five words. 8 au, eFBInpy. 
abcgitixa read AWN 0.9 APS au. wu omits. 8-0 read Sብéi 
0,45 ሣቡረ፡ “"ያመ።. 96 8 read RSብስትi "mu. £ reads RYንብርY፡ 9 Aንስርች፡ 
ዕ 6 ጸናምርት፣ ። ጸናብር፡ SgFmu. 9,8 read AHA: 5 MSS. are here 
divided as to the position of this word. aéeFBrtnvwy support the text but 
Bcdgiox ay trans. DAW” after PAN. Srm, Also Bcdoxs but in acc. 9g omits, 
#, B~Bcdo xs ANAብYi = ጸብ; 7 trans. pA” after ARO. See preceding 
note. 4 m, # reads ጽበ01i 9 omits. / reads Rጽብዒትi = BY; ‘c/n 
ጸጽ0ብተ፡ So also 8 but that it trans. after 18; adehsowsxs omit. 

LXXXIX, ro=15, መጽሐፈፉ፡ ሄኛኻ፡ 169 

ወ“ሕራዊያ፡፡ ገዳም፡፡ ወቁናጽል፡። ወ“ገሐያት፡፡ ወ።“ሕንዘር።፦ ወሲሲት፡፡ ወጸንስርት። 
ወ“ሆባድ;፣ ወፎቃንስ፡፡ ወ“ቋዓት;" ወትችወልደ፤ ማጻከሎመ፡ ሳህም፡ ጸዓዳ። 11. OጽJH: 
ዶትናሰኩ፡" በበ“ይደናቲሆሙ፣ ፩*ለ"ካልጹሉ፡ ወዝኩ፡ ሳባህም፡ ጸዓዳ፡ “ዘተፕወልደ፡ 
ማኣከሎሙ፡።“ ወሲደ፡። ጸፎገ፡ ገዳም፡" ወ፣ሳህመ፡።“ ጸዓዳ፡ ምስሴሌሆ፡" ወ“በዝቷ፡፣” 
ጸጻዱገ;። ገዳም። 12. ወውኣጻቲ፡ ሳባህም፤ “ዘተወልደ፤ ኣምኔሁ፡፡ ወሰደ፡ ሐሕራዊያ፤። 
ገዳም፤ ጸሲመ፡። ወበፃ0; ጺጸ0ዳ፡። ወውኣቱ፡። ወሰደ፤ ጸሕርወ፤ ብዙኃ፤;። “ወውጻቱ፡ በ70; 
ወሰደ፡ ዐሠርተ፣ ወካልሌተት፣ ጸባ70።። 13. ወሰበ፣ ልህቁ፣ ዝኩ” ሂወጀጸባኝዕ፡ 
ሰጸሐዲዷ፡” ኣምኔሆመ፡፥ መጠውያዎ፡። ሰጸጻዲዷፃ፡። ወ“ኣልኩ፡። ጸጻዱን፡;። ኻዕበ፡ መጠውያዎ፡ 
ሲዝኩ፡ በ70; ሲ“ጸዝኣብት፡ ወልህቁ፡ ዝኩ፥ በ70; ማኣክሰሲ፡ ጸዝጻብት'። 14. AJL 
ጸምጽጸመ፡፥ ለሂ፲ወጀጸባኝዕ፣፤ “ከመ፡ ይሣድፉኗ፡ ምስሴሆሁ፡። ወ።ዶትችረበዩ፡ ምስሴሆ፡። ማኣክሰ፡ 
ጸዝኣብት፡ ወ“በዝኙ፤ ወኮኒ፡።” መራዕዩ፡ ብዙጋተ፡" ዘጻባኘዕ። 15. ወወ; ጸዝኣብት 
ኣን" ይፈርህዎመ፡። ወ“ጸጽጠቅዎመሙመ፡። ኣስከ፣ ሇያኝልቁ፡። ደቁቆሙ፡፡ “ወገደፉ፡ ደቁዋሙ፡” 
በውኘኒዘ፡ ማይ፡ ብዙሣ፤“ ወ።ኣልኩ፡" ጸባኘዕ; ወጠሃፉ፡ ዴጽርኙ፡። *በጻን፡ ደዩቁቀሙ፡፡ 

1 Fm. /u,l8 read hራውያ; 2 w omits. 5 a. 8 reads SRA oO 
rተሮads 1ሐያገ፣  ጌጨሔያነ፣ ። ፉሕያ1፡ 5 ገሔያቫ 2 Z9,k. m reads RYHC: 
/ሕንዚረ፡ ። ሐሕናዚረ፡ 5-8 ሐገረ ናያ,k. a8, B-9ht read ሲሰተ፡ « ሲሴ 
8 ቤሲች፡ 7 Emended from a which reads @ (9 omits) RYNCY:; 8 reads ወRውስY; 
or ጸውስት፣ (8). 5 a, 6. 8-8 read Pt: sag, k. 9 reads ፎቁንAC: 8-8 read 
ፎንቃበ፡ 10 a=, &. m, B-R read #31: u ድ reads ትሰ 5 ይቫiሥጵ 
5 ZF reads በB0i 0. 5 a,g. 8-9 read ምስ 4 9 adds © before HY . 
au omits words. 5 F repeats two preceding words. 15 a omits next three words. 
PB OO 5B. a reads AJ; 5 9 prefixes ©. 3% PU 
#9, a9cge% WY: mFBrIoX,B read ቢዝ»; iE OEDIERINR OE FE RE 
read AEH: Sm. /ያuB read ሐhራው; 5 Fu, B-gioy., mg read 
Rሲም; g፤0y omit. # omits also next three words. = 9 prefixes ©. » # omits 
next four words through hint. 8 adds ሐራ; Iዳ ም; 5 #B. m reads IZ; 
ያ ዳግ]; ። ዳ}; 7 n reads በ7015 25 m omits next four words through hmt. 
5 aim, Bb read AA: m, omit. ohB. ZureadB. m9 DE. a # reads 
መጠዎ; 5 08 omit together with next four words. 5 a, B~bcep. w reads 
ዝኩ ፀረይቷ ኣሱ ። ኣልኻቲ ag w trans. after WO; su omits. 5 0b read 
ማaከሰi = u adds AጸዝAብYi  d omits next two words. 2 prefixes. 
cd omit. 5 m reads 0H»: ohS: vm 9 reads ብWyY; (sic). = ብH#H; 
8 ብዙ» 4 Zu, my omit. 5 mg, abrfox,b. iu read ECVP cd 
ረ/ዳ/a ፈርህዎሙ፡ » ድፍርህዎመሙ say, cFBiRInoB. 8 ab% read 
ጸጠወቅዎመ፡፥ ሪ ጸጠየቅዎመሙመ፡ ፅ ጸጥወቅ". a im, abcdefloxab. #hFBisn)n 
read fA: 9 YA: = omits. 5 omits through hmt. # omits initial ©. 
5 0 omits, 5 m adds Ni. mn reads A: sw omits. 5 m, g9 read ACh; 


170 መጽሐፈፉ፡ ዛኛኖካ፡ LXXXIX, I5~24. 

ወ“ይሰኻዩ። ግበ፡ ኣገዚጾሙ።፡ 16. ወ።በ70; ዘድሣኔ፤ ጻምህ ጸዝኣብነ'፡ iፈ0;፡ 
ወኘንሰፈ፡ ውስ ጸኣጻዷገ፡ ገዳም፡ ወርዚጺካዎመሙመ፡ ሰ“ጸባ70ት፡፡ ኣንዘ፡ የዘወይዉ፡ ወይጻጸርኙ። 
ወይዴስጻልዎ፡፡ ሰጻገዚጸመ በዙሱ፡ ጋይዴሎመ፡ ጻስከ፡፣ ወረደ ዝኩ፥ ኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ7ዕ;፡ 3በ፡ 
ቃሎመ፡ ለጸባ0፣ ኣም።ጽርሣ፡፡ ልሁል፡ “ወበጽን፡ ገቤሆሙ፡፡ ወርኣዮሙ'። 17. ወ“ጸወውፆ፡" 
ሰዝኩ፡ በ70; ዘተጋጥጾ፣፡ ኣምጸዝኣብት። ወተናገሮ፡ በጻንት፡ ጸዝኣጻብነ፡ ከመ፡ ስምዕ 
ደቤሆሙ፡ “ከመ፡ ጴዴግስስዎመሙ፡። ሰጸባ7ዕ። 18. ወ“ሑረ፡ በ70፤; “"Jበ; ጸዝኣኳብት፣። 
በቃሲ፡ ጻፇዚኳ፤ ወኳልአኣ፤ በ70; ተራከቦ፡።“ ወሖረ ምስሌሆሁ፡ ወሖፉ፡’፡ ወቦዙጽ፥ ክልሌሆሙ፡ 
ሣቡረ። ውስተ፡፥ ማግበሮመ፡ ሰ“ዝኩ፡። ጸዝኣብገ፡ ወትናገርዎሙ፡፡ ወጸስምዐፁ። ዲቤሆሙ 
ከመ፡ ኣምዴጻላዜ፡። ዚይገሥመሥመዎመ፥ ሰ“ጸባ70ት 19. ወ“ጻምኔሁ፡”" ርጺዎመሙ፡ 
ሰጸዝኣብኝ፡ ወጻፎ፡” ጾንዑ፡ ፈጽፋደ፤ “በ; ጸባ70ዕ፡ በዙሰ፡። ጋይሎመሙ፡።፡፣ ወጸባ7ዕ፡ ጸርኙ። 
20. ወጻዚጸሙ። መጽጽ፡ ሣቤሆመ፡ ሰሲሰጸባ7ዕ;፡ ወ“ጸንዘዙ፡። ዶዝብጥዎመሙመ፡። *“ለኣልኩ፤” 
ጸዝኣብት። ወ“ጸዝጻብገ፡። ዘንዘ፡። የዘውድዉ፡።” ወጸባ70፡ ጸርመመ፡፥ ወኣምሶቤሃ፡ ፀርኙ። 
21. ወርጺኸዎሙ፤ “ሲሰጸባኘዕ0፤ ኣስከ፣፡ ወፀሉዙ፡ ጻምጸዝኣብት፡ ወ“ጸዝኣጻብት፣ ችጸሰሱ፡። 
ጸዐዕድንፒቲሆሙመ፡ ወወፀጹ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ዴትልውዎመሙመ፡ ሰጸባ7ዕ፡ ዝኩ” ጸዝኣብት። በ“ዙሱ። ጋይሎሙ፡። 
22. ወጻግዚጸመሙ፡ ሰጸባግዕ፡ ሖረ፤ ምስሌሆሙ ኣንዘ፡ ይመርሖመ፡፥ ወ“ዙሎመ፡፣ “ጸባ7ዒሆ፡ 
ተሰውዎ፡። ወገጺ፡ “ስቡሕ፤ ወካቡር፡ ወግፉም፡ ሰርኣይ።። 23. ወ።ጸዝሓጻብት'ሰ፡ ጸሐ 
ዴዶትልውዎመ፡ ሲ“ዝኩ፡። ጸባኘዕ0ጎ፡። ኣጻስክ፡;። ተራከብዎመ፡ በጸሕቲ፡ ዐፀዶ፣፡ ማዴ። 24. 
ወ“ውጻቲ፡ ዐይገ፡ ማደ፡። ትሠጠ፡" ወቁመ፡” ማደ፤ ጻምዝዩ፡ ወኣም’ሽዩ፡። በቅ.ፎመ፤ ገጾሙ 

' ያመ, B-&. 9, ቋ read ድስኸዩ፡ / ዴሰክዩ። ። ሰከዩ፡ 2 ሠ reads AIHA: R70; 

5 aw omits. “Fu. Other MSS. IEA: wu prefixes ¥. 5 Fu. mg, Bc read 
ጸባ7ዕ0፡; “ በ70; 5 m reads ስዎ 7 m reads Ahan; s adds 
AምጽCሕi u omits next three words. 5 #, 6 read ጽር: 15 ድ, ሃ read Rው 0p; 
i ai, mw omits. 8 reads AON; 15 iu reads DጺINA 3 rm omit. 
# 2 omits. 5» {8-4 add ለውኣቱ፡ በ705 4 adds ለውኣቱ፤ ። omits next three 
words. 6 mg. Zu, 8 omit. 7 a. Breads AAW 1s m trans. after next 
word. aa omits. » FmL 9u, 8B read R70; 20 m,f read AEP 

ኣም 1 m reads AE; mw omits. 5 mm adds RCD; ©. 5 am. m,B read 
ጸንዚ 5 a. B reads £Hብnan 5 greads A. se reads AAA: ። omits. 

OTT 7 m,n omit. g trans. after RYH: # after Rta 5 we omit. 
SFI abFIRINRX. mt cdehoy,a read 3ይ # Rta 0 # reads ሲ. 
1 #, ፀ% read TAA 5 Fg, m reads HME; wu omits. 8 reads AA: 

5 g reads R70; hስሌሆi TAs “rm. So also / save that for ACA: it reads 
ሲርጂይ፡ ያ። ead ስቡሕ፡ ወፃፉም፡ ሰርጽዶይ፡ 5-። ስቡሕ፡ ወፃፉትም፡ ራኣዩ፣ ወኳቡር፡ 
a 3ፉም፤ ወስ" ወራ" ካዛ". 5 m omits. 5 Fg m8read AAW: n,n omit. 
Tau, wl3read A730; = m reads Aoi » ab omit. wu trans. alter Twi 
» e reads ተሠ; SYሠT#i "ac read pi = omits. 

RRR SE መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኝ፡ 171 

ወጻፃፓዚደመሙ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ይመርሖመ፡፥ ወ።ቐመ።። ማኣከሱሉመ፡ ወማኣክለ፡ ጸዝኣብት። 25, 
ወ“ዓዲሆሙ፡? ዝኩ ጸዝጻብት። ዚጺርኣይዶዎመሙ፡፡ ሰጸባ70;፣ ወሑሖፉ፤ “ማኣከሰ፤ ዝኩ፡፣ ዐይ፣፡ 
ማይ፡ ወ።ጸዝጻብት፡ ትሰውዎመ፡፥ ሰጸባንዕ፡ ወሮጸ፥ ድሣሬሆመ፡፡ | ኣልኩ፥ ጸዝኣብት፥|'" 
ሲሰዝኩ፡ ዐዴኘገ፤ ማድዴ። 26. ወሰበ፡ ርጻድዎ፤ ሲ“ልግዚጸሙመ፡ ሲሰጸባ70ት። "ገብጽ፡ ከመ፤። 
ድጕናዩ፡። ኣምቸፎድመ፤ ገጺ፡ ወ“ዝኩ፡ ዐዴገ፣፤ ማይዴ፡ ትጋብጸ፤ ወኮኔ፡"፡ ከመ ፍጥረቱ" ፍጠጤህ። 
ወ“መልጸ፡፡ ማዴ;። ወትሳባበሰ; ኣስከ፣ ከደኖመሙመ፡፥ ሰ“ጻልኩ፡፡ ጸዝኣጻብት።” 57. ወርኩ 
ጻስከ፡” ተሐኾሰ፡ ሹሎመ፡ ጽዝኣብት፡። ኣሰ፡። ተለወዎመ፡ “ለዝኩ ጸባ70; ወትሠጥመሙ፡። 
28. ወ።“ጸባኘ0ሰ፡ ኃለፉ” ጳምዝኩ፡። ማደ፡ ወወፀዶጽ፡ “ውስት፡ በድው፡። ኘግበ፥ ጸልቦ፡ 
“ና; ወሣዕ0ረ;=” ወጸጋዜ፡ “ድካመ ጸዕዴንቲሆመሙ፡፥ ወ'ይሬኣጻዩ፤” ወርጺኩ፥ ኣገዚጸሙ 
' ለጸባኘ0፡ ድዶርዕዮመ፡። ወደሁቦመ፡፥ ማዩ ወሣዕረ፡ ወዝኩ፣ በ70; ኣንዘ፡። “የሐውር 
ወ ይመርሖሙ። 29. ወዐርገ; ዝኩ; በ70; ዲበ; ድማጋ;።” ሰዝኩ፤ ኵቸሹሕ፡። ነዋሕ 
ወጻፓዚጸመ፡ ሰጸባንዕ፣ ፈኔዎ፡;" ገቤሆሙ። 30. ወልምኔሆመሙመ፡። ርዎ” ሰጻንዚይ 
ጸባ70፡ ዘቐመ፡ ቅፎሟሆመ፡፥ ወራኣዩ፣ “0ቢይ፡፤ ወ“"3ግኗም፡ ወጋሇያል፡ ወ“ሸሎመሙ፡፣ ዝኩ“ 
ጸባ70፤ ርጻይያዎ፤ ወፈርሁ“ ኣምገጺጽ።* 81. ወሸሎመ፡ ጳልኩ፤፥ ይፈርሁ“ ወ“።ዴርዕዲ፤። 

1 mw omits. 2 ac read Paw 5 » reads APRA: # omits. tai, 
wu omits. B reads AN; 5 u, dg omit. SS mgwB~a. # reads RCA and so # 
save that it omits R. aRRCN. ' 5 adds pti ANA; Hh AAባ70: * « reads 
Jበ; omits next five words. " Either an interpolation or a corruption for AAAS 
Aባ70: as Flemming has recognized. um au. a# Omits., B~ece read በHh 
ዕረex በውጻቱ 5. mgu,B-b read AJ" A705 / 5 AፃዚR፡ ጸባ. 5 m reads 
ወገብጽ፡ 5 Iብጽ፡ # omits. 4 u reads ‘PE 5 m reads Dhéi e omits. 
15 pm reads rey; 7 gu omit, is mm trans. after +AOA; a omits. i 
Other MSS. +AOA; or +YA3A; ” e omits next five words through hmt. = 9 adds 
ከደኖ ©. 7 omits. = u,agomit. # s omits. = £9. m,l8~aef read AAA: 

ae$A. womits. “Bcomit, # mn trans. gm read APH: 9 prefixes ©. 
25 g omits. 5 F/u. m reads 00; ማይ; DOC: 9 IE; D"I0¢i 8-0 Ei 
ወ"I0C; 0 06; ወ"I0C፡ 0 Fg. Other MSS. CARE 1 m reads CAD 

a CRF = ng, 8. #/read AH: u omits. #8. af omit. ™ wu omits. 
ድ adds ኣምዚ፡ የሐሕውር፣ ወይመርሖመሙ፡ ወፀርኘ፡ በ70; 5 Fu. Other MSS. oy: 
55 e omits, Jf B-Brox, ah bX read &lD; #09 iP ” fg! = uera Taira. 
mi abcgifInox,ay read aii s/h AW: u omits. 5 dg reads CRW 
0 a, 0. 8 omits. # am. m, 8 read AAW “= 4 reads CYP; «8 omit together 
with next four words. # w omits next three words. # g prefixes ©. “eh omit. 
"5 wu reads COS 

172 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኖካ፡ LXXXIX. 31-30. 

ኣምኔሁ፡ ወይጻርኙ፤ ድሣወሆ፡ ሲ“ዝኩ፡፡ በ70; ምስሴሆመ፡፡ [HUN Aan]? ስመ: 
ዚንክል፡ ቀሾመ። ቅፎመ፡ ኣግዚኣ ወጺገጽሮተ። 332. ወገብጸ፡ ዝኩ፡ በ70; ዘይመርሖሙ? 
ወዐርኘ፡ በፎድማንኝ፡፡ ዝኩ ኩሹሕ፤ ወጸባኘ0፤ ጸጋዘዙ። ዴጸሰሱ፡፣ ጸዕይንቲሆሙ፡፡ ወዴስሕቱ፡" 
ኣም"ፍኖት፡ ኣንተ; ጸርጸየዮየመ፡ ወዝኩ በ70; ዚያኣመረ። 33. ወጻኘዚጸመሙመ ሲ“ጸባ70፡ 
ተምዕዐበ;። ኗቤሆሙመ።። “መ0ተ፡ ዐቢዩ; ወጸኣመረ፣ ዝኩ በ70; ወወረደ፤ ኣምሃ ፎድማጋ፤"፣ 
ሲ’ኩሕ፤ ወመጽጸ፣ ኘበ፡ ጸባኘ01፡" ወረከበ፡ ዘ“"መብዝሣተመ፡ ዘ“"ጽሱስል፡ ጸዕዶገንቲሆሙመ፡ 
ወኣሰ፡። ስሕቱ።። 34. ወሰበ፣፡ ርጻዴድዎ፡ ፈርሁ፡ ወርዕዲዷ፡ ኣምቅ.ድፎመ፤ ገጺ፡ ወፈቅዲ፡ 
ከመ፡ ዴግብጽ፥ ሰ“ጸ0ጻ.ፎ፡። ዚጸሆሙ።፡ 35. ወዝኩ፥ በ70; ነይ ምስሴሆሁ፦ ባዕደ: 
ጸባ70፡; ወቦዞ፤ ኗደበ፡። ዝኩ" ዘባ70;' “ኣሰ፡ ስሕቱ፡። ወጸንዘ፡” ይቅትሎመሙ፡” ወ።ጸባግዕ፡" 
ፈርሁ ኣም።ገጺ፡› ወጸገብጸመ“፡ ውኣኳቲ፡ በ70; ሰጻልኩ፡” ጸባኝዕ፤ ኣሰ፤ ስሕቱ፤ ወ“ገብዙ፡” 
ውስት ጸዕጻኗሆሙ።። 36. ወርዚክ፡፥ በዝራኣድ፡። ኣስከ፡። ውኣቱ፡። በ70; ከኔ ብኣሴ፡ 
ወሐነጻ፡ ቤተ። ሰኣገዚጸ፡ ጸባ70; ወ“ለዙ፡።” “ጸባ70፡ ጸቁዋሞመ፡" በ“ውኣቱ፡ ቤት። 

+ w omits. 2 Fmng. #8 read ምስሌሁ: sw omits. $$ Fu. Bracketed as 
a dittography (so Beer). mg read ለል: 070; HUN; (+ ምስሌሆሙ 9) ማAaከሎሙ 
ዕ 8 ዘሀ ሰኳልእኣ፡ በ70; ዘኮ፤፡ ማልከሎሙ፡ ¢ Fnnyx. Other MSS. omit. 0 
read HC; 5 F(PYgu, apcdehtina. m reads ቢ£ማWi and trans. after 
ኵኩቸዙሕ፡ ዕ/#፣0x,5 read በድማጋ፤ 7 9 reads AH: # omits. Sg, B-aox,w. 
መያ aox8 read AAሱ፡ 9 ዴዴሰሱ፥ ። ትጸሰሱ፡ 2 wu omits next seven Words. 
0 au, ageB0b. BeFsfinx,a read ስሐ u ZF omits. 5 m adds AHN; 
» au (mI Y0Yi), ay/ BEX. wcgerno0,ap read YO; or YY # #reads 
AONPG au. u,8 trans. gu, 0b. mg, 8-0 read EWI fu read 
ሲይጻቲ፣ ‘55 ሲዝ 5 Z/u. Other MSS. R70; # omits next six words. 
wv Fmt ayknsw. Other MSS. omit. 9g omits. ™ m reads AAA; c PAA: 
= 8 ads ጸምፍኖቲ 529. m reads AO4AY: / 8 08; w omits. 4 a~7. 
m reads 0" RN” in nom. B reads በ08; = a, though m trans. after RN70; 8 reads 
Jበi a. 8 reads AAW  u omits. m adds from end of verse PIR; ውስ; 
ጸዕባዳፒቲሆመሙ፡ 5 mu. mg imply this text in the corrupt reading AIH: /, § read 
ወላጻምዝ፡ ጸገ 5 መያ read ቅት 0 / reads A705 wu omits. 
nu, x read Nምቸ.ድመ፡ 5 @eFBRnpaw read AABAN'E: 5 / reads "JAR: 
x m7), BF topw x,a,b read ROASTER » RARዊVPS » gmt. 9 reads lh: 
ራኣይ: u omits. B reads yt; ራAt: 55 im, 0 read Aoi a omits. 57 wu reads 
Uy 5 é omits next three words. 3 au. w omits, B~d read Af 
gሹዙሎሙ፡ “» u reads ወጸ AR. “ m reads 0. 

LXXXIX. 31-41. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ 173 

37. ወርጺኩ፥ ኣስከ ሰከበ። ውጻቱ፡ በ70፡ ዘተራከቦ፡ “ለዝኩ፡ በ70; ዘመርሖመሙ፡፡ 
ወርዚኩ፡ ኣስከ; ተጋኮሰ፡፥ ሹሎመ፡።፣ ጸባን0፡ *0ቢያን፡ ወንጽሰን፡። ትንሠመጽ፡ ህዩየንቱሆሙ፡ 
ወቦጽ፡ ውስተ መርዓት ወቁርቡ፡፡ ኘበ፡;" ፈለገ; ማዴ። 35. ወዝኩ፡ በ70; ዘ“ይመርሖመሙ፡። 
።ዘከኔ፡ ብኣሴ፡፣ ተሴሰዩ፡። ኣምኔሆመ።፣ ወሰከበ፡ ወሸሎመ፡ ጸባ70; ጋሠሥዎ፡፡ ወጻጸርኙ፡ 
ደቤሆሁ፡።” “ጽራዝ፡ ዐቢዩ።" 39. ወርጵኩ፣ ኣስከ፡ ጸርመመ፡" ልም “ጽራች፣ ለዝኩ፡ በ70; 
ወ“:ጋሰፉ፡;" ሰ*ዝኩ፡ ውሒዘ፣ ማይ፡ ወ።ቁሙ፡። ጸባፃ0;። ካልሌሆመሙ፡። ኣሰ; ይመርሕዎመሙ፡ 
ትካሎመ፡።” ሲኣኳሰ፡ ሰከቡ፡።” ወመርሕዎሙ፡። 40. ወርጺኩ፡ ጸባኘ0፡። ሓኣስከ፡ ዴበውጹ፡ 
በመካን; ሠናይ፡” ወበ“ም.ድር፤ ጋኃዋሽዝ;። ወስብሕገ፡። ወርኩ “ኣልኩ ጸባ70;። ልስከ፣ 
ጻፃግቡ፡ ወውኣቱ፡ ቤኝ፡ ማጻከሎመ፡። በምድር፣ ጋኃዋዝሽ። 41. “ወቦ; ሰበ፡። ይችትክከሠት። 
ጸዕዴንቲሆመሙመ፡ “ወቦ፡ ሶበ; ዴጴሰሱ፡። ኣስከ;። ትችንሥመጸ፣ ካልኣ፡ በ70; ወመርሑሖመሙመ፡። 
ወጸንገብጸመ“ ሰ“ሹሎመ፡ ወ“ትከሥተ፡" ጸዕዶንቲሆሙ። 

1 m reads AN; wu omits. 2 sé trans. after 030; 5 i# reads ©. ‘Z B~0, 
Z reads Hh A070: = ው: 0. 9 omits. u reads ሊ o ለው: 0. #/ adds 
ARM); for ሰጸባ70;5 This addition 8 accepts but trans. after HoCav; 5 See 
end of last note, s« reads HEC 0,9 HoCሆ; 5 ss reads havi 7 sé omits, 
s wu reads 10" O00" and omits next five words. 9 mm reads ቁር: 0 g adds 
ሕሐድዴወት፡ ወ. u # reads £11; dg adds hደወትi ©. 5 8 read CPs 
8 g prefixes ©. # » adds fHመዋOA; 5» go read J: 15 au. B trans, 
u omits ey; 7 # omits next seven words, 5a omits. »Fmg. Bd 
read JAE; 4 Jሲሰፍዎመሙ ። ads ሲዝኩ፡ በ70; ወጋሲሰፍዎ፤  ። omits. = «8 read 
pi u adds AA Bf Omit 5 Fmended from WN of au, 8 
which is here impossible. The two leaders are Joshua and Caleb. ae##s trans. 
tras before A. 5% fF omits next four words and the following ©. 
® m,B. # reads TUN / Tht # omits together with next three words. 
5 2. Other MSS. ሰhnt 27 m omits. 5 a. B reads ውስትi ” bc trans. 
55 a, Breads ©. a omits next eleven words through hmt, (2). a B~a9cdeob. 
apc deoy read ወስብሐi = n trans. m reads ANY: B73: = a-mn. m, read 
ወገበ፡ 55።ሪ ወቦ; Jበ፡ = ወጸብሕት፡ ። ወቦ ፳ omits next four words through hmt. 
5 iu. m, 8 read Yh 5 0b m reads phi JH a omits. B-ino 
read ph: Yi ። 0; Lh: ወቦ: Lh: 5 ወሰበ 5 ያ/ 45». mob read ዴል 
9,18 £AAሱ: au omits. a#& read ዴል! bce/nx ድሳ 5 RAMI ” =u omits 
next eight words + ©. 5 mn reads HEC au, t# omits. B reads 

174 መጽሐፈ፡ ሄኛካ፡ RXR 

42. ወጸጋዘ፥ ጸካሳብ፡ ወቈናጽል፡ ወሕራዊያ፡፡ ሐቅል፣፡ ይብልዕዎመ፡ ሰ“ዝኩ፡። ጸባ7ዕ፡ 
ኣስከ፡። ጸንመጸ፡፡ [ካልጻ፡ በ70;]° *ጻ7ዚይ፡ ጸባ70፡;፡ ጀኣምኔሆመ፡፥ ሐርጌ ዘ“ ይደመርሖመሙ።፡፣ 
43. ወዝኩ፥ ሕርኘጌ፤ ጸጋዘ፡፡ ይዴወፃኣ፡፡ ጻምዝዩ፡"" ወ“ኣም"ዝዩ፡ ዝኩ፡። ጸክሳበ፡ ወ“ቁናጽለ፡ 
ወሕሐራዊያ፡ ገዳም; ጻስከ፤ ሰሹሎመሙመ፡" ዘሣኮሎሙ። 44. ወ።ውኣቱ፡ በ70;'፡ ዘተፈትሐ፡ 
ጸዕደንቲሁ፡። ርኣዩ” ዝኩ” ሕርጌ፣ ዘማሓጻክከሰ፣ ጸባ7ዕ፡ ዘሐዶደገ፡ ስብሐተ፡ ወጸሐዚ፡ 
ደጕድጸመሙመ፡። ለ“ዝኩ፡። ጸበፃ0; ወኬደመ፡። ወሑረ፡ ዘኣንበሰ፡ ተ.ፎሳ። 45. ወኣግዚጸሙ፡ 
ሰጸባ7ዕ፡ ፈነዎ፤ ሰ“በ70;።” ኘበ፤ ካልሓ፤ በ70; ወጸንሥደይ;። ከመ፡ ይኩን፡። ሕርኘ፣ ወይመ 
ርመ፡። ሰጸባኘ0;” ህየንገ፡ ዝኩ፡፥ “ሕርኘ፡ [በ70;]" ዘሐዶደገ፡ ስብሕሂቲሁ።። 46. 
ወሖረ;። Jግቤሆ፡ ወትናገሮ፡። ሰባሕቲቱ፡። ወጸንሥመይ፤ ሰውኣጻቱ፡ ሐርኘ፤ ወ“ገብሮ፡። መኩ ንኔ፡። 
ወ“ሣመራሒ፤ ሰክባ70፡ ወ“በዙሱሽ፡። ጸኻሳባብ፡። የጽህቅዎመሙ፡።” ለጸባ7ዕ።" 47. ወ።ሕርኘ፡ 
ቁዳማዩ፡ ሰደደ፡። ለዝኩ፥ ሕርኘ፣ ዳሓራዊ፡። ወትገሥመጸ፣ ዝኩ“ ዳሕራዩ" ሕርጌ፡“ ወነፍጺ፡" 
ኣምቅድመ፡ ገጺ” ወርጺኩ፡፥ ኣስከ ጽውደቅዎ፤ ዝኩ" ጸክሳብ፡" ሰ“ሕርጌ፤ ቁዳማዊ። 
48. ወዳግራዊ፡” ዝኩ፡። ሐርጌ፡ ትንመጸ፡” ወመርሑሖመ፡ ሰጸባኘዕ፡”። | ገጹስ፡]” ወ*ዝኩ” 

1 mg. tu,l8 read ወሐhራውያi 4 adds JA: oD. : a. B reads AAW 
5 Nm reads ©. +, B= Greek jyepe. Other MSS. corruptly give Yl” 
owing possibly to the succeeding gloss being in the nom. ° m reads Nap 

cu, bgloxy,ay omit—an emendation attempted because of the corrupt YiA: 
7 g reads ር; s gy» read AH: os Hይደመርሖw; AJ: 2 £,e. Other 
MSS. ድውጋ0; 0 wu reads AYE u e omits. 5 mg. # reads Hh. 
uw YE: Boy an: Sos ልቱ: mou read next two words in nom. 

5 m omits. # 0, e omit. 5 fbB-a. #9 read Ns a Ati mu omit. 
1s Greek gives Ti npdBara, i.e. the faithful Israelites, and probably this is right. The 
singular would mean Samuel but Samuel is called Skyds in the next Verse. TRA 

here supplied H before +&" in accordance with the Greek. As the text stood 070; 
was the subject of Y&." and AO" the acc. of limitation. But this construction in 
the case of ፈት: or Thትi vith AOE: is, so far as 1 am aware, 
unexampled., shows its consciousness of this by inserting ahi before T&." and 
thus rightly making AO" the subject, as is the case everywhere else. 15 » prefixes 
በአም; " All MSS. read ወርARI a, a/p8Inopvy BScgesx,a read Hr; 
21 af0y ap read ኮድ = am. 7m reads AAW 8 AንE: 5 fF omits. 
= a omits. 5 Greek has ray fipva rotroy. g reads A720; omits next four words. 
5 mt, f read PRIA; 7 c omits, 25 9. መሃu, 8 ድምርሑመሙመ፡ 5 wu omits 
next six words. 0 dg. Other MSS. read 070; 5 floy,ab read ስብሐ 
52 wu omits next three words. 535 g reads YSI¢: 5 mL 8. ድ reads Aባሐቲችሙ፡ 
ፃ በባሕ". 55 reads ffi # omits with next four words. 5B. pay Tea 
መኻ; ግ መ eas በዙሉ ዘ. ። በዝ ሹሱ፡ 5 adds ኣልኩ 55 9 reads 
ጸካልብ፡ ። ወጸክሳብ፡ 5 m, glo a,b read ያጽhብpi 9%, 8-105 ጽO0Y". 

EXXRXIER S24, መጽጠፈ፡ ሄኖ 175 

Ek Tog Tog Eyax BBAtoy Xpjjres. 

432, Kai oi kiyves Joéayro karegiety Ta Tpdf3ara kai oi tes kat oi GXénekes 
# ኣ Ley 
KaTilrgtoy avrd, expt og ilyetpey 6 kiptos Tay npolBdray Koby €ya ¢x TOy 
TpoBareoy. 43. kal 6 Koos ofiros ijjpéaro kepariCety kai eruBtdkeyl €y Tots 
1 [FD ፆ | Ba ኣ ጋ [4 LE 3 hy) ND 8 ኣ ey \ 
éverivarreyl eis Tobs GNTékas kai [er abroys 1 eis Toys tas Kai 

Txepartyi kat 

ana Aerey (iias ToXAOyS kai eT’ avroys X¥ XXX XT) Toys KUyasls, 44, kai 
N \ \ኣ መ 

ra TpdfBara, 6y oi GpgaXNiuot yoy ray, €Oéedrayro? Toy Kpuoy Toy éy rois TpoBdrous, 

ey ወ ን መሓ N € 4 ን መ ኢ hd # ን p B Ni 

tes og apikey Tv {6899»“ abroD kat ijoéaro Topeter gat  Svogia?. 45. kat 6 

[ey \ መ [I 
5 Togroy €Tt Gpya €repoy Tog rilrat 

Id ጦ [4 3 / ኣ LA 
KUptos TOy TpofBdrey Sanérretkey Toy tipya 

NN 3 ኣ ን 2) eS IN [4 ጋ ላ [ey [ey ሓ 3 # N [ን 
atr6y eis KptOy €y DX] T6y Tpol3dreay Gyr Tog xptoD Tog dbeévros ily 1 680y 

ን [Le ኣላ ኮ) # \ኣ 2 iN iN ጋ [A +) መሓ [ nl \ ፆ 
avToy, 46. Kat €ropeuygn DOS avroy Kat eAaAIey aura ty] Kara uoyvas 

t t 

ኣ LA ey 
kat ilyetpey ayroy eis Kpuby kai eis tpxora kai eis Jlyovevoy Ty TpoBdrey. 
kai oi Kiyes én Tat royrovs €OXt/3oy Ta TpéfBaTa. 

47. [éé£iis B€ Toros Yéyparrat, Bru] 7 6 Kpuss 6 Tpéros T6y Kpuby Tov Betirepoy 

ereBiekeys., kai €pvyey Any poréToy aro. #eir’ égedpovy, [ሐneiy,] Tov 

ኣ ኣ [an ef an Ld Ls [ei [i 9 ኣ € ኦነ 
KDtOy TOV RDOTOV, €OS OU cnégey €uTpo Oey TOV KUVOy a 48, kat 0 KDtos 

1 Corrupt for Kuve, 5 Eth.= atroys mdvras, 5 Eth.=T9 pdigaroy JIvoiynay 
oi G@pOaMuoi arog kai eigey Or 79 mpéfgaroy votyn Toys Gpbaእuoys abroy wai eigey, but the 
construction in the latter case seems unexampled. See note 117. Hence the Greek 
is to be followed here, but emended into 79 mpdi3aroy og ... egedaro; for this verse 
should refer to Samuel as the phrase Ty fipva rotroy in Ver. 43 proves. = 
Sdéay, and this seems to be the true text. See next note. s Eth.=dgofia and 
apparently rightly. ° Eth. =mpdBaros. ' An addition of the scribe of the fragment, 
s Eth. adds ai gyveriBlre 6&6 pos (éeeivos) 6 Bevrepos. 2 Eth, = kai cgeopovy €as og 

# ¢ ፆ ላ ላ ላ መ 
KaTéBaNoy oi Kuyes Toy KDtoy TOy TDoToy, 

41 43 

40 # Omits next SiX Words. n omits. 5 mg# prefix H. Z£. m reads 
ቁዳማዊ፤ ያ ዳሕራዩ፤ / 5 read ደጋራዊi *# m prefixes 0. #9. miu, Bn read 
ZጋራEi ። omits. 5 Zu, B trans. before Ahራዊ; J 2 tread H&A; 45 m reads 
1ደፈ፡ 18 a aim. m reads AA: (sic). Bn AA: A; hh BY 
omit. 1 £9. mp Bread ጋJራpi 8 trans. J after ሐርቱ; =SmB. am 
read AH; which is practically untranslatable. 5 8, but Bcdioxy,ay trans. 
before Hi CT: (i.e. YY hi ሐ Ei whilst ae/ Bt Inpvrw read pHi 
ሐ'ደ'ችን'. See note 55). #Z reads lA mg wai # omits, 8 g trans. 
before oC". 5 8. mi, Bread JRA} gu JR; which # trans. alter CE 
5 f B-Bcloy. #9 read AH: a corruption of Whi m, Scio,a8 read Hi a correction 
of AW: ss omits, 

176 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኖቹ: EXXXIX #88 

ሐርኘ፡ ወለደ: ጸባን0; ብዙኃ ወሰክበ፡ ወበኘፃ0; ንጹስ፤ ኮ፤፣ ሐርኘጌ፤ ህዩንቴሁ፡ ወከኮዞ፡ 
መንነ ወከ፤፡ መራሒ; ሰ“ጻልኩ፡፡ ጸባ70።;? 49. ወልህቁ፡ ወበዝኙ፤ ኣልኩ፤ ጸባ70፡ 
ወሸዙሎመ፡ ኣልኩ፡፡ ጸካሳብ፡ ወቈናጽል፡ ወሐራዊያ።። ገዳም; ፈርሁ፡፣ ወነፍዷ፡፡ ኣምኔሆ፡ 
ወ“ውኣቲ;፡ ሕርኾ፣ ኮድ" ወዋተሰ፤ ሹሉ ጸራዩት፣ ወጺኻህሱ፡ ዳፃገመ፡፡ ኣልኩ" ጸራዊ 
ማኣክለ;። ጸባ70;" ወ“ምንተኒ፡።" ፃሙራ፥ ጽመሠጡ፡" ኣምኔሆሙ። 50. ወዝኩ 
ቤት ኮ፤፡ ዐቢዩ; ወርኘበ፡ ወትጋንጸ፡ ሰ“ዝኩ፡። ጸባ; (ወን"ማሣፈፎ፡” “ነዋሣ፤ ወዐቢድ፡ 
ተሐሕንጸ፤ ደበ፡ ቤት” “ለኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ70;። ወትሃወተ፡። “ዝኩ ቤትነ” ወማሣፈድሰ፡ ትሳፀለ፡። 
ወክ ነዋኝ፡ ወኣንዚይ፡ ጸባ70፡ ቁመ፡ ኗጃበ፣፡ ውኣጻቲቱ፡ ማሣፈደ፣ ወማኣደ፤ ምልኣተ; ጸቅረበ፡ 
በቅድሆሁ። 51. ወርሏጺኻዎመ“ ዕበ፡። ሰ“ዝኩ፡።” ጸባኘ0ዕ;”" ካዕበ፡። ከመ ስሕቱ 
።ወሑሖፉ፥ በብዙሕ፡ ፍናዋት፡። ወሐደ ዝኩ፡። ቤተ፡ ዚጸሆሙ፡ ወጻግዚጸሙ፡ ሰጸባኘዕ፡;። 
ጸውዐ;። ኣምውስቴትመ፡፥ ለጻባኘዕ;። ወለጸኮከሙመ፡ ንበ፡ ጸባኘ7ዕ; ወ“ጸባ70;= ጸጋዚ፡ 
ድቅችልዎሙ። 52. ወጀጻምኔሆሙ ድግ ወጺትቁቀት'ሲ;። ወቁነጺ፡።” ወጸርኝ፡ ደበ፡ ጸባ7ዕ፡ 
ወፈቁጃዷ፡ ይቅትልዎ፤ ወኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ70፡ ጽፎጋኖ፡። “ኣምኔሆመ፡። ለጸባግዕት፡። ወጸዕረን፡ 
Jግቤዩ፡። ወጸገንበሮ። 53. ወ“ካልጻሃ" ጸባኘ0;" ብዙጋኔ;። ፈነወ፡“ Jግቤሆመ፡ ሰዝኩ፡፥" 
ጸባ70፡; ያስምዐዑ፡“። ወ“ናጸውይደዉ፡"” ደቤሆሙ።፡። 54. ወኣምኔሁ፡። ርኩ ሶበ; ጋይ 
ቤተ፡ ሰ“ጻንዚኳኣ፡” ወማሣፈደ፡”' ጳምዙሹሱ፡” ስሕቱ፡። ወትጸለሰ፡። ጸዕይዴንቲሆመ፡ ወርኩ 
ኣፓገዚጸ፡ ጸባፃ0; ከመ፡ ገብረ፡ ቀትሰ፡። ብዙኘ፡። ደቤሆሙ፡ በመራዕይሆሙ፡”።” ኣስከ 
ድጴውዕዎ፡፤ ኣልኩ፥ ጸባኘዕ፡ ሰ“ዝኩ፡ ቁትል፤ ወ“ጸፃብጹ፡። መኻኖ። 55. ወሐደገመሙ፡ 
ውስት፡ ኣደ፤ ጸናብስት፤ ወጸንምርት፡። ወጸዝጻብት፡።” ወጸጽዕብት፡" ወውስኝ፡ ኣደ፡ ቈናጽል፡። 
ወዷደበ፡ ሰ ጸራዊት፡ ወ"ጸሐዘዙ፡። ዝኩ; ጸራዊ ገዳም፤ ይምሥጥዎመሙመ፥። ሰ“ጻልኩ፡። 
ጸባ7ዕ። 56. ወርጺሕዎ፤። ከመ; ሕደሃ፡። ሰዝኩ፡ ቤ፥ ዚጸሆመ፡። ወማሣፈደመሙ፡። 
ወ።ወደዮመ፡" ሰሸዙሎሙ፡፥ ዲበ” ሓደ፡። ጸናብስነ፡ ከመ፡። ድይምሥጥዎመ።። ወከመ፡ 
ዶብልዕዎሙ፡። ውስተ፤ ኣደዩሆሙ፡ ሰሹዙሎሙ፡ ጸራዊት። 57. ወ“ጸሃ፡። ጸጋዝኩ፡ ኣጽራሕ፣ 
በዙሱ፤ ኃዴይልዩ፡፡ ወ።ጻጸውያ; ሰጻኘዚጸ፤ ጸባኘዕ፡;። ወጸርኣዩ፣" በኣንተ፡ ጸባፃዕ1;" ኣስመ፡። 

‘gmp So also 9, 8-9 d510y save that they omit hy #, g/oy,ay read only 
መራጨ፡ ዕ መራሒ፡ ወመኩ" ወመርሑሖመሙ፡ 2 a,b, BBs read ኣቱ 5 m omits 
next four words through hmt. ‘au, Bcifina. ob read ANE: #, age/8y 
omit. ‘mg. /u, Bread hራው:i ° 9 omits. mg prefix®. * # reads 
ወiፈg; ፡ ። omits. » 9 reads PEA Syoxy Pg ™ 5 reads Ai wu omits 
with next word. = n# reads YPውTi 5 u omits next four words. Fx omit, 
15 m, eh read YY! 15 F reads RFrwጡ; 17 m reads 'HYE: 1s a. B reads 
ኣልኩ 5 All MSS. omit. ግ መ, [no abadd 1ዋሣ፡ £0; ዝኩ ቤት፡ ወማሣፈድ፡ 
1g, /10ab. So m save that it inserts NYE: before ቤት; and so also #, in save that 

LXXXIX, 48-5. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ 177 

6 Beyirepos dayannbras é@nyraro r&y npoBdarey 1, 49. kai Ta TodBara 
nUEl0Mray Kat €nAOUvOM ray. Kat mdvrés oi Kiyes kai oi QXéTekes ¥ thvyoy 

ን መሓ [ey 
an avrog kai epof3ovro avrdy *. 

= 2 
+ Eth. adds Kai geeiyos 6 Kpuys €yéywmre rpéfBara ToእAd, kai éxovuilgn ai rpdBaroy uuxpsy 

uA \ ነ ላ ን = ኣ Ly [4 AN ላ Ly 2 ሩ [A » # መ # i 

€yéyero Kpubs dvri abroy kal €yévero ipXey kai €yévero 1lyoveyos €keiyvay Ty Tbofgdrey. “This 

may have been lost through hint. Eth, = cai ies ébolgilnay kai $@vyoy dm’ aro. 

they insert Hhi 9 reads iዋሣi Tተሐንጺi ።# 0ቢድi Oiዋሣi 85/0 read HPA; (E48) 
£0: ዝኩ ቤ1፡ = ። omits. = 9 reads ታሕhትi = m reads Yi =e. 
Other MSS. TAOAI » ss reads Whi. 7 uy omit. 5 ehr read AA: fF omits. 
5 au. a omits. B reads AAW 07 omits. gu, eh omit. =m. wu omits. 
#, 8 read Hh; 5 Fm prefix ©. xm reads AAብOAY: ። Aባ73i # omits. 
5 Corrupt (7) for PIA: 9 reads hiጻi u ie; and omits next five words. 
5 w omits next two words. 5m. greads AAP /3 AARP 
ae omits. 5 Fy. Other MSS. except m, 4 AAT): m, g read A720; 5 is trans. 
after PRY. 5 g reads iN}; (sic) and reads next two words in nom. s# omits 
next two words. i Omi 5 g prefixes ©. 5 a. B reads AAA 
“NOX read NO: u reads PስምOpws and omits next two words. 
Sg, abcdgeFstL mgt, Bnoxab read DAE or 3. 5 9 reads £0; 
ዝኩ ጸባ70፡ 5g, DcdI0xab. mgh aeFhsiin read ig omits) APP 
au ©. 5 0 reads ወሰበ Cጺኩ፤ ።“ ከመ; sa. B reads AHR: R70; 
My Teads ALLE; 51 au omits. dg prefixes ©. = wu prefixes ©. 5m, 
FBvRnob. # reads YRA; ascde/xa pትYAAA; #u omits together with next word. 
1 # reads TዋYAI »gm,ayg/ hrs Iox,ay. cenyy read በበመራ". ያ0መራOtሆP 
9 በመዋዕሲሆመ፥ a omits together with next six words. 6 5 reads ‘hE: 
57 # reads ገብ; 5 £. So also g but trans. after RHAብY; miu, 8 read 
RSC 9 reads AYስCትY'; here and trans. RYምCY: wrongly as already stated. 
5 Here 9 adds as observed in preceding note. 0 mg,B. 2 reads DAXብOY: 
{1 PRXN0YS u omits. Si w omits next three words. 529. m reads ANA 
/ ዝኩ 8 ጻእኳቲ 5 c reads Pምስጥpmwi go Rመስጥpሙi wu omits next 
three words. 5s treads ANAY'E: 5s au. omits. Breads CK! o adds ስክ: 
5 wu reads ©. 7 a, eh read JE3g; cs ay read Ala; 5 g reads 
ወማሣፈደ፤ ዚጸሆሙ፡ 70 9 reads DEP's ua, n read JE and # omits next 
seven words. nn au. # omits. B reads 001; 75 m omits. breads 
ድምሥዎመ፡ 9 ይመሥመጥ". 7% a# omits next [Our words. 75 መ reads Nምጽራኝ፤ 
5 9 reads JPN 7 m9, oy read ARDPI # omits next two words. “Fmg 
read ASብNYi 7 9 reads PACA: "8. Other MSS. 70: = 4 reads Ai 

178 መጽሐፈ፡ ህኖ LXXXIX, 57-62. 

ችትባልእዑ፡። ኣም “ሹሎመሙ፡፡ “ጸራዊት፡ ገዳም።፣ 58. ወ።ውኣቱ፡ ጸርመመ፡ *“ኣንዘ፡ ይሬx፣፣ 
ወትፈሥመሕ፤ ጻስመ፤ “ተባልዑ፡ ወተውሕጡ፡። ወተሀዴዱ፡ ወጋደነሙ፡ ውስት፤ “ጻደ፤ 
ሎሙ ጸራዩት፡ ለሰመብልዕ። 59. ወጸውዐ፣ ;° ኖሳዩያኔ'" ወ“ገደፎሙ፡ ሎሙ 
ሲዝኩ፡። ጸባ70;። ከመ፡ ይዴርዐድዎሙ፡ ወይቤ፡ ለ“ኖላዩያን፤;" ወለእጸማደሙ፡፣፤ 
B፩"ጻምኔክሙ፡ ጻምዴይኣዜ፡። ይርበይዎሙ፡" ለጸባ7ዕ፡ ወ“ዙሎ፡’ ዘጻሌዝዘክሙ፣፡ ይነ 
2በፉ። 60. ወ“ጸሟጃጥቶወክካመ፡"፡ በጐልቀቅ።" ወኣነኘረካመ ዘዴችጋኾኮል፤ ጳምኔሆመሙ፡።” 
ወቪኪያሆመ“፥ ጸሣኮሱ፡። ወ“መጠወ፡። ሎመ፡። ዝኩ: ጸባኘ?0 ።። 61. ወ።“ለካልእኣ፤። 
ጸውዐ ወዴቤት፡ *ሰቡ፡ ወርጺ፡። ሹሉ” ዘ“ዴገብፉ፡” ኖሎት፡። ፈፉበ፡ ኣሱ፡። ጸባ0፡ 
ሓላስመ፡;። ያሐሕቱሱ፡። ኣምውስቴተመሙመ፡።” ፈፎፉደ፡ ኣምዘ፡። ጸዘዝክዎሙ። 62. D“ዙሉ፡፡ 
ጽጋበ። ወሐቱሲ፡። ዘዴትገበር፡ በፇፆሎት፡። ጸሐፍ ሚመጠ" ያሐ” በትጻዛዝዩ፡። 
ወመጠኔ፡ ያሕኮሎመሙ፡። በርኣስመ፡ ዙሉ“ ሕጕሲ፡” ሲሰሄ፱“ኖሳቁ። ጸሐፍ ደቤሆሙ፡።፡ 

1 29. Other MSS. +0A0; 2 9 reads ሹሎ፡ ጸናብስት፣ ወ. ። omits መ“ 
5s 2 omits.  e omits. 5 omits. 520. መ» 3 YAP; ©. au omits. 
7 9 reads Tp: w omits next seven words. 2 reads titi Ai, 3-0). mg 
read ሰብዐ ("ዓት; ። 9). / ሰብጸ፤ ። ፮. ዕዕ ጽሰብጸ፣ '0 a, 5. B-B read ያላው 
1 9. 2 reads TE; rs All other MSS. omit Nea and read only JE 1 he 
whole clause is a rendering of gpptey aiirois gxetva Ta rpdfgara. Cf. Job XVi. 12. aw omits 

next {Our words. 5 Fg, m,B read AAA 15 m omits. «pba Pmngu 
omit. 5 au, yD. wu omits, 8-8 read PAው ያ; '5 g reads B. dq ABE. 
7 0058. gm read CARP u reads RCA 5 F reads ABP 

B adds Ay; 5 ያF/u,L 9 reads በጐልቂ፣፡ », 3 በሦእቁ። 0 m reads Akh; 
at Omits next SiX Words. 1 B-JFIoxD. #9 read RሕኾAi ms 6/I0x5 A 
5 20,18. m reads has / paw; SF omits, 5 2. / reads AHh 
m reads ለኣኩ፥ ያሸሹሎ፡ 5-5፣። ጻልካተ፡ » ኣልካቱ፡ ፡ ዝኩ፡ ። ጻሉንገ፡ = read 
ጸባ70፡ ወሰዙሎሙ፡ 25 g reads WN 5 r0u. mt 8B ADP; 5 g reads AHh 
ወርዚኩ፡ 3 g trans. after HRT. m Im, 4 read [ብ 31 i omits next three 
words. 5 ነ reads fi a ኣልኩ 5 m reads hi ¢ Aa; = gu, Bro. 
£, read tኃLኮሱ፡ mos ያሣኮሱ፡ / የኮ 5 n reads APs wu omits. 
5 0b read ©. 7 8. a9 read ሹሉ፤ ጽጋብ፡ ያ ሎሙ ጽጋበ፡ iB: # reads 
ወሣኮል፤ ።/ ወሐቱል፤ ያ ሕጕሱ፡ ዘይትሐሕኾኮል፡ ወ. ። omits. 5 መ read በኖN’ቱ፤ 
a omits. o mw reads H. 92, dq omit next three words. 12. m reads hr 
# የገኮሱ፡ / 5 የ(ዕrያ) ሕኮልዎሙ፡ 5 2 repeats three preceding words and # omits 
next three words. 35 0. reads ያሣኮሎመ፡ ያዞ 8-ሪ ዩ(orያIJኮሱ፡ a» ያሕቱኮሲ፡ 
w omits. m adds YAH: ©. 4 am, m reads fi 3B OWN omits, 
ወ ፀፆሠ. ድተeads ሐሉ  ሐኮሰ፥ 8 ሐሕቱሎሙመ፡ SFmu,0, 0g reads BB. 
fh B-»ay ABE. ay ለለB. "9 omits. 

LXXXIX,. 63-61. መጽሐፉ: ዛሄኛ፡ 179 

63. ወ’በጐልፉቀ፡፡። ጸንብብ፡ ቐቅፎማዩ። ወ’ሚመጠነ፥ የኃኮሱ። ወሚመጠ፤፡፡ ድይሣጥዉ፡፣ 
ሰጋኾል፡ ከመ፡። ይድኩን፡ ሊት ዝንቱ" ስምዐ; ፈቤሆመ፡ “ከመ፤ ጸኣምር። ሹሉ 
ፃብሮመ፡ ለኖሳዩያንኝ፡። ከመ፡ ጻመጥኖመሙ፡። ወጻርጸዶ፡ ዘ“ይገብፉኗፉ፤ ሰኣኳመ፤ ይነብፉኗ፤” 
በትኣዛሽና፡ ዘጸዘሽnዎሙ ወመ: ጸልቦ።፣ 64. ወጺሇያጻምፉ፡። ወጸፓርኣየዮ መሙ" 
ወረዚትዝልፎመሙ፡ ጸሳ፡ ጸሕፍ፤ ሹሉ ሕጕሰ፡;” ኖሳዊያን፤። በኙዜሆ፡። ሰሰ ጀጀወጸዕር፣ን፡ “ሺሉ፡; 
ኘገቤዩ።። 65. ወርኩ “ኣስክ፡ ሶበ; ኣልኩ ኖሳዊያን፡። ዶርዕዩ፡። በ፣ዜሆ፡። ወጸጋ 
ዴቅትሱ፡። ወ።የሕቱሱ፡ ብዙኘ፡።” ኣምትጻዛቫክመ፡” ወጋደጊ፡ ዝኩ” ጸባኘዐ; ውስት ኣደ 
ጸናብስት። 66. ወበልዑ፡፥ ወውወጡ፡፡ መብዝሕተመሙመ፡፥ ለዝኩ ። ጸባኘዕ;፡ ጸናብስኝ፡ 
ወጸገንምርት፡። ወሕሐራዊያ፡። ገዳም፤ በልዑ ምስሴሆመ፡ ወጸውዐፀይያዎ፤ ሰ“ዝኩ፡። ማሣፈደ፡ 
ወ።“ከረይዎ፤ ሲ“ዝኩ፡። ቤት'። 67. ወሕዘንኩ፡ ብዙኘ፡” ጥፃ፣ በጻንት፤ ማሣፈደ፡። ጻስመ፤" 
ትክርዩ፡። ውጻቲቱ፡ ቤት።። ዘጸባኘዕ፡። ወ።ጻምኔሆሙ፡።“ ዚኻህልኩ፡ ርጳየዮተመ፡ ለኣልኩ፡” 

: 2 omits. 2 aim. 7m, 8 read በ(AYቅ 52. Other MSS. prefix 0. 
« mw omits. ያ መ reads ያሕቱሲ፣ ያ ዴኘንኾሱ፡ ።, 5 የሕኾሱ፡፥ ፣ ዴትጋጕኮሴ፡ 
BcefFanpx add CAA; 5 g reads my: unm. 7 Fu. m reads 
ድፌገዉ፤ ወዶሣጥዉ፡ 9 ይሜጥንዎመ፥ 6-፣ ይሟሜጥውዎመ፥ ፣ሃ ዴገጃጠውዎሙ፡ 
5 m omits, 2 reads A followed by an erasure. ss omits. 1" Z reads Hh 
se omits. un 2gw. my, 8 read ስምዓ: m adds LARPs ወስኝ; 5a 8 
read PAY; u omits next two words. 35 Fmended fron ATs £9. 
m reads ATP DAP; 8 Nm’ This cemendation made first in my 
edition of 1893 has since been accepted by Beer and Flemming. # m reads ACRE; 
15 wu reads 10; 5 g reads HAH: AH. # omits. I I BO eae 
ኣመ: መ ጸመi ጸከi ።u ጸው ጸልእቦ፡ 5 BB mths read DRA 
g ጺም a omits. » F reads PRYNYCAF i u omits. 7 reads 
ወጸርኣጳዮ መያ, ቃድ reads ሐቶቱሰ፡ 9,8 ሐሕኮሎሙ፡ ሲ. 1 aim. m,8 read 
ኖባውያን፤ x adds ዴርጸዩ 5 au, B-Bcipx. w omits, bcipx read በ0". 
m omits next nine words. 2. Other M55. except 08 trans. o8 omit WN; 
A wu reads At; 5» Fgh mu omit. BB read PAD”. 25 m, a7 read C3; 
("RE af). a CAE 7» በLዜሆ m omits. 5 fF reads YY; uw omits. 

5 F9. m reads ብW»i /u, 8 ብH»H; o F/B. 9 prefixes 0. m reads Ahi 
HAaHha; HEA: ss omits. 31 am. 78 reads AN 3 AY: 5 at 
au omits. B reads AAAS = £9. Other MSS. ወRSናPCYI = a, Breads ራውያ: 
SmI. # reads WYE: u# ውAE; 55 omits next nine words. SF EI 
read PAE: 5 9 reads EE: 5 f/ omits. n mg read AN; /H. 
“7m reads Thረti 9 ትዝኻርና፡ 5» ከረይደኩ፡ 45 e omits. 3 mg / read HARON; 
e omits next five words through hmt. # £. Other MSS. read aki 

22 prefixes ©. 

180 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካ፡ LXXXIX. 67=72. 

ጸባኘ9፡ ለኣመ፡፦ ዴበውጹ፡ “ገበ; ዝኩ ቤት። 68. ወ።ኖላቹዊያን፡። ወጸማዶሙ፡ 
መጠውዎሙ፡፡ ሲኣእኩ፡፡ ጸባንዕ፡ ለሰዙሉ፡፡ “ጸራዊተ፡ ገዳም፡፣ ከመ፡“። ይብልዕዎሙ፡ 
ወ“ሹሎመ፡’ ጀጀኣምኔሆመ“" በጊዜሆሁ፡" በጐልፉ፡። ይትሟጠው፡። Bጀ፡ ኣምኔሆሙ፡ 
ሲ“ካልጹጽ፡ በመጽሐፍ፡ ይጸሐፍ” ሚ"መጠ፤፡ የሐጕል፡'፡ ኣምኔሆመ፡ [ ሰል በመጽሐፍ።|" 
69. ወፈድፉደ፤ ጻምሥርዓተመ፡ ክጀ“ይቁትል፡” ወ“የሕሐጕል፡” ወጸነ፡ ጸጋዝኩ፡” ኣብኪ፡ 
ወ።ጸዐፀውዩ” በኣጻንት፡ ዝኩ” ጸባ70። 70. ወክመዝ፡ በራኣይ፡’ ርጺኻዎ፤ ለዝኩ 
ዘይጽሕፍ ጻፎ፡ ደዴጽሕፍ፡ ጀሥዘዴትሕጕል፡ ኣም ዝኩ” ኖሳዩያን። “በዙሱ፡ ዕለት’ 
ወያዓፃር7፡። ወያዓፃርፍ፤። ወያርዚ፤ ሹሎ፡።” ኪያሁ" መጽሐሕፈ፡” ለኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ70; ሹሉ 
ዘገብኗፉ፡ ወሎ ዘጻጸጻትተ፡። ፮፮፡ ኣምጌሆመ፡፥ ወዙሎ፡" ዘመጠጪ፡። ለሐቱል። (RE 
“"ወመጽሐፍ፡ ተኘበ፡;። በቅድመ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ70፡ ወነመጸ፡ መጽሐፈ፡ ኣምኣዲ፡። “ወጸንበባ፡ 
ወገትማ፡ ወጸንበራ።። 72. ወጻምኔሆ፡ ርዚኩ፥ ኣንዘ፡ ዴርዕዩ፡። ኖሎት፡። ሂወጀ።ሰዓ1፡ 
ወናሆ፣ ሂ“ጻምዝኩ፡” ጸባፃ0;'" ገብዙ፡" “ወመጽጹጽ፡ ወቦጽ፡" ወጽኘንዘ፡ “ኣን; የጋንዷ፡“ ዙሉ” 

!' a8, B-n. ZF reads ሰኣሰ፡ ። ኣስ ‘22,8. m reads AYE: 9! Ah: 
ሣ ውስች፡ ውኣፒ፡ Sau. # reads Pri 3 PAY u omits next word. 
‘me bcéeFBRnxa. tad read Dm. £9 read paw; so soy save that 
they omit ©. ## omits next two words. ° 9 reads Aዝh 0 ሰጻልካቱ 5 2 Dre- 
fixes ©. fu, n read A and # trans. fs after 'I8 i au. # reads ASብNስት; 

8B ጸራዊ s 2, n omit. 9g. miu, Bread ti 9 ው in # omits. 
nag, B~age. F reads ALU: aew omit. g reads በ0L". # omits next four words. 
Fg. Other MSS. read 0A 8 mf acgtLt #Z reads ዴት 

9, ዕያ፣ዛoxaB read ይትጠዉ፡ ‘sy ይችትሜጠውዎመሙመ፡ (ጠውያዎ፤ #). መያ add 
ወበልፉ ይዴሟጥው፡ 8 as ወሰ 1 Better emend into 0. 5 wu. So already 
Beer conjectured: ABoc. und Pseug. ii. 205 note. # reads LRA: Other MISS. 
ዴዶጽሕፍ፡ 15 #0 read (hr nya ያሕል 5 ሐል: a omits next three 
words, 7 9 adds £ጽhgEi prefixes ©. ™ m reads ቅት! ” 9, g-agcdef. 
ድ reads ያሕሉ » ያሕኾል፡ ሃ።, ዕረ ያሕጕኾል፡ = » adds ጸብል፡ = 5 8-5/0. 
£ reads SSOt: mi Aውti 9,105 RROti x Roti «omits. 8 adds ብዙ; TE: 
from ver. 61. = g/u. # omits. m,@read AAW =“ omits. 8g gu omit. 
m, 8B read AA 5 a, 8 reads ያላው 7 mp B~u # reads DiC; 

n D0C7; gu omit. 5 m trans. before D3CTi n reads OC; and trans. 
after PC". wu omits. = 9 reads WN 0 9 reads tN; መጸሕፍት EH 
read HRATE: us omits. 5 m, fa read Hono: 5 Hn u omits. 

5 ድ reads ጽሐፈ: JYብብi ። trans. Yi0: after R70; mL 9 reads AB. 
B በጻዷi wu omits. 5 ድ,B8. a rad ጸንበበ፡ ወሕሐትመ፣ ወጸንበረ፡ (= ጸንበበ፡ iኳ tኮid 
place). 5 g reads C4 Fo CAE: ” 9, a trans. before AH: mi write 
in full CY: AY: ። adds Oi. a5 au. wu omits. 3 reads AAA 
0 8. 2 reads Tብትri m2! TብAi ።# omits. us,8. mot read RA: A: 
u መጦጽሉ፡ 5 9 reads ድን Se prefixes ©. 

LXXXIX, 72 TAC. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛክ፡ 181 

ዘወፎቁ፡ ኣምውኣቱ፡ ቤነ፡፥ ወሕራዊያ።፡ ገዳም፡ ከእአጻዎመ።“፡ ወጺካህሱ።፡፣ 73. ወጸ 
ኻካዕበ፡ ድሕንዷ፡ ከመ፡ ቁዳሚ፡ ወጸንሠመኣዎ፡ ሲሰውኣቱ፡ ማሣግፈፎ፡ ወዴሰመይ፡። “ማሣፈ.ፎ፡ 
ንዊሣ። ወጸንዘ፡ ካዕበ፡ ኣንዘ፡ ሮነገብፉ፡፡ ቅፎመ፡ ማሣግፈፎ፡ ማኣደ፡፡ ወ“ዙሱ፡ ሣብስት፡ 
ዘዴቤሆ፡። ርኩስ’ ወጺኮነ፣ ንዷሐሕ። 74. ወ“ዷበ፡ ሹዙሱ፥ ኣሱ" ጸባ7ዕ፣ ጽሱሳን፡ 
ጸዕይደንቲሆመ፡ ወጺይሬኣዩ፡ ወኖሎተሙ“፤፡ “ከማሆሁ፡ ወ“ይሟጥውዎመሙመ፡ ሰኖሎተሙ።“ሃ፡። 
ሰሐሕቱል፡ “ፈ.ፎፉደ፡ ወበጻገሪሆመ፡'፡ ኬፎዎመሙመ፡ ሲሰጸባፃ0፡ ወበልዕዎሙ። 75. AHR: 
ጸባ70፡ ጸርመመ፤ ኣስከኔ;" ተዘርዘፉ፡ *“ሹሱ፡ ጸባኘዕ፡;" ገዳመ፤ ወትይደመፉፍ፡ ምስሌሆሙ ። 
ወጺ“የድኝንዎመ፡”" ኣምልደ፤ ጸራዊት። 76. ወ“: ዘዴጽሕፍ፡ መጽሕሐፈ፤ ጸዕረ፣ 
ወጸርጸየዩ፡ ወጸንበበ፡ በኘበ;። ኣኘዚጸ፣ ጸባፃ0;” ወ“ስተበፉያ፡። በኣንቲጸሆሙ፡ ወዴስኣሎ;። 
በኣንቲጸሆመሙመ፡። ኣንዘ፡“ ሇያርጳዩ፡። ሹሎ;። ግብረ፡ ኖሎት” ወ“ይሰምዕ፡” በቸቅፎሆ፤። 
ደበ፡ ሰ ኖሳዩያን።። 77. ወነሟይ፡ ጸንበረ፡ ኪያሆሁ፥ ኘቤሆ፡።” መጽሐፈ፡ ወወፅ9ጸ።። 
Xር. ወርዚኩ፥ ኣስከ፡ ዘመን፡ ዘክመዝ፡። ዶርዕዩ፡። ተጸወሂ። ተኖላዩያን;። ወ“ፈጸመሙ፡።” 

1 0 Other MSS. ስራው; 2 m prefixes ©. 5 m reads DU 
1 DRY; w omits. ፡ 9 ads ከመ፤ ቀዳሚ 5 Fu. 9, % read ማ4ፈድ፡ Iዋኝ 
mt, BX read AE; ITY: u omits next seven words. ° mtf,B. #2 reads IAC: 
ፃ ይብr፡ = omits. 7 mE B. 2g read MAE: smh B-abcdge(spyoxይ. 
g, ab 950 xB read tN; 4ብስ1፡ ዘደ". ። ሹሱ፡ ዘውስቱቱ፡ ግብስት፡ ረ ሹሱ፡ ሣብስ1፡ ዘ". 
5 mu, B read Ch: 0 ይB- ድ reaባs ዷበ፡ ዙሱ፤፥ ወኣሰ፥  ዷበ፡ ሹሱ፡ ኣሰ፡ 9, ፣ #0; 
ti = omits. n au, wy. B~nuy read Lt. #,n omit. 15 b reads hy; 
gh: For next two words # reads Pra 5 a aI BIRNRO0UY. Bcelx 
read L. e adds hy; # wu reads ©. ® # reads ስከ; 9,5 ሓስ: Ts 
a reads THCHE: 7 ፀሣ read ሹሉ; (ሹሱ፡ ።) ጸባ70፡ ገዳም 5 b adds in margin, 
¥ in text, and # over erasure in the text ft; PAE; A730; es adds in another hand 

over the line Rr PAI: u omits next three words. 15 7m, 8 read EY. 
4 ያፎኘንኖመሙመ፡ 0 a. B reads Whi ug. m/w, 8 read (+A!) Rብያt: 30; 
(mgr omit). J; ቢያ ለ. = mw omits next two words. 5 m reads 

ስተበፉዕ፡ ።።። ጸስተብፉቍያ፤ Here ድ መ aጻd በኣንቲጸሁ፡ ("ሆሙመ፡ ) ወይስጻሉ፡ ("ሱ፡ ) 
AIH: ስተብቁ ያ ("05 m)—a corrupt dittography (Y. #&,8. mtu read ወይስat: 
gf ወይዴስaልዎi u omits next eight words. 5 Fm. Other MSS. omit. m adds 
ወዴስኣጻስ፡ 25 a reads ©. 7 9 reads CARP: 5 Fhn omit, 5 m0. 
iB read Pts » mnt £9 read ይሰማ): 8 ሰም0; ex read በቅድ; 
5 a. 8 reads PላውY: 53 te omits. #, 8 trans. before ኪያሁ: £ adds ውቲ: 
# 9 reads OKs u omits. 8h reads DOA: 5 fF. mf abcdeftino read han 
ከመዝ: 9,5 hመዝ: ፣ hoi HyH:i a omits. ™ #,f/5/0,a read £COE "8, 
By. m omits. 9 reads wሰi Oi, ።# Aስh; ሠሱስ: ©, £» Aoi. All are corrupt. 
We should read gig. ™a-u, u reads Poti 8 PAY 9 reads A; 

189 መጽሐፈ: ዛና: XC. 1-6, 

ሎሙ በበ፲ዜሆመሙመ፡ “ከመ፡ ቁዳማዊ.ያን፡፡ ወ“በዕዳን፡፣ ተመጠውዎመሙመ፡፡ ውስት፤ ጳደዊሆሙ፡ 
ከመ፡ ድርዐዴዎመ፡፥ በበሂዜሆሙ፡’ ዙሱ፡፡ ኖሳዩ። በፉዜሆ። 2. ወጻምዝ፤ ርጺዀኩ፡ 
በ“ራኣይዩ፡፡ ሹሱ፡” ጸዕዋፈ፡ ሰማይ፡ መጽጹ፡" ጸንስርት፡ ወ“ጸውስገ፡። “ወሆባይ፡ ወቋንት፡ 
ወጸንስርት፡። ይመርሕዎመሙመ፡። ሰ“ዙሎመሙ፡። ጸዕዋፍ፡ ወጸጋዘ፡፥፡ ዶብልዕዎሙ፣ ሲ“ዝኩ፡"" 
ጸባ7ዕ0፡ ወዴይክከርዩ፡ ጸዕዶንቲሆመ።፡ ወ“ዴበልአዕዎመ፡። ሲ“ሥመጋሆሙ። 5. ወጸባኝ0; ጸርኙ፡ 
ኣስመ፡ ዴዶትበልፁ፡።” ሥጋሆሙ” ኣምኔ ጸዕዋፍ፡ ወ“ ነጸርኩ፡። ወጸዘውየውኩ፡፥ በንዋምዩ 
ደበ: ውኣቱ፡። ኖሳባዩ፤ ዘዴርዕዮመ፡ ሰጸባኘዕ። 4. ወ።ርጺክ፡፥ ልኣስከ፡ ትችበልዐ፥ ዝኩ፡። 
ጸባ70፡ ኣም።ጸካልብኝ፡“ ወ“ኣም“ጸንስርት፥ ወ“ኣም።ሣሆበይዴ፤ ወጺ“ጋደ;። ሎመ፡፥ ሥጋ; 
ፃመሙራ፡ ወጺ።“ማኣጻሰ፡= ወጺ“ሥርወ፣” ሓኣስከ፡ ቁመ፡። በሕቲቱ።። ጸዕፀምቲሆሙ፡። 
ወ።“ጸዕፀምቲሆሙሰ፡።” ወድቁ” ዷበ፡ ምድፎር፡ ወንጻሱ፡። ጸባኘ7ዕ። 5. ወርጺኩ ኣስከ 
ዘመን; ኣስከ፡;። ዶሬዕዩ፥። ጀወኛ፡" ወፈጸመ በበሂዜሆመሙ፡። ወ "፮“ፉዜያት። 6. Diዋ;s፣ 
መኝስጻት፡“ ተወልዱ፣ ጻምዝኩ፡” ጸባኘዕት፡“" ጸዓዳ፡። ወጸንዘዙ፡ “ጸዕዴንቲሆመሙ፡ 

1 wu omits. dg reads WN; 2:20. mi read Ww PALEY: u omits. B-BF5 
ead ቁዳምያኽ፤ አሃ፣xሪ ቀዳማውያን 2 8. a reads በ0£: ‘wu, 8. £# read 
ትመጠዎመs »ትመጥዎመs 9 Tመnai su omits rest of verse. m8, 
Z (1) read Zh". 5/5 B-L ቋድ ads ለዙሱ፡  ወዙሱ፡ ያ ዙስ / ሹሎመ፡ 
7 a. B reads ላው]; s 90 m, B read በ01”. 2 am, m, Bread AE: 
0 go, 950Xyb read WN; # omits. 1 wu trans. before ROP: = m reads CY 
ፀ ዐየውሳሰት፥ መሃ። aባ4ዛ ወጸንስርት፡ 5 au omits. # m reads Lo” DF" 0%” 
ወጸን" ወ. ። ወሆ" ወቋ" ይመ". 9 reads ሹሱ፤ ። ሹሉ "ያ 9/8 read AW 
au omits. i au, bcgioxb. 1 retain the indicative here owing to the textual 
evidence. aéf (2?) & Ina read MCE u omits with next two words. Rigs 
£, eho read ብልዎ 9,cx ዴበA0ዎ; / ay 4/78 /n a £ብA0; EE 
omit. 2 reads A730; uD. = au. u, B read YAOI = F0u. m reads 
ርጺኩ፡ ያ 3 ጸራሣኩ፡ 5 m adds #፡ 5 2 omits. 5 am. m reads ANN: 
(sic) and trans. after AN”. 8 reads AA: 5 £. Other MSS. RA: IT 
omit. 5 Fu, apceBiRlnoxae. # reads DET; wg, 47 DEI ” m reads 
ማ0ስ፡ ” reads Ci gt Dcge/htoxb., mga, arInovw,a read Pw; 
5 ድመይሪ. ፀuሣ read በበሕቲትመ፡ ፩-* በሕቲተመሙመ፡ 5 9 reads ROBY mop 
omit. i u, bcgFInox,ay omit, 5 rm 9 reads ROBE u omits. 
8 reads ROLF 8 #. mgiu, Bread Dé; 5 m adds Nh 

a-m., m reads AN; 8 omits. 5. moh 8 read COR wu omits. 
0 8 add ዎላቐያን፡ ("ውያ 8). = 9 reads ኣስከ፡ ዜያቲሆሙ፡ “ reads ሰመኒች፡ 
ፀ ሰመንቱ ሃ ሰመን Sa. aeBpRnpvw read Yዙሰት፡ ዕcx YA}; gi/0yay 
ንጽሰን፤ ያ ገንዑሳትስ፡ ሣያ/18. መ reads ማሐሰዓነ፣ ያ መሓስኣት፡ ። ማጋስኳኣት፡ 
5 9 m, Bread AAAI uw omits. “gL m reads 030i 9,8 B70; 
eu omits. Tau, w omits. 8B reads AY£D 

XC I: መጽጠፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 189 

ይካመቲቱ። ወዴርጸዩ፡ ወይጽርኘ፡ ኘበ፡ ጻባኘ0። 7. ወጸስርጎግዎመሙ፡። “ወጺያጽምጵ፡ 
ኔገሮሙ። ጸላሳ፡“ ፈፎፋፉደ፡ ትጻመመ፡።’ ወተጺጸሰሰ፡ ጸዐዶንቲሆመ፡፥ ፈድፉደ፤ ተወኘንዩሱ።፣ 
8. ወርጺኩ፥ በራጻዶዴ። ቋዓት'፣"› ከመ፤ ሰረፉ፡። ፈፉበ፣ ጻልካቱ፡። መኘሣስኣጻ፡። ወጸኘገዝዎ፡ 
“ለጽሕዱ፥ ኣምዝሁኩ፡። መኝስኣ፤፡ ወቁቀጥቁጥዎመ፡ ለጸባኘዕ፡ ወበልዐዎሙ። 9. ወርጽኩ፡ 
ኣስከ፡ ወፀጸ፡ ሎመ፡"። ጸቅርን፡ ለዝኩ መጋስኣ፡ ወቋንት፡ ያወ.ድፎቅዎመሙ፡ ለ“ጸቅርንቲሆሙ፡ 
ወርጺኩ፡፥ ሓጻስከ።። በቁሲ፤፣ ፩"ቁርን፣ ዓቢይ” ሲጀ።ጻምኔ፤ ዝኩ” ጸዘባፃ0፡ ወተክከሥመች፡። 
ጸዐዕይንቲሆሙ።። 10. ወርጳዩ፡ ቦሙ“ሪ። |[(ወተፈትሐ፣ ጸዕዴንፒቲሆመሙመ፡| = ወ።ጸርኘ፣፣ 
ሎሙ” ሰጸባኘ0፡ ወደቤሳት፡ ርጻይዎ፤ ወሮዷ፤ “ሹሎመ፡፥ ኘቤሆሁ።። 11. ወ“ ምስለዝ፡ 
ዙሴ፡፥ ኣልኩ፥ ጸንስርተ፡” ወጸውስት፡ ወቋዓት፥፡ ወሆባይ፡። ጻስክ፡ ይኣዜ፡። ይመስጥዎመሙ፡ 
ሰጸባኘ0፡ “ወይዴሰርፉ፡፥ ደቤሆሙ፡፡ ወ“ ዴበልዕዎመሙ፡ ። ወጸባፃዕ0*ሰ; ያረምመሙ፡። ወ“ደቤሳት፡። 

1 @6FBRnow trans. s m. Possibly we should read PNCሣps Forg,spPn 
point to the imperfect. All other MSS. are corrupt. The corrupt readings arose 
probably through the wrong insertion of &. before NCAP; or else through the 
corruption of A in RNC4paw; into A. Thus we have a change of verb in # 
REACYP and 05 RACግP and yet another change of verb in / RሰምOpae 
or a dropping of the corrupt negative in 9 RCAps a omits with preceding ©. 
In B the corruption has advanced further and introduced R20; save in the case of 
08 which we have already noticed. Thus 8-5 no read R70; (R700; a) ACP 
የም።ፍ ጸበፃ0; ጺ(ያ። ዕመi) ይጺጸርግዎመሙ፡ ‘af. g,n read DAA IT. 
abc af iIRIO0XS DAB HYICP «» OጺያፀApm Hi]". + m reads 
Ali wu omits., su omits next four words, 7? 9, 8-8 read TAA sm. 
7 reads JW! / 8-5n0,ay9 JA: bux ጋላ o DAI There is some 
corruption. 1 an omit. io ain, BH. m, BH read ቁ3Yi The next twelve words 
are repeated by # in ver. 11. See the repetition in note 31. Fh B-en, 
mg tu read Nee; en NCS: uf. Other MSS. AA 5 # omits next four 
words. #4 reads AዝhiNምHhi  AHhi 9 ምዱ! ለዝኩ፡ 8 ለሄኣምጻልኩ፡ 
5 omit. a. Breads AAAS 7 su omits next two words. # # reads 0. 
#g,a omit. 9g omits, a trans. before PCY = #. Other MSS. E. = a. 8 
reads AAW; 5 a. B reads ተከታ; 5 Fm add ወርልጳዩ፡ ጸOይንቲሆሙ፡ 
5 ¢ reads Ah; 5 ww omits. Bracketed as a dittography from the preceding 
verse. m adds DYፈትhi For ወY&. 9 reads ፈቲ: 7m, BH. am read 
ACEH; i» RCD = omits. a, bcx. B-Bcx, y zu trans. 0 trans. after 
Rውስት፤ # omits next five words. 5% r omits and repeats instead from ver. 8: 
ከመ ሰረፉ፡ ዷበ፡ ኣልኩ፥ መጋኃስኣ፤ ወጸኝዝዎ፡ ኣምጸሐዱ፡ ሲሰዝዙ፡ (50 9 reads in ver. 8) 
መኝስ፡ ወቁቀጥቁጥዎመሙ፡ ሰጸባፃዕ፡ ወበልዕዎሙ፥ = ያ reads ወኣስክ፡ = # reads 
ዶብልዕ።፡ 54 g reads Pepi 5 Fu, Fil, m reads ቤሳ: (sic). 9 ደቤ 
8-58 / ዳቤላ 

184 መጽሐፈ: ዛሄዛኛክ፡ XC TT 

ናጸወይዴጦ፡ ወይጻርኙ።፡ 12. ወ።ኣልኩ፡፡ ቁዓት፡ ይትጋደሱ፡ ወዶት'ባጸሱ፡፡ ምስሴሆሁ። 
ወፈቐቅዲዳ፡፡ “ያኣትቲቱ፡ ቁቀርኖ። ወ“ዚኽህልዎ። 13. ወርኩ ጻስከ፡፡ መጽጽ፥ ኖሳዊያን፤"" 
ወ“ጸንስርት፡ ወዝኩ፡። ጸጽውስኝ፡' ወሆባይ፡ ወጺጸር'ኙ፡" ሰቈቋዓት፡'፡ ከመ፡፤ ዶቁቀጥቅጥያዎ፡" *ቁርኖ፡ 
ሲሰዝኩ፡“" ደቤሳባ፡ ወተባጸሱ፡ ወተቃተሱ፡። ምስሴሁ፡። ወውኣጻቱ፡ ዴዶትባጸስ፡ ምስሴሆሙመ፡ 
ወጺጻርኝ፡ ከመ፡ ትምጻኳ፡” ረድሌቱ።። 14. ወ“ርዚኩ፥ ኣስከ; መጽጸ፤ ዝኩ፥ ብጻሲ፡፡ 
ዘጻሕፈ፡ ጸስማቲሆመ፡ ሰኖሎት፣ ወ“ያዐር7፡። ቅ.ድሁ፡፡ ሰጻንዚጸ፡ ባዕ; ወ“ውኣቱ፡፡ 
ረፎፀይ፡። ወጸድጋኖ;። ወጸርጸየ፣ ሺሎ” መራደ፡” ሰ“ረ.ፎሌቲቱ፤ ሰዝኩ፡።” ደቤሳባ። 15. 
ወ።ርጺኩ፡ ኣስከ መጽጸ፡።” ንቤሆመሙመ፡።” ኣፇግዚጸ፡። ጸበፃ0;። በመዓት፡ ወጻሰ፡ ርጻይያዎ፡ 
ዙሎመ፡ ነፍዷ፤ ወወ.ፎቁ፡ ሹሎመ፡፡ ውስተ፣ ጽሳሉት፡። “ልምቅድመ፡ ገጹ።፡፣ 16. ሎሙ” 
ጸንስርት፡ ወዓውስት። “ወቋዓት፡ ወሆባዶ፡። ትጋብጹጽ፡ ወ“መጽጹጽ፡“" ምስሌሆሙ ሹሱ፡፣ 
ጸባኝዐ፡;። ገዳም፡ ወ“መጽዙ፡። “ሹሎመ፡፥ ሣቡረ፡ ወተራፎጵ፡" ከመ፡ ዴቁጥቅጥያዎ፡" ለዝኩ 
ቀር ዶደቤሳ። 17. ወርጺኻዎ። *“ሲዝኩ፡ ብኣጻሲ፡። ዘ“ይጽሕፍ፤፡ መጽሐፈ በቃሰ፡ 
ኣግዚኣኳ፡። ኣስከ፡“ ፈትሖ፡። “ሰውኣቱ፡ መጽሐሕፈ፡። ሐሕጕል፡ ዘጸሕጕኮቡሱ። ሓጻልኩ፡” 

+ w omits. 2 2 omits. 3 ድ ተጻባs ይትነድጵ፥ = ዴትቃተሱ፡ ወዴትጋ". 
‘F9t m,8 read YAN un omit. ? ድ rads ምስሌሆመ፡፥ ።“# ምስሴሆን፡ 

ና a adds Jቤሆwi ፣ m reads A 26; 9 A" PCF #AYYPI omits. 
se. m,B read CAMP 9/ CAMP; # omits. 10 a. B-ድ read ዎሳባውያኝኽ፤ ፳ ኖሎት 
n Z omits. 15 a. mw omits. B reads DANY; 3 m reads DACA; # omits. 
# dy read #34: u omits. » u reads ATi "gw. mt Dcds/0ay read 
ሰቁር፤፡ ሰዝኩ፡ ያ ሰቁርኒ፡ ሰዝንቱ፡ ሪ።/» ደ ለቁር፤፡ ዝኩ፥ = ሲሰዝኩ፡ ቀር፣፡ 7 aims 

መ) 8-5 ዳቤሳ፡ 5 AI MSS. but # trans. before ወች#". u omits next three words, 
5 Z reads OAC a. 8 reads YPRAB =“ c Drefixesሲ gt, Binob. 
£, 0,8 read f3C3: » 0C7 ፣ 3c ። A0ረT; 3 aw omits next five words. 

5 Al MSS. omit but Z. = 9 reads pitti  Fmended from DEE; péራEi = Spy] 
Or Gpnua. The confusion of መ and @ is found a few words later. See note 29. 
Al MSS. omit but #. 5 m reads AHN: 5 Z reads DOA: but see ver. 18 
where ORR again occurs. og,8. m/read £ቤሆPi gu omit. After JቤVFs 
9, 8 add Hh adds ኣስመ፤ au m adds ጸጋሽ ©. 5 Fu, B-0. mg/ read 
ጸባ70ት፡ 5 omits. 5m. gu, 8 read ጽANE: # / reads fሱi ።# ©. 
5 m trans. 5 9. Other MSS. APRA 5, a omit next five words through hmt. 
7g. mghB read tN u# tN 5 bg (in margin)nx read ROT: 
5 9 reads DOR 40 መ reads. DYጋJብRs “ a8 read ድዋጥቅTዎመi “8. 
m gu read DCA; 5 9 reads Hi ብ". Hh ብኣቤi = Hh # # reads 
ከመ፡ 5 £F reads AJHAብሔC: HAW: ሰA7HLA: Since £ gives a peculiar text 
from this word to ሐEAi and is unsupported by the rest 1 will give it here. 
After AHA” it proceeds: aስመi Yፈትሕi በ20; AHA በውaቱ፡ ሐል: See 
last note. ## gZu,bdefinx,a. #ooBreadtፈትhi m, acy 8/read ፈትሕ; * For 
text of # see note 45. ereads ለውAEi RE H. “mbit read aAnቱi 05 Ai 

0 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና 185 

“፲ወጀ'ኖሎት፡ ይጋርያን፤ ወ“ጸርጳዩ፡ ከመ፡፡ “ፈፎፉደ፡ ኣምቅፎማሆሙ፡፣ ጸሕኾሱ፡ ቅፎመ 
ሓ7ዚጸ፡፡ ጸባኝ0። 18. ወርኩ ስከ; “መጽጸ፡ Jገቤሆሙ፡፣ “ጻግዚጸ፡ ጸባን: 
ወሣሥመይ፤ በጻዷ፡ በትረ፡ መዓቱ ወ“ዘበጣ፡" ሰም.ፎር፡ “ወችሰጠች፡ ም.ድር፡። ወዙሹሎሙ፡ 
ጸራዊት፣ ወ“ዙሎመ፡። ጸዕዋፈ፡። ሰማይዴ፡ ወደቁ" ጻም።“ዝኩ፡። ጸባፃዕ፤ ወተሰጥሙ፡ 
በም.ፎር፤ “ወከደነት፡፥ ደቤሆሙ።፣ 19. ወ“ርዲኩ፥ ኣስከ፡;፣ ትውህበ፥ ሰጸባ7ዕ፡ ሰዶፍ፡ 
ዐቢይ፤ ወወፀጾ፡ ጸባ7ዕ፡ ዲጃበ፡ ሹሰ፡ “ጸራ ገዳም;። ከመ’ ይቅችልዎመ፡ ወዙሎሙ፡ 
ጸራዊት፣፡ ወ።ጸዕዋፈ፡። ሰማ ይ፡ ነፍጸ፡ ኣምቅ.ፎመ፣ ገጾሙ። 20. ወርዚኩ፡። ኣስከ; መንበር 
ተሕንጸ፤ በም.ፎር፡ ሐዋዝ” ወኔበረ፤ ዷቤሁ፡ ኣግዚጸ፡ ጸባ70፡ ወነሥመጸ፣ ተሉ” መጻሕፍተ 
ሣጀማቲ፡ ወ“ፈቸውሖን” ለውኣጻተኘ፡። መጻሕፍት፡። በቸ.ፎመ፤ ኣግዚጸ፤ ጸባንዕ። i 
ወ“ጸውዎፆሙ፤።” ኣግጊጻ፡ ሰዝኩ፡” ሰብኳ፤። ሂ።ጸዓ ድው” ቁዳማዊያገ፡። ወጸዘዘ፡ ከመ 
.የምጽዶ፡። ቅፎሟሁ፡። ኣምሃኮክብ፡ ቁዳማወ፡፡ ዘደቁ.ፎም፡ ኣም ዝኩ፡። ከዋክብት፤ ኣሰ፡ 
ጋፍረተመ፡ ከመ፤ ጋፍረ፣ ጸፍራስ፡ | ወሰኮከብ፡ ቀዳማዊ፡ ዘወፀጸ፡ ቅኮ.ፎመ፡|። ወ"ጸምጽኣዎመ፡፣ 

'/ in full gwCE: AE: 2 F reads RCA: hi 9 RCA (sic). 
u RCA hoi ° a omits.  /u prefix © and omit @ before CA See note 6. 
2 Z omits next Six words throueh hint. tu omit. 7 fu trans. m reads 
ንቤሆመ፡ ደመጽል፡ 5 PB. # reads AAI): = AHR: u omits. 3 ae read 
መዐ 0 a reads Bln; 1 7 reads DYwሠwTPYi ss omits. dg omits next ten 
words through hmt. 15 a. 4, B omit. 3 a reads ROP; H. 15 eBpigmny 
prefix ©. 1» a. B reads AA: 5 m7 (save that ms inserts 0 before £bPa), 
dU) = exdእvyey er arovs = pinoy nol, Lhe phrase is from Num. Xvi. 33 where the 
XX renders sxdiXuyey ayrous but the Greek translator of Enoch rendered literally 
but ungrammatically as above. [he same Greek rendlering of the Hebrew phrase is 
found on Ps, ci, 17 skdiXuyrey €mi Tilv rvyayeyiv. ¥ reads iY: በምር: £ቤሆP 
Z ከደኖ £. # 8-4 read THEY Xa correction of later times. o8 WY X". 
aw omits. Instead of & m/read (X. m7, ae/BI8IPn. tux omit. Jcd/I0B5ya yp 
read Ati =y omiis. au prefixes. ™ u omits next four words, 21 / omits. 
= omits. 5 ፀ reads ሐዋዛት፡ / ሕዋት 4 reads £ቤሆPa; 5 Corrupt 
for AR 5 / reads ፈት}; 72. m,l8read AYE: 9 ውላ / ውል 
au omits with next four words. 5 # reads aAh@t: 5,8, miread Ry 
gu ROO; u omits next two words. 9. መዞ, 8 read ANAኩ; i a. B omits. 
5 gw 8. Zin full ሰብY}E: reads ወሰብAYi Z omits. # adds A705 = m reads 
ዐ3.ፎወ፡ 5 mu. reads ቁዳያY: ያpዳLYi 8spዳRውY: % iB: 
ፃ/u read LRN Fu, dg omit. aI read 5am. m8 read AA; 
5 Bracketed as a dittography. aw omits. For Hog: of 2 other MISS. read 
Ha omJ)ወ£gi x omits A before hh: and pe; 0 9g omits. 4 reads 


186 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ XC. 21-28, 

ሰሸዙሎመሙ፡ ቅ.ፎሜሁ። 22. ወይቤስ ለዝኩ ብጻሲ፡፡ ዘድዴጽሕፍ፡ በቅ.ድሆሁ፡ ኣንዘ፡ 
ውኣቲ፡ ጀኣምነ፤ ዝኩ 'ጸዓ.ፎው፡ ወ“ዴቤሎ፡፡ ንገመጸሙ፡፣ ሰኣ፡ ኖሎት ኣለ 
መጠጦጓኻዎሙ፡ ጸበፃ0ት;’ ወ“ገሂጾመ፡" ቁትሰ፡ ብዙ “ኣምዚ፡ ጸዘዝክዎመ፡ ኣሙንቱ።" 
23. ወናሆ፡ ሹሎመ“። ኣሱራን፡። “ርጺኩ፡ ወቐመሙመ፡፣ ሹሎመሙ፡”። ቅ.ድፎሆሁ፡፡ 24. ወሸነኔ፡ 
ኮነ ቅ.ፎመ፡ ኣምክዋኳብገ፡' ወትዀኩነፉ; " ወኮፉ፡ »ጋጥጻ፤'፡ ወሑሖፉ፤ መኻነ፡ ሹነኔ;'" ወ“ወይደይዎመሙ 
ውስተ፡ ዕመቅ፡” ወምሱኳ፡ ኣሰ” ወይልህብ፡ ወምሱኣ፡፡ ጸዕማደ;። ኣሰት።። 25. ወዝኩ፡። 
ሮ።ላዊያን;። ትኩሣፉ፡። “ወኮፉ፡ ጋጥጻኔ፡' ወተወድዩ፡፥ ጳጻሙንቱ። “ውስትዝሽ፡። ማዕምቁ፡። 
ኣሰቸ።” 26. ወርጺኩ፡ “በውጻቲ፡ ሂዜ፡ ከመ ተርሣወ፡ “ጀማዕምቅ፡” ከማሆሁ፡ 
በማኣከሰ፡ ም.ፎር፡ ዘ“ምሱሉዕ፡ ኣሳ» ወጸምጽኣዎሙ፡ ለኣልኩ፣ ጸባፃዕ0፣ ጽሱላን፡ 
ወችክኝፉ፡። ሹሎመሙ፡። ወኮኑ; ጋጥጻ ወተወድዩ፡ ውስት“; ዕመቁ፡። ኣሳትነ፡ ወውዕዩ 
ወዝን” ማዕምቅ፡። ኮህ በየማኒ፡ ለዝኩ፡። ቤት። 27. ወ“ርጺኻዎመ፡ ሲኣልኩ፡" 
ጸባ7ዕ; ኣንዘ፡ ድውዕዩ፡ ወ'ጸዕፀምቲሆሙመ፡ ዶውዕዩ።፡" 28. ወቐቁምኩ፡፥ ኣጻርጸይ፡ ጻስከ 

* te omits. sau. Breads H. sw omits together with next word. 5 omits. 
+0 መ reads እኩ ,3 omit, mg 8. # in full ሰብዓቱ ድ omits. 
Smit BDO. Fg 50x read LNs 729 read JwመAPms smu. gin 
full ሰብ3i £ omits. ? mg/L Zu read R70; 8 A705 " u omits. a reads PLR: 
" ደ ኮዶ 1 wu reads ብHWDY: and omits next three words. 52 B save that for 
AHH” F reads RHHnPPi # reads YA; A AHH m9 aE; Hig omits) 
AHH; ! AH: RAHHnPes » td read Atራi (+O). mn 98 trans. 

after PE". su omit. 5 w omits next: four words. 15 F reads DTA); 
7 ww prefixes 0. 5 0,b omit. 5 Fmended from 00h; nu BBc amu, ec 
read ሳት: 8 0m: aሰት'i mu omit next four words, 1°. Other MSS. Ei 
= 0. m, 8 read ወልልኩ፤፣ / ወጻሱ፤ ። ወ. 3 3. መያ read ሰብኳ፤ an / ስብጽ፤ 
both corruptions for ሰብ3i ss omits. =“ aL / reads PNY; 8B PAውY; 
5» 0b prefix ©. 5 prefixes ©. wu omits. ie. mg read 0H: #0. 
8 ውስት፡ ዝኩ 5, Bc. መ reals ማOምቅት፡ 9/ መዓምቅት፡፥ “ መዓምቁ፡ 

5 m prefixes H. ag, 8-c/xa. 9 reads MOY; SeFxa ARO 8, 
ድ rads ምድረ ኣሰት'፥ 9 ምሱዕ፤ ጻሰት፡ 5% 0B omit together with next three 
words. 5 ae FBR Du trans. after BTA; 5 g reads phi wu omits. i 
at omits. Other MSS. read Hi mt B-gla. #, 91a read 0wy:i 9 ማ0PE; 
aw omits. a adds EC H. TP DcgIO0X,aS. m reads በWYE; 9, a/fysrtn 
ወዝኩ ‘»ክወ(yomJርጺW; Hh = 9 reads OY; u omits, » m adds AY: H. 
0 ሠ reads CA ኣሱ ne. mB read Ai 9/ AH: £ዒi u omits. 

XC. 28-32. መጽሐፈ: ህዛናክ፡ 187 

ተመወሞ፡ ሰዝኩ፡ ቤት፡፡ ብሱድ፣ ወ“ጸውፀኣዎመሙ፡፣ ሰ"“ሸሎመሙ፡፣ ጸዕማ.ድ፡’ ወዙሱ፤ ጸትክል'ቱ፡፡ 
ወ፣ስኒ፤ ሰውኣቱ፡ ቤነ፡፣ ተጠውመ፡፡ ምስሴሆ፣፥ ወጸውፀጻዎ፡ ወወደድያዎ፤ በሄ"መካንጌ;" በየማ፤፡ 
መድር። 29. ወርጺኩ፡ “ኣስከ፡ ጸምጽጸ፡ ጻኘዚጸ፡ ጸባኘ0;፡ ቤ1፣ “ኘJደሰስ፡ ወዓቢዩ፡" 
ወውልዑሰ፡ “ኣም ዝኩ፡“ ቁዳሚ፡። ወ“ጸቁሞ፡'" ውስነ፣፡ መካ" ቁዳሚት'፡። “ንተ 
ችጠብሰሰት፡" ወሸዙሎመሙ፡ ጸዕማ.ደ፡፤ ዚጸሃ፡ ሐኗሳኘጌ፡” ወስሪ፡ ሕፈኗስ፡። ወዐቢይ; ኣምቁዳሚት፡ 
ብሲት፡። ኣንተ ጸውፀጾ፡ ወሸሎመ፡። ጸባ70፤ ማኣክከባ። 30. ወርጺኻዎመሙመ፡ ሲሰ“ሹሎሙመ፡። 
ጸባኘ70;። ኣሰ፡ ትርፉ፡። ወዙ” ኣንስሳ፤ ዘ“ዷበ፡ ምድር” ወ’።ዙሱ፡። ጸዕዋፈ፡ ሰማይዶ 
ዴወፎቁ።። ወዴሰኘዲ፤ ለኣልኩ፣ ጸባኘዕ፡። ወ“ያስተበቀቍዕዎሙ፡” ወዴዶሰምዕዎሙ፡። 
በዙሱ፡፤ ቃል። 31. ወ።ጸምኔሁ፡። “ጻልኩ፥ ሂ“ላሰ፡ ዴሰብሱ፡ ጸንድወ፡። ወ።ጸጋዘኔ፡። 
በኣዴዩ፡ | ኣሰ; ቀደመ“ ጸዕረጊኒ፡]። ወኣጻዴሆ፣ ሰ“ውኣቲ" ዶቤሳ፡። ኣንዘ፣ ትጻግሣዘ፤፡ ጸዕረጊኒ፡። 
ወጸንበፉ“።ኒ፡;“ ማኣክሎመሙመ፡። ሲዝኩ፡" ጸባኘዕት፡። ኣንበሰ፡ ትኩን; ቫነኔ። 325. ወጻእኩ” 

i np. Dillmann proposed mi y reads ውሞ: » YሰTጥmመi Other MSS. 
ጠም We should read ም; ። 5 ads ዓቢድ፤ 3 tu read ROBNዎP: 
tu read Wi ° u omits next eight words. £. mt8-ya read tnt; YA 
#4 ችከሱ፡ 7 # adds tሱ፡ 0 adds ሹሉ s mn omits. sh B-dya. m reads 
Ynውምi ያ,n Yomi So 4y save that they prefix @©. i" # reads AB. # adds 
ቤት በ.  F reads onli wu omits. Sa, af IIR Bcdglowxy,ay read 
AIHA: RY” ኣስከ; RB". So also u but that it omits ahh: 5 Z reads in nom. 
wu trans. uF, 8B, mg/u read Am. 5 fF. Other MSS. PRE; 15 g reads 
ጸቁውም፡ 7 CFB IOXY aD. a, apefn read ony; 15 w reads PRE; 
5 m omits. bux add YMA; ሐዲስ; ” ። reads ሐዷሳY; and omits next five 
words. 5 4 reads 00 &; OIIES, A am (save that F omits መ) and 
acgifloal. mi beFhnpyx read AHR: (save that m omits OY). Seeing that 
Fm, which are the chief representatives of the two readings, omit @, it is possible 
that AY; Rው” fr“ (or JHA) A” aA: constitutes a single sentence. In 
that case we should emend R70; into R70; and for Ma’ read AJA and take 
ኣገ; . . . ኣማኣክሳባ፡ together = sf je. Then we should have ‘from which He had 
sent forth all the sheep. =» aw omits. I OIE 7 ww omits next seven words. 
Sau. B reads Wa; 5 m reads AY 0 e omits next three words, au. 
8—~e read Wr 5 ድ reads ወድቁ: # ይወ. 5 ¢ reads ስችበቅ0; 
3 mp8. gu omit, 5 g/l. ድ reads Nምሽኩi mn aምኔሆ SB. 
g/ write in full AAW: ሠAN'E: reads £. 2 omits. ie. Other MSS. R34: 
ew trans. &” before AA; 55 2 reads RH a Bracketed as an explanatory gloss. 
0 gu omit, ሓ nm, ¢ch read ቤላ; 2 B. m reads ROCTL AOC; 9 ABYC; 
/ AOC: ua omits. 5 w reads DRINé; 4 g omits. 5 w reads ANA: 
“au. # reads As 3 ሲልኩ # rg wm reads በ7015 u, 8B ጸባ) 
Sm adds Hi 9/H. 

188 መጽሐፉ: ህኛ፡ XC. 35-38. 

ጸባ70; ኮኔ፡ ሹሎመ፡፥ ጸዓዳ፡ ወጸዬረ፡ ዚጸሆመ፡ *0ቢዩ; ወንጺሕ።፡ 33. ወሸሎመ። 
ሓሰ; ትሕሱ ወትዘርዘኗፉ፡፣ ወዙሴ፡፡ “ጸራዊት፡ ገዳም ወሰ ጸዕዋፈ፡ ሰማይ፤ ትጋብዉ፡ 
በ'ውጻቱ፡ ቤኝ፥ ወጻንገዚጸመ። ሰጻጸባ7ዕ፡; ተፈሥሐ “ዐቢዩ; ፍሥሠመሓ፡፣ ጳስመ፡፡ ኮኒ፤ ሹሎሙ፡ 
፮ራ፤፡ ወ“ገብጽ፡፡ “ውስ ቤቱ ።" 34. ወርጺኩ፡፥ አስከ፡፡ ጸስከብዎ፤ ለ“ውጸቱ፡፡ ሰፎፍ፡" 
ዘ“ተውህበ;።” ሰጸባኘ0;" ወጸኘብጻዎ፤ “ውስተ ቤቫ።" ወ“ኝተማ፡'፡ “ጸም"ዋ.ፎመ፤ ገቛ 
ሰኣኳፓዚኣ፡ ወሹሎመሙመ፡ ጸባ70;፡ ትጸውዐፁ፡ " በውኣቱ፡ ቤት፣ ወጺሇያፃመሮሙ።" 395. ወ“ጸዕ ይን 
ቲሆመ፡ ለዙሎመሙ ተትክሥት፡ “ወይኔጽፉ፤ ሠናዩ; ወጀ“ዘጺ“ይሬጺ፡ ጸልቦ፡፡ በማጻከሎሙ፡። 
36. ወርጺኹዙ፡፥ ከመ፤ ከኔ ውኣቲ፡ ቤት ዐቢየ፤ ወርኘበ፡።” ወምሱል፡።” ፈፎፉደ። Soe 
ወርዚኹ፡ ከመ፡ ተወልደ፤ ኔ።ሳባህም፤ ጸዓዳ፡ ወ“ጸቅርንቲሆ፡ ዐበዴደት፡” ወ።ዙሲ፡” ጸራዊት፡ 
ገዳም፡ ወ።ሹሱ፡።» “ጸዕዋፈ፡ ሰማዶደ፡። ይፈርህዎ “ወያስተበሦዕዎ፡ በዙሱ፡፡ ፉዜ።። 
38. ወርዚኩ፥ ኣስከ ተወሰጠ፡። “ሰ ጸዝማኗሆመ፡፡ ወከፉ፡ ሹሎመሙ፡ “ጸልህምት፣ ጸዓዳ፡። 
ወ።“ቁዳማዊ፡;። “ከኔ ማጻከሎመ፡፥ ተነገር፡። ወ*ውልኣቱ፡ ነገር፡፡ ከኮ ጸርቹ፡፤ ዐቢዩ” ወቦ 


2. Other M55, read 0; Di&ሕi # omits next three words. 2 2 omits. 
° # reads YHCHE: = s# omits. ? 05 read REY: 5 b reads ስ]; 77 
trans. # omits EN; s m reads ANN: 1 # reads ‘2ራY; 1 g reads AIብጽ 
12, Bho. a2 read A@E; #5 ውስ1፡ ቤሻ; (፡ adding ው; above the line). 
ዕ ውል] ቤነ 15 F omits. a B reads YብVAI = mu omits next seven words. 
5» 2. Breads ውስ]; ቤቱ  በቤቱ፤ 5! ሰቤቱ፤ ። ois. 5,8. m/read hla; 
ፃ DY uw omits. 7 au. wu, B omit. sf. thn read Ys All other 
M55. ትOጽa NEB. # reals fJPCDS I FIP EOD EAOTIES: 
25 B reads DA: 1 a, 3 reads Thy; = 3 adds ጸምኔሆ 35 m reads H. 
= m reads y0". wu omits. = m adds ክመ፤ ኮኔ; Cቷበ፡ ። reads ርብ 0 
all MSS. except #, /7, In read gi; au omits. #efFh omit, p erases, “ n omits. 
5 mtu read ቢት » OE 0 ag, FB». PX read WN abcgsR/0a0 
ths Dc read WN wu omits. = ureads ROPE gu omit. °° m reads 
ችወሰጠ፡ 5pm trans. mg read AAV]: AYA: o/cgeBis/x,a 
ጸልህም1፡ ጸንድወ፤ ሃያ "ምት ጸዓድወ፡ £,l3. ar omit. 7 c reads pars 
5 au, a, and arn save that the latter add 0 before A’ and for YIC; read Yle: 
uw supports text but that it omits FIC; bcg/ox,a8 read በAhNa; hy, YIé:i c/s5 
hy; 11e:i በማ". YIC: is to be regarded as a misrendering of Bu which the translator 
took to be Bua but which was a transliteration of the Hebrew DX), Goldschmidt 
(Dp. 01) holds that n2t5 was the original word and that this was afterwards corrupted 
into npi5 meaning « word. But this would make the text absurd,  9/read li 

RCTS መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኻ፡ 189 

ውስት ርኣሰ፡ “ጸቅርንት፤ ዐበይ ፀሰምተ። ወ“ጻፃዚጸ፡፡ ጸባኘ0፡ ትፈሥመሕ፡ ተደቤሆሙ፡፡ 
*Dደበ፡ ሹሎመ፡፥ ጸልህምች'።፡ 39. ወጸኔ፡፡ ሰከብኩ’ ማኣጻከሎመ፡። ወነቃህኩ፡፡ ወ'ርዚኩ፡ 
ዙሎ። 40. ወዝንቱ" ውኣጻቱ፡ ራኣይ ዘርጺኩ፡፥ ጻንዘ;። ኣሰክብ፡፡። ወነቃህኩ፡“ ወባረኻዎ፡ 
ሰኣግዚጸ፡ ጽፎቅ፡ ወሎቱ ወሀብኩ፡ ስብሕት። 41. ወ።’ኣምኔሆ፡'፡ በከይኩ፡፥ *0ቢዩ፡ 
ብኻካዩ፡ ወጸንብዕዩ፡ ጽዋመ፡ ሓጻስከ፡" ዚኻህልኩ፡ ተንፃቻ1;" ሰበ ጸሬጺ፡” ኣሱ” ዶወርዲ 
ፉደበ፡ ዝኩ ዘ“ርዉኩ፡። ኣስመ፡ ዙ፡።” ይመጽጻ፡ ወ“ይትፌጺጸም፡።” ወዙሴ፡ በበ፡ ካፍሱ፡ 
መኘገበሪ፡” ሰብኣኳ፤ ትርሓጳዩ ሲት። 42. በዶኣቲ፡። ሴሲ’ ተዘከርኳዎ፡። ሰጠሕልም፤። 
ቁዳማዩ፡ ወበኣንቲጸሆ፡”" በከደኩ፡ ወተሀወኩ፡። ሓስመ፤ ርፈኩ፥ ውጻት፤ ራላዩ። 

XርL. ወይጻኒ፡ ወኢእ.ፎዩ፡ ማቱሰሳባ፤ ጸውዕ ሲች፣ ዙሉ “ጸጋዊክ፤ 

ወጸስችጋብኳ፡ ሲት፡ ዙሉ ደቁ፤ ጻምክ፡፦ 

ሓስመ፤ ቃል፡ ይዴጴውዐ0ኒ፡ 

ወመገንፈስ፡ ትዕወት” ሳዕሴዩ፡። 

ከመ ዘርዚኻመ፡። ሹሉ ዘይዴበጽሐክመሙመ፡ ኣስከ ሰዓሲም። 

2. ወ“ጽምኔሁ፡፡ ሑረ፤ ማቱሰሳ፡ ወጸውዖያመ፡። ለዙሎመ፡ ጸጋኃዊሆ። Jቤሆ፡ ወ“ጸስትጋብጸሙ” 
ሲ“ጸዝማደ፤ ዚጸሆሁ።” 3. ወችትሪናገሮመ፡፥ ለዙሎመ፡፡ “ውደ ጽድቅ" ወደቤ; 
በምዐፁ፡ “ደቂቁ ሄኖክ" ዙሉ” ሃገረ፣ ጸቡኸኻመሙመ።፡ 

ያ, 8-2. 8» read በውስት፥ ሠ, 5 read ውስት ያሃ። 0. 2£. m reads 
ጸቐርንቫ፡ ዐበይት ጸሲማት፡ ያ "ርን1፡ ዐበዴት፡ ጸሳማነ፣ ሃ። "ርን ("ርን ።) ዓበዶጊ፡ 
Aጸሲሊማቲቱ፡ 5 "ርንY; ዐቢያት፡ ወጸሲማት፣ ፣ ያ reads መጋዝጸ፤ • We should expect 
£0ቤUሁ; here as Beer first pointed out. 5 sé omits, 5 # reads DARIN; 7 » adds 
ምስሴሆሙ፡ 5 wu omits next nine words. 5 mm omits. 1 g reads DH; 
n m reads &AE; Fy) omit. =. reads D. mg/ omit. 5m. read 
aስnብi ms trans. after ጽEi ” omits.  / reads APs u APL: (sic). 
7 £,abcdelox,ab. mg FIs» trans. wu omits Ant: reads ©. 1 9 reads 
TO7YI mF omit next two words. s# next seven words. RB DOI 
omit. # adds AN; 1 £. m reads AA; 97! RNAi 3-5 omit. » reads AH: 
5 F reads HAR o omits. 5 g,e omit. = 0 reads H. 2" ፀያሠ read ዴት’. 
5 6 reads ምፃባኛ፡ ሲ. # ምፃበፉ፡ 7 au, adqFIRIn0pyab. bcex በቲ: 
ይ ወይጻቲ 5 w prefixes ©. c reads THhCMT: 5 a. 8 reads AA: 
 e reads በAYEAVPa # omits. » aeharead ptUውhi # omits next four words. 
5 ድ ሬጓባs ደቁቁ፡ ጳምክ፡ ወጸስት" ሲት፤ ጸጋዊክ፡ መ,/። om ሲሊ in this clause, and 
u omits ሊት: fN: 5 Pmt. gu, B read YO; i gu. mh 8 read AOE: 
5 m reads RCA 55 wu omits next three Words. Trmiadd DAO Pa; 
5 መ reads Rስችጋብጸሙ፡ 5 9 reads RHA 0 ድ,» . መu read &ጽ.EY; 
፤ ውሱ ጽፎቁ፣ ፀ-5።»ወ5 ውሉዳ ጽፎቁ፡ ፡» ለውሱዳ፡ ጽፎቁ፣ ። ውሱደ፤ ጽድቁ 
4 ጽድቁ nu a. 8 reads ደቁ; = m reads WANs su omits. 

190 መጽሐፉ: ዛኛኻ፡ XCI. 3-7. 

ወጸጽምጽ፡ በርትዕ ቃሰ።። ጸታፉዩ 

ኣስመ፡ ጸሰምዕ፡። ዴቤካመ“ ወኣነፃግረከመ፡ ፍቁራን 

ጸፍቅርዋ። ሰ፡ርችዕ፡ ወ*ባቲ። ውፉ።፣ 

4. ወጺ“ት'ቅረቡ፡፡ ኘበ፣ ርችዕ፡ በክልሌ፡ ልእብ፡" 

[ ወጺትችግበፉ፡ ምስሰ፡ ኣሰ፣ በክልጹ፤ ልብ፡| 

ጸሳ፤ ፁኗ፡። በጽደቅ፡። ደቁቅዩ። 

ወድኣጻቲ፡ ትመርንክመ፡" በፍናዋኝ፡'፡ ቴራ 

ወጽድቅ, ይከውን ለክሙ ቡታፊፌ። 

5. ስመ ጸጸምር፡። ከመ፡ ዴጺንዕ፡” ህሳቹ፡;” 2ፃፍ0;። በፉደበ;። ም.ፎር 
ወ“ሻትት'ፌፊጸም፡። “መቅሠፍት ፀቢድ;። ፈፉበ፡ ምድር 

ወ።ጓችፌጸም፡ *ዙሹሳ፡ ዓመዛ፡። 

“ወትት ገዘም;- እምሥ ረዊ;። 

ወዙሱ፡ ሕገንጻ፤ የጋልፍ። 

6. ወ።ሻ.ደፃም፡ ካዕበ; ዓመባ፡ ወችት'ፌጳጻም፡። ሄበ፡ ም.ፎር፡። 
ወ።ጓሻጸንሽ፡ ሹሱ፡። ፃብረ፤ ዓመዛ፤ ወ“ፃፍዕ፡ ወጸበሳ፡ ካዕበተ።፡። 

7. ወ“ኣመኒ;፡ ትልህቅ፡ "“ኃጢጸት፣፥ ወዓመዛባ፡። ወጽርፈት፥ ወፃፍ0; በ“ዙሰ፡ ትፃባር፡። 

1 reads CEO; # omits next seven words. 22,18. mg# omit. 5 F reads 
ጓጻስምዐ፡ ያ ጸስምዕ፡ tau, B reads &EቁራYt: 2 5 ተሮas ጸፍቅርዎ፤ ሰጸምሳካኻሄ 
ያ ጸፍቅርዎ፡ 5 m, # read 00 'Eiu8. mg read EF Ss am. m, 8 read hi 
2 ሠ reads Yes « ቅረቡ 0 c reads NA: u Bracketed as an interpolation 
(in Greek or in original Hebrew 7). Zu omit through bmi. (7) Found in all other 
MSS. 5 am. m,HeB read hi 1 ag, B~Hu (but # trans. after pti). 
ድ reads በርት'ዐ፤ ። ሰጽ.ድቅዩ፡ taf, ny. reads በጽ.EYi uy omit, wu omits 
next five words. 15 Breads ትመሕርኻመs x ትመርሐi፤ 5 00 Ba. reads 
ወበፍናዊነ፣ , ዕ በፍንዋቫ፣ /። በፍኖሻ፡ 3 breads BEY BEN BEY: 
5 9 reads ዴክወጎከመ“፥ ። ወትከውን ሰዝመሙ፥ " ድ reads ጽጸጾምሮ፡ ” 9 reads ትAY0; 
3 reads VAEy; = 9 reads 3405 8 JAC: 3c. Other MSS. £0 EE 
ያ ትፌፊጽም፡ ሃ። ትትፈጸም፡ 5 ድደትፊጸም፤ = 29 Dut in acc. u reads ባይ: m adds 
Ei u omits next five words. Fm, B-n0b. g reads TR; /u ትትLRAም 
nob ት". This word may be an interpolation. In that case omit the © before 

iii ማያ, 8-0. m,0read ti 3መ4፡ /tሱ፡ 9 መቅሠፍት ሹሉ Sip 
im g/u read AሥራዊY:; (ወRሥራEዊY; ) YY] 5 e reads DX. 0 a omits. 
x F908. miread 1H". wu omits. =u omits next four words. 8 m, B~agrn, 
ድ reas ትaዛሽ፡ ዙሱ፤፥ ያ፣ ትኣኝዝ፡ ሹዙሉ፡ ሪ፣። ትትጸንሽ፣ ቫሹሳ፡ ። 3 adds ብረ 

5 F,8. m reads pnOብት'i 97 በ0n001 ("151). wu omits. Just before this word 
i inserts XCVIIV-CV III. io and then 2 resumes with O0Y; ®2g,B. m reads 
ኣምኔሆሁ፡ !Aምዝ: ። omits. au wu reads BAY 5 gd: D5". ag 
7, 8 read ©. 5 a. B reads TAC: 5 omits next word, 

REE YI መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና: 191 

ወ“ትልህቅ፡ ዕልወቫ፡ ወጸበሳ፡፡ ወርዙስ፣፣ 

ወ'ጦቅሠፍት፡ ዐቢደ;፡ “ይከውን ጳምሰማይ፡፣ ዷበ፡ ኣሱ፡፣ ሹሎመ፥። 

ወ'ይወፀኣ፡ ኣንግዚኣ፡› ቅኗስ፡" በ“መዓ1፡ ወበ“መቅሠፍቫ፣ 

ከመ ይግበር; ቫነኔ፤ #በ፡ ምድር። 

8. በኣማንቱ፡ መኖጥዕል፡ ትትገዘም፡" 7ፍ0፡ “ኣም ሥረዊሃ፤" 

ወ፣ዓመዛ፤ “ምስሰ፤ ቱኮሕዙት። ኣም“ታሕት፤ በማይ 

9. “ወ ይችወሀብ፡ ምስሰ፡ ጸሕዛብ፡ | 

ወ።ማሣፈ.ድፎ፡ በጻሰነ፣ ትገድድ፤። 

ወፖያወፀኣዎመሙመ፡። ጸምሹሱ፡፥ ም.ፎር 

ወ“ ይትገደፉ፤። በዙኔ፡” ጻሳነ፡ 

ወደትሐፐኮሲሉ፡። በመዐነ፡። ወ“በ“ዙነኔ፡ ጋል” ኣንተ ሰንሰም። 

10. ወይትነሣኳ፡ ጻድቅ” ኣምንዋሙ፡። 

ወይገነሣኳ፡ ጥበብ፡ ወ“ዴት'ወሀብ፣ ሎሙ 

11. [(ወ“ኣምኔሁ፡፡ ዴትገዘመ፡።” ጸሥራወ፡። ዓመዛ፡ ወጋጥጻን፡ ዴትሐጕኮሱ፡ በሰዴፍ፡ “ኣም 
ጽኗፉፉን፡። ይትገዘመ፡ በዙ መካን; ወ“ጻሰ፡;። ድሔልድቱ።። ሰኘፍዕ፡" ወ“ኣለ፤ ይገብርዋ" 
ሰጽርፈት፡፥ ይትሐሕጕኮዙ፡። በመጥባሕች።] 

12. ወጻም.ድሣረዝ፡። ትከውን፤ ካልኣት 

“ሰምንት ሰንበት“ ኣንተ፡ ጽድቅ 

1 g reads +UAY: 5 Fu omit. 5 s# omits. +a, 00. Other MSS. omit. 
5 7,13. mt read 0A: su omits. ና ሠ ፃ/reጻባ ትከውን ። ይመጽል፤ 7 omits. 
* a ads ወድሠወጽል፡ ኣግዚኣ፡ ቅዱስ፡ በመዐቫ፡፥ ወመቅሠፍት፡ ፀቢዶ፤ ይክከውን፣ ኣምሰማይ፡ 
£0; a መ m7 omit. i0 0 omits. n wu omits. # adds £0; EC 

15 mm reads NA. 5 m reads DA. aeያ/hfioag9 ©. wu omits. #2 reads 
£YIበCi 05 read ትገ; 16 FID Vc diI0Xab. m reads Ah; Rey: 
au omits. aeFhfinysw read Aሥራዊy 7 #9 omit, and possibly rightly. 
All MSS. but #9 add ጸራ: 5 mw omits. All MSS. but 29 add here 

(uy, Jc/5p omit £YሐP * ureads0. 05. Other MSS.omit., m8. 
Z7 read AE: = u omits next three words. 5 9 omits. #5 reads POOP; 
=» ድ reas ጓገደፍ፡ ያ ይገገዘሙ፡ 5 wu Omits next four words through hmt. 
7 reads DRAሓEA: (sic). 5 f reads AmመዓYi = a omits. » 9 reads JA: 
% m reads ጽ.EY: armg, x, fu B-X read Ap; 5 mg omit. 
me omits. This verse is bracketed as an interpolation. 5 gu, B~o, Fm, 0 read 
ዶገገዘም፡ 55 miu, 8. reads APCD; 9 BCD: (sic). 7 a, # omits 
with next word. 8 reads APR}; 55 ehy read AY: 5 9 reads ቕድም 
ab 2p: » ይገብርዋ; 9 reads ሰ7ፉ0: # omits. “nomi Be. 
መ ያ rea ወይትሐ’”. ያ ወትሐቶቱሱ፡ “ ዴትዋተሴ፡ 5 reads AH: iin. Phe 
same order is found in 9/ but for Ae" 7 reads ሰመ}: and / ALY: m reads 
ሰምኒት only and # ሰ30Y'; only. 5 reads ሰን01፥ LY: 

199 መጽሐፉ: ህኛኻ፡ XCL I2=I0S 

ወዴደትወሀብ፡ ሳቲ ሰደፍ፡ ክመ፤ ይትገበር ቫኔ፤ ጽፎቅ። “ኣምጻሰ፡ ዴገፍዑ።፡ 
ወ“ፎትጃጠዉ፡። ኃጥጻን፡ በጻደኾሆመ፤ ሰጻ.ፎቃን። 

19. በተፍጻ’ጃታ፡፡ ያጠርዩ፡ ጸብያት፡፡ ጳምጽድቁ፣ ዚጸሆመሙ፡ 

ወድደትኘዃነ፡ “ቤተ ንገሥ ዐቢይ፡ በ'ስብሕነ፣ ጻስከ፣ ሰንሰም። 

14. ወኣም.ፎግረዝ፣ በሰንበት ታስዕ;' ባቲ ሹኔ፣ ጽፎቅ፡ ትትክሠኝ" ሰሱ ዓለም፤ 
ወሰ ትፃባሪረ;። ረሲዓ ይወፀሓ፤ ኣምፈፉበ፡። ሹሴ፡”። ምድር 

ወ“ይጽሕፍ” ሰ“ሕቱኮሰ፡ ዓሰም" 

ወሲ ሰብኳ፡፣ ዴኔጽፉ፡። ሰ“ፍናዋት፡" ርት0።። 

15. ወጻም.ፎሣግረ።ሽ፤;። በሰንበገ፣ ዓሥርት ሂ።ኣደ፡። በቲ; ቫነኔ፥ ኣንት፥ ሰዓሰም፡ 
[ ወትችገበር፡ ጻምችጊሃ፤ ሰማዶ፤ ዘሰንሲም፤]። 

ዐቢዶዴ፡ ዘ“ይትቤቀል፡ ጳማኣጻክከሎሙመ፡። ሲሰመባኣኻትች'።። 

16. ወሰማይ፡ ቀዳማይ” ይዴወፀኳ። ወዩጋልፍ፡ 

ወሰማይ፡ ኘዲስ፡ ድነ'ረጸይ፡ 

ወሲ ጋዴደሰ፡። ሰማያት” በርሁ” ሰብንች፡ ምክዕቢት።። 

' 0 reas ዴትወሀብ፣ 9 ች3በር፡ ‘SZ, The phrase recurs in ver. 14. Other 
MSS. read ወ&ጽ.EY; 5 9 reads AA R1ፍ0Ps wu omits. « reads Yona; 

2 a0, ad 70» Save that z reads A for ቢ. 9, Sce/hnx pbrefix®.  # Omits 
with next two words, e trans. after LRP; 72. Other MSS, ቤች: ለን; 
$m. 0y,b omit. Other MSS. read A. ‘2,8. mg/wu read ZNO: 2 reads 
Hn" ሰ; (sic). u reads ትት hwy u wu omits next ten words. = omits. 

5 9 reads N30; # m, ela omit. 5 F9. / reads £ጽhéi Other MSS. 
ዶጸጻሐፍ፡ 5,055. ሃ reas ሲ3Eል፡ ሲዓባም፤ ። ሲንኮል፡ ወንሰም፤ » ሹሱ፡ ዓሰም 
ሀል፡ 9, 3-0» ሐኾል፡ ዓሰም 17 zu omits. 75 g reads ኔሮ: 48 ይኔጽር: 
15 0. መ reads &ንዋች፤ / ፍትወት; 575 &ፍኖ1; 7/5 ፍኖት; # omits. 0 0 reads 
ጽድደቅ፤ /5 ርትዕነ፡ 1 Fu, Rn. moh B~fn read YE: =u. gin full 
ሰብዕኝ፣ » reads oi. / ሰብዓት፤ # omits. 5 g/u, agpRoak. Smo bceFInx 
read AE #5, 5, So almost u» YY” ምችን: Hሰማደi ሰዓመ: This 
clause appears in #1, abcgeZFhifIoxyas as YY] ምትን: IH I) ወሰማይ; 
(ወሰላም; 5) HAA: This clause was lost in ay throueh hmt. or, as taken above, 
it 15 a gloss on the next line. 5 be omit. 25 mu. 2 By read በሞ; which 
is probably &a corruption of APA; (= punivity which is found in 9. bey read 
£0ቁ0; (sic). 7 # reads APRNs u omits. 5,8. mgiread ANY; 
eu omits. 5 0 omits. 50 # reads RIE; 1 ወ ad ይመጽል፡ ረ ወይመ”. 
55 a. 8B reads JAY; 3 0, apn read ሰይ; 5 reals ወይበርሆ፡ 9 ይበ". 
u PCY: m7, 3-a58 add ንሰ against 2, ap. 5 mh 0b read መOY 

ET EE NRCS መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ 199 

17. ወኣም.ፎሣረዝሽ፡ ሰንበታሻ'፡ ብዙጋኝ፡ ጻሰ፡ ጸልቦኝኘ፤፡ ጐልዬ፡፡ ሴዓለም፡ 

ወሸዙሎመሙ፡፡ በኒፉት፡’ ወበጽ.ፎቅ፡ ይከው 

ወጋ ጳምህዩ፡፡ ዚትችበሀል፡፣ ኣስከ፡ ለዓሰም። 

18. ወይጻጨኒ፡ ጳብለኻመ፡ ፎቂቅዩ፡፣። ወጻርጳየሕክሙመ፡’ ፍናዋች፡" ጽ.ፎቅ፡ ወፍናዋች፡" 37ፍ:0፤፡ 
ወ“ጸርለጳዩክመ፡። ካዕበ" ከመ፤ ፓኣምና። ዘይመጽል። 19. ወዴ: ስምዑኒ 
ደቱቅዩ ወ“ውፉ፤። በፍናዋች፡፡ ጽ.ፎቅ፤ ወጺ“ችሖፉኗ፡ በፍናዋቱ"" ፃፍ0፤ ኣስመ፡" ዴችሐኾኮሲ፡ 
ሲዓሰም፤ ሹሎመሙ፡” ልሲ፡ የሕውፉ፡ በ“ፍናዋች፡። ዓመዛባ። 

XርIL Hተጽሐፈ፡ ጳምሄኖኳ፡ መጽሐፍ” | “ጸሐፈ ሓጻንክከ፡ ሄኖክ; ዘዙሱ፡። ጓትጻምርች። 
ጥበብ፡ ጳምሹሰ፥ ሰብኳ፤ ስቡሕ፡ ወ“መኵን ሹሰ፡፥ ምፎር፡] ሲሰሹዙሎመ፡፥ ውዩ “ጻሲ፡ 
የጋድፉ፡፡ “ደበ፡ ዩየብስ፡። 

ወ“ሰ።ቸውልፎ፣ ይደጋርያኘጌ፡።” ኣሰ፡ ዴገብና፡ ርችዐ፣ ወሰሳመ። 

2. ጺትሕክዘጌ፡”" መንፈስክመ“ በ“ጸዝሽማን፤” 

ሓስመ፡ መዋዕሲ፡ ወሀበ; ቁዲዷስ;። ወዐቢይ፡። ለዙሲ።፡ 

3. ወይትነሣኳ፤ “ጺ.ፎቅ፡ አምጌዎም፡ 

ዴገነሣጻ፤። ወየጋእፍ፡ በፍናዋች፡” ጽፎ 

ወቤ ፍኖፔ፤ ወ“።ምሕዋፉ፥። በሂፉት፡። ወ“በ።ሣህል፡ ዘለንሰም። 

‘20 B-Dcdgloyab. mh Bcgioyab read RAs 2g. BD t read 
A+ » 58 LA ። PA: (sic). # mg/u read 0. “2. Other MSS. omit. 
2 0 reads its °u omits. 790, 8 read £Y0UA: For preceding two words 
J reads 0: 5 Bex trans. before AAA :2. Other MSS. AC". 
au omits. 2 adds Whe: 1? 5, a tread &ንዋተ፡ ። ፍኖቱ u im, a read @&iዋPY; 
SmB. #9 read ACRPWRs wu omits. 3 gZu. m repeats thrice inserting © 
beiore the third. B reads ስም0 £ omits. #2 omits. 5 aL #, 8 read hr 
a, B-ፀcixab., mo read &ንዋችi ፀcrxa ፍZli 9 muh 8read Tr: 
Sani» B-Bcያxab m,Iab read ፍንዋች፤i bcx €ፍኖ1: 5 u reads ©. 5 Dre- 
fixes ©. e omits Nas 85 trans. it before A3ሲም; 1 7. miu read &£ኖYY: 
B ፍዎች 5. Other MSS. omit. 35. Other MSS. except a read merely 

Aሐéi For Rሕéi a reads Rሕፈs The following words require a verb. Rat 
f reads Htሰs 8» Hts » FW 5 2 ads ወትጳምርች፡ 5 Fm omit. 
#. Other MSS. except a, e read #0; EC: u, se omit. 5 2 OLS, 
a a£7BIR0D DEY: Begin xya read ደራን: DR. a0 fu. Poh read 
(+ ወዕ)ነጺቸሕዘጌ፣ ሠ 5-5 ትሣዘንኝ፡ i ag, Ba, Z reads BY a omits. 
= 05 prefix 0A. SFpela. mh B~e/Ja read ቢይ: zu omits. 21 7 (save 

that # omits YY), 8 (save that # adds © before YY). #Z reads merely ጥብ: 
(cf. xc. oy. mw REY; Nps AHJJAi wu omits next three words. RH 
Z omits. m reads በ&iዋ1፡ 5 ፍኖ 5. Other MSS. ምPዋéys es 
m Treads HiFi Other MSS. HበiXYY 2,3 mg/u omit, 


104 መጽሐፈ: ሄኛኻ፡ RCI XC 

4. ዴሣሀሉ፡ ለጻድቅ ወሎቱ ዶሆሁብ፡ ርትዕ ዘለንሲም፡፡ 

ወዴሆሁብ፡ ሥልጣ ወይከውንኝ፡፡ በሂሩት ወበጽ.ፎቅ፡ 

ወ’ናሕውፉ፡፣ በብርሃን፤ ዘሰንሰም። 

5. ወጋጊጸት፣ በ'ጽልመቫ ትጓትሕሐጕል፡ “ኣስክ፤ ለ3ሰም" 

ወጺ“ትሻ'ረጸይ፡ ጻንከ፤ ጳምይድኳኣኳቲ፡ ዕሰገ፥ ኣጻስካ፣ ሰ3ሰም። 

XCIIL. ወጻምድሣረዝ:። 1ተ*ወUበi; ሄኖኻ፡” ወጽንዘኒ፡“ ይትናገር" ጸመጻሕፍት። 
2. ወደቤ ሃኖኻ፡ በኣጻንት፡ ውሱደ፡ ጽደቅ” ወበኳጻንቱ፣ ሣፉ፤፤ ዓለም፡ ወበጻን፡ ሕሰ 

ኣሎን፤ ኣብለክመ“። ወጓዩዪፎፀካመ። ደቂቅዩ፡ ጸ ውኣቱ፡ ሄኖሕ 

በክ “ጸስተርጸዩኒ፤ ጳምራኣዩ፡ ሰማይ፤" 

ወ።“ጻምቃሰ፡” ቁዲሰን፡ መላኣኳት፡”" ጸጻመርኩ፡ 

ወጻምኔ። ጸፍጸፈ፡ ሰማይ፤ ለበውክ።። 

3. ወጸግዘ፣ “ኣንከ፡ ዴችሪገር፡ ሃኖሕ፡።” ኣመጻሕፍት፥ ወይደቤ፡ 

ስሃ ሰብዕ; ትወሲፎኩ፡ በ“ቁዳሚች፡ ሰንበት፡።” 

ኣስከ ጸመ፤ ሸነኔ፡ ወጽ.ፎቅ፡ ጌፕዓገሠ፡፡። 

4. ወ።ይቁውም፡። ለም ፎሣሬሂ፡ በካእጻቫ፡” ሰንበነ፡ “0ቢይ፤ ኣክደ፡” 

ወኮወሕሱት፣ በቁለች፤። 

ወባቲ ትክውንኽ፤። “ቁዳሚት፥ ፍጻ፡። 

‘Fm. Other MSS. Rwy; (or “ZPNs). ፣ ul. 9 read ለጽድቅ » ለዓሰም፡ 

ሰጻ.ፎቹ፡ 2 reads p'Ei c omits. « # omits next five words. 2 Z reads 
ወይዴኬንን፤ 9 aኳዛds በርትዕ ወ. 5 op omit. 7 gu. Other MSS. read hውC: 
sa. B omits. 5 nu, B read ©. i0 sé omits. u 9 reads ችረBE: 
wu reads AYA # YY'ረARt: uw omits next three words. 5 # reads DAH: 
Su save that 9 inserts WH before ¥PMi m reads yn: hii #8 hii yn: 
What the true text behind Ui; is 1 cannot discover. 12. 8 reads DAJH: 
m gu omit. # adds ¥PM: 5 wu omits next three words. i? ag, g reads 
ጽፎደቅ፡ 8 (conflate) ጽድቅ: ወርት0: 7 0 B. miu read RAO 

5 m omits, » # reads RCA በሰማይ; 0 9 reads Ai 1 mg. # reads 
ኣም ሃ።, 8 ወም; = aw omits next five words. 5, B-afhin. mgt read 
Aih: £ትSIC:I a/h8 read yn: £YS" Ahi So also # save that it adds AYH: 
before £YS"., = mg omit. 5 m reads በሰብ); 9 ሰብ0; 58 omits. 5 2 omits. 
7 # ras ተንገሥ፡ ኣንከ፣ ወይደመጽልጻ፤ = a. 5 ትቁውም፤፣ = reas በኻልእኣ፤ » ካልል፡ 
nm. gሃu read በበይ; ኣከይ፡ 5 0ባይ፡ ኣኪት፡  e reads AY ።» በዋል 
= ድ ras ዋው; 5 mg. fu, 8 trans, 08 reading &A"B; HEY: £ reads 
ቁዳማ፤ ፍጻ፡ 

ERETIT 8 መጽሐፈ: ህኖ 195 

ወባቲ፣ ይድሣገጌ፡፡ ብጻሲ፡ 

ወጻም.ድሣረ፡፡ ትፈጸመ፡ ትልህቅ፡ ዓመዛ፡ 

ወ“ሥር0ዐጓ፣ ዴትገብር፡፣ ሰጋጥጻን። 

5. ወለም ድሣረዝ፡ በ“ሣልስት፡፡ ሰንበት በትፍጻ’፡ 

ዴትጋረይደ፤ ብኣጻሲ፡ ሰትኳሰ፤፡ ቫነኔ፤ ጽ.ፎቅ፡ 

“ወተጸም.ፎሣሬሆ፥ ዴወፀኳ፡ ሰትክሰ፡ ጽ.ፎቅ፡ ለንሰመ፡ ዓሰም።;፡ 

6. ወ።ጸምድሣረዝ፡ በ“ራብዕት፡ ሰንበት፡፣ በትፍጻ’ን፡ 

ሂራያት፡ ቅዱሰን፤ ወጻዶቃን፡፡ ይትረጸይ፤፣ 

ወሥር0ዐት;። ሲ“ትውልደ፡። ትውልሮፎ፡ ወዐጺፎ፣ ይትገበር፡"፡ ሎሙ። 
7. ወጻምድሣረዝ፡ በ“ጋምስ፡ ሰንበት፥። በትፍጻታ፡ 

ቤች፡ በብሐት፣ ወመንኘመኝ ዴትሐነጽ፡”፡ ኣስከ፡ ሰዓለም።" 

8. ወጻምድሣረ“ሽ፡። በ“ሰድስት፡ ሰንበት ኣሲ፡;። ይክወተ፣ ውስቴታ ጽሱሳኔ። “ሹሎመሙመ።፡ 
ወ ይትረሣዕ፣ አቦመ፡፥ ሰሹሎመ፡። ኣምጥበብ፤። 

' u reads AVY; 28, Bc. mgt read AEA: uD. c omits. 
5 mgnB. reads TAS u omits. « 0,n. Since gm u read CON; &IAብC: (sic) 
T take it that the IAC: is a corruption of £Y'INCS as it is again in ver. 6 in 9 only. 
See note 11 below. The passive and intransitive verbs in this and the next verse 
point to &1"I0C; and the recurrence in ver. 6 of the actual phrase in our text. #, BH 
emend the text wrongly into =C0Y; £'IAC: 2 0 ad "ገልስ፡ 5 00 Save 
that g reads “EAራH for EግeWi , 3 agree with the above save that #, B omit 
3am; and 8 reads LRA; for £ወፀgAi ሲ. Z omits first four words through hmt. 
and for AY 9 reads HAYA: I have obelized ምድ” ወ” AYA lt = ur 
avroy ‘yevijrerat T9 Purdy. This gives no intelliaible sense. The corruption, 1 take 
it, lies in er airdv. This = MANN which is probably corrupt for NINN = «his 
posterity 7 9 reads AH: 5 trans. g reads ራብ): ሰ}01i mm omits 
ሰንበ 2 m reads ©. / 0. 0 mg, 8. So also wu but that it omits 
ወጻድፎ". ድ rads ራኣዩ፡ ቅዳ” ወጽ.ፎቅ፡ ሃ ራዕያት፣ ቅዷሰት፡ ወጺፎቃ፣ “ያ, መያ 
B-B read verb in plural. / reads AYCAE 5 0, ob read ወስርOYi wu omits. 
15 e omits. 1 g reads RIC: See note 4 above. 15 au, w reads JN; 
ሰን". 8 reads ሰን" »5ምስ፡ 15 #2 reads YD". 7 s# omits, 15 g reads 3A; 
ዓሰም au, g. mg read yt: / YE: 0 ag, geBiino0. Bc Rxa 
read ሰ.£hስi So also ay and trans. after NY", 21 ps omits. 5 Fm, en. gt Ben 
rad ጽሴባን 5 dreads DWN 4 tu omits. m adds © before AfNae; 
5 = drefgilrovrey kapBiat rdvrey dr Tile opias = non bo5 335 yw". Ct. Ps. xviii. sa 
nréBnra ér) roy geo oy = RON "Ty. That N0; is the rendering of drelgeiv follows 
from x. 20 and v.85 civ.9. Moreover the parallel of blindness (RY 1) and godless. 
ness of heart which appears in our text recurs in XC1X. 8. 

196 መጽሐፈ፡ ሄኛኻ፡ RTT 

ወ“በቲ፡;፡ ዩንር7;፡ ብጻሲ 

ወበተፍጻ’ጃታ፡፡ ይውዒ፡፡ ቤ1፡ መንፃሥመት፡’ በኣሳሰ 

ወባቲ ዴHረው፡፡ ሹሱ፡፣ ዘመደ “ሥርወ ሣፉይ።፣ 

09. ወኣምድሣግረዝ፡ በ“ሰብዕት፡፡ ሰንበ ጓኝነሣኳ፤ ትውልደ ዕት” 

ወ“ብዘዙግኝ፡። ምንባራቲሃ፡። 

ወሰ ምፃበራቲሃ፡ ፀልእወት'።። 

10. ወ“በችፍጻታ፡። ይዥጋረዩ፡'፡ “4.ያኝ፡ ጻድቃን; ጳምችኻለ፤ ጽፎቅ፡'፡ ዘለዓለም 
ሓሰ: ዶዥወሀብ፡ ሎመ፡ “ሰብንቱ፡ መኳዕቢችች፡” ትምህርት፡ ሰዙሱ፡ ፍጥረት ዚጸሆ። 
11. [ጻስመ፡። መኔ ውኣቱ፡ ሹሰ፡። “ውጡደ፤ ሰብኳ፡። ዘይክል፤ ሰሚዕዐ፡ ቃሉ” ሰቐዲስ፡ 
ወጺይችሀወክ፤ ወመ; ዘድኻል;። ከመ; የሕሊ፡ ጎሲናሆ፡ ወመኒ፡ ዘ ዴኳል፡ ነጽሮች፡። ሰዙሱ፡። 
ምመፃበረ;። ሰማይ” 12. ወምንት ውጻቱ። ዘዴክል፡። ነጽሮት፡። ሰማይ፤ ወ“መፉ፡። 
ውጻቲ፡ ዘደኳልእ፡ ጸጻምርሮ፡። ግብረ፡ ሰማደ፡ ወከመ፤ ይርጸዴደ፡። ነፍሰ; ወ።ኣመ። ጸከ፡” 
መንፈሰ" ወዴክል፡። ነደረ፡;“። ወ“ቋመ፤ ጸከ፡። 0ሪገ1;። ወ“ይሬጺ፡“። ሹሉ“ ጸከናፊሆመሙ፡ 

1 0 reads HE: 2 reads &£3CY: TEA IE « 0 reads £ዊa 
0,0 omit next five words. 2 m brefixes ©. e reads መቐስ mp B-BeFRInX. 
gn DeFRInx read Hea i reads tri u omits. *£,8. 9g reads ስርው 
Jዴልእ፤ reads JA; only. mCi DEA 2a, Bpn0XD, gB-BnOXD 
read ሰብ0; 0 08. Fm omit, # reads OAD; ne,8., a read ብዝ 
5 0, eB omit next two words through hmit., su omits next three words, mf, 8-e, 
£,eread APY “ng omit. »g appends ¥ to this word. 5 am, a(cy/ Bsn. 
m reads £YDeRi bIopxyap RYOvt; 4» "ሰEi "gape. CEI. Greek 
version. So also / 4H; R.EYi £,d/0y,a,5 read SH REY mn REY u AY: 
and omits next three words. en read At}: ወጻ; 5 1 reads 8.£Y; 
19 # reads ©. 1 mh cds0,B Save that / reads FY” not mY” and cdo %. # reads 
"ዓጌ፡ መኳዐቢት፣ 9, ፀረ s/n xa read ፮ ምኳዕቢትተ፡ ። ፮ ምሕዕቢት. I e 
#9 read ጥሪY 5 au omits. 35 # omits. a reads AK The text seems to 
require A before WA; or else an omission of #4 PE: ሰብAi 55, m0 
read ite; (AE; 9) ብaሲi omits. ® , ey read Pi; 5 #, dg omit next 
five words through hint. 7 2 omits. 5 a, B reads ICY more usual con- 
struction. g omits next seven words through hmt. 5 / reads IAéi mdf 
read wé&i c reads wéEi NIE; 5 u reads mri = u, 8 omit next five words 
throueh hint. 3 #reads RAEሮY: =“ mgyread iY 5 g reads RAY 
ST B-0. aH read CAS / eA 00 CAE: Yrmng, DX, pac gH IRD 
read Eh; # i445 = omits. 9 reads MAA; d omits next five words through 
hmt. 0 mu BpXy. 29 read መiፈስi 8-0» mi; nhB-o0. Zmg read 
lei 5 reads C1; ss omits. = g reads JANA; ° # reads 31; Nr reads 
ድዴርጸዴ፡ 5 ## Omits next [Our Words. 

XCIHL. r2—XCIY, 4. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና: 197 

ወደሔልዮመሙመ ወ“ጸመ፤ ጸከኮ፡፡ ገብር ከማሆሙ 13. ወ።“መፉ;፣ ውኣቲቱ፡ ሹሱ፡፡ ብጻሲ 
ዘዴሕክል፡ ጸምር “ኣፎ፡ ውኣኋቱ፡፡ ራሣበ፡፣ ወኒኑጋ፤ ለምድር፡ ወለመኒ፤ ርኣዩ ጸምጠ፤፡፡ 
ሸሎሙ። 14. *ወጻመ፤ ቦቲ; ሰ ብጻሲ፡’ ዘድሕል፡ ጸጓምሮተ፡፡ ፉጋ ሲሰማዴይ፡ ወጻፎ፡ 
ውቲ ልዐልሪሃ፡ ወኗበ፡ ምንት ጺገዐት፡› ወሚመጠን፤፡ “"ጐልቁመ፡ ሲ“ከዋክብት፣ ወ“በጸዴቱ፡ 
0ርፉ፡። ሹሎመ፡፡ ብርሃናት] 

XCIV. ወይabis aብለnመ፡። ደቂቅ: ጸፍቐርዋ፣ ሰጽፎቅ፡ ወባቲ ሖፉ፡። 

ኣስመ፤ ፍናዋተ፡ ጽፎቅ፡ “ዶዶደሱ፤ ወዶትወክካፍ። 

ወ“ፍናዋች፡" ዓመዛባ፤ ፍጠን; ዴተሕኾኮል፡ ወየሐሕዕ9።። 

2. ወሰሰብኳ፤ ጸሙራን፡;። ጳምሻውልፎ፣፤ ዴትክሠትጓ፡።” ፍፎናዋተ;" 37ፍ0;። ወምሞኝ፡ 
ወይርጎቁ። ጳምኔሆመሙ፡ 


3. ወይጻኬዜ፤፤ ሲክመ“፡ ጻብል፡። ሲጻ.ፎቃን፡ 

ቪ“ሻጮሖፉ” በ“ፍናዋች፡” ልኩይዴ። 

ወጺበ“ፍ5ዋተ;። ሞኝ 

ወጺትቅረቡ፣ ገቤሆሙ፡ 

ከመ፡ ጺችችትሕኾኮሱ።። 

4. ።ጸሳ፡ ፍቅዲ” ወሣረዩ ሲካኻመ፡ ጽ.ፎቁ። “ወሐይወች፥ ግሪ 

ወ“ በ“ፍናዋች፡።” ሰባም” 

1 9 reads ARAN 8, dread &30C; #u prefixes ©. 28,8. a= read 
TE 1 We should expect AFPii'tt; here or else an omission of tA ብaሲ 
See note 23, p. 196. 2 ZF reads ጽAምሮኝ፡ ©. bc Rጻምር፡ o se omits. 
7 # reads CAM; # trans. & andr. s treads APMéi ° u reads pki a omits. 
0 g reads ጽI0Yi #8 adds ወምንት; nu au, 8 add DAE 5 atu, # reads 
Ai 8 LAs = 9 omits, Fu. mtB ROC 9 0CE 7m trans. 
after EYE; wu omits. 5 a-m., m, Bread hi 7 im, read &ፍንpYi u ም20ራY; 
ሪ ለፍናዋች፡ 15 Fg = agua kai Bexrat. Mm reads Pሱ ዴተወhnei ይደ 
Yong: u ደሰ 5 ደሰ ድYወhፍpwi save that u trans. the two words. 
19 m reads &iዋPYi ጋ ያዐu., ይ 3 read Aችሐኾሲ፡ 1 2. m reads Dያሐጽ&,; 
75 8 DRO u omits together with next seven words. 5 Ff reads AéY:: 
5 £. Other MSS. read the plural, = 9 reads &705 5 m, b read ርሕ; 
u CY: “ai omit. Zg£8-Bn. m,hread “YAP 9 “ት 
n# PYEnፍPps u omits. 5 9, 0b read Ans =» a-m. m, 8 read ት 
52, 0. መ reads &iዋ1i 9 ፍኖ1; x ፍSዋYi u omits. 8-Ox read &£ኖYi 
x 3B adds D305 su omits next two words. 5 መ reads &iዋች፡ 9 ፍሪች፡ 5 ፍኖ1፡ 
Sgt apcFanx. mgs detfloa9 read RY u omits. 2 reads hi 
aሲ; ፈጂ Ati ።u omits. መ mw omits next four words. 5 B reads AE: 
ወሐድዴወ፡ 3 au, 3 reads hi su omits, 5 mM, ura read &ኖ]1i / &iዋ1; 
5 # reads DflAap;i and omits next word, 

198 መጽሐፉ: ሄኛሽ፡ XCIV. 4=9. 

ወትሐሕዶዉ፡፡ ወት ዴሰዉ፡። | 

5. ወችትጻሣዙ፡፡ በ‘/ሕሲና፡ ልብክሙ 

ወጽ“ዴደደምሰስ፡፥ ነገርዩ፤ ጳጸምልብክመሙ፡፣ 

ኣስመ ጸጸምር፡ ከመ፤ ያጃክርዎመ፡፣ ጋጥጻጌ፤ ሲሰብኣ፡፡ 
ክከመ፡ ድኘበፉ፡፡ ጥበበ፡ ጳኩዩ፤" 

ወሸሱ፡ መካኘን፣ ዚዴትረክብ፣ ሳሂቲ፡ 

ወ“ዙሰሱ፡ መከራ ዚዩየሐ9ፀ። 

6. ጸሲ፡ ሎመ፡ ሲ“ኣሰ፡ የሐንጽኛዋ፡ ሲሰሲነመዛ፡ ወሰኘፍዕ;" 
ወዴሣርርዋ፡ ሰጕሕሱነ፡ 

ኣስመ፤ ፍጠን ዶገኘንሠቱ 

ወጸአልቦሙ፡ ሰሳባመ።። 

7. ጸሌ፡፡ ሎሙ ሰ“ኣሰ፡ የሕን ጸብተመ፡። በኃጪጸነ 
*ኣስመ፤ ኣምዙሉ፡። መሠረተመ፡። ይነነሠቱ 
[ወበሰይፍ፡ ይወድቁ] 

ወጻሰሲ፡ ያጠርይያዎ;። ሰወርቅ፤ ወለብፉር 

በቫነኔ፡” ፍጦጡህኔ፤ ዴትሕፐኮሱ። 

8. ጸሴ፡ ሲኳመ“ ጸብዕልት።። ሓጻስመ፤ ፉበ፡;። ብዕልካመ፡ ተወከልክመሙ፡። 
ወ፣ኣምኔ። ብዕአካመ፡ ትወፀጽ፡ 

ኣጻስመ፡ ሰ“ልዑል፡ ጺተዘክርክምያዎ፤ በመዋዕሰ፤ ብዕልከሙ። 
9. ገበርክምዊ፤። “ሲጽርፈት፡ ወ“ሰንመዛ፤። 

ወድልዋ፤ ኮንክመ“ ሰዕሰኘ፡ ክዕወተ፡። ደም 

*ወሰዕለተ፡ ጽልመሻ፡” ወ“ሰ“0ለሰት፤ ቫነኔ፤ ዐቢድዶ።” 

' mg. # reads Dትhtውi #8 hi ትሕtas u omits. It would perhaps be 
better to read Yt; (subjunctive used as imperative). 2 0k. #Z reads 
ወችደለው፥ መ ወትደለሲለው፥ 5 5 ወችትደለዉ፤ This last reading is perhaps the best. 
te omits next three words. 5 ድ rads በትጻዛዙ፤ ደ ወጻሣዘ፡ ። ወትጸንዚ፡ 
4 reads ሲሲ ‘mhB-gox). #9 d0%b read Rደመሰስi wu YEመሰስi « g reads 
ኣብሰኳመ፡ 7 m, B. am read ያ". 5 wu omits next four words. 5 g reads 
ዴንበር 0 B., Zg read Ai mi Ahi Here 1 take £305 At: as a bad 
translation Of kakorotety, 1 m reads ti 5 ሊሲ; =: BD omits. 5 2 omits. 
# # omits next Seven Words. % FL Other MSS. ሰላም; 5 m prefixes ©. 
7 w omits, mu, BF. gh 7s read RPEPos  u reads AwሠeTrEPa; 
0 m reads DE: 9g Ei = ay G-Bc/Ioxyap. # reads PCE: Dc/oxyap 
ሇያጠርዴኛ = m reads AN; 5 a repeats the next eight words twice. 
4 & repeats the next seven words twice, reading ብONeap'i wrongly for OAM in 
the first case of its occurrence. 5 g omits. 5 a, ak, B~as read cn; 
3 w omits next five words. 5 ## reads Wa; 5e,a omit. # omits initial ©. 
wm. Other M55. ፀባይ: 

XRCIV: ro—XCY.S መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 199 

10. ከመዝ። ጳብእ፡ ጸኔ፡ ወጸየድዐካሙ፡፡ 

ኣስመ ይገፈትልክመ፡፣ ዘፈጠረዝሙ፡’ 

ወዲበ፡፡ ድፎቁትኸሙ፡፣ ዚይደከውኘ፡፡ ምሕረት፡፣ 

ወፈጣሪካመ፡፥ ይትፌሣሕ፡ በሐጕልክካሙ። 

11. ወጻድቃኔ፤ ዚጽከካመ“። ዴከወቷቱ፡" በጻማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፤ ጽጻለት፡ 
ሰጋጥጻን፤ ወሰረሴሲዓን።። 

XርV. መኒ፤ ዴሁበኒ፡'፡ ለጸዕዶንነዩ፡፣ “ከመ፤ ዴኩና፡፡ ደመና" ማይ ወ“ጻብኪ፤። ዷቤሕመሙ፡? 
ወ“ኣክዐው፡። ጸንብዕዩ፤ “ከመ፤ ደመና፡” ማይ 

ወጸዕርፍ፡ ኣምሕዘ፤፡ ልብዩ።። 

2. መፉ፥ ወሀበከመሙ፡። “ከመ ዥግበፉ፡ ጽልጸ፤፡ ወጻከዩ፤። 
ወ“ይረክበክመሙ፡። ሰጋጥላጻን፤ ሹነኔ።” 

3. ዚትፍርሁ፡፥ ጻ.ፎቃን፤ ጸምጋጥጻን 

ሓስመ፤ ካዕበ; ያገብጸመ፡ ኣገዚጸብሔር፡" ውስተ፥ “ኣዴካመ። 
ከመ ትግበሩ” ሳዕሴሆሙመ፡ ሸኔ በከመ፤ ፈቀፎክሙ። 

4. ጸሴ፤ ሲክሙ፡ ጻሰ፤ ታፓወ7ዜ፡ ገዘታተ፡ ከመ፡። ጽ“ደትፈትሑ፡። 
ወ።ፈውስ፣ ርቷቅ፡። ኣምኔክመ፡ በኣንተ፣ ኃጢጸተ፣ ዚጸከሙ።፡” 

5. ጸሴ፤ ሰክሙመ፡ ኣጻሰ፤ ትፈድዩ፥ ኣኩዩ፤ ሰበቢጽክሙመ፡ 

ኣስመ፡። ትችፈደዩ፡። በከመ፡። ምፃባሪክሙ። 

1 u omits next two Words. 2 0 reads DRO  Bዩ.E0; 5 a. 8B reads 
ከመ « mf, B~<Fo. 9,0 read RIYA 2, c/ RIEY Onn; 2 ma omits 
next five words, 5 n reads O35 7 #reads PY s mg» 8B, # reads 
ዚጺይከወገክካመ፡ 2B Png Nead, PDE: 0 au prefixes ©. nu m reads 
በሕጕለትክሙ፡ 5 8. au read HRhi # omits. » 8 trans. after መዋOAN; against 
mgt. dreads HPhውri £ omits. au omits next two words. 1:20. Other NISS. 
ፀጻሰ1፡ "። omits, adds RE "aoe 9 reads AOEYLt: # 8 AOንYE 
5 2, B~afBin m omits. 9 reads hi » hi £HSi af/885 ew read as text 
but trans. before ROA". 1 n reads sti reads ሰይ; = m reads An: 

= 5 reals ለበ 9 ጳከ0ው፡ i AS = m reads Ana EN 
m tread Wns 9።tUብnos s« omits next five words. =F omits. 7p, Bd, 
m reads Ati 9 Aኩድ:i /Aahይi gx Daኩt: 5 au. 3 reads ርከብ 

Sem,B. gu prefix. an trans. before AJDT". wm, 8. gu read AHA 
NF reads AEM hi £30C; u reads AEM hm; and omits to ha inclusive. 
=m (above the line) 8. Z9w omit. army. #BreadችYEYhi sw omits. 
8 fu, g-X, save that wu reads &Ni reads ፈወሰ; hi ድርጋቅi ያ ፈስ; C4Y; 
ቷ ፈ" ለርሑቅ፡ 5 au omits. X omits next two lines. 5 m reads AA; e han; 
as omits, together with next three words. 5 8 reads T&.EE 5 5 adds 0ይ; 

2500 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኝ፡ EP OT 

6. ጸሴ፤ ሲሕክመ፡፥ ሲሰማዕች።። ሐስት 

ወሲ፡ጻሰ፡ ደደልውዋ፡፡ ሰዐመዛ፤ 

ሓስመ፡ ፍጠጡን፤ ትኘሐጕኮቡ።፣ 

7. ጻሴ፡ ሰኳመ“ ሲ’ጋጥጻን፡ ኣስመ፡ ሰጻ.ድቃን፤ ነሰፎ.ፎዎሙ፡፡ 

aስመ፡ ጸንትመ፥ ትትሟጃጠዉ፡? ወ“ችትሰደዷኗ፡› በ"9ፀመዛ፡ 

ወ።ሻጸን0;። ባዕሴኽመ፡። ጸርፁች፡ ዚጸሃ።" 

XርVI. ተሰፈዉ። “ድቃን ኣስመ፡ ፍጡ፤ኔ፡ ይትህጐኮሴሱ፡'፡ ጋጥጻን፡ ጳምቁኾፎዃመ። 

ወሥልጠኝ፡ ይክከውን፡ ሰዝመ“። ዴቤሆመሙ፡" በከመ፡”" ፈቁፎሕሙ። 

2. ወ።በዕለት፣ ምንዳቤሆሙመ፡፥ ሰጋጥጻጌ ዴትሴፀሰ፡። ወ“ይደጓነሥመጹ፡። ከመ ጸንስርቫ፡ 
“ኣሰ ዚጸክሙ፡። 

ወፈድፋደ ኣም ጸውስት፡።” ይከውን፤ ምጽላልክሙ፡። 

ወችትዐርፐ፥ ወ።ችበውጵ፡። በገድ ምፎር፡ 

ወበንቅኝታች፣ ኩዙሕ፤ ሰንሰም፡ ከመ፡ ሂሑ፡” ኣምቐ.ድፎመ፤ ዓማፀሮን፤” 

ወ።ዴንዕኩ” ደቤሕመ“” ወዴበኽዩ፤። ጴደሪት'።። 

3. ተወጸጌንትመሙብ፤ ዚጺቾፍርሁ፡ ኣሰ፡ ሐመምኸሙ፡ 

ሓስመ፡። ፈውስ፤ ይከወውገከሙ፡” 

ወብርሃን ብሩህ” ያበርህ፤ ሲኳመ“ 

ወቃለ ዕረፍ ትሰምፁ፡። ኳምስሰማይ። 

if omits, sap, B~B read ሰማOYYi 5 u omits next three words. #2 omits. 
n reads ሲ. ? i reads PEAT; 9 (zu) read ት”. 7 Fh omit, 
s mu omits next nine words. ° Al MSS. but Z which reads ‘Tas 1 All MSS. 
but Zh a which read YN£&i 75 trans. YY" and ት". 2p. mg read A. 
Other MSS. AAS =e. Other MSS. &AY0i "9,2. Other MSS. read QA0". 
“Fm. g reads WAU 7! 5 HAP 5 fu read Tፈhi "omits. wu omits 
next five words after $2: 7 ኖክ ተሩ ወምልጣ 5 wu omit. 1» s# reads 
ደቤከመ፡ nF, ge, mg/ read hai e reads Hho; wu omits together with next 
word. 1 9 omits. = w reads YY". 5 yu read PYIN'E: wu omits next 
four words and @©. 4 g reads AA HRP 5 0 reas በውሰት oy 
74 eh read PRA Sey RA. u omits together with next word. 
ኘ reads ት በው; 5 a, B reads Th; 5 7 reads 04. #u omits next five 
words. 07 8-X., 2 reads Phi 90M: x 0X UB Teas 
ቅፎሆመ፥ መፃ ዴቤሆሙ 5h. ZFmg read hi 9,8 add hi m adds 
above the line 00s 5 rg£ m reads &E". Ben SዴSJYI “en REt". 
= mw Omits next two words and ©. » g reads naps 55 sé Omits, 5 sé Omits 
next four words. #r,8. mg# read Yሰm0p; 

XCVI, ATXCVIH, 2. መጽሐፈ’ ህኖ 901 

4. ጸሴ፡ ሲክመ። ጋኃጥጻን፤ ጳስመ፡ ብዕልከሙ፡፡ ያመስሰኸሙ፡ "ጻ.ፎቃ፤፡ 
ወልብክመ፡፡ ዴዘልፈኻሙ፡፡’ ከመ፡ ጋጥጻን፡ ጸንትመሙ፡ 

ወዝንቱ ነ1ር፡; “ይክውን፡ ደቤኳመ፡፡ ሰማዕት፡ ሰ“ተዝኻካር፡ ኣኩያን።፣ 

5. ጸሴ፡ ሰከመ“ ሓጻሰ፡ ትበልዑ፥ ሥብጨሐ፡ ስርናዶድ፡ 

ወችሰትዩ፤ ተ ጋዴሰ፤ ሥርወ፡፣ 1ቅዕ፡ተ 

ወትክከይድዎመሙመ ሰትኙታን፡ በኃይእከሙ፡፡፡ 

6. ጸሴ፤ ሰከመ“ ጻሰሲ፡ ትሰትዩ ማዩ “በዙ ፉዜ፡። 

ሓስመ፡ ትትፈደዩ’ ፍጠ; “"ወሻትዊድጵ፡ ወጦሣናብሰ፡" 

ኣስመ፡ ሕደገመ፡ ነቅዐ; ሕዴዶወች። 

7. ጸሴ፡ ሲኳመ“ ኣሲ: ትገብኗ፡ ዐመዛባ፡ ወኮወሐሱ" ወጽርፈሂ፤ 
ትዝሣሪ፡፡ ይከውን፤ ፈቤካመሙመ ለኣጻከድ። 

8. ጸሲሴ፡ ለክመ“ ጋያሳን;" ጻሰ፡;። በጋድል፡" ትዅኩርዕዎ፡” ሲ“ጻ.ድሕ። 
ሓስመ፡። ትመጽኣ፡ 0ዕሲት፤ ሕኾልከሙ፡ 

በኣማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ድይመጽል፡። “ሰጻ.ድቃን፡ መዋዕል፡። “ብዙጋኃኘ፡፥ ወቕራት፣። 
በዕሰ1፡ ሹኔ፡ ዚጸካሙ፡። 

XVII. ትጸመኔ; ጻድቃን ኣስመ፤ ሰጽኣሰት፡ ዴክውፉ፤ ጋጥጻን፣። 

ወ“ ዴትሕቱኮሱ፡ በዕለ ዓመዛ። 

2. ኣሙረ፡;። ይክውን፡ ሰከመ“ ጳስመ፡ ልዑሁል፡ ድዜክር፡ ሐጕኮለካመሙ፡። 
ወደትፌፊሥመሑ፡ “መሳኣኳኳተ፡ ሰማዴ፡” ደበ፡ ሕኾሰ፤ ዚጸዝሙ።፡ 

1 # reads Ai # adds A; 2 au omits next three words. 5 B-Boy, 
a, BoBy read ይመስለ < 9 reads .ድ2ን፡ ወጸልብክሙመ፡ ዘ. 2 5 BB, 
Fm, B4XY read HAG # omits next three words and following ©.  # reads 
ይከውክመ፥ 5! መያሣ read YHnሪ: (Ci) Aኩያት፤ 8 "nei ኪት su trans. 
g reads JENA: ani ሥመር: Obelized words (following order in 9) = ioxiv nyils 
Bits = ግp'y ኮy ty corrupt (2) for npn iw = « of spiced wine” Cf. Cant. viii, 2. 
5 ## omits, fF reads Anos 0 This phrase seems corrupt, It = ny-253 corrupt (2) 
for hb" 25 ‘from every fountain used here metaphorically as opposed to the 
10; ሐደወትi « omits next two words. n mg omit. 15 3 trans. before ትት". 
5 au omits. mg/ omit the © before YYE". # reads ችት. ©. Dey Feadl 
Yi 5 u omits next five words. 9 puts this and the next word in nom. mg 
read THC: 7a reads YA: su omits. 5 omits. 15 a omits. 20 Ho Fa 
B~ac/B8 save that #, B~a/h8 read "hp; # reads ያርህዎ፤ 9 ዴኩርህZ: < YCYOZ: 
0b read E92]: uy; u omits next four words. = ፀ/ read ANN: oN 
af BR Inopya,b read RRR Jcgeix RA: = u trans. For መዋO0A; £ reads "0A; 
 b8. Sog but in acc. ms reads ብዙ; O2ራYi 9 ብW»Y; 2ራYi # omits. Su 
omits next ten Words. 7 fomits., # 9g reads Ae #9, af read han 

na, mn, BH read መAላAYY 

909 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ XCVIL. 3=9. 

3. መምንተ፡ ትጋበፉ፡ ሀለወዝመ፡፡፣ ጋጥጻን 

ወ“ጸይቴ፡ ትኮይዩ፡፡ በ“ይኣቲ፡ ዕሰነ፡ ኣንተ ችነኔ፡ 

ሶበ፡ ትሰምዐ፡ ቃሰ፡ ጸሎተመሙ፡ ሰጻ.ፎቃን። 

4. ወጸንትመ፡፣ ትክከውኒ፡፣ ከማሆሙ 

ኣሰ; ሰማዕት፤ ይከውን፡" ደቤሆመሙ፡” ዝንቱ; ኔገር 

ሱቱ” ኮንክሙ" ሰጋጥጻን። 

5. ወ“በኣማንቱ፡ መየዕል፡'፡ ትበጽሣ፡ ጸሎተመሙ፡ ሰ“ቅዲሳን፡" ሣበ፡ ኣግዚኣ፡። 
ወለኻመ፡" ይበጽሕ፡” መዋዕለ; ቫነኔ“ክሙ።፡" 

6. ወ።ዴጎንበብ፡። “ዙሉ ነገረ፡። ዓመባክመሙ፡።” ቅፎመ፤ ፀቢዶ፡። ቅዱስ፡። 
ወዴድትኘኝፈር፡ ገጽኸመ፡ 

ወ።“ድገ.ፎፍ፡። ሹሉ ትኘግባረ፡;” “ዘጸን0፤ በ"ዓመዛ። 

7. ጸሌ፡ ሰካመ ጋጥጻኘን፤ ኣሰለ፥ ማጻክሰ;። በሕር፡ ወኗበ፡ የብስ፡ 

ኣሰሲ;። ዝክሮሙመ ኣጳኩይ;። ዲደቤዝሙ 

8. ጸሌ፡ ለክመ“። ኣሰ፡ ታጠርዩ፡። “ብፉረ፡ ወወርቁ፡። ዘጺኮሃ፤ በጽ.ፎቅ፡ ወትብሱ፡ 
ብዕልሃ፡። ብዕሰ፡። ወከኮ፤፡ ሰ፤፡ ንዋዶ፤” 

ወጸጥረይ፤ ሹችሉ፤ ዘፈቅፎንነ።" 

0. ወዴኣጻዜ፤፡ ንግበር" ዘ*ኘሰይ፤። 

ኣስመ ብፉረ፡ ጸስተጋባኣ፤፡ 

ወመላa ጦዛIብL# hoi ማE; 

ወብዙሣ፡" “ሕራሰ1፡ ጸብያቲ፤።" 

i mh B-afhiROy,aD. gu, aFhihoy,ab read YI: = mu read UN; 
2 mf read APE: “su adds JAY ° ። reads 0AYi m,n append ሰ. ፣ 29#. 
Other MSS. read &Thnውri * u omits next four words, ° / reads AN: #8, 
mg read £hውri which £ trans. before preceding word. i BA Other NIRS Se 
ደቤክከመ፡ 15 # reads AYE: 5 0 reads "Yi 1 # a5 ቱፉ 2 au omits. 
15 adds ትመጽል፤ ወ. 7, a7hRDD. Other MSS. read RE2Y: 8 efnp 
read AJHLRብሔC: / aፃዚR፡ መናፍስት፥፣ 5 reags Ans ያFወhmi ” reads 
ድብጻሣ፡ ። ወደበ ጽጸክመሙመ፡ ።,ረ om. = a reads YC: 8 RIYA: = reads 
ቫዙሉ፡ ያ ቫሉ ነገረ፡ ። ነገረ፤ ሪ። ነገርዝመሙመ፡ 5 a reads HOod: 21 Here begins Z 
which extends to cviii. io. 5 m0, /u, B-na read Dቐዱስ፡ a ወን; 
5 # reads Yh 7 ¢ (over erasure) 9, reads $53; mn,8 YEE: 
SF. # omits. miu, B read Wt; SF m,8F read YC: uF omit, 

0 reads 0 only, and # omits. nF reads በማ". 5 2 omits, m adds 
Hac ©. 5 reads At: a 2 repeats. 5 0p read ZፓOር&; 
TF, Bh trans. 9 reads in nom. 5 mn reads AAA: 5 Fu omit. w# omits next 
three words. 5 2 reads JP mau omits next SiX Words. “ድ ads ዙሉ 

“ያ,8. ድ read Jድዴል 9 ፈደ 3 a omits next five words. 4 2 only. 
All other MSS. read pha; 5. ያ,9 read ብዙ; ብዙኃት 5/5 5-5 ብዙሣ፡ 
Sg, (save that ,2 reads ብያት). 9 8 read Jረስ1፡ ጸብ = ብያ" ሐረስ 

XCVIL, io—XCVIIHL. 4. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና: 9039 

10. phi ማይ: ይዴውዳሣዝ: ሕሰነሕሙመ፡ 

ኣስመ ዚዴነብር፡ “ሰክመ ብዕል ጸባ; ፍጠ፡ የ0ር7፡ ኣምኔክሙመ፡፡ 
ሓስመ፡፡ ዙሉ፡፡ በዐመዛ፤ ጸጥረዴክካመሙ፡፣ 

ወጸንትመ፡ ሰመርገም፤ ፀቢዴ፤ 1ችወሀቡ፡፣ 

XCVIII. ወይaዜi A ኣምወል፡’ ሲመ“ ሰጠቢባኝ፡ ወለ"ቋብዳ፡ 
ሓኣስመ፤ ብዙ" ትሬኣጻዩ፤ ዷበ;። ምዶር።፣ 

2. ኣስመ፡። መኔ ትወ.ድፎዩ፡ ሳዕሴክመ፡ ጸንቸመ፡ “0 ደው፡፥ ፈፎፉዶደ፡" ጸምጸንስነ፡ 
ወግብረ፡፡ ፈ.ፎፉደ፤ ኣም.ፎንኘል፤"፣ 

በ"መንኘሥት፣ ወበዕበዶ፡" ወበ“"ሥልጣን 

ወበ።ብፉር፡። ወወርቅ፣፤ ወጃሳት፡ 

ወብር፡ ወ።መባልዕት፡ ከመ፤ ማይደ፤ ይትክከዐፀዉ።። 

3. በጻንተዝ፡።” “ችት ምህርተ፡ ወጥበበ; ጸልቦሙመ፡ 

“ወቦቱ; ዴትሕኾቡ። ሣቡረ፤ ምስሰ፡ ንዋያቲሆሙ፡ 

ወምስለ ሹሱ፥ ስብሐተመ፡፥ ወካብሮመሙ፡። 

ወበ።”ጽኣለኝ፣ ወበ“"ቁትል፡ ወበ።ንዴት;። ዐፀቢድ፡ 

ቸችትወደደ፡። መንፈሰሙ፡። “ሠጦብች፣ ኣተ ኣሳት።። 

4. መሕልኩ፡። ሲከመ፡ ጋጥጻ]ን፡ ከመ፡። ኮኔ; “.ደብር፡ ገብረ፡። 

1 dg reads han; # omits next eight words through hmt., ° su reads ብnao; AOA; 
u# ብO0AMሮs # omits next four words. ZF reads AA; #7 trans. after next word. 
° g reads hi °Fgu,m omit. 7 omits next four words. s 9 reads YHOU: 
? ድ reads ምል 0 mB B~a, F,gg# read AA. am. 1 F reads ብWS; 
52 wu, BbcX read Xf:  c prefixes ©. 9 adds AAA]: ™ a reads AH: 7 trans. 
w omits next four Words. € omits next three words through hmt., 1s m reads Dኝ4te; 
ፃ ወግብር፡ ። ግብረ፡ " /5, 8-% add በመንኘል፤ wከicክ is a ox nulla. = F reads 0. 
Fm, 8. 2 reads 0: 9 በ0በ£i / ወለO0ይ: # omits. 5 ru read ©. 
60. # omits next four words. 1,8. Zmgiread ©. 252 m Omits next Word. 
nu next three words. = 9 reads pf.  abcehsno0. So dg save that it prefixes H. 
aFRIXa read RYhO®;i u omits next two words. 5 #,dny prefixm. gm. 
'ድ reads ትምህርት ወጥበበ፡ ያ ትምህርት፤ ጥበብ፡ ። ወጥበብ፡ 5 ቸምህርት፡ ወጥበብ 
7 Fmgn 8. reads hE; ተል: # reads ደትሐPA; and trans. before ወጥበብ; 
ew omits next three words. = aw omits, 3 F9,. Zmread ©. / OA. omits. 
mm reads DA. Zu. 1 mu read DAN. 55 # omits next SiX Words. 5m 
prefix ©. Bcx read YO’. Here we have evidence of m following 2 when it is 
Wrong and not 2. See also note 29% 1 mg omit next three words. i 
TI]v Kdutvoy To vpds of Matt. xiii, 42, 5o (Beer). 5 F omits. 7 pb reads AN; 
=m 8, # reads ብር: JOC: s ደብረ; ገበር; 7 ደብረ; 7ብረ;i = ደበር; ወረ; 1ብeረ; 

== €tS 

204 መጽጠሐፈፉ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ XCVIHL. 4-15. 

ወጺዴደክውን፡፡ ወጺወፃር፡፡ ሲ'ብኣጻሲት፣ ጸመት፣፣ 

ክመ: ኃጢጸተኒ፡፡ ዚጺተፈነወገ፡ ሄበ፡ ምድር 

ጸሳ፡፡ ሰብኣ ኣምርጳሶሙ፡፡ ፈጠርኛኞ፡፣ 

ወ’ሰመርገም፡ ዐቢይ ይክከውፉ፤ ኣሰ፤ ገብርዋ። 

5. ጦምካነት፡'" ሲብኣሲት፣ ተውህበት 

ጸባ፤ በኣንት፡ ፃብረ፤ ኣዴሃ፡ ትመውት “ዘኣንበለ፡ ውድ 

6. መሐልኩ ሰኳመ፡፥ ጋጥጻን፡ በቐዱስ፡ ዐቢዶ፤። 

ሓስመ፡ ዙሱ;። ንብርካመ፡ ጳኩይደ፡ ክሠት፡፡። ውኣኳቲቱ፡'፡ በሰማያት 

ወጸልብከሙ፡" “2ብረ፡ ፃፍ0;"" “ዲህ; ወጺሣቡጸ።" 

7. “ወጺታምስሱ፤ በመንፈስክመሙመ፡፡ ወጺት'በሱ፡፥ በአብክመ ኣስመ፡ ጺታጸምፉ፡” ወጺትፌኣዩ፡። 
“ሹሱ፡ ኃጢጸት፡። በሰማይዴ፤ ዴጻሐሕፍ፡። ህሉ፡። በዙሰ፡ ዕሰለነ፡። በቅፎጃሆ፡ ሰለልሁል።። 
8. ጳምይዴኣዜ፡ ታጸምፉ፡ ኣስመ፡ ዙሰ፥ ፃፍዕካመ፡ ዘትገፍዑ፡። ዴጻጸጻሐሕፍ፡ በዙሉ ዕለት 
*ኣስከ፡ ዕሰተ፡። ቫዜ’“ካሙ፡፡ 9. ጸሴ፡ ሰክመ“ ጸብዳን፡ ኣስመ፡ ሕቡ በኣበ.ፎኽመሙመ፡ 
ወሰጠቢበን፡።” ትረስዕዎመሙመ፡።” ወ።ሠና ዴት፡። ጽዚይረሕበካሙ።። 10. ወድይኣዜኔ፡ ጸጻምፉ፡ 
ከመ፡ ድልዋን፡። ጸንትመሣ ሰዕሰት፡። “ሕጕል፡ ወ“ዚቸተሰፈዉ፡። ከመ ትሕየዉ፡።” ጋጥጻን፡ 
ጸባ፡። ተሐሕውፉ፡። ወትመውቱ" ኣስመ፤ ጸ።ታጸምፉ፡። ቤዛ“ ጻስመ፡“። ተደለውክመ፡ 

7 # omits. S208 2 reads D7¢i mn» pAiRውIC: 9u OጺDIei nt. 
Zu read Ami 9 Ry: ‘2 prefixes ©. a reads phyy ° a omits. 
ZF reads AA; 7 au omits next four words. 8, omit, 2 readsA. 0 7, Bw. 
Zn, w read ምnlYi "a-g,aifiw. Oher MSS, AEደEY:i = m prefixes A 
and adds ሰብኣ፤ 5 Fg mB read 0ቢይi ። ወበYቢEi # omits next 
Seven words. 5 m prefixes 0. 5 Fm prefix ©. 5 sr omits. 7 iu reads 
Aሰi ብni “98. m trans. # reads 3&0; ። Ii "ama. u reads 
ደሣ፤ , 8 ከዱን ወጺሣቡል፡ 50 au omits next three words, and reads Map; in their 
stead. a g omits. 522. Other MSS. tN: JAY SFmbB. gu read 
£Xጽሐፍ፡ u omits next three words. 4 9 reads AD; = e adds ጻስከ፡ 0ሲኝ፣ 
°° aw omits next seven words. 7 ,n omit, 5 mw reads H. m adds Pini ©. 
5 m reads Mቢበንii su omits with next ten words. Z omits initial ©. ibe, 
reads ትርስበዎመ፡፥ መ ጴትጸምርዎመ፡ (sic). 9 ጴቸርዕይዎመሙመ፡ ዞ 8-9» ጺትበምዕዎመሙመ፡ 
apAaትስም". 9 #reads ሠናይት: Other MSS. ሠናይi = 0 reads &ትY'é", 
3 e rads መድልእዋ 4 Z rሩads AOA; cg በ0ለY፡ 5 ድ rads ሐኾእኻመሙ፡ 
5 መ reads ጺጴተሰፈ፣ /።, 5 ጴት ቤፈዉ፡ 7 cvwya read ተሐይ 5 ትሕይዉ፡ 
au omits next three words. 5 reads AM ማሣ ያያያ፣eaባ ትሕውፉ፥ ያ ትጸምፉ 
ae omits next eight words. um, 8B, Fg omit, 52g. Other M55. TA 
Sgsm8. g reads 0H: 01; 0H: “5,8. § reads ©. mg omit, 

KCN XCIEX 2 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 205 

ሲ'ዕሰተ፡ ቫኔኔ፡ ዐባዶ። ሰዕሰተ። ምንዳቤ፡ ወኝሣር፡ ዐፀቢድ፡፡ ለመንፈስክሙ፡። il. 
ጸሴ፤ ሲኳሙ፡፡ ፃዙፋነ፡ ልብ፡፡ ሓኣሰ። ችገብፉ። ኣኩየ፤ ወ“ትበልዑ፡ ደመ’ አምጸይዴቱ፡ 
ጸንትመሙ፡፥ ትበልዑ በሠና ይ፤ ወትሰትዩ፣ ወትጸኘቡ፡፡› ጸስመ፤ ኣም ሠናይ፡" ዘጸፈ.ፎፈደ 
ሓግዚኣ፡። ልዑል፡ ደበ; ምድር፡ ወ“ጸዘልብክመ፡ ሰሳመ።። 12. ጸሴ፤ ሰለክመ“”" ልጻሰ፡ 
ታፈቅርኛ፡፡ ሲ“ፃብረ፡። ዓመባ፤ ሰምንት ሰኳክሙመ፡። ትሴፈውያዎ፡” ለሠናይ፤” ጸኣምኗ፡ ከመ፡ 
ሀሰወከመሙ፡፥ ትትወሀበ፡” በኣዴሆመ፡። ሰጻፎቃን። ወይመትፉ፥ ሕሳሰውዷጂክመሙ፡። ወዴቁች 
ሱኸመ። ወጺይምሕፉሕሙ።።” 139. ጸሴ፡ ሰክመ፥ ኣሰ፡ ትትፌሥመሑ፡ በምንዳቤሆመሙ፡ 
ሰጻፎቃኘ፡። ኣስመ፤ መቃብር፡ ጺዴደትክረዶ፡። ሲኸሙ። 14. ጸሴ፡ ሰሲካሙ፡ ጳሰ፡ ተቤጥሱቡ፡። 
ኔ]ገረ; ጻድቃን ኣስመ፤ ጽይከውን፤ ሲሰካመ“ ተስፋ፡ ሐዴወት። 15. ጸሴ፤ ሰክመ“፡ ኣሰ፡ 
ችጽሕፉ፡ *ነገረ፤ ሕሰ” ወነገረ፡ ረሲዓን” ኣስመ፡ “ውኣጻተመ፡፥ ይጽሕፉ” ሕሰተመ፡። ከመ 
ዶስምፁ፡። ወዴይርሥዕዎ፡። ሰባዕ.ፎ፡;። ወጺይክከውን፡ ሎመ፡” ሰሳባም፡። *ጸሳ፡ ሞተ፡። ይደመውቲቱ፡። 
ፍጠን፡” XCIX., ጸሌ፡ ሲመ” ኣሰሲ፡“። ችገብፉ፥። ርስዓናት፡። ወሲ'ሣኝገረ፡ ሐሰ 
ጓቤብሑ፡።” ወ“ታክብፉ፡" ትሕጐኮልኳሙ፡” ወጸልብካመሙ፡። “ሕይዴወት፣ ሠና ዴተ።" 2. “ጸሴ፡ 

1 fu read 0. 2 m reads 0ቢ&; 5 FZ9ፉ mB prefix ©. sw reads በ0AY:; 
+ f reads Oi u omits together with next word. ° 7m reads raw A. 9 omits. 
7 i omits next two words + ©. st8. mg read 1". m repeats AA £1; 
three times. ? 8. መሄ read ዴበልዕዎ፤ (“ዎሙ ።) ሲደም፡ ያ ዶበልዑ፣ ደመ 
a reads Y0A0: and omits next four words. in ss omits. tu Omits next seven 
words, sam. m8 read AHA dg omits. m reads H. HT 
im, B read ሰላም; 15 m reads Zt #, cox "pCP; 7 gu, nu omit, 
15 2 trans, after ትፈ". F adds AAG 5 hoi au omits. 9 am. Im, read 
HYሰፈውያ; ("ዋ;in). # reads ትbፈs and omits next four words. B~n read Tቤፈውዋ: 
nag, Jcgpnw. gu omit. §-Bcdp read ASN: au prefixes ©. m reads 
ቸትወሀብ = 0, read QAP au omits. 5 wu omits next four words. 
4 m, Fh read “Poi = n omits next four words. a=, 8 (save that a omits &). 
ያ, read ዴትረጸይ፡ 7 ያድ. መ reads ታቤጥቡ፡ 9/።, 8 read ታበጥሰ፡ “ያ,0 

read ሐሰት: # omits next six words. 5 m reads 705 2 adds AንE: 
መ ኖ reads ውAቲ፡ ይጽሕፍ 1 mm omits. 5 a. B~gy read ዴስም0ዋi go» 
ዴድሰምዕ፣፡ 5 Fg/w. leaves the space vacant. m reads £eስ0pi g-dy 

ዚዴደርስዕኛ፣ 405 ወጺይረ". = a. 8 reads AA: a, 5 omit, # adds AOE: 
50 B~h 0. af read ሰሳ: 0 ሰሳመ፡ ዓሲም 27 9 reads ©. # AA: 5 Z adds ለሱ 
መህ add ወዚዴኾኮኒፎቲ፡ nag, gy, #2, 8-45 read trp a, B reads 
ሰሲኣሰ፡ = mi a~mh 8 read &Y". 5». „ድ reads Ch0ei mw» 8 CN0ፍ1 
eu omits. # ## omits next three Words. 5, Other MSS. read ይ". PU 
reads LIA; Other M55. Phብ። 7 g reads hi “ig omits. #9 
(save that 9 trans.), a&%i. # reads hይወችi ሠናይት: mn, bch hድወYi ws £15 
en hE we". ox8 ስዴወሻi ሠናድትi ። ሠ 1 

206 መጽሕፈ:፡ ሄዛኖኻ፡ RCT eas 

መ ኣለ። ይቐልጥዎመ፡’ ሰሣገራኘ፥ ርትዕ። ወ።ሥርዐ1፡፡ ጻን1፣ ሰንነሰም፡ የንልጪ፡ 
ወዴፌሬስዩ፥ ርኣስሙመ፡ ዘጺኮኔ [:ኃጥጻ;]፣ ዷበ፡ ምድር፡ ሀሰዉ፡፥ ይነከየዱ።፡ 3. በጸማንቱ 
መዋዕል፡ ተደለሰዉ፡ .ፎቃን፤ ከመ፡ ትን’ ጸሎግጊክመሙመ፡”" በተዝካር፡" ወ“ጸገብርዎመሙመ፡ 
ስማዕት፡ በቅፎመ፡ መሳኣሕት፥ ከመ፡ ያንብርዎሙመ፡። ለ“ጋጢጸት፡“ ጋኃጥጻን፤፣ በቅድመ፡ 
ልሁል፤ ሰተዝካር።። 4. በኣማንቱ፡፡ መዋዕል፡ ዶችሀወኩ፡" ጸሕዛብ፡ ወደገገመዙ፡ 
ጸዝማዶደ፡ ጸሕዛብ፡፡ በዕለኝ፡” ኣንጌ፡፡ ሕጕል።=” 5. ወበኣማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ኣሰ፡ ይጴነቡ፡ 
ድደወዕሯ፡። ወይመሥመጠጡ፡ ደቱዩቁሙመ፡ ወዴገፎፍዎመሙ፡። ወኣምኔሆመሙመ፡። ዴፎህፁ፡” ውቡድመሙ፡ 
ወኣጻንዘ፡ ዴይጠብዉ፡። “ይገድፍዎመሙመ፡። በደዩቁመ፡።” ወጸ“"ዴይገብጽ፡ ገቤሆመ“፡ ወጺይም 
ሕርዎመ፥ ሰፍቁራኒሆሙ፡፡ 6. ወ።ኻዕበ፡ ጸሃ፤ ኣምሕል፡ ሰከመ“ ሰጋጥጻን፡ ኣስመ፡ 
ሲ“0ለት፡። ደም፡ ዘጺዩሀ.ፎኣ፡። ተደሰወኝ፥ ጋጢጸት።” 7. ወኣለ፡;። ዴሰስፃዲጁ፤ ሰጻብን፡ 
ወኣሰ፡። ዴደገስልፉ፡ ምስሰ።። ዘ"ወርቅ፡ ወ“ዘ“"ብፉር፡ ወዘዕፀ;" ወ“ዘ“ልሕገ፣ ወጻሰ፤። 

1 Fm. g/u, BA; nav; ss repeats the phrase. ‘Sa=rm,B., Fm read 
ሰኣሰ፡ ያመ. ፀ reads ዴቐልእጥዎ፤ / ትዌልጥዎ፤ ። ዴቐጥ፤፡ 6- ቸቐልጥዎ፤፡ 
eትዊATTዋI “au omits. ? py read EY; wu omits next eleven words. Sg,D5% 
read CON 7A wrong gloss. The text refers to the practice of uncircumcision. 
5 u adds YIN; before this word. dg reads £1". ° £ reads ££}. 9 omits. 
0 # reads RNJLVPao 1 9 reads በትY.E£Ai # omits next eleven words. Rk 
m9 read Rንበርዎመ“፥ 8-95 ጸንበርኸምዎመ፡ 45 ጸንበርኸዎመሙ፡ Ferny. # reads 
fበውጻዎን፡ 8 ያብርዎ፤ though in #8 the ¥ is practically erased and in #5 it is over 
an erasure. 4 2, bcx read SLAY: a JAY: 3A; m5 omits. vag. 
Z reads AYHAረ: s YHne: 15 J prefixes @©. 758, a~r# read YU s 
ትፕውሀውኩ፡ 5 PB. amy read iN m ARYA 1A: 4 omits together 
with next two words. 5 2 omits. 5 F9ሃu read 0A Fp, 
መ reads ሐቱል፡ ዘጋጢጸት፡ /። ሕኾሰለ፤ »". 9 ሕ" ንጥጻን = 9 omits. 3 mw reads 
ወደገድሩ; 05 ወደገድፍዎ፤ 8 adds A (in omits) Eps # omits next three words +. 
24 10 y omit the initial ©. a omits the word. Sarg. # reads £AU0: 2 
ድሀ 25 » reads te 5 D reads ድብ: # omits next two words. 
5 reads RIE; 3 Fg. mg! read tps 8 omits. 5 # reads ©. 
a go FBn. Other MSS. omit. = wu, dg omit. 5 en add Oወትi ™ su omits 
next two Words. ® 1s this a loose rendering of duerayonoiar Lert. De Jdo/. 
iv above has penitentia which may be corrupt for impenitentia. ig IN 
other MSS. read ©. Lhe context requires some such reading since it is rather 
a four de Force to render the following AA; as « and others.” Moreover, Tert. De 
Jdol. iv gus servitis .. . ef gus support 9. Y wu adds here from next line the clause 
ወሰ; ድሰፃዲ 5 b omits, wy read 0. ch AAG » AAA; 5 w, e omit. 
0 Fu, e omit. u mb e read 000: 8 reads HOO: sw omits with next five words. 
b omits next two words. X omits next word. 5 eo0p omit. 5 g reads AAA; 

ef/hn AAA; xD. 

XCIX, y=I3. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛካ፡ 907 

ይሰኘዲ፡ ነፍሳት ጳዙያት፡፡ ወ’ጸጋንንት፡ ወሲ“ሹቡ፥ ጣዖፆት፡፡ | ወ|“"ጴጺበተምሃር። ወ“ዙሎ፡፣ 
ረፎጴተ፡ ይረካበ፡፣ ጳምኔሆሙ፡፡ 8. ወጦዴደትረስዑ፡’ በጻንት፡ ኣበደ፡ ልቦሙ 
ወ“ይጴሰሰ ጸዕይንቲሆመሙመ በ"ፍርሃት፣ ልቦመ፡ ወ“በርጳጻዩ፡። ሐልሞሙ።። 9. ቦሙ 
ዴድረስሁፁ፡። ወ።ደፈርሁ፡፡ ጳጻስመ፡ ዙሉ" ፃብሮመ፡ በሐሰነ፡። ገብሩ፡”" ወ።ሰኘገፉ፡” ለጻብን፡ 
ወደችሕኾሰ፡ በምዕር። 10. ወበጻኣማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ብፁንን፣ ሎሙ” ኣሰ፡ ይትሟጠጪዉ። 
ነገረ;= ጥበብ፡። ወ“ያጸምርዎን;። ወ“ዴይገብርዎን፡” ሰ“ፍናዋት፡። ልሁል፡ ወየሐውፉ፡ 
በፍኖተ “ጽፎቁ፡ ዚጸሆሁ፡።” ወጺዴዶረስፁ፡” ምስለ ኣሰ ዴረስፁ፡ ኣስመ፤ ጳሙንቱ፡ ድፎሣኒ።። 
11. ጸሴ፡ ሰክመ፡፥ ጻሰ፤ ትሰፍሕዋ፣። ሲ“ኣጻክድ፡። ለቢጽክሙ ኣስመ፡። በሲጾል፡ ትችዋተሱ።። 
12. ጸሌ፡ “ሰካመ፡፥ ኣጻሰ፡ ችገብርዋ፡።” ሰ“መስፈርተ፡። “ኃጋጢጸነ፣ ወጕሕሴገ፡ ወጻሰ፡። 
ተያጸምፉ;”። ደበ ምፎር፡ ጻስመ፤ ቦቱ ዶትቹፎጵ።" 13. ኣሴ ሲክከመ፥ ልሲ“ 

1 2 reads OS&NYi ። 1 have retained the above reading of £m with some 
hesitation. It is supported by ,Z #/ which read Aris But this reading may be due 
to xiv. 0. On the other hand the smfamsies of Tertullian suggests CWA; as in 
aceFhi8n or CWAY; a5 in bd/oxya 0. 5m, g read DA. » omits. + reads 
ጣዖፆኝ፡ ። ሹሎመ፥ ጣዖታት ድ. „ያ reads ሲተምሀር፡ 2 ጴበችምህርት፤ = Tet. 
(loc. cit.) non secundum scientiam. So u save that it omits &. m reads A 
በምወራማት'; and so also 8 save that it omits R. 2. Other MSS. Ws save 
zu which omits. 7120. wu reads AረEዜYi Other MSS. ረFዜትi # omits next 
two words, 5 Emended from Yeni Ct. Tet. loc. cit. nullum auxilium 
iuvenietis ab iis. 2 a omits, 9 adds &. 0 w reads £eስ0; and omits next 
three words. 1 a, B~ag0y read ዴዴሲሳ፡ ag0ya,9 ድል = . reads በጻ 
5,8, m reads በራAi 9 CA: / RCA “£9. Other M55. Rሕላሞ 
au omits next six words. » £ reads Yes 0g reads ፈርሁ 1 agcdepg/n 
Since a,/50 read Wt; it is possible that "IA; is corrupt for TIA; 5 ae pre- 
fixes. dfx read AIA; See note 17. » gf read N75 = ru omit. 
= # reads Rትnas = # reads በylei  u omits next four words. 2, Fm 
read PRCT; So also adi8iuo,ay save that they read fA. 9 reads ACP: 
and so also DceFBX save that they read $A. 25 g reads ገብር; a “በር; 
7 mg read &S@i a &71; 25 fu read በፍeዋች; ጋ a, #, 8 read REY; 
0 9 reads R£eስ0i here and the third word later. 2 omits next three words through 
hmt. wu omits next five words. x wu prefixes ©. = 2 reads ተሰፈውዋi 9 YሰፍhZ: 
5a-g, 9 reads Ari 8 AH = mw omits. 5 ድ ad ይትቁ". መ ትቁትሱ፡ 
0 reads ri ሰሰ; ይገብ". 5am ft, m reads መpweti 5, 5-5 መሠረ 
5 Z reads JPA]; DAW! ። JLRS FY; and omits next three words. 29, 
# reads ri mt 8-5 መር; 5 tመርCዋ:i None of these words gives a good 
sense or forms a parallel to the preceding verb. 0 9/0 BH. # rads ይወድ 
1 ድቐድጵ፣ ያ ይትወድፎክ፡፥ ።, (/)) ይትዌደቡሱ፡ " = ads ትኮፎጵ፡ 

908 መጽሐፈ፡ ህኛ፡ XCIX, I3—C. 3. 

ቫነፎቁ፡ ጸብያሂካመ፡ በጻማ፣ በ0.ፎ፡፡ ወዙ መንፎቁሙ፡፡ ፃንፉል፡ ወ’ልጻብሃ፡ ጋጢጸት" 
ጻብሰኳመ፡፣ ከመ፡፡ ጽልብካመ፡ ሰሳመ።" 14. ጸሴ፡ ሎመ“" ኣሲ; ይሜጃንኒ;። መስፈርተ" 
ወርስት፡። ጸበዩሆመ፡"” ኣኘት፡፡፡ ሲዓሰሲም፣፤ ወ።“ዴተልዉ፡ ነፍሰመ፡ „ፎሣረ፤ ጣዖት" ኣስመ 
ዚጺዴክካውን፡ መ" ዕረፍት” 15. ጸጽሴ፡ ሎመ“፥። ሓኣሰ;። ይገብርዋ፡። ለዓመዛቫ፤። 
ወዴደረድኣቸ፡። ሰፃፍ0፤ ወዴቁት'ሰ፡። ቢጾሙ ኣስከ፣ ዕሰ1፡ ሃኔ ዐባይ።። 16. ኣስመ፡። 
ያወድቅ፡። ስብሐሕቲክመሙመ፡” ወዴወፈ፤ ኣኩዩ፡” በ።ልብከመ ወያነሥመል፡ “መ0ቶ፡ ወመንፈሱ፡። 
ያሐሕጕለክመ፡። ለ“ችል“ክመ፡ በሰዴፍ፣ ወዙሎሙመ፡። “ቐዱሰን፣ ወጻድቃን፡። ዴዜክፉ፡ ኃጢጸተ፡ 
Han: ር. ወበኋማንቲቱ፡ መዋዕል፤ በ“ጀመኻን፤ ጸበው፡ ምስለ፡ ውሱደመ፡ ዴትኝ.ፎዉ፡ 
ወጽገጦ፡፥ ምስሰ፡ ቢጾሙ” ወ“ዴወ.ፎቁ፡" በሞት ሓጻስከ፡ ይውሣዝሽ፡“። ትክዚ፡ ኣምደመ፡ 
HAP” 2. ኣስመ“ ብጻሲ፡። ዚ“ይክከልኳ፡፡" ጻዴሆሁ፡ ጳምውሱዳ፡ “ወኣምሃ ውሱ. 
ውሱዲዷ፡። ከመ፡ ይደቅትሎ፡። ወ“ጋጥኣ፡ ዚ“ዴይከልኣጻ፡“" ኣዴሆሁ፡” ኣም ኣቷሀሁ፡ ሕቡር 
ሓም።ነሕ፡” ኣስከ፡ ትፀርብ፡። ፀሐሕዶድ፤ ደገቃትሱ፡።። 3. ወየሐውር; ፈረስ፡ ኣስክ፡ 
ኣንኘድዓሁ፡ ውስተ፡ ደመ፡ ጋጥጻንጌ፡” ወ“ሰረገሳት፡" “ኣስከ፤፡ መልዕልታ፡። ትሰጠም።። 

1 m trans. after N0.£: 5 mw omits next three words. 5 % read WN 
n tN ‘mniB. 29g read mlፈp: 5 mw reads 0. 5 ድ reads JAY; 
7 2m Zu, 8. 9 read ብመ ጳሲ፤ ያ ኣሌሰክሙመ፡ ኣሰ ፣ ያ። omit. ?a-mn. mB 
read ሰላ; "gm, 8, 9/u read RN; Ans (5 reads ሰAሰi "rr. 
g/u read TB". 3 reads መሰፍን1i 05 aqd hy:  # omits. 5 9,9 read 
Rp su reags AA "2. So also m save that it trans. HEA; after APY 
ያ9ፃሃu read ይት" ፎ" ነፍበ፡ ጣዖገ፣ 5 ያት" ነፍስሙመ፡ ድ" ጠ". " u reads ወ "6. 
mgt read Aas u omits. rFmB=a. g/u,aread"&Yi » 8. mgt 
read Aas; 2 au. #,l8 read AAA; 5 Fu, B, Zmgy read HT". 1 au omits 
next two words. 5 7 reads Ye". fF DIAC; 5 m reads ድቀት; A. 
7 m reads ቢድ; = Fmg,8. 2 reads DE: /።# ይወቅ 5 2 reads 
ስብሐቲሁ ። omits next six words. emg £8 read Ah: aay. £8 
rad ውስች፤፣ = 9 ያ read" መንፈስ; £, 8 read መንፈሰ; YE; and £ adds 
ውስት፣ ልብክሙ 35 Fmt wu reads DHL 2,5 ከመ: ሕል 
= m omits, » g reads ORAM Spm. BFR Eds REY, 
and omits next three words, 5% m reads AM 5 g omits, 3B au omits 
next scven Words. nrrmotL B omits. 5 ads በጋጢጸነ፣ “= 9, ።/8 add 
hap; against 2 mg 7. 3 reads HAM; 1 g reads ha; 5 7 omits. 
5 0 reads AN: 5 8. Zmiread Ay: A: OAS 2,7 Ay (ALi 9) 
ወል.ደ፤ ውዷ ።ውሱዲ፤ /5 aዛd ምሒረ፡ 45 w omits next SiX Words. yy 
ደመያ read A. ”» 2 adds ጸም ጸዴሁ፡ = / reads ጽባሕ = e። read f0Cብ; 
5 AI MSS. but s/,a prefix ©. 1 9 reads Dtሐhው 5 aw omits next four words, 
0 Fem g# save that 2 reads in acc, B reads ሰራገላ; 5 mm, B. ድያ ጻባ ጻስክ፤ ዐለት 
መሰዕአኝ፡ (መልኳ" 9). ኣደ ኣስክ፡ 0" መልዕልት፡ ሃ ጻስመ፡ መልጸት፣፥ መልዕልን፡ i 
prefixes ©. 

C. 4-10. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 509 

4. በ(ጻኣማንቲ፡ መዋዕል፡ መሳሓጻሕት፡ ዶወርዲ።። ውስት፡ ምሣባጻነ፡ ወያገብኣዎመ፡ በ'ጸሐዲዳ። 
መኻን; ሰሱ ኣሰ; ያወርፎዊ፡፣ ለጋጢጸት፡ ወዶጓንሣኣ፡ ልዑል፡ በይኣቲ፡ “0ለገ፡ ዙነኔ፡፣ 
ከመ፡ ዴፃበር፡ ሺነኔ፡፣ ዐቢዩ; “ልማጻከሎመ፡ ሲ’ጋጥጻን። 5. ወ“0ቐቀብት፡" ዴዶሁብ፤ ኗዴበ፡ 
ቫሎመሙመ፡። “ጻ.ድቃን፡ ወቅዱሳን; ጸመሳኣኳኝ፡" ቅዱሰን፡" የዐቐብዎመ፡'፡ ከመ፡ ብንት፡ ዐይን 
ሓኣስከ፡ ይዩድልኳ፡" “ዙሉ፡ ኣኩዩ፡ ወሉ ኃጢጸተ፡። ወ“ኣመኒ፡"" ይነውመሙ፡ ጻ.ፎቃን፡ *ንዋመ፤ 
3ዋኘ፡" ወጸልቦ፡” ዘዴፈርሁ። 6. ወ“ጸመሙኔ፡። ይጨሬመኣጻዩ፡ “ሰብኣ; ጠቢባን; ወዶሌብዉ፡ 
ውሱደ፤ ምድር፡ ሹሉ። ነገረ፡ ዛቲ” መጽሕፍ፡ ወ“የጸምፉ፡። ከመ፡ ጺይክል፡ ብዕሎመ፡ 
ጸድሣግኖተመ፡ በሙዳቁ፡ ጋጢጸተሙ። 7. ጸሴ፡ ሲኽኸመ“ ጋጥጻን፡። ሶበ፡ ታፓታመኔኒፎብዎመሙመ፡ 
ሰ“ጻ.ድቃን;።” በዕለት፡፥ ጻሣብ፡ ኘገግያል፡” ወ“ጋግኒፎ.ፎዎመሙ፡” በጻሰኘ፡ ወትትፈዶደዩ፡ “ከመ፤ 
መፃባራቲካሙ። 8. ጸሴ፡ ሰክመ“። ዙፋኔ ልብ፡ ጻሰ፡ “ትትግሁ፡ ከመ፤ ተለብውያዎ፡። 
ሰኣጳኩይ፡። ሀሉ” ይርከብክመ፡።“ ፍርሀገ፡። ወጽልቦ፡ ዘ“ፎዴረፎጸካሙ።። 9. ጸሒ፡ 
ሲሰኻመ“። ጋኃጥጻን;። ዲበ፡ ነገረ" ጸፉክመ“።" ወዲደበ፡ ተኘባረ;። ኣደቐክመ “ኣለ; ገብረ፡። 
ርስዓኒክመ፡“ በ“ዋዕዩ፡ ሳህብ፡ ኣምጻሳት። ድይውዒ።። 10. D“ድais RA 

1 Fm0fu. Other MSS. read ወቢ. 2 9 prefixes ©. 5 ድ reads ስች 
‘Fmt #9, Bread AfNi ።# AAA; ° oy read AAA aL #8 read 
ድረድኣኛ 729. ያመ read 0^ት፥ ሹገኔ፣፡ /።, 5 0ሰ1፡ sm g/u, 8. reads Wh; 
# omits. 2 Fm. # reads DAAhNs u Ahi A. /,5 AN 
10 » reads ቅብዓ; 4 adds ኩን; ©. Hi treads (Ny adds BEE 5 2 omit. 
5 » trans. X reads 3904: and adds ዓት; after next word. # omits p&. 
1 » reads mA. » # adds Wi » omits. 15 JIovyay prefix ©. m reads 
P3ቅብዎi 5። £0ቁብዎi 9 omit next three words. TEN II 
read ዴትዌዳል፡ “ng. ይ 8 read tሱi Aኩና፡ (ጻዙድ፡ / ኣከዴ፡ 5) ወዙሱ፣ ኃጋጢጸት 
u omits all but SLAY; » g reads Aki / Ahi u omits. 0 2 trans. 
aa-L #8 read AA = fb 8. g reads Ahi gm Amis w omits. 
5 0 read ሰበብጸ፡ ጠቢበ 8 mw omits. = # adds ም.ድር፡ መYlረ፡ FI 
# reads PAS m8 RPL wu omits together with next word. 7 n adds 
በ0ሰት፡ 5 ሠ reads TAY; 5 0p read BAY; wu omits next two words. 
0 g reads ታድሣንP; img, 2,8read በhoi ምሪ ። ከመ: ምሪ". 
5 a, 8 reads EE (AE 9). 3 2f,3 save that £, a have Api mg 
ead ይተገሁ፡ ከመ፡ ዴሰብውያዎ፡ (ድልብውዋ፡ 7). ። ዴትግሁ፡ only. i u, » read AAክድይ፡ 

Sar. 2 reads Uሰወns 5 ሀሰ 55 2, Ber, Fg, er read ረበ 
መ ዴይርከቦመሙ፡ ሃ ይረበብኻካመ፡ (sic). 7 Fu, 8B, #Z reads @&ርU: (sic). 2 &EርሃY: 
9 ፍርሀ1፡ 5 ZF reads REAR 5 2, B add ጳስመ፤ 0 2, 8 read 20 

u aw omits next three words. 5 2 reads JA; 3 ru. Fg, 8 read AA JAብ¢: 

መ ኣለ፡ ገብሩ ፣ኣምፃብረ፡ “/ሠ. ያ ad ረሲዓንክመ፡፥ ያ ረሲዓኒክመሙ፡ 5 ረሰዕኻመሙ፡ 

5 mgt save that m reads oዋOA; for P". 2, 8 read Pp” (ns om.) AVN; (x om.) ANY: 

ሠ በጻሰኝ፡ 5 Fmiu. g,l8 read Yው0t: 9 £3 The sentence is incomplete. 

Perhaps we should add YO; This could easily fall out after ው Tn omits, 

210 መጽሐፈ: ህኛክ፡<CL.S: 

ሓስመ፡፡ “ጸመላኣኻት፥ ይትጎሠሥ፡፡ ምግበሪካመ በ'ሰማይ፡ ወኣምፀሕሐድደ፡ ወ’ኣም'ወርሣ፤ 
ወጻምኔ;፣ ክዋሕክብኝ፡፣ በኣን1፡ ጋጢጸትክመ፡፡ “ኣስመ፡ በደበ;' ም.ፎር፡ ትገብኗ፡” ምስለ; 
ጻ.ፎቃን፡ ሹኔ፡።" 11. ወያሰምዕ፡'፡ ሳዕሴክመ፡" ዙሉ፡'፡ ደመሪፍ፤ ወቹ; ወጠለ፤ ወዝናመ፤። 
ኣስመ፤ ሀሰዉ፡ ሹሎመ፡"” ዴችክልጽ፡” ኣምኔክመ ከመ ዚ።ይረዲዷ ደቤኸዝመሙ። ወ።ይቕልዩ። 
ደበ” ጋጢጸትሕሙ። 12. ወድጻኒ፡ ሀበ “ሰዝሪናም፡ ጸምጋ፡። ከመ፤። ዚ“ፎችክሳኣ፡። 
“ወሪደ; ደቤሙ፡” ወጠል፤ ጻመ፡ ተመጠወ” ኣምኔሕመ፥ ወርቁ፡ ወብፉረ፡ “ከመ፤ 
ድረፎ፡፣ 13. ሶበ፡ ይወርፎ፡። ደቤክመ፡፥ ጸስሕት.ያ፡ ወሐመዳቋ፡። ወቍሞረ፣ ዚጸሆመሙ፡። 
ወ“ችሲ፡። ነፉሰኘ፡ ሐመዳ” ወዙ” ባዕራ1፡ ዚጸሆመ፡ በኣማንቱ፡። መዋዕል፡ ትሉ 
ቀዊመ; ቅፎሜሆሙ፡ ር1. ጠዴቅዋ፡;” ለሰማይ" ውሱደ፤ ሰማዴ፡። ወዙሉ *9ብር፡ 
ሰ“ልዑሁል፡ ወ።ፍርሁ፡። ኣምኔሁ፡“ ወ“ዚትፃበፉ፡ ኣኩዩ። በቅ.ፎሆ። 2. ኣመ፡። 
ዐፀወ;። መስኮገ፡”" ሰማድ፤ ወክልእጸ፡ “ዝናመ፡ ወጠሲ;” ከመ ጺድረዶፎ፡። “ዷበ; ም.ፎር፤። 
በኣንቲጸከመ፡፥ ሚሀሰወሕክመ፡። ችግበፉ። 3. ወኣመ፤። ፈነወ፡ መዐተ፤ ደቤክመ።። በዙ 

ia, aey. Other MSS. ha; 2 a. B reads መላት RY Yi 5 2 reads 
Aa. ‘tau wB omit x adds በምECI sat omit, su, eFi omit. mgt. 
2, B read OA. uD. 5 ss omits next eight words. 2 a. B reads RY 
HA; 0,8. Zmo# read ወዲበ; " መይ Be. 2 reads TI: (sic). 
'# ትክብፉ፡ 9, “ትግበሩ 2 m9 f,8B~g read Ji 4 JO; pn}; 5 2 omits. 
x reads #ሱ 14 / reads DሰFP0; 5 2 reads Aan 15 mf, 3, 9 read tt 

ww omit. 7 Fm, B-aceF DIR. gu, ae#h8 read ወል: 5 Im, B~aeFBk, 
F971, ae7ht read DHS; 5 tu, em omit. wo 
2 omits, 5 wu omits. c reads ‘Jha; Sam mhB read OA. 

Sm, BB. 2 omits. #8 read yA Sa, FBIRI»0. abc get) read 30; 
5a, Bob trans. 08 omit AH: For A" m reads Rs 7 m omits, 
5 Zu, dy. Frm read ትላ; 5-4 ትትክላኣi « adds ዝናም; 5 im trans. au reads 
ወ6#i only. g omits the next eight words. » m reads BYRD; ኳያያያ 
OilopXyab. mg read hi REE: nu, B-BiIopXyab omit. w# reads © for 
next three words. dq omits next two. 5 29. Other MSS. ይወድቅ: 5g omits 

next five words through hmt. = # omits next SiX words through hmt. 5 # reads 
ሸዙሎመ፥ መ, ዕዕ ዙሉ 5 2 omits. Sm, 0pread thi a omits. i 
a prefix ©. 5 9 reads Ptዋዋ; 0 58 add ሹልኸመሙ፥ 4 w omits next 

three words. SFmgt B reads 30¢i 5 m, f omit. reads &Eetሁ: 
5 wu omits. en add WANs “/n, 8. rrmg omit. “ madds በዲበ; ምድር: 
3 FhB-enx. wex read AN; mgn Ami “9 reads A0g: "2,8. £ reads 
መስኩገ፣  መሳጻክገ፣ ና መሳኩገ፣ /። መሳክወ፡ 1 2 reads Her; only. 
55 w omits next five words. 5 % reads #ቤne; 5 g reads AB: UA 
4 ሀለው". 5 mg read Ri x adds UA ©. 5 reads Ake; 
and omits next (Wo Words. Fig. Fg omit. m reads ቢ. / 40: 5 £0: tt 

CL. 3-9. መጽሐፈ: ዛኛኖካ፡ 911 

ምፃበሪክመ፡ ጸኮ።፡ ጸንትመ፡ ኣሰ፣ ታስትበፉዕዎ፡፡ ኣስመ። ቫትሪገፉ፡፡ ፉበ፡ ጽፎቁ፡ ዚጸሆ፡፡ 
ዐቢ.ያት፣ ወጻፉንተ፡ ወጸልብዝመ፡ ሰባመ።፡ 4. ኢትሬወጳይዎመሙ፡፡ ሲተኔገመች፡፡ ጸሕማር 
ኣፎ፡ ይትሀወኩ፣፥ ኣሞገደ፡ ወ"ያንቀለቸሲ፣ ኣምኝፋሰት፤፣ ጸሕማሮመ፡፥ ወድትመነደቡ። 
5. ወ።በጻንት፡ ዝንቱ“ ይፈርሁ፡። ኣስመ፡፤ ሹሰሲ፥ ንዋዮመ፡፥ ሠናዶይ፡፡ ድዴወፀሓ፡” ውስ 
በሕር፡ ምስሴሆሙ፥ “ወሠናና፡ ጺ“ድሔልዩ፡ በአቦመ፥ ጻስመ፡ ባሕር" ይውሣጦሙ፡ 
ወይዴትኘኮሱ፡” ውስቴታ።። 6. ጸከኮ፡። ሹሰ፡።። በሕር፤ ወሰ ማያቲሃ፡ ወሰ ሑሰኝ፡ 
ፃብረ፡ አዑል፡ ውኣቱ፡ “ወውጻቲቱ፡ ሸሉ፡ ፃብረታ፡ ዐበቁመ፡። ወጸሰሪ። “ሹለንታሃ፤ በኖባዛ። 
7. ወበተኘሣፉ፤ “ትፈርህ፡ ወኘዩብስ፡። ወ“ዙ፡። ዓሣቲሃ፡ ይመውት” ወሸሲ፥ ዘሀስ፡ 
ውበስቴኝ፣ ወጸንትመሙ፡፥ ጋጥጳን፡ ኣሰ; ዷበ፡;” ምድር፡ ዚጺትፈርህዎ።። 8. ጸከፉ;። ውኣቲ 
ገብረ፤ ሰማዩ፤ ወምድረ፡። ወሉ ዘ“ሀሉ፡። ውስቴተመ፥ መኒ” ወሀበ፣ “ችት ምህር 
ወጥበበ” ሰሹዙሱ፡። ኣሰ፡ ዴትኝወሱ፡። ዲበ ምድር፡ ወ*“ለኣጻሰ፡ በሕር።። 0. ኮፉ” 
ውጸተመ፡።" ተኔገሥች፤“። ጸሕማር፡ ድፈርህኛዋ፡። ለባበሕር፡ ወ።ፆኃጥጳን፡“ ሰልሁስል፡ ጽ“ዴፈርህዎ። 

1 eh iread Ahi mtu, 8. £reads Rስተብቀ". 9ታስተስብፉ". ‘ታስትበፉ0; 
5 € omits. * a omits next three Words. °F reads LAVa 5 a~m. mm reads 
በሳመ፡፥ 8 ሰሳም 7a-g. 9,8 read DA s Fmt Be. ge omit the final tr. 
g reads TeX; Hi u YEN: (sic). * HY; = Baraéas = 52 corrupt 
for iy = yavras (Halevi 392). » m reads PEC: DAYJRC u gy read DAK. 
15 pm omits. 50 omits, 11a omits. 15 # omits next nine words. 15 af88nyw 
omit. 7 9 reads DOA; 5 B, ZFmgt read wSt:i (WS: is) OX. ።# DX. 
15 £ adds ምhስሆPw ሠ ይ;i ይሔ! በ0 ስመ! ባበሕር፡ Perhaps this contains 
a better reading than the text. mm adds DREN 1 reads በውስቴJi =. 
# reads Aoi Other MSS. Rh: 5g, ef hy read WAI ss omits next five words. 
4 e (save that it gives Ap; for 0ቁpai). So also §-y save that for Rpm: it reads 
ሐተመ፤ and » ወማያ፡ ዐቅመ ደ» read ወውጻቱ፡ ብራሂቲሃ፤ ወማያ፤ ኢኖ reads ወዙ 
7ብራ7; oi 9 Jብራtyi ot au omits. Cf. Jer. v. 252i Prov. vii. 29; Job 

XXXViii. 8, io. Sm, IB: ‘#79 read, DANE; sO: NF irahs:”' Tap. 
B-X trans. 2 reads YAN; = 9 read tN; c omits next three words through hmt. 
5 Fu, Other MSS. &oo’E:i su omits next three words. 0 a. B reads 0h; 

i 9, a read AYE. = g reads Rhi su omits. SBE ORNL: a: 8 Bres 
fixes ©. ™ wu reads ጥበበ; ችAምCY; 5 trans. 2 reads ትምVCY; TON; # reads 
ችYኣaምCYi ወጥበበ; ወት ምር; # omits next nine words. uw FmgL #,B read 
ሲሸሎሙ፡ 7 akgnvw omit. 5 ያ „ድ eas ኣሰ፡ በባሕር፡ ” ሲጻሰ፤ በባሕር 
B~a ። ለኣጻሰ፡ ውስኘ፡ ባሕር፡ ሪs ውስት፤ ባሕር፡ ። ባሕር፡ on!. 5 g reads Ahi 
“8. # reads ውAትi £ omits. mg read ውቲ: na See note 9. £ reads 
ሃገመት፡ በውስት፥ ።«-,a#. #,8-agt read “Jp; 9 RይፈCYP: m adds ለምደር፡ ©, 
5 nn reads AE: ia, @eikino. B~aeyt ino read STA}; 5 #F omits. 

ኣ15 መጽሕሐፈ፡ ዛኛህ፡ CII. 1-6. 

C11. በ'ኣማንቱ፡ መዋዕል፡ ሰለጻመ፡።፡ ወደዩ። ደቤክካመ፡ ዕፁበ፡;፡ ኣሰ በጸዴቱ፡፡ ነገፍፁ፡፡ 
ወበጸፎቱ። ትፎሣግኒ፡ ወውስበ፡ ይወዳዷ፡ ቃሉ፡፡ ደቤካመ፡ ጸኮ፡" ትችትመሀክከዉ፡። ወትፈርሁ። 
2. ወ“ሸሎመሙ፡። ብርሃናት" ይትመሀክከዉ፡ በፍርሀት ዐቢዶ፡ “ወሸሳ፡ ም.ድር፡ ትትመሀክከው። 
ወ'ችር0ዕ.ፎ፣ ወችትቕቱጳ። 3. ወሸሎመ። መላኣኻት፡ ይፌጽሙ" ትኣዛክዘመ፡ ወይፈቅዳ፡ 
ከመ፡። ይትንብጽ፡" ኣምቅ.ድመ፡” ፀቢዶይ፡። ስብሕት፡ ወዴርዕዲዴ፡ “ደቁቁ፡ ምድር። 
ወ“ይትሀወኩ፡። ወጸንትመ፡። ኃጥጻን፡ ርጉማን ለዓሰም፡። ወጸልብክመ፡ ሰሳመ።። 4. 
ጺት'ፍርሁ፣ ጸንትመሙ፡ ነፍሰ፡ ጻድቃን፣ ወትሰፈዉ፡። “ኣሰ፡ ሞትኻመሙመ፡። በጽደቅ።" 5. ወጺት 
ጓዘ” ኣመ” ወረደት። ነፍስካመሙ፡። ውስተ፡ ሲጾል፡ በሐዘን፤፡ ወጺረከበ፡።” ሥጋክሙ 
በሕይዴወትኸመሙ፡። በከመ፡። ሂፉትሕመሙ፡። “ዘሳባ፡ ጽንሑ፡። ለዕለት; ኣንተ;። ዙኔ፡። ጋጥጻን;" 
ወበዕለት፤ መርገም ወ።መቅሠፍት። 6. ወሰበ፤ ትመውቲቱ፡ ዴብዙ፡ ሳዕሴከሙ፡“ ጋጥጻን፡" 

17 0/u, apbcgek. Zmreadሲ. FBrtinov 00. 2, omits. 5 # reads 
ፈነወ 4 F trans. after ANY: e reads 0005 omits. sm. iu, B read 
ጸድቱ 5 wu omits next two words. ‘m9. reads DRE: s domits. 

2 g reads WN; wu omits next two words. "229, mB read Ahk; OH 
read TYUOhi # omits next three words. ። reads fi: 5 ae Save 
that £ reads YoY". wu reads Oትትመሰai 8 ድYUOh; ig BPE 
ወም.ድር፡ ወቫሱ፡ ያ ወም" ወስ ሃ ወም" ወሸላሳ፡ ። ወም" oly. RE 
Z reads RY". wa omits. 15 au omits. 7 9 reads AYR 5 uN 
(erased) omit. 15 # omits next seven Words. ግ 2 adds 'J& 1 ae. a omits. 

B-x read 04; x AIHA = 2 reads &£YY". 5 g appends ሰN. 4 0 omits. 
5 an. ነዘ, 8 read ሰሳም 25 a. B-x read 1ፍሰት፡ x ወጺትዶደንኘፀፁ፡ ጸንትመ፡ 
7 ድ reads DY ba; 3 mo cFBRInx,a. #9#u read AA TE: s 1ፍ0N; ኣሰ 
ሞEi aydeoxs 0AY ሞት SL # reads RYH: Other MSS. 
ወጺትግዝፉ፤ ። omits. 9 agds Ai ሞች በጽድቅ; ofr. Other MSS. AN: 
 # reads Dei # adds nw; = 8 aባ4 ውስት፣ ዐቢዶ፤ ምንዳቤ፡ ወገዓር፡ 
ወናxni ©. 5 gta. Su read Rehበi m Noi Rennes 9 Ree: 
5 ድ reads በቢ. < በጻን1፡ » #Z reads beሻMos u omits next six words. 
5 Fmended from RA; AYhi of ngs, 8. # reads ti Yh: The word Ah; is 
unmeaning here and is clearly a corruption of Riis Cf. cviii. 2 where the righteous 
are again bidden TAY; ሰAሰs መዋ0ል፡ ኣስክ፡ ዴት Rs ኣሰ: £1ብrs aኩt: and in 
cviii. 3 RYN: ጽን; as in our text. 7 Fmended from OAT; of .Zi, 8. mg 
read በ0ለ^Y፡ 5 2, 8 add በቲ; against Zn 5 Fmended from hia; 
# reads RhYins It is clear from the context—cf. the preceding AOAY: Ait 
and the subsequent AOAY; መርጋ i —that hw is the corruption of a substantive, 
Trg,a. Other MSS, DTA This word may be a gloss, and its incorporation 
in the page has led to the change of Wy; into fina; which was subsequently 
corrupted into hina; wu reads Df; 5 a. B reads በA0h". 5 # omits. 

GE GEIS: መጽሐጠፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ 913 

ከመ፡ “ሞት ሞፒቱ፡፡ ጻፎቃን፡ ወ“ምንት፡፡ ኮኔ፤ በቍጌተሙመ፡’ በምፃባሮሙ።፡፡ 7. ፲1ዊ; 
ከማ ሞቱ። በሐዘን፡ ወበጽልመች፡ ወ“ምንት፡። ፈፎፋይሙ፤ ኣምኔ፡፡ ጻምይኣዜ፣ 
ትዐረይ። 8. ወምንተ ይነሥዉጵ፡። ወ“ምንት;። ድዴሬኣዩ፣፥ ሰንሲም፡። ወ“ልሙንቱሄ፡ 
ንዋ፣፤ ሞ፲ቱ፡። ወ“ኣምይኣዜ፣ ለንሲሰሲም። ጽዴሬኣዩ፣ ብርሃኔ" 9. ኣብሰክመ፥ ጸንችሙ፡” 
ጋኃጥጻን፡ ጸከለካመ፡ በሲዕ፡;። ወ“ሰቲይ፡። ወ“ሀይ.ፎ፡።” ወ“ጋጢጸት፡። “ወጸዕርቁቅተ፡ ሰብኳ፡። 
ወጸጥርዮች፡። ንዋፎ፡። ወ“ርኣጻዮች፤። መዋዕል” ሠሪናዴድ። 10. ርጽኻዎዎመ፡” ሰጻድቃን፡ ጻፎ፤ 
ከኔ” ተፍጻሟጃትመሙ፡። ኣስመ፡ ዙሳ፡። ፃፍ); ዚ።ተረካክበ፡።” በ“ሳዕሴሆመሙ፡። ሓኣስከ;። ሞ፲ፔ።። 
11. ወ“ተሕኾሱ፡”" ወከኮፉ፣ ከመ፤”። ዘጽኮፉ፡ ወ“ወረዱ፡“። ውስተ፡ ሲፀል፤፣ መንፈሳቲሆሙ፡። 
በምንዳቤ። C111. ወይኣኒ፡ ጸኔ፡ ኣምሐል፡“ ሰዝሙ፥ ሰሲ“ጻድቃን፤ “በስብሐሕሐቲቱ 
ሰዐቢዶደ፡ ወሰክቡር፡ ወዕዙH፡ መንግሥት“ ወበዕበዩ፤;። ኣምሕጠል፣ ለካሙ። 2. ኣስመ፡ 
ጸኔ፡። ጸጸምር፡" ምሥጢረ; ወጸንበብኩ፥ ፀፍፀፈ፡”" ሰማይዶ” ወርጺኩ፥ ጽሕፈት ቅፎስተ፡። 

19 reads TPH ‘Zn, B-Dcgixa II Bcdi%,a read IYI mn adds 
ጺችሣግዝ፤፡ 4 g reads A. SO. a omits. 5 a omits, s g reads hy; 
u omits next three words. 7 reads TP 5 ድ reads ምንዳቤ፡ 9 ምi1 
5 gu omit. 0 f prefixes ©. X reads Lak; 1 % reads ድዴትዓረድ፤ ምስ 
ae omits next two Words. 15 0 # (save that 9g omits initial ©), 8. Z,gm read YY: 
5 my, 8, Fg read Yi: “mn reads iY mn omits. Engr 8 
read Aስoi Tmt. # reads AYE; «u omits. dg prefixes ©. "# adds 
ሲንሰም፤ = ሪሆ/5s።5 omit. = 29 read በሊ: =u 2 read ሰቲ # 0LEE 
B በትድ፤ = ድ reads ሃይደ፡ 9 ይደ ። ሀዪደ፡ 4 reads DJTAY'i su omits. 
5 2, 8 trans. before UE; against a=. wu omits. 8.00 read DATEES | Sy 
omits next three words. 5 Fmgh Bcglox,ab. ga read CAY; e/5r8npy 
ርኣዩ 5 mg read መዋOA; 90 miu, ade/hBhpw. #,bclxa read as in text 
but add £. 229,509 read CAMP but .# prefixes ©. » CAME i 
a~ 2 read ri x adds ምሮ ©; 32 B adds ሰላ; against a. Sh 
ae omits. mg, 8 read thi = u reads &€7305  £ reads THY: 9,75 omit. 
7 ድ reads “Ms m adds Aስመi Rትረnበ: YE 5 gu read AN; nag; 
#, 8 read 0AY; ሞተ "9 reads Ji “nm reads Ahi = e reads ረጃ: 
Smt SmSEN"., Similarly # መiehN". 2,19 read ወ(3omJiEሰtPis “as 
read AYA 5 e omits. 5 ZF and also iF save that #Z omits A before 
ዐቢይ፡ ።ያ፤ cad በስብሐሕቱ፡ ሲ(። ሠ.) ዐበቢይዶ፣ ወበ (ያ om. በ)ክቡር፣ መገንፇሥመቱ፡ # reads 
በስብሐት፤ ዐቢይዴ፤ ወኳቡር፣ and omits rest of verse. 8-» በ0ቢድi ስብሐቱ ወፉ 
ወበ(4። om. በ) ር; (4 ክብር) መንኘሠመቱ፡ » በ0" ስ" ወበዕበድ፡ ኣጻምሕል፤ ሰኸሙ፡ 

ወካብፉኛ፡ ወበክቡር፡፣ መንግሥቲ 7 F908. gm read በ00; Sr omits. 
5 fF reads ANC: /, 8-y add Hii » adds H" after ምሥ". 9w. Af reads 
ኣመጻሕፍተ፡ 8 በጸፍጸፈ 5 9. ድ/ ead ቅድሰተ፤፣ ያመ gx ቐዱሰዝ 

x ሰማይ፡ ቅዱሰን 

914 መጽሐፈ: ዛኛሽ፡ CIIL. 2: 

ወረከብዙ፡፥ ጽሑፈ፡ ውስቴተሙ፡፡ ወ“ልኩዐ።። በጻንቲጸሆሙ፡፡ 3. ኣስመ፡ ሲሱ ሠናይፎ፡ 
ወፍሥሓ፡፡ ወሕነብር፡ ተደለወ፤፡ ወተጽሕፈ፡ ሰመንፈሳሰቲሆመ፡፣ ለኣሰ፡። ሞ፲ቱ፡ በጽፎቹ፡ 
ሂሄወብዙሣ፤ ሠናይ; ይትወሀብ፡" ሰካመ“።" ተሰ; ጻማኳመ፡” ወዝፍልመ፡። ፈድፋደ 
ኣም።ኽፍሰ፡።” ሕያዋን። 4. ወ“የሕዴዶዉ፡፡ መንፈስከመ፡" ሲኳሰ፡ ሞትሕመ፡። በጽ.ፎቱ፡ 
ወደተፈሥመሑ፡ ወይትሐሠዩ" ወጺዴደትሐሕጐሱ፡።” መንፈሰቲሆመ፡።”። ወጺተዝካሮመ፡። አምቅ 
ድመ፡ “1ጺ፡ ሰ"”0ቢይ፡ ሰሱ” ትውልደ ዓሲም፡። ወድኣዜኒ፡ ዚትፍርህዎ፡። ሰገግሣሮሙ። 
5. ጸሴ፡ ሰክመ፡ ምውታን; ጋጥጻን፡ ሰበ፡ ትመውቱ፡ በ“ብዕሰ;። ጋጢጸትመ፡።” ወዴይብሴ፡። 
ሂደቤሕመ፡ ልለ፡ ከማሕመ፡።” ብፁዓን ኣሙንቱ፡ ጋጥጻን፡ ሸሉ፡”" መዋዕሎመ፡፥ ርጳዩ።። 
6. ወደኣዜኒ፡። ሞቱ በሠናድ፡፡ ወበብዕል፡ ወ“ምንዳቤ፡ ወቁትሰሲ፡። ርኣዩ በሕይወተመሙ፡። 
ወበስብሕኝ፥ ሞቲቱ፡ ወዙነገኔ፡ ጽጺትገብረ፡ ሎመ፥ በሕይዴወተሙ። 7. “ታጸምርዎመ፡፥ ኣጸስመ፡ 
ሰሲጾል፡ ያወርድዎመ፡ ሰመናፍስቲክመ፡። ወጻኩያት፡” ዶክከውና፡" ምንዳቤሆመሙመ፡። 0ዐቢዩ።“ 

' 0 reads ጽሑፍ ። ጽሐፈ :Fmghp nm Fa, Bn read NEE: Of the 

B MSS. aeFB8y trans. 0” before ጽሑéi n also trans. $8. a9 read AO: 
ያልሁል፡ 4 # reads ስቴተሙ፥ 5 w omits next two words. 5 2, 8 add aw 
75 ድተeas ሰመንፈሰቲክሙ፡ ያ ጸስማቲሆሙ፡ 5 ለመናፍስቲክመ፡ 5 ሰመናፍስፒሆመሙ፡ 
w omits. s # reads AN; ? Z/ read ብዙ: ሠናይ: Z ብዙ: ሠ. 
መ ወብዙሣ፣ ሥና ይት፥ ያ? ብዙን፡ ሠናዩ: 5 ወበብዙሣ፡ ሠናይድ፤ ። omits. 10 m reads 
ወሀብ; (sic uu aw omits. s m reads Aስከi # reads AY. 3 # omits next 

six words. #g omits. reads Ei + adds ዲሰ “£8. # read 
የሐዩ፡ ። ያሕድዶዉ፡ ያ ይሕየዉ፡ 7D. mH read mi&ha; RE, 
Zmgtu read TE: vee, B. m reads AYሐhሠይi Ams g/u omit. 
o Fg/u. reads RY: mn ወጺደYሕAi 5 omits. u omits next five 
words. nm #9, 8 read መናፍስቲ". 5 . ድ reads ጺYHnሮ 
መ ወጺትዝክሮመ፥ ና ወጺተዝካራቲሆመሙ፥ ደ, “58 ወትዝካሮመሙመ፡ wh 
mt read 18; 91; f omits. = u omits next three words. 5 m reads RYECYT: 
aox'b “pw 5 Fm0L # reads YY; 3 omit. Jag. 98 omit. 
5 u reads SLAY 5 m0. 8-ahkn read Ai ሰ; ከኝ” ዲቤ. ass 
ኣሴ ጻሰ፤ ከማ". 0 no read Wi wu omits with next two words. 3 g reads 
Cርጺዩ፡ Z adds ሠናዩ 5 fu read Di om.) PA; a c omits next eight Words 
through hmt. A Fm, Bcdeloab. #9, % read 0. #, af ss8ny omit. I 
read ችል: 55 9 reads RCA: s7 w omits next six Words through ht. 
5 Fru save that # reads ht; for A before AA: and ELV; for Asa: 
and for the latter word, which ss omits, £2 read AmgéehNEሆPaos #, B-n read 
ትጸመርዎመ፡ (ትጸምርዎመቱ፣ 8) ጻስመ፤ (ከመ፤ ረ. ፅፀ ዕመi) ለ (ውስች፥ 9) ሲጸል፡ 
ያወርፎዎመ፡ (ያውርድ" ሪረ፡ሪ) ሰመንፈሳቲ። (ነፍሳቲ" 5). ። ወበስብሐት፣ ሞቱ፡ ኣስመ 
ሰሲፀል፤ ያየወርፎዎመ፡ ትጸምርዎኒ ሰመገፈሰቲክሙ፡ ። ;5 clearly dependent on m5 and 
rads ወበስብ” ሞቲ፤ ተጸምርዋመሙ፡ ሲነፍሰቲሆመሙመ፡ ኣስመ፤ ውበች፣ ቤፅል፡ ያወርድ". ። ois 
next six words after PO". #29 read AY; "9g reads ይhውያi "gm, ge. 
c reads ን". F9/ iA “908. reads በቢ; # P0ቢE: m omits. 

CI. S=12. መጽሐፉ፡ ህሄኛኻ፡ 915 

8. ወ“ቢ'ጽልመት፡ ወበመርበብኝ፥፣ ወበሳባህብ፤ ዘደነፎፎ፡ ኘበ። ሹነኔ፤ ዐፀባደ፡።፡ ትበውልኣ። 
መንፈበክሙ፡፣ ወዥነኔ፡ ዐባይ፡፡ ትክውን፡፣ ሰዙቡ፡፣ ትውልደ; ዓሰም; ጸሴ፡ ሰዝመ፡ ኣስመ፤ 
ጸልብክመ፡፥ ሰላመ።። 9. ዚትበልዎመ፡፥ ሰጻድቃን፡ ወሄራን፤ ኣለ፡ ሀለዉ ውስቱ፡ 
ሕጥይደወት፥ በመዋዕሰ፤፡ “ሥራሕኔ፤ ጻማ፡። ጻመወሣጎ;“ ወሹሎ፡ ሥራኝ፤ ርጺ።" ወ“ኣኩያቱ፡ 
ብዙጋች፡'፡ “ረካብ፤፡ ወተወዳዕ፤፣ ወውሣድ፤" ወ“ንጻሰገ፡"። መንፈስ!" 10. ወ“ችሕሐኾል፤። 
ወ“ጸልቦ፡። ዘይረፎጸ፤። በነገር” ወጺበምንትኒ፡። ዚረክብ” ወ።*ችጺጻዐር፤። ወተሐጕል፤፡። 
ወ“ጸ=ትበፈው” ክከመ፡ ንርጸዶ፡” ሕይወገ፡ ዕለት ኣምዕለት። 11. ንሴቤፎ፤። 
ንኩን; ርሓጳበ፡ ወ።ከኮኔ። ዘነበ: ጻመውነ፡። ኣንዘ፡ ንትጌበር፡። ወጺ“ሠሰጥኔ። ዴበ፡ ጻማኔ። 
ወ“ኮኔ;”" መበልዕተ፣ ሰጋጥጻን፡ ወሰ“ዓማፀያኘን፡ ወ“ጸኻበዱ፡ ሳዕሴ፤። ጸርዑቫ፣ ዚጸሆሙ። 

i, omits. = # reads ©. 5S Fmgu, ct read 0ቢ&i ss omits next two 
words. dy omit next four words through hmt, “2 prefixes ©. °F reads 
መንፈስሙ፡ 5 9, ar read ዓቢ; u omits. ፣ መ aባds ወትበውል፣፥ መንፈስካሙ፡ 
ወሲ ሹነኔ፤ ዐቢይ s Z reads A. m omits. 2 a. B reads ትው; Aስh፡ A. 
10 B omits next three words. uu a omits. 15 a7. mm, 8 read ሰላም; 5 
ያፃ/ሥሶ። ead ሥራሑመሙ፡ ጻማሣ፤ ያ ሕይወተመ፡ ጻማ፡ ሥራሑሖሙመ፡ ስራኝ ፐhroughout 
the remaining verses of this chapter ,# puts the verbs and pronominal suffixes in the 
3rd person except in a few cases in vers. 14, 15. The exclusive use of the 3rd 
person would certainly make the sense of the text much clearer. Since, however, 
the MSS. evidence so preponderates in favour of the 1st person we must perforce 
accept it. 11 Z reads Ro 5 # reads CAE: gmt Ina. F,eFBstl 
read ኩት ብዙኘ፣ ያ ሹሱ፡ ጻኩያት፣ ። ጻኩያት፣ ሪዕሀረናox5 ጻከያት፣ ብዙን io 
reads ረhቡi ደውti ውሕጃ For YO" 9 reads YoጃRH «a reads ረhብy: and omits 
next two words. gf behzfinx. # reads YጽAትi £ YAY; hi m, acd/ 0a 

3ን0ስት፡ 5 2 reads miፈhos x adds YU: n ድ rads ሐኾሰ፡ 
a 2008-4 mu, dg omit. Sac, ZF reads HRረድAamwi 5-49 HረድAk 
5 Fgn8. # reads በylei m YI sw omits. iF read "BIL 
ፀ በምንትኒ፤ #8 ወበምፃባር፡ (ሪ "መንፈስኃ ስ ወጺምንትኒ፤ ሠ omits. 5 2 reads 
ዚረከቡ፡ 5. m reads +O3CH gu, 8c TጽOCH « ትAOCH s ትጽ0 
ZF omits. wu omits next nine Words. SF omit. 2 reads ትሰፈዉ 
dg omits next six words. mF reads CAE a m adds hi and omits 
the precedine hot; 5 9 መ as ገሴፈው፥ 8 ወትሰፈው ያ ድዴቤፈዉ፡ 
5 ያ read ኩቱ፡ 5 reads Lh; 5 m reads HAIበAi 9 Hiበcs; iy, 
prefixes ©. 2 reads ama: / Aki 7 # reads ይትጌበፉ፣፡ ።# ትጌበር፡ 9 adds 
ወጺበማዕ 5 # reads NAW: u omits the rest of verse 11, all verse 12, and the 
first three words of 13, ® reads RFs "ZF reads mr; aHoRX, 

Bn x read ©. 5 £. Other MSS. omit, 3 Z reads ANP; 

916 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ CIT. +2 =O 

12. ተሰልአጡ፡፡ ደቤነ። ኣሰ፡ ድዴጺልእጹነ። ወ“ኣሰ፡ ድደጕዑፁ፤፡ ወ“ሲ፡ኣሰ፡ ይጺጸልጽ፤፡ “ጸትሐሕት 
ሰደ! ወጺ“ ምሕናን፡፣ 13. ፈዋ.ፎ፤፣ ንውር፡'› ኣምኔሆመሙመ፡ ከመ፡ ንገፈቋጽ፡” ወ*ናዕርፍ፡። 
ወጺ።ረክብነ;” ግበ፡ ንኮይይደ;። ወ“ንድጋን፡፡ ኣምኔሆሙ። 14. ወሰከድዴናሆሙ፡። 
Jበ፡ መሳባኣኳት፡" በምንዳቤ፤። ወ።ጸራሣኔ" ወገዐር፤” ሄበ፡ ኣሰ፡ “ዶበልዐን;። ወጽራሐሕ፡ 
ዚጸ፤፡ ጺይሬኣጻዩ፡። ወጺዴፈቅዲዱ፡ ከመ፤ ዴስምዑ፡ ቃለነ።። 15. ወሂይረድጳዎመሙ፡። ሲኣኳሰ፡ 
የሐዴዷነ፡።” ወ።ዴበልዑቱ፡።” ወ“ሃለኣሰ፡ ጽውሐሕዲዷኘ፡። ወ“የገብጹ፡ ፃፍዖፆሙመ” ወጺያወፀጹ፡ 
ሓምኔኔ፡ ጸርዑቡተመ፡። ሰጻሰ;። ዴበልዑኔ፡ ወይዘረዝፉነ፡። ወዴቁትሰሱን፡። ወየንብጽ፡ ቁትሰ፤፡ 
ወጹ“ ተዝክፉ፡ ከመ፡።” ጸንሥጵ፡። ኣደዊሆመ፡።” ሳዕሴኔ።፤“ CIV. ኣምሕል፡ ለክሙ" 
ሓስመ፡። በሰማዶዴ፡። ይዜክፉ፡። መሳኣክት፡። በኣንቲጸካሙ፡ ለሠናይዴ፡“ በ"ቅ.ፎመ፡ 

i E, deloya. 9 reads ተሰጦ: » YA: /, B-4ei0ya,s read ተሠ 
5 2, 05 read £ቤሆPa; 2, reads ይRANAAPmi ac omit next four words through 
hmt. «# B (though 9 de read ££" (0). # reads AH: ££". So also 9 save that 
it adds ይጺጸልጹ፡ before ድደ".  ሳላ0ላይ፡ ደጕኾጺኔ፡ ያ ይደደኮጽዎሙ፡ 5 0s omit. 
5 ድ reads ይጺጸእኣዎሙ፡ 7 ድ reads ጸትኝቱ፡ ያ ጸትሕቱ፡ ክሳደ sg, eBiw. mh 
apcdFsInox,a,b read መሀ 9 ምሕ  መሕርዎመ 5 mot 8 reads 
ወፈቁ". ያ ወፈቁዲኗ፡ 0 F9# B፣k. mo 8-58 read ሑር! # Ee ug. mp8 
read Y1ER: 9 ፈም: LI «u omits together with following ©. m8. 
7 reads P0C& fF O0C+; # omits next five words,  Z reads ረhቡi reads 
ዴኾኮድዩ፡ 5m, lob. 948-108 read Jድ4Yi fF REY: 1 # reads Dሰhድy: 
and omits next two words. 7 adds ወI0+፡ 15 Z reads ቢምንዳቤሆሙ 
au omits next five words, 1» # reads RCE 52. F omits this word, as we 
have seen in note 17, though it inserts it elsewhere. Other MSS. omit. NF reads 
ዴበልዕዎሙ፡ ። ዴበልሁዑ፡ = መ፻,8. ድ reads RይርAዩ፡ 9 ጴይርኣዩ፡ ያ ርኣዩ 
a omits together With next word. 5 F reads PN uu omits next three words. 
=“ g,|3. Fm read NCAANPms 9 “Mp 5 mt8. ZF reads UA: 
ፃ ይጸውዱ ያ ይዴሀይፎዎሙመ፡ 5 F reads NOP 5 በA0Y: # omits next 
two words. 7 mF omit. 5 2 reads REP 5 en omit. m 0 reads 
tIብAii " u omits next five words. = g reads RCPቶs 5m. £705 read 
Afi 9, 870 AA: The clause Of YR %” which follows shows that the words imme- 
diately following RCo; refer to the enemies of the righteous and not to the rulers. 
Hence AAA; or AA; not AA; is right. The word « rulers’ forms the subject of all the 
principal verbs. a FBIRInOX,ab. abcde read HCH: ss omits next four 
words. 5 % reads ወስዲ; 2 OY". 5 g reads ©. 5m g,l8. # reads 
ትዘክትኻካመ፡፥ ያ ተዘከርዎመ፡ / ይዜክፉ፡ ከመ፡ ። ወ oኳ!y. 5 m omits. 5 # reads 
ኣዴሆሙ፡ 0 Fu read AOL; # omits next two words. ሣ ። 3 add ጻ.ፎቃን]፤ 
5 mn reads AN; SF omits. 9 reads Rhnri n prefixes H. Sw omits next 
two words. 5 9 reads lሠS&ይi ። በሰ; AvS Ei » በበ:  u omits. 

CIV: i=y: መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛቹ፡ 517 

ስብሐቲሁ ሰዐቢዶ፡። ወ’ጸስማቲክሙ፡፡ ይጸሕፍ።፡ በቅ.ድፎመ፣ ስብሐቲሁ ሰዐቢዶ። 9 
ትሰፈዉ፡፡ ኣስመ፡ ቁዳሚ፡፣ ጋሠርካመሙ፡ በኣከድ፡ ወ“በ“መራሣ፡። ወይጻዜኒ፡ ትበርሆ፡" ከመ፤ 
ብርሃኔ” ሰማዶ፡ ትበርሆሁ፡። ወ።ችችሪረጸዩ። ወ“ኖሣተ፡።“ ሰማይ፡ ይትረኘው፡" ለከሙ። 
3. ወጽራኝ፤ ዚጸካሙ፡ ቫነኔ፡ ጽርኙ፡'፡ ወያስተርዉ፡ ለክካመ“። ጻስመ፡” ኣምኔ፤ መሳኣክነ፡ 
ዴትጋሠሥ፡። ሹሉ" ምንዳቤክመ፡ ወ“ልምሸሎመ፡ ጻሰ፡ ጸርድጻዎመ፡ ሲኳለ፤ የሀይዷክሙ። 
4. ተሰፈዉ፡ ወጺትሣፎጊ፥ ተስፋክመ፡ ኣስመ፡ ትከውን፣ ሲሰከመ፡ ፍሠሥሓ፤ ዐቢይ ከመ፡ 
መሳጻሕት፡ ሰማይዴ። 5. ምንተ ሀሰወክሙመ፡። ትግበ ጸኮ፤ ትገግብጹ፡” ሀለሰወከሙ፡ 
በዕለት፤ ሹኔኔ፡ ዐባደ፡። ወጺ“ትት'ረክበ፡። ክመ ኃጥጻን፡ ወ" ዙነኔ፡ ኣንተ፡ ለዓንሰም፡ ትከውን 
ኣምኔሕመ፡።” ሰለሹሱ፡ ተውልደ ዓለም። 6. ወይጻዜ፤፡ ጸችፍርሁ፥ ጻድቃን ሶበ፡” 
ትሬኣፎዎሙ፡ ሰጋጥጻጓን፤ ይጴንዑ፡” ወ።ይደዴለጢ፡። ፍኖተመሙ፡። ዉጸትኩቱ፡።” ሱቱ 
ምስሴሆመሙ፡ ጸሳ፡። ረሕቁ፡። ኣጻምኘፍ0፡ ዚጸሆመሙ፡። ጳስመ፡ ሰ“#ራ፤፡። ሰማይ፡ ሀለወክመሙ።" 
ችኹኩፉ፡” ሱቲፉነ።። ፣. ወ“ጻስመ፡ ትብሲ፡ “ጸንትመ፡ ጋጥጻን፡። ዚሥትሣሥመሁው፡። ወጺ“ድጽሕፉ፥“ 

1 ድ reads መላ: 5 tt, OBR omit next five words through bmt. as 
e reads Ni Ber omit. 1 m,e read AN ta; 2 Fm, 8. # reads 
ድጽሐሕፉ፡ ?7፣ ይጽሕፉ፣ ። aባዛs በሰማይ s au omits next three words, 7a 
Ba read በ#". 5 Dc omit. 5 su omits next seventeen words, 0 9,0 omit. 
uZmgL \g, Bread ብCYSY: ZF መሳANYi a. 8 omits reads YY". 
x ችትችዊዓዩ፣ ያ ትርጸዩ 4 ድ read ጋች; 5 mg FRI0b. # reads 
“Ji »nxa ረሐai In ay9cdeys it is doubtful whether it is sing. or plural. 
5 mgf 8. # reads ACH: £ ACJY: 7 omits. 5 cgFh Iya read “yur: 
0,5 Hw p; u omits next seven words and all verse 4. 1 m,sreadtt; 09 ptt: 
ng omits. AF, mg, Fn. #BJsn read 0ይ: 5 aim pe, m reads YY: 
th B-en AY: nu omits. 5 0, FDI read Aono; 24 m omits. iu omits next 

four words. 5 gy prefix H. 5 # reads DY; and omits next nine words, 
7 9, 5 read 0ቢይ፡ 5 9 reads Ch: 5 F reads AON; 0 @ omits, 
1 Zm., 9g reads ጽY0: ። omits. Other MSS. read a0; 52 mw omits. 

5 2 reads ዴሰ m PLEAD 9 RN u omits next fourteen words. Army 
# ads በፍ". 5 በፍትወቶተመ፥ Sau. § reads OK". F adds MMማሆw ©. 
25 Fm read A 7 Fm read C4; 5 rmg read LAM; IN, 
= dyagay corrupt (?) for éyyeaey (Flemming). ag reads ሓeoi Other M55. hራi— 
which may be right: cf. Luke ii. 13 (Rev. xix. 14). 40 Fr omits. gro read 
ሀለውኸመሙ፡ + BeBpox. fn trans. YY: afer rE". 2548 add it on margin. All 
other MSS. omit. The syntax requires it. reads NE". /hታ&i # Et]: 
and adds AY oy ONE MSS: omit. “reads EY DDE 
#9 read ይጽሕፍ: nu YXሕhፉi #8 AE: # omits next six words, 

9518 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛካኻ፡ CIV. y=, 

“ዙሉ ኃጋጢጸጊኝ; “ይጽሕፉ፥ ሀለዉ፡፡ ሺሎ ኃጢጸትችክመሙመ፡፡ “በዙሲሱ፡ ዕለት'።፡ 8. ወይ 
ኣዜኒ ይኔ; ጸርኣዩካመ፡። ኣስመ፡ “ብርሃን ወጽልመት “0ለት፡ ወሴሲት፡፡’ ይፌሬኣዩ" 
ሹሉ ኃጢጸትሙ፡። 0. ዉትርሥዐሁ፡"። በአብክመ“ ወጺ’“ትሐሕስዉ፡። ወጺትሚጥዩቹ" 
ሰነገረ፡ ርትዕ፡። ወጽ።“ታሕስውዩ"። ሰኔገረ፡ ቅዲስ ፀቢዶ፡"" ወጽ’ትሕስብዩ፡” ለጣዖፆትክሙመ፡ 
ሓላስመ፤ ዚከኮነት፣ ዙሱ፡” ሕሰትኻመ፡። ወሸሱ፡። ርስዓንክመ፡። ለጽ.ድቅ፣ ክሳ” ለ“ጋጢጸነ 
ዐቢዶዴ።። 10. ወይዴኣዜኒ፡ ጸ፤፡ ጻጸምርሮ፡። ሰዝ፡” ምሥመጢር፡።” ኣስመ፡። ነገረ፤ ርት'ዕ፤ 
ዴመዴደጡ፡። ወ“ዩፀልዉ፡።” ብዙሣ፡። ጋጥጻን;። ወይትናገፉ፡። ነገራ ጻኩያት፡ ወይዴሔስጪ፡ 
ወዴፈጥፉ፡ ፍጥረተ፡። ዐቢያተ” ወመጻሕፍት፡። ድዴጽሕፉ፡" ዲዷደበ፡ ነገራቲሂሆሙ፡ 1s 
ወሰበሰ;። ሹሉ። ነገራት፡። ይጽሕፉ፡። በርትዕ፡ ሄበ፡ ልሳናቲሆሙ፡ ወጽይቐልጡ፡ 
ወጺ።የሕጽፉ፡”። ኣጳምነገራቱዩ፡"“ ጸሳ፡ “ሹሎ፡ በርትዕ” ይጽሕፉ፡። ሹሎ፡" ዘቁዳሚ፡ 

my (save that # reads #:). Other MSS. ti JAY 2 #18 (save that 
/ reads ደጽሕፉi). ድ reads ስመ ሆለወ፤ ዴጺጸሕፍ፡ = ይጸሐሕፉ፡ ሀለወክሙ፥ ያ ዴጽሕፉ፡ 
ሀለዎሙ 22,0 read Wh; sm B-4F0. #9, 47/08 read "NY; 
2 # reads WN; 0AY; SF transi’after AC. 0H omit. I omits. 5 Mireadls 
በብር ወበጽል’“. ። ብርሃኔ ወጽእመት፤፡ ፡ ያዞ 8. ድያ put in acc. reads ለት 
መዓልገ፡ ወሌሲት፣ = rags ሌሲ; and omits next five words. 15 9 reads RCA: 

1.2 reas WN 5 mh B-g. £9, d read "AY 5 9 reads ርስ; 
ዕ ወጺችርሥመቡ፡ 14 mu, Be. Fg read lh". 9 YT: « ትሕስበ፡ aa, 
au omits. B reads “Pp: 15 m prefixes ©. w reads Yl; 7 w Omits next 
Sixteen words. 5 a9cek. The parallelism supports the above reading rather 

than that of Zn, 0 Yሐስውዎ፤ ድ reads ትሓስውዎ፤ Sታሐስውያዎ፤ xa Yሐስውኛ 
ታፓሕስውዎ፤ /ተጋስውዋ፤ "ያ9/ Other M55. read ወፀቢድi 2 reads Yሓስብዋ: 
ZYሐስብዎ; 7 Y4መብዋi Hence the reading in the text. But the reading represented 
by the other MSS. may be rieht. mf, 8~a9 read ሰብሐ: ("ዋ;i 0). a ሰብሐ; 
£4 #98 read #Ai mw tN; = መ reads JN". ፀረ JግጢAት". Shad. 
m9 read tN; ad WA; #gmgh Be. reads CN". e Cስ0S". 5 fF reads 
ላሰ 5 g# omit. 7 Fm, DcI0XD. hb B-BcIoxb read 0q&; i 
Other MSS. AC: 5m,» read AYE: 0 g omits. w# omits the rest of the 
verse. iF reads hi = ¢ reads LT: c ይይ #8. sg omits. 
m reads #3. EY, “Frm 0,00 read ብዙ: B-o5 ብWDY 98 

Zn read DTA e omits. 5 g reads D7 5 m reads &Més ny) 
ጥረ 5 g reads 3045 58. mg read ጻት II, 
# reads ድዴጽሕፉ፡  ይጸሐሕሩ፡ u mn reads ሰበ; au omiis. 5 ድ ሬጻs ሹሱ፡ 
rw omits. 5 a-Hu., # Bread yICt:i uYI1ራትt 4 F reads RXጽሕፍi adds 

tN: H. ። reads ዴጽሕhፉi and trans. before YI” and omits next seventeen words, 
Sg,Ph Fra. mreads PYAR: 9 £300; abcdetin0 xa P00: * reads 
ነገራት፣፡  m reads በጽ.ፎቅ፡ ወበርት'ዕ፣ ሹሉ ያ በርትዕ፤ ዙሱ፡ " ድ eas ወይጽሕፍ፡ 

5 0 omits. 

CIV. iz—CVL. 2. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኖኛኖቫ፡ 9519 

ጸስማዕኩ፡ በጻንቲጸሆሙ። 12. ወ።ኻልእጸ፡ ምሥጢረ፡፡ ጻጸምር፣ ኣስመ *“ለጻ.ሮፎቃን፡ 
ወሰጠቢባን፡። ድትወሀብ፡’ መጻሕፍታት፡" ሰፍሥሓ፡ “ወለርትዕበ፡ ወለጥበብ፡። ብዙሣ፡፡ 
13. ወሎመሙ“፣ ዴትወሀብ፡፡" መጻሕፍት’ ወጻሙንቲቱ፡" የጸምኔ፡" ቦመሪ“ ወዴትፌሥመሑ፡ 
ቦሙ ወ“ይት'በሠዩ;። ሎሙ ጻድቃኘን፤ ኣሰ; ጳምኔሆመሙመ፡፡ ጸጻመፉ፡፣ ዙሉ፡። ፍናዋች፡ 
ርት0።። ርV. በጻማንቱ፡” መዋዕል፡ ዴቤ፡ ሓጻንዚኣ፡” ይጸውዑፁ፡። ወያስምፁ፡። 
ሰውሱደ፤ ምድር። በጥበቦሙመ፡።” ጸርኣዩ፡።“ ሎሙ ጻስመ፡ ጸንትመ፥ መራሣያኒሆሙ፡። 
ወ“0ሥያት;። ደበ፤ ዙባ” ም.ድፎር። 2. ኣስመ፡ ጸኔ”" ወወልድዩ፡ ገዴመር፡። ምስሌሆሙ 
ሰዓሰም፡፤ በ“ፍናዋት፡። ርትዕ፡ በሕዴወተመ፡" ወ“ሰሳም፡። ይክውንገ፤ ሰከሙመ፡፥ ተፈሥሑ 
ውሱደ፤ ርትዕ ጸን።። 

CVI. ወጻምድሣረ፡። መዋዕል፡ ነሠመጸ፤ ወል.ፎዩ፡" ማቱሰሳ፡ CVT. Factum est au- 
ሰወልዲዱ፣ ሳሜክ; ብኣሲት፤ ወፀንሰት፥ ኣምኔሁ፡ ወወለደት፥። (“ጦ [ሩum i TCamecn 
ወልደ፡። 2. ወኮኔ፤ ሥጋሆሁ፥ ጸዓዳ ከመ፡ ጸስበሕሐትያ፡ RN 
ወ“ቁዪሕ፤” ከመ፡ ጽ፤ጌ፤ ረጃ፡ ወጻጸጕረ፤ ርኣሱቡ፡ ከመ፤ ፀምር" <i fliu(s), 2. cui oculi 
ጸዳ: ተወ“ድምድማሆሁ: ሠናይ: AOደንLሁit+= ወሰበ sunt sicut radi solis, 

1 9 reads in nom. ። 9 reads ለጠቢባን ወጻድ“., ። ለጻፎ” oኳ!y. 2a, Bas 
read "UM; af omit. ‘Ft 8-Benx. reads "EY; m,beIrnx "EY # "E15 
uw omits. ° @ trans. Fr reads DAC ATA: ። reads OAC only and omits next 
word and all verse 13 except the words AA; APP 5 reads ብዙ; i 
reads DE; srgmt 9 reads ሁብ: 8 "U0; ? mh8. #29 read &1Y: 
m adds Dra; Ri ZF adds ሰፍሥሓ፤ ወሰርት'0፡ 0 au. B reads ©. i 
reads RL sz #Z omits. 5 m omits. # g omits. 15 Im, fehsly read 
ይትሕሠዩ፡ "። reads ምስሌሆመ፥ 79,8 ያዞ ኔሪ read ጸም reads 
ዙሱ፡ 9 trans. tN; ater CY0; 5 ae omits. 0 am. m8 prefix@. = s reads 

RJዚHRብሔር: ms 8-X add ከመ a omits next two words. 52 2, cread £8. 
5g, abcdefBiRIna. #9 read EN". m omits. #, 0% read ON. 4 mn reads 
ሰብጻ፤ „ድ adds ኣስመ፤ 5 # omits next two Words. 0 B~a., Fmt a read 

RCAE; 9 ACAI 7 9 reads pራሒLPs wu omits next four words. =r. 
mf @céጀFhkiIn,a read 0v2Y; 92x 0%Yi 05 Rw: PPD OENIB SX 
mgt Fsi0,ay read tt; 0 m adds ጽብብ: u mg. Zig read JC: 
5 Zn read &Pt; 3 2 reads ሰAan; and trans. after Ana; I MD 
read በRNማYi 9 adds yi Z9/።u add as a superscription Yi +o: 4 
® m adds ብዙ: 9 reads NA: 1 9, a/05xyy read ABH: = m adds ምሁ 
Su. bnx ይሕ: Other M55. ቁይ; 40 s# omits next four words. yy, 
omit, 5 The second reference to Noah's hair in £P" is corrupt. wé&i is like- 
wise corrupt for BA; See verses 5, io. Hence 1 restore the text as follows: hap; 
Aleሆ;i Agሓደ;i ROY". So Lat. oculi sicut radi solis. I should add that #, 8 add 
© before wé Pi against £,g mg and that #9 add © before RORY against g my, 8. 

$50 መጽጠፈ፡ ሃዛኛኻ፡ 

ክሠገ፡ ጸዕዶንቲሁ፡ ጸብርሀ፡ “ሹሉ፡ ቤገ፡፡ ከመ፡ ፀሓዶዴ፡ 
ወ'ፈ.ፎፉደ፡ በርሀ፡ “ሹሱ፡ ቤት ።፡ 3. ወሰቤሃ፡፡ ትንሥይ፡ 
ኣምኣዴሃ። ለመውሰለዷት፡። ወ’ከሠገ፣ ጸፉሆ፡ ተወችፍገረ፡" 
ሰ“ኣንዚክ፡ ጽፎቅ።” 4. ወፈርሀ፡ ሳ"ጃሕክ፡ ጸቡሁ፡። ኣምኔሆ፡ 
ወኾኮዩ፡ ወመጽጸ፡ ኘJበ; ጸቡሀሁ፥ ማቱሳሳ። 5. ወይቤሉ አሄ 
ወሲ.ፎኩ፡ ወልደ;። ውሱጠ፡፡ ወ“ዚኮኔ፡ ከመ፤ ሰብኳ፡ ወ“ድይመ 
ስል፡ .ደቁቁ፡ መሳኣክተ፡ ሰማሣይ፤ ወፍጥረቱ፡ ካልኣት ወ“ጺከኮ፤፡ 
ከማ ወጸዕደንቲሆ፡ ክከመ፡ ኣገሪሆ፡ ሲፀሓደ፡ ገፉ" ስቡሕ። 
6. ወደመስሰኒ፡ ከመ ጺከኮኔ፡ ኣምኔዩ፡ ጸሳ፡ ኣመሳኣኳቫ፡ ውጻቱ፡ 
ወኣፈርህ፡ ከመ፡ ዚዶትገበር፡ መንካር፡ በመየዕሲሆ፣፥ ዲበ 
መድር 7. ወደኣዜኒ፡ ሀለውኩ፥ ጸቡዩ፡ ጻስትበፉ0ክ፡” 
ወኣስኣል፡ ኣምንቤክ፡ ከመ፡ ቸሖር፡” ኘግበ፡ *ሃኖክ፡ ጸበ፤፡” 
ወ“ትስማዕ፡። ኣምኘቤሆ፡ ጸማነ፡። ኣስመ፡ ውኣቱ። ምስለ፡ 
መሳ ምንባፉ።። 8. ወሶበ፡ ሰምፀዐ፡ ማቱሳላ ሃገረ 
ወልዱ” መጽክ፡ ግቤየ፡ ውካተ፡ ጸጽኝፈ፡ ምድፎር፡ ጻስመ 
ሰምዐ; ክመ *ህ፻; ሀለውኩ ወጸርኝ፡ ወሰማዕኩ፥ ቃሉ፤። 
ወመጻኣኩ፡ ንቤሆ፡ ወኣቤሉ፡ ናሆ፤ ሀሰውኩ፡ ወል.ፎዩ፡ ተጻስመ፤። 
መጻጻከ፡ ንቤዩ። 9. ወጸውሥጸኒ፡ ወይቤ; በኣንት፡ “ጻህቅ፡ 
ዐቢይ;። መጻኣኩ፡ ንቤክ፡ ወበኣኳንነ፣ ራጻይ፤ ዕፁብ፡ በዘ፡። 

mga. #4, B read RACY: 
ቤ1፡ 5 ችላ; ቤት፤ ። omits next six words. 
generally. Other MSS. gh; “2 omits. 
PY ‘2. Other MSS. ሰ; 
s 9. ድ reads ለመወሲድ.ያት፣  ጳጸመወልፉት 
2 £. Other MSS. omit. in s# omits. ## reads YI¢i YIC; 
TOI; = oravit. 
ኣግዚጸብሔር፡ ጽፎቁ፡ 
of ver. 21. 
last three words of verse 11. 5 0 reads tk; 
Other MSS. omit. 52g. mn reads H. wm AAU. 
and trans. ይመስል; after ሰማ; 

® F omits. 5 2 prefixes ©. 06 prefix ©. 
5 መ reads ኖክ; ጸቡከ፡ ድ ጸቡ ሃኖኻ፡ = ድ reads ትስምዕበ፡ 
ላሙ 5 ድ reas ንብረቱ፡ / መንበፉ፡ 25 adds ABH; 

5 reads Ph; 3 = Bure corrupt for ga Ti. 
Hence read ቢAንY; ምንት; an 9, % real BRL: 
ዐባይ; {or ዐቢድዴ፤ ደ reads ጻህቀ፡ 0ዐቢ፤፡ 5 11ር፡ ዐቢዶ፡ 

CVI. 2-9. 

capilli autem eius can- 
(di)diores in septies nive, 
corpori autem eius nemo 
hominum potest intueri. 1 
3. et surexit inter manus 
obstetricis suae et adora- 
vit dominum viventem in 
secula rIaudavit.1 4, et 
timuit Lamech, 6. ne 
non ex eo natus esset 
nisi nontius del, 4, 5. et 
venit ad patrem suum 
Mathusalem et narravit 
illi omnia. 7. dixit Ma- 
thusalem: Ego autem 
non possum scire nisi 
eamus ad patrem nos- 
trum Enoc. 8. quum 
autem vidit Enoc filium 
suum Mathusalem veni- 
entem ad se, [et] ait: 

2 9. ድ reads tሱ፡ ቤ1፡ ደ ቫሉ ፣ሃ። ዙሴ፡ 
B omits next two words, 
5 mgt8. #F reads ti @Y; 
7 ድ reads ኣምውስተ፣ ኣዴሃ፡  ልምኔሆ፡ 

፤ ለመወለ". 

sr and s0 

# ለመዋሲ’ 8 ለመወል. 

+S" is possibly corrupt for 
Cf Latin in ver. 11 or "JH; = adoravit:; cf. Sr. 1. 27. 

1 me reads 

f omits verses 4~1x with the exception of the last three words 
iz u omits rest of verse 4 and verses 5-11 with the exception of the 
4 F reads tEi 
bcdgn read RA 

fh aéeFhIRIowab omit. 

nS Fr 
ጃ እጸሳ፡ ከመ 
7 2 reads nA: 

nest ik. Other MSS. YC 

#7 BcnX trans. 

C{. Lat. « quid est quod venisti? 
51 Fmt, Save that # reads 
55 m reads LH: 

w omits, 

CVI. g=14. መጽሐፈፉ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 

ዋረብኩ። 10. ወይጻዜኒ፡። ጸቡዩ፣ ስምዐኒ ኣስመ፡ 
ችወልደ። ሰ“ሳሕ፡፡ ወል.ፎዩ፡ ወልድ፡’ “*ወጺኮ፤፡ ዘጸምሳሰሱ፡፡ 
ወፍጥረፒቱ፡ ጺከኮኔ፣ ከመ፡ ፍጥረት፤ ሰብኣኳ፡ ወሣብፉ፡፡ ድዶጸዐዲኗ 
ጻምጸስጋኃት.ያ፤ ወ“ዴቁይዴሕ፡’ ኣምጽጌ፡ ረዳ ወጻጸቱረ፡ ርኣሰ፡ 
ዶጻ0ዲ፡ ኣምፀምር፡ ጸ0ዳ፤ ወ"ጸዕዶንቲሆሁ፡ ከመ ኣገሪሃ፡ 
ሰፀሓደ፡ ወ“ከሠት፤። ጸዕዴንቲሆሁ፤ ወ’ጸብርሀ፡። ችሉ ቤት።። 
11. ወችገንሥመጸ፡ ውስት; ጻዴሃ፡ ሲ“መውለኗት፡" ወፈትሐ፤። 
ጸፉሆሁ፡ ወባረከ ሰጻኘዚጸ፡ ሰማይዴ።” 15. ወፈርሀ፡ “ጸቡሁሆ፡ 
ሰ; ወጕኮዩ;። ሣቤዩ;።” ወጺጸም፤፤ ከመ ኣምኔሆሁ፡ ውኣቲቱ፡ 
ጸሳ፡ አምሰ ኣመሳባኳኳተ፡ ሰማድዴ፤ ወናሆ፡ መጻኣኩ፤ ገቤክ፡። 
ከመ? ታዴይ.ፎበኒ፤ ጽፎቀ።።” 13. ወ“ጸውሣኣኩ፡። ይሃ ሄኖሕ፡ 
ወጻቤሉ፡;። ይደኔፎስ፤ ኣፃዚኳኣ፡” ንዲሰተቱ፡።” ዲጁበ፡ ምድር 
ወዘንተ፤ “ወዳጻኩ፥ ርጺኩ፡። በ“ራጸይ፡ ወ“ጸይዳዕኩክ፡ ኣስመ፡ 
በቸውልዲዷኗ፡። ሰዚያሬጥ፡። ጸቡዩ;። ጸሣለፉ፡። ኔገር፡ ለጻግዚኣዩ፡። 
ሓጻመልዕልት፡” ሰማይ። 14. ወነዮመ፡። “ይገብፉኗ፤ Jገጢጸተ፡ 
ወየኝገልፉ፡" ሥመርዐገ፥ ወ።“ምስሰ፡ ጸንስገ፥ ተደመፉ፡ ወ“ምስ 
ሴሆን፡ ይገብፉ፡ ጋጢጸት፡ ወጸውሰቡ፡ ኣምኔሆኝ፡።” ወጻምኔሆን፤። 

፡ መ aባd ስምዓኒ 

+ 0p read AY; 2 #, vy read DAE: 


i# omits next Word. = me omits, 

2,5 read Dጺhy; ምሰ: 


uid est quod venisti ad 
mes natek :9:, dix, 10% 
Ouod natus est filio suo 
‘nomine1 Lamech (filius) 
cui oculi sunt sicut radi 
solis, capillils] eius candi- 
diores septies nive, cor- 
pori autem eius tnemo 
hominum potest intueri, 1 
11, et surexit inter ma- 
nus obstetricis suae 1ea- 
dem hora, qua procidit de 
utero matrissuae, (et) ora- 
vit1dominum Viventem in 
secula et laudavit. 12, 
et timuit Lamech. 13. 
et dixit Enoc: Nontia- 

tum est mihi, "fil, 1 quia 

5 m adds Ana; 

b B~a Hዘጺኮኔ፡ ጸም . TNE I BORIC 5 reads 4ብረi JU; 2 omits. 
i0 # omits. um. 2,8 read AIéሆ; 5 m reads MY; Sm. 2B read 
ጸብርሃ፡ erm, B-Bceloxb. BceloxB read WA: 5 greads Vሲችi ny 

adqf/ Bik 0,a8. 8g bees read AምውስY 
15 mm adds ውስት 
omits next thirteen words. 

adfF hin» read AR. 

7 £. reads mOAXY; m8 moNXY: 
2 With this word 9 s# resume after their long omissions. 

img Bcerloxy (ABU: xD). 
= For the next five words mu reads hpi Ay; NE: 

20 gé 

#Z reads ABN; 

ሓኣሰ፡ ጸመ 3 9 reads Jy; #ያFያm,}. 9 Bh read RምሰN 5 2 omits. 
25 9 omits next three words. 7 m reads ROIAMP; 5 aw omits. 5 0 read 
ኣገዚጸብሔር 0 dg reads hዳሰYi wu omits. a # omits next five words. 

ShIROBwWy., 2 reads CAS mg, abc geF8Inx D8 DC. 

መ ቤች፡ ውዱ 
5 g omits, s# omits next eight words. 
SF, Petinak my abcdg#ox read AAJHA: » AAJHA: 
0 wu reads DYNA; 1” J and omits 
1 q omits. 

[Ly Srp B-abcx. 
Srru. Other MSS. Pe: 
ጸግልፉ፡ ያ ጸገልፍ፡ 
5 ረይ read መልፀልገ፡ ። መሳጻክት፡ 
next seven words. For tJ 57 reads ሐል: 

read © only. dg omits. X trans. AFP" after DA. 

'Z reads ትው". 

5 reads AR: 
ፀዕረቷ ትውልዲ 

7 m reads 


9595 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ 

ወሰዱ፤ ፎደቁቀ። 15. “ወሐቱል፡ ዐቢይ ይከውን ዲጁበ፡ 
ዙሱ፡፡ ምፎር፡ ወማዩ፡ ጸዴፎግሣ፡፡ ይከውን፡። ወ።“ሕኾል፡ ዐቢዶ፡፡ 
በ“።ጸሐዷኗ፡፣ ዓመትች። 16. ወፆይከውን። “"ዝሽውልቱ፡ ወልድ" 
ዘተወልደ ሲከካመ። ውጻቱ።። ዶትርፍ፡። ዲጃበ፡ ምድር 
ወሠሰስቱ፡ ደቁ ይድሣኒ፡ ምስሴሆ፡። ሶበ፡ ይመውቱ 
ሸሱ፡ ሰብኳ፡ ዘቷደበ፡። ምድር፡ ይድፎሣን፤ ውኣቱ፡ ወደቁቁ።፣ 
17. ወ“ድዴወልዲዱ፥ ዷበ፡ ም.ፎር፣ ኣሰ፡ ያርብሣ፤ ጸኮ፤ ዘመንፈስ 
ጸሳ፡ ዘሥጋ፤ ወዴከውን፡ “መቅሠፍ፣ ዐቢዴ፡" ጁበ፡ ምድር” 
ወችች'ኝፀብ፣ ም.ድር፡ ኣም“ሱ፡፡ ሙስና። 18. “DEAL: 
ጸዴ.ፎዐ፡። ሲወልፎክ፣ ሳ’ካ፡ ኣስመ፡ ዘተትወልደ፡ ወልዱ፤። 
ውጸቲቱ፡፡ በጽፎቅ፡። ወ።ጺጸውዕ፡። ስሞ፣፤ ኖሣ፤ ኣስመ፡ ውኣቱ 
ዴደክውን፣፡ ለከመ፡። ተራፈፌ፡። ወ።ውኣቲቱ፡ ወደቁቁ፡ ይፎሣፉ፤። 
ኣሙበስና፤ ኣንተ ትመጽኣ፡ ዷበ፡ ም.ፎር፡። ምሱ” ኃጢጸት።” 
ወኣምች፡። ዓመዛ;። ኣንት፤ ሀለወኝ፣። ቫችፌጺጸም፡። *ጁበ፡ 
መድር፡። በመዋዕሲሆ። 

CVI. I4—CV IH. 1, 

Tpost quingentos annos 1 
15. mittet deus catacli- 
smum adquae, ut deleat 
Tomnem creaturam! XL 
(diebus sicuty ostendit 
16. et 
erunt illi tres filii, tet 

oculis nostris. 

erunt nomina filiorum 
eius Sem Cham Jafeth,! 
18. et ipse vocabitur Noe, 
{gui interpretatur requies, 
quia requiem prestabit 
in archam, 

19. ወጻም.ድሣረዝ፡ ትክውን፡። ዓመዛባ፡ ፈድፋደ” ኣምልጻንጊ 

ትፈጸመገ፡ ቁዋዳሚ፡። “ደበ; ምድር፡። “ኣስመ፤ ጸጸምር፡ ምሥጢራት፣ ቅዲሳን" ኣስመ፡ 

ውቲ; ልፃዚኳ፤“ ጸርጸዩ፤፡ ወጸዴ.ፎ0ኒ፡፡ ወ።በጻፍጸፈ፡ ሰማይዶ ጸንበብኩ። 

፤ .# rcads ሐቶሰ፡ ዐቢዩ፡ ያ ወኘኝጕቡዙ፡ ዐቢዩ 
hmt., a# omits next three words + ©. 
and omits next three words. 


“ € omits next Six words through 
5 £,eB8n omit. 
? # aባd5 ፉበ፡ ሱ፣ ምድር 

+ # reads በoyt; NE 
5 g reads "EG 

ያሕል ‘2 omits. Sg,0. Other MSS. omit. 5 su omits. 0 Pg, 
Z reads Wውaቱ:i Hoi Hi « Hoke: u F reads Hog: # omits. 
15 sé omits next two words. 15 # omits next eighteen Words. UNE By 

rad መው 5 0 reads £0; 
7 omits the next three words. 
omit. SFB. mu,oy omit ቢይ: 
0 # adds ይከውን 1 # reads AED: 

5 mgf,8. gu read AY; 1 XY; 
ዴወጽል፡ 5 0 omits. 5g. 2 reads Yo&; 
ግ # reads ይድ =! agds ምሱ ©. 
1 9 reads PR: # ወድhውንi am. 
5 mh B. #reads 0NAወትi £ 0Aውጓ፡ 5 0ሰወነ 
after PEC), B~-eo. #9, e0 read "A; 
words throueh hmt. 5 2 reads hk; 
Z omits. 5 /reads £ቤሆPa. 

3 a omits. 

0 9 reads pዱሰሄ፡ ። በመዋዕሲሆ፡ 

5 Fig omit next six words through hmt. 
7% ads ነብፉ፣ ዲበ ምድር 
#9 put in acc. 
= mf, B, gw read AE: £ eh: 
u omits next eight words. 
mg, 8 ትረፈ፡ 
5 aw prefix ©. 
25 @ reads Si wu omits next ten words. 
A Fm (save that m trans. TY, 
5 a adds በ0ፀመd፡ 

iu omits next two Words. 

= » reads 
f reads ችራ 
0 w reads ዓqa0d; 

F omits next ten 
8 m trans. after PES 
4 2m omit. 

CVII. r—CVILUL. 3. መጽሐፈ፡ ህኖ 993 

ጽሑፈ፡ በ'ሳዕሴሆሙ፡።፡ ጻስመ፤ ትውልደ ጳምትውልድ፣ ትጴብስ፡ ኣስከ ችገንሣኣ፡፣ 
ቸውልደ፡ ጽፎቅ፡፡ ወጸበሳ፡። ትትሐጐል፡ ወሣጢጸት፡ ትትለሰሐስ፡፡ ኣምደበ፡ ምድር 
ወዙሲ፡ ሠናይ; ይመጽልኳ፡ ዲጁቤሃ።። 2. ወይኣጻዜኒ፡። ወልእድፎዩ፤ ውር” ጸይፎያ 
ሰ“ወልድክ፡ ባሕ“ ኣጳስመ፡ ዝወልፎ፡" ዘተወልደ" ወልደ፡ ዚጸሆሁ፡ ውኣጻቲቱ፡ ጸማን፡" 
ወጺከኮኔ፡ ሕሰተ። 3. ወ“ቦበ፡;። ሰምበ፤ ማቱሰሳ፤ ነገረ; ጸቡሆ፥ ሃኖሕ፤ ኣስመ፡"፡ በሣቡልኣ፡” 
ጸርጸዩ፡። “ዙሉ፡ ፃብረ፡ ወገብጸ፡ ወጸርጸዩ። ወሰመዩ;። ስሞ፤ ሰ“ዝኩ፡። ወል.ፎ፡ ኖሣ፤ ኣስመ; 
ውቲ” ተያስተፌሥሓ፡። ሰሲም.ፎር፡ ኣምሹሲ፥ ሕኾላ።። CVIIL. nai” ጽሐé;” 
ዘጻሐፈ፡ ሄኖኳ፡ ሰወልዲ፡ ማቱሳሳ፡ ወ“ለጻሰ።” ይመጽጹ፡ ጳምድሣሬሆ፡ ወ።ና3ንቅቡ፡። 
ሥርዐች፡። በደጋሪ፤ መዋዕል። 2. ኣሰ፡ ገበርክመ፡ ሠሪዩ;። ችጸንሑ፡። ሲኣሉ፡። መዋዕል 
ኣስከ“ ይችትፌፊጸመ፡። ኣሰ፡ ይገብፉ፣ ሓጳኩዩ፡ ወዶትፌጸም፡። “ጋይሎመ፡ ለመጸብሳን።። 
3. ወ“"ጸንትሙበሰ፤ ጽንሑ ኣስከ፡ ትሐልፍ። ጋኃጢጸት፡። ኣስመ፤ ሀሉ ስሞሙ” ይደመሰስ፡። 
“ኣመጽሕሐፈ፡ ሕይወት፡ ወ“ “አመጻሕፍት፡ ቅዲሳን“ ወዘርጸመ፡፥ ዴይትሐሕጕኮል፡ ሰዓሰም፡ 

1 0D omit. = mw omits next four words. * # reads TOA! ‘BR 
Zim? read AN: uD. 5 # reads YR; u trans. after ጽEY: 5 0B read 
ጻድቃን 7 # omits next two words. 5 dg omits. SFR FBIRInDv wa 
(save that 2 reads YA"). 9/5, apcdgeoxy read YY; wu omits next six words. 
1 e omits. u a trans. RRA; before ft; Zp read RR”. » F reads 
ደበ፡ ምድር SFZ/u. mg,Bread Ci x prefixes wFሰላ; 1 etrans. w omits 
next six words. 5 mg B~a. # reads HOE: s VoA.Ehi a ከመዝ: a ho: 
ወልኢፎ፣ ውጻቲ፡ ወወልእፎ፡ i5 72 omits. 7 w reads DAY: ax 0A. 5 2 reads 
ኻካ0በ፡ 15 g reads hm; 0 a. B reads HAA: 1 £ omits. # omits next four 
words. = ‘This is the text of # save that it has compressed Ae; PIAA; into 
ንብርጸ፡ ኣያ reads ሹሉ 7ብረ፡ / 9/0 x5 ሹሉ ብረ፡ ወገብጸ፡ ርጺየዩ፣ ሪ/5፣ቋ።a 
#" (a omits) 3" ወርAFi 1ብጸ፡ a rans. C" 1. m yገሮ፤ ሹሎ: ገብጸ፤ ወጸርRዮ; 
g WN; only. 35 FmIH FBR, Zu, B#Bs8 read ሰመ; «# omits next word. 
i a-gu, cdIFBERInoak. gu, abpw read A: e HN. =“ ¢ agds ድሣኖ: ©. 
25 mp8. #Zgw read Ph". Corrupt for YIM; = Biayaraves as in LXX (or 
perhaps dvayiéet = "3". Our text had thus a paronomasia on the name Noah (3). 
7 mu. 98 read hkል 5 2 prefixes ©. 5m adds Hy; 0 g reads 
AA (sic). 1 Z reads POY; 5 a omits next eight words. EN PO iey 
MSS. omit. ያያ. መ reads ትጽንጤ፡፥ / 9 ወትጸ". 5g. m reads AH: 
Other MSS. በat፡ 56 # reads DAaNh: 7 wk. gFmiread "Am; 9 "Rm 
5,8, #9 read AY". mm ወሰደት". / ይት". # omits together with next 
two words. % aD trans. n a. B omits. uF reads ThA = s omits. 
u omits next eleven words. 3 e,a% trans. after RE. ያያ B-aF 
መ reads ይደምስስ፡ 9, a/rx ዴደምሰስ: 5 ድ. 9% read ጳመጻሕፍተ፡ 
(ጸመጽሐሕፈ፡ ኋ) ሕያዋን ።፣ ኣአመጽሕፍ፤ ወ. Bx omit. 15 mg (save that for 
ቅዱሰን / reads ቅዲሰት፥), ፡.ይ. ርር ci. 2. ድ reads መጽሐፈ ቅዱስ፡ ያ ጳጻመጻሕፍ1 
ቅዲሰት፡ ፀ-*፣ +8 ጸመጻሕፍት፣ ቅዲኗሳን፡ ("ሰት ቃን). ፣ጻጸመጽሐፈ፡ ቐዱዷሰን፤፡ + ቅፎሳን፡ 

524 መጽሐፈፊ፡ ዛኛኻ፡ CNVIII. 3-17, 

ወ“መንፈሰቲሆመ፡፡ ይትቁተሱ፡፡ ወይጺጸርኙ፤፥ ወየጸወድጢ፡ በመኻካኔ፡ በድው ዘጺያስተርጺ፡" 
ወ።“በጻሰት፡ }.ፎ፡፡ ጳስመ፡ ጺሀሉ፡ ህዩ፡ ምድፎር።፣ 4. ወ።ርጺኩ፡፣ በህየ? ከመ፤ ደመና" 
ዘጺይትረጸዴ፡" ኣስመ፡። ኣምዕመቁ፡። ዚኳህልኩ፡'፡ 1ተሳዕሰ፡ ነጽሮተ" ወ“ላህበ፡ ኣሳት፡" 
ርጺኩ፡። “ኣንዘ፡ ይነፎዶ፡" ስቡሕ፤ ወ“ዶተክበቡ፡” ከመ፡ ጸፎባር፡ ስሓን; ወዴት ሀወኩ፡ 
ሰፊ፡ ወሰፌ። 5. ወ።ችስጻልሕዎ፡ ሰሄጀ።ጻመሳባኣኻት፡ ቐዱሰን፡። ኣሰ፡ ምስሴዩ፡ ወኣቤሉ፡፡ 
“መንት፡ ውኣቲቱ፡። ዝስቡሕ፡” ኣስመ፡ “ዚኮ ሰማዩ; ጸሳ፡። ላሳህበ፡ ኣሳነ፡ “ባሕቲቱ 
ዘደነፎፎ፡። ወቃሰ፡ “ብካይ፡ ወጽራሕ፡” ወጸውያት፡። ወ።ሕማም፡ ንል” 6. ወዶቤሰ፤፡ 
ዝንቱ” መኣኳኘ፡ ዘትሬx፡ በህዩ፡። ዴትወደዩ።። መናፍስተ ኃጥጻን;። ወጽፉፋን፡ ወላሰ፡ 
ዴገብሩ፡ ኣኩዩ፡ ወኣሰ፡ ደመይደጠ፡ “ሹሉ ዘ’ሣገረ፡። ኣፃግዚኣ፡። በጸፈ፡። ነቢያት” ኣሰ” 
ሀሰዉ፡" ዙሱ፡። ዴሻገበፉ።። 7. ኣስመ፡። ሀለዉ፤ ኣምኔሆመ፡። ጽሑፉን ወልኩዓን፡ 

1 ያመ. ድ reads 1EሰL". 9/5, 8 መSፍስቲ". 2m, 8, # reads ድች", 
/ይትሕጕሴሱ፡ ወዴደትቁ". ።, / ይትሕፐኮል፡ ("ኮቤ dh ) which # trans. before mS”. i 
reads Yi u omits next seven words. = Gdparoe which is the LXX rendering 
of nn in Gen. i. 2, The rendering of na (Gen, i. 2) is found twice in xxi. 1, 2 (see 
Greek). 5 Emended from ANY; 1&5 which is the reading of all the MSS. save 
g, apc%. 9 emends into በa}Y; 1&5 and a pc x into ቢኣaሰYi LEA: The following 
clause AN; RUN; &c. shows that the preceding words ANY; 1ዲ.5 constitute a further 
description of the place of punishment. This chaotic flaming hell is beyond the confines 
of the earth. See xviii. 12; Xx, 1, 2. 5 reads AAO: 2 UN; 7 2 reads nei 
5 a trans, after (Ut; ay, OFBIRInvXa. bcde read Vi 9, 05 omit. 
10 9 reads በደyS; 1 The fact that we have HANTCA; eleven words before 
implies that there was here a different word in the Greek — probably oy Stacpayés. 
aw omits the negative in this word and next five words. 52 omits. a reads ©. 
5 ድ reads ምብዝኝ፡ የመቁ፡ ያ ኣመዐቱ # 2 prefixes ©. 5 e trans. [ have 
obelized the words as corrupt. They give no intelligible sense. They may be 
a corruption of AYA: JRC: = eireiy rijy mepoxilv airot, or for AOASUW: 1ጽC: 
15 Zn omit, Tzu. Other MSS. ANE: s & omits. 5 u reads HPiድE: 
and omits next five words. 9 # reads ድብ 2 0 reads ስቡሕ፤ = g reads 
ትስጻልኩ፡ 5 w omits. F reads ስሓ 4 au reads YY; iis: 
Zm read Hስሕi #£ Hh: (sic). 25 su omits. 7 w, dg omit, 0 
apcdgsloxas. #Z reads REE: በቶች: mu read HErE.E:i “Fhtnv HAY 
ባሕቲ a. B trans. mg trans. a reads hy; x a reads 'H. x Hh 
5 Fgu read Vt: Smt. £9gu read RትወNዲ: # au omits next four Words. 
5 miu, 8. eg read IA; 5 au. B reads AJHAብሔC: # omits together 

with next word. 7 ድ reads በ2 Sex read iቢEWi # omits next four words. 
5 F reads H. o 2 reads UN; and trans. after YI. 9 omits next four words 
through hmt. um. Fiያread WN Other MSS. omit. 5 ድ reads &Y'I10C: 
and trans. before WN: See note 40. 5 wu omits next two Words. # F reads 


CVIIL, y=. መጽሐፈ፡ ዛና 9555 

።ሰዕለ፡ በ'ሰማይ፡ ከመ፡ ያንብብዎሙ፡፡ መሳኣኳት'፡ ወያልኳምፉ፡፡ ዘሀሉ፡ ዴብጽሑሖሙ፡፡ ሲ'ጋጥጳኝ፡ 
ወለመናፍስት፡፡ ትኙታኘን፡ ወኣሰ፡ ጸሕመመሙመ፡።፣ ሥጋሆመ“፡፣ ወተፈድዩ፣ በንበ፡’ ጸመላሳኳ፤ 
ወሰ; ግሥ “ኣምልኩያን፣ ሰብኳ፤። 8. ኣሰ፡ ያፈቅርዎ; ሰጸምላካ፣፡ ወ“ዚወርቁ፡ 
ወጺብፉሪረ፡ ጸፍቁሩ፡። ወጺ“ችሉ፡ ሠናዩ፡'፡ ዘውስተ ዓሰም፤ ጸሳ፡" ወሀበ ሥጋሆሙ ሰጻዕር። 
9. ኣሰ;። ልምጸመ፤ ኮኒ፡ ዚ“ፈትዉ፡"” መባልዕ1፡ ዘ።ውስተ፡”" መምድር፡ ጸላሳ። ረሰዩ፤ 
ንፍስተመ፡። ከመ፤ “መንፈስ፡ ኣንተ፡፡ ተሕልፍ” ወዘን1፡ 0ቀቡ፡ ወ“ብዙጋኃ;። ጸመከሮመሙመ፡። 
ሓፃዚኣ፡፡ ወ“ተረካበ፡። መንፈሳቲሆመ፡።” ንጽሕ” ከመ፡ ዴይባርክዎ፡” ሰስሙ። 10. 
ወሉ” በረከተመ፡ ነገርኩ፡ በመጻሕፍት” ወ“ዐሰዮመሙ፡። ሰጸርኣጻስቲሆሙ፡። “ጻስመ፤ 
ኣሱ; ተረካቡ፡። ያፈቅርዎ; ለሰማይ፡ ኣምጻስትንፉሰሙመ፡። ዘበ።ዓሰም፤ ወኣገዘ፣ ዴትክየዱ፤" 
ኣምኣኩያን፡ ሰብኳ፡ ወሰምዑ" ኣምኘንቤሆመ፡ “ትዕዴርተ፡ ወጽርፈተ፡" ወ“ሣሠሥፉ፡። ልንዚ፤ 
ይበርኩ“ኒ፡።“ 11. ወይኣዜኒ፡። ኣጴውዕ፡ መናፍስቲሆመ፡ ሰሄራን፡ “ኣምት ውልፎ፣ አንተ“ 

፡ 2 rads ሳ0ሲ፡ ውስተ፡ ። ሀለሰዉ፡ ሳዕሲ፡ 2 my, B. Z,Z9u read ያYብCርዎn:; 
5 wu omits. ‘Ft B-coy. mg coh read 0X. 5 2 omits. SeFhRInx,a 
read AS ENY; # omits with next word. 7 9 reads hw s wu omits next 
four words. 22. m reads Nm; 9/, 47 5i8In0py,a8 £0; “AX: ayex 
ኣምኝበ፡ "reads AለY፡ reads ሐሰረ፡ ።# OJስፉ፡ = 2 reads 030i ኣኩ” 
ሰ". reads AምNብAi AW" and omits next three Words. 5 a~, cFBIRnopywya. 
{reads “pi abpdex read REC: ag. #8 omit, 5 mg. tw, 
adeFhihIx,a read REY: #,c4n0y9 RY: trans. Re" before CY; 
aw omits next four words. 5p. Z9 read fiw. FnWhN: wa]; pi) 
abpcefPnx, gh dFhsRgpኮopyay read AA 9 omits. 5 9. 2 reads AA: 
mfAat;i uD. 7 AN; B PAA u omits next two words. 15 0 reads ትፈት 
0 # reads 0. “mi, 8A. ZZ, read AA =e. # reads: Other MSS. 
ርኣስሙ፥ 2መ9።. ደ read ትሐልፍ፡ ። የሐልእፍ፡ 8-። Jለፈት፡ = omits next five 
words. “mB. #9 read ብW4: £ በብWY: ” 9 reads RመhርPs "8,5 read 
ላJዚአጸብሔር፡ 9 omits. 7 9,6 ድድ ead ትረኻበ፡ / ዚረካበ፡ ። ተረክባ፡ 
ሃ። ረኻበ፡ Smt bce/Bigox kL. #9, adina read መeS&hስt". 5 a~g# 
ፃ reads Jጽሕት'፣ / 5 በንጽሕ፤፡ ” 9/። read ይባርኩ: = 29 read ti = ms reads 
በመጻሕፍቲሆ; and trans. after 0b fa see note 33. ad read በመጽ@hé:; # omits 
next two words. S29/, 8B. ig reads qtr m reads Otis = ms prefixes ©. 
{1 writes ENE; above RC. 5 £9/u,l8. £ reads AA » hi Aa: ¢ adds 
AaንH: adds ኣሰ 57 e reads 6". 55 m reads NIX: ፍሰ For A 
% reads ምስለ 2. All other MSS. HA. 0 9 reads ት Nt.E: an s# omits 
next two words + ©. Better read ዴሰ; = ድ reads ትፀበድርታት፣ ወጽርፈፓታ፡ 
at omits next three words. 5 read JAE: Better read tI; and omit next 
word, or read with 94. S gomit. Here #Z ends. 5 5 omits. 5 mg (save 
that 9 reads ትው) /, 8, # reads ትውል: AH: ። OAትውAE: 


996 መጽሐፈ፡ ዛኛ፡ CVIIL. 2-15. 

ብርሃን፡ ወጻቐልጥ። ሰኣጻለ፤ ተወልዱዷ፡ በጽልመት ኣሰ፡ በሥጋሆሙመ፡፡ ጽተፈድፎዩ።፡ ብረ 
ከመ፡፡ ይዴደሱ፡ ሰሃዴማኖተሙ። 12. ወ።ጸወፀጸሙ፡፡ በብፉህ፡፡ ብርሃን። ለኣሰ፡ 
ጸፍቅርዎ። ለስምዩ፡ ቅዷስ፤ ወጓነብር፡ “ጸሐደ፡ ጸሐዶደ፡፡ ውስ1፡ መንበረ፡" ሕክብረ፡፤ ዚጸሆሁ። 
19. ወ“ይትወሕሐውሑ፡” በ“ጸዝማኘን፡ ዘ“ጸልቦ፡" ጐልቁ፡" ኣስመ፡ ጽድቅ ሹነኔሆሁ፣ ሰጸምላሳሕ፡ 
ሓስመ፡ ሲመሃይምሪን፣፡ ሃይዴይማኖት፡ ዶሁብ፡፡ “በማሣ.ደረ፡ ፍናዋተ፡ ርትዕ።" 14. D“ ይመ 
ጓደዎሙመሙ፡'፣ ሲኣሰ፡ ተወልዲዷ፡። በጽልመት" ዴትወደዩ፡” በጽልመት" “ልገዘ፡ ዴትወሐውሑ፡ 
ጻድቃን 15. ወዴጻርኙ፡። ወ።ይሔሬሮኣጸይዎመ፡።” ኃጋጥጻን፡ ኣንዘ፡። ይትወሐውሑ፡” 
ወናሐውፉ፣ ኣሙንቱ።፤;። በኘበ;። ተጽሕሩፉ፡። ሎመ፡”" መዋዕል፡ ወጸዝማን፣ 

“ራስልና; ሣቡጻነ'፣ ዘሄኖሕ፡ 

1 9 reads AወATi mn, PrB. #9 read ሥጋ", # AD, 908. # reads 
ጺፈቅጂ፡ ። ይትፈደዩ፤ ። ጸጺትፈድዩ፤ ‘“a-u. u reads ©. Bበhመi /ucBiina. 
£m, ap de#koxy read ABBR moa. # reads ACU: # 00CU:; 79s 
prefix ሲ. a reads ny °a-u., w,8 read PፈቅርP:i • 9 reads Rs Nሐዱs 8-n 
add ካብር፣ ያ reads ድወሕውሑ፥ = / reads ሲሲ 09 read ARs "Fu. 
2, ፀ-8 read ልቅ ሃ ጐልቁ። ደ ሦእቁ፡ "9 omits, "Le #2 read በማሣደር: 
ወ (9 omits) &ናዋት; ርትO: = በማሣደር ወበርትዕ፡ ። በፍናዋኖ፡ ርትዕ፡፣ 8 በማሣደሪ፡ 
ፍናዋት፡ (ፍንዋት፡ ዕ) ርቶዓነ፡ 7 ፀ~a. 9 reads ይeጺይዎms £ PCA mia 
ዴሬጻየ መ / ርጳይደዎመ፡ '8 ዜ ads ግጥጳን፡ is #, c omit next two Words 
through hmt. 0 h8. dg prefixes ©. # m9 read YON; % PB, a reads 
ወጻድ" ደት'ወ’. ያ ras ጻጌንዘ፡ ዴወሕጢሑ፡ (sic) ጻ" and ። ወጻንዘ፡ ድዥወሐወሑ፡ ጻ. 
9 reads OAH: £YPAሣOL; and omits the next six words after &#YP” through hmt. 
5 #58. Fmt m read RACH: 9 (see note 21) u omit. 5B. gu read CA 
mn Lርጳይዎ:; ae omits. 9 reads AH: 5 m/w. # reads ሐው 
B በርሁ =m omits. ግ 0 omits. = 9, e read hoi gm. Other MSS. 
ተጽሕፈ so a omits. n Fm save that for Nt: 4" £ reads AE: SAY: 
ፎል: ግበጸባ፡ 9 ads ትፈጸመ፤ በዝዩ፡ ረኣይደ፤ ሣቡጸት፥ ዘሄኖክ፣፡ ሃ ፕፈጻመ፡ ዘሄኖህ፡ 
5,8 read TR; ጽሐፈ; yn: ቢይ; + በዩ; ፈጸመ; ራ0t; #2hi Other M55. omit. 


The three lists of the fallen angels given above in E vi. 2, G™, and Ge, go 
back to one and the same original, In E lxix. 2 the same list reappears. In the 
process of transmission, however, many corruptions and transpositions of the text 
have occurred. ln the main the same order is observed in vi 7; lxix. 2 and Gs. 
But a very different order is presented by Gs. As Lods (ro6~i1o?) has observed 
the names in G were from the third onward written in four columns. These were 
read from left to right by E and Gs but from top to bottom of each column by Gs, 
Within Gs and Gs certain transpositions have occurred. These will be made clear 

by the following Table s— 

(2) (2) (3) (4) 
E lxix. 2 ፤. ሰምያዛ 2. ጸርጣቁፉ፡ 3. ተጸርን 4. ኮክብጴዴል፡ 
uy 1. ሰሚጸዛሽ፡ 2. ጸራኪበ፡ 3. ተራጃሌዜል፡ 4. ኮክቢዶል፡ 
Gs 1. Zeuta(ds 2. ATapkov® 3. ApaxX 4. XeBaBA 
Gs 1. Seuata 2, Apagdk 3. TKeuBpé 0. ተXexXapuiA 
(viii, 3Xexa1k) 
(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 
5. ተጡፉዜስል፡ 6. ፉምያስል፡ ሃ. ዳንያል፡ 8. ተኔቃሌል፡ 0. በራቕሌስል፡ 
5. ጣሚሌል፡ 6. ራሚሌስል፡ ሃ. ዳንጴል፡ 8. ጴሌዜቁሌል፡ 0. በራቂቄዩል፡ 
5. T Opaukualuy 6. PauX Gs wanting 8. Zaki 0. BaAkሪA 
14. Tau 18. Paul 5. AaveiA IO. ECexm 15. BapakunN 
(viii. 3 Zaguilx) and in viii. 3 
(5) (n) (3 (4) 
10. RRA: ፲1. ጸርማሮስ 12. በጠርያል፡ 14. ሐናገዜል፡ 
10, ጸሰሌስ፡ ፲፤. ጸርማሮስ፡ ፲2. በጣርጴል፡ ፲3. ጸናንጹዜስል፡ 
10, "ACaAEA (viii, 1 11. Papuapés I2. "AbapulA 13. Ayaynuds 
10. Aredእ 6. Apeapés (viii, 3 11. BarpaN 10, Ayavgvd 




(15) (20) (27) (x8) 
፲5. ጡኩርዜስል፡ 16. ሲሚፔሲሌስል፡ ፤7. ዴትርዜጵል፡ 15. ተማሌል፡ 
14. ዘቄሌስል፡ ፲5. ሰምሰፔዜል፡ 16. ሰተርሌስል፡ wanting 
14. Oavranx 7. SawyiX 10, Zaptvgs 117. Eki] 
20. “PakeulN 4. Zaha 12. Zag 17. Oey 

(x0) (zo) ter) (13) 
19. በኵርዜስል፡ 20. ተፉማሌል፡ 21. ተጸዛዜል፡ 13. በሰሰሌየል፡ 
17. ጡኵርዜል፡ ፲9. ዮየምያሌስል፡ 10. ተRራዝA (viii. 3 wanting 

18. Tupi 10, Tout 20, Sap 15. Za 
21, Tovplk 8, Towel 13. ATP (viii. 3 7. Seu 


In the above Table I have followed the order of E Ixix. 2 ; the names as they 
appear in that list head each of the twenty-one columns. Next comes the list in 
E Vi. 7 5 then that in Gs, and finally that in Gs, On the left of each name is placed 
a number which gives its place in its own list. Above each column 7 have Dut 
a number in brackets for convenience in references, Column (13) is placed at the 
end instead of after (12) since በNሰA; has no parallel in E vi, 7 and no certain 
one in Gs or G5, 

As regards E lxix, 2, (15) which appears again in (19) is certainly corrupt, also 
(21) which is a repetition of (oy. To (13) we have already referred. Thus the 
twenty-one names are reduced to nineteen, 

OL E vi. 1 (18) is wanting: also (13): (15) is hopeless. This list furnishes 
nineteen names. 

Of Gs (7) i5 wanting, and (15) and (5) corrupt. “This list has twenty names. 

Of Gs the list is complete, but (15) is hopeless, 

In the above Table the identifications may be regarded as certain in (1) (4) (6) 
(715) (14) (16) (19-20), as probable or possible in (23) (5) (21-18, 21), as 
undeterminable in (13) and (15). 



“ABN xxii, 7, 
GBvrros xvii, 7, 85 Xx, 7, 
dyagds V. 65 xxv. 3, 
GYaAAacrgat x. 19, 
GyaAAiares VY. 9, 
dyarnrds Xx. 12; x11. 65 xiv. 
&yyeAos vi, 25 X.7 5 XY, 4) 21, 
(r9y Bvvditeey) XX. 12 2, 3, 4, 
5,0, 7, 85 xx 5,0, 10; 
XI: 3,0, XXII HV: 0 
XXXIL, 6, 
ጥክደ Tdewe Tot ai@yos Xii, 4. 
SYtoNGyos 1 1, 2. 
tyeos 1. 2) 3, 95 Vii, 15 ix. 4 
RII: ZIV) 25 NV 
05. XX. 2, 3, 4, 95 6, 7, 8 
XXi. 52 05 Xx, 35 xxiii. 4; 
XXIV. 6; XXXII. 3, 6. 
6 tyeos [) Peyas EE 
Ty tos Tne B6éns XXYV, 3, 
T9 &ytoy XXV. ©, 
dgex@os xxii, 7. 
dgtkea X. 155 XV. 11. 
agiknua ix, 105 xiii. 2. 
guia ix, 6, 9; XiIOi20 
epoBagils Xvii, 3. 
deporkoria viii, 3 
Acai YUE IO X48, 
aiua Vii, 5.5 3 ix. 1, 95 xV., 4. 
aio xin Xilis g 
airia XX, 4. 
aio 1,45 V. 125 5,9 xid 05 
x. 135 x1, 23 xii, 45 XY, 3 
xii, 11, 145 xxY, 5, 7. 


10 THE 

6 aioy 6 ueyas Xvi. 1. 
dro Toy aievos XIV. 1. 
Yeveat Toy aiSyos 1X, 43 xX, 3, 
Yeveai T@y aioyeoy IX, 4. 
eis Tov aiya Xx, 55 xii. 0 
XX, IO; XXIV. 4 
eis Tovs aigSyas X. 5, 10. 
eri rdyras Tove aieyas XIV, §. 
€rXaTot aioves XXVil, 3. 
expt aioyos Xxii, 115 XXY. 
Tov aiSyoe TS» aieyoy X. 
aieovtos V, 6; Xx. 10; XV. 4,6. 
dkagapia V, 45 X, 11, 20, 
dkdNurTos IX. §. 
dkaTagkevagTos XX, 1) 2, 
kote Bo TRY: 
Skpa XXVi, ፈዲ. 
“AkDay XXXii, 2, 
dAJgeta Xx. 16; xi, 23 XV, 1 
GAngwés XY. 15 xxvii, 3. 
GእእIAove Vi, 2, 4, 5) 6, 
aNNotda, 11 2 2 
An BevBpeoy XXX, 1. 
GBa:iX: 72 XR 
AuapuX Vi. i) 
dkaprdye ¥. §, 05 (Skapr. €y) 
vil. 55 xiii. 55 XX, 0. 
Shdprnka XX, 6. 
duapria V. 05 vi. 35 1x. 05%, 
B, 20; xiii, 2; Xviii, 16. 
aN i, 9; Y: 0 Ei I0) 
12, 13, 
dureNos X, 195 XXxii, 4. 
déuyBaXot XXX, 2. 



diva keoy xiii, 05 xxii. 25 XXIV, 
35 XxVL. 32.4. 

dvalBaiy Vii, 45 ix. 105 XIV, 5. 

GyvayyeANe xiii, 10. 

Avaynkuds Vi፡ 7: 

Gvayyvecke xiii, 4, 7. 

Gvdyun IT 

dvdye XxXviii, 3" 

GvageiaTite VL 4, 5,6 

GyakakUmrTe Vili, 33 XVi, 3. 

dvaxauBdye 1, 2, 3. 

Ayayvgyd Vi. 7. 

dyaravouat XXiii, 2, 

dvdravres XX, 3. 

dyareAAe 11, 1, 

dvaToN xviii, 6, 15, 

€€ GyarToA®y XXvi, 2. 

er dyaroAds Xxiv. 2. 

Tp dyarokas Xviii. 75 XXvi, 
2h RI 

dyapaiye xX. 16, 
yeuos XIV, 85 
1, 22 4, 5, 
ge XXIV, 4) 5% 
ygpeoros i, 25 Vi. 1,25 Vii. 3 
AN: TS 3,45 1 3, OS) 


0 xvi, 3; xvii. EE 
XX, 33 XX, 3, 9, 72 135 

dyirTauat XX, 8. 

dvoiye i, 25 X,45 x. 15 xiv. 

voulpos. XXVli, 2. 

GyOknMua 1X 10: 

Gyouia IX I, 

Givouos Vii, 65 XxX, 13. 

dvoxa] xiii, 2. 


dvrarBots 79 
xxii, 11. 

dvrXau3dye 1, 8, 

Gveogey Xxviii, 2. 

dyveorepoy XIV, 17. 

dyerepos XY. 0, 

drdye Xx. 6, 135 xvii, 1 2, 
ag " 

mag XV, 1. 

Gras Vi. 45 Xxvil. 3. 

GrepXoat Xvi, 6. 

GreXe XXXL, 2. 

drd i. 45 25 v.35 xii. 55 

TyevUudiT oy 

XXXL, 4 

drogvilcke V, 05 ix, 10; XY, 4) 
Xxii, 10, 

drokakvmrTe iX, 6. 

droxpivoat Vi, 45 XY. 15 XX. 
9; xxi, 3, 7, 95 xxiii. 45 
Cy ee oe 

dardkpupa 1, 5. 

droAeire xii, 45 XY, 3, 

GrOAAvks 1, 7,95 V. 55 vili,4; 
X, 2) 7, 9, 15) 105 xxii, 7. 

drorAavde Vil. 2. 

GrorTpepas Tu Yvounly Vi, 4 

droreaeieots XIX, 1. 

Grorehee v.25 35 Vi, 4. 

GmoXepée INS 3. 

Gmpemis XXVii, 2. 

Grrouat XXV, 4) 6. 

droxeta ¥V., 5 (opp. to (oy); 
Vii, 45 ix. 35 X%, 0 125 xii, by 
XIV. Oi xvi, 15 xxil, 12. 

sApagge V1. Ph 

ApaxuiN Vi. 7. 

pyvpoy Vil, 1. 

“Apeapes Vi, 7, 

Gpuguos Vv. 0. 

Apuapes Viii, 3. 

apXéYyeNos | IX. 15 Xx. 7,8, 

apxy Vi, 7, 8 XVI, 15, 

ፍ Ts Krigeas XV. 0. 
ar dpXiis ii. 2. 

Spye vil, 15 ix 75 xiii. 101 
XIV. 0, 

dpXey Vi, 35 viii. 1. 

Gpoha XXiV, 45 Xxx, 25 Xxx, 


AeA Vi, 7. 

doélBeta 1, 95 v.85 viii, 2 
ix. 15 x. 20. 

drefea i, 9, 

drefBnls 1 1.0 ND U2 
XXL, 13. 

drrée XV, 11. 

doris Vili. 1. 

dreporkoria viii, 3. 

arp XIV. 82 11, 175 Xxvu. 3 
XVI, 4 13 15 Bl, 9,10: 

drTparai XIV, 8, II, 175 Xvi. 
3 (so read for dyrpeorai in 

Grrpokoyia viii. 3. 

drrpoy XViii. iy 

ATapkoue Vi, 7 

“ATPuIX Vi, 7. 

avgdye VY, 05 Vii, 2. 

atvrds xiii, 3. 

dpavite x. 7, 8, 145 XV. II 
XVi, I 5 ao ys 

dpayiceogat ey raise Goi 
Vill, 2. 
dpavtruds xii, 4. 
pees xi, 5, 
ders kai uaxpérns xiii, 0. 
dpuxyeouat Xvi, 2. 
dpirrauat V. 45 xiv. 23, 

Bafionpd (= R35) xix, 1. 
Bagos 76 xviii, 115 xxii. 2. 
Bagvs xxiv. 25 Xxvi, 3, 4, 8. 
BaእkiA Vi. 7. 
BAe x, 453 xiv. 245 xviii, 6 
BapakulX Vi, 7. 
Barayos x, 13. 
7] eyaእn Xi, 11. 
Barayot kat TXmyai kat hare 
Yes XXV, 6. 
Toy ai@yos XXV, 325, 73 XXVii, 
Tey aiovey 1X. 45 xii, 3. 
Barrate xvii. 2 5. 
Bdros (=nN3) Xx, 19, 
BarpunN Vi. 7, 
Baptea vi. 1. 
BeXos Xvi, 3. 
BiBAos xiv. 1, 
BXarrée XxVi, 1, 
Bode ix. 2, 10. 
Bon viii, 4. 
Bongea 1. 8. 
Bopa xxv. 5 
Boppas XV ii, 35 XXX 1, 
Bordwn vii, 15 viii, 3. 


potyikaoy XXIV, 4. 
7 i 
dreNoy XXX, 4. 
Bouvds 1. 6. 
Bpoyvrai Xvi. 3. 

TaBpuiN i IX TS ODO 
Yarrnp Vil, 2. 
Yeved rb 
Yeveat Tog aioyos ix, 45 X. 3, 
Ii 225 AV DN ID, 

TS Svgparow xl: 2; 
Yeveai CBSouilkoyra Xx. 12. 
Yevvae TP 0 

X, 175 XY. 3, i; 8, Io. 

7% 72 v.6, 7,85 vill. 

25 ix, 10; x. 8, 210 205205 

xii. 45 xii, 75 XV. 55 XV. 55 
8, 10 115 xvi. 1, 35 xvii, 85 
XVI, U 2, 3, 9» 10, 123 145 
xxi. 25 xxii. 72 105 xxiii, 15 
XXV. 3, eT 1; XXVIi, I, 
2 (transliteration of No); 

Yiyas Wil. NL 3S ENON 

Yivergat eis Tu xix, 2. 

Ytveg gai Tye X11. 1, 

yivokiat 1: 85 1 25 Vai 
1; Vili 2: ix, IO IES NZ) 
205 xiii: 4570; 09:5 YO NE 
3; XV: 15 xviii, 145 XI 
XX, 10. 

Yorke 1, 25 V. 15 xii, 1 
XVi. 3. 
Yእercra Xi. 2) 0, 10 15, 
Yopos XVii, 7. 
Yvon Vi + 
TT)s GXnIgeias XY. 1. 
T]s Bexatoguwms xii, 4. 
Ypapy xv. 7 ኔ 
Ypape x, 85 xi, 42 053 xiv. 

ቁ 7. 

cmt Tye TAS dkaprias X. 8. 
vv ies Viii, I ) Ix 
115 xii 45 XY. 3,4) 125 xvi. 
BR Ta, 
Yoyia Xviii, 2. 

AagounA X, 4. 
Satovtoy XIX. 1, 
Ady xii, 7. 
AayeuN Vi. 7. 
BayrekGs xxviii 3. 


Benue ix. 35 xiii, 6, 7. 

Bet ix, 115 XY. 2. 

Beikyvkt 1, 25 vill, 15 xiii, 2 

Beyds XX. 8, 09. 

Seka X, 19, 

Bekaros viii, 1, 

Beygpoy iii; v.15 X.18, 19 
XXIV. 324% 55 XXV. 1 2,4) 
XXV. 1 Ly 2 XXVi, 1; XXVIi. 
2; xxix, 2; Xxx, 2 Xai, 1, 

Béohpov Ti)e ppovlrees oxi, 3. 

. ppoumreos Xxxtis ©. 

Befuds XIE TL 

Sedat xiii, 6. 

Seruot XiV, 5, 

Begherilptoy Xx. 13 (rvyeNei- 
eas) 5 Xviii, 145 xxi, 10. 

Sere Vi, 2, 

Bee x, 4a 125 14 xiv. 55 Xvi. 
16; xxi. 3, 05 xxl, 11. 


ua Ti xxi. 45 aii, 85 xxv. 1 
XXVii, 1. 

BtafBaive Xxxaii, 2. 

Sagpokat TOy dorépeoy XY. 8. 

9. arrépeoy XY, 115 17. 

Stakory] XX. 7. 

Stakoeot Vi, ©. 

Gade XxiVy, 2, 

Gtaxve i, 6. 

Gtauéya XX, 2, 

Suayeve Xviii. 4. 

Qtayoéouat i, 2; il, 25 V,1, 

Qtapvee i. 6. 

Qtarxita 1, 7. 

Qtarpéxe Xxxiil, 23 Xxxil, 4. 

Gtapepe xiv. 16. 

Bgakaእia x. 8B. 

Ggdrke Vii, 15 viii, 15 ix, 6 

? 7 

QiBout 1, 8 5 Vv. 85 ix, 7; xiv, 2, 
35 XV si XXV, 427, 

OiépXokat i. 6. 

BXiosIiti.2 8B: V6, %3) 
BR 0 AVA, 75 Vy. 

uxatouun X,16, 185 Xi, 4; X1il, 
TOS RIV i, 14; 5 XXX. 3. 

Ee) 3. 

Qtopite xxii, 4. 

Stopto és Xxii, 4. 


Bde xv, 11, 
BgXoe ix, 6, 
BdEa V. 15 ix. 35 xiv. 165 xxvii, 
2) 5, | 
Opgyos iis Q6Ens coy 1x. 4. 
Kkuptos iis B6éns xxii, 145 
XVI: 35 
ge9s TDs 89éne XXY., 7, 
6 &ytos Te B6gns XXY. 3 
1] Boén Y beydAn XiV. 20, 
Aovganx x. 4. 
Spdakey XX. 7. 
Qpéuos Xv. 115 xxiii, 2, 4. 
Spdros xxvili, 3. f 
Qvyauat vii, 35 ix, 5) 103 xiil. 
Toy ovpayoy Xviii, I4, 
GYYeAot Tov Svydueay XX, 
Suyakuts i, 4. 
Svye 11, 1, 
guts xiii. 75 xvil. 4, 55 xxvi, 
gvruai xxii 15 XXiii, 15 45 XXVi. 
4; xxvii, 3. 

€avroy of the 1st person Vi, 2; 
of 2nd person XY. 3. 

ede 1X, 11, 
€Bgounkoyra X, 12, 
cBgoimkorrés Vii, 1. 
€Bgouos Vili. 35 XxiY. 3. 
EBerard X1ii, 0%, 
€yyite xxiv. 2. 

Tuyi XIV. 22, 23, 

TuyOS XIV. 0. 
cyeipe XIV. 25, 

cyplyopos. lr Bs WuZNIR 7, 
i592. 8 roy dyiov Toy 
LeyaXou, 4 To0 ovpayoy i 
Hii EO HVE RD 0 

tSaqpos XIV. 10, 17, 
ECekulN Vi 
eigos xiv. 18, 20, 
eikdte XX, 7. 
eikor6s Vii, 3, 
eiui Bass, 
eis xix. 3. 
cy Xxli, 85 XXIV, 2. 
eis Ty dyiey dYyéAey XX, 
2, 3, ቁ 5,6, 7, 85 x, 
iO RRL 5 UL 
XXIV. 6, 

eis viii, 4. 
ss, riya Troy XYil, 15 &c., 
€ovrat eis JNuépay dydyxns 
rt 1, 
€s Tily Vy Yeyeiy BueyoovUny 
1. 2. 
eis Toy aiyas kai ovk € eorat 
abrois eis €Aeoy kai elpilwnly 
xi 6. 
eis avr Tovro Xxii, 3» &c. 
eis for éy xviii, 11, &c. 
cirdye viii. 4. 
eirdyety Tily Kpicty ix, 3. 
eiépxoat ix, 23 XIV, 9, 10) 135 
XXV. 0. 
ciropevouat Vii 1, 
clrpepe vii. 45 ix, 65 xiv. 8. 
TOU eo% Xvi, 3. 
Yiyavras beydXous €k XS 
Tur XNiey Vil, 2. 
ck BeéuSy xiii. 7. 
ckagTos Hs Fi WE: aD 
ckdirepos XXIV, 2, 
ékaToTds Vii. 1, 
exgukée XX. 4. 
€kgiknees XXV. 4, 
exBtoke XXiii, 4. 
€keigey Xxvi, 15 Xxviii, 15 XXiX. 
€KKOrT® XXVi, 1. 
EkXéyouat Vi, 25 Vii. 1, 
ekXeire X, 165 XY, 5, 
€Xexrds 1, 1, 3, 85 ¥., 7, 85 
XXY. 5. 
€kreTdyyulut XIV, 8, 
€xropevokat xiv. 195 Xvi, 15 
€kTiye XiV, 35 
XXV, 7, 
ek@evye Xx, 3, 17, 
ckpoBsae. XIV, 0% 
CKXUVve Ix. I 
€xXvgts XVil, 7, 
cXaia x, 19. 
€AXarroy Xai. 13. 
exarrde vil. 4 
€Aeyges xiv. 1. 
Aéyxe xiii, 8, 1oi mid. i, 9 
xiv. 3, 
€Xeos 1, 8. 
CXeos kai eipilwn ¥. 5, 6; xii. 
€y eee xxvii, 4. 
"EXtovg Vii. 2. 

351: Foy'E35 


CAእeire Xxil, 2. 
Arie Xx, IO, 
CuBaAe X. 4 
chkeéve absol. V, 4. 
crinre XY. 11. 
cruptrks X. 6. 
chpayite LE 
€y Xvi, 15 x. 35 XxiV. 4, &c.; 
instr. v. A I 
XIV, 2, 5, 6, 105 XV. 4. 
cy Yarrpi NaBovrat Vil, 2. 
cy Toh Tekrety ie (OD 
cy Diy KaTapdoovrat V. ©. 
€y Uhiy QuobyTat V. ©, 
cyayrioy XXVii, 3, 
eyaros Vii, 3. 
cvBékaros Vili, 3. 
cybofos xiv. 215 
2. 3. 
cvgage XIX I IH, IY: 
CtauTes xvii. 16. 
aro SvtavToy eis éyiaurdy V. 
€yretgey xxii. 13. 
€yrtuos XXIV, 2. 
TO €vrtuoy Kai 
€vrOX] V. 45 xXiV. 1. 
CrvyXdye IX, 3 IO; XXii. 5,06, 
7, 12. 
KaTd Tivos Vii, 6, 
€vortoy Vii. 4; ix. 3, 55 xiii, 
AIO RD 22, 
EON 1 12 HN YS RL 
15 XiV. 24 XV. Ii xix, 35 
XXI. 5 05 NNT. 
cEaipe 1 re if 
ccakeipe 25 oY 
cEayirrakat EV Mo, 
eEeureiy XiV. 16. 
CEepXokat | IES RO EU ES EY: 
125 xviii. 15. 
drd Tuyos XY. 0 XXL, 7. 
cgovria XXV, 4. 
TINy €éoviay ¢Xeoy 1X. 5. 
Ti)y €éovciay €Sokas ix. 7. 
€Evryvos xiii, 0% 
€oprn ii, 1. 
cmaipe xiii. 55 XIV. 8. 
erdye Xviil, 5) 12 
eraov8y Vii, 15 viii, 3% 
emréketya XVii, 9, 125 XxiV. 25 
XXX, 1, 35 Xxx, 2. 
erépxXouat X, 2, 

XIV, 25 

€vBogoy xiv. 


eri ry Gyagy XX, 5, 
TOU Koy XX, 2. 
eri w. dat. x, 2; Xx. 5,6; ¢% 
dpdret xiv. 85 Ww, acc, 1, 2, 
AO HIN, 2b iV, 
XXXL, 2. 
eruBée XX, 4. 
erteiketa V. 6. 

ertgvuéa Tuyd Vi, 25 XV, 4 (¢y 

ን # by 

ertgve XIX, 1. 


ErikaXNvrTety Teyi Tt X, 5, 

errirre xiii, 8. 

ertkérTouat XXV. 3. 

crioTauat Vs 85 oo, 3. 

cruvvdye arii YE ) RXV, 2, 

cmurvyaXegts XXL, 4, 

erray] V. 25 xxi, 0. 

Ea IX: 

crerngeUe IX, 

criXaps XXXL, 5s 

cmeXopNyeiy Tut Vii 3: 

errd XViil. ©, 135 xx. 75 Xx, 3 

SE viii. 1. 

cpyargilrerat ካንግ x, 18, 

cpyagia Vili, 1. 

€pyoy 1. 9) Ii Tie VY, 2,3 XL 
I; xii. 25 xii. 2; XIV 22s 
xy. Ds Rl Ey 

] €pnuos x. 45 ad). xviii, 125 

cpnuée X. 8. 

Epkovteik Vi, 6% 

Epub Vi, 6. 
Fpheoyeteik xiii, 7. 

cprerd vii, 5. 

cpvgpt ayaa XXai1, 2. 

CpxXouat 1. 05 xi11, 8,09 
Bis SEIS, 

cperde xiii, 4; XV. 25 Xvi, 25 
XXVe Te 

€pernres X, Io; xiii, 2 (cor- 
rupt), 4, 65 xiv. 47. 

erie XY. 11 RNa AD: 

€oXarot ai@ves XXVi, 3. 

€repos XXIV. 4. 

En VY. 52 9 
EE): 0: 

€rt ekeigey XXX, 1. 

erothdite XXV. 7. 

evgokia 1, 8. 


VRRP oy 


ebetBie XXIV, 2) 3. 

evaoyée 1, 1» 83 ix, 45 X. 215 
Xi, Bs HERI, 1A ENV 

evXoynr6s ix, 45 xxii, 14. 

evkoyia 1, 15 X, 185 xi, 1, 

EyuuA Vi, 7. 

evgel3ns XXvii, 3, 

ev@paivouat XXv. 6. 

eta gérrepos XXIV, 45 XXXi, 3. 

evegne XXIV, 5. 

eveofia XXV, 4. 

epogeve xx, 1 75 xxi. 1 

expe EY 

Xe 1, 2 2. IX, PS NARI 
Xxvi, 1) 2, 3, 4. 

€es.con]. X, 12175 HS 

Drep: XY. 2s Ei NE 
XX], 0, 
(do: IT, 85 X10 HT EV 

(Og SARS £3 SSA (EX 

Cuupya XXiX, 2, 

(opegns xvii. 2. 

(on. V. 52 95 3X i XIV. 135 
XXil, 105 XXV. 520 

Zor XXX, 2, 

yoguat XX. 5; Xxiv. 6. 

TIAtos Vii. 33 xiv, 18, 205 Xvi. 
4; xviii, 4. 

Nepal, Hi, Vapnigs NNO 
x: 0, #2 Xa RAVI NNIS 
Tle Kpirees XX, 4) 11, 135 

XXVII. 35 4. 
Nuépat Toy aiSyos Xi, 2. 

dara v.35 xvii, 55 XXX, 2. 

gdyaros Xvi, 1, 


eis Tv YI» Xx, 10. 

gavudCe €y Tuvu XXYV. 15 XXVi, 60 
(repi Te @apayyos). 

ava Vi, 7. 

Oedaoiat Vi. 25 1X. 15 Xx, 2,35 
7 ALD i 2 RINE 

Oeae vi, 35 xvii, 
fi 2, 

OeueNtos XY. 0. 

1s Ys XVii1, 1, 



Oeueatda Xviii, 12 3 XX, 2, 
TOU atoyOS 1, 4, 
TO» ge®y 1x, 4. 
gepeia ii, 3. 
Qepuds xiv, 13. 
Oewpee 1, 25 XiV. 14, 

ሐ9s xX, 5, h 
cgeepovy kai eifoy XiYV, 

Oeopnua XIE Ys 

Onxn xvii. 35 

OAesae ix, 85 xv. 5,75 xi. 

Onpia Ta vii, 5, 

Onoavpoi oi xvii, 3 3 xviii, 1, 

OAiBe Xai, 13. 

GopvBate xiv, 8. 

gpdvos xiv. 18, 19; xviii, 8 

Gvydrnp vi, 15 viii. 15 ix. 8, 

vue v. 0. 

dtpa xiv. 12, 15, 25. 

QeynX Vi, 7. 

Gopas viii, 1. 

idoiat Xe 7, 
Jpeg vi. 6. 
tars X, Fic 
TIlv fBiay Tdguy ii, 1. 
foy IEA IOY XIE 3 Xi 80 
XIV. 82 15. 
iXaps XXX, 4 
iva X, 75 A: 4 
TovkulN Vi, 7. 
irr EY NIV 22205 
‘Irpanx X, 1, 
(zXupds XV. 8. 
oi ir Xvpot ጥኻሩ ሻሪ XV፤. ፲. 
irXvs 1, 4 
iXOvs Vile ge 
ToueulX Vi, 7. 


5, 65 


Kafapite x. 20, 22, 
Kagéépa XXIV. 3; Roy 
KdOnuat xiii, 95 xiv, 20, 
Ka0ite xiii, 75 xxv. 3. 
Kags i, 15 Xv. 4. 

Kaiy (Kdety) Xxii, 7. 

kaiouat XIV, 125 XVill, 0, 13 

EE ED EN ic 
kai @Aeyouat xxi, 7. 

Katpds ll, 15 Xvi, 15 xviii, 15, 

ra Kakd XV, 3. 

Kdkogts Vii, 4. 

Kae Vi, 05 Xi, 35 XiY. 8, 

KaእAUBAepapoy viii, 1. 

KaእAOv XXIV. 2. 

KayXoriCe Vili, I. 

Kade Vi, 15 xxiv, 55; 
3) 9. 

KakvrTe XIV. 13, 

Kapia XIV 2: 

Kapros VRE RRR 
XXX, 32 4. 

Kdpvoy XIX, 2. 

kaTd (= ‘upon ) Tdyrey i, 
7, 95 (= against’) Kvpiov 

v6rToy XViii, 7, 

Tove Uryovs Xi1i, IO; XiV, 2, 
Tas €ToAds ¥. 4) &c, 
kaTaBaiyao Vi, 05 xviii, 

XXV, 3. 

KaTakave X, I4, 
KaTakAvhGS Vil, 15 X, 2. 
KaTakpive X, 145 Xiii, 5, 

KaTd Tyo V. 4, 
KaTakvety intr. V. 6. 
KaTaukaygdive iii, 1. 
KaTayoeiy ii, 1. 
KaTayTGy XVi, 0, 
KaTdpa V. 6) 7, 

aioyoy V, 5 
KaTapGrgat V. 5) 0; XXii, 11 


KaTdpaTos XXV, 2. 
KaTarovgdCe XIV, B, 
KaTarparre X. 12, 
KaTaTpEXe XVI, 5. 
KaTapayite Xii, 4, 
KaTapepe Xi, 15 mid, Xx, 7, 
KaTapvreve xX, 18, 
KaTéyayTt XiV, 15, 
Kare ble Vil, 32 4, 55 viii, 3. 
KaToiknlrts TY EV I ION 
kdre XIV. 23, 
Keys XVII 139, 
KepaTia XXX, 4, 

Gpovs Xvii, 2. 




knp6s 1. 6, 
KiB6nXos 1X, 05 xX. 0, 15, 
KuBpa vi, 7. 
KiyydLooy XXXII, 1. 
kK. GpouaToy XXX, 3. 
KAaie XIV, 7. 
KAnpoyoueiy VY. 6 (Ty Yi); v, 
KoiXog XX, 2» 3, 
KoiA@ua XX, 2 8. 
kotudokat Xiii, 73 XY. 3. 
KOtyovée intt, Xi, 2. 
Kode XX, 13, 
kdros Vil, 35 x1, 1, 
Kopu@y Vi. 65 xviii. 85 xxv. 
3" # sve 
Kogié@ XV111, 1, 
KOchos VIE Es as 95 
6 T@y pooripes ES 
Kpiha Xe 125 X11, I. 
Kpirs 1, 7, 95 Vil. 4i Xx. 0, 
I32 5 Xvi. 15 XiX. 15 xxl, 45 
10% 115 xv. 4; EIR 2 
Tily Kpizey eigdyety TpOs Tya 
KpurrTe IX, 53 X, 2, 
KpuUgTaNAtyos XiY. 18. 
Kri(® XIVS 35 EI TS RV 
i os 
KTUZLS XV. 03 XViil, 1, 
KUKA® XIV. 0, 22. 
TOV ToiXey XIV. 12. 
KUXNiokat XVII, 15, 
Kirra XIV. 29, 
i) RITA 
Kuptos IR A 9) XIV ZY 
Xvi], 155 Xx, 03 3x, 3. 
Kvpieoy FE 
[n ጥፍ keyaእog uns Xl, 35 
K, Toy ovpayoy Xi, 4. 
Kk, Tie BE XX. 145 XXvil, 
35 5% 

Nae 1, 25 05. xu, Xie’ D5 
IE EIV 2 RXV 2, 

እaugdve i. 5; Vil. 1, 25 Xl, Ty 
Ps ii 3 RV II RR 

እMaurpds XiV. 20 (Naurpérepoy). 

dure XIV. 18, 

Mags XX, 5% 

እarpeve X. 21, 

እéye 1, 2) 33 Vi, 2, 35 viii, 4 
[fs 35, EI5 Xu EN RISA Rs 


xviii, 145 XiX. 15 Xxi.4, 5,8 
9, HO XI 2250105 Pri 35 ; 
15, XXXII. 5 
eipnka IIIS 
ep xxvii, 2. 

Aeios XX, 2. 

AéueX X. 1 (AdueX X, 3). 

እevkds X1V. 20, 

እAiay XX. 2; XXVi. 0; XXxil, 

AiBayos xiii, 0, 

Aigayos XXIX, 2 

AgdrAakes XiV. 10, 

Xigos viii. 15 xiv. 9, Io i xviii, 
Oe RN 

NOVos 1 IY ME RR i 
105 XiV. I, 22, 34. 

Xotroi Vii, 1 ; Viii. 45 X, 11. 

Avuaiyvowat XIX, 1. 

XUces Guaprt®y V. 6. 

Avrilptoy eraov8®y Viii, 3. 

atlpeot (= I55) x. 9. 
axkpiv adv. XXX. 15 XXxil, 2. 
kakpdgey to Gen. XXXii. 3. 
taxpérns X. 05 Xil1, ©. 
pé8pa xxv. 2. 
Mayvgofgapd (= Rግ3TiD) Xxviii. 
avgdye XXV. 1. 
apyapirns Xvi. 7. 
LartE X, 225, Xl. 115 XXYs 

kaxaipa XIV. ©. 

beyaእetdrne Vi, 2. 

beyaNorpemns XXX, 3. 

eyaእorperes XXVL, 5. 

keyaxoruwm VA IXY 
xii. 35 XIV. 16. 

eyes 1. Uy, N 4) V1, 3 Vii, 
TNS 2, 10, 225 XV. I 
XV, 5, © XViil. IO, 11, 13 
RIX, TX xxii, Iu) 
EE eT 

6 iéyas xX. 1, &c. See under 

eyegos xxi, 7. 

BeAAet Yiveg Oat x. 2. 

heya X. 35 XXVi, 1, 

uepite XXVil, 4. 

XIV, 22 245 XY. D iy T9 éroy XViil, 85 XXVi, 15 

XXViI, I. 
dvd Leroy xii, 05 
2 NB RA BO iE 
REraNoy Ville 1, 
erakgy XIV. 115 xviii, 3. 
erapvreve Xxv., 5. 
ereyeipe XX, 13. 
éToXos XX, 13, 
érpoy X. 195 xviii. 11 
7 i 
expe prep. 1, 93 11. 23 1X, 2, 



Io; xxl, 42 115 XXY. 45 

LEXpt To Ww. inf. xxi, 6; 

LeXpus con]. xiv. 0, 

ke Xpts prep. Xvi. 1 
XXV, 4 

eXpts og con]. V1, 4. 

nyve XV1, 3. 

taiyo Vil, 15 

biagha SS Pp 

uUyvve Xe II RI 

kirnrpa roteiy 1X. 8. 

MiXank ix, 35%: E15 5 
XXIV. ©. 

yn uOruyoy Vii, 4. 

kovos vl 35 3 ES 5) XXVii, 1. 

vptds ቫ 1:05 XIV. 252, 

vptos XiV. 22 i Xviil, 165 XX, 
uv Tilptoy 
XVI. 3. 

Ta k. Toy aigyos 1X. 6. 


IX, 0 EH 

Vy BN 

van X. 12. 

vdp8os XXX. 1. 

NapnAeik WHE NINE 

vekpos XIE BD 

vekrTap REI 

vehe XV, 11, 

vedrTne X. 17. 

vepeékn XiV. 85 XV. 115 xviii. 5. 

voée V. 15 xiy. a 

yOMua Ve 8, 

vdros XViii. 6,75 XXiV. 25 XXVi, 

vovs Viil, 3. 



vuE Xx1V. 23; xviii, 6; xxiii, 2; 
OT Iie 

Nee X, 2. 

Enpdés 1X. 65 Xxvi, 4. 

yB8oos Vii, 3. 

69de 1, 15 viii, 2. 

ofga ix. 6, 115 xxv. 2. 

oikéa X. 5, 

oiknriptoy XXVii. 2. 

oikogokée XIV. 10, 15, 

oleogouy XIV. 9% 

oikos XIV, 10, 13 155 215 XXY. 5. 

oivos Xe 10% 

oiXouat XXX. 
OEY, 25 

OXolBagye xxii, 2, 

OAS ix. 05 x. 75 XIV. 152 16. 


i) V. 65 Vi 59s 6. 

Okvvyat Spee Vi, 4 

Siotos XXI, 3 5 AVS 
35, XIX, 2 BR 2 IAS 

Qboioha XXX, 2. 

Gkoies iy 

Skog Vi, 55 XI iy XV]. 1. 

Gvespos Xiii, 8. 

gvnete XiV. 6. 

gyoka ¥.D 5 VL TS RE 

OyOHagFT OS XVI, 1, 

Qf£vs X. 8, 

Qrire avr®y Vi, 2. 

Gros viii, 1, 

groy xvi. 3, 6; xviii, 0, 12. 

gras X, 33 ; XL11, 4, 6. 
Opauka V1. 7. 

pares i, 2; xiii. 8, 105 xiv. 1, 
8, 24; xi BRA 2B RLY 
Bs BEX Br ) 

opde ii, 25 iil. 15 V¥. 35 1X. 9s 
6 Ir FI OY Ni 5 
Io; XV. 2, Ii I0 2H 
xvii. 3, 6, 75 Xvi. 1224, 5 
6, 9, 11, 12, 135 XIX, 35 XX1 
xix. BIND MY 

Spy) viii, 35 xX. 225 Xxii1. 8. 

gvuoy ¥. 9. 

GpyiCokat XViii, 16. 

Spkos, V1, 4. 4) 

pos 1. 4, 6:5. wi. 6:5 XV 

eR NE I 


EVI: Oi OI a: 35 aall: 
DAIRY) 2% 
pos dtytoy XXVvi. 2. 
pos XepovBiy xiv. 18. 
Ss (with Semitic syntax) 
ap %» ,,. avrey Xvi, 1, 
Srtos XR TS RY AL 
Sruy XXIV. 45 XXV. 1265 Xooii.4. 
Soos i) 7iVe 25 xxii, ፲3. 
ori, 1; vil. 3; xii: 4; xii. 
7,95 xv. 4; VIR ZY XIII 
XXVil, 2. 
QToty XXV. 6. 
Sppaiyouat xxiv. 4. 
gray Ww. indic, vi. 15 w. sub). 
ET een 
oy XXYV, 3. 
o% . . . avroy (emend,) xxii, 6; 
0% « .. €v arg xxii, 9% 
oy un Ww. subj. Xix. 3. 
ovge ui] w. subj. Vv. 95 Xxii. 13. 
ovgeis xii. 15 XXiV. 45 xxv, 4. 
otpayde 1. 2) 4; ii, 15 Vi, 2 
TOS 2 3 Nie 
Vii 2 35 45 Di fo,15, 18 
IB RX 20 XB 
XXL, 4. 
TOy o%payoy. 1: 
9 UNAS 6 gyeos xY. 3. 
O%pX ix, I5 X15 xix, 1 
XE 2D 
otire . .. otire XX 27. 
otire after oy Xi, 5; xHyey 
ovBe «se otire. . , ofire xviii, 12. 
Spetkerns vi. 3, 
OpgaAuds xii. 5. 
Syes x. 55 xiii, 9. 

Tdyvrogey XXVii, 3. 
Tavroios Vili, 1, 
Tapalgaive 11, 1 5 Vili, I5 xviii, 

niin 2: I, 0, 
Tapal3oXn 1, 2) 3 
Tapagetros So 

ጥክና Buxatorvyms XXL: 3% 

TapagéXokat XIV. 4 
rapakvrrTe iX, 1. 
TapayauBdye Xvii, 1. 
Tapapuvds Xxvi, 1. 

TapeufBoXn 1. 4. 

TapépXouat XiV. 21 3 Xviii, ©. 

TapéXe XVii, 4. 

Tapirrauat XIV, 22. 

Tas Bassi, 

Tarde X, 7. 


eri YIy 1, 4. 

Tarp X, 105 XXY. 6; XXxii, 6. 

TeBde XX, 4. 

Teun X. 1, 0, 225 
EVI 25 

Tevgeiy Xi, 0% 

TeyTakogta 4 ley 

Tépas i, 55 Xviii. 5, 105 xix. 35 
SOLIS T 5 Nori, 

Tepu3Natoy XiVv., 20, 

TepkaNvrTe xiii, 0% 


TepuraTée Xvi, 6, 

TeTdyyUut X. 7. 

TeTetygy Vii. 5 5 XViii, I2. 

TeTpa xxii, 15 XXVi, 5. 

TኻY)] XX, 2, 0% 

TMX Vii, 2. 

TiLTAut 1X, 05 X, 18, 

Tive Vii, §. 

Tirept XXX, 1. 

TirTe 1. 6; xiV. 6, 14. 

TurTeve 1, 5. 

TAavde Vill, 15 XIX, 1. 

TXaTos XX, 7 3 XXVi, 3. 

TXeioy XXV. 65 XXxii, 3, 

ኵእቫንግ ጃ. 7; XxY, 6. 

TAMgvye VY. 5) 05 Vi. 15 Xvi, 1, 

TXAMuueAée V. 0, 

TXpns XX. 7 5 XXVii. 15 XXviii. 
2 5 Xxxi, 2 (indecl.) 2 ei, 1. 

rMnpge. Vv. 95x. 175 xxi, 0. 
Tyevua 1X, 3, IO; xiii. 6; xiv. 
25 Xv.4%o78,9, 10, ጀ2 
3, 0, 7, 9, 11 12, 13. 

ra Ty. TOV YUYGtyT Oy XV, 11, 
ጥ6 Ty. TOy KU3BAoy X. 15. 

Tyee XXIX, 2, 

Totée V. 1, 2,45 Vi. 35 viii, 1 
IX. 5, 115 x. 195 xii. 45 XY. 
3 4&7, 11 Xi. 4% 9. 

cipwny 1, 8. 
Kpirty 1 9. 

ToNeutkds Vii, I. 

TOAehos X, 0. 

movkoppos IES 

OAS IX, 1. 

XV: 25 


TOAUTeAety Xvi, ©. 
Tovmpia X. 10, 
myevua(Ta] Tovmpd XV. 8, 0% 
mTopevokau iX, 85 X. 2, 4,0, 11 
X11, 45 xiii, 3, 75 XV. 325 XxiV. 
2 EIS XVII oe 1, 
En X, 0% 
Topveve Vill, 2. 
TOppe L 
T. Gro Toy BévBpoy XXX, 4. 
eri moppe i 2% 
ToTahds V. 35 Xvil, ©, 8, 
Uy ups XVII 5" 
Torakot Tupos bAeyoeyot 
XIV. 10. 
TOU Xile 1 
Toys X, 4 
mpayua V1, 3,4 
mp6 Xi1, 15 Xiv. ©. 
TpolBaive XXi1. 5, 0. 
pds Ww, acc. Vi, 35 Vii, 15 
Tpordya XIV. 25. 
TporéDXouat XIV. 24) 25 5 XV. 1. 
TporkorTe XV, 11. 
Tporkuyéa X, 21. 
Tporowres XX. 0%. 
TpogTayua XViii, 15. 
Tpሪremroy XIV, 21) 24) 25. 
dm) rporerou 1, 05 1x. 10, 
Ei 25 RII I 
eri péreoroy XIV. 14, 
TpOXOVS X. 19, 
TpeorTapXos Vili, 3. 
Tp@ros Vil, 25 Vill, 1. 
TToéouat XX, 0. 
TUX 1X. 2) 10, 
TUyvgdyouat XVii, 13, 
up 1. 65 X. 6, 135 xv. 9, 10, 
12575, 155 175 19, 225 xvi: 
i NN 
XX. 357.5 Xxili, 22 45 XXIV. 1. 
TUptyos XIV. 11. 
Tuppds XVill, 7. 
Teokdte (Tv x. 5. 
Tes LH, EV) 3) IIs 

bayds 1, 7. 

PayounXN XX. 45 xxii, 4. 
“PaxeunX Vi, 7. 

“Pau Vi, 7. 

PapmN 1% a HA A RASS 

xxii, 3, 6. 


 PekelN XS 

pee XIV. Bi XViish 


pita viii, 3. 

Beborokia VY Wiis 8s 

pimre XV, 115 XX, 4 
€y Tuvt XX, 3 


Byers XXvi, 2, 

odBBara Xx. 17. 
Zag Vi, 75 vii. 3. 
Zak]N Vi, 7. 
aun Vi, 7. 
Zauliay) Vi, 7, 
Eaux Vi 7. 
rdirpetpos xviii, 8. 
Zapnyvgs Vi, 7. 
SapulN Vi, 75 XX 6. 
rapktyos XIV. 2. 
rdpé 1. 0; xiv, 21; XV, 4, 8,9; 

Tas dpkas Vii. 53 Vill, 3% 
appdy (='IS) XXX, 1, 
CeaurTgy X, 2, 
2eyd 1, 4. 
ceiouat 1, 6; XIV. 14 
etpiy ERs 
CeMyvayeyia viii, 3: 
eNiun Vii. 3. 

Seueta(Gs Vi, 3) 75 Vill, 35 ix, 
75 IL. 

ZeuuIX Vi, 7, 

Zev xiii, 0. 

Zep viii. 3. 

otetioy Vili, 3. 

MetaorTukd Vii, 3. 

agkere V. 1, 

rkevos Viil, 1. 

FkApokapiia XVi, 3. 

FkMpokdpgtos V. 4. 

ሇkADOS 1, 05 V. 45 XY. 11. 

kp እaxeiy XXVi, 2. 
FKOTetyS XX, 2, 

Fkdros X, 4, 55 xvii. 0, 
copia v. 85 viii, 3. 
répha X, 35 Xxii, 75 Xxviil, 
repuaritety eis XV, 5, 
rOpos 0 X, 19, 

rakr]] XXX, 2, 

grdres x11, 4. 

gTéy XiV. 11) 17. 
OTeyayuos 1x, 10: 
Tevdte IX, 3; X11, 6. 
gTepeds XXll, I XXVi, 5. 

rrepéoua XViii, 23 12 
rrptyua XViii, E, 
Tnpite XXIV. 2. 
TiBets Vii, 1, 
riABe viii, 1. 
OTdha V. 45 xiv. 2) 24 
8; xxvii. 2. 

wrpibe XVI, 4. 
FrpoBNéa XXxii, 4. 
TUXos XViii, 115 XX, 7. 
UK eugts 

aioyos X, 13, 
FUykotudouat 1X, 8, 
FUiyyyt X, 11. 
FUkrakate XV, 11. 
rvirogite, XA, 
Uy 1 09; ix, 7. 
vty Xai, 0. 
FUyEX® XX, 10, 
FUvTekerhos X, 12. 
FUTeAée X. I2 ; XViil, 10, 
FvyTNpée X, 3. 

kai eipnlun 1, 8. 
ruppirre XV, 11. 


\ኣ ን [4 ላ [4 
kal Groaeta Kai gdyaros 
XV, 1 

pigpa xxv. 23 Xxxii, 3. 
FXtyOS XXX, 25 XXXLle 1 
oXirka PIA 

ete 1 TEES 

oka XV. 0, 

eoTnpia V, 6, 

Tagéy (corrupt) xviii, 7. 
Ti]s ebXoyias Xi, 1. 
TauuIN Mis 
Tages 11, 1, 
TaTetyds XXV], 4. 
TaTetyoUy 1. 6. 
Taprapos XXe 2 
race 11. 15 
Emi Tuyos XX. 52 8, 
Tékya Vi, 2; Vii, 35 XV. 5, 
TEK»O® XV, 5, 
TeNeiets 11, 2; X. 12, 145 Xvi, 
TeXevrde 1X, 10, 
TeAée Xx, 12; XV1, 1. 
Yveoluny Vi. 4. 
TéሪAos X, 2 3 XVii1, 4. 
Ter gapes 1X, 15 xviii, 23 XXii, 2, 


TeTapros Viii, 3. 

riko 1.6. 

TikTe Vil, 25 1X, 0, 

Tin V. 15 XiV. 10, 

Ttuaopée XX, 13, 

TiTdy 1X, 0. 

Totydp VY, 5, 


Ta Totavra XXV, 7. 

TOiXos XiV, 10, 

Toda Vil, 4 

T6goy XVii, 3. 

Tmos Xvii. 1, 2, 35 Xviii, 10, 
12) ir, 15; Xx. 2, 7, 8, KC. 
XXL, I, 3d BAUD Pak 

xiii, 3, 05 Xa. 4,5, 8, XXII. 
Boe Ec, XXXVI, ge 

Tovpui WI 

TDaXys X., 85 XXIV. 2. 

Tpets Xi, 2. 

Tpeke XIV. ፲4) 24. 


TpiBe XXXL, 3 

Tpis XXi1, 0. 

TPF XINtos Wiii2: 

Tpokos XIV. ፲3. 

kai boos 1. 55 xiii, 3. 

Tpopy] XiV. 13. 


Tog MAioy XViii, 4 
es MAiov XIV. 18. 
TupulX Vi, 7. 


SayeeNis xxviii, 3. 
tU8ep xiii, 75 XY IL XVI. 4» 
Bo) Xi, 2,0 KX EIS) 
vide X, 1,155 Rh. RV, 0S 
oi —T®y Gvgperey Vi.1 5 viii, 
Ts ys x11, 4) ; XV, 3, 
Toy ovpayoy Vi, 25 Xiii, 8 
XIV, 3% 
Ts ropyeias Xe 0, 
Uuyee XXVi, 5. 
UrdpXo V. 05 Xv. 0, 
Urepexe xxiv. iN 
Urepnepayia Ve 8. 
Urvot Xiii, IO XIV, 2. 


tr Ww. dat, XViii, 12, 
Urogeikyuut Vili. 15 xii, 2. 
Urokdre XIV. 19; xXviil, 12 
XXVi, 2. 
tUrokdre UrG XXVi. 3. 
Ur gvmua xiii, 7. 
€peorrews xiii, 4 0, 

UroTignue X. 5. 

UYnAGs 1, 65 xi, 45 xiv. 185 

UWerros viii, 4; 1x. 35 Xx. 1, 

UYvos xviii. 115 XY. 35 xxv. 
A aI de 

ek XXX, 6. 
paiyouat 1, 4, 85 i, 1 52 
XVii, I. 
pavepgs ix, 5. 
Papayg XY, 25 Xxvi. 3, 4, 5» 
papuaxeia vii, 15 Vii, 3. 
Papuapds Vi, 7 ; viii, 3, 
pacha 76 xv. 11, 
pepouae xxviii, 3, 
pgeipe 11, 2, 
pgive xxiv, 4. 
Paorrouvgeiy xxi, 5. 
Pye XY. 12, 19, 22; Xx, 7. 
Tip PAeyoy xiv. 175 xvii. 

ወእሪደ 1. 6. 
poBéowat 1, 5 5 vi, 35 xii, 35 
poBepds xviii, 125 xxi, 2, 7, 
@PoBos 1, 55 xiii, 35 xiv, 13. 
pote xxiv, 4. 

| poyeve Xxii, 7) 12, 
pavos xi, 6. 
povsd (= N51) xviii, 8, 
ppgmrss Xxx, 3, ©. 
PuAAov xxiv, 4 85 axl, 
Ta Pua VY. 1, 
@vreva x, 3. 
@uvreve Xx. 3, 16, 195 xxvi, 5, 
Tile Bekatoguvme X, 16, 

Twvd (synon, Kayéeo Teva) 
XiV. 8. 

bem ix, 25 xii, B53 xv. 
Xx. 5, 6. 

Peovny drpemy Aéyey ard 
Tivos XXVI, 2, 
ቁ9s i, 85x, 5, 
dyagoy V. 6. 
@9s kat Xaps Vv. 7, 8. 
err 1, 15 xvii, 35 xx. 4) 
XXiii, 4. 
paoretvds xxii, 2, 0, 
Gygpeoros reportreyos ¥. 

Xaipe VY. 65 XXv. 6, 

Tept Twos Xii. ©. 
XdAata xiv. 0 IO, 
XaABdavn XXX, 1. 
Xdaos XX, 5, 

TOU Tupos X, 13. 
Xapa VY. 05 X. 16, 
Xapts V. 7,8. 
Xda XViii, 11, 12. 
Ta XeiAn 

Tey bapayyeoy Xxx, 3. 

Xetkeptvds XVii, 7, 
Xetuey 11, 2. 
Xeip x, 4 
XepovBiy xiv, 11, 185 xx. 7. 
XAeds ad. 
XAtdges X, 17, 19, 

XAorrs Vii, 1, 
Xtovtkds XIV. 10. 
Xtey XIV. 10) 13, 20. 
XAopds ¥. 1. 
Xp rs XXX, 1. 
Xba XXX, 2. 
Xpéyos Xx, 6; xxii, 45 xxvii, 

Xpvctoy Vii, 1. 
Xpeoka Xviii, 7. 
Xol3alBunA Vi 7. 
Xepite xxii, 8, 9, 11 12, 
Xepis Xvi, 1. 
XoXapA Vi, 7. 
XOXuIN Vill, 3 

Weta Vii, 1. 
Veta Vv. 4. 
VuX IX 310: X14 3 os 
fe apkos XVie 1. 
Wvxpas xiv. 13. 

ge XIV, 245 NY aE 
62.105 EH 3 EU RX 

Datos XXIV, 9, 

kai Kaxds Vi, 1. 

os XVii, 15 XXXViii, 3, 

aei xiv. 185 Xvii, 15 XXiV, 4 
XXXL. 4 

errepet ¥. 2, 

Sgre Ww. inf, xiv, 16, 


Page 5, col. 2, line 9. For JVoyafionum read 4Vovafiasnaam, 

10, note 24. For kpugrovrat read koyarglloovrat, and see discussion on passage 
on Dp. XRXvii. 

13, note 3. For‘ Gs omit read «G° omit ver. 6. 

14, line 1. Emend AA; into AAC; with G. 

16, note 19. arergioray which 1 have treated as an imperfect is probably 
a unique aorist, In that case the reading of a, B~a9cy % should be followed. 

17. In vii, 2 CG remove the obeli 

19, lines 3 and 4. In G* for airy, Kai TapéBnray kai érእdiwmay rovs dyiousl, 2. 
read aiTéyl, 2, kai rapégnoay Kai éerእdvmray Toys éyiovs, 

20, line 4 from bottom. For ‘EF Gs’ read ‘E G. 

321, last line. For ‘note is read ‘note 139° 

232, note 30. After #, BD add a full stop. 

26, line 5 from bottom. For ‘Gs’ read ‘GG. 

398, line 11. If in ove gorrat atrois eis Fxeov kat eipilvwy the construction eis €Aeoy 
is original, then the original may have been ono [53D No = 0 Breas 
atrovs eis SAeow, The construction is both Hebrew and Aramaic, Cp. 
1 Kings viii. go (Targum in loc.); Dan. i. 9. But most probably ov gras 
atrois 15 Corrupt fOr otk €oovra airoi eis EAeov= NNoRግ» Iiጋn (iNነn^) ERA OR 
2 Chron. Xxx, 0. 

37, note 9. For ‘note 23 ' read ‘note 24" 

47, line 14. For Srrporat read dorparai. 

At end of note io add: the MS. reads: gieas and dorpards. 

48, last line. For dréceiya read sméxetya. 

59, notei5. FOr RRS XXX, 3 read RY RRR 

79, note ao: For ‘xi. 15 xxl, 5, 8’ read ‘x. i Xx: 0,10: 

83, line io. For Aifiraw; read Aa. 

121, At end of note 2 add: AለAANY; = SyyéAas = DSN, corrupt for bio2p. 




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