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University  of  California  •  Berkeley 

Gift     of 

U.  S.  B.  F.— Doc.  818. 


HUGH   M.    SMITH,    Commissioner 



Assistant,  United  States  Bureau  of  Fisheries 


Bureau  of  Fisheries  Document  No.  818 









,->  f'KNTrt    1'KR   COl'Y 


By  W.  C.  KENDALL 

Assistant,  United  States  Bureau  of  fisheries 

Appendix  VIII  to  the  Report  of  the  U.  S.  Commissioner 
of  Fisheries  for  1914 



By  AY.  ('.  KENDALL. 
Assistant.  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Fisheries. 


The  natural  fish  fauna  of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park  consists  of 
but  a  few  species,  owing  to  the  facts  that  distribution  must  have 
occurred  in  recent  geological  times  and  that  all  of  the  streams  leaving 
the  lava  beds  do  so  by  means  of  vertical  waterfalls  situated  in  deep 
canyons.  Except  in  Yellowstone  River  and  its  tributaries,  in  Gibbon 
River,  and  in  Lava  Creek,  no  fishes  have  been  found  above  these  falls 
except  where  their  presence  may  be  accounted  for  by  imperfect  water- 
sheds separating  these  streams  from  others. 

The  known  species  of  natural  occurrence  in  the  park  are  longnose 
sucker,  rosyside  sucker,  chub,  silverside  minnow,  longnose  dace, 
whitefish,  cutthroat  trout,  grayling,  and  blob.  Of  these  only  the 
trout  and  grayling  were  recognized  as  game  fishes,  although  the  white- 
fish  might  justly  be  so  considered.  While  these  fishes  were  wonder- 
fully abundant  in  the  waters  inhabited  by  them,  the  annually  increas- 
ing number  of  tourists,  many  of  whom  were  anglers,  made  it  desirable 
to  stock  some  of  the  previously  barren  waters  with  game  fishes. 

An  examination  of  the  park  waters  by  Forbes  in  1890  a  showed  that 
many  of  these  waters  were  well  supplied  with  crustacean  and  insect 
food  and  were  otherwise  suited  to  certain  species.  Referring  to  the 
supposed  obstacle  to  the  spread  of  fish  life  in  the  park,  Dr.  Jordan 
said  that  the  waters  of  the  geysers  and  other  calcareous  and  silicious 
springs  appeared  not  to  be  objectionable  to  fishes.  In  Yellowstone 
Lake  trout  were  found  especially  abundant  about  the  overflow  from 
the  Lake  Geyser  Basin,  where  the  hot  water  flowed  for  a  time  at  the 
surface,  and  trout  could  be  taken  immediately  under  these  currents. 
It  was  noted  also  that  trout  had  been  known  to  rise  to  a  fly  through 
the  scalding  hot  surface  current  and  that  they  lingered  in  the  neigh- 
borhood of  hot  springs  in  the  bottom  of  the  lake.  Dr.  Jordan  sug- 
gested that  this  was  probably  owing  to  the  abundance  of  food  in  those 

a  A  preliminary  report  on  the  aquatic  invertebrate  fauna  of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyo.,  and 
the  Flathead  region  of  Montana.  By  S.  A.  Forbes.  Bulletin  U.  S.  Fish  Commission,  vol.  xi,  for 
1891,  p.  207-258,  and  pi.  xxxvn-xm.  1893. 


warm  waters,  but  the  fact  is  evident  that  geyser  water  does  not  kill 
trout.  Heart  Lake  was  also  mentioned  where  trout  were  found  most 
plentiful  about  the  mouth  of  warm  Witch  Creek  and  in  Boiling  River, 
which  drains  the  Mammoth  Hot  Springs  and  flows  into  Gardiner  River, 
where  trout  abounded  about  the  mouth,  and  where  the  conventional 
trick  of  catching  a  trout  in  cold  water  and  scalding  in  hot  water  is 

The  first  fish-cultural  distributions  in  the  park  waters  were  in  1889, 
when  several  species  were  transplanted  and  introduced.  From  that 
time  to  the  present  many  fish  of  various  species  have  been  planted, 
according  to  available  records,  as  follows: 

Native  whitefish  (Coregonus  williamsoni] 12,  980 

Native  trout  (Salmo  clarkii) 9, 009,  968 

Rainbow  trout  (Salmo  irideus) 61,  390 

Loch  Leven  trout  (Salmo  levenensis) ' ]  7, 195 

Landlocked  salmon  (Salmo  sebago) 9, 000 

European  brown  trout  (Salmo  fario) 9,  300 

Lake  trout  (Salvelinus  namaycush) 42,  025 

Eastern  brook  trout  (Salrelinus  font!  mil  ix) 41,  650 

I ,argemouth  black  bass  (  Mirropterus  xulinoules ) 750 


Of  the  foregoing,  the  landlocked  salmon  and  black  bass  have  shown 
no  evidence  of  their  survival,  but  more  or  less  of  the  others  have  bo- 
come  established  and  some  of  them  abound  even  in  waters  previously 
uninhabited  by  fish. 

In  many  of  the  localities  the  fishing  is  reported  to  be  excellent,  not 
only  for  the  introduced  forms  but  for  native  trout,  otherwise  called 
blackspotted  or  cutthroat  trout.  Where  whitefish  and  grayling 
naturally  occur  they  are  usually  plentiful. 

The  season  does  not  begin  much,  if  any,  before  July,  by  which  time, 
according  to  one  of  the  following  authorities,  "the  plethora  of  water 
has  disappeared  and  the  streams  flow  swift,  clear,  and  cold.  At  this 
season  of  the  year  trout  fishing  is  at  its  best." 

Information  regarding  the  fishing  in  various  localities  may  be  found 
in  the  reports  of  the  superintendent  of  the  park,  particularly  that  of 
1897,  and  the  following  publications: 

Fish  in  the  National  Park  and  tributaries  of  Snake  River — propagation  of  whitefish. 
By  J.  E.  Curtis.  Bulletin  U.  S.  Fish  Commission,  vol.  iv,  for  1884,  p.  335-336. 

A  reconnoissance  of  the  streams  and  lakes  of  the  Yellowstone  National  Park,  Wyo., 
in  the  interest  of  the  United  States  Fish  Commission.  By  David  Starr  Jordan.  Bulle- 
tin U.  S.  Fish  Commission,  vol.  ix,  for  1899,  p.  41-63,  with  map  and  many  plates. 

A  reconnoissance  of  the  streams  and  lakes  of  western  Montana  and  northwestern 
Wyoming.  By  Barton  W.  Evermann.  Bulletin  U.  S.  Fish  Commission,  vol.  xi,  for 
1891,  p.  3-60,  with  plates  and  maps. 

A  woman's  trout  fishing  in  Yellowstone  Park.  By  Mary  Trowbridge  Townsend. 
Outing,  vol.  xxx,  no.  2,  May,  1897,  p.  163-164. 


Wyoming  summer  fishing  and  the  Yellowstone  Park.  By  Ralph  E.  Clark.  Outing, 
vol.  LII,  no.  4,  Tuly,  1908,  p.  508-511. 

Fly  fishing  in  wonderland.     By  Klahowya  (0.  P.  Barnes).     1910.     56  p. 

The  following  annotated  up-to-date  list  of  fishing  localities  is  mainly 
derived  from  information  kindly  furnished  by  Col.  L.  M.  Brett,  United 
States  Army,  the  present  acting  superintendent  of  the  park,  to  which 
a  few  notes  from  the  previously  mentioned  writers  have  been  added: 


The  lake  abounds  in  native  trout  eager  for  the  fly  or  other  lure. 
There  appears  to  be  no  other  species  in  the  lake,  the  landlocked  salmon 
planted  in  1908  and  1909  not  having  been  seen  since.  Rainbow  trout 
planted  at  the  same  time  in  some  of  the  affluents  have  shown  no 
evidence  of  establishment. 


Native  blackapotted  trout  are  plentiful.  Whitefish  planted  in  1 889 
and  in  1890  have  not  been  reported. 

Cascade  Creek. — Native  trout  are  abundant. 


Native  trout  are  plentiful  and  whitefish  are  native  to  the  waters 
but  seldom  found  higher  up  than  Crevice  Gulch. 

Tower  Creek. — The  waters  above  the  falls  were  barren  previously  to 
the  planting  of  eastern  brook,  rainbow,  and  blackspotted  trouts,  and 
these  have  as  yet  shown  no  evidence  of  establishment. 

Geode  Creek. — Rainbow  trout  planted  in  1909. 

Blacktail  Deer  Creek. — Native  trout  are  abundant  and  eastern  brook 
trout  were  planted  in  1912,  1913,  and  1914. 


Tlie  main  stream. — Loch  Leven  trout  are  found  in  abundance,  prob- 
ably planted  by  mistake.  Native  trout  and  whitefish  are  common. 

East  Fork  or  Lava  Creek. — Blackspotted  and  eastern  brook  trouts 
were  introduced  and  both  are  abundant.  Rainbow  trout  were  also 
introduced  but  are  not  much,  if  at  all,  in  evidence. 

Tlie  main  stream  above  the  falls. — This  section  of  the  river,  together 
with  its  branches,  the  Obsidian,  Indian,  Panther,  and  Straight  Creeks, 
also  Grizzly  Lake  and  Glen  Creek,  above  the  falls,  were  previously 
barren  waters  in  which  eastern  brook  trout  are  now  abundant. 


Rainbow  and  eastern  brook  trouts  are  now  abundant  in  these  pre- 
viously barren  waters.  Blackspotted  trout  were  planted  in  Grebe 
Lake  in  1912,  but  the  results  are  not  yet  known. 



Firehole  River,  Gibbon  River  below  the  Falls,  Nez  Perce  Creek,  Little 
Firehole  River,  etc. — Native  blackspotted  trout,  whitefish,  and  gray- 
ling are  abundant,  as  are  also  Lock  Leven  and  brown  trouts.  Eastern 
brook  trout  and  rainbow  trout  are  numerous  in  Gibbon  River.  Mr. 
Clark  wrote : 

The  junction  of  Yellowstone  and  Lamar  Rivers  is  noted  for  fine  fishing.  If  you  find 
the  waters  high,  swift,  and  roily,  you  will  probably  try  your  flies  in  vain.  Put  on  a 
spinner  or  a  little  spoon  and  watch  the  fish  rise  to  it,  almost  touch  it,  and  then  go  away. 
They  are  after  live  bait  and  wont  touch  anything  else.  The  grasshoppers  are  abundant; 
catch  a  few,  bait  your  hook  carefully,  and  let  it  float  down  with  the  current.  A  large 
trout  will  rise  to  it,  and  if  you  are  not  very  careful  he  will  steal  it  from  you. 


Lock  Leven  and  lake  trouts  are  abundant,  and  eastern  brook  trout 
abound  in  Shoshone  Creek.  Mr.  Clark  wrote  that  the  Shoshone  and 
Lewis  Lakes  region  was  probably  the  best  fishing  in  the  park: 

These  two  lakes  and  their  outlet,  Lewis  River,  are  full  of  native  trout  and  have  been 
stocked  with  Mackinaw  and  Lock  Leven  trout,  which  are  increasing  in  size  and  num- 
ber most  successfully.  These  fish  will  not  rise  to  the  surface  and  take  the  fly  as  do  the 
regular  native  trout,  and  it  is  necessary  to  go  down  into  the  water  for  them .  In  the  lakes 
you  can  catch  them  by  trolling,  if  you  can  find  the  particular  cove  where  they  happen 
to  be  running.  However,  in  spite  of  the  uncertainty  of  the  lake  trolling,  there  is  one 
place  where  you  can  troll  with  assurance  of  success,  and  that  is  in  the  canal  between 
Shoshone  and  Lewis  Lakes.  This  is  a  natural  body  of  water  with  little  or  no  current 
and  not  very  wide.  In  Lewis  River  just  below  Lewis  Falls,  in  the  deep  pools  where  the 
eddies  are  covered  with  foam,  you  are  sure  to  find  good  fishing. 

Duck  Lake  (near  Thumb  of  Yellowstone  Lake}. — Blackspotted  trout 
are  abundant,  but  landlocked  salmon  planted  in  1908  have  not  since 
been  observed 


Pelican  Creek. — Stocked  with  blackspotted  trout  from  the  Yellow- 
stone Lake  hatchery.  Mr.  Clark  says: 

One  mile  east  of  Yellowstone  River  outlet  is  Pelican  Stream  which  rises  in  the  cold 
snows  of  the"  mountains  and  empties  its  waters  into  the  lake.  Here  you  catch  quanti- 
ties of  uncontaminated  trout,  large,  beautiful,  fat,  and  gamy,  as  free  from  worms  as  the 
fresh  cold  waters  they  swim  in  are  free  from  pollution. 

Clear  Creek,  Eleanor  Lake,  Middle,  Crow,  and  Jones  Creeks,  and 
Sylvan  Lake. — All  of  these  are  stocked  with  blackspotted  trout  from 
the  hatchery. 

Small  lake  near  Sepulchre  Mountain. — Eastern  brook  trout  were 
planted  in  1912,  but  the  results  are  as  yet  unknown. 

Swan  Lake,  (connects  with  Glen  Creek  and  upper  Gardiner  River}.— 
The  planted  eastern  brook  trout  seem  to  have  left  the  lake  for  the 
small  streams,  as  they  have  never  been  found  in  the  lake. 


Twin  Lakes. — Whitefish  were  planted  in  1899,  but  have  never  been 
heard  of  since. 

Beaver  Lake  (connects  with  Obsidian  Creek}.—  Eastern  brook  trout 
are  plentiful  in  the  lake,  but  the  rainbow  trout  also  planted  there  have 
never  been  heard  of. 

De  Lacy  Lake. — The  rainbow  trout  planted  in  1895  have  not  been 

Ice  Lak.e  (near  Gardiner  River}. — Eastern  brook  trout  planted  here 
have  never  been  reported. 

Ice  Lake  (between  Fountain  and  Excelsior  Geysers}. — Blackspotted 
trout  planted  in  1905  have  not  been  heard  of. 

Upper  Basin  Lakes  (in  FireJwle  Basin}. — Black  bass  planted  in  1895 
never  have  been  observed. 


The  following  rules  and  regulations  applicable  to  fishing  in  the  park 
have  been  prescribed  by  the  superintendent: 

Fishing  with  nets,  seines,  traps,  or  by  the  use  of  drugs  or  explosives,  or  in  any  other 
way  than  with  hook  and  line,  is  prohibited.  Fishing  for  purposes  of  merchandise  or 
profit  is  forbidden.  Fishing  may  be  prohibited  by  order  of  the  superintendent  of  the 
park  in  any  of  the  waters  of  the  park,  or  limited  therein  to  any  specified  season  of  the 
year,  until  otherwise  ordered  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior. 

All  fish  less  than  8  inches  in  length  should  at  once  be  returned  to  the  water  with 
the  least  damage  possible  to  the  fish.  Fish  that  are  to  be  retained  must  be  at  once 
killed  by  a  blow  on  the  back  of  the  head  or  by  thrusting  a  knife  or  other  sharp  instru- 
ment into  the  head.  No  person  shall  catch  more  than  20  fish  in  one  day. 


It  has  long  been  known  that  in  certain  waters  of  the  Yellowstone 
Park  trout  are  infested  with  parasitic  worms,  while  in  other  park 
waters  they  were  free  from  this  parasite.  Yellowstone  Lake  fish 
appear  to  be  the  most  seriously  affected,  and  the  fact  of  this  para- 
sitism has  been  of  no  little  concern  to  anglers,  consumers  of  fish, 
and  fish  culturists  in  that  region. 

This  parasite  is  a  tapeworm,  to  which  the  late  Prof.  Joseph  Leidy, 
who  first  described  the  species,  gave  the  name  of  Dibothrium  cordiceps. 
In  the  larval  stage  this  worm  occurs  in  cysts  among  or  on  the  viscera 
of  the  trout,  free  among  the  viscera,  beneath  the  peritoneal  lining 
of  the  abdominal  cavity,  or  in  the  muscular  tissue.a 

It  is  only  the  larval  or  intermediate  stage  that  occurs  in  the  trout, 
the  host  of  the  adult  appearing  to  be  an  entirely  different  animal, 
as  is  the  case  with  all  tapeworms.  Briefly,  its  life  cycle  seems  to  be  as 
follows :  Starting  with,  the  egg  in  the  water,  it  develops  into  a  ciliated 

a  A  full  discussion  of  this  subject  will  be  found  in  the  following  paper:  A  contribution  to  the  life  history 
of  Dibothrium  cordiceps  Leidy,  a  parasite  infesting  the  trout  of  Yellowstone  Lake.  By  Edwin  Linton. 
Bulletin  U.  S.  Fish  Commission,  vol.  ix,  for  1899,  p.  337-358,  with  plates. 

95872°— 15 2 


embryo.  This  passes  into  the  trout,  where  it  becomes  established 
and  assumes  the  form  commonly  observed.  The  fish  is  eaten  by 
the  pelican,  and  in  the  intestinal  tract  of  this  bird  the  parasite  attains 
its  adult  and  reproductive  stage,  and  its  round  of  life  is  there  com- 
pleted. The  eggs  pass  from  the  bird  into  the  water,  and  a  new 
generation  is  begun. 

This  parasitism  of  the  trout  is  of  much  concern  to  the  angler 
because  the  fish  thus  affected  are  likely  to  be  lazy  or  inactive.  To 
the  consumer  such  fish  are  more  or  less  objectionable,  not  only 
because  they  are  " wormy,"  for  the  worm  is  a  " tapeworm"  of 
proverbial  aversion  and  dread,  but  because  the  fish  are  sometimes 
deteriorated  in  quality  and  flavor  and  considered  unfit  to  eat.  To 
the  fish  culturist,  whose  concern  comprises  both  of  the  foregoing, 
there  is  the  fear  of  spreading  the  infection  to  other  waters.  As  the 
most  seriously  affected  trout  are  found  in  the  warmer  waters,  the 
angler  can  get  some  relief  by  fishing  in  cool  waters. 

As  an  answer  to  the  query  of  the  consumer,  it  may  be  said  that  no 
known  tapeworm  for  the  adult  of  which  man  acts  as  host  finds  its 
intermediate  host  in  fishes.  Furthermore,  as  cooking  destroys  the 
vitality  of  the  worm,  there  would  be  little  or  no  danger  from  that 
source,  besides  which  there  is  probably  no  edible  fish  that  is  not 
more  or  less  affected  with  some  kind  of  parasitic  worms. 

However,  it  may  dispel  apprehension  to  state  that  similar  tape- 
worms in  some  places  are  actually  eaten  as  food  and  considered 
delicacies.  In  Italy  a  parasite  of  the  European  tench  and  other 
cyprinid  fishes  is  sold  in  the  markets  under  the  name  of  maccaroni 
piatti  and  eaten,  usually  under  the  mistaken  notion  that  it  is  the 
roe  of  the  fish.  The  same  or  a  similar  parasite  is  also  eaten  by 
many  persons  in  Lyon  where  it  goes  by  the  appropriate  and  truthful 
name  of  ver  Nanc  (white  worm).  It  is  stated  on  good  authority 
that  in  this  country  a  choice  portion  of  another  fish  not  infrequently 
contains  encysted  parasitic  worms  which  the  consumer,  not  knowing 
its  nature,  selects  as  a  delicate  morsel.  However,  since  these  facts 
are  not  likely  to  completely  remove  a  deep-seated  prejudice  or  lead 
to  a  general  demand  for  tapeworms  on  the  menu  of  the  park  hotels, 
it  would  be  desirable  to  be  rid  of  these  parasites  or  even  to  reduce 
the  number. 

Several  methods,  more  or  less  feasible,  have  been  suggested. 
The  most  practical  and  at  the  same  time  the  most  desirable  of  these 
is  the  introduction  of  other  fishes  into  Yellowstone  waters  to  detract 
the  attention  of  the  native  trout  from  itself  as  a  food;  for  it  is  not 
improbable  that  the  intensity  of  this  parasitic  infection  of  the  Yellow- 
stone Lake  trout  is  increased  by  cannibalism,  since  there  are  no  other 
fishes  for  the  large  trout  to  eat.  Also,  these  additional  fishes  not 
being  subject  to  infection  by  this  trout-pelican  parasite,  by  affording 


other  fish  than  trout  as  food  for  the  pelicans,  would  reduce  the 
output  of  tapeworm  eggs  from  that  source.  The  fish  best  suited 
to  that  end  is  the  chub  (Leuciscus  lineatus)  and  perhaps  the  silverside 
minnow  (Leuciscus  Jiydrophlox) ,  both  of  which  abound  in  Heart 
Lake  and  Witch  Creek. 

Tapeworms  would  probably  disappear  from  trout  transferred  to 
other  waters  where  there  are  no  pelicans,  unless  by  chance  some 
other  fish-eating  bird  may  be  or  might  become  a  host  for  the  adult. 


As  has  been  indicated,  10  species  of  fishes  are  known  to  be  native 
to  the  waters  of  the  park,  of  which  only  3  are  reputed  to  be  game 
fishes.  However,  6  others,  all  game  fishes,  have  been  introduced  and 
all  but  two  of  them  have  become  acclimatized  and  afford  good  fishing. 

A  brief  discussion  of  each  kind  of  native  and  introduced  fish  fol- 
lows, preceded  by  a  key  intended  as  an  aid  to  the  angler  in  the  identi- 
fication of  his  catch. 

The  key  is  arranged  on  the  alternative  plan  and  is  to  be  used  in  the 
following  manner:  Trace  the  characters  of  the  specimens  with  what 
is  said  under  each  succeeding  letter,  until  there  is  a  disagreement,  or 
the  name  of  the  fish  is  reached.  When  a  disparity  occurs,  go  to  the 
double  of  the  letter  under  which  it  occurs,  thence  proceed  as  before 
until  another  disagreement  or  a  name  is  found,  and  so  on.  For 
example,  take  the  brown  trout,  assuming  that  it  is  not  recognized; 
compare  it  with  statement  A,  with  which  it  agrees;  proceed  to  B, 
with  which  it  does  not  agree,  having  fewer  rays  In  the  dorsal  fin. 
Turn  to  BB,  with  which  it  agrees,  and  by  the  name  in  parenthesis  it 
is  found  to  belong  to  the  Salmonidse  or  salmon  family.  Then  go  to  &, 
with  which  it. is  found  to  disagree  in  having  a  large  mouth  and  coarse 
teeth  and  more  scales  than  stated.  Turn,  therefore,  to  1)1,  where  an 
agreement  and  the  subfamily  to  which  it  belongs  are  found.  Pro- 
ceed regularly  then  to  d,  which  is  also  found  to  agree.  Continue  to 
e,  with  which  it  does  not  agree,  as  it  is  not  profusely  blackspotted 
and  has  not  130  scales  in  lengthwise  series.  Turn  to  ee,  with  which 
it  agrees.  Proceed  to  g,  with  which  it  does  not  agree.  Then  turn 
to  gg,  with  which  it  agrees  in  the  number  of  scales  and  color  descrip- 
tion^ and  the  numbered  name  of  the  brown  trout  is  reached.  The 
number  indicates  its  place  in  the  annotated  list  of  fishes  which  follows 
the  key. 

If  it  is  desired  to  ascertain  the  name  of  a  specimen  of  fish  without 
an  adipose  fin,  which,  of  course,  is  found  not  to  conform  to  the  state- 
ment A,  turn  to  AA  and  proceed  as  in  the  foregoing  example. 

a  The  color  description  of  each  species  as  given  can  not  always  be  relied  upon  to  exactly  fit  a  specimen 
in  hand,  owing  to  the  great  variability  in  this  respect.  However,  there  will  always  be  more  or  less  approach 
to  the  general  color  scheme  as  stated,  which  no  other  species  will  show. 



A.  Adipose  or  gristly  fin  on  back  situated  behind  a  soft,  jointed-rayed  dorsal  fin. 

Salmonoid  fishes. 

B.  Anterior  dorsal  fin  long  and  high,  with  19  or  20,  or  more,  fully  developed  rays. 
.      Graylings  (Thymallidse). 

a.  Coloration:  Back  bluish  gray  with  purplish  reflections;  sides  and  gill  covers 
lighter,  with  purple  and  silvery  reflections,  beautifully  iridescent;  scales  with 
pearly  luster;  belly  pure  white;  a  few  V-shaped  black  spots  between  head 
and  middle  of  dorsal  fin  but  none  posteriorly;  two  oblong,  bluish  black  blotches 
in  cleft  between  opercle  and  gill  membrane  rays  (branchiostegals),  more  pro- 
nounced in  the  male;  a  line  on  upper  border  of  belly  from  ventral  to  pectoral 
fins,  dark  and  heavy  in  the  male,  very  faint  in  the  female.  Dorsal  fin  edged 
with  a  red  or  rosy  border;  four  to  seven  rows  of  red  or  rosy  roundish  spots, 
ocellated  with  white  between  the  dorsal  rays;  dark  blotches  forming  lines  be- 
tween the  rows  of  red  spots.  Ventral  fins  with  three  rose-colored,  branching 
stripes  along  the  rays,  darker  between.  Pectoral  and  anal  fins  plain,  with 

dark  border i Montana  grayling,  1. 

I>B.  Anterior  dorsal  fin  short  with  not  over  15  fully  developed  rays.     Salmon  family 


b.  Mouth  small,  teeth  sparse,  fine  bristle-like  or  none;  fewer  than  100  fully  de- 
veloped scales  in  a  lengthwise  series  from  the  upper  end  of  gill  opening  to 
base  of  tail.  Whitefish  (Coregoninae). 

c.  Scales  in  longitudinal  series  78  to  88;  coloration,  bluish  or  grayish  olivaceous 

above,  silvery  on  sides,  whiter  below;  sometimes  with  dusky,  or  yellowish 
or  brassy  tinge;  all  fins  usually  tipped  with  black;  tail  and  adipose  fins 
bluish  or  olivaceous.  No  spots;  young  with  parr  marks. 

Native  whitefish,  2. 

bb.  Mouth  large,  teeth  strong  and  sharp;    scales  comparatively  small,  more  than 
100  in  lengthwise  series.     Salmons,  trouts,  and  chars  (Salmoninse). 

d.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  fewer  than  200,  body  always  more  or  less  black 

spotted.     (Salmo.) 

e.  Scales  more  than  130  in  lengthwise  series;  body  profusely  black  spotted. 
/.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  about  160  to  170;    spots  rather  large,  pro- 
fusely scattered    and  irregular,   usually   none  on  the  belly;    red 
blotches  on  the  lower  jaw  and  membrane  between  always  present. 

Extremely  variable  in  coloration  and  form Native  trout,  3. 

ff.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  about  135  to  145;  profusely  black  spotted 
with  only  slight  if  any  appearance  of  red  on  and  between  lower 
jaws.  Coloration  more  or  less  variable  but  usually  bluish  or  oli- 
vaceous above,  sides  silvery,  everywhere  profusely  spotted,  the 
spots  extending  on  the  sides  of  the  belly  and  on  the  vertical  fins; 
upper  ray  of  pectoral  spotted;  spots  on  tail  small,  belly  nearly  plain; 
both  males  and  females  with  more  or  less  diffuse  red  or  rosy  lateral 
band  and  blotches;  often  much  red  on  cheek  and  gill  cover. 

Rainbow  trout,  4. 
ee.  Scales   in   lengthwise    series  fewer   than  130.     Not   profusely  black 

spotted;  no  rosy  wash,  band,  or  blotches  along  the  side. 
g.  Body  comparatively  slender,  more  or  less  silvery,  with  110  ocel- 
lated red  spots;  black  spots  irregular  in  shape,  the  shape  deter- 
mined by  the  number  of  scales  occupied;  sometimes  cross,  double- 
cross,  or  triple-cross  shape. 

h.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  118  to  130;  in  oblique  cross  series  from 
lateral  line  to  upper  base  of  ventral  fin  26  to  30.     Upper  part 


bluish  or  greenish  olive,  sides  silvery  with  a  varying  number 
of  X- shaped  or  crescentic  black  spots;  sides  of  head  with 
roundish  black  spots;  tip  of  pectoral  blackish;  anal  and  tail 
fins  unspotted,  varying  much  in  coloration  in  different  waters. 

Loch  Leven  trout,  5. 

hh.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  about  115  fully  developed;  21  to  23 
in  oblique  series  from  lateral  line  to  upper  base  of  ventral. 
Color  very  variable  but  typically  greenish  olive  on  back,  sil- 
very on  sides;  belly  white;  irregular  black  spots  on  back  and 
sides;  sometimes  two  rows  on  base  of  dorsal  fin;  none  on  tail; 
variable  number,  but  usually  three  or  four  roundish  black 
•  spots  on  gill  cover.  Young  often  with  unocellated  bright  red 

spots  along  sides Landlocked  salmon,  6. 

gg.  Body  comparatively  short  and  deep;  scales  in  lengthwise  series 
about  120,  and  about  30  in  oblique  series.  Dark  colored,  olive 
or  brownish,  with  numerous  irregular  black  or  dark  brown  spots 
above  lateral  fin  below;  usually  ocellated  red  spots  along  side; 
orange  or  yellow  margin  on  upper  part  of  dorsal  and  anal  and 
outer  part  of  ventral.  Light-colored  young  much  resemble 
young  landlocked  salmon  but  distinguished  by  the  red  spots 

having  bluish  areolas Brown  trout,  7. 

dd.  Scales  in  longitudinal  series  usually  200  or  more.     No  black  spots  what- 

i.  Scales  in  longitudinal  series  usually  200  or  more  (180-205); 
never  any  ocellated  red  spots  on  sides;  no  rivulations  on 
back,  dorsal  fin,  or  tail.  Tail  always  strongly  forked.  Colora- 
tion extremely  variable,  generally  grayish  or  yellowish  gray, 
profusely  covered  with  round  pale  spots,  sometimes  almost 
white,  again  deep  orange,  usually  pale  yellow;  yellowish 
spots  on  dorsal  and  partial  dusky  cross  bars  on  upper  and  lower 
basal  half  of  tail.  Young  sometimes  with  faint  mottling  on 

.   back  slightly  resembling  the  brook  trout Lake  trout,  8. 

ii.  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  215  to  23.0;  red  spots  on  sides  always 
ocellated  with  bluish;  back  usually  yellowish  gray  and 
always  vermiculated  or  rivulated  with  dusky;  dorsal  and 
tail  with  wavy  dusky  bars  and  rivulations;  pectorals,  ventral, 
and  anal  reddish  with  white  outer  rays  margined  behind  by 
a  narrow  black  streak.  Coloration  highly  variable  with  age, 

locality,  and  season Eastern  brook  trout,  9. 

AA.  No  adipose  fin;  one  or  two  dorsal  fins. 
a' ' .  Dorsal  fins  more  or  less  continuous,  the  anterior  of  spines  or  simple  unjointed 

rays;  the  posterior  of  soft  or  jointed  rays. 

b/.  Anterior  dorsal  composed  of  strong  sharp  spines.  General  color,  dark  green 
above,  sides  and  belly  greenish;  an  irregular  blackish  stripe  along  the 
side  from  opercle  to  middle  of  base  of  tail,  growing  indistinct  and  disappear- 
ing with  age;  three  oblique  dark  stripes  across  cheek  and  gill  covers;  some 
dark  spots  above  and  below  lateral  line.  Coloration  somewhat  variable 

and  quickly  changeable Black  bass,  10. 

W.  Anterior  dorsal  composed  of  weak  flexible  spines  or  simple  rays;  small  curved 
hook  at  edge  of  gill  cover.  Coloration  olivaceous,  everywhere  punctulate 
with  dark  spots,  conspicuous  on  top  of  head,  four  or  five  dark  blotches  on 
back  suggesting  cross  bars;  dorsal,  pectorals,  and  tail  with  wavy  streaks  and 
series  of  spots;  anal  and  ventral  white,  or  sometimes  dusky Blob,  11. 


aax.  Dorsal  fin  single,  the  fully  developed  rays  all  soft  and  jointed. 

c'.  Mouth  wholly  inferior  with  thick  papillose  lips,  especially  the  lower  lip. 
df ' .  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  very  small,  reduced  and  crowded  anteriorly, 
90  to  110.     Snout  long.     Coloration  dusky  brown,  sometimes  \vith  a 

broad  red  flush  or  irregular  stripe Longnose  sucker,  12. 

dd' ' .  Scales  in  lengthwise  series  70  to  72,  not  particularly  reduced  or  crowded 

anteriorly.     Snout  not  long.     Coloration  blackish  above,  males  with 

more  or  less  rosy  flush  or  stripe  in  breeding  season . .  Rosyside  sucker,  13. 

cc7.  Mouth  more  or  less  terminal  or  oblique,  sometimes  slightly  inferior,  but  lips 

never  thick  or  papillose. 
ef.  Mouth  oblique. 

/'.  Anal  rays  8;  scales  in  lengthwise  series  55  to  63;-  mouth  very  oblique 
lower  jaw  somewhat  projecting.  Coloration  blackish,  everywhere 
dark;  scales  much  dotted  and  with  dark  edges;  often  forming  lines 

along  the  rows  of  scales.     Males  without  red Chub,  14. 

ff/.  Anal  fin  rays  10  to  13,  usually  10  or  11;  scales  about  58,  mouth 
oblique,  short,  jaws  about  equal.  Coloration  greenish  silvery; 
the  back  dusky;  a  dark  blue  or  blackish  lateral  band  between  two 
silvery  stripes;  the  lateral  band  and  below  bright  orange-red  in 
the  males,  the  red  usually  ceasing  at  front  of  anal ;  a  bright  silvery 
or  golden  crescent  on  chubs;  a  golden  streak  from  snout  above  eye 
to  gill  opening.  Very  pale  in  alkaline  waters. 

Silverside  minnow,  15. 
eef .  Mouth  subinferior. 

g' .  Tipper  jaw  not  protractile,  the  upper  lip  continuous  with  the  skin 
of  the  forehead,  muzzle  long  and  projecting,  color  silvery,  darker 
above;  a  dusky  lateral  shade  most  distinct  in  young,  males  largely 

rosy Longnose  dace,  16. 

gg/.  Upper  jaw  protractile,  i.  e.,  the  upper  lip  capable  of  being  drawn 
out  from  the  snout;  muzzle  not  particularly  long.  Color  usually 
dark  grayish  above  becoming  paler  below,  a  faint  lateral  band 
of  dark  extending  through  the  eye  and  around  snout. 

Dusky  dace,  17. 

1.  MONTANA  GRAYLING  ( Thymallus  montanus} . 

The  Montana  grayling  originally  existed  only  in  tributaries  of  the 
Missouri  River  above  Great  Falls. 

In  the  park  it  occurs  naturally  in  Madison  and  Gallatin  Rivers  and 
branches,  Fan  Creek,  Grayling  Creek,  and  the  Firehole  River  below 
the  falls.  It  is  reported  as  very  abundant  at  the  junction  of  Firehole 
and  Gibbon  Rivers.  It  is  said  to  ascend,  in  summer,  as  far  as  Fire- 
hole  Falls  and  to  be  found  in  the  Gallatin  River  in  the  northwestern 
part  of  the  park. 

The  Montana  grayling  is  a  most  graceful  and  beautiful  fish,  of 
shapely  proportions  and  exquisite  coloration.  The  adult  averages 
from  10  to  12  inches  in  length  and  from  about  J  to  1  pound  in  weight. 

It  prefers  swift,  clear,  pure  streams,  with  gravelly  or  sandy  bottom. 
It  is  quite  gregarious,  lying  in  schools  in  the  deeper  pools,  in  plain 
sight,  and  not,  like  the  trout,  concealed  under  bushes  and  overhang- 
ing banks.  In  search  of  food,  which  consists  principally  of  bisects 


and  their  larvae,  it  occasionally  extends  its  range  to  streams  strewn 
with  bowlders  and  broken  rocks. 

Unlike  the  native  trout,  the  grayling  will  go  long  distances,  if 
necessary,  to  find  suitable  spawning  grounds.  They  spawn  in  April 
and  May  on  gravelly  shallows.  In  the  north  fork  of  the  Madison 
River,  where  the  water  is  comparatively  warm,  coming  from  the 
Firehole  River  in  the  Yellowstone  Park,  the  grayling  spawns  a  month 
earlier  than  in  any  other  waters  in  Montana. 

In  point  of  activity  it  even  excels  the  native  trout,  when  hooked 
breaking  the  water  repeatedly  in  its  effort  to  escape,  which  the  trout 
seldom  does.  It  takes  the  artificial  fly  eagerly,  and  if  missed  at  the 
first  cast  will  rise  again  and  again  from  the  depths  of  the  pool,  whereas 
the  trout  will  seldom  rise  a  second  time  without  a  rest.  It  will  also 
take  various  baits,  such  as  caddis-fly  larvae,  grasshoppers,  and  worms. 
Among  the  recommended  flies  are  professor,  Lord  Baltimore,  queen 

FIG.  1.— Montana  grayling. 

of  the  water,  grizzly  king,  Henshall,  coachman,  and  various  gauze- 
winged  flies,  with  no.  10  and  12  hooks. 

As  a  food  fish  it  is  even  better  than  the  trout.  Its  flesh  is  firm  and 
flaky,  very  white,  and  of  delicate  flavor. 


williamsoni) . 

The  Rocky  Mountain  whitefish  occurs  in  all  suitable  waters  on  the 
west  slope  of  the  Rockies  from  Utah  to  British  Columbia.  A  scarcely, 
if  at  all,  distinguishable  variety  or  subspecies  bearing  the  name  of 
Coregonus  williamsoni  cismontanus  is  found  in  certain  waters  of  the 
upper  Missouri  Basin. 

In  some  localities  this  fish  is  miscalled  grayling,"  with  which  it 
should  not  be  confused,  as  it  is  a  very  different  species;  and  there 
seems  to  be  a  local  Yellowstone  River  name,  the  phonetic  spelling  of 
which  is  ^sterlet"  or  "steret." 

a  Referring  to  the  fishing  in  the  canyon  of  Sunlight  Creek,  Clark  Fork,  Mr.  Clark  probably  made  this 
mistake  in  writing  the  following:  "You  will  probably  first  catch  a  scaly  fish  which  looks  like  a  long  sucker. 
It  is  the  Montana  grayling  and  there  are  many  down  there." 


In  the  park  it  naturally  occurs  in  the  Yellowstone  River  below  the 
falls  as  far  up  as  Crevice  Gulch,  beyond  which  it  is  seldom  found; 
also  in  Madison  and  Gallatin  Rivers  below  the  falls;  and  has  been 
reported  also  from  the  junction  of  Firehole  and  Gibbon  Rivers. 

Young  whitefish,  2  to  5  inches  long,  from  Montana,  were  planted 
in  park  waters  as  follows:  In  1889,  2,000  were  placed  in  Twin  Lakes 
and  980  in  Yellowstone  River  above  the  falls,  and  10,000  more  were 
planted  in  the  latter  place  in  1890.  It  is  considered  doubtful  if  any 
of  these  have  survived,  owing  to  the  number  and  size  of  voracious 
trout  in  the  Yellowstone  River  and  the  mineral  character  and  high 
temperature  of  Twin  Lakes. 

This  fish  prefers  clear,  cold  lakes  and  streams,  where  the  usual 
length  of  adults  is  about  a  foot  or  so,  although  it  is  known  to  have 
attained  a  weight  of  4  pounds.  The  cismontanus  form  is  essentially 
a  river  fish  rather  than  an  inhabitant  of  lakes,  and  is  most  abundant 

FIG.  2.— Native  whiteflsh;  Rocky  Mountain  whitefish. 

in  the  eddies  or  deeper  places  of  swift  streams.     It  spawns  in  late  fall 
or  early  winter. 

It  is  a  slender  graceful  fish,  readily  taking  the  artificial  fly  like  a 
grayling  or  trout,  as  well  as  natural  baits,  such  as  worms  and  insects, 
and  even  fresh  meat.  However,  owing  to  the  smallness  of  its  mouth, 
the  hook  should  be  no  larger  than  no.  10  or  12,  and  when  hooked  the 
fish  requires  careful  "playing"  owing  to  the  tenderness  of  the  mouth 
parts.  It  is  a  game  fighter.  It  ranks  high  as  a  panfish,  for,  when  in 
condition,  it  is  of  surpassing  sweetness  and  delicacy  of  flavor. 


(Salmo  darkii). 

(See  Frontispiece.) 

In  its  numerous  varietal,  subspecific,  or  specific  forms  the  cutthroat 
or  blackspotted  trout  is  of  extensive  distribution  on  the  Pacific  slope. 
In  the  park  a  form  previously  designated  as  Salmo  lewisi  is  found 
naturally  in  both  the  upper  Snake  and  upper  Missouri  Waters,  hav- 
ing doubtless  gained  the  latter  from  the  Snake  River  by  the  way  of 



Two  Ocean  Pass,  and  it  is  not  unlikely  that  an  interchange  of  indi- 
viduals still  takes  place. 

Yellowstone  Lake  and  Yellowstone  River  from  its  source  to  many 
miles  beyond  the  park  are  inhabited  by  it.  The  abundance  of  trout 
above  the  falls  is  remarkable. 

Trout  are  known  to  naturally  occur  in  the  following  park  waters: 

Lower  Yellowstone  River. 
Sour  Creek. 
Trout  Creek. 
Alum  Creek. 
Antelope  Creek. 
Lamar  River. 

Cold  Creek. 

Willow  Creek. 

Timothy  Creek. 

Miller  Creek. 

Calfee  Creek.  . 

Cache  Creek. 

Soda    Butte,    Pebble,    and    Amphi- 
theatre Creeks. 

Slough    and    Buffalo    Creeks,    Lake 

Abundance,  etc. 
Hellroaring  Creek. 
Blacktail  Deer  Creek. 
Gardiner  River. 

Lava  and  Lupine  Creeks. 
Yellowstone  Lake. 
Beaverdam  Creek. 
Rocky  Creek. 
Trail  Creek. 
Chipmunk  Creek. 
Riddle  Lake  and  Solution  Creek. 
Arnica  Creek  and  Beach  Lake. 
Columbine  Creek. 
Clear  Creek. 
Bear  Creek. 
Pelican  Creek. 
Upper  Yellowstone  River. 
Atlantic  Creek. 
Jay  Creek. 

Gibbon  River  has  no  trout  above  the  falls.  In  the  Firehole  River 
trout  occur  naturally  below  the  falls. 

In  the  Gardiner  River  trout  are  abundant  from  the  foot  of  the  falls 
to  its  junction  with  the  Yellowstone.  Trout  have  not  been  seen 
above  Osprey  Falls. 

In  Soda  Butte  Creek  trout  are  numerous  until  obstructed  by  falls 
in  the  upper  part. 

Hellroaring  Creek  is  well  stocked  in  the  lower  part. 

In  Canyon  Creek  trout  abound  below  the  falls. 

Upper  Yellowstone  River — -Continued. 
Bridger  Lake  and  Creek. 
Falcon  Creek. 
Thoroughfare  Creek. 
Escarpment  Creek. 
Cliff  Creek. 
Lynx  Creek. 
Phlox  Creek. 
Mountain  Creek. 
Badger  Creek. 
Trappers  Creek. 
Madison  River. 
Canyon  Creek. 
Cougar  Creek. 
Maple  Creek. 
Gneiss  Creek. 
Snake  River. 
Fox  Creek. 
Crooked  Creek. 
Sickle  Creek. 
Pacific  Creek. 
Heart  Lake  and  Heart  River. 

Witch  Creek. 

Beaver  Creek. 

Surprise  Creek. 
Basin  Creek. 
Coulter,      Harebell,     and     Wolverine 

Red  Creek. 
Forest  Creek. 
Falls  River. 

Mountain  Ash  Creek. 

Bechler  River. 


In  Lupine  Creek,  notwithstanding  the  barrier  offered  by  Undine 
Falls,  it  is  stated  on  good  authority  that  trout  have  been  taken  in 
Lava  Creek  above  the  falls. 

In  Riddle  Lake  trout  are  numerous. 

Alum  Creek  is  said  to  be  one  of  the  best  trout  streams  in  the  park. 

Lake  Abundance  is  reported  to  be  full  of  trout. 

In  Heart  Lake  and  at  the  mouth  of  Witch  Creek  trout  are  numerous. 

The  following  are  United  States  fish-cultural  records  of  distribution 
of  young  native  trout  in  park  waters: 

1889,    East   Fork   of   Gardiner 

River  above  the  falls 968 

1904,  Duck  Lake 290,  000 

1904,  Yellowstone  Lake 22,  000 

1912,  Natural  Bridge  Creek. . .  350,  000 

1912,  Second  Creek 300,  000 

1913,  Boat  House  ( Veek 725,  000 

1913,  Cub  Creek 400,  000 

1906,  Ice  Pond 47,  000     1913,  De  Lacy  Creek 850,  000 

1908,  Duck  Lake 175,  000     1913,  Duck  Lake 50,  000 

1908,  Fisheries  Creek 225, 000     1913,  Grebe  Lake 300,  000 

1909,  Cub  Creek 1,  600,  000     1913,  Hatchery  Creek 460,  000 

1909,  Fisheries  Creek 890,  000  !  1913,  Indian  Creek 100,  000 

1910,  Cub  Creek 400,  000  I  1913,  Number  Two  Creek 400,  000 

1911,  Fisheries  Creek 75,  000  |  1913,  Soldier  Creek 300,  000 

1912,  Boat  House  Creek 600,  000     1914,  Transportation  Creek .  . .  350,  000 

1912,  Cub  Creek. . .- 100,  000 

It  appears  that  the  plant  of  trout  made  in  1889  was  obtained  from 
Howard  Creek,  Idaho,  in  September  and  planted  in  Lava  Creek  above 
the  falls  which  previously  contained  no  trout  according  to  the  super- 
intendent of  the  park.  However,  it  was  subsequently  ascertained 
that  trout  had  possible  access  to  this  locality  from  Blacktail  Deer 
Creek,  which  has  no  falls  and  was  abundantly  supplied  with  trout. 

It  has  been  said  that  there  seem  to  be  two  varieties  of  native 
trout  in  the  park,  the  larger  ones  of  the  Yellowstone,  with  bright 
yellow  bellies,  and  the  smaller  kind  more  silvery  in  appearance  and 
exhibiting  much  greater  activity  and  game  qualities,  of  which  Tower 
Creek  fish  are  examples.  Also  trout  of  Yellowstone  Lake  seem  to 
differ  from  those  of  Heart  and  Henry  Lakes  in  having  more  distinct 
and  rather  less  numerous  black  spots.  However,  in  this  respect 
very  much  individual  variation  is  shown. 

The  size  attained  by  trout  in  the  park  waters,  as  elsewhere,  varies 
much  with  locality  and  conditions.  Fish  of  over  4  pounds  have 
been  reported. 

This  trout  in  some  waters  is  a  highly  esteemed  game  fish  and 
can  be  taken  in  all  sorts  of  ways — spoon,  phantom,  natural  bait, 
artificial  flies,  etc.  Mary  Trowbridge  Townsend  writes  of  it  in  the 
Firehole  River: 

The  father  of  the  Pacific  trout,  the  blackspotted  "cutthroat"  with  the  scarlet 
splotch  on  his  lower  jaw,  was  most  in  evidence,  with  long  symmetrical  body,  grad- 



uated  black  spots  on  his  burnished  sides.  He  is  a  brave,  dashing  fighter,  often  leap- 
ing salmon-like  many  times  from  the  water  before  he  can  be  brought  to  creel.  We 
found  him  feeding  on  the  open  riffs  or  rising  on  the  clear  surface  of  some  sunlit  pool. 

Ralph  E.  Clark  wrote  (I.  c.)  that  "the  dark,  silvergray  trout  of 
the  West  seem  to  favor  flies  more  in  harmony  with  their  own 
coloring"  and  mentioned  the  gray  hackle,  brown  hackle,  coachman, 
grizzly  king,  Seth  Green,  black  gnat,  and  white  moth. 

It  is  an  excellent  food  fish  when  fresh  from  cool  waters. 

4.  RAINBOW  TKOUT  (Salmo  irideus) . 

The  rainbow  trout  has  its  geographical  range  in  the  mountain 
streams  of  the  Coast  Range  and  the  west  slopes  of  the  Sierra  Nevada 
Mountains,  but  the  natural  abode  of  the  rainbow  trout  of  fish- 
cultural  fame  is  the  McCloud  River,  Cal.  In  fish  books  this  form 
is  recognized  as  a  subspecies  and  there  bears  the  name  of  Salmo 
irideus  sliasta.  It  has  been  successfully  introduced  into  many 

FIG.  4. — Rainbow  trout. 

streams  in  different  parts  of  the  United  States  where  it  was  not 
previously  found.  The  following  plants  have  been  made  in  the 
Yellowstone  Park : 

1889,  Gibbon  River  (Grebe  Lake 

above  Virginia  Cascade) 990 

1896,  De  Lacey  Lake,  near  Mam- 
moth Hot  Springs 

1906,  Gibbon  River 10, 000 

1908,  East  Fork  of  Gardiner  River        200 
1908,  Gardiner  River 10, 000 

1908,  Tributaries  of  Yellowstone 

Lake 3,  700 

1909,  Gibbon  River 7, 000 

1909,  Grebe  Lake 8,  500 

1909,  Little  Blacktail  Creek 3,  000 

1910,  Rock  Lake 10,000 

1910,  Gibbon  River 15, 000 

The  size  attained  by  the  rainbow  trout  varies  greatly  and  is  de- 
pendent upon  volume  of  water,  temperature,  food  supply,  etc. 
Under  certain  conditions  it  reaches  an  extraordinary  size,  but  in 
the  ordinary  environment  6-pound  or  8-pound  fish  are  to  be  regarded 
as  large.  In  general  it  may  be  said  that  the  fish  does  not  overrun 
2  pounds.  Its  food  is  composed  largely  of  insects. 


In  the  McCloud  River  its  spawning  season  is  from  February  to 
May,  but  in  the  park  it  appears  to  spawn  somewhat  earlier.  Many 
persons  who  have  had  experience  in  angling  for  rainbow  trout  say 
it  is  one  of  the  best,  and  some  pronounce  it  the  very  best,  of  the  trouts. 
It  often  dashes  from  the  water  to  meet  the  descending  fly,  and  leaps 
repeatedly  and  madly  when  hooked.  It  has  been  said  that  it  takes 
the  fly  so  readily  that  there  is  no  reason  for  resorting  to  other  lures. 
However,  its  activity  and  habits,  as  in  the  case  of  most  fishes,  are 
modified  more  or  less  by  its  surrounding  conditions.  The  same  is 
true  of  its  food  qualities,  which  are  ordinarily  very  good. 

Mary  Trowbridge  Townsend  (1.  c.)  had  the  following  to  say  rela- 
tive to  her  experience  with  the  rainbow  trout  in  Firehole  River: 

The  California  rainbow  trout  proved  true  to  his  reputation,  as  absolutely  eccentric 
and  uncertain,  sometimes  greedily  taking  a  fly  and  again  refusing  to  be  tempted 
by  the  most  brilliant  array  of  a  carefully  stocked  book.  During  several  days  fishing 
we  landed  some  small  ones,  none  weighing  over  2  pounds,  although  they  are  said 
to  have  outstripped  the  other  varieties  in  rapidity  of  growth,  and  tales  were  told  of 
4-pounders  landed  by  more  favored  anglers. 

This  fish  has  been  reported  from  the  Gibbon  River  both  above 
and  below  Virginia  Cascades.  Regarding  this  stream,  the  super- 
intendents report  for  1897  shows  that  the  fish  planted  above  the 
cascades  seemed  to  have  come  down  over  the  falls,  as  but  few  were 
found  above,  while  below  the  stream  was  well  stocked  to  its  junction 
with  the  Firehole. 

Grebe  Lake,  Blacktail  Deer  Creek,  Madison,  Firehole,  and  Little 
Firehole  Rivers  all  contain  rainbow  trout.  Referring  to  the  last- 
named  stream  in  1897,  the  superintendent  of  the  park  wrote  that 
several  good  specimens  had  been  taken  near  its  mouth,  for  which 
he  could  not  account,  as  it  seemed  impossible  for  any  fish  to  ascend 
the  lower  falls  of  the  Little  Firehole. 

5.  LOCH  LEVEN  TROUT  (Salmo  levenensis}. 

This  trout  originated  in  Loch  Leven,  the  lake  made  famous  by 
Scott's  poem,  "The  Lady  of  the  Lake."  Typically  it  was  peculiar  to 
this  loch,  where  it  seldom  if  ever  attained  much  over  a  pound  in 

The  claim  has  been  made  that  it  is  merely  an  ontogenetic  develop- 
ment of  the  common  brown  trout  and  that  when  transferred  to  other 
waters  its  progeny  can  not  always  be  distinguished  from  the  common 
brown  trout.  On  the  other  hand,  information  derived  from  persons 
familiar  with  Loch  Leven  indicates  that  both  this  trout  and  the 
brown  trout  exist  in  the  same  lake  and  that  in  that  body  of  water 
they  can  always  be  distinguished  at  whatever  age  or  condition. 

It  is  not  impossible  that  confusion  has  arisen  by  brown  trout  from 
that  lake  having  been  propagated  under  the  supposition  that  they 


were  Loch  Leven  trout.  There  are  parallel  instances  of  such  mis- 
taken identity  in  this  country  in  respect  to  other  species,  and  so-called 
Loch  Leven  trout  have  been  propagated  for  a  long  time  in  this 
country.  In  the  early  years  the  progeny  of  Loch  Leven  eggs  could 
easily  be  distinguished  from  brown  trout  hatched  at  the  same  time, 
especially  when  they  had  attained  a  few  inches  in  length.  Recently, 
however,  there  is  reason  to  suspect  that  many  of  the  so-called  Loch 
Leven  plants  have  been  brown  trout.  Be  that  as  it  may,  trout 
under  each  name  have  been  introduced  into  Yellowstone  Park  waters 
and  there  are  records  of  both  having  been  subsequently  taken. 

FIG.  5.— Loch  Leven  trout. 

In  describing  the  fishing  in  the  Firehole  River,  Mary  Trowbridge 
Townsend  said: 

One  other  fish  proved  a  complete  surprise.  He  was  of  silvery  gray  color,  covered 
with  small  black  crescents.  Some  park  fishermen  called  him  a  Norwegian  trout, 
others  the  Loch  Leven.  Any  country  might  be  proud  to  claim  him  with  his  har- 
monious proportions,  game  fighting  qualities,  and  endurance. 

This  trout  is  naturally  a  lake  fish  and  its  peculiarities  would  sug- 
gest a  peculiar  environment.  Whether  it  will  develop  and  thrive  in 
streams  and  retain  its  peculiarities  is  uncertain.  As  a  game  fish  it 
is  not  excelled  by  any  of  its  introduced  congeners  and  as  a  food  fish, 
in  its  native  waters  at  least,  it  is  unsurpassed  in  delicacy  of  flavor. 
The  Loch  Leven  is  primarily  an  insect  feeder  and  preeminently  an 
artificial-fly  fish. 

It  has  been  introduced  into  park  waters  as  follows: 

1889,  Firehole  River,  upper  courses 995 

1890,  Lewis  Lake 3,  350 

1890,  Shoshone  Lake - 3,  35.0 

1903,  Tributaries  of  Firehole  River 9,  500 

Loch  Leven  trout  have  been  reported  from  the  following  park 
waters,  in  some  of  which  they  are  plentiful:  Firehole,  both  above 
and  below  the  cascades,  Madison,  Gibbon,  and  Gardiner  Rivers, 
Heron  Creek,  north  end  of  Shoshone  Lake,  Lewis  Lake,  "canal" 
between  Shoshone  and  Lewis  Lakes,  and  upper  Snake  River  waters. 


6.  LANDLOCKED  SALMON  (Salmo  sebago). 

In  the  United  States  this  species  originally  was  known  from  a 
few  localities  in  Maine,  but  has  been  widely  distributed  by  fish  cul- 
ture. It  has  become  acclimatized  in  many  waters  but  in  others 
seems  not  to  have  become  established. 

The  Sebago  salmon  requires  cool  water  and  plenty  of  food,  which 
in  its  natural  abode  and  in  those  waters  where  it  has  thrived  best 
consists  chiefly  of  smelts. 

The  size  attained  depends  largely  upon  its  food  supply  and  per- 
haps upon  the  size  of  the  lake  in  which  it  lives.  The  largest  fish  of 
this  species  have  been  taken  from  the  largest  lake,  i.  e.,  Sebago, 
where  two  fish  of  over  35  pounds  each  have  been  recorded,  and  many 
from  15  to  20  pounds  have  been  taken 'by  anglers. 

FIG.  6.— Landlocked  salmon. 

It  spawns  in  the  fall,  the  height  of  the  season  in  Maine  being  in  the 
first  part  of  November.  Usually  the  fish  ascends  inlets  or  descends 
outlets  for  the  purpose. 

Besides  subsisting  upon  smelts  and  other  kinds  of  small  fishes,  it 
eats  quantities  of  insects  at  times.  It  is  a  highly  esteemed  game 
fish,  and  is  accounted  by  many  anglers  the  prince  of  game  fishes. 
However,  the  game  qualities  are  greatly  affected  by  its  environment, 
and  the  method  of  fishing  has  something  to  do  with  it. 

The  usual  method  of  angling  for  the  Sebago  salmon  is  by  trolling 
with  lures,  which  may  be  a  smelt  or  other  small  silver  fish,  artificial 
minnow  or  phantom,  various  spinning  contrivances,  or  artificial  fly, 
and  usually  these  are  reinforced  by  a  spoon  as  a  supposed  attraction. 
Whether  in  lake  or  stream,  this  salmon  will  often  take  the  fly,  but 
the  stream  salmon  are  by  far  the  best  fly  fish.  In  fact  in  some  locali- 
ties fly  fishing  is  the  only  method  employed.  When  taken  by  this 
method  in  a  quick-water  stream,  the  Sebago  salmon  is  hard  to  beat 
as  a  game  fish. 

Among  the  many  taking  flies,  the  silver  doctor,  grizzly  king,  Seth 
Green,  Montreal,  Jock  Scot,  brown  hackle,  and  the  like  arc  con- 


sidered  by  many  to  be  the  most  effective.  General  favorites  in  the 
way  of  trolling  lures  are  whitebait  and  blueback  phantoms,  although 
there  are  others  more  or  less  successful. 

This  fish  when  properly  prepared  and  cooked  is  most  excellent  as 
food.  Baked  salmon  with  sage  dressing  is  highly  recommended  by 
those  who  have  tried  it. 

The  only  plants  of  landlocked  salmon  in  the  park  appear  to  have 
been  in  1909,  when  2,000  were  placed  in  Duck  Lake  and  7,000  in 
Yellowstone  Lake. 

A  Department  of  the  Interior  bulletin,  "General  Information 
Regarding  the  Yellowstone  National  Park/'  issued  in  1912,  states 
that  the  salmon  planted  in  the  park  apparently  did  not  thrive,  as 
they  have  never  been  heard  of  since  they  were  planted. 

7.  BROWN  TROUT;  VON  BEHR  TROUT  (Salmo  fario) . 

The  brown  trout  is  widely  distributed  in  continental  Europe  and 
the  British  Isles,  inhabiting  lakes  as  well  as  streams,  but  it  is  the 

FIG.  7. — -Brown  trout;  Von  Behr  trout. 

"brook  trout"  of  the  European  countries.  Under  favorable  condi- 
tions it  is  known  to  grow  to  over  20  pounds,  but  as  a  true  brook  trout 
it  seldom  registers  over  one-half  or  1  pound  in  weight.  ** 

The  brown  trout  thrives  in  clear,  cold,  rapid  streams  and  at  the 
mouth  of  streams  tributary  to  lakes,  having  much  the  same  habits 
as  our  eastern  brook  trout.  It  is  by  some  regarded  highly  as  a  game 
fish,  taking  either  bait  or  artificial  fly.  The  best  fly  fishing  is  usuajly 
toward  night.  As  a  game  and  food  fish  it  is  in  its  prime  from  May 
to  September.  Its  flesh  is  very  agreeable  in  flavor.  Spawning  begins 
in  October. 

In  1890,  9,300  brown  trout  were  planted  in  Nez  Perce  Creek.  The 
brown  trout  has  been  caught  in  Nez  Perce  Creek,  Madison,  Gibbon, 
and  Firehole  Rivers,  in  the  latter  locality  from  its  junction  to  the 
lower  falls,  or  Keppler  Cascade,  and  in  the  Little  Firehole  below 
Mystic  Cascade  and  in  Iron  Creek. 


Mary  Trowbridge  Townsend  (1.  c.)  mentioned  one  from  the  Firehole 

A  good  4-pounder,  and  unusual  marking,  large  yellow  spots  encircled  by  black, 
with  great  brilliancy  of  iridescent  color.  *  *  *  I  took  afterward  several  of  the 
same  variety,  known  in  the  park  as  the  Von  Behr  trout,  and  which  I  have  since  found 
to  be  the  same  Salmofario,  the  veritable  trout  of  Izaak  Walton. 

8.  LAKE  TROUT  (Salvelinus  namaycusli). 

The  lake  trout,  otherwise  known  as  laker,  lunge,  togue,  mackinaw 
trout,  etc.,  is  of  wide  northern  distribution.  In  British  America  it 
ranges  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  coasts  and  northward  to  the 
Arctic  Ocean.  In  the  United  States  it  is  found  in  many  of  the  larger 
and  deeper  lakes  in  New  England,  New  York,  and  in  the  Great  Lakes 
Basin,  and  in  a  few  localities  in  the  Western  States,  as  Montana  and 
Idaho.  It  occurs  also  in  Alaska.  It  has  also  been  spread  by  fish- 
cultural  operations  into  waters  where  it  did  not  previously  exist. 

FIG.  8.— Lake  trout. 

The  only  plants  of  this  fish  in  the  Yellowstone  Park  seem  to  have  been 
30,012  in  Shoshone  Lake  and  12,013  in  Lewis  Lake  in  1890. 

It  is,  as  its  name  implies,  a  lake  rather  than  a  stream  fish.  In 
some  waters  it  attains  a  very  large  size.  Examples  weighing  over 
100  pounds  have  been  reported  from  the  Great  Lakes,  and  in  former 
years  the  average  weight  of  the  fish  in  the  commercial  fisheries  of 
those  waters  was  stated  at  20  to  30  pounds.  At  this  time,  however, 
10  to  15  pounds  can  be  considered  large. 

Its  large  size  affords  its  chief  attraction  as  a  game  fish,  for  it  is 
not  ordinarily  a  very  active  fighter,  although  a  powerful  antagonist. 
It  is  usually  caught  by  deep  trolling,  but  is  sometimes  found  at  the 
surface  and  is  occasionally  taken  on  an  artificial  fly.  Opinions  differ 
regarding  its  table  qualities,  and,  as  with  most  fishes,  much  depends 
upon  how  it  is  prepared  and  cooked.  It  is  a  very  oily  fish  and  often 
of  an  unpleasant,  strong,  oily  flavor.  This  may  be  obviated,  how- 
ever, by  removing  the  skin  before  the  fish  is  cooked.  The  best 
method  of  cooking  it  is  by  boiling,  serving  with  mayonnaise  dressing 
or  egg  sauce. 


The  lake  trout  has  become  established  at  least  in  Shoshone  Lake, 
from  which  in  1914  Dr.  H.  M.  Smith  saw  brought  in  by  an  angler  one 
of  14  pounds  and  several  smaller  ones.  In  his  report  for  1897  the 
acting  superintendent  of  the  park  wrote  that  he  had  never  heard  of 
any  fish  being  taken  from  Shoshone  or  Lewis  Lakes,  although  he  had 
seen  fishes  apparently  of  3  or  4  pounds  weight  in  Shoshone  Lake, 
and  the  skeleton  of  a  fish  that  would  perhaps  have  weighed  10  pounds 
was  found  on  the  shore  of  the  same  lake.  Some  soldiers  reported 
having  seen  schools  of  trout  2  feet  long  near  the  mouth  of  De  Lacey 
Creek  in  Shoshone  Lake. 

These  are  quite  possibly  lake  trout,  although  Loch  Levens  had 
been  planted  in  the  same  waters.  However,  Mr.  Clark  (1.  c.)  wrote 
in  1908  that  lake  trout  were  plentiful  in  Shoshone  Lake  and  Lewis 
Lake  and  River,  and  that  they  could  be  caught  in  the  "  canal"  between 
Shoshone  and  Lewis  Lakes  as  fast  as  one  could  throw  in  a  trolling 
spoon,  and  lie  remarked  that  they  were  large  and  fat. 

9.  EASTERN  BROOK  TROUT;  SPECKLED  TROUT  (Salvelinus  fontinalis] . 

The  natural  western  limit  of  this  brook  trout  in  the  United  States 
is  northeastern  Minnesota.  It  inhabits  lakes  as  well  as  streams,  and 

FIG.  9.— Eastern  brook  trout;  speckled  trout. 

varies  in  size  according  to  locality.  It  does  not  flourish  in  tempera- 
ture of  over  68°  F.,  and  about  50°  F.  is  preferable.  The  largest 
trout  of  this  species  authentically  recorded  weighed  some  over  12J 
pounds.  In  some  lakes  trout  of  5  or  6  pounds  are  not  uncommon, 
but  such  large  fish  are  seldom  found  in  streams  unless  the  streams 
are  tributary  to  fairly  large  lakes.  In  streams  of  moderate  size 
trout  of  1  or  2  pounds  weight  are  to  bo  considered  large,  and  in  most 
brooks  a  trout  of  one-half  or  three-fourths  pound  is  an  exception, 
at  least  in  recent  years.  Its  spawning  season  is  in  fall. 

The  brook  trout  is  xme  of  the  most  noted  and  esteemed  of  American 
game  fishes,  but  there  must  be  something  besides  activity  that  makes 
it  such  a  general  favorite,  as  in  that  respect  it  is  surpassed  by  several 
others.  One  appealing  attribute  is  its  beauty  of  coloration,  and 



another  is  its  delicacy  of  flavor,  which  is  hardly  surpassed  by  any 
other  fish. 

The  brook  trout  may  be  taken  by  almost  any  method  known  to 
anglers.  In  open  streams  fly  fishing  is  the  method  par  excellence. 
In  streams  where  overgrowth  prevents  fly  casting,  angleworms,  grass- 
hoppers, or  almost  any  bait  will  be  taken  when  the  trout  is  feed- 
ing. Everything  will  be  disregarded  when  it  is  not  feeding.  The  best 
flies  to  use  in  any  body  of  water  must  be  learned  by  experience,  but 
the  brown  hackle  is  seldom  a  failure  anywhere.  Professor,  queen  of 
the  water,  Montreal,  coachman,  and  many  others  are  usually  quite 
successful.  Gauze-winged  flies  will  sometime.-;  succeed  when  others 

The  best  time  to  fish  for  this  trout  is  in  the  morning  and  early 
evening.  It  lurks  in  eddies  and  pools  and  at  the  foot  of  rapids,  or 
under  overhanging  banks,  old  stumps,  or  rocks. 

The  plants  of  eastern  brook  trout  by  the  Bureau  of  Fisheries  have 
been  made  in  park  waters  as  follows: 

1!)()7.  Indian  Creek 84,000 

1907,  Willow  (  Y«>ek 03,  800 

1908,  Indian  Crock L'7.  0.00 

I 90S,  S\v;ni  Luke <).  ()()() 

1908,  Willow  ("'reek 1>S.  000 

1909,  Willow  ( 'reek 20,  000 

1910,  Glen  Creek 5,  000 

1910,  Indian  Creek 15,000 

1910,  Willow  Creek L>0.  000 

1911,  Lava  Creek 5.  000 

1913,  BlMi-khiil  Creek..  .  22.500 

1889,  Gardiner  River  ...........  .      !,  97f> 

1890,  West  Fork  of  Gardiner  River    7,  875 
1893,  Shoshone  Creek  ............     4,  500 

1901,  Willow  and  Glen  Creeks  .....   10,  000 

1902,  Glen  Creek  ................     9,  000 

1902,  Willow  Creek  ...............   18,  000 

1902,  Indian  Creek  ...............    1  1,  000 

1903,  Tower  Creek  ................  15,  000 

1905,  Gibbon    River    above    Vir- 

ginia Cascade  ..................  17,  000 

1905,  Willow  Creek  ...............  27.000 

1906,  Willow  Creek  ...............  45.  000 

The  brook  trout  now  occurs  in  Obsidian,  Indian,  Panther,  Winter, 
Straight,  Glen,  and  WillowCreeks;  Grizzly  Lake;  upper  Gardiner  River, 
Firehole  River  above  Kepler  Cascades  and  between  its  junction  with 
the  Gibbon  and  the  lower  falls;  Gibbon  and  Madison  Rivers,  Virginia 
Meadows,  streams  along  the  road  from  Wylie  Camp  to  Apollinaris 
Spring,  Shoshone  Creek  and  Beaver  Lake.  The  report  of  the  super- 
intendent of  the  park  for  1897  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  brook 
trout  were  very  numerous  hi  the  Firehole  River  above  Kepler  Cas- 
cades, evidently  having  been  planted  there  through  mistake  for  Loch 
Leven  trout,  none  of  which  had  ever  been  observed.  The  same- 
report  stated  that  Shoshone  Creek  was  literally  alive  with  brook  trout 
up  to  1J  pounds  in  weight. 

10.  LARGEMOTTTII  BLACK  BASS  (Micro  /tit  /v/ 

There  were  two  introductions  of  black  bass  in  park  waters.  In  1  S03 
Gibbon  River  received  250  and  in  1896  ''lakes  in  Yellowstone  Na- 
tional Park"  are  indefinitely  mentioned  as  having  received  500. 


Which  of  the  two  kinds  of  black  bass  composed  the  first  plant  is  not 
known,  but  the  latter  plant  was  composed  of  the  largemouth  form. 
According  to  the  circular  of  information  issued  by  the  Department 
of  the  Interior  in  1912,  there  is  no  indication  that  its  introduction 
into  park  waters  has  been  a  success,  as  this  fish  has  not  since  been 
reported.  In  the  opinion  of  the  Bureau  of  Fisheries,  no  further 
efforts  should  be  made  to  establish  the  black  bass  in  the  park.  This 
fish  does  not  harmonize  with  trouts,  and  its-  predatory  habits  make  it 
an  unsafe  species  to  introduce  into  these  waters. 

The  largemouth  black  bass  is  widely  distributed  in  the  east,  from 
Canada  and  the  Red  River  of  the  North  southward  to  Florida,  Texas, 

FIG.  10.— Largemouth  Black  Bass. 

and  Mexico;  it  everywhere  abounds,  especially  in  bayous  and  other 
sluggish  waters. 

In  the  north  the  maximum  weight  attained  is  about  8  pounds,  and 
the  average  probably  about  3  or  4  pounds,  but  in  the  south  a  much 
larger  size  is  reached.  It  is  a  common  market  fish  in  many  localities. 
The  game  qualities  depend  upon  various  factors,  but  in  some  parts 
of  its  range  are  of  a  high  order. 

1 1 .  BLOB  ( Coitus  punctulatus) . 

This  little  fresh-water  sculpin  abounds  in  some  of  the  waters  of  the 
park.  It  is  stated  to  swarm  in  the  grassy-bottom  portions  of  Madison 
and  Gibbon  Rivers,  also  in  Canyon  Creek,  and  to  be  numerous  in  the 
Gibbon  above  the  falls.  It  is  also  known  from  the  Firehole  below 
the  falls. 

It  is  probably  justly  accused  of  being  destructive  to  the  eggs  of 
other  fishes,  and  appears  to  be  of  little  use,  unless  possibly  as  bait  for 
large  trout.  It  can  be  taken  with  a  small  baited  hook. 


12.  LOXOXOSE  SUCKER  (Catostomus  catostomus) . 

This  sucker  is  of  wide  natural  distribution  in  northern  waters,  its 
geographical  range  being  from  the  Pacific  to  the  Atlantic  coasts  and 
into  the  Arctic  regions. 

It  attains  a  weight  of  several  pounds.  Its  spawning  time  is  in  the 
spring  and  early  summer,  when  the  males  have  their  anal  fin  profusely 
tuberculate  and  the  side  of  the  body  with  a  broad  red  stripe  more  or 
less  diffuse  on  the  edges.  It  is  not  sought  as  a  game  fish  but  some- 
tunes  takes  a  baited  hook  and  fights  fairly  well. 

When  taken  from  cool  water  and  cooked  at  once  it  is  a  good- 
flavored  panfish,  although  somewhat  bony. 

It  is  abundant  in  Yellowstone  and  Gardiner  Rivers  below  the 
Osprey,  Undine,  and  Rustic  Falls,  and  reaches  a  length  of  18  inches. 

13.  ROSYSIDE  SUCKER  (Catostomus  ardens). 

This:sucker  is  abundant  in  the  Snake  River  Basin  above  Shoshone 
Falls,  where  it  attains  a  length  of  18  inches  or  more.  It  has  been 
reported  from  Heart  Lake  and  Witch  Creek  and  is  said  to  ascend 
the  latter  into  very  warm  water.  Like  the  longnose  sucker,  it 
spawns  in  spring  or  early  summer.  It  will  also  take  a  baited  hook, 
and  is  edible  but  not  as  palatable  as  the  other  sucker. 

In  Heart  Lake  and  Witch  Creek  the  alimentary  tract  of  the  sucker 
is  infested  by  parasitic  worms,  which,  although  offensive  to  the  eye, 
do  not  render  the  fish  harmful  as  food.  Affected  fish,  however,  are 
likely  to  be  lean  and  unpalatable. 

14.  CHUB  (Leuciscus  lineatus). 

This  chub,  known  in  the  books  as  Utah  Lake  chub,  is  one  of  the 
most  widely  distributed  of  the  genus  and  abounds  in  the  Snake  River 
Basin  above  Shoshone  Falls;  also  in  Yellowstone  Lake  and  other 
places  in  the  park. 

Chubs  from  cool  water  are  not  to  be  despised  in  game  and  food 
qualities.  This  species  reaches  a  length  of  12  or  15  inches  or  more 
and  is  said  to  be  destructive  to  the  eggs  and  young  of  trout.  No 
worms  have  been  found  in  the  alimentary  canal  of  this  fish.  It 
spawns  in  spring  and  early  summer. 

Dr.  Jordan  says:  "Chubs  ascend  Witch  Creek  until  they  reach 
water  fairly  to  be  called  hot,  and  the  sucker  is  not  far  behind/' 
enduring  a  temperature  of  88°  F. 



FIG.  11.— Blob. 

FIG.  12. — Longnose  sucker. 

FIG.  13.— Rosy  side  sucker. 

FIG.  14.— Chub. 


15.  SILVERSIDE  MINNOW  (Leuciscus  hydro  phlox). 

This  little  fish  is  too  small  to  be  of  much  use  for  other  than  food 
or  bait  for  trout,  attaining  a  length  of  only  3  to  5  inches.     It  occurs 

FIG.  15.— Silverside  minno\v. 

in  some  of  the  Snake  River  sources  in  the  park,  particularly  Heart 
Lake  and  Witch  Creek.     It  spawns  in  the  spring. 

16.  LONGNOSE  DACE  (Rliinichthys  dulcis). 

This  little  fish,    attaining   a   maximum   length   of   only   about   5 
inches,  is  food  for  trout  and  useful  as  bait.     It  is  found  in  Heart 

TIG.  ir. — Lonenose  <'a 

Lake  and  Witch  Creek  and  also  in  Gardiner   River  below  Osprey, 
Undine,  and  Rustic  Falls. 

17.  DUSKY  DACE  (Agosia  uubila). 

The  little  dusky  dace,  seldom  over  3J  inches  in  length,  is  extremely 
abundant  and  widelv  distributed  in  the  Columbia  River  Basin.     In 

FIG.  17.— Dusky  dace, 

the  park  it  has  been  recorded  from  Heart  Lake  and  Witch  Creek. 
It  is  useful  as  food  for  larger  fishes  and  as  bait  for  trout. 
