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lletin of th d Museum of Natural History 




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The Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History 

May/June 1993 


They were just 
another Museum 
tour group — but 
became the Friends 
of Ruatepupuke. 


Members’ Night 
once again takes 
you backstage at 
the Museum to 
see how it’s done. 


A medical- 
lowa has discovered some surprising new 


Program highlights 
for May and June, 
plus your chance to 
“own a bone” of the 


“Masters of the 
Arctic” features 
works by indigenous 
artists of the U.S., 
Canada, and Russia. 


Dynasty mummy in the Field Musum col- 
lection. And it wasn’t her impacted molars. 

imaging team at the University of 

n about Lady Udja, a 26th 

Story, Page 3 


GY ak sil, 
+. = 


O. July 3 the Museum’s newest per- 
manent exhibit debuts with the formal 
unveiling of a full-scale Brachiosaurus 
in Stanley Field Hall. Bones of the enor- 
mous beast were discovered by Field 
Museum scientists in 1900, and remain 

the “holotype” used for identifying it. 
(Continued on page 11) 


By Mark Westneat 
Assistant Curator, Zoology 

iving creatures have an astonishing 

diversity of body plans that work 

in different ways. How can a fish 

swim so fast just by wiggling its 

body? How do birds fly and pro- 
duce beautiful songs? And why don’t the legs 
of elephants and the branches of trees break 
more often under the tremendous weight they 
carry? These are general questions about func- 
tion in living things that might come to mind as 
you walk through the woods or visit the zoo. 
Yet simple questions like these are the heart of 
an approach to biology called biomechanics — 
the study of the ways that living things are 
designed to function in response to the physical 
forces of their environments. 

Animals and plants have no choice but to 
deal with the laws of physics. Those laws spec- 
ify that an unsupported object falls down, blood 
is thicker than water which is thicker than air, 
bones resist bending, and muscles contract. 
Although the principles of gravity, viscosity, 
elasticity, and contractility are not things that 
we think about on a daily basis, our bodies and 
those of every other living thing are wonderful- 
ly designed to handle a myriad of physical 
forces encountered in diverse environments. 
Evolution is a brilliant mechanical engineer in 
the sense that each species is uniquely engi- 
neered to deal with its physical and ecological 
requirements. Biomechanics research can 
reveal the many inventions that nature has pro- 
duced for dealing with physical phenomena, 
and these findings are being used in biology, 
engineering, and medicine. 

At the Field Museum, my research is 
revealing some of the engineering designs that 
are used by animals to capture their food, move 
their limbs, produce sounds for communication, 
and swim against a current. To do this, my co- 

workers and I are learning how animals 
are built, how they move, and what 
the bones and muscles are doing 
when important behaviors are 
being performed. We now 
have a facility equipped 
with the latest in tech- 
nology for the study 
of biomechanics. 
This laboratory 
includes video equip- 
ment for recording animal 
movements, computer-aided analy- 
sis of video images, and a system 
for recording the activity of muscles 
when they contract. We can analyze the ~ 
movements of animals like a swimming 
tuna or a singing bird, or record the behavior of 
tiny shrimps or tadpoles swimming in a dish 
under the microscope. Although the equipment 
might be described as “high-tech,” it is used to 
answer some very basic questions about the 
mechanics of animal movement. 

Two recent studies involved the biome- 
chanics of fish feeding and bird singing. We 
studied a very unusual fish called the “sling- 
jaw,” which was first observed slinging its jaw 
on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia (see 
photo). To understand how it performs this 
extraordinary feeding behavior, we studied the 
connections of bones and muscles in the head, 
used a high-speed camera to film the fish feed- 
ing, and measured the movements of individual 
bones and the electrical activity in the muscles 
that were driving the behavior. By combining 
these methods, we discovered that although this 
fish has drastically reorganized the bones and 
tendons in its head, it uses the same muscles 
and sequence of muscle contractions that most 
other fish use for feeding. Essentially, evolu- 
tion has changed the hardware in the head of 


U.S, Fish & Wildlife Servic 

(Continued on page 9) 


A day-long public sym- 
posium on how conser- 
vationists and museum 
scientists can work 
together more effective- 
ly will be held May 8. 
See story, page 10. 


By Bruce D. Patterson 
Curator of Mammals 

nterior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 
recently announced a plan to create a 
national survey to map the nation’s 
ecosystems and biological diversity. 
If implemented, this survey will give 
us the ability to take proactive, rather 
than reactive, measures to conserve our natu- 
ral inheritance. The plan embodies a new 
environmental strategy that is strongly sup- 
ported by the scientific community. 

Many feel that existing laws, particularly 
the Endangered Species Act, already afford 
all the protection needed to sustain rare and 
endangered populations of plants and ani- 
mals. Yet that legislation’s focus on endan- 
gered species, rather than the ecosystems they 
inhabit and the interrelationships that sustain 
them, limits its usefulness. Furthermore, pro- 
tracted, costly, and bitter battles between 
environmentalists and 
developers often result 
from enforcement of the 
law, as is currently the 
case with northern spotted 


Another case, less 
familiar because its eco- 
nomic ramifications pale 
beside those of the strug- 
gle over the Pacific North- 
west, clearly illustrates the 
=| limitations of species- 
4 based conservation efforts. 

(Continued on page 10) 

§ The Mt. Graham red squirrel 



By Willard L. Boyd 
President, Field Museum of Natural History 

s | have reported here previously, 

our staff and trustees have been 

engaged for many months in 

strategic planning to launch the 

Museum into its second century. 
The plan’s major focus has been on our institu- 
tional subject matter and how we approach it 
through collections, research, and public learn- 
ing. Just as the biological and cultural commu- 
nities we study change over time, so must our 
approach to them change. 

Like the great universities that grew up in 
the same period, the hallmark of the Museum’s 
first hundred years was a division of our activi- 
ties among specialized disciplines. But as we 
enter our second century we are seeking broad- 


Coordinating Council 


Coordinating Council | 



Coordinating Council 





May/June 1993 



The Friends of Field Museum Library hosted a 
reception and program April 6 with Charles 
Jarvis of the Natural History Museum (London). 
Jarvis provided the Friends with a scholarly 
look at early botanical explorations of America 
by John Clayton (1683-1773). The group also 
heard from Thomas G. Lammers, assistant cura- 
tor of vascular plants. Above, with volumes 
from the Mary W. Runnells Rare Book Room, 
are Museum Vice President Peter Crane; Dr. 
Jarvis; Worthington Smith, chair of the Friends 
of Field Museum Library; and Special Collec- 
tions Librarian Ben Williams. 



er explanations of the extent and character of 
biological and cultural diversity, similarities, 
and interdependency. We are looking at nature 
as a whole because all living things interact 
with all others both directly, and indirectly 
through the effects of their biological activity 
on the physical environment. Similarly, we are 
seeking to understand the principles of cultural 
change and the relationships among cultures in 
the past and present. This is a major intellectual 
watershed in the life of the Field Museum. 

Working from our vast collections of 
objects and specimens, we hope to understand 
better the past, present, and future of biological 
and cultural change. No longer can we be satis- 
fied with just knowing about a particular biota 
or culture in isolation. The world is smaller 
than we believed in 1893 and human actions 
have a more profound effect on that world than 
ever before. So it is 
that in our new cen- 
tury we must cast a 
wider net in order to 
find specific answers. 
There are also new 
means to knowledge, 
and so, for example, 
we now utilize com- 
puters extensively, 
and collect frozen tis- 
sue for biochemical 
analysis such as 
DNA sequencing. 
These and other new 
techniques help us 
understand the evolu- 
tion and interrela- 
tionships of life on 

May/June 1993 
Vol. 64, No.3 

Ron Dorfman 

Art Director: 
Shi Yung 

Editorial Assistant: 
Jessica Clark 

In the Field (ISSN #1051-4546) is published bimonthly by Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake 
Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60605-2496. Copyright © 1993 Field Museum of Natural History. Subscriptions $6.00 annu- 
ally, $3.00 for schools. Museum membership includes /n the Field subscription. Opinions expressed by authors are 
their own and do not necessarily reflect policy of Field Museum. Museum phone (312) 922-9410. Notification of 
address change should include address label and should be sent to Membership Department. Y 

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to In the Field, Field Museum of Natural History. Second class postage paid 

at Chicago, Illinois. 


In the Field 

Just as systematic biology has changed, so 
also have anthropology and archaeology. Cul- 
tural anthropologists are trying to understand 
why people of earlier cultures thought and 
acted the way they did, and are also concerned 
with the contemporary descendants of those 
cultures. Archaeologists seek to determine cul- 
tural principles that have relevance for contem- 
porary and future societies, such as the 
relationship between people and their environ- 
ment, the nature of ingtergroup hostility, and 
the persistence of cultural patterns through the 

In order to continue its leadership role in 
the next century, the Museum will look more 
holistically at the problems of nature and cul- 
ture. Because of interconnectedness within 
nature and across cultures, we will operate hor- 
izontally across traditional departmental 
boundaries while maintaining strengths in our 
areas of specialty. Instead of limiting our cul- 
tural understanding to particular cultures we 
will look across cultures. In pursuing evolu- 
tionary biology we will adopt a comparative 
approach, recognizing that each species exists 
in a larger evolutionary and ecological context. 

To foster this interdisciplinary approach, 
we have organized two centers — the Center 
for Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, 
and the Center for Cultural Understanding and 
Change. These centers will be the vehicle for a 
Museum-wide approach to basic environmental 
and cultural issues that confront both our local 
and worldwide communities now and in the 
years to come. The Field Museum can play a 
major role in enhancing public understanding 
about the living Earth and how we can live in 
balance with the Earth and with each other. 

Chart illustrates how the themes of environmental and evolutionary biolo- 
gy and of cultural understanding and change will inform all Museum work, 

A Collections Com- 
mittee luncheon on 
February 18 honored 
Dr. and Mrs. Hyman 
I. Kaplan for their 
gift of Chinese and 
Vietnamese lacquer- 
ware to the Anthro- 
pology Collection. 
The collection, 
which includes 
several finely carved 
cinnabar lacquer- 
ware pieces from the 
17th through the 
19th centuries, is on 
display in the North 



ELIzABETH PINE, a Field Museum intern, won 
the first-place $40,000 college scholarship in 
the annual Westinghouse Science Talent 
Search. A student at the Illinois Mathematics 
and Science Academy in Aurora, Pine worked 
last summer with Field Museum’s GrecG 
MUELLER, associate curator in botany, and plans 
to accompany Mueller to Costa Rica this sum- 
mer on a collecting trip. 

For her winning project, Pine assisted 
Mueller by testing DNA sequences to resolve a 
current controversy about two major groups of 
fungi — mushrooms and false truffles. Because 
these two fungi are quite different in appear- 
ance, scientists have typically classified them in 
different orders. However, Pine’s research 
revealed that some groups of the false truffles 
share microscopic similarities with mushrooms, 
and are therefore quite closely related. 

“What’s really impressed me about Eliza- 
beth is that she’ll be asking questions about C 
and D while I’m still explaining A and B — 
she’s so quick. In comparison to other students 
I’ve worked with, she has, by far, the best 
potential for making a major impact in biology 
as a research scientist,” said Mueller. 

Pine was chosen from among 1,662 seniors 
who entered Westinghouse’s 52nd annual Tal- 
ent Search, co-sponsored by Science Service, a 
Washington-based non-profit corporation that 
furthers the public understanding of science. 
The Talent Search is the nation’s oldest high- 
school science competition and offers the 
largest unrestricted scholarships. 

Pine has accumulated a series of awards 
and honors in science and research as well as in 
mathematics, literature, and French. Last year, 
she was awarded the Chicagoland Outstanding 
Young Scientist Award, sponsored by the 
Nobel Foundation and the Museum of Science 
and Industry. She and her school each received 
$600 and a plaque, and in December she trav- 
eled to Stockholm to attend the Nobel Prize 
ceremonies. She has already received early 
acceptance to Harvard, and plans to go on to 
get a Ph.D. in biology and to work as a research 
scientist in a museum or university. 


HAROLD Voris, curator of amphibians and rep- 
tiles, received a supplement of $21,058 to his 
National Science Foundation collections sup- 
port grant to fund an educational project for 
high school students. This supplement will sup- 
port a high school teacher, Joun Murpuy, and 
three students for the summer months. Murphy 
and the students will work on collection pro- 
jects in herpetology. Voris received a similar 
supplement last year and the program was a 
great success. 


Av Newton and Marcaret THAYER of the 
Department of Zoology returned recently from 
a two-month field trip to Australia, They 
brought back thousands of specimens of rove 
beetles (Staphylinidae) and related groups, as 
well as numerous other insects and arthropods. 
This collecting is part of their continuing work 
on the Australian beetles, focused on putting 
the Australian Staphylinidae into a modern 
phylogenetic context; currently, the beetles are 
known primarily through outdated texts that are 
scattered throughout the literature. The two also 
discovered adults and larvae of a previously 
unknown genus of “minute moss beetles” 
(Hydraenidae) while collecting at two Tasma- 
nian coastal sites. 

CESAR PAREDES Canto, President (Rector) of the 

Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca in Peru 
visited the Field Museum March 13 to meet 

Dr. César Paredes Canto 

with MicHaeL DILLon of the Department of 
Botany. Dr. Paredes is currently president of 
the National Assemby of Rectors for northern 
Peru and southern Ecuador, an organization 
representing some 52 universities and nearly 
450,000 alumni. His visit was part of a month- 
long trip to the United States supported by the 
International Visitors Program of the U.S. 
Information Agency and includes stops in the 
following US cities: Miami, Washington D.C., 
New York, Boston, Chicago, Madison, Los 
Angeles, Austin, and New Orleans. Dillon and 
Paredes discussed the potential for new cooper- 
ative educational efforts between Field Muse- 
um and institutions of higher learning in 
northern Peru and southern Ecuador. 

Und Anrual 
Members’ Night 

May 7,1993 "5 p.m. - lO pm 

Visit with the Museum's curators, exhibit 
developers and preparators, researchers, 
and educators and learn how their work 
becomes a Museum exhibit or scientific 
discovery. Find out what goes on behind 
the scenes in laboratories, collections 
areas, and design shops that the public 
rarely sees. 

Present your Members’ Night invitation or 
membership card at any entrance. Mem- 
bers may bring their families and two 
guests. McDonald's and Picnic in the Field 
will be open until 9:30 p.m. and cocktails 
and soft drinks will be available for pur- 
chase at a cash bar. 

Parking is free in the Museum lots and in 
the Soldier Field lot. Free Willet bus ser- 
vice will be available at 20-minute inter- 
vals from the Canal Street entrances of 
Union and Northwestern stations, and at 
State and Washington, Michigan and 
Washington, Michigan and Adams, and 
Balbo and Michigan. 


By Jessica Clark 

ady Udja, a 26th Dynasty mummy 

(663-525 B.C.), is on loan from the 

Field Museum to the University of 

Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Medical 
Museum for display in a new exhibit, “The 
Trail of the Invisible Light: A Century of Medi- 
cal Imaging.” Derek Notman, M.D., an expert 
on the use of radiological techniques in 
mummy research, performed X-rays and CT 
scans and constructed three-dimensional 
images of the mummy, providing previously 
undiscovered information about the ancient 

Most strikingly, Dr. Notman discovered 
that Lady Udja was, in fact, a Lord. The papers 
that accompanied the mummy when Edward 
Ayer, the first director of the Field Museum, 
purchased it in 1894, identified it as female. 
However, during the medical imaging process- 
es, a penis was detected, confirming Udja’s 

The radiological examinations also 
revealed that Udja had impacted molars and 
some arthritis in the big toes, as well as worn- 
down dental enamel caused by gravel left in 
flour or meal during the grain-milling process 
— a trait shared by many ancient Egyptian 
corpses. Udja’s nasal septum was fractured, 
perhaps when his brain was removed through 
his nose during the embalming process. 

Dr. Notman speculates that the mummy 
was of royal descent because of the great quan- 
tity of linen used and the care with which he 
was wrapped. Embedded in the layers of linen 
are a few unidentified tiny circular objects; the 
scans also reveal a linen bundle between the 
legs which may be a scroll. 

The processes used 
to examine Udja included 
conventional X-rays to 
examine his bone struc- 
ture, and CT (or CAT— 
Computed Axial Tomog- 
raphy) scans to create 
more complex images of 
the mummy’s bandaging, 
soft tissues, and internal 
condition. CT involves 
inserting the body into an 
X-ray tube, allowing for 
multiple exposures from 
different angles. The 
images collected by the 
scanner are sent to a 
computer, which process- 
es and assembles the 
information and con- 
structs a cross-sectional 
image of the scanned 
area. Plain film X-ray 
depends on a single exposure to produce a two- 
dimensional image that might exhibit between 
20 and 30 shades of gray; Computed Tomogra- 
phy provides a much more detailed three- 
dimensional image, which can recognize and 
register up to 200 shades of gray. 

The mummy, and the images that reveal its 
imner secrets, have fascinated visitors to the 
Medical Museum. “The Trail of the Invisible 
Light: A Century of Medical Imaging” will be 
on display in the Iowa museum, in Iowa City, 
through January 1994. 


Courtesy University Relations, University of lowa 

John Weinstein / GN86701.14C 

Top right, Maori 
hosts and Field 
Museum tour group 
prepare to sleep in 
the successor meet- 
ing house to 
Ruatepupuke at 
Tokomaru Bay, 
1986. Below right, 
the Maori delegation 
makes its grand 
entrance to Stanley 
Field Hall at the 
Dawn Ceremony 
Ruatepupuke II, 
March 9, 1993. 
Below, Gabriel 
Stowe Terrell com- 
munes with the 
ancestors after the 
opening ceremonies. 




By Ron Dorfman 
Editor, In the Field 

ith the reopening and rededi- 

cation of Ruatepupuke II, the 

19th-century Maori meeting 

house in the Field Museum, 
the Friends of Ruatepupuke have achieved the 
goal they set for themselves seven years ago. 
Starting out as an ordinary Museum tour group 
planning a visit to New Zealand, they have 
become the elders of Ruatepupuke’s American 
family and have laid a foundation for new 
forms of cooperation between museums and 
the peoples whose cultural treasures they hold 
in safekeeping. 

When the members of the tour group were 
first introduced to the unreconstructed 
Ruatepupuke by curator John Terrell in 
November 1985, about five months before their 
trip, they experienced “a sense of sacred 
space,” according to Friends member Barbara 
Ballard. Terrell, who would lead the tour, had 
made the group’s approach to and viewing of 
the house especially dramatic because he had 
an agenda, which was to transform the tour into 
a diplomatic mission. The group met once a 
month after that and, by the time the twenty 
tourists left for New Zealand in March, Ballard 
says, “we felt we were 

Donald Cameron, 
the group’s chair, recalls 
that at their first meeting 
with the Maori community 
at Tokomaru Bay where 
the house once stood, there 
were two Maori factions, 
one that wanted to demand 
the return of Ruatepupuke 
to its native soil, and 
another that wanted to con- 
sider ways of maintaining 
the house as an outpost of 
Maori culture in America. 
The latter group included 
elders who had been invit- 
ed to visit the house during 
the Field Museum’s instal- 
lation of the touring “Te 
Maori” art exhibit early in 
1986. “We were there,” 
Cameron says, “to repre- 

Don't forget to enter 
FielA Museuw’s 
Ceuteunial Raffle! 

Your participation in the Centennial Raffle 
will help to underwrite the cost of the Muse- 
um’s Centennial celebration, a thank-you to 

its members and the public for 100 years of support. The Raffle — 
members should have received brochures and entry forms by mail 
— is a wonderful way to travel, study, and learn about the world 
and its peoples. You can win one of 18 exciting prizes by entering 
the Raffle for as little as $10 or multiple entries for a larger dona- 
tion (15 entries for $100). Don’t forget, all entrries must be received 
by June 25, 1993. For a Raffle brochure and entry form, contact the 
Women’s Board at (312) 322-9970. 

-~May/June 1993 4 

Barbara Ballard 

John Weinstein / GN86695.26C 

sent to the Maori that Ruatepupuke II had a 
good home and would have a good home back 
in Chicago.” 

In the end, the Maori decided to help 
restore the house in Chicago. But upon their 
return the members of the tour group found the 
Museum gearing up for a major overhaul of its 
exhibits — a complex, multi-million-dollar 
program that did not include restoration of 
Ruatepupuke — and simultaneously undergo- 
ing a serious intellectu- 
al dispute among 

bureaucracy, but Dorothy 
Roder [the Museum 
tours director] was a 
brick through all this, the 
center,” she adds. 

“Tt was an almost 
magical fusion of peo- 
ple,” Cameron says. 
“You have to realize that 
we were a totally typical 
traveling group. Normal- 
ly when a group gets 
together on a planned 
tour they become friends 
but go their separate 
ways afterwards. With us 
the situation became rad- 
ically different.” They became a kind of family, 
having been welcomed as a group into the 
extended family of Ruatepupuke (the legendary 
ancestor of the Ngati Porou tribe) at Tokomaru 
Bay. And they had learned from the Maori, 
Cameron says, to hear each other out, respect 
differences of opinion, come to consensus, and 

And persevere they did. By 1991, they had 
the Museum back on board, and funding 
secured by. the Museum from the Ameritech 
Foundation for an unprecedented collaboration 
between American and Maori scholars and arti- 
sans to make a living Maori marae in the heart 
of Chicago. 

Its major work done, the group hopes to 
stay together and will meet.soon to discuss its 
relationship to the functioning house of 
Ruatepupuke. “It’s gratifying,” says Ballard, 
“to see so many people being trained as inter- 
preters — like going back to an old house and 
seeing new people beginning to love it.” 

curators and exhibit 
developers about the 
direction of the Muse- 
um’s public programs. 
So they constituted 
themselves the Friends 
of Ruatepupuke “to 
keep the issue alive 
without bugging peo- 
ple,” Ballard says. “It 
was difficult making 
our way through the 

It’s never too late 
to give for a lifetime 
... or two. 

For more information about how you can benefit from 
joining the Museum’s Pooled Income Fund, please call 
or write for your complimentary copy of 
“How the Pooled Income Fund 
Works for You, and Us. . .” 

Contact Melinda Pruett-Jones 
‘Field Museum of Natural History 
Development Office 
Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive 
Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 
(312) 332-8868 

John Weinstein / GN86226 


n Saturday, June 5, World 

Environment Day, the Field 

Museum presents the inter- 

national art exhibition, 
“Masters of the Arctic — Art in the 
Service of the Earth.” The exhibit 
brings together contemporary stone 
sculptures, tapestries, clothing, bas- [ 
ketry, bone carvings, drawings, and { 
silkscreen prints to honor the indige- 
nous peoples who make their 
homes in the Arctic regions of Canada, 
Greenland, Northwest Alaska, and the 
Russian Republics of Chukotka and 

“Masters of the Arctic” will be on 
display in the Special Exhibit 
Gallery from June 5 through 
August 15, 1993. It features 
150 contemporary masterworks 
contributed by 112 artists work- 
ing in 83 Arctic communities, 
and is being displayed in recognition of the 
United Nations-designated “Year of Indigenous 

The works are arranged by location and 
represent a rich artistic tradition, primarily of 
carved sculptures. Contemporary Inuit sculp- 




e Waka Toi: Contemporary Maori Art 
From New Zealand,” on display in the 
Museum’s Special Exhibition Gallery, 
closes May 9. 

“Te Waka Toi” (The Carrier of Excel- 
lence) has been presented as a complement to 
the opening of “Ruatepupke: A Maori Meeting 
House,” and features the works of 22 contem- 
porary Maori artists recognized as leaders in 
their various artistic fields. Many of these 
works revolve around a relationship to the arts 
associated with the building of marae, or gath- 
ering places; they speak to the need to pass on 
traditional forms, or to discover new ways to 
express the values central to the Maori people. 


tures and prints grow out of 

an artmaking tradition 
that is both ancient and 
modern. In one sense, 
the works reflect thou- 

shared beliefs and cus- 
toms, yet they are the 
product of only four 
decades of development. 
Modern Inuit art in 
Canada can be traced to 1948, 
when the Canadian government 
and the Hudson Bay Company 
instituted artmaking activities to 
help meet the economic needs of the 
Inuit. Inuit works 
today are created on 
the cusp of cultural 
change, by artists old 
enough to have 
retained a strong link to 
their past as hunters but who live in 
a world of snowmobiles, satellite 
dishes, and video games. Artworks 
like those on display in the museum 
may mark the final authentic expres- 
sion of traditional Inuit themes. 

Certain themes, such as the 
portrayal of animals, are common 
to all settlements. Many carved 
stone sculptures describe a hunt, 
the animal hunted, and the spiri- 
tual identification of an Inuit with 
other living creatures. The moye- 
ments of bear, seal, walrus, musk 
ox, owl, or caribou are presented 
as in a family portrait. Other 
carvings depict Inuit myths, 
transformations of humans to ani- 
mals and vice versa. Affectionate 
and protective bonds between mother and child, 
man and wife are portrayed. 

“Masters of the Arctic” was first shown on 
World Environment Day, June 5, 1989, at the 
United Nations headquarters, where it received 
full support from the Canadian, U.S., and Sovi- 
et missions. While on display in the National 
Historical Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, 

sands of years of 

the exhibit served as a cultur- 
al centerpiece for the 1992 
U.N. Conference on Environ- 
ment and Development. 

The exhibit is accompa- 
nied by a detailed catalogue, 
a video demonstrating a day 
in the life of an artist and her 
family in the Northwest Ter- 
ritories, a panel of pho- 
tographs of artists, a 
computerized program of 
artists’ biographies and their 
art, general photographs 
depicting Arctic scenes, and 
educational text panels including a map intro- 
ducing the circumpolar area. A 
variety of educational programs 
will be offered in conjunction with 
the exhibition; see the “Get Smart” 
page for more details. 

“Masters of the Arctic” is 
sponsored by Amway Environ- 
mental Foundation under the aus- 
pices of the Government of the 
Northwest Territories; the United 
Nations Environment Programme; 
the Greenland Home Rule Govern- 



ment; the Inuit Circumpolar Conference; North- 
west Alaskan Native Association (NANA) 
Regional Corporation; NANA Museum of Arc- 
tic: and the Russian Chukotka Republic. 

At a special Members’ Preview Sweep- 
stakes on June 2, Air Canada and Tourism 
Canada are offering a round-trip vacation for 
two to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. 


hina Between Revolutions: 
Photographs by Sidney D. 
Gamble 1917-1927” will be 
on display in the South Exhibit 
Gallery through June 20. 

The exhibit comprises 81 
black and white prints from an archive of pho- 
tographs by Sidney D. Gamble (1890-1968), 
the first Western sociologist to fully document 
Chinese urban and rural life between the fall 
of the Manchu Dynasty in 1911 and the Com- 
munist revolution of 1949. The exhibition 
materials were drawn from almost 4,000 nega- 
tives, 600 hand-colored slides, and 30 reels of 
film discovered in the early 1980s by Gam- 
ble’s daughter in his Riverdale, N.Y. home. 

A yideo of historical footage, shot by 
Gamble on 16mm film in the 1920s, accompa- 
nies the exhibit and is itself an important visu- 
al record of one of the most turbulent periods 
in Chinese history, an exploration of a culture 
few Westerners ever personally experienced. 

The exhibit was organized by the China 
Institue of America, the Sidney D. Gamble 
Foundation for China Studies, under the direc- 
tion of Gamble’s daughter, Catherine G. Cur- 
ran, with the collaboration of the Smithsonian 
Institution Traveling Exhibition Services 
(SITES). Major funding was provided by the 
Henry Luce Foundation. 

May/June 1993 

5 2 Sunday 

Chicago Day 

The Field Museum joins fifteen other muse- 
ums and cultural institutions to kick off the 
city’s salute to the World’s Columbian 
Exposition of 1893, from which so much 
bounty still flows a century later. Free 
admission, free shuttle bus service to the 
participating institutions, and special pro- 
grams highlight the day. WBBM Newsradio 
78, a sponsor along with AT&T and Kraft 
General Foods, will broadcast live from the 
Chicago Cultural Center. For a free 
brochure, call (312) 230-4884. 

5/3 sini 

Mycology Meeting 

This month’s meeting of the Illinois Myco- 
logical Association will feature “Illinois 
Mushrooms and Other Fungi” by Dr. Andre 
Methven, Eastern Illinois University, 
Charleston. Anyone interested in mush- 
rooms at any level is welcome. Lecture 
Hall 2 at 7:30 p.m.; park in the West Lot. 

5/4 si 

Collections Committee 

Join Chris Del Re, Associate Conservator, 
for a presentation on home conservation of 
ethnographic organic materials. Members 
are encouraged to bring objects from their 
personal collections for the Q&A period. 
Reception at 5:30 p.m.; program begins at 
6:00 p.m. This program is for Collections 
Committee members only. For information 
on how to join the Collections Committee 
call Julie Sass at 322-8874. 

ole fami 

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‘up to two g est: 

5110 san 

Camera Club 

“Close-ups in Nature” by Tom Holms. 
Learn more about this important technique 
in nature photography. Everyone is wel- 
come. 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall 2; park in 
the West Lot. 

May/une 1393 

5/14 & 15 

Friday & Saturday 
Margaret Mead Fest 

For the first time, selections from the 
renowned Margaret Mead Film and Video 
Festival sponsored by the American Muse- 
um of Natural History in New York are 
touring nationally. The festival celebrates 
cultural differences by presenting works 
from around the world with similar themes: 
art and society, children and the future, 
community portraits, sports and culture, 
and women's stories. 5:30-10:30 p.m Fri- 
day. 9 a.m.— 4 p.m Saturday. $9 per partici- 
pant ($8 members) for Friday or Saturday; 
$15 ($13 members) for both days. Call 
(312) 322-8854 for more information. 

Sty eal 

Neighbors Night 

The Community Outreach Program hosts its 
5th annual Neighbors Night celebrating the 
ethnic diversity of the people of Chicago. 
Tour the world with our special Passport 
Program. And hear “Pop” Staples perform 
his Grammy-nominated LP Peace to the 
Neighborhoods. Pam Morris of V-103 FM 
emcees. 5 p.m.—9 p.m. 

5/23 uae 

Members’ Lecture 
‘At the Field’ 

Dr. William Burger will present “Why do 
the Tropics Have So Many Kinds of 
Plants?” 1:30 p.m., Simpson Theatre; $3 for 
members, $5 guests. 

6/5 sary 

Exhibit Opening 

“Masters of the Arctic — Art in the Service 
of the Earth” brings together contemporary 
stone sculptures, tapestries, clothing, bas- 
ketry, bone carvings, drawings, and 
silkscreen prints to honor the indigenous 
peoples who make their homes in the Arctic 
regions of Canada, Greenland, Northwest 
Alaska, and the Russian Republics of 
Chukotka and Sakha. Through August 15 in 
the Special Exhibit Gallery, ground floor. 

6/14 sini 

Camera Club 

Wildflowers are the subject of the bimonth- 
ly slide competition. The mini-program is 
“Helicopter-hiking in the Canadian Rock- 
ies” by Beverly Rodgers. Everyone is wel- 
come. 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall 2; park in 
the West Lot. 

6/18 sca. 

Members’ Lecture 
‘At the Field’ 

Dr. Janet Voight presents “Octopuses and 
Squids: Beastly Predators of the Seas.” 1:30 
p.m., Simpson Theatre; $3 for members, $5 

6/26 ssn 

Canoeing & Collecting 

Join the Education Department's geology 
specialist as you canoe 15 miles on the 
upper stretch of Sugar Creek in Craw- 
fordsville, Indiana. Pass through narrow 
channels, around large rocks, and past his- 
toric landmarks as you learn more about 
this area’s geological history and search for 
fossils. Participants must have previous 
canoeing experience. 

6 a.m.—7 p.m. $60 per participant ($50 
members). Call (312) 322-8854. 


Adult / Toddler Camp 

Be a part of our world clubhouse by getting 
to know animal friends from our own back- 
yards and faraway places. Learn what 
children from other countries do for fun 
and what we can do to make our world a 
better place. Each day concludes with a 
snack and storytelling time! 9:30-10:30 
a.m. or 11 a.m.—noon. $30 ($25 members) 
for 1 adult and 1 child. 

Call (312) 322-8854. 

bbeses ese sees ss ss 055) 

Field Guide 

New field trips, featured programs with the 
exhibit “Masters of the Arctic,” a summer 
camp for adults and toddlers, and a family 
overnight are just a few of the programs 
featured in the June-August 1993 Field 
Guide — Programs for Adults & Children. \f 
you do not receive a copy by mid-May, 

call the Museum’s Education Department 
at (312) 322-8854. Non-members may also 
sign up for these programs. 


Musical Performance 
Thursday, June 3 at 1 p.m. 

Rosemary Immingaik of the Canadian North- 
west Terriories, an Inuit singer, will share this 
unique traditional art form. Gabriel Nirlun- 
gayuk will also display his mastery of the Inuit 
drum dance. Free with museum admission. 

Alaskan Family Program 
Saturday & Sunday, June 5 & 6 
Wednesday & Thursday, June 9 & 10 

Theodore and Phyllis Booth, elders of the 
Alaskan Inupiaq people and their grandchil- 
dren, Eli and Phyllis, will share their rich tradi- 
tions and culture through craft demonstrations, 
story telling, and song and dance. Craft demon- 
strations are from 10 a.m.—12:30 p.m.; dance 
and song performances, 2-3 p.m. Free with 
Museum admission 

Contemporary North: People & Events 
Tuesday & Wednesday, June 8 & 9 
7-9 p.m. 

Join “Masters of the Arctic” exhibit curator 
Christopher Stephens, associate curator Martha 
Whiting and the Booth family, Inupiaq from 
Kotzebue, Alaska for a special evening pro- 
gram on Arctic lifestyles, focusing on Alaska 
and the Canadian Northwest Territories. Learn 
about contemporary lives and issues of north- 
ern peoples. A guided tour of the exhibit fol- 
lows. $12 ($10 Museum members). 

Circumpolar Craft: Inuit Artmaking 
Saturday & Sunday, July 10 & 11 

Join well-known Canadian Baffin Inuit artist 
Germaine Arnaktauyok and “Masters of the 
Arctic” associate curator Helen Webster for 
demonstrations that explore Inuit print and 
graphic making tradition, and a guided tour of 
the exhibition. Free with Museum admission. 

Symposium: The Living Arctic 
Saturday, July 17 from 9 a.m.—4 p.m. 

The significant contributions made by the Inuit 
of the Arctic to environmental conservation 
and sustainable development have been recog- 
nized internationally. Mary Simon, Ph.D., Spe- 
cial Envoy with the Inuit Circumpolar 
Conference (ICC), will present a one-day sym- 
posium with four indigenous circumpolar lead- 
ers and authorities on the future of the Arctic 
and its environment. Exhibit curator Christo- 
pher Stephens will welcome and introduce our 
speakers from Alaska, Russia, Canada, Green- 
land and Finland. Topics discussed include the 
environment, human rights, development 
issues and the wise use of nature. The sympo- 
sium is hosted with the cooperation of the Inuit 
Circumpolar Conference and United Nations 
Environment Programme, and funded by the 
Amway Environmental Foundation, the Goy- 
ernment of Northwest Territories, the Govern- 
ment of Canada, and American Airlines / 
Canadian Airlines International. $20 ($10 for 
students/seniors). For registration information, 
call (312) 322-8854. 


Neck Vertebrae-$400 

Back Vertebrae-$250 

: oe Hand or — 
cage Foot-$10 



Large Tail Vertebrae-$25 

Small Tail Vertebrae-$5 

| ee A 

Phe, F255 re 

By “buying a bone,” YOU can be a part of Field Museum's 
mounting of the awesome Brachiosaurus. 

_ Amaze your friends and family as you point out the bone that your contribution helped put 
_ into place. Choose from a scapula, a femur, a tail vertebrae, or even the skull, which housed a 
brain smaller than a human fist. Donate a bone in someone else’s name — a great gift for dinosaur 
enthusiasts that will last for generations to come! And come to the festive “Hard Hat Party” the 
night of July 2 to watch the beast being built — an exclusive treat for “Own a Bone” participants. 

For more information, call the Field Museum Development Office at (312) 922-9410, ext. 639. 


> ee I'd like to “Buy a Bone” to build the Brachiosaurus: 27“, 


a "Name of Bone pa ee SS  Amonntriclosed 


(As you would Ue us to paper on ape donor pegner, 
_ Address, 


All contributions < are as deductible. Mail to: Development Office, The Field Museum of Natural History 
Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 

City State Zip 




Gay i Ia Tips ops a ape fo 


pce a ee ee 2 ae ee aE See eee 

of the Field Museum of Natural 

History and receive these benefits: 

Free admission 

Free coat checking and strollers 
Invitation to Members’ Night 

Priority invitations to special exhibits 
Free subscription to In the Field 
13-month wall calendar featuring exhibit 

Reduced subscription prices on selected 

Opportunity to receive the Museum’s 
annual report 

10% discount at all Museum stores 
Use of our 250,000-volume 

natural history library 

Discount on classes, field trips, and seminars 
for adults and children 

Members-only tour program 
Opportunity to attend the annual 
children’s Holiday Tea 

Privileges at Chicago’s largest furniture 

Children’s “dinosaur” birthday card 


New Members only. This is not a renewal form. 

Please enroll me as a Member of the 
Field Museum of Natural History 



State —_ Zip 
Home phone 

Business phone 




State___ Zip 

Home phone 

Business phone 



State __Zip 
Home phone 

Business phone 


wy Individual — one year $35 / two years $65 
Family — one year $45 / two years $85 
(Includes two adults, children and grand- 
children 18 and under.) 
Student/Senior — one year $25 
(Individual only. Copy of I.D. required.) 

C) Field Contributor — $100 - $249 

C) Field Adventurer — $250 - $499 

C) Field Naturalist — $500 - $999 

(_) Field Explorer — $1,000 - $1,499 

All benefits of a family membership 

— and more 
a Founders’ Council — $1,500 

Send form to: 
Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Rd. 
at Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605 

7 May/June 1993 


Chicago Historical Society 


JO Rae a 

Saturday, May 1 

11am—4pm Specimen Preparation 
Watch as museum scientists pre- 
pare animal specimens for the 
research collection. 

12 noon - 2:00pm Egyptian Hiero- 
glyphs Have your name written in 
this ancient alphabet. 

1pm World Music presents Poet 
Paul Mabon. Treat yourself to poet- 
ry from this spark of light in the 
inner city. 

2pm World Music with Musa 
Mosely Join Musa as he demon- 
strates the use and history of drum- 
ming originating from various 
African regions. 

Sunday, May 2 Chicago Day | 
Sixteen museums and ether. cultural 
institutions kick off the city’s salute 
to the WSorld’s Columbian Exposi- 
tion of 1893 with free admission, 
bus service, and special programs. 
Sponsored by AT&T, Kraft General 
Foods, and WBBM Newsradio 78. 
10am - 4:30pm Scavenger Hunt! 
Like solving mysteries? Take an 
adventure through the halls and 
finding answers to clues. Prizes for 
those who can! 

10am - 4:30pm Ruatepupuke: A 
Maori Meeting House Visit a tradi- 
tional meeting house of the Maori 
of New Zealand through on-going 
half hour programs. 

10pm - 3pm Dino Wagon Join in 
ona wagon full of dinosaur and 
prehistoric life activities. 

10pm - 3pm Horns and Antlers 
What's the difference between 
horns and antlers? Examine a vari- 
ety of horns and antlers and discov- 
er their form and function. 

11am, 12 noon, and 1pm Messages 
from the Wilderness Tour Travel 
through game parks and wildlife 
areas of distant lands through this 
highlight tour. 

11am—4pm Specimen Preparation 
See how giraffe and zebra skins 
gathered in the 1920's are prepared 
for the research collection. 
12:30pm Museum Safari Trek 
through the four corners of the 
museum on a highlight tour of 
exhibits that will take you across 
the world. 

1pm World Music with Musa 
Mosely Join Musa as he demon- 
strate the use and history of drum- 
ming originating from various 
African regions. 

3pm World Music with Balkanske 
Igre Experience the rich and diverse 
folk traditions of the Balkans and 
Eastern Europe through dance, 
songs and music. 

Fway/ine 1993 

Thursday, May 6 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonstra- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

Saturday, May 8 

1:30pm Tibet Today and a Faith in 
Exile A slide presentation which 
takes you to Lhasa and other places 
now open to tourists in Tibet. 

2pm - 4pm Egyptian Hieroglyphs 
Have your name written in this 
ancient alphabet. 

Sunday, May 9 

11am - 3pm Specimen Preparation 
Watch as museum scientists pre- 
pare animal specimens for the 
reseach collection. 

Thursday, May 13 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonstra- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

Saturday, May 15 Asian Heritage 

10am -4pm Celebrate Asian Her- 
itage Month with Field Museum 
during Asian Heritage Festival, a 
free one day event celebrating 
Asian American commu- 
nities. Traditional cere- 
monies include a Thai 
wedding and Chinese tea 
ceremony, martial arts, 
dance, and music perfor- 
mances, a bonsai display | & 
and demonstration, and 
highlights of Field Muse- | 
um's collections from 

2pm - 4pm Egyptian 
Hieroglyphs Have your 
name written in this ancient alpha- 

Thursday, May 20 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonsira- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

Saturday, May 22 
lam—4pm Weaving Demonstration 
by the North Shore Weaver's Guild. 

Sunday, May 23 

11am - 3pm Specimen Preparation 
Watch as museum scientists pre- 
pare animal specimens for the 
reseach collection. 

14pm Weaving Demonstration by 
the North Shore Weaver's Guild. 

Saturday, May 29 

12 noon - 2pm Egyptian Hiero- 
glyphs Have your name written in 
this ancient alphabet. 

Thursday, June 3 

1pm Drum Dancer & Singer Dis- 
cover the distinctive Inuit traditions 
of singing and drum dancing in this 

Saturday, June 5 

10am-12:30pm Alaskan Family 
Craft Demonstration Three genera- 
tions of this Inuit family demon- 
strate traditional crafts such as 
making fish nets, grass baskets, 
sewing skin, and creating hair pins 
and necklaces. 

2pm Alaskan Family Performance 
masked dance and singing. 

Sunday, June 6 


Alaskan Family Craft Demonstra- 
tion Three generations of this Inuit 
family demonstrate traditional crafts 
such as making fish nets, grass bas- 
kets, sewing skin, and creating hair 
pins and necklaces. 

2pm Alaskan Family Performance 
masked dance and singing. 

Wednesday, June 9 

10am-1 2:30pm 

Alaskan Family Craft Demonstra- 
tion. Three generations of this Inuit 
family demonstrate traditional crafts 
such as making fish nets, grass bas- 
kets, sewing skin, and creating hair 
pins and necklaces. 

2pm Alaskan Family Performance 
masked dance and singing. 

Thursday, June 10 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonstra- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

10am-12:30pm Alaskan Family 
Craft Demonstration. Three gener- 
ations of this Inuit family demon- 
strate traditional crafts such as 
making fish nets, grass baskets, 
sewing skin, and creating hair pins 
and necklaces. 

2pm Alaskan Family Performance 
masked dance and singing. 

Saturday, June 12 

1pm World Music presents 
Tanglaw Dance Troupe in an excit- 
ing display of dance, music and tra- 
ditional clothing representing the 

richness and diversity of Philippine 

Thursday, June 17 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonstra- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

Saturday, June 19 

lam—4pm Weaving Demonstration 
by the North Shore Weaver's Guild. 
1pm World Music with Rita War- 
ford presents a program that high- 
lights the traditions of jazz. 

Monday — Friday, June 21-25 

Free Highlight Tours. Topics and 
times vary daily. 

Thursday, June 24 

10am -1pm Weaving Demonstra- 
tion by the North Shore Weaver's 

Saturday, June 26 : 
1am—4pm Weaving Demonstration 
by the North Shore Weaver's Guild. 

Saturday, June 27 
1am—4pm Weaving Demonstration 
by the North Shore Weaver's Guild. 

Monday-Friday, June 28-July 2 

Free Highlight Tours. Topics and 
times vary daily. 

Daniel F. & Ada L. Rice Wildlife 
Research Station 

Resources for further study of zool- 
ogy, ecology and conservation 
through videotapes, computer pro- 
grams, educator resources, books 
and activity boxes are available. 
Daily 9am-5pm 

Webber Resource Center 
Native Cultures of the Americas 
Books, videotapes, educator 
resources, tribal newspapers and 
activity boxes about native peoples 
of the Americas are available. 
Daily 10am—4:30pm 

Harris Educational Loan Center 
Chicago area educators may bor- 
row activity boxes and small diora- 
mas from Harris Center. For more 
information call: (312) 322-8853. 
Open House Hours: 

Tuesdays 2:30-7pm 

Thursdays 2:30-5pm 

Saturdays 9am—5pm 

Place For Wonder 

A special room of touchable objects 
where you can discover daily life in 
Mexico, in addition to an array of 
fossils, shells, rocks, plants and live 

Weekdays: 12:30-4:30pm 
Weekends: 10am—4:30pm 

Pawnee Earth Lodge 

Walk into a traditional home of the 
Pawnee Indians of the Great Plains 
and learn about their daily life dur- 
ing the mid-19th century. Free pro- 
gram tickets are available from the 
Information Desk in Stanley Field 

Weekdays: 1pm program 
Saturdays: 10am—4:30pm; Free tick- 
eted programs at 11, 12, 2 & 3. 
Sundays: 10am—4:30pm 

Ruatepupuke: A Maori Meeting 

Discover the world of current Maori 
people of New Zealand at the trea- 
sured and sacred Maori Meeting 

Open daily 9am-5pm 

Balkanske Igre Dance Ensemble 
appears on Chicago Day, Sunday, 
May 2, at 3 p.m. 


(Continued from page 1) 

this fish to produce a previously unknown 
design of the jaws — but the system is con- 
trolled using the old version of the software. 
The control of movement by muscles and 
nerves (the software) is a central subject in 
biomechanics, behavioral studies, and in areas 
of medical research as well. 

In a second project, observations of 
singing birds led us to wonder if head and beak 
movements helped to produce sounds during 
song. We know that birds use a unique organ in 
the windpipe called the syrinx to produce 
vibrations, similar to the way our vocal cords 
produce vibrations during speech. But we won- 
dered: Are the vocal tracts of birds like a musi- 
cal instrument, such as a trombone, that 
produces changes in pitch by altering its length 
and volume? To test this idea, we recorded the 
head movements of white-throated sparrows 
and swamp sparrows (see photo below). At the 
same time, we recorded the acoustic content of 
their songs. The video and audio were synchro- 
nized by computer and the results were clear 
— the birds flared the beak to produce high- 
pitched notes, and closed the beak during low 
notes. This supports the idea that the windpipe 
and mouth cavity of birds act as a resonance 
chamber for sound. We can now begin to dig 
deeper into the question of how the lungs, 
syrinx, wind-pipe, and beak are controlled by 
muscles to produce songs. Through study of 
the biomechanics of song production in birds, 
we may learn principles of sound production in 
all animals. 

Biomechanics is not so much a sub-disci- 
pline of biology as it is an attitude, an approach 
to biology that cuts across all biological fields. 
Principles of physics and engineering affect the 
way molecules of DNA are shaped, the way 
cells divide in a freshly fertilized egg, and the 
ability of a fish to swim against a racing moun- 
tain stream. Thus, biomechanical studies have 
important applications in many areas of biolo- 
gy as well as some surprising applied uses in 
the area of human engineering. 

For example, let’s look at a fish swimming 
up a stream to see how much useful informa- 
tion there might be in knowing how it works. 
What a gold mine! We can study the structure 
and function of that individual fish to deter- 
mine how the design of fishes in general allow 
them to generate forward propulsion. How 
much force do muscles exert to bend the back- 
bone? How do tendons transmit motion to the 
skeleton? Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds 
and mammals often 
have the same kind of 
muscle and bone con- A 
nections. Therefore, 
answers to these kinds 
of questions can help us 
to better understand the 
engineering design fea- 
tures of all vertebrate 
animals, including 

Biomechanics is 
far-reaching, and it 
impacts the ecology of 
every habitat. The abili- 
ty of fishes to swim 
against current is an 
integral part of their 
ecology. Swimming 
mechanics will dictate 
many facets of their 
life, from catching food 
to finding mates. 
Biomechanics also 

Frequency (KHz) 

Figure 3 

operates on a broader evolutionary time scale. 
A large part of evolution for a particular way of 
life is driven by the fact that animals adapt to 
the physical forces of the environment. At the 
Field Museum we are combining our knowlege 
of the evolutionary tree of fishes with the study 
of the biomechanics of swimming to draw con- 
clusions about the different ways that evolution 
has shaped the bodies of fishes for moving 
through the water. 

How else can we use biomechanics? There 
are lots of practical uses for biomechanical 
information, many of which appear in our lives 
every day. It is no accident that the hulls of 
ships have a streamlined shape much like that 
of a swimming fish, or that the wings of air- 
planes are shaped like those of a soaring bird. 
The tires on your car are made of synthetic rub- 
ber, a substance originally engineered by nature 
in rubber trees and now copied by humans. 
Fiberglass, plastic, and graphite composites 
that are in construction materials, golf clubs, 
and fishing poles are often modeled after mate- 
tials such as bone and wood that have shown 
engineers how to design stronger materials. 
Research on human 
biomechanics has pro- 
duced artificial organs 
and prosthetic limbs. A 
new field of engineering, 
called bio-mimetics, is 
revolutionizing the 
design of synthetic mate- 
rials by mimicking the 
properties of biological 
tissues like bone, wood, 
muscle, skin, and mucus. 

Every living thing is 
an example of the engi- 
neering genius of the 
process of evolution, and 
there are many interest- 
ing biomechanical ques- 
tions to ask in the years 
ahead. How does a fish fin work? Why can 
water striders walk on water? How has evolu- 
tion shaped fish heads for feeding on different 

Although the questions are relatively sim- 
ple, obtaining complete answers requires the 
study of many aspects of biomechanics. They 
are nonetheless questions well worth posing. 

Figure 2 

Note 2 Upsweep/Note 3 

Figure 1. Frames 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 from a high speed film (200 
frames/sec.) of the feeding strike of the sling-jaw, Epibulus insidiator. 
The feeding event is fast, occuring in 0.04 seconds. Successive frames 
are 0.005 sec apart. See Figures 2 and 3 for the anatomy and mechani- 
cal design of the jaws. 

Figure 2. Mechanical design of the head of the sling-jaw fish, Epibulus 
insidiator. Bones and ligaments of the head are shown when the jaws 
are (A) slightly protruded, and (B) almost fully protruded. Many of 
these bones are very different from those of all other fishes. The 
mechanical diagrams to the left show the motions of thc bones duling 
feeding. Heavy arrows in (A) indicate the pull of muscles on the neu- 
rocranium (NCR) of the skull and on the opercle (OP) of the gill cover. 
Lighter arrows indicate the forward motion and rotation of the jaws 
and the bones supporting the jaws. Abbreviations for bones and liga- 
ments of the head: ART, articular; DT, dentary; HM, hyomandibula; 
HY, hyoid; IOP, interopercle; IOP-M lig., interoperculo-mandibular 
ligament; MX, maxilla; NCR, neurocranium; OP, opercle; PAL, pala- 
tine; PMX, premaxilla; PMX-MxX lig., premaxillary-maxilla ligament; 
QU, quadrate; SOP, subopercle; VO, vomer; VO-IOP lig., vomero- 
interopercular ligament. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Figure 3. Sonagram and associated video images of a white-throated 
sparrow song. The sonagram (A) shows the changes in frequency over 
time of the pure-tonal notes of the song. The first image (B) shows the 
partially closed beak associated with note 1, sung at a low frequency. 
The second image (C) illustrates the more flared beak position associ- 
ated with note 2 which is sung at a higher frequency. The third image 
(D) corresponds to the lowest frequency at the beginning of the 
upsweep portion of note 3. The arrows in A mark the points in time 
from which the video fields in B, C, and D were taken. 

May/June 1993 


(Continued from page 1) 

In October 1989, the University of Arizona 
and the Smithsonian Institution convened a 
symposium on the biology of Mt. Graham, This 
“sky island” of coniferous forest in a “sea” of 
desert had become an environmental battle- 
ground because plans to install an astronomical 
observatory on the summit imperiled popula- 
tions of an endemic red squitrel, Tamiasciurus 
hudsonicus grahamensis. Found nowhere else 
on Earth, the squirrels live in the highest-eleva- 
tion forests favored by astronomers for clear, 
unobstructed visibility. 

I had studied these and other montane pop- 
ulations of mammals during graduate school, 
focusing on their evolutionary origins. Over- 
whelming evidence suggests that montane 
mammals colonized isolated mountain ranges 
of the Southwest during the Pleistocene Epoch, 
12,000 — 2 millon years ago. Advancing conti- 
nental ice sheets brought cool, moist climates 
to this region, permitting coniferous forests to 
become established at low elevations. Montane 
mammals used these low-lying forests as corri- 
dors to reach what are currently isolated peaks. 
With the retreat of continental glaciers and the 
return of hot, dry climates at lower elevations, 
the intervening forests disappeared. Now iso- 
lated from all other populations, montane mam- 
mals (and other organisms in their habitats) 
diverged from each other, in some cases differ- 
entiating as new species or subspecies. 

Two mammals living on Mt. Graham had 
attained such evolutionary distinction, the red 
squirrel and a long-tailed vole or meadow 
mouse. Both were named as endemic sub- 
species of wider-ranging forms, the squirrel 
being restricted to high-elevation forests and 
the vole to high-elevation meadows. Given 
their restricted distributions and small initial 
population sizes, it was perhaps inevitable that 
20th-century developments would imperil both 
creatures. In the early 1980s, both were placed 
“Under Notice of Review” by the U.S. Fish & 
Wildlife Service, empowering that agency to 
collect information necessary to determine their 
status and, if necessary, to list them as endan- 
gered or threatened. Sufficient evidence for 
listing was obtained only for the red squirrel. 

At the symposium, I learned the true limi- 
tations of the Endangered Species Act, with its 
restrictive focus on mitigating impacts on listed 
species. Roads to the observatory, and con- 
struction at the site, were to minimize impact 
on the forest habitat. This was achieved, of 
course, by maximizing use of the open mead- 
ows. This development is certain to have 
adverse effects on vole populations, as both 
federal and state wildlife officials acknowl- 
edge. However, only when vole populations 
reach a critical stage of vulnerability recog- 
nized officially will they be entitled to protec- 
tion under the Endangered Species Act. 

The Babbitt initiative would seek to antici- 
pate such problems by developing baseline 
information on all of the nation’s biotic diversi- 
ty. Faced with proposals for land development 
on Mt. Graham, the Interior Department could 
consult map libraries of red squirrels, long- 
tailed voles, and dozens of other species of 
plants and animals restricted there, assessing 
vulnerabilities of populations to development. 
With a national database at hand, conceivable 
outcomes of the observatory proposal might 
include either development plans that distribut- 
ed risk among Mt. Graham’s endemic species 
or the identification of alternate sites within the 
region whose development would not be so 
costly biologically. 

Babbitt’s plan to initiate a national biologi- 
cal survey reflects prevailing scientific opinion 
concerning environmental needs. By mapping 
species and their habitats, and combining these 
data with patterns of human use and develop- 

Se 10 

Systematics and 
Forging a Partnership 

Field Museum of Natural History’s 
lath Annual Spring Systematics Symposium 

ment, our government will be able to anticipate 
environmental problems and work towards 
coordinated solutions to them. The goal of the 
program will be an up-to-date, evolving picture 
of the nation’s diversity and the ecological and 
land-use changes that affect it. 

A national biological survey will extend 
and coordinate a process now being carried out 
piecemeal by diverse state and local govern- 
ment agencies and private organizations. Usu- 
ally such surveys are initiated by governments 
or foundations, but are executed in association 
with museums and universities. Collections of 
natural history museums often contain the most 
comprehensive records available on plant and 
animal distributions. Assembled over decades 
or even centuries, such collections afford 
unique insights into historical range changes as 
a result of modern development. This crucial 
role for collections is even more pronounced 
outside the U.S. For many areas of the tropics 
— home to more than half the world’s plant 
and animal species — museum collections pro- 
vide the only distribution records now ayvail- 
able. Babbitt’s plan for a national survey may 
even help to fuel much-needed coordination 
efforts at an international scale. As environ- 
mental conditions in eastern Europe grimly 
attest, environmental problems do not recog- 
nize national boundaries, and coordinated inter- 
national solutions are needed to resolve them. 

U.S. Lags in Inventory Effort 

Until the Babbitt initiative, the U.S. has 
lagged behind other developed and developing 
nations in efforts to inventory its natural 
resources. During the 1980s, federal funding 
for such efforts (mainly grants from the Nation- 
al Science Foundation) was so limited that only 
one percent of the world’s diversity was under 
active systematic study. Relatively huge out- 
lays of funds were focused on a handful of 
highly vulnerable species requiring “emergen- 
cy room care,” and not all of the programs 
proved successful. Babbitt’s plan to reallocate 
$12 million from within the Interior Depart- 
ment’s diffuse research budget reflects consid- 
ered scientific opinion that “an ounce of 
prevention is worth a pound of cure.” 

Thomas Lovejoy of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution and Peter Raven of the Missouri Botani- 
cal Gardens are scientific advisors for the 

undreds of scientists and conser- 

vationists — two groups that have 

frequently been at odds despite a 
commonality of interest in the Earth’s bio- 
sphere — will meet in a day-long public 
symposium at the Field Museum on May 
8. Hailing from major museums, universi- 
ties, and conservation organizations, par- 
ticipants will explore the potential for 
establishing collaborative relationships to 
formulate practical and effective means of 
addressing pressing environmental con- 

The event is the Museum’s 16th annu- 
al Spring Systematics Symposium, and the 
topic this year is “Systematics and Conser- 
vation: Forging a Partnership.” 

Scientists who practice systematic 
biology — the science of biological diver- 
sity — agree with conservationists that 
environmental health can be sustained only 
by protecting the biological diversity the 
Earth’s various ecosystems support. They 
also recognize that they should assume 
more responsibility for using systematic 
information in the context of protecting 
biodiversity. Traditionally, however, this 
responsibility has been shouldered by con- 
servationists, who must deal with environ- 
mental issues in the real world of political 
pressures and shifting governmental priori- 
ties. As a result, the two groups have 
sometimes been in conflict, with systema- 
tists criticizing the conservationists for 
making decisions that are unduly influ- 
enced by political expediency, and the 
conservationists reproaching the systema- 
tists for their failure to be more responsive 
to societal needs. 

Finding common ground between sys- 
tematists and conservationists is a primary 
objective of the symposium, which is 
expected to act as a catalyst for speeding 
the dissemination of baseline information, 
and thus enhance cooperation on all perti- 
nent matters. 

The symposium will be held in Simp- 
son Theater from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 
will be followed by a reception in the 
Webber Resource Center. Registration (at 
the West Door) is $20 for students and $35 
for others. 

Babbitt initiative. Raven cites this as “truly a 
historic moment,” similar to the founding of 
the U.S. Geological Survey in 1879. The 
U.S.G.S. is now one of the nation’s premier 
research organizations. One can only hope that 
the biological survey achieves a similar level of 
funding and success. 


(Continued from page 1) 

In its prehistoric heyday, the Field Muse- 
um Brachiosaurus was a terrestrial animal 
measuring 75 feet from head to tail, with a 
head-height of 40 feet. By contrast, 
Apatosaurus — commonly known as Bron- 
tosaurus — weighed 35 tons and stood 15 to 20 
feet tall. A member of the plant-eating sauro- 
pod family of dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus was 
shaped something like a giant giraffe, with a 
long neck, small head, long forelimbs and rela- 
tively short hind limbs, and a brain no bigger 
than a man’s fist. It lived during the Jurassic 
Period, becoming extinct sometime before that 
geological period ended 140 million years ago. 

The Field Museum's Brachiosaurus was 
excayated in 1900 by paleontologist Elmer 
Riggs, who discovered the fossilized remains in 
a hill just outside Grand Junction, Colorado. 
Among the bones that Riggs found were a rib 
nearly ten feet long and a six-foot, eight- 
inch—long femur that weighed 600 pounds. 
Judging by the size and shape of these and 
other bones, Riggs determined that not only 
had he found a dinosaur of monstrous propor- 

tions, but one whose very existence had been 
previously unsuspected. His Brachiosaurus 
became the “holotype,” the reference specimen 
first scientifically described and identified as a 
new dinosaur species. 

The original bones are too fragile to be 
mounted and in any case must be kept available 
for research, but they will be placed on public 
display along with the reconstructed skeleton, 
Only one other Brachiosaurus has been mount- 
ed, in Germany, and the Field Museum mount 
will be the largest 
dinosaur ever displayed in 
the Western Hemisphere. 

that will appear in the exhibit “Life Over 
Time,” scheduled to open in June 1994. 

Mounting of the Brachiosaurus is being 
made possible in part by the Museum’s “Own a 
Bone” campaign (see coupon, page 7), through 
which individuals or groups can sponsor a spe- 
cific bone — as little as $5 for a tooth or small 
tail vertebrae and as much as $1,000 for the 
skull or foreleg. Contributors will be recog- 
nized with a certificate and on a plaque in Stan- 
ley Field Hall. 

Curator of Geology Elmer Riggs, below, lies 

The fiberglass casting 
and reconstruction of the 
Brachiosaurus was done 
by Field Museum prepara- 
tors and specialists at 
PAST, Inc. (Prehistoric 
Animal Structures, of 
Alberta, Canada). PAST 
has been working with 
Museum staff for a year 
and a half on the installa- 
tion of seven dinosaurs 



Saturday, May 22, 10 a.m. 
James Simpson Theatre 
$7 ($5 members) 

John Horner, Ph.D., Curator of Paleontology at the Museum of the 
Rockies, discusses the excavation of the nearly complete specimen 
of Tyrannosaurus rex he found three years ago in the hills of east- 
em Montana. Very few complete Tyrannosaurus skeletons have 
been found — its mystique making it one of the most popular and 
least studied of the dinosaurs, He recently co-authored a new book 
with Don Lessem entitled The Complete T. rex. He will discuss 
their latest findings including Tyrannosaurus rex’s morphology as 
well as the possibility that it could have been the largest scavenger 
that ever lived Dr. Horner will explain the problems with consider- 
ing 7. rex an active hunter and killer, as well as other interesting 
features of this fascinating animal. Copies of his new book will be 
available for purchase and signing after the lecture. Call (312) 322- 
8854 for ticket information. 


next fo a Brachiosaurus femur on site in Col- 
orado, 1900. At left is his assistant, preparator 
H.W. Menke, standing next to the animal’s. 

Richard Rush 

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