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K. M. KING, B.A. 

Assistant Masters 
Selhurst Grammar 



London. Edinburgh Glasgow New York 
Toronto Melbourne Capetown Bombay 

Calcutta Madras 


RERRINTTED 1931, IQ32* I935 



THIS little book on Roman life is intended in the first place 
for young pupils beginning the study of Latin. They will 
doubtless be attracted more by the illustrations than by the 
text ; but as the text is largely a translation of the illustrations 
into language simple enough to be understood by youthful 
minds, it is hoped that even a preliminary reading will be 
found to make an instructive beginning and to do something 
towards creating an intelligent interest which can gradually 
develop into real knowledge. A second and more intensive 
study of the book, it is suggested, can profitably be made in 
the year of the School Leaving Examination when the Latin 
terms, largely neglected during the first-year reading, can 
really be assimilated. 

The style of the book has been left as simple as possible 
and all unnecessary detail has been avoided. At the same time 
we believe that the facts given are in every respect in line 
with the most recent researches of modern archaeology. 

Our warmest thanks are due to Dr. E. Norman Gardiner, 
who has shown the keenest interest in the book throughout 
its preparation and who has placed at our disposal the benefits 
of his ripe scholarship and practical experience ; and to the 
officers of the Clarendon Press for the choice of illustrations. 

Three books have been largely used for reference. First, 
there is W. Warde Fowler's brilliant and absorbing study of 
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero; secondly, for all 
technical matters, H. Stuart Jones's Companion to Roman 
History; thirdly, for illustrations from Latin literature, The 
Life of Rome, compiled by Messrs. Rogers and Harley. 


December 1929. K. M. K. 


List of Illustrations . ... 8 

I. A Brief Sketch of Roman History . . u 

II. The City of Rome 19 

III. Roman Houses in Town and Country . . 30 

IV. A Typical Day in the Life of a Roman . 43 
V. Roman Dress 50 

VI. Roman Boyhood and Education . . . 54 

VII. Public Amusements 65 

VIII. Marriage and Funeral Customs 73 

IX. Trade and Money 80 

X. Slavery 86 

XI. Roads and Travel 90 

XII. The Roman Calendar .... 97 

XIII. The Roman Army: Ranks and Organization . 100 

XIV. The Roman Army in the Field . . .108 
XV. The Roman Army in Triumph . . . 115 

XVI. Naval Affairs 118 

XVII. The Religion of the Romans . . .121 

XVIII. Festivals and Sacrifices . . . .132 

XIX. The Government of Rome . . . .138 

XX. The Roman Law-Courts .... 147 

XXI. Our Debt to Rome 151 

Appendix I . , . . . 157 

Appendix II . . . . . .158 

Index . . . .... 159 


The Pont du Card. Photograph, Ltvy et Neurdein reunis Frontispiece 
The Foundation of Rome. A typical Italian hill town. Photograph 

by Mr. R. Gardner 10 

Ancient Italy 12 

An Etruscan Nobleman and his Wife. Photograph, Alinari , . 15 

Etruscan Peasant ploughing. Photograph, Alinari . . 15 

Warfare in Latium about 350 B.C. Photograph, Alinari. . . 16 

Julius Caesar. Photograph, Anderson 17 

Rome 20 

The Isola Tiberina. Photograph by Mr. Percival Hart . . 23 

In the Forum. Photograph by Mr. R. Gardner .... 25 
A Triumphal Arch set up by the Emperor Titus. Photograph by 

Mr. R. Gardner 27 

The Via Sacra, Photograph by Mr. Percival Hart ... 29 

Excavations in progress at Pompeii 31 

A Burial Urn 32 

A typical Pompeian house. After Mau, 'Pompeji in Leben und Kunst* 32 

Ground-plan of the House of the Vettii 34 

The Inner Courtyard of the House of the Vettii. Photograph, Brogi . 36 
A Wall-painting in the House of the Vettii. Photograph, Brogi . 38 
The Painted Altar of the Household Gods. Photograph by Mr. Perci- 
val Hart 39 

A Roman House at Ostia. Restoration by I. Gismondi, 1921 . . 41 

Plan of Villa Rustica at Boscoreale 42 

A Roman Lamp. British Museum 43 

A Roman Water-clock 44 

The Forum of Trajan. After E. J. Banks in 'Art and Archaeology* , 

vol. iv, by permission 47 

A Roman at Table 48 

Plan of the Seating at a Roman dinner-table. After W. Warde 
Fowler, in 'Social Life at Rome', by permission of Messrs. Mac- 

ntillan & Co., Ltd. 49 

Roman Dress. British Museum 51 

A Roman Bridegroom and his Bride. From a sarcophagus in the 

British Museum. Photograph, Mansell 53 

Roman Hairdressing 55 

A Cloth Factory or perhaps a Tailor's Shop. Photograph, Alinari . 55 
Four Stages in the Upbringing of a Roman boy. Photograph, 

Giraudon ......... 57 

An Abacus. By permission from 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica', 

vol i, nth ed. 60 


Ancient Writing Materials. British Museum .... 63 

A Schoolmaster and his Pupils. Photograph, Provinzialmuseum, Trier 64 
The Colosseum at Rome. Photograph, Anderson ... 67 
A Fight in the Arena. Photograph, Anderson .... 68 

A Chariot Race in the Circus ....... 71 

Two Gladiators practising. Photograph, Provinzialmuseum, Trier . 72 

A Roman Funeral. Photograph, Moscioni 77 

A Columbarium ......... 79 

An Italian Harbour. From Guglielmotti, ' Dissertazi oni della 

Pontificia*. (Accademia Romano di Archeologia, 1881) . . 83 
A Roman bronze As. British Museur.i ..... 85 

Manumission by the rod 89 

Augustus* Golden Milestone. Photograph by Mr. Percival Hart . 92 
Travel by Land .... , 95 

A Merchant Ship ......... 96 

Uniforms of the Roman Army. From Cichorius, 'Die Reliefs der 

Traianssa'ule' (G. Reimer, Berlin) 105 

A Roman Transport Wagon . . . . . .107 

Plan of a Roman Camp .... ... 108 

Roman Legionary Soldiers building their camp. Photograph by the 

German Archaeological Institute, Rome. . . . . in 

A Roman Fort in the Mountains of Cumberland. From a drawing 

byW.G.Collingwood . . , . . . .113 

A Roman Battleship. Photograph, Alinari . . . . .119 

A Grove on a Hill-top near Rome, sacred in Roman times. Photo- 
graph by Mr. Percival Hart . . , , . .123 
Statue of a Vestal Virgin. Photograph, Anderson. . .127 

The State Religion of Rome. Restoration after Carey and Deam . 131 
Suovetaurilia. Photograph, Giraudon . . . . 135 
Law and Order. By courtesy of Muste Calvet, Avignon . .139 
A Roman Senator. Sion House ...... 145 

The Tarpeian Rock on the Capitol. Photograph, Alinari . . 149 
A Roman Road ..... ... 155 



THE beginnings of Roman history are hidden by picturesque 
but untrustworthy legends, in which, however, we can dis- 
cover certain broad facts concerning the origins of the Roman 
people. The Romans first appear in true history as one of 
several tribes settled in the middle of the Italian peninsula. 
We do not know where they came from in the first instance; 
but they took up their abode just where the Apennine moun- 
tains sweep nearest to the east coast, leaving a fairly wide plain 
on their western side. Through this plain flows the Tiber in 
an almost north-south direction ; it is the only river of any real 
importance south of the Apennines. 

The plain on the south-eastern side of the Tiber was known 
as Latium, and tradition tells us that here, some twenty miles 
from the sea, the City of Rome was built in 753 B.C. The 
earliest settlement had been on the Alban Mount, away from 
the river, but was transferred later to a second site, farther 
north, which could be more easily defended against the most 
dangerous of Rome's neighbours. These were the Etruscans, 
who had come into Italy later than the Romans and had 
settled in the region now known as Tuscany. Rome was built 
on the southern bank of the Tiber, where a group of low hills, 
rising fairly steeply from the river, formed a valuable means 
of defence. 

There were other alien settlers farther south the Greeks, 
who had founded colonies round the southern shores of Italy. 
In the early days, however, the Romans did not need to 
trouble greatly about the Greeks, since they were separated 
from them by hardy mountain tribes of similar race to them- 
selves. These were the Samnites, whose country lay to the 

south-east of Latium. Yet another group of tribes of similar 
race, the Umbrians, were settled in the mountains to the 



English Miles 


north-east. Thus, at the outset of her history as we know it, 
Rome was one of a number of small cities in the plain of 
Latium, with tribes of the same race in the mountains to the 
east and a dangerous, restless enemy to the north. 


In spite of her defensive position, it would appear that at 
some time in the sixth century B.C. the Etruscans succeeded 
in capturing Rome, but the conquerors were driven out by 
a rebellion of the Roman nobles in 509 B.C. Tarquin the 
Proud, the king who was expelled, tried to regain the throne 
with the help of Etruscan armies, but without success. 

The Romans hated the very name of king and they now 
set up a republic. The city was governed by two consuls, 
elected to hold office for one year. This was too short a period 
for them to become tyrannical ; moreover, one consul could 
always act as a check on the other. This arrangement lasted 
till the Empire was founded by Augustus nearly five centuries 
later. (Five hundred years ago from now, the Wars of the 
Roses had not been fought. When we think how many 
changes there have been in the government of England since 
then, it is evident that the Romans chose for themselves a 
form of government that stood the test of time remarkably 
well. In this respect they showed at a very early date one of 
their greatest characteristics.) 

At the beginning of the Republic, Rome was only one 
of the cities of Latium, and, though the most outstanding of 
them, she was not very much more powerful than the rest. 
This can be seen from the treaties that were made between 
the various Latin cities, by which each had the right of trade 
and intermarriage with the people of all the other cities in 
the league, including Rome. Now it always happens sooner 
or later in every group of individuals, or of cities, or of 
nations, that one becomes more powerful than the rest. Very 
soon it was clear that Rome would be the chief city in the 
Latin league. When the others saw this they were jealous, 
and actually gave no help when Rome was nearly over- 
whelmed by the Gauls from Northern Italy in 390 B.C. 

But Rome weathered the storm, and coming out of her 

danger stronger than before, she altered her treaties with the 
Latin cities so that, while each might trade and intermarry 
only with the Romans, Rome had the advantage of both 
trading and intermarrying with the citizens of all the other 
cities* In this way the Latins were the first to pay the penalty 
of standing against Rome. At the same time Rome made 
an alliance with the great African city of Carthage, which 
promised to help in keeping Rome at the head of the league. 
Rome strengthened her hold on Latium by building the first 
of her great military roads (the Via Latino) and founding 
fortresses (coloniae) at points of military importance. 

The extension of her power over the whole of Latium 
brought Rome into conflict with the hardy mountaineers of 
Samnium. They proved to be formidable enemies, and 
Rome suffered one of her greatest humiliations when a whole 
army surrendered at a place known as the Caudine Forks in 
the course of the Samnite Wars. But in the end Rome pre- 
vailed, in spite of a combined movement against her by the 
Samnites, the Umbrians, and the Etruscans. Her victory was 
due to the advantages of her geographical position and the 
fine character of her citizens. 

The war with Samnium brought Rome to the borders of 
the Greek lands in the south Magna Graecia, as that part of 
Italy was called. The leading city was Tarentum ; and it was 
clear that against this city Rome would soon have to pit her 
strength. . The Greeks sought an ally in Pyrrhus, king of 
Epirus in north-western Greece, a king who dreamed of 
rivalling the conquests of Alexander the Great. It is true 
that he won several battles at the expense of the Romans, but 
at such a cost that he was obliged to retiirn to Greece and 
leave the Greek colonies to fall into the hands of Rome. 
Thus, by the year 270 B.C., Rome was mistress of all Italy 
south of the Apennines, though we must note that she had 

An Etruscan nobleman and his wife. A terra-cotta sculpture fiom an 
Etruscan tomb 

A group of bronze figures of the sixth century B. c., representing an 
Etruscan peasant ploughing. Behind him stands a figure of the 
goddess Minerva 


made no attempt to spread her power over the valley of the 
Po^ between the Apennines and the Alps. 

Rome was now well on the road of conquest and could not 
draw back. Before long a struggle began between Rome and 
Carthage, This great trading city on the north coast of Africa 


An early bronze group found at Palestrina, showing two bearded 

warriors carrying the dead body of a comrade 

was the most dangerous rival that Rome ever had, and the 
war was a struggle for existence between the two cities. 
Several times it seemed that Rome would be defeated, but 
the patriotism of her citizens saved her again and again. At 
last, in 146 B.C., Carthage was finally destroyed. Rome was 
now mistress of the western Mediterranean, and had the 
beginnings of an overseas empire. Her wealth and power 
were increasing rapidly. Before long all the Mediterranean 
lands were under her rule. 

These successes of Rome brought various difficulties and 
problems with them. Victorious generals led home in triumph 
thousands of slaves who did the work that the citizens had 
done before. The rich became richer while the poor became 
poorer. Then two brothers belonging to one of the noblest 


families, Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, tried to put matters 
right. Amongst other things, they wanted to have the lands 
belonging to the State divided more fairly amongst all the 
citizens. There were many who opposed the plan, and 
Tiberius, who set the laws aside in order to have his way, was 
slain in a riot caused by his enemies. Caius met a similar fate 
nine years later (123 B.C.) when he tried to carry on his 
brother's work. 

3632 B 


These unruly years gave the army a chance to gain power. 
Often a successful general that is, one who could reward 
his men with much plunder had more power in the Roman 
world than the consuls had, though sometimes generals 
used their power to have themselves elected to the consulate. 
Marius and the still more powerful Sulla were the first of 
these great generals. 

Their fame has been overshadowed by the greater fame 
of two generals that came after them Pompey and Julius 
Caesar. Pompey had great success in his wars in the East, 
and for some time was the greatest man in the Roman world. 
At this period Caesar was making a name for himself in 
Gaul, i. e. modern France. Soon it became clear that neither 
Pompey nor Caesar would be content with second place. 
Civil war broke out. Pompey was defeated at Pharsalia in 
Greece, and was murdered soon afterwards in Egypt. 

Julius Caesar was now a king in all but name. He used 
his power wisely and so much for the benefit of the people 
that he was offered the crown, though Rome had been a 
republic for more than four centuries. He refused to accept 
the crown ; but there were some in Rome, including his friend 
Brutus, who feared his power. Rather than see him king they 
hatched a plot against him, and on 15 March 44 B.C. Caesar 
was murdered in the Senate House. 

The conspirators did not long remain in Rome, and soon 
an army was led against them to avenge the death of Caesar. 
Its leaders, who were called the Triumvirs, were Octavius 
(Caesar's nephew and heir), Mark Antony, and Lepidus. At 
Philippi in Greece the army of the conspirators was defeated. 
The Triumvirs now had all the power in their hands, but 
before long they quarrelled. Lepidus, the least important, 
soon ceased to count. Antony stayed idling in Egypt at the 
court of Queen Cleopatra, while Augustus (who had taken 

his uncle's name, Caesar) made ready a fleet. With this he 
utterly defeated Antony at Actium in 31 B.C. Antony killed 
himself rather than fall into his rival's hands, and Augustus 
Caesar became master of the Roman world. 

For some years he carried on the pretence that there was 
no change of government, but in 27 B. c., when he was consul 
for the seventh time, he took the title of Princcps. This 
marked the end of the Republic and the beginning of the 

Rome had not quite reached the limits of her territorial 
power; but the civil strife of the preceding century had 
weakened the moral strength of the Romans, and already 
the seeds of decay had been sown. There were still great 
conquests to be achieved, and great additions to be made to 
Latin literature and art, but the old virtues of self-restraint 
(continentid), steadfastness (constantia), and manliness (virtus) 
had almost vanished from the Roman character. 


IN the last chapter we touched briefly upon the geographical 
advantages of Rome. These consisted of the hills, the river 
Tiber, and the broad plain of Latium across which a system 
of military roads was constructed. The earliest settlement 
was on the Palatine, but the later City included a number of 
other hills. They were the Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, and 
Caelian Hills, all spurs of the table-land abutting on the 
river; the isolated Janiculum on the western side of the 
Tiber ; and the lesser Pincian and Aventine Hills to the north 
and south of the main group. The valleys between these hills 
were swampy and often flooded in spite of the great drainage 
sewers (cloacae) that emptied into the river. 



The Tiber, which formed the chief defence against Etrus- 
can attacks, was a swift and turbulent stream, discoloured 
with the mud that it carried down from the mountains. This 
mud formed dangerous shoals at the river-mouth and for a 
long time prevented Ostia from becoming as important as 
the more distant Puteoli, the chief port of Rome. The Tiber 


English yard* 

gave easy access to the mountains of the interior on the one 
side and to the coast on the other ; yet Rome was far enough 
from the estuary to be safe from attacks from the sea. When 
the network of military roads was complete (the Via Latina, 
Appia, Flaminia, and others less important) the strategic 
position of Rome was unrivalled in the whole of Italy. 

In order to get some idea of the City of Rome, let us 
go back in imagination to Caesar's day and walk through 
the ancient streets filled with the crowds and noisy with the 


bustle of the metropolis of the world. At that time the popu- 
lation was about half a million many times greater than that 
of the earliest days. 

It may well be supposed that the wall built by Servius 
Tullius, the sixth king of Rome (578-535 B.C.), embraced a 
good deal of open space where refugees from outside might 
encamp with their possessions in time of war. When wars 
broke out, the country-folk would come in with 
. . droves of mules and asses, 

Laden with skins of wine, 
And endless flocks of sheep and goats. 

And endless herds of kine, 
And endless trains of wagons 

That creaked beneath the weight 
Of corn-sacks and of household goods. 

But by the first century B.C. all the space inside the wall was 
filled up and already buildings were being erected outside. 
The working classes were crowded together in great tenement 
blocks, for only the wealthiest could afford separate houses. 
Space was valuable, and the streets were often mere alleys, 
so Julius Caesar made a law that no vehicles should use the 
streets in the day-time. We can picture ancient Rome an 
overcrowded city of narrow lanes with overhanging houses, 
not unlike the oldest parts of London. 

We will begin our imaginary tour from the Janiculum Hill 
on the right bank of the Tiber. Here was the earliest fortress, 
to guard the city from possible attacks by the Etruscans from 
the north. The road we follow runs down the slope towards 
the Pons Aemilius by which we cross the Tiber. On our left, 
upstream, we can see a ship-like island in the river, on which 
stands the earliest hospital in Rome, dedicated to Aescula- 
pius, the god of healing. To the right is the open mouth of 


the Cloaca Maxima, the main sewer which drains away the 
water from the low-lying parts of the city. Beside it is 
the ancient wooden bridge, the Pons Sublicius, which Ancus 
Martins built. When Lars Porsena came with his Etruscan 
armies in 508 B.C. to help Tarquin the Proud to regain the 
throne, the Janiculum was taken by storm, as Macaulay tells 
in The Lay of Haratius. Straight towards the Pons Sublicius 
swept down the Etruscans, and only by the felling of the 
bridge could the city be saved. Then Horatius with two 
companions, Lartius and Herminius, guarded the bridge 
while the citizens hewed down its piles with axes. Just as 
the bridge fell, Lartius and Herminius leapt back to safety, 
but Horatius stayed too long. It seemed that he must perish ; 
but, haying commended his life to Father Tiber, he plunged 
into the muddy yellow river, and swam ashore. 

We leave the bridges behind us and enter the city, noticing 
the splendid buildings on the Palatine Hill in front. We first 
reach the Forum Boarium, the cattle market, where we are 
reminded that the earliest Romans were workers on the soil. 
From the market-place we turn to the left along the once 
marshy hollow of Velabrum, leading directly to the Forum 
Romanum, at the foot of the Capitoline Hill. Long since this 
Forum has ceased to be what its name suggests a market- 
place; it is now the centre of the city's life, where bankers 
and money-lenders have taken the place of shopkeepers. 

In the Forum we can realize that we are in the heart of the 
chief city in the world. All around us rise famous structures 
with the very history of Rome built into their walls. There, 
on the north-west side, is the Temple of Concord, begun in 
367 B.C. to mark the end of the struggle between Patricians 
and Plebeians. Above it is the Tabularium, 1 where all the 
public records are kept; and on the south side the Temple 
1 The lower parts of this building still exist 


of Saturn, where the treasure of the city is stored. Not far 
away, and facing down the Via Sacra, is the Rostra. This is 
a public platform, whence orators address the crowd, and it 
takes its name from the beaks of ships with which it is 
adorned. These had been captured by Maenius in the Latin 

A ship-like island in the river 
The Isola Tiberina in the middle of the Tiber 

Wars and they remained as a lasting trophy of the early 
struggles of Rome. (In our day it has become the custom 
to commemorate our victories with captured guns.) 

Formerly, till Julius Caesar moved them, the Rostra stood 
on the north-eastern side of the Forum below the Comitium. 
In the very early days of the city this was marked out and 
reserved as a consecrated place of assembly for the citizens, 
Hard by, on the north side of the Forum, is the Curia where 
the Senate meets. 


On other sides of the Forum there are great halls, called 
basilicae, in which various kinds of public business are trans- 
acted* They are simply roofed halls divided into aisles by 
rows of columns. At one end there is a raised platform from 
which the magistrate administers justice. They serve as 
courts of justice, exchanges for merchants, and places of 
meeting for the people at large. 

The oldest basilica in the Forum is the Basilica Porcia, 
built by Cato in 184 B.C., on the western side of the Comi- 
tium. On the north side of the Forum stands the Basilica 
Aemilia, which has been rebuilt in Julius Caesar's time. But 
the greatest of the three is the Basilica Julia on the south side 
of the Forum, adjoining the Temple of Saturn. This was 
known at one time as the Basilica Sempronia, but as Julius 
Caesar began its rebuilding on a larger scale, it now bears his 
name. We approach its stately portico by a flight of steps 
leading from the level of the Forum, and enter a magnificent 
central hall. It is paved with multicoloured marble, and an 
arcade of pillars bears a gallery with windows above. At the 
far end we can see a series of compartments (tabernae) used 
for business purposes. These are the chief basilicae at the 
end of this first century B.C., but in the Imperial age there 
will be several other and greater ones built to meet the 
growing needs of public, business. 

The Forum we see is not yet adorned with the columns, 
statues, and triumphal arches which later Emperors will set 
up. Round about us there are seething crowds who jostle 
their way noisily as they go about their business or wait idly 
for something to happen a speech from the Rostra, the 
opening of a trial in the law-courts near by, or a religious 
procession down the Sacred Way. 

We will leave behind us the crowds of the Forum and climb 
the Capitoline Hill. At the northern end is the citadel which 


held out so stubbornly against the Gauls in 390 B.C. The 
besiegers tried one night to take the fort by surprise after 
climbing the cliff-like hill under cover of darkness ; but the 
sacred geese, kept there for sacrifices, gave the alarm in time 
and the attack failed. At the other end of the summit of this 
hill is the great Temple of Jupiter, chief of the gods, who is 
worshipped here together with Juno and Minerva. It is the 
largest temple in Rome. 

Outside, to the south, the hill descends by a steep cliff 
known as the Tarpeian Rock (see p. 149). The name com- 
memorates the fate of the unhappy Vestal, Tarpeia, who 
betrayed the citadel to the Sabines in the legendary days of 
Rome. It is said that Tarpeia met the Sabine captain, Titus 
Tatius, at the fountain where she went at sunset to draw 
water, and that she coveted the gold bracelet on the warrior's 
arm. He gave it to her, and promised that she should have all 
that his men wore on their left arms if she would open the 
gates of the fortress to them. She consented, but when she 
let in the enemy that night, Tatius struck her down with 
the shield that he bore on his left arm, and, in fulfilment of 
his promise, as his men passed in they threw down their 
shields on the traitor's body. Having taken the fortress, the 
Sabines buried Tarpeia under the rock that bears her name. 

From the Capitoline Hill we look out north-westwards 
beyond the walls to the Campus Martius, the great open 
space in a bend of the Tiber, used for military exercises. 
This 'Field of Mars 9 was once public land, and it reminds 
us of the open spaces adjoining the later cities of London 
and Paris; in the one we find St. Martin's Fields, in the 
other the Champs-filys&s. In the two modern cities the 
open spaces have long vanished; and as we look out on 
the Campus Martius we can see that already buildings are 
encroaching upon it. The largest that we see is the Circus 


Flaminius, which has stood there since the end of the wars 
with Carthage. There is also Pompey's Theatre, and later 
on there will be other great public buildings the Baths of 

A triumphal arch set up in Rome by the Emperor 

Titus. The Marble Arch in London is an imitation of 

the Roman type 

Nero and Agrippa, and the Pantheon, a burial-place for the 

We now make our way back to the Forum and thence down 
the uneven, crooked Via Sacra, lined with the oldest and 
most honoured temples in Rome. On our right we pass first 
the Temple of Castor, and then the spring of Juturna. 
Macaulay has told how the twin-brother gods, Castor and 


Pollux, fought for the Romans in the battle of Lake Regillus 
against the Latins : then, when the victory was won, 
On rode they to the Forum, 

While laurel-boughs and flowers, 
From house-tops and from windows 

Fell on their crests in showers. 
When they drew nigh to Vesta, 

They vaulted down amain, 
And washed their horses in the well 

That springs by Vesta's fane. 

Leaving the Temple of Castor and this spring that is still 
held in reverence, we reach the Temple of Vesta and the 
house where her priestesses, the Vestal Virgins, live together 
as in a convent. These virgins tend the never-dying fire 
which symbolizes the life of the city. Opposite the temple 
and in the middle of the Sacred Way stands the Regia, once the 
royal palace but now the residence of the Pontifex Maximus. 
Other temples will be crowded into this short street of less 
than half a mile which is indeed the holiest ground in Rome. 
We reach the eastern end of the Sacred Way and turn to 
the right. Before continuing we can obtain a general view 
of the Quirinal, Esquiline, and Caelian Hills that sweep in 
a semicircle round the eastern side of the city: while just 
before us is the place where the huge Flavian Amphitheatre 
(better known as the Colosseum) will be built. 

All this time, as we walk, we have had the Palatine Hill on 
our right. This was the site of the first settlement from which 
the city grew, and here are many relics, including the hut 
of Romulus, which is connected with the early legendary 
days. In the course of time this hill has become the most 
fashionable quarter of the city, and here the Emperors will 
build their palaces. 
We now proceed along the hollow between the Palatine 


and Caelian Hills, till we reach the Porta Capena. Here the 
Appian Way leaves the city, cleaving its straight route 
right through the countryside to the hilly district of Samnium 
which defied Rome so long. Along this straight, trefc- 
bordered road we can see the tombs of famous Romans. 

The Ff'a Sacra leading up to the Capitol 

But we shall not go outside the city yet. Let us turn our 
steps back instead to the huge building on our left, the Circus 
Maximus. It stands between the Palatine and Aventine Hills. 
Here chariot-races take place for the amusement of the idle 
mob in the city who cannot or will not work. As we turn 
the eastern corner of the Circus, at the foot of the Aventine, 
we see before us, on the right, the cattle market where we 
started our walk. 


In such a tour as that sketched out above, the oldest and 
most famous parts of Rome would have been visited, but 
little would be seen of those parts of the city where the 
ordinary people dwell. Like those of modern London, the 
inhabitants of ancient Rome lived on the outskirts away from 
the busy heart of the city. The residential quarters were on 
certain of the hills. The patricians lived on the Palatine; 
wealthy plebeians had splendid mansions on the Quirinal. On 
the other hills, the Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine, which 
formed a semicircular border round the middle of the city, 
the working classes had their dwellings. The poorest were 
to be found in the unhealthy hollows between the hills. In 
these districts were very large tenement-buildings, called 
tnsulae because they were whole blocks surrounded by 
streets as 'islands' are surrounded by water. These tene- 
ments were usually of three or four storeys, the ground floor 
being occupied by shops (tabernae) with open fronts to the 
street, and in these many families were herded together in 
great discomfort. They were often rickety tumble-down 
buildings, the upper parts of wood, top-heavy and liable to 
collapse. They were usually in disrepair and often on fire. 


IT was said of Augustus Caesar that he found Rome made 
of brick and rebuilt it in marble. Though this statement may 
have something of exaggeration, it is none the less true that 
Rome grew up in a somewhat haphazard fashion and not 
according to any particular plan. We have seen already that 
the majority of the ordinary people lived in great tenement 


buildings and that only the fairly well-to-do had houses of 
their own. By the first century B.C., Greek influences had 
brought many changes in the plan and arrangement of Roman 

A burial urn made in the form of a one-roomed wooden hut. This 

urn (made of brown earthenware) was found in a prehistoric 

cemetery at Rome 

Penttylfum txcdra 


A typical Pompeian house 

houses, so that they were very different from the houses of 
an earlier day. Our knowledge is derived from the ruins that 
have been dug out at Pompeii and Ostia, and also on the 
Palatine Hill in Rome. 
These show us the latest forms of the houses of the wealthy, 


but the earlier houses were much simpler. The simplest was 
just a one-roomed hut, with a hole in the middle of the roof 
to let out smoke and admit light. We know pretty well what 
these early houses looked like because burial urns were made 
like them and some of these have been found. 

Asthe Romans became wealthier and more civilized they had 
better houses . But they still kept the idea of the hut with a hole 
in the roof, for the next type of house was merely an elaboration 
of the primitive hut. There was one chief room, the atrium, 
round which were grouped a few small and comparatively 
unimportant apartments. The atrium was so called because 
; its rafters were black (ater) with smoke from the family fire 
that was lighted thefe. The life of the family, in all its dif- 
ferent aspects, was centred in the atrium. It was the living- 
room, where the work (such as spinning and weaving) was 
done, and where the family ate their meals. The master of 
the house kept his money-chest there, fastened to the floor. 
Here, too, were the Penates, the gods that guarded the ^ 
material goods of the house, and the Lararium, the shrine 
of the family gods. But perhaps the most striking feature of 
the atrium was the square hole in the middle of the roof, 
which sloped inwards so that rain-water drained into a 
tank in the floor below: this was simply a survival from 
the hut of early times. Beyond the atrium at the back of 
the house there was a small garden ; and sometimes a small 
open shop (taberna) would be found on each side of the 
street-entrance. At Pompeii the so-called House of the 
Surgeon gives a good example of a typical Roman house. 

When Greek ideas were copied in Rome, houses became 
larger and more elaborate. The most important change was 
the addition of a whole new section, comprising an ppen 
courtyard (peristylium), bordered on two or more sides with, 
columns, and surrounded with additional rooms* 



stytium and the adjoining rooms came to be the private part 
of the house. Meals were eaten in the tablinum that lay 
between the atrium and the newer parts, and the family gods 
and shrines were moved out of the atrium, which was now 
used as the chief reception-room, while the peristylium with 


Ground-plan of the House of the Vettii 

its adjoining apartments was reserved for private and family 
use. We may note in passing that the new portions bore the 
Greek name peristylium, while the original rooms had Latin 
names (e.g. atrium, tablinum, aid). 

Since the Roman houses were as varied in type as those of 
to-day, it is difficult to find and describe a standard form of 
Roman house. We shall gain a clearer impression of a typical 
house by reconstructing in imagination one of the Pompeian 
houses that have been dug out from the volcanic ash and lava 


that buried them during the great eruption of Vesuvius in 
A.D. 79. At Pompeii, it is true, Greek influences were very 
strong; but the town was a favourite resort of wealthy 
Romans, and no doubt their houses at Rome were similar to 
those at Pompeii. 

Let us visit the house of the Vettii, a wealthy family owning 
many vineyards in the neighbourhood and having large 
interests in the wine trade." The house is not particularly 
large, but it owes its fame to the series of wall-paintings with 
which it is adorned. It stands in a quiet part of Pompeii, 
approached by a rather narrow cobbled street. The bareness 
of the outer wall gi$es no hint~6Fthe magnificent interior. 
The rooms ar mostly lighted from the inside, but some 
houses opening on the main streets had spacious balconies 
and large windows on the first floor. ' f 

We step from the street into a lofty entrance-porch. Before 
us is a massive pair of heavy folding-doors, but these are 
opened only in the morning when the crowd of visitors and 
: clients is collecting. We will enter by a smaller side-door and 
pass through a lobby into the principal atrium (for this house 
is rather unusual in having two atria, as we shall see). 

This first atrium is a magnificent reception-room, having 
a floor of mosaic, and containing several fine wall-paintings. 
It is extremely lofty. In summer it is shady and cool, but 
in winter it is less pleasant since there are no means of heating 
it except by braziers of charcoal. There is very little furniture 
in the atrium simply a few carved benches and a ceremonial 
bed to remind us that the atrium was at one time the chief 
living-room. Curtains divide the small side-rooms from the 
main apartment. The massive beams of the ceiling slope 
downwards towards the middle to the large square opening 
that supplies the light. Below the opening there is a tank 



sunk in the floor to catch the rain-water from the roof. 
Against the wall on each side of this tank there is a finely 
carved money-chest on a pedestal. 

Passing through the atrium we reach the spacious outer 
courtyard . There is a covered verandah , supported on columns , 
round all four sides of the courtyard a pleasant garden-plot, 
bright with flowers and shrubs, adorned with marble busts on 
pillars, and furnished with four round marble tables. At each 
corner and in the middle of the sides there is the tinkling 
sound of water falling from fountains into marble basins. 
Some of the fountains are of marble, but two are of bronze 
in the shape of a boy holding a duck from whose beak the 
water flows. 

Let us now cross the courtyard to the main dining-room 
at the opposite corner. It is one of the most famous 
rooms in Pompeii on account of its wall-paintings. The 
owners of the house are not ashamed of the trade that has 
given them their wealth, and the most interesting pictures 
in this room are those showing Cupids busy with all kinds 
of trade and ordinary labour such as gardening, selling 
flowers, pressing olives for oil, goldsmiths' work, and wine- 

Leaving this beautiful room we pass into the main court- 
yard once more in order to reach the smaller garden-court 
that opens from it. This is obviously the one used only by 
the family, for there are bedrooms and a smaller dining-room 
adjoining it. 

There are still the rooms opening from the main atrium 
for us to visit. The domestic quarters are all grouped in the 
north-east front corner of the house round a second small 
atrium. This is of the usual type and devoted to family use. 
Here we find the lararium, the shrine of the household gods. 
This also is beautifully painted. The picture shows the genius 


of the master of the house holding the box of incense and the 
libation dish with which the religious ceremonies of the house- 
hold are carried out. On each side of him is the figure of 
a Lar (household god), in an attitude of dancing, and hold- 
ing a drinking-horn. Below the figures is the serpent that is 
depicted on all such altars. See illustration, p. 39. 

One of the wall-paintings in the triclinium of the House of the Vettii, 

representing cupids as wine-sellers. On the left is a customer, to whom 

the wine-merchant is handing a sample of wine 

Crossing the chief atrium once more, we find on the 
southern side a corridor that leads to a door in a side-street, 
and also to the staircase that takes us to several small rooms 
forming a second storey along the whole front of the house. 
These would be used for various private purposes, some- 
times as extra dining-rooms, sometimes as store-rooms, and 
one of them, perhaps, as a schoolroom. 

The houses at Ostia may have been more typically Roman* 
At Pompeii there was plenty of space for building, so houses 
could be spread out over a large area rather than built up- 
wards to a great height. But at Ostia, as at Rome, the amount 
of space for building was limited, and so it became the practice 
to build houses of several storeys, adding to the accommoda- 
tion by increasing the height but not the area of the building. 


Rome was a noisy bustling place and unhealthy in the 

summer months; so it became the fashion for rich men to 


have country houses within easy reach of the city. For in- 
stance, Cicero, though not very well-to-do, at one time had 
six country houses in various places near Rome. They were 
luxurious and beautiful mansions, as we can tell from pictures 


of them that still exist and from the detailed descriptions to 
be found in the letters of Cicero and other writings. These 
country houses often served as convenient stopping-places 
when a rich man was travelling. He would arrange the stages 
of his journey so as to spend the night at a friend's house, 
though for ordinary travellers there were taverns like those 
that have been brought to light at Ostia and Pompeii. 

Though such country houses (known as villae urbanae) 
were largely modelled, as their name suggests, on the town 
houses of the rich, there was one noticeable difference be- 
tween the two. The peristylium was the most important part 
of the country house, as all the pictures show. Sometimes, 
indeed, there was no atrium at all ; and even if there were it 
was usually behind the garden court and kept for private use. 

In addition to the rooms found in a town house, there 
were many others added to a villa urbana to suit the tastes of 
the owner. There would be a picture gallery in some houses ; 
in others a library, like that of Lucullus, where Cicero used 
to study when staying at one of his villas near by. There 
would be hot-air baths, and sometimes a swimming-tank. 
Outside there were gardens, arbours, and fish-ponds; and 
colonnades to relieve the flatness of the blank outside walls. 
Usually the villas were built in positions commanding fine 
views, for the Romany as a whole had a great love for the 
beauties of nature. 

Besides the country houses of wealthy city men, there were 
the farmsteads known as villae rusticae. One of the best 
known is that at Boscoreale, near Pompeii, which consisted 
of a house of the usual kind together with the farm buildings 
a little distance away. As the plan shows, these covered a 
rectangular space, with a large threshing-floor, paved with 
pounded tiles, projecting at the south-eastern end. Practically 


in the middle, on the western side was an entrance courtyard, 
surrounded by a colonnade that supported an upper storey. 
This courtyard gave access to the various buildings. At the 


An imaginary restoration, based on the ruins existing there to-day. It is 

a four-storeyed tenement-house, the ground floor occupied by shops, the 

upper floors by private flats 

north-western end, occupying about a quarter of the whole, 
there were the living-rooms a kitchen and a bakehouse; a 
dining-room; bedrooms and bathrooms; and a tool-house. 
The rest of the space was taken up with buildings needed for 


the work of the farm. A good deal of room was needed for the 
various processes connected with the making of wine. Two 
large wine-presses adjoined the courtyard, and from these the 

oo oo oo o 
oo oo o 

00 00 O 

oo oo 


1. Entrance courtyard 

2. Kitchen 

3. Bakehouse 

4. Dining-room 

5. Bedrooms 

6. Tool-house 

7. Bathrooms 

8. Wine-presses 

9. Fermentation shed, filled 

with open wine vats 

10. Slaves' quarters 

n. Olive presses and store- 
rooms for oil 

12. Wagon-shed 

13. Threshing-floor 


wine was taken to a large open shed where it was left to 
ferment in great vats open to the sun and air, according to 
the custom of that part of Italy. In other smaller rooms there 
were presses for crushing olives and extracting the oil. Sleep- 


ing quarters for the slaves, a wagon-shed, and the threshing- 
floor completed the buildings of this particular farm. Its 
trade was evidently in wine and olives only, for in farms 
where cattle were bred there used to be a second courtyard, 
surrounded by stables. 


PRACTICALLY all the work and recreation of a Roman had to 
be fitted into the hours of daylight, 
for the means of artificial lighting 
were most unsatisfactory. Small 
glimmering lamps illuminated the 
inside of buildings and the shop- 
fronts, but the streets wereunlighted 
save by torches. It must be noted 
that the Roman hour (hora) was 
one- twelfth of the time from sunrise 
to sunset, and hence, though of 
varying length according to the time 
of the year longer in summer than 
in winter it was a definite space 
of time. Though the length of the 
day varied with the seasons, the 
number of hours (12) remained the 
same all the year round. (We are 
reminded by the parable of the 
labourers in the vineyard that the 
twelfth hour, i.e. sundown, marked 
the end of the day.) There were no mechanical clocks, but 
only sundials, hour-glasses, and water-clocks. 
With such a lack of reliable means of dividing and mark- 



ing the time, it is difficult to imagine how the Romans could 
be punctual. But life was simpler then than it is to-day, and 
they do not seem to have felt any inconvenience. The wealthy 
had a round of duties and amusements to fill the intervals 
between meals ; for, as the poet Martial said, their stomachs 

From the tank A water 
drips at a uniform rate 
through the small pipe 
B into the reservoir C in 
which is the float D. 
From the upper surface 
of D rises the shaft the 
teeth of which, by their 
movement as the shaft 
rises, rotate the cog-wheel 
F. To this cog-wheel is 
attached a hand the posi- 
tion of which, on the sur- 
face of the dial, indicates 
the hour 


were their best clocks. The poorer citizens led a somewhat 
idle life; so time meant little to them. Slaves worked from 
before daylight till they were released from their tasks, and 
therefore had no need to reckon the passing of time. 

We must notice first of all that the Romans rose earlier than 
we do. Shops were opened at sunrise; boys were on their 
way to school in winter while it was still dark; and often 
a busy man had to deal with his correspondence and other 


personal affairs before daybreak, when a round of public 
duties would begin. 

The first meal of the day would be eaten some time 
during the first two hours, while callers were gathering 
and the business of the day was beginning. This first meal 
was a light breakfast of the modern continental type bread 
dipped in wine, or eaten with honey, olives, or cheese. 

His meal finished, our well-to-do Roman would set out for 
the Forum, the centre of the city's commercial and business 
life. He would leave the house accompanied by the friends 
and clients who had come to pay him their respects, and no 
doubt would be joined by others on the way. 

Clients were usually poor citizens or foreigners who had 
sought the protection of a more powerful citizen. 

At the Forum a prominent citizen would find various 
duties sufficient to occupy the whole morning. There might 
be business in the law-courts; a sitting of the Senate to 
attend; a speech from the Rostra to deliver or to hear. If 
there was none of these, there were the crowds of citizens 
amongst whom lively discussions on politics or business were 
always to be found. Then at noon came lunch, which was 
a rather slighter meal than its modern equivalent. 

As the Romans became more luxurious in their habits, their 
baths became more elaborate. At one period a swim in the 
Tiber had to content them ; but in the course of time more 
and more splendid baths were built, especially by the 
Emperors. Seneca, writing to his friend Lucilius in the 
middle of the first century A.D., compares the simplicity of 
the 'good old days' of Cato with the luxury and self-indul- 
gence of his own times. He mentions 'walls covered with 
huge, expensive mirrors, marble pilasters from Alexandria, 
set off by plaques of Numidian marble in between, with 
elaborate borders of picturesque design and variety of sub- 

ject, a ceiling full of glass, silver taps and fittings, the margin 
of the bath made of Thasian marble*. Without all these the 
Romans of Seneca's day considered themselves poorly pro- 
vided, though the bathing establishments made only a very 
small charge for admission and sometimes no charge at all. 

The Stabian baths at Pompeii may be taken as typical of 
. the baths of the later days of the Republic. In the middle 
there was an open court where gymnastic exercises might 
be taken before or after bathing. Adjoining this, on one side, 
there was a swimming bath: On the opposite side, in addition 
to waiting-rooms, there was first the undressing-room, fur- 
nished with benches, lockers, and niches, and then the frigi- 
darium which contained a cold-water bath (sometimes large 
enough for swimming) surrounded by a tiled paving. Next 
there was the tepidarium, or warm-air room, followed by the 
caldarium which contained a hot- water bath. Originally the 
heat was supplied by braziers in the different rooms, but 
later there was a system of central heating by hot air from 
a single furnace. 

The hot-air bath, which resembled the Turkish bath of 
to-day, was to be found also in the houses of the well-to-do ; 
but in Imperial Rome every one from the Emperor down- 
wards used the public baths* 

The bath was taken about the ninth hour and it was 
followed by dinner, the chief meal of the day. This was more 
than just a meal; it was also the principal social function, 
to be enjoyed when the day's work was over and its duties 
were performed. 

The meal itself consisted usually of only three courses. 
First came snacks of tasty food to whet the appetite; then 
the chief course, consisting of more solid fare, of which there 
would be several kinds, even as many as six or seven; and 
last of all, pastry and fruit. Sometimes the drinking of wine 


was carried on after the end of the meal: this was another 

practice borrowed from the Greeks. 


Notice that he reclines on a couch with a small table by his side. He 
does not sit in a chair. His slave waits upon him 

To the ordinary well-bred, educated Roman, however, 
the eating of food was the least important part of the func- 
tion; for though there were usually only the three courses, 
the meal lasted often for three English hours. The time was 
taken up with discussions upon current events, literature, 




Lecbus Medii 




philosophy, or politics. Cicero wrote in De Senectute that 
it had always been his way 'to measure the enjoyment of 
banquets as much by sociability and the delights of conversa- 
tion as by their physical attractions'. 

For greater comfort the guests reclined on couches (tri- 
clinia) at the table. The arrangement of the couches varied, 
but they were always 
placed so that conver- 
sation might be easily 
carried on. The accom- 
panying sketch shows 
an ordinary way of plac- 
ing the couches. 

Walking shoes were 
removed on entering, 
sandals being worn in 
their place: 'to ask for 
one's shoes' came to be 

the regular expression for rising from the table. When the 
guests departed, their host would retire for the night. 

In this outline of a typical day's occupations it will be 
noticed that there has been no mention of family life. The 
reason is that in the closing years of the Republic the family 
life which had been so valuable in building the character of 
the citizens was being undermined by public duties and out- 
side interests. The family might meet at meal-times, espe- 
cially at dinner if there were no guests; but otherwise the 
father of a family saw very little of his children. 

The powers of the father (paterfamilias) were as great as 
those of the Old Testament patriarchs, like Abraham or 
Jacob. In the family circle these powers were equal to a 
king's, and included even the judgement of life and death. 


There were reasons for this. The father was more than just 
the head of the family. Through him the life of the family 
was continued, and through him also were passed on the 
traditions and the personal qualities that make any family 
different from all others. He was the priest who attended to 
the family altars : he cast into the hearth-fire, sacred to Vesta, 
morsels of food left over from meals ; he made sacrifices to 
the gods that guarded the household goods. It was his duty 
to teach his sons the religion of their forefathers ; and at one 
time it had been the recognized thing for him to teach them 
the physical accomplishments (riding, swimming, wrestling, 
&c.) which were a part of every Roman's training. But as 
public life came to make more calls upon his time, the 
average citizen left the early training of his sons to his wife 
or, more usually, to slaves. This transfer of the father's duty 
cut at the very root of family life and went a long way to 
account for the decline of Roman character. Even when men 
like Cicero saw the danger they were powerless to prevent it; 
for Cicero complained that he had to leave the training of 
his son to other people, because, as he wrote once in a letter 
to his brother, at Rome 'he had no time to breathe'. 


SINCE our knowledge of Roman dress is derived mainly from 
statues, reliefs on memorials, and remains of that kind, we 
shall find that pictures of monuments will make clear the 
main features of Roman clothes. At the outset we must 
remember that Italy enjoys a pleasanter and more sunny 
climate than our own, so that fewer garments were necessary 


to them than are necessary to us. In fact, we may say that 
amongst the Romans the increase in the number of articles 
of clothing was usually the mark of a dandy. In general, the 

A cutler in a shop with a customer 

Romans did not wear hats or stockings, though when the 
need arose similar garments (such as the hood of a cloak and 
puttees) were used. 

The characteristic articles of men's clothing were two in 
number the tunica and the toga. The first was a woollen 
garment like a rather long skin, reaching below the knees as 

D 2 


we can see in the picture of the cutler (p. 51). But it would 
be worn like this only when a man was taking his ease. Such 
a long garment would get in the way of a man at work; so 
it was ordinarily worn with a girdle or belt round the waist 
so that the tunica could be pulled up above the knees, as we 
see in the picture of the clothes-seller in his shop on p. 55. 
This picture shows that the tunica had short sleeves ; in this 
respect it differed from the Greek pattern, which was usually 
sleeveless. Long sleeves reaching to the wrist were a mark 
of the dandy. 

The toga was the distinctive garb of the Roman citizen. 
It was a dignified garment well in keeping with the Roman 
pride of race. It was not worn by workmen for the simple 
reason that it was so voluminous as to be a great hindrance 
to free movement and difficult to keep in order. Yet no 
Roman gentleman would think of appearing in public without 
his toga. In the picture of the tailor's shop (p. 55) we can see a 
customer wearing a toga. The same garment can be seen in 
greater detail in the picture of the bridegroom on p. 53. 
It was a strip of cloth about eighteen feet long and seven feet 
wide, with one curved edge and one straight edge, and was 
draped about the body in various ways. 

Boys and men all wore the toga, as we can see in the 
picture of father and son on p. 57, but there were differ- 
ences to mark the age or rank of the wearer. Boys up to 
the age of about sixteen years wore the toga praetexta, which 
had a purple stripe along the edge of it. This boyish garb 
was kid aside at the coming of manhood, when its place was 
taken by the plain white toga virilis. The toga praetexta was 
also worn by magistrates. 

The toga was a fine dignified garment for ceremonies and 
for use in town, but it was unserviceable for campaigns. 
Then its place was taken by the military cloak called the 


sagum. This was so typical of the soldier's garb that 'to put 
on the sagum 9 was another way of saying 'to go to the wars'. 


Various other cloaks were worn, especially by country people, 
travellers, and those who were out in all weathers. Such 


cloaks were usually of shaggy wool, and sometimes had a 
hood that could be drawn over the head in the event of rain. 
Usually a Roman went bare-headed. A conical hat known 
as a pilleus was sometimes worn. A white hat of this shape 
was the special mark of a freedman. 

Turning to women's clothing we find that the Roman 
matron also wore a distinctive garb, the special features of 
which were the stola ind the palla. The first took the place 
of the tunicafand was the traditional dress of a Roman lady. 
It reached the ground but could be raised by a girdle, worn 
rather high. It had sleeves reaching to the elbow. The palla 
was the feminine counterpart of the toga, and, like the toga, 
was the proper dress for outdoors. It was worn over the left 
shoulder, drawn across the back, then brought over or under 
the right shoulder and round the body. Sometimes the palla, 
which was generally rectangular in shape, was drawn over the 
head as protection from the weather: as mill-girls of to-day 
use their shawls for the same purpose. When it was worn in 
the ordinary way the palla left the right arm free for move* 


ON the ninth day after his birth, a Roman boy received his 
name with &ue ceremonies, in which both the family and the 
household slaves took part. Those present usually made gifts 
to the child of tiny models of everyday objects (swords, axes, 
&c.), which were strung together in the form of a necklace, 
and served as a kind of charm. 

A more powerful protection against harm was the bulla 
that was hung round die baby boy's neck, and worn till he 

An example of Roman hairdressing 

Romans choosing material at a cloth factory, or perhaps a tailor's shop 
A large sample is held up for their inspection by two slaves 

reached manhood and put on the toga virilis. The bulla 1 was 
simply a metal locket containing a lucky charm or mascot, 
made of gold or bronze, according to the parents' means. It 
may be compared with the lock and chain of silver which are 
still put round the neck of a Chinese boy to lock in his life 
and keep him from harm. 

A Roman boy received at least three names the prae- 
nomen, nomen, and cognomen. The most important was the 
second, which showed to which gens or clan the boy belonged. 
This name always ended in -iiw, as Julius, Fabius, Tullius. 

The praenomen was the equivalent of our Christian name ; 
and just as we often use only an initial for this, so with the 
older Roman names an initial was commonly used for the 
praenomen, as C. for Gaius, M. for Marcus, and so on. The 
less common names were always written in full. 

The cognomen was kind of family name, to show to 
which branch of a gens a person belonged. We usually know 
Romans by their cognomen (e.g. Caesar; Cicero, Scipio), 
though sometimes by the English form of the nomen (e.g. 
Horace, Ovid, Vergil). Often the third name showed origin- 
ally some personal or physical trait, as did our surnames like 
Little, Short, and many others, and historical nicknames like 
Richard Crookback. An additional cognomen was sometimes 
conferred on a man to commemorate a great achievement. It 
was often given to soldiers. For instance, P. Cornelius Scipio 
Africanus received the last of his names on account of his 
successful wars in Africa. (We have seen the same thing 
happen in our own days. When titles were conferred on our 
generals and admirals at the end of the last war they were 
usually taken from the scenes of their most memorable actions 

v In later times the box containing the Pope's seal was called a bulla, 
and the word was transferred to the document, the Papal Bull, to which 
the seal was attached. 

e.g. Lord French of Ypres, Earl Beatty of the North Sea.) 
An additional cognomen was handed on to a man's eldest son, 
but he in turn could not pass it on. 

As in all times and in all countries, a Roman boy spent his 
earliest years under his mother's care; but (in the first cen- 
turies of the Republic at any rate) the father took a share in 
his son's training as soon as the boy was beyond the stage of 
babyhood. Plutarch gives us the following delightful picture 
of the care that Cato bestowed on his son's upbringing. 'As 
soon as the dawn of intelligence began in his son, he decided 
to give his personal attention to his education. For, he tells 
us, if his son's progress happened to be slow, he had no 
intention of having him reprimanded, or pulled by the ear, 
by a servant; nor did he wish him to be indebted to a mean 
person for his education. So he taught him literature and 
law himself; and also the necessary sports, javelin-throwing, 
fighting hand to hand, riding, boxing, and swimming, even 
in rapid rivers, and the endurance of heat and cold. He also 
tells us that he wrote out stories for him, in large hand, to 
acquaint him with the romance and the traditions of his 
country.' In the early days, when the Romans were an agri- 
cultural people, the father would also instruct his son in the 
work of the farm. 

At the age of seven, definite schooling began, though it is 
difficult to say exactly when schools were first set up in Rome. 
It is certain that for centuries the government thought that 
education was a private matter for parents to arrange. The 
first schoolmasters in Rome were usually Greeks. They 
were often freedmen who had received a certain amount of 
education, for slaves were by no means always illiterate (see 
Chap. XV). Aesop, the writer of fables, is a well-known 
example of an educated slave; and another is Tiro, Cicero's 
secretary. It is certain that the average Roman boy looked 

down on his teachers as being of lower class than himself. 
The schoolmasters enforced their authority by savage punish- 
ments. Boys were flogged for the smallest offences. Even in 
those days, impositions were often set. There were no special 
school buildings: a teacher received his pupils in a room open 
to the .street that might have served as a shop, or sometimes 
in an upper room. 

School began very early in the day. In winter boys were 
on their way thither before it was light, and the Roman poet, 
Juvenal, speaks of the books being blackened with smoke 
from the pupils' lanterns. The schoolboy ate his 'breakfast* 
on his way to school usually a bun or a piece of bread, just 
as French schoolboys of to-day can be seen munching a roll 
for their breakfast as they go to school. There was an interval 
at midday, when the boy would go home to lunch. 

To, from, and in school, and in fact at all times and in all 
places, a Roman boy of the better class was accompanied by a 
tutor (paedagogus), who was usually a Greek slave. The tutor 
was responsible to a great extent for the boy's manners and 
conduct, and, in addition, he gave the boy the chance of 
regular practice in speaking Greek. This practice was very 
useful, for, after the spread of Roman rule outside Italy, a 
man needed to know Greek as well as Latin, just as any one 
to-day 'with more than an elementary education has learned 
French or some other modern language. 

Up to the middle of the third century B.C., practically the 
only subjects taught in the schools were reading, writing, 
and arithmetic. All calculations were done on the fingers 
(digiti) whence our word 'digit' for numbers up to ten 
or with an instrument called an abacus. The need 
for such an instrument for calculation arose from the 
awkward form of the Roman numerals. The illustration 
shows an abacus^ though schoolboys would no doubt use a 

simpler type, more like the bead-frames still used in China 
for ordinary counting. We can disregard the five rods at the 
right-hand side. They were used only for working fractions 
of the duodecimal type i.e. having the denominator a mul- 
tiple of twelve. The other fourteen rods on the abacus were 
for dealing with whole numbers. Thus, the rod marked I was 
for counting units, the next (marked x) for tens, the next for 
hundreds and so on up to millions, which were counted on 

Mcodpaoodaa oo C X I e g B 


the extreme left-hand rod. It will be noticed that the seven 
longer rods to the left had only four beads, so that it was 
possible to count on them only as far as 4, 40, 400 ... as the 
case might be. The one bead on each short rod stood for five 
units, tens, hundreds, and so on ; and thus the process of 
counting was made more rapid. Even so, it was a difficult 
instrument to use, especially for division and multiplication. 
The earliest abaci simply had grooves in which pebbles 
(calculi) could be moved along; from this we derive our 
modern word 'calculate'. 

Writing exercises consisted of copying numerous proverbs 
and moral maxims, of which more than seven hundred are 
still known. They were also learned by heart for repetition. 
Spelling was fairly easy, because Latin was pronounced as 

it was spelt. This elementary education went on till a boy 
was about twelve years of age, when he went on to a school 
of a higher kind. 

The more advanced schools had come into being as part 
of the imitation of Greek ways which changed so many of 
Roman ideas, from about 250 B.C. onwards. Not only was 
the Greek language introduced into them, but also the study 
of Greek literature, especially the works of Homer. The 
teachers in these were Greeks. They were called grammattci, 
and from them we derive the term 'grammar' as used of 
schools to-day. 

In addition to Greek language and literature, Latin litera- 
ture was also studied. The poems of Horace were used as 
school-texts even in his own lifetime, in the same way as 
the works of contemporary writers are used in our own 
schools to-day. The most important subject taught in the 
schools was rhetoric, i.e. the art of public speaking. When all 
free citizens had a direct share in the government and a 
vote, rhetoric was a very important branch of study. To be 
able to speak cleverly and well, to stir up people's feelings, in 
the law-courts or on the Rogtra, was a great help to public 
success. Every schoolboy knows how the Roman mob was 
swayed by the artful oratory of Mark Antony over the dead 
body of Caesar. The study of public speaking was often 
carried on after the rest of the boy's school-days were over. 
For this subject, there was a special master called a rhetor. 

Roman schoolboys had numerous holidays. Every ninth 
day (the nundinae or market day) was a recognized holiday, 
as well as certain of the great religious festivals, more especi- 
ally the Saturnalia in December, a time of great festivities 
like our Christmas holidays, and the festival of Minerva in 
the third week of March. In country schools, the summer 
months were kept as holidays, for the boys were required to 

work during the gathering of the olives and the grapes. We 
find something similar in modern London when East End 
schools are closed for a week or two in the autumn while the 
children are away for the hop-picking ; and similar 'blackberry 
weeks 9 are well known in the North. In Rome itself, the 
climate was so unhealthy in August and September that 
schools were usually closed while the pupils went away with 
the parents, in much the same way as the children of Euro- 
pean residents in India go with their parents to the hill- 
stations at certain seasons. As the poet Martial said, it was 
enough in those months for a boy to learn to keep well. 

The school materials were quite different from those that 
. we use. Paper was expensive ; so most written exercises were 
worked on wax tablets, that could be smoothed and used 
again and again, like the slates formerly used in some English 
schools. Instead of a pen, a sharp instrument (stilus) was 
used for making the letters. Later on, a boy might be allowed 
to use paper (made from the Egyptian papyrus plant) and 
ink; but even so it would be what we should call waste paper, 
since it had already been used on one side for some other 
purpose before being brought to school. 

Books were in the form of rolls. At first they were made 
from the pith of the papyrus reed, and from the name of this 
(Kber) came the Latin word for a book. Later on parchment 
was used. The writing there were, of course, no printed 
books was arranged in columns from the top to the bottom 
of the breadth of the roll. The reader held his 'book' in both 
hands, rolling up with his left and unrolling with his right as 
he read. From this action of unrolling we have our word 
Volume' as applied to a book (Latin verb volvere). For read- 
ing, two or three columns of writing would be unrolled at 
one time. Hie rolls (if there were many of them, as in a 
library) were stored in pigeon-holes or in circular open boxes. 


Books were copied entirely by hand, and every educated 

Roman kept a number of slaves whose sole duty was the 

copying of books. Of course, mistakes in copying were often 

made. Once a book had been written, any one who could get 


hold of it might make as many copies as he wished, and in 
this way writers had very small returns for their work. 

Till the time of Augustus there were no public libraries in 
Rome, though just before his death Julius Caesar had made 
arrangements for the founding of one. Wealthy men who had 
private libraries often allowed scholars to use their books for 
purposes of study. The famous orator, Cicero, for example, 
had the use of the magnificent library of his wealthy patron 


The education of a Roman boy was no more finished 
within the walls of the schoolroom than is the education of 
a boy to-day. A Roman had much to learn of politics and 
social affairs; so, while still a lad, he often accompanied his 
father to gain an idea of the work and duties that would be 
his in later years. He would go with his father to the Forum, 
the law-courts, and the Senate-house, to the temples to learn 

A relief of about A.D. 150, showing a schoolmaster seated between two 

pupils (who hold Roman 'books' or rolls). The third boy is late, and is 

being scolded by his master 

the religious rites, and to dinner-parties to hear the talk of 
men of affairs. In this way he would be well equipped to 
take his place as a citizen, when the time came for him to put 
away boyish things and take upon himself the ways of 

His coming-of-age was marked by special ceremonies. It 
took place somewhere between the end of the fourteenth and 
the beginning of the seventeenth years of age. The exact 
time seems to have been fixed by the father, but it must at 
latest have been before the youth was liable to serve in the 
army, i.e. when he was seventeen years old. The ceremony 

took the form of a family festival. The parents and friends 
of the boy accompanied him to the Forum and thence to the 
Capitoline Hill, where sacrifice was offered in the Temple of 
Jupiter. The bulla was left there with other boyish things, 
and instead of the purple-edged toga the youth now put on 
the toga virilis (from vir, a man) of manhood. No doubt 
St. Paul, himself a Roman, had this ceremony in mind when 
he wrote the well-known words 'when I became a man, 
I put away childish things'. 


IN the earliest days the great shows given in the Roman 
circus were connected with religious worship. As time passed 
the connexion became slighter ; and by the end of the Re- 
public it became the regular custom to commemorate this or 
that event or person by public games. Days were definitely 
set aside for the games in the calendar. Under the Empire 
nearly half the year was taken up with these official holidays, 
so that in the end their number had to be limited. Not only 
were great public games organized by the rulers of the city, 
but also they were given by private individuals, often to in- 
crease their popularity amongst the citizens. These private 
shows were usually quite as elaborate and costly as the official 

The oldest games in the calendar were known as the ludi 
magni or ludi Romani. They seem first to have been held 
during the days of the kings, and they were commonly 
observed in early times to celebrate a victory of the Roman 
armies. As time went on, however, these games came to be 
held regularly every autumn, even if there were no victory to 

3632 E 


celebrate. Sulla was the first general who celebrated his 
victories with public games, and his example was followed by 
Julius Caesar, Augustus, and many of the Emperors. The 
military origin survived in the custom of opening these games 
with a procession copied from that of a triumph, described 
in another chapter. 

The ludi magni were connected with the worship of Jupiter. 
Other games called ludi plebeii were also held in his honour, 
and there were still others in honour of rustic deities like 
Flora and Ceres. 

The public shows and games were very varied in character, 
but they may be classified in three groups the Ludi Cir- 
censes, which included chariot races and all contests that took 
place in a circus; the Ludi Scaenici, or dramatic entertain- 
ments ; and the Munera Gladiataria, or prize-fights. 

By far the most popular were the games in the circus. 
The Circus Maximus was an immense rectangle with semi- 
circular ends, surrounded with covered seats on tiers, and 
furnished with special 'boxes' for the officials and magistrates. 
The open space in the middle was called the arena from the 
sand that covered it. Lengthwise along the arena, and not ex- 
actly in the middle, was a dividing barrier known as the spina, 
often consisting of a row of statues on a long marble base. 
At each end of the spina were set three conical pillars that 
marked the turning-points in the races. Here also were placed 
seven egg-shaped objects made of marble, or seven dolphins 
the former being the symbols of the twins Castor and Pollux, 
and the latter of Neptune, all of whom were patron deities 
of horse-racing. One of these marble eggs or dolphins was 
removed each time a lap in a race was finished, for the guid- 
ance of the charioteers. 

. Chariot races were the most popular entertainments in the 
Circus Maximus, and those who have seen the film version 


of Ben Hur can well realize how exciting these races became. 
There were usually seven laps in a single race, and there 
might be as many as twenty-four races in one day. Just as 
to-day in horse-racing the jockeys wear the special colours of 
the owners, so the charioteers in the Roman circus wore the 
colours of the companies for whom they worked and who 
contracted for the supply of charioteers. There were four 
companies, distinguished by the colours white, red, blue, 
and green. It is curious to note that these colours came 
to have a political meaning, and the word for the contracting 
companies (factiones) gives us our word 'faction', which means 
a political party. 

The charioteers had to be extremely skilful, especially in 
turning at the ends of the spina y where there was always 
the danger of a collision when the chariots bunched together. 
The costume of a charioteer can be seen on page 71 . It will be 
noticed that the ends of the reins were wound round the 
man's body, and he carried a sharp knife with which to cut 
the reins if the chariot overturned, an accident that might 
easily happen since the chariot was built very light. Success* 
ful charioteers earned very large sums of money, and there 
are records of men making fortunes that can be counted in 
millions of sesterces. 

Before a race began the chariots and horses waited in small 
vaulted chambers known as carceres. These were provided 
with folding doors that were flung wide open by attendant 
slaves when the starting-signal was given by the presiding 
magistrate, who waved a white cloth for the purpose. The 
winning-post was marked by a broad white line in front of 
the magistrate's tribunal. 

The day's racing was always preceded by a procession, 
from the Capitol to the Circus Maximus. At the head of 
the procession came the magistrate in charge of the games. 


He rode in a chariot if he were a consul or a praetor, and was 
dressed in the style of a triumphing general. After him came 
his supporters, and troops of noble youths on foot and horse* 
back. They were followed first by a host of competitors, and 
then by priests with incense, sacred vessels, and images of the 
gods. This procession made its way all round the circus and 
finished at the magistrate's box. 

There were other shows in the circus beside horse-racing. 
Such were the baiting of wild beasts, and mimic hunts, when 
trees were planted in the arena to resemble a forest. Magis- 
trates were always on the look-out for new thrills to please 
the spectators, and money was lavishly spent for that purpose. 
Julius Caesar brought large numbers of unfamiliar wild 
beasts to Rome to fight in the circus. Another form of enter- 
tainment was a mimic sea-fight, the arena being first flooded 
so that the ships Could float. 

There is less to be said about the dramatic perform- 
ances, since these were largely borrowed from the Greeks 
and never became very popular in Rome. A play with 
a regular plot and a definite dialogue was called zfabula\ 
more popular, however, were the farces and dumb-shows. 
In the farces much of the dialogue was made up on the 
spur of the moment, like the 'patter' of modern music-hall 
comedians, and depended for its success upon topical refer- 
ences and a spice of vulgarity to please the lower orders. 
The dumb-shows (pantomimf) were remarkable because there 
was no spoken dialogue in them, but the whole story or plot 
was unfolded by means of actions alone. - 

The gladiatorial shows are rightly considered as a blot on 
Roman civilization. In early times they were private affairs, 
but they came to be a popular form of public spectacle. 
White foreign wars were being waged there were always 


slaves in abundance who could be 'butchered to make a 
Roman holiday*. The gladiators were nearly always foreign- 
ers, for very few Romans took up this kind of fighting as a 
The men were herded in great barracks while they were 


The driver on the left has just come to the turning-point, marked 
by the metae 

being trained to fight against each other or against wild 
beasts. There were various kinds of fights between gladia- 
tors, but one of the most popular was that between the 
retiarius and the secular. The former wore no armour, but 
carried a net (rete) and a dagger ; the latter was fully armed. 
The retiarius or net-carrier tried to entangle his opponent in 
the net and so to throw him. If he failed he would have to 
run from the attack of his armed opponent, whose name 
secutar means literally the 'follower*. In any of these combats 


when one man was at the mercy of the other, his life depended 
on the favour of the crowd. The victor appealed to the 
audience. If the defeated gladiator was popular or had put 
up a good fight, he might be spared ; if not, the fatal sign was 

Their trainer stands behind them, giving them instruction 

made by thrusting down th^humb, and the wretched victim 
was promptly slain. In theory the sign was given by the 
presiding magistrate, but he always acted in deference to the 
wishes of the crowd. These hideous butcheries finally came 
to an end whea Christianity stirred the better feelings of 
the Romans. 



LIKE all nations the Romans had their special customs in con- 
nexion with the chief events of family life birth, marriage, 
and death. In an earlier chapter we have traced the customs 
connected with childhood and youth up to the time when 
a man came of age and put on the toga virilis. 

By that time he was probably engaged to be married, since 
betrothals might be arranged at any age above the seventh 
year. The Romans were a hard, unsentimental people, and 
their marriages were often merely legal contracts between 
families. Even so there were superstitions and customs 
connected with the actual ceremony. For example, it was 
thought unlucky to be married during the month of May, 
while June was regarded as a lucky month. It is interesting 
to remember that both these superstitions still survive to-day. 

The details of the marriage ceremonies varied, but as time 
went on there was a tendency to make them more and more 
simple. Only for priests or those who held high office was 
the most elaborate ceremony used. This was called confarre- 
atio, from the fact that the bride and bridegroom ate together 
a cake made from the grain called spelt (far), and it was accom- 
panied by solemn sacrifices and the taking of auspices. The 
usual ceremony was that of coemptio^ which consisted chiefly 
of the exchange of coins as a sign of the contract. 

The customs connected with the wedding-day mainly con- 
cerned the bride. She wore a special dress and a marriage 
veil of yellow hue, since that colour was sacred to Hymen, 
the god of marriage. Her hair was parted with a spear's point 
before being plaited a reminder, perhaps, of the old days 
when the Romans carried off the Sabine women by force of 

arms to be their wives. At evening, a procession set forth to 
the bridegroom's house, the way being lighted by youths 
carrying torches. Having reached her new home, the bride 
was carried over the threshold by her husband, perhaps to 
prevent the chance of an ill-omened stumble. Next she was 
given the keys of the store-cupboards, and two vessels con- 
taining fire and water, to signify that she was now in charge 
of all household duties. Then followed the marriage-feast, 
and the ceremonies were over, except that on the next day 
the young wife offered sacrifice for the first time at the family 
shrine in her new home. 

The Roman housewife (matrona) held an important position 
in the home. She was regarded as the wife and mother of 
Roman citizens, and as such she was held in greater honour 
than the women of any other people in ancient times, except 
perhaps the Spartans. She ranked as the equal of her hus- 
band, as we can see by the curious phrase used in the 
marriage ceremony: ubi ego Gains, tu Gaia (where I am 
master, you are mistress). 

In the early days of the Empire things had changed, no 
doubt, but Romans were able to look back to the 'good old 
times 9 when mothers had done so much in training their 
sons in the virtues most valued by the Romans. Cornelia, the 
mother of the Gracchi, was a noble example of the Roman 
matron. She trained her spns to think of the welfare of the 
State, so that when the elder one, Tiberius, became a man he 
set himself to try to put right things that were hurtful to 
the people as a whole. This made him unpopular and he 
lost his life. Cornelia, however, did nothing to turn his 
younger brother, Gaius, from following the same well- 
meaning but fatal line of action when he was old enough to 
continue his brother's work. Shakespeare has made for ever 
famous the mother of Coriolanus, the ideal Roman matron. 

It was her training and her delight in his valour that 
made Coriolanus excel. "The only thing that made him 
to love honour was the joy he saw his mother did take of 
him/ as we read in Plutarch. In everything Volumnia 
guided the thoughts and acts of Coriolanus. It was her noble 
influence over him that led him to make peace with his own 
people after he had invaded Roman territory with a Volscian 
army. To withdraw meant a great blow to his pride, but he 
did so because of his mother's patriotic influence. It was the 
splendid character of matrons of the earlier days that largely 
helped to the building up of what was best and strongest in 
the Roman people. 

The Romans were always very careful to see that their dead 
received fitting burial : for they believed that otherwise the 
spirits (manes) of the dead could not gain admittance to the 
underworld and so would return to haunt them. So strongly 
did they hold this belief that if by chance a man saw the 
body of a stranger who had met a violent or accidental death, 
he would cast upon the corpse three handfuls of earth as a 
symbolical act lest the spirits should trouble him. And if 
a man were drowned at sea, the same honours would be paid 
to an empty tomb as at the tomb of one who had been buried 
with all due ceremony. 

Ordinary folk were, of course, not able to arrange for the 
elaborate rites that went with the burial of a rich or prominent 
man, but nothing was omitted that could be reasonably done. 
People of moderate means often subscribed amongst them- 
selves to buy a burial-place that could be used in common, 
to make sure of a suitable resting-place for their ashes. 

When the body was prepared for burial, it was clothed in 
the same style as during life. Those who had borne any 
public office in the State or gained any honour in war were, 

after their death, wrapped in the particular garment belong- 
ing to their rank and adorned with the crowns or other 
honours they had won. The corpse was then laid on a 
funeral couch in the atrium, with the feet towards the door 
so that the spirits should know only the way out. A bough 
of cypress or pine was set up outside the door as a sign of 

Seven days after death usually elapsed before the actual 
burial. During that time the ceremony of conclamatio took 
place i. e. crying aloud the name of the dead, either to recall 
the soul or to reawaken its powers. When there was no 
response, the dead was said to be conclamatus, beyond recall. 
In early times funerals took place by night (whence under- 
takers were called vespillones, from vesper, the evening), but 
later on the morning was commonly the appointed time, 
especially for public funerals. As a reminder of the custom 
of burial by night, lighted torches were carried even by day- 
time in the funeral procession. 

The size and composition of this procession varied, of 
course, according to the rank of the dead ; but with all classes 
of people every effort was made to have the procession as 
imposing as possible. Apart from the mourners, there were 
musicians with pipes and trumpets, and men who mimicked 
the actions of the dead man, and even his voice and personal 
peculiarities. The waxen effigies of ancestors were carried 
out, and, at a public funeral, tableaux to represent events in 
the dead man's life. If he had held public office the lictors 
were there, carrying their rods reversed, as soldiers reverse 
their rifles at a military funeral to-day. There were also hired 
mourners, women who made loud lamentations, tearing their 
hair and beating their breasts, like the Jewish women whom 
Jesus found in the house of Jairus, weeping and wailing, 
as the Gospels relate. Finally came all and sundry who joined 

the procession from motives of respect or curiosity: at the 
public funeral of a great man, vast numbers would be found 
in this last part of the procession* It may be noted that the 
same practice exists in France at the present time. Notices of 
a death are posted up publicly, with a general request to all 
friends, acquaintances, and sympathizers to join in the funeral 
procession, which is always on foot, as in ancient Rome; and 
in North Country villages of England the 'bidders' (usually 
relatives of the deceased) go round inviting people to the 
funeral. At a public funeral, the procession made its way to 
the Forum, where a speech was delivered from the Rostra 
by a relation or friend of the deceased. When Mark Antony 
is made to say 

* 1 come to bury Caesar, not to praise him/ 

the second half of the statement is no more than an orator's 
trick, for a speech of praise was expected upon all such 
occasions. (This is another Roman funeral custom that is 
still observed in France.) Such speeches were sometimes 
made in honour of women; for, as Plutarch tells us, the 
Senate granted them this privilege when the women of Rome 
gave their golden ornaments to be melted down for the gift 
that was sent to the temple of Delphi after the capture of Veii. 

The burial-places, except those of the Vestal Virgins, were 
always outside the city > as in Greece and amongst the Jews; 
and they were usually near the public highways. Travellers 
to Rome can still see the ruins of great tombs along both sides 
of the Appian Way. 

It was the custom to burn the body, and the funeral pyre, 
in the shape of an altar, was usually set very near the tomb. 
The bier on which the body lay was placed on top of the 
pyre, and then the nearest relation set a lighted torch to the 
dry resinous wood. As a mark of respect and affection, costly 

offerings of garments, perfumes, and sweet-smelling essences 
were thrown into the flames. When the pyre had burned 
down, the ashes were cooled with wine and gathered into an 
urn which was then placed in the tomb. There were several 
kinds of tombs; a common type that still survives in our 

On the Appian Way, near Rome 

churchyards is like an altar. Many tombstones have been 
preserved and are to be seen in most of the larger museums. 
Often the effigy of the dead person was carved in relief upon 
the stone. There is, for example, a well-known tombstone 
from the grave of a surgeon. He is shown reading, and above 
the case containing his rolls there is a case of surgical instru- 
ments indicating his profession. Sometimes the tomb was a 
family sepulchre, a simple building of brick or stone, in which 
the mortal remains of all the members of one family would be 
placed in urns in niches round the walls. To the present day 

the same practice is observed in the island of Corsica, where 
there are no cemeteries, but instead mortuary chapels along 
the roadsides just outside every town and village. Not every 
Roman family had money enough to build its own sepulchre, 
however, and so it was a common practice for several families 
to combine to build a sepulchre that could be used by all of 
them. All round the walls inside were niches to hold the urns, 
with a small slab giving the dead person's name under each. 
From its likeness to a dove-cot, such a tomb was called a 
columbarium (from columba, a dove). 

The memory of the dead was kept alive by certain festivals, 
especially the Parentalia in February. There were as well 
commemorative feasts. Offerings were made in the form of 
libations of water, wine, milk, blood, and sweet-smelling 
balms, poured out on or near the tomb; while flowers 
were scattered, and garlands were twined round the urn. 
The feasts were both public and private. The first were 
simply great banquets, accompanied often by a distribution 
of free food to the poorer people. They were held in 
honour only of the great. But all except the poorest ar- 
ranged private feasts for relatives and friends, on the lines 
of the wakes that are still held in Ireland and Lancashire. 
A feast was prepared for the dead as well. On the tomb were 
placed dishes of beans, bread, and eggs, for the spirits to come 
and eat ; and what was not consumed was burnt at the tomb. 


WE have already seen that at first the Romans were settlers 
on the land, drawing their living from the soil and counting 
their wealth in flocks and herds. In the early days, every 
family could live practically on what it produced, and any- 


thing beyond bare necessities was obtained by barter. But 
gradually this state of things was changed, owing to the 
development of town life and the raising of the general stan- 
dard of living with the growing wealth of Rome. 

The people who drifted into the towns naturally could not 
produce food and other necessities of life for themselves. 
There developed, in consequence, a system of trading in 
the ordinary produce of the land between the towns and the 
country. More and more, too, the Romans were forced to 
trade with other nations. Their trade was not, like ours, 
concerned with manufactured goods, since every town had 
its own craftsmen working at their separate trades. 

The destruction of Corinth and of Carthage in a single 
year (147-146 B.C.) removed the two greatest trade rivals that 
Rome had had and opened to her the markets of the whole 
Mediterranean. She was not slow to take advantage of her 
opportunity. In a very little while Rome had complete 
control of the profitable slave-trade that was centred in the 
Aegean island of Delos ; and the produce of all the Mediter- 
ranean lands was gathered up to satisfy the increasing de- 
mands of Roman luxury. Nor was the enterprise of the 
Romans limited to the countries bordering the inland sea. 
It is interesting to find that the Romans made use of overland 
trading routes to the Far East, some of which remained in 
Italian control throughout the Middle Ages. We hear of silks 
being brought from China by way of Turkestan and the 
River Euphrates, and spices from Ceylon and the Malabar 

The two chief ports for Rome were Puteoli, on the Bay of 
Naples, and Ostia, at the mouth of the Tiber. In Rome the 
earliest trading centre was along the quays near the old 
cattle market, the Forum Boarium. Here in very early days 
there was an important trade in salt, of which we are 

3632 F 


reminded by the name of the Via Solaria which ran from 
Rome to the salt-marshes near Ostia. After the reduction 
of Carthage and the cities of Greece, the trade of Rome 
became so considerable that the quays and warehouses 
along the river-bank were greatly enlarged to deal with the 
merchandise coming up the river from Ostia. The shops 
were cleared out of the Forum Boarium to give room for 
business on the lines of a modern Stock Exchange. The 
commercial district was known as the Emporium, 1 and all 
kinds of goods were brought to Rome to be stored in its 
warehouses. Grain from Egypt, oil and wine from Greece 
and Gaul, salt from Picenum, metals from Spain, and marble 
from Greece and Africa were the most important. It is 
interesting to remember that in these days we give the name 
Emporium to those huge stores where every kind of articles 
may be bought. 

There were also markets where the ordinary shopkeepers 
could buy their stock-in-trade. Thus the Forum Olitorium 
was the market for the greengrocers. In other parts of the 
city there was a tendency for traders in particular wares to 
congregate in certain streets, as they do in modern London. 

With all this varied and considerable trade there came, 
naturally enough, a system of coinage. There were no coins 
in the earliest days. People obtained what they needed by 
barter, and it is said that for such purposes twelve sheep were 
reckoned the equivalent of a cow. Certain it is that cattle 
were taken as the basis of exchange, and from the Latin word 
pecus (cattle) was derived the word pecunia for money. 

The earliest form of money as such was simply a bar of 
copper of a standard weight, namely a pound (libra). From 

1 It should be noted that this name, like most of the Roman words 
connected with trade, was of Greek origin. 


this is derived the modern French word for a pound (la Kvre). 
Our sign (-L) represents the first letter of the same word. 
The old idea of barter was still kept in mind by stamping 
the bar with the impression of a cow. 

Some time about the middle of the fourth century B. c., the 
copper was cast in the form of a coin called an as, and five 
smaller coins were made representing fractional parts of the 
as, ranging from one-half to one-twelfth. (The smallest of 
these was called an uncia, whence we get our words 'ounce 1 
and 'inch', also a twelfth part.) These six copper coins each 
bore on the obverse the head of a god (e.g. Janus on the as 
and Jupiter on the half as), and on the reverse the representa- 
tion of the prow of a ship : so that, instead of calling 'heads 
or tails' (when he tossed a coin), a Roman schoolboy called 
capita out navim (heads or ship). 

The value of the as varied from time to time. Originally, 
as a lump of metal, it weighed a pound of twelve ounces, but 
by the time of the first war with Carthage (264 B.C.) the as, 
as a coin, weighed only two ounces. Later in the war, when 
things were going badly for the Romans, the weight was re- 
duced to one ounce ; and finally it was fixed by law at half an 
ounce. This remained the standard weight. By this time 
the as was worth so little that the expression ad assent was 
equivalent to our saying 'to the last farthing' when speaking 
of payments. ('Ace', the lowest card and the single 'pip' 
on dice, is derived from the Latin as.) 

Silver coins were in use before the wars with Carthage. 
There were two values the sestertius, worth 2 J asses, though 
this was not in common use ; and the denarius worth ten asses. 
(It is from the first letter of the name of this last coin that 
we have the 'd' in s. d., but it should be noted that the 
denarius, the Roman 'penny' of the Bible, was a silver coin.) 
When the value of the as was finally fixed it was decreed that 


the sestertius should be reckoned as worth four asses, and the 
equivalent value of the denarius was increased in proportion 
to sixteen asses. There were few gold coins, if any, before 
the time of Julius Caesar. 

It is rather difficult to assign an exact value to these coins. 
The most that can be done is to take good specimens of the 
actual coins and, by weighing them and testing the quality 

Heads or Ship? 

A Roman bronze as, enlarged (true size about ij in. diam.). On the left 

is the obverse of the coin, showing J anus's head (for Janus see chap, xvii), 

and on the right the reverse, the prow of a ship 

of their metal, to reckon an equivalent value in modern 
money. In this way a denarius of the first century B. c. can 
be reckoned as worth eightpence in modern money. From 
this estimate the values of the rest can be calculated. It 
should be noted that sums of money were usually counted 
by sestertii, and so a rough and ready way of turning such 
amounts into modern values is simply to count the sestertius 
as being worth twopence, so that 120 sestertii would be 
approximately the same as a pound in our money. 

Though it is possible to give the rough equivalent values 
of these coins as coins, it must be remembered that we know 


but little about the purchasing value of Roman money, and 
what we do know about money in one part of the Empire 
would not necessarily apply to all parts. 



THOUGH slavery existed in Rome from the earliest times it 
was not till after the great wars of the third and second cen- 
turies B.C. that it became so widespread as to be a serious 
problem to the State. In the early days, when the Romans 
were a race of farmers, the members of the household 
(familia) who worked together to till the land comprised both 
bond and free. The bondmen had a definite position, and 
their lot (like that of the villeins in medieval England) was 
not unduly harsh. 

This state of affairs was greatly changed by the successful 
tfrars of Rome. The army became a profession, and the 
increase of wealth and luxury led to the decay of the old- 
time virtues of simple living and hard work. There is a 
favourite story told of Cincinnatus that shows how the 
Romans admired the good old ways. It is said that when 
a Roman army was in great peril during a war with the Aequi 
in 458 B. c., the Senate sent for Cincinnatus to act as dictator 
and save the country. The messengers found the old man 
ploughing his fields with a team of oxen. He left the plough 
at the bidding of the Senate, and became dictator. In the 
short space of sixteen days he rescued the army from its 
dangerous position and, his task being accomplished, he laid 
down the dictatorship. He did not think it beneath his 
dignity to go back to work on his farm, whence he was called 
yet again twenty years later to be dictator a second time. 


In those early days manual labour was not beneath the 
dignity of a Roman citizen, but in later times such work was 
thought undignified for the citizens of a great power like 
Rome. This change in outlook was brought about by the 
ever-increasing number of prisoners of war that provided 
cheap slave-labour, especially on the large country estates. 
The slaves were nearly always foreigners (barbari, non- 
Romans), but occasionally a Roman citizen might be con- 
demned to be sold into slavery as the punishment for serious 

It is necessary to distinguish between the different types 
of slaves. The household slaves, especially those in the 
towns, were often Greeks of very good type and sometimes 
well educated better educated, in fact, than their masters. 
They carried out many different duties, commercial and 
domestic; they acted as secretaries and copyists of books, and 
were put in charge of the sons of the family. Men carrying 
out such work must have been of some position and consider- 
able education, and we may assume that, apart from their not 
being free, their position was little different from that of the 
humbler working-class citizens. 

The slaves employed on the great country estates were 
very different from those in the town households. They were 
often Gauls or Spaniards by birth, wild and dangerous men, 
unwilling workers, who toiled in gangs like convicts, some- 
times chained together, and usually locked in dungeon-like 
barracks by night. Those that worked on the sheep-farms 
of Southern Italy lived a wild life, and the fact that they 
were often armed for the defence of their flocks made them 
all the more dangerous. These slaves were in a constant 
state of discontent and always ready to rise in revolt. In 
this way they were a standing source of danger to the State, 
and this danger became very real on certain occasions. Thus 


at the revolt of Spartacus in 72-71 B.C., for months the 
consular armies were defied even to the point of defeat by 
rebellious slaves. 

The Romans thought of a slave as being in the absolute 
power of his owner, who might even put him to death. He 
was not so much a person as a thing. An injury done to a 
slave was regarded as a wrong done to his master ; yet, on the 
principle that more work could be got from a willing than 
from an unwilling slave, owners were not in the habit of 
taking advantage of their powers. Still, though slaves re- 
ceived reasonable treatment, they were the absolute property 
of their master. If a slave had no name of his own, his 
master's name would often be given to him, with the ending 
-por, standing forpuer (boy) ; e. g. the slave of Marcus would 
be called Marcipor. (We are reminded that native household 
servants in Africa are still called 'boys' though they may be 
full-grown men.) Slaves dressed in much the same style as 
the poorer free citizens, except that they might wear a badge 
or might be branded as the punishment for some offence. 

It has been calculated that there were about 200,000 
slaves at the time of Cicero. This comparatively large number 
was due to the successful wars that had been waged during 
the last two centuries B.C. Slave-dealers actually accompanied 
the armies to buy and sell again the prisoners of war after 
every battle. On one occasion Julius Caesar had 53,000 cap- 
tives sold after a victory. Slave-raiding also took place, Julius 
Caesar himself being carried off by pirates when a youth. 
The trade became so great that a regular market for slaves 
was established in the island of Delos, in the Aegean Sea. 
In Rome itself, the slaves were sold by auction, like cattle, 
as negroes were sold in America before slavery was abolished. 
As the number of slaves increased, no doubt they became 
cheaper to buy, and more and more slaves were used. Thus 


Cato in the second century B.C. considered that only sixteen 
slaves were needed to work a vineyard of 100 acres; yet a 
century later Horace thought that every ordinary household 

Manumission by the rod 

A broken fragment of a bas-relief, showing a slave kneeling at the 

magistrate's feet, while the lictor (in the centre) touches him with a rod. 

On the left is another slave, who has just been freed, and is shaking 

hands with his master 

needed at least ten slaves, and in most cases the number was 
very much larger. 

Slaves might gain their freedom in various ways. Often 
a slave would buy his freedom out of his savings ; often the 
master would free his slaves in gratitude for his services or 
other reasons. The ceremony of manumission or setting a 
slave free was as follows. The master went with his slave 


to a magistrate and in his presence went through a curious 
ceremony. -The slave, wearing a special white cap called the 
pilleus, knelt at the magistrate's feet, and a lictor touched him 
with a rod, declaring him to be free. Thereupon the master 
struck him with his hand, as a sign of the power he once had 
over the slave but was now willingly giving up. It is curious 
to note that the ceremony of dubbing a knight by striking 
him with a sword probably has its origin in this ceremony 
of 'manumission by the rod*, as it was called. 

There were less formal ways of setting a slave free. A 
master might write a letter giving him his freedom, or invite 
him to sit at table with him, or merely declare him free in the 
presence of a few friends. 


TRAVEL in the Roman world was an easier undertaking than 
it was for centuries after the Roman Empire had fallen. This 
was due not only to the strong government that maintained 
the pax Romana, but also to the wonderful roads that were 
made and kept up by that government. Roads were needed 
by armies and officials and traders, and from the time that 
Appius Claudius planned in 312 B.C. the road that bore his 
name (the Via Appia), a network of great highways was made 
to the farthest limits of the Empire. 

Roads were built on a large scale from the time of Augustus 
onwards, but even at the end of the Republic great main roads 
led to all parts of Italy and another crossed Greece from the 
west to Macedonia. It was the literal truth that 'all roads led 
to Rome', and along them the legions marched, officials went 
about the work of government, and traders brought merchan* 


disc from the ends of the earth. It is scarcely too much to 
say that the Roman roads were the best lines of communica- 
tion till railways came into being. 

The first purpose of these roads was military. The Appian 
Way, for instance, was built to secure the Roman hold on 
Campania. As the rule of Rome spread farther, the great 
roads were established to make possible the work of govern- 
ment and defence. They were dead straight, for often the 
legions might need to move rapidly from one place to another. 
In consequence, the Romans gave little heed to natural ob- 
stacles. Their engineers were most skilful in overcoming 
difficulties whether in bridging great rivers or in carrying 
the roadway across valleys by long viaducts. Throughout the 
Middle Ages the methods of Roman engineers were copied, 
and they are used by us to-day. The great public roads 
usually bore the name of the censor, consul, or emperor who 
caused them to be built. They were kept in repair by con- 
tractors at the expense of the government, though neighbour- 
ing landowners had to pay something towards their upkeep. 

The early roads were probably earthen tracks, the surface 
of which was strengthened with stones. The roads typical of 
later times were called viae munitae (or stratae), and had 
a paved surface. There were usually five layers or courses 
in a via munita. The foundation was of earth rammed hard. 
On this were laid stones large enough to fill the hand. On 
top of them were smaller stones mixed with lime, covered 
with a layer of fine cement. The curved top layer was made 
of polygonal blocks of basalt or other suitable stone found 
in the neighbourhood. If the roads were built on a rocky 
foundation (e. g. parts of the Via Appia) only the two topmost 
layers were needed. 

Milestones (miliaria) were a special feature of the Roman 
roads. These were first set up on a regular system by Caius 


Gracchus, and afterwards they were erected all along the 
roads. They marked the distances from Rome, and some- 
times from other important towns. In the Forum at Rome, 
Augustus set up the MiUarium Aureum from which the roads 
of Italy radiated. It was less a milestone than an indicator 
of distances from Rome to a number of important places. 

The remains of Augustus's 'Golden milestone' (miliarium aureum) in 
the Forum at Rome 

Bridges and viaducts were built where necessary, and in 
the south of France especially there still remain splendid 
specimens, almost intact after nearly 2,000 years. They were 
massive, like all Roman buildings, that were intended to 
impress by their very size. What is most remarkable about 
them is that they were usually made of blocks of stone so 
accurately cut that they held together without the use of 
cement, though sometimes the blocks would be clamped 
together with iron. The great Pont du Card near Avignon 
supplies a striking reminder of the skill of Roman builders. 


We can well imagine the numerous travellers that used 
these roads. Travel was in some respects easier and less 
restricted in those days than now, because the same Latin 
language was current all along the roads and a citizen would 
be under the same government though he travelled from 
Gaul to Greece. Many of the travellers were bent on govern- 
ment business armies on the march; officials travelling in 
leisurely style with their retinues; embassies from subject 
tribes; messengers hastening with dispatches and official 
correspondence. Under the Empire there was a regular im- 
perial post, with relays of horses, and post-houses for the 
letter-carriers. But this postal service was only for public 
business. All private letters were taken by couriers, employed 
privately. We can read in Cicero's letters how he took the 
opportunity of writing to friends when he heard of a trusty 
courier who was going their way. Learned men were amongst 
the crowds on the great roads, for there was more of a 
real commonwealth of learning when all men spoke the same 
tongue than in these days when there is the barrier of dif- 
ferent languages. Well-to-do youths, like Caesar and Cicero, 
might be found making the 'Grand Tour' of Greece and 
Asia Minor in the same way as wealthy Englishmen of 
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries travelled in France 
and Italy to finish their education. In later days there were 
missionaries carrying the new Christian faith along the Roman 
roads, without which, humanly speaking, that faith could not 
have spread so quickly. 

There were several kinds of conveyances in common use. 
In Rome itself wheeled traffic was not permitted in the day- 
time, and the litter was much used. This can be described 
as a kind of couch with a canopy and side-curtains, borne on 
poles by at least two carriers, and sometimes by as many as 
six or eight. A kind of sedan chair was sometimes used. 


Outside the towns people used the carpentum, a light two- 
wheeled covered cart, drawn by two mules or Gallic horses 
which were specially prized for their speed. For long journeys 
travellers used the raeda, a four-wheeled carriage that could 
convey luggage and other personal belongings. 

To meet the needs of these mixed crowds of travellers 
there were inns by the roadside. They were known by their 
signs as in later times A d Rot am, The Wheel (which re- 
mained throughout the Middle Ages a popular sign for 
hostelries); Ad Gallum, the Cock; or Ad Draeones, The 
Serpents. Outside Rome, on the Appian Way, there was 
a cluster of inns, the well-known posting station of Tres 
Tabernae, where Paul was met by friends from Rome as he 
approached the City (Actsxxviii. 15). These taverns, noisy, 
comfortless, and cheap, were used by humble travellers. There 
is an inscription which gives a scale of charges under the early 
Empire. Bread and wine cost one as (about \d.) each, and two 
asses were charged for the provender of a mule. At this rate 
the Good Samaritan made ample provision when he gave the 
inn-keeper two 'pence* (denarii) for the man he befriended. 
Wealthy men arranged the stages of their journeys BO as to 
stay the night in the houses of friends. Cicero had six houses 
not far from Rome that he could use in this way. If he could 
not arrange for "the hospitality of friends, a traveller might 
sleep in his carriage, Which was usually large and built for 
comfort rather than speed. Public officials when travelling 
were billeted in the houses of leading families. Members of 
guilds or professional men might often rely on finding hospi- 
tality in the house of one of the same guild or profession. 

So far we have dealt only with travel by land, chiefly 
because it was infinitely more popular than travel by sea. 
The peoples of the ancient world as a whole never fully over- 
came their fear of the sea. Their point of view can be seen 

A Roman magistrate riding in state in a carriage drawn by two horses. 
Behind are four men carrying a litter (lectica) on their shoulders 

A Roman 'coach', a covered four-wheeled vehicle drawn by a pair 
of horses 



in the lines of Horace where he says that the first man to 
venture out in his frail craft must have had a heart of oak 
bound with triple brass. Land journeys were preferred to 
sea-passages, and from mid-November to the end of Marc% 
there was little sea traffic; Paul's famous and disastrous 
journey was made after the usual season was over. There 

A merchant ship in the time of the Roman empire 

were no ships carrying passengers only; all seafarers had to 
use merchant ships for their travels. Horace tells us that all 
parts of the world were visited by merchant ships. A regular 
service of ships carried grain from Egypt to Rome. All these 
might be used by travellers at need. We remember that when 
the centurion brought Paul to Rome he took advantage of 
'a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy' which he found at 
Myra in Asia Minor. 

During the last century of the Republic travel was not 
always safe. The man who fell among thieves on his way 
from Jerusalem to Jericho would be a familiar figure to the 
people who heard the parable. Brigands and robbers on land. 


and pirates on -the sea, took toll of travellers, as tombstones 
tell only too frequently, though more commonly the victims 
were sold into slavery. Robbers had good chances of success 
because people often preferred to travel by night. The 
danger was greatly reduced when a strong central government 
was set up after the Civil Wars of the first century B.C. 
Pompey cleared the seas of pirates in the year 6j,and Augus- 
tus established military police posts to give safety oh the roads* 


THE Julian calendar was one of the great gifts of Rome to 
the world. As its name suggests, it was devised by Julius 
Caesar. There had been calendars in use before his time, 
but they were hopelessly inaccurate and had been actually 
falsified so often that at the time when the reform was made 
in 46 B.C. the seasons were nearly two months late. 

The earliest calendar, said to have been drawn up by 
Romulus, divided the year into ten months, the first of which 
was March. Thus September was actually the seventh month 
(Latin septem = seven) and December the tenth month (Latin 
decem = ten). The tradition of a ten-month year cannot be 
explained satisfactorily. What is certain is that the months 
were measured by the moon and that during the Republic the 
years consisted of 355 days, i. e. ten days too few. 

To rectify this defect an additional month was inserted 
from time to time by the priests who controlled the calendar. 
The result was that at an early date the months ceased to 
correspond to the phases of the moon, and the calendar fell 
into confusion. 

When Julius Caesar became dictator the reform of the 


religion of the Empire, Up to that time the Roman week 
contained eight days seven ordinary working days and an 
eighth (called nundina 1 } when markets were held. 

The days themselves were divided into two main groups 
the Dies Fasti and Nefasti; which were in turn further sub- 
divided. The Dies Fasti took their name from/as, that which 
is binding or obligatory in a moral sense, as used in the famous 
motto of the Royal Engineers 'Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt*. 
It will be seen that the Dies Fasti had a religious impor- 
tance in the first instance. The Dies Fasti were days on 
which ceremonial sacrifices, religious banquets, public games, 
and holidays might take place. The law-courts were open, 
and the public assemblies of the people were held on the 
Dies Fasti. Hence by a transference of meaning the word 
'Fasti* by itself meant a table or book of all the days of the 
year with their festivals indicated, after the fashion of a 
modern calendar. 

The Dies Nefasti were the exact contrary of the Fasti. On 
them no public business might be transacted. They were 
unlucky days, being very often the anniversary of some 
disastrous event. 



FOR six and a half centuries of Roman history, service in the 
army was one of the duties of citizenship, but at the beginning 
of the first century B.C. a change was made so that from then 
military service was a means of livelihood. 
In the earliest days the army consisted of three legions of 

1 Sec Chapter V. This word is derived from novtm diet, 'nine day*', 
and is another example of inclusive reckoning. 


1,000 men each. The Latin word for a soldier, miles, is con- 
nected with mille, a thousand. One legion was recruited from 
each of the three tribes in the city, and each legion had a 
detachment of one hundred horse-soldiers. 

Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome (578-535 B.C.), 
made great changes in the organization of the army. Till his 
reign it had been filled with patricians, but now he made 
all citizens liable to serve. The people were divided into 
five classes according to their means, the richest serving as 
cavalry, the next richest as heavy-armed infantry, and so on 
downwards to the poorest, who were used as light-armed 
skirmishers. The humblest of all, who were not included in 
any of these five classes, were called upon only in times of 
national peril. There were now four legions of infantry, with 
cavalry in addition. They fought in the solid formation 
known as the phalanx with a frontage of five hundred men 
and six ranks deep. 

The phalanx was found to be a somewhat clumsy forma- 
tion, and by the middle of the fourth century B.C. the legions 
were divided into 'maniples' (from manipulus, a 'handful'), 
arranged in three groups according to experience. At this 
period the legion usually contained about 4,200 men, of 
whom 1,200 were light-armed skirmishers drawn from the 
poorest classes. The skirmishers entered action first and pre- 
pared the way for the men of the first line, known as hastati, 
the young soldiers, who were armed with a spear (hasta) for 
thrusting and a sword for close fighting. If necessary, the 
second line, fatprinctpes, more experienced men, were called 
into action, and if by unlucky chance they were defeated there 
still remained the third line in reserve, the triarii, the oldest 
and most experienced fighters. This systematic formation 
remained up to the time of Marius, who completely re- 
organized the army. 


The need for reorganization arose from two causes. First, 
the campaigns of Rome now took her armies into the farther 
parts of Europe, and the Near East. No longer could cam- 
paigns be finished in a single season as in the old days of wars 
in Italy; it was no longer possible for a man to do his period 
of service and then return to his farm or workshop to pick 
up once more his regular occupation. Secondly, the long 
wars, and the grievous losses that the Romans suffered both 
in lives and wealth, had brought about a serious decrease in 
the number of citizens who were liable to serve in the army 
under the old system. 

Influenced by these two considerations, Marius threw open 
the army to all who were willing to serve in return for pay- 
ment. There followed an immense and far-reaching change. 
Men now adopted the army as a profession, to which they 
pledged themselves for a period of fifteen to twenty years. 
They made their oath of allegiance to the general in person, 
who thereby had at his command a body of paid followers. 
They were entirely dependent on him and he could, if he 
wished, use them to further his own purposes rather than 
those of the State. In this power, of course, lay a great 

Marius changed not only the character of the army but 
also its organization. The old method of grouping the men 
according to their experience was dropped, though the names 
of , the groups continued in use. The spear had already been 
replaced by the javelin as the characteristic weapon of the 
legionary. But perhaps the most important change was the 
new division of the legion into ten cohorts, each containing 
three maniples each of which was in turn divided into two 
^centuries. As a century contained roughly one hundred men, 
a legion at full strength would number about 6,000 ; in actual 
practice, however, 5,000 was the usual number. From the 


time of Marius, the cavalry was made up of foreigners, 
especially Spaniards and Gauls. 

The commander-in -chief was known as the imperator. 
This was simply a title and did not carry any special rank. 
Originally the army was led by the king himself, and after- 
wards by the consuls or other magistrates to whom belonged 
the military command (imperium) formerly held by the king. 

Each legion in Caesar's army was commanded by a legatus, 
corresponding to a lieutenant-general of to-day i.e. he was 
a staff officer who acted for the general in the command of 
the legion. There were also six tribunes (tribuni militum) for 
each legion. They were appointed by the people as a whole 
and they held office for one year. A tribune was usually a 
young man of noble rank. 

The legatus and the tribunes were the higher officers, of 
commissioned rank, but the centurions formed the backbone 
of the legion. There were sixty of them, six in each of the 
ten cohorts, and they corresponded to the sergeants of a 
modern army. They were not all of the same standing. In 
each cohort there were six grades, 1 and the centurions of the 
first cohort were superior to those of all the other nine 
cohorts. The ambition of every centurion was to reach the 
coveted rank of primus pilus, the senior centurion of the first 
cohort, and, therefore, of the whole legion. The system of 
promotions is not quite clear, but probably a centurion passed 
from a lower to a higher cohort, keeping the same grade in 
each. For example, a man holding the rank of princeps prior 
in the sixth cohort would be promoted princeps prior in the 
fifth, and so on till he came to the first cohort. Then he might 
go from grade to grade till he became primus pilus. 

1 The six grades were named from the old divisions of hastati, principes, 
and pilani (or triarii). They were called pilus prior and posterior, princeps 
prior and posterior, and hostatus prior and posterior, the adjectives referring 
to the front and rear ranks. 


The centurions had considerable responsibility and power. 
Julius Caesar himself regarded his centurions as the men 
chiefly responsible for controlling the rank and file and 
for enforcing discipline. We can judge this from his calling 
together all the centurions after a mutiny in 58 B.C., to 
rebuke them for not maintaining stricter discipline. Cen- 
turions had the right of flogging their men. This was sym- 
bolized by carrying a rod which was the special mark of their 
rank. The brutality of the centurions became proverbial, 
and the soldiers complained that they had to bribe the 
centurions to avoid flogging. They used as well to bribe 
them in order to be let off fatigue duties which were allotted 
by the centurions. The practice became so common that 
the officers actually counted on the bribes as a part of their 

The uniform of a legionary was plain and serviceable. 
Over a woollen tunic reaching nearly to his knees, he wore 
a leather doublet with the additional protection of plates of 
metal if he could afford them. He had a brown-coloured 
cloak which seems to have been adopted from the Gauls. 
It could be used as a blanket when required. He wore 
heavy hobnailed sandals, but no covering to his legs ex- 
cept during campaigns in cold countries like Gaul or 
Britain, when he might wear puttees or breeches. He was 
always clean-shaven and wore his hair cut very short. 

When in action, he had for defence a crested helmet (first 
of leather and later of metal) and a leather shield (scutum), 
four feet long and two and a half feet wide, curved almost to 
the shape of a half cylinder. It was strengthened by a rim of 
metal and an iron or bronze boss in the middle. The right 
leg, left uncovered by the shield, was protected by a metal 
greave; similarly, the right shoulder was protected by a metal 


The legionary's weapons were a sword, a javelin, and some- 
times a dagger. The sword was short and broad, about two 
feet in length, two-edged and suitable for hand-to-hand 
fighting. He carried two javelins for hurling at the enemy in 
a charge. They were about seven feet long, the shaft being 
made of wood, with a head (about 2 ft. long) of iron. There 
was always the danger that these javelins would be picked up 
and hurled back at the Romans by their enemies ; so various 
means were employed to prevent this. Marius joined the 
metal point to the shaft with a wooden pin that snapped when 
thtyavelin struck, and so the head was loosened ; while Julius 
C&sar made the head (all but the point) of soft iron that bent 
with the force of a blow. 

The legionary had a fair amount of equipment to carry in 
addition to his personal weapons. It was usually made into 
a bundle or pack and strapped on to a wooden framework, 
invented by Marius, that distributed the weight evenly on the 
shoulders after the fashion of a modern Norwegian ruck-sack. 
He had to carry, in addition to his personal gear and clothing, 
entrenching tools and stakes for making the palisade at camp, 
utensils for cooking his own food, and rations for several days. 
The bulk of his food was wheat, which was issued to him 
unground. He had to grind it in his own hand-mill and make 
his own bread or porridge with it. This ration of grain was 
counted as part of his w?iges he received very little actual 
cash. Sometimes, as a punishment, barley was issued instead 
of wheat. The soldiers were not given ordinary wine ; their 
usual drink was a very sour variety, not unlike vinegar. 
(See St. Mark xv. 36.) 










IN the last chapter we saw something of the composition of 
the Roman army; let us now turn to the more important 








Tribuni Praefecli 


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(P. decumana* 


topic of the Roman army in the field on the march, in camp, 
and engaged in battle or conducting a siege. 

There were several ways in which a general might arrange 
his legions when on the march, the choice depending on the 
nature of the country through which the army was passing, 
the nearness of the enemy, the danger of attack, and other 
considerations. There was always a good deal of baggage 


(impedimenta) to be taken, apart from the soldiers' personal 
equipment, and this would have to be made safe from 
attack. The usual arrangement was for each legion to march 
with its baggage-train immediately following it, protected in 
the rear (and sometimes on the flanks as well) by the cavalry. 
The ordinary line of march (agmeri) was formed in this way, 
but it was not suitable if there was any immediate danger of 
meeting the enemy. On such an occasion, several legions 
went first, followed by all their baggage, with the rest of the 
army forming a rearguard. Sometimes, when the enemy 
hovered near with the intention of attacking the flanks of the 
army, the baggage train was protected by a column of troops 
on either side, making the formation a hollow square with 
the baggage in the middle. 

When the day's march was finished, normally a distance 
between fifteen and twenty miles, the army encamped for the 

A Roman camp (castrd) was always laid out with the 
greatest exactness, according to some recognized plan. The 
one given in the accompanying diagram shows a typical camp 
of Julius Caesar. The labour involved must have been 
enormous ; but the Romans had that type of genius which 
finds nothing too much trouble, and of all Roman generals 
this is perhaps most true of Julius Caesar. 

It will be seen that the camp was entirely enclosed by 
a ditch. The earth removed in the course of digging this 
was piled up to form a rampart, topped with a palisade. 
For making this, every legionary carried as many as seven 
stakes as part of his marching kit. The first point marked 
by the surveyors who laid out the camp was the site of the 
general's tent (praetorium) which marked the exact middle of 
the camp. It stood at the junction of the two main thorough- 
fares that crossed from north to south and from east to west 


There was a gate at the end of each thoroughfare the main 
entrance being the Porta Praetoria that was used by the 
general, and (in theory if not always in fact) was on the 
eastern side of the camp. 

The camp shown in the plan was constructed for two 
legions and their auxiliaries. Each legion was encamped by 
itself, one on the south and one on the north of the general's 
tent. The two encampments were separated by the/oraw; 
that was the real centre of the life of the camp. Here the 
general harangued his men ; rewards and punishments were 
meted out ; booty was put up for auction ; and booths were 
set up where the soldiers might buy little extras, as in a 
modern canteen. 

As we have seen already, the praetorium formed the 
general's quarters. It was much more than a mere tent: 
in a standing camp, indeed, it was a substantial building. 
In the praetorium were stored the standards and the trea- 
sury of the legions. A part of it was set aside for religious 
uses, especially for the taking of auspices. It contained 
the quarters of young aristocrats who accompanied the 
general on his campaigns to gain first-hand practical expe- 
rience. The quaestorium near by formed the quarters of the 
paymaster, and it was used to house hostages, prisoners, and 

The camp was carefully guarded both by day and by night, 
the hours of darkness being divided into four watches. Pickets 
of horse and foot were placed at each gate, and sentinels drawn 
from the light-armed troops mounted guard on the earth- 
mound just inside the surrounding ditch. The watchword 
(signum) was not given by word of mouth, but was written 
down on wooden tablets, that were passed from man to man 
throughout the camp from the outer edge inwards to the 
tribune on duty. 


The men who are working all have their helmets off. At the back three 

officers are superintending the work. On the left is a wood, and the shield 

of a sentry can be seen. A relief from Trajan's column at Rome 


As the order of march varied to suit the circumstances of 
the occasion, so also the line of battle (acies) might be arranged 
in various ways. The formation used ordinarily by Julius 
Caesar was known as the triplex acies. In this, the ten cohorts 
of a legion were drawn up in three lines four in the first 
line, three in the second line covering the spaces of the first, 
and three more in the last line. This last line was kept in 
reserve, and used only if the first two failed in their attack. 
The four cohorts of the front line, ranged eight deep as a 
general rule, charged first, hurling their javelins and then 
engaging the enemy in hand-to-hand fighting with their 
swords. If necessary the three cohorts of the second line 
came up to help them, passing through the spaces in the first 
line. Thus the two front lines shared the attack, resting by 
turns in order to prepare themselves for any renewal of the 
fray. The cavalry supported them on the flanks or did battle 
with the enemy's skirmishers and horsemen, though Roman 
cavalry did not play a prominent part in actual battles: they 
were of use chiefly in the pursuit of fugitives. 

When a Roman general planned to take a town, he pre- 
ferred to do so by assault rather than by the slower method 
of a blockade, and many ingenious machines were brought 
into use when an assault was made. Sometimes a weakly 
defended town might be taken by storm. Then the soldiers 
locked their shields together over their heads as a protection 
from missiles. Thus they marched to the walls of the town 
under a roof of shields which was called by the Romans 
'testudo' the tortoise-shell. As the men under the 'shell' 
advanced others attempted to scale the walls by means of 

In the capture of stronger towns very elaborate engines 
of war were employed. Huge earthworks were first con- 




strutted near the walls so that the attackers might meet the 
defenders on the same level. There were also great wheeled 
towers, with staging at different heights, that were pushed 
close to the walls. From these darts and other missiles were 
hurled against the defenders within, while the walls were 
weakened with the blows of a battering-ram. This was some- 
times just a great beam thrust against the walls by a number 
of strong men, and sometimes an elaborate machine like 
that described by Josephus, who saw it at work against 
the walls of Jerusalem. 'The ram is a vast long beam', he 
wrote, 'like the mast of a ship, strengthened at one end with 
a head of iron, something resembling that of a ram, whence 
it took its name. This is hung by the midst with ropes to 
another beam, which lies across a couple of posts, and hang- 
ing thus equally balanced, it is by a great number of men 
violently thrust forward and drawn backward, and so shakes 
the wall with its iron head. Nor is there any tower or wall so 
thick or strong, that, after the first assault of the ram, can 
afterwards resist its force in the repeated assaults.' Attempts 
were also made to dismantle the walls by wrenching stones 
from them with the help of great iron hooks. 

Of course, the Romans had no artillery in the modern sense 
of the term, but they used various ingenious machines for 
hurling boulders and other missiles during a siege. The 
general name given to these machines was tormenta, and they 
were more useful for harassing the enemy than for causing 
great destruction. The most important were the catapulta 
for discharging darts and arrows, and the ballista for hurling 
stones or beams of timber. The schoolboy to-day shoots tiny 
pellets in the same way as the Romans hurled their darts 
against the enemy; so his little implement (really a special 
kind of bow) is still called a 'catapult'. The ballista resembled 
the mortar of later times. It was worked in the same way 


as a catapulta, but the missile was given its direction by 
being shot along a groove set at an angle of 45 to the 


THE highest ambition of every Roman general was to receive 
the honour of a Triumph. Yet so strict were the conditions 
that must be fulfilled before the Senate would grant the 
honour, that a full Triumph was not often obtained at least 
under the Republic. These were the necessary conditions : 
the victorious general must be either Dictator, or Consul, 
or Praetor (Pompey was the only exception to this rule) ; the 
victory must have been gained in person, and so completely 
that troops to grace the Triumph might safely be withdrawn 
from the conquered region; at least five thousand of the 
enemy must have fallen in battle; and a definite tract of 
new territory must have been brought under Roman rule. 

A Triumph must have been one of the most magnificent 
of spectacles ever staged in a great city that knew how to 
make the most of public pageants. On the day when it was 
held, the whole city made holiday : the streets were decorated 
with garlands, the statues were adorned with flowers, and 
fires were lighted on every altar. 

The triumphal procession entered the city from the Cam- 
pus Martius, where the victorious general camped on the 
preceding night. No effort was spared to glorify the event. 
First in the long procession came the city magistrates, whose 
powers were for that day in the hands of the triumphant 
general. Then followed trumpeters, sounding as for a charge. 
Next came the spoils taken from the enemy, drawn on 
chariots or carried by hand, together with representations of 

H 2 


the events of the campaign, the places captured, and alle- 
gorical figures, all mounted upon stages set upon wagons, as 
we see tableaux vivants in a Lord Mayor's Show to-day. 
White oxen intended for sacrifice came next, adorned very 
richly, led by priests and followed by others bearing the 
sacred vessels and implements of sacrifice. After that came 
the captives, headed by the king of the conquered country, 
his children, and his chief nobles. If it chanced that the king 
had fallen in battle, his effigy was carried in the procession. 
Then followed officials of the victorious army, and musicians 
dancing and playing. 

Next was the general himself in whose honour the whole 
wonderful pageant was taking place. He was drawn in a rich 
circular chariot by four horses, always, from the time of 
Julius Caesar, pure white. He was robed in purple and wore 
a laurel crown. In his right hand he carried a laurel branch, 
and in his left an ivory sceptre. Behind him stood a slave, 
holding above the victor's head the crown of Jupiter in 
the form of an oak- wreath made of gold : and sometimes, 
curiously enough, another slave to whisper reminders that he 
was but human, lest he should become too proud with the 
honours heaped upon him. With the general in his chariot 
were his children if they were very young; if they were lads 
who had not yet assumed the toga virilis, they rode on the 
horses that drew the chariot ; if grown up they rode behind, 
with the legati and tribuni of the victorious army. Last of all 
came the soldiers, marching on foot, their javelins twined 
with laurel, shouting lo triumphe and singing songs in honour 
of their general. 

The immense procession entered the city by a special 
gate, the Porta Triumphalis, which was used only on these 
occasions. On the line of route, triumphal arches were 
erected, at one time as occasion required but afterwards built 


permanently of stone, often elaborately decorated. Some still 
remain, and others like them may be seen in Paris, com- 
memorating the victories of Napoleon. The procession passed 
through the Circus Maximus and along the Sacred Way to 
the Forum, whence the general ascended the Capitoline Hill 
to the great Temple of Jupiter. While he mounted thither, 
and as an integral part of the day's events, the principal 
captives were put to death in a prison adjoining the Forum : 
it is recorded that only on four occasions were their lives 
spared. Upon entering the Temple of Jupiter, where the 
white oxen were sacrificed, the general laid his laurel branch 
upon the lap of the god. The sacrifices were followed by a 
state banquet given by the Senate, and feasts for the soldiers 
and citizens. 

Even when the day's pageant was over, the general enjoyed 
further honours of victory. He still wore his laurel wreath. 
He received land to build a house, the entrance to which was 
decorated with his trophies, while his statue in a triumphant 
chariot was placed in the entrance hall to keep his memory 
green. Even after his death his triumph was not forgotten, 
for his ashes were allowed burial within the walls of the city. 

If the Romans wished to honour a general not entitled to 
a full Triumph, they gave him an Ovation. This also was 
a procession through the streets, but shorn of the splendours 
of a Triumph. The general entered the city on foot, or (in 
later times) on horseback, clad in the ordinary toga of a 
magistrate. Instead of the laurel wreath, he wore one of 
myrtle, and he carried no sceptre. There were neither troops 
nor magistrates in the procession, but usually some equites 
and a throng of the humbler citizens. Music was provided by 
flutes, instead of by the trumpets of war. And when the 
procession reached the Temple of Jupiter, instead of white 
oxen, a sheep was sacrificed. The honour of an ovation was 


granted when the enemy was not very dangerous, or when 
the bloodshed had not been considerable. 

Awards to individual soldiers for bravery or for specially 
good service in the field commonly took the form of crowns ; 
and it was a general principle that the greatest honour was 
attached to the crowns that were the least valuable in them- 
selves. So to-day the Victoria Cross, in our own army the 
highest award for valour, is merely an inexpensive medal of 
bronze. Its Roman equivalent was the civic crown (corona 
civica), that was awarded to soldiers who saved the lives of 
Roman citizens in battle. It was made simply of oak leaves. 
Special honours were paid to holders of the civic crown : when 
they entered a public building, all those present rose to show 
their respect; and they had the right to sit with Senators 
at public entertainments. Other crowns of different designs 
were awarded for special kinds of distinguished service in 
action. Various trophies in the form of collars, bracelets, and 
horse-trappings were conferred when a crown was not an 
appropriate reward. There were many awards and they were 
lavishly bestowed, but the Romans aimed at encouraging 
valour and zeal so that cowardice and slackness might but 
rarely show themselves. 


IN all the long and wonderful story of Rome, few incidents 
show the fine spirit of the Romans better than the building 
of their first fleet when war broke out with Carthage (B.C. 
264). Up to that time the Romans had had very little to do 
with the sea; and their only vessels were clumsy merchant- 


ships. Carthage, on the other hand, was the greatest naval 
power in the ancient world, and Rome had to prepare to meet 
her in naval conflict. 

By a fortunate chance a Carthaginian galley was stranded 
on the Italian coast. The Romans took this for their model 

being rowed into action, with a detachment of soldiers on board 

and set about building a fleet. So that there should be no 
delay in putting to sea when the ships were built, the crews 
were made to practise rowing on benches set up on dry land, 
in much the same way as we can practise swimming exercises 
out of the water to-day. With the fleet that came into being in 
this way the Romans were able to defeat the Carthaginians. 

True, the story of the stranded Carthaginian ship is open 
to doubt. For a long time before the wars with Carthage the 
Romans had been obliged to turn their attention to the sea, 
in the course of their dealings with the Greeks of Southern 


Italy, from whom they could always recruit trained sailors. 
The Romans must have been familiar with Etruscan and 
Greek vessels, and it is noteworthy that their earliest coins 
bore the prow of a ship on one side. It is quite likely that 
Roman historians purposely overlooked these facts in their 
desire to enhance the glory of their triumph over Carthage. 

But the Romans did not extend their naval power they 
were still afraid of the sea. It has been thought that the 
Romans kept no standing navy, but preferred to build ships 
as and when necessity arose. This was not often, for most 
campaigns were conducted by land; but when sea travel 
was necessary, as when Julius Caesar came to Britain, lack 
of experience often brought mishap or disaster. Those vessels 
they had were always hauled up on to the shore at the end 
of the autumn, and were not launched again till the early 

The general name for a warship was navis longa. It was 
comparatively narrow for its length, being designed mainly 
for speed, unlike the merchant ship that needed plenty of 
space for its cargo. The 'long-ships' were propelled by oars, 
and the different kinds were named biremes, triremes, quadri- 
remes, quinqueremes, and so on (from remus, an oar). At one 
time it was thought that these names implied the number of 
the banks of oars on the various ships, but it is now believed 
that they show the number of rowers to each oar: thus, there 
would be three rowers to each oar on a trireme, and five on 
a quinquereme, the two commonest types of boat in use. 

The rowers were seldom, if ever, of Roman birth. Usually 
they came from allied or conquered races, or were slaves who 
had gained their freedom. They formed the crew and were 
quite separate from the fighting men, who in the early days 
were ordinary legionaries, but later were specially recruited 
for service in the fleet after the manner of our Royal Marines. 


The officers on each ship were the Master (Magister) and 
the steersman (gubernator), though sometimes one man filled 
both offices. 

In a naval engagement, three methods of attack might be 
used. First, the attacker might crash its way through the oars 
of the enemy's ship and so leave it disabled. Or, by skilful 
steering, one ship might ram another with its bronze-shod 
'beak 1 (rostrum), level with or below the surface of the water. 
If neither of these tactics succeeded, two vessels would 
manoeuvre alongside each other. Then, when they had been 
linked with grappling-irons, boarding planks would be laid 
across from one to the other and close hand-to-hand fighting 
on the decks would follow. 


IN order to understand fully the ideas that underlay the 
religion of the Romans, we must go back to the earliest days 
of the Latin settlements in Italy. The newcomers were tillers 
of the soil, and their daily work brought them into ceaseless 
struggle with the forces of Nature. There were many things 
that these primitive people experienced but could not explain. 
Floods and drought, storms and refreshing showers, untimely 
frosts and genial summer warmth were at work to bring them 
either good fortune or disaster. 

In all these everyday happenings they saw the work of 
spirits, sometimes hurtfiil and at other times beneficent. At 
every turn they believed themselves to be surrounded by 
spirits (numina), in air, in earth and water spirits that could 
help or harm them, always resenting any encroachment, 
always ready to smite the trespasser, yet equally ready to favour 


and assist if won over by acceptable sacrifices and ceremonies. 
Where there was so much that could not be explained, ignor- 
ance bred superstition, which in turn gave rise to fear; so that 
the whole purpose of 'religion' was to secure the favour of the 
spirits, or to make amends to any and every deity (numeri) that 
might be offended in the course of a man's everyday occupa- 
tions. If a man bridged a stream, for instance, even if it were 
only with a plank, he must make sacrifice to the river-spirit for 
intruding upon his domain. In this deep-rooted belief in 
spirits we find the foundations of Roman religion. There was 
in it an element of magic, and a belief that certain acts would 
produce certain results that were to be desired or avoid others 
that were to be feared. So among the Romans there were 
magical ceremonies for making rain, as there are in West 
Africa to-day, and such ceremonies continued to be used, 
with certain changes, right on into the historical period of 
Roman history when the people had outgrown the days of 

Yet though the basis of the religion of the early Romans 
was this belief in spirits, the people had only the most 
shadowy notions about them. They had not enough imagina- 
tion to give them a form, a physical shape. The gods re- 
mained as spirits, often merely described by an adjective 
indicating the qualities or dwelling of the spirit, as Silvanus, 
the god of the wild wood (silva)* Sometimes the idea was 
carried a stage farther and it was believed that a particular 
spirit dwelt in a certain place or thing. Thus the god Termi- 
nus dwelt in his stone on the Capitol ; Diana in her grove at 
Aricia, and Volturnus in the River Tiber. It is most impor- 
tant to remember that the early Romans had only vague 
ideas to work upon ; for we find that they were accustomed 
to add various qualities to these shadowy spirits. We may take 
as an example the great god Jupiter who was worshipped 


under many different titles: e.g. Jupiter Stator, the stayer of 
flight in war, or Jupiter Ruminus who fertilized the earth with 
rain. It must be remembered that the Romans did not attempt 
to represent Jupiter or their other early gods in any special 
physical form. Centuries later, when they came into contact 
with the Greeks, they discovered amongst the Greek gods and 
goddesses many that were counterparts of their own, and they 

A grove on a hill- top near Rome, sacred in Roman times. Such groves 
were often looked upon by the Romans as the haunt of some special god 

or goddess 

copied the Greeks in making images, often in human form, 
though in the early days their ideas had been so vague that 
they did not know whether to address the spirits as god or 

To see the religion of the Romans at its best and purest, 
unchanged by contact with foreign practices and beliefs, we 
must go to the private religion of the family, from which the 
State religion developed. Family ties were very strong, and 
one of the strongest was the religion of the household, that 
centred round the things of everyday life. There was the 
worship of the spirit of the door, Janus (from ianua), who 
guarded the entrance to the home and looked after all who 


went out or came in. Within the house there was the spirit 
of the hearth-fire, Vesta. Indoors there were as well the 
Penates, the spirits of the store-cupboard (penus). Very im- 
portant, too, was the worship of the Genius of the family, 
though the underlying idea is rather difficult to understand 
nowadays. It was that indefinable something that makes 
every family different from all others. The Genius was 
in some way connected with the head of the family. Thus, 
for example, its festival was observed on the master's 
birthday; and when the Romans gave their deities an 
individual physical form, they represented the Genius in the 
likeness of the head of the family. The family religion also 
included the worship of the Lares. 1 They were probably gods 
of the fields before being brought indoors, for Cicero tells us 
they were worshipped in sight of thehouse. The family shrine, 
the Lararium, was set up in the atrium, showing how inti- 
mately the Lar was connected with the daily life of the family. 
In the early days, when life was more simple, these family 
deities would be worshipped by the sacrifice of a part of the 
meal that was thrown into the flames ; in later days the images 
of Lares and Penates were placed upon the table to show that 
they had a share in the meal. Even in more luxurious times, 
there was a pause in every banquet while offerings were taken 
to the household gods. It was only natural that in the family 
religion the head of the family should be the priest, a fact 
which emphasized his importance and formed a strong bond 
between members of the family. 

But families did not live apart. They were from very early 
times grouped in clans or tribes living together in country 
districts. Naturally they had religious rites and ceremonies 
that must be performed in common. These festivals were 
connected with the important seasons of the farmer's year 

1 See Chapter III. 


the spring-time, harvest, and winter. In early times the 
Roman year began in March, 1 the beginning of the Spring 
period of growth. There came a lull in the activity of the 
farm during June and July, and not till the harvest months 
of August and October do we find more great agricultural 
festivals. The winter festivals, of which the chief was the 
Saturnalia, were connected with the preparations for the next 
year's crops. 

It was from the religion of the farm and the family that 
the Roman State religion grew up. 

In the first place we must notice that some of the chief gods 
of the City-State had their origin in the gods of the house- 
hold. There was Vesta, whose undying fire guarded by the 
Vestal Virgins represented the continuous life of the city as 
in the house it represented the life of the family. In the home 
t^ie hearth fire was tended by the daughters of the household ; 
so the Vestal Virgins, the guardians of the city fire, were 
regarded as something like daughters of the Pontifex Maxi- 
mus, who took the place of the king at the head of the religion 
of the State. Janus guarded the gateways of the city as he 
also protected the doorway of the house. And other ideas 
were associated with this god. Since he watched all who 
went out and came in he must look both ways : hence he 
was represented with two heads. He was the god of all be- 
ginnings and the 'father of the morning' to whom the first 
prayer of the day was offered. The city also had its Lares and 
Penates, fulfilling on a larger scale the duties of the household 
gods ; and in place of the Genius of the family there was the 
Genius of the Roman people, and of the city itself, and 
finally of the Emperor, who stood in the same relation to the 
nation as did the father to the family. 

' See Chapter XII. 


Perhaps the most interesting development was that which 
changed the vague spirits that watched over the affairs of men 
into gods with a definite form and traditional legends. The 
idea came first from the Etruscans, but was chiefly developed 
through contact with the Greeks, who had more imagination 
than the Romans. From very early times the Greeks had 
given a definite form, usually human, to the spirits which they 
believed were in the world around them. The Romans found 
that the Greeks had many deities very like their own, and as 
they were represented in human shapes that could be more 
easily understood than vague spirits, the Romans copied the 
Greeks and made statues of their gods. 

At first Jupiter was the spirit (or numeri) who inhabited the 
sky. From this it was natural that he should become the god 
of light (with the adjectival title of Lucetius, from lux), and 
should be worshipped at the times of full moon when there 
was most light both by night and day. He was also the spirit 
that hurled the thunderbolt; places struck by lightning were 
sacred to him since he moved in the lightning-flash. Yet he 
was still a spirit, specially connected with the sacred oak on 
the Capitoline Hill. When the Romans came back from their 
early wars bringing their spoils with them, they laid the 
choicest on this sacred oak ; and so Jupiter became connected 
with successful warfare. As Jupiter Stator he stayed the 
rout when Roman armies were hard pressed ; as Jupiter Victor 
he gave them triumph ; in his temple on the Capitol he was 
the supreme head of the State, Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the 
'best and greatest'. 'To his temple the Roman youth will come 
to make his offering when he takes the dress of manhood ; here 
the magistrates will do sacrifice before entering their year of 
office ; here the victorious general will pass in procession with 
the spoils of victory; on the walls shall be suspended treaties 
with foreign nations and offerings sent by subject princes and 


states from all quarters of the world : all that Rome is to be, 

will be, as it were, embodied in the sky-spirit of the sacred 

oak, the god of justice and of victory in war.' 1 

The same sort of process took place in the thoughts 

Found in the house of the Vestal Virgins in the Forum at Rome 

of the Romans about their great god Mars, though here, 
curiously enough, it was a complete change rather than 
a mere development. Mars was a deity worshipped by all 
the tribes that settled in Latium, but at first he was in chief 
a god of the fields. We shall see that farmers prayed to Mars 
for protection of their crops and live stock, and for abundant 
harvest. Yet to the later Romans Mars was chiefly the grim 

1 C, Bailey. 


god of war, whose sacred animal was the fierce wolf. We can 
trace the reason for this change if we consider the time of 
the chief festivals of Mars. They fall in March, the month 
sacred to him, and in May both of them months of the early 
year, when the crops were beginning to grow and when the 
young men were donning their armour in readiness for the 
summer campaigns. And so in the beginning he was really 
in two ways the 'spirit of the growing year* first, as the ally 
of the farmer in giving increase to his flocks and fields, and 
second of the warrior who goes seeking the fortunes of war. 
Of course, at different periods of Roman history, one or other 
of the sides of his nature would be the more important : in 
the early days when the Romans were a tribe of farmers, 
they would think of Mars as a god of the countryside ; later 
on when they became a nation of soldiers they thought pf him 
as the god of war, 

As time passed many deities were adopted by the Romans 
and a distinction arose between the Di indigetes, or native 
gods, and the Di novensiles, or new gods. It was only natural 
that the native gods were those connected directly or in- 
directly with agriculture, the gods that had been at one time 
the numina of the early settlers. 

The newer gods of foreign origin, the Di novensiles, came 
from various countries that the Romans conquered, but 
especially from Greece. Some were adopted at a very early 
date e.g. Minerva, an Etruscan goddess of the arts and 
crafts, and Diana, who was introduced from Aricia when the 
Latin league was formed. When a new god was brought from 
Greece it was usually just a matter of identifying an already 
existing deity with its Greek counterpart, and assigning to 
it the stories that the more imaginative Greeks had woven 
round their more definite god or goddess. Thus we find that 


Neptunus, the god of seas and streams, was the Roman 
counterpart of the Greek Poseidon; Mercurius, a god of 
trading, was identified with the Greek Hermes, the messenger 
of the gods. Some of the later gods, it is true, had no real 
counterpart in early Romjui religion. The worship of Phoebus 
Apollo was almost purely Greek,as also was that of Aesculapius, 
the god of healing, since the Romans had very little knowledge 
of medicine. The cult of Isis was imported direct from Egypt, 
while in 205 B.C. a great fetish rock was brought from 
Phrygia to be worshipped as the Great Mother (Magna 

With all these many and different deities, a Roman's deal- 
ings were of a very practical nature. He sought either to 
avoid their ill will or, more often, to enlist their active sup- 
port. His prayers were for definite material blessings, and 
when he offered a sacrifice it was with the idea of getting 
some benefit in return or of avoiding some evil. Cicero him- 
self points out that a Roman did not pray to be made virtuous, 
but to be made both healthy and wealthy. 

One important reason for this cold attitude towards religion 
was the Romans' dislike of changes, and their faithful follow- 
ing of the practice of their forefathers (mos maiorum). Another 
reason was the control of religion by the State. It is scarcely 
too much to say that a man's dealings with the gods were 
marked out as definitely for him as were his dealings with his 
fellow citizens. 

The close connexion of religion with the State is clearly 
seen in the organization of the priesthood. Here it should be 
noted that the priests were not usually trained specially for 
their duties nor did they form a class apart from other 
citizens. Indeed, it often happened that men who had distin- 
guished themselves in other departments of public life were 

3632 I 


appointed to some of the highest priestly offices. Thus the 
Emperors took the title of Pontifex Maximus, though they 
did not carry out the duties belonging to the office. 

In the earliest days the king presided over religion as one 
branch of the city's life. When the kingship was abolished 
and the duties of the kings were divided among a number of 
individuals, certain orders of priesthood (collegia) came into 

The most important was that of the Pontifices, who practi- 
cally controlled the State religion. They gave judgement on 
all religious matters ; they had disciplinary powers over the 
lesser orders of priesthood; they laid down the rules for 
public worship, for all feasts and sacrifices, and regulated the 
calendar. In the opinion of Cicero, the honour and safety of 
the commonwealth, the liberty of the people, the houses and 
fortunes of the citizens, and even the gods themselves were 
all entrusted to their care, and depended entirely on their 
wisdom and judgement. The head of this order, the Pontifex 
Maximus, was one of the chief men in the city. 

The second great order was that of the Augurs, who 
(together with the Auspices) were concerned with the inter- 
pretation of omens, i.e. the prophecy of forthcoming events 
by observing certain signs. There were at first three augurs, 
one for each tribe, but their number was increased to fifteen as 
time passed. Their duty was to interpret dreams and oracles, 
and to declare whether the omens were good or bad. The 
interpretations of augurs were mainly concerned with public 

Auspices on the other hand were employed at every turn 
in connexion with the household, the farm, and the State, 
whenever any important enterprise was to be undertaken 
whether it was a betrothal, a sowing, or a battle. The aus- 
pices might be taken by the master of the house, a magistrate, 

A ceremonial procession entering a temple 


or a general according to the occasion,butanaugurwas usually 
consulted to interpret the signs observed. The derivation of 
the word auspices (avis, sptcere) shows that the chief signs 
observed were the actions, and especially the flight, of birds ; 
but the Romans were superstitious and tried to read some 
meaning into any unusual or special occurrence, even such a 
thing as a flash of lightning if appearing at certain times. 

The whole purpose of augury and auspices was clearly to 
find out in advance what was the will of the gods ; it 
reveals another plain indication of the Romans' dread of the 
deities they could not understand and their desire to propi- 
tiate them and to win their goodwill and help. 


WE have already seen that the belief in nature-spirits was 
the basis of Roman religion. Many survivals of it can be 
seen in the private religion of the family. It also accounts 
for the special features of the great festivals which otherwise 
would have had little meaning for people living in a great 

There were usually two purposes underlying these festivals 
first, to appease any numina that might have been offended, 
and secondly, to put a place, or thing, or person under the 
protection of the god whose goodwill had been obtained by 
sacrifice. The appeasing of the numina was known as a /w- 
stratto, or cleansing from guilt. The whole people and the city 
were 'purified* in this way at regular intervals, just as were 
the Israelites by the laws of Moses. More often it was just 
a single family and its possessions and dependents that were 
'purified', and on such occasions it was the head of the family, 
the paterfamilias, who acted as priest. 


The festival known as the Parilia may be taken as revealing 
most of the characteristic features of Roman festivals. It was 
in honour of Pales, a very ancient spirit of the countryside, 
and therefore it takes us back to the early days of the settle- 
ment of farmers. The poet Ovid has given us a full account 
of the festival, with much picturesque detail, so that we can 
see it all very clearly in imagination. In the early morning 
the shepherds 'purified' their flocks and swept the ground 
clean with a broom made of twigs, afterwards decorating the 
folds with branches. A fire was made of olive-wood, juniper, 
pine twigs, and laurel, upon which sulphur was thrown. 
Offerings were made of millet, millet cakes, and a pail of 
milk warm from the cow to Pales. Prayers were offered to all 
and any of the spirits that might have been unknowingly 
offended, and petitions made for freedom from disease and 
misfortune. A special prayer was then recited four times, 
those who were taking part in the festival meanwhile turning 
to the east. Finally there was a twofold act of purification. 
The worshippers washed their hands in a running stream, 
and then leaped through fires made of lighted straw. The 
flocks and herds were also driven through the fires. In this 
festival of Parilia, we find purification, rustic offerings, and 
prayers for good fortune and fertility in fields and flocks all 
the features of a typical Roman festival. Such festivals were 
observed, in letter if not always in spirit, long after the 
Romans had ceased to be a nation of farmers, but they served 
to remind the people of the old days of magic when they drew 
their living from the soil. 

Another typical and picturesque festival of a similar kind 
was the Ambarvalia that was celebrated in May, just before 
the early harvests began. It was a family festival for the 
purification and protection of the farm lands from the evil 
spirits that dwelt outside. 


All work was laid aside on the day of the festival, while the 
master and his servants made a procession three times round 
the fields, leading with them the animals appointed for sacri- 
fice a pig, a sheep, and an ox, a combination of offerings 
also used at other times and known as suovetauriKa, a com- 
pound of stis, ovis, and taurus. The special prayer offered to 
Mars is of interest because it shows so clearly the whole 
purpose of the festival. 'Father Mars, I pray and beseech 
thee that thou mayest be gracious and favourable to me, 
to my home, and to my household, for which cause I have 
ordained that the offering of pig, sheep, and ox be carried 
round my fields, my land, and my farm; that thou mayest 
avert, ward off, and keep afar all disease, visible and invisible, 
all barrenness, waste, misfortune, and ill weather; that thou 
mayest suffer our crops, our corn, our vines and bushes to 
grow and come to prosperity; that thou mayest preserve 
the shepherds and the flocks in safety, and grant health and 
strength to me, to my home, and to my household.' 

The procession wound its way round the limits of the 
farm, with dancing, merry-making, and the singing of chants 
in honour of Ceres, the goddess of crops. At turning-points 
in the boundaries turf-built altars were set up, and on them 
sacrifice was made to the goddess. The head of the family 
acted as priest on this occasion as on many others. The 
purpose of the festival was not only to 'purify* the farm and 
to call upon the aid of Mars and, later, of Ceres, but also to 
mark the boundaries between the realms of Ceres and those 
of Silvanus, deities of the tilled and the untilled lands respec- 
tively. The Ambarvalia and the lesser festivals of purification 
of farm-lands were observed with more pious sincerity than 
most other festivals, since the meaning and purpose of them 
was still realized by those who took part. Strangely enough 
we find a survival of a similar idea in our own times. This is 


the 'beating of the bounds' of a parish, usually in early 
summer, at Rogation-tide (from the Latin rogare, to petition), 
when a procession goes round the boundaries, halting at cer- 
tain points, where psalms are sung and a certain amount of 
horse-play takes place. 

Almost every month brought to the Romans one or more 
festivals connected with agriculture in its many different 
forms. In August the harvests were gathered in and special 
festivals marked the happy event. The Consualia was the 
most important, when the sacrifices made at the underground 
altar of Consus, the god of the storehouse, were an echo of the 
primitive custom of storing grain underground. With a touch 
of feeling unusual in the austere Romans of a later age, they 
freed from work the beasts of burden that had worked to 
bring in the harvest as they had also done at the festival of 

Much of the spirit of our 'harvest home' is to be found in 
the merry-making of the Saturnalia, the winter festival of the 
sowing. The festival began on December lyth, and while it 
lasted social differences were forgotten. Slaves became the 
equal of their masters, whose guests they were at a feast, in 
much the same way as Society people of to-day often give a 
'servants* ball' at Christmas, when the relative positions of 
master and servant are reversed for the time being. Many 
of our Christmas festivities are no more than an adaptation of 
this pagan festival of the Saturnalia to the use of Christians. 

It remains to say something of the rites with which sacri- 
fices were offered. First we must remember that a sacrifice 
was a bargain made with the deity whose goodwill was 
sought. Hence it was always necessary that no ceremonial 
detail should be omitted, that there should be no hitch or 
untoward mischance to mar the proceedings, or the slightest 


departure from the strict rules governing the sacrifice. If any 
such irregularity did occur, it was thought necessary to start 
again from the beginning. In order to avoid this in the great 
public ceremonies, it was usual to sacrifice a pig the day 
before, to make good in advance any mistake or omission. 

There were often special ceremonies connected with the 
worship of individual deities, but the general ordering of a 
sacrifice was much the same on all occasions. The sacrificial 
animal (victima if a large beast ; hostia if a sheep or smaller) 
was led to the slaughter decorated with garlands and white 
ribbons, or with its horns gilded. In the procession to the 
altar, a crier went first to warn the people to leave their work 
and attend the ceremony. Next came musicians with pipes 
and harps. 

Having reached the altar, the priest, who was always robed 
in white, rested his hand upon it, and first recited a solemn 
prayer in a low voice, his head being covered lest he should 
see anything of ill omen. The strictest silence had to be 
observed by all standing near and the pipers played all the 
while lest any sound of ill omen should be heard. After the 
prayer the priest began the ceremony of sacrifice by sprink- 
ling on the head of the beast corn or frankincense mixed 
with the mola salsa, a cake of meal and salt. Then the 
priest sprinkled wine from a dish on to the head of the beast, 
after first sipping from the dish himself and then offering 
it to those who stood near. Next, having plucked some 
hairs from the head of the beast and thrown them into the 
fire on the altar, the priest marked the victim with a knife, 
and handed it over to those whose duty it was to slay it. When 
the animal was killed, its entrails were carefully removed and 
the auspices came to inspect them. If anything unusual was 
found, any blemish, it was necessary to begin again with 
another beast; but if all was well, the choicest parts of the 


entrails were sprinkled with meal and wine and incense, and 
then thrown into the flames on the altar. More solemn 
prayers were recited, and then the multitude was dismissed 
with the solemn word IHcet (=*tre+ licet). The sacrifice being 
finished, the priest and his assistants regaled themselves on 
the flesh of the victim. 


THE government of Rome in the last century B.C. shows very 
clearly that the Romans disliked changes and that they clung 
loyally to the ways of their forefathers (mores maiorum). That 
being so, we must know something of the government of the 
early city in the days of the kings in order to understand the 
form of government at the time of Cicero and Julius Caesar. 
We must also remember that when Rome grew from a small 
settlement of farmers into a widespread 'empire* containing 
many different countries and peoples, the Romans tried to 
adapt the old system of government instead of devising an 
entirely new one. 

In the earliest days of the City-State, the government was 
entirely in the hands of the king, who ruled the people in very 
much the same way as the paterfamilias ruled the family 
that is to say, he was concerned with their welfare in all 
departments of the life and work of the city. His power, 
which was supposed to be unlimited and absolute, was called 
tmperium, the name used throughout Roman history for the 
chief power in the State. The king had the power to punish ; 
as a S3*mbol of which bundles of rods, known as fasces, were 
carried by lictors before him and also before the magistrates 
of later days. (Similarly to-day the mace, which really is only 
a special kind of hammer, is carried before the mayor, i. e. 


the chief magistrate of his city or borough, as a sign of his 
power to punish.) 

The kings of Rome had three main duties. They had to 
deal with all questions concerning religion, with law and 


A memorial to a Roman magistrate, showing his official chair (which is 
made to fold up like a camp-stool) and, on either side, the fasces 

justice, and with warfare. Only in the last was the king's 
power really unlimited. In all religious matters the king was 
helped by the priests and by the augurs, about whom we 
have read in an earlier chapter. In all things concerning law 
and justice, the king had the advice of the Senate, a council 
of elderly men, experienced in public affairs, in much the 
same way as the Saxon kings of England were advised by the 
Witan, the council of the Vise men*. 


When the kings were driven out at the close of the sixth 
century B.C., the Romans tried to create a form of govern- 
ment that would involve the fewest possible changes but 
would at the same time prevent the misrule for which the 
kings were expelled. In the first place it was decided that 
no longer was the great power of the imperium to be in the 
hands of one man. It was still regarded as existing, but with 
this very important difference it was now in the control of 
the whole body of the citizens ; it had become a public thing 
(respublica) ; and all those who enjoyed the privilege of being 
Roman citizens were to have a voice in controlling the power 
by which they were governed. They had overthrown the 
kings and they would now control the rulers that took 
their place. It must always be remembered, however, that 
the old idea of an imperium, or supreme power, was still 
retained, but it had to be held in check to prevent its being 

In the first place, the highest rank in the government was 
to be held by two men, the consuls, who had equal power. 
Each could act as a check upon the other so that neither could 
become tyrannical. They were in office for one year only, 
during which brief time it would be difficult for them to 
make themselves too powerful. Moreover, they were elected 
by the people as a whole in their assemblies, and, like the 
presidents of most modern republics, when their year of 
office was ended they became private citizens once more, 
though they had a place in the Senate and might also be 
appointed to other public posts. However, the strongest 
check on the power of the consuls was the Senate, of whom 
we shall have more to say later in this chapter. Many senators 
had held some official rank in the government and they were 
able to give the consuls the benefit of their experience. While 
the consuls were not compelled by any law to accept the 


advice of the Senate, they dared not disregard it. Though, as 
a general rule, the power of the consuls was limited in these 
various ways, in times of national peril the consuls were 
allowed, with the approval of the Senate, to appoint a dictator. 
A dictator held his office for a definitely limited period, but 
during that time he had unlimited power in all departments 
of the government and the army. 

In addition to the consuls, there were other magistrates 
who shared some of the former duties and powers of the 
kings. Of these the praetors, like the consuls, had the full 
imperium. Their duties were to see to the carrying out of 
the laws and the control of justice. At first there was only 
one praetor in Rome, but by 242 B. c. so many foreigners were 
dwelling in the city or came there on business, that in that 
year a second praetor was appointed. He had to take charge 
of the legal affairs of foreigners in Rome. The original official 
was called the praetor urbanus; this new one, praetor pere- 
grinus. As time went on and the 'empire* grew larger, the 
amount of legal business increased. To keep pace with this 
increase, more praetors were appointed, as in England the 
number of judges has been increased from time to time when 
need arose. Moreover, as new provinces were added to the 
Roman world, the governorship of them was often entrusted 
to praetors of these provinces. 

The o1;her important officials in the government of Rome 
were the censors, the aediles, the quaestors, and the tribunes. 
None of these had the full power of the imperium. Neverthe- 
less, the censors filled a very honoured position in the city, 
and to be made censor was considered as the successful end 
of a public career. The censors were appointed for five years, 
but acted officially for only eighteen months. Their chief 
duties were to draw up lists of the citizens and to supervise 
their conduct and behaviour ; and, at the end of their period of 


office, to carry out a solemn purification' of all the people, as 

we have described in an earlier chapter. 

The aediles (who took their name from aedes, a house or 
building) had the oversight of all public works : they were, 
for instance, responsible for keeping the public buildings 
in repair, and cleaning the streets. The quaestors were 
officials who looked after the funds in the public treasury. 
They often had to go with the consuls when they went to 
war, to look after the money matters connected with the 

The tribunes had great power, which had come about 
indirectly, and in the following way. In the very early days 
there were two classes of citizens, known as patricians and 
plebeians. The patricians were descended from the families 
who had made the earliest settlement ; the plebeians belonged 
to the families who had settled in Rome in later times. At 
first the patricians had all the power of governing the city in 
their hands. They alone could be appointed to the public 
posts in the Republic. Yet the plebeians had the chief share 
in defending the city ; so they naturally claimed a share in the 
government. The patricians would not grant their claim and 
a quarrel arose which lasted for many years. On one occasion 
the plebeians actually left Rome and threatened to make a 
fresh settlement. It was then, in 494 B. c., that the tribunes 
were first appointed. Their duty was to look after the in- 
terests of the plebeians, and of course they were themselves 
plebeians. They were required to keep a watchful eye on the 
actions of the Senate and of the magistrates ; and if either 
intended to do anything against the welfare of the plebeians, 
the tribunes had power to forbid it. This was really a very 
great power, and used unwisely would hinder progress. 
However, one tribune could forbid the action of another, and 
as they did not always agree together, they weakened the 


power of one another. (It should be noted that by the time 
that the struggle between the patricians and the plebeians was 
over, 337 B.C., every part in the government of the city had 
been thrown open to them. The first plebeian consul was 
elected in 367 B.C.) 

In theory any Roman with full rights of citizenship might 
be appointed to the highest positions in the government, but 
in actual fact this privilege was restricted to certain favoured 
families. They were some of the best of the patricians and 
the plebeians, and it was quite the usual thing to find that all 
the near relations of an official had held government appoint- 
ments before him. It was a bold man who sought to be 
elected to high office unless he belonged to this charmed 
circle of those who enjoyed senatorial rank. Cicero was one 
of the few who succeeded though he belonged to the lower 
order known as equites. At one time they were the class of 
citizens who provided the cavalry in the army, but by the 
end of the Republic they were a distinct social class (ordo), 
comprising chiefly the big business-men such as merchants, 
bankers, and moneylenders. 

The magistrates held office for only short periods, as we 
have seen, lest they should become too powerful. But behind 
the frequently changing ranks of magistrates, the Senate went 
on unchanging. The result was that the Senate became more 
and more powerful, especially during the years when Rome 
was fighting for her existence against Carthage. Not only was 
the Senate permanent, but by the last century B.C. it was 
composed entirely of men who had held office and whose 
knowledge of affairs was of great value in guiding the State. 
The Senate was in fact, though not in name, the real govern- 
ment. At first the senators were chosen by the king; then by 
the consuls, and, still later, by the censors; but from the time 
of Sulla every man who had served as a quaestor (and that 


was the first step in a man's public career) automatically 

became a senator. 

Having said this much about the importance of the Senate, 
we shall not be surprised to find that the senators did a great 
deal of public work. They made the laws, directly or in- 
directly. A magistrate usually made sure of their favour 
before any bill was brought before the assemblies of the 
citizens. A decree of the Senate (senatus consultum) was equal 
to a law. The Senate controlled the money of the State, in its 
spending and even in making the coins, for the letters SC on 
coins showed that they were made by order of the Senate. 
The senators also dealt with questions concerning the govern- 
ment of the provinces. All matters of peace and war were 
really settled in the Senate, though the final decision rested 
with the citizens in their assemblies. In the best days of 
Rome the Senate was a fine dignified body of eminent citi- 
zens, worthy of their great city. No wonder was it that the 
messengers of the Greek king Pyrrhus described the Senate 
as an assembly of kings. In later times it became less worthy 
of honour and respect. 

The Senate really did the effective work of government, 
though in theory this was supposed to rest with the magi- 
strates and the people as a whole who appointed them. The 
people expressed their wishes in the various assemblies 
(comitia) in which they met together. These assemblies dif- 
fered only in the way the people voted. It might be by tribes, 
or by centuries, or by curiae the thirty divisions into which 
the whole people were grouped in the early days of the city. 

The various assemblies were supposed to have the last 
word in deciding such important matters as the election of 
the magistrates or questions of peace and war. Actually the 
Senate made up their minds, and then put the question to 
the assemblies, who got into the habit of agreeing without 




question. If there was likely to be any difficulty, there were 
various ways (of which bribery was one) by which the lower 
ranks of citizens could be won over to support any particular 
measure. Such methods were made all the more easy by the 
fact that the votes were taken by groups and not individually. 
When the assemblies agreed to a measure proposed by the 
Senate it became law (lex). 

The greatest weakness of the rule of Rome was revealed in 
the government of the provinces. Misgovernment perhaps 
would be a better word. When a provincial governor was 
sent out to his province he had no set of rules for his guidance. 
He acted as he thought best. If he was a worthy man, well 
and good, but there were great temptations in the practically 
unlimited powers of a provincial governor. To hold a magi- 
stracy in Rome was a very expensive matter, and many pro- 
vincial governors looked to pay their debts and make a fortune 
out of the taxes that could be squeezed from the unfortunate 
provincial subjects. They held office for only a few years at 
most and so had but little time to harvest their ill-gotten gains. 
Even Julius Caesar, when he was Governor of Spain in 61 B. c., 
made a fortune large enough to pay off all his huge debts 
in Rome. Cicero, on the other hand, amazed the people of 
Cilicia in Asia Minor when he showed himself an honest and 
mild ruler. Of course, if a provincial governor overstepped 
the wide limits that practice allowed, he might be put on 
trial in Rome when he returned, as was Verres, the ruffianly 
governor of Sicily in 71 B.C. But juries might be bribed un- 
less the case was too bad to cover up, and the governors of 
provinces were seldom brought to book. 

With the Empire, however, began a better time for the 
provinces. One of the greatest services that Augustus and his 
successors rendered to the world was that they gave good 
government to the provinces. 




IN the earliest times the seat of justice in Rome was the 
Tribunal. This was a raised platform at one end of the 
Forum itself, where the praetor used to sit in his chair of 
state to hear both sides of any legal question in dispute 
between citizens. Round the platform there were seats for 
those interested in the case. This open-air court was quite 
typical of Rome, but long before the time of Caesar and 
Cicero the praetors had to have more suitable courts in 
which to hear cases. Hence in the last century B.C. justice 
was administered at Rome in the great basilicae near the 

There were two praetors in the civil courts. One dealt with 
disputes between Roman citizens. The other dealt with cases 
in which foreigners were concerned. These two praetors had 
nothing to do with the trial of criminals. Their duty was to 
settle disputes between one citizen (civis) and another ; so we 
say that they dealt with civil cases disputes over land and 
contracts, and similar matters. In simple cases the praetor, 
after hearing both sides, was able to give his decision imme- 
diately. But in cases that involved knotty points of law he 
appointed an umpire (arbiter), summoned both parties to 
appear before him, and set forth the points of law involved. 
When the umpire gave his verdict the praetor had to carry 
it into effect. 

When for any reason a case had to be put off to another 
day, the man who had brought the action into court called 
upon his opponent to give bail i. e. to pay down a sum 
of money himself or find a friend who would do so, as a 
guarantee that he would appear in court at the next hearing. 



If either of the two parties without good reason failed to put 
in an appearance when the case was resumed, the verdict was 
given against him. 

Let us now turn to criminal trials. The method changed 
very much between the time of the kings and the end of the 
Republic. The kings had the right to try and to punish 
criminals themselves, on the same grounds as a parent has 
the right to punish his children. When the kings were ex- 
pelled, the consuls took over this duty. But the pride of the 
Romans even at an early date led to the arrangement that 
a criminal might be tried only by his fellow citizens in one 
of their assemblies. A magistrate always acted as accuser; 
the evidence was heard by the whole body of citizens; and 
the final verdict was passed by the assembly in the same 
way as a law. (In this we are reminded of impeachments in 
English history, when the House of Commons acted as ac- 
cusers, the Lords were the judges, and the verdict was set 
forth in an Act of Parliament.) This method of trial by 
the citizen assemblies was very inconvenient, and became 
more so as the number of citizens increased. Accordingly, 
in the last century of the Republic, a new method was 

Courts were created to deal with different classes of crimes 
e.g. one with treason, another with forgery, a third with 
murder, and so on. A 'praetor was appointed to preside in 
each court, and he had the assistance of a body of jurors, 
called indices. There were six praetors to judge criminal trials, 
and, as they were appointed by the people as a whole in their 
assembly, their decision in all cases was final. 

Let us now follow the stages of a trial. The jury was 
sworn in, and the case began. The facts were laid before the 
jury, sometimes in the form of documents, sometimes as 
spoken evidence of witnesses who had taken an oath to speak 

as it is to-day 


truthfully. The accused was allowed to bring in his friends 
to 'speak in his favour. They were called laudatores and might 
be anything up to ten in number. Slaves only gave evidence 
under torture, so what they had to say about a crime was 
always read out in court, having been written down before- 
hand. When all the evidence had been heard, the jury con- 
sidered their verdict. Each man wrote down his judgement 
on a wax tablet and put it in an urn. The verdict of each 
juror was expressed by one of three letters : A, for absolvo, 
standing for Not Guilty; C, for condemno, standing for Guilty ; 
and N.L., for non liquet, standing for Not Proven, as they say 
in the Scottish courts when the matter is open to doubt. The 
tablets were taken from the urn and the verdict was decided 
by the majority of votes. If the jury could not decide to 
condemn or acquit the accused, the judge announced the 
fact by the one word Amplius, meaning that the matter must 
be reconsidered more fully when more evidence had been 

If the accused was guilty, the chances were that his punish- 
ment would not be particularly severe. This was partly 
because of the honourable position enjoyed by a Roman 
citizen civis Romanus sum was a proud boast and one that 
carried great privileges for those who could claim it ; or the 
accused might altogether escape punishment from the fact 
that he was not necessarily in court and might be able to make 
good his escape as soon as the verdict was announced. A 
Roman awaiting trial was not imprisoned; at the most he 
might be put in charge of one of the higher magistrates. Nor 
was he taken forcibly to court to be tried ; we may remember 
how Cicero led by the hand into the Senate House a man who 
was a proved traitor at the time of Catiline's conspiracy. Paul 
made known his Roman citizenship, it will be remembered, 
when he was imprisoned at Philippi, and his gaoler, afraid 


of the consequence of keeping a Roman in bonds, was anxious 
for him to be gone and to make no complaint. 

Only for very serious crimes did a Roman forfeit his life, 
and then it might be by hanging, beheading, strangulation, or 
by being cast down from the Tarpeian Rock. For other 
offences a Roman might be exiled. He might go of his own 
free will to avoid more serious punishment; or he might be 
obliged to flee by being denied 'fire and water', the necessary 
things of life, if he remained on Italian soil. He might lose 
his freedom by being sold as a slave as the punishment for 
military offences, or for avoiding taxation, or for debt; but 
he was seldom, if ever, imprisoned, though the Senate might 
imprison a man if his liberty was thought to be dangerous to 
the State. The punishment might be a fine. If none of these 
was suitable there still remained what was known as infamia, 
by which a Roman lost some of his right of citizenship, 
especially the vote and often social rank. These were the 
ordinary punishments. They were not unduly harsh, and 
they were meted out after a trial that was in the main fair and 
just, though unfortunately money could easily be used to buy 
a verdict. 



ROME continued the greatest power in the world for a longer 
period than any other nation before or since. More than six 
centuries separate the humbling of Carthage in 204 B.C. from 
the overthrow of the Empire by the barbarians in the 5th 
century A.D. Compared with Rome, the British Empire is 
a mere baby she has stood so far for only 150 years. France 
and Spain were the leading powers for less than a century 


each. In the ancient world, Athens rose to greatness and then 
declined in less than one hundred years, and the Jews were 
a great nation for two generations only. Yet for twenty genera- 
tions Rome was supreme a period as long as that which 
separates us from the battle of Cr6cy. Small wonder, then, 
that even the barbarians who overthrew the Empire believed 
that Rome must remain for ever the centre of the world, while 
even to-day, after half a dozen later empires have risen and 
declined, we still call Rome the 'Eternal City*. 

Necessarily Rome made a deep impression on the ways 
and minds of men. In this brief survey of everyday life in 
ancient Rome we have frequently noticed that Roman cus- 
toms still survive in many departments of life, and especially 
in those countries, like France, that were under the direct and 
close influence of Rome for several centuries. But apart from 
innumerable customs and practices, Rome bequeathed to the 
world a great legacy from which we still draw benefits. 

First of all we owe a debt to Rome for preserving and 
passing on to us the glories of earlier civilizations, especially 
that of Greece. Though the Romans went as conquerors they 
fell under the spell of Greece, and in many ways adopted 
Greek ideas. In this fashion these ideas were handed on to 
us, so that we owe to Rome a large part of our debt to Greece. 

Secondly, the spread of Christianity was considerably 
helped by Rome. The new faith was founded just as the 
Empire was reaching its greatest extent. True it was at first 
an obscure and despised religion, practised in secret : but even 
so it spread slowly through the Roman world. Then came 
the recognition of Christianity it became the official religion 
of the Empire and spread like fire to the farthest outposts, 
aided and quickened by the world-wide government that had 
adopted it. When the Empire was broken to pieces, the 
Christian religion survived to remind men of the universal 


rule of the Caesars. The Popes took the place of the Em- 
perors, and the Church remained, in the words of Hobbes, 
'the ghost of the Roman Empire seated on the ruins thereof. 

Next we find that a large part of the civilized world of 
to-day derives its legal systems directly from the Romans. 
Their laws were hard but they were very just, and after the 
confusion caused by the barbarian conquests men turned with 
relief to the ordered impartial laws which were the basis of 
the Pax Romana. England, never more than an outpost of 
the Empire and never really colonized, is one of the very few 
countries that have not borrowed largely from the Roman 
legal system. 

Again, there is the debt of the world to Roman engineering. 
The more this is studied the more striking is the fact that 
practically all of our modern engineering methods have been 
copied or developed from Roman models. To take a single 
instance the Romans greatly excelled in bridge-building, 
and they were particularly successful in grounding the piers 
of their bridges under water. A study of Vitruvius, the great 
Roman authority on this subject, shows that there is scarcely 
a method in use to-day that has not its counterpart, usually 
a very close one, in Roman methods. These bridges that the 
Romans made seem to have been built to last till the end of 
time. In several countries where the Romans held sway, and 
particularly in France and Spain, there remain magnificent 
specimens of their bridges, some of them still in use after 
two thousand years. The Roman roads are perhaps better 
known in this country as an example of the Romans' skill in 
engineering. The whole Empire was covered, as we have 
seen, with a network of broad straight roads, all leading to 
Rome, for the use of armies, traders, couriers, and govern- 
ment officials. For the greater part of the Middle Ages they 
remained the only roads of any account; and to this day the 


traveller will often chance upon a stretch of perfectly straight 

road along which the legions had marched. 

Lastly there is the debt of language. All over Southern 
Europe the Romans planted their colonies and quartered 
their troops. In those countries, such as France and Spain, 
where the contact of conqueror and conquered was close and 
intimate, the tribal tongues were forgotten in the universal 
use of Latin. Local and historical reasons have brought 
changes into these different languages, but they remain close 
to their common prototype, and are all known as the 
'Romance' languages to remind us of their source. In one 
country at least, Rumania, it is a matter of national pride for 
the people to look back to a Roman origin for their language. 
A further advantage followed from the universal use of Latin. 
It remained the language of all educated men throughout the 
Middle Ages. Intercourse was therefore much easier than 
when there is a language barrier; and though ideas stagnated 
somewhat during the Middle Ages, when the revival of 
learning came in the fifteenth century the wealth of new 
ideas could be shared by all educated men since they could 
express their thoughts in a language known to all, that is, 
in Latin. 

We speak of Latin as a 'dead' language since it is not used 
as the everyday speech of any nation ; but despite this there 
is every reason why it should be regarded as a most profitable 
study. Even an elementary knowledge of the subject will 
make us better and keener students of our own wonderful 
language, since the proportion of English words derived 
directly from the Latin, or indirectly through the 'Romance' 
languages, is a high one. True there has been a tendency 
since the middle of last century to get back to words of Saxon 
origin; and this tendency we cannot but applaud. In recent 
years, with the advance of science and modern discovery, 

The Appian Way leading south from Rome (see map, p. 13) 


there has been the practice of going to the 'dead* languages 

(Latin and Greek) for the new vocabulary required. 

Further, the study of a highly inflected language like Latin 
is valuable for English boys and girls whose mother tongue is 
almost without inflexions. Moreover, a grasp of Latin calls 
for clear thinking, and the study of it is a valuable form of 
mental exercise that helps the student towards a ready under- 
standing of intellectual problems in general. Indeed, Matthew 
Arnold used to hold that no man might claim to be truly 
educated without a knowledge of the classics, and it has been 
proved again and again that a person brought up in the 
classical tradition can turn his hand readily to very different 
mental tasks. 



Abbreviations of Praenomina (see Chap, vi, p. 56): 

A. Aulus. L. Lucius. S. Sextus. 

App. Appius. M. Marcus. Ser. Servius. 

C. Gaius. M'. Manius. Sp. Spurius. 
Cn. Gnaeus. P. Publius. T. Titus. 

D. Decimus. Q. Quintus. Ti. Tiberius. 

Other common abbreviations : 

A.U.C. (in dates) Ab Urbe Condita: i. e. 'from the founding of the 

City' (753 B.C.). 
HS.= Sestertius. 
lmp.=Imperator (similarly, Leg.=Legatus; Pr.=Praetor; Q.= 

Quaestor; &c.). 

P.C.=Patres Conscripti, the title of the assembled Senate. 
P.M.=Pontifex Maximus. 

S.=Salutem \ ,~ , f , . . . . 

a r> T^ o;- ^i j- * ^(formulae for beginning a letter). 
S.PAJ.Salutem plunmam dicitj ^ 6 6 ' 

Populusque Romanus (the inscription found on 
the standards of the legions). 

S.C.Senatus Consultum\ a decree of the Senate. These letters are 
found on all coins struck by command of the Senate. 

Abbreviations of Latin words in use to-day: 

a.m. ante meridiem (before noon). 

p.m.=post meridiem (after noon). 

cf. confer^ compare. 

e.g. = exempli gratia, for example. 

etc. =et cetera, and the rest. 

ibid. = ibidem t in the same place. 

id. idem, the same. 

i.e. id est, that is. 

I.e. or loc. cit.=/oco citato, in the place mentioned. 

N.B.=flote bene, note specially. 

p.S. =postscriptum, something written afterwards. 

q.v. quod vide, which see. 

sc. = scilicet, namely. 

viz. videlicet, namely. 

v. = versus, against. 





Kal. Mart. 

a.d. vi Non. Mart, 

a.d. v Non. Mart. 

a.d. iv Non. Mart. 

a.d. iii Non. Mart. 

Pr. Non. Mart. 
Nonae Non. Mart. 

a.d. viii Id. Mart. 

a.d. vii Id. Mart. 

a.d. vi Id. Mart. 

a.d. v Id. Mart. 

a.d. iv Id. Mart. 

a.d. iii Id. Mart. 

Pr. Id. Mart, 
dus Id. Mart. 

a.d. xvii Kal. Apr. 

a.d. xvi Kal. Apr. 
1 8th a.d. xv Kal. Apr. 

1 9th a.d. xiv Kal. Apr. 

2oth a.d. xiii Kal. Apr. 

2ist a.d. xii Kal. Apr. 

zznd a.d. xi Kal. Apr. 

23rd a.d. x Kal. Apr. 

24th a.d. ix Kal. Apr. 

25th a.d. viii Kal. Apr. 

26th a.d. vii Kal. Apr. 

27th a.d. vi Kal. Apr. 

28th a.d. v Kal. Apr. 

29th a.d. iv Kal. Apr. 

3oth a.d. iii Kal. Apr. 

3 ist Pr. Kal. Apr. 

The Roman method of reckoning the days of the month is set 
out fully in Chap, xii, on p. 99. To illustrate this in a specimen 
month, the calendar for March is here printed in full. In the 
second column are found the three chief days in the month, from 
which the other days were reckoned. It will he noticed that in 
March the Nones and the Ides fall irregularly on the 7th and 15th 
instead of on the $th and 13th. 


(Mainly of Latin terms) 

abacus 59, 60 

Circus Maximus 27, 

'Grand Tour* 93 

acies 112 

29, 66 

gubernator 121 

aedile 142 

cloaca 19, 22 

Aesculapius 21, 129 

coemptio 73 

hastati 101 

Aesop 58 

cognomen 56 

'heads or tails' 84, 85 

Actium 19 

collegia 130 

Hermes 129 

agmen 109 

columbarium 79, 80 

Hills of Rome 19, 30 

Ambarvalia 133 

coloniae 14 

hostia 137 

Annus Bissextus 98 

Colosseum 28, 67 

Hymen 73 

Confusionis 98 

comitium 23, 144 

Antony 18 

conclamatio 76 

Ides 99 

Appian Way 12, 90, 

confarreatio 73 

impeachment 148 


Consualia 136 

impedimenta 109 

arbiter 147 

Consul 140 

Imperator 103 


Cornelia 74 

impertum 138, 140 

atrium 33, 34, 76 

corona civica 118 

infamia 151 

Augurs 130 

Corsica 80 

inns 94 

Auspices 130, 137 

Curia 23, 144 

insulae 30 

Isis 129 

ballista 114 

Delos 88 

barbart 87 

denarius 84 

Janiculum 21 

basilicae 24 

Di indigetes 128 

Janus 123, 125 

battering-ram 114 

novensiles 128 

Josephus 114 

Boscoreale 40, 42 

Diana 128 

indices 148 

&H//0 54, 65 

Dictator 141 

Jupiter 123, 126 

Dies Fasti 100 

Juturna, spring of 27 

Caesar, Julius 18, 21, 

Nefasti 100 

23, 24, 70, 88, 97, 

digiti 59 

Kalends 99 

109, 112, 146 

Campus Martius 26 

Emporium 82 

lararium 36, 124 

carceres 69 

equites 143 

Lares 124 

carpentum 94 

Etruscans 13, 22 

laudatores 150 

Carthage 14, 16, 118, 

lectica 95 


fabula 70 

legatus 103 

Castor and Pollux 28, 

factiones 69 

Lepidus 18 


famtlia 86 

to 146 

castra 108, 109 


liber 62 

catapulta 114 

/<cwc 138 

/t'6ra 82 

Catiline 150 

Forum Boarium 22, 

lictor 138 

Caudine Forks 14 


Lord Mayor's Show 1 16 

censor 141 

Olitorium 82 

Lucullus 63 

centurion 104 

Romanum 22 

ludi Circenses 66 

Ceres 66, 134 

magni 65 

Cicero 63, 94, 124, 129, 

Genius 124 

plebeii 66 

130, 143, 146, 150 

Gracchi 17, 74 

scaenici 66 

Cinfinnatus 86 

grammatici 61 

lustratio 132 


tnngister 121 
Magna Mater 129 
manes 75 
maniple 101 
manumission 89 
Marius 18, 101, 102, 


Mars 127 
matrona 74 
Mercury 129 
miliaria 91 

Miliarium Aureum 92 
Minerva 128 
mos maiorum 129, 138 
munera gladiatoria 66 

navis longa 120 
Neptune 66, 129 
nomen 56 
Nones 99 
numen 121, 126 
nundinae 61, 100 

Octavius 1 8 
Ostia 20, 81, 83 
Ovation 117 

paedagogus 59 
Pales 133 
palla 54 
Pantheon 27 
pantondmi 70 
papyrus 62 
Parentalia 80 
Parilia 133, 136 
paterfamilias 49, 138 
Patricians 22, 142 
Paul, St. 65, 94, 96, 150 
Pax Romana 90, 153 
pecunia 82 
Penates 124 
phalanx 101 
Philippi 1 8 
Phoebus Apollo 129 
pilleus 54, 90 
Plebeians 22, 142 


Pompey 18 

Sulla 1 8 

Pons Aemilius 21 

Suovetaurilia 134, 135 

Sublicius 22 
Pont du Card Frontis., 

tabernae 24, 30 
Tabularium 22 

Pontifex Maximus 130 
Pontifices 130 

Tarentum 14 
Tarpeian Rock 26, 149, 

-por 88 


Porta Triumphalis 116 

Tarquin the Proud 13, 

Porta Praetoria no 
praenomen 56 
praetor 141, 148 
praetorium 109, no 
primus pilus 103 
prindpes 101 
Puteoli 8 1 


Temple of Castor 27 
Concord 22 
Saturn 23 
Jupiter 26 
Vesta 28 
tesiudo 112 

Pyrrhus 14 

Tiro 58 

toga 52 

quaestor 141, 142 

tormenta 114 

quaestorium no 

triarii 101 
tribunal 69, 147 

raeda 94 

tribuni 103, 142 

Regia 28 
retiarius 71 

triclinia 49 
triplex acies 112 

rhetor 61 

trireme 120 

Roads, Military 20, 153 

tunica 51 

Romulus 28, 97 
Rostra 23, 78 

Umbrfans 12 

Royal Engineers, motto 
of 100 

uncia 84 
uniforms 105 

Sabines 26 

Verres 146 
vespillones 76 

sagum 53 
Samnites n 
Saturnalia 61, 125, 136 

Vesta 124, 125 
Vestal Virgins 28, 125, 

scutum 104 

Via Appia 90, 91 

secutor 71 

sacra 27 

Senatus 143 

Salaria 82 

Senatus consultum 144 

Latina 14 

Servius Tullius 101 
sestertius 84 
Spartacus 88 

viae munitae (stratae) 91 
victima 137 
Victoria Cross 118 

spina 66 

Vitruvius 153 

signum no 

'volume* 62 

Silvanus 122 

stilus 62 

water-clock 44 

stola 54 

Witan 139