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Full text of "The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs"

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The  Fables 

OP  Aesop 

ZTbc  jfablc£>  of  Hcsop, 



Zbc  Jfablct?  of  Bceoi'^ 

as  fust  printed   hy   William    Caxtdn    /;/    '4^4 

iL'ith  those  of  Avian,  Alfonso  and  Poggio, 

now  again  cdiled  and  induced 

by  Joseph  Jacobs. 


Tkxt   and   Glossary. 

LoNDO!^.     Published  by  David  Nuti  is 
THL  Strand,     m.v.ccci.xxxix. 


If  ibrrr  hrg;pnnrtl)  tlje  ftook 

of  ti)c  0ubtpl  i)i0tori)C0  antJ  J^aMc.g 
of  C0opc  tDljicljr  tocrc  rransIarcD 

out  of  JPrfn3sf)E  in  to  Crnglossfjc 
bo  failliam  Caiton 


2t  GHcBtmonetrc    I-n  tf]f  ofrr  of  ourc  HortJf 
.m.  ccrc.Iirii'tj 







C  "^Hxt  bfffmutlj  tljE  prrfact  or  prologue  of 
tljE  forste  book  of  Csope 

Romulus  fon  of  tliybere  of  the 
Cyte  of  Atyque/  gretyng/  Efope 
man  of  grece  /  fubtyll  and  In- 
geiiyous/  techeth  in  his  fables 
how  men  ought  to  kepe  and 
rewle  them  well/  And  to  thende  that  he 
Ihold  Ihewe  the  lyf  and  cuftomes  of  al  maner 
of  men/  he  induceth  the  byrdes/  the  trees  and 
the  beetles  fpekynge  to  thende  that  the  men 
niriy  kmnve  wherforc  the  fables  were  tbund  / 
In  the  wliiche  he  hath  wrelon  the  malyce  of 
the  euylle  people  and  the  argument  of  the 
Improbes/  He  techeth  aUb  to  be  humble  and 
tor  to  vie  wordes  /  And  many  other  fayr  En- 
lamples  reherccd  and  declared  here  after/  the 
whiche  I  Romulus  have  tranflated  oute  of  frekes 
tongue  in  to  latyn  tongue/  the  whiche  yf  thou 
rede  them  /  they  llialle  aguyfc  and  (liarpe  thy 
wytte  and  ihal  gyue  to  the  caufe  of  Joye/ 


C  2rf)£  first  fable  is  of  t!)£  coch  anti  of  tfje 
precious  ftone  / 

s  a  Cok  ones  fought  his  pafture  in 
the  donghylle  /  he  fond  a  precious 
ftone/  to  whome  the  Cok  fayd/ 
Ha  a  fayre  ftone  and  precious 
thow  arte  here  in  the  fyhh  And 
yf  he  that  defyreth  the  had  found  the/  as  I 
haue  he  wold  haue  take  the  vp  /  and  fette  the 
ageyne  in  thy  fyrft  eftate  /  but  in  vayne  I  haue 
found  the/  For  no  thynge  I  haue  to  do  with 
the/  ne  no  good  I  may  doo  to  the  ne  thou 
to  me/  And  thys  fable  fayde  Elope  to  them 
that  rede  this  book/  For  by  the  cok  is  to 
vnderftond  the  fool  which  retcheth  not  of 
fapyence  ne  of  wyfedome/  as  the  cok  retcheth 
and  fetteth  not  by  the  precious  ftone  /  And  by 
the  ftone  is  to  vnderftond  this  fayre  and  play- 
faunt  book 


C  Cbis  fccontJ  fnblf  fs  of  t^e  touU  ant5  tbt 
lambf  / 

i-iS^lt'  the  Innocent  and  of  the  {hrewe 
p:ibpe  reherceth  to  vs  luche  a 
table/  howe  it  was  lb/  that  the 
lambe  and  the  wulf  had  bothe 
thurl^  /  and  went  both  to  a  Ryuer 
for  to  drynke  /  C  It  happed  that  the  wulf  dranke 
aboue  &  the  lambe  dranke  bynethe  /  And  as  the 
wulf  fawe  &  percyued  the  lambe/  he  fayd  with 
a  hyghe  voys/    Ha  knaue  why  haft  thou  troubled 



and  fowled  mywater/  whiche  Illiold  now  drynke  / 
Alias  my  lord  fauf  your  grece/  For  the  water 
Cometh  fro  yow  toward  me/  Thenne  fayd  the 
wulf  to  the  lambe  /  Haft  thou  no  Ihame  ne  drede 
to  curfe  me  /  And  the  lambe  fayd  My  lord  with 
your  leue/  And  the  wulf  fayd  ageyne/  Hit  is 
not  fyxe  raonethes  paflyd  that  thy  fader  dyd  to 
me  as  moche  /  And  the  lambe  anfuerd  yet  was 
I  not  at  that  tyme  born  /  And  the  wulf  faid 
ageyne  to  hyni  /  Thou  haft  ete  my  fader/  And 
the  lambe  anfuerd  /  I  have  no  teeeth  /  Thenne 
faid  the  wulf/  thou  arte  wel  lyke  thy  fader/ 
and  for  his  fyne  and  myfdede  thow  fhalt  deye/ 
The  wulf  thenne  toke  the  lambe  and  ete  hym  / 
This  fable  flieweth  that  the  euylle  man  retcheth 
not  by  what  maner  he  may  robbe  and  deflroye 
the  good  and  Innocet  man. 


C  Z\)t  tfiur^  fablr  is  of  t!]c  rat  /  ant)  of  tljc 
froggf  / 

y^'-^  ^-^-1 

^|o\v  it  be  lb/  that  as  the  rat  went  in 
pylgremage  /  he  came  by  a  Ryuer  / 
and  demaunded  helpe  of  a  frogge 
tor  to  pall'e/  and  go  over  the 
water/  And  thenne  the  frogge 
bound  the  rats  foote  to  her  foote/  and  thus 
fwynied  vnto  the  myddes  ouer  the  Ryuer/  And 
as  they  were  there  the  frogge  ftood  liylle/  to 
thende  that  the  rat  (hold  be  drowned/  And  in 
the  meane  whyle  came  a  kyte  vpon  them  /  and 
bothe  bare  them  with  hym  /  This  fable  made 
Efope  for  a  fymylytude  whiche  is  proutfitable  to 
many  folkes  /  For  he  that  thynketh  evylle  ageynft 
good/  the  evil  whiche  he  thynketh  lliall  ones 
falle  upon  hym  felf. 


C  JUl^e  fourt]^  fable  is  of  tfje  tiogcfe  anti  i^z 

the  men  chalengynge  /  whiche  ever 
be  fekynge  occalion  to  doo  fome 
harme  and  dommage  to  the  good  / 
laith  Efope  fuche  a  fable  /  Som- 
tyme  was  a  dogge/  whiche  de- 
maunded  of  a  llieep  a  loof  of  brede  that  llie  had 
borowed  of  hym  /  And  the  fheep  anfuerd  that 
neuer  fhe  had  none  of  hym/  The  dogge  made 
her  to  come  before  the  Juge/  And  by  caufe  the 
ilieep  denyed  the  dette/  the  dogge  provyfed  and 
broughte  with  hym  fals  wytnes  /  that  is  to  wete 
the  wulf  /  the  mylan  &  the  fpaehawk  /  And 
whanne  thefe  wytnes  Ihold  be  examyned  and 
herd  /  the  wulf  fayd  to  the  Juge  /  I  am  certayne 
&  me  remembreth  wel  /  that  the  dogge  lend  to 
her  a  loof  of  brede/  And  the  myllan  went  and 
fayd/  ihe  receyued  hit  prefente  my  perfone/ 
And  the  fperowhawk  faid  to  the  fheep  /  come 
hyder  why  denyeft  thow  that  whiche  thow  hall 
take  and  recyiied  /  And  thus  was  the  poure  fheep 
vaynquyffhed  C  And  thenne  the  Juge  com- 
maunded  to  her  that  Ihe  Ihold  paye  the  dogge  / 



wherfore  ftie  fold  awey  before  tlic  wvntcr  her 
flees  and  wulle  for  to  pave  that/  that  the  neuer 
had/  and  tlius  was  the  poure  llieep  delpoylled/ 
In  fuche  maner  done  the  euylle  hongry  peple 
which  by  theyr  grete  vntrouthe  and  nuilyce 
robben  and  delpoillen  tl>e  poure  folke 



C  2r]^e  fuftfje  fable  is  of  tl^e  bacfge  antJ  of  t^e 
P2£ce  of  flessf) 

e  that  defyreth  to  haue  other  mens 
goodes  oft  he  lofeth  his  owne 
good/  whereof  Efope  reherceth  to 
vs  fuche  a  fable/  In  tyme  paffed 
was  a  dogge  that  wente  ouer  a 
brydge/  and  held  in  his  mouthe  a  pyece  of 
flefflie/  and  as  he  paffed  ouer  a  brydge/  he 
perceywed  and  fawe  the  fhadowe  of  hym  / 
and  of  his  pyece  of  flefllie  within  the  water/ 
And  he  wenynge  that  it  had  be  another  pyece 
of  fleffhe/  forthwith  he  thought  to  haue  take 
it/  And  as  he  opened  his  mouthe/  the  pyece 
of  fleffhe  fylle  in  to  the  water/  and  thus  he  loft 
it/  Ryghte  foo  is  of  many/  for  whanne  they 
thynke  to  robbe  other/  they  lefe  theyr  owne 
and  propre  good  /  wherfor  for  the  loue  of  a  vayn 
thynge  men  ought  not  to  leue  that  whiche  is 


C  Crf)e  faj  fnfalc  is  of  tfif  luon  anb  of  tf]f  cotof  / 
of  the  gootc  ant)  of  tjjc  fi)ccp 

sn  fayen  that  it  is  not  good  to  ete 
plommes  with  his  lord/  ne  to  the 
poure  it  is  not  good  to  have  par- 
tage  and  dyuyfyon  with  hymwhich 
is  ryche  &  myghty  /  wherof  Efope 
reherceth  fuche  a  fable/  The  cowe/  the  gote  & 
the  fheep  went  ones  a  hutyng  &  chafe/  with  the 
Ivon  and  toke  a  herte/  And  whanne  they  cake/ 
[came]  to  haue  theyr  parte/  the  lyon  fayd  to 
them  /  My  lordes  I  late  you  wete  /  that  the  fyrft 
part  is  myn  by  caufe  I  am  your  lord/  the  fecond 
by  caufe/  I  am  ftronger  than  ye  be/  the  thyrd  / 
by  caufe  I  ranne  more  fwifter  tlian  ye  dyd  /  and 
who  fo  ever  toucheth  the  fourthe  parte/  he  (hall 
be  myn  mortal  enemy/  And  thus  he  took  for 
hym  felfe  alone  the  herte/  And  tlierfore  this 
fable  techeth  to  al  folk/  that  the  poure  ought 
not  to  hold  felaufliip  with  the  myghty/  For 
tiie  myghty  man  is  neuer  fcythtull  to  the  poure 

12  LIBER 

C  Ef)t  feuentf)  fafile  I'g  of  t]^e  tl^eef  ant  of 
tfjE  fonne. 


^|0  man  is  chaunged  by  nature  but 
of  an  euyll  man  maye  wel  yffue 
bj  and  come  a  wers  than  hymfelf  / 
wherof  Efope  telleth  fuche  a 
fable  /  A  theef  held  the  feeft  of 
his  weddynge/  And  his  neyghbours  came  there 
as  the  feft  was  holden  and  vvoriliipped/  and  bare 
honour  to  the  theef/  And  as  a  wyfe  man  fawe 
that  the  neyghbours  of  this  theef  were  ioyeful 
and  glad  /  he  fayd  to  them  /  Ye  make  joye  & 
gladnes  of  that/  wherof  ye  fliolde  wepe/  take 
hede  thenne  to  my  wordes  and  vnderftond  your 
ioye/  C  The  fonne  wolde  ones  be  maryed  /  But 
alle  the  Nacions  of  the  world  were  ageynft  hym  / 
&  prayd  lupiter  that  he  {hold  kepe  the  fonne 
fro  weddyng/  &  Jupiter  demauded  of  them 
the  caufe  why  they  wolde  not  haue  hym  to  be 
wedded/  the  one  of  them  faid/  lupiter  thou 
knoweft  wel  /  how  ther  is  but  one  fonne  &:  yet 
he  brenneth  vs  al  /  &  yf  he  be  maryed  &  haue 
ony  children  /  they  flual  deftroye  al  kynde  /  And 
this  fable  techeth  vs  that  we  ought  not  to  be 
reioyflhed  of  euyll  felowfhip  / 

PRIMUS.  13 

C  Z\)t  faifj  fable  is  of  tlic  iriulf  anti  of  tfjc 

]Ho  fo  euer  doth  ony  good  to  the 
cuyll  man  he  fynneth  as  Efope 
.v  liith/  for  of  ony  good  which  is 
Sd  tion  to  the  euils  cometh  no  prou- 
tfit  /  wherof  Efope  reherceth  to 
vs  fuche  a  fable  /  A  wulf  ete  &  deuoured  a  fheep 
of  wlios  bones  he  had  one  in  his  throte  which  he 
collide  not  liaue  out  &:  fore  it  greucd  hym  /  thenne 
went  the  wulf  t^-  praid  the  crane  that  Ihe  wold 
draw  oute  of  his  throte  the  bone/  &  the  crane 
put  her  nek  in  to  his  throte  &  drewe  out  the  bone 
wherby  the  wulf  was  hole  /  C  And  the  crane  de- 
maunded  of  hym  to  be  payd  of  her  falary  C  And 
the  wulf  anfwerd  to  her/  Thou  arte  well  vn- 
conyng  &  no  good  connyng/  remembryng  the 
good  that  I  haue  done  to  the/  for  whan  thou 
haddeft  thy  neck  within  my  throte/  yf  I  had 
wold/  I  might  haue  ete  the/  and  thus  it  ap- 
piereth  by  the  fable  how  no  prourttte  cometh  of 
ony  good  whiche  is  done  to  the  euyle 



C  STfje  II  fable  is  of  tfje  tfea  62tc!)£0 

t  is  not  good  to  byleue  what  flaterers 
and  euyll  men  faye  /  for  by  theyr 
iVete  wordes/  they  deceyue  the 
good  folke/  whereof  Efope  re- 
herceth  fuch  a  fable/  This  was  a 
bytche  which  wold  lyttre  and  be  delyuerd  of  her 
lytyl  dogges/  and  came  to  the  hows  of  another 
bytche  /  &  prayd  her  by  fwete  and  fayre  wordes 
that  flie  would  lene  to  her  a  place  for  to  lyttre 
her  lytyll  dogges  /  And  this  other  lend  to  her  / 
her  bed  and  her  hows  wenynge  to  doo  wel  / 
And  whan  the  bytche  had  lyttred  her  lytyl 
dogges/  the  good  bytche  fayd  to  the  other/  that 
it  was  tyme  that  Ihe  fhold  goo  and  departe  oute 
of  her  hows  And  then  the  bytche  and  her  young 
dogges  ranne  vpon  the  other  /  and  boot  and 
called  her  oute  of  her  owne  hows  /  and  thus  for 
to  have  doo  well  /  grete  dommage  cometh  ofte 
therfore  And  ofte  the  good  men  lefe  theyr  goodes 
by  the  decepcion  and  tiaterye  of  the  peruers  and 
evylle  folke  / 



C  Z\}t  tcntf)c  fnfale  ts  of  tfje  man  anlJ  of  the 

•  K  that  leneth  and  hclpeth  the  euylle 
men/  lynnetli/  tor  at'ier  that  men 
have    doo    to    them    Ibme    good  / 

_^)|     they  hurte  them  afterward/    For 

as  men  layen  comynly  /  yf  ye 
kepe  a  man  tVo  the  galhows/  he  Ihalle  neuer 
loue  yow  after/  wherof  Elope  reherceth  luche 
a  table/  C  A  man  was  fom  tyme  whiche  tond  a 
lerpent  within  a  Vyne/  and  for  the  grete  wynter 
and  froll  the  ferpent  was  hard  /  and  almoft  dede 
for  cold  wherof  the  good  man  had  pyte  and  toke 
and  bare  her  in  to  his  hows  and  leyd  her  before 
the  fyre/  and  fo  moche  lie  dyd  that  that  flie 
came  ageyne  in  to  her  ftrengthe  and  vygour/ 
She  begaime  thynne  to  crye  and  whyftled  about 
the  hows  and  troubled  the  good  wyt  /  and  the 
children  /  wherfor  this  good  man  wold  haue  her 
oute  of  his  hows  /  And  whanne  he  thoughte  to 
have  take  her  Ihe  fprange  after  his  neck  for  to 
have  ftrangled  hym  /  And  thus  hit  is  of  the 
euyll  folk  whiche  for  the  good  done  to  them  / 
iheyyeld  ageyne  euyll  and  deceyuen  them  whiche 
have  had  pyte  on  them  /  And  alfu  iheyre  felau- 
lliip  is  not  good  ne  vtyle  / 



C  m^z  ij  fabk  IS  of  tj^e  Igan  anb  of  t!)e  affe 

;,F  them  whiche  mocken  other  efope 
reherceth  fuch  a  fable  Ther  was 
an  affe  which  met  with  a  lyon  to 
whom  he  laid  my  broder  god 
faue  the  &  the  lyon  Ihaked  his 
hede  and  with  grete  payne  he  myght  hold  his 
courage  /  to  have  forth  with  deuoured  hym  / 
But  the  lyon  fayd  to  hym  felf  /  It  behoueth  not 
that  teethe  foo  noble  and  fo  fayre  as  myn  be 
touchen  not  /  ne  byten  fuche  a  fowle  beeft  /  For 
he  that  is  wyfe  muft  not  hurte  the  foole  ne  take 
hede  to  his  wordes  /  but  lete  hym  go  for  fuche 
as  he  is 



C  Cfjc  iij  fable  13  of  \])t  ttoa  rat3 


Etter  wortlic  is  to  lyue  in  pouerte 
lurely  /  than  to  lyue  rychely  beyng 

r\-'  euer  in  daunger/  Whcrof  Elope 
J4:  tellelh  fuche  a  fable  /  There  were 
two  rats  wherof  the  one  was  grete 
and  tatte/  and  held  hym  in  the  celer  of  a  Ryche 
man  And  the  other  was  poure  and  Icne  /  C  On 
a  daye  this  grete  and  fat  ratte  wente  to  fporle 
hym  in  the  feldes  and  mette  by  the  way  the 
poure  rat  /  of  the  whiche  he  was  receyued  as 
well  as  he  coude  in  his  poure  cauerne  or  hole/ 
and  gaf  from  of  fuche  mete  as  he  had  /  Thenne 
fayd  the  fatte  ratte  come  thow  wyth  me/  And 
I  Ihalle  gyue  the  wel  other  metes/  He  went 
with  hym  in  to  the  toune/  and  enterd  bothe 
into  the  celer  of  the  ryche  man/  the  whiche 
celer  was  full  of  alle  goodes/  And  when  they 
were  within  the  grete  rat  prefented  and  gaf  to 
the  poure  rat  of  the  delycious  metes  /  faying  thus 
to  hym/  Be  mery  and  make  good  chere/  and 
ete  and  drynke  Joyoully  /  C  And  as  they  were 
etynge/  the  bouteler  of  the  place  came  in  to  the 
celer/  &  the  grete  rat  fled  anon  in  to  his  hole/ 


1 8  LIBER 

&  the  poure  rat  M^ift  not  whyther  he  fhold  goo 
ne  flee/  But  hyd  hym  behynd  the  dore  with 
grete  fere  and  drede  /  and  the  bouteler  turned 
ageyne  and  fawe  hym  not/  And  whan  he  was 
gone  the  fatte  rat  cam  out  of  his  cauerne  or 
hole/  and  called  the  poure  ratte/  whiche  yet 
was  fhakynge  for  fere/  and  faid  to  hym/  come 
hyder  and  be  not  aferd  /  &  ete  as  moche  as  thou 
wylt/  And  the  poure  rat  fayd  to  hym/  for 
goddes  loue  lete  me  go  oute  of  this  celer/  For  I 
haue  better  ete  lome  corne  in  the  feldes  and  lyue 
furely  /  than  to  be  ever  in  this  torment/  for  thou 
arte  here  in  grete  doubte  &  lyueft  not  furely/ 
And  therfore  hit  is  good  to  lyue  pourely  & 
furely  For  the  poure  lyueth  more  furely  than 
the  ryche 



(  Z\}t  liij  fnfalc  is  of  the  drglc  nntJ  of  iljc  foif 

^0\v  tlie  puylKint  &  mvglity  niuft 
double  the  teble  Elope  reherceth 
to  vs  fuche  a  fable  /  Ther  was  an 
j^lJj|/^'^_^i  Egle  whiche  came  ther  as  young 
I'oxes  were  /  and  took  awey  one  of 
them  /  and  gaf  hit  to  his  younge  Egles  to  fede 
them  with  The  foxe  wente  after  hym  &  praid 
hym  to  reftore  and  gyue  hym  ageyne  his  yong 
foxe  /  and  the  Egle  laid  that  he  wold  not  /  For  he 
was  ouer  hym  lord  and  mailler/  C  And  thenne 
the  foxe  fuUe  of  Ihrewdnes  and  malyce  beganne 
to  put  to  gyder  grete  habondaunce  of  ftraws 
round  aboute  the  tree/  where  vpon  the  egle  and 
his  yonge  were  in  theyr  neft/  and  kyndeled  it 
with  fyre/  C  And  whan  the  fmoke  and  the 
tlambe  began  to  ryfe  vpward  /  the  Egle  ferd- 
fulle  and  doubtyng  the  dethe  of  her  lytylle  egles 
reftored  ageyne  the  younge  foxe  to  his  moder 
C  This  fable  Iheweth  vs  /  how  the  myghty  men 
oughte  not  to  lette  in  ony  thynge  the  fmall  folke  / 
For  the  lytyle  ryght  ot'te  may  lette  and  trouble 
the  grete 



C  i2rtf  liiif  fa&Ic  ts  of  tj^e  W^  to!)tcf)e  bare  a 
nutte  m  iji's  iecke  anti  of  tfje  rauen 

^^^Y^^^e  that  is  fure  and  wel  garnyffhed  yet 
l\  WkJj^Sl  VA  by  fals  counceyll  may  be  betrayed  / 
wherof  Efope  telleth  fuche  a  fable  / 
C  An  Egle  was  fomtyme  vpon  a 
tree  /  whiche  held  with  his  bylle 
a  nutte/  whiche  he  coulde  not  breke/  the  rauen 
came  to  hym  /  and  fayd/  Thow  Ihalt  neuer 
breke  it  /  tylle  thow  fleeft  as  hyghe  as  thow 
mayft  /  and  thenne  late  it  falle  vpon  the  ftones  / 
And  the  Egle  beganne  to  flyhe  and  lete  fall  his 
proye  /  and  thus  he  loft  his  notte  /  C  And  thus 
many  one  ben  deceyued  thorughe  fals  counceylle  / 
and  by  the  fals  tongue  of  other 



C  Zht  iM  fable  13  of  H)c  rniicn  nnti  of  tiic  foic 

H(.'y  that  be  glad  and  Joyetull  of  the 
praylynge  of  flaterers  oftyme  re- 
pente  them  therof/  wherof  Efope 
reherceth  to  us  fuche  a  fable/  A 
rauen  whiche  was  vpon  a  tree/ 
and  held  with  his  bylle  a  chcfe/  the  whiche 
chcfe  the  fox  defyred  moche  to  haue/  whertore 
the  foxe  weiite  and  preyfed  hym  by  fuche  wordes 
as  folowen  /  O  gentyll  rauen  thow  art  the  fayrell 
byrd  of  alle  other  byrdes  /  For  thy  fethers  ben  fo 
fayr  fo  bright  and  fo  rel'plendyflhynge/  and  can 
alfo  fo  wel  fy nge/  yf  thow  haddeft  the  voys  clere 
and  fmall  thow  Iholdell  be  the  mooll  happy  of 
al  other  byrdes  /  And  the  foole  whiche  herd  the 
flaterj'ringe  wordes  of  the  foxe  beganne  to  open 
his  bylle  for  to  fynge/  And  then  the  chefe  fylle 
to  the  grounde/  and  the  fox  toke  and  ete  hit/ 
And  whan  the  rauen  fawe  that  for  his  vayn 
glorye  he  was  deceyued  wexed  hevy  and  forow- 
full  /  and  repented  hym  of  that  he  had  byleued 
the  foxe/  And  this  fable  techeth  vs  /  how  men 
ought  not  to  be  glad  ne  take  reioyflhynge  in  the 
wordes  of  caytyf  folke/  ne  alfo  to  leue  flatery  ne 
vayn  glory 

22  LIBER 

C  STfje  ibi  fafilc  f3  of  tfje  Igon  /  of  t^e  iuglte 
iore/  of  tf)£  bole  ^  of  tfje  affe 

Ihanne  a  man  hath  loft  his  dignyte  or 
otFyce/  he  mufte  leue  his  fyrft  audu- 
cyte  or  hardynefs/  to  thende/  that 
he  be  not  iniuryed  and  mocqued  of 
euery  one  /  wherof  Efope  Iheweth 
vnto  fuche  a  fable  /  There  was  a  lyon  whiche 
in  his  yongthe  was  fyers  and  moche  outragyous  / 
C  And  when  he  was  come  to  his  old  age  /  there 
came  to  hym  a  wyldbore/  whiche  with  his 
teeth  rent  and  barft  a  grete  pyece  of  his  body 
and  auenged  upon  hym  of  the  wrong  the  lyon 
had  doo  to  hym  before  that  tyme  /  C  After 
came  to  hym  the  boole  whiche  fmote  and  hurted 
hym  with  his  homes  /  And  an  afle  came  there  / 
whiche  fmote  hym  in  the  forhede  with  his  feete 
by  maner  of  vyndycacion  /  And  thenne  the  poure 
Lyon  beganne  to  wepe  fayenge  within  hym  felf 
in  this  manere  /  When  I  was  yonge  and  uertuous 
euery  one  doubted  and  fered  me  /  and  now  that 
I  am  old  and  feble/  and  nyghe  to  my  dethe/ 
none  is  that  fetteth  ne  holdeth  ought  by  me/ 
but  of  euery  one  I  am  fetten  aback  /  I  haue  loft 


PRIMUS.  2} 

alle  good  and  wurlhip  /  and  therlore  this  fable 
admonelleth  many  oik-  whichc  bt-n  eiihaunced 
in  dygnyte  and  worlhip  llu-wingc  to  iheni/  liow 
tliL-y  mull  bo  meke  and  humble/  For  he  tliat 
geteth  and  ac(iuyrelh  no  frendes  ought  to  be 
doubtous  to  fjUe  in  luche  caas  and  in  luche 



C  STije  i&tj  fable  is  of  tfjc  affe  anti  of  tfje 
song  t!055£ 

one  ought  to  entermete  hym  of  that 
what  he  can  not  do  wherof  Efope 
recyted  fuche  a  fable  /  Of  an  afle 
whiche  was  in  the  hows  of  a  lord  / 
whiche  lord  had  a  lytyle  dogge/ 
whiche  he  loued  wel  /  and  gaf  hyn:i  mete  and 
ete  vpon  his  table  /  And  the  lytyle  dogge  loked 
and  chered  /  and  lepte  vpon  his  gowne/  And  to 
alle  them  that  were  in  the  hows  he  made  chere  / 


PRIAfUS.  25 

whcrfor  the  aire  was  cnuyous  and  fayd  in  hyiii 
felf  /  y{  my  lord  and  his  meyny  loue  this  myf- 
chaunt  belle  by  caufe  that  he  chereth  and  maketh 
telle  to  euery  body/  by  gretter  reafon  they  ought 
to  loue  me  vf  I  make  chere  to  them  /  Thenne 
layd  he  in  hym  fcIf/  Fro  henforth  I  Ihall  take 
my  difporie  and  Ihall  make  Joye  and  playe 
with  my  lord/  and  wyth  his  meyny/  And  ones 
as  the  all'e  was  in  this  thoughte  and  ymagyna- 
cion  /  hit  happed  tiiat  he  fawe  his  lord  whyche 
entryd  in  to  his  hows/  the  afle  beganne  thenne 
to  daunle  and  to  make  feert  and  Ibnge  with  his 
fwete  voys/  and  approched  hym  felf  toward  his 
lord  &  went  &  lepte  vpon  his  lliolders/  and 
beganne  to  kylVe  and  to  lykke  hym  /  The  lord 
thenne  beganne  to  crye  oute  with  a  hyghe  voys 
and  fayd/  lete  this  fowl  and  payllard/  whiche 
hurteth  and  byteth  me  fore/  be  bete  and  putt 
awey/  The  lordes  feruauntes  thenne  toke  anone 
grete  llaues/  and  beganne  to  fmyte  vpon  the 
poure  affe  /  and  lb  fore  corryged  and  bete  hym  / 
that  after  he  had  no  lufte  ne  courage  to  daunfe/ 
nc  make  to  nonne  chere  ne  fefte  /  and  therfore 
none  ought  to  entermete  hym  felf  for  to  doo  a 
thynge/  whiche  as  for  hym  impolTyble  is  to  be 
done/  For  the  vnwyfe  difplefeth  there/  where 
as  he  fuppofeth  to  pleafe 



C  Wiyi  ibifj  table  is  of  t^je  loan  antJ  of 
tfje  rat/ 

^s^^^He  myghte  and  puyffant  mud  par- 
donne  and  forgyue  to  the  lytyll 
and  feble/  and  ought  to  kepe  hym 
fro  al  euylle  /  For  oftyme  the  lytyll 
may  wel  gyue  ayde  and  help  to 
the  grete  /  wherof  Elbpe  reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a 
fable  Of  a  lyon  whiche  flepte  in  a  foreft  and  the 
rats  defported  and  playd  aboute  hym  /  It  happed 
that  the  rat  wente  vpon  the  lyon  /  wherfore  the 
lyon  awoke  /  and  within  his  clawes  or  ongles  he 
tooke  the  rat  /  C  And  whanne  the  rat  fawe  hym 
thus  taken  &  hold  fayd  thus  to  the  lyon  /  My 
lord  pardonne  me  /  For  of  my  deth  noughte  ye 
fhalle  Wynne/  For  I  fuppofed  not  to  haue  done 
to  yow  ony  harme  ne  difplayfyre  /  C  Thenne 
thought  the  lyon  in  hym  felf  that  no  worfhip  ne 
glorye  it  were  to  put  it  to  dethe  /  wherfor  he 
graunted  his  pardonne  and  lete  hym  go  within 
a  lytyll  whyle/  After  this  it  happed  fo  that  the 
fame  lyon  was  take  at  a  grete  trappe  /  and  as  he 
fawe  hym  thus  caught  and  taken/  he  beganne 
to  crye  and  make  forowe/  and  then  whan  the 


PRIMUS.  27 

rat  herd  hyiii  crye  /  he  approchcd  hyni  &:  de- 
maunded  ot  hym  whertbr  he  cryed  /  And  the 
lyon  anfucrd  to  hym  /  Seeft  thou  not  how  I  am 
take  &  bound  with  thisgynne/  Thenne  fayd  the 
ratte  to  hym/  My  lord  I  wylle  not  be  vnkynde/ 
but  euer  I  Ihal  remembre  the  grace  whiche  thou 
haft  done  to  me/  And  if  I  can  I  fliall  now  liclpe 
the/  The  ratte  beganne  thenne  to  byte  the  lace 
or  cord/  and  lb  K)ng  he  knawed  it  that  the  lace 
brake  /  And  thus  the  lyon  elcaped  /  C  Thertbre 
this  fable  techeth  vs  how  that  a  man  myghty  and 
puyflant  ought  not  to  dyl'prayfe  the  lytyll/  For 
fomtyme  he  that  can  no  body  hurte  ne  lette  may 
at  a  nede  gyue  help  and  ayde  to  the  grete 



C  STIje  III  fable  is  of  tf)e  tnglan  irr]^tc!)e  toas 
feke  anti  of  ^(s  motiec 

E  that  euer  doth  euylle  ought  not 
to  luppofe  ne  haue  no  truft  that 
his  prayer  at  his  nede  llialle  be 
herd  /  Of  the  whiche  thynge  Efope 
fheweth  to  us  fuche  a  fable  /  Of 
a  mylan  whiche  was  feke  /  fo  moche  that  he  had 
no  trufte  to  recouer  his  helthe/  And  as  he  fawe 
hym  fo  vexed  with  feblenes  /  he  prayd  his  moder 
that  Ihe  Ihold  praye  vnto  the  goddes  for  hym  / 
And  his  moder  anfuerd  to  hym  /  My  fone  thow 
haft  fo  gretely  ofFendyd  and  blafphemyd  the 
goddes  that  now  they  wol  auenge  them  on  the  / 
For  thow  preyeft  not  them  by  pyte  ne  by  loue/ 
but  for  dolour  and  drede  /  For  he  whiche  ledeth 
euylle  lyf/  and  that  in  his  euylle  delynge  is  ob- 
ftynate  /  ought  not  to  haue  hope  to  be  delyuered 
of  his  euyll  /  For  whan  one  is  fall  into  extremyte 
of  his  fekenes/  thenne  is  the  tyme  come  that  he 
muft  be  payed  of  his  Werkes  and  dedes  /  For  he 
that  ofFendeth  other  in  his  profperyte/  whan  he 
falleth  in  to  aduerfyte  /  he  fyndeth  no  frendes  / 



C  STfjc  II  fable  m.ikctli  mnicion  of  tfjc  ftaaloinr/ 
anil  olbcr  bgrlirs 

E  that  byleueth  not  good  councovll  / 
may  not  fayll  to  he  euylle  coun- 
ceyllcd  /  wherof  Efope  reherceth 
to  vs  fuche  a  fable/  Of  a  j)Io\vgh 
man/  whiche  fowed  lynfeed  /  and 
the  fwalowe  feyng  that  of  the  fame  lynfeed  men 
myght  make  nettes  and  g)'nnes/  wente  and  fayd 
to  al  other  byrdes/  Come  with  me  ye  al  &  lete 
vs  plucke  vp  al  this/  For  yf  we  leue  hit  growe/ 
the  labourer  llial  mowe  make  therof  gunnes  and 
nettes  for  to  take  vs  al  /  Alle  the  byrdes  defprayfed 
his  counceyl/  C  And  thenne  as  the  fwalowe 
fawe  this/  he  wente  and  herberowed  her  in  the 
plowgh  mans  hows  /  C  And  whanne  the  flaxe 
was  growen  and  pulled  vp  /  the  labourer  made 
grynnes  and  nettes  to  take  byrdes/  wherwith  he 
took  euery  day  many  other  byrdes/  and  brought 
them  to  his  hows  /  to  the  whiche  byrdes  the 
fwalowe  thenne  fayd  /  I  told  yow  wel  /  what 
that  ihold  happe  therof/  wherfore  men  ought 
not  to  defprayfe  good  councylle/  For  he  that  is 
euyl  aduyfed  and  not  wel  counceyled  Ihalle  haue 
moche  payne 

C  %lc:t:  fongsstjcU  t!jc  forct  loohc  of  Crsopc/ 

30  LIBER 

C  f^ere  foloiijctf)  tfjc  profjetnge  of  tfje  stcontj  6cofe 
of  fables  of  csope/  man  iugSE  subtgU  auti 

vft^gflle  maner  of  fables  ben  found  for  to 
fhewe  al  maner  of  folk  /  what 
maner  of  thyng  they  ought  to 
enfyewe  and  folowe  /  C  And  alfo 
what  maner  of  thyng  they  muft 
and  ought  to  leue  and  flee/  for  fable  is  as 
moche  to  feye  in  poeterye  /  as  wordes  in  theo- 
logye/  C  And  therfor  I  fhalle  wryten  fables 
for  to  fliewe  the  good  condycions  of  the  good 
men  /  for  the  lawe  hath  be  gyuen  for  the  tref- 
pacers  or  myfdoers  /  And  by  caufe  the  good  ond 
Jufte  be  not  fubget  to  the  lawe  as  we  fynde  and 
rede  of  alle  the  Athenyens/  the  whiche  lyued 
after  the  lawe  of  Kynde  /  And  alfo  they  lyued 
at  theyr  lyberte  /  but  by  theyre  wylle  wold  haue 
demaunded  a  kynge  for  to  punyflhe  alle  the 
euyll  /  but  by  caufe  they  were  not  cuftomed  to 
be  refourmed  ne  chaftyfed  /  whan  ony  of  them 
was  corre6ted  /  and  punyflbed  /  they  were  gretely 
troubled  /  whan  theyr  newe  kynge  made  Juftyce  / 
For  by  caufe  that   before  that  tyme  they  had 



neuer  be  viuUt  no  niaiis  lubjctlion  /  nnd  was 
greto  cliarge  to  tliein  to  be  in  leruytudc/  wher- 
fure  they  were  forowful  that  euer  they  liad  dc- 
maunded  ony  thynge/  ageynft  the  whiche  efope 
reherceth  luche  a  fable  whiche  is  the  fyrft  and 
formeft  of  this  fecond  book 



C  2rf)c  fgrst  fable  is  of  tl^e  frogges  ant  of 

j'O  thyng  is  fo  good  as  to  lyue  Juftly 
and  at  lyberte  For  fredome  and 
lyberte  is  better  than  ony  gold  or 
fyluer/  wherof  Efope  reherceth 
to  vs  fuche  a  fable/  There  were 
frogges  whiche  were  in  dyches  and  pondes  at 
theyre  lyberte  /  they  alle  to  gyder  of  one  aflente 
&  of  one  wylle  maade  a  requeft  to  Jupiter  that 
he  wold  gyue  them  a  kynge/  And  Jupyter  be- 



ganne  thcrof  to  meriieylle/  And  for  tlicyr  kyng 
he  called  to  them  a  grete  pyece  of  wood  /  whiche 
niaade  a  grete  fowne  and  noyfe  in  the  water/ 
wherof  alle  the  frogges  had  grete  drede  and 
fered  moche  /  And  after  they  approched  to  tlieyr 
kynge  for  to  make  obeyflTaunce  vnto  hym  /  C  And 
whanne  they  perceyued  tliat  hit  was  but  a  pyece 
of  wood/  they  torncd  ageyne  to  Jupiter  prayenge 
hym  fwetely  that  lie  wold  gyue  to  them  another 
kynge/  And  Jupiter  gaf  to  them  the  Heron  for 
to  be  theyr  kynge/  And  then  the  Heron  beganne 
to  entre  in  to  the  water/  and  ete  them  one  after 
other/  And  whanne  the  frogges  fawe  that  theyr 
kyng  deftroyed  /  and  ete  them  thus/  they  beganne 
tendyrly  to  wepe  /  fayeng  in  this  manere  to  the 
god  Jupiter/  Ryght  hyghe  and  ryght  myghte 
god  Jupiter  pleafe  the  to  delyuere  vs  fro  the 
throte  of  this  dragon  and  fals  tyraunt  which  eteth 
vs  the  one  after  another/  And  he  fayd  to  them/ 
tlie  kynge  whiche  ye  haue  demounded  Ihalle  be 
your  mayfter/  For  whan  men  haue  that/  which 
men  oughte  to  haue/  they  ought  to  be  ioyful 
and  glad  And  he  that  hath  lyberte  ought  to  kepe 
hit  wel  /  For  nothyng  is  better  than  lyberte  /  Fur 
lyberte  Ihold  not  be  wel  fold  tor  alle  the  gold 
and  fyluer  of  all  the  world 



C  STfje  fcconti  fable  is  of  t^z  Columbes  or  "bouues 
of  tfie  totE  anti  of  Hje  fpcrcljaiuke 

Ho  that  putte  and  fubmytteth  hym 
felf  vnder  the  faue  gard  or  protec- 
tion of  the  euylle/  thou  oughteft 
to  wete  &  knowe  /  that  whan  he 
afl^eth  &  demanded  ayde  &  helpe/ 
he  geteth  none  /  C  Wherof  Efope  reherceth  to 
vs  fuche  a  fable/  Of  the  douues  whiche  de- 
maunded  a  fperehawke  for  to  be  theyr  kynge  / 
for  to  kepe  them  fro  the  kyte  or  mylan/  And 
whanne  the  fperehawke  was  maade  kynge  ouer 
them/  he  beganne  to  deuoure  them/  the  whiche 
columbes  or  douues  fayd  amonge  them  /  that 
better  it  were  to  them  to  fufFre  of  the  kyte  than 
to  be  vnder  the  fubje6lion  of  the  fperehawke  / 
&  to  be  martyred  as  we  be  /  but  therof  we  be 
wel  worthy/  For  we  oure  felf  ben  caufe  of  this 
mefchyef  /  And  therfore  whanne  men  done  ony 
thyng/  men  ought  well  to  loke  and  confydere 
thende  of  hit/  For  he  dothe  prudently  and 
wyfely  whiche  taketh  good  hede  to  the  ende 


C  Z\]t  ttiortf  fablf  is  of  tljr  ti;fcf  a;;ti  of  ific 

^<p"'^y^i^\l.\nnc  that  one  gyuetli  ony  thyng/ 
'     ^'      \'rk     '"'''"  ought  wel  to  take  hede/  to 

A  hat  ende  hit  is  gyuen  /  wherof 
[•  Klope    reherceth    I'uche    a    fable/ 

<  )f  a  theef  which  came  on  a  nygt 
wnuiii  a  iiiins  hows  for  to  haue  robbed  hyni  / 
And  the  good  mans  dogge  beganne  to  bark  at 
hym/  And  thenne  the  theef  cafted  at  hym  a 
pyece  of  brede/  And  the  dogge  fayd  to  hym/ 
thow  caftell  not  this  brede  for  no  good  wylle  / 
but  only  to  the  ende/  that  I  hold  my  pees/  to 
thende  that  thow  mayft  robbe  my  mayfter/  and 
therf'ore  hit  were  not  good  for  me/  that  for  a 
morfell  of  brede/  I  ihold  lefe  my  lyf/  wherfore 
goo  fro  hens/  or  els  I  ihalle  anone  awake  my 
mayfter  and  alle  his  meyne  /  The  dogge  theynne 
beganne  to  bark/  and  the  theef  beganne  to  flee/ 
And  tlius  by  couetyfe  many  one  haiie  oftyme 
receyued  grete  yeftes/  the  whiche  haue  been 
caufe  of  theyr  dethe  and  to  lefe  theyre  heedt-s  / 

C  Wherfore 

36  LIBER 

C  Wherfore  hit  is  good  to  confydere  and  loke 
wel/  to  what  entencion  the  yeft  in  gyuen/  to 
thende  that  none  may  be  betrayd  thurgh  yeftes/ 
ne  that  by  ony  yeftes  none  maketh  fome  traylbn 
ageynft  his  mayfter  or  lord 



C  J!ri)c  fourtljf  mahtlf)  mmryon  of  tijc  foluc 
nut)  of  ll]c  toulf 

T  is  not  good  to  bylcue  all  fuche 
iliynges  as  men  may  here/  wherof 
Elope  fayetli  fuche  a  fable/  Ot  a 
wulf  whiche  came  toward  a  fowe 
whiche  wepte  and  made  forowe 
for  tlie  grete  payne  that  llie  felte  /  by  caufe  flie 
wold  make  her  young  pygges/  And  the  wulf 
came  to  her  fayeng/  My  fuller  make  thy  yonge 
pygges  furely  /  for  ioyoully  and  with  good  wylle  / 
I  ihalle  helpe  &:  ferue  the/  And  the  fowe  fayd 
thcnne  to  hym/  go  forth  on  thy  waye/  for  I 
h;uie  no  nede  ne  myller  of  fuche  a  fcruaunt/  For 
as  longe  as  thow  ihalt  flonde  here  I  Ihal  not 
delyuere  me  of  my  charge/  For  other  thyng 
thou  defyreft  not  /  than  to  haue  and  ete  them  / 
The  wulf  then  wente/  and  the  fowe  was  anone 
delyuerd  of  her  pygges/  For  yf  fhe  had  byleuyd 
hym  Ihe  had  done  a  forowful  byrthe/  And  thus 
he  that  folyllhly  byleueth  it  happeth  to  hym 



C  2r]^e  fgftlje  fable  maketfi  tnencpon  of  tfje 
montaon  inl^tcije  fj^ofee 

;|Yght  fo  it  happeth  /  that  he  that 
menaceth  hath  drede  and  is  ferd- 
ful  /  wherof  Efope  reherceth  to  vs 
luche  a  fable  Of  a  hylle  whiche 
beganne  to  tremble  and  fhake  by 
caufeof  the  moUewhiche  delued  hit/  Andwhanne 
the  folke  fawe  that  the  erthe  beganne  thus  to 
Ihake  /  they  were  fore  aferd  and  dredeful  /  and 
durft  not  wel  come  ne  approche  the  hylle/  But 
after  whanne  they  were  come  nyghe  to  the  mon- 
tayne/  &  knewe  how  the  molle  caufed  this  hylle 
Ihakynge/  theyr  doubte  and  drede  were  con- 
uerted  vnto  Joye/  and  beganne  alle  to  lawhe/ 
And  therfore  men  ought  not  to  doubte  al  folk 
which  ben  of  grete  wordes  and  menaces/  For 
fome  menacen  that  haue  grete  doubte 



C  Z\}t  hi  fable  is  of  tfjc  bjulf  aiitj  of  Hit  lambc 

P^^T^tS^Hc  byrtli  caufcth  no  lb  nioche  togete 
funic  freiides/  as  cloth  the  good- 
nes/  wherof  Efope  reherceth  to  vs 
luche  a  fable/  Of  a  wulf  whicliL- 
lawe  a  lambe  among  a  grete  herd 
of  gootes/  the  whiche  lambe  fovvked  a  gote/ 
And  the  wulf  wente  and  fayd  to  hym  /  tliis  gote 
is  not  thy  moder/  goo  and  feke  her  at  the  Mon- 
tayn/  for  the  flialle  nouryflhe  the  more  fwetely 
and  more  tendyrly  than  this  gote  ihalle/  And 
the  lambe  anfuerd  to  hym/  Thisgootenouryflhetii 
me  inllede  of  my  moder/  For  ihe  leneth  to  me 
her  pappes  foner  than  to  ony  of  her  own  chil- 
dren /  And  yet  more/  hit  is  better  for  me  to  be 
here  with  thefe  gootes  than  to  departe  fro  hens  / 
and  to  talle  in  to  thy  throte  for  to  be  deuoured/ 
And  therfore  he  is  a  foole  whiche  leueth  fredome 
orfurete/  For  to  put  hym  felf  in  grete  perylle 
and  daungcr  of  del  he/  For  better  is  to  lyue 
furely  and  rudely  in  fewrte  than  fwetcly  in  peryll 
ic  daunger 



C  2CfjE  bii  fable  fpeltetT^  of  tfi£  oltJ  'Ooqqz  antJ 
of  fjis  magster 

^En  ought  not  to  dyfprayfe  the  aun- 
^"  cyent  ne  to  putte  a  bak/  For  yf 
thow  be  yonge  /  thow  oughte  to 
defyre  to  come  to  old  age  or  aun- 
cyente/  and  alfo  thow  ou3teft  to 
loue  and  prayfe  the  fayttes  or  dedes  whiche  they 
haue  done  in  theyr  yongthe  /  wherof  Elbpe  re- 
herceth  to  vs  fuche  a  fable/  Of  a  lord  whiche 
had  a  dogge/  the  whiche  dogge  had  be  in  his 
yonghe  of  good  kynde  /  For  ye  wote  wel  /  that 
of  kynde  the  dogges  chacen  and  hunten  in  theyr 
yongthe/  and  haue  grete  lufte  to  renne  and  take 
the  wyld  beeftes/  whan  thenne  this  dogge  was 
come  to  old  age  /  and  that  he  myght  no  more 
renne  /  It  happeth  ones  that  he  lete  fcape  and  go 
fro  hym  an  hare  /  wherfore  his  mayfter  was  forow- 
fuU  and  angry/  and  by  grete  wrathe  beganne  to 
bete  hym  /  The  dogge  fayd  thenne  to  hym  /  My 
mayfter/  of  good  feruyfe  thow  yeldeft  to  me 
euylle  gwerdone  &  reward  /  For  in  my  yonge 
age  I  ferued  the  ful  wel/  And  now  that  I  am 
comen  to  myn  old  age/  thow  beteft  and  fetteft 



me  a  bak  /  hnue  memoryc  how  in  myn  yong 
age/  I  was  llrongc  and  hilly/  And  how  I  made 
grete  outtragesand  eHbrs/  the  whiche  caul'cd  my 
yonglhe/  And  now  when  I  am  bycome  old  and 
f'eble  thow  Ibttcll  nought  of  me  /  C  This  fable 
techeth  that  who  fo  euer  doth  ony  good  in  his 
yongthe/  in  his  aimcyenle  and  old  age  he  llialle 
not  contynue  in  the  vertucs  which  he  pollcdcd 
in  his  yong  age 



C  STfje  fat'ij  fable  is  of  tf}e  l^arcs  atttj  of  t^e 

En  fay  conynly  that  after  that  the 
tyme  goth  /  fo  muft  folke  go  /  For 
yf  thow  makeft  deftindion  of  the 
tyme  thow  ihalt  wel  accord  the 
Scryptures  /  wherof  Efope  reher- 
ceth  to  vs  fuche  a  fable  /  And  fayth  thus  /  that 
he  whiche  beholdeth  the  euylle  of  other/  mult 
haue  pacyence  of  the  euyile  that  maye  come 
vpon  hym  /  For  fomtyme  as  a  hunter  chaced 
thurgh  the  feldes  and  woodes/  the  hares  beganne 
to  flee  for  fere  And  as  they  ranne  /  they  adreffyd 
them  in  to  a  medowe  fuUe  of  frogges  /  C  And 
whanne  the  frogges  herd  the  hares  renne  they 
beganne  alfo  to  flee  and  to  renne  fall  /  And  thenne 
a  hare  whiche  perceyued  them  fo  ferdfuU  fayd 
to  alle  his  felawes  /  Lete  us  no  more  be  dredeful 
ne  doubtuous  /  for  we  be  not  alone  that  haue  had 
drede/  For  alle  the  frogges  ben  in  double/  and 
haue  fere  and  drede  as  we  haue  /  Therfore  we 
ought  not  to  defpayre/  but  haue  truft  and  hope 
to  lyue  /  And  yf  fomme  aduerfyte  cometh  vpon 
us/  we  muft  here  it  pacyently/   For  ones  the 



tyme  llialle  come  that  we  IhnlK-  be  oute  of  payne 
and  oute  of  all  drede  /  Thertbre  in  the  vnhappy 
and  Intortunat  tynie  men  ought  not  to  be  del- 
payred  /  but  oughte  euer  to  be  in  good  hoi)e  to 
haue  ones  better  in  tyme  ot'prolperyte  /  Vot  atter 
grete  werre  cometh  good  pees/  And  alter  the 
rayne  cometh  the  tair  weder 

44  LIBER 

C  STl^e  II  fable  makEtfj  ntencgon  of  tfje  feulf 
anti  of  tijc  jkuliti£ 

5^0od  Children  ought  to  obferue  and 
kepe  euer  the  comaundements  of 
theyr  good  parents  and  frendes/ 
wherof  Efope  reciteth  to  vs  fuche 
a  table/  Of  a  gote  whiche  had 
made  her  yonge  kyde/  and  honger  toke  her  foo 
that  ilie  wold  haue  gone  to  the  feldes  for  to  ete 
fome  graffe  /  wherfore  Ihe  fayd  to  her  kyd  /  My 
child  /  beware  wel  /  that  yf  the  wulf  come  hyder 
to  ete  the  /  that  thou  opene  not  the  dore  to  hym 
C  And  whanne  the  gote  was  gone  to  the  feldes/ 
came  the  wulf  to  the  dore/  And  faynynge  the 
gotes  voyce  fayd  to  the  kydde  /  My  child  opene 
to  me  the  dore  /  And  thenne  the  kydde  anfuerd  to 
hym  /  goo  hens  euylle  and  fals  befte  /  For  well 
I  fee  the  thurgh  that  hole  /  But  for  to  haue  me 
thow  fayneft  the  voyce  of  my  moder/  C  And 
therfore  I  Ihalle  kepe  me  well  fro  openynge  of 
ony  dore  of  this  hows  /  And  thus  the  good  chil- 
dren ought  euer  to  kepe  wel  /  and  put  in  theyr 
hert  &  memory  the  do6lryne  and  the  techyng  of 
theyr  parentes/  For  many  one  is  vndone  and  loll 
for  faulte  of  obedyence 



C  Zht  tfntlir  fnblf  is  of  the  goot)  man  anli 
of  tijc  fcrpcntc 

K  that  ought  not  to  be  alVowerd  that 
applykcth  and  letteth  hym  to  doo 
loinme  other  eny  euyll/  wherof 
elope  reherceth  Tuche  a  table/  Ot" 
a  lerpent/  whiche  wente  &  came 
into  the  hows  of  a  poure  man/  which  ferpent 
lyued  of  that  whiche  telle  tVo  the  poure  mans 
table/  For  the  whiche  thynge  happed  a  grete 
fortune  to  this  poure  man  and  bycame  moche 
ryche/  But  on  a  daye  this  man  was  angry 
ageynrte  the  ferpent/  and  took  a  grete  Ilaf/  and 
fmote  at  hym  /  and  gretely  hurted  him  /  wherfore 
the  ferpente  wente  oute  of  his  lious  And  therin 
he  came  neuer  ageyne/  And  within  a  lytyll 
whyle  after  this  /  this  man  retourned  and  telle 
ageyne  in  to  grete  pouerte/  And  thenne  he 
knewe  that  by  the  fortune  of  the  Serpent  he  was 
bycome  ryche/  and  repented  hym  moche  of  that 
he  fmote  the  ferpent/  And  thenne  this  poure 
man  wente  and  hubled  hym  before  the  lerpent 
layenge  to  hym  /  I  prayc  the  that  thow  wylt  par- 
donne  me  of  thoffenfe  that  I  have  done  to  the/ 


46  LIBER 

C  And  thenne  fayd  the  ferpente  to  the  poure 
man  /  Syth  thow  repenteft  the  of  thy  myfdede  / 
I  pardonne  andforgyueit  to  the/  But  as  longeas 
I  Ihalle  be  on  lyue  /  I  Ihalle  remember  me  of  thy 
malyce  /  For  as  thow  hurteft  me  ones  /  thow 
maeft  as  wel  hurte  me  another  tyme/  For  the 
wounde  that  thow  madeft  to  me/  may  not  for- 
gete  the  euylle  whiche  thow  haft  done  to  me 
wherfore  he  that  was  ones  euylle  /  flialle  euer  be 
prefumed  &  holden  for  euylle/  And  therfore 
men  ought  to  prefume  ouer  hym  /  by  whome 
they  receyue  fomme  dommage  and  not  haue  fuf- 
pe6te  theyr  good  and  trewe  frendes 


C  JThf  li  fablf  is  of  the  htrU  j  of  llif  fl]ffp  .^ 
of  tijc  iuulf 

He  thynge  wliich  is  promyfed  by 
force  &  for  drcde  is  not  to  be 
hold/  wherof  efope  reherceth  fuche 
a  fable  of  a  hcrt  which  in  the 
prefence  of  a  wulf  demuaded  of 
a  fheep  that  flie  ihold  paye  a  buflhel  of  corn/ 
And  the  wulf  commauded  to  the  Ihcep  to  paye 
hit/  And  whanne  the  day  of  payment  was  come 
the  herte  came  and  demaunded  of  the  lliecp  his 
corn  And  the  Iheep  fayd  to  hym/  the  conenaunces 
and  paftyons  made  by  drede  and  force  oughte 
not  to  be  holden  /  For  it  was  force  to  me  beynge 
to  fore  the  wulf  to  promytte  &:  graunte  to  g>'ue 
to  the  that  whiche  thou  neuer  leneft  to  me  /  And 
therfor  thow  flialt  haue  ryght  nought  of  me/ 
wherfore  fomtymc  it  is  good  to  make  promilVe 
of  fome  thynge  for  to  efchewe  gretter  dommage 
or  lolle/  For  the  thyngs  whiche  are  done  by 
force  haue  none  fydelyie 



C  Wi}Z  It]  fable  ts  of  tl^e  balleti  man/ 
anti  of  ti^e  flg^/ 

F  a  lytyl  euylle  may  wel  come  a 
gretter/  Wherof  Efope  recyteth 
fuche  a  fable  /  Of  a  flye  /  whiche 
pryked  a  man  vpon  his  bald  hede  / 
And  whanne  he  wold  have  fmyte 
her/  fhe  flewgh  awey/  And  thus  he  fmote  hym 
felf/  wherof  the  fly  beganne  to  lawhe/  And  the 
bald  man  fayd  to  her/  Ha  a  euylle  beeft  thow 
demaundeft  wel  thy  dethe/  yf  I  fmote  my  felf 
wherof  thow  lawheft  and  mocquefl  me  /  But  yf  I 
had  hytte  the/  thow  haddeft  be  therof  flayne/ 
And  therfore  men  fayen  comynly  that  of  the 
euylle  of  other/  men  ought  not  to  lawhe  ne 
fcorne/  But  the  Iniuryous  mocquen  and  fcornen 
the  world/  and  geteth  manyenemyes/  For  the 
whiche  caufe  oftyme  it  happeth  that  of  a  fewe 
wordes  euyll  fette/  cometh  a  grete  noyfe  and 



C  E\}t  liij  fnfalc  is  of  tfic  foif  nntj  of  the  ftorkc 

Hdw  oughtell  not  to  doo  to  other 
that  wliiche  thow  woldelt  not  that 
men  iliold  doo  to  the/  wherof 
j^JlLst^^  Efope  reherceth  to  vs  fiiche  a 
"^^~  table/ Of  a  foxe  whiche  conueyed 
a  llorke  to  Touper/  And  the  foxe  put  the  mete 
vpon  a  traunclier/  the  whiche  mete  the  ftorke 
myght  not  ete/  wherof  the  tooke  &  had  grate 
difplayfaunce/  &  wente  &  departed  oute  of  the 


50  LIBER 

foxes  hows  al  hungry  and  wente  geyne  to  her 
lodgys/  and  by  caufe  that  the  foxe  had  thus 
begyled  her  /  flie  bythoughte  in  her  felf  /  how 
Ihe  myght  begyle  the  Foxe  /  For  as  men  faye  / 
it  is  meryte  to  begyle  the  begylers/  wherfore  the 
ftorke  prayd  the  foxe  to  come  and  foupe  with 
her/  and  put  his  mete  within  a  glas/  And 
whanne  the  foxe  wold  haue  eten  /  he  myght  not 
come  ther  by  /  but  only  he  lycked  the  glas  /  by 
caufe  he  cowde  not  reche  to  the  mete  with  his 
mouthe  /  And  thenne  he  knewe  wel  that  he  was 
deceyued  /  And  thenne  the  ftorke  fayd  to  hym  / 
Take  of  fuche  goodes  as  thow  gauell  to  me/ 
And  the  poure  foxe  ryght  fliameful  departed  fro 
thens/  And  with  the  ftaf  whiche  he  had  made 
he  was  bete  And  therfore  he  that  begyleth  other  / 
is  oftyme  begyled  hym  felf/ 



C  2rf)E  liii}  fable  is  of  tlir  toulf  ant  of  tfjc 
tftf  mans  i^ctif 

\ny  one  ben  whiche  haue  grete 
worlliip  and  glorj'e/  but  noo  pru- 
dence /  ne  nooWyfedom  they  haue 
in  them  wlierof  Elope  reherceth 
liiche  a  fable  /  Of  a  wulf  which 
1.  .1  vicJe  mans  hede/  the  whiche  he  torned 
vp  fo  doune  with  his  foote/  And  fayd/  Ha  a 
how  fayr  haft  thow  be  and  playfaunt  /  And  now 
thow  hall  in  tlie  neyther  wytte/  ne  beaute/  & 
yet  thow  arte  withoute  voys  and  withoute  ony 
thought  /  and  therfore  men  ought  not  only  to 
behold  the  beautte  and  fayrenelfe  of  the  body  / 
but  only  the  goodnes  of  the  courage/  For  fom- 
tyme  men  gyuen  glorye  and  worlliip  to  fome  / 
whiche  haue  not  del'eruyd  to  haue  hit/ 



C  QCfjc  i&  fable  is  of  tfje  Sage  anti  of  tl^e  pecofe 

One  ought  to  were  and  putte  on 
hym  the  gowne  of  other  /  wherof 
Elope  reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a 
fable  Of  a  Jaye  full  of  vayne 
glory/  whiche  tooke  and  putte 
on  hym  the  fethers  of  a  pecok  /  and  with  them 
he  a[d]ourned/  and  arayed  hym  felf  well/  And 
whanne  he  was  wel  dreflyd  and  arayed  /  by  his 
oultrecuydaunce  or  ouerwenynge  wold  haue  gone 
and  conuerfed  amonge  the  pecoks  /  and  def- 
prayfed  alle  hisfelawes  /  And  whanne  the  pecokes 
knewe  that  he  was  not  of  theyr  kynd  /  they  anone 
plucked  of  alle  his  fethers  /  and  fmote  and  bete 
hym  by  fuche  maner/  that  no  fethers  abode 
vpon  hym  /  And  he  fledde  away  al  naked  and 

C  And  thenne  whanne  his  felawes  fawe 
hym  /  they  fayd  to  hym  /  What  gallaunt  come 
hyther/  where  ben  thy  fayre  fethers/  whiche 
thow  haddeft  but  late  a  gone  /  Haft  thow  no 
fhame  ne  vergoyne  to  come  in  oure  companye  / 
And  thenne  alle  the  byrdes  cam  vpon  hym/ 
and  fmote  &  bete  hym  /  fayenge  thus  to  hym  / 

SECUNDUS.  5  3 

yf  lliou  haddeft  be  content  of  thyn  owne  vt-lty- 
mcntes/  thow  hadert  not  come  to  thisvylony/ 
Ther  for  hit  appereth  that  hit  is  not  good  to 
were  another  mans  gowni*  /  For  fuche  weren 
fayre  gownes  and  fayr  gyrdels  of  gold  that  haue 
thevr  teeth  cold  at  home 



C  2E]^c  ibj  fable  is  at  tfje  mule  ant(  of  tf)e  flge. 

Omme  maken  gretemenaces/  whiche 
haue  no  myghte  /  C  Wherof  Efope 
reherceth  fuche  a  fable  /  C  Of  a 
carter/  whiche  ladde  a  Charyot 
or  carte/  whiche  a  Mule  drewe 
forthe/  And  by  caufe  the  Mule  wente  not  faft 
ynough  /  the  flye  fayd  to  the  Mule  /  Ha  a  payllart 
Mule  /  why  gooft  thow  not  fafter  /  I  fhalle  foo 
egrely  pryke  the/  that  I  fhalle  make  the  go 
lyghtely  /  C  And  the  Mule  anfwered  to  the 
flye  /  God  kepe  and  preferue  the  naone  for  the 
wolues/  For  I  haue  ne  grete  drede  ne  fere  of 
the/  But  I  drede  and  doubte  fore  my  mayfter/ 
whiche  is  vpon  me  /  whiche  conftrayneth  me  to 
fulfylle  his  wylle  /  C  And  more  I  oughte  to 
drede  and  doubte  hym  more  /  than  the/  whiche 
arte  nought/  and  of  no  valewe  ne  myght/ 
CAnd  thus  men  ought  not  to  gette  by  ne 
double  them/  whiche  haue  no  myght  ne  that 
ben  of  no  valewe 


C  tL\}c  ibij  fnblf  is  of  ibc  antf  nnti  t}]f  Qdc. 

C)  make  booll  and  auauntyngc  is  but 
^:^;tI  n^^«4j  vayne  s;lor)'e  and  folye/  wlicrof 
)  I      -/.      Elope  recyteth  fuclie  a  fable/  Of 

*f ^' . v^)^J     '^'*^  ^"^*^  '^'^  formyce  and  of  the 

tiye/  whiche  rtryued  to  gyder/ 
for  to  wete  whiche  was  the  moll  noble  of 
them  bothe/  &  the  tlye  fayd  to  the  formyce/ 
Come  hyder  formyce  /  wylt  thow  compare  thy 
felf  to  me  that  dwelle  in  the  kynges  places  and 
palays/  and  ete  and  drynke  at  theyr  table/  And 
alfo  I  kylfe  bothe  kynge  and  quene/  and  the 
moft  fayre  maydens  /  and  thow  poure  and  myf- 
chaunt  beeit  thow  arte  euer  within  the  erthe/ 
And  the  formyce  anfuerd  to  the  five/  Now 
knowe  I  wel  thy  vanyte  and  folye  /  C  For  thow 
auauntert  the  of  that  wherof  thou  Iholeft  def- 
prayfe  the  / 

For  fro  alle  places  where  as  thow  good  or 
flycft  /  thow  arte  hated  chaced  and  put  oute  /  and 
lyueft  in'grete  daunger/  for  aflbne  as  thewynter 
Ihalle  come  thow  (halt  deye/  And  I  flial  abyde 
on  lyue  alone  within  my  chamber  or  hole  / 
where  as  I  drj-nke  and  ete  at   my  playfyr/   Ft)r 


56  LIBER 

the  wynter  Ihalle  not  forgyue  to  the  thy  myf- 
dede  /  but  he  Ihalle  llee  the/  CAnd  thus  he 
that  wylle  mocque  or  defpreyfe  fomme  other/ 
he  ougt  fyrft  to  loke  and  behold  on  hym  lelf 
wel  /  For  men  fayn  comynly  /  who  that  be- 
holdeth  in  the  glas/  well  he  feeth  hym  felf/ 
(I  And  who  feeth  hym  felf/  wel  he  knoweth  hym 
felf/  And  who  that  knowith  hym  felf/  lytel  he 
preyfeth  hym  felf/  C  And  who  that  preyfeth 
hym  felf  lytyll  /  he  is  ful  wyfe  and  fage. 



C  JTlic  lUiij  fable  is  of  thf  toulf  /  of  i\)t:  foif 
nnti  of  tf)C  ape 

IE  that  ones  talk-th  in  to  ibmiiie 
euylle  faytte  or  decle  /  he  Ihalle 
euer  lyue  with  delhoiiour  and  in 
lul'pccion/ of  the  peple/  C  And 
how  be  it  that  by  aduenture  he 
purpoled  to  doo  ibmme  prouffitable  ihynge  to 
I'omme  other/  yet  he  (hold  not  be  trufted  ne 
byleued  /  wherof  Efope  reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a 
fable  /  Of  a  wulf  whiche  maade  the  foxe  to  be 
cyted  before  the  Ape/  C  And  the  wulf  fayd 
that  the  foxe  was  but  a  theef  and  a  pay  Hart  and 
a  knaue  of  poure  folke/  And  the  foxe  fayd  that 
he  lyed  /  and  that  he  was  a  good  and  trewe  man  / 
And  that  he  dyde  moche  good/ 

C  And  thenne  the  Ape  whiche  was  fette  as 
a  Juge/  gaf  fuche  a  fentence/  and  fayd  to  the 
wulf/  Come  hyther/  tliow  haft  not  loll  al  that 
wliiche  thow  demaundelt  /  C  And  thow  Foxe 
I  beleue  wel  that  thow  haft  vfurped  and  robbed 
fom  thynge/  howe  be  it/  that  thow  denyeft  hit 
in  Juftyce/  But  for  as  moche  that  pees  may  be 
bytwcxe  yow    bothe  /  ye  ihalle    parte   to  gyder 


58  LIBER 

your  good/  to  thende/  that  none  of  yow  haue 
no  hole  parte/  For  he  that  is  wonte  and  acuf- 
tomed  to  robbe  and  gnawe  /  with  grete  payne  he 
may  abfteyne  hym  felf  fro  hit  /  For  a  begyler 
wylle  euer  begyle  other  /  C  And  by  caiife  that 
the  ape  fehe  them  bothe  guky  and  fufpycious 
made  theyr  dyfference  to  be  acorded  /  and  parted 
half  by  half/  For  they  that  ben  cuftomed  to  doo 
ony  frawde  or  falfhede/  Ihall  euer  lyue  rygte 
heuyly  and  in  fufpycon 



C  iTtjc  III  fable  15  of  tlif  man  nnt]  of  i\]t 


En  ought  wel  to  loke  and  behold  the 
courage  &  thought  of  hyin/  whiclie 
dothe  good/  and  the  ende/  wher- 
tor  he  dothe  hit  /  wherof  Elope 
reherccth  fuche  a  fable  /  Of  a  man 
whiclie  tooke  a  wefell  /  the  whiche  chaced  after 
the  rattes  wythynne  his  hows/  C  And  after 
whanne  he  had  taken  her/  he  wold  haue  kylled 
her/  C  And  whanne  the  poure  Wefelle  fawe 
the  wrathe  and  furour  of  her  mayfter/  ilie  cryed 
to  hym  /  mercy/  fayenge  thus/  My  lord  I  re- 
quyre  and  praye  the/  that  thow  wylt  pardonne 
to  nie/  and  that  thow  wylt  reward  ine  of  the 
grete  feruyfe  whiche  I  haue  done  to  the/  For 
euer  I  haue  chaced  the  rats  oute  of  thy  hows/ 

C  And  tlic  man  fayd  to  her/  thow  dydeft  not 
that  for  the  loue  of  me/  but  only  thow  haft  done 
it  for  to  fylle  thy  bely  For  yf  thow  haddeft  done 
it  for  the  loue  of  me  /  I  Ihold  haue  pardonned  to 
the/  C  And  by  caufe  that  thow  dydeft  not  for 
to  ferue  me/  but  for  to  iette  and  adomage  me/ 
Fur  that  the  rattes  myght   not  ete/  thou  bareft 


6o  LIBER 

it  awey  /  And  foo  bycaufe  /  that  thow  arte  wexed 
fatte  of  myne  owne  brede/  thow  muft  rendre 
and  geue  to  me  alle  the  fatneffe/  whiche  thou 
haft  conquered  and  goten  here  /  For  he  that 
robbeth  Ihall  be  robbed/  Juxta  illud/  pellatores 
pillabuntur  /  For  hit  fuftyfeth  not  to  doo  wel  / 
but  men  muft  haue  good  wylle  and  good  enten- 
cion  for  to  do  hit  /  For  an  almeffe  that  is  done 
for  vayne  glorye/  is  not  merited/  but  difmeryted  / 
wherfore  I  fhal  not  pardonne  the/  but  incon- 
tynent  and  withoute  taryenge  thow  fhalt  deye  / 
For  by  caufe  that  thow  haft  deferuyd  no  mercy  / 
thow  {halt  now  be  putte  to  dethe 



C  Z\)t  II  fnblr  mnUcth  mrnn'on  of  t!ic  ©it/  nnt) 
of  tlir  froggc  /  toijirlie  loalti  liauc  comparfti 
her  to  fium 

S^S^He  poure  ought  not  to  compare  hym 
felf  to  hym  which  is  ryche  and 
niyghty/  As  fayth  this  fable  of  a 
frogge  /  whiche  was  in  a  medowe  / 
when  Ihe  afpyed  and  fawe  an  oxe 
whiche  palhired  /  She  wold  make  her  felf  as  grete 
and  as  myghty  as  the  oxe  /  and  by  her  grete 
pryde  llie  beganne  to  fwelle  ageynfte  the  oxe/ 
And  denaunded  of  his  children  yf  ihe  was  not 
as  grete  as  the  oxe  and  as  myghty/  And  theyr 
children  anfuerd  and  fayd  nay  moder/  For  to 
loke  and  behold  on  the  oxe  /  it  femeth  of  yow  to 
be  nothynge/  And  thenne  the  frogge  beganne 
more  to  fwelle/  C  And  when  the  oxe  fawe  her 
pryde/  he  thraddeand  threlled  her  with  his  fote/ 
and  brake  her  bely  /  Therfore  hit  is  not  good  to 
the  poure  to  compare  hym  felf  to  the  ryche/ 
Wherfore  men  favn  comynly  /  Swelle  not  thy 
felf/  to  thende  that  thow  brefte  not 

C  liUre  fonDSs])^  tfjc  fcconli  bookf  of  Csopc/ 

62  LIBER 

C  '^zxt  bcggnet!)  t]^E  tl)2rtitie  ioofee  of  tf)e  ftihtgle 
failfs  of  (^sope/  iDfjcrof  tfje  fgrste  tnakct]^ 
mencton/  of  tfje  Igon/  &  of  t]^e  pastour  or 


'f^""^!  He  myghty  and  puyflant  oughte  not 
^   '      to   be   llowfull  of  the   benefetes 

done  to  them  by  the  lytyl  and 
fmalle  And  oughte  not  alfo  to  for- 
gete  them  /  but  that  they  may  be 
rewarded  of  them  /  C  And  this  fable  approueth 
efope  &  fhoweth  vnto  vs  /  of  a  lyon  whiche  ranne 
after  a  beeft/  and  as  he  ranne/  a  thorne  entred 
into  his  foote/  whiche  hurted  and  greued  hym 
gretely  /  wherfore  he  mught  no  ferther  goo  / 
but  as  wel  as  he  cowde  he  came  to  a  fhepeherd 
whiche  kepte  his  fheep  and  beganne  to  flatere 
with  his  taylle  lliewynge  to  hym  hys  foote  /  whiche 
was  fore  hurted  and  wounded  /  The  fhepherd 
was  in  grete  drede  and  cafted  before  the  lyon 
one  of  his  fheep/  But  the  lyon  demaunded  no 
mete  of  hym  /  For  more  he  defyred  to  be  me- 
dycyned  and  made  hole  of  his  foote/  C  And 
after  whenne  the  lliepherde  fawe  the  wounde/  he 



with  a  iivdlo  lubtylly  drewe  outc  of  liis  foote  the 
thorne/  and  had  oute  of  the  wound  alle  the 
roten  fleflhe/  and  enoynted  hit  with  fwete  oyne- 
inents/  C  And  anone  the  lyon  was  hole/  And 
for  to  haue  rendryd  graces  and  thankys  to  the 
Ihepherd  or  paftour  the  lyon  kylVed  his  handes/ 
And  after  he  retorned  ageyn  in  to  the  hyelt  of 
the  woode/  And  within  a  lyiel  whyle  after  it 
happed  that  this  lyon  was  taken  and  conueyed 
to  the  Cyte  of  Rome  and  was  put  amonge  the 
other  beeftes  for  to  deuoure  the  myfdoers  /  Now 
it  befelle  that  the  fayd  Ihepherd  commyfed  a 
crymynous  dede  /  whertore  he  was  condempned 
to  be  deuoured  by  thefe  beftes/  And  ryght  fo  as 
he  was  call  among  them  the  lyon  knewe  hym  / 
and  beganne  to  behold  on  hym/  and  made  to 
hym  chere  and  lykked  hym  with  his  tongue/ 
And  preferued  and  kepte  hym  from  alle  the 
other  beftes/  Thenne  knewe  the  Ihepherd  that 
it  was  the  lyon  whiche  he  maade  hole/  And 
that  he  wold  thenne  haue  rccompenfed  hym  of 
the  good  whiche  he  had  done  to  hym  /  wherof 
alle  the  Romayns  were  all  wonderly  abafihed/ 
And  wold  knowe  the  caufe  of  hit  And  the 
Iheepherd  fayd  to  them  as  aboue  is  fayd/ 
C  And  whanne  they  knewe  the  caufe  /  they 
gaf  leue  to  the  Iheepherd  /  to  goo  home  and 
fente  ageyne   the   lyon   in   to  the   foreft  /    And 


64  LIBER 

therfore  this  is  notary  and  trewe  that  al  maner 
of  folke  ought  to  rendre  and  gyue  thankynges 
grace  and  mercye  to  theyr  good  doers  /  For 
flowfuhies  is  a  fynne/  whiche  is  moche  difplay- 
faunt  to  god 



C  iThc  Ccccnb  fable  is  of  tlir  loon  nnti  of  tlir  ijors 

~^Ciie  one  ought  to  efchewe  dylVymy- 
lyng/  for  none  01131  to  were  on  hym 
the  fkyn  of  the  wulf/  but  that  he 
wyll  be  lyke  to  hym  /  For  none 
ongt  to  fayne  hym  felf  other  than 
fuche  as  he  is/  As  to  vs  reherceth  this  fable/ 
C  Of  a  lyon  whiche  fawe  a  hors/  whiche  ete 
gralVe  in  a  medowe/  And  for  to  fynde  fomme 
fubtylyte  and  manere  for  to  ete  and  deuoure 
hym  approched  to  hym  /  and  fayd  /  God  kepe 
the  my  broder/  I  am  a  leche/  and  with  al  a  good 
phefycyen/  C  And  by  caufe  that  I  fee  that 
thow  haft  a  fore  foote  /  I  am  come  hyther  for 
to  hele  the  of  hit/  And  the  hors  knewe  wel 
all  his  euyell  thought  And  fayd  to  the  lyon  / 
My  broder  I  thanke  the  gretely  /  and  thow  arte 
welcome  to  me/  I  preye  the  that  thow  wylt 
make  my  foote  hole/  And  thenne  the  lyon  fayd 
to  the  hors/  late  fee  thy  foote/  And  as  the  lyon 
looked  on  hit/  the  hors  fmote  hym  on  the  for- 
hede/  In  fuche  wyfe  that  he  brake  his  hede  and 
fyll  oute  of  his  mynde/  &  the  lyon  felle  to  the 
ground/  and  foo  wonderly  he  was  hurte  /  that 



66  LIBER 

almoll  he  myght  not  ryfe  vp  ageyne  /  And  thenne 
layd  the  lyon  in  hym  felf/  I  am  wel  worthy  to 
haue  had  this  /  For  he  that  fercheth  euylle  / 
euyll  Cometh  to  hym/  And  by  caufe  that  I 
dyffymyled  and  fayned  my  felf  to  be  a  medycyn  / 
where  as  I  fhold  haue  fhewed  myfel  a  grete 
enemye/  I  therfore  haue  receyued  good  reward/ 
and  therfore  euery  body  oughte  to  Ihewe  hym 
felf  fuche  as  he  is  / 



t  Crtjf  l{)url)  fablr  mahrllj  mnicioii  af  tljr  nssc/ 
of  t{}E  Ijors/  ^  of  tfjCDv  foitunc 

IE  tliat  is  wel  fortuned  and  happy/ 
and  is  atte  vppereft  of  the  whele 
of  fortune/  may  wel  falle  doune/ 
And  therfore  none  oughte  to  def- 
prayfe  the  poure  /  but  oughte  to 
thynke  how  the  whele  of  fortune  is  moche 
doubtous  as  Ihewethe  this  prefent  fable/  Of  a 
tayr  hors  whiclie  was  wel  harnayfed  and  arayed  / 
and  his  fadel  and  brydel  garnyfllied  with  gold  / 
whiche  hors  mete  with  an  afTe  fore  laden  in  a 
narowe  way  /  And  by  caufe  that  the  alVe  tourned 
hym  not  a  bak  Incontyncnt  the  hors  fayd  to 
hym  /  Ha  a  chorle  hall  thow  noo  Ihame  ne  ver- 
goyne/  that  thow  dofte  ne  berell  none  worlhippe 
ne  reuerence  vnto  thy  lord  /  who  holdelh  now 
me/  that  wyth  my  foote  I  breke  not  thyn  hede/ 
by  caufe  that  thow  putteft  not  thy  felf  afyde 
and  oute  of  my  waye  /  fo  that  I  myght  parte 
&  goo  on  my  wave/  The  poure  affe  anfuerd 
ne  fayd  to  hym  neuer  a  word/  and  was  fore 
aferd  that  the  horfe  fliold  haue  bete  hym  /  wher- 


68  LIBER 

fore  he  held  his  pees  as  wyfe  and  fage  /  And 
the  hors  wente  his  waye  /  C  And  within  a  lytyl 
whyl  after  /  it  befelle  /  that  fortune  tourned  his 
whele  vp  fodoune  /  For  thys  fayre  hors  became 
old  lene  and  feke  /  C  And  whanne  his  mayfter 
fawe  that  his  hors  was  thus  lene  and  feke  and 
oute  of  profperyte/  he  comauded  that  he  Ihold 
be  had  in  to  the  toun  and  that  in  ftede  of  his 
ryche  fadel  men  fhold  put  and  fette  on  his 
backe  a  panyer  for  to  here  dounge  in  to  the 
feldes  /  Now  it  happed  that  the  alfe  whiche  was 
in  a  medowe  etyng  grafle  perceyued  and  fawe 
the  hors  and  wel  knewe  hym  /  wherof  he  was 
wonder  abaflhed  /  and  merueylled  moche  that 
he  was  thus  poure  and  lb  lene  bycome  /  C  And 
the  afle  went  toward  hym  andfayd  /  Ha  a  felawe, 
where  is  now  thy  fayre  fadel/  and  thy  ryche 
brydel/  garnyfflied  with  gold/  how  arte  thow 
now  bycome  loo  lene  and  fuche  a  payllard  / 
what  haue  prouffyted  to  the  thy  fayre  and  ryche 
rayments  /  and  what  auaylled  now  to  thy  grete 
fyerfte  and  pryde/  and  thy  grete  prelumpcion 
whiche  ones  thowfheweft  to  me/  Thynke  now/ 
how  thow  arte  lene  and  vnthryfty/  and  how 
thow  and  I  ben  now  of  one  offyce  /  And  the 
mylerable  and  vnhappy  hors  was  abaflhed  /and 
for  Ihame  loked  dounward/  &  anfuerd  neuer 
one   word  /    for   alle    his   felicitie   was    thenne 



turned  into  aduerfyte  /  C  And  therforc  they  that 
ben  in  fclycite  /  oughte  not  to  dyfprayfe  tlieni  / 
whiche  ben  in  aduerlyte/  For  many  one  I 
knewe  ryche  and  myghty  /  whiche  are  now 



C  ^^z  Hi}  fable  maketfi  mmcpn  of  tl^e  berstes 
anti  of  t^z  hixtJZQ 

[One  maye  do  no  good  to  two  lordes 
at  ones/  whiche  ben  cotrary  one 
to  that  other/  as  layth  to  vs  this 
fable  that  the  beeftes  made  grete 
werre  ageynll  the  byrdes  /  &  fought 
euery  day  to  gyder/  And  the  backe  feryng  the 
wulues  And  that  the  beeftes  fhold  vaynquyffhe 
and  ouercome  the  byrdes  /  wold  haue  hold  with 
the  beeftes  /  and  be  ageynft  the  byrdes  /  And 
whanne  the  batylle  was  ordeyned  on  bothe  fydes  / 
the  egle  beganne  to  entre  in  to  the  batayll  of 
the  beeftes  by  fuche  a  ftrengthe  /  that  with  the 
help  of  the  other  byrdes  he  gat  the  feld  / 
and  vaynquyflhed  /  and  ouercame  the  beftes  / 
wherfor  the  beftes  maade  pees  with  the  byrdes  / 
and  were  alle  of  one  accord  and  of  one  wylle  / 
And  for  the  treafon  that  the  backe  had  made  / 
Ihe  was  condempned  to  neuer  fee  the  day/  And 
neuer  flee  /  but  only  by  nyght  /  And  alfo  fhe  was 
defpoylled  of  alle  her  fethers  /  And  therfore  he 
that  wylle  ferue  two  lordes  cotrary  one  to  other 
may-not  be  good  ne  trewe  /  And  they  wheche 


TER'nUS.  71 

relynquen  and  leue  theyr  owne  lordes  for  to 
Terue  another  Itraunger/  whiclie  is  enemy  to 
theyr  lord/  ben  wel  worthy  to  be  punylllied  / 
For  as  the  Eiiangcle  fayth/  None  may  ferue 
bothe  god  and  the  deuyl 

72  LIBER 

C  E^t  fa  fable  is  of  t!)e  nggl[)t2ngalE  anli  of 
tf)e  fp£r£|)airik£ 

E    that    opprefleth    the    Innocents 
'^      ihalle  haue  an  euyl  ende  /  wherof 

Elope  reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a 
fable/  Of  a  fperehawk/  whiche 
dyd  put  hym  within  the  neft  of 
a  nyghtyngale/  where  he  fond  the  lytyl  and 
yonge  byrdes/  the  nyghtyngale  came  and  per- 
ceyued  hym  /  wherfore  Ihe  praed  the  fpere- 
hawke/  fayeng/  I  requyre  and  praye  the  as 
moche  as  I  may/  that  thow  haue  pyte  on 
my  fmal  byrdes  /  And  the  fperehawke  anfuerd 
and  fayd  /  yf  thow  wylt  that  I  graunte  the 
thy  requeft  /  thow  muft  fynge  fwetely  after  my 
wylle  and  gree  And  thenne  the  nyghtyngale 
beganne  to  fynge  fwetely/  not  with  the  herte/ 
but  with  the  throte  onely  /  For  he  was  fo  fulled 
with  forowe  that  otherwyfe  he  myght  not  doo  / 
The  fperehawk  fayd  thenne  to  the  nyghtyngale  / 
This  fonge  playfeth  me  not  /  And  toke  one  of  the 
yonge  byrdes  and  deuoured  hit  /  And  as  the  fayd 
fperehawke  would  haue  deuoured  and  eten  the 
other  came  there  a  hunter  whiche  dyd  cafte  a 



gretc  nette  vpon  the  I'perehawk  /  And  whanne  fhe 
wold  haue  fleen  awey  /  he  myght  not  /  for  he 
was  taken  /  And  therfore  he  that  doth  harme  & 
lettcih  the  Innocents  /  is  wortliy  to  deye  of  euylle 
dethc/  As  Cayni  dyd  whiche  llewe  liis  broder 

74  LIBER 

C  E^t  Umnt}}  fable  fs  of  tfje  iaxz  antj  of 
tf)£  toulf 

Ortune  helpeth  bothe  the  good  and 
euylle  folke/  and  to  alle  them/ 
whiche  fhe  helpeth  not  fhe  fendeth 
euylle  to  them/  And  they  that 
fetten  alle  theyr  malyce  ageynfte 
fortune  ben  fubuertyfed  and  ouerthrawen  by 
her/  wherof  Elope  reherceth  fuche  a  fable/  Of 
a  wulf  whiche  had  affembled  to  gyder  a  grete 
proye  /  or  moche  mete  for  to  haue  lyued  more 
delycioufly  /  wherof  the  foxe  had  grete  anuye/ 
and  for  to  haue  robbed  fomme  of  this  good/  he 
came  vnto  the  cauerne  or  hole  where  as  this 
proye  or  mete  was  in/  and  fayd  to  the  wulf / 
Mygodfep  the  wulf/  by  caufe  hit  is  longefyth  I 
fawe  the  /  I  am  in  grete  heuynefle  and  forowe  / 
and  alfo  by  caufe  we  haue  not  been  in  longtyme 
gone  chaced  and  gone  to  gyder/  C  And  whan 
the  wulf  knewe  the  malyce  of  the  foxe  /  he  fayd 
to  hym  thow  arte  not  come  hyder  for  to  fee  me  / 
ne  how  I  fare  /  but  thou  arte  come  for  to  robbe 
and  rauyflhe  my  good/  For  the  whiche  wordes 
the  foxe  was  moche  angry  /  and  wente  toward  a 

ftieepherd  / 


ftieepherd  /  towhome  he  fayd  /  yf  thnw  wvit  hu 
auenged  of  the  wulf  wliiche  is  enemy  of  thy  hccrd 
or  parke/  on  this  day  I  Ihalle  put  hym  under 
thy  handes/  And  the  Ihepherd  aufuerede  to  the 
tbxe  in  this  manere/  yf  thow  doo  as  thow  fayll  / 
I  fliall  paye  the  wel  /  And  thenne  the  foxe 
lliewed  to  hym  the  hool/  wherin  the  wulf  was/ 
And  the  Ihepherd  Incontynent  wente  toward 
the  hole/  and  with  a  fpere  he  kyld  the  wulf/ 
And  l)y  this  manere  the  foxe  was  wel  fylled  and 
refreflliyed  of  the  good  of  the  other/  but  as  he 
returned  home  ward  /  he  was  tuke  and  deuoured 
by  fommedogges/  wherfore  he  fayd  to  hym  felf/ 
by  caufe  that  r}'ght  euylle  I  haue  done/  euylle 
Cometh  thow  to  me/  For  fynne  retorneth  euer 
vpon  his  maylter/  And  he  that  lyueth  but  of 
rauyn  and  robberye  llial  at  the  lall  be  knowen 
and  robbed/ 



C  ST'^e  feuent!)  fable  is  of  tfje  l^erte  atitr  of  tlje 

^En  preyfen  fomtyme  that  /  that 
Ihold  be  blamed  &  vitupered  / 
And  ofte  men  blamen  &  vytu- 
peren  that  /  that  iliold  be  preyfed  / 
as  reciteth  to  vs  this  fable  of  a 
herte  /  To  whome  it  happyd  on  a  tyme  that  he 
drank  in  a  fonteyn  or  welle  as  he  dranke  /  he 
fawe  in  the  water  his  hede  which  was  horned  / 
wherfore  he  preyfed  moche  his  homes/  And 
as  he  loked  on  his  legges/  whiche  were 
lene  and  fmal  /  he  defpreyfed  and  vytupered 
them  /  And  as  he  was  drynkynge  in  the  fontayne 
he  herd  the  voys  and  barkynge  of  dogges  / 
wherfore  he  wold  haue  fledde  awey  in  to  the 
foreft  for  to  faue  hym  felf  /  but  as  he  fawe  the 
dogges  fo  nyghe  hym  he  wold  haue  entred  within 
a  buflhe  /  but  he  myght  not  /  for  his  homes 
kepte  hym  withoute  /  And  thenne  feyng  that 
he  myght  not  efcape  began  to  faye  within  hym 
felf/  I  haue  blamed  and  vytupered  my  legges  / 
whiche  haue  ben  to  me  vtyle  and  prouffitable  / 
and  haue  preyfed  my  homes  /  whiche  ben  now 



caule  of  my  dethe/  And  thertbre  men  ought  to 
dcfprayre  that  thyngc/  whiche  is  vnproutfitable/ 
and  preyle  that  whiche  is  vtyle  and  prourtitable/ 
And  tht'V  ought  to  prfylc  and  loue  the  chirche  and 
tlie  conunaundenicnts  of  the  fame/  the  whiche 
ben  moche  vtyle  6c  prouftytable/  And  defpreyfe 
and  flee  al  fyniie  and  vyce/  whiche  ben  inutyle 
harmetul  and  domniaseable 

78  LIBER 

C  2Efje  bitj  fafele  malket!)  ntEncion  of  Suno  /  of 
Ucnus  /  anti  of  tf)0  otfjer  irigmmm 

Efore  the  goddes  and  the  goddeffes 
men  mufte  euer  preyfe  chaftyte  / 
for  it  is  a  worfhipful  &  an  honefl 
thyng  to  a  woman  to  hold  hyr 
contente  with  a  man  alone  /  but 
Venus  for  her  defporte  &  for  to  dryue  aweye  the 
tyme  /  wold  Interprete  the  fayenge  of  the  hennes  / 
wherfore  fhe  demaunded  a  henne  whiche  was 
in  her  hows  /  but  at  this  tyme  I  fhal  kepe  my 
tongue  /  and  no  ferther  I  fhalle  fpeke  therof/ 
For  many  wyfe  men  whiche  haue  fene  and 
redde  alle  this  book  vnderftanden  wel  alle  the 
nature  of  hit  /  and  by  caufe  it  is  lycyte  &  honefl:  / 
And  that  we  alle  ben  bounden  to  kepe  the  ladyes 
in  theyre  worlliip  and  honour/  alfo  that  in  euery 
place  where  hit  Ihalle  be  pofl}'ble  to  vs  we  ought 
to  preyfe  them  /  We  flialle  now  ceffe  to  enquere 
ferther  of  this  matere/  and  hiftoryye/  whiche 
we  fhall  leue  in  latyn  for  tlie  grete  clerkes  /  &  in 
efpecial  for  them  that  wylle  occupye  theyr  tyme 
to  judge  and  rede  the  glofe  of  the  fayd  Elope 



C  (E|}e  nuntl)c  fable  is  of  i\)t  knugljt  anb  of 
tljc  luntiotoc 

g^-^n-jj^i,^' He  woman  wliiche  lyueth  in  this 
world  witliout  reproche  or  blame 
is  worthely  to  be  gretely  preyl'ed  / 
Wherof  Efope  reherceth  fuche  a 
table  of  a  man  and  of  a  woman  / 
whiche  loued  moche  eche  other/  It  happed  thenne 
by  the  effors  of  Atropos  or  dethe/  the  whiche 
we  al  muft  fuffer  that  the  fayd  man  deyde/ 
And  as  men  wold  haue  borne  hym  in  to  his 
graue/  whiche  was  withoute  the  toune  there  to 
be  buryed  /  his  wyf  made  grete  forowe  and  wepte 
pyteoully  /  And  whanne  he  was  buryed  /  Ihe  wold 
abyde  Ih'ile  vpon  the  graue/  and  lete  do  make  a 
lytyll  lodge  or  hows  therupon/  and  oute  of  this 
lodge  Ihe  wold  neuer  departe  for  no  prayer  ne 
fayr  word  /  neyther  for  ony  yeftes  ne  for  menaces 
of  her  parents  Now  it  befell  in  the  toun  that  amy  f- 
doer  was  condampned  to  be  hanged  /  C  And  to 
thende  that  he  lliold  not  be  taken  fro  the  gallows  / 
hit  was  thenne  commaunded  that  a  knyght  lliold 
kepe  hym  /  And  as  the  knyght  kepte  hym  /  grete 
ihurfte  took  hyra  /  And  as  he  perccyued  the  lodge 


8o  LIBER 

of  the  fayd  woman  he  wente  to  her  /  and  prayd 
her  to  gyue  hym  fomme  drynke/  And  fte  with 
good  'herte  gaf  hym  to  drynke/  And  the  knyght 
dranke  with  grete  appetyte  /  as  he  that  had  grete 
thurlte/  &  whan  he  had  dronke/  he  torned  ageyne 
to  the  galhows  ward/  This  knight  came  another 
tyme  to  the  woman  for  to  comforte  her/  And 
thre  tymes  he  dyd  foo  /  And  as  he  was  thus  goyng 
and  comynge  /  doubtynge  hym  of  nobody  /  his 
hanged  man  was  taken  and  had  fro  the  galhows  / 
And  whanne  the  knyght  was  come  ageyne  to 
the  galhows  &  fawe  that  he  had  lofte  his  dede 
man  /  he  was  gretely  abaffhed  &  not  withoute 
caufe  For  hit  was  charged  to  hym  vpon  peyne 
to  be  hanged/  yf  he  were  take  awey/  This 
knyght  thenne  seynge  his  Judgement/  tourned 
and  went  ageyne  to  the  fayd  woman  /  &  call: 
hym  at  her  feete  /  and  laye  before  her  as  he 
had  be  dede  /  And  fhe  demaiided  of  hym  /  My 
frend/  what  wylt  thow  that  I  doo  for  the/  Alias 
fayd  he/  I  praye  the  that  thow  focoure  and 
counceylle  me  now  at  my  grete  nede/  For  by 
caufe  I  haue  not  kept  wel  my  theef/  whiche 
men  haue  rauyflhed  fro  me/  the  kynge  flialle 
make  me  to  be  put  to  dethe  /  And  the  woman 
fayd  /  Haue  no  drede  my  frend  /  For  well  I  fhalle 
fynde  the  manere  wherby  thow  llialt  be  delyuerd/ 
For    we   lliall    take    my   hufbond/    and   Ihalle 


TF.RTIUS.  8 1 

hange  hym  in  ftcde  of  thy  tliecf/  C  Tlienne 
begaiine  ihe  to  dclue/  aiul  tooke  out  of  tlie  crthc 
her  hulboncl/  and  at  m}t  Ihe  hanged  hym  at 
the  galhows  in  ftede  of  the  other/  and  fayd  to 
the  knyght/  My  ryght  dere  frend  I  pray  the 
that  this  be  kept  well  fecrele/  For  we  doo  hit 
tlieerty/and  thus  the  dede  men  haue  fomme/ 
whiche  make  forowe  for  them/  but  lliat  forowe 
is  fone  gone  and  palFyd/  And  they  whiche  ben 
on  lyue  haue  fome  whiche  drede  them  /  but 
theyr  drede  wantith  and  faylleth  whan  they  ben 

82  LIBER 

C  (C'[)£  tentf)£  fabU  mafeetfj  mracgon  of  tl^e  gong 
man/  anti  of  tlje  comcn  inoman 

MF  the  comyn  and  folyfihe  wymmen 
Efope  reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a 
fable/  Of  a  woman  whiche  had 
to  name  Tahys  /  the  whiche  was 
caufe  by  her  feyned  loue  of  the 
dethe  and  loffe  of  many  yonge  men  /  to  one  of  the 
whiche  flie  had  be  bete  ofte  before  that  tyme  / 
Ihe  fayd  to  hym  in  this  wyfe/  My  ryght  dere 
loue  and  good  frende  /  I  fuppofe  that  of  many 
one  I  am  wel  byloued  and  defpred  /  Neuertheles 
I  fhall  fotte  my  loue  on  thy  felf  alone  /  wherfore 
I  pray  the  that  thow  mayrt  be  myn  /  and  I  fhalle 
be  thyn  for  alle  thy  goodes  I  retche  not/  but 
only  I  defyre  thy  fwete  body  /  And  he  that 
knewe  the  feyntyfe  and  falflieed  of  the  woman  / 
anfuered  to  her  /  ryght  benyngly  and  fwetely  /  thy 
wyll  and  the  myn  ben  both  but  one  alone  /  For 
thow  arte  fhe  whiche  I  mooft  defyre  /  and  the 
whiche  I  fhalle  loue  all  the  terme  of  my  lyf  /  Yf 
thow  deceyue  me  nomore  /  For  by  caufe  that 
thow  haft  decyued  me  in  tyme  paffed  /  I  am 
euer  aferd  of  the/  but  notwithftondynge  this/ 



thow  arte  now  moche  playfaunt  and  fayr  to  the 
lyghte  of  mc/  And  thus  the  one  bcgyled  that 
other/  For  the  loue  of  a  comyn  woman  is  not  to 
be  trulled  /  For  thow  oughtell  to  knowc  and 
thynk  within  thy  felf/  that  the  comyn  and 
folyflh  woman  loue  the  not  /  but  the  loucth  thy 



C  QTi^c  ij  fable  ts  at  tf)e  fatiet  antJ  of  tfje 
Eimlle  fone 

He  good  and  wyfe  fader  ought  to 
chaftyle  his  children  in  theyr  yong 
age  /  and  not  in  theyr  old  age  / 
For  thenne  hit  is  moche  dyffycyle 
to  make  them  bowe  As  to  us 
reciteth  this  fable/  Of  a  fader  of  famylle/ 
whiche  had  a  fone  /  the  whiche  dyd  no  thynge 
that  he  oughte  to  haue  done/  but  euer  was 
goynge  and  playeng  in  the  toune/  And  the 
fader  for  the  cryme  and  myfrewle  of  his  fone 
brawled  euer  and  bete  his  meyny/  And  fayd  to 
them  fuche  a  fable/  Of  a  ploughman  or  la- 
bourer/ whiche  bond  a  bole  by  the  homes  to 
an  oxe  The  booU  wold  not  be  bound  /  and 
fmote  ftrongly  whith  his  feet  after  the  man/  and 
launched  his  homes  at  hym  /  C  And  at  the  laft 
whan  he  was  bound  /  the  labourer  fayd  to  them 
I  haue  ioyned  and  bound  you  bothe  to  gyder/ 
to  thende  that  ye  doofomme  labour/  But  I  wyll 
that  the  left  of  yow  two/  that  is  to  wete  the 
boole/  be  lerned  and  corryged  of  the  mofte/ 
whiche  is  the  oxe/  For  I  muft  fayd  the  labourer 



to  hym  fclf  byiulc  them  thus  to  gyder  /  to  thciule 
that  the  bole/  whiche  is  yong  fyen  and  maly- 
cious  and  Itrong/  fmyie  ne  hurte  nobody/ 
wherot  grete  donimage  myght  come  to  me  /  But 
by  caul'e  that  I  bote  well  /  that  the  oxe  Ihalle 
teche  and  corryge  hym  wel  /  I  haue  put  and 
bound  them  bothe  to  gyder/  CThus  this  fable 
Iheweth  to  vs  /  that  the  fader  ought  to  teche  and 
gyue  good  enfample  to  his  children  and  chaftyfe 
them  whanne  they  be  yong  For  he  that  well 
loueth  /  wel  he  ehalh'reth 



C  Cf)e  iij  fa&Ie  is  of  tije  ferpent 

He  Auctor  that  is  to  wete  Efope 
reherceth  to  vs  fuche  a  fable  of 
two  euyls/  fayeng  that  a  ferpent 
entryd  fom  tyme  within  the  forge 
of  a  fmythe  /  for  to  ferche  fomme 
mete  for  her  dyner/  It  happed/  that  ihe  fond  a 
fyle  whiche  fhe  beganne  to  gnawe  with  her 
teethe/  Thenne  fayd  the  fyle  to  her/  yf  thow 
byte  and  gnawe  me  /  yet  fhalt  thow  doo  to  me 
no  hurte/  but  bytynge  and  gnawyng  on  me/ 
thow  fhalt  hurte  thyn  owne  felf /  For  by  my 
ftrengthe  alle  the  yron  is  planed  by  me  /  And 
therfore  thow  arte  a  foole  to  gnawe  me/  For 
I  telle  the/  that  none  euyll  may  hurte  ne  adom- 
mage  another  as  euylle  as  he  /  Ne  none  wycked 
may  hurte  another  wycked  /  ne  alfo  the  hard 
ageynft  the  hard  flialle  not  breke  eche  other/ 
ne  two  enuyous  men  fhal  not  both  ryde  vpon  an 
afle  /  wherfor  the  myghty  and  ftronge  muft  loue 
hym  whiche  is  as  myghty  and  as  flrong  as  hym 
felf  is 


C  Z\)(  ii'ij  fable  13  of  tl;c  toulucs  auti  of 

t\)t  ff)Cfp 

iHanne  men  haue  a  good  liede/  and 
a  good  dct'cnknir  /  or  a  good  Capi- 
tayne/  men  oughte  not  to  leue 
hym/  for  he  that  leueth  hym  re- 
pcnteth  hym  alter  ward  of  hit/  as 
to  vs  reherceth  this  fable/  Of  the  iheep  whiche 
liad  werre  and  defcencion  with  the  wolues  /  And 
by  caufe  that  the  wuhies  made  to  ftronge  werre 
ageynft  the  Iheep/  the  Ihepe  thenne  tooke  for 
theyr  help  the  dogges/  and  the  whethers  ahb/ 
And  thenne  was  the  bataylle  of  the  ftieep  fo  grate 
and  fo  llronge  /  &  fought  fo  vygoroully  ageynll 
the  wolues  that  they  put  them  to  fly3t  C  And 
whanne  the  wolues  fawe  the  ftrengthe  of  theyr 
aduerfaryes/  they  fent  an  ambalTade  toward  the 
iheep  for  to  trete  the  pees  with  them  /  the  whiche 
Ambalfade  fayd  to  the  iheep  in  this  maner/  yf 
ye  wylle  g>'ue  us  the  dogges/  we  fhalle  fwere 
vnto  yow  oure  feythe  /  that  we  Ihalle  ncuer  kepe 
ne  hold  werre  ageynll  yow  /  And  the  iheep 
anfuerd  /  yf  ye  wylle  gyue  vs  your  fayth  /  we 
Ihalle  be  content  /    And  thus  they  made  pees  to 


88  LIBER 

gyder/  but  the  wulues  kyld  the  dogges/  whiche 
were  capytayns  and  prote6tours  of  the  Iheep  / 
And  the  dogges  dyde  but  lytyll  hurteto  the  wulues/ 
wherfore    whanne  the  lytyl  and   yong   wulues 
were  growen  in  theyr  age  /  they  came  of  eche 
part  and  countrey  /  and  affembled  them  to  gyder  / 
and  all  of  one  accord  and  wylle  layd  to  theyr 
aunceftres  and  faders/  we  muft  ete  vp  alle  the 
iheep  /    And  theyr  faders  anfuerd  thus  to  them  / 
we  haue  made  pees  with  them/  Neuertheles  the 
yonge  wolues  brake  the  pees  and  ranne  fyerfly 
vpon  the  iheep/  and  theyr  faders  wente   after 
them  /     C  And  thus  by  caufe  that  the  flieep  had 
delyuerd  the  dogges  to  the  wolues  /  the  whiche 
were  theyr  capitayns  /  and  that  they  had  none 
that   kepte  them  /  they  were  all  eten  and  de- 
uoured  of  the  wulues/    Therfore  hit  is  good  to 
kepe  well  his  capytayne  /  whiche  may  at  a  nede 
o-yue   focor  and  helpe  /    For  a    trewe  trend    is 
oftyme  better  at  a  nede  than  a  Royalme/  For 
yf  the  fheep  had  kepte  the  loue  of  the  dogges/ 
the  wolues  had  neuer  deuoured  them  /  wherfore 
it  is  a  lure  thynge  to  kepe  wel  the  loue  of  his 
protedour  and  good  frende/ 



C  liiij  fnblf  is  of  ttjf  man  anti  of  tfjt  bjooti 

that  gyiioth  aydc  and  help  to  his 
enemy  is  caufe  of  his  dethe  /  as 
rccvteth  tliis  fable  of  a  man 
['_i  :  A^-^J;!  whiclie  made  an  axe  /  And  after 
that  he  had  made  his  axe/  lie 
alked  of  the  trees/  and  fayd  /  ye  trees  gyue  yow 
to  me  a  handle  /  and  the  trees  were  content  / 
C  And  whanne  he  had  maade  faft  his  handle  to 
the  axe/  he  began  to  cutte  and  throwe  doune  to 
the  ground  alle  the  trees/  wherfore  the  oke  and 
tlie  aflhe  layd  /  yf  we  be  cutte  /  hit  is  wel  tyght 
and  reafon  /  For  to  oure  owne  felf  we  ben  cut 
aiul  thrawen  doune/  C  And  thus  hit  is  not 
good  to  put  hym  felf  in  to  the  daunger  and  fub- 
iection  of  his  enemye  /  ne  to  helpe  hym  for  to 
be  adomaged  /  as  thou  maift  fee  by  this  prefente 
table  /  For  men  ought  not  to  gyue  the  llaf  by 
whiche  they  may  be  beten  with 

90  LIBER 

C  W^z  lii  fa6l£  10  of  t|^e  toulf  aiiH  of  tf)e  "fiogge. 

lyberte  or  freedome  is  a  moche  fwete 
thynge  /  as  Elope  reherceth  by 
this  fable  /  of  a  wulf  and  of  a 
dogge  whiche  by  aduenture  mette 
to  gyder/  wherfore  the  wulf  de- 
maunded  of  the  dogge/  wherof  arte  thow  fo 
fatte  and  fo  playfaunt  /  And  the  dogge  anfuerd 
to  hym  /  I  haue  wel  kepte  my  lordes  hows  /  & 
haue  barked  after  the  theues  whiche  came  in  the 
hows  of  my  mayfter  /  wherfore  he  and  his  meyny 
gyue  to  me  plente  of  good  mete  /  wherof  I  am 
fatte  and  playfaunt/  and  the  wulf  fayd  thenne 
to  hym  /  It  is  wel  fayd  my  broder  /  Certaynly 
fyth  thow  arte  fo  wel  atte  thyn  eafe  and  fareft  fo 
wel  I  haue  grete  defyre  to  dwelle  with  the/  to 
thende  that  thow  &  I  make  but  one  dyner/  wel 
fayd  the  dogge  /  come  on  with  me  yf  thow  wylt 
be  as  wel  at  thyn  eafe  as  I  am  /  and  haue  thou 
no  doubte  of  no  thynge  /  The  wulf  wente  with 
the  dogge/  and  as  they  wente  by  the  way/  the 
wulf  beheld  the  dogges  neck/  whiche  was  al 
bare  of  here/  and  demaunded  of  the  dogge/ 
My  broder  why  is  thy  neck  fo  Ihauen  /  And  the 



dog  anfuered/  it  is  by  caufe  of  my  c;rctc  color 
of  yron  /  to  the  whiclie  dayly  I  am  falted  /  And 
at  nyglit  I  am  vnbouiul  for  to  kcpc  the  hows  the 
better/  Thenne  layd  the  wulf  to  the  doggc/ 
This  I  wyllie  ne  iiede  not  /  For  I  that  am  in 
lyberte/  wylle  not  be  put  in  no  fubiedlion  /  And 
therefor  for  to  fylle  my-  bely  /  I  wylle  not  be 
fubget  /  yf  thou  be  acuftommed  for  to  be  bound  / 
contynue  thow  in  hit  /  and  I  Ihalle  lyue  as  I 
am  wonte  and  acuftomed  /  therfore  there  is  no 
rychelle  gretter  /  than  lybete  /  for  lyberte  is 
better  than  alle  the  gold  of  the  world  / 

92  LIBER 

C  iH^z  lijj  fable  tnakctlf  nt£nct0n  of  tl^e  j^anties  / 
of  tf)£  f ££t  /  antj  of  t\)z  mans  ftelg 

^Ow  fhalle  one  do  ony  good  to  an- 
other /  the  whiche  can  doo  no 
good  to  his  owne  felf/  as  thow 
mayft  fee  by  this  fable/  Of  the 
feet  and  of  the  handes  /  whiche 
fomtyme  had  gredeftryf  with  the  bely  /  fayenge  / 
Al  that  we  can  or  may  wynne  with  grete  labour 
thow  eteft  it  all  /  and  yet  thou  dooft  no  good  / 
wherfore  thou  Ihalt  no  more  haue  nothynge 
of  vs/  and  we  llialle  lete  the  deye  for  honger/ 
And  thenne  when  the  bely  was  empty  and  fore 
hongry/  fhe  beganne  to  crye  and  fayd  Alias  I 
deye  for  honger/  gyue  me  fomwhat  to  ete/  and 
the  feet  and  handes  fayd  /  thou  geteft  no  thynge 
of  vs/  and  by  caufe  that  the  bely  myght  haue  no 
mete/  the  conduyts  thorugh  whiche  the  metes 
pafleth  became  fmal  and  narowe/  And  within 
fewe  dayes  after  the  feete  and  handes  for  the 
feblenes  whiche  they  felte  wold  thenne  haue 
guuen  mete  to  the  bely  /  but  it  was  to  late  /  for 
the  conduits  were  ioyned  to  gyder  And  therfore 
the  lymmes  myght  doo  no  good  to  other/  that 


is  to  wete  the  bcly/  And  he  that  gouernetli  not 
wel  liis  bely  withe  grete  payne  he  may  liold  the 
other  lymmes  in  theyr  llrengthe  and  vertuc/ 
wherfore  a  feruaunt  ought  to  I'erue  wel  his 
mayller/  to  thende  that  his  niayller  hold  and 
kepe  hvm  honelUy  /  and  to  rcceyue  and  haue 
good  reward  of  hym  /  when  his  mayllcr  ihalle 
fee  his  t'eythtulnclle 



C  Cfjc  i&ij  fable  IS  of  i^t  ^pe  anti  of  tfje  foie. 

ua^^'iF  the  poure  and  of  the  Ryche  Efope 
reherceth  fuche  a  fable  /  Of  an 
ape/  whiche  prayd  the  foxe  to 
gyue  hym  fomme  of  his  grete 
taylle  for  to  couere  his  buttokes 
therwith/  fayenge  thus  to  hym/  what  auaylleth 
to  the  foo  long  a  taylle/  hit  doth  but  wagge/ 
And  that  whiche  letteth  the/  fhalle  be  prouffit- 
able  and  good  for  me/  The  foxe  faid  to  hym 
I  wold  that  hit  were  yet  lenger/  For  rather  I 
wold  fee  hit  al  to  fowled  and  dagged  /  than  hit 
Ihold  here  to  yow  fuche  honour/  as  to  couere 
thy  fowle  buttoks  therwith  /  And  therfore  gyue 
thou  not  that  thynge  of  whiche  thow  haft  nede 
of/  to  the  ende  that  afterward  thow  myfter  not 
of  hit 



C  vTijc  lUiij  fnbic  is  of  i{)c  marchnunt  nnti 
of  tl)f  ns3£ 




Kit  joxz 








any  one  ben  trauaylled  after  ihcyr 
dcthe  /  wherfore  men  ought  not 
to  defyre  the  dethe/  As  reherceth 
Elope  by  this  fable/  Of  a  mar- 
chaunt  whiche  ladde  an  afle  laden 
vnto  the  market/  And  for  to  be  ilie  fooner  at 
the  market/  he  bete  his  afTe/  and  fore  prycked 
hym/  wherfore  the  poure  alfe  wyflhed  &  defyred 
his  owne  deth  /  wenyng  to  hyni  that  after  his 
dethe  he  fliold  be  in  refte/  And  after  that  he 
had  be  wel  bete  and  chaced  he  deyde/  And 
his  mayfter  made  hym  to  be  flayne/  and  of  his 
fkynne  he  dyd  doo  make  tumbours  whiche  ben 
euer  bete/  And  thus  for  what  payne  that  men 
ujay  haue  durynge  his  lyf/  he  ought  not  to 
defyre  and  wylThe  his  dethe/  For  many  one 
ben/  whiche  haue  grete  payne  in  this  world 
that  fliall  haue  a  gretter  in  the  other  world/ 
For  the  man  hath  no  refte  for  the  dethe  but  for 
his  merytes 



C  2r]^e  iti  fable  is  of  tfje  fjerte  anti  of  tf)£  oie 

Nely  for  to  flee  is  alTured  to  fcape 
the  daunger  wherfore  he  fleeth  / 
As  thow  fhalt  nowe  fee  by  this 
fable  /  Of  a  herte  whiche  rane 
by  fore  the  dogges  /  and  to  thende 
that  he  fliold  not  be  take/  he  fledde  in  to  the 
fyrft  toun  that  he  found/  &  entryd  in  to  a  ftable 
where  as  many  oxen  were  /  to  whom  he  fayd  the 
caufe  why  he  was  come  there  /  prayeng  them 
fwetely  that  they  wold  faue  hym  /  And  the 
oxen  fayd  then  to  hym  /  Alias  poure  herte  thow 
arte  amonge  vs  euylle  adreffyd/  thow  fholdelt 
be  more  furely  in  the  feldes  C  For  yf  thow  be 
perceyued  or  fene  of  the  oxeherd  or  els  of  the 
mayfter  /  Certaynly  thow  arte  but  dede  /  Helas 
for  god  &  for  pyte  I  praye  yow  that  ye  wylle 
hyde  me  within  your  racke  /  and  that  ye  deceyue 
me  not/  and  at  nyght  next  comynge/  I  fhalle 
goo  hens  /  and  ihalle  putte  my  felf  in  to  a  fure 
place/  CAnd  whanne  the  feruaunts  came  for 
to  gyue  hey  to  the  oxen  /  they  dyd  caft  heye 
before  the  oxen  /  and  wente  ageyne  theyre  waye 
and  fawe  not  the  hert  /  wherof  the  herte  was 
gretely  reioyflhed  wenynge  to  haue  fcaped  the 



penile  of  dethe/  He  tlifime  rendred  thnnke 
and  grace  to  the  oxen/  and  one  of  the  oxen  I'ayd 
tohym/  It  is  facyle  to  fcape  out  of  the  handes 
of  the  blynd  but  hit  is  not  facyle  to  fcape  out  of 
the  handes  of  liym  thet  feeth  wel  /  For  yf  oure 
mayfter  come  hyther  whiche  hath  more  than  an 
honderd  even/  Certayn  thow  arte  deed  yf  he 
perceyue  the  C  And  yf  he  fee  the  not  /  cer- 
taynly  thow  arte  laued  /  and  llialt  goo  forthe  on 
thy  waye  furely/ 

The  mayfter  within  a  lliort  whyle  after  entryd 
in  to  the  ftable/  And  after  he  comniaunded  to 
vyfyte  and  fee  the  hey  /  whiche  was  before  his 
oxen  /  And  hym  felf  went  and  tafted  /  yf  they 
had  ynough  of  hit  /  And  as  he  tafted  thus  the 
heye/  he  felt  the  homes  of  the  herte  with  his 
hand/  and  to  liyni  felf  he  fayd  /  what  is  that 
that  I  fele  here  /  and  bcynge  dredeful  called  alle 
his  feruauntes  /  and  demaunded  of  the  manere 
how  the  herte  was  come  thyder/  And  they  fayd 
to  hym/  my  lord  I  knowe  nothynge  therof/ 
And  the  lord  was  full  gladde  and  made  the 
herte  to  be  taken  and  ftayne  /  and  maade  a  grete 
feeft  for  to  haue  ete  hym/  Therfore  it  happeth 
oftyme/  that  he  whiche  fuppofeth  to  flee  is 
taken  and  hold  within  the  lace  or  nette/  For  he 
that  fleeth  awey  is  in  grete  perylle/  wherfore 
men  ought  wel  to  kepe  them  felf  to  doo  fuche 
dede/  that  they  muft  nedes  flee  therfore 

98  LIBER 

C  STfjc  XI  fable  tna^tct]^  mrnrion  of  tfjc  fallace  of 
t!jc  loon/  ^nti  of  fiis  conuersacion 


^^^^S^O  conuerfe  with  foike  of  euylle  lyf 
"^^l  is  a  thyng  moche  peryllous  /  And 
only  to  fpeke  with  them  letteth 
moch  other/  As  this  fable  reher- 
ceth  of  a  lyon  ryght  ftrong  and 
ryght  myghty  /  the  whiche  made  hym  felf  kynge 
for  to  haue  grate  renommee  and  glorye  /  And  fro 
thenne  forthon  he  beganne  to  chaunge  his  con- 
dycions  and  cuftomme  Ihewing  hym  felf  curtois  / 
and  fwore  that  he  Ihold  hurte  no  beftes  /  but 
fhold  kepe  them  ageynft  euery  one  /  And  of  this 
promelTe  he  repented  hym  by  caufe  hit  is  moche 
dytfycyle  and  hard  to  chaunge  his  owne  kynd  / 
And  therfore  whanne  he  was  angry/  he  lad 
with  hym  fomme  fmalle  beeftes  in  to  a  fecrete 
place  for  to  ete  and  deceyue  them  /  And  de- 
maunded  of  them  /  yf  his  mouthe  ftanke  or  not  / 
And  alle  they  that  fayd  that  it  ftanke  or  not 
were  al  faued  /  And  alle  they  the  whiche  an- 
fuered  not  he  kylled/  &  deuoured  them  al/  It 
happed  that  he  demaunded  of  the  Ape/  yf  his 
mouthe  ftanke  or  not  /   And  thape  fayd  no  but 



that  liit  riiiclletli  lyke  bame/  And  thenne  the 
lyon  had  lliame  to  llee  the  ape  /  but  he  tond  a 
grete  taUlieed  for  to  put  hym  to  dethe/  He 
fayned  to  be  feke  and  conimaunded  that  al  his 
leches  A:  Cyrurgyens  ihold  anone  come  vnto  hyni  / 
whan  they  were  come/  he  commaunded  them 
to  loke  his  vryne/  And  whan  they  had  I'ene  hit/ 
they  layd  to  hym  /  Syre  ye  Ihalle  Ibone  be  hole  / 
But  ye  mull  ete  lyght  metes/  And  by  caule 
that  ye  be  kynge  /  alle  is  at  your  commaunde- 
ment/  And  the  lyon  anfuerd  Alias  Ryght  tayne 
I  wold  ete  of  an  Ape/  Certaynly  fayd  the 
medecyn  that  fame  is  good  mete/  Thenne  was 
the  Ape  fente  for  And  notwiihltondyng  that 
he  worlhipfuUy  fpak  and  anfuerd  to  the  kynge/ 
the  kynge  made  hym  to  dye/  and  deuoured 
hym  CTherfore  hit  is  peryllous  and  harmeful 
to  be  in  the  felaulhip  of  a  Tyraunt  /  For  be  hit 
euylle  or  good  he  wylle  ete  and  deuoure  euery 
thynge/  And  wel  happy  is  he/  that  may  ecape 
fro  his  blody  handes/  And  that  may  efchewe 
and  flee  the  felaulhip  of  the  eyyll  tyraunt 

C  %]txt  fonosshfli  t{)£  tl)Drl)t)c  boolu  of  tlje 
fubtnlc  fables  of  Csope  / 



C  SEfje  ti^tst  fable  tnakct]^  meTtcgon  of  ii}Z  foie 
antJ  at  tfje  ragsgns 

E  is  not  wyfe  /  that  defyreth  to  haue 
a  thynge  whiche  he  may  not 
haue/  As  reciteth  this  fable  Of 
a  foxe  /  whiche  loked  and  beheld 
the  rayfyns  that  grewe  vpon  an 
hyghe  vyne  /  the  whiche  rayfyns  he  moche 
defyred  for  to  ete  them  C  And  whanne  he 
fawe  that  none  he  myght  gete/  he  torned  his 
forowe  in  to  loye/   and  fayd  thefe  rayfyns  ben 

fowre  / 

QUART  us. 


lowre  /  and  yf  I  had  Iuiik-  I  wold  not  cte  them  / 
And  tliertorc  this  tabic  ihcwetli  that  he  is  wyfe/ 
wliichc  t'lyncih  not  to  del'yre  that  tliynge  the 
whiche  he  may  not  haue/ 



C  2E]^E  seconli  fable  10  of  tfje  atmcoent  toesel  anti 
of  tfje  rat  / 

Ytte  is  better  than  force  or  ftrengthe/ 
As  reherceth  to  vs  this  fable  of 
an  old  wefel/  the  whiche  myghte 
no  more  take  no  rats/  wherfore 
fhe  was  ofte  fore  hongry  and  be- 
thought her  that  flie  fhold  hyde  her  felf  with- 
ynne  theflowrefor  to  take  the  rats  whiche  came 
there  for  to  etc  hit.  And  as  the  rats  came  to  the 
floure  /  Ihe  took  and  ete  them  eche  one  after 
other/  And  as  the  oldeft  rat  of  all  perceyued 
&  knewe  her  malyce  /  he  fayd  thus  in  hym 
felf/  Certaynly  I  fhalle  kepe  me  wel  fro  the  / 
For  I  knowe  alle  thy  malyce  &  falfhede  CAnd 
therfore  he  is  wyfe  that  fcapeth  the  wytte  and 
malyce  of  eyylle  folke/  by  wytte  and  not  by 

QUART  us. 


C  ^\)C  tln'ilic  fable  is  of  tlir  toulf  an^  of  tlir 
sfifcpf]crtj  anti  of  tiic  fnmtcr 

Any  folke  Ihewe  themfelf  good  by 
theyr  wordes  whiche  are  ful  of 
grete  tantafyes  /  As  reherceth  to 
vs  thys  fable  of  a  wulf  whiche 
fledde  byfore  the  hunter/  and  as 
he  fledde  he  mette  with  a  flieepherd  /  to  whome 
he  faid  my  frende  I  praye  the  that  thow  telle 
not  to  hym  that  folowith  me  whiche  wey  I  am 
gone/  &  the  Iheep  herd  faid  to  hym  haue  no 
drede  ne  fere  nothynge  /  For  I  Ihalle  not  accule 
the/  For  I  Ihalle  Ihewe  to  hym  another  way/ 
And  as  the  hunter  came/  he  demaunded  of  the 
flieepherd  yf  he  had  fcne  the  wulf  paffe/  And 
the  hunter  both  with  the  heed  and  of  the  even 
Ihewed  to  the  hunter  the  place  where  the  wulf 
was/  &c  with  the  hand  and  the  tongue  Ihcwed 
alle  the  contrarye  /  And  incontynent  the  hunter 
vnderftood  hym  wel  /  But  the  wulf  whiche  per- 
ceyued  wel  all  the  fayned  maners  of  the  Ihcep- 
herd  fled  awey  /  C  And  within  a  lytyl  whylle 
after  the  Iheepherd  encountred  and  mette  with 
the  wulf/  to  whome  he  fayd/  paye  me  of  that 


104  LIBER 

I  haue  kepte  the  fecrete  /  (I  And  thenne  the 
wulf  anluered  to  hym  in  this  maner/  I  thanke 
thyn  handes  and  thy  tongue  /  and  not  thyn  hede 
ne  thyn  eyen/  For  by  them  I  lliold  haue  ben 
betrayed/  yf  I  had  not  fledde  aweye/  CAnd 
therfore  men  mull  not  trulle  in  hym  that  hatli 
two  faces  and  two  tongues/  for  fuche  folk  is 
lyke  and  femblable  to  the  fcorpion  /  the  whiche 
enoynteth  with  his  tongue/  and  prycketh  fore 
with  his  taylle 

QUART  us.  105 

C  Z\)t  fouitf)  fablt  is  of  Euno  tf]f  goTJtJcssc  ant) 
of  tbc  peroh  nntj  of  tlic  nggbtgngalc 

'Very  one  oughte  to  be  content  of 
kynde  /  and  of  fuche  good  as  god 
hath  fente  vnto  hym/  wherof  he 
muft  vfe  lullly/  As  reherceth 
this  fable  of  a  pecok  whiche  came 
to  luno  the  goddelfe/  and  fayd  to  her  I  am 
heuy  and  forowful  /  by  caufe  I  can  not  fynge 
as  wel  as  the  nyghtyngale  For  euery  one 
mocketh  and  fcorneth  me/  by  caufe  I  can  not 
fynge/  And  luno  would  comforte  hym  and 
fayd/  thy  fayre  forme  and  beaute  is  fayrer  and 
more  worthy  and  of  gretter  preyfynge  than  the 
fonge  of  the  nyghtyngale/  B'or  thy  fethers  and 
thy  colour  ben  refplendyUhyng  as  the  precious 
Emerawd  And  theyr  is  no  byrde  lyke  to  thy 
fethers  ne  to  thy  bcaulte/  C  And  the  pecok 
fayd  thenne  to  luno/  All  this  is  nought  /  fyth 
I  can  not  fynge  /  And  thenne  luno  fayd  ageyne 
thus  to  the  pecok  for  to  contente  hym/  This  is 
in  the  defpofycion  of  the  goddes  /  whiche  haue 
gyuen  to  eyther  of  yow  one  propyrle/  and  one 
vertue/   fuche  as  it   pleafyd   them/     As  to  the 


io6  LIBER 

they  haue  gyuen  fayr  fygure  /  to  the  egle  haue 
they  gyuen  ftrengthe/  and  to  the  nyghtyngale 
fayr  &  playlaut  Ibnge  /  And  fo  to  all  other 
byrdes  /  wherfore  euery  one  muft  be  content 
of  that  that  he  hath  For  the  myferable  auary- 
cious  /  the  more  goodes  that  they  haue  the  more 
they  defyre  to  haue 



C  €\}t  b  fable  makctfi  mention  of  tlic  pantijirr 
antJ  of  tijc  fa^laons 

Very  one  ought  to  do  wel  to  the 
ftraunger  and  forgyue  to  the 
myferable/  As  reherceth  this 
fable  of  a  panthere  whiche  fylle  in 
to  a  pytte/  And  whan  the  vy- 
laynes  or  chorles  of  the  country  fawe  her/ 
fomme  of  them  beganne  to  fniyte  on  her/  and 
the  other  fayd  pardonne  and  forgyue  her/  for 
Ihe  hath  hurted  no  body  /  and  other  were  that 
r'af  to  her  breed  /  And  another  fayd  to  the 
vylayns/  beware  ye  well  that  ye  ilee  her  not/ 
And  by  caufe  that  they  were  al  of  dyuerfe  wyll  / 
euerychone  of  them  wente  and  retorned  home 
ageyne  wenynge  that  flie  fliold  deye  within  the 
fayd  pytte  /  but  lytyl  and  lytyl  (he  clymmed  vp  / 
and  wente  to  her  hows  ageyne/  and  made  her 
to  be  wel  medicyned  /  in  fo  moche  /  that  foone 
llie  was  al  hole/  C  And  within  a  whylle  after 
fhe  hauynge  in  her  memorye  the  grete  Iniurye 
that  had  be  done  to  her  came  ageyne  to  the 
place  where  ihe  had  be  hurte  and  fore  bete/  & 
began  to  kylle  &  flee  al  the  belles  whiche  were 


io8  LIBER 

there  about  and  put  al  the  llieepherds  and  fwyne- 
herds  &  other  whiche  kepte  beeftes  all  to  flyght  / 
Ihe  brente  the  Corne  &  many  other  euyl  and 
grate  harme  Ihe  dyd  then  aboute/  And  whanne 
the  folke  of  the  country  fawe  the  grete  dom- 
mage  that  llie  dyd  to  them  /  they  came  toward 
her/  prayenge  that  lliewold  haue  pyteon  them/ 
And  to  them  Ihe  anfuerd  in  this  manere  /  I  am 
not  come  hyther  to  take  vengeaunce  on  them 
whiche  haue  had  pyte  and  myierycorde  of  me/ 
but  only  on  them  that  wold  haue  llayne  me/ 
And  for  the  wycked  and  euyele  folk  I  recyte  this 
fable/  to  thende  that  they  hurte  no  body/  For 
yf  alle  the  vylaynes  hadde  hadde  pyte/  the  one 
as  the  other  of  the  poure  panthere  or  ferpent 
whiche  was  ftraunger  and  myferable  /  as  moche 
as  (he  was  fallen  in  to  the  pytte  /  the  for  I'ayd 
euylle  and  dommyge  had  not  come  to  them 

QUARTUS.  109 

C  CTlic  bi  fafalc  is  of  t!]c  borfjcrs  nntj  of  tf)c 

jHanne  a  lygnage  or  kynred  is  in- 
dyrferent  or  indyuyfvon  /  not 
lyghtly  theyllialledoo  ony  thynge 
to  theyr  falute/  as  reherceth  to  vs 
this  fable/  Of  a  bocher  whiche 
entryd  within  a  rtable  full  of  whethers  /And  after 
as  the  whethers  fawe  hym  /  none  of  them  fayd 
one  word/  And  the  bocher  toke  the  fyrfl  that 
he  fonde/  CThenne  tlic  whethers  fpake  al  to 
gyder  and  fayd/  lete  him  doo  what  he  wylle/ 
And  thus  the  bocher  tooke  him  all  one  after 
another  fauf  one  onely/  And  as  he  wold  haue 
taken  the  laft  /  the  poure  whether  fayd  to  hym  / 
lulllv  I  am  worthy  to  be  take/  by  caufe  I  haue 
not  holpen  my  felawes/  For  he  that  wylle  not 
hclpe  ne  comforte  other  /  ought  not  to  demaunde 
or  alke  helpe  ne  comforte  /  For  vertue  whiche  is 
vnyed  is  belter  than  vertue  feparate 


C  STfie  feumt]^  fable  10  of  tlje  faiDltoner  anti  of 

He  wyfe  ought  to  kepe  and  obferue 
the  good  couceyll  /  And  in  no 
wyfe  they  ought  not  to  doo  the 
contrarye/  As  reherceth  to  vs 
this  fable  /  Of  the  byrdes  whiche 
were  loyeful  and  gladde/  as  the  prymtemps 
came/  by  caufe  that  theyr  neftes  were  thenne  al 
couerd  with  leues/  And  Incontynent  they  be- 
held and  fawe  a  fawkoner  whiche  drelfyd  and 
leyd  laces  and  nettes  for  to  take  them/  C  And 
thenne  they  fayd  al  to  gyder  /  Yonder  man  hath 
pyte  of  vs  /  For  whanne  he  beholdeth  vs  he 
wepeth  /  C  And  thenne  the  pertryche  /  whiche 
had  experymented  and  alfayed  all  the  deceytes 
of  the  fayd  Fawkoner/  fayd  to  them/  kepe  yow 
alle  wel  fro  that  fayd  man  and  flee  hyghe  in  to 
the  ayer  /  For  he  feketh  nothynge  /  but  the 
manere  for  to  take  yow  /  or  to  the  markette  he 
flialle  here  yow  for  to  be  fold  /  And  they  that 
byleuyd  his  couceylle  were  faued/  And  they 
that  byleuyed  it  not  were  taken  and  loft  /  C  And 
therfore  they  whiche  byleue  good  councylle  are 
delyuerd  oute  of  theyr  peryles  /  And  they  whiche 
byleue  it  not  ben  euer  in  grete  daunger 

QUART  us. 


-r         ^j^S.  S   tyme  pafled   men   preyfyd   more 

•^i  S^  ^''^  *"^'^^"  *""  "^  •^''>'"gcs  and  falf- 
vf,}^,  Ifei^  hrde  llian  the  man  tuUot"  troiuhe/ 
the  whiche  thynge  regneth  gretely 
vnto  this  daye/  As  we  may  lee 
by  this  prelent  table/  Of  the  man  of  trouthe 
and  of  the  man  lyar  /  whiche  went  to  gyder 
thorugh  the  countrey  /  And  fo  h)nge  they  wente 
to  gyder  by  theyr  journeyes/  that  they  came  in 
to  tiie  prouynce  of  the  apes/  And  the  kynge  of 
thapes  made  them  bothe  to  be  taken  and  brought 
before  hym  And  he  beynge  in  his  Royal  magefte  / 
where  as  he  fatte  lyke  an  Emperour/  and  alle 
his  Apes  aboute  hym  /  as  the  fubgets  ben  aboute 
theyr  lord/  wold  haue  demaunded/  and  in  dede 
he  demaunded  of  the  Iyer  /  who  am  I  /  And  the 
lefynge  maker  and  Haterer  layd  to  hym/  thow 
arte  emperour  and  kynge/  the  fayrell  creature 
that  is  on  earthe/  C  And  after  the  kynge  de- 
maunded of  hym  ageyne  /  who  ben  thefe  whiche 
ben  al  aboute  me  /  And  the  lyar  anfuerd  /  Syre 
they  ben  thy  knyghtes  &  your  fubgcttes  for  to 


112  LIBER 

kepe  your  perfone  /  and  your  Royalme/  And 
thenne  the  kynge  fayd  thow  arte  a  good  man  /  I 
wylle  that  thow  be  my  grete  ftyward  of  my 
houlliold  /  and  that  euery  one  here  to  the  honour 
and  reuerence/  And  whan  the  man  of  trouthe 
herd  alia  this  he  fayd  to  hym  felf/  yf  this  man 
for  to  haue  made  lefynges  is  foo  gretely  en- 
haunced  /  thenne  by  gretter  rayfon  /  I  fhalle 
be  more  worlhipped  and  enhaunced  /  yf  I  faye 
trouthe  /  C  And  after  the  kynge  wold  afke  the 
trewe  man  /  and  demaunded  of  hym  /  who  am 
I  /  and  alle  that  ben  aboute  me  /  And  thenne 
the  man  of  trouthe  anfuerd  thus  to  hym  /  thow 
arte  an  ape  and  a  befte  ryght  abhomynable/ 
And  alle  they  whiche  ben  aboute  the  are  lyke 
and  femblable  to  the/  CThe  kynge  thenne 
commaunded  that  he  Ihold  be  broken  and  toren 
with  teeth  and  clawes  and  put  alle  in  to  pycees  / 
And  therfore  it  happeth  ofte  that  the  lyers  and 
flaterers  ben  enhanced  /  and  the  men  of  trouthe 
ben  fet  alowe  and  put  aback  /  For  oftyme  for 
to  faye  trouthe  men  lefe  theyre  lyues  /  the  whiche 
thynge  is  ageynft  luftyce  and  equyte 

QUART  us. 


C  nrijc  II  fable  is  of  t!)c  bors  /  of  tl]c  IjunUr  ant) 

of  lt]C  \}CXt/ 

P,Onc  ought  to  put  hym  felf  in  lubiec- 
tion  tor  to  auenge  hym  on  other/ 
-i-  >  )  I  ^"'"  ^<^^^^''  '^  "°^  *°  fubmytte  hym- 
'^ik^^'-'  lelf/  than  after  to  be  lubmytted  / 
As  reherceth  to  vs  this  fable/  Of 
an  hors  whiche  had  enuye  ouer  an  herte  /  by 
caufe  the  herte  was  fayrer  than  he  /  and  tlie 
hors  by  enuye  went  vnto  an  hunter/  to  whome 
he  fayd  in  this  manere/  yf  thow  wylt  byleue 
me/  we  llialle  this  day  take  a  good  prove/ 
Lcpe  vpon  my  bak  /  and  take  thy  fwerd  /  and 
we  flialle  chace  the  herte/  and  thow  Ihalt  hytte 
hym  with  thy  fwerd/  and  kylle  hym/  and 
Ihalt  take  hym/  and  thenne  his  fleflhe  thow 
mayft  ete/  and  his  fkynne  thow  mayfl.  felle/ 

C  And  thenne  the  hunter  moued  by  auaryce  / 
demaunded  of  the  hors/  thynkeft  thow  by  thy 
feythe  that  we  may  take  the  herte/  of  whomme 
thow  fpckeft  to  me  of/  C  And  the  horsanfwcrd 
thus/  SutFyfe  the/  For  thcr  to  I  flialle  put  al 
my  dylygence  and  alle  my  ftrengthe/  lcpe  vpon 
me/    and    doo   after    my    counccyllc/      C  And 



114  LIBER 

tlienne  the  Hunter  lepte  forthwith  vpon  the 
hors  backe/  And  the  hors  beganne  to  renne 
after  the  herte/  And  whanne  the  herte  fawe  / 
hym  come  he  fled  /  And  by  caufe  that  the  hert 
ranne  fafter/  than  the  hors  did/  he  fcaped  fro 
them  /  and  faued  hym  /  C  And  thenne  when  the 
hors  fawe  and  felte  hym  moche  wery  /  and  that 
he  myght  no  more  renne  /  he  fayd  to  the  hunter 
in  this  manere/  alyght  fro  my  back/  For  I  may 
bere  the  no  more  and  haue  myft  of  my  proye  / 
Thenne  fayd  the  hunter  to  the  hors  Syth  thow 
arte  entryd  in  to  my  handes  /  yet  fhalt  not  thow 
efcape  thus  fro  me  /  thow  haft  the  brydel  in  thy 
mouthe  wherby  thow  mayeft  be  kepte  ftylle  and 
arrefted  /  And  thow  wylt  lepe  /  the  fadell  fhalle 
faue  me  /  And  yf  thow  wylt  cafte  thy  feet  fro 
the/  I  haue  good  fpores  for  to  conftrayne  and 
make  the  goo  whether  thow  wylt  or  not  where 
as  I  wylle  haue  the/  And  therfore  kepe  the 
wel  /  that  thow  {heweft  not  thy  felf  rebelle  vnto 
me/  C Therfore  it  is  not  good  to  put  and 
fubmytte  hym  felf  vnder  the  handes  of  other 
wenynge  therby  to  be  auenged  of  hym  /  ageynfte 
whome  men  haue  enuye  /  For  who  fubmytteth 
hym  felf  vnder  the  myght  of  other/  he  byndeth 
hym  felf  to  hym 

QUART  us. 


C  5rf)e  tmtf)C  fable  is  of  tlic  assr  anti  of  tfir  Igon 

He  grete  callers  by  thcyr  liyghc  and 
lowd  crye  luppofen  to  make  folke 
aterd/  As  recyteth  this  fable/  Of 
an  alfe  whiche  fomtynie  mette 
with  a  lyon  /  to  the  whiche  the 
aire  fayd  /  lette  vs  clymme  vpon  the  montayne  / 
and  I  Ihalle  rtiewe  to  the/  how  the  beeftes  ben 
aferd  of  me/  and  the  lyon  beganne  to  fmyle/ 
and  he  anfuerd  to  the  alVe/  Goo  we  my  broder/ 
And  whan  they  were  on  the  top  of  the  hylle/ 
the  alfe  byganne  to  crj'e/  And  the  foxe  and 
hares  beganne  to  flee/  And  whanne  thafle  faw 
them  flee  fayd  to  tlie  lyon/  Seell  thow  not  how 
thefe  beeftes  dreden  and  doubten  me  /  and  the 
lyon  fayde  /  I  had  ben  afo  ferdtuU  of  thy  voys/ 
yf  I  had  not  knowen  veryly  that  thow  arte  but 
an  afle  /  C  And  therfore  men  nede  not  double 
ne  drede  hym  that  auanceth  hym  felf  for  to  do 
that  that  he  may  not  doo/  For  god  kepe  the 
mone  fro  the  wulues/  Ne  alfo  men  nede  not 
doubtc  a  foole  for  his  menaces  /  ne  for  his  hyghe 


C  3rf)e  ij  fa6Ie  is  of  tf)e  l^atofte  antJ  of  atfjcr 

^^^^'He  ypocrytes  maken  to  god  a  herd 
5j^5j  of  ilrawe  /  As  recyteth  to  vs  this 
fable  /  Of  a  hawke  /  whiche  fom- 
tyme  fayned/  that  he  wold  haue 
celebrated  and  holden  a  natal  1  or 
a  grete  fefte  /  the  whiche  fefte  (hold  be  celebred 
within  a  Temple  /  And  to  this  fefte  and  folemp- 
nyte  he  Inuyted  and  fomoned  alle  the  fmal 
byrdes  /  to  the  whiche  they  came  /  And  Inkon- 
tynent  as  they  were  all  come  in  to  the  temple/ 
the  hauk  fhette  the  gate  and  put  them  alle  to 
dethe  /  one  after  an  other  /  C  And  therfore  this 
fable  Iheweth  to  vs  /  how  we  muft  kepe  our  felf 
fro  all  them  /  whiche  vnder  fayre  femynge  haue 
a  fals  herte/  and  that  ben  ypocytes  and  decep- 
tours  of  god  and  of  the  world/ 



C  Zht  ii'j  fafalf  13  of  t!)E  foxf  /  antj  of  i\}c  han 

Ayre  doctryne  taketh  he  in  hym 
felt"/  that  chaftyfeth  hym  by  the 
pcn'lle  of  other/  As  to  vs  re- 
herceth  this  prefent  fiible  /  Of  a 
lyon  whiche  fomtyme  faygned 
hym  felf  feke/  C  And  whanne  the  beetles 
knewe  that  tlie  lyon  was  feke/  they  wold  goo 
alle  to  vylyte  and  fee  hym  as  theyr  kynge/ 
C  And  Incontynent  as  the  beetles  entryd  in  to 
his  hows  for  to  fee  and  comfortc  hvm  /  he  dc- 
uonred  and  ete  them/  C  And  whan  the  foxes 
were  come  to  the  yate  for  to  haue  vylyded  the 
lyon  /  they  knewe  wel  the  fallace  and  fallhede 
of  the  lyon  and  falewed  hym  at  the  entre  of  tlie 
yate/  And  entryd  not  within/  C  And  whan 
the  lyon  fiwe  that  they  wold  not  entre  in  to  his 
hows/  he  demanded  of  them/  why  they  wold 
not  come  within/  And  one  of  the  foxes  fayd  to 
hym/  we  knowe  wel  by  thy  traces/  that  alle 
the  beetles  whiche  haue  entryd  in  to  thy  hows 
came  not  oute  ageyne/  And  alio  yf  we  entrvd 
within  /  nomore  rtiold  we  come  ageyne  C  And 
thertor  he   is  wel   happy   that    takelh  onfimple 


ii8  LIBER 

by  the  dommage  of  other/  C  For  to  entre 
in  to  the  hows  of  a  grete  lord  /  it  is  wel  facyle  / 
but  for  to  come  oute  of  hit  ageyne  it  is  moche 
dyffycyle  / 



C  STfjE  lifj  fnbic  is  of  {\)t  asse  /  an"b  of  t{)e  toulf 

^^^^^^^O  none  cyylle  man  fcythene  trouthe 
"H^^  ^^      ought    neuer    to    be    adioufted  / 

^^1  fable/  Of  a  wulf  whiche  vyfyted 
an  alVe  whiche  was  wel  feke  the 
whiche  wulf  bcganne  to  fele  and  tafte  hym  /  and 
demaunded  of  hym  /  My  broder  and  my  frend 
where  aboute  is  thy  fore/  And  the  afle  fayd  to 
hym/  there  as  thow  taftefl  C  And  thenne  the 
wulf  faynyng  to  vyfyte  hym  /  beganne  to  byte 
and  fmyte  hym  /  C  And  therfore  men  muft  not 
truft  flaterers/  For  one  thynge  they  faye/  and 
done  another 


C  STije  liiij  fable  is  of  tf)e  fjetigeljosse  antj  of  t!jE 

"T  behodeth  not  to  the  yong  and 
lytyl  of  age  to  mocke  ne  Icorne 
theyr  older  /  As  this  fable  fayth  / 
of  thre  lytyl  hedgehogges  /  whiche 
mocked  a  grete  hedgehogge/ 
whiche  fled  before  a  wulf/  And  whanne  he 
perceyued  the  fcornyng  of  them  /  he  fayd  to 
them  /  Ha  a  poure  fooles  &  wood  ye  wote  not 
wherfore  I  fle  /  For  yf  ye  wyft  and  knewe  wel 
thyn  conuenyent  and  paryll  /  ye  ihold  not  mocke 
of  hit/  And  therfore  whan  men  feen  that  the 
grete  and  myghty  ben  ferdful  and  doubtous/ 
the  laffe  or  lytyll  oughen  not  to  be  afTured  /  For 
whan  the  toune  is  taken  and  goten  by  fortune 
of  warre  the  Country  aboute  is  not  therfore 
more  acertayned  /  but  ou3t  to  tremble  and  fhake 

QUART  us. 

C  SEfjeiij  fafale  is  of  tljc  man  nnti  of  tfic  luon/ 

^En  ought  not  to  byleue  the  paynture  / 
but  the  trouthe  and  the  dede  / 
As  men  may  fee  by  this  prefent 
Fable/  Of  a  man  &  of  a  lyon 
whiche  had  ftryf  to  gyder  &  were 
in  grete  difcenlion  for  to  wete  and  knowe/ 
whiclic  of  them  bothe  was  more  ftronger  / 
CThe  man  fayd  that  he  was  ftronger  than  the 
lyon  /  And  for  to  haue  his  fayenge  verytyed  / 
he  Ihewed  to  the  lyon  a  py6tour/  wlitre  as  a 
man  had  vyctory  ouera  lyon/  As  the  pyttour  of 
Sampfon  the  ftronge  CThenne  fayd  the  lyon 
to  the  man  /  yf  the  lyon  coude  make  py6tour 
good  and  trewe  /  hit  had  be  herin  paynted  / 
how  the  lyon  had  had  vydorye  of  the  man  / 
but  now  I  flialle  lliewe  to  the  very  and  trewe 
wytnelfe  therof/  The  lyon  thenne  ledde  the 
man  to  a  grete  pytte/  And  there  they  fought 
to  g)'der/  But  the  lyon  cafte  the  man  into  the 
pytte/  and  fubmytted  hym  in  to  his  fubiedion 
and  fayd/  Thow  man/  now  knowell  thow  alle 
iIk-  trouthe/  whiche  of  vs  bothe  is  ftronger/ 
C  And  therfore  at  the  werke  is  knowen  the  bell 
and  molt  fubtyle  wcrkcr/ 


C  STfje  ibj  fable  is  of  tl^e  camel  /  anti  of  tfje  flee 

i]E  that  hath  no  myght  ought  not  to 
gloryfye  ne  preyfe  hym  felf  of  no- 
thynge/  As  reherceth  to  vs  this 
prefente  fable  of  a  camell  /  whiche 
bare  a  grete  charge  or  burden 
It  happed  that  a  flee  by  caufe  of  the  camels 
here  lepte  to  the  back  of  the  camel  /  and  made 
her  to  be  borne  of  hym  all  the  day  And  whanne 
they  had  made  a  grete  way/  And  that  the 
camel  came  at  euen  to  the  lodgys/  and  was  put 
in  the  liable/  the  flee  lepte  fro  hym  to  the 
grounde  befyde  the  foote  of  the  camel/  And 
after  fayd  to  the  camel/  I  haue  pyte  of  the/ 
and  am  comen  doune  fro  thy  back  by  caufe  that 
I  wylle  nomore  greue  ne  trauaylle  the  by  the 
berynge  of  me/  And  the  camel  fayd  to  the 
flee/  I  thanke  thee/  how  be  it  that  I  am  not 
fore  laden  of  the  /  And  therfore  of  hym  which 
may  neyther  helpe  ne  lette  men  nede  not  make 
grete  eftymacion  of 


J  23 

C  STfiE  ibij  fable  13  of  i\)t  3lnt  ant)  of  ilir  fogale 

r  is  good  to  purucyc  hym  Iclf  in  the 
lonier  fealbii  of  fuche  thynges/ 
wluTot"  he  llialle  niyfter  and  haue 
nedc  in  wynter  lealon  /  As  thow 
mayll  lee  by  this  prefent  fable/ 
Of  the  lygalle  /  whiche  in  the  wynter  tyme  went 
and  deniaunded  of  the  ant  fomme  of  her  Corne 
for  to  ete/  C  And  thcnne  the  ant  fayd  to  the 
fygall  /  what  hall  thow  done  al  the  fomer  lall 
palled  /  And  the  lygalle  anfuerd  /  I  haue  fonge  / 
CAnd  after  fayd  the  ante  to  her/  Of  my  corne 
ftiallt  not  thou  none  haue  /  And  yf  thow  hall 
fonge  alle  the  fomer/  danfe  now  in  wynter/ 
C  And  therfore  there  is  one  tyme  for  to  doo  fome 
labour  and  werk  /  And  one  tyme  for  to  haue 
roll  /  For  he  that  werkcth  not  ne  doth  no  good  / 
thai  haue  ofte  at  his  teeth  grele  cold  and  lacke 
at  his  nede/ 



C  STfje  ibi'ij  fable  is  of  tf}e  pglgrgm  antJ  of  tfjc 

In  euylle  man  maye  be  caufe  of  the 
perdycion  or  lofle  of  many  foike  / 
As  reherceth  to  vs  this  prefent 
Fable/  Of  a  pylgrym/  whiche 
fond  in  his  way  a  fwerd  C  And 
afked  of  the  fwerd  /  what  is  he  that  hath  loft 
the  /  C  And  the  fwerd  anfwerd  to  the  pylgrym  / 
A  man  alone  hath  loft  me/  but  many  one  I 
haue  loft  /  And  therfor  an  euyl  man  may  wel 
be  loft  /  but  er  he  be  loft  he  may  wel  lette  many 
one  /  For  by  caufe  of  an  euylle  man  may  come 
in  a  Countrey  many  euyls 

QUART  us. 


C  Z\)c  III  fablf  13  of  tfjE  sljcrp  anti  of  tijc  Crotuc 

En  ought  not  to  iniurye  ne  dcl- 
prayle  the  poure  Innocentes  ne 
the  lyniple  tblke  ■  As  reherceth 
this  fable/  Of  a  Crowe/  whiche 
fette  her  felf  vpon  the  back  of  a 
llieep  /  And  whan  the  Iheep  had  born  her  a 
grete  whyle  (he  fayd  to  her/  thow  Ihalt  kepe 
thy  felf  wel  to  fette  vpon  a  dogge/  CAnd 
thenne  the  crowc  fayd  to  the  Iheep/  Thynke 
thow  poure  Innocent  that  I  wote  wcl  with 
whonie  I  playe/  For  I  am  old  and  malycious/ 
and  my  kynde  is  to  lette  all  Innocents/  and  to 
be  frende  vnto  the  euyls/  C  A[n]d  therfore  this 
fable  wylle  telle  and  faye/  how  ther  be  folke 
of  fuche  kynde/  that  they  wyl  doo  no  good 
werk/  but  only  to  lette  euer  the  Innocents  and 
fymple  folke 



C  9Cf)e  IX  fable  malfert^  menctDn  of  tljE  iut  antj 
0f  tfje  reetJ  / 

One  ought  to  be  prowd  ageynft  his 
lord  /  but  oughte  to  humble  hym 
felf  toward  hym  /  As  this  fable 
reherceth  to  vs  of  a  grate  tre/ 
whiche  wold  neuer  bowe  hym 
for  none  wynd  /  And  a  reed  whiche  was  at  his 
foote  bowed  hym  felf  as  moche  as  the  wynd 
wold  /  And  the  tree  fayd  to  hym  /  why  doft 
thow  not  abyde  ftylle  as  I  doo/  And  the  reed 
anfuerd/  I  haue  not  the  myght  whiche  thow 
haft/  And  the  tree  fayd  to  the  reed  prowdly/  than 
haue  I  more  ftrengthe  /  than  thow  /  And  anone 
after  came  a  grete  wynde  /  whiche  threwe  doune 
to  the  ground  the  fayd  grete  tree  /  and  the  reed 
abode  in  his  owne  beynge/  For  the  prowde 
Ihall  be  allway  humbled  And  the  meke  and 
huble  fhalle  be  enhaunced/  For  the  roote  of 
alle  vertue  is  obedynce  and  humylyte 

C  "^tn  fgngssfjftlj  tfie  fourtl^e  fioofe  of  tl^e  ^uh-- 
tgle  iFailes  of  ©sopc  /    ^nti  ^oto  &k  it  tljat 


QUARTUS.  127 

nior  of  tficm  fafn  not  fountJ   in   onu  iug 
gstie/     i\aifrti)clf5  many  otiur  fables  conu 
posctj  fag   \)^m!   taue  ben  fount)tn  taljicfje 
i)n:e  after  folotocn 




C  (2r!)e  fgrste  fabU  mafeetfj  tnmcfon  of  tl^e  tnulet/ 
of  tf)e  foie  /  ant(  of  t!)E  inulf 

En  Calle  many  folke  Afles/  that 
ben  wel  fubtyll/  And  fuche 
wenen  to  knowe  moche/  and  to 
be  a  grate  clerke  that  is  but  an 
aire  /  As  hit  appiereth  by  thys 
fable  /  Of  a  mule  whiche  ete  grafTe  in  a  medowe 
nyghe  to  a  grate  foreft/  to  whome  came  a  foxe 
whiche  demaunded  of  hym  /  What  arte  thow  / 
And  the  mule  anfuerd  I  am  a  beeft/  And  the 
foxe  fayd  to  hym  /  I  ne  demaunde  ne  afke  of 
the  that  /  but  I  aike  who  was  thy  fader  /  C  And 
the  mule  anfuerd/  my  grate  fader  was  a  hors/ 
And  the  foxe  fayd  ageyne  I  ne  demaunde  to  the 
that  /  but  only  that  thow  telleft  me  /  who  thow 
arte  named  /  And  the  mule  fayd  to  the  foxe  / 
I  ne  wote  /  by  caufe  I  was  lytyll  whanne  my 
fader  deyde  /  Neuertheles  to  thende  that  my 
name  Oiold  not  be  forgoten/  my  fader  made  hit 
to  be  wreton  vnder  my  lyfte  foote  behynde  / 
wherfore  uf  thow  wylt  knowe  my  name  /  goo 
thow  and  loke  vnder  my  foota/  C  And  whanne 
the  foxe  vnderftood  the  fallace  or  faliliede/  he 


QUINTUS.  129 

wente  ageyne  into  the  forcil  /  And  met  with 
the  wult'/  to  whome  he  I'ayd/  Ha  myfchaunt 
beeft/  what  doll  thow  here/  Come  with  me 
and  in  to  thy  hand  I  fhall  put  a  good  proy 
Loke  in  to  yonder  medowe/  there  Ihalt  thow 
t'ynde  a  fatte  beeft  Of  the  whiche  thow  mayft 
be  fylled  /  C  And  thenne  the  wulf  entryd  in 
to  the  medowe/  and  fonde  there  the  mule/ 
Of  whom  he  demaunnded/  who  arte  thow/ 
And  the  mule  anfuerd  to  the  wulf/  I  am 
a  beeft/  And  the  wulf  fayd  to  hym  /  This 
is  not  that  that  I  afke  to  the/  but  telle  how 
thow  arte  named  /  And  the  mule  fayd  I  wote 
not  /  but  neuertheless  yf  thow  wylt  knowe  my 
name/  thow  ftialt  fynde  it  wreton  at  my  lyfte 
foote  behynde  /  Thenne  fayd  the  wulf/  I  praye 
the  /  vouche  fauf  to  ftiewe  it  to  me  /  And  the 
mule  lyft  up  his  foote/  CAnd  as  the  wulf 
beheld  and  ftudyed  in  the  foote  of  the  mule/  the 
Mule  gaf  hym  fuche  a  ftroke  whith  his  foote 
before  his  forhede/  that  almoft  the  brayne  ranne 
oute  of  his  hede  /  And  the  foxe  whiche  was 
within  a  bulThe  and  fawe  alle  the  maner  beganne 
to  lawhe  and  mocque  the  wulf/  to  whomme 
he  fayd/  Foole  becfte  thow  woft  wel  /  that 
thow  canft  not  rede  /  wherfore  yf  euylle  is  therof 
come  to  the  /  thy  felf  is  caufe  of  hit  /  For  none 
ought  not  to  entremete  hym  to  doo  tliat/  that 
Impoft'yble  is  to  hym  / 



C  STfjE  feconti  fable  is  of  tfie  bore  antj  of  t^e  toulf 

1  Vche  defyren  to  be  grete  lordes  / 
and  dyfpreyfen  his  parents/  that 
at  the  laft  becomen  poure  and 
fallen  in  to  grete  diflionour/  As 
thow  mayft  fee  by  this  prefent 
fable  /  Of  a  bore  /  whiche  was  amonge  a  grete 
herd  of  other  fwynes/  And  for  to  haue  lordlhip 
and  domynacion  ouer  alle  them  /  he  beganne  to 
make  grete  rumour  /  and  fhewed  his  grete  teethe 
for  to  make  the  other  fwynes  aferd/  but  by 
caufe  they  knewe  hym  /  they  fette  naught  by 
hym  /  wherof  he  difpleafed  moche/  and  wold 
goo  in  to  a  herd  of  flieep/  and  emonge  lambes/ 
And  whanne  he  was  amonge  the  lambes/  he 
began  to  make  grete  rumour/  and  fhewed  his 
fharp  and  long  teeth  C  And  whanne  the  lambes 
herd  hym/  they  were  fore  aferd/  and  begganne 
to  ihake  for  fere  /  C  And  thenne  fayd  the  bore 
within  hym  felf/  here  is  the  place  wherin  I 
muft  abyde  and  duell  For  here  I  flialle  be 
gretely  worfhipped/  For  euerychone  quaken 
for  fere  of  me/  C Thenne  came  the  wulf  there 
for   to    haue  and  rauyffe  fomme   proye/    And 


QUINTUS.  131 

the  lambes  beganne  alle  to  flee/  but  the  bore 
as  prowd  wold  not  llere  hym  /  ne  go  fro  the 
place/  by  caul'e  he  fuppofed  to  be  lord/  but  the 
wulf  toko  hym  /  and  bare  hym  in  to  tlie  wode 
for  to  ete  hym/  C  And  as  the  wulf  bare  hym/ 
it  happed  that  he  parted  before  the  herd  of 
fwynes/  whiche  the  bore  had  lefte/  C  And 
thenne  whanne  the  bore  perceyued  and  knewe 
them  /  he  prayd  and  cryed  to  them  /  that  for  the 
loue  of  god  they  wold  helpe  hym/  And  that 
withoute  her  help/  he  was  deed/  And  thenne 
the  fwynes  alle  of  one  alTent  and  owne  wylle 
wente  and  recouered  theyr  felewe/  and  after 
flewe  the  wulf/  And  as  the  bore  was  delyuerd/ 
and  fawe  hym  amonge  the  fwynes/  and  that  alle 
his  double  and  fere  was  gone/  he  beganne  to 
haue  vergoyne  and  lliame/  by  caufe  that  he  was 
thus  departed  /  and  gone  fro  theyr  felaufhip  and 
fayd  to  them  /  My  bretheren  and  my  frendes  /  I 
am  well  worthy  to  haue  had  this  payne/  by 
caufe/  I  was  gone  &  departed  from  yow/  And 
therfore  he  that  is  wel  /  lete  hym  beware  that 
he  moue  not  hym  felf  /  For  fuche  by  his  pryde 
defyreth  to  be  a  grete  lord/  whiche  ofte  falleth 
in  grete  pouerte  / 

132  LIBER 

C  5rf)£  tfigrtJ  fable  i&  of  tfje  foie  anti  of  t^e  corftc  / 

^Ftyme  moche  talkynge  letteth  /  As 
hit  appiereth  by  this  fable/  Of  a 
foxe  /  whiche  came  toward  a 
Cocke/  And  fayd  to  hym/  I 
wold  fayne  wete/  yf  thow  canft 
as  wel  fynge  as  thy  fader  dyde  /  And  thenne 
the  Cock  ihette  his  eyen  /  and  beganne  to  crye 
and  fynge  /  C  And  thenne  the  Foxe  toke  and 
bare  hyni  awey/  And  the  peple  of  the  towne 
cryed  /  the  foxe  bereth  awey  the  cok  /  CAnd 
thenne  the  Cocke  fayd  thus  to  the  Foxe/  My 
lord  vnderllandell  thow  not/  what  the  peple 
fayth  /  that  thow  bereft  awey  theyr  cock  /  telle 
to  them/  that  it  is  thyn  /  and  not  theyrs/  And 
as  the  foxe  fayd/  hit  is  not  yours/  but  it  is 
myn  /  the  cok  fcaped  fro  the  foxe  mouthe  /  and 
flough  vpon  a  tree  /  And  thenne  the  Cok  fayd 
to  the  fox  thow  lyeft/  For  I  am  theyrs  and  not 
thyn  /  And  thenne  the  foxe  beganne  to  hytte 
erthe  bothe  with  his  mouthe  &  heed  fayenge/ 
mouthe/  thow  haft  fpoken  to  moche/  thow 
fholdeft  haue  eten  the  Cok/  had  not  be  thyn 


QUINTUS.  133 

oucr  mnny  wordes  /  And  tlierfor  ouer  moche 
talkyiig  letteth/  and  to  nioclji;  crowyngc  Iniart- 
eth/  therfore  kepe  thy  H*lf  fro  ouer  many 
wordes/  to  thende/  that  ihow  rcpcnlell  the 



C  STfjE  faurtf)e  fable  i&  of  t^e  tiragon  anlJ  of  tl^e 

plEn  ought  not  to  rendre  euylle  for 
good  /  And  them  that  helpen 
ought  not  to  be  letted  /  As  re- 
herceth  thys  fable  Of  a  dragon 
whiche  was  within  a  Ryuer/  and 
as  this  Ryuer  was  dymynuyfihed  of  water  /  the 
dragon  abode  at  the  Ryuage  /  whiche  was  al 
drye  /  And  thus  for  lack  of  watre  he  coude 
not  Here  hym  /  A  labourer  or  vyiayne  came 
thene  that  waye  /  and  demaunded  of  the  dragon  / 
what  doll  thow  there/  And  the  dragon  anfuerd 
to  hym/  I  am  here  lefte  withoute  water/  with- 
oute  whiche  I  can  not  meue/  but  yf  thow  wilt 
bynd  me  /  and  fette  me  vpon  thyn  affe  /  and 
lede  me  in  to  my  Ryuer/  I  fhal  gyue  to  the 
habondaunce  of  gold  and  fyluer/  And  the 
vyiayne  or  chorle  for  courtyfe  bound  and  ledde 
hym  in  to  his  repayre  /  And  whanne  he  had 
vnbounden  hym  /  he  demaunded  his  fallary  / 
and  payment  /  And  the  dragon  fayd  to  hym  / 
By  caufe   that  thow  haft  bounden   me/   thow 


QUINTUS.  135 

wylt  be  payd  And  by  cnufe  that  I  am  now 
hongry/  I  (halle  ete  the/  and  the  vylayne 
anUierd  and  I'ayd  /  For  to  haue  done  wel/  thow 
wylt  ete  and  deuoure  me/  And  as  they  ttryued 
to  gyder/  the  toxe  whiche  was  within  the  foreft 
herd  wel  theyr  quelVion  and  diti'erent  came  to 
them/  and  fayd  in  this  manere/  Stryue  ye  no 
more  to  gyder/  For  I  wyll  acord/  and  make 
pees  bytwixt  you  Late  eche  of  yow  telle  to  me 
his  realbn  for  to  wete/  whiche  of  yow  hath 
ryght/  And  whanne  eche  of  them  had  told 
his  caas  the  foxe  fayd  to  the  vylayne/  Shewe 
thow  to  me/  how  thow  boundelt  the  dragon/ 
to  thende/  that  I  may  gyue  therof  a  trewe  and 
lawfuU  fentence  /  And  the  vylayne  put  the 
dragon  vpon  his  alfe/  and  bound  hym  as  he 
had  done  before/  And  the  fox  demaunded  of 
the  dragon  /  helde  he  thenne  the  fo  faft  bounden  / 
as  he  dothe  now/  And  the  dragon  anfuerd/  ye 
my  lord/  and  yet  more  hard/  And  the  foxe 
fayd  to  the  vylayn/  Bynde  hym  yet  more 
harder/  For  who  that  wel  byndeth/  well  can 
he  vnbynd  And  whanne  the  dragon  was  faft 
and  wel  bounden/  the  fox  fayd  to  the  vylayne/ 
here  hym  ageyne  there  as  thow  fyrll  tokell  hym  / 
And  there  thow  (halt  leue  hym  bounden  as  he 
is  now  /  And  thus  he  Ihalle  not  ete  ne  deuoure 
the/   For  he  that  dothe  euylle/  euylle  he  murt 

haue  / 

136  LIBER 

haue/  For  Juftly  he  fhall  ben  punyffhed  of 
god/  they  that  done  harme  and  dommage  to 
the  poure  folke  For  who  fo  euer  rendreth 
euylle  for  good  /  he  fhalle  therof  iuftly  be  re- 

QUINTUS.  137 

C  2rij£  fa  fabit  IS  of  tlje  foir  anlD  of  fPir  catte  / 

^  Here  is  many  folke/  whiche  auaun- 
ccn  them  and  faye  that  they  ben 
wyle  and  fubtyle/  whiche  ben 
grete  fooles  and  knowynge  no 
thynge  /  As  this  fable  reherceth 
Of  a  foxe  whiche  fom  tyme  mette  with  a 
Catte/  to  whome  he  fayd  /  My  godfep/  god 
geue  yow  good  daye  /  And  the  catte  anfwerd/ 
my  lord  god  gyue  yow  good  lyf  /  And  thenne 
the  toxe  demaunded  of  hym  /  My  godfep  what 
canft  thow  doo  /  And  the  catte  fayd  to  hym/ 
I  can  lepe  a  lytyl  /  And  the  fox  fayd  to  hym  / 
Certaynly  thow  art  not  wortiiy  to  lyue/  by  caufe 
that  thow  canll  nought  doo  /  And  by  caufe  that 
the  cat  was  angry  of  foxes  wordes/  he  alked  and 
demaunded  of  the  foxe  /  And  thow  godfep  what 
canll  thow  doo/  A  thoufand  wyles  haue  I  fayd 
the  toxe  /  For  I  haue  a  sak  ful  of  fcyences  and 
wyles/  And  I  am  fo  grete  a  clerke/  that  none 
maye  begyle  ne  dcceyue  me/  And  as  they  were 
thus  Ipekyng  to  gyder  the  cat  perceyued  a  knyght 
comynge  toward  them  /  whiche  had  many  dogges 
with  hym/  and  fayd  to  the  foxe/    My  godfej)/ 


138  LIBER 

certaynly  I  fee  a  knygtt  comynge  hyther  ward  / 
whiche  ledeth  with  hym  many  dogges/  the 
whiche  as  ye  wel  knowe  ben  our  enemyes  /  The 
foxe  thenne  anfuerd  to  the  cat/  My  godfep/ 
thou  fpekeft  lyke  a  coward  /  and  as  he  that  is 
aferd  /  lete  them  come  and  care  not  thow  /  And 
Incontynently  as  the  dogges  perceyued  and  fawe 
the  foxe  and  the  catte  /  they  beganne  to  renne 
vpon  them  /  And  whanne  the  foxe  fawe  them 
come  /  he  fayd  to  the  kat  /  Flee  we  my  broder  / 
flee  we  /  To  whome  the  kat  anfuerd  /  Certaynly 
godfep/  therof  is  none  nede/  neuer  the  les  the 
foxe  bylued  not  the  cat  /  but  fledde  /  and  ranne 
as  faft  as  he  myght  for  to  faue  hym/  And  the 
catte  lepte  vpon  a  tree  and  faued  hym  felf/ 
fayenge/  Now  fhalle  we  fee/  who  fhalle  playe 
beft  for  to  preferue  and  faue  hym  felf/  And 
whanne  the  catte  was  vpon  a  tree/  he  loked 
aboute  hym  /  and  fawe  how  the  dogges  held  the 
foxe  with  theyr  teethe  /  to  whome  he  cryed  and 
feyd  /  O  godfep  and  fubtyle  foxe  /  of  thy  thow- 
fand  wyles  that  fyth  late  thow  coudeft  doo  /  lete 
me  now  fee  /  and  lliewe  to  me  one  of  them  / 
the  foxe  anfuerd  not/  but  was  killed  of  the 
dogges  fend  the  catte  was  faued/  CAnd  ther- 
fore  the  wyfe  ought  not  to  defprayfe  the  fymple/ 
For  fuche  fuppofeth  to  be  moche  wyfe  whiche 
is  a  kynd  and  a  very  foole  / 



C  Sr^c  faj  fable  is  of  tf)e  fjrrjaotc  anti  of  t!]e  Iriulf 

fe''^':-^'"^^)"^He   feble    ought    not    10  arme  hym 

•J^iSi    [y^/l      , n    .u„    A /      A,    t^tU 

ageynd  the  ftronge/    As  recyteth 

~"  ^'''  this  prelent  fable  of  a  wulf/  whiche 
fome  tyme  ranne  after  a  hegoot  / 
and  the  hegoot  for  to  faue  hym 
lept  vpon  a  rocke  /  and  the  wulf  befyeged  hym/ 
C  And  after  whan  they  had  duelled  there  two 
or  thre  dayes  /  the  wulf  beganne  to  wexe  hongry  / 
and  the  hegoote  to  haue  thurft/  And  thus  the 
wulf  went  for  to  ete  /  and  the  hegoot  went  for 



to  drynke  /  And  as  the  hegoot  dranke  he  fawe 
his  fhadowe  in  the  water/  and  fpeculynge  and 
beholdynge  his  fliadowe  profered  and  fayd  fuche 
wordes  within  hym  felf/  Thou  haft  so  fayre 
legges  /  lb  fayr  a  herd  /  and  lb  fayre  homes  /  and 
haft  fere  of  the  wulf/  yf  hit  happed  that  he 
come  ageyne/  I  flialle  corryge  hym  wel/  and 
ftialle  kepe  hym  wel/  that  he  Ihalle  haue  no 
myght  ouer  me  /  C  And  the  wulf  whiche  held 
hys  peas  /and  herkened  what  he  fayd  /  toke  hym 
by  the  one  legge  thus  fayenge  /  what  wordes  ben 
thefe  whiche  thow  profereft  &  fayft  brorder  He- 
goote/  CAnd  whanne  the  hegote  fawe  that 
he  was  taken  /  he  beganne  to  faye  to  the  wulf/ 
Ha  my  lord  /  I  faye  no  thynge  /  and  haue  pyte 
of  me/  I  knowe  wel /  that  it  is  my  coulpe  /  And 
the  wulf  toke  hym  by  the  neck  and  ftrangled 
hym/  CAnd  therfore  it  is  grete  folye  whan 
the  feble  maketh  werre  ageynft  the  puylfant  and 

QUINTUS.  141 

C  STfjc  faij  fafalc  (3  of  tfif  toulf  nnb  of  i\}t  affe 

r^^'-^'^.-'En  ought  not  to  byleue  lyghtly  the 
couiiccylle  of  hym  towhome  men 
purpolen  to  lette/  As  ye  maye 
lee  by  this  fable/  Of  a  wulf 
whiche  fomtyme  mette  with  an 
Alfe  /  lu  the  whiche  he  fayd  /  My  broder  I  am 
l)ongry/  wherfor  I  mull  nedes  ete  the/  C  And 
thenne  the  Alle  anluerd  ryght  benyngly/  My 
lord/  with  me  thow  mayll  doo  what  ibmeuer 
thow  wylt  /  For  yf  thow  eteft  me  /  thow  ihalt 
putte  me  oute  of  grete  payne/  But  I  preye  the 
yf  thow  wylt  ete  me/  that  thou  vouchefauf  to 
ete  me  oute  of  the  way/  For  wel  thow  knowert 
that  I  brynge  home  the  rayfyns  fro  the  vyne/ 
and  fro  the  feldes  home  the  come/  C  Alio  wel 
thow  knoweft/  that  I  here  home  wood  fro  the 
foreft/  And  whanne  my  maifter  wel  do  buyld 
fomme  edylfyce  /  1  mull  go  fetche  the  ftoiies 
from  the  montayne  /  And  at  the  other  parte  I 
berc  the  corne  vnto  the  mylle  /  And  after  I  here 
home  the  floure/  And  for  alle  Ihort  conclulions 
I  was  borne  in  a  curfyd  houre  /  For  to  alle  payne 
and  to  alle  grete  labours  I  am  fubniyttcd  &:  lub- 


142  LIBER 

get  to  hit/  For  the  whiche  I  wylle  not  that 
thow  ete  me  here  in  the  waye  for  the  grete  ver- 
goyne  and  fhame  that  therof  myght  come  to 
me/  But  I  pray  the/  and  Inftantly  requyre  the/ 
that  thow  wylt  here  my  counceylle  /  whiche  is  / 
that  we  two  go  in  to  the  foreft  /  and  thow  flialt 
bynde  me  by  thy  brefte  /  as  thy  feruant  /  And 
I  fhalle  bynd  the  by  thy  neck  as  my  mayfter 
And  thow  fhalt  lede  me  before  the  in  to  the 
wood  where  fomeuer  thow  wylt/  to  the  ende 
that  more  fecretely  thow  ete  me/  to  the  whiche 
counceylle  the  wulf  acorded  and  fayd  /  I  wylle 
wel  that  it  be  donnefo/  CAndwhanne  they 
were  come  in  to  the  foreft/  they  bounde  eche 
other  in  the  maner  as  aboue  is  fayd/  CAnd 
whanne  they  were  wel  bounden  /  the  wulf  fayd 
to  the  Afle  /  goo  we  where  thow  wylt/  and  goo 
before  for  to  fhewe  the  waye/  And  the  afle 
wente  before  and  ledde  the  wulf  in  to  the  ryght 
waye  of  his  mayfters  hows/  CAnd  whanne  the 
wulf  beganne  to  knowe  the  way/  he  fayd  to  the 
afle/  we  goo  not  the  ryght  way/  to  the  whiche 
the  aflTe  anfuerd/  C  My  lord  faye  not  that/ 
For  certaynly/  this  is  the  ryght  wey/  But  for 
alle  that  /  the  wulf  wold  haue  gone  backward  / 
But  neuerthelefs  the  aflTe  ledde  hym  vnto  the 
hows  of  his  mayfter/  C  And  as  his  mayfter  and 
alle  his  meyny  fawe  how  the  AiTe  drewe  the 


QUINTUS.  143 

wulf  after  hym  /  and  wold  liauc  cntrcd  in  to  tlie 
hows  ihoy  came  oute  with  Ihiues  and  clubbes 
and  linoie  on  the  wulf/  C  And  as  one  of  tliem 
wold  haue  carta  and  fmyten  a  grete  ftroke  vpon 
the  wulfes  hcede/  he  brake  the  cord/  wherwith 
he  was  bounden  /  And  fo  fcaped  and  ranne  awey 
vpon  the  niontayne  fore  hurted  and  beten/  And 
thenne  the  alVe  for  the  grete  ioye  he  hadde  of 
that  he  was  fo  fcaped  fro  the  wulf/  beganne  to 
fynge  /  And  the  wulf  whiclie  was  vpon  the 
niontayne/  He  herd  the  voys  of  thalle  beganne  to 
faye  in  hym  felf/  thow  mayft  wel  cry  and  calle/ 
For  I  flialle  kepe  the  wel  another  tyme/  that 
thow  Ihalt  not  bynd  me  as  thow  hall  done/  but 
late  gone/  CAnd  therfore  hit  is  grete  folye  to 
byleue  the  counceylle  of  hym/  to  wliome  men 
will  lette/  And  to  pulte  hym  felf  in  his  fub- 
iedion  /  And  he  that  ones  hath  begyled  /  muft 
kepe  hym  fro  another  tyme  that  he  be  not  de- 
ceyucd/  For  he  to  whome  men  purpofen  to 
doo  fomme  euylle  tourn  /  fylh  men  holden 
hym  at  auauntage/  men  mufte  putte  him  felf  at 
the  vpper  fyde  of  hym/  And  after  men  Ihall 
purueye  tor  their  counceylle 

144  LIBER 

C  Cfje  &iij  fable  is  of  tl^e  fetpent  anti  of  tfje 

^^^HE  Auctor  of  this  booke  reherceth 
luche  another  Fable  and  of  fuche 

fentence/  as  the  precydent/  that 
is  to  wete/  that  men  {hold  not 
byleue  hym  /  to  whome  /  men 
hath  done  eyylle/  And  fayth  that  fomtyme  in 
herueft  tyme  a  labourer  wente  for  to  fee  his 
goodes  in  the  feldes/  the  whiche  mette  on  his 
way  a  ferpent  /  And  with  a  flaf  whiche  he  bare 
in  his  hand  fmote  the  fayd  ferpent  /  and  gaf  hym 
fuche  a  ftroke  vpon  the  heed/  that  nyghe  he 
flewe  hym  /  C  And  as  the  ferpent  felte  hym 
felf  fo  fore  hurted  /  he  wente  fro  the  man  /  and 
entryd  in  to  his  hole  /  And  fayd  to  the  labourer  / 
O  euylle  Frende/  thow  haft  bete  me/  But  I 
warne  the  /  that  thow  neuer  byleue  not  hym  / 
to  the  whiche  thow  haft  done  ony  eyylle  /  Of 
the  whiche  wordes  the  labourer  made  lytyl  ex- 
tyme  and  went  forthe  on  his  waye  / 

C  It  befelle  thenne  in  the  fame  yere/  that 
this  labourer  wente  ageyne  by  that  waye  /  for 
to  goo  laboure  and  ere  his  ground  /    To  whome 


(JULXTUS.  145 

the  fayd  Scrpcnl  I'avd  /  i.  1 1.i  niv  trend  /  wlivtla-r 
gooll  thuw  /  And  the  labourer  niil'wcrd  to  hym  / 
I  goo  ere  and  pluwe  my  ground/  And  the  Ser- 
pent layd  to  liym/  I'owe  not  to  moche/  For 
this  yere  llialle  be  rayntuU  and  grete  habond- 
aunce  ot"  waters  llialle  talle/  But  byleue  not  to 
hym/  to  whome  thow  hall  Ibmtyme  done  ony 
euylle/  And  wiihoute  ony  wordes  the  labourer 
wente  forthe  on  his  waye  /  and  byleued  not  the 
lerpent  /  but  made  alle  his  ground  to  becultyued 
and  ered  /  and  fowed  as  moche  corne  as  he 
myghte/  In  that  lame  yere  telle  grete  habond- 
aunce  of  water/  whertore  the  fayd  labourer  had 
but  lytyl  of  his  corne  /  For  the  moofte  parte  of 
the  corne  that  he  had  fowen  perylllied  that  lame 
yere  by  caufe  of  the  grete  rayne  that  felle  that 
lame  yere/  C  And  the  next  yere  after  folow- 
ynge  /  as  this  labourer  pallyd  before  the  repayre 
or  dwellynge  place  of  the  fayd  Serpent  and 
went  for  to  fowe  his  ground  /  the  Serpent  de- 
maunded  thenne  of  hym/  My  Frend  whyiher 
gooft  thow/  C  And  the  labourer  anfwerd  /  I 
goo  for  to  fowe  my  ground  wylh  corn  and  With 
other  g[r]aynes  fuche  as  I  hope  that  Ihalle  ben 
necellary  for  me  in  tyme  comynge  /  And  thene 
the  Serpent  faide  to  hym/  My  frend  fowe  but 
lytyl  come/  F'or  the  Somer  next  comynge  llialle 
be  foo  grete  and  foo  bote  /  that  by  the  dryenes  and 



146  LIBER 

hete/  that  alle  the  goodes  fowen  on  the  erthe 
fliall  peryfllie  But  byleue  not  hym  /  to  whome 
thow  haft  done  ony  euylle/  C  And  withoute 
fayenge  ony  word  /  the  labourer  wente  /  and 
thought  on  the  wordes  of  the  Serpent  /  C  And 
wenynge  /  that  the  Serpent  hadde  foo  fayd  for 
to  deceyue  hym  /  he  fowed  as  moche  corne  and 
other  graynes  /  as  he  myght  /  CAnd  it  happed 
that  the  Somer  next  folowynge  was  fuche/  as 
aboue  is  fayd/  Therfor  the  man  was  begyled  / 
C  For  he  gadred  that  fame  yere  notliynge  / 
C  And  the  next  yere  after  folowynge  /  the  fayd 
feafon  as  the  poure  labourer  wente  ageyne  for 
to  ere  and  cultyue  his  ground  the  ferpent  fawe 
hym  come  fro  ferre/  CAnd  as  he  came  and 
palfed  before  his  repayre  he  afked  of  the  labourer 
in  fuche  maner/  C  My  friend  whyther  gooft 
thow  /  And  the  labourer  anfuered  /  I  goo  cultyue 
and  ere  my  ground  /  C  And  thenne  the  ferpent 
feyd  to  hym  /  My  Frend  fowe  not  to  moche  ne 
to  lytyl  of  corne  and  of  other  graynes  /  but  fowe 
bytwene  bothe  /  Neuertheles  byleue  not  hym  / 
to  the  whiche  thou  haft  done  euyl  C  And  I 
telle  the  that  this  yere  ftialle  be  the  most  tem- 
perate and  the  mooft  fertyle  of  alle  maner  of 
corne  /  that  euer  thow  faweft  /  And  whanne  the 
labourer  hadde  herd  thefe  wordes  /  he  wente 
his   waye  /  and  dyd  as  the  Serpent  had  fayd  / 


QUINTUS.  147 

And  that  yt-rc  hv  gadred  nioche  good  /  by  caufe  of 
the  good  difpofycion  ot  the  reafon  and  tyme/ 
C  And  en  a  daye  of  tlie  fame  yere  /  the  fcrpcnt 
lawe  the  fayd  hibourer  comynge  fro  the  herucft  / 
to  whonie  he  came  ageynfte/  And  fayd/  Now 
faye  me  my  good  Frend/  Haft  ihow  not  fond 
now  grete  plente  of  goodes/  as  I  had  told  to 
the  byfore  And  the  labourer  anfuerd  and  fayd 
ye  certaynly  /  wherof  I  thanke  the/  C  And 
thenne  the  Serpent  demaunded  of  hym  Re- 
muneracion  or  reward  /  C  And  the  labourer 
thenne  demaunded  what  he  wold  haue  of  hym  / 
And  the  Serpent  fayd  I  ne  demaunde  of  the 
nothynge/  but  only  that  to  morowe  on  the 
mornyng  thow  wylt  fende  me  a  dyflh  ful  of  niylk 
by  fom  of  thy  children/  CAnd  thenne  the 
ferpent  fliewed  to  the  labourer  the  hole  of  his 
dwellyng  /  &  fayd  to  hym  /  telle  thy  lone 
that  he  brynge  the  mylke  hyther/  but  take 
good  heede  to  that  that  other  whyle  I  told  to 
the/  that  thow  byleueft  not  hym/  to  whome 
tlum  haft  done  euylle/  CAnd  anone  after 
whanne  thefe  thynges  were  fayd/  the  labourer 
wente  homeward/  and  in  the  morninge  next 
folowynge/  he  betoke  to  his  fone  a  dyflhe  full 
of  mylke/  whiche  he  brought  to  the  ferpent/ 
and  fette  the  dyfthe  before  the  hool  /  And 
anone    the   ferpent     came    oute    and    llewe   the 


148  LIBER 

child  through  his  venym  /  and  when  the  labourer 
cam  fro  the  feld/  and  that  he  came  before  the 
repayre  or  dwellinge  of  the  ferpent/  he  fond  his 
fonne  whiche  laye  doune  deed  on  the  erthe  / 
Thenne  beganne  the  fayd  labourer  to  crye  with 
a  hvghe  voys/  as  he  that  was  ful  of  forowe  and 
of  heuyneffe  fayiuge  fuche  wordes  /  Ha  curfed 
&  euylle  ferpent/  vermyn  and  fals  traytour/ 
thow  haft  deceyued  me  /  Ha  wycked  and  de- 
ceytfuU  beeft/  ful  of  all  contagyous  euyll  thow 
haft  forowfuUy  flayne  my  fone/ 

CAnd  thenne  the  ferpente  fayd  to  hym/  I 
wylle  well  /  that  thow  knowe  /  that  I  haue  not 
flayne  hym  forowfully/  ne  withoute  caufe/  but 
for  to  auenge  me  of  that  /  that  thow  hurteft  me 
on  that  other  daye  withoute  caufe  /  and  haft  not 
amended  hit/  Haft  thow  now  memorye/  how 
ofte  I  fayd  to  the/  that  thow  Iholdeft  not  byleue 
hym  /  to  whome  thow  haft  done  eyyll  /  haue 
now  thenne  in  thy  memorye/  that  I  am  auengyd 
of  the  / 

CAnd  thus  this  fable  flieweth  how  men  ought 
not  to  byleue  ne  bere  feythe  to  them  /  to  whome 
men  hath  done  fonmie  harme  or  euylle. 



C  Jrf)c  II  fable  is  of  lf)f  foic/  of  tijc  inulf/  antJ 
of  tlic  luon/ 

F  hit  be  loo  that  any  hath  hen 
adommaged  by  other  lie  ought 
not  to  take  vengeauce  by  the 
tong  in  gyuyng  Iniuryous  wordes  / 
and  the  caufe  why/  is  by  caule/ 
that  luche  vengeaunce  is  dilhonert.  As  to  us  re- 
herceth  this  prelent  fable/  Somtyme  was  a  foxe  / 
that  ete  fyflhe  in  a  Ryuer/  C  It  happed/  that 
the  wulf  came  that  waye  /  C  And  whanne  he 
fawe  the  foxe/  whiche  ete  with  fo  grete  appe- 
tyte  /  He  beganne  to  laye  /  My  broder  gyue  me 
fomme  fvllhe  /  And  the  foxe  anfuerd  to  hym  / 
Alias  my  lord  /  It  behouveth  not  that  ye  ete  the 
releef  of  my  table/  but  for  the  worfliip  of  your 
perlbne  I  Ihall  counceylle  yow  wel  /  Doo  foo 
moche  to  gete  yow  a  balket  /  And  I  Ihalle  teche 
yow  how  men  ihalle  lake  fyflhes/  to  thende/ 
that  ye  may  take  fomme  whan  ye  Ihalle  be 
hongry/  And  the  wulf  wente  in  to  the  ftreete/ 
and  ftalle  a  balket/  whiche  he  brought  with 
hym/  the  foxe  tooke  the  bafket  /  and  bound 
it    with    a    cord    at    the   wiilfs    taylle/     C  And 



whanne  he  was  wel  bounden  /  the  foxe  fayd 
to  the  wulf/  goo  thow  by  the  Ryuer/  and  I 
Ihalle  lede  and  take  hede  to  the  bafket/  And 
the  wulf  dyde  as  the  foxe  had  hym  do  /  C  And 
as  the  wulf  was  goynge  within  the  water  /  the 
foxe  fylled  the  bafket  fulle  of  ftones  by  his 
malyce  /  C  And  whan  the  bafket  was  full  / 
the  foxe  fayd  to  the  wulf/  Certaynly  my  lord/ 
I  maye  no  more  lyfte  ne  hold  the  bafket  /  fo  full 
it  is  of  fyfflie  /  C  And  the  wulf  wenynge  that 
the  foxe  had  fayd  truthe  /  profered  fuch  wordes  / 
fayenge  /  I  render  graces  and  thankes  to  god  / 
that  I  maye  ones  fee  thyn  hyghe  and  excellente 
wyfedome  in  the  arte  and  crafte  of  fyflhynge/ 
C  And  thenne  the  foxe  fayd  to  hym  /  My  lord 
abyde  me  here/  And  I  llialle  fetche  fome  to 
helpe  vs  for  to  haue  and  take  the  fyflhe  oute 
of  the  bafket  /  And  in  fayenge  thefe  wordes  / 
the  foxe  ranne  in  to  the  ftrete/  where  he  fond 
men/  to  whome  he  fayd  in  this  manere/  My 
lordes  what  doo  ye  here  /  why  are  yow  werk- 
lefs  /  fee  yonder  the  wulf/  which  ete  your  fheep  / 
your  lambes  /  and  your  beeftes  /  and  yet  now  he 
taketh  your  fyfflies  oute  of  the  Ryuer/  and 
ete  them  /  C  And  thenne  alle  the  men  came  to 
gyder/  fomme  with  flynges/  and  fomme  with 
bowes/  and  other  with  flaues  vnto  the  Ryuer/ 
where  they  fond   the  wulf/   whiche   they  bete 


QUIS'TUS.  151 

outragyoufTlv  /  C  Aiul  whanne  the  poure  wiilt' 
lawe  liym  thus  opprelll-d/  it  vexed  with  llrokes 
beganiie  with  alle  his  ftrengthe  &:  myghte  to 
drawe/  and  liippofed  to  haue  caryed  the  fylllie 
awey/  but  lb  llroiigly  he  drewe/  tliat  lie  drewe 
and  pulled  his  taylle  fro  his  ers/  and  thus  he 
leaped  vnnethe  with  his  lyf/  C  In  the  mene- 
whyle  thenne  happed/  that  the  lyonwhiche  was 
kynge  ouer  alle  beetles  telle  in  a  grete  lekenefle  / 
for  the  whiche  caufe  euery  beeft  wente  tor  to  lee 
hym/  as  theyr  lord/  C  And  when  the  wulf 
would  haue  gone  thyder/  he  lalewed  his  lord  / 
laying  thus  to  hym  /  My  kynge  I  lalewe  yow  / 
pleale  it  you  to  knowe  that  I  haue  gone  round 
aboute  the  countre  and  prouynce/  and  in  alle 
places  of  hit  for  to  ferche  Ibmme  medycynes 
prouffitable  for  yow  /  and  to  recowere  your 
helthe/  but  nolhyng  I  haue  found  good  for 
your  fekeneire/  but  only  the  Ikynne  of  a  foxe 
fycrs  and  prowde  and  nialycious/  whiche  is 
voure  body  medycynal  /  but  he  dayneth  not  to 
come  hyther  to  fee  you  But  ye  Ihalle  calle 
hym  to  a  counceylle/  and  whanne  ye  hold 
hym/  lete  his  fkynne  be  taken  from  hym/ 
And  thenne  lete  hym  renne  where  he  wylle/ 
and  that  fayr  fkynne  which  is  lb  holfome/  ye 
Ihalle  make  hit  to  be  fette  and  bound  vpon 
your   bely/    And   within    fewe   dayes  after   hit 


152  LIBER 

flialle  rendre  yow  in  as  good  helthe/  as  euer  ye 
were  /  C  And  whanne  he  had  fayd  thefe  wordes  / 
he  departed  fro  the  lyon  and  toke  his  leue/  but 
neuer  he  had  fuppoled  /  that  the  foxe  had 
herd  hym  /  but  he  had  /  For  he  was  within 
a  terryer  nyghe  to  the  lodgys  of  the  lyon  / 
where  he  herd  alle  the  propofycion  of  the 
wulf/  to  the  whiche  he  dyd  put  remedye  and 
grete  prouyfyon  /  For  as  foone  as  the  wulf  was 
departed  fro  the  lyon  /  the  foxe  wente  in  to  the 
feldes/  And  in  a  hyghe  way  he  fond  a  grete 
donghyll/  within  the  whiche  he  put  hym  felf/ 
d  And  as  he  fuppofed  after  his  aduys  to  be  de- 
fowled  and  dagged  ynough  /  came  thus  arayed 
in  to  the  pytte  of  the  lyon  /  the  whiche  he 
falewed  as  he  oughte  to  haue  done  to  his  lord  / 
fayenge  to  hym  in  this  manere/  Syre  kynge  god 
yeue  good  helthe/  And  the  lyon  anfuerd  to  hym 
God  falewe  the  fwete  frend/  come  nyghe  me 
and  kyffe  me  /  &  after  I  ihalle  telle  to  the  fomme 
fecrete  /  whiche  I  wylle  not  that  euery  man 
knowe/  to  whome  the  foxe  fayd  in  this  maner 
Ha  a  lyre  kynge  be  not  difplealyd/  for  I  am  to 
fowle  arayed  and  al  to  dagged  /  by  caule  of  the 
grete  way  /  whiche  I  haue  gone  /  fekynge  al 
aboute  fomme  good  medycyne  for  you/  wher- 
fore  it  behoueth  not  me/  for  to  be  lb  nyghe  your 
perfone      For  the  ftenche  of  the  donge  myght 


QUI  NT  us.  153 

wel  greue  you  for  the  grete  fekenefTe  that  ye 
haue/  but  dere  lyre/  ythit  pleafe  to  the  or  euer 
I  come  ncrer  to  your  Royal  niagefte  I  Ihalle  g(Jo 
bathe  me  and  make  me  fayre  and  clene/  And 
thenne  I  Ihall  come  ageyne  to  prelente  my  ll'lf 
bytbre  thy  noble  perlone/  And  notwithllond- 
ynge  al  this/  alio  er  I  goo/  pleafe  the  to  wcte 
He  knowe  that  I  come  from  alle  the  contrees  here 
aboute/  and  from  alle  the  Royalmes  adiacent 
to  this  prouynce/  for  to  fee  yf  I  coudefyndefomme  , 
good  medycyn  dulynge  and  nedeful  to  thy  (ike- 
nelfe  /  and  tor  to  recoucre  thy  helthe/  but  cer- 
taynly  I  haue  foud  no  better  couceylle  than  the 
couceylie  of  an  aiicycnt  greke  with  a  grete  &: 
long  herd/  a  man  of  grete  wyfdom/  fage  & 
worthy  to  be  prnyfed/  the  whiche  fayd  to  me/ 
how  in  this  prouvnce  is  a  wulf  withoute  taylle/ 
the  whiche  hath  loft  his  taylle  by  the  vertue  of 
the  grete  medycyn  whiche  is  within  hym  /  For 
the  whiche  thynge  it  is  nedeful  and  expedyent/ 
that  ye  doo  make  this  wulf  to  come  to  yow  for 
the  recoueraunce  of  the  helthe  of  your  fayr  and 
noble  body/  And  whan  he  is  come  dyllymylle 
and  calle  hym  to  counceylle/  fayenge  that  it 
Ihallc  be  for  his  grete  worlhip  &:  prothte  /  &:  as 
he  Ihal  be  nyghe  vnto  yow  call  on  hym  vour 
armed  feel/  and  as  fwetely  as  ye  maye  pulle  the 
fkynne  fro  the  body  of  hym  &:  kope  it  hoole  / 


154  LIBER 

fauf  only  that  ye  flialle  leue  the  heed  and  the 
feet  /  And  thenne  lete  hym  gone  his  way  to  leche 
his  auenture/  And  forthwith  whan  ye  fhalle 
haue  that  fkynne/  al  hot  and  warme  ye  fhal  do 
bynd  hit  al  aboute  your  bely/  And  after  that  or 
lytyll  tyme  be  pafled  /  your  helthe  fhalle  be 
reftored  to  yow  /  and  ye  fhal  be  as  hole  as  euer 
in  your  lyf  ye  were  /  C  And  thenne  the  foxe 
toke  his  leue  of  the  kynge/  and  departed/  and 
wente  ageyne  in  to  his  terryer  /  C  Soone  after 
came  then  the  wulf  for  to  fee  the  lyon/  And 
Incontynent  the  lyon  called  hym  to  counceylle  / 
and  caftynge  foftly  his  feet  vpon  hym  dyfpoylled 
the  wulf  of  his  fkynne  fauf  the  fkynne  of  his  hede 
and  of  his  feet/  And  after  the  lyon  bound  it  al 
warme  about  his  bely  /  G  And  the  wulf  ranne 
aweye  fkynles  /  wherfore  he  had  ynough  to  doo 
to  defende  and  put  from  hym  the  flyes/  whiche 
greued  hym  fore/  And  for  the  grete  deftrefle 
that  he  felte  by  caufe  of  the  flyes/  that  thus  ete 
his  fleflhe/  he  as  wood  beganne  to  renne/  and 
paflyd  vnder  an  hylle  /  vpon  the  whiche  the  foxe 
was  /  CI  And  after  whanne  the  foxe  fawe  hym  / 
he  beganne  to  crye/  and  calle/  lawhyng  after 
the  wulf/  and  mocked/  and  fayd  to  hym  /  who 
arte  thow  that  pafTefl  there  before  with  fuche  a 
fayre  hood  on  thy  heed  and  with  ryght  fayr 
glouues  in  thyn  handes/  Herke  herke/  what  I 


QUIETUS.  155 

(halle  faye  to  the/  whan  thow  wente  &  caincll 
by  the  kynges  hows/  thow  werte  bleiVed  ot  the 
lord/  &  whan  thou  were  at  the  Court  thow  her- 
kcnell  and  alio  layert  many  good  wordes  and 
good  taikynge  of  al  the  world/ 

C  And  thertbre  my  godlep  be  it  euyl  or  good  / 
thow  mufte  al  lete  pall'e/  and  goo/  and  haue 
pacyence  in  thyn  aduerlyte  / 

C  And  tinis  tiiis  table  ihcwcth  vnto  vs/  that  yf 
ony  be  hurted  or  dommagcd/  by  lb  mm  e  othtr 
he  muli  not  auenge  hym  Iclt  by  his  tonge  lor 
to  make  ony  trelbn  /  ne  for  to  fay  of  other  ony 
harme  ne  open  blafphemye/  For  he  ought  to 
conlydere  /  that  who  fo  euer  maketh  the  pylte 
redy  for  his  broder/  ofte  it  happeth  that  he  hym 
felf  falleth  in  the  fame/  and  is  beten  with  the 
fame  rodde  that  he  maketh  for  other 



C  (irf)E  I  fable  IS  of  t^c  toulf  irrI}icIjE  matie  a  fart 

T  is  folye  to  wene  more  /  than  men 
ought  to  doo  /  For  what  Ibmeuer  a 
foole  thynketh  •  hit  femeth  to  hym 
that  hit  fhalle  be/  As  it  appiereth 
by  this  fable/  of  a  wulf/  whiche 
fomtyme  rofe  eriy  in  a  mornynge  /  And  after 
that  he  was  ryfen  vp  fro  his  bedde/  as  he  retched 
hym  felf  /  made  a  grete  fart  /  and  beganne  to  faye 
to  hym  felf/  bleffed  be  god  therfore/  thefe  ben 
good  tydynges  /  this  daye  /  I  Ihalle  be  wel  for- 
tunate and  happy/  as  myn  ers  fyngeth  to  me/ 
And  thenne  he  departed  from  his  lodgys/  and 
biganne  to  walke  and  goo  /  &  as  he  wente  on  his 
way  he  fonde  a  fek  ful  of  talowe/  whiche  a 
woman  had  lete  falle/  and  with  his  foote  he 
torned  hit  vpfo  doune  /  and  fayd  to  hym  /  I  fhalle 
not  ete  the/  For  thow  fholdeft  hurte  my  tendre 
ftomak/  and  more  is/  I  Ihall  this  day  haue  better 
mete/  and  more  delycious  /  For  well  I  knowe 
this  by  myn  ers/  whiche  dyd  fynge  it  to  me/ 
And  fayenge  thefe  wordes  went  his  way/  And 


QUI  NT  us.  157 

anone  after  he  fond  a  grcte  pyccc  of  bakon  \\  cl 
failed/  the  whiclie  he  tourned  and  retourned  vp 
fodoune/  And  whan  he  had  torned  and  returned 
hit  longe/  ynough  /  l)e  fayd  /  I  dayne  not  to  ete 
of  tills  mete/  by  caufe  that  hit  lliold  caufe  nic 
for  to  drynke  moche/  for  it  is  to  falte  And  as 
niyn  ers  fonge  to  me  lalt  I  llialle  ete  this  fame 
day  better  and  more  delycious  mete/  €And 
thenne  he  beganne  to  walke  ferther/  And  as  he 
entryd  in  to  a  fayr  medowe/  he  fawe  a  mare/ 
and  her  yong  foole  with  her/  and  fayd  to  hyni 
felf  alone/  I  rendre  thankes  and  graces  to  the 
goddes  of  tlie  godes  that  they  fend  me/  Tor  wel 
1  wyll  and  was  certayne/  that  tliis  daye  I  lliuld 
fynde  fomme  precious  mete/  And  thenne  he 
came  nyghe  the  mare  and  fayd  to  her/  Ceriaynly 
my  fuller  I  ihalle  ete  thy  child  /  And  the  mare 
anfuerd  to  hym/  My  broder  doo  what  fomeucr 
hit  llialle  pleafe  the/  But  fyrft  I  praye  the  that 
one  playfyre  thow  wylt  do  to  me/  I  haue  herd 
faye  that  thow  art  a  good  Cyrurgyen  /  wherfore 
I  praye  the/  that  thou  wylt  hele  me  of  my  foote/ 
I  faye  to  the  my  good  broder/  that  yefter  daye 
as  I  wente  within  the  foreft  /  a  thorne  entryd  in 
to  one  of  my  feet  behynd/  the  whiche  greueth 
me  fore/  I  praye  the/  that  or  thow  ete  my 
fool/  thow  wylt  drawe  and  haue  it  oute  of  my 
foote/  And  the  uulf  aufwerd  to  the  mare  tiiat 
llialle   I   doo  ghully  my  good  fufter/  lliewe   me 



thy  foote  /  C  And  as  the  mare  (hewed  his  foote 
to  the  wulf/  fhe  gaf  to  the  wulf  fuche  a  ftroke 
bytwexe  bothe  his  eyen  /  that  alle  his  hede  was 
aftonyed  and  felle  doune  to  the  ground  /  and  a 
longe  fpace  was  the  wulf  lyenge  vpon  the  erthe/ 
as  deed  /  And  whanne  he  was  come  to  hym  felf 
ageyne/  and  that  he  coud  fpeke/  hefayd/  I  care 
not  for  this  myiliap  /  For  wel  I  wote  that  yet 
this  day  I  flialle  ete  /  and  be  fylled  of  delycious 
mete/  And  in  fayenge  thefe  wordes  lyft  hym 
felf  vp  /  and  wente  aweye  /  C  And  whanne  he 
had  walked  and  gone  a  whyle/  he  fond  two 
rammes  within  a  medowe  whiche  with  theyr 
homes  lauched  eche  other/  And  the  wulf  fayd 
to  hymfelf/  Bleffed  be  god/  that  now  I  flial 
be  wel  fedde  /  he  thenne  came  nyghe  the  two 
rammes/  &  faid/  Certaynly  I  (hall  ete  the  one 
of  you  two  And  one  of  them  fayd  to  hym  / 
My  lord  doo  alle  that  it  plefe  yow  /  but  fyrft  ye 
mufl:  gyue  vs  the  fentence  of  a  procefTe  of  a 
plee  whiche  is  bytwixe  vs  bothe/  And  the  wulf 
anfuerd/  that  with  ryght  a  good  wylle  he  wold 
doo  ,hit  /  And  after  fayd  to  them  /  My  lordes 
telle  my  your  refons  and  caas  /  to  thende  that  the 
better  I  may  gyue  the  fentence  of  your  dyferent 
and  queftion  /  And  thenne  one  of  them  beganne 
to  fay/  My  lord/  this  medowe  was  bylongynge 
to  our  fader/  And  by  caufe  that  he  deyde  with- 


QUINTUS.  159 

oute  makyngc  ony  ordonnnucc  or  teftamcnt  /  we 
be  now  in  debate  and  llryf  for  the  parlynge  of 
hit/  wherfore  we  praye  the  that  thow  vouchc- 
fauf  to  accorde  oure  dyferent  /  fo  that  pees 
be  made  bytwene  vs/  And  thenne  the  wulf 
deniaunded  of  the  ranimes  how  theyr  queftion 
myght  be  accorded  /  Ryght  wel  fayd  one  of 
them/  by  one  manere/  whiche  I  ftial  telle  to 
the/  yf  hit  pleafe  to  the  to  here  me/  we  two 
llialle  be  at  the  two  endes  of  the  medowe/  and 
tliow  llialt  be  in  the  myddes  of  it/  And  fro 
thende  of  the  medowe/  we  bothe  at  ones  llialle 
renne  toward  the/  And  he  that  fyrft  flialle  come 
to  the/  Ihalle  be  lord  of  the  medowe/  And  the 
laft  Ihalle  be  thyn  /  Wei  tliene  fayd  the  wulf/ 
thyn  aduys  is  good  and  wel  purpofed  /  late  fee 
now  who  fyrft  Ihalle  come  to  me/  Thenne  wente 
the  two  rammes  to  renne  toward  the  wulf/  And 
with  alle  theyr  myght  came  and  gaf  to  hym 
fuche  two  ftrokes  bothe  at  ones  ageynft  bothe 
his  fydes/  that  almoft  they  brake  his  lierte  within 
his  bely  /  &  then  fyll  doune  the  poure  wulf  alle 
afwowned  /  And  the  rammes  wente  theyr  way/ 
C  And  whanne  he  was  come  ageyn  to  hym  felf  / 
he  took  courage  and  departed  /  fayenge  to  hym 
felf/  I  care  not  for  alle  this  Iniurye  and  ftiame/ 
For  as  myn  ers  dyde  fvnge  to  me/  yet  ihalle  I 
this  day  etc  Ibmnie  good  and  delycious  mete/ 


i6o  LIBER 

C  He  had  not  long  walked/  whanne  he  fond  a 
fowe/  and  her  Ihial  pygges  with  her/  And  In- 
contynent  as  he  lawe  her/  he  fayd/  bleffed  be 
god  of  that  I  Ihalle  this  daye  ete  and  fvlle  my 
bely  with  precious  metes/  and  fhalle  haue  good 
fortune/  And  in  that  fayenge  approched  to  the 
fowe/  &  fayd  to  her/  My  fufter  I  muft  ete 
fomme  of  thy  yonge  pygges  And  the  fowe  wente 
and  fayd  to  hym  /  my  lord  I  am  content  of  alle 
that/  whiche  pleafeth  to  yow/  But  or  ye  ete 
them  /  I  praye  yow  that  they  maye  be  baptyfed 
and  made  clene  in  pure  and  fayre  water/  And 
the  wulf  fayd  to  the  fowe/  Shewe  me  thenne 
the  water  /  And  I  Ihalle  waiihe  and  baptyfe 
them  wel  /  And  thenne  the  fowe  wente  and 
ledde  hym  at  a  flange  or  pond  where  as  was  a 
fayr  mylle  CAnd  as  the  wulf  was  vpon  the 
lytyl  brydge  of  the  fayd  mylle/  and  that  he  wold 
haue  take  one  pygge/  the  fowe  threwe  the  wulf 
in  to  the  water  with  her  hede/  and  for  thefwyft- 
nelTe  of  the  water/  he  muft  nedes  paffe  vnder 
the  whele  of  the  mylle  /  And  god  wote  yf  the 
wynges  of  the  mylle  bete  hym  wel  or  not/  And 
as  foone  as  he  myght  /  he  ranne  away  /  And  as 
he  ranne  feyd  to  hym  felf/  I  care  not  for  foo 
lytyl  a  Ihame/  ne  therfore  I  ihall  not  be  bette/ 
but  that  I  ihalle  yet  this  daye  ete  my  bely  full 
of  metes  delycious/  as  myn  ers  dyd  iynge  it  erly 


QUINTUS.  i6r 

to  me/     C  And  as  he  palFed  thurgh  the  ftrete  / 
he  lawe  fomme  flieep/  and  as  tlie  Ihepe  fawe 
hym  /  they  entryd  in  to  a  ftable  /     C  And  whan 
the  wult  came  there  he  I'ayd  to  tliem   in  this 
manere  /  God  kepe  you  my  fullers/  I  muft  ete 
one  ot  vow/  to  thende/  that   I  may  be  tyllcd 
and  rnllalyed  of  my  grete  honger/  And  thenne 
one  of  them  fiyd  to  hym/  Certaynly  my  lord/ 
ye  are  welcome  to  palfe/  For  we  ben  comcn 
hyder  for  to  hold  a  grete  folempnyte/  wherfore 
we  alle  praye  yow  /  that  ye  pontyfycally  wylle 
fvnge    And  after  the  feruyfe  complete  and  done/ 
doo  what  ye  wyll  of  the  one  of  vs  /  &  thenne  the 
wulf  for  vayn  glory/  faynyng  to  be  a  prelate  be- 
ganne  to  fynge  and  to  howle  before  the  Iheep/ 
CAnd  whanne  the  men  of  the  toune  herd  the 
voys  of  the  wulf/  they  came  to  the  rtable  with 
grete  Ihuies  and  with  grete  dogges  /  and  wonderly 
they  wounded   the   wulf/  and   almoft   brouo-ht 
hym  to  deth/  that  with  grete  payne  he  coude 
goo/  neuertheles  he  fcaped/  and  wente  vnder 
a  grete  tree/  vpon  the  whiche  tree  was  a  man 
whiche    hewe  of  the   bowes  of  the   tree/   The 
wulf  thenne  beganne  to  lyghe  fore/  and  to  make 
grete  forowe  of  his  cuylle  fortune/  and  favd  /  Ha 
Jupiter  how  many  euyls  haue  I  had  and  filtered 
thisdaye/  but  wel  I  prcfume  and  knowe/that 
hit  is  by  me  and  by  niyn  owne  caufc  /  and  i)y 



i62  LIBER 

my  proud  thoughte  /  For  the  daye  in  the  morn- 
ynge  I  fond  a  fak  ful  of  talowe  /  the  whiche  I 
dayned  not  but  only  fmelle  hit.  And  after  I 
fond  a  grete  pycece  of  bakon  /  the  whiche  I  wold 
neuer  ete  for  drede  of  grete  thurft  and  for 
my  folyflhe  thought/  And  therfore  yf  euylle  is 
fyn  happed  to  me  it  is  wel  beftowed  and  em- 
ployed/ My  fader  was  neuer  medecyn  ne  leche/ 
and  alfo  I  haue  not  ftudyed  and  lerned  in  the 
fcyence  of  medycyn  or  phifyke  /  therfore  if  it 
happeth  euylle  to  me/  whanne  I  wold  drawe 
the  thorne  oute  of  the  mares  fote  it  is  wel  em- 
ployed /  C  Item  my  fader  was  neuer  neylher 
patryarke  ne  Biffhop  /  and  alfo  I  was  neuer 
lettred  /  and  yet  I  prefumed  /  and  toke  on  me 
for  to  facryfyce  and  to  fynge  before  the  goddes  / 
faynyng  my  felf  to  be  a  prelate  /  but  after  my 
deferte  I  was  wel  rewarded/  C  Item  my  fader 
was  no  legift  ne  neuer  knewe  the  lawes  /  ne  alfo 
man  of  Juftyce  /  and  to  gyue  fentence  of  a  plee  / 
I  wold  entremete  me  /  and  fayned  my  felf  grete 
Juflycer  /  but  I  knewe  neyther  /  a  /  ne  /  b  / 
C  And  yf  therfore  euylle  is  come  to  me  /  it 
is  of  me  as  of  ryght  it  fhold  be/  O  Jupyter  I 
am  worthy  of  gretter  punycyon  whanne  I  haue 
ofFenfed  in  fo  many  maners/  fende  thow  now  to 
me  from  thyn  hyghe  throne   a  fwerd  or  other 

vepen  / 

QUL\TUS.  163 

vepen  /  wherwith  I  maye  ftrongly  puiiylllie  and 
bete  me  by  grete  penaunce/  For  wel  worthy  I 
am  to  reccyue  a  gretter  dcfciplyne/  And  the 
good  man  whichc  was  vpon  the  tree  /  herkened 
alle  thefe  wordes  and  deuyfes/  and  I'ayd  no 
word/  C  And  whanne  the  wulf  had  fynyllhed 
alle  his  lyghes  and  coniplavntes/  the  good  man 
toke  his  axe/  wherwith  he  had  kytte  awey  the 
dede  braunches  tVo  the  tre/  and  call  it  vpon  the 
wult"/  and  it  felle  vpon  his  neck  in  fuche  maner 
that  the  wulf  torned  vplbdoun  the  feet  vpward 
and  laye  as  had  ben  dede/  And  whan  the  wulf 
mygiil  releue  and  drcfie  hym  felf  /  he  lokcd  and 
byheld  vpward  to  the  heuen  /  and  beganne  thus 
to  crye/  Ha  Jupiter  I  fee  now  wel  that  thow 
haft  herd  and  enhaunced  my  prayer /and  thenne 
he  perccyued  the  man  whiche  was  vpon  the  tree/ 
&  wel  wende  that  he  had  ben  Jupiter/  And 
thenne  with  alle  his  myght  he  fledde  towards 
the  foreft  fore  wounded/  and  rendred  hym  felf 
to  humylyte/  and  more  meke  and  humble  he 
was  alicrwards  than  euer  before  he  had  ben 
fyers  ne  prowde/  C  And  by  this  fable  men 
may  knowe  and  fee  that  moche  refteth  to  be 
done  of  that/  tliat  a  foole  thynketh/  And  hit 
Iheweth  to  vs/  that  whan  fomme  good  cometh 
to  fomme/  it  ought  not  to  be  reffufed/  For  it 


i64  LIBER 

maye  not  ben  recouerd  as  men  wyll  /  And  alfo 
it  Iheweth  /  hou  none  ought  to  auaunte  hym  to 
doo  a  thynge  whiche  he  can  not  doo  /  but  ther- 
fore  euery  man  ought  to  gouerne  and  rewle 
hym  felf  after  his  eftate  and  faculte  / 



C  QTijEXJ  fable  is  of  the  mucous  tioggc/ 

one  ought  not  to  haue  enuye  of 
V\  good  of  other/  As  it  appiereth 
by  this  fable  /  Of  a  dogge  whiche 
was  enuyous/  and  that  fomtyme 
was  within  a  liable  of  oxen/  the 
whiche  was  ful  of  heye/  This  dogge  kept  the 
oxen  that  they  Ihold  not  entre  in  to  theyr  ftable/ 
and  that  they  ihold  not  ete  of  the  fayd  hey/  And 
thenne  the  oxen  fayd  to  hym  /  thow  arte  wel 
peruers  and  euylle  to  haue  enuye  of  the  good/ 
the  whiche  is  to  vs  nedefull  and  prouffitable/ 
and  thow  haft  of  hit  nought  to  doo/  for  thy 
kvnde  is  not  to  ete  no  hey  /  And  thus  he  dyd  of 
a  grete  bone  /  the  whiche  he  held  at  his  mouthe  / 
and  wold  not  leue  hit  by  caufe  and  for  enuye  of 
another  dogge/  whiche  was  therby  /  And  ther- 
fore  kepe  the  wel  fro  the  company  or  felaulhip 
of  an  enuyous  body/  For  to  haue  to  doo  with 
hym  hit  is  moche  peryllous  and  dyftycyle  /  As 
to  vs  is  wel  ftiewen  by  Lucyfer 

i66  LIBER 

C  El^c  itj  fable  i&  of  tj^e  biulf  anti  of  t^e 
|)ongr2  boggE  / 

]Uche  fuppofen  fomtyme  wynne  that 
lefen  /  As  hit  appiereth  by  this 
Fable/  For  hit  is  fayd  comunly 
that  as  moche  delpendeth  the 
nygard  as  the  large/  As  hit  ap- 
piereth by  this  fable  of  a  man  whiche  had  a  grete 
herd  of  llieep  /  And  alfo  he  had  a  dogge  for  to 
kepe  them  fro  the  wulues  /  To  this  dogge  he  gaf 
no  mete  /  for  the  grete  auaryce  whiche  held  hym  / 
And  therfore  the  wulf  on  a  daye  came  to  the 
dogge  and  demaunded  of  hym  the  rayfon  /  wh}^ 
he  was  foo  lene  /  and  fayd  to  hym  /  I  fee  wel 
that  thow  dyefl;  for  honger/  by  caufe  that  thy 
mayfler  gyueth  the  no  mete  /  by  his  grete  fcar- 
cyte/  but  yf  thow  wylt  byleue  me  I  fhalle  gyue 
to  the  good  counceylle  /  And  the  dogge  fayd  to 
hym  /  Certaynly  I  myfter  gretely  of  good  coun- 
ceylle /  C  Thenne  the  wulf  fayd  to  hym  /  This 
ihalt  thow  doo/  Lete  me  take  a  lambe/  And 
whanne  I  fhalle  haue  hit  I  iTialle  renne  awey/ 
and  whanne  thow  Ihalt   fee   me  renne  /  make 


QUINTUS.  167 

thenne  femblant  to  renne  after  mc  /  and  Icte  thv 
fflf  falle  faynynge  that  thow  canft  not  ouertnke 
me/  for  lack  and  fawte  of  mete/  whiche  maketh 
the  fo  feble/  And  thus  whanne  the  fheepherd 
Ihalle  fee  that  thow  mayft  not  haue  the  lambe  fro 
nic  by  caufe  of  the  grete  feblenelle  and  debylyto 
(if  thy  lene  body/  he  lliell  telle  to  thy  lord  that 
thow  myghtcft  not  focoure  the  lambe/  by  caufe 
that  thow  arte  ("0  fore  ahongryd/  and  by  this 
means  thow  Ihalt  haue  mete  thy  bely  ful  /  C  The 
dogge  thenne  acorded  this  with  the  wulf/  and 
eche  of  them  made  and  dyde  as  aboue  is  fayd  / 
C  And  whane  the  Iheep  herd  fawe  the  dogge 
falle/  fuposed  wel  /  that  honger  was  a  caufe  of 
it  Forthe  whiche  caufe  whanne  one  of  the 
Iheep  herdes  came  home  he  told  hit  to  his  mayf- 
ter/  And  whan  the  mayfter  vnderftood  hit/  he 
fayd  as  a  man  wroth  for  Ihame/  I  wylle  that 
fro  hensforthon  he  haue  breed  ynough  /  C  And 
thenne  euery  daye  the  fayd  dogge  hadde  foppes 
of  brede/  and  of  drye  breed  he  hadde  ynough/ 
C  Thenne  the  dogge  toke  ftrengthe/  and  vygour 
ageyne/  C  It  happed  within  a  lytyl  whyle  after/ 
that  the  wulf  came  ageyne  to  the  dogge/  and  fayd 
to  hym  /  I  perceyue  wel  /  that  I  gaf  to  the  good 
counceylle/  And  the  dogge  fayd  to  the  wulf/ 
My  brodcr  thow  fayft  foothe/  wherfore  I  thanke 
the   moche/    For   of  hit    I    hadde   grete   nedc/ 


1 68  LIBER 

C  And  thenne  the  wulf  fayd  to  hym  /  yf  thow 
wylt  I  {hall  gyue  to  the  yet  better  counceylle  / 
And  the  dogge  anfuerd  hym  with  ryght  a  good 
wylle  I  fhalle  here  hit  /  And  yf  hit  be  good  I 
Ihalle  do  after  hit/  C Thenne  fayd  the  wulf  to 
hym  Lete  me  take  yet  another  lambe/  and  doo 
thy  dylygence  for  to  haue  hit  fro  me/  and  to 
byte  me  /  and  I  flialle  ouerthrowe  the  thy  feet 
vpward/  as  he  that  hath  no  puyffaunce  ne 
llrength  withoute  hurtynge  of  thy  felf  /  byleue 
me  hardyly/  and  wel  hit  fhalle  happe  to  the/ 
And  whanne  thy  mayfters  feruaunts  flialle  haue 
fene  thy  dylygence/  they  fhal  fliewen  hit  to  thy 
mayfter  how  that  thow  flial  kepe  ful  wel  his 
folde/  yf  thow  be  wel  nouryflhed/  C  And 
thenne  the  dogge  anfuerd  to  the  wulf  that  he 
was  contente  /  And  as  hit  was  fayd  /  ryght  fo 
hit  was  done/  and  bothe  of  them  maad  good 
dylygence  The  wulf  here  aweye  the  lambe/ 
and  the  dogge  renne  after  hym  /  and  ouertook 
hym/  &  bote  hym  fayntly/  And  the  wulf  ouer- 
threwe  the  dogge  vpfodoune  to  the  ground  / 
And  whan  the  llieepherdes  fawe  gyue  fuche 
ftrokes  amonge  the  dogge  &  the  Wulf/  fayd 
Certaynly  we  haue  a  good  dogge  /  we  mufte  telle 
his  dylygence  to  our  mayfter/  and  foo  they  dyd/ 
&  how  he  bote  the  wulf/  and  how  he  was  ouer- 
throwen  /  And  yet  fayd  Certaynly  yf  he  hadde 


QUI  NT  us.  169 

hadde  euer  inete  ynough  /  tlic  wulf  lincl  not 
borne  awey  the  lainbe/  Thenne  the  lord  com- 
niaunded  to  gyue  hym  pleiite  of  mete/  wherof 
the  dogge  took  ageyne  al  llrengthe  and  vcrlue/ 
And  within  a  wliyle  alter  the  wultcame  ageyne 
to  the  dogge/  and  layd  to  hym  in  tliis  nianere/ 
My  broder  haue  I  not  g)'uen  to  the  good  coun- 
ceylle/  And  thenne  the  dogge  anfuerd  to  hym/ 
Certaynly  ye/  wherof  I  thanke  yow  /  And  the 
wult"  fayd  to  the  dogge/  I  praye  the  my  broder 
and  my  good  frend  that  thow  wylt  yet  gyue 
another  lambe/  and  the  dogge  fayd  to  hym/ 
Certaynly  my  broder/  wel  hit  maye  futfyfe  the 
to  haue  had  iweyne  of  them/  C Thenne  fayd 
the  wulf  to  the  dogge/  (I  At  the  left  waye  I 
maye  haue  one  for  my  labour  and  fallarye/  That 
flialt  thow  not  haue  fayd  the  dogge/  Haft  thow 
not  had  good  fallarye  for  to  haue  hadde  two 
lambes  oute  of  my  mayfters  herd  /  C  And  the 
wulf  anfuerd  to  hym  ageyne/  IMy  brother  gyue 
hit  me  yf  hit  pleafe  the/  C  And  after  fayd  the 
dogge  to  hym/  Nay  I  wylle  not/  And  yf  thow 
takell  hit  ageynlie  my  wylle/  I  promytte  and 
warne  the/  that  neuer  after  tyme  thow  flialt 
ete  none/  And  thenne  the  wulf  fayd  to  hym/ 
Alias  my  broder  I  deye  for  honger/  Counceylle 
me  for  goddys  loue  what  I  Ihalle  doo/  And  the 
dogge  fayd  to  hym/  I  flial  couceylle  the  wel  a 



walle  of  my  mayfters  celer  is  fallen  doune  /  go 
thyder  this  nyght  and  entre  in  hit/  and  there 
thow  mayft  both  ete  and  drynke  after  thy  play- 
lyr  /  For  bothe  breed  flefllie  and  wyn  {halt  thow 
fynde  at  plente  there  within/  And  thenne  the 
wulf  fayd  to  hym/  Alias  my  broder/  beware 
wel  thenne  /  that  thow  accufe  ne  deceyue  me 
not  /  And  the  dogge  anfuerd  /  I  waraunt  the  / 
but  doo  thy  faythe  foo  pryuely  /  that  none  of  my 
felawes  knowe  not  of  hit/  C  And  the  wulf 
came  at  the  nyght/  and  entryd  in  to  the  celer/ 
and  /  ete  and  dranke  at  his  playfyre  /  In  fo 
moche  that  he  wexed  dronke  And  whanne  he 
hadde  dronke  foo  moche  /  that  he  was  dronke  / 
He  fayd  to  hym  felf  /  whanne  the  vylaynes  ben 
fylled  wyth  metes/  and  that  they  ben  dronke/ 
they  fynge  theyr  fonges  /  and  I  wherfore  fhold 
I  not  fynge  /  C  And  thenne  he  beganne  to  crye 
and  to  howle  /  And  the  dogges  herd  the  voys  of 
hym  wherfore  they  beganne  to  barke  and  to 
howle  /  And  the  feruaunts  whiche  herd  them 
fayd/  It  is  the  wulf/  whiche  is  entryd  within 
the  celer/  And  thenne  they  al  to  gyder  wenten 
thyder/  and  kylled  the  wulf/  And  therfore 
more  defpendeth  the  nygard  than  the  large/ 
For  auaryce  was  neuer  good  /  For  many  one 
ben  whiche  dare  not  ete  ne  drynke  as  nature 
requyreth/   But  neuertheles  euery  one  oughte 


QUINTUS.  171 

to  ufe  and  lyuc  priulently  of  all  fuche  goodcs 
as  god  lendeth  to  hym  /  This  fable  alfo  fticweth 
to  vs/  that  none  ought  to  do  ageynfte  his  kynde  / 
as  of  the  wulf  whiche  wexed  dronke/  for  the 
whiche  caufc  he  was  Ilayne 



C  W-\)t  xii}  fable  tnaketl^  mcncgon  of  i])t  fatier 
anti  of  ijis  tf}re  c|)illiren 

E  is  not  wyfe  /  whiche  for  to  haue 
vanyte  and  his  plefyr  taketh  debate 
or  ftryf  /  As  hit  appiereth  by  this 
fable  /  Of  a  man  whiche  hadde 
thre  children/  and  at  the  houre 
of  his  dethe  he  byquethed  /  and  gaf  to  them  his 
herytage  or  lyuehode/  that  is  to  wete  a  grete 
pere  tree/  a  gote  &  a  mylle/  CAnd  whanne 
the  fader  was  deed/  the  bretheren  aflembled 
them  thre  to  gyder/  and  wente  before  the  Juge 
for  to  parte  their  lyuehode/  and  fayd  to  the 
Juge/  My  lord  the  Juge/  Oure  fader  is  dede 
whiche  hath  byquethed  to  vs  thre  bretheren  al 
his  herytage  and  as  moche  of  hit  fhold  haue 
the  one  as  the  other  And  thenne  the  Juge 
demaunded/  what  was  theyr  lyuehode/  And 
they  anfuerd  a  pere  tree/  a  gote  and  a  mylle/ 
And  thenne  the  Juge  fayd  to  them  /  that  they 
fhold  fette  and  make  partyes  egal  of  your  lyue- 
lede/  And  the  one  to  haue  as  moche  of  hit  as 
the  other/  hit  is  a  thynge  moche  dyffycyle  to 
doo/  but  to  your  aduys  how  (hold  ye  parte  it/ 


QUISTUS.  173 

And  thenne  the  cldeft  of  the  three  brethcrcn 
fpake  and  layd/  I  flialle  take  fro  the  pere  tree 
alio  that  is  croked  and  vpright/  And  the  fecond 
fayd  /  I  fhalle  take  fro  tlie  pere  tree  alle  that  is 
grene  and  dr)'e  /  And  the  thyrd  fayd  I  fliallc 
haue  alio  the  rote/  the  puUe  or  mafte  and  alio 
the  branches  of  the  pere  tree/  CAnd  thenne 
the  Juge  fayd  to  them  /  He  that  thenne  flialle 
haue  the  mofl:  parte  of  the  tree/  lete  hym  be 
Juge/  For  I  no  none  other  may  know  ne 
vnderrtande  who  Ihalle  haue  the  more  or  lefle 
parte/  And  therfore  he  that  can  or  Ihalle  proue 
more  openly/  that  he  hath  the  moft  parte  Ihal 
be  lord  of  the  tree/  C  And  after  the  Juge  de- 
maunded  of  them  /  how  that  theyr  fader  had 
deuyfed  to  them  the  gote/  And  they  fayd  to 
hym/  he  that  (lialle  make  the  fayreft  prayer  and 
requeft  mutl  haue  the  gote/  And  thene  the 
fyrrte  broder  made  his  requeft/  and  fayd  in  this 
manere/  wold  god  that  the  goot  were  now  foo 
grete  that  the  myght  drynke  alle  the  water 
whiche  is  vnder  the  cope  of  heuen  /  And  that 
whanne  Ihe  hadde  dronken  it  /  fhe  Ihold  yet  be 
fore  thurfty  C  The  fecond  fayd/  I  fuppofe  that 
the  gote  Ihalle  be  myn  /  For  a  fayrer  demaunde 
or  requeft  than  thyn  is  I  Ihalle  now  make/  C  I 
wold/  that  alle  the  hempe/  and  alle  the  Flaxe 
and  alle  the  wuile  of  the  worlde  were  made  in 

174  LIBER 

one  threed  alone  /  And  that  the  Gote  were  fo 
grete  /  that  with  that  fame  threde  men  myght 
not  bynde  one  of  his  legges/  CThenne  fayd 
thirdde/  yet  fhalle  be  myn  the  gote/  G  For  I 
wolde/  that  he  were  foo  grete/  that  yf  an  Egle 
were  at  the  vppermoft  of  the  heuen  /  he  myght 
occupye  and  haue  thenne  as  moche  place  as  the 
Egle  myght  loke  and  fee  in  hyght/  in  lengthe  and 
in  breed/  CAnd  thenne  the  Jugefayde  to  them 
thre  /  who  is  he  of  yow  thre  /  that  hath  maade  the 
fayreft  prayer/  Certaynly  1  nor  none  other  canne 
not  faye  ne  gyue  the  Jugement/  And  therfore 
the  goote  fhalle  be  bylongynge  to  hym  that  of 
hit  fhalle  fay  the  trouthe  C  And  the  Mylle  how 
was  hit  deuyfed  by  your  Fader  for  to  be  parted 
amonge  yow  thre/  (I  And  they  anfuerde  and 
fayde  to  the  Juge  /  He  that  fhalle  be  mooft  Iyer/ 
moofte  euylle  and  moll  Howe  ought  to  haue  hit/ 
C  Thenne  fay  the  eldell  fone  /lam  mooft  flow- 
full/  For  many  yeres  I  haue  dwellyd  in  a  grete 
hous  /  and  laye  vnder  the  conduytes  of  the  fame  / 
oute  of  the  whiche  felle  vpon  me  alia  the  fowle 
waters  /  as  pyffe  /  dyfllie  water  /  and  alle  other 
fylthe  that  wonderly  ftanke  /  In  fo  moche  that 
al  my  fleflhe  was  roten  therof  /  and  myn  eyen 
al  blynd  /  and  the  durt  vnder  my  back  was  a  foot 
hvghe/  And  yet  by  my  grete  llouthe  I  hadde 
leuer  to  abyde  there  /  than  to  tourne  me  /  and 
haue  lyfte  me  vp  C  The 

QUI  ST  US.  175 

C  The  fecond  l';iy<i/  I  luppofe  wel  /  that  the 
mylle  Ihalle  bo  myn  /  For  yf  I  had  failed  twenty 
yere/  And  yt"  I  hadde  come  to  a  table  couerd  of 
al  maner  of  precious  and  delyate  metes/  tlierof 
I  myght  wel  etc  yf  I  wold  take  of  the  belt/  I 
am  lb  llouihfuU  thai  I  maye  not  ete  Withoute 
one  fliold  putte  the  mete  in  to  mv  niouthe/ 

C  And  the  tliyrde  fayd  /  the  mylle  ihalle  be 
myn/  For  I  am  yet  a  gretter  lyar  and  more 
llouthfuU/  than  ony  of  yow  bothe/  For  yf  I 
hadde  ben  athurlt  vnto  the  dethe/  And  yf  I 
found  thenne  my  lelf  within  a  fayre  water  into 
the  neck/  I  wold  rather  deye/  than  to  meue  ones 
my  heed  for  to  drynke  therof  only  one  drop  / 
C  Thenne  fayd  the  Juge  to  them/  Ye  wote  not 
what  ye  I'aye/  For  I  nor  none  other  maye  not 
wel  vnderftande  yow/  But  the  caufe  I  remytte 
and  put  amonge  yow  thre/  And  thus  they  wente 
withoute  ony  fentence/  For  to  folylthe  de- 
maunde  behoueth  a  folyllhe  anfuere 

C  And  therfore  they  ben  fooles  that  wylle 
plete  fuche  vanyte  one  ageynlle  other/  And 
many  one  ben  fallen  therfore  in  grete  pouerte/ 
For  for  a  lytyl  thynge  ought  to  be  made  a  lytyl 




C  STfie  xtij  fable  is  of  tfje  Innlf  antJ  of  tfje  foie 

One  maye  not  be  mayfter  without 
he  haue  be  fyrfte  a  difciple/  As 
hit  appiereth  by  this  Fable  /  Of 
a  Foxe  whiche  came  toward  a 
wulf  /  and  layd  to  hym  /  My  lord 
I  praye  yow  that  ye  wylle  be  my  godfep  / 
And  the  wulf  anfuerd/  I  am  content/  And  the 
foxe  toke  to  hym  his  fone  prayenge  hym  that  to 
his  fone  he  wold  fhewe  and  lerne  good  doftryne/ 
the  whiche  the  wulf  tooke  /  and  wente  with  hym 
vpon  a  montayne/  And  thenne  he  fayd  to  the 
lytyll  foxe  whanne  the  beetles  fhalle  come  to  the 
feldes  calle  me/  And  the  foxe  wente  and  fawe 
fro  the  top  of  the  hylle  /  how  the  beeftes  were 
comynge  to  the  feldes/  and  forth  with  he  wente 
and  called  his  godfader/  and  fayd  My  godfader 
the  beeftes  comen  in  to  the  feldes  /  And  the  wulf 
demaunded  of  hym  /  what  beftes  are  they  /  and 
the  fox  anfuerd  /  they  be  bothe  kyne  &  fwyn  to 
gyder/  Wei  fayd  the  wulf/  I  gyue  no  force  for 
them  /  lete  them  go  for  the  dogges  ben  with 
them  /  And  foone  after  the  foxe  dyd  loke  on 
another  fyde/  and  perceyued  the  mare  whiche 


QUINTUS.  177 

wente  to  the  feldes/  and  he  wente  to  his  god- 
fader  &  fayd/  godfader  the  mare  is  goo  to  the 
teldes/  &  the  wulf  demaunded  of  hym  where 
aboute  is  (he/  And  the  foxe  anfuered  fhe  is  by 
the  foreft  /  And  the  wulf  layd  /  Now  go  we  to 
dyner/  And  the  wulf  with  his  godfone  entryd 
in  to  the  wood/  and  came  to  the  mare/  CThe 
wulf  perceyued  wel  and  fawe  a  yonge  colt/ 
whiche  was  by  his  moder/  the  wulf  tooke  hym 
bv  the  neck  with  his  teethe  and  drewe  hit  within 
the  wood/  and  ete  &  deuoured  hym  bytwene 
them  bothe/  C  And  whan  they  had  wel  eien 
the  godfon  fayd  to  his  godfader/  INIy  godtader 
I  commaude  yow  to  god  and  moche  I  thanke 
yow  your  doftrine  /  For  wel  ye  haue  taught  me  / 
in  fo  moche/  that  now  I  am  a  grete  clerke/  &: 
now  I  wylle  goo  toward  my  moder/  And  thenne 
the  wulf  fayd  to  his  godfon  /  My  godfone  yf 
thow  goft  awey/  thow  flialt  repente  the  ther- 
fore/  For  thow  haft  not  yet  wel  ftudyed/  and 
knoweft  not  yet  the  Sylogylmes/  C  Ha  my 
godfader  fayd  the  Foxe  /  I  knowe  wel  al  /  C  And 
the  wulf  fayd  to  hym/  Sythe  thow  wylt  goo/ 
to  god  I  commaunde  the/ 

C  And  whanne  the  Foxe  was  come  toward 
his  moder/  ftie  fayd  to  hym/  Certaynly/  thow 
haft  not  yet  ftudyed  ynough/  C  And  he  thenne 
fayd  to  her/  Moder  I  am  loo  grete  a  ck-rke  that 



178  LIBER 

I  can  caft  the  deuylle  fro  the  clyf  /  Lete  vs  go 
chace/  and  ye  flialle  fee  yf  I  haue  lerned  ought 
or  not/  C  And  the  yong  foxe  wold  haue  done 
as  his  godfader  the  wulf  dede  /  and  faid  to  his 
moder/  make  good  watche/  CAnd  whanne 
the  beetles  llialle  come  to  the  feld/  lete  me 
haue  therof  knowlege  /  And  his  moder  fayd/ 
wel  my  fone  fo  iTialle  I  doo  /  She  maade  good 
watche  /  And  whanne  flie  fawe  that  bothe  kyne 
and  fwyne  wente  to  the  feldes  /  {he  fayd  thenne 
to  hym  My  fone  the  kyne  and  the  fwyn  to  gyder 
ben  in  the  feldes  /  And  he  anfuerd  /  My  moder 
of  them  I  retche  not  /  lete  them  goo  /  for  the 
dogges  kepe  them  wel/  CAnd  within  a  fliort 
whyle  after  /  the  moder  fawe  come  the  mare 
nyghe  vnto  a  wode/  and  wente/  and  fayd  to 
her  fone  /  My  fone  the  mare  is  nyghe  the  wood 
And  he  anfuerd/  My  moder  thefe  ben  good 
tydynges/  Abyde  ye  here/  For  I  goo  to  fetche 
our  dyner/  and  wente  and  entred  in  to  the 
Wode  /  And  after  wold  doo  as  his  godfader 
dyd  before/  and  wente  and  tooke  the  mare  by 
the  neck/  But  the  mare  tooke  hym  with  her 
teeth  /  and  bare  hym  to  the  iheepherd  And 
the  moder  cryed  from  the  top  of  the  hylle/ 
My  fone  lete  goo  the  mare/  and  come  hyder 
ageyne/  but  he  myght  not/  For  the  mare 
held  hym  faft  with  her  teethe/     CAnd  as  the 


QUINTUS.  179 

fheepherde  cnmc  for  to  kylle  hym  /  the  moder 
crycd  and  layd  wepynge/  Alias  my  (one  thow 
dydell  not  Icrne  wel/  And  hnft  ben  to  lytel 
a  whyle  atte  fchole  /  wherfore  thow  mult  now 
deye  myferably/  And  the  Iheepherdes  took  and 
flewe  hym/  For  none  ought  to  fay  hym  lelf" 
mayfter  withoute  that  he  haue  fyrll  ftudyed  / 
For  fome  wene  to  be  a  grete  clerke/  that  can 
nothyng  of  clergye/ 



C  2E]^e  i&  fable  is  of  tl)e  tjorjge  /  of  tfje  toulf  antj 
of  tfjE  iri]^£tt)£r 

Rete  folye  is  to  a  fool  that  hath  no 
myght/  that  wylle  begyle  another 
ftronger  tha  hym  felf  /  as  reher- 
ceth  this  fable  of  a  fader  of 
famylle  whiche  had  a  grete  herd 
or  flock  of  flieep  /  and  had  a  grete  dogge  for  to 
kepe  them  which  was  wel  ftronge  /  And  of  his 
voys  all  the  wolues  were  aferd  wherfore  the 
fheepherd  flepte  more  furely/  but  it  happed/ 
that  this  dogge  for  his  grete  age  deyde/  wher- 
fore the  flieepherdes  were  fore  troubled  and 
wrothe/  and  fayd  one  to  other/  we  fhall  no 
more  llepe  at  oure  eafe  by  caufe  that  our  dogge 
is  dede  /  for  the  wulues  fhall  now  come  and 
ete  our  llieep  /  C  And  thenne  a  grete  wether 
fyers  and  prowd  /  whiche  herd  alle  thefe  wordes 
came  to  them  and  fayd  /  I  fhalle  gyue  yow  good 
counceylle/  Shaue  me/  and  put  on  me  the 
Ikynne  of  the  dogge  And  whanne  the  wulues 
fhalle  fee  me  /  they  Ihalle  haue  grete  fere  of  me/ 
C  And  whanne  the  wulues  came  and  fawe  the 
wether  clothed  with  the  ikynne  of  the  dogge/ 


QUINTUS.  i8i 

they  beganne  all  to  flee/  and  ranne  awey/  C  It 
happed  on  a  clay  that  a  wulf  whiche  was  I"<;re 
hongry/  came  and  toke  a  lambe/  and  after  ran 
awaye  therwitli  /  C  And  thenne  the  layd  wether 
ranne  atter  hym  /  And  the  wulf  whiche  fuppokd 
that  it  had  ben  tlie  dogge  fhote  thryes  by  the 
waye  for  the  grete  fere  that  he  had/  And  ranne 
euer  as  faft  as  he  coude/  and  the  wether  alfo 
ranne  after  hym  withoute  cefTe/  tyl  that  he 
ranne  thurgh  a  bulihe  full  of  lliarp  thornes  /  the 
whiche  thornes  rente  and  brake  alle  the  dogges 
lliynne/  whiche  was  on  hym/  And  as  the  wulf 
loked  and  fawe  behynde  hym  /  beynge  moche 
doubtous  of  his  dethe/  fawe  and  perceyued  alle 
the  decepcion  and  falfliede  of  the  wether/  And 
forthwith  retorned  ageynlte  hym/  and  demaunded 
of  hym  /  what  beell  arte  thow  /  And  the  wether 
anluerd  to  hym  in  this  maner  /  My  lord  I  am  a 
wether  whiche  playeth  with  the/  And  the  wulf 
fayd/  Ha  mayfter  ought  ye  to  playe  with  your 
mayfter  and  with  your  lord/  thow  haft  made  me 
fo  fore  aferd  /  that  by  the  waye  as  I  raime  before 
the/  I  dyte  Ihyte  thre  grete  toordes/  And  thene 
the  wulf  ledde  hym  unto  the  place  where  as  he 
hadihyte/  fayenge  thus  to  hym/  lokehyther/ 
callelt  thow  this  a  playe/  I  take  hit  not  for  playe/ 
P'or  now  I  llialle  ftiewe  to  the/  how  thow  ought- 
eft  not  to  playe  fo  with  thy  lord/  And  thenne 


1 82  LIBER 

the  wulf  took  and  kylled  hym  /  and  deuoured 
and  ete  hym/  C  And  therfore  he  that  is  wyfe 
mufle  take  good  hede/  how  he  playeth  with 
hym  whiche  is  wyfer/  more  fage/  and  more 
ftronge  /  than  hym  felf  is  / 

QUINTUS.  183 

C  Z\)c  ibj  fable  mnhrti)  mrncnon  of  tlir  man/  of 
tliE  Igon  N't  of  Iu3  fonc 

^E  tliat  reffufeth  the  good  dottryne 
^     of  liis  fader  /  yf  euyl  happe  cometh 

to  liym  /  it  is  but  ryglit  /  As  to  vs 
J^ij     reherccth  this  fable  of  a  Libourer/ 

whiche  fomtyme  lyucd  in  a  deferte 
of  his  ciiltyuynge  and  laboure  /  In  this  deferte 
was  a  lyon/  whiche  waited  and  deftroyed  all 
the  fede/  which  euery  daye  the  fayd  labourer 
fewed/  and  alfo  this  lyon  deftroyed  his  trees/ 
And  by  caufe  that  he  bare  and  dyd  to  hym  fo 
grete  harme  and  dommage/  he  made  an  hedge/ 
to  the  whiche  he  putte  and  fette  cordes  and 
nettes  for  to  take  lyon/  And  ones  as  this  lyon 
came  for  to  ete  corne  he  entryed  within  a  nette/ 
&:  was  taken  /  And  thenne  the  good  man  came 
lliyder/  and  bete  and  fmote  hym  fo  wonderly/ 
that  vnnethe  he  myght  fcape  fro  deth  /  And  by 
caufe  that  the  lyon  fawe  that  he  myght  not 
efcape  the  fubtylyte  of  the  man  /  he  took  his 
lytyl  lyon  /  and  went  to  dwelle  in  another 
Regyon  /  and  within  a  lytyl  whyle  after  that 
the    lyon    was    wel    growen    and    was    fyers   k 


1 84  LIBER 

llronge  he  demaunded  of  his  fader/  My  fader 
be  we  of  this  Regyon  /  Nay  fayd  the  fader/ 
For  we  ben  fledde  awey  fro  oure  land/  And 
thenne  the  lytyl  lyon  afked/  wherfore/  And 
the  fader  anfuerd  to  hym  /  For  the  fubtylyte  of 
the  man  /  And  the  lytyl  lyon  demaunded  of 
hym  what  man  is  that  /  And  his  fader  fayd  to 
hym  /  he  is  not  foo  grete  ne  fo  ftronge  as  we 
be  /  but  he  is  more  fubtyle  and  more  Ingenyous  / 
than  we  be/  and  thene  fayd  the  fone  to  the 
fader/  I  Ihalle  goo  auenge  me  on  hym  And 
the  grete  lyon  fayd  to  hym  /  goo  not  /  For  yf 
thow  gofi:  thyder  thow  fhalt  repente  the  ther- 
fore/  and  Ihalt  doo  lyke  a  fole  And  the  fone 
anfuerd  to  his  fader  /  Ha  by  my  heed  I  Ihalle  goo 
thyder/  and  llialle  fee  what  he  can  doo/  And 
as  he  wente  for  to  fynde  the  man/  he  mette  an 
oxe  within  a  medowe/  and  an  hors  whofe  back 
was  al  fleyen  /  and  fore/  to  whome  he  faid  in 
this  manere/  who  is  he  that  hath  ledde  yow 
hyder/  and  that  fo  hath  fo  hurted  yow/  And 
they  fayd  to  hym  /  It  is  the  man  /  C  And 
thenne  he  fayd  ageyne  to  them/  Certaynly/ 
here  is  a  wonder  thynge  /  I  praye  yow  /  that 
ye  wylle  fhewe  hym  to  me  And  they  wente 
and  Ihewed  to  hym  the  labourer/  which  ered 
the  erthe/  And  the  lyon  forthwith  and  with- 
oute  fayinge  of  ony  moo  wordes  wente  toward 


QUINTUS.  i8$ 

the  man/  to  whome  he  layd  in  this  mancr/ 
Ha  man  thow  haft  done  ouer  many  euyls/ 
boihe  to  me  and  to  my  Fader/  and  in  lyke 
wyle  to  oure  beeftes/  Wherfore  I  telle  the  that 
to  me  thow  Ihalt  doo  Juilyce/  And  the  man 
anfuerd  to  hyiu/  I  promytte  and  warne  tlit-/ 
that  yf  thow  come  nyghe  me  I  ihalle  llee  with 
this  greele  clubbe/  And  after  with  this  knyt"  I 
Ih.dl  tlee  the/  And  the  lyon  layd  to  hyni  / 
Come  thenne  bet'ore  my  fader/  and  he  as  kynge 
llialle  doo  to  vs  good  Jullyce/  And  thenne  the 
man  fayd  to  the  lyon/  I  am  content/  yf  that 
thow  wylt  fwere  to  me/  that  thow  fhalt  not 
touche  me/  tyll  that  we  ben  in  the  prefence  of 
thy  fader/  And  in  lyke  wyfe  I  llialle  fwere  to 
the/  that  I  Ihai  go  with  the  vnto  the  prefence 
of  thy  fader/  And  thus  the  lyon  and  the  man 
fwered  eche  one  to  other  /  and  wente  toward 
the  grete  lyon/  and  the  man  beganne  to  goo 
bv  the  way  where  as  his  cordes  and  nettes  were 
drelled/  And  as  ihey  wente/  the  lyon  lete  hym 
I'clf  falle  within  a  corde/  and  by  the  feet  he  was 
take/  fo  tli:it  he  myghte  not  tarther  goo/  And 
by  caufe  he  coude  not  goo  he  fayd  to  the  man  / 
O  man  I  prey  the  that  thow  wilt  hclpe  me/ 
For  I  may  no  more  goo/  And  the  man  anlwerd 
to  hym/  I  am  fworne  to  the  that  I  llialle  not 
touche  the  vnto  the  tynie  that  we  ben  before  thy 

fader  / 

1 86  LIBER 

fader  /  And  as  the  lyon  fuppofed  to  haue  vnbound 
hym  felf  for  to  fcape  /  he  fylle  in  to  another  nelte 
And  thenne  the  lyon  beganne  to  crye  after  the 
man  /  fayenge  to  hym  in  this  manere  /  O  good 
man  I  praye  the  that  thow  wilt  vnbynde  me/ 
And  the  man  beganne  to  fmyte  hym  vpon  the 
hede/  (I  And  thenne  whanne  the  lyon  fawe 
that  he  myght  not  fcape  /  he  fayd  to  the  man  / 
I  praye  the  /  that  thow  fmyte  me  no  more  vpon 
the  heed/  but  vpon  myn  erys/  by  caufe  that  I 
wold  not  here  the  good  counceylle  of  my  fader/ 
And  thenne  the  man  beganne  to  fmyte  hym  at 
the  herte  and  llewe  hym/  the  whiche  thyng 
happeth  ofte  to  many  children  whiche  ben 
hanged  or  by  other  maner  executed  and  put  to 
dethe/  by  caufe  that  they  wil  not  byleue  the 
dodryne  of  theyr  faders  and  moders  /  ne  obeye 
to  them  by  no  wyfe 



C  iTfif  xhi  fnlilf  h  of  t!ic  Imnglit  nntj  of  tf]f 
fcruaunt/  lljc  tof]ic{jc  foutJ  tlic  ifoic/ 

I  Any  ben  tliat  for  theyr  grete  lelyngcs 
I'uppofen  to  put  vnder  alle  the 
world  /  but  euer  at  lall  theyr  le- 
lyngcs ben  knowen  and  many- 
felted  /  as  hit  appiereth  by  tiiis 
fable  of  a  knyght  whiche  fomtyme  wente  with 
an  archer  of  his  thurgh  the  lande/  And  as  they 
rode/  they  fonde  a  Fox  And  the  knyght  fayd 
to  the  archer  in  good  Ibothe  I  lee  a  grete  Foxe/ 
And  the  archer  beganne  to  faye  to  his  lord  /  My 
lord  /  merueylle  ye  therof  /  I  haue  ben  in  a  Regyon 
where  as  the  Foxes  ben  as  grete  as  an  oxc/  And 
the  knyght  anl'uerd  In  good  Iboihe  theyr  Ikynnes 
were  good  for  to  make  mantels  with  /  yf  fkynners 
mvght  haue  them/  And  as  they  were  rydynge  / 
they  telle  in  many  wordes  and  deuyfes/  And 
thenne  by  caufe  the  knyght  perccyued  wcl  tiic 
Icfynge  of  his  Archer/  he  beganne  to  make 
preyers  and  or)'fons  to  the  goddes/  for  to  make  his 
Archer  aferd/  And  fayd  in  this  manere/  O  Jupiter 
god  almyghty/  CI  preye  the/  that  this  daye 
thow  wylt  kepe  vs  fro  all  lefynges/  lb  that  we  may 


i88  LIBER 

fauf  paffe  thys  flood  and  this  grete  Ryuerwhiche 
is  here  before  vs  /  and  that  we  may  furely  come 
to  oure  hows  /  And  whanne  the  Archer  herd 
the  prayer  and  oryibn  of  his  lord  /  he  was  moche 
abaffhed  C  And  thenne  the  Archer  demaunded 
of  hym  /  my  lord  wherfore  prayeft  thow  now  foo 
deuoutely  /  And  the  knygt  anfuerd  woft  thou  not 
wel  that  hit  is  wel  knowen  and  manyfefted  /  that 
we  foone  muft  pafle  a  ryght  grete  Ryuer  /  And 
that  he  who  on  al  this  daye  fhalle  haue  made  ony 
lefynge/  yf  he  entre  in  hit  /  he  fhalle  neuer  come 
oute  of  hit  ageyne  /  Of  the  whiche  wordes  the 
Archer  was  moche  doubtous  and  dredeful/  And 
as  they  had  ryden  a  lytyl  waye  /  they  fond  a  lytyl 
Ryuer/  wherfore  the  Archer  demaunded  of  his 
lord  /  Is  this  the  flood  whiche  we  mufl;  pafle  /  Nay 
fayd  the  knyght/  For  hit  is  wel  gretter/  O  my 
lord  I  faye  bycaufe  that  the  foxe  whiche  ye  fawe 
may  wel  haue  fwymmed  and  pafled  ouer  this  lytyl 
water/  And  the  lord  fayd/  I  care  not  therfore/ 
CAnd  after  that  they  had  ryden  a  lytyl  ferther/ 
the  fond  another  lytyll  Ryuer  /  And  the  Archer 
demaunded  of  hym/  Is  this  the  flood  that  ye  fpake 
of  to  me/  Nay  fayd  he/  For  hit  is  gretter  & 
more  brode/  And  the  Archer  fayd  ageyne  to 
hym  /  My  lord  I  fay  fo  /  by  caufe  that  the  foxe 
of  the  whiche  I  fpake  of  to  daye  was  not  gretter 
than  a  calf/     C  And  thene  the  knyght  herkyng 


QUINTUS.  189 

the  dyflTymylacion  of  his  archer/  anfwerd  not/ 
And  loo  they  rode  fbrlhc  To  longe  that  they  lond 
yet  anollier  Ryuer  And  thi-nnc  the  Archer 
dcmaunded  of  his  lord/  Is  this  the  fame  hit/ 
Nay  fayd  the  knyght  /  but  foone  we  llialle  come 
therto  /  O  my  lord  I  faye  fo  by  caufe  that  the 
Foxe  wlierof  I  fpak  to  vow  this  daye/  was  not 
gretter  than  a  iheep  /  C  And  when  they  had 
ryden  vnto  euen  tyme  they  fond  a  grete  Ryuer 
and  of  a  grete  brede/  C  And  whan  tharcher 
fawe  hit/  he  began  al  to  fliake  for  fere/  and  de- 
maunded  of  his  lord  /  My  lord  is  this  the  Ryuer/ 
Ye  fayd  the  knyght  /  O  my  lord  I  enfure  you  on 
my  feythe/  that  the  Foxe  of  the  whiche  I  fpake 
to  daye/  was  not  gretter  than  the  Foxe/  whiche 
we  fawe  to  day/  wherfore  I  knowlege  and  con- 
felfe  to  yow  my  fynne/  C  And  thenne  the  knyght 
beganne  to  fmyle/  and  fayd  to  his  Archer  in  this 
manere/  Alfo  this  Ryuer  is  no  wors  than  the 
other  whiche  we  fawe  to  fore  and  haue  paiVed 
thurgh  them/  And  thenne  the  archer  had  grete 
vergoyne  and  was  fliameful  /  by  caufe  tliat  he 
myght  no  more  couere  his  lefvnge  /  And  ther- 
fure  hit  is  fayre  and  good  for  to  faye  euer  the 
trouihe/  and  to  be  trewe  bothe  in  fpeche  and  in 
dcde  /  For  a  Iyer  is  euer  begyled  /  and  his  le- 
fynge  is  knowen  and  manyfelled  on  hym  to  his 
grete  fhame  Sc  dommage 

(  Here 


G  ^txc  after  foIotoEtx  iame  iFables  of  Cfope 

after  tf)c  neine  tranflacion  /  tf)£  iDi^ic|e 

jfabks  bm  not  founticn  ne  toreton 

in  tfje  bookcs  of  t{}e  pl)ila= 

fopljcr  Eomulus 


C  El)c  forft  fable  is  of  ilic  etjif  nnb  of  tijt 

"One  ought  to  take  on  liyni  lelf  to 
doo  a  thynge  /  whiche  is  peryllous 
withoute  he  fele  hym  felf  itrong 
•^^^^!  ynou5  to  doo  hit/  As  reherceth 
this  Fable/  Of  an  Egle/  whiche 
fleynge  took  a  lambe/  wherof  the  Rauen  hadde 
grete  enuye  whcrlur  vpoii  another  tyme  as/  the 
layd  rauen  fawe  a  grete  herd  of  Iheep  /  by  his 
grete  enuy  &:  pryde  &:  by  his  grete  ouhrage  de- 
fcended  on  them/  And  by  fuciie  fachon  and 
manere  fmote  a  wether  that  his  clowes  abode  to 
the  riyes  of  hit/  In  foo  moche  that  he  coude 
not  flee  awey  /  The  llieep  herd  thenne  came  and 
brake  and  toke  his  wynges  from  hym  /  And  after 
bare  hym  to  his  children  to  playe  them  with/ 
And  demaunded  of  hym/  what  byrd  he  was/ 
And  the  Rauen  anfuerd  to  hym  /  I  fuppofed  to 
haue  ben  an  Egle  /  And  by  my  ouerwenynge  I 
wcnde  to  haue  take  a  lambe/  as  the  egle  dyd/ 
but  now  I  knowe  wel  that  I  am  a  Rauen/  wher- 
torc  the  leblc  ought  not  in  no  wyfe  to  compare 



hym  felf  to  the  ftronge/  For  fomtyme  when  he 
fuppoleth  to  doo  more  than  he  may/  he  falleth 
in  to  grate  deihonour/  as  hit  appiereth  by  this 
prefent  Fable/  Of  a  Rauen/  whiche  luppolen 
to  haue  ben  as  lironge  as  the  ejjle 


(  Zhc  fcronli  jTablf  is  of  [he  rglr  nnti  of  ttic 

One  for  what  lb  euer  mvt^ht  that 
he  li.iue  /  ought  not  to  defpreyfe 
the  other/  As  liit  appiereth  by 
this  prefent  table  of  an  Egle/ 
whiche  chaced  fomtyme  after  an 
hare  And  by  caufe  that  the  hare  myght  not 
refyfte  ne  withflande  ageynll  the  egle  /  he  de- 
maunded  ayde  and  heipe  of  the  wefel/  the  whiche 
tooke  hym  in  her  kepynge/  And  by  caufe  that 
the  egle  fawe  the  wefel  foo  lytyl/  he  defpreyfed 
her/  and  before  her  toke  the  hare/  wherof  the 
wefel  was  wrothe/  And  therfore  the  wefell  wente/ 
and  beheld  the  Egles  nell  whiche  was  vpon  a 
hyghe  tree  /  And  whanne  Ihe  fawe  hit  /  the  lytell 
wefell  clymmed  vpon  a  tree/  and  toke  and  caft 
doune  to  the  ground  the  yonge  egles  wherfore 
they  deyde/  And  for  this  caufe  was  the  Egle 
moche  wrothe  and  angry  /  and  after  wente  to  the 
god  Jupiter  And  prayd  liym  that  lie  wold  fynde 
hym  a  fure  place  where  as  he  niyght  leye 
his  egges  and  his  lytyl  chykynes/  And  Jupiter 
graunted  hit  and  gaf  hyni  fuche  a  gyfte/  that 




whan  the  tyme  of  childynge  fhold  come/  that 
{he  ftiold  make  her  yong  Egles  within  his  bofome/ 
And  thenne  whanne  the  wefel  knewe  this/  (he 
gadred  and  alfembled  to  gyder  grete  quantite  of 
ordure  of  fylthe  /  and  therof  made  an  hyghe  hylle 
for  to  lete  her  felf  falle  fro  the  top  of  hit  in  to 
the  bofome  of  Jupiter/  And  whanne  Jupiter 
felte  the  ftenche  of  the  fylthe/  he  beganne  to 
{hake  his  bofome  /  and  both  the  wefel  and  the 
egges  of  the  egle  telle  doune  to  the  erthe/  And 
thus  were  alle  the  egges  broken  and  lofl  /  And 
whanne  the  Egel  knewe  hit  /  fhe  made  auowe  / 
that  llie  {hold  neuer  make  none  egles/  tyll  of 
the  wefel  {he  were  afluerd  /  And  therfore  none 
how  {Ironge  and  myghty  that  he  be  /  ought  not 
defpreyfe  fomme  other/  For  there  is  none  foo 
lytyl  /  but  that  fomtyme  he  may  lette  and  auenge 
hym  felf/  wherfore  doo  thow  ne  defplayfyr  to 
none  /  that  defplayfyre  come  not  to  the 


C  Clje  tligrblf  fable  is  of  {\)t  iloif  nnti  of 
tl)c  flote 

^^^'■^^n ^   ^'liiche   is  wyfe  and  fagc  ought 
i}  n.'ii   M      tyrft  to  loke  and  behold  the  ende/ 


or  he  begynneth  the  werke  or 
dede/  as  hyer  appiereth  by  this 
^  "  table/  Of  a  tbxe  &  of  a  gote/ 
that  loiiitynie  defcended  and  wente  doune  in 
to  a  depe  welle  /  for  to  drynke.  And  Whanne 
they  had  wel  dronke/  by  caufe  that  thei  coude 
not  come  vpward  ageyne  /  the  Foxe  fayd  to  the 
gote  in  this  maner/  my  frend  yf  thow  wylt  heipe 
me/  we  iliall  Tone  ben  bolhe  oute  of  this  welle/ 
For  yf  thow  wylt  fette  thy  two  feet  ageynfte  the 
walle/  I  llial  wel  lepe  vpon  the/  &:  vpon  thy 
homes  And  iheune  I  llial  lepe  oute  of  this 
welle/  C  And  whanne  I  ihalle  be  oute  of  hit/ 
thow  Ihalt  take  me  by  the  handes/  and  I  Ihal 
plucke  and  drawe  the  oute  of  the  welle/  And 
at  this  requeft  the  gote/  acorded  and  anfuerd/ 
I  wylle  wel/  And  thene  the  gote  lyfte  vp  his 
feet  ageynfl  the  walle/  and  the  foxe  dyd  fo 
moche  by  his  malyce  that  he  got  out  of  the 
welle/     And  whan  he  was  oute/  he  began  to 



loke  on  the  gote/  whiche  was  within  the  welle/ 
&  thenne  the  gote  fayd  to  hym/  help  me  now 
as  thow  haft  promyfed/  And  thene  the  foxe 
beganne  to  lawhe  and  to  fcorne  hym  /  and  fayd 
to  hym/  O  mayfter  goote/  yf  thow  haddeft  be 
wel  wyfe  with  thy  fayre  berde  /  or  euer  thow 
haddeft  entryd  in  to  the  welle/  thow  fholdeft 
fyrft  haue  taken  hede/  how  thow  fholdeft  haue 
comen  oute  of  hit  ageyne  / 

CAnd  therfore  he  whiche  is  wyfe/  yf  he 
wyfely  wylle  gouerne  hym  felf  /  ought  to  take 
euer  good  hede  to  the  ende  of  his  werke 


C  Z\)t  fourtf)C  fnfale  is  of  Hit  rattc  antj  of 
tbf  rbuiun. 

""E  whiche  is  fals  of  kynde/  &  hath 
bcgonne  to  deceyue  Ibme  other/ 
L'uer  he  wyl  ufe  his  craft/  As  it 
appiereth  by  this  prefent  Fable 
of  a  kat  whiche  fomtyme  toke  a 
chyken/  the  whiche  he  beganne  Ilrongly  to 
blame  /  for  to  haue  fonde  fomme  caufe  that  he 
myght  ete  hit  /  and  fayd  to  hym  in  this  manere/ 
Come  hyther  thou  chyken/  thow  doll  none 
other  good  but  crye  alle  the  nyght/  thow 
letell  not  the  men  Uepe  /  And  thenne  the  chyken 
anfuerd  to  hym/  I  doo  hit  for  theyre  grete 
prouffite/  And  ouer  ageyne  the  catte  fayd  to 
hym/  yet  is  there  wel  wors/  For  thow  arte 
an  incefte  &  lechour  For  thow  knowell  natu- 
relly  both  thy  moder  and  thy  doughter  And 
thenne  the  chyken  fayd  to  the  cat/  I  doo  hit 
by  caufe  that  my  mayfter  maye  haue  egges  tor 
his  etynge/  And  that  hys  mayller  for  his  prou- 
tfyte  gaf  to  hym  hot  he  the  moder  and  the 
doughter  for  to  muhyplye  the  egges/  And 
thenne  the  catte  fayd  to  hym/   by  my  feythe 


godfep  thow  haft  excufacions  ynough  /  but 
neuertheless  thow  ilialt  pafle  thurgh  my  throte/ 
for  I  fuppole  not  to  fafte  this  day  for  alle  thy 
wordes/  CAnd  thus  is  it  of  hym  whiche  is 
cuftommed  to  lyue  by  rauyn/  For  he  can  not 
kepe  ne  abfteyne  hym  felf  fro  hit/  For  alle 
thexcafacions  that  be  leyd  on  hym. 


C  <rf)e  b  fable  is  of  t!)c  jFoic  nn'b  of  tf]c  buffer. 

lEn  01151  not  to  demaude  ne  a(ke 
help  of  them  that  ben  more  cuf- 
tomed  to  lette  than  to  do  good 
r  proutfit/  as  it  appereth  by  this 
fable  of  a  fox  which  for  to  fcnpe 
the  peril  to  be  taken  wente  vpon  a  thorne 
bufllie/  whiche  hurted  hym  fore/  And  wep- 
ynge  fayd  to  the  buflhe/  I  am  come  as  to  my 
refuge  vnto  the/  and  thovv  haft  hurted  me  vnto 
the  dethe/  And  thenne  the  bufhe  fayd  to  hym/ 
thow  haft  erred  /  and  wel  thou  haft  begylod 
thy  felf/  For  thow  fuppofcft  to  haue  taken  me 
as  thow  arte  cuftommed  to  take  chekyns  and 
hennes  /  C  And  therfore  men  ought  not  to 
heipe  them  whiche  ben  acuftomed  to  doo  euylle/ 
but  men  ouirht  rather  to  lette  them. 

C  2rf)£  bj  fable  is  of  tlpje  man  anb  of  tfje  qoH  of 
tj^c  irrotJES 

l^i^F  the  euylle  manibm  tyme  prouffiteth 
fome  other/  he  doth  hit  not  by 
his  good  wylle/  but  by  force/  As 
reherceth  to  vs  this  fable  /  Of  a 
man  whiche  had  in  his  hows  an 
ydolle  the  whiche  oftyme  he  adoured  as  his  god  / 
to  whome  ofte  he  prayed  that  he  wold  gyue  to 
hym  moche  good  And  the  more  that  he  prayed 
hym  /  the  more  he  faylled  /  And  became  pouere/ 
wherfore  the  man  was  wel  wrothe  ageynft  his 
ydolle/  and  took  hit  bythelegges/  and  fmote 
the  hede  of  hit  fo  ftrongly  ageynft  the  walle  /  fo 
that  it  brake  in  to  many  pyeces/  Oute  of  the 
whiche  ydolle  ylfued  a  ryght  grete  trefoure/ 
wherof  the  man  was  ful  gladde  and  Joyous  / 
And  thenne  the  man  fayd  to  his  ydolle/  Now 
knowe  I  wel/  that  thow  art  wycked/  euyl  and 
peruers  /  For  whanne  I  haue  worfhipped  the  / 
thow  haft  not  holpen  me/  And  now  whanne  I 
haue  bete  the/  thow  haft  moche  done  for  me/ 
C  And  therfore  the  euylle  man  whanne  he  doth 
ony  good  /  it  is  not  of  his  good  wylle  /  but  by 


C  3r[)c  bij  fable  13  of  a  fofffjcr 

Uile  thynges  which  ben  done  &  made 
in  theyr  tyme  &  leal'on  ben  wel 
made/  as  by  this  prefent  fable  it 
appereth  Ota  fyllher  whiche  Ibm- 
tyme  touched  his  bagpype  nylie 
the  Ryuer  for  to  make  the  fyflhe  to  daunce/ 
C  And  whan  he  fawe  that  for  none  fonge  that 
he  coude  pvpe/  the  fyflhes  wold  not  daufe/  As 
wroth  dyd  call  his  neltes  in  to  the  Ryuer/  &  toke 
of  fyllhe  grete  quantite  /  And  whanne  he  had 
drawe  oute  his  nettes  oute  of  the  water/  the 
fyllhe  beganne  to  lepe  and  to  daufe/  and  thenne 
he  fayd  to  them  /  Certaynly  hit  appiereth  now 
wel  /  that  ye  be  euylle  beetles  /  For  now  whanne 
ye  be  taken/  ye  lepe  and  daunfe/  And  whanne 
I  pyped  and  played  of  my  mule  or  bag  pype  ye 
dayned/  ne  wold  not  daunfe/  Therfore  hit  ap- 
piereth wel  that  the  thynges  whiche  ben  made 
in  feafun/  ben  wel  made  and  done  by  realbn 

C  El)z  £5gl)t  fable  is  of  t^e  cattc  antf  of  tfjc  rat 

^E  whiche  is  wyfe/  and  that  ones 
hath  ben  begyled/  ought  not  to 
trufte  more  hym  that  hath  begyled 
^^jjl'l^^^  hym  As  reherceth  this  Fable  of  a 
catte  whiche  wente  in  to  a  hows/ 
where  as  many  rats  were/  the  whiche  he  dyd 
ete  eche  one  after  other/  G  And  whanne  the 
rats  perceyued  the  grete  fyerfnes  and  crudelyte 
of  the  catte  /  held  a  counceylle  to  gyder  where 
as  they  deterrayned  of  one  comyn  wylle/  that 
they  fliold  no  more  hold  them  ne  come  nor  goo 
on  the  lowe  floore  .  wherfore  one  of  them  mooft 
auncyent  profered  and  fayd  to  al  the  other  fuche 
wordes/  C  My  bretheren  and  myfrendes/  ye 
knowe  wel/  that  we  haue  a  grete  enemye/  whiche 
is  a  grete  perfecutour  ouer  vs  alle  /  to  whome  we 
may  not  refyfte  /  wherfor  of  nede  we  muft  hold 
our  felf  vppn  the  hyghe  balkes  /  to  thende  that 
he  may  not  take  vs  /  Of  the  whiche  propofycion 
or  wordes  the  other  rats  were  wel  content  and 
apayd/  and  byleuyd  this  counceylle/  And  whanne 
the  kat  knewe  the  counceylle  of  the  rats/  he 
hynge  hym  felf  by  his  two  feet  behynd  at  a  pynne 



of  yron  whiche  was  flyked  at  a  balkc/  fcynynge 
hyni  felt'  to  be  dcde/  And  whanne  one  of  the 
rats  lokynge  dounward  fawe  the  katte  beganne 
to  lawhe  and  fayd  to  the  cat/  O  my  Frend  yf 
I  fuppoled  that  tliow  were  dede/  I  ihold  guo 
doune  /  but  wcl  I  knowe  the  fo  fals  &  peruers  / 
that  thow  mayft  wel  haue  hanged  thy  felf/  fayn- 
ynge  to  be  dcde  /  whcrfore  I  Ihall  not  goo  doune  / 
And  tliert'ore  he  that  hath  ben  ones  begyled  by 
fomnie  other/  ought  to  kepe  hyni  wel  fro  the 


C  E])z  ix  fable  is  of  tf)E  labourer  anti  of  tfje 

E  whiche  is  taken  with  the  wicked 
and  euyll  ou3te  to  fufFre  payne 
and  punycyon  as  they  /  As  it 
appiereth  by  this  fable/  Of  a  la- 
bourer whiche  fomtyme  dreffyd 
and  fette  his  gynnes  and  nettes  for  to  take  the 
ghees  and  the  cranes/  Whiche  ete  his  corne/  It 
happed  thenne  that  ones  amonge  a  grete  meyny 
of  ghees  and  cranes/  he  took  a  pyelarge/  whiche 
prayd  the  labourer  in  this  maner/  I  praye  the 
lete  me  go/  For  I  am  neyther  goos  ne  cranne 
nor  I  am  not  come  hyther  for  to  do  the  ony 
eyylle  /  The  labourer  beganne  thenne  to  lawhe  / 
and  fayd  to  the  pyelarge  /  yf  thow  haddeft  not  be 
in  theyr  felauihip  /  thow  haddeft  not  entryd  in  to 
my  nettes/  ne  haddeft  not  be  taken/  And  by 
caufe  that  thow  arte  founde  and  taken  with  them  / 
thow  flialt  be  punyffhed  as  they  llialle  be  Ther- 
fore  none  ought  to  hold  companye  with  the  euylle 
with  oute  he  wylle  fufFre  the  punycion  of  them 
whiche  ben  punyflhed 


C  Z\)£  Unt\)  fable  is  cf  tfic  c!)ilti  /  trifiirlic  luptc 
tljc  fijrcp 

'E  whiche  is  acaftomed  to  make  lef- 
>(]  y"o*^s/  how  be  it  that  he  faye 
trouthe/  Yet  men  byleue  hym 
not/  As  reherceth  this  fable/  Of 
a  child  whiche  fomtymc  kepte 
Iheep/  the  whiche  cr}-ed  ofte  withoute  caufe/ 
fayenge/  Alias  for  goddes  loue  focoure  yow  me/ 
P'or  ihe  wulf  wylle  ete  my  llieep  /  And  whanne 
the  labourers  that  cultyued  and  ered  the  erthe 
aboute  hym  /  herd  his  crye  /  they  come  to  helpe 
hym  /  the  whiche  came  fo  many  tymes  /  and  fond 
nothyng/  And  as  they  fawe  that  there  were  no 
wulues/  they  retorned  to  theyr  labourrage/  And 
the  child  dyd  fo  many  tymes  for  to  playe  hym/ 
CIt  happed  on  a  day  that  the  wulf  came/  and 
the  child  cryed  as  he  was  acuftomed  to  doo  / 
And  by  caufe  that  the  labourers  fuppofed  /  that 
hit  had  not  ben  trouthe/  abode  ftylle  at  theyr 
laboure/  wherfore  the  wulf  dyd  ete  the  fheep/ 
For  men  bileue  not  lyghtly  hym/  whiche  is 
knowen  for  a  Iyer 


C  E^t  X}  faftle  is  of  f^t  ante  anti  at  tfje  cclutnbe 

One  ought  to  be  flowful  of  the  good 
whiche  he  receyueth  of  other/  As 
reherceth  this  fable  of  an  Ante/ 
whiche  came  to  a  fontayne  for 
to  drynke  /  and  as  fhe  wold  haue 
dronke  llie  felle  within  the  fontayn  /  vpon  the 
whiche  was  a  columbe  or  douue  /  whiche  feyng 
that  the  Ante  fhold  haue  ben  drowned  withoute 
helpe/  took  a  braunche  of  a  tree/  &  caft  it  to 
her  for  to  faue  her  felf  /  C  And  the  Ante  wente 
anone  upon  the  braunche  and  faued  her/  C  And 
anone  after  came  a  Fawkoner  /  whiche  wold  haue 
take  the  douue  /  And  thenne  the  Ante  whiche 
fawe  that  the  Fawkoner  drefl)'d  his  nettes  came 
to  his  foote  /  and  foo  fall  pryked  hit  /  that  fhe 
caufed  hym  to  fmyte  the  erthe  with  his  foote/ 
and  therwithe  made  foo  gret  noyfe/  that  the  douue 
herd  hit/  wherfore  flie  flewhe  aweye  or  the 
gynne  and  nettes  were  al  fette/  C  And  therfore 
none  ought  to  forgete  the  benyfyce  whiche  he 
hath  receyued  of  fome  other/  for  flowfulneffe  is 
a  grete  fynne 


C  iTljc  iij  fable  is  of  the  I5rr  nut)  of  Hupitcr 

,^:^iO\v  the  euyl  which  men  wylihe  to 
ivrin,  other/  cometh  to  liym  whiche 
wyilheth  hit/  as  hit  appiereth  by 
this  fable  /  of  a  Bee  whiche  olfred 
and  gaf  to  J  upyter  a  pyce  of  hony  / 
wherof  Jupyter  was  moche  Joyous  /  And  thenne 
J  upyter  fayd  to  the  bee  /  demaunde  of  me  what 
thi)w  wylt/  and  I  ihalie  graunte  and  gyue  hit  to 
the  gladly/  And  thenne  the  Bee  prayed  hym  in 
this  manere/  God  almyghty  I  pray  the  that  thow 
wylt  gyue  to  me  and  graute/  that  who  fo  euer 
fhal  come  for  to  take  awey  my  hony  /  yf  I  pryke 
hyni  /  he  may  fodenly  deye/  And  by  caufe  that 
Jupyter  loued  the  humayn  lygnage  he  fayd  to 
the  Bee/  Suliyfe  the/  that  who  fo  euer  llialle 
goo  to  take  tliy  hony  /  yf  thow  pryke  or  Itynge 
hym/  Incontynent  thow  flialt  deye/  And  thus 
her  prayer  was  tourned  to  her  grcte  dommage/ 
For  men  ought  not  to  deinaude  of  god/  but  fuche 
thynges  that  ben  good  and  lionell 


C  QTIiE  xtij  fable  is  of  a  carpenter 

N  as  moche  as  god  is  more  propyce 
and  benygne  to  the  good  and  holy  / 
moche  more  he  punyflheth  the 
wycked  and  euylle/  As  we  may 
fee  by  this  fable/  Of  a  carpenter 
whiche  cutte  wode  vpon  a  Ryuer  for  to  make  a 
temple  to  the  goddes  /  And  as  he  cutte  wode  / 
his  axe  felle  in  the  Ryuer/  wherfore  he  beganne 
to  wepe  and  to  calle  helpe  of  the  goddes/  And 
the  god  Mercurye  for  pyte  appiered  before  hym 
And  demaunded  of  hym  wherfore  he  wepte  /  and 
fhewed  to  hym  an  axe  of  gold  /  and  demaunded 
of  hym  yf  hit  was  the  axe  whiche  he  had  loft/ 
&  he  fayd  nay/  And  after  the  god  fhewed  to  hym 
another  axe  of  fyluer/  And  femblably  faid  nay 
And  by  caufe  that  Mercurius  fawe  that  he  was 
good  and  trewe  /  he  drewe  his  axe  oute  of  the 
water/  and  took  hit  to  hym  with  moche  good 
that  he  gaf  to  hym/  And  the  carpenter  told  thy- 
ftory  to  his  felawes  /  of  the  whiche  one  of  them 
came  in  to  the  fame  place  for  to  cutte  woode  as 
his  felawe  dyd  before  /  &  lete  falle  his  axe  within 
the  water/  and  beganne/  to  wepe  and  to  de- 



mauiui  tlie  lielpe  and  ayde  of  the  godcles/  And 
thfiine  Mercuryappierc'd  to  tore  liym/  and  ihewcd 
to  hym  an  axe  of  gold/  and  demaunded  of  hvni 
in  fuchc  manere/  Is  the  fame  hit  that  thow  iiall 
lofl/  And  he  anfuerd  to  Mercury/  ye  fayre  fyre 
and  myghty  god  the  fame  is  it  /  And  Mercury 
feynge  the  malyce  of  the  vylayne  gaf  to  hyni 
neyther  the  fame  ne  none  other/  and  lefte  hym 
wepynge/  For  god  whiche  is  good  and  Jurt  re- 
warded the  good  and  trewe  in  this  world  /  or 
eche  other  after  his  deferte  and  punyflheth  the 
eyylle  and  Iniulte 

G  E^t  xiiij  fabU  ts  of  a  -grnQt  iijtd  anti  of  i)is 

e  whiche  is  not  chaftyfed  at  the 
begynnynge  is  euyll  and  peruers 
at  the  ende/  As  hit  appiereth  by 
this  fable  of  a  yonge  child  whiche 
of  his  yongthe  beganne  to  ftele/ 
and  to  be  a  theef  /  And  the  theftys  whiche  he 
maad/  he  broughte  to  his  moder/  and  the  moder 
toke  them  gladly  /  &  in  no  wyfe  fhe  chaftyfed 
hym  /  And  after  that  he  had  done  many  theftys  / 
he  was  taken  /  and  condempned  to  be  hanged  / 
And  as  men  ledde  hym  to  the  Juftyce/  his  moder 
folowed  hym  and  wepte  fore/  And  thenne  the 
child  prayed  to  the  Juftyce  /  that  he  myght  faye 
one  word  to  his  moder/  And  as  he  approuched 
to  her/  made  femblaunt  to  telle  her  fomrae 
wordes  at  her  ere  /  &  with  his  teeth  he  bote  of 
her  nofe  /  wherof  the  Juftyce  blamed  hym  /  And 
he  anfuerd  in  this  manere/  My  lordes  ye  haue 
no  caufe  to  blame  me  therfore/  For  my  moder 



is  caufe  of  my  deth  For  yf  flie  had  wel  chaftyled 
me/  I  had  not  come  to  thislliame  and  vergoyne/ 
For  who  loueth  wel/  wel  he  chadyleth  /  And 
therfore  chaftyfe  wel  youre  children/  to  thende/ 
that  ye  f'alle  not  in  to  fuche  a  caas 


C  Cfje  lb  fable  (0  of  tfje  flee  antj  of  t]}t  man. 

E  that  dothe  euyl/  how  be  hit 
that  the  euylle  be  not  grete 
men  ought  not  to  leue  hym 
vnpunyfllied  /  As  it  appereth 
by  this  fable/  Of  a  man  whiche 
took  a  flee  whiche  bote  hym  /  to  whome  the 
man  fayd  in  this  manere  /  Fie  why  byteft  thow 
me/  and  leteft  me  not  flepe/  and  the  flee 
anfuerd  It  is  my  kynd  to  doo  foo  /  wherfore 
I  praye  the  that  thow  wylt  not  put  me  to 
dethe/  And  the  man  beganne  to  lawhe/  & 
fayd  to  the  flee/  how  be  it/  that  thow  mayll 
not  hurte  me  fore  /  Neuertheless  /  to  the  be- 
houeth  not  to  prycke  me  /  wherfore  thow  fhalt 
deye  /  For  men  ought  not  to  leue  none  euyll 
vnpunyfllied  how  be  hit  that  hit  be  not  grete. 


C  iCf)t  ibi  fablf  IS  of  thf  iiufbonli  ant)  of  bis 

11230  toDUCS. 

Oo  thynge  is  werfe  to  the  man  than 
the  woman/  As  it  appereth  by 
this  fable/  of  a  man  of  a  meane 
age/  whiche  tookc  two  wyues/ 
that  is  to  wete  an  old/  cS:  one 
yong/  whiche  were  both  dwellyng  in  his  hows/ 
&  by  caufe  that  the  old  defyred  to  haue  his 
loue  /  fhe  plucked  the  blak  herys  fro  his  hede 
and  his  berde  /  by  caufe  he  fliold  the  more  be  lyke 
her/  And  the  yonge  woman  at  the  other  fyde 


214  LIBER 

plucked  and  drewe  oute  alle  the  whyte  herys/ 
to  the  ende  /  that  he  fhold  feme  the  yonger  / 
more  gay  and  fayrer  in  her  fyghte/  And  thus 
the  good  man  abode  withoute  ony  here  on  his 
hede  And  therfore  hit  is  grete  folye  to  the 
auncyent  to  wedde  them  felf  ageyne/  For  to 
them  is  better  to  be  vnwedded/  than  to  be 
euer  in  trouble  with  an  euyl  wyf/  for  the 
tyme  in  whiche  they  fhold  refte  them/  they 
put  it  to  payne  and  to  grete  labour. 

QUI  NT  us. 


C  ^ht  3ijij  fable  is  of  t!ie  labourer  antJ  of  bis 


e  thnt  laboureth  and  werketh  con- 
tynuelly  maye  not  faylle  to  haue 
plente  of  goodes/  as  it  appiereth 
'^  ?vji  by  this  prel'ent  table/  Of  a  good 
man  labourer/  whiche  all  his  lyf 
liad  laliourcd  and  wrought/  and  was  ryche/ 
and  whan  he  ihold  deye  /  he  fayd  to  his  chil- 
dren/ My  children  I  multe  now  deye/  and 
my  trefour  I  haue  lefte  in  my  vyne/  And 
after  that  the  good  man  was  dede/  his  children 
whiche  fuppofed  that  his  trefour  had  ben  in  the 
vyne/  dyd  nothyng  al  day  but  delued  hit/  & 
it  bare  more  fruyte  than  dyd  before/  C  For 
who  trauaylleth  wel  /  he  hath  euer  brede  ynough 
for  to  ete/  And  he  that  werketh  not  dyeth  for 

C  Itjctf  fnnoffbfn  tbf  jFablcs  of  (!?fcipc 

C  -llnti  after  foloturtb  i\)t 

fables  of  Huuan 



C  ^\}t  fgrft  fable  is  of  t^e  oltJ  tooman  antJ  of 
ti)E  taulf 

En  ought  not  by  byleue  on  al  maner 
fpyrytes/  As  reherceth  this  fable 
of  an  old  woman  /  which  faid  to 
her  child  bicaufe  that  it  wept/ 
certeynly  if  thow  wepll  ony  more  / 
I  thai  make  the  to  be  ate  of  the  wulf  /  &  the 
wulf  heryng  this  old  woman  /  abode  ftyll  to  fore 
the  yate/  &  fuppofed  to  haue  eten  the  old 
womans  child/  &  by  caufe  that  the  wulf  had  foo 
longe  taryed  there  that  he  was  hongry  /  he  re- 
torned  and  went  ageyne  in  to  the  wood/  And 
the  {hewulf  demaunded  of  hym  /  why  haft  thow 
not  brought  to  me  fome  mete/  And  the  wulf 
anfuerd  /  by  caufe  /  that  the  old  woman  hath  be- 
gyled  me  /  the  whiche  had  promyfed  to  me  to 
gyue  to  me  her  child  for  to  haue  ete  hym  /  And 
at  the  lafte  I  hadde  hit  not  /  And  therfore  men 
ought  in  no  wyfe  to  truft  the  woman/  And  he 
is  wel  a  fole  that  fetteth  his  hope  and  trufte  in  a 
woman/  And  therfore  trufte  them  not/  and  thow 
fhalt  doo  as  the  fage  and  wyfe 

OF  A  UIA  .V. 


C  QTfjr  fcron^  fafalc  is  of  the  tortofc  anlj  of  tijc 
other  borlics 

^E  that  enhauncetli  hym  felf  more 
than  he  oughte  to  do  To  hyni 
oughte  not  to  come  noo  good  / 
As  hit  appiereth  by  this  prefent 
fable/  Of  a  tortofe/  whiche  faid 
to  the  byrdes  /  yf  ye  lyft  nie  vp  wel  hyghe  fro 
the  ground  to  the  ayer  I  Ihalle  Ihewe  10  yow 
grete  plente  of  precius  llones/  And  the  Egle  toke 
her  and  bare  her  fo  hyghe/  that  Ihe  myghte  not 
fee  the  erthe/  And  the  Egle  fayd  to  her  Ihewe 
me  now  thefe  precius  ftones  that  thow  proniyfet 
to  fhewe  to  me/  And  by  caufe  that  the  tortofe 
myght  not  fee  in  the  erthe/  and  that  the  Egle 
knewe  wel  that  he  was  dcceyued  /  threlted  his 
clowes  in  to  the  tortofes  bely/  and  kylled  hit/ 
For  he  that  wylle  haue  and  gete  worlhip  and 
glorye  may  not  haue  hitwithoute  grete  labourc/ 
Therfore  hit  is  better  and  more  fure/  to  kcpe 
hym  lowely  than  to  enhaunce  hym  fell  on  hyghe/ 
and  after  to  deye  IhamefuUy  and  myferably/ 
C  For  men  fayn  comynly/  who  fo  mounteth 
hyher/  than  he  ihold/  he  faileih  lower  than  he 



C  Wcit  tfjgrt)  fable  is  of  tfje  tfao  CreuofCES 

E  whiche  will  teche  and  lerne  fome 
other/  ought  firft  to  corryge  & 
examyne  hym  felf  /  as  it  appereth 
by  this  fable  of  a  creuyfle  /  whiche 
wold  haue  chaftyfed  her  owne 
doughter  bicaufe  that  fhe  wente  not  wel  ryght  / 
And  fayd  to  her  in  this  manere  /  My  doughter  / 
hit  pleafeth  me  not  that  thow  gooft  thus  back- 
ward /  For  euylle  myght  wel  therof  come  to  the  / 
And  thenne  the  doughter  fayd  to  her  moder  My 
moder  I  fhalle  go  ryght  and  forward  with  a  good 
will  but  ye  muft  goo  before  for  to  fhewe  to  me 
the  waye/  But  the  moder  coude  not  other  wyfe 
goo  /  than  after  her  kynd  /  wherfore  her  doughter 
fayd  unto  her/  My  moder  fyrft  lerne  your  felf 
for  to  goo  ryght  and  forward  /  and  thenne  ye 
Ihalle  teche  me  And  therfore  he  that  wylle  teche 
other  /  ought  to  lliewe  good  enfample  /  For  grete 
fliame  is  to  the  do6lour  whanne  his  owne  coulpe 
or  faulte  accufeth  hym 

OF  A  VIA  N. 


C  2r!)C  fourtf)E  fable  is  of  i\\t  nsse  /  anli  of  H]c 
fkonnr  of  \\]t  iigon 

'/^xTV/y^l^"*^  ought  not  to  gloryfye  hyni  Iclf 
v"^  z'  of  the  goodes  of  other  .  as  recyteth 
"^./X^  j^'!  this  fable  of  an  alfe  whiche  fom- 
^^J^^^\  y  tyme  fond  the  fkynne  of  a  lyon  / 
the  whiche  he  dyd  &  wered  on 
hym/  but  he  coude  neuer  hyde  his  eres  ther- 
with/  &:  when  he  was/  as  he  fuppofed  wel 
arayed  witli  the  fayd  fkynne/  he  ranne  in  to 
tlie  torell  /  And  whanne  the  wyld  bcel^es  fawc 
hym  come/  they  were  fo  fcrdfull  that  they  alle 



beganne  to  flee  /  For  they  wend  /  that  it  had  be 
the  lyon  /  And  the  mayiler  of  the  affe  ferched  and 
foughte  his  affe  in  euery  place  al  aboute  And 
as  he  had  foughte  longe/  he  thoughte  that  he 
wold  go  in  to  the  foreft  for  to  fee  yf  his  affe 
were  there/  And  as  foone  as  he  was  entryd 
in  to  the  foreft  /  he  mette  with  his  affe  arayed 
as  before  is  fayd  /  but  his  mayfter  whiche  had 
foughte  hym  longe  fawe  his  erys/  wherfore  he 
knewe  hym  wel  /  and  anone  toke  hym  /  and 
fayd  in  this  manere  /  Ha  a  mayfter  affe/  arte 
thow  clothed  with  the  ftcynne  of  the  lyon  /  thow 
makeft  the  beftes  to  be  aferd  /  but  yf  they  knewe 
the/  as  wel  as  I  do/  they  fhold  haue  no  fere  of 
the/  but  I  enfure  the/  that  wel  I  flialle  bete  the 
therfore  /  And  thenne  he  toke  fro  hym  the  fkynne 
of  the  lyon  /  and  fayd  to  hym  Lyon  Ihalt  thow  be 
no  more  /  but  an  afle  fhalt  thow  euer  be  /  And 
his  mayfter  tooke  thenne  a  ftaf/  andfmotehym/ 
foo  that  euer  after  he  remembryd  hym  wel  of 
hit/  And  therfore  he  whiche  auaunceth  hym 
felf  of  other  mennes  goodes  is  a  very  foole  /  For 
as  men  fayn  comynly  he  is  not  wel  arayed  nor 
wel  appoynted  /  whiche  is  clothed  with  others 
gowne/  ne  alfo  it  is  not  honefte  to  make  large 
thonges  of  other  mennes  leder 

OF  A  i'lA  N. 

C  E\)t  fa  fable  is  of  i\}t  froggc  anti  of  t\)t  jFoie 

"lOne  ought  to  auaunce  hym  I'elt"  to 
doo  that  whichc  he  he  can  not 
doo  /  As  hit  appiereth  of  a  frogge  / 
whichc  lomtyme  yllued  or  came 
oute  of  a  dyche/  the  whichc 
prefumed  to  haue  lepte  vpon  a  hyghe  mon- 
tayne/  And  whanne  Ihe  was  vpon  the  moun- 
tayne/  (he  fayd  to  other  beettes/  I  am  a  mayf- 
trelVe  in  medecyn  /  and  canne  gyue  remedy  to 
al  manere  of  fekenes  by  myn  arte/  and  fubtylyte/ 
and  Ihalle  rendre  and  brynge  yow  vp  ageyne  in 
good  helthe/  wherof  fome  byleued  her/  And 
thenne  the  Foxe  whiche  perceyued  the  folylihc 
byleue  of  the  beetles/  beganne  to  lawhe/  and 
fayd  to  them/  poure  beeftes/  how  may  tliis 
fowle  and  venemous  beert  whiche  is  feke  and 
pale  of  colour  render  and  gyue  to  yow  helthe/ 
f\)r  the  leche  whiche  wylle  hele  fomme  other/ 
ought  fyrlle  to  hele  hym  felf/  For  many  one 
counterfayteth  the  leche/  whiche  can  not  a 
word  of  the  fcyence  of  medecyne  /  trum  the 
whiche  god  prefcruc  and  kepe  vs 



G  STfje  &j  fable  is  of  i^z  ttoo  boggES 

E  that  taketh  within  hym  felf  vayne 
glorye  of  that  thynge  /  by  the 
whiche  he  fliold  humble  hym  felf 
is  a  very  fole  /  as  hit  appereth  by 
this  fable  /  of  a  fader  of  famylle  / 
whiche  had  two  dogges  /  of  the  whiche  the  one 
withoute  ony  barkyng  bote  the  folke/  &  the 
other  dyd  barke  and  bote  not/  And  whan  the 
fader  of  famyll  perceyued  the  fhrewdnefs  and 
malyce  of  the  dogge  that  barkyd  not  he  henge 
on  his  nek  a  belle/  to  the  ende  that  men  (hold 
beware  of  hym  /  wherfore  the  dogge  was  ouer 
prowd  and  fyers  /  and  beganne  to  dyfpreyfe  alle 
the  other  dogges  /  of  the  whiche  one  of  the  mooft 
auncyent  fayd  to  hym  in  this  manere  /  O  fole 
beeft/  now  perceyue  I  wel  thy  foly  and  grete 
wodeneffe  to  fuppofe  /  that  this  belle  is  gyuen  to 
the  for  thyn  owne  deferte  and  meryte  /  but  cer- 
taynly  hit  is  not  foo/  For  hit  is  taken  to  the  for 
thy  demerytes  /  and  by  caufe  of  thy  fhrewdnelfe  / 
and  grete  treafon  /  for  to  Ihewe  /  that  thow  arte 
fals  and  tray  tour/  And  therfore  none  oughte  to 
be  Joyeful  and  gladde  of  that  thynge/  wherof 


OF  AVIAN.  223 

he  oughte  to  be  trylt  and  ibrowful  /  as  many  foles 
done/  whiclie  make  J<»yc  of  theyr  vyces  and 
euyll  dedes/  for  a  moche  fole  were  the  theef 
whiche  that  men  ledde  for  to  be  hanged/  and 
that  he  had  a  cord  of  gold  aboute  his  neck/  yf 
he  ihold  make  Joye  therof  /  how  be  hit  that  the 
corde  were  moclie  ryche  and  fayre 


C  STl^e  bij  fable  is  at  tfjc  camel  anti  of  Jupiter 

"|Uery  creature  ought  to  be  content 
of  that/  that  god  hath  gyuen  to 
hym  withoute  to  take  their  hery- 
taunce  of  other  /  As  reherceth  this 
fable  Of  a  camel  whiche  fom 
tyme  complayned  hym  to  Jupiter  of  that  the 
other  beeftes  mocqued  hym  /  by  caufe  that  he 
was  not  of  fo  grete  beaute/  as  they  were  of/ 
wherfore  to  Jupiter  Inftantly  he  prayd  in  fuche 
maner  as  foloweth/  Fayr  fyre  and  god/  I  re- 
quyreand  praye  that  thow  wylt  gyue  to  me  homes/ 
to  thende  that  I  maye  be  nomore  mocqued  / 
Jupiter  then  beganne  to  lawhe/  and  in  ftede  of 
homes/  he  took  fro  hym  his  erys/  and  fayd/ 
thow  haft  more  good  than  hit  behoueth  thee  to 
haue/  And  by  caufe  that  thow  demaundeft  that/ 
whiche  thow  oughteft  not  to  haue  I  haue  take 
fro  the  that  whiche  of  ryght  and  kynd  thow 
ou3teft  to  haue/  For  none  ought  not  to  defyre 
more  than  he  ought  to  haue  /  to  the  ende  that 
he  lefe  not  that  whiche  he  hath/ 

OF  A  UIA  A'. 


<'  iTljr  cogiit  fnblc  is  of  tijc  tino  fclatofs 

S^^ii^Z^^En  ought  not  to  hold  felaulhip  with 
•  V^  ■  r-^:^ /I  ''}'"!  /  whiche  is  acuftomnied  to 
Wv  "  .-'  hegyle  other/  As  hit  appiereth 
0^-iXfcyi  ^^  ^^^^  Fable/  Of  two  felawes 
whiche  lomtyme  held  felaulhip 
to  eche  other  for  to  goo  bothe  by  montaynes  and 
valeyes  And  for  to  make  better  theyr  vyage/  they 
were  fworne  eche  one  to  the  other/  that  none 
of  them  boihe  Ihould  leue  other  vnto  that  the 
tynie  of  dethe  Ihold  come  and  departe  them  / 
And  as  they  walked  in  a  forelt  they  mette  with 
a  grete  wyld  here  /  &  bothe  felaws  ran  lone  awey 
for  fere/  of  the  whiche  the  one  clymmed/  vpon 
a  tree/  And  whan  the  other  fawe  that  his  felawe 
had  lefte  hym  leyd  hym  felf  on  the  crthe/  and 
fayned  to  be  dede/  And  Incontynent  the  here 
came  for  to  ete  hym  /  but  by  caufe  the  gallaunt 
playd  wel  his  game/ the  here  went  forthe  his 
waye  and  touched  hym  not  /  And  thene  his  felawe 
came  doun  fro  the  tree  whiche  fayd  to  hym  /  I 
pray  thee  to  telle  me  what  the  bore  fayd  to  the/ 
For  as  me  femeth  he  fpake  to  the/  and  haih 



(hewed  to  the  gretefygne  or  token  of  loue/  And 
thenne  his  felawe  fayd  to  hym  /  He  taught  me 
many  fayre  fecretes/  but  emonge  alle  other 
thynges  he  fayd  to  me/  that  I  Ihold  neuer  truft 
hym  who  ones  hath  deceyued  me 


C  Cljc  ix  fable  makctfj  mtnci'on  of  tfje  ttoo  pottcs 

He  poure  ought  not  to  take  the 
Ryche  as  his  felawe  as  it  ap- 
piereth  by  this  fable  of  two  pottcs  / 
of  the  whiche  the  one  was  coper/ 
and  the  other  of  erthe/  the  whiche 
pottes  dyd  mete  to  gyder  within  a  Ryuer/  C& 
by  caufe  that  the  erthen  pot  wente  fwyfter  than 
dyd  the  coper  potte/  the  pot  of  coper  fayd  to 
the  pot  of  erthe/  I  praye  the  that  we  may  goo 
to  gyder/  And  the  erthen  potte  anfuerd  and 
fayd  to  the  coper  pot/  I  wylle  not  go  with  the/ 
For  it  {hold  happe  to  me  as  it  happed  to  the 
glas  and  of  the  morter  For  yf  thow  Iholdeft 
mete  with  me/  thow  Iholdeft  breke  and  putte 
me  in  to  pyeces/  C  And  thertbre  the  poure  is 
a  fole  that  compareth  and  lykeneth  hym  felf  to 
the  ryche  and  myghty  /  For  better  is  to  lyue  in 
pouerte  than  to  deye  vylaynoufly  and  opprellyd  of 
the  ryche 



C  QTfjc  I  fable  is  of  tfie  Igon  antJ  of  t\)t  boole 

T  is  not  alweye  tyme  to  auenge  hym 
felf  of  his  enemye  /  As  it  appiereth 
by  this  fable,  of  a  bole/  whiche 
fomtyme  fledde  before  a  lyon/ 
And  as  the  bole  wold  entre  with- 
in a  cauerne  for  to  faue  hym  /  a  goto  wente 
geynfte  hym  for  to  kepe  and  lette  hym  that 
he  fhold  not  entre  in  it/  to  whome  the  bole 
fayd  /  It  is  not  tyme  now  to  auenge  me  on  the  / 
for  the  lyon  that  chafeth  me  /  but  the  tyme  ilialle 
come  that  wel  I  flialle  fynde  the/  For  men 
ought  not  to  doo  to  hym  felf  dommage  for  to 
be  auengyd  of  his  enemy/  but  oughte  to  loke 
for  tyme  and  place  couenable  for  to  doo  hit 


C  ^l)t  xi  fable  13  of  tljc  ^pc  nntj  of  I113  foiu 

fowler  a  thyng  is  to  the  man  /  than 
with  his  mouth  to  preyfehym  lelf/ 
As  this  fable  reherceth  to  vs/  Of 
Jupiter  kynge  of  alle  the  world 
whiche  made  alle  the  beeftes  and 
alle  the  bvrdes  to  be  airembled  to  gyder  for 
to  knowe  theyr  bounte/  and  alfo  theyr  kynd  / 
Emonge  alle  the  whiche  came  the  Ape/  whiche 
prefented  his  fone  to  Jupiter/  fayenge  thus/ 
Fayre  fyre  and  myghty  god/  loke  and  lee  here 
the  fairelt  Ijeell  that  euer  thow  created  in  this 
world/  And  Jupiter  thenne  beganne  to  lawhe/ 
and  after  fayd  to  liym  /  thow  arte  wel  a  fowlc 
beeft  to  preyfe  foo  thy  felf/  For  none  oughte 
to  preyfe  hym  felf/  but  oughte  to  doo  good 
and  vertuous  werkes/  wherof  other  may  preyfe 
hym  /  for  it  is  a  lliameful  thyng  to  preyfe  hym 


C  S:f)e  lij  fable  10  of  tfje  crane  antJ  of  tlje  pcrock 

Or  what  vertue  that  ony  man  haih/ 
none  oughte  to  preyfe  hym  felt"/ 
As  hit  apiereth  by  this  fable  /  Of 
a  pecok/  whiche  fomtyme  made 
a  dyner  to  a  crane/  And  And 
whanne  they  had  eten  and  dronken  ynough  / 
they  had  grete  wordes  to  gyder  /  wherfore  the 
pecok  fayd  to  the  crane  /  Thow  haft  not  fo  fayre 
a  forme  ne  fo  fayre  a  fygure  as  I  haue  /  ne  alfo 
fayr  fethers  /  ne  foo  refplendyffliynge  as  I  haue  / 
To  whome  the  crane  anfuerd  /  and  fayd  /  It  is 
trouthe  /  Neuertheles  thow  haft  not  one  good  /  ne 
one  fo  fayre  a  vertue  as  I  haue/  For  how  be  hit 
that  I  haue  no  fo  fayre  fethers  as  thow  haft/ 
yet  can  I  flee  better  than  thy  felf  doft/  For 
with  thy  fayre  fethers  thow  muft  euer  abyde 
on  the  erthe/  and  I  may  flee  where  fomeuer 
hit  pleafeth  me  /  And  thus  euerychone  ought  to 
haue  futFyfaunce  and  to  be  content  of  that/  that 
he  hath/  without  auanncynge  or  prayfynge  of 
hym  felf/  and  not  to  dyfpreyfe  none  other. 

OF  AVIAN.  231 

C  Z\)e  liij  fable  is  of  tf)c  fjimtcr  anti  of  the  togre 

vyErse  is  the  ftroke  of  a  tonge  /  than 
L/*  Yy  /^  the  lUoke  of  a  fpere  as  hit  ap- 
/\  r-^\  piercth  by  this  fable/ Of  a  hunter/ 
whiche  with  his  arowes  huiied  the 
wyld  beeftes/  in  fuche  wyfe  that 
none  fcaped  fro  hym  /  to  the  whiche  belles  a 
tygre  fyers  and  hard  fayd  in  this  nianere/  Be 
not  aferd  /  For  I  llialle  kepe  yow  well  /  And  as 
the  Tygre  came  in  to  the  wode/  the  hunter  was 
hyd  witliin  a  buflhe/  the  whiche  whan  he  fawe 
palle  the  tvgre  before  the  buHlie  /  he  ihote  at  hym 
an  arowe  /  and  hytte  hym  on  the  thye/  wher- 
fore  the  tygre  was  gretely  aballlied  And  wepynge 
and  fore  fyghynge  fayd  to  the  other  beeftes/  I 
wote  not  from  whens  this  cometh  to  me  /  C  And 
whanne  the  foxe  fawe  hym  foo  gretely  abafllied  / 
al  lawhynge  fayd  to  hym  /  Ha  a  tygre  /  thow  arte 
fo  myghty  and  fo  ftronge/  And  thenne  the  tygre 
fayd  to  hym/  My  ftrcngthe  auaylled  me  not  at 
that  tyme/  For  none  may  kepe  hym  felf  fro 
treafon  And  therfore  fome  fecrete  is  here  /  whiche 
I  knewe  not  before  But  notwithflandynge  this  I 
maye  wel  conceyue  /  that  there  is  no  wors  arowe/ 


2  32  THE  FABLES 

ne  that  letteth  more  the  man  /  than  tharowe 
whiche  is  fhotte  fro  the  euyll  tongue/  For  whanne 
lorn  peribne  profereth  or  layth  fom  wordes  in  a 
felaufliip  /  of  fommen  a  of  honeft  &  good  lyf  / 
alle  the  fehiufhip  fuppofeth  that  that  whiche  this 
euylle  tongue  hath  fayd  be  trewe  /  be  hit  trewe 
or  not/  how  be  it  that  it  be  but  lefynge/  but 
notwithftondynge  the  good  man  fhalle  euer  be 
wounded  of  that  fame  arowe/  whiche  wound 
ftialle  be  Incurable  /  And  yf  hit  were  a  ftroke  of 
a  fpere/  hit  niyght  be  by  the  Cyrurgyen  heled/ 
but  the  ftroke  of  an  euylle  tongue  may  not  be 
heled  /  by  caufe  that  Incontynent  as  the  word  is 
profered  or  fayd  /  he  that  hath  fayd  hit  /  is  no 
more  mayfter  of  hit  /  And  for  this  caufe  the  ftroke 
of  a  tongue  is  Incurable  and  withoute  guaryfon 



C  (Tfjc  liifj  fable  in  of  \\]t  four  oicn 

^^_^En  oughte  not  to  breke  his  feythe 
'  l^  ageynlle  his  good  Frend/  ne  to 
I  '  leue  his  felaulhip/ as  hit  appiereth 
'^  by  this  fable  /  of  four  oxen  whiche 
to  gyder  were  in  a  fair  medowe  / 
(I  And  by  caufe  that  euer  they  were  and  kepte 
them  to  gyder  /  none  other  beeft  durfte  not  airaylle 
tliem/  and  alfo  the  lyon  dradde  them  moche  / 
the  whiche  lyon  on  a  daye  came  to  them  /  And 
by  his  deceyuable  wordes  thoughte  for  to  begyle 
them/  &  to  rauOhe  &  take  them  the  better/ 
maade  them  to  be  fepared  eche  one  fro  other  / 
CAnd  whanne  they  were  fepered/  the  lyon 
wente  /  and  toke  one  of  them/  And  whan  the 
lyon  wold  haue  ftrangled  hym  /  the  oxe  fiyd  to 
hym/  godfep/  He  is  a  foole  whiche  byleueth 
fals  and  deceyuable  wordes  And  leuelh  the  felaw- 
ihip  of  his  good  frende  /  For  yf  we  had  ben  euer 
to  gyder  /  thow  haddcft  not  taken  me  /  And 
therfore  he  whiche  is/  and  llandeth  wcl  fure  / 
ought  to  kepe  hym  foo  that  he  falle  not  /  For 
to  whiche  is  wel  /  meue  not  hvni  fclf 



C  €i}t  lb  faile  is  of  t!)e  tufflje/  anti  of  t^e 
aufeuer  tree 

jOne  for  his  beaute  ought  not  to 
defpreyfe  fome  other/  For  fom- 
tyme  iuche  one  is  fayre  that 
foone  wexeth  lothely  and  fowle  / 
and  to  hyghe  falleth  vnto  lowe  / 
as  it  apperyth  by  this  fable  /  Of  a  fayr  tree 
whiche  mocqued  and  fcorned  a  lytyl  bufihe/ 
and  fayd  /  CI  Seeft  thow  not  /  my  fayre  fourme 
and  my  fayre  fygure  /  And  that  of  me  men 
and  byldeth  fayre  edefyces  as  palays  and  caftellis  / 
galeyes  &  other  fliippes  for  to  faylle  on  the  fee  / 
And  as  he  auaunced  &  preyfed  hym  felf  thus/ 
came  there  a  labourer  with  his  axe  for  to  hewe 
and  fmyte  hym  to  the  ground  /  And  as  the 
labourer  fmote  vpon  the  fayre  tree/  the  bufllie 
fayd/  Certaynly  my  broder  yf  now  thow  were 
as  lytel/  as  I  am  /  men  fliold  not  hewe  ne  fmyte 
the  doune  to  the  erthe/  And  therfore  none 
oughte  to  reioyflhe  hym  felf  of  his  worlhip/ 
For  fuche  is  now  in  grete  honour  and  worfhip  / 
that  herafter  fhalle  falle  in  to  grete  vytupere 
..fhame  and  difhonour 


C  STfjc  ibj  fafak  13  of  the  fofffirr/  antj  of  tf)e 
lotul  fuffiie 

En  ought  not  to  leue  that  thynge 
whiche  is  fure  &  certayne  /  for 
hope  to  haue  the  vncertayn  /  as 
to  vs  reherceth  this  fable  of  a 
fylHier  whiche  with  his  lyne  toke 
a  lytyll  fyllhe  whiche  fayd  to  hym  /  My  frend  I 
pray  the/  doo  to  me  none  euylle/  ne  putte 
nie  not  to  dethe/  For  now  I  am  nought/  for 
to  be  eten  /  but  wlianne  I  Ihalle  be  grete/  yf 
thow  come  ageyne  hyther/  of  me  Ihalt  thow 
mowe  haue  grete  auaylle/  For  thenne  I  Ihalle 
goo  with  the  good  whyle/  And  the  Fyflher 
fayd  to  the  fyffhe  .  Syn  I  hold  the  now/  thou 
(halt  not  fcape  fro  me/  For  grete  foly  hit  were 
to  me  for  to  feke  the  here  another  tyme  /  For 
men  ought  not  to  lete  goo  that/  of  what  they 
be  fare  of/  hopynge  to  haue  afterwards  that 
that  they  haue  not  and  whiche  is  vnccrtayne. 



C  E^t  lijij  faile  is  of  pfiebns  /  of  tfje  ^aar2ci0us  / 
nn"Q  of  t\)z  ETiugaus 

[]One  oughte  to  doo  harme  or  dom- 
mage  to  fomme  other  for  to  re- 
ceyue  or  doo  his  owne  dommage  / 
As  hit  appereth  by  this  fable  /  Of 
Jupiter  whiche  fent  phebus  in  to 
therthe  for  to  haue  al  the  knowlege  of  the 
thou3t  of  men  CThis  phebus  thenne  mette 
with  two  men  /  of  whiche  the  one  was  moche 
enuyous  /  And  the  other  ryght  couetous  /  Phebus 
demaunded  of  them  what  theyr  thought  was  / 
We  thynke  faid  they  to  demaunde  and  afke  of 
the  grate  yeftes  /  To  the  which  phebus  anfuerd  / 
Now  demaunde  that  ye  wylle/  For  all  that  that 
ye  fhalle  demaunde  of  me/  I  Ihalle  graunte  hit/ 
And  of  that/  that  the  fyrft  of  yow  ihalle  aike / 
the  fecond  haue  the  dowble  parte/  or  as  moche 
more  ageyne/  And  thenne  the  auarycious  fayd/ 
I  wyl  that  my  felawe  afke  what  he  wyll  fyrlt 
wherof  the  enuyous  was  wel  content/  whiche 
fayd  to  Phebus  Fayre  fyre  I  praye  the  that  I 
maye  lefe  one  of  myn  eyen  /  to  thende  that 
my  felawe  may  lefe  al  bothe  his  eyen  /  wherfor 


OF  AVIAN.  237 

phebus  beganne  to  lawhe  whiche  departed  and 
wente  ageyne  vnto  Jupiter/  and  told  hym  the 
grete  malyce  of  the  enuyous/  whiche  was  Joye- 
ful  and  ghid  of  the  harme  and  dommage  ot'  an 
other/  &  how  he  was  wel  content  to  liUfre 
payne  for  to  haue  adommagod  fomme  other 



C  Cfje  ibfij  fable  ts  of  tfje  t^cef  /  anb  of  tj^e 
cljilti  inirfje  irEpte 

J]E  is  a  fole  that  putteth  his  good  in 
jeopardy  to  lefe  it  for  to  gete  & 
haue  fom  others  good/  as  it  ap- 
pereth  by  this  fable  of  a  theef 
whiche  fond  a  child  wepynge  be- 
fyde  a  welle  /  of  whom  the  theef  dyde  afke  why 
he  wepte/  &  the  child  anfwerd  to  hym  I  wepe/ 
by  caufe  that  I  haue  lete  falle  within  this  welle 
a  loket  of  gold/  &  thenne  the  theef  toke  of  his 
clothes/  &  fette  them  on  the  ground  and  wente 
doune  in  to  the  welle/  And  as  he  was  doune 
the  child  toke  his  gowne  &  lefte  hym  within 
the  welle  /  And  thus  for  couetyfe  to  wynne  /  he 
loft  his  gowne  /  For  fuche  fuppofen  to  wynne 
fomtyme  whiche  lefen  /  And  therfore  none 
ought  to  wyljhe  that/  that  he  hath  not/  to 
thende  that  he  lefeth  not  that  /  that  he  hath  / 
For  of  the  thynge  wrongfully  and  euylle  goten  / 
the  thyrd  heyre  Ihalle  neuer  be  ppireffour  of  hit. 

OF  A  VIA  S\ 


C  Eht  lii  fable  13  of  tfic  luon  nnb  of  the  gott 

is  wyfe  that  can  kepe  hym  iVlf 
tVuin  the  wyly  and  fals  /  as  hit 
appcrctli  by  this  fable  /  Of  a  lyon  / 
whiche  ones  mette  with  a  gote/ 
whiche  was  vpon  a  montayne 
And  whanne  the  lyon  fawe  her/  he  fayd  to  her 
in  this  manere/  For  to  gyue  to  her  occacion  to 
come  doune  fro  the  hylle/  to  thende  that  he 
niyght  ete  her/  My  fuller  why  comeft  thow  not 
hyder  on  this  fayre  and  grene  medowe  for  to  ete 
of  thefe  fayre  herbes  or  gralVe  /  And  the  gote 
anfuerd  to  hym  /  How  be  hit  /  that  thow  fayft 
trouthe/  Neuertheles  thow  fayft  it  not/  neyilu-r 
for  my  wele  ne  for  my  prouftyte/  but  thow  fayft 
iiit/  by  caufe  that  thow  woldeft  fayne  ete  and 
deuoure  me/  but  I  trufte  not  in  thy  fayre  fpeche/ 
For  many  tymcs  I  haue  herd  faye  of  my  graut 
moder/  he  that  is  wcl  /  meue  not  hym  felf/  For 
he  whiche  is  in  a  place  wel  fure/  is  wel  a  folc  to 
go  fro  hit  /  and  to  putte  hym  fclf  in  gretedaungcr 
and  porylle 



C  2rf)£  II  tMt  toas  of  tfje  crofee  lii|)icf)e  irias  a 

Etter  is  crafte  and  fubtylyte  than 
force/  As  reherceth  to  vs  this 
fable/  Of  a  crowe  whiche  vpon 
a  day  came  for  to  drynke  oute 
of  a  boket/  and  by  caufe  that  fhe 
myght  not  reche  to  the  water/  flae  dyd  fyll  the 
boket  ful  of  fmal  ftones  /  in  foo  nioche  that  the 
water  came  vpward  /  wherof  flie  dranke  thenne 
at  her  wylle/  and  playfyre/  And  therfore  hit 
appiereth  wel  /  that  wytte  or  fapyence  is  a  moche 
fayr  vertue  For  by  fapyence  or  wytte  /  thow  Ihalt 
mowe  refyfte  to  all  faultes  / 

OF  A  VIA  N. 


C  E\)t  iij  fafak  is  of  tlir  bolnrne  nnti  of  tlir 
ronrjc  bolt/ 

I'^E  whiche  is  of  euylle  and  fhrewd 
kyiui  /  with  grete  payne  he  inny 
h  ym  lelt'/  as  it  appereth  by 
ible/  Of  a  vylayne/  whiche 
had  a  yongc  bole  /  the  whiche  he 
myght  not  bynd  /  by  caufe  that  euer  he  fmote 
with  his  homes/  wherfore  the  vylayne  cutte  of 
liis  homes  /  C  But  yet  whan  he  wold  haue  bound 
hym  /  the  bole  cafted  his  fute  fro  hym  /  in  fuche 
w  yfe  that  he  fufFred  noman  to  come  nyghe  hym  / 
And  whan  the  vylayne  perceyucd  the  malvce  of 
the  bole/  he  fayd  to  hym/  I  ihalle  challyfe  the 
wel/  For  I  flialle  take  the  in  to  the  bouchers 
handes  /  And  thenne  was  the  bole  wel  chaftyfed  / 
C  And  thus  ought  men  to  doo  of  the  euvlle/ 
curfyd  &  rebelles/  whiche  doo  no  thynge  but 
playe  with  dees  and  cardes  and  to  rutfule/  Such 
folke  ought  men  to  put  in  to  the  handes  of  the 
boucher  for  to  Icde  them  to  the  galhows/  For 
better  may  no  man  challyfe  them/  For  with 
grete  payne  may  he  be  chaftyfed  /  w  hiclie  tk-eth 
alle  good  werkes  oiid  alle  good  teluulliip 



C  €')z    iitj  fable  is  of  tl^e  btator  or  palmer  antj 
of  Sature 

En  ought  to  beware  &  kepe  hym 
felf  from  hym  whiche  bereth  both 
fyre  and  water/  as  reherceth  to  vs 
this  Fable  Of  a  pylgrim  /  whiche 
fomlyme  walked  in  the  wynter/ 
and  wente  thurgh  a  grete  foreft/  CAnd  by 
caufe  that  the  fnowe  had  couerd  al  the  wayes  / 
he  wift  ne  knewe  not  whyther  he  wente/ 
ageynfte  the  whiche  came  a  wodewofe  named 
Satyre  by  caufe  he  fawe  hym  a  cold/  whiche 
aproched  to  the  pylgrym  and  brought  hym  in 
to  his  pytte  /  And  whan  the  pylgrym  fawe 
hym  /  he  hadde  grete  drede  by  caufe  that  a 
wodewofe  is  a  monflire  lyke  to  the  man/  as  hit 
appiereth  by  his  fygure  /  C  And  as  the  wode- 
wofe or  Satyre  ledde  the  pylgrym  in  to  his 
pytte  /  the  pylgrym  dyd  blowe  within  his  handes 
for  to  chauft'e  them  /  For  he  was  fore  cold  / 
And  thenne  the  wodewofe  gaf  to  hym  bote  water 
to  drynke  /  C  And  whan  the  pylgrym  wold 
haue  dronken  hit/  he  beganne  to  blowe  in  hit/ 
And  the  wodewofe  demaunded  of  hym  /  why 


OF  A  UIA  N.  243 

he  (lyd  hinwe  in  hit  /  And  the  pylgryni  fayil  tc; 
hym  /  I  blowe  in  hit  /  for  to  haue  it  foniwhat 
more  cold  than  hit  is/  The  wodewofe  thenne 
fayd  to  hym  /  Thy  felauihip  is  not  good  to  me  / 
by  caufe  tliat  thow  berell  bothe  the  tyre  and  the 
water  in  tliv  niouihe/  therfore  go  hens  fro  my 
pyt  and  neiicr  retorne  ageyne/  For  the  felautliip 
of  the  man  whiche  hath  two  tongues  is  nought/ 
And  the  man  wiche  is  wyfe  ought  to  flee  the 
felaufhip  of  flaterers/  For  by  flateryng  &:  adu- 
lacion  many  haue  ben  beg)'led  and  decejmed 



C  2rf)e  ni'ij  fnbic  is  of  tfje  axe  antj  of  tfje  rat 

^^^He  lordes  ought  to  loue  theyr  fub- 
gettis/  For  he  whiche  is  hated  of 
his  tenaunts  and  fubgets  /  is  not 
lord  of  his  land  /  as  hit  appereth 
by  this  Fable  /  Of  an  oxe  /  whiche 
fomtyme  was  within  a  ftable  /  and  as  the  oxe 
on  a  tynie  wold  haue  llepte  fayne/  a  rat  came/ 
whiche  bote  the  oxe  by  the  thyes  /  And  as  the 
oxe  wold  haue  fmyten  hym  /  he  ran  awaye  into 
his  hole  /  And  thenne  the  oxe  beganne  to  men- 
ace the  rat  /  And  the  ratte  fayd  to  hym  /  I  am 
not  aferd  of  the  And  yf  thow  arte  grete  /  thy 
parentes  ben  caufe  therof  and  not  thy  felf/  And 
therfore  the  ftronge  ought  not  to  defpeyfe  the 
feble/  but  ought  to  loue  hym  as  the  chyef  or 
hede  ought  to  loue  his  lymmes/  For  he  that 
loueth  not/  oughte  not  to  be  loued/  And  ther- 
fore the  lord  muft  loue  his  fubgettys  /  yf  of  them 
he  wylle  be  loued 

OF  A  VIA  .V. 


C  Che  iiii:j  fable  is  of  tlic  goos  nnti  ol  Ijcr  loit) 

]K  that  ouer  ladeth  hym  felf/  is 
euylle  ftrayned  /  As  this  fable 
fayeth  /  of  a  man  /  whiche  had 
a  goos/  that  leyd  euery  day  an 
egge  of  gold  /  The  man  of 
auaryce  or  couetoufnes  commaunded  and  bad 
to  her/  that  euery  daye  Ihe  lliold  leye  two 
egges  /  And  flie  fayd  to  hym  /  Certaynly  /  my 
maylU'r  1  maye  not  /  wherfore  the  man  was 
wrothe  with  her/  and  llewe  her/  wherfore  he 
loft  that  fame  grete  good/  of  the  whiche  dede 
he  was  moche  forowful  and  wrothe/  how  be 
it  that  it  was  not  tyme  to  fliette  the  ftable 
whan  the  horfes  ben  lofte  /  &  gone/  And  he 
is  not  wyfe  whiche  does  fiich  a  thynge/  wherof 
he  Oialle  repente  hym  after  ward/  ne  ht-alfo/ 
whiche  doth  his  owne  dommage  for  to  auenge 
hym  felf  on  fomme  other/  For  by  caufe  that 
he  fuppofeth  to  wynne  al  /  he  lefeth  all  that 
he  hath. 



C  2rfje  Ufa  fa&Ie  10  of  tlje  ape  anb  of  Ijts  ttoo 

E  that  fomtyme  men  defpreyfen  / 
may  wel  heipe  fomme  other/  as 
hit  appereth  by  this  Fable  of  an 
Ape  /  whiche  had  two  children  / 
of  the  whiche  he  hated  the  one/ 
&  loued  the  other  /  whiche  he  toke  in  his  armes  / 
and  with  hym  fled  before  the  dogges/  And 
whanne  the  other  fawe/  that  his  moder  lefte 
hym  behynde/  he  ranne  and  lepte  on  her  back/ 
And  by  caufe  that  the  lytyl  ape  whiche  the  fhe 
ape  held  in  her  armes  empeched  her  to  flee  / 
flie  lete  hit  falle  to  the  erthe/  And  the  other 
whiche  the  moder  hated  held  faft  and  was 
faued  /  the  whiche  from  thens  forthon  kylled 
and  embraced  his  moder/  And  And  flie  thenne 
beganne  to  loue  hym  wherfore  many  tymes 
it  happeth  /  that  that  thynge  whiche  is  def- 
preyfed/  is  better  than  that  thynge  whiche  is 
loued  and  preyfed/  For  fomtyme  the  children 
whiche  ben  preyfed  and  loued  /  done  laife  good 
than  they  whiche  ben  defpreyfed  and  hated 

OF  A  UIA  .V. 


C  E\)t  utij  J?nble  is  of  t\)t  toontJ  ant)  of 
tl}crtf)cn  pot 

^^?^^Sje  that  ouer  mochc  eiiliauncetli  hyin 
vl  iv>r^  \m  '"^l^/  iooner  than  he  wold  /  he 
\Kyi  Kj  falleth  doune/  as  hit  appereth  by 
riiy/'iw^  this  fable  /  Of  an  erthen  pot 
maker  whiclie  made  a  grete  pot 
of  ertiie/  tlie  whiche  he  dyd  fette  in  the  fonne/ 
by  caufe  that  more  furely  hit  ihold  haue  ben 
(Iryed/  Ageynfte  the  whiche  came  and  blewe  a 
grete  wynd  /  And  whanne  the  wynd  fawe  the 
potte  he  demaundcd  of  hym  /  who  arte  thow  / 
And  the  pot  anfuerd  to  hym  /  I  am  a  potte  the 
beft  made  that  men  can  fynde/  &  none  may 
lette  ne  empeche  me/  And  how  fayd  tlie 
wynde/  thow  art  yet  al  lofte  /  and  haft  neyther 
vertue  ne  none  force/  and  by  caufe  I  knowe  wel 
thy  ouer  pryde  /  I  ihall  breke  the/  and  putie 
the  in  to  pyeces/  to  thende/  that  thow  of  lliy 
grete  pryde  mayrt  haue  knowlege  /  And  therfore 
the  feble  ought  to  meke  and  humble  hym  feif 
and  obeyc  to  his  lord  /  and  not  lo  enhance  hym 
more  tlian  he  ought/  to  thende/  lie  tallclh  nut 
from  hyhe  to  lowe 



C  Efje  iifatj  fable  is  of  i^z  toulf  anti  of  tfje  lamfte 

two  euyls  men  ought  euer  to 
efchewe  and  flee  the  worfl:  of 
bothe/  yf  ony  of  them  may  be 
efchewed  /  as  hit  appiereth  by 
this  fable/  of  a  wulf/  whiche 
ranne  after  a  lambe/  the  whiche  lambe  fled 
into  the  hows  where  as  gotes  were  /  And  whan 
the  wulf  fawe  that  he  niyght  in  no  wyfe  take 
the  lambe  /  he  fayd  to  hym  by  fwete  wordes  / 
Leue  thy  felaulhip  /  and  come  with  me  into  the 
feldes  /  for  yf  thow  come  not  /  thow  fhalt  be 
take  by  them  /  and  Ihalt  be  facryfyed  to  theyre 
goddes  /  And  the  lamb  anfuered  to  the  wulf/ 
I  haue  leuer  to  Ihede  al  my  blood  for  the  loue 
of  the  goddes/  and  to  be  facryfyed/  than  to  be 
eten  and  deuoured  of  the  /  And  therfore  he  is 
ful  of  wyfedome  and  of  prudence  /  who  of  two 
grete  euyls  may  and  can  efcape  the  grettefl:  of 
bothe  / 

C  "^txz  fgngffi)?!!  tfje  fables  of  3luian  /  SntJ 
after  follotoen  tlje  fables  of  ^Ifance 



C  Eht  forft  fable  tnaiutfi  mcncion  of  tficifiortn- 
cion  of  fapocncc  or  tuufctjomc  anb  of  louc 

Ilabe  of  Lucanye  fayd  to  his  Tone  in 
tliis  nianer/  My  lone  beware  & 
loke  that  the  tbrmyce  be  not 
more  prudent  or  wyler  /  than 
"  thy  lelt"/  the  whiche  gadreth  & 
airembleth  to  gyder  in  the  Ibmer  all  that  to 
her  nedeth  to  haue  in  the  wynter  /  and  beware 
that  thow  llcpe  no  lenger/  than  the  Cocke 
dot  h  the  whiche  watcheth  and  wakelh  atte  matyns 
tyme/  and  that  he  be  not  wyfer  and  more  I'age 
than  thy  lelf  /  the  whiche  rewleth  and  gouerneth 
wel  ix  hennes/  but  hit  futiyfeth  wel  /  that  thow 
rewle  and  gouerne  one  wel/  And  alio  that  the 
dogge  be  not  more  noble  than  thy  felt"  /  the 
whiche  forgeteth  neuer  the  good  whiche  is  done 
to  hym  /  but  euer  he  remcnibryth  it  /  C  Item  my 
fone  fuppofc  it  not  a  lytyll  thynge  to  haue  a  good 
PVend  but  doubte  not  to  haue  a  thowfand  frendes/ 
C  And  whannc  A  rabe  wold  deye  /  he  demaunded 
of  his  fone/  My  fone  how  many  good  trendes 
hast  thow  /  And  his  fone  anfwerd  to  hym  /  My 
fader  I  haue  as  I  fupp(jfc  an  hondcrd  frendes  / 


2  50  THE  FABLES 

And  the  fader  anfuerd  to  hym  /  beware  and  loke 
wel  that  thow  iuppofe  none  to  be  thy  frendes 
withoute  that  thow  haft  affayed  &  proued  hym/ 
For  I  haue  lyued  lenger  than  thy  felf  hafte/ 
&  vnnethe  I  haue  gete  half  a  frend  /  wherfore 
I  meruaylle  moche  how  thow  haft  geten  fo 
many  frendes  /  And  thenne  the  fone  feynge  the 
admyracion  or  wonder  of  his  fader  /  demaunded 
of  hym  /  My  fader  .  I  praye  yow  that  ye  wylle 
gyue  to  me  counceil  how  I  ftialle  mowe  preue 
and  eflaye  my  frend  /  And  his  fader  fayd  to  hym 
/  goo  thou  and  kylle  a  calf  /  and  putte  it  in  a  fak 
al  blody  /  and  here  hit  to  thy  fyrft  frend  /  and 
faye  to  hym  that  hit  is  a  man  whiche  thou  haft 
flayne  /  And  that  for  the  loue  of  whiche  he 
loueth  the  /  that  he  wylle  kepe  thy  myfdede 
fecretely  and  burye  hit  /  to  thende  that  he  may 
faue  the  /  the  which  counceylle  his  fone  dyd  /  to 
whome  his  frend  fayd  /  retorne  ageyne  to  thy 
hows  /  For  yf  thow  haft  done  euylle  /  I  wylle 
not  here  the  payne  for  the  /  For  within  my  hows 
thow  Ihalt  not  entre  /  And  thus  one  after  other 
he  affayed  alle  his  frendes  /  and  euery  of  them 
made  to  hym  fuche  an  anfuere  as  the  fyrft  dyd  / 
wherof  gretely  he  was  abaflhed  /  And  thenne 
he  retorned  ageyn  to  his  fader  /  and  told  hym  / 
how  he  had  done  /  And  his  fader  anfuerd  to 
hym  /  Many  one  ben  frendes  of  wordes  only  / 


OF  ALFONCE.  251 

but  fewe  l)cn  in  t'ayth  or  dede  /  but  I  lliallc  telle 
to  the  what  thow  Ihalt  doo  /  Goo  thou  to  my 
halt"  frende  /  and  bere  to  hym  thy  calf  /  and 
thow  llialt  here  and  Tee  what  he  llialle  faye  to 
the  /  And  whanne  the  lone  came  to  the  half 
frende  of  his  tader  /  he  fayd  to  hym  as  he  dyd 
to  the  otlier  /  And  whanne  the  half  frende  vn- 
derftode  his  fayt  or  dede  /  he  anone  toke  hyni 
fecretely  in  to  his  hows  /  and  ledde  hym  in  to 
a  fure  and  obfcure  place  /  where  he  dyd  burye 
his  dede  calf  /  wherof  the  fone  knewe  the  trouthe 
of  the  half  frendes  loue  /  Thenne  the  fone  of 
Arabe  torned  ageyne  toward  his  fader  /  and  told 
to  hym  all  that  his  half  frende  had  done  to 
hym  /  And  thenne  the  fader  fayd  to  his  fone  / 
that  the  philofopher  faith  that  the  very  and 
trewe  trend  is  fond  in  the  xtreme  nede  /  Thenne 
allied  the  fone  of  his  fader  /  faweft  thou  neuer 
man  whiche  in  his  lyf  gate  a  hole  frend  /  & 
his  fader  faid  to  hym  /  I  fawe  ncuer  none  /  but 
wel  haue  I  herd  it  fay  /  And  the  fone  anfuered  / 
My  fader  I  praye  the  that  thow  wylt  reherce  hit 
to  me  /  to  thendc  /  that  by  aduenture  I  maye 
gete  fuche  one  /  And  the  fader  fayd  to  hym  / 
My  fone  /  fom  tyme  haue  I  herd  of  two  mar- 
chaunts  whiche  neuer  had  fene  eche  other/  tlu- 
one  was  of  Egypte  /  and  the  other  was  of  Baldak 
but  they  had  knowleche  eche  of  other  by  theyr 



lettres  /  whiche  they  fente  and  wrote  frendly  one 
to  the  other/  hit  befelle  thenne  that  the  mer- 
chaunt  of  Baldak  came  in  to  egypte  for  to  chepe 
&  bye  fomme  ware  or  marchaundyfe  /  wherof 
his  frend  was  moche  gladde  /  and  wente  to  mete 
hym  and  brought  him  benyngly  in  to  his  hows/ 
And  after  that  he  had  chered  and  feftyed  hym 
by  the  fpace  of  xiiij  dayes/  the  fame  marchaunt 
of  baldak  wexed  and  became  feke/  wherof  his 
frend  was  sorowfuU  and  ful  heuy/  and  Incon- 
tynent  fente  for  phifycyens  or  leches  thurugh 
alle  egypte  for  to  recouere  his  helthe  /  And  whan 
the  medecyns  had  fene  and  vyfyted  hym  /  and 
his  vryne  alfo  /  they  fayd  that  he  had  no  bodyly 
fekeness/  but  that  he  was  rauyfihed  by  loue/  And 
whan  his  Frend  herd  thefe  wordes/  he  came 
to  hym  /  and  fayd  /  My  frende  1  pray  the  /  that 
thou  wilt  fhewe  and  telle  to  me  thy  sekenes/ 
And  his  frend  laid  to  hym  I  praye  the  /  that  thow 
wylt  make  to  come  hyder  alle  the  wymmen 
and  maydens  whiche  ben  in  thy  hows/  for  to 
fee  /  yf  fhe  whiche  my  herte  defyreth  is  emonge 
them  /  And  anone  his  Frend  made  to  come  be- 
fore hym  bothe  his  owne  doughters  &  feruants 
Emonge  the  whiche  was  a  yonge  mayde  /  whiche 
he  had  nouryfftied  for  his  playfyre/  And  whan 
the  pacyent  or  feke  man  fawe  her/  he  fayd  to 
his  frend  /  the  fame  is  iTie  whiche  maye  be  caufe 


OF  ALFOSCE.  253 

of  iny  lyf  or  my  deth/  the  whiche  his  trend  gaf 
to  hyni  for  to  be  his  wyf  with  alle  fuche  goodes 
as  he  had  of  her/  the  whiche  he  wedded/  and 
retorned  with  her  in  to  baldak.  with  grate  Joye/ 
but  within  a  whyle  alter  it  happed  and  fortuned 
fo  tliat  this  marchaunt  of  egvpte  fylle  in  pouerte/ 
and  for  to  haue  fomme  confolacion  and  coniforte 
he  tooke  his  way  toward  baldak  /  and  fuppofed 
to  goo  and  fee  his  frend/  And  aboute  one  euen 
he  arryued  to  the  Cyte/  And  for  as  moche  that 
he  was  not  well  arayed  ne  clothed/  he  had 
Ihame  by  daye  ly3t  to  go  in  to  the  hows  of  his 
Frend/  but  wente  and  lodged  hym  withynne  a 
Temple  nyghe  to  a  Frendes  hows 

C  It  happed  thenne  that  on  that  fame  nyght 
that  he  laye  there  a  man  llewe  another  man 
before  the  yate  or  entre  of  the  fayd  Temple  / 
wherfore  the  neyghbours  were  fore  troubled  / 
And  thenne  all  the  peple  moeued  therof  came 
in  to  the  Temple/  wherin  they  fond  no  body 
fauf  only  thegypcyen  /  the  whiche  they  toke  / 
and  lyke  a  murderer  Interroged  hym  why  he 
had  llayne  that  man  whiche  lay  dede  before  the 
portall  or  gate  of  the  teinple  /  He  thenne  feynge 
his  Infortune  and  pouerte/  confefled/  that  he 
had  kylled  hym  /  For  by  caufe  of  his  euyll  fortune 
he  wold  rather  deye  than  lyue  ony  more/  wher- 
fore he  was  had  before  the  Juge/  and  was  con- 


2  54  THE  FABLES 

dempned  to  be  hanged  /  And  whan  men  ledde 
hym  toward  the  galhows  /  his  frend  fawe  and 
knewe  hym/  and  beganne  to  wepe  fore/  remem- 
bryng  the  bienfayttes  whiche  he  had  done  to 
hym  /  wherfore  he  went  to  the  Juftyce  and  fayd  / 
My  lordes  this  man  dyd  not  the  homycyde  /  For 
hit  was  my  felf  that  dyd  hit  /  And  therfore  ye 
lliolddogrete  fynneyfye  dyd  put  this  Innocent  and 
gyltles  to  dethe/  And  anone  he  was  take  for  be 
had  vnto  the  galhows  /  And  thenne  the  Egypcyen 
fayd/  My  lordes/  he  dyd  hit  not/  And  therfore 
euylle  Ihold  ye  doo  to  put  him  to  dethe/  And  as 
the  two  frendes  wold  haue  been  hanged  eche 
one  for  other/  he  whiche  had  done  the  homycyde 
came  and  knewe  and  confefTyd  there  his  fynne  / 
and  adreffed  hym  felf  before  the  Juftyce  and 
fayd  /  My  lordes  /  none  of  them  bothe  hath  done 
the  dede  /  And  therfore  punyfllie  not  ye  thefe 
Innocents  /  For  I  allone  ought  to  here  the  payne/ 
whereof  all  the  Juftyfe  was  gretely  meruaylled/ 
And  for  the  doubte  whiche  therin  was  grete/  the 
Juftyce  toke  them  al  thre  /  &  ledde  them  before 
the  kyng  And  when  they  had  reherced  to  the 
kynge  all  the  maner/  after  enqueft  theupon 
made  /  and  he  knewe  the  very  trouthe  of  hit  / 
graunted  his  grace  to  the  murderer  /  and  fo  alle 
thre  were  delyuerd  /  And  the  frend  brought  his 
frend  in  to  hys  hows/  and  receyued  hym  Joyoully / 


OF  ALFONCE.  255 

and  after  he  gaf  to  hym  bothe  gold  and  fyluer/ 
And  the  egypcyen  torned  ageyne  in  to  his  hows/ 
And  whan  the  fader  had  fayd  and  reherced  all 
this  to  his  fone  /  his  fone  fayd  to  hym  /  My  fader 
I  knowe  now  wel  that  he  whiche  may  gete  a 
good  frende  is  wel  happy/  And  with  grete  labour 
as  I  fuppofe  I  ihal  gete  fuche  one. 



C  K\)t  itcanti  fable  is  of  tlje  commsfCon  of  pccung 
or  ntoncg 

Spaynard  arryued  fomtyme  in  to 
the  lande  of  egipte  and  by  caufe 
that  he  doubted  to  be  robbed 
within  the  defertys  of  Arabe/  he 
purpofed  and  bethought  in  hym 
felf  that  it  were  wyfely  done  to  take  his  money 
to  fomme  trewe  man  for  to  kepe  hit  vnto  his  re- 
torne  ageyne  /  And  by  caufe  that  he  herd  fomme 
faye/  that  within  the  Cyte  was  a  trewe  man  /  he 
anone  wente  to  hym  /  and  toke  to  hym  his  fyluer  / 
for  to  kepe  hit/  And  whan  he  had  done  his 
vyage  he  came  ageyne  to  hym  /  and  demaunded 
of  hym  his  fyluer  /  whiche  anfuerd  to  hym  in  this 
manere  /  My  frend  /  I  ne  wote  who  thow  arte  / 
for  I  fawe  the  neuer  that  I  wote  of/  And  yf 
thou  fayeft  or  fpekeft  ony  more  wordes  /  I  llialle 
make  the  to  be  wel  bete/  Thenne  was  the 
fpaynard  forowful  and  wroth/  and  therof  he 
wold  haue  made  a  playnte  to  his  neyghbours/ 
as  he  dyde/  &  the  neyghbours  fayd  to  hym/ 
Certaynly/  we  be  wel  abaffhed  of  that/  that 
ye  telle  to  vs  /  for  he  is  emonge  vs  alle  reputed 




and  liolden  for  a  good  man  and  trewe  /  And 
therforc  retorne  ageyne  to  liyni  /  and  bv  fwelc 
wordes  telle  liym  that  he  wyl  rendre  to  the  thy 
good  ageyne/  tlie  whiche  thynge  he  dyd  /  and 
the  old  man  anfuerd  to  hym  more  fliarpely  and 
wonderly  than  he  had  done  before/  wherot"  the 
Ipaynard  was  wonderly  wrothe/  And  as  he  de- 
parted oute  of  the  old  mans  hows/  he  mette  with 
an  old  woman/  the  whiche  demaunded  of  hym  / 
wherfore  he  was  foo  troubled  and  heuy/  And 
after  that  he  had  told  to  her  the  caufe  why  / 
thold  woman  fayd  to  hym/  make  good  chere/ 
For  yf  hit  is  fo  as  thow  fayft/  I  Ihalle  counceylle 
the  how  thou  llialt  recouere  thy  lyluer/  And 
thenne  he  demauded  of  her/  how  hit  myght  be 
done/  And  fhe  fayd  to  hym  bryng  hyther  to  me 
a  man  of  thy  country  whonie  thow  trultefl/  and 
doo  to  be  mad(5  four  layre  chelles  /  and  fylle 
them  alle  with  ftones  /  and  by  thy  felawes  thow 
(halt  make  them  to  be  borne/  in  to  his  hows/ 
and  to  hym  they  Ihalle  fay/  that  the  marchauts 
of  fpayne  fend  them  to  hym  for  to  kepe  furely/ 
And  whan  the  cheftes  ihalle  be  within  his  hows/ 
thow  (halt  go  and  demade  of  hym  thy  fvluer/ 
whiche  thynge  he  dyd/  And  as  the  fayd  cheftes 
were  borne  within  his  hows  /  the  fpaynard 
wente  with  them  /  that  bare  them  /  the  whiche 
ftraungers  fayd  to  the  old  ma  My   lord  /   thefe 




four  cheftes  ben  al  ful  of  gold  /  of  fyluer  and  of 
precious  ftones  /  whiche  we  brynge  to  yow  /  as  to 
the  trewell:  man  and  feythful  that  we  knowe  for 
to  kepe  them  furely  by  caufe  that  we  fere  and 
doubte  the  theues/ whiche  ben  within  the  defert/ 
After  the  whiche  wordes  fayd  /  came  he  /  whiche 
the  old  woman  had  counceylled  /  and  demaunded 
of  hym  his  fyluer  And  by  that  caufe  the  old  man 
doubted  /  that  the  fpanynard  wold  haue  def- 
preyfed  hym  /  he  fayd  thus  to  hym  /  Thow  arte 
Welcome  /  I  merueylled  how  thow  taryeft  foo 
longe  for  to  come  /  And  Incontynent  he  reilored 
to  hym  his  fyluer/  And  thus  by  the  counceylle 
of  the  woman  whiche  he  gretely  thanked/  he 
had  his  good  ageyn  /  and  retourned  ageyne  in  to 
his  countrey  / 



C  i2rf)c  tfjurtJ  fable  fpcluti)  of  a  fubtolc  Iniinr 
cion  of  a  fcntrncE  ggucn  upon  a  tJcrlu  anli 
obfruvf  caiiff. 

^It  befelle  fomtynie  that  a  good  man 
labourer  wente  fro  lyf  to  deth  / 
the  wliiche  labourer  lefte  nothyng 
to  liis  lone  /  but  only  a  hows  / 
the  whiche  fone  lyued  by  the 
laboure  of  his  handes  pourely  /  This  yong  man 
had  a  neyghbour  whiche  was  made  ryche 
whiche  demauded  of  the  fayd  yong  man  yf  he 
■wold  felle  his  hows  /  but  he  wold  not  felle  it  / 
by  caufe  that  it  was  come  to  hym  by  inherytauce 
and  by  patrymony  whertbre  the  ryche  man  his 
neygbour  conuerlyd  &  was  ful  oft  with  hym  for 
to  deceyue  hym  /  but  the  yong  man  fled  his 
company  as  moche  as  he  myght  /  &:  whan  the 
ryche  man  perceyued  that  the  yong  man  fled 
from  hym  /  he  bethougt  hym  felf  of  a  grete 
decepcion  &  faUhede  /  &c  demauded  of  the  poure 
yong  man  that  he  wold  hyre  to  hym  a  parte  of 
his  hows  tor  to  delue  &  make  a  celer  /  the  whidie 
he  (hold  hold  of  liym  paycng  to  hym  yerely  rent  / 
&  the  poure  yong  man  liyrcd  it  to  liym  /  S:  whan 



the  celerwas  made/  theryche  man  did  do  bryng 
therin  x  tones  of  oylle  of  the  which  the  v  were 
ful  of  of  oylle  /  &  the  the  other  v  were  but  half 
full  /  &  dyd  do  make  a  grete  pytte  in  the  erthe  / 
&  dyd  do  put  the  fyue  tonnes  whiche  were  half 
ful  in  hit/  &  the  other  fyue  aboue  them/  And 
thenne  he  fhytte  the  dore  of  the  celer  /  and  de- 
lyuerd  the  keye  to  the  poure  yonge  man  /  and 
prayd  hym  frawdelently  to  kepe  wel  his  oylle/ 
but  the  poure  yonge  man  knewe  not  the  malyce 
and  fallhede  of  his  neyghboure/  wherfore  he 
was  contente  to  kepe  the  keye  /  And  within  a 
whyle  after  as  the  oylle  became  dere/  the  ryche 
came  to  the  poure  /  and  afked  hym  his  good  /  and 
the  yong  man  toke  to  hym  the  keye  /  this  Ryche 
man  thenne  fold  his  oylle  to  the  marchaunts/ 
and  waraunted  eche  tonne  al  ful  /  And  when  the 
marchaunts  mefured  theyr  oylle/  they  fond  but 
fyue  of  the  x  tonnes  full/  wherof  the  ryche  man 
demaunded  of  the  poure  yonge  man  reftitu- 
cion  /  and  for  to  haue  his  hows  he  maade  hym  to 
come  before  the  Juge  /  C  And  whanne  the  poure 
man  was  before  the  Juge/  he  demaunded  terme 
and  fpace  for  to  anfwere  /  For  hym  thought  and 
femed  that  he  had  kepte  well  his  oylle  /  and  the 
Juge  gaf  and  grauted  to  hym  day  of  aduys/  & 
thene  he  went  to  a  philofophre  which  was  pro- 
curatour  of  the  poure  peple/  &:  prayd  hym  for 

charyte  / 

OF  ALFOiSCE.  261 

clmryic/  that  he  wold  gyue  to  hym  good  couccylle 
of  his  grete  nede  /  &  he  reherced  and  told  to  hyni 
al  his  caufe  &  Iwore  vpon  the  holy  euangely  that 
he  toke  none  of  the  ryche  mans  oylle/  And 
thenne  the  philofopher  anfuerd  to  hyni  in  this 
manere  /  My  fone  /  haue  no  fere  /  for  the  troiithe 
may  not  faylle/  And  the  next  niorowe  after/  the 
philofopher  wente  with  the  poure  man  in  to 
Jngement/  the  whiche  philofopher  was  confti- 
tued  by  the  kynge  for  to  gyue  the  Jull  fentence 
of  hit/  And  after  that  the  caufe  had  be  wel 
dertended  and  pleted  by  bothe  partyes  /  the 
philofophre  fayd  /  the  fame  ryche  man  is  of  good 
renommce  '  and  I  fuppofe  not  that  he  demaunded 
more  than  he  lliould  haue/  And  alfo  I  byleue 
not  that  this  poure  may  be  maculed  ne  gyliy  of 
the  blame/  which  he  putteth  on  hym/  but  not- 
withftondynge  for  to  knowe  the  trouthe  of  hit  /  I 
ordeyne  and  gyue  fentence/  that  the  oylle  pure 
and  clene  of  the  v  tonnes  whiche  are  tul  to  be 
mefured  /  and  alfo  the  lye  therof  /  And  after  that 
the  pure  and  clene  oylle  of  the  fyue  which  been 
but  half  ful  to  be  alfo  meafured  /  and  with  the  lye 
thereof/  and  that  men  loke  yf  the  lye  of  the  fyue 
Tonnes  half  ful  is  egal  and  lyke  to  the  lye  of  the 
fyue  Tonnes/  whiche  ben  fulle/  And  yf  hit  be 
not  soo/  that  as  moche  lye  be  fond  within  tlie 
vellels  whiche  ben  but  half  full  as  in  tiic  other/ 



he  llialle  thenne  be  fuffyfauntly  &:  ryghteoyfly 
proued/that  none  oyle  hath  be  taken  oute  of 
them  /  but  yf  ther  be  fond  as  moche  lye  in  the 
one  as  in  the  other/  the  poure  lliall  be  con- 
dempned/  and  of  this  fentence  the  poure  was 
contente/  &  the  trouthe  was  knowen/  wherfore 
the  poure  man  went  quyte/  and  the  ryche  was 
condempned/  For  his  grete  malyce  and  falfheed 
was  knowen  and  manyfefted  /  For  there  is  no 
fynne  or  myfdede  done  /  but  that  ones  it  flialle  be 
knowen  and  manyfefted. 



C  Z\]z  fourUif  fviblc  mnkctlj  mrncion  of  tf)r  Uw- 
trnrr  giiucix  up  tf}c  pccunu  or  monrg  toljirfje 
toas  founli. 

Ryche  man  fomtyme  wente  by  a 

t '"  /  '  \  '"^  ^y^^/  -^^^  ^^  h^  walked  fro  one 
N'//;^^V^  lyde  to  that  other/  fylle  fro  hym 
a  grete  purfe  /  wherin  were  a 
thoufand  Crownes/  the  whiche  a 
poure  man  fond/  and  toke  them  for  to  kepe  to 
his  wyf  /  wherof  Ihe  was  ful  gladde/  and  fayd/ 
thanked  be  god  of  al  the  goodes  whiche  he 
fendeth  to  vs/  yf  he  fendeth  now  this  grete 
fomme  kepe  we  hit  wel  /  And  on  the  next  morne 
after  folowyng/  the  Ryche  man  made  to  be 
cryed  thurgh  the  cyte/  tliat  who  fomeuer  had 
fond  a  thowfand  Crownes  in  a  purfe/  he  lliold 
rellitue/and  brynge  them  to  hym  ageyne/  and 
that  he  Ihold  haue  for  his  reward  an  honderd  of 
them/  And  after  that  the  poure  man  had  herd 
this  crye/  he  ranne  Incontynent  to  his  wyf/  & 
fayd  to  her/  My  wyf  '  that/  that  we  haue  fond 
mull  be  rendred  or  yolden  ageyne  /  For  hit  is 
better  to  haue  a  C  crownes  withoute  fynne  than 
a  thowfand  witli  fynne  ^  wrongfully/  And  how 



be  hit  that  the  woman  wold  haue  refyfted  / 
Neuertheles  in  thende  Ihe  was  content  /  And  thus 
the  poure  man  reftored  the  thowfand  crownes  to 
the  Ryche  /  and  demaunded  of  hym  the  honderd 
crownes  /  And  the  ryche  full  of  frawde  or  falf- 
hede  fayd  to  the  poure/  thow  rendreft  not  to 
me  al  my  gold/  whiche  thow  fondeft/  For  of 
hit  I  lack  four  honderd  pyeces  of  gold  And 
whanne  thow  (halt  rendre  and  brynge  to  me 
ageyn  the  fayd  four  hondred  pyeces  of  gold/ 
thow  Ihalt  haue  of  me  the  C  crownes  too  whiche 
I  promyfed  to  the  /  And  thenne  the  poure  anfuerd 
to  hym  /  I  haue  take  and  brought  to  the  al  that 
I  haue  found/  wherfore  they  fylle  in  a  grete 
dyfferent  or  ftryf/  in  fo  moche  that  the  caufe 
came  before  the  kyng  /  to  be  decyded  and  pletyd/ 
of  the  whiche  the  kyng  made  to  be  callyd  before 
hym  a  grete  philofopher  whiche  was  procuratour 
of  the  poures  /  And  whanne  the  caufe  was  wel 
difputed/  the  philofopher  moued  with  pyte/ 
called  to  hym  the  poure  man/  and  to  hym  feyd 
in  this  maner/  Come  hyther  my  frend/  by  thy 
feythe  haft  thow  reftored  alle  that  good  whiche 
thou  fondeft  in  the  purfe/  and  the  poure  anfuerd 
to  hym  /  ye  fyre  by  my  feythe  /  And  thenne  the 
philofophre  fayd  before  thafliftantes/  Syth  this 
ryche  man  is  trewe  and  feythfull/  and  that  hit 
is  not  to  byleue/  that  he  fliould  demaunde  more 


OF  ALI'OSCn.  26s 

than  he  ought  to  doo  /  he  ouglit  to  be  byleued  / 
And  as  to  the  other  parte  men  mufte  byleue  that 
this  poure  man  is  of  good  renomme  and  knowen 
for  a  trewe  man  wherfore  the  philofopher  fayd 
tothekyiige  /  Syre  I  gyiie  by  my  lenience/  that 
thow  take  thcfc  thowfand  crownes/  and  that  an 
C  thow  take  of  them/  the  whiche  honderd  thow 
Ihall  delyuerc  to  tliis  poure  man  whiche  fond 
tliem/  And  after  whan  he  that  hath  loft  them 
ihall  come/  thow  reftore  them  to  hym  /  And  yf 
it  hanpeth  that  another  perfone  fynde  the  thow- 
fand  &  four  C  crownes/  they  flial  be  rendryd 
and  taken  ageyne  to  the  fame  good  man  whiche 
is  here  prefent  whiche  fayth  that  he  hath  loll 
them/  the  whiche  fentence  was  moche  agreable 
and  plefaunt  to  al  the  companye/  And  when  the 
rj'che  man  fawe  that  he  was  deceyued/  he  de- 
maunded  myferycorde  and  grace  of  the  kynge 
fayenge  in  this  manere  /  Syre  this  poure  man 
that  hath  fond  my  purfe  /  trewely  he  hath  re- 
ftored  ic  to  me  all  that  I  ou5t  to  haue  /  but 
certaynly  I  wold  haue  deceyued  hym/  whcrtore 
I  praye  the  that  thouwylt  haue  pyte  and  myler)'- 
cordeonme  Andthennethe  kynge  had  niylery- 
corde  on  hym/  And  the  poure  man  was  wel 
contented  and  payd  /  and  al  the  malyce  ot  the 
ryche  man  was  knowen  and  manyfelled 


C  Wciz  &  fable  is  of  tfje  fcutl^E  of  tfje  t^re  felatoes. 

Fte  it  happeth  that  the  euyll  whiche 
is  procured  to  other  cometh  to 
hym  whiche  procureth  it  /  as  hit 
apperyth  by  the  felawes/  of  the 
whiche  tweyn  were  burgeys/  & 
the  thyrd  a  labourer/  the  whiche  alfembled  them 
to  gydre  for  to  go  to  the  holy  fepulcre/  This 
thre  felawes  made  fo  grete  prouyfyon  of  flour  for 
to  make  theyr  pylgremage/  in  fuche  wyfe/  that 
it  was  all  chauifed/  and  confumed/  excepte  only 
for  to  make  one  loef  only/  And  whan  the 
Burgeis  fa  we  thende  of  theyre  floure  they  fayd 
to  gyder/  yf  we  fynde  not  the  maner  and  cau- 
tele  for  to  begyle  this  vylayn  /  by  caufe  that  he 
is  a  rygt  grete  gallaunt/  we  Ihalle  deye  for  hongre/ 
wherfore  we  mufl:  fynde  the  maner  and  facyone 
that  we  may  haue  the  loof  whiche  fhall  be  maad 
of  alle  oure  floor/  And  therfore  they  concluded 
to  gyder  and  fayd/  whanne  the  loof  flialle  be  putte 
within  the  ouen  we  flialle  go  and  lye  vs  for  to 
flepe/  and  he  that  flialle  dreme  beft/  the  loof 


or  ALFONCE.  267 

fliall  he  his/  And  by  caufc  that  we  bothe  ben 
I'ubtyle  and  wyl'e  /  he  ftialle  not  mowe  dreme 
as  wel  as  we  Ihalle/  wherof  the  loot"  be  ours/ 
wherot"  alle  they  thre  were  wel  content/  and  al 
byganne  to  llepe  / 

C  But  whanne  the  labourer  or  vylaync  knewe 
and  perceyued  all  theyre  lallace/  and  I'awe  that 
his  two  t'elawes  were  a  fleep/  he  wente  and 
drewe  the  Joof  oute  of  the  ouen  and  ete  hit/ 
C  And  alter  he  feyned  to  be  a  llepe/  and  thene 
oncot'the  burgeys  rofevp  and  fayd  to  hys  felawes/ 
I  haue  drcmed  a  wonder  drenie/  For  two  Angels 
haue  taken  &:  borne  me  with  grete  Joye  before 
the  dyuyn  magefte/  And  the  other  burgeys  his 
felawe  awoke  and  fayd  /  Thy  dreme  is  merueyl- 
lous  and  wonderful]  /  but  I  fuppofe  that  the  myn 
is  fayrer  /  than  thyn  is  /  For  I  haue  dremed  that 
two  Angels  drewe  me  on  hard  ground  for  lo 
lede  me  in  to  helle  /  And  after  they  dyd  awake 
the  vylayne  whiche  as  dredeful  fayd/  who  is 
there/  and  they  anfuerd/  we  be  thy  felawes/ 
And  he  fayd  to  them  /  how  be  ye  foo  foone 
retourned  /  And  they  anfwerd  to  hyni  /  how 
retorned  /  we  departed  not  yet  fro  hens  /  And  he 
fayd  to  them  by  my  feythe/  I  haue  dremed  that 
the  Angels  had  led  one  of  yow  in  to  paradys  or 
heuen  /  and  the  other  in  to  helle/  wlurtur  I 
fuppofed  '    that    ye    lliold     neucr    have    comen 



ageyne  /  And  therfore  I  aroos  me  fro  fleep  /  and 
by  caufe  I  was  hongry/  I  wente  and  drewe  oute 
of  the  ouen  the  loef  and  ete  hit/  For  ofte  hit 
happeth  that  he  whiche  fuppofeth  to  begyle 
fomme  other  /  is  hym  felf  begyled. 



C  C!)t  faj  f -falc  IS  of  the  labourrr  antj  of  tlic 

SOmtyme  there  was  a  labourer/ 
whiche  had  a  gardeyn  wel  play- 
faunt  and  moche  delycious  /  in  to 
the  whiche  he  ofte  wente  for  to 
take  his  defporte  and  playfure/ 
And  on  a  day  at  euen  when  he  was  wery  and 
had  trauaylled  fore/  for  to  take  his  recreacion  he 
cntryd  in  to  his  gardyn  and  fette  himfelf  doune 
vnder  a  tree/  where  as  he  herd  the  fonge  of  a 
nyghtyngale/  And  for  the  grete  plefyre  and  Joye 
whiche  he  took  therof/  he  fought  and  at  the  lall 
fond  the  meanes  for  to  take  the  nyghtyngale/  to 
thende/  that  yet  gretter  joye  and  playfauncc  he 
myght  haue  of  hit/  And  whan  the  nyghtyn- 
gale was  take/  he  demaunded  of  the  labourer/ 
wlierfore  hall  thow  take  fo  grele  payne  for  to 
take  me/  For  wel  thow  knoweft  that  of  me 
thow  mayft  not  haue  grete  proufFyie/  And  the 
vylayne  anfuerd  thus  to  the  nyghtyngale/  I"or  to 
here  the  fonge  of  the  I  iiaue  taken  the/  And  the 
nyghtyngale  anfuerd  Ccrtaynly  in  vayne  thou 
hall  payned  and  laboured/  For/ for  no  good  I 



wylle  fynge  whyle  that  I  am  in  pryfon  /  And 
thenne  the  labourer  or  vylayne  anfuerd  /  yf  thow 
fyngefl  not  wel/  I  fhalle  ete  the/  And  thenne 
the  nyghtyngale  fayd  to  hym  /  yf  thow  putte  me 
within  a  potte  for  to  be  foden/  lytyl  mete  flialt 
thou  thenne  make  of  my  body/  and  yf  thow  fettefl. 
me  for  to  be  rolled  /  lefle  mete  llialle  be  thenne 
made  of  me/  And  therfor  neyther  boylled  ne 
rofted  fhalle  not  be  thy  grete  bely  fylled  of  me  / 
but  yf  thow  lete  me  flee  /  hit  fhall  be  to  the  a 
grete  good  proutFyte/  For  thre  do£lrynes  I  fhall 
teche  the  whiche  thow  fhalt  loue  better  than 
thre  fat  kyne  /  and  thene  the  labourer  lete  the 
nyghtyngale  flee  /  And  whan  he  was  oute  of  his 
handes  /  and  that  he  was  vpon  a  tree  /  he  fayd  to 
the  vylayne  in  this  maner/  My  Frend  I  haue 
promyfed  to  the/  that  I  fliall  gyue  to  the  thre 
doctrynes/  wherof  the  fyrfl:  is  this  that  thow 
byleue  no  thynge  whiche  is  Impoflyble/  The 
fecond  is  that  thow  kepe  wel  that  thyn  is  /  And 
the  thyrd  is/  that  thow  take  no  forowe  of  the 
thynge  loft  whiche  may  not  be  recouererd  /  And 
foone  after  the  nyghtyngale  beganne  to  fygne/ 
&  in  his  fonge  fayd  thus  /  bleflTyd  be  god  /  whiche 
hath  delyuerd  me  oute  of  the  handes  of  this 
vylayne  or  chorle/  whiche  hath  not  knowen/ 
fene  /  ne  touched  the  precious  dyamond  whiche 
I  haue  within  my  bely/   For  yf  he  had  foude 


OF  ALFONCE.  27 1 

hit/  he  had  be  nioche  ryche/  And  tro  his  handes 
I  had  not  leaped  /  And  ihenne  the  vyhiyne  whiche 
herd  this  lunge/  beganne  to  coniphiyne  and  to 
make  grete  forowe  .  and  after  I'ayd  1  am  wel 
vnhappy/  that  haue  U)ll  lb  fayre  a  trelour  / 
whiche  1  had  wonne/  and  now  I  haue  loft  hit/ 
And  the  nyghtyngale  leyd  thenne  to  the  chorle/ 
iS'ow  knowe  1  wel  that  thow  arte  a  Tool/  For 
tliow  takeft  Ibrowe  ot"  that  wherot"  thow  iholdell 
haue  none/  and  fone  thow  haft  forgeten  my 
dodryne/  by  caufe  that  thow  wencft  tliat  within 
my  bcly  Ihold  be  a  precious  ftone  more  of  weyght 
than  I  am/  And  I  told  and  taught  to  the/  that 
thow  llioldelt  neuer  byleue  that  thynge/  which 
is  Impolfyble  /  And  yf  that  ftone  was  thyn  /  why 
haft  thow  loft  hit/  And  yf  thow  haft  loll  hit  and 
mayft  not  recouere  hit  /  why  takelt  thow  forowe 
for  hit/  And  thert'ore  hit  is  foly  to  clialtyfe  or  to 
teche  a  fole/  whiche  neuer  byleuelh  the  lernynge 
and  dodtryne  whiche  is  gyuen  to  hym. 



C  CfjE  bfj  Cable  is  of  a  l^ftfjornctan  antj  oC  a 
croirift  ftacketi  / 

Philofopher  fayd  ones  to  his  fone/ 
i^::^^//^\  v-»s<i4  that  whan  he  were  falle  by  fortune 
S^^T^ii^  \^  in  to  fomme  dommage  or  perylle/ 
the  fooner  that  he  myght  he  fhold 
delyuere  hym  of  hit/  to  thende/ 
that  afterward  he  fhold  no  more  be  vexed  ne 
greued  of  hit  /  As  hit  appiereth  by  this  fable  of  a 
rethoryque  man  or  fayr  fpeker/  whiche  ones 
demaunded  of  a  kynge  /  that  of  alle  them  whiche 
fhold  entre  in  to  the  cyte/  hauynge  fomme  faulte 
of  .  kynde  on  theyr  bodyes  /  as  crouked  or  coun- 
terfayted  /  he  myght  haue  and  take  of  them  at 
thentre  of  the  yate  a  peny  /  the  whiche  demaunde 
the  kynge  graunted  to  hym  /  and  made  his  lettres 
to  be  fealed  and  wreton  vnder  his  fygnet/  And 
thus  he  kepte  hym  ftyll  at  the  yate/  And  of 
euery  lame  /  fcabbed  /  &  of  alle  fuche  that  had 
ony  counterfaytour  on  theyr  bodyes  /  he  tooke  a 
peny  /  C  It  happed  thene  on  a  day  that  a 
croukbacked  and  counterfayted  man  wold  haue 
entryd  within  the  Cyte  withoute  gyuynge  of  ony 
peny/  and  bethought  hym  felf/  that   he  ihold 


OF  ALFOSCE.  273 

take  and  put  on  hym  a  layrc  nianti'I  and  thus 
arayed  came  to  the  yate/  C  And  tlicnne  whan 
the  porter  byheld  hym  /  he  perceyued  that  he 
was  goglyed  /  and  fayd  to  hym  pay  me  of  my 
dowte,  And  the  goglyed  wold  paye  nought/ 
whertore  he  toke  from  hym  his  mantel/  And 
thenne  he  Tawe  tluit  he  was  erowkbacked  and 
fayd  to  hym  /  thow  woldelt  not  to  fore  paye  a 
peny  /  but  now  thou  Ihalte  paye  tweyne/  C  And 
whyle  that  they  ftryued  to  gydcr/  the  hat  anil 
the  bonet  fclle  from  his  hede  to  the  erthe/  And 
the  porter  whiche  fawe  his  fcabbed  hede/  fayd  to 
hym/  Now  Ihalt  thou  paye  to  me  thre  pens/ 
and  thenne  the  porter  yet  ageyne  fetted  his 
handes  on  hym/  and  felte  /  that  liis  body  was  al 
fcabbed  /  And  as  they  were  thus  wraftlynge  to 
gyder/  the  crowkbacked  fylle  to  the  ground/ 
and  hurted  hym  felf  fore  on  the  legge  /  And  the 
porter  fayd  thenne  to  hym/  Now  ilialt  thow 
paye  v  pens  /  For  thy  body  is  al  counterfayted  / 
wherfore  thow  (halt  leue  here  thy  mantele/  And 
yf  thou  iuuklctl  payd  a  peny/  thow  haddeft  gone 
on  thy  waye  free  and  quyte/  wherfore  he  is  wyfe 
that  payeth  that/ that  he  oweth  of  ryght  /  to 
thende  that  therof  come  not  to  hym  grcttcr 


C  Cfje  Efj2f)t  fable  is  of  tfje  tifcgple/  anti  of 
ti)£  fljccp  / 

Difcyple  was  fomtyme/  whiche 
toke  his  playiyre  to  reherce  and 
telle  many  fables  /  the  whiche 
prayd  to  his  mayfter/  that  he 
wold  reherce  vnto  hym  a  long 
fable  /  To  whome  the  mayfler  anluerd  /  kepe  and 
beware  wel  that  hit  happe  not  to  vs  /  as  it  happed 
to  a  kyng  and  to  his  fabulatour  And  the  difcyple 
anfuerd/  My  mayfter  I  pray  the  to  telle  to  me 
how  it  befelle/  And  thenne  the  mayfter  fayd  to 
his  defcyple  /  CI  Somtyme  was  a  kynge  whiche 
hadde  a  fabulatour/  the  whiche  reherced  to 
hym  at  euery  tyme  /  that  he  wold  fleep  fyue 
fables  for  to  reioyflhe  the  kynge  /  and  for  to 
make  hym  falle  in  to  a  flepe  /  It  befelle  thenne 
on  a  daye  /  that  the  kynge  was  moche  forowful 
and  fo  heuy/  that  he  coude  in  no  wyfe  falle  a 
flepe  /  And  after  that  the  fayd  fabulatour  had 
told  and  reherced  his  fyue  fables  /  the  kynge 
defyred  to  here  more/  And  thenne  the  fayd 
fabulatour  recyted  vnto  hym  thre  fables  wel 
ftiorte/  And  the  kynge  thenne  fayd  to  hym/  I 


OF  ALFOSCE.  275 

wold  fayne  here  one  wd  longe  /  And  tlKime 
llialle  I  Icuc  wel  the  llepe  /  The  fabulatour 
thenne  rehorccd  vnto  hym  fuche  a  fable/  Of  a 
ryche  man  whiche  wente  to  the  market  or  feyre 
for  to  bye  Iheep/  the  which  man  bought  a 
thowfand  llieep/  And  as  he  was  retornynge  fro 
the  feyre/  he  cam  vnto  a  Ryuer/  and  by  caufe 
of  the  grete  waiues  of  the  water  he  coude  not 
parte  ouer  the  br)'dge/  Neuertheles  he  wente 
foo  longe  to  and  fro  on  the  Ryuage  of  the  fayd 
Ryuer/  that  at  the  laft  he  fonde  a  narowe  way/ 
vpon  the  whiche  myght  palfe  fcant  ynough  thre 
fheep  attones /  And  thus  he  parted  and  had  ihiin 
ouer  one  after  another/  And  hyderto  reherced 
of  this  fable/  the  fabulatour  felle  on  rtepe/  And 
anon  after  the  kynge  awoke  the  fabulatour/  and 
fayd  to  hym  in  tliis  manere/  I  pray  the  that 
thow  wylt  make  an  ende  of  thy  fable/  And  the 
fabulatour  anfuerd  to  hym  in  this  manere  Syre 
this  Ryuer  is  rj'ght  grete/  and  the  rtiip  is  lytyl  / 
wherfore  late  the  marzhaunt  doo  pafs  ouer  his 
(heep/  And  after  I  rtialle  make  an  ende  of  my 
fable/  And  thenne  was  the  kynge  wcl  appeafed 
and  pacyfyed/  C  And  therfore  be  thow  content 
of  that  I  haue  reherced  vnto  the/  For  there  is 
folke  fuperrtycious  or  capaxe/  that  they  may  not 
be  contented  witli  t'ewe  wordes 



C  2rf)e  II  fable  ts  of  tlje  toulf/  of  i\)t  labourer/ 
of  tl)c  foic  /  ^  of  tlje  cfjcfe 

Omtyme  was  a  labourer  wgiche  vn- 
nethe  myght  gouerne  and  lede  his 
oxen  by  caufe  that  they  fmote  with 
theyr  feet/  wherfore  the  labourer 
fayd  to  them/  I  pray  to  god  that 
the  wulf  may  ete  yow/  the  whiche  wordes  the 
wulf  herd/  wherfore  he  hyd  hym  felf  nyghe 
them  vnto  the  nyght/  And  thenne  came  for  to 
ete  them  /  C  And  whanne  the  nyght  was  come  / 
the  labourer  vnbonde  his  oxen/  and  lete  them 
goo  to  his  hows  /  C  And  thenne  whanne  the 
wulf  fawe  them  comynge  homeward  /  he  fayd  / 

0  thow  labourer  many  tymes  on  this  day  thow 
dydeft  gyue  to  me  thyn  oxen  /  and  therfore  hold 
thy  promeffe  to  me  /  C  And  the  labourer  fayd 
to  the  wulf/  I  promyfed  to  the  nought  at  al  /  in 
the  prefence  of  whome  I  am  oblyged  or  bound  / 

1  fwore  not  neyther  to  paye  the/  and  the  wulf 
anfuerd/  I  Ihalle  not  leue  the  goo/  withoute 
that  thow  hold  to  me  that/  that  thow  promyfeft 
and  gaueft  to  me  /  C  And  as  they  had  foo  grete 
ftryf  and  defcencion  to   gyder/    they  remytted 


OF  ALFOSCE.  277 

the  caufo  to  be  (lifcutod  or  pleted  l)efore  tlie 
Juge/  And  as  they  were  I'echynge  a  Jiige/  tliey 
mette  with  the  foxe/  to  wliome  they  recounted 
or  toltl  alle  theyr  dyfferent  and  ftryf/  C  Thenne 
lliyd  the  Foxe  vnto  them/  I  Ihalle  accorde  yow 
bothe  wel/  and  I  llialle  gyue  on  your  caule  or 
plee  a  good  lentence/  But  I  nnill  \\->vkc  w'uli 
eche  one  of  yow  bothe  a  part  or  allone/  And 
they  were  content  /  C  And  the  Foxe  wente  and 
told  to  the  labourer/  thow  llialt  gyue  to  me  a 
goodhenne/  And  another  to  my  wyf  /  And  I 
Ihalle  hit  foo  make/  that  thow  with  alle  thyn 
oxen  flialt  frely  goo  vnto  thy  hows/  wherof  the 
labourer  was  wel  content  /  C  And  after  the 
foxe  wente  and  fayd  to  the  wulf  /  I  haue  wel 
laboured  and  wrought  for  the/  For  the  labourer 
Ihall  gyue  to  tlie  therfore  a  grete  chefe/  and  lete 
hym  goo  home  wyth  his  oxen/  And  the  wulf 
was  wel  content/ 

C  And  after  tlie  Foxe  fiayd  to  the  wulf/  come 
thow  wyth  me/  and  I  flialle  lede  the/  where 
as  the  chefe  is/  C  And  thenne  he  ledde  hym 
to  and  fro/  here  and  there  vnto  the  tyme  that 
the  mone  fliyned  ful  bryghtly/  And  that  tiu-y 
came  to  a  welle/  vpon  the  whiche  the  Foxe 
lepte/  and  fhewed  to  the  wulf  the  (hadowe  of  the 
mone/  whiche  reluced  in  the  well/  &  fayd  to 
hym/  loke  now  godfep/  how  that  chefe  is  tayre/ 




grete  and  brode  /  hye  the  now  and  goo  doune 

&  after  take  that  chefe  /     C  And  the  wulf  fayd 

to    the  Foxe/    thow  muft  be   the   fyrfte   of  vs 

bothe/  that  flialle  goo  doune/    And  yf  thow 

niayft  not  brynge  hit  with  the/  by  caufe  of  his 

greteneffe/  I  flialle  thenne   goo    doune    for   to 

helpe  the/  And  the  Foxe  was  content/  by  caufe 

two  bokettys  were  there  /  of  whiche  as  the  one 

came  vpward/  the  other  wente  dounward/  and 

j    the  foxe  entryd  in  to  one  of  the  fame  bokettis  / 

and  wente  doune  in  to  the  Welle  /  And  whanne 

he  was  doune  /  he  fayd  to  the  wulf/  godfep  come 

i  hyther  and  helpe  me  /  For  the  chefe  is  fo  moche 

and  foo  grete  that  I  maye  not  here  hit  vp/  and 

tlienne  the  wulf  was  aferd  of  that  the  Foxe  lliold 

!  ate  hit/  entryd  \vythynne  the  other  boket/  and 

I  as  fafle  as  he  wente  dounward  /  the  Foxe  came 

I  vpward  /   and  whan    the  wulf  fawe   the    Foxe 

;  comynge  vpward  /  he  fayd  to  hym  /  My  godfep 

ye  goo  hens  /  thow  fayft  trewe  fayd  the   Fox  / 

For   thus  hit  is  of  the  world/    For  when  one 

cometh  doune/  the  other  goth  vpward/  and  thus 

the  foxe  wente  awey/  and  lefte  the  wulf  within 

(    the  welle  /  And  thus  the  wulf  loft  bothe  the  oxen 

and  the  chefe/  wherfore  hit  is  not  good  to  leue  that 

whiche  is  fure  and  certayne/  For  to  take  that 

1    whiche  is  vncertayne/  For  many  one  ben  therof 

deceyued  by  the  fallheed  and  decepcion  of  the 

Aduocate  and  of  the  Juges 



C  (Tbf  I  f'lb'f  is  of  tljc  f)uffaonli  ant)  of  tbf 
motjcr  v^  of  f)gs  togf 

Omtyme  was  a  merchaunt  whiche 
maryed  hyni  to  a  yonge  woman  / 
the  whiche  had  yet  her  moder  on 
lyue/  It  happed  that  this  Mar- 
chaunt  wold  ones  haue  gone  lom- 
where  in  to  ferre  country  for  to  by  Ibme  ware  or 
marchaundyfe  /  And  as  he  was  goynge  /  he  betoke 
his  wyf  to  her  moder  for  to  kepe  and  rewle 
her  honeltly  tyll  he  come  ageyne/  C  His  wyf 
thenne  .  by  the  owne  confentynge  and  wylle  of 
her  moder/  enamoured  her  klf  of  a  ryght  gen- 
tyl/  fayre  and  yong  man  wiiiche  fournyflhed  to 
thappoyntement  /  And  ones  as  they  thre  made 
good  chere  the  hulbond  came  ageyne  fro  the 
feyre  and  knocked  at  the  dore  of  the  hows/ 
wherfore  they  were  wel  abaflhed/  Thenne  layd 
the  old  moder  thus  to  them/  haue  no  fere/  but 
doo  as  I  fhalle  telle  to  yow/  and  care  yow  not/ 
And  thenne  the  fayd  to  the  yonge  man  /  hold 
this  fwerd/  and  goo  thow  to  the  yate/  and  be- 
ware thy  felf  that  thow  faye  no  word  to  hym  / 
but  lete  me  doo/  And  as  the  hulbond  wold  haue 



entryd  his  hows/  and  that  he  fawe  the  yong 
man  holdynge  a  naked  fwerd  in  his  handes  /  lie 
was  gretely  aferd  /  And  thenne  the  old  woman 
layd  to  hym  /  My  lone  thow  arte  ryght  welcome  / 
be  not  aferd  of  this  man  /  For  thre  men  ranne 
ryght  now  after  hym  for  to  haue  flayne  hym  / 
and  by  auenture  he  fond  the  yate  open  /  and  this 
is  the  caufe  why  he  came  here  for  to  faue  his 
lyf  /  And  thenne  the  hufbond  faid  to  them  /  ye 
haue  done  wel  /  And  I  can  yow  grete  thanke  / 
And  thus  the  yonge  amerous  wente  his  waye 
furely  by  the  fubtylyte  of  the  moder  /  of  his  wyf  / 
to  the  whiche  trufte  thy  felt  not  /  and  thow  fhalt 
doo  as  fage  and  wyfe 


C  E^e  rj  fnfalf  15  of  an  oYb  fiarlottc  or  faalulic 

^  Noble  man  was  Ibiutynie  /  whiche 
had  a  wyf  moche  challe  and  was 
wonder  fayr  /  This  noble  man 
wold  haue  go  on  pylgrimage  to 
Rome/  and  lefte  his  wyf  at  home/ 
by  caule  that  he  kncwe  her  for  a  chafte  and  a 
good  woman  /  C  It  happed  on  a  daye  as  Ihe 
wente  in  to  the  toun  A  fayre  yonge  man  was 
efpryfed  of  her  loue/  and  took  on  hym  hardynes/ 
and  re(]uyred  her  of  loue/  and  promyfed  to  her 
many  grete  yeftes  /  But  llie  whiche  was  good  had 
leuer  deye  than  to  confente  her  therto/  wherfore 
the  yonge  man  deyde  almoolle  for  forowe/  to 
the  whiche  felawe  came  an  old  woman  /  whiche 
demaunded  of  hym  the  caufe  of  his  fekenelle  / 
And  the  yonge  man  manyfefted  or  dcfcouered 
vnto  her  alle  his  courage  and  herte/  alkynge  help 
and  counceylle  of  her/  And  the  old  woman 
wyly  and  malycious  fayd  to  hym/  Be  thow 
gladde  and  Joyous/  and  take  good  courage/  For 
wei  I  ihallc  doo/  and  br)-nge  aboute  thy  faytte/ 
in  foo  moclie  thr)w  ihalt  haue  thy  wyll  fulfylled/ 
And  after  thys  the  old  bawde  wcnte  to  her  hows/ 



and  maade  a  lytyl  catte  which  flie  hadde  at 
homme  to  fafte  thre  dayes  one  after  another/ 
And  after  fhe  took  fomme  breed  with  a  grete 
dele  or  quantite  of  moftard  vpon  hit  /  and  gaf  hit 
to  thys  yonge  Catte  for  to  ete  hit/  C  And 
whanne  the  Catte  fmelled  hit/ fhe  beganne  to 
wepe  and  crye  /  C  And  the  old  woman  or 
Bawde  wente  vnto  the  hows  of  the  fayd  yonge 
woman  /  and  bare  her  lytyl  Catte  with  her  /  the 
whiche  yonge  and  good  woman  receyued  and 
welcomed  her  moch  honeftly/  by  caufe  that  alle 
the  world  held  her  for  a  holy  woman  /  C  And 
as  they  were  talkynge  to  gyder/  the  yong  woman 
hadde  pyte  of  the  catte  whiche  wepte/  And 
demaunded  of  the  old  woman  /  what  the  cat 
eyled  /  And  the  old  woman  fayd  to  her  /  Ha  a 
my  fayr  doughter  &:  my  fayre  Frend  /  renewe 
not  my  sorowe  /  And  fayinge  thefe  wordes  llie 
beganne  to  wepe/ and  fayd/  My  frend  for  no 
good  I  wyl  tell  the  caufe  why  my  catte  wepeth  / 
And  thenn/  the  yonge  woman  fayd  to  her/  My 
good  Moder  I  praye  yow  that  ye  wyll  telle  me 
the  caufe  &  wherfor  your  catte  wepeth  /  And 
thenne  the  old  woman  fayd  to  her/  My  Frend 
I  wyll  wel  /  yf  thow  wilt  fwere  that  thou  llialt 
neuer  reherce  it  to  no  body  /  to  the  whiche  pro- 
meffe  the  good  and  trewe  yonge  woman  accorded 
her  felf  /  fuppofyng  /  that  hit  had  ben  all  good 



and  fayd  /  I  wyll  wcl  /  And  thcnne  tlic  old 
woman  fayd  to  her  in  this  manere  /  My  frend 
this  fame  catte  whiche  thow  I'eelt  yonder  was 
my  daughter/  the  whiche  was  wonder  fayre 
gracious  and  chalte/  whiche  a  yonge  man  loued 
moche  /  and  was  lb  moche  elpryled  of  her  lone/ 
that  by  caul'e  that  ihe  rett'ufed  hym  /  he  deyde  tor 
her  loue  /  whertore  the  goddes  hauyng  pyte  on 
hym/  haue  torned  my  daughter  in  to  this  catte/ 
And  the  yonge  woman  whiche  fuppoled  that  the 
old  woman  had  fayd  trouthe  fayd  to  her  in  this 
manere/  Alias  my  fayr  moder/  I  ne  wote  what 
I  Ihalle  doo/  For  fuche  a  caas  myght  wel  happe 
to  me  /  For  in  this  Towne  is  a  yonge  man  / 
whiche  deyeth  almoft  for  the  loue  of  me/  But 
for  loue  of  my  hulTj^^md  /  to  whome  I  oughte  to 
kepe  chafiyte/  I  haue  not  wylle  graunte  hym/ 
Neuertheles  I  Ihall  doo  that/  that  thow  ihalt 
counceylle  to  me  /  And  thenne  the  old  woman 
fayd  to  her  /  iVIy  frend  haue  thow  pyte  on  hym 
as  foone  as  thow  mayft  /  foo  that  hit  befalle  not 
to  the  lyke  as  it  dyd  to  my  doughter/ 

C  The  yonge  woman  tlienne  anfwerd  to  her/ 
and  fayd/  yf  he  requyre  me  ony  more/  I  ihalle 
accorde  me  with  hym  /  And  yf  he  recjuyre  me  no 
more/  yet  Ihalle  I  profere  me  to  hym  /  C  Ami  to 
thende/  that  I  offende  not  the  goddes/  I  Ihalle 
doo  and  accomplyfllie  hit  /  as  foone  as  I  maye/ 

C  ihe 


C  The  old  woman  thene  took  leue  of  her/  and 
wente  forthwith  to  the  yong  man/  And  to  hym 
ihe  reherced  and  told  all  thefe  tydynges  /  wherof 
hys  herte  was  fylled  with  Joye/  the  whiche 
anone  wente  toward  the  yonge  woman  /  and 
with  her  he  fulfylled  his  wylle  /  C  And  thus  ye 
maye  knowe  the  euyls/  whiche  ben  done  by 
bawdes  and  old  harlottes/  that  wold  to  god/ 
that  they  were  al  brente 



t  vTljc  lij  fablf  is  of  a  blunt)  man  anli  o( 
i)is  togf/ 

Here  was  fomtyme  a  blyiid  riKin 
whiche  had  a  f;iyre  wyt/  of  tlie 
whiche  he  was  moche  Jahius  /  He 
kepte  her  lb  that  Ihe  myght  not 
goo  nowher/  For  ewer  he  liad  her 
by  the  hand/  And  after  that  fhe  was  enamoured 
of  a  gentil  felawe/  they  coude  not  fynde  the 
maner  ne  no  place  for  to  fulfylle  theyr  wyll  /  but 
nolwithllandyng  the  woman  whiche  was  fubtyle 
and  Ingenyous  counceylled  to  her  frende  that  he 
lliold  come  in  to  her  hows  /  and  that  he  iliold 
entre  in  the  gardyn  and  that  there  he  IhoUl 
clymme  vpon  a  pere  tree/  And  he  did  as  fhe 
told  hym  /  and  when  they  had  made  theyr  enier- 
pryfe/  the  woman  came  ageyne  in  to  the  hows/ 
and  fayd  to  her  hulbond  /  My  frend  I  praye  yow 
that  ye  wylle  go  in  to  our  gardyn  for  to  defpofe 
us  a  lytel  whyle  there/  of  the  whiche  prayer  the 
blynd  man  was  wel  content  /  and  fayd  to  his 
wyf  /  wel  my  good  frend  I  will  wel  /  lete  vs  go 
thyder/  And  as  they  were  vnder  the  pere  tree/ 
llic  f.iyd  to  licr  hulbond  /  My  frentle  I  praye  the 



to  lete  me  goo  vpon  the  pere  tre  /  And  I  fhalle 
gader  for  vs  bothe  fome  fayre  peres/  wel  my 
frend  iiiyd  the  blynd  man  /  I  wylle  wel  &  graut 
therto/  And  when  (lie  was  vpon  the  tree/  the 
yong  man  begann  to  ihake  the  pere  tree  at 
one  lyde  /  and  the  yonge  woman  at  the  other 
fyde/  And  And  as  the  blynd  man  herd  thus  hard 
{hake  the  pere  tree  /  And  the  noyfe  whiche  they 
made  /  he  fayd  to  them  /  Ha  a  euyelle  woman  / 
how  be  it  that  I  fee  hit  not  /  Neuertheles  I  fele 
and  vnderftande  hit  well/  But  I  praye  to  the 
goddes  /  that  they  vouchefauf  to  fende  me  my 
lyght  ageyne  /  And  as  foone  as  he  had  made  his 
prayer  Jupiter  rendryd  to  hym  his  fyght  ageyn 
C  And  whanne  he  fawe  that  pagent  vpon  the 
pere  tree  /  he  fayd  to  his  wyf  Ha  vnhappy 
woman  /  I  flialle  neuer  haue  no  Joye  with  the  / 
And  by  caufe  that  the  yonge  woman  was  redy 
in  fpeche  and  malycious/  fhe  anfuerd  forth  with 
to  her  hulbond/  My  frend  thow  arte  wel  be- 
holden and  bounden  to  me  /  For  by  caufe  and 
for  the  loue  the  goddes  haue  reflored  to  the  thy 
fyght  /  wherof  I  thanke  alle  the  goddes  and 
godeffes  whiche  haue  enhaunced  and  herd  my 
prayer/  For  I  defyryng  moche  that  thow  myght 
fee  me  /  celfed  neuer  day  ne  nyght  to  pray  them  / 
that  theye  wold  rendre  to  the  thy  fyghte/  wher- 
fore  the  goddefTe  Venus  vyfybly  Ihewed  her  felf 


OF  ALFOSCE.  287 

to  me/ and  fayd  /  that  yf  I  wold  ibnime  play- 
lyre  to  the  layd  yonge  man  Ihe  Ihold  reftore  to 
the  thy  lyght/  And  thus  I  am  caule  of  it  And 
thenne  the  good  man  fayd  to  her/  My  ryght 
dere  wyf  ^-  good  frende  /  I  remercye  and  thanke 
yow  gretely/  For  r^-ght  ye  haue  and  1  grete 


C  (Kl^e  itfj  fable  is  of  i^t  STagllcr/  of  a  fegnge/ 
ant  of  ijis  feruaunts 

P^^^En  ought  not  to  doo  fome  other/ 
that  whiche  he  wold  not  that  it 
were  done  to  hym  /  As  it  appiereth 
by  this  prefent  fable/  of  a  kynge 
whiche  had  a  tayller  whiche  was 
as  good  a  workman  of  his  craft  /  as  ony  was  at 
that  tyme  in  alle  the  world  /  the  whiche  tayller 
had  with  hym  many  good  feruauntes/  wherof 
the  one  was  called  Medius/  whiche  furmounted 
alle  the  other  in  fhapynge  or  fewynge  /  wher- 
fore  the  kyng  commaunded  to  his  ftyward  that 
the  fayd  tayllers  fliold  fare  wel/  and  haue  of  the 
bell  metes  and  of  delycious  drynke  /  C  It  happed 
on  a  daye  that  the  maylter  Styward  gaf  to  them 
ryght  good  and  delycious  mete  in  the  whiche 
was  fome  hony/  And  by  caufe  that  Medius  was 
not  atte  that  fefte/  the  fly  ward  fayd  to  the  other/ 
that  they  fliold  kepe  for  hym  fomme  of  their 
mete/  And  thenne  the  maylter  tayller  anfuerd/ 
he  muft  none  haue  /    For  yf  he  were  here  /  he 


OF  ALFONCE.  289 

lliold  not  etc  of  hit/  For  he  etc  nouer  no  hony/ 
And  as  they  had  done/  Medius  came/  and  de- 
maunded  of  his  felawes/  why  kepte  you  not 
parte  of  this  mete  for  me/  And  the  ftyward 
anfuerd  and  fayd  to  hym  /  By  caufe  that  thy 
mayller  layd  to  me/  that  tliow  etc  neuer  no 
hony/  no  parte  of  the  mete  was  kepte  for  the 
And  Medius  anfuerd  thenne  neuer  one  word/ 
but  beganne  to  thynke/  how  he  myght  paye  his 
mayller/  And  on  a  day  as  the  ftyward  was  allone 
witli  Medius/  he  dcmaunded  of  Medius/  yf  he 
knewe  no  man  that  coude  werke  as  wel  as  his 
mayrter/  And  Medius  fayd  nay/  And  that  it 
was  grete  dommage  of  a  fekenefs  that  he  had/ 
And  the  Ityward  demaunded  what  fekenefs  hit 
was/  And  tlienne  Medius  anfuerd  to  hym/  My 
lord  whan  he  is  entryd  in  to  his  franfy  or 
wodenes/  there  cometh  vpon  hym  a  rage/  And 
how  Ihalle  I  knowe  hit  fayd  the  ftyward/  Cer- 
taynly  my  lord  fayd  Medius/  whan  ye  ftiall  fee 
that  he  Ihalle  fette  at  his  werke/  and  that  he 
llialle  loke  here  and  there  /  and  ftial  fmyte  vpon 
his  borde  with  his  fyft/  thene  may  ye  know 
that  his  fekeneffe  cometh  on  hym/  And  thene 
withoute  ye  take  and  bynde  hym  and  alio  bete 
hym  wel/  he  ftialle  doo  grete  harme  and  dom- 
mage/ And  the  ftyward  fayd  to  hym/  Care  not 
therof  my  frend/    For  wel   I  Ihalle  beware  my 




lelf  of  hym  /  And  on  the  mornynge  next  folow- 
ynge  the  ftyward  came  for  to  fee  the  tayllers/ 
And  whan  Medius  whiche  knewe  wel  the  caufe 
of  his  comynge/  tooke  awaye  fecretely  his 
mayfters  flieres  /  and  hydde  them  /  And  anone 
his  mayfter  beganne  for  to  loke  after  them/  and 
fawe  and  ferched  al  aboute  here  and  there/  and 
beganne  to  fmyte  his  fyfte  vpon  the  borde/  And 
thenne  the  mayfter  ftyward  beganne  to  loke  on 
his  maners/  and  sodenly  made  hym  to  be  take 
and  holde  by  his  feruaunts/  And  after  made 
hym  to  be  bond  and  wel  beten/  Thenne  was 
tlie  mayfter  tayller  al  abafftied/and  demauded 
of  them  /  My  lordes  wherfor  doo  ye  bete  me  foo 
outrageoufly/  what  ofFenfe  haue  I  done/  wher- 
fore  I  muft  be  bound  and  thus  be  bete/  And 
thenne  the  Sty  ward  fayd  to  hym  in  thys  maner/ 
by  caufe  that  Medius  told  me/  that  thow  art 
frantyk  And  yf  thow  be  not  wel  bete/  thow 
iholdeft  doo  grete  harme  and  dommage/  And 
thene  the  mayfter  came  to  his  feruaunt  Medius 
and  rygoroufly  fayd  to  hym  /  Ha  a  euyl  boye 
fylled  whan  [with]  euylle  wordes/  whan  faweft 
thow  me  madde/  And  his  feruaunt  proudely 
anfuerd  to  hym  /  My  mayfter  whan  dydeft  thow 
fee  that  I  ete  no  hony/  And  therfore  I  threwe 
to  the  one  bole  for  another/  And  the  mayfter 
ftyward  /  and  alle  his  feruaunts  beganne  thenne  to 


OF  ALFOSCE.  291 

lawhe/  nnd  fayd  al  that  he  hadde  wcl  done/ 
C  And  thertbre  men  ought  not  to  doo  to  ony 
other  that  thynge  wliiche  they  wylle  not  that 
men  dyd  to  them  / 

C^crc  cnljfn  thf  fables  of  !llfonrc 

i:  Hull  fololucu  oilja-  fabk'j  of  ^Jogc  tfjc  jplorciu 



C  2rf)E  forft  fable  is  of  tf)£  fubtolcte  of  ti^e  inoman 
for  to  liecEguE  \\ti  ijiifbonti 

»He  cautele  or  falfliede  of  the  woman 
is  wonder  merueyllous  /  as  it  ap- 
piereth  by  this  fable/  Of  a  mar- 
chaut  whiche  was  wedded  of  newe 
vnto  a  fayre  and  yong  woman  / 
the  whiche  marchaunt  wente  ouer  the  fee  for  to 
bye  &  felle  /  and  for  to  gete  fomwhat  for  to  lyue 
honeftly  /  And  by  caufe  that  he  dwellyd  to  longe/ 
his  wyf  fuppofed  that  he  was  dede/  And  ther- 
fore  the  enamoured  her  felf  with  another  man  / 
whiche  dyd  to  her  mykle  good/  as  for  to  haue 
doo  make  and  bylde  vp  his  hows  of  newe  the 
whiche  had  grete  nede  of  reparacion  /  and  alfo  he 
gaf  to  her  all  new  utenfyles  to  kepe  houlliold  / 
And  within  a  long  tyme  after  the  departyng  of 
the  marchaunt  he  came  ageyne  in  to  his  hows 
whiche  he  fawe  newe  bylded/  &  fawe  dyflhes 
pottes  /  pannes  /  and  fuche  other  houfhold  /  wher- 
fore  he  demaunded  of  his  wyf  how  and  in  what 
maner  fhe  had  foude  the  facion  and  the  mean 
for  to  haue  repayred  fo  honeftly  his  hows  /  And 
Ihe  anfuerd  that  it  was  by  the  grace  of  god  /  And 



he  anfuerd  /  BIcfTyd  be  god  of  hit  /  And  when  he 
was  witliin  the  chambre/  he  fawe  the  bedde 
rychely  couerd  /  &  the  walles  wel  hanged  /  and 
demaunded  of  his  wyf  he  had  done  before/  And 
llie  thenne  anfuerd  to  hym  in  lykc  maner  as  Ihe 
dyd  before/  And  therfore  he  thanked  god  as  he 
had  done  to  fore  /  And  as  he  wold  fette  hym  at 
his  dyner/  there  was  brought  before  hym  vnto 
his  wyf  a  child  of  thre  yere  of  age/  or  there 
aboute  /  wherfore  he  demaunded  of  his  wyf/ 
My  frend  to  whome  belongeth  this  fayre  child/ 
And  Ihe  anfuerd/  My  Frend  the  holy  ghooft  of 
his  grace  hath  fente  hit  to  me/  Thene  anfuerd 
the  merchaunt  to  his  wyf  in  this  manere/  I 
rendre  not  graces  ne  thankes  not  to  the  holy 
ghooll  of  this  /  For  he  hath  taken  to  moche 
payne  and  labour  for  to  haue  it  made  up  myn 
owne  werke/  And  I  wyll  that  in  no  maner  wyfe 
he  medle  no  more  therwith  /  For  fuche  thynge 
belongeth  to  me  for  to  doo  hit  /  and  not  to  the 
holy  ghooft. 

294  ^^^  FABLES  OF 

C  2Eije  iaaria  fable  is  of  ti)E  fcooman  anb  of 
tJ^E  gpocrgte 

He  generacion  or  byrth  of  the  ypo- 
cryte  is  moche  dampnable  and 
euylle/  As  it  appiereth  by  this 
fable/  and  as  poge  reherceth  to 
vs  whiche  fayth/  that  fomtyme 
he  fond  hym  felf  in  a  good  felaufliip  /  where  he 
herd  a  fable/  whiche  was  there  reherced  /  Of 
the  whiche  the  tenour  foloweth/  and  feyth  the 
layd  poge  /  that  of  alle  the  goodes  of  this  world  / 
the  ypocrytes  ben  poffeffours  /  For  how  be  hit  / 
that  an  ypocryte  haue  fomtyme  wylle  for  to 
helpe  fomme  poure  and  Indygent/  Neuertheles 
he  hath  a  condycyon  within  hym  felf/  that  is  to 
wete  /  that  he  fliold  rather  fee  a  man  at  the  poynt 
of  dethe  than  for  to  faue  his  lyf  of  an  halfpeny  / 
And  this  prefumpcion  is  called  ypocryfye/  as  ye 
Ihal  here  herafter  by  the  fable  folowyng  the 
whiche  fayth  that  one  beynge  in  the  felaufhip  of 
Poge  reherced  /  that  fomtyme  the  cuftomme  of 
alle  the  poure  was  that  they  wente  before  the 
folkes  dores  withoute  fayenge  ony  word  It 
happed  thenne  on  that  tyme  that  a  poure  man 



moche  fairc  and  of  good  lyf  wttite  to  ferceli 
his  lyf  fro  one  dore  to  another/  And  vpon  a 
day  emonge  other  he  wente  and  fette  hym  I'elf 
vpon  a  grcte  llone  before  the  yate  of  a  wydowe/ 
whiclie  wydowe  was  acullommed  to  gyue  Iiym 
eucr  fomwhat/  C  And  wluui  the  good  woman 
knewe  that  he  was  at  liir  tlore  ihe  dyJ  brynge 
to  hym  his  porcion  as  llie  was  cullommcil  tor  to 
doo/  And  as  llie  gaf  to  hym  the  mete  Ihe  lokcd 
on  hym  /  and  feyng  liyni  Too  fayre  /  and  wel 
made  of  body/  llie  thenne  fylled  of  carnal  con- 
cupifcence/  and  brennynge  in  the  fyre  of  loue/ 
requered  and  Inltantly  prayd  hym  that  he  wold 
retorne  thyder  within  thre  dayes/  and  promyfeil 
to  him  that  Ihe  ihold  gyue  to  hym  a  ryght  good 
dyner/  And  the  poure  man  fayd  to  her  that  he 
lliold  doo  foo  /  and  whanne  he  came  ageyne  /  he 
fette  hym  felf  as  before  /  atte  dore  of  the  wydowes 
hows/  whiche  the  woman  knewe  well  whanne 
he  ihold  come/  wherfore  Ihe  came  to  the  yate 
and  fayd/  Come  within  good  man  '  For  now  we 
flialle  dyne/  to  the  whiche  prayer  the  poure 
man  allented  /  &  entred  within  the  hows/  the 
whiche  wydowe  gaf  to  hym  good  mete/  and 
good  drynke  /  And  whanne  they  had  wel  dyned  / 
the  fayd  wydowe  prelfyd  the  good  man  llrongly 
and  after  llie  kylled  hym  /  requyrynge  hym  /  that 
ihe  might  liaue  the  copye  of  his  loue/  And  thene 



the  poure  man  al  afhamed  &  vergoynous  know- 
ynge  her  thoughte  and  her  wylle/  anfuerd  thus 
to  her  Certaynly  my  good  lady  I  dare  not/  but 
neuertheles  he  wold  fayne  haue  done  hit  /  And 
the  wydowe  al  embraced  with  loue  befeched  and 
prayd  hym  more  and  more/  And  thenne  whan 
the  poure  man  fawe  that  he  myght  not  excufe 
hym  felf  /  he  fayd  to  the  wydowe  in  this  manere  / 
My  frend  fvth  that  thow  delyreft  it  for  to  doo 
foo  moche  and  loo  grete  an  euylle  /  I  take  god 
to  my  wytnes  /  that  thow  arte  caufer  of  hit/  For 
I  am  not  confentynge  to  the  faytte  or  dede  /  but 
fayenge  thefe  wordes  he  confented  to  her  wylle 

C  Ej^c  tl^grli  fable  is  of  a  gonge  tooman  tof}icl)e 
accufEtJ  l)£r  Ijufbonti  of  coxilpe  or  tlantE 

[Omitted.     Cf.  Poggio  Facetice  45.] 


C  Z-\}t  fourtf)  fable  is  of  tf)c  fjuntonrjc  antJ 

^^Oge  Florentyn  reherceth  to  vs/  how 
ones  he  was  in  a  felauihip  where 
men  fpak  of  the  fuperflue  cure  of 
them  whiche  gouerne  the  dogges 
and  hawkes/  wherof  a  mylannoys 
named  Pauhis  beganne  to  lawhe/  and  lawhyng 
requyred  of  Poge  that  he  wold  reherce  fomme 
fable  of  the  fayd  hawkes/  And  for  loue  of  alle 
the  felauihip  he  fayd  in  thys  manere/  Somtyme 
was  a  medecyn  whiche  was  a  Mylannoys  This 
medecyn  heled  al  foles  of  al  maner  of  foly/  and 
how  &  in  what  manere  he  dyd  hele  them/  I 
Ihall  telle  hit  to  you  This  medycyn  or  leche  had 
within  his  hows  a  grete  gardyn  And  in  the 
myddes  of  hit  was  a  depe  and  a  brode  pytte  / 
whiche  was  ful  of  rtynkynge  and  Infe6tod  water/ 
And  within  the  fame  pytte  the  fayd  medycyn 
put  the  foles  after  the  quantyte  of  theyr  folyfth- 
nes  /  fomme  vnto  the  knes/  and  the  other  vnto 
the  bely/  And  there  he  bonde  them  fait  at  a 
port/  but  none  he  putte  depper/  than  vnto  the 
I^omack  lor  double  of  gretter  Iiiconuenicnt  /  It 



happed  thenne  that  emonge  other  was  one 
brought  to  hym  /  whiche  he  putte  in  to  the  fayd 
water  vnto  the  thyes/  And  whan  he  had  be  by 
the  I'pace  of  xv  dayes  within  the  fayd  water/  he 
beganne  to  be  peafyble  and  gate  his  wytte  ageyne  / 
And  for  to  haue  take  fomme  difporte  and  confola- 
cion  he  prayd  to  hym  whiche  had  the  kepynge 
of  hym  that  he  wold  take  hym  oute  of  the  water/ 
and  promyfed  to  hym  that  he  Ihold  not  departe 
fro  the  gardyn/  And  thenne  the  kepar  that  kepte 
hym  vnbounde  hym  fro  the  ftake  /  and  had  hym 
oute  of  the  water  /  And  whanne  he  had  be 
many  dayes  oute  of  the  pytte  /  he  wente  wel  vnto 
the  yate  of  the  gardyn  /  but  he  durft  not  go  oute/ 
lelTe  that  he  fhold  be  put  ageyne  within  the  fayd 
pytte  /  And  on  a  tyme  he  went  aboue  vpon  the 
yate  /  and  as  he  loked  al  aboute  /  he  fawe  a  fayr 
yong  man  on  a  horfbak/  whiche  bare  a  fpere- 
hawk  on  his  fyfte  /  and  had  with  hym  two  fayre 
fpaynels  /  whereof  the  fayd  fole  was  al  abaflhed  / 
And  in  dede  as  by  caas  of  nouelte/  he  callyd 
the  fayd  yong  man  /  and  after  he  fayd  to  hym 
benyngly/  My  frend  I  praye  the  that  thou  wilt 
telle  me  what  is  that  wherupon  thow  arte  fette  / 
And  thenne  the  yonge  fone  fayd  to  hym  /  that 
it  was  a  hors  whiche  prouffited  to  hym  to  the 
chace/  and  bare  hym  where  he  wold/  And  after 
the  fole  demaunded  of  hym  /And  what  is  that 



wliiclio  thou  bereft  on  thy  fylle  /  ami  uher  to  is 
it  good  /  and  the  yong  man  anluerd  to  liym  /  It 
is  a  Iperehawk  whiche  is  good  for  to  take  par- 
tryches  and  quaylles/  And  yet  ageyne  the  tole 
demaunded  ot  hyni/  My  trend  what  are  thoos 
tliat  tblowe  the/  &  wherto  ben  they  good/  And 
the  yonge  man  anluerd  to  hym  /  they  be  dogges 
whiclie  are  good  tor  to  lerclie  and  tynde  partryches 
cSc  (juaylles/  And  whan  they  haue  reyled  tliem/ 
my  I'perehawke  taketh  them  /  wherot"  procedeth 
to  me  grete  Ibhis  and  phiyl'yre  /  And  the  tble 
demaunded  ageyne  /  To  your  aduys  tlie  takyng 
that  ye  doo  by  them  in  a  liole  yere/  how  moche 
is  hit/  fhalle  liit  bere  to  the  grete  proutiyte/ 
And  the  yong  man  anluerd  to  hym  lour  or  tyue 
crownes  or  ther  aboute/  And  no  more  fayd  the 
fole/  And  to  your  aduys  how  moche  llialle  they 
difpende  in  a  yere  /  And  the  yong  man  anluerd 
xl  or  I  crownes  /  C  And  whanne  the  fole  herd 
thefe  wordes/  he  fayd  to  the  fayd  yonge  man  /  O 
my  frend  I  pray  the  that  foone  thow  wylt  departe 
fro  hens/  For  yf  our  fyficien  come/  he  llialle 
putte  the  within  the  fayd  pytte  by  caufe  that 
thow  arte  a  fole/  I  was  put  in  it  vnto  the  thyes/ 
but  therin  he  Ihold  putte  tlie  vnto  the  chynnc/ 
for  thow  doll  the  grettcll  foly  that  euer  1  herd 
fpeke  of/  CAnd  therfore  the  lludye  of  the 
huntynge  and  hawkynge  is  a  llouful  cure/  And 



none  ought  to  doo  hit  withoute  he  be  moche 
ryche  and  man  of  lyuelode  /  And  yet  hit  ought 
not  to  be  done  ful  ofte  /  but  fomtyme  for  to  take 
difporte  and  folas/  and  to  dryue  awey  melan- 


C  vCfjc  b  fable  is  of  tfic  refotacion  of  fomme 

T^Oge  of  I'Morence  recyteth  how  in  his 
tyme  one  named  Hugh  prynce 
of  the  medycyns/  fawe  a  calte 
whiche  had  two  hedes  and  a 
calf  whiche  alfo  had  two  hedes 
And  his  legges  bothe  before  and  behynde  were 
double/  as  they  had  be  Joyned  al  to  gyder/ 
as  many  folke  fawe/  Jtem  about  the  marches 
of  ytalye  withynne  a  medowe  was  fomtyme  a 
Cowe/  the  whiche  Cowe  maa^i^  and  delyuerd 
her  of  a  ferpent  of  wonder  and  Ryght  mcrueyl- 
lous  gretteneile/  Ryghte  hydous  and  ferdful  / 
C  For  fyrfte  he  hadde  the  heede  gretter  than  the 
hede  of  a  calf/  C  Secondly/  he  had  a  necke  of 
the  lengthe  of  an  Alfa/  And  his  body  made  after 
the  lykenelle  of  a  dogge  /  and  his  taylle  was 
wonder  grete/  thycke  and  longe  withoute  com- 
paryfon  to  ony  other  . 

C  And  whanne  the  Cowe  fawe  that  Ihe  hadde 
maade  fuche  a  byrthe/  And  that  within  her 
bely  ihe  had  borne  foo  ryght  horryble  a  becrte  / 
Ihe  was  al  ferdful  /  and  lyfte  her  fclf  up  /  and 



luppofed  to  haue  fledde  aweye/  but  the  Ser- 
pent with  his  wonder  longe  taylle  enlaced  her 
two  hynder  legges/  And  the  Serpent  thenne 
beganne  to  fouke  the  Cow/  And  in  dede  foo 
moche/  and  foo  longe  he  Ibuked  tylle  that  he 
fond  fomme  mylke/  (I  And  whanne  the  Cowe 
myght  efcape  fro  hym  /  Ihe  fledde  vnto  the  other 
kyne/  C  And  Incontynent  her  pappes  and  her 
behynder  legges  and  all  that  the  Serpent  touched 
was  all  black  a  grete  fpace  of  tyme  C  And 
foone  after  the  fayd  Cowe  maade  a  fayre  calf/ 
The  whiche  merueylle  was  announced  or  fayd 
to    the   fayd    Pope    he    beynge    atte    Ferrare  / 

C  And  yet  ageyne  foone  after  that  /  ther  was 
fond  within  a  grete  Ryuer  a  monftre  maryn  / 
or  of  the  fee  of  the  forme  or  lyknefle  whiche 
foloweth  / 

C  Fyrfte  he  hadde  from  the  nauylle  vpward 
the  fymplytude  or  lykenefle  of  a  man  /  And  fro 
the  nauylle  dounward/  he  had  the  fourme  or 
makynge  of  a  Fyffhe  /  the  whiche  parte  was  iu- 
melle  that  is  to  wete  double/  C  Secondly  he 
hadde  a  grete  berd  /  and  he  hadde  two  wonder 
grete  hornys  aboue  his  eres/  C  Alfo  he  hadde 
grete  pappes  /  and  a  wonder  grete  and  horryble 
mouthe/  and  his  handes  retched  unto  his  en- 
traylles  or  bowellys/  And  at  the  bothe  his 
elbowes  he  hadde  wynges  lyght  brode  and  grete 



of  fyflhes  maylcs/  whcrwith  he  fwynimed/  and 
only  he  hadde  but  the  hede  oute  of  the  water/ 
C  It  happed  thenne  as  many  wymmen  bouked 
and  wellhed  at  the  porte  or  hauen  of  the  fayd 
Ryuer/  that  thys  horryble  and  ferdfuU  beelte 
was/  for  lacke  and  defaulte  of  mete  cam  & 
fwymmyng  toward  the  fayd  wymen  /  Of  the 
which  he  toke  one  by  the  liand  /  and  fuppofed 
to  haue  drawe  her  in  to  the  water/  but  Ihe  was 
ftronge/  and  wcl  auyfed  and  refyfted  agevnlle 
the  fayd  monftre/  And  as  Ihe  dertended  her 
felf/  llie  beganne  to  crye  with  a  hyhe  voys/  lielp 
help/  to  the  whiche  came  rennynge  fyue  wym- 
men /  whiche  by  hurlynge  and  drawynge  of 
ftones  kyld  and  llewe  the  layd  monftre/  For  he 
was  come  to  ferre  within  the  fonde/  wherfore  he 
myght  not  retorne  in  the  depe  water/  And  after 
whanne  he  rendryd  his  fpyryte/  he  made  a  ryght 
lytyl  crye/  fayenge  wo  that  he  was  fo  deformed 
and  foo  moche  cruel  /  For  he  was  of  grete  corpu- 
lence more  than  ony  man's  body/  And  yet  fayth 
Poge  in  this  manere  /  that  he  beyng  at  Ferrare  lie 
fawe  the  fayd  monftre/  And  faith  yet/  iliat  the 
yonge  children  were  cuftomed  for  to  go  bathe 
and  wcllhe  them  within  the  fayd  Ryuer/  but 
they  came  not  all  ageyne/  wherfore  the  wymen 
wellhed  ne  bouked  nomore  theyr  clothes  at  the 
faid  porte/  For  the  folke  prefumed  and  fuppofed 



that  the  monftre  kyld  the  yonge  children  /  whiche 
were  drowned  /  C  Jtem  alfo  within  a  lytyl  whyle 
after  hit  beielle  aboute  the  marches  of  ytaly  that 
a  child  of  fourme  humayne  whiche  hadde  two 
hedes  and  two  vyfages  or  faces  beholdynge  one 
vpon  the  other/  &  the  armes  of  eche  other 
embraced  the  body/  the  whiche  body  fro  the 
nauyl  vpward  was  Joyned  fauf  the  two  hedes/ 
and  from  the  nauyll  dounward  the  lymmes  were 
all  fepared  one  fro  other  in  fuche  wyfe  that 
the  lymmes  of  generacion  were  fhewed  many- 
feftly  /  Of  the  whiche  child  the  tydynges  came 
vnto  the  perfone  of  the  pope  of  Rome 


C  ICf)c  foithf  fable  is  of  tfif  parfonc  /  of  ijis 
torjge/  3nt3  of  tf)e  15ifftiop 

Yluer  clothe  and  caufeth  alle  tliynge 
to  be  done  vnto  the  halowynge 
ageyne  of  a  place  whiche  is  pro- 
phane  or  Interdide/  As  ye  flialle 
niowe  here  by  thys  prefente  F'ablc  / 
C  Ut"  a  preelt  dwellynge  in  the  countrey  whiche 
I'omtyme  had  a  dogge/  whiche  he  loued  moche/ 
the  whiche  preeft  was  moche  ryche/  The  fayd 
dogge  by  procelTe  of  tyme  deyde  /  &  whan  he  was 
dede/  he  entered  and  buryed  liit  in  the  chirche 
yerd  for  caufe  of  the  grete  loue  whiche  he  loued 
hym  /  it  happed  thenne  on  a  day  his  biuliop 
knewe  hit  by  thaduertyfement  of  fomme  other/ 
whcrfore  he  fente  for  the  fayd  preeft/  and  fup- 
jiofed  to  haue  of  hym  a  grete  fomme  of  gold  / 
or  els  he  lliold  make  hym  to  be  ftraytly  punylllied/ 
And  thenne  he  <\'rote  a  lettre  vnto  the  fayd  preeft 
of  whiche  the  tenour  conteyned  only  that  he 
ftiold  come  and  fpeke  with  hym/  And  whan  the 
preft  had  redde  the  lettres/  he  vnderltood  \\\\ 
alle  the  caas/  and  prefuppofed  or  bethought  in 
his  courage/  that  he  wold  haue  of  hym  (bmme 



fyluer/  For  he  knewe  wel  ynough  the  condy- 
cions  of  his  biflliop/  &  forth  with  he  toke  his 
breuyarye  /  &  an  C  crownes  with  hym  /  the  pre- 
late beganne  to  remembre  and  to  (hewe  to  hym 
the  enormyte  of  his  myfdede/  And  to  hym 
anfwerd  the  preeft  whiche  was  ryght  wyfe  fay- 
enge  in  this  manere/  O  my  ryght  reuerende 
fader  /  yf  ye  knewe  the  fouerayne  prudence  of 
whiche  the  fayd  dogge  was  fylled  /  ye  fliold  not 
be  merueylled  yf  he  hath  wel  defernyd  for  to  be 
buryed  honeftly  andworlhipfuUyamonge  the  men/ 
he  was  al  fylled  with  humayn  wytte  as  wel  in  his 
lyf  /  as  in  thartycle  of  the  dethe  /  And  thenne  the 
biffhop  fayd  /  how  may  that  be  /  reherce  to  me 
thenne  al  his  lyf/  Certaynly  ryght  reuerende  fader 
ye  ought  wel  to  knowe  that  whanne  he  was  atte 
thartycle  and  at  the  poynt  of  dethe/  he  wold 
make  his  teftament/  And  the  dogge  knowyng 
your  grete  nede  and  Indygence  /  he  bequethed 
to  yow  an  C  crownes  of  gold/  the  whiche  I 
brynge  now  vnto  yow/  And  thenne  the  Biffhop 
for  loue  of  the  money  he  alToylled  the  preft  And 
alfo  graunted  the  fayd  fepulture  /  And  therfore 
fyluer  caufeth  alle  thynge  to  be  graunted  or 



(  Z\)t  bij  fnbic  is  of  i\}t  jFoie  of  Hjc  (TorU  anti  of 
t})c  togrjcs 

"i^-^V^^-Sisj^^lle  tlie  lallar)'  or  payment  of  them 
that  mokken  other  is  for  to  be 
mocqued  at  the  laft  /  as  hit  ap- 
piereth  by  this  prefent  Fable /of 
a  Cock  whiche  fomtyme  fawe  a 
foxe  comynge  toward  hym  fore  hongry  and 
famyllhed  /  whiche  Cock  fuppofed  Wei  that  he 
came  not  toward  hym/  but  for  to  etc  fomme 
henne/  for  whiche  caufe  the  Cock  maade  al  his 
hennes  to  flee  vpon  a  tree  /  And  whan  the  foxe 
beganne  tapproche  to  the  faid  tree  /  he  began  to 
crye  toward  the  cock  good  tydynges  good  tyd- 
ynges/  And  after  he  falewed  the  cok  ryght 
rouerently  /  &:  demaunded  of  hym  thus/  O  god- 
ll'p/what  doft  thow  ther  foo  hyghe/  And  thy 
hennes  with  the/ haft  not  thow  herd  the  good 
tydynges  worthy  and  prouffitable  for  vs  CAnd 
ihenne  the  Cok  ful  of  malyce  anfucrd  to  hym/ 
Nay  veryly  godfep  /  but  I  praye  the/  telle  and 
rehcrce  them  vnto  vs  /  Thenne  fayd  the  foxe  to 
the  cok/  Certaynly  godfep/  they  be  the  beft 
that  euer  ye  herd/   For  ye  may  goo  and  come/ 



talke  and  communyque  emong  alle  beeftes  with- 
oute  ony  harme  or  dommage/  And  they  fli alle 
doo  to  yow  bothe  pleafyr  and  alle  feruyfe  to 
them  poiilible/  for  thus  it  is  concluded  and 
accorded  /  and  alfo  confermed  by  the  grete 
counceyll  of  all  beftes  /  And  yet  they  haue  made 
commaundement  that  none  be  fo  hardy  to  vexe 
ne  lette  in  no  wyfe  ony  other/  be  it  neuer  foo 
lytyll  a  beefl  /  For  the  whiche  good  tydynges  I 
praye  the  /  that  thow  wylt  come  doune  /  to 
thende/  that  we  may  goo  and  fynge  /  Te  deum 
laudamus  /  for  Joye/  And  the  cok  whiche 
knewe  ■wel  the  fallaces  or  falfliede  of  the  foxe 
anfuerd  to  hym  in  this  manere  /  Certaynly  my 
broder  and  my  good  Frend  thow  haft  brought  to 
me  ryght  good  tydynges  /  wherof  more  than  C 
tymes  I  llialle  thanke  the/  And  fayenge  thefe 
wordes  the  Cock  lyfte  vp  his  neck  /  and  his  feet/ 
and  loked  farre  fro  hym/  And  the  foxe  fayd  to 
hym  /  what  godfep/  where  aboute  lokeft  thow/ 
And  the  Cok  anfuerd  to  hym/  Certaynly  my 
broder  I  fee  two  dogges  ftrongly  and  lyghtly 
rennynge  hytherward  with  open  mouthes  / 
whiche  as  I  fuppofe  come  for  to  brynge  to  vs 
the  tydynges  whiche  thou  haft  told  to  vs  /  And 
thenne  the  Foxe  whiche  Ihoke  for  fere  of  the 
two  dogges  fayd  to  the  Cock  /  god  be  with  you 
my  frend  /  It  is  tyme  that  I  departe  fro  hens  /  or 



thefe  two  dogges  come  nerer/  And  fayinge  tliefe 
wordes  toke  his  waye/  &  ranne  as  fart  as  he 
niyght  /  And  thenne  the  cock  demaiinded  and 
cryed  after  hym  /  godfep/  why  rennell  thow 
thus/  yf  the  kiyd  paAe  is  accorded/  thow  ouglitert 
not  to  doubte  no  thynge  Ha  a  godfep  fayd  the 
Foxe  from  ferre  /  I  doubte  that  thefe  two  dogges 
haue  not  herd  the  decreet  of  tlie  pees/  And 
thus  whanne  a  begyler  is  bcgyled  /  he  receyued 
the  fiUary  or  payement  /  whiche  he  ouL,'ht  to 
haue/  wherfore  lete  euery  man  kepe  hym  fcif 
ther  fro 

"'■•/I'll     ^^'Vnimen    in    Rome/    whiche    he 
^"^cxi     knewe  of  dyuerfe  age  and  forme/ 

FJ^^^'^^^^T^^Ogius  reherceth  that  there  were  two 

m  . 

ik^lOfvi'  ^^'hich  came  to  a  Curteyzan  by 
caufe  to  haue  and  wynne  foniwhat 
wvth  theyr  bodyes/  whome  he  receyued  and 
happed  tliat  lie  knewe  the  fayreft  of  botlie  twyes/ 
and  that  other  ones/  and  foo  departed/  And 
afterward  whanne  they  Ihold  departe/  he  gaf  to 
them  a  pyece  of  lynen  clotlie/  not  decernynge 
how  moche  eche  of  them  Ihold  haue  to  her 
parte  and  porcion  /  And  in  the  partynge  of  the 
fayd  clothe  fylle  bitwene  the  wymmen  a  rtr)'f  by 



caule  one  of  them  demaunded  two  partes  after 
thexygence  of  her  werke/  And  that  other  the 
half  after  theyre  perfones  /  eche  of  them  fliew- 
ynge  dyuerfly  theyr  refons  /  that  one  fayeng  that 
Ihe  hadde  fuffred  hym  twyes  to  doo  his  pleafyr/ 
and  that  other  pretended  /  that  fhe  was  redy  and 
in  her  was  no  defawte  And  foo  fro  wordes  they 
came  to  ftrokes  and  cratchyng  with  naylys/ 
and  drawynge  theyr  here/  in  fo  moche  that 
theyr  neyghbours  came  to  this  batayll  for  to 
departe  them  /  And  alfo  of  theyr  owne  and 
propre  hulbondes/  not  knowynge  the  caufe  of 
theyr  ftryf  and  debate  /  eche  of  them  defendynge 
his  wyues  caufe  /  And  fro  the  fyghtynge  of  the 
wymmen  hit  aroos  and  came  to  theyr  hufbondes 
with  buffettis  and  caftynge  of  ftones/  foo  longe 
that  men  ranne  bytwene  them  /  And  after 
the  cufiomme  of  Rome  bothe  the  hutbondes 
were  brought  to  pryfon  berynge  enemyte  eche 
to  other/  &  knewe  no  thynge  the  caufe  wher- 
fore/  The  fayd  cloth  is  fette  in  the  handes  of 
the  wymen  fecretely  yet  not  departed/  but  is 
fecretely  argued  amonge  the  wymmen  in  what 
wyfe  that  this  mater  Ihal  be  deuyded/  And  I 
demaunde  of  dodoures  what  the  lawe  is  of  it 

C  He  fayeth  alfo  that  a  marchaunt  of  Florence 
bought  an  hors  of  a  man/  and  made  his  couenaunt 



with  the  Hilar  for  xxv  ducattes  for  to  paye  forth- 
wiili  in  liatule  xv  ducattes/  And  as  for  the  rell 
he  Ihold  abyde  dettour  and  owe/  And  the  fellar 
was  content  /  and  therupon  delyuerd  the  hors  and 
receyued  the  xv  ducattes/  After  this  a  certayne 
terme  the  fellar  demaunded  of  the  byar  the 
refydue  /  And  he  denyed  the  payment  /  &  had 
hvm  hold  his  couenant/  For  the  byer  layd  we 
were  accorded  that  I  Ihold  be  thy  debtour/  And 
yf  I  Ihold  fatylfye  and  paye  the  I  Ihold  nomore 
be  thy  dettour/  ct  cetera/  and  foo  he  abode 


JE  telleth  alfo  that  ther  was  a  carryk 
of  Jene  hyred  in  to  frauce  for  to 

make  warre  ayenft  englifflimen  / 
of  the  whiche  caarrick  the  patrone 
bare  in  his  flield  painted  an  oxe 
hede  /  whiche  a  noble  man  of  frauce  beheld  and 
fawe  /  &  fayd  he  wold  auenge  hym  on  hym  that 
bare  tho  armes  /  wherapon  aroos  an  altercacion 
fo  moche  /  that  the  frenflliman  prouoked  the 
Janueye  to  bataylle  and  fyght  therfore/  The 
Januey  acceptyd  the  prouocacion/  &  came  at 
the  day  alfigned  in  to  the  felde  withoute  ony 
araye  or  habyllements  of  warre  /  And  that  other 
frenfllie  man  came  in  moche  noble  apparayll  in 
to  the  feld  that  was  ordeyned/  &  thene  the 
patrone  of  the  carrik  faid  wherfore  is  it  that 
we  two  (hold  this  day  fyght  &  make  bataill  fore 
I  faye  faid  that  other  that  thyn  armes  ben  myn  / 
&  bylonged  to  me  to  fore  that  thow  haddeft 
them/  Thenne  the  Januey  faid  It  is  no  nede  to 
make  ony  bataylle  therfore  /  For  the  armes  that 
I  bare  is  not  the  hede  of  an  oxe  but  it  is  the  hede 
of  a  cowe  whiche  thynge  fo  fpoken  the  noble 
Frenlihe  man  was  abafflied  and  fo  departed  half 


Ifo  he  faith  that  then  was  a  pliifycyfii 
1  d^^ellyng  in  a  Cyte/  whiche  was 
^^/ -\\^  a  grete  &  a  connyng  man  in  that 
icycnce/  &  he  had  a  leruaut  a 
yong  man  whiche  made  pyllcs 
after  a  certayne  forme  that  he  ftiewed  to  hym  / 
&  whan  this  yong  man/  had  dwellid  long  with 
hym/  &  coude  part^ly  make  the  pylles/  he 
departed  fro  his  mayfter  /  and  went  in  to  ftrauge 
countre  where  as  he  was  knowen/  and  lete  men 
there  to  vnderltonde  that  he  was  a  connynge 
philycyen/  and  coude  gyue  medycynes  for  al 
nianer  maladyes  and  fekenefles/  and  myniftyred 
alwey  his  pylles  to  euery  man  that  came  to  hym 
for  ony  remedy  /  And  hit  was  foo  that  a  poure 
man  of  that  place  where  he  was  came  to  hym/  and 
complayned  how  he  had  lofte  his  alTe/  and  prayd 
hym  to  gyue  to  hym  a  medycyne  for  to  fynde 
his  affe  ageyne/  And  he  gaf  to  hym  the  fayd 
pylles/  &  badde  hym  to  receyue  and  take  them  / 
And  he  fliold  fynde  his  afle/  And  this  poure 
man  dyd  foo  /  and  after  wente  in  to  the  feldes 
and  paltures  to  feke  and  loke  after  his  alfe  /  And 
foo  doynge  the  pylleys  wrongth  foo  in  his  bely/ 
that  he  muft   nedes  go  purge  hym/  and  went 




amonge  the  reed  and  there  eafyd  hym/  And 
anonet  here  he  fonde  his  afle  /  wherof  he  beyng 
moche  Joyeful  ranne  in  to  the  toune/  and  told 
and  proclamed/  that  by  the  medecyn  that  he 
had  receyued  of  the  phifycyen  he  had  found  his 
afle/  whiche  thynge  knowen  alle  the  fymple 
peple  reputed  hym  for  a  moche  connynge  man  / 
whiche  coude  no  thynge  doo  but  make  pyllyes/ 
And  thus  many  fooles  are  ofte  taken  for  wyfe 
and  connynge/  For  he  was  reputed  to  hele  all 
maner  fekenefles  /  and  alfo  to  fynde  afles. 

^^^^Here  was  in  a  certayne  towne  a 
wydower  wowed  a  wydowe  for 
to  haue  and  Wedde  her  to  his 
wyf/  And  at  the  laft  they  were 
agreed  and  fured  to  gyder  /  C  And 
whan  a  yonge  woman  beynge  feruaunt  with  the 
wydowe  herd  therof  /  fhe  came  to  her  mayftreffe  / 
and  fayd  to  her  /  Alias  mayftrefle  what  haue  ye 
doo  /  why  fayd  Ihe  /  I  haue  herd  fay  fayd  the 
mayde/  that  ye  be  aflured  and  fhalle  wedde 
fuche  a  man  /  And  what  thenne  fayd  the 
wydowe/  Alias  fayd  the  mayde  I  am  fory  for 
yow  /  by  caufe  I  haue  herd  faye  that  he  is  a 
peryllous  man/  For  he  laye  fo  ofte  and  knewe 



To  moch  his  other  wyf  that  llie  ck-ydc  thcrof/ 
And  I  am  lory  therof/  that  yf  ye  lliuld  falle  in 
lyke  caas  /  to  whorae  the  wydowe  anfwerd  and 
Ihyd/  Forfothe  I  wold  be  dede/  For  thcr  is  hut 
forowe  and  care  in  this  world/  This  was  a 
curteys  excule  of  a  wydowe 

Ow  thcniic  I  wylle  tynyrihe  alle 
thefe  fables  wyth  this  tale  that 
fiiloweth  whiche  a  woriliipful 
preell  and  a  parfone  told  me  late/ 
lie  layd  /  that  there  were  duel- 
lynge  in  Oxenford  two  prelles  bothe  mayftres  of 
arte  /  of  whome  that  one  was  quyck  and  coude 
puttc  hym  lelf  forth  /  And  that  other  was  a  good 
fymple  preeft  /  And  foo  it  happed  that  the 
mayrter  that  was  perte  and  quyck  was  anone 
promoted  to  a  benefyce  or  tweyne/  and  after  to 
prebendys  /  and  for  to  be  a  Dene  of  a  grete 
prynces  chappel  /  fuppofynge  and  wenynge  that 
his  felaw  the  fymple  preeft  {hold  neuer  haue  be 
promoted  but  be  alwaye  an  Annuel  /  or  at  the 
moft  a  paryflhe  preeft  /  So  after  longe  tyme  that 
tliis  worihipful  man  this  dene  came  rydynge  in 
to  a  good  paryllh  with  a  x  or  xij  horfes/  lyke  a 
prelate/  and  came  in  to  the  chirche  of  the  fayd 
paryllhe/  and  fond  there  this  good  fymple  man 



fomtyme  his  felawe/  whiche  cam  and  welcomed 
hym  lowely/  And  that  other  badde  hym  good 
morowe  mayfter  Johan  /  and  toke  hym  fleyghtly 
by  the  hand/  and  axyd  hym  where  he  dwellyd/ 
And  the  good  man  fayd  in  this  paryilh/  how 
fayd  he/  are  ye  here  a  fowle  preell  or  a  paryilh 
prefte/  nay  fyr  faid  he/  for  lack  of  a  better 
though  I  be  not  able  ne  worthy  I  am  parfon 
and  curate  of  this  paryffhe/  and  thenne  that 
other  aualed  his  bonet  and  faid  mayfter  par- 
fon I  praye  yow  to  be  not  defpleafyd/  I  had 
fuppofed  ye  had  not  be  benefyced/  But  mayller 
fayd  he  /  I  pray  yow  what  is  this  beniyce  worth 
to  yow  a  yere/  Forfothe  fayd  the  good  fymple 
man/  I  wote  neuer/  for  I  make  neuer  accomptes 
thereof/  how  wel  I  haue  had  hit  four  or  fyue 
yere/  And  knowe  ye  not  faid  he  what  it  is 
worth  /  it  {hold  feme  a  good  benefyce  /  no  For- 
fothe fayd  he/  Bat  I  wote  wel  what  it  ftialle  be 
worth  to  me  /  Why  fayd  he  /  what  Ihalle  hit  be 
worth  /  Forfothe  fayd  he  /  yf  I  doo  my  trewe 
dylygece  in  the  cure  of  my  paryfllies  in  prechyng 
and  techynge/  and  doo  my  parte  longynge  to 
my  cure  /  I  Ihalle  haue  heuen  therfore  /  And  yf 
theyre  fowles  ben  loft  or  ony  of  them  by  my 
defawte  /  I  fliall  be  punyfflied  therfore  /  And 
herof  am  I  fure/  And  with  that  word  the  ryche 
dene  was  abaflhed  And  thought  he  Ihold  be  the 



better/  And  lake  more  hede  to  liis  cures  and 
benefyces  tlian  he  had  done  /  This  was  a  good 
anfwere  of  a  good  prcell  and  an  honell  / 

SntJ  lirrc  taitb  I:  foirjffijc  H)is  booh/  tranriatcti 

Si  cmpvyntrt   fan   mc  JUlilliam  Caiton  nt 

OTfftmyufur  in  Uiabbrg  /  anli  fi:nDfCijct) 

tiif  nuj  tiauc  of  iflarcbc  the  ocre 

of  ourc  lorD  fil  €€€€  liiiiiij  / 

SlntJ  tlje  forft  ucrr  of  tf)c 

tQuc  of  iiung  I\uc|)^ 

art)  ll]f  ttjyrtir. 


Those  in  Gothic  are  in  the  original  Caxton. 





Uccctb/  Ubcunc, 

teeth  /  Thenne. 














































IR0  beat)  tng. 





























thyn  conuenynt,' 




























tban  &v^. 

then  hyt  dyd. 



be  be,  " 




sommen  of  n, 

soni  men  of  a. 



an^  bvlfctb, 

oinii  and. 











HnJ  Hn^, 

















a  Rabe. 

























abhomynable,  112 

adommage,  hurt,  237 

aguyse,  adorit,  3 

almesse,  a.'nis,  60 

ambassade,  embassy,  87 

ainerous,  lazer,  2S0 

Annuel  {generally  Annueler, 
cf.  Chaucer,  Cant.  Taks, 
12,940),  priest  who  says 
masses  on  the  anniversary 
of  death,  315 

aspyed,  spied,  61 

assoylled,  absolved,  306 

aswowned,  in  a  swoon,  159 

aualed,  took  ^,316 

aubyer,  bramble,  234 

backe,  bat,  70 

balkes,  ridges  in  fields,  202, 

herd,  beard,  116 
bienfayttes,  benefits,  254 
boot,  bote,  bit,  14,  168 
bouked,  boiled,  303 

brente,  burnt,  2S4 
breste,  burst,  61 
burgeys,  citizen,  266 

can,  knaiv,  179,  221,  280? 
carryk,  _f(7/.V^,  312 
Caym,  Cain,  73 
caytyf,  cunning,  2 1 
cliepe,  j^//,  252 
commysed,  committed,  63 
condempned,  condemned,  63, 

254,  262 
cope,  canopy,  173 
corr)'ged,  chastened,  25,  89 
counterfayt,  deceive,  272,  273 
cratchyng,  scratching,  310 
cr}'mynous,  crimina',  63 
curtois,  courteous,  98 
curteys,  cunning  Ci),  315 
Cyrurgcons,    surgeons,     99, 


dagged,ya^^</,  152 
dees,  (//V^,  241 



departed,  divided,  310 
dommage,  danger,  85 
dommageable,  dangerous,  77 
doubtou^,  doubtful,  67,  120, 
181,  188 

empeched,    prevented,    246, 

ensample,  example,  85 
en9,yQwe,  purstie,  30 
entremete,  meddle  with,  24, 

25,  129 
entre,  entrance,  253 
erys,  ^ar^,  186,  220 
esprysed,  taken,  281,  283 
euerychone,  <;i/^ry  otte,  230 
excusations,  excuses,  198 

facyle,  (fajy,  97 

fallace, /rfl^co',  267 

fayt,  deed,  251 

flough,y?d?ic/,  132 

fiyes,Jleece,  191 

force,  give  no,  care  not,  1 76 

formyce,  ant,  55 

fyeisie,  fierceness,  68 

gallaunt,  glutton  (?),  266 
glose,  comment,  78 
goglyed,  goggle-eyed,  273 
grate     father,     grandfather, 

grynnes,  /r^/j',  29 
guaryson,  £r;<r<',  232 
gwerdone,  reward,  40 

Ha  a,  /^a  /  a^/  ^^j^. 
habondaunce,  abundance,  19 
heed,   by,   i^_y  [God's]    head, 

herberowed,  harboured,  29 

Incontynent, '    immediately, 

67,  75,  106,  116,  258 
induceth,  introduces,  3 
iumelle,  ^zi'z'w,  302 

Janneye,  Genoese,  312 
Jene,  Genoa,  312 

kynde,  nattire,  98,  105,  125, 
218,  224,  272 

labourage,  labour,  205 

large,  generous,  166 

lawhe,  laugh,  38 

leneth,  supports,  15 

lese,  /^Jd',  236,  2  38 

lesyng,  /yzwi--,  1 87,  1 88,  205 

\q\.\.q,  prevent,  122,  124,  125, 

134,   141,   143,    199,   228, 

longynge,  belonging,  316 
luste,  desire,  40 
lygnage,  lineage,  207 
lyuebode,   inheritance,    172, 


maculed,  _fM27/y,  261 
marzhaunt,  7nerchant,  275 
meane,  middle,  213 


meke,  fo  huriihU,  247 
molycyn,  (/  Jot  tor,  66,  99 
incuc,  tHOVf,  175 
megny,    men,  comptwy,  84, 

90,  204 
molie,  ntoU,  38 
moo,  mcn'f,  1S4 
niowc,  way,  240,  267 
mulct,  mule,  128 
mylnii,  ^•//<",  8 
myscliaunt,  mischin'ous,  55, 

myster,  miss  (?),  94 

n:L\.2.\\,  birthday  feojt,  1 16 
notary,  i-/t(n('n,  64 

orysons,  prayers,  187,  1S8 
oultrecuyflaunce,     ovenceen- 
ing presumption,  52 

pactions,  agreements,  47 
partage, /ar/«crjA//,  II 
parysshcs,  parishioners,  316 
payllard,  coicani,  25,  54,  57, 

pleted,  pleaded,  261 
pourc,  rt  /'('(J/'  wrtw,  261 
procurSlour,  proctor,  260 
liropycc,  propitious,  20S 
prdvysed,  prai-ided,  8 
prymtcmps,  j/r/«^,  IIO 
\m\\e,/niit  of  heech,  173 
purvcyc,  provide,  143 
I^yclarge,  magpie,  204 

Rabc,  raM/,  294,  251 
rclccf,  leavings,  149 
rtluced,  J^ow^•,  277 
remercye,  thanks,  287 
rcsplcnrlysshynf^c,  bright,  21 
retcheth,  rtr,i-j,  6,  82 
ruffulc,  swagger,  241 

salcwed,  w/m/a/,  117 
semblable,  ///r,  1 1 2,  208 
sewrte,  surety,  89 
separed,  separated,  233 
slowful,  ungrateful,  206,  299 
slowfulness,  ingratitude,  64, 

slyked,  cloven,  203 
sonde,  sound,  bay,  303 
sowne,  sound,  33 
slanpe, /c^o/,  16 1 
spaehawk,  deerha-wk  (?),  S 
sperehawk,  sparrowha'ck,  72 
subget,  subject,  30,  91,  244 
subvertysed,  subz'erted,  74 
sygalle,  .?ra.rjA^//Vr,  123 

terryer,  /(J«>,  152,  154 
theefly,  //>t<!'  «  //"</,  81 
thradde,  /r^i/,  61 
thrested,  thrusted,  61,  217 
tryst,  j<7(/,  223 
tumbours  drums,  95 

verqoyne,    shame,    52,    I42. 

189,  211 
vergoynou"!,  ashamed,  296 



vnconyng,  stlly,  13 
vnyed,  united,  109 
vpperest,  uppermost,  67 
vpso  doun,  upside  down,  68, 

157,  163 
vtyle,  useful,  15,  76 
vytupercd,  blamed,  76 

wodenes,  madness,  222 

wood,  mad,  120,  242,  154 
wod'ivvose,  monster,  242,  243 
wreton,  written,  272 

yate,  gate,    117,    216,    253, 

272,  279,  295 
ye,  yea,  pass. 
yeftes,  ^;7j,  35,  36,  251 
yeue,  give,  152 
yonglhe,  _y(7«//;,  41 

BalliiJtiync  Press  :  Edinburgh  and  London. 

I  D  »ri«fz 







The  fables  of  Aesop 




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