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This Volume consists of a Reprint, for 
private circulation only, of the One Hun 
dred and Sixteenth Signed Contribution 
a History of the Canadian People and their 
Institutions by One Hundred Associates. 
Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty, 
General Editors 



FROM the most southern point of Ontario on Lake Erie, 
near the 42nd parallel of latitude, to Moose Factory 
on James Bay, the distance is about 750 miles. 
From the eastern boundary on the Ottawa and St Lawrence 
Rivers to Kenora at the Manitoba boundary, the distance is 
about 1000 miles. The area lying within these extremes 
is about 220,000 square miles. In 1912 a northern addition 
of over 100,000 square miles was made to the surface area of 
the province, but it is doubtful whether the agricultural lands 
will thereby be increased. Of this large area about 25,000,000 
acres are occupied and assessed, including farm lands and 
town and city sites. It will be seen, therefore, that only a 
small fraction of the province has, as yet, been occupied. 
Practically all the occupied area lies south of a line drawn 
through Montreal, Ottawa, and Sault Ste Marie, and it forms 
part of the great productive zone of the continent. 

The next point to be noted is the irregularity of the 
boundary-line, the greater portion of which is water Lakes 
Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario, the St Lawrence River, the 
Ottawa River, James Bay, and Hudson Bay. The modifying 
effect of great bodies of water must be considered in studying 
the agricultural possibilities of Ontario. 

Across this great area of irregular outline there passes a 
branch of the Archaean rocks running in a north-western 
direction and forming a watershed, which turns some of the 
streams to Hudson Bay and the others to the St Lawrence 
system. An undulating surface has resulted, more or less 
filled with lakes, and almost lavishly supplied with streams, 
which are of prime importance for agricultural life and of 



incalculable value for commercial purposes. To these old 
rocks which form the backbone of the province may be traced 
the origin of the large stretches of rich soil with which the 
province abounds. 

An examination of the map, and even a limited knowledge 
of the geological history of the province, will lead to the con 
clusion that in Ontario there must be a wide range in the 
nature and composition of the soils and a great variety in the 
climatic conditions. These conditions exist, and they result 
in a varied natural production. In the extreme south 
western section plants of a semi-tropical nature were to 
be found in the early days in luxurious growth ; while in 
the extreme north, spruce, somewhat stunted in size and 
toughened in fibre, are still to be found in vast forests. 

It is with the southern section, that lying south of the 
Laurentian rocks, that our story is mainly concerned, for the 
occupation and exploitation of the northland is a matter only 
of recent date. Nature provided conditions for a diversified 
agriculture. It is to such a land that for over a hundred 
years people of different nationalities, with their varied train 
ings and inclinations, have been coming to make their homes. 
We may expect, therefore, to find a great diversity in the 
agricultural growth of various sections, due partly to the 
variety of natural conditions and partly to the varied agri 
cultural training of the settlers in their homelands. 


Originally this province was covered with forest, varied 
and extensive, and was valued only for its game. The hunter 
and trapper was the pioneer. To protect and assist him, 
fortified posts were constructed at commanding points along 
the great waterways. In the immediate vicinity of these 
posts agriculture, crude in its nature and restricted in its area, 
had its beginning. 

It was into this wooded wilderness that the United Empire 
Loyalists, numbering in all approximately ten thousand 
people, came in the latter part of the eighteenth century. 1 

1 See Pioneer Settlements in this section. 


They were a people of varied origins Highland Scottish, 
German, Dutch, Irish Palatine, French Huguenot, English. 
Most of them had lived on farms in New York State, and 
therefore brought with them some knowledge and experience 
that stood them in good stead in their arduous work of making 
new homes in a land that was heavily wooded. In the year 
1783 prospectors were sent into Western Quebec, the region 
lying west of the Ottawa River, and selections were made for 
them in four districts along the St Lawrence, opposite Fort 
Oswegatchie ; around the Bay of Quinte, above Fort 
Cataraqui ; in the Niagara peninsula, opposite Fort Niagara ; 
and in the south-western section, within reach of Fort Detroit. 
Two reasons determined these locations ; first, the necessity 
of being located on the water-front, as lake and river were the 
only highways available ; and, secondly, the advisability of 
being within the protection of a fortified post. The depend 
ence of the settlers upon the military will be realized when we 
remember that they had neither implements nor seed grain. 
In fact, they were dependent at first upon the government 
stores for their food. It is difficult at the present time to 
realize the hardships and appreciate the conditions under 
which these United Empire Loyalist settlers began life in 
the forest of 1784. 

Having been assigned their lots and supplied with a few 
implements, they began their work of making small clearings 
and the erection of rude log-houses and barns. Among the 
stumps they sowed the small quantities of wheat, oats, and 
potatoes that were furnished from the government stores. 
Cattle were for many years few in number, and the settler, 
to supply his family with food and clothing, was compelled 
to add hunting and trapping to his occupation of felling the 

Gradually the clearings became larger and the area sown 
increased in size. The trails were improved and took on the 
semblance of roads, but the waterways continued to be the 
principal avenues of communication. In each of the four 
districts the government erected mills to grind the grain for 
the settlers. These were known as the King s Mills. Water- 
power mills were located near Kingston, at Gananoque, at 


Napanee, and on the Niagara River. The mill on the Detroit 
was run by wind power. An important event in the early 
years was when the head of the family set out for the mill with 
his bag of wheat on his back or in his canoe, and returned in 
two or three days, perhaps in a week, with a small supply of 
flour. In the early days there was no wheat for export. The 
question then may be asked, was there anything to market ? 
Yes ; as the development went on, the settlers found a market 
for two surplus products, timber and potash. The larger 
pine trees were hewn into timber and floated down the streams 
to some convenient point where they were collected into 
rafts, which were taken down the St Lawrence to Montreal 
and Quebec. Black salt or crude potash was obtained by 
concentrating the ashes that resulted from burning the brush 
and trees that were not suitable for timber. 

For the first thirty years of the new settlements the chief 
concern of the people was the clearing of their land, the in 
creasing of their field crops, and the improving of their homes 
and furnishings. It was slow going, and had it not been for 
government assistance, progress, and even maintenance of 
life, would have been impossible. That was the heroic age of 
Upper Canada, the period of foundation-laying in the province. 
Farming was the main occupation, and men, women, and 
children shared the burdens in the forest, in the field, and in 
the home. Roads were few and poorly built, except the three 
great military roads planned by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe 
running east, west, and north from the town of York. Social 
intercourse was of a limited nature. Here and there a school 
was formed when a competent teacher could be secured. 
Church services were held once a month, on which occasions 
the missionary preacher rode into the district on horseback. 
Perhaps once or twice in the summer the weary postman, with 
his pack on his back, arrived at the isolated farmhouse to 
leave a letter, on which heavy toll had to be collected. 

Progress was slow in those days, but after thirty years 
fair hope of an agricultural country was beginning to dawn 
upon the people when the War of 1812 broke out. By this 
time the population of the province had increased to about 
eighty thousand. During this first thirty years very little 


had been done in the way of stimulating public interest 
in agricultural work. Conditions were not favourable to 
organization. The town meeting was concerned mainly 
with the question of the height of fences and regulations as 
to stock running at large. One attempt, however, was made 
which should be noted. Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe took 
charge of affairs early in 1792, and, immediately after the close 
of the first session of the legislature at Newark (Niagara) in 
the autumn of that year, organized an agricultural society 
at the headquarters which met occasionally to discuss agri 
cultural questions. There are no records to show whether 
social intercourse or practical agricultural matters formed the 
main business. The struggle for existence was too exacting 
and the conditions were not yet favourable for organization to 
advance general agricultural matters. 

When the War of 1812 broke out the clearings of the 
original settlers had been extended, and some of the loyalists 
still lived, grown grey with time and hardened by the rough 
life of the backwoods. Their sons, many of whom had faint 
recollection of their early homes across the line, had grown 
up in an atmosphere of strictest loyalty to the British crown, 
and had put in long years in clearing the farms on which they 
lived and adding such comforts to their houses, that to them, 
perhaps as to no other generation, their homes meant every 
thing in life. The summons came to help to defend those 
homes and their province. For three years the agricultural 
growth received a severe check. Fathers and sons took their 
turn in going to the front. The cultivation of the fields, the 
sowing and the harvesting of the crops, fell largely to the lot 
of the mothers and the daughters left at home. But they 
were equal to it. In those days the women were trained to 
help in the work of the fields. They did men s work willingly 
and well. In many cases they had to continue their heroic 
work after the close of the war, until their surviving boys were 
grown to years of manhood, for many husbands and sons went 
to the front never to return. 




The close of the war saw a province that had been checked 
at a time of vigorous growth now more or less impoverished, 
and, in some sections, devastated. This was, however, but 
the gloomy outlook before a period of rapid expansion. In 
1816, on the close of the Napoleonic wars in Europe, large 
numbers of troops were disbanded, and for these new homes 
and new occupations had to be found. Then began the first 
emigration from Britain overseas to Upper Canada. All 
over the British Isles little groups were forming of old soldiers 
reunited to their families. A few household furnishings were 
packed,a supplyof provisions laid in,a sailing vessel chartered, 
and the trek began across the Atlantic. The emigrants sailed 
from many ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Some 
times the trip was made in three or four weeks ; but often, 
through contrary winds or rough weather, three or four 
months passed before the vessel sailed up the St Lawrence and 
landed the newcomers at Montreal. Hardly half of their 
difficulties were then overcome or half of their dangers passed. 
If they were to find their new locations by land, they must 
walk or travel by slow ox-cart ; if they journeyed by water, 
they must make their way up the St Lawrence by open boat, 
surmounting the many rapids in succession, poling the boats, 
pulling against the stream, at times helping to carry heavy 
loads over the portages. Their new homes in the backwoods 
were in townships in the rear of those settled by the loyalists, 
or in unoccupied areas lying on the lake-fronts between the 
four districts referred to as having been taken up by the 
loyalists. Then began the settlements along the north shore 
of Lake Ontario and of Lake Erie, and the population moved 
forward steadily. In 1816 the total population of the province 
was approximately 100,000 ; by 1826, according to returns 
made to the government, it had increased to 166,000 ; in 
1836 it was 374,000, and in 1841 it was 456,000. The great 
majority of these people, of course, lived upon the land, the 
towns being comparatively small, and the villages were com 
posed largely of people engaged in agricultural work. 


This peaceful British invasion contributed a new element 
to the province and added still further to the variety of the 
people. In one township could be found a group of English 
settlers, most of whom came from a southern county of 
England, near by a township peopled by Scottish Low- 
landers, and not far away a colony of north of Ireland 
farmers, or perhaps a settlement composed entirely of people 
from the vicinity of Cork or Limerick. 

These British settlers brought new lines of life, new plans 
for houses and barns, new methods of cultivation, new 
varieties of seed, and, what was perhaps of most influence 
upon the agricultural life of the province, new kinds of live 
stock. Even to this day can be seen traces of the differences 
in construction of buildings introduced by the different 
nationalities that came as pioneers into the various sections 
of the province the French Canadian constructed his build 
ings with long, steep roofs ; the Englishman followed his 
home plan of many small, low outbuildings with doors some 
what rounded at the top ; the German and Dutch settler 
built big barns with their capacious mows. These latter 
have become the type now generally followed, the main 
improvement in later years being the raising of the frames 
upon stone foundations so as to provide accommodation 
for live stock in the basement. It would be interesting and 
profitable to study carefully the different localities to deter 
mine what elements have contributed to the peculiar agricul 
tural characteristics of the present day. In this connection 
the language also might be investigated. For instance, to 
the early Dutch farmers of Upper Canada we owe such 
common words as stoop, bush, boss, span. To the 
early British settler these were foreign words. When the 
oversea settlers came up the St Lawrence they were trans 
ported from Montreal either by bateau or by Durham 

Special reference must be made to the live stock intro 
duced by the British settlers. This was one of the most 
important elements in the expansion and permanent develop 
ment of the agriculture of the province. The British Isles 

1 See Shipping and Canals in section v. pp. 489-90. 


have long been noted for their pure-bred stock. In no other 
part of the world have so many varieties been originated and 
improved. In horses, there are the Clydesdale, the Shire, 
the Thoroughbred, and the Hackney ; in cattle, Shorthorns, 
Herefords, Ayrshires, Devon, and the dairy breeds of Jersey 
and Guernsey ; in sheep, Southdowns, Shropshires, Leicesters ; 
in swine, Berkshires and Yorkshires. Many other breeds 
might be added to these. Poultry and dogs also might be 
referred to. The Britisher has been noted for his love of 
live stock. He has been trained to their care, his agricul 
tural methods have been ordered to provide food suitable 
for their wants, and he has been careful to observe the lines 
of breeding so as to improve their quality. In the earliest 
period of the settlement of the province live stock was not 
numerous and the quality was not of the best. Whatever 
was to be found on the farms came mainly from the United 
States and was of inferior type. The means of bringing in 
horses, cattle, and sheep were limited. The result was that 
field work at that time was largely done by hand labour. 
Hunting and fishing helped to supply the table with the food 
that to-day we obtain from the butcher. When the Britisher 
came across the Atlantic he brought to Upper Canada his 
love for live stock and his knowledge how to breed and care 
for the same. The result was seen in the rapid increase in 
the number of horses, cattle, sheep, and swine, and the placing 
of the agriculture of the province on a firm basis for future 

By 1830 the population had grown to about 213,000, 
practically all located on the land. In that year there were 
only five towns of 1000 or over : namely, Kingston, 3587 ; 
York (Toronto), 2860 ; London, (including the township), 
2415 ; Hamilton (including the township), 2013 ; and Brock- 
ville, 1130. The returns to the government show that of 
the 4,018,385 acres occupied 773,727 were under cultiva 
tion. On the farms were to be found 30,776 horses, 33,517 
oxen, 80,892 milch cows, and 32,537 young cattle. It is 
interesting to note that oxen, so useful in clearing land and 
in doing heavy work, were more numerous than horses. 
Oxen were hardier than horses ; they could forage for them- 


selves and live on rough food, and when disabled could be 
converted into food. They thus played a very important 
part in the pioneer life. There were no improved farm 
implements in those days : the plough, the spade, the hoe, 
the fork, the sickle, the hook, the cradle, and the rake 
implements that had been the husbandman s equipment for 
centuries completed the list. With these the farmer culti 
vated his lands and gathered his crops. With two stout 
hickory poles, joined together at the end with tough leather 
thongs, a flail was made with which he threshed out his grain 
on the floor of his barn. 

The earliest pioneers raised some flax, and from the fibre 
made coarse linen fabrics, supplementing these by skins of 
wild animals and the hides of cattle. With the introduc 
tion of sheep by the British settlers wool became an important 
product, and homespun garments provided additional cloth 
ing for all the members of the family. Seeds of various fruit 
trees were planted, and by 1830 the products of these seed 
lings supplemented the wild plums and cherries of the woods 
and the wild raspberries that sprang up in abundance in the 
clearings and slashes. By this time every farm had one or 
more milch cows and the farmer s table was supplied with 
fresh milk, butter, and home-made cheese. As the first half- 
century of the province was drawing to its close, some of the 
comforts of home life began to be realized by the farming 
community. The isolation of the former period disappeared 
as roads of communication were opened up and extended. 

Here and there societies were formed for the exhibition 
of the products of the farm and for friendly competitions. 
So important were these societies becoming in the life of the 
whole community that in 1830 the government gave them 
recognition and provided an annual grant to assist them in 
their work. This is an important event in agricultural 
history, for it marks the beginning of government assistance 
to the agricultural industry. Between 1820 and 1830 pro 
bably not more than half a dozen agricultural societies were 
organized. Some records of such were preserved at York, 
Kingston, and in the Newcastle district. From the record 
of the County of Northumberland Agricultural Society it is 


learned that its first show was held in the public square of 
the village of Colborne on October 19, 1828, when premiums 
were awarded amounting in all to seventy-seven dollars. 
There were fourteen prizes for live stock, two prizes for cheese, 
two for field rollers, and two for essays on the culture of 
wheat. The first prize essay, for which the winner received 
five dollars, was printed for distribution. The prize list was 
limited in range, but it shows how this new settlement, 
formed largely by British settlers since 1816, was giving par 
ticular attention to the encouragement of live stock. A 
short quotation from the prize essay as to the best method 
of clearing the land for wheat should be found of interest. 

As a great part of our County is yet in a wilderness 
state and quite a share of the wheat brought to our 
markets is reared on new land, I deem it important that 
our enterprising young men who are clearing away the 
forest should know how to profit by their hard labor. 
Let the underwood be cut in the autumn before the 
leaves fall, and the large timber in the winter or early in 
the spring. This will insure a good burn, which is the 
first thing requisite for a good crop. Do your logging 
in the month of June, and if you wish to make money, 
do it before you burn your brush and save the ashes ; 
these will more than half pay you for clearing the land : 
and by burning at this season you will attract a drove 
of cattle about you that will destroy all sprouts which 
may be growing ; do not leave more than four trees on 
an acre and girdle these in the full moon of March and 
they will never leaf again ; thus you may have your 
land prepared for the seed before harvest. 

The act of 1830 provided a grant of 100 for a society in 
each district, upon condition that the members subscribed 
and paid in at least 50, and in the case of a society being 
organized in each county the amount was to be equally 
divided among the societies. The condition of making the 
grant was set forth in the act as follows : When any Agri 
cultural Society, for the purpose of importing valuable live 
stock, grain, grass seeds, useful implements or whatever else 
might conduce to the improvement of agriculture in this 
Province, etc. 


As a result of this substantial assistance by the govern 
ment, agricultural societies increased in number, and their 
influence, in assisting in the improvement of the live stock 
and the bringing of new implements to the attention of 
farmers, was most marked. 

Horses, sheep, and milch cows increased rapidly. Pure 
bred cattle now began to receive some attention. The first 
record of importation is the bringing of a Shorthorn bull and 
a cow from New York State in 1831 by Robert Arnold of 
St Catharines. In 1833 Rowland Wingfield, an Englishman 
farming near Guelph, brought a small herd of choice animals 
across the ocean, landed them at Montreal, took them to 
Hamilton by way of the Ottawa River, the Rideau Canal, 
and Lake Ontario, and then drove them on foot to Wellington 
County. The Hon. Adam Fergusson of Woodhill followed 
two or three years later with a similar importation. 

The first Ayrshire cattle can be traced back to the Scottish 
settlers who arrived during this period. These emigrants had 
provided their own food for the voyage to Canada, and in 
some cases brought a good milch cow to provide fresh milk 
on the voyage. She would be disposed of on landing, at 
Montreal or in the eastern part of Upper Canada. This 
accounts for the early predominance of Ayrshires in Eastern 
Ontario. Thus to the period 1830-45 belongs the first founda 
tion of the pure-bred stock industry. 

It was in this period also that the first signs appear of 
improved farm implements and labour-saving machinery. 
Ploughs of improved pattern, lighter and more effective, 
were being made. Land rollers and harrows made in the 
factory began to take the place of the home-made articles. 
Crude threshing machines, clover-seed cleaners, root-cutters, 
and a simple but heavy form of hay-rake came into use. The 
mowing machine and the reaper were making their appear 
ance in Great Britain and the United States, but they had 
not yet reached Upper Canada. 

The organization of agricultural societies in the various 
districts, and the great impetus given to the keeping of good 
stock, led in 1843 to the suggestion that a provincial organiza 
tion would be of benefit to the farming industry. In the 


neighbouring State of New York a similar organization had 
been in existence since 1832 and successful State fairs had 
been held, which some of the more prominent farmers of 
Upper Canada had visited. An agricultural paper called 
the British American Cultivator had been established in 
York, and through this paper, in letters and editorials, the 
idea of a provincial association was advocated. For three 
years the discussion proceeded, until finally, in 1846, there 
was organized the Provincial Agricultural Association and 
Board of Agriculture for Canada West, composed of dele 
gates from the various district societies. The result was 
that the first provincial exhibition was held in Toronto on 
October 21 and 22 of that year. The old Government House 
at the south-western corner of King Street and Simcoe 
Street, then empty, was used for the exhibits, and the stock 
and implements were displayed in the adjoining grounds. 
The Canada Company gave a contribution of $200, eight 
local societies made donations, about $280 was secured as 
gate money, and 297 members paid subscriptions. Premiums 
were paid to the amount of $880, the bulk of which went to 
live stock; books, which cost about $270, were given as 
prizes ; and there was left a cash balance on hand of $400. 
A ploughing match was held, and on the evening of the first 
day a grand banquet was given, attended by the officers and 
directors and by some of the leading citizens of Toronto. 
Among the speakers at this banquet were Chief Justice 
Robinson and Egerton Ryerson, superintendent of education. 


The organization of this provincial association fittingly 
introduces another era in agricultural growth. It is to be 
noted that this provincial organization was a self-created 
body ; it drew at first no government funds direct. It 
commended itself to the people, for on July 28, 1847, the 
provincial parliament in session at Montreal passed an act 
incorporating it under the name of the Agricultural Asso 
ciation of Upper Canada, and in the charter named as 
members a number of the leading citizens of the province. 


It was governed by a board of directors, two of whom were 
chosen annually by each district agricultural society. The 
objects set forth were the improvement of farm stock and 
produce, the improvement of agricultural implements, and 
the encouragement of domestic manufactures, of useful in 
ventions applicable to agricultural or domestic purposes, and 
of every branch of rural and domestic economy. Out of 
this provincial association came all the further agricultural 
organizations of a provincial nature, and ultimately, some 
forty years later, the Ontario department of Agriculture. 

The second provincial exhibition was held at Hamilton 
in 1847, and Lord Elgin, the governor-general, was in attend 
ance. He was also a generous patron, for his name appears 
as a donor of $100. The address which he delivered at the 
banquet has been preserved in the published records and is 
copiously marked with cheers and loud applause. 

The third exhibition was held at Cobourg in 1848. The 
official report of the exhibits indicates that pure-bred stock 
was rapidly increasing and improving in quality ; but the 
most significant paragraph is that dealing with implements, 
and this is well worth quoting in full. 

Of implements of Canada make, the Show was deficient; 
and we were much indebted to our American neighbours 
for their valuable aid on this occasion. A large number 
of ploughs, straw-cutters, drills, cornshellers, churns, 
etc., etc., were brought over by Messrs Briggs & Co. of 
Rochester, Mr Emery of Albany, and a large manufac 
turing firm near Boston. Mr Bell of Toronto exhibited 
his excellent plough, straw-cutter, and reaping machine. 
The first prize for the latter article was awarded to 
Mr Helm of Cobourg for the recent improvements 
which he has effected. Mr Clark of Paris exhibited his 
one-horse thrashing-mill, which attracted much atten 

At the fourth exhibition, held at Kingston in 1849, the 
show of implements was much more extensive, and comment 
was made on the improvement of articles of home manufac 
ture. At this meeting Professor J. F. VV. Johnson, of Edin 
burgh, who was making a tour of North America, was present. 



The address of the president, Henry Ruttan of Cobourg, is 
a most valuable reference article descriptive of the agricul 
tural progress of the province from the first settlements in 
1783 to the time of the exhibition. Ruttan was a loyalist s 
son, and, from his own personal knowledge, he described the 
old plough that was given by the government to each of the 
first settlers. 

It consisted of a small iron socket, whose point entered 
by means of a dove-tailed aperture into the heel of the 
coulter, which formed the principal part of the plough, 
and was in shape similar to the letter L, the shank of 
which went through the wooden beam, and the foot 
formed the point which was sharpened for operation. 
One handle and a plank split from the side of a winding 
block of timber, which did duty for the mould -board, 
completed the implement. Besides provisions for a year, 
I think each family had issued to them a plough-share 
and coulter, a set of dragg-teeth, a log chain, an axe, a 
saw, a hammer, a bill hook and a grubbing hoe, a pair of 
hand-irons and a cross-cut saw amongst several families, 
and a few other articles. 

He then refers to the large number of implements then 
being pressed upon the farmers, until they have almost 
become a nuisance to the farmer who desires to purchase a 
really useful article. All of which indicates that a distinc 
tive feature of the period beginning with 1846 was the intro 
duction and rapid extension of improved farm machinery. 

A few words as to the reaping machine, which contributed 
more than any other modern implement to the development 
of agriculture in the past century, may not be out of place. 
Various attempts had been made at producing a machine to 
supersede the sickle, the scythe, and the cradle before the Rev. 
Patrick Bell, in 1826, presented his machine to the Highland 
Agricultural Society of Scotland for its examination. Bell s 
machine was fairly successful, and one was then in operation 
on the farm of his brother, Inch-Michael, in the Carse of 
Gowrie. One set of knives was fixed, another set worked 
above and across these like the blades of a pair of scissors. 
The grain fell on an endless cloth which carried and deposited 


the heads at the side of the machine. A horse pushed it 
forward and kept all parts in motion. It was simple, and, we 
are told, harvested twelve acres in a day. This was in 1826. 
In the New York Farmer and American Gardener s Magazine 
for 1834 ma Y be found the descriptions and illustrations of 
Obed Hussey s grain-cutter and Cyrus H. M c Cormick s 
improved reaping-machine. The question has been raised 
as to whether either of these United States inventions owed 
anything to the earlier production of Patrick Bell. It was, 
of course, the improved United States reaping machines that 
found their way into Upper Canada shortly after the organiza 
tion of the Provincial Agricultural Association. Our interest 
in this matter is quickened by the fact that the Rev. Patrick 
Bell, when a young man, was for some time a tutor in the 
family of a well-to-do farmer in the county of Wellington, 
and there is a tradition that while there he carried on 
some experiments in the origination of his machine. The 
suggestion of a mysterious visitor from the United States 
to the place where he was experimenting is probably mere 

This period, 1846 to 1867, was one of rapid growth in 
population. The free-grant land policy of the government 
was a great attraction for tens of thousands of people in the 
British Isles, who were impelled by social unrest, failure of 
crops, and general stagnation in the manufacturing in 
dustries to seek new homes across the sea. In the twenty 
years referred to the population more than doubled, and the 
improved lands of the province increased fourfold. The 
numbers of cattle and sheep about doubled, and the wheat 
production increased about threefold. 

Towards the latter part of the period a new agricultural 
industry came into existence the manufacture of cheese in 
factories. It was in New York State that the idea of co 
operation in the manufacture of cheese was first attempted. 
There, as in Canada West, it had been the practice to make 
at home from time to time a quantity of soft cheese, which, 
of course, would be of variable quality. To save labour, a 
proposition was made to collect the milk from several farms 
and have the cheese made at one central farm. The success 


of this method soon became known and small factories were 
established. In 1863 Harvey Farrington came from New 
York State to Canada West and established a factory in 
the county of Oxford, about the same time that a similar 
factory was established in the county of Missisquoi, Quebec. 
Shortly afterwards factories were built in Hastings County, 
and near Brockville, in Leeds County. Thus began an 
industry that had a slow advance for some fifteen years, but 
from 1880 spread rapidly, until the manufacture of cheese in 
factories became one of the leading provincial industries. 
The system followed is a slight modification of the Cheddar 
system, which takes its name from one of the most beautiful 
vales in the west of England. Its rapid progress has been 
due to the following circumstances : Ontario, with her rich 
grasses, clear skies, and clean springs and streams, is well 
adapted to dairying ; large numbers of her farmers came from 
dairy districts in the mother country ; the co-operative 
method of manufacture tends to produce a marketable article 
that can be shipped and that improves with proper storage ; 
Great Britain has proved a fine market for such an article ; 
and the industry has for over thirty years received the special 
help and careful supervision and direction of the provincial 
and Dominion governments. 

During this period we note the voluntary organization of 
the Ontario Fruit-Growers Association, a fact which alone 
would suggest that the production of fruit must have been 
making progress. The early French settlers along the Detroit 
River had planted pear trees or grown them from seed, and a 
few of these sturdy, stalwart trees, over a century old, still 
stand and bear some fruit. Mrs Simcoe, in her Journal, 
July 2, 1793, states : We have thirty large May Duke cherry 
trees behind the house and three standard peach trees which 
supplied us last Autumn for tarts and desserts during six 
weeks, besides the numbers the young men eat. This was at 
Niagara. The records of the agricultural exhibitions indicate 
that there was a gradual extension of fruit-growing. Im 
portations of new varieties were made, Rochester, in New 
York State, apparently being the chief place from which 
nursery stock was obtained. Here and there through the 


province gentlemen having some leisure and the skill to 
experiment were beginning to take an interest in their gardens 
and to produce new varieties. On January 19, 1859, a few 
persons met in the board-room of the Mechanics Hall at 
Hamilton and organized a fruit-growers association for 
Upper Canada. Judge Campbell was elected president ; 
Dr Hurlbert, first vice-president ; George Leslie, second vice- 
president ; Arthur Harvey, secretary. The members of this 
association introduced new varieties and reported on their 
success. They were particularly active in producing such 
new varieties as were peculiarly suitable to the climate. For 
nine years they maintained their organization and carried on 
their work unaided and unrecognized officially. 

To this period belongs also the first attempts at special 
instruction in agriculture and the beginning of an agricultural 
press. Both are intimately connected with the association, 
already referred to, that had been organized in 1846 by some 
of the most progressive citizens. 

For four years the Provincial Association carried on its 
work and established itself as a part of the agricultural life 
of Canada West. In 1850 the government stepped in and 
established a board of agriculture as the executive of the 
association. Its objects were set out by statute and funds 
were to be provided for its maintenance. The new lines of 
work allotted to it were to collect agricultural statistics, 
prepare crop reports, gather information of general value and 
to present the same to the legislature for publication, and 
to co-operate with the provincial university in the teaching 
of agriculture and the carrying on of an experimental or 
illustrative farm. Professor George Buckland was appointed 
to the chair of agriculture in the university in January 1851 
and an experimental farm on a small scale was laid out on 
the university grounds. Professor Buckland acted also as 
secretary to the board until 1858, when he resigned and was 
succeeded by Hugh C. Thomson. He continued his work for 
some years at the university, and was an active participant in 
all agricultural matters up to the time of his death in 1885. 

Provision having been made for agricultural instruction 
at the university, the board in 1859 decided to establish a 


course in veterinary science, and at once got into com 
munication with Professor Dick of the Veterinary College 
at Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1862 a school was opened in 
Toronto under the direction of Professor Andrew Smith, 
recently arrived from Edinburgh. 

The British American Cultivator was established in 1841 by 
Eastwood and Co. and W. G. Edmundson, with the latter as 
editor. It gave place in 1849 to the Canadian Agriculturist, a 
monthly journal edited and owned by George Buckland and 
William MDougall. This was the official organ of the board 
till the year 1864, when George Brown began the publication 
of the Canada Farmer with the Rev. W. F. Clark as editor- 
in-chief and D. W. Beadle as horticultural editor. The board 
at once recognized it, accepted it as their representative, and 
the Canadian Agriculturist ceased publication in December 

The half-century of British immigration, 1816 to 1867, had 
wrought a wonderful change. From a little over a hundred 
thousand the population had grown to a million and a half ; 
towns and cities had sprung into existence ; commercial 
enterprises had taken shape ; the construction of railways 
had been undertaken ; trade had developed along new lines ; 
the standards of living had materially changed ; and great 
questions, national and international, had stirred the people 
and aroused at times the bitterest political strife. The 
changed standards of living can best be illustrated by an 
extract from an address delivered in 1849 by Sheriff Ruttan. 
Referring to the earlier period, he said : 

Our food was coarse but wholesome. With the excep 
tion of three or four pounds of green tea a year for a 
family, which cost us three bushels of wheat per pound, 
we raised everything we ate. We manufactured our own 
clothes and purchased nothing except now and then a 
black silk handkerchief or some trifling article of foreign 
manufacture of the kind. We lived simply, yet comfort 
ably envied no one, for no one was better off than his 
neighbour. Until within the last thirty years, one hun 
dred bushels of wheat, at 2s. 6d. per bushel, was quite 
sufficient to give in exchange for all the articles of for 
eign manufacture consumed by a large family. . . . The 


old-fashioned home-made cloth has given way to the 
fine broadcloth coat ; the linsey-woolsey dresses of 
females have disappeared and English and French silks 
been substituted ; the nice clean-scoured floors of the 
farmers houses have been covered by Brussels carpets ; 
the spinning wheel and loom have been superseded by 
the piano ; and in short, a complete revolution in all our 
domestic habits and manners has taken place the con 
sequences of which are the accumulation of an enormous 
debt upon our shoulders and its natural concomitant, 
political strife. 

Students of Canadian history will at once recall the story 
of the Rebellion of 1837, the struggle for constitutional govern 
ment, the investigation by Lord Durham, the repeal of the 
preferential wheat duties in England, the agitation for 
Canadian independence, and other great questions that so 
seriously disturbed the peace of the Canadian people. They 
were the growing pains of a progressive people. The 
Crimean War, in 1854-56, gave an important though 
temporary boom to Canadian farm products. Reciprocity 
with the United States from 1855 to 1866 offered a profitable 
market that had been closed for many years. Then came the 
close of the great civil war in the United States and the 
opening up of the cheap, fertile prairie lands of the Middle 
West to the hundreds of thousands of farmers set free from 
military service. This westward movement was joined by 
many farmers from Ontario ; there was a disastrous com 
petition in products, and an era of agricultural depression 
set in just before Confederation. It was because of these 
difficulties that Confederation became a possibility and a 
necessity. The new political era introduced a new agri 
cultural period, which began under conditions that were 
perhaps as unfavourable and as unpromising as had been 
experienced for over half a century. 


The period that we shall now deal with begins with Con 
federation in 1867 and extends to 1888, when a provincial 


minister of Agriculture was appointed for the first time and 
an independent department organized. 

From 1792 to 1841 what is now Ontario was known as 
Upper Canada ; from 1841 to 1867 it was part of the United 
Province of Canada, being known as Canada West to distin 
guish it from Quebec or Canada East. In 1867, however, it 
resumed its former status as a separate province, but with 
the new name of Ontario. In the formation of the govern 
ment of the province agriculture was placed under the care 
of a commissioner, who, however, held another portfolio in 
the cabinet. John Carling was appointed commissioner of 
Public Works and also commissioner of Agriculture. On 
taking office Carling found the following agricultural 
organizations of the province ready to co-operate with the 
government : sixty-three district agricultural societies, each 
having one or more branch township societies under its care, 
and all receiving annual government grants of slightly over 
$50,000 ; a provincial board of agriculture, with its educa 
tional and exhibition work ; and a fruit-growers association, 
now for the first time taken under government direction and 
given financial assistance. 

One extract from the commissioner s first report will serve 
to show the condition of agriculture in Ontario when the 
Dominion was born. It is an encouraging fact that during 
the last year in particular mowers and reapers and labour- 
saving implements have not only increased in the older 
districts, but have found their way into new ones, and into 
places where they were before practically unknown. This 
beneficial result has, no doubt, mainly arisen from the diffi 
culty, or rather in some cases impossibility, of getting labour 
at any price. It would appear, therefore, that the question 
of shortage of farm labour, so much complained of in recent 
years, has been a live one for forty years and more. 

In the second report of the commissioner (1869) special 
attention was directed to the question of agricultural educa 
tion, and the suggestion was made that the agricultural de 
partment of the university and the veterinary college might 
give some instruction to the teachers at the normal school. 
In the following year, however, an advanced step was taken. 


It was noted that Dr Ryerson was in sympathy with special 
agricultural teaching and had himself prepared and published 
a text-book on agriculture. The suggestion was made that 
the time had arrived for a school of practical science. At the 
same time Ryerson had appointed the Rev. W. F. Clark, the 
editor of the Canada Farmer, to visit the Agricultural depart 
ment at Washington and a few of the agricultural colleges of 
the United States, and to collect such practical information 
as would aid in commencing something of an analogous 
character in Ontario. It will thus be seen that the two 
branches of technical training the School of Practical Science 
and the Agricultural College were really twin institutions, 
originating, in the year 1870, in the dual department of Public 
Works and Agriculture. These institutions were the outcome 
of the correlation of city and country industries, which were 
under the fostering care of the Agriculture and Arts Associa 
tion, as the old provincial organization was now known. The 
School of Practical Science, it may be noted, is now incorpor 
ated with the provincial university, and the Agricultural 
College is affiliated with it. 

There were at that time two outstanding agricultural 
colleges in the United States, that of Massachusetts and that 
of Michigan. These were visited, and, based upon the work 
done at these institutions, a comprehensive and suggestive 
report was compiled. Immediate action was taken upon the 
recommendations of this report, and a tract of land, six 
hundred acres in extent, was purchased at Mimico, seven miles 
west of Toronto. Before work could be commenced, however, 
the life of the legislature closed and a new government came 
into office in 1871 with Archibald M c Kellar as commissioner 
of Agriculture and Arts. New governments feel called upon 
to promote new measures. There were rumours and sug 
gestions that the soil of the Mimico farm was productive 
of thistles and better adapted to brick-making than to the 
raising of crops. Also the location was so close to Toronto 
that it was feared that the attractions of the city would tend 
to make the students discontented with country life. For 
various reasons a change of location was deemed desirable, 
and a committee of farmer members of the legislature was 

VOL. xvin 2 P 


appointed. Professor Miles, of the Michigan Agricultural 
College, was engaged to give expert advice ; other locations 
were examined, and finally More ton Lodge Farm, near 
Guelph, was purchased. After some preliminary difficulties, 
involving the assistance of a sheriff or bailiff, possession was 
obtained, and the first class for instruction in agricultural 
science and practice, consisting of thirty-one pupils in all, was 
opened on June I, 1874, with William Johnston as rector 
or principal. Thus was established the Ontario School of 
Agriculture, now known as the Ontario Agricultural College. 
Its annual enrolment has grown to over fifteen hundred, and 
it is now recognized as the best-equipped and most successful 
institution of its kind in the British Empire. Its development 
along practical lines and its recognition as a potent factor in 
provincial growth were largely due to Dr James Mills, who was 
appointed president of the college in 1879, and filled that 
position until January 1904, when he was appointed to the 
Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners. Under his 
direction farmers institutes were established in Ontario in 
1884. Dr Mills was succeeded by Dr G. C. Creelman as 

The next important step in agricultural advancement was 
the appointment in 1880 of the Ontario Agricultural Com 
mission to inquire into the agricultural resources of the 
Province of Ontario, the progress and condition of agriculture 
therein and matters connected therewith. The commission 
consisted of S. C. Wood, then commissioner of Agriculture 
(chairman), Alfred H. Dymond (secretary), and sixteen 
other persons representative of the various agricultural 
interests, including the president and ex-president of the 
Agricultural and Arts Association, Professor William Brown 
of the Agricultural College, the master of the Dominion 
Grange, the president of the Entomological Society, and two 
members of the legislature, Thomas Ballantyne and John 
Dryden. In 1913 there were but two survivors of this im 
portant commission, J. B. Aylesworth of Newburg, Ont., 
and Dr William Saunders, who, after over twenty years 
service as director of the Dominion Experimental Farms, had 
resigned office in 1911. 


All parts of the province were visited and information 
was gathered from the leading farmers along the lines laid 
down in the royal commission. In 1881 the report was issued 
in five volumes. It was without doubt the most valuable 
commission report ever issued in Ontario, if not in all Canada. 
Part of it was reissued a second and a third time, and for 
years it formed the Ontario farmer s library. Even to this 
day it is a valuable work of reference, containing as it does 
a vast amount of practical information and forming an in 
valuable source of agricultural history. 

The first outcome of this report was the establishment, in 
1882, by the government of the Ontario bureau of Industries, 
an organization for the collection and publication of statistics 
in connection with agriculture and allied industries. Archibald 
Blue, who now occupies the position of chief officer of the 
census and statistics branch of the Dominion service, was 
appointed the first secretary of the bureau. 

Agriculture continued to expand, and associations for the 
protection and encouragement of special lines increased in 
number and in importance. Thus there were no fewer than 
three vigorous associations interested in dairying : the Dairy 
men s Association of Eastern Ontario, and the Dairymen s 
Association of Western Ontario, which were particularly 
interested in the cheese industry, and the Ontario Creameries 
Association, which was interested in butter manufacture. 
There were poultry associations, a beekeepers association, 
and several live stock associations. From time to time the 
suggestion was made that the work of these associations, 
and that of the Agriculture and Arts Association and of the 
bureau of Industries, should be co-ordinated, and a strong 
department of Agriculture organized under a minister of 
Agriculture holding a distinct portfolio in the Ontario 
cabinet. Provision for this was made by the legislature in 
1888, and in that year Charles Drury was appointed the first 
minister of Agriculture. The bureau of Industries was 
taken as the nucleus of the department, and Archibald Blue, 
the secretary, was appointed deputy minister. 

We have referred to the reaction that took place in Ontario 
agriculture after the close of the American Civil War and the 


abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. The high prices of the 
Crimean War period had long since disappeared, the market 
to the south had been narrowed, and the Western States 
were pouring into the East the cheap grain products of a 
rich virgin soil. Agricultural depression hung over the 
province for years. Gradually, however, through the early 
eighties the farmers began to recover their former prosperous 
condition, sending increasing shipments of barley, sheep, 
horses, eggs, and other commodities to the cities of the 
Eastern States, so that at the close of the period to which 
we are referring agricultural conditions were of a favourable 
and prosperous nature. 


In 1888 a new period in Ontario s agricultural history 
begins. The working forces of agriculture were being linked 
together in the new department of Agriculture. Charles 
Drury, the first minister of Agriculture, held office until 
1890, being succeeded by John Dryden, who continued in 
charge of the department until 1905, when a conservative 
government took the place of the liberal government that 
had been in power since 1871. 

Two factors immediately began to play a most important 
part in the agricultural situation : the opening up of the 
north-western lands by the completion of the Canadian 
Pacific Railway in 1886, and the enactment, on October 6, 
1890, of the M c Kinley high tariff by the United States. The 
former attracted Ontario s surplus population, and made it 
no longer profitable or desirable to grow wheat in the pro 
vince for export ; the latter closed the doors to the export 
of barley, live stock, butter, and eggs. The situation was 
desperate ; agriculture was passing through a period of most 
trying experience. Any other industry than that of agricul 
ture would have been bankrupted. The only hope of the 
Ontario farmer now was in the British market. The sales 
of one Ontario product, factory cheese, had been steadily 
increasing in the great consuming districts of England and 
Scotland, and there was reason to believe that other products 


might be sold to equal advantage. Dairying was the one 
line of agricultural work that helped to tide over the situation 
in the early nineties. The methods that had succeeded in 
building up the cheese industry must be applied to other 
lines, and all the organized forces must be co-ordinated in 
carrying this out. This was work for a department of Agri 
culture, and the minister of Agriculture, John Dryden, who 
guided and directed this co-operation of forces and made 
plans for the future growth and expansion of agricultural 
work, was an imperialist indeed who, in days of depression 
and difficulty, directed forces and devised plans that not only 
helped the agricultural classes to recover their prosperity, 
but also made for the strengthening of imperial ties and the 
working out of national greatness. 

The British market presented new conditions, new 
demands. The North-West could send her raw products in 
the shape of wheat ; Ontario must send finished products 
beef, bacon, cheese, butter, fruit, eggs, and poultry these 
and similar products could be marketed in large quantities 
if only they could be supplied of right quality. Transporta 
tion of the right kind was a prime necessity. Lumber, wheat, 
and other rough products could be handled without diffi 
culty, but perishable goods demanded special accommoda 
tion. This was a matter belonging to the government of 
Canada, and to it the Dominion department of Agriculture 
at once began to give attention. The production of the 
goods for shipment was a matter for provincial direction. 
Gradually the farmers of the province adapted themselves 
to the new conditions and after a time recovered their lost 
ground. General prosperity came in sight again about 1895. 
For several years after this the output of beef, bacon, and 
cheese increased steadily, and the gains made in the British 
market more than offset the loss of the United States market. 
It was during the five years after 1890 that the farmers 
suffered so severely while adjusting their work to the new 
conditions. With these expanding lines of British trade 
products, the values of stock, implements, and buildings made 
steady advance, and in 1901 the total value of all farm pro 
perty in the province crossed the billion dollar mark. Since 


that year the annual increase in total farm values has been 
approximately forty million dollars. The following state 
ment of total farm values in Ontario, as compiled by the 
Ontario bureau of Industries, the statistical branch of the 
department of Agriculture, is very suggestive : 

Total Farm Values 

1885 . . 8958,159,740 1895 $931,989,574 

1886 . - 989,497,911 1896 . 910,291,623 

1887 . . 975,292,214 1897 . 905, 93,6i3 

1888 . . 981,368,094 1898 . 923,022,420 

1889 . . 982,210,664 1899 . 947,5 I 3,36o 

1890 . . 970,9 2 7,035 !900 974,8i4,93i 

1891 . . 971,886,068 1901 . . 1,001,323,296 

1892 . . 979,977,244 1902 . . 1,044,894,332 

1893 . . 970,361,070 1906 . . 1,189,119,120 

1894 . 954,395.507 1909 1,241,019,109 

From the above table it will be seen that the closing of the 
United States markets in 1890 was followed by a deprecia 
tion in general farm values which lasted until 1898, when the 
upward movement that has continued ever since set in. 

And now let us see how the population was changing, as 
to its distribution between rural and urban, during these 
years. First, we shall give the assessed population. 

Rural Urban 

1884 . 1,117,880 . . 636,187 

1885 . - - 1,126,554 . . 658,406 
1890 . 1,117,533 800,041 
1895 . 1,109,013 . . 848,377 
1900 . . 1,094,246 . 919,614 
1905 . . 1,059,379 1-042,881 
1909 . . 1,049,240 . 1,240,198 

The Canadian Pacific Railway opened up the wheat lands 
of the West in 1886. At that time the rural population was 
nearly double the urban ; in 1905 they were about equal ; 
and six years later the urban population of Ontario exceeded 
the rural. 


The Dominion census figures are as follows : 

Rural Urban 

I9H 1,194,785 . . . 1,328,489 

1901 - . . 1,246,969 . . . 935,978 

Increase . . 392,511 

Decrease . 52,184 . . . 

It will thus be seen that during the past twenty-five 
years there has been a steady increase in the consumers of 
food products in Ontario and a slight decrease in the pro 
ducers of the same. The surplus population of the farms 
has gone to the towns and cities of Ontario and to the western 
provinces. Now for a moment let us follow these people to 
the West. Many of them have gone on the land to produce 
wheat. Wheat for the European market has been their 
principal product, therefore they in turn have become con 
sumers of large quantities of food that they do not them 
selves produce but must obtain from farmers elsewhere. 
But not all who have gone West have become farmers. The 
Dominion census of 1911 gives the following statement of 
population for the provinces and districts west of Lake 
Superior : 

Rural Urban 

19 1,059,681 . . . 681,216 

1901 . . 446,050 . . . 199,467 

Increase . 613,631 . . . 481,749 

The western provinces are generally considered to be almost 
purely agricultural, and yet the percentage increase of urban 
population has been nearly double the percentage increase 
of rural population. And this rapidly growing urban popula 
tion also has demanded food products. Their own farmers 
grow wheat and oats and barley. British Columbia produces 
fruit for her own people and some surplus for the prairie pro 
vinces. There is some stock-raising, but the rapid extension 
of wheat areas has interfered with the great stock ranches. 
From out of the Great West, therefore, there has come an 
increasing demand for many food products. Add to this the 
growing home market in Ontario, and, keeping in mind that 


the West can grow wheat more cheaply than Ontario, it will 
be understood why of recent years the Ontario farmer has 
been compelled to give up the production of wheat for export. 
His line of successful and profitable work has been in produc 
ing to supply the demands of his own growing home market, 
and the demands of the rapidly increasing people of the West, 
both rural and urban, and also to share in the insatiable 
market of Great Britain. Another element of more recent 
origin has been the small but very profitable market of 
Northern Ontario, where lumbering, mining, and railroad 
construction have been so active in the past five or six years. 
The result of all this has been a great increase in fruit pro 
duction. Old orchards have been revived and new orchards 
have been set out. The extension of the canning industry also 
is most noticeable, and has occasioned the production of fruits 
and vegetables in enormous quantities. Special crops such 
as tobacco, beans, and sugar beets are being grown in counties 
where soil and climatic conditions are favourable. The pro 
duction of poultry and eggs is also receiving more attention 
each succeeding year. The growth of cities is creating an 
increasing demand for milk, and the production of factory- 
made butter and cheese is also increasing, as the following 
figures for Ontario from the Dominion census prove : 

Butter Cheese 

1900 . . 7.559,54 2 lb - 131,967,612 lb. 

1910 . . . I3>699i53 157,631,883 
For the past ten or twelve years the farmers of Ontario 
have been slowly adjusting their work to the new situation, 
and the transition is continuing. While in some sections 
farms are being enlarged so as to permit the more extensive 
use of labour-saving machinery and the more economical 
handling of live stock, in other sections, particularly in 
counties adjacent to the Great Lakes, large farms are being 
cut up into smaller holdings and intensive production of fruits 
and vegetables is now the practice. This, of course, results 
in a steady increase in land values and is followed by an 
increase in rural population. The farmers of Ontario are 
putting forth every effort to meet the demands for food 
products. The one great difficulty that they have encoun- 


tered has been the scarcity of farm labour. Men have come 
from Europe by the tens of thousands, but they have been 
drawn largely to the growing towns and cities by the high 
wages offered in industrial lines ; and the West, the Golden 
West as it is sometimes called, has proved an even stronger 
attraction. It seems rarely to occur to the new arrival that 
the average farm in Ontario could produce more than a 
quarter section of prairie land. Signs, however, point to an 
increase in rural population, through the spread of intensive 

Before referring to the methods of instruction and assist 
ance provided for the developing of this new agriculture 
in Ontario, reference should be made to one thing that is 
generally overlooked by those who periodically discover this 
rapid urban increase, and who moralize most gloomily upon 
a movement that is to be found in nearly every progressive 
country of the civilized world. In the days of early settle 
ment the farmer and his family supplied nearly all their 
own wants. The farmer produced all his own food ; he 
killed his own stock, salted his pork, and smoked his hams. 
His wife was expert in spinning and weaving, and plaited 
the straw hats for the family. The journeyman shoemaker 
dropped in and fitted out the family with boots. The great 
city industries were then unknown. The farmer s wife in 
those days was perhaps the most expert master of trades 
ever known. She could spin and weave, make a carpet or 
a rug, dye yarns and clothes, and make a straw hat or a birch 
broom. Butter, cheese, and maple sugar were products of 
her skill, as well as bread, soap, canned fruits, and home 
made wine. In those days the farm was a miniature factory 
or combination of factories. Many, in fact most, of these 
industries have gradually moved out of the farm home and 
have been concentrated in great factories ; and the pedlar 
with his pack has disappeared under a shower of catalogues 
from the departmental city store. In other words, a large 
portion of work once done upon the farm and at the country 
cross-roads has been transferred to the town and city, and 
this, in some part, explains the modern movement citywards 
there has been a transference from country to city not 

VOL. xvm 2 Q 


only of people but also of industries. Whether this has been 
in the interests of the people is another question, but the 
process is still going on, and what further changes may take 
place it is difficult to determine and unwise to forecast. 

And now let us see what agencies and organizations have 
been used in the development of the special lines of agricul 
ture since the creation of the department in 1888. We have 
stated that the Agriculture and Arts Association had been 
for many years the directing force in provincial agricultural 
organization. It held an annual provincial exhibition ; it 
issued the diplomas to the graduates of the Ontario Veter 
inary College ; and it controlled the various live stock 
associations that were interested in the registration of stock. 
Shortly after 1888 legislation was enacted transferring the 
work to the department of Agriculture. The place for hold 
ing the provincial exhibition was changed from year to year. 
In 1879 a charter was obtained by special act for the Toronto 
Industrial Exhibition, the basis of which was the Toronto 
Electoral Agricultural Society. Out of this came the annual 
Toronto Exhibition, now known as the Canadian National Ex 
hibition, and the governmental exhibition was discontinued. 

The Ontario Veterinary College was a privately owned 
institution, though the diplomas were issued by the Agricul 
ture and Arts Association. The royal commission appointed 
in 1905 to investigate the University of Toronto recom 
mended the taking over of this association by the govern 
ment, and as a result it passed under the control of the 
department of Agriculture in 1908, and was affiliated with 
the University of Toronto. Since that time the diploma of 
Veterinary Surgeon (V.S.) has been issued by the minister 
of Agriculture, and a supplementary degree of Bachelor of 
Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.) has been granted by the uni 
versity. The taking over of this institution by the govern 
ment, the resuming by the province of its original prerogative, 
was accompanied by an enlargement of the course, an extension 
from two years to three years in the period of instruction, and 
a strengthening of the faculty. The herd-books or pedigree 
record books were, in most cases, Canadian, and it was felt 
that they should be located at the capital of the Dominion. 


These have therefore been transferred to Ottawa and are 
now conducted under Dominion regulations. 

The Ontario bureau of Industries was the basis of organiza 
tion of the department. As other work was added the 
department grew in size and importance, and the various 
branches were instituted until there developed a well-organized 
department having the following subdivisions : 

The Agricultural College, 

The Veterinary College, 

The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch, 

The Live Stock Branch, 

The Farmers and Women s Institutes Branch, 

The Dairy Branch, 

The Fruit Branch, 

The Statistical Branch, 

The Immigration and Colonization Branch. 

Each branch is in charge of a special officer. In addition to 
the above there is a lot of miscellaneous work, which as it 
develops will probably be organized into separate branches, 
such as farm forestry, district representatives, etc. 

John Dryden was in 1905 succeeded as minister of 
Agriculture by Nelson Monteith, who in 1908 was succeeded 
by J. S. Duff. Under their care the department has grown 
and expanded, and through their recommendations, year by 
year, increasing amounts of money have been obtained for the 
extension of agricultural instruction and the more thorough 
working out of plans inaugurated in the earlier years of depart 
mental organization. 

The history of agricultural work in Ontario in recent years 
may be put under two heads expansion of the various 
organizations and extension of their operations, and the 
development of what may be called field work. Farmers 
institutes and women s institutes have multiplied ; agri 
cultural societies now cover the entire province ; local horse 
associations, poultry associations, and beekeepers associa 
tions have been encouraged ; winter fairs for live stock have 
been established at Guelph and Ottawa ; dairy instructors 
have been increased in number and efficiency ; short courses 
in live stock, seed improvement, fruit work, and dairying have 


been held ; and farm drainage has received practical en 
couragement. Perhaps the most important advance of late 
years has resulted through the appointment of what are known 
as district representatives. In co-operation with the depart 
ment of Education, graduates of the Agricultural College have 
been permanently located in the various counties to study the 
agricultural conditions and to initiate and direct any move 
ment that would assist in developing the agricultural work. 
These graduates organize short courses at various centres, 
conduct classes in high schools, assist the farmers in procuring 
the best seed, advise as to new lines of work, assist in drainage, 
supervise the care of orchards in short, they carry the work 
of the Agricultural College and of the various branches of 
the department right to the farmer, and give that impetus to 
better farming which can come only from personal contact. 
The growth of the district representative system has been 
remarkable : it was begun in seven counties in 1907, by 1910 
fifteen counties had representatives, and in 1914 no fewer than 
thirty-eight counties were so equipped. At first the farmers 
distrusted and even somewhat opposed the movement, but 
the district representative soon proved himself so helpful that 
the government has found it difficult to comply with the 
numerous requests for these apostles of scientific farming. 
Approximately $125,000 is spent each year on the work by 
the provincial government, in addition to the $500 granted 
annually by the county to each district office. The result of 
all this is that new and more profitable lines of farming are 
being undertaken, specializing in production is being encour 
aged, and Ontario agriculture is advancing rapidly along the 
lines to which the soils, the climate, and the people are 
adapted. A study of the history of Ontario agriculture 
shows many changes in the past hundred years, but at no 
time has there been so important and so interesting a de 
velopment as that which took place in the opening decade 
of the twentieth century.